COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE HEALTH SCIENCES STANDARD HX64089266 QP34 .P83 1 906 An introduction to p RECAP iSiiBiH ISfliJ mm ii liKlilK BNHNH W8&u sSwuvra 8111111 ■'fin wEaGSR m ■HHk m ■I --■-■ SKBkJECaw Columbia UntoersMp in tfje Citp of Jgeto gorfe lc^>£ > COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS " AND SURGEONS Reference Library Given by AN INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGY AN INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGY BY WILLIAM TOWNSEND POETEE, M.D. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF PHTSIOLOGT IN THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL THE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambrftgr, fflass. 1906 Copyright, 1906, By W. T. Porter. QT34- ?S3 \<\0G PKEFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Concentration, sequence, and election are fruitful principles in the higher education. In 1898 the Committee on Medical Education, appointed by the Harvard Faculty of Medicine, reported in favor of the " concentration " system urged in the committee by the author in com- mon with Professor W. T. Councilman. By this method, the first half-year in the Medical School is devoted to anatomy and histology, the second half-year to physiology and biological chemistry, the third half-year to pathology and bacteriology, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth half-years to practical medicine and surgery. Work under the new svstem began in the collegiate year of 1899-1900. In 1904, largely through the influ- ence of Professor Bowditch, the seventh and eighth half-years were made elective, each stu- dent choosing for himself the studies best suited to his needs. Concentration provides that the student shall not serve two masters, but shall study at one vi PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION time only one principal subject, such as physi- ology or pathology, disciplines that do not yield readily to a divided mind. Sequence provides that a foundation shall be laid before the super- structure is attempted. Students now have an acquaintance with anatomy before they begin the study of physiology. Election somewhat tardily intrusts to university men rarely less than twenty -five years of age a voice in the decision of their nearest affairs. The application of these principles to medical teaching has un- doubtedly resulted in large savings of time and energy. The economy of force secured by concentra- tion and sequence has been highly valuable, though not indispensable, in the new teaching of physiology introduced by the author in Feb- ruary, 1900. The traditional teaching of physi- ology consists of lectures illustrated by occasional demonstrations and, in some instances, by experi- ments performed by the students themselves. The new method is fundamentally opposite. It consists of experiments and observations by the student himself. The didactic instruction, com- prising lectures, written tests, recitations, confer- ences, and the writing and discussing of theses, follows the student's experiments and considers them in relation to the work of other observers. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Vll In the old method, the stress is upon the di- dactic teaching. In the new there is no less didactic teaching, but the stress is upon observa- tion. The old method insensibly teaches men to rest upon authority, but the new directs them to nature. The new method requires : 1. Printed accounts of the fundamental experi- ments and observations in physiology, taken from the original sources, and arranged in the most instructive sequence. The reference to the origi- nal source should be given in each case. 2. Accessory data grouped about the funda- mental experiments. The accessory data should also be taken as directly as possible from the original sources, and the reference given in each case. 3. Apparatus of precision designed with the utmost simplicity upon lines that permit its manufacture in large quantities at small cost. It is obvious that these conditions cannot be met without prolonged labor. Meanwhile, the annual classes in physiology must be taught. The present volume is a collection of fundamen- tal and accessory experiments in several fields printed in an abbreviated form for the temporary use of Harvard Medical students and other inter- ested persons. This collection is being completed Vlii PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION and improved as rapidly as possible, and the data for the remaining fields are being brought to- gether. In its final form this material will con- stitute " A Laboratory Text-book of Physiology." The Harvard Medical School, January, 1906. CONTENTS PART I THE GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES I Page Introduction 3 Nerve-muscle preparation — Preliminary considerations regarding energy, stimulation, and irritability. II Methods of Electrical Stimulation Introduction 12 Kinetic theory — Osmotic pressure — Plasmolysis. Isotony — Estimation of osmotic pressure in the blood serum — Surface tension — Electrolysis — Electrolytic solution pressure. The Electrometer, the Rheochord, and the Cell 34 Surface tension altered by electrical energy — Electrom- meter — Rheochord — Long rheochord — Square rheo- chord — Simple key — Short-circuiting key — Polariza- tion — Pole-changer — Polarization current — Dry cell. Induction Currents 53 Inductorium — Magnetic induction — Magnetic field. Lines of force — To produce electric induction, lines of magnetic force must be cut by circuit — Electro- magnetic induction — On the construction of the induc- torium — Empirical graduation of inductorium — Plat- inum electrodes — Flat-jawed clamp — Round-jawed X CONTENTS Page clamp — Double clamp — Make and break induction currents as stimuli — Extra currents at opening and closing of primary current — Tetanizing currents — In- duction in nerves — Exclusion of make or break current. Unipolar Induction 71 in The Graphic Method The Graphic Method 77 Kymograph — Long paper kymograph — Light muscle lever — Writing lever — Tuning fork. The Electrical Stimulation oe Muscle and Nerve The Galvanic Current 93 Non-polarizable electrodes — Moist chamber — Destruc- tion of the brain by pithing — Paralysis of voluntary motion by curare — Opening and closing contraction — Changes in intensity of stimulus. Polar Stimulation of Muscle 101 Ureter — Gaskell Clamp — Intestine — Electro-magnetic signal — Tonic contraction — Physiological anode and cathode — Polar stimulation in heart. Polar Stimulation of Nerve 113 Law of contraction — Changes in irritability — Changes in conductivity. Stimulation of Human Nerves 127 Stimulation of motor points — Polar stimulation of human nerves — Brass electrodes — Reaction of degeneration. Galvanotropism 137 Paramecium. Influence of Duration of Stimulus 138 Tonic contraction — Rhythmic contraction — Continuous galvanic stimulation of nerve may cause periodic dis- CONTENTS XI Page charge of nerve impulses — Polarization current — Polar fatigue — Opening and closing tetanus — Polar excitation in injured muscle. Polar Inhibition by the Galvanic Current . . . 153 Heart — Polar inhibition in veratrinized muscle. Stimulation affected by the Form of the Muscle 156 Effect of the Angle at which the Current Line* cut the Muscle Fibres 157 The Induced Current 158 Chemical and Mechanical Stimulation Chemical Stimulation 163 Effect of distilled water — Strong saline solutions — Dry- ing— "Normal saline" — Importance of calcium — Constant chemical stimulation may cause periodic contraction. Mechanical Stimulation 166 Idio-niuscolar contraction/ VI Irritability and Conductivity Irritability and Conductivity 168 Independent irritability of muscle — Irritability and con- ductivity are separate properties of nerve — Minimal and maximal stimuli; threshold value — Summation of in- adequate single stimuli — Relative excitability of flexor and extensor nerve fibres ; Ritter-Rollett phenomenon — Specific irritability of nerve greater than that of muscle — Irritability at different points of same nerve — Excitation wave remains in muscle or nerve fibre in which it starts — Same nerve fibre may conduct impulses both centrip- etally and centrifugally — Speed of nerve impulse. XU CONTENTS PAET II THE INCOME OF ENERGY I Fermentation Page Hydrolysis of Starch by Diastase 189 Conversion of starch to sugar by germinating barley — Con- version of starch to sugar by salivary diastase (ptyalin) — Extraction of diastase from germinating barley — Specific action of ferments. Proteid Digestion by Pepsin 192 Gastric digestion of cooked beef and bread — Artificial gastric juice — Digestion with artificial gastric juice — Extraction of pepsin — Change of proteid to peptone by pepsin. Splitting of Casein by Rennin 195 Rennin extract — Separation of rennin — Precipitation of casein — Experiments of Arthus and Pages. Precipitation of Fibrin by Fibrin Ferment . . . 199 Buchanan's experiment — Extraction of fibrin ferment — Extraction of fibrinogen — Precipitation of fibrinogen by fibrin ferment. Ammonia* a i. Fermentation of Urea by Urease. . 201 Extraction of urease. Splitting and Synthesis of Fats 205 Chemistry of fats and soups — Splitting of fats by the pan- creatic juice — Preparation of neutral fat — The emulsion tesl lor fatty acid — Extraction of lipase — Hydrolysis of ethyl butyrate by lipase — Synthesis of neutral fat by lipase. V CONTENTS Xlll Page Immunity 218 Ehrlich's ricin experiments — Ricin antitoxine — Theory of immunity. Haemolytic and Bacteriolytic Ferments .... 227 Bordet's experiments. Oxidizing Ferments 230 Schonbein's experiment — Farther oxidations by animal tissues — Oxidation by nucleo-proteid — Oxidation about the nucleus — Glycolysis in blood — Oxidation not de- pendent on living cells of blood — Relation of glycolysis to the pancreas and the lymph — Glycolytic ferment of pancreas. Alcoholic Fermentation 238 The yeast plant — Chemical relations of carbohydrates. Activating Ferments 243 Enterokinase — Conversion of trypsinogen to trypsin by - enterokinase. Absorption of Proteids 245 Diffusion of proteids through dead membrane — Diffusion through living intestinal wall — Absorption velocity com- pared with diffusion velocity — Assimilable proteids — Non-assimilable proteids — Alimentary albuminuria — Albumose and peptone not ordinarily present in the blood or urine — Albumose and peptone changed in their passage through the intestinal wall. Absorption of Fats, Fat Acids, and Soaps . . . 259 Absorption of fat — Absorption of fat acids — Absorption of fat acid as a soap. Lymph 262 Permeability of vessel wall in inflammation. II Blood Specific Gravity 264 Drawing the blood — Determination of specific gravity. Counting the Corpuscles 266 Counting the red corpuscles — Counting the white cor- puscles. XIV CONTENTS Page Estimation of Haemoglobin 269 Oxygen capacity of the blood ; the colorimetric determina- tion of haemoglobin. Haemorrhage and Regeneration 273 Physical Aspects of Coagulation 273 Physical action of salts in the coagulation of colloidal mixtures — Physical changes in coagulation. Secretion 276 Speed of absorption and secretion. Ill Respiration Chemistry of Respiration 277 Estimation of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water. Metabolism 278 Effect of muscular exercise on the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water of the respired air — Individual level of pro- teid metabolism — Nitrogenous equilibrium — Effect of muscular exercise on proteid metabolism. PAET III THE OUTGO OF ENERGY I Animal Heat Animal Heat 285 Regional temperature — Effect of hot and cold drinks on the temperature of the mouth — Hourly variation — Re- action of cold and warm blooded animals to changes in the external temperature — Chemical action the source of animal heat. CONTENTS XV n The Electromotive Phenomena of Muscle and Nerve Page The Demarcation Current of Muscle 287 Demarcation current of muscle — Stimulation by demarca- tion current — Interference between demarcation current and stimulating current ; polar refusal. Demarcation Current of Nerve 295 Nerve may be stimulated by its own demarcation current. Hypotheses regarding the Causation of the De- marcation Current 297 Action Current of Muscle 302 Rheoscopic frog — Action current in tetanus; stroboscopic me.thod — Action current of human muscle — Action current of heart. Action Current of Nerve 315 Negative variation — Positive variation — Positive after current — Contraction secured with a weaker stimulus than negative variation — Current of action in optic nerve — Errors from, unipolar stimulation. Secretion Current 320 Secretion current from mucous membrane — - Negative vari- ation of secretion current. Electrotonic Currents 323 Negative variation of electrotonic. currents ; positive vari- ation (polarization increment) of polarizing current — Electrotonic current as stimulus. Electric Fish 329 XVI CONTENTS III The Change in Form Page Volume of Contracting Muscle 331 The Single Contraction or Twitch 332 Muscle curve — Duration of the several periods — Exci- tation wave — Contraction wave — Relation of strength of stimulus to form of contraction wave — Influence of load on height of contraction — Influence of temperature on form of contraction — Muscle warmer — Influence of veratrine on form of contraction. Tetanus 346 Superposition of two contractions — Superposition in teta- nus — Relation of shortening in a single contraction to shortening in tetanus. The Isometric Method 349 Graduation of isometric spring — Heavy muscle lever — Isometric contraction. Contraction of Human Muscle 353 Simple contraction or twitch — Ergograph — Isometric contraction — Artificial tetanus — Natural tetanus. Smooth Muscle 356 Spontaneous contractions — Simple contraction — Tetanus. The Work Done 358 Influence of load on work done — Absolute force of mus- cle — Total work done ; the work adder — Total work done estimated by muscle curve — Time relations of developing energy. Elasticity and Extensibility 363 Elasticity and extensibility of a metal spring — Of a rubber band — Of skeletal muscle — Extensibility increased in tetanus. Fatigue 366 Skeletal muscle of frog — Human skeletal muscle CONTENTS XVll IV The Central Nervous System Page Simple Reflex Actions 370 The spinal cord a seat of simple reflexes — Influence of afferent impulses on reflex action — Threshold value lower in end organ than in nerve-trunk — Summation of afferent impulses — Segmental arrangement of reflex apparatus — Reflexes in man. Tendon Reflexes 375 Knee jerk — Ankle jerk — Gower's experiment. Effect of Strychnine on Reflex Action .... 377 Complex Co-ordinated Reflexes 377 Removal of cerebral hemispheres — Posture, etc. — Bal- ancing experiment— Retinal reflex — Croak reflex. Apparent Purpose in Reflex Action 381 Reflex and Reaction Time 382 Reflex time — Reaction time — Reaction time with choice. Inhibition of Reflexes 384 Through peripheral afferent nerves — Through central afferent paths; the optic lobes. The Roots of Spinal Nerves 386 Ludwig's demonstration — Localization of movements at different levels of the spinal cord. Distribution of Sensory Spinal Nerves .... 388 Muscular Tonus 389 Brondgeest's experiment. V The Skin Sensations of Temperature 390 Hot and cold spots — Outline — Mechanical stimulation — Chemical stimulation — Electrical stimulation — Tem- perature after-sensation — Balance between loss and gain XVU1 CONTENTS of heat — Fatigue — Relation of stimulated area to sen sation — Perception of difference — Relatively insensitive regions. Sensations of Pressure 393 Pressure spots — Threshold value — Touch discrimina- tion — Weber's law — After-sensation of pressure — Temperature and pressure — Touch illusion ; Aristotle's experiment. VI General Sensations Tickle 398 Irradiation — After image — Topography — Summation — Fatigue. Pain 399 Threshold value — Latent period — Summation — Topog- raphy— Individual variation — Temperature stimuli. Motor Sensations 400 Judgment of weight — Sensation of effort — Sensation of motion. VII Taste Taste 401 Threshold value — Topography — Relation of taste to area stimulated — Electrical stimulation. VIII Introduction to Physiological Optics Reflection from Plane Mirrors 403 Angles of incidence and reflection. Reflection prom Concave Mirrors 405 Principal focus — Conjugate foci — Virtual image — Con- struction of image from concave mirrors. CONTEXTS xix Page Reflection from Convex Mirrors 410 Refraction 410 Refraction by Prisms 413 Construction of the path of a ray passing through a prism. Refraction by Convex Lenses 416 Principal focus — Estimation of principal focal distance — Conjugate foci — Virtual image — Construction of image obtained with convex lens. Refraction by Concave Lenses 422 Refraction by Segments of Cylinders 422 Refraction through Combined Convex and Cylin- drical Lenses 424 Aberration 426 Spherical aberration by reflection — Spherical aberration by refraction — Dispersion circles — Myopia — Hyper- metropia — Chromatic aberration — Aberration avoided by a diaphragm, Numbering of Prisms and Lenses 435 Numbering of prisms — Numbering of lenses. IX Refraction in the Eye Refraction in the Eye 437 The eye as a camera obscura. The Schematic Eye 438 Cardinal Points of the Cornea (System A) . . . 440 Construction drawing of System A — Principal focal dis- tances — Construction of image — Calculation of position to conjugate foci. Cardinal Points of the Crystalline Lens (System B) 445 Construction drawing of System B — Optical centre — Nodal points — Principal surfaces — The point s — Principal points — Principal focal distances. Cardinal Points of the Eye (System C) . . . . 451 Principal surfaces — Nodal points — Principal foci. XX CONTENTS Page Calculation of the Situation and Size of Dioptric Images 456 Reduced Eye 458 Relations of the Visual Axis 463 Visual angle — Apparent size — Size of retinal image — Acuteness of vision — Smallest perceptible image — Measurement of visual acuteness. Accommodation 469 Schemer's experiment — Dispersion circles — Diameter of circles of dispersion — Accommodation line. Mechanism of Accommodation 473 Narrowing of pupil — Relation of iris to lens — Changes in the lens. Measurement of Accommodation 479 Far point — Determination of far point — Near point — Determination of near point — Range of accommodation. Ophthalmoscopy 484 Reflection from retina — Influence of angle between light and visual axis — Influence of size of pupil — Influence of nearness to pupil — Ophthalmoscope. Direct Method 490 Emmetropia — Ametropia ; qualitative determination — Measurement of myopia — Measurement of hypermetro- pia — Measurement of astigmatism. Indirect Method 496 Vision Viston 499 Mapping the blind spot — Yellow spot — Field of vision. Color Blindness 501 Method of examination and diagnosis. CONTENTS XXI XI Mechanics of Respiration Page Mechanics of Respiration 505 Artificial scheme — Inspiration — Expiration — Normal respiration — Forced respiration — Obstructed air pas- sages — Asphyxia — Coughing ; sneezing — Hiccough — Perforation of the pleura. XII The Circulation of the Blood The Mechanics of the Circulation 508 Circulation scheme. The Conversion of the Intermittent into a Con- tinuous Flow 515 The Relation between Rate of Flow and Width of Bed 519 The Blood-Pressure 521 Relation of peripheral resistance to blood-pressure — Curve of arterial pressure in the frog — Effect on blood- pressure of increasing tbe peripheral resistance in the frog — Changes in the stroke of the pump; inhibition of the ventricle — Effect of inhibition of the heart on the blood-pressure in the frog. The Heart as a Pump 525 Opening and closing of the valves — Period of outflow from the ventricle — Sphygmograph tambour — Visible change in form — Graphic record of ventricular contrac- tion. The Heart Muscle 530 All contractions maximal — Staircase contractions — Iso- lated apex ; Bernstein's experiment — Rhythmic con- tractility of heart muscle — Constant stimulus may cause periodic contraction — Inactive heart muscle still irri- table— Refractory period; extra-contraction; compen- satory pause — Transmission of the contraction wave in the ventricle ; Engelinann's incisions — Transmission xxii CONTENTS Page of the cardiac excitation from auricle to ventricle; GaskeU's block — Tonus — Influence of "load" on ven- tricular contraction — Influence of temperature on fre- quency of contraction — Action of inorganic salts on heart muscle. The Heart Sounds 541 The Pressure-Pulse 543 Frequency — Hardness — Form — Volume — Pressure- pulse in the artificial scheme — Human pressure-pulse curve — Low tension pressure-pulse — Pressure-pulse in aortic regurgitation — Stenosis of the aortic valve — Incompetence of the mitral valve. The Volume Pulse 552 XIII The Innervation of the Heart and Blood-Vessels The Innervation of the Heart and Blood- Vessels 554 The Augmentor Nerves of the Heart 555 Preparation of the sympathetic — Action of sympathetic on heart. The Inhibitory Nerves of the Heart 558 Preparation of the vagus nerve — Stimulation of cardiac inhibitory fibres in vagus trunk — Effect of vagus stimulation on the auriculo-ventricular contraction in- terval — Irritability of the inhibited heart — Intracar- diac inhibitory mechanism — Inhibition by Stannius ligature — Action of nicotine — Atropine — Muscarine — Antagonistic action of muscarine and atropine. The Centres of the Heart Nerves 564 Inhibitory centre — Augmentor centre — Reflex inhibition of the heart ; Goltz's experiment — Reflex augmentation. The Innervation of the Blood-Vessels .... 568 Bulbar centre — Vasomotor functions of the spinal cord — Effect of destruction of the spinal cord on the distri- bution of the blood — Vasomotor fibres leave the cord in the anterior roots of spinal nerves — Vasoconstrictor fibres in the sciatic nerve — Vasodilator nerves — Reflex vasomotor actions. ft ILLUSTRATIONS Diagrams which merely illustrate the grouping of apparatus for a par- ticular experiment are omitted from this list. Fig. Page 1. Muscles of left hind limb of frog, dorsal view . . 6 2. Nerve-muscle preparation 7 3. Muscle clamp, stand, and nerve-holder .... 8 4. Tension indicator 25 5. Stage electrometer 38 6. Long rheochord 43 7. Square rheochord 44 8. Simple key 45 9. Short-circuiting key 46 11. Pole-changer, early form 49 12. Rocking key 50 14. Inductorium 54 15. Platinum electrodes 65 16. Flat-jawed clamp and round-jawed clamp .... 66 17. Double clamp 66 19. Long paper kymograph 82 20. Smoker 84 21. Light muscle lever 86 22. Tuning fork 87 23. ISTon-polarizable electrodes 94 24. Moist chamber 95 25. Hind limb of frog, anterior view 99 25. Gaskell clamp 103 26. Electro-magnetic signal 105 28. Frog board 112 XXIV ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. Page 35. Motor points on the anterior surface of the forearm and hand 128 36. Motor points on the posterior surface of the forearm 129 and hand 38. Brass electrodes 132 42. Gas chamber, with bottle for generating curbon dioxide 172 43. Sartorius 181 44. Gracilis 183 48. Scheme of myomeres in a parallel-fibred muscle . . 298 49. Scheme of myomeres in an oblique section . . . 299 50. Vibrating interrupter 303 51. Vibrating interrupter arranged to make one contact per second 304 53. Heart lever 311 54. Scheme of differential rheotome 313 58. Volume tube 332 59. Muscle warmer 343 60. Heavy muscle lever 351 61. Ergograph 354 62. Work adder 359 63. Lantern and optical box 404 65. Reduced eye 459 67. Respiration scheme 504 68. Quantitative circulation scheme 512 69. Mercury manometer 523 70. Sphygmograph 527 71. Sphygmograph tambour 528 72. Scheme of sympathetic nerve in frog 556 73. Scheme of cervical nerves in frog 558 74. View of brain of frog from above 565 PART I THE GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES PART I THE GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES INTRODUCTION Until recent times it was believed that many of the compounds found in the tissues of animals and plants could be made only by the action of organized, i. e. living matter. Such compounds were called organic to distinguish them from those found in inorganic or inanimate nature. The forces producing organic compounds were thought to be partly the ordinary chemical and physical processes known to science, and partly certain mystical agencies termed vital forces. The great discovery of Wohler in 1828 that urea (C02NH2), a typical organic compound, could be made synthetically in the laboratory, overthrew this conception and was the beginning of a long and fruitful struggle to 4 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES bring the phenomena of living matter within the operation of chemical and physical laws without recourse to the supernatural and occult. According to this new, unified view of nature, which is the foundation of modern physiology, all phenomena, whether animate or inanimate, are alike the expression of chemical and physi- cal processes, some known, some unknown, none of which is fundamentally different from the rest. The physiologist, therefore, now looks upon the reactions of living matter with the eye of the physicist, and it is of the first importance to beginners in physiology to acquire this point of view. To this end it is desirable to consider living tissues from the standpoint of energy and to divide, even imperfectly, the functions to be studied into those that have to do with the income of energy and those that are active in its outgo. These studies cannot, however, be profitably undertaken without some acquaint- ance with the general properties of living tissues, such as irritability and contractility. We shall begin, therefore, by examining a motor nerve and the muscle in which its fibres are distributed. The Nerve-Muscle Preparation. — Wrap the frog in the cloth, the head out. Pass one blade INTRODUCTION 5 of the stout scissors between the jaws. Bring this blade to the angle of the jaw, the other blade over the junction of the head and trunk. Cut off the skull with a single closure of the scissors. Thrust the pithing wire into the cranial cavity and then into the vertebral canal, destroy- ing the brain and spinal cord. The frog ceases to move; the muscles are relaxed. Divide the body transversely behind the fore limbs. Ee- move the viscera. Seize the spinal column with the finger and thumb of one hand, and the skin of the back with the other hand, covered with a cloth to prevent slipping. Draw the hind limbs out of the skin. Lay the limbs down, back uppermost, upon a clean glass plate, which the outside of the frog's skin has not touched. The skin of the frog, like that of the salamander and some other batrachians, is provided with a protective secretion injurious to sensitive tissues. Note on the outside of the thigh the triceps femoris muscle ; on the median side, the semi-membranosus ; between these, the narrow biceps femoris. (Fig. 1.) Cautiously di- vide the connective tissue between the semi- membranosus and the biceps femoris. On drawing these muscles apart, the sciatic nerve and the femoral vessels will be seen. Clear the nerve with scissors and forceps from the knee GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES to the vertebral column. The nerve itself should not be touched with the instruments. Near the pelvis it will be necessary to divide the pyriform and the iliococcygeal muscles: carefully avoid the nerve while do- ing this. With the forceps lift the tip of the urostyle (the 10th vertebra, a long, slen- der bone which forms the caudal end of the vertebral column) and remove the bone with the stout scissors as far as the 9th vertebra. Divide the spinal column trans- versely between the Fig. i. Muscles of left hind limb of 6th an(^ 'th vertebrae. frog, cathodal region, if the current be descending, or the anodal region, if the current be ascending, in order to reach the muscle. Find the position of the secondary coil at which the muscle will barely contract on making the stimulating current. Arrange the pole- changer to brin^ the anode between the stiinu- lating electrodes and the muscle, and make the polarizing current. Stimulate with a make in- duction current during the passage of the polar- izing current. Open the polarizing current. I ~"u\ ^ y^2) must pass through the STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 125 After three minutes' rest, bring the cathode next the muscle and make the polarizing current as before. Then stimulate again with a make in- duction current of the same intensity as before. Contraction will be absent, or at most very weak. The impulse will be blocked in the cathodal region. In truth, during the passage of strong or protracted currents, the conductivity is more diminished in the cathodal than in the anodal resrion. Griitzner and Tigerstedt believe that the open- ing contraction is due to the stimulation of the nerve or muscle by the polarization current which appears when the galvanic current is broken. The polarization current may be said to be closed when the galvanic current is opened. These observers, therefore, hold that stimulation takes place only at closure. We are now in a position to account for the phenomena described by the law of contraction. The irritability of the nerve is increased at the cathode on closing, and at the anode on opening the galvanic current. This rise of irritability stimulates the nerve. The rise at the cathode is a more effective stimulus than the rise at the anode ; consequently with weak currents the first stimulus to produce contraction is cathodal, i. e. at the closure of the circuit. As the current in- 126 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES tensity is increased, the anodal rise becomes also effective, and contraction is secured by both mak- ing and breaking the current. But we have to deal also with a decrease in irritability, and, still more important for the explanation of the effects of strong currents, with a decrease in conductivity. The irritability and conductivity are decreased on closure at the anode and on opening at the cathode. If the anode is next the muscle (Fig. 34), the decrease in con- ductivity on closure of a strong current will block the nerve im- m^^) ?""-? pulse coining from the cathode ; it will therefore never reach the «c^3 | — * muscle, and there will be no Fig. 34. contraction on closure. If the cathode is next the muscle, the conductivity may be so decreased on opening that the nerve impulse coining from the anode may be blocked. The decrease at cathode, when the cur- rent is broken, is, however, less marked than the decrease at anode when the current is made, so that the cathodal decrease, even writh strong currents, sometimes fails to block the impulse entirely. In that case, a weak contraction may be obtained at the break of the descending current. stimulation of muscle and nerve 127 Stimulation of Human Nerves Duchenne devised a method by which either the motor or the sensory human nerves can be stimu- lated at will, and the reaction of single muscles or groups of muscles to electricity determined. When electrodes are placed on the surface of the skin and the circuit is made, the current entering at the anode will spread in current lines through the entire body. At the cathode, all these lines will converge again. The density of the current depends on the concentration of the current lines. Thus the density is relatively great at the electrodes, and becomes rapidly weaker as the lines diverge between them. The smaller the electrode, the greater the density. The stimulat- ing effect depends on the density. With small electrodes, a current not sufficient to cause stimu- lation may gradually be increased in strength until the density at the electrode becomes great enough to stimulate, while in all other regions it is not yet great enough. Thus a local stimula- tion is secured. But this local stimulus does not sufficiently distinguish between the sensory nerves and the motor nerves and muscles ; for in order to reach the deeper lying motor nerves and muscles, the current must pass through the skin. The resistance of the epidermis is very great, and 128 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES currents of considerable intensity are necessary to overcome it. Once through the epidermis, the current spreads immediately in all directions through the cutis, where it stimulates the very Mm. lumbricales * M. opponens digit, min M. flexor digit, min. M. abd. digit, min. M. palmaris brevis N. ulnaris (ram. vol. prof.) N. medianus M. flexor digit, subl. (ind. and minim.) M. flexor, digit. (II & III) subl M. flexor digit profund. M. ulnaris internus (flexor carp. uln. ) M. palm, longus M. pronator teres N. medianus N. ulnaris M. adductor poll. M. flexor poll, brevis M. opponens pollicis M. abductor poll, brevis M. flexor pollicis longus — M. flexor digit, subl. M. rad. internus (flexor carp, rad ) M. supin. longus Fig 35. The motor points on the anterior surface of the forearm and hand. numerous sensory nerves. When the muscles or motor nerves are reached, the density is much reduced, and may not suffice for stimulation. Thus the result may be not motor stimulation, but simply pain from stimulation of the sensory STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 129 nerves. For painless motor stimulation it is, therefore, necessary to increase the strength of the current which reaches the muscle or motor nerve and to diminish the density of the current M. inteross. dors. IV M. abd. digit, min. M. ext. poll, brevis M. abd. poll, longus M. ext. indicis propr. M. ulnaris extern. M. rad. ext. brevis M. ext. pollicis longus M. ext. indicis propr. M. ext. dig. min. propr M. ext. dig. communis M. supin. brevis M. rad. ext. longus - M. supin. longus ■ Fig. 36. The motor points on the posterior surface of the forearm and hand. at the electrodes. These ends are accomplished by using for electrodes large metal plates cov- ered with sponge or cotton wet with saline solu- tion. The liquid diminishes greatly the resistance of the epidermis, so that more current reaches 9 130 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES the deeper tissues ; and the large surface offers a broad path for the current, so that the current lines are not so concentrated as to stimulate painfully the sensory nerves of the cutis. One sponge elec- trode may be made considerably smaller than the other without forfeiting this advantage, while the smaller size makes it easier to localize the stimulus. Muscles are best stimulated through their nerves, for two reasons : the nerve responds to a weaker stimulus than the muscle ; and, sec- ondly, it is much easier to secure contraction of the whole muscle by stimulating the nerve than by attempting to pass a current through the muscle directly. The smaller electrode should be placed over the nerve, the larger on some in- different region. The indifferent electrode may be placed over the muscle itself, if it is important that the resistance shall not be increased by the too great separation of the electrodes. Duchenne found that certain points were es- pecially favorable for the stimulation of indi- vidual muscles. Remak discovered that these " motor points " were simply the places at which the nerves entered the muscle. The motor points of the forearm are shown in Figs. 35 and 36. Stimulation of Motor Points. — Arrange the inductorium for single induction shocks. .De- termine by the electrolytic method which pole STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 131 of the secondary coil is the cathode when the primary current is broken (page 158). To this pole connect the small (stimulating) electrode ; to the other pole connect the large (indifferent) electrode. Place the indifferent electrode on the arm or neck. With the small electrode make out the motor points indicated in Figs. 35 and 36. Polar Stimulation of Human Nerves. — In the hands of the earlier observers the stimulation of nerves within the body gave results often contrary to the law of polar stimulation so easily demonstrated in extirpated nerves. The ex- planation of these inconstant results lay in the failure to comprehend the distinction between the stimulating positive and negative electrodes and the physiological anode and cathode (compare page 108). Even when the monopolar method is employed, and a small electrode is brought as near as possible to the nerve to be stimulated, while a large indifferent electrode is placed on some other part of the body, it is impossible to secure true monopolar stimulation. The current entering at the anode does not remain in the nerve, but very soon passes out into the sur- rounding tissues (Fig. 37). Hence there are physiological cathodes on both sides of the posi- tive electrode, and for the like reason physiologi- 132 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES cal anodes on both sides of the negative electrode. Thus both anodal and cathodal stimulation take place, whichever electrode rests over the nerve. It is therefore incorrect to speak of ascending and descending currents in the case of nerves stimulated in situ. It should be pointed out, too, that the density ^~jk cccccc AAAAAA Fig. 37. of the current is greater on the side of the nerve nearer the electrode than on the more deeply placed side cut by current lines already rapidly diverging. With these facts in mind, we may compare the polar stimulation of human nerve with the law already determined for the isolated nerves of the frog (page 115). The Brass Electrodes. — The brass electrodes, used chiefly for the stimulation of human muscles and nerves, are two in number: an "indifferent" electrode, con- sisting of a brass plate, 3x6 cm., with binding post, and a " stimulating " electrode, of brass rod, G cm. long, ringed at one end and provided at the other with a binding post. Be- Fig. 38. tween these the rod is insulated with rubber tubing. The electrodes should be covered with cotton wet STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 133 with normal saline solution. The larger electrode may be fastened upon the arm or other indifferent region, and the smaller may be used to stimulate the nerves or muscles, for example the abductor indicis, or to find the "motor points." Connect 8 dry cells in series (the carbon of one cell to the zinc of the next, etc.). Coupling in this way enables the electromotive force of each cell to be added with slight loss to that of the others, provided the resistance in the circuit outside the cells is so great that the internal resistance of the battery disappears in compari- son, as is the case where living tissues form part of the circuit. Connect the terminal zinc and carbon pole through a pole-changer (with cross- wires) to a small and a large electrode covered with cotton thoroughly wet with strong saline solution. Place the small electrode over the ulnar nerve between the internal condyle and the olecranon, a little above the furrow. Make and break the current. If no contraction is secured, add cells to the battery until contraction occurs. It will be found that the first contraction occurs on closure with the cathode over the nerve. With this strength of current the opening contraction will be absent. Turn the pole-changer so as to bring the anode 134 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES over the nerve, and increase the intensity still further. A strength will be reached at which closure with the anode over the nerve will cause contrac- tion, but the opening of the current will still be without effect. A slightly greater intensity will now bring out the anodal opening contraction.1 In the mean time the cathodal closing con- traction has increased in force with each addition to the intensity of the current. With about 18 cells, the muscle twitch on closure may give place to a continued contraction or tetanus, the cathodal closing tetanus. Further increase gives cathodal opening contraction, and finally very strong currents sometimes cause anodal closing tetanus. Thus we have 1. Cathodal closing contraction. 2. Anodal closing contraction. 3. Anodal opening contraction. 4. Cathodal closing tetanus. 5. Cathodal opening contraction. 6. Anodal closing tetanus (rare). Sometimes the anodal opening precedes the anodal closing contraction. 1 Sometimes anodal opening contraction precedes the closing contraction. This inconstancy results from variations in cur- p lit strength due to differences in the tissues surrounding the nerve. STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 135 The apparent deviation from the law of polar excitation (cathodal on closure, anodal on open- ing) is explained by the presence of a physi- ological anode and cathode at each electrode, as already mentioned. The appearance of cath- odal closing contraction before anodal closing contraction is due to the fact that when the negative electrode lies over the nerve the physi- ological cathode will be found on the side of the nerve next the electrode. The nearer the elec- trode, the greater the current density, and hence the earlier the threshold value is reached. When, however, the positive electrode lies over the nerve, the physiological cathode will be found on the side of the nerve farther from the elec- trode, where the density is less, owing to the divergence of the current lines. The threshold value will be reached first at the point of higher density, and consequently the first contraction will appear while the negative electrode rests over the nerve. The anodal opening contraction appears before the cathodal opening contraction for a similar reason. Reaction of Degeneration. — Whenever a nerve is severed, the portion separated from the cell of origin of the nerve " degenerates." The degener- ation does not begin at the section and advance to the terminal branches, but takes place al- 136 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES most or quite simultaneously throughout the nerve. Eanvier states that it begins first in the end plates. Severed nerves in the brain and spinal cord degenerate in the same way, and this "Wallerian degeneration" (Waller, 1850) is a valuable aid in tracing the path of nerve fibres in the central nervous system. Degeneration is accompanied by changes in the reaction to the electric current which form a valuable aid in the diagnosis of the seat of the lesion in cases of paralysis. The muscle reacts imperfectly, or not at all, to the brief induction current, while its reaction to the long galvanic current may even be greater than usual. Expose each gastrocnemius muscle in a frog, the left sciatic nerve of which has been severed ten days before this experiment. Stimulate each muscle with weak induction currents and with the galvanic current. The muscle, the nerves of which are degen- erated, reacts more readily to the galvanic current than to the brief induction current. The normal muscle shows the opposite reaction. In man, the reaction of degeneration in the case of muscle consists of a lessened or lost excitability to the induced current with increased excitability to the galvanic current. The duration of contraction may be greater than normal. In STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 137 polar stimulation, anodal closing contraction may appear before cathodal closing contraction, — a reversal of the normal sequence. In degenerated nerve there is of course a total loss of irritability, corresponding to the destruc- tion of the axis-cylinder. Galvanotropism Paramecium. — Connect two non-polarizable electrodes through a pole-changer with a dry cell. On a glass microscope-slide make with wax an enclosure about one centimetre square and a few millimetres high. Place in this a little hay infusion containing Paramecia. Bring near the two opposite sides of the wax cell non-polarizable electrodes, provided with a thick thread that shall dip into the infusion. Examine the infusion with a very low power. Close the key. Upon closure each Paramecium turns the an- terior end of the body towards the cathode and swims in that direction. In a very short time the anodal region is free, and the Paramecia are gathered at the cathode, where they remain so long as the current flows. Change the direction of the current. The Paramecia now turn to the anode and swim in that direction, but the anodal grouping is less complete than the cathodal, and lasts but 138 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES a short time. Careful observation shows that in Paramecium the galvanic reaction consists in placing the long axis of the bod)7 in the current lines. The outermost individuals in the liquid will therefore describe a curve corresponding to the curved outer current lines. All protozoa and many other animals (for ex- ample, the tadpole and the crayfish) show gal- vanotropism, but in some, movement on closure is toward the positive pole (positive galvano- tropism). These experiments on skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle, on nerve, and on infusoria, sug- gest that polar excitation occurs wherever a gal- vanic current passes through irritable tissue. Further experience would confirm this view. We have seen that the changes at the cathode when the current is made are not momentary, as re- quired by the hypothesis of DuBois-Eeymond, but continue so long as the current flows. This fact appears still more clearly when the influence of the duration of the current is examined. Influence of Duration of Stimulus 1. Smoke a drum. Arrange a muscle lever to write on the smoked paper. Prepare non-polariz- able electrodes and fasten them on the glass plate STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 139 of the nerve holder. Arrange the inductoriuni for maximal induction currents. Lead from the secondary coil to a pair of the end cups of the pole-changer (without cross-wires), as in Fig. 39. To the opposite cups of the pole-changer bring wires from a dry cell. Connect the remaining cups with the non-polar- izable electrodes. Turn the rocker towards the in- duction coil. Fasten the pelvic attachment of the Kg. 39. curarized sartorius in the muscle clamp. Tie a thread to the fragment of tibia, and fasten the thread to the upright pin of the muscle lever, so that the horizontal muscle shall record its contraction on the drum. Start the drum at moderate speed. Record contrac- tions, (1) with maximal break shocks, (2) with closure of galvanic current. Compare the curves. The curve from galvanic stimulation will be of greater height and duration, and the summit of the curve will be less pointed, indicating that the muscle remains longer in the stage of ex- treme shortening. Other evidence that the duration of the stimu- lus modifies the character of the contraction is afforded by the following experiments : — 140 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES 2. Make two cuts, 5 mm. apart, through the frog's stomach at right angles to the long axis. Hang the ring thus secured in the moist cham- ber. Pass a bent hook through the lower end of the ring, and attach it by means of a fine copper wire to the hook on the muscle lever. Carry the end of the copper wire to the binding post on the muscle lever. Stimulate not more than twice with single in- duction currents of a strength about the threshold value for skeletal muscle of frog. There will be no contraction. Stimulate with galvanic current (two dry cells),1 writing three curves, the duration of closure be- ing approximately one-fifth second, one, and five seconds, respectively. Compare the curves. The maximum shortening with currents of brief duration (^ second) is very much less than with currents of three or four seconds or over. The briefer the current also, the quicker will the maximum shortening be reached, and the quicker will be the relaxation. 3. If the galvanic current is very rapidly made and broken, the muscle will not contract. 1 If the muscle does not respond, wrap it with filter paper moistened with normal saline solution, and wait until the tonic contraction due to the cutting has passed off. The tonus may sometimes be lessened by passing a galvanic current through the preparation (p. 153). STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 141 The same is true of the ureter (Engelmann). 4. Tonic Contraction. — Examine the contrac- tion curve already recorded by the smooth muscle of the frog's stomach. Note that the muscle remains contracted during the passage of the current. The curves secured from the curarized sartorius (page 139) also show this, but to a much less degree ; the sartorius does not resume its former length after the twitch or closure of the galvanic current, but remains con- tracted to a slight extent. This tonic contrac- tion appears much more plainly in fatigued muscles. Fatigue a sartorius muscle by stimulating it with a galvanic current repeatedly made and broken. After a time, the twitch on closure will become very feeble, and finally will disappear, while the tonic shortening during the passage of the current is still very evident. 5. The influence of duration is shown also in the opening contraction. Fasten the pelvic attachment of a sartorius muscle in the muscle clamp and connect the other end with the upright pin of the muscle lever, so that the horizontal muscle shall record its contraction on a drum. Place the non-polar- izable electrodes on the ends of the muscle. Allow the "galvanic current from a dry cell to 142 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES pass through the muscle until the closure tonic contraction has disappeared, then open the key. Neglect the opening twitch. The muscle will not return to its original length, but will remain contracted for a time (opening tonic contraction). Close the key again. The tonic contraction will disappear. The galvanic current in this case checks (in- hibits) a contraction. This new action is dis- cussed on page 153. 6. Rhythmic Contraction. — That the galvanic current acts as a stimulus so long as it continues to flow is shown also by the fact that its passage through contractile tissue may cause the muscle to fall into rhythmic contractions. These are easy to produce in muscles which normally con- tract in rhythms, for example, the heart ; but they may under some circumstances be observed also in smooth muscle, and even in skeletal muscles. Connect a dry cell through a simple key with the metre posts of the rheochord. Join the non- polarizable electrodes to the positive post and the slider. Bring the slider against the positive post, so that no current shall flow through the elec- trodes when they are joined by the tissue. Expose the heart. With a sharp knife bisect STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 143 the ventricle transversely. Best this "apex" preparation between the tips of two non-polar- izable boot electrodes. Keep the tissue moistened with normal saline solution, but avoid excess. Close the key. Move the slider along the wire. When the current taken off reaches the thresh- old value, the apex will begin to beat rhyth- mically. Increasing the current strength will increase (within limits) the frequency of con- traction. Skeletal Muscle. — The curarized sartorius may sometimes be brought into rhythmic contraction by constant currents (Hering). If the irrita- bility of the muscle at the point of stimulation be increased by applying to the cathodal region a two per cent solution of sodium carbonate, the constant current will produce strong rhythmic contractions. Smoke a drum. Fasten the pelvic end of the sartorius in the muscle clamp, and attach the tibial end by a thread to the vertical pin on the muscle lever so that the horizontally extended muscle may write its contraction on a drum. Lay on the tibial fifth of the muscle a piece of filter paper, wet with two per cent solution of sodium carbonate. Connect a dry cell through a simple key with the metre posts of the rheo- chord. Connect the non-polarizable electrodes 144 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES with the positive post and the slider. Bring the slider near the positive post. When the sodium carbonate has acted for 15 minutes, bring the cathode against the tibial end, the anode against the pelvic end of the muscle. Close and open the circuit, moving the slider meanwhile to find the current which will give closing contraction. At this point keep the circuit closed. Rhythmical contractions usually appear. Periodic contractions are observed also in smooth muscle, stimulated with the constant current. Any form of constant stimulus will serve to produce them, pressure — as in the heart, bladder, and intestine — and chemical action, being especially noteworthy. Continuous Galvanic Stimulation of Nerve may cause the Periodic Discharge of Nerve Impulses. — If two non-polarizable electrodes are allowed to rest on the muscle (horizontally suspended), and are connected to a capillary electrometer, the meniscus of which is projected through a slit onto rapidly moving sensitized paper, the shadow of the meniscus will make a straight line on the photographic paper so long as the muscle is at rest. When, however, the nerve of the muscle is stimulated with the galvanic current and closing tetanus appears, the straight line will be broken by 10-15 oscillations per second. These STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 145 oscillations are produced by the difference of potential created by each contraction wave as it passes over the muscle (contracting muscle is negative towards muscle at rest, see page 302), and demonstrate that the tetanus is a fusion of individual contractions produced by successive stimuli. Hence, nerve, like muscle, responds to a contin- uous stimulus by a periodic discharge of energy. Ulnar Nerve. — Connect 15 dry cells in series (zinc to carbon), and join the last zinc and carbon through a key to a small brass stimulating electrode one cm. in diameter, and a large " in- different" electrode (brass plate 6.5 x 3.5 cm. covered with cotton wTet in solution of common salt). Hold the indifferent electrode in the left hand, and apply the stimulating electrode to the ulnar nerve at the elbow. A peculiar tingling sensation will be felt so long as the current flows. Polarization Current. — Let the sciatic nerve rest on a pair of non-polarizable electrodes in the moist chamber. Connect the electrodes to the side cups of the pole-changer (without cross- wires). Connect one end pair of the pole-changer cups with a dry cell. Turn the rocker to the opposite side to prevent the battery current from reaching the electrodes until it is wanted. Con- 10 146 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES nect the remaining pair of cups through a closed short-circuiting key with the capillary electrom- eter. Let the galvanic current flow some min- utes through the nerve, then turn the rocker towards the electrometer and open the short- circuiting key. Note a movement of the meniscus in a direction indicating that the former cathode is now posi- tive to the former anode. ^^ _ /^~-\ J The nerve is polarized. (2/- - JLJJ \ y\ [f| Positive Variation. — \ / "x — ' If the polarizing current 1 1 is strong and brief, the negative polarization after-current will speed- ily give place to a positive current, i. e. one in the direction of the polarizing current. This positive current is really an action current. When the polarizing current is broken, the rise of irritabil- ity at the anode stimulates points nearer the anode more strongly than points farther away. Points nearer the anode become, therefore, nega- tive to points farther away, and a current flows through the electrometer circuit from the less negative to the more negative pole, and through the nerve in the direction from anode to cath- ode. This positive variation is seen only in living nerves. Fig. 40. STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 147 Polar Fatigue. — Connect non-polarizable elec- trodes through a simple key with a dry cell. Fatigue a sartorious muscle by opening and clos- ing the galvanic circuit (leave a brief interval between opening and closure). Closure will at length be followed by no contraction. Arrange an inductorium for single induction currents (the pole-changer may be placed in the primary cir- cuit as a simple key). Test now the irritability of the muscle by stimulating it with single induc- tion currents. The muscle will be irritable except in the cath- odal region. The fatigue has been local (polar). Opening and Closing Tetanus. — 1. Arrange a moist chamber with a muscle lever to write on a smoked drum. Place two non-polarizable elec- trodes in the moist chamber and connect them through a pole- changer with a dry cell. Make a nerve muscle preparation from a frog that has just been brought from a cold room into the warm laboratory. Secure the femur in the femur clamp of the moist chamber. Let the nerve rest on the non-polarizable electrodes. Attach the muscle to the lever. Bring the writing point against the slowly moving drum. Close the key. If the frog has been well cooled (below 10° C), the muscle will fall into tetanus both on closing and on opening the circuit. Note that the curve 148 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES is quite regular. If tetanus fails to appear, paint the cathodal region with one per cent solution of sodic carbonate, thus raising the irritability, and repeat the experiment. The curve secured in this way is likely to be irregular. Produce opening tetanus, and while the muscle is contracting close the current again. The tetanus will disappear ; the irritability will be reduced in the anodal region, from the polarization of which the tetanus was produced. Open the current again. When the tetanus reappears reverse the pole-changer and close the current. The tetanus will be increased ; the irritability in the former anodal region will suffer a catelec- trotonic increase. 2. A beautiful demonstration of polar excitation may be made in this experiment. Connect the electrodes in such a way that the intrapolar cur- rent shall be descending (i.e. towards the muscle). When the opening tetanus appears, cut away the anode by severing the nerve between the electrodes. The contraction ceases witli the removal of the source of stimulation. 3. The stimulating effect of the salts of the alkalies has been explained by their attraction for water, the loss of which increases the effect STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 149 of the galvanic current on nerve. When the irritability of the nerve is raised by drying, weak currents may give opening contractions, although they are absent in normal, uninjured nerves. The interval between the opening of the current and the resulting contraction is then markedly long. In nerves in the first stage of drying the intensity of the nerve impulse (height of con- traction of attached muscle) is also more than usually dependent on the duration of the current. 4. The opening tetanus (so-called Eitter's tet- anus) is probably caused by the rise of irritabil- ity, which takes place in the anodal region when the current is shut off, acting on a nerve already in latent excitation. A similar condition can be produced as follows : — Smoke a drum. Connect a dry cell through an open key and an electro-magnetic signal with the metre posts of the rheochord (Fig. 41). Connect the zero post and the slider of the rheochord with the pole-changer (with cross-wires), and the latter with two non-polarizable electrodes placed in the moist chamber. Make a nerve-muscle prepara- tion, and secure the femur in the femur clamp of the moist chamber. Attach the muscle to the muscle lever. Bring the writing points of the muscle lever and the electro-magnetic signal 150 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES against the smoked surface in the same vertical line. Let the nerve rest on the non-polarizable electrodes. In the remaining two posts in the moist chamber fasten stimulating electrodes. Connect the latter to the inductorium, arranged for tetanizing currents, short-circuiting key closed. Bring the stimulating electrodes against the nerve between the non-polarizable electrodes and the Fig. 41. muscle. Let the secondary coil be at such a dis- tance that the tetanizing current will be just below the threshold value. Turn the pole-changer so that the anode shall be next the tetanizing electrodes. Make and break the galvanic current, recording the contraction on a slowly moving drum. Now open the short-circuiting key, and after half a minute, and while the sub-minimal tetanizing current is still passing through the STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 151 nerve, make and break the galvanic current again. A moderately strong galvanic current will now produce an opening tetanus (anodal stimulation of a region the irritability of which has been raised by the sub-minimal tetanizing current). Other effects are a lengthening of the latent period, and an increased dependence on the duration of the galvanic current (see page 138). Ee verse the pole-changer, so that the tetanizing electrodes fall in the cathodal region. Eepeat the experiment, comparing the results of cathodal stimulation without and with the sub-minimal tetanizing current. With sub- minimal tetanization, an increase in the height of the closing contraction, when the galvanic current is not too strong, will be seen ; when the galvanic current is stronger, closing tetanus will also be observed. Polar Excitation in Injured Muscle. — Smoke a drum. Make non-polarizable electrodes. Con- nect a dry cell through a simple key and pole-changer (with cross-wires) with the non- polarizable electrodes. Prepare a sartorius mus- cle with bony attachments. Fasten the pelvic end in the muscle clamp. Tie a thread to the tibial end, and fasten the thread to the upright pin of the muscle lever, so that the muscle is extended 152 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES horizontally. Bring the writing point against the drum. Light a Bun sen burner. Heat a wire, and kill the pelvic end of the muscle by laying the hot wire against it. Bring one non-polar- izable electrode upon each end of the muscle. Arrange the pole-changer so that the cathode shall be at the pelvic end, and the current there- fore " atterminal," i. e. directed toward the "thermal cross-section." Close the simple key. No contraction, or a very slight contraction, will be seen. Open the key. Eeverse the pole-changer, so that the current shall be " abterminal." Close the simple key. The ordinary closing contraction will be seen. The great difference here shown between the polar excitability in the uninjured and injured region is probably due to chemical changes in the injured part. Similar results can be obtained by painting the end of the muscle with one per cent solution of acid potassium phosphate. The irritability is lessened by this salt, but returns to normal if the altered end of the muscle is bathed in 0.6 per cent sodium chloride solution. Sodium carbonate has an effect opposite to that of the potassium salts. Wet the pelvic end of a fresh muscle with one per cent solution of sodic carbonate. After a STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 153 short time, test the irritability to weak, ascend- ing (i. e. cathode at pelvic end) currents. The closure of ascending currents will give extraordinarily large contractions. The cause of this change in irritability is not the presence of dead contractile tissue, for elec- trodes can be wrapped in dead muscle and used to stimulate normal muscle without loss of irri- tability being noticeable. When the end of the fibre is killed, the patho- logical change passes gradually through the whole of the fibre. Polar Inhibition by the Galvanic Current It remains now to consider the inhibitory action of the galvanic current, to which attention was called on page 142. Heart. — Connect a dry cell through a simple key with the 0 and 1 metre posts of the rheochord. Connect non-polarizable electrodes through a pole- changer with cross-wires (Fig. 30), with the slider and the positive post of the rheochord. Pith the brain, not the cord, of a frog, and place the animal, back down, in the holder (Fig. 29, page 112), and expose the heart, without unnecessary loss of blood, according to the method described on page 112. Open the delicate membrane (pericardium) 154 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES which surrounds the heart. Let one electrode rest on the larynx. Lay upon the tip of the other electrode a strand of lamp wick or absor- bent cotton wet with normal saline solution. Bring this electrode over the heart so that the free end of the strand rests on the ventricle and moves with it. Turn the pole-changer to make this electrode the anode. Make the current. At each systole, the portion of the ventricle immediately about the anode will not contract with the rest, but will remain relaxed (local dias- tole). Thus while the greater part of the ven- tricle becomes pale as the blood is squeezed out of its wall by the contraction, the anodal region remains dark red. From this region the relaxa- tion spreads over the rest of the ventricle. Re- verse the pole-changer. Break the current. The cardiac electrode is now the cathode. In the systole following the breaking of the current, the cathodal region will remain relaxed during contraction of the ventricle. This experiment demonstrates that the galvanic current not only may stimulate, but may check or inhibit contraction. In the former case, the conversion of potential into active energy is set going; in the latter, it is prevented. Inhibi- tion plays a large part in the physiology of the day. STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 155 Polar Inhibition in Veratrinized Muscle. — A similar inhibitory effect can be demonstrated in skeletal muscle previously placed in continued ("tonic") contraction by veratrine poisoning. Inject with a fine glass pipette seven drops of one per cent solution of veratrine acetate in the dorsal lymph sac of a frog. Arrange two muscle levers to write on a drum. Between them place an electromagnetic signal. Let all three writing points be in the same vertical line. Connect a dry cell through a simple key with an inductorium arranged for single induc- tion shocks. Connect non-polarizable electrodes through another simple key and the electro- magnetic signal with a dry cell. Prepare a sartorius muscle with pelvic and tibial attach- ments. Fasten the muscle about the middle in the cork clamp. Fasten the cork clamp verti- cally in the jaws of the muscle clamp. Carry threads from each end of the muscle to one of the muscle levers. Place the non-polarizable electrodes near the respective ends of the mus- cle. Note which is the anode. Bring wires from the secondary coil of the inductorium to the ends of the muscle. Start the drum mov- ing slowly. Stimulate the muscle with a single induction shock. There will be a prolonged con- traction, characteristic of veratrine poisoning. So 156 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES soon as this contraction is well under way, make the constant current. The anodal half of the muscle will show a dis- tinct relaxation ; the cathodal half will not relax, but may even contract a little more. Stimulation affected by the Form of the Muscle Connect a dry cell through a simple key to the metre posts of the rheochord. Bring wires from the non-polarizable electrodes to the positive post and the slider, interposing the pole-changer with cross-wires so that the direction of the cur- rent can be changed. Place the slider against the positive post, so that all the current passes back to the cell. Prepare a curarized sartorius muscle with its bony attachments. Fasten the pelvic fragment in the muscle clamp. Tie a thread about the tibia and fasten the thread to the upright pin of the muscle lever. Let the cathode rest on the tibial end of the muscle, the anode on the pelvic end ; the current will then be descending. Move the slider a few centimetres away from the posi- tive post, and make the current. If no contrac- tion follows, move the slider farther along, and make the current again. With careful work, it will be shown that with STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 157 descending currents, the first contraction will be on closure only. With ascending currents, the first contraction will be on opening the current. The explanation is that, with currents which pass through the sartorius from end to end the point of greatest density is the smaller, lower end. This is cathodal in descending currents, anodal in ascending currents. Effect of the Angle at which the Current Lines cut the Muscle Fibres Connect non-polarizable electrodes through a key with a dry cell. Build on a glass plate with normal saline clay two parallel walls a little longer than the sartorius muscle and one centimetre apart. Join the ends with wax, to make a rectangular trough. Eemove a sartorius muscle from a curarized frog, avoiding all injury to the muscle. Place the muscle in the trough, and cover it with normal saline solution. Bring a non-polarizable elec- trode against the centre of each long side, so that the current lines shall cut the muscle fibres at right angles. Close the key. There will be no contraction. The muscle is inexcitable to currents that cross its fibres at right angles. 158 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES Alter the angle by moving one electrode to the right, the other to the left, and repeat the experiment. The stimulating effect will increase as the angle between current lines and the long axis of muscular fibres diminishes. Nerves also are inexcitable to transverse cur- rents. Differences in resistance play a great part here. The resistance of nerves is said to be 2 J million times that of mercury, when the current passes along the nerve, and 12J million times when it passes transversely. The Induced Current The break induction current, owing to its rapid rise from zero to maximum intensity, is a more effective physiological stimulus than the make current, and may therefore be chosen for experimentation. 1. The direction of the induction current in the secondary coil is most easily determined electrolytically. Arrange the inductorium for maximal currents. Bring wires from the posts on the secondary coil to a piece of filter paper wet with starch paste containing iodide of potassium. Exclude the make currents with the short-circuiting key ; STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 159 pass the maximal break currents through the electrolyte. Iodine will be set free at the anode and will combine with the starch to form blue iodide of starch. Mark the positive post on the secondary coil with a plus sign. 2. Connect the poles of the secondary coil through a pole-changer with non-polarizable electrodes. Make a nerve-muscle preparation. Tie a ligature about the nerve about two cen- timetres from the central end. Place one elec- trode on each side of the ligature. The passage of a nerve impulse from the central electrode to the muscle will be prevented by the lig- ature, although the electric current can still pass between the electrodes. Turn the pole- changer so that the electrode on the periph- eral (muscle) side of the ligature shall be first the anode and then the cathode, and test the irritability to weak induction currents, begin- ning with the secondary coil some distance from the primary, and gradually increasing the intensity. Only cathodal stimulation will produce con- traction. The same result can be secured by separating the cathode and anode with ammonia. If the nerve is painted with ammonia in the intrapolar region, break currents cease to cause 160 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES contraction when the cathode is on the central side of the painted zone. Painting the cathodal region directly also prevents excitation. The failure of the induction current to stimu- late at the anode, on opening the current, is due to the exceedingly brief duration of the induced current; there is not time for a sufficient anelec- trotonic alteration in excitability. If the current is shortened still more (if it be less than 0.0015 sec), the cathodal excitation also disappears. With very strong currents, however, opening the current stimulates as well as closure. 3. Additional evidence of polar action is secured by connecting the electrodes with the capillary electrometer through a closed short- circuiting key. The meniscus is brought into the field, the nerve is stimulated repeatedly with maximal break currents, and then stimu- lation is stopped, and the short-circuiting key in the electrometer circuit, opened. The menis- cus will move in a direction indicating a higher potential at the anode (positive anodal polariza- tion current). 4. Finally, it may be added that the galvanic current may increase the stimulating effect of the induced current as pointed out on page 80, but only when the cathode of the induced current falls ir: the cathodal region of the polarizing current. STIMULATION OF MUSCLE AND NERVE 161 The law of polar excitation holds good then for the induced as well as the galvanic current. In fact, there is no essential difference between the physiological effects of induced currents and very brief galvanic currents. Increasing the intensity of the induced cur- rent increases at first the excitation (height of contraction). At length, however, with ascend- ing currents, a point is reached beyond which further increase in strength is followed first by the diminution and at length by the disappear ance of contraction. With still higher intensi- ties, the contractions reappear. This gap in the contraction series is explained by the increasing depression of irritability at the anode blocking the cathodal impulse ; when the intensity is still further increased, the opening of the current acts as a stimulus. A similar result may be secured with the galvanic current. Apparatus Normal saline. Bowl. Pipette. Towel. Simple key. Non-polarizable electrodes. Nerve holder. Potter's clay mixed with 0.6 per cent solution of sodium chloride. Saturated solution of zinc sulphate. Muscle clamp. Stand. 13 wires. Kymograph. Glazed paper. Two muscle levers. Thread. Eheochord. Two dry cells. Moist chamber. Glass plate. Ice. Paraffin paper. Cork clamp. Pole-changer. Beaker. Tripod, Sodium chloride. 11 162 GENERAL TKOPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES Inductorium. Electrodes. Bunsen burner. Intestine of a rabbit. Electromagnetic signal. Tuning fork. Brass electrodes. Fine copper wire. Frog board. 2 pairs • of metal electrodes, each passed through cork. Electrom- eter. Paramecia. Microscope. Glass slide. Bent hooks. One per cent solution of veratrine acetate. Fine glass pipette. Filter paper saturated with starch paste con- taining potassium iodide. Frogs. Fine rubber tubing for insulating electrodes. Ammonia. One per cent solu- tion of acid potassium phosphate. Two per cent solution of sodic carbonate. Ligatures. Filter paper. CHEMICAL AND MECHANICAL STIMULATION 163 CHEMICAL AND MECHANICAL STIMULATION Chemical Stimulation The contractility, heat production, and other phenomena of the life of muscle rest at base on chemical processes. Anything that sufficiently alters these processes may be a stimulus. A most important source of stimulation is the alteration of the chemical composition of muscle through osmosis. Effect of Distilled Water. — Place a sartorius muscle in distilled water. Irregular contractions usually occur. The muscle soon swells, and becomes white, turbid, cadaveric. These striking changes depend on the with- drawal of certain bodies by osmosis. Muscle contains large quantities of proteid, particularly proteids of the globulin class ; certain carbo- hydrates, such as glycogen ; nitrogenous and other extractives ; water ; and a number of in- organic salts. Most of these bodies are largely or wholly insoluble in water, and require for their solution the presence of inorganic salts. 164 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES The globulins, for example, are insoluble in dis- tilled water, but soluble in dilute solutions of sodium chloride. The osmosis of salts into the distilled water in the above experiment first stimulates and then destroys the contractility of the muscle. An increase in the saline content of the muscle juice or "plasma" also acts as a stimulus, and, if excessive, may be fatal. Strong Saline Solutions. — Place a sartorius muscle on a slightly inclined glass plate. Cover the lowest fourth of the muscle with crystals of sodium chloride. Irregular contractions will appear. Drying. — The effect of loss of water is best shown in nerve. Let the nerve of a nerve-muscle preparation dry. Note the twitching of the muscle as the water content diminishes. Test the irritability of the nerve from time to time with induction currents. It will first increase, then disappear as the nerve dries. Wet the nerve with 0.6 per cent sodium chloride solution. The irritability will reappear. To keep muscles and nerves in good condition for experimentation, it is necessary to moisten them with a solution containing the inorganic salts most abundant in the tissue-liquids in the CHEMICAL AND MECHANICAL STIMULATION 165 proportions in which they are present in those liquids. Practically, a 0.6 per cent solution of sodium chloride has commonly been employed, in the case of the frog. Such a solution is said to be isotonic, i. e. neither giving nor taking water from the tissue.. That it is not perfectly indifferent appears from this experiment. "Normal Saline." — Allow a sartorius muscle to stand half an hour in normal saline solution (0.6 per cent NaCl). Eecord its contraction in response to a maximal break induction current. In place of a simple twitch, a prolonged contrac- tion of abnormal height and duration will usually be secured. Importance of Calcium. — Place the " normal saline " sartorius in 0.6 per cent sodium chloride solution containing 10 per cent of saturated solu- tion of calcium sulphate. After ten minutes record the maximal break contraction. The abnormal contraction will have disap- peared. Constant Chemical Stimulation may cause Peri- odic Contraction. — Place a sartorius muscle in a solution of 5 grams NaCl, 2 grams Na2HP04, and 0.4 gram Na2C03 in one litre of distilled water. Usually rhythmic contractions are seen. All contractile substance shows a tendency to peri- odic contractions in response to a constant stimu- 166 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES lus, whether chemical, mechanical, or electrical. There are reasons for believing that the rhythmi- cal contractions of the heart are the consequence of a constant chemical stimulus. Mechanical Stimulation Stimulate a nerve mechanically by pinching the cut end with forceps. No change will be seen in the nerve, but the muscle will shorten, and then relax. Mechanical stimulation has the advantage that it can be localized accurately, and for this reason it has been used where electrical stimulation seemed inapplicable. Tetanomotors have been constructed by Heidenhain and others to give a rapid succession of slight blows upon the nerve. Sudden pressure on a muscle or sudden exten- sion may cause contraction. Sometimes the whole muscle contracts, sometimes only the portion directly stimulated. Idio-Muscular Contraction. — With the point of the seeker stroke the diaphragm and other muscles of a recently killed rat, or other small warm-blooded animal, in a direction at right angles to the course of the fibres. A wheal, i. e. a long-continued shortening and thickening of the fibre stimulated, will be seen. If the animal be not too long dead, a momentary CHEMICAL AND MECHANICAL STIMULATION 167 twitch of the whole of the fibre stimulated will precede the continued local contraction or wheal. The same phenomenon is seen for a briefer time on sharp mechanical stimulation of muscles in living animals, for example, the wheals raised by the blow of a whip. In men long ill of wast- ing diseases, e. g. phthisis, the idio-muscular con- tractions appear on drawing a pencil point across the muscles. Direct total stimulation of frog's muscle, especially in the spring months, may be followed by long continued contraction. Fatigue, cold, and many poisons, such as veratrine, favor the prolongation of the phase of shortening. The idio-muscular contraction is not a " tetanus," i. e. not a prolonged shortening clue to successive contractions, the interval between which is too short to permit of relaxation, but a prolonged single contraction, the cause of which lies in the muscle and not in the nerve. Apparatus Normal saline. Bowl. Pipette. Towel. Glass plate. Distilled water. Sodium chloride. Solution of sodium chloride (0.6 per cent), containing 10 per cent of saturated solution of calcium sulphate. Solution containing 5 grams sodium chloride, 2 grams di-sodium hydrogen phosphate, and 0.4 gram sodium carbonate, in 1000 c.c. water. Small warm-blooded animal recently killed. Introduction coil. Dry cell. Key. Electrodes. 3 Wires. Frogs. 168 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES VI IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY Irritability is the power of discharging energy on stimulation. The form in which the kinetic energy of muscle appears is partly mechanical work (the visible contraction) and partly molec- ular, — heat, chemical action, and electricity. In the nerve, the kinetic energy is wholly molec- ular ; an electromotive force is generated, prob- ably heat is set free (though this statement — which is based simply on analogy — is frequently disputed), and a molecular change — the nerve impulse — arises at the seat of stimulation. In both muscle and nerve, by virtue of their con- ductivity, the change induced by stimulation is as a rule not limited to the region stimulated, but passes in both directions along each stimulated fibre. In neither muscle nor nerve can the changes in energy spread transversely ; they are limited to the muscle- or nerve-fibre in which they arise. It will be shown that conductivity and irrita- bility are essentially different functions. IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY 1G9 The Independent Irritability of Muscle. — The stimulus that causes the contraction of a muscle may be applied either to the nerve or to the muscle itself. If to the nerve, the muscle will be thrown into the active state not by the origi- nal stimulus, but by a nerve impulse. If to the muscle, the nerve will still be stimulated, for examination shows terminal fibres distributed, in skeletal muscle at least, probably to every fibre, and with few exceptions to all parts of the muscle. The fact that muscles may contract when an electric current flows through them, or when otherwise stimulated, does not therefore of itself indicate that electricity is a stimulus to muscle protoplasm. Before this can be estab- lished, it will be necessary to demonstrate con- traction in parts of muscle not provided with nerves ; for example, the distal part of the sar- torius, or in muscles in which the nerves have been destroyed by curare or by degeneration. Nerve-free Muscle. — Beniove the sartorius muscle, together with the portion of the pelvis and the tibia to which the muscle is attached, and lay it on a glass plate. Stimulate the distal (tibial) fifth, in which examination with the microscope would show the absence of nerve fibres, with a strong break induction current. The nerve-free muscle will contract. 170 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES Muscle with Nerves Degenerated. — A nerve fibre severed from its cell of origin dies or " de- generates " down to its ultimate endings. Expose the sciatic nerve in the middle of the thigh of a frog in which the nerve has been severed near the pelvis ten days before, so that the whole of the nerve distal to the section shall have degen- erated. Stimulate the degenerated trunk. No contraction is seen in the muscles of the leg. Stimulate the muscles directly. Contraction takes place. The Nerve-free Embryo Heart. — Embryological studies show that the nerves of the heart are formed from epiblast in the walls of the neural canal, and do not grow into the heart until the close of the third day of incubation (chick). The heart, however, begins to beat during the second day of embryonic life, before even the blood which it shall pump is formed. Thus the heart muscle, in the embryo, is capable of contraction in the absence of nerves. Cover an egg which has been incubated 60-70 hours with 0.75 per cent solution of sodium chloride warmed to 38° C. Eemove the shell with the forceps over one third of the egg, be- ginning at the broad end, and leaving the shell membrane behind. Now remove the shell mem- brane. Note the buating heart. IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY 171 Paralysis of Nerve Endings with Curare. — Make two nerve muscle preparations A and B, and fill two watch glasses with curare solution. In one watch glass lay the nerve trunk of prep- aration A and in the other watch glass the muscle of preparation B. Cover muscle A and nerve B with filter paper moistened with normal saline solution, to prevent drying. At intervals of ten minutes stimulate nerve B with induction currents. When the poison has acted the stimulation of nerve B will produce no contraction of the at- tached muscle, which lies in the curare. Either the muscle or the nerve has been poisoned. Stimulate muscle B directly. It contracts. Hence the curare has poisoned the nerve ; probably the terminals of the nerve within the muscle. Now remove nerve A from the curare and stimulate the trunk of the nerve. The attached muscle will contract. Hence the trunk of the nerve has not been poisoned by the curare. It follows that curare poisons the endings of the nerve within the muscle. Therefore, the contraction of muscle B, in which the nerve end- ings were paralyzed, must have been due to the independent irritability of the muscle fibres. 172 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES The occurrence of idio-muscular contraction (see page 166) is an additional proof of the independent irritability of muscle. Irritability and Conductivity are Separate Prop- erties of Nerve. — 1. Carbon-dioxide. — Arrange the inductorium for tetanizing currents. Connect the secondary coil with the mam posts of the pole-changer (cross-wires out). Connect the Fig. 42. The gas chamber, with bottle for generating carbon dioxide, and a pole-changer arranged to stimulate the nerve either within or without the chamber. The holes in the glass through which the nerve passes are plugged with normal saline clay. two other pairs of posts with the usual stimula- tion electrodes and the electrodes of the small gas chamber (Fig. 42). Join the inflow tube of the gas chamber with the outflow tube of the carbon-dioxide bottle. The gas chamber should rest on a glass plate. Make a nerve-muscle preparation, preserving the full length of the sciatic nerve up to the vertebral column. Tie IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY 173 a silk thread to the extreme end of the nerve, and fasten the thread to the end of the seeker by a drop of wax cement. With the aid of the seeker, pass the thread through the holes, and draw the nerve after, so that the nerve lies on the electrodes. The. nerve should be drawn through until the muscle is close to the gas chamber. Stop the holes through which the nerve passes with normal saline clay. Bring the outer pair of electrodes against the central end of the nerve near its exit from the gas chamber. Determine which position of the pole-changer corresponds to each pair of electrodes. Stimulate the nerve first within the chamber, and then on the central end of the nerve, using a current just sufficient to cause tetanus. In both cases tetanus will result. Now pour 20 per cent hydrochloric acid on the marble in the generator. After the gas has passed through the chamber for a moment, stimulate as before. Stimulation of the portion of the nerve exposed to the carbon-dioxide is no longer effective, while stimulation of the part central to the gas chamber still produces tetanus. But the nerve impulses created by stimulation of the nerve central to the gas chamber cannot reach the muscle except by passing along the nerve and through the carbon-dioxide. The con- 174 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES ductivity of the nerve therefore is still sufficient, while the irritability has been suspended by the action of the gas. Hence, conductivity and irri- tability are by no means interchangeable terms. Their essential difference is further shown by the effect of alcohol vapor, which impairs con- ductivity while irritability is little changed. 2. Alcohol. — Disconnect the rubber tube from the gas generator, and blow through the gas chamber until the carbon-dioxide is driven out. The nerve will recover its irritability. Deter- mine this by stimulating from time to time. When the nerve has recovered, drop a little alcohol through the long glass tube of the gas chamber, being careful that only the vapor of the alcohol comes into contact with the nerve. Stimulate both within and central to the chamber. After a time, tetanus will no longer be pro- duced by stimulating central to the chamber. Stimulation within the latter is still effective. Thus conductivity is impaired, while irritability remains intact, or at least is affected to a less extent. (The electrodes within the alcohol at- mosphere should not be too far from the opening through which the nerve passes to the muscle, else the loss of conductivity in this part of the nerve may make difficult the demonstration of irritability.) IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY 175 Minimal and Maximal Stimuli ; Threshold Value. — Arrange the gastrocnemius muscle to write on a smoked drum. Connect one binding post of the secondary coil to the muscle clamp, the other binding post to the post on the muscle lever. Load the muscle with 10 grams. De- scribe an abscissa on the smoked paper, turning the drum by hand. Send a feeble break induc- tion current through the muscle. There will be no response. Eepeat the break currents, gradually moving the secondary closer to the primary coil. At a certain point the muscle will just con- tract (" threshold value "). This is a minimal contraction produced by a minimal stimulation. Turn the drum 5 mm., move the secondary coil 5 mm. nearer the primary, send in another break current, and record the contraction. Con- tinue this. The contraction in answer to each break cur- rent increases with the strength of the currents at first rapidly, then slowly, up to a certain point. Further increase in the strength of the stimulus produces no further increase of contraction. The stimulus and the resulting contraction have now become maximal. There is a striking disproportion between the energy of the stimulus necessary to throw a 176 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES nerve or muscle into the active state, and the energy that the stimulus sets free. It is as if a spark fell into powder; the active process is to be regarded, with some reservations, as an explo- sion. But only a part of the latent energy of muscle can be set free by any one stimulus. Threshold Value Independent of Load. — Re- peat the preceding experiment, and load the muscle with 50 grams instead of 10. The threshold value will not be changed. Summation of Inadequate Single Stimuli. — Place the secondary coil of the inductorium at such a distance from the primary that a break current shall be nearly, but not quite sufficient to cause a contraction. Let the muscle rest without stimulation for about a minute. Repeat the inadequate single stimulation at intervals of five seconds. No curve need be written. After a time, contraction will be secured. The excitation outlasts the stimulus, and rein- forces subsequent stimuli : finally, the summed excitations call forth a contraction. Summation is of frequent occurrence probably in all living tissues. Relative Excitability of Flexor and Extensor Nerve Fibres ; Ritter-Rollett Phenomenon. — Ex- pose the sciatic nerve in a brainless frog in the pelvic region. Set the hammer of the in- IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY 177 ductorium in action (binding posts 2 and 3), and stimulate the nerve with weak induction currents. The leg will be flexed. Use stronger induction shocks. As the intensity increases extension as well as flexion is seen. A still further increase causes extension only. The gradations of intensity necessary to show these results are sometimes difficult to secure. The phenomenon of relative excitability is not lim- ited to the case just cited. Weak stimulation of the vagus causes adduction of the vocal bands ; stronger stimulation, abduction. Weak stimula- tion causes opening of the claw of the lobster, while stronger stimulation of the same nerve causes clo- sure. Weak stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve in the dog and rabbit causes the tongue to be thrust from the mouth, while with strong stimulation the tongue is withdrawn into the mouth. It must not be forgotten that the anatomical nerves stimulated in these experiments are composed of many axis cylinders, each of which is a physiological nerve. That they should vary in excitability is to be expected. A second and probably better explanation of the Eitter-Eollett phenomena is found in the dif- ference in structure of the flexors and extensors. 12 178 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES Muscle fibres consist of contractile substance im- bedded in sarcoplasm. The relation between the contractile substance differs in the same muscle in different species and individuals, and differs further in the muscles of the same indi- vidual. In striated muscles of vertebrates, those rich in sarcoplasm have a turbid, opaque appear- ance, while those poor in sarcoplasm are translu- cent. Important differences in contractility, irritability, etc., depend on this difference of structure. Muscles which contain many u clear" fibres (poor in sarcoplasm) are more irritable than those containing many of the fibres rich in sarcoplasm. In the flexors of the frog the " clear " fibres are relatively more numerous than in the extensors. Specific Irritability of Nerve Greater than that of Muscle. — Arrange an inductorium for single induction currents. Make as rapidly as possible two nerve-muscle preparations, A and B. Bring a wire from the secondary coil to each end of muscle A. Let the nerve of B rest on muscle A. No stimulation can now reach B except through that part of the nerve of B which rests on muscle A. Place the secondary some distance from the primary coil. Stimulate muscle A with make induction shocks, the strength of which is gradu- ally increased by approximating the coils. IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY 179 Muscle B, which is stimulated only through its nerve, will contract before muscle A, which is stimulated directly. Hence, the specific irri- tability of nerve is greater than that of muscle, provided (1) that the intensity of the stimulating current is equal for both nerve and muscle, and (2) that the irritability of the two muscles does not differ, and (3) that the stimulation of the nerve of B is not by unipolar induction. The first source of error may be excluded, because the density of the current passing through the por- tion of nerve lying on muscle A is certainly not greater than the density of the current passing through the muscle itself. The second possibil- ity is tested as follows : — Eeverse the muscles and repeat the experi- ment. The result will not be altered. The third source of error is excluded as follows. Tie a ligature about the nerve of B, between muscles A and B. The physiological conduc- tivity of nerve B is thereby destroyed, and the nerve impulse cannot pass ; but the physical con- tinuity of the nerve, and hence its power to con- duct electricity, is still present. The strongest induction currents applied to muscle A will now fail to produce contraction of B. 180 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES Irritability at Different Points of Same Nerve. — Determine the threshold value for the sciatic nerve near the gastrocnemius muscle and about two centimetres from the cut end of the nerve. The farther from the muscle the nerve is stim- ulated, the lower will be the threshold value. It has been suggested in explanation of this that the nerve impulse gathers force as it passes along the nerve, and is the more powerful the longer the nerve which it traverses (avalanche theory). It has also been suggested that the nearer to the nutrient cell of origin the stim- ulus is applied, the greater the effect. The true explanation lies in the fact that the irritability of the nerve is raised in the neighborhood of the cross-section by the passage of the demarcation current through that portion, as explained on page 296. Tigerstedt has shown with mechani- cal stimuli that the uninjured nerve has equal irritability throughout. The Excitation Wave remains in the Muscle or Nerve Fibre in which it starts. — In order to limit the stimulus to one or two fibres, the method of unipolar stimulation may be adopted. Fasten in one post of the secondary coil of the inductorium arranged for tetanizing currents a wire soldered to a blunt needle. The needle, except near the free end, and the lower part of IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY 181 the connecting wire, should be inclosed in a glass tube for insulation. Expose the sacral plexus in a brainless frog in which the skin has been removed from the hind limbs. Connect the preparation by means of a copper wire with the earth through the gas or water pipes. Touch the sacral nerves here and there with the needle electrode, watching meanwhile the sartorius muscle. Partial contractions will be seen in the sar- torius, now of the inner, now the outer fibres, according to the nerve fibres touched by the needle. Stimulate the sartorius directly. Only the fibres touched by the needle contract. Evidently the excitation wave re- mains limited both in the muscle and the nerve to the fibres in which sartorius. It Starts. The same Nerve Fibre may conduct Impulses both Centripetally and Centrifugally. — 1. The nerve of the sartorius divides at the muscle, part going to each half of the muscle (Fig. 43). Microscopical examination shows that the divi- sion is not simply a parting of individual nerve fibres, but that each axis cylinder forks, one 182 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES limb going upwards, the other downwards. If the muscle be severed between the forks, no impulse started in one half of the muscle could reach the other half, except by going up one branch to the original axis cylinder and down the remaining branch ; for it is known that the nerve impulse does not escape transversely from one axis cylinder to other neighboring ones. Eemove a sartorius muscle with great care. Split the muscle in the middle line for one third of its length, beginning at the broad end, as in- dicated in the diagram. Stimulate the muscle fibres of the right segment mechanically, by snipping the preparation with scissors in the line a. Do not cut quite through the segment. Only the right half twitches. Eepeat 'the stimulus by snipping in the line av Again only the right half twitches. Stimulate in the line b. Both segments twitch, or at least some fibres in each. Repeat at bv Both segments twitch again. 2. The gracilis of the frog is divided into an upper, shorter part and a lower, longer part by a tendon (Fig. 44, j). Each axis cylinder in the nerve N, on approaching the muscle, divides into two branches, one of which goes to the IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY 183 Fig. ±i. The gracilis. upper and the other to the lower portion of the muscle. Eemove the muscle together with a portion of its attached nerve, and examine the inner surface (Fig. . 44). The nerve (N) divides into two branches, of which the upper (K) runs. to the shorter portion of the muscle and is mibranched for some distance, while the other (L) has a very short stem and sinks almost at once into the substance of the lower part. One of the branches (H) perforates the muscle and goes to the skin. With a sharp pair of scissors cut out entirely the part shaded in the dia- gram, without in- juring the nerves. The halves of the muscle are now united only by the forked nerve. Stimulate the end branches of the nerve in one of the pieces of muscle by snipping with scissors ; also chemically, with a lump of salt. Both pieces will contract. Fig. 45. 184 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES Speed of Nerve Impulse. — Smoke a drum, and adjust it for " spinning." Place two pairs of needle electrodes in corks in the moist chamber. Arrange the inductorium for maximal make currents, placing a simple key and the electro- magnetic signal in the primary circuit (Fig. 45). Connect the secondary coil to the side cups of the pole-changer. Connect the end pairs of cups each with one pair of the electrodes in the moist chamber. Make a nerve-muscle prep- aration, preserving the full length of the sciatic nerve. Fasten the femur in the clamp in the moist chamber. Connect the Achilles tendon to the muscle lever. Bring the point of the lever against the drum immediately over the writing point of the electro-magnetic signal. Let the nerve rest on the electrodes, one pair near the end of the nerve, the other near the muscle. Spin the drum slowly. Hold the writing point of a vibrating tuning fork against the smoked paper beneath the line drawn by the signal. Send a maximal induction current through first one pair of elec- trodes and then the other. Determine the inter- val between the moment of stimulation and the beginning of contraction in each instance. [This is done by turning the drum back until the writing point of the signal lies precisely in IRRITABILITY AND CONDUCTIVITY 185 the vertical line marked by it when the current was made, and then stimulating the muscle to contract. The ordinate drawn by the muscle lever (the drum being still at rest) will be synchronous with the ordinate drawn by the signal during the experiment.] It will be found that the interval between stimulation and contraction is greater when the nerve is stimulated far from the muscle than it is on stimulation near the muscle. The differ- ence is the time occupied by the passage of the excitation wave along the nerve between the electrodes. Measure the length of nerve between the elec- trodes, and calculate the speed of the nerve im- pulse per second. It is assumed in this method that the interval between the closure of the primary circuit and the beginning of the nerve impulse is the same in both instances, and that the interval between the arrival of the impulse in the muscle, and the visible change of form, is likewise the same in both. If the mean and the probable deviation of a series of measurements are taken, a fairly accu- rate result may be expected. A better method, however, is to record the passage of the negative variation over a measured length of nerve by photographing the meniscus of the capillary 186 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES electrometer. Similar measurements can be made with a differential rheotome (page 313). Helmlioltz found in motor nerves of the frog an average speed of 27 metres per second, but the individual variation is considerable. The speed is very slow compared with that of light, or even sound. It is modified by changes in tem- perature, nutrition, anaesthetics (alcohol, ether, chloroform, carbon dioxide), the intensity of the stimulus, — above a certain value, the greater the stimulus, the more rapid the conduction, — and by many other factors. Specific differences are found depending on the structure of the nerve. Thus the velocity has been found in mam- malian nerve to smooth muscle to be about 9 metres per second, while in the bivalve Anodonta it is said to be only 1 centimetre per second. Apparatus Normal saline. Bowl. Towel. Pipette. Glass plate. Dry cell. Inductorium. Key. Wires. Frog with sci- atic nerve degenerated. Hen's egg incubated 60-70 hours. NaCl solution (0.75%). Ligatures. Filter paper. One per cent solution of curare. Pole-changer. Gas chamber. Carbon dioxide generator. Twenty per cent hydrochloric acid. Broken marble. Alcohol. Muscle clamp. Stand. Muscle lever with scale pan. Millimetre rule. Ten gram weights. Needle electrodes (glass tube). Moist chamber. Two pairs of non-polarizable electrodes. Electro-magnetic signal. Recording drum. Glazed paper. Tuning fork. Normal saline clay. PART II THE INCOME OF ENERGY PART II THE INCOME OF ENERGY I FERMENTATION Hydrolysis of Stakch by Diastase Conversion of Starch to Sugar by Germinating Barley. — To 5 grams crushed, germinating barley add 10 grams potato starch, and 20 c.c. of cold water. Then add gradually 70 c.c. of hot water with constant stirring. Keep the mixture in a temperature of about 60° C. for one hour. The insoluble starch will be converted to a sweet liquid.1 Boil 10 c.c. of Fehling's solution,2 dilute the syrup with water and add it drop by drop to the boiling Fehling's solution. 1 Kirchoff : Schweigger's Journal fur Chemie und Physik, 1815, xiv, p. 389. There is a small amount of sugar and starch in the barley itself. 2 Fehling's solution. — In a large watch glass weigh 34.639 gms. pure cupric sulphate (clean crystals). Dissolve the crystals by warming them with about 150 c.c. water in an evaporating dish. Place the solution in a 500-c.c. measuring flask. Wash the remnant from the dish into the flask. Allow the liquid to cool completely. Add water to the mark on the neck of the flask. Warm about 173 gms. potassium sodium tartrate in a little water until dissolved. Place the solution in a 500-c.c. measur- ing flask, add 100 c.c. sodium hydroxide, sp. gr. 1.34 (about 31 per cent), and, after the mixture has completely cooled, fill the flask to the mark on the neck. In use, mix equal volumes of each solution in a dry glass. One molecule grape sugar reduces five molecules cupric oxide to cuprous oxide ; 10 c.c. of Fehling's copper sulphate solution equals 0.05 gm. grape sugar. 190 THE INCOME OF ENERGY Eed cuprous oxide or its yellow hydrate will separate. The germinating barley causes the starch to take up water, thus changing to a reducing sugar. In this instance the agent is a living cell, or some substance or " ferment " secreted by the cell. It is now necessary to inquire whether ferments are separable from living cells. Conversion of Starch to Sugar by Salivary Dias- tase (Ptyalin). — To 10 c.c. of starch paste1 col- ored blue with iodine (blue iodide of starch) add about 2 c.c. of filtered saliva and keep the mixture at 35-40° C. The starch paste will liquefy and become sweet. The blue color will become lighter and finally disappear. Test with Fehling's solution. Eeduction will take place. Saliva hydrolyzes starch to a reducing sugar. Saliva is secreted by the cells in the salivary gland, placed some distance from the mouth. The saliva itself contains no secreting cells. There are ferments, then, which act at a distance 1 Starch paste. — Rub 1 gm. potato starch in a mortar with 25 c.c. cold water. Pour the mixture into an evaporating dish. Wash the remnant from the mortar and pestle into the dish with 75 c.c. water. Heat the mixture to boiling point with constant stirring. The starch paste will turn blue upon addition of iodine (iodide of starch). FERMENTATION 191 from the cells that produce them. There seems thus an important distinction to be made between organized ferments, those acting apparently with- in the living cell, and unorganized ferments, like the salivary diastase, which is secreted by a living cell but remains active after leaving the cell. It will be seen that this distinction cannot be maintained. Extraction of Diastase from Germinating Barley.1 — Crush freshly germinating barley in a mortar with about half its weight of water. Keep the mass two hours at 35-40° C. Squeeze out the watery extract in a press, or strain by strong pressure through a linen cloth. Add excess of alcohol. Diastase will be precipitated. It may be puri- fied by dissolving it in water and reprecipitating with alcohol. Add a little diastase to 10 c.c. starch paste, colored blue with iodine. The starch will be con- verted to sugar. The blue color will disappear. It appears, therefore, that ferment action is not dependent on the life of the cell that secretes the ferment. Specific Action of Ferments. — The question now arises whether the diastase acts only to 1 Payen and Persoz : Annates de chimie et de physique, 1833, liii, p. 78. 192 THE INCOME OF ENERGY change starch to sugar or whether it causes the decomposition of other substances. Place a small piece of fibrin in a test-tube and add 2 c.c. filtered saliva. Keep the tube several hours at a temperature of 35-40° C The fibrin will not change. Place 0.5 c.c. neutral olive oil (page 207) and 2 c.c. filtered saliva in a test-tube. Noteworthy changes will be absent. From these experiments it is evident that diastase decomposes starches, but does not de- compose proteids and fats. Its ferment action is thus far " specific." The belief that each ferment has its own characteristic product will be in- creased by the study of the following typical ferment actions. Proteid Digestion by Pepsin Gastric Digestion of Cooked Beef and Bread. — At 7 a.m. feed cooked beef and bread to a cat which has fasted twelve hours. At 11 a. m. kill the cat, expose the stomach, and apply double ligatures about 1 cm. apart to the duodenum at the pylorus and to the oesophagus at the cardiac orifice. Ptemove the stomach. Open the stomach very cautiously by drawing a knife along the greater curvature. " The stomach is very full, and still contains FERMENTATION 193 much meat and bread not wholly softened. The softening is greater in the portal region and in those portions of the food next the mucous mem- brane than in the middle of the stomach contents. The mucus secreted by the gastric mucous membrane is very abundant and is strongly acid. The stomach contents have a sour odor." 1 Artificial Gastric Juice.2 — 1. Strip the mucous membrane from the fourth stomach of a calf. Wash the membrane with cold water until the acid reaction disappears. Dry the mucous mem- brane in the air. Divide some of the dried membrane into small pieces and add dilute hy- drochloric acid.3 2. Strip the mucous membrane of the pig or rabbit from the deeper layers of the stomach, cut the mucous membrane into the smallest pieces, wash slightly with water, pour off the water with all possible care, and cover the slightly moist residue with glycerine.4 Before using, add dilute hydrochloric acid. 1 Eberle : Physiologie der Verdauung, 1834, p. 100. 2 Eberle : loc. cit., p. 79. 3 Dilute hydrochloric acid. — Add to 10 c.c. officinal HC1, sp. gr. 1.124 (about 25 per cent HC1), enough water to make 1000 c.c. This solution will contain about 0.281 per cent HOT. (Salkowski's Practicum, 1893, p. 130.) 4 Von Wittich : Archiv fur die gesaramte Physiologie> 1869, ii, p. 194. 13 194 THE INCOME OF ENERGY Digestion with Artificial Gastric Juice. — Pre- pare three flasks, A, B, and C. In A place 100 c.c. artificial gastric juice; in B, 100 c.c. 0.2 per cent HC1; and in C, a piece of dried gastric membrane and 100 c.c. distilled water. In each of the three flasks place a small piece of cooked meat, and keep the flasks about five hours at 35-40° C.1 Com- pare the result with that observed in natural digestion. The artificial gastric juice will digest the meat as did the natural juice in the stomach, but neither the acid alone, nor the mucous membrane free from acid, will digest. There is a ferment in the mucous membrane, but it will not act except in an acid medium. Extraction of Pepsin. — Pepsin more or less con- taminated with proteid (pepsin may itself be a proteid) may be precipitated from a glycerine extract by alco- hol.2 The pepsin may also be carried down mechani- cally by an indifferent precipitate as in Brucke's method,3 in which the mucous membrane, acidulated with phosphoric acid, is allowed to digest until the proteids are mostly converted into soluble peptone. The mixture is then neutralized with lime water. The insoluble calcium phosphate thus formed falls as 1 Eberle : loc. cit. 2 Von Wittich: loc. cit., p. 195. 3 Briicke : Sitzungsberichte der konigliche Akadeniie cler Wissenschaften zu Wien, 1862, xliii, p. 601. FERMENTATION 195 a fine powder carrying the pepsin with it. The precip- itate is dissolved in very dilute hydrochloric acid, and to this solution is added a solution of cholesterin in alcohol and ether. When the two solutions are mixed, the cholesterin separates as an abundant, fine powder bearing the pepsin with it. The cholesterin is removed with ether, leaving the pepsin. Ammonium sulphate may also be used as the me- chanical precipitant.1 Change of Proteid to Peptone by Pepsin. — 1. Place in a test-tube five drops of the glycerine extract of pepsin with 5 c.c. 0.2 per cent hydro- chloric acid and a small piece of fibrin.2 Keep the mixture at 35-40° C. In a short time the fibrin will be dissolved. Appropriate tests will show that it has been con- verted to peptone. 2. Repeat the preceding ex- periment, using commercial pepsin (never very free from proteid). Splitting of Casein by Eennin. Rennin Extract. — Allow the mucous membrane of the stomach (preferably the fourth stomach of 1 Kiihne and Chittenden: Zeitschrift fur Biologie, 1886, xxii, p. 428. 2 Preparation of fibrin. — With a bundle of smooth rods whip blood as it flows from an artery until the fibrin gathers on the rods. Wash the fibrin in running water until the red cor- puscles are removed and the fibrin shows its natural color. Preserve the fibrin in glycerine. 196 THE INCOME OF ENERGY the suckling calf) to stand twenty-four hours in 150-200 c.c. 0.1-0.2 per cent solution of hydrochlo- ric acid. Then neutralize the acid with great care.1 Separation of Rennin. — The extract just prepared contains pepsin as well as rennin. The rennin may be separated as follows. The neutralized extract is repeatedly shaken with fresh amounts of magnesium carbonate. The resulting precipitates carry down almost all the pepsin and very little rennin. The filtrate still rapidly coagulates milk, but contains only traces of pepsin. This filtrate is now precipitated with lead acetate, the precipitate is decomposed with very dilute sulphuric acid, and the mixture filtered. To the filtrate, which contains the rennin, is added a solution of stearin soap in water. Thereupon the soap is thrown out of solution and falls, carrying the rennin with it. The soap is then removed by shaking with ether, and the rennin remains.2 Precipitation of Casein. — Add 1 C.C. of the neutral extract to 25 c.c. fresh milk at 36-38° C. (Normal milk is amphoteric. If the reaction be acid, the acid should be very carefully neutralized.) In a few minutes the milk will separate into 1 Hammarsten : Upsala Lakareforenings Fbrhandlingar, 1872, viii, pp. 63-86. Abstract by author in Maly's Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der Thierchemie, 1872, ii, pp. 118-125. 2 Hammarsten : Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie, 1895, p. 241. FERMENTATION 197 curd and whey. The curd is casein together with the fat globules carried down as it precipi- tates. The whey is a dilute saline solution of milk-albumin, milk sugar, etc. Test the chemical reaction. The mixture is still neutral. Milk may also be curdled by acid, either added artificially or produced in the milk itself by lactic acid fermentation of milk sugar. The absence of an acid reaction in the above exper- iment excludes precipitation through acid fermen- tation of milk sugar. Casein prepared free from milk sugar is also precipitated by rennin. Finally, rennin, extracted by the method given above, does not act upon milk sugar, but rapidly precipitates casein. Analogy suggests that the specific action of the rennin may be the splitting of casein and that the precipitation may be a secondary process. The following experiments determine this matter. Experiments of Arthus and Pages.1 — Prepare two solutions, A and B. A. Milk 100 c.c. Neutral oxalate of potassium 1 % 5 c.c. Rennin 1 to 250 4 c.c. B. Milk 100 c.c. Neutral oxalate of potassium 1 % 5 c.c. Water 4 c.c. 1 Arthus and Pages : Archives de physiologie, 1890, p. 334. 198 THE INCOME OF ENERGY (Kennin, 1 to 250, is a pastille of Hansen dis- solved in 250 c.c. H20.) Keep both mixtures at 38° C. during forty minutes. 1. Boil 25 c.c. from each solution. Solution A coagulates, while solution B shows no trace of coagulation. Hence the action of rennin has rendered the casein in A coagulable on boiling. 2. To 25 c.c. from each solution add 8 c.c. of a solution of calcium chloride capable of pre- cipitating exactly, in equal volumes, the solution of potassium oxalate. By this addition any ex- cess of potassium oxalate is removed and the calcium chloride remains in slight excess. A will coagulate ; B will not. Hence the casein in solution A has been so changed by rennin that it is precipitated on the addition of a small quan- tity of calcium chloride. Solution A may also be precipitated by restoring its original content of calcium chloride, i.e. by adding 5 c.c. of the above calcium chloride solution, which will exactly combine with the 5 c.c. of potassium oxalate. If small quantities of rennin be added to natural milk and equal portions of the milk be tested from time to time by boiling, the amount coagulated will be greater the longer the rennin acts. An amount of calcium chloride too small to produce coagulation in the early stages of FERMENTATION 199 rennin action is sufficient to produce coagulation when added in the later stages. Evidently, in the clotting of milk by rennin two separate phenomena must be distinguished: (1) the chemical transformation of casein by rennin, (2) the precipitation of the transformed casein by the calcium chloride. (This salt favors also the splitting of the casein.) Eennin may therefore be classed with pepsin and trypsin. According to Hammarsten the casein is split into phosphorus-free albumose and phosphorus- holding paracasein. Heat is set free. It is the paracasein which precipitates. It is less soluble than casein. Precipitation of Fibrin by Fibrin Ferment Buchanan's Experiment. — Press blood clot through a linen cloth. Add the liquid thus ob- tained to a serous fluid, which does not clot spon- taneously, such as ascitic fluid, pleural effusion, hydrocele fluid. After some hours a firm, translucent clot will form.1 Extraction of Fibrin Ferment. Schmidt's Method. — Coagulate one part of serum from the blood 1 Buchanan: London Medical Gazette, 1835, xviii, p. 51; idem, 1845, xxxvi, p. 617. This discovery was first announced in 1831. 200 THE INCOME OF ENERGY of ox, dog, or horse, by adding 15-20 parts strong alcohol. After at least fourteen days, filter, dry the moist residue over sulphuric acid, pulverize the dried substance, stir it with water (twice the volume of the serum originally taken) and after allowing sufficient time for solution, filter. The filtrate contains the fibrin ferment.1 Gamgee's Method. — Allow freshly prepared fi- brin (obtained by washing a blood clot free from corpuscles) to stand three days in 8.0 per cent solution of sodium chloride. Filter.2 The filtrate is rich in fibrin ferment. Extraction of Fibrinogen. — Eeceive three volumes of blood directly from an artery into one volume of saturated solution of magnesium sulphate, which will prevent the blood from clotting. Separate the corpuscles from the liquid plasma by the centrifugal machine. Add to the plasma an equal volume of saturated solution of sodium chloride. Flakes of fibrinogen will be precipitated. Filter as quickly as possible, for that purpose dividing the liquid among several funnels each with a folded filter paper. Press the filter papers containing the residue between fresh filter paper, in order to remove the adherent 1 Schmidt : Archiv fiir die gesammte Thysiologie, 1872, vi, p. 457. 2 Gamgee : Journal of physiology, 1879, ii, p. 151. FERMENTATION 201 liquid. Tear the filter containing the fibrinogen into small pieces. Dissolve the fibrinogen which sticks to the filter as a tough, elastic mass, in a quantity of 8 per cent sodium chloride solu- tion equal to about one-third the quantity of the magnesium sulphate solution originally taken. Filter off the fragments of paper. Purify by reprecipitation with an equal volume of saturated solution of sodium chloride. Filter. Dry as before, and add a small quantity of water to the finely divided filter to which the precipitate clings. This water will take a small quantity of salt from the precipitate, and in this dilute saline solution the fibrinogen will dissolve.1 Precipitation of Fibrinogen by Fibrin Ferment. — Add to the dilute saline solution of fibrinogen a solution containing fibrin ferment. Fibrin will gradually form. Ammoniacal Fermentation of Urea by Urease 1. Place 100 c.c. fresh human urine in each of three clean flasks marked A, B, C. To B and C add 1 c.c. of urine that has become ammoniacal upon standing in the atmospheric air. Add also 1 Hammarsten : Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1879, xix, p. 563. Also idem, 1880, xxii, p. 431. Hammarsten's first publication was in Nova acta regia societas scientiarum Upsali- ensis, 1878, (3), ix. 202 THE INCOME OF ENERGY to G 2 per cent of a saturated solution of carbolic acid in water. Let B and G stand in a warm place sixteen days. 2. Withdraw 5 c.c. from flask A. Note whether the urine is clear or turbid, and whether it effervesces on the addition of a dilute acid. Withdraw 2 c.c. from flask A and determine its percentage of urea by the hypo- bromite method. Centrifugalize a portion of the remaining con- tents of flask A. With a microscope examine the sediment for crystals of ammonio-magnesium phosphate and for micro-organisms, especially the micrococcus ureas, which occurs in long curved chains of round cells about 1.5 /jl in diameter. 3. After sixteen days repeat these observa- tions on the urine in flasks B and G. Eecord the results obtained from all three flasks in the table on page 203. The table shows that the hydrolysis of urea into ammonium carbonate still takes place in urine containing enough carbolic acid to destroy the micro-organisms long known to be the cause of the ammoniacal fermentation.1 It is therefore probably due to a ferment, which escapes from the cells after their death. 1 Hoppe-Seyler : Medicinisch-chemische Untersuchungen, Berlin, 1866, p. 570. FERMENTATION 203 GO " to O Crystals of Ammonio- Magnesium Phosphate. Per cent of Urea. Reaction to Acids. Clear or Turbid. • Content of Carbolic Acid. CO A Normal B Septic C Aseptic 204 THE INCOME OF ENERGY Prior to 1860 ammoniacal decomposition of urine was vaguely classed as a fermentation. In that year Miiller1 suggested that it might be due to a body like beer-yeast. In 1862 Pasteur2 discovered such a yeast, which he called Torula urece. Cohn first classed it with the micrococci. It is aerobic. Miguel finds seven species of bacilli, nine micrococci, and one sarcina, that decompose urea. These obtain their nitrogen ordinarily from proteids, but in the absence of proteids may utilize urea. Extraction of Urease. — To 10 C.C. of urine undergoing an active ammoniacal fermentation, add 50 c.c. of strong alcohol, and allow the mixture to stand in a well-corked flask. After five days place the precipitate upon a very small filter and wash it with 50 c.c. of fresh alcohol. (Preserve both filtrates for recovery of the alcohol by redistillation.) 1. Add a very small quantity of this precip- itate to a neutral 2 per cent solution of urea. Test the reaction. Place the mixture in a water bath at 38° C. After a few minutes again test the reaction. It will be strongly alkaline. 1 Miiller: Journal fur praktische Chemie, 1860, lxxxi, p. 467. 2 Pasteur : Comptes rendus de l'academie des sciences, Paris, 1860, 1, p. 869. See also Van Tieghem, idem, 1864, p. 210. FERMENTATION 205 After a short time the odor of ammonia will be perceptible. The alcoholic precipitate contains a ferment capable of quickly hydrating urea. "The alcoholic precipitate from the unfiltered urine consists chiefly of various salts together with the cells of the Torula, hence when treated with water some of the salts are dissolved and pass with the ferment through the filter. If this first aqueous extract be again precipitated with alcohol, a portion of the salts will be again removed, and if this second precipitate be several times redissolved in water and reprecipitated with alcohol, the body with the ferment proper- ties may be ultimately separated — as an amor- phous white powder soluble to a clear solution in distilled water and not characterized by any special chemical reactions." The ferment is not secreted by the cells into the surrounding liquid, but is retained within the cell bodies, for the living cells may be filtered off, and the filtrate will not hydrate the urea.1 Splitting and Synthesis of Fats Chemistry of Fats and Soaps. — When olive oil is saponified, glycerine appears (Scheele, 1779). 1 Lea : Journal of Physiology7, 1885, vi, p. 138. See also Musculus : Comptes reudus de l'academie des sciences, Paris, 1874, lxxviii, p. 132 ; idem, 1876, lxxxii, p. 333 ; Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie, 1876, xii, p. 214. 206 THE INCOME OF ENERGY It is related to the alcohols (Chevreul, 1813), being a compound ether or ester, a combination of an alcohol with an acid. Commercially gly- cerine is prepared by exposing neutral fats, such as stearin, to superheated steam, whereby the neutral fat is split into glycerine and fatty acid. CH20 •CO(CH2)16 CH3 H OH CHO • CO(CH2)16 •CH3 + H OH = CH20 'CO(CH2)16 CH3 H •OH STEARIN WATER CH2 •OH CO 1 •OH(CH2)16-CH3 CH •OH + 1 CO 1 •OH(CH2)16-CH3 CH2 •OH 1 CO •OH(CH2)16'CH3 GLYCERINE STEARIC ACID If an alkali be present, it will combine with the fatty acid to form a soap. CO-OH(CH2)16-CH3 CO'OH(CH2)16-CH8 CO-OH(CH2)16-CH3 STEARIC ACID Na-OH + Na • OH = Na-OH SODIUM HYDROXIDE CO • ONa(CH2)16 • CH3 HOH GO-ONa(CH2)16-CH8 + HOH CO-ONa(CH2)16.CH3 H-OH SODIUM STEARATE WATER Splitting of Fats by the Pancreatic Juice. Ber- nard's Experiment. — Place 2 c.c. neutral olive FERMENTATION 207 oil in a test-tube and add a small quantity of pancreatic juice (or a piece of fresh pancreas or extract of pancreas). Test the reaction of the mixture. It is alkaline. Note that a white, creamy liquid forms almost immediately. This " emulsion " is composed of a multitude of small fat globules. Test the reaction again. It gradually becomes acid. It is evident that under the influence of the pancreatic juice the fatty matter is not simply finely divided and emulsified, but that it has also been modified chemically.1 In order to study the splitting of neutral fats by lipase, a ferment found in the pancreatic juice, it is necessary (1) to prepare a perfectly neutral fat, and (2) to recognize the fatty acid as soon as it is set free. Preparation of Neutral Fat. — Shake commer- cial olive oil (which always contains fatty acid) for two hours at 95° C. in a separating funnel with a saturated solution of barium hydroxide. Allow the mixture to stand until the oil sepa- rates from the hydroxide. Kemove the hydrox- ide. Filter the oil. The Emulsion Test for Fatty Acid. Briicke's 1 Bernard : Comptes rendus de l'academie des sciences, Paris, 1849, xxviii, p. 250. 208 THE INCOME OF ENERGY Experiment. — 1. Shake 1 c.c. neutral olive oil in a test-tube with 5 c.c. 0.25 per cent sodium carbonate solution. The oil will be broken up into large globules which will speedily reunite, leaving the liquid clear. 2. Shake 1 c.c. rancid olive oil (containing about 5.5 per cent fatty acid) with 5 c.c. 0.25 per cent sodium carbonate solution. The mixture becomes instantly milky. The oil is divided into globules of microscopic size. The emulsion is permanent. 3. Shake 1 c.c. neutral olive oil with 5 c.c. water. The water and oil will not mix. 4. Shake 1 c.c. neutral oil with water con- taining soap. The oil will be emulsified. It is probable therefore that soap contributes to the emulsion, perhaps by coating the fine particles of oil with a membrane that prevents their reunion.1 Gad's Experiment. — 1 . Fill a watch glass about 5 cm. in diameter with 0.25 per cent solu- tion of sodium carbonate. With a glass rod carefully place a large drop of rancid olive oil (containing 5.5 per cent fatty acid) upon the surface of the soda solution. 1 Briioke : Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akadeniie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, 1870, lxi, pp. 613-614. FERMENTATION 209 The drop will come to rest, and for a moment both the drop and the surrounding liquid remain clear. Very soon, however, the oil is covered with a white layer, and through the soda solu- tion spreads a white cloud which becomes denser and denser until the oil drop, steadily diminish- ing in size, floats in a milky white liquid. 2. Eepeat the experiment, observing the oil drop under a low power of the microscope. Note the extraordinary motion in the neigh- borhood of the oil drop, and how the particles of oil are thrown out in strong eddies. 3. Examine the completed emulsion under a higher power of the microscope. There appear exceedingly small fat drops of very uniform size. The milky fluid is the finest and most uniform emulsion.1 RachforcV s Experiment. — " Arrange a series of watch glasses containing 0.25 per cent solution sodium carbonate. Place in a test-tube 2 c.c. neutral olive oil and 1 c.c. pancreatic juice (or extract). Shake the tube and allow the juice and oil to separate, then pipette a drop of oil from the surface and place it on the soda solu- tion-in watch glass 1. Again shake the tube and allow the oil and juice to separate, then pipette as before, placing a drop of oil in watch 1 Gad: Archiv fur Physiologie, 1878, p. 183. 14 210 THE INCOME OF ENERGY glass 2. Again shake and pipette as before, and repeat this process every three or four minutes until the experiment is completed. The begin- ning of the experiment and the time of each pipetting must be carefully noted. If the pipet- tings are three minutes apart, then the first drop of oil will have been exposed three minutes to the action of the pancreatic juice, the second drop six minutes, the third nine minutes, and so on.1 The gradual increase in fatty acid will be shown by the gradual increase in the amount of the spontaneous emulsion.2 It has just been shown that lipase will hydro- lyze neutral fats into fatty acid and glycerine. We must now enquire whether this ferment ean effect the synthesis of fats, in other words whether its action is reversible. For this pur- 1 Raehford: Journal of physiology, 1891, xii, p. 81. Rach- ford used J c.c. fresh pancreatic juice obtained by placing a glass tube in the pancreatic duct of the rabbit (see page 80). 2 " There is a possible error in this method which had better be spoken of here. It would seem that the alkali of the pan- creatic juice would combine with the fatty acids forming soap, and in this way the oil would soon be emulsified in the juice itself and not separate after shaking. This would indeed be a serious drawback if it actually occurred, but in truth it does not occur until late in the experiment after we have obtained the information we have sought by the spontaneous emulsion method." (Raehford, loc. cit., p. 82). FERMENTATION 211 pose an extract of lipase may be used, first, to split a neutral fat (or glycerol ester) into its con- stituent fatty acid and alcohol (glycerine is a trihydric alcohol), and second, to form a neutral fat from fatty acid and alcohol. Extraction of Lipase. . From Pancreas. — Ee- move the pancreas of the pig within thirty min- utes after the death of the animal. Dissect off as much of the fat as possible. Eeduce the pan- creas to a fine pulp in a mortar with coarse well- washed white sand. Extract the lipase with a little water or glycerine. From Liver. — Eemove the liver of the pig within thirty minutes of the death of the animal. Eeduce 50 gms. to a fine pulp in a mortar with about 200 c.c. water. Filter. Dilute the watery extract to 500 c.c. Hydrolysis of Ethyl Butyrate by Lipase. — Place in each of two test-tubes, A and B, 4 c.c. water, 0.1 c.c. toluene,1 and 0.26 c.c. ethyl buty- rate.2 Cork the tubes tightly. Place them in the water bath for five minutes, to bring them to the temperature of the bath, 40° C. Add 1 c.c. of 1 Toluene is an antiseptic, which prevents the splitting of the neutral fat by bacteria. 2 Ethyl butyrate hydrolyzes more rapidly than butter fat. It has the further advantage that the amount split by the temperatures employed during the time of the experiment is too small to be measurable. 212 THE INCOME OF ENERGY the aqueous extract of lipase to each. Boil tube B. Place both tubes at 40° C. for fifteen min- utes. Eemove them from the bath and plunge them into ice-water (to check further ferment action). Titrate with ^ KOH, using neutral lit- mus as the indicator.1 The initial acidity of the 1 A normal solution contains in each litre one equivalent weight of the active substance, i. e. that mass of the active sub. stance which is equivalent to the atomic weight of a univalent element in the reaction for which the normal solution is to be employed. Equal volumes of different normal solutions are equivalent to each other. Thus, 1 c.c. normal alkali solution requires for neutralization exactly 1 c.c. normal acid, no matter what acid is employed to make the normal solution. Preparation of Normal Potassium Solution. — The content of KOH in 1 litre is 56.16 grams. Dissolve 60 gms. purest com- mercial KOH (which always contains considerable water) in a graduated cylinder in about 950 c.c. water. Determine the true content of KOH by titration with a normal oxalic acid solution (prepared by dissolving its equivalent weight 63 gms. in 1 litre water) as follows. Thoroughly stir the potassium hy- droxide solution, fill a burette with a portion of the well-mixed solution. Place 10 c.c. normal oxalic acid solution in a beaker and add a few drops of solution of rosolic acid as indicator. Add the alkali from the burette cautiously until the end point of the reaction is reached, i. e. until the indicator gives a red color which does not quickly disappear. As 10 c.c. of acid solu- tion should exactly neutralize 10 c.c. of alkali solution, pro- vided both were normal, it follows that the quantity of KOH solution necessary to neutralize is to 10 c.c. as the total quantity of the original KOH solution is to x. x will be the number of cubic centimetres to which the KOH solution must be diluted in order to make it normal. A portion of the normal solution should then be diluted 1:20, and preserved in an air-tight FERMENTATION 213 enzyme solution, usually 0.1 to 0.2 c.c. ^V KOH, should be deducted from the cubic centimetres KOH required to neutralize the fatty acid formed.1 Fatty acid will appear in tube A, but not in tube B, in which the enzyme was destroyed by boiling. Synthesis of Neutral Fat by Lipase. — 1. Place 5 c.c. t^-q butyric acid, 2 c.c. 13 per cent alcohol, 1 c.c. diluted glycerine extract of pig's pancreas (or aqueous extract of liver) in each of two test- tubes, A and B. Boil the contents of test-tube B. Seal both tubes. Keep them thirty-six hours at 48.5° C. On opening the tubes, A will give a distinct odor of ethyl butyrate ; none will be found in B, in which the ferment was destroyed by boiling.2 2. Place 5 gms. glycerine, 2 gms. isobutyric acid, 125 gms. water, 1 c.c. neutralized blood serum (or aqueous extract of pig's liver) in each of two flask. (Compare Miiller and Kiliani : Kurzes Lehrbuch der analytischen Chemie, 1900, p. 31 and p. 83). At 30° (summer temperature) 0.26 c.c. ethyl butyrate weighs 0.2300 gram. This quantity, if completely hydrolyzed, would require 39.7 c.c. ^ KOH. 1 Kastle and Loeveuhart : American chemical journal, 1900, xxiv, pp. 491-525. Also Loevenhart : American journal of physiology, 1902, vi, pp. 331-350. 2 Kastle and Loevenhart : loc. cit., p. 518. 214 THE INCOME OF ENERGY test-tubes, A and B. Boil the contents of tube B. Place both at 37° C. At intervals of half an hour titrate a portion from each tube with 7tq KOH solution. The acidity will diminish in both, but much more rapidly in the tube contain- ing the active ferment. The acidity is diminished by the combination of the fatty acid with the glycerine to form a neutral fat.1 Fats are hydrolyzed to some extent in the stomach,2 but stomach lipase is active only in neutral solutions. It is inhibited or destroyed by 0.3 per cent hydro- chloric acid. Other ethereal salts besides the fats are hydrolyzed in the intestine, e. g. salol.8 The rate of change by lipase increases with the amount of the enzyme present.4 Reversible action is seen in ferments other than lipase, as in the following experiments. Splitting of Hippuric Acid by Histozyme. — A pig's kidney was perfused four hours with one litre defibri- nated pig's blood to which 0.8 gram hippuric acid 1 Hanriot : Comptes rendus de la societe de biologic, 1901, p. 70. 2 Marcet: Proceedings Royal Society, London, 1858, ix. p. 306. Ogata : Archiv fur Physiologie, 1881, p. 515. Cash : Archiv fur Physiologie, 1880, p. 323. 3 Baas: Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie, 1890, xiv, p. 416. 4 Kastle and Loevenhart : loc. cit., p. 511. FERMENTATION 215 (sodium salt) had been added. The blood passed through the kidney 9-10 times. Upon analysis, there appeared 0.087 gram benzoic acid, produced from 0.1276 gram hippuric acid. Synthesis of Hippuric Acid by Histozyme. — A pig's kidney was perfused three hours with one litre defibri- nated pig's blood containing a neutral solution of 0.5 gram benzoic acid and 0.6 gram glycocoll. The blood passed ten times through the kidney. Found : 94 mgm. hippuric acid.1 These actions depend upon a ferment, histozyme, extracted by Schmiedeberg. Some hypothetical considerations will be of value here. Compounds of carbon may be divided into those in which the carbon atoms are arranged in an open chain, for example ethane, C2H6, H H I I H— C— C— H I I H H ETHANE and those in which the chain is closed to form a " car- bon ring," for example, benzene, C6H6, which consists of six carbon atoms, in a closed, ring-shaped chain, the "benzene nucleus," with a hydrogen atom joined to each carbon atom by its fourth affinity (Kekule, 1865). 1 Schmiedeberg : Arehiv fur experiments le Pathologie mid Pharmakologie, 1881, xiv, pp. 382-383. 216 THE INCOME OF ENERGY \ / c = c / \ -c c- . % // c -c / \ BENZENE NUCLEUS OR RING H H \ / C = C / \ H-C C-H % // c-c / \ H H BENZENE The benzene ring is not easily opened, but deriva- tives of benzene may be readily obtained by replacing hydrogen atoms. Thus, in aniline or amido-benzene, C6H5.NH2, one hydrogen atom is replaced by amide radical ; in carbolic acid, or phenol, C6H5.OH, by hydroxyl ; in toluene or methyl benzene, C6H5.CH3, by the radical CH3. The carbon atom in methyl benzene is not a part of the benzene ring, but is chained to the side of the ring. The hydrogen atoms in the side-chain differ in their affinities from those attached to the ring; the hydrogen in the ring may be replaced by groups {e.g. N02) which will not readily replace the hydrogen of the side-chain. This is a matter of special interest in relation to the specific action of poisons, ferments, etc. By substituting hydroxyl for the hydrogen of the side-chain, benzyl alcohol, C6H6.CH2.OH, is formed. By introducing carboxyl, benzoic acid, C6H5.CO.OH, is obtained. It has been shown above that benzoic acid and glyco- coll are united in the kidney to form hippuric acid. Glycocoll is amido-acetic acid, CH2(NH2).CO.OH. It FERMENTATION 217 unites with benzoic acid by replacing the hydroxy 1 in the side-chain, thus forming C6HB.CO.NHx CO.OH'' HIPPURIC ACID CH2 Cinnamic acid, toluene, and other aromatic substances are similarly excreted as hippuric acid when taken internally. The reversible action of the kidney ferment is im- portant in hastening the establishment of the equi- librium between benzoic acid and glycocoll. If these two bodies pass through the kidney, a certain amount of hippuric acid is formed ; if hippuric acid itself passes through the kidney, a certain quantity is hy- drolyzed. Relation of Reversible Action to Absorption of Fat. — "Pancreatic juice is capable of hydrolyzing all the fat of a fatty meal in the period of pancreatic digestion. In the living intestine the hydrolysis should be com- plete, inasmuch as the removal of the products of the hydrolysis by absorption prevents the establishment of equilibrium. On the other hand, the products of the hydrolysis in their transition through the epithelial cells come in contact with a lipolytic enzyme, the pres- ence of which in these cells has been demonstrated in the above. " The lipase now finds itself in contact with only fatty acid and glycerine, and hence in acting catalyti- cally to bring about the chemical equilibrium, it effects 218 THE INCOME OF ENERGY the synthesis of a fat. This would offer a satisfactory explanation of the presence of fat granules in these cells. As the fatty acid and glycerine diffuse out of the cells through the basement membrane, the fat in these cells would speedily disappear were it not that these substances were constantly being absorbed from the lumen of the intestine. When absorption ceases, however, the fat present is at once hydro lyzed by the lipase present. This hydrolysis is in all probability complete for the reason that the products of the hydrolysis, viz., glycerine and fatty acid, are being constantly removed by diffusion. According to this view, therefore, no fat ever enters or leaves the epi- thelial cells as such, but as fatty acid and glycerine. " These two substances then enter the central lacteal, where equilibrium is again established and there is a large production of fat." * Immunity Ehrlich's Ricin Experiments.2 — Powder Albert biscuits weighing 6.75 grams. Add to each cake 1 Kastle and Loevenhart: loccit., p. 522. 2 Ehrlich : Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, 1891, xvii, pp. 976-979. Ricin is a toxalbumin extracted from the seeds of the castor oil plant. It is poisonous in the slightest traces. Weight for weight it is a billion timss more poisonous than corrosive sub- limate. Intravenous injection of 0.03 milligram (0.00003 gram) per kilo of body weight is fatal. One gram commercial ricin would kill one and one-half million guinea-pigs. The effect is about one hundred times less when taken by the mouth, yet FERMENTATION 219 3.2-3.5 c.c. of water containing ricin. The be- ginning content of ricin should be 0.02 gm. ricin for each cake ; 0.035 gm. is fatal in the course of five or six days. Mix the biscuit powder and ricin solution to a stiff dough, roll the dough into rods, divide them into equal lengths, and dry the portions quickly on a wire sieve. Determine the effect on white mice of successively increas- ing doses, as follows : DAY DOSE 1 0.002 c 2 . . . 3 0.006 4 0.008 5 . . . 6 0.01 7 0.0125 8 0.015 DAY DOSE 9 0.02 10 0.03 11 0.04 12 0.05 13 0.06 14 • . . 15 0.08 16 0.01 On the 17th day inject subcutaneously a fresh mouse with the fatal dose — 1 c.c. of a Ytnfowo so~ lution per 20 gm. of mouse. At the same time even thus 0.18 gram will kill a full-grown man. The cause of death is agglutination of red blood corpuscles, and hence multiple thrombosis, especially of the abdominal vessels. Clinically, violent diarrhcea and progressive exhaustion are ob- served. The toxicity is greatly dependent on species. Guinea- pigs are far more susceptible than white mice. With white mice the fatal subcutaneous injection is 1 c.c. of a solution con- taining ^sWiJ ricin per 20 grams of body weight. 220 THE INCOME OF ENERGY inject the immunized mice with a dose one hundred times as great.1 Observe the non-immune and the immune mice for several days and note the results. Ehrlich continued the above experiment until the immunized mouse received daily 0.5 gm. of the ricin by the mouth. Such animals bore safely subcutaneous injections of z^q and even more. The immunity also appeared in that solutions of 0.5-1.0 per cent applied to the eyes of non-immune mice caused violent pano- phthalmitis, while immune mice bore easily the appli- cation of 10 per cent solutions. This absolute local immunity was fully established when the general immunity had attained only a middle grade. Normally the subcutaneous injection of ^ooVou ricm solution causes severe local inflamma- tion, but thoroughly immunized animals bear toVq. Quantitative experiments show that the resistance to the poison is not increased during the first four days, and the increase is doubtful on the fifth day, but on the sixth day a relatively high (for example thirteen- fold) general immunity is suddenly established. The sudden fall toward normal temperature observed in diseases with a "crisis," such as pneumonia, may de- pend on the " critical " establishment of immunity. Immunity is not increased by continued administra- tion of the same dose, day by day. An equilibrium appears to be established. 1 The mice in these experiments must be carefully protected against cold and wetting. FERMENTATION 221 The immunity once established endures a consider- able time ; six months and possibly much longer. Ricin Antitoxine. — Defibrinate the blood of the immunized mice. Divide it into two portions. 1. To one portion add ricin solution in such a ratio that the mixture shall contain yo 0V0 o> *■ e- twice the fatal amount. Inject a fresh mouse subcutaneously with 1 c.c. of this mixture per 20 grams of weight. The poison will be borne. It has been neu- tralized by the serum of the immune animal. This result accords with the discovery of Behring and Kitasato that immunity in diphtheria and tetanus depends on the power of the serum to neutralize the poison. 2. Divide the second portion of the antitoxine blood among six small test-tubes. To the first add a few drops yo'oVo o" ri°m solution. To the others add amounts increasing in a definite ratio. At first there will be no effect (immunity). As the amount of ricin added is increased, a point will be reached at which agglutination of red corpusles will be produced. This is the neutrali- zation point. Evidently, there is a definite quantitative chemical relation between the toxine and the antitoxine. 222 THE INCOME OF ENERGY Theory of Immunity.1 — Jenner discovered the protective action of vaccinia against small-pox. The sni all-pox virus when passed through a susceptible animal becomes attenuated. This weakened poison introduced into the circulation in man protects the individual for long periods against the original disease — it establishes an artificial immunity against small- pox. Schwann found that fermentation and putre- faction arose through the agency of micro-organisms coming from without. Pasteur and Koch demonstrated that the inoculation of animals with pure cultures of certain bacteria produced specific infectious diseases, and that these cultures could be modified at will, either by passing through the animal body, as in Jenner's method, or in artificial culture media. Pas- teur produced artificial immunity by using attenuated virus. Behring discovered that the blood-serum of animals immunized against diphtheria contained a sub- stance which would protect other animals against the toxine of diphtheria. So also with tetanus. Ehrlich introduced the quantitative study of toxines and anti- toxines by means of test-tube experiments, thereby eliminating the uncertain factor of the animal body. Thus it was shown in experiments on tetanus toxine that the action of antitoxines is accelerated by heat, retarded by cold, dependent on concentration — in short, that it is a chemical action. In the above ex- periments on ricin, it is shown that the relation 1 Ehrlich : Croonian Lecture, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 1901, lxvi, pp. 424-448. FERMENTATION 223 between toxine and antitoxine is quantitative. These results, obtained by test-tube experiments, have been confirmed by observations on living animals. Thus it was established that a fixed quantity of toxine is neu- tralized by a fixed quantity of its specific antitoxine. Chemical substances affect only those tissues with which they are able to come into chemical contact. They must first reach the tissue. This general law is illustrated by the experiments of Douitz with tetanus toxine.1 When the toxine is injected directly into the circulation and immediately followed by a chemi- cally equivalent amount of antitoxine, the animal is not poisoned ; all the toxine circulating in the blood is neutralized. When the same neutralizing dose is injected eight minutes after the toxine, death occurs from tetanus exactly as if no antitoxine had been used. In these eight minutes a lethal quantity of toxine must have left the blood and entered the tissues. This toxine which has entered the tissues may still for a time be withdrawn by injection of the specific antitoxine in quantities much greater than the simple neutralizing dose. The longer the delay, the larger the saving dose. But after a fixed interval, or "period of incubation," no amount of antitoxine, however large, will prevent tetanus. There must, therefore, be present in the brain or cord (the organ princi- pally affected by tetanus toxine) certain atom groups which, like the antitoxine, have a chemical affinity for the toxine. At the close of the period of incuba- 1 Donitz : Klinisches Jahrbuch, 1900, vii. 224 THE INCOME OF ENERGY tion the chemical union between these atom groups and the toxine is complete and the antitoxine is shut out. Wassermann 1 found that when tetanus toxine was mixed with fresh brain or cord substance from the guinea-pig, the toxine united chemically with the nerve centres so that neither the surrounding liquid nor the mixture itself was poisonous when injected into an animal. The stable benzene ring and the less stable side-chains of the benzene derivatives 2 suggested to Ehrlich that living cells also consist of a stable centre and less stable side-chains. The side-chains enable the cell to form chemical combinations with food stuffs and other bodies that possess atom groups having a chemical affinity with the atom groups in the side-chains. It is in this way that the toxine is bound to the cell. Experiments have shown that the binding atoms in the toxine molecule are not the poison atoms. If for a portion of fresh toxine there be determined quantitatively (1) the killing power and (2) the amount of antitoxine required to neutralize the toxine, and if the remainder of the toxine be then allowed to stand for a time, it will be found, on again determining the toxic power and the combining power, that the toxic power has di- minished, while the combining power remains almost the same. Hence, two separate and independent groups exist. Ehrlich terms the combining atoms the hapto- phore group, while the poison atoms are the toxophore 1 Wassermann : Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1898. 2 Seepage 216. FERMENTATION 225 group. The haptophore atom group (Sltttw, I cling to) unites with the antitoxine, if there be any present, or with any other atom group for which it lias chemical affinity. If this latter atom group be in the side-chain of a living cell, its union with the haptophore atoms of the toxine will necessarily bring the poison atoms of the toxine into intimate chemical relationship with the central atoms of the cell. Poisoning will then take place. If the cells of vital organs have no atom groups with chemical affinity for the haptophore group of a toxine, no union between cell-atom group and hapto- phore takes place, the toxophore is not brought into intimate contact with the cell, and poisoning does not occur. The animal is naturally immune to this particular toxine. Thus a toxine in sausages is exces- sively poisonous to man, the monkey, and the rabbit, while even large amounts are not injurious to the dog. The haptophore group of the toxine acts immediately after injection into the organism, while in most or all toxines the toxophore group becomes active only after a longer or shorter incubation period. During this period the animal may often be saved by placing it in conditions in which the toxophores cannot act. Thus frogs kept at less than 20° C. are not poisoned by large doses of tetanus toxine, though much smaller doses are fatal at a higher temperature (Morgenroth). The toxophile atom group of the cell was not pre- destined to unite with a remotely possible toxine, — it has a normal function, probably that of attaching food to the cell. When it enters into its firm and 15 226 THE INCOME OF ENERGY enduring union with the haptophore group of a toxine, this normal function is lost. Such a loss acts as a physiological stimulus.1 New side-chains are produced by the cell, only to unite with fresh toxine. The pro- duction and the loss of side-chains continue until all the toxine in the blood is neutralized. By this time the cell has become habituated to a more than normal production of these special atom groups. The excess is cast off like a secretion and circulates in the blood. These free side-chains, possessing a special affinity for one specific toxine, constitute the antitoxine of that toxine. Their continued production after the neutralization of all the toxine protects the animal against fresh toxine, i. e. establishes continued immunity. It has already been stated that by special means the toxophore group of a toxine may be weakened or destroyed while its haptophore group is unchanged. Such altered and non-poisonous toxines are termed toxoids. As their affinity for the side-chains of the cells remains unaltered, the toxoids by continuing to unite with the side-chains of the cells may stimulate the production of such side-chains in excess, or, in other words, may assist in making antitoxine and thus establishing immunity. 1 Weigert : Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, 1896. fermentation 227 Haemolytic and Bacteriolytic Ferments Bordet's Experiments.1 — Inject into the perito- neum of a guinea-pig 10 c.c. defibrinated rabbit blood on five successive days. After two more days bleed the guinea-pig and obtain the serum, by allowing the blood to stand in test-tubes in a cool place until the shrinking clot has pressed out the serum. 1. Mix a drop of serum from a fresh guinea- pig (one not injected with rabbit blood) with a drop of defibrinated rabbit blood and examine under the microscope. The corpuscles show a very slight agglutination, but are otherwise un- injured. The normal serum of the guinea-pig is almost inactive upon rabbit blood. 2. A. Mix a drop of the serum from the injected guinea-pig with a drop of defibrinated rabbit blood and examine under the microscope. The corpuscles are strongly agglutinated.2 B. Mix 0.5 c.c. of the serum with 1.5 c.c. defibrinated rabbit blood. 1 Bordet : Annales de 1'Institut Pasteur, 1898, xii, pp. 692- 694. 2 Agglutinated blood looks granular, especially on gentle shaking ; the massed corpuscles sink rapidly ; they will not pass through filter paper. Agglutination of blood corpuscles is similar to the clumping of the typhoid bacillus in the serum of a typhoid-fever patient. 228 THE INCOME OF ENERGY The corpuscles are agglutinated and their hae- moglobin is set free. The mixture becomes red, clear and limpid in two or three minutes. With the microscope nothing can be found but the stroma of the corpuscles, more or less deformed, very transparent and scarcely visible. The continued presence of blood corpuscles of the rabbit in the blood of the guinea-pig has developed in the latter the power to agglutinate the corpuscles and to set free their haemoglobin. It is thus that the guinea-pig protects itself ; it acquires immunity. 3. Heat 1 c.c. of serum to 55° C. for half an hour. Add 0.5 c.c. of this to 1 .5 c.c. defibrinated rabbit blood as in Experiment 2 B. The serum which was heated to 55° C. no longer destroys the corpuscles, but still strongly agglutinates them.1 Evidently the agglutination of the corpuscles and the setting free of the haemoglobin (termed "laking") are effected by different substances. The agglutinating body resists a temperature that destroys the blood-laking body. 4. To the mixture used in the preceding experi- ment, add 2 c.c. of fresh serum from a normal 1 A very slow destruction of the red corpuscles may be ob- served. This, however, is due to the fresh serum in the 1.5 c.c. defibrinated rabbit blood, as will be evident from Experiment 4. FERMENTATION 229 guinea-pig (one that has not been injected with rabbit blood). In a few minutes the mixture becomes limpid and red. The laking power is restored. Obviously, with the fresh serum was added the unstable body destructive to red corpuscles. Ehrlich and Morgenroth have shown that at low temperatures the stable body unites with the red corpuscles while the unstable body remains in the serum ; in this case the haemoglobin is not set free. At higher temperatures the haemoglo- bin separates and the unstable body is found to have left the serum. It has joined the stable body in the sediment. Following the side-chain theory already men- tioned, Ehrlich and Morgenroth assume that the stable substance has two combining powers; on the one hand it unites with the red corpus- cles, on the other with the unstable substance, thus bringing it to the cell which it may then destroy. Immunity against toxines and foreign red cor- puscles are only two of the protective actions of the blood. The injection of cells of the most varied kinds is followed by the production of specific protective bodies;1 thus, the injection of 1 Metchnikoff: Annales de l'lnstitut Pasteur, 1900, xiv, p. 369. 230 THE INCOME OF ENERGY bacteria causes the formation of bacteriolysines, which destroy the injurious organism. Many haemolysines and agglutines are found in plants ; others, for example, the tetanus bacil- lus, are bacterial; still others, such as snake venom, are animal secretions. Oxidizing Ferments Schdnbein's Experiment.1 — 1. To five c. c. hy- drogen peroxide add tincture of guiac (freshly prepared by dissolving guiac resin in alcohol) drop by drop until the liquid is milky. Now add from eight to ten drops of a somewhat con- centrated extract of malt, prepared in the cold. The guiac will be oxidized and will turn blue. 2. Eepeat the experiment, adding in place of the malt extract from eight to ten drops of blood. The guiac will be oxidized, as before. Further Oxidations by Animal Tissues.2 — 1. Soak strips of bibulous paper in a diluted solu- tion made as follows : a-naphthol 1 mol. sodium carbonate .... 3 " para-phenylenediamine . . 1 " 1 Schonbein : Zeitschrift fur Biologie, 1868, iv, p. 367. 2 Spitzer : Arcbiv fur die ge.sannnte Physiologie, 1895, lx, pp. 322-323. FERMENTATION 231 This solution, left in the atmosphere, oxidizes slowly to indophenol (violet color). Place a drop of a known oxidizer, e.g. ferri- cyanide of potash or potassium bichromate, on the saturated paper. The color will change at once, in consequence of immediate oxidation. (1) C6FT4(NH2)2 + C10H7OH + 0 = PARA-PHENYLENEDIAMINE A-NAPHTHOL CcTrLNHo NH a J s° a •S -a o a o o a s oj ce a « >h 5 P a << -i- a «J O a .a -3. £ &P fc « ^ Q. a to CO a -a - 9. Ph « ° 9 u O e3 ^ 2 Pm F >. £ 'T o r~ - 03 > a N So ■J m a OS ■9 (H i— i ° a 2 3-° «'§ « S^ o co e3 ci cq fll W rH f*l n3 a . * £ S * ra s a be a P. cu • CD •5 -5 §S I 43 a ••=• *5 S5 Z o 09 W OS 4-1 Si a Hi w 13 <3 a oo Oj q> ^ o FERMENTATION 247 3 s "o — DO 90 S3 ~ "to tp 'io CO to *•"! -3 33 CD 5 --- as a f C '3 CD c b = ■r. c3 "cD P* S J """-i: a — - — - i. CO i O CO 3 CO 3 cc . a s. — S. :— 93 - IS ft ? 5 ci to 0 43 — J ft •3 >"i oo - £>-2 0) • >5 c 2 = cd" 3 CD 5b — -' 2 r^' *z\ !>>'3 3 CD y 3 G "5 -r bs 3" 3 - c " ft QQ BO 3 'I 3 0 z. 3 3 CD .2 •- 2 00 - 5^ = 2 ■m£ I g 111! 5 tc *"" cj C a += — — °®"§ -X t»j ft O 3 £ jj i§ if- no , • E y- 5 32 _ CD — 2 so £D COO c3 02 d so CD s M o bo v « 0 CO - o A ci ■r. 33 5 © _o «-J ci i 3b a >> C>3 ci S to o 3 oc 3-s ■*» o 5 § 5 ° o d CD s a "3b to ci +2 of v. ~ *""i CO CD .* CD >> 3 33 l-lj _cn" '3 © if CD 3 o "o CD > +3 > 3 • Ci) •i-i a >» .5 r3 CD O O CD 3 0 Is — 3 """ 33 32 CD ci CO 3* z - ~L 1 +3 CD S> CD > *d 33 . CO 32 .2 x' -3 o ci CD c; cd — ** Cu ci o — U .3 B0'o CD* CD CO co 3 r" en J— i CD rD U o £ 2 — "3 5 => ft on 32 o 33 3 S d CD > CD CD fi CO O °*3 "o o p 'en ft 2 CD 3 -t-3 1 § >. 3 CD 33 '3 ^c +3 CD 33 o 32 H « ^ S ~ sj d a o SJ rH t=" CD ft S tc 3 33 CD ce ft C3 3 CD "rt F-i (Z| o 248 THE INCOME OF ENERGY ing solutions : 1 (1) Egg-albumin, (2) Myosin, (3) Alkali-albumin, (4) Peptones. Suspend the egg- albumin and the peptone in vessels containing one litre of normal saline solution (0.8 per cent sodium chloride) ; the alkali-albumin in one litre 1 Preparation of egg-albumin. — Thoroughly mix the whites of twelve or more eggs with saturated solution of magnesium sulphate at 20° C. Filter from the precipitated globulin. Saturate the filtrate at 20° C. with sodium sulphate. Filter the precipitated albumin. Press in filter paper. Dissolve in water. Dialyse until the dialysate is free from sulphates. (Starke, quoted by Haminarsten : Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie, 1897, p. 372.) Determine the albumin in a measured quantity of the solution, as follows. Quantitative Estimation of Egg -albumin. — To 25 c.c. of the albuminous liquid add an equal quantity of 4 per cent sodium chloride solution. Neutralize exactly. Boil 5 c.c. of this mix- ture in a test-tube. To the boiling liquid add one drop of acetic acid from a burette. Filter from the precipitated proteid. Pour the filtrate carefully down the side of a conical glass containing about 5 c. c. concentrated nitric acid, so that the lighter liquid rests on the heavier acid. If the surface of separation remain clear, all the albumin in the 5 c.c. was precipitated by adding to the boiling liquid one drop of acetic acid. If a white ring form, albumin is still present (Heller's test). In this case boil a fresh portion (5 c.c), add two drops acetic acid, filter, and test the filtrate. Determine in this way how much acetic acid must be added to each 5 c.c. of the albuminous liquid to pre- cipitate all the albumin when the liquid is boiled. Heat 25 c.c. of the remaining portion of the albuminous liquid in a water bath. Add slowly with constant stirring the calculated quan- tity of acetic acid. Heat ten minutes longer. Filter through weighed paper. Test filtrate once more for albumin. If none be present, wash with water, alcohol, and ether, dry at 40°, weigh, FERMENTATION 249 of 0.1 per cent sodium carbonate solution ; and the myosin in one litre of 5 per cent sodium chloride solution. After three hours determine the amount ot subtract the weight of the filter. There remains the weight of the albumin in 25 c.c. of the original solution.1 Preparation of Myosin. — Use muscle containing little blood (calf, rabbit, fowl, frog). Hash the muscle. Wash with water until the washings are free from proteid. Remove excess of wash water by pressure. Mix with enough 15 per cent solu- tion of ammonium chloride to cover the mass. After four hours, filter through cloth and then through paper. The filtrate should be clear, opalescent, somewhat thick. Dialyse in running water. As the neutral salt is removed, the myosin will separate in fine flocks (Danilewsky). Redissolve in 5 per cent sodium chloride solution. Quantitative Estimation of Myosin. —Dialyse 25 c.c. of the saline solution of myosin until the dialysate is free from salt. Wash the precipitated myosin into a tall narrow beaker. When the myosin has settled, decant as much of the supernatant liquid as possible. To the remainder add alcohol in such proportion that the mixture shall contain 80 per cent. After coagulation, filter through a weighed filter. Wash with alcohol and ether. Dry at 100°. Weigh. Subtract the weight of the filter. Preparation of Alkali-albumin. — Warm the whites of twelve or more eggs with 1 per cent sodium hydrate at 40° C. Filter. Neutralize very cautiously with hydrochloric acid, at first 1 per cent, later 0.1 per cent. The alkali-albumin will be precipi- tated. Allow to stand several hours. Filter. Boil the filtrate. Filter from the fresh precipitate and add residue to first pre- 1 Literature. — Ku'hne: TJntersuchungen liber das Protoplasma, 1864, p. 2. Danilewsky : Zeitsehrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1881, v. p. 15S. Halliburton : Journal of Physiology, 1887, viii, p. 132. Kuhne and Chittenden : Zeitsehrift fiir Biologic, 18S9, xxv, p. 358. 250 THE INCOME OF ENERGY proteid in each tube and state the per cent that has passed through the membrane. Diffusion through Living Intestinal "Wall.1 — Through a small opening in the linea alba of a fasting anaesthetized cat2 draw out a loop near the middle of the small intestine. Eemove the contents by careful stroking. Tie double liga- tures 0.5 cm. apart around the intestine at one end of the loop and similar ligatures at a point 30 cm. from the first pair. With a hypodermic cipitate.1 Wash with water. Redissolve in water containing 0.1 per cent sodium hydrate. Quantitative Estimation of A Hcali- albumin. — Neutralize a measured quantity of the solution. Separate the neutralization precipitate upon a weighed filter. Wash with water, alcohol, and ether. Dry and weigh. Preparation of Peptones. — The separation of peptone from the albumoses2 with which it is obtained in the tryptic diges- tion of proteids is so difficult that it should not be attempted in these experiments. Add commercial peptone, often contain- ing albumoses as an impurity, to a small quantity of boiling neutral distilled water. Filter. Quantitative Estimation of Peptone. — To 10 c.c. of the liquid add alcohol in such proportion that the mixture shall contain 80 per cent. Filter through weighed filter paper. Dry at 40° C. Weigh. [This method is not exact, but is to be pre- ferred for the purpose in hand.] 1 Voit and Bauer : Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1869, v, p. 562. 2 These and subsequent operations will be done by an in- structor assisted by a committee of the class. 1 Hawk and Oies : American Journal of Physiology, 1902, vii, p. 4C0. 2 Kuhne : Zeitsclirift fiir Biologic,, 1892, xxix, p. 1. FERMENTATION 251 needle attached to a burette inject into the loop sufficient egg-albumin solution to distend it slightly. Measure the volume of the solution injected. The content of this solution was found in the course of the experiment on diffusion through dead membranes (page 245). Eeplace the loop in the abdomen. At some distance from this loop prepare a control loop with double ligatures in the same way, but leave the control loop empty. Sew up the abdominal wound. After three hours, kill the animal (best by puncture of the spinal bulb). Eemove the loops by cutting between the double ligatures. Eapidly wash the outer surface with water, dry the sur- face with filter paper, open the loops, measure the volume of the contents, wash the inner sur- face, add the washings to the contents, and estimate the proteid in a measured portion. Perform a similar experiment with solutions of (2) myosin, (3) alkali-albumin, and (4) peptone. Compare the results of absorption of proteids through the living intestinal wall with absorp- tion through dead membranes. It will appear that the living cells of the intestinal wall modify absorption so that it does not follow the law of diffusion through dead membrane. It is also evident that egg-albumin, myosin, 252 THE INCOME OF ENERGY alkali-albumin, and peptone may be absorbed unchanged. Indeed, the absorption of alkali- albumin is almost or quite as complete as that of peptone. The conversion of proteids to peptones is advantageous but not essential to absorption. Absorption Velocity Compared with Diffusion Velocity.1 — Prepare a cat as in Experiment 2. Fill one intestinal loop with a measured quantity of 5 per cent dextrose solution, the other with 0.25 per cent solution of sodium sulphate. After one hour kill the animal, measure the liquid re- maining in the two loops and estimate its content in dextrose and sodium sulphate respectively.2 The dextrose solution will be found to have been largely or completely absorbed, while rela- 1 Rohmann: Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie, 1887, xii, p. 456. 2 The quantitative estimation of dextrose is described in "Experiments for Students in the Harvard Medical School," third edition, p. 38. Quantitative Estimation of Sodium Sulphate. — Boil the solu- tion, make the reaction acid with a few drops of hydrochloric acid, add hot solution of barium chloride in slight excess (until barium sulphate ceases to be precipitated). Boil a few minutes. Wait for the precipitate to settle. Decant the clear liquid through a filter, the ash of which is of known weight. Boil the precipitate in the beaker repeatedly with water. Place the pre- cipitate on the filter. Wash with boiling water. Dry. Heat to redness in a weighed crucible. Weigh when cold. (The atomic weights are: barium, 137.4; sulphur, 32.06; oxygen, 16.) FERMENTATION 253 tively little of the sodium sulphate will have left the intestine. Yet sodium sulphate is some- what more diffusible than dextrose.1 Assimilable Proteids. — With a catheter re- move the urine from the bladder of an anaesthe- tized female cat, and apply Heller's test for albumin (page 248). Albumin should be absent. Slowly inject into the jugular vein 25 c.c. of solution of alkali-albumin (page 249) at the tem- perature of the body. Test the urine for albumin twice, at intervals of half an hour. No albumin will be found. The alkali- albumin has not been removed from the blood by the kidneys. Non- Assimilable Proteids. — Perform a similar experiment on another cat, injecting solution of egg-albumin instead of alkali-albumin. Albumin will be found in the urine. Egg- albumin, present in the blood, is at once re- moved by the kidneys. It cannot be used unless changed ("digested") in the intestine.2 Albu- moses and peptones are also non-assimilable ; they produce a dangerous fall in blood-pressure. 1 Compare Hoffmann: Eckhard's Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologie, 1860, ii, p. 65. 2 Munk, J., and M. Lewandowsky (Archiv fur Physiologie, 1899, Supplement, pp. 73-88) find the non-assimilable proteids of Neumeister (not including albumoses and peptones) may be assimilated if injected very slowly into the blood. 254 THE INCOME OF ENERGY Alimentary Albuminuria. — Test the urine of a human subject for albumin at half-hour intervals. After the first test let the subject swallow the whites of six raw eggs. Albumin will probably be found. In many subjects a portion of any unusual quantity of egg-albumin may be absorbed unchanged into the blood, whence it is removed by the kidneys. Albumose and Peptone not ordinarily Present in the Blood or Urine. — Dissolve as completely as possible ten grams of commercial peptone, which contains albumose as an impurity, in a small quantity of water. Boil. Filter. Measure the filtrate. Through a small opening in the linea alba of a fasting anaesthetized cat draw out a loop near the middle of the small intestine. Kemove the con- tents by careful stroking. Tie double ligatures 0.5 cm. apart around the intestine at one end of the loop and similar ligatures at a point 30 cm. from the first pair. With a hypodermic needle inject into the loop sufficient peptone solution to distend it slightly. Measure the amount injected. Replace the loop in the abdomen and close the wound. Keep the animal in a cage arranged to collect voided urine. After two hours, withdraw the urine from the bladder and add it to any that may have been spontaneously voided. FERMENTATION 255 Bleed the animal from the carotid artery, re- ceiving the blood into an equal volume of satu- rated solution of ammonium sulphate, to prevent coagulation. Kemove the intestinal loop by cut- ting between the double ligatures. Measure the liquid remaining in the intestine. It will be found that most of the peptone has disappeared. Test the blood and the urine for peptone 1 1 Recognition of Peptone in Blood. — To the blood already- mixed with an equal volume of ammonium sulphate solution add crystals of ammonium sulphate to saturation. Filter from the precipitated proteids. To the clear filtrate apply the biuret test for peptone. Biuret reaction. — To the saturated ammonium sulphate filtrate add half its volume of saturated solution of potassium hydrate. Shake the dense precipitate. Allow the tube to stand two or three minutes until the heat developed by the chemical action passes off. Add a drop of very dilute solution of cupric sulphate. The fluid, dense white from the precipitated salts, assumes a pale blue color, due to the solution of hydrated cupric oxide in the ammonia generated. The same quantity of saturated potassium hydrate as before is now allowed to flow down the tube, and to form a layer at the bottom. If peptone is present a rose red ring is formed at the junction of the two layers. The contrast of the red ring with the pale blue above it renders the test very delicate (Neumeister's method modified by Shore : Journal of Physiology, 1890, xi, pp. 532-534). Recognition of Peptone in Urine. — Remove the coloring matter by (1) adding solid lead acetate and filtering from the heavy precipitate ; (2) adding to the filtrate ammonium sul- phate, and filtering from the copious precipitate of lead sulphate ; (3) saturating the filtrate with crystals of ammonium sulphate and filtering from the additional precipitate. On filtration the 256 THE INCOME OF ENERGY with the biuret reaction. No peptone will be found.1 An examination of the lymph would show that it also contains no peptone. Apparently the peptone absorbed from the intestinal loop is changed in its passage through the intestinal wall. This conclusion is made secure by the ex- periments of Salvioli,2 who removed the jejunum of the dog or rabbit, tied a cannula in the mesen- teric artery and vein, and established through these vessels an artificial circulation of defibri- nated blood diluted with isotonic saline solution. One gram of peptone was dissolved in 10 c.c. of normal saline solution and placed in the intes- tine, and the artificial circulation maintained four hours. The peptone disappeared from the intes- tine, but none could be found in the blood. Albumose and Peptone changed in their Passage through the Intestinal "Wall. — - Kill a fairly large anaesthetized rabbit by bleeding. Beat the blood solution is free from lead, but usually still contains a trace of yellow pigment. Apply the biuret reaction as above. If the urine requires to be concentrated, it is better to evaporate the final ammonium sulphate filtrate, as boiling the urine at first deepens the color. (Neumeister and Shore, lot. cit.) 1 Neumeister: Zeitschrift fur Biologie, 1888, xxiv, pp. 278-279. 2 Salvioli : Archiv fur Physiologic, 1880, Supplemental volume, p. 112. FERMENTATION 257 until all the fibrin separates. Filter through gauze into a cylinder holding 100 c.c. To the 30 c.c. defibrinated blood add 30 c.c. sodium chloride solution (0.5 per cent) containing 0.6 gram salt-free peptone. The mixture will thus contain 1.0 per cent of peptone. Eeserve 5 c.c. of the mixture. Place the rest in a half-litre flask, provided with a stopper pierced by two glass tubes, one reaching to near the bottom of the flask, the other ending just beneath the stopper so that air may be drawn through the blood-peptone solution by an aspirator. Place the flask in a beaker with a heavy iron ring around the neck to prevent the flask being driven upward, fill the beaker with water at 40° C. and place it in a water bath also at 40°. Separate the intestine carefully from the mes- entery and especially the pancreas. Slit the intestine from the pylorus to the ilio-csecal valve with scissors, cut it into several pieces, wash it in a large water-bath filled with 0.5 per cent sodium chloride solution at 40° C. Eepeat the washing in a second and a third bath. Cut the intestine into finger-lengths. Collect the pieces on a porcelain sieve, wash them with 1 per cent peptone solution, and then place them in the blood-peptone solution. Draw air through the solution, with every possible care against foam- 17 258 THE INCOME OF ENERGY ing. These several operations, beginning with the bleeding of the rabbit, should take not more than fifteen minutes. After two hours interrupt the experiment, pour the solution through a sieve, stir into the filtrate solid ammonium sulphate to saturation, filter off about 10 c.c., add to the water-clear fil- trate an equal volume of absolute sodium hydrate (70 per cent), stir thoroughly with a glass rod, and let the precipitated sodium sulphate settle. Add to the clear liquid drop hy drop 2 per cent cupric sulphate solution. No biuret reaction will be obtained, but the liquid will show at once a pure blue color. Eepeat the test, with the same quantitative relations, upon the reserved 5 c.c. of the blood- peptone solution : a purple color will be obtained. Hence the not inconsiderable quantity of pep- tone in the blood covering the pieces of intestine lias disappeared. Rub the pieces of intestine with sand to a pulp, boil with as little water as possible, saturate with ammonium sulphate, and test as before. No biuret reaction will be obtained. Hence the peptone which disappeared from the blood- peptone solution is not stored in the intestine.1 1 NbUMBISTER : Zcitschrift fur Biologie, 1890, xxvii, pp. 324- 327. FERMENTATION 259 Cohnheim 1 attempted to find in the intestinal wall the peptone which disappears from the intestine without enterinG: the intestinal blood and lymph. His failure led him to the dis- covery of a new ferment Erepsin (epziTrw, I de- stroy), the action of which is to split peptone into crystallizable substances. This ferment, which is found in many tissues, was isolated by fractional precipitation with ammonium sulphate. Two parts of intestinal extract were mixed with three parts of concentrated ammonium sulphate. The resulting thick precipitate, consisting largely of proteid was dialyzed, and the erepsin found in the dialysate. The disappearance of peptone from the intes- tine is probably therefore not to be explained by the assimilation of the peptone or its reconver- sion into other forms of proteid, but by the split- ting of the peptone through the action of the ferment erepsin. Absorption of Fats, Fat Acids, and Soaps2 Absorption of Fat. — 1. Place a few drops of neutral olive oil in the pharynx of a frog that 1 Cohnheim: Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie, 1901, xxxiii, pp. 451-465. 2 Will : Archiv far die gesammte Physiologie, 1879, xx, pp. 255-262. These experiments are best performed upon summer frogs, i. e. not during the normal period of hibernation. 260 THE INCOME OF ENERGY has fasted at least fourteen days. After about twenty-four hours, remove the intestine and im- merse it from thirty to forty minutes in 0.25 per cent osmic acid solution.1 Slice the epithelial layer from its base. Tease on a glass slide and examine under the micro- scope. Particles of fat stained deep-brown by the osmic acid will be found in the epithelial cells. In a " control " frog that has fasted fourteen days, show that the intestinal epithelium is free from fat. 2. Open the stomach of a frog the brain and spinal cord of which have been destroyed. Tie a glass cannula in the pylorus. Tie a ligature around the lower end of the intestine. Eemove the intestine. Place about 1 c.c. normal saline solution in a test-tube. Hang the intestine in the test-tube by passing the cannula through the cork. Place a little neutral olive oil in the intestine. After about twenty-four hours stain the epithelium with osmic acid and examine as before. Drops of fat will be found in the cells, but the 1 Preparation of Osmic Acid Solution. — The glass capsule containing a known quantity of osmic acid is placed in a bottle and enough water is then added to make the required solution. The capsule is then broken. [The vapor of osmic acid is very irritating.] FERMENTATION 261 quantity absorbed will be less than in the living animal. 3. Kepeat Experiment 2, using an emulsion of commercial olive oil and 0.25 percent solution of sodium carbonate. Absorption will be increased by the giving of the fat in an emulsion. Absorption of Fat Acids. — Place in the pharynx of a frog a pill of pure palmitic acid made with a few drops of glycerine. After about twenty-four hours examine as before. Numerous drops of fat will be found in the in- testinal epithelium. These globules are not free fat acid absorbed as emulsion, for miscrocopic examination of the contents of the intestine shows no emulsion. Moreover, palmitic acid must be liquid to be emulsified, and as its melt- ing-point is 62° C. it could not melt in the intestine of a cold-blooded animal at room tem- perature. Absorption of Fat Acid as a Soap.1 — Feed a frog with palmitin soap containing a few drops of glycerine. After about twenty-four hours exam- ine the intestine for fat, as before. 1 Preparation of Palmitin Soap. — Dissolve ten grams pure palmitic acid in hot alcohol. Add enough 5 per cent potassium hydrate to combine with the fat acid. Drive off the alcohol by heating on a water-bath. Dilute with water and add a few drops of glycerine. 262 THE INCOME OF ENERGY Fat globules will be found in the epithelial cells. Lymph Permeability of Vessel Wall in Inflammation. — 1. In a curarized frog whose brain has been destroyed by pithing spread the mesentery over the glass plate of the mesentery board, and ob- serve the capillary circulation under the micro- scope. Note the following changes. Dilatation of the arteries, veins, and capillaries, in the order named. With the dilatation an increase in the speed of the blood-stream, most noticeable in the arteries. After half an hour to an hour the acceleration gives place to slowing. All the vessels are now dilated, many capillaries are plainly visible that could hardly be made out in the normal state, the pulsation in the arteries is uncommonly strong down to their smallest branches, yet the circulation is everywhere slug- gish. In consequence of the slow blood-stream, the capillaries become crowded with corpuscles, so that they appear redder and more volumi- nous than normal, yet their cross-section is only slightly increased. In the veins the normally almost clear plasma next the wall fills gradually with leucocytes. The white corpuscles pass through the walls of the veins and capillaries. FERMENTATION 263 Eed corpuscles escape from the capillaries. Hand in hand with the extravasation of cor- puscles, there is an increased transudation of lymph. The tissue swells with lymph, which soon exudes upon the free surface of the mes- entery, where it clots. The surface is then covered with a fibrinous membrane, crowded with white corpuscles, and containing also some red corpuscles.1 2. Place on the frog's tongue a small drop of croton oil mixed with fifty times its volume of olive oil. After thirty seconds wipe off the croton oil. Observe the inflammatory process under the microscope. 3. Place a rubber band around the base of a white rabbit-ear and thus interrupt the venous flow. Hold the tip of the ear in warm water until it has a temperature of about 44° 0. Take the ear from the water and remove the band. • Note the rosy swelling (oedema with slight extravasation of blood-corpuscles) in the in- flamed area.2 1 Cohnheim: Allgemeine Pathologie, 1882, i, pp. 237-241. 2 Id. : Loc. cit., pp. 244-245. 264 THE INCOME OF ENERGY II BLOOD Specific Gravity Drawing the Blood. — Wash the lobe of the ear with a bit of absorbent cotton dipped in clean water.1 Bub the lobe dry with another piece of cotton. Pass a three-sided surgical needle through a Bunsen name. (Do not heat the needle red or the temper will be drawn and the sharpness lost.) Stretch the skin of the lobe between the fingers of the left hand. Make a quick puncture one -eighth inch deep in the edge of the lobe. Press gently to start the flow. The blood must now flow freely. On no account use blood squeezed out. Determination of Specific Gravity.2 — Fill a small beaker half full of a mixture of benzol and chloroform of a specific gravity of about 1059. Let a drop of the blood fall into this mixture. The drop will remain spherical, for blood does not mix with benzol and chloroform. If the drop sinks, add chloroform drop by drop, mean- while stirring the mixture with a glass rod, until 1 Subjects who are " bleeders" are not to be used for this observation . 2 Roy: Journal of Physiology, 1884, v, p. ix. Ham- MEU8CHLAG, A. : Wiener klinische Wochensehrift, 1890, iii, p. 1018. BLOOD 265 the drop neither rises to the surface nor sinks to the bottom but swims with the mixture. If the drop rests upon the surface, add benzol in a similar manner. When the drop neither sinks nor floats, its specific gravity must be that of the benzol-chloroform mixture. Pour the mixture into a glass cylinder, through a piece of linen to hold back the blood-drop, and take the specific gravity of the benzol-chloroform with an areom- eter. The result is also the specific gravity of the blood. The values obtained are slightly too low. The error is one unit in the third decimal place. Determine the specific gravity of the blood under the following conditions. Record the re- sults in the laboratory note-book. Hand to the instructor a copy of your observations written in ink upon a laboratory blank. The material col- lected by the class will be analyzed statistically by a committee and a report made. 1. The specific gravity of the blood in a healthy man. 2. In the same man half an hour after drink- ing 750 c.c. of water. 3. In the same man one hour after drinking 750 c.c. of water. 4. In the same man after profuse sweating. Note any feeling of thirst. 266 THE INCOME OF ENERGY 5. In a healthy woman. Haromerschlag found the specific gravity in chlorosis and nephritis diminished as the haemo- globin diminished. No relation was observed between the appearance of oedema and a reduc- tion in the specific gravity. Counting the Corpuscles Counting the Red Corpuscles. — See that the pipettes of the Thoma-Zeiss apparatus are per- fectly clean and dry. Open the bottle contain- ing Gower's solution (sodium sulphate, 7.3 grams ; acetic acid, 20 c.c. ; water, 125 c.c). Prick the ear as directed on page 264. In a large drop which has collected without pressure put the point of the smaller Thoma-Zeiss pipette ( " red counter " ). Fill the pipette to the mark 0.5 by careful suction. Should the mark be passed, lower the column to the mark by touching the point of the pipette to filter paper. When the mark is reached, clean the outside of the pipette, dip the end in Gower's diluent solution, and draw the liquid very carefully up to the mark 101. (Should the liquid pass the mark, the pipette must be cleaned and dried and the whole process repeated.) Close the ends of the pipette with the fingers, and shake it gently for one BLOOD 267 minute in order to mix the blood thoroughly with the diluent. The blood will now be diluted 200 times its volume. Eemove the rubber tube from the pipette. Blow out the unmixed solution in the capillary tube, between the point and the bulb, and several drops of the mixture in the bulb. Wipe off the end of the pipette. Touch it to the ruled disc. Let a very small drop flow out. Place the cover glass on the drop. The flattened drop should almost cover the glass. If it spread into the moat, clean the disc and use a second, smaller drop. If Newton's color-rings cannot be seen between the cover-glass and the disc by placing the eyes near the level of the cover-glass, another preparation must be made, with cleaner disc and cover-glass. Use Leitz No. 5 or Zeiss D objective. Bring the drop into focus and then, using the microm- eter screw, find the ruled field. On the central portion of the disc 1 square millimetre has been ruled into 400 squares, each square having therefore an area of ^-j-g- square millimetre. Each 16 small squares are sur- rounded by double lines, thus forming a " large square." In the Zappert-Ewing slide, the cen- tral square of 1 mm. is surrounded by eight other squares of 1 mm. each, and the central ruling is 268 THE INCOME OF ENERGY extended through the surrounding squares, which are intersected by lines ^ mm. apart. Count the number of corpuscles, square by square, in 200 small squares. Corpuscles touching the north and south lines of each area are to be counted in, those touching the east and west lines are to be omitted from the count. Each square has an area of ^^ square milli- metre. The thickness of the layer of blood, i. e. the distance from the ruled disc to the cover- glass, is 0.1 mm. The volume of the space above each square, therefore, is 4 oVo CUDic millimetre. As the blood is diluted 200 times its volume, and the number of squares counted is 200, the total number of corpuscles in a cubic millimetre is x X 200 X 4000 200 x being the total number of corpuscles counted. In short, to obtain the number of corpuscles in a cubic millimetre, multiply by 4000 the number counted in 200 squares. Clean the pipette as soon as the counting is done. Cleaning the Pipette. — Draw clean Gower's solution through the pipette, then alcohol, and finally ether. Dry the pipette by sucking (not blowing) air through it.1 1 Do not use alcohol and ether in cleaning the disk. Pi- pettes left dirty will be cleaned at the student's expense, or, where necessary, a new;one purchased. BLOOD 269 Control Counting. — Count the red corpuscles in a second drop. If the result differ greatly from that of the first count, the corpuscles in a third drop must be counted. Counting the White Corpuscles. — Have ready a diluting solution of glacial acetic acid (one- third of one per cent). This solution will make the red cells invisible. Obtain a very large drop of blood. By very gentle suction fill the large Thoma-Zeiss pipette to the point 0.5. Keep the pipette nearly horizontal, both in obtain- ing the drop and in drawing in the diluting solu- tion ; the bottle should be tilted. Count the white corpuscles in the entire ruled disc. Eepeat with a second drop. Calculate the number of white corpuscles in a cubic millimetre. Estimation of Haemoglobin Oxygen Capacity of the Blood ; the Colorimetric Determination of Haemoglobin. 1 — Haldane and Smith 2 have shown that " the coloring power of the blood of different mammals varies in exact 1 Haldane : Journal of Physiology, 1901, xxvi, pp. 497- 504. This experiment should be substituted for that given in "Experiments for Students in the Harvard Medical School," third edition, pp. 100, 101. 2 Haldane and Smith : Journal of Physiology, 1900, xxv, pp. 331-343. 270 THE INCOME OF ENERGY proportion to its oxygen capacity. The latter can be easily and accurately determined by means of the ferricyanide method.1 Thus blood of a certain oxygen capacity has also a certain coloring power ; and it is possible to standardize the coloring power in terms of the oxygen capa- city. We can therefore make the unit of volume the basis of our definition of the unit of color- ing power employed in haemoglobin estimations. Since, however, oxy-lnemoglobin is not stable, I have adopted as a standard a dilute solution of blood of known oxygen capacity saturated with coal gas.2 This solution is sealed up in a narrow test-tube after all the contained air has been displaced by coal gas, and when thus completely sealed is permanent." The standard solution for the ruemoglobin- ometer is a one per cent solution, saturated with coal gas, of ox or sheep's blood of the average oxygen capacity of the blood of normal adult males, found to be 18.5 per cent. If it be borne in mind that 100 per cent on the hsemoglobin- ometer scale corresponds to an oxygen capacity 1 In this method the oxygen is displaced from laked blood by ferricyanide of potassium, and the resultant gas measured. HALDANB: Journal of Physiology, 1900, xxv, pp. 295-302. 2 Coal gas contains carbon monoxide as an impurity, and thus converts the oxy-haemoglobin to CO-hsemoglobin. BLOOD 271 of 18.5 per cent, it is of course easy to express the results in terms of oxygen capacity. The exact percentage of haemoglobin corresponding to 18.5 per cent oxygen capacity is still uncertain. According to Hufner's latest results it would be 13.8 per cent. In using the haemoglobinometer, place 15-20 c.c. water in the graduated tube, for dilution of the blood. Draw 20 cb. mm. of blood into the pipette, with, the necessary precautions.1 Gently blow the blood out of the pipette on to the sur- face of the water in the graduated tube. Before mixing the blood with the water introduce into the free part of the tube a narrow glass tube con- nected with the gas-tap, turn on the gas, and push the gas-tube down to near the level of the water, so that the air may be instantly displaced from the tube. Avoid any loss of liquid. If the upper part of the tube, or the liquid itself, is warmed by the fingers while the solution is being mixed or saturated with carbon monoxide, a little liquid is apt to spurt out. This can be avoided by holding the tube in a cloth. With- draw the gas-tube while the gas is still flowing. Close the top of the graduated tube with the finger and invert the tube about a dozen times, 1 See page 264 ; remember not to use blood squeezed from the ear. 272 THE INCOME OF ENERGY so that the haemoglobin is thoroughly saturated with carbon monoxide and the full pink tint of the CO-haemoglobin appears. Then add water drop by drop from a pipette until the tint in the graduated tube equals that in the standard tube. In comparing the tints of the two tubes, it is best to hold them up against the light from the sky. The precaution must always be taken of repeatedly transposing the tubes from side to side during the observations : otherwise very considerable error may arise. The percentage is read off on the tube after half a minute has been allowed for the liquid to run down. An- other drop is now added, and if necessary another, until the tints again appear unequal. Usually the tints will appear equal for two or possibly three additions. The mean of the readings which gave equality is taken as the correct result. The results in successive experiments with the same blood should agree within one per cent of the mean. The average percentage of haemoglobin in the blood of women is 11 per cent, and in the blood of children 13 per cent below that of adult men. In calculating the proportion of haemoglobin in the blood of women and children as percentages of the average normal proportion, it is evidently necessary to add about one-eighth for women BLOOD 273 and one-seventh for children to the percentage found by the haetnoglobinometer, with the stand- ard solution described above. HEMORRHAGE AND EEGENERATION Determine the specific gravity, number of red and white corpuscles per millimetre, and per- centage of haemoglobin in the same animal under the following conditions : Normal ; two hours after a profuse haemorrhage ; one day, three days, and five days after the haemorrhage. Plot all three curves upon one co-ordinate system. Physical Aspects of Coagulation Physical Action of Salts in the Coagulation of Colloidal Mixtures. — 1. Boil egg-albumin diluted with about eight volumes of water. The colloid will not coagulate. Add crystals of magnesium sulphate gradually. Coagulation will take place.1 2. Dip a thin thread of silk in 2 per cent solution of calcium chloride and lay the thread upon a glass slide beneath a cover-glass. Allow boiled solution of egg-white (1 : 8) to run under the cover-glass. Examine the process of coagu- lation under a magnification of about 500 diam- 1 Hayciiaft and Duggan : British Medical Journal, 1890, p. 167. 18 274 THE INCOME OF ENERGY eters. The fluid at first is free from visible particles. Near the silk thread appears a fine cloud, the particles in which grow in size until they form spherules having a maximum diameter of 0.75 to 1/n. They are now seen to be arranged in patterns forming an open net with regular polygonal meshes, having diagonals as long as 6/x. The threads of the net are formed of contiguous spherules. This stage, however, is not one of equilibrium — the net shrinks, the meshes become smaller, and the spherules apparently shift their points of attachment until, in place of being- bounded by threads composed of several spher- ules, the image has the appearance of the typical fine net with spherules at the nodal points joined by tiny threads. Whether these joining-threads or bars have a real existence, or whether they are purely optical and the spherules actually touch one another, it is impossible to say at present. When the particles are large enough to be clearly visible with a magnification of 500 diameters they do not show Brownian movement — in other words they are probably already in some way linked to one another. The following explanation of these phenomena may be given. On boiling the egg-albumin, the heat chemically alters the dissolved proteid and produces a suspension of particles having an BLOOD 275 average diameter commensurable with the mean wave-length of light.1 Under the influence of electrolytes (the salt solution) the particles aggregate to larger and larger masses. When these molecular aggregates attain a certain size the fluid condition is no longer possible ; this would follow immediately from Graham's ob- servation that actual coagulation is preceded by a continuous increase in the viscosity of the liquid. The following conditions determine this generic action of salts as coagulants, as distinguished from any specific chemical action. 1. The point at which coagulation appears is determined by the concentration of the solid in the colloidal mix- ture, and the temperature, molecular concentra- tion (gram-molecules per litre), and nature of the electrolytes present. 2. The concentration necessary for coagulation is lowered by a rise of temperature, or by an electrolyte. 3. The coagu- lative energy of electrolytes as measured by the number of gram-equivalents per litre necessary to produce coagulation is determined almost solely by the nature of the metal of the salt ; and among the metals themselves it is deter- mined by the valency of the metal.2 1 Picton and Likder: Transactions of the Chemical Society, 1895, lxvii, p. 63. 2 Haedy : Journal of Physiology, 1899, xxiv, pp. 181-183. 276 THE INCOME OF ENERGY Physical Changes in Coagulation. — 1 . Clotting of Plasma. — Wet a small filter with cane-sugar solution (0.5 per cent). Cut a frog's ventricle across near the base so that 0.5 c.c. blood shall fall into a beaker containing an equal quantity of cane- sugar solution. Pour the mixture on the filter. Eeceive the filtrate on a watch-glass. Note the physical changes in this filtrate. 2. Fibrin Threads. — Place a blood-drop under a cover-glass. With the microscope observe the appearance of fibrin threads. 3. Eeceive 1 c.c. blood into 0.5 c.c. saturated solution MgS04. Note (1) absence of clotting, and (2) its appearance after dilution. 4. Receive 0.5 c.c. blood in a watch-glass. Let it stand twenty-four hours. Note physical changes during the first ten minutes and at end of period. Secretion Speed of Absorption and Secretion. — Place 5 c.c. of thin starch paste and 2 c.c. concentrated nitric acid in each of ten test-tubes and mark them 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 minutes. Let one of each pair of students swal- low a gelatine capsule containing ten grains of potassium iodide.1 Immediately rinse the sub- 1 The subject should have had a small, early breakfast. RESPIRATION 277 ject's mouth until the wash water gives no blue color (iodide of starch) on the addition of potas- sium iodide and concentrated nitric acid (to set free the iodine). Let the subject chew a small piece of clean black rubber-tubing to increase the secretion of saliva. At intervals of two minutes, beginning with the swallowing of the potassium iodide, empty the mouth into the cor- responding test-tube, at once rinse the mouth with water, and begin a fresh collection.1 Note the moment at which the drug appears in the saliva. RESPIRATION Chemistry of Kespiration Estimation of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and Water.2 — Weigh bottles 3, 4, and 5 (4 and 5 1 If the saliva secreted during two minutes cannot be held in the mouth with comfort and without loss by swallowing, the mouth may be emptied into a freshly washed porcelain dish, from which the saliva should be poured into the proper test- tube at the end of each two-minute period. 2 Apparatus. — Two aspirator bottles, with box. A wooden tray, containing a jar for the guinea-pig, and six bottles, viz. : Nos. 1 and 4, filled with soda-lime, to absorb carbonic acid ; N"os. 2, 3, and 5, filled with pumice stone soaked in sulphuric acid, to absorb moisture ; No. 6, a Miiller valve, to prevent air being forced back through the series of bottles by a wrong coupling of the aspirator tubes. 278 THE INCOME OE ENERGY together). Place the guinea-pig in the jar and weigh. During one hour draw air through bot- tles 1 to 6 by placing an aspirator bottle on its box and allowing the water to flow from this bottle to the one remaining on the desk. The rubber connecting tube must be changed when the aspirator bottles are changed. After one hour weigh bottle 3, and bottles 4 and 5. Tabulate results as follows : grams Weight of jar and guinea-pig at beginning " " " end . . Loss Wt. of bottle 3 (sulph. acid) at beginning " " " end . . Gain (= water absorbed) . . . Weight of bottles 4 and 5 at beginning . " " " end . . . Gain (= carbon dioxide absorbed) Total water and carbon dioxide absorbed Loss in weight of jar and guinea-pig . . Difference (= oxygen absorbed) . Respiratory quotient Metabolism Effect of Muscular Exercise on the Oxygen, Car- bon Dioxide, and Water of the Respired Air. — Repeat the estimation of oxygen, carbon dioxide, RESPIRATION 279 and water in the respired air (p. 277), slowly turning the guinea-pig jar from side to side, so that the animal shall be kept in gentle motion during an hour. The excretion of carbon dioxide is increased by muscular exercise. Individual Level of Proteid Metabolism. — Each group of eight students will select two subjects for experiment. They should be thin men in good health. Let each subject collect the twenty- four hours' urine in a thoroughly clean bottle of about 2000 c.c. capacity. Measure the quan- tity. Determine in a measured portion of the total mixed urine the quantity of urea (hypobro- bromite method). Calculate the nitrogen in the urea. Add 2.5 grams for the nitrogen excreted in the faeces, sweat, and as uric acid in the urine. Eepeat these determinations for three days, the subject maintaining his usual diet and mode of life. The excretion of nitrogen will probably be found to be fairly uniform in each individual though the different nutritive habits of different individuals may cause them to be on different proteid planes, characterized by high, medium, or low nitrogen excretion. Nitrogenous Equilibrium. — When the daily 280 THE INCOME OF ENERGY excretion of nitrogen has been found to be fairly uniform, place the subject upon a simple diet of eggs, bread, milk, and butter, containing as much nitrogen as he excretes.1 The diet may be chosen from the following- table.2 The relative proportion of proteid, fat, and car- bohydrate per day should be about as follows : Proteid 100 grams Fat 100 grams Carbohydrate . . . 250 grams 450 grams Eepeat the determination of urea in the urine during four more days.3 Calculate the nitrogen 1 Owing to the variation in the nitrogen content of meats, they should be omitted. Physiological heat values : — 1 grain proteid = 4000 small calories 1 " fat = 9423 " 1 " carbohydrate zr 4182 " " Proteids contain about 16 per cent nitrogen. Hence to obtain the amount of metabolized proteid from the nitrogen in the urine multiply the latter by 6.25. In one pound there are 453.6 grams. 2 Coffee and tea contain so little nitrogen that they may be added to the diet in small amounts to suit the individual taste. 3 The twenty-four boms should begin in the morning im- mediately after passing the mine excreted dining the night. RESPIRATION 281 CO 1 43 « 3 1 u 3 S «< .a. be tn 2 a - ^ fcW a "8° 2 C9 §?0 c _ DO a CD CO «4 CO © m d CO so CO • d m d d 2 g E ** 43 cu o P, a 43 — >> . 43 ■3 ® O 43 ■=> g (- «"l es"0 u eo ci o in in o © © O d q od OS eo" 00 - - o eS u • m o o *- OS oo > O a r j ■< 43 O *j O43 c _ 0«8 4) B a 7." CD S u —1 u . u '-, oq CO m ©' C5 • • . • r— 1 d m d P cS* II si 43 0 U 43 c o 1) ^ to O o CI * "* o CO CS1 O uo W t^. 1— 1 -* ,_ •<* eo £ 1- CO u co 00 " • 1—1 en CO is cS t-i CD CD 43 O 2 ft cS & • CO U — I rw 0C P4 « a, m CB ^C5 10 -» 2 0 _ 43 c3 a» CJ ^ ^ — 43 .a 43 s o o £ C3 CJ) o a> 4-3 a CD . ai S 2 - tH * — * O .. — ^ 43 as a J2 o 5 -U) © C-l c3 A o CO CD -a Srt a.2 = a o c3 o Pi S Bos o e= cc fcfi >> c3 CD 66 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY with the muscle at rest; (2) with the muscle tetanized. These abscissae record the length of the practically unloaded muscle in the resting and the active states. Place 10 grams in the scale-pan and again record the length of the muscle (1) at rest ; (2) tetanized. Make similar records for each 10 grams up to 100. It will be found that the extension curve falls more rapidly in the active than in the rest- ing muscle; the extensibility is increased in tetanus. Fatigue Skeletal Muscle of Frog. — 1. Let a gastro- cnemius muscle loaded with 10 grams write its contractions on a very slowly moving drum. Connect the secondary coil with the binding- posts on the muscle clamp and the muscle lever. Stimulate the muscle once in two seconds with a maximal induction current, using make and break currents alternately. The correct interval may be obtained by listening to the beat of a metronome. Continue to record the contractions until the muscle will no longer shorten when stimulated (exhaustion). State the characteristic features of the fatigue curve. 2. With a fresh muscle repeat the stimulation THE CHANGE IN FORM 367 every two seconds until the height of contraction has diminished about one half. Now record the duration of the latent period, phase of rising energy, and phase of sinking energy (page 334) on a rapidly moving drum. Note the absolute and relative duration of these periods as compared with those of muscle not fatigued. 3. Stimulate a sartorius from the same frog continuously with tetanizing currents and record the tetanus curve. State the differences between the fatigue curve thus secured and the curve obtained by less fre- quent stimulation. Attention has already been called to the dif- ferences which depend on the relative proportion of red and clear fibres (page 336). The latter are more easily fatigued. Human Skeletal Muscle. — 1. Arrange the ergo graph to record the contractions of the abductor indicis, as directed on page 353. Place the point of the adjustable rod in the hole nearest the free end of the spring. Prepare also the large and small brass elec- trodes for artificial stimulation of the muscle and place them in position. Bring the writing point against a very slowly moving drum. Contract the muscle voluntarily 368 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY twice every second, keeping time with the beat of a metronome, until two hundred contractions have been made. Now stimulate artificially every two sec- onds, using maximal make and break currents alternately, until two hundred contractions have been made. State the characteristics of the twro fatigue curves, and compare the curves with those obtained from frog's skeletal muscle. 2. From a fresh subject obtain a fatigue curve by artificial stimulation of the abductor indicis, using maximal make and break induction cur- rents alternately every two seconds, as directed in the preceding experiment. When the muscle has been stimulated two hundred times, contract it voluntarily every two seconds until two hun- dred contractions have been made. Compare the curves with those obtained in Experiment 1. Explain these paradoxes. It has been pointed out on page 357 that smooth muscle loses its irritability much more rapidly than striated muscle. Apparatus Normal saline. Bowl. Towel. Pipette. Glass plate. Volume tube, ljuuseu burner. Inductorium. Two dry THE CHANGE IN FORM 369 cells. Wires. Muscle clamp. Fine copper wire. One hundred ten-gram weights. Muscle lever. Electro-mag- netic signal. Kymograph. Tuning fork. Cork clamp. Four needle electrodes. Pole-changer. Pin. Cork. Two stands with clamps. Ten one-gram weights. Muscle- warmer. Split shot. Ice. One per cent solution of veratrine acetate. Wheel-interrupter. Vibrating reed. Straw 36 cm. long with- platinum contact. Mercury cup. Eigid muscle lever. Spring ergograph with rod. Hand clamp. Ergograph clamp. Large weight pan. Cotton. Two bent hooks. Heart-holder. Filter paper. Simple key. Work adder. Co-ordinate paper. Rubber band. Metronome. 370 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY IV THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Simple Eeflex Actions The Spinal Cord a Seat of Simple Reflexes. — - 1. By means of a hook or thread passed through the lower jaw suspend vertically a frog the brain of which has been destroyed with the seeker ; the legs must not touch the table. Pinch a toe with the forceps. The leg will be drawn up. A stimulus to the skin has caused the con- traction of muscles. The afferent impulse set going by the sensory stimulus is changed into a motor efferent impulse. This is an example of reflex action. 2. Destroy the spinal cord with the seeker. Stimulate the skin of the right leg electrically and mechanically. In no case will the sensory stimulus call forth the reflex contraction of a skeletal muscle. Yet the nerves coming from the skin and going THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 371 to the muscles are still intact. Only the spinal cord has been destroyed. The conversion of sensory into motor impulses for skeletal muscles is a function of the central nervous system. Influence of Afferent Impulses on Reflex Action. — Destroy the brain of a strong frog with the seeker. Gently pinch a toe of the right foot. Only the right leg will be drawn up. Pinch a toe of the left foot. Only the left foot will be drawn up. Pinch a finger. Only the corresponding arm will move. Pinch the whole foot sharply. More extended movements will be made. The character and location of the stimulus affect the resulting contraction. Threshold Value Lower in End Organ than in Nerve-Trunk. — 1. Carefully expose the sciatic nerve. Determine the least strength of tetanizing current that will cause a crossed reflex when applied to the skin of the foot. Now apply the same stimulus to the trunk of the nerve. As a rule, the intensity required to produce reflex action is less when the stimulus is applied to the peripheral endings of the sensory nerves than when the nerve-trunks are stimulated. 372 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY 2. Divide the skin over the back in the median line. Eaise the skin on one side until the small nerves which pass across the dorsal lymph sac to innervate the skin come into view. Sever from the surrounding skin a piece about one centi- metre square containing the endings of one of the nerves. Let the isolated piece with its nerve endings remain connected with the body only by the trunk of the nerve. As before, determine the least strength of tetanizing current that will cause a reflex movement when applied to the nerve-endings in the skin and to the nerve-trunk respectively. The threshold value for reflex action will again be found lower in the nerve-endings than in the nerve-trunk. Summation of Afferent Impulses. — Pass two fine copper wires about the frog's foot a centi- metre apart and connect them with the secondary coil. Connect the primary coil through a simple key with a dry cell. Stimulate with regularly repeated make induction currents of such strength that single stimuli cause no reflex contraction. Summation of the subminimal stimuli will finally cause reflex contraction. Determine that the number of stimuli neces- sary to produce a reflex becomes smaller when (1) THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 373 the strength of the induction currents is increased, and (2) when the interval between the stimuli is lessened. Segmental Arrangement of Reflex Apparatus. — 1. Gently pass the seeker over the abdominal walls on one side. The muscles in that region only will twitch. Eepeat the stimulus, but use a stronger pressure. The area contracting will increase in extent approximately in proportion to the increase in the stimulus. The afferent nerves from any one region are more closely related to the efferent nerves of that same region than to those of other regions. The fact that both afferent and efferent fibres spring from the cord at the same level suggests that their nerve cells lie also at approxi- mately the same level. On increasing the stim- ulus the afferent impulse spreads from segment to segment of the cord. Further evidence of the segmental arrangement will be gained by the following experiment. 2. With a clean, sharp knife make transverse sections of the spinal cord, beginning in the cer- vical region. A short time after each section test the reflexes from the hind limb by mechani- cal stimulation. 374 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Note the level below which no section can be made without rendering the reflex impossible. The nerve cells concerned in this reflex lie on the caudal side of this line. Now in a second frog make transverse sections, beginning at the caudal end of the cord, and test the reflexes as before, until the level is reached beyond which a section will destroy the reflex. Observe that the portion of the cord comprised between the two levels determined forms a seg- ment which contains the central apparatus con- cerned in the reflex studied. Reflexes in Man. — 1. From the Skin. — Kub the plantar surface of the foot gently with some hard object. The foot will be retracted reflexly. Similar results may be obtained by rubbing the skin of the inside of the thigh, which will cause contraction of the cremaster muscles ; or by rubbing the skin of the abdomen, which will be followed by contraction of the abdominal muscles. These reflexes are of importance in clinical diagnosis because by means of them the seat of a diseased area in the central nervous system may sometimes be defined, since the reflex depends on the integrity of the corresponding reflex arc;. 2. Cornea Refleto. — Touch the cornea gently with a thread. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 375 The eye will be closed involuntarily. 3. Throat Reflex. — Touch the posterior wall of the throat. The movements of swallowing will usually follow. 4. Piopil Reflexes ; Light Reflex. — Close one eye for several seconds, then open it quickly. Note the contraction of the pupil. 5. Consensual Reflex. — Close one eye as before, but watch the pupil of the other eye when the first is opened again. The pupil wTill contract. 6. Accommodation Reflexes. — Look alternately at a near and a far object. The pupil will con- tract when the eye adjusts itself to see the near object. Tendon Eeflexes Knee Jerk. — Sit in such a position that the knee is bent at a right angle, and the foot hangs free. Let an assistant strike the patellar liga- ment with the side of the hand. Note the sudden contraction of the extensors of the thigh, the so-called knee jerk. Flex the knee at different angles and deter- mine in which position the resulting contraction is greatest. Knee jerk can be obtained only within certain limits of extension. 376 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Let the subject immediately before the stimu- lus is applied forcibly contract some other group of muscles ; clench the hand, for example. The knee jerk is reinforced. Ankle Jerk. — Bend the foot at right angles to the leg, and strike the tendo Achillis. The ex- perimenter should hold the end of the foot in his left hand. Contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle will be observed. Gower's Experiment. — Strike the side of the tendo Achillis. A contraction will result. Support the other side of the tendon so that the gastrocnemius muscle will not be stretched by the blow. Eepeat the experiment. No contraction follows. The tendon jerk re- quires for its production a rapid stretching of the muscles involved in the contraction. Try to obtain tendon jerks from other muscles ; for example, the triceps humeri, flexors of hand, and masseter muscles. Normally no response will be obtained. The experiments are of value in diagnosis of diseases of the central nervous system. the central nervous system 377 Effect of Strychnine on Eeflex Action Inject with a glass pipette a few drops of 0.5 per cent solution of sulphate of strychnine into the dorsal lymph sac of a frog the brain of which has been destroyed with a seeker. After a few minutes, very weak afferent- impulses will be sufficient to call forth general spasmodic reflex actions. Note that (1) the strychnine reflexes are paroxysmal, (2) the mus- cles fall into more or less prolonged rigidity (teta- nus), and (3) the extensors overcome the flexors, the limbs being strongly extended. The characteristic action of strychnine is evi- dently not dependent on the brain. Destroy the spinal cord with a seeker. Stimulation of muscles and nerves will not cause spasmodic contractions. Strychnine acts on the spinal cord, but not on the muscles or the peripheral nerves. Complex Co-ordinated Eeflexes Removal of Cerebral Hemispheres. — Place a frog under a glass jar containing a small sponge wet with ether. Be very careful not to kill the frog. When insensibility is complete, place the animal on a frog-board. Cut through the skin in the median line of the skull, from the nose to the 378 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY vertebral column. Connect the front margins of the two tympanic membranes by a transverse in- cision through the skin. This transverse line will pass over the junction of the cerebral lobes with the optic lobes. Strip off the parietal bones with forceps, beginning at the anterior end oppo- site the anterior margin of the orbit. When the cerebral hemispheres are uncovered, they may be removed from before backwards. Avoid injuring the optic lobes. Work rapidly but carefully. If the ether effect diminish before the operation be finished, replace the frog under the glass jar for a few moments. As soon as the hemispheres are removed, sew up the wounds in the skin. Note the signs of profound inhibition. If the operation be done carefully, the shock will gradually pass away, and the functions possi- ble in the absence of the cerebrum may then be determined. Put the frog aside, moistening his skin occasionally, but not otherwise disturbing him, and prepare a second frog for the experi- ment upon the " croak reflex " (page o79). When tli is operation is completed, resume the observa- tions on the first frog, while the second frog re- covers from the shock. 1. Posture, etc. — Write down the differences between the frog from which only the cerebral hemispheres have been removed and a frog in THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 379 which the whole brain has been destroyed with the seeker, in respect to posture, power to regain feet when laid on back, respiratory movements, position of eyelids, leaping and swimming. 2. Balancing Experiment. — Place the frog on a somewhat roughened board, about 20 inches long, 8 inches wide, and 1 inch thick. Tilt the board gradually. The frog remains motionless until his centre of gravity is disturbed. He then moves forward in an attempt to reach a stable position. By careful management, he can be made to climb up the inclined board, perch upon the narrow edge, and, the board still turning, descend head-first on the opposite side. 3. Retinal Reflex. — Place the frog deprived of cerebral hemispheres in front of a bright light \ for example, an incandescent electric lamp. In- terpose some object, such as a small instrument case, between the light and the frog, so that a strong shadow is cast upon the frog's eyes. Stimulate the frog by pinching the skin of the back. The frog will jump, but will avoid the object which casts the shadow. 4. Croak Reflex. — Sever the large hemispheres from the remainder of the brain of another frog by passing a knife through the cranium to the 380 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY base of the skull from side to side in a line join- ing the anterior margins of the tympanic mem- branes. (Where possible, a male frog should be selected for this experiment. Males may be rec- ognized by the cushion-like thickening on. the innermost digit of the manus, or hand ; the male Eana esculenta possesses bladder-like, resonating pouches connected on each side with the month cavity.) After the immediate shock of the opera- tion has passed, stroke the back over the anterior half of the spinal cord. Keflex croaking will be observed. The croak reflex can be inhibited by simultane- ous pinching of one of the limbs or other strong stimulation. (Compare page 384.) If the experiments on the frog in which the cerebral hemispheres were extirpated were not satisfactory, repeat them on this frog in which the hemispheres were simply separated from the remainder of the brain. These observations teach that very complicated co-ordinated actions are possible in the absence of the large hemispheres. Only simple reflexes are possible when the whole brain is removed. Consequently, the seat of these complicated re- flexes must lie in the brain between the cord and the cerebral hemispheres. the central nervous system 381 Apparent Purpose in Eeflex Action 1. Destroy the brain of a frog with the seeker. Dip small pieces of filter paper in strong acetic acid. Remove the superfluous acid, lay the paper bearing the acid on (1) the frog's thigh, (2) the foot, (3) the back. After each stimulation note the character of the reflex movement, and then carefully wash the acid from the skin. The movements are related to the areas stimu- lated in a certain purposeful way. Efforts are made apparently to brush away the acid paper. 2. Place the acid on the flank of the right leg. Usually the leg stimulated strives to brush away the paper. Hold this leg fast. The other leg (the left) will be used to re- move the acid from the opposite limb. (This experiment succeeds best in strong, lively frogs.) 3. Place an uninjured frog in an evaporating basin containing sufficient water to immerse the frog to the neck and covered with wire gauze to keep him from jumping out. Warm the water. As the temperature rises to from 20°-30° C. the frog will attempt to escape. Repeat the experiment with the frog the brain of which has been destroyed. No movements of escape will be noticed. 382 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY About 35°, muscular twitchings will be seen. At 38°-40° death takes place and the muscles become rigid (heat rigor). This observation shows that volition in all probability is absent in the brainless frog. It follows that reflex actions are not volitional; their " purpose " is only apparent. Keflex and Eeaction Time Reflex Time. — Destroy the brain of a frog with the seeker. Hold one leg of the frog aside with the glass rod. Bring beneath the other a small beaker almost full of dilute sulphuric acid (2:1000). Eaise the beaker until the foot is immersed to the ankle. Count the seconds be- tween the application of the stimulus (sulphuric acid) and the withdrawal of the foot. This interval is the reflex time. Wash the foot carefully in the bowl of water. Reaction Time. — Smoke a drum. Eaise the drum off its friction bearing by turning the screw at the top of the shaft. Place the writing point of an electromagnetic signal against the smoked paper. Arrange a tuning fork to write its curve near that of the signal. Connect the signal through two simple keys and a dry cell with the primary coil of an inductorium arranged for maximal single induction currents (posts 1 and THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 383 2). Let stimulating electrodes pass from the secondary coil (bridge up) to the tongue of the subject. Let the subject hold one key closed un- til he feels the stimulus on the tongue. Direct the subject to shut his eyes. Let the ob- server start the tuning fork, spin the drum, and stimulate the subject by completing the primary circuit. The instant the subject perceives the stimulus, he will break the circuit by releasing his key. By means of the tuning fork curve determine the interval between stimulation and response. This interval is the reaction time plus the errors of observation ; for example, the latent period of the electromagnetic signal. Eepeat the experiment three times and take the mean of the results. In the laboratory note-book make a list of the links in the chain between stimulus and re- sponse, and state as far as possible the errors of observation. Reaction Time with Choice. — Connect the side cups of a pole-changer (without cross wires) to the posts of the secondary coil. Connect one pair of end cups with the usual stimulating elec- trodes, the other pair with large brass electrodes covered with wet cotton. Let the ordinary elec- trodes touch the forehead, the other pair the hand of the subject. The other connections should re- 384 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY main as before. Eepeat the preceding experi- ment but tell the subject to signal only when the tongue (or hand) is stimulated. In order to do this he must add to his former reaction a de- cision as to the part stimulated. Eeaction time with choice is longer than sim- ple reaction time. In general, the more compli- cated the mental processes involved, the longer will be the reaction time. Inhibition of Eeflexes Through Peripheral Afferent Nerves. — Expose the left sciatic nerve for a distance of about 15 mm. in a frog the brain of which has been de- stroyed. Tie a thread around the distal end, and sever the nerve at the peripheral side of the liga- ture. Place the central stump of the nerve on the electrodes of the inductorium, the short-cir- cuiting key being closed. Make the primary circuit, and set the hammer vibrating. Now open the short-circuiting key, bring the right foot of the frog into the dilute sulphuric acid up to the ankle, and count the seconds from the moment of immersion to the moment of withdrawal, con- tinuing meanwhile the stimulation of the central end of the left sciatic nerve. The latent period will be much prolonged. Wash off the acid carefully. THE CENTKAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 385 Keflex actions may be inhibited by the simul- taneous stimulation of sensory nerves. Through Central Afferent Paths ; the Optic Lobes. — 1. Expose the brain according to the directions already given (page 377). Immediately posterior to the cerebral hemispheres lie the optic lobes, two gray spherical bodies. Separate the cerebral hemispheres from the optic lobes by a transverse incision, and carefully remove the hemispheres. Wait until the shock of the opera- tion has passed. Now suspend the frog so that the tips of ,the toes hang above a shallow dish containing water made strongly sour to the taste with dilute sulphuric acid. Determine the reflex time. Wash off the acid and, after a moment's rest, sprinkle a very little finely powdered com- mon salt on the cut surface of the optic lobes. Again determine the reflex time. The reflex time will be found to be markedly increased by the stimulation of the optic lobes. 2. Prepare a second frog in the same manner. Determine the reflex time. Now instead of stim- ulating the optic lobes, remove them, and again determine the reflex time. The removal of the optic lobes shortens the reflex time. 25 386 the outgo of energy The Eoots of Spinal Nerves Destroy the brain of a strong, large frog with a seeker. Divide the skin over the vertebral colnmn from the upper end of the urostyle to the level of the fore limbs. Hook back the flaps of skin. Remove the longitudinal muscles on either side of the spines of the vertebrae, thus exposing the bony arches. Saw through the arches of the 8th, 7th, and 6th vertebrae (there are ten vertebrae in the frog, counting the uro- style) in the order named. Clear away the bone and the underlying tissues until the last three or four pairs of roots shall be plainly seen. Grasp the filum terminale and cautiously lift the cord until the spinal nerve roots are clearly displayed. The anterior roots are hidden by the large, superficial posterior roots. The conspicuous pos- terior root which seems to be the last is, in real- ity, the 9th, the next to the last ; the last, or 10th, is smaller and lies close to the filum termi- nale. Place a silk ligature about the middle of an anterior and a posterior root on the right side. With single induction currents as stimuli ol (serve that (1) the stimulation of only the cen- tral end of the posterior root calls forth a (re- flex) movement, and (2) the stimulation of only the peripheral segment of the anterior root causes, movement. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 387 On this same side cut all the posterior roots. No stimulus applied to the right leg will now discharge a reflex action. But stimuli applied to sensory nerves elsewhere may still cause reflex movements of the right leg. Motor impulses still pass to these muscles. But only the anterior roots remain. Hence the anterior roots of spinal nerves trans- mit motor impulses from the spinal cord towards the muscles (efferent impulses) ; the posterior roots transmit sensory impulses from sensory sur- faces towards the spinal cord (afferent impulses.) Ludwig's Demonstration. — Destroy the brain of a large frog with the seeker. Remove the thoracic and abdominal viscera, taking care not to injure the sciatic nerve plexus. Remove the 7th and 8th vertebra?, taking the greatest pains not to injure the nerve roots. Divide the body transversely at this level, so that the anterior and posterior halves shall remain connected only by the anterior and posterior sciatic roots. Keep the roots moist with normal saline solution. Demonstrate again that the anterior roots transmit efferent, and the posterior roots afferent impulses. Localization of Movements at Different Levels of the Spinal Cord. — Separate the three roots which form the sciatic nerve. After tying a thread 388 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY about each root sever it from the spinal cord by a cut on the proximal side of the thread. Stimu- late each nerve with a very weak tetanizing cur- rent. Note the different results obtained from nerves arising at different levels of the cord. Stimulation of the most anterior root causes marked flexion of the limb ; stimulation of the middle roots, extension and internal rotation ; and of the most posterior, simple extension. In a frog whose nerves have not been cut expose the spinal cord and stimulate it at differ- ent levels in both directions along its length. The various movements of the hind limbs are localized at different levels of the cord. Distribution of Sensory Spinal Nerves Destroy the brain of a large frog with the seeker. Expose the lower half of the spinal cord by the method already described. On one side cut the dorsal sensory root of the 8th spinal nerve and on the other cut the sensory root of the 7th, 9th, and 10th. After the section of each root test the cutaneous sensibility of the limbs by placing upon the skin small pieces of filter paper (two mm. square) moistened, not dripping, with 0.2 per cent sulphuric acid. Make a map of the anaesthetic areas in each leg, and note the lack of correspondence. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 389 Many skin areas are supplied by fibres from at least two sensory roots. The fields of distribution overlap. Muscular Tonus Brondgeest's Experiment. — Fasten a lightly etherized frog back uppermost on the frog-board. In a line between the ilium and the coccyx open the pelvic cavity by cautiously dividing the skin, fascia, and muscle. Divide the sciatic nerve roots on the operated side. Pass a hook or thread through the jaw and hang the frog up. Observe that the limb the nerves of which have been cut is relaxed, so that the toes hang lower than those of the limb which still retains its connection with the central nervous system. Apparatus Normal saline. Bowl. Towel. Pipette. Stand. Muscle clamp. Bent hook. Inductorium. Dry cell. Electrodes. Large brass electrodes. Cotton. Key. Frog-board. Fine copper wire. One-half per cent solu- tion of strychnine sulphate. Glass jar with ether and sponge. Balancing board. Strong acetic acid. Filter paper. Evaporating basin. Wire gauze. Bunsen burner. Thermometer. Dilute sulphuric acid (0.2 per cent). Beaker. Kymograph. Electro-magnetic signal. Tuning- fork. Pole-changer. Vertebral saw. 390 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY V THE SKIN Sensations of Temperature Hot and Cold Spots. — With a lead-pencil point carefully explore an area about an inch square on the back of the wrist or hand. Mark with black ink the places where a distinct sensation of cold is felt, and with red ink those where the sensation is one of warmth. The places indicated are the so-called hot and cold spots. Outline. — Attempt to define more exactly the outline of one of the cold spots. The spots are of irregular shape, — blotches rather than points. Mechanical Stimulation. — 1. Gently tap one end of a small wooden rod the other end of which is placed on a well-defined cold spot. The mechanical stimulation of the cold spot will give a sensation of cold. 2. Stimulate a warm spot mechanically. Chemical Stimulation. — Rub a menthol pencil over a small area on the back of the hand. THE SKIN 391 A sensation of cold will be perceived. This is due to chemical irritation of the cold spots. The temperature of the area does not fall. Electrical Stimulation. — It has been found that the stimulation of a well-defined cold or warm spot with moderately strong induced currents causes a sensation of cold or warmth respectively. Temperature After-Sensation. — Stimulate a cold spot mechanically with a pencil point. Eemove the point. The sensation of cold outlasts the stimulus. Balance between Loss and Gain of Heat. — Pro- vide three beakers of water. Heat them to 20°, 30°, and 40° C, respectively. Place a finger of one hand in the water at 20°, and a finger of the other hand in the water at 40°. After the re- spective sensations of cold and warmth have disappeared, place both the fingers in the water at 30°. The finger from the cold water will seem warm and that from the warm water cold. The tem- perature of the skin equals the balance between its heat loss and heat gain. When this tempera- ture is raised or lowered, the warm spots or cold spots respectively are stimulated. Fatigue. — Provide three beakers containing water at 10°, 32°, and 45° C. respectively. Place a finger of one hand in the beaker at 32°, and a 392 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY finder of the other hand in the beaker at 45°. o After 45 seconds place both fingers in the water at 10°. The finger taken from the water at 32° (which is about the normal temperature of the hand) will feel colder than the other finger. Extreme tem- peratures of heat or cold fatigue the temperature spots. Relation of Stimulated Area to Sensation. — In- sert a finger of one hand in a beaker of warm or cold water. Note the sensation. Insert a finger of the other hand in the water. The intensity of the sensation will increase with the extent of the surface stimulated. Perception of Difference. — Provide two beakers of water, one at 30°, the other slightly warmer or colder. By introducing a finger first into the one and then into the other, and varying the tem- perature of the water, ascertain how small a difference in temperature can be detected. Usually a difference of 0.5° C. is easily recog- nized. Relatively Insensitive Regions. — 1. Compare the temperature sensation perceived on touching with a pencil point the median line of the fore- head, nose, and chin with that perceived on touching the skin on either side of the median line. THE SKIN 393 The skin in the median line of the body is comparatively insensitive to temperature varia- tions. 2. Similarly compare the mucous membrane with the skin. The mucous membranes are much less sensitive than the skin. Sensations of Pressuee Pressure Spots. — Explore the surface of the forearm by bringing the blunted point of a needle gently in touch with the skin. At certain spots a distinct sensation of contact will be perceived. Other spots will give only dull sensations. Pressure, like heat and cold, is appreciated by scattered sense-organs in the skin, not by diffuse general sensation. Note the relation of the pressure points (1) to the hair follicles, and (2) to the warm and cold spots mapped out in previous experiments. Threshold Value. — Take from the human head several straight, strong hairs. Cement each to the end of a little stick of soft pine to serve as a handle. Provide a special lever, made as fol- lows : With a hot pin burn a small hole at the middle of a straw about 25 cm. in length. Pass a needle through this hole into a cork held in the muscle clamp. Press the free end of the hairs 394 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY against different parts of the skin of the hand, arm, and face. Select hairs which when pressed against the skin of the respective regions give no sensation of pressure. Shorten the hairs until the pressure is just perceptible. This will be the "pressure threshold." Make a loop in a short silk thread and pass the loop about the lever exactly one millimetre from the axis. Hang on the end of the thread a light bent hook. Coun- terpoise the lever very exactly, so that the slightest force applied to the end of the straw will raise the lever from the after-loading screw. By counterpoising in this way, the lever becomes a balance. On the bent hook hang a ring of German silver wire weighing one decigram (0.1 gram). Find a point on the lever 100 mm. from the axis. The weight of one decigram suspended 1 mm. from the axis of the lever will be raised by a force of j^q of a decigram, equal to one milligram (0.001 gram) applied 100 mm. from the axis. At HO mm. from the axis, 0.1 gram, suspended 1 mm. from the axis, will be lifted by a force of -gjjr gram (0.002 grain). Find the dis- tance from the axis at which each testing-hair, when pressed vertically against the lever, will just fail to lift the lever; in other words, the point at which the pressure will be just sufficient to bend the hair. The number of millimetres THE SKIN 395 between this point and the axis of the lever, multiplied by one-tenth, will give the bending pressure of the hair in the fraction of a gram. Make ten observations on each hair and mark the mean bending value on the wooden handle. Touch Discrimination. — 1. Close the eyes and let an assistant test the different parts of the skin of the hand, arm, and face for discrimina- ting power. For each test separate the points of the aesthesiometer until they can be felt as two (ordinary drawing dividers or compasses can be used for an aesthesiometer). Record your results in millimetres for finger- tips, palm of hand, back of ringers, back of hand, back of wrist, flexor and extensor surfaces of fore- arm, forehead, cheeks, lips, and tongue. 2. Separate the points of the aesthesiometer about 20 mm., and draw them gently side by side along the extensor surface of the forearm from the elbow to the wrist. Repeat the experi- ment on the flexor surface. Try the same for the cheek and lips, beginning near the ear and drawing the points so that one shall go above and the other below the mouth. Describe the sensation in each case, and sug- gest an explanation. Weber's Law. — Place the hand palm upward in a comfortable position on the table. Close 396 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY the eyes. Let an assistant place on the last phalanx of the middle and index fingers a small round box containing ten small shot. When the subject has formed a clear percep- tion of the weight, let an assistant add or subtract shot, and record the number of shot cor- responding to the smallest difference in weight perceived by the subject (whose eyes of course should be kept closed). Kepeat the experiment with 20, 30, 40, and 50 shot in the box respec- tively. Determine in each instance the ratio of the number of shot added or subtracted to the number with which each experiment was begun. This ratio will be approximately constant. The degree of stimulation necessary to cause the perception of difference always bears the same ratio to the degree of stimulation already applied. Weber's law is less true for very small and very large weights than for those of medium value- It is a general law and holds good for visual judgments, etc. After-Sensation of Pressure. — Place a rubber band about the head and allow it to remain for several minutes. On removing the band, a distinct after-sensa- tion of pressure will l)e felt. Temperature and Pressure. — Place oil the back of the hand supported on tin; table a coin the THE SKIN 397 temperature of which has been made such that it feels neither warm nor cold. Compare the pressure sensation (apparent weight) of this "nor- mal" coin with that of similar coins warmed and cooled. The hot or cold coin will seem heavier than the " normal " coin of equal weight. Touch Illusion ; Aristotle's Experiment. — Cross the right middle finger over the right index finger and place them on the palm of the left hand. Place a small shot between the crossed fingers in such a way that it shall touch the ulnar side of the middle finger and the radial side of the index finger. Eoll the shot in the palm of the hand. A sensation of two objects will be felt. Apparatus Black and red ink. Small wooden rod. Menthol pen- cil. Inductorium. Dry cell. Electrodes. Key. Three beakers. Stand. Ring. Wire gauze. Bunsen burner. Thermometer. Needle with blunted point. Muscle lever. Gram and ten-gram weights. German silver ring weigh- ing 0.1 gram. Silk thread. Four small wooden handles for pressure-hairs. Bent hook. Drawing dividers (as eesthesiometer). Small round box containing at least 50 shot. Rubber band large enough to go around the head. 398 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY VI GENERAL SENSATIONS Tickle Irradiation. — Gently touch the skin near one nostril with a dry camel' s-hair brush. Note (1) the strong sensation produced by the slight stimulus ; (2) the irradiation beyond the spot stimulated. After image. — Repeat the stimulus of the pre- ceding experiment. Measure in seconds the time during which the sensation outlasts the stimulus (after image). Topography. — Test the tickle sensation at vari- ous points on the skin of the face, hands, and forearms. Determine whether the sensation is greatest about the several openings, where skin joins mucous or serous membranes ; e. g., the nostrils, the conjunctival sac, the auditory canal. Do the results indicate a protective mechanism ? Summation. — In one of the sensitive areas found in the preceding experiment determine the difference between the response to a single stim- ulus and to successive stimuli. Fatigue. — In any sensitive area determine (1) the quickness with which the apparatus for the sensation of tickle is fatigued; (2) the duration of fatigue. general sensations 399 Pain Threshold Value. — Arrange an inductorium for tetanizincj currents. Place the electrodes on the tip of the tongue, and move the secondary toward the primary coil until no farther move- ment can be made without causing the stimula- tion to become painful. Determine for this region and for others of the mucous membrane of the mouth and of the skin what distance of the secondary coil from the primary separates the stimulus at which pain is just perceived from that at which the pain is distinct. Latent Period. — In several individuals measure approximately the interval between the applica- tion of the stimulus (single break shock) and the resulting painful sensation. Summation. — Determine the number of sub- minimal stimuli necessary to produce pain. Topography. — Map upon the skin of the face and arm the areas specially sensitive to pain. Individual Variation. — Compare the reactions of several individuals, and note the differences in threshold value, latent period, summation, and topography. Temperature Stimuli. — Fill two bowls or large beakers with water twenty-five degrees respec- tively, hotter and colder, than the temperature 400 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY of the hand. Determine whether the increase or the corresponding decrease in temperature is the more painful to the immersed hand. Motor Sensations Judgment of Weight. — Lift the same weight twice, at first very slowly and then quickly. The weight will appear lighter when raised quickly. Sensation of Effort. — " Hold the finger as if to pull the trigger of a pistol. Think vigorously of bending the finger, but do not bend it. " An unmistakable feeling of effort results. " Eepeat the experiment, and notice that the breath is involuntarily held, and that there are tensions in other muscles than those that would move the finger." {Sanforcl.) Sensation of Motion. — Let the forearm and hand rest upon a table. Bring the four fingers of the hand together, and turn the hand so that it shall rest upright upon the ulnar side of the little finger. Close the eyes. Abduct the first finger. The second, third, and fourth finger will seem to move in a direction opposite to the movement of the first. TASTE 401 VII TASTE Threshold Value. — Prepare solutions of cane sugar of the following strengths : 1 : 1000, 1 : 800, 1 : 600, 1 : 400, 1 : 200, 1 : 100. Take half a teaspoonful of the weakest solution into the mouth, roll it upon the tongue, and swallow it. Note whether a sweet taste can be per- ceived. Einse the mouth thoroughly. Proceed with solutions of increasing strength until the sweet taste is just perceptible. Topography. — 1. Select a solution of sugar slightly more concentrated than that just per- ceived to be sweet. With a small camel's-hair brush apply this solution to the several parts of the tongue and the palate. Determine the regions sensitive to taste. The mouth must be rinsed frequently. 2. Dry the upper surface of the tongue with a handkerchief. With a finely pointed camel's-hair brush apply a twenty per cent sugar solution to the individual fungiform papillse and to the mucous membrane between them. Determine whether only the papilke perceive taste. Relation of Taste to Area stimulated. — Swallow a very small quantity of a minimal solution of sugar, as determined in the experiment upon 26 402 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY threshold value. Einse the mouth, and then swallow a much larger portion of the solution. The taste will be perceived more strongly, the larger the area stimulated. Electrical Stimulation. — 1. Connect two small zinc electrodes through a simple key to a battery of four dry cells. Apply one electrode to an in- different region, the other to the tongue. Close the key. Note the sour taste at the positive pole and the alkaline taste at the negative. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 403 VIII INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS All visible objects give out light, either of their own making, like the sun, or that which comes from some external source and falls upon their surfaces. Bays that fall upon any surface may disappear (absorption), or be thrown back from the surface (reflection), or, if the body be trans- parent, pass into it, in which case they are often bent from their course (refraction). Eeflection from Plane Mirrors Angles of Incidence and Reflection. — Place in front of the condenser in the lantern (Fig. 63) the diaphragm with 2 mm. aperture. Cover the round window in the optical box with the plain glass slide. Kemove the cork from the tin cylin- der. Put a piece of lighted Japanese incense in 404 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 405 the hole in the cork. Put back the cork. Place the incense-holder in the optical box and put the glass lid on the box. Arrange the lantern to throw a beam of light through the window into the box. The smoke will be made luminous by the light so that the path of the rays can be seen. Make the rays parallel by pushing in the draw- tube holding the outer projecting lens of the lantern. Set the plane mirror against the side of the box. Let the rays fall obliquely upon the mirror. Accurate measurement would show (1) that the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the perpendicular to the point of incidence, all lie in the same plane, and (2) that the angle between the incident ray and the perpendicular — angle of incidence — is equal to the angle between the perpendicular and the reflected ray — angle of reflection (Hero of Alexandria, about 100 B. C). Reflection from Concave Mirrors Principal Focus. — 1. Place the concave mirror (the polished inner surface of the segment of a sphere of 5 cm. radius) at right angles to the pencil of parallel rays. The rays will be reflected to a point 2J cm. from the mirror.1 This point, to which parallel 1 Much smoke will make the rays less visible. The incident 406 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY rays are converged, is the principal focus of the concave mirror. The distance between the prin- cipal focus and the reflecting surface is termed the principal focal distance ; it is one half the radius of curvature. Accurate measurement would show that the angle between the incident ray and the perpendicular,1 in this case the radius of the spherical surface, equals the angle of reflection. 2. Take the mirror from the box and set it in the principal axis of the beam coming from the lantern. Replace the 2 mm. diaphragm by the diaphragm with L-shaped aperture. At the principal focus of the concave mirror hold the small round screen with slender handle. The inner rays of the beam will be inter- cepted by the screen. The outer rays will be reflected from the mirror and an inverted, real image of the L_-shaped aperture will be seen upon the screen. The image will be smaller than the object. When the distance between the mirror and the object is less than the radius of curvature but greater than the focal distance, the image is real, inverted, and larger. With concave mirrors, real images are always inverted. and tin: reflected beam may be compared l>y turning the mirror slightly, so that they lie side by side. 1 It is assumed that the spherical surface is composed of an infinite number of plane surfaces. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 407 3. Obtain a luminous point as follows. In- sert in front of the condenser the diaphragm with 2 mm. aperture. Place the glass slide over the window of the box. Pull out the draw-tube to make the pencil of rays convergent. Throw this convergent pencil into the box. Determine its focus by finding the place at which a clear image of the aperture of the diaphragm is formed upon a screen. This focus will serve as a luminous point. After converging to the focus, the rays will diverge again. Place the mirror 2.5 cm. from the luminous point. The luminous point will then lie at the principal focus of the mirror. Turn the mirror at a small angle with the axis of the pencil. The reflected rays will be parallel. Conjugate Foci. — 1. Place the mirror at a dis- tance from the luminous point greater than the radius of curvature of the mirror. The diverging incident rays will be reflected from the spherical surface to a point between the luminous point and the mirror. At this point a real image of the luminous point will be seen. The point from which the rays diverge, and the point to which they converge by reflection from the mirror are termed conjugate foci. 2. Draw back the lantern and thus increase 408 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY the distance between the luminous point and the mirror. As the distance between the luminous point and the mirror increases, the distance between the mirror and the image diminishes. Move the lantern towards the optical box, and thus bring the luminous point towards the mirror. As the distance between the mirror and one conjugate focus diminishes, the distance between the mirror and the other conjugate focus in- creases. As one focus approaches the mirror, the other recedes. 3. Place the mirror 5 cm. from the luminous point. The luminous point is now at the centre of the sphere of which the reflecting surface is a segment. The incident rays are therefore all radial, i. e. perpendicular, to this surface. Con- sequently all the rays will be reflected to the point of origin. The incident and the reflected rays will coincide. The centre of the reflecting surface and its optical image will also coincide. The conjugate foci coincide. Virtual image. — • 1. Place the mirror at a distance from the luminous point less than the principal focal distance. The reflected rays will diverge. They will appear to proceed from a point lying behind the mirror. The distance between this unreal or INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 409 virtual image and the mirror will be greater than the distance between the mirror and the lumi- nous point. As the luminous point approaches the mirror, its virtual image will also approach. 2. Hold a small object nearer the mirror than its principal focal distance. Note that the image is virtual, upright, and larger than the object. Construction of Image from Concave Mirrors. — Determine by construction the length of the image of an arrow 2 cm. long, placed 10 cm; from the middle point of a concave mirror of 5 cm. radius of curvature. Draw a horizontal line. With any convenient point on this line as a centre describe an arc of 5 cm. radius, that shall intersect the line. This arc will be the section of a concave mirror. The horizontal line will be the principal axis, and the intersection of the principal axis and the arc, the middle point of the mirror. The principal focus of the mirror will lie halfway between the centre of curvature and the middle point. At right angles to the principal axis and 10 cm. from the middle point draw a vertical arrow 2 cm. long. Determine first the position of the image of the point of the arrow. Draw from the point to the mirror an incident ray parallel to the principal axis. This parallel ray 410 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY will be reflected through the principal focus. Draw a second incident ray from the arrow point through the centre of curvature. This ray will be perpendicular to the spherical surface and will be reflected in the same line. The inter- section of these two reflected rays will be the image of the point of the arrow. Determine in like manner the position of the image of the other end of the arrow. Keflection fkom Convex Mirrors The laws of reflection from convex mirrors may be deduced from those already stated for concave mirrors. The image reflected from con- vex mirrors is virtual, upright, and smaller than the object. Determine by construction the length of the image of an arrow, 2 cm. long, placed 10 cm. from the middle point of a convex mirror of 5 cm. radius. Effraction 1. Place the diaphragm of 2 mm. aperture in front of the condenser. Push in the draw-tube of the lantern until a beam of parallel rays enter the box. In the box lay the square glass bottle on its side upon a wooden block and at right INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 411 angles to the pencil of light. Neglect the re- flected rays. Observe that the incident rays pass through the bottle and its contents, and are not bent from their course. Light, passing from one medium into another of different density, is not refracted, provided the course of the ray be perpendicular to the surface separating the media. 2. Turn the bottle so that the incident ray shall enter it at an angle. On passing from the air into the denser medium of the glass and the contained liquid, the incident ray will be bent from its course. On passing from the denser medium into the air again, the ray will once more be bent from its path. Imagine a perpendicular erected at the points of incidence and emergence. The re- fracted ray will be bent toward the perpendicu- lar on passing into the denser medium, and away from the perpendicular on leaving the denser medium. Turn the bottle and thus alter the angle be- tween the incident ray and the perpendicular (angle of incidence). The angle between the refracted ray and the perpendicular (angle of refraction) increases with the ancde of incidence. Exact measurements made by Snellius and Descartes, about 1621, 412 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY showed that — (1) the refracted ray lies in the same plane with the incident ray and the per- pendicular, and (2) the sine of the angle of in- cidence stands in an unalterable relation to the sine of the angle of refraction. The sine of the angle of incidence is to the sine of the angle of refraction as the velocity of the light ray in the first medium is to its velocity in the second, or refracting medium. The ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in any medium is termed the index of refraction, or refractive power of that medium. If the velocity of light in a vacuum he taken as 1, that A light in air at 0° temperature and 760 mm. pressure, will be 0.9997, a difference so slight that the velocity in air is usually taken as the unit. The law of refraction is commonly ex- pressed as follows : Let n represent the index of refraction, a the angle of incidence, and b the angle of refraction ; then . 7 sin a sin a = ?i sin o, or n = — — r. sin b As a rule, the physically denser medium is also optically denser. Thus the refractive index for the Frauenhofer line1 I), on passing from air 1 White light is composed of rays of different refrangibility ; hence the use in such measurements of pure spectral rays. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 413 into crown glass, of which spectacle lenses are made, is 1.530; into flint glass, 1.635; into water at 15° C, 1.332. Refraction by Prisms A refracting medium bounded by two plane surfaces not parallel is termed a prism. The planes are termed the refracting surfaces. The angle which they make with each other is termed the refracting angle of the prism. 1. Place a prism in the optical box in the beam of parallel rays. The beam will be bent from its course on entering and on leaving the prism. The emerging pencil will be divergent, for the homogeneous rays, the union of which produces the sensation of white light, are not equally refracted, — the rays towards the red end of the spectrum are bent less strongly than those towards the violet end, the order being red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. Construction of the Path of a Ray passing through a Prism. — Draw a horizontal line 5 cm. in length. Upon this line construct the section of a prism.1 1 To construct the section of a jwism: Let the horizon- tal line be the base of the prism. Place the brass leg of the drawing compasses at one end of the base line. Draw a circle of 3 cm. radius. Place the brass leg at the other end of the base line and draw a circle of the same radius. A line joining the intersections of the two circles will be perpendicular to the 414 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Draw with ink a ray incident to the refract- ing surface.1 Find the sine of the angle of in- cidence.2 For the Franenhofer line D passing from air into crown glass the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence an to the sine of the angle of refraction bn is an : bn \\ 1.53 '. 1 For the same light passing from crown glass into air the ratio of the sine of the angle of in- cidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is the reciprocal of the ratio from air to crown glass an °. bn '. '. 1 '. 1.53 middle of the base line. Let a point on this perpendicular 5 cm. above the base line be the apex of the section. Join the apex with the ends of the base line. Ink the boundarj' lines of the cross-section thus obtained. Erase the pencil construction lines. 1 For convenience let the incident ray come from the pro- longed base line of the prism 10 cm. from the nearest refract- ing surface. Let the point of incidence — the point at which tin- incident ray meets the refracting surface — be about the middle of the refracting surface. 2 To find the sine: With the point of incidence as a centre draw a circle of convenient radius (2 cm.). Construct a radius of this circle perpendicular to the refracting surface at the point of incidence. From the intersection of the circle with the in- cident ray draw a line perpendicular to the radius (a line drawn from the point of intersection parallel to the refracting surface will be perpendicular to the radius). This is the sinus line of the angle. The ratio of this line to the radius of the circle is the sine of the incident angle. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 415 Measure the length of the sine of the angle of incidence in millimetres. Suppose that an in the present instance is 13 mm. Then with equation ( 1 ) 1.53 : 1 : : 13 : x x = 8.5 mm., the sine of the angle of refraction. Find on the construction circle within the prism a point 8.5 mm. in a perpendicular line above the diameter at right angles to the refract- ing surface. Continue the ray through this point to the second refracting surface. Ink the path of the ray within the prism. Erase the con- struction lines within the prism, but leave un- touched those without the prism. Find the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction at the second refracting surface. Draw with ink the path of the emergent ray. Preserve all these construction lines. Write the equations in ink in the upper left-hand corner of the paper, and the four sines in the upper right-hand corner. The degree to which light is refracted on pass- ing through a prism depends on the refracting power of the substance of the prism, the size of the refracting angle, and the size of the angle of incidence. 416 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Effraction by Convex Lenses Principal Focus. — 1. Place the diaphragm of 2 mm. aperture in the lantern. Throw a beam of parallel rajs into the optical box. Place the double convex lens in the axis of the beam about 5 cm. from the window of the box. The parallel rays will be brought to their principal focus about 10 cm. (4 inches) from the lens. Note the increase in intensity as the rays converge. Place the black wooden screen at this point. A real image of the luminous aperture of the diaphragm will be perceived. 2. Place the diaphragm of 2 mm. aperture over the window of the box. Direct the light of the lantern upon the opening in the diaphragm. From the illuminated opening rays will diverge in all directions. Place the lens 10 cm. from this luminous body, so that it shall lie in the princi- pal focus of the lens. The diverging rays will be rendered parallel. Pays diverging from the principal focus are rendered parallel by passing through a convex lens. A lens may be regarded as an infinite series of prisms. In a convex lens the refracting angle INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 417 of each hypothetical prism is directed to the periphery of the lens. As the periphery is ap- proached the refracting angles increase, and hence refraction increases. The increased refrac- tion of the outer rays diverging from a luminous point compensates in part for their greater angle of incidence, and hence most of the rays converge approximately to the same focus. Estimation of Principal Focal Distance. — Re- move from the lantern the tubes holding the projec- tion lenses. Place in front of the condensing lens the diaphragm with L-shaped aperture each limb of which is 5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad. Place the convex lens in the axis of the pencil emerg- ing from the illuminated slit and at a distance from it a little greater than the principal focal dis- tance as determined roughly in the preceding ex- periment. On the other side of the lens place a screen at such a distance as to give a strongly enlarged clear picture of the l_. Measure I = the length of one limb of the |_, L = the length of its image, A = the distance of the screen from the lens, / = the principal focal distance of the lens, then1 f=ATTl 1 This formula is derived as follows ; Let a "be the distance 27 418 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY The principal focal distance of a double con- vex lens is approximately equal to the radius of curvature. Conjugate Foci. — Place in the lantern the dia- phragm of 2 mm. aperture. Eemove the tubes holding the projecting lenses. Place the convex lens against the window of the optical box. Place the black screen twice the focal distance from the lens. Move back the lantern until a clear image of the luminous aperture appears on the screen. The point from which rays passing through a lens diverge, and the point to which they con- verge, are termed conjugate foci. Measure the distance of the luminous aperture from the lens. It will be found to be twice the focal distance. When the point of divergence is separated from the lens by twice the focal distance, the point of convergence is equally distant from the other of the object from the principal surface of the lens (see page 46); then — - + — = . The relation between the size of the image A a f to and the size of the object is L '. I '.'. A I a; then - = -j-r, and, by substitution,— = — -+- —, whence f = A - f A AV J L+l' Compared with the thickness of the lens, the distance of the object from the lens is so great that it may be used in place of the unknown distance from the principal surface (Kohlrausch,: Leitfaden der praktischen Physik, 1887, p. 142). INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 419 side of the lens, — the conjugate focal distances are equal. Move the lantern farther from the lens. The conjugate focus will approach the lens. As one conjugate focus recedes the other ap- proaches the lens. Virtual image. — 1. Place the 2 mm. diaphragm over the window of the optical box. Let the di- verging rays pass through the convex lens placed at a distance from the lumiuous point less than the principal focal distance. After passing through the lens, the diverging rays will continue to diverge though the degree of divergence will be less. Prolonged backwards, they would unite in a virtual image on the same side of the lens as the luminous object. The virtual image is farther from the lens than the object, is never inverted, and is always enlarged. (Compare the construction, directions for which will be given on page 421.) 2. Look through the convex lens at printed words placed between the lens and its principal focus. The image is virtual and enlarged. Construction of Image obtained -with Convex Lens. — The line which joins the centres of curva- ture of a double convex lens is termed the prin- cipal axis or optical axis. In every lens there 420 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY are in the principal axis two points so placed that when the entering ray is directed toward the first, the emergent ray will appear to come from the second in a direction parallel to the entering ray. These are termed nodal points. In ordinary glass lenses the distance between the two nodal points is about one third the thickness of the lens. When this distance is so small that it may be disregarded, the two nodal points may be assumed to meet in an intermediate point termed the optical centre (compare page 444) of the lens. A ray directed to the optical centre is not refracted but passes through the lens in a straight line. The position and size of an image formed by a lens can be found by drawing one line from each extremity of the object through the optical centre, and another from each extremity parallel with the principal axis to the lens and thence through the principal focus. The intersections of these lines mark the position of the image and its upper and lower limit. It is necessary to remember that parallel rays are refracted through the principal focus only when the aperture of the lens does not exceed approximately ten degrees. Draw a horizontal line to serve as the principal axis. Let a point near the middle of the line be the optical centre of a double convex lens of 10° aperture and 5 cm. radius. The radius of curva- INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 421 ture being 5 cm., the principal focus will lie approximately 5 cm. from the optical centre. Draw through the optical centre a line 10 mm. long at right angles to and bisected by the prin- cipal axis. Connect the ends of this line with the principal focus. The angle included will be approximately 10°. The vertical line will then represent a double convex lens of 10° aper- ture, assumed to be without thickness in order that the nodal points may coincide with the opti- cal centre. At any distance greater than 5 cm., draw an arrow at right angles to and bisected by the principal axis. The height of the arrow must not exceed the diameter of the lens, so that rays emitted from the ends of the arrow parallel to the principal axis of the lens shall pass through the lens. From the ends of the arrow draw to the lens and thence through the principal focus incident rays parallel to the principal axis. From each end of the arrow draw a line through the optical centre of the lens. The intersections of these lines mark the upper and lower limits of the image. Note that the image is real and inverted. If the object be situ- ated at twice the focal distance from the lens, the image will be the size of the object ; if at less than twice the focal distance, the image will be 422 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY larger than the object ; if at more than twice the focal distance, the image will be smaller than the object ; finally, if the object be situated between the principal focus and the lens, the image will no longer be real, but virtual and larger than the object, as mentioned on page 419. Eefraction by Concave Lenses Place the diaphragm with 2 mm. aperture in front of the condenser. Throw a pencil of paral- lel rays into the box. Let the rays fall upon a concave lens. The parallel rays will be rendered divergent. Look through the concave lens at printed words. The image is virtual, upright, and smaller than the object. It is nearer the lens than the object, and is always within the prin- cipal focal distance. Kefraction by Segments of Cylinders 1. Place the diaphragm with 2 mm. aperture in front of the condenser. Throw a pencil of parallel rnys into the box. Place the cylindrical lens in the axis of the pencil in such a position that the curvature shall be from side to side, i. e. in the horizontal meridian. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 423 The image of the circular aperture in the dia- phragm will be a vertical line with blurred con- vex ends. Turn the cylinder so that the curvature shall be in the vertical meridian. The imacre will be a horizontal line with blurred convex ends. 2. Place the diaphragm with horizontal slit in the lantern. Throw parallel rays into the box. Place the cylinder in the axis of the pencil with its curvature vertical. The horizontal line is a fusion of illuminated points. From each point rays diverge in all directions. Those passing from any point in vertical planes through the cylinder convex in its vertical meridians will be focussed by the convex surface in a corresponding point in the image. The overlapping of such points will form a horizontal line with clear upper and lower edge. The rays passing from any point in the illuminated line in horizontal planes through the cylinder with vertical curvature will be refracted by plane glass surfaces and will not come to a point but will form a faint horizontal line. The overlapping in the image of the bright points in which unite the rays passing in vertical planes and the faint horizontal lines formed by rays passing in horizontal planes will 424 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY form upon the screen a horizontal line with blurred ends. Place the vertical slit in front of the con- denser. A broad, faint, horizontal line with blurred ends will be observed. Draw a diagram illus- trating the formation of this image. Turn the cylinder, so that the curvature shall lie in the horizontal meridian. The horizontal rays are at once united in a narrow sharply defined vertical line with blurred ends. Eefraction through Combined Convex and Cylindrical Lenses Thus far segments of perfect spheres or cylin- ders have been considered separately. In the eye both the cornea and the lens are frequently more convex in one meridian than in another. Such surfaces can be obtained by combining a convex with a cylindrical lens. 1. Place the diaphragm of 2 mm. aperture in front of the condenser. Throw parallel rays into the box. Place the convex lens in the axis of the pencil next the window. Keceive the image of the illuminated aperture upon a screen placed at the principal focus. The image will be a well-defined circle. Place the cylindrical lens INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 425 as close as possible to the convex lens. Let the curvature of the cylinder be in the vertical meridian. The circle will give place to a vertical line. Move the screen about 4 cm. nearer the lenses. The image of the circle will now be a horizon- tal line. Place the screen half way between the nearer and the farther focal lines. The image will be circular. At other points in the focal interval or space separating the two focal lines the image will be an ellipse. 2. Hang the block containing the cylindrical lens on the end of the draw-tube of the lantern. Leave the convex lens in its former position. Fill the box with smoke. Let the curvature of the cylindrical lens be in the vertical meridian. Observe the pencil of rays. The pencil will be drawn out to a vertical line at the farther focus. Seen from above the cross- section of this line will be a bright spot. At the nearer focus the pencil will be flattened to a horizontal line. Eotate the cylinder through 90°. The curva- ture will now be in the horizontal meridian. Watch the pencil as the lens turns. As the cylinder revolves the contour of the pencil will change. When the curvature is 426 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY finally horizontal the nearer focal line will be vertical, the farther focal line will be horizontal. Eotate the cylinder through 45°. By looking at the pencil first from one side of the box and then from the other, the focal lines may readily be seen in profile, as well as in cross-section. Aberration Spherical Aberration by Reflection. — In Fig. 64 a concave mirror, AB, has the centre of curva- ture, C, and the principal focus, F. BE is one of several incident parallel rays. CE is perpen- dicular to the point of incidence. EF is the ray reflected from E to the principal focus, G the Pig. 64. point at which the reflected ray cuts the axial line CK. DEWC G, therefore ZGCE=CEB INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 427 = 0 E G, and C G E is an isosceles triangle. Then if r be the radius and x the angle formed by the perpendicular CE with the axial ray C G, CG T = . So lon^ as angle x is small, cosine x 2 cos x ' ° will be nearly 1. C G will then be nearly one half the radius OK. Hence incident rays near the axial ray CiT will be reflected approximately to the principal focus F, which lies half way between the centre of curvature and the mirror. As the aperture 2 of the mirror increases, angle x also increases. The larger x, the smaller will be the denominator of the expression for C G, and the greater the distance of G from C. Bays reflected from the outer portion of a mirror of larger aper- ture meet the principal axis nearer the mirror than those reflected from the central portion. The intersection of the reflected rays produces a curved line — the caustic curve or focal line. By revolving Fig. 2 about the axis C K, a caustic or focal surface will be obtained.2 Spherical Aberration by Refraction. — 1. The observations just made concerning concave mir- rors are applicable also to lenses. Bays entering 1 The aperture is the angle included between lines drawn from the principal focus to the margins of the mirror or lens. 2 Jochmann and Hermes. Grundriss der Experimental- physik, 1890, p. 153. 428 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY a lens with aperture greater than 10° are not refracted to the principal focus but cross the principal axis between the principal focus and the lens. The caustic surface formed by the intersection of these peripheral rays may readily be shown with any lens or cylinder of small radius of curvature. 2. Place the diaphragm with 2 mm. aperture in front of the condenser. Throw parallel rays into the optical box. Set in the box near the window the cylindrical bottle of clear glass filled with water. The bottle will serve as a powerful refracting cylinder. The circular pencil of parallel rays will be brought to a focus in a vertical line (compare page 422). The outer rays of the pencil pass through the outer portion of the cylinder, and are therefore more strongly refracted than those near the optical axis. Each refracted ray inter- sects the refracted rays nearer than itself to the principal axis. These intersections form two curved surfaces extending from the principal focus — in this case a vertical line — towards the cylinder. On regarding these surfaces from above, their curvature will be apparent. 3. Remove the projecting lenses; place the ground glass plate and the diaphragm with 2 mm. aperture in front of the condenser. Let the rays INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 429 diverging from the illuminated aperture pass through the refracting cylinder. The curvature of the caustic surfaces will be more noticeable than in Experiment 2. Dispersion Circles. — 1. Let the parallel rays pass through the double convex lens. Place a screen at the principal focus. A clear image of the circular aperture in the diaphragm will be seen. Move the screen away from and then towards the lens. When the screen is either nearer or farther from the lens than the principal focus, the image will be larger and less distinct. The screen will cut the pencil in the one case before it has con- verged to the focus, and in the other case after it has passed the focal point and is diverging. Under such circumstances the image of a point becomes a circle, termed a dispersion circle or circle of confusion. 2. Substitute the diaphragm with L-shaped aperture for that with circular aperture. Place the screen a little nearer or farther than the focal point. The image will be a broad blurred line with convex ends. The pencils proceeding from each luminous point in the line will fall upon the screen in dispersion circles. The broad line is caused by the overlapping of the dispersion cir- 430 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY cles. Similar blurring by dispersion circles is caused by the rays which pass through the outer parts of a lens coming to a focus sooner than the axial rays. Myopia. — In the normal eye at rest parallel rays are brought to a focus upon the retina. In the myopic eye parallel rays, and even rays to a certain degree divergent, are brought to a focus in the vitreous, whence they fall in dispersion circles on the retina. The most common cause of myopia is the abnormal length of the antero- posterior diameter of the eye. The defect can be remedied by placing a concave lens before the eye. The entering rays are thereby rendered divergent, or their divergence is increased, so that their focus is displaced backwards towards the retina. The degree of the myopia is measured by the strength of the concave lens which, placed before the eye, will bring the principal focus exactly to the retina. Let parallel rays pass through the convex lens of 10 cm. (4 inch) focal distance placed against the window of the optical box. Find the prin- cipal focus and then move the screen 2.5 cm. farther from the lens. The image will be blurred. The screen will intersect the rays diverging from the focal point. Hold the weak concave lens, marked — 2, in INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 431 front of the window. This lens has a focal dis- tance of two dioptres or one-half metre (see page 435). The image will be clear again. The myopia in this case is therefore —2D. Hypermetropia. — In the hypermetropic eye at rest parallel rays and even those to a certain degree convergent meet the retina before they have come to a focus. The most frequent cause of hypermetropia is the abnormal shortness of the antero-posterior diameter of the eye. The defect can be remedied by placing a convex lens before the eye. The entering rays are thereby rendered convergent, or their convergence is increased. The degree of the hypermetropia is measured by the strength of the convex lens which, placed before the eye, will so increase its convergent power that parallel rays will come to a focus on the retina. Place the screen 2.5 cm. nearer the lens than the principal focus. The image will be blurred. The screen will intersect the rays before they have converged to the focal point. Hold the weak convex lens, marked + 2, in front of the- window. The image will be clear. The hypermetropia in this case is therefore 4-2D. 432 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Myopia and hypermetropia will be further considered under refraction in the eye. Chromatic Aberration. — The velocity of the homogeneous spectral rays composing white light is believed to be the same in a vacuum and in gases, but differs in transparent liquids and solids. The front of the light wave strikes the refracting surface obliquely. As the wave front enters the medium, its speed lessens. Thus the part of the front which enters first travels in the refracting medium at a speed less than the remainder which has not yet entered. The wave front is therefore bent towards the retarded portion. The shorter the wave length, i. e. the greater the wave num- ber, the slower will the wave advance in the refracting medium. Hence the wave front of the violet ray moves more slowly in the medium than the front of the red ray, and is therefore bent more from its course. The reverse of this process takes place when the wave emerges from the refracting medium. The violet rays are there- fore more refrangible than the red, and on enter- ing a refracting medium pursue a different path. Thus each spectral ray passing through a lens has its own principal focus. In other words, the images for the several spectral colors do not coin- cide precisely. The order in which the refracted spectral rays cross the principal axis is that of INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS 433 their refrangibility ; violet crosses nearest the lens, then blue, green, yellow, orange, and red in the order named. The principal focus will thus be a line of colors lying in the principal axis, the end nearest the lens being violet. The peripheral portions of a lens refract rays parallel to the prin- cipal axis more strongly than the axial portion. Hence the chromatic aberration will increase with the aperture of the lens. Put the ground glass plate and the diaphragm with 2 mm. aperture in front of the condenser. Let the rays from the illuminated spot of ground glass pass through the 10 D lens placed about 15 cm. in front of the ground glass, i. e. a dis- tance somewhat greater than the focal distance of the lens (10 cm.). Place a white screen about 15 cm. in front of the lens. The image of the white spot upon the ground glass will be a disk with violet centre and red margin. Eemove the white screen farther from the lens. At a distance of about 30 cm. the centre of the image will be red and the border violet. The image in this experiment is blurred be- cause the rays which pass through the peripheral portion of the lens cross the principal axis sooner than the rays which pass through the axial por- tion. If the screen be placed at the focus of the 28 434 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY more axial rays, this focal point in the image will be surrounded, by dispersion circles made by the rays which have been refracted from the periph- ery through foci nearer the lens and which are now diverging from these foci. If the screen be placed at the principal focus for the peripheral rays, this focal point will be surrounded by dis- persion circles made by the rays that have not yet converged to the principal axis. (Compare spherical aberration, page 428.) Aberration avoided by a Diaphragm. — Place before the condenser the paper diaphragm with 1 cm. aperture. The image at once becomes distinct, and the colors practically disappear. The outer rays, which when refracted would cross the principal axis far enough from the principal focus to cause dispersion circles, have been cut off'. When the aperture of a lens or mirror is reduced by a diaphragm to 10°, the greater part of the spheri- cal aberration is prevented. Spherical aberration is still further reduced by combining several lenses in an objective (apla- natic system). With an achromatic lens, consisting of a col- lecting lens of crown glass united with a dispers- ing lens of flint glass, all the spectral rays may be brought to the same focus, and chromatic aberration altogether avoided. INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS Numbering of Prisms and Lenses Numbering of Prisms. — Prisms may be num- bered according to refracting angles or according to the extent to which they turn the light ray from its course (angular deviation). Angular deviation is expressed by the methods of Dennett and of Prentice. Dennett's method. — The length of an arc of 57.295° equals its radius of curvature. A prism which will bend the ray one hundredth part of this arc is called one centrad. The angular deviation produced by the prisms are by this method expressed in hundredths of the radius measured on the arc. Prentice's method. — The unit of comparison is a prism-dioptre, i. e. a prism that deflects a ray of light one centimetre at a plane one metre dis- tant, or, in other words, the hundredth part of the radius measured on the tangent. Numbering of Lenses. — Lenses are numbered according to their refractive power. The unit is a lens with a focal distance of one metre. This unit is termed a dioptre, D. A lens of two metres focus is one half the refractive power, or J D. The lenses ordinarily employed in ophthal- mic practice extend from 0.12 D to 22 D. The 436 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY principal focal distance of any lens in the dioptric system may be found by dividing one metre, or 100 cm., by the number of dioptres ; thus the focal distance of a lens of 4 I) = •1|^- = 25 cm. Convex lenses are marked -f, concave lenses -. If two or more lenses are placed together, the dioptric power of the system thus formed equals the algebraical sum of the dioptric powers of the lenses in the system. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 437 IX REFRACTION IN THE EYE The Eye as a Camera Obscura. — 1. From the eye of an ox remove the posterior part of the sclerotic and choroid coats over an area about 1 cm. in diameter near the outer (temporal) side of the optic nerve. Cover the retina with a watch glass. Turn the cornea towards an incandescent lamp. A small, real, inverted image of the lamp will be seen upon the transparent retina. In the white rabbit the choroid has so little pigment that the retinal image may be seen without removing the outer coats of the eye. 2. In a darkened room, direct a blond, blue- eyed individual to turn the eyes so that one cornea shall lie in the outer angle of the eye. Hold a candle near the temporal side of that eye. The small, inverted retinal image of the candle can often be seen shining through the sclerotic coat at the nasal side of the eye. 438 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY The Schematic Eye In passing from the external air to the retina, the rays of light undergo refraction at the layer of tears on the anterior surface of the cornea, the surfaces bounding layers of unequal refractive power in the substance of the cornea, the ante- rior surface of the aqueous humor, the anterior surface of the lens, the surfaces bounding layers of unequal refractive power in the substance of the lens, and the anterior surface of the vitreous humor. To determine the size and position of visual images, it is fortunately not necessary to calculate refraction at each of these many sur- faces. The problem is much simplified by the following considerations. The irregularities in the refractive power of the different parts of the cornea are small ; and the refractive index of the layer of tears which covers the anterior surface is almost identical with the index of the substance of the cornea and that of the aqueous humor. Practically therefore the layer of tears, the cornea, and the aqueous humor may be regarded as a single re- fracting medium. Further, although the layers of which the lens is composed increase in refract- ing power towards the centre of the lens, it is KEFR ACTION IN THE EYE 439 known that the error introduced by assuming the lens to be homogeneous is unimportant. Thus the simplified dioptric system of the eye consists of three refracting surfaces : the anterior surface of the cornea,1 the anterior surface of the lens, and the anterior surface of the vitreous humor. The index of refraction of the aqueous and vitreous humors is practically the same. The several refracting surfaces of this optical system are approximately " centred," i. e. placed with their centres of curvature upon a right line, the optical axis. The diaphragm (iris) is of such a size and position that the rays entering the eye intersect the axis at small angles ; the aperture of the system is therefore small. Under such conditions it is possible to find upon the princi- pal axis of the system certain cardinal points, discovered by Gauss, by the aid of which the situation and size of the visual images may be determined. The cardinal points are (1) the an- terior principal focus, (2) the anterior principal point, (3) the posterior principal point, (4) the anterior nodal point, (5) the posterior nodal point, (6) the posterior principal focus. These points are reciprocal. As the dioptric system of the eye consists of a 1 For convenience, the anterior surface of the cornea will be held to include the layer of tears. 440 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY spherical surface 1 (the cornea) and a double con- vex lens (the crystalline lens) it will be advis- able to consider first the cardinal points of the cornea (System A), next those of the lens (Sys- tem B), and finally those of the two combined as in the eye (System C). Cardinal Points of the Cornea (System A) Construction Drawing of System A. — Draw a horizontal line to serve as the optical axis.2 Take any point, k, in this line for a centre of curvature.3 From this point describe an arc 1 The cornea is not strictly a spherical surface, but more nearly that produced by the revolution of an ellipse about its major axis. 2 This construction drawing should be placed near the top of the page, in order to permit the construction drawings for the lens and the compound optical system to be made beneath it. All these drawings will be the natural size. 8 The following list will be found convenient : k, centre of curvature. r, radius of curvature. hlt intersection of the first spherical surface of any system with its principal axis (" first " is used in the sense of nearest the source of light). h2, intersection of the second spherical surface with its principal axis. nlt the first medium, that which bounds the refracting surface on the side from which the ray conies ; also the refractive index of this medium. u2, The second medium, that which bounds the refracting sur- face on the side from which the ray emerges ; also the refractive index of this medium. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 441 with the radius r = 7.829 mm., the radius of curvature of the cornea. The intersection of the arc with the axis is termed the principal point hx of the axial ray. The spherical surface separates two media : nv the air, and n2, the aqueous humor. Principal Focal Distances. — 1. Kays passing from the first medium through the cornea into the second medium unite nearly in a point, the posterior principal focus, <£2. The distance, h^*, between this point and the principal point is the posterior principal focal distance, F2. Eays pass- ing from the aqueous humor through the cornea posterior principal focus. Fx, anterior focal distance. F2, posterior focal distance. fl, anterior conjugate focal distance. f2, posterior conjugate focal distance. o, optical centre. Klt first nodal point. K2, second nodal point. Hi, first principal point. H2, second principal point. 5, point between two refracting surfaces at which an object must be in order that the images of the object formed by the refracting surfaces shall be similar, i. e., images of one another, lying therefore in the principal surfaces. Where confusion might arise in applying these terms to Sys- tem A, B, orC, they will be distinguished by placing with them the letters A, B, C, respectively. Thus the anterior focal dis- tance of the lens will be written Fi B, wherever it might other* wise be confused with that of System A or C. 442 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY to the air, parallel to and near the axis, unite in front of the cornea nearly in a point, the anterior principal focus, <£i. The distance, ht b between this point and the principal point is the anterior principal focal distance, Fx. The principal focal distances are proportional to the coefficients of refraction of the first and last media. The pos- terior principal focal distance is calculated by the formula * (la.) F2= "*r no — n. In comparing refractive powers the air, nlt is taken as the unit. Thus the formula becomes (1 b) F2 n2 r n2 — 1 The anterior principal focal distance is calcu- lated by tne formula (2 a) FX= *' no — n. As %i = unity, the formula becomes (2 b) Ft = —^-r n2 — 1 The refractive index, nu of the air = 1 ; accord- 1 For the derivation of the formulas in this chapter the reader is referred to the works of Donders (Accommodation and Refraction of the Eye) and Helmholtz (Handhuch der physio- logischen Optik). REFRACTION IN THE EYE 443 ing to Helmholtz,1 the refractive index, n2, of the aqueous humor is 1.3365 ; the ratio is f. Calculate F1 and F,. The result is,^i = 23.266, F2 = 31.095. 2. The principal foci may also be approximately found by construction. Erect at the principal point and the nodal point 2 perpendiculars to the optical axis. Set off on each perpendicular dis- tances from the optical axis proportional to the rapidity of light in the first and second medium. The ratio in the case of the air and the aqueous humor is 4 '. 3. Mark therefore points 20 mm. and 15 mm. from the axis. Draw a line from the 20 mm. point of the first perpendicular through the 15 mm. point of the second, and produce the line to the optical axis. Its intersection with the optical axis is the posterior principal focus. Find in a similar way the anterior principal focus. Indicate upon the axis the cardinal points, remembering that the construction drawing is to be the natural size. Construction of Image. — About 10 cm. in front of the cornea draw an arrow, ij, which shall intersect the optical axis at right angles. 1 The figures for this and subsequent calculations under " Re- fraction of the Eye," are those given by Helmholtz. They are collected in a convenient Table on pages 461 and 462. 2 The centre of curvature is the nodal point of a system con- sisting of a single spherical surface. 444 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Draw a line from the point i of the arrow through k. This line, since it passes through the centre of curvature, will coincide with the perpendicular to the refracting surface, and there- fore will not be refracted. Draw from the point i to the cornea a line parallel to the axis. This parallel ray will be refracted through the poste- rior principal focus 2. The two rays will unite at their point of intersection, i2, which point is the image of i and is its conjugate focus. The arrow ij was vertical to the axis. Hence its image will also be vertical to the axis. Draw, therefore, from i2 a line vertical to the axis. From the end j of the arrow draw a line through k. The intersection of this line witli the verti- cal line just drawn will be the image j2 of the point j. Calculation of the Position of the Conjugate Foci. — The conjugate foci may be found by the following formulas. Let /i be the conjugate focal distance hi i, and f2 be the conjugate focal distance h\jr \o a) fx = - — (4 a) f2 - A- Ft v J "* fi-Fi For virtual images the formulas become (3b) /. = ^4 <4b) fi^TT** REFRACTION IN THE EYE 445 Cardinal Points of the Crystalline Lens (System B) Construction Drawing of System B. — When the lens is accommodated for distant vision the radius of the anterior surface is about 10 mm., the radius of the posterior surface about 6 mm. ; the thickness at the principal axis 3.6 mm. The index of refraction of the lens is 1.4371. The in- dex of the aqueous and vitreous humors is 1.3365. Beneath the construction drawing of the cardinal points of the cornea (System A) draw a horizontal line parallel to the optical axis of the cornea. This line will serve as the optical axis of the lens. From the intersection of the cornea with its optical axis let fall a perpendicular to the optical axis of the lens. The anterior surface of the lens intersects the optical axis 3.6 mm. posterior to the cornea. The radius of the anterior surface of the lens is 10 mm. Find therefore on the optical axis a point 3.6 + 10 = 13.6 mm. behind the cornea. From this point as a centre describe an arc with a radius of 10 mm. that shall intersect the optical axis 3.6 mm. behind the cornea. A segment of this arc will represent the anterior surface of the lens. 446 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY The thickness of the lens, accommodated for distant objects, is 3.6 mm. Mark this point. Here the posterior surface of the lens intersects the optical axis. The radius of the posterior sur- face is 6 mm. Find therefore a point on the optical axis 6 mm. in front of the posterior sur- face of the lens. With this point as a centre describe with a radius of 0 mm. the segment of the arc that shall represent the posterior surface of the lens. Mark upon this drawing the cardi- nal points of the lens, as follows. Optical Centre. — In the cornea, a simple spher- ical surface, rays directed to the centre of curva- ture, k, were found to pass through the refracting surface unchanged in direction. In thin convex lenses having a long focal distance it is generally assumed that any ray passing through a point within the lens termed the optical centre, o, is not refracted. In thick lenses, on the contrary, every ray excepting that coinciding with the principal axis is refracted (see Nodal Points). The optical centre is situated in the prin- cipal axis within the lens. In a lens bounded on both sides by media of equal refracting power, for example, the crystalline lens bounded by the aqueous and vitreous humors, the optical centre is found by dividing the axis of the lens, i. e.} the distance between the refracting surfaces on REFRACTION IN THE EYE 447 the principal axis, into two parts proportionate to the radii of the refracting surfaces. Then 10 + 6 : 3.6 = 6 : x x— 1.35 mm., the distance of o from the pos- terior refracting surface. Then 3.6 - 1.35 = 2.25 mm., the distance of o from the anterior refracting surface. Nodal Points. — In thick lenses (such as the crystalline) with short focal distance, all the rays except that which coincides with the principal axis are refracted at one or both of the spherical surfaces. In order to determine the path of rays passing through the lens it is necessary to find the nodal points. These are two points so placed that a ray directed to the first point appears on leaving the lens to have come from the second point, in a direction parallel to the entering ray. All rays coming from the optical centre, o, to the anterior refracting surface will after refraction appear to have come from the first nodal point, Kx, situated within the lens on the principal axis, between o and h*. Similarly, all rays from o to the posterior refracting surface will appear to have come from the second nodal point, K%, situ- 448 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY a ted between o and h2. Thus o and Kx are con- jugate foci for the surface hi, and o and K2 are conjugate foci for the surface h2. K\ and K2 are virtual images of o; that is, if o were observed through the surface hx the image would appear to be A'i, while if o were observed through hz the image would appear to be K2. As the nodal points are images of the same point o, they must therefore be images of each other. The first nodal point, Ku which is the virtual image of the optical centre, o, formed by rays passing from o through the anterior refracting surface, hu and which lies at the conjugate focus of o, is situated 2.126 mm. behind the anterior surface of the lens (accommodated for distant objects). The second nodal point, K2, the virtual image of o formed by rays passing from o through the posterior refracting surface, h2, is situated 1.276 mm. in front of the posterior surface of the lens (accommodated for distant objects). The dis- tance between the two nodal points is 0.198 mm. Principal Surfaces. — Within a double convex lens are two parallel planes, termed the principal surfaces. They are perpendicular to the prin- cipal axis and are so placed that the emerging ray appears to come from a point in the second principal surface that exactly corresponds to the point in the first principal surface to which the REFRACTION IN THE EYE 449 entering ray is directed. Thus the point in the second principal surface from which the emergent ray appears to come is the same dis- tance from the axis as the corresponding point in the first principal surface to which the enter- ing ray appears to pass. In short, each principal surface is the image of the other, and is of equal size. To determine the position of the principal sur- faces there must be found between the two refracting surfaces a point, s, at which an object will form similar images with each refracting surface. These images being similar are images of each other and of equal size. The planes in which they lie are the principal surfaces. The Point s. — The point s lies between the two refracting surfaces at distances proportional to the principal focal distance of each. It will be remembered that the point o was found by dividing the distance between the two refracting surfaces into two parts, proportional to the radii of curvature of the two surfaces. In System B the two refracting surfaces are the anterior and posterior surfaces of the crystalline lens, which is bounded by the aqueous and vitreous humors, media of equal refractive power. The focal dis- tances of the refracting surfaces are in this case proportional to the radii of curvature. Thus the 29 450 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY division of the distance between the refracting surfaces is the same for both s and o, and there- fore s and o coincide. In System C, on the con- trary, the first medium is the air, and the last the vitreous humor. The principal focal dis- tances are proportional to the coefficients of re- fraction of the first and last media ; they are no longer proportional to the radii of curvature ; therefore s and o no longer coincide, and their images, lying in the principal surfaces and at the nodal points, respectively, no longer coincide, but must be found separately. Principal Points. — At the intersection of the principal surfaces with the principal axis lie the principal points,1 Hx and ff2. The second princi- pal point is the image of the first. Kays which in the first medium are directed to the first principal point are directed to the second princi- pal point in the last medium, i. e., after the last refraction. The anterior principal focal distance is calculated from the first principal point, and the posterior principal focal distance from the second principal point Principal Focal Distances. — The posterior focal distance of the lens (accommodated for distant 1 The principal points, Hx and 7f2, coincide with the nodal points, A\ and K2, when the first and last media of the optical system have the same refractive power. KEFRACTION IN THE EYE 451 objects) is 50.617 mm. The anterior focal dis- tance is the same, for the lens is bounded by media of equal density. Cardinal Points of the Eye (System C) Examine construction drawings of System A (the cornea) and System B (the lens). System C must be a combination of A and B. Note : 1. With System C as with System A the first and last media have different refractive powers. Therefore the principal points cannot coincide with the nodal points. 2. The relation between the nodal point k of System A and the nodal points K\ and K2 of System B is such that the nodal points of System C will lie near the posterior surface of the crystalline leus. 3. The principal point hi of System A lies on the anterior surface of the cornea, and the prin- cipal points H\ and H2 of System B lie in the lens. Hence those of System C must lie in the aqueous humor. 4. In System C the collecting power of System B is added to that of System A. The focal distances in System C will there- fore be less than those of A or B. Principal Surfaces. — The principal surfaces are found from the point s. If a perpendicular be drawn at s the image of that perpendicular formed 452 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY by the cornea will be of equal size with the image of it formed by the crystalline lens. These simi- lar images will lie in the principal surfaces. The image which the cornea forms of the point s will be the first principal point, Hx of System C, and the image which the lens forms of s will be the second principal point, H2 of System C. The point s lies between hi of System A and H1 of System B, at distances proportional to the pos- terior focal distance (i^ = 31.095 mm.), of System A and the anterior focal distance (Fx = 50.617 mm.) of System B. The distance between hi, which lies at the anterior surface of the cornea, and HXB, which lies 2.126 mm. behind the anterior surface of the lens, is 3.6 mm. (the distance be- tween the cornea and the lens) plus 2.126 mm. = 5.726 mm. This distance is to be divided in the proportion 50.617 : 31.095. 50.617 + 31.095 : 31.095 :: 5.726 : x. x— 2.179. Hence s lies 2.179 mm. behind the cornea, and 5.726 — 2.179 = 3.547 mm. in front of the anterior principal point of the crystalline lens. The first or anterior principal point of the eye, H\G, is the virtual image of s formed by the cornea ; it lies at the conjugate focus of s, and its position is determined by the formula (3 b), page 444. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 453 Fx A = 23.266 mm. F2 A = 31.095 mm. f2A* = 2.179 mm, The first principal point, Hx C, is 23.266 x 2.179 1 _. , ,. , , ., = 1.75 mm. behind hi the an- 31.095 - 2.179 terior surface of the cornea. The second or posterior principal point of the eye, H2 C, is the virtual image of s formed by the lens. It also is found by formula (3 b). F1 B = 50.617 mm. F2 B = 50.617 mm. f2£^ = 3.547 mm. The second principal point, H2 C, is 50.617 x 3.547 0 oi , , . ., xfrwTTj q ca7 = 3.814 mm. before the posterior principal point of the lens ; this point lies 5.924 mm. behind the cornea ; hence H2 C lies 5.924 — 3.814 = 2.11 mm. behind the anterior surface of the cornea. The distance between the two principal points is 2.11 — 1.75 = 0.36 mm. Nodal Points. — The nodal points are virtual images of the point o, which divides the distance between the nodal points of System A and Sys- * The distance of the object s from the refracting surface, in this case, the cornea. t The distance of the object s from the anterior principal point of the crystalline lens. 454 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY tera B iuto two parts, proportional to the anterior focal distance of the cornea (23.266 mm.) and the focal distance of the lens (50.617 mm.). As K1 A lies 7.829 mm. and Kx B 5.726 mm. behind the cor- nea, the distance between them is 2.103 mm. This is to be divided in the proportion 23.266 : 50.617. 23.266+ 50.617: 50.617:: 2.103 : x. £ = 1.4408. Thus o lies 1.4408 mm. behind the first principal point of the crystalline lens (S}7stem B) and consequently 5.726 + 1.4408 = 7.167 mm. behind the cornea. By formula (3 b), A^i C, the first nodal point or the image of o formed by the cornea, is found to be 23.266 x 7.167 „ nr7 , - . , ,, 01 ~n^ — _ ., ._ = 6.9 / mm. behind the cornea. oLU9o — 7.1b7 The second nodal point, K2 C, or image formed . . ^ „. . 50.617 X 1.4408 or o by the crystalline lens, is rn n17 _ -. ^2A, situated 31.095 mm. behind the cornea. On their way they are further refracted by System B. Hi B is 5.726 mm. behind the cornea. The point .2 A is 31.095 — 5.726 = 25.869 mm. behind Hx. Calculated from H2 B, the posterior principal focal distance F2 of System B is 50.617 mm. The posterior focal distance of System C is calculated by the formula - fiF2 25.369 x 50.617 /2 =& + *[ A = 25.369 + 50.617 = 168" mm« behind Hz B, and hence 16.899 + 5.924 = 22.823 mm. behind the cornea, and 22.823 — 2.11 = 20.713 mm. behind H, of System C. The posterior principal focal distance of the eye is therefore 20.71 mm. Parallel rays falling on the posterior surface of the lens are refracted by the lens and converge at a point (f)1 B — 50.617 mm. in front of Hi B. They meet the anterior surface of the cornea 50.617 - 5.726 = 44.891 mm. from H1 B. They are further converged by the cornea to 23.266 x 44.891 .0fTK 31.095 + 44.891 = 13-'omm- before the cornea, or 13.75 + 1.75 = 15.5 mm. before Hr C. The anterior principal focal dis- tance of the eye is therefore 15.5 mm.1 1 In this discussion I have followed closely, in some places 456 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Calculation of the Situation and Size of Dioptric Images Draw perpendiculars through the optical axis of System C at the following points : the anterior principal focus, i 0, the first principal point, Hi C, the second principal point, H2 C, and the posterior principal focus, <£2 0 (retina). Mark on the optical axis the first and second nodal points, Kx C and K2 C. The following facts should he borne in mind : 1. Every ray which in the first medium is directed to the first nodal point appears in the last medium to come from the second nodal point and is parallel to its original direction. 2. The point at which the ray cuts the second principal surface is the same distance from the optical axis as the point at which the ray cuts the first principal surface ; between the prin- cipal surfaces the ray is parallel to the optical axis. 3. All rays parallel in the first medium unite in one point in the second or posterior focal surface (the plane passing through the posterior principal focus vertical to the optical axis) ; if almost literally, the valuable works of 1 londers ( A ceo vn modal inn ami Refraction of tin; Eye, New Sydenham Society, London, 1864) and Helmholtz (Handbuch der pliysiologischen Optik, 2te Auflage, 1896), REFRACTION IX THE EYE 457 these rays be parallel to the axis they will unite in the posterior principal focus. Conversely, all rays parallel in the second medium unite in one point on the first or anterior focal surface, and if parallel to the axis they unite at the anterior principal focus (Gauss). 1. Find the course in the vitreous humor of any ray, ab, which enters the. eye. Draw in the first medium a ray, a1 b', parallel to a b, directed to the first nodal point. In the second medium draw this ray, parallel to its origi- nal direction, from the second nodal point to the posterior focal surface. Then a b must also meet the posterior focal surface at this same place ; for all rays parallel in the first medium converge in the second medium to one point in the posterior focal surface. Produce a b to the first principal surface, thence, parallel with the optical axis, to the second priucipal surface, thence, through the vitreous humor, to the point already found in the posterior focal surface. 2. Let i be any point in the first medium (the air). Find its image (for convenience i should be placed at least 10 cm. in front of the cornea). Draw from i a ray, iij\, through the first and second nodal points, as directed above. Draw from i a second ray, i2j2, parallel with the optical axis. This rav will cut the second focal surface 458 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY at the principal focus. Produce i2j>2 until it meets tijfi. The point of intersection will be the image of the point i. Eeduced Eye The distance of less than one fourth millimetre which separates one principal point from the other is so small that it may be neglected with- out any error of practical importance. Thus the two principal points may be combined in one point lying 2.34 mm. behind the anterior surface of the cornea of the normal.1 Similarly the two nodal points may be combined in one point lying 0.48 mm. in front of the posterior surface of the lens, or about 16 mm. in front of the retina. The nodal point k of the cornea (System A) is about 14 mm. in front of the retina. The nodal point of the lens and that of the cornea are com- bined in the reduced eye in a nodal point situated 15 mm. from the retina. The lens may therefore be omitted. Indeed, the cornea is normally the principal refracting surface ; its focal distance is 31.095 mm., while that of the crystalline lens is 50.617 mm. ; if the lens were not present, parallel rays entering the eye would be focussed by the 1 Listing: Wagner's Handworterbuch der Physiologie, 1853, iv., p. 495. HEfHACTION IN THE EYE 459 cornea in a point about 10 mm. behind the retina. Thus the eye is reduced to a single refracting surface, the cornea, separating two media, the air and the vitreous humor. The index of refraction of these media is -|. The principal focal distances are proportional to the coefficients of refraction of the first and last media ; i<\ is 15 mm. and Fs 20 mm., measured from the principal point. The visual axis (from the cornea to the retina of the reduced eye) is therefore 20 mm. In order to bring parallel rays to a focus at 20 mm., the index of refraction being J, the radius of curva- ture of the cornea of the reduced eye should be 5 mm. In such a reduced eye trie retinal images have the same position and size as in the ordinary eye. The reduced eye is shown in normal size in Fig. 65. Fig. 65. The reduced eye. Normal size (Bonders). K is the optical centre or nodal point. h, the principal point. K h = 5 mm., the radius of curvature of the refracting surface. 460 THE OUTGO OF ENEKGY !, the anterior principal focus, — the focus of rays parallel in the vitreous. 1 = 2*1, the anterior focal distance, = 15 mm. h cf>2 = F2t the posterior focal distance, = 20 mm. n1~3~ Ft 7" 15' With the reduced eye many calculations may be rapidly and easily performed. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 461 AVERAGE MEASUREMENTS OF NORMAL (EMMETROPIC) EYE1 mm. 12 4 1 Thickness of lens accommodated for near 4 Thickness of lens accommodated for distant 3.6 0.2-0.3 Distance between retinal vessels 5 and rod 0.2-0.3 1.5 1.25 Diameter of fovea centralis . = . 0.22 0.004-0.005 0.0018 Accommodated for Distant Near objects. objects. Refractive index of aqueous and vitreous humors . . 1.3365 1.3365 Total refractive index of crys- 1.4371 1.4371 Radius of curvature of cornea . 7.829 7.829 Radius of curvature of ante- rior surface of lens . . . 10.00 6.0 Radius of curvature of poste- rior surface of lens . . 6.0 5.5 1 It should be understood that the figures given in this table are the mean of numerous observations. The variation in different eyes is considerable, though in most cases not great enough to be of practical importance. 462 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Accommodated for Distant Near objects. objects. Distance from anterior surface of cornea to anterior sur- face of lens 3.6 3.2 Distance from anterior surface of cornea to posterior sur- face of lens 7.2 7.2 Calculated Anterior principal focal dis- tance of cornea .... 23.266 23.266 Posterior principal focal dis- tance of cornea .... 31.095 31.095 Anterior and posterior princi- pal focal distance of lens 50.617 39.073 Distance of anterior principal point of lens from anterior surface of lens .... 2.126 1.989 Distance of posterior principal point of lens from poste- rior surface of lens . . . -1.276 -1.823 Distance of the two principal points of lens from each 0.198 0.188 Posterior principal focal dis- 20.713 18.689 Anterior principal focal dis- 15.498 13.990 Distance from anterior sur- face of cornea to First principal point . . . 1.753 1.858 Second principal point . . 2.106 2.257 First nodal point .... 6.968 6.566 Second nodal point . . . 7.321 6.965 Anterior principal focus . • —13.745 -12.132 Posterior principal focus 22.819 20.955 Distance upon optical axis from anterior surface of cornea to retina . . . 23.0 23.0 In accommodation a clear image of an object 152 mm. in front of the cornea, or 140 mm. in front of the anterior prin- cipal focus, will be formed upon the retina. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 463 Eelations of the Visual Axis It has already been stated that the refracting surfaces of the eye are centred, often imperfectly, upon a right line, the optical axis. This line normally meets the retina between the yellow spot and the optic papilla or exit of the optic nerve. To see a luminous point clearly, the image of the point must fall on the centre of the yellow spot. The line passing from the centre of the yellow spot through the nodal point to the luminous point is termed the visual axis. Unless the luminous point already lie in the visual axis, it must for distinct vision be brought there by the rotation of the eyeball. The object is then said to be " fixed " by the eye. The point about which the eye rotates is the centre of rotation. The line between the luminous point and the centre of rotation is the line of fixation. The line of fixation and the visual axis should nearly coincide. Generally, the visual axis and the optical axis do not coincide. In other words, the visual axis is generally a secondary axis, and the planes of the refracting surfaces are oblique to it. The optical axis passes to the inner side of the yellow spot. It inter- sects the visual axis at the nodal point. Hence 464 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY the nodal point becomes the vertex of an angle, the angle gamma, 7, the legs of which are the anterior portion of the optical and visnal axes. The angle 7 usually reaches 5°, but may reach 10°. In emmetropia and hypermetropia, the visual axis passes through the cornea on the inner side of the optical axis ; angle 7 is then positive. The eyeball must rotate outwards in order to fix an object. Thus the visual axes seem to diverge. Hence the angle 7 must be considered in esti- mating the degree of a divergent squint. In myopia, the visual axis may coincide with the optical axis or pass through the cornea on the outer side of the optical axis. In the latter case, angle 7 is negative. In this condition the eyeball must rotate inwards in order to fix the object. The deviation inwards may be confused with convergent squint. Draw a diagram showing angle 7. Visual Angle. — Draw an arrow in front of a diagram of the reduced eye. Draw lines from the nodal point through and beyond the two ex- tremities of the object. The angle included between the lines drawn from the nodal point to the extremities of the object is termed the visual angle. Apparent Size. — Within the lines marking the REFRACTION IN THE EYE 465 visual angle draw a second arrow parallel to the first and twice its distance from the nodal point. Produce the visual lines from the nodal point to the retina. Observe that the retinal images of the large and the small arrow are of equal size. The two ob- jects subtend the same visual angle. Thus the apparent size of an object depends upon the visual angle. Size of Retinal Image. — In the emmetropic eye ( the eye accommodated for distant vision ) the size of the object B is to the size of the retinal image h as the distance from the object to the nodal point of the reduced eye, g1} is to the dis- tance from the nodal point to the retina, g2. (5) B : b : : g1 : g2 The retinal image is smaller than the object by the number of times g2 = 15 mm. is contained in the distance, in millimetres, of the object from the nodal point. Calculate the size of the retinal image of a post one metre high placed 300 metres from the observer's eye. Acuteness of Vision. — Draw upon the visual axis of the reduced eye a series of arrows of equal size, each bisected by the axis. Draw lines from 30 466 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY the extremities of these arrows to the nodal point. Observe that as the object recedes from the eye the visual angle and the retinal image become smaller. When the visual " angle is less than one minute, the retinal image will be too small to be perceived ; the limit of perception will be reached. Smallest Perceptible Image. — On a black card gum one millimetre apart, and parallel with each other, two slips of white paper one millimetre in width. "Place the card about six metres in front of a window or other sufficient light. Face the card and move backward until the millimetre space between the two white slips disappears be- cause the slips can no longer be seen separately. Measure the distance gx from the object to the nodal point. Calculate the size of the retinal image ( formula 5). Compare this result with the diameter of the cones in the region of dis- tinct vision (page 461). Measurement of Visual Acuteness. — Taking V as the average smallest visual angle at which an object is perceptible, Snellen built up a set of test letters by combining small squares each of which subtends an angle of 1'. Thus the lines of which the letters are formed subtend an angle of 1'. The spaces between the lines also subtend REFRACTION IN THE EYE 467 this angle. Only such letters are used as can be drawn approximately within a square that shall contain twenty-five of the smaller squares, and shall subtend an angle of 5'. Thus the strokes and, so far as possible, the spaces between the strokes are one fifth the size of the letter. The size of the letter the perception of which constitutes normal vision at a given distance (that is, the letter that subtends a visual angle of 5' at the given distance) is obtained by multi- plying the distance by 0.001454 mm., which is the tangent 1 of the angle of 5'. At the distance of one metre the size of the standard letter is 1000 X 0.001454 = 1.45 mm. Near each of Snel- len's test letters is recorded the distance viewed from which the letter will subtend a visual angle of 5r in the emmetropic eye. As some of the letters are not easily recognized by the astigmatic eye (D, for example, being some- times mistaken for B), the acuteness of vision should not be pronounced normal unless each letter of the entire series can be read at the dis- 1 To obtain the tangent of an angle draw a circle with the vertex of the angle as the centre. The two legs of the angle are radii of the circle. Draw a perpendicular (tangent line) from the end of one radius to the prolongation of the other. Divide the length of the perpendicular by the length of the radius ; the quotient is the function called the tangent of the angle- 468 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY tance corresponding to the number of the series. d The acuteness of vision is expressed by — ; where d is the greatest distance at which the letters in any line are seen distinctly by the eye exam- ined, and D the distance at which they can be seen by the normally acute eye. Place the subject in a well-lighted room six metres (approximately 20 feet) in front of a card of Snellen's test types. Eays from an object six metres distant are practically parallel. At this distance the letters numbered VI should be read. If they are clearly visible, V = - ; acute- ness of vision is normal. If the subject at 6 metres cannot see distinctly letters larger than those marked XVIII metres (approximately 60 feet), V = — ; acuteness of vision is one third the lo normal. In some eyes vision is so acute that types constructed with a visual angle of 4 minutes (J the normal angle) can be seen clearly. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 469 Accommodation Accommodation. — Look at any distant object. The object will be seen clearly. The (practi- cally) parallel rays proceeding from the object are brought to a focus on the retina. Look at an object ten inches from the eye. The rays proceeding from this object are evi- dently divergent, yet the object is seen clearly. The divergent rays have also been focussed on the retina. This power of voluntarily bringing divergent rays to a focus on the retina is termed accommodation. Schemer's Experiment. — With a tine needle pierce in a card two holes at a distance from each other a little less than the diameter of the pupil (average 4 mm.). Hold the card with the holes horizontal and near the pupil. Look through the holes at a pin or needle held vertical about 15 cm. (6 inches) in front of the eye. The needle will be seen clearly. Move the index finger over one of the holes. There will be no change except that the visual field will be darker. Fix a distant object, for example, a cloud. The needle will appear double, and each image will be rendered indistinct by dispersion circles. Move the index finsjer over the left-hand hole, 470 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY The right-hand image will disappear. Hold the needle about 100 cm. away and fix some nearer object. The needle will appear double. Close the left-hand hole. The left-hand image will disappear. Draw a diagram to explain these observations. Eemember that a separate image of the needle will be formed by the rays passing through each hole in the card. Dispersion circles. — Place a printed page about two feet in front of one eye, and shut the other eye. Observe the letters through a piece of wire gauze held six inches in front of the eye. Either the wire or the letters can be distinctly seen, bat not both at once. If the letters are seen clearly, each wire will appear as a broad indistinct line made up of superposed dispersion circles and vice versa. Diameter of Circles of Dispersion. — 1 . If the eye be accommodated for objects at an infinite distance (practically twelve metres or more), the image of a near object will fall behind the retina. The image will lie in the conjugate focus of the object, and the position of the image can be calculated by the formula for conjugate foci (page 444). From this formula may be derived y = a REFRACTION IN THE EYE 471 y =/2 — F2, the distance from the retina to the image behind it. g, the distance from the anterior focus i to the object. (f>l lies 20 mm. from the nodal point K. F2 Fv in the reduced eye, is 20 x 15 = 300 mm. from K. Find the distance behind the retina of an image whose object is 320 mm. from K. The distance is 1 mm. 2. If y is known, the diameter of the dispersion circles can be calculated. In the example just given, the pencil of rays diverging from each luminous point in the object was reunited in a single point one millimetre behind the retina. At the retina, the converging cone had a certain section, i. e. the circle of dispersion. The base of the cone is evidently the pupil, which in the reduced eye is taken to be 19 mm. in front of the retina and 4 mm. in diameter.1 The length of y divided by the length of the whole cone (19 mm.), gives the proportion in 1 The diameter of the cone is not precisely that of the pupil. The rays in the vitreous would appear to come from the image of the pupil formed by the lens. Thus the diameter changes from 4 to 4.23 mm. At the same time the position of the base is changed from 3.6 mm. (the distance of the plane of the pupil behind the cornea) to 3.7 behind the cornea. This brings the base of the cone 19 mm. in front of the retina, which is the position assumed for it in the reduced eye. 472 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY which the diameter of the cone at its base (4 mm.) is reduced at the retina. In the example taken y = 1 mm. Then the proportion sought is 1 '. 19 + 1 = oV Thus the diameter of the dis- persion circle is 2V °f 4 mm. = J mm. 3. Calculate the size of the dispersion circle produced by an object twelve metres from the emmetropic eye. At this distance the dispersion circles are so small as to cause no perceptible lack of clearness in the image. Accommodation Line. — Hold a needle two inches from a printed page. Bring the eyes as near the needle as is possible without causing the image of the needle to blur. When the needle is at this " near point " of accommodation it will be seen clearly, but the printed words will be indistinct. Draw back the eyes gradually. Soon a point will be reached at which both needle and print will be seen distinctly. The greatest distance between two objects on the visual line at which the two may both be seen clearly while the eye is accommodated for either, is called the accommodation line. The length of the accommodation line increases as the object is removed from the eye. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 473 Mechanism of Accommodation Narrowing of Pupil. — 1. Watch the pupil while the subject accommodates first for a distant and then fcr a near object. In accommodation for near objects the pupil contracts. 2. Hold a pencil about thirty centimetres in front of one eve. Close the other eve. The pencil is seen clearly. Move the pencil towards Fig. 66. the eye until its image becomes indistinct from dispersion circles. Now observe the pencil through a pin-hole in a card placed in front of the pupil. The image is sharper. The size of the dis- persion circles is diminished by making the aperture smaller and thus cutting off the rays 474 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY that meet the refracting surfaces at a distance from the optical axis (compare page 434). Relation of Iris to Lens. — 1. Stand the convex mirror upright on a level with the eye of the observer. Over the mirror (Fig. 66, C M) place a diaphragm of black paper, I V , with an aperture, P P', four millimetres in diameter. Let this aper- ture be the pupil and the convex mirror be the crystalline lens. The wooden block in which the mirror is held will support the diaphragm so that there will be a space between the border of the pupil and the surface of the mirror. Let the lamp, L, be on one side of the aperture and the observer's eye, E, on the other. By means of the convex lens of 6.5 cm. focal distance fur- nished with the ophthalmoscope concentrate the light upon the margin of the pupil in the direc- tion LH. It will pass the margin P and be reflected from the mirror to the eye in the direc- tion H E. No rays from L can reach the mirror between H and C. This portion of the mirror will reflect the posterior side of the diaphragm. Thus the light from S falling on the mirror at J will Ik; reflected in the direction J E to the ob- server's eye, and a dark band, the image of the back of the diaphragm, will appear in the mirror between the image of L at H and the margin of the pupil. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 475 Depress the paper diaphragm until the margin of the pupil lies against the mirror. The black line will disappear, because the ray J E, reflected from the back of the diaphragm, is intercepted. The space P H is closed (Helmholtz). 2. In a dark room repeat Experiment 1 upon the eye. The iris will be the diaphragm, I V, and the anterior surface of the crystalline lens will be the convex mirror. The light and the ob- server's eye should be placed as in Fig. 66. The bright image of the light formed by the cornea, should be neglected. Near this image are two others, very much fainter. The larger of the two is indistinct and upright ; it is re- flected from the anterior surface of the crystal- line lens. The smaller is a sharp, inverted image from the posterior surface of the lens. By mov- ing the glass lens the light may be thrown at will on all parts of the border of the pupil. No dark line or image of the posterior surface of the iris will be seen. The maroiu of the iris lies upon the lens. Changes in the Lens. — 1. Direct the subject to cover one eye. Place a needle at the near point of the other eye in line with some distant object that can be clearly seen. The two objects must be kept accurately in line throughout the experi- ment. Let the observer stand at one side of and 476 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY a little behind the subject, so that he shall see about half of the corneal image of the black pupil of the subject's eye projecting beyond the corneal border of the sclera. Note, from within outwards, the optical section or profile of the margin of the sclera, the anterior half of the pupil, a clear portion of the cornea, and finally a dark stripe which is the most anterior portion of the cornea.1 Watch carefully the clear interval between this dark stripe and the profile of the pupil while the subject, keeping the eye steadily in one position, accommodates first for the distant and then for the near object. The interval between the corneal stripe and the border of the pupil diminishes on accommo- dation for near objects. Hence the border of the pupil moves forward. If this were not the case, the interval would become larger, for the pupil narrows in accommodation. Accidental turning of the subject's eye towards the observer would also cause the interval to appear larger. As the margin of the iris lies upon the lens, this obser- vation is evidence that the anterior surface of the 1 The sclera projects over the iris. The inner surface of the projecting portion is in shadow. The profile view of the image formed of this projecting portion by the refraction of the cornea is the dark line observed in the above experiment. It is dark hy contrast with the image of the welMighted iris. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 477 lens moves forward in accommodation (Helm- holtz). 2. Place the diaphragm with L-shaped aper- ture in the lantern. In a dark room place the lantern in front and to the inner side of the subject's eye, so that the rays shall make an angle of about 40° with the visual axis of the eye directed forwards. Let the observer's eye be in a corresponding position to the outer side of the subject's eye. In the visual axis of the subject's eye place an object at the near point and one at the far point (six metres). Let the subject accommodate for the far point. Note the sharp, very bright, upright image reflected from the cornea, the indistinct, faint, upright, slightly larger image from the convex anterior surface of the crystalline lens, and lastly, the sharper, faint, inverted, small image reflected from the concave posterior surface of the lens.1 The image from the anterior surface of the lens lies apparently 8-12 mm. behind the pupil, and therefore disappears behind the border of the iris upon slight changes in the position of the light or the observer's eye. The image from the posterior surface lies apparently about 1 mm. 1 These images may be magnified with advantage by looking at them through the lens of 7.5 cm. focal distance furnished with the ophthalmoscope. 478 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY behind the pupil, and therefore is not much dis- placed towards the pupil and the corneal image upon slight movements of the light or the ob- server's eye. Let the subject accommodate for the near point. The image from the anterior surface of the lens will become considerably smaller, and usually it will approach the middle of the pupil. The image formed by a convex mirror becomes smaller the smaller the radius. Hence in accommoda- tion the anterior surface of the lens becomes more convex.1 The image from the posterior surface also becomes smaller, but the change is too slight to be observed by the method employed in this experiment. Some diminution in size would be expected from the shifting of the cardinal points in accommodation. Exact measurements with the ophthalmometer show that the change is too great to be explained in this way. Thus in accommodation the focal distance of the lens is shortened and its principal points move forwards. 1 If in accommodation the anterior surface approached the cornea, the image would hecome smaller through refraction in the cornea, even though the anterior surface did not become more convex. Calculation shows that the change thus produced is very small relative to that actually observed in the above experiment. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 479 Measurement of Accommodation Far Point. — The most distant point of which the eye at rest, i. e. the ciliary muscle entirely relaxed, can form a clear image on the retina was termed by Donders the far point (ptcnctum re- motum = r). The distance of r from the eye = B. In the emmetropic eye parallel rays are brought to a focus on the retina ; r is theoret- ically at an infinite distance. Practically, if the accommodation be kept at rest by voluntarily re- laxing the ciliary muscle or by paralyzing the in- nervation of the muscle with atropine, the far point will be found at twelve metres, at which distance objects produce dispersion circles so small as to cause no perceptible lack of clearness in the image. In the myopic eye, r is a short distance in front of the eye. In hypermetropia, only convergent rays can be f ocussed on the retina of the eye at rest. Parallel and divergent rays can be f ocussed only by use of the accommodation mechanism; r is therefore negative. Determination of Far Point. — Place the subject in a well-lighted room six metres in front of a card of Snellen's test-types. At this distance the 480 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY normal eye can read the letters numbered VI If the subject sees these letters clearly the acute- ness of vision is normal, and R is infinite. If the subject reads I at one metre, II at two metres, but cannot read VI at six metres, bring the test card towards the eye until a point is reached at which the letters numbered VI are seen clearly. This is the far point. Near Point. — 1. Look through the holes in the card used for Schemer's experiment at a needle placed vertically about 30 cm. (twelve inches) in front of one eye. Obtain a single clear image of the needle. Bring the needle nearer the eye. As the distance between the needle and the eye becomes shorter, the rays pro- ceeding from the needle become more divergent and require a greater convexity of the lens to bring them to a focus on the retina. A point will be reached at which the divergence exceeds the utmost converging power of the dioptric ap- paratus and the images received through the two holes in the card can no longer be made to co- incide on the retina ; the needle will then appear double. This is the near point of accommodation (punctum proximum = pi). The distance from p to the eye — P. Determination of Near Point. — Hold ill front of the eye a test card containing print so small that REFRACTION IN THE EYE 481 it shall subtend the standard angle of 5' when placed 25 cm. from the cornea. The distance from the eye at which this type can be read clearly = P. ' Range of Accommodation. — The range of accom- modation is the expression of the total accommoda- tive power of the eye. With the eye at rest rays diverging from the far point r are brought to a focus on the retina. With the ciliary muscle fully contracted, rays diverging from the near point p are focussed on the retina. To bring the more divergent rays from p to the same focal plane as the less divergent rays from r, an auxiliary lens must be employed, as hi the following ex- periment. Place the diaphragm with L-shaped aperture in front of the condenser. Eemove the tubes holding the projecting lenses. Bays will now diverge from the illuminated I Place this illu- minated object at a convenient far point, for ex- ample, 26 cm. in front of the convex lens of 10 cm. focal length. Place a screen at the conjugate focus. Note the clear image. Move the object 8 cm. nearer the lens. Let this be the near point. The conjugate focus now falls behind the screen and the image is blurred by dispersion circles. Place in front of the 10 D lens an auxiliary lens of + 2 D. The image will be clear. The rays diverg- 31 482 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY ing from the near point will be united by the two lenses in the same focal plane in which the rays diverging from the far point were united by the first lens. The second lens has " accommodated " the optical system to the distance R — P. In this experiment the power of the +2D lens represents the distance R — P, or range of accom- modation. The power of a lens is inversely pro- portional to its focal distance A. Consequently, the range of accommodation 1 = 1 : A or -r. Then L 1 1 A~ P~ R In the eye the auxiliary lens necessary for focussing the rays diverging from the near point is provided by an increase in the convexity of the crystalline lens. The difference in refractive power of the two lenses (the crystalline in its least convex form and the crystalline in its most convex form) is the measure of the range of accommodation of the eye. If the lens remain in its least convex form, an auxiliary lens must be placed before the cornea in order to bring rays diverging from an object at the near point to a focus on the retina. The strength of this auxil- iary lens becomes then the practical measure of 1 When 1 = 1 metre. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 483 the range of accommodation, and - = — — — A. Jr R becomes its numerical expression l In myopia P may be 10 cm. and R 25 cm., ti 1 10° inn1 10° i -r, m Then p=ur =10J)>Tr-25=+I)' The myopia is of 4 dioptres, -r — 10 D — 4 D = 6 D. In this case Pis greater than A, In hypermetropia P may be 50 cm. and R neg- 0K ™ i ioo 9r. , 1 100 ative, — 2o cm. I hen — = -7^= 1 D, and — = ~^— r 5U ./*; — zo = -4D. The hypermetropia is of 4 D. — = 2-(-4) = 2 + 4rr6D, which is the sum of P and R. In emmetropia P may be 20 cm. and R in- 1 1 1- 100 rTX T finite. Then -.- = ~. -^ = -^tt = o D. In J. P P 20 1 Theoretically the auxiliary lens should be placed in the eye and not in front of it, and its second nodal point should coincide with the first nodal point of the eye. The placing of the auxiliary lens in front of the cornea alters the position of the cardinal points of the combined system, and also alters the focal distance of the auxiliary lens. Rut the actual changes in the lens during accommodation are nearly proportional to — = — , so that the formula serves practically for propor- tional magnitudes, i. e., for comparing reciprocally the different values of the range of accommodation under different circum- stances. 484 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY other words, a convex lens of 5 D must be placed before the cornea in order to enable the eye with ciliary muscle relaxed to see clearly an object situated at the near point. The near point recedes as the lens becomes harder with advancing age until about the seven- tieth year, when B = infinity, and accommodation is lost. RANGE OF ACCOMMODATION AT DIFFERENT AGES Age P P in years. in dioptres. in cm. 15 12.0 8.3 25 8.5 12 35 5.5 18 45 3.5 28 55 1.75 55 65 0.75 133 70 0 00 Ophthalmoscopy Reflection from Retina. — 1. Copy the construc- tion used to find the image of the point i formed by the dioptric system C (page 457). Assume that the image is itself luminous, and that rays REFRACTION IN THE EYE 485 in the last medium are passing from the image to the second (now the first) refracting surface. Find the point at which these rays unite in the first medium (now the second). The rays will unite at the original luminous point. If the eye be accommodated £or a light placed in front of it, an image of the light will be formed upon the retina. A portion of the light rays entering the eye will be reflected from this image. Passing back over their original course, they wTill form in turn an image which will ex- actly coincide with the luminous object, 2. Draw a horizontal line as a visual axis. Upon this visual axis draw two reduced eyes, normal size (Fig. 65), facing each other a conven- ient distance apart (5 cm.). Let the left be the observer's eve, and the right the eve of the sub- ject. On the visual axis behind the observer's eye draw a lamp flame. Assume that the sub- ject's eye is accommodated for this flame. The construction shows that were the observ- er's eye away, an image of the flame would be formed on the retina of the subject's eye. The image would reflect light toward the flame. This reflected light would enter by the observer's eye, and the illuminated area of the subject's retina thus be made visible, were it not that the observer's eye is necessarily placed in the visual 486 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY axis, and thus intercepts the rays from the source of light to the subject's eye. The interior of the eye is therefore not illuminated, and the pupil remains dark. 3. Three millimetres behind the principal point of each of the two reduced eyes draw a diaphragm (iris) with an aperture (pupil) four millimetres in diameter. Assume that the sub- ject's eye is accommodated for the pupil of the observer's eye. Note that a dark image of the pupil of the ob- server's eye will be formed on the retina of the subject's eye. The rays reflected from this image will form a second dark image which will exactly coincide with the pupil of the observer's eye. Thus the observer will see only the reflection of his own black pupil in the subject's eye. 4. Throw light into the subject's pupil from a lamp held as near the observer's eye as possible. The subject should not look at either the observer or the light, and his eye should be accommodated for a distance much less or much greater than that of the observer or the light. Part of the pupil will appear red. It has been shown in Constructions 2 and 3 that the pupil or- < I i 1 1 arily appears black. When, however, a part of 111'- image of the light on the retina of the subject coincides with that of the pupil of the observer, KEFfi ACTION IN THE EYE 487 and when the subject's eye is not accommodated for either the light or the observer 's pupil, some of the light reflected from the subject's retina will reach the retina of the observer (Helmholtz). Influence of Angle between Light and Visual Axis. — 1. Draw a reduced eye with pupil of four millimetres diameter as described above. Draw to the margins of the pupil an illuminating pencil of parallel rays that shall make with the visual axis an angle of about 20°. Draw the course of these rays from the pupil to the retina (seepage 457). On the opposite side of the visual axis mark the nodal point of the observer's eye in such a position that the observer's visual axis shall make also an angle of about 20° with the visual axis of the subject's eye. Draw rays from this nodal point to the pupil, and thence to their focus on the retina. The portion of the interior of the eye visible to the observer will be that included between the outermost rays of the two conical pencils, the common base of which is the pupil. Note that the apex of the cone is a short distance behind the nodal point. The visible portion includes therefore only a part of the anterior chamber, a small portion of the lens, and a very small por- tion of the vitreous.1 1 This matter is clearly presented by Dr. John Green in his 488 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY 2. Eepeat Construction 1, but bring the light nearer the observer's eye. Diminishing the angle between the axis of the observer's eye and the axis of the illuminating pencil increases the length of the cone formed by the intersection of the illuminating pencil and the pencil to the observer's eye. Thus the ob- server sees a larger cross-section of the lens and vitreous, and sees farther into the eye. 3. Repeat Construction 1, but place the ob- server's nodal point in the axis of the illuminat- ing pencil. The point of the cone will reach the retina. The light reflected will emerge from the emme- tropic eye in parallel rays which will enter the observer's eye and form upon his retina an image of the illuminated area of the subject's retina. Influence of Size of Pupil. — Repeat Construc- tion 1 of the preceding section, but enlarge the diameter of the pupil to eight millimetres. The visible portion of the interior of the eye is greater with a large pupil than with a small one. Influence of Nearness to Pupil. — Repeat Con- struction 1, but draw the observer's eye nearer the subject's eye. Note that rays from a larger portion of the article on the Ophthalmoscope printed in the first edition of Wood's Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences. REFRACTION IX THE EYE 489 subject's retina enter the pupil of the observer when the eves are near. Ophthalmoscope. — 1= The eye of the observer cannot be placed in the axis of the illuminating pencil without shutting off the illuminating rays. This difficulty was obviated by the invention of the ophthalmoscope. Place the electric lamp at the same height as the artificial eye, and a little in front of and to one side of it, so that the axis of the illuminating pencil shall be at right angles with the visual axis of the artificial eye. In front of the artificial eye set a clear glass plate at an angle of 45° to the axis of the illuminating pencil. A portion of the rays which fall upon this plate will pass through the transparent glass and be lost. An- other portion will be regularly reflected, and will be thrown into the artificial eye. A portion of the light returning from the interior of the ob- served eye will be reflected by the glass plate and lost. Another portion will be transmitted through the glass plate in the direction of the visual axis of the observed eye, and may be received by the eye of an observer placed in this axis, as shown in the preceding construction (Helmholtz). 2. Examine the Loring ophthalmoscope. Its essential parts are (1) the mirror of concave 490 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY glass, silvered, pierced at its middle point with an aperture of about 2.5 mm., pivoted to turn to either side ; (2) two rotating disks carrying a series of concave and convex lenses in front of the aperture. The silvered mirror reflects more light than the mirror of transparent glass. Further, it allows the lamp to be placed at the side of the eye to be examined, and at any required distance from the mirror. The turning of the mirror upon a pivot permits the more or less oblique incident rays to be thrown into the eye without tilting the disks carrying the lenses, and thus rendering the lenses astigmatic by placing them at an angle to the optical axis which passes from the subject's retina through the aperture of the mir- ror and through the lens behind the aperture into the observer's eye. The disks may be used singly or in combi- nation. A series of concave lenses (marked — ) from 1 D to 24 D, and a series of convex lenses (marked +) from 1 D to 23 D, are thus secured. Direct Method Emmetropia. — 1. Eemove from the lantern the tubes holding the projecting lens. Place the ground glass screen before the condenser. See REFRACTION IN THE EYE 491 that the inner tube of the artificial eye is drawn out to the line marked zero upon its scale ; the eye is then accommodated for distant vision. Set the eye at the level of the observer's eye and near the edge of the table. Place the light on the right side of the artificial eye and slightly behind it. Hold the ophthalmoscope in the right hand close to the right eye at a distance of about fifty centimetres from the artificial eye, and look through the aperture in the mirror. The elbow should be close to the side. The head should be vertical so that the observer's eye and the artificial eye may have the same visual axis. Keep the reflected light upon the pupil of the artificial eye. It will be illuminated by the red reflection from the choroid coat. With the pupil illuminated, approach the artificial eye until the lens-bearing disk lies in the anterior principal focus (50 mm. in front of this eye, 13 mm. in front of the cornea of the normal human eye; seepige!94.) The artificial eye is accommodated for distant objects. The observer's eye must also be accommodated for distant vision. The power of voluntarily relaxing the ciliary muscle is at- tained by practice ; the observer should endeavor to look through and beyond the eye at some dis- tant object. If the observer be myopic or hyper- metropic, his refractive error should be corrected 492 THE OUTGO OF ENBEGY by placing the appropriate lens before the opening in the mirror. As the eye is approached, the details of the fundus will come into view. Find the optic disk. Trace the branches of the central artery and vein which perforate the disk. The image of these parts is virtual, magnified about sixteen times, and erect. 2. Copy Construction 2, page 485, in which two reduced eyes are placed on the same visual axis facing each other. At the anterior prin- cipal focus of the subject's eye draw a concave mirror of 175 mm. focal distance with an aper- ture of 2.5 mm. through which passes the visual axis. The rays converging from the mirror and pass- ing through the pupil are still further converged, and are brought to a focus in the vitreous, whence they diverge to fall in dispersion circles upon the retina, a large area of which is thus illuminated. Draw rays reflected from the retina to the pupil of the subject's eye. They must emerge from the eye parallel. Entering the observer's eye, with accommodation relaxed, they will be brought to a focus on the retina. Show by a construction that the image of the optic disk formed in the observer's eye will be inverted but REFRACTION IN THE EYE 493 will appear to be upright and of its natural size (1.5 mm.). The apparent size of this image depends upon a visual judgment. The observer knows that small objects are usually held about 250 mm. in front of the nodal point. The size of an object which at this distance would give a retinal image 1.5 mm. in diameter, can be found by formula 5, page 465. B : 1.5 :: 250 : 15 B = 25 mm., the apparent size of the optic disk viewed by the direct method. Ametropia ; Qualitative Determination. — 1. Let an assistant make the artificial eye ametropic by moving the draw-tube until the optical axis is shorter or longer than normal. The observer should not know which form of ametropia has been produced. Examine the retina with the ophthalmoscope held from 30 to 50 cm. in front of the artificial eye. If the details of the fundus can be seen, the eye is either myopic or hypermetropic. Move the head with the ophthalmoscope from side to side. If the vessels appear to move in the same direction, the eye is hypermetropic ; if in the opposite direction, the eye is myopic. Measurement of Myopia. — The accommoda- 494 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY tion of the observer's eye and the eye to be ex- amined should be relaxed. The observer's eye must be emmetropic ; if it be myopic or hyper- metropic, the defect should be corrected by the proper glass before the subject's myopia can be measured. The correction may be made with spectacles, or with one of the lenses in the disk of the ophthalmoscope. The ophthalmoscope should be placed in the. anterior focal plane of the eye examined (13 mm. in front of the cornea of the human eye, 50 mm. in front of the artifi- cial eye). If the observer cannot reach this point, in examining the human eye, the distance between the correcting lens and the anterior principal focus must be subtracted from the focal distance of the correcting lens in order to find the degree of hyperrnetropia, and be added to the focal distance of the correcting lens in order to find the degree of- myopia. Viewed from the anterior principal focus, the fundus will be blurred. If myopia be present, turn the disk until that concave lens is found which will render clear the image of some one of the vessels 1 near the border of the optic disk. The rays emerging from the myopic eye are convergent. This lens makes 1 The error introduced by neglecting the distance between the vessels and the nerve elements of the retina is inconsiderable. REFRACTION IN THE EYE 495 them parallel, and its focal power is the measure of the myopia. Measurement of Hypermetropia. — If the image of the fundus be blurred by hypermetropia, place convex lenses before the eye until the strongest convex lens is found through which the observer can see clearly the retinal vessel or other point selected. The rays emerging from the hyperme- tropic eye are divergent. This lens renders them parallel, and its focal power is the measure of the hypermetropia. Measurement of Astigmatism. — Set the retinal tube of the artificial eye at zero. The eye is now emmetropic. Place before the eye the cylindrical lens of + 2 D. Examine the fundus with the ophthalmoscope. The observer's accommodation must be relaxed. The optic disk will no longer appear circular, but will be elongated in the direction of the meridian of greatest curvature. The retinal ves- sels will not all be in focus. If a horizontal ves- sel be seen distinctly, and the vertical vessel at right angles to it is blurred, the eye is astigmatic in the horizontal meridian (compare page 423, and remember that the breadth of the image of the vessel is determined by means of the rays passing through that meridian of the cornea which lies at right angles to the vessel's course.) With the aid 496 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY of the graduated circle on the front of the artifi- cial eye determine the meridian in which the eye is astigmatic. Find the lens which will make the blurred vessel distinct. If the lens, for example, have a focal power of + 2 D, there is simple hyper- metropic astigmatism of + 2 D in the given meridian. If a lens of — 2 D be required, there is simple myopic astigmatism of — 2 D in the given meridian. In compound astigmatism, the eye is asymmet- rical in more than one meridian. Thus a clear image of the vertical vessels may be obtained with a convex lens of + 2 D, while the horizontal vessels may require a lens of -f 1 D. The ophthalmoscopic measurement of astigma- tism in the human eye is exceedingly difficult, and should always be corrected by more reliable methods. Indirect Method 1. Arrange the light and the artificial eye as directed for the examination by the direct method. Hold the ophthalmoscope 30 cm. from the artificial eye. With the other hand hold a convex lens of 20 D at its own focal length of 50 mm. in front of the cornea. The rays return- ing from the fundus pass through this lens and form an image in the air between the observer REFRACTION IN THE EYE 497 and the lens. Examine this image through a magnifying glass of + 5 D placed behind the aperture of the mirror. If the observer be myopic in moderate degree, the aerial image will lie near his far point, and he will need no mag- nifying or correcting . glass ; if the myopia be excessive, a weak concave glass should be used. If the observer be hypermetropic, the degree of his hypermetropia should be added to the focal distance of the magnifying glass. The confusing bright reflexes from the surfaces of the 20 D lens may be avoided by holding the lens slightly oblique to the optical axis. The subject's eye and the 20 D lens form a refracting system like the objective of the com- pound microscope; the ophthalmoscopic lens plays the part of the ocular. The image is real, inverted, and magnified. But it will appear to be upright. In it all the relations of the retinal objects are reversed. If the observer move, the image will move in the opposite direction. The size of the image is found by formula 5, p. 61. B is the size of the aerial image, h the size of the optic disk — 1.5 mm., gx the focal distance of the 20 D lens = 50 mm., g2 the distance from the nodal point to the retina = 15 mm. Then B : 1.5 : : 50 : 15, and B = 5 mm. 32 498 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Thus the enlargement of the retinal details is less than with the direct method. When the aerial image is viewed through the ophthalmo- scopic lens of -|- 5 D, an enlarged virtual image of the first image is formed, as in the microscope. 2. Draw constructions showing the formation of the image in the direct and indirect methods. Kemember that in the indirect method the rays from the mirror come to a focus before reaching the convex lens. Their second focus is in the vitreous. vision 499 X VISION Mapping the Blind Spot. — Fasten a rod fifteen inches from the table. Beneath the rod place a well-lighted sheet of white paper (a page of the laboratory note-book will serve). Make a small black cross near the left margin. Eest the chin upon the rod in such a way that the right eye shall look directly down at the cross. Place the hand over the other eye. A straw bearing a black pin-head will be drawn by an assistant from the cross along the horizontal meridian toward the temporal side of the eye under observation. The assistant will mark the point where the black object ceases to be visible, and the point at which it reappears. These are the boundaries of the blind spot of the right eye in the horizontal meridian. Determine the boundaries in other meridians. Obtain similarly the outlines of the blind spot of the left eye. Yellow Spot. — Close the eyes for half a minute, and then look at the clear sky or a brightly lighted surface through a solution of chrome alum in a glass bottle with parallel sides. The yellow spot will appear rose-colored 500 THE OUTGO OF ENEEGY in the blue-green-red solution. The yellow pig- ment absorbs some of the blue and green rays. The remaining rays form rose color. Field of Vision. — Fasten in a vertical position a sheet of white paper about 50 cm. high and 60 cm. broad. (It may be pinned to the wooden stand set on edge upon the electrometer box.) About 20 cm. from the left margin and 30 cm. from the lower margin of the paper mark a small cross. Let the subject rest his chin upon a rod clamped to the iron stand in such a way that the right eye shall look directly at the cross. Cement the squares of black, red, green, and blue papers to the ends of separate straws. Carry the black square from without inwards along the horizontal meridian intersecting the cross. Mark the point at which the black object enters the field of vision. This point is the temporal boundary of the visual field in the horizontal meridian. Determine in the same way the boundary on the nasal side. Eepeat for several other meridians. A line joining the points obtained will bound the visual field. Determine the visual field for red, green, and blue. Always pass the test color from without inwards. The subject should be ignorant of the color to be used, and should name the color as soon as it enters his visual field. VISION 501 Color Blindness The three large skeins show the test colors. 1. Light Green. — Palest (lightest) shade of very pure green, — neither yellow-green nor blue-green to the normal eye. Light green is chosen because, according to the Young-Helm- holtz theory, it is the whitest of the colors of the spectrum, and, consequently, is most easily confused with gray. Light shades are employed because it is difficult to distinguish between strongly illuminated shades. 2. Purple {Rose). — A skein midway between lightest and darkest purple. Chosen because purple combines two fundamental colors which are normally never confounded. 3. Red. — A vivid, slightly yellowish red. Chosen because it represents the color-group in which red (orange) and violet (blue) are com- bined in nearly equal proportions. Method of Examination and Diagnosis. — Place the Berlin worsteds on the white cloth in which they are wrapped. They should be well mixed, and not spread out too much. Lay a skein of the first test-color in a well-lighted position two or three feet from the group. Inform the person examined : 502 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY (1) That he must not speak during the test. (2) That the skeins are not to be fingered or tossed about. A skein should be touched only after its selection. (3) That he must endeavor to pick out skeins resembling the test skein, i. c, a little lighter or darker in shade ; the resemblance cannot be per- fect, as no two shades are exactly alike. Green Test. — The subject must pick out all the other skeins approximately the same shade. The color-blind selects some shade of gray. Purple {Rose). — The subject should pick out the skeins of the same color, as before. (1) He who is color-blind by the first test, and who, upon the second test, selects only purple skeins, is incompletely purple-blind. (2) He who, in the second test, selects with purple only blue and violet, or one of them, is completely red-blind. (3) He who, in the second test, selects with purple only green and gray, or one of them, is completely green-blind. Remark. — The red-blind never selects the colors taken by the green-blind, and vice versa. Often the green-blind places a violet or blue skein by the side of the green, but only the brightest shades of these colors. This does not influence the diagnosis. vision 503 Bed. — This test is applied to those completely color-blind. Continue the test until the person examined has placed beside the specimen all the skeins belonging to this shade, or else, separately, one or more " colors of confusion." The red-blind chooses (besides the red, green, and brown) shades which to the normal sense seem darker than red. The green-blind selects opposite shades, which seem lighter than red. Violet Blindness. — Very rare. Recognized by a confusion of purple, red, and orange, in the purple test (see 2). Much care is required to diagnosticate this form. The Respiration Scheme.1 — The glass cylinder (Fig. 67) represents the thorax. The surface of the water in the glass cylinder represents the diaphragm, and movable chest walls ; its level may be changed by raising or lowering the large rubber tube, in the free end of which is placed a second glass cylinder, not showu in Fig. 67. The interior of the cylinder above the water represents the thoracic cavity, and the rubber balloon the lungs. The paraffined cork is pierced by a pleural and a tracheal tube. The upper end of the pleural tube enters a rubber tube, in the wall of which is a small hole closed by a short glass rod. Through this hole the pleural cavity may be opened to the atmospheric air. The tracheal tube 1 American Journal of Physiology, 1904, x, p. xlii. 504 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY opens below into the lung, above into a rubber tube in the wall of which is a small opening, which repre- sents the glottis, and which may be partly or wholly closed by a glass rod. The left manometer shows the intrathoracic pressure, the right manometer the intra- Fig. 67. The respiration scheme; about one-third the actual size. pulmonary pressure. The normal relations between intrathoracic and intrapulmonary respiration may be reproduced with this apparatus. The pressure changes in forced respiration, obstructed air passages, asphyxia, coughing, sneezing, hiccough, and perforation of the pleura may also be studied. RESPIRATION 505 XI Mechanics of Eespiration Artificial Scheme. — Eaise the left glass rod above the opening in the rubber tubing (Fig. 67). Hold the lower end of the free cylinder even with the rubber balloon, and pour in water till the level just reaches the balloon. Lower the left glass rod to cover the opening. The surface of the water in the attached cylinder represents the diaphragm and movable chest-walls; the interior of the cylinder above the water, the thoracic cavity; and the rubber balloon, the lungs. The left manometer shows the intra-thoracic pressure ; the right manometer shows the intra-pulmonary pressure. The left glass rod closes the entrance to the -cylinder, i. e. makes the thoracic cavity a closed cavity, as is normal ; the right glass rod, with its lower end partly covering the opening in the rubber tubing, controls the entrance to the balloon (the respiratory passages). Inspiration. — Nearly close the respiratory pas- sage. Lower the water level to the base of the thoracic cylinder. Xote the change in the size of the lung, and in the pressure in the lung and in the thorax. Give reasons for these changes. Expiration. — Widen the respiratory passage 506 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY slightly. Eaise the water level slowly till the lung is slightly but evenly distended. Note the pressure in the pleural cavity. Is it positive or negative ? Why ? Normal Respiration. — Slowly and rhythmi- cally raise and lower the diaphragm (water level) between the inspiratory and expiratory level, taking care that the lung never becomes even slightly collapsed at the end of expiration. Give reasons for the changes in the intra- pulmonary pressure. Forced Respiration. — Eaise and lower the diaphragm more quickly. Observe that the differences in pressure are increased. Obstructed Air Passages. — Diminish the inlet in the respiratory tube by moving the glass plug. Raise and lower the diaphragm. The differences of pressure will be increased. Asphyxia. ■ — Close the entrance to the lungs entirely. Note the effect of movements of the diaphragm upon the intra-thoracic and* intra-pulmonary pressures. Coughing : Sneezing. — Remove the glass rod from the respiratory passage. . Bring the lung to full inspiration. Close the respiratory opening with the moistened thumb. Raise the diaphragm RESPIRATION 507 half-way toward expiration. Suddenly open the respiratory passage. Air is quickly and forcibly expelled from the lung (cough, sneeze). Hiccough. — Lower the diaphragm quickly toward full inspiration, and while the lung is expanding close the respiratory opening with the moistened thumb (hiccough). Note the sudden changes of pressure in the two cavities. Perforation of the Pleura. — Open the inlet to the pleura. Note the effect of the opening into the pleural cavity upon the lung and upon the intra-pulmo- nary and intra-thoracic pressure. Observe the result of movements of the diaphragm. 508 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY XII THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD The Mechanics of the Circulation The spaces between the cells of which the body is composed are filled with a liquid called the lymph, from which the cells take their food and into which they pour their waste. The materials and the products of metabolism diffuse from lymph to cell and from cell to lymph. In animals in which the division of labor has produced separate organs for digestion, excre- tion, and the like, the lymph serves as a medium of exchange. For this purpose the relatively slow processes of diffusion are not sufficient. Food must be more rapidly brought and waste more rapidly removed. A circulation must be provided. There are many ways in which the necessary circulation is secured. In Cyclops a flow is caused by movements of the alimentary canal. In Daphnia, the lymph enters a hollow muscle and is then expelled. In the higher animals the provision for rapid exchange is two- fold. The intercellular spaces are traversed by a THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 509 countless number of tubes of capillary size, the walls of which are so thin that substances in solution pass through them with great ease. These capillaries are the ultimate branches of a single tube, and, after fulfilling their function, the capillaries unite into a single tube again. A closed system is thus formed. This system is filled with a modified lymph called the blood, which is kept in constant circulatioiic Thus the lymph in the intervascular spaces is in intimate contact with a continually changing liquid. Further provision for rapid exchange is found in the circulation of the lymph itself. The spaces between the cells are drained by channels which gradually become definite tubes, the lym- phatics, and these finally join to form two ducts which empty into the blood vessels. The unbranched portion of the vascular tube is dilated into a cavity with thickened muscular walls termed the ventricle of the heart. The ventricle contracts rhythmically. Each contrac- tion raises the pressure in the ventricle until it is higher than the pressure in the remaining blood vessels. The blood in the ventricle is thereby forced into the blood vessels against the resist- ance of friction. The high pressure in the ven- tricle during contraction is transmitted into the blood vessels and through them. At each cross- 510 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY section of the vascular system some of the pres- sure is lost in overcoming resistance ; hence the pressure gradually falls. The blood flows from the area of higher pressure, near the ventricle, to the area of lower pressure. Thus the contrac- tions of the ventricle establish a difference of pressure in the blood vessels, which causes a movement of the contained liquid. At the two points at which the vascular tube joins the ventricle membranous valves are placed. One of these valves opens into the ventricle. It is an inflow valve. The inflow valve closes when the ventricle contracts. Con- sequently the contractions cannot drive the blood through this orifice. The ventricle can drive the blood only through the remaining orifice. Thus the ventricle becomes a pump and its contractions move the blood always in one direction. The vessels by which the blood is carried from the ventricle to the cap- illaries are called arteries ; those which bring the blood from the capillaries back to the ven- tricle are called veins. Adjoining the ventricle the great veins meet in a common enlarge- ment called the auricle. It is at the junction of the auricle with the ventricle that the inflow valve is placed. The outflow valve is placed at that orifice of THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 511 the ventricle which opens into the arteries. When the ventricle, having by its contraction raised the pressure in the arteries, begins to relax, the pressure within its cavity becomes less than that in the arteries. The outflow valve then shuts. Otherwise the arteries would be placed in direct communication with an area of low pressure and the relaxation of the ventricle would undo in part the work of the contraction, the purpose of which was the creation of a pres- sure in the arteries great enough to force the blood through all the blood vessels. It is obvious from these general considerations that the problems of the circulation are in the first instance those presented by any system of closed tubes through which liquid is driven by a pump. The Circulation Scheme.1 — The artificial scheme (Fig. 68) to illustrate the mechanics of the circulation in the highest vertebrates consists of a pump, a sys- tem of elastic tubes, and a peripheral resistance. The inlet and the outlet tubes of the pump are furnished with valves that permit a flow in one direction only. The peripheral resistance is the friction which the liquid undergoes in flowing through the minute chan- nels of a piece of bamboo. To this must be added 1 Science, 1905, xxi, pp. 752-754. 512 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY" the slighter resistance due to friction in the rubber and glass tubes. In this system the pump represents the left ven- tricle ; the valves in the inlet and outlet tubes, the Fig. 68. Quantitative circulation scheme ; about one-fourth the actual size. mitral and aortic valves, respectively ; the resistance of the channels in the bamboo, the resistance of the small arteries and capillaries. The tubes between the pump and the resistance are the arteries ; those on the distal side of the resistance are the veins. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 513 The side branch substitutes a wide channel for the narrow ones, and thus is equivalent to a dilatation of the vessels. The pressure in the ventricle is varied through a tambour covered with rubber membrane. The mem- brane is grasped between two disks, one below and one above. The upper disk is screwed down upon the lower until the membrane is tightly held. To these disks is fastened a rod which ends in a yoke. The yoke rests upon a small wheel, which in turn is supported by a brass plate eccentric in form. This brass plate is revolved by turning a handle attached to the axle. As the plate revolves the small wheel bears upon the eccentric rim and rises and falls with the rise and fall in the rim of the plate. The motion of the small wheel is transferred through the yoke, rod, and disk to the rubber membrane, and thus to the interior of the ventricle. The rim of the eccentric brass plate reproduces the intraventricular pressure curve in the dog. In pro- jecting this curve upon the plate the periphery is divided into fractions of a second, and the radii are divided into millimetres of mercury pressure. Each revolution of the eccentric plate reproduces in the ventricular tube both the time and the pressure relations of the ventricular cycle in the dog. The intraventricular pressure curve may be written by connecting the side tube with a membrane manometer, and clamping off the arterial mercury manometer to be mentioned shortly. 33 514 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY When the pressure rises in the ventricle to a suffi- cient height the contents of the ventricle will be dis- charged through the aortic valve into the aorta, and thus (through a convenient metal tube) into the arterial tube, leading to the capillary resistance. Here two paths may be taken : the liquid may pass either through the capillary channels in the cane, thus meeting with a high resistance, or this resistance may be lessened to any desired degree by unscrewing a clamp and thus opening the side tube. Both paths lead to the venous tubes, whence the liquid passes through the mitral valve into the ventricle. The mitral and aortic valves are of a modified Williams type. Metal tubes closed at one end conduct the liquid respectively to or from the ventricle. The liquid enters or leaves the valve-tube through a hole covered by a rubber valve-flap, not shown in Fig. 68. Each valve is surrounded by a glass tube through which the working of the valve may be inspected. Mercury manometers measure the pressure in the arteries and veins near the capillary resistance. The arterial manometer is provided with a glass thistle- tube to catch any mercury that may be driven out by a careless operator. If the arterial mercury manometer be replaced by a membrane manometer, or if it be provided with a float and writing point arterial-pressure curves may be writ- ten, identical with those obtained from the carotid artery of the dog. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 515 Normal sphygmographic tracings may be obtained by using a sphygmograph on the aortic tube. Palpation of the arterial tube will give a pulse the "feel" of which cannot be distinguished from that of the pulse in the normal subject ; the pressure waves in the quantitative scheme and in the living animal are identical in respect of both time and pressure. The Conversion of the Intermittent into a Continuous Flow When a pump forces water or any other incompressible fluid through tubes with rigid walls, the inflow and outflow are equal and in the same time. The outflow ceases the instant the inflow ceases. The same is true in a system of elastic tubes so short and wide that friction be- tween the liquid and the walls causes practically no resistance to the flow. Here the quantity received from the pump can still escape from the distal end of the system during the stroke of the pump. When the resistance is increased by narrowing the tubes, or by increasing their length, or in both these ways, not all the liquid received from the pump can pass by the resist- ance during the stroke of the pump, — the re- mainder must pass during the interval between one stroke and the next. The portion which cannot pass during the stroke finds room be- 516 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY tween the pump and the resistance in the dilata- tion of the containing vessels. To effect the dilatation the force or pressure transmitted from the pump presses out the vessel walls until this pressure is held in equilibrium by the elastic re- action of the walls. As the pressure from the pump wanes, the energy stored by it in the ten- sion of the vessel walls is reconverted into mechanical motion, and the walls return towards their original position, driving the liquid out of the tube past the resistance. 1. Open the side branch by unscrewing the pressure-clip. See that the tubes are well filled with water. Make a single brief gentle pressure on the ventricle. Note (1) that practically ail the liquid driven out by the stroke escapes through the side branch, in which the resistance is low, rather than through the high capillary resistance. (2) Only a portion of the liquid escapes during the stroke. (3) The portion which cannot escape by the resistance during the stroke finds space in a very evident dilatation of the tubes nearer the pump, i. e. between the pump and the principal resistance. (4) A membrane ma- nometer coupled to the side tube of the ventricle would show a sudden rise and fall indicating a sudden rise and fall in the intraventricular pressure. (5) Close observation shows that on THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 517 the stroke of the pump the tubing just distal to the aortic valve begins to expand sooner than that farther away. Evidently the change of pressure produced by the stroke of the pump is transmitted from point to point through the liquid in the tubes. (6) The arterial manometer shows a sudden rise and fall. Observe that the rise is not synchronous with the stroke of the pump, but begins an instant later. This interval is occupied by the transmission of the pressure change from the pump to the mercury column, and in part by the time required to overcome the inertia of position of the mercury. The oscilla- tions of the mercury following the primary rise and fall are due to inertia. (7) Observe the action of the valves (they consist of a metal tube, closed at one end, and pierced with a hole which is covered with a rubber flap tied on both sides of the hole). (8) Place a finger on the "aorta" near the valve and note the pressure wave (pulse) as it passes along the vessel. 2. With the side branch open as in Experiment 1, compress the bulb rhythmically and gradually increase the frequency of stroke. It will be found that at about twenty strokes to the minute the stream will be intermittent. As the interval between the strokes is shortened the liquid received from the pump in any one 518 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY stroke cannot all escape by the resistance during the stroke and the succeeding interval. The next stroke comes before the outflow from the preceding stroke is finished, and the stream be- comes remittent. Still further increase the frequency of the stroke. A rate will be reached at which one- half the quantity received from the pump will pass by the resistance during the stroke of the pump and the remaining half will pass in the interval between that stroke and the next ; the intermittent will be converted into a con- tinuous flow. Observe that the duration of the intervals is greater than the duration of the strokes of the pump. Thus the time during which the circula- tion is carried on by the energy stored by the pump in the elastic walls of the vessel is greater than the time during which it is carried on by the direct stroke of the pump. Note that the arterial pressure remains low even after the stream becomes continuous. An increase in the frequency of the beat has little influence on the blood pressure where the peri- pheral resistance is very slight. 3. Close the side branch, so that the liquid must pass through a high peripheral resistance. Compress the bulb at such a rate that the outflow shall be continuous. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 519 The frequency require! to make the flow con- tinuous is now much less than when the peri- pheral resistance was low. The Eelation between Eate of Flow and Width of Bed In a frog slightly paralyzed with curare destroy the brain by pithing, with the least possible loss of blood. Lay the frog back down on the mes- entery board. Open the abdomen in the median line. Draw the intestine over the cover glass upon the cork ring so that the mesentery may lie upon the glass evenly and without stretch- ing. The mesentery must be kept constantly moist with normal saline solution. Examine the blood vessels in the mesentery with No. 3 Leitz objective. Note the swift flow in the larger vessels and the slow movement of the blood through the capillaries. The combined cross-sections of the capillaries in the body are vastly greater than the cross-section of the arteries or the veins. The total quantity of blood passing in a unit of time through the arteries or veins and the capillaries is the same. If less passed through the capillaries than through the arteries, the capillaries would soon be gorged 520 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY to bursting. If more, the arteries would soon be empty. As the quantity passing through the capillaries and the arteries and veins in a unit of time must thus be the same, it follows that where the' combined cross-section of the channel or " bed " is small, the blood must flow faster than where the cross-section is large. A river rushes rapidly through a gorge, but moves sluggishly where meadow-lands afford a wider channel. Thus the blood flows with great velocity in the great arteries, less rapidly in their branches, and very slowly indeed in the capillaries, the com- bined width of which is so great compared to that of the arteries. And as the capillaries unite into the smaller veins, and these into the larger veins, the combined cross-section or bed becomes ever smaller and the blood moves ever more swiftly. Were the slow passage of the blood in the capillaries due simply to friction, the blood would move still more slowly in the veins be- cause the retarding influence of the friction in the veins would be added to that of the capillaries. There is an inverse relation between the rate of flow and the area of bed. the circulation of the blood 521 The Blood- Pressure The Relation of Peripheral Resistance to Blood- Pressure. — Revolve the disk of the artificial scheme at a rate that will produce a continuous outflow. With each successive stroke the portion of liquid unable to pass the resistance during the stroke and the succeeding interval is added to that left behind from preceding strokes. The arteries become more and more full. The arte- rial manometer registers a higher and higher pressure. At length the pressure ceases to rise. The mercury remains at a mean level broken by a slight accession at each stroke. The pump now merely maintains the constant high arterial pressure. This pressure suffices to drive through the resistance during each stroke and the sue- ceeding interval all the liquid received from the pump during the stroke. The venous pressure remains very low. The capillary resistance (to which must especially be added the resistance of the smallest arteries) almost entirely exhausts the pressure in the arteries. Hence the sudden and profound dif- ference observed between the arterial and the venous pressure. A second arterial manometer placed near the aorta would show that the 522 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY loss of pressure between the ventricle and the smallest arteries is relatively slight. The pulse is absent on the venous side of the resistance. The Curve of Arterial Pressure in the Frog. — Expose the heart of a frog, the brain of which has been pithed without haemorrhage. Provide a fine cannula with a short piece of rubber tubing. Fill cannula and tube with one per cent sodic car- bonate solution, and close the end of the tube with a small glass rod. Tie a ligature about one aorta as far as possible from the junction of the two aortas. Knot the ends of the ligature together. Pass a second ligature beneath the same aorta, but do not tie it. Lift the vessel by the second ligature so that the vessel is constricted by lying across the thread. Between the two ligatures open the aorta with sharp scissors and introduce the cannula. Fasten the cannula in place by means of the ligature. Place the frog-board on the wooden stand to bring the heart on a level slightly higher than the level of the mercury in the mercury manometer (Fig. 69). See that the proximal limb of the manometer is filled with one per cent sodic carbonate solution to the ex- clusion of air. Bring the writing point of the manometer against a smoked drum and revolve the drum once by hand to record a line of atmos- THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 523 pheric pressure. Close the aorta containing the cannula by gentle pressure with a forceps the blades of which are covered with rubber tubincr. o Join the cannula-tube to the manometer, exclud- ing air bubbles. Remove the forceps. The mercury will fall in the proximal and rise in the distal limb until the blood-pressure in the aorta is balanced by the column of mercury. With each ventricular beat, the column rises a short dis- tance above the mean level and sinks again. Record the blood-pressure curve on a very slowly moving drum. To get the actual pressure in milli- metres of mercury multiply by two the mean height of the curve above the atmos- pheric pressure line. The Effect on Blood-Pressure of Increasing the Peripheral Resistance in the Frog. — The peri- pheral resistance may be increased by the nar- rowing of the small arteries which follows the stimulation of special vaso-constrictor nerve fibres. The vaso-constrictor nerves may be stimulated directly or reflexly. The latter method is chosen here. Fig. 69. The small mercury manometer. 524 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Expose the sciatic nerve. Tie a ligature about the nerve near the distal end of the wound, and sever the nerve on the distal side of the ligature. Stimulate the central end with a tetanizing current of moderate strength. The afferent impulses set up by the stimula- tion proceed to the spinal cord and thence to the bulb, where they excite nerve cells which dis- charge impulses that cause the smaller arteries (and probably the veins) to constrict. This narrowing causes the arterial pressure to rise. Changes in the Stroke of the Pump ; Inhibition of the Ventricle. — While the arterial pressure in the artificial scheme is at a good height (120 mm. Hg) arrest the ventricular stroke (the ventricle in animals may be thus inhibited by stimula- tion of the vagus nerve, page 316). So soon as the ventricle ceases to beat, the less distended arteries will empty themselves through the peripheral resistance, and the arterial man- ometer will show a continuous fall in blood- pressure. Resume the ventricular beats. The mercury in the arterial manometer will rise in large leaps, corresponding to the ease with which the early strokes of the pump distend the lax arteries (the inertia of the mercury somewhat exaggerates the rise at each stroke). As the THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 525 blood-pressure rises, however, the excursion of the mercury for each ventricular stroke becomes less and less, corresponding to the smaller and smaller difference between the pressure in the arteries and the maximum pressure within the ventricle, until at length equilibrium is restored between the peripheral resistance and the force and frequency of the ventricular beat. The Effect of Inhibition of the Heart on the Blood-Pressure in the Frog. — Arrange an induc- torium for strong tetanizing currents. Insert the electromagnetic signal in the primary circuit and bring its writing point beneath that of the manometer. Eaise the heart gently. Note the white "crescent" between the sinus venosus and the right auricle. Put the points of the elec- trodes on the crescent, and close the circuit for a moment. After one or two beats the heart will stop. Observe the great fall in blood-pressure. Cease the stimulation. The mercury returns in leaps to its former level. The Heart as a Pump The Opening and Closing of the Valves. — Secure a high arterial pressure (120 mm. Hg) in the artificial scheme. Now greatly slow each ven- 526 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY tricular beat and at once observe closely the action of the valves. It will be seen that the mitral valve closes as soon as the ventricle begins to contract, but the aortic valve does not open until the intraventric- ular pressure has risen above that in the aorta. Time is required for this rise in the pressure in the ventricle. During this period both mitral and aortic valves are closed. When the ventri- cle begins to relax, the intraventricular pressure speedily falls below that in the aorta, and the aortic valve shuts, but the intraventricular pres- sure normally must fall at least 100 mm. Hg farther before it shall be lower than that in the auricle. During this fall all the heart valves are again closed ; the aortic valves are already shut, and the mitral not yet open. The Period of Outflow from the Ventricle. — Tie a rubber membrane over the smaller thistle-tube of the sphygmograph (Fig. 70) and cement a bone button in the centre. Connect a membrane ma- nometer : with the side tube of the ventricle. Bring the writing points of the recording tam- 1 If such a manometer is not at hand, carry a thin wire from the yoke of the disk of the circulation scheme to a light muscle lever, counterweighted from the pulley or pulled gently upward by a rubber band attached to the lever. This lever will record the up and down movement of the disk and thus mark the beginning of the ventricular stroke. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 527 boui and the manometer into the same vertical line against a smoked drum. Let the drum re- volve at a fast speed. Place the button of the receiving tambour on the aorta. It will record the aortic pulse and the membrane manometer will record the intra- ventricular pres- sure. Let the ventricle pump with the usual force and fre- quency. When the two curves have been writ- ten stop the clockwork and turn back the drum until the point of the lever recording the ventricular pres- sure lies at the exact beginning of the upstroke in the aortic pulse curve. Cause each lever to write an ordinate on the stationary drum. These ordinates will indicate synchronous points and will mark the beginning of the "outflow" period. The Sphygmograph Tambour.1 — This small and very sensitive tambour (Fig. 71) is mounted upon a 1 First Catalogue of Harvard Physiological Apparatus, 1901, p. 47. Fig. 70. The sphygmograph. 523 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY hollow tube through which the air waves reach the rubber ruerabraue. A right-angled piece of alumin- ium transmits the motion of the membrane to the writing lever. The moving parts are of the lightest Fig. 71. The sphygmograrih tambour ; about twice the actual sLse. construction. The axle of the writing lever is held in a yoke, the distance of which from the fulcrum of the lever is readily adjustable. The rubber membrane is not tied, but is held in place by a removable ring, — a time-saving device. If a small glass thistle-tube placed over the carotid artery be connected with this tambour by a rubber tube, preferably with a side branch, admirable pulse tracings may be recorded. By covering the thistle- tube with a rubber membrane upon which a bone but- ton is cemented, sphygmograms may be taken from the radial artery or from the tubes of the circulation scheme. The same tambour is used with the plethys- mograph tube. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 529 Now turn the drum until the point of the aortic lever lies beneath the notch seen in the down stroke of the pulse curve (the dicrotic notch, see page 546). Describe synchronous ordinates. It is known that the dicrotic notch in the aortic pulse curve corresponds closely to the moment of closure of the aortic valves. It marks, therefore, the end of the outflow period. Note that this point is reached soon after the ventricle begins to relax. Thus the period dur- ing which the intraventricular pressure is higher than the pressure in the aorta embraces part of the relaxation as well as part of the contraction of the ventricle. It includes approximately the highest third of the intraventricular pressure curve. Observe also the considerable interval between the beginning; of ventricular contraction and the opening of the aortic valve, as shown by the upstroke in the pulse curve consequent upon the entrance of liquid into the aorta. The Visible Change in Form. — Expose the heart of a frog;. Observe the Great veins, the auricles, the single ventricle, the two aortas, and the dila- tation, or bulbus, by which the aortas are con- nected with the ventricle. All these parts except the two aortse are contracting. The veins con- tract first ; the auricles next ; then the ventricle ; 34 530 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY last the bulbus. Note the pallor of the contracted, empty ventricle. Graphic Record of Ventricular Contraction. — Pass a fine wire through the tip of the ventricle and fasten the free end to the heart lever (Fig. 53). Let the lever write on a slow-moving drum. Note the characteristics of the curve. The Heart Muscle All Contractions Maximal. — Inhibit the heart by a Stannius ligature (see page 562). Find the least strength of stimulus that will cause the ven- tricle to contract. Increase the strength of the stimulus, but do not stimulate oftener than once in ten seconds (to avoid the staircase contractions described below). The force of ventricular contraction will re- main the same, notwithstanding the increased stimulus. If the heart responds at all to a stimulus, it responds by a maximum contraction. There is no interval between the minimal and maximal value (compare page 175). Staircase Contractions. — Find the least stimu- lus that will cause the ventricle to contract. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 531 Kepeat this minimal stimulus every 5 seconds, recording the contractions on a drum turned about 5 mm. by hand after each contraction. The contractions of the ventricle will be suc- cessively stronger, so that the apices of the curves will form an ascending -line (" staircase "). The form of the staircase is always an hyperbola. Successively stronger responses to repeated stim- uli of uniform strength can also be obtained from the curarized gastrocnemius of the frog, perfused with blood, and from mammalian and invertebrate muscles. The contraction appears to increase the irritability. Thus the same stimu- lus causes a greater contraction after a brief tetanus than before. Rossbach and Bohr have observed this after-effect continuing more than thirty minutes. The Isolated Apex ; Bernstein's Experiment. — Draw a ligature about the ventricle halfway be- tween base and apex tightly enough to crush the tissues without wholly separating them. The anatomical continuity between the two halves of the ventricle will thereby be maintained, but the physiological continuity will be lost. Eelease the ligature. The isolated "apex" as a rule does not con- tract. The exceptions can probably be explained 532 THE OUTGO OF ENEKGY as the effect of a constant stimulus (see page 533). The apical half of the normal ventricle con- tains no nerve cells. Consequently its failure to contract after its separation from the remainder of the heart would indicate that the adult heart muscle is incapable of spontaneous rhythmical contraction. It has been shown, however, that the " apex " of the mammalian heart will beat after its complete removal from the remainder of the heart, provided the circulation in the extirpated piece is maintained by supplying it with blood. Rhythmic Contractility of Heart Muscle. — Fur- ther evidence of the rhythmic contractility of the heart muscle is found in the bulbus arteriosus. Place very small pieces of the bulbus arteri- osus in normal saline solution under the microscope. They will contract rhythmically. Histological examination shows that nerve cells seldom occur in the bulbus. It is scarcely credible that they are present in each of the small pieces seen contracting under the microscope. Constant Stimulus may cause Periodic Contrac- tion. — In a frog with ventricular apex isolated by Bernstein's ligature, compress one or both aortaB, thus raising the pressure in the ventricle. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 533 The increased intracardiac pressure acts as a constant stimulus to the cardiac muscle and the hitherto inactive apex begins to contract again. Thus a constant stimulus may discharge peri- odic contractions in a muscle habituated to periodic contractions -(compare page 144) ; the galvanic current and chemical stimuli, such as delphinin, are further examples of constant stim- uli which call forth rhythmic contractions of the heart muscle. The Inactive Heart Muscle still Irritable. — Stim- ulate the inactive " apex " mechanically and with single induction shocks. The apex, though incapable of spontaneous rhythmic contractions, is still irritable, and will respond by a single contraction to each stimulus. Refractory Period : Extra-Contraction ; Compen- satory Pause. — Put the electromagnetic signal in the primary circuit. Connect the binding- posts on the heart-holder to the secondary coil of the inductorium. Arrange the latter for single induction currents. Place the ventricle on the heart-holder. Send maximal make and break induction currents through the ventricle from time to time in each phase of the cardiac cycle. Note that (1) the stimulus sometimes calls forth an extra-contraction ; (2) at other times the stimulus causes no contraction, having fallen 534 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY into the ventricle during the period in which it is refractory towards stimuli ; (3) the extra-con- traction is followed by a pause, called the com- pensatory pause because it usually restores the rate of beat to that existing before the extra- contraction took place. Using induction currents of equal intensity, find the limits of the refractory period and note them on the drum. Note also the point in the cardiac cycle at which the maximum extra- contraction can be obtained. The Transmission of the Contraction Wave in the Ventricle ; Engelmann's Incisions. — The action current of the heart is taken to be an expression of the excitation process, although the nature of the latter is not yet understood. It has already been shown (page 310) that the action current sweeps rapidly over the ventricle preceding the contraction. The excitation might be propagated by nerves or by muscle fibres. The following experiment affords some evidence that the transmission is by means of muscular tissue. Leaving the heart in situ, cut the ventricle into a zigzag strip by obliquely transverse in- cisions beginning near the apex. The nerve fibres in the ventricle will thereby be severed at some part or other of their course, but muscular continuity will be preserved. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 535 The contraction wave will pass over the entire zigzag strip. Normally the wave starts at the base and proceeds to the apex, but by artificial stimulation it can be made to pass from the apex towards the base. A similar result can be secured with the auricle. The Transmission of the Cardiac Excitation from Auricle to Ventricle ; Gaskell's Block. — The con- traction wave can be seen to begin normally in the sinus and thence to pass rapidly over the auricle ; on reaching the auriculo-ventricular junction there is a distinct pause termed the auriculo-ventricular interval ; finally, the excita- tion reaches the ventricle, and the contraction wave is seen to traverse the ventricular muscle as noted above. The auriculo-ventricular inter- val may be lengthened by any natural or arti- ficial hindrance to the passage of the excitation wave. 1. Place the Gaskell clamp about the auriculo- ventricular junction. Very cautiously turn the screw until the rubber edge makes a gentle pressure on the cardiac tissues at that point. With careful work a degree of pressure will be reached that diminishes the conductivity of the muscle fibres joining the auricle and ventricle so far as to permit only every second or every third excitation to pass. The auricle will beat with- 536 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY out change of frequency, but the ventricle will contract only when the excitation succeeds in passing the block. 2. Divide the auricles in two pieces con- nected by a small bridge of auricular tissue. Stimulate one piece. The stimulation of one piece will be followed immediately by the contraction of that piece, and, after an interval, by the contraction of the other. The smaller the bridge, the longer the interval. Gaskell has pointed out that a natural block is furnished by the small number of the muscle fibres joining the auricle to the ventricle, and that this natural block explains the auriculo- ventricular interval, i. e. the delay which the excitation experiences in passing from the auricle to the ventricle. 3. Eepeat Experiment 1, but place the screw- clamp across the middle of the ventricle. The passage of the excitation from one part of the ventricle to another will be delayed or inter- rupted by the lowering of the conductivity in the compressed portion. Many irregularities in the frequency and force of the heart can be explained by variation in the conductivity of its several parts. They can be ni>7 THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 537 explained also, by variations in the irritability of the several parts. In the latter case, the excita- tion would pass as usual, but its action on any part, for example the ventricle, would be in- creased or diminished by changes in the irri- tability of the cardiac muscle in that region. Engelmann has found that ventricular systole lowers the conductivity of the ventricle for a time. Tonus. — Pass the very fine copper wire through the wall of the auricle of the tortoise and attach the wire to the heart lever, so that the contrac- tions of the auricle may be recorded. Let the drum move so slowly that the individual contrac- tions will be nearly but not quite fused. Two sorts of contractions can be distinguished, (1) the usual frequent contraction or beat of the auricle, (2) the tonus oscillations. The tonus oscillations include from twenty to forty beats. •In the tortoise auricle, the beats usually become less extensive during the rise of tonus. The Influence of "Load" on Ventricular Contrac- tion.— Eecord the contractions of the frog's ventricle. Increase the intraventricular pressure (i. e. the load against which the ventricular muscle contracts) by clamping the aortas with forceps 538 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY the blades of which are covered with rubber tubing. The force of the individual contractions will be increased but their frequency will be diminished. The Influence of Temperature on Frequency of Contraction. — Let the drum move at such a speed that the individual heart-beats in the curve shall be close together, but yet separate and distinct. Surround with normal saline solu- tion at 25° C. The frequency of contraction will be increased. Keplace the warm solution with normal saline solution at 5° C. The frequency of contraction will be dimin- ished. The Action of Inorganic Salts on Heart Muscle. — Sever the apical two-thirds of the ventricle of the tortoise heart from the remainder of the ventricle by a cut parallel with the auriculo-ventricular' furrow. With a second parallel cut remove from the severed portion a ring two or three millimetres wide. Divide the ring to form a strip. Fasten one end of the strip to the short limb of a glass rod bent at a right angle. By means of a silk thread connect the other end of the strip to a heart lever arranged to record the THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 539 contractions of the strip on a very slowly moving drum. Sodium. — Immerse the strip of ventricular muscle in a beaker containing 0.7 per cent solu- tion of sodium chloride. After a latent period, which may be protracted, but usually is brief, a series of rhythmic con- tractions will be observed. The contractions soon reach a maximum and then gradually die away. Sodium, although an important stimulus to contraction, cannot maintain the ventricle in continued activity. The tonus of the heart muscle is diminished by sodium chloride. Calcium. — Surround a strip of contracting ventricular muscle with a solution of calcium chloride isotonic with 0.7 per cent sodium chlo- ride solution (approximately 1.0 per cent). Contractions will cease. Calcium added to solutions of sodium chloride, however, will lengthen the period during which the heart muscle contracts and will increase the strength of the individual contractions. Strong solutions of calcium chloride greatly increase the tonus. Potassium. — Surround a non-beating strip of ventricular muscle with a solution of potassium chloride isotonic with 0.7 per cent sodium chloride solution (approximately 0.9 per cent). 540 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Contractions will not be produced. If potas- sium be applied to a contracting strip, the con- tractions will cease. Combined Action of Sodium, Calcium, and Potassium, — Surround the ventricular muscle with a solution containing sodium chloride (0.7 per cent), calcium chloride (0.0026 per cent), and potassium chloride (0.035 per cent). This is a modified " Einger " solution. Long-continued, rhythmic contractions will be secured. Observers are not entirely agreed as to the action of potassium and calcium on heart muscle. The matter is of importance because there is much probability that the rhythmic contractions of the heart are the result of the constant chemi- cal stimulus of inorganic salts present in the blood. Most observers are agreed that the inter- action of salts of sodium, calcium, and potassium is essential. The fact that the contraction of the heart begins normally in the sinus may be due to a greater sensitiveness of that part to chemical stimulation. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 541 The Heart Sounds With a binaural stethoscope auscultate the chest over its entire extent during normal respi- ration and while the subject holds his breath. 1. Xote that two sounds are heard in the heart region. 2. Determine at what point each of the sounds is most distinct. It will be found that one, termed the " first sound," will be most distinct where the ventricle comes nearest the surface, near the apex of the heart, in the space between the fifth and sixth ribs, about 2.5 cm. below and 2.5 cm. within the left nipple. Close inspection of this region in persons not too fat will show that the chest wall is raised at each contraction of the heart. The cardiac impulse, as it is called, may be felt dis- tinctly by one or two fingers laid in the fifth intercostal space. It is caused by the rapid increase in the tension of the ventricle. The " second sound " will be heard most dis- tinctly immediately over the aortic arch, near the junction of the second right costal cartilage with, the sternum. 3. Observe the two sounds with relation to their duration, pitch, intensity, and quality. 542 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY The first sound in comparison with the second is of longer duration, lower pitch, and greater intensity. The quality of the first sound is dull, booming ; that of the second is sharp, valvular. 4. With one finger feeling the cardiac impulse observe the sounds with reference to systole and diastole. The first sound will be found to be systolic, i. e. it occurs with the contraction of the ventricle, while the second sound is diastolic, being heard at the beginning of ventricular relaxation. The interval between the first and second sounds is therefore very brief. The pause after the second sound before the first is heard again, is consider- ably longer. The first sound can be heard in the extirpated, bloodless heart (dog). The contraction of the ventricular muscle is therefore alone sufficient for its production. But the sound is modified or replaced by a murmur when the auriculo-ven- tricular valves are sufficiently injured. It is probable, therefore, that the sudden increase in the tension of the auriculo-ventricular valves con- tributes to its production. The second sound obviously is due to the sudden increase in the tension of the semilunar valves. It is replaced by a murmur when these valves are rendered incompetent. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 543 Ordinarily the ratio between the blood-pressure in the pulmonary artery and right ventricle so nearly equals the ratio between the blood pressure in the aorta and left ventricle that the semilunar valves in the pulmonary artery and aorta close together, or nearly together, and their respective sounds are heard as one. Pathologic- ally, for example in distention of the right heart from prolonged violent exercise, these relations may be so altered as to produce between the two sounds an interval perceptible to the ear. The sound is then said to be reduplicated. The Pressure-Pulse Frequency. — Palpate the radial pulse by laying on the artery at the wrist the ball (not the tip) of the first, second, and third fingers of the right hand. The forearm of both subject and observer should be supported in a comfort- able position. Count the pulse in four successive periods of fifteen seconds. The counting of the observer's instead of the subject's pulse may be avoided by noting whether the subject's supposed pulse is synchronous with the observer's heart- beat. Note the frequency per minute when the sub- ject is standing, sitting, lying, swallowing, hold- ing the breath ; and before and after exercise ; 544 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY for example, before and after lifting the weight of the body ten times by rising on the toes. Sex, eating, the time of day, the temperature, and many other factors also influence the fre- quency of the pulse. Hardness. — ■ When pressure is made upon an artery in any part of its course, the pressure is transmitted in all directions through the liquid contained in the peri-arterial tissues, and the artery becomes smaller. Part of the pressure is used upon the peri-arterial tissues themselves. When the remaining pressure equals the maxi- mum blood-pressure in the artery at the point of compression, the blood-pressure on the distal side of this point will sink to the level of the blood-pressure in the nearest .anastomosis. If the anastomosis is of capillary size, the pulse will disappear. A pulse which is obliterated by slight pressure is termed " soft ; " if the pressure re- quired is relatively considerable, the pulse is termed " hard." The hardness of the pulse is therefore a measure of the maximum blood- pressure at the point of compression, less the variable and unknown quantity required for the compression of the elastic tissues. Form. — 1. The vibrations which follow the primary pulse wave cannot ordinarily be recog- nized by the palpating finger. When, however, THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 545 the usual amplitude of the principal secondary vibration is much increased and the interval be- tween the primary and this secondary vibration is not too brief, the pulse may be felt to be double, or " dicrotic." For example, dicrotism can be felt in some ca~ses of continued fever. 2. A pulse which is felt to reach its maximum slowly is called a " slow pulse " (pulsus tardus). One which reaches its maximum rapidly, giving the palpating finger the sensation of a quick push, is said to be a " quick pulse " (pulsus celer). Quick and slow pulses should be carefully dis- tinguished from frequent and infrequent pulses. Volume. — The extent to which the arterial wall is driven from its position of equilibrium (volume or size of pulse) is a function of the output of the ventricle, the outflow period, the peripheral resistance, and the elasticity of the arteries. It is measured very inexactly by the palpating finger and the sphygmograph, accu- rately by the plethysmograph (page 552). The Pressure-Pulse in the Artificial Scheme. — Eevolve the disk of the artificial scheme until the arterial pressure is maintained at 50 mm. Hg. Close the tube leading to the arterial manometer, so that the oscillations of the mercury may not influence the curves to be taken. Attach the small thistle-tube (without 35 546 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY rubber membrane) to the sphygmograph (Fig. 70) and adjust the tube upon the aorta. Close the side branch of the sphygmograph tube. Bring the writing point of the sphygmograph lever against a slow-moving, lightly-smoked drum. Kecord a series of pulse curves. Note the quick upstroke, corresponding to the quick distention of the artery by the emptying of the ventricle, and the gradual downstroke, corresponding to the gradual emptying of the artery through the resistance during the diastole or interval between two beats. Near the apex of the more delicately written curves may be seen a slight depression, the dicrotic notch. It is obvious that the changes observed in the size of the artery are the expression of changes in the blood-pressure. The pulse is a function of the blood-pressure at the point observed. Hence the term pressure-pulse. The Human Pressure-Pulse Curve. — 1. Adjust the lever of the recording tambour so that it shall write with the least friction possible on a thinly smoked drum. Let the drum revolve slowly (two revolutions a minute). Be sure that the side branch is open. Place the larger thistle- tube, which serves as a " receiving tambour,'* over the carotid artery, anterior to the stern o- cleidomastoideus muscle, about the level of the THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 547 thyroid cartilage. When the tambour (without rubber membrane) is pressed well down over the artery, let an assistant close the side branch. If the receiving tambour has been properly placed, the recording tambour will write a sharply marked pulse curve. If none such appears, open the side branch and move the receiving tambour into a better position. Indicate the primary wave, the predicrotic elevation, and the dicrotic notch. 2. Cover the thistle-tube with a rubber mem- brane. Cement in the centre of the membrane a bone collar-button. Place the button upon the radial artery at the wrist and record the radial pulse. It will be found that the degree of pressure must be carefully regulated in order to secure a satisfactory curve. The blood-pressure in the artery normally is held in equilibrium by the elastic tension of the wall of the artery and the surrounding tissues. The pressure of the sphyg- mograph increases the tension of the peri-arterial tissues and thus assists in holding the blood- pressure in equilibrium. The greater the pres- sure of the sphygmograph, the larger the part of the blood-pressure borne by it and the more com- pletely will variations in the blood-pressure be made visible in the pulse curve. The record, 548 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY however, is not a measure of the absolute blood- pressure, because it is not possible io estimate accurately how much of the blood-pressure is still held in equilibrium by the elastic tension of the arterial wall and the surrounding tissues. The pulse curve does give with approximate correctness the variations in the blood-pressure. The correctness would be complete were it not that the part of the blood-pressure held in equilibrium by the elastic tension of the arterial wall varies with the size of the vessel, and the size of the vessel increases as the blood-pressure increases. Thus the portion of the blood-pres- sure which fails of record constantly varies. The error thus introduced is not important. The sphygmograph, therefore, gives a practically true record of the form of the pulse, i. e. the time-relations of the changes in blood-pressure. This knowledge cannot possibly be secured by the palpation of the pulse. The sphygmograph, it may be repeated, does not give a true record of the absolute blood-pressure (hardness) or of the amplitude (size) of the pulse. Both hardness and amplitude are better measured by the pal- pating finger. In many sphygmographs, for example, Marey's and Dudgeon's, the pressure on the artery is made by a metal spring, the movements of which THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 540 are recorded by a lever. In the record just taken from the radial artery, the pressure was made by the elastic tension of the rubber membrane clos- ing the thistle-tube. In the case of the carotid artery, this membrane is replaced by the skin of the neck. In every instance, the sphygmograph records the changes of blood-pressure in a section of the artery so short in comparison with the length of the whole arterial tree as to be practically a cross-section. Low Tension Pressure-Pulse. — 1. In the arti- ficial scheme open slightly the side-branch that permits the liquid in the arterial tubes to flow out without passing through the resistance. The arterial pressure will fall in consequence of the diminished peripheral resistance. Normally this effect is produced by a dilatation of the smaller arteries. Let the arterial pressure fall to about 20 mm. Hg. Eecord a series of pulse curves. Note that the oscillations of the mercury column with each ventricular beat are much higher than with normal pressure (120-150 mm.). Feel the pulse with the finger. With each beat the artery quickly expands and as quickly re- laxes. The artery is "softer" than usual. 2. Feel the normal pulse in the radial artery. Note the normal " hardness." Let the subject 550 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY inhale two drops (on no account more than two) of the nitrite of amyl (to be dropped on a hand- kerchief by one of the instructors). This power- ful drug causes dilatation of the blood vessels, particularly the smaller arteries. Observe that as the face flushes, indicating the vascular dilatation, the pulse will be softer. Do not repeat the experiment. Pressure-Pulse in Aortic Regurgitation. — Empty the principal tubes of the artificial scheme. Re- move the rubber from about the aortic valve. Replace the valve tube. Till the apparatus with water. Revolve the disk at the rate and with the force employed to imitate the normal circula- tion (page 545). Feel the pulse with the finger. After each systole the liquid streams back through the incompetent valve. The ventricle is thus fuller than normal at the beginning of the stroke, while the arteries are less than normally full. Consequently more than the usual quantity is discharged by the ventricle into relatively undistended arteries. The rela- tively lax artery is thereby quickly and largely expanded, as indicated by the quick thrust given the palpating finger and by the large excursion of the mercury in the arterial manometer. Record pulse curves. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 551 The upstroke is unusually high and quick. It is at once followed by a great and sudden fall. Obviously a relatively empty artery has been suddenly filled by an unusually large inflow and has been suddenly emptied again through the broken valve and the capillaries. The pulse- curve shows low arterial tension, but is of greater amplitude than the pulse in which low tension results from lowering the peripheral resistance. In the body, the amplitude of the pulse in aortic regurgitation is increased by the greater force with which the ventricle contracts, as well as by the larger quantity discharged at each beat, for the back-flow from the aorta dilates the ventricle and usually causes the walls of the ventricle to increase in thickness (dilatation with hypertrophy of the ventricle). Stenosis of the Aortic Valve. — Eeplace the rub- ber flap upon the aortic valve-tube, and tie a string around the flap and tube just over the opening in the tube. Stenosis, i. e. narrowing, of the opening will thus be secured. Put the valve- tube in place, and compress the bulb at the usual rate. Eecord pulse curves. The slow difficult emptying of the ventricle will be evident in the curve and to the hand. The movements of the arterial manometer are sluggish and of diminished amplitude. The 552 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY pulse wave is small and the upstroke slow, corresponding to the small slow inflow through the stenosed valve. Eestore the valve to its normal state. Incompetence of the Mitral Valve. — Remove the rubber flap from the mitral valve. Record pulse curves as before. The pulse will be small, because the pressure in the auricle (in this case the reservoir of water) is always low, while the pressure in the arteries is always high. Hence the ventricle will partly empty itself through the incompetent mitral valve, in the direction of low resistance, before the pressure in the ventricle rises high enough to open the aortic valve against the high aortic pressure. The quantity remaining in the ventri- cle when the intraventricular pressure rises high enough to open the aortic valve is not sufficient to distend the arteries to the normal degree. In mitral stenosis the pulse is also small because the narrowing of the mitral orifice per- mits less than the usual quantity of liquid to enter the ventricle. The Volume Pulse Remove the receiving tambour of the sphygmo- graph from its tube, and insert the plethysmo- graph cylinder (this is the tube used in the THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD 553 experiment on the volume of contracting muscle, Fig. 58). Place the middle finger in the cylinder, making sure that the rubber collar fits around the finger tightly, but without impeding the venous circulation. Close the side branch. Periodical alterations in the volume of the finger will be recorded ; they have the rhythm of the heart-beat. (The friction of the writing-lever must be very slight to insure success, and the curve at best will be small.) Determine the effect of straining and forced respiration upon the curve. Apparatus Normal saline. Bowl. Towel. Pipette. Artificial scheme. Microscope. Mesentery board. Mercury man- ometer. Aortic cannula. One per cent solution of sodic carbonate. Ligature. Glass rod one inch long. Frog- board. Wooden stand. Kymograph. Inductorium. Dry cell. Electrodes. Key. Electromagnetic signal. Sphyg- mograph with large anu small thistle-tubes. Rubber membrane. Bone collar-button. Heart-holder. Screw- clamp. Muscle lever with scale-pan and weights. Stand. Fine copper wire. Tortoise with heart exposed. Ice. Solution of sodium chloride, 0.7 per cent. Solutions of calcium chloride, and potassium chloride, each isotonic with 0.7 per cent solution of sodium chloride. A solu- tion containing sodium chloride, 0.7 per cent ; calcium chloride, 0.026 per cent; and potassium chloride, 0.035 per cent. Binaural stethoscope. Nitrite of amyl. Ple- thysmograph. 554 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY XIII THE INNERVATION OF THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS The quantity of blood required by the tissues varies from time to time. For example, the digestive organs require more blood when food is taken than at other times. Variations in the blood supply of the individual organs are accom- plished chiefly by varying the size of their blood vessels. To this end the blood vessels are pro- vided with muscular coats which are made to contract or relax, and thus to constrict or dilate the vessels. The impulse to contraction or relax- ation is given by the vasomotor nerves. It is necessary, too, that the force and frequency of ventricular contraction should vary with the resistance to be overcome, the need for more rapid oxygenation of the blood, etc., and special nerves are provided for this purpose also. The control or innervation of the heart and blood vessels will now be considered. The heart is provided with nerves that aug- ment and nerves that inhibit its action. innervation of heart and blood-vessels 555 The Augmentor Nerves of the Heart In the frog both the augmentor and the inhibi- tory nerves reach the heart through the splanch- nic branch of the vagus. The augmentor fibres leave the spinal cord in the third spinal nerve, and pass through the ramus communicans of this nerve into the third sympathetic ganglion, where they probably end in contact with the body or processes of sympathetic cells. The axis-cylin- ders of these sympathetic cells pass up the cer- vical sympathetic chain to the ganglion of the vagus (Fig. 72), and thence down the vagus trunk to the heart. Thus in the greater part of its course the vagus cannot be stimulated without exciting both the augmentor and the inhibitory cardiac fibres. To excite either alone it is neces- sary to stimulate the respective nerves above their junction. Preparation of the Sympathetic. — Cut away the lower jaw of a large frog, the brain of which has been destroyed by pithing, and continue the slit from the an^le of the mouth downwards for a short distance. Avoid cutting the vagus nerve (Fig. 73). Turn the parts well aside, and expose the vertebral column where it joins the skull. Eemove the mucous membrane covering the roof of the mouth. The sympathetic is situated 556 THE OUTGO OF ENEEGY immediately under the levator anguli scapulse muscle, which must be carefully removed. The nerve will then be visible. It is commonly pig- mented and usually lies under an artery. Care- fully isolate the nerve. Put a ligature around it LAS .*V\ :> *■ LAS i r> «. LjAo Fig. 72. Scheme of the sympathetic nerve in the frog. OC. Occiput. LAS. Levator anguli scapulse. Sym. Sympathetic. GP. Glosso-pharyn- geus. V-S. Vago-sym pathetic. G. Ganglion of the vagus. Ao. Aorta. HA. Subclavian artery. (After Stirling's reproduction of Gaskell and Gadow's plate.) as far away from the skull as practical >le, and cut the nerve caudal to the ligature. Action of the Sympathetic on the Heart. — Arrange the inductorium for weak tetanizing cur- rents. In the primary circuit place the electro- INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 557 magnetic signal. Prepare the sympathetic as directed above. Expose the heart (page 75). Place it in the heart-holder. Should the heart beat rapidly, slow it with ice. Let the writing point record above the point of the electromag- netic signal on a drum revolving so slowly that the individual beats shall appear in the curve very close together, yet far enough apart to be readily counted. Divide the observation into nine periods of twenty seconds each. Place the electrodes beneath the sympathetic, with the short-circuiting key closed. Adjust the heart lever to write its curve. Let the assistant call the beginning of each period as he marks it on the drum. At the beginning of the second pe- riod, open the short-circuiting key ; at the begin- ning of the third period, close the short-circuiting key. Lower the drum when one circuit is completed. Count the number of beats in each period. The frequency will be increased. The force of con- traction will also be increased.1 The latent period of excitation is long and there is a prolonged after-effect. The former frequency is regained more rapidly after short than after long stimula- tions. The speed of the cardiac excitation wave 1 The stimulation of the augmentor fibres is difficult and often fails in winter frogs. 558 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY (compare page 336) is increased and the time of its passage across the auriculo-ventricular groove is shortened, though this cannot be observed by the method used in the present experiment. The Inhibitory Nerves of the Heart The Preparation of the Vagus Nerve. — Fasten a lame fros? on the board, back down. Pass the Fig. 73. Scheme of the cervical nerves in the frog (after Schenck). G. P. Glosso-pharyngeus. Hg. Hypoglossus. V. Vagus. L. Laryngeus. K. Posterior end of lower jaw. The glosso-pharyngeus has been drawn to one side of the hypoglossus for the sake of clearness. glass tube through the oesophagus into the stomach. Eemove the muscles lying over the petrohyoid muscle, which passes from the base of the skull to the horn of the hyoid bone. Lying INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 559 near the line between the angle of the jaw and the auricle are four nerves (Fig. 73) : (1) The hypoglossals. This nerve is superficial. Near their emergence from the skull it is the lowest of the nerves, but later, the uppermost. It crosses the remaining nerves and the blood-vessels, and passes forwards and inwards towards the tongue. (2) The glosso-pharyngeus, which soon turns for- wards beneath the hypoglossus parallel to the ramus of the jaw. (3) The vagus, and (4) the laryngeus, the two lying almost parallel in the line between the angle of the jaw and the auricle. The laryngeus rests on the petrohyoid muscle, and passes upwards and inwards beneath the arteries towards the larynx. The vagus runs at first along the superior vena cava to the auricle ; a branch is given off to the lungs. Clear the vagus, tie a silk thread around the nerve and sever the nerve on the cranial side of the ligature, so that the peripheral stump can be placed on the elec- trodes for stimulation. Divide the laryngeal branch. Keep the preparation moist with nor- mal saline solution. Stimulation of Cardiac Inhibitory Fibres in Vagus Trunk. — Arrange the inductorium for weak tetanizing currents. In the primary circuit place the electro-magnetic signal. Expose the heart. Place it in the heart-holder. Let the 560 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY writing point record exactly above the point of the electromagnetic signal on a drum revolving so slowly that the individual beats shall appear in the curve very close together and yet far enough apart to be readily counted. Lay the vagus nerve on the electrodes. Start the drum. As soon as good curves are writing, start the inductorium, and open the short-circuit- ing key for about twenty seconds. The heart will be inhibited. Note that the arrested heart is al- ways relaxed, i. e. in diastole. The latent period is short (one or two heart-beats). A brief after- effect is present. If the stimulus is continued, the heart will begin to beat even during the stimulation, showing that the inhibitory mechan- ism can be exhausted. The heart beats more rapidly, and usually more strongly, immediately after inhibition than before ; this probably is due to the after-effect of the stimulation of augmentor fibres in the vagus trunk, as explained below. Eepeat the stimulation, but weaken the stimu- lating current by moving the secondary farther from the primary coil. With a suitable strength of current, the heart will be slowed but not arrested. The duration of diastole will be markedly less, while the dura- tion of systole will be changed but little if at all. A stronger excitation would lengthen both INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 561 systole and diastole. The diminution in force often appears before the diminution in frequency. Effect of Vagus Stimulation on the Auriculo-Ven- tricular Contraction Interval. — Counterpoise two inverted muscle levers. Place their writing points exactly above the writing point of the electro- magnetic signal. Pass fine bent pins through the auricle and ventricle, respectively, and con- nect them by silk threads with the muscle levers ("Suspension method"). Let the drum revolve at its fastest speed. When good auricular and ventricular contractions are obtained, stimulate the vagus trunk with a current not quite sufficient to cause arrest. Note that the inhibition affects both the auricle and the ventricle. Weak stimuli affect primarily the auricles. The auriculo-ventricular contrac- tion interval is lengthened. Irritability of the Inhibited Heart. — Arrest the heart by stimulating the vagus trunk. When complete inhibition is secured, touch the ventricle smartly with the point of the seeker. The ventricle will respond by a single contrac- tion. When the inhibition is profound, the irritabil- ity may be so far reduced that the heart will not contract on direct stimulation. In addition to the effects already enumerated, 36 562 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY appropriate methods of observation would show that vagus excitation increases the intraventricu- lar pressure during diastole, lessens the intake and the output of the ventricle, and diminishes the tonus of the heart muscle. The action of the vagus is accompanied by a positive electrical variation. The action on the sinus and on the bulbus does not differ essentially from that upon the ventricle. It has already been pointed out that the vagus of the frog contains both inhibitory and augment- ing fibres. The stimulation of the mixed nerve usually causes inhibition, as described above, but sometimes augmentation. The augmentation ob- served after cessation of the inhibitory effect is probably explained by the longer after-effect of the augmentor excitation. Intracardiac Inhibitory Mechanism. — Arrange an inductorium for tetanizing currents. Close the short-circuiting key. Expose a frog's heart. Eaise the heart with a glass rod. Note the white " crescent " between the sinus venosus and the right auricle. Set the inductorium in action. Put the points of the electrodes on the crescent, and open the short-circuiting key for a moment. After one or two beats the heart will stop. Inhibition by Stannius Ligature. — Turn up the heart to expose its posterior surface, and note the INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 563 line of junction of the sinus venosus and right auricle. Tie a ligature around the heart exactly at this line, passing the thread beneath the aortas, so that they shall not be included in the ligature. The auricles and ventricle cease to beat, for a time at least, while the sinus venosus continues with unaltered rhythm. (The result is usually ascribed to inhibition, from the mechanical stim- ulation of the intracardiac inhibitory mechanism. If the ventricle begins spontaneously to beat, as may happen if the ligature is not accurately placed, tie a second ligature around the junction of sinus and auricle.) Action of Nicotine. — Apply nicotine solution (0.2 per cent) to the ventricle. After a few minutes, stimulate the trunk of the vagus nerve. No curve need be written. The heart is not inhibited. Now lift the heart with a glass rod, and stimu- late the intracardiac inhibitory nerves. The heart is inhibited. Nicotine paralyzes some inhibitory mechanism between the vagus and the intracardiac inhibitory nerves. But it is known that nicotine does not paralyze nerve trunks. Hence it is probable that the cardiac inhibitory fibres do not pass to the cardiac muscle directly, but end in contact with nerve cells, which take up the impulse and transmit it 564 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY through their processes to the muscular fibres of the heart. Atropine. — With a clean pipette apply a few drops of a solution of atropine (0.5 per cent) to the heart. After a few moments lift the ventri- cle and stimulate the crescent. The heart is not inhibited. Atropine paralyzes the intracardiac inhibitory nerves. Muscarine. — With a fine pipette put upon the ventricle a few drops of normal salt solution con- taining a trace of muscarine (a poisonous alkaloid extracted from certain mushrooms). The ventricle will gradually be arrested in diastole, much distended with blood. Antagonistic Action of Muscarine and Atropine. — With a fresh pipette apply a little normal salt solution of atropine (0.5 per cent). The heart will commence to beat again. The Centres of the Heart Nerves It has been shown that the heart receives in- hibitory and augmenting nerve fibres. The sit- uation of the inhibitory and augmenting " centres," i. e., the nerve cells from which the inhibitory and augmenting fibres spring, should now be considered. Inhibitory Centre. — Place a frog and a small sponge wet with ether under a glass jar. Be very INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 565 careful not to kill the frog by an overdose of ether. When insensibility is complete, place the animal, back uppermost, on a frog-board. Cut through the skin in the median line from the nose about half way to the urostyle. Care- fully uncover the roof of the skull. Eemove the longitu- dinal muscles on either side of the 1st, 2d, and 3d verte- bras. Strip off the parietal bones with forceps, begin- ning at the anterior end, opposite the anterior margin of the orbit. Clear away the occipital bones. Saw through the laminae of the first three vertebrae, and re- move the laminae to expose the spinal cord. Expose the Fig. 74. View of the brain of a frog from above, en- larged. L.ol. Olfactory lobes, heart by Cutting away the H.c. Cerebral hemispheres. G.p. Pineal body. Th.o. chest wall over the pericar- dium. Hold the frog in such a way that the heart can be observed while the brain and cord are stimulated. With needle electrodes, the points of which should be Optic thalami. L.op. Optic lobes. C Cerebellum. M.o. Medulla oblongata. S.rh. Sinus rhomboidalis. (After Foster's plate in Bunion- Sanderson's Handbook.) 566 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY one millimetre apart, stimulate the spinal cord with a tetanizing current of a strength easily borne on the tongue. Stimulation of the spinal cord will not inhibit the heart. Stimulation of the cerebral hemi- spheres will be also ineffectual. Now stimulate the medulla oblongata. (Fig. 74.) The heart will be inhibited. This method of locating the cardio -inhibitory centre is unsatisfactory, because the inhibition produced may possibly be the result of the stimu- lation of nerve paths to or from the centre. Its results can be controlled by the method of suc- cessive sections, to be explained in connection with the vasomotor centre, page 565. The cardio-inhibitory centre is always in ac- tion, for section of the vagi causes the heart to beat more frequently. Augmentor Centre. — It is probable that this centre, like the inhibitory centre, is situated in the bulb, but the location is not definitely known. The constant activity of the augmentor centre is shown by the fall in frequency of beat after sec- tion of the vagi followed by bilateral extirpation of the inferior cervical and first thoracic ganglia in mammals. The neuraxons, or axis-cylinder processes, of the augmentor cells lying in the central nervous INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 567 system pass out of the spinal cord in the white rami and terminate in the sympathetic ganglia (for example, the inferior cervical and stellate ganglia of the dog) in contact with sympathetic cells, the neuraxons of which convey the impulse to the heart. The cardiac centres are readily affected by afferent impulses from many sources. Reflex Inhibition of the Heart; Goltz's Experi- ment. — In a very lightly etherized frog, expose the pericardium by cutting away the chest wall over the heart. Count the number of beats in periods of twenty seconds. Continue the count while an assistant strikes gentle blows with the handle of a scalpel upon the abdomen at the rate of about 140 per minute. The frequency will usually diminish and, in fa- vorable cases, the heart will at length be arrested. Cut both vagus nerves and repeat the experi- ment. The reflex inhibition of the heart cannot be obtained after section of the vagi. It has been shown by Bernstein that the affer- ent nerves in this experiment are abdominal branches of the sympathetic nerve. The stim- ulation of the central end of the abdominal sympathetic in the rabbit also produces reflex inhibition of the heart. 568 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY Reflex Augmentation. — Count the human radi- al pulse during four consecutive periods of fifteen seconds. Let the subject sip cold water slowly. Eepeat the count while the subject swallows. The frequency will be increased. Variations in the force and frequency of the heart-beat follow the stimulation of most afferent nerves, for example the central end of the divided vagus, the sciatic, and other mixed nerves, the nerves of special sense, and the afferent nerves which arise in the heart and pass to the bulb. The most conspicuous of the nerves which bear impulses from the heart to the central nervous system in mammals is the depressor. This nerve occurs as an isolated trunk in the rabbit, and is found mixed with other fibres, for example in the vagus, in many other animals. The stimulation of the end of the severed depressor nerve in con- nection with the heart is without effect. The stimulation of the end in connection with the bulb slows the heart and dilates the blood-vessels, thus causing a great fall in the blood-pressure. The Innervation of the Blood-Vessels The Bulbar Centre. — 1. Lightly etherize a large frog. Expose and cut both vagus nerves (in order to exclude inhibition of the heart). It is of the first importance to avoid excessive hemor- INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 569 rhage. Expose the brain and the anterior half of the spinal cord (page 565). Place the frog on the web-board. Note carefully the speed with which the corpuscles pass through the smaller vessels of the web. The rate of flow in the capillaries is the best practical index .of the diameter of the small arteries. When the arteries constrict, the flow in the capillaries will be less rapid. Eemove the cerebral hemispheres and the optic lobes. After five minutes or more (to allow the frog to recover from the shock of the operation), note the condition of the web vessels. There will be no significant change. The removal of the brain anterior to the bulb has not destroyed the tonus of the blood-vessels. Note the slow rhythmic changes in the diam- eter of the vessels. The changes are not uniform throughout the length of the blood-vessel. 2. Curarize the frog sufficiently to paralyze the motor nerves. Stimulate the bulb with very weak tetanizing currents. The flow in the capillaries will be less rapid. Obviously the bulb contains nerve cells, the ex- citation of which causes the narrowing of the blood-vessels. These cells are termed the bulbar vasoconstrictor centre. Eepeated sections show that the vasoconstrictor cells are placed (in the rabbit) on both sides of the median line from 570 THE OUTGO OF ENEEGY about one millimetre posterior to the corpora qnadrigemina to a point about four millimetres posterior to those bodies. The Vasomotor Functions of the Spinal Cord. — 1. Divide the cord just posterior to the bulb. (A fresh frog may be required. In that case, remember to curarize.) The division of the fibres connecting the vaso- constrictor centre with the cord will be followed by the dilatation of the vessels in the web (i. e. the flow will be more rapid). 2. Stimulate the peripheral segment of the divided cord. The blood-vessels will constrict. Thus the neuraxons (axis-cylinder processes) of the bulbar vasomotor cells pass through the spinal cord on the way to their respective blood- vessels. It should now be determined whether these fibres pass to the blood-vessels without interrup- tion, or whether they end in contact with spinal vasomotor cells through which the connection with the blood-vessels is made. 3. Wait five minutes and then note the flow through the capillaries. The dilatation observed immediately after the separation of the cord from the medulla has given place to moderate constriction. The tonus of the INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 571 blood-vessels has returned. The spinal cord has taken up the vasomotor function of the bulb. Evidently the spinal cord contains vasomotor cells, which ordinarily are subsidiary to those of the bulb, but which, when separated from their master cells, acquire^ the power of independent action. Effect of Destruction of the Spinal Cord on the Distribution of the Blood. — Further evidence of the vasomotor function of the spinal cord is afforded by the following experiment. Expose the heart, avoiding unnecessary loss of blood. Lay bare the upper part of the intestine by an incision on the left side of the umbilical vein, which lies in the median line. Suspend the frog vertically. Note that the heart and the great vessels are filled with blood. Note also the size and number of the vessels in the walls of the stomach and intestines. Bend the frog's head. Put the seeker into the vertebral canal and pass it gently downwards to destroy the spinal cord. The seeker will move easily, if really in the canal. Look at the heart and great arteries. The heart will soon be bloodless, though beating regularly. Examine the vessels of the stomach and intestine. They are distended. Evidently, the contents of the heart and the great arteries 572 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY have passed into dilated smaller arteries and veins. It would be found, on waiting, that this effect is not a passing consequence of inhibition. The destruction of the spinal cord has changed the distribution of the blood. The Vasomotor Fibres leave the Cord in the Anterior Roots of Spinal Nerves. — 1. Eeniove the arches of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th ver- tebrae and lay bare the cord in a large frog in which the motor nerves have been paralyzed with curare. Note the capillary flow in the web. On the side on which the web-vessels are examined, tie a silk thread around each of the anterior roots near their origin from the cord, and sever the roots between the ligature and the cord. The vessels will dilate. 2. Stimulate the peripheral ends of several of the divided roots. Constriction will follow. The vascular dilatation which follows the de- struction of the spinal cord is not permanent. After a time the vessels regain their tonus. It is probable, therefore, that vasomotor nerve cells exist outside the spinal cord, and this conclusion is confirmed by the results gained on warm-blooded animals with the nicotine method. Langley has found that the injection of about ten milligrams of nicotine into a vein of a cat will prevent, for a INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 5<3 time, the passage of nerve impulses through sym- pathetic cells. Painting the ganglia with nicotine has the same effect. In animals the sympathetic cells of which have thus been paralyzed, the stim- ulation of the lumbar nerves in the spinal canal produces no change in the vessels of the genera- tive organs, though in animals not poisoned with nicotine this stimulation causes marked constric- tion. The lumbar vasomotor fibres must there- fore end in connection with sympathetic nerve cells which transmit the constrictor impulse to the blood-vessel. Similar observations in other regions warrant the belief that all the vasomotor fibres emerging from the spinal cord end in like manner. Thus the vasoconstrictor system probably con- sists of three neurons. The first is a sympa- thetic cell, lying apart from the central nervous system. Its neuraxon (axis-cylinder process) passes directly to the blood-vessel. The second is a spinal cell, the neuraxon of which leaves the cord and terminates in contact with the sympa- thetic cell or its branches. The third has its cell body in the bulb and its neuraxon termi- nates hi contact with the second neuron. Commonly, as for example in the nerves of the extremities, the sympathetic neuraxon passes from the ganglion along the gray ramus into the 574 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY corresponding spinal nerve, in which it continues to its distribution. Vasoconstrictor Fibres in the Sciatic Nerve. — Curarize a frog sufficiently to paralyze the volun- tary muscles (any excess of curare will paralyze the vasomotor fibres also). Carefully destroy the brain with the seeker, avoiding loss of blood. Expose the right sciatic nerve for a short distance on one side, using the greatest care not to injure the blood-vessels. Tie a thread tightly around the nerve near the upper end of the exposed por- tion. Lay the frog, back upward, on the web-board, placing the web of the right foot over the notch, and securing it with fine pins. Examine the web under a low power, to make sure that the circu- lation has not been interrupted by stretching the web. Place the secondary at such a distance from the primary coil that the induced current shall be barely perceptible to the tongue. Set the hammer vibrating, and close the short-circuit- ing key. Put the electrodes under the sciatic nerve on the peripheral side of the ligature. Let a second observer watch a small vessel of the web through the microscope. Open the short-circuit- ing key for a moment only. The blood-stream slows from constriction of the supplying vessels, the contraction increasing during a few seconds and then subsiding. INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 575 This experiment requires much care and close observation. The curare effect must be very slight ; a small quantity of the drug should be given an hour before the observation is made. Great pains must be taken to use feeble currents and not to prolong the excitation, for the vaso- motor nerves are rapidly exhausted. The nar- rowing of the arteries of the web is usually evident only in the slowing of the blood-stream during excitation. Vasodilator Nerves. — 1. Eepeat the preceding experiment in a frog in which the sciatic nerve has been four days severed (without injury to the fem- oral vessels). On stimulation of the peripheral segment of the divided sciatic nerve, the vessels of the web will dilate instead of constricting. Evidently the sciatic nerve contains vasodilator as well as vasoconstrictor fibres. When the sciatic fibres are separated from their cells of origin by the section of the nerve, the fibres distal to the section degenerate. But the degeneration does not proceed at the same rate in all the fibres. The vasoconstrictors die before the vasodilators. In ordinary stimulation of the normal nerve, the action of the constrictors overpowers that of the dilators. In the partially degenerated nerve, the same stimulation causes dilatation because the constrictor fibres are dead or dying. 576 THE OUTGO OF ENERGY 2. Note the rate of flow in the web-vessels in the uninjured limb. Stimulate the sciatic nerve with the single induction current repeated at intervals of five seconds. The vessels of the web will dilate. The vasoconstrictor and vasodilator fibres also react differently to cold. If the hind limb (cat) be cooled, the stimulation that normally causes vasoconstriction will cause vasodilatation. Vasoconstrictor and vasodilator fibres are not always found in the same nerve-trunks ; in the chorda tympani nerve, for example, there are only dilator fibres. The central relations of the dilator nerves have not been sufficiently studied to warrant their discussion here. Reflex Vasomotor Actions. — 1. Note the rate of flow in the vessels of the web in a lightly curarized frog. Stimulate the skin (not too near the bulb or cord) with tetanizing currents. The stimulus must not be repeated often, or fatigue will obscure the result. Keflex constriction of the vessels will take place. The sensory impulse is carried by afferent fibres to the vasomotor centres. Eepeat the experiment, using in place of the electrical a mechanical stimulus, such as pinching the skin with forceps. INNERVATION OF HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS 577 Apparatus Normal saline. Bowl. Towel. Pipette. Glass plate. Inductorium. Key. Wires. Dry cell. Electrodes. Needle electrodes. Frog-board. Electromagnetic signal. Heart-holder. Kymograph. Glass tube for oesophagus. Two muscle levers. Solutions of nicotine (0.2 per cent), atropine (0.5 per cent), muscarine (a trace in normal salt solution). Curare. Ether. Sponge. Glass jar. Ver- tebral saw. Web-board. Fine pins. Microscope. Frog, the sciatic nerve of which has been severed four days. Millimetre rule. Silk thread. 37 INDEX Aberration, chromatic, 432, 434 ; diaphragm, 434 ; spherical, by reflection, 426 ; spherical, by refraction, 427, 434. Absolute force of muscle, 358. Accommodation, 469 ; angle between light and visual axis, 487 ; far point, 479 ; iris, 474 ; lens, 474, 475, 477 ; liue, 472 ; measurements, 479 ; mechanism, 473 ; pupil, 473 ; pupil, near- ness, 488 ; pupil, size, 488 ; range, 471, 484. Acuteness of vision, 465, 466. Action current, brain and cord, 319; decrement, 309; dura- tion, 314; glands, 320; heart, 310, 312; threshold value, 318; human muscle, 309; muscle, 300; nerve, 315; optic nerve, 318; positive after current, 317; positive variation, 316; precedes change in form, 311; tetanus, 305; voltage, 315. Afferent impulses, reflex action, 371 ; summation, 372. Alteration hypothesis of nerve and muscle current, 299. Amalgamation, 46 Ametropia, determination of, 493. Angle, construction of tangent, 467 ; incidence, 403 ; reflection, 403 ; refraction, 411 ; sine, 414 ; visual, 464. Angle gamma, 464. Animal heat, 285. Ankle jerk, 376. Anodes and cathodes, physiological, 110. Anterior roots, vasomotor fibres, 572. Aortic regurgitation, 550. Aortic stenosis, 551. Aperture, 420, 427. Apparatus, criticism of, 84. Arrhenius, theory of dissociation, 31. Artificial scheme, 511. Astigmatism, 464 ; measurement, 495. Atropine, action on heart, 564. Augmentor centre, 566. Axis, optical, 419 ; optical, eye, 439 ; principal, 419 ; visual 463. 5S0 INDEX Balancing experiment, 379. Bernstein's experiment, 531 ; rheotome, 313. Blood pressure, arterial in frog, 522 ; influenced by inhibition, 525 ; peripheral resistance, 523. Blood-vessels, innervation, 568. Brain of frog, 565. Brain, destruction by pithing, 97 ; dorsal view, 293. Calcium, in normal solution, 165. Calorimeter, Rubner's experiment, 285. Carbon dioxide, action on nerve, 172; apparatus, 173. Caustic surface, 427-429. Cell, dry, 52 : Daniell, 48 ; galvanic, 34. Cell, in series, 133. Centre, rotation, 463 ; optical, 420 ; optical, crystalline lens, 446. Centres of heart nerves, 564. Cerebral hemispheres, removal of, 378. Chemical stimulation, 163. Circle, dispersion, 429, 470-472. Circulation, artificial scheme, 511; capillary, 262, 569; inter- mittent and continuous, 515 ; mechanics of , 508 ; mesentery, 519 ; rate of flow and width of bed, 519. Clamp, double, 65 ; flat-jawed, 65 ; Gaskell, 103 ; round-jawed, 65. Clausius, theory of dissociation, 29. Closing contraction, 98. Color blindness, 501. Compensation of demarcation current, 294. Compensatory pause, 533. Conductivity, 168; centripetal and centrifugal, 181; during constant current, 123. Contraction, tonic, 141. Contraction, direction of current, 157; human muscle, 353; idiomuscular, 166; law, 113; load, 341 ; opening and closing, 98 ; rhythms, 142 ; single, 332 ; temperature, 342 ; torn"., 107, 140; veratrine, 345 ; wave, 338 ; heart muscle, 534. Contracture, 340. Coordinated actions, 378. Croak reflex, 379. Curare, 97 ; poisons end plates, 171. Daniell cell, 48. Decrement of action current, 309. » Demarcation current, 287, 295 ; hypotheses, 297 ; interferes with stimulating current, 292 ; measurement, 292 ; muscle, 287 ; negative variation, 305 ; nerve, 296; stimulus, 289, 296. Dennett's method, numbering prisms, 435. INDEX 581 Depressor nerve, 568. Deviation, angular, 435. Dicrotic notch, 545. Diffusion of gases, 14. Dioptre, 435.' Dispersion circle, 429, 470, 471, 472. Distance, focal, crystalline leus, 450 ; principal focal, cornea, 441. Distilled water, a chemical stimulus, 163. Drying, 149, 164. DuBois-Reymond, molecular theory, 298. Duchenne's points, 127. Duration of stimulus, 138. Elasticity and extensibility, of a metal spring, 364 ; of a rub- ber band, 364 ; of skeletal muscle, 365. Electric fish, 329. Electrical units, 35. Electrodes, for human nerves, 132 ; indifferent, 111 ; non-polariz- able, 93 ; platinum, 65. Electrolysis, 26. Electrolytic solution pressure, 32. Electrometer, 34. Electromotive force, 34, 287 ; demarcation current, 292. Electrotonic currents, 323 ; as stimulus, 328 ; negative and positive variation, 325 ; polarization increment, 325. Energy, set free in various forms. 10 ; stimulation, and irrita- bility, 7 ; developing, 361. Emmetropia, 490; angle of,1 464. Engelmann's incisions, 534. Ergograph, 354. Excitation wave, 336 : remains in original fibre, 181. Extensibility, 364, 366. Extra contraction of heart, 533. Eye, artificial, ophthalmoscopic, 489 ; as camera obscura, 437 ; normal measurements, 461 ; see optical box, 404 ; reduced, 458 ; schematic, 438. Extra current in inductorium, 68. Fatigue, 367 ; human muscle, 368 ; polar, 147. Fixation, line, 463. Focus, conjugate, concave mirror, 427 ; conjugate, convex lens 418 ; conjugate, cornea, 444 ; principal, concave mirror, 405 principal, construction, 443; principal, convex lens, 416 principal, eye, 454. Focal distance, concave mirror, 406 ; principal, convex lens, 417 Focal line, 427. 582 INDEX Food materials, composition of, 281. Flexors and extensors, relative excitability, 177. Frog board, 112. Galvanic cells, electromotive force in, 34. Galvanic stimulation may cause periodic impulses, 144. Galvanotropism, 137. Gas chamber, 173. Gaskell's block, 535 ; clamp, 103. Goltz's experiment, 567. Gower's experiment, 376. Graphic method, 77. Heart, action current, 310, 312 ; apex, isolated, 531 ; atropine, 564 ; augmentor centre, 566 ; augmentor nerves, 555 ; auric- ulo-ventricular interval, 561 ; Bernstein's experiment, 531 ; calcium, 539 ; change in form, 529 ; chemical theory, 540 ; compensatory pause, 533 ; constant stimulus, 532 ; contrac- tion curve, 530 ; contraction wave, 534 ; excitation from auri- cle to ventricle, 535; exposure, 112; extra contraction, 533 ; Gaskell's block, 535 ; graphic record, 530 ; impulse, 541 ; inhibited, 559 ; inhibitory centre, 564 ; inhibitory mech- anism, 562 ; inorganic salts, 538 ; irregularities, 536 ; irritable though inactive, 533; irritable though inhibited, 561 ; load, 537 ; maximal contraction, 530; monopolar stimulation, 111 ; muscarine, 564; nerve-free, 170; nicotine, 563; outflow period, 526; polar inhibition, 153; polar stimulation, 110; potassium, 539 ; pump, 525 ; reflex augmentation, 568 ; re- flex inhibition, 567 ; refractory period, 533 ; rhythmic con- tractility, 532 ; sounds, 541 ; staircase contraction, 531 ; tonus, 537 ; Stannius inhibition, 562 ; sympathetic, 556 ; tempera- ture, 538; vagus, 559; valves, 511, 525, 550, 551, 552. Heat values, calculation, 285. Hypermetropia, 431 ; angle of, 464 ; measurement, 495. Idio-muscular contraction, 166. Image, concave mirror, 405, 409 ; convex mirror, 410 ; convex lens, 419, 420; cornea, 443; dioptric, 456, 457 ; retinal, 437,; retinal, actual size, 465; retinal, apparent size, 464; smallest perceptible, 466; virtual, concave mirror, 408; virtual, con- cave lens, 419. Index of refraction, 412. Induction currents, 54 ; direction, 158 ; gap in resulting contrac- tions, 161; magnetic, 56, 58; nerves, 69 ; stimulus, 66, 158; unipolar, 71. Inductoiium, 54; construction, 60; graduation, 83. INDEX 583 Inhibition, galvanic, 153; heart, 559; polar, 155 ; reflex of heart, 567 ; ventricular, 524. Inhibitory nerves of heart, 558. Inhibitory centre, 564. Interrupter, 62, 303. Ions, 28. Iris, accommodation, 474. Irritability, 169 ; definition, 9 ; different points of same nerve, 180; flexor and extensor nerves, 177; muscle, independent, 169 ; nerve greater than muscle, 179 ; separable from conduc- tivity, 172. Isometric contraction, 352, 355 ; method, 349. Isotonic method, 349. Isotony, 20. Key, short-circuiting, 46 ; simple, 45 ; rocking, 50. Kinetic theory, 12. Knee jerk, 375. Kymograph, 79; long paper, 81. Lantern, 404. Latent period of muscle, 334. Lens, accommodation, 474, 475; concave, 422; convex, 416; numbering, 435. Lever, light muscle, 86 ; heavy or rigid, 351 ; writing, 87. Light, spectrum, 413. Line of fixation, 463 ; focal, 427 ; force, 57. Load, influence on contraction, 537. Magnetic field, 57 ; induction, 57. Make or break current excluded, 70; stimuli, 67. Manometer, mercury, 523. Mechanical stimulation, 166. Mirror, concave, 405 ; convex, 410 ; plane, 403. Mitral incompetence, 552. Moist chamber, 95. Molecular hypothesis of nerve and muscle current, 298. Monopolar stimulation, 111. Motor points, 128. Muscarine, action on heart, 564. Muscle, action current, 300 ; clamp, 8 ; curve, 333 ; demarca- tion current, 287 ; form affects stimulation, 156 ; left hind limb of frog, 6, 99; lever, 86, 351 ; tonus, 389; turbid and clear, 335 ; warmer, 343. Myomeres, 298. Myopia, 430 ; angle of, 464 ; measurement, 493. 584 INDEX Negative variation, 321 ; electrotonic currents, 325 ; secretion currents, 321. Nerve, action current, 315 ; cervical in frog, 558 ; conducts in both directions, 181; conductivity, 120; conductivity and irritability, 172 ; demarcation current, 295 ; drying, 149 electrical resistance, 327 ; electromotive phenomena, 295 impulse, speed of, 184 ; induction, 69 ; inhibitory, 558 irritability, 116; irritability compared with muscle, 179 irritability, different points, 180; irritability, specific, 179 polarization, 323; polar stimulation, 113, 131 ; stimulated by own demarcation current, 296. Nerve-muscle preparation, 4. Nicotine, action on heart, 563. Nitrite of amyl, 550. Normal saline solution, 165. Ophthalmoscope, 489. Ophthalmoscopy, 484 ; direct, 490 ; indirect, 496. Optic nerve, action current, 318. Optical box, 404. Opening and closing contraction, 98, 125 ; tetanus, 147. Ordinates, 91. Osmometer, 18. Osmotic pressure, 16; blood-corpuscle method, 22; blood serum, 21. Paper, smoked, method of usiug, 78. Paradoxical contraction, 328. Paramecium, galvanotropism, 137. Partial pressure, 13. Periodic contraction from chemical stimulation, 165 ; galvanic stimulation, 144. Peripheral resistance, 521. Permeability, 24. Pithing, 97. I'lasmolysis, 20. Plethysmograph, 545. Point, cardinal, cornea, 440; cardinal, crystalline lens, 445; cardinal, eye, 439, 451 ; far, accommodation, 479 ; far, deter- mination, 479 ; near, accommodation, 480 ; near, determina- tion, 480; nodal, 420; nodal, crystalline lens, 447; nodal, eye, 453 ; principal, crystalline lens, 450 ; s, 449, 453. Polar excitation, 148; fatigue, 147; inhibition, 153, 155; in- jured muscle, 151 ; refusal, 292; stimulation, 101, 113, 159. Polarization, 46; current, 51, 145; increment, 325; positive variation, 146. Pole-changer, 49, 50. INDEX 585 Positive after current, 317. Positive variation, action current, 316 ; polarization current, 146 ; polarizing current, 325. Prentice's method, numbering prisms, 435. Prisms, 413; construction, 413; numbering, 435; path of en- tering ray, 413. Pulse, aortic regurgitation, 550 ; curve, 546 ; dicrotic, 545 ; form, 544 ; frequency, 543 ; hardness, 544 ; low tension, 549 ; pressure, 545; valvular disorders, 551, 552; volume, 545, 552. Pupil, accommodation, 473. Reaction of degeneration, 135. Reaction time, 382. Reflection, concave mirror, 405; convex mirror, 410; plane mirror, 403. Reflex actions, 370 ; afferent impulses, 371 ; cornea, 374 ; inhi- bition, 384 ; man, 374 ; pupil, 375 ; purpose, 381 ; segmen- tal, 373 ; strychnine, 377 ; tendon, 375 ; threshold, 372 ; throat, 382 ; vasomotor, 576. Reflex time, 382. Refraction, 410; concave lens, 422 ; convex lens, 416; convex and cylindrical lenses, combined, 424 ; cylinders, 422 ; eye, 437 ; index, 412 ; prism, 413. Refractory period, 534. Respiration, mechanics of, 505. Respiration scheme, 505. Retina, reflection, 484. Rheochord, 42. Rheoscopic frog, 302, 306. Rheotachy graph, Hermann, 314. Rheotome, differential, Bernstein, 313. Ringer solution, 540. Ritter-Rollett phenomenon, 177. Salts, influence on contraction of heart, 538. Saturation, 16. Scheiner's experiment, 469. Sciatic nerve, vasomotor fibres, 574. Secretion current, 320; negative variation, 321. Semi-permeable membrane, 17. Shortening in single contraction and in tetanus, 348. Sensation, effort, 400; general, 398; irradiation, 398; motion, 400 ; motor, 400 ; pain, 399 ; pressure, 393 ; taste, 401 ; tem- perature, 390 ; tickle, 398 ; touch, 395 ; Weber's law, 395. Signal, electro-magnet, 105. Size, apparent, 456, 465. 586 INDEX Skin, hot and cold spots, 390; irradiation, 398; pressure spots, 393. Smooth muscle, 356. Solution, gas in liquid, 16; normal, 165; solid in liquid, 16; tension, 16. Spectrum, 413, 432. Sphygmograph, 527. Spinal cord, localization of movements at different levels, 387 ; destruction changes distribution of blood, 571. Spinal nerve roots, 386 ; sensory nerves, 388. Spontaneous contractions, 356. Staircase contraction, heart, 531. Stannius ligature, 562. Stimulation, 9 ; angle of current lines, 157 ; chemical, 163, 164 ; constant, may cause periodic contraction, 165 ; demarcation current, 290, 296; distilled water, 163; drying, 164; form of muscle, 10, 156; induction current, 158; intensity changes, 99; mechanical, 166; minimal and maximal, 175; monopo- lar, 111; polar, in heart, 110; summation of impulses, 176; threshold value, 174; unipolar, errors, 320. Stroboscopic method, 305. Surface, caustic, 427, 428, 429 ; principal, crystalline lens, 418 ; principal, eye, 449. Surface tension, 25, 36. Summation of stimuli, 176. Superposition in tetanus, 347. Superposition of two contractions, 346. Sympathetic, action on heart, 556 ; frog, 556 ; preparation, 555. Synchronous poiuts, method of obtaining, 120. System A, schematic eye, 440 ; B, schematic eye, 445 ; C, schematic eye, 451. Temperature, hourly variation, 285 ; mouth, affected by food, 285; reaction to variations in, 285 ; regional, 285. Tension indicator, 25. Tetanus, 69, 346 ; electrical phenomena, 305 ; natural and arti- ficial, 355 ; opening and closing, 147 ; Ritter's, 149. Threshold value of stimulation, 175. Tonus of heart muscle, 537. Tradescantia discolor, 20. Tuning fork, 88. Unipolar induction, 71, stimulation, errors, 320. Van I'll: \V.\ai.'> hypothesis, 14. Van't Iloff's discoveries, 20. INDEX 587 Vagus, preparation, 558; inhibits heart-beat, etc., 559, 560, 561. Vapor pressure, 15. Vasodilator nerves, 575. Vasomotor centre, 570 ; fibres in anterior roots, 572 ; functions of cord, 570 ; reflexes, 576 ; sciatic, 574. Veratrine, influence on contraction, 345. Vision, acuteness, 465, 466 ; blind spot, 499 ; color blindness, 501 ; field of, 500; yellow spot, 499, Volume of contracting muscle, 331. Volume tube, 332. Wohler's discovery, 3. "Work adder, 359. "Work done, influenced by load, 35S. — ~T ^r ^ A — #- JUN 2 6 1928 - r ...