mm Hi AN INVESTIGATION OF LINEAR TRANSIENTS ASSO- CIATED WITH A TIME DEPENDENT BOTTOM SPIRAL Norman Thomas Camp NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS » AN INVESTIGATION OF LINEAR TRANSIENTS ASSOCIATED WITH A TIME DEPENDENT BOTTOM SPIRAL by Norman Thoma s Camp Thesis Advisor . J .A. Gait March 1972 Approved faoh puhtlc h.eA.a; dti&ubuution antariLted. An Investigation of Linear Transients Associated With a Time Dependent Bottom Spiral by Norman Thomas Camp Lieutenant Commander , United States Navy Ed.B., Rhode Island College, 1962 Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL March 1972 ABSTRACT Ekman's linear equations for time dependent flow (neglecting wind stress) are solved using a time dependent Green's function and the method suggested by Welander (1957). The solution represents the vertical velocity profile in terms of the local time history of the changes in sea surface elevation determined by the divergence of the flow in the vertically integrated continuity equation. A fully implicit finite-difference scheme is developed to re- present a time dependent seiche oscillating across a shallow infinite channel. The transients associated with the formation of the bottom spiral are clearly represented by the model and the influence of friction and Coriolis are individually and collectively introduced. The model allows independent calculation of velocity, volume trans- port, sea surface elevation, bottom stress, and the total energy balance of the system. The numerical scheme provides a method for adequately describing and investigating certain classes of time dependent motion, and its development suggests a mechanism for improving numerical prediction of storm surge. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 8 A. BACKGROUND 8 B. PREVIOUS RELATED RESEARCH 9 C. THESIS OBJECTIVES 10 II. THE FORMAL SOLUTION 12 A. GOVERNING EQUATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS 12 B. METHOD OF SOLUTION 14 C. DISCUSSION OF THE FORMAL SOLUTION 15 III. THE NUMERICAL SOLUTION 17 A. FORMULATION OF THE MODEL 17 1. Establishment of a Representative Cross Section 17 2. Establishment of Governing Non-dimensional Ratio 19 3. Adaptation of the Formal Solution to the Model 21 4. Initial Conditions 22 5. Boundary Conditions 22 6. The Step-by-step Scheme 22 7. The Implicit Finite-Difference Scheme 23 8. Numerical Treatment of CI and C2 28 9. Velocity Calculations 30 10. Bottom Stress Calculations 30 11. Energy Calculations 30 12. Scaling of Model Output 31 3 B. TESTING THE MODEL 32 1. Establishing a Reference Solution 32 2. Accuracy and Stability of the Model 33 C. MODEL LIMITATIONS 39 IV. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS 4l A. TEST CASES AND GEOPHYSICAL SIMULATIONS 4l 1. Description of Test Cases --4l 2. Description of Geophysical Simulations 4l B. DISCUSSION OF TEST RUN RESULTS 4l 1. Frictional Effects on the Flow 4l / 2. Coriolis Effects on the Flow 51 3. Combined Effects of Friction and Coriolis 56 C. DISCUSSION OF THE GEOPHYSICAL SIMULATIONS 66 V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 69 APPENDIX A: DETAILS OF THE FINITE- DIFFERENCE SCHEME 72 APPENDIX B: DETAILS OF REPRESENTING CI , C2 , VELOCITY AND BOTTOM STRESS 77 APPENDIX C: COMPUTER PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 8l COMPUTER PROGRAM 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY 90 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 91 FORM DD 1473 92 LIST OF TABLES I. Parameters of Test Cases (Runs 1 - 25) 42 II. Parameters of Geophysical Simulations 43 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Pictorial Depiction of Model Basin 18 2. Comparison of Free Surface Elevation for Model and Analytic Solution (PCF=0) , PCD=0) 34 3. Comparison of Free Surface Elevation for Model and Analytic Solution (PCF=1, PCD=0) 35 4. Comparison of Energy Balance For Model and Analytic Solution (PCF=0, PCD=0) 36 5. Changes in Energy Balance as a Function of Time Step 37 6. Effects of Friction on the Free Surface (PCF=0) 45 7. Effects of Friction on Mid-Channel Transport (PCF=0) 46 8. Effects of Friction on Energy Balance (PCF=0) 47 9. Comparison of Bottom Stress and Mid-Channel Transport (PCF=0, PCD=1) 48 10. Effects of Friction on Mid-Channel Velocity (PCF=0, PCD=2)-50 11. Effects of Inertial Rotation on Surface Elevation (PCD=0)--52 12. Effects of Inertial Rotation on Mid-Channel Transport (PCD=0) -- - --53 13- Comparison of Bottom Stress and Mid-Channel Transport (PCF=.5, PCD=1) 57 14. Comparison of Bottom Stress and Mid-Channel Transport (PCF=1, PCD=1) 58 15. Effects of Friction and Inertial Rotation on the Free Surface 59 16. Effects of Friction and Inertial Rotation on Energy Balance 60 17. Hodograph of Mid-Channel Velocity (t=5T) 6l 18. Effects of Friction and Inertial Rotation on Mid-Channel Velocity (PCF=1, PCD=1 ) 63 19. Effects of Friction and Inertial Rotation on Mid-Channel Velocity (PCF=1, PCD=1, t=3T/4) 64 20. Effects of Friction and Inertial Rotation on Mid-Channel Velocity (PCF=1, PCD=1, t=T) 65 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The topic for this thesis was suggested by Assistant Professor Jerry A. Gait of the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. His valuable experience in the field of ocean dynamics and his guidance in developing the conceptual model contributed greatly to the successful completion of this research. Assistant Professor R.H. Franke provided helpful ideas during the research and contributed valuable time and thought reading the manuscript. To these people the author expresses his sincere thanks. Addi- tionally the author wishes to express his long overdue appreciation to his wife, who provided a needed source of encouragement and a sympathetic ear. I. INTRODUCTION "The purpose of computing is insight not numbers" (Hamming, 1962) A. BACKGROUND Oceanographers use a number of techniques for the study of oceanic flow including analysis of hydrographic data, use of hydraulic laboratory models, and mathematical treatment of the basic equations of motion. Initially oceanic circulation was treated as a steady state problem, and various investigators have been successful in representing and explaining many of the gross features of oceanic circulation using each of these techniques. Mathematical treatment of oceanic circulation began with Ekman's analysis (1905) of wind-driven circulation and his results have been extended by a number of authors. (Sverdrup, 1947, Munk, 1950, Bryan, 1959) For the most part the study of large scale ocean dynamics has been done with steady state formulations. Mathematical treatment of time dependent motion is far less complete in the literature than that of steady state. It is also far more difficult to compare results due to the scarcity of reliable data. The complex nature of the solutions to time de- pendent boundary value problems further increases this difficulty. These solutions take the form of varying differential, integral, and infinite series equations whose numerical evaluation was not feasible until the advent of the high speed computer and the de- velopment of appropriate numerical techniques. In the last decade these methods have been applied, through numerical models, to the problems of explaining and predicting the various details of fluid motion in both the atmosphere and the oceans. Although much success has been attained with these methods, many critical questions still need explanation. Many of these questions relate to the structure of the various frictional boundary layers, the details of their development, and the resulting effects on the interior flow. Many complicated engineering problems occur in near shore and other shallow water regions. The time dependent nature of these areas is well documented and the resulting flow is greatly modified due to interaction with the ocean bottom. Therefore an understanding of the nature of time dependent flow at all levels is fundamental to dealing with problems in these areas. The question of how readjust- ment takes place and how the many transients can be appropriately represented in the bottom frictional boundary layer has not been adequately explained. Further, it is necessary to understand the dynamic coupling between the flow and the development of the bottom boundary layer before accurate modeling techniques can be developed. It is towards this understanding that this work was directed. B. PREVIOUS RELATED RESEARCH Work by Welander (1957) dealt with obtaining time dependent solutions using Ekman dynamics. His results were presented in terms of a time dependent Green's function and were related to the problems of predicting tides and storm surges. He demonstrated that the velocity profile, volume transport, sea level elevation, and bottom stress could be exactly represented by his "integr o-dif ferent ial" solution. It was suggested that this solution could be used to improve storm surge and tide predictions. A step-by-step numerical scheme was proposed, but the details of the scheme were not presented in the literature. Gait (1970) covered much of the same material that Welander presented but used a different method of solution. The solution allowed a more explicit formulation of results which provided more insight into the possible transients present and the relevant time scales of each. He discussed the need for information relating to time dependent flow in shallow water regions, and suggested that the numerical investigation of the interaction between a seiche and its associated transient bottom spiral might be useful in de- termining how the various transients present are effectively coupled. C. THESIS OBJECTIVES Since the major area of interest was to be the bottom boundary layer, the first objective was to formally solve the governing equations neglecting wind stress. The solution would therefore not allow a surface Ekraan spiral to develop and effect the interior flow. It will be showed that the solution can be represented by two equations, one integral and one differential. These equations are similar in form to the ones developed by Welander and Gait. Although both of these authors proposed that these equations could be solved numerically using step-by-step procedures, it was not initially apparent whether a stable and accurate numerical scheme was feasible. Therefore the second objective was to formulate a numerical model capable of simultaneously solving these equations. 10 Finally, as suggested by Gait, this model would be applied to represent a seiche to examine the relationships which developed between the various transients. 11 II. THE FORMAL SOLUTION A. GOVERNING EQUATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS The momentum equations considered are essentially those used by Ekraan. The non-linear and horizontal friction terms are assumed small and neglected. The Coriolis parameter, the density, and the coefficient of vertical friction are all assumed constant. Thus: 2 bu - . b u b£ , , . fv _ k_ _ . g _- (1) Oz __ + fu . k = . g ^ . (2) Oz Where u and v are velocities in the x and y-dir ect ions , f the Coriolis parameter, g the acceleration of gravity, and k the constant coefficient of vertical friction. ?(x,y,t) is the ele- vation of the free surface and the z-axis is considered positive up. The third equation necessary to solve for u, v, and § is the vertically integrated continuity equation. |L + |u + bV = bt bx by K3' where 0 „ 0 U = \udz;V = \vdz (4) -h "-h is the volume transport and h = h(x,y) is the depth of the water. § is assumed small compared to h. 12 Neglecting the effects of wind stress on the motion results in the following linearized boundary conditions on u and v: 4 x=-h " ° » <">2=-h " ° ■ <6> For this development it was assumed that initially a state * of rest exists: (u)t=0 = o ; (v)t=0 = 0 . (7) As in Welander ' s work the following complex notation was introduced: w = u + iv (8) bn bx by Where i = V^T. Using this notation eqs . (1), (2), (6), and (7) can be expressed as follows: * Urn = - 9 H (9) (10) (ii) <»>z=-h " ° • <12> Equations (9) through (12) define the initial/boundary valued problem that must be solved to specify u and v. Although (f~~) in eq. (9) is not externally specified it can theoretically be deter- mined by integrating eq. (3). This makes it possible to treat it as a time dependent forcing term (i.e. «j*- (t)). 13 bw bt " k *2 b w x 2 oz C&.N) = ° (W)t: =0 = 0 B. METHOD OF SOLUTION To solve the problem begin by multiplying eqs . (9) through ift * ift (12) by e ' and introducing the relation w = we . Then eqs. (9) through (12) can be written as: I * 2 * bw . b w _ ift b? . . _ _ k _ _ ge g- (t) (13) QZ <»*>t=o ■ ° <15» (»*)z=-h - ° • (16> A solution to eqs. (13) through (16) can be obtained by using a time dependent Green's function approach as described below. Assume w* = 0 (t) Z (z) (17) where Z (z) satisfies the boundary conditions and 0 (t) satisfies mv mv ' the initial conditions. Z (z) is the eigen-f unction determined by mv ' * applying standard separation of variables to the homogeneous part of eq. (13) using eqs. (14) and (16). It is found to be: Z (z) = cos(pz) (18) wher e . _ _ . P- ^=111 (19) 0 (t) is determined by substituting eq. (17) into eq. (13) requiring that 0 (t) satisfy eq. (15), and using the orthogonality of the cosine function to determine the appropriate constants. Thus a (tJ = 23Lg£\ e"kP '<">■ (P£l fVl^UX*"*') &f )«■ (22) v "' ' ' h m=l p J_ onv ' v ' w C. DISCUSSION OF THE FORMAL SOLUTION It is apparent at a glance that eq. (22) satisfies the boundary and initial conditions. Substituting eq. (22) into eq. (9) yields as a residue: oo m £ . -^~) — cos(pz) = - 1 . (23) m=l ph vt- / \ ^/ It is easily verified that the left hand side of eq. (23) is simply the cosine expansion of the right hand side, and therefore eq. (22), in the limit, is an exact solution to the initial problem. Equation (22) represents the horizontal currents at all depths resulting from the pressure gradient produced by the slope of the sea surface at a particular point and instant in time. The integral term carries a running summation of the currents resulting from the slope in the past history of the flow. These currents are modi- fied in time by a rotation and decay represented by the weighting function e-(kp2+if)(t-t'). This weighting function introduces two interesting time scales into the problem. The first is the inert ial rotation period, which 15 varies as a function of latitude. For mid-latitude locations it is on the order of 20 hours. The second time scale is introduced by the exponential decay (T ) represented by Td = ^ - ^2 2 ' W d kp k(2m-l) tt This is a function of depth and friction, but for typical values 2 (k = .01 m /sec, h = 50m) it is on the order of 28 hours for the first term in the series to decay to 1/e of its initial value. This is the slowest term to decay. The motion represented by (22) depends on the surface slope and thus new time scales are introduced into the solution. These depend on the horizontal dimensions represented and enter through the integration of the continuity equation (3). Time scales re- lated to set up of the sea surface and seiche periods will govern the time rate of change of the surface slope. This change initiates the transients present in the geostrophic and bottom currents, which show the inertial rotation and exponential decay previously noted. 16 III. THE NUMERICAL SOLUTION A. FORMULATION OF THE MODEL 1 . Establishment of a Representative Cross Section In formulating the numerical scheme it was decided to simplify the model by neglecting the derivatives along the y-axis. To accomplish this without the loss of any essential physics, it was decided to allow the seiche to oscillate across a narrow, shallow channel of infinite length. This prevents sea surface slopes from developing along the length of the channel but is otherwise non-restrictive. The simplification further reduces the problem to one of looking at a cross-sectional distribution of variables in the channel. It was further decided to restrict the model by considering a cross-section of constant rectangular dimensions. The width and depth of the basin considered were fixed at 5000 meters and 30 meters respectively, and Figure 1 is a pictorial depiction of this cross section. These simplifications allow eqs . (3) and (22) to be re- presented in the model as M * g - 0 (35) ,(x,z,t) - 22 E , (-1)"c°«(p») rV(kp2+")(t-f ) |i(f)df (26) h m=l p J 0xv ' 17 30 m BASIN CROSS-SECTION 5000m z ->x Z:o z:-h X=o MODEL CROSS -SECT ION X=L Figure 1. Pictorial Depiction of Model Basin 18 2 . Establishment of Governing Non-dimensional Ratios To represent the various time scales and frictional co- efficients possible with more general time dependent motion the model was scaled to the period (T) of a free oscillating seiche in the model basin, and the coefficient of vertical friction determined by Ekraan's "depth of frictional resistance (D)". Equation (26) was scaled as follows: T = Jk . (27) fgh D = TT jli ; (28) Let, t = * Tt t* = * Tt1 dt' = T dt' * * Lx x = — (eleven grid points across the channel) .. 10A vP* b£ _ o b£ bx L " v * Ox * * * * where t , tf ,5 » x , are non-dimensional quantities and A is o the free surface elevation at x = 0, t = 0. Substituting eqs . (27) through (29) into eq. (26) yields: w = 2£S (-1) CQ5(P2) o_ re-(-^- + if)(t-t') T h m=l p L JQ 2tt be* * X -% dt' . (30) bx Recalling that p = ' m~ ' ~, and a = -—-, eq. (30) may be written 19 i„ „ rt/T r0 ,f* (2m-l) ,D, ^ . 40g AT00 . 1Nm , f -12tt(-:) -^ *— (-) + i ^ o _ (-1) cos(pz)\ v<7 ' L o vh' e_n / ->_ t \~ Ja e L m=l (2iq-1)tt ^0 2 _ 2 (t-t»)* * x ^ dt' . (31) bx It was determined that the two non dimensional ratios, (f/CT) and (D/h), appearing in eq. (30) govern the time/spacial scale and frictional dependence of the motion. For discussion and computation the first was designated (PCF) and the second (PCD) . The first of these ratios represents the relationship between the earth's inertial frequency and the frequency of the basin in the following manner . f = 2fisin 0 where £2 is the frequency of the earth's rotation and 0 is the latitude. a = 2tt F , m where F is the resonance frequency of the basin. Since no external m forcing terms were used in the solution, F is also the approximate m rr frequency of the motion. Thus: f _ Q sin0 OF m The model was scaled for (0 £ PCF ^ 1). A value of (PCF = 0) represents motion of a time scale which occurs too quickly to be affected by Coriolis accelerations, while a value of (PCF = 1) represents motion whose time scale is equal to that of inertial rotation and subsequently greatly influenced. 20 The second term, PCD, is the ratio of the depth of frictional influence (Sverdrup, Johnson, and Fleming, 1942) to the actual water depth. The coefficient of vertical friction was de- termined in the model from eq. (28) as k = (PCDX?h)2 Xf . (3la) 2n The model was scaled for (0 ^ PCD ^2). A value of (PCD = 0) represents a very deep basin where frictional effects on the motion are minimal, while (PCD = 2) represents a basin where friction domi- nates the motion. If the time scale of the motion being represented by the model is controlled strictly by the resonance of the basin, then the spacial scale of the basin is determined by a choice of PCD and PCF. PCD will govern the approximate depth of the basin while PCF determines the basin width through eq. (27). Certain con- clusions about motion caused by external forces (i.e. tides, atmospheric pressure) producing time scales independent of the basin size were also inferred from the model and are discussed in the conclusions. 3« Adaptation of the Formal Solution to the Model To establish two equations that could be solved simulta- neously for sea surface elevation and transport, eq. (26) was integrated in the vertical using eqs . (4) and (8). Thus: p ° and W = U + iV. Equation (32) represents the total volume trans- port associated with the flow at a particular point in the channel. 21 The real part of eq. (32) represents the cross-channel transport, while the imaginary part the along-channel transport. The numerical scheme was established to solve eqs . (25) and (32) for § and W. The velocity profile, bottom stress, and energy balance associated with the flow were also recoverable from the scheme, and the details for this recovery will be discussed later . 4. Initial Conditions The model assumes an initial state of rest in the motion and an initial set-up of the free surface. This was represented as W(x,0) = 0, (33) and ?(x,0) = Aocos &Zl } (34) where W = W(x,t) and § = ?(x,t). 5. Boundary Conditions Since the governing equations were solved without reference to horizontal boundaries, these conditions had to be built into the model. The model therefore assumes no flow across the horizontal boundaries, or W(0,t) = W(L,t) = 0. (35) These conditions were satisfied by requiring the surface slope to remain zero at these boundaries at all times. Therefore eq. (32) is forced to meet the conditions of eq. (35). 6 . The Step-by-step Scheme Both Welander and Gait suggested that a step-by-step numerical scheme could be used to solve eqs. (25) and (32). As a 22 first solution the staggered central difference scheme suggested by Gait was used and is summarized below. t = - At Given initial conditions on W. t = 0 Given initial conditions on §. t = At Calculate W from eq. (32) using r* at t = 0, t = 2At Calculate £ using an explicit finite-difference scheme on eq. (25) and U at t = At. Calculate a new surface slope. t = 3At . . . etc. The term At is the time step of the explicit scheme. This scheme was developed neglecting Coriolis (f = 0) in eq. (32). The scheme proved to be stable and accurate subject to the following stability criterion: YIh^< 1 • (36) The expression Ax is the spacial step across the channel. It was felt however that a more precise solution, not subject to such a restricted stability criterion, could be formulated using a totally implicit finite-difference scheme. The development of this method is now presented. 7. The Implicit Finite-difference Scheme The implicit scheme used is a modification of a method described by Richtmyer and Morton (1967). Start by approximating the time rate of change of the transport as follows: bt At (37) 23 From eq. (32) bw bt P L^O = I. ("2fl s JL At / h m=l : L P ^ e-(kp2+if)(t-tM |L(t.)dt, t+At e-(kp2+if)(t+At-f ) 6S(t.)dt (38) By expanding the first integral as \ + \ and regrouping terms J0 Jt eq. (38) may be written as »S = JL f-22 e 1 C* e-(Kp2*«)(t-f)(e-(kp2-if)At. M.(t,)dt,\ ot At I h m=l 2 J. v ' 0xv ' J At ( h m=l 2 ^t At e-(kp2+if)(t+At-t') b£ bxx ' (39) Eqs . (25) and (32) can then be represented in the following form: ^bt; At 2 bu\ /bu bx;t l^bx (40) t + At J where i$3L = #S_% + /C2_ vbt; At vAt ; v2At' t 2 2 . fill +/ss bxjt ^6x, 2 . (41) a».-afi. 1 f .-civ +if)(t-t»> -(kp+if)At s(t.)dt. (42) h m-1 2 J,. v ' 0xv ' P ° 00 x pt+At = m=l ~2 \ P t C2* = "42s , i V" """ e-(kp"+if)(t+At-t')dt, 24 Equations (40) and ( 4l ) can be represented in Matrix form as follows : j a i; (49) (50) and I is the ( 3X3 ) identity matrix. Using eqs . (47), (49), and (50), values of E. and F. were calculated inductively in order of increasing j(j = 1,2,3,..., J-l). Since the value of 9 . , is given for j = J-l by the model's right j+1 J hand boundary condition (U = V = 0 and %, - % ), values of 9. were then calculated inductively from eq. (46) in order of decreasing j(j = J-l, J-2, ... , 1). This completes the calculation y. i 1 of 9 . (j = 1,2,3, ... , J-l). The details of the mathematics for representing E., F., D., and eq. (46) are presented in appendix A. 27 8. Numerical Treatment of CI and C2 The numerical scheme for representing CI and C2 is extremely lengthy and is merely outlined in this section. For a more detailed presentation the reader is referred to appendix B. The integration of CI was performed by dividing the total integration time into small time intervals (At) and assuming that the surface slope and effects of inertial rotation could be re- presented adequately by a constant throughout ^:he interval. These values were calculated at the raid-point of each At interval and used in the scheme as representative values throughout the entire sub-interval. This permitted the integral to be evaluated analyt- ically over each interval with a maximum error on the order of these approximations. Using these assumptions CI was numerically represented as cl*i = -& rv-L j_(1.e- kP2At) M=l (^p Ikp J N=l L i-i r ^B .. i .2 S ,^^-h, - kp At -if At .. 2 X (e"if(I"^"N)At)(e'kp (I-1-N)At (51) *1 for I = 2, 3, ... , and CI =0. The value of the integer I ranges from 1 to MAXT (maximum problem time) and IAt represents the elapsed time from initial conditions. L takes on integer values from 1 to MAXL (maximum number of cross-channel grid points) and LAx is the distance from the left boundary. The integer M ranges from 1 to MAXM, and determines the maximum number of modes in the series that are included in the approximation of CI . It was determined from eq. (23) that MAXM = 25 would represent the solution with a maximum error of three percent, and this value was used throughout all 28 numerical evaluations. The integer N takes on the values from 1 to (1-1) and determines, through the exponential terms, how much rotation and decay has taken place in the recent time history of each transient considered. Since the terms of the series decay more rapidly with increasing friction (especially the higher modes), it was not necessary to carry their integration as far back as N = 1. It was decided to include only the terms of significant magnitude, and this was accomplished by requiring that when the 2 value of kp (I-l-N)At in eq. (51) was greater than 10, the cor- responding terms were discarded. The integration of C2 involves only one time interval (t to t+At) . Again the amount of inertial rotation was evaluated at the mid-point and assumed constant throughout the interval, and 02 was evaluated as the following constant: C2 _ MAXM . ,.,! A„_x • = - 2g_ s e-if(?§At) h M=l 2- (i-e-kP2At) kp' (52) CI and C2 both contain the term — — (1-e p ) , and for k = 0 this term can . kp J kp not be numerically evaluated in this form. However this difficulty 2 . , . -kp At . _ was overcome by expanding e c in a Taylor series, i.e. (i - kp2At * i^n\ us^Ati3) (53) and substituting this series for the term in eqs . (51) and (52) 2 -U whenever the value of kp At was less than 10 . The method for separating the real and imaginary parts of * * CI and C2 involves using the relation e = cos(ft) - i sin(ft) 29 in eqs . (51) and (52) and gathering terras. The details are covered in appendix B. 9. Velocity Calculations The velocity profiles across the channel were calculated by the model at discrete time intervals determined by an input parameter. Noting the simularity between the integral of eq. (26) and CI , it was numerically possible to compute and store the terms of these integrals needed for velocity, during the calculation of * CI . For velocity profile computation, these stored values were recalled and applied in eq. (26). The details for numerically re- presenting eq. (26) is also presented in appendix B. 10. Bottom Stress Calculations The bottom stress (T) associated with the motion was calculated using the following relation: ' = k (If ) ...* or fr om eq. (26) , r=Ms" f e-(kP2+if)(t-t-) jji(t.)dt. . h m=l Jn bxv ' (54) Since the integral term of eq. (54) is identical to that of eq. (26), bottom stress is easily calculated whenever the velocity profile is recovered. Appendix B also contains the details for this calculation. 11. Energy Calculations , The total energy balance associated with the seiche is a sum of its potential and kinetic energy. This balance was 30 calculated as follows: PE = h p g \ %2 dx (55) J0 KE = h P \ \ w dx dz ( 56 ) PE and KE are the potential and kinetic energies and (p) is the is the density of the water. Equations (55) and (56) were evaluated using Simpson's 1/3 rule (McCalla, 1967) whenever velocity was calculated. The energy calculations were monitored during model testing as a calculational check since small numerical errors were quickly apparent in increasing energy levels. 12. Scaling of Model Output Since the governing equations for the model were scaled to produce the ratios PCF and PCD, the output of the model must be appropriately re-scaled to obtain real values for the variables. The series of graphs were produced on a CALCOMP plotter with cor- responding values from the model. The various axes were auto- matically scaled by the computer to fit the data being represented. These axes were then re-scaled using a non-dimensional scaling factor derived from the continuity equation to allow real values to be easily obtained. The exception is the figures depicting the energy balance, which are not scaled and should only be used to indicate relative changes in energy levels. 31 The scales for the various axes are as follows: AXIS SCALE Surface Elevation §/A o Time Velocity t (gh)2 2L 2w (h/g) 2 C..A 1 o 2W Transport 1 — C2Ao(gh)^ 2T(h)3/2 Bottom Stress ' i C3Aokg^ The values of g , h, k, A , L are determined from the actual basin being represented and C. , C , C are scaling con- J- £• J stants dependent on the parameters of the prototype basin and the scaling of the graphs by the computer. These values are calculated for each figure and inserted in the scale. The variables, t, w, W, §, and T are the real values associated with the basin being re- presented and may easily be obtained from the graphs by entering appropriate arguments for g, k, h, A , and L in the corresponding scale. B. TESTING THE MODEL 1. Establishing a Reference Solution One of the major difficulties in numerical analysis is verifying the accuracy and stability of the scheme. Since many numerical solutions deal with problems that have no analytical 32 solutions it is common practice to test the accuracy of these models against empirical data, or analytical solutions involving degenerate cases. As previously noted, data pertaining to time dependent flow is extremely scarce, and it was decided to test the accuracy of the model against a known analytical solution for the degenerate case where PCD = 0 (i.e. no friction). Analytical solutions to this case are readily available in the literature and a modification of one proposed by Prodman (1952) was used in the verification of the accuracy of the numerical scheme. 2 . Accuracy and Stability of the Model The accuracy of the model was determined by comparing the numerical representation of the free surface elevation at (x = 0), the raid-channel transport, and the total energy balance, with the analytical values. Figures 2 through 5 highlite this comparison and indicate that the accuracy of the model was a function of time step (At) and the Coriolis parameter (f). It was noted that as the time step was reduced the numerical solution appeared to converge to the analytical solution. The phase shift in surface elevation over five periods was reduced from 45 degrees for (At = T/20) to 24 degrees for (At = T/40) and appeared to be independent of the value of Coriolis. This error might possibly be introduced into the system by approximating the sea surface slope as a constant value in the time history integration scheme. As (At) increases this linear approximation is extended over a greater time span and the resulting errors amplified. As the value of the Coriolis parameter was increased, the error in representing the amplitude of the free surface and total energy balance also increased, as 33 hX01 OljCM cd e CD N (T5 e u O 2: o CM O < •H — ' >x r-l i-H CD c o < 2 C o •rl o o •H >» iH c 0) -o o s w o Vi c o A3 > CD iH (X) CD o Vi u Crt CD ^ CD O W U. II tfl o •H w II rtJ CUfc £ U O (X u — CD VI •H fa Normalized Elevation at X - O (§/A ) 34 s: 01 0> B •H H 0) N e O •P c < 0) o 2 h\n Dl CM 0> e •H H *0 N E H o C 0) XI o w o Q 0) U H rv (i) 0) H O (0 II H Cx, «w O c o in •H VI m c o iH o CX H o c u < ro 0) Normalized Elevation at x = 0 (§/A ) o 35 m o CM H II •p o < •H ■♦-» >> i-i iH •rl to. 37 depicted in Figures 3 and 5- The amplitude deviation was a maximum of one percentage for (At = T/20) and the energy rise was 8.5 and 3.7 percentage for (At = T/20) and At = T/40) respectively. Errors of this nature did not appear for solutions which neglected Coriolis, and possibly were introduced by approximating the amount of rotation [i.e. e * ' ] as a constant in the integration scheme. It is not exactly clear how this error increases the energy in the model but it was observed that it appeared linear and very systematic. To determine whether this energy rise constituted a numerical instability, a standard Fourier series method (Smith, 1965) of stability analysis was attempted on eq. (44). However, due to the complicated nature of the amplification matrix, the eigenvalues could not be readily obtained and the analysis was abandoned. As an alternate test, the model was run with (At = T/5) for (t = 5T) . This corresponds to fgh — > 3 , and resulted in a l AX _t further linear rise in the energy level. These errors were there- fore judged to constitute a problem in numerical accuracy and not stability, for the range in which the test cases were run. It was further found that the magnitudes of these errors could be predicted and controlled by varying the time step, and the model was run maintaining a maximum allowable error of one percent in the elevation and transport amplitude, and four percent rise in the total energy balance. This was accomplished by using a time step of (At = T/20) for (PCF < .5), and (At = T/40) for (PCF ^ .5). Since the errors in phase shift were strictly a function of time step, they were completely predictable and accounted for during data analysis. 38 It should be noted that for cases where friction is neglected (k = 0), the transients do not decay with time and must be carried throughout the integration scheme. Additionally, the bottom boundary condition degenerates to a free slip situation and the approximation of a constant velocity profile with a truncated cosine series becomes more inaccurate. The number of calculations increase rapidly as friction is decreased, which may introduce increasing errors in round-off. Based on the comparison with the analytical solution it was concluded that the accuracy of the model could be sufficiently controlled such that the details of time dependent motion, as described by the governing integral and differential equations, could be adequately represented and examined. C. MODEL LIMITATIONS The most serious limitation imposed on the model were the basic assumptions of Ekman dynamics used in the formal solution of the governing equations. These assumptions were considered necessary to simplify the mathematical treatment of these equations to the extent that a numerical solution was feasible. The additioanl simplifications imposed during the formulation of the model further limit its capabilities. It was felt however that valuable experi- ence in the techniques of numerically representing time dependent motion would be gained during the formulation of this simplified model, and insight gained from the numerical product. With this information available it might be possible to further refine the model and remove many of the more important restrictions. The 39 limitations inherent in the present model are listed in this section and the more important ones will be discussed in section (V) with recommendations for improving the scheme. The basic assumptions made in arriving at eq. (22) have the following limiting effects of the model's capabilities: 1) the non-linear terms in the motion have been ignored; 2) a variation in the coefficient of vertical friction in the layer was not permitted; 3) the assumption of constant density neglects the effects of stratification on the pressure gradients in the layer, and the subsequent modification of the vertical momentum transfer; and 4) horizontal friction was considered insignificant and neglected. Simplification of the model resulted in the additional limitation: 5) the assumption of a constant basin neglects the important effects of bottom topography on the flow. This is es- pecially important for considering motion in shallow near shore areas where these effects are large. 40 IV. PRESENTATION OF RESULTS A. TEST CASES AND GEOPHYSICAL SIMULATIONS 1. Description of Test Cases In order to gain maximum insight into the physical processes occurring in the motion, as well as to study the effects of inertial rotation and friction on the variables, the model was run for 25 test cases in the ranges of (0 £ PCF ^ 1) and (0 £ PCD ^ 2). Table I summarized the various controlling parameters of each run and includes the Central Process Unit (CPU) time used on the IBM 36O/67 system for each program. 2. Description of Geophysical Simulations As interesting dynamic interactions developed in the test cases, it was decided to simulate actual geophysical embayments to determine to what extent these phenomena were present and significant. The actual length, depth, and latitude of the basins were measured and used to calculate (f ) , (0-), and (PCF). An Ekman depth of 20 meters was assumed in the calculation of (PCD) . Runs 26-3O represent these simulations and the various imput parameters are summarized in Table II. B. DISCUSSION OF TEST RUN RESULTS 1. Frictional Effects on the Flow To describe the conditions where friction totally dominates the motion, the model was run with varying amounts of friction and (PCF =0). It must be noted that by neglecting the effects of inertial rotation, the Ekman depth is no longer specified as hi Table I. Parameters of Test Cases (runs 1-25) RUN NO. PCF PCD CPU(MIN-SEC) 1 .25 .5 6-2 2 .25 1.0 3-51 3 .25 1.5 3-8 4 .25 2.0 2-49 5 0 -5 5-H 6 0 1.0 3-20 7 0 1.5 2-4? 8 0 2.0 2-24 9 0 0 13-33 10 .25 0 14-58 11 .5 2.0 6-25 19 .75 2.0 6-0 13 1.0 2.0 5-48 14 .5 1.5 7-25 15 .75 1.5 6-42 16 1.0 1.5 6-25 17 .5 1.0 9-40 18 .75 1.0 8-21 1Q 1.0 1.0 7-40 20 • 5 .5 16-14 21 .75 .5 13-52 22 1.0 .5 12-29 23 .5 0 62-48 24 .75 0 62-38 25 1.0 0 62-51 NOTES: For the model basin 10 T = 583.2 Sec 2) CT = .108 X 10_1 Sec"1 42 c o •p i-H 0 •rH co o •H 0) si & e> O 0) VI 0) +■> 0> E «C w flj M iH H u tt CO 1 co rH ON ON rH z m CO CO CM r^ «— . t^ iH CM CM CM x: 2 D VO r^ 00 ON o ce CM CVl CM CM CO >v >> «J (0 & cq V CQ a> c c 0 X CD » (0 0) CD W H-> C V) 0) O* C C 3 rtJ 0 .* C 3 0 0 w x: (0 0 0 s to U« u J J to I o I a) I 43 evidenced by eq. (28). Therefore, the frictional coefficients generated by runs 1 through 4 were artificially imposed on the model with (PCF = 0), and resulted in runs 5 through 8. The results for these cases are depicted in Figures 6 through 8 and are simply a seiche damped by friction. As the friction coefficient increased the damping of the motion increased with a resulting increase in the period of oscillation. For the maximum case of (PCD = 2), the seiche was completely damped after 4^2 periods. These results were completely predictable and are presented to show that the model's representation of motion which is dominated by friction conforms to previous observations. (Pierson and Neuman, 1966) An interesting coupling between bottom stress and transport developed during these cases and a typical example is depicted in Figure 9. In all cases examined a phase lag quickly developed be- tween the transport and the bottom stress. For the case showed, the value of this lag averaged 45 degrees through the periods of oscillation. This phase lag can be explained by recalling that the transport is an integration of the motion over the entire water column, whereas the bottom stress is solely dependent on the velocity gradient at the bottom. Since friction has its greatest effect at the bottom, changes in magnitude and direction of the flow nearly always initially occur next to this boundary and prop- agate upwards in the column. The result is that changes in trans- port always lag changes in the bottom velocity gradient and consequently the bottom stress. This phase lag has obvious effects on the accuracy of commonly used numerical schemes where bottom 44 O <"H CM H II II O Q Q Q U U U a, a. a. rX* CT CM CD E N e w 0 2: n b, U a. | I ft. I i I i a* o 10 HH w (0 0) 01 VI fr. 0) +■» c o c o •rl W o tf) o ) / y t ^ / y f ^ j* - -j^l- -r \ K v \ m oo CM h\N O rH CM C II II II II Q Q Q ta V u u u n a. cl a. w 0 Cu •r( 2 § C 0 •H •P O •H VI o o cr cm 0) E 0) N 'ri r-i (0 £ u O 2 0) •H Normalized Transport » J'^i. g A < 46 AQ(gh) 73 (M 0) e H TJ (1) N w O a E O o CO VI o c o U) •H w o u ON 0) w 3 •H stress is parameterized in terms of the transport. This technique places strong restrictions on possible interactions between the flow and the bottom, and although it may be sufficient for approx- imating steady state problems, it is unlikely that it will represent transient motion very well. Figure 10 represents typical velocity profiles for motion which is totally dominated by the effects of vertical friction. The increased period of oscillation and the mechanism causing the phase lag between the transport and the bottom stress is clearly evident. At times (t = T/2) and (t = 3T/4) the profiles are in transition from being totally positive to totally negative, and the transport and bottom stress are 180 degrees out of phase. These velocity profiles are typical of those found in other boundary layer flow and are similar to the wind profiles observed at the air sea interface over smooth water. They indicate that the stability of the flow has a strong frictional dependence. At (t = T/4) and (t = T) the profiles are maximum and, except initially in the upper layers, friction exerts a strong influence throughout the column. The result is a smooth regular flow and a well de- veloped frictional boundary layer with the region of greatest shear at the bottom. During the transition phases (t = T/2 to t = 3T/4) the profile changes direction and the water column appears to be less stable. The velocities in the column are minimum just prior to and after reversal and thus the influence of friction in the column is reduced. This region of reduced frictional influence moves up the column at the point where the flow changes direction. As the flow completes its reversal and the velocities in the column 49 a Q N e u O 2 -2 -1 Normalized Velocity w(1-9Hh/g)' o Figure 10. Effects of Friction on Mid-channel Velocity (PCF = 0, PCD = 2) . 50 increase, the effect of strong frictional influences is quickly re-established throughout the layer, the region of maximum shear shifts to the bottom, and smooth flow once again prevails at time (t = T). 2. Coriolis Effects on the Flow To gain insight into how inertial rotation modifies the transient motion, runs 10, and 23 through 25 were made neglecting friction (PCD = 0) . It is important to realize that the relationship between the transport and the free surface elevation for a non rotational, frictionless seiche, as seen in Figures 6 and 7, is similar to the velocity/elevation relationship of the frictionless pendulum. At (t = 0), (t = T/2) , and (t = T) , the energy of the seiche is en- tirely potential, whereas at (t = T/4) and (t = 3T/4) it is entirely kinetic. At intermediate times the energy balance is a combination of potential and kinetic and is totally conserved. The free surface elevation and transport periodically oscillate between maximum positive and negative values of respectively equal magni- tudes, always maintaining their constant phase shift. Figure 2 represents this oscillation for the free surface. As the effects of Coriolis acceleration were introduced into the model these conservative oscillations were greatly modified as can be seen from a comparison of Figures 2, 3, 11, and 12. The effect of a moving earth is that the total potential energy of the surface elevation will not be available for transfer to kinetic energy since the water particles are forced to turn due to the Coriolis Acceleration. Although the energy balance still remains 51 m m ii OJ m r-« • • • Q U II ii ii a. fe Cx. fc< U u u c CL D- a, 0 I i N •1-1 rH 8 w O 2 •H o rtS Vi w W c o c o •H ■P «5 O cc iH AS •rl 4-> W 0) c Vl o (J VI 0 w en Normalized Elevation at x = 0 (§/A ) o 52 > D 1 ! 1 1 J^—- — ^Xr"~-— i. i^ ^^^^--"'^"^ - ^^^^-" "">> -^j~~ "~~^"^ S c~~~ xT~-— - ^c-~~^ *-» ^^ ^^>-> * «»^ C __ __ — - — "" __. — — "-"""" ^^"^ ^> ^-"C — — •— . •*^"-- ""*"''"""""' "" ./_ — "" *'"° ^<^>< _— m ~~~_ r^^^11^1^ ** \ ^-*vT -— "■"S-^"'^ —- "*" "*"^***^ _«. <^"*-o — - .^^ -— * ^ ^"— >«. ■^ , , — — *-* \ . — - * ** "^^ — "■"■■— J r"-" ^^*^^w^- -^^^**> *s..^ — • **" *^<^^-^. ^*"** — — -— -e=r-"" -"""^^^^ r" -Z_ — „» "■"" v.^ ^V "*"~ « ' "** ^^** _^~ "" """"" ^^ \ ^^^^ ~~ ^""""* ^^^s ■ IX^' in _ -d- m ii ii u u Qu Cl — to oj h\m Oil 0) e •H H TJ 0) N •H i-H u O a CO c VI H c c o •H § c o •rl ■H v> o OS VI c M o 0) ■»-> o 0) VI M w O* •H (5.4) w Normalized Transport J t— t- A0(gn) 53 conservative, the relationship between the free surface elevation and the flow changes significantly. To understand how rotation acts to modify the flow, con- sider first the physical processes which drive the system. These are discussed in terms of the frictionless irrotational seiche. The initial conditions for the model were identical for all runs; that of a positive set-up of the free surface at the left boundary (x - 0) and no motion in the basin (a condition of static equili- brium). As the system is released the pressure gradients developed by this set-up start the fluid moving in the positive x-direction resulting in a net divergence in the left side of the channel and convergence in the right. The free surface responds to this flow by slumping at the left and rising at the right with equal magni- tudes. At time (t = T/4) the surface is level (i.e. no gradients) and the kinetic energy associated with the flow is equal to the potential energy of the initial free surface set-up. Therefore the surface continues to fall at the left and rise at the right until this kinetic energy has been entirely converted into potential energy and a state of momentary equilibrium is once again reached. The sea surface is now set up at the right boundary equal in magni- tude to the initial conditions, the pressure gradients equal but opposite to the initial values, and the flow reverses direction and the system returns to initial conditions, etc. It is important to realize that only the divergence of the flow in the cross-channel direction can influence the system because no gradients are allowed to develop along the length of the channel. 54 With these processes in mind the observed effects of ro- tation on the system can adequately be explained. With the initial set-up previously described, the flow will start in the same manner. As soon as the motion begins however, the Coriolis acceleration will start to turn the flow in the negative y-direction (left rotation), and a component of the flow will start to develop along the axis of the channel. Therefore some of the potential energy is converted into rotational kinetic energy. The amount of rotational kinetic energy that the system receives is a function of the velocity of the flow, the value of Coriolis, and the time scale of the motion. The slumping of the surface elevation at the left and rising at the right will continue as long as there is divergence in the positive x-direction; however since a certain amount of energy is rotational, the set-up at the right boundary can not achieve the magnitude of initial conditions. When the cross-channel flow vanishes the en- tire motion is in the along channel direction, with subsequent rotation turning the flow back in the direction from which it initially came. It should be noted that for a maximum value of (PCF = 1), Figure 3 shows the free surface elevation at the left boundary never falling below the horizontal. An interesting relationship developed in the transport as rotation was introduced into the system, resulting in a rectifi- cation of the along channel component of the transport (V) . An examination of Figure 12 showed that the cross -channel transport (U) periodically oscillates between maximum positive and negative values while the along channel component oscillated between zero and a maximum in one direction. It was easily demonstrated that this 55 direction is strictly a function of initial set-up. As the flow was initiated in the positive x-direction the initial along channel component developed in the negative y-direction. When the cross- channel flow reverses direction, along channel components are generated in the positive y-direction. These components are just sufficient to cancel the components previously established in the opposite direction, resulting in a rectification in the along- channel transport. For motions of large time scales, this process implies that important changes in the flow are caused by Coriolis accelerations and these will be discussed in the conclusions. Another observed feature of rotation was the subsequent reduction in oscillation period for increased values of Coriolis. The effect of rotation in reducing the spacial scale of the motion allows the system to oscillate with greater frequency. It is apparent from the previous discussions that the effects of inertial rotation can not be neglected when dealing with large time scale motion. 3. Combined Effects of Friction and Coriolis The remainder of the test runs were used to investigate how friction and inertial rotation in various combinations effect the transient motion. Some of the important consequences are de- picted in Figures 13 through 17. The phase shift difference between bottom stress and transport existed throughout all values of (PCF) and (PCD), as evidenced in Figures 13 and 14 . This phase lag occurred in varying degrees but was a definite characteristic of time dependent motion, vanishing only when the motion became critically damped. 56 T(1.9) h Normalized Bottom Stress — J f 3/2 kA0g' ■y\\ // 1 if \ II It fl f llf D -Yr- K * •u ,_^ 1)1 ♦> t- // H X ^ :/ 1<_ s o // a aw ;/ 1 (n to // / C « | V // H W MV ! \ \\ i M\ i V A i •'/ i i // ; i \ i \ \i N \\ * )\ //\ '/ l) // / ' ( A K \ // v \ (i > \v \ \v N YV *S\ — '/ \ .». vv. ^ ^fcS N ^5tv. .> V^V y\^ V\ .*c^^ \ 1 .^z^^ \ J .*^^ )/ '" c ^<^ ■■ < \ X^V V ^-^ /^ ' >». ^^>^l i ^•^. ^^4^ >». ^Tv^^ "»•. ^^wJN. V. ^^-Os^ -^^^- I J -^. •^^-^■""'"^ < £x^ .*"*" / ^-**" .** c ^~<&^ <• >v^ ^*-~-*^ "rr^**— L^>-^ m — m CM cnl J w e •H H TD CD N •H iH m e w O 2 Q U a. m a to a (0 w H (1) c c (C O I n T3 c (0 (0 to (V w •p to e o +■> •»-> o CQ Sh O c o tO •H W §• o u ro H ( I.U) w Normalized Transport * ' x AQ(gh) 57 Normalized Bottom Stress — » — '- — ' — r 3/2 kAQ(gh) c Normalized Transport ' ' ^ A i 58 A0(gn) m. ro h\n eg 01 CM T3 N (0 E VI O 2 ■H I Q U (x. U Pu s a c VI H O c c x: o i ■o •H ■O c CO W B O •H •V o CQ J 0 *"— -* U & ►J 01 M C 4-> flj 0) C B 0 •rl •H H -t-> o TD •H 0 H N fc. •H rH o • « iH II 11 ii II Cx, Cx, Cx. Cx. U U U U IX CX CX CX I- CO CM o C rt iH rt CQ >* en VI 0) <§ § c o •r( •P o •H W Cx. c «J c o •H 4-> «5 OljCM -H o cx b «j •H .rl H hX01 •a N B H o H c VI o o CD Vl Vl w \0 iH u •H Cx, Model Energy Balance (joules x 10 ) 60 o H in il •♦-» •H o o H > ^ IT» ^ O • r-« II II II £ £ j: v. \ \ N N N I I I 0 c c ns .c o I •o •rl o x: a 05 w o TD 0 K I X <" r-i 0) M •H 61 The rectification of the along channel flow was also a pre- dominate characteristic of the flow where inert ial rotation was considered. Figures 13 and 14 again show this relationship, as modified by friction, and Figure 15 depicts the combined effect on the free surface. It can be seen that for an extreme case (PCD = 1, PCF = 1) the free surface only very slowly slumps to a zero potential because friction retards the cross-channel flow long enough for ro- tation to reverse its direction before the free surface reaches the hor izontal . Figure 16 indicates that with rotation the energy level is damped with relatively fewer oscillations. It must be realized however that as (PCF) increases, the model is describing motion on an increasing time scale. Figure 17 represents the path that would be taken by fluid particles (or suspended matter) at three levels in the column over five periods of oscillation. In addition to the rectification pre- viously noted, there appears to be a net drift of the motion in the initial cross-channel transport direction. A closer examination of Figures 13 and 14 also show this drift and is a combined result of rotation and friction. Since the motion is being continuously damped by friction, the cross-channel transport can not return the fluid to its initial position after each oscillation and a net transport in the initial direction of motion results. The net drift is then strictly a function of initial set-up conditions of the free surface. The velocity profiles depicted in Figures 18 through 20 show some of the fine details of the flow with the combined influences of friction and inert ial rotation. 62 Figure 18. Effects of Friction and Inert ial Rotation on Mid-channel Velocity (PCF = 1, PCD = 1) . <5 N £1 a Q V 0) N •H ■H £ w O 2 -2 -1 0 Normalized Velocity 2ILl21I2iM T/4 T/2 63 -2 -1 ■p a 0) Q TD 0) N •i-l rH e w O z Norma i- ^ „ -. •+ w(11.4)(h/g): lized Velocity — i " *"- Figure 19. Effects of Friction and Inertial Rotation .. on Mid-channel Velocity (PCF = 1, PCD = 1, t = 3T/4). 64 -2 -1 Norma .c +-> 9* o •o o N •H iH l (A15) Again the computations of eq. (All) are involved and are not included. The results of applying eq. (All) to (A15) are as follows : F . = — — j DET , j-l 1 - Ate u1] Q1" (c2dillQ3 "5 Ax / V~4"ax lei"1 + D2At(e^'1e^1-e^;1e?71) ^ 31 4ax '31 13 (4Ax) 'e^1 ■ C2At(e^1e^1-e^1e^1) D2e "31 ZfAx j-l 33 4ax Q3 (4Ax)' (A16) , j*l Ate j-l 11 k Ax Ql 1 + C2e j-l 31 4ax Q3 where, C2f j-l Ql = d^ - Q2 = d^ - Q3 = &> 4ax d24' ■l 4 Ax Atf^" • l 4ax (A17) 75 Note that the middle terra of the vector F. is the entire quantity in the brackets. The implicit scheme for computing U, V, and § can now be constructed. Writing eq. (46) as 0n+! = E. ,9n+1 + P. _ (A18) j-1 j-1 j j-1 and substituting the quantities previously derived for E. . and F . . yields : «£ - eJ-V+1 ♦ eJ"1 5^ ♦ i{* (A19) «T-l - 4>T + e^ s-+1 + *2_1 (A20) -n+l eJ-l„n+l + J-1 f"+l + fJ"l fA21x 5j-l e31 J e33 &j f3 (A X) Equations (A7) , (A12), (A13), (Al6), (A17) , and (A19) through (A21) represent the expressions used to implicitly calculate values for 9. at each grid point in the manner described in the text. 3 76 APPENDIX B ■X- ¥r DETAILS OP REPRESENTING Cl , C2 , VELOCITY AND BOTTOM STRESS Consider the representation of Cl by first noting that the limits of integration have the following meaning: t = 0 represents the initial condition time. t = t represents the present time. t = t + At represents the time at which the value of the various variables are to be calculated. The integration of eq. (48) was performed numerically by dividing the total time into small intervals (At) and evaluating p*(tM as a constant at the mid-point of each interval. This * allowed Cl to be numerically represented as follows: l h_, _2 h_, [ bxj 2 -kp At -if At e e - 1 M=l p N=l \ /L r(I-l-N)At .^2 -ifft-tM X \ - e *P (t X }e lt(t X }dt' (Bl) J(I-N)At With the further assumption that the effect of inertial ro- tation was constant in each interval, e was approximated * *v. -,* • -if(I-^-N)At at the mid-point as e x ' and treated as a constant. Analytical integration of the remaining integral resulted in eq. (51). To solve for Cl and Dl the following relation was used, and the real and imaginary terms collected. elft = cos (ft) - i sin(ft) (B2) 77 This allowed CI and Dl to be represented as 2 MAXM 1-1 CI1 = Al S -f S A3 M=l p N=l - cos (f(i-^-N)At} MAXM 1-1 Dl1 = Al S ^§ £ A3 M=l p N=l ;"kp Atcos{f(I+%-N)At} a4 -kp At . (B3) sin{f(I+^-N)At} - sin {f(I-^-N)At} A4 (B4) where Al -2o. h A2 = kp' (1 " -kp At) A3 = )x N-^ <£> a4 = -kp (I-l-N)At Using the same assumption regarding constant inertial rotation in each time interval, C2 readily reduced to eq. (52). Applying eq. (B2) to eq. (52) yields: MAXM C2 = Al cos (^f At) E M=l p A2 2 (B5) MAXM A2 D2 = - Al sin(^fAt) E M=l p (B6) 78 Consider now the scheme formulated to recover the velocity profile. Since velocity was calculated at time t + At, eq. (26) was represented by: w _ 2g ^^ (-l)mcos(pz)(ct e-kp2(t + At-t')e-if-(t + At-f) 6g h M=l P Oo ' bx dt X't+At e-kp2(t + At-f)e-if(t + At-t») b£ s. bx ( t ' ) dt ' (B7) Applying the same assumptions and relations to eq. (B7) as were applied to eq. (Bl) yields: MAXM / 1-1 r .2 -, u1 = - Al S ^ A2 S A3 e"1^ At cos{ f (1+%-N) At} A4 L M=l P I N=l + cos(^fAt)(A2)(A6) MAXM - / 1-1 v.1 = - Al S ^2 ■ A2 S A3 L M=l P C N=l -e"kp At sin{f(I+^-N)At} A4 - sin(^fAt)(A2)(A6) ) where M A5 = (-1) cos(pz) A6 = (I1) v Ox' i-k (b8) (B9) The term (A5) represents the depth dependence and (A6) the slope in the most recent time interval. (A6) was calculated and stored by the model after U, V, and § were computed. The final quantity needing representation is bottom stress (T) Recalling eq. (54) and noting that the integral is identical to 79 that of eq. (26), bottom stress is easily represented as: =E13 (MM1 )*ETA2 (MAXL ) +FKMM1 ) VTKMM1) =E23(MM1 )*ETA2 (MAXD+F2 (MM1) UT2(MAXL )=0.0 VT1(MAXL)=0.0 MM3=MAXL-3 DO 80 L=1.MM3 K=^AXL-L C4=UT2(M) C5=ETA2(M) ETA2(M-1 )=E31(M-1)*C4+E33(M-1 )*C5+F3(M-1 ) UT2(M-1 )=£11 (M-l )*C4+E13(M-1)*C5+F1(M-1) VT1(M-1)=E21(M-1 )*C4+E23(M-1)*C5+F2(M-1 ) 80 CONTINUE ETA2U )=£TA2(2)/.951 UT2(1)=0.0 VT1(1)=0.0 C C COMPUTE ETAX1 C DO 85 L=2,MM1 ETAX1(L)=(ETA2(L+1)-ETA2(L-1) )/(2.0*DX) 85 CONTINUE ETAX1(1)=0.0 ETAX1(MAXL)=0.0 C C RESET ETAXS ARRAY AND RESET ETA1 , ETAX, AND UT1 C DO 90 L=1,MAXL ETAXS(L,I)=(ETAX1(L)+ETAX(L) )/2.0 UT1(L)=UT2(L ) ETA1(L)=£TA2(L ) ETAX(L)=ETAX1(L) 90 CONTINUE C C PRINT OUT UT1, VT1, ETA1, AND ETAX C 86 WRITE(6,410 )A WRITE (6,420) (UTKL) tL=l,MAXL) WRITE(6,421XVT1(L )tL-l,MAXL) WRITE (6, 42 5) ( ET Al ( L ) , L = l , MAXL ) WRITE( 6,429) ( E TA X( L ) . L=l . MA XL ) C IF(MOD(I ,MAXP) .EQ.O)GO TO 100 GO TO 300 C C I IS A MULTIPLE OF MAXP, CALCULATE VELOCITY C 100 CO 115 L=1»MAXL C6=ETAXS(L,I ) DO 110 M=1,MAXM FUNR(L,M)=FUNR(L»M)+C1*P3(M)*C6 FUNCC L,M)=FUNC(L,M)-C2*P3(M)*C6 110 CONTINUE 115 CONTINUE DO 140 L=1,MAXL MH1=MAXH+1 DO 130 J=1,MH1 Z=(J-1)*DH SI=-1.0 C4=0.0 C5=0.0 DO 120 M=1TMAXM C6=P(M) C7=C0S(C6*Z) /C6 C4=C4+SI*FUNR(L,M)*C7 C5=C5+SI*FUNC< L,M)*C7 SI=-1.0*SI 120 CONTINUE V£LR(L,J)=-C3*C4 VELC(L, J)=-C3*C5 130 CONTINUE c c c 140 CONTINUE CALCULATE BCTTOM STRESS C6=C3*R DC 142 L=l ,MAXL C4=0.0 C5=0.0 DO 141 M=1,MAXM C4=C4+FUNR(L,M) C5=C5+FUNC(L,M ) 141 CONTINUE STRESR(L)=C4*C6 STRESC(L) = C5*C6 142 CONTINUE C C CALCULATE ENERGY BALANCE USING SIMPSON1 S RULE C 145 DO 165 L=ltMAXL DO 150 J=1,MH1 B( J)=VELR(L,J)**2 C( J)=VELC(L,J)**2 150 CONTINUE EVSUM1=0.0 EVSUM 2=0.0 0DSUM1 = 0.0 0DSUM2=0.0 ENSUM1=B( 1)+B( MH1) ENSUM2=C(1 )+C(MHl ) MH2=MH1-1 DO 155 J=2,MH2,2 EVSUM1=EVSUM1+B( J) EVSUM2=E VSUM2+C( J) 155 CONTINUE ^H2=MHl-2 DO 160 J=3,MH2,2 0DSUM1=0DSUM1+B(J ) 87 c c c c c c 0DSUM2=0DSUM2+C( J) 160 CONTINUE TIN(L)=0H/3.0*(ENSUM1+2.0*0DSUM1+4.0*EVSUM1) PIN(L)=DH/3.0* (ENSUM2+2.0*0DSUM2+4.0*£VSUM2) P0T(L)=ETA1(L)**2 165 CONTINUE EVSUM1=0.0 EVSUM 2=0.0 EVSUM3=0.0 0DSUM1=0.0 0DSUM2=0.0 0CSUM3=0.0 ENSUM1=P0T(1)+P0T( MAXL) ENSUM2=TIN( 1 )+TIN(MAXL ) ENSUM3 = PIN(1 )+PIN(MAXL) DO 170 L=2,MM1,2 EVSUM1=EVSUM1+P0T(L) EVSUM2=EVSUM2 + TIN( L) EVSUM3=EVSUM3+PIN( L) 170 CONTINUE MM2=MAXL-2 DO 175 L=3,MM2,2 0DSUM1=0DSUM1+P0T( L) 0DSUM2=0DSUM2+TI N( L) 0DSUM3=0DSUM3+PIN(L) 175 CONTINUE PE=.5*RH0*G*(DX/3. 0)*(ENSUM1+ 2 . 0*0DSUM1 +4 .0*EVSUM1 ) TE=.5*RH0*(DX/3.0)*(£NSUM2+2.0*ODSUM2+4.O*EVSUM21 SE=. 5*RH0* (DX/3.0)*(ENSUM3+2.0#0DSUM3+4.0*£VSUM3) TOT=P£+TE+SE PRINT VELOCITY WRITE(6,430 ) DO 180 J=1,MH1 JM1=J-1 WRITE (6, 440) JM1, ( V5LR ( L, J ) , L=l , MAXL ) 180 CONTINUE WRITE(6,435) DO 190 J=1,MH1 JM1=J-1 WRITE(6,440)JM1, (VELC(L,J) ,L = 1,MAXL) 190 CONTINUE PRINT PE,TE,SE,TOT,STRESR, AND STRESC WRI TE< 6,45 0) PE ,TE, SE,TOT WRITSC6. 45 5) ( STRESR(L ) ,L=1, MAXL) WRITE (6 ,460) (STRESC (L) ,L=1,MAXL ) 300 CONTINUE STOP 310 FORM AT ('l1 320 FORMAT(»0» 330 FORMAT( '0' 350 FORMAT CI1 l'FGLLOWSS/aX,' D 2'WIDTH=',F7. 1, IX, •ECHO CHECK OF INPUT DATA',/) » s .9 360 ] 370 3 80 400 405 410 4 20 4 21 425 429 31X,,DX=« ,F6.1, IX 4/,lX,« SIGMA=« ,E11 11. 3) •SOLUTION TO • nsPTH=i tF5 •METERS' , SEICHE FORMAT ( F4.1 ,1X FORMAT( FORMAT ( FORMAT ( FORM£T( FORMAT ( FORMAT( FORMAT ( FORMAT( FORMAT( PROBLEM ,., "METERS 1X,'DT = ' »F5 •METERS •,/, IX, «PERD=», .3,/,lX,lF=« , Ell. 3,/, IX, • CONDITIONS', /,56X, WITH CORIOLI S* ,/, IX, 1.1X.1 SEC ,/ 55X, • INITIAL •SECONDS' ) •ETA'/( 11E11.3) ) •ETAX'/( 11E11.3) ) 55X,'TRANSPCRT(UT)'/ (11 El 1.3) ,55X t55X, 55X 55X • TRANSPORT* VT) • NORMALIZED T IME= ' , F8 .2, / ) /(11E11 i 3) ) R=',E11.3,// •TIME=I , ,55X,' TRANSPORT (UT) »/ (11511.3) ) ,55X, • TRANSPORT! VT) •/( 11E11.3) ) ,55X v'ETAa/(llE11.3) ) ,55X, •ETAX,/(llcll.3) ) 88 430 FORMAT CO 435 FORMATCO 440 FORMAT* * 450 FORMAT ( '0 1E15.7,8X, 455 FORMAT( «0 460 FORMATCO END •VELOCITY! VELR) »,/, 3X, 'Z' t «Z« 2.( 11=11.3) ) ■t 2Xt E15«7i 8X, ,E15.7) •STRSSS(R) ■ 5 5X f55X,« VELO » 2X.I , »PE= TOT=' 55X »/) ,/) •TE=,,E15.7,8X, «SE= 55X, 'STRESS(C) • 11F11.3) ) 11E11.3)) 89 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bryan, K. , "A Numerical Investigation of Certain Features of the General Circulation," Tellus . v. 11, no. 2, p. I63-I74, March, 1959. Gait, J. A., "Linear Transients Associated with a Time Dependent Wind Over Shallow Water," Unpublished Paper, Naval Postgraduate School, 14 pp. , 1970. Hamming, R.G., Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 1962 . McCalla, T.R., Introduction to Numerical Methods and FORTRAN Programming , p. 270-271, Wiley and Sons, 1967. Morton, K.W. and Richtmyer , R.D., Difference Methods for Initial- Value Problems . p. 198-201, Inter science, 1957. Munk, W.H., "On the Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation," Jour . of Meter ology, v. 7, no. 2, p. 79-93, 1950. Neuman , G. and Pierson, W.J., Principles of Physical Oceanography, p. 374-375, Prentice-Hall, 1966. Proudman, J., Dynamical Oceanography, p. 243-245, Dover, 1952. Smith, G.D., Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, p. 70-71, Oxford University, 1965. Sverdrup, H.U., "Wind-Driven Currents in a Baraclinic Ocean; with Application to the Equatorial Currents of the Eastern Pacific," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., v. 33, no. 11, p. 318-326 , 1947. Sverdrup, H.U., Johnson, M.W., and Fleming, R.H., The Oceans , pp. 1087, Prentice-Hall, 1942. Welander , P., "Wind Action over Shallow Sea: Some Generalizations of Ekman's Theory," Tellus , v. 9, no. 1, p. 45-52, 1957. Welander, P., "Numerical Prediction of Storm Surges," Adv. in Geogpy. , v. 8, p. 315-379, 1961. 90 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No . Cop i es 1. Defense Documentation Center 2 Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 2. Library, Code 0212 2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 3. Department of Oceanography 3 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 4. Oceanographer of the Navy 1 The Madison Building 732 N. Washington Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 5. Dr. Ned A. Ostenso 1 Code 480D Office of Naval Research Arlington, Virginia 22217 6. Asst. Prof. J. A. Gait, Code 58G1 4 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 7. Asst. Prof. J.J. vonSchwind, Code 58Vs 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 8. Asst. Prof. K.L. Davidson, Code 5lDs 1 Department of Meter ology Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 9. Asst. Prof. R.H. Franke, Code 53 Fe 1 Department of Mathematics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 10. Asst. Prof. R.S. Andrews, Code 58Ad 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 11. LCDR Norman T. Camp, USN 1 USS OPPORTUNE (ARS 4l) FPO, New York, N.Y. 09501 91 Unclassified Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA -R&D (Security clas si lication ol title, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when the overall report Is classified) I . ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporate author) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 2l. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified 2b. GROUP 3 REPOR T TITLE An Investigation of Linear Transients Associated With a Time Dependent Bottom Spiral 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type ol report and, inclusive dates) Master's Thesis; March 1972 5. authORiSi (Fifsi nams, middle initial, last name) Norman Thomas Camp 6- REPOR T D A TE March 1972 7«. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 93 76. NO. OF REFS 13 Sa. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 6. PROJEC T NO. 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBERIS) Ob. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be assigned this report) 10. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited, II. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING MILI TAR Y ACTIVITY Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 13. ABSTRAC T Ekman's linear equations for time dependent flow (neglecting wind stress) are solved using a time dependent Green's function and the method suggested by Welander (1957). The solution represents the vertical velocity profile in terms of the local time history of the changes in sea surface elevation determined by the divergence of the flow in the vertically integrated continuity equation. A fully implicit finite-difference scheme is developed to represent a time dependent seiche oscillating across a shallow infinite channel. The transients associated with the formation of the bottom spiral are clearly represented by the model and the influence of friction and Coriolis are individually and collectively introduced. The model allows independent calculation of velocity, volume transport, sea surface elevation, bottom stress, and the total energy balance of the system. The numerical scheme provides a method for adequately describing and investigating certain classes of time dependent motion, and its development suggests a mechanism for improving numerical prediction of storm surge. DD FOR- I47O 1 NOV 68 ■ "T / Sj S/N 0101 -807-681 1 (PAGE 1 ) 92 Unclassified Security Classification A-31408 Unclassified Security Classification key wo R OS Ekraan dynamics Numerical model Seiche Shallow water flow Storm surge Time dependent motion DD,F.T..1473