REVISED AND PUBLISHED BY THE MURRAY & NICKELL MFG. CO. CHICAGO honorable COMPANY This very valuable reference book known as J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE has been and continues in wide use throughout the country and abroad for commercial purposes. It is the intention of the present owners to enlarge substantially its circulation. Any questions, information or suggestions the reader can contribute to its betterment, will be greatly appreciated by the management. S. B. PENICK & COMPANY 132 Nassau St., New York 1228 W. Kinzie St., Chicago The World’s Largest Botanical Drug House From One Reliable Source — — — — *BOTANICAL DRUGS — Whole & Milled In Bulk and in Subdivisions Loose Pressed in Ounces *SOLID & POWDERED EXTRACTS In Bulk Only *ALKALOIDS & OLEORESINS *INSECTICIDES — ROTENONE (Derris, Cube, etc.) ‘Crude, Granulated, Powdered Concentrated Extract *WATER SOLUBLE GUMS Tragacanth — Karaya — Arabic Locust — Ghatty — Tahla *MEDICINAL FISH LIVER OILS High Vitamin Potency ~ Sales are made to Manufacturers and Wholesalers S. B. PENICK & COMPANY 132 Nassau St., New York 1228 W. Kinzie St., Chicago The World’s Largest Botanical Drug House 7) O_O ‘o Lee ee J. M. NICKELL’S RoraNicaL [EADY [{ BPERENCE ESPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR DRUGGISTS AND PHYSICIANS. Containing all of the BOTANICAL DRUCS. Known up to the Present Time, GIVING THEIR MEDICAL PROPERTIES, BOTANICAL, COMMON, PHARMACO- PHIAL AND GERMAN COM- MON an cerman) NAMES. COMPILED BY ; J. M. NICKELL. Revised and Published by the MURRAY & NICKELL MFG. CO., CHICAGO, ILLS., U. S. A. 1911, COPYRIGHTED BY I. Mi NICKELE, 1880. PRESS OF THE HENRY O. SHEPARD CO., CHICAGO PREFACE. My aim in the compilation of this work has been to give | to the drug trade a reliable, convenient, and guick reference book, containing all of the botanical drugs known up to the present time, giving all of their Botanical, Common, Pharma- copeial and German Common (in German) Names, and Medt- cal Properties. The author has consulted the best standard authorities, and works on Materia Medica, and an experience of fifteen years in the drug business materially assisted in the convenient arrangement of this work. To make the book practically useful, the subject has been treated with plainness and simplicity, as far as possible. I am well aware that druggists are, almost daily, perplexed by the use of common names, as applied to botanical drugs, and even botanical names (as many have two or more); and in the absence of a book to which you can readily refer, a sale is often missed, when you have the goods wanted, in your stock, but not known to you or your assistant, by the botanical or common name applied to it by your customer, (the only one known to him). By close examination of this work, you will see the author has surmounted all of these difficulties, and believes it is a Reference Book, that will be fully appreciated, and has long been needed by the drug trade. - J.M. NICKELL. GONTENTS. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS... .- ccpaseens -bagee Sak PARAGRABHES «3 4. fas tlgexsecagy: taayd. eens Chg ate en ..7—144 BOTANICAL EN DE Sil POG. AEDS I, Ae RE are are 145—172 PHARMACOPCETAL INDEA So. oc ciit: amen entice eee GERMAN INDEX (COMMON GERMAN NAMES)...... 196—210 INDEX, GOMMON. NAMES... sBoe. saenpie eee eee 211—267 DIRECTIONS FOR GATHERING BOTANICAL DRUGS.274—275 ADDENDA. PARAGRAPHS wen nc cwcee ne ccnenle cnn ee weeseeisios Pree th ra BOTANICAL INDEX wane ccd ee eee cee nett ne eens INDEX, COMMON NAMES. ......ceee eens seetes SE ET OO OT EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS OF MEDICAL PROPERTIES Used in the Paragraphs. ABORTIVE, ACIDULOUS, ACRID, ADENAGIC, ALEXIPHARMIC, ALTERATIVE, ANODYNE, ANTHELMINTIC, APERIENT, APHRODISIAC, AROMATIC, ASTRINGENT, ANTI-APHRODISIAC, ANTI-BILIOUS, ANTI-EMETIC, ANTI-EPILEPTIC, ANTI-HYSTERIC, ANTHILITIC, ANTI-PERIODIC, ANTI-PHLOGISTIC, ANTI-RHEUMATIC, ANTI-SCORBUTIC, ANTI-SEPTIC, ANTI-SPASMODIC, ANTI-SYPHILITIC, ANTI-VENOMOUS, BALSAMIC, BITTER, CARMINATIVE, CaTHARTIC, Caustic, CEPHALIC, CHOLAGOGUE, CoNDIMENT, CorDIAL, CosMETIC, CouNTER-IRRITANT, DEMULCENT, DEOBSTRUENT, DEPURATIVE, DESSICATIVE, DETERGENT, DIAPHORETIC, DIScuTIENT, Diuretic, DEPILATORY, DETERSIVE, DrastIc, EMETIC, EMMENAGOGUE, EMOLLIENT, ESCULENT, EscHAROTIC, _ EXANTHEMATOUS, A medicine which claims the property } of causing abortion. ' Substances which possess a sourish taste. Hot, biting, irritating. Relieving or arresting glandular pain. 2+ Sheer the bad effects of poisons inwardly. Producing a salutary change without ; perceptible : evacuation. Relieving pain, or causing it to cease. A remedy which expels worms. Gently laxative, without purging. { Medicine believed capable of exciting the venereal appetite. Odoriferous, stimulant, spicy. ; Having the property of constringing the organic texture. } A substance capable of blunting the venereal appetite. : Oewaed to biliousness ; acting on the bile. A remedy for vomiting. Opposed to epilepsy ; A remedy for hysteria. paths orice the formation of calculi in the urinary organs. Arresting morbid periodical movements Opposed to inflammation. Relieving or curing r' eumatism. Curing or preventing scurvy. Opposed to putrefaction. Relieving or preventing spasm. Opposed to or curing venereal diseases. Used against bites of insects, snakes, etc. Healing or soothing to inflamed parts. Having a tonic effect. Expelling wind from the bowels. [els. Increasing evacuations from the bow- The property of burning or disorgan- izing animal substance, Relating to diseases of the head. Increasing the flow of bile. § Improving the savor of food, as salt, pepper, salad, etc. A warm stomachic ; exciting the heart. Used for i ‘improving the complexion. relieving fits. pain Fn another part. Soothing, mucilaginous, relieving in- flammation. ; Removing obstructions; aperient in a general sense. ; Causing irritation in one part to relieve Purifying the blood. [ulceis. Drying the moisture of wounds and Cleansing to wounds, boils or ulcers. Producing insensible perspiration. Dispelling or resolving tumors. [urine. Increasing the secretion and flow of Removing superfluous hair. Detergent. Powerfully cathartic. Producing or causing vomiting. Promoting menstruation. Softening to inflamed parts ; soothing. Eatable as food. } A substance which, applied to a living part, causes an eschar. Relating to eruption or skin diseases. EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS.—CONTINUED. EXCITANT, EXPECTORANT, FARINACEOUS, FEBRIFUGE. FEMALE CoMPLAINTS. { FatIp, FORAGE, FuMIGATING, GALACTAGOGUE, Hepatic, HERPATIC, HypRAGOGUE, Hypnotic, INSECTICIDE, IRRITANT, LAXATIVE, LENITIVE, LITHONTRYPTIC, MATURATING, MUCILAGINOUS, NARCOTIC, NAUSEANT, NEPHRETICUM, NERVINE, NuTRITIOUS, OPHTHALMICUM, ORNAMENTAL, PARTURIENT, PECTORAL, PERFUME, PolIsonous, PUNGENT, PURGATIVE, REFRIGERANT, RESOLVENT, RUBIFACIENT, SACCHARINE, SALAD, SALINE, SAPONACEOUS, SEDATIVE. SIALAGOGUE, STERNUTATORY, STIMULANT, STOMACHIC, STYPTic, SupDORIFIC, Tonic, VERMIFUGE, VESICANT, VIScID, VULNERARY, Producing excitement ; stimulant. {A medicine capable of facilitating ex- pectoration. as nutriment. Containing farina; m ; employed Abating or driving’ away fever. Ailments peculiar to women, as dys- menorrhea, amonerrheea, etc. Bad_ smelling, nauseous, stinking. Used as food for domestic animals. { Disinfecting by burning substances which counteract obnoxious odors. Favoring the secretion of milk. Relating to diseases of the liver. Relating to or curing eruptions or skin diseases, as ringworm. Medicines that cause watery evacu- ations, —_ believed capable of expel- g seru Renducteart or - inducing sleep. A substance that destroys insects. Causing irritation. | A medicine that acts gently on the bowels, without griping. Allaying irritation; also laxative. Medicine believed to dissolve calculi in the urinary organs, Favoring the maturation or ripening of tumors, boils and ulcers. Gummy, glutinous, viscid, demulcent. Stupefying, sedative, poisonous. Causing inclination to vomit. Relating to orcuring kidney complaints. { Allaying nervous excitement; acting on the nervous system. i Having the quality of nourishing or sustaining life. A remedy for diseases of the eye. Cultivated for ornament. be medicine that induces or promotes labor or child-birth. 0g Medicines considered proper for reliev- affections of the chest. Use for its fragrance. Be ap death, if taken in improper doses Biting, hot, acrid ; 3 prickly to the taste. edicine that physics more power- aly than a cathartic. ressing the morbid temperature of e body ; cookag. Dischesens ; dispelling or resolving tumors. Producing redness of the skin. Containing sugar ; sweetish. pore herbs eaten as condiments or as Containing the properties of salt. Soapy ; making a lather with water. Directly depressing to the vital forces. Provoking the secretion of saliva. A substance which provokes sneezing. } Exciting or indecins organic action of the animal economy. | : Strengthening and giving tone to the Fe area tonic. rs xternally astri t; arresting hem- ; orrhage or teeing’ A medicine which provokes sweating. { Permanently strengthening ; in a dura- ble manner invigorating. Anthelmintic ; expelling worms. Producing blisters. ; Having a glutinous or ropy consist- ency ; tenacious. Healing to fresh cuts or wounds. J. M. NICKELL’S Botanical READY REFERENCE. CS" Botanical synonyms will not be found in the following paragraphs but in the botanical index only, and the numbers there refer to the paragraph to which they belong. ; oe ABELMOSCHUS ESCULENTUS. Okra. Bendee. Gom- bo leaves. Musk leaves. Musk leaf plant. Amber seed. Ambrette. Ambrette grains. Ochra. Musk seed. Capsules. Muc. dem. edi. 9 ABELMOSCHUS MOSCHATUS. Musk Seed. Musk seed lant. Musk Mallow. Syrian Mallow. Rose Mallow. Water Mal- ow. Seed. cor,sto. ner. pun. ABIES BAUSAMEA. Fir balsam tree. Balm of Gilead fir. Balsam Spruce. Hemlock fir. Balsam poplar. Balsam firtree. Fir tree. American silver fir. Canada Balsam tree. Bark. sti. diu. ant. det. vul. a | ABIES CANADENSIS. Hemlock Spruce. Canada pitch tree. Hemlock tree. Hemlock gum tree. Hemlock pitch tree. Weeping Spruce. Pine tops. Tanner’s bark. Hemlock bark. Hem- lock leaves. Bark. ast. dia. Leaves. abo. ewighte— ABIES COMMUNIS. Spruce. Common Spruce. Spruce tops. Bark. diu. a-sco. emm. —6 ABIES EXCELSA: Norway Pine. Norway spruce fir. Thus tree. American Frankincense. Barras. Burgundy pitch tree. Galipot tree. Norway Spruce. Yields. Burgundy pitch. “ ABIES LARIX. Larch. European Larch. Orenburg gum. Manna of Briancon. Venice turpentine tree. Yields. Venice turpentine. ABIES NIGRA. Black Spruce. Double Spruce. Spruce gum tree. Chewing gum tree. Bark, alt. diu. sti. ABIES PECTINATA. Red Spruce. Bark. diu. a-sco. emm. ABIES PICEA. Silver firtree. Silver fir. Silver pine. Com- mon Fir. Strasburg Pine. Galipot tree. Burgundy pitch tree. Thus tree. Frankincense tree. Yields. Burgundy Pitch. J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ABIES TAXIFOLIA. European silver fir tree. Wields,. Strasburg turpentine. ABRUS PRECATORIUS. Love Pea. Wild liquorice. Licorice. bush. Crabs’ eyes. Indian liquorice. Jumble beads. Liquorice buds. Red bean. Liquorice Bush. Root and Leaves. Pec. muc. dem. . 13— ABUTA RUFESCENS. White Pareira brava. ‘ White pareira. Brown pareira brava. Root. diu. pape ey | CONDALUM. Yellow Mallows. Yellow mallow. pt, Plamt. muc. emo. dem. 1 ? ABUTILON INDICUM. Indian mallows. Plant. dem. muc. diu. 16 ABUTILON STRIATUM. Striped Abutilon. Plant. dem. muc. 17 ACACIA ADANSONIA. Thorn Tree. Yields, Gum Senegal. 18 ACACIA ARABICA. Egyptian Thorn. India gum tree. Gum arabic tree. Egyptian gum arabic tree. Bablach pods. \ Bab- lah pods. Acacia bambolah. Wields. Morocco gum arabic. 19——_ ACACIA CATECHU. Catechu tree. Terra Japonica. Cat- echu. Cutch. Gambeer. Japonica. Gambir. Black China Cate- chu. Gambier. Bengal red Catechu. Yields. Gum Catechu. coast eereal ACACIA DECURRENS. Biack wattle tree. Australian gum. Wattle gum. Australian acacia. Wattle tree. Wields. Australian gum. 21 ACACIA FARNESIANA. Sponge tree. Cassia flower tree. Cassie. Wattle. Cassie flower. Wieids. The fragrant cassie flower. 22 ACACIA HORRIDA. Doornboom. South African gum tree. Babul tree. Babool bark. Wields. So. African gum arabic. —— ACACIA JUREMA, Adstringens bark. Bark. . ast. 24 ACACIA WERA. Gum arabic tree. Egyptian thorn. Acacia. Cape gum. Neb-neb (the pods). Wields. Gum arzbic. o5 ACALYPHA VIRGINIANA. Mercury Weed. Plant, exp. diu. 6—— ACANTHOUS SPINOSUS. Bear’s breech. Herb, diu. ast. 97 ACERATES VWERIDIFLORA. Green milkweed. Plant. car. ton. diu. a-spa. ACER DASYCARPUM. Silver maple. White maple. , ACER NEGUNDO. Ash Maple. Box elder. Bark, ast. vul. a J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ACER NIGRUM. Black Maple. Bark. bit. ast. ACER PENNSYLVANICA,. Striped Maple. Striped dog- wood, False dogwood. Bark. ast. Leaves. a-eme. 32 ACER PSEUDO-PLATINUS. Sycamore. Bark. ast. opt. vul. mae. = ay ACER RUBRUM. Red Maple, Striped Maple. Whistle wood, Swampmaple. Soft maple. False dogwood. Bark. ast. opt. see emit ACER SACCHARINUM. Maple Sugar Tree. Maple rock. Bird’s-eye maple. Sweet tree. Rock maple. Bark. ton. ant. opt. aa OB ACER STRIATUM. Striped Maple. Moosewood. Bark, opt. diu, ACH ARAN SAPOTA. Sapodilla plum. Sapodil. Nase- erry. ne feb. Seed. diu. acr. ACHILLEA AGERATUM. Maudlin Tansy. Maudlin. Plamt. cor. sto. cep. 38 ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM. Yarrow, Milfoil. Noble yarrow. Ladies’ Mantle. Nosebleed. Thousand leaf. Mille- folium. Plamt. ast. alt. diu. ton, vul. 5— Achillea atrata. Achillea mana. Achillea mos- chata. Species of Achillea millefolium. ACHILLEA NOBILIS. Noble yarrow. Piant. ast. alt; diu. ton. vul, 41—— ACHILLEA PTARMICA. Sneezewort. Bastard pellitory. German pellitory. European pellitory. Goose tongue. Root. acr. Leaves. ste. pun. 49 —_ ACHYRANTHES REPENS. Forty knot. Plant, diu. ton. 3 ACINOS VULGARE. Mountain thyme. Herb, sti. ton, emm. a | ACNIDA CANNABINA. Water Hemp, Willow hemp. a bore ACONITUM ANTHORA. Yellow helmet flower. (Va- riety, Aconitum napellus.) Root. poi. eat. ant. A ACONITUM ARCTOPHONUM. Bearbane. Aconite. nif ACONITUM CAMMARUM. Variety Aconitum napellus. Root, ano. nar. irr. a | ACONITUM FEROX. Indian Aconite. Bish. Atwisha. Bikh root. Nepal Aconite. (Variety Aconitum napellus.) Root. poi. acr. ano. deo. 10 J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ACONITUM HETEROPHYLLUM. Atis. (Variety Acon- itum napellus.) Root. a-per. ton. aph. Akazga. Ordeal poison of Africa. Species of Strychnos. —99——> ALBIZZIA ANTHELMINTICA. Messenna bark. Be- senna. Bisenna. Bark. ant. for tapeworm. 91 ALCHEMILLA ARVENSIS. Parsley piert. Plant. used m strangury. 99 ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS. Ladies’ Mantle. Plant. ast. in hemorrhage. ae * ee ALCHORNEA LATIFOLIA. Alcornoque bark. Bark. bit. ton. Asthma. $d ALETRIS AUREA. Yellow Si2r root. Boot. as Aletris Farinosa. x —— a ALETRIS FARINOSA. Unicorn Root. Azuce Ee oe root. Star grass. Colic root. Ague root. Unicorn. Devil’s bit. Blazing star. Aloe root. Bitter grass. False bear ge Mealy starwort. Root. bit. ton. sto. f-com: ALEURITES LACCIFERA. Gum Shellac. Lac. Shellac. Gum. ton. ast. in Varnish. nega AF ALEURITES TRILOBi. Spanish Walnut. Candle nut tree. Candle berrytree. Belgium walnut. Lumbang nut. Lr walnut. Otaheite walnut. Yields. Spanish walnut oil. = ALGAROBIA GLANDULOSA. Mesquite gum, Mexican Gum Arabic. 9 — ALISMA PLANTAGO. Water Plantain. Mad-dog-weed. Leaves. ves. diu. lit. 100 ne OFFICINALIS. Hedge Garlic, Jack by t = Piant. er det. Seed. acr. lit. —101—_" ALLIUM ASCOLONICUM. Shaliot. Balb. edi. diu. con. —_1——- ALLIUM CANADENSE. Meadow Garlic. Balb. as. Garlic. 1038 ALLIUM CEPA. Onion. Commononion. Copa... Balb, sti. dw. ant. emo. mat. , tet. 1 ALLIUM POREBUM. Leek. Bulb, sti. diu- ant. emo. mat. 105 ALLIUM SATIVUM. Gariic. {Clove Garlic. Garlic cloves. Balb, sti. diu. ant. emo. mat. ca ed ALLIUM TRICOCCUM. Three Seeded Leek. Piant. sti diu. emo. 107 ALLIUM URSINUM. Ranmsoms. Ramsons. Piant, For gravel. 108 ALLIUM VICTORIALIS, Allerman’s Root. Root. a-spa. ——1939—_ ALLIUM VINEALE. Crow Garlic. Balib, diu. sti. emo. ALNUS GLUTINOSA. European Alder. Ovwler. Bark and Leaves, bit. ton. ast. int. —illi ALNUS RUBRA. Tag Alder. Red Alder. Smooth Alder. Common Alder. Speckled Alder. American tag Alder. American Alder, Smooth Swamp Alder. Swamp Alder. Bark. alt. eme. ast. a ALOEXYLON AGALLOCHUM. Aloe Wood. Aloe Wood. Eagle Wood. Weod. fra. cor. sti. aa ee ALGE SOCOTRINA. Socotrine Alces, Bombey Aloes. Turkey Aloes. Mocha Aloes. Zanzibar Aloes. Gum. cat. sto. aro. emm, dra. oat ALOE SPICATA,. Cape Aloes. Shining Aloes. Spiked Aloe. Gum. sti. cat. emm. ant. sto. 115——_ ALOE VULGARIS. Barbxzdees Aloes. East Indian Aloes. India Aloes. Bitter Aloes. Hepatic Aloes. Horse Aloes. Guam. cat. emm. ant. 116 ALPINA GALANGA,. Galangal. Catarrh Root. East India Catarrh root. Kassamah. Galangall. Galargale. Amazon root. Small Galangal. Large Galangal. Galanga. Root, aro. sti. sto. cor. eae Eee ALSTONIA SCHGLARIS. Devil's Tree. Bark. bit. ast. | ALSTONIA CONSTRICTA. Dita Bark. Bark. In malerial disorders. <9 ALSTONIA THEZFORMIS. Santa Fe Tea. Leaves, Used as tea. — 1 20-—_ ALTH ZA OFFICINALIS. Marsh Mallow. Alth=:. Mortification Root. Sweat weed. Wymote. Root and Leaves. muc. dem. diu. 12i1—— ALTH ZA ROSEA. Hellyhock. Alth= Rose. Malva ficinalis.) Flowers, large. (Analogous to Alth=a O Flowers. emo. dem. diu. i md] LU OCU CF lUC ALYXIA AROMATICA. A Batavian Tree. Canella. Bark. Alliedto 14 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ALYXIA BUXIFOLIUM. Scentwood, Tonka Bean Wood. Bark. aro. cor. feb. eer aati, AURANTIACA, Eatable Mushroom, Fly garic. Plant. edi. .——125—— AMANITA MUSCARIA. Poisonous Mushroom. Plant. poi. foet. nau. ——126—— AMARANTHUS HYPOCHONDRIACUS. Amaranth, Prinee’s Feather. Lovely Bleeding. Red Cockscomb. Pilewort. Spleen Amaranth. Leaves. ast. det. in piles. ae (Meee AMARANTUS ALBUS. Pigweed, Green Amaranth. Plant. vul. a-phl. det. ——128—— AMARANTUS BLITUM. Wild Amaranth, Allseed. Plant. emo. dem, sad. AMARANTUS CAUDATUS. Gentle Flower, Amaranth. Leaves. ast. det. 3 AMARANTUS MELANCHOLICUS. Love lies bleeding. Nuns’ Whipping Rope. Leaves. ast. det. —— 131 —— AMARANTUS TRICOLOR. Joseph’s Coat. Wariety. Amarantus Melancholicus. AMARYLLIS ATAMASCO. Daffodil Lily. Atamasco Lily. Stagger Grass. Root, acr. ——-133-—— AMBROSIA ARTEMISIZFOLIA. Roman Worm- wood, Stammerwort. American Roman Wormwood. Ragweed. Hogweed, Ambrosia. Common Ragweed. Carrotweed. astard Wormwood. ] Plant. det. a-phl. (Analgous, Ambrosia Trifida.) 124——_ AMBROSIA TRIFIDA. Tall Ambrosia. Horseweed. Bit- terweed. Horsecane. Great Ragweed. Richweed. Wild Hemp. Giant Ragweed. Plant. sti. ast. opt. ———— F os.) ——__—_ AMIANTHIUM ERYTHROSPERMUM. Fly Poison: Bulb. nar. poi. Leaves. poi. |’ wae AMIANTHIUM MUSCAETOXICUM,. Fly Poison. Fall Poison. ; Bulb. With honey, a fly poison. 137—_— AMMI COPTICUM. Bishop’s Weed, AjavaSeed. Bishops Weed True. ' Seed. aro. pun. car, diu. ton. 138—— MOMUM GRANUM PARADISI. Grains of Parn- * dise. Guinea Grains. Malaguetta Pepper. Paradise Seed. Seed. pun. sti. aro, —139— AMOMUM MAXIMUM. Java Cardamom: Bengal Carda- mom. Nepal Cardamom. Wariety. Elettaria Cardamom. ‘Seeds. aro. pun. Car, COr. J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 15 ——140—— AMOMUM RACEMOSUM. Round Cardamom. Clustered Cardamoms. Wariety. Elettaria Cardamom. Seed. aro. pun. car. cor. 141 AMOMUM REPENS. Small Cardamon, Wariety. Elettaria Cardamom. Seed. aro. pun. car. cor. 142-— AMOMUM ZERUMBET. Zedoary Root. Root. car. aro. bit, ton. sti. 1438—— AMOMUM ZINGIBER. White Ginger. Bleached Ginger. Jamaica Ginger. Root. aro. sti. pun. car. ere. AMORPHA CANESCENS. Lead Plant. Wild Tea. Plant. alt. AMPELOPSIS QUINQUEFOLIA. American Ivy. Wood- bine. Virginia Creeper. Five Leaves. False Grapes. Creeper. Wild Woodvine. Wild Woodbine. American Woodbine. Woody Climber. Bark and Twig. alt. ton. ast. exp. 146 AMYGDALUS AMARA. Bitter Almond. Greek Nuts. Kernels. bit. sed. Wields, Prussic Acid. AMYGDALUS DULCIS. Sweet Almond. Jordan Almond. Greek Nuts. Kernels. sweet. emo. dem. pec, 148 ——- AMYGDALUS GLABRA. Nectarine. Wariety. Amygdalus Persica. Leaves and Kernels. bit. poi. -—149—_ AM YGDALUS PERSICA. Peach. Peach Tree. Common Peach Tree. Leaves and Kernels, sed. bit. aro. lax. poi. 150—— vg + sor BALSAMIFERA. Jamaica Rosewood. Rhodes- wood. Wood, dia. aro. cep. ; AMYRIS ELEMIFERA. Java Almond Tree. Yields. Gum Elemi. 152 AMYRIS GILEADENSIS. Balsam of Gilead. Arabian Balm of Gilead. Balsam of Mecca. True Balm of Gilead. Beshan. Balsam. vul. cos. aro. 163 ANACYCLUS OFFICINARUM. German Pellitory. Root, sia. sti. acr. rR ‘+ Mra! ANACYCLUS PYRETHRUM. Pellitory of Spain. Spanish Chamomile. Pyrethrum. Pellitory. Root, sia. sti. acr. rub. —155— ANACYCLUS RADIATUS, Oxeye. Plant. vul. ape. dyes yellow. 56 ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS. Red Chickweed. Red Pim- pernel. Weather-Glass. Poor Man's Weather-Glass. Scarlet Pim- pernel. Shepherd’s Weather-Glass. Plant, poi. ner. exp. sti. ANAGALLIS COERULEA. Blue Pimpernel. Blue Scar- let Pimpernel. Wariety. Anagallis Arvensis. 16 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——158—— ANAMIRTA COCCULUS. Coceulus Indieus. Oriental aig Indian Cockle. Fish Berries. India Berries. Levant ut. Berries. acr. nar. poi. fish poison. 159 ANANASSA SATIVA. Pineapple. Fruit. acr. edi. a-sco. —— 160— ANCHUSA ITALICA, Italian Bugloss. Small Bugloss. Plant. muc. dem. ref. dia. 161—— ANCHUSA OFFICINALIS. Bugloss. Bugloss Herb. Ox- tongue. Garden Alkanet. Bugloss Root. Bugloss Flowers. : Herb. cor. in hypochondria. 162—— ANCHUSA TINCTORIA. Alkanet Root. Anchusa. Dyers’ Alkanet. Orcanette. Bugloss. Alkanet. Root. Colors red. , 163——_ ANDA BRASILIENSIS. Anda Seed. Seed. Yields Oil Anda. —164—_ ANDIRA ANTHELMINTICA. Cabbage Tree Bark. Bark. ant. ast. ——1¢é5—— ANDIRA INERMIS. Cabbage Tree Bark. Yellow Cab- bage Tree Bark. Partridge Wood. Worm Bark. Bark. bit. ast. feb. ver. 166—_ ANDIRA RETUSA, Surinam Bark.. Brown Cabbage Tree Bark. Cabbage Tree. Bark, cat. ant. bit. ——167—_ ; ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA. Creyat. Analogous to Agathotes Chirayta. Plant. bit. sto. feb. —— 168—— ANDROMEDA AUGUSTIFOLIA. Sorrel Tree. (Poison variety of Andromeda Arborea.) Leaves. poi. 7 — 169 ANDROMEDA ARBOREA. Sorrel Tree. Sorrel Tree Elk- wood. Elkwood. Elk Tree. Sour Leaf. Sour Tree. Sour Wood. Bark and Leaves. aci. ast. feb. ref. 170 ANDROMEDA MARIANA. Sorrel Tree. Stagger Bush. Wicke. (Poison variety of Andromeda Arborea.) Leaves, Used for itch. ——)41—— ANDROMEDA NITIDA. Pipe Stem, (Poison variety of An- dromeda Arborea.) Leaves. acr. pol. -———172— oad ANDROMEDA OVALIFERA. Oval Leaved EIk Tree. (Poison variety of Andromeda Arborea.) Leaves. acr. poi. 1 ANDROMEDA POLIFOLIA, (Poison Wariety Andro- meda Arborea.) 174 . ANDROMEDA PULVERULENTA. Mealy Bush, | Leaves. err. ste. : ANDROMEDA RACEMOSA. White Osier. White Pepper Bush. J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 17 ANDROMEDA SPECIOSA. Large Flowered Andro- me Leaves. err. —177—. ANDROPOGON CITRATUM. Lemon Grass. Verbera rass. Oil. per. fra. aro, sti. ANDROPOGON MURICATUS. VWettivert, Khus Khus Vetiver. Vetivert. Cuscus. Vittievar. Iwarancuse. Kus Kus. Root. Used as a perfume. -—179 ANDROPOGON NARDUS. Yields. Oil of Citronella, ih —— ANDROPOGON SCHOENANTHUS. Ginger Grass. Camels’ Hay. Mountain Grass. Indian Geranium. Lemon Grass Tea. @il. aro. sti. car. —181 ANDROSZMUM OFFICINALE. Park Leaves, Tutsan. Plant. vul. 189 . ANEMONE CERNUA. Drooping Flowered Wind Flower. Plant. bit. ton. ——183—— ANEMONE CYLINDRICA, Indian Anemone. ——184—_ ANEMONE HORTENSIS. Garden Anemone. Plant. opt. ANEMONE LUDOVICIANA. Americana Pulsatilla. Species, Anemone Pratensis. 186—— ANEMONE NEMOROSA. Wood Anemone. Wind Flower. Red Wind Flower. American Anemone. Flowers. acr. poi. rub. —187-— ANEMONE PATENS. Meadow Anemone, American. Wariety of Anemone Nemorosa, 1 88—— ANEMONE PRATENSIS. Meadow Anemone. European Pulsatilla. Pasque Flower. Wind Flower. Anemone Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla. European Anemone. (Variety Anemone Nemorosa.) Herb. a-syp. poi. ‘rub. 189 ANEMONE VERNALIS. Yellow Anemone. Herb. cau. rub. —190——. ANEMONE VIRGINICA, Wind Bloom. Herb. In hollow teeth. ANETHUM FCENICULUM. Fennel Seed. Common Fennel Seed. Sweet Fennel. Seed. aro. car. pec. diu. 192——_ . ANETHUM GRAVEOLENS. Dill Seed. Dill. Dilly. Garden Dill. Seed. aro. sti. car. sto. 193—— ANETHUM SOWA. Indian Womum. Seed. aro. car. edi. cor. ANGELICA ATROPURPUREA. Purple Angelica. Masterwort. High Angelica. Archangel. Angelica. American Angelica. Dead Nettle. Bellyache Root. Wild Archangel, Root and Seed, sti. car. emm. 18 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —195—— ANGELICA OFFICINALIS. European Garden Angel- | ica. Holy Ghost. European Angelica, Root and Seed. aro. sti. res. ton. car. 196 ANGELICA SYLVESTRIS. European Wild Angelica. Wild Angelica. Gout Weed Root. bit. acr. aro. sti. Seed. ins. —197 ANGRZECUM FRAGRANS. Faham Tea. Bourbon Tea. Leaves. Substitute for tea. 198 ANONA MURICATUS. Sour Sop. Root. a-ven. Fruit. edi. aci. meee ANONA MYRISTICA. American Nutmeg Tree. Fruit. aro. pun. sti. —200—— ANONA PALUSTRIS. Alligator Apple. Water Apple. «Cork Wood. Custard Apple Tree. Bark. Used as cork. Fruit. nar. 201 ANONA RETICULATA. Custard Apple. Leaves. aro. fra. Fruit. esc. 202—— ANTENNARIA MARGARITACUM. Pearl-flowered Life Everlasting. Cudweed. Life Everlasting. Cottonweed. Silver Leaf. None so Pretty. (Analogous to Gnaphalium Poly- cephalum.) Plant. ast. dia. pec. feb. 203—— ANTENNARIA PLANTAGINEUM. White Plantain. Rattlesnakes’ Plantain. Leaves and Flowers. diu. pec. 204—— ANTHEMIS ARVENSIS. Corn Chamomile. Flowers. bit. acr. eme. ton. 205—_ ANTHEMIS NOBILIS. Roman Chamomile. Chamomile. Garden Chamomile. Low Chamomile. Camomile. Ground Apple. Whig Plant. Flowers. bit. aro. ton. sti. 206——_ ANTHOSPERMUM ZTHIOPICUM. . Amber Tree. Leaves. aro. fra. ANTHOXANTHUM ODORATUM. Sweet Vernal Grass, Vernel Grass. Plant. aro. fra. per ——— 28 — ANTHRISCUS CEREFOLIUM. Chervil. Plant. deo. diu. emm. lit. — 209 ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS. Wild Chervil. Plamt. acr. diu. poi. 210 ANTHYLLIS VULNERARIA. Woundwort. Ladies’ Fingers. Kidney Vetch. Lambs’ Toes. Staunchwort. Plant, sty. vul. dyes yellow. 211—— ANTIARIS TOXIFERA. Upas Tree of Java. Juice. A violent poison. ANTIRRHINUM LINARIA. Toad Flax. Snapdragon. Ranstead Weed. Gallwort. Flaxweed. Plamt. cat. diu. deo. jJ- M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——213—— ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS, Snapdragon. Toad Mouth. Bulldogs. Dog’s Mouth. Lion’s Snap. Rabbit’s Mouth. Plant. a-hys. opt. ——$—_ APIOS TUBEROSA, Indian Potato, Indian Pea Potato Pea. White Apple. Root, far. edi. APIUM GRAVEOLENS. Wild Celery. Celery. Garden Celery. Smallage. Root and 8S - diu. acr. poi. — 2 APLECTRUM HYEMALE. Putty Root. Adam and Eve. Root. muc. pec. APLOCERA MARITIMA. Toothache Grass. Root. acr. bit. sia. — APOCYNUM ANDROS ZMIFOLIUM.” Bitter Root. Dogsbane. Milkweed. Honey Bloom. Milk Ipecac. Flytrap. Wandering Milkweed. Catchfly. Bitter Dogsbane. Western Wall- flower. Wall Flower. Root. eme. cat. diu. sud. exp. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM. Indian Hemp, Amer- jean, Black Indian Hemp. Bowman’s Root. Indian Physic. Root. eme. cat. ste. diu. sud. 2 APOCYNUM HYPERICIFOLIUM. St. John’s Dogs- bane. Dogsbane. Root, eme. cat. sud. exp. ——r AQUILEGIA CANADENSIS. Wild Columbine. Red Columbine. Plant, diu. emm. sud. ton. =a 2 AQUILEGIA VULGARIS, Columbine, Garden Columbine. Plant. diu. emm. ton. dis. 223— ARABIS CANADENSIS. Sicklepod, Root and Leaves. diu. pun. a-sco. ARABIS CHINENSIS. Chinese Cress. Seed. sto. sti. abo. emm. 905 ARABIS RHOMBOIDES. Meadow Cress. Root and Leaves. diu. pun. a-sco. 226 ARABIS SAGITTATA. Wall Cress. Plant. a-sco. ant. pun, ARABIS STRICTA, Bristol Wall Cress. Plant. a-sco. 8 ARABIS THATIANA. Mouse-ear Cress. Rock Cress. Plant. pun. a-sco. 999 ARACHIS HYPOGZA. Peanut. Ground Nut. Haugh Nut. Yer Nut. Earth Nut. Seed. edi. nut. cat. —239—— ARALIA HISPIDA. Dwarf Elder. Wild Elder. Bristlestem Sarsaparilla. Hyeble. Leaves. sud. Root, eme. hyd. alt. 20 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —231—— ; ARALIA NUDICAULIS. Small Spikenard. American Sarsaparilla. Wild Sarsaparilla. False Sarsaparilla. Wild Licor- ice. Rabbit’s Root. Root. aro. alt. pec. dep. —232 ARALIA RACEMOSA, Spikenard. American Spikenard. Pettymorrel. Life of Man. Spignet. Indian Root. Aralia Bark. (Analogous to Aralia Nudicaulis.) Root. sti. bal. dia. alt. pec. 233—— ARALIA SPINOSA. Prickly Elder. Toothache Tree. Southern Prickly Ash. Angelica Tree. Southern Prickly Elder. Shot Bush. Pigeon Tree. Hercules’ Club. Spikenard Tree, Sea Ash. Bark. sti. sia. sud. eme. aro. 234-— ARBUTILON CONDALUM. Yellow Mallow. Plant. pec. muc. vul. ——235—_ ARBUTUS MERZIESII, Madrona Bark. 236—_ ARBUTUS UNEDO. European Strawberry Tree. Apple of Cain, Strawberry Tree. Leaves. ast. — ARCTIUM LAPPA. Burdock. Clotbur. Grass Burdock. Bar- dana. Bardana. BurrSeed. Hardock. Hareburr. Hurr Burr. Turkey Bur Seed. Root. alt. diu. dep. Leaves. mat. Seed. diu. alt. ——238—_ ARCTOSTAPEL\YLOS ALPINA. Riack Bearberry. Leaves. ast. ——2389—_ Aa anAes ae GLAUCA. Manzanita. (California lant. Leaves. ast. a-syp. ——240— ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA URSI. Uva Ursi. Bearberry. Upland Cranberry. Universe Vine. Mountain Cranberry. Moun- tain Box. Bear's Grape. Wild Cranberry. Kinnikinnick. Meal- berry. Rapper Dandies (the fruit). Sagackhomi, Leaves. diu. ast. ton. nep. 24] ARECA CATECHU. Areca Palm, Areca Nut. Betel Nut Tree. Betrel Nuts. Plant. Yields Gum Catechu. 242 —— ARENARIA MARIANA. Sandwort., Plant. a-phl. sal. edi, —— 243 ARGEMONE MEXICANA, Prickly Peper: Mexican Poppy. Devil’s Fig. Jamaica Yellow Thistle. Thorn Poppy. Plant, ano. diu. cat. eme. Seed. opt. 244 ARGOSTEMMA GITHAGO. Gorn Cockle. Lychnis, Root. vul. ast. Seed. pur. acr. 245— ARISTOLOCHIA ANGUICIDA, South American Birthwort. . Leaves. ale. nar. Root. emm. 246—_ 4 ARISTOLOCHIA BRACTEATA. Coramandel Birth- wort. : Leaves. ant. emm. bit._ hep. 247 SASS ARISTOLOCHIA CLEMATITIS, Common Birthwort. Upright Birthwort. Aristolochia Root. OP 7 : Species of A. Serpentaria. Root. feb. emm. sti. acr. J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 21 a eee ——248 —— ARISTOLOCHIA CYMBIFERA, Thousand Men Wort. Root. aro. bit. sti. dia. diu. -——249—_ ARISTOLOCHIA LONGA. Long Birthwort. Species of A. Serpentaria) Root. acr. bit. sud. ton. emm. —250 ARISTOLOCHIA PISTOLOCHIA. French Birthwort. Species of A. Serpentaria. Root. ton. sud. emm. — 251 ARISTOLOCHIA ROTUNDA. Round Birthwoert. Round-rooted Birthwort. 7 Species of A. Serpentaria. Root, aro. sti. ton. sud. ——252 ARISTOLOCHIA SEMPERVIRENS. Evergreen Birth- wort. Root. sti. ton. —253—— ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA. Virginia Snake- root, Snagrel. Sangrel. Sangree Root. Snakeroot. Pelican Flower. Snakxeweed. Aristolochia Root. Birthwort. Thick Birth- wort. Red River Snakeroot. Texas Snakeroot, Serpentaria. Root. sti. ton. dia. diu. feb. exa. 254 ARISTOLOCHIA SIPH®O. Dutchman’s Pipe. Pipe Vine. Root. aro. sti. sud. emm. ong a ARMENIACA VULGARIS. Apricot. Fruit. edi. lax. Seed. bit. sap. 256 ARNICA MONTANA. Arnica. Leopardsbane. Mountain Arnica. Mountain Tobacco. Common Arnica. Wolfsbane. Arnica Flowers. Arnica Root. Plant. nar. sti. diu. vul. poi. 257—_ gg SCORPOIDES. Creeping Leopardsbane. rnica. Root. aro. P ARONIA BOTRYCHIUM. Shadbush. Juneberry.Shad Tree. Fruit. edi. nut. a-sco. —— 259—_ ARTANTHE ELONGATA, Matico. West Indian Matico. Pepper Elder. Soldiers’ Herb. Leaves. sty. aro. bit. sti. vul. 260— ARTEMIA CALIFORNICA, California Wild Sage. ——261—— ARTEMISIA ABROTANUM. Southernwood. Old Man's Tree. Boy’s Love. Old Man. Lad’s Love. Slovenwood. Tops. fra. bit. ton. deo. ast. 262—— ARTEMISIA ABSINTHIUM. Wormwood. Absinthium. Plant, bit. ton. aro. feb. ant. a-sep. 2635 ARTEMISIA AFRA. A South Africam species of Wormwood. Herb. ton. ant. opt. a-spa. 264— ARTEMISIA CONTRA. Levant Wormseed. Aleppo Wormseed. Alexandria Wormseed. Tartarian Southernwood. European Wormseed. Unexpanded Flowers. ant. sti. 265— misia Absinthium. ARTEMISLA DRACUNCULUS. Taragon. Variety of Arte- Leaves and @Qil. con. to season food. : 22 J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ARTEMISIA GLACIALIS. Silky Wormwood. Peel. aro. bit. ton. sto. 267 ARTEMISIA GLOMERATA. Barbary Wormseed. ne rae pee European Wormseed. (Variety of Artemisia ontra. Peel and Seed. ant. sto. ARTEMISIA HIRSUTA. Indian Mugwort As Artemisia Vulgaris. ——269—_ ARTEMISIA MARITIMA. Sea Wormwood. Plant. aro. bit. ton. feb. ant. 270—_ ARTEMISIA MOXA. Moxa Weed. Moxa. Species of Wormwood. 271 ARTEMISIA PONTICA. Roman Wormwood. = True Roman Wormwood. Species of Artemisia Absinthium. Plant. ton. dia. har. vul. — 979 = ARTEMISIA RUPESTRIS. Creeping Wormweed. Herb. aro. feb. f-com. ae 3 ARTEMISIA VULGARIS. Mugwort. Variety of Artemisia Absinthium. erb. emm. a-epi. ARUM DRACONTIUM. Green Dragon. As Arum Triphyllum. ARUM ESCULENTUM. Indian Kale. Root. acr. ast. edi. —— 276—— ARUM MACULATUM. Spotted Arum. Portland Arrow- root, Cuckoo Pint. Wake Pintle. Portland Sago. Cocky Baby. Cypress Powder. Gaglee. Starchwort. Dragon Root. Root. ves. acr. far. (Portland Arrowroot.) 277 ARUM TRIPHYLLUM. Indian Turnip. Dragon Root. Wake Robin. Three-leaved Arum. Wild Turnip, Jack-in-the- Pulpit. Dragon Turnip. Starchwort. Pepper Turnip. _ Bog Onion. Marsh Turnip. Meadow Turnip. Swamp Turnip. Priest’s Pintle. Lords and Ladies. f Root, acr. sti. exp. car. dia, —278—— ARUNDO DONAX. Spanish Cane. Root. diu. emm. 279 ARUNDO PHRAGMITES. Common Reed. Root. diu. dep. ——280—— ASARUM CANADENSE. Canada Snakeroot. False Coltsfoot. Snakeroot. Wild Ginger. Indian Ginger. Coltsfoot. Black Snakeweed. Catsfoot. Vermont Snakeroot. eart Snakeroot. Coltsfoot Snakeroot. Broad-leaved Asarabacca. Southern Srake- root, Root. aro. sti. dia. car, exp. 281—_ ASARUM EUROPZEUM. Asarabacca. European Snake- root. Hazelwort. Wild Nard. Public House Plant. (Analogous to Asarum Canadense.) , Leaves. err. eme. cat. Root. pur. eme. diu. ——282 ASARUM VIRGINICUM. Southern Wild Ginger. Wild Ginger. Black Snakeweed. Asarum Canadense. J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 23 ——283—_ ASCLEPIAS ASTHMATICA. Ceylon Ipecac. Isle of France Ipecac. Indian Ipecac. Root. exp. dia. eme. sud. 284——_ ASCLEPIAS CONTRAYERVA. European Mechoacan oot. Root. cat. eme. 8 ASCLEPIAS CURASSAVICA. Bastard Ipecac. Blood Weed. Red Head. Leaves and Root. eme. irr. a-syp. 286 ASCLEPIAS DECUMBENS. Creeping Milkweed. Root. esc. cat. sud. diu. 987 ASCLEPIAS FIBROSA. Meadow Silkweed. Root. diu. alt. ape. 288 ASCLEPIAS GIGANTEA. Mudar Bark, Madar Bark. Bark. alt. ton. diu. dia. pur. —— 289 —_ ASCLEPIAS INCARNATA. White Indian Hemp. Swamp Milkweed. Swamp Silkweed. Flesh-colored Asclepias. Rose-colored Silkweed. Water Nerve Root, Root. alt. ant. eme. cat. 290 ASCLEPIAS MATAPERRO. Cundurango. Condor Vine. Eagle Vine. Root. diu. alt. —291—_ ASCLEPIAS PROCERA.. (An Egyptian plant.) Juice. cau. ——292—. ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA,. Common Silkweed. Milkweed. Common Milkweed. Milkweed Root. Silkweed. Silky Swallow Wort. Swallow Wort. Root. ton. diu. alt. pur. eme. 293 ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. Pleurisy Root. _ Butterfly Weed. Wind Root. Asclepias. Tuber Root. White Root. Flux Root. Orange Swallow Wort. Silkweed. Canada Root. Root. exp. diu. dia. car, ton. 294—— ASCLEPIAS VERTICELLATUS. Whoorled Milkweed. Antidote to bites of insects. 295 ASCLEPIAS VINCETOXICUM,. White Swallow Wort. German Contrayerva. Vincetoxicum. Root, sud. diu. emm. ton. pur. 296 ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS, Asparagus, Sparrow-grass. Young Shoots, edi. dia. ape. deo. P 297 re ASPERUGO PROCUMBENS. Wild Bugloss. Germa Madwort. Great Goose Grass. Plant. sud. vul. 298— ASPERULA CYNACHICA. Quinseywort. Plant, Externally in Quinsy. 299 ASPERULA ODORATA. Woodroot. Plant, _diu. deo. ton. vul. ASPHODELUS LUTEUS. King’s Spear. Bulb. acr. diu. 24 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. — 2a... ASPIDIUM ATHAMANTICUM. Panna. Uncomocomo. A South African fern. Powder. ant. ver. in tapeworm. 302—— ag oy pee FILIX EGQEMINA. Female Fern. Backache rake. Root, ant. ver. in tapeworm. 303—— ASPIDIUM FILIX MAS. Male Fern, Male Shield Fern. Bear’s Paw Root. Sweet Brake. Knotty Brake. Shield Root. @ot. ant. ver. in tapeworm. ASPLENIUM ADIANTUM NIGRUM. Black Spleen- wort. (Often substituted for Maidenhair.) Leaves. muc. ASPLENIUM AUGUSTIFOLIUM, Swamp Spleenwort. Spleenwort. Root, ast. ant. 306— ASPLENIUM RHIZOPHYLLUM. Walking Leaf. Plant. ton. sub. ast. muc. 307 ASPLENIUM RUTA MURARIA. Wall Rue. Dwart Spleenwort. Stone Fern. Tentwort. Oot. ant. ast. —#308 ASPLENIUM SCOLOPENDRIUM. MHeart’s Tongue Spleenwort. Spleenwort. Fern Spleen. Heart’s Tongue. Spleenwort Fern. Leaves. ast. pec. vul. ——309——_ ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES. Common Spleenwort. As Adiantum. ——— oh | 9) —_——_ ASTER ZSTIVUS. Rheumatic Weed. Sampson Snake- root. Star Flower. Root. a-spa. alt. a-rhe. f-com. 811—_ ASTER AMELLUS. Starwort. Plant, In Rush poisoning. 812 ASTER CORDIFOLIUS. Heart-leaved Aster. Root. aro. ton. ner. dia. 3138 ASTER PUNICEUS. Red-stalked Aster. Cocash. Meadow Scabish. Squaw Weed. Cold Water Root. September Weed. Aster. Star Flower. Swan Weed. Cocash Root. Root, dia. a-rhe. ton. aro. dia. 314— ASTER TRADESCANTIA, Michaelmas Daisy. Blue Chamomile. Blue Daisy. Plant. orn. aro. dia. —315— ASTRAGALUS CARYOCARPUS. Ground Plum. Fruit. edi. ast. 816 ASTRAGALUS EXSCAPUS. Tragacanth Root. Root, a-syp. ast. 317 ASTRAGALUS GLYCYPHYLLOS. Wild Liquorice. Root, sac. diu. Leaves. diu. 31s—— ASTRAGALUS TRAGACANTHA. Tragacanth. Goat's Thorn. Gum Tragacanth. Doctor’sGum. HogGum. _.. Gum. dem. vis. J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 25 ——319 ASTRANTIA MAJOR. Imperial Masterwort,. Black Masterwort. As Imperatoria Ostruthium. 9 ATHAMANTA CRETENSIS. Candy Carrot. aren acr. aro. car, diu. 321—— ATHAMANTA OREOSELINUM, Speedwell Root. Mountain Parsley. Fuellin. Plant, Seed an Root. aro. ape. deo. lit. $22 ATHEROSPERMA MOSCHATA. Australian Sassa- fras. Bark and QOil. dia. sed. 323— ATRIPLEX HALIMOIDES. Sea @Orache. Sea Purslane. Herb. aro. a-sco. con. edi. 324— ATRIPLEX HORTENSIS. Garden Orache. Bonny Dame. Mountain Spinach. Arrach. Herb. emo. Seed. eme. 325—_ ATRIPLEX MUNMULARIA, Salt Bash. Leaves. Pickled. Juice. cos. 326— ATRIPLEX PATULA. Spreading Orache Juice. cat. dra. ATROPA BELLADONNA. Belladonna. Deadly Night- shade. Black Cherry. Dwale. Poison Black Cherry. Plant. nar. diu. dia. opt. poi. 328—— ATROPA MANDRAGORA, European Mandrake. Devil’s Apple. Mandragora Root. Root. A narcotic poison. ——329—— ATTALEA FUNIFERA. si ller *tarste Grass. Para Grass. (j-—-—— AVERRHOA BILIMBI. Plimbing Tree. Leaves. dis. Fruit. aci. edi. AVERRHOA CARAMBOLA. Caramba Tree. Leaves. dis. Fruit. aci. edi. * i ad AVICENNIA NITIDA. Courida. Bark. ast. —333 AZALEA INDICA. Garden Azalea. Plant. ast. orn. <7 — 884 AZALEA NITIDA. Swamp Pink. Azalea. Meadow Pink. Spring Bloom. Wild Honeysuckle. Plant. ast. Used in conserve. AZALEA NUDIFLORA. Pinxter Flower. Swamp Apple. ener { Groowe: Plant. orn, —— 336 — AZALEA VISCOSA. Swamp Honeysuckle. Plant, ast. orn. ape eR GENISTELLOIDES, Ploughman’s Spike- nard. Leaves. In horse diseases. 338— pt Naeger HALIMIFOLIA. Groundsel Tree. Pencil hg ‘dem. pec. aro. 26 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——339—_ ee PILLULARIS. Kidney Root. (California erb. Root. bal. ton. sti. to kidneys and bladder. 340 BAHIA ARCHNOIDIA. Butterfly Plant. California Bachelors’ Buttons. Consumption Weed. ‘ Plant. exp. dia. alt. — 34b—— BALLOTA FETIDA. Black Horehound. Stinking Hore- hound. Bastard Horehound. Ballote. Black Borehound. Plant. a-spa. res. det. — 342 — BALLOTA LANATA Wolfsballote. Plant. a-rhe. diu. in dropsy. BALLOTA SUAVEOLENS. Jamaica Spikenard, Plant. emm. a-hys. a-epi. exp 344—\ BALSAMODENDRON MYRRHA. Gum Myrrh Tree. Gum, aro. sti: ton. vul. emm. exp. 845 BANISTERIA ANGULOSA, (Only name known.) Plant. sud. Antidote to poison. 346—_ BAPHIA NITIDA. Camwood. Barwood. Wood. Dyestuff. 347 BAPTISIA ALBA. Prairie Indigo. (Analogous to Baptisia Tinctoria.) Plant. alt. a-sep. 8 BAPTISIA AUSTRALIS. False Indigo. Plant. alt. eme. 4 BAPTISIA TINCTORIA. Wild Indigo. Horsefly Weed. Rattlebush. Wild Indigo Weed. MHorse-flea Weed. Tall White False Indigo. Indigo Weed. Indigo Broom. Yellow Broom. Yel- low Indigo. American Indigo. Clover Broom Wild Indigo False. Plant. alt. a-sep. emm. eme. 350 Bark. In medicine, refers to Cinchonia. Bark. In tanning, Oak and Hemlock. 351—_ BAROSMA CRENATA. Buchu. Bookoo. Bucku. Short- leaved Buchu. Buku. Leaves: sti. diu. dia. ton. 352— BARCAM* SERRATIFOLIA,. Long Buchu. Long-leaved uchu. Leaves. sti. diu. dia. ton. 353—— BASELLA. Malabar Nightshade, Leaves, edi. con. 854 BASSIA PARKII. Butter Tree. Shea Tree. Seed. Yields Shea Butter. BATSCHIA CANESCENS. AlkKanet. American Anchusa. Root. ver. Indian paint. 9 BAUMINIA TOMENTOSA. St. Thomas Tree. Buds and Flowers. muc. in dysentery. 357 BAUHINIA VARIEGATA. Mountain Ebony. Leaves. muc. in dysertery. je M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——358— . BEGONIA GRANDIFLORA. Elephants Ear. Root. ast. a-sco. feb. aci. 859 BELLIS PERENNIS. Common Garden Daisy. Daisy. Bairnwort. Henand Chickens. Gowans. Maple Flower. Root. a-sco. Leaves. vul. 860——_ BERBERIS AQUIFOLIUM. Holly-leaved Barberry. Mahonia. Oregor Grape. Californian Barberry. (Variety Berberis Vulgaris.) Root. ton. alt. BERBERIS ARISTATA. India Barberry. Ruswut. Rusat. (Variety Berberis Vulgaris.) Bark. opt. ton. feb. —--362— BERBERIS CANADENSIS. American Barberry. Bark. ton, lax. bit. Berries. aci. ref. — 365 BERBERIS VULGARIS. Barberry. European Barberry. Sowberry. Jaundice Berry. Pepperidge Bush. Pepperidge. Root and Bark. bit. ast. hep. Berries. aci. ref. 364—\ BERCHEMIA VOLUBILIS. Supple Jack. BERGERA KONIGII. Curry Leaf Tree. Bark and Root. sti. a-ven. a-eme. — -866 BERTHOLLETIA EXCELSA.~ Brazil Nuts, Castana Nuts. Cream Nuts. Nigger Toes. Seed. edi. Yields Castana Oil. 367— BETA HYBRIDA. Root of Scarcety. Moot. edi. nut. sad. 8 BETA MACRORHIZA. Mangel Wourzel. Root, edi. nut. sad. —369—_ BETA VULGARIS ALBA. White Garden Beet. Reot. edi. nut. sad. BETA VULGARIS RUBRA. Red Garden Beet. Root. edi. nut. sad. emm. BETONICA OFFICINALIS. Wood Betony. Betony. Lousewort. Leaves. ape. cor, Root. eme. 372— BETULA ALBA. Common White Birch. American White Birch. Paper Birch. Canoe Birch. European Birch. Leaves. ast. bit. Oud. fra. 373—_ BETULA LENTA. Black Birch. Cherry Birch. Sweet Birch. Mahogony Birch. Spice Birch. Mountain Mahogony. Leaves and Sark, aro. exc. dia. sti. 374 BETULA RUBRA. Red Birch. AS Betula Alba. "5 —-% BIDENS BECKII. Water Marigold, Piant, her, vul. sia, —— of 1 —_———__ BIDENS BIPINNATI. Spanish Needles. Herb. exp. emm. pec. f-com. 28 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —377— BIDENS CONNATA. Cuckold’s, Swamp Beggar's Tick. Harvest Lice. Bur Marigold. Herb. exp. palpitation of the heart. — 378 BIDENS FRONDOSA, Beggar’s Tick. Common Beggar’s Tick. Cucko!d’s, Swamp Beggar’s Tick. Beggar’s Lice. Stick- seed. Cow Lice. Herb. exp. emm. incroup. -—$79— BIDENS TRIPARTITA. Swamp Beggars Tick. Ag-- mony Water Hemp. Herb and Seed. emm. exp. 380—— BIGONIA ALLIACEA. Garlic Shrub. Plant. Tastes like garlic. —381—_ BIGONIA CAPREOLA Bignmonia. Crossvine. Root. Used as sarsaparilla. 380 a BIGONIA INDICA, Indian Bignonia. Leaves. emo. to ulcers. ——383 BIGONIA LEUCOXYLON. Trumpet Tree, Sap. Antidote to Manchineel. 884 BIGONIA OPHTHALMICA. Guiana Eyevine. Juice of root. opt. 385 BIGONIA RADICANS. Trumpet Flower, Crossvine. Root, vul. sud. a-ven. ——386—_ BIXA ORELLANA. Annatto Tree. Annatto. Arnotta. Pulp. A yellow dye. BLECHNUM BOREALIS. Roman Fern. Root. ape. diu. BLECHNUM VIRGINICUM. Biechnum, Leaves. ast. —389 BLEPHILIA HIRSUTA, Ohio Horsemint, Werb. aro. ton. sti. car. 390 BLIGHIA SAPIDA. Akee Tree. Fruit, edi. a-sco. nut. ELITUM CAPITATUM. Indian Strawberry. Blite Strawberry Spinach. Leaves. lax. as spinach. 3 BOCCONIA CORDATA. Celandine Tree. Bocconia. Root. Dyesred. Jmice. acr. cau. 393 BCEHMERIA NIVEA: Ramie Plant. Cloth Plant. Grass Cloth Plant. Ramie Grass Plant. China Grass. Ramie Cloth Plant. Leaves. In hemorrhoides. —_394 . BOLETUS AGARICUS. Female Agaric. Oak Agaric. Tinder. Larch Agaric. Plant. pur. eme. sty. ——395—_ BOLETUS HEPATICA. Liver Mushroom. (On Oak Trees.) - BOLETUS IGNARIUS. Agaric of the Oak. Oak Agaric, Spunk. Touchwood. Tindor. Paddock Stools. Punk. Surgeons Agaric. , Plant. sty. ast. bit. J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 29 ——————————————————————eeeeeOo_oOSUTL eee —- 397 — BOLETUS LARICIS. Larch Agaric. Male Agaric. White Agaric. Canadian Agaric. Purging Agaric. Amadou. German Tinder. European Larch Agaric. Spunk. Plant. cat. eme. sty. BOLETUS SUAVEOLENS. Willow Sponge. Fungus. In Phthisis Pulmonalis. 399 BOMAREA SALSALLA. Climbing Bemarea, Plant. sud. her. vul. 400 BOMBAX CEIBA. Silk Cotton Tree. Yields. A fibre. Cloth as bandages BOMBAX PENTANDRUM. Indian Cotton Tree. God Tree. Cotton Tree Gum. Root and Gum. nut. dem. 402—— BORAGO OFFICINALIS. Borage. Burrage. Bugloss. Common Bugloss. Plant. cor. pec. ape. BORASSUS FLABELLIFORMIS. Fan Palm. Fan Palm Tree. Palmyra Palm. Nutmeg Wood. Wields. Bedellium. —404 BORBONIA RUSCIFOLILA. Borbonia. Leaves. diu. in asthma. —405—_ BOSWELLIA SERRATA. Indian Olibanum, Frankin- cense. Olibanum. Indian Incense. Incense, male. Resin. fra. aro. bit. ast. 406 BOTRYCHIUM FUMAROIDES. Rattlesnake Fern. Moonwort. Consumption Brake. Fern Grape. Leaves. ast. vul. —407 BOWDICHIA VIRGILIOIDES, American Alcornoque. Bark. feb. 408 BRASENIA HYDROPELTIS. Water Shield. Deer Food. Little Water Lily. Water Jelly. Water Leaf. Frog Leaf. Leaves. muc. pes. ast. 4 BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS. Cole Seed. Rape Seed. Colza. Seed. Yields Rape Oil. 410 BRASSICA ERUCA. Garden Rocket. Seed. aph. aro. sti. pum. 41 BRASSICA FLORIDA. Cauliflower. Leaves, edi. nut. diu. —412 BRASSICA NAPUS. Rape. Navette. Seed. Yields Rape Oil. Bird Seed. —413— BRASSICA SINAPISTRU™. BRASSICA SINAPIi- OIDES. BRASSICA JUNCEA. Species of Sinapis. —41 BRASSICA OLERACEA. Garden Cabbage. Colewort. Leaves. edi. nut car. seed. Yields Oil. 415— BRASSICA RAPA. Turnip. Root. edi. nut. Seed. Yields Oil. 30 J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. sell sateie BRAYERA ANTHELMINTICA. Housso. Cossoo. Koosso. usso. Flowers and Unripe Fruit. ant. ver. ——417—— BROMwvs CILIATUS. Brome Grass. Broom Grass. Bloom rass. Plant. eme. ant. cat. diu. peers ea BROMUS SECALINUS. Cheat Grass. Chess Grass. Seed. Said to be pur. 41 6 ee CHIOCOCCA RACEMOSA: Cahinea. Cahinca Root. Snow- berry David Root. Bark. cat. eme. ton. diu. 601 CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA, Fringe Tree. Old Man’s + ea Gray Beard Tree. Poison Ash. Snowflower. White ringe, Mark. spe. alt. diu. ton. feb. —602—— CHIRONIA CENTAURIUM, European Centaury. Les- ser Centaury. Tops and Roots. aro. bit. ton. feb. 40 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. CHIRONIA CHILENSIS. Chili Gentian. Peruvian Gen- tian. Root. bit, ton. As Gentian. CHLORA PERFOLIATA. Yeliow Wort. Plant. bit. ton. * —-605 CHONDRILLA JUNCEA. Succory Gum. Leaves. diu. Used in Dropsy. 606——_ CHONDRUS CRISPUS. Irish Moss. Carragreen. Carra- green Moss. Carragheen Moss. Pearl Moss. Salt Rock Moss. Plant. nut. muc, dem. pec. 607—— CHRYSOBALANUS ICACO. Cocoa Plum. Leaves. pec. Fruit. edi. 608 CHRYSOPSIS ARGENTEA. Silver Aster. Leaves. pec. — 609— PAR Pe Leen GLYCYPHLZEUM. Monesia ark. Bark, ast. bit. Extract. Called Monesia. —610 CICER ARIETINUM. Chick Pea. Coffee Pea. Issue Peas. Seed, edi. res. nut. ast. —611—— CICHORIUM ENDIVA. Garden Endiva. Garden Chicory. Endive. Chicory. Garden Endive. Root. ton. lax. diu. —612— CICHORIUM INTYBUS. ‘Succory. Chicory. Wild Chicory. Wild Succory. Root. ape. deo. bit. —613— CICUTA MACULATA. American Water Hemlock. Water Hemlock. Spotted Parsley. Poison Snakeweed. Children’s Bane. American Hemlock. Spotted Hemlock. Wild Hemlock. Poison Hemlock. Death of Man. Poison Parsley. Beaver Poison. Plant. acr. nar. poi. eme. ano. 614—— CICUTA VIROSA. European Water Hemlock. Water Hemlock. Cowbane. As Cicuta Maculata. CICUTARIA VULGARIS. Cow Weed. Wild Cicily. Wariety. Cicuta Virosa. 1 CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA. Black Cohosh. Rattle Root. Black Snake Root. Bugwort. Squawroot. Bugbane. Rattleweed. Rattlesnake’s Root. Rich Weed. Root. alt. ner. exp. emm. dia. 617—— CINCHONA ASPERIFOLIA. Bolivia Bark. Species. Cinchona. 618 CINCHONA CALISAYA. Yellow Cinchona. Yellow Bark. Yellow Peruvian Bark. Calisaya Bark. Peruvian Bark. Jacket Bark. Cinchona. Bark. a-per. ton. feb. ast. —619 CINCHONA CONDAMINEA. Pale Bark. Carthagena Bark. Bicolorata Bark. Huamielies Bark. Loxa Bark. ale Crown Bark, Crown Bark. Silver Crown Bark. Maracaibo Bark. —— Bark. Red Carthagena Bark. Bogota Bark. Peruvian ar As Cinchona Calisaya. (Rich in Alkaloids.) bwe aga je M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL: READY REFERENCE. 1 — CINCHONA CONDAMINEA CANDOLLII. Black Cin- echona,. (Mixed with Loxa Barks.) 621—_ CINCHONA CONDAMINEA LANCIFOLIA. Fibrous Carthagena Bark. Bogota Bark. Coquetta Bark. Cartha- gena Bark. Yields. Alkaloids, ——622—— CINCHONA CONDAMINEA LUCUMZEFOLIA. White Crown Bark. (Used in the Manufacture of Quinine.) As Cinchona Calisaya. ——623—_ CINCHONA CORDIFOLIA, Columbia Bark. Colombia Bark. (Used in Quinine Manufacture.) As Cinchona Calisaya. —— 6§624—_ CINCHONA CORDIFOLIA VERA. Hard Carthagena Bark. Velvet Bark. Bark. bit. nau. ton. feb. 625——_ CINCHONA FERRUGINEA. Brazilian Bark. (Substi- tuted for Cinchona Bark.) 626 — CINCHONA MACROCARPA. Guaiana Bark. Bark. bit. —-627—_ CINCHONA MICRANTHA,. Pale Lima Bark. Lima Bark. Huanuco Bark. Bark. ton. feb. ast. a-per. 628 CINCHONA NITIDI. Lima Bark. Dark Ash Bark. Gray Bark. Silver Bark. Huanuco Bark. Variety of Cinchona, ——629—_ CINCHONA OVATA VULGARIS. Carabaya Bark, Ash Bark. Jaen Bark. Ten Bark. 630 CINCHONA PITAYENSIS. Pitaya Bark. Variety of Cinchona. 631 CINCHONA PUBESCENS. Arica Bark. Pale Bark. Cusco Bark. (Mixed with Yellow Bark.) 632 CINCHONA PUBESCENS PURPUREA. Cusco Bark. Booby Bark. (Mixed with Yellow Bark.) 633 CINCHONA SUCCIRUBRA. Red Cinchona. Red Bark. Peruvian Bark. Jacket Bark. Saint Ann’s Bark. Cincliona. As Cinchona Calisaya. 634 CINNAMOMUM AROMATICUM. Chinese Cinnamon. Chinese Cassia. Cassia Bud Bark. Cassia Bud Tree, Cassia Flower Tree. Flower of Cassia. Cassia Buds. (Yields Cassia Buds.) As C. Zeylanicum. 6 CINNAMOMUM CULILAWAN. Culilawan Bark. Clove Bark. (Analogous to C. Zeylanicum.) Bark. aro. sti. ast. pun. car. 636 CINNAMOMUM KIAMIS, Massoy Bark. Yields. Oil of Massoy. 637 CINNAMOMUM SINTOC. Sintoce Barks of Java. Bark, aro. bit. 638 CINNAMOMUM XANTHONEURUM. Papuan Bark. Bark. fra. pun. sti. 42 J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——639 CINNAMOMUM ZEYLANICUM. True Ceylon Cinna- mom. Cinnamon. Suet Cinnamon. Cassia. Ceylon Cinnamon. Saigon Cassia. Saigon Cinnamon. True Cinnamon. Bark. aro. cor. sto. car. sti, ast. ——640 CIRCA CANADENSIS. Enchanter’s Nightshade. Piant. res. vul. CIRSIUM ARVENSIS. Canada Thistie. Cursed Thistle. Horse Thistle. Root. ton. diu. hep. a-bil. 642——_ CIRSIUM LANATUM. Distaff Thistle. Root. dep. hep. Leaves. a-phl. 643— CHELONE LANCEOLATA. Chelone Maculata. Che- loue Purpurea. Varieties of Balmony. CISSAMPELOS CAPENSIS. Cape Ivy Vine. Root. eme. cat. ——645—— CISSAMPELOS PAREIRA. Pareira Brava. Velvet Leaf. Ice Vine. White Pareira Brava. False Pareira Rrava. Root, diu. 646—— CISTUS CRETICUS. Rose of Crete. Labdanum Kesin. sti. emm. 647—— CISTUS SALVIFOLIUS. Holly Rose. Leaves. ast. ——- $645 — CITRULLUS AMARUS. African Wild Water Melon. Wiid Melon. Pulp. drastic cathartic. —— §49 — CITRUS ACIDA. Lime Tree. Fruit, aci. acr. ref. a-sco. 650—_ CITRUS AURANTIUM. Common Sweet Orange. Sweet Orange. Orange. Curacoa Orange. Nerolia Flowers. Forbidden Fruit. Golden Apple. Orange Apple. Fruit. edi. nut. ref. Flowers. fra. per. —651— CITRUS BIGARADIA. Seville Orange. Bitter Orange. Bigarade. Cassia Lignea. Fruit. fra. Unripe fruit. Issue peas. 652—_ CITRUS LIMETTA. Bergamot Lemon. Bergamot Orange. Adam’s Apple. Oil Bergamot, fra. per. edo. 653——_ CITRUS LIMONUM. Lemon. Fruit. aci. ref. asco. Peel. Oil Lemon. 654 CITRUS MEDICA. Citron. Cedrat. (Variety Citrus Limonum.) Oil Cedrat. Peel. Candied. rr 6 CITRUS PARADISI. Forbidden Fruit. (Variety of Orange.) As Citrus Aurantium. —656 — CITRUS VULGARIS. Bitter Orange. Curacoa Orange. Common Bitter Orange. Fruit. bit. feb. Peel. bit. aro. ton. / . M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 43 J — 657 CLADONIA PYXIDATA. Trumpet Moss. Wall Moss. Piant. ast. feb. eme. 658 CLADRASTIS TINCTORIA. Yellow Ash. Fustic Tree. Yellow Wood. Kentucky Yellow Wood. Kentucky Yellow Ash. Bark. cat. Wood. Yellow. CLAYTONIA LANCEOLATA,. Pigeon Root, Leaves. sad. a-sco. —— 51) — CLEMATIS CRISPA, Curled Flower Clematis. (Variety C. Virginica.) Leaves and Flowers. ves. acr. irr. diu. 661 Ne getty ERECTA. Upright Virgin’s Bower, Virgin's ower. 2 Variety. C. Virginica. —§662—— CLEMATIS FLAMMULA. Sweet Scented Virgin’s Bower. Wariety. C. Virginica. —— 663 —_— CLEMATIS VIORNA. Leather Flower. (Variety C. Virginica.) Leaves and Flowers. acr. ves. sti. diu. 664 CLEMATIS VIRGINICA. WVirgin’s Bower. Traveler’s Joy. Common Virgin’s Bower. Leaves and Fiowers. acr. ves. sti. diu. sud. 665 CLEMATIS VITALBA. Traveler’s Joy. Ladies’ Bower. Old Man’s Beard. Smoke Wood. Virgin’s Bower. White Vine. Wild Vine. (Variety C. Virginica.) Leaves and Flowers. cau. opt. Used in Itch. CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA. White Alder. Sweet Pepper Bush. White Bush. Spiked Alder. Leaves and Flowers. dia. exc. 667 CLETHRA TINIFOLIA, Soapwood. Leaves and Flowers. dia. sap. det. 668 CLIFFORTIA ILICIFOLIA. African Tea Plant. Leaves. emo. exp. In Catarrh. 6 CLINOPODIUM VULGARE. Field Thyme. Dogmint. Leaves, ast. diu. a-ven. 670 —— CLUSIA GALACTODENDRON. Cow Tree. Hya Hya. Milk Tree. Juice. Vegetable Milk. —671 CNEORUM TRICOCCUM. Widow Wail. Plant. acr. irr. Leaves. pur. det. 672 CNICUS LANCEOLATA. Common Thistie. Milk Thistle. Root. ton. alt. hep. Leaves. a-phl. —673 COCCOLOBA UVIFERA. Seaside Grape. Lobe Berry. Yields. Jamaica Kino. 674 COCCULUS BAHII. Senegal Root. Piant, bit. ton. diu. feb. x 675— COCCULUS CAROLINUS. Carolina Cocculus. - As Fish Poison. 44 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. bias COCCULUS CORDIFOLIUS. Gulancha. Guilancha Bark. Plant, ton. a-per. diu. a-syp. COCCULUS PALMATUS. Colombo. Colomba. Colomba Root. Calamba Root. Calumbo. Kalumb. Foreign Colombo. Root. ton. feb. a-eme. 678— COCCUS ILICIS, Grains Chermes. COCHLEARIA AQUATICA. Water Horse-radish. Root. sti. ton. diu. Leaves. sad. 680—— COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA. Horse-radish. Root, sti. ton. diu. abo. rub. Leaves. sad. 681—— COCHLEARIA CORONOPUS. Wild Scurvy Grass. Pliamt. a-sco. diu. 689 COCHLEARIA OFFICINALIS. Scurvy Grass. Scrubb Grass. Spoonwort. Meadow Saffron Leaves. Meadow Saffron Seed. Leaves. a-sco. dia. rub. Leaves. sad. - ——6§83 COCOS NUCIFERA. Cocoanut. Cocos. Cocoa Palm. Pal- myra Wood. Oil. pec. Milk. dep. lax. 684—— CCELOCLINE POLYCARPA. Beberin Tree, Soudan Yellow Dye Tree. Bark. In obstinate ulcers. ——685 COFFEA ARABICA. Coffee. Coffee Tree. Seed. Roasted. sti. exc. a-eme. lit. 686— Ccoix LACHRYMA. Job’s Tears. Seed. diu. ton. - COLA ACUMINATA. Cola Nut. Caffein Nut. Goora Nut. Kola Nut. Nuts. sti. ner. ——688— COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. Colchicum. Meadow Saff- ron. Naked Ladies. Upstart. Root and Seed. acr. nar. poi. sed. cat. 689 bee nicl shen ty VARIEGATUM. Chequer Flower. Her- modactyle Yields. Elechiedapigie: COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS. Collinsonia. Stone Root. Ox Balm. Hardhack. Horse Weed. Heal All. Rich Leaf. Rich Weed. KnobGrass. Knob Root. Horse Balm. Knot Root. Root. diu, irr. exp. Leaves. vul. 691 COLLINSONIA WERNA. Collinsonia Cordata. Col- linsonia @vata. Collinsonia Scraba. Variety. Collinsonia Canadensis. 692——_ COLOCASIA ESCULENTA. Tara. Yam Root. Black Caco. Tara Yam Root. ; Yields, W.I. Arrowroot. 3 COLUMNEA LONGIFLORA. Bahel. Wound Wort. Leaves. vul. mat. In Tumors. COLUTEA ARBORASCENS. Bladder Senna. Leaves. pur. (Analogous to Senna.) J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. — COLUTEA VWESICARIA. Senna Herb. Leaves. cat, (Used as aan COMANDRA UMBELLATA. Bastard Toad Fliax, Leaves. feb. ton. 4 COMARUM PALUSTRE. Marsh Five Finger. Herb. ast. feb. ton. 698 COMMELINA ANGUSTIFOLIA. Day Fiower. Plant. exp. emo. ano. Root. feb. COMOCLADIA DENTATA. Bastard Brazil Wood. Wood. A Dye Wood. 700 COMPTONIA ASPLENIFOLIA. Sweet Fern. Spleen Fern. Spleenwort Bush. Shrubby Fern. Fern Gale. Sweet Bush. Fern Bush. Sweet Ferry. Spleenwort Fern, Leaves. ast. dia. ton. exp. sed. 701—— CONFERVA RIVALIS. River Weed. Plant. In Spasmodic Asthma, 9 CONICLINIUM COELESTINUM. Mist Flower. Plant. dia. a-spa. exp. ——703 CONIUM MACULATUM. Poison Hemlock. Hemlock. Poison Root. Spotted Hemlock. Spotted Conium. Poison Parsley. Cicuta. Spotted Cowbane. Conium. Poison Snakeweed. Beaver Poison. Musquash Root. Water Hemlock, Wild Hemlock. Spot- ted Parsley. Water Parsley. Leaves and Seed. nar. poi. sed. 704— CONIUM MOSCHATUM. Aracacha. Root. edi. nut. con. 705 CONVALLARIA BIFLORA. Dwarf Solomon Seal. One Blade. Root. sti. cep. ste. =e CONVALLARIA BOREALIS. Dragoness Plant. Wild Lily of the Valley. Root. sti. cep. ste. exp, muc. —— 707 — CONVALLARIA MAJALIS. Lily of the Valley. May Lily. Root. muc. sweet. Flower. fra. ste. ——708 CONVALLARIA MULTIFLORA. Giant Solomon Seal. Seal Root. Sealwort. Solomon Seal. Drop Berry. (Variety C. Polygonatum.) Root. ton. muc. pec. eme, ast. 7 CONVALLARIA POLYGONATUM. Solomon Seal, Root. ast. ton. exp. muc. 710 ‘CONVALLARIA RACEMOSA. Small Solomon Seal. Seal Root. Drop Berry. False Spikenard. Clustered Solomon Root, ast. ton. muc. exp. 711— CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS. Small Bear Bind, Bear Bind. Hedge Bell. Root. pur. diu. ——712——_ ree ee BATATUS. Sweet Potato. Carolina ; otato. Bulb. edi. esc. nut. 46 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —713—— CONVOLVULUS CANTABRICA, Lavender Bindweed. Root. cat. ant. Herb. ver. V14-— CONVOLVULUS MECHOACANNA. Mechoacan Root. Root. ape. diu. As Jalop. nN o-— CONVOLVULUS NIL. Blue Morning Glory. Gaybine. Kalandana. Root and Seed, cat. , CONVOLVULUS OPERCULATUS. Brazilian Purge. Gomma de Batata. Root. pur. 1 CONVOLVULUS PANDURATUS. Wild Potato. Scam- mony Root. Mechoacan. Kussander. Wild Jalap. Man-in-the- Ground, Mechameck. Man-of-the-Earth. Man Root. Bind Weed. Wild Scammony. Wild Rhubarb. Hog Potato. Root. cat. diu. her. (Analogous to Jalop.) —~F1s— CONVOLVULUS PURPUREA, Purple Morning Glory. Morning Glory. Bindweed. Ropewind. Piant and Flower. orn, 719 CONVOLVULUS SEPIUM. German Scammony Plait. Gume-re. Powerful cat. 720 CONVOLVULUS SCAMMONIA. Scammony Plant. Scammony Virgin. Aleppo Scammony Plant. Gum-re. dra. cat. —721 CONVOLVULUS SCOPARIUS. Canary Rosewood. Rosewood. Cyprus Wood. Rhodium Wood. Yields Oil Rhodium. ——722—— CONVOLVULUS SOLDANELLA. Sea Bindweed. Scotch Scurvy Grass. Leaves. dra. cat. diu. —— 728 CONVOLVULUS TURPETHUM. Turpeth Root. Root. cat. 794 CONYZA BIFOLIATA. Silk Seed Aster. Plant. diu. CONYZA MARILANDICA,. Piowmanswort. Fleabane. Plant. sti, ner. pec. bal. 726 — CONYZA SQUARROSA, Marsh Fleabane. Plant. ins. emm. a-epi. —727—_ COPAIFERA OFFICINALIS. Balsam Copaiva Tree. Copaiva Tree. Ol-re. sti. diu. cat. pec. ast. 728 COPTIS TEETA. Chinese Goldthread. Mishmee Bitter. Root. bit. ton. sto. opt. — 729—_ COPTIS TRIFOLIA. Goldthread. Mouthroot. Canker Root. Yellow Root. Root, bit. ton. For Canker. CORALLINA OFFICINALIS. Corsican Worm Moss. Coral Moss. As Fucus Helminthocorton. J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —731——_ CORALLORHIZA ODONTORHIZA,. Crawley. Chicken’s Toes. Dragon’s Claw. Coral Root. Fever Root. Scaly Dragon’s Claw. Turkey Claw. Crawley Root. Root. dia. sud. sed. feb. Bo. Fever Po. CORALLORHIZA MULTIFLORA. Corallorhiza Wis- tariana. Corallorhiza Verna. Corallorhiza In- nata. Variety. Corallorhiza Odontorhiza. 732—_ CORCHORUS CAPSULARIS. Jute Plant, Piant. Yields fibre known as Jute. 733—— CORCHORUS OLITORIUS. Jew’s Mallow. Leaves. emo. sad. feb. 734 CORDIA AFRICANA. Assyrian Plum. Fruit. ape. edi, pec. — 735 CORDIA BOISSERI. Anacahuite Wood, Wood. Used in Phthisic. —-136— CORDIA MYXA. Sebasten Plum. Sebasten. Bark. ton. ast. Fruit, muc. esc. lax. COREOPSIS TINCTORIA, Nutalls Weed. Golden Coreopsis. Plant. orn. —738— COREOPSIS TRICHOSPERMA. Tickweed Sunflower. Tickse d Sunflower. Leaves and Flowers. alt. exp. 739 CORIANDRUM SATIVUM. Coriander. Coliander. Cori- ander Seed Herb. Coriander Seed. Seed. aro. pun. car. cor. sto. 740—— CORIARIA MYRTIFOLIA. Redoual. Tanner’s Sumach. Currier’s Sumach. : Leaves. acr. nar. poi. CORIARIA RUSCIFOLIA. Toot Poison. Toot Plant. Leaves and Twigs. Poisonous to Animals. —-749 CORIARIA THYMIFOLIA. Ink Plant of New Gran- ada. Chanchi. Ink Plant. Juice. Used as Ink. 745— CORNUS ALTERNIFOLIA. Alternate Leaved Cornel. Bark. dia. ast. feb. CORNUS CANADENSIS. Bunchberry Cornel. Bunch- berry. Dwarf Cornel. Bark. ast. ton. dia. feb. 745 CORNUS CIRCINATA. Round Leaved Dogwood. Green Ozier. Swamp Sassafras. Dogachamus. Alder Leaved Dog- wom: Round Leaved Cornel. Green Osier. Broad Leaved Dog- wood. Bark. ast. ton. bit. Faweeny 7 ¥. Waster CORNUS FLORIDA. Dogwood. Boxwood. Dogtree. False Box. Florida Cornel. Flowering Cornel. Florida Dogwood. Cor- nel. Boxtree. Budwood. Virginia Dogwood. Bark. ast. ton. feb. Flowers. ton. f-com. 48 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——747 CORNUS MASCULA. Cornelian Cherry. Male Cornel. Cornels. Redwood of Turkey. Flowers, ast. Fruit. aci. a-sco. 748 CUORNUS PANICULATA. White Cornel, Cornel ns an White Cornel Dogwood. Bark. As Cornus Florida. eek | “Wee | CORNUS SANGUINEA. Dogberry Tree. Indian Arrow Weed. Bloodtwig. Gutter Tree. Hounds Berry Tree. Bark. Wash for Mangy Dogs. CORNUS SERICEA. Swamp Dogwood. Rose Willow. Red Osier. Red Ozier. Silky Cornel. Red Rose Willow. Red Rod. Red Willow. Red Wood. Blue Berry Cornel. Kinnikinnick Bark. Red Rood. Bark. ast. ton. feb. (Analogous Cornus Florida.) ——751 CORONILLA EMERUS. Scorpion Senna. Leaves. cat. (Milder than Senna.) ——752—— CORONOPUS RUELLILI, Wart Cress. Herb Ivy. Herb Eve. Swine Cress. Flowers. dem. fet. —753—_ CORYDALIS BULBOSA. Round Birthweort. Bulbous Fumitory. Holewort. Hollow-wort. Root. dep. dis. cos. ver. CORYDALIS CANADENSIS. Squirrel Corn. Root. a-syp. diu. alt. ected ae CORYDALIS CUCULLARIA. Colic Weed. Dutchman's Breeches. Root. a-syp. diu. alt. dia. 756 CORYDALIS DIGITATA. Thick Birthwort. Root. ver. emm. dep. 757 CORYDALIS FORMOSA. Turkey Corn. Wild Turkey Pea. Staggerweed. Squirrel Corn. Dielytra. Turkey Pea. Choice Dielytra. Root. ton. diu. alt. CORYDALIS NOBILIS. Noble Fumitory. Hierb. bit. dia. ape. ton. 759 e CORYDALIS TUREROSA. Birthwort. Root. bit. acr. Jmice. det. dis. 760 CORYLUS AMERICANA. American Filbert, Hazel Nut. Hazel. Filbert. Fruit. edi. diu. ano. ant. 761 CORYLUS AVELLANA. European Filbert, Hazel. Hazel Nut. Filbert. Wood Nut. Fruit. edi. nut. ——762 CORYLUS ROSTRATA. Beaked Hazel. Dar ager. COSCINIUM FENESTRATUM. Colombo Wood. Cal- amba Wood. False Colombo. Wood. sto. ant. Dyes Yellow. 764— COSTUS ARABICUS. Sweet Costus. Root. aro. ton. car. diu. J» Me NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —3185— COTO BARK. Use im Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Colic, Neuralgic Toothache. 766 COTULA MULTIFIDA. African Cotula. Plant. exa. a-rhe. For Burns. 767— COTYLEDON UMBILICUS. Navel Wort. Kidney Wort. Hipwort. Penny Leaves. Pennywort. Wall Pennywort. Herb, ton. diu. a-epi. 768—— COWANIA STANSBURIANA. A Salt Lake Plant, Plant, ast. sty. 9 CRASSULA TETRAGONA. South African Crassula. Plant. ast. in Diarrhea. Ft CRATAZGUS ARIA. White Bezam Tree. Leaves. pec. Fruit. ast. edi. ——771—— CRATZEGUS COCCINEA. Hawthorn. Bark and Leaves. ton. exp. Fruit. edi. ton. CRATZGUS CRUS-GALLI. White Cockspur Thorn. White Thorn. Leaves. pec. ; CRATZEGUS OXYACANTHUS. English Hawthorn. Noble Epine. Quickset. Thorn Apple Tree. May Tree. White Thorn. Hawthorn. Fruit. Called ‘‘ Haws.” ast. —— 44 4—— CRATZVA GYNANDRA. Garlic Pear. Bark of Root. Said to blister. CRINIUM AMERICANUM. Jonquil. Louisiana Squill. Bulb. exp. sti, As Squill. —%76 CROCUS SATIVUS., Saffron. Zafran. Cake Saffron (pressed). Span Saffron, Autumnal Crocus. Hay Saffron (name for loose ron). Flowers. sti. dia. exa. car. emm. 7 CROTON BALSAMIFERUM. Seaside Balsam. Cascarilla. Small Seaside Balsam. Bark, aro. ton, emm, f-com. 778— CROTON ELUTERIA. Cascarilla. Cascarilla Bark. Eleuthera Bark. Sweet Wood Bark. Bark. bit. aro. ton. car. sto. 779—_ CROTON GOSSYPIFOLIUM. Blood Tree. Juice. Red; as Dragon’s Blood. 780 CROTON HUMILIS. Eeprer Rod. Bark. In baths for Nervotis Weakness. —— TS 1— CROTON LINEARE. West India Wild Rosemary. Cascarilla Bark. Specific in Colic. — 782 CROTON LUCIDUS. Spurious Cascarilla. Bark. ast. Mixed with Cascarilla. 783——_— CROTON MALAMBO,. Matias Bark. Malambo Bark. Bark. ton. feb. In Intermittents. 50 J. M. NICKELL S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——784—— CROTON PAVANA. Tilly Seed. Seed. Yields Croton Oil, in part. 785— CROTON PEDICIPES. Alcamphora. Bark. diu. a-syp. ——786—— CROTON PSEUDO-CHINA. Copalchi Bark of Mexico. Copalchi Bark. Bark. ton. feb. (Analogous to Cascarilla.) 787 CROTON TIGLIUM. Croton Oil Piamt. Croton Seeds. Grains Tigli. Molucca Grains. Root, cat. Seed. Yields Croton Oil. 788—— CROTON TINCTORIUM. Red Patch. Blue Patch. Plant. acr. eme. dra. cat. Dyes Purple. ——789 CRUCCATA. Crosswort. Herb, pec. exp. ——780— CUCUBALUS BEHEN. Spatiing Poppy. Bladder Campion. Sea Pink. Campion Pink. Plant. ale. cor. ——79i1—_ CUCUMIS COLOCYNTHIS. Colocynth. Bitter Cucumber. Bitter Apple... Bitter Gourd. Colocynth Fruit. Colocynth Apple. Fruit-Pulp. bit. dra. cat. 792—_ CUCUMIS MELO. Musk Melon. Cantaloupe. Fruit. edi. a-sco. Seed. muc, diu. 793 CUCUMIS SATIVUS, Cucumber. Seed. muc. diu. 794 CUCURBITA AURANTIA. Orange Gourd, Orange Vine. Fruit. edi. nut. diu. a —795—_ CUCURBITA CITRULLUS. Water Melon. Cold Seeds. (The seed.) Seeds. diu. ref. —796 — CUCURBITA LAGENARIA. Gourd. Seed. ref. diu. Root-Puip. dra. cat. — 797 CUCURBITA PEPO. Pumpkin. Pompion. Cold Seeds. (The seed.) Seed. ver. Oil. In Tapeworm. diu. 798 CUMINUM CYMINUM. Cumin Seed. Cumin Plant. Sweet Cummin, Cummin Seed. Cumin. Seed, aro. sti. car. Veterinary. 799——_ CUNILA MARIANA. Dittamy. Stonemint. Mountain Dit- tany. Wild Basil. American Dittany. Sweet Horsemint. High Pennyroyal. American Mountain Dittany. Herb. sti. ner. sud. ton. vul, — Wax Bush, CUPHEA VWISCOSISSIMA. Plant. vis. ‘ cU nh) see DISTICHA. Virginia Cypress. Black ty pre Leaves. Dye Brown. J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 51 —802— OU oar SEMPERVIRENS. Cypress Tree. Cypress ark. " : Berries, Leaves and Wood. ast. feb. bit, —803 — CUPRESSUS THYOIDES. White Cedar. Leaves. sti. aro. dia. sto. 804 CURCAS PURGANS. Barbadoes Nuts, Physic Nuts, Purg- ing Nuts. Barbadoes Physic Nuts. Nuts. pur. eme. @il. pur. dra. poi. Sus CURCUMA AMADA, Mango Gimger. Amada Ginger. Root. sti. (in curry powder.) S06—— CURCUMA LONGA, Turmerie. Curcuma. Terra Merica. Tumeric. Root. Colors Yellow. (in curry powder.) 807 CURCUMA ZEDOARIA, Round Zedoary. Zedoray. Root. far. sti. sto. (As Ginger.) 808—— CURCUMA ZERUMBET. Zerumbet Root. Zerumbet. Root. sti. aro. (As Ginger). 809 CUSCUTA AMERICANA. Dodder. Devil's Gut. Love Vine. Scald Weed. Plant. ton. ast. alt. a-per. CUSCUTA EPITHYMUM. Dodder of Thym Plant. pun. cat. fet. ——S81i-— CUSCUTA EUROPZA. Greater Dodder. Hell Weed. Flax Vine. Flax Drop. Flax Weed. Strangle Tare. Juice. pur. deo. For Itch. 812 CUSCUTA GLOMERATA. American Bedder. Plant. bit. ton. sub-ast. a-per. 813 CYANUS SEGETUM. Blue Bottles. Flowers. ast. ref. Colors biue. 814—— CYCLAMEN EUROPZUM, Sow Bread. Ground Lread. Swine Bread. Root. acr. bit. dra. poi . ——815—— CYCLOPIA GENISTOIDES. So. African Tea Piant. i Tea Bush. @€aveS. exp. pec. —816—— SyRents VWULGARIS. @Quimee. Golden Apple. Quince Seed. Seed. vis. muc. opt. Frait. ast. edi. 817 CYNANCHUM ARGEL. Argel Leaves. Leaves. Often mixed with Senna. 818 CYNARA CARDUNCULUS. Cardoon. Root. ape. diu. aph. Leaves. Sad. —819 CYNARA SCOLYMUS. Garden Artichoke. Artichoke. Root. edi. nut. diu. Leaves. In Dropsy. —820 CYNODON DACTYLON. Bermuda Grass. Scutch Grass. Root. As Sarsaparilla. 52 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. CYNOGLOSSUM AMPLEXICAULE. Wild Comfrey. Root. dem. ast. mue. pec. (Analogous to Symphytum Officinale.) 822 CYNOGLOSSUM MORRISONI. Virginia Mouse Ear, Beggars’ Lice. Dysentery Weed. Dysentery Root. Root, muc. ton. ast. diu. 8238 CYNOGLOSSUM OFFICINALE. Hound’s Tongue. Canadian Bur. Tory Weed. Dog’s Tongue. Plant, ast. aro. ano. muc. nar. CYPERUS OFFICINALIS. English Galingale, Sweet Cyperus. Souchet. Root. aro. ton. bit. dia. diu. 5 CYPRIPEDIUM ACAULE. Ladies’ Slipper, Stemless, American Valerian. Whip-poor-will’s Shoe. Analogous to Cypripedium Pubescens. 826 ins = ena ARIETINUM. Ram’s Head. American alerian. Analogous to Cypripedium Pubescens. ——827 CYPRIPEDIUM CANDIDUM. White Flewered La- dies’ Slipper. American Valerian. White Umbel. Analogous to Cypripedium Pubescens. 828 CYPRIPEDIUM FLAVUM. Nerve Root. Moccasin Root. Nervine. American Valerian. Umbill Root. Analogous to Cypripedium Pubescens. 829 CRE RABEDIE LUTEUM. Dwarf Umble. American alerian. Analogous to Cypripedium Pnbescens, 830 CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS, Yellow Ladies’Slipper. Indian Shoe. Slipper Root. Venus Cup. American Valerian. Nerve Root. Umble. Moccasin Plant. Male Nervine, Yellow Moccasin Flower. Umbil Root. Monkey Flower. . Noah’s Ark. Moccasin Flower. VenusShoe. Yellow Umbel. Yellows. Ladies’ Slipper. Bleeding Heart. Root. ton. sti. ner. dia. a-spa. nar. 831 CYPRIPEDIUM SPECTABILE. Showy Ladies’ Slip- per. Female Nervine. Analogous to Cypripedium Pubescens, 832 CYTISUS CAJAN. Pigeon Pea. Angola Pea. Bleeding Heart. Root. aro. pec. Seed. acr. edi. 833—— CYTISUS LABURNUM: Laburnum Tree. Golden Chain. Leaves. diu. res. Seed and Bark. poi. 834—— CYTISUS SCOPARIUS. Broom Herb. Common Broom, Irish Broom. Broom Fiowers. Tops. diu. cat. Seed, eme. cat. 835—— DAHLIA VARIABILIS. Dahlia. Common Dahlia. Root. acr. DAPHNE ALPINA. Widow Wail, Dwarf Olive. Bark: acr. ves. poi. ates J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——837—_ DAPHNE GNIDIUM. Spurge Flax. Mezereon, (Analogous to Daphne Mezereum.) , Bark. acr. poi. ves. Berries. acr. poi. -—~ 838 DAPHNE LAUREOLA. Spurge Laurel. (Analogous to Daphne Mezereum.) Bark. acr. poi. ves. Berries. acr. poi. 839—- DAPHNE MEZEREUM,. Mezereon. Spurge Olive. Spurge Flax. Wild Pepper. rk. acr. poi. sti. alt. diu. cat. DARLINGTONIA CALIFORNICA,. California Pitcher Plant. Side Flowering Saddle Flower. Pitcher Plant. California Side Saddle, Saddle Flower. Californian Side-Saddle Flower. Plant. ins —841 DATISCA CANNABINA. False Hemp. Plant. cat. 842 ——— 4 i DATURA ALBA. White Datura. Indian Datura. White Flowering Datura. Leaves. ano. in poultice. Seed. sed. nar. —— 843 DATURA FEROX. East Indian Datura. Root and Leaves: poi. Smoked for Asthma. —844 DATURA SANGUINEA. Red Thorn-Apple. Grave Plant. Peruvians make a drink *‘ Tonga.” nar. 845 DATURA STRAMONIUM. Stramonium. Devil’s Apple. Mad Apple. Thorn Apple. Stink. Jamestown Weed. Stink Weed. evel Peru. Jimson Weed. Stinkwort. Jimpson Weed. Jimpson eed. Plant. poi. sti. sed. Fumes for Asthma. 846—— DATURA TATULA, Parpie Stramonium. Analogous to Datura Stramonium. 497—_ DAUCUS CAROTA. Wild Carrot, Bee’s Nest Plant. Bird’s Nest Root. Garden Carrot. Root and Seed, sti. diu. car. 848—— DAUCUS SYLVESTRIS. European Wild Carrot. Span- ish Toothpicks. Fr uit. diu. ~----$49— DAVILLA BRASILIANA. Davilla. Plant, ast. in glandular swellings. 850—_ DELPHINIUM CONSOLIDA. Larkspur. Konight’s Spur. Branching Larkspur. Stavesacre. Lark Heel. Lark’s Claw. Staggerweed. a. Root and Flowers. poi. diu. emm. Seed. poi. ins. ol DELPHINIUM EXALTUM. Tall Wild Larkspur. As Delphinium Consolida. 852 DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA. Staphisagria. Staves- acre Seed, Larkspur Herb: Larkspur Seed. Staphisagria Seed. Seed. irr. poi. eme. cat. nar. ins. 853—— DENTARIA DIPHYLLA. Tooth Roet. Tooth Wort. Crinkle Root. Trickle. Pepper Root. ) Roet, Used as Mustard. 54 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. — 854 DENTARIA BULBIFERA. Dentaria Enneaphylia. Dentaria Lacinata. Dentaria Multifida. Species. Dentaria Diphylla. oY | DIANTHUS BARBATUS. Buneh Pink. Sweet John. Sweet William. As Dianthus Caryophyllus. DIANTHUS CARYOPHYLLUS. Clove Pink. Carnation Gilliflower. Carnation Pink. Gilliflower. Flower. cep. a-spa. ner. cor. fra. 857 DIANTHUS CHINENSIS. China Pink. India Pink. As Dianthus Caryophyllus. 858 DIANTHUS HORTENSIS. Garden Pink. Cob Pink. Dianthus. Pink. As Dianthus Carophyllus. —859—_ DICTAMNUS ALBA. White Fraxinella. Bastard Dittany. European Dittany. Root. bit. ton. sto, emm. 1 ——860—— DICTAMNUS FRAXINELLA. SEBastard Dittany. White Fraxinella. As Dictamnus Alba. —-861— DIERVILLA CANADENSIS. Bush Honeysuckie. Gravelweed.. Honeysuckle Bush. Weigelia. _Wiegelia. Root, Leaves and Twigs. diu. ast. alt. ——862— DIGITALIS LUTEA. Yellow Foxglove. As Digitalis Purpurea. 868 DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Foxglove. Fairy Gloves. Dog’s Finger. Digitalis. Dead Mens Bells. Purple Foxglove. Ladies’ Glove. Fairy Fingers. Folks’ Glove. Finger Flower. American Foxglove. Leaves. irr. nar. poi. sed. diu. a-epi. ——864 DIONZA MUSCIPULA. Venus Flytrap. Plant. ins. 2 865— DIOSCOREA BATATAS. Chinese Yam. Root. edi. nut. As potatoes. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. Wild Yam. Colic Root. China Root. Devil’s Bones. Yam. Root. a-spa. dia. In bilious Colic. 867—_ DIOSPYROS EMBRYOPTERIS. Indian Persimmon. Juice. vis. ast. in Dysentery. : 868— DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA. Persimmon. Persimmon Bark. Date Plum. Jove’s Fruit. Lotus Tree. Seeded Plum. Winter Plum. Yellow Plum. Bark, ast. feb.a-per. Fruit. ast. edi. oe DIPSACUS FULLONUM. Faller’s Teasel. Root. diu. sud. sto. DIPSACUS PILOSUS. Shepherd’s Rod. Shepherd’s Staff. Root. diu. sud. sto. iy DIPSACUS SYLVESTRIS. Venus Bath. Wood Broom. Reot,. diu. sud. sto. opt. J- M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 872 DIPTERIX ODORATA. Tonka Bean. Tonca Bean. Tonguin Bean. Tonga Bean. Coumarouma Bean. Snuff Bean. Fruit. aro. bit. fra. ste. 873 DIRCA PALUSTRIS. Leatherwood. Moosewood. Ameri- can Mezereon. Wicopy. Leaver Wood. Leather Bush. Rope Bark. Swamp Wood. Wicopy Bark. Bark. acr. rub. ves. exp. Merries, poi. 874 DISTYLIUM RACEMOSUM. Chinese Galls. Chinese Velvet Galls.. Chinese Nut Galls. Galls. ast. Pete MEDIA. Shooting Star. American owslip. Plant. sad. DOLICHOS FILIFORMIS. Cat’s Claw. DOLICHOS PRURIENS. Cowhage. Wild Cowhage. Don- key’s Eyes (The Seed.) Hairs of Pods. A mechanical Anthelmintic. | §78— DOLICHOS PRURITA. East India Cowhage. Cowhage. Cow Itch. Asses Eyes—(Cowhage Seed). Sea Beans, As Dolichos Pruriens. 879 DOREMA AMMONIACUM. Gum Ammoniac Plant. Gum-re. exp. dis. a-spa. In plasters. 880 DORONICUM PARDALIANCHES. Roman Leopards- bane. Great Leopardsbane. Root and Tops, Analogous to Arnica. 881 DORSTENIA BRASILIENSIS. Brazil Contrayerva. Root, dia. aro, bit. ton. eme. (Analogous to D., Contrayerya.) 882 DORSTENIA CONTRAYERVA. Contrayerva. Lisbon Contrayerva. Jamaica Contrayerva. Root, aro. bit. pun. muc. ton. dia. 883 DORSTENIA HOUSTONIA. Campeachy Contrayerva. Root. Analogous to D. Contrayerva. 884— DRABA ACAULIS. English Pepper. Seed. pun. detersive. SgE ree INCANA,. Whitlow Grass. Nailwort. Hunger ower. Seed. pun. detersive. DRACOCEPHALUM CANARIENSE. Sweet Balm. Balm of Gilead Herb. Herb. aro. sti. sud. dia. ton. DRACOCEPHALUM MOLDAVICA. Moldavian Balm. As D. Canariense. 888 DRACONTIUM POLYPHYLLUM. Labaria Plant. Plant. nau. feet. a-ven. sti. §89—— DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA, Sundew. Long-leaved Sundew. Round-leaved Sundew. Dew Plant. Lustwort. Youth- wort... Long Sundew. Plant. acr. det. rub. pec. aph. 56 J. Me NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——— ; DRYMIS WINTERI. Winters’ Bark. Winters’ Cinnamon. Pepper Tree. , Bark. aro. fra. sti. pun. (Analogous to Canilla Bark.) 891 DUBOISIA MYOPOROIDES. Shrub of Australia — Lc QQGarit! DYSOPHYLLA AVICULARIA. Earwort. Ceylonian Plant. Plant. sti. For Deafness, 393 ECHINOPS MULTIFLORUS. Globe Thistle. Root. In Nosebleed. Seed, duu... 894—_ ECHINOPS STRIGOSUS. Spanish Tinder. Down and Leaves. As Amadou. — 8 ECHINUS SCANDENS. Allamenda. (Guiana,) Leaves. Used in Painters’ Colic. 896 ECHINUM VULGARE. Vipers’ Bugloss. Adders’ Wort. Blue Weed. Blue Thistle. Root. ast. dep. ——897 ECHITES CHILIENSIS, Chilmac. Quilmai. Root. eme. ste. 898 ELZOCARPUS HINAU. Olive Nut Tree, Bark. Dyes Brown or Black. 899—— ELAIS GUINIENSIS. Palm Oil Tree. Wax Palm. Guinea Palm. Palm Fruit Tree. Oil. emo. —- 900—— ELATINE HEXANDRA. Water Wort. Plant. On pond banks. 901 ELETTARIA CARDAMOMUM. Cardamom. Malabar Cardamom. Ceylon Cardamom. Bastard Cardamom. Cardamom Seed. Cardamon. Seed. aro. sti. car. con. 902—_ ELETTARIA MAJOR. Wild Cardamom, As E. Cardamomum. ——9303—_ EMPETRUM NIGRUM. Crowberry: Berries. edi. Dyes Black. 904 EPHEDRA AMERICANA, Pingo Pingo. Leaves. sty. 905—_ EPIGZA REPENS. Trailing Arbutus. Winter Pink. Gravel Weed. Mountain Pink. Ground Laurel. May Flower. Gravel Plant, Leaves. diu. ast. As Uva Ursi. 906— EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM. Willow Herb. Wick- opy. Rose Bay. Wickup. Mares Tail. Wickopy Root. Wickopy erb. Flowering Willow. Indian Wickopy. Leaves and Root. ton. ast. dem. emo. 907 mo ibe COLARATUM. Purple Vined Willow erb. Leaves and Root. As Epilobium Angustifolium, 908 EPILOBIUM HIRSUTUM. Codlins and Cream. Leaves. ast. sty. det. , J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 57 EPILOBIUM PALUSTRE. Marsh Epilobium. Wickop. Swamp Willow. Swamp Willow Herb. Root and Leaves, ton. ast. dem. a-spa. 910 EPIMEDIUM ALPINUM. Barren Wort. Plant. ast. 1 EPIPACTIS LATERIFLORA, Bastard Hellebore. Helleborine. Root, far. —912 EQUISETUM ARVWENSE. Horse Tail Rush. Plant. diu. ast. 918 EQUISETUM HYEMALE. Scouring Rush._Horsepipe. Gunbright. Mare’s Tail. Horse Tail. Shave Grass. Dutch Rush. Polishing Rush. Pewter Wort. Plant. diu. ast. ton. 914—— EQUISETUM ROBUSTUM. Equisetum Lzevigatum. Wariety. Equisetum Hyemale. 915—— 7 ERECHTHITES HIERACIFOLIUS. Fireweed. Various Leaved Fleabane. Pilewort. Plant. eme. ton, ast. alt. In Piles. 916 EREMOCARPUS SETIGERUS, Ginger Leaf. Tops of Plant. sti. car. feb. (California Plant.) 917 ERICA VULGARIS. Heather, Heath. Plant. a-rhe. sud. ast. diu, 918—— ERIGERON BELLIDIFOLIUM. Robert’s Plantain. Rose Betty. As Erigeron Canadense. ——919——_ ERIGERON CANADENSE. Canada Fleabane. : Mare’s Tail. Fireweed. Colt’s Tail. Pride Weed. Scabious. Horse Weed. Butter Weed. Blood Staunch. Fleabane. Cow's Tail. Horse Tail. Plant, ast. ton. diu. sty. 920— : ERIGERON HETEROPHYLLUM, Fleabane. Scabious. Various Leaved Fleabane. Plant. diu. ast. ton. dia. (Analogous to E. Canadense.) 921 ERIGERON PHILADELPHICUM. Philadelphia Flea- bame. Sweet Scabious. Skevish. Analogous to Erigeron Canadense. 922 —— ERIOCEPHALUS UMBELLATUS. So African Wild Rosemary. Plant. diu. In Dropsy. —-923 — ERIODICTYON CALIFORNICUM. Wariety. Eriodyction Glutinosum. 924—— ERIODYCTION GLUTINOSUM. Yerba Santa: Bear's Weed. Mountain Balm. Gum Plant. Consumptive Weed. Tar Weed. Leaves. ‘on. exp. (California Plant.) 925—— ERODIUM CICUTARIUM. Hemlock Stork’s Bill. Stork’s Bill. Heron’s Bill. Pinweed. ast. det. diu. 58 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —926— ERVUM LENS. Lentils. Lentil. Tillseed. Seed, edi. nut. ast. 997 ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM. Water Eryngo. Button Sh a Rattleskake’s Master. Corn Snakeroot. Rattlesnake’s eed. Root. diu. sti. dia. exp. eme. ERYNGIUM CAMPESTRE, Wild Eryngo. Fever Weed. Root, aph. diu. sud. ape. ERYNGIUM MARITIMUM. Sea Holly. Root. aro. diu. exp. ——930—— ERYNGIUM VIRGINIANUM. Variety. Eryngium Aquaticum. 931—_ ERYNGIUM YUCCEFOLIUM. Corn Snakeroot. Rattle- snake Flag. Root. diu. sud. ——932—_ ERYSIMUM BARBAREA, Winter Watercress. Winter Cress. Herb Barbara. Yellow Rocket Herb. Plant. a-sco. pec. det. Seed. acr. lit, ——933— ERYSIMUM CHEIRANTHOIDES. Treacle Mustard. Herb. ver. sto. 934 ERYTHRZEA ACAULIS. Rejagnou. Root. Dyes Yellow. 985 ERYTHRZA CHILENSIS. Centaury of Chili. Plant, A mild tonic. ERYTHRINA HERBACEA. Coral Bloom. Moot. exp. sud. feb. 937 ERYTHRONIUM AMERICANUM, Adder’s Tongue. Dog’s Tooth Violet. Scrofula Root. Lamb's Tongue. Yellow Snowdrop. Yellow Snake Leaf. __Erythronium. Adder’s Leaf. Rattlesnake Violet. Snake Leaf. Yellow Erythronium. Root and Herb. eme. emo, anti-scrofulus. 938 ERYTHRONIUM FLAVUM. Yellow Adder’s Tongue. Deer Tongue. Yellow Snake Leaf. Yellow Snowdrop. Yellow Erythronium. As Erythronium Americanum. 9 ERYTHRONIUM INDICUM. East India Squills. Bulb. As Squills. 940 ERYTHROPHLEUM JUDICIALE. Doom Bark, Ordeal. Pay Bark. Mancona Bark. Saucy Bark. Ordeal Bark. Ordeal ree, Bark. poi. ast. eme. nau. ERYTHROXYLON COCA. Coca Leaves. Spadic. Leaves. ner. sti. 9 ESCHSCHOLTZIA CALIFORNICA. California Poppy. Eschscholtzia. 4 ESENBECKIA FEBRIFUGA. Esenbeckia. — Bark. Used as Cinchona. J+» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 59 ——944—_ EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS. Eucalyptus. Gum Wood. Fever Tree of Anstralia. Fever Tree. BlueGum Tree. Wooly But. Leaves. a-per. feb. 945— EUCALYPTUS PIPERITA. Peppermint Tree. Pep- permint Tasmania. @il. Resembies Cajeput Oil. EUCALYPTUS ROSTRATA. White Gum Tree, Yields Botany Bay Kino. ——947—_ EUGENIA ACRIS. Bay Rum Leaf. Wild Clove. As Myrcia Acris. ——948—— EUGENIA PIMENTA. Pimento. Clove Pepper. Jamaica Pepper. Allspice. Fruit. (ifiripe) aro. cat. sto. sti. 949—_— EUONYMUS AMERICANUS. Burning Bush. Straw- berry Shrub. Strawberry Bush. Prickwood. Wahoo. Spindle Tree. Skewer Wood. American Wahoo. Waahoo. Whahoo, Wauhoo. Variety of Euonymus Atropurpureus. 950 EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS. Wahoo. Whahow. Wauhoo. Strawberry Tree. Indian Arrow Wood. Burning Bush. Spindle Tree. Pegwood. Waahoo, Indian Arrow, Bitter Ash. Arrow Wood. Bark. ton. lax. alt. diu. exp. Seed. cat. 951 EUONYMUS EUROPZUS. Burning Bush. Spindle Tree. Louse Berry Tree. Analogeus to Evonymus Atropurpureus. 2 9p get: EUONYMUS JAPONICUS, Chimese Box. —953— EUONYMUS TINGENS. Tika Dye. Piant. Dyes Yellow. — 954 EUPATORIUM AGERATOIDES. White Sanicle. In- dian Sanicle. Pool Root. Root. aro. ton. dia. diu. 955—— EUPATORIUM AROMATICUM. White Snakeroot. White Sanicle. Pool Root. Pool Wort. Reot. dia. a-spa. exp. aro. diu. EUPATORIUM AYA-PANA, Brazilian Ayapana. Nya- Pana. Aya-Pana. ‘ Wariety. Eupatorium Perfoliatum. 957—_ EUPATORIUM CANNABINUM. Hemp Agrimony. Water Maudlin. Sweet-smelling Treefoil. Juice. eme. pur. diu. cat. 958— EUPATORIUM INCARNATUM. Mata. Used with Tobacco, for its odor. 59—— EUPATORIUM LEUCOLEPSIS. Justice Weed. Herb. a-ven. —_—9¢60——_ EUPATORIUM MACULATUM. Spotted Boneset As Eupatorium Purpureum. ——961—. EUPATORIUM NERVOSUM. Jamaica Bitier Bush. Plant. bit. ton. feb. 60 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——962 — EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM. Boneset. Thoroughwort. Teasel. Ague Weed. Joe Pye. Fever Wort. Thorough Stem, Thorough Wax. Cross Wort. Wood Boneset. Vegetable Antimony. Sweating Plant. Indian Sage. Tearal. Herb. ton. ape. dia. eme. feb. 963—_ EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM. Queen-of-the-Meadow. Kidney Root, Gravel Root. Joe Pye. Trumpet Weed. Purple Boneset. Root. diu. sti. ast. ton. Herb, diu. ton. 4 EUPATORIUM SESSILIFULIUM. Upland Boneset. Bastard Boneset. As Eupatorium Purpureum. — 965— EUPATORIUM TEUCRIFOLIUM. Wild Horehound. Rough Boneset. (Var. E. Perfoliatum.) As Eupatorium Perfoliatum. —966—_ EUPATORIUM VERTICILLATUM. Tall Boneset. Joe Pye Weed. Joe Pye. As Eupatorium Purpureum. —— 15 7 -— EUPATORIUM VIOLACEUM. Violet Boneset. As Eupatorium Purpureum. ——968—— EUPHORBIA CANARIENSIS. Euphorbium Plant. Euphorbium. Gum. eme. cat. err. ves. EUPHORBIA CAPITATA. Srizilian Caacica. Plant. ast. a-ven. ——970— EUPHORBIA COROLLATA. Large Flowering Spurge. Blooming Spurge. Emetic Root. Hippo. Picac. Milk Purslain. Milk Weed. Milk Ipecac. Snake Milk. White Purslain. Purging Root. Milk Pursley. Apple Root. Bowman’s Root. White Pursley. Wild Hippo. Roet. eme. dia. exp. In Dropsy. (Analogous to Euphorbia Ipecac- uanha.) 971—_ EUPHORBIA HELIOSCOPIA. Sun Spurge. Churnstaff. Wartwort, Cat’s Milk. Devil’s Milk. Little Good. Juice. cau. to warts. cat. a-syp. 972 | EUPHORBIA HYPERICIFOLIA. Large Spotted Spurge. Black Pursley. Milk Pursley. Eyebright. Leaves, ast. ton. nar. EUPHORBIA IPECACUANHA. American Ipecac. Wild Ipecac. Ipecac Spurge. Spurge. Euphorbia. White Ipecac. American Wild Ipecac. Bark of Root. eme. dia. exp. diu. In Dropsy. 974 EUPHORBIA LATHYRIS. Mole Plant. Caper Spurge. Garden Spurge. Root, cat, Seed. cat. emm. 975 EUPHORBIA MACULATA. Spotted Spurge. Spotted Pursley. Black Spurge. Black Pursley. i Leaves. ast. ton. nar. (Analogous to E. Hypericifolia.) 976 BUPHORRIA PALUSTRIS. Greater Spurge. purge. Juice. pur. ves. cau. to warts. EUPHORBIA PARALIAS. Sea Spurge. Juice. violent cathartic. irr. . M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. J ——978 — EUPHORBIA PEPLUS. Petty Spurge. Root. cat. diu. In Dropsy 979 sUrMoRy*s PROSTRATA. Swallow Wort. Gollin- rinera. Juice. eme. cat. a-ven. —980—— EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. Eyebright. Leaves. ton. ast. opt. —981— EURYBIA ARGOPHYLLA. Musk Tree. Leaves. Musky Odor. f 982 EURYANGIUM SUMBUL. Musk Root. Sumbul. Root. aro. bal. sti. ton. 983 reg AURICULA. Jew’s Ear. (A fungus on Elder and m. Fungus. In Vinegar. Gargle in Quinsy. 984 EXOSTEMMA BRACHYCARPUM. Jamaica Bark, Bark. eme. feb. oh 98 EXOSTEMMA CARIBZA, Seaside Beech. Caribbee Bark. Bark. feb. eme. bit. aro. 8 986— EXOSTEMMA CORIACEUM. St. Domingo Bark. Bark. As Cinchona. 98 ais 99722 EXOSTEMMA FLORIBUNDA. St. Lucia Bark. Car- ibzan Bark. Bark. dra. eme. pur. ——988—— EXOSTEMMA PERUVIANA. Bicolorata Bark. Bark. bit. nau. ton. ——-98i) —— EXOSTEMMASOUZANUM. Quinguinia de piantri. Bark, bitter feb. 99 —_- §99—-= EXOSTEMMA TRIFLORA. Jamaica Bark. Bark. As Cinchona. 991 FAGARA OCTANDRA. Gum Tacamahac Tree, Tacam- ahac. (A resinous product.) Curaca Tacamahac. Resin. fra. bal. In plasters. FAGARASTRUM CAPENSIS. Wild Cardamon. Fruit. aro. car. sti. ——993—_ he FERRUGINEA. American Beech. Beech Nut ree, Bark, ast. ton. a-sep. ——994——— ne SYLVATICA. European White Beech. White eecn. . Bark. ast. ton. Fruit. diu. Yields Oil. —-995 FATSIA PAPYRIFERA. Rice Paper Plant. _ Pith. Made into Paper. 996 FERONIA ELEPHANTUM. Elephant Apple. Apple. Feronia Gum Tree. Leaves and Flowers. aro. fra. stor Gum. pec. FERULA GALBANIFERA. Gailbanum Plant. Galbanum. Gumere. sti. exp. mat. res. 62 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——9§98—— FICUS CARICA. Fig Tree, Fruit, lax. dem. mat. ——999— FICUS INDICA. Banyan Tree. Indian is: Tree. YWields Lac; also, India~Rubber. 1000—— FICUS RELIGIOSA. Sacred Fig. Bark. ton. Seed. ref. alt. 1001—— ETE AGe GERMANICA. Cotton Rose. Cudweed. Cudbear ant Plant. ast. vul. dis. —— 1002—— FENICULUM DULCE. Sweet Fennel. Seed. aro. car. pec. diu. (Analogous to Foeniculum Officinale.) FCENICULUM OFFICINALE. Fennel. Wild Fennel. Sweet Fennel, Large Fennel. Seed. aro. car. pec. diu. sto. 1004 FOTHERGILLA ALNIFOLIA. Witch Alder, Bark and Leaves. ast. ton. 1005 FRAGARIA VESCA. Strawberry. Mountain Strawberry. Pine Apple Strawberry. Wild Strawberry. Common Strawberry. Wood Strawberry. Leaves. ast. ton. diu. Fruit. diu. ref. 1006 FRANKINEA GRANDIFOLIA, Yerba Reuma. (Cali- fornia Plant.) Im Catarrh-gonorrhea and Leucorrehea. ——1007 FRASERA WALTERI. American Colombo. Indian Lettuce. Pyramid Flower. Pyramid Plant. Meadow Pride. Yellow Gentian. Root. bit. ton. a-sep. feb. 1008—— FRAXINUS AMERICANA. American White Ash, White Ash. Bark. ton. cat. diu. Seed. In Obesity. 1009—— FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR. European Ash, Bird’s Tongue. Bark. feb. diu. Leaves. cat. Seed. acr. 1010—— FRAXINUS ORNUS. Manna Tree. Manna. Hlowemng Ash, European Manna Tree. Yields, Manna. lax. ——1011—— FRAXINUS POLYGAMIE. Common Ash. Leaves, Used in Gout. . —1012—— FRAXINUS PUBESCENS. Red Ash. Bark. ast. ton. a-per. ——1013—- FRAXINUS QUADRANGULATA. Biue Ash: Bark. ast. a-per. Leaves. In Gout. —1014 FRAXINUS SAMBUCIFOLIUS. Black Ash. Bark. dis. exa. ast. ton. 1015——_ FRITILLARIA MELEAGRIS. Guinea Hen Flower. Chequred Daffodil. feb. Bulb. acr. Flowers. J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —1016—— FUCUS HELMINTHOCORTONRN. Corsican Moss. Hel- mintochorton. Corsican Wormweed. Worm Moss. Crow Silk. Plant. ver. ant. —1017—— FUCUS VERSICULOSUS. Sea Wrack. Bladder Fucus. Seaweed. Sea Oak. Bladder Wrack. Kelp (the Weed burned in openair). Kelpware. Black Tany. Yields, Kelp. In Obesity. —1018—— FUMARIA OFFICINALIS. Fuamatory. Earth Smoke. Fumitory. Leaves. sal. bit. ton. alt. diu. lax. 1019——_ mae ROTUNDIFOLIA. EBeetle Weed. Carpenters’ eaf. Root. ast. Leaves. vul. 1020——_ GALEGA OFFICINALIS. Goats’ Rue. Plant. aro. sud. ale. feb. 1021 GALEQRIP LOS LUTEUM. Yellow Archangel. Weasel nout. AS Ballota Feetida. —1022—— GALEOPSIS GRANDIFLORA,. Hollow Tooth Herb. Iron Wort. Herb. vul. pec. bit. res. 10238 GALEOPSIS OCHROLEUCA. (Hemp Nettle. Hollow Tooth Herb. Plant. exp. In Phthisic. 0 GALEOPSIS TETRAHIT. Bastard Hemp. Flowering Hemp Nettle. Flowering Nettle. Gildewort. Hemp Nettle. Glidewort. Plant. a-spa. res. det panes | ae ge ee VERSICOLOR, Bee’s Nettle. Flowering ettle. Analogous to G. Grandiflora. 1026 GALIPEA OFFICINALIS, Angostura Bark. Angustura. Carony Bark. Bark. sti. ton. cat. feb. -1027 GALIUM APARINE. Cleavers. Goose Grass. Savoyan. Milk Sweet. Poor Robin. Catchweed.. Bedstraw. Clivers. Scratch Weed. Gravel Grass. Cheese Rennet Herb. Cleaverwort. Grip Grass. Goose’s hare. Clabber Grass. Hierb. diu. ape. ref. ——1028—- GALIUM ASPRELLUM. Pointea Cleavers. As Galium Aparine. ——1029—— GALIUM CIRCZZANS. Wild Liquorice. Herb. dem. diu. ——1030—— GALLIUM CRUCCIATUM. Maywort. Crosswort. Cross Cleavers. Golden Mugweed. Herb. diu. Root. Dyes Red. 1031—— GALIUM MOLLUGO, Wild Madder. Whip Tongue. Piant. In Epilepsy. Root. Dyes Red. —1032 GALIUM PALUSTRE, Marsh Cleavers. Herb. In Epilepsy. 64 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —1033—— GALIUM TINCTORIUM. Dyers’ Cleavers. Wild Madder. Wariety. Of Galium Trifidum. 1034——_ GALIUM TRIFIDUM. Small Cleavers. Hierb. ner. diu. exp. dia. 1035—— GALIUM TRIFLORUM. Sweet-Scented Bedstraw. —— 1036-— GALLIUM VERUM. Yellow Ladies’ Bedstraw. Yellow Cleavers. Cheese Rennet. Maid’s Hair. Yellow Bedstraw. Ladies’ Bedstraw. Herb. In Epilepsy. (Analogous to Galium Aparine.) 1037 GARCINIA MANGOSTANA. Wild Mangosteen. Bark. ast. In Sore Throat. 1038—— GARDENIA CAMPANULATA, An East India Tree. Fruit. cat. ant. GARDENIA GRANDIFLORA. A Chinese Tree. Fruit. Yields a Yellow Dye. 1040 — GARULEUM BIPINNATUM. So. African Snakeroot. Root. pec. diu. dia. 1041 GAULTHERIA HISPIDULA. Cancer Wintergreen. Creeping Wintergreen. Plant. In Cancer and Scrofula. 1042—— GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS. Wintergreen. Checker- berry. Spring Wintergreen. Canada Tea. Partridge Boy: Box- berry. Wax Cluster. Spice Berry. Mountain Tea. Deerber Teaberry. Spicy Wintergreen. Aromatic Wintergreen. Chink. Ground Berry. Grouse Berry. Red Pollom. Redberry Tea. Hillberry. Ivory Plum. Leaves. sti. aro. ast. diu. emm. 1043—— GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS. Yellow Jessamine: Wild Jessamine. Woodbine. Carolina Jessamine. Root. feb. a-spa. ner. alt. emm. ——1044—— GENISTA SPINOSUS. Furge. Plant. nau. diu. dia. exa. GENISTA TINCTORIA. Dyers’ Broom. Wood Waxen. Woad Waxen. Waxen Woad. _ Deyers’ Green Weed. Dyers’ Weed. Green Weed. Furze. Whin. Green Broom. Green Wood. Tops and Seed. diu. Dyes Yellow. —— § § 4 ¢, ——————_— GENTIANA ACAULIS. Dwarf Gentian. Root. bit. ton. ———— FPS f —— bt fog AMARELLA. Bastard Gentian. Autumnal entian. Root. bit. ton. sto. ——1048 GENTIANA CATESBEI. Bive Gentian. Blue Bells. Flux Root. American Gentian. Southern Gentian. Sampson Snakeroot. Rough Gentian. y As Gentiana Lutea. 1049—— seer Solar pgs CRINATA, Fringed Gentian, Blue Fringed entian As Gentiana Lutea. j- M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —1050-— GENTIANA LUTEA. Gentian. Bitter Root. Bitterwort. Felwort. Yellow Gentian. Pale Gentian. Gentian Root. Root. ton. bit. sto. eme. ant. a-bil, 1051——_ GENTIANA PURPUREA. Gentiana Punctata, Gen- tiana Parmonica. Gentiana Quinguifiora, Gen- tiana Maropbhylia. Varieties. G. Lutea. p —1052—— GENTIANA PNEUMORCANTHE. Marsh Gentian. Cal- athian Violet. Lung Flower. Harvest Bells. ere geen GENTIANA OCHROLEUCA. Ochroleucous Gentian. Sampson Root. Marsh Gentian. Yellowish White Gentian. Straw- Colored Gentian. Sampson Snakeroot. Root. bit. ton. ant. ast. (Variety of Gentiana Lutea.) 1054 GENTIANA QUINQUEFOLIA. Five-Flowered Gen- tian. Gall Weed. Blue Gentian, Root and Plant. bit. ton. (Vanety of Gentian Lutea.) ——1055 GENTIANA SAPONARIA. Soapwort Gentian. Root, bit. ton. dia. a-bil. —— 1056 —- GERANIUM DISSECTUM. Wood Geranium. Cranesbill. Root, ast. ton. sty. a-sep. 1057 GERANIUM MACULATUM. Cranesbill. Geranium. Tor- mentil. Spotted Geranium. Wild Dovefoot. American Tormen- tilla. Storksbill. Wild Cranesbill. Crowfoot. Alum Root. Spotted Cranesbill. American Kino Root. Astringent Root. American Tormentil. Root, A powerful ast; sty. a-sep. 1058—— GERANIUM MOSCHATUM. Musky Storksbill. Plant. ast. det. —-—1059—_ GERANIUM PUSILLUM. Small Cranesbill. Root. ast. ton. sty, det. 1060 GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM. Herb Robert. Red Shanks. Rock Weed. Herb. bit. ast. feb. nep. nae ast. ton. sty. In Canker. 1062—— GERANIUM SYLVATICUM, Dove’s Foot. Cranesbill. Plant. ast. det. —1063 GERARDIA PEDICULARIA. Bushy Gerardia. Amer- ican Foxglove. Fever Weed. Louse Wort. Hlerb, dia. a-sep. sed. feb. 1064—— ae QUERCIFOLIA. Golden Oak. False Fox- glove. Herb. sti. dia. sed. —1065—— GEUM ODORATISSIMUM. Spice Root. As Geum Urbanum. —1066——_ GEUM RIVALE. Water Avens. Avens. Throat Root. Cure All. Evans Root. Indian Chocolate. Purple Avens. Chocolate Root. White Avens Root. Bennett Root. Avens Root. Root. ast. ton. feb. sed. sto. 66 J- M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 1067—— GEUM URBANUM. European ‘Avens. Bennet. Yellow Avens. Blessed Herb. Star of the Earth. Root. ast. ton. sty. —1068—— GEUM VERNUM. Early Water Aven Analogous to Geum Rivale. 1069——_ GEUM WIRGINIANUM, White Avwvens. Throat Root. Chocolate Root. Bennet. Cure All. Herb Bennet. As Geum Rivale. —1070——_ GILLENIA STIPATACEA. Bowman’s Root. Gillenia. Western Dropwort. Small Flowered Indian Physic. Indian Physic. American Ipecac. Bark of Root. Resembles Ipecac. (Analogous to Gillenia Trifoliata.) GILLENIA TRIFOLIATA. Indian Physic. Bowman’s Root. Dropwort. Indian Hippo. Western Dropwort. Sweet Meadow. American Ipecac. Meadow Sweet. Bark of Root. eme. cat. sud. exp. ton. 1072 GLADIOLUS COMMUNIS, Sword Lily. Round Mandrake. Round Ramson. Corn Flag. Gladiolus. Sword Grass. Root. aph. dis. —1073—— GLEDITSCHIA TRIACANTHOS. Honey Locust. Three-Thorned Acacia, Sap. sac. —1074 GLOBULARIA ALYPUM. Wild Senna of Europe. Turbith (the Resin). European Wild Senna. Leaves, bit. cat. 10 GLYCERIA FLUITANS. Russia Seed. Manna Crop. (Prepared Seed.) Seed. nut. birdseed. ——1076 GLYCYRRHIZA ECHINATA. Sicilian Wild Liquor- ice. Licorice Root. Calabria Liquorice Root. Wild Sicily Root. As G. Glabra. 1077— GLYCYRRHIZA GLABRA. Liquorice. Sweet Wood. Licorice. Italian Juice Root. Italian Juice Wood. Spanish Juice Root. Liquorice Root. Sweet Liquorice. Common Liquorice Root. Root and Extract, sac. dem. pec. —1078—— GLYCYRRHIZA LEPIDOTA. American Liquorice. As G. Glabra. —-1079—— GLYCYRRHIZA TYPICA. Spanish Liquorice. As G. Glabra. —1080—— GNAPHALIUMARENARIUM, German Golden Locks, Tops. sti. In Palsy. 1081 GNAPHALIUM DIOICUM. Life ae Plant and Flowers. ast. sty. 1082——_ GNAPHALIUM LUTEUM ALBUM. Jersey Livelong. Plant. In Colds. 1088 GNAPHALIUM MACROCEPHALIUM. oe Life Everlasting. Balsam Plant. California Balsam. Plant. aro. diu. nar. . M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 67 J —— 1 8-4-—-—. ies << mpg PLANTAGINIFOLIA. Mouse Ear. udweed. Leaves and Flowers. diu. pec. 1085 GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPHALUM. White Balsam. Live Forever. Indian Posy. Sweet Balsam. Sweet-Scented Life Everlasting. Old Field Balsam. Life Everlasting. Field Balsam. Balsam Weed. Chafe Weed. Poverty Weed. Everlasting. Plant. ast. dia. pec. feb. 1086—— GNAPHALIUM STC@CHAS. Eternal Flower. Flowers. In Colds. —1087—— GNAPHALIUM SYLVATICUM. Golden Motherwort. Life Everlasting. Flowers. ast. dia. Catarrh Colds. 1u88—— GNAPHALIUM ULIGINOSOM. Cudweed. Mouse Ear. Dysentery Weed. Life Everlasting. Plant, sud. sto. muc. diu. 1089—— GOMPHIA GUIANENSIS. Candlewort. Candle Wood. Bark, ton. sto. a-eme. ——1090—— GONOLOBUS HIRSUTUS. Negro Vine. Root. dra. cat. Juice. nar. 1091—— GONOLOBUS MACROPHYLLUS. Angle Pod. Choke og. Root. cat. Juice, poi. 1092 GOODYERA PUBESCENS, Net Leaf Plantain. Water Plantain. Spotted Plantain. Scrofula Weed. Adder’s Violet. Rattlesnake Leaf. Rattlesnake Root. Rattlesnakes’ Weed. Net- wort. Plant. dem. opt. a-scrofulous. 1093 GOODYERA REPENS. White Plaintain. Net Leaf Plan- tain. Squirrel Ear. Rattlesnakes’ Plaintain. Wariety of Goodyera Pubescens. 1094—— GORDONIA HEMATOXYLON. Blood Wood. Jamaica Red Wood. Juice. Yields red extract. ast. 1095—— GORDONIA LASIANTHOS. Holly Bay. Swamp Laurel. Loblolly Bay. Bark, ast. Dyes red. ——1096—— GOSS YPIUM HERBACEUM. Cotton Root, Cotton Plant. Bark of Root. cmm. par. diu. Seed. muc. 1097—— GRACILARIA LICHENOIDES. Ceylon Moss, Jafina Moss. Agar Agar. Plant. nut. muc. See Cetraria. 1098—— GRAMEN CRUCIS CYPERIOIDIS. Egyptian Cocks- foot Grass. Root. As Triticum Repens. 1099—- GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS, Hedge Hyssop. Plant, acr. dra. ver. diu. nar. 11 GRATIOLA VIRGINICA. Water Jassamine. As Gratiola Officinalis. 68 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —1101—— GREVILLEA ROBUSTA. Silk Bark Oak. Bark. ast. —1102—— GRINDELIA HIRSUTULA. Grindelia Glutinosa. Grindelia Integrifolia. Variety. Grindelia Robusta. —_-— GRINDELIA ROBUSTA. Grindelia. Gum Plant. Plant. In Asthma; dem. vul. 1104—— GRINDELIA SQUARROSA., (California Plant.) Werb: Used in malerial diseases. 1105—— GUAIACUM OFFICINALIS. Guaiac Wood, Lignum Vitz. Guaiacum. Pock Wood. Wood. sti. dia. diu. alt. Gamere, sti. 1106—— GUAZUMA TOMENTOSA. Bastard Cedar. Bark. sud. muc. To clarify sugar. 1107 GUILANDINA BONDUC. Bonduc Nut. Bonduc Seed. Beazor Nut. Yellow Nicker Tree. Bonduc. Seed. ton. ast. a-syp. a-per. 1108 GUILANDINA MORINGA. Oily Acorn. Ben Nuts. Horse * pe ye Behen Nut. S Moringa Pterygosperma. —1109—— GUIZOTIA OLEIFERA. Niger Seed. Ramtil. Black Til- seed. Seed. Yields Huts’ Yellow Oil. GUNNERA PERPENSA. Marsh Marigold-leaved Gunnera. Leaves. ton. diu. dem. pec. —1111 GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS. American Coffee Bean. American Coffee Tree. Kentucky Coffee Tree. Kentucky Coffee Rean. Kentucky Mahogany. Nickar Tree. Coffee Bean. Leaves. cat. Seed and Pods. eme. ner. 1112 GYNANDROPSIS PENTAPHYLLA. Cleome. Suwice. In Ear-ache; dia. GYNOCARDIA ODORATA. ChaulmoograSeed. Chaul- mugra. Seed, alt. ton. her. a-rhe. Sa Ade GYPSOPHILA STRUTHIUM. Spanish Soapwort. Plant and Root. det. sap. lit. 1115 HABILLA CARTHAGENA. Carthagena Bean. Seed. a-ven. —1116—— HLEMANTHUS COCCINEUS. Salmon-leaved Blood Flower. Leaves. a-sep. Bulb. diu. in Asthma. 1117—— HZEMATOXYLON CAMPECHIANUM. Logwood. Block- wood. Campeachy Wood. Jamaica Logwood. Honduras Log- wood. St. Domingo Logwood. Campeachy Logwood. Wood. A Dyestuff. Extract, ast. ton. J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 69 ih — HAMAMELIS MACROPHYLLA,. Big-leaved Witch Hazel. Bark and Leaves. ast. ton. sed. dis. 1119 HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. Witch Hazel. Winter Bloom. Striped Alder. Snapping Hazel Nut. Spotted Alder. Snapping Hazel. Hazei Nut. Tobacco Wood. Pistachio. Bark and Leaves. ast. ton. f-com. a-phl. 1120 HARDENBERGIA MONOPHYLLA. Australia Sarsa- parilla. (Substituted for Sarsaparilla.) 1121 HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES. Pennyroyal. = Tickweed. Squaw Mint. Thickweed. Stinking Balm. American Pennyroyal. Herb. sti. dia. emm. car. sud. 1122 HEDERA HELIX. Ivy. EnglishIvy. Gum Ivy. Issue Peas Artificial. Ivy Wood. Leaves. sti. vul. exa. ins. Berries. eme. cat. 11238 HELENIUM AUTUMNALE. Sneezewort. Swamp Sun- flower. False Sunflower. Sneezeweed. Swamp Sneezewort. Oxeye. Yellow Star. Herb. ton. dia. err, feb, Flower. err. 1124 HELENIUM PARVIFLORUM. Sneezeweed. Herb. Deleterious to Animals. il HELENIUM PUBEROLUM. Bitter Weed. Swamp Grass. (California Plant.) Plant. err. ton. alt. a-syp. 1126—— HELIANTHUS ANNUUS. Sunflower. Garden Sunflower. Common Sunflower. Comb Flower. Wild Sunflower. English Moxa (Prepared Pith). Leaves and Seed. diu. exp. pec. 1127 HELIANTHUS DIVARICATUS. Rough Sunflower. Wild Sunflower. As Helianthus Annuus, ——1128—— HELIANTHUS TUBEROSUS. Jerusalum Articheke. Earth Apple. Girasole. Bulb. edi. nut. diu. —1129——_ HELIANTHEMUM CANADENSE. Frostwort. Frost Weed. Rock Rose. Frost Plant. Scrofula Plant. Sun Rose. Herb. alt. aro. ton; in Scrofula. HELIANTHEMUM CORYMBOSUM. Rock Rose. As Helianthemum Canadense. 1131—_ HELICHRYSUM NUDIFOLIUM. Caffer Tea. Plant. dem. pec. In Catarrh. 11382—— HELICTERES ISORA, Screw Tree. Twisted Stick. Twist- ed Horn. Root, a-syp. eet eee HELIOTROPIUM GRANDIFLORUM. Heliotrope. Plant and Flowers. orn. fra. per. 1154 HELIOTROPIUM INDICUM. Turnsole. Plant. bit. vul. a-ven, exa. 70 J» Me NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —1135—— HELLEBORUS FETIDUS. Bear’s Foot, Bastard Bears- foot. Fetid Hellebore. Oxheal. Stinking Hellebore. Stinking Black Hellebore. Settiswort. Leaves. eme. pur. ver. poi. 1136—— HELLEBORUS HYEMALIS, Winter Hellebore. Green Hellebore. AS Helleborus Niger. —11387—— pans Cy arch NIGER. Black Hellebore. Christmas ose. Root. poi. irr. rub. cat. diu. emm. 1138—— HELLEBORUS ORIENTALIS. Levant Hellebore. E, I. Black Hellebore. As Helleborus Niger. 1139 HELONIAS DIOICA. Helonias. False Unicorn. Drooping Starwort. Blazing Star-wort. Devil’s Bit. Starwort. | Unicorn. Red Seed. Eenhorn. Unicorn’s Horn. Root. alt. ton. diu. emm. ver. ——1140—_ HEMEROCALLIS FLAWA. Day Lily. Funka. Root. cat. Leaves. ref. 1141—— HEMIDESMUS INDICUS, Indian Sarsaparilla. Hem- idesmus. East India Sarsaparilla. Root. a-syp. ton. diu. —-1142—— HEMIZONIA ALBA. White Tar Weed. (California Herb.) —1148—— HEMIZONIA CORYMBOSA. Yellow Tar Weed. (Cal- ifornia Herb.) 1144 HEPATICA ACUTILOBA. Heart Liver-ieaf. Variety. Hepatica Americana. 1145 HEPATICA AMERICANA. Liverwort. Kidney Liver-leaf. Trefoil. Herb Trinity. Kidney Liverwort. Noble Liverwort. Crystal Wort. Liver Leaf. Liver Moss. Liver Weed. Plant. muc. ast. hep. pec. el 11 HEPEROMALE ARBUTIFOLIA, Tyone Bark. (A Cal- ifornia Bark.) —1147——_ HEPTALLON GRAVEOLENS. Hogwort. Bear’s Fright. Plant. foet. sud. cat. a-spa. 1148—— HERACLEUM LANATUM. Masterwort. Cow Parsnip. Madness. Youthwort. Madnep. Root and Seed. sti. car. nar. a-spa. 1149 HERACLEUM SPONDYLIUM. Cow Parsley. Herma- doctylus. Chequer Flower. (Variety Colchicum Variegatum.) Root and Seed. ton. sto. car. dat 1150 HERNANDIA SONORA, Jack-in-a-Box. Juice of Leaves. d-pil. —1151—— HERNIARIA GLABRA. Rupturewort, Plant. sal. ast, diu. opt. 1152—— MESPERIS MATRONALIS. Dame’s Violet. Garden Rocket. Sweet Rocket. Plant. diu. In Strangury. J» M- NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —1153——_ HEUCHERA AMERICANA, Alum Root. American San- icle. Cliff Weed. Ground Maple, Split Rock. Root. A powerful ast. 1154—— HEUCHERA ACERIFOLIA, American Sanicle. Ground Maple. Maple Leaf Alum Root. Cliff Weed. Split Rock. Root. ast. ton. a-sep. —1155—— HEUCHERA CAULESCENS. Heuchera |(Pubescens, Wariety. Henchera Americana. 1156— HEUCHERA RICHARDSONII. Cree Indian Sanicle. Root. ast. vul. sty. —1157 HIBISCUS PALUSTRIS. Marsh Hibiscus. Analogous to Althza Officinalis. 1158—— HIBISCUS POPULEUS. Balimbago. Root. eme. Juice, As Gamboge. ee ROSA-SINENSIS. Shoe Black Plant. Chi- nese Rose. Flowers. ast. Jmice. Dyes Black. ——1160 HIBISCUS SABDARIFFA. Guinea Sorrel. Herb. aci. diu. ref. ee a ie TRIONUM. Bladder Ketmia. Flower of an our. Plant. muc. dem. ——1162—— HIERACIUM GRONOVII. Hieracium Scabrum. Variety. Hieracium Venosum, 163—— HIERACIUM MURORUM. French Lungwort. Plant. ton. ——1164—— HEB ACOs PILOSELLA. Mouse Bloodwort. Mouse ar. Plant. bit. ast. ——1165—— HIERACIUM VENOSUM. Hawkweed. Hawkbit. Rattle- snakes’ Weed. Vineland Hawkweed. Veiny-leaved Hawkweed. Snake Plaintain. Striped Bloodwort. Bloodwort. Plant. ton. muc. ast. —1166—— HIEROCHLOA BOREALIS. Seneca Grass. Holy Grass. Vanilla Grass. Summer Grass. Plant. aro. sti. per. 1167—— HOPEA TINCTORIA. Sweet Leaf. Horse Sugar. Bark of Root. ton. —1168—— HORDEUM DISTICHON. Barley. Scotch Barley. Seed. nut. dem. esc. (malt.) 1169—— HUMULUS LUPULUS. Hops. Flowers. bit. ner. ton. ano. hyp.*diu. feb. 1170—— HURA BRASILIENSIS. Assacou. Fruit. cat. nar. ant. dia. 1171—— HURA CREPITANS. Sand-box Tree. Fruit. acr-eme. cat. rub. poi. 72 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. ——1172—— HYACINTHUS MUSCARI. Musk Grape Flower. Bulb. diu. eme. 1173 HYACINTHUS ORIENTALIS. Hyacinth. Garden Hya- cinth. Jacinth. Bulb. eme. diu. —1174—- HY ZNANCHE CAPENSIS. Wolveboon. Hyena Poison. Fruit. poi. Used to poison Hyenas. 1175—- HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS. Hydrangea. Seven Barks. Wild Hydrangea. ; Root. diu. lit. Leaves. ton. sia. cat. diu. -—— 44 76=—= HYDRANGEA HORTENSIA. Garden Hydrangea. ——1177——_ HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Golden Seal. Yellow Paint Root. Yellow Root. Orange Root. Yellow Puccoon. Ground Raspberry. Eye Root. Yellow Indian Paint. Indian Plant. Tu- a— Root. Ohio Curcuma. Eye Balm. Yellow Eye. Jaundice oot. Root. ton. lax. det. alt. opt. a-per. 1178—— HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA. Indian Pennywort. Thick-leaved Pennywort. Indian Hydrocotyle. Bevilacqua. Boilean. Plant, aro. nar. diu. In Leprosy. 1179—— mE peoner rm CENTELLA. South African Penny- wort. Plant. ant. In Dysentery. 1180—— HYDROCOTYLE UMBELLATA. Water Navelwort, erb. aro. ale. eme. —_———— fF i % | ——— mariage 3h YF 0 VULGARIS. Thick-leaved Penny- wort. Plant. diu. sud. aph. —1182—— HYDROPHYLLUM VIRGINICUM. Burr Flower Plant. ast. diu. —1183—— HYMEN ZA COURBARIL. Gum Anime Tree. South American Locust Tree. Anime (the Gum). Wields. Gum. Anime. (Incense.) 1184—— HYOSCYAMUS ALBUS. White Henbane. Wariety. Hyoscyamus Niger. 1185—— HYOSCYAMUS AGRESTIS. Hyoscyamus Aureus. Hyoscyamus Pallidus. Hyoscyamus Physolordee. Varety. Hyoscyamus Niger. 1186—— HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. Henbane. Hog Bean. Stinking Nightshade. Rlack Henbane. Fetid Nightshade. Poisoa Tobacco. Herb. nar. ano. a-spa. sti. poi. 1187— HYOSCYAMUS SCOPOLIA. Night Henbane. Herb and Root. As Belladonna. 1188—— HYPZNE THEBAICA, Gingerbread Tree. Doum Palm Fruit. edi. nut. feb. ref. ; HYPERICUM CORIS. Bastard St. Johnswort. Leaves. diu. a-spa. j- M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. we —1190—— HYPERICUM LAXIUSCULUM, Allerin Brabo. Leaves. a-ven. 1191 HYPERICUM PARVIFLORUM. Low Centatry. Plant. bit. ton. ast. —1192—— HYPERICUM PERFORATUM. St. Johnswort. Johns- wort. Plamt. aro. ast. res. ner. 1193—— HYPERICUM SAROTHRA,. Orange Grass. Pine Weed. Herb. vul. In Sprains. ——1194 HYPOGON ANISATUM. Anise Root. Root. aro. fra. diu. car. feb. Leaves, As Tea. 1195—— HYPOPITYS LANUGINOSA. False Beech Drops. Root. ner. aph. 1196 HYPOXIS ERECTA. Star Grass. Root. edi. det. vul. In Ague. 1197—— HYSSOPUS OFFICINALIS. Hyssop. Herb. aro. sti. sud. pec. 1198 IBERIS AMARA. Bitter Candy Tufts Candy Tutt. Clown’s Mustard. Plant. bit. a-sco. a-rhe. Seed. acr. nar. ICICA GUIANENSIS. Spanish Cedar. Incense Wood. Incense Tree. Wood. fra. bit. Guam. fra. vul. 1200—— ICTODES FCTIDUS. Shunk Cabbage. Meadow Cabbage. Skunk Weed. Collard. Polecat Weed. Swamp Cabbage. Stink- ing Poke. Fetid Hellebore. Root. exp. sud. pec. a-spa. Plamt. fet. acr. 1201—— ILEX AQUIFOLIUM. European Holly. Mountain Holly. Leaves. ton. ast. eme. feb. 1202 -— ILEX CANADENSE. Canadian Holly. Bark, Leaves and Berries. ton. exp. lax. feb. 1203 ILEX LEVIGATUS. Species of Prinos Verticillatus. 1204—— ILEX MAJOR. Spanish Bellotas. Berries. ast. muc. pec. 1205—— ILEX OPACA. American Holly. Bird Lime, (a viscid sub- stance of). Leaves. ton. ast. eme. feb. 206— ILEX PARAGUAIENSIS. Paraguay Tea. Mate. Jesuit’s Tea. Brazil Tea. Jerusalem Tea. Leaves, ast. ton. bit. (As Tea.) 1207—— ILEX VOMITORIA. South Sea Tea. Indian Black Drink. Carolina Tea. Dahoon Holly. Yaupon. Yaupon Holly. Leaves. eme. aro. sto. sti. exp. diu. QS—- ILLICIUM ANISATUM. Star Anise Seed. Chinese Anise. Badiane. Star Anise. Seed. Yields Oil Anise. aro. sti. car. J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —— —1209 ILLICIUM FLORIDANUM. Florida Anise Tree. Wild Anise Tree. Florida Anise. Sweet Laurel. Florida Star Anise. Bark, bit. pun. Leaves. aro. poi. Seed. aro. —1210 ILLICIUM RELIGIOSUM. Sacred Anise Tree. Bark. aro. fra. As Incense. 211——_ IMBRICARIA SAXATILIS, Skull Moss. As Lichen Saxatilis. ——1212—— IMPATIENS BALSAMINA. Garden Balsam. Ladies’ Slippers. Balsam Weed. Plant. diu. eme. alt. cat. (Analogous to Impatiens Pallida.) 1213 IMPATIENS FULVA Speckled Jewels. Touch-me-not. Pale Touch-me-not. Jewel Weed. Balsam Weed. Speckled Jewel’s Weed. Plant. diu. eme. alt. (Analogous to Impatiens Pallida.) 1214 IMPATIENS NOLIME TANGERE. European Yellow Balsam. Yellow Balsam. Touch-me-not. Nolitangere. Plant. eme. cat. diu. 1215 EMPATIENS PALLIDA. Jewel Weed. uick-in-the- hand. Slippers. Snap Weed. Pale Touch-me-not. ild Celan- dine. Slipper Weed. Balsam Weed. Weathercock. Touch-me- alt. —_121¢4— EMPERATORIA OSTRUTHIUM. Imperial Master- wort. Masterwort. Root and Seed. aro. sti. cor. emm. dia. 1217 DIGOFERA ANIL. Indigo Plant, Anil. Devil’s Dye. t and Leaves. hep. Yields Indigo. 18—— YDIGOFERA CAROLINIANA. Indigo Piant. aant. ins. vul. a-epi. ——1219—— INGA WERA. Igna Bark Tree. Pods. Pulp. cat. sac. INWULA DYSENTERICA. Small Fleabane. Fly Bane. Plowman’s Spikenard. ton. aro. In Dysentery. 1221—— INULA HELENIUM. Elecampane. Scabwort. Horse Heal. t. diu. exp. emo. ton. dia. — 1222—— INULA OCULUS CHRISTI. Christ’s Eye. Seed. dem. muc. opt. 1293 IONIDIUM IPECACUANHA. White Ipecac. Ipecac. Root. eme. dia. exp. sto. 24—_ IONIDIUM MARCUCCI. South American Ipecac. Cuichunchulli. Chuichunchulli. Ot. eme. cat. In Leprosy. 1225 IPOM EA JALAPA. Jalap. Vera Cruz Jalap. Root. hyd. cat. diu. In Dropsy. 1226—_ +t greg NIL. Blue Morning Glory. « Cat, J» M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 7 AR ar a8 NE SANE Ly ape SNA A eS (eT? ae IPOMZEA ORIZABENSIS, Male Jalap, False Jalap, Oriz- aba Jalap. Light Jalap. Root. cat. diu. P IPOMLEA PURPUREA. Morning Glory. Root. cat. IPOMEA QUAMOCLIT. Cypress Wine. Red Jasmine, Red Jessamine. Plant and Flewer., pur. sti. cep. IPOMEA SIMULANS, Tampico Jalap. Root, dra. diu. ——1231—— IRIDZA EDULIS. Red Dulse. A Seaweed. edi. ant. sal. +— 1232 IRIS FLORENTINA. Florentine Orris. Orris Root. Issue Peas. Iris. Issue Peas Artificial. Root. fra. exp. acr. 1233 IRIS FETIDESSIMA. Stinking Gladwine. Orris Root. Gladwine. ‘ Root. ste. hyd. a-spa. nar. 234—— IRIS GERMANICA,. German Orris Root. Common Onrris. Root, acr. nau. dra. In Dropsy. 1235 IRIS PSEUDO ACORUS. False Sweet Flag. Root. acr. sty. err. sia. ast. diu. 1236 IRIS TUBEROSA, European Orris Root. Root, Incisive. pur. —1237—_ IRIS LACUSTRIS [Iris Verna. Iris Virginica. Wariety. Iris Versicolor. —1238—— IRIS VERSICOLOR. Blue Flag. Poison Flag. Water Flag. Flag Lily. Water Lily. Fleur-de-lis. Liver Lily. Snake Lily. Flower-de-luce. Root. alt, res. sia. lax. diu, ver. 1239 ISATIS TINCTORIA, Woad. Dyer’s Woad. Dyer’s Weed. Pastel Leaves. Yields. A Blue Dye. ast. des. 1240—— ISONANDRA GUTTA. Gutta Percha Tree; Juice. Gutta Percha. —1241——_ IXIA CHINENSIS. Blackberry Lily. Bulb. dra. diu. 1242— JACARANDA PROCERA, Folia Carobe. Used in all forms of Syphilis and Indolent Ulcers. 1248 JANIPHA STIMULANS. Sand Nettle. Root. poi. Seed. pur. Juice. acr. irr.} ——1244—— JASMINUMIGRANDIFLORUM, Large-flowered Jas- mine. White Jasmine Flowers. Yields. Oil Jasmine. fra. per. 1245—_ JASMINUM ODORATISSIMUM. Sweet Yellow Jas- mine. Sweet-scented Yellow Jasmine. Flowers. orn. per. 76 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE, — —— | ¥4hi——— JASMINUM OFFICINALE. White Jasmine. Jasmine. Common White Jessamine. Yasmyn. White Jasmine Flowers. White Poison Vine. Oil. fra. bit. a-rhe. weno mare JATROPHA GOSSYPIFOLIA. Wild Cassada. Bastard French Physic Nuts. Leaves. cat. err. Seeds; eaten by poultry. 1248 ' JATROPHA MANIHOT. Tapioca Plant. Sweet Cassava, Mandioca. Cassava Plant. Yucca. Bitter Cassava. Fecula of Root. Tapioca, Juice. poi. acr. 1249——_ JEFFERSONIA DIPHYLLA. Twin Leaf, Ground Squirrel Na Rheumatism Root. Helmet Pod. Twin Leaf Root. Yellow oot. . Root. diu. alt. a-rhe. a-syp. 1250 JUGLANS CINEREA. Butternut. Oil Nut. White Walnut. Lemon Walnut. Kisky Thomas Nut. Oil Nut Bark. . Bark. cat. alt. ton. ant. ast. cho. 1951 JUGLANS FRAXINEA, Ash Walnut. Bark. cat. alt. Nuts. esc. 1252——_ JUGLANS NIGRA. Black Walnut. English Walnut. Euro- pean Walnut. Bark. ast. Juice, her. 1253 JUGLANS RIGIA. European Walnut. Jupiter's Nuts. Madeira Nut. French Walnut. French Nut. Fruit-rind. asyp. Oil. a-syp. 1254 JUNCUS BUFONIS. Toad Grass. Plant. cat. diu. ——1255 JUNCUS EFFUSUS. Bulrush. Typha. Common Rush. Water Rush. Plant. cat. —1256—— JUNIPERUS BERMUDIANA. Jamaica Cedar. Jamaica Red Cedar. Bermuda Cedar. American Olibanum. Bark. bra. aro. 1257 JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS. Juniper. Juniper Bush. Juniper, Berries. Juniper Bark. Bark and Leaves. aro. Berries. diu, ——1258 JUNIPERUS LYCIA. Arabian Olibanum. Olibanum. True Arabian Frankincense. Gumere. fra. aro. bit. ast. fum. 1259——_ JUNIPERUS OXYCEDRUS. Berry-bearing Cedar. Juniper Wood. YWields. OilofCade. exa. ant. ——1260 JUNIPERUS SABINA, Savin. Juniper Leaves. Leaves. sti. diu. emm. dia. poi. irr. ——1261—— JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA. Red Cedar. Cedar. Pencil Cedar. Pencil Wood. Carolina Cedar. Cedar Apples—(excres- cences formed). Leaves. sti. diu. emm —+1269-—= JUSTICIA ADHATODA. Malabar Nut Tree. Leaves. abo. pur. Root. a-spa. bit. AE ET. j. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. -——1263—- JUSTICIA ECBOLIOUM. Root and Leaves. lit. diu. -—1264—— SUSTICIA HYSSOPIFOLIA. Snap Tree. Plant. diu. vul. ——1265—— SUSTICIA NASUTA. Braid Root. Reot. diu. aph. her, ale. vul. ——1266—— JUSTICIA PECTORALIS. Garden Balsam. Piant. ast. pec. vul. fra. 2 JUSTICIA PEDUNCULOSA. Water Willow. Plant. bit. ton. sto. —1268—— KALMIA ANGUSTIFOLIA. Narrow-leaved Laurel. Sheep Laurel. Sheep Poison. Lambkill. Kill Lamb. Dwarf Lau- rel. Dwarf Sheep’s Laurel. Leaves. nar, poi. alt. err. (Variety of Kalmia Latifolia.) ——1269——_ KALMIA GLAUCA. Swamp Laurel. Pale Laurel. Leaves. nar. poi. err. (Variety of Kalmia Latifolia.) ——1270—— KALMIA LATIFOLIA, Sheep Laurel. Laurel. Lamb- kill. Rose Laurel. Wicke. Ivy. Big-leaved Ivy. Broad-leaved Kalmia. Spoonhunt. Spoonwood. Calico Bush. Mountain Lau- rel. American Laurel. Broad-leaved Laurel. Leaves. nar, poi. err. a-syp. sed. ast. —1271——_ BROWLTONEA WESICATORIA. South African But- ereup. Leaves. Mlister in Rheumatism. 1272—— KONIGA MARITIMA. Sweet Alyssum, Alyssum. Mad- wort. Plant. orn. —1273 KRAMERIA IXINA. West India Rhatany. Para Rha- tany. Savanilla Rhatany. Savanilla. Wariety of Krameria Triaadra. 1274—— KRAMERIA LANCEOLATA., American Rhatany. Krameria. Root, ast. ton. —1275—— KRAMERIA TRIANDRA. Rhatany. Rhatany Root. Root. ton. ast. sty. diu. det. 1276—— KRAMERIA LATIFOLIA. Krameria Rusifolia. Krameria Grandifolia. Krameria Tomentosa. Wariety. Krameria Triandra. 1277—— KRIGIA VIRGINICA, Dwarf Dandelion. As Taraxacum Dens-leonis. 1278—— KUHNIA EUPATORIDES, False Boneset. Plant, bit. ton. dia. LACHNANTHES TINCTORIA. Spirit Weed. Indian Red Root. Lachnanthes. Herb, sti. exc. 78 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. eee ——1280—— LACTUCA ELONGATA. Wiid Lettuce. Wi i - tuce. Snake Weed. Trumpet Weed. Snake Bite. mas 8 Leaves and Juice, nar. sed. ano. hyp. diu. 1281 LACTUCA SANGUINEA. Wood Lettuce. Red Lettuce. Leaves. nar. ano. hyp. —1282——_ LACTUCA SATIVA. Lettuce. Garden Lettuce. Common Settee: Opium Lettuce. Lactucarium. Tridace. Salad. Sleep- wo Leaves. sad. Juice, ano. hyp. 1283 LACTUCA VIROSA. Acrid Lettuce. German Lactucarium. Strong-scented Lettuce. Prickly Lettuce. Juice is German Lactucarium. LAGETTA LINTEARIA. Lace Bark Tree. Bark. As Mezereon. 8 LAGCCIA CUMINOIDES. Wild Cummin., Fruit. car. sto. aro. 8 LAMINARIA BULBOSA. Bulbous Laminaria. Plant. Yields Iodine. : ——1287—— LAMINARIA DIGITATA. Sea Tangles. Plant. sac. edi. Yields Kelp. 1288—— LAMINARIA SACCHARINA. Devil’s Apron. Plant. sac. edi. sal. Yields Kelp. 1289—— LAMIUM ALBUM. Blind Nettle. Stingless Nettle. Nettle Flowers. White Nettle, White Archangel. Plant. f-com. sty. —1290 LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE. Dead Nettle. Hen Bit. Dumb Nettle. Plant, sti. lax. sud. cep. 1291—— ois oo CAMARA. Bahama Tea, Sage Tea. Sage Tree. ailleau. Leaves. Usedas Tea. dia. sed. 1292—— LAPSANA COMMUNIS. Nipplewort. Succory Dock Cress. Plant, bit. Externally to sore Nipples. 1293 LARIX AMERICANA, Tamarack. Black Larch. Ameri- can Larch. Hackmetack. Larch. Gum Hacmatac, Gum Tama- rack. Hackmatac. Bark, lax. ton. diu. alt. 1294—_ LARREA MEXICANA, Creosote Plant. Plant, a-rhe. a-syp. 95 LARRYA MEXICANA. El-Gobernador. 96——_ LASERPITIUM LATIFOLIUM. White Gentian. Root. bit. ton. 1297 LASERPITIUM SILER. Heartwort, Root and Seed. aro. 1298—— LATHYRUS MARITIMUS. Beach Pea. Piant and Seed. As Poultices. j- M- NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —_—12999—— LAURENCIA PINNATIFIDA. Pepper Dulse. Seaweed. aro. acr. sad. ee 00—— LAURUS ALBA. White Sassafras. Bark. Resembles Sassafras. ; 1301—— LAURUS BENZOIN. Spicewood. Benjomin Bush, Spice Bush. Fever Bush. Wild Allspice. Snap Wood. Fever Wood. Snap Weed. Spice Wood Bark. Twigs. aro. ver. feb. Fruit. Spicy. LAURUS CAMPHORA, Camphor Tree. Camphor Laurel. Gum Camphor Tree. Produces Gum Camphor. nar. dia. sed. sti. 1303 ett eee tg BF get Brazilian Clove Bark, ove Bark. Bark. Analogous to Cinnamomum Culilawan. 1304—— pened CASSIA, Bastard Cassia. Cassia Bark. Bastard innamon. Bark and Leaves. AsCinnamon. Flowers. Cassia Buds. 1305—_ LAURUS INDICUS. Indian Bay. Bark. aro. sto. ——1306— LAURUS MALABATHRUM. Java Cinnamon. Bark. bit. aro. par. Leaves, Yields Oil. ——1307 LAURUS NOBILIS, Bay Tree. Laurel Leaves. Indian Bay. Bay Laurel. Bay Leaves. Laurel. European Bay Laurel. Laurel Berries. Sweet Bay. European Bay Berries. Leaves and Fruit. aro. fra. ast. sto. car. 1308-— LAURUS QUIXOS. Peruvian Cinnamon. Bark. aro. ast. fra. 1309—— LAVANDULA SPICA. Spike Lavender. Lavender Flow- ers,Common. Male Lavender. Aspic. Herb. Yields Oil Spike. 0 gpd a ca STCZKCHAS,. Arabian Lavender. Sticka- ore. Leaves and Flowers. pec. —1511—— LAVANDULA VERA. Lavender. Garden Lavender. Spike Lavender. Common Lavender. Plant. fra. aro. err. sti. Qil. fra. per. 12 LAVATERA ARBOREA. Tree Mallow. Plant. muc. —1313—__.. LAWSONIA ALBA. Gopher Wood. As Lawsonia Inermis. ——1314—— LAWSONIA INERMIS. Henna Plant. Alcanna. Henne. Egyptian Privet. Jamaica Mignonette. Root. ast. Juice. Orange Dyestuff. 1315 : LAWSONIA SPINOSA. East Indian Plant. Root. In Lepra.; exa. ———_ 48 16—— LECANORA TARTAREA. Tartarean Moss. Cudbear. Lacmus. Turnsoil. Used in dyeing Purple. _ 80 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —1317— LECHEA MAJOR. Greater Pinweed. Plant. ton. feb. a-per. ——“1908—— LEDUM LATIFOLIUOM. Labrador Tea. Continental Tea. Leaves. pec. ton. As Tea. 1319 — LEDUM PALUSTRE. Marsh Tea. Wild Rosemary. Swamp Tea. Marsh Cistus. Leaves. bit. sub. ast. vul. (Variety of Ledum Latifolium.) 20 LEIOPHYLLUM BUXIFOLIUM. Sand Myrtle. Sleck Leaf. 1321—— LEMNA MINOR. Duckweed. Duck’s Meat. Plant. dem, Used in Poultices. 1322—— LEONTICE LEONTOPETALUM. Black Turnip. Root. sto. sap. LEONOTIS LEONURUS. A South African Plant. Leaves. nau. nar. cat. emm. ——13824—— LEONTODON AUTUMNALE. Fall Dandelicen, Plant. lax. diu. hep. opt. 1325— LEONTODON PALUSTRIS. Marsh Dandelion. Root. lax. diu. hep. opt. 13826—— LEONURUS CARDIACA. Motherwort. Lion’s Ear. Lion’s Tail. Throwwort. ——132 7—_ LEPIDIUM CAMPESTRE. Bastard Cress. False Flax. Plant. sad. Seed. acr. ast. 13828—— LEPIDIUM PISCIDIUM, Fish Poison. Plant. pun. Seed. Poison Fish. 1329—_ LEPIDIUM SATIVUM. Pepper Grass. Tongue Grass. American Water Cress. Pepperwort. Pepper Cress. Cress. Gar- den Pepper Cress. Sauce Alone. Garden Cress. Poor Man’s Pepper. ; Plant. sad. Seed. a-sco. sti. ape. LEPIDIUM WIRGEINICA,. Pepper Cress. Wild Pepper Cress. American Water Cress. Leaves. pun. diu. alt. a-sco. 1331—_ LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA. Leptandra. (ewe wer = Purple Leptandra. Whorlywort. Culver’s Physic. Tall Speedwell. Blackroot. Culver’s Root. Tall Veronica. Brinton Root. Bow- man’s Root. Physic Root. Hini. Beaumont Root. Quitel, Root, cat. alt. cho. ton. hep. 13832——_ LESPEDEZA SESSILIFOLIA. Bush Clover. Leaves. ait. diu. —13833—— LEUCANTHEMUN VULGARE. White Weed. Oxeye Daisy. White Daisy.. Golden Daisy. Herb Margaret. . Daisy Flowers. Maudlinwort. : Leaves and Flowers. acr. 1384——_ LEYSERA GNAPHALOIDES. A South African Plant. Plant. emo. pec. In Catarrh. jJ- M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. —1335—— LIATRIS CYLINDRACEA. Liatris Graminifolia. Wariety. Liatris Spicata. LIATRIS ODORATISSIMA. Vanilla Leaf. Wild Vanilla. Hound’s Tongne. Carolina Vanilla. Deer Tongue. Leaves. aro. per. ton. sti. dia. —1337—_ LIATRIS SCARIOSA. Gay Feather. Rattlesnake’s Master. Root. diu. sti. ton. (Variety of Liatris Spicata.) 1338 LIATRIS SPICATA. Button Snakeroot, Gay Feather. Corn Snakeroot, Prairie Pine. Rough Root. Devil’s Bit. Blazing Star. Sawwort. Throatwort. Colic Root. Rattlesnake’s Master. Backache Root. Root. diu. sti. dia, ton. emm. (Bright’s Disease.) 1339 LIATRIS SQUARROSA. Scaly Blazing Star. Blazing Star. Rattlesnake’s Master. Blazing Star Root. Wariety of Liatris Spicata. 13 LIBANOTIS VULGARIS. Black Gentian. Heart’s Root. Root. dia. diu. lit. 1341 : LICHEN CANINUS. Ash Colored Ground Liverwort. Plant. In Mania and Asthma. 1342 LICHEN COCCIFERUS. Scarlet Cup Lichen. Plant. ast. pec. feb. In Whooping Cough. 1343 LICHEN PLICATUS, Lapland Moss. Piant. ast. sty. vul. ——1344— LICHEN PYXIDATUS. Trumpet Moss. Plant. ast. feb. pec. In Whooping Cough. 1345 LICHEN RANGIFERINUS. Reindeer Moss. Plant. nut. fra. In Scent Bags. 1346—_ LICHEN ROCCELLA. Archel. Litmus Plant. Cape Weed, Chicken Weed. Chinney Weed. Archil. Orchil. Orchilla Weed. Canary Weed. Dyer’s Lichen. Persio. Lacmus. Canary Archil. Litmus Weed. All Bones. Yields. A Blue Test Dye. pec. 1347—_— LICHEN SAXATILIS. Skull Moss. Death Head Moss. Im affections of the head. ——184s — seine wet Sane a ACTZIFOLIUM. American Lovage. ngelico. Root. aro. car. sti. sto. 1349—— LIGUSTICUM CORNUBIENSE. Cornish Lovage. Root. Exudesasti. Resin. LIGUSTICUM LEVISTICUM. European Lovage. Lov- age. Smellage. Lavose. Levose. Sea Parsley. Plant and Root. sti. car. emm. sto. aro. —1351-— LIGUSTICUM PODOGRARIA. Gout Weed. Plant. Used in Gout, Leaves. sad. re sth slggtatis VULGARE. , Privet. Privy. Prim. Prim- ort. Leaves, ast. bit. Flowers. fra. Fruit. cat. 82 J» Ms NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. 1353—— LILIUM BULBIFERUM. Tiger Lily. Root. cat. Leaves. ref. —1354—— LILIUM CANADENSIS. Nodding Lily. ot. cat. mat. —1355—— LILIUM CANDIDUM. Meadow Lily. White Lily. White Lily of the Valley. Common White Lily. Flowers. emo. In Oil, 1356—— LILIUM MARTIGON. Turk’s Cap Lily, Turk’s Cap. Martagon Lily. Root. diu. emm. pres Ah TIGRINUM,. Spotted Tiger Lily. Spotted Tiger oot. Root. mat. —1358—— LIMOSELLA AQUATICA. Mudwort, Plant and Flowers. ref. mat. 1359 LIMOSELLA SUBULARIA. Bastard Plantain. Mudwort. As Limosella Aquatica. LINARIA CYMBALARIA. Ivy-leaved Toad Flax. Mother of Thousands. : Pliant. a-sco. In Diabetes. 1361——_ LINN ZA BOREALIS. Twin Flower, Ground Vine. Plant. bit. sub-ast. a-rhe. 362—— LINOSYRUS VULGARIS. Goldy Locks. Plant and Flowers. ant. deo. 13863—— ‘ LINUM CATHARTICUM. Parging Flax. Dwarf Wild Flax. Mill Mountain. Plant. bit. cat. vicupeae Pe LINUM USITATISSIMUM. Flax. Flax Seed. Linseed. Winterlien. Common Flax. Seed. pec. dem. muc. mat. 1365—— LINUM VIRGINICUM. Wild Flax. American Wild Flax. Plant and Seed, As Common Flax. 1366—— LIQUIDAMBAR ORIENTALE. Oriental Sweet Gum. Lordwood. AS Styrax. ——13867— LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA, Sweet Gam. _Opos- sum Tree. Copalm. Gum Tree. Liquidamber. Copalm Balsam. Liquid Storax. WhiteGum. Styrax Sweet Gum. Bark. ner. Flowers. aro. Gam. In Ointments. 1368 LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA. Tulip Tree. Poplar. Wild Poplar. White Poplar. Yellow Poplar. Canoe Wood. hite Wood. Lyre Tree. Tulip Poplar. Cucumber Tree. Bark. bit ton. aro. sti. feb. ver. 1369——_ LITHOCARPUS JAVENSIS. Stone Oak. Bark. ast. sty. -—1870— LITHOSPERMUM ARVENSE. Stone Seed. Gromwell. Corn Gromwell. Bastard Alkanet. ; Seed. diu. lit. Plamt. Dyes Red. j- M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. LITHOSPERMUM OFFICINALE. Gromwell. Milium Solis. Pearl Plant. Seed. lit. diu. 1 LITTORELLA LACUSTRIS. Shore Weed. Plant. ref. mat. —1373—— LOBELIA CARDINALIS. Red Lobelia. Red Cardinal. rg Flower. Indian Pink. Garden Lobelia. Red Cardinal Flower. 4 Plant. orn. ant. ner. (Variety of Lobelia Inflata.) 1374 LOBELIA INFLATA. Lobelia. Green Lobelia (Po herb.) Bladder Podded Lobelia. Wild Tobacco. Indian Tobacco. Emetic Weed. Emetic Herb. Lobelia Herb. Brown Lobelia (Po Seed). Puke Weed. Eye-bright. Asthma Weed. Gag Root. Vomit Wort. Plant. eme. dia. exp. ner. diu. a-spa. 1375 LOBELIA PINIFOLIA. South African Lobelia. Plamt. exc. dia. a-rhe. exa. 1376—— LOBELIA SPICATA, Spiked Lobelia. Plant. diu. gee SYPHILITICA. Blue Lobelia. Blue Cardinal. ighbelia. Piamt. eme. a-syp. cat. diu. (Variety of Lobelia Inflata.) 1378—— LOBELIA URENS. Acrid Lobelia. Plant. acr. Reputed poi. 1379——_ LOISELEURIA PROCUMBENS. Creeping Azalea: Plant, ast. ——-_ Ff on LY _— LOLIUM TREMULENTUM., Darnel. Tare. Ivraie. Seed. poi. eme. nau. 1381—— LONICERA BRACHYPODA. A Japanese Plant. Leaves. diu. In Infusion. 1382—— LONICERA CAPRIFOLIUM. Honeysuckle. Flowers. orn. anti-asthmatic. 1383—— LONICERA CEERULA. Biue Honeysuckle. Flowers. orn. anti-asthmatic. 1384 LONICERA HIRSUTA. Rough Woodbine. Plant and Flowers. bit. ast. muc. ——1385 LONICERA PERICLYMENUM. Woodbine. Honeysuckle. Goat’s Leaf. ; Plant, ast. ton. In Gargles. 1886—— LONICERA SEMPERVIRENS. Trumpet Honey- suckle. Trumpet-leaf Honeysuckle. Leaves. In Asthma. 1387—— masts ee hy EUROPZUS. Oak Mistletoe. Wood of the oly Cross. Leaves. a-epi. Fruit.” pur. Yields Bird Lime. 1388 LOTUS CORNICULATA. Birdsfoot Trefoil. Cross Toes. Shoes-and-Stockings. Lotus. Butter Jags. Plant and Flower. orn. 84 J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE. i a ——1389 LOTUS HIRSUTUS. Pile Lotus. Seed. Used in Piles. t tate cass ARVENSIS. Corn Crowfoot. Hunger eed. Plant. acr. poi. ——1908 RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. Crowfoot. Crowfoot Butter- cup. Frogwort. Pilewort. Acrid Crowfoot. Buttercup. Cuckoo Buds. King’s Cup. Meadow Bloom. St. Anthony's Turnip. Plant. acr. rub. c-irr. nar. 1909—— RANUNCULUS FLAMMULA. Spearwort. Distilled Water. An Emetic. 1910—— bs eo ga REPENS. Creeping Crowfoot. Common rowtoot. Wariety of Ranunculus Bulbosus. 1911—_ RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. Marsh Crowfoot. But- tercup. Water Crowfoot. Plant. acr. 1912—- cca seguinum Calamintha im alpina a clinopodium 7“ Nepe y officinalis a pulegii Calamus aromaticus “ee 3 vulgaris Calandrina discolor Calatropus gigantea. Calceolaria arachnoidea Calceum Equinum Calendula alpina. ys SSVENGis suede: ---- * officinalis Calestegia sepium Calla palustris Callicarpa Americana 463 Callicocca Ipecacuanha ----* aie Calliopsis tinctoria Callirrhce digitata Callistephus Chinensis Callitriche verna Calls arum Calophyllum inophyllum P Calotropis gigantea mudarii .....-..-.* Caltha alpina ‘* arvensis officinalis Calycanthus Floridus Camassia esculenta Camellia Japonica Camelina sativa Campanula lomerata atifolia as rotundifolia es trachelium Camphora officinarum * 1302 Camphorosma Monspelica.... 478 Campomanesia Lineatifolia... 479 Canada alba 80 Canarium commune Canella alba 4 axillaris “* ~ giroffe Canna solutiva Cannabina aquatica Cannabis Americana Capillus haus 3 > ** Canadensis.* Capparis baducea Capparis spinosa Capraria inflora Caprifolium perfoliatum Capsella bursa-pastoris -.---- Capsicum annum baccatum s Brasilicum . i cerasiforme ~~ Hispanicum ...- * ay grossum rf micranthium ....* ‘ sd tetragonium Carapa Guianensis - Touloucouna Cardamine amara...-- ae ree ‘ee 499 ¥ Nasturtium ess Sag6s a pratensis es rhomboides Cardaminum minus Cardamomum majus malabarense..* go ‘v7 a gor xe piperatum....* 138 “3 rotundum....* = Cardiaca crispa Carduus altilis-. 6 benedictus “se te “ a s Carex arenaria Carica papaya Carlina acaulis ss sub-acaulis Carpinus Americana ae “ oliveeformis -.-- ..-- -- ‘* porcina .. “* suilcata ity 516 Caryophyllata aquatica -...* 1066 nutans .....-* 1066 “ “ vu Caryophyllus Americanus...* 94 aromaticus Cascarilla ses sebiferum a tinctorium Cassia absus acutifolia “© #Ethiopica “\ 6 alata 520 “ augustifolia.....--.--. 521 ‘* Bonplandiana * 4g Brasiliana ‘* _caryophyllata chamzcrista 3 525 Forskalit spspqukene ax * 526 Janceolata 526 INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES. Cassia lenitiva lignea Marilandica Moschata nictitans Cassie Farnesiana Cassine Caroliniana Cassuvium pomiferum * 2107 Cassytha filiformis -.....---- 532 Casuarina stricta equisetifolia quadrivalvia Castalia speciosa Equinze puntilat.s.aessoss% . 535 Americana-.--* 533 vulgaris Castiglionea lobata Catalpa arborea.......----- * * cordifolia Cataputia major 7) Catha edulis Cathartocarpus Fistula Caucaulis carota + daucoides Caulophyllum thalictroides -- Causarra Chirayta * Ceanothus Americana a colubrinus 5 ovalis Q thyrsiflorus Cecropia peltata Cedrela febrifuga a: odorata No as Mahogani Celastrus edulis ,» benedicta calcitrapa centaurlum bss niger + stellata Centaurium magnum officinalis Gephsclise emetica Ipecacuanha punicea reniformis 5 Cephalanthus occidentalis-... 569 Cerastium vulgatum Cerasus acida as “ “ A 45 Serotiana +8 Virginiana * vulgaris Cerasus mahaleb 573 Ceratonia siliqua --.-. -...-. 574 Cerbera Tanghin 576 Ceratophyllum demersum..-- 575 Cereus grandiflorus Cercis bonplandu ‘* Canadensis Ceterach officinarum Cetraria Islandica 5 Chzrophyllum angulatum ..* 209 odoratum ....* 1547 sativum ....* 208 st sylvestre ...-* 209 Chamedrys incana marum “s palustris a scordium bs vulgaris Chamzleonalbun Chamezlirium luteum Chamemelum ao ----* 1440 odoratum ....* 205 vulgaris ¥ 1441 Chamzrops Palmetto * Chamomilla foetida Chara vulgaris 581 Chaulmoogra odorata ......* 1113 Chavica Betel ‘© officinarum ‘* Pepuloides 46 Roxburghii Cheiranthus annuus es “a as be purp Chenopodium album ambrosioides --. 590 anthelminticum. 591 Bonus Henricus 592 Botrys foetidum......_* “i 5 sagittatum ....* 592 vulvaria 597 Chimaph ila corymbosa .... * 599 maculata 598 ae Chinchona Chiococca anguifuga densifolia 7 & scandens 152 INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES. Chionanthus maritima = Virginica. -.-- Chironia oe * 2001 ae Chlora sae Chondrus crispus $¢ se ma olymorphus AE aor ne Chondodendron tomemtosum* Chondrodendron * Chrysanthemum carneum..-.* leucanthemum* ‘ parthenium.. * Chrysobalanus Galeni Chrysopsis argentea Chrysophyllum Buranheim-_* glycyphleum Cicer arietinum ** lens Cichorium endiva c intybus Cicuta aquatica maculata VU) Garis deme esests- Cicutaria vulgaris Cimicifuga racemosa... a9 Ciachona asperifolia Calisaya 4 Condaminea ‘© candollii -.- ‘© Jancifolia..- ‘“* lucumefolia coraifolia ferruginea =“ macrocarpa ze micrantha “ oe ovata vulgaris - Pitayensis a pubescens ts on purpurea. ** scorbiculata genuina* SS _ Succirubra aromaticum..--- Be Burmanni eS. “ Loureirii .... * nitidum ...._.* sylvestre Amer- icanum -... * tamala ......:* Xanthoneurum Zeylanicum...- Circea Canadensis pe lutetiana Cirsium arvensis 77 :° maculatum Cissampelos Capensis glaberrima -... * 645 Cissampelos Mauritiana ....* 645 Pareira ..-. 1... 645 Cistus Canadensis..........* 1129 °*. © Creticus ...seadateliz. G98 **.. -salvifolius:.: wees scene ~ 647 Citrullus amarus ‘ a 7) “ “ “ 651 Limetta risso........* 649 654 ss Posada Scesbuvedcce. 655 2 vulg: aris . ¢ oe rye “rangi iferina Claviceps purpurea Clavus secalinus Claytonia lanceolata Clematis crispa 668 Clinopodiam: arvense * 669 vulgare.......... 669 Clusia galactodendron Clutia cascarilla “ se. se “ Cnidum eit Coccoloba uvifera Cocculus Bakii;...caadicos eet Carolinus csehcsdius ‘* chondodendron....* 64 $¢ cordifolius.........- * Indicus austlebes sé +s “ se ners Jrswbéseo. “ lukenetii as suberosus .....-.- * Coccus ilicis es coronopus ..... -..- * “6 hortensis ee “ 7) ~ vulgaris Goes paciines celocline CUD acnnemne Coffea Ara ke - acuisiasee Coix lachryma Cola acuminata Colchicum autumnale....-.... illicium .... ..-- - variegatum .. ...- Collinsonia Canadensis ...... INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES. 153 Colocasia esculenta ......---- 692 Colocynthis officinalis Columnea longiflora Colutea arborascens Comandra umbellata Comarum palustre. 697 Commelina angustifolia....-. 698 Comocladia dentata Comptonia asplenifolia dulci-filix_......* Conferva rivalis Coniclinium ceelestinum. 702 Conio-selenium Canadense..* 2106 Conium maculatum ......---- 703 eS moschatum 704 Conopholis Americana.-----% 1623 Consolida MajOr....-<---+-- * 2253 Media..n.---2----* + 7333 * 182 Contrayerva Vinininaa aa Convallaria biflora ..... Convolvulus arvensis .... --.- Batatus --.-. ---- cantabrica -..... 713 * 72% * 712 t nae * 1225 major albus....* 719 mechoacanna -. 714 -icasigaia a -* 9717 715 operculatus ---. He Orizabensis ....* 1225 panduratus purpurea repens .....---.* .719 sagittzfolius .. * 711 Scammonia....- 720 sepium sibthorpii --....- soldanella Syriacus * 720 eee eae seeae JRAUOE sepectecn= --- =" Marilandica Copaifera Beyrichil bijuga = cordifolia .... -.--* 727 COriacea a... * Guianensis Jacquini.......--- Jussieui.... laxa...--..- multijuga Copaifera MON. -- 5 ncphen-= 728 officinalis uf Sellowii Coptis teeta ‘© trifolia Corallina officinalis._...------ Corallorhiza odontorhiza Cordia Africana y Boisseri ee y Coreopsis trichosperma ‘Fy tripteris i tinctoria 737 Coriandrum Cicuta -f..---" 6g vs maculatum ..--* 703 Coriaria myrtifolia ruscifolia ~ sarmentosa pe thymifolia Cornus alternifolia =e Canadensis Circinata Foemina.... FIGHGS en nennie =-—3 746 iad | mascula 747 mas odorata........* 2061 aca “p tomentosa Coronopus oe Racket mc Coronilla emcrus Corvisartia Helenium Corydalis bulbosa Canadensis digitata . formosa...- os. “s Cotula we a fcptida’ sco. ‘“* multifida Cotyledon umbilicus Coumarouna odorata Cowania Stansburiana 768 Coto). Bate ea aw Crassula tetragona Crategus aria----.-..-- deen a coccinea ‘* crus-galli 772 ss Oxyacanthus ...... 773 Crateva gynandra - Crinium Americanum......-- Crocus odorus “ - ss 154 INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES. Crocus Indicus ........ --.-* 806 * Germanica “ eee te 5 en, Eluteria-....... arestit oe 978 Gossy pifolium humilis amalgota acciferum 785 66 * 7 suberosum ....ecc-00* 786 igham co 2.- oS oe 787 3 tinctorium coon gee Crozophora tinctoria......-.* 788 Cruccata aie 789 eoec--* 1734 Cucubalus behen Cucumis anguria ‘* agrestis Citrullus oe “e Sativis.t- oo. ose cts _ sylvestris ....-.ec02 Cucurbita anguria e aurantia Citrullus 795 leucantha ...-.-- * 9097 lagenaria Pepo Cyminum minutum pulegioides Sativa Cuphea viscosissima Cupressus disticha sempervirens ...- thyoides.........- Curcas purgans Curcuma amada o“ “ ae oe Cuscuta Americana.........- ‘“* - Europza ‘* epithymum ac ** “filiformis’<-2--. rae ‘* glomerata ‘* major “ 7 “ “vulgaris Cusparia febrifuga.._......- Cyanus segetum Cyclamen Europa Cyclopia genistoides ......-- 8:5 Cydonia maliformis ........* ae vwulgarigactt ecdencc Cynanchum argel “ Ipecacuanha -- - olezfolium -..- ol tomentosum oy vincetoxicum -- - viridiflorum .- vomitorium-.-.- Cynara cardunculus ** — scolymus Cynodon dactylon Cynoglossum amplexicaule -- 3 Morrisoni ---- * officinale BA officinalis iJ 234... Se. Cod ESCS SEEN Cypripedium nc Alt Ante 5 arietinum -..- ne calceolus ....* se Canadensis ..* be candidum ..-- ee oe 66 ae iL “ Cytisus cajan te Laburnum 2......-.- Scoparius Dedalea suaveolens Dzmonorops Draco Dahlia: variabilis 3... sé “ss ae sim os 4 ee es Mezereum . paniculata Datura alba (fatuosa*) .....- “ ferox \ Strameniast.-.o. \ ' S@NGRIGR ctepswacins 8S: - -tatuiGiiee weewaeek amas Daucus candianus .........-* ‘sylvestris ... ‘* vulgaris Davilla Brasiliana “rugosa Decodon verticillatum Delphinium consolida zd exaltum se officinalis “4 staphi i Dendropogon usneoides Dentaria bulbifera “« enneaphyjlla ug diphylla...... et hd latingtacs cc oe wank ms multfida’ ico wendes Dianthus barbatus .......--- 8 Caryophyllus - Chinensis Jj oeeecs. a“ hortensis ... Dicentra cucullaria f INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES. Dicentra spectabilis * 959 Dictamnas alba-.....-------- ® Fraxinella Dicyphellium caryophylla- Dielytra Canadensis sd cucullaria ‘ Diervilla Canadensis : trifida urp Dilatris tinctoria.... Dionza muscipula Dioscorea batatas “6 villosa -... Diosma betulina ---....-----* 351 “ 4. ae Dioinum remedium Diospyros Embryopoteris-.-... $3 Virginiana Dipsacus fullonum PHLQAUS els ISuL Smeg ‘¢ sylvestris Dipterix odorata Dirca palustris Discopleura capillacea Diserneston gummiferum. ...* Distylium racemosum Ditoplaxis muralis Dodecatheon media......---. Dolichos filiformis purpureus Dorema Ammoniacum Doronicum Arnica id cordatum Germanicum...- montanum i officinalis 7% 6 contrayerva Drakena Draba AcCanNS <5 i343 ea2sela aed Draco sylvestris Dracocephalum Canariense -- se moldavica -.- Dracontium foetidum — polyphyllum --.-- Drymis aromatica * ‘¢ - Winteri Drosera longifera ‘rotundifolia Drymis Duboisia myoporoides Dysophylla avicularia Ecbalium agreste se elaterium eS officinalis Ecbolium elaterium Echinacea purpurea Echinops multiflorus s* strigosus Echinus Phillipinensis -..-.- “ Echinum vulgare Echites Chiliensis ........... Elzocarpus Hinau Elais Guiniensis 899 Elaphomyces granulatus ....* 1400 Elaphrium excelsum * ~ tomentosum Elatine hexandra = WAS... Sanne Emblica officinalus Empetrum nigrum Enula campana Ephedra Americana Epidendron Epidendrum vanilla -.....--. Epifagus Americanus ‘© Virginiana. Epigza repens Epilobium angustifolium 7” colaratum we io) “ Epimedium alpinum Epipactis lateriflora Epiphegus Americanus Lis Virginiana .... _ Equisetum arvense os hyemale ‘6 levigatum = minus “ Erechthites hieracifolius Eremocarpus setigerus Erica valgaris Erigeron annuum-~--.-._. aida bellidifolium Canadense gt heterophyllum 920 Philadelphicum .... g2r strigosum * oer Eriodendron aufrectuosum..* 4or Eriocephalus umbellatus g22 Eriodictyon Californicum ---. 923 Eriodyction glutinosum Erodium cicutarium ss moschatum Ervum lens Eryngium aquaticum ; campestre as maritimum ge Virginianum te yuccefolium Erysimum alliaria = barbarea se cheiranthoides...- ve Nasturtium og officinale Erythoxylon Coca Erythrza acaulis - ie centaurlum * Chilensis Erythrina herbacea a monosperma Erythronium Americanum...- $s dens Canis....* : flavum lanceolatum _.* pe Or Ty pipaeigag= a aaa LAs A uineense ..* Erythroxylon Coca Eschscholtzia Californica -... Esenbeckia febrifuga Eucalyptus globosus 156 INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES, Eucalyptus globulus > piperita-... ae rostrata -..- Eugenia acris caryophyliata...--* caulifiora * Pimenta -..--.. bse Euonymus Americanus .-.-...- 3 atropurpureus ---- 4 Europzus.....-.-. _ Japonicus --...--- , tingens...---.---- Eupatorium ageratoides....-- P aromaticum aya-p: connatum.......* incarnatum . Giiaco0 scan 2-c2si apnea eucolepsis maculatum perfoliatum pilosum -......-- ureum ..c.--- ean 8 sessilifolium teucrifolium verbenzfolium ._* verticillatum violaceum Virginicum Euphorbia canariensis se corollata helioscopia hypericifolia Ipecacuanha lathyris maculata palustris paralias peplus prostrata -.--.-... protulacoides--...* Euphrasia officinalis Euryangium Sumbul Eurybia argophylla Exidia auricula Exogonium purga Exostemma brachycarpum...- * Caribza . “és “e $° floribunda ‘% Peruviana Faba ignatii Fagara octandra oi piperita . Fagarastrum Capensis Fagus ferruginea + purpurea i sylvatica e sylvestris Fatsia papyrifera Feronia elephantum Ferula Africana ss ammoniacum HY ammonifera * Asafcetida wt) pe derulgp sanciced ‘* Galbanifera -.---..--- Ferula Sumbul ..-.-22.2.--- Ficus .carica -«s- chiedeana........* 1225 simulans........---. 1230 turpethum ........* 723 Iridza edulis 1231 Iris ‘Florentina ————- {cetidissima SGeaecned we Germanica -..--. ieteataar hexagona cihwemeand + 1038 lacustris (s - dawassteoesue age UtRe | Ledewtideatecdbaee NOstras .;dinpeabivoaace” 2084 pseudo-acorus.....-.-.-- 1235 tuberosa ~....2.------202 1236 as % “ oe te “ “ ‘ “ INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES. “6 Isatis tinctoria Isonandra gutta Ixia Chinensis Jacaranda procera ..--..-.-- 1242 Jacea tricolor * 2436 Jacobza obovata * 2114 Janipha Manihot = stimulans Jasminum grandiflorum odoratissimum.... 1245 * officinale Jateorrhiza Calumba cs palmata Jatropha curcas “ gossy pifolia sg manihot Jeffersonia Bartoni ~- diphylla bs Aediediliima Juglans alee, Ssetr russe... * cre cathartiea....-.--..* 1250 tomentosa Juncus bufonis “effusus ‘* _ odoratus Juniperus Bermudiana communis lycia oxycedrus -...--.. 1259 Sabina Virginiana Justicia adhatodavepetit: <= <- ecbolium ee yt Kalmia an i astifelia uy glauca 24 latifolia Knowltonia -vesicatoria ixina lanceolata latifolia rusifolia. Krigia Virginica Kuhnia eupatorides. Lachnanthes tinctoria Lactuca Canadensis elongata mania Lagetta lintearia Lagcecia cuminoides Laminaria bulbosa .---.------ *: digitata -.......... 1287 Laminaria saccharina Lamium album.. i. amplexicaule “ foliosum - tieiiectae “cc Lapathum aquaticum.......* hortense * orientale % pratemse......-.. 3 sanguineum s sylvestre Lappa bardana....---- vita. * mice wane eeee taneeee * 237 “ as ve se ‘* Europea pyramidalis Larrea Mexicana se “ ae “ Lathyrus maritimus Laurencia pinnatifida Lauro cerasus Laurus AMistivaliswic eusec.- Benzoin.....---- vraee Camphora ees s-u<- ite Caryophyllata. 1303 Cassia ccpeustasewse =~! F304 Cinnamomoides.-....* ol culilawan Winterana Lavandula angustifolia Me latifoliaisisss=...* ey officinalis SPICO youre eesiaees 3909 ue Stcechas “ec Lavatera arborea Lawsonia alba Lecanora tartarea Lechea major Lecontia Virginica-......-.- Ledum latifolium 1318 ‘6 palustre....+--.-»---~ 1319 Sa Rosmarinus * 1319 Leiophyllum buxifolium Lemna minor Leontice leontopetalum > thalictroides Leonotis Leonurus...-.-.-.... Leontodon autumnale alustris..-.-.---- 1325 “ araxacunl......* 2265 Leonurus cardiaca 1326 Lepidium campestre --..-...-- 1327 160 INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES, Lepidium piscidium. =. sativum.-_...-.--... *: Virginica Lepidotis clavata--...----.-- Leptandra Virginica Lespedeza sessilifolia Leucanthemum vulgare Leucoium luteum Levisticum officiaalis Leysera gasntnlasers. Liatris cylindracea graminifolia odoratissima squarrosa | Libanotis coronaria a Cretensis -....---- te 7) pg ew cocciferus Floridus hirtus Islandicus laciniatus spurious .....-------- stellatus cites. - tinctorius ~---.---- bg Ligusticum actzifolium 1348 capillaceum -. -.* 1492 cornubiense levisticum phellandrium ...* “ podograria. 1351 Ligustrum Egyptiacum-...* 1314 vulgare Lilium bulbiferum--...-...... bs Canadensis 8 candidum #° tigrinum. Limonium a7 Limosella aquatica.-... BA subularia.--...--.- “ vulgaris Lindera Benzoin Linnza borealis Linosyrus vulgaris Linum arvense 5 catharticum usitatissimum -...---- Virginicum 1365 Liquidambar asplenifolia._..* 700 imberbis * 1367 “ officinalis * 2244 ys orientale. MA styraciflua Liriodendron Tulipifera Lithocarpus Javensis Lithospermum arvense 1370 officinale...... 1371 Lithospermum tinctorium...* 162 villosum .....* 162 ~ Virginianum * 1608 Littorella lacustris -......... 1372 Lobaria me ee ‘ 2 socee= 1374 Kalmit_. nue ce pinifolia Loiseleuria procumbens lium tremulentum Lonicera brachypoda----..... Lonicera caprifoluum......... 1383 Diervilla..........* 861 periciymenum sempervirens .. Loranthus Europzus--..._-.- Lotus corniculata a > tay 4 sano ian. * “S68 Lucuma mammosum...-.--.. 1390 Ludwigia alternifolia_......._ 1391 palustris -......... 1392 Luffa acutangula--.-........- 1393 Lunaria biennis....-..-.... -- 1394 rediviva ~2222..- Ae Lupulus communis.........- Lychnis dioica ¥ vespertina ......... Lycium barbarum 1398 Lycoperdon bovistis......--.. 1399 cervinum Lyco podium clavatum 1403 ms complanatum.-.. 1404 be lucidulum -.-.... 1405 ve officinale Ey sela Lycopsis arvensis . vesicularia Lycopus Europzus Ks, sinuatus Y. Virginicus_......... Lysimachia nemorum Nuwmularia..... 1413 by quadrifolia ..-... 1414 Ms vulgaris Lythrum alatum -......-.--... * H Sep ULE “ ss mec oe ont Maclura aurantica ............ ‘* _ tinctoria--- Macropiper methysticum-.-.-..* 1736 Macrotrys racemosa * 616 Madia sativa Mesa Lanceolata Magnolia i waves. sf Raed glauca ‘J .sdscwdasoe gas > grandiflora ....--.. 1426 oy macrophylla ---..-- 1427 INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES. 161 > 3 Mallotus Philippinensis ....* 1966 Malpighia crassifolia.....--- * 432 +S. @labrars en as ‘* rotundifolia ‘* sylvestris *» vulganis--.-.. Mandragora officinalis - Mangifera Indica ... Mangostana Garcinia Manihot utilissima--..-..-...* Maranta arundinacea *: Galanga Marchantia polymorpha.-..--. Marrubium album * 1438 ‘, Germanicum --..* 1438 pe vulgare Marshallalanceolatta ...-.---- Maruta Cotula -...-...- TESS “es ‘ Medicago circinata -.-------- 1443 + lupulina 4 Sativa --..--------- Megarrhiza Californica Melaleuca Cajuputi- ces genistiiolia latifolia ...-.-- Melampyrum arvense 1450 * sylvaticum .--. 1451 Melampodium -.. Melanthium dioicum es _ vs Virginicum .-.-. 1453 Melia Azedarach ‘“* Indica Melianthus major Melilotus alba leucanthe officinalis VIN ZASER Geen te == sins Melissa Calamintha 1460 i ee ee ar BFF a en v7 BUGRGES d4cnrsasccrhar grandiflora Nepeta officinalis Melittis melisophyllum Melothria pendula .....------ Melothrum.--. --. “oy Pee * 420 Menispermum angulatum ..* 1467 a Canadense .-- 1467 e Cocculus....* 158 os fenestratum..* 763 sh palmatum ...* 677 as ‘s Mentha cervina -...-...,.... 1472 at Clitatacs 2.5 scceswes 1473 CYISPA » cow lwes sues 1474 gentilis * 1479 ratissima palustris .......... piperita pacers Rie Pe wes omanz “ “ vulgaris Menyanthes nymphzoides -. 1480 * trifoliata ....... 1481 Ke VEEND) cn SR + pudica --...-........ 1497 ** scandens 1498 Mimulos glutinosus.......... 1499 Mimulus moschatus..._. ato =23 500) Mirabilis Jalapa "5 long: flora.......-.. Mitchella repens 1503 Mitella cordifolia .......-.. * 2313 Oe. AREA PRS ate cana Mohria thurifera Mollugo verticillata Molucella levis Momordica - charantia Elaterium .... Monarda coccinea “ P Hh punctata...... Monnina polystachia Monodora Myristica Monotropa hypopitys ee Morza sisyrinchium Morinda citrifolia.. 1521 *¢ - muscosa .....-.-.." 566 rf royac ewesenn' T52 ‘* _ tinctoria 1523 Moringa aptera.............. 1524 * pterygosperma 1525 Bors alba pep siseew cep ib -~-~! 1590 eg nigra .... 162 INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES. “s tinctoria Mucuna pruriens ft prurita £36) 2523... * B78 Mulgedium acuminatum Floridanum Muscari botryoides Myosotis arvensis mn palustris ‘*. Virginica . Myrcia acris..2tn 245 A} pe Myrica cerifera ale. vee a SS 1538 Myricaria Germanica 1539 Myriophyllum verticillatum .- 1540 Myristica aromatica --..----* 1542 - fatua fragrans Moschata officinalis tomentosa Myrospermum frutescens ---- = 1543 Pereire --2.* 1544 Peruiferum -- 1544 pubescens ---_- = bsp sonsonata .-* 1544 ae Toluiferum -. 2346 Myroxylon Pereirz * 1544 Peruiferum...._ * 1544 oe sonsonatense - --* 1544 st Toluifera Myrrhis annua ‘* Claytoni ‘** odorata Myrtus acris anglica eS Caryophyllata Caryophyllus . cauliflora communis leucodendron. .-..-* 1447 ae D4 Nabalus albus Najas Canadensis Napellus verus - ----------- * Narcissus auranticus bulbocodium jonquilla poeticus i seudo-narcissus-.. 1558 Mabdostactys Jatamansi Nardus Americana ...-. ...* 231 “* Celtica ¥ 2383 .. Jotamiti 2 uaS set 80D “ ‘ Narthecium Americanum.--- 1562 Narthex Asafcetida 4 Assafcetida Nasturtium amphibium Armoracia officinale palustris * 13209 Nectandra cinnamomoides --_ 1567 Negretia pruriens * 877 Ne umbium codophyllum ---. 1571 “s specieosum Nepentha distillatoria Nepeta cataria.....2L.---_--2 1575 RE citriodora re the Nephelium longanum 1577 Nephrodium Filix Mas....-.* 303 Nerium anti-dysentericum -.* 2443 ‘* oleander 1578 Nervosperma balsamita ....* 1580 Nicotiana latissima (variety)* 1580 Loxensis (variety)* 1580 macrophylla (var.)* 1580 * 1579 paniculata _..._.- * 1580 ps repanda (Cuba) ..* $66 & se Nigella Damascea a sativa Nuphar advena se umbilicalis Nyssa coccinea ** multiflora 1591 Corgephiahiain, --- 1592 citratum -._.... go* racemosum (Enanthe aquatica_.....2...* i crocata. 1593 us fistulosa -2.0.....- 1504 sie Phellandrium.....- 1595 (Enothera biennis oe ak se grandiflora muricata oe parviflora ae “e ‘* latifolia ‘* longifolia .... ‘* polymorpha Omphalea diandra -..-....... 1604 Ononis antiquarum * oe Gheboraed acanthium Onopordum acanthium... Onosmodium hispidum Virginianum .... 1608 Ophelia Chirayta....- oe 2 * Ophioglossum ovatum vulgatum Ophiorhiza mitreola Ophrys apifera Opopanax chironium Opuntia cochinillifera 4 vulgaris 1613 Orchis bracteata /vt..<...-.. << 1614 * latifolia niece OLS ‘* -- mascula.. 22225 cA v6r6 Origanum aquaticum -..--.-* 957 dictamnus -...---- 1617 s INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES, 163 > Origanum marjoranoides ._..* 1618 vulgare. Ornithogalum maritimum..-.* 2082 umbellatum... 1621 Ornus Europza * mannifera ‘* ~ rotundifolia Orobanche Americana ae BS Virginiana -....-- Orobus atropurpureus ** _ sylvaticus Orontium aquaticum Oryza sativa Osmanthus fragrans Osmorrhiza longistylis Osmunda cinnamomea zi regalis 4 Spectabilis Ostrya Virginica Oxalis acetosa ‘* acetosella crassicaulis tuberosa violacea Oxyacantha Galeni Oxycoccus hispidula ie palustris Oxyria reniformis Pzederota Virginica Pzonia anomala communis corallina officinalis Palea Cabotii marcgraavii officinalis ' speciosa Paliurus aculeatus Palma Christa as “ Dactylifera Panax quinquefolia -.......-.. 1649 ‘** schinseng ** trifolia Pancratium maritimum Panicum Germanicum eh miliaceum Papas Americanus-...-.. . ee Papaver alba Argemone ceruleum ot (white var. )* ee (black var.)* 1659 Pappea Gapennis 1660 Pappus Americanus Pardanthus Chinensis Pareira medica Peuteylecnica os 25 662 Paris quadrifolia -......- v6 a= 2003 Parmelia caperata Islandica * 1343 pulmonacea ...-...* 2228 rocella Parnassia Caroliniana 1665 Parthenium hysterophorus... 1606 os integrifolium.... 1667 Passiflora coerulea ae ae oe sorbilis .s=s2u- ete. Pedicularis Canadensis go gl 1676 Pedilanthus tithymaloides-_-.. 1677 Pelargonium anceps capitatum. cucullatum Peltandra Virg*nica Penza sarcocolla 1685 Penicillium hyphomycetes -. 1686 Penstemon pubescens Penthorum Sedoides Periploca graeca Fe secamone Persea caryophyliata aoe at Persica iar Persicaria mitis ss cervaria officinale oreoselinum ....* montana palustre 1694 paniculatum -.* 1693 pratense * 1695 sylvestre Peumus Boldoa Peziza auricula.-...-.-- egeig* 983 Phalagium pomeridianum ..._ 1698 Phalaris canariense = Zizanoides -..-.--=- Pharbitis nil ay Phellandrium SER aie Philadelphus coronarius Phillyrea latifolia Phoenix Dactylifera......---- 1704 ** ,excelsa\.szwzct wisae * farinifera sylvestris Phoradendron flavescens....* Phragmites communis Phyllanthus embiica urinaria 1708 Physalis alkekengi-......-..- 1709 obsclirausseiees- <3 * 711 Pennsylvanica -.--* 1711 Stramonium 164 Physalis viscosa Physostigma venosum Phytelephas macrocarpa Phyteuma obiculare Phytolacca decandra Picrzena excelsa Pilocarpus pennatifolius ----* Pilocorpus pinnatus-.---......* . selloanus Pilularia globulifera Pimenta acris Pimpinella Anisum major .-. ig Jat nigra Saxifraganscttsl- Pinckneya pubens -.....----.-- 1721 Pinguicula elatior......--..-- 1722 Bs vulgaris.....---.. 1723 Pinus abies ----.-.- eee . es ¥ 1727 Asisttalis J...=..-.... -* 1728 balsamea -.-...-- RES Canadensis ). eeampestris < Lslincbe. 2. 2354 + elinsa.-25. clos ess * 2354 BS vocaihas liven Serer rina ee. eet 2355 bP.) elabis, 2. stiesi Shaan. * 2354 se Fubrachts.aessssch a= 2 2355 ss SAtivapelssuss20s- ¥ 2354 e Seabra ~sseeve dec. =-- ® 2354 Pilea erispa..-...-=- 05523 * 606 ** Jatissima -......-- Se 2350 emWilicaris 2. sssegurs. ...- 2357 Umbilicus pendulinus aoncoes * 767 Unisema deltifolia --.....---- 2458 Unona A&thiopica.-..._---.-- 2359 ** odoratissima ----. --.- 2360 Weepalyearpe <2 05-25 * 684 Ui pasantianss 2055055. '25% * o1t Uraspermum Claytoni --....- * 1631 Urginea maritima -....-.... * 2082 +t Semlac _=2--2 ee * 2082 Urtica Canadensis ---.,..-..- 2361 ee 2362 OF CINCHER OS S72 Sea eS 2363 a 2364 Ce 2365 Riatimnlansg sec oes 2366 PEOMOEREDS oo: (SoS. oe ee 2367 ‘* urentissima _.....----- 2368 Wisneadsirta, 22 52525252). * 1347 peirplieria) s235 2). oo * 1347 ktbden Maydis -.-..... Anca \SZOO Utricularia macrorhiza --.---- 2370 Wwaria:triloba p2vese-e ies. * 505 Uvularia grandiflora -_.....-- 2371 “ perfoliata, -2....-...< 2372 Vaccaria vulgaris ......-..-- * 2052 Vaccinium Brborelim: boos 2373 corymbosum . -... 2374 2 dumosum ....---- 2375 AS frondosum-------- 2376 St maystillus.-...--- 2277 ne OXYCOCCOSs ----__-- 2378 es Pennsylvanicum .. 2379 ~ resinosum __------ 2380 ee stamineum ----... 2381 e Vitis Idea ---..-. 2382 Valantia aparine-........--- * 1027 Valeriana DEIR nce gesan—-.- 2383 entata——-ac2- =<. - 2384 Ap digies Sees... 2385 ic edulin tt Ja6..... 2386 As locustajpeaarsee_- * 2384 as majOrsiienn >on * 2390 Valeriana minor..-~...s 5A * 2388 montana --...----.- 2387 . officinalis...¢3i¢s2.- 2358 s paucifloraziesc2s2- - 2389 sd 1 ee ee eee re: ae 2390 - Saxatilis#=.si22- * 2383 ~ Spica: >. 5..65-%abs. * 1559 “ sylvatica... .----* 2389 * tuberosa..2sua=2d. * 2387 Valisneria spiralis......._---- 2391 Vandellia diffusa ...._._.-2.- 2392 Vanilla aromatica-cioso00 0. < 2303 “3 Guianensis -...------ 2394 ihe palmarum -.....---.-. 2304 ig planifera <22e8cis 122 2304 % pomponariesasece 22 2 2394 se sativatzcia! ie 25 Sy eee 2394 > sylvestris s2o3-5.c542 2304 Variolaria faginea....--2222.- 2395 Veratrum album .....-..._..- 2396 “3 Lobelianum ~....- ¥ 2308 in luteum -2...-..2.- ¥* 1139 on officmaletas. .22.- =. 2397 iy Sabadilla _........* 2397 s Wiride. ... Seb = 2398 Verbascum album--....... 2: * 2401 s alatumissw. 52=s0) * 2401 e blattaria....-..-.. 2399 ki, Mgrum &2J.Usse 2400 & thapsiformis ....* 2401 “8 Thapsus. -.....--. 2401 Verbena hastata .-...... ---. 2402 ‘* officinalis ........-. . 2403 pues. gt eS ee eee 2404 “« 9) gempenolia 2. .om sna= 2405 Verbesina sativa_.......--.. * T109 i Sintiatah seg. 6s 2406 bs Mirginica:2s¢.,--.- 2407 Vernonia angustifolia -..----- 2408 Ns faacicitiata. 55-354 2409 Sg noveboracensis..---- 2409 Preealtaciess 242.3 2409 - tomientosa=s;....<4.~- 2409 Veronica Americana.....--- * 2410 anagallis.....---- ie SEER 3 atrestibvesa. Sats5e53 2413 x5 auatieaS=:2.2525- * 2410 4 Beccabunga....---- 2410 “e hederzfolia ......-- 24It ee stremealts 25 .o5scs 2412 + peregrina: sic ss2i- 2414 a purpurea .--..---- * 371 a quinquefolia -.---- 2415 $} sciiteliatay 2-3 ic, 2413 . Virginica-=-.dsae22 * 1331 Vetiveria odorata. -__......-- * 178 Viburnum acerifolium-_---.-...- 2416 cassinoides.-.----- * 1206 <7 dentatum 222.023 2417 : latitana: 2. wise 2418 Se lantanoides----.-.- 2419 = levigatum--_-_---- * 1206 2) lentapo--e~625 34652 2420 = epules: 2225. 5545. 2421 ms OXYGOCCOS)/25-~—32- * 2401 ie prunifolium._..-.-- 2422 HH. FOSCUI io50-..04--4 2423 Micia ermillay-nt ces. wisn ¥* 926 thes Pata EAT. 2424 iN) Sativavedcasustes. ocesss 2425 Victorialis foemina--.-....-- * 1072 Weingarsss ans 5, * 108 ss rotunda.......... * 1072 Mines misjor:..0s5.--.. -: 2426 Abety PUAN eae pein eninisd 2427 172 INDEX.—BOTANICAL NAMES. Viola blanda ‘* Canadensis Canina ......-- Resosest cuculata sylvestris tricolor Virgilia lutea -..._.. Paes Viscum album As flavescens $ verticillatum Idza myrtillus ‘* palustris as “e vulpina Volkameria inermis Warnera Canadensis Wellingtonia gigantea Winterana aromatica Winterania Canella * 481 Wrightia anti-dysenterica-... 2443 Wyethia helenoides....-..... 2444 Xanthium strumarium -.... -. 2445 spinosum .... .... 2446 Xanthorhymus ovalifolius.... 2447 Xanthorrhiza Apiifolia .....- 2448 ee marboica .... * 2448 tinctoria......* 2448 4 simplicissima .* 2448 Xanthorrheea hastilis ....-... 2449 Xanthoxylum alatum 2450 2242 Brasiliense --..--- 4s 727 Canadense(balsam) 3 a Carpathicum (bal- Gam). i isess siete sce ste 1724 Balsamum Copaiba -.----.--.-- 727 . Copaivarsts—... ab 727 - de Mecca (balsam) 152 aa de Tolu (balsam) .- 1546 s Gileadense (bal- ee ee ee sa 152 Balsamum Indicum (balsam) 1544 album (white “or psi coe a dee 1544 Balsamum Indicum nigrum (balsam) 3...-.-.sastivdize 1544 Balsamum Indicum sic-.-.--.- 1546 . Libani (balsam) .. 1724 4 marie (gum)-----. ggr oe nucistz (fixed oil) 1542 ay Peruvianum (bal- Sam) Stoo oe ea See oe 1544 Balsamum Peruvianum album (white balsam). .....-..---- 1544 Balsamum Peruvianum nig- rum. (balsam) s........ 2242 Brasiliense - -.---- Canadense (balsam) Carpathicum (bal- Balsamum Copaiba Copaive 727 de Mecca (balsam) 152 de Tolu (balsam) .- 1546 Gileadense (bal- sam 5 Balsamum Indicum —- 1544 Sette “er bea Balsamum Indicum nigrum (balsam) Balsamum Indicum sic 54 Libani (balsam) .. 1724 mariz (gum)-.--.-. 991 nucistz (fixed oil) 1542 Peruvianum 1544 Balsamum Peruvianum album (white balsam) Balsamum Peruvianum nig- rum (balsam) Balsamum Peruvianum sic- cum (dry balsam) Balsamum fearon 1366 Barras (white Teaapentiat}a. o: 1728 Baume de Copalme 1366 174 INDEX.—PHARMACOPCIAL NAMES. Belladonnz folia (leaves)---- ¢ radix (root) Benzoe (gum) Benzoinum (balsam) Berberidis Indicus Bezctta ccerulea oe Boletus cervinus ns chirurgorum salacis pb) pcillae. ese as Butyrum nucistz (fixed oil).. 1542 se. Caoutchouc oa elastic)-_.- 2158 Capita papaveris (capsules)... 1659 Capsici fructus Capsicum o Africanum Capsule papaveris (capsules) i650 Cardamomum +. longum st Malabaricum Cardamomum medium (small) minus (Small)-_- rotundum (round) majus (wild) ---- Caricae (figs) Carob Carota (seed) Carpobalsamum Carrageen Carui fructus (seed) Carum (seed) Carthamus Cary ophilli Caryophyllum Caryophylus Cascarilla a ! arilandica Cassiz pulpa (pulp) Castanea leaves) -.-..--2--.. we eg (gum) “of nigrum (black) Cerasa acida ** dulcis Ch d * enopodium..... ..----.--- 59% Chimaphila - Chirata Ghond rus: scent seeawqws gees Cimicifuga Cinchona (yellow and red) 633-618 618 ae . “ ‘ es ae Cinnamomum ’ “oe res Cinnamomi cortex ..---.---- 639 Clavelli cinnamomi (buds).--. 639 Clavus secalina ‘ 2086 Cocculi Indici --....-.. Re He ‘© Levantici ‘* piscatorii Cocculus Colchici cormus semen (seed) -- dg semina (seeds)-..-.-. 688 Colocynthides (apple) 791 Colocynthidis pulpa (pulp)... 791 Colocynthis Conii folia (leaves) _ fructus (fruit) (seed)--- Coriandri fructus (fruit) (seed) 739 Coriandrum Cornus circinata s Florida y sericea.-- «teases eles ¢ ort ex (bark) Adansoniz ...- --.--- adstringens, Brazil... Alcornoque .---~-+- et alni glutinosa Alstoniz alyxia aromatica -..-- amygdali Persicez.... Angosturz spuria.... Aralia spinosa Cabaggii Canellz alba Capparadis Caryophyllatus ~..-..) Caryophylloides -..... 6 Cascarilla.....- ae’ Castane Americana. . Cassia albse..2- -- sue ‘“« _ lignea ...2---- 1304 Cedrele ugz..- 2246 habarro,..---+2+---- 407 Chacarilla eee ween ee 778 INDEX.—PHARMACOPCIAL NAMES, “6 acuti_.-. - 639 $t Cassiz-_.-- 1304 $e Chinensis. 634 Zeylanici-. 639 Gites cide. Pa 6 Culilawani®] £2212 -- AS Papuanus - bs verus ..... Cupressi Coracoa eae 2. 5 - ees Cuspariz Eleuteriz Eleutherzi os 653 ss Granati teind) 1825 Cortex Fructus (green hulls) Cortex Geoffroy flavus Juglandis 6s Jamaicensis 165 as Surinamensis 166 Guaiaci ligni I105 Granati fructus (rind) 1855 Cortex Granati radicis (root Cortex Granatum pomorum (fruit peel) Cortex Hippocastani uglandis--...-2-.---- NS inz aromaticz Ligni sancti Ligni Cassiz Magellanicus Magnoliz Malabathri Mudari2as ans... 288 Musenz 22 ...-2:62--. 1965 Myrice ceriferze narcaphtum Nectandre Cortex nucum Juglandis (green hulls) Cortex nucum Juglandis viri- dis (green hulls) Cortex hese ahs nstce Paratoda ‘* Canadensis § Pomorum Aurantii-_... 656 Cortex Pomorum ens (fruit Cortex Populi ‘s Pruni padi ‘* serotinz ‘* Virginicz Psydii (rind) Pyrus malus Quassia Quercus 4. a) ae tinctoriz --.- 1899 Radicis Azedarach _.. 1454 ne Gossypii _---. 1096 ‘* Granati (bark) 1855 aa rubri villosi-. 1979 Rhamni frangulz ---- 1917 salicis-- Taberne montanz-_.. 117 Tamarisci Gallica .... 22€1 Germanica 1539 Thymelez _- 839 Thymiamatis --.--.-- 1366 Tihe Ulma.....- pans ée -- 2354 Americana ‘* interior Winteri ss Cormus Colchici Costus amarus ae Cuspariz cortex Cydonia exsiccata 176 INDEX.—PHARMACOPCIAL NAMES, Cydonium Cynosbata Diospyros (fruit) Dolichi pubes Dracontium Dulcamara Ecbalii fructus Elaterium Eupatorium Euphorbia Corollata Ipecacuanha Euphorbium (gum) Euonymus g50 Extractum Glycyrrhizz (ext.) 1077 Faba Calabarica ‘* Physostigmatis ‘© Sancti Ignatii Fabz Coffez Sh RVI Us ac conn, us. 4AE de. Tontax-2. 25 st=-2-. -8972 febrifugee 1569 Farinz Lini..-.. .coliccen cc... 1964 ** Secalis (flour) 098 FestuczCarophyllorum (stems) 517 Fibrilla Artemisiz Flores s (flowers) Absinthii roismarini Anthemidis Aquilegie Arnicae . Aurantii Aurantiorum Balaustines Bellidis Boraginis 402 Brayerz Anthelmintica 416 Buglosi Calcitrapz Caprifoliz Carthami “ “ es 144 foetidz .. 1440 Romanae 205 spuriz... 1440 Chamomille vulgaris. 1441 264 Clematidis. ‘See wees Digitalis Doronica Germanica - 2348 Flammulze -........--. 661 Gnaphalii Granatorum-.--- Hageniz Hispidulz Hy Periehstkc theese Lavendulze Libanotidis Liliorum convallaria.- Lillia albi Lupuli Malve arborea “ * * sylwestrigés.. - “* _ vulgaris Naphze ps Persicorum Pilosellz Pruni sylvestri --..... Ptarmica Punice Rosarum incarnatum. pallidum-.-- _ rubrum epee adce Arabica... * citrine .... 1080 s Neapoliti.. 1086 Tanaceti ..... 2264 2317 INDEX.—PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES. 177 i D Flores Trifolii odorati ..----- 1457 Folia Rhois Toxicodendri .... 1940 Mee) ie 2333 ee ee 1950 dd Tussilaginus lo 2348 Rosneft: 2s. 2.24 4.--.. 1964 ** .. Urticne -s2s22-=------- 2363 © Roubidrutieosi.--. --.... 1973 ~ S. mOreuse----.--- 1289 ieee oot 1978 ‘6 Verbasci-------------- 2401 ite le 1998 1s .. Violasumic.7--..- ---- 2432 8: Sabineenetesees oteespes 1260 ‘s Viola odorata -.------ 2432 “SS Salwise toe Does set on - 2030 Feeniculum ....-------------- 1002 ". Gayanee e222 200 geese 1260 Foeniculi fructus .--.-------- 1002 “6 Senwe ---2 feee--4--= 519 ¥ olia (leaves) ---------- -._—— . ** Alexandrinz..-- 519 Abelmoschi ------.----- I * »- -olindiiga 2-52. 526 ar Acetos® ...22-------=--- 1984 e ‘“* Marilandicaz -- 527 ** Aceris rubri------------ 33 “! Sesami 2222-25 -2-...-- 2127 glenn, a Stra oo oe ne ae ce Linas Sawe cco ance 1 Se fF fk RRS eS 6S Swe a ts glutinosae...------ peer i “ Althme-...<.-22064.- THREE ai) a +S) Amoi ecnue so 1964 .. Pines ee feeb 2300 ‘* Arctostaphyli -.-------- 240 “© Toxicodendri ....------ 1940 *. Anrantn: -- 22--\2--- -- 656 “+: Trifolit fibrini....---.-- 1481 “° Anrantiorum -.--"-_---- 650 Se. “Virsslages:- =~ - oe = 2348 ‘© Belladonnz ...--------- 327 ‘* Tylophorz ---.-------- 283 St Baer vo. eee Sen 351 a. WUyserGtet-cs-cete- —-- 240 MES SBCHIE 228-2 soa see 351 M. Verbasciinetssceseserscs 2401 - dee te eee 351 “i Vitisviniferce ~-...._..-*- 2440 eS Folliculi sennz fag PL ee. Praserasss0ia¢s-o.-- 2 3-0-0 “s oe Golnted---_c-U.=-s<.--> thew ee 88 eeretel lat Seeetoe et Contes 52 ean s = -= 793 a Snaty ne Dy 1718 “| Daturee altet--2--- ~~~. 842 ‘* Aurantiimmaturi---. 656 Ss Digitalis ---- ---- ------ 863 As Aurautil 2252375 -ce-0 651 ES ereamrenry acn M o araa © “ Farfaree...------------- 2348 6Oe IOI oe rel mae 492 a Praxini 223222 <------- IorIo e Cardamomi.-- aaP aan gor “SS Giraeo tt 2255,--5- 25 1495 ‘a } minores got “t> Hederes-:::3s---------- 1122 ‘ Colitis 2 99 ee Hippo =A 75 di pap: eRe Seeman 510 yosciami -.--.---- ---- II Me at i 510 “ Ilicis aquifolii --.-...--- 1201 M... "Oossia Fist0lc: -----5 525 “ Americane -- ---- 1205 ‘“* Ceratoniz --.------- 574 te “és cbc cecce cc wwes 1252 FF °§ WVU 2 coe - 222 we pseees twos mass omup-s O54) BF ce | s weVEREse edo eae ==" 5 Laurocerasi ------------ nize -------.---- Litanotidis ....--,-...- iop4 | [CU - ingen noe 798 Malabathri’-.....:..---- ¥ sti_------2--- 1958 Meltess Sone a = 1464 Foeniculr 22's5- - =... 1003 ‘| Menthae crispz -------- 1474 ** Hibisci esculenti----- I . * piperitz -.-.-- 1476 a Hordei--..----..---- 1168 " WEAR” «222 =< 1479 ‘ joer oe see pm cas 1257 os yrciz .----.-- .------- 153 2 aurl ....--- 23 ae 1307 ‘* Myricae ceriferz ----.- 1537 Sb > ON a ete ota ns 653 O DERG onan o aoe -- 38 «Malus... -2--------- 1875 a Nicotiaimse.---°<2.- --.- 1580 $ be eg leah 1527 . Papua son Wan wese=s 7059 : Morera Bria det athe 1527 “. ‘Patchoult* se esaose-nea< 1765 . OGOMI eS tone 000s 1542 r= Persie nh 149 a acai es eee 2377 ini. 2 cae we seen asns 1727 apaveris -.....----- 1659 “ _** Canadensis -------- 4 * Eoeusese wd Eh ppese 1692 iperis longi -------- n igri | pin gk 5 Phellandrii-.....---- 178 INDEX.—PHARMACOPGIAL NAMES. ah catharticze - a Rosz canine es Sabadille a 7 de Vanillz Fucus Choe ae Versiculosus Fungus Albus saligneus Bedeguar 5 Civinus : Chirurgorum 1399 ny Cynosbati - .._.------ — - lgnarius as 7% i) preparatus.. ae Quercinus Rosarum Sambucinus Fusti (stems) Galbanum (gum) Galla (galls: Gallz (galls) ** Aleppo (galls) ‘* Chinensis (galls) ‘* Halepenses (galls) ---- 1888 ‘s Levanticz (galls) ‘* Turcicez (galls) Gambier Galthetiacnonc ees enc at=-- Gelsemium Gemmz abietis (buds) ny Balsamz (buds) ": Capparidis condite (buds) Gemmz Pini (shoots) yy Populi (black) Gentiana = Catesbzi Gentiane radix Geranium . Gincde Quercus 7 Glandule Lupuli (Lupuiin).. 1169 *: Rottlerz (Kameela) 1966 Glycyrrhiza Glycyrrhize radix Gossypii radicis cortex Gossypium (wool) 109 Grana Avenionensis (berries) 1918 by idi (berries) 837 ret ii Gallici (berries). - | Male uettze Moschata (seed) a (bean) Tiglii (bean) li (bean) 787 Granati{ fructus cortex (rind) 1855 ** radicis cortex 1855 Guaiaci lignum .....--.----.. 1105 ‘* resina (resin) Guarana Gummi (Gum) .--....--..---- Gummi (gum) 7. ene ‘* Ammoniacum ‘* Acaroides “sr “ ae “ “se as “ Benzoe ....«s=. attSow 2242 Benzoini : peer Myrrha 344 INGE ost acai a itniete A SEND Panacis 1672 Rubrum adstringens.. 1849 ‘* Gambiense 1849 Sandarac Sanctum Sarcocolla Scorpionis---......-.-. Tragacantha Gutta Gambir ‘es as rcha yt 24 (purified) Hzmatoxylon Hematoxylilignum Hemidesmi radix Helianthemum Helleborus Hepatica Herba (herb) Abrotini as Ty ane: eS Seger a Sars Adianthi albi Americani = 7) ee 3 Reyoiisce annie: ae Agerati Agrimoniz Alchemilli Alexandrina Allii Ursini Althzz (leaves) Allianz Asagallis --. acon nce Andrographidis Anethi. -.. ---~ Pacis ome SC oa : tones Ameena Heyy | Bro ef ay” GipNGE wencecen” ie s>~< 585 “ ag eg eae ee » Glycyrrhiza --.-..----- 1077 if papa Monee eee nen 7 “© Pastinace .....-------- 1673 ; s Hispanica . 1077 oh ee “i ; Mer ees 2c 52 £000 atientiz _-_-- r af onl peor ° aS. PERSOusteess <6 ne saen eS m eee oa pe. =. *“Petrosélini £2: -*e-— 2. = 1692 if AAS san a 1855 Ss * PEncedanrs.-- 1693 ie Gane seen ty Phy tolaccz...-- ra 2 1715 ; pen Ahk nn Se — pais! git | es 1720 - elenil +... .---------- 7%. a ee ES 17? ‘* Helianthi tuberosi. ---- 1128 My PS mae bP “ Hellebori )) 2396 ey a Se “ eer a 1135 ‘3 e ani. ce “ “s hyemalis .._. 11360 oF uaengee cee” “a “6 “ MET). ont pn 1137 - s “<> -santipe™ i 4 “viridis ..--~.. 1136 i ee eS) as Cal #50 a Helonias-.. bis Vdd chases 1139 “e Plantaginis +: te ue “ Hemidesmi---..-,----- Li45 “«- Podophylli.-.--.-.---- Le + Heraclei or ee oe 1148 “ Polemoenii 7 ae fee bet SS 1770 ‘ Hermodactyli----..---- 689 D: eee 2340 = = vulgaris_ 20g 7 Im tore L222. - 1216 (IEEE on 6 atten nna 1776 » Lies - oenene es 1232 Ty ng IONE an to arte anno ee ~ 1776 - Podophylli..-..-.-- 1764 = Serpentariz eet 253 re Tormentillz_---. ._-. 1814 oe Virginiane 253 . Veratri- 4. Osea 2396 OF” SisattS pe deste — ** viridis ...--.- 2398 a.” Seen tee ae nn 327 - Zedoariz -_.-..-.-.. “ “ quadrifolia. .... 1663 ‘ Zingiberis._._..-.--- 2463 Ay Spigelia aie Aeneas ieee 2204 Ritceas (easy =) oe 1658 = Marilandica.- 2205 Rhaados} petala (petals) .....-- 1658 pe Shp neta AE 2082 Rhus glabrum (berries).... . 1938 dy Sullingia he 2330 Rob Rhamni (juice) ------..--- 1915 SETI et rat an = - 2076 ‘*' Sapbatr(jaice ee 2038 WRG ST OE re cok gra pe 982 Rosa Canina fructus (fruit)... . 1958 ** Symphytii -.....------ 2253 * centifolia (petals) -.--- 1959 oe tag SEE ne cos SS ** centrfolize petala (petals) "959 = ~ cum herba ee Gallica a mm lS ig (root and herb)------ 2265 vs tala (petals) -. tae ** Tinospore ....-.------ 676 Rosmaritts 7-22 -o- ee 1964 ‘** Tormentillz -----..-- 1814 Rottlera = eee 1966 RO” I nm 2320 Rubia (root) 2 eae 1968 i" “TR. ----4-----= RS Rubus (ror 2 e 1971 aS Tusnilagitis toe 2348 Roumex*2 4S 1989 ‘** Tylophorz ----------- 283 ita eee 1998 eT I de a 2363 Sabadilla‘:22-2 Sees en eee 2397 ae Valerianz MPP eh LS 2388 Sabbatia—o 2-- oncecense 2001 ns ae Americanz.-. 2389 Sabinids dee tense eee aea ee 1260 ae = minoris .----- 2388 Sabin ‘Cactimmma ~~, -------- poy montane _... 2388 "VY extittl ae ae RS Ss viride. ._-- 2398 wig Lo Aaa ee carrey gee 178 ae” WV RSORES — 5 1072 S * Vincetarii .-.-.-_- = 205 eee, 1 Rep tmnt span ae 2432 Be PACTS nn fae een x 237 SS ~" FaTSA DAR on aa — 2170 seg oo tm ee ERE re 2170 ee Sy 7 a” POMEL as - -- 2464 ey AL es ale 143-2463 . *“* Africanis .. 143-2463 Fe ** condita __.- 143-2463 o ‘* Jamaicensis 143-2463 PeamUVICHIOS ~' R49 ** alba (from Pinus of e several species) ---. 1726 OS” * OREO te ae at = 2242 RP RTR a a eo 428 ee es ahr etegen a 454 ofp: ly See 2758 oe CaO DI certnn = 1849 ote Oo = eben 1105 RR Og he EEE 1849 his) a 64 SR emescinm =... ..- 1741 = I a fae eee een 2449 Se) EN at nd ee nm 1741 eee 0 oe 1741 Se RE itt ete lane ae 1601 Rhei Radix (and other species)1926 Rheum (and other species) ..- 1926 Rhizoma Asari ...- .-------.- 281 ¥S DROME Gott at oe 60 Saccharum (Refined ee a = aaa aple 34 “ altnine ee White sugar) = Sago (prepared pith)----.---- ‘© perlata (Pearl sago)----- } 234 Salix ’-s-< 2c i sae5 enteeeee oe 2009 Salvia’ 2362255 2030 Sambuens - 33 3e-sunesenee=s== 2036 Sambuci flores ==--<~-. -<---.- 2038 Sandaraca Germanica........ 2305 Sandaracha (Sandarach)----- 2305 Sanguinaria .-..--.- ~------- 2041 Sanguis Draconis (resin)- ---- 454 Santalum -/- .2.- Jl2s--2--2-- 1850 Santonica Jeereeny 3: spe- fey 5 ee ee 264 Sarsee Tad ececear seer coee 2170 Sarsaparilla (and other species)2170 Sassafras a tit cee one 2061 = medulla (pith) eat 2061 é radix (root, with bark) 2061 Scammoniz radix (root)... se Scammonium (resin) .....-.-- 720 Smyrnzum ...- 1690 Seblagat see eee 2082 Scorbuli Lupuli epee . 1169 Scutellarmdc. == 0, .2<-< uae 2097 Sebestewee. (iy aaa 736 Secaleclavatum---------- ---- 2086 * cornutum ‘* Juxurians : - Semen (sendy-25 20 cree. Abe'moschi -.--.--. -- 2 “« Adjowzn -..-.------- 337 “Agni casti (fruit) -- Di 2438 ‘* Ajavz --.2-2_ 5-25... 137 “ .- Ams ues eee <2 137 Semen Amyzdali amarum-.... 146 dulce -----. 147 Anacardiwwszs: 26.2.5 2107 Amize.ckecsise Jcdiv2 163 Anethi-cun.--EUIE25 192 Angelicz ....--42-.5.° 195 Anegurizetssse.. 2-2-2 795 Anisi stellati -....---- 1208 ', . MUMATIB... FLUI52 1718 Anti- dates ex ste Jé¥s S193 Apii graveolens --.-.-- 215 Arecz (nuts)----.---- 241 A thawasices.2.....*'.- 2264 Avellanz (nut) ------ 701 Badsariceice._....2_- 1208 Dasdanes236. ......... 237 Berberidis --..-------- 363 Bonducellz (nuts)--.. 1107 Canariensis:-..-.--.--- 1699 Cannabis222......... 486 Cardamomi = apenas gor majoris (large) ---- go2 minoris (smali) _-. gor ‘e- rotundis (round)... 140 Cardui --..... ae * 502 apo) ee 502 Carthami ......82cs2i. 509 “<)| Seen <7 a= eee 510 Carvi......s2.0805. 11. 510 Carvi montani-.-._... 798 Cataputize 226220221. 1950 Cebadillze_s2uss052. 2307 Chenopodii--.....---- 591 (Chipel 55 eat 2 Cicutz} se2ueeslU SS - 613 iio. 2 Se JOS Lise 204 ** Americane ----.- 591 ‘© Barbaricum (and other species). 264 ‘* Levanticum..--- 264 Gitrulli. 25) 22 795 Coccognidii -.-.--.... 839 Cocculi Indici-_..-.-- 158 Cochleariz_......---- 682 Colchict__.J:uc2eA Av 688 Conii maculati-__-...-.. 793 Contta 522402... 264 Cortandn — 220 +1...- 739 Crotamie?) 2: Sect i 22 787 Cucumis 22222541..... 793 Cucurbitz -......---- oe Lagenaria --. 708 ST 5 ett 798 oss sind... S¥420.. 1582 Cotesie SSCLESLL Easeg 18x16 Pr tt mee 1 Cynz Levantice ----- = Cynobasti_.....--.-.. 1958 ‘“* stramonii --_--. 845 Dauci sative _..-.._.. 847 ** sylvestris ---... 847 oe 2 eee 850 Eru et folia Dature albz (seed and flowers)... 842 Euphorbiz lathyris --. Feeniculi aquatici a-it snajoris:U2eLSS2 .. ** Rosa Benedictz-..-.... 1643 * .. Sabadillae>2ii ) £2022. 2307 + .. Sanctnm*ts5) Uo... 204 s* _ Santonicts xi. ust... 264 “= Sinz (Cinz)-_-.. 2.2... 264 ‘* Sinapis (black and pose - 2157-2154 as Morar’ } pret vy Fa - 2157 ss 2 albes - PULL... 2154 o$ =; nigra Sittuso 2157 ** Staphidis agriz ---.... 852 “© Staphisagriz ----.--.- 852 : .. Stramonif=si.i sek... 845 ! .. Seryoims: > 5a2652,4. . 2235 & _. Tabaoblu,ceieine. . 1580 ‘* .. Tanaceti, iJcJssd6 2... Sahy % . Tighe) uses 4-5 ae Frid we... Uatecmuli._ wesc bees - - ** vel anthrodi cinz find other species) -..... 3 gms (and - other oe ‘ad Ziren( fant other species) 264 Semina Stramoni --... Oca ROS S@mega~ 2. Bil a eone 19770 o Senna eed other species) ._-- 519 eo (and other nine (and other species) 519 188 INDEX.—PHARMACOPCEIAL NAMES, Serpentaria ..1e.i jLirinns-+ 253 Summitates Scopariz (tops).. 834 Serpentariz radix......--..-. 253 Tabacum «. 66: ~<04 Sta seace 1580 Sesamum (leaves)------------ 2127 Tacamahac (resin).-......---- 9g Sesami folium (leaves) -.-.---- 2127 Tamarind <.4< j2snendasite a 2259 Sete siiauA hursutz --..---- 877 ‘Tamarindus _.-- from the leaves GT a Cre- nata and other species. A kind of tar distilled, Jer desensum, from Juniperus Oxycedrus. The volatile oil of the leaves, Melaleuca *Miuor and other species. Calamus Eheivo's stile oil of Sweet Flag Root, Acorus Canada Snake } By distillation, from the roots of Asarum Canadense. The volatile oil of Camphora Officinarum. The volatile oil of Erigeron Canadense. The oil, ‘‘ by ether,” from Capsicum An- enum and other eae . Geta) of e volatile oil from the fruit (seed) o Caraway | Carum Carui. Cardamon:..- { The volatile oil from the seed of Elettaria p Canada Flea- Cardamomum. Casearilla The volatile oil from the bark of Croton Eleuteria. The heavy, volatile oil distilled from Cassia Bark. A fragrant, volatile oil, from the flowers of Acacia Farnesiana. 192 OIL of Cayenne Pep- INDEX.—OILS. { See Oil of Capsicum, The volatile oil obtained from Juniperus Virginiana. The volatile oil from the fruit rind of Citrus Medica. From the fruit (seed) of Apium Graveolens. Chamomile { A volatile oil obtained from the flowers of ae Anthemis Nobilis. _ : Checkerberry a volatile oil from Gaultheria Distilled from the bark of Wild cherry, Cerasus Serotiana. Distilled from the leaves of Cerasus Lauro- cerasus, Cinnamon The heavy, volatile oil from Cinnamomum > Pax Zeylonicum. “ Lear) The fragrant, volatile oil from the Cinna- mon Leaf. The fragrant, volatile oil from leaves and rind of Citrus Medica. The fragrant, volatile oil from Andropogon Nardus. The heavy, volatile oil from cloves, Cary- ophyllus Aromatica. Coceulus In- : The oil of the seeds by evaporating a strong tincture. The volatile oil from the oleo-resin of Copa- ifera Multijuga and other species. a Oil of ng we “ aac : e product by distillation of the fruit o Coriander ; Coriandum Sativum. Cucumber ‘eo expressed oil of the seed of Cucumis ee ativus. The volatile medicinal oil distilled from Cubebs. The volatile medicinal oil distilled from Cummin (fruit) Seed. , ; The volatile oil distilled from the fruit of Anethum Graveolens. {An oil procured by evaporation of the ) Etherial Tincture. Erigeron See Oil of Fleabane, Eucalyptus... { Pores = the leaves of Eucalyptus “e elt a Mirena) - of pep iche gp semen age A fixed oil obtained from theseed of Eu- Euphorbia...- | phorbia Lathyris. The volatile medicinal oil from Foeniculum Dulce, and Vulgare. Oil of Male Fern, Aspidium Filix Mas. The volatile oil by distillaiion of Abies Pectinata. The oil distilled from the plant, Erechthites Hieracifolius. ; The volatile oil by distillation of Erigeron The wimulant, volatile il obtained fi e stimulant, volatile oll obtained from Garlic ne Saee era dae ic e volatile oil obtained from the plant, Gaultheria ---4 Gauitheria Procumbens. Fennel Gentian {tie volatile oil obtained from Gentiana Lutea. The volatile perfumery oil from Pelargo- nium Odoratissimum, The commercial name for Grass Oil. __ The oil, “* by ether,” of Ginger Root, Zin- giber Officinale. Grass. See Grass Oil, Andropogon Scheenanthus. Golden Rod... } teats oil obtained from Solidago Grain See Fusel Oil. Guaiacum.... The volatile oil from Guaiacum Officinale. Hedeoma The volatile oil of American Pennyroyal. Geranium INDEX.—OILS. 193 OIL of Hemlock...... { pecs ene distilled from Abies (Pinus) ‘ fenbane...... } sig gece distillation from Hyosciamus “ An acrid oil by expression of Humulus REQP capes *-- Lupulus. * rt ui Horseradish . aren from the roots of Cochlearia if Horsemint -.._ The essential o of pee: i wo “ The oil, ** by ether.”’ of the herb, Hyssopus FESMOD 5 -7-02-- ; pOfticinaliss ig Hi “ = e perfumery oil, y enfleurage,”’ o ARABS: ~~~ i Jasmine Flowers. Juniper Ber-j{ The medicinal oil distilled from Juniper Wiles! coi. fue Berries. Juniper wood oo ae Sy by Rac: e volatile, perfumery oil from Androp- igevesyeatag The vc mei he b We e volatile oil from the berries of Laurus Laurel -.-..-... ; pNobilis -eguiannene he fragrant, volatile oil from the flowers Lavender ----- ; of Lavendula Vera. 3 Spike See Oil of Spike. The volatile oil obtained from the fruit rind, putsemmmatar ot. 220° Citrus Limonum. — “Grass . | bo em oil obtained from Andropogon “ Thyme } bie — oil obtained from Thymus Cit- RANE sons soa fp oage eaten Caakae om cose Lobelia ______.- + his “et “ey /3 Seresy. from the seed of The volatile oil from mace, Myristica Mace .-----..-.- ; Fragrans. ‘** expressed 4 fixed oaby expression, —_ Mace. AG he oil, ‘* by ether,” from the root of As- Male Fern -..- ; idium Filix Mas. Marjoram..__- ; pment distillation, of Origanum Mar- h nots <= Oil of hl a Fe ty o e volatile oil obtained from Cinnamo- Massoy .-.-.--.- ; mum Kiamis, = : Distille rom the leaves o rtanthe Matico --..-..-. } Elongata, Melissa ---.__--.- See Oil of Balm. = Indian See Oil of Lemon Grass. taanamuees he 3 Lie as of a ‘ ’ ‘he acrid, volatile oil from the roots of Mezereon ....- ; fb ese onary | aan n oil expressed from the seed of Sinapis Mustard ..-.--- : Aiba, and Nigra. Ps ; The volatile oil distilled from the marc of Tor Ae pe pee = ti } r n artificial flavor o itter Almonds, Myrbane -..... } ame ae 2h 13% e volatile oil distilled from Balsamoden- Myrrh .-..---.. | cower Myrrha. , ne ae e volatile oil distilled from Myrtle Myrtle ........- ; blossoms. Narcisans ...... A perfumery oil, by enfleurage, of Narcis- sus Flowers. Neroli, ‘‘ Bi-{ A perfumery oil from the blossoms of Citrus garade”.____ Bigaradia. Neroli, ** pe={ The fragrant volatile oil from the flowers tale” _.______. of Citrus Aurantium. Neroli, “ petit ; By distillation of the leaves and unripe grain’’______. fruit of Citrus Aurantium and Vulgare. Nutmeg _._____. The volatile oil from Nutmegs. “ expressed The fixed oil obtained from Myristica Fragrans. Onion An acrid, medicinal volatile oil of Allium 194 INDEX.— OILS. OIL of Origanum ---. “ ee volatile oil from Origanum Vulgare te and Thymus Vulgare. Orange Flow- yh S Be ee , See Oil of Neroli. Orange Peel - Orangette. ...- Parsley -------- ‘ees 2 See Oil of Checkerberry. The fragrant oil from the leaves of Pogos- Patchouly --.- temnon Patchouly. . The volatile oil from the fruit rind, Citrus. The oil of Sweet Marjoram, The volatile oil from the roots of Petroseli- num Sativum. Hedeoma Pulegioides, Pennyroyal.. The oil distilled from the fresh herb, Pennyroyal, § The oil distilled from the fresh herb, European gonenten Poles pes eat ‘i n oil distilled from fres owering her Peppermint.. Mentha Piperita. . Petit Grain... { On af yng’ Leaves, Citrus Aurantium Pichuri mi talind See Oil of Sassafras Nuts. NE ty, whe ane Oil of panel Potatoes _-_..-. See Fusel O Prickly Ash... See Oil of Settee lum. The volatile oil distilled from Rosewood, Annuus, mi = expression from the kernal of Amygda- lus Dulcis. The volatile Oil of Laurel, Laurus Nobilis. See Oil of Marjoram. By distillation from Tansy herb, Tanace- tum Crispum and Vulgare. Obtained by distilling Tar. The oil, by distillation, of the plant, Thy- mus Vulgaris The oil, by distillation, of the leaves, Nicotiana Tobacum. Perfumery oil, by expression, from the seed of Dipterix ‘Odorata. Sweet Almonds Sweet Bay .... Sweet Marjo- TIA oy nn sieud’ss Rhodium ..... { a armel lee ae pes e volatile oil distilled from the flowering Rosemary ..--- } tops of Rosmarinus (fficinalis. mised } The volatile oil obtainyd from the petals of Shiite) i Rosa Centifolia and other species. Riie ; The volatile oil from the fresh herb, Ruta oe, ee Graveolens. Safflower..-...- A fixed oil from Carthamus Tinctoria. The msysete oil distilled from Salvia Offici- Sage NT ee a eum eee nal is The volatile oil distilled from. Santalum Sandal......--- Myrtifolium and other species. Saniafene oe { Pere oil distilled from . Sassafras Obtained by expression from the seeds, ‘i Nuts } Lette os ayo nal cue J y distillation from the fresh tops, Juni- Savine -....---- Z vom iiwios i ned b ; y distillation from the leaves, Cassia o Senna --....---- several species. Solidago......- See Oil of Goldenrod. Spearmint... | By diseillatiges from the fresh herb, Mentha By ne from the fresh herb, Laven- Spike...------.- dula Spica. Spikenard ..-.. Commercial name for Grass Oil. s The oil, by distillation, of the leaves of BE Bent stint ren) ! ites distill £S e volatile ol y distillation, o tar Star Anise-.-- pnise fruit. laa ¥ : repared from the alccholic tincture o Stillingia ----- Stillingia Sylvatica. miner taredr ta Pe By expression from the seed of Helianthus INDEX.— OILS. 195 OIL of Turpentine... { Distilled from the oleo-resin of Pinus as { | Yarrow.-.-....- Millefolium. Palustris and other species. By distillation, of the roots of Valeriana Valerian -....- | Officinali lis. : Verbena..-..... Commercial name for Oil Lemon Grass. Wertiver -.-__..-.. See oil of Khuskhus. Wintergreen. ee ohare vaipatyg derverst bee e volatile oil from the seed enopo- Wormseed ---. dium Anthelminticum. , * The volatile oil from the herb, Artemisia Absinthium. | The volatile oil from the herb, Achillea Wormwood... An oil, “‘by ether,” from the berries of Xanthoxylum Fraxineum. An oil, ‘‘by ether,” from the bark of Xanthoxylum Fraxineum. Xanthoxylum Xanthoxylum INDEX. GERMAN COMMON NAMES. (IN GERMAN.) The numbers refer to the paragraphs, not the page, and to avoid unneces- sary repetition, the name will not be found reprinted in the paragraph to which it belongs, but the number refers you to that paragraph. AbnehmeRKraut .........ececeeeeeeeeee 1634 Abrahamsftraud- Blumen (HOWEFS) .....tatencessanes tote eeeee Abrahams php (seed) 2438 MHraAwd... 52k ps NN 261 A CACICH SS GUT es ssccese casseencsate 24 Weeleiz-Blumen a ae A 222 Ader-Giinfel (leaves)............. 86 Miler Sally. .csc. sesvit cexteaecesee es 1280 OE Te Sa porn cease 60 Miler s WLU a cesearnrsescctconsodes 222 AdoniszWiurgzel (root)............... 71 ae Hinde aus ute filien.. Aepfel, faure (sour ‘apples).... ‘1875 MepfelbaumzRinde (bark)........ 1875 AichenzFett (grayling grease)... DEOL w .
-28 076 BarenzDillwurgel........ Lak wasct. td 1499 Varenz endel-Wurgel doses ccipis 1492 Bareuz Fett (bear’s grease). _— Baventlaueneftraut.-.. oh gene 1149 BarenflaucnzWurgzel ..........-++002L149 Barenzslauch.....eeeesceceesseeee Sosson | MOT BarenzTraubenblatter............. 240 BrirenzsBucker...........cseeeee oisdeass 1071 BarenzWurgzel......-cceeeeesceeceeeeeL 492 BarlappeRrvaut ...... 000 ereeeceeeeee 1403 Barlapp-Moos, gemeines......... 1403 Barlapps Samess.......--00-sesecrees 1403 STAT ie Se vesesunmacitc.i bb 1492 BAL IBUL ICL. cpeoessesoacecempishns se dosckloo BebeerucHMimdeseceevceccveccoeeseeevee 1570 Bedher-Blumentraut.........eeee 1815 Becher=Fledte.......secesresceseesere 1344 pat ese Up Eanpicy opm 2377 MCHC Mz Mil ])C.-20--essoneecdansdegs sane .-1108 BebhenzDel (ben oil) .............+- Beifuk-Kraut (leaves) ........+++ 273 Beifup=Wurgel (TOOt).........eceeee 273 Beifup, bitterer........... sb ve thasess 262 BeinwelleWurzgel....... ee veces +2253 SA G1IS= 55 COLL. xe cbjapwanss yo'-- aaay ody 492 Belladonnac Blatter (leaves)... 327 Belladonna Wurzel (root).......-- 327 PBenedictentsWurzel...ccecccesceeeesee 1067 BengeleRraut ...... 0000 mag eonn co bsaras 1483 PARMA OGL. sia Br etaah Seon cceaisse--c-onsees 2242 BerberigenzRinde (DARI) ceseens 0 363 ” Samen (berries)..... 363 we Wirzel (root)......... 363 Bergamott-Del {oily psn Behn sipdenes] 652 MALTA = DiCLifie.... sovaasecanted.-.2-.-00 1460 Berg-Naphta (pure naphta)..... Berg-Peterjilie (leaves)........... 321 Berg-Peterjilien-Wurzel (root), 321 Berge Pfeffer 839 Berg-Thymian... Berge Mize ea bar bulers Rg hag a BVid-Beeren. BienenzKraut...... VienenzSaug, weif Sore), 1289 BienenzWads (bees wax)....... halt rita b> coniiencensiniics Maine ” jdlafmadendes.... oY 18 ‘), WEI PCS...js-je sewers | Bodsblut ( {dried goat’s bl he aes ae Bilfentraut-Samen (seed) ........ 1186 Bilfenfamten............ A SRN Re 1186 Bimjenftein (pumice stone)...... Binftein (pumice stone).s......... Birgele Rv aut ......ceeceeee Alas denyes 1483 Birlen-Wurgzelcerseseersencceereeeeees 1814 Warten sRinne sovcpsecepiteaasrvien sens 372 FURS Ei as sptvase stats 373 Bijan CTA IE )et anpiiiant2 os sire ae cuiltgns Bijam=Blatter (leaves).........ss0 may | Biram-RKorner (Seed) ........se00 2 Sriciiee Cotela Couper (seed)... 792 MORLLETZILCU ILL sca .n050.-hearvaes ee eudus 791 MUARLELCRELED io c0ssca<-.consen > Shieh deh 1481 Moabbe re Ol a ere wseenschs svi css eeph Sankt 2152 Bitterholz-Rinde (bark)............ 2152 BittersRinde, jamaifanijde......2152 ” mexifanifde........ 786 furinamijde.....-.. 2152 Bitter-Siistraut (herb)...... s+ 2178 Bitters Siifftengel (stems)...... .. 2178 = oy pébbeate ds essen 685 Watters Wurgel... ..udassyces avi ssdsvers 1050 Blad = 2 Fitdbein (cuttle fish DONC) issncscassncsssannateysstee native Blanfenuheimer Dhee........ $dbease 1023 BlafersGrittt......ccececssvevessdcose- LVL BlapenzsRir] ett ..n.cdc.ccvesesedsauses 1709 BlajeneSennes-Vlatter. sei gop p berg OO MAAOJENS LONG oad sass sibs aca snp tien dyson 1017 BlausVeerett............0 sceszlabbes 2377 PA OU OMS wiinans crnvs ose unsddatews te 1117 OL C1e IE UTI wis ince an colons set geht os wel 757 Pe cis Mur gel .n05, nse denspeiaditis achonp 1757 MLiG- Bul per ......590setlacts haces ...1403 BlodeBwitter .......cceecseeceeees 2462 Blutegel (leeches)........essseee-es WHEE G OLS \aasaceen-sss00ccehtup asset esRied 1117 Blut-Jgel (leeches)... gapitagrtarbs Blutkrauts Wurgel......-ceeeeeeeees 2041 BlutzSH WAM ......ceeesccveesoevee 396 Blut-Wurzel........ sonah ath erat 1814 canadijde Ran 55 2dbiy eK ..2041 y yee ae Pe he ntew geftreifte... ” sre Blige cdweetaax-s ” fc warge .......00ee ” WEL Cad aqictinssandive 1949 ” weife, holzige.... 565 ae twellenformige.....1949 Brenn-Borften........ »e-is 877 weeeennee INDEX. GERMAN COMMON NAMES. (IN GERMAN.) The numbers refer to the paragraphs, not the page, and to avoid unneces- sary repetition, the name will not be found reprinted in the paragraph to which it belongs, but the number refers you to that paragraph. Mbnreb urs MewSt2. Fs Ke; ....8 1634 Abrabamsftraud- Blumen (HOWGTS) ,.c0teeesoeee ee 2438 AWbhrabamsftraudsSamen (seed) 2438 MGOrvawid... ste wesdcs ee i BTN) 261 McacienzGummti......... a canauedensie 24 Weeleiz Blumen (flowers) ......... 222 Ader=Giinjel (leaves).............. 86 Wiley Galetti. cc. oscars cag miprcomarees 1280 ee TI i peepee ns sonacren gee 60 MolerzBluMre. ........cecccccessecscees 222 AdoniszWurgzel (root)............... 71 Udftringirende Rinde aus Braz PULTE |... EERE ea SEEINE. wc cwnncotes Mepfel, faure (sour apples).... es Net arian. (bark)........ 1875 ichenzFett (grayling grease Mfodil.. adh Ose 2 RE RE I ..-1558 PUTECLLOU sseccsnt-vanis canes a oeeeeeee2086 Agave, amevifanifde ............... 81 OS URUUA INE . csccvc casas 82 WHlfirjhen-Rinde (bark).......... 1835 Whorn-Blatter,geftreifte(leaves) 35 “ if rothe (leaves)... 33 Nhorits Rulers 208s ccssesvannncee 34 MlarrtsWrurgel.....ccereseeeees cers i! MlaunsWurzel...cccescseeecscceecess--LLH3 Mihanias Bou Zel. oa ccccco, anseocasesne 162 Mlfornoquerz “Aan Asana Lean. 432 Alelujabh... te seve 1636 Wilerlei- Gewwiir; MNS apanadu needle 948 Allermanns z Harnijgd = Burzel, fanae ot - - f ao — -- reer owen ree reeeverers oe 2UY PEMEET STOUT ccccsensscccccsensscces sas 162 Mrudorn, FHWATZEL.....eerceeeeeeeevee 341 WETBEL .2..00 .20000 ececeece+s-1450 Mugelitaz -Samten (seed )...... waaake 194 Wiurzel (root).........0 194 Angufturaz zRinde (bark)........... 1026 AngufturasRinde, falfde........... 2235 i » voftfarbiae.....2235 WUnime (gum)........ apsunsewargee dete 1183 Wirimes Harg..+--0 paths Sagurep Boer th 183 WniszSamen (seed) do chemmanawaatehes 1718 Wuthoranthe, mofdhusriedhende... 207 Apfelbaum-Rinde (bark)......... 1875 Avabifhes Gummi (gum).......... 24 Arabifeces Weihrauch........... 1259 My alic, WHEE scsce vzancseccen eee 231 Hens BURINOG caascacuahaayiens cee 233 Wrecanuy (Muss), ccswsasieess peccsewee 241 Arnifas Blatter (leaves)............ 256 » Blumen (flowers) ......... 256 14. OUT GCENTOOE) a cercsstecnsie 256 MrowSzWurzel...cecccegecesecescsseees 276 MN EVDO ATO onnc os crepes can-cinncaceapbhnl si bannep sie 2377 ABU CT 1111) Co conn o0ss-o0n -bedcd nga sopans 1108 Beben-Del (ben oil) ............... pe Haney (leaves) ......s000s00 273 Beifup=Wurgzel (TOOt)......... 22.002 273 HCifuse, DiItlLEL es nasi chines 2-b¥ 5225005 262 BeintwelleWurgel.......eeee eceeeeee 2253 PILIS = TI COLE.n 3c hb pitenes te s-- adzcerdee> 492 Bellavonuaz Blatter (leaves)....... 327 BelladonnazWurzel (root)......... 327 VenedictensWurjel.......cerseeeceeee 1067 Mer Cl=Straut 1... -csowcedsscme se daeus 1483 Berjzoe... weeveeeD24e Ber berigensRinde (bark) .. asienadas 363 " Samen (berries)...... 363 Wirzel (root)......... 363 Bergamott-Del toil) an nadepnd 652 Berg-Meliffe... xd ...1460 Berg-Naphta (pure haphta).. ane Berg-Peterjilie (leaves)............ 321 Berg-PeterjiliensWurzel (root). 321 OTE: O74 2 a Pee ee 839 Berge THYMIAM.....-rereeeeereerereee 43 oT TT ee i a 1460 BernhardinerzKraut.............-. 558 BGernftein (amber)............ceeeseee Bertrams-Blumen, twilde (FLOW. CTS) p< denser dp onpstinsed Uae ee - 41 Pertrams:Kraut (leaves)......... 41 Bertrams:Wurgel ..........-.00.eseee 153 ~ Si romijde......... 154 willbe -y...s.dis5 41 Beruf-Rraut - ahs atch’ «ich 55% Hanpps dt Gap 2140 oy CANAD HeS.........08 919 raucbaariges....... 2140 BefdhreieRr GUILE cansinatatetad)- selec 919 ABCTENO TILEY «od dtee-Fosntvien) «de-.p40e5 834 Bejenginjter-Blumen (flowers).. a CT ETT, i a Ra, FHS BetoniensRraut.....0.ceeeeeecccseveee 71 Bettlerlaus-Kraut............ 5 opts 2445 Beutel=-Beeren (berries) ......... 1715 WezoarsWrurgel.......cersisdesecenses 881 Bibergeil (castor).................. Bibergeil-Fett (castor grease). TD CY A BLOC, 1:20 sennpphodirdedtnnsad sts 1481 BVibernel=-Wurzel, + prope italien.2044 [eine ,, 1815 Bibernell-Rraut (leaves)...:...:. 1815 Wii = BD COLE ca ssenenanensebuciheen seed 2377 Bienenzs Rv whass sasssw-.ais nash andss dew 1464 VienenzSaug, weifer (flowers ),1289 BienenzWads (bees wax)....... + Seda: sis sieecoten alae 1186 ” {lafmadentes......1187 > WEIKCS.... less tas 1184 197 BilfentrautsSamen (seed) ........ 1186 SR ee 1186 Bimjenftein (pumice stone)...... Binftein (pumice stone).......... arr el SP aek sens sapactuchs 523-0540 1483 Birlen-Wurgzel.cveceees-nceereensans 1814 WirlernsMine ances veesdeccssnesrerews 372 Cre a 373 Bijam CIB IE) acnitesc20nietrad csiors Bijam=Blatter (leaves)..........s- 1 BiramzRKorner (seed) .............. Bijam-Melonen=Samen (seed)... 192 SOBELCTZLCUIEL oo... .000-btapvas sie adds 791 MURRLOL OLED iho. c0ven-sorcee--n Shite lane 1481 MIALEL KHOU G op cnscnpca ate. 4105s aspdbnnde 2152 Bitterholz-Rinde (bark)............ 2152 BittersRinde, jamaifanijde......2152 7 mexifanijde........ 786 furinamijde.....-.. 2152 Bitter: Siiffraut (herb)............ 2178 BVitter=Siipftengel (stems)...... ..2178 Bitter- ‘me sassasnnp icine Stet dee 635 BitterzWurgel......cccocoe---sessseesers 1050 pared itdibeit (cuttle fish DONG icc cncctornaesveanndceebassihe Blankeuheimer Thee.. a8 BL Ofer OKT ns. sonvectwenna csi desens BlafenzsRKivfdjen .....cceeeccsseeces Blajen-Sennes-Blatter............ 694 ASLQPONSL ONG 00 csnsivsesbs onasnstcnsdysse PILGI= TI CCCEM. «.., » -2-2- 2000-20 ob bes BON BONS sisansoange -ntptendblintew sir OE. ye he ae Pel eis Mur gel nnn jane Renae sibs ooh eb Lib Pulver ......:..ssctlsais Voo'ss559s lo sR Uther, snncandniens-n3uc specwwssi Blutegel (leeches)............0..--4. PRED ONS 1oiscceics rs nvnedtnytisert ia! Blut-Sgel (leeches) Blutfraut:BWurjzel...... af Bluts Schwa ...... cece eseseeseneee soediadmna enctaccenogsishdbenmatt LADUE. sseseenses 2041 Bodsblut (dried goat’s blood)... Bota Gos lias wid’ pwcadecadoaredsbveees 2086 BodkShornzeSamen...... 0... csweeeee 2336 Bodstalg (goat’s suet)............. Bod-Stordhichnabel .............-+- 1060 Boh wets RrAit.....-..200-e2-snaap ease 2064 DIG. sen adctsaiate bssibece>nasnear apestaite 103 eee ee eee eee eee ee Bolus. rotber (red bole)... weiper (white bole)... tee Boretid- -Blumen (flowers)....... 402 Boretid=Kraut (leaves)............ 402 BorneozCampfer (gum)............ 1302 BOVE osecdacwpseivonennn sot sts dine Rete 1399 Brand-Lattidblumen............0.. 2348 2348 BranudsLefaenEraut ......sceeeeeeee 2348 BrafilettozHols.......00. cevecceeeeees 442 Brajilienz Hol; .....cadsadscseddsseces 443 BraumwmurzeRrAut....ce.eeeeeeseeeeee 2091 Brayera, wurmtreibende.......... 416 Beech = Fai Cis ven csrcaeaansdel aces 2235 Bredh-Burzel, amerifanijde......1071 i Geringelte.......... 565 ” geftreifte nhinass dete 1845 ” meblige eecasecesences 1949 ” fcbwargje ............ 565 ” WE1f Cn dcadsdancesd cvs 1949 ” weige, bolzige.... 565 ” wellenformige.....1949 cee 877 198 INDEX.—GERMAN COMMON NAMES. Brenn- Kraut BrennzBWurzel Srenn-Cylinder (leaves) Brombeeren (berries) Brombeeren- Blatter (leaves) BrombeerenzsRinde yor] Brunelle, Bp y Brunnere refje Bruid-Burzel Srujtalent BrujtsBeeren, frangzofijdhe ” italientide ” Bucco- Blatter Bucdhampfer Bucdh- Blatter (leaves)............... 994 Budh-Hel (oil) Bud-Rinde (bark) Bucdh-Weigen (buck wheat) Biidjen=Vioos Budhus Blatter Butterblumen-Kraut oe age Butterblumen-Burjzel (root) .. BugsentlettensRraut Peraone stews RBurget BSyfjolith Cabarro-Rinde Caffee-Bohnen Cabinta- Burzel Cajenne-Pjeffer Cajeput-Hel (oil Cajeput).. . GailcedarzRinde CaincazBWurzel GalabarzBobne Calaguala-Burjzel Galambacz Hol; CalijayazCyma Campedhen-Hpl; Campbher (gum Canadifdher Ba Ganarienz-Samen GCandis-3ucder (rock nay Ganthariden (spanish flies) ... Cautdouc Cardamomen, grofe Lange cenloniide... wi tleine malabarifde 901 Cardamimlein 901 Cardo-BenedictenzKraut Sarobe.. 6650s Ae LIRR . 574 Caroey China Carvey-Rinde Carony-Rinde Caroten (root) Caroten-Samen (seed 7 Carpathiider Baljam (balsam).1724 CascarilleRinde 778 Caffawa-Starfe Cajjien-Rinde Cajftor-Del ~4 Cajtanien-Rinde, wilde (bark).. Catharinen-P 1832 Ceder-WAepfel (apples)... Ceder-Beeren (berries). Cedrelar-Rinde.. CedronsSamen . Ceylonifhes Moos Chabarro-Rinde......... Aarsy tut 432 ChiasSamen 2027 a. -Pfeffer inasRinde, braune Shira tine, elbe Chinas Burzel “si amerifanijae s) M ironSzRraut, dilefifes Chrijtophs-Rraut (herb jason , fa Chrijt-BWury ORCC OTR E He Bee eneeeeneee 1137 Cidorien-Rraut (leaves) Cidorien-Burzel (root) CitronensRraut .............08 bviesas BOR Citronen-MNiliffe Citronen-Del CitronensSaft (lemon juice) ... Citronen=Sdale (peel) Cocaz Blatter Codenille (Cochineal) Cocus- Butter (oil) Collinfonie, canadijde Collmar-Kraut Coloquinten ............. et BAaeks Columbo- Holy Columbo-BWurzel 677 - - cweriauitael .1007 -) ¥ Edje 226222 763 Copal (Copal)........eeeceeeceeeseeee CopaldhieRinde 786 Mhlrup aeae 739 Gubebensiiiefier a Sudbear .cseecessis.. sAOeMIhees 1316 Culilawan-Rinde, echte 635 ” ” papuanijde.. 638 Curcuma-Bu 806 Sepcrne en abmiarter Cypr =Hol; Pa mm Cypre sore ‘aut (herb) Cyprefien-Niiffe (nuts) CyprefjensRinde (bark) Dahs- Fett nome Dammar Datteln ( a Dbronatil (wood oil) Dictam-Burzel Dierville... 4 aaa vadeaa sestee Dill-Rraut (leaves). Dill-Samen (seed Diosmez Blatter... : DiptamsBWurjel ......cccececeeeseeses 859 Wet He. 5 .41.IRA 859 Dividibi-Bohnen ra ieae oe issbat DividibizSdoten. we eeneee Donner-Kraut...... bit ARe 2108 Dor flewic ..ibrbiinessiosénccises ane 1617 Doften, tretifdhe .......ccesseeeeee 1617 DojtenzKraut . +... 1620 DradhenzsBlut, oftindijhes Dragens Sop ramens Wt e eee eeeteeeeeee Dr a Ks ecvbebscscice 265 Drei alti eits-Rraut .... oe eee eee oes 2430 DruidensWMeHl ve seccevees cee server ene L408 See ee eee eeneee INDEX.—GERMAN COMMON NAMES. Diirr-BWury . Diirr ite sky “gropes... leines .. Durhored-Rraut Durdbredh-Samen DurdhwahszKraut Durdwadhs-Samen €bher-Rautenfraut Gber-Gjfdenrinde Cber-Wur; Sber-Burzel Goler Gamanbdet.................208 2284 EdellebersKraut (leaves)............1145 GvdelleberzRKraut-Blumen (flow- ‘ela Chrenpreis GibenzBeeren (berries) Ciben-Blatter (leaves) Siena (wood) CibenzRinde (bark) Gibijm-Blumen (flowers) Cibifh-Kraut (leaves) Cibifh-BWirzel (root) Gideln (acorn) GCimeln-Caffee (acorn coffee)... CidensBlatter (leaves) Cidhen-Nijtel, edte... CidenzRinde, rothe (bark).. weige (bar Gidotter (yolk) Gier-Sdalen (eggs shell)... inborn (yolk) Gifenbart Gijenbut-Blatter (leaves) Gijenbut-Wur je! (root) +) an a (leaves) Ginoeis (white of eggs) Elemi (gum elemi) ElephantensLauje, oftindijce ....2107 ik * wejtindijd@e.2107 Glfenbein (ivory) {dhwarzgebranntes (black ivory Elfenbein, teiggebranntes (white burnt ivory) Endivien-Kraut (leaves) EndivienzWurzel (root) Engels-Vliimden ome Engeliiip-Wurzel Engeltwur; EngelsWurzel bt) Enten- Fett (auek Seta} LI Entenfus- Rurzel Da ene a rothe re fdwarge ........ 1340 id weitfie 1296 = pape (berries) Epheu-Blatter ot Epheu-Gummi (gum) Erd-Aepfel ErdzVirnen GErobeersBlatter (leaves) Erdbeer=BWurjzel (root) Erde, nen Grbz Scheibe Erd-Sdierling Erd-Weihbraud Grlenz- Blatter (leaves) ErlenzsRinde (bark) », amerifanijge Giden- Blatter (leaves) €jidenusBlumen (flowers) Ejdhen-Rinde (bark) chens-Stengel (stems) Gjelinnenu-Mild® (ass’s milk)... GjelSvijtel-Rraut (leaves) Gjelsvijtel-Wurzel (root) Gjelshuf-Blatter, Gfelshui-Blumen Ejelshuf-Wurgzel...... jms zis si! 2348 Gjenbeds-Rinde GifigeRofenblatter Gftragou Cretan. (gum adenlad arrenfraut-Burzel weiblide ... patter Ginjterfraut warberzsKreuzdoriubeeren dirbers Ref eda even PAE Ei + ajel, judende ulbaum=Beeren (berries) aulbaum-Rinde (bark) ederglaun (asbestos) ederzs Har; edermeif y Gaaentost e elo-Garbeblumen (flowers) eld-Garbefraut (leaves) eld-Riimmeltraut elb-MoHnblumen (flowers)...... eld-Mingze 1 eldzRitteriporn-Rraut .......... eldzRitterfporn=-Samen elozTbymian gelfen-dior siigetctie endel-Rraut (leaves)... 7 endel-Samen eary2) endel-BWurzel Seer eteute a peer Rr aut root) enersSadivamm idten-Blatter (leaves) idten=Gummi (gum)............ 3 idtenzRinde (bark) iedher-Rr ieber-Rlee FiebersRinde, merifanijme. ...... 786 ingerbut-Slimen (flowers)..... 863 ingerbut-Rraut (leaves 63 ingerbut-Samen (seed Bite He weifes (cuttle fish esi -Leim (isinglass ‘ amerifanij@er (Amer- ican isinglass) age ah (sperm oil) lads-Rr 200 INDEX.—GERMAN COMMON NAMES. LAG Ss Sa rmest oaicvcessess'sccendnrscens 1364 lafcenzRiirbis-Samen (seed) .. 796 lattersSimjenzBurjel...........- 1255 Lechten=Wurgel.....ccecccccecceseees 1265 Le blumenzRraut ....ccceereererene 2206 led-Qungenfraut.......ccee ceeeee 1854 lieder-Beeren (berries)...,......2038 fiedere Blumen (flowers)... 2038 liederz Mu (JUICE)....cscceneeeves 2038 liedereRinde (bark)..........-.-+- 2038 liegen, fpanijce (spanish flies) Locdenz Blumen ....cccssecessevesesee 561 F fegens@cseuling ponkeuvaastils adegahe 1399 LOM ORT OUT... cocsevnnoncannsbdbssiiies 726 ja amevifanijcdes ...... 1121 MlObs Same... ...scseccenceecraceestere 1751 gloventinifie @ Peis ene DUAR 1232 yluge Harz ok 1183 sontaned es zGrbfen. vaneth aspepasteses sbep “1032 rangojenz Hols . esse L105 eransolens 2 Hol%z - Sunn. 1105 ranzofenz sss lahat tap 1105 rauensDoft.. ” 1620 Frauets Haar. Ee dexpenl) vee rauenz iftel-Samen.. or . 502 rauenbaar, nordamevitanijdes 69 ” HGH CB ising dc senp'e acre 309 ” fdhwarges OOF: ” WEB CS ....2-siiddaassisa 307 meite EM ante. .ssxeisor edd astaes ed 92 TANENsSHuh........-0pssieiecebovee-ctes S20 srauen-Burpel be eo sspe get ames 545 Ve AMRTAUt .....ceeeseseeceweseenee 2436 Srofchldfiel-Wurgel.-..coccccccscce 99 uds-Fett (fox grease).......s06 5 ped era ene DE aLRe (berries).1663 Strauben-Kraut (leaves).....1663 Strauben=Wurgel (root)...... a i ffingerzRraut 0... cece 181 PLD NUIT gow casei’ dew ge tdowsn's tole Galgant-Wurzel............. .. era amevifanijfder GMM eiiel -xnsisincnne -nneneopnssi bee ii Chine fifche... cece DEULTGIE op erweidd ete bphies Gallus, ANDUMCLi:>-->, eased so Gamanber, ODE CMs eca ide otelathes Hines 66 Gamanderlein... sige scenes Sits Gambeer (gambir) . en rer, eee nt a (gambir)... bys Riis dita tele s ail Saha bin w #0 Ad e's sen 486 Ganesdiiels Renae glattes ......2192 raubhes........ 2192 GantezRett ‘(goose ZTeAaSe).. ....0 Gan oor, woblriechenbder .......1590 GanjezPappelbluinen (flowers)..1433 tl i ar ap (leaves)......1433 Ganje-SaHmals (goose grease).. POV ARCIA: « dv vevnveeceh) cua sip seen s56: 1968 GarteuzUrtijcdote... pated onpided ae Garten-Bibernell= 2fraut(leaves)1815 Garten-Bibernell-Krautwurgzel EMOOUD ss osdbadadsdepronresorabdtbods ee 1815 Garten-Gleife {leaves sesixi Sesee 77 GartensRirbel l€AVES).....cs00-000 208 Garten-MohnsSamen (seed):.. “1655 Garters Rartte......cscecveceeeeecsoee 1998 area LAS viva sscdecdier neces hiner 1282 GartenzSalatfaft......cceseecerees 1282 GartenzSdharlad-Rraut.. 2033 GartensTHYMian.....sceereeeeceeeeee 2311 RUE G IO can ciiar. occtesphncedockasash ; 261 GROMEEIETL 4 cok icyceresatesd-tesent Sle 261 Gaucdh-Heilfvaut, blaueds ......... 157 Gaud=Heiltraut, rothes....... 156 Geduldampfer-Wui jet aptesesse 1.1992 Gei oie LRORIN ) snnaackaoumiane Geipoart-Bl iithen (fluwers)...... 2214 Gerpolatt.a..)... dita eddeowres ELH AGC. 5.22. sysnwusepiver papsesteses im canadijde .......... Hajenohr-Kraut ” HajenohrzSamen (seed) Hajen-Pappelfraut (leaves) aubedel-Rraut (leaves) yaubecdelsWurzel (root) jajpel-Wurzel aujenzBlaje (isinglass)........... ‘4 amevifanifcbe (Amer- ican isinglas HaufenzBlafe, ruj isinglass) Hauszauch Heiligegeift- Burzel eile diel : yeil-Rraut (leaves) eiligenz Holz (chips) eiligenbolz-Rtnde (bark) eileRraut, gemeines HeileWurzel HelmzRraut Mi feitenbliithiges ...... 2097 elmbujd-Burzel emlod-Del yerbjt-Rojen (flowers)........00 121 erbftzeitloje- Blumen (flowers), 688 HerbjtzeitlofesSamen (seed) 688 Herbjtgeitloye-Wurgzel (root) 688 errgotts-Biartlein.........00...:.2214 ergehreund 299 erzgelpannsRraut 1326 Herz-Wurzel HeuzSameu, griechijder ..........23% HerenzRKraut ..: pnt MRE art ete pimbeerent Himbeerenz Kraut (leaves) Se eu (flowers) immels-Seliifjel (flowers) Hindlduft-Wurzel (root) Hindlaujt-Wurzelfraut (leaves). 612 Sulecean’ saab dnt Lovaas iBesds 1400 irjhzHorn, gebrauntes 53 Toincragehtbuneeh (ivory black) Hirfdh-Klee Bisho> sail fo war3zes........ 134 iB 1296 ” ” +8) Hiridhyungen-Kraut Hirtentajdel-Kraut Eh aol 4111 4 | a Se ee 1654 e Sep nome en apa odefhen-Rinde Hohe} HenzStengel Hobl-Beeren HohlzBWurszel pret oldersBeeren (berries) Holder-Blumen (flowers) Holder Bliithen (flowers) Holder-Rinde (bark) HollunderzBeeren (berries) HollundereBlumen pha ollunder2Bliithen (flowers)..... ollunderzItinde (bark) ollunderzSdhiwamm opfensSeide, europdtide ornfleesGamen uanucoz@ hina Huflattid=Bluimen (flowers) Huflatti=Rraut (leaves) Duflattid)=Wursel (root) undsgraszWurzel undsfobhl-Wurzel ” ” ba Hundstiirbjen-Wurzel 202 INDEX.—GERMAN COMMON NAMES, undseMelde wid$zPeterfilie (leaves) undszItoje wunds2Wiirger undsz;ungensWurzel (root) undSszungensKraut (leaves)... 14 ml Balfam (Hungarian alsam) HuigerzKorn ithnersDarm, rother iibnerzlee iibnerzRobhl HiilieneBlatter (leaves) ........... 1201 Hoyffop 1197 SabovandieWurgel Saen-Cbhina, blafje ateflapat Salape, brafilianijde... nw indianifde » leidte » hat elfirmige alapenz Murzel amaifanifder Pfeffer asmineBlumen ayes agmin-Del (oil)... ate. apanijde Erde bifh2-Blumen (flowers) Sbijdh-Kraut (leaves)............ wbijdh-BWurzel (root) xe langer je Lieber ejuiten=-TDhee Sgnatius-Bohuen, Smmorteller Sudianiider Baljam... Tabak syndigesteaut deutj}ches ndigo (indigo) areiicae Blatter ” Sugwer sha zRlauen njectensPulver, perjifmes..... peak het Sobannisbrod Rsanwegiewion (leaves).. ...... obannisgitrrel=Wurzel............ pe bit Aes annis-Rraut obannts-Lrauben ohanunis2Wedel SohanrissWurgel .......cceeecseeee Ria orb -eMandeln... oN Reta eS Movs rlandijdes Perlmoos Slidifces Moos Sucende Fajel udasobr udendorn=Beeren udenzRirfden (berries) udenzPech (mineral tar) udenzWeihraucdh Sujuben SioaraiicuiaeWBirgel. (flowers) Kalberfropf-Kraut 2 abe ar adit a Serna. ers) RKaspappel-Kvaut, grofes (leaves Kaispappel-Kraut, fleines (leaves) 1433 Kaispappel-BWurjzel, frobe (ros eeseeeee 434 RalmudetBuryel KameelzHeu Kamillen, gemeine vonrifde Ramipfer-Rr aut ip Randelz 2DBijch KannenzKrvaut Kanthariden (Spanish flies) Kappern (buds KappernzRinde (bark) .......... ; Kardamimlein 90 Kartoffel-Mebl Kartoffel-Starte KascarileMinde Kaftanien, wilde Kagenz Gamander RKagenz-Krautlein Kagenminge Kageupfothen, gemeines (flow- OTS) -issedentee’ $s 1081 Kagentwedel KagenzWinryzel Kellerhals-Korner (seed) Raw az Wurzel....ceccccccecseeecseeeeee Kermesz-Beeren KermefiensBeerent KerzenzRKraut (leaves) Kerzentraut-Blumen (flowers),..2401 KefieleBeeren 2378 Keufhlammz Blumen Keujdhlamm=sSamen KieferneSprofjen r KiensOel (oil from different spe- cies of Pi 1738 KielfronenzWurzel Kinder-BWurgzel Kino (gum Kirjden, ped Ta — 2Norbeer mBliiter (leaves). isi enzStinbde, wilde... enzStengel Mes Mae Ladetardead ; ichenrjtiele pti erfdlangensBurzel , ; “fawarge 616 Klappe Rofen (flowers). 1658 KlatiheRojen (flowers)... KlauenzFett (neatsfoot il)... HKleberRrAuUt.......eeeee wovvdh WW aeneue 1027 eeeeeeeee skin eife.. sent eeeeeree Kleee Sure (oxwlid acid).. veondlba Kletten-Kraut, tleines wae .2445 RAletteneGamen (seed). vs . 237 RKlettenzWurgzel (root) .......000- QT RKlopfePulver.... See ee eneeeeenees wees .1403 Knoblauch. SRO C CRC e meee e HEHE EE EEE Ee ee Knoblaud=-Gamander.....eeeee Kleez Blumen, hc INDEX.—GERMAN CoMMON NAMES. Kuoblaudh Hederid KuopfeTang Kuoppern, unnatiirlide KnoppernzErtract Knorpeltang Kocel-RKoruer Kohlflet=Blumen KolbenzMoos, gemeines Koloquinten Konigsz China-Rinde Konigsfarrnz Kraut KonigsfarrneBurzel KonigSskerzen-Blumen (flowers)2401 Konigskerzen:RKvaut (leaves).....2401 KorallenzMoos 730 RKorallenzFledte Kovallenz Burjzel RKorbel-RKraut (leaves) iy 1, jpanifdes (leaves)1547 RKovbele-Samen (seed 208 H » Apanijder (seed)1547 RKorfel-Rraut (leaves) 208 Korn Rofen (flowers) Gath Bak ornzSapfen Korte Hol; Kojjo Koujjo KougozBlumen Kourbarill- Harz (gum anime)... Krad-Mandeln (softshells) Kraft-Wurzel, indianijde.........1 KvGhemzWuUqert...... ccecessesceseceeee 2235 Krammetsz-Beeren KrampfzRrvaut Krapp2BWurzel Kragk-Bohnen KvaufemingezRKraut KrduterzWieberice Krebsdijtel-Kraut (leaves)........ Krebhsvijtel=Wurgel (root)......... Krebs-Wurzel KreidezNagelein SKretijde Doften KreuzgblumenzKraut, bitteres..... i ry = gemeines... Kreuzblumen-Burzel Kreuzdorn=Beeren (berrivs) KreuydorneRinde (bark) KreuzdorneSaft Kreujdorn-Syrup (syrup). KreuzzKiimnrel RVONSHW CELE. Bib ilenct=2..000.255-- : Kropf-Wurzel Kropj=Wurzel-Rraut (leaves)... Kiihen=Sdelle 1 {chivarze Krup dirn Tuhu KubheRraut Kuhborns Samen fhwarzer Kiimmel-Samen KuniguudenzKraut | Ruff Kuzenelle (Cochineal) KiihnjdhotensBlumen RKiittenzRerne ...... Beardbtnsita wa ssathe Kiirbig-Samen Lab-Kraut LabzKraut, qelves (ot ae psiamaned 5 LampensRup (lamp black)....... LajerfrautsWirzel 1 Lattic Gatti, Saft attic), ftinfender........ 1283 il 1280 QauszKorner Vauje-Rorner LadujezSamen Lavender-Blumen Lebens-Baum Veberflettens KRvaut...........0. ; LebersThran (cod liver oil) Levervz Harz LeineKraut LeinzRKuchen (expressed Linseed) Veins Samen Rein = Samenz Mehl Minseed powder) LendenzsWurzel LerdhensShwamm VibidibizBohne............. LibidibieSchoten Lidht-BlumenzsBWurgzel ieberjde Krauter Viebfrauenbett-Stroh Niebjtscdel=Rraut Liebjtidel-Samen Liebftdeel-Wurzel Lilienz Blumen, tweige (flowers) Lilienftaub-Beutet, weife ViliensWurzel, blane ” werpe (root) Linden=sBliithen (flowers “ ohne (without leaves) LobelienzRraut LobeliensWurjzel (flowers) LV ffel-Kraut Lo ffel=-RKrefje Lopez BWurzel LorbeerzBlitter (leaves) Lorbeerz Butter (expressed oil)..1307 Lorbeeren (berries) 1307 Lorbeer-Del (expressed oil) Lorbeerweiden-Rirde LVoherz Pilg Lo wenblatt-Wurzel Lo wenfupeRKraut (leaves) Ldwenmaul LungenzFledte Viungen=VNtoo0s LungenzKraut Lycopodium Magellanifde Rinde MagensKalmus MagensWurzel MagiftrangeWurgel Mag-Samen, icdtwarzer.... ny weifer MahagonizRinde MableRKraut MaizBlumen (flowers) Maize Gloddhen (flowers) 204 INDEX.—GERMAN COMMON NAMES. PPrerrerrereererrr ett erie MAPOLAN.........--neennsssssnncsssbavnsss SB . -ADUDEL, .....conssanneasnohiets j MPI Mich)....-----nenesoverves onde cress Malar DosR de ....seeceecsaeceece ree Mea lagucttas Ppeppevicesceeerserreeee Made lit, VitLere.....-reeeee renee: see Mandel-Bliithen (blossoms) 146 147 Mandel, jitge nau cod MOTI Sesebee. . dbp 147 Vangel-Burjel evan sasstedsteh--<=* Manjot- Starfe (tapioca)......... 1248 DRAM SEVEN oc atineenvangcck 3¢ sgh 928 Marien-Baljam.......-.-sti het MarienzBlatt (leaves).......00... 1866 Mariendiitel-Kraut (leaves)... » 802 Mariendiftel-Samen (seed)...... Moarienwefjel.....csseese- 2082 REACT AL GUL. .....-0-pacertetiiartreed 1036 Mebhldorn-Bliithen (blo-soms)... 773 Mehl=Mrrttern.ce. ..cdevsssncace even’ 2086 erhecs era ee | Melde, Pete ale dices waing oad 597 MelequettasPfe jferv.......-eeeseeeeee 138 WRCE 6 nase dhasw eases bs duaegsfe -aagateay 1464 SAAT EN CiGerniseane -=nsed9s seereaee 837 MeerturinSeRrArt......ccecee eee cece 1483 MetalijtasWBurgel......cceeeeseeee 1502 QR CEET 8 5 de castes Lp cae eden smdanaies 1864 Merxifanijhe BittersRinde......... 786 Mexifanijhes WArqemone......... 243 Mexifanijhes TraubenzSraut... 590 QRREEE. TOLDE.... ..soncan- odewwseliseoepye 1 Milehsucer (sugar milk) Milblumenz=Kraut........0. ~ MIS Hrures Witter. cccecsercessvseeeeee ” BLCE «cp coochnwinnt ced cop's WUC cies cescecenccscnrandmencal Mi astis IRS ROG iene onan conplei neta se nd Mittagsblumens Kraut .......--- Sinners chadh ietpepandsens< -o0r Mode rts Gewiir}...---seeveceeeeeneceees Mobhn-Blatter a kesl site snp @acl MohuzExrtract (opium)...:........ MohnzKannen (heads)...........+-. MohnzRKopfe (heads)..............-. eee, fowarzer ies oovononaksdas padinbinketdd) ” (leaves) Sanctinese zRraut, fleineds S ierling3-Gamen.. biti Silfrohr-Wurzel, gemeine... Schlangentz Hol; ........ meas best'gees: SchlangenzWurzel me virginijce.. Saleen wnccawh y3 thal reat ven “18, SchlehenzBliithen Sdling-Bohnen SeHliifjel-Blumen (flowers) Shlijjel=BlumenzBWurzel (root) 1822 Sept Oemte 1316 SahmeerzWrurgel...ccocevscceccsrreeee 2253 Swdmergel (emery) ost rai blaue Fee het tee (emery) Sechneerofen-Bliatter... fibiriide... "1930 SGhsu-Rraut (leaves) S@olltrautz heh er oe ane Swiittgelb be a bea (black pitch) hwalbenzRraut SdhwalbenzBurzel furafjavijde.. 285 Sénimne ‘(sponges) twarg-Ritmmtel......00- ashi dones Sdhwarz-Burgzel Sdwefel Memelanes Sch wefel-Wurzel... Sa@weinebrodz 2Wurgel... Sdhweinstod Saweinefendhel-Wurzel. Sdwindjudts- pouraclag Scorjonerz presiveees Sebejten... adele «at aes Sehms3z 2Blitter.. SeezCidhe Seidelbaft-Rinde (bark) Seidelbajt-Wirael (root) Seifen-Rraut ate) Seifen-Rinde (bark) SeifensBurzel (root) daigyptinde indijde Hy | Ses iper hiial weife... Sellerie-Samen......... Sptitiche toeaeh Semeleb... Senegal- Gummi (Senegal gum), SenegazWurgel...... 0. Gene pe se ae Senf, qriiner... ” Givin atiaen: pe alerandrinijde.. 519 Sefam- Blatter 2127 SejamzDel (oil) SevenzBaum Siebenfingerfraut-Burzel Siebenzeit Siegsmtars:Burzel Sienna (SENNA) .....eeceeeeeeseeeeee Sietgelb....... nhs» iain Q4ed Seni 86 pabbie 1913 Sing groges... leines 208 INDEX.—GERMAN COMMON NAMES. GSintoceRinde...........0.ccceeeeeeee 637 Smirgel (emery) ...-....e-eeeeeeeee SonnenzsROSHeEN ........ecveeeeeeeees 1126 SomnnensTHAU ...-eeeeeseeseeevseeceees 889 Sommer=Biviebeln..........-----000. 108 SOOdsVBrodessvonseed WLAN 574 SophiensRraut.....-ceee ee ceeeeeerees 100 Goudanifdhe GelbeRinde........... 684 SOUlitts.ccssscsasvsessABWAKwsltn? 728 evbsictedondee MANU 728 Soymida-Rinde 4) HAMA aH 2246 Saaetaes Fliegen (spanish mer Spani of ming wn AIRTEL Tie 617 v3 er Deb svss.cisssasnssantee 1347 9 renee alia 1547 EHS 41 RSE Spanij e Rohe Burgel (root)... Sparge ence Spagen-Wurjzel... SpedeMel de... cee -eeeeeee Spedht-Wurgel..........-- cere eee SpedliliesBlumen...............000 1385 Spebrtraut-Wurgel...........-.e 2388 Speichel=Wurgel...eceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2052 Speidel-RKraut... « Joeeee2052 Sperm-Del (sperm Oil)... at S oo yee zRKraut, brajilianiz Preererieereerri tiers ei) PPeTereeeeiiri tite eee ie Spiegeliens Aurel, brajil’jde...2204 SpiegelienzWurjel, marylandi- SR Se TTT ECTS Spif-Blumen (flowers)............ 1309 Syif-Del (spike mi WASMATILIIS SpigtlettenzKraut ( co bet ..2445 Spinnenbdijtel-Kraut... Jie S668 Spring-Gurte............ Gitta ited 1510 1 Shay, -@urten-Ertract,j war er (black elaterium) ........... 1510 Spring-Gurten- Extract, weifer (white elaterium)............... 1510 Spring-Kdruer, tleine (seed)..... 974 SpriteGurle......cecescecreereeceneee “1510 StabeRraut........ccecceeceseececcenre 261 StabwurgeRraut........eceeeeeeeeeee 261 Stabtwur3-Weidlein .. weeeee 2049 Sto clue Som (leaves) conchae 845 Stadhelnug-Samen (seed)........ 845 Stab up um Ga wWeg.......--eeseeeres 2412 Stallfraut-Wuryzel... oi StaphadriaussS Samen. _ Stangentslad........ceecseeeeeeeeseers nga ig (sulphur in Stérte (starch).........ceeees-eee 712 Start-Mebhl (starch).......-......- 712 amerifanijdes....... 1436 Starte- Gummi (glucose) ......... SicduelcLeamne (leaves)......... 845 Stedhapfel-Samen (seed)......... 845 Stedpalmenzs Blatter (leaves) ...1201 StedheWurgel....cseee vcesceccereeseeee 928 StehsWurzel..ccccrcovecvecocovsescorve 4 Steinbeeren= Blatter (leaves)... Steinbredh-Wurzel, rothe......... e710 Seins Rel. ..suvrevrcsvwsevrersssecisiae 1459 blawer ite atec ik 1458 SteintobleneDel ‘(ool oil)........ Steinlinden- Blatter (leaves)....1703 a oy Ee (bark)........ 1703 SteineDel (rock oil)................ - rotheS (red rock oil) » weifes (white rock oil) SteintsRofe...6...0 AACR 1129 Steinpeterlein-Wurgel............. 1720 SteineGame......cccceseccceceereeees 1371 Steinwurzel-RKraut...... ... 83 StephanSzRGrner ..........- 00. eeeeee 852 Sher nati8.6- 0s IRIR bo. ccccdnak a Sterndiftel-Blumen (flowers)... Sterndijtel-Rraut (leaves) ....... $59 Sternleber-Rraut........ PABAILIG 299 Sternleber-MooS............... 1437 Sternz=Samen.....2......cccseeeseeees 1208 Stid-sWurgzel...... 256 Stiefmiitterden-RKraut............. 2436 Stinlafart..c...s..06ss lle... 1563 Stint-Ramillen........ ee 1440 Stintwadbolder-Rraut............ 1260 Stinfender Vattic).......... ese. 1283 Stinfende Melde.....c 597 StodsVadsecacTd WR cess neise Stod-Rofen (flowers)... : Stoedas, arabifder...........ss00 Storar-Baljam (liquid styrax)2244 oe fefter secre BIR 2244 fliiffiger(liquid sty rax)2244 a ee (false storax).. — Stord=-Schmabel..........ceeeeeeeeve 057 pada rR S| ee 1014 1403 acay Staanliae 48 Stiilten-Wurgel GAD db 1067 Succade _Kcogares Poel)... 654 See HeewANIi RG... nncconwes 1206 SHBG Ola ...sciviserceewnissrscesb bbe 1077 Sipholg-Saft...cccccccecseessseccees 1076 Siiftlee-Blumen..... ee 1382 Sata). cccssoccaswevvesssswsdeevtees 1935 SGumadzBeeren (berries)......... 1935 Sumadh- Blatter aoowedl Luc Atel Sumad-Rinde (bark).............. 1935 Sumpfbalorian-Wurzel............ 2385 Sumpfbaarjtrang-Wurzel......... 1694 Sumpfnelfens Wurgel .............. 1066 SUMP (PO fbr we FRAUEN 1319 SumpfeSpiriie........ sc ceeeseeeseees 2214 SureneRiNde.....-eeeceeseeseeedercceee 2246 rw: 4 (MO]ASSES).......eeeeee .--2004 Taba seuthutiebes sbisasnighadie iene 1374 Tabate-Blatter, maryldndijde..1580 tiirtij@e.......... 1579 virqmifde TabernamontanazRinde. Tacamabac (gum)............ GartelsVad..cses :sccvewavenseddagesies ald (French chalk) .............. Talh-Stein (French chalk)..... Talf€ (French chalk)..............4. Tamarind etic Ww 2259 TamariftensRinde, deutfcbe a ssrwsileececcanedishbsenanie 1 — ten-Rinde, franzofijde ar CORRE E Ee CR RENE EEE e ee eee eene Tapioca sae ewseedered awetelee Tajdhen=Beeren veg “ams ow: enbeeren-Wurzel (root).....1715 nefjele-Blumen (flowers).. .1289 couben Rorbel bticrmneeiy ti PALES TaubensKraut.... pete et ge eee Sibae us (leaves)... eee eeewe jiileaddaxt 1289 INDEX.—GERMAN COMMON NAMES. 209 TaufendgiildenzKraut........ Pisses 602 LaujendgiildenzRraut, amerita- MTD ED hice Bb do oays bp eo asa res 5008 a65 2001 TaujendmannsWurgel......e sees 248 Taxus: Beeren CITIES) ...+...000 2267 Tarus- Blatter saver) idanzvabace 2267 Tarus- “Gols (wood 25 pe cee Bissanten 2267 Taxrus-Rinde (bark)......... Teese 2267 Terpenthin, caneribgiihes Sauk ine 1725 ee canadifder (balsam fir) 3 Oo et carpatbijder (bal- alae LINC). esse sd etedycesh sgteiskiecenasncns Lerpent in dicer (turpentine) 1728 vi a ’ harter (white hard turpentine) alight Heb PER SES Eee =a 1725 HEP R ER eRe ee EER OT EO EEES HERE E Eee eeee Serpeoibin, ftragburger (tur- PODEINE) .-- <0 0c .cctesdsobenieswaesees Terpentin, venetianifdher (Venice turpentine)............ Terpenthin-Del, gemeines (tur- iS ee ee ee ee TeufelSabbip-Rraut (leaves).....2076 TeufelSabbip-BWurzel (root)......2076 TeufelSaugensRKraut.......-..-reeee- 1186 PewjelS=Dre....dicanssesilergsaddeers 1563 MietrpelSz Mii fje... .spusssiscssasteecpess 2326 Thee, CANADA EL....cserereseeereeeee 1042 a. | eee a onbaseeeties 2300 » Nabrabor... « buexhsp hts «A OEZ FRNOOCA EY ods otis scg shes dd 2299 Cheer, jdwarger (tar)... » oeifer (white tar)........ Theer-Del (oil of ir): aenbaabfieoee Theriaf-Wurzel... ao seenectsves 2OGO A ee res mee 1282 pO OT ae oer ee oe ey 2311 n Pi ee ae 2310 Bigs Sei de... is: cecicdessgsichone-0-, 810 Todten-Blume (flowers)........... 460 Todtenblume-RKraut (leaves)..... 460 TodtenfopfeW008.........2-eeeeeeeeee 1134 Tollbeeren-=Rraut.........eseceeeeeees DHUl=| Kraut. .<..00..0.0ssuse0 ee Tollfraut-BWurgzel (root)... TolltirfdhenzKraut...........-. Tollforbel-Kraut (leaves) Tolu-Baljam (tolu balsam) .....1546 Tonfa-Bobhiues..........0-reeeeeeeeeee 872 BHVinanrbur........0..0...-sdderavonens 1128 Tormentil=Wurgzel........eeeeeeeree 1814 PONTE LOU s wes andan cnt dexscndcaaccstacizs 788 Traganth (tragacanth)............ Traganthz-Wurszel (root)... . 316 TraubernfarrirRKraut........0...000- "1633 TraubentirjdhensRinde (bark)...1835 TraubenzKraut, gemeines......... 593 TraubenzKraut, merifanijdes... 590 Wtaubems Vad... scicec vivssesveJece 96 TraubenzsHuder...........s00. sse.veee 2440 Trompeten=Wo0G...........cecceeveee 657 TulpenbaumeRinde......0. eee 1368 TuntasBoHnent.....eeecccceeeeecees 872 TurbithzWurgel......eeeceeceereen 723 Vitrbijche Meliffe......cecseeeeeeeeeee 887 Tutia, alerandrinifde (tutty)... » praparirte Siar WlmmenzsRinde........eevceee oe UlmenzSpirae SS ITIGE.
Veildhen-Blumen (flowers)......2432 BeilchenzHolZ....ccreceecseees vesseosee 1232 VeildhensSHivamm...........eeeee 398 Veilden-Wurzel (root)............ 2432 floventinijde....1232 Venus. -Baat deveevesanns, evBatet bate 68 WerunyftcRraut....eccasecracqatsbaw 156 Betiver=Wurjel........cceeeee veeeces 178 ; . RR EAA nace 321 Biolen (HOWOTH).....ctsessbiabeow nie 2432 Bogel=Beeren.....reescssreeeeeeee 2197 VogelbeerbaumeRiude...........0. 2196 Bog els Vetwtadavsiscsh dgseetannntdeath 1201 Bogele=Seidecccersa..con switserseuchised 811 BogeleSporn: ....- ssssecunpesedeessee 2086 SE Oe Re, See ee 1257 tiirfijce...... 1259 Pahholder- Blatter (leaves).....1257 BWadhbholder-Gummi (gum). 12 Wa econ. (wood)... RWadhholderzSaft (juice)... a8 Wad holderzeSpigert.....ssseceees Wacds, gelbes (bees wax)......... ww =japanijdhes (Japan wax)2229 » tweifes (bleached wax Wadhsmyrtel- Blatter (leaves)...1537 a ga tg One is (bark)........ 1537 PROD sx anresesctdad lag blss per: 1913 aigencetdate (starch).....0..se08 WaldbingeleRraut.........ceseeveees 1484 WaldfarrnzWirgel ...............0. 303 Salvba har eh tweiffer........ 186 Waldhahnenfup-Blumen........... 186 Waldmetfter..........0. cccceceseseceee 299 PBWaldliliensBlumen......... 1382 PRQIDsMNINGC.. cenesserscann vinpsssBavebe 1475 Walnadt dhattenchcaut COMES innshaprdee ges. sckscecuasss 327 Waldneffel-Kraut, enh beh ose 2219 Wealb=Wehe.....:.caracve ice ebdanddencd 661 WalbsStrol).... vccavcdsssebsjoeeen cea 1036 Wal ds Wollesicsssissys. sigseswdoase 1728 WaldwollzCrtract (extract).....1728 BWaldiwoll-DHel (oil)...............08 1728 BWaldwinde- Blumen ....... bye Wallfiidh=-Fett (whale oil) Wall-Riijje (walnuts)...........5 AF unreife (unripe wal- WES) ces awsnwccrenseteeaesatecnie 1 BWallnug- Blatter (leaves)......... 1253 BWallnupe Scale, griine (shucks)1253 Wallrath (spermaceti)............. Wallrath-Hel (sperm oil)........ Marnrd=Fledhte....ssseesseces serveres 657 Barger Revut (leaves): «isis 460 Warzenfraut-Blumen were < Wafdh-Kraut (leaves).......... 052 aatde a me a9 (sponges)...... Wafdh-Wurzel.......ececcreccesseereree 2052 WafferzaWndorv......eceseeececccaceeee 1409 Wa ffery oft. .naradavsssssws ddgisevenes . 957 WafferdirreWurg.....ceeeeeecesseers 379 Wajferfendhel-Rraut (leaves).....1595 Wajjerfendhel-Samen (seed).....1595 WajerhanfeRraut.........cecsecees 957 burdiwadfenes 962 BWa erhanfeBWurzel Sapecb bake ethan 957 Waffer=Rlee........seeeee id Bay ereRrefie Scaboonnathneeche Wafferkropf-RKraut ( leaves) ¥ Palectilien wuts (root) WafferliliensWurgel..........00 — 1584 INDEX.—GERMAN COMMON NAMES. Waffer-Nilffe Paffer|dierlings-Rraut (leaves) 614 PWajjerfhierlings-BWurze eae _ Wa ler} welfenzItinde BWar Meljde Niifje Wegeridh...ccccessseerecesevecsscsvseees 1746 nn ~—-« GtOBer breiter 1749 a mittlerer Re! Weiber-Krieg Wegwart-Wurzel (root) BWegwart-RKraut (leaves) Weiden-Rinde PWeidenzShiwamm WeidenzBWurzel, fhwargze. Weidericsh, gelber aeelbeewt 2Burzel ald Weihraud- inde (bark)... WeinrautenzeRKraut Weinreben- Blatter (leaves) WeinrebengzweigeSpisen on: 2440 WeineCrauben, unreife (green grapes) WeineWurzel Weifdornz liithen (blossoms)... ia Weif-Wurjzel 709 Wermuth, gemeiner iy pontijcder romifder PWermuth- -Blumen etre PWermuth-Spisen (tops).. Wermuths-Beifup (leaden) BWet}den Fuithedetvsasaee bee St 104 Wider Gift Wiefen=GeiShart.......ceecceeeeeeee 2214 pb MUONIQIN reed ons eae 2214 WielenzSafran (flowers) 688 MWiefenfalveizRKraut 2 Winter=Brununentreffe Winter-Griin, doldenblumiges.. oo Winter-Rieswurzel 136 Winterfmaft-Heu Winterfode Rinde PWinters- Bi at ge MBrirgel.s..28.. 2088 PWirbel 699 Wirbel-Doft, qgemeiner Wohl genuth Moblverlei- 2Bliatter inca PWohlverlei-Blumen (flowers)... Bobhlverlei-Wurzel (root) Wolfs-Beeren (berries) MWolfsbeerenzKraut (leaves) Wolfsbeeren-Wurzel (root) Wolfs- Fuh Wolfs-Kraut (leaves) Wolfstirfdhen-Kraut (leaves)... PBWolfsinilh-Gummi (gum euphorbium) Wolfstrapp-Kraut Bolle Blumen (flowers) PWoll-Rraut (leaves) PWolltraut- Blumen (flowers)... Wunders Pfe ffers...-ceceeceeseeeceee 4a WundsKraut, heidnijfdes..........2189 RurmeFarrn —a WurinfarrneBlumen (flowers)..2264 WurmfarrnsSamen (seed) 2264 Wrrm-zKraut — Burméraut=Blumen (flowers)...2214 BWurmfraut-Samen (seed) 2264 Wurm-zVoo corfitanifdes. seentiis 1016 Burm: Rinde, jrtndenaiee urinamifde Burm: ‘Samen, entree) (American)...2. vedssecedsssAibdé BWurm=-Samen, ‘berberijder. (barbarian) WVurm-Samen, levantijder Wurnts TAng......ce00es oth RRL 1016 BurmzTo'......0... SHea is LAS 262 WurfteRraut........0. aivey dscusen eee WuthbeerenzKraut (leaves) Wiitherich 7 OO wees 614 OP. voosscbosvelh rere, ent 1197 abueBurzel.. bap te SURE Ma UREE apfenz fr APTOU=pSOLIe sa scecascacdasdeveohoctes 2086 aufen... auntiriden-Stengel, “ameritaz nif auntilienz Blumen... RaunriibenzWurzel aunzSalat eitlojfe- Blumen (flowers) eitlofezeSamen oeth SeitlojesWurzel (root) Fei 19 igeunerzRraut immet, brafilianijd@er , 5; pobpeceee O15 a javanifd@er fy malabavifmer 7 pel bance. oie weifer intineteBUitben (buds) immet-Cajfi immetjorte iteKraut gel ittioers front (leaves) ittwer-Gamen ittwer-Wurzel ottenblumenzKlee ucer, weifer uder, Candis (rock candy)... ucterrofent- -Blitter...... ursnbebs ae 9 uderzSGyrup (molasses) uder-Wurgel HrtbevGs fksssivest naw ecbasawel aapata’ 396 weizahnzRraut....... Veviseseane sense B99 WET CHEM. .cereeeee stew eeeee eee eee ween .1832 wiebeln atistedevh donald seer 103 re qawoli , PHa ta. S3QMuyo mt | ene rEN aati WiAAN2TOOS. - “to S204 bis esitisgorS ites race 0G. O28) —, i ee get i SBeaksyecar: tsp sie a Sai it il : se 5a EEL ee * = ts seh . aibiky : i ARS ' jee 4G ra, & ee Or Asx - ~ G - Bal) P.banthten .. . Seremnpease’ ru crs (4 og gxsewuagh i > te cmyytye pases :One" Sted: thie ayer eee : 4 . Py Teeny ; cape seus avapeoumaeur Réey ovitiaye:2 eq : / bt nar » poRiiooweprty extirnrs Cop wear set muaty 3 | a a Ara llwicusersocpe mute 2) qreapeiy - yt: eprorryq wos ; ‘ ; Taanle orca 4 bemenuy Uy’, ww cece Gag: A ‘ , " : RA rot ih Wess oo 7 ; : 4 on t mcomtair.).< 4 Ne eee ¥ } ‘Fe Coke iat ‘ = | ‘ EA Pipi. ye 7 ae e.. i ; é ’ $3 - }: “y ° chp acy leap aly Peake } . posi ; ~ar nee % f we Wire, 3) ys t' ede 33 > ‘ oh Gimmen anes noma ne , id eth lad i <> pir tak 4 , Reed Pwo «bool wet " a ha Won i se amr er nectar ste) My Mi ek ee gh eee A iinepithe iy" veo eis! Lor onemartphge ul’ at aes SAMGia J ADIAATO ‘nono eee -++SELECTED--- LEAVES, HERBS, FLOWERS IN OUNCES ROOTS AND BARKS | ounces COMMON, BOTANICAL, CERMAN NAMES, with Properties and Dose on each Package (see cut). “A]peuiajxe pue A]jeuiazul ‘syuvjnNwNs ‘soljaula Suoljs ‘sjopHnuy “SuUOnIeye jeYyiiejeo pue ‘eizjeinou ‘ynos ‘uistyewNeys ul Jyoueq UM Pest “MO7~NYI 214242X2 YM UPAIS 3q pjnoys ay ‘sesreyostp Azeatin ay} seseoi9Ul pue oysis0jydnue ‘\1091eu Jnj1amod & sesop ajeispour uj ‘snouosiod ‘sesopisao UT S3iLuad0ud SPECIFY ee *M. & N.” * “s WHEN e ORDERING —— OF NS || JOBBER. COMMON NAMES Aconite, Friar’s Cap, Monk’s Hood, Wolfs- bane, Friar’s Cowl, Wolfroot, Mousebane. FAC-SIMILE OF WRAPPER. Cost no more than many inferior brands. Our Roots and Barks uniformly granu- lated before being pressed. INDEX. rn COMMON NAMES. Numbers refer to the paragraph, not the page. Numbers with + (dagger) prefixed, is the article generally given when different plants have the same common name. Aaron’ ae: ee a Ageechee by Digium oe eRe 1588 I eS ae a ee 2108 Agnus Castus........-------- 2438 Abele DCE see a cscinsre oe see ae 1804 Agonia Bat. oon cavany eee = 1762 Abscess Root.-......- “——— - 1770 Section’. 20. co 2 oc. eacease2 83 Mbeinthivum 26.6: stsnece+~---- 262 as Elem»... situs 957 A ee a ay 518 a Water Hemp..-.---- 379 Abyssinian Tea_...-...-----. 543 Ague Bae ots 322 2. setae = 1846 ee ee 24 Oe a a ae 95 i Oe ee 20 Regt... !s s0c ota 95 re MMAR sine tpn vans 18 fp. a a ate ae 962 Besiots Nut ...see5e. 255 on220 2107 ee fee ae 2061 Acetosella..-.. ee 1636 PO a eee eres Se 85 Ach Root Fett ieee eS a 1523 Agena Seeds ..-t° 52.252 ..c--- 137 0 I ae See ae ea ae SI Mee Pile. . 2" 2? S222 kth 390 Honike Ef fat ROT 3 46-t54- 53- 57 Albany Beech Drops.-.------. 1852 Aconrtiiil 225.0— 22.22. -5 2-2. 5 56 oo SIGH ee SoS eee. 2361 AGOPD~ . 268 Sue ew 1878 pt aS ese ee ce ab 1314 bets once -- 226 cee ssc 1878 Aleamplora’ 5.3 22 Gees 785 Aorid Growfoot....---- Bssecu 1908 Alcornoque SIRE OR LT 1898 ** Lobelia iwasvasuG- ---- 1378 eM 5.2 eee 432-93 Se Lettiee: cedacsS< .--- 1283 Alder, American.:...--...... III Adam and Eve.......-...---. 216 * American" Lag Sy ° 22 III Adam’s Apple.... -...-.-. sas’? G52 “oe es ee 1827 Needle 2i0s22.-¢. bs. AaKED *** Buckthorn 2224-29: »--< 1917 Adder’s Leaf. .nswe®)-200ss----*' 937 ee GaMOn ocean La: III ee ee eee 2225 ‘* Dogwood, Black..---- - 1917 Py POUBUC saiies!t-.. 2°'937 eS ' Moropeéan.-*-3.25. ...22 110 x Ow. Ketissci.s- . 1609 ‘* European, Black..----- 1917 re Violette sac 223_- =< 1092 ‘© Leaved Dogwood..-.-.-- 745 ee eee 896 ep | Ga shel III Adstringens Bark...----..-.- 23 ‘** Smooth Swamp...----- Itt African Black Pepper---.---. 1730 i, . pOttee osa.e ace: - 32 I1I9Q Bryomypic.4ss.52-..0 419 Mt PSI DERN Sw 22 oid} +1827 1119 “* Cayenne Pepper----- 492 PS Fp okey es Sees 3 F ee, So) ae ee ee 766 ales See SR ae ee © ) -Gubebs 2o3 tees ¥.--2.'5730 i. Bite oben sesnee oh so 666 SS SGingercc. so eefeecse: 2403 Ale. Costa 22 2235 80 a. a2 1866 BSc Diilats beenst 28s ooo 1454 Fle ‘EFOOt. 00 25 3 mace 8 2 4 F596 p+... Mahogarty f- . £3 cst 2176- nies ‘o. en Peppers, +t....- 492 Alexandria Worm Seed----- .- 264 SS. Sosel dosee aoe Ro S668 Algaroba Bean ...--.--------- 574 eee a 2) | ee ne Sr 668 PAN er oS oi eat saaemn 355-t162 PROMS Sauise52_-.. 484 pomeae !) lg See ee > Gee, 162 ‘* Wild Watermelon... 648 *" Gavia. ors os 161 Afternoon Ladies --.---.-... 1502 * Roc@ssA seins) ---2 162 Agar bag (aca soe meu... < “1097 Alkekengi Berries__.--.------ 1709 Agaric Canadian-....-......-- 397 Alameénda .-2. c3icwict}S--- 895 “ Female 2ia05¥-2--: 394 All Bones... 3 J cactawa > -=- 5 1346 ‘* Larch, European.--.. 397 Millerin Bran wsensdenass =... - 1190 S** s) Oak:2. 53 Seen 396-1394 Allerman’s Root....-.-.----- 108 ‘S$ > .-of the Oak 2nacit....2 300°) Sa eal... 5. aching y--- 2988 P.) Parging: es bt 2252 397 Alligator Apple: >-s.s25t.. 2.2 200 Mo . WhiteswesGit-t.- sii hak ee Laurel : Liquorice Lovage 1348 Lung Wort... .+2395-1485 Maiden Hair 69 Mandrake 1764 Marsh Rosemary -. 2223 Meadow Anemone. 187 Mezereon 873 5 Mountain Dittany- 799 Nightshade Pellitory Pennyroyal Pepper ..... giizes. Plane Tree —s Centaary ed Pepper Rhatan Rhubar 1923 Roman Wormwood 133 Saffron Sarsaparilla Scullcap Senna < 1837 Spikenard......... 232 Star Thistle 556 Sumach ica Wi... 194% Sweet Violet.2428- tbsp Tag Alder III Thrift ...-..- te: oe 2223 Tormentil -...-..-.. 1057 Tormentilla Turkey Oak Valerian 825-826-827 829-828-+830 Vegetable Tallow ree .0sdiu 1537 Vegetable Wax.... 1537 Vervain Water Gress. 1329 $1330 a Fas mlock ..-. 613 3 Fiscs-. 17 White Ash -....... at White Hellebore. .- 2398 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. ——— Endl American Wild Monkshood .._ 58 dine. 25/5 ../323% Wild Valerian ---. - MOV Iss dace ice, --5s55554 Rida Seed sessitsis Le s5e-- 163 Argel Leaves......-.....- PIARG 2.59 40~s atte sc, =e 1436 “t Prebstses-.....---. 233 thi «a P OO ite viec Ube oo => 2238 “s Ritee 296, |) SOM: ~s~%* ---Indiany252,-. - 74 We ice 5 cissbikdss cae de li 20 1348 t. - Weed sow Pili canines. Angle Pod........-..-..-.--- 1091 % .. Root-Plant.«if2..-2L02 1436 Angola Weed ocd oi 2 1956 ALSMAT Sicewirewnnne own divs 0 1789 POM sassbicassss 55435 832 Artichoke ssassscsesssetsse- bro Angostura Bark aw ees LR 1026 we Jerusalem ....----- 1128 Fale@-sschixa-->--» 2235 Artificial Issue Peas ..... 1232-1122 Ancusturacsecsusd sides... 1026 Arum, Wild Water-_.._....-.- 462 VERA iesias nteyeresee conf tet 1217 (Afveira -sijechaon caccossecses 2078 FDIC occed 0 n0s0555060..50 0» SIIBG Asafostiday scec on cbt thaws 1563 Anise, Common..........---- Asarabacea:.csck.Jitaitst...- 281 ee ee ee “ss www www www wwe wwese LZSZL | SRSULC IAS www nw wenn ewww meee wane www ww ww www ees IZOQ | F458 DAL www ewww en ee wm ene ee ee ee ERO) ithe 8 (22 ON Ral dice ig ts Ts See Colored Ground Liver- oO Bree) Wild 2E22\ 22ncce 1209 WOKE Sswceard BUED onmnn 1341 Annatto i... dveews west 386 © Common. ois conn ieee s/s! 2082 SS Fp ARBOR cs np u'eimmoec ee 386 th, EnrOpSatiwesvqunands _.. 1009 Antimony. Ve were) Glisecn-, 962 ‘* Flowering --.-.---- +1622 1010 Appalachian Tea .......-.-- 1824 Bs Nh Dis natives ecw ras 1€22 Apple, Adam’ “ Ser oot a Ose i Maple 296 Arabian Olibanum.. -..--...- 1258 Aapenere 480i s- oo<,,-~c00--- 1804 Lavendér’!2;. 22.-.- 1310 oo. PODIGI Een cansaense 1804 www awww ewes S2ZUE | FAS PIMOS! 6 own www mew wm eet mn “ eocesees ewowns2? 58380 fF j- ijij}|§ BS GESV cece erceeneo-* Avhctillinn: tweens tt mctindihica, cxwesst . Aralia Bark.....----.-------- Oe ct ren tren CEO tule o INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Basswood American --....... - 2316 Bast Tree 2316 Bastard Alkanet ~~ ., ee Bearsfoot Brazilwood Cardamon China Root Cinnamon Dittany --..-.-.-859-t860 Feverfew.._...---.. 1666 French Physic Nut. 1247 Gentian Hemp Horehound Ipecac 285 Nicaragua Wood --- 439 Mustard Spignel St. Johnswort Stone Parsley 2159 Toad Flax. ....+2302-€96 Vetch Wormwood Bawchang Seed Bawdmoney Bayberries, American * European LICE 2W tase < stcun, BGZ0 Wax Tree 3 Leaved Passion Flower-. 1670 1840 1425-11307 ‘se Beam Tree Carthagena Castor Bearbane Bearberry Bear Oak Bears’ Bed ee) Kar 1819 T1135-1793 “ us Beard Tongue Beastsbane Beauty of the Night Beaver Poison ot 1583 (LTCC oo00 5 ao oee eee Beazor Nut “sb Beccabunga Bedda Nut Bedeguar Bedford Willow Bedstraw Beech, American 993 ~ Blue +508-507 Drops -... ..-.-.1624-+1623 * . Albany. 2222221852 i peter. White European Beeflower Beet, Red Garden *s White Garden Beetle Weed Beggars’ Lice “3 Tick 378 1525-t1524-1108 “s eee a a ne conaeiell Belgium Walnut Belladonna Belleric Myrobalans Bellflower ss Clustered Bell Pepper Bellwort ‘* _ Large Flowered Bellyache Root Bendee 2462 Benjamin Bush-....-..-...-.. 1301 xy 2242 t+2127-2128 216 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Bergamot, oS Se 1473 Bishop’ Cap . ee ane 1504 a 652 Leaves 3. Sanaa 2089 Pe Mita. oo = aren 1473 AS. « «s Weed .>. - eee 137 > Orange---- .<-.:-- 652 nd ©) * E8Gessemeear 137 “e Wild.-.-32-= +1513-1514 Bishopswort 2220. ee ecens 1582 Bermuda Cedar-------------- zasO | Bighert ¢ SS Oee ei, 9 Bignonia OR ee Re 381 Ni. Flexips 058% sree ted 588 Paideatt ooo eee 382 St. Hickory ous eee esas 512 Bikh Root---.--..-- Wei Feels: 48 et) Lancusk 3s Sie ee 1952 Belgerig se -— 222 scones 2376-2377 ei -Millew0te soe sso ees 1772 Bindweed --.-..-.--- 718-+717-1785 oS. NGt Sse a eeceeseee 512 Bracted 2 --<—-- => I BPO aie = eoeene eee ee 1881 * havenger-—.—- 2-2 713 Si Ovangess.d seer— 651-656 Birch, Places nes eee 373 < Polygala, American---. 1775 Conver ee 372 te European .-.. 1772 Bie oS Be ee 373 is Ondesig 2202 ite Sree 2152 Po ALTODEAN Soe = saa ta n= = 372 SR Le FR a 2 BE to50-t218 Pht palpaica= 252-2 ~ ase Sone 428 MSY (“Steg stes maeeee Sion nance 80 Mahogany .. i052 2. c- 373 ©" Stick=3.5. 02 eae eee 80 Dee RE ne a ene eno 372 MC? (SWeetsssens)- see +2178-553 Pt SIC ee = Son eel 8 cen ae 374 S “\.. Glimbmp 22s ~-. 553 AY SIO 26, 9 tees ne emia 373 3 bY . igiset ee eee 55 . “Sweet tt. ceo oe se tena 373 22252535 1783 ¥ *.- Dogwood 343 1917 CY: Negi Geaeee 2-28. e Sen aan 1519 = +0.) reeset: PSR 1Q17 ay. West, f lant 732-020 e soa 0 Ash 36 i ee 1014 pti pot aS 8 ©). Basan toes e seca “ )--"6*- gheg 7. Soe 1241 ms is “SONORA oo acon +e. M LOW Scan tee 197! www www 1753745 fl BREN ee mmm wwe mmm am ee Birdweed ......-. ----- “3 ‘** South American.. 245 * -Bittervetch 22): 2eta2 I Ie. 56-+ Borehound 22-2 3k S. INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. UU UE EE SEEIEEEEEEEnneeeseneenad Black aCe {ieee tose aan — 692 CaYaWAG ne reest ans --- 1582 ww "htt S222 o- -. = +1839-327 ns (so? POISE -.-5-->6= 327 ** China Caterhu::_...... 19 Se MONG ores c acon ce cae 1839 FOINCHOUMA cccsnoawae n= 620 “sé Cinmattioticne s ennnn p= 3757 * -Carrant, Wid—_....-..-. 1944 Oe, MORSE Sonn hag dor uie—= = 616 pet ene te 1581-1582 CE oom sa = 1946- +2439 ge CVBTESS we erat < ponent 801 Sok TPAC wcien a 5 eam 1917 ws Minwer-.--.-----. +1453-1452 oe COMMENT Sa ene penne 1340 oY Ginger: 25. —- eaere> x5505 2463 Selah 51 eae melange phan foe 2422 2 Hellebore see apse ponies 1137 bi ‘ East Indian-- 1138 So HT ehipane 3 a-=- 5 5-55 - 1186 “* AHOrenGunu =... ----- 341 ‘* Indian Hemp ------- 486-t219 OY Ee gaa an om aren 1845 ne “© Peruvian. ..-. -.. 1845 BS VARI Cie oon ane son 1891 lg) Fs Seta ae rh er me 1293 ee WALOCUSUs o> come naa <-s~ = 4954 PERL TI) inte ll ae erate 30 Pee MASterwOret 1851 Sat sR Ss eee a a 1981 TRS EST VD | Seal ee Sefer nee 2047 Toy RG ee wane -P-- < 1887 SS i endberdot-o-—.-__ 2047-t616 ‘© Seeded Poppy----.----. 1656 ~“"\* Siakeweed -2--.-..2 +280-282 otek Sl@enwoOxt.----- o5--- -,. 204 ROSS igo eC hella eae 8 OR SUIS oti acl cee eo = 975 Oo. east ee a 2259 OI gRIY, on Sots ee 1017 si Soe 2 ihe Se Tanaka SES 22 cyt 2 Braet tient 2420-1838 Bey PMIBPO an cen ste oka = I109 Pe MRNA D eS ae See oc 1322 a ees oot. 28S I2 52 = was tone tet Fenda ‘ P ortleberry ----- 2380- Seer ae ees peat si 2014 Bladder Campion------..---- 79° 1 se Ale le 1795 ry CHRO see ones 1017 WS fe ee a a 1915 ~ _—— ee EE 3 wx 1161 eee | Skea Tha oe el 1742 - Podded Lobélia! oo. - 1374 Blazing Star- 22 eee 1338- 95-1339 5 set 1339 < oe RE as ee 1139 Bleabérrys "27 Scans see or 5 2377 Bleached Ginger... .-.--.--. 143 Bleeding Heart----..-.--- +830-832 Blessed Cardus --2 222-22. 558 oo Feri. nee ee 1067 vaapeipiies! bp 51: | eager - 22. s see - ee 2037 +: “Geraniint 2” ee 1061 oo) OIE oar on ee 2041 ~ Stanek. - 2 ess 919 iz ane o-eeeen-=--- = 2----- 779 # WIG rn nae rae eee 74 o aoe Rhee ean ae oe eae 78s F OOH ne aotce nee eee 1094 AGI AG. 3 SSR IRD sp lerrales atin die 1165 e waht SIRTIDOE. o caph mnie ys 1165 Wrote DOO econ caren saa=- t 3004 Papo: Grass 2+ one oo on 417 Bapaning SEPM, os = noe Soe 970° Blue A | Se by: appetite gi, tate 1013 aie ee oat 1464*1512 Se ICCC sues to cewe cose 508-507 py | ated Runes Cates ge 1770-1048 ae RN ten ere +2376-545 <0 ee Loe 750 rs Birdsfoot Violet.-_..-.-- 2434 Black Whortleberry ---- 2379 se" Bonnets: so25"°<- 2 sane 561 Ns — eats malting $813-561 a 7, Cera Seen ons oe 1377 PR CCNtAUTY < ae se eco 561 oy Chamomile: =--<<...--.: 306 Castor, Beah-==- 36. 1950 eS. JOM PIapE= 2 ret 2 === - 1950 Catalpa 7Frees< leet og 392 ts Wid. -dycczen i 2: 1215 Gelery... 5 Seoabewe ..t 215 Celtic Nani s3 2255-29 2383 Céembra: Nuts... 752. antes 1724 Centaury, American... -...-. 2001 American, Red--- 2001 ie Bluenic< esi: 45 561 . European -----..- 602 * Greater <5! 5. 02 560 ae Ground... -- 22.4 1773 be Lesser... 222252 6c2 a of Chia... ........2: 9385 y 1 oe, ae 2001 Century, American....<-<2 -. 81 PlantestccsG asc. 81 Gena... ..2.) ..,aesbelds~s 103 Ceterach Leaves-ss.)..------ 579 Cevadilla Seed....__..--.--- 2397 Ceylon Cardamom.. -... ---- gor *: Cinnamon: ... ..-<2.21! 639 +) »phperae4- =--sesad. 2 283 MO ey Mipeeien sake 1097 Ceylonian Plant....-.--.----- 892 Chafe. -Weedinis. -.-- 22d). 1085 Chaff Weed ..5-..54ssd2ut2-- 564 Chamaepitys-.-..-..-. .-<:44.. 86 Chamomile.-... eos cec---144I-4205 Ree ees. Baba pele 314 a Corns}: «ech. £222 204 %: Garden... 2-.... 205 “ German. 32.22 ou 1441 ss OWEst ses... 205 Be Roman. . 3.222 =. < 205 hes Spanish... # Lect .-- 154 he Wildzistecc 1441-T1440 Chamomilla ...seewid bi. sce 1441 @Hampion. Oakes! s22: ac. 590 Siiesichi:..2..5..-.. ee 742 @Gharas ....5.....-52as. 2 486 @harlacki2<......4).see ne 2155 Chaste ‘Breeu i nldsieseY.-=- 2438 Ghaulmugra.thstoevigth:-: III3 Sonos peed. 2a62 25 223 Goey Reet. ........5. 3 1599 Gheat Grass.....5.-be2E* 222 418 Chebullic Myrobalans- .------ 2279 Checkerberry.-.-...---. 1503-t1042 Gheese: Bow]... ~:~ st 1658 Ng Sante, eee eh 1433 {° yyRennet....-. -i2a 2. 1036 ss = Herb::1 . 20: 1027 Cheeses! a4=5— 226, -cy--_--..'1433 Chequer Flower... -----1149-t689 Chequered Daffodil_----.---- 1015 Cherry Bagersese.< 1. wee Se 1835 Bitche:2,.-2s--ea == 373 ‘ ore: letwrdey wae jee a be es 2\ o| {eee eee 27-183 of, Aap inet 32 oe en 1839 SoS Fowl: —. 6 323 Sse e 1835 ‘ .' Ground. 2. saast tee 1711 ‘So: aurel . -2sce8 Scos 1833 “3 ** Carolina, .c:.-. 1829 ys Sa Se 493 S Wild, Red. £25,,2:5245'=1836 5 6) SOUL. W352. gare 572 - ‘© Wood,Perfumed 573 ar ie ne "Selle a each 208 OS panish-n0.4-=22/-5-= 1547 Chestamt..._..... -.., piles 533 oy VA MerICan 52.2 533 fs » Kuropeanines-ce-bes 535 etss TROTSO 222 aw cohorts 75 Ghess) 'Grass.:.. -.-$hs89 254: 418 @estnut, Oak... ..- 45% .--/2895 (hewing Gum Tree-------.-- 8 Chia aah 7, gira ca 2027 snes ee Dee oan 2027 Chicken Meera Bina SEE ot 1904 ‘BOGS... aitveryes a= 731 5 Weed -cte225u--2.- 1346 Chick Peaici 2%. sed nioh... 620 $*) Weed 5. eae +2225-570 SS Red aieepes -2.- - 15 as ‘* Wintergreen. ---- 2328 ‘¢ Wintergreen. .-.2-.-.. 2328 Chicory eS Sa. ae +612-611 Garsensss.o2)..5-- 611 Se Es agi sean .c' OFS Gimendent.2 5.5. 345224. 5-2 2340 Children’s Bane..-.-..----... 613 @inlu Gentian . >_<... .-. 0235: 603 Ginlltesivecic moe vaien th on 492 222 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES, ee ee Chilly Pepper Chilmac a Ginseng Chinese ee fs Nut Galls “ec 2 Saxifrage * Sumach 85 Vegetable Tallow ..- 2229 ween Galls Chinney Weed Chinquapin Chin wood -........--2..05. Choice Dielytra Choke, Berry ot Christopher Root Christ’s Eye ° Thorn Chuichunchulli Churnstaff at “ in “ aa 639 Santa Fe.:........ 1567 Suet 1813-+1808 +1808-1813 Cinquefoil Norway ot Cives or Chives, a variety of onion or leek Clabbergrass.... ....2.....-- 1027 Clammy Locust Clearing Nut Clearweed Cliffweed 1154-1153 Climbing Bittersweet--.-.... 553 Bomarea 1027 2445-237 core oud Be Clove Bark a 1972-t1979 635-483-1303-T1548 “Red 33 Sweet -...... --. 1459-1457 Clown Heal Clown’s Mustard +s Woundwort sh Clustered Bellflower iy Solomon Seal Cluster Cherry Cob Nut, West Indian ** Pink “ Cochineal Fig--.....55...2.-- 1612 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. 223 SS ——eeeeerenen—eeeeeeaem™™m™m——_m——: Cochineal Oak ss20 240, - 384 1882 Compass Weed .-... --.- 2147-2148 Tree: ive ees 2 .--. 1882 Caer Viseiiesec-. 22-5... 290 Cakshoot Grass, Egyptian... - 1098 Gone Disk - cesses ern 1980 Cockle Burr. 1s 20e lee ue--- -- 83 at oie Wer <2 22.5. 1980 Corne-e ate 1397-244 SN ig wer sees ae saan aa 1980 tS... Indian sete see. |. =-- 158 - oe AP urples soe oe a= 1981 Gockmints-2u- sae oes -- ---- 1886 ‘i MatPaltescac Soave. 1980 Cockscomb.------- ---------. 554 Cénessr Barky-22-t Sees 2443 ies 1k pe Ele 2 126 SE a peed tele gmp ES 703 Cocks-spur Pepper----------- 492 ‘ew iepetted ico oe 703 Cockspur Boye ses 226k. 228 2086 Conmarouma Beans...-. ----- 872 Thorn, White----- 772 Consumption Drale-s 2. soe 406 Gockup -Mates2: 22.2522 s-- 2230 Weed. mae gee Gocky. ‘Baby .222<-2=.222-".--. 276 Consumptive Weed...-.----- 924 Gocoa, Nuts-s5 5252522222252. 683 Continental Teazo-- -22----- 1318 ter aMekestsss sees eee 683 Contrayerva------------++++- 882 BO Pimmocdded se +t 607 German..-.- ----- 295 Cn ae ee 5 633 . Mexican......--- 1843 Eacowort-.ule bs ty See 4gt Convulsion Weed.----------- 1519 Cudlins and Cream....-.---- go8 Cipiweed - 22a to ee eae 2365 Coffeeui Tacs cs5 PTS - 685 Crewe. stctes Ses eee 2312 Beanie -es ve ROSE I11I Gopaiva 1 retsasce- sa ce sane 727 a Cormeteks 05 S050 222 2199 Copalchi Darke = cc eeee te 786 Pe PCA ienwa vee se 552552 610 4 Tae aan +786 i re@ipestatscnene cence 685 onan ss. cee rosa esate 1367 fe “American 322". 222 III1r Chauctta Dark: = 52522222 25--- 621 Cohosh, Black...-: S222 3323'-- 616 Marek ett 2228852 oc ebecae 2252 F Bhite: Oletteets).5>. Te Gporiran ss < hoes eee 936 Colchicum....----.----.----- 688 | Cord Grass......-------.----- Gold -Seeds.--- 4 Ss e2s5e: 795-797 Gorander.*.- eee 739 6: Water Root: 2222227242 st CWeliander: -2css22s2--. .- 739 | ‘* Grapes---- ------ Colic? Root: Sth! +866-95-1338 - Raisinses se seen. 2439 aS Wieeds+seealeaeee. ==. 755 CerkiOaleses sod coe ese 1898 Gallardsccscses tose SSse= =. 2 < 1200 Pe TeGh an etee amten nih ane tOee Collinsonia.... 2... 2-.------- 690 =~ WOttt cc. s a sees +1898-200 Celocynth......-2 222-...-.-- 79% ~~ 5 (inde ene 41898-1893 le... --------- 791 | Corn....-----.-- ------------ 2461 Pye Chamomile. 222" -=2~%.--.- 204 False. ...------=2 ---- 763 Puneus.-2 "20S 22-28. 2300 das Hh oe hz Re ROPE 677 * Gromwell_.....-.-: 41608-1370 as eee ee ee ewe rrr Coltsfoots:.22s3.--o8 S22 oe ‘© Snake Root--.-..----- Coltstail ..-.-.--------------- 919 ** Salad European----.--- - 2384 Colubrinazss2ssee22 7200 S2=--- 2233 ‘© Snake Root.---- +931-927-1338 Columbia Bark~.-..-.. -------- 623 Cornel s sent ie nat ae cae oe 746 Columbine = --- esti iss --" 222 “Alternate Leaved...-. val Feathered -.--...--- 2292 SY Banchbertye ce 2 = == 744 EysRe Ist NO Dogwood -..- --------- 748 Cees a ee Plonda ve ae atta dure San SOY Hlowerincssso1 esc nes Comb Flower...-------- Comfrey. sss PPR - 22. g25gh) OP. SWilteeens weeeeoere~nn 748 ss." Y2.-.---- 2114 GGrmelsae ses 23> sate eee 747 Common Liquorice Root. .--. 1077 Cornelian Cherry -.------..-- 747 Low Mallow..-.-.--- 1433 Cornish Lovage...------.---- 1349 “ Shade Elm.....-.-- 2353 Goro Nut sooo. ae ets = 1713 hy Spruce: .222052 i---. 5 Corpse Plant ....------------ 1519 De PP Ol ag sne sees 2264 Corsican Moss....----------- 1016 *s White Elm-..- .-.-- 2353 ee Worm Moss..------ 730 Compass Plant...-.---- +2147-2148 Wormweed.-------- 1016 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Coto Bark Cotton Root oe -“ “es ** Wood Tree Cotula, African Couch Grass Coumarouma Bean Courida Countryman’s Treacle Cawaces co Cowbane Crab Apple Tree --.-.. ‘* Thistle Crack Cramp Bark Cranberry Mountain Crane Willow Cranesberry Cranesbill ---.+1057-1056-1061- abe Crassula, South African 6 Cream Nuts ‘s of Tartar Tree Cree Indian Sanicle 971 1408 sease R873 Water Parsnip intergreen Wormweed Creosote Plant Cress........ 4s “s as Crete Sage — Canis Root Cross Cleavers +4 of Jerusalem Corn Crowfoot, Creeping Marsh Crow Garlic S Sulk Crown Bark Crystal Wort Cubeb, Anise 6 Pane ee ‘“* Pepper 1737-t1730 Cuckold eipeetag tec tapager:setllats F Cucumber Cudbeat.. . :...t:22 nee aeeeeee Pl t Cudweed --..1001-202-1084-t1088 Cuichunchulli U ..05 8824 Culilawan Bark..-....---+--- 635 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. 995 ‘Culvers’ Physic-.....-.----~.. 1332 4 ORIG bn cS eS shorn 1331 GRIME 3 05 otek aga ehn gins - 798 5 CT eR ae a ee 798 a" PE eee Cummin, Black oooh! 1582-t1581 Seed eas 5.550 2t ---- 798 3s Sweet... 2 82-—-. 798 ee Wild ces oan ot - 5 1285 Cundurango 22222 0. ose 290 Gin, Bern. seseso2 oso cae J 1795 Tass Lichen; seatlet..< —ocane 1342 Rey Plan. eee eae =e 2148 . pty bo ees 2148 Curacoa Orange..-..- ----656-t650 ST ee ee 2239 Oar Te es a a aoe 8): | ikl ee EY F Gureall ot ccscce- 1069-1066-t1 ik, Curled Flower Clematis-.----- 660 pe ee OGM Sas acti Reon 1989 AY SIRES SEN oie cate nt 1474 Currant, Black... 1946-12439 Corinthian ---- ---- 2439 oo Garden. ~~ dae, be~~ F047 7 Syn WERHEE oes 1943 25 “Ye CCTs eee gn es 2352 a -- cae 1504 See INS siesare a Sn nine 56 1899 +. Reg 23 ese et 1947 + White... s2e225.~c. 1943 se Wild) Black: = 2:2... 1944 “ V5. 1: ean ee 2439 Curriers’ Sumach.......--..-- 740 Carry Leaf ‘Pree -nacksnaecs-=. 965 Cursed Thistle--.-.-...-- 558-041 Crisco: Bark= oe so2cess 2: +632-631 MSPPUS 3. oo cease ae Jan's 57S (Cl SS a a sae 416 Custard Apple... s:$ 2.2. +505-201 BPire DP PCCL ae wk Fax 200 Coie s-ssee. 62a eet eae 19 Cutting Almond-----..-_.--.- 1667 Cypress, per Bae ee ee 8c2 CT i pe yee a a 2049 sx Powder pec ieh pts 276 ~ WETGC 3c. Sep eee 2602 “e Wane oc 2 cect. = 1229 a Witenes 4c eS. < 801 Cypruss Wood.........--.... 721 TP OGIESS as tains cata o 1558 % oe aeijeph< SES LR eT Se 132 Dagge Flower, Plant... ccc: 2459 BAR 922 eee er eee 835 Common --_.- 2-2... 835 Dakoon Holly. <..08%- 4.4ate-- 1207 Mountains. .....23% - 2153 ah) Tees oh Ree 1832 Dandelion 2c. es ee 1277 oe Danes’ Blood Spee rannkene tv” 474 Danewort 252. 6 con pascc5 450 vs 2037 Dangleberry ise ae o5--- - 2 2381 Dark Ash? Barkssaccesscgesez 628 Tarn ae ene oA ceteris: - 1380 Date Palm. 2-2 eens: 1704 iy) lieaos tsa kk whpeker SS 868 SEES 5. een: © yn 1704 hates. Bae it nk cone 1704 Datura, East Indian-....-.. - 843 WIE ‘Po _. coke - 842 Cy ** Flowering -.-. 842 David Root......3-- 2+ casina-35 600 BDawilles 02 cc os oc acaeetet 849 Day Flower 2. . [520° 52. 4geuye 698 LilWe 252 ence cna gsr: II40 Deadly Cane Tos ey, Yeeros - 2203 Nightshade ee 2182-327 Dead Men’s Bells.-.....-..-. 863 Nettle 225.2. <5 acu 194-t1290 S° Sea’ Apple... 3. - oss- 1888 R Longue... . 2252s atest 1593 Deal Ping 2-- 8 Ssh eunses 1727 Death Head Moss-.----..-.-- 1347 Se) Of Manso. actcosececm. 613 Death's Flower.... ~-.=:-~-<: 2420 Deer Balis-+-.-.22 fos aesat TA00 oy Demny=cu lds. T1503-1042 2381 “e es Ee ate 408 Se onpue. 22 tee 13 6-938 Hiampcara Picike Root 2.2255 * 2204 Bienreliania. «Se J. oxcencs 1757 Devil’ s Apple... - ==2)23 << 845-1328 * eee = se ey 1288 IES ctr 1139-95-11338-2076 3 i: Tt Raed it oan he + ROOt.w.... ane 2076 Ae BR Bra ae ciao 2398 Ort BONES .acesan tests 866 ree SRO 2 oes 1563 fo Sea ere 1217 SSE ee aut ae a hs 2 243 pa eo a er Se 809 Sos Wa pe ee Lk ek 1581 as oo Seaieweie 2368 ee). i | RR Se aees > Sg 971 LPR Si | Se RE a 2076 Pe SHOEStTINS olla aes o 2276 * ” Stinging ‘Leaf. _....<- 2368 Meee ek i= ee te SS 117 SS. A UPI Loe matee tts BRI Be! * WGC cree Th 1600 Dew Berry oe werrae. t1971-1979 Piaht see ay 1970 Sh” PIANC sete Seta chain 889 De Witt Snake Root..--.-.-- 1818 Dhak PETC ie vate nek eke 429 Diamond: Plant_2t522t. 1486 Dianthus: 2... sae sene ee se 858 Distytrs - ices omccmethens 757 we UChheisec 2-2 ssa =. 757 Digitalis. 2ic00 Cadena = 863 Dill... .. es ndaee bean eee 192 tS Gardeneres pascssclctye 192 We Seed [oo cane ee ME eee 192 Pullishk.n Sosa het ete 1934 Dilly... 3 36 Stee Shoes 192 Dillydiiweed Eps et AR Se 1440 Dita. Barkt 285 cose sey taap 118 Distat’ Thistles:. 6. sic. <. = 642 Ditch Grasio coc ncn gct~---= 1995 Dittany.. Sotee cong ae < +s 799 S.) ACRICAT heen a 799 . ‘© Mountain .._ 799 i SCAR core cae +860 859 Ses BOFdpeAN - Ws once 859 226 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Dittany Mountain....-.----- 799 Drooping Starwort.......---- 1139" Mi -ofCretes. 220s ee 1617 Droopwort: -3 32 eae bcs 2210 PA Divi:<--.--52ccle lee 441 Diep Berrys ss2es 220208 710-+708 Dock Bloody. «.ew-ausssesguee 1993 Dropsy ‘Plant: 0. -csscibten- 1464 Blunt oneal ee {¥ 1991 Dropwort-.252 22-2 beep t2210-1071 a * “Curled ssscccs2 todelene 1989 sid Common 22 553..2023 2210 ‘©’ Great Water-...5<25.-- 1987 + Hemlocker2228-... 1593 >t > Narn wi. tee 1989 = Water: <<2"272 1595-t1593 ‘* Sharp Leaved-.-..-.----- 1985 sa Western -.-.-- +1071-1070 ate -Sours teu, S2e5 1642-1989 Drumstick Tree....... -..... 525 $° +> -Spatter 22 =). --=----- 1583 Drinkwortsss2..12cspe5eetrg 1580 ret Sweats ast. tece eee 1784 Diickretterzcs< 22 sue. eats 2398 Se! Waterat: s<25os25= 1987-11988 Dutks’ ‘Boote:s.22225ese5- 1764 et Wiis. Jase tee 1985 os Meéat.2...ct Sige ons 1321 As. “Welw sue==22 42655524 1989 Duck weed 25. ..s eee 1321 BS ** Rooted..... .--- 1988 Dulse- 2rd 2 err 1934 Dockmackie<:-27222= 225<2..- 2416 OO Rede. 1231 Doctors’ (Gum :-=2222-2-5e ae te Duthb Canes -22 Viedia ee ee ees 1489 Dogberry Tree-.--.----------- 749 “s - ‘Digetie-...Soces +1538 1550 Dog Buttons:.<-cs52s2230-e 2235 heal if) 2-42), eR SIGE 1913 Pennelcss. 222s sc5c22---- 1440 S* . Rushers seee ee a 913 enaiptaG* 2a 4s £0 cei ae 2340 Dy Stonecrop kn Fe ores 1688 Oe ant 2 ee Sas Poe eee 669 Dutchman’ s Breeches.--.---- 755 ts Poisonese te oat esos 2235-177 Laudanum._...-.- 1671 Pe ROSC? 22 otto coca onan 1958 ce Pipe. Sc 1519-1254 Ks AY od Galle: coe scenes oe Dwale: 22230 oS Se eee 327 acer Me oat se Lh: 746 Dwarf Cassiavuccgo2e oo twe- Sak PT VIOIEE. 65. oon toe an 2430 (s* - Cormel:3- eee 744 edieied. koe ae Sa 2340 *: --Dandelionz2= .2. see 1277 SR A ee mcm 746 WO) tlder ess tee 230 3 ‘* Alder Leaved....- 745 x *¢ European --...- 2037 rs Blade ae IQl7 - ).. + Berries sr ce 2037 be ‘* Broad Leaved..--.- 745 * --Gentian* 2c 1046 < (0 plies See bene 33-t31 6° Ground: Nate? 13/2 3k 1651 - “A. eiloridas’ + 2:25.22 746 OS “Laureheeeeeeonacese 1268 7 *. Pend =: s2c522-se0 569 ‘§ =: Mahowsit¢p 226 soa 1433 “ ** Round Leaved-.--- 745 Ce. .-Milkwort. 22a et 1772 “ “. Swamp....-.- 1846-1750 “ - Netedlect. nce 2367 + Me Virginia 3 Senne = 746 +6) ~~ Oliversescia £43 836 Dogs’ po ee pe 220-t218 * \ Pahtietti ee setae 2000 Pinger) ---.----<-=- 863 “” --Plautant? sec8L ee 1752 a8) Mercury s26Mecneen =~ 1484 “i. Rese Bayon 295 TORE es Mouth 22252222 Semeee== 213 ‘* Sheep’s Lane =e A 1268 *¢ Tooth Grass--.. ------ 2340 ‘s Solomon’s Seal-_------- 705 ~- ~Toppiesses2= 25. 937 “ - Stinger. ee ere 2367 po ee ee 1868 ‘* Stinging Needle. _-..- 2367 Donkeys’ Eye--....-..------ pts « - Sumac iss. ARIS ccs 1938 Doom Bartkzs 22-3222. 2s -ne~ \ . -Untbel va.csectscacgat 829 Door Weed.:...... '---- 1788- 41985 “ o-Water-Lily. 3922 . 1480 Darnbooniuess 2-23-22 caek 22 Wild Pies 2c BE 1363 Double pyecie Tansy--.--- pie ss ee is Vews ssts.4.vencects 22 ‘ eOnysssbi.22------- 1643 ye Berry: csicpee eee 2377 * Spricesvs one to see 8 *< Tree, Yellow 4 242222222 +277-276 -icheivssasese toe 7348 “ RP yeisip ro. cases see 277 SS. SMadder ecu Oe KZ VERT. 32 £395 co cous eee 1784 ns Oaks asa gg B88 Dragons’ Ciena 2 oo eee 731 “ «Saffron vox. ccsctnag tem PUISCANG fare ese 731 Weed -..... 1239-t cag 3 te isd s7= sf -2-- 454 4, Woad 2s. Sea ae. 1239 $ Rape thlsseke co. 1577 Dysentery Root .....-----.-- 22 Dried Menaren een os aon m 2440 0s. - «Weed seared 1088-t822 Drniker Wyatecs <5 ~~ --+ 2236 Eagle Vine-ss. 23202 Pas 5 290 Drooping Flowered Wind 8 Wood: i coseesae dees 112 PlGWenesse sees wardde tenes = 182 Ear Wort.::: ssseceee Sie." Boe INDEX,—COMMON NAMES. Enchanters" Herb Nightshade Smoke Endiva, Garden East India Balmon 80 Endive Black Hellebore... 1138 es Catarrh Root 6 te Englishman’s Foot English Cowslip Pe Sd Primrose_... 1822 - Dwarf Elder Re Dyers’ Madder Ty E Sarsaparilla ay Spikenard bie Squills = Tamarinds se Easter Giant Eatable Mushroom Ebony Mountain Eel Grass Pep Stick “Rhubarb Valerian ‘T% e as Egyptian Bean I s7a-t1586 Erango, Flowered Liverwort. 580 Cocksfoot Grass ... 1098 Erect Knot Grass 1783 sf Gum Arabic Tree... 18 ** - of Rye Ervador Rato et American 36 Eschscholtzia Blackberried European 2038 Esnbeckia Common 6 Eternal Flower Ethiopian Pepper Sour Gourd Eubzan Nut 2-35-2552... pu Eucalyptus Euphorbia. Euphorbium European Anemone Angelica Ty A h ‘i “sc = ae, 363 epper_.tice Bea 1735 Ne ayberries ._.....- 1307 Elephants’ Ear iacene 333 ‘e Bay Laurel Eleuthera Bark 778 “ Black Alder-_--._- El Gobernador 1295 = ‘“" Berried Elder 2038 Sie Darke ss ccc quieres =e eancna 34297 a Birch 72 5 eal fs eae ne ag eee aeaeee” TQ ay Bitter Polygala-_--- Wee ** Oval Leaved .....-. m Buckthorn od = Bugleweed 409 ra Burnet Saxifrage-. 1720 2038 -* Centaury 60 Elm, American 2353-12355 ¥ Chestnut Common Shade i Corn Salad “e ‘ . English 2354 es European ....2-.-.-.--- 2354 ™ Indian Red.. 2355 ge Slippery anes cenenanne-- 2355 a “ Fivefinger S Garden Angelica. - 195 es Iden “a 228 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. European Horsemint False Foxglove........ ae eS: Ice Plant 6 Fringe Tree... scnesasas,> “ So MGTrapes |. .wscuaebe eee 145 “ ‘© Gromwell ....--...--.-. 1608 “ i ‘* Hellebore -2398-t71 ay Lovage “* Hemp.....---.... peeps eat s Maidenhair °° “[ndige 35-4 pita eties -- 348 % Mandrake ‘© Jalap = o2+-T1501-1227 * Manna Tree ry, 060 ss Marsh Rosemary .-. 2224 = Mechoacan Root.. 284 ‘+. Mallows. 2... bee SSP a 2139 % Milkwort 8 *© Manna ...cscncce22826I=1552 . Oak, Common -.-.-- 1896 a - Pellitory 3 a, Pennyroyal a “ Poplar 7 es Pulsatilla. ..s;.--- ~~ < Sanicle ‘* Sarsaparilla_... Scullcap $s), Scabishs. gaenpictgu cca. N30 Senega Snake Root 1772 “ Spikenard Silver Fir Tree... 11 ** 5 tar’Grass oon Snake Root 281 ‘$- Sunflowér...o.eenedeh es Strawberry Tree -. 236 ‘* Sweet Flag..... Sweet Cicily ‘* Sycamore ‘* Syringia ae “ pt +1253- 1252 ts be Water Hemlock... 614 ih “eae “t 5 aah “ee “ Pepper yt White Beech 994 = ‘© Hellebore -.. 2396 Wintererenn e “Water Lily. 1584 Palm 222.2 a -aeiamteeeg cteretlt ‘¢ Wild Angelica .... 196 pei ks | e Carrot 848 Ph digecper: me i Feather Few oe Wormseed vs eee peers Yellow Balsam...- ie “ a eS Ea Lid oe Evans Root Evening Beauty eS Primrose Evergreen Birthwort “ Oak 7“ “6 Everlasting Eve’s Cup Exile Tree Eye Balm Eyebright Eye R Faham Téa DEC ..2.~ cage tassel Fair Maids of France .------- 1905 as “ Fairy Fingers ** Gloves Fenugreek Fall Dandelion Fernambuco Wood ** Poison “s pet AS POStUTA. mancts= os : ‘ 35 ~ ‘¢ Beech Drops +1518-1105 1632 ‘* Bittersweet F Pasi bidiid tater . Boneset Flowering 1633 ‘** China Root ‘“* Clammy Mustard aedénees 2044 ‘** Colombo 1633-1303 o * Siiieid.).sca eee 303 a Meadow...-.-..- ae haana SB30 ‘3 Rattlesnake.... ..-..-. 406 Rock Gralé ccc cau ae --1538-T700 “e “se “ “ u“ ee ee INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Royal Flowering. ------ E i South African... 92.242: 301 Me spleen. 7c... astute 100-1308 * Spleenwort--....=-- 700-308 Or) Seeets 5-85 Se 700 Feronia Gum Tree...-... ---- 996 Fetid Hellebore..-. -.-- 1135-1200 yon oes Ea SS 1186 Fever a“ a enndseesel {och <** Bastard ~~~ issu 5.2666 Plant, Mexican.-..-..- 578 - “hg ys eee 1721-+ 3 “ of Australia._.... ome ee! EE AE 8 ae Y get eich. .< seek. a reed _..< Jabal + 1063- ooe pe ., Woed..~...-eesael -.- 130% AS... Mort... suis ss0 2339-t962 Field Balsam.- i... 520362... 1085 Ge Balmi...-98252555-2 <<. 1575 (Calemint— 2.53 .-- 1463 Clover Rearing a= stue ase)... 1743 Scabious..... 2s5422-2-.. ho European Fine Leaved Hedge Mustard - 44 ee Sl ae 2091 ? Water... 265424.2.... 2089 Piest: 2. 5..2-..29:0291 760-+761 American 23ie 353-2 Water Hemlock 1595 Leaves. 284fnss 22 Finger Flower... s2e22s2 ..- 863 eats. ete. -- 1808 Fir Balsam Tree-----.-.----- 3 oa nb. Mosse... -..-.- ied eo ae aa i Et ea es +1624- 151 J Sse Sa eee fae nl soe BOS WP i. Meeed... 55K 2113-919 -tgt5 Fish Berries: ... 2522822. __- 158 Mouth... -2:iwigeee _-. "588 & Poison._ysse20)_. 24... - . 1328 ts ** West Indian, 2273-t2275 Hitelret? 2c... See nee.--- 2425 PiePlant.._... .wwsaeas_ I519 oo? Tr a aaa 5 * ES 1519 ee Sor Plant. 3... beee =~ 1519 Fivefinger---- Done wareae. ..= See ommon.... ---.-- 1808 «*., Buropeawssteb = - .. 1813 Fivefingers, Root--.-.-..---- 1649 Five Flowered Gentian-_-.- -. 1054 145 ‘* Leaved Grass.... -..--- 1813 Flag, Bhiie nncisemat seen 1238 BR . Lilyncssosoeseeoee s< Faas “> Myxtle.c senses 60 ie. Sweetin .= --s.aSebenss 60 Dro FF lens Wide es... oneice 473 Leaved Basil....-----..- 1858 46. Mountaitials iersas.b sane 1776 * Purging........5a0e.-- - - 1363 BS Seed... ->- 20> «-easbbeaes 1364 f$.) Wine... ~.... <<--@8naesta 811 Hd we biteuscd S2es.e 811-212 Cee end Se -+136 $$ > fe American... = - bind robe ¥ Marsh.---. ----- 726: +725 ¥ ale pa a, pst oS 921 < Uh Shee dee 22 1220 * Various Leaved tg20-915 Fles Sects. 1n na: 1751 “; Wort :..-.-~ ----«ef8751-2122 Flesh Colored Asclepias--.-.- 289 Fleur, de Dis: -----.-.-25<;5-<- 1238 Blix Weed «22225 ..-<392054- 2162 Florentine Orris.-....------- 1232 Florida Allspice--.- --------- 470 e MISE 332455 -sdeee 1209 Dogwood = -208)04---- 746 ss Star Anise..-. sot T22 1209 Flower de Luce -....-.=...2:-- 1238 St Gentle” oo anesthe d= 129 S . of an: Hour-... I161 * Velure.... ..-..2568- 2348 ae *\. (SS Bern. siete ot te: 1633 Mi, Hemp Nettle ----- 1024 oy Nettle__...-- 1025-T1024 y Willow oo 2é222'%: >. - Wintergreen ---.-- 1772 Blnellin.... 226. 5-23. seus 2412 Flux Root .-..-actdies 1048-+293 Bay. Agaric.......- dessa. 22 124 SEL ei a sat er ee 1220 REIN 38. ince gee eae 1499 Fa Pogo is 2 inn qepan. I9GREESP SS AP eae oe aims +2057-2056 218 seanmeet Seed ......--is6)- 2336 BolessPepteta2)<.<- -=--s554-- 2340 Bolia Carobae...-. -----se==0-- 1242 Bolks’ Glovelss2-..-= Ssge6¥-- 863 Food of the Gods ....-------- 1563 Bools’-Parsley ....---=<= = 78-77 *..\ Stomesas ssid Wi -cisch sn 1616 $s. Water: Cress... ang 2338 Forbidden Fruit -----.--- 655-t650 Forefathers’ Cup ..---------- 2057 Foreign Colombo .---..-.---- 677 ‘Indian Hemp.... <<: 486 *. “Spikenard.....-teee 2383 Forget-me-not---------- 1534-1535 Borked Fermog-t-2-.c. ---- 2: 61 Forty E.not.....<-3---sseu2- 42 Fountain Tree.....----------- 551 Four Leaved Grass---------. - 1663 Four O'elocks 2. 252-.25-22.f Iso Bowl Cherry 2... s2sc6 5. 5-2-2- 1835 Hex ‘Bane. con -s6 oe ease 59 eit nn . camenna 2 «Per 46: 230 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES, Fragrant Leaved Goldenrod _. 2189 Olive... 2234 2205326 a Frangipanni True, Arabian 12 38 French Berries * “ te 1) 1832 Rhubarb..-. ..------ - 1927 Ros6s oe = 2+ HS. ogo Fringed Bog. Beant<-:.2255¢ Buckbean a “ Fringe Tree Frog Cheese Leaf Furge Matze ot owed oo tect dg Fustic 1530-t1421 1530-t1421 1530-T65o 3 Galam Gum (White Acacie)-- Galanga ts South African _--- bl4 Gale, Sweet Galingale, we Galipot, Tre ll Oak 10-6 +1888-1884 1852.+1818 Plant Gang ’Flowes 333 +1266-1212 Buttercup----.-.- is. Carrot Gooseberry 1945 Hyacinth --..--..... 1173 Hydrangea 1176 Lavender ..-........ 1311 Lettuce Lobelia Marigold aoe ody toate - 1743 ---+494-492 1923 +1152-410 Spurge Sunflower ........... 1126 Sage 2290 “se Shrub eee ee meee eee 380 Garnet Berry INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. a ee aang EIR IS RRR eee Gay Feather Gem Fruit Gentian “6 1340 1054-T1048 Chitin. Sere. . Five Flowered Snakeroot --..-..--. - 1818 Soapwort..--.----- -- TO55 Southern 1048 ot i 2339-t 1296 Gentle Flower Georgia Bark Geranium Spotted x Strawberry German Chamomile Contrayerva----.---- Eld Goldenlocks Insect Powder ‘s — Tronwort ae ay ae ** Orris Root ‘* Pellitory ‘* Sarsaparilla ‘© Scammony Plant -- Ragweed. 134 ‘* Tree of California..-.. 2123 ** Whortleberry Gildewort Gillenia Gill- go-over-the- ground Gilliflower 143 5 282-t280 Gingo Tree __.... ees 2008 Ginkgo Tree 2008 Ginseng American : oe te Ginseng, Yellow Ginsing Gipsy Herb JS Wort... «msinnnn-<% 1409-1411 Girasole 8 Gladiolus Gladwine Glasswort 7 Glidewort Globe Amaranth .-.-....----- 1906 Goatsbane Goat’ sBeard Gold C 5 oO Se Bagde poee ** Shrub 4 Locks, German Maidenhair Motherwort-...-. -.- 10387 Européan ---.-..- 2191 Fragrant Leaved- 2189 Hard Leaved.--.- 2190 Rigid_..... ---.- 2190 Smooth, Three Ribbed... .... 2188 2189 Scented _-- 2189 Saeko, Se, - 1177 Goldylocks Gollindrinera Gomma de Batata Good King Henry Goora Nuts Goose Berry “os ae ae ‘* Tongue Gooses Hare Gopher Wood Gout W 7 79 ut Weed)... are cg +73-1351 ‘* Shrubby 489 Grains, Ambrette “ Chermes INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. 232 Grains, Paradise -.. ......-- 138 “ > ae! 787 (eranadillactc.s.. 5555 .2saaaed 1669 Grantogen-...-.... 22772 - 1649 isfape - Pern 2S nasa 5-808 406 * Hyacinth 10. oti 1533 at Vime...c. epee 2440 SHODES < o-- Lo scisaed wus cee 2440 oo Cormthiant $2248" os 2439 SOs DTIOd ne ee 2440 Grass Beare. cho eee eree. s 2458 Bengals 2 ooen Greenlee. 2131 + Ep eKNUda: ~~" s oe eres “820 *. Blue Eyed .-23...:022-2 2160 ‘* Bristly "Fox Taths. = 2130 ig @ POMC... .--c---s pokagte ee +.» cemoom Cor. £4,552 2198 oe , SEPOOCK <0. ~ inns eee td « 237 RE eee oe 2 1699 ms Seas eed as eek aaa 1699 AES Ok OS OE 393 RP te a ee SS 2333 Se a Re, aa 393 By CR Res Stel ol ae 2201 va ii St Pg aaa I A 2340 - oS a cee +23 I 33 oad, Bees ee a rt a was ae RE a 2340 rk Doss’ OO ft aE. 2340 “Five Leaved-__....2:... 1813 «Four Leaved.....2.:-.. 1663 ** Fox Tail, Green ._._... 2132 OX EEROW onc Staaten 486 ry MMSE so 5 D6e. . ent as 180 Sy, RIOONE Sti e 1783-t1027-1807 my Soreat Gonsesciusc34--< 297 ~ Tp. oo Seay inde Ets oe 1027 Bey k RACY eee aa FS abe 1166 ce. Ctungarian <*~ 2h hse" s2 1653 4 ROU Sasae te je toes ae Seeeeeey 0.2 2085 Te SPOON Seaxeees- Ss =222 177 fo Dine Mitel dovabe I>... 2333 Te Mat (ss5cedaes S22. sos 1501 oe NM et ay 1654-2199 ie MOMKEW .2ST ~- Loos .2 329 Phi LODE a race

Ozlersgecteuiilsocoe* 745 * | Sauce._L lesb awa 1636 \\4_Setaria ....- becwase- 2132 “: . Teatiesetuschus aa ke 2301 s. _ Valerian 232 scsiauei ve 1770 3 C60 -. ccece cen > Oe 1045 %, . Wood. co. aoe aen eee 1045 Grenadier ‘Ju: cioseselacseupag 1855 Grindelia ....-. 02202 2097 cs eee = Pee 1249 iiietcnorcs wresbond. 1016 Fiélonias -.<:----.s2/--23 cut 1139 Hemidesmus ----.------- --- 1141 Hemlock ..<- sss2203s ees 703 e American ---- ---- 613 a Bark (tree 236K 4 e* Dropwort ....------ 1593 ti, European Water. --- ma x [hier oars eT %y Ground ‘yr. oe 2 2268 Ms Aothe Dtee tho. 82s. Oy % Leaves Utd i229 se. 4 ef Parsley: tse ur. 2105 zi Pitch Treesi2322e 4 ss Poisons. 555 cet +703-613 “Small Leaved ---.- -. 77 i Spatted.i252.-2 703-t613 “: ) Spruce’ ise. aie 4 - Storksbill._...---.-- 92 5 es ao ree. 2.2 See oe Water .703-t614-613-1 odd re ‘© American..-- 613 sf 6. Drop: cs. ie! 1593 a “ Fine, Leaved. 1595 Ms Wild cs dfciddes +703-613 PAPA Ds. ten 5t ee 486 \ SA grimopy ..~White Indran'3.2 5-1 289 Hen and Chicken ------.---- 359 Henbane you2cc 2 Lessee eee 1186 bk Black *s2e2=hvenslc 1186 + OW hiite Cadet 2225223. 1184 “6. “SV Mellow cbesd. tere. . 1711 Figabites c6e 7 sesso 2s50R422 1290 Henne. 25) 2532s. Heén’s Foot ..2-'2 80S2tessoc. Hep Tee 7 02sigc.:: S22. ==. Bas Herba Althee, Cape of Good Hope. .iw su a2 2 aden ot 1680 Herbe au Diable..-.--------- ~ 1759 Herb Barbara..2sscass-22-005 932 Bennet JosscesS a2 See ae 1069 i [Blessed eeceue eos ee 1067 “ Christopher sc0-2¢ +1633-64 M MEVe.uccdi2. cmeansy 752 WAG Yicc ceca Cap oeeneas = 752 ‘* Margaret .--.-.----..-- 1333 ‘© “Mastich 3. :s-sateles = 2309 ie + + Syrian twice =< 2287 fs Jof Graces. cesses 1998 hit -Pariss 3.5 sttmesseteesn 1663 $5 SPOteroccas26. scceaeens 1822 Me Robert. 2sveisees sce’ 1060 pa A Os eee 2162 SS -SUL Sinity 555 eee 1145 xT wo Pence.22t92-22... 1413 Hercules’ Club -.....-..- 2452-1233 Hermodactyle-.2. s./......-- 689 Hermadoctylus.... ......---- 1149 pe 2% | | 2 925 Hickory Sauseccr. = 22. 35s e2 515-511 Pies (EMUCEN eo oo cane epee 512 pe oot Tt aa 514 “C, (enagbark 22. Weve 511 Hickory, Soft Shell .... -.... 513 White Heart --.-.--. 516 High Angelica .... ---.-.-2--. 194 Balin i -ngesbesbes ee 1512 Highbelia): .....--- +l eceansplew 1377 High Blackberry. .--- .-----.. 1979 ‘Ys Cranberry 2rccisuececed 2421 ‘. Healall. acca <= 1676 0; Mallow 2ccte.racefiossee 1434 s6 Pennyroyal . .,4¢4-222cc 799 Hig! Taper. .-0+-s<.s. persian 2401 Hallbérty>. 5b etevpeceeree 1042 Liao anton Pit N per heemer 1477 ING DENTY Lh oe pce ee eee epee 1974 Hindheels cc. 24.5 -59eh< nas ae Bites bees os ae ee oe 1331 Hip Frott\hin ceeseoden-caeee 1958 M§, Sega py beet 1958 bY) TOE Gaede sent eee 1958 ‘s., Worti2t ots eg fee 767 Hippo), 23 sie seed Saeeemeie=eee 970 So Tndian digi she ees 1071 AM. a ween 970 Tips 67 PE oe 8 5 eee 1958 Hive VigBo ioe S pails 1503 Hoas hound Sooo sp). sairbed St 1438 Hoary. Peg te 5c tet SS 2276 Hobble Bust! :)..20~4 qwost-< 2419 Hockelberry . .-..---- --ae(qi3=3 2377 Hog Apple 24 2..55—.eigegth<- 1764 : eran Pe se ee 1186 ¥ OG oe op enaseewroesenas 1404 “ Fennel iss: -«-¢a,ae—iten a “ Gunihspassoees eset 318 So Nubidi see. cect es ieee 514 Vs PROMS avers sb aed 2217 © Potato: saJGaseecese te 717 6. Seed 2.2. Got bane eee 1958 tb. Weed) oolvseeeuGisodaeds 133 SS Wart 20 sc 7 +. Wort.2c2 2b codecs 753 Holly, American... +. +--s0«s3 1205 | ee 1425- T1095 6s “Canadian sicc Maseanise 1202 «| Buropean : see stelt 1201 “ Leaved Barberry Dae 360 “\ (Oak .2.52--ose dS gucast 1886 SS ROSC cg Steen ee 647 - Vaupon soc-644 +2 pak 2807 Hollyhock ee eee a bo Rose: -isse8! coed 2104 Holmes’ Weed.-...-.---.----- 2090 Holy Ghost-22- ; <; aa-egfeyest 195 Grass. 2525754: eee 1166 SS Herb! 3.2. Soca cdeeeeetee 2403 ‘“S: Thistle. + -7-stieeeeere= 558 Honduras Sarsapariila----.--. 2170 Honestys"-+-. 2¢sssgnae2 1395-11394 Honewort ‘<..-.2,'agaswaeg +2159-2338 “ Field: 3-22-caesauve 2159 Honey Bloom.°.-:-:-.caswer- 218 “0 | JBteag 42--..25: <: setae eee t Doeustesu. soso trees 1073 *t ThOtWS..-c-2S) aotiee re eee Honeysuckle ----- tr 382-490-1385 x Blue.-. .-g43¢-croe 3 . auto Pye see 4 + wamMp ---- ---- 33 % Wild ~ <2. nenteae ene Hooded Milfoil ._.. ....------ 2370 ss Willow Herb. --+2094-2097 Hoodwoft <.-<.<.<-ssee ae 2097 Hook Heal ...6 22. Rosewood % Sarsaparilla.._...--- 2170 ss Spikenard ig Water Lily de Yellow Thistle Jamestown Weed Japan Sophora ‘* Vegetable Wax Japanese Pepper Japonica AMIIRG Sanh ncncac ae ss tects SaeO “Flowered Ticorea.. - 2314 “© Flowers, White.1244-+1246 fe ee Flowered ---- 1244 ia Jaundice Bony re Root Java Almond Tree ‘© Cardamom ** Cinnamon shia Cowslip.-.-.------ 1854 Iak ot e ae -1206-591-t590 J essamine, Common White... 1246 Red Yello Jesuits’ Bark (Old Name for Peruvian Bark). (Peruvian » eee Powdered). Jew im J ewel Weed Myrtle_-.. -cnsenedeaagad950 Ji impson Seed 845 Weed Johnny Jumper 2436 teheui WwW +1782-1779 +1555-775 Pigwer- 2232 25-s see. Lene Jordan Almond Joseph’s Coat Jove’s Fruit quae Tree ree July Flower Jumble Beads June Berry Juniper Juno’s Tears Jupiter’ Se eee J Jurubeba Justices’ Weed Jute Plant Kaladana Kangaroo Apple Karil Root Kassamah Kelpware Kemps Kentucky Coffee Bean — “Eree Ree: Mahogany - Yellow Ash Kermes Oak Kernelwort Khat Kat Khus Khus Kidney Liver Leaf Fp Liverwort---- ---- sar baas Wort Kill Lamb Kings’ Clover Kino Plant ** Root, American 3311 --. E310 --------—— 773 2757 ~----?1269-1095-1425 et BD eee eee Narrow Leaved ------------------ 4g ee ee mm eee ee ew wee eee Sheep |... +1268 : r270- oe Wort Leaf Cup ego &g0 Vest =. eee Igtg-ty6 1284 weet ewe ee ee ee | | 2340-1783 ------------ 1783 Bird ~ J. eee Spotted .... ---.-.. 1783 Hastate _..__..... 2782 Knotted Marjoram__..__..._. 1628 German ____...._.. 2085 ae eee Reet SS et ~~ ----- -----2-2---= 433 Wee ae eet 2 ha Ce SS Kundoo Nut Tree -... -..... 497 Rooted Figwort...... 2091 pa LT nem ae Pee ee ee. Reet. 2. Kuet Beaxg = ee oe. Knee Holly ____.._.-___-...... 1996 Laurel Kisky Thomas Nut----.--... 1250 Knap Kaawel Knichts’ Spur..... ...-.-.... 850 Kutheck 2° = es Kueb Gass Knotty Brake -...__-........ 393 3 Laburnum Tree -............ 833 | a ee ee | _ eS Labarsa Plat __-- Labeador Tea___._.-........ 1338 Lace Bark Tree a . | | | ww wee a ee ee ee ewe ww ewe 310 863 Mantile.__________.. 92-38 ee German__..__.. 1283 Ladies’ Bedstraw-_........_... 1036 (po PST se Paes Glove- ET I - e . Lacmus____ --_- -----_--t13461326 | So eee Showy. ...... 831 oon a= e ESE Supper eek ee a ee 261 ee ee i ee Thumb _.._.__-_.__- 2983 ee ace a I750 ----- ---- 2337-589 2Ic -+----------- 937 Lettuce. Toes es Moss IXDEX.—COMMON NAMES. 239 = American 078 Sp = ewer era “4... Res@.1 2 Sess2-. 1076 Life Everlasting --~-1081-202- Life Everlasting, Californian. ow own ¥ be a “ Pearl Flow- ee 2255 ~--------------- 1454 “ Bark, Californian _..... > aa. Si Whee 2255 ¥en ESS 2317 Limewort Catchfly_.......... 2142 SS 2316 - Ameen. Sa 2316 * —Eesopeam ....2 5... 2317 326 Pet a 1818-tiss1 = ___ 213 Ses Sees EE Litmus Plant -2220-20-o 7346 i= tis Ee eee a ST = ee = 972 ae Se = - evi SS Shain Heart_.-.--....... 1144 “ Kidaey __=2.i_... 1145 apes Wet sz 1437-t114 5 aa 25 BEE La $ Fees Lizard’s Tail. _-.-___.___. .... 2067 Lobe Berry --_-212--sua----- 673 ebelia—___ ____- ___ is 3s 1374 wee ee 1378 ee | Beown <2... -_-- 12. 355g Garden --...-2....-_. 1373 a 1374 | Rede). | is 1373 South Affican_....... 5375 Spiked... ...:_ 1376 Ee im Se 5 -- 1729 Lecust Bean................- S74 ale ee 1952 a Se oe 1117 = Campzeachy --.....- 1117 = eee oe II17 Pay. 3 ee 1117 + St. Domingo __..___- 11i7 London Pride_____..._ 2052-t2072 Longan Fruit... _. _.. 1577 oe et nee oe Matters .--.....— r541 oe ee 1735 “* Stemmed Groundsel_... 2112 - a Lopez Rast. 2s at, —— Lords and Ladies_......._._- aaa Lordwood ........-...-..-... 136 ee t1572-1388 ~ Rattle Net... s573 S . Meee Louse ee W. 1350 S _ Ante... 2 ; Vee4 4, A astpapmncoc doe BEE | 2°» ee SS “ Chamomile __.......... 205 3 eee 1433 ea aiicidl-aes- 1445 Locerne ..... Lambang Nat. .....--......- 97 | Lung Flower --.--------.~--- 1o5z 240 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES, Lung Moss .....-------ss051< 2228 Male Jalap ..---n.<+sax05<255e 1227 Lungs of the Oak... --------- 2228 . Lavender -s 1248 Macedonian Parsley .-.------ 423 Mandragora Root....---.-.-- 328 Mad Apple.-.-.--...-2-- 1888-1845 Mandrake...ccite J-meicepons te 1764 Madagurcss Tanghinia-.--..-- 570 te American. ....-..-. 1764 Madar. Bark.--.-.saecei: 288 a European ..-.----. 328 Madeira Nut ..2s.<0ndsvewee 1253 ps Round 2 secre. 1072 00d orn ccen : heed Wild .... cen 3766 Indiamtiste eee 2 1599 Ginger......-.. -f4aSh= M27 TROOG .. 5. Clue AG 1968 Mango Tree... abt <- st. 5 1435 $6 .. - Wilds..2-. cee 1033-t1031 Mangosteen, Wild .---. /..-.. 1037 Mad-dog-weed -.--------- 2097-t99 Mangrove sisi -cconcsscnddOis 1929 Madia Seed ....---.~..ues Man-in-the-Ground -...----.. oie Seeee col 22 2007 eee op eee 1075 $e so ace ssa scet8Rze-1473, | Ore - alee ee 2261-t552 oo German hee ce 297 Manna of Briancon-...------.- | 7 Magnolia ....+1425-1424-1427-1428 Op Te ainiarisk , - > jue 2261 “.. Big Leaved -25552.2. 1427 ‘$)_iDree__-. .....<..938628-TEDIG Maguey a.3~...~ cu PEWS 81 6 ** European........ I0Io f - meee. ene eee eee reee Srabiteds SCS 3 Manzanita... ..-.. -senssie <= (899 Ba Kentucky ..--..--. III1r Maple A&h Wo. .cccnecomtaein 29 ms Mountain -......-- Maple, pee Egéscedsé--..- Mahonia..222052. 227 6. £05 360 |. -oc% . (Groind.__ soe M aiden Hate. 2 ceceasttei.. 69 ‘© Guelder Rose -...--.- 2416 ‘s American ...... 69 ‘* Leaf Alum Root-..-.. 1154 BS ** European...... 68 “© Lungwort....1854-1485 - ** Golden........2s ns wmcieie ae +----2395-T2228 pidwewweescuteus OES 2461 Striped ...... han g- ee ot oS ~Speall oo F405 8 SE 2199 “Sugar. Tree. scsi s 34 Malabar earn OS). SP gor “ _Swamp........- age. 33 . atone agg cere 6 - 1902 Marany Nut__-..-.- stati. 2107 9 ighteshade._..__... 353 March ...<., ---. 2 792 Masterwort----.---- tr Cea pie > Wiratee ae Se See ot 795 “s BOR oe ews 319 pea ER went ae eee 648 os Imperial--..- jrerl-aha Mercury jg: SEY pba ah 1483 Mabtich “Tree. 2-2222 5 BLE. 174% ** English........ 592 po ge 1561 eae Eat ee fis 592 ee te ee te 958 te VO eee ae 25 ot ES Ee ep 1206 M@senna Bark’ -2_ f° 222.2.... oa Dratins ere 0 4555222552135... 783 Mesquite Gum ---.-......... 98 WEStico Sewer eee eco ~.e 259 WMetalista Root’ 2222s es 1502 gigi doo 259 Mexican Contrayerva..__---. 1843 Matrimony Vine.-...-.------ 1398 Fever’ biavet.. 22225 578 Maudlnvassss isl de. ..ncgc=0 37 aie oe 98 eR aney Seve owe oe a “ Masdey sees 81 Med (Want rst eer t... Ses =~ DOR eae eee » 243 Wiw-scede i202 672 s6uG.tta0 ah \ ~~ Gaia et ee 2026 Way-applerssisc255 2.25.2... 1764 ++ *- Gareapaenias sons 2169 a Mountain --.-.-.-- 1763 +s Tein cs. ss Seca. 590 Way Flower i222 -25522-.-..-- 905 Mexico Seed .-2-2£2--- 25... 1950 a aah Oh ceed Eaton ee 707 Bregereow’ 2 .J. seo cne seo 839-837 } Queen" Mosss222- sito... 1798 os American -...-..... 873 PR TAP reertsa2A0I SRE E ose a 773 Michaelmas Daisy--.---.-.-.-.. 314 me Wend ie tigr gash eenss 1440 Reese 23 Ae ae heen we Werte ven eae ote +1440-1030 Mignonette, Wild-..-_...--.- 1913 aah ee 2211 Mild Water Pepper-_-_..--.--- 1787 Mazzards 322232. eases cance 572 5 ag AES ce he RS 38 Meadow Anemone---_2...... 188 Remit Soligeask oa = > s, 1371 American... 187 Milk Ipecac.....-.-- 970-218-2337 pie Bloom+ssscs2escasc2 1908 Po Pere. SS 2S2 8.2 1696 242 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. 970 Moss Ceylon 972-970 > ffi se 1027 er i “s i 2192-1672 AN as ‘* Long Florida “ 579 Moth Mullein “ ; Mother Clove “ L pa eA ‘** of Thousands .. -.. . “of Thyme 2310-2311 Wandering *S of Wheat aise. hal pnid 450 Whoorled Motherwort . 1326 2399 Mountain Arnica .... ¢sasued-= (250 * Ash a7 oncom 2197 - Balm.1460-924-t1511 . : Bugle Hungarian 1653 Calamint Indian t2199-1654 Italian BOP, nan cans n-th wan. ROES Turkish... ~.-..------ 2199 | ee) |) ee aes Mist Flower Laurel . Mistletoe thn ee Mahogan 373 Mistress of the Night May Apple.----..- 1763 Mithridate Mustard Mint-....1512-1620-+1859 Mitre Wort Parsley Moccasin Flower 8 Pink Aa) Mock Orange Mocker Nut Mohawk Weed Moldavian Balm Mole Plant Molucca Balm 1042 Grains .<---cka Ve. - Thyme....--..-.450-+43 Valerian Monesia Bark Tobacco Money Flower Mourning Bride ge) iy WOR a6 a ee os: PATS Wi Monkey Bread Tree Face Tree 1164 1164- 1088-t1084 “ Chickweed \ ae ‘* Scorpion Grass -..-1535 American ‘© Virginia 8 4 Wild American. -- Mouth Root Monks’ Rhubarb S Montpellier Coris.--....----. 2254 Moon Flower. non5-4% ----1 3402 ‘\ Fruit Pine Moorberry Moor Grass Moosewood Morning Glory a) . “ oe Mortification Root’. Moss Berry Mullein be cide as SRE SE 2401 peanennnece- nest 2399 Murillo Bark NE a PRE IgOI Macuxr Bark.....----. 1397 ve Sead eae eee 1582 Niger Seed fp ocpaosas pace egy oi 1109 Nigger Toes.--.-..----------- 366 Night Blooming Cattys. 22 ><: = 437 Cereus _....- 437 tHenbane oo2- he de- anne 1187 Nightshade. Soe eee American ...----- 1715 * Deadly ------ 2182-1327 “ Enchanters’.-.--.- 640 " Betidtscca2e8e222 1186 + Garden -..- 2182-2178 15 Malabar’ 222/202 4.- 353 a Three Leaved---- 2337 at igi Park -(s2ctsctcgeces ace 1455 Wineiiaricctfsrtisselssu sees 2212 Ninety Knot .--------------- 1783 Resnctat il Sfnes pete ee esc e = 1649 Sh? MRBSE LL SEstt LoS ope = 1649 Nipplewort ----------~-------- 1292 Mi Gy Cemneteet oicete cs ctc eae 2060 244 Pine. cece ate eee a STOW sane ceamemeeies t+40-38 Nodding LG noe eo cemete celine 1354 Wakerobin....---.- 2337 None ‘sb ,Prétty—2-—-- 2 anaes 202 None Suen ao0- sh cce acne 1444 Nolitangere i.--- ---- 2 coon ae 1214 Noon Day Flower-.------..- 2325 2 Were he ts co a ote a 2325 Pg a (appl gfe gy stp, =~ 2325 Northern Prickly Ash ----.-. 2453 Norway Cinquefoil.-.-..-.... 1811 MG - one-one +1726-6 Bipeemeed pou 3 coco ee 38 Notchweed -.- 2 .355,2 30> 4> =~ 597 Nuns’ Whipping Rope------- 130 Nut, BCGIGH cove ao (a coe 2107 Agee ace son coo eee A. OGG cos sa5 noe 993 See, (SEL «wae ome thats 1525-1108 fa. peuen-------- +1524-1108-1525 Boe CUCL mw acm he ot peng namo 241 Bee WSRELCE ooo peas eam 512 Ee BIAGUCY ~~. ooo. cman tree 1742 | ese were ee 306 nas AMCIN -— 2 oae ean o 687 Be Gat LG oon 5~ and ieee 97 Se REGEN eee ewcn sone eae 2107 we CASED «40 sy on doer ein 366 Se RCO a nthe whe ie ah nme 1712 fe, KOE Sen som ete 687 bog GAIGEO stewed nna snnte 1713 TEs pISLUROLS: a = ope Rie ae ae 2236 eo epee preeien paren om 229 Fig, RUUD cea ce cae aoe ee = 535 ne qu ONGH 2-Sa008e sce 403 Nutqua-mequot --.-,.----... 2113 Nutall’s Polygala-..-.--..... 1773 Nux Metella-.- ee oor 2235 La LT 2235 Nya Pana Siye sotto ten 956 Oak Agari’ a0 u ssaeue.. 396-T394 American, Turkey --.-.-. 1892 tS Barren: eet See eee 1891 0 "Black 22:2 Bs aes: 1891-+1899 O° Bear ov ae ene ee 1887 “IN Bitter ss font Seen eee 1881 **: “Black: Jack occas Bae 1891 “<* Botany ‘Bay -22i fees 41 °° Bult | p22 vce ee 1889 8" Championcs peserdcfeone 590 a coma con, Seen? atreaee 1895 eee wee ee ew www em ome Froge>z-2¢e= SAMs ee 1893-1882 he ie Sea ee 1891 etticaleth=*: 2 Sre 5QI- Rerities’: ss2ss2es ees : Bee Leuven tis. Say +» 1900 Eive - 2222222 rf a ey Mistlewe-2,--.20ou. SSR ee INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Orange, Bitter, Common...-. 656 Common, Sweet 794 GG4ASS 42 ops Saeeste 9109 Root as 4s ** Horsemint Officinal Bistort -....... ‘* Sarsaparilla “4... Squill Ogeechee ‘l'ree Oil Plant Oily Acorn Grain kan Gum Oriental Berries 158 Mustard... etact.12156 a6 Plane Tree ee Sassafras. 2121-24: 4 Sweet Gum Tree-- “— ve Tacamahac Origanum +1620- eas Orinoco Sassafras 1568 Orizaba Jalap......22..21.... 1227 Orpine ‘* Livelong Orris, Common sf ** European ** German Osage Apple * Orange Osier, —— “ee Oswego Tea Otaheite Apple West India, Wild One Berry 1503-T1663 795 rE lowered Bloomrape-.-.. 1623 $$ * Wintergreen .. 1869 " Seeded Cucumber ISM: anes sb Oxlip Oxtongue Oyster Root Ozier, Green ‘© Red Paigle Tea Painters’ Gamboge Pale Bark “ +s 246 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. — =. “ 1959 “Touch Me Not... .1215-t1213 646 Palicourea 149 Wood .......- secusemd2- “1439 “© Wort 788 Palmyra Palm * Wood Palsy Wort Panna * Molben? Pappoose Root Papuan Bark Para Cress Paradise Seed i 8 Pelargonium Paraguay Roux: :<.eu2t) aut Pelican Flower ct Pellitory Para Grass 329 ee .Rikatanyese) evel 27 2 5%1973 Paratoda Bark 482 Pareira Brava €45 Parilla, Yellow Paris Pennsylvania Sumach Penny Cress as Pennyroyal American 169 Leaved Yellow Wort-- 2448 Macedonian 423 Matsh:-.5 2226 .+2106-2105 Mountain..-. -.. -.-. 321 “se La “ Parsnep Parsnip 1673 2297-+2465 +1503- 1042 1737 African. ..1737-+1730 Pasque Flower Bonnet Passion Flower 495 at Cayenne... --...-.495-t492 American........ apse “ Patchouly Patience 1992 1989-t1992 Patagonia Mint; di -cward): 1498 Paul’s Betony 1410-T1411-2412 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Pepper, Bidernst 202 . 22 8259 Pickpurse.....--- --+---+---- Ethiopian =. =:3-' 2 2359 Pie Plantscnsxaesisenen 2 ---- 1923 ae Garden ay th +494-492 Pigeon Sin pe See rere 2: B 1715 “ ss “és be apanese --..-. - --- 2450 $s... . Weed... o-.82092---=—. 2403 “$ Five Att eee eens 1734 Pigmy Woeed . .. 323 5. .HiER < 2 Asse 1317 Perfumed cae Woortss225 573 Pine Apple 2.2:222023 ....-02% 159 Periwinkle-.....-.------ +2426-2427 “© Strawberry ---- - 1005 Pernambuco Wood----------- 443 “. Broom san. 2ss2SYR 1725 Persian Berries--------- yr azore *s French Ground.---.-.--. 2286 * Feverfew..-. .- ---- 1865 . Groundicsa75—2 1404-186-2284 «Insect Powder- -..--- 1862 .. Loblolly: 22222-'2822 4 1729 Persians’ Barles 2223252252: - 1921 “ Long Leaved.¢2. 56.2... 1725 Persinmmon>::<'/222--7--=- ---- 868 & _ Norwayiss-2s-ss002882 +6-1726 ewes eee eee i in a al oP ie wees we eee weer eee e eee [Sona nae ade aeaeanmas S380 FE. ©) Seesaw se esse Peru a pate ep SPIES POSS | Ogg || OR -Redssc 512s SS See cee Peruvian Balsam Tree. ------ So Sai toes Iso Sane eS Se Le 1518 Bartecacccsd Noe 6x8 “6x9 2 Soft Dealioxi ¥UGE. ous 1727 os Velhow eens c 618 ® ' Stone@ssscs se oreeesscas 1724 “ Black Ipecac..----- 1845 © \Fopasnssccssas 30h o00 4 ss Cinnamon..--..----- 1308 “ oe _naet sara 599 puis oe eed. 226 ;.dbeeNe? A. pecae oo O68) -WWhite ces dees a0 WA we wen @erttsectes eer. 2a 1638 . Wild, Scotel#: 3... ss.2 1728 ee Omitaa cs. 20S) oS 595 ‘© Yellow Pitch.... ------- 1725 ¥ Slipperwort-... ---. 4 Pingo Pingo.----...-.-.----- 904 57 = se Sorrelere: 22848 T= 1637 Pink dads $a0s weet edal hs tan 858 nO VII S540) ) ©. 2 Carotmarlar ke ..-2s<% 2205 wee e eee emcee eee Dae ees aawpooa, G77) > © Remkeee.22 5 eae eee Pewter Wort: <212222 522k: lan cccs5skt Pheasants’ Eyes. 25-22 -.-.. -- 70 “| Maryland !.:-'--2222---- Philadelphia ilexband Wea 9a 5 g2t “© Meadow.-.....----. ---- i Phthisie Weeder... to 2424 1392 8 OMountainess<--28! '-5- 9°5 Physic, Culver's.. Et 1331 Mi. Rootssses 2st Maas 2205 Indian..---- 1070-t1071-219 *...% Carolinassas +-+=52 2205 Whe Sf as sleet eee 804 wos. Demerara. usu. - 2204 me EAS “© West Indian. - Behe dtoae me nwocuba,F eek 1) ~ * Sees =. oe one Stes L_Jaswenea nabe awd tihemaws=e,,970 Ft) o * + Raa sew ieens! Sees UttQenhds cabana een PUD Tt -° /“ IC se aaa San ereee Se wbadtemaanaené eR Shh” |) | Swine wens) eam eee Pickaway Anise:-.-..-..-.-- Pinoncillo Tree.... .--------- Pickerel Weed. 0-252. .<.20.- 2358 Pinxter Flower.------------- 335 Pickney Bark-..-.----.------- 1721 Pipe Planti2iG2- hed ee 1519 Pick pocket. Seco) tee. sks Me Stemi 2502 s...-.. ses 17t Pin) DeeC snc cnrencseaeeuns 2255 PP WING. ccece man-.ceetenes INL BOOS. cncnnne nadhteds «ee 444 PUNSISEEWA ..56-- 4s oaedaham-- 599 Be Spotted..-- 65% <. 598 BIBtACHICR. «0 we mece e-heee— == 1742 SP imtachio. .-.en—, ---- tee lo=-- I1Ig le Nuts...... inkl. -- 1742 ty Nut, Tree... jaye e-ve 1742 Pistacia Galls.....-- -siiece-~ - E742 Mitava. Baek ke pseu rect 630-T619 Pitch Pine. 2s....<-++-- beste 1725 Pitcher PGE nc am ont +2057-840 “ Californian..... 840 Plane i i ee eee 1754 ** Oriental .....4+8¢ 1755 Plantain cit dnepemcen ees 4 1749 .. Branching......«tae 1751 s.. 6; Common... .Jaj-cee 1749 Moon Dwart.:... abt. .--26 1752 © 1. Bartshormcceag- 2% 1745 “ ‘** Indian ...- ~--------- 435 ** Net Leaved....1093-t1092 $$ MR IDWOFt-cstehe-u--25 1747 oe, a OBETTS opp cen tape 918 Fe en coe 1165-+1747 ‘© Water..-- ..+1744-1092-99 ‘© White. -..-+1093-203-1752 Pieurisy Root.....-.---saasp- 293 Plowman’ 's Spikenard----+1220-337 Ort....- - «ones ~ 725 Plum seine -WESBepeTHe <-t2 2 == 1832 s} Asrpan cee: seem Pecan Bush ..-cccee: ---nsee - E715 Peck .Wood........--sde<¥-i4t5- 1105 Poets’ Narcissus... .-=-<+..s:- 1557 Pointed Cleavers.-.--...-.---- 1028 Poison Sahin 1936-t601-1940- po we is aie +703-613 OB Els a cen mnie 1939-T1040 ps 8 ig ViDCdusced- bias Pepe sla My 1949 sundeaene= 1940 Parsley ...- = 1797 Pomegranate ---- -- 3.) age---> 1855 “e Bark. sf eaten 1855 > Putt eects ese 1856 a ¢ Pee! - a teneibacs = 1855 Pomipion......--- aaameaaeeeee ce 797 Pon ed W900 --o2 cer tr | (aan ne esa < 5) ae 1587-1583 sp © White PER 4 Sha : 7 “e .. £ MEMOW seed a eee one 1583 Pool Root... ----- pets +955-954 we WOlt..25--carn'= Eee 955 Poor Man’s Pharmacetty~.--. 491 oe 1 PODDEY enpiiade coe 1329 & ** Rhubarb... goa ‘© — Weatherglass .... 156 ** RODIN. 2... - 1: Imdia..... aiiidadenl- 1454 “S. MUR ce oncevar daar +970-972 * —*8 the Meadow...-<-.- 2214 PAUGVAI: oe 2402 LIN iy; aay OSS ae 1454 Pussy Willow-.-._-.-..---.--.- 2014 JA eee 919 Huteha: Pat. oo. .ccecs baeden 1765 mments’ Crown... . . asusins - 2265 Batty. Root... oc... Sue 216 oS) Pintle . on. oe aciiodenk « 277 Pyramid Flower ......---...- 1007 BOD rca ckeerkenssenpeGers- 1352 a Plant’. 2 8as 3% Seek 1007 PAUMAWOF « 6045-2 -cas0aeek- 1352 eeeret hin oc ae 154 PUMTOSE occ - cece ttted te - 1821 Marla lao. c-ssnlcess BONE 59 4° Common.--bs23su34- 1823 ** Round Leaved.-.__--.- 1868 -.. Comal 182t- Mab: Quark Grass...-- .---.- jase 2340 bp Evening ......-tni243- 596 Guafodil..... o-pebase----2 1453 5 RBCs. 3-5 Seaenbeipt#506 Quaker Button --.-....5...-- 2235 Princes’ Feather......--..-.- 126 Quaking Asp.-....-bese---t 1804 +: (17 Ra Fe Ps 599 Aspenwt sscii- :-% ae Pavete. ck. oan-- 29eece- 1352 Quamashi....-o--545. 2. eeke a ee 2? Se 1352 ASM ASEI AR ne tar soran a Procession Flower ....------- 1774 $8 Bark oos-ia 22 4atean ats Beovins. Rose .... ....--is25- 1960 wie Wood"... 5- Sean! Benes (8s nunoy coce aod 1832 Quebracho Bark. (A Sona en eee 1846 American Bark. Seetin Stk. timed. 1846 Queen of the Meadow. --.2214-+963 Public House Plant----.-.-.- 281 sour see Prairies (Yields Puccoon, Ben Siwy... 24. ou. 2041 Oil anal. to Gaultheria.) Yellow ......aiies- 1177 Queens’ Delight gaptd--- - #2. aa Pucha Pat... sdesshe0 8 week 3- 1765 Root..--tsa.3---- 22. MARCHIIEIM 22 5. os oe od 1569 Querecitron s44-s a= 3255 Spe 2340 Pudding Grass..-.....--..-.. pe Quick. Grass-aissngts-----42- 2340 * Pipe Tree.inJ--7--- Quick in the Hand ------...- 1215 Puff-ball.....-1400-1 aoa dead zac Owichkset...--.--s--sccc- cesses 773 Puke-Weed-......-..---.-..-- 1374 Ouilmal...-.--“4ahere oe 897 Palsatilla _.....--4<<4v-Wdeaee> 188 COURIER» pore --baentle 2. -54- 816 ae American ..-.--..-- 185 oe a penpals... |. =. ate ee 72 i European 1764 ‘ee Cone Flower -...---- 1981 Race. Ginger... .5->----eeppeh 2463 Og Everlasting....------ 2454 Radish <..2.-- .\.-- Seususee 1912 us Foxglovet--..---..22 863 * . Commons. 53-s2pease} 1912 aS Nat i es ee P 1936 6 Garden... j2esegein—> 1912 ‘* Leptandra__.....---- 1331 f¢ Horse.._ ..... ssadoeu > 680 % Morning Glory...-.... 718 Water. no oeet i: ub 1565-+1564 <2 Stramonium-.--.----- 846 po Wild, 3. = dstteent at 2155 x Topped Clary .-.-.--- 2028 Ragged Cup.) sa see 2148 ‘ Z. Sage ---..-43 2025 Lady -. -aeseeenta’ 1581 t. . N¥sllow,.itacend 0 ha a 2016 Regweed ........ssunell«ie-- 133 a Willow Herb....__.-- 1418 “s Common ......--.-. 133 ‘ Vined Willow Herb-. 907 i Giant.) eas 134 Purschiana Bark-........--..- 1921 Srey 2} Sen PE 134 Peuslain, Milk........... ust 970 Ragwort..-...-.... +2109-21 13-2714 oe White sacisa’--..- 970 Ragwoolwort .........-i«---- 2121 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Red Hot Poker Plant “$ Ink Berries. s267ese- 2: Indian Paint..... Mezous Rampion Ramshead 1978 *s Rose Flowering --.. 1976 Ratsbane Pepper. awd ane swage itn Rartle-bush African. .--...-- 492 Rattle-nut Rattle-root Rattlesnake’s Beans Rattle-weed RattleSnakeroott1551-616-1092-2337 Rattlesnake Fern 406 Raspberry..-- ~wevli ue78 Fl * Wild 1978 se ’ 1675 sb 1092 : Master.1337-t927 82-1338-1339 Plantain --_..+1093-203 Root..t1551-1092 616-2337 Violet ......-+2433-937 Weed ..1092-1165-+927 Seed t222 weet. Shanks Spruce Squills Stalked Aster Sunflower Thornapple Top Sorrel Weed ee se Cardinal Flower 1373 Carthagena Bark._..... 619 Jamaica 1261 = Turkey Centaury Cherry, Garden Chickweed Cinchona Reteaees Relbun Corn Poppy Resin of Thapsia Couch Grass Rest Harrow Resurrection Plant. ....-.... 2104 Rhapontic Root Rha INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. 251 Mbhatany. Paras 0 | ues 1 ts 1273 ove) Se oe Ree 1275 a West Indian----... 1273 Rheumatic Weed---.--...- 599-310 Rheumatism Moet ages. at 1249 eed...---- ts599-598 Rhodes Wood........-------. 150 Phodinm. Wood... .<.0..20s.U. 721 mens Darh:.-...0. 14e-. 9355- 1926 St une FAIMETIOCAR 22 S20 J 1923 Soe « AED PISS SN 1926 pee > eS. 1927 . English Stick. .... 1927 = rench...42¢n51 pew 1927 it son @rakdem 255i... -- 1923 SURES MUINN snot Sa 1986 e...guartanan wollen f* bel 1924 ©... hurkey...903 5.1.00 nage se G2. 2, SUI YID- began jf, a) +1748-1750 SP Ses» =). ee 1747 4h se Plantain... Osweleb 1747 CSA Ee re); eee 1629 %.. Paper. Plants. if ......-+2 995 faichienafs.........~ aa fe cezeh 690 Richweed.---.. ..+690- aa Riga Balsam... .....J251-2223 1724 Rigid Goldenrod........~.:423 2190 Ring Worm Bush-----_-.----- 520 Ripple Grass-.-.-... -..-.- -- 1947 River Weed........ -.2.....- qo Moh. Elder.:....222422 421 ..- 2036 Robert’s Plantain........_.-- 918 Robin-run-away---- - -. ---- 1576 Robin-run-in-the-hedge. .--- 1576 Mobins’, Rye.....-..%2.5-2 5.0 7798 Rock Blackberry.-... ---- ---- 977 Brake... -.-- +1707- spghenlas “ Chestnut Oak--.. ....2- 1890 ye eee fhe. 228 ee ee tk, FO 69 BS a LADUE ci ctenens coum dE GSS SS). Parsley... 292202022. 4 Dx 1692 *. Polypodewauiue ..---- 1797 Dp TROGC shire eed 1130-T1129 Se EXIPCiewnaees U4 RS 2357 as *?.-duighen. .s< Sf 2357 es eed BAe ek bare BS SES I Rocket Herb, Vellow.......-- 932 Sediiusiiee S... --.-. 426 Rod, Aaron ’S.eciiete......-. 2108 Rego: 24s. .....2 75° Seuetion Blower it.2......_. 1778 Rohun-bark...... 22 .'.... .--- 2246 Roman Chamomile--.. .----- 205 MS. . Memuusees23......--< 387 ‘s Leopardsbane... ---- 880 ‘“* Wormwood -.-..-- 4271-133 64 s American 133 Root of Scarcety....-....---- 367 Rope Bark.....8 00h. .....- 873 Repewindss.Jes2e >? 25 ===. -- 718 Rose Acagiag xna.tseh. ou. - =. 1953 Africam ae!) C14. 2.20). 1658 : SE aN 2 oa 3 cca ees... I a wow Dwarfsk2 2. .-_- ‘ im 1931 © . Betey 302 AU-2.....-.. 918 MS. Betetec se Pigsk® .- Wn nce 1958 eS. Cabhage.s,i2 ..... >. 1959 2 Chinese.4 49s... -...- 1159 * . Christmas. «2x0 -0 2196 ‘© Wood Tree..-.-_.+1874-2196 *¢ . Zedoaryall weasel .. 807 Rowan. Treessvel 2g. ~ 2190 Roxbury Wax Work...-.--. é 553 Royal Cow Parsnip. (A variety of Heracleum Lanatum.) Royal Flowering Fern--.-.... 1633 Raby Weeds. ..... =<... 1850 RUS. . sesh OR Se 1908 o. Avlemone. feted . 22. :: 2291 >. GakdenWeoli.2 atest... I ef .. Geatea20 We. ..6 0. +2276-1020 *’. Meadowztee Wi 22 we... 2292 252 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Rue, Wild Harmel Rum Cherry Rupture, Wort Rush, Common Dutch, ..2. savsuecrsels Org hg jit aa Russia Seeds Russian Spurge Ruswut Rut of Hearts Spanish Dhistlext swe. 2.22 Sagackhomi 2031 i eae Wild._...... 260 Lyre Leaved Meadow se ‘“s Sago Palm Saigon Cassia ** Cinnamon Sailor Plant Anthony’s Turnip Catherine Prunes Christopher Herb Domingo Bark Ignatius’ Bean James’ op John’s Broad ‘© — Dogsbane a Lucia Bark “ Saint Thomas’ Tree Salacine Willow Salad Salep Root +1616-1615 Salmon Leaved Blood Flower 1116 ‘© Prickly Sampson Root ry Snake Root, t1053- Sandal Yellow Sandbox Tree Sand-myrtle Sand-nettle 1850 White.-.. 222. .. 2048 Sanders Wood Sang Sangree Root Sangrel Sanicle ot Sapan Wood Sapodil Sappan Saracen’s Comfrey Mie Woundwort Sarracenia Sarsapanilla ee eS Australian Brazilian Southern States-.. pi Spanish ay “er “ ae Sassafras.....-.¢' «sewessdebe 06K is Australian INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. BSree RNs | 1568 Scrub Oak, Black.-..-....._. “Re Swanipec’sssee2 1425-745 Scrubby Gratineailiecnuuid.. 682 ss CORLL) ph aaega ed eel 1300 : Prefeil eos loc. J. 1846 Sassy Bark .-. 2-2-2222. 24... 940 Séurvy Grass... n00sc0=sthLes- 682 Satin Flower.---.....---- +1395-2225 Scnlicap: ..0.. jogged... 22... 2097 Saty pe es een Leah Es REGRETS 1614 **.. Americanciuil...'... 2097 Vesetable-.......--.=.. 1614 - lugs oi...0203 i geuk 2097 $ause Alone...-. : 2048 dy White, (variety of).. 2097 de Woutl:22s222254. 201% 1850 % Flowered..... 2093 As Hott oN a 1850 Swutch Grase..........995 [22 820 Saesita Bare ono S oc... 1898 Sea ‘Ash......-.-222....- t2451-233 Choy Sa sr 1273 Beans. ...2256--e0nge.L os 878 Serory. Ciltated’ i vole ee. 2063 “11 eeean He Simmer. 220 atte 2064 Cole oc ciinndcinntRrasdios 426 ‘* Winters: =<: 228 2065 OOS MINCE 6 occ an aL, 2260 OOGR SLO 255652 Uees Ae. 1027 Se? Gilliflower <2 .00ces 523 156 Semen Anti-Choleria ....___. 2193 and NY a ct Vay gl ke Sia 1512 SeNéGa Grass... a0 542225 -dkSek a = <8 a Bersess sere sa: RS + ROGE vec rneca oe. Be ARES Sa cee see 2026 ** Snake Root-..... rk a Scent Wood Ueay. saa faa O8 4 age Senega Root ....-2.22-....... 1776 Sauce iS isscossesec. eS 1715 e Snake Root ----+1776-1778 Scorpion Grass ---.--- Sanh 1534 ad * European 1772 > OS SMA 2e Seer cs 751 Senegal Wisc lead sbewns) . 674 NOR OVPOELAL Tear ueee 2 1535 Sétteka- Root ..:.<<_...- Hui 1776 Seatel Bavieg 52520-22223 . 1168 *. -Snake Roots.ban iss 1776 oo" Bonney suc Se 496 Séfgren ... cwigile Aeiee de 2108 cece See Re sg a A 722 SOON Wand oxide sense Se aed 519 wk ne 1607 “ --Plant...Jmaiia Rok a3 = 530 Scouring Rush --......---.-- 913 .-American®s.. iui. - 527 Scratch WES wu. e cee ke "nop a Aenea Ween ee 1092 Scammony...-....-... 1689 Sérub Oukoors: Ee 9 dle 1887 © - Seorpigh..écdensa don - 2354 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES, Senna, Sensitive --..-.------- 524 bs .02id Ys. --- 1814 Serpentariavecesc! 4. .-.'..----/ 4253 Service Tree.........-ea2--< 2196 2 PPE LEUG. ...noasas des 1876 Sesame Leaves... ..---- 42-0 2127 Settiswort's:2.-...- hcsutend 1135 Setwall cies -2222 ..-denbae 2388 Seven-hark «.......-sasbacia- 1175 Seville Orange.....---------- 651 SRad-bubth=_....<.<00.2etqan 258 Shaid=tre@.j222....-- swecdiiin 258 Shag-bark, premany -ook 94 51t Tree -ncnnccnteiee 5it te “6 Walnut... tcbaecel STL Shallot.. S2sieseteencasdcc-tas IOI SHamrockesttea se nasnoe +1636-2334 oi Water......---s4s04 1481 ¢ White...--<--¢nleass 2334 Sharp 7 Doth nies shan! 1985 dciciitien mam mache Late 2192 fader ree bce ainnictain RS 913 SheiOdk 2. bsccsenen. ps 539 Shea’ Trées.cs2=. .xveslet 5s 354 Sheep Betty s...-4305%--%% 2420 Bury: .....-saqa7ii =. 2445 ttee . Laurel ..—nas4 1270-+1268 Six JBoison ...W..-<=.354 hie 1268 ef Orkelsis 15 2k..-dhiast 1984 (he Deed 2c nna<0cncpae 2052 Shellac. ........ .Reesaneied 96 Shell-bark Hickory---.--..--- 5PS Shell-flower -.....----------- 588 Shell ~QTASS -------------e2-- 2340 Sheph erds’::Club=.2. acsx2. ot 2401 Knot .--srutd-ge< 1814 Be Needle-....-.-.+- 2077 $ Purse. inna saee- 491 ~ ee 870 a Staff .ccass=nKett 870 ly Weatherglass.--- 156 Shield-fern, Male--.-.---.---- 303 Shieldlichén w:5s.--.-.--wb ae Shield Root).0ssse0-) endo Sit itets |. .25..5.0h 186)_+1868 Mao Wend .ncsannanie dagseee 2268 Shoe-black Plant ...---.-...- 1159 Shoes-and-Stockings....----- 1388 Shooting Star.-.-....-------- 875 ShorenWeeds2.i5....i....- 1372 Short Leaved Buchu.--.....- 351 Shot-buh (2.0020. bs 2eecd-ce 233 Shovel Weed s-ts25U asi: 2--- 2358 Showy Ladies’ Slipper-.---...- 831 Shrubby Feris. ess-s pence 700 » -. Jems Weed eer. ae 489 Mt eh Ont iawn s . 489 “. . Deefoil: ... 2cdac. 1846 Shih Oaks. steht 1887 * of Australia .. .wcdbe-- 891 “i*¥ellow Root. ...-<2.!-- 2448 Siberian Stone Pine.-.-.-.-..-- 1724 Sieily. Reet: iss. 2ic.JstieS-. 1631 Sickle Grass... ...e2ciecanes- 1782 Sickle Senna..-.--.-.... cacmens 531 Se iG COd. Unc- cape oom 7 Pets’ WWI «= «.--- 845 Et Rootes 25555-24238 616-545 SElEChWOTtLs 26 8 et aia 2225 O°... Vitie.-...ameg..-2 ---- 1503 Stonebrake..-. -.--»-+-+---- 1797 e bs archi 313-2113-2117 Stonecrops-<5.---- ~espey goes 2102 ig Roeteits.2...--. 2117 .e Biting ssenteent to. = 4 2099 Squilily .-.-.---------------- 1652 os SOR ot si ea oa 1688 Squill, Louisiana.-.----- .---- 775 Hy Virginias. nage sane 1688 pot"... Officinal .......deutt-. 2082 Stone Clover sans tees Ehe +1842-471 _ Brimstone--------- 1403 a s , , 1908 - Caterpillar.. - ---. 2203 Re ry ee Ba Hairtcss 490 2025 2319 Turnsole._ 222222 2-20 22222-11394 | SO yster.----= =----- Turpentine Root..-- -------- 2444 | “ Powder.... ------- Sunflower ------- 2146 | ‘“S Satyr... --------- Turpeth Root--....----------- 723 % Sulphur... ..2...- 1403 Turtle-bloom---. ------------ 588 oa Tall low (the wax)-- 1537 Turtle-head--... -.--.-------- 588 va Tree... -- 2229 Geernrsesssaeeee gues! 181 €s ee * Amer- Twin-flower...... ---- ------ 1361 can...---- 1537 "Pein-léah cues Ses ways = 1249 ae & Chinese .. 2229 ° Rootis 3st 4y2~ 1249 25 Wax, American... 1537 22 PE Reecssue + “6. Japarii...... 262 INDEX.—COMMON NAMES. Veiny Leaved Hawkweed.... 1165 Velvet Bark 624 “es Leaf... Venice Sumach...-.. ----- yet ‘* ‘Turpentine Tree Venus’ Bat ot se Vera Cruz Jalap Verbascum Flowers Verbena Grass Vermont Snakeroot Vernal Grass Vervain.... -----. ----=+2403-12402 6 American -..-.)..-..)2402 «2402-2404 1467 t1939-1940 665 421 +420-421-665 1165 $2431-2434 Adders’...... ---+-+--+- 2092 American Sweet..+2429-2428 Birdsfoot £ Dogstooth Flowers 2432 Rattlesnakes’ ...- 937-+2433 Sorrel 6 Sweet European ‘* Scented Vipers’ Bugloss ‘* _ Grass “ “ “w Virginia Mouse Ear ......--.. 822 . POk6. «a. maktw ae ae 1715 Sarsaparilla...- .-.. 2175 Snakeroot - 253 Speedwell...... -.. 2412 "7 Stonecrop ‘ ow “ ‘es ‘“ “ee cr’... Tobateosélesamaar's 2580 Virginian Bald Cypress. Virgins’-bower s ommon...-.. 664 Ry «0 Sweet Scented 662 Virgin Tree..... Vishnu Tree Vittlevar,nanans--- chit rear Volkameria suamwiedd- aalaeeaimiaiia FLAVA. Trumpet Plant. Trumpet eal. Rhizome. ast. dem 17— SCOPOLIA JAPONICA. Japanese Belladonna Root. Same as Belladonna Root. 25 scar oer a SERRULATA, Saw Palmetto. Pidknetto erries Fresh Berries. ton. sti. exp. STROPHANTHUS HISPIDUS. Btropeatenes Seed. Seed. Cardiac Stimulant. ton. J. M. NICKELL’S BOTANICAL READY REFERENCE, 271 —— 2520—— STRYCHNOS GAUTHERIANA. Hoang-nan. Bark. Used in Leprosy, Rabies and Snake-bites. | 2521 STYLOSANTHES ELATIOR. Pencil Flower. Herb. Uterine Sedative. par. 2522—— TINOSPERA CORDIFOLIA. Gulaucha. Herb. ton. alt. TRIANOSPERMA FICIFOLIA. Tayuya. Leaves. alt. diu. a-syp. ——2524 UMBELLULARIA CALIFORNICA., California Lau- rel. Spice Tree. Leaf. aro. cep, Externally-rub. 2525——_ URECHITES SUBERECTA. Urechites. Savannah Flowers. Yellow-flowered Night-shade Leaves. Similar to Aconite. 2526— USNEA BARBATA. Maple Moss. dem. exp. ADDENDA. INDEX BOTANIGAL NAMES. The Numbers refer to the Paragraph, not the page. Abrus Precatorius..... Adhatoda Vasica............ 2467 Alstonia Constricta Andrographis Paniculata.. Artimisia Frigida Ascyrum Crux Andrza Aspilia Latifolia Avena Sativa Baldwinia Uniflora Czsalpine Bonducella Carum Copticum Corypha Cerifera Cyperus Articulatus Duboisia Myoporoides Echinacea Augustifolia Embelia Ribes Ephedra Anti-Syphilitica.., Eugenia Chequen....... Cau Eugenia Jambolana...... _ Euphorbia Pilufera Fabiana Imbricata......... Franciscea Uniflora. ... Fritellaria Thunbergii Garrya Fremontii........... Geranium Carolinianum.... Gouania Domingensis Haplopappus Baylahuen.. Helianthella Tenuifolia Jacaranda Procera......+++. 2496 Jatropha Macrorhiza........ Laportea Canadensis........ Lippia Dulcis Muirapuama Musa Sapientium Mustisia Vicizfolia Naregamia Alata Newbouldia Levis Orthosyphon Stamineus.. Oxalis Stricta. . Zanteels Pinella Tuberifera. Piper Nove Hollandiz Psoralea Melilotoides Quercus Cinerea Quercus Phellos.. Rhamnus Wightii. . Rhus Aromatica “ Sabbatia Campestris........ Saraca Indica Sarracenia Flava.........s. Scopolia Japonica.........- Serenoa Serrulata........... Strophantus Hispidus...... Strychnos Gautheriana Stylosanthes Elatior........ Tinospera Cordifolia Trianosperma Ficifolia...... Umbellularia Californica.. Urechites Suberecta........ Usnea Barbataiseess eeeeeeee ADDENDA, INDEX GOMMON NAMES. Numbers refer to the Paragraph, not the page. AATMOTH.2 CEPR, HFIP. 2479 AjOWAR I» a 4 u's snsied VE -'d se [RAFF Andrographis kariyat....... 2469 Australian Fever Bark...... 2468 Se Pepper .e2i07! 2508 Bassmo; . dénia -eeoie = dasrain. 6 2489 Banana (OOM. sina cece he hard 2501 Bigter al Karns Bac step “Ker 2478 CRRA oacistaadelge en tuck so 2484 ROBEREN Cteerecea on ce meee ccs 2484 Chequen..... SMR! SRE 2484 CheweStack . rsidoiay sued ipl 2492 Gromlanay, iia. csisp: baat 4s 02 ZA93 tls Ped. sc oes sete * Hie : bir hie "1 19 Buabical fy eee , ORE " Belg iM 4 j Py 4) tase aba ij US MERE ight ey Vie MF 7% ih , i if i; . ’ at , , H sree ere the thet, We eat it | Wile cdletadbe: st lhiadal ogi sk ve petmersd hae si so he atonal soravat ls Riad.) Sa que oA 'voatot va ait "t jena itniontent je, the @ Pe tasily peeked, MC gelythy “kaaked ie a Ja le haan. er eh theta. The, if on Cheney, On ik, Blo, Hemlock, § Bc), cout be wit oe shinved off, an ‘ate oh Keine the oly past deer Pherds roe) Karenos chun Bp balm ter fini growkh, wine thes ing texts, aid the Oona andl Bais PRehwd, eave amily Sh, bewdlek pope NG Sai" Rha BU ea > ala! ig LAP aT a a hk Vee if i * Coe ye Murray & Nickell Mig. Company, DRUG IMPORTERS AND MILLERS. CHICAGO, ILL. Dit pRues ERCOLATION . In (I) Ib. and (5) Ib. packages. If you Want a Pertect POWDER ror PERCOLATION — Specify ‘“«M. & N’s”’ when order=- ing of your Jobber. — Always reliable and milled according to U. S. P. Standard. ¥ -++SELECTED-:-- LEAVES, HERBS, FLOWERS IN OUNCES | ROOTS AND BARKS ! ounces COMMON, BOTANICAL, CERMAN NAMES, with Properties and Dose on each Package (see cut). $$$ nen “A]]euis3xo pue Ajjeusajzur ‘syuepNUuNs ‘sojaura 3u0l}s ajopyay ‘suonsege ey1E}eo pus ‘eiZjeinou ‘jnoS ‘wsyeunsys ul yyoueq YM Pas, “MOzgNY? auea4zzxa YM UPA 2q pynoys 1 ‘sore yosip Aseuiin 943 seseasout pue pt oyydynue ‘onooreu [nyz9mod ¥ sasop ayeiapour uy “snouosiod ‘sesopieao Uy S3iLu¥sad0u’d 1 <©M. & NL” WHEN ORDERING OF ibi/ | \pe. FE is Ae WTS Eve YOUR ~ etre 6 S| JOBBER. COMMON NAMES Aconite, Friar’s Cap, Monk’s Hood, Wolfs- bane, Friar’s Cowl, Wolfroot, Mousebane. FAC-SIMILE OF WRAPPER. Cost no more than many inferior brands. Our Roots and Barks uniformly granu- lated before being pressed. Whe do 4 OS awhe..