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C-~1 ^LUL^yr (t ^Y ^ <^^7 ^ *fer. ^ ^ to JL- 7 ^ ^^•‘i_y '' / • ' ^ Ji~i^y "CCC 1 £ cl 7 /' '■7 - To / 7 T, 77 , J&W i \r. r\xxn^ q /-*£. 2 5^ / fo (^ ^ ^U__ < A /t^ZZf~~ ^ 7tT~/U^ t^rft ^ „ ,y ^ ^ ^ C *-*ry£ j7; ^ ■^■* /^n ^^ ^ 9^T. j / f* ** a “—t< * ^«-*< ^> -— ‘TtZL* l, cT^ ■ *.., .cf' X^w, r? * ✓ t<. r /]^y ^^.57 A^c-^r 7 '^ny^rsn ( J J^- y^-t h^y ^£-6 ^/ Ar yi /^ ^ 2f y 7 '*”'**' ''^ ^ ^ ^/^-ir^ , m^. y^n ^- ^n 77Z^r s^y? • > ^'**——= ^-^—n &<>c^. — zn-/—y%, ¥~^<£c^- ay y^ '7-jr^^ 7 —* ,___ ^ j£__ r ^^ ; ^ />-fy/ A^~^---y /l^y? z^^~-z7_ L^tF^ A' 7 £~Z^ y '^TzA 7 'T' 7» z,y£ cT~>**^t *A^77~- -, ^ ^ f t -yb+/' ^4 6 £>t-^. j ■ >*--* A . l /^ /^^tL - ^7 ^ ^ ^- _- Jc X7 4 -'-t-^ 7 ■£> / n (■ /#-t-y4 ^ ^L, ^ £ Th, _, a j^-/' yy rv~t^ “ 7 ^ ^ irt ^Z Jl. XZ-'U-'W-*/-*' V? h-h.. £ Q^~ «*. e^i.i} i/^i •' ■ 3 ^7- J ^ ^3n , ^ 'Jy^f /V^ ^}i^ y b fa / •C /5*-0 ^-3 < * rVx " ^W"V JL <-« ' j ^ *- onjrf 7H ^~ /'•i-t'%-' ..-/ 7^ ~fyz*sf 7 /2t r JZy /vj. ,^4t g-c-rc-t /to Y^r^x - y — ✓%. c /L>. 4o# /4T 7 //^ZC^-o /V^ 4 ? <2 y j . A t Lj t >/; y / / ^ c ' ^ t 7'/ 7 ^ 1 ^yr v—- /Z*-^t- ■-— X-*- v ' t ^ ■— ^* v - < — 6 ^— V\ ^ 7 —«^ ^ ^ f'*'/ 'r.. ^ ^ Ox-tTyTL $~~~~^-^><>K — y . /7 ^ ^e-7 ^ jyy ^ , t - - ^ r ' ' / / t >— ! 7“ A-^~ ^ iF^Ivc-l ^^ 7 ' ^ -, t -—^ '/^rw^'T^ /£l_ ^ J) ^/y Q - Jl / '/' \ ' ' ■, /-'^ ' f ( ^ p > ^ 468 Hope Street, Providence, B.I. 10 Dec., 1912 Dr. A. LeBoy Andrews, 324 College Ave., Ithaca, II. Y, Dear Dr. Andrews: I inclose the only stem of the Sphagnum macro- phyllum from Yaine that I possess. It was prowing amongst a lot of other Sphagna, and it was not toticed until I hepun to overhaul the material to dry it. It was collected, as I recall it now, while on a sort of picnic trip where most of the collecting had to he done hy grabbing a quantity of stuff and rushinr on so as not to delay the party. I have never been back to the place since. Then you return it please send it by first class mall as that is about the only kind that seems to come through on time during the Christmas rush. 7 e y 'y t ru 1 y your s, TLbe Hsa ffira? Bulletin, ^^^ cu - ifi incj i'OH, ‘ 3 ). t£ . M AIL 189 r K / ^6 'S^0— T^^&JLx aQJ? / /?, I L ^ ^, A ' i / fi f t) ^^ " ^ -cAa i^xJZbM^- (V^W- ^ c *r^Q ^-5 <2^A| c'^ 1\\q 'Q-$~*^-J /2C0 C^cjo-yv 4 <> Zyfo-I^X-^ O^kt^-J 0 l~J< 7 J(. ' Us ■ / oCA ,/f^ JQ 's-xL.C’ A ^ A\k(A4-/?-<) L — tzfe_£L_x3- e^xii C^-T^oojj f if h rAAAsox £$& it**-* to Co-fCz cJ ^ £ls(k / L'lnsj "Ki zg./ffZ • -K / MOSSES OF MT . DESERT MAINE, COLLECTED BY THEODORE WHITE, AUG. 1892. -: o Dicranum scoparium, Hedw. var . pallidum, Muell. —"— squamosum, L. & J . **•**•> rupestre, L. &. J . «■*»■* paludosum, Brust & Schrimp. ****** Falcatum. Dicranum Spurium, Hedw. (fruited)). Druamondii, Mue11. undulatum, Turner. (The typical form and also a curious form with five pedicels). f lage Hare , Hedw. palustre, Brid. fusee see ns, Turn. Schisti, Lindh. longifolium, Hedw. viride, Schimp. (A single spe¬ cimen) . Dicranella heteromalla, Schimp. Hyphurn uncinatum, Hedw. Schreberi, Willd. triquetrum, L. Hypnum tmei**e>#mrrr~fteTiW'. splendens, Hedw. delicatulum, L. fluitans? L. Jante si i, Aust . « aduncum, Mitt? chrysophyllum, Brid. Hypnum cupressiforme, L. var. filiforme, Brid. f astig-iatum. F.esupinatum. Crista-castrensis, L. re cur vans, Schwaeger, (a sin¬ gle specimen). denticulatum, L. Novae-angliae , Sullv &Lesq. curvifolium, Hedw. cordifolium, Hedw. turfaeeum, Lund 12 velutinum, L. fertile, Sendtf 2 Hypnum o©hraceum, Turn. erugjfhl'um eugyrium, Schimp. ( a single specimen) micans , Schwartz lO'W. Haldanium, Hedw. A imponens, Hedw. plumosum, Swz. recognitum, Hedw. r rutabu lum, L. Mnium Hornum,L. cuspidatum, Hedw. punctatum, Hedw. rostratum, Schwaeger Polytrichum commune, L. juniperinum, Willd. var. alpinum, Schimp. stricturn. Banks, piliferum, Schreb. Philonotis f'ontana, Brid. (two forms) Aulacomnium palustre, Schw. (three forms) Pogonatum alpinum, ((L) Roehl. Tetraphis pellucida, Hedw. Tetraplodon mnioides, Bruch. and Shimp. (bearing beautiful fruit) Cer&todon purpureus, Brid. Bartramia pomiformis, He^ dw. Punaria hygrometrica (L) Sibth. liUlota Hutch^insiae, Schpr. phyllantha, Brid. Ludwigiii, Brid, B^ryum caespiticium, L. (a single specimen) 3 Webera nutans, Hedw. Grimmia apocarpa, Hedw. var. gracilis, N. and H. conferta, Funek. fascieulare, Brid. macrdcarpum, Brid. Trematodon ambiguum, Hornsch. Atriehum undula^um, (L) Beauv. Hedwigia eiliata, Ehrh. Pontinalis Novae Angliae, Swlliv. Meclcera pennata, Hedw. Leucobryum albidum, Brid. glaucum , ((L} Schimp. a* Andrrjiea petrophylla, Ehrh. Cambridge, Mass., October 12 , 1883. . Dear Sir : The coming iSth day of November marks Dr. Asa Gray’s seventy-fifth birthday. It seems a fitting time for the botanists of North America to join in some token of their esteem and good wishes for one who lias done so much towards the study and classification of the flowering plants and the gen¬ eral advancement of the botany of this country. Many memorials have been presented to Dr. Gray but most of them have come from near and personal friends. The idea of this one originates with those further away. It is not decided what form this memorial will take, and we should be glad to receive any suggestions. The intrinsic value of it will, of course, be of least account in the eyes of the recipi¬ ent; its value will depend chiefly upon the number who unite in the offering. Will you join with other botanists in sending such a token to Dr. Gray? If so, send at once whatever you wish to contribute — 25c., 50c.. $1, $5, any sum you please—to Charles R. Barnes, 14 Buckingham St., Cambridge, Mass., who will return receipt if desired. Please also enclose your card with some sentiment suitable to the day inscribed thereon. This will accompany the gift. In order that this matter may not reach the public prints be kind enough to say nothing about it. The time is very short ; will you give this your immediate attention and make a reply of some kind ? Sincerely yours, J. C. Arthur, C. R. Barnes, J. M. Corn. ter AW;.. , '?- yffrUsT On^£ ~£^'- ~> Cambridge, Mass., November 20, 1885. The self-appointed committee who undertook the collection of funds for a birthday token to Dr. Asa Gray, desire to report their action. Circulars were sent to all botanists whose addresses we could obtain in the very limited time at our command. Doubtless many were omitted who would have been glad to contribute. All such omissions must be ascribed to the absolute necessity for haste. By the 31st of October the number of replies received, and the amount contributed, seemed to indicate that about $300.00 would be in hand before the iSth of November. Accordingly Messrs. Bigelow, Kennard & Co. of Boston, were asked to prepare a design for a vase of solid silver, with appropriate floral decoration, whose cost should not exceed $300. The design was submitted on Nov. 3, and after consultation with as many as possible at Cambridge, was accepted with slight modifications. The vase with its pedestal was completed Tuesday night and presented without formality on Wednesday morning, the 18th inst. The cards which accompanied the sub¬ scriptions were placed on a silver tray and presented as the greetings of those who embodied their good will in the vase. A full description of the vase, with illustrations of both sides, will be published in the December number of the Botanical Gazette, a copy of which will be sent to you. The January number will contain a portrait and biographical sketch of Dr. Gray, together with some of the poems, congiatulatoiy addiesses, etc., which were sent on his birthday. Orders for this number (20c. per copy) should be sent early to John M. Coulter, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Receipts and expenditures have been as follows : By 180 cash subscriptions To printing, postage and envelopes To discount on Canadian money To car fare, six special trips To vase and card plate To printing, postage and envelopes $ 33 S - $ 338 - $ 6.95 .04 .60 325.00 5 - 4 1 J. C. ARTHUR, C. R. BARNES, J. M. COULTER. fK&KM^ ftsf^zJ- bcct& UzdCCl^r / f*57 f C^rzc^^c<^^'^c.~ — / * ZLif Z£ c , £ C(J CLx/ Zj^JL / iju-' 'Cof'S — ' oZ /tX2Ci^ /Cr«_^£7 ^Y~~Z£gj ^£l LAFAYETTE, INE>. ofrfar J^y gp 0 , - 0" lA^XJSr £\rc^4(_£_ oZw>0 ,, CSCt~4~»^- Uf* Z <3W> l*4rj TP X/Z -CL-C TV 1 .» * '-apis si (g d© ae[ sssjppD ©(g jnq; SdiCpo^p UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, Botanical Laboratory, CHARLES R. BARNES, Professor of Botany. madison, wis., u. s. a. Jan. 29.1889. J. Franklin Collins, 10 Carroll st.,Providence,R.I. My dear sir:-- I fear that you have ere this given up all hope of hearing from me regarding the mosses you sent me long ago for naming. I look¬ ed over about half of them last summer,and was then compelled to defer the study of the rest by the receipt of more urgent collections. A few days ago I finished all but some of the Hypna. Now I devote all my spare time to elaborating a collection by Dr. R&ll along the line of the Northern Pacific for the herbarium of the National(German) School of Forestry at Zftschen. As this work will take several months I will not delay sending the names of those I have determined,and re¬ turning specimens of those which I have not yet examined. ' / 'i2.Bartramia OEderi,Swartz. v^21. D icrane 11a ce fv icu lata, Sch. \/22. Hypnum recognitum,Hedw. *W23.Ceratodon purpureus,Brid. ^ 24 .- M25.Bryuu argenteum,L. V'26.Nlota Ludwigii ,Brid. / 27.Leptotrichum tortile ,M& 11. \r SS.Dicranella heteromalla ,Sch. v- 29. -- *''30. ---- \r31.Dicranum fuscescens ,Turn. var.longirostre , Set-imp. The best find is the Dicrane11a cerviculata. Most of the rest are common. Unstudied specimens are enclosed. Regretting the delay,and 't the necessity of leaving the work unfinished,! remain, Very truly yours, e /? ^Q f j) AX_-^V {.''vv f £> ^ i'^ '- A- C.- - ^ 1t( 0 Cr»-*^#--^C C^- 4 etn^^y^.oo w^6C, -l^iitAhsr, rwj^-w o. f *>." /ot ■Ua , C. iic-cG-t . <, <■ e«s\ iU'IJ . -„•• 0 A~ 0t$~, ^A- 2_ cufMut r y^t i ^ fc 'y^c/L -th. fj<»~. r>uww^.'l - X ■■'- ^ - j ct^ JJ kAst-Jsv, ) /V^vo^to— » ^ <2!f 9 U*l- UfyCLcAj ^ .. _ (fflocs c*/ YZce j&nc/- AjL&tiyV€^tfd L tU/fh^C(sri££- Sc&- (Se^otr^ ft&y p/7u^Mc, Ycmrs fi ul y> /fCg^y tf&tr-cc/'d e/L , ^Ph e Botanical ©alette, ‘fo XX ~ ef?AS. R. BARNES. NOTHING BUT THE ADDRESS TO BE ON THIS SIDE, (Dear Sir: < 3 $, MADISON, WIS, beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your late favor with enclosure of efo ..covering $:-- - 4 i**r- £&*%,; .. ? . S** 4 L..Jt^ 4 ,.«U|^ /l 'y—mCt-M-Sli-. J 4 *.S. * —fani£% - M^-OusIJm^ _ ^.-.^...-:W..-I.if . y£«. ^ '*’ i 2 ... / / ► _ 4 / ,7 <,•C-f«<.■-4-^ -■ — L * %- - • / K w? Zhc Botanical Oa^CttC^ H /Ibontblp Journal of Botanp: Bbiteb anb publisbeb bp Jobn /Iberle (Xoulter, Xafte forest xaniversitp, Hake forest, llllinois; Charles IReib Barnes, Ulmrersitp of Wisconsin, /Ibabtson, Wisconsin; anb Joseph Charles Hrtbur, ffmrbue Xllni= versify, Xafapette, Ifnbiana. ••• ••• Bstablisbeb 1875. ••• Subscription $3.00 a pear. Office of Publication, 616 Lake St., MADISON, WIS. March 2.1895. Mr.J.F.Collins,Providence,R.I. My dear sir:-- I find your letter awaiting me after a brief absence. In reply I have to say that the price of Husnot’s Musco- logia Gallica is 5 fr.per livraison. As there are 14 of these parts the total cost is 70 fr. (See Bot.Gaz.20:85. 1895.) Whether there' is any reduction when all are bou, ht at once I am not able to say. The only journal devoted exclusively to the mosses is Ilusnot’s Revue Bryologique,most of the articles in which are printed in French though occasionally one in English appears. I am not aware that Wore - any English journal exists in which more than an occasional article on mosses appears (as in the Bot.Gaz.). Hedwigia is devoted to the cryptogams in general and has most of the moss literature appearing in German journals,though occasional papers appear in the other general periodicals. Revue Bryologique is published by Th.Husnot,Cahan,par Athis,0rne,France at 5 fr. (Ithink) per year. Hedwigia is pub. at 12 marks,but the publisher’s address is not at hand,though I can get it for you readily enough if you want it. Each is bi-monthly,the Revue containing about 100 pages annually,Hedwigia about 5001X Yours very truly , ///p/d)# , _ ^ , 5 - j ^-y^. ., t J j~ /y^^ct _ • / sT&t' - ^ *, /$“/$ ^ ^ 6Z'fJ J, c ^i/*&*%', i/L''^ s£> * c/ < Vf«i 4 i.:, 4- ^J r >&tSl /4~ 3~/ c^'^f' jf ^^^ast*ur&+**+-— C ’ ***■ - ^/Vtr*~~9c4.,) +W*u. * - - ^,r , / /*"/ J°' ^irg^, >slAiSi4sC*C++*<> , i "' t 468 Hope .5treet, rovi&enee, L. I. 20th l:Io y. 1907 err r. Bartlett; I arc ever so much obligee for your thought- fulness in sending me the names of the Sphagna. How does it ha: on that Mrs. Britton sent the Sphagna to Europe to s "be determined? I thought she was set agin sich things’'. 1 arc very glad to get the names as J think it would have been a long time before 1 shoulc have had the courage to tackle them, if ever, I have not done anything with the mosses this fall; I have been so busy with college work that I have had no time for anything else so far. I ho o to have more time after Christmas. Your "Air ship expedition" mosses have been lying on my desk all this time. home day I shall get at them so as to be able to clear off : y desk. The latter has nearly reached that stage whore I have to clear it of in order to find room to work. Then you will hear from me in regard to them. I shall be very glad to have the Georgia mosses sometime. They will be all the more valuable if named by Uarnstorf, Cordially yours. ^r jou, Jft^- ^a^U^£y r . %^^-" \.^ y ~*^w~ ZZZs -<^ ( £?^w- ^&L*XJZS tf~- f °~3 ? "*~ ^ w^5 468 slope - treet, rovidence, v Uov. 20, 1907. Dear 3artlett: . The mosses care safely today. Thank you very'much for them, out, really, T almost think I am more thankful that fan er you wpre ii no hurry for the names; I am so crowded with oth.er work just at present. I am. interested in what you say about arijstorf. About a year ago I wrote him askins if he would care to examine my G-aape" ohagna. I never got a reply an. consequently assure that he did not care to see them. erhaos I did not have the correct address. If you will rive it to me I will write again. I have recent 1;; thought of writing to another uropean . phagnologist, but have not done so yet. I will try and remember w" at you say about sending the extra Georgia driern to !rs. Britton. I have today had a letter from her in which she says they are all broken-hearted over Underwood's deoth T am not surprised that they are. By the way, at the next club meeting you may expect me to ask if you hay® found out about the meaning of the "3n/32 solutions” mentioned on page 261 (et seq.) of the October Gasette, provided I don't forget about it. Cordially, ^' r '£y' ~ £2 \y T> / ^X. ££ot£t^ ^c**Jo *^Us ^/£*0£4+*t*<£& yZ^^tZ "?*+-- ^Wwy ^ycsct~~~ yo^*' *t*i9***-& ££+++ij> ~- £ j cy J r i */ ,^Z 4 -- 4 ^ ^^^1/LyQ^ j ' Ar~ **OC~0^ stfs^jU "Vl^OlA - (/SszsUM^ ^r%jZ&Ju Vw ' *A&*> ww ✓'C^Ca-t^ / 46R Hope street ■ -i-ovidene e, H, I. Dec. 13, 1907. Dear Bartlett; The Sphagna cane today. I am greatly obliged for t v em. An sorry that you were not able to attend the last Club meeting. You missed Leavitt*s talk . Thank you also for the solution of the solution Question. I had about concluded that the ”m" probably had something to do with "'molecule”, but felt decidedly uncertain in regard to it. I assure that a 3ir./32 solution of KaCl would be (approximately) 0.5 gm.UaCl per liter. Am I correct 0 •re you planning to be on Cambridge during the Christmas vacation? If so perhaps I may see you if I can find time to take a day’s vacation between now and January. I have a few plants which I want to compare with authentic specimens at the Gray herbarium the first chance I can get. Cordially, §1 $ML n yd' y 1 ohl. var. 1545 B 775 1^405 774 134G1 803 ax . tier?. a a. > "r in. 'olytriohnr: Ohioennc Ben. . Cara. Bliuidiuxi puludosicn fBulllv.) Ban. d Bervey. roe apixaboryon rBin-a , : ,re tor and I don’t hr or as I can do r.neB v.if- tl o v,a « 11 zci'\ie Chore that wiir he very satisfactory. ' orhay: I had better r:I c a to., ovary fox •pre liaii naryJrc,. ort non road 1 tor, if I ret a chance to .mall; - study fori, re a ort ay: in. J V C: 15448 [Fouler 1] icrmrr: 15449 o *-v .. y nus 1545C 3 IrachytB 15451 9 0 •nnr'.fll Yen y truly air;: sC***' y^x^C^C^^-^C-' & Usf^oUg «5^tt- ’£> 'bcS b*s&~ \ s&tC' 'y^shsW^'G ’^*^' m h - • ■ ■ ' c4-% 6V j «3V'/ c-^) z3 ' C’6*J 'Yfi ■ — & /£■ - o c ) 2-V'*/ SZ.' \Jss*X, (&~J 5Z- Z' {& ) 36' 0 a) /£' 468 Hope Street, Providence Jan. 18, 1908 Dear Bartlett: , Iknew there was something else that I wanted to add to my letter. It was about arnstorf. Yout note came all right and I also got one from ¥. himself; as a re¬ sult of Both I sent, within a wdclk, a pack¬ age of Sphagna (3 pounds). Georgia mosses collected by H. H. Bartlett, 1907. J, F«C . II, H. B. number 15474 906 Catharinaea 15475 907 a puzzling form, needs more study Plagiothedlum mi cans {Sw, ) ar. f? 1 } 154' 6 915 mainly in tie southern states Bar hula mif aieulata (Euds, j Eedw. 15477 934 common Funaria hy; rometricu (1. ) Si'bth. 15478 935 common Plaglothecium denticulaturn (L,) Br. Eur. form 15479 936 the species is mainly northern, extending south to southwestern Virginia heucodon ^ulaceus (1. ) Culliv. 154R0 937 eastern, central, and southern states Entodon se due trim filed?;. ) C. K» 15481 938 notthern, central, eastern, and southern states Catharinaea 15468 914 same as 15474 Catharinaea 15483 1047 same ss 15474 Plawiothecium 15484 1053 same as 15478 Dicranum sabuletorum hen. & Card. 15405 1063 central and southern states Ditrichum pallidum flchrch. } Hamps. 15486 1064 common Weisia viridula fl.} Hedw. ♦ temperate regions generally Providence Feb. 4, 1900 rear Bartlett: la y 12, 1900, I have just received a small ackage from Dr. G. 'arnstorf which certains two s ecimens of the rev. Pphagnum Favori which was described in a recent ntimber of Ehodora. One packet is narked 'verb, arblett" and is, I suppose,for you. .'ere you expecting a specineAl I wrote to arr.ctorf some week'-' ago asking him. if he could tell me where 1 could get hold of a s ; ecimon, ho dm that he would do just what he has. I know that Dr. Parlor; is extremal;, anxious to get a specimen and I shall divide mine wit’ him, unless he has e£s««r tfesra lately succeeded in getting a specimen himself. lour specimen is in two pieces and perhaps you will k cl like dividing with r. Parlor too. That would, -give him a somewhat better showing on the species. The package cam© to the college today and I ar now at the house. I will try to bring it up here tomorrow so as to have it ready to .-.end when I ho- r from you. In the meantime I will write to hr. Parlow saying that 1 have got a specimen that I car divide with him, hut shall rot feel at liberty to mention you in connection with the matter until T hear from you. Cordilal; yours, a 5 L L^ ^C "t 't r J^c. &< ^ y~ 'i-^l. I ^Cs^st c*^ **&~ / ^ytlriZ^O . *s(/1USL &&4&Cs 14Usi*Jl£ ^/J 6^ ”ay 15, 1905, :ca' Bartlett: 1 two 1 liter h >mt one til ir<3 Of the material that .as jn jour envelope art: put it nit' what I he-. leid aside g?©# for jt. Karlov/, I have rot yet heard from him and shall not send the f-phagnum until I do. If lie reports that ho has a specimen iron elsewhere I will, o: course, return the"searenation to you later. erhaps. a yencroia amount of ti e material my be found Icter in the Cry;to-ar:;ic Herbrrijns. T shall he much interested in your effort to find the type local it,- , art win/ yr success ir.- Ha search. I h ve no material of phepru r rnis souricum so of course I should be deliflitcd to pet some i 3 it will not rob you too much. Tea, pot word from . arnstorf two or three we elec apo as to the determinations he had made of my -‘phepna. ITo thing* new, but aone interesting ones alonp old lines. Cordislly. Dec. IS, 1908. Mr. II . Ji . Ba r11 o 11. Perktbns 60, Cami)ridge, Dass. Dear Bartlett:- I have just had an opportunity to look up the matter of the Tal'le-top fphagmpa which you wrote about on the 5th inst. is you do not mention ther? being any number on the packet I assume that there was none. If this asumption is correct then the plant is, with very si if It margin for ctouht, Sphagnum Girgersobni funs. If there was a mucker on the pocket it may till be this species, though more likely one of two ether oped os collected at the same time. The above mentioned is the only one that I collected in Quantity on soil 24, as I now recall it. The other two species being collected "for locality only". If you are sure that there was no number on the sample you arc safe in calling it as stated above. If "do. 2" appears on the original packet then it is jS. hussowi var, rhodocroum fuss. If this number appears on the original packet please let me know, otherwise I will understand that it is £. Girgensohni . ky only reason for saying above " ver; sli ght margin for doubt" is that there nay possibly have been a "Ho. 2" on the padre l and it was overlooked or lost before it reached you. I think very likely it would be a goof plan to have some of your blank U b s : iter. hen I . to over i2 I will let you 'mow ’row many of ere] you. had better send re. Cordidll; yourc, J. FRANKLIN COLLINS 468 HOPE ST., PROVIDENCE, R. I. Bartlett's Georgia Mosses. 1908 15603 15604 15605 15606 15607 15608a 156081 15609 15610 15611 15612 15613 15614 15615 1554 1557 1569 750 1572 1582 1582 1565 1412 1467 1450 1427 1433 1435 Leucob'ryum albidum (Brid. )Lindt. Dicranum sabuletorum Ren. et Card. Catharinaea Leucofton JTulaceus (L. )Sulliv, Anomo don attenuatus (ochreB. )Hueb. Thelia hirtella Culliv. Anomodon attenuates (Schreb.}Hueb. Catharinaea Plagiotheuiun micans (Sw. ) Par.(?)‘ Catharinaea Catharinaea Tetraplodon australis Lesq.. et Jame Hypnum imponens Hedw. Dicranum scoparium (L. ) Iledw. (y y y2ir1%_ a-i^ &cc^ t sG&t+i^ 6*~J^ a-^f' - Q ^c ^ ^ £j-cC£'~y ^cJ ^£ ■ J> £ — T “7^2* ■ r\ <2 -O / p C c C^ /fa- ^w ^/2i l / < ' i^yl^tjz ^ ^- 'T C e&c M L'2 7 / losses collected by Freda Dafmers in licking Co., Ohio, 1910. l^terrained By J. F. Collins, Jan. 1911. AMBX.Y8TEGITJM variu® {L. ,H©dw. )' llnCb. Ho. 6. Sochii BS. , varying towards A, variuns. lo. 7 " ripariurc (Hedw.) BS. Sos, 29, 38. fhnidiTua vlrglnianpn (Brid.} Mndb. Bo. 11. paludosurr; (Sulliv. } Ban & Hervey, Hos, 18, 37. aelicatulran fl.} Mitt., Sos. 14, 21. either delicatulnm of recognition ( not separable without perichaetial leaves) Ho®. 13, £5, 31, 33, 40. Brachytheeium, near B. pluraosua (no fruit) So. 28. lylaisia intricata (Hedw.) Cardot, Bo. 12, Aulacoranltoa palustre (1.) Sehwacgr. Bos. 9, 10, 16, 17, 27, 30, 39. Hepati.es will be reported later, they are os. 8, 19, 20. Jan. 26, 1911 Dear Bartlett I have been watting several days to hear from Dr. Ivans In regard to three hepatics which I sent him for determinations. As he has not replied I arc sending the names of the mosses on separate sheet, in duplicate, and will let you Imow about the hepatics as sonn as I hear from Sr. E. The duplicate sheet you can forward to Hiss Dotner if yon wish. Cordially, j ' 7i - y 6LS^j£^ZZ SL^.. . n^sc. ^77^c . ^ /'TSP^L 2^-t_e_ 2 ^t— “^T /''V^'U-w, * ^ 7 ^ 7 “^%. X*- *-• ^2- *•’/ / '7^ltnJ~^ / ? / ^, , ' ' <-i#^ (VA- - VI A'* 335 Packard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 25 May 1916. Dear Collins; I'm just running over some mail that should have been answered long ago, and find your card asking about my habitat and geographic distribution. The data are as follows: Acting Assistant Professor of Botany, University of Michigan. I have retained a connection with Washington, having been simply "demoted without prejudice" to $1 per month. I am acting during the absencj of Prof. Hus. If he comes baok when his leave is up (three years) I'll go back to Sashington| or hunt elsewhere for an opening. Still want Polytrichum and Catharinia? If you do, let me know, as I'm in a new locality and will be glad to gather some . Cordially yours. 7 Kirkland gt., Cambridge, Mass.-, May 28, 1910, Postmaster, Winchester, I. H., Dear Sir:— Would you be so kind as to place this letter in the hands of some one who may be willing to answer mv inciuiries ? c There has been a great deal of interest lately in some parts of New England as to.* the greatest size attained by certain kinds of frees, and in Rhode Island, especially, statements have been published, based on careful measurements of particular trees that were claimed to be the biggest known of their kind. In reply to such a claim concorniii|i the white pine, I mentioned the magnificent row of white pines bordering the Ashuslot giver in your town, and expressed some doubt whether Rhode Island could surpass them. Reliable figures were called for; so,for the credit of Winchester,! am writing to ask if some one will not take and send me careful measurements of the girth of sev oral of the largest of this row of pines, She girth of the trunk should be measured in feet and inches breast high from the ground. If a tape measure is not to be had, any stout cord that will not stretch will do and the measurement taken from the cord carefully with a two-foot rule. Of course cars should be taken to keep the tape or cord level all the way round the trunk, so that the measurement will be trae. Tendering my thanks in advance for the trouble involved, I am j ' ' ' - • ■ . $ .< Very truly, I fl V 2 ". /vi __ O q ^ v* y\/ , G / ££ <-<^£- vj <^7 **-?£—*—- 722^7, £^~-^t_ i, —- Cr\^ 'L-U-ftsVsfccI - Ce^C T' T t t _ , 7^73 c^~frzl^.i__j> GLi^c^t^ 3/* f f ^ / %9 0 ; fa G/w 'Af’J ^ ^ CL ) n <— ^' M > ~( " Nt '- v ^ &Kju£uC Ay A-\,o i ~tfa.'f- ^ o—s_il "4 X Ct'-v-'C*^ ‘\/ta_A~ -^yAA~^Jty\^ fa, ^ LXx J+J tl *' LS ‘ ^ QJ/i-JO L~* -n-YVv* l*-\, J%&* "f^\.A L'l S ^ ^/Vy" X <.y( C . % XXXb ' ? Tl 0 (S (t) ( 1 ukeJk. £ V^rw_ ^ Xjs^u^, ^X-cOyv\j yuAfa — ^ cLaakcLcus^ OyiAs y ^vo c , \ ( § JUL ^ zb'Jry t Pfrrfrj Q. dc^kj ^ A wA( i ^Iaa^j ‘Jvt^ ^1/ < Xi^J J q/ *)\Pt Ar\ )fUO) Ov\_ XXfyrrtJz ’AV) £~fi Ct-wj (a "~(i\a Pf t I 'WVj, //- 2. 3 / • ■ ? - g _. i f _ J & 1 ip &isi -v _g* --Jill „ ; ■ tr ‘^ __ -&JL -JaJLt*t£c- \. OtJC e O^OUcU- i . Os££. t _ 3 _ $***.*# -] { tC: '&0 __._ tf A “ /? ' / rti itJH iA-s>_ ;\V - ' C J--\ J ' m m* £'V * Mn /X*_ crM^_ ^ .... _"f3k_^ < *3,._3 . ** t * A^o- i> w i, * 4-^ UH-iAL^ ' _ ^ 1 / 0 .<• -4 -_ / QC**-*. /V*V v *«\J - ^ . , ^ « ' ■ " -^ = ' ^_. (p.a^bCC tU^ Cc u-^ g V mM "a -IikZ- ' ^,r .f-L -&J~ 4 - BROWN UNIVERSITY HERBARIUM, PROVIDENCE, R. I. -1. 'VLO 3 o-ixrv a_ X^ 6 ~U A AaXa, . /jy Oi-Ai '~&rxy 'hAjY Ob/v/-r4 oW^ a^. Jj yYCrvJaA.) Q. Cj-A/\s>-J ] y^-rvo IXtLoJ^ . Crroii^ IsLj&trdA oj^ 3-^.0; /* <*'A- CX.A, , 'tCZlyyOtau *M* — (ctMfJlffjCi) OjacJ) ^/rr^snssC) ^rtU^ <^o GKo (i_a_Xa?a aJ^:_\ Oo A-- hnJ>'ij (-P rY't^x) 0>aa/>(j ^J i ' ! ' J ^ tyyxjyj ci^X f X) S^c/xx u r Uj,lXfY'>Wy.f Xrouy o-f-A Sl/ajsfo j *j&PcA^u> Cu i < sX cJVrm^f ^j^ry]^) _ (UjXjTrX^ (Xjyo cy^dJj~) /h rryf r * Aj c9^3 4 4 W^K. Crr & lri , 1915 jiril L Co (a>^ Culrfif ^l ~dl, COO OyplMj , '^Y&ifUrl (^Stt/r^xruA, Ci'dUj cp tW^j 'Vvijej (Tvv) '^L) 8 r > 56 v ^'KV\ s) tvcuw) udb/cdL &. CO M/0 'Jlcti 'J y ^5’d_^VU> / ^ o( ou^ yiOA/jfx j jVoJ^ YvtUxO^O CroJ/v/J &wto h yvu-A-cJ'1) 'Ir-e/vy yyuAAiio 4 fif oJUajlw^ yVoJfisr- c^bvOfCaty. o ' i h'icLs2) 4 'Vwjfj Cu^ob ^LcLc cur~cu fw^v//o *Y\l\j^O^Ljr9> C^L.oY<3 '^yJh }^JcnAA^> TmaR^ °£ — £ „ fi '£ * V 'nA • A. A->. 7 ^‘ >* *“«* &•> '*. L •-'.*■* J) / "}VC- ,.n AC V ' £ • - /•' //j?, y /> ^$" 5 ~ £>■ ai£r • lr. &J&C £cJj~ CL*^j>9 Sr o9-C* ^J, lst*LJL A. 1? ^U3_M—«*^ rjy-**. $. 9^*-- <1>J~ 'j r ' 7 < /v/ r 3i9V 3Sl'( 3979 2h-9z\yiH\ srn 97 rr 7 ?! 97 HV 9f, 33rt 6 *9 20 oH\ 7^ jrot -{f 19 3o | 10 z/ S7 to fto j10Z Zl 9to 90 ir zxn 3* Z9 33 to 2.Z 99 3o cr\ c Zl £?j 9f, 99 ff ft HI So 39 19 Zl ■ m 3/ /; 19 t! 93 ! 99 Ito7 9/ ?r ! n fr 3 CJ 77 to ff 37 73 n ; 9? So hr zr ! f? 9o 99 * tfi %s to 70 79 fr 9? 9f j Si j to if /to? I 97 zm : r ty % 1 9? 17 9/ Zto not 9o Jf % So tot/to tr 9 ?* *1 If of to ?r S't X CjCf to i r? SI j 79 /z zr // 73 71 11 JOZf n Srf 9 too/ 99 ■ to 3^S\ (bo-o-Y ; ^^7 cjGriA^^e / /^Lf* &'-‘X_j£'£jeS§ £.-«-•, 1 tZtf- ,~-'-,^ £c«s-t> /^■-(j^--ejLy f ^ S * 24 ^ 2 — JZyjLCJl-jCf Cu/~0^ /e^jt 0^/ °^ t^s^^j»/^%je, Q^ JLyji r / nro ) ,, fO&0 , . pZ-JUA-ujuA'”' a I / w i | ( rout y ' ~' /fftftf q*. \Slf 1 t+^JZyfLs U tcjg^ns- X >*-^—? ■£»-$. • /' yj> <*> .v> ^ &*>-*-£-£ J—Uv^ ~a , (Bt^f?^£ 7 /t^r c4je_ft^v L& , f/i. ^U'uM- d it,.3; r ' /> 7 M a. f. NOTHING BUT THE ADDRESS CAN BE PLACED ON THIS SIDE, [ a- trf'.f /w 7 x/ -2.c y ci_*^ cl~*AL A^/ £c (_0~ xa^-c~Asl, ^ ^ <5^c<^J Xc/rd -i<_ -t^ -^ /'t-LiLt &l Y AArv-^*-'t^ y (5W J /T' / w^ /( 'U j/tt-H l - MAAlALs . ,j£y"~ 0^1- 4 - w//?m ,. ,V.., • x c’ -. A ~ . OU^C ( 7 ~V^&- 0 ~ AC &*.fu C S-p *f o-C r ^ cv •<•• Vjj>/ ^ O' ACj^-Aj OUVJ 1 CJ2- *c C<~^ ^y IX-^A /<(uK-^ <-^ A a,X . [PrurAU ^Zy tC ctz 7 ^^—6 (y Ac^~< j A / ’- f lt A. P ALa^-C X^p~C>\ i TZF /U^- / /d (Pa^y Ay. y yCr-cc,^/ (ALA , ' yr /P£~c U..8. Jlz^ 6»~.. K- & t-t, ZL^'CcIc/ j^ r ->- * ‘ *-i ft (? ^2, ^^uuW, /£ . T/f, /$%£\ i,2 l, 37?? 2~>.s. " v/£* Q~£ 7 ffZf~"%rC:tr /- $ '** ^ c~Cr( {'l t~/ 7 ^7 T—-' 1 * ' ^ J^i ■(— L & £-Ci „ ^ ^ w- Cx X &~7 x*. /„' w O0 Oo MJ u 'JO 0» 03 N) N K M «" -s> *P N? *3 to Nj *nJ "V Nj nj c N c< *s» (K, 1 -t ON o-. 0* N U> X. 0^ Vx [ V 3 Uo <*? t° ol ( CX 1 (SJ \/ V) <*Q \ ck> N <*> X j (7 ' / f 7 ^ -^z^v <^i /s^^-xs /C~^ -^a-^ 7^ u-,/t c (& -/. ^ L v c~ v C ^■£c_^^L^ 7 <_ ^ f? , %r f £_a_ f Su^^/C 1 1 7 c ^ ' Z /f //(- ■< 4*. /" C<3(._ i<- x ccr/Ui£i ’ ' S ■ .. / V yi (c* <<. //, y /~v /s~,z - <4^—' AA ^AttsW, t^AAiTfAGA^t), r L * <~ c ^, c\jlA . A '2 ^ r A- Pfo-T_.j>-~si 7Z (f l^c ^4/^ < &^C- f£ f^-rEa-x^a. ( y4 /’'—/£> , / _ e*-~^L >J?a-t.~c-~ii^,_ /t ^t^i~ ^/__ - 04 *- yC^'T' ■UjtUy ^y~ i^x ^- c< c, ~t>~~^x. f Ou^t- />£, Ct~y} ^ t*- ' / o^ X&e^/i- *~4 £1*. /' /k // /)/„ ti r/< <* > '/■ y~ 'o—cx^t^ Brown University, -rovidencc, K. I., Jan. 31, 1908. "r. V7. H.Blanchard, Westminster, Vt. Dear r. Blanchard: Yours of the 29th is at hand. I hope you will reserve, temporarily, a poot set of your distribution of the species of Kuhns, Betula and Amelanchier; for our herbarium. I dare say your prices will be reasonable, but, in order to -ore fully comply with the business regulations at the office of the University you had better send me a memorandum of the price and the probable number of spedimene in the first lot before I send you the official order for the same. Very truly yours, February 6, 190t. 'r. W. H. Blanchard, be strainster. Vt . Dear hr. Blanchard: Your letter of the 4th is at hand, and the suggestions therein are eatisfactor; to me, ■ : e should he p'lfal to o-et © rood set of all the Her England species that yon can send US, Very truly years, /9a^J S ^ /^tCo«__/-oo$ $0-4-4 * nu+.GU- i f c /( 9 /fiS~ a.4 . J^yC^-OL, c/-tJL^L /Co flSL.0 ^C>Kx §n ,, ^ /___- cH^c^ J ? 0 u fc , f t -rib*- £ // ,, tJ^hcc •* l I*LcaJp y £ &■ J AA P <*-'*-"*- ijT, f r <^JLd f f Fr r {i. ^cj£ . / ^/ A~&-d /f-<^*-^t- ■'■- / c n^^ /u-£>-4s*-e- L t-tsy .. April 16, 1908. . H. Blanchard, art m i r> a t e r , V t. 'Iy dear ""y, Blanchard: Your let 1 c. reached me yesterday and the box of meeirens arrived ir. {good condition today. I am very much pleased with the . lantr, hot!: or ads account of quality and quantity. I hope you will let roe bn or of any future distribu¬ tions of this sort and give me a cranee to get them for our herbarium. If you will send a bill for these plants I will "Oh” it and send it forward it for payment. As if usually tabes come time to get a bill through the different committees and into the Begistrarc hands for payment I would suggest the advisability of forwarding it very soon if, as I suspect, you would like the money within a few weeks. Very truly yours. hu tr~'C^e^-c<^ y vx, ° (/ '/, / f /d - Jty - / ) ji a^- /S ^ • __, V / (f~^X CY^CX^-* ’ / ,, S X t--£ ^ /»^v jn. /^r p y« ez- A 3 * r XX( /^t'- r?- V*-< ''^ I f rr /) < f r c//TT_ - Ux ,7 * ^ X*^-*-^^7 C XXX&X^ ^ ^"X- „ / , /€,:/ 7— £s r ^ /c^x t/L< 3. 3 ^ f <.<_ < y<7 Xft ■ r i ^^< / ^^Xc/, 'X- X>. X. X? *mX CC' X ^ v_J^U ^ 'ccqf 3 Xl3c4. ^-c-£ 3 ('2'tCC^^x (3- /CC- < <^< / 7 ^ x -- /?>•*- < ^^7 ^ xX-^ . t*- *<~c£j <*■ 1 *< X /c r ^x. xxi/X xx x/>* c* i < < *. Xx^c^- ;X XXe£.. JL*i. c. ■£_ ? ) 7- 9Y #■ 8 t <*-*771 Brovm University, Providence, H, I,, October V", 1915, /////////////// ’'r, 17, a, Blanfjliard, 5 G ■ ierne ey vo nu o, Wo it pel’or, It, 2Iy 3ear Mr, Blanchard: Your letter of Catcher 11 reached me r. lorn day.j ago, but I did not lave an' opportunity. to yel the records looked up until today. 1 find there ie no ore raontioned in the Brown catalogue lnee the establishment of the College bp ti;.e name of Hideout or kid out , 'there I a, however, in the city directory two names, as follows: .lidout, Hubert (Clamper), 48 Hudson Street* and the other, Hidout, darner H. (Coachman) , 167 fntario Street._ I hope this informat ion will be of some use to you, I rill refer your memorandum regarding the distribu¬ tion of Hubns to Professor York who now has charge of the botan¬ ical work here at the University. I presume if he desires the set he will communicate with yon before long. With best wishes. Very truly yours, JFC-G Ols~^(z/ <§ > ‘? / J-PC ‘^Lt o~^f^u^i> t M& otCcp/ i L C^~P-^CLsnyX, CT~ldLs^Ly sXd x/ sLs4 ^lY~ ,/C 4 . ou' c^^CyCd 0~&-J4-y a^y CC-'l,CXyC~ ^3^^,-yyc/ ^/CC'X'CXXd' ^y^UL; ^ylXyOC^'-' xyCyy ^yCCy^x^y^ yy^Cz^sx^/. Crsiy C, 0~-CcJd-- ■ Cyt^JxixL L^s-trv-tjC, - f /y’^^ly& 0~qfC^Xc^ssi, ~txru/-l/ L , As £><^-' f y , yC~cssC~ us~ay2^ QsssC~ C?CsrXstA-nsT_,- CL, jj^zssit' sy^cxsisiP cxyyxr', 9bC~ a^xxsl. J-^*^se{ ^^C^sy-e, (msC-Z, J^-tssLs (L^crA^CyCi-'S L^tr-~crjc( ^Cnsz JlsCCjCxyC _^yC~CLyC*&** ^*yC ^c CL-*(pC , * 1t?-— 3H — 33 f — (q4~I ~— C 6 ^ yotf'" yi u — U(o~~ t%.n — !%nr" !3jx 0 - 7x~ / j u> - j - %- ^ *>"? — xx ?c / uf X‘ I * 3 yX" x(, c r- xx o ? xiSe£_—^_ cu^sl SVv c ^-t TyVUtj /^c\jd_s^c{' IX- ^ ixX- /ffii /. J / ZZo~^~^

, ,VX V- /2*yr l J ^yCsis-A^ Ci_ Jj/' -Xc-<. J , C^ ccJ^o ^y . < ' i^v ~^-*- ,t*s-ex.y^.'M -C. u^ erf cr*~*<- "f'f J P.S. s'l <£iyL£~ ej^fl^L t (^cUa. cJ? -^yC 3 o ^xy-*^G*-<^A yc ~'^y_ &yLyy&s , yy/cyCy^-y . ts^y^(3 /LA. <*- £ ^ yy^~^yy~y?" , ~^ ^ is* As3^3ca r y jyyio- 9 . vJy ^ • 4)e^ *4', - fl?e/ sAjx-x - fr^lL 1 ..l>^-vs?6t of CCa^- £M. X fCt-iAel CL (jjp^K-^ ir^^y (L^-A C ~, jf ■^J /UjX x *~ Ay *~'X 4e cCtCj.-yA^ J-/~ . t ^ X-0^^ JiMXy '<- i r d^*s( sd /*—A ~ ^ ^ ^ rv&^£_ di^-d SlAS-e^. ybL / ( i d//ZZT C^ a \^/^a^ /\(f.~J;.-lL A — C fjiCtZ\_c>l(y £j J JW*M. dtrv-^L^+^j JZ a. ZZZl j Z^Z.3 °^A suf-iu yl Zu- * '~^ ^ c ‘~'^ yittu \a-i jdcC'/e (uhz^l cl £i + / c/ r '' •_> ^ (o c ti C-V 4/A••#T/V>—'*' '"V'~—r ‘^-A. vWAa -r- sJ^U J+£f. J X~J ~ -£t^^ XX^-^—£^ ^/VAA-Ay ^yi )— * ! AA-^ '^^ c rv ^ V«- Tov , O^A. ^-AcAAAej. t u-vt v/c jV -•>a.v^ <£-^- oAia -^-—<_ ■ /! < j. C ^' ****&+. c /C u^~k_ - ^ C.x^-i_ x a. A ■ / v a £„a.— ■ 'f - ^ t>:7 a/«-^ <• - ? • /' , A~&_Jl/ > ^ ^ "l V ■ Olsi-^L^ A/\ A /lAv^f yi**). <^AAj^(y^ zstAc^ cl^a — i^ Ala £ AsA ^A-A-a-^c^ • * PS l . . st ~A /T. /: C «L ( y tt /JoaxA yu_ ^v. a . - fr t* ^ ^ ^ ~JiA_Ayl- y^Jx olu^-^yy^X i ' ..- rit: . / AJuJul U^JJc I x\ ^ E-t rof -r,ailey for the Department, a set of the jaeger dupli¬ cates of Eurcj^e^an Mosses, I have 16 sets of them, and have taken care to keep as many duplicates as possible, in order to help Am¬ erican students to become independent of so much Eurc^kn help. kWlfl' •nlease let me know what book^you ha^ve in the Library too, as occa¬ sionally I have a duplicate to spare. Is there a | set of my re prints ? on the Mosses ? I do not know that it is necessary for us to make our section a chapter of the A.A. I rahter think we shall work better indepen¬ dently, simply using the Observer as our journal, for the present. The Linnean Pern Chapter wanted us, but their little pamplet can not afford illustrations, and they are very important. I shall be very glad to reveeive any su^ggestions, and am waiting to hear frera those who would like to help. My principal idea is to facilitate exchanges, stop this sending abjo^ad for nagi ing and distributing, our American Mosses, and teach others how to help themselves. Dr. Evans will give us soon 10-12 papers on the Hepaticae, which we Cryptogamic Botany lustrate and distribute specimens of, and Miss Cummings and ELIZABETH G. BRITTON, Editor. Columbia coiig|. > Ne 1 g^^g.jy { j er ^ jjgyg promised to do the same for the Lichens.! also hope later to do the same for the F.W . Algae, and the marine, nhere are so many interesting things to be told about them all, that- even such men as Faxon, and Rau and men who know the mosses, and have known them for years, write to me, and say, " I am so glad you told me that about the naing of Buxbaumia, I shall not forget K it, it is very quaint" and there are lots of things coming up all the time that we want to have looked into right away. I mean to go and hold ble too for a ce ’tainamount of work, and not let my suggestions as to what remains to be done go in one ear and out of the other I shall send you the White !‘t. Moss, m etraplodon mnioides, from timbers of the stable on the summit, saturated with urine, collect ed by waxon, and others, and will refer you to D.A.Burnettt, Brad¬ ford, Penn, for specimens from his region, ne has duplicates of good ones, well named. T send 'lou his list with this Sincerely yours //W, -a^ (&j. ‘Jtutiwf c(^.£. 4 eC&e-i *v a/iw :/ / ^/ c 6 -'t-,^. -£j£tlc_ — <*Xy^vtA- ^^cX-lAc. , utUj ^ ... . l i^f, ^ c^XLhSlu Ai /tLe ‘ a ' ■ f ^ v - _> . u. U^)it.££ ~/Xe , X<_f f^*j~~fobX-4 •M AVr ,vv -‘~' ut. '•‘u/um. jv~^3 ’tt'u_h- -3 Ac^j (yagaegfl ) fV-tL^i ■€u6(c «=» J*<-(*)- k °U«Ul. t,. tl*,.. n ~4n*&* , 9 Vwi~£, *{£*.„' ^c' .,t c ■■^tpxr'tu c^-tu^. l^-U-\,£i.t^-t C Ou^^kCi. v_4L-Vv-» -M. 9^^/cC C-t,\ L , . . { z J 0-t~ LA ^ y ■ i *—cX. V fit L^ $*> 4 iA*y* Cett l^ut, L 't . 3 — . 1 ^ '- L C "A tA? r>N- v". ; c M 9 iXLjfa ti.rrtXjk j -<-^ ) C^MlC ^Sr y'A **■"?. A **-**zs*f . «£L4 •> A t A ■ 9 ^<>-*^0 ^cCf | 1 ^| ni'fin~~f| iiT f^c r ('/'"/* 0 *^ /V ~'C^ - cv, -tteuX c ^o dtX^rt^i ^**»* 4 «» - y ,’ /? y , K f « (f ^ v'v / '^^ ; j *ZXt-t3 At, ~tsjL:tf> -th^.1*. Cl*-4 • >-i -v ? . C >0 4 ww"t£p a ,v X2-X^ j ^ '~cC.o^ M *£ i Ltrictf'Cf.dlf y *0*-* '^v>j$&P*p»v WJ, : ■-; <»£«4-**«rW jjj il h-!■„-, "(Xv , Out# ~ ' ■ j|j|| 1 1 ■ , f - - r -—- °<- (rThXh^Jt X X-j ‘J c^' /~£L - -i C j fee.^^ I ' x ~ u -fy L ^) X £^"X %X c*.W,iY, idvi ^ * ) ‘■' 1 . I/-c*» X-xJ? ^ /^A_t >-$*/.. v ~' 4ie4jHl *v. ffv ‘J'V—'j ^ v»t. « Vvt -Y— YwV- V 7 7XJ l . ,4_^ , ! } , ? } J,/o-H-/) ' •' t *) oJ.'X( iv-^ ^ ^ ■ j /)t n tH'»c «~v /X L ) tvA-/" r ^> A '*“' 1 >-^ c# -j^ rtf*'<* IX^' '’r //*“ t W '-Vv V «^l. trv^ --«' ■!> *■ (^4-a -VJ 0o^.f/L.0 xp- tltC * Crvptogamic Botany A DEPARTMENT OF THE OBSERVER, PORTLAND, CONN. ELIZABETH Q. BRITTON, Editor. Columbia College, New "York City. /?H - Lj ) > 7 o. <-( c~f >_ jiA^V . ^ /'/, /)£ A>~ p- X'6 < 3 *- C c£ A’ / tAV\) /La i ^ '^> f^^JL *^7 >--»•- c C N~>- i^A^i-^4; ■<• .Vij—s-tffei-lii—v ft W 0 . £'~V\ ^ , :<■■>■/- -j •'C^/' - . o . J^rd , Cryptogamic Botany A DEPARTMENT OF THE OBSERVER, PORTLAND, CONN. ELIZABETH G. BRITTON, Editor. Columbia College, New York City. T. Franklin Collins, May 28th, 1897 Fear Fir, Yon 1 " letter of the 21 st, is received. 1 shall be very glad to give what assistance, 1 can, and willingly look over j*our drawings and Jfar specimens. I shall be away from home over pecoration ay, but after that expect to be regularlyfat my work, and shall hope to be able to give them prompt attention. It seems unlikely that S eouler lgt should be found in Mai- ne . lt raay be one o I those dark Grimm!as that grow in water, howev- er such as 1. aciculari s (L.) ?T ulier ( §acomi f rium acicularl s) which grows in mountain streams. I have never known of Scouleria having been found anywhere else than on the West Coast and the Rocky Mountains . Cryptogamic Botany A DEPARTMENT OF THE OBSERVER, PORTLAND, CONN. ELIZABETH Q. BRITTON, Editor. Columbia College, New York City. June 3d, 1897. Dear -r. Collins, your letter and the packets of C. rivulars and Anacamptoflon have been received. You know perhaps that accrod- ing to the lat4st treatment of the genus, apocarpa and rivularis ar separated, and 3 think correctly. It is very kind of you to send me the Anacamptodon. I do not thibk wehad it from Main , and we are always gald to have a new staterepresented in the herbarium, and ma ine has not been at all thoroughly worked. I think ^rof P. L. Har¬ vey of Orone ..nine would be glad of a set of duplicates of any Me. mosses that you can spare for him. he has been sending me some for namirg . / You ask me about your drawings. I think they are very good and I ce rtainly should keep them with the speciemsn as you study them. At kew they file a separate set of illustrations. At Columbia, we naste on to the sheets in the^j^rbarium, any illustrations that we get of the different species, then we have them there ready for / reference I shall be pleased to help you at any time that you are pixzzled, I wish you could see my Adirondack collections.! studied them all cr4 t^ally tis winter, mounted them up in fine shape, named all the odds and ends, looked up all the doubtful ones, and find that 1 ha e 27 rare species, including three that have only been found in the IJ.S. but once, Bryum concinnatum, Hypnum ^eckii and II/ T-amesii, Zygodon viridissimus, uxbaumia indusiata,8chistostega osnundacea, of which I enclose a specimen,n,etraplodon m.nioides, Anacamptodon ^>pl achno i de s, omalia Tamesii, etc. sincerely yours, 123 Test 4 t h' St. rT .Y. a mr oh 1 1 t h, 1898, J. Franklin Collins, near Sir, -r Your letter of the 7th is. receiv d with the specimen of the 'only T Jlot a, which is probably the most curly form of i* , var cri spula. TI. • ^vifoli .as its name implies would only have the leaves curved, not curled. You will find that (Lrai thwaite recognizes but one species.with tvo varieties 4t Limyricht )vd others recognize the fa distinct species. 1 am inclied to think that >t is d fficult to find the characters assigd to each always present in different individuals, but am still anx¬ ious to see mbreS of them growing, especially of the var, i in terly ^dl a with'whi.;'; 1 do not feu-1 at all familiar. 1 confess 1 do not yet ’mde rstand if this moss is only •. variety of TT . crio ;a, -hy Limp- .ri¬ fe ht should key them, in two differ an t sections and put intermedia with U. cur/’-ifol i a in the sect ion T ere the 1. aves are only si Igte ly curled or curved. It looks to me/as if "here were a mistake some vh ere - r i t, h k in de s t re gard s , ' ours tru ly, /y P.8. 1 have '.asked Mr . Br.idgham to -consult our ’copy of the Bryolog Europe 1 ; and Sul livants Xc ones for some drawings that he is ^making for me, 1 Hope this privelege will be granted him. and oblige, E . fr . B . IJew York, _arch 2] si, 1898. Year Mr Collins, 3 have vailed a few days in order to give your ! Ini urn s more careful attention. They are very interesting to m$ r S you know 3 have a. revision of the genus in ms. and have been oarticularlv bothered by the Mn. orthorhynchum group. These two of * 5 ^ —-—- - ours seem to bo the very small variety of that species which nas been called Mn. in cl .inatu m, Lindb.(.See Limprioht Laubmonse and Phil ibert he^. Bryol. jan. 3 895.) "he caps’llos are mucr .rhler, and the plant more delicate in every way th'-r the normal f rm of Mn. o rth o rhync hum or lycopodio /de s, 3 t hink ' hey are deserving of fur¬ ther study, and if you have the operculum preserved in any of them, it is said to be blunt in this species as distinguishing it from the others of this group. 1 think you are safe in recognizing it as a variety, which has boon credited to America to Jfacotm, you for subgl 0 ' 4 ;osu;. • which wo u.ct t i:l psawlopu • ctatn .m, the first name. 1 must congratulate you on the neatness of your slides. They are fine, and 3 wi sh you would give me a shprt notice of how you make them for the Fern Bulletin. 3 have Amann's account of his me¬ thod and was proposing to make a note for them soon on this subject You use ("glycerine jelly, of course. halting you for these specimens, which 3 shall be very glad to keep, believe me most cordially yours, BROWN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY. W. WHITMAN BAILEY, A. M., Professor. J. FRANKLIN COLLINS, B. P., Ourator of the Herbarium , HAVEN METCALF, A. B., Instructor. h PROVIDENCE, R. I., . IB9 CA-f L^~l_ o (%JLP / 2 /U-v ~b$uUPx ~^>-rL+PtZEr^. , JoccsCfE CyV ) Vx -^jux^uA 'i$~ cf-^yjxA. vf c.U.,‘f ^ {/0~Zf ; (t-^~ Q- j y - -+-+~<-^s'X m ' roo-iff. Cb n f" n^CtL „ ■"' Ay) yyf /;..■' f (*.{..7- 7 eft fyA uAt farcEfe/X^ A '''-A—■ yAZyjtAj c£ y -^e« 5 UA<^^ cA$cy\ %f~ ccffy . JxJS-o^C AAey-f 2 - ooc^. a<~ e-/ -c^v7~xJl_, tf .Jl /xPNzAjZ .^O ycJZ.cA ry~AjC\Ji rc^yff 'Cjy A^ As~pA~' i^~) ) A^W-<_ . *>*- BROWN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY. W. WHITMAN BAILEY, A. M., Professor. J. FRANKLIN COLLINS, B. P., Curator of the Herbarium . HAVEN METCALF, A. B-, Instructor. f , PRDIIIDENCE, R. I,,. .183 C \jptz y -Cf~ Q-* iA. Pto h-o^T-cX. fp^C P^^~ePf!P&u> •-*- , ’J' cr\ icCtA — a^c/ ^ CX^a€A. ~u^JL j <\y^ ark. A r il 18th, 1899. Bear Mr. Collins, ] have compared the Grimmia from Tucker- mans Ravine collected by Nr. E'-vas with G. ceaspitica from Europe and find they are not the same ^ so 1 have named them fr> ; Dr. Eabsn and written out a description and sent to him for publics" ion in Rhodora, and now 1 wr ite to ask Mou for the loan of yo.ur drawings of the cross-sections of the leaves, which will you please send to Dr. A.w.Bavsn at 7 2 high St., New'jfaven Conn.? 1 have asked him to make the sketches of the outlines of the leaves and of the cells fla*, but if you should have the time or have made any already 1 know e w) uld be glad to have you send them also. 1 am settling preliminaries before moving into our new home atjfjedford nark, with¬ in sight of our new Bo t uni cal Museum, which 1 hope you will scorae to see as s&on as it is finished. Mr. Britton is offerring some vey 2\cxo IJJork Jktamcal (Garden, ^vonx 3P' Jf. c 5>2>. \f\T oJbdL~~— , n j{L ^ ~ ' - y r,v - ^ ^ < 5 . $ if ctjii&Lfcu. st:. (\tu~-. fU, IROtK. JLLJL it ' Pt s z~- s » * LM ^ 4 -, /^ —'- ('■ 3 ^ ' *- . /S', r/o/ F K o N RJ j L *-* ( /^ / -' JSf/^; /S'./fOf qA a-*s>. ( 0 ^- Wir* ^ \JYo^X^' Jfa 7 /&, (9 °/, / M / \jVUzL, AA a* x. N'a^?X'^,'ol, J^- U^ rL- LL^ *£- U~ U-& *~ l^ Vv— 4 ^- /;Z . sA'CtrVV**/. 91 Mt.Vernon St,March 18th 1902 De ar Mr s. Britt on, Does one often find Sphagnum fruiting in March, in this climate? I was almost as astonished as if I had found It was at ripe strawberries, but parhaps that only shows my ignorance Magnolia,in woods near the station--we found a few fruiting bits—some fallen capsules, and some still afittached,and containing spores. Last July and August I found plants two species at least,in the Magnolia_swa= swamp, abundantly fruiting; I looked in my Braithwaite's Sphagnaceae, but suppose the dates were given for English specimens—then in Lesqueu and James,and found no dates--then in the mounts that dear Mr.James gave me,and found the dates ranged from June to Sept, inclusive,and were mostly New Jersey specimens. I should be ever so glad to Imow what you can tell me, for two of the Botany Group were with me,when we found them—on March 15th. We rambled around close to the Magnolia statu-^ but brought back only about thirty species, and many of them sterile. I had promised Mrs. Tower and Mrs. Read that! would show them Buxbaumia growing,and so I did,but the plants were not quite ripe—they were sitting in little coveys on the bank by the station road. We got a sterile JBleurocarp that I said was the same that Dr.Grout had named Eurhynchium Boscii ,but there was a great outcry—they knew Boscii--! had found it in Brookline where a lawn sloped down to a retaining wall, and also had some exactly similar from the French Broad River—banks of—both golden- .and bronze in color,and growing in rather I|arli gutattixal (garden, Hotfix* gaxjli, JXcxo ‘IJcrrli City. BROWN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY. PROVIDE NCE, R. I., ^ 7:—,190 jviu^-j a ^*~ L " z ^- < yyi*- J cf_ ’C-C ^ '~y*-^~~ °%. n_Q^st~ ^/ 3 A-cw'C Qs-^t^-JLajL^ r^LTV^r -/-cr~x- D . . . « -^x _ I r , » n* ■ - ■ £. 1 ■ ■* < y/n^« * ^ r * ■« I- ec . Ji ^ V yL_ o». \~~eJ2JL\_ ? -j^ JIAca^^a^. j cA. ^X-j J? ^ OCAA-£, /CiLi Cl^&Ay ^ 7" x— 7 c^a^f" ’vjji o-\, tr^ aJL^^)^ z ^ ZeL JJnv JJcrrk iB statical (harden, §*a»fe, llcw ^orli ©ittj. k? 2,065 Decatur avenue 3Be&for& flSarft, 1R. 13. Citg. June 26th, 1902. I-'y dear Mr. Collins, ~)o not be discouraged, go on collecting, and seeig ant- 1 - thinkung, and recognizing. I have be-n through the sane woods, and come out of it, more or less cheerful and happy. I still have a lot of my own collections unnamed, put away and some of other peoples too. But as we get more space, more money end more help, I shall get them all straight in time, and so will you. I should be glad to help you by running them over hrstily with you, if I could. But I suppose most of your puzzles, require critical examination. Still we all could help if you ohose to get out a set of unnamed specimens, and send them to ■ t j i~3 r ‘ j e ' *'* i • ° u t, and rayslef, we couldmprobably help you out between us . We a11 rerrt in the way you mean, and it does us more good than ab¬ solute idleness. It is the outdoor exercise and the pleasure of seeing new places and things. I wish you might get down to see us before you ' settle down to work again, I think it would do you good. Cordially yours, i JJew W^ovVx iBotauical (harden, ^vonx ^aicti, %zvo ^orlt ©itig. Feb. ist, 190 3 Derr Hr. Collins Dont worry about the exchange. T have enough mounting and work to do, to keep my girl busy for a year ahead, so there is plen ty of tine, and we are not anxious to build up a large New England col¬ lection, but if you have any very interesting things from Paine , we hell be gladt to see them. I an sorry to hear that your teaching takes so much of your time. Y/e manage to keep busy all the time , but it has the help, mounting paper, envelopes and case room that I needed, and noxr we are getting in a lot of new furniture, so that I shall have all the room as well.I am to have a little room a 1 ! for my mosses alone, and nothing e 1 se in it, and I shall be very glad. hr. • ilia ins has returned from Bolivia ad borught a v very "ine collection of noses and ferns, the finest that have ever been brought to our collections, so Prof. U derwood says.Prof. Underwood is now in Jamaica, and will go to Cuba later, the Eastern end , to collect fungi with Prof, Earle,Our managers seem vailing to pay the expenses for exploration of the best Indies, of any botanist that we choose to send there, T/hat is the matter with your New Englad moneyed men ? Y/hy dont you start in to wake them up ? hr. Schermerhorn has just died, who gave Schermerhorn Hall to Columbia, “is Daughter is Mrs. Bridgham of rovidence. (^an y u not Intercut dir. B. in travelling and collecting , I know that he has much natural talent in that direction, and has done some drawings of fungi for Dr* Farlow, and some mosses for me. His tastes ran toward Entomology a -1 so. \3\® z 1TED STATES OFAMERICA.] 39 (Jl xrhxmbia §>irs£i, $rxxxxklhn£^ oliLOyS ^Uo/ ^ ^Cy^/y ^'T^l^yyiyys^ V dy^iyy f fyyiyn^-y £yny\y-* f<- I “^"^ ' dy-ta^y / l^y^y J , J oL^yC t^r^~ <3y>^y sLaytc^ /£*-z-■<- £ a_, «v~ Ct/y 'T^yyy ^ y ^ c/ ^ (l ^^4 U^L^yy $ J srtr £L- jbyy. cJ^ aLloC a*k, |teuj pencil ©itig. Prof. J. F. Collins, Brown University, Providence, R. I. Dear Professor Collins:- I enclose a postal card which will be of interest to you I think, and answering the question which I could not answer before I left for Nassau. Please return the card to me as I believe Miss. Vail wants to file it in the library correspondence, and oblige, Yours truly. K ^ *7^4. ms** tdU c^Csc/ — 2L /S5 yfy -L ft A'- aLu cu^. ‘U Axjjj $ ^ ^ i ' . s *—• "b */Z. ■ 3,t,g3 . 5 a c/* - - - - »Ne. . A —t c- tJhjL C&-4, &£c£j 0&7 Zh • ^> A & SLr '^ P-ixJU^, " > P / P, S) ^ C, ^ Iwi^ C^uLe^ cAjl <=—« \ -&nr-4 J 7 _U. X- Lt*m. <^L£^Ol-¥~-U!. /^ho ~k?") ^*. a -^~b- ' ~U 4 . t £~7 y/~e-€£ &(*<&-{ °f T teXt&J^ 6-£ / 67 YI rry-igyr-- ^ AA oi*0 W-4 jLu >WLt->' & s ^V' .^ < ■ » ■ ? bX mt j\f'- *■**-*»- C^ «*.. ve£ /*£,< jF)f \ c& fc * N , / * £'** ^ ^ w ~^VV^! Wvvl’l. ^ vA_> ( KV^f 1 «*V <^) N£-4.<-t f >*->*, * Ww. *j «. C- ? /W '-^Pt-tjQy 0 it t;-.' «ka ' A f '*-~. c .£ /\ O tn-C. ^ l*^t«e ^p ^jpXi ~'-^ J ~ r l/ ^"^ Cl ' l ' l '")^^ v '''l ^ -. ejUishci* - ^\.y> i-tf-j j, Cdi ^ v G«. (. ^ ^ t/'-vwc Tf’ii n i ^~Tnfir^-“ ;a * «ywt4rC.^ v j4-is*r %d’ ®^0 i*wC m Q»yj££j£~ ■*uA^ tA Al*- c^v ^ ^U l ^ vX 4 ' ^ J /V-*-! C^c^-o ^ ^ " "t/\£ tfZ.i'~**^ t ~ (/\*~im~S *^K-M_f^ !. Cvva -/^ UsC£*S>f | in, ^'& r fjL*.'^ (i ) A-nr— A -"t f siftl U_ ^ C V) , 'O y> i„ 4* ^ {p&tvv* & T ■*?, '&—X i (*X .*—-A j^x; p i* 1 xM^-%^4 n t-. (■/ <• 4 ^'V-W \ (P'&jUJ. f ~~^e CJL# •£?£. l-N-V-v^ frf ^ t-lJ-'J , u.» ( //i^tv« vj ^ 2X<—-*.. <*—xt., ? »^ne t+-£/t£J^, ——£*-- • j^-'~£^-<—£\ •vJte.vkC. L v e^ riS 'f t - ca'. Jj!_ ^jt-.- /- 4 '"-'_<-e, ; 6 njO( Cm- SU ^A. X,.. > «A - p ^ p l jPbcczJzttBg***^^ v (! hv » etXwNl f <•< ‘•C *T «*•- ^C4.<.^y'r t**v V A ci D *X&A- *- ifA »-* ^ rtV'.»vv ‘ d^J- tu» ^ a^-v*. t-£» ^\^cd\ iAwwz* OtM 6-4 / S ^V—*~ y - /wf" c**^> ^ CLf- - t ■■'• , vc>a* | l^. C** - tt u^ .>,,.io'vpC <- /~c Q-Jps u c( ^ r ^~'~c) ^ ' ~tu-JL(. 4 3 U, /" CiA,, A s-RJ 2 x~*. t UJl- /n, -^ r A b ^ r lC%K ^'■t.i ii if £*i.^ \ A , • nM** .,<^, _ 24ix /?y* ^ ^ ,< ^'fft-vc^v '€<• V‘ X^-fec-G ' C • s - • ,l f t^C^C^L 6 • * ^\JL~-f C- 4 -' ^■ &u- t •'ll- w . f- Aw, V^'V. ' £ ^ ! >W | *■-/ i'C^C (3-^ (/^u., /) • tts4>l i > „ \JaJI , C*A (Aj**S* {jlCcLusfe C" 5 c*£rvu «. cX. y *^ ^‘•M /Q o^cJL ^ v-r-Cv^^ J 'Y-'W-j^ ^ j/vv' ^ v ;yy 4. > Ov-t^ ■'.■-vJ r fi-<*A lUs^- Aj yvO A fwtMff" J i-£-~X^ ^ Aix -li ^ w-e,£/ ky ^V-y i’y-* et,. v ty j . '• .Jew-r-^c^TSS^ », ^ v et-^t t v.«,.e «tA, 24^_ ^ oJL^Jnr&JJr VvV'wA f ' **. J ~*^f~. o L^v^i’ A^ «-<• <-C-j ^ -<•—I /~lfi^ t^t (/ ^ Cx*-* cf •istrt , * . ^) ij. A^pvxJLt^K ^ ‘ * ll/*d*“tj /Wfc £-~v~ T^u. — «-' , ^w-/'' _) AavV>A 3 4« *■*- *5> i/\'K*£- j ig AA -L<-x- yvA 1 trs k $ ✓W**-V'.-» .t4 AVM^~'k$L 9 %JL^JU '~(Lc* ' «* -^“Xc* { 1*1 StS^fcjl^j {V 1 -** uwj Aa^ •>-<-**^'^41 v ‘\^“ fc-v^-v if -Jjt ei •Cf / ^ ^ . ’ A -£&, < < ^'-A~««~-Cv (y*i k A *c, (~~ V~V~v-f fc/ ^£> v. *<*v» «* $~c£JL < A r i 5" idi-d • Ch o.-t’ jjyiA%A**dr ^/i^- ^»7 ^ve ®t> fvduid* J i. d Ct^-x. ^ C'ts-j-e “t~^^_ ldx._ y rX f jibQcu,*^ i- t “J f &CJU-V, lt>-vC,£jir„ We^ ^ VT^Aa Au.^ "^A*. ^ «JJ? d c v/ cCt ' V Au> O-dvwV / ps-x^"' -A t .^,,, c 9 e. *ri < (AUmj >/c.j i>c » J dJi&JUU^^ , Y 40 ; p) AAc ^ rV A-'Af ^ A <5r=t-^-J5 |aa|. td? /is&l ■ J? j^uu ^ ~§JtGjL 4 A -•’< f i Pt«€ ( *‘!' t< ^' tJjenr ^lork gjotamcal (Sardm, Ufavk, 21jcu> ^ovli ©tty. .Ee.hruary.....7..,.19.Q.6., Mr. J. F. Collins, Brown University, Providence, R. I. * Ky dear Mr. Collins f I have "been house cleaning^this morning and find that I have a number of Hew England mosses unnamed. I do not care to take the time to determine these, so I am sending them to you under separate cover thinking perhaps that they may be of interest to you. If you do not want them, throw them away. IIcm %ovh. botanical dardett, H?avfc, iltnir 'SJorh <£ittp .Cc.t.o.bar.....19.,.19.0.6. Mr. J. F. Collins, Brown University, Providence, E. I. My dear Mr. Collins:- We are back from our trip to Jamaica where we made a great haul of mosses, hepatics, lichens and ferns. Doctor Evans and Mr. Bichols were with us as well as Professor Underwood and Mr. Britton, so we had a good time and found lots of treasures. One day last week Kiss. Lorenz spent the day with me and we went over her puzzles. Among them was a specimen from Mt. Mansfield, collected on the Fourth of July trip,which proves according to Dr. Best to be either Pseudoleskea substriata or lescuraea frigida , from Kindberg's imperfect description^ apparently the latter. Miss. Lorenz is sending you a duplicate at my request. I also enclose a specimen about which there seems to be some doubt, it may be- of interest to you, so keep it. I also had a call from Mr. Chamberlain^whom I had not previously met^and he told me of your having mounted the Wilson duplicates for Professor Farlow. You may be interested to know that Mr. Williams is in England,where he has gone to pack the Mitten herbarium which we have just purchased. With kind regards, believe me, /iVU t,y /f$ Y \) 'T'W t" %y "■ «~ 1 - L 7 't<--> b- * *" 1 ^ ^.t -t •W-®“'-~ ^ *,-•»•, ^ i /jvv,.»s(/^ £jt^x.f '~bLi~ a .xyfi\ ^Ua. > CX «**-** ^ '-/" iv *^ ‘-W‘-‘^‘-( «- e X«~*a«>4* y <•, ^jX-'- e ^ ^ n^~£ : €\.£- C^/y.\f t,( ^Xy^i t n <_ ^ 7 ' i «+‘V*£. t C Cv, C- ^ ► & ^ t(jjL^TZ*_ <<^P \/^r-u'££-\ t 2 Mg, Ji/.p <- < ) ’'**'• 1&- *sr~s3 ^Vy /■jLt.-'l'C £ o~C 6 li r . -<»- !' *.-£ / ^ r „ - ^ /,„4.tM)iti*“;r' ?Mn 0 . ^'u*. 1 ^ JV-^. &-«- 9 .♦—*- ,-c ^ ^ i.jt^i Lf //«,&.& .t (L-'V''»^''~k_9^ ^-Cyi/'—'v*- > ^- v * lvv . » • C , 9 * *’■ ~! >/c / ^ 4 ‘ '- /£ '£<> •'V •• ^>., •>-/ 0\ U.v, *C*tj£u. £ <* i/v^K Jc- C'<■ •-(. 4^ir — j^*C- Hf* ^ ^ '\jt - £y4 lUrt^^f <■( j/L*-)** «***» —r 4k Gk_^ » •C Cvv^a L H-t. C? v. *i,A~4Az *■ C'YA.C ^ 1 4t.< t./*t^K,*iO -AAr^ & Vvv^. M- tw< ^ 4 ,4 i-' ^ K ? t : J ^ A' 1 r *~ ' £-£ ? 7 »w^ «*,A IAa. X X^'*-e «-v ry >ArJ 1 UW ^vv-v. t ««*j ^ p.v, /' ’wv^ -w ’v-i ? 8^ c-uvi£ t -Cyf, vwtj->v. <<-/ e6t*vw«^ * \) ww' jr~ /*&.» V-^.. /^T ”^ i rv^L ^j. J%t»x£> * *~^' **} 1 *'■<- ^tvt (Form 11.) IJjew Unrk Jkianital (garden, gash, f|£MJ ^Oftl ©itij. EQ.y.e.mb..e.r....££.,.19.Q7 Prof J. F. Collins, Brown University, Providence, R.,1. lily dear Prof. Collins;- I am sending you in a separate package six mosse§, collected at East Hebron, Hew Hampshire,last summer by Mr. Percy Wilson, which may be of interest to your collection We are all heartbroken over the death of Yours cordially, Professor Underwood. rovidcnce, . I., .ov. S3, 1907. My dear Mrs. Britton: N Thank you ever so much for the little package of mosses chieh has Just come to hand. I am glad to get the specIrene. I feel somewhat guilty in accepting them as i have * not sent anything to you for so long. However, it is not for the reason that I have nothing to send, hut because I have had no time to get specimens ready to send. You will get thorn some day , and then with interest, I ho;e. ✓ It is indeed a very sod thing in regard to Hr. Underwood. V / it met have been a tremendous shock to nil his colleagues ana inti—to friends, as it war to nil who ! new of him. Botany has certainly lost a valuable -man. .Ithoupf i never met him I have often Mard him highly spoken 01 by numerous friends of mine who know him intimately. • ■Very truly yours, * IJjew y&ovk gutaixal (Sardm, Mtxo ^ovli ©itg. Mabrnary....6..,.19.Q8.,. Mr. J. Franklin Collins, 468 Hope Street, Providence, B. I. Pear Mr. Collins The package of mosses collected in Georgia by H. E. Bartlett lias been received. Many thanks. I have examined Ho. 907 for Isopterypium micans (Sw.) and believe it is simply a very slender form of this species which is quite common in our Southern States and which I have proven to be the same as Magiotheeium Groutii Cardot & Theriot Pot. Gas. May 1904. I suppose you intended these for us. We leave for Jamaica, West Indies on the 22d for five or six weeks. Yours sincerely, February 8, 1908 hrc , h. G-. Britton, Botanical Carden, E'er York City Beer Yrs. Britton: Yes, the Geur^ia mosses were for you to keep. You nay consider them as a very small instalment towards caneel- l:inf the larye debt which T owe for your kindness in sending- no numerous her Yn^land mosses which have been so acceptable within the past two or three years, I have recently enjoyed a few eveninms of moss worn., and. this paclraye is one result. ’one will follow, in the more or less remote future, when I have other opportunities for study. Thank you for your rep ort on ho. 907. I hope you will have a fine tri. to Jamaica. If you happen across any of the forms, varieties, sports, ’’primary species ', Otc, of k 1 ytrichym commun e, and have a c-hanoe to mother in a few, I hope you will remember that they arc- just what I am anxious to yet hold of. Very truly yoi?rs, February £» 1908. .re, Z. Britton, Botainea3 Garde -. lieu or Is it;. , Hear re writton: 7 Feb. 17, 130? Ire, 1. 1. Britton, Hew York: City. :iy rear v rs, Britton: •Many thanbo for thr cfuoliceten Iron the Kitten He.: yariir. ( eir 10.,). I agree vnir. you teat it i ■ in all probability not ol~ f ricl ra;. coimr.r .c, alt oug; 1 gave acu no chance to st .0 if, 3. feel very i clue tart s oo.' t c* 5 ioxicx,> t&c ; n- uj; ®’ Vcr Indian ol; frith , yet I shall be glad to get specimens of any one no yen obtain in in lice e, especially 'o:on a a er: ■■•o closely j" lUvlon (if any be .form to „» 1.. .... i'll* VA'i*"!T -y»n . voj u.i L.r m- re Ucm ^arli ^Botanical (garden, ^vanx spavli, f£cw 'Uavli. ©itij. ..TTn v ember Pt h, 1 9 09. _ Mr. J. F. Collins, Providence,Rhode Island. Dear Mr. Collins On" 1 y a connon species but it made me realize that I had not heard Prom you for a. long time! What are you .To ing ? Where have you been ? Are you still studying Fo 1 y tri chum? Jan' 3, 1910, Mrs. IVI.Britton, Hew York Botanical Garden, liew York City,. !y dear krs, Britton :«* Your letter cane several' weeks aro in trie iBixrst of a Brash" season with me, and as a result it was mislaid or overlooked until recently. It was then so near the Boston meeting of the A. A. A. 3. that I concluded to nee you there. At the latter place it almost seems, as I now look hack upon it, as if we had mutually agreed to nersiste tly dodre each other; at least we could not have succeeded hotter if we had. I was extreme¬ ly sorry not to attend the /ullivant Society meeting, hut I was Obliged to he elsewhere that afternoon. I went around to the Bat. Hist. rooms in the a.m. hoping to see you then. I also looked for you at several other meetings in Boston. He\lying to your questions in the letter I would say that x have heon working on Polytrichum whenever a little time As available. From our correspondence of some three years ago I understooa ^nat I was expected to do the Polytrrchaceae for the iT. A.llora, and ha\e slowly been working along those $ lines, though for tr.e past cn.o years I have not found very uch time for this particular work. I judge from your letter that there is some misunderstanding in regard to the matter. Please let me know. I called at the Garden last sum. er and also in ’08 to see you, I saw Brs.l3urri.il, Rydberg, and.Andrews last•dimmer and Hr, small in ' 08. If I had known any ahead of &cr time that I could have visited the Garden I should have written you, hut as it was I had to take ay chances of finding you. Very truly yours. HUw gtftamtal 3&xanx fj?a*fc, Bent ^ovfc. (Cits. January 4th. 1910. Prof.. J. Franklin Collins, Brown University, Providence, R. I. Rear Mr. Collins:- It is too bad to have missed seeing each other so completely. I am very glad to hear again from you and to be assured that you are planning to do the Polytriohaceae for Forth American Flora, JTo/there is no misunderstanding - no one else wants'them - but I had not heard from you or sent you any material recently/ Iir. Hichols dis¬ covery of Pogonatum brachyphyllum at Few Haven is very interesting and Professor Chamberlain - who was here just before Christmas—told me that he did not believe our Forth American specimens of Pogonatum alpinu m were the same.as the Huropean/ I have not looked into this question - but it is known to be a variable species. let me know if I can be of any help to you. Pith best wishes for the Few Year, Sincerely and cordially yours. Jan. 5, 1910 Mrs. E, (J. Britton, Botanical Carden, Hew York City. My dear Mrs. Britt on:- Thank you for your offer of help on the Borth American Polyt- rlchaceae. I shall certainly avail myself of the opportunity later, as soon an I under¬ stand my own material a little better. Am glad to hear of Mr. Bichol’s discovery of fogonatum brachyphyllum , and also that Mr. Chamberlain agrees with what I published in Bhodora (8:132) in July, 1906, in regard to ogonatum alpinum . With the season’s greetings, Very truly yours. IBeur |)arli botanical (SariLett, flewj ‘Uotfc. ©itjj. Professor J. F. Collins, Brown Universitjr, Providence, E. I. Pear Mr. Collins:- I ara sending the catalogue in separate cover to you, as I promised. You will see by Mr. Maxon's letter that they have selected only eight titles hut he does not in¬ dicate what they are. I sent off my order and Miss Haynes some time ago hut laave not yet received the hooks. We leave for Cuba again about the middle of August. Sincerely yours m ')ct.o : l.’iu ■ if; d 0”!: • Lise Borkiand : - Your card ha« just reached me. Two dayrg : aao T had my fir st, o : ' oahtirit/;- to 1 rd ohr the kitten eat&lopuo', bavin- returned to f c city le • • than a aoet nri or thereto. I find two hooka listed that I should like to met if not too costly, ios, 179 and £87. The latter la. 1 imayin© too hi-h priced to consider. There are ;;r : to a number of the foreign publications which I do not have . hut I ear;not invest in these iust at nresent. Yearly all the American ones I already have . I do not remember that Yrs. Britton told me anything about the method of purchase, whether by Mddinp or by payfrip a fixed ■•rice v;hieh does not appear on the lift. Can yon inform r.e? Term trill"; sours. pyy; , :y Uettx W^ox\i Ipxrtatxical (Sardcu, %vonx 1'a'cfr, f^tur ^orfe ©itjj. .. Oct.*... nth* 19.10. J. Franklin Collins, 468 Hope Street, Providence, R. I. Pear Prof. Collins:- Hiss Mitten fixes the price according to catalogues that she has and they are not unreasonable. I will ask her to let rae know the prices of 179 and 287 at once and let you know. The list goes to Pr. Grout now. We are back from Cuba safe and sound with 15 00 more plants to add to our collections which are getting to be quite large from this island. Cordially yours, ||jexv 5)arli botanical 05anUu, SPa'Cfc, |Xcm ^0tii City. Professor J. F. Collins* 468 Hope Street, providence, R. I. Pear Professor Collins .Oc.t. .iltli,. 1C 10 Pon't you want me to send you a lot of TTCest Indian duplicates named and unnamed of Poly triclinia , etc. Of cotkrse we are all very busy at the beginning of the fall season, but we all know that you have made a critical study of the family and I should be pleased to share our material with you. V ) U Sincerely yours. 46C Hope street, 1 rovidrece , I.. I. Oct.,10, 1910 Mrs. 1. G. Bri11 on , Hew York Botanical Garden, Hew York' City, My dear. Mr s. Britton:- I sh&uld oe very glad to r et 'any such West Indian duplicates as you may'have to spare, and thank you for thinking of me in this regard. I hope no one will expect me to snake any studies on them' in the immediate future, as it will he almost, if not entirely, impossible for me to find the tine to do so this side of Christmas Terry truly yours, _ lJjem ijarli fBcrtaixicat darxletx, ^vanx I^kTi, |XettT ^ovlt ©its. ..Oct. .15th, 1910. Prof. J. Franklin Collins, 4G8 Hope Street, providence, R. I. Pear Prof. OGllins:** Lillian and I will get together gradually some duplicates of the Polytriohaceae and send them on to you sometime before Christmas, them you cam take your time over them as we shall not reach that group for many months yet. Sincerely yours. //y f.p* 2 o /f-0 * */() 26j- 3pwr ^ork gotattical GSawlcu, Drcm* |Pax:lp IJXcui Elavil (City. .. u&ii-* _lH,_1SOJL#._ prof. J„ F. Collins, 468 Hope Street, Providence, R. I. Pear Prof. Collins:- Many thanks for the reprints from Rhodora which have reached me to-day. The successful use of corrugated hoards will he helpful in certain x )ar ts of Cuba where it vario -s ail the time/ I have been checking up our specimens of Philonotis from the Pismier Revision and am tempted to ask you if you can spare specimens of I. americana var. graciiescens Piem. n. var. CoMins, no. 4172, Ga^pe^Co. 1. Also is he not mistaken in crediting to R. Id/^St. Frances (Collins i,0# is it not P. (p. 23)= P. caespitosa , R. id. Collins 2410. r. lallax P. 2, Balde (C.F.& F. 3593).. If there are ,any of ours of A ' which you would like duplicates please let me know as we are putting them in order now. Miss Kitten sent trie enclosed memorandum recently and at last has sent me a priced catalogue. With best wishes for the Few Year, Sincerely yours. -• S^On separate sheet as memorandum. ) In jutting away the reprints in the library I find that according to our card InaBrJ reprints in the liiua.iy two or your separates a*** lau icing in our set.' u you can u “-±Pk thoi_ ct th_s -i-ate dace, we snail be much obliged. They a.re* Collins, Rotes on the Eryophytes of Maine.II. Katahdin Mosses Rhodora 3: 181-184. 10 Je. 1901 Preliminary lists of Few England Plants,-FIX. Rhodora 8: 131-135. 28 J1 1906. Jan. 17, 1911./ Mrs. . Britton, Hew Pmrh Botanical Garden, Ben York C it.-;. ' Dear ;' rs. Br 11; ; on : - You.ro of yesh rdoy's elate Is at hand. J an. sendln" tinder' two separate covers both reprints and specimens of all the nossen you mentioned. You maid have received tea latter later in any event. I had no Ju-'lieate of Bo. 241C , so I abstracted a piece from my own herbarium for you. In regard to Do. 2367 ; in -Be- has r.ade a blunder. ■ The only two seed mens which he named _B awerlcana were collected in Maine . I send you rpeeirseno of each. Probably he toon one *ha from after my name at the top oi the label 1 see ladel of ‘-off , j It has never see; :ed ne ce os ary, 10 insert ’Maine after the locality he label. jp 4 * where that word is printed so prominently at the top of but I can easily see where a foreigner might be misled by a custom which is so yenc-raliy und < ion in the country. In re yard to the Bitten pass'lets; if I under stand the fi mures to mean shillings and nee as follows, - 79 James; Bus cl if the 4 Ctl: saralle.! , one shilling, sir. i'Ouce, 237(or Is it 287 ?) Yilkes expedition, twenty-five shillings. I should li’he both of them. If it is necessary, or advisable, for me to write direct to hiss Bitten '-'lease advise me promptl;- of her address an a I will communicate with her at once. "erhaps you are acting somewhat in the nature of her agent in this country. T home if you learn of other mosses or reprints that you would like that you will lot me know. If 1 have duplicates J shall be only too glad to supply your wants. Very truly yours. 3§Uw gtftauical dter&eu, |Xeiu ^lo vli (£iti\. .Jan.,.18.,.12.11... prof. J. Franklin Collins, 468 Hope Street, Providence, E. I. Pear prof. Collins Many thanks for to ay request for specimens. Pont have made a lot of corrections in our copy and will send the list to you as soon as Prof. ChankerIs in returns it I He is translating the keys and I have written a critical revision. I will send your order to Kiss Kitten at once. Yes, I have tried to help them disj'ose of their father's hooks and pamphlets. your prompt and generous reply you want some of ours? Yes, I Cordially yours. Jan. 20, 1911 Lira. B. G. Britton, Botnaical Garden, Hew Yorl: City. Bear 2 Irs. Britt on: - I should be very glad to see a list of the Bismier corrections as soon as you get the list back from Chamberlain, if you can spare it temporarily. I do not think of any special mosses that I would like just at present. Perhaps you may occasionally run across a duplicate that you would like to get out of your way, I „ id not, however, send you the specimens with the expect¬ ation of geeting anything in return. I have not yet forgotten that you have in the past sent me numerous ? -Y 0 j. s ^ (Form 11) Jlem yjoxk IBcriattical (Sartteu, l&Ktinx |lcui ^0vli City. Prof. J. Franklin Collins, 4G8 Hope Street,, Providence, E. I, Dear Prof. Collins:~ I have compared notes and corrections with Prof. Chamberlain who was here last Saturday and he tells me that he is going up to see you on Lincoln's or Washington’s Birthday and will take his copy along. I meant any species of Philonotis 1, as listed hy Dismier that might he lacking in your collections. I also told Hr. Chanderlain that I wished he could persuade you to come here next summer for a month or more on one of our research scholarships to study and put our collection of pogonatun and Poly- trichum in order. They are worth £50. and Dr. Le Hoy Andrews will he here in July and Dr. Arthur and Dr. Zern have Been here several times. It would enable us to get a better understanding of the amity than we have now U 29 Jan, 1911 My dear Mrs. Britton Yours of the 23d duly received, I have looked over my specimens fo Philonotis and find I lack the following species and varieties listed by hisnier. My list of what I lack is longer than what I have. X f you have any duplicates of any listed below I would be very glad to get a bit of any of them, Mie following species and varieties not in Herb. J.F.C, radicalis; have one Fla. specimen nSc only (Holzinger’s Ho.94) gracillima sphaeroearpa; no U.S, specimens, tenella; none of the varieties, uneinata, nor any variety, crysoblasta Marchiea; not a specimen from anywhere!’, seriata tomentwlla, nor any variety caespitosa; none of the varieties, capillaris; no IT. S. specimen. Hone of the S, American species. I expect Hr. Chamberlain here over Sunday, two weeks from today, when we shallprobably go over the corrections, etc. Very truly yours. Feb. 18, 1911. Ky dear Mra. Written Thank you very much for the specimens of Fhilonotis which came afew days ago. In regard to the Maine mosses would say that I should he gdid to vet any, provided it does not involve naming them. I an trying to narrow my moss work, as time for the work is so limited’,’ to working almost entirely on the Polytrichums. ¥ery truly yours, 20Uw gtftaixical daxrxl m t |lcm %atU ©its. July 2.5.,. .1911, Prof. J. Franklin Collin*, 468 Hope Street, Providence, R. I. Dear Prof. Collins We promised to send you duplicates of Polytrichura etc. from the W. I . last year and did not get around to it. Am hoping that Lillian will find time to get the duplicates for you soon. Meanwhile, I vender if you could not plan to come here on one of our scholarships next year, and do some work for North American Flora? Dr. Andrews is here this summer working on Pottiaceae . Sincerely yours. 468 Hope -Street, Providence, E.I. 15 Oct. 1911 My dear Mrs. Britton I have "been out of town most of the time since June, and for this reason, probably, your letter of the 25th of Juljr failed to reach me until I returned to Providdnce a few days ago. You probably know before this that I have resigned my position in Brown University in order to accept a position in the Bureau of Plant Industry in Washington. My permanent address will be,as heretofore, the Providence address given at the top of this sheet, although in the summertime I expect to be in the field most of the time. For this reason the chances of my being able to arrange to take one of the scholarships that you mention are not very favorable, though by no means out of the question, so far as I can see now. I am still following up the Polytricha as my avocation, and I am hoping that I shall have more time for the work when I am in Providence than I have had for several years past; it could not very well be less. Hoping you have had a pleasant and profitable summer, I remain very truly, I was in lew York some little time ago. As ray time was rather limited and I was told that you were in Europe, I did not attempt to get up to the garden. IJjew ‘Uorii Iptfiawical (Harden, ^vanx fiParli, Ueur ‘IJovk Ciitj. ..MUiaaiL Prof. J. Franklin Collins, 468 Hope Street, providence, R. I. Dear Mr. Collins Ho. 4 of the Josselyn Bot. Soc. with your Key to Polytrichum is received. Many thanks I I have still in mind to send you some duplicates of all of ours hut we keep pretty busy and just now Lillian is type-writing- for F. A, Flora , hut I do intend to send them to you and there are several interesting problems among the West Indian ones which I am sure you will enjoy. Sincerely yours. Hew gjcrtauical dar&ew, ^exo U0VU ©ittj. Jan...10 , .1912.* Prof. J. Franklin Collins, 468 Hope Street, Providence, E. I. Pear Mr. Collins:- We are getting ready to print the first part of Volume 15 of I. A. Flora and I am asking favors of those who are likely to have specimens from other places than we have. Can you give me any extensions of ranges of the same species that I asked Prof. Chamberlain about. I enclose his letter and ^ / two duplicates of Hew England stations for^rare species'. The Polytrichaceae do not come in till the end of Part 4 of Vol. 15 so there is no hurry, but if at any time you wish to come here on one of our "Research Scholarships" for a month, please let me know and it can be arranged. With best wishes for the lew Year, Sincerely yours. 460 Hope Street, Providence,, R«I. 23 Jan. 1912 My dear Mrs. Britton Your letter of the 10th, addressed to Providence, was forwarded to me in Washington where I have Been since the middle of December, until within 46 hours, I have Just had opportunity to look iip the records t■ at I have of the species mentioned in the letter to Hr. Chamberlain (which I return herewith', I fear that I can add little, if anythin/?, of interest to what has already been indicated, but as I am uncertain in several cases I indicate below what may be of interest, although I think you r.tst already know of all of them. Archidium ohioense, Quebec, in Pacouns Cat. 6:12. . ■ - Minn. in Dryol. 6:37 Minn. Hoi?,. Hus. J8c. Bor. Am. Ho. 2. Trematodon ambipuum. Ontario and B, C. in ‘acoun Cat. 6:19 Alaska. Observer 7:645 Ottawa. Ott. Hat. 20:177 Trematodon lonpieollis. Southern states, in Trans. Am. Phil. -_____ s 0 e. 13;10 a Fla. Hoi?. Ho. 79 Thank you very much for the two specimen*! from Pass. I am very pla& to have them, ) I was in ITew York for about two hours on Sunday last. Qas sorry that I did not have time to pet up to the Carden. Perhaps T ean do better next time. \ Tl U^.y*,. * "~XV W&$L ~ C m-ft- /JLaa^ o-$^l iA^-Hy-* -^ Vri cV ^ VVU ^ cV *y vt«s^ , e^r/» Vv^_v.~V "tfc — tki\ ^, VxJ^S- v_i>*i ^«-v^vo. 'Xo.a ^ V U C> V ^ Lstxjuj^f 0-i>-J»— » >a ^."^5 v W_.o~*_>« , VO-a C.' 10,1 'V * ? - Vv\jrcj*>, — \^ A <^AAJC_Xi^L_- ^ Qijc «A>--wv^ VS x^jw^. V> cuuk, ~w. \\ . December 14, 1918. Kiss Ella L. Horr* 18 State Street, Worcester, Mass. My dear Miss Horr:- Am glad to hear of your moss-class and that you are at work on the "local flora." If you will pardon my giving you unsought advice "Do keep a record and specimens of all local mosses !" send duplicates either to the Mew England J.otanl.oal Club or to v. ?. Collins, 468 Hope street. Providence, Rhode Island, who has a card catalogue of all Dew England mosses. You may and probably will, add some extensions of ranges , varia ¬ tions or rare species to his list l Sincerely yours. J. FRANKLIN COLLINS 468 HOPE ST., PROVIDENCE, R. I. 30 Dec. 1 00 Mr .W.Calkins, Berwyn, Ill. Bear Sir:- I inclose postage for the mosses which yon so kindly offer in the current Bryologist. If you still have any of your offerings of September I should be glad to gen those also. Thank you for whatever you are able to sent me. Very truly yours, W. W. CxlLKINS ATTORNEY AT LAW COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY Berwyn, Cook Co., III. ZZsl IMP ^ U^n J- ^ ^ QrlsLJCs Lr^^^yy* (n^i * W> 1/ / 3 msd*+~iy /Cd ^ JT/UlZy- Jh J-l^jT st^L* —^ >3 ^7 xX^lw >cwZ- 4~~£~~t rt~ytUJ7,t y. s^rtx/ — cxn^^ (^UAy 7 (/ y ^Cr-tr~&. n ") /e^"? j / ^ y (cL, lo s s e o collected about Chicago, Ill. .by ... Cal' : a List receive*' Jan, 1909. p 0 r exchange:- L. )M> j>c, Jr fr -l , Le s be-a. P oly c* rp a, ■Aa.iL \ Arab lyst 0 yin El lo call NJ , , I/O. lit riel j! in o alii U XUE ‘ 7 - /lm> , 0 e • 0 e i at oC 0 n ■' u r ,ii reus ■y /\/U*-», « lei si a V ixi dula s.c 7 , A- - ^ J SC Oil li tri ran t rrbin- :itnrn C«~— ,, o 2 ^ v, t- aris il ^ P’ ro/no t:i ica P.v, /v*n—„ . /v 1, ^Kv>ye, ^ 3 pb a m CO rn ac turn cola urn ylau O vLiIi V n p s q lbiuuxi s.c, ; x o i; trie.cum imioer.s . .ul * o; ' j v : . i In al'm-j. Unit diurn cte 11 catulu ^*-<7 P«, ; /v.$ ( f f n,y A/«t, ; • *'V' VW ' £ >»<^-' ?v. \ ■> JUleAtfvv*- ■tjv. losses collected about Chicago, 111, ,by 7/.',7. Calkins list received Jan, 1909. For exchange:- le she a o olyea r na, Arab 1 y s i o g t van Hoc hi i D i t r i c h i ■ i a p a 11 i d ran Ceretodon pur,urcuo heisia viriclula Phuscowitriura t urbina turn Funar i o h; gx orne tri ea Pohlia nutans Cpj stir-r.urn c oil actux .Leucobryum ylaucu.: var. albidum hhilonotis fontar.a Polytr ichurn Ohi oonse Aula c own iurn pa lus1 1 . e Ihuidiurn delieatuluw 9 Jan.'09 h Calkins, Esq. herwyn, Ill. Bear ir- I’harj; you Cor t; e nos so s ’./hie 1 came a few days a,no, T find two of them rronyl;' nano cl, o. r -.’’ 'r~.au. eaeoniticiujc” should "be Cor at odor guiyrrou s , and the ” Lone a brynm" should be a ricr anum. Thanh yon also for the privilege of looking over your duplicate list. I firs that I have all the mosses listed, so it world hard 1 be woirtb. while to piternt ar e-chanpe. Very truly yours, W. W. CALKINS ATTORNEY AT LAW and JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY' >X (cj 1 . (Jjl P'ty^cc 'l*+s% -%*JtS+- V»^ s£*^cchi , c6a-~~d +ftA+ f-c_ T^t / Mh- *»w^W^'< 'V^ - ffVf a^yf^ . £u/&'vf.. n*-~r &A Cas'd . Cdfc 'Zas±*. *, / / u 'd*. d^ x ^' t -,'c*~-*--, y^P^+'cC*- C+^drasiA. ft^l • ^ ^ X cduA^asr^^ < O^’c+JLL, c+ *< ^ &^*-vi*va c/o^<^ -t’«-v^ £MA<-0 triAs\, f $L-x ^«, 9 j!j L^ Vcr/-u^. (C/Cuu\ t/ fAc/-^o 3 / 5\ Ac^. iix.. CtSv"* ’ - CI^aAj^^aC. . —. - / f; '•"' /jCt, f^yv^ul^eL. QiwV-tsist- ■ffepT- (\^*A- Hr liz *i Fc±y*-> ix..a,i. v ’}^y 1 pj- AC*. ■ £■ &/' XJL L4 i-if Cc. Pp : £*■«- ItrleL- . 94~ iy> c* VJ^ Vw^Au»^£t_, > Cc r **-^~cF% 5“5Vt>- Vn^-v^J I ^Virn^vv^WAIO^*. (MaJU~iJur>syi- i •liuyu-t^ ja£C,'o<^- , ‘^Ctfeb j (W^vZvjF^ /ffc-itMw* oi3^ H~ - uiiuMt^. J I <£a~d}->wrv^Jt~ ■ lU-f MCi- GsyJ'ii d Jjtr '■*, 15 (T otv££ ci/x^f 7 FiT fkji cAActyt <^a- O-jf-^ftcZ ^ "4 col jlJju .Jjj ' Sf 9-Pcu t* iM/YrVWLU), ^!j '^/vi fivu /(/vl/ftayk- if tnr\ /kr \iow\t&ju yru Ihvyw ^irph 'one £mJ^/U^v^ 07\ l/\^Yh n/iffoo, ;MU> l/flA fif ^ }///? tMjkt' /)/^ A~ ' _ / JJ, * /r ,, ^ /hs A J7T~ /^u^M^yvyi /U^> tv u d l/y^ f (YTUvU \h l/U, /M7 0tJld/u j/ yt? ft / vp if. in*:*,* /H tVvvuyrux* ^ ■ hi a# ckkrw (yJiry\ MHnrkky ^ \/t" kk^y\ ] / fl/l/A^ /^fh Jan. 8, 1910 Hise C. hi. Carr, H. F. D. Ho. 3, South Framingham, Fas#. My clear .Mias Carr:- Your .letter of the 6t : reached me today. I am in no special hurry for the Folytrichum specimens; whenever you can..get at them in the sparing'. I am very much interested in the Hair-caps, and h .re been studying them for some years. I guess it will require some more years of study before I can really know much about them. I would bo very glad to get hold of any and all forms of Folytrielrams. 'ogonatuns, and Catharinaeas in your region,as I an working on sue the order holytriehaceae for the Forth American Flora which is being issued by the Hew York Botanical harden. I am sending you a few pamphlets along this line which may be of interest to you. Very truly yours, JJ, u clii+A-A jjckm 1 3 pcvnJ? X, 111 '[$ ChASnXM&X '^lyiXf Cn-UYi ur^f /[yU6U 4S&rt/< v 9 / J /W 'A I'lyixt^ /lyV/xJ nn^y^ ypu /C^Hnn^J^ Zjtla C^Lf ^/tPP^n o Ay?PL^x> f ^T\j/ y /Vn-t^ /l- 7 ^PK^y/ c?j\fif jt/frsti' ,.yt? //ht-? p^y 2/f OOfy' r y^ i^tA- /^t/ £ Ixyyl^juX i>x P^riAy /^y^ pyr) f OvYyy 0\xy\ O^yy /!APfYY\ Ovy^ /'/Pi/ ry, /> 0yvuj4) /& 1/-1 /^Tru PP-tAyi e^y^st tyyy „ /PJ l/^lo ojuyfa S^r A^l'CttJ 7 fi> i rna f'v y\{/ 'phii^c/X &/ faiAsiy /200 /Im/, sruy- Afln *iy A. £(/7 (piSflLl /U^ fl/t^ fl/fl? fl an^iflu> fr/ii // y /i s 7 Pfll^ flK 'Jj S f A 0SS-/P ^ ^ Aytsv/-' l/~~A [fly f rnv Aa At/s/fl JA} /A~r Jy A flj/£flh /(flnypj sfl flsyis ' l/~ A PlAfl// /pifl flv\ fl/ u y yyu-t^/ iy * * * ~ (Pu/Afl yflflfl C/VlAA ^ nr\AT/i/ i cyyiPlAtsu/j/ JlO/LAi (£u) i ^ 1/^7 iS d^S/S Oisa Jop^in&its? J)/ ,Aasi OstaA^sti ^sLs m dP dv c/< V nVti^/Msty/? SS 1 S r fSp/ S dlAAAs* P PLA&S (X. C A/LiP *l/ Vt- 7^ dP 4 CPs/knf' r ^r JPp &(Aslf S A av) 67 A> Oyyjru 'Avta Ji At/yyytcj / / /^£s&mA}A *&df /frt W'vdc a 7 ^ (mu JpA // j/mS' "a AAAixp/ y /lAAnt ^^/—//AAAy pud AAAr JA AJ'r /ly- t r x y d Al y? Ary a/ /d uy /a 0 / a/aa April 30, 1910 Hy dear Hi as Carr: - Thanh von for the "haircaps" which came in cine scan on. I would bo glad to get specimens of the common species if son have a good opportunity to collect them when they are in good condition. Fresh specimens will he satisfactory if, that is the most convenient w ye for you to send them, hut after the first of June you had better let them dry before you send them, as I expect to be away most of the time from early June to the' middle of September, and tilings sent during that time might remain in the wrappers until I reach home again. First class mail matter ) will, however, be forwarded. Very truly yours. 2 / 2 ■ylC^C yjLS-l/J' A/ > 0 Jh?/y 7, L 0 yi ? yp7 pyy'j pyy 2 2n 2 t02H--'i /?£ 0 y i' CP^yyty 0 ? ■ rytfz 002 * 4 (yruMV . y?ic* kff ij f ' P/rtc//n^yy ^'I Cj A#-^ // L 1 '. 4 /tsin /) lJ Pvyy^i u ? ^4 4 ? ^44 UJ 4 ^ /2&i? frytyt & ^hun-if fc/ Jj^y' / /// ? / //> / / 4 <-y'. Vw - /^r^ryf i^> y mt-myP pcfy/, /(Ujy i//-f) £f, Jpyyi^/ /Pf fWWA7 tu) yyis ^z<^7 £u> ^/mu y jy /2/ix yPy^y £wi M /p n lP?t?if sTiyrtf y l/- /U/Ap> j/i pi 1 Pjpy'^y/y&zsy' Q/ls X/ 1/ stj/ti mU 7 Ilf /VWn/ firing Hvfl/ /lively J/f -fiyifHif/Jt /t- iJu/M nyyii r ,/ / < fVU y X />7 /m //ill tui lyy/ /ytsyu/ Jy^y//y, KsM 'Pisyrtf i/yn 1# ty irmyM£P?PP^LCs cyyz yi^^OyU^ /L tyJtPy Gyf-^J^cP^PytCS OTL t-^A C-0-pt/jX;, &yysi_ ' if o~y^- ‘^Jcts c-L./lJp, P> e/tf-cls t '' l /j fi> J^ e ^ c ^ yz ^ r f x - ^1 £j£ d '22 L-(. C% ■/ £cj -J2--i--t- ^2-Y^-crfrf-- -yuUy^O, f J ru^c££_-. cJ^J22£~ A, j/^Z4 ? Iyc/i, rf )>-*• a>YY -p-C- (>i tYU^2Yy2jjtYC - 024- /£c£s -C-jUy-pUj^ rf /2 puts erf ^rfy /yrzY-eoy, f r * y^/rf