IdiH S^noo'ty MfLlU. 1 I > I \£G7&%??7Z?2ZrJX,i?/SJ?:':Vs}tt07J37Z'--. Th£ Copp Clark •) THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO THE J. D. BARNETT TEXT- BOOK COLLECTION University of Western Ontario LIBRARY LONDON - CANADA Class LX\oO\ DATE DUE uuc UGGIST & STATIONER, DIPAQP LIBRARIES THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO LONDON CANADA LS-60135 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. AN INTRODUCTION TO ZOOLOGY. FOR THE USE OF HIGH SCHOOLS. EY R. RAMSAY WRIGHT, M.A., B.Sa Professor of Biology in ttte University of Tortmto. ^Toronto : THE COPP, CLARK COMPANY (Limited). 1889. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, by Thk Copp, Clark Company (Limited), in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. T6 54- PREFACE The present volume has been prepared with the object of aiding the study of Zoology in the Ontario High Schools. Already, one branch of Natural History — Botany — has been introduced with gratifying results, and it is thought that the addition of the elements of Zoology to the course may similarly awaken a wide-spread interest in animal life throughout the Province. The plan of treatment adopted is substantially that of the Syllabus prescribed by the Education Department. Attention is first directed to the Vertebrates as the most familiar and conspicuous animals, but the essential characteristics of the chief groups of Invertebrates are also given, the greater amount of space being, however, devoted to such groups as have terrestrial or fresh-water representatives. In each of the classes of the Animal Kingdom, some easily obtainable form is employed as a type in which to point out the more obvious structural features of the class, and it is assumed that these will be verified by actual exam- ination. A number of figures have been introduced, partly with the view of facilitating such examination, partly to illustrate the less accessible forms. These have, for the most part, been copied from scientific works like the publications of the U. S. Fish Commission, Brehm's Thierleben, etc., but a few have been drawn for the occasion, Figs. 1 and 58 with several others, being from the pen of Mr. E. E. Thompson. Much of the educational value of Botany as generally taught in schools results from the accurate observation necessary to employ the terminology correctly, and to make correct diagnoses : Zoology does net lend itself so easily to this kind of exercise, but it affords an VI PREFACE. equally valuable discipline — the tracing of the modifications of form throughout less nearly allied groups. A good deal of space has, accord- ingly, been devoted to this aspect of Zoology, although other aspects which may excite the interest of the young student have not been neglected. For example, the chapters on the Reptiles and Birds give prominence to the remarkable geological history of these classes ; that on the Mammals, to the correlation of form and habit in the group ; while the last chapter aims at showing the connection of the various subdivisions of zoological study. Experience alone will show, what form zoological instruction in the Secondary Schools ought to assume, so as not to interfere with other departments of study : the text-books on the 4 ' type-system " seemed to be too advanced for the present purpose, and also not to afford as wide an acquaintance with the forms of Animal Life as is desirable, while many elementary, systematic text-books prepared for school use dc not demand the actual examination of types, so necessary for the formation of clear conceptions. It is hoped that the present volume which endeavors to combine the advantages of both systems may prove adapted to the purpose for which it is intended. Eorontou My, 1889, CONTENTS. Pagb. Chapter I. — The Structure of Vertebrates, as exemplified in the Catfish 9 Chapter II. — The Classification of Canadian Fishes 51 Chapter III. — The Structure and Classification of Batrachians . . 80 Chapter IV. — Account of the Organization of the living and fossil Orders of Reptiles 90 Chapter V. — The Organization of Birds as exemplified in the Fowl, with the Characteristics of the Orders of Birds 121 Chapter VI. — The Structure of the Cat as a type of Mammalia, with an account of the modifications of form in the Class 142 Chapter VII. — The Crayfish, Spider and Grasshopper as types of the Morphology of the Arthropods, with the Characteristics of the Orders of Arthropods 190 Chapter VIII. — The Vermes, Mollusca and Molluscoidea 218 Chapter IX. — The Remaining Invertebrate Sub- Kingdoms 242 Chapter X. — General Principles of Zoology 261 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER I. The Structure of the Catfish. 1. Botanical students will remember that plants are often subdivided into phanerogamic and cryptogamic forms ; the latter lack a cei'tain characteristic way of producing seeds which is present in the former, but they really embrace several distinct primary subdivisions of the Vegetable Kingdom, whose only common character is the negative one referred to above. Similarly the Animal Kingdom is often subdivided into Ver- tebrate and Invertebrate animals, but the latter really in- clude several distinct sub-kingdoms sharing the negative char- acter of the absence of a backbone. Although, then, the Bo- tanist and Zoologist regard the terms cryptogamic and in- vertebrate as survivals from a period when less was known as to the structure of the contained forms than there is now, yet the terms are very convenient for every-day use, because they separate the less important, i. e., the lower and less conspicuous members of the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms those which are not only higher and more familiar, but also more economically important. 2. The history of Botany and Zoology teaches us that for various reasons these sciences have progressed most rapidly at first with the study of the higher forms of life : similar reasons will render it more convenient for us to begin our study of Zoologv with an examination into the structure of a Vertebrate *2 10 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Animal. In making our selection, however, it will be desir- able to choose a form which shall be so far typical, that a knowledge of the structure of its various organs will enable us to interpret the nature and significance of the comparable Or homologous parts in other Vertebrates. No one animal is best in every respect for this purpose, because there is no animal which unites in itself all the characters which we regard as primitive or general. An example will render the meaning of these terms plain. Most Vertebrates have five fingers on the hand, and we regard that as a primitive or general arrange- ment in comparison with that in a cow where there are two, or in a horse where there is only one. Such a reduction in number we regard as a specialization associated with the function which the hand performs, and it is very much easier to interpret correctly the specialized condition if we have in the first place familiarized ourselves with the more primitive one. Our object must then be to find some fairly primitive form, which is common, easily obtained, and easily studied : our de- mands in all these respects are pretty well met by the common catfish, the angling for which is attended by no great difficulties, which is tenacious of life and easily kept in captivity, and which finally occupies such a place in the class of the Fishes that we can, after acquainting ourselves with its structure, survey the other members of the class, and proceed to the study of the higher Vertebrates. 3. General Form. — AH Vertebrates, like most Inverte- brates, are bilaterally symmetrical animals, i. e., the body is divisible into right and left symmetrical halves by a plane passing from head to tail through the middle line of the back (or dorsal surface) as well as through the middle of the lower (or ventral) surface. This is the median sagittal plane ; planes at right angles to it, which are parallel to the dorsal and ventral surfaces, are called horizontal, while those which transect the body at right angles to both are frontal. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 11 Different regions of the body have different duties to dis- charge, and consequently differ in form and structure. We distinguish in a fish the head, trunk, and tail, of which the first lodges the brain and sense organs, secures food, and shelters the gills, the last is chiefly locomotive in function, while the trunk differs from both in being hollowed out so as to enclose the in- testines and other viscera in the so-called body-cavity (ccelom). The regions referred to are said to be axial, because they are disposed round the chief axis of the body, while the two pairs of limbs or appendages, much more developed in the higher Vertebrates, project laterally from the trunk, to which they are attached in the neighbourhood of the cephalic and caudal regions respectively, and are described as appendicular. In a fish the anterior and posterior appendages are known as the pectoral and ventral fins, (Fig. 1) from which are to be Fig. L— Common Catfish, or Bullhead. J. Amiurus nebulosus. distinguished the unpaired fins, occupying the middle line of the dorsal and ventral aspects of the trunk and tail, and as- sisting in locomotion. The latter are named from their posi- tion dorsal, caudal and anal. In the catfish, part of the dor- sal is separated as the adipose fin, which is regarded as the rudiment of a longer dorsal, and, instead of being supported by fin-rays, has only fatty tissue within it. 4. Apertures. — Certain apertures exist on the surface of the body ; of these, the mouth is bounded by the upper and lower jaws and leads into the mouth-cavity, the nostrils or 12 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. openings of the olfactory sacs are four in number on the dorsal surface of the head, but there are no external apertures for the ears. On the ventral surface in front of the anal fin is the posterior aperture of the intestine, and immediately behind it that of the urinary and reproductive organs. On the sides of the head behind the mouth are certain large apertures — the gill- slits, five in number, opening into the cavity of the mouth, but these are ordinarily concealed by the gill-cover or opercu- lum, a flap which projects backward over them, and by a membrane attached to the inner surface of the flap, the branch- iostegal membrane. In this way the gill or branchial chamber is formed, opening by the branchial aperture along the hinder and lower border of the said flap. Both the branchiostegal membrane and the gill-cover have a supporting framework of bones, the branchiostegal rays in the one case, the opercular bones in the other. In addition to the olfactory organs referred to above, the fol- lowing sense organs are to be noted : the eyes ; certain holes and slits along the lateral line and on the head leading into canals and pits in which sense organs are situated ; and the barbels, sensitive processes of the skin of the head, eight in number in the catfish, but frequently absent in other forms. 5. In most fishes the skin is strengthened by bony scales, either round in outline — cycloid — or with the hinder margin toothed— ctenoid — (Fig. 2), but the catfish is destitute of such, except for certain very minute ones which are in the walls of the lateral canal. The skin is therefore soft and slippery, and variously coloured according to the distribution of pigment in it. It is tightly bound down to the underlying flesh by slips of fibrous tissue, but in certain parts some loose subcutaneous tissue is accumulated between them. When a sharp cut is made through the skin it is possible to recognize two layers, an outer, the epidermis and an inner, the corium, HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 13 which layers indeed exist in the skin of all Vertebrates. It is chiefly but not exclusively in the latter that the pigment is contained. If the epidermis be removed by scraping, the ex- posed surface of the coriurn will be observed to be rough with a. B. Fig. 2.— A, Cycloid Scale from Lake Herring. B, Ctenoid Scale from Rock Bass. 6/1. papillae, so that the smoothness of the surface is due to these interpapillary spaces being filled up with the epidermis. The papillae are of importance as the channels through which nerves and nutriment from the blood-vessels reach the epidermis from the corium. 6. Minute Structure of the Skin. General Remarks ox Histology. — That branch of of the structure of animals which deals with the minute elements of the various organs, and which requires the microscope and other tools in the course of its investigations, is termed Histology. Each organ of the body- is built up of tissues, and each tissue is formed of ultimate elements named cells arranged in a characteristic way. Thus the skin, which is a complicated organ performing very different functions, is composed chiefly of two kinds of tissues — the epithelial tissue of the epidermis, and the connective tissue of the corium. The former may fairly be con- sidered its most characteristic tissue, but both are necessary elements in its structure. It is still more complex, however, in virtue of the pre- sence of both muscle and nerve tissue, so that this one organ of the body contains tissues of all the four categories under which histolo£?sts arrange the component parts of the animal body. 14 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 7. Animal cells have the same component parts as vegetable cells, i. e.t they are formed of a protoplasmic cell-body containing a nucleus and limited (frequently) by a membrane or wall. The latter, which plays so important a part in the support of the plant, resigns this func- tion in the higher animals to the intercellular substance, which, although like the cell- wall formed by the activity of the protoplasm, differs there- from in rarely exhibiting the territories belonging to the constituent cells. All the cells of the animal body are, like those of the plant, de- rived from the division (and the differentiation of the products of the division) of one cell — the egg-cell, and the first results of such division and differentiation are the formation of embryonic layers somewhat analogous to the primary meristems of the plant-embryo. Perhaps the most characteristic difference between the plant and animal embryo is that in the latter some of the most important organs are developed by the infolding of the originally superficial epithelial layer. 8. The four categories under which animal tissues fall may shortly be characterized as follows :— (Fig. 3.) I. Epithelial Tissue is that which is disposed in the form of one or more layers of distinct cells on the free surfaces of the body, including the alimentary canal, the lining of the coelom, the cavities of the nervous system, etc. The cells may be cylindrical, columnar, cubical or scale- like in form, their free surfaces may be covered with a resistant cuticle, or provided with delicate continuations of the protoplasm in the form of cilia or hairs. If their duty is to receive impressions and transmit them to nerves, they constitute neuro-epithelium ; if they secrete some characteristic product they constitute glandular epithelium, and are generally turned in from the free surface for protection ; if they serve merely to form hard structures for protection of underlying parts or for defence, they are modified into horny epithelial scales, feathers, hairs, hoofs, nails, horns, etc., while if they are converted into eggs, etc., they constitute germinal epithelium. II. Connective Tissues. — These constitute the framework of the body, which in some organs is of the utmost delicacy, in others, the true skeletal tissues, attains great firmness and hardness. Sometimes the cellular elements are distinct, in which case they may be free to wander through the interspaces of the tissues in the form of amoeboid or wandering cells, or be more limited in their mobility like the pigment- cells; or be fixed and flat like epithelium, or globular and filled with fat, or branched and communicating with their neighbours. Sometimes in the adult tissue the protoplasm is almost all converted into intercellular HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 15 Fig. 3.— Illustrations of the Simple Tissues of the Catfish 1. Egg, as type of an animal cell. 2. Scale-like epithelial cells from skin. 3. Col- umnar ones from intestines. 4. Neuroepithelial and supporting cells from ear. 5. Loose connective tissue formed of branched cells (b) with fat (a) and pigment-cells (c). 6. Blood cells ; a, colourless, b and c coloured. 7. Cartilage. 8. Bone 9. Tooth with pulp-cavity, dentine and enamel-cap. 10. Simple muscle-cells. 11, Striated muscle' fibre. 12. Nerve-cells. 13. Nerve fibre, 16 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. substance, in which case nuclei with a scant surrounding film of proto- plasm are left embedded in a matrix which may be soft and jelly-like, or converted into fibres, or stiff and homogeneous like cartilage, or hard through incorporation with lime-salts like bone and tooth. III. Muscle-tissue.— The cellular character is to be seen in the simpler kind which is formed of much elongated cells, whose protoplasm is highly contractile, while the higher kind of muscle-tissue is that termed striated (from the appearance of the contractile substance of the fibres under the microscope). In the latter, each fibre is a unit of higher rank than the simple muscle-cell, beeause it is the equivalent of several cells. IV. Nerve-tissue. — Two elements are distinguished, nerve-cells and nerve-fibres. The cellular character of the former is always evident ; the latter are to be regarded as processes of these cells, each nerve- fibre having for its core an axis-cylinder continuous with the cell protoplasm, which serves for conduc- tion, and is generally isolat- ed by one or more sheaths. 9. Histology of the Skin. — The microscopical examination of a thin pre- pared section of skin dis- closes at once the two chief component parts (Fig, 4). Of these the horizontal fibres of the corium are separated from the epithelial layers by a looser connective tissue, in which pigment cells are abundant and which pro- jects into the papillae. Some looser fatty connective tis- sue may separate the hori- zontal fibre-layers from the flesh. Filling up the inter- ¥igm 4._Diagram of section of the Skin in the Cat- spaces between the papillae fish- EP» epithelium ; pap, papillary layer of i.u 'j-t. v i u * *ne corium, co; sc, subcutaneous connective are tne epithelial cells of tissue, with nerves and blood-vessels. X5Q. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 17 the epidermis ; these present several varieties in shape and function, those next the corium being columnar, those on the free surface cubical, while the intervening cells are intermediate in shape. Certain peculiar cells stand out from the others ; these are the slime-cells present in all fishes, which provide the skin with its covering of mucus, and the cla- vate cells of unknown function, occurring chiefly in fishes with a soft skin like the Eel and Burbot. A few pigment-cells wander out from the corium into the interspaces of the epidermis. Finally certain special epithelial cells are to be found in bud-like groups on the end of some of the papil- lae. Each of these is provided with a delicate hair-like process at its tip, and is connected with a nerve at its basal end ; they thus belong to the class of neuro-epithelial cells and they constitute the simplest form of sense-organ in the fish. It is supposed that they are affected by vibrations in the surrounding medium, and that they are tactile in function. That this is so may be inferred from the use to which the barbels or feelers, which are covered with these organs, are put. Else- where on the surface of the fish, groups of similar cells occur, not pro- jecting freely on the surface, but retracted for protection into minute sacs opening by slits on the surface, or projecting at intervals into the cavities of the sensory canals of the lateral line and head, which com- municate with the surrounding medium by distinct pores. The button- like hillocks of neuro-epithelium are generally protected by a bony scale, and it is the fusion of such scales which gives rise to some of the skin-bones of the head. 10. Skeletal System. — In the course of the above para- graphs reference has been made to bones developed and situated in the skin. When such bones acquire no connection with the deeper parts they are said to belong to the exoskeleton ; the rough teeth in shark's skin, and the scales of a white-fish, e. g.y are of this nature. It is evident from what has been said that the catfish is very poorly provided with exoskeletal struc- tures ; all of its bones belong to the internal or endoskeleton- 11. The skeletal system is formed chiefly by tissues of the connective- tissue group, viz., fibrous connective tissue (in the form of ligaments and membranes), cartilage and bone. Of these the cartilage plays onbr a transitory part in the development of the catfish's skeleton, both it and the fibrous connective tissue being in great part converted into bone. Teeth are true exoskeletal structures, although they are only found ia 18 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. connection with the internal skeleton in the catfish : we know this by the development of their two constituent parts, the dentine — a member of the connective-tissue group allied to bone — and the enamel, which is formed by the modification of epidermal cells. (Fig. 3.) 12. In the skeleton we distinguish axial and appendicular parts, § 3 ; to the former belong the skull with the hard parts of the gills, and the vertebral column with the ribs. We shall study the latter first ; it is formed of a series of separate bones, the vertebrae, which vary considerably in form in different regions of the column, but are all characterized by a central part (the body or centrum), which is hollowed out like a cup, on both anterior and posterior faces, (amphiccelous.) (Fig. 5.) Fig. 5.— Caudal Vertebra and Caudal end of Vertebral Column in the Catfish. Ns. neural spine ; c, vertebral centre ; hs, haemal spine ; nsh, bony sheath of the notochord ; cr, caudal rays. Within the space so formed is contained the gelatinous remains of the notochord, a rod present in the youngest stages of all Vertebrates, around which the vertebral column is built, but rarely continuous in the adult, except in the lowest Vertebrates. Each centrum bears on its dorsal surface an arch, the neural arch, which terminates in a neural spine. The series of centra constitutes a flexible rod of great importance in loco- motion, the series of neural arches forms a canal serving to pro- tect that part of the nervous system known as the spinal cord. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 19 while the series of spines (to which the common name of spine, spinal column, etc., for the vertebral column is due) chiefly serves for the attachment of muscles. In higher Verte- brates not only are the centra intimately united to each other, but the arches have certain projections (articular processes), forming joints with similar processes on the arches in front and behind. These are not very much developed in the catfish, but this mode of union permits a certain amount of rotary movement between the vertebrae, to which the word vertebra owes its origin. In all fishes there may be distinguished in the vertebral column two regions, the trunk and the tail, the former extending as far back as the coelom referred to above, the latter behind that. In addition to the neural arches and spines, the caudal vertebrae have haemal arches and spines, which protect the blood vessels running back through the tail below the centra, while the trunk vertebrae have ribs which generally protect the contents of the ccelom, but do not meet below nor carry spines. The ribs are not articulated directly to the centra, but to projections from them, transverse processes, which appear to be the real represent- atives of the haemal arches. Some of the anterior trunk vertebrae in the catfish and its allies are very different from the others, being modified in connection with the organ of hearing, and in all fishes the most posterior vertebrae are altered in connection with the tail. The special way in which this alteration affects the catfish may be seen in Fig. 5, as far as appearance goes the rays of the caudal fin seem to be equally divided above and below the end of the vertebral column, (the fin is said to be homocercal), but in reality the tip of the vertebral column turns abruptly upwards so that most of the rays are really on its ventral surface. We shall see that in certain other fishes this unequal division of the tail-fin is much more apparent (heterocercal). 20 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 14. It is in the vertebral column that the segmentation or metamery of the Vertebrate body finds its most evident ex- pression, but we shall find that many other organs are likewise divided into metameres, notably the muscular and nervous systems. 1 5. A study of the development of the catfish shows that not only is the vertebral column built around the notochord, § 12, but also that the same is true of a considerable part of the skull, and that the notochord in the head is related in the same way to the nervous system and alimentary canal as it is in the trunk. It was at one time thought that it should be possible to distinguish constituent vertebrae in the skull, but this is impossible, for the very different functions which the anterior part of the axial skeleton has to discharge are associated with corresponding differences in form. Thus the fact that the anterior end of the central nervous system is dilated into the brain, is associated with the development of a sheltering box, the cranium, which is further modified by the apposition or incorporation with it of the protecting hard parts of the higher sense-organs, and the fact that the anterior end of the alimentary canal is devoted to securing food and to respiration is associated with the development of certain hard parts in connection there- with— the visceral skeleton. Of these we shall study first — 16. The Cranium. — The cranial box has certain openings, one (the occipital foramen or foramen magnum) to permit of the spinal cord joining the brain, others to allow the escape of nerves and the entry or egress of blood vessels. Although originally in the young fish largely cartilaginous in its texture, the box afterwards becomes partly converted into bone, and the bones formed in the cartilage are related in a definite way to these openings. Other bones are formed in the skin for the protection of the sensory canals ; still others (especially in the roof of the mouth) for the support of the teeth, and both of HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. n these kinds may be closely incorporated with those of the first category. 17. An inspection of the cranium from the upper surface (Fig. 6) discloses in the middle line two slits (the anterior and pm a Fig. 6. — Cranium and Anterior Vertebras of Catfish from above. M. mesethmoid ; pm. premaxilla ; a. antorbital ; n. nasal ; e. parethmoid ; fr. frontal ; s. sphenotic ; p. pterotic ; ep. epiotic ; t. supraclavicle ; so. supraoccipital spine ; 4. transverse process of fourth vertebra. posterior fontanelles) which separate the two frontal bones except for a short intervening bridge, where these bones (which form a considerable part of the cranial roof) articulate by a serrated suture. In front of the anterior fontanelle is the mesethmoid bone; behind the posterior, the supra-occipital^ 22 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. the former terminating anteriorly in a notch, the latter posteri- orly in a bifid spine. Four projections mark each lateral border of the skull, belonging to the mesethmoid, the parethmoid, the sphenotic and the pterotic bones, while the hinder border pre- sents a projection from the epiotic on either side of the supra- occipital spine. Thus twelve bones enter into the formation of the cranial box, for all of the above-mentioned bones are in pairs with the exception of the mesethmoid and supra-occipital. 18. On the floor of the skull (Fig. 7) the mesethmoid still forms Fig. 7. — Cranium and Anterior Vertebrae of Catfish, from below. Pm, premaxila ; m, mesethmoid; v, vomer; pa, parethmoid; o, orbitosphenoid; f, frontal; ps, parasphenoid; a, alisphenoid; pr, prootic; h, articular surface for hyoman- dibular on sphen- and pterotics ; b, basioccipital with exoccipitals on either side ; s, supraclavicle ; in, "malleus;" 4, 5 and 6, transverse processes of 4th, 5th and 6th vertebrae. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOOLGY. 23 the anterior boundary, while the posterior is occupied by another unpaired bone, the basi-occipital. The latter articulates with the centrum of the first vertebra, and also ** fiords support to a bone of the shoulder-girdle (the supraclavicle or post-temporal) which abuts against the strong transverse process of the fourth vertebra and rests by two other prongs on the epi- and pterotic projections. Between the mesethmoid and the basioccipital the following bones are to be noticed ; the vomer, a T-shaped bone, the transverse bar of which lies across the ventral surface of the parethmoids, and the parasphenoid which continues back the leg of the vomer in the middle line. All of the lateral projec- tions seen from above are also to be seen from below. Certain foramina furnish landmarks for the recognition of the other bones to be seen on this surface : on either side of the basi- occipital are the exoccipitals each with two foramina for the escape of the 9th and 10th nerves. The sutures between the basi- and exoccipitals, and the epi- and pterotics are occupied by cartilage and are thus very distinct, and the pro-otics (which are wedged in between the exoccipitals and the pterotics) are similarly marked out. In front of the pro-otics are the large apertures by which the 5th and 7th cranial nerves escape, but these apertures are also partly bounded by the sphenotic above, the alisphenoid in front and the basisphenoid (an unpaired bone partly concealed by the parasphenoid) towards the middle line. Between the alisphenoids and the orbitosphenoid, are the optic foramina for the escape of the optic nerves ; the latter bone is unpaired, and it forms a considerable part of the side walls of the skull and also of its floor, where, however, it is covered by the parasphenoid : it is also channelled by the olfactory tracts on their way to the nasal sacs. Thus eleven additional bones are to be seen from this aspect, of which five are unpaired; viz., the basioccipital, the basi-, orbito-, and oara- sphenoids, and the vomer. 24 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 19. The shape of the cranial cavity will be better under- stood after a description of the brain and ear, but the cavity is narrower and shallower in front where the olfactory tracts are alone to be accommodated, and wider and deeper behind where the brain and ear are situated. 20. Reference was made above to some scale-like bones in connection with the sensory canals. Several of these form an infraorbital chain below the eye ; two of them, the antorbital and nasal, are in the roof of each nasal sac, while others have been incorporated with the underlying frontals, parethmoids, etc. ; for these and several other bones of the roof shelter sensory canals. 21. The Jaws and Visceral Skeleton.— Immediately below the lateral edge of the sphenotic is a groove lined with cartilage, which extends on to the pterotic, and is the articular surface for the hyomandibular, an important bone suspending the jaws and the visceral skeleton to the skull. (Fig. 8). Inti- Fig. 8.— Jaws and Hyoid Arch of Catfish, from the side. Mx, maxilla; pmx, premaxilla ; pi. palatine; hmd, hyomandibular; op, oper- culum ; mpt, metapterygoid ; qu, quadrate ; pr, preoperculum ; sop, interoperculum ; d, dentary ; ar, articular ; h, hypohyal ; gh, glossohyal ; ch, ceratohyal ; eh, epihyal : br, branchiofitegal rays. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 25 mately united to it by an intervening symplectic cartilage is the quadrate, a bone which furnishes the articular surface for the lower jaw or mandible. Wedged in between the hyo- mandibular and quadrate is a flat bone, the metapterygoid, to the anterior end of which (by means of an intermediate scale-like bone,) the palatine is related, a rod-like bone articu- lated to the parethmoid and anteriorly carrying the maxilla. In most fishes this bone forms part of the gape ; here it acts merely as a support for the large maxillary barbels, while the premaxillae attached to the ventral surface of the horns of the mesethmoid, and connected with each other in the middle line, bear most of the teeth of the upper jaw. 22. The mandibles also bear teeth on their so-called dentary part, while near the " angle " of the jaw is the articular part ; on the inner surface of both the remains of the cartilage (Meckel's) on which this jaw is built are to be seen. 23. Closely united to the hinder border of the hyomandibular and quadrate is the preoperculum through which a sensory canal runs to reach the lower jaw. Behind it is the moveable operculum, the chief bone of the gill-cover, which however articulates separately with the hyomandibular. Between the operculum and the mandible, and united with both, is the third bone of the gill-cover, the interoperculum. In most fishes, but not here, there is a fourth bone, the suboperculum. 24. By means of a short interhyal piece of cartilage the hyoid arch is connected with the lower end of the hyoman- dibular ; it is itself divided on each side into three pieces, the epi-, cerato-, and hypohyals, which are united in the ventral middle line by an unpaired bone, the basihyal or glossohyal, which gives attachment to the retractor muscles of the arch. Articulated to the pos'erior border of the cerato- and epihyals are eight branchiostegal rays, the uppermost of which occupies much the same position as the suboperculum of other fishes. 26 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 25. Very similar in construction to the hyoid arch are the succeeding five branchial arches, the upper ends of which curve in beneath the skull, to the base of which they are attached by muscle and ligaments, while the lower ends meet in the floor of the mouth. Epi- and cerato- branchials form the greater part of each arch, but the upper ends are formed of pharyngo- branchials, and the lower of hypo-branchials, united by certain unpaired pieces, the basi-branchials. (Fig. 9). Fig. 9.— Visceral Skeleton of Catfish. H.hypohyal; oh, oeratohyal; eh, epihyal; i, interhyal; b1, first basibranchial ; hbl, cb1, eb1, hypo- cerato- and epibranchials of first arch ; o, oesophagus; ep and hp, epi- and hypopharyngeal tooth plates. 26. The teeth on the premaxillae and mandible have been referred to above, but the catfish has also a formidable array of teeth further back in the cavity of the mouth. The four plates which carry these are known as the superior and inferior pharyngeal plates, the former of which are attached below the upper ends of the third and fourth arches, while the latter are co-ossified with the ceratobranchials (the only parts present) of the fifth arch. 27. Appendicular Skeleton.— The pectoral fin is sup- ported by a bony arch known as the pectoral arch or girdle, HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 27 (Fig. 10) which in its turn finds a firm basis of resistance in the skull and vertebral column by means of the supraclavicle or post-temporal described above. This bone is firmly wedged into a socket in the clavicle proper which lies very close to the skin, (especially immediately above the fin where a rough process projecting backwards from it may be felt), and is regarded as a skin-bone, formed on the substructure of the primary arch which it conceals and with which it is closely united. The aepfiSSej^^ Fig. 10.— Pectoral Girdle of Catfish from behind. Co, coracoidal, s, scapular portion of primary shoulder-girdle ; cl, clavicular, sc, supra-clavicular portions of secondary shoulder-girdle ; b, basal elements, r, rays of the fin -skeleton. latter is at first cartilaginous, the former never so. Both the clavicle and the primary shoulder-girdle are divided into upper and lower parts by the fin, the lower parts uniting in the ventral middle line and thus completing the arch. The upper part of the primary arch is known as the scapula, the lower as the coracoid, and the region where the fin unites with it the glenoid region. 2 . Let us now examine the skeleton of the fin itself. It is made up of fin-rays of which the anterior is bony throughout, and toothed on its posterior margin ; it is a hard i*ay or 28 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. spine, in contradistinction to the other six rays which are jointed and fringed and are therefore known as soft or branched rays. The spine alone is jointed directly to the shoulder-girdle, while the other rays are fixed to it by intermediate pieces of which the hindmost (metapterygial basale) is the largest ; the spine in fact is a ray, plus the foremost intermediate piece, (mesopterygial basale) and their union is to be explained by the use of this ray as a weapon, which may be firmly set (by means of a peculiar joint) and used for offence or defence. 29. The structure of the ventral fin is similar to that of the pectoral. It has eight rays, of which one is hard. There is no pelvic arch, what is generally termed so, being the metaptery- gial basalia of both fins, united in the middle line. 30. Considerable resemblance to the above will be seen in the fin-rays of the unpaired fins. They are for the most part soft, but some are hard, and they articulate with the interspi- nals, which again fit into the cleft neural and haemal spines of certain of the vertebrae (§ 13). Of these rays the defensive spine of the dorsal fin deserves mention, as, from the peculiar arrangement of the interspinals with which it is connected, it may be " set " like the pectoral spine. For the purpose of distinguishing different species of fish it is often desirable to count the number of rays and express them in a formula, (Roman numerals being employed for the hard, Arabic for the soft rays), e. g. for this species : — ID. I, 6 A. 22 \P. I, 6 V. I, 7 31. Muscular System. — The muscles of an animal are what we ordinarily call its flesh ; their function is to contract on a stimulus received from the nervous system, and thus to bring nearer together the parts of the skeleton to which they are attached, or to narrow the tubes round which they are dis- posed. Those surrounding the blood-vessels and intestinal canal form the bulk of what is called the involuntary muscu- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 29 lature of the body. They reply slowly to a stimulus, and are not under the influence of the will, while those which unite the various parts of the skeleton are called voluntary, because they are controllable by the will, and reply rapidly to a stimulus. Both kinds of muscles are formed of fibres, which contract on the receipt of a stimulus through motor nerve-fibres which terminate in them. The involuntary are formed of bands of simple muscle-cells— the voluntary of bundles of striated fibres, but in both the muscle-tissue has a framework of connective-tissue which suspends the vessels and nerves distributed to the muscle-tissue. 32. The voluntary muscles are a7so called " skeletal," for it is obvious that a very important relationship must exist between the skeleton and the muscles. Where muscles are of large size, they must have a sufficient surface for their origin and in- sertion, and where they cause two parts of the skeleton to move upon each other, the nature and extent of the movements must determine the character of the joint. Thus those parts of the body where the most complicated movements are carried out will have the more differentiated muscles, and those where the movements are simpler, will have the less specialised muscles. In the catfish the more specialised muscles are those which work the jaws, the parts of the visceral skeleton, the gill-cover, and the spines of the pectoral and dorsal fins, while the less specialised are those which form the fl shy mass of the trunk and tail. The latter exhibit the same metamery which we have seen to characterize this region of the skeleton, for the muscles are divided into myomeres, separated by membranous partitions which are attached to the ribs and vertebrae, but the planes of these partitions are not vertical ones, as we may see from a cut through the tail, or from the curved form of the myomeres or fla\es into which the flesh of the fish sep- arates when boiled. Special muscular slips extend into the fins, and serve to depress or erect the rays, but these fin-muscles do not attain the size which the limb-muscles have in higher Yer- 30 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. tebrates, where the limbs are of greater importance in connec- tion with the support of the body and with locomotion. 33. NerVOUS System. — Here we recognize two constitu- ent parts ; the central nervous system, and the nerves which course from it to their endings in the various organs of the body, and which indeed are developed as outgrowths from it. The nerves either carry impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles, glands &c, or they transmit impulses to it from the various sense-organs ; they are thus either efferent or afferent in function. Tiiey originate from both parts of the nervous system — the brain and spinal cord, and are distinguished therefore as cranial and spinal nerves. 34. In our study of the skeleton we have seen that the brain and spinal cord are protected in bony canals, perforated for the escape of the nerves. The canals are not entirely filled up by these organs, for certain membranes are present which assist in the protection and nutrition of them. The cranial cavity for example is much larger than necessary to hold the brain, and the interspace is filled up with fatty matter which it is necessary to remove before the brain is exposed. When this is done, it is seen to have the form represented in Fig. 11 composed of alternately dilated and constricted parts. In front are the olfactory bulbs close against the nasal sacs, connecting these with the rest of the b: am are the olfactory tracts, and then come in order the cerebral hemispheres, the epiphysis projecting from the concealed thalamic region, the optic lobes, the cerebellum partly covering these and the medulla oblon- gata, with two pairs of secondary swellings upon it. From the under surface will be seen the cerebral hemispheres, with the optic nerves crossing behind them after their descent from the optic lobes, the thalamic region in the form of the hypo- physis and inferior lobes, and the medulla oblongata with the other cranial nerves springing from it. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 31 i viii A. 35. Transections of the brain show that it is a tube, the walls of which are thick in some parts and thin in others, and the cavity of which is dilated into ventricles, communicating with each other. The roof of the cerebral region is so thin that the functions that are discharged by it in the higher animals, must have their seat else- where in the fish. A similar condition is ob- served in the thalamic region, and that of the medulla oblongata, (ex- cept anteriorly where the cerebellum is extra- ordinarily developed), so that it is chiefly the floor of the cavity which is thickened in these parts. On the other hand it is the roof which is thickened to form the optic lobes and the cere- bellum. 36. The various regions of the brain or encephalon have received the above names as they appear to be comparable to similiarly named regions in higher forms ; but the regions and ventricles are also named, by comparative anatomists, rhin-,pros-,thalam-,mes-,ep- ami met- encephalon and the ventricles rhinocoele, prosoccele, thalamocoele, mesoccele, epicoeJe, metaccele. Of these ventricles the thalamocoele is the most complicated as it projects above into the epiphysis, and below into the inferior lobes and hypophysis. The hypophysis and epiphysis are not formed of nervous matter like the rest of the brain, for the former is glandular in its nature, while the latter is supposed to be the rudiment of an un- paired eye. Fig. 11.— Brain of Catfish. A— From above. B — From below. Rh, olfactory lobes ; Ot, olfactory tracts ; cerebral hemispheres ; Mes, optic lobes ; Cb, cere- bellum ; Met.-medulla oblongata ; a and c, trigem- inal and vagal lobes of medulla; b, inferior lobes of thalamic region ; II-X, cranial nerves ; Sp1, first spinal nerves. 32 HIGH SCHOOIi ZOOLOGY 87. like the brain, the spinal cord is also a tube, its cavity, the central canal, being, however, more uniform, and its walls of similar thickness throughout, except that the side walls are more developed than either the roof or the floor (Fig. 12). The metamery of the nervous system is much better seen here than in the brain, for at regular intervals corresponding to the vertebrae, a pair of spinal nerves is at- tached to the cord. Each nerve originates by two roots, which from their places of origin are known as dorsal and ventral ; the dorsal roots have a knot or , ganglion upon them, and they contain only efferent fibres, the ventral on the other hand are formed of afferent fibres : both kinds n$ of fibres are, however, soon associated in the mixed nerves of the body. 38. Of the two elements of nerve tissue distinguished in Fig. 12 —Section through Spinal Cord and D 00 ,, n i u j surrounding parts, in young Catfish. X40. § 33» the nerve cells, also called No, notochord, with its sheath ; n, the neural ganglion cells, are most abund- arch; d, dorsal, v, ventral nerve-root; g. gan- „ . _ n ,-i ... m » ,•■ ghon of dorsal root; d*, v\ dorsal and ventral ant round the cavities of the mixed nerves; s, sympathetic ganglion; ao, brain and spinal cord, but are also found in smaller centres or ganglia, while the fibres are found both in the nerves and in the centres. The function of the fibres is to transmit impulses, and this is effected by the axis cylinder, while the function of the cells is to store up or modify the impulses that arrive through the afferent nerves, and to originate those which are discharged through the efferent nerves. 39. It is easy to understand the way in which the spinal nerves are distributed in the body. Each pair supplies chiefly HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 33 the parts of its own metamere, although for purpose of coordi- nation, as e. g., in the various movements of the pectoral fin, the nerves of contiguous metameres communicate with each other in plexuses. The parts above the level of the spinal canal are supplied by the dorsal division of the spinal nerves, those below by the ventral divisions, and finally the contents of the coelom are supplied by special intestinal branches which are provided with ganglia, communicate intimately with each other before supplying the viscera, and constitute the Sympa- thetic system. The arrangement of the cranial nerves is however much more complicated, first, because their metamery is not so evident, and second, because the nerves as they emerge separately from the brain, are not each composed of a dorsal and ventral root, but some seem only to be ventral, others to be composed of several dorsal and ventral roots. Two of them, the 1st and 2nd pairs, olfactory and optic, go to the nose and eyes respectively, the 3rd, 4th and 6th, are motor nerves which control the muscles of the eyeball, the 5th and 7th supply the greater part of the head with sensory and motor nerves, the 8th is distributed only to the internal ear, while the 9th chiefly ends in the 1st gill arch, and the 10th is distributed to the re- maining gills, but does not confine itself to the head, and sends branches to the heart, air-bladder and stomach. A separate branch of this widely-distributed (Vagus) nerve supplies the sense-organs of the lateral line. The fifth nerve is also not con- fined to the head, but communicates wi h the dorsal branches of the spinal nerves by a long branch which pierces the back of the skull on either side of the supra-occipital spine. 40. We must now turn our attention to the endings of these nerves, especially to those of the afferent nerves, which trans- mit impulses to the brain and spinal cord from the sense-organs. Certain of the latter have been already referred to (§ 9), there remain for discussion the higher sense organs, or the nose,, eye and ear. 34 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGYo 41. Olfactory Organ. — When the roof of the nasal sac is removed (§ 4), the floor will be seen to be formed of a reddish mucous membrane, presenting a median groove and a series of transverse ridges running towards it. A current is established from one nostril to the other, and the odoriferous particles con- tained, are detected by special olfactory cells, which are situated between the ridges, and are directly connected with the olfac- tory nerve-fibres. In some fishes the ridges are arranged in such a way as to suggest to anatomists that the nasal sacs are altered gills, which have been confined to this sensitive func- tions, but the examination of the catfish alone would not suggest this view. 42. The Eye. — In higher Yertebrates the eye affects the shape of the skull considerably more than it does in the catfish, for there is no orbit in the latter, and the eye is simply situated in some fatty tissue between the overhanging frontal bone, and the great muscle of the jaw. It is small in size and unprotected by lids, the skin being thin and transparent where it passes over the surface of the bulb, and sufficiently loose to allow the latter some independent movement. This is effected by six muscles, four of which, the straight muscles or Recti, are grouped above, below and on either side of the optic nerve, as it courses from the optic foramen to the bulb, and two others, the oblique muscles, cross trans- versely to the eye from the skull. All the muscles are at- Fig. 13. —Vertical Section of Eye of Catfish. X 30 S, skin; co, cornea; sc, sclerotic; ch, choroid; tached near the equator of tSr^%ittoaSumoreol,tionerve;',lri8; thebulbtothescleroticcoat. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 35 43. The examination of the bulb itself (Fig. 13) discloses three coats, the outermost of which is subdivided into an anterior trans- parent part the cornea, and a posterior hard fibrous and opaque part the sclerotic. Within this is the second coat, the choroid, which chiefly serves to distribute the blood within the bulb, and to form a dark background for the retina, but anteriorly forms a muscular screen — the iris, perforated by the pupil, through which the amount of light admitted to the sensitive part of the eye may be regulated by the iris. Suspended from the junction of the choroid and iris by a special ciliary muscle, is the leas a globular transparent body which changes the course of the rays of light admitted to the eye, and casts an inverted image on the retina or nervous coat, which lines the whole of the choroid coat, and is separat- ed from the lens by the fluid and transparent vitreous humor. The optic nerve which terminates in the re- tina, must therefore pierce both the sclerotic and chor- oid coats to do so, and in- deed it perforates the re- tina also, for its fibres form the innermost of the several layers of which the retina is composed. 44. Study of the develop- ment of the eye shows that the retina is really an outgrowth of the brain, which like the brain has a cavity, one wall of which Fig1. 14.— Diagrammatic Section of Retina of young Catfish. X400. 1 , layer of optic nerve fibres ; 2, of ganglion cells ; 3, internal molecular, 4, internal granu- lar or ganglionic layer (containing nuclei of Miil- ler's fibres) ; 5, external molecular, 6, external granular layer, containing nuclei of the rod sand cones, 8. but separated from them by the ex- ternal limiting membrane, 7 ; 9, pigmentary retinal epithelium. 36 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. is formed by the single layer of tall columnar cells — the pigmentary epithelium of the retina, while the other, the retina proper, is formed of several layers, of which that toward the cavity is the layer of the rods and cones, while that towards the vitreous humor is the layer of optic nerve fibres. Between the two are various layers of nerve-cells, sup- ported by other elements which are not nervous in their nature. (Fig. 14). The rods and cones are the neuro-epithelial cells of the re- tina, and the original space between them and the pigmentary epithe- ium is obliterated by the close contact of the two layers. The lens on the other hand is shown to be developed from the epidermis, and the fibres of which it is composed are really altered epidermal cells. 45. The Ear. — In man the ear consists of three parts, the external ear, the middle ear or drum-cavity, and the internal ear or labyrinth : only the latter exists in the catfish. The two former in man are concerned with the concentration of sound- waves on the latter ; how then in the absence of these, do sound-waves reach the labyrinth in the catfish ? In some fishes a rudimentary gill-cleft between the hyoid arch and the jaws, appears to be the channel through which the vibrations reach the internal ear, but no such gill-cleft exists in the catfish, so it is probable that they are transmitted through the bones of the head, and above all through the comparatively loose ones, which are suspended to the ear capsule, by the hyomandibular (§ 21). Another possible channel will be referred to after- wards. In all animals the labyrinth is the essential part of the organ of hearing, as it is in it, that the auditory nerve termin- ates. In most forms the labyrinth is enclosed in a complete cartilaginous or bony capsule, (forming in the latter case the iprootic, epiotic bones, &c.,) and only perforated by small aper- tures towards the outside and towards the cavity of the skull, but in the group of fishes to which the catfish belongs, the side of the capsule towards the brain is very deficient, and conse- quently the greater part of the labyrinth can be seen by opening the cranial cavity. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 37 Fig. 15.— Right Ear of Catfish, from within. X*. Asc, hsc, psc, anterior, horizontal and posterior semi-circular canals ; aa, ha, pa, their ampullae ; ut, utriculus ; ru, recessus utriculi ; VIII, anterior and posterior branches of auditory nerve ; co, lagena cochleae ; s, sacculus ; tr, opening of transverse duct communicating with the left ear. 46. Of the two parts into which the labyrinth is divided, (s'ig. 5) the lower is largely concealed by a little shelf project- ing from each ex-occipital bone, and meeting in the middle line over the basi-occipital. This part is known as the saccule and lagena cochleae, each of which is a delicate membranous sac, con- taining fluid (th-^ endolymph) and an ear-stone or otolith and receiving a considerable part of the auditory nerve, the fibres of which terminate in certain cells of the lining membrane. The upper part is more easily seen ; it is connected with the lower by a narrow duct, and is formed of a central tube, the utriculus, with a large membranous sac projecting forwards from it, and containing a very large otolith and corresponding branch of the auditory nerve. Into the utriculus and its recess there open the thre? semi-circular canals, anterior posterior and external, which are respectively situated approx- imately in sagittal, frontal and horizontal planes. Their lower 38 high school zoology. openings into the utriculus are dilated into ampullae each of which receives a twig of the auditory nerve. 47. Reference was made to the communication between the air-bladder and the ear of the catfish ; this is brought about in the following way. Near the narrow tube between the upper and lower parts of the labyrinth, there is a cross duct connecting both, and projecting backward into a little pear- shaped sac, which lies in a groove on the upper surface of the basi-occipital bone. The whole labyrinth, and especially this part of it float comparatively freely in the fluid contents of the cranial cavity (perilymph); if currents should be caused in this perilymph it is obvious that currents would also be es- tablished in the endolymph, and thus excite or disturb the terminal cells of the auditory nerve-fibres which project into it. Such an arrangement for causing currents in the perilymph exists ; it consists in the fact that each half of the neural arch of the first vertebra, can be pressed closer into the neural canal or pulled out by means of a lever (m, Fig. 7), the hinder end of which is attached to the front end of the air-bladder ; consequently any changes of pressure in the air bladder are transmitted through this lever to the perilymph, and so to the auditory nerve. Whether sound-waves can affect the density of the air in the air-bladder (there is a spot behind the shoulder- blade where it comes immediately underneath the skin) or whether some other function is performed by this singular ap- paratus, cannot be decided with the knowledge at our disposal. 48. Considerable resemblance will be detected in the microscopical structure of the ends of the nerves of special sense. The labyrinth is lined with epithelial cells which here and there present a different character (neuro-epithelium) where the auditory nerve terminates within them. Two kinds of cells are to be seen, the supporting cells and the hair-cells, the latter alone being connected with the nerves. In the ampullae the hairs of the hair-cells are very long and delicate, in the other sensitive spots, short and stouter, for they carry on their tips the otoliths referred to above. The ampullae are supposed to be HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 39 concerned in the sense of equilibrium and direction, for which purpose the arrangement in space of the semi- circular canals would appear to lit them. 49. The Intestinal System. — To this belongs the Ali- mentary canal, with its appendages, the liver, air-bladder, tanists use the Linnaean binomial system of nomenclature, which involves the use of a generic and a specific name for the purpose of indicating to what species any individual animal belongs ; of these the generic name stands first, the specific second, and both are followed by the name of the author who first described the kind of animal in question under that specific name, and (if that should be necessary) by the name of the author who first refer- red the species to its proper genus. The necessity of appending the author's name to a species will be realized when it is under- stood that two different authors may have described individuals of the same species under different names. Thus A. nebulosus has a host of synonymes, one of the most current of which A. catus (Linn.) Gill, is given on the assumption that Linnseus had already named our Catfish Silurus catus. It is very hard to find a satisfactory definition for the term "species." In nature we find only individuals; certain groups of individuals resemble each other so closely that we have no hesitation in asserting that they belong to the same species, others may vary so much in colour or in the proportionate size of different organs or in other ways, that zoologists may hesitate whether or no the individuals exhibiting any constantly associ- ated variations should have a separate specific name accorded to them or merely rank as a "variety." The absence of interme- diate forms between two or more such groups of individuals is 52 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. generally considered a sufficient ground for regarding them as distinct species. Varieties are often the result of local conditions and are therefore spoken of as geographical varie- ties or sub-species, but they may be also brought about artifi- cially by man, in which case they are generally spoken of as "races." 2. Ceitain groups of species resemble each other so much that they are grouped by naturalists under the same "genus." Some genera are large, embracing a number of species, others small with only one or two; when they are large it is con- venient to arrange- the species in smaller groups, which may be designated by sub-generic names. In this way instead of the binomial system, a polynomial system may be adopted in which the name of an animal may have four parts, the generic, sub-ge- neric, specific, and sub-specific names. Although too cumbrous for general adoption this system has the merit of requiring a close attention to variation, which is one of the most inte- resting questions in Natural History. 3. In regard to the species we have been studying, the generic name Amiurus embraces a large number of different kinds of catfish from different parts of North America. Of these different kinds three occur within our region, viz.: A. nebulosus, A. natalis (Le Sueur) Jordan, (the yellow catfish), and A. vulgaris (Thompson) Nelson, (the long-jawed catfish)* some six other species are more southerly forms. The genus is a " difficult " one, the species being hard to characterise and it is doubtful whether all the species are " good." For example there is a southern form which is sometimes regarded as a dis- tinct species [A. marmoratus (Holbrook) Jordan], sometimes merely as a mottled variety of our northern form, and conse- quently named by the zoologists who hold this view A. nebulosus var. marmoratus. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 53 4. Those characteristics which the individuals of a species possess in common, and which serve to distinguish them from individuals of another species are expressed together with th ir habitat, or range of geographical distribution, in a specific diagnosis ; as examples the following diagnoses of the species which occur in Ontario may be copied from a recognized authority : — A. nebidosus (Le Sueur) Gill. Colour dark yellowish-brown, more or less clouded, sometimes yel- lowish, sometimes nearly black. Body rather elongate ; depth contained 4 times in length (measured to the base of the caudal fin). Anal fin usually with 21 or 22 rays, its " base contained 4 t'mcs in the length of the body. Dorsal fin inserted rather near the adipose than the end of the snout. Upper jaw usually longer than lower. Humeral process more than half the length of the pectoral spine. Length 18 inches. Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, and Eastward. The common bullhead or horned pout of the North and East, abundant in every pond and stream, also introduced into the rivers of California, where it has rapidly multi- plied. A. natalis (Le Sueur) Jordan. Yellowish, greenish or blackish. Body more or less short and chubby, sometimes extremely obese (var. natalis), sometimes more elongate (var. Hindus). Head short and broad. Mouth wide, the jaws equal (var. Hindu*), or the upper jaw longest (var. cupreus). Anal rays 24-27. Great Lakes to Virginia and Texas ; generally abundant. Extremely variable, and running into several varieties. A. vulgaris (Thompson) Nelson. Dark reddish-brown or blackish. Body moderately elongate ; depth 4-5 in length. Head 3-4. Barbel long. Mouth wide. Head longer than broad, rather narrowed forward. Profile rather steep, pretty evenly convex. Dorsal regions more or less elevated. . Lower jaw strongly projecting. Anal rays 20. Length 18 inches. Vermont to Minnesota and southward ; rather common. It will be observed that the distinguishing features of these three species are to be found in the shape of the body, the length of the anal fin, and the relative length of the jaws» 54 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY, 5. The generic, specific, and varietal names are generally Latin or latinized Greek words in form, the generic name being always a noun, and the specific and varietal names either adjectives agreeing therewith, or nouns in apposition. Although these names often refer to some characteristic of the form de- signated, yet this is not always the case, and there is no definite understanding among zoologists as to the principle on which such names shall be selected. For example the name Amiurus has been formed to express the fact that the tail-fin is not notch- ed in this genus, whereas the name of the most nearly allied genus Ictalurus or Ichthselurus, where the tail is notched, is simply a Greek translation of Catfish. Again the specific adjectival name nebulosus is formed to express the peculiar clouded colouration of our Catfish, while its synonym catus, a noun in apposition with Amiurus is another reference to its common name; further, the varietal names marmoratus, lividus, cwpreus are adjectives expressing some colour-peculiarity of the forms designated, while the specific name of our great fork- tailed Catfish /. lacustns refers to its occurrence in large bodies of water. 6. The species last referred to attains a large size, reaching occasionally a weight of 100 pounds; it is abundant in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence, and is much used for food. Another allied form the Channel Cat (/. punctatus) is found in the channels of the large streams but does not reach the size of the great Catfish. In contrast to these are several species of Noturus — Stone-Cats, (Fig. 20) which are rarely more than 4 or 5 inches in length, have the habit of lurking under stones, and are marked by the long adipose fin which is almost con- tinuous with the tail -fin. 7. These three genera are the representatives in Canada of a very large group or " family " of Fishes, the members of which abound in the fresh waters of the tropics of the old and new world, but are only represented in Europe by one species the HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY, 55 Fig. 20.— Stone Cat. Noturus gyrlnus. (After Jordan). Sheat-fish (Silurus glanis) of the Danube. By adding the patronymic ending " idae " to the stem of the generic name of this fish, the family name Siluridae is formed which thus includes all the genera of the group. Family names are generally formed in this way from some typical or well known genus, and if it is considered desirable to arrange the family into sub-families the termination "ina" is generally employed for such smaller groups. But, as in the case of species and genera, zoologists are by no means at one in recognizing the same limits to the classifi- catory sub-divisions employed. Nevertheless the divisions of various rank are always sub-ordinated to each other in a definite way, thus each of the great primary divisions of the Animal Kingdom or Sub-Kingdoms is divided into Classes, each Class into (Sub-Classes and) Orders, each Order into (Sub-Orders and) Families, while each Family (sometimes sub-divided into Sub- Families or Tribes) includes one or more genera according as the species belonging to it are more or less nearly allied to each other. 8. Thus the Siluroid family as generally understood is one of the largest of the class Pisces ; it is also a very heterogeneous one, embracing such different forms as our Catfish and the curious mailed Siluroids of the South American Rivers, so that certain authorities consider it to have the rank of an Order (Nematognathi), and it certainly does contain forms which are 56 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. structurally far more diverse than is the case in other Families of Fishes. All of its members possess the barbels, the well developed premaxillaries, and the rudimentary maxillary bones of the Catfish, they lack the sub-operculum, but they all have the curiously modified anterior vertebrae and air-bladder, although sometimes these are difficult to detect. They are for the most part fresh- water forms, but a few are marine. As we have studied a representative of this group in detail, some account of its most striking tropical forms may be of interest. Reference has been only marie to the fresh-water catfishes above ; there are, however, representatives of the family on the sea coast extending from Cape Cod southwards. These belong to two genera, Alius and ■ffilurichthys, which agree in having the head armed above with bony shields; in this respect they are less like our cattish thin the large cat- tish of the Nile ( Bagrus) and of the S.nith American rivers ( Pimelodus) are, and they more nearly approach certain othjr South American forms — Doras and its allies, where the head is completely mailed, but where the branchial aperture is reduced to a mere slit so that water can be retained in the gill-cavity. This latter condition also occurs in the Electric Cat- fish of the Nile ( Malapterurus, Fig. 21) which has no exoskeleton, but has the superficial layer of muscles converted into an electric organ. Fig. 21.— Electric Catfish of the Nile. M lapterurus electricus. &. (After Brehm> HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 57 A great many of the South American Siluroids have a very complete exoskeleton. Callichthys and Loricaria (Fig. 22) are representative genera ; they all appear to be very tenacious of life out of water, their gill-cavities being arranged as in Doras. Aspredo is a singular genus in which the female carries about the eggs attached to papillae of the skin of the ventral surface, until they are hatched. Certain old-world tropical forms are provided with arrangements better adapted than those referred to above for living out of water. Clarias, Saccobranchus and others have a recess projecting backwards from each gill-cavity which can be filled with water. Fig. 22.— Mailed Siluroid, from South America. Loricaria cataphracta. J. (After Brehm.) 9. A very large number of our fresh-water fishes belong to a %mily nearly allied to the Siluroids, that of the Cyprinidae, embracing the suckers, carps, goldfish, minnows, shiners, etc., of which the suckers are sometimes reckoned as an independent family (Catostomidae). Although very different externally from the Siluroids (for they are generally scaled fishes and often brillantly coloured), yet they share the peculiar struc ure of the anterior vertebrae and air-bladder, which is present in that group. The gill-cover has all the four bones, but there is no adipose fin. There are no teeth on the jaws, but the pharyngeal bones are well provided therewith. On the roof of the mouth in front of the first gill there is a rudimentary fifth gill called a pseudobranch, through which only arterial blood 5 58 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. circulates; its meaning will afterwards be explained. This family is characteristically a fresh-water one, the section of the Catosomidae being nearly confined to North America, and in- cluding our suckers, lake-mullet (Fig. 23), carp and carp-suckers, while the rest of the Cyprinoids are abundantly represented in the Old "World as well as the New. The suckers and their allies attain a large size, but the rest of the group are small and very similar in form and colour, so that they are difficult to diagnose, and much remains to be found out as to their distribution in Canada. Two further peculiarities of the family may be re- ferred oo, the bright colouring of the males at breeding time in the spring, and the division of the air-bladder into two or three compartments by transverse constrictions. Fig. 23.— The Red Horse. Moxostoma macrolepidotum. \. (U. S. Fish Commission.) 10. The Siluroids and Cyprinoids, like several other fami- lies of Teleostei, have an open duct between the air-bladder and the oesophagus; all the families which possess this are known as the Physotomous Teleosts, while those in which the air-duct is absent are known as the Physoclystous Teleosts." We shall find some familiar forms among the remaining Physostomi, which have the anterior vertebrae separate from each other and unconnected with the air-bladder. Foremost in importance, from an economical point of view, is the family of the Salmon- idse, which contains so many valuable food-fishes. Chief among these is the Atlantic salmon, {Salmo solar, Linn.) (Fig. 24) HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 59 which ascends rivets on both sides of the Atlantic for che pur- pose of spawning, and is consequently described as migratory or anadromous, although it is able to live also permanently in fresh water. Such " land-locked " salmon used to be abundant in Lake Ontario. Fig. 24.— The Atlantic Salmon. Salmo salar. fj. (U. S. F. C). The Pacific salmon, which are canned in enormous quantities in Brit- ish Columbia, belong to an allied genus Onchorhynchus. 11. Our common Lake Trout and Brook Trout belong to a genus Salvelinus differing from Salmo in the absence of teeth on the vomer ; the former (S. namaycush) attains a large size, and is abundant in the larger lakes, the latter (S. Jbntinalis) is found in ponds and streams, and is well known by its brilliant colouring, except in those individuals which have access to the sea, and which replace the red spots and dark bars by an uni- form silvery dress. Hardly less important are the common Lake species of White fish {Coregonus clupeiformis) and Lake Herring or Ciscoes (G. artedi) (Fig. 25) which differ from the Fig. 25.— The Cisco, or Lake Herring. Coregonus artedi. $. (U. S. F. C.) 60 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Salmons by their large scales and toothless jaws. Both Salmon and White-fish have certain appendages of the intestines which are not present either in the Siluroids or Cyprinoids ; these are situated at the junction of the stomach and intestine and are known as the pyloric coeca. They serve to increase the digest- ing and absorbing surface of the intestines. They are small and few in number in certain smaller marine Salmonidae such as the Capelin (Mallotus villosus) (Fig. 26) and Smelts (Osmerus mordax) (Fig. 27), which in spite of their size are of some importance as food-fishes. All of the Salmonidae have cycloid scales, a pseudobranch and an adipose fin. Fig. 26. — The Capelin. Mallotus villosus. (U. S. F. C.) Fig. 27.— The Eastern Smelt. Osmerus mordax. (U. S. F. C.) 12. Another important family is that of the Clupeidae or Herrings which are nearly all marine fish with a much com- pressed body, a serrated abdomen and no adipose fin. The commonest species are the herring, C. harengus L. and the Shad, C. sapidissima ; the former spawn in the sea, the latter ascend rivers to do so. One species of Clupea the Alewife (C. verncdis) HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 61 is land-locked in certain inland- waters, and the same is tnie of the allied Gizzard-Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) (Fig. 28). The latter is of no value as a food-fish nor is the Moon-eye (Hyodon) also allied to the Herring- family, but the Anchovies (Engraulus) are much esteemed for their flavour. Fig. 28. — The Gizzard-Shad. Dorosoma cepedianum — var. heterurum. \. (U. S. F. C.) 13. More familiar to inland residents is the family Esocidae, a group which is found in the fresh waters of the northern parts of both hemispheres. The largest representative is the- Muskallunge, Esox nobilior, Thompson (Fig. 29), but the corn- Fig. 29.— The Muskellunge. Esox nobiUor. -fa. (U. S. F. C.) mon species is the Pike, E. lucius, which is marked with light spots on a darker ground. All the species are voracious and are provided with a large mouth armed with strong teeth. The body is slender and elongated, there is no adipose fin, the pseudo- branchs are concealed and there are no pyloric cceca. As 62 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. allied to the Esocidae may be mentioned the Umbridae, one species of which, the little mud-minnow {Umbra limi), is to be found widely distributed in muddy ditches. The mud-minnow is in some respects allied to the Blind-Fishes of the Southern states (Amblyopsidae ), the best known of which and the largest is A. spelceus from the subterranean waters of the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. In accordance with the subterranean life the Blind-fish is colourless, the eyes are extremely rudimentary, but the sensitiveness of the skin is increased by tactile organs like those described in § 9, which are elevated on rows of papillae above the general level of the skin. In all this family the intestine turns forward and opens underneath the throat. 14. The last Physostomous family to which reference need be made is that of the Anguillidae, chiefly marine forms, but represented in our inland waters by the common Eel (Anguilla rostrata). The absence of ventral fins, the confluence of the unpaired fins round the tail, the absence of hard rays, and the rudimentary scales embedded in the soft skin, are some of the chief superficial peculiarities of the group. Allied families are those to which the Bengal Amphipnous belongs, which has an air-sac communicating with the gill-cavity, and the Brazilian Gymnotus or Electric Eel, in which as in Malapterurus the muscles of the tail are converted into an electric organ. 15. Physoclysti. — In this division of Teleosts the ventral fins are usually in the course of their development shifted for- ward till they attain a position either beside or in front of the pectoral fins : they are then said to be thoracic or jugular. The unpaired fins have generally hard rays. This is especially the case in the Acanthopteri, the largest of the orders of Teleosts, to which a vast number of marine forms belong, but which are also represented in fresh-water by the bass and perch tribes. Although the air-bladder never communicates with the ali- mentary canal in the adult, yet it is developed from it in the HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 63 young, and is only afterward closed. It is filled with air from certain blood-vessels which are so arranged as to allow an in- terchange between the gases of the blood and those of the air- bladder. However great the difference in this way between Physostomousand Physoclystous Teleosts, yet there are some of the latter which are transitional in other respects. The family of the Scomberesocidae recalls both the Pikes (Esocidae) and the Mackerels (Scombridae). In addition to the long-billed marine Gar-fishes, several interesting species of Flying-fish, Exocoetus (Fig. 30), belong to it, marked by the great size of the pectoral (and ventral) fins. These creatures throw themselves out of the water by means of the strong muscles of the tail, and sustain themselves in the air by spreading the fins. Fig. 3 . — California Flying Fish. Exocoetus Californiensis. (U. S. F. C.) 16. Before discussing the typical Physoclystous fishes a passing refer- ence may be made to certain aberrant forms which attract attention by the peculiarity of their shape. The Pipe fishes (Syngnathus), and Sea- horses (Hippocampus) (Fig. 31), agree with each other in the structure of their gill-filaments, which are arranged in tufts (Lophobranchii), like the teeth of a comb. The snout is much produced, the mouth toothless and the gill-cover a single plate. The Tobacco-pipe fishes (Fistularia) have the ordinary gill-structure, but share the elongated body and produced snout of the pipe-fishes. Allied to them are the Sticklebacks (Gasteros- teidse) of fresh and brackish waters (Fig. 32), a group of tiny pugnacious fishes which live on the fry of larger fish, but take care of their own in a nest which is constructed and defended by the male. Some of the species have regular bony plates on the side of the body : these however, are absent in our common nine-spined and Brook Sticklebacks. 64 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 31.— Syngnathus (Pipe-Fish) and Hippocampus (Sea-Horse). (After Brehm). Fig. 32.— Two-spined Stickleback. Gmterosteus aculeatus. (U. S. F. C.) 17. The most characteristic group of Acanthopteri in our region is that of the Sunfishes, Centrarchidse, as a type of which family the common Rock Bass, Ambloplites rupestris (Fig. 33), may he examined. It shares the short compressed body of the rest of the family, the mouth is large and well provided with teeth, for all are carnivorous and voracious forms. The preop- ercle is serrated, the opercle ends in two flat points. The dorsal fins are confluent, there being eleven hard rays in front and HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 65 ten soft behind (written D, XI, 10), while the anal fin is VI, 10. Like the other members of the family the colouration is some- what brilliant olive-green, tinged with brassy hues and mottled with darker colours. Ctenoid scales of considerable size clothe the body ; there are 56 of these along the lateral line in this species. The pseudobranchs are small, and the intestine short and provided with 7 pyloric coeca. Fig. 33.— The Rock Bass, jimbloplites rupestris, $. (U. S. P. C.) Besides the Rock Bass several other species of larger size and gamey habits attract the sportsman. These are easily diagnosed by the fin-formula, which for the Grass Bass (Pomoxys sparoides) is D.VII, or VIII, 15; A. VI, 1 7 or 1 8: for several species of Sun- fish, (Lepomis auritus and gibbosus) D. X, 1 1 ; A. Ill, 9: and for the large- and small-mouthed Black Bass (Microplerus salmoides and dolomieu) D. X, 1 3 ; A. Ill, 11. The two latter are well known game-fishes, and apart from the size of the mouth, may be distinguished by the scales of the former being 65-70 along the lateral line and 7-8 in a vertical row above the lateral line, while in the latter they are respectively 72-75 and 10-12. 18. In the nearly allied family of the Percidae, the dorsal fins are not confluent, the a*al spines are less numerous, the pseudobranchs are smaller, and the pyloric coeca fewer. Two well marked groups, distinguished alike by size and habit, are 66 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. recognized, the Percina (including the common perch \Perca americana] and the larger Pike-Perches or Pickerels [Stizosted- ium] as they are generally called in Ontario, and the Etheostom- atina or Darters. The pickerels attain a greater size than the perch, and are valued food-fishes. The larger species, S. vitreum has three pyloric cceca, its fin formula is D.XIII — I, 21; A. II, 12, while the smaller S. canadense (Fig. 34) has 4-7 cceca, and the soft dorsal is shorter by three rays. Like the perch the picker- els have a good deal of brilliant yellow colouring on the sides and are called" dorees " in the Lower Province. Fig. 34.— The Pickerel. Stizostedium canadense. |. (U. S. F. C.) 19. Little is known with regard to the distribution of the Darters in Ontario. They are a characteristic American group, being amongst the smallest of the Fishes,, and distinguished further by their bright colours, rapid movements, large fins, and the rudimentary condition of the pseudobranchs and air- bladder. Some of them conceal themselves under sand, the eyes alone remaining uncovered, the better to pounce rapidly upon the active insect larvae on which they feed. The largest of the group, the Log- Perch (Percina caprodes), attains a length of 6-8 inches, and may be recognized by its black, banded sides, the smaller forms are the Sand-dartei (Ammocrypta), Tesselated darter (Boleosoma ) and the Striped darter (Etheostoma). 20. Among the marine families allied to the above that of the Serranidse requires mention. It embraces the so called Sea- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 67 bass, one of which, the Striped bass {Roccus lineatus), is much valued as a food fish, and is represented in our inland waters by the white bass R. chrysops (Fig. 35). Both of them are Fig. 35.— The White Bass. Roccus chrysops. |. (U. S. F. C.) marked by blackish longitudinal lines, which are more distinct and continuous in the former species. The pseudobranchs are large and the dorsal fins nearly or quite separate. 21. Of the other numerous marine forms of Acanthopteri, the following may be mentioned as of interest, the Mackerel Scomber scombrus (Fig. 3o) with its numerous dorsal and anal Fig. 36.— The Mackerel. Scomber scombrus. $. iV. S. F. C.) finlets, the Tunny Orcynus thynnus (Fig. 37) one of the largest of Teleosts, the Sword-fish (Xiphias gladius) (Fig. 38) with its upper jaw prolonged into a sword, and the Sucker (Echeneis remora) (Fig. 39) whose dorsal fin is converted into a sucking disc by which the fish attaches itself to moving bodies. A 68 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 37.-- The Horse Mackerel, or Tunny. Orcynus thynnus. &. (U. S. F. C.) Fig. 38.— The Sword Fish. Xiphias gladius. 4V (U. S. F. C.) Fig. 39.— Sucking Fish. Echeneis remora. J. (After Brehm.) HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 69 similiar method of adhesion to rocks, &c. occurs in the lump- suckers (Cyclopterus) (Fig. 40) where the ventral fins form the centre of the sucking disc. Fig, 40.— Lump Fish. Cyclopterus lumpm. \. (U. S. F. C ) In addition to the Flying-fish above mentioned, one of the Gurnards (Triglidae) possesses the power of flight. (Fig. 41). Fig. 41.— The Striped Sea Robin. Prionotus evolans. \. (U. S. F. C.) 22. Of all the families of Teleosts mentioned, few can com- pare in economical importance with the Gadidae and Pleur- onectidse, which differ very much from each other in their general appearance, but agree in the absence of hard rays from the fins, 70 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. whence they are sometimes called Anacanthini. They are marine forms for the most part, the first family including the Cod-fish and Haddock (Gadus callarias and ceglefinus) with a host of less important food fishes, and being represented in our inland waters by the burbot, Lota maculosa (Fig. 42). The Fig. 42. -The Burbot. Lota maculosa. |. (U. S. F. C.) latter genus has two dorsal fins and one anal, the former three dorsal and two anal; in both the ventral fins are jugular in position. To the second family belong the Halibuts, Flounders, and Soles (Fig. 43) which are generally spoken of as Flat-fish. Fig. 43.— The Smooth Flounder. Pleuronectes glaber. J. (U. S. F. C.) from the fact that at an early stage of development they swim upon one side, which becomes colourless and blind from the eye moving towards the upper surface of the head. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 71 24. Any account of the Teleostei would be incomplete with- out a reference to the Plectognathi, a group which includes some tropical fish of very bizarre appearance. The File fishes (Balistes) (Fig. 44) receive their name from the form of the first dorsal spine, the Trunk fishes (Ostracion) (Fig. 45) are enveloped in Fig. 44— The File, or Trigger, Fish. Balistes captistus. §. (U. S. F. C.) Fig. 45'-The Trunk Fish.— Ostracion quodiicorms. J. (U. S. F. C.) a complete box formed of bony plates, the Porcupine-fishes (Diodon) (Fig. 46) are covered with long sharp spines, but all agree in the firm union of the bony elements of the jaws to which they owe their name. 72 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 46.— The Porcupine Fish. Chilomycterus geometricus. J. (U. S. F. C.) 24. By far the greater number of the Fishes of the present day belong to the Sub-Class Teleostei, but in past geological times such was not the case, and large numbers of fossil forms are known which indicate that the other sub-classes, which are but sparingly represented by living forms, were at one time as abundant as the Teleosts are now. One of these Sub-Classes, the Ganoidei, we have exceptional opportunities for studying on this Continent, because out of the nine genera six are American. The peculiarities which distinguish the Ganoids from the Teleosts may be best learned by comparing any one of them with a catfish, which of all the Physostomi comes nearest to the Ganoids. As to its skin the Ganoid is rarely smooth, but generally covered with bony plates or scales which may be rough with teeth or smooth with enamel ; the skeleton is cartilaginous in the Sturgeon, but as well ossified in the Garpike and Amia as it is in the Catfish. The heart has a muscular arterial cone with several rows of valves; the pseudobranch of the Teleosts may be either present as such, or, as in the Sturgeon, as a functional half-gill on the hyoid arch. A gill-slit without any functional gill persists in the form of the " spiracle " in the Sturgeon between the hyoid and the mandibular arch, and is more or less complete in the other forms, but the other gill-slits are concealed as in the Teleosts by a gill -cover. The air-bladder opens by a wide duct into the oesophagus and is very richly supplied with blood, so that in some forms it acts as an accessoiy HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 73 breathing organ. A fold of mucous membrane which serves to increase the internal surface of the intestine and known as the "spiral valve" occurs in all. Finally the vertebral column evidently turns up at the tip in such a way as to divide the caudal fin unequally or heterocercally The American Ganoids fall naturally into two groups accord- ing to the nature of the skeleton : in the Chondrostei it is cartilaginous, in the Holostei osseous. To the former gro ip belong the two families Polyodontidae and Acipenseridae, of which the former includes the Paddle-fish, P. spatula (Fig. 47) Fig. 47— .The Paddle Fish Pulyodon spatula. ^. • (U. S. F. C.) of the Mississippi, the latter the ordinary Sturgeon of our Lakes (Acipenser rubicundus) (Fig. 48) and the Shovel-nosed Fig. 48— The Lake Sturgeon. Acipenser rubicundus. ^j. (U. S. F. C.) Sturgeon of the Western and Southern States (Scaphirrhyn- chops). In all of these forms the skull is a cartilaginous box adapted to the shape of the brain and sense-organs, and covered with regular bony plates of the same nature as those further back in the body. Polyodon is remarkable for its paddle-shaped snout by means of which it stirs up the mud in the river bottom, on the minute organisms contained in which it feeds. These are sifted out by means of the long and close set gill-rakers which form a very efficient sieve for the muddy water which flows out through the gill-slit. In many respects Polyodon 6 74 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. resembles the Sharks in its structure, as indeed do all the Chondrostei, while the Holostei on the other hand approach the Teleosts. The skin is comparatively smooth in the Paddle-fish, but, in the Sturgeon, it is provided with five rows of bony keeled shields, one row on the back and two on the sides, between which shields, the skin is roughened with minute teeth. 25. Of the Holostei we have two genera, each representing a separate family, Lepidosteus and Amia (Figs. 49 and 50). The J***^!?^?^^^ Fig. 49.— The Garpike. Lepidosteus platystomus. (U. S. F. C.) Fig. 50. -The Bowfin, or Mudfish. (U. S. F. C.) Atnia calva. i. latter at first sight looks more like a Teleost, but a closer examin- ation shows the dermal bones of the head, and the unequal divi- sion of the tail. The superficial resemblance is chiefly due to the regular rows of cycloid scales, while Lepidosteus is at once marked out by the oblique rows of rhombic enamelled plates, which encase it in a coat of mail. It is to this (and its voracity) that it owes its name of bony-pike, while it is also called garpike on account of the prolongation of both jaws into a beak, a peculiarity present in the marine gar-fishes (§ 81). In many cases where such complete protection is afforded by the exo- skeleton, the endoskeleton is incompletely developed ; such is HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 75 not the case in Lepidosteus however, for here all the parts of the latter are completely ossified, the vertebrae being in fact more so than in other fishes, for their bodies are joined together by a ball and socket joint, (the socket behind — opisthocoelous) instead of having a cup at either end as in Amia and the Teleosts. The commonest species is L. ossetis, but this is replaced in the Southern States by a larger form which reaches a length of eight or ten feet and is known as the Alligator gar. 26. Superficially very unlike the garpike, Amia nevertheless resembles it very closely in internal structure. Its snout is short and rounded, the lower jaws peculiar in being separated by a flat skin bone, the jugular plate, but otherwise the skeleton of the head is very similar to the garpike's. The dorsal fin is long and low, whereas in the garpike, it is very far back and short and high. The caudal fin is not so unequally divided, and it is marked out in the male by an eyelike spot which stands out against the general dark green hue. There is only one species of Amia, A. calva ; it is known in different localities by different popular names, among which Mud-fish and Lake Dog-fish are the commonest. 27. In addition to the Ganoid genera already enumerated there are two other living forms confined to the rivers of Africa. These have scales like the garpike and gular plates like the Dog-fish, but their paired fins differ in structure, being composed of a disk-like part containing the skeleton surrounded by a fringe. The commonest species is the Polypterus bichir of the Fig.51. — Polypterusbichir. &. (After Claus.) Upper Nile (Fig. 51) the generic name of which refers to the division of the dorsal fin into a series of finlets. 76 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 28. Reference was made above to the fact that of all Ganoids Polyodon is most nearly allied to the Sharks. This is not merely a superficial resemblance depending on the position of the mouth but it is seen also in other organs. The gill-arches, for example, bear between the two rows of filaments, a mem- branous partition which is hardly present in any of the other forms but which in the Sharks is much more developed, and bears the gill filaments. Thus in the Sharks the gill-arches are not separated by mere gill-slits, but by pouches, the anterior and posterior walls of which are formed of the aforesaid parti- tions. The pouches are, at least outwardly, always five in number (sometimes seven), and they open by a series of slits uncovered by any operculum (except in the genus Chimaera). This disposition of the respiratory organs has conferred on the Sub-Class the name Elasmobranchii. It embraces marine forms familiarly known as Sharks and Rays ; the former have elongated bodies with the gill-slits on the sides of the head, the latter are flattened from above down- wards, and as broad as they are long, from the enormous develop- ment of the pectoral fins, which form the greater part of the body. Their gill-slits are to be found on the lower surface of the head. Certain forms are intermediate, in respect to the size of the pectoral fins, between the Sharks and the Rays ; Fig. 52. — The Saw Fish. Pristis pectinatus. ^j. (U. S. F. C.) the Sawfishes e.g., (Pristis) (Fig. 52), which are further dis- tinguished by the enormous development of the rostrum or snout and the formidable lateral teeth of that organ. Again HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 77 Fig. 53.— The Torpedo or Electric Kay. Torpedo occidentalis. &. (U. S. F. C.) the Electric Rays (Torpedo) (Fig. 53) are singular in that the muscles of the pectoral fin are largely converted into an electric organ. The Sharks (Fig. 54) are all carnivorous and voracious Fig. 54.— The Horned Dog Fish. Squalus acanthias. £. (U. S. F. C.) forms of great strength and activity ; some of the smaller ones (Mustelus) live on Shell-fish, but the largest species are often dangerous to man and attain a length of thirty to forty feet (Carcharodon, Selache). In all the Sub-Class the skeleton is cartilaginous, and the skin either smooth or roughened with minute teeth which are similar in structure to the more for- midable teeth of the jaws. They resemble the Ganoids in the structure of the heart and intestine, and in the unequal 78 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. division of the caudal fin, but they have no air-bladder. The eggs are of large size and are either laid covered by a peculiar horny shell or else the young are born alive. 29. Only another sub-class remains to be discussed, that of the Dipnoi, so called on account of the fact that they breathe by the modified air-bladder as well as by gills. Three genera belong here, widely separated geographically, but all similarly situated in that, during the dry season they may have to depend wholly or partly on their lungs for the oxygenation of the blood. They are named Lepidosiren, Protopterus (Fig. 55) and Ceratodus Fig. 55.— The African Lung Fish. Protopterus annectens. j^. (After Claus.) and they are found respectively in the Amazons region of South America, on the west coast of Africa, and in Queensland. As regards the structure of the air-bladiler they resemble Lepidos- teus and Amia, but in respect to the opening place of the air- bladder into the oesophagus as well as to the skeleton and fins, they more nearly resemble Polypterus. The group is of special interest on account of the amphibious habits, and the changes in the respiratory and vascular system rendered necessary there- by. A point in which they resemble the true Amphibia is that the nasal chambers open into the mouth, which is not the case in any of the other fishes. 30. Two :: >e rrant groups of Vertebrates are generally associ- ated with the fishes on account of their fish-like appearance, although in structure they are very unlike them. These are the Lampreys and the Lancelets. The former no doubt owe some of the peculiarities of their structure to their parasitic habits. They attach themselves by their round (Cyclostomi) HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 79 sucking mouths, which are armed with horny teeth but not supported by jaws, to the bodies of other fish and prey upon them. In general shape they are eel-like : several species are known, some of them marine, but the commonest inland species is the silvery lamprey, Petromyzon argenteus (Fig. 56). Apart from the structure of the mouth, they are singular in the respiratory organs, which have seven separate aper- tures on each side, but only one opening into the gullet. The marine genus Myxine has similar habits, but different- ly arranged gills. In all the forms the skeleton is cartilaginous, and the noto- chord forms the bulk of the vertebral column. 31. A still further departure from the ordinary vertebrate type is seen in the Lancelets, (Amphioxus or Branchiostoma) (Fig. 57) little fish-like creatures which burrow in the sand of Fig. 56.— Mouth of River Lamprey. Petromyzon argenteus. Fig 57- -Amphioxus lanceolatus. (After Clan*,) C, oral cirri; ch, notochord ; rm, spinal chord; ks, gills; ov, ovary; 1, liver: N, kidney ; P, branchial pore ; A, anus. the sea coast. They lack the brain, skull, and heart of the verte- brates, but the spinal cord and notochord are present, and the anterior part of the alimentary canal is employed for respiration. 32. The same is true of the marine Tunicata, so called on ac- count of the tunic containing cellulose, secreted by the skin around the body They pass through a larval tadpole-like phase, but afterwards lose the tail, and with it the notochord and over- lying nervous cord, adopting for the most part a stationary life, during which many of them form colonies by budding. 80 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER III. The Canadian Amphibia or Batrachia. 1. Among the Dipnoi the genus Protopterus is the most truly amphibious, as during part of the year it lives in a torpid condition in the dried mud of the river-beds and is entirely dependent upon its lungs for respiration. It therefore deserves to be called amphibious, far more than do certain members of the Class Amphibia or Batrachia, such as the common Mud- puppy or Menobranch of our Lakes {Necturus macnlatus) (Fig. 58), which can live but a very short time out of water. It Fig. 58.— Canadian Lake Lizard, or Menobranch. (Necturus maculatus.) is important to compare such a fish-like Batrachian with a true fish, to find out the precise structural differences between the two. The head in the Menobranch is flattened as it is in the catfish, but a distinct neck separates it from the trunk, and here are situated the three pairs of external gills attached to the outside of the corresponding gill-arches and separated by two gill-slits. It has been found that these slits correspond to those between the first and second, and second and third branchial arches in the fish. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 81 No adult fish has external gills of this character, although the embryos of various Elasmobranchs have, and Protopterus has three filamentous gills attached to the pectoral arch. Perhaps the greatest external difference is in the form of the paired limbs, which no longer resemble the unpaired fin as they do in fishes, but are jointed into the same divisions as they are in the higher Vertebrates, and divided at the ends into fingers and toes, of which there are four to each limb in the Menobranch. But these limbs are not able to support the weight of the body • the chief organ of locomotion is still the tail, and that is flatten- ed and provided with an unpaired fin as in the fishes. It is however not furnished with any skeletal support such as the fin-rays of the fish. 2. At first sight the skin of the Menobranch is very like that of the catfish, but care will be required to make out the system of sensory canals in the head and along the lateral line, and no traces of bony scales will be found in the skin. Microscopically the most im- portant difference is in the pre- sence of numerous cutaneous glands which furnish the abundant mucus which lubri- cates the skin. 3. Important differences will be detected in the skeleton, but more in the skull than in the vertebral column. In the latter the individual vertebrae are am- phiccelous, and bear short ribs in the trunk region which do not encircle the body cavity. There are no interspmous bones. -Skull of Menobranch, from above. (After Huxley.) Pmx, premaxilla ; vo, vomer ; pi, palatine ; sq, squamosa] ; pro, prootic; st, stapes ; epo, epiotic ; fr, frontal ; ant, antorbital cartilage; q, quadrate ; pa, parietal ; e, exoccipital. Cartilage dotted ; cartilage-bones heavily, membrane-bones lightly shaded. 82 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 60.— Skull of Menobranch, from below. (After Huxley). pmx. premaxilla ; vo. vomer ; mck. Meckel's cartilage ; pi. palatine r>s. para, sphenoid ; hy. hyoid ; sq. squamosal ; pro. prootic; st. stapes ; epo. epioti<^ # 4. The skull retains more cartilage than does that of the cat- fish, and there are fewer bones to be recognised in it. (Figs. 59 and 60). Of the twenty-seven cranial bones present in the catfish (I, 17-20), only thirteen are represented, viz.. — paired exoc- cipitals, epiotics, prootics, frontals, parietals and vomers, and an unpaired parasphenoid. Some of the other bones are represented by cartilage such as the mesethmoid and parethmoid \ the nasal capsule also is a fenestrated cartilaginous capsule, but the other regions are only membranous. Two new bones are pre- sent, the squamosal and the suspensorium on each side, which lie on the outside of the otic capsule, and thus occupy somewhat the same position as the pterotic and preoperculum. As to the jaws, Meckel's cartilage is furnished with a dentary and an inner splenial bone, and it is hung to the skull by the Suspensorium, a cartilage which corresponds to the hyomandi- bular and quadrate of the catfish. Part of- the hyomandibular HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 83 may be represented by a small stapes or columella which fills up a gap or window (the fenestra ovalis) in the outer wall of the auditory capsule, present in all Vertebrates except fishes. A pterygopalatine rod and premaxillse are present on each side, but the maxilla is even more rudimentary than in the catfish. There is no gill-cover nor branchiostegal rays, but the visceral skeleton is well represented, although the hinder arches are reduced in comparison with the catfish. (Fig. 61). Fig-. 61.— Visceral Skeleton of Menobranch. (After Huxley). h. hypohyal ; ch. ceratohyal ; bb. first, bb2. second basibranchial ; cb1, cb2, first and second ceratobranchials ; eb1, eb2, eb3, 1st, 2nd and 3rd epibranchials ; gl. glottis. 5. Great difficulty will be met with however, in com- paring the limbs and the girdles which support them with the corresponding parts in the catfish (Fig. 62). There the cora- coids are bony and articulate in the middle line ; here they are cartilaginous and overlap the middle line ; they furthermore each give off a process jutting forward, the precoracoid, some- 84 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY, times called the clavicle, but a very different structure from the various parts so called in the catfish. Again, the scapula is of much greater size, is ossified and has a cartilaginous leaf-like part above, which nearly reaches its fellow of the opposite side near the middle line of the back. Still the limb is attached to the girdle at the junction of the coracoid and scapula, just as it is in the catfish, only the method of its attachment and the *. 62.— a, Skeleton of Anterior, b, of Posterior, Extremities of Menobranch. pc. precoracoid ; s. scapula ; ss suprascapula ; co. coracoid ; gl. glenoid cavity for h, humerus ; u. ulna ; r. radius ; u-f i. ulnare + intermedium; r1. radiale ; c. centrale ; 1 — 4, distal carpal row. m. metacarpals; I — IV. digits. p. pubis ; i. ilium ; is. ischium ; a. acetabulum for fe. femur ; f. fibula ; t. tibia ; f +i, fibulare -f- intermedium ; t. tibiale ; c. centrale ; 1—5. distal tarsal row j m. metatar- sals ; I— IV. digits. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 85 nature of its component parts are very different. Only one bone, the humerus, effects the attachment and forms the skeleton of the upper arm ; two, the radius and ulna, are in the fore arm, carpal or wrist bones intervene between these and the skeleton of the fingers, which consists in each of a metacarpal bone and three phalanges. How are we to compare these parts with those in the catfish 1 It is only possible to do so by studying fishes more primitive in this respect, but investigation appears to show that the humerus is comparable to the metapterygial basal in the catfish, and the other bones to rays in connection therewith. Still greater difference is to be found in the pelvic arch, for what is called so in the catfish is nothing more than the united basals of the fin, whereas in the Menobranch we have a partly cartilaginous and partly osseous pelvic girdle, writh the three constituent regions which we shall find in all the higher forms. Of these the uppermost (ilium) enters into intimate union on each sido with the transverse processes of one of the vertebrae. A similar arrangement exists in all Vertebrates except fishes, and the vertebra (or vertebrae) in question, by which this additional stabili'y of the posterior extremity is secured, is called sacral. Corresponding to the glen- oid cavity for the attachment of the humerus is the acetabulum for the hip joint. The structure of the skeleton of the hind limb is very similar to that of the fore, and the corresponding parts to those enumerated in the last paragraph are, 1. femur, 2. tibia and fibula, 3. tarsal bones, 4. the metatarsals and phalanges. 6. As the greatest difference in the bony framework is in the limbs, so also the greatest difference in the muscles is to be met with there, but the limbs are of course more differ- entiated in the higher Amphibia, where they have to perform more complicated duties in connection with support and locomotion. 86 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 63.— Brain of Menobranch. A. From above. B. From below. 7. Ill regard to the nervous sys- tem of the Menobranch, the most notable difference from the catfish will be found in the brain (Fig. 63). Here the olfactory lobes are united with the larger and thicker- walled cerebral hemispheres ; the inferior lobes are not present, the optic lobes not so distinctly divided into right and left halves, the cerebellum quite rudimentary, and the medulla oblongata destitute of those swell- ings present in the catfish. 8. The teeth in the Menobranch are not only less numerous, but they are confined to smaller sur- faces within the mouth. There are Rh. Olfactory lobes; Pr. Cerebral . . ,, . n . . , hemispheres ; Thai. Thalamic region ; two TOWS m the Upper jaw, 01 which Mes. Optic lobes ; cb. cerebellum ; h. , , , ,, , hypophysis; Met. Medulla oblongata ; the posterior (on the Vomer and 2nd, 5th, 8th, 9th. Cranial nerves. • i \ • xi i i -i xi pterygoids) is the longer, while the mandible has only a single row fitting in between the two of the upper jaw. Unlike the fish there is a fleshy tongue free in front and at the sides, and the tubercles on the concave surfaces of the gill-arches are not so prominent as in the catfish. The intestine hardly departs from the tubular form, the liver is more elongated, and the pancreas quite independent and much subdivided. It is interesting to compare the lungs with the air-bladder of fishes. The glottis is supported by two slips of cartilage which occupy nearly the position of the fourth branchial arches; it opens into a common chamber whence the thin-walled lungs project backward and two short blind sacs forward ; the latter remind one of the similar points which are present in the air- bladder of Amia. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 87 Fig. 64.— Diagram of Heart and Great Vessels of right side of Menobranch. Co. Arterial cone ; v. ven- tricle ; a. auricle ; i, ii, iii, af- ferent branchial arteries; G1, G 2, Gs, the three gills; ce, ci, external 4 internal carotids ; 9. A comparison is more easily effected between the heart and great vessels of the Menobranch, and those of Amia and Lepi- dosteus or one of the Dipnoi, than those of the cattish, because the ventricle has a muscular cone in these forms which is ab- sent in the catfish. From this the arterial trunk comes off in front (Fig. 64) and di- vides into two right and left branches, which afterwards subdivide to form the three afferent branchial arteries for the three gills. The blood which is aerated in the foremost and largest gill is partly sent to the head, but partly joins that from the efferent arteries of the second Pa. Pulmonary artery; o. and third gills, so as to form the dorsal branch to oesophagus and c P ., , , , P ', , stomach; L. lung ; d. dorsal aorta, fcome ot the blood ironi the second and third aortic arches reaches the lung (only, however, in a partially aerated condition) through the pulmonary artery, a modified fourth arch ; its aeration is com- pleted in the lung, whence through a separate vessel, the pulmonary vein, it reaches a special compartment of the atrium, not quite separated off from the rest, but partly so by an imperfect partition. In higher Amphibia this partition is perfect, so that the blood within it is not mixed in the ventricle with the returning venous stream, until some of it has been already sent on to the head through the modified first arches (carotid arteries). 10. The kidneys are narrow ribbon like structures which extend through the greater part of the length of the body cavity. It is supposed that the Menobranchs spawn in spring, and that they lay eggs nearly of the size of a pea, but further information is desirable as to their habits in this respect. 88 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 11. Class Batrachia or Amphibia. This class is subdivided into several orders of which three are represented by living forma, the Urodela, Anura, Gymnophiona, the others being known merely by their fossil remains. The first order contains the Menobranch and forms allied to it ; the second, the frogs and toads ; and the third, certain tropical earthworm -like forms. Tt is, therefore, the first two which we have to examine more closely, the ordinal names of which refer to the most striking character, the presence (Urodela) or absence (Anura) of a tail in the adult. 12. Among the nearest Urodelous allies of the Menobranch are some which like it retain their gills throughout life : they are said to be perennibranchiate forms, and in this respect are unlike some other Urodeles which lose their gills at a later stage ; these are caducibranchiate. Undoubtedly the nearest relative of our Necturus is the Proteus (P. anguinus) (Fig. 65) which is found in underground waters in Carinthia and Carniola. Like the blind-fish of the Mammoth cave it has suffered the almost complete loss of the eyes and the loss of the pigment of the Fig. 65.— Proteus anguinus. (After Brehin); HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 89 skin ; the gills, therefore, with the red blood coursing through them, stand out very conspicuously from the colourless body. Instead of the four toes of Necturus, there are three on the front and two on the hind limbs. The only other genus of this group is the Siren, of the rice-swamps in the Southern States, S. lacertina (Fig. 66) which is eel-like in shape, and lacks the hind limbs. It is less aquatic than either of the other genera, and is able to live out of water for a longer time. Fig. 66.— Siren lacertina. (After Brehm.) 13. Of the caducibranchiate Urodeles two genera, Amphiuma and Menopoma, must be regarded as nearest to the foregoing, on account of the fact that in spite of the loss of the gills, one gill- slit on each side (that between the third and fourth gill-arches) persists, whereas in the other forms all. trace of these disappears in the course of development. Amphiuma (Fig. 67) is an eel- like form from swamps in the Southern States ; both pairs of legs are present, carrying in one species two, in the other three, toes. Menopoma comes further north, being abundant in the Ohio Valley where it is known as the Hellbender ( M. alleg/iani- 7 90 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 67. — Amphiuma tridactyla. (After Brehm). ense). It attains a length of two feet and has better developed limbs (with four and five toes) than the foregoing. A nearly allied form, destitute of the gill-slit, is the giant Salamander of Japan, which grows more than five feet in length. 14. All the other Urodeles are aquatic only in their young stages, and afterwards leave the water for the land where they live either in moist or dry places. As a general rule the tail is rounded in those which have most completely abandoned the aquatic life, in the others it is somewhat com- pressed. When the new habit of life is adopted, the gills are discarded and all traces of them disappear, the respiration being entirely effected by the lungs. This change, which also involves changes in the vascular system and in the skin, is spoken of as a metamorphosis, and it may occur when the creatures are still very small, or it may be postponed till they have attained their adult size, and have even laid eggs. Such is the case e.g., in a large Salamander from Nebraska, Ambly stoma mavortium, which attains the size of a Menobranch before it loses its gills. It was thought at one time that our Necturus might be such a HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 91 larval form, but such is not the case. Another example of arrested metamorphosis is the Mexican Axolotol. A few years ago, this was only known to naturalists in its larval stage, but it has been caused to undergo metamorphosis experimentally, and has been found to do so naturally in some of the localities in which it occurs. Several Urodeles belonging to this division occur in our re- gion ; they belong chiefly to the genera Amblystoma, Plethodon and Diemyctylus. The largest of these, Ambly stoma punctatum, the spotted Salamander, attains a length of six inches of which two and one-half belong to the tail. The gills disappear when the creature is two inches long, the colour is purplish black, and each side of the back is ornamented with two rows of bright yellow spots. Of the Plethodons, P. erythronotits, the red-backed Salamander, Is perhaps the commonest ; this species attains about half the size of the foregoing, but loses its gills much earlier than the former does. It lives in moss and under decayed trees where the eggs also are laid. Some allied species are more aquatic in their habits. The newt, eft, or crimson- spotted triton, Diemyctylus miniatus, is very common under stones, generally near pools. Its dorsal surface is olive or red, the ventral surface yellow or orange, but the sides are spotted in both varieties with eye-like markings, red with a surround- ing black rim. 15. Of the Old World forms allied to these, one of the most striking is the European spotted Salamander (S. maculosa) (Fig. 68) which is black with golden yellow blotches. Certain cuta- neous glands secrete a milky irritating fluid which appears to be poisonous to small animals. It was thought in ancient times to be most deadly poison, and to have the virtue of extinguish- ing fire when thrown into its midst. 10. While many Urodela undergo a metamorphosis chiefly characterised by the loss of the gills, the frogs and toads lose at that period not only the gills, but the tail, whence their HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. /^&&^ m*^^' m Fig. 68 — Salamandra maculosa. (After Brehm). ordinal name Anura. Any of the common species of frog will serve as a type for the recognition of the peculiarities of the order. As to the general form, the absence of the tail, and the great development of the hind-legs along with the webbing of the toes indicate what an entire change in the method of loco- motion is to be observed in them. The short plump body also strongly contrasts with that of the Urodela. Most of the forms are somewhat brillantly coloured, and have the power of altering their colour so as to suit it to the prevailing surrounding hues. This is not the case in the common toad (Bufo lentigin- osus) which remains concealed generally during the day time, but it is very marked in the Wood and Green frogs (Rana tem- poraries and clamitans), and in the Tree Toad (Hyla versicolor) which, indeed, is very difficult to detect on trees or fences owing to this faculty. The changes in colour are due to the pre- sence of contractile pigment-cells in the skin which are con- trolled by the nervous system. 17. It can easily be conceived that the change to a new medium must be accompanied by changes in the skin. These chiefly consist in the greater richness of glands which keep the skin moist and allow it to discharge its subsidiary function as a HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 93 respiratory organ, and in the disappearance of those nerve- endings which are only adapted for a watery medium. Accu- mulations of cutaneous glands are best seen in the toad, behind the ear (parotoid) and elsewhere ; they secrete an acrid fluid which must be regarded in the light of a defensive provision. Horny changes in the epidermis or bony plates in the skin, which are common in the Reptiles, are rare in the Anura. 18. As in the Urodela, the skull of the Anura rests upon the vertebral column by two condyles ; it presents in other respects important differences, e.g. the girdle-like ossification of the cartilage in the orbital region, and the great reduction of the hyoidean apparatus brought about by the disappearance of the gills. Again, the vertebral column is very much shorter, and its end together with the pelvis have been much modified, in such a way as to offer a solid basis of resistance to the legs in leaping. The shoulder-girdle is very different from that in the Menobranch, chiefly in the median meeting of the precoracoids and coracoids, and the presence of an episternum in front, and of a sternum behind that symphysis. In the skeleton of the limbs, likewise, we find much change, chiefly in the fusion of the bones of the fore-arm and lower leg, in the great length of the proximal bones of the tarsus, and in the incompleteness of its distal row. 19. In accordance with the gait of the Anura, the muscula- ture of the hind-limb is extraordinarily developed, and the muscles of the trunk are no longer the chief locomotive organs. Apart from the fact that in the frog the brain is somewhat shorter, its olfactory lobes fused, and the optic lobes larger, there is little difference between the central nervous system in the Urodela and Anura. The ear, however, presents a well-marked difference, for there is a tympanic membrane, bounding on the outside a tympanic cavity, which communicates with the mouth by an Eustachian tube. This tube is comparable to the 94 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. spiracle of the sharks and Ganoids, and is closely related to the internal ear even in these forms. A columella longer than that in the Menobranch stretches between the tympanic membrane and the fenestra ovalis. 20. As regards the intestinal apparatus, the Anura pre- sent many differences from the TJrodeles. The tongue, which is little developed in the latter, becomes in the former the chief organ for securing the insects on which they feed, as it is free behind and can be shot out with great rapidity. It is only absent in two tropical forms, Aglossa. The males of some species are furnished with air-sacs, which serve as resona- tors to reinforce the sounds produced by the larynx, which is better developed than in the Menobranch. Although the adult Anura are carnivorous and their intestine is comparatively short, yet the larvae or tadpoles have a very long coiled-up intestine. They are omnivorous, but chiefly live on vegetable substances which they gnaw with their temporary horny jaws. 21. It will be at once realized that the metamorphosis of the Anura brings about greater changes both in the form of the body and the habits of life than in the TJrodeles. The period of development at which it occurs may be very different, the tadpole phase being sometimes very brief and in other cases much longer. It may in certain cases be retarded by external conditions where it ordinarily occurs early. Most of the forms lay their eggs in water, surrounded by a quantity of gelatinous substance forming the frog's spawn, but other forms which have not free access to water, adopt other plans. In one of the Aglossa for instance, the Surinam toad — Pipa (Fig. 69), the eggs are placed in enlarged cutaneous glands on the back of the mother, where they are hatched out and pass through their tad- pole-phase. The common toad, again, requires only very small pools in which the larvse pass their short aquatic life. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 95 Fig. 69.— Pipa Americana. (After Brehm). Structurally the tadpoles (Fig. 70) differ from the adult chiefly in the presence of the tail, the want of limbs and the nature of the respiratory and circulatory organs. They possess adhesive discs near the mouth by which they attach themselves to aquatic plants and other objects for support. The first gills are external, but these soon disappear, and give place to internal gills on the four gill-arches ; these are concealed by a gill-cover, which grows over them in such a way as to leave only a single aperture on the left side. Underneath this gill-cover the fore limbs are first budded out and the hind limbs make their ap- pearance immediately afterwards ; both are fully formed before the tail shrivels up. Eventually the gills disappear, and the heart and vessels undergo such an alteration that the venous blood is sent to the lungs and skin to be aerated and the arterial blood to the body generally. 96 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 70. — Stages in the Development of an European toad. (Pelobates). o. the gelatinous spawn containing developing eggs, o'; a. a group of tadpoles adhering to a weed ; b. one of these enlarged showing the external gills ; c. stage in which ex- ternal gills are lost, the spiral intestine is represented ; in d, the hind, and in e, all four limbs are developed, while the tail is shrivelled up in f amd lost entirely in g. 22. In III, 16, three genera of Anura are mentioned which form the types of so many families of Anura. The Ranidae are characterized by the great length of the hind limbs, by the presence of teeth in the upper jaw, and by the smooth skin — the Bufonidae on the other hand, have shorter legs, a warty skin and no teeth, while the Hylidaa are specially marked out by the adhesive disks with which the fingers and toes are provided, and which permit the climbing habits of the genus. Two species ©f Hyla, one of Bufo, and five of Rana occur in our region. The largest of the latter is the bull frog (E. catesbyana) HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 97 one of the most completely aquatic species. R. clamitans, the green or spring frog, rarely leaves the water for any distance, while the wood frog R. temporaries var. sylvatica is found among the fallen leaves of forests, with which its colour is as- similated, while the two remaining species, R. palustris, and ha- lecina are both found in marshy places and are more varie- gated in colouration, for there are four or two rows of black spots on the greenish ground of the back. An interesting case of adaptation to an arboreal life is offered by a species of Ranidaa from the Malay Archipelago — Rhacophorus Reinhardtii — (Fig. 71) — in which the webs of the toes are used as a parachute in leaping from tree to tree. Fig. 71.— Rhacophorus Reinhardtii. (After Brehm;. 23. The remaining orders of Batrachia are only represented by fossils from the coal measures and the overlying Permian and Triassic strata. The teeth are generally complex in structure whence the name Labyrintliodontia. In form they resembled the Salamanders, but some attained a gigantic size, and others, such as those found by Sir W. Daw- 98 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. son in the hollows of fossil trees in the coal-measures of Nova Scotia, were as small as many of our Salamanders. Many resembled the Ganoids as to the skin-bones of the head, but the notochord was persistent throughout life as in the Dipnoi. Fig. 72.— Siphonops mexicanus. (After Brehm). 24. The remaining living order, the Gymnophiona, is inter- esting, because it embraces forms which, through adoption of a burrowing habit, have undergone the loss of limbs and eyes, and have acquired a hardened skin provided with horny rings. They are represented both in the tropics of the Old and New Worlds (the most northern form is Siphonops mexicanus, Fig. 72.), and they appear to be most nearly allied to Amphiuma, which they resemble in depositing necklace-like strings of eggs. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY, 99 CHAPTER IV. The Reptilia. 1. Our study of the Catfish and Menobranch has taught us that in addition to the aquatic habits which these creatures share, there are certain anatomical features in which they are alike. The Classes Batrachia and Pisces are not separated from each other by any gulf such as meets us when we advance to the study of the Reptilia. It was possible to point out the existence of living forms intermediate in many ways between the Batrachians and Fishes, but we have no such living forms to bridge over the gap between the Batrachia and the Reptiles. Nor do we know any fossil remains which do so ; on the other hand, the Reptiles and Birds, at first sight so entirely unlike each other in structure as well as habits, are, nevertheless, closely allied by fossil forms which present all the important stages of transition between the two groups. Zoologists give expression to these relationships by uniting the Classes Pisces and Batrachia into a group Ichthyopsida, and the Classes Rep- tilia and Aves into a group Sauropsida. The proof of the reptilian affinities of the Birds we shall postpone until we have studied the structure of some of our common Reptiles. In the meantime it is necessary to remark that the two Classes Reptilia and Aves are of very unequal rank, as far as the structural characteristics which mark them out are regarded. The Birds constitute a very homogeneous group, the different orders of which are chiefly remarkable for structural features associated with minor differences of habit, but the Reptiles are a very heterogeneous group, and the various families, into which the living orders of Chelonia (Turtles), Lacertilia (Lizards), Ophidia 100 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. (Snakes), and Crocodilia (Crocodiles) are divided, frequently differ more from each other anatomically, than do the orders of the Birds. The orders themselves, therefore, present still less in common with each other, so that the study of a type of each is necessary to enable the student to grasp the structure of the whole Class. Much attention has been devoted of late to a New Zealand. Lizard-like animal, Hatteria, because of all the living Reptiles it is the most primitive form, and most nearly allied to some of the oldest fossil representatives of the Class. Some reference may afterwards be made to this interesting species, but we are obliged to select a more accessible form as an introduction to the group. 2. Although the Turtles in respect to their skeleton are really a very highly-specialised group, yet we shall find in the soft parts many structures which will remind us of the Urodela. Fig. 73— Snapping Turtle. Chelydr a serpentina. £. (After Brehm). The common Snapper (Ghelydra serpentina, Fig. 73) one of the least specialised, is a convenient starting-point for the study of the others, but the following description will apply almost equally well to the little painted turtle (Ghrysemys picta). HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 101 The most remarkable point in regard to the skin is the development in it of certain bony plates, which, however, are so closely related to the internal skeleton, as to be more properly dealt with in connection therewith. In other respects we have to notice here as well as in all the other Sauropsida the great development of the horny layer of the epidermis, no longer confined to the extent of one or two layers of cells, or locally thickened here and there, but developed into the characteristic clothing of scales, scutes, shields or feathers. In the Snapper we distinguish two kinds of these epidermal appendages, the regular shields which cover the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the trunk, and the smaller and less regular scales and tuber- cles of the rest of the surface. In addition to these are the formidable claws with which the distal or ungual phalanges of the digits are provided. Although all of these structures are formed of horny epidermal cells, yet the underlying mucous cells replace them from below as they are worn off above, and. the corinm likewise partakes in their formation. The dorsal surface has three rows of larger carinated shields (five unpaired vertebral, and four paired costal) surrounded by twenty-five smaller ones, of which eleven at each side are called marginal, while that in front is nuchal, and the two behind caudal. These shields are separated by very scanty connective-tissue from the underlying bones of the exoskeleton. Similarly, on the ventral surface there are six paired shields named from before back- ward, gular, postgular, pectoral, abdominal, preanal and anal, of which the abdominal are the largest. It is these large epi- dermal shields, which in one of the marine turtles, furnish the tortoise-shell of commerce. (Fig. 74). As in the other mem- bers of the order, the jaws are provided with horny sheaths like a parrot's beak instead of teeth, and the terminal hooks of these are of considerable size in the Snapper. After the epidermal shields have been removed, it is seen that their outlines do not correspond to those of the bony 102 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 74— Tortoise-shell Turtle. Eretmochelys imbricata. <&. plates beneath. The latter belong to the exoskeleton and are arranged in the form of a box, which shelters the greater part of the trunk, and which is divisible into two parts, the dorsal carapace, and the ventral plastron, connected laterally with each other for but a short distance in this species. In the former we recognise a median row, of which the foremost, the nuchal plate, is the largest and is unconnected by bone with the verte- bral column, while the eight neural plates which succeed it are co-ossified with the spines of the underlying eight (second to ninth) dorsal vertebrae, and the three pygal plates which term- inate the median row, are again free from the vertebrae beneath. Extending laterally from the neural plates are the eight pairs of costals, which overlie the second to ninth ribs, and extend out- ward for the greater part of the length of these ; however, the free tips of the ribs alone are seen to join the bony marginal plates. From this point they are not continued towards the ventral middle line ; the bones of the plastron have, therefore, no relation to them. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 103 In contrast to the immobility of the dorsal region of the vertebral column is the great mobility of the cervical and caudal regions. Two vertebrae support by their ribs the ilia, and are consequently spoken of as sacral. With the exception of the mandible and hyoidean apparatus, all the bones of the skull are intimately united, the quadrate is firmly connected with the others, and two bones (which do not occur in the Ichthyopsida), the quadratojugal and the jugal, unite it to the maxilla. The hyoidean apparatus is interesting because it has undergone the reduction which we would have anticipated in an animal where there are no gills. The arches which persist serve for the origin of the muscles of the tongue. 3. As to the appendicular skeleton it has many points of resemblance to that of the Menobranch, the hands and feet are even more primitive, and the shoulder girdle resembles it in the free termination of the coracoids, but the pelvic girdle is some- what more complicated, presenting a large perforation between the pubis and ischium on each side. 4. The chief points in which the brain of the Snapper differs from that of the Urodela is in the greater development of the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum in contrast with the other parts. 5. In the intestinal canal the absence of teeth and the great length of the short intestine are noteworthy, while that we have to do with an air-breathing Vertebrate is sufficiently evident from the large size of the lungs. In most air-breathing animals the change of the air in the lungs is aided by respiratory movements of the thorax, but as the thorax here permits of no such move- ments, this function is undertaken by the thin wall of the body- cavity in front of and behind the bridges which join the cara- pace and plastron. The circulatory system is also adapted to the change of the m thod of breathing, for not only is the blood returned from the iungs into a different chamber from 104 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. that returned from the body, but there is also a tendency towards the sub-division of the ventricle, so that the blood which has been aerated is kept towards one side of that chamber, and sent chiefly towards the head. 6. In an important respect the Snapping Turtle resembles the other Sauropsida and differs from most of the Ichthyopsida, viz., the large size of the eggs, which is due to the large quantity of food-yolk present. The eggs are like a bird's, except for the less calcareous shell and the scantier white, and the embryo is gradually developed in it at the expense of the yolk. The period of oviposition is June, some twenty or thirty eggs of the size of a pigeon's being then laid by the mother in a hole scraped out by the hind feet, and not far from a stream or pond. The sun's rays beating on the sandy soil generally selected offer the requisite amount of heat for hatching the eggs out about October. 7. Chelydra is the type of a family named from it which occupies a central position in the order of the Chelonia, and it is easy to proceed from it to the wholly aquatic turtles on the one hand, and the wholly terrestrial forms on the other. At the two extremes are forms which differ very materially from each other in the adaptation of the form of the body to the sur- roundings. The Marine turtles are very much depressed, their feet are converted into flippers, and the carapace is not adapted for the protection of the retracted head and limbs ; on the other hand, the purely terrestrial forms have a very convex carapace within which the head, tail, and limbs can be sheltered, and in some forms (the box-turtles) the plastron is hinged in such a way as to close effectually the anterior and posterior apertures into the shell. 8. We may first proceed in the direction of the more aquatic forms, of which the soft-shelled turtles, Trionychidse, are fresh- water animals. There are two common species Amy da mutica and Aspidonectes spinifer, abundant in streams opening into the great lakes from the South, and in HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 105 both the edge of the carapace, and the whole of the plastron are of leathery consistence. These forms lie buried in mud and may remain for hours under water ; their respiration is then effected by water taken in and rejected through the nostrils, in such a way that the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which is provided with vascular papillae arranged on the arches of the visceral skeleton, is constantly bathed with fresh water. This is an interesting point of contact with the Urodela. 9. The feet of the Trionychidae are broadly webbed, but not converted into flippers as they are in the marine turtles, the Chelonidse. In these the anterior flippers are largest, and the claws are much reduced. One of the genera, Dermatochelys, has a leathery skin in place of the horny shields which are present in the other genera, the green or edible turtle (Uhelonia mydas), and the Tortoise-shell turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), (Fig. 74), in which latter form the horny shields overlap each other. 10. Proceeding from Chelydra towards the turtles of more terrestrial habit, in all of which the plastron is much more complete than it is in that genus, we come first to the Cinosternidae in which the carapace is more vaulted, although the feet are still webbed, the creatures living for the most part in muddy ponds. The most northerly American form is the Musk turtle (Aromochelys odoratus), the secretion from the cutaneous glands of which has a somewhat offensive musky odour. Closely allied are certain more southerly mud-turtles, which are able to close the shells. 11. Most of our species of turtles, however, be- long to the Emydidse, all of which are aquatic when young, some like the painted turtle ( Chry- semys picta), and the spotted turtle (Nanemys guttata) throughout life, while others like the Wood turtle (Chelopus insculptus) are found in dry places away from water. The most ter- restrial of the family is the common Box-turtle (Cistudo carinata), in which the plastron can be shut up over the retracted extremities. It lives in sandy hills, and forms burrows into which it retreats during rain. 8 Fig. 75.— European Land-Tortoise. (After Brehm). Testudo graeca. |. 106 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 12. Finally the Testudinidse embrace the truly terrestrial tortoises represented by one species in the Southern States, but occurring abund- antly in the warmer parts of the Old and New Worlds. (Fig. 75). 13. The genus Hatteria (Fig. 76), referred to above is most nearly related in its habits and form to the Lizards, Lacertilia, but there are some respects in which its structure is much more primitive ; e.g., its vertebrae are amphiccelous and its pineal body (I. 36), presents more nearly the structure of an eye than does that of any other living reptile. Unlike the Lizards its quadrate bone is united firmly with the skull, and by an arch below the eye with the maxilla. Fig. 76. — Hatteria punctata, f. (After Brehm). 14. In spite of the difference in habit between the extreme forms of the Chelonian series, there is not so much difference in external appearance as we meet with in the second order — the Lacertilia. A few aquatic forms belonging to the Yaranidse, HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 107 like the large water-lizards of the Nile, do not exhibit any special adaptation for locomotion in water. Most of the forms are terrestrial in their habits while some are arboreal, and others lead a subterranean life. In accordance with such differences in the surroundings, we find great differences of external form. The members of the order are especially abundant towards the tropics, only two families being represented further north by the Blue-tailed Skink {Eumeces quinquelineatus) and the Brown Swift or Pine-tree lizard (Sceloporus undulatus). Both of these lizards are of small size and very active creatures, the last mentioned belonging to a large family the Iguanidse, which embraces most of the New -World lizards. The forms which lead an active arboreal life are generally compressed in shape, while those which creep about in sandy places depending on their colour for protection, like the Horned Toad of the Southern States {Phrynosoma cornutum, Fig. 77), are depressed. Among Fig. 77 — Horned Toad. Phrynosoma comutum. (After Brehm). the largest members of the family are the great Iguanas of the Brazilian forests, which are alike remarkable for their size and for the singular crests and combs with which the skin is adorned. An old world family the Agamidae contains forms which 108 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. resemble in habit and appearance some of the Iguanidse. Thus there is an Australian species (Moloch) in which the skin, as in the Horned Toad bristles all over with spines, while again there are many active arboreal forms. Among the most interesting of these is the Flying Lizard (Draco volitans) (Fig. 78), a curious little Indian form in which the foremost Fig, 78— Flying Lizard. Draco volitans. false ribs, which do not reach the breast-bone, project straight out from the body, and have the skin stretched between them in such a way as to form a serviceable flying membrane, which enables them to drop obliquely through the air in their hunt after the insects on which they live. 15. Scarcely less well adapted for an arboreal life are the Chameleons and the Geckos, the former confined to the Old "World, the latter found in the tropics of both Old and New Worlds. In the former the feet are shaped something like those of a climbing bird, the five toes being arranged in opposite groups of twos and threes, the better to grasp the branches on which they perch, while in the latter (Fig. 79), the toes are provided with adhesive discs, which enable them to climb up vertical surfaces such as walls and rocks. Both families are insect-eaters, but the Chameleons secure their prey by shooting out the long worm-like tongue, while the Geckos spring upon theirs from a distance. While the Chameleons are strictly arboreal forms and are protected in the foliage in which they live by assimilating their colour to that, the Geckos are also to HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 109 ^ Mill B»n|ilwMrf , ?r% Fig. 79— Geckos. Platydactylus mauritanicus. |. (After Brehm). be found in treeless districts, running over rocks and living in inhabited houses. 16. In several families of Lacertilia on the other hand we meet with a form of body adapted for creeping rapidly through underbrush and underneath stones, as well as for burrowing in the ground. In such creatures the body is cylindrical, almost snake-like, the limbs being either rudimentary or entirely absent. Generally the hind limbs are indicated even when the fore are absent, but in one Mexican genus (Chirotes), it is the latter which are alone present. In the 110 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Snake of the Southern States, Ophiosaurus ventralis, as in the European Blind-worm, Anguis fragilis, (Fig. 80), there are no limbs; both of these are extremely fragile Fig. 80— European Blind-worm. Anguis fragilis. \. (After Brehm). creatures, the tail being readily cast off in violent efforts to escape from a capturer. The most completely adapted for an underground life is the Amphisbaena, (Fig. 81), of South m 'U.-A Fig. 81— Amphisbaena alba. J. fter Brehm). America. This curious lizard is cylindrical in form, the head and tail both abruptly rounded off; they live in ants' nests and feed on their larvae. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Ill 17. From such footless lizards to the true snakes, Ophidia, the transition is sufficiently easy. Among the latter, indeed, are some forms which retain rudimentary hind limbs ; such are the Pythons, Boa Constrictors and Anacondas of the Old and New World ; again there are other smaller forms like the blind snake (Typhlops), which show the burrowing habit and the external form of the Amphisbsena, but lack the peculiar arrangement of the jaws which we see in the typical snake. All our Ophidia, however, belong to two families which exhibit considerable dif- ference from the structure of any lizard. Not only are the fore and hind limbs absent, but there is no trace of the girdles sup- porting them, nor of a sternum. Locomotion, being effected by the ends of the ribs and by shields of the ventral surface whose hinder edges are free, presents a great contrast to the clumsier movements of the footless lizards. In the latter, certain of the organs are affected by the length of the body, the ten- dency being for paired organs like the lungs and oviducts to become unequal in size, one of thein assuming the function of both, but this tendency is carried further in the snake, so that one lung or one oviduct may alone be present. 18. The absence of the pectoral and pelvic girdles makes it impossible to recognise any but the trunk and caudal regions of the vertebral column. A neck may be present in the form of a constricted part of the trunk behind the head, as in the Rattle- snake, but its vertebras do nob differ from those of the region behind it. So heterogeneous an order is that of the lizards, that we meet with the greatest variety in the epidermal coverings of the body, but the Ophidia constitute just as homogeneous a group on the other hand ; nevertheless, in spite of the apparent similarity of the scales and shields, slight differences in the form and arrangement of these are used by system atists in the diagnoses of the species. (Fig. 82). The epidermis is cast off several times a year in the form of a slough, the first moult taking place immediately after the escape from winter quarters. 112 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. fig. 88 -Scales of the head in Coluber (Bascanium) constrictor. (After Garman.) 1, Rostral. 2, Nasals. 8, Loreals. 4, Preoculars or Antorbitals. 5, Postoculars oi Postorbitala 6, Temporals. 7, Internasals. 8, Prefontals. 9, Frontal, 10, Supracili- anes or Supraoculars. 11, Parietals. 12, Occipitals. 13, Labials. 14, Infralabials. (Be- tween the infralabials are the submentals, and clothing the tip of the lower jaw the mental). 18, Ventrals. 19, Dorsals. 19. One of the chief peculiarities of the Ophidia is their method of securing their prey, and bolting it undivided. Some of the larger forms are dependent entirely on the flexibility of the vertebral column and the power of the trunk and intercostal muscles for strangling their prey, but the smaller snakes either seize their victims with their teeth, or first inflict a fatal wound with their poison-fangs. The poisonous snakes must be re- garded as the most specialized of the Ophidia, for the teeth are not only reduced in number in comparison with the harmless forms (where they may be as numerous as in the Teleosts), but the poison-fangs (which are confined to the maxillaries), are either provided with a groove on the anterior surface, or with a canal connected with the duct of the poison-gland, — a special- ized part of the glands of the upper lip, which is compressed by the muscles which close the jaws. That the snakes may be enabled to swallow their booty whole, a process which is often a very gradual one, the parts of the mouth are provided with extraordinary mobility. The pterygo-palatine bar is capable of greater movement than is even possible in the fishes, where it will be remembered its bones are not incorporated with the cranium, and not only is the quadrate bone freely moveable, but the squamosal which supports it, is hinged to the skull. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY, 113 from which it projects backwards. Thus the articulation, of the lower jaw, which is composed of two movable halves, is situated behind the head, and the gape is consequently ex- tremely wide. 20. The Ophiclia are destitute of the Eustachian tubes and tympanic cavities, the outer ends of the columella merely abutting against the quadrates. Most of the snakes lay eggs, which are hatched without the aid of the mother, but some of the venomous snakes, as well as fresh-water forms, bring forth their young alive, and these are in certain instances taken care of by the mother. 21. Apart from the narrow-mouthed Typhlops and its allies, and the Pythons, Boas, etc., with rudimentary hind-limbs, the Ophidia fall into three groups, the extremes of which are formed by the poisonous rattle-snakes on the one hand with few canaliculate poison-fangs, and the harmless Colubridsa with numerous non-perforated teeth, on the other, while the various poisonous snakes with grooved teeth, like the brilliantly-coloured -Bead-snake of the Southern States (Maps), the spectacled snake of India (JVaja), and the flat-tailed sea-snakes of tropical seas (Hydrophis), occupy an intermediate position. In this region only the extreme forms are represented, the Crotalidse and the Colubridse — the former embracing the rattlesnakes and copperheads, the latter all our numerous harmless snakes. 22. Crotalus horridus, the banded rattlesnake, is marked by the head being covered with scales instead of regular shields, and by its alternate bands of two shades of brown. As in all the more venomous snakes the head is sharply marked off from the body by a neck. The movements are much more sluggish than in the Colubridse, the greater agility of which compensates them for the absence of the peculiar weapons of the rattlesnake. One of the most characteristic features of the genus is the rattle formed of singular epidermal scales, the function of which has been much discussed. Observers are not agreed whether it is used to attract prey or to frighten away enemies. It is possibly useful for both 114 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. purposes. Snakes which are destitute of a rattle have been observed to make a rustling noise with the tail, and it is interesting in considering the origin of the rattle to recognize that each successive ring is merely the retained slough of the tip of the tail. By the absence of a rattle, the presence of cephalic shields, and the smaller size, the Copperheads, Ancistrodon contortrix, are readily dis- tinguished from the Rattlesnakes, which they resemble, however, in being very venomous. They are found in less rocky ground than the foregoing, are somewhat more active in their habits, but seek similar prey, viz., small animals, birds and frogs. Of the Colubridse the Garter Snake, Eutcenia slrtalis, is certainly the commonest. Its dorsal scales are carinated, and arranged in nineteen rows, while those of the ventral surface of the tail are undivided. An allied species, E. saurita, the Swift Garter Snake, is much slenderer, and has a longer tail. The Garter Snakes affect damp swampy places, take readily to water, and are gregarious in their winter quarters. They are viviparous like most aquatic snakes. The commonest Water Snake is Tropidonotus sipedon, which is to be seen basking on the shores of streams, to which it takes when startled. Another common form is Storeria Dekayi, the Little Brown Snake. It is also aquatic and insectivorous in its habits ; its dull colours present a strong contrast to the bright green of the Grass Snake, Cyclophis vernalis, a form which lives in marshes, and attains a length of eighteen inches. Two larger species, the Black Snake, Bas- canium constrictor, and the Fox Snake, Coluber mdplnus, prey upon larger animals such as mice and frogs, and attack birds' nests. Both of these species attain a length of five or six feet. The one is to be recog- nized by its uniform black colour, while the other is light brown with darker blotches. Finally the Milk Snake may be mentioned, Ophibolus triangulus, a whitish snake with oval brown blotches edged with 1 lack, found in dry situations, and visiting dairies for the milk ; the Ring- necked Snake, Dladophis punctatus, with its characteristic yellow ring, and lastly the Hog-nosed Snake, Heterodon platyrhinus, a peculiar form generally supposed to be venomous, which has the habit of distending its neck with air so as to look formidable, and then emitting the air with a hissing sound, whence it is also called Blowing Viper. In the poisonous genus Naja, a similar formidable appearance is secured by the stretching out of the foremost free ribs at right angles to the vertebral column, so that the neck is converted into a flattened disc. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 115 23. The fourth and last order of living Reptiles is that of the Crocodilia, aquatic forms of large size which are found in tropi- cal rivers over the whole world. There are three families represented by the Gavial of the Ganges (Fig. 83), characterized Fig. 83.— Gavialis gangeticus. (After Brehm.) by its very long snout, the Crocodile of the Nile and the Alli- gator of the Mississippi. Most of them are fish-eating forms, but many of them lie in wait for the smaller Mammalia when they come to drink. Their aquatic habit is associated with a power- ful compressed tail, and completely or incompletely webbed toes, but the legs are, nevertheless, strong enough to enable them to leave one pond and drag themselves to another. As in the other Reptiles, the horny epidermal covering is well de- veloped and characteristic, but there exist also in the cutis bony 116 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. shields on the back and behind the breast bone, which encase the creatures in an almost continuous coat of mail. Important differences from the Lizards exist in the endoskeleton ; the great elongation of the skull, e.g., with the formidable teeth lodged in sockets, the form of the nasal cavity, with the anterior nostrils at the tip of the snout and the posterior far back in the mouth, the intimate union of all the cranial and facial bones with each other, etc. Many peculiarities of the other organs point to a greater specialisation than exists in the other Reptiles, thus the brain is of a higher type, and the heart is subdivided into four compartments, although there is still a certain mixture of the venous and arterial blood immediately outside it. The order is oviparous like most Reptiles, the eggs, which are very fragile from the small percentage of lime in the shell, being laid in the sandy banks of the streams in which they live. 22. Although the Crocodilia hardly number more than twenty species at the present day, yet the Fossil species are far more nu- merous than is the case in any other of the four orders of living Fig. 84— Restoration of Plesiosaurus. £g. Reptiles. The earliest of them had amphicoeJous vertebra, and a much more complete exoskeleton than the living Crocodiles, probably for protection against the gigantic aquatic Reptiles HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 117 which inhabited the seas along with them. These arrange themselves under several orders of which the Sauropterygia (Plesiosauria) and the Ichthyoptergia [Ichthyosauria) are the best known. To the former (Fig. 84) belonged huge forms from 10-50 feet in length, with nippers something like a seal's, and an extremely long swan-like neck, which must have allowed great freedom of movement to the head with its formidable teeth. To the latter belonged short-necked forms resembling in shape the whales of the present day, but provided with, a long and powerfully toothed snout. (Fig. 85). Fig. 85— Restoration of Ichthyosaurus, ifo. 25. Among the fossil orders are likewise forms which attained a huge size, whose limbs, more lizard-like in form (Sauropoda), attest to a terrestrial or amphibious life, but whose teeth indicate that they were herbivorous animals feeding either on aquatic or marsh plants or on the forest vegetation. (Fig. 86.) Some Fig. 86— Restoration of Brontosaurus. ?fej. (After Marsh). of them (Atlantosaurus) measured 100 feet in length by 30 in height, the locomotion of such enormous masses being only rendered possible by the fact that the skeleton was extremely lipht, the bones being filled with air. The Sauropoda were -Without the protection of an exoskeleton, whereas Stego 1 18 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. saurus had bony shields in the skin and projecting horns from the back which must have afforded a very complete defensive armour. This genus also is interesting from the fact that the fore legs were shorter than the hind, and consequently that the latter along with the tail supported the weight of the body. A transition is thus afforded to the Ornithopoda or bird-footed Dinosaurs, a remarkable group, of which the best known is the genus Iguanodon of the Cretaceous period. (Fig. 87.) Recent Fig. 87— Skeleton of Iguanodon in the Brussels Museum, ^j. discoveries in Belgium have disclosed complete skeletons of this reptile, which is characterised chiefly by the strong bird-like three-toed legs, the short fore legs used only for prehension, the lizard-like tail and the compressed body. The foot prints of this Iguanodon, which are also preserved, show that its gait was erect, and this is confirmed by examination of the sacral region of the vertebral column, which is formed of five or six united vertebrae, evidently for the purpose of transferring the weight of the body to the hind legs. The Iguanodon was herbivorous, but there were carnivorous Dinosauria likewise, some like Compso- gnathus (Fig. 88) of such small dimensions that they hardly HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 119 deserve the ordinal name, others, like Megalosaurus, rival- ling the largest herbivorous forms in size. Many of these carnivorous forms present fea- tures in their limbs and teeth which remind us of the carni- vorous mammals, but the Compsognathus had an erect gait like the Iguanodon. 26. In many respects the Ig- uanodon and its allies resemble the Ostriches, and, indeed, as we shall see there are fossil toothed birds which help to fill up the gap between them. Fig. 88— Restoration o Compsognathus. $. So far the fossil reptiles we have considered have been either aquatic or terrestrial forms ; some of the latter indeed walked Pig. 89- -Restoration of Pterodactyl. §. 120 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. erect, their forelegs being used for prehensile purposes. "We now come to certain forms which lived an aerial life, being pro- vided with organs of flight of a character peculiar to themselves* In this order, the Pterosauria, (Fig. 89) the limbs were approxi- mately of the same size, but the little finger of the anterior extremity was enormously long and strong compared with the others. It had four joints, and between it, the arms and the side of the body, a web of skin was stretched out, somewhat similar to the web between a bat's fingers. Some of them (Fig. 90) Fig. 90— Restoration of Rhamphorhynchus phyllurus. (Marsh). $. had a long tail terminating i i a rudder-like membrane supported by the spines of the terminal vertebrae. But none of them had anything similar to the plumage of the birds, and we shall afterwards see that the skeleton of the bird's wing is constructed on quite a different plan from that of the Pterosaurian. Al- though many members of this group were small, others attained a gigantic size, one found in Kansas having a stretch of some twenty feet. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 121 CHAPTER V, The Birds. 1. From what we learned in last chapter it is neither the power of flight nor the supporting of the body by the hind limbs which constitutes a bird, for both these characteristics were present in certain fossil reptiles. It is the peculiar epider- mal clothing of feathers, which we must regard as marking off the birds from the flying reptiles to which they are allied. Yet there is not so much difference between the reptilian scales and the avian feathers as might at first sight appear. If we watch the development of the feathers in a bird, we may see that they arise at first very much like scales, along regular tracts, and that they are simply thickenings of the epidermis over papillae of the cutis. But as the feather is developed it is retracted into a follicle in the skin, and the epidermis gives rise to the feather proper, the dried-up cutis-papilla to the pith. 2. In most birds we distinguish two different elements in the plumage, the feathers proper or contour-feathers and quills, and the down-feathers; but in certain birds destitute of the power of flight down-feathers alone are present. Both kinds resemble each other in having a quill by which they are in- serted into the feather-follicle, a shaft, and a vane which is composed of two rows of barbs, each provided with projecting barbules. If the barbules are so arranged that those on con- tiguous barbs interlock with each other, then we have a contour- feather, or if it is of special use in flight, is a quill-feather, but if the barbules are soft, and do not interlock, we have the down-feather. It is obvious that a creature only possessed of the latter cannot fly ; the interlocking of the barbules is neces- 9 122 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. sary to give to the feather the requisite strength to encounter the resistance of- the air. The feathers, however, are not to be merely regarded as organs of flight, but as a warm clothing for the body, necessary to prevent the great loss of heat which would otherwise attend the quick flight and rapid change of air round their owners. 3. A great many technical terms are necessary in systematic ornithological descriptions ; some of these may be studied from Fig. 91— To illustrate the topography and the plumage of the Sparrow. (Passer domesticus). (After Thome). 1, Upper mandible with nostril ; 2, lower mandible ; 3, culmen ; 4, gonys ; 5, lore in from of the eye ; 6, forehead or frons; 7, crown or vertex; 8, occiput; 9, malar or cheek region; 10. throat; 11, breast; 12, abdomen; 13, back; 14, rump with the upper tail coverts ; 15, rectrices or tail feathers ; 16, tarsus ; 17, primaries ; 18, secondary and tertiary remiges, or wing quills ; 19, alula or bastard wing ; 20, greater ; 21, median and lesser wing coverts. 4. Premising then that the plumage is to be regarded as the essential characteristic of a bird, let us see, in continuation of the subject of the close of the last chapter, how early the remains of true birds are to be met with in the geo- logical history of the earth. Fortunately the feathers aro well known in the earliest fossil bird which has been fourd, High school zoology. 123 because the remains are preserved in a very fine textured stone of Upper J urassic, Age found at Solenhofen in Germany, and used for lithographic purposes. The last found of the two specimens is very perfect, the carcase of the bird having been bedded in the fine sedi- ment of the sea-shore, in such a position that all the parts are very plain. From these we recognise that the Archceopleryx, as it is called, is in many res- pects more like a reptile than a true bird, especi- ally so in the fact of its tail being formed of a large number of distinct vertebrae, so that the ordinal name Saururse, was formed for it on this account. (Fig. 92). No other bird-remains hitherto found show this peculiarity, so that Archseopteryx stands alone with its lizard- like tail, while all other birds, living and fossil show some union of the caudal vertebrae. In respect to its plumage and organs of flight, however, Arch- seopteryx is a true bird, and not a flying lizard Two other fossil birds have been found in the Cretaceous rocks of the Western States which share with Archseopteryx another rep- tilian character, that of toothed jaws, but in other respects more closely resemble the birds of the present day Of these two genera, one, Hesperornis, appears to have been destitute of the power of flight, because the bones of the anterior extremity are much reduced and there is no keel upon the sternum, such as Fig. 92— Berlin specimen of Archseopteryx, £, with leg from London specimen. UF. Tibia. MP. Tarso-metatarse. Z. The toes. 124 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. there is in all birds which have that power, while the other, Ichthyornisy had a wing fashioned in the same way as the great majority of our birds, necessitating a keel upon the sternum. Thus at a very early period of the history of the birds, the distinction which we draw between those with a raft-like and those with a keeled sternum (the Ratitae and the Carinatse) was already established. But this distinction is of a compara- tively unimportant character, because it would appear that at various periods of the world's history, members of different families of birds have lost the power of flight (and along with this, to a greater or less degree, the keel on the sternum,) by taking exclusively to some other method of locomotion, such as swimming or running. Nevertheless, when we realize how the structure of a bird is connected with its power of flight, we shall more easily understand how the absence of that power may produce a superficial resemblance. 5. If we study, then, the structure of any typical carinate bird, we shall soon learn that apart from the plumage there are many other features which are evidently adapted to its mode of locomotion and habits of life, and that the whole structure of the body is, indeed, modified in connection therewith. Although the common domestic fowl belongs to a family of poor fliers, yet a knowledge of its structure forms a key to that of all the Carinatse. Numerous races are known but all belong to a single species, Gallus domesticus, the nearest wild ally of which is the Gallus bankiva of India. With the pheasants, pea-fowl and guinea-fowl they form the family Phasianidse of the order Gallinacei, all of the birds included under which (prairie-fowl, partridge, turkey, etc.,) are indifferent fliers, seeking their food on the ground, partly by scraping, for which purpose the feet are provided with strong claws. 6. Let us now proceed to examine the skeleton of a fowl with the object of seeing in what respects it differs from that of the fossil birds and reptiles The vertebral column presents the five HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 125 Fig. 93.— Skeleton of Fowl. cv. cervical vertebrae ; h. humerus ; r, u. radius and ulna ; ca. carpus £1. pollex ; II index ; III. middle finger ; co. coracoid : sc. scapula, cl. clavicle ; cs. crest of sternum; s'. one of the processes of the body of the sternum ; it ilium ; .s. ischium ; pu pubis; py. pygostyle; f. femur; t. tibia and fibula ; tin. tarso metatarse. 126 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. regions present in all the higher Vertebrates ; of these, the cervi- cal contains thirteen vertebrae, and it alone retains any freedom of movement between the individual bones, for the vertebrae of the trunk and the greater part of the tail are for the most part so united by bone that no such movement is possible. The last few vertebrae are, however, movable, and the terminal one, the so- called pygostyle (which is really formed by the fusion of several centra) serves to support the tail-feathers. The chief charac- teristic, then, of the bird's vertebral column is that the iliac bones, instead of being united with a few sacral vertebrae as in the reptiles, have acquired a union with the vertebrae in front and behind these, so that the whole region is stiffened into one mass. It is obvious that such an arrangement is well calculated to transmit the whole weight of the body to the hind limbs. A conspicuous difference between the higher and the lower Vetebrates is in the nature of the union between the skull and the vertebral column. In the fish the basi-occipital closely resembles and forms a part of a series with the vertebral centra ; in the Amphibian, on the other hand, the ex-occipitals form two surfaces of contact (occipital condyles) with the vertebral column, but in the higher Vertebrates greater freedom of movement is conferred upon the head by the specialisation of the first two vertebrae for this purpose. The anterior or atlas possesses surfaces for receiving the one (Sauropsida) or two (Mammalia) occipital condyles, and it itself rotates on a pivot (the odontoid process — which is really part of the centrum of the Atlas — ) attached to the centrum of the second vertebra or axis. As for the skull, the chief thing to notice is the early fusion of its component parts in such a way as to make it impossible to distinguish the limits between the cranial bones, although the sutures between those of the face are easily seen. The premax- illae are of large size, and chiefly support the upper beak, (which is movable 10 a certain extent on the skull behind), while the maxillae are insignificant and are united to the outer surface of the movable quadrate by a slender bar formed of the jugal and quadrato-jugal. The quadrate moves partly on the skull and HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 127 partly on the pterygopalatine bar, and it supports the man- dible, which in the adult is formed of a single piece inclosed in the lower horny beak. It is to be expected that the possession of the power of flight should be associated with alteration of those parts of the skeleton concerned, so that in addition to the rigidity of the thorax conferred by the immovability of the dorsal vertebrae, it is not surprising to find other conditions adapted to offer a solid basis of resistance to the stroke of the wing; and protec- tion to the delicate parts contained within the thorax. So the true ribs are not only bound to each other by uncinate pro- cesses, but their sternal ends, instead of being cartilaginous, are bony. Again, the sternum does not only afford protection to the thoracic organs by its great size, but by its keel offers a large surface for the attachment of the muscles of flight. Although the scapula is small, the ventral parts of the shoulder- girdle are both strong and connected with the sternum ; especially is this true of the coracoid, through which the strain of the wing stroke is chiefly transmitted to the trunk. The chief peculiarity of the humerus is its strong crest for the insertion of the muscles of flight, while the ulna differs from the radius in its strong curvature, the convexity of which is roughened by the attachments of the secondaries. It is the wrist and hand that are most peculiar, however, for we see only two proximal carpals, the distal carpals being fused with the three metacarpals into one perforated bone, while the three fingers are independent. The second finger is the most im- portant, the third being rudimentary, while the first, which supports the spurious wing when it is present, and like the second is sometimes provided with a claw, is also short. Reference was made to the singular method of union of the pelvis to the trunk; the other parts of the pelvic arch are chiefly remarkable for their backward direction and for their not meeting in a symphysis, except in some of the more reptile- 128 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. like Ratitse. Another peculiarity of the hinder extremity is that only the proximal end of the fibula is present, and that the ankle joint, as in many reptiles, is situated between the proximal and the distal rows of tarsal bones, the former of which becomes fused with the tibia, into a tibio-tarsus, while the latter and the metacarpals of the second, third and fourth toes become fused into one tarso-metatarse. When the first toe is present, its metatarsal is generally rudimentary, but it has two joints, while the second toe has three, the third four, and the fourth five. The spur of the cock is simply a bony ex- crescence attached to the metatarsus. 7. It is to be expected that the greatest peculiarities of the muscular system of the birds should be connected with their mode of locomotion. From what has been said above, it will be gathered that the great muscles of flight take their origin from the sternum, and thus the centre of gravity of the body is shifted towards the most favourable position for flight. Not only the depressor of the wing, but also its elevator muscle arise from the sternum, the necessary change in the direction of the latter being acquired by its tendon passing through a pulley, at the junction of the three bones of the shoulder-girdle, to its insertion in the upper surface of the humerus. In reptiles and mammals where the full number of fingers is present, and the joints of these are freely movable upon each other and on the wrist hones, muscles are necessary for carrying out these move- ments, but the consolidation in the region of the hand of the bird dispenses with the necessity for these and therefore the chief muscles of the fore limbs are in its proximal end near the body. The same is true of the hinder extremity, tendons only being continued into the distal end to carry out the ^novements of the toes. Thus the great muscles of the limbs are likewise situated in a favourable position of the body for flight. Cutaneous muscles, chiefly inserted into the feathers HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 129 and destined for shaking the plumage, attain a greater develop- ment in the birds than they do in the lower forms. 8. A great advance is to be seen in the brain of a bird as compared with that of any reptile, for not only is the cere- brum much larger, but the cerebellum is so also, with the result that the optic lobes are thrust aside right and left towards the base of the brain. The surface of the cerebrum is smooth, but that of the cerebellum is much folded so that the white matter is arranged in a tree-like fashion in its interior. Of the senses, sigthis decidedly the most acute ; the birds of prey especially are gifted with extraordinary powers of vision, and in association therewith the bulb of the eye has a very different shape from the globular one present in other Vertebrates. Its principal axis is much elongated, the posterior part of the bulb being a seg- ment of a sphere, while the anterior is drawn out in a tubular fashion. As in some of the reptiles, the sclerotic coat has a circlet of bony plates formed in it. Hearing is also more acute than in the reptiles ; the tympanic membrane is situated at the bottom of a short external auditory passage (surrounded by special "auricular" feathers) and the Eustachian tubes con- verge to a common aperture in the palate. 9. Although organs both of touch and taste are present in the mouth-cavity of the bird, yet the tongue is generally clad to a great extent with horn, which varies in shape in different species. The most constant peculiarity of the oesophagus is the presence of a crop, which may be a projection from one side, as in the fowl (Fig. 94), or from both, as in the pigeon. The stomach is divided into a smaller glandular cardiac end, the proventriculus, and a larger muscular pyloric end, the gizzard. In the latter the muscular coat is very thick in two places, and the epithelial lining is converted into horny pads, which serve for the grinding of the food in the granivorous birds. As a compensation for small salivary glands, the pancreas is large, and the length of the intestinal surface is increased by two 130 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. cceca, which open into the anterior end of the large intestine. 10. Certainly the most remarkable feature about the respiratory system of birds is the development of air-sacs, which receive their air from the lungs; and are situated partly among the viscera of the body-cavity, partly be- tween the muscles, and underneath the skin of the body, and finally within the bones, dis- placing the marrow in these. The function of these air-sacs is not con- fined to supplementing the size of the lungs, (although a certain inter- change of gases between the blood and the con- tents of the air-sacs must take place), but they like- wise serve to render the body specifically lighter (especially as the bodily temperature is high), and thus more adapted for flight. As the bird's locomotion involves much muscular exertion, both the respiratory and circulatory systems are more perfect than in the reptiles, the presence of four chambers in the heart, allowing the complete separation of the blood which has been returned for aeration, from that which is sent out by the heart to the system. 11. In the lower Vertebrates the voice is little developed, Fig. 94— Viscera of the Fowl, (after Brandt). oe. oesophagus; ig, crop; tr, trachea; m, muscle; la, syrinx ; p, lun^; c, heart; h, liver; dh, hepatic duct; vf, gall-bladder ; dch, bile-duct; pv.proven- triculus; sp, spleen; v, gizzard; d, duodenum; pa, pancreas; i, small intestine; coe, its cceca; fo, egg-follicle burst ; o, eggs ; od, oviduct part- ly slit open containing a mature egg, o'-; cl, clo- aca ; Bz, Bursa Fabrieii. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 131 but in the birds, especially in the song-birds and parrots, it is not only of considerable range, but also capable of modulation. The larynx, which is the organ of voice in the other Vertebrates, is here in the background, for the notes of the song-bird are pro- duced lower down in the wind-pipe, at the point where it divides into the two bronchi. Here the " syrinx " is situated, in the formation of which, both membranes capable of vibration, and resonant dilatations capable of reinforcing the sounds produced by these, take part. 12. The kidneys in the birds are not so elongated as in the reptiles, and are moulded into the large and complex sacrum. Only one oviduct, the left, is present ; the number of eggs laid is very different in different species, but approximately constant in the same species. The size is not always directly propor- tionate to the size of the bird, for the chicks escape from the egg (by the agency of a temporary tooth on the upper beak) at very different periods of their development. Of the various orders of Carinate birds, those which are the more primitive escape from the egg in a condition to fend for themselves (aves precoces), while the young of the higher orders required to be looked after by the parents for some time after they are hatched, their escape taking place at a much less developed phase (aves altrices). 13. The egg of the fowl owes its large size chiefly to the food-yolk, which is associated with the germinal yolk (1,66). The yolk is, never- theless, a single cell bounded by a wall, the vitelline membrane. After bursting through its capsule in the ovary (Fig. 94), it escapes into the ccelom, and is received by the open mouth of the oviduct, the walls of which are provided with glands, which secrete the albumen or white, and with muscular layers, which propel it in a spiral direction (involving the formation of the ropy parts of the white) towards the lower end of the tube, where the shell -glands secrete the shell. When the egg is laid, it has already undergone some of the stages of segmentation, the white patch upon the surface being formed of a layer of cells (the blastoderm), destined to grow into the body of the chick. The process of incubation requires twenty -one days, and it can be carried out 132 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. artificially, if fresh air and moisture, as well as the proper temperature — 104° F. — be afforded to the eggs. 14. Having examined the structure of the fowl as a con- venient carinate type, let us now see in what respects Archse- opteryx and the Ratitae differ from it. As far as the plumage is concerned, Archaeopteryx approaches the Fowl more closely than do the Ratitae, for in the latter the feathers are mere downs, while in the former quill-feathers were present, and probably also fine contour-feathers, although the impressions of these have not been preserved. The quill-feathers were at- tached to the ulnar side of the hand and fore-arm, round the neck, to the leg as far as the tarsal joint, and in" a single series along each side of the long tail. That is really the most im- portant peculiarity of the fossil, for instead of the short tail of the Fowl, there were twenty independent vertebrae, each with a quill-feather attached right and left to it. The trunk region, like- wise, shows less of the concrescence so marked in the carinate bird) for the the vertebrae are all amphiccelous, and only a few of them are united into a sacrum ; furthermore, the ribs are de- cidedly reptile-like in their arrangement. In place of the horny sheath of the bird's bill, Archaeopteryx was furnished with numerous little conical teeth, probably lodged in sockets; in other respects the skull was bird-like. It is argued from the absence of a crest on the humerus that Archaeopteryx was a poor flier, (the sternum has not been found, so we lack the evidence which would have been forthcoming from it), but the hand was formed of three fingers with independent metacarpals and stout claws, so it is likely that the anterior extremity must have been of great service in climbing, the plumage serving, perhaps, more as a parachute than for true flight. In the structure of the hinder extremity there is no great difference from that of a bird. 15. The Ratitae or Cursorial Birds are unquestionably much closer to the Carinate Birds than Archaeopteryx is ; indeed many HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 133 zoologists regard them as degenerate forms of carinate birds, which have in the coarse of ages lost the power of flight, while others, looking at their structure and their geographical distri- bution, think that they are a more primitive group than the Carinatse with more affinity to the reptiles, and that they never possessed the power of flight. The plumage in this group never Fief. 95. -Skeleton of the Moa (Dtnornis). 134 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. lias the character of contour or quill-feathers, the plumes of the ostrich being nothing but gigantic clowns. Instead of the bones of the head uniting early with each other, the sutures are quite evident, and the cervical ribs are for a long time movable, instead of being coalesced with the vertebrae. Again, either the pubic or ischiac bones or both may form a symphysis as they do in most living reptiles ; and, at least, there is a greater re- semblance to the Dinosaur pelvis than there is in the carinate birds. Other anatomical features of the Ratita3 are adaptive ; the functionless nature of the fore-limbs is associated with the reduction in size of their bones and of the clavicles, while the adaptation of the hind limbs to rapid locomotion leads to a loss of one or two of the four toes. There is great structural difference between the families of Ratitse, and they are also marked off geographically from each other. New Zealand has the Kiwis (Apteryx), small forms of about the size of a turkey with a very rudimentary anterior extremity and four toes, of which the hinder one is strongly clawed. Allied to it are the remains of various giant birds (Dinornithidce), recently extinct and found for the most part in New Zea- land (Fig. 95). These Moas, as they are named by the Maoris, stood ten feet from the ground, and their eggs were of very large size. Allied to them is a similar form from Madagascar (jEpyornis), believed to be the Roc of Eastern Fables ; the skeleton of this genus is not well known, but eggs have been found of enormous size, which hold as much as two-and-a-half gallons, and have been estimated to be equivalent in contents to twelve dozen hen's eggs. In the rest of the Australian region two other genera, the Cassowaries (Casuarius), and the Emus (Dromceus), are found, while in South America, are the three-toed Ostriches {Rhea), and in the deserts of Africa and Western Asia, the two-toed Ostrich (Struthio camelus). Like the Carinatse the Ratitse have no teeth in the jaws, which are simply clothed with a horny beak, but the genus Hesperornls. which as far as its sternum is concerned is one of the Ratitse, had only a horny beak on its premaxillse, while the maxillse and the mandibles had teeth fixed in a continuous groove. Besides the teeth, there were numerous other characters which give it an intermediate position between the Dinosaurs and the Ratitse. The anterior extremity is represented by the HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 135 humerus alone, but the whole skeleton gives the impression of a large diving bird like a Grebe, living on fish, and swimming by m.ans of the powerful feet. On the other hand, the genus Icththyornis was truly carinate, its anterior extremity being like that of an ordinary bird, but the rest of the skeleton presenting primitive features indicating reptilian affinities, such as teeth arranged as in Hesperornis (except that they were in sockets), and amphiccelous vertebras as in# Archoeopteryx. Icththyornis, therefore, occupies a middle position between Archaeop- teryx and the Carinatse. Fig. 96.— Feet of various Avian genera. a. wading type, Ciconia; b. perching, Turdus ; c. rasorial, Phasianus ; d. raptorial, Falco ; e. adherent, Cypselus ; b. cursorial, Struthio ; g. scansorial, Picus ; h. locate, Podiceps; i. lobate and scolloped, Fulica ; k. palmate, Anas; 1. totipalmate, Phaethon. 16. When we come to the classification of the Carinate birds we meet with great difficulties ; for although we recognise that there are certain orders which are lower than the others, yet the adaptation to an aerial life has impressed a certain uniformity 136 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. upon all, concealing such structural characters as might be re- lied upon for making a natural classification, and causing the ornithologist to depend frequently on characters which are in relation to the food or the manner of life (Figs. 96, 97). The Fig. 97.— Outlines of bills of various genera. L Leptoptihis, marabu ; P. Passer, sparrow ; Ca. Cancroma, Boatbill ; D. Doci- mastes, Swordbill ; PI. Platalea, spoonbill ; Pe. Pelecanus, pelican ; T. Turdxis, hrush ; Re. Recur virostra, avoeet Ph. Phoenicopterus, Flamingo; Ry Rhynchops, Skimmer; A. Anastomus, stork; B. Balceniceps, shoebill ; S. Sarcorhamphus, condor; Co. Col- umba, pigeon ; My. Mycteria, stork ; Me. Mergus, Merganser ; I. Ibis. difficulties of classification are chiefly met with among the higher orders, to which not only by far the greatest number of HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 137 the species belong, but which exhibit far less important differ- ences between each other than do the members of the lower orders. 17. The following arrangement of the orders of Carinatse is that gener- ally employed ; although there may be doubt as to the affinities of some of the groups, there is none that the swimming birds occupy the lowest place and the song birds the highest. Of the former the Pygopodes, or Divers, are marked by the far back position of the legs required by an erect or semi -erect at- titude, by the short- ness or rudimentary characterof the wings, by the complete or incomplete webbing of the three toes, and by their powers of swimming and div- ing. The most re- markable genus is the Penguin ( A ptenodytes) of Southern Seas, (Fig. 98) in which the power of flight has been lost, and the wings are converted into flippers covered with scale-like feath- ers. Another inter- esting form, in which the wings, though feathered, were ex- tremely short and in- capable of flight, is the great Auk (Plautus impennis (Fig. 99), which was common in the Arctic Seas at the beginning of this century, but is now thought to be quite extinct. Allied to it are the Puffins {Fratercula) with their singularly shaped and brilliantly coloured bills, and the Sea-pigeons (Cepphus gryUe) Fig. 98.— Penguin (Aptenodytets) (after Brehni.) 138 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. the most elegantly formed of the group. More familiar than these marine forms are the Loons ( Urinator) and the Grebes (Podicipidce), the latter with the toes merely fringed, the former with the toes entirely webbed. 18. In contrast with these forms are the long- winged swimmers (Longipennes), in which the length of the wing is due to the length of the arm-bones, not of the hand. They are excellent fliers, and sweep down upon the sea and inland lakes for the aquatic animals (chiefly fish) on which they live. The three front toes are web- bed, the first, free and often ru- dimentary. The gulls ( Larus), Terns {Sterna), and the Jaegers (Stercorarhis) all belong to this group. Nearly allied to it are the marine petrels, to which small forms like the stormy petrel or Mother Carey's chick- en (Procellaria pelagica) be- long, and the giant albatross, Diomexlea exulans, with a wing-spread of 15 feet. The nostrils of the latter, however, are tubular, not mere fissures as in the gulls, etc. ; they are, therefore, often regarded as a distinct order (Turbinares). .*"<• Fig. 99. — Great Auk. Plautus impennis. (after Brehm.) 19. The Steganopodes have received their name from the complete webbing of the toes, the first toe being turned for- ward and united by a mem- brane to the second. They are all fish -eating birds, but embrace such different forms as the tropic and frigate birds {Phaethon and Tachypetes), the darters (Plotm), gannets (Sulci), and, more familiar in- land, the cormorants (Phalacrocorax), and pelicans {Pelecanus). The singular mandibular pouch of the last genus marks it from the others. 20. Unlike the above, the Ducks and their allies (Anseres) have the HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 139 hinder toe free ; the others are webbed, and the beak is covered with a soft skin iD which there are numerous tactile corpuscles, while the gape is provided with horny lamelhe (hence Lamellirostres), which serve for straining the muddy water in which they seek their food. The least duck-like forms are the Mergansers, which have a serrated bill and dive for fish. A very large number of species of wild ducks are known, from one of which, the Mallard {Anas boschas), the domestic duck is derived. To the same genus belong the Teal and Widgeon, but the Shoveller (Spatula), Pin-tail (Dajila), Wood-duck (Aix) and Red-head and Canvas- back (Aythya) are sufficiently different to be separated under distinct genera. The same is true of the Buffle-head (Charitoneta), Harlequin (Histrionkus), the various species of Eiders {Somaleria) and Scoters, and the Ruddy Duck {Er'ismatura). The domestic goose is derived from the European Anser ci?iereus, which genus is represented in America by the white-fronted goose. Various allied forms, like the Canada goose and Barnacle goose, are ranged under the genus Branta. To the same order belong the Swans (Cygnidce), and allied to it are the Flamingoes (Phcenkopterus) with their singular bent bills, very long legs and brilliant plumage. 21. In the next order (Herodiones)," we have various genera which like the Flamingoes have very long legs, the tibia and tarsus being much elongated, but they differ from them in the structure of the bill, and also from the following order in the same respect. The bill has no cere or fleshy part at the root as in the other waders, but it is very differently shaped in the different genera, e.g., in the Spoonbills (Plataha) it is flattened and spatulate at the tip, in the Ibises compressed and arched downwards, in the Storks (Ciconia) much thicker than in the Herons (Ardeidce), from which the order derives its name. This family embraces the Herons (Ardea), Bitterns (Botaurus), the Night Herons {Xyctkorax) ; the rest of the waders are subdivided into marsh-birds and shore-birds. To the former (Paludicolse) belong the Cranes {Gruida}), and Rails (Rallidaz) including the Gallinules and the Coots, while the latter (Limicolse) embrace the Avocets (Becurvirostra), Snipes (Gallinago,) Woodcock (Philohela), Sand- Pipers (Tringa and Totanus), Curlews (Numenius), and Plovers (Charadrius and jEgialitis), etc. 22. In contrast to the long-legged Waders we now come to the Galli- nacei the legs of which are short, stout, and adapted for scraping. The Pheasant family (Phasianidai), to which the domestic fowl belongs, is only represented in America by the wild turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, (the probable stem -form of the domestic turkey), but it is abundantly repre 140 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. sented in the Old World, and especially in India by the Pheasant (Phasi- auus colchiai-s), Peafowl {Pavo), Guineafowl {Numkla), Argus Pheasant {Argus), etc. On the other hand, the Grouse family is as character- istically American as Old World, for we have Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa) Prairie-hen {Tympanuchus), Ptarmigan (Lagopus), and other forms. Two aberrant families are associated with the Gallinse which exhibit primitive characteristics in two different directions, — the Megapodidseof Australia, which do not hatch their eggs, [but lay them in heaps, to be incubated by the heat evolved from decomposing vegetable matter mixed with them and the Tinamus of South America, which in the structure of the skull remind us of the Ratitse. 23. The Pigeons or Columbse are better adapted for flight than the, foregoing order, the feet are more delicate, the bill has a soft cere, and the young are looked after by the parents on their escape from the egg. In this region we have merely the passenger pigeon {Ectopistes) and the mourning dove (Zenaidura) ; but the pigeons form a very large group, especially developed in the Australian region, where the ground-pigeons {Gourd) and fruit-pigeons {Carpophaga) are abundant. Our numerous domestic races and varieties are all derived from the Mediterranean Rock-pigeon {Columba livia). Now extinct forms allied to the pigeon were the Dodo of Mauritius (Didus ineplm) and the Solitaire of Rodri- guez (Pezophaps), their extinction being attributable to their rudimentary wings. 24. All the birds of prey (Raptores) agree in the possession of strong curved claws and bill, the upper beak projecting like a hook beyond the lower, and with a cere surrounding the nostrils. The tarsus may be scutellate or partly feathered. It is naked and extremely long in the Secretary Bird, Gypogeranus, a crane-like form from the African steppes, which chiefly hunts Reptiles, but it is comparatively short in the other gentra, especially so in the Owls, where not only the tarsus is feathered, but also the foot. The whole plumage in the Owls is of such a character as to permit the noiseless flight so helpful to them as nocturnal birds. Their habit of concealing themselves during the day in trees, rocks, etc., is assisted by the climbing foot. Some of the species like the Barn -Owl (Strix), and Saw- whet Owl (Nyctale) have complete radiating disks of feathers round the eyes, others like the Horned Owls (Bubo), only horns. The tiny burrowing Owls of the Western States (Speotyto) have the singular habit of nesting at the ends of long burrows. The above-mentioned families include extreme types of the Raptores, between which are the vultures, eagles, falcons, etc. , more closely related HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. HI to each other. Among the vultures those of the New World (Cathartidce) resemble those of the Old World ( Fulturidce) in the absence of feathers about the head, but differ in the structure of the bill, and in their habit of feeding on carrion,, The Falconidae, on the other hand, have a feath- ered head, shorter bill, and include the various buzzards, eagles, hawks, falcons and the ospreys. 25. A large series of very different forms used to be associated as the "scanso^ial birds " on account of their possession of " climbing" feet, but it is now recognized that they ought to be grouped under several orders. One of the most singular of them is that of the Psittaci or parrots, which are marked by the upper bill being shorter than it is high, strongly curved, movably articulated to the skull, and with a cere surrounding the nostrils. The lower bill, on the other hand, is short and truncated, and the tongue fleshy. This is essentially a tropical group, chiefly de- veloped in South America and the Australian region. It embraces the cockatoo, macaws, parrots, and ground-parrots. Associated with the cuckoo under the ordinal name Coccyges, are a number of forms with the foot more or less adapted for climbing, and with a long bill, but forming, on the whole, a somewhat heterogeneous group. The Toucans of S. America with their gigantic bills, the Rhinoceros birds, with the singular horny process on theirs, the Cuckoos, Motmots, Kingfishers and Hoopoos belong to this order. The Plci are a more homogeneous order, embracing the Woodpeckers and Wrynecks ; the toes which are turned forward are connected at the base, and the bill is sharp and chisel-like. Finally, the Macrochires receive their ordinal name from the length of the hand, which is longer than the fore-arm, and that longer than the humerus. They are good fliers, and embrace the Goat- suckers, Swifts and Humming- birds. 26. More than half of the species of Birds belong to the last order, Passeres, in which the bill is differently shaped but always without a cere ; in accordance with their " perching" habits the hinder toe is longer and stronger than the second toe ; both the outer toes are connected at the base. They fall into two sub-orders, the Clamatores, which embrace the forms destitute of a syrinx such as the Flycatchers, and the Oscines or singing-birds, which include the Larks, Crows, Jays and Magpies, the Blackbirds, Orioles, Finches, Sparrows, Tanagers, Swallows, Shrikes, Creepers, Warblers, Wagtails, Wrens, Nuthatches, Tits, Thrushes and Bluebirds. 142 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER VI The Mammals. 1. Among the classes of Vertebrates already studied we have observed much difference as to the care taken by the mother of her young. In the Fishes, for example, large numbers of eggs are produced, and for the most part left to their fate, only a certain number of the fry reaching maturity. But there are examples of nest-building forms among them, and of parents which defend and protect their young, while there are others in which the young are retained within the body of the mother until they are able to look after themselves. (I, 94.) Similar differences are to be met with in the Amphibia and Reptilia as to this point, and we have also seen that some Birds make very little provision for the safe hatching of their eggs, while in the case of others, the eggs are incubated and protected until the young escape, either able to fend for themselves or in a condition to require further protection and feeding from the mother. As an example of special adaptation to the care of the young may be mentioned the Pigeons, in which the glantls of the crop secrete a milky fluid during the time of incu- bation, which is used for the nutrition of the squabs. 2. We meet with an analogous condition of affairs in the Mammals, where certain glands of the skin are specially adapted to furnish milk for the nourishment of the young. Even in this group, however, we see great differences as to the condi- tion in which the young are brought forth, for puppies aie born blind and helpless, while the young of the Herbivora are able to run about shortly after birth. If such differences are to be HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 143 observed in familiar animals, still greater differences characterise two orders of the Mammalia which are almost confined to the Australian Region — the Monotremes and the Marsupials. In the first of these groups eggs are laid, large in size, con- taining much food-yolk, and surrounded by a shell which has a certain amount of lime in its composition. After a short period of incubation the young escape from the shell in a very helpless condition, and are now dependent on the milk which exudes from the cutaneous glands of the mother. In one of the two genera which belongs to this order, the milk-glands open into a pouch, big enough to receive the head of the young, but in the other no such provision is present. The Marsupials, the second of these orders, however, in which the young are also born in a very helpless condition (the giant Kangaroo, as tall as a man, brings forth young of about the size of a newly-born rat), have a provision for shelter- ing them in the s'hape of the pouch, a fold of the skin on the ventral surface of the abdomen, which supports and protects the young while they are being fed by the milk-glands of the mother, and to which they resort in danger even after they are able to run about. In this respect, then, we are able to recog- nize three great groups of Mammalia, (1.) the oviparous forms; (2.) those which bring forth their young alive, but in such a helpless condition that they must be carried for a long time in the mother's pouch ; and (3.) the higher Mammals, in which the development of the young advances to a much higher degree within the body of the mother. These groups or sub-classes have been called Prototheria, Metatheria, and Eutheria, respect- ively, and while each of the first sub-classes contains only a single order of Mammalia, the third embraces all the remaining orders, and contains all the most familiar and conspicuous quadrupeds. It is not to be supposed that this primary sub- division into sub-classes depends alone on the characters men- tioned; there are certain other anatomical differences in the 144 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. skeletal and other systems, which, however, it will be easier to understand after we have glanced at the structure of one of the Eutheria, and compared it with that of the foregoing classes. 3. Any familiar mammal will serve our purpose equally well, but the Cat (Felis domesticd) is perhaps as accessible an example of the group as we can study. It belongs to the order of the Carnivores or Beasts of Prey (Carnivora), and is accordingly furnished with claws and teeth which are adapted to its mode of life, and is, indeed, one of the most highly specialised of the order in this respect, so that we must not expect to find it a primitive example of Mammalian structure. 4. With few exceptions, the mammals are clad with a coat of hair, which like the plumage of the birds enables them to preserve their high bodily temperature. The exceptions to this rule are certain aquatic forms where a subcutaneous ac- cumlation of fat, the blubber, furnishes the necessary non-con- ducting envelope, and certain terrestrial forms, where the epidermis is either extraordinarily thick as in the Pachyderms, or has given rise to horny scales or other protective coverings. Even in these cases, however, scattered hairs are present, and in the aquatic forms referred to, bristles occur about the lips of the young. So the hairy covering is as characteristic for the Mammalia as the horny scales are for the reptiles. Although, like scales and feathers, hairs are epidermal structures, nourished by a papilla of the corium, yet there is a fundamental difference between them in their development. Both scales and feathers begin by a thickening of the epidermis which projects beyond the level of the skin, and, in the case of the feather, is only afterwards retracted into the follicle, but the hair begins by a thickening of the epidermis which grows inwards into the cutis* and only afterwards comes to project beyond the level of the skin. (Fig. 100.) In the Cat two kinds of hairs are present, those which con- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 145 stitute the fur, and those which form the whiskers (vibrissce); the latter from the richness of their nerve-supply are especially tactile in function. In many of the Carnivora and other orders a soft under-fur is overlaid by stronger bristle-like hairs, Fig. 100— Section through skin of horse — enlarged, a, epid- ermis ; b, its Malphigian layer, c, papillary layer of corium, d ; e, Subcutaneous tissue ; /, hair in its follicle, g, with papilla h ; i, old hair being replaced by k ; I, sebaceous glands ; m, sweat glands ; n, sweat duct. which form the external coat. The hairs are lubricated by the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which open into the necks of the hair-follicles. The skin of the Mammal is therefore richer in glands than is that of the Reptiles or Birds. In addition to these, however, there are also sweat glands, which select from the blood certain materials which have to be excreted from it, and so the skin of the Mammal comes to be an im- portant excretory organ. Aquatic Mammals alone are desti- tute of these glands. Of the two kinds of glands referred to, it is the sebaceous kind which the milk-glands resemble most as to structure. 146 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 5. In all Mammals (with the exception of some aquatic forms) it is possible to distinguish all the five regions of the vertebral column — cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, caudal. In some aquatic forms (Fig. 101) the hinder extremities have so nearly Fig. 101. Skeleton of Porpoise. (Phoccena). vc, cervical vertebrae anchylosed ; vth, dorsal ; vl, lumbar ; vx, caudal regions; pd, dorsai , pc, caudal fins ; pi, pelvic rudi- ments; c' false, c true ribs ; st, sternum ; sc, scapula ; h, humerus ; r, radius ; ca, car- pus ; po, pollex ; mc, metacarpus ; ph, phalanges. disappeared that it becomes impossible to distinguish a sacral region, but the ribs are always present and connected to the sternum in such a way as to mark off the cervical, dorsal and lumbar regions. As we advance through the Vertebrate series we see a tendency towards the reduction in number, and towards a constancy in the reduced number of certain parts. The teeth, for example, will furnish us with a good illustration of this rule, but it is also well exemplified in the cervical region of the vertebral column, for not only is it much shorter than usual in the Reptiles, but (with the exception of a few genera which also in other respects present primitive characteristics) it always contains seven vertebrae, and that in spite of the ex- tremely long and short necks which we meet with in different members of the class. The other regions vary in different orders as to the contained number of vertebrae, within narrower or wider limits, the caudal most of all ; the Cat, e.g., has thir- teen dorsal, seven lumbar, three sacral, and twenty caudal verte- brae. (Fig. 102). Instead of the sternal ends of the ribs being ossified as they are in birds, they are always cartilaginous, and HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 147 Fig. 102.— Skeleton of Cat. (After Strauss-Durkheim.) oc, occipital ridge ; sc, scapula ; il, ilium ; is, ischium ; f, femur ; pa, patella; t, tibia; fi, fibula ; c, calcaneum ; mt, metatarsus ; me, metacarpus ; a, pisiform ; r, radius ; n, ulna ; h, humerus ; x, xiphoid cartilage ; m, manubrium sterni ; cl. clavicle ; cr, cricoid ; th, thyroid. the sternum presents more traces of its original mode of formation than it does even in Reptiles. Thus, in the Cat, it is composed of eight pieces, the first of which, the manubrium, carries the clavicles in the mammals in which these bones are complete, while the last, the xiphoid cartilage, does not become ossified like the other pieces. 6. The skull of the cat is, of course, modified in connection with the strong teeth and muscular development of the jaws, but apart from such superficial characters, a knowledge of its structure will enable the student to understand that of the other mammals, and to compare it with that of the lower forms. It is first to be observed that the bones of the cranium and face, with the exception of the mandible, are immovably united to- gether, as in the turtle or bird, but the sutures remain quite distinct, and the bones can be readily separated from each other in a macerated skull. The first thing that strikes one in comparing 148 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. the skull of a cat with that of a lower Vertebrate is the relative proportion of the cranium to the face. Here it is obvious that the facial bones form only a small portion of the skull, the in- creased size of which, on the other hand, is chiefly due to the large surface of the frontal, parietal and squamosal bones which form the greater part of the brain case. A second feature is the widely-arched form of that bar (zygomatic or jugal), which ex- tends from the articulation of the lower jaw to the superior max- illa, and is, therefore, comparable to the quadrato-jugal bar of the reptiles. It is widely arched, partly to accommodate under- neath it the great temporal muscle, which arises in the temporal fossa bounded behind by the strong lambdoid crest, and partly to give a wider origin to another muscle of mastication which arises from its convex outer surface, the masseter. A third feature is the tendency to union of certain groups of bones sepa- rated by sutures in the reptiles ; thus the mammalian occipital bone is formed of the four occipital elements and rests on the atlas vertebra by two condyles which are borne on the exoc- cipitals; it likewise absorbs in older animals an unpaired interparietal^ which is wedged between the supraoccipital and the parietals. The mammalian temporal bone is similarly com- plex, because it embraces not only the three periotic bones with the tympanic and squamosal, but probably also the quad- rate and quadrato-jugal. Within the bullate tympanic is to be found the chain of small bones answering to the columella auris of the reptiles. A third complex bone is the sphenoid, the elements of which, however, are more easily separated from each other. They are the basi-, pre-, ali- and orbito-sphenoids with the pterygoids. Finally the ethmoid, which looks into the skull with its perforated plates, into the nasal cavity with the septum and the labyrinthine turbinate, and into the orbits with its orbital plates, is formed of mesethmoid and parethmoids. Attention should also be directed to the following points : — HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 149 the union of the frontal and jugals, the strength of the jugal processes of the maxillaries, and of the alveolar parts of these bones, the hard palate with the incisive foramina between the nasal and mouth cavities, and the concealment of the vomers by the palatines, the foramina for the escape of the various cranial nerves, that in the lachrymal bone for the passage into the nasal cavity of the tear-duct, and, finally, the intracranial aspect of the various bones, with the ossified partition (tentorium cerebelli) which separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum, and the hollow on the upper surface of the basisphenoid (sella turcica) for the accomodation of the hypophysis. Certain muscular processes on the lower jaw, especially the coronoid process to which the temporal muscle is attached, in- dicate the powerful character of the parts concerned. The articular surface of the mandible is convex, and elongated trans- versely; it fits into a corresponding concavity (glenoid) bounded behind by a ridge (postglenoidal) on the root of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. It is a question whether this part of the temporal bone is comparable to the quadrate of the lower forms or not. The fact that the Meckelian cartilage is con- tinuous in development with one of the chain of bones within the drum of the ear (the malleus) caused anatomists to believe that, in comparison with the Sauropsida, the Mammalian man- dible has shifted its articulation to the squamosal, but this con- tinuity is not irreconcilable with the interpretation of the glenoid region of the temporal as the quadrate. The complex visceral skeleton of the fish is only represented in the Mammal by the hyoid bone and its two pairs of cornua. Both of these a re attached to the extremities of a curved basal piece, the anterior representing the hyoid, the posterior the first branchial arch of the lower forms. The former is attached to the temporal region of the skull, and often unites with it form- ing a bony process (stylo-hyoid) of the temporal bone. In the 150 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. rest of its course it may be ligamentous, or formed into cerato- and epi-hyal bony pieces. The posterior cornua are formed by one bony piece on each side, which on account of their support- ing the larynx receive the name of thyro-hyal. 7. Considerable difference will be observed in the structure of the shoulder-girdle, and the mode of its attachment to the trunk. In the Sauropsida we saw that an intimate connection of the skeleton of the anterior limb to the trunk was secured by the union of the clavicles and coracoids to the sternum. But in the Mammals both these bones may be absent or very much reduced in size, the shoulder-girdle being represented only by the scapula, which is then connected to the trunk by muscles alone. In the cat e.g., the coracoid is in the form of a mere process projecting from the scapula in the neighborhood of the glenoid cavity, and the clavicle, which in man is connected to the spine of the scapula and the manubrium of the sternum, is rudimentary. As regards the rest of the appendicular skeleton little need be said, except to call attention to the comparatively primitive arrangement of the parts (with the exception of the position of the radius), to the incipient or complete absence of the first toe, the greater development of one element in the carpus and tar- sus for the attachment of muscles, and the fact that the meta- carpals and metatarsals (metapodials) are not in contact with the ground in locomotion. In regard to the first point it will be observed that the radius, although related to the inner border of the carpus and hand, is connected with the outer border of the humerus ; this is attribut- able to a twist in the lower end of that bone, which changes the position of the radius at the elbow joint, and renders it necessary that it should cross the ulna so as to reach the inner border of the hand. In many members of the cat's own order, so-called plantigrade Carnivores, the feet have a larger surface of contact with the HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 151 ground than in the cats, which are on this account called digitigrade. The terminal joints of the toes in the cat-tribe are attached in such a way, that, when not in use, the claws which they bear do not touch the ground ; they are retracted into a sheath and are thus always kept sharp. In all the forms, the skin underlying the portions of the feet which touch the ground is converted into pads or balls, the thickened epidermis of which affords protection to the underlying cutis. 8. A comparsion of the relative weight of the brain and body in the cat with that in any of the lower classes of Vertebrates will convince us that a great advance in intelligence is to be expected, and, indeed, the relative size of the brain-case and facial region in the skull already discloses its superiority in this respect. At first sight it may he difficult to compare the cat's brain with that of any of the lower forms studied, for cer- tain of the regions which are visible in the reptile or bird are here concealed by the overgrowth of other regions. This is especially true of the thalamencephalon and the optic lobes, which are entirely hidden by the backward extension of the cerebral hemispheres. The cerebellum also has gained in size, especially its lateral lobes, which are joined by a series of fibres crossing transversely under the fore part of the hind brain, and consti- tuting the pons Varolii. In front of the pons, the fibres which ascend through the medulla oblongata towards the cerebrum diverge in two masses, the crura, to the hemispheres, and in front of the crura is the only part of the thalamic region which reaches the surface of the brain, viz. the hypophysis and in- fundibulum. On the whole, the most important changes are those which have taken place in the cerebrum, for not only has it increased in size by growing forward, backward and towards the sides, but the grey matter of its surface, instead of being smooth, is folded inwards in such a way as to leave a series of fissures on the surface of the cerebrum with intervening convolutions. We 152 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. have already seen in the cerebellum of the bird a similar plan for accommodating a large s lrface of grey matter in a compara- tively small space, and the cat's cerebellum also exhibits the characteristic " arbor vitae " arrangement. The cerebral hemi- spheres are not inde- pendent of each other, for, apart from certain -ctr transverse bundles of fibres present in the lower classes, there is also formed between K p Fig. 103. -Median longitudinal section of brain of cat tll0Se Parts °f tne hemi" (Modified after wilder. j spheres which project s. Spinal cord with contained central canal, mo, me- UqpIt nwr- ihn +vno ™r»f dulla oblongata ; p, pons Varolii ; cb, cerebellum, form- DaCK OVer T"e Tlue rooT insj the floor and roof of the 4th ventricle, mes, optic nf +V»p TirniTi /W\cr 1 (V-U lobes or corpora quadrigemina, the roof of the mesocoele Ul cuc uuuu \x &* 1U'J/ or" iter," the floor is formed by the crura in front of the nrn'mnnrtmit- trnn«vpr«mpamc cavity; ot, Eustachian tube; h, malleus; a, incus; s, stapes; vh, vestibule of labyrinth ; bg, semicircular canals ; vht, scala vestibuli of cochlea ; tht, scala tympani, leading to fenestra rotunda, rf ; sb, temporal bone '3 osd, parotid gland. 11. The mammals present just as great diversity in the nature of their food and in their method of securing it as do any of the lower classes. Important reactions on the structure of the creature, especially on its intestinal system, are to be ex- pected, and the teeth as well as other parts are thereby affected) Much importance is attributed by systematists to these organs, because they are readily accessible to inspection, are the only parts of the intestinal system preserved with the skeleton in fossils, and are extremely constant, not only in number but also in form, for any particular species. Like most mammals, the cat SIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 155 has two sets of teeth, the milk set and the permanent set : it is diphyodont. Some mammals are monophyodont, they have only one set of teeth, which are destitute of the fangs or roots of ordinary teeth, and are simply added to in length by the pulp, as their free surface becomes worn down. Other forms, which are diphyodont with regard to the greater number of their teeth, still retain some with this unlimited power of growth. Although in some reptiles certain teeth are dis- tinguished from their neighbours either by their form or by standing isolated in the series, yet no such specialisation of the teeth in the different parts of the gape occurs, such as we find in the mammals. Here the premaxillary bones lodge teeth of a distinct form, the incisors, which in the cat are six in number, and are separated by a gap or diastema from the large and sharp canines, the foremost teeth of the maxillaries. Corresponding but alternating with these are similar teeth in the lower jaw, but the gaps are in this case behind not in front of the canines. Behind the canines are the premolars, i.e. the teeth which re- place the back teeth of the milk dentition, and behind these the true molars, which only appear in the permanent set. Both kinds of grinders are reduced in number in the cat in accord- ance with the principle of specialisation referred to in § 5. There are three premolars and one molar in the upper jaw but only two of these are functional, the first premolar and the molar being evidently rudimentary. On the other hand, there are two premolars and one molar in the lower, all three of which are functional teeth. The same alternation which is to be seen further forward in the gape is also to be seen here, so that the cat's dental formula of one side might be expressed thus : — i i i C pm pm PM m i i i C * pm pm M The teeth marked in full-faced type are the characteristic 156 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. teeth of the carnivorous dentition, the canines and sectorials, specially developed in accordance with the carnivorous habits, while the asterisk indicates the gap caused by the absence of the first premolar. It is interesting to compare this formula with the less specialised dentition of a dog: — i i i C pm pm pm PM m m i i i C pm pm pm pm M m m Here it is obvious that the last premolar above, and the first molar below are, as in the cat, the sectorial teeth, and although the molars proper are more numerous, they show the same tendency to a rudimentary character at either end of the series. As far as numbers go, the bear's formula is the same as the above, but there is no specialisation of the sectorial teeth, and both the bear and the clog present a formula, which is very near to what is generally considered the typical formula of the Mammalia, only differing therefrom in the absence of a third upper molar. Rewriting, then, the cat's dental formula after comparing it with that of the dog, we should have the follow- ing better expression of its dentition. i1 i2 i3 c * pm2 pm3 PM4 m1 * * ji ^ ^3 c * * pm3 pm4 Mi * * When it is not considered necessary to indicate the relative position and character of the teeth, the dental formula is gen- erally simplified ; thus, (for the cat) : — if c£ pmf m^. In respect to their form, the molars in the Carnivores hardly deserve the name of grinders, for the functional molars have sharp cutting edges not adapted for grinding. The bears and their allies, however, which are more omnivorous in their habits, show how a cuspidate molar may be worn down to a grinding surface. 12. Inmost mammals the lips and tongue attain consider- able independence of movement ; this is associated with the development of a complicated musculature which is hardly HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 157 represented in the lower forms. The hinder part of the roof of the mouth likewise is contractile, and becomes the soft palate, a flap of which, known as the uvula, hangs down in the middle line, so as to cut off a posterior chamber or pharynx from the true mouth-cavity. The aperture between the two is further narrowed by folds at either side, the pillars of the fauces, between which are the tonsils belonging to the lymphatic system. (I, 63). The pharynx communicates above with the na^al cavities, below with the larynx and oesophagus, the aperture into the former tube being always protected by the epiglottis, a movable fold behind the base of the tongue. The primitive mouth-cavity which we studied in the lower forms is thus not only separated into a respiratory chamber above (the nasal cavities), but into an alimentary chamber below, which further presents from before backwards, a buccal cavity between the lips and the gums, the mouth-cavity proper and the pharynx. The structural advance which we thus see in the mammals is partly determined by the use of the lips for prehension, partly by the longer retention of the food in the mouth, for admixture with the secretion of the salivary glands, for mastication and for sub- mission to the organ of taste. 13. In all mammals the salivary glands are arranged in three masses, parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual, and their secretion partly serves to facilitate the swallowing of the food, and partly to aid in the digestion of the starchy constituents thereof. The organ of taste is composed of certain bud-like structures which recall the sense-organs of fishes (I, 9), and which are chiefly situated in the walls of trenches surrounding the large circum- vallate papillae at the back of the tongue. Fungiform and filiform papillae are also present in the tongue of all mammals, the latter clothed with horny epidermic sheaths in the carni- vores, and giving the front of the tongue its rasp-like surface. 14. In the lower forms studied, the ccelom is an undivided 158 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. cavity, in front of which is the heart with its separate serous sac, the pericardium ; the lungs, when present, project into the ccelom, and are covered with the same serous coat as the in- testines, but, in the mammals, the coelom is sub-divided by a muscular partition (the diaphragm), into a thoracic cavity con- taining the lungs and the heart, and an abdominal cavity con- taining the other viscera. That part of the cavity which belongs to the lungs is now called the pleural cavity, the heart with its pericardium remaining independent between the two pleuraa. The diaphragm acts chiefly as a muscle of respiration, serving by its construction to enlarge the thoracic cavity, and thus to facilitate the changes of the air in the lungs. Certain structures like the oesophagus, the aorta, and various nerves, must pierce the diaphragm so as to reach the abdominal cavity ; they do so after traversing the mediastinum, or space between the pericardium, the pleurae and the vertebral column. The intervention of the diaphragm thus forms a sharper boundary between the oesophagus and stomach than we have met with in the lower forms. In no mammal has the stomach the simplicity met with in the Ichthyopsida or Reptiles. If it be considered as a dilatation of the intestinal tube, it is always a one-sided dilatation, so that there is a short curvature (the un- dilated side of the tube), and a greater curvature (the dilated side). Its form in the Cat is quite simple, but in herbivorous animals there is generally a much more complex stomach, and in these also the intestine is relatively much longer. The chief difference in the mammal's intestine as compared with lower forms, is the proportionately much greater length of the large intestine. 15. As regards the respiratory system, apart from the differ- ences referred to above, the most important is the more min- utely " cellular " character of the lungs, the bronchi dividing up dichotomously into smaller tubes which eventually end in the alveoli or air-cells. There are thus no membranous ppr- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 159 tions of the lung- walls or sac-like projections thereof, such as occur in the Sauropsida. The upper part of the windpipe is of great interest, however, because it is first in the Mammalia, in which we meet with the characteristic arrangement of the hard parts of the larynx, which attain their perfection in the vocal organ of man. In addition to the cricoid and arytenoid car- tilages, such as are met with in the lower forms, a third, the thyroid, is developed which forms the " Adam's apple " of the human larynx and serves with the arytenoids for the attach- ment of the vocal cords. A membrane stretches from the outer edge of the thyroid cartilage to the tbyrohyals (§ 6), and the larynx is thus brought into connection with thehyoid bone. 16. We saw that the great respiratory activity of the birds requires a complete separation of the arterial and venous blood in the heart : this is effected in the same way in the mam- mals, the right auricle and ventricle, respectively, receiv- ing the venous blood from the body and pumping it through the lungs, while the left auricle and ventricle, res- pectively, receive the aerated blood from the lungs and pump it through the system (Fig. 105). Some difference is to be observed in the great vessels which come off from the heart, notably as to the Fig. 105^-Heart and Lungs of Man t ^ ^ which ^ a, descending aorta ; Ik, -left, Tk, right » » ventricle; rvk, right auricle; ha, inferior £he fourth arterial arch of vena cava ; 1, trachea ; e and f, the two caro- tids ; beside these, dand g the two internal t]ie left not Qf the right side, jugular veins ; c and l, subclavian arteries; ° b and m, subclavian veins. as fn birds. The blood, which 160 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. returns from the intestines is subjected to the action of the hepatic cells while passing through the portal circulation, but the venous blood from the posterior extremities is returned directly to the heart through the posterior vena cava, the kidney (which first attains in the mammals its reniform shape) receiv- ing its blood supply entirely through the renal arteries. 17. Having now examined into the structure of one of the typical mammals, or Eutheria, let us see in what respects the Prototheria and Metatlieria differ therefrom. The Prototheria embrace only a single order — Monotremata — represented by two well-known forms, the Duck-mole (Orni- thorhynchus 2)aradoxus), and the Porcupine Ant-eater (Echidna hystrix) of the Australian region (Figs. 106 and 107). Out- wardly, and in their habits, these creatures differ very much from each other, the Duck- mole being an aquatic animal, with soft un- der - fur covered by stiff over-lying bristly hairs, which prevent the wetting of the fur, with webbed feet which adapt it for swimming, and with a horny, toothless bill like a duck's, evidently adapted to secure food in the same way ; while, on the Other hand, the Porcu- pine Ant-eater is pro- vided with stout bur- rowing feet, by the aid of which it opens the Fig. 107.— Porcupine Ant-eater. (Echidna hystrix). A ants' nests, on the Con- tents of which it feeds, is protected by stout spkies instead of the bristly coat of the Duck-moles, has a sharp snout Fig. 106.— The Duck-billed Platypus. $ (Ornithorhynchus paradoxus). HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 161 like most of tlie ant-eaters, and secures its food with its tongue. There are no teeth, at least rudimentary teeth which are present in the embryo never break through the jaw, so we are obliged to consider the absence of teeth not as a primitive character, but as an adaptation to habits of life. Inwardly, however, the Monotremes agree with each other, and differ from the other mammals in many important respects, such as the presence of an episternum (III. 18), with which the clavicles articulate, and of complete coracoids, which unite the scapula and sternum. There are also other features which, like their oviparous habits and the structural characters associ- ated therewith, remind us more of the Sauropsida than the Mammalia ; such are the simplicity of the brain and of the ear, and the temperature of the blood, which is much more like that of the surrounding medium than in the ordinary mammals. 18. The Metatheria similarly correspond to a single order, the Marsupialia. This order receives its name from the pouch referred to above (§ 2), which is supported by two epipubic bones, present in all members of the order, whether the pouch is well-developed or not. The Monotremes also have these epipubic bones, so it is probable that they are not formed in connection with the pouch, but rather represent such structures as the fore part of the pelvis in the Menobranch. Although the Marsupials are specially developed in the Australian region, they are not exclusively confined to it, for in America there are several species of opossum (Didelphys), and in the Oriental region also, there are a few representatives of the group. Australia is, nevertheless, the home of the Marsupials of the present day, although it is of interest to note, that the earliest fossil remains of mammals, obtained in Europe and other parts of the world, indicate that they ought to be associated with the* Metatheria instead of the Eutheria, and, therefore, that this sub-class was at one time much more widely distributed than it now is. 162 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. A great variety of forms occurs among the Australian Marsupials. There are some like the Tasmanian devil (Dasyurus), or like the native dog, {Thylacinus) which are distinctly carnivorous in their habits ; other fruit-eating forms which are arboreal, and are adapted for their mode of life by the possession of a long prehensile tail, or even, as in the case of the flying phalangers (Phalancjista), of a patagium like our flying squirrels ; again, there are herbivorous forms like the kangaroos (Fig. 108), in which the fore legs are extremely short, the hind limbs chiefly used in locomotion and the toes reduced in number, and, finally, there are forms (Phascolomys) with gnawing teeth like the beaver's, which are associated with similar methods of securing food. Such features as the above are evidently adapted to the habits of the creatures, but there are Fig. 108. Giant Kangaroo. (Halmaturvx giganteus). fs certain underlying structural peculiarities common to the whole group apart from those refered to in § 2. The dentition e. g., is not refer- able to the same type as that of the higher Mammalia, the teeth being much more numerous ; the tendency to union of different tracts of skull- bones (§6), is not so well-marked, and the angle of the lower jaw bone is turned in, in a characteristic way, which has assisted in the identi« fication of the fossil remains of this nature. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 163 19. When we finally study the group of the higher mammals or Eutheria, we find a wonderful diversity of form in the differ- ent orders, depending on their habits and methods of locomotion. Certain aberrant orders may first be referred to, which occupy a somewhat isolated position in the sub-class. Of these the Bruta or Edentata is a very heterogeneous order, embracing the ant-eaters of the Old and New Worlds, and the sloths of South America. The former differ very much in the clothing of the skin, for in the Indian genus Manis (Fig. 109), it is formed of large overlapping horny scales, while in the South American Myrmecophaga, coarse hair replaces these. Both genera have a long snout and a long protrusible tongue by means of which (and the secretion of tne large salivarv glands) they secure their Fig. 10J. Scaly Ant-Eater or Pangolin. (Manis longicaudata). ^ food. The Brazilian armadillos (Dasypus) and some other South American allied forms have the skin of the back and sides converted into a more or less complete shield of bony plates, while the African Orycteropus is clothed with coarse hair. Unlike the Carnivores, the teeth, if they are present at all, are all alike, often very numerous, and there is only one set. 20. Contrasting with these forms which have all strong burrowing feet are the sloths, in which the claws are curved in such a way as to be only useful for an arboreal life. The teeth are less numerous than in the insect-eating armadillos, and their surfaces are flat and not tuberculate ; the toes in accordance 164 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. with their different function are reduced to three (Brady- pus) (Fig. 110, F) or two (Cholcepus). Very complete remains of extinct forms intermediate between these two subdivisions of the order have been found in South America ; these include gigantic forms like Megatherium, almost as large as an elephant, which probably fed on the foliage of trees, uprooted by their powerful limbs. ■ * Fig. 110. Manus of various Mammalia. P, Horse. D, Dolphin. E, Elephant.. A, Orang. T, Tiger. 0, Ox. F, Sloth. M, Mole, r, radius, c, carpus, m, metacarpus, s, sesamoid bone. ph, phalanges, ds, dew-claws. 21. A second aberrant order is that of the Cetacea, which owe their peculiarities to their aquatic life. This is not the only order of Mammalia in which aquatic habits are present, for certain carnivorous animals like the seals, sea-lions and walruses, are exclusively or almost exclusively confined to water, yet in the Cetacea, this adaptation is carried so far as to isolate them from the other orders of the sub-class to which they belong. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 165 The general spindle-shape of the body (Fig. Ill), the hairless skin, the thick layer of blubber, the rudimentary character of the olfactory organ, and the consequent restriction of the nostrils to the respiratory function, the situation of the nostrils on the top of the head, the conversion of the anterior extremities into flippers (Fig. 1 10,D), the almost complete absence of the skeleton of the posterior extremities, the peculiar horizontal caudal fin, and the dorsal fin occasionally present, are all features which are asso- Fig. 111. Outline of White Whale of St. Lawrence. (Beluga.) fa ciated with the conditions of their existence. The whales have only one set of teeth, but these disappear in some of the mem- bers of the order, being replaced on the upper jaw by the horny strainers (whalebone), which prevent the escape of the minute creatures on which the whalebone-whales live. Two groups of Cetacea are therefore distinguished — the toothed whales and the whalebone-whales. To the former belong the porpoises, (Pho- coena); dolphins, (Delphinus); white whales, (Beluga, Fig. Ill); as well as the grampus (On a) and the singular Narwhal (Mono- don) ; they chiefly live on fish and cuttle-fish, for seizing which they are provided with numerous sharp conical teeth, but the Grampus has only a few very powerful and sharp teeth, in ac- cordance with its habit of attacking the larger forms of its own order, and the adult Narwhal is quite toothless, except for- the single long spiral tusk of the male. Only the lower jaw is provided with teeth in the Spermaceti whales (Catodon), which are chiefly remarkable for the enormous head swollen up by the accumulation of spermaceti between the skull and the skin. 166 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. A considerable proportion of the length of the body in the whalebone-whales likewise belongs to the head. The members of this group attain the largest size of any whales, some of those with a dorsal fin (Physalus) measuring as much as one hundred feet in length, while the right whales^ which are the chief objects of the whale fisheries, never measure more than sixty feet. (Fig. 112.) Fig. 112.— Outline of Greenland Whale. (Balcena mysticetits.) ^ 22. A third aberrant order, that of the Sirenia, have a certain superficial resemblance to the Cetacea, which is associ- ated with their aquatic mode of life, but they are not so com- pletely adapted thereto, being herbivorous forms, and thus necessarily frequenting the shallow waters of the shore-zone for sea-weeds, or ascending the estuaries of the great tropical rivers and browsing upon the vegetation which fringes their banks. The manatees (Manatus) of Western Tropical Africa, and of Eastern South America, are, indeed, not completely helpless on land, the fingers in the flippers are marked by short nails, and in all the forms, the presence of a neck, the position of the nostrils at the end of the muzzle, and the less rudimentary character of the pelvis indicate less departure from the typical mammalian form than is to be seen in the Cetacea. One of the forms, the northern sea-cow, (Rhytina), exterminated little more than a century ago, was previously abundant on the shores of Siberia and Kamschatka. It was toothless, the mouth being provided with four horny -toothed pads, which served in place of the grinders of the living forms. These are more numerous in the manatee, than in the dugong of the Indian HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 167 Ocean {Halicore, Fig. 113), but the latter has tusk-like incisors in the upper jaw, which are only transitorily present in the manatee. The caudal fin of the latter is by no means so effective a propelling organ as is that of the dugong, which creature is, on the other hand, quite helpless on land. While the skin in the sea-cow was extremely thick and hairless, that of the manatee is covered with stiff bristles, which are both fewer in number and shorter in the dugong. Some fossil Fig. 113.— Dugong (Halicore.) ^ members of the order are known, in which both the teeth and the skeleton of the hind limbs are more completely represented than in the living Sirenia, but these, instead of uniting the group to the Cetacea, rather prove an alliance with the hoofed animals, to the study of which we now proceed. 23. The remaining orders of Mammalia arrange -themselves naturally in two series, the Hoofed Animals ^Ungulata) on the one hand, those provided with claws and nails on the other (Unguiculata). Although, at first sight, this distinction appears to be of little importance, the hoof being a horny covering for the whole of the distal joint of a toe, while the claw or nail is merely developed on one surface (the anterior), yet it is the mark of a difference of function which is associated with some of the most characteristic peculiarities of the Ungulata. In by far the greater number of the living hoofed animals the extrem- ities are devoted entirely to the function of locomotion, and in most cases the number of toes is reduced in accordance with a 168 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. principle referred to above. They thus contrast with the Unguiculata, which retain for the most part the typical number of toes. If we, however, extend our survey from the living to the fossil Ungulates, we shall find that the reduction of the number of toes is comparatively recent in the history of their series, the oldest forms being five- toed like most Unguiculata. 24. The most primitive order of the hoofed animals in this res- pect (Fig. 110 E) is that of the Proboscidea or Elephants, al- though in other respects it is one of the most specialised and high- ly organised of the series. The only living genus is Elephas, represented by two species JE. indicus and africanus, the latter distinguished from the former by its enormous ears, and by the lozenge-shaped ridges on the molar teeth. In both the living forms, the thick skin has only a few isolated bristles, but the fossil mammoth {E. primigenius), which was abundant in Fig. 114— Skeleton of Mastodon. Siberia and Alaska, and of which frozen carcases have been found, was covered with wool intermingled with coarse hair. Most of the peculiarities of the skull are attributable to the singular dentition of the Elephant, which consists of two huge incisor tusks in the premaxillaries and, in addition, six grinders HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 169 on each side in each jaw, which, however, instead of being pre- sent simultaneously, succeed each other, so that only one, or at most two of the six are in function at the same time. The length of the tusk-sockets causes the great height of the skull, which is especially large in the Indian elephant, not so much from the size of the brain, as from the great thickness of the middle or spongy layer of the cranial bones. In the fossil genius Mastodon, (Fig. 1 14) of which many remains are found throughout Ontario, there were tusks in the lower jaw as well ; the grinders suc- ceeded each other as in the elephant, but they had from three to six transverse rows of tubercles, from which the genus derives its name. One can arrive at the structure of the elephant's tooth from that of the mastodon, by imagining the transverse rows added to in number, their surfaces worn down and the intervals between them filled up with cement. The neck is so short that the proboscis or trunk, an elongated external nose with a finger-like process at its tip over the nostrils* becomes necessary for securing food ; it requires, therefore, to be very muscular and sensitive. The apparent disproportion between the length of the fore and hind limbs is due to the fact that the latter are inclosed within the skin of the loins nearly to the knee-joint, but the bones of the fore and hind legs are ap- proximately of the same length. A curious difference of gait is observable between the elephant and higher Ungulates on account of the position of the elbow and knee joints in the former; they occupy the middle of the limbs, the metapodials being quite short and contributing to the formation of the soles of the feet, whereas in the latter, the metapodials become the long cannon bones, the wrist and ankle joints are raised to the middle of the limbs, being known as the "knee" and " hock " respectively, and the true elbow and knee joints are close tip to the trunk. The higher Ungulates therefore are not plantigrade like the elephants, "but walk on the tips of the distal joints of the digits. (Fig. 1 10, P and 0). 12 170 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. From what has been said above, it will be understood that the geographical distribution of the elephants was formerly by no means so limited as it is at the present day; for, in addition to the mastodons already referred to, true elephants were abund- ant in Ontario during the pleistocene period, and ranged southwards through the States to Mexico. 25. Associated with the earliest fossil elephants, there have been found in Miocene strata in Europe remains of a proboscidean of gigantic size (Dinotlierium), the skull of which measures some five feet in length, and differs from the elephant's, in that some five molars replace the single grinder, and that the lower jaws contain the tusks. The conformation of the skull suggests a trunk like the elephant's, and the bones of the feet, which have also been found, prove it to be referable to this order. 2so examples of it have been found in America, but in the earlier Eocene strata are found remains of mammals of the size of elephants, and with bones so similar, that some nearer alliance is suggested than that they are mere predecessors in time. Their skull and teeth, however, were specialised in a very different direction from that of the Dinotherium, for the former was provided with three pairs of bony cores for the at- tachment of horns (whence the name of the principle genus and the order Dinocerata), and the latter were arranged in the following pecu- liar way : — isclpm^ml there being no upper and very small lower incisors, while the upper canines were tusk-like, the lower ones small, and the small molars with two transverse ridges. Casts of the cranial cavity of these early Mam- malia show that the brain was very small in size, and low in its type of structure. More primitive than Dinoceras and its allies with regard to the teeth are Phenacodus and Coryphodon from the lower Eocene, which have the typical formula §11, and, in the former case, truly tuberculate teeth. All the toes are present, the middle one in Coryphodon, however, being distinctly the longer, as in the tapirs. No such primitive hoofed ani- mals persist till the present day, all of them (with the exception of the elephants) having undergone a reduction of the number of toes. 26. Before we proceed to the typical hoofed animals there is one aber- rant genus (Hyrax) to be mentioned, which is placed in an order by itself (Hyracoidea). This order includes several species of timid little crea- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 1?1 tures of the size of rabbits, which extend from, the Cape of Good Hope to Syria (the coneys of Scripture), living in crevices in rocky and moun- tainous districts. The toes are four on the fore, and three on the hind limbs, being all provided with fiat hoofs, except the inner hind toe, which is clawed. Unlike those of the higher Ungulates, the hoofs do not support the weight of the body, which rests on the soft soles attached to the under surface of the other joints of the toes, and which, applied sucker-like to the rocks, enable them to perform marvels of climbing. Like the rabbits they have a rodent dentition, i.e., the incisors — 1\ — wear down to a chisel-shaped edge and have growing roots, the upper are curved, the lower horizontal, there are no canines and the molars (pm% 77i%) are provided with transverse ridges. In other respects the Hyrax is more nearly related to the true Ungulata, and especially to the order of the odd-toed Ungulates, which we now proceed to study. 27. Reference was made to the fact that in one of the earliest fossil Ungulates the middle (third) toe is longer than the others, and therefore contributes more to the support of the body. A similar preponderance of this toe is to be observed in all odd- toed( imparidigitate) Ungulates, which constitute the order called on this account Perissodactyla. The first and most primitive family of these is the Tapiridce, represented by one Indian and two South American species of Tapir (Tapirus). These are swamp- loving creatures with short smooth hair, a short tail, an almost trunk-like proboscis, feet four-toed in front and three behind like the Hyrax, but with a more primitive dentition, i § c ]■ m £. Although so limited in number at the present day, numerous fossil tapirs are known, as well as forms (Palceotherium, &c), connecting them with the Coryphodons, and with the Rhino- ceroses which constitute the second family of the order. This family (Rhinocerotidoe) contains only a single genus with four species living in India, Java, Sumatra and Africa respect- ively, the two former being one-horned, the two latter two- horned species. In all, the skin is provided very sparingly with hair, is very thick and often divided off into shields ; the horns are not supported by a bony core. In the living forms there are only three toes (viz. nos. 2, 3, 4) present, but in certain 172 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. fossil forms the fifth toe was also present in the fore foot, as in the Tapir. The earlier fossil Rhinoceroses had a more complete set of teeth than the living species, which have no canines, and have a tendency to lose the incisors, while the molars are present to the full number \. Like the Elephants, the Rhinoceroses had once a much wider geographical distribution, for remains of the woolly rhinoceros are found with those of the mammoth in Siberia, and numerous American representatives of the family have also been found. Among these are Miocene forms which had two horns side by side, and attained elephantine dimensions ( Brontotherium). 28. The third family of Perissodactyla is represented at the present day by the single genus Equus, to which the horse and various species of asses and zebras belong. It diners from the foregoing, in that the body is supported entirely on the third toe, the distal joint of which (coffin-bone) is covered with the hoof, while the second joint (coronary) and proximal joint (fetter-bone), but especially the metapodials (cannon-bones) are much elongated, bringing the wrist and ankle-joint up to the middle of the leg (Fig. HOP). The second and fourth toes have disappeared almost entirely, but they are represented by the rudimentary metapodials (splint-bones), the proximal ends of which, only are complete. Occasionally it occurs that a horse is born with these rudimentary digits in a more perfect con- dition, the splint-bones not only being complete, but carrying short digits, the ends of which may be clad with miniature hoofs. Such a three-toed horse is evidently a reversion to a more primitive Perissodactyle type, and such reversions are known as instances of " atavism." This family presents a more typical dentition than does the foregoing. The incisors are j, the canines small, especially in the mare, and there is a long diastema between the front teeth and the grinders which number g, the first milk molar not HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 173 reappearing in the permanent dentition. A peculiarity of the incisors is that the surface enamel is folded in like the in- verted finger of a glove, the result being a ring of enamel which constitutes the mark of the incisors, until, in the aged horse, the tooth has been worn down below the fold. In all the members of the family, the hair of the mane and tail is long, and there are present callosities in the skin near the knees and hocks, but in the asses and zebras, the hair is only long at the tip of the tail, and the callosities are only present on the fore-legs- The zebras are South African forms distinguished by black stripes on a cream-coloured ground ; the asses occur in North Africa, "Western and Central Asia, the North African species being probably the source of the domestic ass. Although horses are found in a feral condition (i.e., apparently wild, but really only secondarily so) in Asia and South America, it is un- certain whether the original stock still exists in a wild condi- tion ; some recent investigations, however, in the high table-lands of Thibet point to the conclusion that such is the case. The South American horses were imported by Europeans, but it is not to be supposed that the New World was until the time of its discovery uninhabited by horses. Fossil remains of true horses show that they were abundant in America long before their importation from Europe, and from the various Tertiary strata numerous representatives of the family have been dis- covered, so that the American fossil Equidss are much more numerous than the European forms. Those from the lower Tertiaries had both a more complete dentition and also a greater number of toes, recalling in this respect the genus Coryphodon (§ 25) ; but as we study the forms which occur in the higher Tertiary strata we find a gradual loss first of the fifth, then of the second and fourth toes until the third alone is left with the rudiments referred to above. The earlier Equida3 were small, about the size of a fox, but they gained in size 174 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. during the Tertiary period until they attained the stature of the horses of the present day. 29. The great bulk of the Ungulates belong to the order Artiodactyla, in which the third and fourth toes equally support the weight of the body. Here we have also primitive forms, and specialised foiins adapted for rapid locomotion ; the primitive forms being, as in the last group, swamp-loving or aquatic creatures, with comparatively hairless skin, and with teeth much more nearly approaching the tuberculate type than do those of the more specialised forms. As far as the dentition is concerned, the swine are the most primitive of the living species, but the Hippopotamus is supported by all four toes, and therefore, in this respect, it is the more primitive form. Fi.?. 115.— Reduction of the lateral toes, and coalescence of metapodials into a can- non-bone in Artiodactyla. (After Gaudry.) A, pig; B, Hycemoschus ; C, roe; D, antelope (Calotragus); E, sheep; P, embryo calf. These constitute two families, the Hippopotamidce and the Suidce, which differ from the remaining Artiodactyla in not chewing the cud. The first family has only a single genus, which, at the present day, is HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 175 represented by one or two species in the rivers of Africa. Their denti- tion is singular, for although the milk teeth are if, oJ> m|, the adults have only if, c\, nig, there being no permanent successors for one of the milk incisors and one of the milk molars. The permanent front teeth are tusk-like, the incisors being straight, while the canines are curved, and meet each other in such a way, that the posterior faces of the much larger lower ones are ground flat against the anterior faces of the upper ones. The second family has many more representatives, and a much less limited geographical distribution, for there are several Old World genera, as well as the Peccaries, which are peculiar to the New World. The skin in all is more or less closely beset with bristles, their bodies are more elongated, and thus better adapted for rapid locomotion, and they are supported solely by the third and fourth toes ; the second and fifth, although they are complete and furnished with hoofs, not reaching the ground. (Fig. 115 — A.) The Peccary even offers a further reduction in the hind foot, for the fifth toe there is undeveloped. This genus (Dicotyles) is in many respects the most specialised of the family, for apart from the structure of the hind foot, and a reduction in the number of incisors and molars, the stomach resembles in its complexity that of the Ruminants. On the other hand, the genus Sus is the most primitive, for its dentition is if, c{, pmf, inf, whereas in the other genera, there is either a reduction in the number of the incisors or molars, or both. The canines are generally tusk-like, the lower ones being the chief weapons in the family, but the upper ones may also attain a formid- able size, as in the pig deer— ^Babyrussa — of the Moluccas (Porcus), where they are curved upwards and backwards ; the incisors are small and sometimes absent in the adult, as in the pigmy hog (Porcula) of India, and the wart-hog (Phacochcerns) of Africa, but the molars are always of a tuberculate pattern. 30. The foregoing families constitute the non-ruminant sec- tion of the Artiodactyla; all the other numerous genera are ruminant forms, the stomach being complex, so as to admit of their characteristic way of feeding. This and the reduction of the second and fifth toes are both to be regarded as subservient to the more rapid locomotion in this group, for these herbivora, which are the chief objects of pursuit hj the larger carnivores, 176 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. are able to secure and to bolt, without previous mastication, in a very short time, a large amount of food, which they after- wards masticate when they have got to some secure retreat. The mechanism concerned may be studied in the sheep's stomach, where the cardiac end has two compartments, the larger Rumen (paunch), and the smaller Reticulum (honey comb), while the pyloric end has similarly two compartments, the Psalterium (manyplies), and the Abomasum (rennet stomach). The oesophagus is attached between the rumen and the reticulum, and the grass which is hastily swallowed passes first into these compartments ; it is then moved from one to the other, and finally thrown back into the mouth and subjected to a thorough mastication and insalivation, after which the semi-fluid product is again swallowed and strained off into the abomasum and in- testine, through the psalterium, which is connected indirectly with the oesophagus by a half-groove on the wall of the reticulum, capable of being converted into a complete channel. A peculiar dentition accompanies the ruminant stomach ; in the typical forms it is i§, c^, m§, there being only a pad in the upper jaw, against which the lower incisors and incisor-like canines bite. A wide gap separates the front teeth from the molars, which have flat crowns with semilunar folds of enamel on the surface. Such teeth are therefore said to belong to selenodont forms, in contradistinction to the tuberculate teeth of bunodont forms, but it is obvious (as in the Hippopotamus, e.g.,) that a tuberculate tooth when worn down may present a Fig. ii6. -Molars from the up- „ v i, n i i ,i per jaw of Bunodont and Seleno- peculiar pattern ot enamel, and there- dont fossil Artiodactyia, Palceo- fore bunodont forms are regarded as choerus and XiPhodon' more primitive (Fig. 116). The feet are also different in their structure in the ruminant forms, for not only are the second and fifth toes raised off the ground, becoming dew-claws, but they often disappear, and HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 177 the weight of the body rests entirely on the tips of the third and fourth toes, being transmitted to them through a cannon bone, which is formed by the more or less complete coalescence of the third and fourth metapodials (Figs. 115 and 110 O). There are generally horns in this group, often con- fined, however, to the male sex; when there are no horns, tusk-like canines may serve as compensatory weapons of de- fence. The sheep, oxen, antelope and deer are the typical ruminants, but there are some aberrant families which we may shortly consider first. Of these the Camelidce present some peculiar features ; for example, the psalterium is absent ; the upper jaw in front is not destitute of teeth, for it retains one of the upper incisors and the canine on each side, which are absent in the ruminants : the canines, the upper especially, are tusk-like and the molars are only £ Instead of walking on the tips of the digits, they are digitigrade forms, all three joints resting on the ground ; the hoofs are thus of no use in locomotion, a single or double pad of skin being present on the under surface of the third and fourth digits. There are no dew-claws, but the third and fourth metapodials have not so completely coalesced as in the oxen. The geographical distribution of the family has the same peculiarity which we have noted of certain other groups, there being both Old and New World representatives, quite isolated from each other at the present day. In the Old World the genus Camelus only occurs in a domesticated condition, as the Dromedary and the Bactrian Camel, the former in Arabia, Africa, and India, the latter (the two-humped camel), in the Mongolian table-lands. Both are used as beasts of burden, and it is likely that the humps are the result of their employment as such. There is only a single cushion underneath the digits, which, therefore, present a suitable surface for the sandy soil of the desert. In the New World, on the other hand, there are both wild and domesticated forms belonging to the genus Auchenia ; these are smaller sized forms without a hump, they tread on a double pad, have fewer molars and larger ears than the camel. The wild species are the larger Huanaco, and the smaller Vicuna ; the domesticated forms, the Llama (the beast of burden of the mountain regions of Peru), and the Alpaca, which is kept in herds for its flesh and its wool. The explanation for the existence of the two branches of this family is to be sought in the Miocene Strata of America, where numerous remains of Camelidae are 178 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. found, with complete f roflt teeth, and separate metapodials. The descendants of these must have made their way into the Old World by a bridge which existed between North America and Asia, and which after- wards subsided so as to form Behring Straits. Like the Camelidce, the pigmy deer of Java and West Af rica ( Tragu- lidce) have tusk-like upper canines in the males and only three compart- ments of the stomach ; their metapodials are less completely coalesced than in the camels. In size and in the possession of tusk-like canines, the musk-deer of Central Asia (Moschus) resemble the pigmy deer, but the male has a peculiar musk-gland on the skin of the ventral surface. A fourth group is that of the Giraffes (Camelopardalis) an African form much nearer the typical Ruminants than any of the foregoing. They differ from them both in the general form, and in the horns, which are skin-bones covered with soft skin, the most primitive of the horns of the ruminants. 32. It is according to the nature of these structures, that we subdivide the typical Ruminants into the hollow-horned (Cavicornia) and the ant- lered forms (Cervidce). In the former, projections of the frontal bones form the so-called cores, which are covered with the variously-shaped but usually unbranched horn, in the latter, the frontal bones bear the ant- lers, with an intervening ring of bone, the "rose," where the antlers are broken off each year. The antlers are only covered by skin (the velvet) while they are undergoing formation ; that process complete, the velvet ia rubbed off, and the polished bone exposed. We noted that, in several of the preceding families, only the males have tusk-like upper canines ; in these forms, also, it is of common occurrence that the males only should have the weapons of offence and defence in the shape of horns or antlers. Among the Cervidce, the Reindeer or Caribou (Rangifer) is singular in that both sexes have antlers, which like those of the Moose (Alces) are broad and palmated in form. Those of the StagfC. Can- adensis) as well as of the Virginia deer (Cariacus virginianus) carry rounded branches. Among the Cavicornia, the Prong-horn of the Western prairies (Antilo- capra americana) is the only form with a tendency to branching of the core. It comes nearest the Cervidce in this respect, as well as in the fact that it casts its horns at intervals. It is usually classified with the Antelopes, a sub -family "of the Cavicornia, whose headquarters are Africa, buj which are less numerous in Europe and Asia. The only HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 179 other American Antelope is the Rocky Mountain goat {Haplocerus americanus). A well-known European genus is the Alpine chamois ( Rupicapra), while the gazelle (Antilope dorcas) is a common North African species. Some of the African antelopes approach the next sub- family, the oxen (BovinaJ, in their proportions. This group embraces the domestic ox (which includes various races probably derived from several wild species), the humped zebu (Bos indicus) and two or three other Indian species. Other genera are the Old World buffalo (Bubalus), the European and American bi>on, the yak of Thibet (Pqephagus) and the musk-ox of the Arctic regions (Onibos moschatus). A third sub- family (Ovina) embraces the sheep, which are found wild on high moun- tain ranges, e.g., the bighorn (O. montana) of the Rocky Mountains and the Argali of Central Asia, also the ibexes {Capra ibex) and goats (C. hircus). Our domestic sheep are probably derived from one of the Asiatic forms. 33. We must now turn to the Unguiculate orders, looking in the first place somewhat more closely* into the classification of the Carnivora, one form of which has been already studied. Of the six families recognized in this order, the Ursidaz is least special- ised ; it embraces plantigrade forms, with a dentition in which the sectorial teeth are not prominent, and which are frequently omnivorous. Examples of these are the kinkajou of Brazil with its prehensile tail (Cercoleptes), the racoon (Procyon lotor) and the true bears ( Ursus). Nearest to these are the badgers ( Taxklea) and skunks {Mephitis), which form a plantigrade section of the weasel family (Mustelidce), to which there also belong the chief fur-bearing animals of North America, the martens (Mustela), minks and ermines (Putorius), wolverines (Gulo), otters (Lutra), and sea- otters (Enhydra). The third family ( Viverridce), embracing the civet cats and the ichneumons (Herpestes), is chiefly an Old World family, as is that of the Hycenidce, but the dogs (Canidce) and cats {Felidce) are abund- antly represented on both continents, the former embracing the dogs, foxes, wolves and jackals ; the latter, the lions, tigers, leopards, lynxes and cats of the Old WTorld, and the pumas, ounces and lynxes of the New. 34. A very interesting branch of the Carnivora is that of the Pinnipedia often placed in an independent order, and much modified in accordance with their aquatic mode of life. There is a marked tendency in this group, which contains the Seals, 180 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Walrus, etc., towards the reduction in number of the incisor teeth j the canines are rarely tusk-like, and the extremities are converted into nippers, the hinder ones being turned backwards parallel with the short tail (Fig. 1 1 6). The seals proper are those Fig. 116.— Skeleton of Seal, vc. cervical, vd. dorsal, vl. lumbar, s. sacral, vca. caudal regions of vertebral column ; h. humerus; r. radius; c. carpus; me. metacarpus ; ph. phalanges; sc. scapula; co, ribs. which are least adapted for locomotion on land ; the walruses and sea-lions, on the other hand, can raise themselves off the ground by the aid of their limbs, and the nippers of the sea-lions even have divisions, corresponding to the toes. As a rule there is no external ear, the head is rounded, and the cylindrical body diminishes in girth towards the tail. Of the three families distinguished, that containing the eared-seals (Otarice), is nearest such Carnivora as the sea-otter, the structure of the flippers and their habits suggesting a less perfect adaptation to an aquatic life than we meet with in the seals proper. In most of the species the coat is formed of stiff, bristly hairs alone, but in several, such as the Alaska fur-seals (Callorhinus ursina), the bristles are scarcer, and there is a thick, soft under- wool. These skins, when dried and the bristles removed, yield the valuable seal-skin furs, bnt the skin of the seal is also sought after for other purposes, and the blubber of all the species yields a valuable oil. Some of the Otariae, such as the California sea-lion (Eumetopias Sttlleri), reach the large size of fifteen feet. The other species are smaller, HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. l&l The Phocidce chiefly differ from the above in the absence of external ears and the shape of the flippers, those of the hinder extremities being especially remarkable on account of their notched outline, due to the shortness of the middle and the length of the inner and outer toes. The harp seal of the St. Lawrence is one of the commonest species (Phoca grcenlandica, Fig. 195), but there are some singular forms also in this family, such as the hooded seal of the North Atlantic (Cystophora cristata), and the gigantic sea-elephant of the Antarctic Ocean, (C. proboscidea), which attains a length of twenty feet, and is distin- guished by the prolongation of the nose into a proboscis. Some species of the family live in land-locked seas, such as the Caspian and the lakes of Newfoundland. The "Walrus ( Trichechus rosmarus) is placed in a family by itself, char- acterized by the enormous upper canine tusks, by the shape of the trunk, which does not diminish in girth towards the loins, by approach- ing the Phocidse, in respect to the absence of external ears, and the Otariae, in the ability of the creatures to raise the body on the limbs, and thus leave the sea, and even climb steep rocks so as to reach a safe place above high water, where they may bask in the sun. It is observed that the young sea-lions take somewhat unwill- ingly to water, and swim at first awkwardly ; this is one indication, among many others, that the Pinnipedia are a group of mammals which have gradually acquired aquatic habits, and with them their modified form. The same is thought to be true of the Sirenia, for fossil forms have been found allying them to the terrestrial Ungulata. Great uncertainty is felt by zoologists, however, as to the alliances of the third group of aquatic mammalia — the Cetacea ; many, nevertheless, think that these carnivorous aquatic forms may have been originally more seal-like in form, and that the horizontal caudal fin had within it the hard parts of the hinder extremities, of which hardly a trace is now to be detected ; no fossils have yet been found to confirm this idea, although various anatomical considerations render it probable. 35. In turning to the other orders of Unguiculate mammals, we shall find some forms that exhibit more primitive features than the Carnivores, others that are specialised for an aerial, arboreal or subterranean life, as much as the Pinnipedia are for a life in water. 182 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 36. As far as regards the dentition, the Insectivora are certainly the most primitive ; they are also all plantigrade forms, and have well-developed clavicles. The teeth are not more numerous than in the Carnivores, but the canine tooth does not assume the function which it has in most mammals, sometimes an incisor, sometimes a premolar, project- ing further from the jaw than it does itself. Seven molars are by no means always present, but their surfaces are always tuberculate, in accordance with the insect-food. Between groups of Rodentia and Insectivora, which corres- pond in their habits, a certain superficial resemblance is to be detected, a convergence of character which we attribute to the influence of their surroundings, but the Rodents, as we shall learn, including about one-third of all the species of mammals, offer a greater wealth of form than we find in the Insectivora. To these two orders belong all the smaller species of Mammalia, and, indeed, parallel groups of both orders are to be be found, some adapted for a life on the surface of the ground, some for burrowing underneath it, some for a semi-aquatic, and some for a more or less completely arboreal life. Only two out of the six families are represented in our region, the Shrews {Sorlcidce), and the Moles ( Talpidce). The former are mouse-like Insectivora with an elongated muzzle, and a short velvety coat. In both the common forms, the eyes are small, and in one {Sorex platyrhinus) the ears and tail are long, while, in the other {Blarina brevicauda), both are short. Both of these are terrestial species, but an aquatic genus (Myogale), in which the toes are webbed and which has a very penetrating musky odour, is found in South-east Russia and the Pyrenees. In all, the hinder feet are larger than the fore, but, in the Talpidae, the fore feet are converted into broad shovel-like structures, with short toes and stout claws for digging the burrows in which they live (Fig. 1 10M) ; the limbs are very short, the body elongated and cylindrical in outline, the head very small, without either evident eyes or ears. The shape of the body is ob- viously adapted to the underground life, and the snout is provided with extremely delicate tactile sensibility. This is best seen in the Star-nosed moles (Condylura cristata), where the fleshy disc at the end is divided HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 183 up into projecting rays ; in the other genera, Scalops and Scapanus, the Common and Hairy -tailed Moles, the snout is simply pointed. The other families are confined to the Old World ; their typical genera are Erinaceus, the European hedge-hog, a terrestrial form in which the hairs are converted into stout spines ; it protects itself by rolling itself into a ball, and thus causing the spines to diverge from each other. In another family, to which the Centetes of Madagascar belongs, the spines are replaced by bristles, which, with the pointed snout and strong lower canines, give the creature some resemblance to a miniature pig. The Malayan genus Tupaja and its allies are arboreal insectivores with the soft fur and habits of squirrels, and, in the same region, a singular genus, Galeopithecus, is to be met with, provided with a patagium like our flying squirrels. It is the representative of an independent family, as is also the African Macroscelides, marked by the length of the hind limbs, like the Jerboa, and occurring, like it, in rocky and desert regions. 37. The chief contrast between the Insectivora and Rodent ia is in the nature of the food, and the difference in structure and habit brought about thereby. Nowhere is the difference in structure more evident than in the dentition, where the incisors are reduced in number, grow from persistent pulps, and acquire a chisel-shaped edge, from having the enamel only on the anterior surface. Generally the incisors are only i, but in the hares and rabbits (Lepus), there is a small tooth behind each of the curved upper incisors ; the canines are always absent, and the molars never tuberculate, but provided with transverse folds of enamel. As in the Herbivora, the stomach is constricted into cardiac and pyloric chambers, and each of these may have re- cesses ; further, the alimentary canal is long in proportion to the body. Nearly half of our N. American Mammalia are Rodents belonging to seven families, the Leporidce, Hystrichidos, Muridce, Dipodidaz, Geomy- idee, Castoridce, Sciuridce. The first of these includes the hares and rab- bits, and is sufficiently characterized by its dentition. The type of the second is the Old World Porcupine (Hystrix), represented in N. America by the common porcupine (Erethizon). Both of these forms have spines, which are more efficient weapons of defence than those of the hedgehog, 184 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. on account of the ease with which they can be detached from the skin. To the Muridce belong the rats and mice ( Mus), as well as the field-mice (Arvicola) and the aquatic musk-rat {Fiber). An interesting northern genus is the lemming (Myodes), which often migrates in vast numbers from one part to another in Northern Europe and Asia. The Dipodidm include the Egyptian Jerboa (Dipus), marked by the length of the hind legs ; the same peculiarity is present but less developed in the American jumping mouse (Zapus). In the Western prairies, two genera of pouched gophers are met with, which constitute the family Geomyidce. They have cheek -pouches which open on the cheeks outside the mouth, and are lined with hair. As the gophers are burrowing forms, the fore feet are large and armed with strong curved claws. The most truly aquatic of the Rodents is undoubtedly the beaver (Castor fiber), the largest of our species. As in the musk-rat, the hind toes are elongated and web- bed, and the flat, scaly tail is very characteristic. The last family — the Sciuridce — includes several genera, chiefly arboreal forms with soft fur, and more numerous molars than the preceding, except the hares. Among those which are distinctly terrestrial in their habits, may be mentioned the gophers and prairie-dogs, while the chipmunk and the woodchuck are intermediate, in this respect, between these and the true arboreal squirrels and flying squirrels. The completely terrestrial forms have cheek-pouches which open into the buccal cavity ; these are best developed in the gopher (Spermophilus) and the chipmunk ( Tamias), while they are rudimentary in the prairie-dog (Cynomys), and absent in the woodchuck (Arctomys) and the squirrel (Sciurus and Sciuropterus). The last-mentioned genus includes the nocturnal flying squirrels, which have a patagium stretching from the fore to the hind limbs and permit- ting a slanting leap, such as we have already observed to be possible in several mammalian orders. As representatives of tropical families, may be mentioned the Chin- chilla of Chili and Peru, valued for its grayish fur, the Guinea-pig (Cavia cobaya, now only known in the domesticated condition), the Capy- bara (Hydrochcerus, the largest Rodent), the Paca (Cazlogenys) and Agouti {Dasyprocta) of Northern South America, which four genera have almost hoof -like nails, and, like most of the Rodents, are gregarious in their habits. 38. On the approach of cold weather many animals of differ- ent classes pass through a resting phase, which, in the warm- blooded animals, is usually spoken of as hybernation. This HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 185 phenomenon ocelli's in several orders of Mammalia, but nowhere is it more easily studied than in the Rodents. During this period the various functional activities are arrested as much as possible ; there is no food taken and little tissue consumed, so that, as respiration is also very inactive, the body temperature is assimilated to that of the surrounding medium, and thus the warm-blooded animals become temporarily cold-blooded. 39. After the Rodents, the greatest number of mammalian species belong to the bats — Chiroptera — our next order. Here we have a very different modification for aerial life than we have hitherto met with ; instead of a patagium like that of the flying squirrels, Galeopithecus and the Phalangers, certain of the fingers and the fore-arm are much elongated, and serve to spread a very delicate hairless web, which extends backward to the thighs and frequently also surrounds the tail (Fig. 117). The thumb Fig. 117.— Outline and skeleton of Phyllostoma (after T? Alton). oa, humerus ; va, radius 'and ulna ; w, carpus ; I, pollex ; II— V, second to fifth fin- gers ; m and f l 2 •% elongated metacarpals and phalanges ; zf, femur. alone does not take any part in the support of the web, this being chiefly effected by the third, fourth, and fifth fingers. Except in the fruit bats, it is the only digit which bears a claw; in these, however, the index also is clawed, although, like the other fingers, it is entirely enveloped in the web. The web is very sensitive 13 186 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. and as the bats are nocturnal creatures, the nerve-terminations in it constitute one of the chief channels through which sensa- tions reach the brain. In further accordance with their noc- turnal habits, the bats have small eyes, and large ears ; they hybernate in cold climates, where they are often to be found in large numbers, hanging in some cave or building, by the claws of the hind feet, wrapped up in the patagium. The bats are characteristically insectivorous forms, very few are fruit-eating, but the dentition of the two groups indicates a sharp contrast between them. As the patagium does not merely serve to break the force of a fall or to permit of an oblique leap, but is a true organ of flight, the pectoral muscles require to be specially developed to permit of such use of the anterior extremity, and consequently the sternum is provided with a crest, and the clavicles are stronger than they are elsewhere among mammals. It is not surprising that the bats should be the most widely distributed of Mammalia. The fruit-bats are abundant in eastern tropical countries, and attain the largest size of any members of the order. Pteropus, the fox-bat, so called on account of the pointed snout, may be mentioned as a type of this section, the fruit-eating habits of which are indicated by the blunt tubercles of the molars. In the insectivorous bats, on the other hand, the tubercles of the molars are sharp or coalesce into a W-shaped cutting edge. The snout is short, and the external ears are of large size. Two groups are recognized — those in which the external nose is provided with a membranous expansion round the nostrils, and those in which there is no such membranous expansion. To the former belong the vampire-bats of S. America (Desmodus), which attack and suck the blood of horses and mules. With that exception, they are mostly insect- eating forms, but the genus Vampyrus of Guiana lives chiefly on fruit. The ordinary bats ( Vespertilionidce), with the nose destitute of the membrane, are represented by two genera in our region, as examples of which may be mentioned the little brown bat ( Vespertilio subulatus) and the red bat (Atalapha noveboracensis). 40. As the Australian continent is peopled by a remarkably primitive mammalian fauna, so also the Island of Madagascar characteristic mammals which are found nowhere else, HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 187 and which occupy, in some respects, a comparatively low place among the unguiculate Eutheria. With few exceptions the mammals of Madagascar belong to the order Prosimii, and the members of this order are also, with few exceptions, confined to Madagascar and the neighbouring parts of the Continent of Africa. As well the fact, however, that there are certain out- lying members of the order in the Malay Archipelago and India, and that fossil remains have been found in various parts of the world indicate that their geographical distribution was not always so restricted. They are completely arboreal forms, the inner digits of both fore and hind feet being opposable, and thus forming thumbs. On this account, they were long asso- ciated with the monkeys under the ordinal name Quadrumana, but it is more convenient to consider them apart from the mon- keys, although they are undoubtedly allied in some respects to them. Their dentition is peculiar, the incisors being §, or re- duced in number, the canines absent in a rodent-like genus (Chiromys), and the molars tuberculate like those of the Insec- tivora, but they do not confine themselves to insect food, living also upon smaller Vertebrates, fruit, etc. The second digit of the hind limb is always clawed, while the other digits bear nails, such as those of the monkeys. Most of them are nocturnal creatures which have a soft warm coat, and often a bushy tail. Two families are formed for the reception of the aberrant genera Tar- dus and Chiromys. The former is found living socially in the woods of Borneo, and has received its name from the great length of the tarsus. It is also singular on account of the enormous size of the eyes. The Chiromys is the Aye- Aye of Madagascar, a form which picks out larvae from the trees on which it lives, by means of an extraordinarily thin finger (the third), which it inserts into their burrows. Its rodent-like incis- ors suggest that its food is not confined to larvae. The third family Lemuridce includes all the other genera, some of which are very bizarre creatures. The Loris {Stenops, &c.) somewhat resemble the Spectres (Tarsius) in their distribution and habits. The Galagos are carnivorous creatures which vary from the size of a rabbit to that of a 188 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. mouse, while the Lemurs proper are of large size, attaining in the case of the tailless Indri (Lichanotus) nearly three feet in length. The other Lemurs are smaller in size and provided with a long tail which is coiled about them for warmth, while they rest during the day. In Propi- thecus the snout is short as in the Indri, the result being a monkey-like face, while in the ring- tailed lemur (L. catta) and its allies, the snout is prolonged. 41. However monkey-like certain of the lemurs are, they form a decidedly more primitive group than that of the monkeys proper. This is especially noticeable in the structure of the brain, the cerebellum being left uncovered by the cere- brum in the former group, while, in the latter, the hinder lobe of the cerebrum is so developed as to overlap the cerebellum entirely. In this respect, as well as many other anatomical fea- tures, the monkeys agree in structure with Man, and, accord- ingly, they are generally placed together in the order Primates, in spite of the exceptional place which Man otherwise occupies in nature. In all Primates the incisors are f , the inner digits (thumb and great toe) are opposable (except in man, where this is only true of the thumb), and all the fingers are nailed, not clawed. The orbits, which have complete bony walls, are di- rected forwards, and the face, in comparison with the Lemuroids, is hairless. Apart from Man, three families of Primates are recognized, two of which are New World groups. Most of the S. American monkeys belong to the Platyrrhini, so called on account of the width of the septum of the nostrils, which causes these apertures to look outwards. The tail is usually prehensile, assisting in their ar- ^ boreal life in the dense forests Fig.ll8-TheUakari.-JBrac%«^ca^.which ^ inhabit ^ they differ Asan example of the Platyrrhini. from both the other famili«s in (From Brehm.) HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 189 having an extra molar tooth, and a rounded skull. Examples of this group are the howling and spider monkeys (Mycetes and Ateles), the bonnet-monkeys {Cebus), and certain smaller squirrel-like forms, with soft, abundant fur, and nocturnal habits, which depend upon their feet alone for climbing {Nyctipithecus, Chrysothrix). The re- maining South and Central American forms are called Arctopitheci; they have one true molar less than the Platyrrhines, tuberculate grinders, and fingers with claws instead of nails. Only one genus is recognized (Hapale), including several species of marmosets, the smallest of the Primates. The Old World monkeys (Catarhlni) have a thin nasal septum, the nostrils directed downwards and forwards, the same dental formula as Man, (if, c\, pm|, m|) and the tail, if present, never prehensile. There are two groups of them, those that approach Man (Antkropomorpha) in the absence of the tail and of cheek-pouches, as well as in the less prominence of the face, and the greater length of the anterior limbs, and those that approach the Carnivora (Cynomorpha) in the strength of the facial region, and the development of tusk-like canines, while they differ from the other group in having shorter anterior limbs, and, very often, cheek-pouches. To the Anthropomorpha belong the chimpanzee and the gorilla of Western Africa ( Troglodytes), the orang-utan, {Simia satyrus) of Borneo and Sumatra, and the gibbons (Hylobates) of the same islands and the continent of India. To the Cynomorpha belong forms generally of smaller size, such as the sacred monkey of the Hindoos (Semnopithecus), the African Colobus, the squirrel-like Cerco- pitheci of Africa, the macaques. (Macacus — chiefly Asiatic, with the ex- ception of the tailless macaque, M. ecaiidatus, of North Africa, which is preserved in Gibraltar), and the baboons, which are the most dog-like in face of the Cynomorpha, and include, among the African species, very large forms. ltO HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER VIL The Arthropoda. 1. It was stated in Chapter I., that the term Invertebrata in- cludes several distinct sub-kingdoms, resembling each other in that they do not possess the arrangement of the nervous system and skeleton typical for the Vertebrates. It must not be understood that all are equally unlike Vertebrates, some worms for example, seem to foreshadow in their structure the vertebrate organization, but the most highly organized Inverte- brates— the Arthropoda — diverge very widely from the type of structure which we have studied heretofore, although their organs are built up of histological elements, similar, in many respects, to those of the Vertebrates. The nature and extent of the divergence referred to may be studied in the crayfish, an Arthropod which forms a suitable introduction to the sub- kingdom to which it belongs, both on account of its size and on account of its position in the group. 2. The Arthropoda are bilaterally segmented animals like the Vertebrates, but, unlike them, their segmentation is visible on the surface of the body, especially on ae count of the fact (from which the group derives its name) that each segment may carry one pair of jointed appendages. Throughout the sub-kingdom the rule holds good which obtains also in the Vertebrates, that, in the more primitive families, the segments are not only more numerous but less constant in number, and show less tendency to be grouped into dissimilar regions. The nervous system par- takes in the segmentation of the body, but is situated on the ventral aspect, while the centre of the blood-vascular system is dorsal, so that there is a complete reversal of the neural and HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 191 haemal aspects, as compared with the Vertebrates (Fig. 119) ; nevertheless, it is the neural aspect which is first developed in both sub-kingdoms. No endoskeleton affords attachment to the muscles of the body or protects the delicate organs, but this is functionally replaced by an exoskeleton of chitin, a hard sub- stance of peculiar chemical composition, secreted by the skin, and sometimes rendered harder by the admixture of calcareous salts. Fig. 119.— Diagram of transections through the abdominal regions of a catfish and a crayfish, to show the relative position of nervous system, N, and intestine, I. D, dorsal ; V, ventral surface ; E, endoskeleton ; B, aorta ; K, kidney. « 3. The last peculiarity is especially met with in the Crustacea, one of the four Arthropod classes, and that to which the crayfish belongs. The other classes (Insecta, Arachnida, Myriapoda) embrace chiefly air-breathing Arthropods, whilst almost all Crustacea are aquatic, so that there is, on the whole, a marked difference between the respiratory organs of the Crustacea and those of the other classes. Several species of crayfish or crawfish (old English crevish, Fr. ecrevisse, Ger. Krebs) occur in Ontario ; one of the com- monest near Toronto is Cambarus robustus, Girard, (Fig. 120), 102 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 120.— Cambarus robustus. (Girard). but all are included in the genus Cambarus, while those on the Pacific slope of the Rocky Mountains, as well as the European crayfishes, belong to an allied genus, Astacus. This genus giv< s its name to the family Astacidae, which includes the lobster (Homarus americanus), the marine representative of the crayfish. Any species will serve for making out the arthropodous charac- ters already mentioned, as well as those peculiar to the Crustacea which follow. 4. Twenty segments, of which only the last (telson) is desti- tute of a pair of appendages, are invariably present in the group of Crustacea, to which the crayfish belongs, and these are HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 193 grouped in three regions, of which the head contains five, the thorax eight and the abdomen seven. On account of the ex- tent to which a segment from one region differs from that from another, the segmentation is styled heteronymous, hut the same fundamental plan of structure may be observed in all. The abdominal segments are independent, but the segments of the head and thorax are coalesced with each other into a cephalo- thorax, the fusion being more complete on the dorsal surface. Behind a line which marks off the cephalothorax into anterior and posterior regions, each side of the thorax is provided with a flap of skin which acts as a gill-cover, forming a cavity in which the gills, attached to the bases of the thoracic legs, are sheltered. 5. It will be convenient to study one of the hinder pairs of abdominal appendages first ; they are biramous, consisting of a basal part, with two branches, internal {endopodite) and ex- ternal {exopodite). Those of the sixth pair are modified with the telson into the caudal fin ; while the first and second pairs are different in the two sexes. Of the eight pairs of thoracic legs, the three foremost are turned forward as the foot-jaws (maxillipedes) to assist in securing food, while the five hindmost are the walking legs. Comparing these with the abdominal appendages, we find that although the endopodite is large in all, the exopodite is only present in the foot-jaws, while, with the exception of the eighth pair, all the thoracic appendages have in addition a membranous flap — the epipodite — concealed within the gill- chamber, and carrying, with the exception of the first, gill- filaments. There are thus six gills of this nature on each side ; the other gills are attached to the soft membrane which con- nects the legs to the thorax, and there are eleven of these on each side, the third to the seventh appendages each carrying two, while the second has only one. The fourth pair of tho- 194 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. racic legs — the great claws — are adapted for prehension ; they, like the fifth and sixth, are chelate, i.e., the penultimate joint is prolonged so as to be opposed to the terminal joint. Of the five pairs of head-appendages, the two anterior (antennulce and antennae) are sensory, while the three poste- rior (the mandibles and the maxillce) are related to the mouth- aperture as jaws. The second pair of niaxillse most closely re- semble the foot-jaws, but the exopodite and epipodite of each are united into a spoon-shaped flap, which lies in the anterior narrow aperture of the gill-cavity, and, by its movements, ere* ates a current of water, which flows outward through that aper- ture. In both pairs of maxillae as well as in the mandibles, the endopodites are feeler-like (palps), while it is the basal segments which are flattened and approximated to the mouth-aperture, those of the mandibles alone being hardened for cutting. Neither exopodites nor epipodites are present in the mandibles or first pair of maxillae. On the other hand, both of the foremost ap- pendages are biramous, the exopodites of the antennae being, however, mere scales, while those of the antennulae are similar to the endopodites. On the basal joints of the antennae and antennulae, respectively, are to be seen the apertures of the green glands or kidneys and of the ears to be afterwards de- scribed. 6. Having inspected the outward form of the body, we must now glance at the various systems of organs. It will be ob- served that the chitinous cuticle remains soft where movements are necessary, and that it is most densely calcified where it meets with the greatest strain, as e.g., in the chelae and mandibles. 7. The muscles are formed of very plainly striped tissue; indeed the histology of this tissue can be more easily studied here than in the catfish (I, 8). The muscular bundles are at- tached to ingrowths of the exoskeleton, which can be seen very HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 195 well in the chelae and elsewhere, the ventral nervous system. Similar ingrowths protect 8. We distinguish in the nervous system, the brain and ventral nerve-cord, the latter composed of a chain of paired ganglia, con- nected by longitudinal commissures. Of such ganglia the last eleven segments in front of | the telson have each one pair, but the ganglia of the five segments in front of these have coalesced into an infracesophageal ganglionic mass. This is united to the brain, or supra- cesophageal ganglia, by commissures which lie at either side of the oesophagus. The brain supplies nerves to the eyes and an- tennae. All of the nerves in the crayfish, as well as other Invertebrates, are of the non- medullated type. 9. An examination of the sense-organs shows that they differ both in position and structure from those of Vertebrates. The eyes are elevated in this order of Crustacea (Podophthalmata) on movable stalks, and they are of the compound type so character- istic of most Arthropods (Fig. 121). II n. The stalk is partly occupied by muscles, but oSLTdium^mThfeye chiefly by ganglionic expansions of the optic nerve, of the Crayfish ; c, cu'ti- from the outermost of which the nerve-fibres pass cular facet formed by un- „ , , , , , , . ,, derlying hypodermal off through a basement membrane to end m the cells ch ; p, pigment cells modified epidermal cells which constitute the eyes, surrounding the retino- r t J phoral cells and cc, the These cells are disposed in three zones, the outer- faa^rh.1 rhabdo'me^ bm most of which secrete the cuticular facets of the basement membrane ; n, eve . each facet corresponds to an element (om- matidium) of the compound eye, and is formed by two cells of the outermost zone j underneath these are the four retino- 196 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. phoral cells, (surrounded by four pigment cells), which secrete the crys- talline cone, and this is prolonged inwards into a tube (formed by seven cells of the innermost zone— the retinulse), of which it forms a spindle- shaped core — the rhabdome. The nerve fibre to each ommatidium oc- cupies the axis of the rhabdome and of the crystalline cone ; the cones, therefore, constitute the sensitive elements of the eye, like the rods and cones of the Vertebrates. Auditory sacs are present in the basal joints of the anten- nulse. They contain foreign particles, which play the part of otoliths (I, 46), and the sensitive elements are stiff hairs in which nerve-fibres terminate. Both pairs of feelers obviously act as tactile organs, but peculiar setae on the outer branches of the antennulse have been interpreted as olfactory in function. When the various jaws have been removed, the mouth is exposed, bounded in front and behind by unpaired chitinous outgrowths, the labrum and metastoma. The chitinous cuticle is continued into the spacious stomach, where it forms numerous calcified teeth, of use in comminuting the food. Digestive juices are furnished by the so-called liver, a bulky tubular gland which lies above and behind the stomach, and which opens into the mid-gut, the only part of the intestine destitute of chitin. Behind this is the straight rectum, the lining of which becomes continuous with the cuticle at the anus. 10. In comparison with the Vertebrates, the Arthropods have a less complete blood-vascular system, for, during part of the circulation, the blood flows in interspaces instead of closed capillary vessels. These are, however, partly represented in the crayfish, and the heart, as well as the arteries and veins, is well developed (Fig. 122). The blood is driven out to the whole system through the arteries, and is returned by venous sinuses through the gills to the pericardial sac. 11. The female crayfish may be found in spring with eggs attached to the abdominal appendages, to which the young ad- here until they have attained the form of the adult. la the HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. b & 197 Fig. 122.— Diagram of circulation of Crayfish— a, heart in pericardium ; b, c, d, an- terior, posterior, and ventral arteries. lobster, as well as most other Crustacea, the young are freed from the egg when they have attained three pairs of legs (Nauplius-phase) ; they only arrive at the adult form after a series of moults, and there is generally a complicated meta- morphosis. 12. If we except a species of prawn (Paloemonetes) and another of Opossum-shrimp (Mysis) found in the Upper Lakes, the Podophthalmata are exclusively marine forms, including on the one hand the various kinds of shrimps and prawns, which resemble the crayfish in the long tail {Macrura), and on the other, the crabs {Brachyura), where the short tail is tucked up under the cephalothorax. An intermediate group is formed by the hermit-crabs (Paguridce), in which the cuticle of the tail-segments never becomes calcified, and the creatures resort to empty univalve shells for protection. An allied East Indian genus, the cocoa- nut crab {Birgus latro), lives in holes in the earth, and, instead of depending on its gills for respiration, uses the wall of the gill-cavity as a lung. This is an instance of what is termed "change of function," a principle which must be borne in mind, in comparing the structure of animals which are nearly allied in form, but different in habits. 1 3. Two other .orders of Crustacea, which resemble the cray- fish in the number of the segments and the appendages, have fresh-water representatives which are very common, although the majority of both are marine. These are the Isopoda and the Amphipoda ; but in both, only one of the eight pairs of thoracic appendages is turned forwards toward the mouth. The Isopods have the body depressed, while in the Amphipods it is compressed. A familiar example of the former is the water-slater, Asellus communis. (Fig. 123). It will be observed 19$ HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. that the four hindmost abdominal segments are coalesced above into a shield, from beneath which the last pair of legs project. The three pairs of legs in front of these serve for respira- tion, and the eggs are carried in the female on the under surface of the thoracic segments. Terrestrial Isopods, like the common Wood-louse (Oniscus) and its allies, exhibit an interesting adaptation for breathing air ; one of the pairs of abdominal legs being traversed by tubes which have the same function as the tracheae of insects. Among the marine Isopods several are temporary par- ^commmiii.xt18 asites adhering to the surface of fish ; others are perman- ent parasites, which live in the gill- or body -cavity of other Crustacea, and which consequently loose much of their resem- blance to the free Isopods. Of the fresh-water Amphipods species of a genus Gammarus (Fig. 124), are everywhere to be met -frith. The gills are on the thoracic legs, the abdominal legs being partly for swimming, and partly for leaping. Species of an allied genus, Pontiporeia, occur in R* m.-Gammaru8 8V. x 3. tne Great Lakes; they are inter- esting, like Mysis, because the other species are chiefly marine. 14. The lower orders (separated in a sub-class Entomostraca, from the foregoing Malacostraca,) exhibit by no means the same constancy in the number of segments which we meet with in the higher, nearly allied forms often presenting considerable differences in this respect. All of the orders except one — the Cirripedia — have fresh- water representatives, which are for the most part inconspicuous, often microscopic, creatures. The most primitive forms, as well as the largest we have to mention, belong to the Phyllopoda, a group in which all the behind the head bear flat leaf-like swimming-legs. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 199 A common form in spring pools is Branchipus vernalis (Fig. 125), with eleven pairs of such legs ; an allied genus, Artemia, is very common in salt lakes. Other genera are protected by a shell, which swimming on its back. x 3. may ^ horse-shoe shaped as in Apus, or formed of two valves as in Estheria. Such shells are also found in another group of Phyllopods— the Cladocera or water-fleas — (Fig. 126), in which there are only five pairs of legs, but which Fig. 126— Daphnia pulex. x 18. Fig. 127.— Cypris Candida, x 16. are otherwise marked by the large second pair of antennae taking on a locomotive function. Another order, Ostracoda, in- cludes forms with a still shorter post-cephalic region, for only two pairs of legs are to be found behind the jaws (Fig. 127). The Copepoda, however, have a much longer post-cephalic region than this, there being five thoracic segments, the first of which is coalesced with the head, and five abdominal segments term- inating in a furca. The latter are footless, but the thoracic segments bear biramous swimming feet, and the head-segments the usual appendages, although the second pair of maxillae separate on each side into two independent so-called foot-jaws, which may undergo curious alterations. Many of the Copepoda live a semi-parasitic or parasitic life ; in the free forms (Fig. 123), the jaws are formed for biting, but in the parasitic forms, the parts of the mouth are more or less converted for sucking or ad- hesion (Figs. 129 and 130), in which the posterior antennae may assist. As a rule the parasitic Copepoda do not appear to injure 200 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. much the creatures they attack, but one form, Argulus, which attains the length of quarter of an inch, is found to kill the whitefish in lakes in the North- West in immense numbers. ***$*. Fig. 128.— Cyclops sp. x 12. Fig. 129. -Ergasilus with egg-sacs from gills of sunfish X10 Fig. 130.— Ach- theres from gills of catfish x 6. This form attaches itself by the anterior foot-jaws, which are modified into suckers, but it is the piercing and sucking mouth which injures the fish. The remaining order — the Cirri- pedia — has only marine forms, which pass through an active larval phase, but eventually attach themselves by their heads and secrete a compli- cated shell (Figs. 131 and 132). The antennae are rudimentary, but three pairs of jaws are present, and behind these, six pairs of biramous feet, which by their movements bring food particles to the mouth. These are, however, absent in certain parasitic forms. Fig. 131.— Shell of Balanus hamerk Fig. 132. —Lepas anatifera. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 201 15. On the Atlantic coast, from Nova Scotia southwards, there occurs a very remarkable animal called, on account of its shape, the horse-shoe crab, Limu- lus polyphemus (Fig. 133), the body of which is divisible into three regions — cephalothorax, abdomen and caudal spine. The first of these bears six pairs of leg-like appendages, chiefly chelate, on either side of the mouth, possibly equivalent to the first six pairs of the Crustacean. The ab- dominal appendages are present in five pairs, the outer branches of which are beset with gill-leaflets. Limulus passes through a " Trilobite-phase" (Fig. 134), in its development, so called on account of its resemblance to the singular fossil Ar- Limulus pohjphemxis. £. thropods, which were so abundant during the Palaeozoic period. (Fig. 135). Fig. 134.-Trilobite-j.: of Limulus. (After Kingsley). Fig. 135.— Asaphhus Canadensis, Chapman. Utica Formation. 16. Both the Trilobites and Limulus have generally been considered as Crustacea, but many points in the structure and 14 202 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 136.— Scorpio europceus, with its combs and ocelli. development of the latter seem to point to its being more closely allied to the Arachnida. This resemblance is strongest to the Scorpions (Fig. 136), a group of Arach- nida confined to the warmer zones of the Old and New Worlds. In these the appendages of the cephalothorax are similar to those of Limulus, the first two pairs (chelicerae and pedipalpi) acting as jaws and prehensile arms, while the others are walking legs. Respiration is performed by four pairs of " lungs," which are cavities on the third to the sixth abdominal segments, containing leaflets that recall the gills of Limulus, and opening by slits on the ventral surface. Development shows that these lungs arise as infoldings at the bases of appendages, and that they are homologous with the gills of the horse-shoe crab. The abdomen differs from that of the crayfish, in being differentiated into two regions, a preabdomen of seven, and a postabdomen of six segments, the last of which terminates in a curved claw, per- forated by the duct of a poison-gland. The little book-scorpions (Chelifer) have no poison -gland in the tail, nor is the abdomen sub- divided into two regions ; they belong to an in- dependent sub-order, the Pseudoscorpionina, as do the daddy-long-legs (PJiaktngina), with their short abdomen and long walking legs. Both of these groups feed on minute insects and mites ; with the Scorpions they form the order Artnro* gastra. 17. Of the various orders of Arachnida, ig. 137— Aqaiena nceoia, . . •• v ith th e ocelli the g piders ( Aranema) and mites ( Acarina) (Afcer Emerton). V \ / \ / HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 203 are the most important. Both have the two pairs of mouth- appendages and the four pairs of walking legs, but the form of the body is very different in the two groups, on account of the separation of the abdomen in the spiders proper, by a slender stalk, and the presence at its extremity of the spin- nerets (Fig. 137). Some of the chief structural peculiarities of the spiders may be gathered from Fig. 138. The two-jointed chelicerae terminate in a powerful claw, perforated by the duct of a Fig. 138.— Diagrammatic section of a 'spider— Epeira. (After Emerton). a, b, upper and lower lips ; c, oesophagus ; d, f, upper and lower muscles of the suck- ing stomach ; «, stomach ; g, ligaments attached to diaphragm under the stomach ; k, upper, j, lower, nerve-ganglion ; I, nerve to legs and palpi ; m, m, branches of stom- ach ; n, poison-gland ; o, intestine ; p, heart; r, lung ; s, ovary; t, trachea ; u, spinning glands. poison-gland. Between the bases of the pedipalpi is the mouth, which leads by an oesophagus into a sucking stomach, dilatable by muscles, and provided with latei-al cceca. The abdominal part of the intestine is provided with a liver, and with Malphigian tubes (slender cceca arising from the hinder end of the intestine in air-breathing Arthropods, and discharging the function of kidneys). The heart is elongated like that of the scorpion and of the lower Crustacea, but the nervous cord is concentrated into the thorax. Above the oesophagus is the brain, which sends nerves to the simple (not facetted) eyes, the arrangement of which on the head is of great use to systematists. The numerous lungs of the scorpion are only represented here by two air-sacs (four in the trap-door spiders), while, in addition, a 204 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. pair of branching air-tubes, such as are universally present in the insects, open further back near the spinnerets. These are three pairs of projections, through short tubes on the ends of which the spinning glands open. The secretion furnished by these glands hardens on exposure to the air, and the threads so formed are guided by the hind legs into the characteristic webs, which serve as dwellings, or as traps for the prey, or even for flight. 18. In the Mites, on the other hand, the abdomen and cephalothorax are coalesced and unsegmented, while the mouth-appendages are frequently much modified by the adoption of a parasitic mode of life. Some of the Mites are parasitic on insects, during a larval stage, in which they have only six legs, afterwards seeking their food on plants (Trombhlium). Some are aquatic forms, which may live free (Hydrachna), or parasitic- ally on fresh-water mussels (Atax). Others are temporary parasites, like the ticks {Ixodes), but there are various forma which live a permanently parasitic life in the plumage of birds (Dermaleichus), or in the skin of mammals (Sarcoptes, Demodex). Finally, the cheese-mites and their allies ( Tyroglyphus) have their mouth-parts adapted to the easy mode in which they secure their food. Plants are not exempt from the attacks of mites, for the species of one group (Phytoptus), in which the two hinder pairs of legs are rudimentary, make minute galls in the leaves of various plants. The effect of the adoption of a parasitic mode of life is best seen in the genus Pentastomum, a form destitute of appendages, except for two pairs of hooks near the mouth, which lives in the nasal cavities of Carnivora. With the exception of the larger mites and ticks, all of the above forms have no special respiratory organs, and this is the case also with the bear-animalcules ( Tardigrada) , a group of microscopic creatures living in moss, and feeding on minute larvae or Rotifers. Like the latter, they may be desiccated and revived by moisture. They are associated with the Arachnida on account of the number of appendages, but the fourth pair of legs occupies the hinder end of the body. 19. Apart from, such minute air-breathing Arthropods as are referred to in the above paragraphs, all have respiratory organs, consisting (with the exception of the lungs of the scorpions and spiders) of branched air -tubes, communicating with the outside by " stigmata," and introducing air into all the tissues of the HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 205 body. The walls of these tubes are delicate, but they are pre- vented from collapsing by the presence of a strengthening, spiral, chitinous fibre, just as, in the higher Vertebrates, the windpipe 0«-jo is by its cartilages. .-e« They are, therefore, «|« called tracheae, and SHT^ the air-breathing Ar- enas "5 , f S"3> I thropods are hence frequently spoken of as the " tracheate" in contradistinction to the " branchiate" Ar- thropods. Two groups of the tracheate Ar- thropods remain for us to discuss — the |i = x Insecta and the Myri- =" £| | apoda. Although the ^•'5« latter contains the -s §._'« most primitive forms, •JjS | yet some knowledge J; * |1 of a very accessible ~ =. " a member of the former as s Ss^o class — the red-legged 2* ® ^ f"-|| grasshopper — will 1 1 * S serve to introduce to "5 ... » = w o a, a- 3 , maxillary palp ;sm,submentum; are more Complicated. Ihey em- rn, mentum ; pf, palpifer ; le and li, , ,, «,.« . , external and internal lobes ;PMa- brace the filiform antennae, the biaipaip. strong cutting mandibles, the max- illae and the labium, which is formed of a second pair of maxillae, coalesced in the middle line (Fig. 140). Certain unpaired struc- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 207 tures, like the labrum and metastoma of the crayfish, are repre- sented here also, for above the mandibles there is an impaired labrum articulated to the epicraniurn by an intermediate cly- peus, and projecting into the mouth-cavity as the epipharynx, while a hypopliarynx is found opposite in the floor of the mouth ; both of these are covered with stiff hairs. Although the abdomen has no obvious appendages yet the blades of the ovipositor and the cerci (more conspicuous in the cockroach) are, in reality, appendages of the eight, ninth, and tenth segments ; traces of an eleventh segment are also present. 22. Of very different nature from the appendages, are the wings : these are to be regarded as outgrowths from the notum of the two hinder thoracic segments, which have become hinged to the thorax, and penetrated by vascular and respiratory organs. In this genus the anterior wings are less of use in flight than the posterior, and serve partly as wing-covers (elytra). 23. In the locust, the nervous system is related to the seg- mentation in a way somewhat similar to what we found in the crayfish, but it is not so concentrated as in the spider. The brain supplies the eyes, ocelli and antennae; the infraoesophageal ganglion, the mouth-parts; the three thoracic segments have each their own ganglion (the last of which supplies the ears) ; but there are only five abdominal ganglia situated in the third, fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth segments respectively (Fig. 141). The intestines have a special ganglion united with the brain by a visceral nerve. Little definite is known with regard to the senses of the locust ; the antennae and palps of the jaws have undoubtedly a tactile function, but it is likely that some parts of them may be employed to detect odours and tastes as well. The compound eyes have a similar structure to those of the crayfish, but there are in addition three ocelli (comparable to a single ommatidium of a compound eye), one of which is situated between the bases of the antennae, the other two, higher up on the front of the head. 208 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Locusts are capable of producing sounds by rubbing the hind legs against the wing-covers, and they have also organs fitted for perceiving sounds. These are situated on the first abdominal segment, and consist of a vesicular auditory sac, suspended on a stretch- ed tympanic membrane. 24. Fig. 141 indicates the chief parts of the intestinal system. The oesophagus, on ascending from the mouth-cavity (into which salivary glands open), dilates into a crop, the lining of which is furnished with hairs regularly arranged. Al the junction of the crop with the stomach are several cceca, which serve to in- crease the intestinal surface, while at the junction of the stomach with the intestine proper, the Malphigian or urinary tubes are situated. The heart is an elongated vessel occupy- ing the first seven abdominal seg- ments, and the respiratory organs are a complicated system of air- tubes, opening by ten pairs of apertures (stigmata or spiracles) to the outside. Two of these are thoracic, being situ- ated in front of and behind the meso- thorax, while the other eight are on the anterior eight abdominal seg- ments. The spiracles communicate directly with two longitudinal lateral air-tubes ; these give off the smaller tracheae to the tissues, but the spir HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 200 acles are also very directly related to a series of large air-sacs, which buoy up the locusts in their flight. 25. There is a conspicuous difference between the end of the abdomen in male and female specimens \ in the latter (Fig. 141)? the ovipositor serves to drill the holes in the ground in which the eggs are laid, surrounded by a stiff secretion furnished by special glands. Oviposition occurs in the fall, and development begins at once, but is checked by winter, so that the young larvae only escape from the eggs in the spring. Apart from the circum- stance that they are destitute of wings, they resemble the parent in form ; the complete resemblance is attained during a series of moults, after each of which the body becomes larger and the rudimentary wings more evident. No complete resting-stage occurs such as the "chrysalis" of the butterfly, but the insect is said to be in the " pupa" stage, before the last moult, which con- verts it into the adult (imago) stage : the locust and its allies are consequently said to develop without metamorphosis. 26. According to a recent computation, the number of species of living animals described, amounts to some 272,000 ; of these, 200,000 belong to the class of the Insecta, and are consequently constructed upon substantially the same plan as the locust described above. Although only some 6,000 of these occur in Canada, yet there is such a wealth of form, and such differences of habit within the limits of this single class, that it will be impossible to do more here than indicate the chief modifications of the insect type, which characterize the various orders. Most of these are more specialised than the type described, so it may be as well to glance in the first place at the more primitive forms. Such, like the cockroaches (Blattidce), and earwigs (Forficulidce), are to be found within the order (Orthoptera) and sub-order to which Caloptenus belongs. The order receives its name from the position which the wings assume in rest in the family (Acrydidce), in which it is 210 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. placed, and to which the carnivorous locusts and crickets are nearly allied ; but the wings may be entirely absent, as in the singular walking-stick insects (Diapheromerafemorata), or only partly developed, as in some of the cockroaches and earwigs. The family Phasmidm contains some of the most striking cases of protective resemblance to the environment, for the members may resemble dried twigs, or even leaves of the trees on which they live, as in the case of the East Indian winged Phyllium, 27. From the earwigs we are led to a group of insects char- acterized by the entire absence of wings, and the presence of caudal appendages, equivalent to the cerci of the locust and cockroach, and to the forceps of the earwigs. These are the spring-tails (Thysanura), inconspicuous on account of their size (Fig. 142), but interesting to the zoologist as the most lowly organized insects, some of them (Fig. 143) even having rudi- mentary legs on the abdomen, and thus resembling certain Myriapods (Fig. 144). 14.2.— Podura. Fig. 143— Cam- podea. Fig. 144— Scolo* pendrella. 28. The characters of this class, the Myriapoda, may be therefore briefly examined before proceeding to the higher In- secta. It is a small group of less than a thousand species, in which the numerous segments of the body may each bear one or two pairs of appendages, but are never grouped, as they are HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 211 in the Insecta, into thorax and abdomen. There are no wings, and the maxillae may only be present in one pair. Most of the Myriapods fall into two orders, the Chilopoda and Chilognatha, the former including carnivorous forms (Centipedes, Fig. 145), the latter, forms which live in decaying vege- table material (Millipedes and galleyworms). The parts of the mouth are adapted to their habits, for in the Chilopoda the first pair of legs end in powerful claws perforated by the duct of a poison-gland, and are turned forwards to supplement the three pairs of jaws. In the Chilognatha, on the other hand, there is only one pair of maxillae below the mandibles, and they are united to form a labium. The two Fig. 145.-Scutigera. gr0Ups further differ in that the Centipedes have only one pair of legs to each segment, the Millipedes two j and that, while the Centipedes resemble the insects in the position of the opening of the oviduct, this is near the head in the Millipedes. It will be apparent from what follows that these are much more important structural peculiarities than we find separating the orders of Insecta from each other. Certain tropical worm-like forms (Peripatus) which have the habits of Millipedes, but whose segments bear unjointed appendages terminating in hooks, are of interest as being intermediate between the Vermes and the lower Arthropoda. A separate class (Protracheata) has been formed for their reception. 29. Returning to the locust and its allies, which are described vas the Orthoptera proper (0. genuina), we must now proceed toward the higher orders of insects, glancing, in the first place, at certain forms associated by naturalists with the Orthoptera, on account of the structure of the mouth-parts and the absence of a metamorphosis, but differing from them in that both pairs of wings are alike. The wings resemble those of the nerve- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. winged insects (Neuroptera), and, to distinguish them from these, the forms referred to are called Pseud o-neuroptera. Belonging here are the dragon-flies (Libellulidce), May-flies (Ephemeridce), stone-flies (Perlidce), all of which have aquatic larvss (into the tracheae of which air is absorbed through peculiar expansions of the body-wall known as tracheal gills), but there are also forms with terrestrial larvae, such as the Psocidce (very small insects which live like plant-lice chiefly on hardwood trees, and often attract attention by the woolly -looking masses which they form). Allied to these are the tropical Termites, often called "white ants, " because they live a social life in colonies and build nests. An African species — Termes bellicosus — builds towers 12 or 15 feet high ; in addition to the males and females, the inhabitants are partly wingless neuters, most of which undertake the work, but some the defence of the colony, and are therefore called workers and soldiers. Occupying an intermediate place between the Orthoptera and the next order, is the family Tlirypsidce, including minute insects which have the parts of the mouth adapted for sucking vegetable juices. They often attack cultivated plants in great numbers, causing destruction, e.g., of the hay and onion crops. The wings of the adults are margined by long delicate hairs. 30. Like the Orthoptera, the Hemiptera are insects with an in- complete metamorphosis, but the parts of the mouth are gener- ally modified for sucking, the labium being converted into a grooved and jointed proboscis (generally folded back underneath the thorax), in which the mandibles and the maxillae lie in the form of slender stylets (Fig. 146, 2). h Fig. 146, 1, 2, S — Diagram of transections of the proboscis of dipterous, hemip- terous, and lepidopterous insects. (After Dimmock, Graber, and Muhr, respectivelyX le, labrum and epipharynx ; lb, labrum, la, labium , (between the two are the mandibles and maxillae, and in 1, the hypopharynx); mxt maxillae. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 213 Palps are absent, except in some low wingless forms — the Mallophaga — which live on the young hairs and downs of mammals and birds, and have, consequently, biting mouth parts. They, with the Pediculidce, which live by sucking the blood of animals, form the sub-order Aptera. But the absence of wings is not confined to this sub-order, some of the plant-parasites (sub-order Phytophthires) being also wingless. This sub-order includes the plant-lice, Aphidce, and the scale-insects, which are so harmful to plants (especially those cultivated in the house)? the juice of which they suck by means of the proboscis. Among the better known forms of these parasites are the Phylloxera vastatrix, which was carried from this continent to Europe, and has there done enormous damage to the vineyards, chiefly by forming galls on the rootlets of the vines, and the cochineal insect (Coccus cacti), a scale-insect which lives on the prickly-pear cactus in Mexico, and which is the source of carmine, one of the most valuable dyes of commerce. The bulk of the Hemiptera belong to the two remaining sub- orders, the Homoptera, in which the wings are alike, and the Heteroptera, in which the anterior are partly converted into elytra. To the former belong the musical Cicadidce, the males of which have a vocal apparatus on the under surface of the ab- domen, and the Cicadellidce, which are much smaller forms but include many more species. To the latter, belong the water- and land-bugs, Hydrocores and Geocores. In accordance with their aquatic life, the Hydrocores have one or more pairs of legs modified for swimming, their habitual mode of locomotion during the day, but their hind wings enable them to fly, which they do chiefly at night. All of them are predaceous forms, sucking the blood of fishes, Ephemerid larvae, etc. ; they are capable of inflicting a sting by means of their proboscis. The body may be elongated (Ranatra), or flattened (Belostoma), or keeled for swimming on the back (Notonecta). The Geocores, however, include many more species, partly living on animal, partly on vegetable juices. Some have extremely long legs, by 214 High school zoology. means of which they run over the surface of water (Gerris) ; others have a flat, depressed body, with short legs, like the bed-bug (Acanthia lectularia), while among the phytophagous forms, to which some destructive species like the chinch-bug (Rhyparochromus leucopterus), and the squash-bug (Coreus tristis) belong, a great variety of form exists. 31. All the Insecta mentioned above are spoken of as ame- tabolic forms (A?netabola), on account of the fact that they do not undergo a metamorphosis. Those on the other hand now to be dealt with are metabolic (Metabola). At first sight the Neuroptera, on account of the wings, seem to be closely allied to the May-flies referred to above, but their larvae pass through a resting (pupa) stage, during which they attain their aduit form. The terrestrial larvae of Myrmeleon are called ant-lions, as they feed on ants, which they catch by preparing sand-pits for them to roll into. They spin a cocoon, in which they pass their pupa-stage. The aquatic larvae of the caddis-flies (Phryganea) live in cases, formed of sand or bits of twigs, in which they afterwards pass the pupa-stage. This group (Trichoptera) is an interesting one, because it leads to the Diptera and Lepidoptera, both on account of the fact that the anterior wings are hairy, and because the mouth-parts ap- proach the structure met with in these orders. The latter is true also of the genus Panorpa, which is further remarkable for having caterpillar-like larvae. 32. From the carnivorous terrestrial larvae of the Neuroptera we pass naturally to the carnivorous forms of beetles — Coelop- tera, — which are marked by a more complete conversion of the anterior wings into elytra than we have yet met with, and by a greater resemblance of the mouth-parts to those of the Orthop- tera, than exists in other insects. More than a third of the known species of insects belong to this order ; it may be gathered, there- fore, that within comparatively narrow limits of structural modification there is a surprising wealth of form, associated SIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 215 with adaptation to habits of life characteristic for each species. Thus we have the carnivorous Carabidce, running forms often destitute of the hind wings, the allied aquatic water-beetles, Dytiscidce, and scavenger forms like the Sylphidce and Staphy- linidce, several of the latter being always found in ants' nests, and presenting curious instances of dependence upon their hosts. Destructive household-pests like the Dermestidce (which attack furniture, carpets, museum specimens, etc.), are amongst the smallest of the order, while the Scarahoddaz, along with a number of familiar phytophagous forms like the May-beetle (Lachno- sterna), include some tropical giants — Dynastes — which may attain a length of 5 or 6 inches. The fire-flies (Lampyridce) are sufficiently marked by the luminous organs on the abdomen, the weevils (Curculionidce) by the prolongation of the head into a sort of proboscis, the bark-beetles (Bostrychidce)by the character- istic channels which they hollow out in trees. Several of the leaf-eating forms (Chrysomelidce), like the potato-beetle (Dory- phora decemlineata), are familiar, and the lady-birds (Coccinel- lidce), which feed on plant-lice, attract attention as well by their form as by their colouration. 33. In the two next orders of insects, Diptera and Lepido- ptera, the mouth-parts are formed for sucking, but this conver- sion is carried out in different ways in the two groups. In the former the labrum and the labium form an unjoin ted double tube, in which stylets formed of the mandibles, maxillae, and hypopharynx are contained (Fig. 146, i). In the Lepidoptera on the other hand, it is the maxillae which by their apposition form the sucking proboscis (Fig. 146, 3) ; the maxillary palps are rarely well developed, while the labial palps are. The Diptera receive their name on account of the apparent absence of the posterior wings, which are converted into balancers — halteres ; the Lepidoptera, theirs, from the presence of scales (which are generally coloured) on the wings. 216 High school zoology. To the Diptera belong the mosquitos (Culicidce), black-flies (Simulidce), and horse-flies (Tabanidce), the females of which suck blood through wounds made by their piercing stylets. The larvae are aquatic, or, as in the case of the horse-flies, they live in the earth. There are also forms like the Hessian-fly {Cecidomyia destructor), which are injurious to cultivated plants, eggs being deposited within the cellular tissue, and thus forming galls, in which the larvae are developed. Again, there are the domestic flies (Muscidce), in which the ends of the labium — (labellce) — are converted into a rasping proboscis, which enables them to dispense with their piercing stylets. The larvae (maggots) lead a parasitic or saprophytic life. Finally, the fleas (Pulicidce) are distinguished by the absence of wings and by the serration of their mandibles, which adapts them better for their life of semi-parasitism. Many differences of habit are likewise met with among the Lepidoptera. Small forms like the clothes-moths (Tinea) belong to the Microlepidoptera, which also include a hcst of forms de- structive to vegetation, in one way or another, like the coddling- moth (C arpocapsa). Such is also the case among the larger forms, Macrolepidoptera, which include the butterflies (Papil- ionidce), hawk-moths (Sphingidce), silk-worm moths (Bomby~ cidce), and other families. It is in this order that remarkable instances of protective resemblance to other animals (so-called mimicry) was first observed. The bee-moths (e. g., Sesia thysbe and others) receive their names from (and owe their freedom from attack to) their resemblance to various stinging wasps. 34. The most highly developed of all insects are undoubtedly the Hymenoptera. They exhibit this in the reduction of the num- ber of the abdominal segments and in the concentration of the nervous system, as well as in the social life which characterizes the higher genera It is possible to recognize in the parts of the mouth, all of those met with in the locust, but the charac- teristic " tongue" of the bee is formed by the fusion and prolong- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 217 ation of the inner lobes of the labium, while the external lobes so marked in the locust here only form the paraglossse (Fig. 147). Fig. 147.— Part of the Head with the Mouth-parts of the Honey Bee. 01, labrum ; k1, mandible; k2, maxillae ; taz, maxillary palps ; uk, submentum ; fc. mentum; g, palpifer ; al'!, external lobe of the labium (paraglossaY) ; il, internal lobe, (tongue) ; ta;i, labial palps. Both pairs of wings are transparent, the anterior larger than the posterior, and united with them in flight. The lowest group, the saw-flies (Tenthredinidce), have caterpillar-like larvae which live on leaves, but are distinguishable from caterpillars by the greater number of abdominal feet. Most of the families, however, either provide for the larvae, cells of wax, or of paper, or in the soil, and stock these with suitable food, which may consist of honey, or pollen and honey, or of paralyzed insects (Sphegidce), or else they deposit their eggs in the bodies of other insects, or in plants, in such a way that the larvae on hatching are surrounded with suitable food. In either case the larvae are footless, and have rudimentary mouth-parts. The first con- dition is met with in bees (Apidce), wasps (Vespidce), and ants (Formicidce), the females of which are furnished with a sting or modified ovipositor connecting with a poison-gland, the second in the Ichneumonidce, which possess long ovipositors by which they deposit their eggs in other insects, and in the Cynipidce (the gall flies), where the laying of the eggs by the short ovipositors, in the cellular tissue of plants, gives rise to characteristic diseased outgrowths — galls — , in the interior of which the insects live till they reach the adult condition. 15 2l8 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER VIII. The Vermes and Mollusca. 1. In last chapter, reference was made to the prevailing heter- onomy of segmentation of the Arthropods, but the class of the Myriapods, and especially the genus Peripatus, were described as possessing a more worm-like form and homonomous segment- ation. The latter genus, indeed, is destitute of the jointed appendages almost universal in the Arthropods, and its locomo- tive organs rather suggest the unjointed stumps of the highest worms. These belong to the class Annelida (of the sub-kingdom Vermes), a class which is chiefly represented by marine forms, but of which the earthworm and leech may be selected as more accessible types. 2. The Vermes admit of no such sharp definition as do the Arthropods, for although bilateral symmetry is present in all, yet some forms are segmented, others unsegmented, and thus, the structure of the body may be extremely different in the various classes. The highest class, the Annelida, includes all the segmented forms, and those, consequently, nearest the Arthropods : a comparison, however, of an earthworm and a leech, on the one hand, with a crayfish on the other, will disclose the essential differences which exist between them. 3. One of the most notable of these is the absence of any exoskeleton such as that of the Arthropods; a thin cuticle containing chitin represents it, and is formed by underlying epidermal (so-called hypodermal) cells, but many of these ar^ HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 219 glandular in their character, and thus the skin is softer than in the Arthropods. The external segmentation does not always correspond to the internal ; in the earthworm it does, partitions or septa being attached opposite the external furrows, which tend to divide off the ccelom into so many chambers as there are segments. In the leech, however, there are several furrows, which are merely skin deep, to each true segment marked off by the septa. The completeness of the internal segmentation, brought about by these septa, necessarily affects the various organs contained in the ccelom, thus the intestine, the blood- vessels and. the nerve- cord all partake in it. It is not often that we observe any reduction in the number of repeated parts, (each segment, for example, having its own nerve-ganglion), and this is especially true of the excretory system, each segment having a pair of coiled tubes, segmental organs or nephridia, which open outwardly and also into the ccelom (Fig. 1 48). Ho- Fig. 148.— Diagram of transection of earthworm. JJ, the hypodermis ; c, the circular, I, the longitudinal muscular layers ; Sl /52, the upper and lower pairs of bristles; a, external, a1, coelomic aperture of the nephridium(the external aperture is not exactly in the same plane as the setae, nor is the internal aperture in the san.e plane as the external) ; i, the intestine with its roof infolded (typhlosole) : it is coated with glandular epithelial cells; blood-vessels are represented in black, above and below the intestine, and around the nerve-cord — n. 220 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. mologues of these are to be recognized in the green gland of the crayfish, and the coxal glands of various other primitive Arthro- pods, such as the scorpions and mites, which have a similar position, but are not repeated in every segment as in the Annelids. The excretory organs of Annelids find a closer parallel in the kidneys of the more primitive Vertebrates, which are also disposed segmentally ; the internal apertures may be retained, but the separate external aper- tures are replaced by a single collecting duct leading to the outside. 4. Instead of the elaborate muscles which are present in the highest Arthropods, we find that the muscles and the skin are closely united into a tube surrounding the coelom. Im- mediately underneath the skin is a layer of circular fibres, within that, one of longitudinal fibres, and both are penetrated by radial fibres which extend from the skin inwards. Although locomotion is always effected by the alternate contractions and relaxations of this cutaneo-muscular tube, yet the precise way in which it is carried out differs in the two subclasses of Annelids — the Chsetopoda and Discophora — to which the earth- worm and the leech respectively belong. In the former, loco- motion is assisted by bunches of strong bristles (setse) attached to the sides of the segments, and worked by Special muscular slips, while in the latter, one or more regions of the tube are modified into suckers, which fix the body, while the muscu- lar tube alternately contracts and elongates. 5. To the Chsetopods belong the bulk of the Class, marine forms with numerous bristles (Order Polychaeta) fixed on short projecting stumps (parapodia), which may also carry feelers, gills, or protecting scales. The marine Annelids are either car- nivorous in their habits, living a free life, and swimming or creeping about the seashore, or sedentary forms, which burrow in the sand (Fig. 149), or live in tubes of chitin or sand or lime, which are constructed with the aid of secretions from the skin. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 221 The order to which the earthworm belongs, however, (Oligochseta) chiefly includes fresh-water (limicolous) or teres- trial (terricolous) worms, where the bristles are few in number, and lodged in setigerous follicles, there being no parapodia, nor appendages of the nature of feelers or gills. The Limicolse are small forms living for the mosb part in the mud at the bottom of ponds or streams. Some of them, the Naididce, are parti- cularly remarkable on account of their reproducing themselves by budding, so that they are often found in chains, still attached to each other. They live chiefly on decaying vegetable Fig. 149. —Marine lob-worm. (Arenicola piseatorum). The bunches of setaB are more apparent in front of the gills than behind. matter, but one species of Chcetogaster lives a parasitic life in the lungs of various pond-snails. The earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) is the most familiar of the Terricolse ; its setae are not conspicuous, but each segment carries eight, disposed in four groups. One region of the body is often swollen and noticeable, bearing the clitellum ; it furnishes a cocoon in which the eggs are developed. The researches of Darwin proved the earth- worm to be of the first importance in the loosening of the soil and the formation of mould. This is effected in the course of its burrowing, which it does partly by separating the particles of earth, partly by swallowing them. Although no special respir- atory organs are present, yet the skin is traversed throughout by capillary vessels, which bring the blood close to the surface. The fluid portion of the blood (not the corpuscles, I, 60) con- tains haemoglobin j and its circulation through the skin, as well 222 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. as through the rest of the body, is assured by heart-like loops which connect the principal longitudinal vessels. These are situated above and below the tubular intestine, and above and below and on each side of the nerve-cord. 6. The Discophora differ from the other Annelids in the entire absence of bristles, and in the presence of a sucker immediately below the posterior aperture of the intestine. Most forms also have the segment in front of the mouth (prestomium) converted into a sucker. In accordance with their habits of life, we find conspicuous structural differences in the Leeches, as compared with the other Annelids. They are sometimes temporary para- sites, like the medicinal leech in Europe (Hirwdo) or its Ameri- can representative Macrobdella, living upon the juices of other animals, which they suck and store up in a sacculated intess tine, or carnivorous forms with a simpler intestine preying on the smaller Invertebrates (Nephelis). Both of these groups have jaws, which are used either for inflicting a wound be- fore sucking, or for comminuting their food. Other para sitic forms are destitute of jaws, but have instead a protractile proboscis. Common examples are the fish-leech (Piscicola or Ichthyobdella), and the various species of Clepsine, large form- of which attack the pond-turtles, while smaller species prey on the pond-snails. Another interesting form, destitute of the anterior sucker, is the curious little BranchiobdeUa, several species of which are to be found on the gills, and on the head- parts, of the various species of crayfishes. 7. In contrast to the Annelids, the lower Classes of Vermes do not possess metameric segmentation. Certain marine forms — Gephyrea — have segmental organs, but the ccelom is undivided and the nerve-cord alike throughout. In the other Classes (Rotifera, Nematelminthes, and Plathelminthes), to which, for the most part, unfamiliar and inconspicuous forms belong, a HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 223 so-called water-vascular system — to be presently described — replaces the segmental organs. 8. TheRotifera or Wheel-Animalcules are microscopic aquatic creatures, round the mouth of which are disposed lobes bearing cilia, which, when ill motion give the appearance of rotating wheels (Fig. 150). They serve to bring food to the mouth, and also for swimming. A longer or shorter tail, which is sometimes telescopic, assists in locomo- tion, and serves also, as it terminates in a pair of forceps, for temporary fixation. Some of the species are sedentary, living in tubes, either singly or in colonies. The intestine is absent in the males (which are not only more minute than the females, but also much fewer in number, and shorter-lived), but it is com- plete in the females, having near the mouth an expanded part containing a chitinous mas- ticating apparatus, and, behind that, two lateral cceca. The water-vascular system consists of two convoluted tubes opening anteriorly into the coelom and posteriorly into a contractile bladder, which communi- cates with the rectum. Instead of the elong- ated nerve-cord of the higher Annelids, there is here only a single ganglion situated above the oesophagus, whence are distributed nerve- fibres to the various parts, including the eyes and tactile organs. There are no blood- vessels, and no respiratory organs. The Rotifers like the Tardigrades have considerable power of resisting death by desiccation. Fig. 150 fer. Female of Roti- (Hydatina senta). 9. The names of the remaining Classes, which include for the most part parasitic worms, are taken from the form of the body, which is cylindrical in the Nematelminthes but flattened in the Plathelminthes. According to the grade of parasitism, the in- testinal system is more or less reduced, being absent in those most completely adapted for a parasitic mode of life. Organs of fixation suited to the nature and degree of the parasitism, are 224 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. also to be recognised. The development is often complicated by a metamorphosis, and the creatures often pass through dif- ferent stages of their parasitic life in different hosts, a phenom- enon known as heteroecism. Fig. 15L— Trichina spiralis* A, female; B, male; C, junction of oesophagus and intestine; D, encysted Trichina-larva between the fibres of muscular tissue. 10. Two orders of are recognised, the Nematodes, which have generally a complete intestine, and the Acanthocephali, which have none. To the former order there belong some free microscopic forms, which live in decaying matter in water, also some vegetable para- sites, like the wheat- worm ( Tylenchus) and the beet- worm (HeteroderaJ, but the bulk of the order are parasites, either during a part of their life (like the insect parasites Oordlus and Mermis), or during the whole of it. All groups of Vertebrates have special Nematode parasites, which live in the skin, or the eyes (FilariaJ, or in the intestine (Ascaris), or the HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 225 muscles ( Trichina), or the respiratory organs (Syngamus, Strongylus), or blood-vascular system (Sclerostomum), and cause many serious diseases. One of the most dangerous of these to which man is liable, is Trichiniasis, caused by eating insufficiently-cooked pork, in the flesh of which the minute encapsuled Trichinae are living (Fig. 151). The Acanthocephali are so-named, from a proboscis covered with hooks, by which they fix themselves in the intestines of their hosts — for the most part, lower Vertebrates. 11. The Plathelminthes also include some free forms, such as the marine Nemertini, unsegmented worms, which sometimes attain alength of thirty or forty feet (Linens), and also the Turbellaria, for the most part very small creatures living in water or damp places. In both, the skin is covered with ciliated cells, which are absent in the other (parasitic) orders. The intestine is tubular and complete in the Nemerteans, but in the Turbellarians it is sometimes much branched, and always opens to the outside only by the mouth. The commonest forms are species of Plan- aria (Fig. 152 b) little flat, leech-like forms, which are to be found clinging to stones or creeping about in fresh-water ponds or streams. They are rartly longer than half an inch, but some marine forms attain a much larger size. On the other hand, there are fresh-water Turbellaria with a simple rod-like intestine (Fig. 152 a), which rarely exceed a line in length, and others, with no intestine at all, in which the food-parti- cles are simply admitted by the mouth into the interior of the body, which is composed of soft cells. Fig. 15a— Turbellaria. p a, Mesostonium, with rod- like ; b, Planar la, with branch- ed intestine ; m, the mouth ; n, nerve-ganglia with eye-spots. 12. The remaining orders of the Flat-worms are the Trematodes, and Cestodes. In the former, the intestine is a forked tube open- ing only by the mouth ; in the latter, it is entirely absent, and there is no ccelom in either. Organs of fixation in the form of suckers or hooks are always present. The Trematodes live either as ectoparasites on various animals, such as fishes and molluscs, — in which case they are well provided with hooks and suckers, and form only a few eggs, which they fix directly to their hosts, — or as entoparasites within various Vertebrates, — in which case they 226 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. generally have two suckers (genus Distomum J, one round the mouth, the other on the ventral surface. The eggs are very numerous, for only a very small number of them can meet with the com- plicated conditions favourable to their complete life. They do not give rise at once to the Distome form, but, by internal budding, to inter- mediate broods, which differ from the adult in form, and are found in some different animal (Fig. 153), Fig. 153.— Developmental cycle of Distomum hepaticum.— The liver-fluke of sheep. (After Leuckart). a, the adult showing the position of the suckers, and the hranched intestine ; b, an egg with opercillum, and contained ciliated embryo, with some unconsumed food- yolk.— This embryo gives rise to. a "sporocysfin which " rediae," like c, are formed by internal budding. The redia gives rise, also by internal budding, to larval distomes — " cercaria) " d, —which loose the tail and after encystment attain the adult form, a. 13. Apart from the absence of the intestine, the Cestodes differ from the Trematodes in the formation of chains by budding, each segment in the chain or proglottis, resembling its neighbour, but differing from the original or head-segment, by the absence of organs of fixation. The seg- ments have sometimes more, sometimes less capacity for independent life. The eggs formed within them do not at once develop into original head-segments, but into larval bladder-like forms (Cysticerci) — which are found in some different animal from the host of the adult — and these may, by budding, give rise to more than one head-segment. The adult chains are found in the intestines of all the classes of Vertebrates ; the cystic stages in the flesh, liver or brain of some animal, which serves as food for the host of the adult chains (Fig. 154). Thus the tape- worms of the carnivorous sharks pass through their cystic stages in the Teleosts, HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. on whichthey feed. Through eating insufficiently-cooked beef, fish, man is liable to several forms of these parasites. pork or Fig. 154.— Developmental cycle of Taenia serrata. (A species of tape-worm which occurs in the dog). (After Leuckart). 1, A young tape-worm composed of the head, with hooks (a, b), and suckers, and a chain of immature segments ; 2, a mature segment, the branched uterus of which is full of G-hooked shelled embryos, 3 ; these gain access to the liver of the rabbit, loose their hooks, become encysted, 4, and invaginated at one end which gives rise to the head of the future tape-worm, 5 ; 6, a fully formed bladder-worm (Cysticercus pisiformix) ; 7, section of the head before its eversion ; r, the rcstellum which carries the hooks ; s, two of the suckers. MOLLUSCA. 14. From the lowly- organised unsegmented worms, which we have been considering, to a sub-kingdom like the Mollusca, which contains some of the largest and most highly-organised of the Invertebrates, seems a very long step, and yet it is to the Vermes, and not to any of the other sub-kingdoms, that we must look for any resemblance to the Molluscan structure, 228 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. The sub- kingdom derives its name from the softness of the tissues of the body, a peculiarity dependent on the fact that it is generally protected by a one or two-valved shell. Locomo- tion is effected by the specialised musculature of the ventral surface of the body — the so-called foot— winch recalls, in many cases, the creeping surfaces of the Planarians, but is often curiously modified for other methods of locomotion. . The re- spiratory organs are generally gills, situated on one or both sides of the body and protected by a fold of the skin called the pallium or mantle ; it is this portion of the skin which has the function of secreting the shell. One pair of excretory organs, similar in structure to the nephridia of the segmented worms, are present, but the nervous system is arranged on a plan entirely different from that of any of the Yermes studied. 15. Two subdivisions of Molluscs are recognized, which differ according to the amount of specialisation of the cephalic end of the body. The bivalve shell-fish, from the peculiar manner in which their food is secured and their almost sedentary habits, have none of that concentration of the sense-organs and of the nerve-centres into the "head," which we find in the other Molluscs. They are thus frequently called the Acephala, in con- trast to the Cephalophora. 16. The Acephala form a single class — Lamellibranchiata, called so on account of the plate-like gills, which are present in all. It is chiefly a marine group, but representatives of both of the orders into which it is subdivided occur in fresh water, the most conspicuous being the fresh-water Mussels (Unionidcu), any one of which will serve as a type for the study of the class. The shell, like the body, is symmetrical, the right and left valves being similar ; it is only in attached forms of Lamelli- branchs like the oyster, in which any great degree of asymmetry is to be observed. At the dorsal surface is to be noted the hinge, formed by an an uncalcified part of the shell, the ligament, HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. and often by teeth on the valves. In front of the hinge are the umbones, the first-formed parts of the valves ; they gener- ally incline forwards. Three layers may be seen in the shell, the outer brown periostracum, the thick prismatic layer formed by the activity of the thickened border of the mantle (Fig. 155), and the nacreous or pearly layer, se- creted by the whole mantle surface. Pearls are the result of repeated layers of this substance being form- ed round foreign particles, which have got between the mantle and the shell. The mantle corresponds in form to the shell, hanging down right and left of the body : in many Lamellibranchs, the margins of its two lobes tend to unite, except in mm 4» •»■ *. *_ _*• front, to allow egress to the foot, Fig. 155.— Diagrammatic transection ' ° ' ^Anodon. (After Ludwig). and behind at two points, the 1, ligament; sh, shell; m, mantle ; . _ ,, , . , w', its thickened margin; g\ g2, SipAOIlS, to allOW Water to get into outer and inner gill-plates;/, in the , . j* ±\. n -i. r . mantle-cavity points to the foot, which and out ot the mantle cavity, but contains portions of the intestine (i) ., . • i „ , „ _ • ji „ and reproductive organs ; n, is in _ the thlS Union does not OCClir in the *o^n!n^ot?s^onf^diSM^Tnto TTnios, and the siphons (Fig. 156), the mantle-cavity. ^ merQ gpecialised parts Gf the mantle-margin, which can be fitted together. Locomotion is effected by the ploughshare-shaped foot ; mus- cular fibres are hardly developed elsewhere in the body-wall except along the border of the mantle, and especially at its anterior and posterior ends, where the adductor muscles which close the shell are situated. Related to these muscular masses are the three pairs of nerve- ganglia — cerebral, pedal and parieto-splanchnic — with connect- ing nerve-cords. A pair of flat, triangular, tactile tentacles on 230 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. each side of the mouth, a pair of otocysts in the foot, sup- plied by the cerebral ganglia, and a patch of olfactory neuro- epithelium near the posterior adductor are the chief seats of the special senses. In some forms, eyes are distributed along the mantle-margin, but not in the Unios. o o 3 S "S ^ «s EL'S ..«„ 5 eg ..J g £ * § 2 » 3 ill ■«'2 ft 1 \ -c r " ^ • - c a a, ? OS2Urifi C c* -c -.£"C 8 %£.&-•- to ci u tk\ at • i_ k Upper surface of the calyx with the arms cut off, 175). Along With cer- Showing the mouth in the centre, and the furrows . ... converging to it from the arms. tarn allied forms, which are now quite extinct, the Crinoids were much more abundant in the earlier geological periods, than they are at the present day. Fig. 175.— Living Crinoid (Pentacrinm) with part of its stalk. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 245 f\Af\ Fig. 176. —Thread-cells of Hydroid. I,, undergoing development ; II, with the thread protruded. 5. The Coelenterata also are "radiate," but the parts are usually disposed in twos, or fours, or sixes ; instead of the complete intestine and complicated ccelom of the preceding group, there is only one cavity which discharges the functions of both ; peculiar modified cells (thread-cells or nettling organs, Fig. 176), take on a defensive function, by pouring an acrid poison into wounds inflicted by their microscopic barbs. From the tendency to form colonies (often plant-like in form) this group, which is almost exclusively marine, used to be called the Zoophytes. Apart from some singular pelagic forms which have comb-like ridges of cilia on the surface (Ctenophora), the Ccelenterates fall into two classes — the Hydrozoa and the Actinozoa. The former name is derived from the fresh-water Polyp, Hydra (Fig. 177), a cosmopolitan form very much simpler in its organi- zation than its marine allies. It does not form colonies, but buds off individuals which soon become detached from the parent. Eggs are formed, during a short period of the year, in the wall of the two-layered tube which constitutes the body. Fig. 177. — Hydra viridis, at- tached to a weed,with buds in two stages of development. The expanded tentaclesappear granular owing to accumula- tions of thread-cells, a, a thread -cell. 24ft HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. One end of the tube is closed, and serves for attachment, the other opens by the mouth, which is surrounded by tubular tentacles, capable of extraordinary elongation, and employed for seizing the minute animals on which they feed. Both layers of the body-wall (ectoderm and endoderm) take part in the f rmation of the tentacles. Hydra owes its generic name to its extraordinary power of recovery after injury, any fragment of an individual being capable of reproducing the rest. The marine Hydroids form colonies, often arborescent (Fig. 178), the connecting stems of which are always, and the individuals frequently, protected by a horny exoskeleton — the perisarc (Fig. 179). Eggs are formed in peculiarly shaped individuals, Fig. 179.— Diagram of Hydroid colony (after Allmnn) b, root or hydrorhiza: a, coenosarc; a1, peris- arc; h, modified individual with reproductive buds (t) about to as- sume the form of locomotive medusa? like k; c, nutritive individ- ual; e, mouth; g, tentacles. fig. 178 — Hydroid colony. {Obelaria gelatinosa). HK;Lt SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 247 which, in some cases, differ very much from the ordinary polyp in shape, and may even be detached and swim off as Medusce (Fig. 170). There is then an alternation between the Hydra- form, multiplying by buds, and the Medusa-form multiplying by eggs. Some Medusa?, however, the larger jelly-fishes (Fig. 180), do nob come from Hydroid colonies, but their eggs give rise to tube-like larva?, which undergo multiplication by division into young Medusae, related to each other like a pile of saucers. In such higher forms of Hydroids an abundant layer of gelatinous connective tissue (mesoderm) separates the endoderm from the ectoderm. 6. The class Actinozoa (exclu- sively marine) derives its name from the Sea-anemone — A ctinia — (Fig. 1°1). These creatures attain a considerable size, and are often very brilliantly coloured. They differ from the Hydroids by having the mouth-end of the tubular body turned in as a stomach-sac, which is connected by mesenteries or septa to the outer tube (Fig. 182). The chambers between the septa open above into the tentacles, which are separated from the mouth by an intervening disc. The Sea-anemonies have no skeleton, and do not form colonies, but allied forms give rise by budding, or division, to colonies, which may be arborescent or massive, and in which a skeleton or corallum is a marked feature. The corallum may be confined to the axis of the common flesh (ccenosarc), which unites the indi- vidual polyps, as in the Fan- corals and the Bed Coral of commerce (Fig. 183), or it may invade the polyps them- Fig1. 180.— Higher Jelly-fish. (Aurelia aurita). Fig. 181. — A Sea-anemone (Acti- nia), a, the mouth; b, the disc ; c, the tentacles : d, margin of the disc ; e, the wall ; f, the base. 24$ HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Kg. 182. -Diagram of Actinia (From Ludwig). a, tentacle ; b, mouth ; o, stomach- sac ; d, its opening into coelenteron 1 ; e, septum ;el, secondary septum ; f, g, apertures in septum; h, muscular slips ; i, reproductive organs k, mes- enteri al filaments. selves. In the latter case, it may be only in the form of detached calcareous spicules, but oftener the spicules unite into a con- tinuous structure, which pene- trates the wall alone (Tubipora, Fig. 184) or even the septa of the polyps, forming thus a " cup-coral " (Fig. 185). Abundant fossil ex- amples of such cup-corals occur in the Palaeozoic strata of Ontario, but the living representatives of the group are chiefly confined to the warmer seas of the present day, where many species contribute to the formation of the different kinds of coral-reefs. Fig. 183. — Red coral. (Corallium rubrum). P, the calcareous axis or sclerobase. A, coenosarc investing the axis and contain- ing the individual polyps, B.these are m different stages of retraction ; d, tentacles ; CB, stomach-sac ; m, mesenteries. The coenosarc is cut through and turned back, so as |p show the canals (1 and n) which traverse it, and the axis which it covets. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY, 249 if. By many zoologists the Porifera or Sponges are regarded as Ccelente rates, chiefly distinguished by the absence of thread- cells ; they have so many other peculiarities, however, that it is convenient to consider them apart. Although one family (Spongillidce) is confined to fresh-water, and is abundantly represented in our lakes and streams (Fig. 186), yet it does not Fig. 184.— Organpipe coral. (Tubipora musica). Some of the polyps are expanded. Fig. \S5.—MicheKnea convexa. Devonian. F\g. 186.~-Spongilla lacustris. contain conspicuous forms, and the word " sponge ' is most fre- quently connected with the marine animals, whose skeletons we use in every day life. Yet those are derived from but one 17 250 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGt. (Spongidce) of very many marine families, and in fact from com- paratively few species of it. The skeleton in other families is either formed of calcareous spicules (Calcarea), or of siliceous and horny material, together or separate (Non-calcarea) ; it is only in one family of the latter that there is no skeleton. 8. The name Porifera is derived from the presence of numerous smaller and larger apertures on the surface of the living sponge, respectively called "pores " and " oscula ;" water, carrying particles of food, is caused to stream through a more or less complicated system of ccelenteric canals, of which the pores are the inhalent, and the oscula the exhalent apertures. Certain parts of the canals — the ciliated chambers — are lined by tall ciliated cells of characteristic shape — " collar-cells" (§ 16) — and it is especially those which are active in bringing about the current. They are equivalent to the entoderm of the Ccelenterates, the rest of the canal-system and the outer surface being clad with flattened ectodermal cells, while the soft, gela- tinous, connective-tissue between these layers, which constitutes the bulk of the " flesh" of the sponge, belongs to the mesoderm. In some cases the ccelenteron, or gas tro vascular cavity, has only a single " osculum" (Fig. 187), and then the sponge may be compared to a single Coelenterate polyp, but generally it is a more complicated canal-system with numerous oscula, and the resemblance to a Coelenterate colony is lessened by the absence of symmetry and of constancy in the form of the body and the position of the oscula. 9. Sponges are only possessed of locomotive powers in their early larval stages; they afterwards attach themselves, and possess, therefore, but little muscular tissue. Special sensitive cells are present in the skin, but there are no sense-organs, such as are found in the higher Ccelenterates. In addition to the formation of new individuals from eggs, a separation of buds, HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 251 ilk \ **$\ or even of parts of the living sponge, may also give rise to them. A peculiar kind of bud- ding occurs in the fresh-water Sponges, which recalls the form- ation of the winter-buds of the Polyzoa, as it takes place under similar conditions. The buds are called statoblasts or lt gem- mules " and are protected by characteristic spicules (Fig. 183)» 10. Fossil remains of sponges are abundant in the earlier for- mations, but they reached the height of their development during the upper Secondary period. 11. The Calcarea are chiefly minute collar-cells ;" e, osculum. The arrows *_-._,., t^„n a i„ cU„n~,«. ■m**.** ±u indicate the direction of the current in- forms found m shallow water ; the wards through the pores, and outwards same is true of the fleshy Non-cal- through the osculum. _, ,. , . » » -., carea — Hamarca, — but most of the others attain a considerable size. Some of those with purely siliceous skeletons, like Euplectella and Hyalo* nema, are most beautiful objects ; they occur in the depths of the ocean, anchor- ing themselves in soft mud by a wisp of glassy threads. In these forms, there are triaxial spicules in addition to the fibres, but in many snonaes from shallow water ^ m_ Dia?ram of gemmule of a fresh-water sponges irom snauow water, gpon^e) showing the coating. Gf amphidisks and the the spicules alone constitute aperture ; b, an aniphidisk of Ephydatia- the river the skeleton, which may 8Ponge' Fig. 187. --Diagram of a Calcareous sponge, with a single osculum. a, ectoderm ; b, mesoderm, with trira- diate spicules; c, lining of gastro-vascu- lar cavity ; /, ciliated chambers lined with 252 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. then "be cork -like (Suberites) or friable in consistence (SponglUa)i One genus — Cliona — has the singular habit of boring by means of its spicula into limestone and shells. The sponges of commerce, which come chiefly from the Mediterranean and the Bahamas, have the skeleton of spongin, either entirely free from foreign matter (in the best Turkey sponges — Euspongia officinalis), or else somewhat coarser in texture, from the building of siliceous spicules and fragments of sand into the horny fibre (horse-sponges — Hippospongia). Although much variety of form is to be met with in this family, still wider ranges in this respect are to be found in other families — not only massive, but tubular, funnel-shaped, dendritic and encrusting forms being met with. The Protozoa. 12. AH the foregoing sub-kingdoms have one feature in com- mon, which is not shared by the lowest forms of animal life \ they pass through certain stages of development consisting of the segmentation of the egg, and the arrangement of the result- ing spheres into a blastoderm, which always possesses at least the two primary layers, ectoderm and entoderm. The tissues, also, in all are the result of the further division and differentiation of these spheres ; but in the sub-kingdom Protozoa, to which we now proceed, development does not take place in this way, and even the most highly organized forms are unicellular, the organs of the body being differentiated out of parts of one and the same cell. These important differences are expressed by unit- ing the foregoing sub-kingdoms under the one designation Metazoa. 13. The Protozoa are generally microscopic in size, and, with the exception of some parasitic forms, are confined to the sea and to fresh- water. Four classes are distinguished — the Sarcodina, Sporozoa, Mastigophora, and Infusoria. The two latter are often spoken of as Flagellate and Ciliate Infusoria, on account of their characteristic locomotive organs ; neither flagella nor cilia are piesent in the first two classes ; indeed the Sporozoa, being par- asitio forms are destitute of any locomotive organs, and, in the HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 253 Sarcodina these are of the nature of " pseudopodia," i.e., less permanent processes of the sarcode or cell-plasma than the flagella or cilia, and either thread-like or lobate in form. 14. In passing from the study of the lower to the higher Protozoa we shall have an opportunity of seeing to what extent " organization " can be carried within the limits of a single cell. The Sarcodina offer comparatively little of such differentiation j food-particles absorbed by the pseudopodia are conveyed into the softer cell-plasma at any point of the surface, and the undi- gested remains are similarly thrust out anywhere. Reproduc- tion is effected chiefly by division into two or many cells, in some, a resting stage of " encyst rnent," preceding division. 15. Among the simplest is the genus Amoeba (Fig. 189), called so on account of its ceaseless change of form, the endo- plasm, which contains the nucleus, is more diffluent than the ectoplasm which forms the pseudopodia and contains the "con- tractile vacuole," a structure which appears to discharge the function of an excretory organ in these and other Protozoa, The Sarcodina are not all naked like the Amoeba; in the order to which it belongs (Rhizopoda, — called so on account of the root-like branches of the pseudopodia in many), most of the forms secrete shells (Thalamophora), which may be perforated all over for the escape of thread-like pseu- dopodia, or have merely one aperture through which similar processes escape or lobate ones like the Amoeba's. The latter is the case in Arcella and Difflugia (Fig. 189, 2 and 3), while iwEuglypha and others the processes are thread-like (Fig. 189, 4). These are fresh-water forms, in which the shells are formed of chitinous matter, or of foreign particles cemented together, butthe marine forms — generally called Foraminifera — have for the most part a calcareous shell This may be imperforate or perforate, and is generally composed of numerous chambers disposed in variously formed spirals (Fig. 190). Although of small size, these Foramini 2bi HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Fig. 189. —1, Amoeba ; 2, Arcella ; 3, Shell of Difflugia ; 4, Euglypha ; 5, Actino- phrys, a naked Heliozoon with axial filaments in the pseudopodia ; 6, Clathrulina, a stalked shelled Heliozoon ; 7, Gregarinid, from an insect-larva ; 8, Encysted Gregarina, the contents transformed into spores ; 9, Spore from a Myxosporidium. Fig. 190.— Living Foraminifer : Rotalia veneta. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 255 fera have a very great geological importance, rocks of the chalk and other formations being often formed largely out of the remains of their shells. A deposit of ?a similar nature is being formed at the present day at the bottom of the Atlantic, dead shells of Globigerina and similar pelagic forms being rained down upon the bottom. 16. The pseudopodia in the Rhizopoda may flow together round a particle of food as represented in Fig. 1 90, but in the remaining orders of Sarcodina, they are less subject to altera- tion in form, rarely coalesce, stand out radially from the body, and are sometimes strengthened by an axial filament. These orders are the Heliozoa and the Radiolaria, the former a small group, chiefly of fresh-water forms, sometimes naked, sometimes with a spicular or perforated shell (Fig. 189, 6) • the latter, a ma- rine group containing numerous forms with siliceous skeletons, which offer the most surprising beauty and wealth of form (Fig. 191). The Radiolaria are also important from a geological, point of view, for deposits of " infusorial earth n are found consisting almost entirely of their shells, and similar deposits are being formed in some parts of the ocean at the present day. The body is more differentiated than in the Heliozoa, the endo- .-' 3*9 -^ //''i «,. Fig. 191.— Living Radiolarian '.—UeUosphcera actinota. 256 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. plasm being separated off by a special " central capsule " from the ectoplasm. In the latter there are often found minute yel- low Algse, which appear to live " symbiotically" with the Ra- diolaria. 1 7. The Sporozoa are distinguished from the Rhizopoda not only by the absence of pseudopodia,but by the presence of a w< 11- marked cuticle which limits the contractions of the protoplasm ; they reproduce by spores, formed by the simultaneous division of the plasma of an encysted individual into a multitude of glo- bular bodies, which eventually acquire characteristically-shaped shells (Fig. 189, 7,.s). They are all parasitic, some of them being intestinal parasites of the Invertebrates (Gregarinidce), others, so-called cell-parasites, which multiply in epithelial or blood -cells of both lower and higher animals, and others, finally, ectopara- sites of fish, being found on the gill-filaments. The spores of the last forms have singular lasso-like organs of attachment (Fig. 189,9.) 18. The name Infusoria ("occurring in infusions " — an indi- cation of the saprophytic life of many of the forms — ) often employed for the two remaining classes, was at one time used to cover a host of microscopic creatures, to many of which, such as the Rotifers, we have already given some attention ; it is now restricted to the higher Protozoa, and frequently to those which are ciliated, the class name Mastigophora being reserved for those which have flagella. As they undoubtedly include the simplest forms, which touch both upon the Sarcodina and the Vegetable Kingdom, they may be mentioned first. 19. Many of the most minute animals belong to the flagellate Infusoria (Fig. 192), various monads — e.g., Monaster mo — hardly reaching 1 -2000th of an inch in length. Such a form presents definite specific characters, however, and retains a definite shape. There can hardly be said to be a mouth ; rather there is a vacuole at the base of the flagellum, which takes up food- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 257 Fig. 192.— Types of Flagellate Infusoria. 1, Monastermo; 2 Ciliophrys in its two stages; 3, Dinobryon, one of the shells contains an animal which has given rise by budding to a new individual ; 4, Euglena ; 5, Anisonema; 6, Salpingoeca with delicate "collar" standing up round the flagellum ; 7, Ceratium ; 8, Noctiluca. particles whipped into it. A simpler method of obtaining food occurs in Ciliophrys, which throws out pseudopodia for this purpose, and passes into a flagellate stage for locomotion. Many of the monads form colonies ; Dinobryon e.g., not only does so, but possesses another peculiarity which is found in many —the ability to secrete a shell. The most interesting forms with regard to the process of nutrition are Euglena and its allies. They are active locomotive forms provided with a mouth, but the latter serves merely to get rid of the contents of the con- tractile vacuole, fluid nourishment being taken up through the cuticular body-wall, as in the lower plants. They further re- semble plants, by possessing coloured bodies which have the same physiological significance as the endochrome of the Algae, i.e., they serve in the presence of light to decompose carbonic acid, so that the animal secures part of its carbonaceous food in this way. Various forms like Volvox, usually regarded as plants, 258 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. might be equally well placed along with these coloured FlageV lata. There may be more than a single flagellum ; Anisonema, e.g., has two, one of which is stout and used for springing ; others have four or six alike in character. 20. A remarkable group, the members of which resemble the collar-cells of the sponges in form (§ 8), has represent- atives both in fresh and in salt water. Salpingoeca, which has both the collar and a case, may serve as an ex- ample of it. Finally, reference must be made to two forms of marine Flagellata, which are interesting on account of assisting in producing the phosphorescence of the sea, in which they occur in great numbers. Ceratlum may be taken as a type of the larger group, marked by the possession of a insist- ent case, and by a second flagellum situated in a groove, which looks like a row of cilia when in movement. Noctiluca, on the other hand, attains a much larger size ; it is peach-shaped, with a tentacle at the head of the groove which lodges the mouth, and a flagellum and tooth within the groove. It is distinguished by the reticular character of the protoplasm within the cuticle. 21. As a type of the Infusoria proper or Infusoria Ciliata, one of the largest and commonest forms, Paramecium — the slipper- animalcule — found everywhere in water containing decaying or- ganic matter, may be studied. It attains the size of 1-1 00th of an inch, and is, therefore, vhible to the naked eye. Mouth and anus are both present, as they are in all, with the exception of s me parasitic forms (Opalina), and there is a distinct oesophagus leading inwards from the mouth to the endoplasm. The body is uniformly covered with similar cilia (it belongs to the order Holo- tricha) and there are, in addition, certain thread-like structures — " trichocysts " — peculiar to this family, which can be thrust out from the cuticle and seem to have a function similar to that HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 259 of the nettling-organs of the Ccelenterates. Two functions are discharged by the cilia ; they bring food towards the mouth, and they serve for locomotion, but the contractile ectoplasm assists in the latter function. Two contractile vacuoles are present in this genus, which discharge their contents by radial tubes. Within the diffluent endoplasm may be seen fcod-particles cir- culating, which are being subjected to its digestive action; the nucleus is also situated there. This organ is peculiar in the Fig. 193 —Types of Ciliated and Suctorial Infusoria. 1, Paramoecium; 2, Opalina; 3, Stentor; 4, Onychodromus ; 5, Vorticella; 6, Acineta ; cv. contractile vacuole ; m, mouth ; v, vestibule, leading: towards mouth ; n, nucleus ; t, trichocysts ; a, anus ; /, contractile fibre in stalk border. r, cilia of " right ' Ciliata and presents many varieties of form (Fig. 193) ; it con- sists of two parts, a larger and a smaller (the nucleus and the micronucleus) ; both of these play an important part in the method of multiplication by fission, which is so common in this group. They are also active in conjugation, a method of repro- duction which occurs in other groups of Protozoa as well as in the Algae. 22. The trumpet-animalcule (Stentor) may be taken as an ex- ample of another order (Heterotricha) where the cilia which 260 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. surround the mouth — "adoral " — are different from those cloth- ing the rest of the body ; there is, as it were, a division of labour between the locomotor and the nutritive cilia. A third order (Hypotricha) has the cilia confined to one surface, which there- fore becomes a locomotor surface, and some of the cilia on that are generally converted into hooks or spines as in Onychodromus, while the fourth — Peritricha — which contains numerous species tending to be attached and to form colonies, have the cilia con- fined to the neighbourhood of the mouth. The Peritricha are, however, by no means motionless ; they generally have a con- tractile fibre in the stalk of such forms as the Bell-animalcule ( Vorticella), but they may be free or parasitic forms swimming, or creeping by their adoral cilia, or they may simply be able to retract themselves into a shell or case, in virtue of the contractility of the cell-body. 23. Many of the Peritricha are found living on the surface of various aquatic animals, especially in such places as the gills, where they have the advantage of a continuous change of the surrounding water. Such also is the case in the Suctoria, a group of Infusoria which begin life with cilia, but afterwards settle down and replace them by suckers or tentacles through which, in the absence of a mouth, they take in their nourish- ment. The suckers are tubular, and communicate with the endoplasm, to which they carry the juices of the other Infusoria on which they prey, or of the aquatic animals to which they are attached. Both fresh- water and marine forms belong to this group, as well as to the other orders of Ciliata, but the fresh-water forms are naturally best known. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 261 CHAPTER X. General Principles. 1. In the preceding Chapters the principal forms of Animal Life have been reviewed, a particular standpoint having been selected in each of the chief subdivisions of the Animal King- dom. An accessible and, where possible, a primitive type has been somewhat carefully examined, and the modifications of form then traced throughout the sub-kingdom or class to which it belongs. The examination has been confined to the more ob- vious characters of the adult organism, but occasional references have been made to minute structure, and to the developmental stages through which the adult form is reached. It has been made apparent that zoologists classify animals according to the degree of resemblance which they exhibit in these respects, and that, therefore, classification is a Synopsis of the results of such structural studies. 2. "While it has been chiefly with this — the morphological— aspect of Zoology that we have hitherto been dealing, other topics have been incidentally touched upon. It has been made evident that there is the closest relation between the form of organs, and the uses to which they are put (whatever may be the explanation of this relation), that the various kinds of ani- mals are limited to certain parts of the earth's surface, that the forms of life at present on the earth are different from those which occupied it in past times, and that there is the closest connection between animals and their surroundings. The present chapter will be reserved for a more systematic discus- sion of such topics as these, and an endeavour will be made to £62 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. state briefly the general principles which have been arrived at by zoologists in regard to them, and to indicate the relations to each other of the various aspects of zoological study. 3. Zoology is one of the two divisions of biology (that science which has for its subject-matter all things which have or have had " life," in contrast to the lifeless objects of inor- ganic nature), it is, in fact, the Biology of animals, while Botany is the Biology of plants. It may be asked why, in the face of the palpable differences which exist between plants and ani- mals, it should be necessary to have a common term for the study of the phenomena manifested by both. The answer is, that the phenomena manifested by living matter in both king- doms present such a striking contrast to those manifested by not-living matter, that the study of the difference between them becomes a question of the first importance. It is not meant that the matter which enters into the composition of an organ- ism is different from that of which lifeless things are made, for there is a constant exchange of matter between the living and the lifeless world. An organism has been well compared to a wave formed by an obstruction in a rapid, the shape of which is approximately constant, but the particles composing which are incessantly changing. So the living organism is constantly taking into it matter from the inorganic world around it, and, as constantly, parting with matter to its surroundings (as we see in its relations, for example, to the gases of the surround- ing atmosphere). Nor is it meant that matter in an organism conducts itself in any exceptional way, for wherever it has been possible to follow the transformations of matter and of energy in the living plant or animal, it has been found that these take place in harmony with laws which have been deduced from, the conduct of matter in the inorganic world. What then are these manifestations of " life " and the properties common to plants and animals, which induce us to regard Zoology and Botany as parts of a more comprehensive science — Biology ? HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY.* 26$ 4. They may be stated as follows :— (1) Life is always asso- ciated with protoplasm, which has accordingly been termed the " physical basis of life." Even in its simplest forms, this sub- stance is undoubtedly extremely complex from a chemical stand- point, while in its more differentiated forms, it contains tempor- arily within it innumerable " organic compounds " which form a considerable part of the subject matter of Organic Chemistry. All forms of protoplasm are constituted largely of " proteids " — complex compounds of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitro- gen, with small proportions of Phosphorus and Sulphur, but they also form within them Carbon compounds of greater sim- plicity, such as starch, sugar, fat, etc., which, however, do not occur in nature except as the products of the organic world. (2) The life of protoplasm (as manifested, for example, by irrita- bility and contractility) is accompanied by its partial destruction, and this involves repair by the incorporation and assimilation of new matter, or, in other words, the ingestion of food and changes whereby this food can be rendered available for replace- ment of the material destroyed. (3) If the income of food is in excess of the expenditure by waste, growth results ; but each individual organism has a limit of size which it cannot exceed. A process succeeding the attainment of the full size in the simplest organisms is that of division, whereupon the life of the individual terminates and a new generation composed of two new individuals replaces it. Similar phenomena of death and reproduction occur also in the higher organisms. Nothing like these characters is to be met with in the Inorganic world, but this is not the only reason for studying the life of plants and animals together, for, apart from the circumstance that there are cer- tain organisms (IX, 19) which can hardly be said to have struck out on either of the diverging paths which lead to plant and animal peculiarities, there is so much interdependence between the two, that a knowledge of the life of either is not complete without considering both, and indeed this interdepen- 26*4 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. dence is in part due to the differences which we shall refer to hereafter. However great these differences are, it must, never- theless, be understood that the resemblances between plants and animals are such, that the methods of Zoology are the same as those of Botany, and the aspects of the study of the Biology of plants, the same as those of the Biology of animals. VARIOUS ASPECTS OP BIOLOGICAL STUDY. (1) Morphological. 5. This division of Biological study involves, as we have seen, questions of form and structure. It admits of sub-division according as these questions deal with the adult, or with stages in the development of the adult : Anatomy, in its widest sense, being the term reserved for the former group of questions, Embryology or Ontogeny for the latter. In a narrower sense, Anatomy is restricted to such structural points as can be studied without the aid of the microscope, while Histology is employed for the study of the finer details of the tissues, and Cytology for those of their component cells. It is evident that questions, other than those of pure form, must be inseparable from the studies which have just been styled morphological. The changes of form, for example, in individual cells are merely the expression of physical and chemical changes taking place within them, so that Cytology might as legitimately be referred to the following aspect of Biological study. (2) Physiological. 6. Morphology is sometimes described as statical Biology, because it involves the notion of rest; Physiology, on the other hand, as dynamical, because it studies the work- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 265 ing of the plant or animal as a machine, its object being to follow the transformations of matter and of energy within the living organism. Although it is a comparatively easy task to trace how the energy locked up in fuel is made available by the steam-engine, it is an infinitely more difficult one to trace how the energy locked up in food becomes available as muscnlar work ; yet there are other activities of the body which lend themselves far less easily to measurement than does that of the muscular system. It is, then, the various activities of the organism which Physiology discusses. Function is the term employed for the role or duty discharged by any part of a plant or animal, and the part discharging a particular duty is termed an organ these terms are thus used cor relatively. We have seen that different kinds of activity such as nutrition, locomotion and reproduction may be performed by apparently undifferentiated or little-differentiated protoplasm ; it is therefore necessary to beware of supposing that organization or differentiation into separate organs is necessary for the display of the activities of life, although the term organism would seem to imply that. 7. The various functions of plants and animals may be grouped as follows : — (a) Those essential to the process of waste and repair refer- red to in §4. The process of waste is mainly one of oxida- tion and involves the formation of waste-products, partly gaseous, partly fluid, which require to be separated from the tissues: Respiratory and excretory organs are therefore rendered necessary. The process of repair, on the other hand, not only involves the ingestion of food, but its assimilation, and, there- fore, the nutritive organs first render the food soluble in such a way that it can be absorbed, and then elaborate it into forms suitable for repairing the waste. Circulatory organs are sub- servient to all three systems. 18 266 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. Plants as well as animals are provided with organs of these three categories, but important differences exist as to the nature of the processes discharged by them. The food of plants is drawn from the inorganic world, and consists of salts absorbed in solution from the soil, and of the carbonic acid in the atmosphere. This is decomposed by the combined action of the chlorophyll within the green plant-cells and light — part of the energy of the sun's rays being intercepted by the colouring matter — with the result that carbon is secured for forming simple carbohydrates like glucose, which are afterwards elaborated within the plant-body, while oxygen is disengaged far in excess of that required for the ordinary processes of oxidation. Thus, from simple compounds, in which little energy is lock- ed up, more complex ones are formed, which are highly energised, and which thus serve for fuel and food to the animal world. Animals are, in fact, dependent either directly or indirectly for their food on the vegetable world, and, as far as we know, not even the simplest among them (apart perhaps from such colour- ed forms as are referred to in IX, 1 9) can derive carbon from the inorganic world. (b) Even more striking differences between plants and animals are to be met with in those organs which relate the in- dividual to its environment ; in fact, the organs of locomotion and sensation are generally described as the specially " animal" organs. Not that vegetable protoplasm is destitute of con- tractility and irritability, but the further elaboration of these essential properties of protoplasm is characteristic of animals, tf the exclusion of plants. Nor is it meant that the plant is lejs adapted to its surroundings on account of the absence of special organs of relation ; on the contrary, we shall see that the plant is just as plastic as the animal in its adaptability to its environ- ment. The difference between them in this respect in no doubt to be largely attributed to differences referred to in last para- SIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY, 267 graph ; competition for food on the part of animals having 3ed to the necessity for the complex mechanisms of the muscular and nervous systems. The functions of the nervous system include all those pro- cesses, which, in their elementary forms, appear as the simplest kinds of " reflex action," such as, for example, the contraction of the Amoeba on irritation, but puss by easy transitions through higher forms, till those extremely complicated inherited reflexes, which we call "instincts," are reached, and even those higher processes, which we ascribe to the " intelligence" of animals. Such psychical processes, from the simplest to the most complex, form the subject-matter of Animal Psychology and Sociology. (c) The third group of functions is formed by those which refer to the production of new individuals. Very close paral- lels are offered by the vegetable and animal kingdoms in re spect to these, and multiplication by division (separation of the body into equal parts), the formation of buds (detachment of smaller portions), or, finally, the detachment of reproductive cells, and the formation of new individuals from eggs are to be observed in both. Similar phenomena in connection with this group of functions are also to be studied in both; such as (1) the limited span of life of the individual ; (2) the tendency for succeeding generations to increase in number ; (3) the ten- dency of the offspring to inherit the form of the parent, and yet (4) to vary considerably from that form. These phenomena lead us to the discussion of various other aspects of Biology, in the first place, of those which exhibit the relations of present to preceding generations, viz.: Developmental, Palseontological and Taxonomic aspects. (3) Developmental and Paljeontological. 8. "We know that the plants and animals living on the earth at present are the descendants of the immediately preceding gene- 268 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. rations. Further, it is evident, on reflection, that few traces of these preceding generations are preserved, such is the de- structive power of the minute saprophytic organisms that live by pulling to pieces decaying organic matter. Even the hardest tissues like bone and wood soon crumble to dust, if left to the ordinary process of decay. Now and then, however, the hard parts of a dead animal or plant are preserved, as, for example, when they are washed by a stream to some spot, where they become silted up by the sediment deposited from the stream, and thus protected from the destroying influences to which they would otherwise have been exposed. A reference to the skeletal tissues described for the various groups of animals in the preceding chapter, will make it easy to understand what parts would be likely to be preserved under such circumstances, although under specially favorable circumstances, impressions even of the softest bodied animals are to be found. The material held in suspension by a stream, and deposited as the sedi- ment referred to, is the result of the wearing down or denuding of the land drained by it, and it is obvious that organic remains found in the upper layers of such a deposit must belong to more recent generations than those found in the lower layers. 9. Many of the rocks which form the earth's surface have been formed like the silt referred to, from sediment produced by the ceaseless action of the waves on the sea-coast, or by the denuding action of the various atmospheric influences — rain frost, snow, etc., and swept down by rivers to the shallow waters of the ocean. Such deposits vary much in their character according to the material held in suspension by the water, and result in sandstones, limestones, shales, etc., but they all exhibit a tendency to layering or stratification, depending on the way they were formed, and are, therefore, called Sedimen- tary Strata. The relative age of such strata is determined by their position, and it will be readily understood that the upper- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 269 most or most modern layers will be most like those that we actually see in process of formation, while the oldest or lowest will have been subjected to many changes, such as pressure from those above, upheaval from disturbances of the earth's crust, etc. Now, the examination of the remains of organic life — fossils — preserved in these sedimentary rocks (an import- ant branch of Biology — Palaeontology — ) shows that only a comparatively thin layer of superficial deposits contains remains of organisms like those at present alive ; the deeper down we go, the more do we find different species of plants and animals replacing those familiar to us, until the latter disap- pear completely and leave us in the presence of an entirely new fauna and flora. The question now arises, — have the species of plants and animals now living on the surface of the globe, and whose remains are found in the superficial deposits, originated entirely independently of the different species found in deeper strata, or are the ancestors of the former really represented among these unfamiliar remains, only unrecognizable at first on account of differences, which the recent forms have accumu- lated in the course of long ages 1 The latter solution of the question is the alternative generally accepted at the present day, and it will be seen that it involves relationship by descent of the present species of plants and animals to some of those ot former epochs, others having died out or become extinct with- out leaving any descendants, just as has been the case within our knowledge of modern species (V, 15, 23 ; VI, 22). Not only does it involve descent, but descent with modification, and indeed, when we look at the forms of life in the o]der rocks we recognize that the modification must have been of a very profound nature. It has, furthermore, been of a definite, orderly character, because we find that the lower classes of plants and animals have appeared before the higher classes — fossil Mammalia, for example, being found only in comparatively recent strata. There has thus been (if we accept the view that the present 270 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. forms of plants and animals are the modified descendants of other species now extinct) a continuous development from lower to higher forms, presenting in its entirety what is often called the evolution of organic Nature. It is, in fact? possible to subdivide the sedimentary rocks according to the prevailing kinds of life during their deposition, into Archaean — which contain few, if any, traces of life — and Palaeo- zoic, Mesozoic, and Kainozoic, in all of which fossils are abun- dant, but the last of which alone contain any resembling the forms of life at present on the earth. Some information may be gleaned from the accompanying Table as to the characteristic plants and animals of these various periods, and as to the order of their introduction. Not only is the appearance of the life of these periods characteristic, but the classification is assisted, in Europe at least, by the occurrence of conspicuous 'breaks' between them, which indicate, for example, that the Palaeozoic strata were elevated into dry land, partly denuded and upheaved, before they again sank, and had the Mesozoic strata laid down upon them uneonformably — i.e. not in plains paral- lel to those below as if they had been deposited consecutively. Such breaks do not, of course, occur at the same ' horizon ' in other parts of the world, but the classification from the pre- vailing kinds of life answers all over the world. Each age is again divisible into various epochs, which are marked by more or less distinct breaks in different places, and also by charac- teristic fossils, so that the geologist is enabled to recognize the rocks of any particular horizon by diagnosing the contained fossils. 10. An important question which comes up in connection with these strata, is that of their age, and, consequently, that of the contained fossils. If we assume that the rate of deposi- tion has been uniform throughout the various strata, then the maximum thickness may be taken as a measure of the relative duration of the time during which they were deposited. The HIGH SOiiOOL ZOOLOGY. 271 TABLE OF THE SEDIMENTARY ROCKS, Showing their relative age and thickness, and their cJuiracteristie rock- formations, plants and animals. Agr or Period. Quaternary or Post-Kuiv'c. Epoch. Characteristic Rock- Formatioxs. Tertiary or Kainozoi£. Uecent • Post-glae. Glacial Pliocene Miocene Eocene Cretaceous. Jurassic. Triassic. Permian. Carboniferous Devonian. Silurian. Cambrian. Huronian. Laurentian. Indian shell-mounds. Raised beaches, shell-marls, loess Boulder-clay, " till " or drift. Loams, sands, shales, clays, &c. Charac. Plants. Cultivated plants. Angiospenn- ous Phanero- gams. Lignites, limestones, clays, and sandstones, Marls and limestones. Red sandstones and conglom- erates. Limestones, sandstones and marls. Coal measures and car- boniferous limestones. Sandstones, limestones and shales. Sandstones, limestones and slates. Gneiss, mica-slate and various crystalline rocks. Conifers and Cycads. Vascular Crypto- gams. Algaj. Charac. Animals. Man. Mammals, Reptiles. Amphibi- ans and Fishes. Inverte- brates. Eoeoon (?) 272 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. accompanying table shows graphically that the Mesozoic Strata are about one-ninth the thickness of the Palaeozoic, and it ought to represent the Kainozoic as about one-fifth of the Mesozoic, and the Post-Kainozoic as one-fifth of the Kainozoic, but the exigencies of printing have made the Kainozoic, and especially the Post-Kainozoic, too thick. Various calculations have been made as to the absolute time the deposition of the sedimentary rocks has required ; these do not rest on very certain data, but their results come between thirty to sixty millions of years, and are chiefly interesting, as convincing us of the length of time that has elapsed since the appearance of life upon the earth. (4) Taxonomic or Classificatory. 11. Returning to the question of the descent of present forms of life from past forms, it will be observed that it throws a new light on the terms " allied" and " related," so frequently used in the preceding chapter : — the greater or less resemblance of structure, on which classification is based, is due to community of descent, — to more or less distant blood-relationship. To facilitate the study of relationship between individuals, genealogical trees are framed on documentary evidence, and similar trees have been constructed (going beyond historical times) to show the relationship of nations to each other. The kind of evidence used in the latter case has been partly that obtained from observation of the nations at present, (especially the structure of their language, their folk-lore, etc.,) and partly of a palseontological nature, such as the contents of tombs, and implements, weapons, etc., preserved in the most superficial deposits. Going further back, however, into geological time, attempts have been made to construct similar trees, to show the relation- ship of different groups of organic life to each other (phylogeny), HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 273 but it will be understood that although the advance of Mor- phology is constantly improving our evidence from the living forms, and although hitherto undiscovered fossil species are constantly being unearthed, yet the evidence from the palaeon- tological side must always be incomplete (§ 8). Phylogenetic classifications must, therefore, be tentative, except in the case of such modern groups as are distinguished by the profuseness of their fossil remains. The genealogical tree of the Animal Kingdom might be described as buried, with the exception of the terminal green twigs — the existing species ; to trace the connection between these it is necessary to dig down into the sedimentary strata, and to piece together with infinite patience the fragmentary evidence which we there find. It must be remembered, however, that the principle of correlation depending on the constant association of morphological peculiarities (such as, for example, a ruminant dentition with a particular conform ation of the skeleton of the foot), justifies us in making use of evidence from very fragmentary remains. 12. Such studies may, then, indicate the probable line of de- velopment which has culminated in a particular species ; the dis- cussion of the nature and origin of species will be deferred to a subsequent section. In the meantime, in connection with the foregoing topics the accompanying table may be of use, which gives an approximate estimate of the number of described species in the various classes and orders, and serves to show what groups of animals are in " ascendance" at the present day, as exhibited by their comparative wealth in species, and to call attention to the former wealth as compared with the present poverty of such groups as the Brachiopods, Cephalopods, Crinoids, Pteropods, Trilobites, etc. It makes it apparent, also, how cer- tain highly specialised groups, such as the Teleosts, the Anura, the Passeres, the higher Insecta, preponderate over more primitive allied groups. 274 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. TABULAR VIEW OF THE CLASSES AND ORDERS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, Showing their relative richness in species. Living. Fossil. I. — Vkrtkbrata — A. Urochorda or Tunicata. 270 30 1 Class H.~Thaliacea B. Cephalochorda. b. Craniota. Class I.— Pisces 1000+ Sub-class — I. Cyclostomi 17 2S5 32 4 2500 125 177 370 640 30>i0 93 800 22 4. Dipnoi 5. Teleostei Class II. — Amphibia. 0. 1. Urodela 2. Anura 100 300 250 21 1250 1000 2. Crocodilia 4. Ophidia Class IY.—Aves 300 . 80 228 60 180 140 17 400 360 540 500 325 736 400 5700 4. Anseres fi Grallap / Paludicolse \ b. Grallae j Limicolffi J . . 10. Raptores 11. Macrochires 12. Pici 15. Passeres HLGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 275 TABULAR VIEW— (Continued). Class V. — Mammalia 0. 1. Monotremata 2. Marsupialia 3. Edentata 4. Cetacea 5. Sirenia 6. Perissodacryla 7. Artiodactyla 8. Proboscidea 9. Hyracoidea 10. Rodentia 11. Insectivora 12. Pinnipedia . 13. Carnivora 14. Chiroptera 15. Lemuroidea 16. Primates II.— Arthropoda— Class I. — Crustacea. Sub-class— Malacostraca (higher orders) Entomostraca (lower orders) Gi^anrostraca and Trilobitae Class ll.—Aracknida. O. 1. Arthroffastra(Scorpionina Phalantjina, &c.) 2. Acarina 3. Araneina Claxs III.—Myriapoda Class IV.—Insecta. O. 1. Thysanura 2. Orthoptera 3. Neuroptera 4. Hemiptera 5. Diptera 6. Lepidoptera 7. Hymenoptera 8. Goieoptera Living. Fossil. lEL — Vermes IV. — Mollisca— ■ A. Acephala. Class I. — Lamellibranchiata B. Cephalophora. Clan If. — Scaphopoda Class JI I.— Gastropoda. O. 1. Prosobranchiata . . 2. Pulmonata 3. Opisthobranchiata 4. Heteropoda < Ian I V. — Pteropoda, O. 1. Gymnosomata . . . 2. Thecosomata 149 42 155 5 23 250 2 12 800 150 30 340 415 55 219 3525 2075 5 250 900 2500 100 6000 1000 14000 18000 20000 25000 80000 5500 5000 SO 9000 6000 900 60 150 600 1760 40 2600 9000 160 6000 600 160 276 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. TABULAR VIEW— (Continued). Clans V. — Cephalopoda. O. 1. Tetrabranchiata 2. Dibranchiata . . . V. — MOLLUSCOIDKA — Class I.—Brachiopoda. O. 1. Testicardines . . . 2. Ecardines Class II. — Polyzoa. O. 1. Phylactolaemata 2. Gymnolsemata . . VI. — ECIIINODKRMATA— Class I. — Holothuroidea " //. — Echinoidea " III. — Ophiuroidea " IV. — Asteroidea " V. — Crino. dea " Vl.—Cystoidea " VII- Blastoidea VII. — COSLKNTERATA— Class I.—Ctenophora " II.—Hydrozoa " III. — Actinozoa VIII.— PORIFKRA IX.— Protozoa — Class I. — Sarcodina. 0. 1. Rhizopoda 2. Heliozoa . . . 3. Radiolaria . Class II. — Sporozoa " III. — Mastir/ojthora " IV. — Infusoria Living. 4 140 50 440 300 700 500 430 45 1100 1800 700 40 2600 55 290 500 Fossil. 4200 310 2200 400 1850 2000 1170 140 90 1800 800 1500 400 * The fossil remains of Vermes, which consist chiefly of the tubes of tubicolous Annelids.and the jaws of Errantia, are too \mcertain in character to allow of numerical estimate. HTGn SCHOOL ZOOLOGY, 277 13. The preceding paragraphs have been devoted to the rela- tions existing between different generations of organisms ; nc less important are the relations of the individual or the species to other organisms and to its inanimate surroundings. Ques- tions of this character have been styled Mesological, as dealing relation to the " environment," but it will be more convenient to deal separately with the relations to the different elements of the environment, discussing, in the first place, the distribution of animals in space, which we shall find to be explained partly by the past configuration of. land and water, and partly by climatic influences. These aspects of Biology are, therefore : (5) Geographical and Climatic. We are apt to think of the present distribution of land and water as something unalterable, and of climate as chiefly a mat" ter of latitude and longitude, but a little consideration will show that not only is the latter dependent on the former, but that both have been, again and again in the history of the earth, sub- jected to change. In respect to the one point, we have merely to compare the mild winters of Britain with those of Labrador, or our own with those of the Biviera. The differences are attri- bu table, in the one case, to ocean currents, in the other to our situation in the heart of a great continent. In respect to the other point we can find evidence of profound changes at our own doors. Wherever we find sedimentary rocks there we realize that the land in question has been submerged in the ocean, and often that this has occurred, not only once, but repeatedly in the course of geological time. Ontario, for example, is everywhere underlaid by sedimentary rocks; those which contain fossils were evidently formed at the bottom of Cambrian or Silurian seas, but the fact that we do not find any trace of the Upper Palaeozoic or Mesozoic or Kainozoic strata covering them indicates that it has been long exposed to the denuding effects of the atmosphere. Again, the superficial deposits which cover these old formations, 27$ HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. and which belong to Post-Kainozoic Age, show that compara* tively recently, Ontario, with the greater part of North America as far south as Washington, was covered by an Ice-Sheet, so that then the whole country resembled the present desolate and lifeless interior of Greenland. Can it be doubted that such changes taking place all over the world must have had the most important influence on the distribution of life 1 While we recognize a distinction between tropical, temperate and arctic faunas and floras, and are obliged to infer climatic changes if we find that Magnolias flourished in Spitzbergen dur- ing the Miocene epoch, and that Hippopotamuses wallowed in British rivers in the intervals of successive Ice-Sheets, yet we must be careful not to attribute too great an influence to climate alone, without taking into account the geographical changes to which the climatic ones are secondary. 14. That such changes have been both recent and profound will now appear from some of the facts of distribution already cited, and the explanation of these offered by palaeontology. First, however, let us look into the causes and effects of that Glacial Period, during and after which the surface deposits of Ontario were formed. There are certain regularly recurring astronomical conditions, which affect the relative length of winter and summer, and which are dependent (1) on the relative proximity of the poles to the sun during these seasons, and, (2) on the amount of eccentricity of the earth's orbit. The relative proximity to the sun in winter of the North and South Hemispheres is reversed every 10,500 years, but the amount of eccentricity varies much more slowly. Now, jt is at its minimum; between 100 and 200,000 years ago it was very great, with the result of alter- nating periods of 10,000 years of long, cold winters, and short, hot summers, with the reverse. It is believed that these con- ditions, occurring simultaneously with large elevations of land HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 279 within the Arctic Circle (where, as we know from fossils found, there had been warm seas during the Miocene epoch,) had the effect of producing the glaciation. It must not be supposed that the Glacial Period lasted with undiminished severity dur- ing all this time; we have evidence of interglacial milder periods, when the Ice-Sheet retired, and the life, which had been driven towards the south, again crept northward, but these very alternations must have been a fruitful source of change in the fauna and flora of the countries subjected to them. 15. Apart from the combined effects of the astronomical con- ditions referred to, and the raising of the land towards the North Pole, let us consider the effects of a general elevation of the sea- bottom outside the present shore-line, to an extent far less than we know to have taken place within comparatively recent times. The summits of some of the Alps — the Dent du Midi, for example, 10,770 feet — are formed of Nummulitic limestone, a formation consisting largely of shells of Foraminifera, deposited during the middle Eocene epoch, and elevated since then. Now, we know from hydrographic researches that if an elevation of the shallower waters of the world to half this extent were to take place, that it would entirely alter the configuration of the land. Not only would Great Britain be continuous with France, Den- mark and Norway, but the whole of Europe, Africa and Asia would form one continuous Continent. It would be even possible to travel by land from England to Canada, via Iceland, Green- land and Labrador, and then on to Siberia by Alaska. The only large tracts of land remaining unconnected with this vast Con- tinent would be Australia, which would still be an Island, and Madagascar, which would still be separated from Africa. Ample evidence exists, and some of it has been already re- ferred to (VI. 30), which shows that changes of such a character have occurred, not necessarily simultaneously, but at least at different times. The Camel family, e.g., flourished m North HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY America in Miocene times and spread thence to South America and to Asia where they had not previously existed, but to which the distribution of the modern form is limited. Again, the primi- tive forms of the Tapir family lived in Europe during the early part of the Eocene epoch, they spread during the later Eocene and Miocene epochs to North America, where, however, they died out without leaving any descendants, but they persisted in Europe, where they gave rise to the modern Tapirs, and these again spread to Asia and South America, where alone the modern species occur. That Madagascar was at one time connected with Africa, we gather from the survival on the mainland of some of those pe- uliar lemurine forms, which are so characteristic of the Island. But these have almost been exterminated from Africa by the contact of the higher Eutheria, so that we conclude that the connection with Africa was submerged before the influx of the higher mammals from Eurasia. The persistence of the Proto- theria and Metatheria in Australia is similarly to be attributed to its long independence from Asia. The fauna of Great Britain, finally, can only be accounted for on the assumption that since the Glacial period it has been en- tirely submerged, raised again, and populated from the main- land, but again submerged before this repopulation could become complete. The freedom of Ireland from reptiles is not to be attributed to any unsuitability of climate, but to the fact that the channel was not dry land sufficiently long to allow these forms, which are slow at distributing themselves, to reach it. 1 6, Such facts lead us to the position that the geography of the past has had the most important influence on determining the geographical zoology of the present. Each species has a certain area of distribution, which is called its habitat : it tends to widen this area, as far as the conditions of existence will per- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 281 tuit, but the most effectual barriers are high mountain-chains and deep seas. By mapping out the ranges of different species it is possible to mark out certain zoogeographical regions in which the simultaneous occurrence of the same or nearly allied species confers a certain similarity of appearance or facies to the fauna. A glance at these regions, as laid down by Dr. Wallace in the accompanying map, will shew that they agree pretty well with our ordinary geographical divisions, except that great natural barriers cut off the Ethiopian region from North Africa, the Oi iental from the Palsearctic, and the Australian from the Oriental ; these are the Sahara, the Himalaya, and the very deep sea along " Wallace's line," between Bali and Lombok, Borneo and Celebes. This is certainly a most instructive illustration of the effect of a deep-sea barrier, and of the fact that mere climate does not determine geographical distribution. From Bali to Lombok is hardly twenty miles, and yet there is more difference as to the fauna between these two islands, the climate of which is practically identical, than there is between Canada and Florida. 17, Although the distribution of aquatic animals admits also of geographical treatment, it is obvious that the barriers to their spreading far and wide must be of very different character, and, apart from those forms confined to the shore by limited loco- motive powers, must be largely due to ocean currents, tempera- ture and other surrounding conditions. Other elements of interest, however, exist in connection with them —their occur- rence in fresh or in salt water, and their bathymetrical distri- bution— i.e., the depth at which they occur. The greatest profusion of life is found in the shallow waters of the shore-zone, but recent observations have shown that it also abounds in the depths of the sea, even down to four or five miles. Again, there are so-called pelagic forms which live on fehe surface-waters of the open sea, and are only occasionally 19 282 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. driven upon the shore. It is believed that the littoral fauna originated from the pelagic in the first place, while many pel- agic forms, such as the whales, are undoubtedly derived second- arily from shore forms. The origin of fresh-water faunas is another point of great interest ; certain stages through which they must have passed may be seen in the mouths of rivers where different species extend upwards to a greater or less dis- tance, according as they are more or less tolerant of the dimin- ished salinity of the water. That part of the fresh- water animals are so derived may be gathered from such cases where they exhibit little or no difference in their new habitat, (VI, 34, VII, 1 3). There are many curious facts in the distribution of the fresh-water fishes, which indicate the early separation of some groups from marine forms, and which can only be explained by realizing that changes in the configuration of the land must have involved many changes in the great water-courses. In inland lakes we have also littoral, deep, and pelagic faunas, the study of the nature and origin of which offers a wide field of inquiry in Ontario. Before leaving the subject of the distribution of animals in water, it may be noted that not only do ocean currents affect the ranges of aquatic, but also of ter- restrial organisms, so that, apart from their climatic influence on these, they may frequently transport animals and plants to new points at considerable distance from their original homes. (6) Relations of Animals to the Conditions of Existence and to each other By climate we mean temperature, pressure and other atmos- pheric conditions, which do not seem to determine any con- spicuous differences of form, but there are other conditions of existence which do seem to be always associated with corres- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 283 ponding differences of structure ; such are the association of underground life with the absence of eyes and of colour (II, 79 ; III, 12) ; and that of the shape of the body with the medium and mode of locomotion (Fig. 194). These offer a very tempt- Fig. 194.— Harp Seal Phoca groenlandica'(from Brehm). ing field for investigation, and cause us to enquire how changes in surrounding conditions and in habits affect animal life. 19. Reference has already been made to the fact that organisms tend to increase in number in geometrical progression. Some- times countless eggs are produced by a single individual, but in such cases few of these reach maturity, and it is only now and then that we are startled by the disproportionate development of some one species, disturbing the course of Nature. When, however, one generation exceeds the previous one, even in the proportion of two to one, it is evident that there will soon be a competition or struggle between the individuals for suitable food, and that the strongest and best adapted to survive will be those, on the whole, that do survive. Along with this we have to take into account the tendency of organisms to vary and to transmit their peculiarities to their descendants (§ 7). Those individuals whose organs vary in such a way as to adapt them better, however little, to their special circumstances of life, are, 284 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. therefore, rendered better fitted to survive, and will not only- do so, but will transmit their peculiar variations to their off- spring ; selection being thus made by Nature of the individuals best fitted to the existing conditions of life. 20. If those conditions were stable, a persistent equilibrium of organic nature would be established, and no opportunities for the development of new species would arise, but the condi- tions of life are never stable, and consequently we have a greater or less degree of instability of the balance of life, depending on the greater or less changes taking place in the conditions of exist- ence. It is obvious that any apparent equilibrium would be upset by changes, however gradual, of the character indicated in § 14 and 15, and$ therefore, that such changes must be regarded as those most operative in the production of new forms. A species subjected to such changes must either produce variations fitted to cope with them, or else become extinct, perishing at once, or struggling on under the unfavourable influences, till a depau- perate condition, such as has been observed in many fossils, as well as in living forms, is gradually reached. If it is a form capable of adapting itself, by assuming new habits, it is possible that (as we see in varieties spread over a wide area) this accom- modation should proceed along different lines with different varieties, and therefore, that several new forms would result from the original species. It is evident that the intermediate forms be- ing liker the original in character would tend to be eliminated by their relative unsuitability to the new conditions, and thus, instead of a series of varieties, we should have two or more new ? species' distinct from each other. Another circumstance, tending in this direction, is that individuals of a variety tend to keep together, with the result that comparatively near species become incapable of crossing, so as to form a mixed race. This was at one time considered to be an essential feature in the definition of a species, but several examples are now known of undoubtedly distinct species, which do form such crossesj where their areas of distribution come into contact. HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 285 21. The theory stated in the preceding paragraphs is that of the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, associated with the names of Darwin and Wallace ; it will be observed that while resting upon the large amount of variation offered, it does not at- tempt to explain the cause of such variation. This is attributed by certain American zoologists, — of whom Cope is the chief rep- resentative— to the direct action of the environment, for ex- ample, the gradual preponderance assumed by the central digits in the Ungulates would be explained by the greater strain received by those reaching the ground. Strict Darwinists do not consider such an explanation to be sufficient, because there are many instances of protective resemblance and mimicry where just as remarkable modifications of form are to be met with, which could not be attributed to such a direct action of the environment. On the other hand, we have met in the pre- ceding chapters with so many instances of the adaptation of the organism to its habits {vide Index, adaptation) that it seems difficult to believe that such remarkable correspondence should only be the result of selection from variations tending to occur in every direction. 22. Not only have we to contemplate the effect of competition between different individuals as favourable to change in organic nature, but also the competition of different species. This is ^readily seen in a garden which, if left to itself, soon becomes wergrown with weeds — those forms of plants which have either tetter means of protecting or dispersing themselves, or are able k) cope with less favourable conditions of life than the plants for- merly cultivated. It is easy to see, that such competition, where species come into contact for the first time, may lead to extinc- tion of the form less able to protect itself; indeed the extinc- tion of past forms of life is to be explained partly by such com- petition, and partly by reason of some forms being specialised to such a narrow range of conditions, that they have become 286 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. incapable of adapting themselves to any changes. On the other hand, we may explain to ourselves the persistence of certain types (VIII, 25), either by the little specialised character of their requirements, or by their gaining superior means of protec- tion, as for example, the adoption of a subterranean life, by terrestrial animals, or their retirement to the recesses of deep forests. The competition of different species is interesting in another aspect — the regulation of the balance of life- It is obvious that the number of carnivorous animals is regulated by the number of phytophagous forms on which they feed, and that these, again, are dependent on their food-plants. 23. "While 7-eference is being made to species which live in competition with each other, it must be recalled that many in- stances of association for mutual advantage are to be found in Nature. One of the most striking of these is afforded by some Sea-anemonies, which fasten themselves over the abdominal region of certain Paguridse. They serve in place of the shelter- ing shells, which most of the genera select (VII., 12), and, in addition, protect the crab by reason of their thread-cells ; in return, they are furnished with locomotive facilities not usually enjoyed by their relations. Other examples of such mutualism, or symbiosis, are not uncommon. 24. Still more common, however, are the cases of partial or complete parasitism, which are to be met with in all the sub- kingdoms. (See index). The various grades of parasitism offer such easy transitions from completely normal to much re- duced organs, that we are tempted to seek an explanation for these in the direct action of the environment. It is especially the locomotive and digestive organs which exhibit such reduc- tion, and the disuse of these seems to offer a rational explan- ation of their condition. 25. In the course of disappearance of organs which are under- HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. 287 going reduction, and before all trace of them disappears, they are styled " rudimentary" organs ; such are the rudimentary metapodials of the horse. Organs like these receive their only satisfactory interpretation when we look at them in the light of the doctrine of descent with modification. 26. The active relations between different species discussed above, lead us to the consideration of the remarkable phenomena of protective resemblance and mimicry (VII., 26, 33) — pheno- mena which appear to be explainable only by natural selection. The word mimicry conveys a striving after similarity, which is entirely at variance with such an explanation, and the term is now really taken to mean the preservation by Nature of variations in the direction of resemblance to some other animal, protected either by offensive or defensive weapons. Cases of such protection are recorded above. A further illustration is afforded by certain South American butterflies belonging to the family Pieridse, which " mimic" those of another family, the Heliconidse, protected from insectivorous birds by their offensive odour and taste. Protection may also be secured, however, by resemblance in colour, or form, or both, to surrounding plants or inanimate objects. The winter white coat of Arctic animals, the colours of the nests and eggs of birds, the form of the leaf- and walking- stick insects (VII, 23), are all to be explained in the same way. Occasionally such likenesses are employed, not for defensive, but for offensive purposes. One species of the predatory genus Mantis (a member of a family allied to the Phasmidae) re- sembles an orchid which is visited for its honey by bees, and a species of spider has been observed, which, in the attitude in which it waits for its prey, has the innocent appearance in colour and form of a bird-dropping ! Colouration, in fact, is very generally protective in its func- tion, and the transparency of most pelagic animals, the change- 288 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. able hues of the chamseleon and the tree-toad (which are ef- fected reflexly through the nervous system), are to be explained on the same principles. This does not exhaust its functions ; it would appear with gregarious animals to be useful in recog- nition of other individuals of the same species, also for warning, as in the case of the brilliantly coloured coral-snakes (Flaps IV., 21). That such warning colours are not unfavourable to their possessors, might lead us to suppose that the rattlesnake's rattle (IV., 22) is a similar warning to enemies not to interfere. (7). Relation of Animals to Plants. 26. Some of the phenomena recounted above serve to recall that plants are not destitute of defences provided by natural selec- tion in relation to phytophagous animals. Such are the spines, and the bitter, acrid and poisonous excretions, such as tannin, which the best protected possess. It is only in comparatively rare instances that plants can be said to assume the agressive, and seize upon opportunities for securing food by absorption of proteids from animals, instead of manufacturing them with the aid of the nitrates of the soil. Such cases do occur in the carnivorous plants, like the Venus' fly-trap (Dioncea), and the more familiar pitcher-plants (Sarracenia) and sun-dew (Dros- era). It must not be forgotten that there is a whole division of the vegetable kingdom — the Fungi — which, being destitute of chlorophyll, require to get their nourishment from previously formed organic matter. They are either saprophytic or paras- itic forms, the latter sometimes so actively aggressive, as to be one of the most fruitful causes of disease and death, both in the animal and vegetable kingdoms. 27. But there are also instances of plants and animals deriv- ing mutual advantage from living together, which recall the cases of symbiosis of animals. Such are afforded by the " yellow HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY, 289 cells n of the Radiolaria, which seem to prosper in their hosts and to occasion them no inconvenience by their presence. Pos- sibly they furnish oxygen to the tissues, and utilize themselves the waste products, including carbonic acid, excreted by the animal tissues. 28. The most obvious instances of the association of animals and plants for mutual advantage are to be met with in the repro- ductive phenomena of the vegetable kingdom, chiefly in those connected with the fertilisation and distribution of flowering plants. It is now known that by far the greater number of Phanerogams with conspicuous flowers are fertilized by ins ct- agency, and that the secretion of nectar, the colour and often the form of the flower are so many inducements, acquired by natural selection, to insects to visit them, while, on the other hand, many peculiarities of form, or of the relative development in time, of parts of the flower are so many obstacles to self- fertilisation. So close is the relationship between flowering plants and the insect- world that they may be said to have been correlatively developed. Similar mutual advantages exist in the relation of frugivor- ous birds to fruit-bearing plants; the distribution of such plants has been shown to be largely effected by the birds in question, and the bright colours of fruits as well as their sweetness receive a partial explanation in this way. Other examples of the co-operation of animals in the distribution of plants are furnished by those whose fruits (burrs), being clothed with hooks or spines, adhere tenaciously to the coats of various mammals, and thus secure a wider range. 29. Such considerations as those above emphasize the interde- pendence of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, and the neces- sity of studying the phenomena of both in connection with each other. This is rendered more imperative when we come to look at the economical aspects of Biology, and realize that the 290 HIGH SCHOOL ZOOLOGY. diseases of cultivated plants and animals are frequently avert- ible by a proper knowledge of the life-history of the organisms in question. Many of these diseases are merely phases of the struggle for existence, which occurs not only between individuals of the same species but between species of the most different character. Other diseases are due to unfavorable surrounding conditions, which a due attention to physiology may make it posssible to remedy. Such disturbances of the normal or healthy processes of life form the subject-matter of Vegetable and Animal Pathology. For further information on these as well as on the other topics discussed in this chapter, the student must, however, consult books which deal with them specially. The object 01 the present chapter has chiefly been to show the relations of facts scattered throughout the preceding chapters, and to indi- cate as far as possible the general principles which have been reached by zoologists. INDEX. Page Abomasum 176 Acanthia 214 Acanthocephali 224 Acanthopteri 62 Acarina 204 Acephala 228 Acetabulum 85 Achtheres 200 Adnata 259 Acipenser 73 Acrania 79 274 Acrydidce 209 Actinia 247 Actinozoa 245 Actinophrys 254 Adam's Apple 159 Adaptation of feet of Uugulata for locomotion . . 167-8, 174 of Ruminants for rapid locomotion 175 of sloths to arboreal life. 163 of Marsupialia to differ- ent modes of life 162 of Mammals to aquatic life . 164, 180 of Mammals to aerial life 185 of Mammals to subter- ranean life 182 of bird's skeleton and muscles to flight 127-8 of bird's feet to different methods of locomotion 134-5 of Amphibia to burrow- ing 98 of Lacertilia to different modes of life 107, 110 of insects to aquatic life 213 of Chelonia to aquatic and terrestrial life . . . 104 Page Adaptation of Hyla and frog to arboreal life. .... 96, 97 of fossil reptiles to differ- ent modes of life. .117, 120 jEgialitis 139 JSlurichthys 56 JEpyornis 134 Agama 107 Agalena 202 Aglossa 94 Agouti 184 Air-bladder of cyprinoids .... 58 Function of 43 Connection with auditory labyrinth 38 Vessels of in Physoclysti. 63 Coats of 42 Of Ganoids 72 In Acanthopteri 63 In Dipnoi 78 Air-bladder and duct of cat- fish 130, 42 Air-sacs of birds — of locust . . 209 Aix 139 Albatross 138 Alces . . 178 Alewife 60 Alligator garpike 75 Alligator 115 Alisphenoid 23 Alpaca 177 Altrices 131 Alternation of teeth in mam- mals 155 Alula 122 Alveolar part of maxillaries mammals 149 Alveoli of lung in mammals . . 158 Ambloplites , ; 64 292 INDEX. Page Amblyopsis 62 Amblystoma 90-1 Ametabola 214 Amia 74 Amiurns, species of 51-3 Auricle of catfish 45 Amoeboid cells .... 14 Amoeboid blood-cells 44 Amoeba 253 Amphibia 80 Amphicoelous ....81, 18, 116, 106 Amphidiscs of sponges 251 Amphioxus 79 Amphipnous 62 Amphipoda 197 Amphisboena 110 Amphiuma 89 Ampullse of auditory labyrinth 38 Amyda 104 Anacanthini 70 Anaconda , Ill Anadromous 59 Anas 135-9 Anastomus 1 36 Anatomy 264 Anchovy 61 A ncistrodom 114 Ancylus 234 Anguilla 62 Anguis t 110 Anisonema 257 -8 Annelida 218 Anodon 229 Anseres 138 Anteaters 163 Antelopes 178 Antennae 194 Antennulae, crayfish 194 Anterior extremity of Meno- branch compared with fish 85 Anthropomorpha 189 Ant'docapra . . . 178 Antilope 179 Antimeres 242 Antlers 178 Ant-lions 214 Ants 217 Anura 88,92 Aorta dorsal 46 Aortic arches of catfish. •-.•«•« 46 Page Aortic arches of mammals ... 159 Apertures of body in catfish.. 11 Aphis 213 Apis 217 Appendages abdominal of in- sects 207 Appendages of crayfish 193 Appendicular 11 Apieryx 134 Aptenodytes 137 Aptera 213 Apus 199 Aquatic animals, distribution of 281 Arachnida 191, 201-4 Araneina 202 Arbor vitae 152 Arcella 254 Archmopteryx 123, 132 Archaean Rocks 270 Arius 56 Arctopithecini 189 Arctomys 184 Ardeida 139 Argali 179 Argulus 200 Argus 140 Arms of Brachiopod 238 Arm of starfish 243 Armadillo 163 Aromochelys 105 Artemia 199 Arterial cone 72, 87 Arteries of catfish 44 Artiodactyla 174 Articular processes 19 Arthropoda 190- 217 Arthrogastra 202 Articular element of man- dible 24 Arvicola „ 184 Arytaenoid 159 Asaphus 201 Ascaris 224 Asellus 198 A sinus 173 Asiphoniala 232 Aspects of body in Vertebrates and Invertebrates 190 <>.... 104 INDEX. 293 Page Aspredo 57 Abacus 192 A wteriaa 243 Asymmetry of gastropod 233 Of oyster 228 Alalapha 186 Atavism . . . '. 172 Atax 204 Ateles 189 Atlanta, 235 Atlantosaurus 117 Atlas 126 Atrium 45 Auchenia, 177 Auk 138 Auditorycapsule 36 Aurelia 247 Australian region 161 Aves precoces and altrices ... 131 Avocet 136-9 Axial 11 Axis cylinder 16 Axis vertebra 126 Axolotl 91 Aye-aye 187 Aythya 139 Babyrusa 175 Baboon 189 Bactrian Camel 177 Badger 179 Bagrus 56 Balmna 166 Balceniceps 136 Balancers 215 Balanoglossus 243 Balanus 200 Batistes 71 Barbels 12 Bark- Beetle 215 Bass-Tribe 64- 67 Basibranchial 26 Basioccipital 23 Bascanium 114 Basommatophora 234 Basalia of Fin 28 Bathymetrical Distribution . . 281 Batrachia 80 Bear- Animalcule 204 Beaver 184 Page Bed-Bug 214 Beetles 215 Bee 217 Beetworm 224 Bell- Animalcule . . . : 260 Belostoma 213 Beluga 165 Belemnites 237 Bighorn 179 Bilateral Symmetry 10 Connection of, with Form- ation of Locomotor Sur- face 243,259-60 Biology 262, 264 Birds 121 Birgus 197 Bison 179 Blatta 209 Blackfly 216 Blarina 182 Blackbird 141 Blastoderm 131 Beadsnake 113 Bladder-Worm 227 Blind-Fishes 62 Blind-Snake Ill Blind- Worm 110 Blood-Cells 44 Blood-Supply of Gills 46 Blood-Temperature 161 Blubber 144 Bluebird 141 Boa-constructor Ill Boatbill 136 Bojanus, organ of 231 Boleosoma 66 Bombyx 216 Bonasa 140 Bony-pike 74 Bone, structure of 15 Book-scorpion 202 Bostrychus 215 Botaurus 139 Bovina 179 Bowfin 74 Brachiopoda 237 Brachyurus 188 Brachyura 197 Branchial Arches of Catfish . . 26 ofCat 149 iU INDEX. Page Branchial arches of Frog .... 93 of Menobranch 83 Brain 31, 86, 103, 129, 152 Branchial Arteries, Afferent and Efferent 46 87 Branchial Chamber and Aper- ture 12 Branchiostegal Membrane and Bays 25, 42 Branta 139 Branchipus 199 Branchiate Arthropods 205 Brady pus 164 Branchiobdella 222 Breeding-colours of cyprinoids 58 Brine-shrimps 199 Brontoiherium 172 Brontosaurus 117 Brood-pouch in lamelli- branchs 231 In Polyzoa 241 Brula 163 Bryozoa 239 Bubo 140 Bubalus 179 Buffalo 179 Bufo 92-6 Bunodont 176 Burrowing Lamellibranchs . . 232 Bursa Fabricii 130 Burbot 70 Brittle-star 244 Butterfly 216 Byssus 232 Caddis flies 214 Caducibranchiata 90, 88 Calcarea 250 Calotragus 174 Caloptenus 206 Callorhinus 180 Callichthys 57 Callosities of horse 173 Cambarus 191 Campodea 210 Camelus 177 ■CameloparddUs 178 Cancroma 136 Cannon-bones 169, 177 Canis 179 Page Canine teeth 155 as compensating for ab- sence of tusks 177 Capra 179 Capelin 60 Capillaries 44 Capybara 184 Carp 58 Carmine 213 Cartilage in Cephalopoda 236 Cartilage, structure of 14 Carotid arteries of cat-fish .... 46 Cardinal veins " .... 46 Carpus of Menobranch 85 Carotids of " 87 Carcharodon 77 Cardo - 206 Caribou 178 Carpocapsa 216 Carabus 215 Cariacus '. . 178 Carp-suckers 58 Carnivora 144, 179 Carapace of turtle 102 Carpophaga 140 Carinatai 124, 137 Care of young in Vertebrates. 142 Catfish, specific name of.... 51 Catodon 165 Catarhini 189 Cathartes 141 Catostomus 57 Cassowary 134 Casuarius 134 Castor 183 Cavkornia 178 Cavia 184 Cebus 189 Cecidomyia 216 Cells 16 Cell-animal, structure of ... . 14 Cell, Polyzoa 239 Cephalopoda 235 Cephalophora 228, 232 Cephalothorax 193 Cepphus 137 Cmtetes 183 Centipedes 211 Centrum of vertebra 18 Centrarchus 64 INDEX. 295 Ceratohyal of catfish 26 Central canal of spinal cord . . 32 Ceratium 257-8 Ceratobranchials 26 Cerebral hemispheres of cat- fish 30 Cerebellum of catfish 30 Cercaria 226 Cervical region of vertebral column in mammals 146 Cerebellum of mammals .... 152 Cerebrum of mammals 151 Cercojnthecus 189 Ceralodus 78 Cervidce 178 Cercoleptes 179 Cervus 178 Cerci 207 Cere 140 Cestodes 225 Cetacea 164 Chcttogaster 221 Chcetopoda 222 Channel cat 54 Chawodeon 108 Charadrius 139 Characteristics of birds 121 Chamois 179 Cheek-pouches monkeys .... 189 rodents 184 Cheese-mite 204 Chelse 194 Chelate 194 Chelicerae 202 Chelifer 202 Chelonia 100 Chelopus 105 Chelydra 100 Chemical composition of liv- ing bodies 263 Chinch-bug 214 Chimcera 76 Chilognatha 211 Chilopoda 211 Chinchilla 184 Chilomycterus 72 Chiroptera 185 Chimpanzee 189 Chitin 191 Chiasma of optic nerves 152 Pajfe Chiromys 187 Chirotes 109 Chipmunk 184 Chiton 232, 234 Chondrostei 73 Choroid 35 Cholcepus 164 Chrysothrix 189 Chrysalis 209 Chrysemys 105 Chrysomelidm 215 Ciconia 135, J 39 Cicadella 213 Cicada 213 Ciliary muscle 35 Ciliate Infusoria 253 Ciliated chambers 250 Ciliophrys 251 Circulatory organs 265 Cirripedia 200 Cinosternum 103 Circulation of crayfish 197 Circumvallate papillaa 157 Circulation of earthworm 221 of cat 179 Cistudo 105 Ciscoe 59 Clarias 57 Clavate cells 17 Classification. .9, basis of . . . . 261 Clamatores 149 Cladocera 199 Clam 232 Clathrulina 254 Clepsine 222 Climatic aspect of Biology . . 273 Cliona 252 Clitellum . 221 Clothes-moth 216 Cloacal Siphon 231 Clupea 60 Clypeus 205 Cobra {Naja) 113 Coccinella 215 Coccoon earthworm 221 Coccus 213 Coccyges 141 Cochineal insect 213 Cochlea 37 Cochlea, scahe of 154 296 INDEX. Page Cocoa-nut Crab, . . . 197 Cockroach 209 Cocoon 214 Coddling-moth 216 Codfish 70 Coeca, intestinal of birds 129 Ccelenterata 245 Cadogenys 184 Ccelom of Vermes 219 Ccelom 11 of mammals 158 Ccenoecium 240 Coenosarc 247 Coffin-bone 172 Coleoptera 214 Collar-cells of Sponge 250 Colobus 189 Colonies Polyzoa 239 Colouration, functions of .... 278 Coluber 112 Columbce 140 Columba 136 Columella auris 94, 83 Columella of cochlea 154 Compsognathus 118 Compound eye 195 Comparison of earthworm and crayfish 219 Concrescence of cranial bones in mammals 148 Connective tissue 13, 14 Contractile vacuole 253, 259 Corium 12 Conus arteriosus 72 Conus 235 Condor 136 Condylura 182 Coney 171 Condyles occipital 126 Coot 139 Copper-head 114 Copepoda 199 Cope 285 Coracoids of Monotremes .... 161 mammals 150 catfish 27 Corallum 247 Coral 247 Corallium 248 Coregonus 59 Coreus ; 214 Cormorant 138 Cornea 34 Coronary 172 Corpora quadrigemina 152 Corpus callosum 152 Correlation, principle of 273 Coryphodon 170 Coverts 122 Cowrie 235 Coxal glands 220 Coxa 206 Crayfish 191 Cranium 20 Cranial nerves 33 Cranium, proportion to face . . 148 Cranial bones origin of 20 Creepers 141 Cricket 210 Cricoid 159 Crinoidea 244 Crlstatella 239 Crystalline cone of arthropod eye 196 Crow 141 Crocodllia 115 Crotalus 113 Crura cerebri 151 Crustacea 191, 200 Cryptogamic 9 Crystalline stylet , . . 230 Cuckoo . . 141 Culex 216 Culmen 122 Curlew 139 Cursorial birds 132 Curculio 215 Cutaneous muscular tube, Ver- mes 220 Cutaneous sense-organs of fish, 1 7 Cuttle-fish . . 235 Cutaneous secretion, Bufo ... 93 Ctenoid 12 Ctenophora 245 Cyclops 200 Cyclostomi 78 Cyclophus 114 Cyclopterus 69 Cyclas 232 Cygnidai 139 INDEX. 297 Page Cynips 217 Cynomys : 184 Cynomorpha 189 Cyprinus 57 Cypr'is (Candona) 199 Cyprcea 235 Cysticercus 226 Cypselus 135 Cydophora 181 Cystic stage of Oestodes 226 Cytology 264 Daphnia 199 Daddy-long-legs 202 Dafila 139 Darter 66 Darwin on earth-worm 221 Darwinism 2S5 Dasyprocta 184 Dasypus 163 Dasyurus 1 62 Deer s. 178 pigmy 178 Defensive habits of Heteroilon 114 Demodex 204 Dentition Mammals 155 Insectivora 182 Rodents 183 Seals 180 Primates 1S8 Camel 177 Ruminants 176 Horse 173 Bats 186 Fossil Artiodactyla 176 Bear 156 Edentata 163 Dental formula, typical 156 Dentary 25 Dentine 18 Dew-claws 176 Dermaleichus 204 Dermaiocheiys 105 Dermestes 215 Descent with modification . . . 269 Desiccation, resistance to ... . 204 in Rotifers 223 Desmodus 186 Development, locust 209 Brachiopoda 237 20 Pasre Development Toad 96 Dexiotropous 233 Diadophhis 114 Diastema 1 55 Diapheromera 210 Diaphragm 1 5S Dicotyles 175 Diemyctylus 91 Didelphys 161 Didus 140 Dibranchiata 236 Dittuyia 254 Dipkyodont 155 Dipnoi 78 Dipiera 215 Dipus 184 Dinobryon 257 Dinosauria 118 Dinornis 133-4 Dinolherium 170 Dimorphism 223 Diodon 71 Diomedea 1 38 Dioncea 2S8 Discophora 220 Distomum 226 Disuse of organs, effects of. . 286 Docimastes 1 36 Dodo 140 Doris 235 Doree 66 Doras 56 Dorosoma 60 Dorypliora 215 Draco 108 Dragon-flies 212 Dromams 134 Dromedary 1 77 Drosera 288 Duck-mole ... . 160 Dynastes 215 Dytiscidce 215 Ear of cattish 36 crayfish 196 locust 208 Ophidia 113 mammal 153 Earthworm 219 Earwig , 209 EcarduitA 239 298 INDEX. Page Echeneis „ •«••*.«.. 67 Echinodermata 242 Echinarachnius 243 Echinus 242 Echidna 160 Ectoderm of Hydra 246 Ectoparasitic Trematoda .... 225 Protozoa .256, 260 Ectopistes 140 Edentata ] 63 Eel 62 Effects of external form on in- terna] organs, Ophidia .... Ill Eft........ 91 Eggs, Amphiuma 98 Brachiopoda 238 of Catfish.. 48 of crayfish 196 Crocodiles 116 Birds 131 Hydrozoa 246 Lamellibranchs 23 1 Menobranch 87 Monotremes 143 Ophidia 113 Pipa 94 Sharks 78 Turtle 104 Siphonops 98 Elaps . ... 113 Elasmobranchii 76 Electric Catfish 56 Eel 62 Ray 77 Elephant 168 Elevation of land, effect of ... 279 Elytra 207 Embryology 264 Emu 134 Emys 105 Enamel 18 Encephalon 31 Encystment of Protozoa 253 Trematoda 226 Cestodes 227 Endochrome in Euglena 257 Endoderm of Hydra 246 Endolymph 37 Enhydra 179 Endoparasitic Trematodes.. . . 225 Endoplasm 253 Endopodite . .". 193 Endoskeleton, Cephalopoda... 236 of Brachiopod arms 238 Endoskeleton of Vertebrates. 17 Entoderm 246 Entomostraca 198, 200 Eider 139 Environment, direct action of 285 Ephemeridce 212 Ephydatia 251 Epiblast 49 Epibranchials 26 Epicranium 206 Epidermis 17 Epidermis, Sauropsida 101 Epiglottis 157 Epihyal 25 Epimerum 206 Epiotic 22 Epipharynx 207 Epiphysis of Catfish 31 Epipubic bone 161 Episternum, Monotremes. ... 161 Epipodite 193 Epistome 240 Epithelium 13, 14 intestinal 40 Episternum, amphibians ... 93 Equus 173 Eretmochelys 105 Ergasilus .' 200 Erinaceus 183 Ermine 179 Erismatura 139 llsox 61 Estheria 199 Etheostoma 66 Ethmoid of Mammals 148 Erethizon 183 Engraulus 61 Euglena 257 Euglypha 254 Eumeces 107 Eumetopias 180 Euplectella .• . . 251 Euspongia 252 Eustachian Tubes 93, 154 Eutamia 114 Eutheria 143 INDEX. 299 Page Evolution of Organic Nature. 270 Excretory Organs 265 of Vertebrates 47 of Insects 203 of Arthropods 203 of Vermes 219 of Mollusca 228 of Polyzoa 241 of Protozoa 253 Exhalent Siphon 231 Exocmtus 63 Exoccipital 23 Exopodite 193 Exoskeleton 17 of Turtles 101 Crocodiles 115 Edentata 163 Echinodermata 242 Eye, Vertebrate 34, 35 Compound 195 Falco 135 Fan-coral 248 Fauna of Madagascar 186 Fauces of Mammals 157 Feathers 121, 122 Felis 144, 179 Femur 85, 206 Fenestella 241 Fenestra Ovalis 83, 153 Rotunda 154 Fetter-bone 172 Fiber 184 Filaria 224 File-fish 71 Filiform papillae 157 Fins 11 Unpaired 81 of Cetacea 165 Rays 27 28 Pteropod 235 Finches 141 Fire-flies 215 Fistularia 63 Fission in Protozoa 26!) Flagellate Infusoria 253 Flamingo 136, 189 Flat-fish 70 Flea 216 Flounder 70 Pasre Flipper, seal 180 Aquatic Mammals 165 Sirenia 166 Turtles 104 Ichthyosauria 117 Penguin 137 Fluke-worm 226 Flying-squirrel 184 Flying-fish 63, 69 Flycatchers 141 Follicles hair 144 Feathers 121 Setigerous 221 Fontanelles 21 Food-yolk ....49, 131 Foot in Mollusca 228 Heteropoda 235 Foramen magnum 20 Foraminfera 254 Formulae of teeth 156 Forficula 209 Formica 217 Formative yolk 49 Fossils 269 Fratercula 137 Fresh water Faunas, origin of. 282 Frigate-bird 138 Fruit-bats 186 Frontal plane 10 Frog 97 Fulica 35 Fungi . 288 Fur-seals 180 Fur 179 Funnel 235 Fungiform 157 Function 265 Change of 197 Ga.leopithecus . . 185 Galea 206 Galago 187 Galls 216, 213 Gallinacei 139 Gadus 69 Galtinago 139 Gallinule 139 Gallflies 217 Galleyworms 211 Gallus 124 300 INDEX. Page Gall-bladder of catfish 41 Gamm,arus 198 Gannets 138 Garfish, Scomberesox 74 Ganoidei 72 Ganglion-cells 32 Ganglia 32 Garpike 72 Garter-snake 114 Gastric glands 40 Gasterosteus 63, 64 Gastropoda 232 Gastrovascular Cavity of Sponges 250 Gastrovascular Cavity of Ccel- enterates 245 Gavial 115 Gazelle 179 Gecko 108 Gemmules of Sponge 25 1 Gephyrea 222 Geocores 213 Geographical Distribution, Past and Present, of Lemurs 187 of Elephants 170 of Camels 177 Geological Importance of Radiolaria 255 of Foraminifera 254 Record, incompleteness of 272 Genus 54 Genealogical Trees 272 Germinal Epithelium 14 Gerris 214 Germinal Yolk 131 Geomys 183 Gibbon 189 Gill-Rakers 73, 43 Gill-Slits 12 Gill-Slits of Menobranch . . 80, 81 Gill-Filaments 43 Gill- Arches, Membranous Par- titions 76 Gill- Pouches 76 Gills, Urodela 89 Gills, External of Menobranch 80 of Tadpole. 95 Gills, of Cephalopoda 236 of Crayfish 193 Lamellibranchs 231 Gills, Mollusca 228 Giraffe 178 Gizzard of Fowl 129 Gizzard-Shad 60 Glacial Period 278 Glandular Epithelium 14 Glass-Snake 110 Glenoid Cavity 85 Glenoid Fossa of Mammal's Skull 149 Globigerina 254 Glochidia 231 Glottis of Menobranch 86 Goat 179 Goat-Sucker. . 141 Gold-Fish 57 Goniobasis 234 Gonys 122 Gordius 224 Gopher 184 Gorilla 189 Goura 140 Grampus 165 Grasshopper 205 Grebe 138 Green-gland of crayfish. .... 219 Gregarina 254 Grouse 140 GriM 139 Gulo 179 Guinea fowl 140 Pig 184 Gull 138 Gymnophiona 88, 98 Gymnolcemata 240 Gymnotus 62 Gypogeranus 140 Haddock 70 Heemal arch 19 Haemoglobin 44 Hair 144 Helicina 235 Heliconidce 287 Helix 234 Hellbender 89 Hemiptera 211 Hepatic cells 41 Portal Circulation in Mammals 160 INDEX. 301 Page Heredity 283 Herpestcs, 179 Herodiones 139 Hermit-crab 1 96 Heterocercal 19, 73 Herring 60 Hesperornis 123 Hessian-fly 216 Hawkmoth 216 Heteronoinous 193 Helerodon 114 Half-gill (demibranch) 72 Halibut 70 Halteres 215 Halisarca 251 Halicore 1 67 Hapale 189 Haplocerus 179 Harp seal 181, 283 Hatteria 100, 106 Hag-fish (Mi/xhie) 79 Head, Molhisca 228 Heart mammals 158 of Catfish 44, 45 of Menobranch 87 of Turtle 104 of Crocodile 116 Hedge-hog 183 Heliosphcera 255 Heliozoa 255 Heteropoda 235 Heteroptera 213 Heteroecism 224 Heterodera 224 Hippocampus 63, 65 Hippopotamus 174 Hinge in Lamellibranchs 228 in Brachiopods 239 Hirudo 232 Hippospongia 252 Histology 16, 264 Holotricha 259 Holostei 73 Holothuroidea 243 Homonomy 210, 218 Homarus 192 Homologous 10 Hy-itrix 183 Homocercal 19 Hoopoo 141 Page Honeycomb-stomach 176 Horizontal plane 10 Horse-flies 216 Horns 178 Horse 173 Homoptera 213 1 (orned-toad 107 Huanaco or Guanaco 177 Humerus 85, 1 50 Hycemoschu8 174 Hyama 236 Hyalonema 251 Hybernation 184, 186 Hydrochoerus 1S4 Hyoid of Mammals 149 Hydra 215 Hydrackna 204 Hydathia 223 Hydrozoa 245 Hydrorhiza 246 Hydrophis 113 Hydrocores 213 Hi/Johates 189 Hyla V6 Hymenoptera 216 Hyomandibular 24 Hyodon 66 Hypobranchials 26 Hypophysis 30, 152 Hypohyal 25 Hypoblast 49 Hypopharynx 217 Hypodermis 195, 219 Hypofrirha 260 Hyracoidta 170 Ibex 179 Ibis 139 Ichthyornis 124, 135 Ichthyobdeha 222 Ichthyopteryyia 117 Ichthyosaurus 117 lehtJtyop.sida 99 Icktluelurus 54 Ichneumon (Mammalia) 179 (Insecta) 217 Iguana 107 Iguanodon 118 Ileo-ccecal valve 39 Ictalurus 54 302 INDEX, Imparidigitate Ungulates .... 171 Imago 209 Incisive foramen 149, 153 Incisors 155 Incus 153 Inhalent siphon 231 Inferior lobes of brain 30 Ink-bag 236 Infusoria 252, 256 Ciliata 258 Infusorial earth. 255 Incubation of eggs 131, 132 Insecta 191 Insectivora 182 Instinct 267 Intestine of leech 222 of Crayfish 196 of Earthworm 219 of Catfish 40 of Menobranch 103 Indri 188 Interhyal 25 Intercellular substance 14 Interoperculum 25 Interparietal 148 Invertebrata term 9 Iris 35 Interspinal 28 Isopoda 107 Ixodes 204 Jseger 138 Jacobson, organ of, in cat. . . . 153 Jaws, catfish 24 Turtle 101 Ophidia 112 Leech 222 Jay 141 Jerboa 183, 184 Jugal arch 148 Jugular fins 62 Jugular vein 159 Kainozoic 270 Kangaroo 143 Kidney of catfish 47 of menobranch 87 head- 47 Kingfisher 141 Kinkajou 179 Page Kiwi 184 Knee of elephant and other Ungulates 169 Labellre 216 Labrum, crayfish 196 Insects 205 Labium 206 Labrynth of ear in catfish 36 Labyrinthodontia 97 Lachnosterna 215 Lacinia 206 Lacertilia 106 Lady-bird 215 Lagopus 140 Lake-mullet 58 LameUibranchiata 228 Lamellirostres 139 Lake-herring 59 Lampyridce 215 Lamprey 78 Land-locked seals 187 salmon 59 Lancelet 78 Larvae Echinodermata 243 higher Medusse 247 provisions for in Hymen- optera 217 Larks 141 Larus 138 Larynx in animals 159 Lateral line, catfish 12 Menobranch 81 Leech 220 Leiotropous 233 Lemming 184 Lemuroidea 187 Lemur 187 Lens 35 Leopard 179 Lepomis 64 Lepidosiren 78 Lepidoptera 215 Lepidosteus 74 Lepas 183 Leptoptilus 136 Libellula 212 Lichanotus 188 Life, characteristics of 263 Ligament in Lamellibranchs . . 228 INDEX. 303 Page Limax „ . , 234 Limbs of higher Vertebrates. . 81 Limicolce 139 Limicolous worms 220 Limncea 233 Limbs, development of, in tadpole 95 Limulus, relation of, to Arach- nida 201 202 Limpet 234 Linens 225 Lingula 239 Lips and tongue of mammals. 157 Lion 179 Littoral zone 281 Liver-fluke 226 Liver of catfish 41 Lizards 107 flying 108 Lobster 192 Locomotion in Cephalopoda . . 236 Ophidia . Ill Log-perch 6Q Llama 177 Loligo 235 Longipennes 138 Loon 138 Lophobranchii 63 Lophophore (circlet of tent- acles in Polyzoa) 240 Lore 122 Lori 187 Loricaria 57 Lota 70 Lungs of memobranch com- pared with air-bladder. 86 Turtle 103 Ophidia Ill Mammals 158 Scorpion 202 Spider 203 Lutra 179 Lymphatic system 47 Lynx 179 Macacus 1 89 Mackerel 67 Macrochires 141 Macrolepidoptera 216 Macrura 197 Page Macroscelides 183 Macrobdella 222 Magpie 141 Malacostraca 191-8 M alapterurus 56 Mallard 139 Malleus mammalia 149, 153 catfish 22, 38 ~M.allophaga 213 Mallotus 60 Malphigian tubes 203-8 Mammals 142 Manubrium sterni 147 Mammoth 168 Cave 62 Manatee 166 Mandibles — crayfish 194 Mandible — catfish 25 Manis 163 Mantis 283 Mantle of Mollusca 228 Gastropods 233 Manus of various mammalia. . 164 Manyplies 176 Marabu 136 Marine-worms 220 Mark in horse's incisors 173 Marsupialia 143, 161 Marten 179 Masseter 148 Mastigophora 252, 256 Mastodon 169 Maxillae, crayfish 194 Maxillipedes 193 Maxilla of catfish 25 Maybeetle 215 Mayflies 212 Meckel's cartilage . . 25, 149, 153 Mediastinum 158 Medulla oblongata 30 Medusa-form 246 Medicinal leech 222 Megatherium 164 Megapodidm 140 Megalosaurus 119 Meleagris 139 Mentum 206 Menobranch 80 Menopoma 89 Mephitis . . . 179 304 INDEX. Page Mermis *224 Merganser 136, 139 Mesosiomurn 225 Mesenteries of Actinia 248 Mesoblast 49 Mesozoic 270 Mesethmoid 22 Mesentery 40 Mesology 277 .M esoderm of Hydrozoa 247 Metabola 264 \! etastoma 196 M etapodials, rudimentary of horse 172 conversion of into cannon bones 169 Metatheria 143, 161 Metazoa 25? Metamorphosis of Crustacea. . 197 of Anura 91, 94 ofUrodela 90 Metameres 20 Metapterygoid 25 Metacarpus, menobranch 85 Michelinea 249 Microplerus 64 Micronucleus of Infusoria. . . . 259 Microlepidoptera 216 Milk -glands of mammals 142 Milk-dentition 155 Mimicry 216, 287 Millipedes 211 Minnow 67 Mink 179 Moa 133, 134 Molar teeth 155 Mole 182 Mollusca 227 Molluscoidea 237 Monads 257 Monodon 165 Monas 257 Monotremata 143, 160 Monophyodont 155 Moon-eye 61 Moose 178 Mosquitos 216 Monkeys 188 Moschus 178 Page Motmot 141 Mould, formation of by earth- worms 221 Mouth- vacuole of Flagellata.. 257 Mouth of Ciliated Infusoria. . 259 Mouth-parts of Diptera . .212, 215 of Insecta 206 of M^riapods 211 Moult of locust 209 Mouse 184 Mouth-cavity, sub-divisions of in Mammals 157 Moloch 108 Moxostoma 58 Mucous membrane 38 Mud-puppy 80 Mudfish 74 Mur'uke, Mus 1 83 Musca 216 Muscle-tissue 13-16 Muscles 28-29 Mussels 228 Muskallunge 61 Musk-ox 179 Musk-rat 184 Mustela 179 Mustelus 77 Mya 232 Mycetes 1 89 Myctema 1 36 Myodes 184 Myogale .' 182 Myriapoda 191, 210 Myomeres 29 Myotomes 50 Myrmeleon 214 Myrmecophaga 163 Mysis 192, 198 Mytilus 232 Myxine 79 Myxosporidium 254 Nacre 229 Naja 113- 114 Nanemys 105 Natural Selection 279- 281 Nauplius-phase 197 Nais 221 Nautilus ' . . 236 Narwhal 165 INDEX. 305 Page Nasal Cartilages 153 Nasal septum mammals 153 Nasal cavities of Dipnoi .... 78 Necturiis 80 Negative characters in classi- fication 9 Nephelis 222 Nephridia of earthworm .... 219 mollusca 228, 231 homologues of, in Arthropods 220 Brachiopods 238 Nervous system of crayfish . . 195 spider 203 insects 207 Lamellibranchs 229 Central, of Vertebrates . . 30 Nests of fishes 63 birds 287 Nematelminthes 223 Nematodes 224 Nematognathi 56 Nemertini 225 Neuroptera 212- 214 Neuro-epithelium, auditory . . 38 Neural arch 18 Nerves afferent and efferent30, 32 function of 32 Nerve-cells 32 Nettling-organs 245 New World Monkeys 188 Newt 91 Noctiluca, 207, 208 Nomenclature 51, 55 Notochord, 18 Notonecta 213 Notum 206 Noturus 55 Nucleus of cells 16 Infusoria 259 Numenius 139 Numida 140 Nummulitic Limestone 279 Nutritive organs 265 Nuthatch 141 Nyctale 140 Nycticorax 139 Nyctipithecus 189 Obelarku 246 Ocean Currents, Effects of .. . 282 Pacre Ocellus 203, 205, 207 Occipital Condyles 126 Octopus 2 f) Odontoid Process 1 26 Odd-Toed Ungulates 171 Oligochaeta 220 Oliva 235 Olfactory Organs, Lamelli- branchs 230 Olfactory Bulbs and Tracts of Catfish 30 Olfactory Organ 34 Mammals 152 Crayfish . . 165 Ommatidium 195 Onychodromus 259 Onchorhynchus 59 Oniscus 198 Ontogeny 264 Opalina 259 Operculum 25 Of Gastropods 234 Opisthoccelous 75 0 phiosaurus 110 Ophidia Ill Ophiothrix 244 Ophiuroidea 243 Opisthobranchiata 235 Opposable Digits of Primates. 186 Opossum-Shrimps 197 Opossum 161 Optic Lobes 31, 152 Ophibolus 114 Orang-utan 189 Orbitosphenoid 23 Orcynus 67 Orca 165 Organization 253 Oriental Region 287 Oriole. . . 141 Ornithopoda 118 Ornithorhynchus 167 Ornithological Terms 122 Otoliths 37, 196 Orthoptera 209 Genuina 211 Orycteropus 163 Otter 179 Oscines 141 Osculum of Sponge 250 306 INDEX. Page Organ 266 Organism 265 Organisation 265 Osmerus 60 Ostracion 71 Ostracoda 199 Ostrea 232 Ostrich 134 Otarice 180 Otocysts 230 Ovibos 179 Oviparous mammals 143 Oviposition locust 209 turtles 104 Ovipositor 207, 217 Ovis 179 Ounce 179 Owl 140 Oyster 232 Paca 184 Pachyderm 144 Paqurus 197 Paddle-fish 73 Palate 157 Palaeontology 269 Palaeozoic 270 Palcemonetes 197 Palceochcerus 176 Palceotherhim 171 Palp 194, 206 Palpifer 205, 217 Paludicolce 139 Palatine 25 Pallium 223 Paludicella 240 Paludina 234, 235 Palps or tentacles, Lamelli- branchs 231 Panorpa 214 Papillae of tongue 157 Skin 13 PapiHo 216 Pancreas 51, 52 Paraglossae 217 Parapodia 220 Parasitism in Infusoria 259 Grade of 286 Effects on organs 223 In annelids 221 Page Parasitism in Leeches 222 Fish 78 Parasitic Protozoa 256 lsopods 198 Copepods 199 Mites 205 Ichneumons 217 Larval Diptera 213, 216 Patella 234 Parethmoid 22 Parasphenoid 23 Parotid 154-7 Parotoid 93 Passeres . . 141 Parrot 141 Parallel groups of Rodents and Insectivora 183 Patagium 184, 186, 162 Paunch 176 Pavo 140 Peafowl 140 Pearls 229 Pearly Nautilus 236 Pectoral girdle mammals 150 Pecten 232 Pectinatella 241 Peduncle of Brachiopods .... 238 Pelecanus 136 Pelican 136 Pelagic animals 245, 235, 281 Pelvic arch 28, 93 Pen of squid 235 Perca 65 Penguin 137 Peccary 175 Pedipalpi 202 Pediculus 213 Pentaceros 244 Pentacrinus 245 Pentacta 243 Pentastomum 204 Percina 66 Perennibranchiata 88 Pericardium 45, 158 Periostracum 229 Periotic 148 Peripatus 218, 211 Perisarc 246 Perissodactyla 171 Peritoneum 40 INDB~. 807 Page Peritricha 260 Perla . . . 212 Persistetit types 239 Petrel 138 Petromyzon 79 Pezophaps 140 PMtthon 138 Phacochoirus 175 Phalacrocorax 138 Phalanges 85, 185 Phalanijina 202 Phalangers . 62 Phalangista 162 Phanerogamic 9 Pharyngeal teeth 26 Pharyngobranchials 26 Pharynx 157 Pkascolomys 162 Phmianns 124, 135 Phasma 210 Ph&acodus 170 Pin,'-, ma 146, 165 Phoca 181 Pholas 232 PhcznicoptertiA 136, 139 Phosphorence of sea 258 Phryganea 2) 4 Phytophthires r>> Phylbpoda ' .6 Ph i/lloxera 43 Pkyllium 210 Phylactolcemata 240 Phyllostonia 185 Phylogeny 272 Physiology . . . ". 264 Pkysoxtomi 58 Physoctvsti 62, 58 Phn/ it o.<*, „ta 107 Phytoptus 204 Physa 234 Pici 135 Pickerel 66 Pietidai 287 Pike-perch 66 Pike 61 Pigeon 140 " crop of 142 Pigment in skin 92 Pipn 94, 95 Pipe-fish 63 Page Pineal body 106 Pinrtipedia .... 179 Pinna of ear 153 Pintail 139 Pisidium 232 Piscicola 222 Pimelodu8 56 Planaria 225 Planorbis 234 Plantigrade 179 Plants contrasted with Ani- mals 266-7 Plants, protective organs of. . 288 Plants, carnivorous 288 Plants, relations to animals . . 288 Plantlice 213 Plastron 102 Platalea 136, 139 Plathelminthes 225 Platydactylus 109 Ptatyrrhini 188 Platypus (duck-mole) 160 Plautus 137 Plectognathi 71 Pkthodon 91 Plesiosaurus 116 Pleuronectes 69, 70 Pleural cavity 158 ^leurum of insects 206 /'lotus 138 Plover 139 Plumatella 240 Podiceps 1:5, 138 Podophthalmata-i 195 Podura 210 Poephagus 179 Poison apparatus of Ophidia .112-3 Of Scorpions 202 Spiders 203 Insects 217 Polychceta 220 Polyodon 73 Polypterus 75 Polymorphism of Polyzoa .... 237 of Hydrozoa 247 Polyzoa 237 Polyp 245 Porcupine 183 Pomoxys 64 Pondturtle 100 308 INDEX. « .. Pa^e Port/em 249 Pons Varolii 151 Pontiporeia 198 Porcupine anteater 160 Porcus 175 Porcula 175 Porcupine -fish 71 Pores of sponges 254 Portal vein 42 Posterior extremity 85 Potato beetle 215 Pouch of Marsupials 143 Prairie-hen 140 dog..... 184 Prawn 197 Precoces (aves) 131 Precoracoid 83 Premaxilla 25 Premolars 155 Preoperculum 25 Prestomium 222 Primates 188 Primaries 122 Primary and secondary girdles 27 Primitive characters 10 Pristis 76 Proboscis of insects 212 Proboscidea 168 Proboscis of leeches 222 Procellaria 138 Procyon 179 Proglottis : .... 226 Propithecus 188 Pronghorn 178 Prosimii 187 Prosobranchiata 234 Protection and protective re- semblance 210, 216, 287 Colouration 82, 108 In Cephalopoda 237 Proteids 263 Proteus 88 Protracheata 211 Protoplasm 263 Protopterus 78, 80 Prototheria 160, 143 Protozoa 252-261 Proventriculus 129 Psalterium 176 Pseudopodia 253, 255 Pseudoneuroptera . 212 Pseudobranch 57 Pseudoscorplonma 202 Psittaci 141 Psocus 212 Psychology 267 Ptarmigan 140 Pterosaurla 120 Pterodactyl 119 Pterotic 22 Pteropoda 235 Pteropus 186 Puffin 137 Pulex 216 Puma 179 Pupa of Locust 209 Putorius 179 Pulmonary artery and vein . . 87 Pulmonata 2.J4 Pyloric cceca 60 Python Ill Pyloric valve 39-41 Pygostyle 126 Pygopodes 137 Quadrate 25 Homologueof in Mammals 149 Quadrumana 187 Race 52 Racoon 179 Radial Symmetry 242 Radiata 242 Radiolaria 255 Radius 85 Radula 234 Rallus 139 Rana 92, 96 Ranatra 213 Ranyifer 178 Raptores 140 Rat 184 Rattle, Functions of 113 Rattle-Snake 113 Ratitce 132 Ray (Raja) 76 Rays 242 Rectrices 122 Recur viroatra 136 Red-Coral 248 INDEX. soa Page Redia 226 Regions of Body in Vertebrates 1 1 Reflex Action 39, 267 Reindeer 178 Remiges 122 Renal-portal circulation . .49, 57 absence of in mammals. . . 160 Reptilia 99 Rennet-stomach 176 Reproduction by budding, Nais 221 Respiratory system 43, 265 turtles 103, 105 earthworm 221 Reticulum ... 176 Retina 35 Retinophoral cells 195 Retinula 195 Reversion in horse 172 Rhabdome 196 Rhacophorus 97 Rhamphorhynchus 120 Rhea 134 Rhinoceros 171 bird 141 Rhizopoda 253 Rhynchonella 237 Rhyparochromus 214 Rhynchops 136 Rhytina 166 Roc 134 Rock-pigeon 140 Rose of Antlers 178 Rostellum of Cestodes 227 Rostrum of sharks 76 RotaVia 255 Rotifera 204, 222 Rudimentary organs 287 hind limbs of Ophidia 111 Ruddy-duck 139 Rumen 176 Ruminants 175 Rupicapra 179 Saccobranchus 57 Sacculus 37 Sacral region 85 Salpingozca 257, 258 Sagittal plane 10 Salamander 90 Salivary glands 156 Page Salivary glands, Insects .... 208 Salmo 58 Sauropoda , 117 Sauropterygia 117 Sauropsida . . . -~ 99 Sandpiper 139 Saprophytic life of Infusoria. . 256 of Fungi 288 Sarcorhamphus 136 Sarcoptes 204 Sarcodina 253 Sarracenia 288 Saururoz 122 Sawfish 76 Sawflies 217 Scales of turtle 101 of fish 12 of insects 212 of Ophidia Ill Scalops 183 Scallop 232 Scansorial feet 141 Scaphopoda 235 Scapula 27 Scapanm 183 ScarabcBUS 215 Sceloporus 107 Scaphirrhynchops. 73 Sclerotic coat of eye 34 Sciurm 184 Sciuropterus 184 Sclerostomum 225 Scolopendrella 210 Scomberesox 63 Scomber 67 Scoter 139 Scorpion 202 Scutum of insects 206 Scutigera 211 Scutetlum 206 Sea-anemony 247 Sea-cow 166 Sea-cucumber 243 Sea-elephant 181 Sea-lion 180 Sea-horse 63 Sea-pigeon 137 Sea-otter 179 Sea-urchin 242 Sea-snake 113 310 INDEX. Pasre Seal 180 Sebaceous glands 145 Secondaries 122 Sedimentary Strata ....... 268-71 Segmentation of egg in fowl . . 131 of Crustacea 192 of Myriapoda 211 Segmented and unsegmented worms 220 Segmental organs 218 Selache 77 Sella turcica 149 Selenodont 176 Semi-circular canals, mammals 154 of Fish 37 Semnojnthecus 189 Serranus 66 Senses of insects 207 Sepia 235 Sepia 237 Septa of Actinozoa 248 Serous coat of intestine 39 Sesamoid bone (formed in ten- don)' 164 Sesia 216 Setae of earthworm 220 Siphoniata. 232 Shad 60 Sharks 76 Sheat-fish 55 Shell of Mollusca 236 Shell Brachiopoda 237 Sheep 179 Shiner 57 Shrew 182 Shields of turtle 101 Shrimp 197 Shrike 141 Shoveller 139 Shovel-nosed Sturgeon 73 Sieve-plate of ethmoid 153 Silkworm 216 Silurus 55 Simia 189 Simple eye 203 Simulia 216 Siphons . . 229 Siphonops 98 Siren 89 Sirenia 166 Page Skeleton fowl ,.<... 125 Skeletal system 17 of Actinozoa 248 of Protozoa 254 of Radiolaria 255 of Sponge 250 Skull of cat 147 of Menobranch 82 Skull 103, 134 Vertebrate, theory of ... . 20 "Union of, with vertebral column 126 Skunk 179 Skin 12 of Menobranch 81 of Turtle 101 of Aquatic Urodela 92 Skink 107 Skimmer 136 Slater 198 Sloths ' 163 Slough of snake Ill Slime-cells 17 Slipper-animalcule 258 Smelt 60 Snakes Ill Snapper 100 Snipe 139 Social life of Hymenoptera . . 216 Soldiers of Termites 212 Sole 70 Solitaire 140 Somateria 139 Sorex 182 Sparrows 141 Spatula 139 Spawn of frog 94 Species 51, 284 Specialisation 70 Spleen 47 Spectre ( Tarsius) 187 Spermophilus 184 Speotyto 140 Sphenotic 22 Sphenoid, complex, in mam- mals 145 Sphex 217 Sphinx 216 Spinal cord 32 Nerve roots 32 INDEX. Page Spinnerets 201 Spiracles of locust 204,208 Offish 72 Spiral valve 73 Spirifer 238 Sponges 249 Spongllla 250 Spoonbill 139 Spores of Sporozoa 256 Sporocyst 226 Sporozoa 256 Squid 235 Squash-bug 214 Squamosal 82 Squirrel 184 Stapes 83, 153 StaphylinidcB 215 Starfish 243 Statoblasts 240, 241, 251 Steganopodes 138 Stegosaurus 117 Stenops 187 Stercorarius 138 Sternum 93 Of Insects 206 Stmtor 259, 260 Sterna . . .- 138 Stigmata 204 Stickleback 63 Stipes 206 Stizostedium 66 Stomach Ruminant 176 -Sac Actinozoa 248 Ccecal Type of 41 Mammals 158 Stonecat 54 Stoneflies 212 Stork 139 Storeria 114 Strix 140 Stronqylus 225 Struthio 134, 135 Sturgeon 72, 73 Stylets 212, 216 Stylommatophora 234 Stylohyoids 150 Subcutaneous Tissue 12 Suberites 252 Sublingual Gland 157 Submentum 206 Page Submucous Tissue „ 40 Submaxillary Gland 157 Suboperculum 25 Succinea 234 Sucker 57 Suckers of Leeches 222 Sucking-Fish 67 Suctorial Infusoria 260 Sus 174 Sula 138 Sunfish 64 Surinam Toad 94 Supraclavicle i3, 27 Supraoccipital 22 Suspensorium 82 Suture 21 Swallow 141 Swan 139 Sweat-Glands 145 Swift 141 Sword- Fish 67 Sylphidm 215 Symbiosis 255, 282, 286 Sympathetic nervous sys- tem 33 Symphysis of pelvis 128 Syrinx 130, 131 Syngamus 235 Syngnathus 63, 64 Tabanus 216 Table of species 274-6 Sedimentary strata 271 Tachypttes 138 Tadpole 94 Taenia 227 Talpa 182 Tamias 184 Tanager 141 Tapirus 171 Tape-worm 226 Tardigrada 204, 223 Tarsius 187 Tarso-metatarsus of birds 128 Tarsus of Menobranch 84 of insects 206 Tasmanian devil 162 Taste-buds 157 Taxidea 179 Taxonomy 272 jia INDEX. m , Pa»e Teal 139 Teeth, Menobranch 86 Echidna 161 Whales 165 Formulae of 156, 157 Correlation of to habits . . 154 Teleosts, development of ... . 50 Teleostei 10, 71 Tellina 232 Telson 192 Temporal bone mammals 148 Tentacles of Hydra 245 of suctorial Infusoria. .. . 260 Tenthredo 217 Tentorium cerebelli 149 Teredo 232 Tergum of insects 236 Terminal lamina 152 Termites 212 Terricolous worms 220 Testicardines 238 Tetrabranchiata 236 Tern 138 Tertiaries 122 Testudo 105 Thalamic region of brain. .31, 152 Thalamophora 254 Thorax of arthropods 193 of insects 206 of mammals 158 Thread-cells 245 Thrush 141 Thryps 212 Thylacinus 162 Thymus 44 Thyrohyal 150, 159 Thyroid 44 Thyroid cartilage 159 Thysanura 210 Tibia of insects 206 Tibio -tarsus of birds 128 Ticks 204 Tinamu 140 Tinea 216 Tissues 16 Tits 141 Tiger 179 Tobacco-pipe fish 63 Tooth, Structure of 16 Tooth-shells 235 Page Tongue of Anura 94 of Birds 129 of Mammals 156 of Bee 217 Tonsils 157 Top-shells 235 Torpedo 77 Tortoise-shell 101 Totanus 139 Totipalmate 135, 138 Toucan 141 Trachea (windpipe) 131, 159 Tracheae of Arthropods 205 Tracheal gills 212 Tragulus 177 Transverse processes 19 Transect 10 Trap-door spiders (Myogale) . . 203 Tree-toads 92 Trematodes 225 Trichechus 181 Trichina 244 Trichuriasis 225 Trichocysts 259 Trichoptera 214 Trilobites 201 Trlobite-phase of Limulus .... -201 Tringa 139 Trigla 59 Triton 91 Trionyx 104 Trochanter of insects 206 Trochantine " 206 Troglodytes 189 Trombidium 204 Tropical catfish 56, 57 Tropidonotus 114 Trout 59 Tropic-bird 135 Truncus arteriosus 45 Trunkfish 71 Tube-feet 243 Tubipora 248, 249 Tunny 67 Tupaja 183 Turbellaria 226 Turbinals of mammals 148 Turbinares 138 Turbo 234 Trochus 235 INDK.V. 313 m . Page Turdus 136 Turkey 139 Turtles 105 Tusks of Sus 175 as compensatory to ab- sence of horns 177 Tylenchus 224 Tympanic bone 148 Tympanic cavity 93 Tympanic membrane 93 Tympanuchus 140 Typhlops Ill Typhlosole 219 Tyroglyphus. . , 204 Uakari 188 Ulna 85 Umbo 229 Umbra 62 Uncinate processess 127 Unconformable strata ........ 270 Unguiculata 167 Ungulata 167 Unicellular animals 252 Unio 228 Unsegmented worms 222 Ureter 47 Urinary bladder 47 Urinator 138 Ursa 179 Utriculus 37 Urodela 88 Uvula 157 Valvata 235 Vampire-bat 186 Vampyrus 186 Varanus 1<>7 Variation 267, 284 Variety 52 Vascular system 44-5 Crayfish 196 Velvet of antlers 178 Veins 44 Venous sinus 45 Ventricles of brain 31 Vermes 218-232 Vertebrata 9-189 Vertebrate 9 Page Vertebral column IS, 19, 93, 103, 111, 146 Vertex 122 Vespa 217 ytxpertiUa 186 Vestibule of Labyrinth 154 Vibrissae 1 4.1 Vicuna 177 Visceral skeleton 20, 24, 93, 1! 3, 149 Vitreous 3.1 Viverra 179 Viviparous snakes 114 Vocal organs locust 208 Vocal-sacs frog 94 Vomer 23 Vortkella 249, 60 Vultur 141 Wallace 285 Wallace's line 281. Walking-stick insect 210 Walrus 181 Warbler 41 Wart-hog 175 Wasp 217 Water-bug 213 -flea 199 -vascular system of won as 223 of Echinodermata 243 Weasel 179 Web, spiders 204 Weeds 285 Weevil 215 White-ants 212 White-fish 59 Wheel-animalcules 223 Wheat- worm 224 Whales 165 Widgeon 139 Wings, bird's 122 Insect's 207 Wolverine 179 Woodchuck 184 Woodcock 130 Wood-duck 139 Woodlouse 198 Woodpecker 141 Wren 141 Wryneck 141 314 :x. Page Xiphias 67 Xiphodon 176 Xiphoid Cartilage 147 Yak. 179 Yellow-Cells of Radiolaria. . . 255 Yolk-Sac ,,... 49 Page Zapus 184 Zebra 173 Zebu 179 Zenaidura 140 Zonites 234 Zoophytes 245 Zygomatic Arch 148 Prints© bt The Com>s Clark Comtany, Lt-mitkd, Toronto, ustotie. The following suggestions as to the order and scope of the practical lessons which should precede the study of the Text-Book as a whole may be of use to Teachers. The References are to Chapters and Sections of the Text-Book. 1. Thorough examination of the external form (I. 1-5), the gills (56) and the viscera (49-65) of some common fish. 2. Study of the prepared skeleton — preferably of the catfish, on account of the assistance to be obtained from the figures (I. 10-30). 3. Demonstration of the arrangement of the muscular and nervous systems (31-35, 37) and the sense-organs (41-3) as far as these can be studied without the aid of the microscope. 4. Comparison of the structure of the frog (III. 16-22) with that of the fish, and with that of the Menob ranch described in III. 1-10. The skeleton of the pectoral and pelvic girdles and of the appendages of the frog, should be compared with the figures of the same parts in the Menobranch (III. 5). 5. Examination of the external form of a Turtle (IV. 1-12) and a Snake (17-20). 6. Examination of the structure of a pigeon or a fowl (V. 1-3, 5-12). 7. Study of the skeleton (VI. 5-7), also of the teeth and viscera (11-16) of a cat or dog. 8. Study of a crayfish as a type of the Arthropods (VII. 1-11). 9. Comparison of the Crayfish with an Insect — Grasshopper, Cricket, or Cockroach (19-26)— also with a Millipede (23) and a Spider (17). 10. Examination of an Earthworm and Leech (VIII. 1-6). 11. Study of a fresh-water mussel and s pond-snail (VIII. 14-20). 12. The principles of Zoological nomenclature (II. 1-8) as illustrated by some of the common fresh- water fish, such as the sucker and herring (9-11), bass and perch (17-18). 13. Study of an Amoeba or Paramoeciuni as a type of an unicellular animal. 14. Cells and tissues of the higher animals (I. 6-9) and the microscopic structure of their organs (I. 11, 31, 38, 44, 48, II. 2, VI. 4). 15. Development of the eggs of fish in the Spring (I. 66), and the metamorphosis of the tadpole (III. 21). In addition to practical lessons such as those indicated above, the following topics ought to be illustrated by figures, diagrams, etc : — The modifications of the form of the body in Vertebrates in con- nection with different methods of locomotion — Figs. 30, 39, 41, 43, 65- 68, 71-2, 74-5, 78-9, 81, 84-90, 92, 95, 98-9, 106, 108, 111-3, 115, 116-7. The characters of the orders of Mammalia (VI. 17-41) [large type] and their geographical distribution — compare X. 16-16 and map. The succession of the fossiliferous rocks (p. 271) and the importance of the Ganoids (II, 24), the fossil Reptiles (IV. 22-26), the Trilobites (VIII. 15), Brachiopods (VIII. 25) and Corals (IX. 6), from a Palseonto- logical standpoint.