Library of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Goldberg, W.D. An investigation into Alberta grown alkaloidal plants. 1935. 0x mm moms aiBmamsis AN INVESTIGATION INTO ALBERTA GROWN ALKALOIDAL PLANTS W. D. Goldberg Department of Pharmacy A THESIS submitted to the University of Alberta in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Alberta Edmonton, April , 1935 tfnefld’iflqea Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Alberta Libraries ^7 TABLE OF CONTENTS page I. Introduction . . . 1 II. Literature review (history) . 2 a. Atropa Belladonna . . 2 b . Hyoscyamus niger . . 5 c . Datura Stramonium . 8 d. Datura Me tel . 10 III. Object of investigation . 11 IY. Methods (a review) . 12 a. B.P. 1914 method . 13 b. B.P. 1932 method . 14 c. The method of Rosenthaler . 15 d. The method of Watkins and Palkin .... 15 e. The method of DeKay and Jordan . 17 f. U.S.P.X. method . 18 Methods (an examination) . 23 a. B.P. 3.914 method . 23 b. B.P. 1932 method . 23 c. The method of Rosenthaler . 28 d. The method of Watkins and Palkin .... 28 e. The method of DeKay and Jordan . 28 f. U.S.P.X. method . . 35 , v i-':. a a vr; eacAI . . . V . ♦ . . , . . rto£$QU:bQT$n 1 , i . . , , . ; • w A; s'UJ$&iot i : . E r _ 4 • . . .. ....... . . . . . . mili -A.-A.,A AAA. • 0 , , :: ui.iiC'h:; ' i.rtiJu -iU . o . r . . . . > . ....... a- a-... r r . . . . . . * ; \ A ■ A- ■•?,•.. v' i: -• o JoeicfG » E E I. ■ f . . . . "V ari ■ B'Di A ■ . V :. r , . # , . . » * , . V E ” r , . . . ,AA: r . . . , . , r c bod . . ; . r £ ...... , _ , ■' .A. . . . . . * . . Arc : •' ;'jnin:.!.-!XS T3 sAeJ t A. . , ■ ;r a ■ r , . . * o * . , , A . A . ••..’•< ■ . : N.j u .. :> 3-:; ... , e ; T . h . . ! : 3 Da cri ?;r.3 ; -A- . io & *-':T * SorA ©jit TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page V. Experimental . . . . . 35 a. The test garden . . . 35 b . The seed . 37 c . The growth . 38 1 . Atropa Belladonna . . . 38 i. First year . . 38 ii . Second year . 39 2. Hyoscyamus niger . 39 i. First year . . . . . 39 ii. Second year . . 40 3 . Datura Stramonium . . . . 41 4. Datura Me tel . 43 d. Results of determinations . . . . 44 1 . Atropa Belladonna . . . 44 2. Hyoscyamus niger . 46 First year . 46 Second year . . 47 3 . Datura Stramonium . . . . 48 4. Datura Me tel . . . 49 VI. Discussion . . 50 a. The plant . 50 b. The results . . 51 B*\ 3 ~i Ct Q rv_ ' £ d* r . . . . :■■■■■ - : , , » . . r. - _ ; . • ru<3 • . I , . , . . . . . . -•‘.ix/tcv-a r j . £ . . . „ . , , . , . . . , . , . . ' •. • H T bn^oe-A , , , : ' ,. ■ ,Jl; , * , , . _ . . . , . . r e;t e A &‘xjj$bG . , , . . . ...... - . - ' . T ' . . . r m: f r e.r.- ....... . .......... ....... : rue ' - < - TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 1. Moisture contents and ash values .... 51 2. Alkaloidal contents . 54 3. Volatile bases . 56 c. The methods . 59 VII. Summary and conclusions . . . 61 VIII. Acknowledgments . . 62 IX. Bibliography . 63 - AN INVESTIGATION INTO ALBERTA GROWN ALKALOIDAL PLANTS W. D. Goldberg I. INTRODUCTION George P. Koch (14) in his paper "The medicinal Cultivation ofAPlants" stated - "War, with all its horrors, and terrible as the results may be, does produce some good. It stimulates production, compels efficiency, and teaches us to be more self-reliant.” This statement may well be taken as a reason for the marked increase, as he ably pointed out, in the cultivation of various medicinal plants in the United States immediately following 1914, as a result of being cut off from sources of supply. This investigation limited itself to the growth and examination of some of the more widely used plants of the solanaceous group when grown under Alberta climatic and soil conditions. Much work has been done, elsewhere, on this group of plants, particularly Atropa Belladonna, in regard to ideal growing conditions, locale, methods of cultivation, and the use of various fertilizers. The use of various $3|V OSD AT El ' H JA 0:--’ fll ; • j.T i 'ITl - v o x 1 aiiuH juaioi-, ll l r ' : ■' ■ : ' , . - *r : ./ : : . d ■ ' - 1 • ■' - . ,c • r 0 iO no .L T J vi s o .) r . .. 0f r.C8 -Cl:: 0*10 - OOfc , *V \9\ OCf r O' 99 .M ■ .. uol 0 r,. -re: « - L ' c : • oc ? rur.U-a ■ , i 1-0 r31 O': . 90 9 0 .9.: ::-l03 9 I r l , v; C 1 ,9 3800000 O :Tt TlO $ JO 'OTo. eii-j 00 ”iroo.o: oil wlj.-.y.ifcent: oxriT o r.!V.C 0. 0.-J.O .9 . 1 o" t 9 0 CMC- OlO 0 O 1 j S H X 00 : .0 9 bit 8 ... .. , scroll J: coco fir, 3 ,';na ax j ... ( ;-o ?8 f 3 « oaoh : 0 sari Miotj ciocO-i ■ f f . . - Ov . j." O.; 1 -C'Ct gjXOIiaV “to 98 If 800 i)H8 methods of extractions and determinations, in efforts to obtain the greatest possible alkaloidal yield, have also been reported. II. LITERATURE REVIEW a. Atropa Belladonna Belladonna leaf consists of the leaves and tops of Atropa Belladonna, Linn, collected when the plant is in flower, and dried. Belladonna, or Deadly Nightshade, is a herbaceous perennial with a fleshy, creeping root, from which arise several erect, branching stems, to a height of about three feet. The leaves occur usually in pairs and are usually of unequal size, oval, pointed, of a dusky green on the upper surface and paler beneath. The flowers are large bel^ -shaped, pendant, and of a purplish color. The fruit is a rounded berry. The plant is a native of Central and south Europe where it is found growing in shady places, along walls and amidst rubbish. It grows vigorously, however, under cultivation. During the past fev1 r - . : u . a. •? : r "• • C :• : •; ax P ,t e ■■■ i r ■. • ■ :• I'H’c. : ■■ ■ „ 1 T e Gr & eh H AC A a x r ' , Y , C : ,-;'V i ; rA . ' Y; .. . A -'.BBC AC-' t ' a'. , v.q C . i j A A A.C • 1 ill • ' c> : a . . .a,, a l A .oaaa. Yac sil ■) n.i aw ode ■ r r ■ • ■ . .. ' y iO/i . 3 can be grown there (Berneman (1), Karr (10,11), Koch (13), Sievers (24). Plants cultivated in California were found very rich in active constituents (U.S. Dispensatory XXI) * . The yield per acre of stems and leaves was somewhat less than one ton. The California experiment also showed that the alkaloidal content of Belladonna stems was equal to that of the leaves (0.51-0.83%) (28). Sievers (25) found that no relation existed between the appearance of the leaf and its percentage content of alkaloid. Specimens, however, he said, which are musty or contain too much stem, should be rejected as weak in alkaloidal content. Koch (13) studied the germination of seeds of Atropa Belladonna in parts of the United States and found that the seeds germinate slowly. However, it was found by workers at the University of Minnesota that the treatment of seed with concentrated sulphuric acid for forty-five seconds and washing repeatedly with distilled water, would produce uniform germination in about fifteen days. Sievers (23), however, disputed this result. Koch (13) points out that Atropa Belladonna germination is greatly enhanced by planting in a hothouse, and when the plant has grown to a height of about four and a half inches, over a period of about three months, it is set out into the experimental field. Published by J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. r « , >r. ' , ' ' ' ' . ' V -> '■ L - >*il u riot&&aeqal(I *c . rj ) aJnextfltfsnoo srvilos ttl do l*t . t r . , ) . . - ; •■ r ■ . • . .. : • 1, . ' • c ' : ; . b:-.;;cl Jo ‘ ; \-:~veic. f • :, .. .. , ' : v. < .;,-v : . ( ■ •• ; ' . h' r . '•• r .. . :‘r 1 ■ c f; :OB$OBi -J b r / J\ l Q t"-;s$ 0003 cot fliov • - O TO ■ . * ■' •• ; O r I c r r 1 ■ ■ . : i-i :: i :r--. :. • : ■ f: r . too . oo .... . f o r ...j . - ,, ; "• . - “ - . t ■ ■: ' $ t m t e i Vl -vi Tot toI hi oj o oxuucT.ob het&*i$ns oaco dtto boee to C ,ap i . .: it b tm s »$T 3X ■ oq { € r ' c : tocos ' - ; 0 5 : o ;.,:j Sii^fq ed& :o jhb i to , - -v. • • ' . -3 • .;■ •(. ^aoooni ICzsi a * - r - it ;; . COO 5318 ad J 05" ill t 30 tS8 : i 0 r ■ • s * ' ■ 4 Karr (10), however, showed that the cultivated plant contained very little more alkaloid than did the wild. He stated that nitrogenous fertilizers tended to lower alkaloidal content because of larger leaf surface. This conclusion was reached by observations and determina¬ tions carried out on plants grown in England. Karr (11) also found that in whatever latitude Atropa Bell a donna is grown, it was conclusive that the composition of the soil, the use of fertilizers and seasonal conditions made for very small variations. His plants were grown in a chalky soil . As to moisture, not many workers indicate the needs of Atropa Belladonna. Koch (13) found that two-thirds as much weight of leaves and stems was harvested where moisture to the extent of one-half the physical optimum of the soil was applied, as was produced where the conditions of moisture were at the optimum. Goris and Deluard (7) cultivated Atropa Belladonna in places both exposed to the sun and in the shade and found that the plants exposed to the sun produced three times as many leaves as those in the shade. The alkaloidal content, they reported, was also much higher. This finding agreed very well with the findings of Karr (10). The B.P. directs that the leaves be gathered at flowering time and should not contain more than 20 % of stems. But with, of course, always the resulting alkaloidal content in mind, Borneman (1) states that the plant can be ■> : 1 o o;- oo o. .x r o :oo7. c;1 tlCr, 'vis'/i i : \ ■ r ' 1 r .■ v nl3 i ' o ' 3 rq :■■■- o; .io' : - .O'. " ^.O' -o\ •. : i;ri Oo. o' ; ^*^8 ■■ ' . rxT C to - . 1 ' C t irr; r:::;a,: t itocoo no jjjc fcaiiiao anoifr : r r •. r o o o; ;x: o;uc‘:. ; . r ■ £ i a ■ r, . s f I r :o ffiiniiojqo ioOIb^ik: exl5 ■ in hnnno 9iU o •••■■; o -ion i j e i . . . ^ . tlqq t c [ o . oo-ioo a.ot sooxicf as oevoof o;o;! so senior annur ■ 1 . . V 0, r "... r.f©w { ww- 7 iv ed nxo r o j- joniir etoertb * r7 . 0 ■ 0 -r: 7 ' ■* v 7 . . . c .. . 7 77 77171". ; 7 . 3 . .;o!''7^ riMiof 7 c. .77 77 33 6 The plant occurs in two forms, annual and biennial. It has a long, tapering, soft, whitish root resembling parsley, for which it has been mistaken, with disastrous results . In England and on the continent, Europe, it grows along the roads, around villages, in rubbish and in waste places. Both varieties were formerly cultivated in England, but now the biennial is chiefly grown. Gieger and Hesse (1883) were the first to demonstrate the existence of an alkaloid in Hyoscyamus niger . Ladenburg (1880) made the statement that there were two alkaloids present, and these were subsequently shown to be crystallizable hyoscyamine, cx7H23°3N and the other, amorphous hyoscine, Hyoscyamine is the dominant alkaloid though some hyoscine and atropine do occur. Henry (9) finds the following total determination of Hyoscyamus niger: leaves 0.045%-0.08% Roots 0.15 -0.17 Stems 0.06 -0.10 Tops 0.07 -0.10 J. A. Borneman (1), who carried out the cultivation of various solanaceous plants in Pennsylvania, stated that Hyoscyamus niger was the most difficult of all to grow. The specimens obtained were usually beautiful, but the assays were almost always disappointing and rarely gave an alkaloidal content in excess of 0.06%. His conclusion was ' , ’ - ; ■ . r , , $ee*i toon : , t&aoi . , ' l; i J. ' 0 Cl V: 'I C"] , . : r‘- ; /<, . IX© 5 1 'll riv ~ ,-■■■■■ • ~ “ l • ; V B.t r ■■ J T. IV. 3- 13 v ,rd Cv o ' 7 . 1 r , : ■ '3 : : ' :• -to vei j > 37. ■ : j - .. ■ 3; rj:\r ; M7- T ; 7-7. /m--.'- :• I c r y * r. ' .7' 3.- 3 . t : v r r.' Kif r . . ‘ :;3iv ; 1 8 7K da*tonz ■ i T '■ - ... •' ■: l. : : r ' '• • nc ' ' • ‘ • ' . Y'B.ov " ♦ sj r • '-r- o o six I q o t j b 5 xt b ©ft t o 3 o 7 rl :■ ■ ; 33 3D ~ " : 7 r. i O r r ' -Z:.J Bb'-Vl \Q] Y,Z:Ybi V r. ■ - C. o r, - ", - d 7:1. =. , ' ( ' • " r /' ' • >7 3.8 r -3 c lz f. - t "• ' , roxb : r 7 Tb :c 3 rui 7-. : ... c Iec,:i j bdb' In e / •. r.fsjjBir ©tsw boniBscfcfo sne^iio^qe ■ - ; . r . r . •: • . 7 that unless it would he possible to bring the assay up to standard it would not pay to cultivate the plant. Experiments by Newcomb and Haynes (19) showed that Hyoscyamus nlger cultivated in Minnesota yielded very high percentages of total alkaloids * the range being from 0 .096$ to 0 .1561$. They recommended (as they did for Atropa Belladonna) the treatment of the seed with concen¬ trated sulphuric acid before planting, and they found that they obtained a fairly uniform germination in from twelve to fifteen days. Klan (IB) states that with the growth of the germinating plant, the quantity of alkaloid in its organs decreases. He states that the order of alkaloid content in Hyoscyamus niger (both annual and biennial) is 1. Root 2. Flowering tops 3. Fruits 4. Leaves 5 . Stems The plant growth is rapid and has a characteristic fetid odor, which disappears on the drying of the leaf. The growth is heavy and the leaves are large, though varying in size, the lower leaves being considerably larger than those above . Patu (20) in his growth of the plant found that mildew had completely covered the radicle leaves of the first year Hyoscyamus, and found in these leaves a lowered alkaloidal content. . ' r b [lx 0;-\ . j .an,;:;" i \4 iml V, Xd ~ d •, : •; ;; _ • • _ ;r • _ -dd-vd^.l '"-dd . ^ 6-:r- ad , aa.rc r ; ■; r ^ do asdadneod aq ddiii * ^ l.o 2 x * ■ • r r _ __ ■ : - . ■ t ' . • ■•• ••: o ' “j . oidij-icdde da da d ncl . :& - L'l c [ - j 1 ' : : r " *>i ••• - ■•;•:■' f c d- : ni ' , n ^ t: l ■" da d. •: ■’ . •; : J . • -••' o -d . ...a: ■ ' • l r 0 , >■ , d 3'3Ti-‘S * & ■y 3$ 3 V.; • .: .:•■ ... . Zfjd :d;3 dLffBd 8 X duWOdd JxlQ Tq ©dT T -ad'-dd'; a; dr a a.:, a oc,aa I: D rloiua f aoaa b i: * at X- • v--.: a 6Wd a. a; aaa vvasd zl ddvB -y odT - . . r , ":d c . a '• " y.-: a C a. d ,3^1' nr ' ;ars v ■.avocfts esc rid ns/tif ad a,an ca dad; 6 J da ny aid n:i (0.5) udad £ ©v £ t d, ’ r d. 8 As, in referring to A. Belladonna, the writer finds that workers seem agreed that the stems of Kyoscyamus niger can be used as well as the leaves at harvest time, and the official requirements still met. This was the finding of Koch (15, 16). c . Datura Stramonium Stramonium consists of the dried leaves and flowering tops of Datura Stramonium (Linn.) and Datura tatula (Linn. ) . Datura Stramonium (the thornapple) is an annual plant of rank and vigorous growth, usually about three feet high, but growing in exceptionally rich soil may attain a growth of six feet. The root is large, greyish- white , with numerous rootlets. The stem is round, erect, shiny and with numerous large spreading branches. The leaves are large, five or six inches in length, dark green on the upper surface with a lighter green on the lower surface. The flowers are large, solitary, with a funnel-like corolla. The fruit is a large, fleshy, ovoid, 4-valved capsule, thickly covered with very sharp spines and containing numerous flattened seeds, all attached to a central placenta. It opens at the summit at ripening, and on drying the seeds are easily removed. It is doubtful to what country Datura Stramonium first belonged. European botanists have referred it to North America, while American botanists return it to Europe. • ' j . . _ . , : LL e ; : ' : ■ r " . r • ,0 ;Vr;» G^V;;--v f b&l'Z 0 9ii t iO aJ’^ioT’OC P ■ ' C 0 £ , . • n I. ‘ j£ r.- ci:.. zJ ls.r.qq-?>nr:Qii$ erif . ^n^Mi $ 9*31: OOl.C vt;:oO;: v ;r rc: ;jb 8 ,< i ,■ 'TC ’ 1 V .D H' .i !j*X ' I 0 jf^g f - . ‘ 8 J. . ' , sl , 3 OHS . ^;n,. *'.. v::o ... r r t -j-ivr.i.r ;:sl ;v or-^r ♦ • " r - ' - r . ' . . - ' r . . • •■ : r : :■ ■ • r . t r ■ ~ : ■•:■ . •. r < v; •- _ ” ; : ' 1: " r r ./ ■ '•• •' ' " ' : • ' ••'•■ : ■'■ • j ; : 8 a I j f : -;;c SI . , . . ' _ •: ' rjJ ■ ' ;• ... '.v- v.ig'- .'/.nc r?~! tfaTi‘1 ■ • : : --i .. ■; .. ?rj ? . 0 j \ '"L., 10 PI- 9 Some consider it as having originated in South America or Asia, and it is probable that its original habitat is to be found somewhere in the east. It is reported to grow wild and abundantly in Southern Russia, from the borders of the Black Sea east to Siberia. In the United States, where it has probably come by seed on board ship in dirt ballast, it is found in waste spots, road sides and rank soil. Where the plant grows abundantly, it may be recognized by its rank odor. But notwithstanding its wide growth in the wild state, it is being cultivated in order to obtain a drug of uniform qual ity . The American supply of the drug comes mainly from Europe, chiefly Holland, England and Germany. Koch (14) in his paper "The Cultivation of Medicinal Plants” states that Stramonium is a weed in nearly all parts of the United States, and as a weed it attains considerable growth but is always better under cultivation. Ordinarily, after seeding, he says, the plant requires no special care, other than occasional cultivation. But Miller and Meader (18) found that cultivation, particularly on D. Stramonium and D. t a tula, with and with¬ out fertilizer, had increased the alkaloidal output. This came as a contradiction to the findings of Karr on Belladonna (10) when he found that the greatest growth was in unusually dry and sunny seasons (0.68% alkaloids). Also in a patch with much sun and no fertilizer, he obtained 1.035% alkaloids . v ,r- ' „ . fuel at : vo virxv^rf as mb l a no.© a:-c 8 c si sJjtcfr. - i i< ' ( ■ • "o' -..lonq ai *i o o • t;jJ:aA , . •' o • ; •■ i : t ;■ : i ■? 'i a- 1 w a- c a o n uc r: -od r ' r ,0000. : od . do,: ' r:.o ;:vl; ~J: 'qJUia ifioud rrc bsaa v;d . ,8 ' r r , •: i: " j f . , • ,0—00/ o.o r ,o.. . , do:o: r r o r o ; oovO.o',. 'to . ' . o' ;r f . : . o:t;’ oocoo ; o;i: , 4>r) doc'd r i > •" J . 7 :: o oo * *■ ' • - - ' ~ . " ',o o. or O' rd.-o:o.o i oooo " o o. : , o' i . /. ' o ■■ ' "i o : 0. ? o.r:. a- rf: ■ r ■ ■ ' . c oo ' d 1 c , e '■ r . i 5C ? . <. ‘ ■ " r , " .:0.„: '• :0 ‘ ' - r L. oiJL . . ■' ; \o ' r . “ er. o.o o‘ic. . i .. - •• . ' ' .o o 0 j oo ' oo ■. lo :• i o o o' ■ o -• - - o ' • " ‘ '•: • - ' oo 00 j :.dd omx ' » .> '• 1 - j.k- f - obd • '-oo-o. rno o;. o';*'c" oa ,^r, iioum ■jIw . o : r : - r 10 All parts of the plant are active. The parts, according to most workers, may be gathered at any time from the appearance of the flowers to the autumn frost. A.R.L. Dohme (3) examined Stramonium to determine the value in alkaloids of the various parts of the plant. He found that, in general, the fresh parts yielded more than the dried, and that the order of alkaloidal content in the organs was as follows: stems, seeds, leaves, root. Gieger and Hesse (1833) first isolated an alkaloid which they called daturine, and which later was found to be identical with hyoscyamine. There is also present in the drug traces of scopolamine. George P. Koch (13), during his various researches on the solanaceous plants in regard to their relative alkaloidal content, compared the relative values of the stem and leaves of Datura Stramonium. He states that the whole plant, with or without the root, can be used without fear that the total alkaloidal value will fall below B.P. or U.S.P.X. standards. d. Datura Me tel The Datura leaves are the leaves of Datura Me tel and Datura fastuosa which are annual plants occurring chiefly in India and attain a height of three to four feet. While the plant Datura Me tel Is indigenous to India, it has been carried to almost all tropical regions. The leaves are . . , , ; ' -• o : r ■ 3 ; ic 0 3Q f r... £ :■ ; 3-d -■ - SOU C f , . . ,v > ■“ jv -;:/j ' - .. . j ioooJ'eh of :v-jj1 oo'3: v. : ■ a It >xe ( , scn'-od . . 7 ■ r .... oio.:,' exl f o-'OT 000,0 n3oroi\; Ov'Xoct o:0'Tl ...t t rsooirs^ nJt c- o..,.r ci. j,.oo;o o fob.' coco r& ‘'ox ‘iSLoo o. r jocor orra ■ “ .. . .. , : " :-■■■: o ; av;o r r ; c ■ - . ' , be£I ' l OLrv ... o. o. • . • . oo o'- r c ; bocal . ai . t r . • ’ ; r • r ■ : .. r - ■ . : ■:> .. ■ . ■ .; o r o ‘ ■ : -i r o r : ;• : ; ; [:i . ■ ' • o - •- ; .; • r • - . -O'OO... ..r:-. ■ o rrbo o,,: .. o , c,o ' oop-p f *• .o;- .o’ r foof 4io3l f oo:l j J' • boon ocf oeo , foojr e..x -t liroxif iw ... .IT' . . ~ rri - , r r ovro r - . .: -m? ;;?v .of BOafijC so?' ' • ‘ •' -r le.i 3 one. slbnl ai ' « r ... o v, r ' .. r o. ; • " or O'" ?o . • ■;> 11 slightly toothed or wavy-margined, and the flowers are trumpet- shaped and white. Except for the leaves, Datura Me tel very closely resembles Datura fastuosa . In India, the leaves are used as an equivalent to Belladonna and Stramonium. Though not a great deal of work has been done on Datura Metel, it contains chiefly hyoscine (scopolamine) (9) with occasionally small amounts of hyoscyamine and atropine . The plant, though belonging to the Solanaceous group of plant drugs, is not official, but forms the chief source of hyoscine. The alkaloid is most commonly extracted from the leaves, which contain 0.25-0.55% of alkaloids, the other parts of the plant yielding varying amounts of alkaloids as follows: Fruits 0.12% Roots 0.1 - 0.22% Seeds 0.23- 0.50% (28) III. OBJECT OF INVESTIGATION This investigation was prompted by the desire to know if the plants, normally grown in central and southern Europe and in southern England, could be successfully grown in our normal Alberta climate, with its comparatively short growing season, and to see if these plants would produce alkaloidal contents, at least equal to the B.P. requirements. . : v: ' nn.3 . &ii a r Vli -> .a- • SB 'r, 3rIS oVYeSr V/. " tf2lbn I ftl : • -■ ' • ijjfitc . : r r \ .. : ' ' . " ’ ' c /. - J-; ■ ' . sni i ci jfi ■ r. r ; . ;■ .■ . / ;• "O V ' ' j .. I .■ . ■ r' a : / r . 9 nl 030 ... i c eoii/oa ' ' ■ ■■ .1 " ■' r ■ .... ' •, . ■ ■: ' . ;."c : :.a . :r v r _ : " ' ■ ~ G *}; £ a l:U,0 \ ' - i\ ' . ; ’ , 0 - - - , 0 soie:; . -I: ' l . t:j .aao . in ■ . t vd s sfc - : : .••• ; leave I . ;I ' ' •' ■ . “ *- • rr- " t T.1 ci1 lie , v vsae :-.-ri x vein , . i >jr r IS No added cultivation, other than periodic watering during the dry season and occasional weeding, would be used. It was then with a sense of questioning if Alberta could produce at least some of its own medicinal plants successfully that this investigation was undertaken. The work of Newcomb and Haynes (19) mentioned previously, in connection with solanaceous plants in Minnesota, acted as an incentive for the investigation, since the growing conditions of Minnesota and Alberta are very similar. IV. METHODS (A review) Much work has been done on the extraction and assay of the solanaceous plants, particularly A trope Belladonna . Many methods have been evolved, each method giving the particular worker fairly consistent results, but the results of the various workers remaining out of agreement. This may be due to personal error or to manipulation, as various workers using the same method obtain varying results. Similarly Sievers (24) showed a variation of the alkaloidal content of the leaves of the same plant, ranging from 0.110$ to 0.766$. The chief point of contention in the actual method of assay of particularly the solanaceous plants has been the relative instability of the alkaloids contained . . . »■*' r ( c c r - ' taaooo bx a noasea edt : '■ . a ... . a r aa v! ?;Joo . < j-.: J: ; ;■ ( . " ) a ; ■ ; v; : H Si 1 3 <5 moo • - 3 ; i t o :to?. e; i T ' r. .v io^/rs ros acid- oilmen) rti t *•£ rg.ooxve'iq i . - . . " . 00.3 :;j C '• 'OL • v 0 3 : iJ;& 03 y.utr 00 r. .1.3 . 'i:' r s -v : ■■■ •••.: Aj ;,CI .V! adz 08*1$ ail t no sttcz a 3BC 0.3ii riouM r - . t ; r ... ■ V , :* , 3333?: 3 r_ r : t ;\T fc .... - ?& r.up 1 ■ c , ~ ~ a - , -\i ri;o -rao '■ r . -..I: t O r J K r 3 0.3' to i •ii3;j7 • ' .Arm to o.:oq t© i e;:T ' ~ ''-jo.: 1 "ion t< vs a ax to o v si r v ■' •• - • * r" to r.: . -? r •: t arid- nooc; a^a IS therein. Recent workers, among them Watkins and Palkin (26), Dekay (27) and Jordan (2), Evans and Goodrich (5), Evans and Davy (4) are satisfied that the alkaloids are stable enough to permit of extraction by a hot ether, or other solvent, apparatus. Schow and Bjerregaard (21), whi^e working with the sterilization of various substances, found that solutions of atropine could be heated at 120° for twenty minutes without danger of decomposition. Dekay and Jordan (2) formed the conclusion, based on their experiments with the alkaloids, that the alkaloids are much more stable than they are usually assumed to be. When chloroform solutions of them are evaporated, they can be heated at water-bath temperature for one or two hours, without decomposition. Watkins and Palkin (26) found that the alkaloids heated in acid or alkali on a water-bath showed no apparent loss. Consequently, many new methods have been evolved for the extraction of solanaceous plants. Before going on to the newer methods, established methods were first examined for their value, keeping always in mind the fact that the B.P. still considers these alkaloids too unstable in solution to be extracted by any means other than the maceration and cold extraction. a. B.P. 1914 Method This method directed the maceration of the powder in #60 powder, directly in the percolator, fitted with a . 7->7.o c 3-j. 777 e- . nx^'iedd . .. . - - ' } r . ttsvla • ‘ ' ■ - f 1 ... . , , o t jn • dx rid i * sdvnlni ; ; • - A TcTt 7 < . 0 - ,a-o , acicv: r>;.nco ori • ' ■:" j - -7-- r*; as ... • •" ' • • :• t 1 r.77 vi? ;.Ji rs 7 • .ai;7 sc 77 , r raws ©I ::-, ,.7:17 ,f):7 j 7 ‘ICQ3V7 077 III 7; 7 to 737 777 !\ 7 f.ilolO'TC f do HOdW . : :, ; ; : 70 r,7' .7 7 • 7 7 7 7.: 3 ’ . :.7. 77 7 7 , . 7) ' .. J 07 Of 7 7 . - . : ' o i r.7-' 77 'IC .7 7 77 7 : o 7 d ;:o- " ... 7 ’ / r r • © . _ . 7 . • r • rrr.-Or: .7717:7 70 ■■ ,7-7 '.77:: 77.7 777 7C*1 ^OV© £T90: •, Oi.IT .ijf.v ; 3 c,j .3, 0 n,b t7c;ca 3,u: 731 da a r‘> .a ni .oe^B7ao.Br3 at .5 no ..37: :3 .3 - ' - J , : a: J " • ■ r 3* 3 r : .• 'oniiTro ■jl . : • ■ ro‘* t ■ ■: - ;■ j ; ■ ' . . ; :c V "'ca ; rco 79 q - * . ' , r .a.,; 3 oil 0 ai ?rrc no^ada ai io teffs 9rid bn& bioa ' t $& la Tied i* is r t -Tx . 00 Id'. . 080^11 xcT ■ - ■ : ? 0 t 3;,io 7r:; r- To 'beau 9X6 qLriJb To a©ffif&BX® vtfxol V‘Jr 37 ■; £713 3tCi ^BXOOaM . r.t® 15 than two hours. Since, however, the alkaloids of Hyoscyamus are more sensitive to heat than are the others, the mixed acid solutions of alkaloids are made alkaline and evaporated in vacuo at a temperature not exceeding 40°. It is then extracted with chloroform as usual , the chloroform evaporated off and the residue dried at 80° for two hours. The residue is titrated using 0.02 N sulphuric acid and 0.02 N sodium hydroxide, and methyl -red as indicator. c. The Method of Rosenthal er For the total extraction of the drug plants, the procedure as outlined by Rosenthaler in his "The Chemical Investigation of Plants" (1930)* appeared to be the most thorough, and is a method by which all constituents occurring in the plant may be isolated and recognized. d. The Method of Watkins and Palkin (27) This method was devised particularly for the evalu¬ ation of Hyoscyamus. The alkaloids! yield by this method has shown results in some cases as much as three times as great as that obtained by the U.S.P. IX and X methods. The essential steps in this mechanical extraction are i. Treatment of the mass of crude drug with an alkaline medium to liberate the alkaloid. Macerate over night. * Published by G. Bel! and Sons, Limited, London. r .8 ,187 870 8 , owl itBiid" exiirr 8:1:1 t3‘istiJc , rll 916 n£$jf ' "8 od* 9V 1 8‘10ffi 91 a ■: CjjV- ; : ui.r " r r 7 roa i t 0 tl .°0Z i0vt.3'iao;m9d' , . -7 3 « r . £ 6 t !.i. i “■ V . ’ :c v--’ ' ;■ ■ ■ rviijo:’! no.,; , :/v; -i S0,0 r ; ■IT f ' f . ■ r 1 . r r.:v. ro ' \ , c^iB;Cao^" Cic oci .1 s - ' c . O r;!C9'I CO ?. 0.1 ♦ • - " ' . » . / 1 . ‘ ■; irstcfo J arid- so 3 . r, - ^ ^ * i aid'd ' aq f l-i n ■ 39 3. ■ : " or: TV . i ■ ■- r ' ' xol i: r ,5 ouiber anj. r:i-:r3 . 16 ii. Continuous extraction by means of the device described, using ether as a solvent. iii. Purification process of the alkaloidal residue, during which chlorophyll, tars and other extract¬ ives are removed. iv. Extraction of the alkaloids from aqueous solution by means of another continuous device. v. Titration of the alkaloids. The concentration of ammonia in the original maceration has been the subject of considerable enquiry, and it may be in this connection that the varying results occur with different workers. It is conceivable that too low a concentration of ammonia will not completely free the alkaloids from the crude drug, while too great a concentration is not advisable because of the instability of the alkaloid hyoscyamine . With this in mind, Watkins and Pal kin extracted several samples with all conditions being uniform, but varied the concentration of ammonia. They found that 7 cc. of 16 N ammonia proved the most efficient, as may be seen from the following table taken from their paper. - . * ' . tnevfi ' lot ~ * til :'r ' < 1 , ,, '/vc oo s s ‘i v i . .. i • ico lertfonB to a ns era Z& a0* " • . 33 if; 3 • be •.:: •■ 3. ■' -i ■ " r ni siftc c : r pn f. ianet os t r r . u 3 n . 1 6 : : c r !. ' r/:.o ' : .i: oeuooea- 3 O 3 - ,3t:i 3 •:!£;; 3 rA1.£:£$8'*\ , mliTi L OliiCf rfolW t ' " r qpxaz T , a I no/! l 3 :• 3c, nc i: > . > -o: i ■ a o no o 3; ; 1 l : i: t rsv ’ r to ,oo " -.:■/■■ bnuot ve/ii C , leqsq; nisiiu raoit nsafscf 37 TABLE I Effect of ammonia concentration on yield of alkaloid Ammonia Alkaloid Quantity cc . Normality Mgm. Per cent 5 5 19.09 0.159 16*49 0.138 4 16 20.54 0.171 21.12 0.176 7 16 20*54 0.171 20.54 0.171 9 16 20.54 0.171 21.12 0.176 These workers used 0*02 N acid and 0,02 N alkali and used methyl red as an indicator. e. The Method of DeKay and Jordan (2) These workers, like Watkins and Palkin, used a mechanical extraction apparatus in much the same manner as did Watkins and Palkin, except that they used the regulation Soxhlet apparatus instead of one specially devised. The assay was essentially the same, except that these workers extracted completely the volatile bases and determined them . ii 1 b f air no noi O : in: ■"""io r . ';o *■ fA * jtqM c * . £ . < bG. ■- P 5 c. .. * • ! r f 1 fJ - • b r . r ■ r t r * rv r» >'• c r i v r. o r r v r , :*r w v r . 0 .or* re '■ . ■ '*1 . I .■ , .‘0-; n.-j ... n i " , 2'>sx‘J0f es&dT ... : . .• . : .1 . ; - r - : ' ■ . r • • -o $ oniJ jqeoxe t . • i ..' To- ; .bru. ar iAi ab bib ■ , r . ■ VV-fb 18 They concluded, from their experiments, that the alkaloids of Hyoscyamus (the subject of their paper) are more stable than usually thought. They determined also, that most procedures extract certain volatile bases which they determined as triraethyl amine and a primary amine, and the indication of the presence of dime thyl- amine , along with the alkaloids. DeKay and Jordan used 0.02 N acid and 0.02 N alkali in their titration of the alkaloid, and methyl red as indicator. f. Abstract of Proposed Changes to U.S.P.X. (29) and U.S.P.X. Method This paper dealt with two new proposed methods for assaying crude drugs, i.e., 1. Aliquot part method (by maceration only), 2. Total extraction method (by maceration and percolation) . The second procedure more closely resembles the B.P. method so it only will be considered. The drug is placed in a small cylindrical percolator (see Plate I, Fig. 1) previously prepared by packing the outlet with cotton. Add solvent to completely saturate the drug, mix, cover the percolator, allow to stand five minutes and add the ammonia solution and mix again. ©rfj jMt ( fiia.i ■| . r- \ vea'i ■ ., :rr;; Yrr-ijG0 iIi3i •' - r' ■ r ' - ■: ‘ r ' ' i -v 1 10. ') b sei I ic b ■ . zb Ib r . , , * b* * . . . . < - ■ ' ; ' ' ow^ t t , j * i . c, ;.'ri v -• ;; -f : 'v v :< i ' r ,e. c ? /■:? 1 o ■ v • , ; r o ; : - . • ■ ' r ■ x . . 3 ib r . ' ''Vi.v : r> :-r-rec r " * ' . . r.:- r r\o f r :-nro & ni dsozTc ai %uib edT ,f r . r r , . r r.. t r O'l - • j ;r.urr:) . Xif ' . 'ji.n.0 -.1 j ;;8 . 19 Percolator Types Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Plate I 20 After macerating for one hour, percolate slowly until completely extracted. This method uses 0.10 N sulphuric acid and 0.02 N sodium hydroxide, and cochineal or methyl red, as indicator. With the foregoing review, it appears then that there are two procedures open to the worker, viz., 1. Extraction by cold method (B.P. and U.S.P.X.), 2. Extraction by continuous or hot method. It might be well then to examine step by step the basic principles of a plant assay, with a view to determining the value or objections to the various methods outlined. 1 . The crude drug. The drug must be well divided, at least to a #60 powder and must represent the whole drug. It is in¬ sufficient to grind the powder, sift it through a #60 sieve and discard midrib or stem portions which refuse to go through the sieve. They must be further ground and then incorporated w ith the previous portion. It is further important that the fine powder be thoroughly mixed. It is evident that upon the completeness and fineness of the sample rests the accuracy of the resulting determinations . In this respect, all of the foregoing methods agree . 2 . The extraction. Upon the differences of opinion as to the relative stability of the solanaceous alkaloids rests the fact that f . rTwQt - . ■ r OX, - ■ ' - r.etef ' , *xot soIl.:I , 0 a*i ' ( , j . , . , , . - r & 0i/ f ■ -'ll .. - o ~ . f \ . o~ tea o f fbs^i '.r,j r r . .;Cfr ‘i: 3jiT - ' . r\ ' ■ \1 . : ■ ■ v;. -j _■ ■ ' - •: ."C": cq . Co eairtei dotdvi enoW*! cq xie;ta *xc d xibL- frisosic rare evaia , ' 0.:;:u aasrrej'f r . jigd add' ncqu tfaa? ^rfsaive ai cM ' , encitfac ' ■ . .•>£, . 3 e 13& a * L jX: „;a :i:L3.. ; _ • S - ■ ■ to 21 there are so many varied procedures advanced for the assay of a plant drug. All procedures agree upon the maceration, the hot methods, however, directing maceration over night, while the cold methods macerate for not more than two hours. With the proper concentration of ammonia, it is conceivable that two hours should be sufficient to free all alkaloids . The tendency to the production of an emulsion when a solution containing vegetable extractives is shaken with an immiscible solvent, forms a great and common difficulty. This difficulty, however, is now almost wholly surmounted in most methods by the addition of alcohol in the first shaking out with acid, instead of acid alone. Emulsions in the hot method are not very common. All procedures extract considerable coloring and other matter in the original extractive, and this often interferes in the final determination by coming through in traces. The procedure by DeKay and Jordan (2) and Watkins and Palkin (27) precipitates this coloring matter by adding acid. The solution is then filtered and the chlorophyll left behind. The alkaloidal residue is not treated similarly in the various procedures. All methods agree that there is extracted, along with the alkaloids, an appreciable amount of volatile principles and direct the heating of the final : f j -'ll BBQix^vQ® v- B*ru&'3 00*rc .bs.I*iBV <~ : ; " • :: . .loi -"or. C* : ' C C - ' O - 3.; 6.J? ** " wo ' r r :' { ' O' : : : .' :•■■ , . :. : : ■ r-" ■ c o rr ' t rf.ii ■ , - . £ ' - t Wj ■ (8 ) . • - 3 : ;r . • : ; . : o •• • 1 - O'7:', . ib r.c . " . •: ... . o ; . ' , jbnMecf ^1 - coo ; :io o .. • - 1 - ; r ' out ' ; t 3 • obo:Icain r oc ^ c euol *inv sd$ . ... 22 residue at varying temperatures, governed by the relative stability of the alkaloid. In this respect, independent workers agree that the solanaceous alkaloids are more stable than they are generally reported to be (vide p. 13). This thought is coming into the methods of the B.P. and U.S.P.X. since the residues are heated, in the case of Belladonna and o Stramonium, at 100 for one-half an hour. The method outlined by DeKay and Jordan isolates, weighs and calculates the actual percentage present of volatile principle, while other methods simply heat the residue to drive off these volatile principles and then titrate . The indicators in all cases suggested are cochineal or methyl red and the use of one or the other is left to the discretion of the worker. Self (22) to a certain extent defends cochineal, though methyl red is preferred. To obtain high accuracy with either indicator, Self suggests that the volume of titration liquid be kept as low as possible, especially in assays where the weight of alkaloid obtained is very small. This expedient, he says, produces a much sharper end-point. Evers (6) suggested that Brom- phenol -blue would prove the best indicator for titrating the solanaceous alkaloids, and that methyl red ranked next. The range of pH of Brom- phenol -blue is 2. 8-4. 6; the range of pH of methyl red is 4. 2-6. 2. Mellon and Tigelaar (17), however, found 33 0 . : 4 ejuT ixi: ' ri oub± 5*1 9 . , • ;. r " • " . v ' ' ri - ■ j V: . 8'. nf - S?fi ; * '^C • -i ' ' - T r *;.-T » ' ; 9< • ■■■*•■ • ■ ... ; , . . ■■; la r O ri: . 1 ... 'r -r t ■ U :r . 0 6 • - -rr r feu. r:o oa r r. ;r :i. i ^beJs^-S eta csuMssi . : k. r rO r 1 : . . r.C ' r *t , :■>:->• t ... . r: r i nm-ror rr: vj -o. vr n:nM:r,r-o Dorrsri oriT rrr '' ■ ' • ■-'■ ■ • r r -r oi on i e:*T [ r Ci , i-ov^/rav r; ri : nr.. rvi;rr' < rr- • > loco ro i.rl.-'C, r rr .rr: r lv ,*10$ • r-iJt nrrUif riaiv. ^oa^nros r-r xilaJoc . _ j - ■ 1$ ■ SB - . . ~ ' . :: ri, - rr nor r r 13 ■ " - be ■ , _ r • , - . ... rr- r :: « r . 4 - , & el bsi 23 that, though methyl red did not have quite the best pH range for titration purposes, yet the error involved in the titration of atropine by methyl red is so small it may be disregarded. On looking back over the above review of the methods, one is struck with the apparent similarity in procedures in all steps, save that of extraction. Here the opinion and findings of the individual worker enter to make up his technique and thus we find, as mentioned above, one system extracting by the cold percolation process, and the other extracting by the hot mechanical method. Modern workers lean toward the latter procedure, insisting that the alkaloids of Sol anaceae are not unstable. Of the various methods described, the writer decided to choose two to be used in the assays, in a compara¬ tive manner. The methods, also, were to consist of both the cold percolation method and the hot, continuous method. With a view of choosing the two most promising methods, the above were considered in the order in which they appear. (a) The B.P. 1914 method was used only on Stramonium. It was discarded in favor of the B.P. 19 32 method for its advantages listed under (b). (b) The B.P. 1932 Method. This method is out¬ lined on page 14 and was used in a comparative sense for our plants and also as a check on various other methods. The B.P. 1 9 32 method has several distinct advantages and changes which tend toward greater accuracy over the B.P. 1914 method. An examination of the two methods Sc l 3 .. .07-' r ■ 7o ' :r S t to 'S ~ . ; v .7 • ; f o. >a or- irjq; no i $ b it i t i cl rv.. :>m e 3 roitfs 1g . 5:3 5*18^91815 ■ . i :■ •, 07 r:o: 5 o3; O'0.-o , o;; 7.00 r r, c3 coo 't-yo-MC: r - . o 7 :: .17 ■ 88 < ••• • ' " 3'. - J 7'oo: , .7 qu ■ ■ . " :rr73 : , cod^sio raoioaiioem tod oox 70 yn itositxe T9 :so 7 a i j ax e n i 771)8 ooTq iesSar edt fn&Mot msX an s^ow , 3 rr 7 031 ,0 7o Oo. " 7 r lc '5 3 O r ' . " ; ... i : j 1 1 o sii 7 < b. &<$ 1 io a 95. a5o .old* a •= x a uo x t: : v ©a t 10 - ■ > i . 370 )rf; ax 598a otf c .7 ■ ooiio c l e5 ; o 35 "... ■- : ’ • : • e ■ .. - •.. . ~ :0.'. >0 7 7 . 7- 0 7 ... ' 7 rO) . .is© nl o . o. 3oa5 .. , . - r r , -5, o. 3:1 3 ; 7 ) * ■ , • ; 7.031/ 3 03 3 r 30. 75 7773 . at £ TCt bodt'Sm r , , 3 : ■ • . - • , r ■--:■■■ .. . - ? r • ' -■ ' :■■> 3 3 CO-.. " ; 0-0 33;o. ~ ' OUO ■ ' o: • ! . .5 • 73 3 r , . . 3 03 7 o :.; o -3 3 8 97 &df St lUJ BVOrt edit . : 3 - • \r r . . •..;.: 10*5 3. 3 DOs 8 ©3 : tail O 5 03.5 novfcs W\ 3 37 . ' . ' r... r a 9Xf 7 19 VC 24 shows the following changes, with their advantages or disadvantages • i . Maceration - The B.P. 1914 directs "Into a small stoppered glass percolator - introduce 10 grammes of while the B.P. 1922 directs "Introduce 10 grammes of powder into a flask". Both are then macerated for one hour, but the B.P. 1932 powder must, of course, be trans¬ ferred to the percolator. Maceration, by the two methods, it would seem would be more complete in the latter, since it is much more thorough to shake a flask than to shake a percolator, even if it could be tightly corked. A second advantage of the latter method is that no channelling can take place with resulting incomplete percolation. ii. Emulsification - Emulsif iciation in the assay has been fairly well overcome in the B.P. 1932 method by the addition of alcohol to the solvent. This, as pointed out by Self (22), prevents emulsification, which occurred commonly in the 1914 method. iii. First acid extraction - At this point it would appear that the extraction of alkaloids is more complete since the ether- chloroform extract is run into the acid. In the 1932 method, the acid is added to the extract and shaken. iv. Washing of acid solution - The B.P. 1932 directs that the acid solution containing the alkaloids be , a v ■ j no vh 3 3 i b , ' . ” * , - i . . " ’ • : " • - ■ : ■ ■ r' ii -v. " r r ' a ~ . fl . - . , ♦ • • ■ ■' , ' ■. : ?s in ; .. ■ 0; .ii ; . ■ . . a . ' • • ' ' . ’ " : ■ r ■-/. : i .. r; r ,••/ , 0 v.\; •; r •OV7 < TOv r . . ■ [aaH ♦ t r ■ " * . . 1 - , , . • ' . - / .. r , 1 r . ;• rcr :c;j i : a. I j res w " ■: : r . r,e; . 1 i; - . . " r ' ' r r • ) ' "■ -r:- r ' ■ r. line :■ , iii .is r ’ • . vxg* rdo~* i f qvnoc • -• - ; j S'CQ F s : ; nl , dxob . v ' :: C;l.j • • - r , • “ : ;; . . rex fu Tea blOQ 9li$ & ft i T 8 Jos D 25 washed with chloroform, the chloroform run through acid and then discarded, while this procedure is not carried out in the B.P. 1914 method. This is a distinct advantage since any coloring matter carried down from the original volatile solvent extract is removed. v. Washing of chloroform extract - The B.P. 1914 collects the chloroformic extract and directly dries it, dissolves it in ether, dries and titrates it, while the B.P. 1932 directs that the chloroform extract be washed with water before being dried, alcohol added, and titrated . This point is commented upon, as mentioned, in the Pharmacy Journal (30), page 30. In all determinations carried out in this investigation, the final alkaloidal solution was washed with water to eliminate any source of error in that direction. vi. Titration - The B.P. 1914 directs the use of 0.05 N acid and 0.05 N alkali, while the B.P. 1932 directs the use of 0.02 N acid and 0.02 N alkali. This is an important step toward greater accuracy, and in some cases a sharper end point. vii. Indicator - The indicator cochineal, official in 1914, is now replaced by methyl red, a much more accurate and efficient indicator, as shown in the discussion by Self (22), Evers (6), Mellon and Tigelaar (17) and others on page 22. In all determinations by the B.P. 1932 process, on Belladonna and Stramonium, the percolator used was very similar to that described in the U.S.P.X. method (Plate I, - ■ ; : i €:rr.:z-‘:;o cni ehi'r 9333/ « &sib,i602XJb n-} riJ £>na . ' • r . . c" , r • ' - v - o.f< , ' o . ■> " . . - - _ ^ /■ .7 . . r r oidi r si Hoi oJj 3 ' • ' c/j ■; 3 3779.9 7 r ?/r;of{ a LIT , i;VZU’'-jj:J > 3 . ?S ) r ,iv*r 33 ■ • 7-, r r r3 rt: ; r - C. .3.;. ..r , 30 1 r-: :.-t .leva! " ■ ~ . . . ' ' 33 o 33 r , 3 3 ~:3 t i r • 3 3.0 393 oloe 1 30,0 3 ' .. -3. 33. 333 3.,, 3 33..: ;v *:;■■ 3.3.-., t qe*.r: 3- U3-,cq;ui 3 33 33, T-1 3 ' ■ ' \33: 3' 3. .. •; i . : I V c f ■ C$£ : ''3. .33. V r ■ 3 r 7 3 -■ 7c3r3: 33,37,,; , { ) , . 3 , ?- 3Bq . r . , • . -.3 . ■■73- • •. r r ... . r r £ : . , . . . • riaij 26 fig. 1). This percolator proved more convenient for small quantities of drug. In the extraction of Hyoscyamus by the B.P. 1932 process, the method is essentially that of Belladonna, with modifications firstly for the large quantity of drug necessary (since there is only a small amount of alkaloid present) and secondly, the reported greater instability of the alkaloids. This is taken care of, in the case of the large amount of drug, by using a larger percolator as shown in Plate I, fig. 2, and which is of the standard type. Since the quantity of drug is large, it is apparent that at the acid extraction of the alkaloids, the volume will be large. Before being extracted with chloroform, the mixed acid solutions are made alkaline and evaporated in vacuo to about 50 cc . at a temperature not exceeding 40°. The alkaloids are shaken out with chloroform, washed with water, the chloroform removed and the alkaloids dried at 80° for two hours. This removes any volatile bases present and so makes the final titration more accurate. The alkaloids are titrated with 0.02 N sulphuric acid and 0.02 N sodium hydroxide, using methyl red as indicator. In using the above method for Hyoscyamus, the greatest objection to it is the length of time required for completion. It is always advisable, where possible, to complete an assay on the same day as started, since ~ / .. “*• - - :. v .■ r • cinT , [l : " ; i \ j it m q.a r r iu Z>:.\ x •- ' - ' ' r : "■ . ' r r , T ■ ' C ■ 33t ' 1 . . ■ it I BJ3 *10$ •w -j ■ uy 1 c * 3r, - ■ k n .a t a s.d j 1: o x i do i . i J ■' ‘19 '1.3 v-‘C ;j 31 ZF L K '3j T , . r ■■■ r r x# ■ r . v ;• , f ixm 'if. itfrsup sd7 t r ■ •• i o i3 *i d x '■ f z o } t : i. - 3,: .. .■ ■ : . v ; : \ , r-.. 3 - ' ■ ' ■ ■ v ' 1 . ■ v • : . 00 , c a 3 c ; -• - - - - -v -■ xo : l 3 * 3 O .t u ■" •: .X f s Slid fas v:' rf A . g» * . v ■ r - . ' e 709890: 39: - - t ■ ‘0, : ■ - • OG i J out svods arid 301-80 nl erut si di b7 noxdostdo tastasTg : G'T .3: i: J to rdrvj t ■ ’ ■ • I'd'"; f : : rG . : : V vDG 3GcfrG XX X T , X V 1 -j O rX;V ' C 0 TOl‘ . -3 : Vi. ’ : . . j ■} . rj r f ■ ■: •> n,t 27 the alkaloids are of such a nature that standing over night may completely change the final result. But with the B.P. 1932 assay of Hyoscyamus, a complete assay is impossible in one day. The B.P. 1932 processes were used as outlined in the text with the two following changes: 1. The liquid was percolated as directed, but instead of adding the 0.5 N hydrochloric acid to the percolate, the acid was placed in the separator prior to percolation with the immiscible solvent. This was done for two reasons: (a) To avoid any possible leakage since the acid layer would remain at the bottom, and (b) To insure complete conversion of the alkaloids to hydrochlorides. 2. All alkaloidal residues, on the addition of the specified 0.02 N acid were warmed on a water bath to insure complete solution. The flask was then cooled at room temperature and the titration carried out. The results obtained by the B.P. 1932 methods proved quite consistent, and, as it is at present outlined, the method may well be said to be one of the most efficient of alkaloidal assays. Self (22), in his review of alkaloidal assays of the B.P. 1932, stated that out of a total of 46 alkaloidal assays in the B.P. 1932, 29 are quite new and only three have remained practically as they were. The changes, he says, are almost wholly of no - - ■ ; v . • - • . «•■■■•?. u. 9'ia a "i:or,a. r3 , ' • r o , : . - v ;P^.T-a rcrnco va;i! Jn^in • - /: 3 c ..a ‘ ; 3cc r . * - - ' , ' • ,.;J ; ^ CVJ ©ftf .l7iW 3 lit flJt ■ - ,t c,c .btoa oLi.0 Ulootbrji VL C. • •• ic hsei <-:m hi a "■ 9 " . ■■.-,■ ■• " = : " ■- r ‘ cc 3 at : •:• CO Co V. — a " .3 a;.. ■ i ' o :■ •; C ; . ■ . i: ■■ ;■ r : ■•.■(■? 3. 3 . 00 : 0 r 30 r • ■ " r r . r r . ■ ' • :■ ; r \. '-;: rV . ■ : . r^: -o • 3 r< nv *> - r •. 3 [O X d’ "... ‘ : . 0 r '■ jJC/iJ : .; COt? . . r:i t ■ : ■. ; Iszh LC T \& rC5 to . ' " . . ; C o r . r : C r3 r . . :• •: : a ' .n it rrr* r : a,- 'to r330u r " :'3r i a. 3V; t r ;c 3_ .3: 9^1 Up , ‘ " >':jr 3 , < 3 3 :-.o exlT , eoec vsd$ 28 British origin, and it may be claimed that in the assay section of the work the B.P. is stilj well in front. The aims, of course, have been to make the assays simpler and more acourate, but accuracy always remained the prime object . (c) The method outlined by Rosenthal er (see "The Chemical Investigation of Plants" (1930)* was not used in this investigation as it is a method for total extraction. (d) The Method of Watkins and Palkin (27). This method is essentially similar to that used by DeKay and Jordan, which will be described later. The methods, however, are different, in that Watkins and Palkin used a specially devised apparatus while DeKay and Jordan used a Soxhlet apparatus. Since the methods are alike, and results may therefore be expected, and since the DeKay and Jordan process provides certain advantages, the Watkins and Palkin method was omitted in its favor. (e) The Method of DeKay and Jordan (2). This method was outlined by DeKay and Jordan after exhaustive experiments, both on pure alkaloids and on the crude drug. The extraction consists of mechanical extraction by a Soxhlet apparatus, the drug having been macerated over night. The procedure follows: Samples I and II (20 grammes each) in 60 powder were placed in Soxhlet thimbles, dropped into place in the extractors and moistened with a mixture of 7 cc. strong solution of ammonia, 8 cc . of alcohol and 16 cc . of ether. . 1; 3'. 0,1. 3 • ■- >; j r r ■’ r r 3- § X. * 03. J ii*3-0 iff ©ii j X O 33 fqrrlO 3 3,33:3 Old 0338 0 3 0330 ©Vtfli ,831000 10 t&mlQ 3 r . . 1 ■ ■ d . -3 ‘ 3 0 iOOS , . 3 3( CO : - r: ,- , o - ; 303 3 1 38f i 1 -ou oo.odau o;i! ; o j r . 0:0: " ■ ' ' 3 -3 - ■ 3 33'1 r ■ 3 : , ■ ' I ’’ 3 1 . , ; . v O, r ■ ; . . 3 . . J : ; }T - , . . r ■03 3 ■ - . •’ : r r . ' ! . 30 ' i- 3 . ■■ i' -i ■ "■ : • : r . . o-0 33 ■ 3 • r .0 : ~*4b i *m i c 7 . 3. ;■ . • : : 33 ro ' '' - 1 ' ' . . ■ • r . : ■ . o 3. ' t i: • £9 U.L.; 33l 00 r OiO'Ol: *10 0 3 O .1 3 .. 30 O 3 3 X 3 911? ' r . 3 io 3 3 0 VO : a O'- r8 ; 3333 .1033 aril 3;33, 3 i 3 1 0:33 ■ :.-. r • 1, ■ 3.. • 3 3 08 J 1.3,.-.. o 3 ,.3)08 f 33.33 .3;. ,3? eiudxte 3 odio loned’) 10,3333 oo.eJ ojsidx© -.193.1:- 33: r ... 3;- r . • i ....,00 3 .:3l 3 rC3 29 It was well mixed with a stirring rod and macerated over night. The following day, it was extracted with ether over a water bath. The extraction required, as a rule, three to four hours. The dark green extract, so obtained, was evaporated over a water-bath, to about 1 2 cc . and then 8 cc . of 0.1 N sulphuric acid and 8 cc . water added. The evaporation was continued until all the ether was removed. At this point, the coloring principle was precipitated. The liquid (acid solution of alkaloids) was filtered into a separator and the precipitated chlorophyll residue re¬ dissolved in chloroform, 0.1 N sulphuric acid again added^ and again the chlorophyll was precipitated. The mixture was again evaporated free of chloroform and the liquid remaining again filtered into the separator through the same -pafrer. The combined filtrate was made basic with dilute ammonia (using litmus) and the alkaloids extracted by shaking with successive portions of chloroform, until completely extracted, as shown by a test with Mayer ?s reagent . The chloroform solution was evaporated to a low volume and the residue dried at water bath temperature for 15 minutes. A brownish aromatic residue remained. This residue was redissolved in chloroform, again evaporated and again dried for 15 minutes. This process was repeated for the third time . At this point, the residue may be dissolved in about 10 cc. of chloroform and then 15 cc . 0.02 N sulphuric fr o ... : r ' -V:ix o : " " « - ■ ' " . - • . i ' . * - ' , C c \ , . . ■■ r ’ ■ m l . I ; 3 " ' ' 1 . ■ e j a i b e , r . 1 e-v { e : : o l e: ; " e v f> si ■- l J /T ■ -0*1 3-S'7 f rvil(; 0 rflo b 0 b 3 T X I 0 SbCf 3bb DH3 ‘IG^ *3X30 98 6 : -i: . I -■ :. - r. ; . . ~ ■ ■ r-i' " - u? ; r""r"’;' ■ D -rSm) xqioenre sa " v • ' ' ‘ c r - ^ l r ~ uc i,j1v . • - : e i e . ■ :-b r ' ■•■■". i o r o . - •-'* £ ' " em ••:r bSu'03'ibx© eo i o t *pi.r # abb i>na ( ei/jab i b gnxaxi) Bin-CMu* stfijlifij . . : . *.;■ ; r; r ■ * " • f 4\-r . v, :: .■] b; " e • • ■ o rr o " eb emu [or , . : ■ ’ ■;* ■ . : b . r e-; . . ■. ' - e ' ;• '• r • . ~ ai bevr.oz ■ , 3 3vroa bid bo 7 0 Hits r , a 8 a 7.? o ;t 3 c ::n ' .1; •; x o r u o 7:. o,/; :■ Zo 7 : ai v 3 2 so o 77 nici T 7 - r. - ■ ' - 5 : o „ . 7/7 * 7. ,.7 7/ , / i ■ 77-:77 a.: 30.J J 0 .!. OX: x.0 7.1.3 Vl-l i r ■ - - r . 70. ; , / ir 7 r . 8-03 . . rilOC t RO jfcjtf' I tap | e • 88;7-; O., 3 ,7 '7. 8 7 ^Olt t JO; 7: 8 3:7^' 18 r ■ ' ' ~ . . ' 7C7/3 / :>/ : -o 7' 3 30 3K. X 1 3 1/0 7Gi1it S sd O# 0.i©;3'/ 3 HI 8 lit 7 . - ‘ ' o . r ;• . . r -j o ■ ■ lx a - • ... rc '■ 5 - 7 : ' - ' 7. " r..> 3 i/7 / 1 3 3 ,i 0 1 3 0 7. X . r / 0 r- 7 1 . ) : 1 1 , .1 f . J CO ./ 1) ft 8 8 7, £C r,0 r r 3 l , r r ' •• - ' 3.' 3 I 3 r / 71 .77/1 OB 71X0 0.73 001 J .87 30 3GI ./ :o o^Blonav&saijb edt 7i ., / r, • • ; x0 8£ t to! o foo79Z * Y ■ 7 7 .. 7. XX 7 0 031 :-rX8 .1 C 31 The extract ion of* volatile bases (DeKay and Jordan) A - HgSO^ drying bottle B - Cadg-Na^CO^ tower C - CaClg U-tube (at 40°) D - A1 haloids'* residue (at 40°) E - 0.10 N EC1 F - Trap containing HgO G - To pump Fig. 1 Fig . 2 Plate II V'i;t .:-rov xO Xi: i;t03lJx9 ' IT 32 On obtaining the ether extract, the precipitation of chlorophyll and other foreign extractives with acid seemed an important feature, as the alkaloidal acid solution should be in a comparatively pure state. so the method of handling the alkaloidal residue immediately prior to titration appeared to have the advantage of bringing the alkaloids completely into solution in the acid. This is pointed out by Self (22) who says that if an alkaloid is difficult to dissolve in small amounts of acid, the addition and subsequent evaporation of a small volume of a solvent, such as chloroform, will usually be found to facilitate solution. Lastly, the means described of handling the alkaloidal residue for the isolation and weighing of the volatile bases seemed advisable in view of recent work, particularly that of DeKay and Jordan, regarding these bases. The whole procedure may be summarized as shown on PI ate III . After a few determinations with this process, it was found advisable to make the following modifications: (a) After the complete removal of the chloroform by evaporation, the flask containing the alkaloidal acid solution and the chlorophyll residue was cookd to room tempcmkre whereby the precipitate was coagulated. Filtration was then carried out by decantation. It was found that if the solution was completely cooled after each evaporation, very little chlorophyll was carried over. : a"£. .0 ' .0 ■ C! C HC r . ■ - r - : ■ ■ ■ r • r jji.t ? e , 9*1 .'dsel 5aa$*iQqmi ns lessees .. j - ?•.. c ~ • : c : ‘ o 3 n i 9Ci b r Is - - ■ ' • . ' - ' ; " r: ,1 .’ • ’Ji ... - T r ■ ' t eJ . ... ■ • r . ^ : j ... r os L r i o 3 . c .. ■ • : ' i 90 v r 'Voo;; 3il ..... . . o ,ad i'xc sb * -a ' , . i S3 . ;■ . .33 sc va$jk aiii.beo.o'iq efeiiw sn'T . T : ■ ^ " rc ;• i e 3390030 3.;dd ridiv^ ■ 3,ac id all wst B.-tiedlii r . o •. : r... : edelqmoo erid isJ-iA (& } r * . .i+%. r o? ■ - aav ixolJjj-ij r l.i . b v * s fjjgaoo • 8 s w sdsdiqx oeiq ©rid ^dsieriw , 3 did; 3:-oab •/ df dec dsxo.TBQ .oerid r .. ft ■ -• v •: -. : • •, •, c . J .: f f vdq c "to f ' .... j r J J 1 r v '13 Y S3 Plan of DeKay and Jordan process for a^kaloida! assays I _ to acid layer FiUer, extract — i — make wi th al kal ine and immiscibl e '5UT7mr'TAYlR ALKAL IKE - H ? 0 ( alkal olds ) LAYER (non-al- kaioida! matt® L_ solvent and add ings to solvent _ _ _ _ I wash- 1 ayer Evaporate ALKALOIDS and VOLATILE BASES Treat with warm dry aiiy Residue Residue volatile titrate » with air v^eigh ALKALOIDS VOLATILE BASES Plate III 1x5 ' C u • . " to 3 ri ■ 3 • .* \ 2 ' .{ 1:3 TOt • : . ,,,.v . ■■ r r.cft;-: ;i:\ i 0iw ’J2JV ■ :*iav/ djtM :r3 9iT * ub i a s 34 In all cases, after the original ether solution was precipitated by the addition of water and 0.10 N sulphuric acid, the precipitate of chlorophyll and other non-alkaloidal extractive was quite bulky and on the first filtration a considerable quantity of the tarry precipitate was carried over on to the filter paper. This condition was undesirable for three reasons, namely, i. The probable loss of a portion of the alkaloids in the precipitate, by being held back by the gelatinous nature of the precipitate, and thus not being thoroughly extracted. ii. Much of the precipitate seeped through the meshes of the filter paper and appeared in the acid solution below, resulting, obviously, in a colored alkaloidal residue, at the end. iii. The precipitate in all cases closed the meshes of the filter paper and made filtering almost im¬ possible, without repeated changes of papers. (b) At the point of chloroformic extraction of the ammoniacal solution of alkaloids, all chloroformic extraction portions were passed through another separator containing water. This held back any water-soluble foreign substances undesirable in the alkaloidal residue, such as traces of ammonium sulphate formed in neutralization. This procedure agreed with a paper appearing in 1915 (30) in which the writer suggested that a possible source of error . i;,- j -r , ; tc . ; -;;3.T ■ o jdd S3? Lets* leiosiq aflW " r - ■ r .. '* - : ■' t . ? . ' oi isdo a v ■ : 'V r’ ' r • ■ ■ £ . ' c : ; a ... \ . ■ - •: - r 1 d 6: 1 07 HO 1 OVC 69 X 11 30 28W f add d ■ . . . \ • ,■ :£<)f add coir- exiT , I : ■ ■' ' - i c d :: r2 . - ■: ■ ■ a:; \ a. rrc.;- i d r . . -it ■■ 9 r" -f . : ' : ■ ■ r : a -^r f .-r. a ' . v; d oci vcio . '• i T r i ■■ , wo r scf ■ a 3a.:: a r r a :: t;\. _ ir xooiq ar.;?: ,isi - ■ - " : ' ; ; . r ;. a ^ J : : • • , j ( ■ ; - • lui s c r .. £821 f 3 1 X £ ■ . * . £ . m' . d . ' • - r r a ■•■■■ -rr 3 d j £ a eixdeooiq •i -v : ‘3: o e o i .. : o a a r ? 3: a a < ■ i • , 3 7 s d j- t a 7 • a jj a a a 7 1 tv. e d d il o 1 J w 35 in all alkaloidal assays is the carrying down of ammonium salts, and recommended the washing of all final volatile solvent solutions. With these two main modifications, the process was used throughout, as directed by DeKay and Jordan. The process was used on all plants under investigation in order to obtain a comparative alkaloidal yield, after all volatile substances had been removed, and to compare these yields with the B.P. process. (f ) U.S.P.X. Method and Outline (29). This method is essentially similar to the B.P. 1932 method with the exception of the original technique, in that the drug is placed directly into the percolator and there macerated for one hour and then percolated. Since it was considered that the U.S.P.X. and B.P. 1932 processes were so similar that results should be comparable, the U.S.P.X. process was omitted in favor of the B.P. 1932. V. EXPERIMENTAL, a. Test Garden The test growing ground was a plot on the University of Alberta campus, adjoining the gardens. It was normal black soil, completely open to the sun, but well protected from wind by an efficient protective growth of trees and shrubs (see Plate IV, figs. 1 and 2). Pig. 1 shows the north-west corner, and fig. 2, the east side, of the test garden. - - ' r . . rr. > ■■ X ' XT ■ • • : r . SxiOiV jj.f OC l:T9V f C 8 ■ . C ■ ' • o ni noi^BSJfcifeevitl r . , . . , ; . • . . . j t . . - ; . • r : • I . r : ' • b " . r ' •; : : 3X 33 3 ■' J j. X\3lX ■ v t / r C j T : ■ ' fXlfj tF.Z ‘ I if O fi' PHO lOl . , . . ; -iO •’ . . . . » : r . . . o; * . - level Hi 1)3 j7‘:no ft* ,?iV'l ;• vJ9T- xix:;xvVx 3x3 nc ex rG' 3 • x v: • -3L:v'OX $ ho 3 eril : « J I , ■- 3 ;J ’ 93 j , : j. ; 1 ? » U { 3, ' 33 0 ’v *1 0 '• V. . -O r ■ - - • . . r , . V.‘ r . . J‘V .VI :V3; FiV : :a } 3 0 j'iVs . 1 3 . , - 36 - The experiments'* garden Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Plate IV r - 37 - b. The Seed The seeds used in this investigation were obtained from various sources, in order to obtain offspring of plants grown under different climatic conditions. The seeds were obtained from the following sources: 1. The University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy. 3. Mr. I. Tice, Westlock, Alberta. 3. Seed obtained from the previous summer's growth in this test garden. In addition were used roots from the previous year's growth. c . The Growth All plants were grown in the same test garden and received the same amount of attention. The soil received no fertilizer. The plants during their growth received no special attention other than occasional watering and weeding . The moisture needs of the plants provided quite a problem, as rainfall in central Alberta is not regular, and during some periods in the l ifetime of Atropa Be"! ladonna , rainfall was completely absent. The plants, as mentioned, 9~ ; i j , -a: -;i.a.:r • J a£ 3 as eaT , . . ;G3: -Tsrf'T . Bd’ied r.A ^oofj-s© < aoi .1 .'ll.;: . S . . b rx a i a 9 f a i i 1 3 Hi : i i w o*i§ eii'oi vaiq srxit £ao‘il socoi gosj e'iev7 v< Uibbs nl . rttwoi-;, a ' -i ■ " . < 9 01 . -T . lesl rii'i.9l on f . ■■‘,1 ueor- [q 9 i ' rralnia*! es ,nie rcf< . ' . ff . •. 38 were watered when necessary, and as far as was possible without tests, were kept at optimum growing conditions. 1 . Atropa Bel i adonna . i. First year growth. The seed, obtained from University of Minnesota stock, was treated as suggested with concentrated sulphuric acid, for 45 seconds, repeatedly washed in a sieve with distilled water, and sown in the greenhouse on April 28th. While the seedlings were still very small, they were transferred to the test garden, late in June . The plants were late in developing, but they withstood the severe frost (temperature 25°F.) which occurred on August 25th. The plant produced several erect stems which did not produce a particularly dense foliage. At maximum growth, the plant was about three feet tall and produced characteristic flowers. The leaves were collected on August 26th while at apparent maximum growth and when the plant was in flower. They were cut by hand, and avoiding as much as possible too much stem (the B.P. directs a maximum of 20$ stem) . Only clean, entire leaves were collected. The freshly cut leaves were placed in large paper bags and without being pressed or unduly handled, transferred to the drying room in the basement, quickly spread in a thin, where possible single, layer on paper, on the floor. The room was maintained at an almost constant temperature of 50° . •- 3r 8 •••< 1i3‘i 3.0 Jbi1i5 « . . J_r__ . * r ' . . - ■ r r i , J :n- r j i< rtc /• zuc. . .. 99*13 . t ■" . . tlic ■ ' , emfl r t -;0 ^ ^ Vo v.-o :.oi .... { . C dS ••r:r - v-u;;. • -r; '• w?3 . t::,.-: r ; . . }jH3 If b% . . Cq . ",-j. r. r‘: • j ; . xi 3 7 03-id£io :!■. ■ . •: .0 - ; 0 . r r .... ?’i ?> : 3 7^0 r , or,c. m ssw t an r7 ird>) nsifw one cl: 3vo5i3 itwnylxBJs: d'ne'iaqqB d'a ' ■ ; io';r,; u: < o ' : .-.d t o . 9 ill .. .: • : , . ■ ~ .: .. edT2 noi . , r r : •- • ■ . . . .v V73 3 r 9‘I t .; • . ’’ c 3 r 3 ,v~ r jt o:xBro svit-‘.¥ eevxiB r *u o % fdae^it 9aT- ■ • " isj ? . J ; = .'d oOOi ' it! Mj c . . r . o' • " . ' 1 :. r ' . . . ' ~X { Xi . J 9.* tfacxc.ra no ;t .. • aonx.Bd’nxarj saw moot ©xIT . 39 Upon being thoroughly dried, the leaves were again gathered and ground in a Wiley power mill to a uniform #60 powder, weighed, the whole well mixed, bottled in amber, air-tight bottles and stored. ii. Second year growth. All of the 1933 plants allowed to remain in the field over the winter were winter¬ killed. Two plants which had been potted and placed in the greenhouse the previous fall were set out in the field and grew to a height of about two and a half feet. In spite of the frost on August 25th and al so numerous September frosts, these plants produced a few small seed-pods, two of which ripened. The leaves were all so completely frozen that they could not be collected. 2 . Hyoscyamus niger . i. First year growth. The seed for the 1934 grov/th of this plant was obtained from Mr. L. Tice of Westlock, Alberta, from plants grown by him in 1933. The seeds were treated with concentrated sulphuric acid for one minute and 45 seconds before sowing. Sowing was carried out on May 8th. The seedlings appeared about May 24th. The growth of the plant was fairly rapid. The plant had a characteristic fetid odor and a heavy growth of the characteristically indented leaves was produced. The plant as a whole was low in stature with no upright stem. ■" £ O'f r r M;o oq >£■ siiiis fr; srii ic fr.,. . li I wo ig - 5i. „ v ; ' - ■:'■■=. ' \Z ' -Tot' . h fax . . 0 0;i . JOS 0“ J :^33 r T ~-i" ■ n v r?. o ' -oo r - I- < v refit ^nisof norT' r Hi no 13 fins fiei9iiies nias . t ; . ? . . .. 1 evv < i@fiwoq 05% mot inn ta fin. o M; cf on .' 1 ■ t-i:a t‘ iscfms ni , ' - ■ ;• ■ 0 r r rtssd ,oi .toil's- a ins r OWT .tom* 918 V f f s i S3 next io 3913 oi wsig t srfi to t -ie,:. on sc £i : 0 I VW • 0 . •3ii i isili . o : : oio'.O xc _v_M 1 „ - •: , r , o; : • > .0 : ' , .. • o . .. M •; o r t M oo rMosM f r rnoo o. ■ .. v . . ■ . . 5 O ' . ■ no . • - . 5 .1- ::vOC ' a . v& r?soI ' . ■ . i I l^O -r Mf O 1-0 &:1-3rC . ... 00 ; voo.oo . mSe, .tiioxioi; 40 The size of the leaves varied considerably. They were of a pale green color and while growing, had a soft and unpleasantly clammy surface. This stickiness was due to the soft hairs found near the veins, particularly on the under surface, which possess glandular heads secreting a resinous substance. Two collections of leaves of the first year plants were made, the first on August 1st and the second on August 10th. They were transferred to large paper bags and thence to the drying room where they were spread evenly and dried. They were then gathered, ground to a #60 powder, well mixed, bottled in well-closed containers and stored. ii. Second year growth. The plants of the second year were grown from the roots of the first year growth, allowed to remain in the test garden over the winter, so that the conditions for growth for both first and second year plants may be said to be the same. The roots of the plants sown in 1933 (which was L. Tice stock) left in place over the winter as mentioned above appeared to winter well. The young shoots appeared above the ground about April 24th. The roots, soon after, were thinned out by transplanting, this work being carried out between April 27th and May 3rd. The growth, as in the first year, was fairly rapid, but in this case the plant was considerably bulkier, . y r ef a - " ■ . r ' " • ' ' . - . 3C U3 8 i/C 18 31 S f , dSOf ) - x ■ isA no r r , - - q Ody, > of bxxx- . ‘i- .: . JoriJ \n x y'.enT . belib brto ' . . xi .... : ..... : .. . ■ :.. .. •.. : 1 ' J . . . V: $ ■ ' -CO -8 tl ... . . ix1; 0 ot ;;o "t "tc.' ; i.-ioo sxlrr os , 6j , J- of ' .X:-' ao vXi/i a7;ufcr r-.; .brrooss bits r ;:? a... leixxx s. :t obvo aco rq it fXo r (^ooba so IT .1 . cb D8139CXC3 SVOCfS ■ dX;0Cl3 jJJUO-T ; 5X00 ; D9189 QC! 8 3vT 00:13 ' 3iIjJ0T£ $rf? - r 1 : . • . Ji .. : V 0105.; y I. f , Off i j f X rqs,I3‘I^ ,015 \x1 : r0“b: .Hi'. , $ ii edt : bo xl^.voivs arfT ' r i.o / r .. ; . , -jo ’ ro ••• ut osrx . .1 j rx Joo «5J:gei 41 with a greater number of leaves and with a strong upright stem. At maximum growth, the characteristic flowers appeared in large numbers. The plant, at the period of flowering, attained a growth of slightly more than three feet as may be seen in Plate V, fig. 3. The leaves had the characteristic indentations and were of a dull green color (Plate V, figs. 1, 2, 3). On July 20th, the leaves were gathered, keeping in mind the limitations as to stems, directed by the B.P. The leaves were cut closely, transferred to large paper bags and spread in the drying room. When thoroughly dry, they were broken and passed through a Wiley mill to produce a #60 powder, thoroughly mixed, placed in well-closed containers and stored. 3 * Datura stramonium. The seed for this plant was obtained from the University of Minnesota stock. It was not treated with concentrated sulphuric acid, as was Atropa Bel 1 aflonna, but was sown directly into the test garden on May 18th. The growth of the plant was fairly rapid. The stems were round, very smooth and at maximum growth, woody. The plant appeared to be more hardy than the others, and the growth seemed to bear out the statement of Koch (14) who stated that the plant required very little attention. - _ r ■ , ■' *i •? d /; j nr -3%-* is r n J: b o i 3 9ggs r - 3‘ . [ . ' t ; : < r , . 1 J, f . . _ t v: - ore l j or ;n .• : ' /’/' ; . . ;ioO*T o d vrc B ;j 0 T. b'3 9T 3 dlo 3^30 : : ; dd ' e Ir \. '' ■ or r 93101c aisw srBiif 30 T. ” ■ . . Odd- IV 13 0 ‘131? '■ 1C 0 . . •- . : V . ; ■ b 9 X i ■ i ... . • .. cot dc d • I ' t : . ■■ r ~ o . : • or', • j ; qdd odd 3 odd odi * Dic'd v r'iia‘i srr jaorq &ii$ do ..ddcrrq ailT , . X ; d,dj 30383 91Co: >G Ou .MiOqqg J 18 r0 9:1 T dd God -V J.. r. l.;.- -u r Ou •: ,, ...d .d 0:-; 5d .bid; t 83911 jC ■ d . . , ; ■ v - ' , ; : •' r ; ggo'O . Hyoscyamus niger (second year) Flowering plants 42 Plate 43 The pT exits, however, were cultivated as regularly as possible and watered occasionally. The growth of weeds was kept at a minimum. The plant produced quickly an abundant growth of light green foliage, with its deeply indented leaves and foul-smelling odor. It grew to a height of about three feet, when the flowers appeared with their funnel shaped corollas. In rapid succession, the flowers gave way to the large 4-cel led prickly walnut-shaped fruits. The leaves were collected on August 16th, trans¬ ferred to the drying room, dried, collected and ground to a #60 powder. The powder was well mixed, transferred to air-tight containers and stored. Shortly after the leaves had been gathered, the life of the whole plant ended and the fruits began to open. The whole plant was then cut down, gathered, dried and the seeds threshed from the open capsules and a large yield of seed was obtained. 4 . Datura Me tel. The seed was obtained from stock of the University of Minnesota, and sown on May 18th. The growth of the plant was rapid and produced an ahundance of leaves of a yellowish green co*»or, which were irregular in shape. The odor of the plant, like Datura Stramonium, was unpleasant and characteristic. On the epidermis of the leaves occurred scattered simple as well r :y~. . . ' • • : , V r r i ! ’ S'j 9W ' V V ■ - . . r r- : r r iaeoc a a ■ i : . . • * virol nir; 3 Jo 3 /. aaw ell t to ■ r f ll€ - O ^ ' ' r - - - ; ‘ . ", , ' ; — -t I.iV r -7 v' 0 1 '1C o e r Too , ot bsTxatsaBit ,bexlm Hew e • , o-.3*T •; r 'r:.en.; . doc '• ddo ; d-oio r t : ■ r. ‘ y _ {t OC . ■; . 7 O "7 '3 • 3 ‘1.0 Ui V J ’1C OC ' ' 3 ' ■ ■ ■ ' . ce; i ;3 J :: O Si3W - 3 S3 i - * r ■ -i ! : - : s . i o 7 d c s o w b s 3 a sr i V' . ■ f or ...vo— o:,- •" c rdi .aqsiie ns la^sezil 1 *t J . ■ :o-;?ron;j r . :oro -oot g r ■ »X 44 as small glandular hairs. At maximum growth, the plant produced white flowers. No cultivation, other than occasional weeding and watering, was carried out on the plants. The leaves were collected on August 1 6th in much the same manner as Datura Stramonium and the other solanaceous plants. Here again, as little stem as possible was gathered and only the healthy clean leaves were used. The leaves were dried in the drying room at the constant temperature. When dry, they were gathered, ground to a #60 powder, well mixed, bottled in air-tight containers and stored . d. Results of Determinations 1 . Atropa Belladonna. As will be noticed from the tabulated results, leaves of various years growth were used in the determination Since a considerable amount of 1931 and 1932 leaf was on hand, it was used for the first several determinations until the technique in alkaloidal assays was perfected. The final results were taken from determinations carried out on leaf of 1933 and 1934 crops. The first determination of 1933 leaf was that of moisture content. Then a determination of ash content was carried out, and finally alkaloidal assays by the Delia y and Jordan method and the B.P. 1932 method. r . . -1 .,.'c r : sj . ■ b?OJ : tc :.7 •■■O- •' '.TO ■' '■ 5 • ~ 1 :t- 7 *-J ' iJ0 0 c dtd r o&n ■ ' " ■ ■ '■ ■ . t “ F t * -i j j ■ ■ ■ • ■ ; ’ • r r:"_ _.v ;■ • r c ■ ■ ■ • fllw ■ ; o ' ‘ ■ -r ' • , a fch v ‘ir asvus^ " . ‘ • r r • '■ c • ' r • • - •- - - o xc ' I i ■ i ■ 3 ! I ' , ; c ■ - : ; . ■' '' 3 - l r ■ ' ' ■' r r ■ ■ .• 3W . r :• r : '■ ; r I o ‘ - i. 0 3 J 8.C r V, 1 .1 X 9 ■ I . ... ; r. 'c?: . :■ 6o :■ ■, ir:9^oXO.r, . • r - . r . r.3is . i ■ . . • 45 1. Atropa Belladonna (first year) TABT.E II Moisture and ash content Crop Moisture % Ash Remarks % 1933 1933 1934 1934 7.795 8.298 6.954 7.0923 12.7155 11.8155 TASTE HI Alkaloidal content Date Crop Method Alkaloids % Volatile bases E May 12/34 1933 B.P tt tt tt May 15/34 t» tt tt tt tt Jan. 4/35 tt tt tt tt tt tt 1934 tt tt tt n Jan. 10/ 35 1933 » n tt tt n 1934 tt tt tt tt Jan .16/35 1933 DeK.& tt tt tt tt 1934 tt tt tt tt Jan. 18/35 tt tt tt tt « 0.2448 0.2873 0.4376 0.4446 0.3688 0.3617 0 .3633* 0.3798 0.3454+ 0.3400+ 0.3410+ 0.3394+ Jord. 0.3293** 0.3275** 0.3314++ 0.0045 0.2560++o 0.0035 0.3294** 0 .3306 ** * At ether-alcohol addition to leaf, became almost solid. 1934 leaf evidently drier than 1933. + Residues not dried. Titrated by DeKay and Jordan method. Evidently lowers results. ** Volatile bases not removed and residue not divided ++ Volatile bases removed but residues not divided. 0 Partly lost. ** volatile bases not removed and residue not divided Snedneo j6 'z. it r c •: ' h' r ■ " , r tnsSr )iof r z\ A :'TJ . ■ v . ' •'O- v*». j-*. ; •* * ‘ r ., r 66 v r, ->v." r , ' ■ i ib - . ' , r . t; i ; r ft ; ' ,o E » "Mb n n •j r - - ' - ft ..." 300 r< . Ml, r . : ■ r • • • - r ' • 6 l aBb'XOl J-.ftB bebiyii) tfon , j MM v i : j . .• . MCI v.:; b-:- Mi -ion a r 91/ b - ■ : 5©VC:J0*/ : : ■ osssd e on ■ . j . z l •/ isd b 0 v< ■ 0 - a 9 s 3 d ;- , "cob sut)i a 9fi , ,00. Mom M,f r .befcJLvl 0 ■ ■ a eiiblo 0*1 &$$ciuerz j ■ ' 0 r r 4*4* O 46 2. Hyoscyamus niger (first year). The stored powder representing Hyoscyamus niger (first year) was well mixed by turning it out on clean paper and alternately lifting the corners. It was then mixed with spatulas and replaced in the containers, from which samples were taken for the various determinations. 2. Hyoscyamus niger (first year) TABLE IV Moisture and ash content Crop Moisture Ash Remarks % 1o 1934 10.768 13.515 TABLE V Alkaloidal content Date Crop Method Alkaloids % Volatile bases < Feb .22/35 1934 B.P. 0.03413 t» tt tt 0.03430 tt ft DeK.& Jord. 0.0664 * 0.0056 ft tt tt 0.06312+ ft tt tt 0 .06443* 0.0084 ft tt tt 0.06434+ Feb. 26/35 tt B.P. 0.035015 ft tt tt 0.03378 ft tt DeK.& Jord. 0.06263 0.0072 ft tt tt 0.06189 0.0136 + Volatile bases not removed • * Volatile bases removed . ♦ ( • ' 1 . s ■teq in . 10 8' I 1 m e r .. ; ■ - r.-- cTsiIl ) Ms fit . 8 10H1QO ■’ r r , "■ V. 3 r 19Q8q , a ‘ Jn-uiT: rj 0 8 8 :* r n ibexim * 8 i ’ : t 3£t£W‘£8$3-f' auoi'-'-v '1 tt‘32l&t 910W r ' X ^aTi i .) i9§in zMsmyoeoyZ . I vi ' " .,r S rr&^ii' o rlas orts 'jn itfaloM >A -Jat I qo*iO r £ nedrtoo r ■ r i rV SD ; C r , - - -A sa ad bodte q 0*51 v eta C "r \ ■ , -i , ... . u . * K'OQ.L- * \ RfdO,G. ft A-,ny. o ■ ■* 0 ft rA£*&dQ , 0 11 it rCcnO , 0 , x.a ■« n . . . M ; ire. ; . r G. ■ tt . . »» C a -oTie 8 saac e r U n roV 47 Hyoscyamus niger (second year) TABIE VI Moisture and ash content Crop Moisture Ash Remarks % % 1934 11.236 14.587 n 10.940 14.590 TABLE VII Alkaloidal content Date Crop Method Alkaloids % Volatile bases % Feb. 1/35 1934 B.P. 0.02145* Feb. 5/35 tt tt 0.04741 tt It tt 0.04727 Feb. 7/35 ft « 0.04110 tt ft w 0.04147 ft tt DeK.& Lord. 0. 06034* 0.0047 tt It tt 0 .06080* 0.0056 Feb. 7/35 tt tt 0.07899** ft tt « 0.08012** Feb. 14/35 ft B.P. 0.0438 tt tt tt 0.0433 * ft tt DeK.& Jord. 0.0763 0.0040 tt ft tt 0.06052* 0.0068 + Check lost. * Volatile bases removed . ** Volatile bases not removed. a>.-T • • e ' ' . r 0~ . r ^ r .:. ‘ • r J i'I: rc ■ : r. '" r..": r;. \. r v , “ , orr;i . c , * . ; r . : . :j , , . > :g f tf . 'r’ ft ■ ft , 'r? Ht r . . ff ; . - V r . t* .. - r. . j: ; ' r jforsrfC . : 5 : r 1 . r C ■* ' ■ r ' 3. Datura Stramonium TABLE VIII Moisture and ash content Crop Mois ture % Ash % Remarks 1932 4.755 13.8875 Water insoluble 1934 . 5.4800 13.852 ash 49 .3534% TABTE IX Alkaloidal content Date Crop Method Alkaloids Volatile % bases % Feb. 15/32 Penick B .P.1914 0.3013 tt tt tt 0.2526 Mer. 1/32 tt tt 0.28562 ft tt tt 0.27612 tt Local * 31 tt 0 .18346* tt tt tt 0.1822 * Nov. 23/ 34 1934 B. P.1932 0.2545 ft w tt 0.2519 Nov .28/ 34 tt DeK.& Jord. 0.20115 0.0170 »» « « 0.19805 0.0100 Dec. 14/ 34 tt B.P.1932 0.20356 tt tt tt 0.1884 + Dec. 18/ 34 tt tt tt DeK.& Jord. tt 0.2982 0. - ** 0.0125 Dec . 26/ 34 tt B.P.1932 0.170 *** tt w tt 0.154 *** tt « 0.22512 tt tt « 0.22512 tt tt DeK.& Jord. 0.2529 0.0120 tt tt n 0.2532 0.044 * First Alberta crop. + Partly lost due to faulty separator. m* Sample B lost completely, A divided and part with volatile bases showed higher alkaloid(.302 q pggc ).2944 *** Results low carried down considerable coloring matter. Titration difficult. •j j. 0 A 3 8 birti 91 J 'J'J -• i oM r . . 3riifSal; croiO O'^.S - [ r r ■c3. ' ■ . r. ' r. v: r. : v. Ta;; . 0 r r . gc^Oa. Ad r , - . QVJLO gcI.C ,• ro ■ A . o r . . . • 1 G H . ' ■ ... , botite.l qciO etfad rv r. n 4f ft r t . i ' C , ' ' r. . , ft ■AG A r/:j .£ . ' t >q n ft tt £ * £ « -■£*> r tt n ♦t tt tt tt H ff ft ft ft r. 5\t .08 tt . . It • V r. : : , er.of-u a : > ,...■ ; . v •< 11 ft tt . c ; o id .6 $ *1 e cf r 2* 3 a ixg , . - - . , / *** f ; g?Id rw< a .. . :j r:jai 1‘ii.o ru i Ac^icT IT 49 4. Datura Metel TABLE X Moisture and ash content Crop Moisture Ash Remarks * . % 1934 7.104 14.99 tt 6.978 14.9112 TABLE XI Alkaloidal content Date Crop Method Alkaloids fo Volatile bases * Feb. 7/35 1934 B. P.1932 0.2050 tt tt tt 0.2144 Feb. 8/35 tt tt 0.2138 Feb. 14/35 tt DeK.& Jord. 0 .1947'* 0.0088 tt tt tt 0.2389+ « tt tt 0.2234* 0.0076 tt tt « 0.2263+ Feb. 15/35 tt w 0.2270** tt tt tt 0.2291** Volatile bases removed. + Volatile bases not removed. Residue not divided and volatile bases not removed r - . .. a8i:. * r r>. , ■ r rwJto' r. r r o r .. ■ ■- v 8©SBCf .. . . i c r : . r. .Don ere. , r . * , **0VS3, o r . . o . ft n ft . - . . . it : r • . r . : ■ . : " ' ’ rCv ' o, a 50 VI. DISCUSSION a. The Plant In all cases, the plants under observation grew and matured with a growth similar to that described for the official B.P. plants found in southern Europe. It was found that: 1. All plants were free of insect life and mi Idew. 2. The roots of Atropa Belladonna, at least, cannot resist the winter climate, in the field. They should be dug up and kept dormant in a warmer storage house and replanted in the spring for the second year*s growth. 3. The roots of Hyoscyamus niger , left in the field, wintered well. Seeds planted for the first year on May 8th produced, from the wintered roots, shoots on the following April 24th. The plants produced by these wintered roots were hardy and had a healthy, rapid growth. 4. Datura Me tel is the least suitable of the plants under observation, for Alberta. Only one plant produced seed pods, though it is an annual. All plants grown in the greenhouse, produced seed pods. 5. Atropa Belladonna must be started in the greenhouse, as the roots, as mentioned above, are killed in winter . IG ¥ J : r r . . itBiif bnuclt sbw SI slit ' ■ fq II . wsbf tm c . •• r , , « -}:-uTo ’ .-• .i 1 ■■ ' : •: • f . r f . - ; * r r 5 . i i v < . r ■ n ... ,r. ; 3 v : x .. 3 AS aeri < l» b Duhotq rfcfB x^U r . i . ( t r . : if I ' 3 ■ t : r ! :>y.rc V: :■ . 33 -:.^d r„ -■ .3 . - i - v-: ••:••; 3 ;v r.o ' . BiK 38 . . ? nl - , 51 6. The roots of Hyoscyamus and Stramonium are hardy. b. The Results 1 . Moisture contents and ash values. Ash contents were fairly consistent and all remained within the B.P. limits as shown. Various other values are given for ash values as follows: Atropa Bell adonna - Youngken* "Pharmacognoscy" , maximum 20%. Datura Stramonium - Youngken "Pharmacognoscy" , maximum 20%. In all cases the results obtained will be tabulated against the standards required by the B.P. and various other results, in a comparative manner. TABLE XII Moisture and ash values of solanaceous plants pi ant Crop Moisture Ash 1o B.P. ash require¬ ments Atropa Bell adonna 1935 8 .047 12.7155 Maximum 15% ft 1934 7.0232 11.8155 rt Hyoscyamus niger (1st year) 1934 10.7680 13.515 n rt n (2nd year) 1934 11.088 14.589 tt Datura Stramonium 1932 4.755 13.8875 Maximum 20% ti tt 1934 5.480 13.852 tt Datura Me tel 1934 7.041 14.9006 * Published by P. Blakistonfs Son & Co., Philadelphia, (1921) * . Y&'icjrf r # , - '7 7 0 0 >7'a;i . r rr7 L 73 f i .» -ii 9*1 6W 1777 7 axici'ic V . . a 8 ... it .s 1 i 1 X 1 » , r ;j ■. P‘T : 7 -■-=7 7 8 7,7r.-::V •‘,oe<: . mo—O: • ■ < •■>• ... *? - 7'7'7' : , r r . . • ;j- . •. , . , '• . ...7;. ■ ■ ~ : :J . _;00;v... ,705 liixjmixaxa a, ■;•- 7/n .af T f .7 :; b Si! i o 0 C C- 8 J Sdt 7 37 '0 r r:l ill , * : : / .: ' ■ . : 7": : :T i { 8j r L* ■' ■ 8 1 I IX .T r . . la . & luloio l qo‘iO 1 0 7 r , -81X77 t 7 Su . .7 0 . ., . __ - r ■ ■ " . _ OO'O.S ,77 r 7,7777 '.77 r r •’ .'■ 0 7 77i -77.0. 7 G r 7- * 'r OOSOaO o-.-o: r 5? o ra . 7 r o 60 v . o r ■ ( is.; sx r i 777 Zil 7 7773 10807 1 .77 7, ?■ r MOT (?B»X fin j IT « r Ots lOil-iXal 0 777a 7 r '.70. iilL'i OCO’lO 10 . 71 70 30 rt ■ 007,01 , 7^00 r w t» , r r - , V- r-7>:0“ 7173 7,7 , ; rs-Qf j ... .7 f. Cioiri , - 01 _ no8 a r 77 0 7 7,7 lO: , 52 Due to the slight variations in the moisture content of the drugs, and particularly to the urgent need in the Department of Pharmacy for an efficient drying oven, it is suggested that an oven with a maximum tempera ture range of 100° and capable of accommodating considerable fresh drug, be constructed. The efficient drying of a drug is a very important factor in atkaloidal determinations as it has been suggested (Bentley "Text Book of Pharmaceutics"* page 260) that the alkaloids exist in the plant in the form of alkaloidal tanno-glucosides , which undergo partial- decomposition when, on the death of the cell, the permeability of the plasma membrane changes and the acid cell sap enters and forms alkaloidal salts. This reaction is not complete, so that it is necessary to completely separate the alkaloids from the primary colloids. The decomposition in most cases takes place by means of the enzymes present, and these act best at a temperature of o about 50 C. * Published by Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, Tondon. (1933) . H-r 3.'.- ■ ' C £ i \\ 3 ’ J i r< '1 Oj 0 .C/C r t v-u Ssr-jic i. tie ns 101 ^oBicxiafn ‘io Jnaifi^nsqaCI ©rftf ni itruiTtxxBin s - j iv. rtevo its 3&M3 bs^sesgi/s si ;ti td" ter o v j 1 ■■: c r : ' ' 0 )f >| . . •• ; ^T3:;oo ©d . r*r- 3 ffseTl /lev a i auif) a ic viiv-io :;n to - ri9 e-.I? r f c r - ' r r < T r LOB S 0 • ' • . : r..; : r r x . •. r r c f . Ol B2LC B . : i o 8 xtB 3ivi 4 cf &ps.C q 3 : • ; • t? 0 3 s 01 : til nci 3 i: e o qmo 0 a b v., red' a is serf uos ex.: r a tixtea©iq semv^ne o . 0 Go 3 nod s • jv curve T . xoU 'a\a r f a: x. i.i f s-ioi r iaS r (seex) * 53 2 . Alkaloidal contents. TABLE XIII Average alkaloidal contents of Solanaceae (B.P. method) Plant Crop Method Alkaloid % B.P. require¬ ment Other references Atropa Belladonna 1933 B.P. 0.3797 0.30 0 .40$* " 1934 0.3059 0.30 0 .40$** Hyoscyamus niger 1934 (1st yr tt .) 0.0343 0.05 0.063$* tt " 1934 ( 2nd yr tt .) 0.04406 0.05 0.093$** Datura Stramonium 1934 ft 0.2321 0.25 0.22** Datura Me tel 1934 tf 0.2111 — 0.40$* 0.50$** * Henry "Plant Alkaloids", Published by J. and A. Churchill London. (1924). ** Greenish "Materia Medica", Published by J. and A. Churchill, London. (1920). TABLE XIV Average alkaloidal contents of Solanaceae ( DeKay and Jordan method) Plant Crop Method Alkaloid % B.P. require¬ ment Other refer¬ ences Atropa Belladonna 1933 DeK .& Jord. 0.3284 0.30 tt tt 1934 tt 0.3305 0.30 Hyoscyamus niger 1934 tt 0.06342 0.050 (1st yr.) Hyoscyamus niger 1934 " (bases 0.06449 0.050 0.0868$ (2nd yr.) removed) DeK.& Jord Hyoscyamus niger 1934 " (bases 0.07956 0.050 0.1313 $ (2nd yr.) not removed) ibid. Datura Stramonium 1934 DeK.& Jord. 0.2407 0.25 " Me tel 1934 " (bases 0.2208 removed) tt « 1934 " (bases 0.2268 not removed) , . r ' 'I:?:.- J O r r' ' ' . r ; : r r ; r: ' r ■■; v. oca; f •; r ?r bilS ) O V., r . i. ■ : OTJO J'iiJJ : c- r re?5 : om/GsG t T flfiuT ic ! * ^ tit 9H . no fine t a fills d u1 i . [ fa o d f e m f ( .3 b id. , * an ft c r fad aqcTCfA j.o G. •' 0 la r $ ? f f :GoGo(G 0 ft *163 i n s JLrnrs'G o e o^H ■ 8 9KBC } f? r •; 1 ' . ! . tv GoG ) ) (1)0 -/MOST >tOiI G ’ r too i ■ ■ b Jiiio b o a ov, : (.to GfiG j ' - Bin* 308BO; ( b evened oo G r roi'O t * G 08 0 0 j " { COVGn.GO' 0 Oil 0 C' r *t tt 54 2 . Aikaloidai contents. A comparison of the results obtained on the plants by the two methods with the official requirements and results obtained by some other workers shows that by the B.P. 1932 method, 1. Atropa Bel i adonna is the only plant which produced alkaloid in excess of B.P. requirements, and very little lower than percentages tabulated from various reports in the text "Plant Alkaloids" by Henry (9) and "Materia Medica" by Greenish. 2. Hyoscyamus niger (both years) falls con¬ siderably below the B.P. requirement. 3. The second year Hyoscyamus growth is much richer in alkaloid than that of the first year. 4. Datura Stramonium falls very little below the B.P. standard, but is richer in alkaloid than the commercis1 samples which Greenish reports as containing an average of 0*22% alkaloids. 5. That Datura Me tel (which did not produce seed) falls considerably below other standards as shown in the tabi e . The same plants when assayed by the DeKay and Jordan method show that: 1. Belladonna and Hyoscyamus both show an alkaloida1 content considerably in excess of the B.P. requirements . 2, The second year’s growth of Hyoscyamus is considerably richer in alkaloids than that of the first year. . . - • :■ ■ ; " r A.i C Aa ■ i3 r .& r DA ' I A- ' *1 : 1 "i mov A . ... .. r , .. ; ;; , , : .. . ,A ■. : ovA t : s^'b A ' t I J* ' A . A r . ' . S A: ; ' - ■' .laaaaaLQa; * r 1 t r •%* ■ r-®r r , ••. I • a\ ■ , o ’• .so 1 .c :A;r - e r " • ' re .■ . T^;v in C'i'inzxozc'Clj ■i : ; ■ ": : ;• •'■•: , A . A: r ’A." r ’ : r:. f~ T- J 8 # r.d , ... . - . a - - • i ■ : •, , : At -A. j -a . aaaa . A-S i ; . -• .- V r ' ' ' ' . . A 3$ ... . ..'.A .. . ,.7V. /A I. ATT r' OniBB - A' ;;} .. 1 Doiijan n&biol A . : A: ,A(' ' ... A ; ,aaa T- ... " rA : v.-. : ; a, -AT A A a t ; A AAA. -- r-,.: A, . * t , ., A' a a. A -A..I - A..r-.: A; xti 'AAiA v r ci A Ab i snoo 55 3. Stramonium falls just below the B.P. re¬ quirements, and 4. Datura Me tel , considerably below commercial samples. Analysing then, the various tables, the following results are seen for the various plants. TABTE XV Alkaloidal contents of solanaceous plants when assayed by B.P. 1932 and DeKay and Jordan methods Crop Atropa Bella¬ donna Hyos- cyamus niger first year Hyos- cyamus niger second year Datura Stra¬ monium Datura Metel Growth 1934 Develop¬ ed late - Abun¬ dant growth Fairly rapid and heavy Hardy and rapid Flower¬ ing slow Ash % B.P. maximum 1934 11.815 15.00 13.515 15.00 14.589 15.00 13.852 20.00 14.9006 Moisture % 1934 7.0232 10.768 11.088 5.48 7.041 Alkaloids B.P. method tt DeKay & Jordan method B.P. minimum 1933 1934 1933 1934 0.3797 0.3059 0.3284 0.3305 0.30 0.0343 0.06342 0.050 0.04406 \ 0.0645 0.050 * 0.2321 0.2407 0.25 0.2111 0.2208 From this composite table will be seen that: 1. In all cases Atropa Belladonna contained alkaloid in excess of B.P. specifications. r ' r ‘1 . ■: : . :.r “ v . .. (■ C r r T^d ba^B83B r •'» ' 6 C ■£’■ ■ » *cQ r ■r: r : - r r 1' • ' r - ' rA 5c . ' a it # , •o^ici .$ ^B-lad 'to 'St ~-oi pur -yd . r ri . rrj., ' rr ,'U . r 3890X0 r . rc 56 2. Stramonium and Datura Me tel are below the usual , as shown by both methods. 3. Hyoscyamus is below the requirements by the B.P. process and above by the DeKay and Jordan process. 4. Ash value in all plants is within B.P. 1 imits . 3 . Volatile bases . In order to determine what effect, if any, the separation of volatile bases had on the remaining alkaloidal residue, several determinations were carried out with the following technique: Two check samples A and B were weighed out as usual and the regular DeKay and Jordan extractions cerried out to the point of the last chloroformic alkaloidal solution. At this point, instead of each solution being evaporated down with chloroform and acid, three times, the solution was transferred to a graduated 50 cc. cylinder and made up to 50 cc . with chloroform. Each sample was then accurately divided in half, each portion being transferred to a separate flask. Thus the samples became A^ (25 cc} Ag (25 cc} B^ (25 cc.) Bg ( 25 cc} each flask representing one-half of the original sample. The A^ and B^ samples were each freed of volatile bases, - V: - r r ;; . r - .. : i: aunj.^v osc : . ♦ % - . , , £ t r t r * .80 mi r , v ' " " rj :C'J.rcj" * e j xl w.m w. j. , *i m c:r *i eb-ic ."1 i. sm .. semo o fm rov 'lo itcid'a‘i3.Q3S . r : -7 i: .’osi - : • ; r fo •? !:■ c-i- ' : : ~ .7 c ”• r *•' 0 0 -7 7 r .737 r r r r T • r .; t . loTOJTdo rffrlw mob beiBiQqevQ ■:■■■ -r rv .00 Co be / 3 . . : - r ■■ • •/ ot .uofi -to i on -01^ sow nolto ' IOlO*IC . s Vi - ' : ■ - t fa ■ r . : ■ ■ . 37 7 .. T . C: : r7 " ~ r: w or: C t *- C ; r i. * ■ 0 ■ ' ' >a sa '.no as) (.00 <5S ) , l . ' r . r r ‘ . I- . i r ; ; • r- . ;-i'i ;. ” e r ■ .. ' i 57 while Ag and Bg were titrated directly. Diagrammatical"? y this diviaiQn and titration may be shown as Sample A I total chloroformic extract (50 cc.) i - - ^ - 1 A-j_ (25 cc.) Ag (25 cc.) i warm dry air | ^ I titrate titrate weigh I * Alkaloids Volatile bases Alkaloids The DeKay and Jordan process appears to remove, by use of the warm air apparatus, all the volatile bases present. This can be seen by consulting Table VII, page 47, where on February 7/35, two determinations were carried out and directly titrated without extracting the volatile bases. The results obtained were: 0.07899% 0.08012% Average 0.07956% This result compares favorably with the other results in which the residues were originally treated with warm air, and gave an Average 0.06449% In the determinations in which the residues A and B were equally divided into A-[, Ag and B^ , B^ as outlined on page 56, it was found that the portions titrated without volatile bases removed were consistently higher as evidence t (.00 05} JO 3 r>\ «r>, .00 ' ) r -ii.3 fib m i.s io g ^ r v o-t eiBeqqB r . • , a u* *xcT* on - ->G. snT •-*. • ;• re o 1 3 ■ tin or a;i ;t ’i c oa u yd r ■ r i x rov S'. 1 ' •• i‘i o.r; j ucn'J n \o midst no ©lo.iw ■: •; io v; rd'CS,Tl£> DiT.6 &vq isirw b 9ii ".■ T r C> ■' >s&d f V.- iS- . j 3 O ‘ 31 r b il^fes Juc; £*0.11' a sorb is si . erl^ iiox/lw nl ir.;ec. 03 .L r f& ' )i io< VK 3 ri ■ 3 b .1. J iz. 3 v 3 f 5 30 t -> i 3 mfl£W . , ( . i non a n c jt ^ exi x one o s b a ri $ n I r .■ tjjlx bnuc-l asw cM fad amsq no n aw ik v . . K : n eo e ri r ; rc. r Table V (page 46) in which the four readings of two determinations are recorded. Sample 0.06312% z'. A, treated with air 0.06476% 1 Ag not treated with air B1 0.06434% B2 0.06443% B treated with air 0.06438% 1 B2 not treated with air Here the average alkaloid when bases are removed is 0.06373% and the average alkaloid when bases are not removed is 0.06543%. Since this investigation was interested essentially in total alkaloid determinations, the volatile bases and other residues brought down with the alkaloids were not identified. But in view of the various reports on substances brought down, it would prove an interesting investigation to enquire into the exact nature of all compounds extracted during a normal assay by the B.P. or mechanical methods, of a solanaceous plant. It may disclose many compounds brought down, which at present may be the cause of such various and differing results obtained, as pointed out by Sievers (24). As mentioned, DeKay and Jordan (2) outlined their process with the object of isolating and weighing the volatile residue, which they definitely determined as di- and tri-methyl amines and pyridine. Goris and Larsonneau (8) isolated from Atropa Belladonna many volatile bases, an aliphatic amine, pyridine, N-methyl pyrolline, N-methyl pyrollidine, etc., all present in small quantities. It is possible, moreover, that many more compounds exist in the alkaloidal residue, besides io : T r J. • :-st s oC.i c- 1-3 rlJl . -IT r ; . , ■ r b: 0, r • • rC. T * c 0 .edo C * 0 ,-Jt ‘:5s: J j-,.. ‘I IB aci.v i x®*l$ $c ;t , -?!:;o0. C Devonian e* 3 9 * r :>bdQ.o -£ ■ r a ■ . r<: : .; - - ■. i 3’ ; • e v ^ r e 1 . ' . ; o a 1 8 8ft J t £ . iiTTIOb 1 r r . r J’ j fT 03 0 ' 7 Xf ■ 7. ‘IC cl r.rb ia9‘ t *18x1^0 5 as eesad r JV - , . 7 x C l tuS . x :tnebl 0' or e 1 9w a 6 r XTB 3 i nr r d aoonBTfe cT i.ra rr r, scl- 100 01 •3 a 3 'jlI c 3. pfi9 ©J 1 1 £ 3ll : x 89*1733 nl [ 93O0*l3: X9 r r 3 liO r to « a fL> Ol 0.3710 3iU , . t - ' v * :;'Cf • 7 10 0 Xn- BUI fj YBfll J -i . r>1 • ' - SUO 1*2.0 ?£ 080 9 6-0 Y-3-r:' ^ rt9aan< 1 B llOiaW E18V ;rjc Ini r r 0 7 , 5©fj ? ' ■ i T9t*i i b -”-3 r&jJO ( • i ' *- :5 0 noX Jb r. D £10 . : , :> "r ' i -ft £v 3 3 OCC ‘7f 3 -liobj r 1 • ; •" J ; ... f v i .7 , - X 3. T BHB - X ,J rosi (8) r < ■- ' ■ o i : .... i r ..: : : < • :■ $ ■ r i j ; r v .r ^ rr • r,( : • 7- . • 7 rr: «vc ■ t r ' . • : 7 1 . 30 J ■' 7 3" rr 7-3 r. : L r-x ;,:r.3 r;,t oi: 301x0 abfitfoq 0 STCffi 59 the above mentioned. o. The Methods Finally, the methods used may now be critically examined, with a view of determining their values or disadvantages . 1 . The B.P. 1952 method. There is no doubt that the B.P. 1932 assay methods for the solanaceous plants are tremendous improve¬ ments over the B.P. 1914 methods. The advantages of the former over the latter have been fully dealt with on pp. 23-28, the only factor in the procedure which may lead to error is the technique of titration. All alkaloidal residues should be warmed slightly on a water-bath, after having had the addition of 0.02 N sulphuric acid. All alkaloidal assays by the B.P. process carry down small amounts of colored residues, and if this be warmed while in contact with the acid, a greater degree of solution of alkaloids is affected. It should be then cooled to room temperature and titrated. 2. The DeKay and Jordan method (2). This method in all cases save Atropa Belladonna 1933 crop (see Table XV, p. 55) gives a much higher alkaloidal content than does the B.P. process. This may be due to a number of factors. , : . bor’tn. [ 9il ' r r 3 0 - ? : c 9C won < ' r r •" ’ W'.. M) ‘to vfQiv -3 :i:t i /> « b3ACPA;G3 , • r . . v.-" : ■ c\ :: 1 . wo .0 ff eff : Irt / 0 f.i e . 1' r n . - tfCUO; OA ?16 T ■ • ' • . r ■ -;o; zl'jO'.l? or. f r • • r r ' r j " •. q ■ • ‘ ; , ; { q 3 7 _ - _ 7 3 x "l C ' G t : r 3 . r r - rr » . .'w';; 0 riurlr: rira . ■ „ r . . r . . r r . * . •: ; ‘ ; < -"A : 3' ft 3 'iC .A ' If/. rr ' m?ob - , blOB 9 1 I - ; . ' :h :■ r: :s . . -^Joe ^ i sL'ir ry-r;; c .T, 1. ; r'. 3 . . 10 1 'HODS J: r ^ r:: ; p «-& fl* " r ■ : A .a: -;jcw3 313 scr L \ . 0 c ' " 3 rd :T gtav- r ' f r ,e 10 Jo fit 'to' no cf nun b c-t bud 60 i. Maceration. The extraction of the alkaloids from their natural state may, in this process, be more complete, since maceration is carried on over night. Also there is no chance of loss of drug, since there is no transfer from flask to percolator as in the B.P. method. ii. Extraction. The extraction of freed alkaloids should, by this process as well as in the B.P. process, be complete, since the extractive is tested for absence of alkaloids in both cases. iii. Titration. This process appears to have the better technique as applied to the titration of afkaloidal residues. There should be complete solution of alkaloid, and therefore complete titration of alkaloids present . Though, as reported, various workers have had difficulty in obtaining consistent results by various methods, the above two methods gave, in this investigation, fairly consistent results. . 08 jf on el ©*T3ii^ • eortjte lo aaof lo aonarfo on at ansit r r - r ft « r r r . : ‘ : "■ r-: 10 eOil^OC .'• : * • t r;- ' .. -a 3jr- • !•/' • e \t r r . r r « r r . sasa -xc : BXi. 3 v . • a ‘ I A * I c . « roiusv . batf'IC ’ " ‘T a ' f f < *'•• if ( . j r ' - - .. :•:. - -3 :i r • . no o X 1 3* 61 VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Observations and determinations were carried out on the following Alberta grown plants: Atropa Belladonna Hyoscyamus niger (first year) Hyoscyamus niger (second year) Datura Stramonium Datura Me tel with a view of determining with what success these plants could be grown in central Alberta, from the viewpoint of both growth and alkaloidal content. For the determination of the alkaloidal content of the various plants, two methods were used: (a) The B.P. 1932 method being an example of a cold percolation process; (b) The DeKay and Jordan method, being an example of a hot continuous extraction. From the investigation the following conclusions were drawn. 1. The above plants can be successfully grown in central Alberta. 2. The roots of Atropa Belladonna cannot resist the winter climate. 3. The roots of Hyoscyamus niger can resist winter climate. 4. The moisture contents were fairly uniform. . 3 ido 9*1 v* .. Italian , loi vrteadO : j .. r, ; ; t “ .it.i ■. r r. c - - vt :T : ■ d .V.. , . j ‘ill 2- . iL j _ • r ■ ' . r\- _ .-2vA:i-. t • . < - . 1. r : ’• r . • ~ r> r ' r > ' ro 'lift l u: C fj - , , . J : • . wl'c- 7 r-‘ ^.fCX-TSV -nd ‘JO ' 3d orlJ9ffl abIj'ioX b0B ^0290 eriT (dj . no : jor "70S ;\tnc o ilwoXIot arid- rtoid'BSi^s^vni: oner moil siwaib e *rew f . .j./i-: d 2* r $Ttfnso ni . j r ■ ti . ; " /: : Q:7V • 2. • • :: ■ . DJ-ecni lo ledriw : CM f>riT . £ 62 5. The ash values were within the B.P. limits. 6. Atropa Bell adonna produced alkaloid in excess of B.P. requirements. 7. Hyoscyamus niger (both years) falls below the alkaloidal requirements of the B.P. except by the DeKay and Jordan method. 8. Second year’s growth of Hyoscyamus niger is richer in alkaloid than that of the first year. 9. Datura Stramonium falls just below the alkaloidal requirements of the B.P. 10. Datura Me tel falls below the results given for commercial samples, and the growth is not particularly successful in Alberta. 11. By both methods used, and from results obtained, the solanaceous alkaloids are more stable than they are variously reported to be. 12. To avoid inaccurate results, plants contain¬ ing volatile bases should be treated for their removal. 13. Using both methods on the same plants, the DeKay and Jordan method shows a much higher result, due probably, to more complete extraction. VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to to. A. W. Matthews, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy at the University of Alberta, for his valuable suggestions, criticisms and assistance given during the period of the investigation . - : ./ r . • . • " ■ ■ 3 ' 1 . c; r ■ , 9 "i . . 1c :o^XS y?c -id a r.rc/i r.'u'&'i iitod « • .;oac , : ♦ Y ‘ -3m r.. i r " ■■■ v \ . nvh'ic1. JbiUi \^y{5u g . - . vm, * t c 30f .■ 3mev' rzbtc Is'A r8 rial X - . ,/J" : r_ rU r‘,\: -■ 3 '-’DO .. , r • : -It * r r r - - ' ' • ■ r i " ■ t t . r<: iw osistrs 3 - -. a*ioii‘ Gvi t v rd & d OTcq :>;jr ;;.3 r -l-: 93$ 9 rworoCoa o-f aeiiaiw 'xeJx^xw erfT . o ~ ' - ... - r , IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY BORNEMAN, I. A. Successful cultivation of medicinal • plants in Pennsylvania. Am. J. Pharm. pp . 546- 554. Dec. 1912. DEKAY and JORDAN. The assay of Hyoscyamus. J. A. Ph. A. p. 316. Apr. 1934. DOHME , A.R.L. A.S.D. XXI from Proc . A. Ph. A. 1894. p. 231. 1094. EVANS and DAVY. The assay of Hyoscyamus. J. A. Ph. A. p* 388. May 1934. _ and GOODRICH. Washington Belladonna and methods of assay. A. Ph. A. Sci . Sect. p. 824. Sept. 1933. EVERS, NORMAN. The titration of alkaloids. J. A. Ph. A. p. 676, and J. Soc . Chem. Ind. XI: 233. 1921. GORIS and DETUARD. Bull. Sci. Pharmacol. XXIV: 74. __ and IARSONNEAU. J. Pharm. Ghim. 23:175. (Br. Ph. Ass’n) . 1921. HENRY, T.A. 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' MV ' ; r r ' ; ’ . , . . „ ■ .0 ' , ?. 3 ■ : ' ' , . r . - • - ^ - r ‘ ■ ‘I*: •' O -• ‘V C.fl 0. . : V ' C -S8I • " . : rj .- r,- . Tfir; • * •\ r _ r . r . < T£- . . . ... . J rq f rsa r ;> r • - r . 0 r . *S , ■ - ^ . . r # . ... . ... r .. Ivj c . VS; . r . vc i . ■ ' . q . . . . . . s ■ - r~'.. r ; .: - - ■ * ' . , . r * . , r . r-' r » 1 . . a. .vs • QS . 03 .es , c;;8£ .Of- .