Se hated * Sette eh fateh cee dip at reeete lense eee Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Toronto abies. | By i rs ' a y e oy Lh Mia tit a ONG ie Die ' Pini, i Wel ey Ay es Cen te ges i Ua Ry A 4 v ’ ins . \ \N x \ JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOL. XXV ur ee $909 yi ~ gb eae} ISSUED QUARTERLY CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Queen ‘City Printing Company, Charlotte, N. C. TABLE OF CONTENTS PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY.. I THE FOUNDATIONS OF ScIENCE.—J. E&. Mills...........0...- 3 5-BroM-2-AMINOBENZOIC AcID, A NEw PREPARATION.— PALI VI AMCCDEN Es satel nivel nts eisie Sar dots te aiavceyre tare 15 RAPID DETERMINATION OF OIL IN CoTTONSZED PRopucTs.— Chas He Herty FB. Stempand MsOrr oo... ee. 2052 21 THE STABILITY OF ROSIN AT SLIGHTLY ELEVATED TEMPER- ATURES.—Chas. H. Herty and W. S. Dickson........ 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NorRTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCI- ENCE. HIGHTH ANNUAL MEBTENGs 0G). 3s. ldin hoe oot 39 On THE NUMBER OF SPECIES OF Birps THat Can BE Ops- SERVED IN One Day at RaAteicu, N. C.—C. S. PAIPEMUL OMEN. Se Hs Mase atk obs Siete «pal ct onto led peiaane ss heae Mel eat 54 Some NoTES ON THE SONG PERIODS oF Brirps.—C. S. SSH LUCA Mn Bake ety PIE ag Ear RRC TE aN hc st 59 THE PROBABLE ELECTRICAL NATURE OF CHEMICAL ENERGY. Shs FOELONSOW sh. vig 6 eto dtcvaiateves earn OMe tehee Sata ak ee Rae 62 NEw OccurRRENCE OF MonozitE IN NortH CAroLina.— MRE pee Fl VALE MOLE Me Ae 2. ch cha ae het R aaa aes at ehena: tate 74 Tue SENSES OF INsEcts—Franklin Sherman, Jr..........4. 78 NOTES ON THE PETOGRAPHY OF THE GRANITES OF CHAPEL ii. Norte CAROLINA:—H. UN. Batons 225 sienna: 85 CONDENSATION OF CHLORAL WITH PRIMARY AROMATIC AMINES IJI.—A. S. Wheeler and Stroud Jordan...... 92 A VIsIT TO THE YOSEMITE AND THE Bic TrREES.—W.C.Coker 131 THE Propuction oF Morpip CHANGES IN THE BLoop VEs- SELS OF THE RABBIT BY ALCOHOL.—William de B. RAL CIN TACT VENI > cre taconet Sear asu tarath na beparce stan Sp Sei eehGar ti © 144 AtcoHo..—William de B. Mac Nider, M.D..............+. 150 DRAINAGE OF NortTH CAROLINA Swamp LANps.—Joseph WTR TC RGELS or ts 2) eta ates scl Utabat/ave: Suaverattere, AM alee hase 158 Tue MiInerAL PropuctTion IN NortH CaAroLINA DURING LOOG—NOSEDIECTAVOE PVE acs a. e chopsialeia ead leis «aim ecdeie 164 ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF THE CAROLINAS.—IV. C. Coker. .168 Mia i WHAM hi a iat, Wat Ae Ata PAU) i heer Ky , iy JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOL. XXV NOW? PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, NOVEMBER 1907 TO MARCH 1909 173RpD Meetinc, NovEMBER 12, 1907 W.C. Coker: A Trip to Porto Rico. Illustrated with lantern slides and many botanical specimens. 174TH MEETING, JANUARY 10, 1908. Dr. Styles, of the U. S. Marine Hospital Service, lectured on “The Condition of Cotton Mill Operatives in the South.’’ 175TH MEETING, JANUARY 14, 1908. H. V. Wilson: Some Phenomena of Coalescence and Regenera- tion in Sponges. Chas. H. Herty: The Volatile Oils of Pinus taeda and Pinus echinata. Chas. H. Herty: The Analytical Control of Cotton Seed Oil Manufacture. 176TH Meetine, Fepruary 12, 1908. Collier Cobb: The Cause of Karthquakes in the Light of Recent Earthquake Action. Illustrated. 1909] 1 2 JoURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ April 177TH Meetine, Marcu 31, 1908. Archibald Henderson: Photography as a Fine Art. A. S. Wheeler: Color Photography. 178TH Mererine, Aprit 28, 1908. William Cain: Stresses in Masonry. Wm. DeB. MacNider: Patholological Effect of Alcohol upon Animals. BustnEss MEETING, SEPTEMBER, 22, 1908. The meeting was called to order by President Coker. The fol- lowing officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year. President: Archibald Henderson. Vice-President: A. H. Patterson. Permanent Secretary: F. P. Venable. Recording Secretary: A. S. Wheeler. Editorial Committee: W. C. Coker, Chairman; J. E. Latta, J. E. Mills. 179TH MretTING, OcTroBER 13, 1908. H, N. Eaton: Results of the Microscopic Study of the Slate near Chapel Hill. J. HE. Mills: Chemical Energy. H. V. Wilson: A Further Contribution on the Regenerative Power of Sponge Cells. 180TH Meeting, NovEMBER 10, 1908. Chas. H. Herty: Determination of Oil in Cotton Seed Pro- ducts. Collier Cobb: Geological Trip in Southern Europe in the Sum- mer of 1908. 181sr Mretinc, Fepruary 9, 1909. W. C. Coker: A Visit to Luther Burbank in California. Tllus- trated with lantern slides and specimens of Burbank’s productions. A.S. WHEELER, Recording Secretary. THE FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE* BY J. E. MILLS I have thought for years and the conviction has grown stronger with each passing year, that much needless confusion existed among scientists regarding those broad principles upon which all science is founded. The student of science at first accepts the various definitions, laws, theories, and explanations, with which he is fed, with either an unquestioning obedience, or with a feeling of utter helplessness. Later he finds that his first learned defini- tions, laws, theories, and explanations, are incomplete or faulty or open to question on various grounds. What guide has he enabling him to climb above the confusion ? Chemists, certainly, have provided the chemists with none. There is an idea abroad among chemists that any discussions of the first and deepest principles of science are bound to be fruit- less. Some chemists both act and talk as though they believed it a sin to look beyond and around the test tube which they hold in their hand. They imagine that they are thereby enabled to con- fine themselves to “‘facts’’ and they regard with more or less ill- concealed scorn the Brother chemist who refuses to be content with the fact but who insists on trying to obtain an explanation of the fact. This attitude on the part of chemists, and it is true, I think, more particularly of American chemists, has to my mind been productive of a simply vast and untold amount of harm. For this attitude has discouraged the formal discussion, statement, and development, of the broad and underlying principles of science by scientists. We permit the philosopher to discuss these things but the philosopher too often lacks the knowledge and insight of *Address of the President before the North Carolina Section of the A mer- ican Chemical Society, Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 9th, 1909. 1909) 3 4 JoURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ April the scientist. We make a great mistake when we ignore, discour- age, or ridicule the philosopher when he undertakes to consider the foundations of science. We should help him. Or rather we should absorb his knowledge. For the philosopher is trying to state certain broad principles underlying science and our ignorance of these first principles has led to a needless confusion, permitted many false explanations to become fastened on our science, and has turned many away from fruitful fields of investigation. I have not overstated the case. I will give examples later of some of the many absurdities that are of every day occurence among us. But let us first consider briefly the origin of our knowledge. There is a reality. No matter from what standpoint viewed, this much, we think, is admitted in all philosophies. There is, it seems to me, no more certain, and in fact no other ground upon which to rest such a conclusion than the ‘Cogito, ergo sum’’ of Descartes. I think, therefore ] am. Our consciousness of the simplest mental act, of sensation, or of thought, or of volition, is sufficient to establish the fact. Our first conclusion is, that there is a reality. I think, therefore, at least J exist. What more can we learn of this reality whose existence we are compelled to acknowledge ? Our sensations are often deceptive and they may be always deceptive. Therefore we cannot trust them to give us any abso- lutely certain evidence about reality. Even were another sensa- tion to be discovered we could never be sure that it would not likewise prove deceitful. The only thing of which I may be absolutely certain is that I exist. I think, therefore I exist. All else may be a dream. I may be the reality and the entire reality. There may be nothing but ideas, impressions. Or I may be but a part of one vast machine. We cannot with certainty condemn either the idealist or the materialist from this standpoint. It has been pointed out that we have an equal right to declare, ‘‘Cogito, ergo cogitatio est’’, “I think, therefore thought is’’, which is true. But the conclusion that there is a non-ego as well as an ego—a thought as well as athinker—does not necessarily follow. For when we come to consider the bottom of the matter the ‘‘thinker’’ and the “‘thought’’ may be one and the same thing. 1909 | THE FouNDATIONS OF SCIENCE 5 True we have a very strong conviction that they are not the same thing, but this conviction is not absolute certainty. Since the actual nature both of the ‘‘ego’’ and of the “‘thought’’ is unknown, it becomes evident from the start that we cannot prove either their identity or their difference. There is a reality—there absolute certainty ends. Upon this much all philosophers are practically agreed, The second step in our search for knowledge is an assumption. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, all human knowledge, even reason itself, rests upon the following assumption :— Likenesses and differences exist and can be recognized by us. Tf likenesses and differences did not exist and if you could not recog- nize these likenesses or differences you could not tell a friend from an enemy, you could not tell a good reason from a bad one, or a right conclusion from a wrong one. Here science makes its start. The knowledge that we gain from day to day, or the knowledge that has come down to us from other laborers of other days, is derived mainly at least, and some believe that it is entirely derived, from a comparison of one object with another. We compare lengths, volumes, weights, colors, sounds, temperatures, and in short every property which will serve to distinguish two objects. If I wish to compare the lengths of two rivers, I cannot move the rivers side by side for compari- son and so I compare each river with the length of a certain chain and draw my conclusion. But whether the comparison is direct or indirect, its nature is the same. No conclusion can be drawn where there is no common basis of comparison, where no common measuring stick exists. Thus no conclusion can be drawn from the comparison of a red light and a certain note of music. The value of the comparison depends on the correctness of the conclusion drawn when the two objects are compared, and the correctness of the conclusion depends upon two things—the com- parison and the mind. You must make the comparison carefully and you must trust the testimony of your mind as to the existence of the likeness or difference. I wish to emphasize the fact, that when the comparison has been carefully made, you are obliged to trust the testimony of your mind as to the existence of a likeness or difference. If you cannot trust your mind to give you a true 6 JouRNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ April conclusion when the facts are accurately presented you cannot do business as a scientist or as a thinker. The third point to which I wish to call your attention is the fact that the human mind holds certain beliefs with a tenacity which nothing can shake. Thus if I make the statement that “Two straight lines cannot enclose a space’’, you will agree that it is true. More than this you will agree that it is true of all straight lines. And you will agree immediately, and without argument, and with just as great a feeling of certainty after the first instant of thought as you will ever subsequently possess. Thinking about the matter, or seeing other straight lines, does not imerease the first feeling of certainty which you had. Similarly you will agree at once that ‘‘Through a given point only one line can be drawn parallel to another given straight line’’. Also you wili agree that ‘‘Nothing can both be and not be’’. You will agree that the ‘‘Whole is always greater than any one of its parts’’, and also that ‘‘The sums of equals are equal’’. Such statements are called axioms. Euclid called them xkowat évvovaZ, or “‘common notions’’, and that is, perhaps, a better name. Now why are we so certain of the truth of these and similar state- ments or axioms? Or as Sir J. S. Mill put the query “‘Why is a single instance, in some cases, sufficient for a complete induction, while in others, myriads of concurring instances, without a single exception, known or presumed, go such a very little way towards establishing a universal proposition ?’? Some believe that this intuitive conviction of the truth of certain statements is simply in the nature of a necessary condition of our thinking faculty. Others that this intuitive knowledge is in the nature of a free gift with our minds. Others that even such truths are the result of experience. And yet others, recognizing that our conviction of the truth of these statements cannot be wholly the result of our own experience, would have us attribute our belief to the experi- ence of our ancestors, and if we are evolutionists, we may trace our feeling back to the monkey and the primordial germ. Those philosophers who contend that all of our knowledge is derived from experience really seem to have the best of the argument. For we know that most of our knowledge is derived from experience. As we make wider generalizations the laws seem to us to possess a 1909] THE FouNDATIONS oF SCIENCE ri greater certainty. What then is the advantage of resting even our most fundamental axioms on any other ground? Moreover incon- ceivability cannot be made a criterion of impossibility for man’s ability to conceive of a thing of which he has had no suggestion is certainly very doubtful, if not admitted as an impossibility. And this fact alone, perhaps, explains our feeling of complete certainty when we give voice to fundamental axioms. [If to all this Mr. Spencer’s evolution theory of an inherited experience be added, there is an a priori conviction (feeling) that certain axioms are true so far as any particular individual is concerned. It is therefore impossible to dislodge by any argument these philoso- phers from their position. On the other hand so far as the individual himself is concerned, it is certain, that there is a very great difference between the knowledge which he derives from his own direct experience, and the knowledge which he possesses apparently intuitively, and after all, it may be, that this intuitive knowledge is not the result of experience. It is useless to follow the argument here. The scientist is not concerned primarily with the dispute as to the origin of these common notions which have been recognized and stated as axioms. From the standpoint of science the primary question is “‘Are these axioms true’’?? And if we say axioms are true then “‘What test can be adopted which will enable us to decide upon what an axiom really is?’’ We will define an axiom as a statement whose truth our minds will not allow us to deny and of whose falsity our minds cannot even conceive. If we accept the view of those who believe in an intuitive source of knowledge, then all axioms are equally true, and we must follow the intuition of our minds and accept those truths declared by our minds to be self-evident and impossible of contradiction. If on the other hand we agree with those men who think that all of our knowledge is derived from experience, or from the inherited experience of jour ancestors, we cannot declare that any axioms are necessarily true. For accept- ing this point of view we must recollect that there may have been a mistake about the impressions all the way down the line from the primordial germ through the monkey tothe man. And besides there may be experiences in store for us of a kind which it was 8 JouRNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY April] not the good fortune of our ancestors to have had. Thus each axiom becomes separately a subject of doubt. We would, however, point out that no matter what our view as to the origin of our belief in the axioms, to deny the truth of the axioms is to deny the testimony of our own consciousness. And we must believe in the truth of the testimony of our minds if we would reason at all. This we have already made clear. You cannot deny the testimony of your consciousness and yet continue to reason, for the belief that your mind will give you a true judgement when the facts are accurately presented before it constitutes the very foundation of the reasoning process. If you agree with this idea then follow me to its conclusion. Can you conceive of motion without something moved? Is not the idea of motion necessarily connected with the idea of a ‘‘some- thing’’ that is moved? If your minds tell you that this idea is true, that it is necessarily true, and if you can not conceive of a contrary condition, then put this idea down as an axiom of science. Again, can you conceive of a body acting where it is not across an absolutely empty intervening space? If you cannot, then let us put down as another axiom of science the fact, that a body cannot act where it is not, except through the intervention of another body. Other axioms of science might be stated. For instance it might be stated that ‘‘The fundamental particle, or part, of matter can not be elastic’. Many physicists would regard such a statement as beneath their notice. Yet it is nevertheless true that the prop- erty of elasticity implies a motion of certain portions of a body with reference to other portions of the same body, and so long as we have this relative motion of certain parts with reference to other parts we have not yet reached the final division limit of the body. Personally I believe that the law of the conservation of matter and the law of the conservation of energy would both appear as axioms if we only understood more thoroughly the nature of matter and of energy. Likewise Newton’s three laws of motion would doubtless appear to be axioms. This morning I am not attempting to make a list of the axioms of science, nor shall I attempt here to trace out the consequences 1909 | THE FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE 9 that would follow from those already mentioned. The conse- quences are, I may say in passing, I think, both important and surprising. Ido wish to emphasize this morning that chem- istry and physics have as much right to these axioms as a mathe- matician has to the axioms of geometry. They rest upon precisely the same ground. They are common notions in which we are compelled to believe by the testimony of our minds. Moreover I wish to emphasize that a clear statement of these fundamental axioms and principles, and a clear understanding of them, would prevent many absurdities which act continually asa drawback toa greater advancement. I will give some concrete illustrations of my meaning. 1. How often do we find a statement that such and such a thing has been proved as a result of a mathematical investigation. Now a mathematical investigation can obtain as a result absolutely nothing that was not contained in the premises. The result may be given ina vastly more digested and convenient form. But nothing which was not contained, openly or concealed, in the premises, can be obtained in the conclusion. You cannot get more out of a mathematical process than you put in. 2. An investigation is often damned unjustly by a reviewer as being theoretical merely because it contains mathematics. A paper may be largely of a mathematical character and yet be in nosense more theoretical than is many a simple laboratory measurement or research. 3. Note the most advanced theory of our atom as given by the most advanced physicist of the present time, Sir J. J. Thompson. “‘Our atom therefore, we assume to be a sphere of positive electri- fication enclosing a number of negatively electrified corpuscles.’’ If you look upon that idea as an assumption made to enable one to treat mathematically two opposing forces capable of producing equilibrium I have no fault to find. But if you-are led away to worship that idea with a species of ancestor worship as represent- ing the skeleton forefather of the ordinary atom your conscience should trouble you whether it does or not. The idea of having a shell or sphere made of nothing so that we may not be unduly troubled with questions about it is ingenious we admit, but does your mind consent to believe it true ? 10 JouRNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ Aprel 4. It is a known fact that if you pass an electric current through a solution of copper sulphate the copper is given off at one elec- trode and the SO, at the other, and one atom of copper is liberated for each atom of SO, and both atoms are liberated at the same time. Now to explain a certain change that takes place in the concentration of the solution around the electrodes Prof. Ostwald has attempted to show that the ions of Cu and of SO, can move with different velocities across the same space and yet be given off at the same time. And that very ingenious “‘explanation’’ has been copied in nearly every physics, and physical-chemical, and electro- chemical text-book of the last ten years with a faith that passeth all understanding. 5. Another curious illustration of the absolute disregard of the testimony of our consciousness is the attempt to do away alto- gether with the idea of matter and to substitute energy as the kernel of all things. I cannot stop to discuss the reasons advanced for the change. I would only point out that whatever reasons may be advanced the position is an unsound one unless your mind can be made to give its consent. And neither your mind nor my mind can conceive of a world in which things do not occupy space. T have a text-book on physical chemistry written by Prof. C. L. Speyers of Rutgers College in 1897 from this point of view. He tries hard to get along without the use of the terms, atom, mole- cule, and matter, I quote two paragraphs from his book: — ‘‘In ordinary chemical language we say chemical reaction takes place between definite weights of matter. In our language we should say the relation between the intensities of the distance energies (gravity energies) of two or more collections reacting to form another definite collection is fixed. When two substances combine in more than one proportion to form two or more bodies, in ordinary chemical language we should say the ratio of the varying substance to the fixed substance is in general more or less simple. In our language we should say when two collections are capable of uniting to form more than one new collection by their union, the ratio of the intensity of the gravity energy in the varying collection to the intensity of the gravity energy in the fixed collection is in general more or less simple.”’ The man is not crazy. Heis simply carrying to an extreme [7909 THE FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE 11 just the same ideas possessed by a good many other leading chemists. 6. Less curious, but perhaps even further wrong than the idea just mentioned, is the idea that we can talk about energy scien- tifically without making any assumptions regarding its nature. Now it was early recognized by the Greek and Roman philoso- phers, and I understand that much of their thought probably came from a far earlier Eastern philosophy, that if we considered matter to exist it could be divided. These parts could be divided again, and soon, until the very interesting question was presented, When, if ever, would the possibility of division stop? Chemists recognize as steps in this division the molecule, the atom, and perhaps the corpuscle or electron. Now many scientists seem to possess the idea that no such question necessarily arises regarding energy ? They say in effect, ‘“We know nothing of the nature of energy and why therefore discuss its divisibility or indivisibility ? We make no assumptions concerning it one way or the other’’. I would answer this fallacy by an illustration. If I say one-third of the people ina car were killed in a certain railroad wreck my statement seems all right perhaps, but if there were ten people in the car then my statement is seen to be absurd. Jf you make no assumption about the nature of energy then you cannot treat energy mathe- matically. Euclid overlooked a certain axiom concerning space which modern geometricians recognize as being necessary, namely, that ‘‘Space is continuous’’. Modern scientists should not over- look the assumptions made regarding energy. The continuity or the divisibility of energy is a problem exactly on a par with the problem as to the continuity or divisibility of matter ? 7. Physicists and chemists do not stand alone in their attempts to thrust aside the testimony of their minds as to one concept, and to accept at the very same time the conclusions of the very same mind regarding other things. Thus there are a good many mathematicians who speak of the possibility of a space of ‘‘n’’ dimensions. Now we can conceive of a point, of a line, of a sur- face, and of a solid. And we understand quite readily that one unknown quantity might be used to fix the position of a point on a line, that two might be used to define or to represent points on a plane surface, and that similarly three would serve to indicate 12 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [| April the points in a solid. We understand quite as readily that an equation with four unknown quantities, or with five unknown quantities, can be constructed, and that this equation would like- wise represent certain relations between the unknown quantities. But to declare that this equation also might represent space is as meaningless as it would be to declare that it represents time. Such a declaration is certainly contrary to the testimony of the very same mind that we have used as our guide in the mathemat- ical reasoning, and to accept its conclusions at one point and reject them at another is an entirely indefensible position. 8. Non-Euclidean geometry is an illustration of the same method of proceedure. Gauss undertook to investigate mathematically the properties which a surface must possess in order to permit figures to be moved about upon the surface without altering the shape or the size of the figures. He found that there were three classes of such surfaces. A plane surface, the surface of a sphere and the surface of a figure which became known as the pseudo-sphere. Lobatchewsky, a pupil of Gauss, undertook a similar investigation regarding space. What properties must space possess in order that bodies could be moved about in the space from one part of the space to another without altering the shape or the size of the bodies? He found similarly three classes of equations, one repre- senting the ordinary Euclidean, or plane space, the others cor- responding to the sphere and the pseudo-sphere of the inves- tigation carried on by Gauss. Many wonderful results fol- lowed from these investigations and [am not intending to detract from the value of that work, or of similar work. But one of the results arrived at was, that in ““plane’’ space only, was the follow- ing axiom true: —‘ ‘Through a given point only one straight line can be drawn parallel to a given straight line.’’ In both the ‘‘spherical’’ and the ““pseudo-spherical’’ space this axiom was untrue. NowI do not question the correctness of the work or of the equations. But I do question that we have a right, because of them, to cast aside the unmistakably clear belief in the above axiom forced upon us by our minds. Whatever the other equations may represent, or whatever their meaning, we have no right to violate the testi- mony of the mind that derived them, and declare that they repre- sent space. [7909 THE FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE 13 I have not time this morning to give further illustrations of my statement that the lack of knowledge of the first principles of science, as shown by scientists, is the cause of much needless con- fusion. If I were to point out individual errors due to this cause that have come to my attention I would occupy the entire day. These errors are caused, not by any failure of our minds to give usa true judgement, but by our own failure to read carefully the answer which our mind has given. If in the last analysis the testimony of consciousness cannot be trusted we had just as well give up the search for truth. We cannot hope to attain to any absolute knowledge or full conception of any of the more elemen- tary ideas such as time, space, matter, motion, or energy. But we may attain to a partial knowledge of these ideas and this par- tial knowledge, we trust, may represent the reality truly, so far as it represents it at all. And in attempting to attain this partial knowledge, if one goes directly contrary to the testimony of one’s mind as to the possibility or impossibility of a conception, one should not forget that the process of denying the truth of the testi- mony of consciousness once begun, can be as legitimately extended to an absolute agnosticism. Must be so extended, if one is con- sistent. Ifa scientist should wish to introduce into his science an idea which is contrary to the conception of things imposed upon him by his mind, let him do so. But he should himself under- stand, and he should make clear to others, that he has not only contradicted one particular ““necessary concept’’ of his mind, but that in so doing he has inaugurated a process which could consistently be extended so as to undermine his whole structure. A scientist may state that matter may be but a center of force, and we have no fault to find. But he has no right, in the next breath, to swear by the result of a mathematical investigation which involves axioms resting upon the same ground as the one that he has just contradicted. If greater attention were given to the foundations of science doubtless some phenomena would remain ‘‘unexplained’’ but some very confusing ideas would be banished from the domain of science. In conclusion I would ask those who are here today, if your mind has agreed with the ideas presented, to endeavor so far as it may be in your power, to bring about among chemists a clearer 14 Tue JouRNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society [April recognition of the service which a discussion of the first principles of science would render to chemistry. The attitude of chemists and of other scientists, is today so pronounced in opposition to such discussion that it is exceedingly rare to find a text-book which even alludes to the subject. Nowhere today, does a scien- tific student, who has not read or studied philosophy as well, obtain an idea of the basis of thought, or of mathematics, or even of science itself. Disagree with me you may concerning some of the particular statements that I have made this morning. But your very disagreement itself speaks in favor of a discussion of these first principles in order that we may the sooner clear away the misunderstandings which exist. At present one can hardly attempt their discussion without losing in some measure the respect of his fellow scientists. My brethren these things ought not so to be. CuHapPeL Hitt, N. C. 5-BROM-2-AMINOBENZOIC ACID, A NEW PREPARATION ALVIN S. WHEELER The original object of this investigation was to convert trichlor- ethylidene-o-aminobenzoic acid’ into a compound containing an asymmetric carbon atom by means of bromine or hydrobromic acid, thus CC],CH : NC,H,COOH=CCLCHBrNBrC,H,COOH. A gla- cial acetic acid solution of the unsaturated compound absorbs bro- mine instantly in the cold with'the immediate formation of a white precipitate. A Carius determination showed a marked deficiency of halogen and displacement of the bromine in the silver precipitate proved the entire absence of chlorine in the substance. Further proof that the chloral residue was split off was found in an exami- nation of of the acetic acid filtrate. This was made alkaline, then acid with tartaric acid and distilled in steam. A large quantity of chloroform passed over with steam. The product was there- fore a simpler derivative of anthranilic acid than the one looked for. Since the break occurs at the double bond, it might be a nitrogen bromide I or II, or the hydrobromide of a bromanthran- ilic acid IIT. I Ir I NBr, NHBr NH..HBr ( ' COOH ; COOH ~ COOH u/ PEN Ba Difficulty was experienced in obtaining products of the same melting point, different solvents giving slightly varying results. While none of the reactions of the nitrogen halides as indicated by Chattaway and Orton* could be obtained, it was thought this 1 Niementowski and Orzechowski, Ber. 28,2812; also Wheeler, Jr. Am. Chem. Soe, 30,139. * Chattaway and Orton, J. Chem. Soc. 75,1046. 1909] 15 16 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [April might be due to the insolubility of the compound. But the idea of a nitrogen bromide was abandoned when it was observed that cold water immediately and completely removed one molecule of hydrobromic acid, showing the substance to be the salt of broma- minobenzoic acid. It is still hoped to isolate in some way the nitrogen bromide which must certainly be the first product of the reaction. The case is an especially interesting one because it is quite unique in that the substance employed contains the group- ing -N=X and so seems to offer an unusually good chance to form a nitrogen halide. Tt was next observed that direct bromination of anthranilic acid in glacial acetic acid solution gave a similarly large yield of the bromaminobenzoic acid hydrobromide. The reaction therefore offers a new method of preparing this acid far superior in point of time and convenience to the method of Alt which has been recently used by Bogert and Hand.* This old method consists in brominating o-acettoluide, oxidizing the brom-o-acettoluide with permanganate and saponifying the bromacetanthranilic acid. The method requires as many days as this new method requires hours. A comparison of the bromination of the chloral-anthran- ilic acid and of anthranilic acid shows that the chloral residue has some influence on the course of the reaction. Bromination of ‘chloral-anthranilic acid. 5-Brom-2-aminobenzoic acid hydrobromide, CH,COOHBrNH,.HBr. A saturated solution of chloral-anthranilic acid (m. 152°) was made by dissolving 13.3 grams in 100 cc glacial acetic acid by warming and then cooling nearly to the room temperature. Bromine, 8 grams, was added drop by drop with stirring. Crystals began to form before half of the bromine was added. Finally a very thick pulp was obtain- ed, the temperature having risen to about 45.° The proportions of the materials were 1 molecule of acid and 2 atoms of bromine. The precipitate was filtered off and washed several times with ben- zene. The compound so obtained is snow white and nearly pure. It gives a melting point of 238-40°, decomposing and becoming 1 Alt, Ber. 22, 1645, (1889). 2 Bogert and Hand, Jr. Amer. Chem. Soc. 27,1476 (1905). 1909) 5-BromM-2-AMINOBENZOIC ACID 17 an indigo blue liquid immediately above this temperature. The yield was equal to the weight of the chloral-anthranilic acid used or 91 per cent of the theoretical. Analysis: calculated for C,H,O,NBr,, Br 53.86, found, Br 53.40, 54.16, 53.45. The hydrobromide is broken down at once by cold water into the free amine and hydrobromic acid which accounts for difficul- ties arising in recrystallizing from solvents not especially dried. It is insoluble in ether, benzene, ligroin, carbon tetrachloride and chloroform, slightly soluble when these solvents are hot. It is insoluble in cold glacial acetic acid but soluble in about 150 parts when boiling, separating out in needles. It is rather soluble in cold absolute alcohol, soluble in 6 parts when boiling, crystal- lizing out in needles grouped in rosettes. 5-Brom-2-aminobenzore acid. C,H,COOHBrNH,. Although the acid is set free from its hydrobromide by cold water, hot water was used in order to effect a recrystallization of the acid simul- taneously. The acid was found to agree in all its properties with the acid as described by Alt and later by Bogert and Hand except in one particular. Alt gives the melting point as 211-211.5° (uneor) while Bogert and Hand give 219-220° (cor.). Our acid melts at 215-216° (uncor) or 218-219° (cor), in practical agree- ment with Bogert and Hand. We have observed further that a partial decomposition takes place. As Alt has stated an aqueous solution of the acid turns violet in the sunlight and a solution of its ammonium salt gives colored precipitates with certain other salts. Its acetyl derivative consists of splendid prisms, melting at 218-220°. Alt gives 214-215°. Analysis: calculated for C,H,O,NBr, Br 31.01: found, Br 31.62. The position of the bro- mine atom was positively located by conversion of the acid into m-brombenzoic acid by the diazo reaction. Bromination of Chloral-di-anthranilic Acid. This acid is de- scribed by Niementowski’ and by Wheeler and Dickson’. 2.0 grams of chloral-di-anthranilic acid (1 mol) were dissolved in 30 ce glacial acetic acid and treated with 1.6 grams (2 mols) bro- 1 Niementowski, Ber. 34,3898 (1902). 2 Wheeler aud Dickson, this Journal, 30,140 (1908). is JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | April mine. The abundant white precipitate was worked up as in the previous case. The yield was 2.7 grams or 91.5 per cent of the theoretical. The melting point was 238-239° with decomposition to an indigo blue liquid. Cold water removed one molecule of hydrobromic acid. The residue was recrystallized from water, forming needles melting at 215-216° with partial decomposition. The reaction is therefore identical with bromination of chloral- mono-anthranilie acid. Rapid Preparation of 5-Brom-2-aminobenzoic Acid. First Method, with Use of Chloral. Since it is immaterial whether the chloral- mono-anthranilic acid or the chloral-di-anthranilice acid is used in the bromination, the products of the action of chloral upon anthranilic acid need not be separated. 25 grams of anthranilic acid are rubbed up in a mortar to a powder, 27.5 grams of chloral are added and the mixture is rapidly triturated a few minutes. The mass partially liquifies with the development of heat and then becomes quite hard. It is at once dissolved in 350 ce glacial acetic acid by warming and then cooled to 16°. Bromine, 29.4 grams, is added slowly enough to keep the temperature from rising above 16°, the beaker being surrounded by cold water. The precipitate is filtered off and washed with benzene. It melts at 239-240° and weighs 51 grams or 94 per cent of the theoretical. Its conversion into the free acid and its purification were effected as follows. 5 grams of the hydrobromide were boiled up in 250 ce water three times, filtering hot with suction into a flask stand- ing in boiling water. The filtrates were cooled by surrounding with ice water and then filtered. Extract I, m. 215-216°, weight 1.35 gram; extract IT, m. 215-216°, weight, 0.95 gram; extract Ill, m. 208-210,° weight, 0.35 gram. Insoluble residue none. By adding 3 volumes of water to the glacial acetic acid filtrate, a precipitate was obtained, melting at 185-200° and weighing 0.3 gram. Analysis of this product showed it to be a tribromamino- benzoic acid. The bromine (29.4 g) is accounted for as follows: 2 g lost in the original preparation, 14.7 g are lostas HBr, 10.4 g appear in the 5-brom-2-aminobenzoic acid, 1.9 g appear in the tribromaminobenzoic acid. The balance, 1.4 g, disappear in the mother liquors. Recrystallization of extract I from toluene effected no rise In melting point. In some preparations the first extracts 1909 5-Brom-2-AMINOBENZOIC ACID 19 were not quite so pure and one recrystallization from toluene was necessary. At no time was boneblack necessary as in the old method. Analysis: calculated for C,H,O,NBr, Br 37.04; found, Br 37.39. Second Method. Direct Bromination of Anthranilic Acid. (With W. M. Oates.) 25 grams anthranilic acid were dissolved in 250 ce glacial acetic acid and cooled to 15-16°. Bromine, 29.4 grams, was added slowly enough to keep the temperature from rising. Further procedure was the same as described above. The product melted at 236-238° and weighed 51.5 grams which is 95.3 per cent of the theoretical. Conversion and purification were carried out as already described. 5 grams of the hydrobromide gave the following results: extract I, m. 212-214°, weight, 1.4 g; extract Il, m. 212-214°, weight, 0.8 g; extract III, m. 203-205°, weight, 0.3 g; extract IV, m. 226-232,° weight, 0.1 g. Undissolved resi- due, m. 228-230°, weight, 0.4g. The first extract was recrystal- lized from toluene and analyzed. Analysis: calculated for C,H,- O,NBr, Br 37.04; found, Br 37.44, 37.65. The undissolved resi- due, m. 228-230°, was also analyzed. Analysis: calculated for C,H.O,NBr,, Br 54.24; found, Br 52.18. It was therefore a dibrom derivative of anthranilic acid. The bromine, 29.4 grams, is accounted for as follows: 1.7 g lost in the origina! preparation; 13.8 g lost as HBr, 9.5 g appear in the 5-brom-2-aminobenzoic acid; 2.8 g appear in the dibrom anthranilic acid and the bal- ance, 1.6 g,!are lost in the mother liquors. The acetic acid fil- trate in this method of preparation did not yield any precipitate on the addition of water. A comparison of results in the two methods is as follows: E iat Mainly 5-brom-2-aminobenzoic acid = Similar amount Small amount tribrom acid No tribrom acid No dibrom acid Small amount dibrom acid m-Brombenzoic Acid. This acid was prepared in order to locate positively the bromine atom in the bromaminobenzoic acid described in this paper. It proved to be a convenient method of preparation because the product is so quickly purified, which can 20 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ April not be said of the product of the action of bromine on benzoic acid. 5.0 grams 5-brom-2-aminobenzoic acid were dissoved in 50 ec absolute aleohol. After the addition of 5 g H,SO,, con., the solution was brought to boiling and 2.5 g NaNO, dissolved in a very little water were added. The solution was filtered from the sodium sulphate and added to a large volume of water. The pinkish colored precipitate was filtered off and dried. It showed a melting point of 145-147° and weighed 8.82 g or 82 per cent of the theoretical. On recrystallizing from boiling water a very small amount of a dark red substance was gotten rid of and the m-brombenzoic acid was obtained in pure condition, m. 154°. Analysis: calculated for C,H,O,Br, Br 39.80; found, Br 39.37. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. February 25, 1909. RAPID DETERMINATION OF OIL IN COTTONSEED PRODUCTS* BY CHAS. H. HERTY, F. B. STEM AND M. ORR Received November 10, 1908. In the manufacture of cottonseed oil the delinted seeds are cut and the meats or kernels separated mechanically from the hulls. The meats are then mashed between heavy rollers, cooked in steam-jacketed vessels, and the oil expressed by hydraulic pres- sure. The determination of oil in the hulls gives a measure of the completeness of the separation of the meats from the hulls, while the oil content of the meal affords a control of the charac- ter of the press work. It would seem, therefore, that a prompt and constant knowledge of the oil content of the hulls and meal would be indispensable in the operation of a mill. Towever desirable, this is by no means the case in actual practice. Two explanations suggest themselves: first, the organization of the industry; second, the method of analysis employed. The erec- tion of many small mills is made necessary by the bulky charac- ter of the cottonseed, with its consequent cost of transportation, and by the impossibility of storing large quantities of seed for any great length of time without marked deterioration. The out- put of many of these small mills is not sufficient to justify the employment of a trained chemist, and the time required for obtaining an analysis from a distant laboratory largely discounts the value of the knowledge gained, except in extreme cases. But even if a laboratory is close at hand, or in the mill itself, five or six hours must elapse before the result of the analysis reaches the mill from the laboratory, this on account of the method of analy- sis employed. A more general resort to chemical control could be *Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 1, No. 2, February. 1909. 1909| 21 22 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [April expected, therefore, if a simple and rapid method of analysis were available. The present investigation has been undertaken in the hope of filling this need. Furthermore, the purchase of cot- tonseed by the mills is conducted regardless of the oil content of the seed. It is hoped that the rapid method here described may be of some service in this important matter. OBJECTIONS TO PRESENT METHOD The method of analysis usually employed consists in extracting the oil from a sample in a Soxhlet extractor with redistilled, low- boiling petroleum ether, evaporating the extractive and weighing the residual oil. The objections to the method are: First, the extraction must be conducted at a relatively low tem- perature, this being determined by the temperature of the con- densed extractive dropping upon the sample from the condenser above. Second, in the Soxhlet apparatus it is necessary not only to completely extract the oil but to transfer it completely to the flask below by repeated siphonings. Third, considerable time is consumed in the complete evapora- tion of the extractive. Fourth, the limitation to a comparatively small sample of the substance. Fifth, the danger from fire. Sixth, the necessity of using rather expensive apparatus and the need of a supply of running water for the condensers. Seventh, the necessity of employing a trained chemist to con- duct the operations. PROPOSED METHOD It is believed that all of these objections are met in the method here proposed. It consists in digesting a definite and relatively large quantity of the substance with a definite volume of carbon tetrachloride in a loosely stoppered Erlenmeyer flask for 15 min- utes at a temperature of approximately 60° C., cooling to room temperature, shaking thoroughly, filtering and determining the specific gravity and temperature of the filtered extract. From 1909) Ort IN CoTronsEED Propuctrs 23 these observations the per cent. of oil is calculated. Detailed directions for the analysis of the several products follow: Meal.—Forty grams of the thoroughly mixed sample of meal are transferred to a 250 cc. Erlenmeyer flask, which is then placed in a water bath previously heated to approximately 60° C. After heating the flask about 2 minutes 100 cc. of carbon tetra- chloride are poured gently upon the meal through a funnel reach- ing almost to the surface of the meal. The flask is lowered in the water until the surface of the carbon tetrachloride is lower than that of the water, a cork loosely inserted and the extraction allowed to proceed. Slight variations in the temperature of the water bath do not affect the accuracy of the determination. The minimum time for the extraction is 15 minutes, it may be longer. When the extraction is completed the flask is cooled to room tem- perature, thoroughly shaken and the contents strained through wire gauze on to a folded filter, the gauze being squeezed to insure sufficient filtrate. The clear extract is caught in a specific grav- ity tube (5 inches by 1 inch test-tube on foot). This is filled to within one inch of the top, then tightly corked and placed in a vessel containing water at room temperature. After standing at least 10 minutes the tube containing the extract is placed in a 500 ee. plain beaker containing sufficient clear water, at room temper- ature, to reach the level of the extract in the tube. By this means too rapid change in the temperature of the extract is avoided. The cork is then removed, the specific gravity of the extract deter- mined by the Westphal balance, and the temperature accurately noted from the thermometer placed within the plummet of the balance. Add or subtract the constant for the carbon tetrachlo- ride in use and subtract the corrected specific gravity of the ex- tract from that of the carbon tetrachloride shown in Table 6 at the same temperature. This difference is divided by 0.00286. The result is the per cent. of oil. Fulls.—After removing whole seed from the sample of hulls, 40 grams are placed in an Erlenmeyer flask and slightly packed with a glass rod. This is necessary to insure complete covering of the bulky hulls by the extractive. 100 cc. of carbon tetrachloride are added. The rest of the determination is identical with that for meal, except that the gauze strainer is not necessary in filtering. 24 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ April Meats. The method is the same as for meal except that 10 grams of meats are used with 100 cc. of carbon tetrachloride. The per cent. of oi] found is multiplied by four. Seed.—The sample of seed is thoroughly pounded in an iron mortar and the mass passed through a meat chopper. Forty grams are used with 200 cc. of carbon tetrachloride. The method is the same as for meal except that the per cent. of oil found is multiplied by two. Experimental THE EXTRACTION The well known solvent power of carbon tetrachloride for fats, its relatively high boiling point, its low heat of vaporization and its non-combustibility, naturally suggested this substance asa sub- stitute for gasoline and ether as the extractive. A P. Bryant,’ using a Knorr extractor, demonstrated the rapidity of extraction of fats in foods and feedstuffs by carbon tetrachloride. But he proposed merely the substitution of carbon tetrachloride for ether or carbon bisulphide in the usual method of extraction and evapo- ration of the extractive. In the following experiments the determinations were carried out as follows: five grams of a substance whose oil content had been determined by the Soxhlet method were transferred to a 500 cc. Erlenmeyer flask, 50 cc. of gasoline or carbon tetrachlo- ride added, and the extraction allowed to proceed at room tem- perature and without shaking, in order to avoid the sticking of the solid particles to the walls of the flask above the extractive. After standing a definite time the flask was thoroughly shaken in order to insure uniformity of the extract. This was then filtered through a dry filter paper. The amount of dissolved oil was determined in 25 cc. of the filtrate by distilling off the extract in a hot air bath, the temperature being quickly raised to 140° C. during the last stages of the evaporation. The last traces of the extractive were removed from the distillation flask by blowing quickly into it through a glass tube inserted almost to the oily layer. From the weight of the oil the per cent. was calculated by multi- 1 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 26, 568. 1909) Oi, IN CoYTONSEED Propucrs 25 plying by one hundred and dividing the product by two and a half. Cottonseed Meal.—7.29 per cent. oil by Soxhlet extraction with gasoline. TABLE 1 Per cent. oil Per cent. oil with Time of extraction. with gasoline. carbon tetrachloride. 746 minutes 6.72 2.84 15) re 1.32 7.10 30 oe 7.34 7.22 60 of 7.28 7.30 120 a 1.32 7.46 To determine the influence of temperature upon the rate of extraction by carbon tetrachloride, a series of experiments was carried out as above except that the Erlenmeyer flasks were placed in a water bath heated to 50° C. The results follow: TABLE 2 Time Per cent. of oil. 334 minutes 7.08 CS ees 7.44 15 $f 7.38 The marked increase in the extraction at 50° in 7% minutes as compared with that at room temperature for the same time led to the hope that the time for complete extraction could be still fur- ther diminished by carrying out the determination near the boil- ing out the determination near the boiling point of carbon tetra- chloride. This hope was fully justified, for by making an extrac- tion at 70° for 3% minutes, the percentage of oil was found to be 7.30. Cottonseed Meats. —30.27 per cent. oil by Soxhlet extraction. TABLE 3 Time. Temperature. Per cent. of oil. 30 minutes 250 29.22 oi 0) aed 35° 29.50 210) hae 50° 30.38 30.4" 70° 30.62 26 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ April From these determinations it is evident that the time-consum- ing extraction with the Soxhlet apparatus is unnecessary and that an accurate determination of the oil in these products can be made with simple apparatus, in a much shorter time and with no dan- ger from fire. RAPID DETERMINATION OF OIL IN EXTRACT In order to simplify and hasten the determination of oil in the extract experiments were begun on the lowering of the specific gravity of the carbon tetrachloride by the dissolved oil. The great difference in the specific gravity of carbon tetrachloride (1.62) and of cottonseed oil (0.92) gave a reasonable hope of success. In order to avoid possible difference in the specific gray- ity of the crude oil obtained from the presses and that left in the meal the experiments were carried out on the samples of meal whose oil content was determined in the usual manner by the Soxhlet extractor. The simplicity of the Westphal balance sug- gested this method of determining the specific gravity. Compari- son of the thermemeter on the plummet of the balance used in the investigation with a standard thermometer showed it to be accurate between 15° and 30°. A preliminary test, using 5 grams of meal and 50 cc. of carbon tetrachloride, as in the above experiments on the rate of extrac- tion, showed that the method would probably be accurate to 1 per cent. The first step, therefore, was to determine the minimum time and temperature for extractions of larger proportions of meal, the volume of carbon tetrachloride being kept constant. on ile) x10. a 5 13; 14. xl: X16. svg 18. 143) pDAUS 0.) I bam Mo: moe 25. x26. Zhe 28. 2AS IE x30. OL, Moa. ROO. x34. 35. x36. Kol. Brrps OBSERVED IN ONE Day at RALEIGH 57 Pied-billed Grebe Great Blue Heron Green Heron American Bittern King Rail American Coot Wilson’s Snipe Spotted Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs Bob-white Mourning Dove Turkey Vulture Black Vulture Screech Owl Red-shouldered Hawk Cooper’s Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Belted Kingfisher Whippoorwill Chimney Swift Rubythroated ming Bird Downy Woodpecker Red-headed Woodpecker Flicker Phoebe Crested Flycatcher Wood Pewee Kingbird Bobolink Redwinged Blackbird Meadow Lark Blue Jay American Crow American Goldfinch Pine Siskin Purple Finch English Sparrow Hum- Koo: 39. x40. ABS x42. XAG. 44, x45. 46. White-throated Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Savanna Sparrow Henslow’s Sparrow Field Sparrow Chipping Sparrow Song Sparrow Swamp Sparrow Bachman’s Sparrow . Slate colored Junco . Cardinal . Towhee . Rose-breasted . Indigo Bunting - Scarlet Tanager . Summer Tanager . Purple Martin . Barn Swallow . Roughwinged Swallow . Red-eyed Vireo . Blue-headed Vireo . Yellowthroated Vireo Grosbeak White-eyed Vireo . Black and White Warbler 2. Parula Warbler 3. Yellow Warbler . Blackthroated Blue War- bler 5. Myrtle Warbler ». Yellowthroated Warbler . Pine Warbler . Prairie Warbler . Hooded Warbler . Kentucky Warbler . Ovenbird 2. La. Water Thrush. 3. Maryland Yellowthroat 4. Yellowbreasted Chat 58 JouURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ June x75. American Redstart x87 Brown-headed Nuthatch x76. Mockingbird 88 Brown Creeper x/7. Catbird x89 Ruby-crowned Kinglet x78. Brown Thrasher x90 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher x79. Carolina Wren 91 Hermit Thrush 80 Winter Wren x92. Wood Thrush 81 Bewick’s Wren x93 American Robin x82 House Wren x94 Bluebird x83 Tufted Tit 95 Orchard Oriole x84 Carolina Chickadee Several unidentified ducks x85 White breasted Nuthatch also seen 86 Red breasted Nuthatch The largest number seen in any one day was on the 22nd when Mr. Sherman and myself took a whole day’s tramp for the express purpose of looking for birds and succeeded in observing 62 species, being those marked with an x in the list above. The observations on which this paper was founded were fur- nished mainly by myself but I am much indebted to Messrs. Stephen C. Bruner, Franklin Sherman, Jr., and Z. P. Metcalf for additional records, many of which were of great interest. ee a SOME NOTES ON THE SONG PERIODS OF BIRDS BY C. 8S. BRIMLEY The observations on which this paper is based were begun in late June of last year, 1908, and have been carried on uninterrup- tedly ever since. This it will be noticed leaves a gap of six or seven weeks in May and part of June in which no data has as yet been collected at Raleigh. JI have however some data from Lake Ellis in late May of 1908, and it may also be assumed with reason that any bird found in full song as late as the end of April and also in late June, continued in song during the intervening period. With these explanations I will now take up the different species, beginning with those that are permanent residents. Carolina Wren. ‘This bird justly heads the list by virtue of its ‘industry, its song period being the whole year, and the amount of song it indulges in seeming to be about the same at all seasons. Mockingbird. Has two song periods, one from early March to early July, and from mid-September to mid-November. Robin. Early March to early July, and occasionally as late as early August. Cardinal. Early March to early July, also heard twice in November, and twice in January. Field Sparrow. Late February to late August. Pine Warbler. Commences singing during any warm spell in January. and continues, interrupted by any cold spell, until March at which period it may be said to be in full song. It continues in song all March and April, has been heard also in late May at Lake Ellis and once in late June at Raleigh. There is also a second song period in September and one is occasionally heard in late fall and winter. 1909 59 60 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | June Taking up next the summer birds, we find the following facts: Chipping Sparrow. Has about the same song period as its near relative the Field Sparrow, viz: from its arrival in March till late August, when it becomes silent though the species does not leave us till October or November. Yellow Throated Vireo. Continues in song from its arrival in early April till its departure in mid-September. White Eyed Vireo. Also sings during its whole stay from late March to mid-October. Red Kyed Vireo. Sings from its arrival in mid-April till mid- July only, although it does not leave us till mid-October. Of the summer residents among the warblers, all are in full song on their arrival here, which varies in the case of the different species from the last week in March to the last week in April. The song of different species ends about as follows: Yellow Warbler. Noted singing up to the last week in July, which is the time the species seems to leave us for the south, the few birds seen later in the season are apparently visitors from fur-_ ther north and are silent. Yellow Breasted Chat. Heard up till mid-July only, but occurs til] mid-September. Maryland Yellow Throat. Heard up till mid-July only, but stays as late as late October. Hooded Warbler. Heard up till early July, but stays as late as late September. Parula Warbler. Heard as late as July 1, but stays as late as mid-October, being very abundant in the fall migrations. American Redstart. Heard till early July, occurs up to mid- October. Yellowthroated Warbler. Heard at Lake Ellis in late May, not heard at Raleigh after observations were started on June 12, 1908. Stays till the third week in September. Other summer birds on which notes were taken are: Summer Tanager. Heard up to June 21, also once each in July, August, and September at intervals of almost exactly a month (on the 13th, 13th, and 14th, respectively). Stays till late September. Catbird. Heard till late July and once in August. Stays nor- mally as late as the third week in October. 1909] Sone Prriops or Brrps 61 Wood Thrush. Heard till mid-July only, stays till mid-October. Blue Grosbeak Heard till early July, and also once in August. Stays till mid-September. Indigo Bunting. WHeard till mid-July and once in August. Stays till mid-October. The remainder of my notes relate mainly to our winter visitors, a considerable proportion of which do not sing at all during their stay with us. I have data concerning the following: Rubycrowned Kinglet. Arrives in mid-October, and leaves in late April. Was heard singing on one very warm day in early November, and not again till late March or early April, from which time it continues in song until it leaves for the north, in late April. Hermit Thrush. Arrives in mid-October, stays till late April, so far only heard singing on the same very warm day in November alluded to above. Song Sparrow. Arrives in mid-October, and has been observed as late as April 11th. Heard singing sporadically throughout its entire stay, except the first and last weeks. White-throated Sparrow. Arrives atthe same time as the pre- ceeding, but does not leave till a month later. Heard singing spo- radically all its stay, and coming into full song in early April. Fox Sparrow. Length of stay from about early November till late March, but heard singing only on two occasions in November, three in December, and three in January, but on some of these dates the birds were singing a great deal. Meadow Lark. Stays with us from early or mid-October till mid or late April, but was only heard singing from mid-February to early April. The above notes are, I am aware, quite crude and meagre but they seemed worth while presenting, as the subject has been very little touched upon. The times limiting the song periods or length of stay are in all cases inclusive. THE PROBABLE ELECTRICAL NATURE OF CHEMICAL ENERGY* BY A. H. PATTERSON In a recent paper Dr. J. E. Mills has expressed some interest- ing views on the nature and source of Chemical Energy. His argument may be summarized as follows: When 16 grams of oxygen are mixed with 2.016 grams of hydrogen at 0° C, nothing happens, but if a minute spark (supplying a negligible amount of heat) be applied, combination takes places, 18.016 grams of water are formed, and 68,511 calories of heat are given out. Whence comes this relatively enormous amount of heat energy? Suppose we take 16 grams of oxygen and 2.016 grams of hydrogen at —273° C, and add enough heat energy to bring them to 0° C. Dr. Mills shows that the following amount will be needed: For the hydrogen: Raising the temperature from —273° C, 1844.8 calories, supply- ing heat of fusion and of vaporization, 280.4 calories; total 2125.2 calories. For the oxygen: Raising the temperature through the same range, 1065.4 calories, supplying heat of fusion and of vapo- rization, 906.7 calories; total, 1972.2 calories. So that 4097.5 calories would be added to the hydrogen and oxygen in bringing them up from —273° to 0° C. Now the energy necessary to raise 18.016 grams of water through the same range of tempera- ture would be 2886.9 calories, divided as follows: For raising the temperature, 1447.4 calories; for supplying heat of fusion, 1439.6 calories. The water at 0° C of’ course still retains this energy, but since 4097.4 calories were given to the hydrogen and oxygen, * A paper read at the Fifteenth General Meeting of the American Electro- chemical Society, at Niagara Falls, Canada, May 8, 1909. 1 Transactions Am. Electrochem. Soc., 14, 35 (1908). 62 [ June 1909\| Evecrricar NATURE OF CHEMICAL ENERGY 63 and only 2886.9 calories are retained by the water, a balance of 1210.5 calories remains to be given out during combination. But the amount given out in combination is 68,511 calories, leaving 67 ,300 calories unaccounted for. Whence comes this energy? In what form did it previously exist? It was clearly possessed by the hydrogen and oxygen in their solid form at —273° C. Dr. Mills conceives that every atom of a substance possesses at —273° C a. specific chemical energy (though he does not use this term), partly in the potential form, due to “‘chemical attraction’’ between it and one or more other atoms, and partly in the kinetic form, which latter condition must be fulfilled if the system of which the atom is a part is to be a stable one®. This chemical attraction, or force, or affinity “‘is probably never directly affected by a rise in tempera- ture,’’? and the 67,300 calories of energy above mentioned ‘“‘appears to have been held, intact as it were, neither increased nor diminished, by the changes of temperature, pressure and vol- ume necessary to raise the hydrogen and oxygen to their condition at 0° C,”’ and “represents the total energy change of the three reactions: H,=H+H 220, = 72(0 +0) Fes EL Or EO when taking place at —273° C.”’ The reactions liberated this store of energy, but how they did so, and in what form the energy previously existed, Dr. Mills does not attempt to explain. Itis possible that some light may be thrown upon this question by a recourse to the electron theory. THE ELECTRICAL THEORY OF CHEMICAL COMBINATION It may be well to give first a brief account of some of the fun- damental ideas of this theory, as well as of some of its recent developments. It is now a familiar story how the idea of electrons arose. Helmholtz, in his Faraday lecture’, spoke of electricity 2 Meyer, Kinetic Theory of Gases, 2nd English Ed., p. 344. 3 See also Nernst, Theoretical Chemistry, 4th Eng. Ed., p. 688. 4 Journal Chemical Soc., 1881, p. 39. 64 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ June being ““divided into definite elementary portions which behave like atoms of electricity’? in the conduction of a current through a liquid electrolyte. Maxwell had already proposed that ‘‘we call this constant molecular charge’’ (in electrolysis) ‘‘for convenience of description, one atom of electricity.’’> Lorentz in 1880, in order to explain the phenomena of light, formulated a theory® which regarded an atom of matter as a complex structure consist- ing of these “‘atoms of electricity,’’ for which the name ‘‘electrons”’ had been suggested by Stoney, who as early as 1874 had succeeded in calculating the value of the electric charge on one electron. Various theories of the exact structure of an atom out of electrons have been put forth’, but the most widely accepted view at present is that of Sir J. J. Thomson, who regards an atom as being built up of a sphere of positive electricity of uniform density, through- out which the negative electrons (Thomson prefers to call them ‘“corpuscles’’) are distributed in various orbits, revolving about the center of the sphere. The number of electrons in an atom is proportional to the atomic weight.” The enclosing positive charge acts as though it were concentrated at its center, and is supposed to attract each electron with a force which varies as the direct dis- tance of the electron from the center of the sphere. The “‘sphere of positive electrification’’ occupies a vastly greater space than the total volume of all the electrons. These latter, being similarly charged, repel each other according to the inverse square of the distance law. The electrons are in extremely rapid orbital motion about the center of the atom, the average number of revolutions being about 500 million million per second, and these give rise to light waves. In a neutral atom, the sum of the negative charges on the electrons is exactly equal to the positive charge of the enclosing sphere. In this case the stability of the electron grouping inside the atom depends upon the number of electrons, the way they are arranged in the orbits, and the strength of the enclosing positive charge. 5 Electricity & Mag., Ist Ed., 1873, p. 312. 6 Propagation of Light, Wied. Ann., 1880, p. 9. 7 Lodge, Electrons, pp. 148-150. 8 Thomson, Corpuscular Theory of Matter, p. 164. 1909] Enxecrricar Nature oF CHEMICAL ENERGY 65 Some atoms easily lose electrons, on account of the instability of their electron groupings. Other atoms have a tendency to acquire electrons from outside, if such increase in number lends greater stability to their electron groupings. The complete solu- tion of the problem of the stability or instability of given electron groupings seems to be beyond the power of mathematics at present, as the electron orbits lie at all angles, but the analytical solution of the case where the orbits of the electrons are supposed to be con- fined to one plane has been given by Prof. Thomson,’? and shows that very few groupings of electrons, comparatively speaking, are at all stable. When an atom loses electrons, it thereby loses negative electricity, and a residual positive charge remains. Such an atom would in general belong to an electropositive element. If an atom acquires electrons, its negative charge preponderates over its positive, and the atom acts like an electronegative element. Valeney depends on the number of electrons lost or gained. We must not suppose, however, that all the atoms of, let us say, a diva- lent electropositive element are at any given time in the same con- dition of having lost two electrons each. In the hurly-burly of atomic and molecular motions and encounters atoms will alter- nately lose and gain electrons very rapidly, perhaps millions of times per second, but if in the case of the supposed element the atoms have a tendency to get into the condition represented by the loss of two electrons per atom rather than into any other condition, the ele- ment will have a positive valency of two, and will react with one or more other substances of negative valency as rapidly as the atoms get into the proper condition, owing to the loss or gain of electrons, to go into combination. This requires more or less time, of course, thus agreeing with the facts of chemistry, as no reaction is instantaneous, but proceeds according to an exponential law. Combination ensues when two or more atoms, carrying unlike charges, and coming near enough for the purpose, are pulled more closely together by the electrostatic lines of force between their charges, and heid together tightly in a molecule. As Ramsay says: ‘‘Chemical gemonis tie occasional result; of 9): °. . “eollisions, (200.0000. but the process of combination is a comparatively slow one, and 9 Phil. Mag., March, 1904, 66 JOURNAL OF THE MrrcHELL SOcIRTY LJune a collision followed by a combination is a comparatively rare event.’ With the assumption that chemical affinity is simply electro- static attraction between charges of electricity, Sir J. J. Thomson has worked out with great ingenuity a series of model atoms, com- posed of spheres of uniform positive electrification, with varying numbers of electrons revolving in varying numbers of orbits inside these spheres, and has shown that such a series of atoms would show the same properties, periodically recurring, as are actually observed in the elements arranged according to the periodic law.” The theory explains more or less satisfactorily the recurring elec- tropositive and electronegative character of the elements, and why the same element acts sometimes electropositively, and at other times electronegatively; the recurrence of corresponding groups of lines in the spectra of elements of the same periodic-law group; the valency of the elements, including the zero valency of the argon group, and also the different valency of the same element under different circumstances; the formation of molecules by the union of atoms of the same element; the existence of unsaturated com- pounds, such as PCl,; the formation, in solution of certain ele- ments (for example, Br and I) of both positive and negative ions, the element appearing at both anode and cathode during electroly- sis; the apparent change in the properties of the carbon atom when combined with different elements; the thermoelectric effects, and in fact, nearly all of the phenomena of physics and chemistry. Kspecially in the explanation of the phenomena of optics and radioactivity has the new theory been of great advantage, and without it the facts of radioactivity, at least, would seem to be entirely inexplicable. Arrhenius has also extended the theory to explain astronomical and meteorological phenomena, such as auroras, the solar corona, magnetic storms, etc. But while the electron theory provides us with the broadest working hypothesis of modern times for the correlation and unification of physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, it cannot be claimed that it 10 The Electron as an Element, Journal Chem. Soc., Apr., 1908, p. 777. 11 Electricity and Matter, p. 117 et seg.; Corpuscular Theory of Matter Chapter VI. ’ 1909] Exxecrrica, NATURE oF CHEMICAL ENERGY 67 is in any sense final. One of its founders, indeed, has quite recent- ly pointed out the need for revision or modification of some of its fundamental ideas.” Nevertheless, it has already proved to be one of the strongest aids to research which physical science has known. THE SOURCE OF CHEMICAL ENERGY Can we obtain, on the electrical theory, any information con- cerning the source and nature of the energy liberated in chemical reactions? Take the reaction H+0+H=HO for example. Before union’ we have two hydrogen atoms, each carrying one positive electron charge, and one oxygen atom carry- ing two negative electron charges. What amount of energy do these charged atoms represent? The potential of asphere bearing a charge is equal to Q/ 7 where Q is the charge on the sphere (in electrostatic units) and 7 is the radius of the sphere (in centimeters). The resultant potential is given in electrostatic units, an electrostatic unit being equal to 300 volts. The electron charge has been independently determined by dif- ferent observers. H. A. Wilson found it tobe 3.1 X 10” elec- trostatic units;” J. J. Thomson found by another method” the value 3.4 X 10°°. Using the mean value of N (number of mole- cules in 1 ¢.c. of a gas under normal conditions of pressure and temperature) given by Meyer, ° viz., 6.1 X 10°, we find the cor- responding value of the electron charge to be 3.7 * 107°. The value obtained by J. Perrin” is 4.1 X 10°, and by Ruther- ford and Geiger’ is 4.65 X 10°° electrostatic units. Max Planck calculated the value, from theoretical considerations, to be 12 See article by H. A. Lorentz, Phys. Zeitschr., Sept. 1, 1908. 13 Phil. Mag., [VI], 5, 429 (1903). 14 Cond. of Elec. Thro. Gases, 2nd Ed., p. 158. 15 Kin. Th. of Gases, 2nd Ed., p. 333. 16 Comptes Rendus, 147, 594-596 (1908). W Proceedings of the Royal Society, 81, A, 162-73. 68 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ June 4.69 x 10°, and Millikan and Begeman found the value ALO GO) 32 These last values, being the latest determinations, are probably more correct than former ones. In the following calculation Rutherford’s value will be used. As to the radius of a molecule, estimates vary widely. Meyer gives values ranging from 2 X 10° cm. to about 16 X 10° em.,”* but leans toward the lower figure.” The radius of an atom is shrouded in equal doubt, but we may assume 10° cm. as approxi- mately correct. Using these values we find that the potential, V, of an atom carrying an electron charge is 4.65 X 10° E. S. units, or about 14 volts. The energy of a charged body is %QV ergs, or, applying our values, the energy of a charged hydrogen atom. 18% X.4.65 « 100° XK 4-851x< 107 = 10:8" Ko eee The energy of the charged divalent oxygen atom is twice this amount. The energy of the charged atoms entering into combi- nation to form one molecule of water is therefore about 4.38 X 10° ergs. Next comes the question of the number of molecules in 1 e¢.c. of water. This is as uncertain as the values of the electron charge, but it is probably about 3.4 XK 10”. On this estimate the number of molecules in 18 grams of water is 6.2 X 10%, and the energy of the charged atoms of hydrogen and oxygen would be, before combination, 6.2 X 10% X 4.38 K 10°= 2.7 & 10° ergs: = 2.7 K 10° joules, = 16.4. 10? wicaliomesaaan 640,000 calories. When the charged atoms rush together into com- bination, this energy, which existed as potential energy of charge, is partly given out, and 7¢t zs at least suggestive to note that this amount of energy is quite sufficient to account for the 67,300 calories given out in the formation of 18.016 grams of water, and is, moreover, of about the magnitude we should expect, as we donot imagine the atoms to come close enough in combination to release all their energy. Too much importance, however, must not be given to the num- ber found, 600,000 calories, for the energy of charge of the hydro- gen and oxygen atoms may be much greater or much smaller than 18 Loc. cit., pp. 320, 331. 19 Perrin gives 2.6 x 10°§ cm. asthe diameter of a molecule of oxygen. Loc. cit. 1909| Exvectrica, NaturE oF CHEMICAL ENERGY 69 this. I wish merely to make the point that whatever the potential electrical energy of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms may be before combination, it is less afterwards by the amount given out, viz., 67,300 calories. Hf the charges on the hydrogen and oxygen atoms “‘sparked into’’ each other, all of the electrical energy would be given out, but this does not occur.” The hydrogen and oxygen atoms (in a molecule of water) may be considered then as coming quite near each other when in combination, near enough to render the mole- cule electrically neutral, but not near enough to equalize the charges, and not near enough to prevent stray lines of force from producing a “residual attraction’’ between the molecules. THE RESIDUAL ATTRACTION Dr. Mills in his paper says: “It is possible . . . that the molecular attraction is merely the residual chemical attraction.’’™ The electrical theory would simply substitute the word ‘‘electrical’’ for the word “‘chemical’’ above. For various reasons Dr. Mills thinks that the ‘‘attractive forces . . . which proceed froma particle are definite in amount. If this attraction is exerted upon another particle the amount of the attraction remaining to be exerted upon other particles is diminished.’’ If chemical attrac- tion is electrostatic attraction, we have these conditions exactly fulfilled, and also have an explanation why this force, and the energy due to it, is independent of temperature changes, for the number of “‘lines of force’’ proceeding from a given charge isa perfectly definite quantity, unaffected by temperature. The explanation of the ‘‘residual attraction’’ which the electrical theory offers is given by Prof. Thomson as follows:* The attraction between charged bodies is greater when these bodies are conductors, in which electrons are able to move about freely, than between non-conductors bearing the same charges, for the conductors allow the corpuscles to move into the most advantageous positions, as it were, and electrostatic induction comes into play. The residual 29 Lodge, Electrons. p. 154. 21 Loc. cit. 22 Corpuscular Theory of Matter, p. 135 ef seq. 70 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ June attraction between saturated atoms and molecules will therefore be a function of the mobility of the electrons inside the atoms. ‘‘This mobility may not be the same for the atoms of the different elements, and may be different for the same atom according as it is exerting positive or negative valency; in other words, the attrac- tion of an atom may not be wholly exhausted when its valency is satisfied, and the residual attraction may depend not only upon the nature of the atom, but also upon whether it 1s exerting its posi- tive or negative valencies.’? The interesting question arises whether this residual attraction is greater or less when an atom carries a positive charge than when the charge is negative. It must be remembered that the theory supposes that the extra elec- tron in a negative monovalent atom is united to a positive atom by lines of force, and that these lines spring from the relatively large surface of the positive atom and converge to the minute elec- tron on the other atom, somewhat as the network of ropes from a balloon converge to the basket beneath. The intensity of the elec- trie field, therefore, at the surfaces of the two atoms is not the same, and we may expect a difference in the residual attraction which an atom exerts when negatively and when positively charged. ‘Tn the compound CH,,’’ says Professor Thomson,” “‘the carbon is supposed to carry a charge of —4, and in CO (if the oxygen is tetravalent) a charge of + 4; the value of a“ for CH, is 0.0379, and that for CO is less, viz., 0.0284, although the residual attrac- tion of oxygen is probably greater than that of hydrogen. This, as far as it goes, is in favor of the view that the residual attraction of carbon is greater when it is negatively than when it is positive- ly charged.’’ The residual attraction also appears to exist between molecules, and acts to form aggregates of molecules, especially around negative ions, which seem to exert much more effect than positive ions. “‘It has been found that in carefully dried gases the velocity of the negative ion is considerably greater than that of the positive when the electrical forces acting on them are equal. If, 23 Loc. cit. 24 The cohesion factor in Van der Waals’ formula. 1909] Execrrica, Nature oF CHEMICAL ENERGY vial however, a little water vapor is added to the gas, it produces a considerable diminution of the velocity of the negative ion, while it hardly affects that of the positive. Jt seems quite possible that this is due to the residual attraction of the OH radical in the water for a negative charge, making the water molecules attract the negative ions more strongly than they do the positive ones, so that the water molecules will tend to attach themselves to the nega- tive ions, and by loading them up diminish their velocity.’’* Thomson showed years ago that negative electrification had a decidedly greater effect in promoting condensation than positive,” and C. T. R. Wilson found that negative ions require less cooling by expansion te make them act as condensation nuclei in dust-free air than positive ions.” It is quite probable that these phenome- na are explained inthe same way. The electrical theory would indicate that there must always be some residual attraction, even in the inactive monatomic gases. The hquefaction of helium shows this, though for helium the value of a is the smallest known. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL CONDUCTION So far it is significant and interesting to note that the reasoning of the chemist and the physicist, though from different points of view, and expressed in different language, leads to practically the same conclusions. In the case of electrical conduction the differ- ence is rather pronounced between Dr. Mills’ ideas and those of the electrical theory. Briefly stated, the electrical theory supposes that in metals electrons are easily detached from the atoms, and under the action of an electric force, as when a wire connects the terminals of a voltaic cell, the electrons rapidly pass from atom to atom through the wire in the direction of the positive terminal. This stream of electrons is equivalent to a positive current flowing in the opposite direction, wiz., along the wire from the positive to the negative terminal. The kinetic energy of these moving electrons smashing, as it were, into the atoms, causes increased atomic 20 J. J. Thomson, Loc. cit. 26 Phil. Mag., 36, 813 (1893). 27 Phil. Transactions, 193, 289 (1899), 72 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETy | June motion, and the wire becomes heated. In the case of metals a rise in temperature retards the motion of the electrons in some way, and the conductivity decreases. In carbon, however, a rise in temperature seems to give the electrons greater freedom of motion, and so the “‘hot resistance’’ of a carbon filament is less than the ‘‘cold resistance.’’ In the case of non-conductors, like the rare earths, the electrons are only set free by strong heating. In the Nernst glower, for example, conductivity begins only when the temperature is about 1,200° C. The salts of the metals are poor conductors, because the atoms of the metal have already lost electrons, in going into chemical combination, and it is difficult to loosen others and pull them away from the positively charged atoms. In solution, however, the ions of salts are free to move, and we have a double stream of positive and negative ions moving in opposite directions under the electric stress. In gases also there ean be no conduction without ionization. In the vacuum tube discharge we have a peculiar case, for we get a stream of free elec- trons, unassociated with atoms, going in one direction, and a stream of positively charged atoms moving in the other. If this latter stream is prevented from reaching the cathode the discharge is stopped.* Dr. Mills’ theory of conduction is somewhat ambiguous. He says: ‘I havein my own mind connected the power to conduct electricity, whether the substance is in the solid, liquid, or gaseous condition, not primarily with molecules, nor with ions, nor even perhaps with electrons. The essential requisite appears to me to be a free, that is, an unabsorbed attraction.’’ It is difficult, on this hypothesis, to see why mercury, for example, should not be a better conductor than silver, as its atoms seem to be less firmly bound together; nor why the resistance of selenium should change so marvelously with the degree of illumination to which it is sub- jected; nor why increase of temperature, which drives atoms fur- ther apart, should not always increase conductivity; nor how the vacuum tube discharges and the action of electric valves may be explained; nor how the change of resistance of bismuth in a mag- netic field may be accounted for. *8 Lodge, Electrons, p. 39, 1909| ExxecrricaA, Nature or CuEmicaL ENERGY 73 However, the object of this paper is merely to emphasize the fact that physicists and chemists, reasoning from different view- points, often reach practically the same general conclusions, which is evidence for the truth of these conclusions, and further that the electrical theory, in spite of certain artificial features, seems to offer the best and clearest idea of the source of chemical energy, the mechanism of chemical combination, ionization, dissociation, ete., and the most rational explanation of the various phenomena of physical science. Universiry or NortH CAROLINA, CHuAaren Hit, N.C. February 16, 1909. NEW OCCURRENCE OF MONAZITE IN NORTH CAROLINA BY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT In 1897 there was forwarded to the office of the North Carolina Geological Survey a package containing a sample of mineral for identification. No letter accompanied this package and the only clue to the locality from which the mineral came was the post- mark, which was Mars Hill. The mineral was turned over to the writer for examination and was found to be monazite. There were a number of fairly well developed crystals of unusual size; but the majority of the pieces did not show any crystal faces but were pseudo-crystalline, due to parting parallel to ¢ and m. An attempt was made to locate the sender of the specimens without success and although many inquiries have been made in the vicinity of Mars Hill and the place has been visited a num- ber of times, no clue to the occurrence of this monazite was obtained until in the fall of 1908 another specimen of monazite was seen by the writer while travelling in Madison County. remarkable result: 0.2000 gram of di-bromide gave 0.2914 grams of AgBr. Calculated for Found C,H,NBr, 62.00 per cent. 63.74 per cent of bromine. This analysis was made by boiling a sample of the di-bromide for fifteen minutes in a ten per cent sodium hydroxide solution, neutralizing with nitric acid and adding enough more to make the solution react strongly acid to litmus and then titrating the solu- tion with AgNO,, titrating the excess of AgNO, with NH,SCN, according to Volhard’s method. We were never able to repeat this work. Our results on different samples have ranged from 46.10 per cent of Br to 70.89 per cent of Br for the halogen con- tent. It will be noticed that these figures run all the way from a mono-halogen derivative to a tri-halogen derivative, and that all are decomposed by a weak alkaline solution. SUMMARY From the foregoing results we would conclude that we have a nitrogen halide, in which the nitrogen of the amine is joined to two bromine atoms, because: First, when our di-brom derivative, formed by the action of two molecules of bromine on one molecule of tri-chlor-ethylidene-di- phenamine, was allowed to stand for twenty-four hours in the ori- ginal brominated solution before filtering, we found a rise in melt- ing point from 228-35° to 282°, and a compound formed which was proved to be aniline hydrobromide, both by its melting point and by the free amine which was aniline. Second, when our unknown di-bromide is exposed to light for three months, it changes melting point from 228°-35° to 282° and a compound is formed which was proven to be aniline hydrobro- mide. This could not happen in the case of para-brom aniline hydrobromide. 104 Journal of the Mitchell Society { November Third, On boiling with a dilute solution of an alkali, a per cent of bromine is obtained which would indicate that two bromine atoms were attached to the nitrogen for we find 62.00 per cent of bromine and the theory for two bromine atoms in the molecule would be 63.74 percent of bromine. This would indicate that we have both of the bromine atoms attached to the nitrogen, because dilute alkalies will not take the bromine out of the benzene ring. Fourth. Para-brom aniline hydrobromide can never change into aniline hydrobromide, by a simple exposure to sunlight, while our bromine derivative does. Para-brom aniline hydrobromide cannot give an analysis for two bromine atoms, on boiling with water or dilute alkali, while the unknown di-bromide does. The formula for our di-bromide would then be: Br Br N TANS * and the reactions by which it is made would be represented thus: Uren C1 | { Br *| C—H i ped Vio Ay | NH NH +2Br,= + CCI,CHO ins aa. i pe | etal 2 hal mf (2) The Action of Bromine on Tri-chlor-ethylidene-di-para- nitro-Phenamine. The object of this research was to establish the constitution of the compound obtained by brominating tri-chlor-ethylidene-di- para-nitro-phenamine, in a glacial acetic acid solution. This reaction was first carried out by A. S. Wheeler in this laboratory, in 1903 and the first general study of it was made by the author of this thesis, in the college year 1904-05. The study assumed some importance because all the condensation products of chloral with primary aromatic amines reacted smoothly with bromine in glacial acetic acid. At first we thought that we had the conden- 1909) Condensation of Chloral 105 sation product with the hydrogen atom in the chloral residue sub- stituted with bromine, although no decomposition product could be obtained which would prove this. Work several years later on the bromination of tri-chlor-ethylidene-di-phenamine threw a clear light on this compound and analogous ones. It was found not to contain any chlorine at all, by a displacement of all chlorine in the compound by bromine and weighing the precipitate as silver bro- mide. The chloral group is therefore split off in the bromination- as shown by making the filtrate from the reaction product alka- line and distilling, chloroform separating out in globules in the distillate. The bromine derivative is 2-6-di-brom-4-nitranilin with a melting point of 202-3°, that given for theabove compound in Beilstein being 202.5°. The formula then is C,H,N,O,Br,, with a theoretical percentage of bromine of 54.05 per cent. Our analy- sis by the Carius method showed the following result: 0.1000 gram of the bromine derivative gave ().1286 grams AgBr. Calculated for Found C,H,C._N, Br, 53.95 per cent of bromine. 54.05 per cent of bromine. These figures would also indicate a compound like our conden- sation product in which one hydrogen had been substituted for by one bromine atom, giving approximately the same theoretical per cent. The solubility of this bromine derivative was found to be as foilows: easily soluble in alcohol, hot or cold; difficultly soluble cold, easily soluble in hot glacial acetic acid; easily soluble in cold or hot acetone; insoluble in gasolene, xylene, toluene, or benzole. The Action of HCl When this bromine derivative was treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid no corresponding hydrochloride was formed because of the ease with which it was decomposed in any solution containing water, so we dissolved the 2-6-di-brom-4-nitranilin in cold acetone and passed in dry hydrochloric acid gas until a beau- tiful scaly, white precipitate came down, very similar in crystals line form to acet-anilide. This hydrochloride was easily decom- posed by the addition of water, liberating hydrochloric acid and regenerating the original di-brom-nitranilin. An analysis of this 106 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November hydrochloride, by the Stepanoff method, showed the presence of one chlorine and two bromine atoms. The Action of HBr The hydrobromide of 2-6-di-brom-4-nitranilin was made by the addition of bromine to a hot solution of the di-brom nitranilin in glacial acetic acid. The acid derivative showed the same erystal- line form and the same behavior towards water as the hydrochlo- ride. It gave an analysis by the Stepanoff method which showed the correct percentage for three bromine atoms. This compound was very unstable, even in the air, for on exposing it to theair for a short time all the hydrobromic acid would be lost. Chlorination of Tri-chlor-ethylidene-di-para-nitro-phenamine On treating the tri-chlor-ethylidene-di-para-nitro-phenamine with chlorine, the 2,6-di-chlor-4-nitranilin was obtained, melting at 188°. It was a golden yellow compound ecrystalling out in long, prismatic needles. (3) The action of bromine upon Tri-chlor-ethylidene-di-para- Tolamine Para-toluidine and chloral were brought together in the proper proportions with benzene as a solvent. The mixture was warmed slightly and the excess of benzene wrs driven off, allowing the tol- amine to crystallize out. It became a thick paste in a very shor time and the mother-liquor, mechanically extracted, was dried out on an unglazed porcelain plate. The solid, obtained thus, was extracted several times with cold alcohol, by pouring alcohol] over the product on a Buchner funnel and a pretty white, crystalline body was obtained. The melting point of this product was Lia which identified it ag A. Eibner’s condensation product, described in the Annajlen. Ten grams of this condensation product were dissolved in the least amount of glacial acetic acid and two atoms of bromine were added very slowly, keeping the mass well stirred. The product obtained thus was filtered off and dried and found to represent an 85 per cent yield of para-toluidine hydrobromide. It was proved 1American Chemical Journal 22, 266. 1899. 1909 Condensotion of Chloral 107 to be para-toluidine hydrobromide by its decomposition point of 308-11°, its solubilities and its behaviour towards acids and alka- lies. It was decomposed by water, made slightly alkaline with sodium hydroxide, giving free para-toluidine which melted at 48°. The free amine was also distilled and found to boil at 198-9°, which is the correct boiling point for para-toluidine. Ten grams of the condensation product were then treated with four atoms of bromine in the manner just described. The result was a 95 per cent yield of the bromination product. This product was then treated with sodium hydroxide and shaken out with ether which gave ten grams of the free amine. On distilling this product, eight grams came over at 199-240°, five-tenths of a gram came over from 210-50° and the residue, left in the flask decom- posed. The first fraction gave crystals on standing, which melted at 48°, showing that the majority of the product was para-tolui- dine. It was further identified by its hydrochloride and hydro- bromide. The fraction above 240° gave needle like crystals, melt- ing at 72-3° which must be 3,5-di-brom-4-toluidine. Another indication observed was its non-combining power with acids. The mother-liquor after crystallization of the fraction 199-210°, and the fraction 240-50°, was an oi! which would not crystallize, at room temperature, so the hydrobromide and the hydrochloride were made from this. The hydrochloride derivative decomposed at 212-22°, while the hydrobromide deriva- tive gave a decomposition point at 252-5°, showing this oil to be 3-brom-4-toluidine, the bromine being ortho to the amino-group. The melting point of this compound should be 26° and it was found to be so. This did not give us a preparation method for the brom-tolui- dine as it gave too much of a mixture. (4) The Action of Bromine on Tri-chlor-ethylidene-di-ortho- Tolamine. Ortho-toluidiné and chloral were brought together in the proper proportions to make the condensation product, according to the method of Wheeler and Jordan’. This was carried out by the addition of four parts of ortho-toluidine to three parts of chloral and then warming the mixture on a water bath for a short time. 108 Journal of the Mitchell Society [November The oil obtained in this manner was allowed to stand for a day to crystallize out. A hard solid mass was the result. We found that alcohol was really a better solvent than ether, which was used in the former method for recrystallizing the product. After two crys- tallizations from aleohol, the condensation product was found to be pure and gave a sharp melting point at 80°° To this condensation product two atoms of bromine were added, or approximately one gram of the condensation product to 0.50 gram of bromine. This reaction was carried out in aglacial acetic acid solution and a very nearly 75 per cent yield was obtained. The resulting bromination product melted with a decomposition at 268°, but after recrystallization it came out in pearly, shining plates, melting with decomposition at 280°. This product was proven to be the 5-brom-2-toluidine-hydrobromide, both by its melting point and the melting point of its nitrate, which melted at 180-3°. The free amine melted at 58-60°. This did not give a satisfactory method for the preparation of 5-brom-2-toluidine, as some ortho-tolifidine was left unchanged and a little of the di-brom-toluidine was also formed, very similar to the action of bromine on the para-toluidine. DIVISION II THE CONDENSATION OF SOME PRIMARY AROMATIC AMINES WITH CHLORAL Tri-chlor-ethylidene-di-meta-brom-phenamine ne CH Molecular weight, 483. VEN NH NH Melting point, 115-16°. | Ba Br 3 aoe For this preparation twenty grams of meta brom-aniline were dissolved in 50 ec. of benzol and to this mixture were added nine grams of freshly distilled chloral. The reaction took place at once, with the liberation of a small amount of heat, giving a theoretical in ltl Pere St ee ——— {1909 Condensation of Chloral 109 yield of the crude product. This crude product was composed of two parts, a small by-product, which melted at 215-20° and the condensation product. These two compounds were separated by extracting the crude product with benzol thereby dissolving the condensation product and leaving the by-product undissolved. The benzole extract, which contained all the tri-chlor-ethylidene- di-meta-brom-phenamine in solution, was evaporated down over a steam bath to a sirupy constituency. Upon cooling and scratch- ing the sirupy residue with a glass rod it yielded a substance melt- ing at 98-101°, which crystallized from carbon tetrachloride in beautiful white needle-like crystals. After two recrystallizations from carbon tetra-chloride, the meltiag point was raised to 115- 16°. The crystalline form of this compound, when seen under the microscope, appeared to be rhombic bi-pyramids, some crys- tals truneated on the apeces, others regular. and still others having one set of faces much larger than the other set. Waier had no effect on this condensation product, either when cold or when boiling hot. //ydrochloric acid gave the salt of the original meta-brom-aniline, while bromine gave the hydrobromide of the original meta-brom-aniline. An analysis of this compound gave the following results, by the Carius method; No. (1) 0.2000 gram of substance gave 0.1817 grams of AgCl and 0.1596 grams of AgBr. No. (2) 0.2000 gram of substance gave 0.1802 grams of AgCl and 0.1581 grams of AgBr. Calculated for Found C,.H,,N,Br,Cl, (1) 56.38 per cent, Total 22.43 per cent Cl. 33.95 per cent Br. 56.24 per cent of Br. andCl. (2) 55.89 per cent, Total 22.25 per cent Cl. 33.63 per cent Br. ACTION OF BROMINE In making a careful study of the action of bromine on tri-chlor- ethylidene-di-meta-brom-phenamine, the method of Wheeler and Valentine was followed’ for the separation of the several bromine derivatives. We hoped to obtain a method for the production of 110 Journal of the Mitchell Soriety { November 3,4-di-brom-aniline which would give a better yield than the methods used at present. For this work 29.7 grams of the con- densation product, which melted at 115-16°, were dissolved in the least possible amount of glacial acetic acid at room temperature. To this solution were added twenty grams of bromine also dissol- ved in glacial acetic acid, in the ration of one cubic centimeter of bromine to nine cubic centimeters of glacial acetic acid. A beauti- ful, scaly, white precipitate was obtained, which was filtered off and which weighed twenty grams. To the filtrate from this pre- cipitate water was added and the tetra-brom aniline was precipi- tated. It weighed 2.6 grams. The bromine precipitate was treated with water and the tri-brom aniline was leit undissolved while the di-brom aniline and brom-aniline hydrobromides were dissolved. This tri-brom aniline weighed 5.0 grams and the di-brom aniline weighed 8.0 grams, while only a trace of the original meta-brom aniline was obtained. We concluded from these results that this method possessed no advantage over the direct bromination of meta-brom aniline and so do not recommend it as a preparation method for 3, 4-di-brom aniline. (2) Tri-chlor-ethylidene-di-para-amino-benzoie Acid COOH CCl, COOH Poy | Vine ANH prema Organy et MANNA! Molecular weight, 403.4. SU GAR ee BN} ENE Melting point, 215-20°. For a study of the action of para-amino-benzoic acid with chlor- al, we used two molecules of the acid, melting at 186-7°, to one molecule of chloral or about 10 grams of the acid to 5.5 grams of chloral. The aminobenzoic acid was suspended in 100 cc. of ben- zol and the chloral was added to this suspension after which the whole mass was warmed up on a water bath and then boiled for three hours under a reflux condenser. Most of the benzol was then evaporated off and the and the mixture was filtered while hot. This gave a compound which began to char at 186° and turned black at 220°, but which after recrystalling from glacial acetfe acid, melted at 215-220° with much decomposition. This was as pure as it was able to obtain the condensation product for further 1909) Condensation of Chloral 111 recrystallizations did not raise the melting point. The crystalline form of this compound was not very well defined, the crystals occurring in colorless masses. This compound was easily soluble in ethyl or methyl alcohol, difficultly soluble in glacial acetic acid and apparently insoluble in benzene, tolueme, xylene, carbon tetra-chloride and carbon di-sul- phide. The yield was 87.74 per cent of the theoretical or 13.6 grams of the condensation product from 10.0 grams of the para-amino-ben- zoic acid and 5.5 grams of chloral. On analysis, this compound gave the following results by the Stepanoff method: No. (1) 0.2000 gram of substance gave 0.05266 grams of chlo- rine. No.(2) 0.2000 gram of substance gave 0.05517 grams of chlo- rine. Calculated for Found C,,H,,0,N.Cl, (1) 26.33 per cent Cl. 26.37 per cent Cl. (2) 27.58 per cent Cl. THE ACTION OF BROMINE For a study of the action of bromine upon this condensation product we used 11.0 grams of the condensation product, 87 grams of bromine and mixed them together in 100 ec. of glacial acetic acid. Action was allowed to take place in the cold and the precipitate was filtered off. This precipitate was the hydrobro- mide of 3, 5-di-brom-para-aminobenzoic acid, as shown by its melting point, after treatment with water, which was 292-3° decomposing to a black mass. The action of water was to break off the hydrebromic acid and liberate the free amine. This free amine, when diazotized by the action of NaNO, and strong sul- phuric acid in boiling alcohol solution, gave 38, 5-di-brom-benzoic acid, melting at 213-15°. This fully identified the bromine deriva- tive. When the condensation product is boiled with water no appar- ent change is noticed either in melting point or in general beha- vior. When the condensation product is treated with concentrated 112 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ November hydrochloric acid the corresponding para-aminobenzoic acid hydro- chloride is formed, which when treated with sodium hydroxide and neutralized, gave the alkaline salt of para-amino-benzoie acid which could be acidified with acetic acid and precipitated with water, giving para-aminobenzoic acid. Tri-chlor-ethylidene-di-meta-aminobenzoic Acid. Cl COOH | COOH VES ecole “ OIZRUOTAL *S[RIOUIU IIY **s9U0}s SNOTD2Iq CnC) it ee ee OC» CRDi **z41enG) *deiog 2 sspoyg f PHN rose ee ++ Somos] ““Tunpunsoy) pue yourey a ESCOn Oe or one -u0ly oe o- ** goddog pehee crs s Se nties ee oe noes TRAITS SSI) opt aon <0) et “ere, se) “epem ene Cir ee Oe Oo hed eO == 0-0 ale. Lelie woela se. (ee! ue 90 9 “ele “eve Gieneale: .efec=ph bl s.8 6) eres sees, a eat Oe oe SEC umn he Ces eT ‘JeIOUTPY g061-£061 SUVAA AHL YOA VNITOUVO HLYON NI NOMONGOUd TVAANIN AHL ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF THE CAROLINAS * BY W. C. COKER Collections made at intervals at Chapel Hill, Orange County, North Carolina, and in Darlington County, South Carolina, have resulted in the addition of the following species to the known flora of these states: ACER FLORIDANUM (Chapman) Pax. This tree is not uncommon on the sandy banks and alluvial bottoms of Morgan’s Creek, near Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I have found it at several places here; and there are a number of medium-sized trees on the streets in the town of Chapel Hill that have been brought in from the surrounding country. In the creek bottoms the tree grows to a large size, forty feet or more high and two or more feet in diameter. The species has not been reported before from North Carolina, and the only South Carolina collec- tion seems to be from “near Charleston” by J. H. Mellichamp, 1896 (herb. N. Y. Bot. Garden). It is possible that this collection was made from a tree brought in from a distance and planted by Michaux, but supposing it to be native at Charleston, the discovery of this species at Chapel Hill extends its known range about 230 miles northward. Acer floridanum seems to approach nearest to Acer leucoderme Small, but according to Dr. Small the two are quite distinct, not only in characters of foliage and fruit, but also in habit. I have not seen A. leucoderme in the field, but it is said to be a shrub or small tree, preferring rocky banks in the piedmont or middle dis- *Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 36: 635-638. 1909. 168 [ Dec. 1909 | ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF THE CAROLINAS 169 tricts, while A. floridanum is a large tree of alluvial bottoms, and confined principally to the coastal regions. That A. leucoderme also is present in Orange County seems certain, as it has been col- lected in the adjoining county of Durham to the east (herb. N. Y. Bot. Garden, from Biltmore Herb.). HABENARIA NUTTALLII Small. Collected in wet soil on the south side of Paper Mill Lake, Hartsville, South Carolina, August, 1908. This orchid has not been collected before in the state of South Carolina, and only at Wilmington in North Carolina (herb. N. Y. Bot. Garden, W. M. Canby, 1867). ‘Towards the south it has not been found nearer than Florida and southern Georgia. SOLIDAGO VERNA M. A. Curtis. Collected on earth dam opposite Paper Mill, Hartsville, South Carolina, May, 1909. Hitherto this very rare plant has not been found except in eastern North Carolina and no exact locality is known except near Wilmington, where it was discovered by Rev. M. A. Curtis. In the Flora of North America, Torrey and Gray (2: 205. 1842), S. verna is given on authority of Curtis from “open sandy pine woods near Wilmington, and Lenoir County, North Caro- lina,’ to which is added “(Florida, Herb. Rafinesque!).’ But in Gray’s Synoptical Flora of North America, Lenoir County, North Carolina, and Florida are omitted from its habitat and it is given only from “open and sandy pine woods near Wilmington, N. Carolina, Curtis.” From this it would seem that its occurrence in Florida has not been established; but as to Lenoir County, which lies some seventy miles north of Wilmington, if Curtis said he found it there, its occurrence there can scarcely be doubted. In his “Catalogue of the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants” of North Carolina (Geol. and Nat. History Survey of North Caro- lina, Part III, Raleigh, 1867) Dr. Curtis himself gives S. verna only from the low districts “(low dist.).” So far as I have been able to discover, S. verna has been dis- tributed only by Rev. M. A. Curtis, Dr. T. F. Wood, and Mr. 170 THE JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETY [ Dec. Gerald McCarthy, all of whom seem to have collected their plants around Wilmington. The species is listed in Wood and McCar- thy’s Wilmington Flora (Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 3: 77. 1886), and in McCarthy’s distribution list of “Flora of Eastern North Carolina” of 1885. The occurrence of the plant at Hartsville, South Carolina, ex- tends its range about one hundred and ten miles to the westward. JUNCUS ABORTIVUS Chapman. Four plants were collected in a damp grassy meadow in Burnt Bay about one-third of a mile behind the residence of Maj. J. L. Coker, Hartsville, South Carolina. Comparison with a sheet from Chapman’s own herbarium leaves no doubt that this determination is correct. The species has heretofore been known only from western Florida near the coast. The Hartsville station extends its range over four hundred miles northward. SCRIPUS SUBTERMINIALIS Torr. A large quantity of this rush, hitherto supposed to be entirely northern, was found in the stream just below the “race” at Kil- gore’s Mill, about one mile from Hartsville. The species ranges across the northern part of the United States and Canada and has not been reported before south.of New Jersey. However, on examining the sheets of this species at the New York Botanical Garden, it was found that it had been collected at Morrisonville, Mississippi, by S. M. Tracy in 1898. It is therefore probable that the species will be found to extend over the Southeastern and Gulf states. Cyperus MartTInpDALE! Britton. This small sedge is very common in the sand hills near Harts- ville, South Carolina. It has not been known before except from Florida and the Gulf Coast. CROTALARIA Pursuit DC. Reported in Small’s Flora from “Georgia and Florida to Louisiana,’ and it does not seem to have been reported farther to the northeast. It was collected by me at Hartsville, South Carolina, in flat sandy pine-barrens and it has been collected by House in Oconee County, South Carolina, in 1906, and by uae in North Carolina (herb. N. Y. Bot. Garden). 7909 | ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF THE CAROLINAS L7 I VACCININIUM FUSCATUM Ait. Given in Small’s Flora from “Georgia to Florida, Arkansas and Louisiana,” and supposed to be a Florida and Gulf Coast plant. The species was collected in wet soil in “Burnt Bay,” Hartsville, South Carolina, May 24, 1909. This extends its range three hundred miles northward. GENTIANA Extiorti Chapman [Dasytephana parvifolia (Chapm. ) Small]. In the fall of 1907 a pure white form of this species was col- lected on the side of a ditch near the Pee Dee river at Society Hull, Darlington County, South Carolina, and sent me by Mr. P. H. Rogers.t The plant was again collected by Mr. Rogers at the same place in October, 1908. The plants are said to have been rather numerous in 1907, but the ditch was worked over soon after and in 1908 there were only a few to be found. I now have four specimens of this interesting form. Albinos seem not to have been previously recorded for this species. LimoporuMm TUBEROSUM L. (Calopogon pulchellus R. Br.). Three plants of the white form were found among sphagnum on the edge of a bay on the north side of Paper Mill Lake, Harts- ville, South Carolina, May 23, 1909, and Mr. P. H. Rogers has since collected it in the vicinity of Hartsville. This albino has been reported from Moor’s Landing, New Jersey, by Dr. Britton (Bull, Torrey Club 17: 125. 1890) and by Paine from Genesee County, New York (Cat. Pl. Oneida County, 86. 1865), but I can find no record of its occurrence in the Carolinas. The normal form is plentiful at Hartsville. In conclusion I wish to thank Dr. John K. Small and Dr. N. L. Britton for assistance extended me in the preparation of this paper. tIt is interesting to note that Society Hill was for several years the home of the gifted botanist, Rev. M. A. Curtis. “\ JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOL. XXVI 1910 ISSUED QUARTERLY THE UNIVERSITY PRESS CHAPEL HILL, N. O i Ti iy} ie) dhe | An | aes aty ay) my ive . ; Ast by aT x te fi re 1 {} @ ’ C4 { i WLR ease LIS eta TABLE OF CONTENTS THE CONSERVATION AND UTILIZATION OF OuR NATURAL REsouR- Ei srl OSE INE TAYE OF TOs ees He dees casas ue tela hapiaee ticueosaeas THE BROMINATION OF ANTHRANILIC ‘Acto>—Alvin aS Wheeler BRYAN WY NL § CORDEED tai sie posto Sela bees Ma aseiete dee : A Visit TO THE GRAVE OF THOMAS Watren—W, C. Coker... VITALITY OF PINE SEEDS AND THE DELAYED OPENING OF CoNES oe | SAW AUN 1) 7 nO Onn A NAPA BOs AAMT ME CSO PROCEEDINGS OF THE NoRTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Ninra ANNUAL MEETING.......... A OTE UN AE RNR Ae MENSA Nie EXPERIMENTS ON THE CULTURE UF THE DIAMOND- Back TERRA- RN ELCR TUE) ACAMER Oe scot ts Jcle aL Leet Weigle Padi ieis se eae 3 THE RELATION oF Birds TO FARM AND Garpen—S. C. Brim- [LE SR A aA Mie Ree i BCs ce ROLLE Uo PRs oe DEVELUPMENT OF SPONGES FROM “Tissue CrLis— H. V. Wi- SEO GE EM RUT ROI SRS IOE ASN AILASRED a UTR CURD Aer ped id ELA TAU UE PECULIARITIES IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF Birps—Franklin Sher- TEES TRCET Fg RM PEGS REISE TOR AU Nae YENI ICN SAE A A Cr TLL Nove oN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GaLL- Fry— J. D. Ives.. CoMPosITION oF SKA WATERS NEAR BEAvFort, N. C.—Alvin 8. oh NUE GLE Se IRA BI AS ME ab CGR oa Stk SOR ARREST De er eman THE LANDES AND Dunes oF Gascony— Collier Cobb...... PAR S! THE ReLaTION OF PHARMACOLOGY TO CLINICAL MEDICINE— ealian GeB MOC NGM 0.) sone) io ceubscdaneeacuvaetnenae On SurracE ENERGY AND SurFACE TENsION—J. E. Mills aad Duncan Machae...... eset, ee ein ne tars curt BEE ETE NYA THE Rate or Extraction oF PLant Fuop ConstitvuENTS FROM THE PHOSPHATES OF CALCIUM AND FROM A LOAM SolL SS GIA ) Mag C12 LD ee OES NPN GN ee te A Liven TOPOGRAPHY OF FAYETTEVILLE, Nort CAROLINA William EL AGS SIA eS ULES AEN aa PREIS SCAND SW EA Grear Damage From Recent Forest Fires! Waar SHALL WE Do asout Ir?—Bulletin N. C. Geological Survey... Goop Roaps AND ConsERVATION—Joseph Hyde Pratt.......... CoLLOIDAL CHEMISTRY—Duncan McRae... ..ccccccccccccccceces A RECOLLECTION OF ProFEssor W. K. Brooks, WitH CritI- cisMs OF SOME OF His Work—H. V. Wilson............. ReEcENT Forest Reports oF THE N. C. GEOLOGICAL AND Economic SurvEy—Joseph Hyde Pratt............ STO JosEPH AUSTIN HotmMEs—Collier Cobb...........ccccccececcccccee Harty EnciishH Survivats on Harreras ISLAND.......... oie CORRECTIONS .......0....00. BAHT EN UPDRS WL 8 i i aia 116 123 127 i* 4 Oa’ RUE en . i iy Ae Liner Ae t i it i Ns JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOL. XXVI APRA 1930 NO. 1 THE CONSERVATION AND UTILIZATION OF OUR NAT- URAL RESOURCES* BY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, STATE GEOLOGIST OF NORTH CAROLINA INTRODUCTION The two parts of this subject may at first glance seem to be con- tradictions of each other, but as we stop to analyze the subject and consider it in its broadest sense, we will find that the conservation of our natural resources will mean not only their perpetuation but also that we will be enabled to utilize them perpetually. This can be accomplished by the aid of certain restraining laws which will work little or no hardship on any person or community and the final result will be of the greatest benefit to the State. This question of the conservation of our natural resources has not sprung up suddenly but has been receiving the serious consid- eration of our greatest statesmen, scientists and manufacturers. The first direct result of this agitation was the calling together by the President of the United States of a Conference of the Govern- ors of the States and Territories, which met at the White House, May 13, 14 and 15, 1908. The main object of this Conference was stated by the President in his letter of invitation to the Gov- ernors: “Tt seems to me the time has come for the country to take ac- count of its natural resources and to inquire how long they are likely to last. We are prosperous now; we should not forget that *The illustrations used in this article Lave been loaned by the N. C. Geo- logical and Economic Survey and haye been used in its various publications, 4 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosperous in their time.’’ That the members of this Conference were interested in this great question is shown by the declaration which was unanimous- ly adopted by them as embodying their conclusions on this ques- tion of conservation. Let me quote briefly from this declaration, which will show the attitude of the Governors of the States and Territories of the United States: ““We, the Governors of the States and Territories of the United States of America, in conference assembled, do hereby declare the conyiction that the great prosperity of our country rests upon the abundant resources of the land chosen by our forefathers for their homes and where they laid the foundation of this great nation. ‘‘We look upon these resources as a heritage to be made use of in establishing and promoting the comfort, prosperity and happi- nes of the American people but not to be wasted, deteriorated or need- lessly destroyed. ‘We agree that our country’s future is involved in this, that the great natural resources supply the material basis upon which our civilization must continue to depend, and upon which the perpetuity of the nation itself rests. ‘“We declare our firm conviction that this conservation of our natural resources is a subject of transcendent importance, which should engage unremittingly the attention of the nation, the States and the people in earnest cooperation. “We declare the conviction that in the use of the natural re- sources our independent States are interdependent and bound to- gether by ties of mutual benefit, responsibility and duties.’’ This declaration was adopted unanimously by this conference of governors, scientists, jurists and statesmen representing perhaps the greatest body of men that has ever been gathered together in the history of this country. They urged upon the nation and the states to begin at once the conservation of their natural resources. They urged cooperation between the nation and the states and the closing words of the declaration, “‘and so conserve the foundations of our prosperity’’ can only be carried out in their entirety by the most liberal cooperation between the states and the nation; and between the states themselves. 1910| The Conservation of Our Natural Resources 35 The problems relating to the conservation of our natural re- sources are not local questions but national and state questions. They are questions that are of interest not only to the individual but also to the whole people. Thus, in adopting measures look- ing toward the conservation of these natural resources, the nation must be considered before the state and the whole people before the individual. Applying this same principle to the state, in any laws that are passed regulating conservation, the whole State must be considered before any county. As every state is interested in the development of all other states forming the nation, so every part of a state is interested in the development of every other section, for no advancement can be made in one section or county without its being directly or in- directly of benefit to all other sections. ; We are all part of the State of North Carolina and we will have to bear our share of whatever praise or disgrace may be meted out to her as a whole or to any part of her. The State’s interests ex- tend to the limits of her territory and as North Carolinians, we are interested in her deriving all the benefit possible from the development of her resources whether they be the forests, the swamp lands, and the fish and oysters of eastern North Carolina; the waterpowers, the forests, and minerals of the Piedmont sec- tion; or the hardwood forests, minerals, and water powers of the mountain section. To obtain the most benefit, North Carolina must conserve and at the same time utilize these great natural resources with which she has been go abundantly supplied. To conserve them, they must, as has been stated before, be considered from the standpoint of the State and not from that of the county. Let us see first what North Carolina’s natural resources are. Given in the order of what I consider their importance they are: 1. Soils and products of the soil, as forests, etc. 2. Water Powers. 3. Mineral products, including coals, etc. 4. Products of the sea. The development of the State is absolutely dependent upon these natural resources. Some of them are of much more impor- 4 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April tance than the others and some could perhaps be entirely destroy- ed (such as fish and oysters) without permanently checking the industrial advancement of the State; but its best advancement is dependent upon the conservation of them all. When we stop to consider that the population of this country is now increasing about one-fifth of its total number each ten years, we begin to realize how many millions more of people must be fed and clothed from the products of our soil. By the middle of the present century, it is estimated that there will be about 150,000,- 000 in the United States. This increase is not confined to any one section of the country but there is a decided and_ steady increase in the population of all the States and Territories. In North Carolina there are now approximately 2,250,000 people but by the middle of this century this population will have increased to approximately 4,600,000. This large growth in population means a constantly increasing drain upon all our natural resources and it is, therefore, time that we as aState and as part of the greatest nation of the world, realize that our responsibility does not rest with providing for the present generation but that we must do our part towards providing for future generations by con- serving and perpetuating for their use the great natural resources which we are now ourselves enjoying. The American people haye been called the most extravagant people in the world and, considered from the standpoint of the nation, we are the most extravagant inasmuch as we are extremely wasteful in the production and utilization of our natural resources; and take little thought toward creating a use for what are known as ‘‘waste products.’’ It is perhaps not stating it too strongly to say that the wealth of the nation could be nearly doubled if careful consideration were given to the utilization of these waste products and the prevention of waste of the products that are utilized. This includes crops raised by our farmers, soils, forest products, minerals, and fish and oysters. While this question of conservation is a national one, I wish to consider it principally in its relation to North Carolina and shall take up a discussion of the conservation of the natural resources already referred to and what their conservation will mean to this State. EAL y fi a 14 MU Ails, | COASTAL PLAIN RE ue Te A RS SRO ee : - i id Ave Il Ze x AN WS =: GION d puiton fipemarle Souna’ os —— = ae = ae 8 Se 52: ayetteville= =——- Clinton ea = SANDS, CLAYS, MARLS. SHALES AND COAL, bE IGNEOUS ROCKS, re 5 Scale of Miles SSS ey . LZ cowersiincruowne vovewies) ELIETT cenosacvr an VA. i cancsslanerec aantnena Cape Fear (PROBABLY ARCHAEAN.) AND CONGLOMERATES (AGE UNKNOWN.) PLATE 1, SKETCH MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA SHOWING THE THREE PHYSIOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRINCIPAL GEOGRAPHICAL FORMATION ~~ sow ee RU LUD already referred to and what their conservation will mean to this State. 1910) The Conservation of Our Natural Resources 5 Let us consider briefly the general geographical and geological conditions of the State, as they greatly influence the methods that must be used in conserving our resources. See Plate 1. As one travels across the State from its eastern shores to its western boundary, it will be noticed that when about half the dis- tance has been passed there is left behind a region which is very level or gently undulating, the surface of which is covered with sand and loam soils from which hard rocks are almost entirely ab- sent; and there is entered another region, the surface of which be- comes more and more hilly until it culminates in the high moun- tains in the western portion of the State, the soil being mingled more or less with hard, granitic, slaty rocks. It will also be no- ticed that the geological formations of the eastern half of the State are radically different from those of the central portions of the State, which are in turn different from the mountain region. PHYSIOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS OF NORTH CAROLINA There are three great physiographic divisions in the State which have been designated as the Coastal Plain, the Piedmont Plateau, and the Mountain region, whose boundaries in a general way are rather sharply defined. These three physiographic divisions are indicated in a general way on the map, Plate I. The Coastal Plain region represents the most recent geologic for- mations composed of gravels, sands, clays and marls arrranged in nearly horizontal layers with the finer material nearer the coast. Along its eastern borders this region contains the sounds and bays, the sand dunes and ridges, the swamps and marshes, and other characteristics of a seashore region. Further inland it is gently undulating and has more of the upland and less of the marsh; to- wards its western boundary the swamps disappear almost entirely, the upland predominates and the surface becomes more undulat- ing and even hilly in places. The soils toward the east are com- posed of fine sand and silt, while nearer the western border of the region they contain a larger proportion of coarse sand or gravel mingled with clay. The extent of this region is from Raleigh eastward to the coast, with its western boundaries roughly defined 6 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April as extending from the western part of Warren through Franklin, Wake, Cumberland, Chatham, Moore, Montgomery and Anson counties. Along the western border of the Coastal Plain region there are occasional outcrops of hard granites and slates exposed along the beds of streams, where the once overlying sands and clays have been washed away. In the southeastern counties of this region limestone is exposed at the surface along the banks and streams in a large number of localities. This rock is of such quality that it can in many cases be used for the making of lime, macadamiz- ing roads, and perhaps in some cases for building purposes. Throughout the entire area of the Coastal Plain region, cotton, corn, oats, sorghum, peas, peanuts, potatoes, especially sweet po- tatoes, are the staple crops and the culture of tobacco has been introduced with success. Wheat is grown to a considerable extent on the broad lowlands of the Roanoke and in the counties on the north shore of Albemarle Sound; rice has been for a long time a staple crop on the lowlands of the lower Cape Fear; and the up- land variety of rice has been introduced with entire success. All the cultivated fruits and berries grow in this Coastal Plain region in great perfection. The Piedmont Plateau, extending westward from the Coastal Plain region to the mountains, is about 125 miles in width and has an average elevation approximating 900 feet. Crossing the Piedmont Plateau obliquely, are a series of geologic formations which are in general parallel to the mountains and seashore. This section contains undulating lands with many broad valleys and occasionally an isolated mountain ridge or peak. On account of this character of the land, the conservation of the soil is one of the problems of the Piedmont section. There is a great variety of rocks in this section and consequent- ly the soil of the Piedmont section is very much diversified. ‘This together with favorable climatic conditions, causes this section to have an exceedingly varied range of agricultural products. In this region we find the largest area devoted to the cultivation of the most profitable varieties of tobacco. It is here also that the culture of cotton is more largely extended and pursued and it isin 1910| The Conservation of Our Natural Resources fi this region that all the cereals and all the grasses are cultivated to their highest perfection. The fruits of this section are unequal- led in excellence, variety and abundance. It is in this Piedmont Plateau region that the great waterpowers of the State are located and their conservation and utilization will be of the greatest benefit to the State in its general industrial ad- vancement. In this region are also the richest and most valuable of the mineral deposits of the State, the development of which, especially of the clay products and building stones for structural materials, should add very largely to the wealth of the State. The Mountain region includes the Blue Ridge, Great Smokies, and the country between, which is cut across by numerous cross ranges separated by narrow valleys and deep gorges. The average elevation of this region is about 2,700 feet above the sea level, but the summits of many ridges and peaks are over 5,000 feet. A considerable number of peaks (43) reach a height of 6,- OOO feet or over, the highest of which is Mount Mitchell with an elevation of 6,711 feet. Over the larger part of this region are to be found the older crystalline rocks, gneisses and granites, proba- bly Archean, which are greatly folded and turned on their edges. On the western and eastern borders of this Mountain region ap- proximately along the line of the Blue Ridge and Great Smokies there are two narrow belts of younger rocks consisting of lime- stones, shales, and conglomerates and the metamorphosed mar- bles, quartzites and slates. In this region, as in the Piedmont Plateau, the rocks are decayed to a considerable extent ard thus have produced deep soils which vary in character according to the rocks from which they have been derived. The soils are for the most part porous and fertile, affording a luxuriant vegetation, in many places the slopes of the mountains being covered by heavy virgin forests. Where the rocks that have decomposed contain a large percentage of aluminous minerals, a large amount of clay has been formed. The mountains are covered with a rich soil and the forests ex- tend to their tops. There is no area in any of the other states that is covered with such a variety of timber trees and of such yal- ue as are to be found in this mountain region of western North 8 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April Carolina. These forests formerly contained extensive areas of wal- nut, poplar, cherry and tulip trees that had attained a size that would hardly be credited by those who had not seen them. In- stead of conserving and perpetuating these valuable trees, they have been ruthlessly cut and logged and are now almost complete- ly exterminated. In general, the cultivated products of this mountain region are similar to those of the Piedmont Plateau re- gion, with the exception of cotton and rice. Two products, how- ever, the Irish potato and cabbage, are grown in this region to a degree of perfection that is hardly excelled anywhere. Of fruits, the apples of the mountain region are widely known for their size and flavor. In the northwestern counties of Ashe, Alleghany, Watauga, Mitchell and Yancey, the conditions are favorable for perfect success in cattle raising. SOILS In discussing the conservation of our natural resources, the first that will be taken up will be soils and products of the soil, as for- ests. The conservation of the soils and forests stands out preeminent- ly as the most vital duty demanded.of us in respect to our natur- al resources. The nation must be fed and no matter whatever else is given up or destroyed, our food products still remain an abso- lute necessity and, therefore agriculture really becomes the most important of all human occupations. The worst panic that could be conceived as happening to a nation would be caused by the far- mers of the country stopping for but one year the planting and raising of farm products. Upon the quality and the depth of the soil depends the yield of the farm. With a decrease in the productiveness of the soil, the cost of raising a certain quantity of any kind of produce will in- crease and this will mean an increase in the cost to the consumer. Thus, both producer and cousumer are very materially affected by the lack of foresight of the producer to keep up the productive- ness of his soil to its highest efficiency. In the early history of the State there may have been some ex- cuse for this, for, with our vast expanse of territory, it was hard ts we PLATE 2, CHARACTERISTIC EROSION OF THE MICA RED CLAY AND SILT SOILS. VERTICAL | WALL GORGES ARE QUICKLY FORMED IN SOILS OF THIS TYPE WHEN UNDERMINING | ONCE BEGINS, AND THE FINAL RESULT IS THE COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF THE ~ SOIL FOR FARMING PURPOSES. | ; = 1910) The Conservation of Our Natural Resources ) for the people to see or realize the need of seriously considering the question of soil preservation. But, as our population has in- creased and the productiveness of the soil decreased, the question of soil preservation has become acute. The first settlers in North Carolina Saw in the eastern counties what was apparently an unlimited amount of the most fertile black soil. They considered it inexhaustible, and if the first por- tion cleared was not perfectly satisfactory, another section would be cleared and the first abandoned. This has also been the prin- ciple pursued in respect to the wearing out of the soil. After a cer- tain number of years of constant cultivation, without the addition of any fertilizer, a soil begins to deteriorate and become poor, hay- ing given up to the plant certain of its chemical constituents that the plants required for their growth. The old custom has been to abandon such lands and clean up others. This method has also been carried on in the Piedmont and Mountain regions of the State, even up to within the past ten or fifteen years. To-day we are beginning to feel quite seriously the effect of this method of the utilization of our goils. We have thousands of acres of land scattered throughout North Carolina that are known as ‘““wornout’’ lands. If is land upon which it is now practically impossible to profitably raise any farm _ product. These lands not on ly have had the plant food value al- most entirely taken out of the soil but they are in many instances badly eroded and cut into deep gullies, in some instances the en- tire soil having been washed away (See Plate TE) hey are really blights on the landscape and very seriously affect the attractiveness of adjacent farms that are in many cases very pro- ductive and prosperous. As can readily be realized from the great variations in the soils of North Carolina, and the great difference in the surface of the land, there must be different methods employed to conserve the soils. hus, the heavy, red, clayey soils of the undulating Pied- mont section will require a decidedly different handling from the heavy, black, loamy soils of eastern North Carolina. In every case consideration must be given to the fact that it is necessary to add to a soil certain chemical constituents in order for it to retain its 10 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April fertility. This can be accomplished partly by the rotation of crops and partly by the addition of natural and artificial fertilizers. We have not the time to go into a discussion of this phase of conserv- ing the fertility of the soil, but we can simply state the fact that this is absolutely necessary if the soil is to be kept to its greatest efficiency. Erosion of soils.*~—In the Coastal Plain region, especially the eas- tern portion, there is but little difficulty in preventing the soils from being eroded and washed away. This, however, becomes a most serious question in the Piedmont and Mountain regions. To prevent this total destruction of the soil is a serious problem and one to which considerable attention has been given by those inter- ested in the conservation of soils. The effect of this erosion and washing away of our soils, is illustrated in nearly every section of the Piedmont region in the form of gullied farms and areas where the decomposed rocks are exposed and but very little of the soil has been left (See Plate III). There are two methods by which this loss of soil can be very materially lessened and in some in- stances entirely prevented: First, deeper plowing; and second, terracing. The first applies to all land in the Piedmont and Mountain sections and the second to those steeper areas where it is impossible to hold the soil from washing even by circular and ditch plowing. By terracing (See Plate IV, A and B), however, these steeper slopes can be very effectively kept from washing and the soil preserved. This erosion of the hillside farms of the Piedmont section is one of the greatest drawbacks to successful farming and, while it is possible for one to have a good and productive farm on level land, it requires a man of much greater capacity to operate a farm properly under the adverse conditions which prevail in the Piedmont section where hillside farming is practiced. Let us consider for a few moments the extent of this erosion and the amount of soil that is annually washed from our farm lands. In this section it amounts to more than 4,000,000 tons per year and this has a value based on the amount of plant food and humus in it of approximately $2,000,000. In the heavy floods of 1908, the estimate was made that 1,500,000 tons of soil *See Bull. 17 N. C. G. S. Terracing of Farm Lands, by W. W. Ashe. PLATE 3. EROSION ON A PIEDMONT HILLSIDE, a pl CE ae ee A pO ie ep ac, THE SOIL HAS BEEN REMOVED COMPLETELY IN SOME PLACES AND HAS STARTED VERTICAL GULLIES IN OTHERS. af PLATE 4a. A STEEP SLOPE IN PIEDMONT NORTH CAROLINA THAT HAS BEEN WELL TER RACED, ALTHOUGH THE TERRACES ARE NARROW THEY ARE NEARLY LEVEL ANI THERE IS BUT SLIGHT EROSION. PLATE 4b. THESE TERRACES, ALTHOUGH WELL LOCATED, ARE TOO FAR APART, THE RISE BET WEEN THEM BEING TOO GREAT. AT 1 EAST ONE INTERVENING TERRACE SHOULD HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED. aac 1910] The Conservation of Our Natural Resources 11 were washed from the hills of the Piedmont during one week of rain. These figures are based on actual measurements that have been made at various times on some of our rivers as to the amount of sediment carried down by the rivers in a given time. About one-fifth of this solid matter, which causes the muddiness of the waters during a flood, is humus which is washed chiefly from the hillside farms. Estimating this at $2 per ton, which is probably less than it will cost the farmers to replace it, the loss to them in impoverishment of their soils exceeds $500,000. This is a loss which is much underestimated or entirely overlooked by the far- mer because it is a loss which takes place so constantly. In the aggregate, however, it is so enormous that it is one of the chief, if not the chief, reason of the poverty of so many of the red clay, hill-side farms. Lands which are too steep to be readily terraced are too steep to be profitably cultivated and, therefore, should not be cleared, but should be kept in forest. If they are already cleared, steps should be taken to re-forest them. It is possible, even after a land has become very badly eroded, to reclaim it not for agricultural purposes but for forestry pur- poses. To be a successful agriculturist or farmer, requires study and thought; and today all those who have taken up this occupation for a livihood and who are making the most money are those who give thought to seed sellection, rotation of crops, and the fertility and preservation of the soil. There has been too great a tendency to farm too much land; men not realizing that there is more money in farming a small acreage very well than a large acreage poorly. It costs little or no more to raise forty to seventy-five bushels of corn to an acre than it does fifteen, but the profit is very much greater. FORESTS* The preservation of our forests, which are one of the natural products of our soils, is one of the most important problems that *For more detailed information regarding the forests of North Carolina see the following publications of the North Carolina Geological and Economie Survey: Bull. 5, Forests, Lands and Forest Products of Eastern N.C., Bull, 12 Journal of the Mitchell Societu [ April now confronts the State. Before taking up the question of the con- servation of the forests, I wish to call attention to the character of these forests and their importance to the State. North Carolina is unequaled in the variety of its hardwoods and conifers by that of any other State or territory. See Plate V. Throughout the whole area of the State the great variety of soils and climate has brought together trees from all parts of Eastern America. There are altogether 153 kinds of woody plants which form a simple up- right stem and attain arborescent proportions, growing naturally within the State and of these over 70 are trees of the first size and 57 are trees of great economic value. Plates VI and VII give a good idea of our hardwood and pine forests. Fourteen of these are known to attain in this State a height of over one hundred feet; three of them a height of over one hundred and forty feet; sixteen of them reach diameters of five feet or over; and five, diameters of seven feet or over. There are 24 kinds of oaks found in the State which are three more than occur in any State to the North and two more than are to be found in any State to the South; of the nine hicko- ries known to occur in the United States, eight have been found in North Carolina; here are found all six maples of the Eastern Unit- ed States, all of the lindens, all six of the American magnolias, three of the birches, eight of the eleven kinds of pines, both spe- cies of the hemlock and balsam fir, and three out of the five elms. The importance of the forests to North Carolina is strikingly shown by the fact that the forests and the industries dependent upon them produce material amounting in value to more than $35,000,000 per year and give employment to 30,000 men. There are but few States in this country where the importance of the for- ests is relatively as great as in this State where one sixth of the en- tire wealth-producing capital is invested in forest lands or in in- dustries directly dependent upon the products obtained from the forests. As a State we recognize that our furniture industry is ab- solutely dependent upon a permanent supply of hardwood; that the tanning industry, if it is to become a permanent one as it should, is dependent upon a constant supply of tanning material, 6. The Timber Trees of N. C., Bull. 7. Forest Fires, Bull. 16. Shade Trees for N. C.; Press Bulletins 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 34, 36 and 38, which discuss various questions relating to Forestry. .> - EN val ae, Pay od oO Peres gy a 7h aN % Sad! Bey 4% re PLATE 5. A MIXED PINE AND HARDWOOD FOREST IN THE PIEDMONT PLATEAU REGION, ‘N OF NORTH CAROLINA. PLATE 6. AHARDWOOD FOREST IN THT “OUNTAIN I * ae > : 7 ~ ee ES ’ A LOBLOLLY PINE FOREST IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. PEATE. 7: 1910] The Conservation of Our Natural Resources 13 as hemlock and chestnut oak bark; and that the paper industry, which also should be a permanent one, is dependent npon a con- stant supply of pulp wood. I believe that it is not only possible to make these industries permanent in North Carolina and to give them a constant supply of the various woods that they need, but that it is also possible to develop these to a still greater extent. To do this it is necessary that our forests be conserved and per- petuated. The forest area of North Carolina covers more than 10,000,000 acres, a very large part of which is steep, rough, or poor land un- suitable for farming purposes. There are also about 2,000,000 acres of waste land in the State which have been lumbered and burned or cleared and found unprofitable to cultivate on account of roughness or erosion, which should be re-forested. With this large area of timber land there was no thought given in the early history of the State to the question of a diminishing supply of for- est products. Similarly as in connection with the soils, the peo- ple of the State considered they had an inexhaustible supply and therefore gave no thought as to how much they wasted in obtain- ing what they wanted or how much was destroyed by fire. No care was taken in lumbering to preserve seed trees and make it possible for the land to re-forest itself to the best advantage. In lumbering no plan was considered with the end in view of the for- ests reproducing themselves with varieties of trees as valuable as the ones removed; or that they would maintain a density so that the soil might produce its full capacity; or of even protecting the timber that still remained. Such methods of lumbering have fi- nally brought us to the place where, according to the State Fores- ter, there are more woody materials used or cut each year in North Carolina than the forests are replacing by the formation of new wood. Then again, each year the forests become less capable of producing what is required of them. Their area contracts, less valuable trees take the place of the more valuable varieties which are cut, the soil becomes more impoverished and less able to yield large returns, and the demand for woody materials gradually in- creases with the increase in population. These existing conditions demand that some steps be taken im- mediately to conserve and perpetuate our forests. This conserva- 14 The Conservation of Our Natural Resources [April tion means for a great many of our citizens a profitable invest- ment; and, in some instances, as the reforestation of abandoned farm lands, it will mean a profitable investment on lands that are now not producing anything of value. What the great mass of forest lands now needs, however, more than anything else is adequate protection for young growth, for, unless there is young growth and an abundance of it, there can be no trees to take the place of the old ones when they are cut. Ii there are 200 mature trees on an acre, there should be, if the same area were in young trees three to five years old, five thou- sand or more trees. Not one-twentieth of the young trees that start to grow can be expected to become large trees. They are of invaluable service, however, in shading the ground and so keeping it moist that the trees may not suffer from drought in dry seasons; in protecting very young seedlings which may be beneath them from excessive heat or sudden changes of tempera- ture which the seedlings of some species cannot stand; and in forcing those trees which do survive to clear their stems by rapid- ly pushing their tops upward to get the light, leaving behind on the stems only a few small limbs which soon die and drop off, leaving no knots or knot-holes. The litter of their leaves also forms a rich mould which, as it decays, enriches the soil and stimulates the growth of the remaining trees. In order to accomplish this, a forest must be protected from fire and also from stock. These forest fires are the greatest menance to the perpetuation of our forests. One of the worst effects of the forest fires in eastern North Carolina has been the prevention of the long-leaf pine from reproducing itself. Large areas that were once covered with this valuable tree and which should now be reproducing another growth of the same kind are instead coy- ered with sand oak or blackjack, which are practically value- less. The loss to the people of this section from the burn- ings of these pine lands, taken in the aggregate, is enormous, as, but for the burnings, thousands of acres which are now denuded of all merchantable trees would either be covered with mature forests or with thick growths of young trees. The long- leaf pine (See Plate VIII) which was formerly very abundant in the Coastal Plain region of North Carolina, has been é oe Lace at UN ike 3! oe fig? Fy a, tg" cif is » ¢ 4 4 pe ha he ~ 4 WRITE 60. eRe racy, ied A LONG-LEAF PINE FOREST IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. PLATE 8. oP ead ; ‘ OA, Ae. ae ee eo SOL en St ere a é : «, % - ah Oe ERA? Pres AM to se 1910) Journal of the Mitchell Society 15 entirely exterminated in certain sections, and the localities where it now grows have been reduced to a very small area. The lands formerly covered with beautiful forests of long-leaf pine are now covered by small scrub oak, sand oak or blackjack oak which are entirely valueless as timber trees. This failure of the long-leaf pine to reproduce itself is due almost entirely to the frequent fires which year after year in the winter and early spring have devasta- ted the pine woods, killing the young pine seedlings. The long- leaf pine only seeds infrequently, a large seed crop growing about once in five to seven years. The seeds are large and nutritious, and when they fall they are eaten in large quantities by hogs, squirrels, and fowls. Then again after the seed has sprouted and rooted, the seedling is of such slow growth that it is three or four years before it begins to form any appreciable stem, all of its energies being used in growing a deep tap root. This tap root is not at all resinous, but is juicy and nutritious and is dug up and eaten by hogs even when the trees are five or six yearsold. Thus, even if an area escapes burning, practically all of the young trees are eaten by hogs in those sections where there are no stock Jaws. That the long-leaf pine will reseed and reproduce itself, if given an opportunity, is well ilustrated in New Hanover county where the stock law has been in force for a good many years, and also some attempt has been made to prevent forest fires. In the vicin- ity of Winter Park on the road from Wilmington to Wrightsville is a good example of land that has been reseeded in long-leaf pine. All along the track of the electric car line on land, whose chief value at present is apparently in the production of timber, there were long-leaf pine seedlings from one year old up, scattered nearly universally through what was once a solid pine forest; but which years ago was logged off and only a few scattered trees left, which, however, have served for seed trees. This young growth was from one inch to eight or ten feet high and in some places dense enough to eventually form a good forest. With adequate laws, properly enforced, it would be possible to reforest large areas in the Coastal Plain region of North Carolina in long-leaf pine. In the counties in the middle part of the State fires have done considerable damage in killing down young growth, but, as a gen- . 16 The Conservation of Our Natural Resources [April eral thing, except where there are large tracts of forest and the country is poor, rugged or thinly settled, the lands are not regular- ly burned and the damage that has been done to old trees is much less than in other parts of the State. These occasional fires, how- ever, kill much young growth that has been several years growing and in this way keep the woods open. In the mountains, although there is a great deal of excellent hardwood timber, many of the trees which would otherwise be merchantable have been badly damaged by fire. The woods have been kept free from young growth by pasturage and frequent burn- ings. In places they are exceedingly open and there are no young trees at all to take the place of the old ones as they are removed. WATERPOWERS The destruction of our forests also has a very serious effect upon the waterpowers of the State. There is, perhaps, no natural resource so valuable to the State in connection with her industrial development as her waterpowers. (Plate IX). In central and western North Carolina there are abundant waterpowers, many of which have been most advantageously developed, while others are still unharnessed. Of all the Southern States, North — Carolina stands first in the number and magnitude of her ayaila- ble waterpower and when all factors regarding their development and utilization are considered, there is perhaps no State in the Union equal to North Carolina in this respect. The value of these waterpowers cannot be over-estimated. This refers not only to the very large ones but particularly to the great number of small waterpowers from a few to several hundred horse power each, which are to be found on all the small streams in many parts of central and western North Carolina and which are sufficient for the requirements of some local industry (Plate X). They can usually be developed by an individual or company of moderate means and their development and utilization will mean that many small manufacturing establishments will be scattered throughout the State whose operations are independent of any fuel. Many of these waterpowers could not formerly be utilized on account of their location, but now they can be developed and used to adyan- tage by installing at the waterpower an electrical generator and ‘NOISHA NVALW Id LNOWGHId AHL HO SYBMOd AALVA AADAVT AHL HAO ANO “d°H000‘0€ dOTHARA TIA HOIHMA ‘NINGVA AHL HO SMOMAVN AHL '6 ALW Id FUME CI scAL AAS ‘d ‘H 001 OL 0S DNIGOTSHANG HO ATdVdVO ‘NOION2A NIVINOOW AHL SO SHYAMOd ANLVA AATIVINS AHL AO ANO ‘OL 3LV1d — 1910] The Conservation of Our Natural Resources 17 transmitting electrical power to the point of consumption. There are many towns in North Carolina that are now without electric lights or power which could, at a comparatively small expense, obtain the same by the development of waterpowers that are suf- ficiently large for the purpose and conveniently located. All such development means that a less amount of coal, wood, and other fuels will be consumed for power purposes. That these waterpowers should be protected, conserved, and perpetuated is acknowledged by all who have investigated them. One of the most vital influences in the preservation of these water powers is the forests and their most noticeable influence is in mountainous and hilly countries, for they, prevent the soil from be- ing washed away and, by the decay of their leaves, form loam which prevents the water from running off the surface too rapidly. By the removal of the forests there is no longer a protection for the soil on the slopes of the mountains and hills except that produced artificially in the form of ditches, etc. There is no longer a layer or bed of leaves to act as a conserver of the water by absorbing it and preventing its too rapid evaporation and it runs off for the most part as fast as it falls, causing high freshets and floods and periods of extreme low water; causing the streams and rivers to be higher at times of floods but very much lower the greater part of the time than they were before the remoyal of the forests. The defects in the water supply are not due to the lack of rain but to the removal of the natural agencies that nature has pro- vided for the storing of this water which has resulted from the removal of the forests. Again, these defects are not due to any considerable extent to the clearing of land for farming purposes for the farmer must of necessity protect the soil from being washed away, and the only loss to the water supply that he would cause would be the greater evaporation to which it would be exposed. They are, however, due to the wasteful and destruc- tive removal of the forests by the lumber companies who leave large tracts of land stript in some cases of every vestige of a tree. It has been estimated that there are available in the United States 50,000,000 water horsepower, but whether this be 50,000,- 18 Journal of the Mitchell Society [April 000 or 150,000,000, the fact that it exists today is no guarantee that it will exist 20 years from now unless we as a State and a Nation take the necessary steps to preserve this valuable asset. Simply because we do not desire to avail ourselves of all this water horsepower at the present time does not release us from the obligation of preserving the balance of the waterpower for future generations. There is probably no section in the country where waterpower is not cheaper than steam power, although there are certain places where coal is so cheap that the cost of steam power exceeds little if any the cost of waterpower. In other places, however, the waterpower may be as much as $60 per H.P. cheaper than steam power. We are using at the present time in the United States not less than 26,000,000 steam horsepowers for manufacturing, lghting, railways, etc. Some of this is so situated that it could not at present be replaced by hydro-electric power; but it has been esti- mated that ten per cent. would cover all the power that could not be readily replaced with hydro-electric power. This would leave 23,400,000 steam horsepowers that could be replaced by hydro- electric power. The average excess of cost of the steam power as compared with hydro-electric power is at least $12 per H.P. This would make a total of about $281,000,000 that the people of the United States are spending annually for power that is in excess of what is necessary to give them the same amount of power. It also means that we are using up each year a very large amount of our coal resources to develop this power which could just as well be produced by waterpower. Although at the present time our waterpowers are not being developed to the extent that they should be, yet the amount of hydro-electric power that is being used each year is constantly increasing and the increase in the price of fuel which is bound to come will cause the waterpower development to increase much faster. In studying conservation and its relation to power develop- ment, one thing should be taken into account and that is that by proper conservation our waterpowers can be made perpetual and give a constant supply of power: while, on the other hand, when fuel is used to develop the power, it is a constant drain on our “VNITOAVO HLAON ‘A.LNNOD AAANS SHIAAVNO ALINVAD AMIV ANNOW AHL 4O AIA TIVAENAD “LL 3LW1d iy ; a! fy i % ee q DS) a a me ¥ a. % . rs AA Co 1910) The Conservation of Our Natural Resources 19 fuel resources and the power developed is limited to the amount of fuel used. Thus, every water horsepower developed and utilized means just so much conserving of our fuel resouress, which, when once used, cannot be replaced. MINERAL PRODUCTS The conservation of the mineral resources of North Carolina is not as serious a problem as it is in many of the States inasmuch as we have no supplies of coal, oil or iron of any great commer- cial importance at the present time. Of the metal iron, we have deposits of considerable extent which will be available and of large commercial value sometime in the future, but at the present time their isolation from sources of fuel, flux and market are conserv- ing them without any assistance from the State. (See Plate XI) Our structural materials, such as building stones and clay pro- ducts, as brick, terra cotta. ete., should be developed on a larger scale than they are at the present time, for by their development and utilization we will reduce the drain upon our timber building products. While there is more or less waste in quarrying build- ing stone (See Plate XI.), still many of our companies have found uses for a great deal of what was formerly waste product. Thus, a good deal of the stone that does not make good building material is cut into curbing, into blocks for paving streets, and crushed stone for reinforced cement work, and for macadamizing roads. These products should, therefore, be utilized just as much as possible, and, while we are not in one sense conserving them, we are, as stated above, conserving one of our other natural resources (timber), the drain upon which is now almost equal, if not equal, to the growing capacity of the forests. SWAMP LANDS Another line of conservation that I wish to mention briefly is the reclamation of swamp lands. In the western part of the United States the reclamation of these waste lands comes under the head of irrigation, while in the eastern portion of the country it comes wader the head of drainage. Irrigation is bringing to land the water that it requires to make it adapted to raising crops while drainage is taking off and away from the land the excessive 20 Journal of the Mitchell Society | April amount of water that prevents the land from growing a crop. The Federal Government has already spent many millions of dollars in the reclamation of the dry, arid lands of the West and have been most successful in this work, causing large areas of the des- ert lands to become flourishing farms. Attention now is being called to the reclamation of our swamp lands and it is considered just as important that such land should be reclaimed as that the arid Jands should be watered. We have in North Carolina approximately 4,505 square miles or 2,883,000 acres of swamp lands, besides thousands of acres of overflowed lands, many of which are susceptible to reclamation if properly drained. This area of swamp land in North Carolina is nearly as great as that of the Kingdom of Saxony, which has nearly 5,000,000 people. Thus it is seen that the State has the opportunity of developing an area which is capable of supporting a population that is con- siderably larger than the population of the whole,State. The approximate amount of swamp land in 28 of the eastern counties in North Carolina is as follows: County Square Miles County Square Miles IBeatbarhs i hase acoceke eee 177 Hyde ee 387 Berwde yo eae Meena 57 JONES (e301. 139 Tae bie oe ali hae eae se 192 Martin soi .0/i0. 320. seeeee 86 Bramnswicks: uve aun 300 New Hanover:;:. Uaiivereere 25 RUATIGETN Clea uct ao Vee 162 Onslow: 2.) 0.55.25. 20) ae 134 (hz na Fo) gc) FAL Uae a BARES 126 Pamlico 252.4 chsous eee ys) CO WAL Sass sect onnecat MA Zeh 80 Pasquotank: | :,.2:2.3-snisueas 80 Go luirat ss he are a ork al kee 300 Pender’ e eee 370 24,07 2) 0 BRIN HA Uy le 238 Perquimans... 02720) eeee 92 Gurniberland creo Malu a) 30 Patel esicc ie cs pccc cee eee 40 Gon 2 oT HD bold Mae nM aR A GO 40 Robeson 2340) prepared 3, 5-dibromanthranilic acid by treating a dilute hydrochloric solution of anthranilic acid with a mixture of potassium bromide and potassium bromate. No yield is given. The few tri- and tetraaminobenzoic acids which have been described were obtained by the action of bromine upon the amines or anil. We have studied the action of bromine upon anthranilic acid in glacial acetic acid solution, (1) near the freezing point and (2) *Contribution from the Chemical Laboratory of the University of North Carolina. 1 Alt, Ber. d. Chem. Ges., 22: 1645. 1889. 2 Wheeler and Oates, Journal American Chemical Society, 31: 568. 1909. 3 Bogert and Hand, Journal American Chemical Society, 2'7: 1476. 1905. 4 Wachendorff, Ann. Chem. (Liebig), 185: 281. 5 Bogert and Hand, Journal American Chemical Society, 25: 935. 1903. 26 [April 1910| The Bromination of Anthranilie Acid 27 near the boiling point of acetic acid. In the first case two thirds of the product consists of the 5-bromanthranilic acid and one third of the 3, 5-dibromanthranilic acid. Under the other condi- tions the results are reversed almost exactly. The two acids are readily separated by boiling water in which the dibromanthran- ilic acid is nearly insoluble. The separated acids may be brought upon drying plates within an hour after the preparation is begun. The monobromanthranilic acid is converted by short boiling with acetic anhydride into the anil and the latter on treatment with water is very rapidly hydrolyzed to bromacetanthranilic acid. Bogert and Hand prepared the anil by boiling the bromacetan- thranilic acid with acetic anhydride. | We found the barium salt to contain four molecules of water asdid Alt. The salt obtained by Bogert and Hand was anhydrous. We have prepared also the sil- ver salt, ethyl ester, 2-chlor-5-brombenzoic acid and its barium salt. The latter acid has only been described by Cohen’ but he gave no analysis. Our preparation recrystallized from glacial acetic acid gave the melting point stated by Cohen, 155-6°, but we could get no satisfactory analysis. Then on recrystallizing from water we raised the melting point ten degrees. In view of this dis- crepancy we shall postpone the description until we have made the acid by Cohen’s somewhat tedious method. In this paper we also describe the anil and acetyl derivative of the dibromanthranilic acid as well as the silver salt and ethyl ester. 5-Brom-2-aminobenzoic Acid Brominatian of anthranilic acid below the freezing point of glacial acetic acid. ‘Twenty grams of anthranilic acid were dissolved in 250 cc. glacial acetic acid and cooled below 16°. After 9.5 ec bro- mine had been run in the reddish color of the liquid persisted. Before this point was reached the mixture had been converted into a thick mush of white glistening crystals, consisting of the hydro- bromides of the mono- and dibromanthranilic acids. The product was filtered off, washed with benzene and after drying was found to weigh 54.7 grams. It was then boiled up with 500 cc. water containing 25 cc. concentrated hydrochloric acid and filtered hot 1 Cohen, Journal London Chemical Society, 85: 1267. 1904. 28 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April with suction. The insoluble residue was extracted twice more with 500 ce. boiling water. The filtrates upon cooling yielded abundant precipitates of the monobromanthranilic acid. The in- soluble residue consisted of the dibromanthranilic acid, amounting to one third of the product. In the glacial acetic acid filtrate we found a little tribromaniline. We also tried the bromination of the hydrochloride of anthranilic acid in glacial acetic acid and also a hydrochloric acid solution of anthranilic acid but the results were less satisfactory. Barium 5-brom-2-aminobenzoate. Alt who prepared this salt by boiling the acid with barium carbonate states that it crystallizes with four molecules of water. Bogert and Hand did not obtain this salt but an anhydrous one crystallizing in prisms. We em- ployed Alt’s method and obtained the same salt crystallizing in needles and containing four molecules of water. It was impossible to determine the water since the salt began to decompose before the requisite amount of water was expelled. This occurs about 170°. Calculated for C,,H,,0O,N,Br,Ba.,H,O Ba. 21.48 Found: 2118 Silver 5-brom-2-aminobenzoate. The neutral ammonium salt was treated with silver nitrate which caused a dense white precipitate. The salt is anhydrous. Calculated for C,H,O,NBrAg: Ag. 33.43 Found: 33.69 33.51 Ethyl 5-brom-2-aminobenzoate. The silver salt was boiled with an excess of ethyl iodide. After distilling off the excess the resi- due was extracted with chloroform. The ester crystallizes from alcohol in yellow needles which melt at 187°. Calculated for C,H,,O,NBr: Br. 33.10 Found: By AaTS: 5-Bromacetanthranil. Bogert and Hand obtained this anil by poiling the 5-bromacetanthranilic acid with acetic anhydride’. We obtained it by boiling 4 grams 5-bromanthranilic acid with 40 ce acetic anhydride for 15 minutes. On cooling the solution an abundant crystallization of colorless scales took place. The filtrate contained a mixture of the anil and the acetyl derivative. The 1910) The Bromination of Anthranilic Acid 29 anil is very soluble in hot benzene, alcohol and ligroin but diffi- culty soluble when cold. It is not readily soluble in ether. It melts at 134°. Bogert gives 131° (corr.). It is instantly hydro- lyzed to the bromacetanthranilic acid by hot water. The same re- sult is obtained by boiling with glacial acetic acid,99-100 per cent, for two hours. Calculated for C,H,O,N Br: C, 45.00 H, 2.50 Br, 33.36 Found: 45.00 2.62 33.40 8,5-Dibrom-2-aminobenzoic Acid. Bromination of anthranilic acid in boiling glacial acetic acid. Fit- ty grams of anthranilic acid were dissolved in 500 ce glacial acetic acid and while boiling 27.5 cc bromine were run in. An abun- dant separation of colorless crystals took place. After cooling the product was filtered off, washed with glacial acetic acid and then with benzene. The weight of the hydrobromides was 116 grams. The mixture was boiled up five times successively with 500 ee wa- ter, each filtration being made rapidly with suction. The insolu- ble residue consisting of the dibromanthranilic acid constituted two thirds of the product. The pure acid was obtained by recrys- tallizing from alcohol. The melting point was 232° (uncorr.). Bogert and Hand give 235-5.5° (corr.). 8,5-Dibromacetanthranil. Ten grams 3,5-dibromanthranilic acid were boiled 15 minutes with 100 ce acetic anhydride. Upon cool- ing an abundant mass of long colorless needles were deposited, some being an inch long. The weight was nine grams and the melting point 176°, the substance being pure. On concentrating the filtrate another gram was obtained, melting at 173°. Calculated for C,H,O,NBr,: Br 50:14 Found: 49.99, 49.99 The anil is easily soluble in benzene, glacial acetic acid, chloro- form, toluene and fairly soluble in alcohol. It is insoluble in wa- ter, cold or hot. Its conversion back to the dibromanthranilic acid is effected by warming in 15 per cent. sodium hydroxide fur 15 minutes and neutralizing with acid. A one per cent solution 1, Bogert and Hand, Journal American Chemical Society, 277: 1484. 1905, ~ 30 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April of sodium hydroxide introduces water into the anil giving the di- bromacetanthraniliec acid. 3,5-Dibromacetanthranilic acid. The free acid was obtained by boiling the anila moment in dilute sodium hydroxide and imme- diately acidifying with hydrochloric acid. _Tt is also obtained by long boiling with glacial acetic acid. |The crude product melts at 217°. On recrystallizing from alcohol-benzene the melting point is raised to 218-9°. It crystallizes from glacial acetic acid in mi- croscopic needles. It is easily soluble in alcohol and glacial acetic acid. It is insoluble in ether, chloroform, benzene and toluene. Calculated for C,H,O,NBr,; Br. 47.47 Found: 47.36, 47.42 Silver 3,5-dibrom-2.aminobenzoate. A neutral ammonium salt solution of the acid was treated with silver nitrate. A dense white precipitate was thrown down. This is anhydrous and de- composes about 270°. Calculated for C,H,0,NBr,Ag: Ag. 26.84 Found: 26.70 Ethyl 3,5-dibrom-2-aminobenzoate. |The ester was prepared by boiling the silver salt with excess of ethyl iodide. After distilling off the unused ethyl iodide the residue was extracted with cold chloroform. The chloroform extract on evaporation to dryness left a white but somewhat oily residue. This was recrystallized from alcohol. It forms fan-shaped groups of needles which melt at 74° Calculated for C,H,O,NBr,: Br. 49.53 Found: 49.34 49.46 Chapel Hill, N. C. March 19, 1910. A VISIT TO THE GRAVE OF THOMAS WALTER* BY W. C. COKER With Plates 13 and 14 And Bahram, that great Hunter—the Wild Ass Stamps o’er his head, but cannot break his Sleep. It has been said that one man cannot make an atmosphere, and this is true, but there will sometimes appear a man with so great ‘a light within his own clear breast’’ that he looks out upon the obscure world about him with a soul that is illumined. Such an one was Thomas Walter, ‘‘Agricola,’’ and Botanist of South Carolina. The lack of the historical instinct which is so characteristic of our people, is sadly evident when we look for the life story of this remarkable student of nature. The little that is known of his life has recently been published in one of the interesting series of articles on South Carolina Botanists by Wilson P. Gee in the News and Courier. It is but the barest outline that we have of his career, and no portrait is extant to give us an idea of his per- sonal appearance. The fragmentary data we have is gathered from a very few sources, the inscription on his grave; the pages of his book (the Flora Caroliniana); the genealogical record of his descendants, and the traditions of his home community. The pamphlet entitled ‘“A Contribution to the History of the Hugenots of South Carolina,’’ by Samuel DuBose and Frederick A. Porcher (being a republication of several papers) contains most of what is known of Walter’s life. From this source was obtained also most of the information given below in regard to the history of the Santee * section. From all sources we learn that Walter was born in Hampshire, England, came to South Carolina as a young man, married Miss Sarah Peyre for his first wife and Miss Dolly Cooper for his sec- ond, acquired a plantation on the banks of the Santee River, in St. Steven’s Parish, and made it his home for the remainder of his life. His house was built within a few feet of the southern *Published in part in the Charleston News and Courier, Sunday, March 17, 1910. 1910} 31 32 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April edge of the wild swamp of the Santee river, and adjoining it he marked out and planted with paternal care, one of the first Botanical Gardens of America. John Bartram, of Philadelphia, had established the first American Botanical Garden about 1730, and Humphrey Marshall had begun his garden, also near Phila- delphia, in 1773, about the time, presumably, that Walter was at work on his. These three gardens were the first of their kind in the United States. But Walter did not confine his botanical interest to his garden. In complete isolation from the scientific world and seeing, so far as we know, no other person that was interested in science except the itinerant collector John Fraser, of London, he began a scientific study of the plants around him and completed, before his untimely death at about forty-eight, one of the most complete and accurate works on American Botany that appeared during the 18th century. This book, the “‘Flora Caroliniana,’’ was published in London in 1788, at the expense of John Fraser, the collector and seedsman above mentioned, who had gotten the manuscript from walter on one of his earlier visits to South Caro- lina. The foot of the title page is inscribed as follows: Londini: Semptibus J. Fraser: Prostant venales apud J. Wenman, in vico vulgo dicto Fleet Street M,DCC,LXXXVIII The volume, which is written entirely in Latin, contains 263 pages exclusive of the preface of four pages, index, title page, and dedication page. There are 435 genera, and many of the species described were new to science. In spite of the vicissitudes of botanical nomenclature the names that Walter gave his discover- ies are still in large measure retained, and the designations of many of the best known and most attractive of South Carolina plants now honor his achievement and commemorate his name. Such for example, are: Quercus pumila (dwarf oak), Quercus lyrata (overcup oak), Carpinus caroliniana (hornbeam), Pinus glabra (spruce pine), Nyssa biflora (black gum), Acer Carolinia- 1910| A Visit to the Grave of Thomas Walter 33 num (Carolina red maple), [lex myrtifolia (myrtle-leaved holly), Tlex decidua (deciduous holly), Lilium Catesbaei (Catesby’s lily), and Sarracenia minor (a pitcher plant). Of the plants that have been named by others for Walter, in appreciation of his scientific attainments, the best known, per- haps, is the beautiful red-berried smilax or cat brier (Smilax Walteri) that is abundant in the swamps of our coastal plain. What more charming memorial could one desire than the lovely wreaths of this cardinal of the woods that brighten the cold Swamps with such a glowing flame? Every Christmas, at our home in Hartsville, we go out into the swamp and bring in these brilliant berries to add color to the day. From the last paragraph of the preface we gather that the plants described in the Flora Caroliniana were all collected within a radius of fifty miles, presumably with Walter’s home as a cen- ter. The paragraph is as follows: Stirpes plus mille hoc opere comprehendi mirum fortasse vid- eatur, quum cognitum fuerit vix non omnes collectas fuisse ex area non ampliore quam quae linea bis duplicata quinquaginta millium passum circumscribi potest. Etiam multae adhuc latent ut quotitie docet experientia. Gramina et plantae classi Crypto- gamiae appertinentes, plerumq., intacta remanent. Praeterea plures omittuntur arbores, frutices et herbae, quorum fructificatio auctori nondum satis patuit. Carolinae Meridialis, ad Ripas Fluvii Santee, 30 Dec. 1787. After the death of Walter in 1780, his plantation became a part of the estate called Mexico, and was for a long time owned by the Porcher family. It is now the property of the Atlantic Coast Lumber Co. of Georgetown. The herbarium that Walter made was taken to England by John Fraser and seems to have remained in the Fraser family for along time. In 1849 it was given to the Linnaean Society and was sold by it to the British Museum. It is now to be found in the Natural History section of the British Museum, South Ken- sington, London. 34 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April In an article on the ‘‘Identification of Walter’s grasses’? in the Annual Report of the Missouri Botanical Garden for 1905, Dr. A.S. Hitchcock says: ‘‘The herbarium suffered before it came into the possession of the Museum and many of Walter’s types are missing, especially among the grasses. The plants are mounted in a large book, usually several specimens on a page, the labels being fastened to each plant. The specimens are for the most part very fragmen- tary, often consisting of a leaf or an inflorescence. When the herbarium was obtained by the Museum, most of the plents were mounted, but a few were loose and have been subsequently mounted at the end, following the others. All the grasses appear in this second part (pp. 112 et seq.). There are 18 specimens of the grasses. In the following notes I have attempted to identify the species of grasses published by Walter in his Flora, consider- ing the specimens in his herbarium, the descriptions, which are often meagre, and tradition as shown by the disposition made of his species by Micheux, Pursh, and Elliott, who worked over the same territory and must have been familiar with Walter’s work. “Walter seems to have followed in his identifications the second edition of Linnaeus’ Species Plantarum or the twelfth edition of the Systema, which is about the same. The use of italics for cer- specific names is not clear. Those thus printed appear to be new species, but many of those printed in Roman are also new names. Many of Walter’s names as applied to grasses are yet doubtfully identified or entirely unidentified and probably must remain BOL?” The numerous descendants of Thomas Walter are now repre- sented in several prominent family names, but, as his only son died unmarried, the name of Walter was not perpetuated. He married first Miss Sarah Peyre, of St. Steven’s parish, and one son, Thomas, and two daughters, Ann Peyre and Mary, were born of this union. His second wife was Miss Dorothy Cooper and to her another daughter, Emily, was born. The gifted botanist and physician Dr. Erancis Peyre Porcher, well known as the author of the “‘Resources of our Southern Fields and For- 1910 A Visit to the Grave of Thomas Walter 35 ests,’’? was a great grandson of Walter’s, and from Dr. Walter Peyre Porcher, of Charleston, his son, and Judge Walter G. Charlton, of Savannah, and Mr. John Peyre Thomas, Jr., of Col- umbia, I have secured the following record of the descendants. Thomas Walter, Jr., reached maturity, but did not marry, and died before his father. Mary Walter married Francis Peyre and had three children, Isabella Sarah, Thomas Walter, and Hannah Ashby, the two lat- ter dying unmarried. Isabella Peyre married Dr. William Porcher and had six child- ren, William E., Francis Peyre (Physician, and author of ‘Resources of our Southern Fields and Forests’’), Julian H.., Louise, Mary, and Alexander. Dr. Francis Peyre Porcher married Miss Virginia Leigh and had three children, Walter Peyre (Physician, of Charleston), Julia W. (Mrs. T. S. Wickham, of Henrico County, Virginia, ) and Virginia lL. Alexander Porcher married Miss Margaret Faber and had one son, Mr. J. Faber Porcher, of Charleston. Ann Peyre Walter married Mr. Hazel Thomas, of Betaw plan- tation on the Santee River, and they had issue as follows: Anna Hazell, who died unmarried, John Peyre, Thomas Walter, Edward, Thomas Hazell and Samuel Peyre. Of the sons, all except Thomas Hazell married and left numerous descendants. Colonel John Peyre Thomas, now seventy years old and one of the most distinguished citizens of Columbia, is the son of John Peyre. Emily Walter married Judge Thomas Usher Pulaski Charlton from the neighborhood of Camden, and had three children, two of whom, Thomas Jackson and Robert Milledge, survived infancy. Dr. Thomas Jackson Charlton married Sarah Waters and had two children, Dr. Thomas Jackson and Ellen St. Leger. This Dr. Thomas J. Charlton married and had several children, among them the present Dr. Thomas J. Charlton of Savannah, who is married and has ason, Thomas J. Jr. Robert Milledge Charlton married Margaret Sheik, of Savannah and had ten children, of those reaching maturity only the follow- ing three have married: Mary Marshal to Julian Hartridge, Mar- 36 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April aret to C. P. Hansell, and Walter Glasco (now Judge of the Sup- erior Court, Savannah) to Mary Walton, daughter of Richard Malcom Johnston. All of these have children. The only published records we have of visits to the home of Thomas Walter, describing the condition of his garden and grave, are by Mr. H. W. Ravenal, the famous botanist, in the Pro- ceedings of the Elliott Society, Vol. I, page 53 (quoted by Mr. Gee, in his article above mentioned), and by Prof. Ezra Brainerd in the Bulletin of the Charleston Museum, Vol. 3, p. 33, April 1907. Mr. Ravenal could find very little trace of the garden— two clusters of the tallow tree of China, (Stillingia sebifera) and ‘fone or two other things, were the only memorials left of his botanical garden.’’ Prof. Brainard found nothing at all that seemed to have been planted by hand. I had long felt a ““motion of love’’ to see the spot where Tho- mas Walter lived and died, and as nothing had been heard of the condition of the place for several years I took an opportun- ity in August of last year and carried out the long planned trip. Arriving at St. Stevens from Charleston in the evening I made arrangements with Mr. W. F. Boykin for a conveyance, and made an early start with him the next morning for Pineville, six miles away. The road passed through flat, sandy, pine woods, an occasional low bog, and much good farming land. Close at hand towards the north stretched the broad swamp of the Santee river, five miles wide in places. In the old days before the Revo- lution when the up country was still an untouched wilderness this swamp was cleared and cultivated in corn and indigo for a dis- tance of at least 10 miles west of St Stevens. Within this swamp at that time were five thousand negro slaves, and on the low bluffs along the southern edge of the swamp there were scattered the comfortable dwellings of the planters. Here wealth and refinement established themselves, and upper St. Stevens and St. John’s became the seat of one of the most cultivated and pros- perous societies of the state. Now all is changed. The dark days began by the breaking upon the people of the frightful storm of the reyolution, No other part of the country suffered more 1910] A Visit to the Grave of Thomas Walter 37 from the ravages of a destructive war. The internecine character of the struggle is well illustrated by the fact that after the battle of Black Mingo Charles and Thomas Peyre, the brothers of the wife of Thomas Walter, were captured as tories by General Fran- cis Marion—a near neighbor—and sent on foot to be jailed in Philadelphia. The sufferings of Marion’s men are well known, the misfortunes of the Tories were equally severe. Impoverished by the war the planter’s families found little hope before them. The loss of England’s bounty of sixpence a pound on indigo put an end almort immediately to the planting of that crop; and to add to the miseries of the people the Santee river, about 1790, began to be subject to disastrous floods that destroyed the magnificent crops of the rich swamps and drove the planters to give them up once more to the wilderness. They have never again been cleared. The introduction of cotton as a profitable crop by the invention of the saw gin in 1794 was a most timely and present help in trouble, and saved the country from complete impoverishment. A large number of fine plantations along the south side of the Santee from St. Steven’s to Eutawville soon gained a fair measure of prosperity. Until about, 1794 the propietors lived on their plantations throughout the year, but after that they got together and established the town of Pineville where they built their sum- mer homes. At the time of its geatest prosperity the village con- tained about 60 houses, supported a fine academy, and ivas the center of a community that reflected all that was best of simplic- ity, hospitality and culture in southern life before the war. When I passed through the village on that Sunday morning last August no trace was to be seen of the life of the old days. But three or four houses remained—remained only to mark the backward swing of the inconstant pendulum of time. From Pineville we drove on to the club-house of the Oakland Gun Club, where we ate our lunch and with fresh horses took to the saddle for the remaining distance. After about a mile through the barrens we came to Belle Isle, one of the old plan- tations of the Marion family. Ina fine grove at the end of an avenue stands the old house, with smoke house and kitchen of 38 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April substantial brick in the rear. It is difficult to imagine a more depressing spectacle than the one that met us here. The house, once the focus of the abounding life and hospitality of a famous estate, is now fast falling into ruin. The steps are gone, the ceil- ing of the piazza is down at one end, and the roof broken through in several places. As I entered the house and picked my way over the insecure floor to it’s dark central passages I was startled by the sudden falling of clouds of bats that squeaked and circled about me. About one hundred feet west of the house is the old family burying ground. Here are the graves of General Francis Marion and his wife. Over the former the General assemply of South Carolina has erected a substantial memorial of granite with a tablet of bronze (see the accompanying photograph, Pl. XIII). Through correspondence with Mr. John Henry Porcher of Bonneau, who has an extensive knowledge of the history of this section, I learn that, contrary to the impression of many, General Marion never lived at Belle Isle. He was born on his father’s plantation, Pond Biuff, near Eutaw Spings (now Eutawville), and lived there most of his life. He did live for a time before the revolution at Burnt Savanna Plantation, which immediately adjoined Belle Isle on the west and is now a part of it. Moving on to the west from Belle Isle we passed a few fields cultivated by negroes and were soon in the heart of as wild a country as is to be found in the state. Broad stretches of thick pine woods, dense canebrakes and impenetrable bogs surrounded us, and to the north extended for miles the great, deep swamp of the Santee. Here is the paradise of the wild things. Hardly a hundred yards was passed without fresh signs of deer. There are said to be more of these and of bear, turkey and wild cat here than in any other section of the state. After covering about four miles more we arrived at the old San- tee Canal, finished in 1800, at an immense cost, and once filled with boats, lined with fine plantations, and resounding with the songs of negroes—now passing through an almost trackless forest and abandoned to decay. The massive masonry work of the locks of this canal is of brick that is said to have been imported from Plate 13—Grave of Gen, Frances Marion : “ j = ‘|. an ca? at ‘ ‘ ert sf ae 7 : tee. ft a j \~? e" & i : “ _ I b” me r ‘ ? ’ v vu ’ U * a i i Ad ' ' 4 Ss ? ‘ ri W 1 t q aes 1910| A Visit to the Grave of Thomas Walte 39 England. The remarkable preservation of much of this masonry after the ravages of over a century of neglect is an evidence of the thoroughness and honest workmanship that was characteristic of the times. On examining one of the most perfect of these locks there was noted on the east wall a thick fringe of the exotic- looking fern, Pteris serrulata, a native of China that is now naturalized in the extreme southern states. This is, IT believe, the farthest north that it has been found. The only other fern on the lock was the ebony spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron). On the west wall was an equally luxurient mass of the very attractive southern vine, Decumaria barbara. This vine is characteristic of the coastal region. It extends up as far as Darlington County, but does not quite reach Hartsville. The horses were urged through the water and sticky mud of the canal with difficulty and passing on for a short distance we came suddenly to a clearing where the trees had recently been logged. The river current sweeping through the swamp towards the south presses up here to the front of some high bluffs. At this point is standing the base af a massive chimney and parts of heavy machinery are lying around, said to be the remains of one of the old pumping stations of the canal. Mr. Boykin went off to the south to find an old neg:o, who ffnally arrived and led me a half mile farther up the river which had again bent away into the swamp. Here about one hundred feet from the edge of the swamp are standing two fine old willow oaks and at the foot of one of these is the grave of Thomas Wal- ter. It is covered with a flat stone, now broken in two and though dotted with lichens and stained and corroded by time the inscription may still be deciphered. As there are several nustakes in the inscription as published by Ravenel and republished by Sargent and Gee I give it below just as it appears on the stone: * *The best copy of the inscription is that accompanying Prof. Bainerd’s article. In lettering and arrangement it is quite accurate, but I find that it differs in three words from my copy as given above. 40 Journal of the Mitchell Society [April In Memory of THOMAS WALTER Native of Hampshire in England and many years a resident of this State. He died in the beginning of the year 1788 aetatis cir. 48 ann. To a mind liberally endowed by nature and refined by a liberal education he added a taste to the study of Natural History and in the department of Botany science is much indebted to his labors. At his desire he was buried on this spot once the garden in which were cultivated most of the plants of his FLORA CAROLINIANA. From motives of filial affection his only surviving Children ANN and MARY have placed this memorial. It was hard to believe that on this spot wis one of the first Botanical gardens of America, planted and tended with loving care by the man who lay at our feet; that in this deserted place was kindled one of the first fires on the alter of Science in the new world. { looked about me for those traces of the garden that Ravenel had mentioned more than fifty years ago. Not one remained. No Stellingia or any other thing except the wildest growth of the forest. Leaning over the grave was the southern buckthorn, (Bumelia lyciodes), deciduous holly (Mex decidua), arrow wood (Viburnum dentatum) and red ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). From their branches hung Virginia Creeper (Ampelopsis quinque- folia), poison ivy (Rhus radicans), Carolina moonseed (Cebatha Carolina), Cat-brier (Smilax Bona-nox) and Trachelospermum Plate 14—Grave of Thomas Walter 1910) A Visit to the Grave of Thomas Walter 4] difforme, a vine that was discovered by Walter himself. The only flowers that were immediately about the grave were Salvia lyrata (in fruit), Oxalis colorea and a large false fox-glove (Dasy- toma bignoniiflora) that does not seem to have been found in the state before Isaw ithere. The ancient oak at the head of the stone was heavily draped with the long grey moss(Tillandsia usneoides), as fitting an emblem of graves as cypress or yew. Two photographs were taken of the stone—one standing close, the other at a distance of about fifty feet. The latter (Plate XIV) shows well the sad desertion of the spot and the complete encroachment of the forest growth. Ontside the swamp in the immediate neighborhood of the grave were Pinus taeda, Liquidambar styraciflua, Quercus stellata, Rhus copalina, Myrica cerifera, Celtis crassifolia, Ulmus ameri- cana, Hicoria aquatica, Ilex opaca and Cornus stricta. At a distance not greater than a half mile were collected Malus angustifolia, Styrax americana, Amorpha fruticosa, Azelea nudi- flora, Vaccinium australe, Vaccinium fuscatum, Vitis aestivalis, Gaylussacia frondosa, Strophostyles umbellata, Penstemon austra- lis, Lespedeza angustifolia, Meibomia obtusa, Arundinaria tecta, Uniola longifoha, Uniola laxa. On the way from St. Steven’s to Walter’s grave the following plants were noticed: Pinus australis, Pinus taeda, Pinus echinata, Pinus serotina, Juniperus virginiana, Quercus virginiana (not common here), Quercus aquatica, quercus tinctoria, Quercus fal- cata, Quercus Catesbaei, Quercus cinnerea, Quercus marilandica, Quercus pumila, Nyassa sylvatica, Castania pumila, Acer carioli- nianum, Liquidambar styraciflua, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, [ex opaca, [lex verticillata, [lex glabra, Ilex corriacea, Ilex myrtifolia, Ulmus americana, Ulmus alata, Diospyros virginica, Platinus oc- cidentalis, Hicoria tomentosa, Cornus florida, Cornus stricta, Tax- edium distichum, Salix nigra, Sassafras sassafras, Magnolia glauca, Myrica cerifera, Cyrilla racemiflora, Alnus rugosa, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Callicarpa americana, Rhus toxicodendron, Viburnum dentatum, Pyrus arbutifolia, Ceanothus americanus Clethra alni- folia, Xolisma foliosiflora, Pieris mariana, Gaylussacia dumosa,Chio- nanthus virginica, Euonimus americanus, Ascyrum stans, Smilax 42 Journal of the Mitchell Socicty [April Walteri, Smilax glauca, Wistaria frutescens, Eupatorium semiser- ratum, Eupatorium Mobhrii, Seriocarpus’ bifoliatus, Seriocar- pus unifolia, Elephantopus tomentosus, Elephantopus carolinia- nus, Gnaphalium obtusafolium, Hieracium Gronovii, Conoclin- um coelestinum, Laciniaria spicata, Chaenolobus undulatus, Chry- sopsis graminifolia, Meibomia Dillenii, Lespedeza repens, Lespedeza japonica, Cracea virginiana, Crotolaria Purshii, Chamaecrista nicti- tans, Apios apios, Rhexia virginica, Rhexia mariana, Rhexia glauca, Breweria trichosanthes, Agrimonia pumila, Koellia hysso- - pifolia, Sida Elliotti, Mesophaerum rugosum, Oenothera biennis, Boehmeria scabra, Eryngium integrifolium, Septilia, caroliniana, Lilium Catesbaei, Pontederia cordata, Sarracenia minor, Juncus aristulatus, Habenaria Nuttallii (recently reported by me from South Carolina for the first time), Osmuda cinnamomea, Osmunda spectabilis, Woodwardia areolata, Pteris aquilina, Asplenium platy- neuron, Eupatorium rotundifolium. VITALITY OF PINE SEEDS AND THE DELAYED OPEN- ING OF CONES* BY W. C. COKER On a visit to California in July, 1908, my curiosity was aroused by the remarkable retention of the still unopened cones in Pinus attenuata (P. tuberculata) the knob-cone pine, and to a somewhat less conspicuous degree in the Monterey pine (Pinus radiata). Trees of Pinus attenuata may frequently be seen several feet in diameter and thirty or forty years old, still retaining unopened all the cones they have produced during their lives, the lowest cones circling the tree within hand’s reach from the ground. As all cones are borne on new growth it is obvious that as the branches increase in thickness the peduncles of the cones must be broken loose from their connection with the wood, so as to allow the cones to be pushed out by the annual growth, or the cones will be covered as the tree develops and finally imbedded in the wood. As the cones of P. attenuata are narrow at the base and othus mre easily caught by the annual layers, the latter alterna- tive sometimes occurs and the cones are covered by the growth of the tree. The cones that remain on the surface of the trunk and branches have no organic connection with the tree, and their peduncles, which are almost an inch long, may be twisted out like a cork from a bottle. It is a well-known fact that in this case the cones never shed their seeds until the tree or branch that bears them dies. This remarkable peculiarity is exhibited to almost as great a degree by Pinus radiata (Monteoey Pine). Of this tree J. G. Lemmon sayst: *Reprinted from THE AMERICAN NaturAList, Vol. 43, Nov. 1909. tSierra Club Bulletin, Vol. 2, p. 74, 1897. 1910) 43 44 Journal of the Mitchell Society [ April ““Tyees four and five inches in diameter may be seen on Point Pinos, still retaining every cone they have produced, circling the trunk and limbs from base to apex. Of course the lumber is per- forated with holes, the channels formed by the cone-stems on their many years’ journey from heart to bark.’’ Other species of western American pines whose cones are sero: tinous to a greater or less degree are P. muricata, P. contorta, P. contorta var. Murrayana (the lodge pole pine) and P. chihuahuana. Of P. muricata Lemmon says*: ‘“‘The cones have been known to remain unopened for twenty or thirty years, then to release good seeds,’’ but he says in another place of the cones of the same treet: “They usually open at the time the leaves at the same point fall away from the stems’’. The Gardener’s Chronicle for April 24, 1909 gives a good illustration of this pine showing old unopened cones, and in the same number, Mr. J. W. Bean says: ‘‘Some of the trees at Kew bear cones which must have developed more than a quarter of a century ago’’. Of the eastern American pines the only ones to retain their cones unopened after maturity are the jack pine (P. Banksiana) of the north, the Table Mountain pine (P. pungens) of the Alle- ghanies, the pond pine (P. serotina) of the southern states, and P. clausa of the gulf coast and eastern Florida. In the case of the last species the cones may become imbedded in the wood as in P. attenuatat. That this remarkable habit of cone retention is of use in the struggle for existence, at least under the peculiar conditions that exist in our western country, is believed by a number of observers. The explanation that is usually offered is well expressed by John Muir in “‘Our National Parks’’ page 104. Speaking of Pinus attenuata (under the name of P. tuberculata) he says: ‘This admirable little tree grows on bushy, sun-beaten slopes, which from their position and the inflamable character of the * Handbook of West American Cone-bearers, 3d ed. tErythea, Vol. 2, p. 160, 1894. tIn Garden and Forest, Vol. 10, p. 232, Professor C. S. Sargeant remarks that cones of P. muricata often become imbedded in the bark, but in a letter to me he says that this ‘‘appears to be erroneous’ ’, 1910] Vitality of Pine Seeds 45 vegetation are most frequently fire-swept. These grounds it is able to hold against all comers, however big and strong, by saving its seeds until death, when all it has produced are scattered over the bare cleared ground, and a new generation quickly springs out of the ashes.’’ This statement of Mr: Muir’s implies that all or a large part of the seeds produced. during the life of the tree are capable of germi- nation when shed, and this seems to be the opinion of others (see Lemmon, as quoted above, under P. muricata™). Now it is a well-known fact that pine seeds asa rule are very perishable (seeds of P. palustris will not germinate, according to my experience, the second spring after their maturity) and it is important to test by actual experiment to what extent seeds re- tain their vitality under such conditions. In looking over the literature I can find but one experiment that has been made_ to enlighten us on this point. In 1874 Dr. Engleman collected a branch of Piuns contorta from Colorado (the plant being probably var. Murrayana, or lodge pole pine) and arter keeping it four and a half years, he sent it to Proressor C. S. Sargent, of the Harvard Arboretum, to test the seeds. Professor Sargent planted the seeds in 1879, and his re- sults, as reported in Bot. Gazette, Vol. 5, p, 54, 1880, were as follows: *The reference to Pinus radiata by Vernon Bailey on page 34 of C. Hart Merriam’s ‘‘Results of a Biological Survey of Mount Shasta, California”’ (North American Fauna, 16, 1899) would indicate that its seeds have a hard time on Mount Shasta. He says: ‘*The trees were loaded with cones, in whorls of three to seven around the branches and down the trunks to 10 or 12 feet from the ground. Some of the cones must have been 20 or 30 years old, and perhaps much older. I ent off a lot of the old lower cones to see if the seed were good, and put them on a boulder and cracked them with a few hard blows of the ax. All of them were full of worm dust, with only now and then an _ undiscoved seed or a fat white worm. Cones of medium age (5 or 6 years back from the end of the branch) were invariably occupied by worms and worm dnst, and usually contained few good seeds. Cones only lor 2 years old were rarely wormy. A great many of the old cones had been dug into by wood- peckers, either for seeds or, more likely, for the fat white grubs that live on the seeds.’’ 46 Journal of the Mitchell Society | April Sceds of 1865 and 1868 did not germinate. 1SG9 eos 24 seeds planted, 4 germinated. ASO en 25 seeds planted, 4 germinated. LSTA eve 6 seeds planted, 2 germinated. PST oo cee 19 seeds planted, 5 germinated. I Re W/E MAE 9 seeds planted, none germinated (cones probably not mature. ) This experiment shows that at least some of the seeds of P. Contorta (var. Murrayana?) are capable of germination after re- tention in the cones for nine or ten years. My interest having been aroused in this subject while in Cali- fornia, I was led to observe more closely the cones of our native P. serotina on my return to South Carolina and it was scon found that the cones of this species often remain attached and wunopen for a much longer time than ever reported. In his ‘‘North American Silva,’’ Vol. 3, p. 117, Michaux says: ‘‘The cones ar- rive at maturity the second year, but do not release their seeds before the third or fourth.”’ Sargent follows this statement in his ‘‘Silva’’ and Britton says (in ‘‘North American Trees’’) that the cones “‘remain closed for several years before dropping the seed.’’ In the neighborhood of Hartsville, South Carolina, it was notat all uncommon to find cones that had remained unopened for ten or even more years, and the opportunity was taken to collect cones of different ages for a test of the vitality of the seeds. The cones were taken to the New York Botanical Garden and there the test was made in June of this year. Seeds that were obviously blasted or dead (as shown by floating in water) were discarded, and are recorded as “‘rejec- ted’’; only apparently sound seed were planted. Theseeds were first germinated between filter paper in Sphagnum moss for about five days until the radicals appeared. A count was then made and the results recorded in the columns of June 29 in the table below.{ All the seeds, whether germinated or not, were then planted in soil in pots, and the seedlings that appeared were coun- Cone No. 1 was not included in this count becanse its seeds were by mis- take planted in soil before the count was taken. 1910) Vitality of Pine Seeds AT ted on July 12+ and July 22, with results as shown in the table below. Years Old. Rejected. Planted. June 29. July 12. July 22. 3 ol 32 ? 27 28 4 10 14 6 9 9 4 6 15 13 9 9 6 7 57 30 40 39 6 0 62 52 51 52 6 7 60 58 53 48 7 3 88 42 50 44 8 7 49 10 34 33 8 5 27 2 15 18 8 3 42 0 dl oo 9 5 34 5) 2 0 9 2 ol 10 16 7 14 32 61 30 24 21 14 2 67 7 11 11 Increasing numbers in the later readings are due to delayed germinations: decreased numbers to failure to emerge or to damp- ing off after emergence. It should be noted that the conditions that exist in these sero- tinous cones are almost ideal for the preservation of the vitality of the seeds. While some exchange of gases is allowed, the spores of fuugi and bacteria are effectually excluded; and most impor- tant of all, a sufficient humidity is maintained to prevent a fatal dehiscence. That this humidity is due to contact with the moist wood of the live trees is shown by the mechanical opening of the cone through drying when it is removed from the wood, or when the tree dies. This opening, however, is not always either prompt or complete. Chapel Hill, N. C. +This counting was, in my absence, kindly made by Mr. Fred. J. Seaver, aM ye AM ; AN yey JOURNAL 4 Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society JUNE, 1910 VOL. XXVI NO. 2 Proceedings of the North Carolina Academy of Science. The North Carolina Academy of Science held its ninth an- nual meeting at Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C., on Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30, 1910. The Executive Committee met at 3:50 P. M., there being present President W. C. Coker and Secretary E. W. Gudger, ex officio, and C. W. Edwards. The Secretary-Treasurer made his report, which was favorably recommended to the Academy in the following items. The following applicants for membership in the Academy were elected: T. W. Addicks, Assistant Curator State Museum, Raleigh; W. M. Allen, State Food Chemist, Raleigh; Bronson Barlow, State Botanist, Raleigh; Julian Blanchard, Professor of Engineering, Trinity College, Durham; Donald Boyer, In- structor in Sciences, High School, Kinston; S. C. Bruner, stu- dent A. & M. College, West Raleigh; R. W. Collett, Supt. State Experimental Farms, Swannanoa; Eva L. Culbreth, Assistant in Mathematics, State Normal College, Greensboro; P. W. Dag- gett, Associate Professor of Physics, University of N. C., Chapel Hill; L. A. Denson, Section Director Weather Bureau, Raleigh; John W. Ferrell, Assistant Secretary for Hookworm, State Board of Health, Raleigh; R. L. Flowers, Professor of Mathe- matics, Trinity College, Durham; W. H. Fry, Instructor in Geology, University of N. C., Chapel Hill; P. L. Gainey, Assistant Bacteriologist, A. & M. College, West Raleigh; Anna M. Gove, Physician to State Normal College, Greensboro; W. C. A. Hammel, Professor of Physics, State Normal College, Greensboro; B. B. Higgins, West Raleigh; Hampden Hill, In- structor in Chemistry, University of N. C., Chapel Hill; J. C. 50 JOURNAL OF THE Mitcuett Socrety.. [April Hines, Jr., Instructor in Mathematics, University of N. C., Chapel Hill; J. S. Holmes, Forester State Geological and Eeo- nomic Survey, Chapel Hill; A. Wilson Hobbs, Assistant in Mathematics, Guilford College; Mrs. W. N. Hutt, Chairman Woman’s Branch Farmers’ Institutes of N. C., Raleigh; J. D. Ives, Assistant in Biology, Wake Forest College; C. A. Julian, Assistant Secretary for Tuberculosis, State Board of Health, Thomasville; Rev. Geo. Wm. Lay, Rector St. Mary’s School, Raleigh; I. F. Lewis, Professor of Biology, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va.; L. B. Lockhart, State Oil Chemist, Ra- leigh; Alma J. Long, Professor of Domestic Art, State Normal College, Greensboro; Jno. W. MacConnell, Professor of Biol- ogy, Davidson College; C. B. Markham, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Trinity College, Durham; Gertrude W. Menden- hall, Professor of Mathematics, State Normal Coilege, Greens- boro; Mrs. Z. P. Metcalf, Raleigh; C. L. Newman, Professor of Agriculture, A. & M. College, West Raleigh; Nettie L. Par- ker, Assistant in Mathematics, State Normal College, Greens- boro; A. H. Patterson, Professor of Physics, University of N. C., Chapel Hill; Mary M. Petty, Professor of Chemistry, State Normal College, Greensboro; John B. Powers, Professor of Bacteriology and Pathology, Wake Forest College; Mary Rob- inson, Assistant in Biology, State Normal College, Greens- boro; F. W. Sherwood, Assistant Chemist, N. C. Agricultural Experiment Sta., West Raleigh; C. A. Sprague, Instructor in Physics, A. & M. College, West Raleigh; C. W. Stiles, Scientific Secretary Rockefeller Sanitary Commission, Washington, D. C.; Cora L. Strong, Associate Professor of Mathematics, State Normal College, Greensboro; Opal I. Tillman, Scientifie As- sistant, Bureau Plant Industry, Washington, D. C.; L. F. Wil- liams, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, A. & M. College, West Raleigh; E. L. Worthen, State Soil Expert, Raleigh; E. P. Wood, Assistant State Veterinarian, Raleigh. The following amendments to the Constitution proposed by the Secretary, were endorsed for favorable action by the Acad- emy. In Art. IT., Sec. 1, as amended May 1, 1910, strike out the words “dues for the current year” and insert “initiation 1910] Procrrpines or Nintu AnnuaL MEETING 51 fee.” In Art. II., Sec. 2, before the words ‘The annual dues” insert this sentence, “The initiation fee shall be two dollars, payable in advance, and there shall be no annual dues for the first year.” The Committee requested the Secretary to explain to the Academy that his action in deferring the printing of the Con- stitution and list of members until autumn, 1910, in order to include the new amendments and the enlarged lst of members, had been authorized by it in March, 1910. It was moved and carried that hereafter, in order to give time for discussion, all papers be limited to 15 minutes unless longer time has been allotted by previous permission of the Executive Committee; that as far as possible, papers be placed on the program as their authors wish, provided, however, that all members have an opportunity to present one paper before any member gives a second; that a paper not read when called for shall go to the foot of the list. At 4:15 P. M. the Academy was called to order, President W. C. Coker in the chair. The following committees were ap- pointed: To audit Treasurer’s accounts, W. A. Withers, Frank- lin Sherman, Jr., J. J. Wolfe; to nominate officers for the en- suing year, W. L. Poteat, G. W. Lay, Collier Cobb; on resolu- tions, J. G. Hall, Franklin Sherman, Jr., Z. P. Metcalf. The balance of the afternoon was spent in reading and discus- sing papers. At 8:30 P. M. the Academy reassembled in Wingate Me- morial Hall, and was cordially weleomed to Wake Forest Col- lege by President W. L. Poteat. President W. C. Coker, of the Academy, fittingly responded and then gave the presiden- tial address, “Science Teaching in the Schools and Colleges of North Carolina.” Because of their general interest, the following papers were presented at this evening meeting, which was largely attended by the college people: “Pellagra: A Preliminary Report,” by J. J. Wolfe (with lantern slides) ; “Halley’s Comet,” by A. H. Patterson (illustrated with lantern slides) ; “The Comet: What Is It?” by John F. Lanneau (illustrated by chart). 52 JOURNAL OF THE Mitcnuety Socrery. [April At 8:45 A. M. Saturday, the Academy reassembled for the annual business meeting. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. ‘The recommendations of the Executive Committee, as itemized above, were unanimously endorsed. The names of the new members were read. The amendments as proposed were carried. The recommendations about papers on program were agreed to without dissent. On motion, the Secre- tary was authorized to print the revised Constitution and mail a copy to each member, securing a sufficient number of extra copies to supply future demands. The Auditing Committee reported that the Treasurer’s ac- counts were found to be correct, there being an available bal- ance of $167.29 less $50.00 due for publishing the proceedings for 1909. The Nominating Committee brought in the following nomi- nations: President, W. H. Pegram, Professor of Chemistry, Trinity College, Durham; Vice-President, W. S. Rankin, Sec- retary State Board of Health, Raleigh; Secretary-Treasurer, E. W. Gudger, Professor of Biology, State Normal College, Greensboro ; Executive Committee: F. L. Stevens, Professor of Biology, A. & M. College, West Raleigh; H. H. Brimley, Curator State Museum, Raleigh; H. V. Wilson, Professor of Zodlogy, Univer- sity of N. C., Chapel Hill. In the absence of the Chairman, Prof. C. W. Edwards, Presi- dent Coker reported progress for the Committee on Science Teaching in North Carolina High Schools and Colleges, saying that they had found it impossible to collect and digest the data in time to report at this meeting. On motion the following committee was appointed to collect data and plan courses of study in the sciences for the high schools of the State, to be submitted for approval by the Acad- emy at the next annual meeting: W. C. Coker, University of North Carolina; C. W. Edwards, Trinity College; G. W. Lay, St. Mary’s School; Donald Boyer, Kinston High School; H. V. Wilson, University of North Carolina; F. L. Stevens, A. & M. College; Collier Cobb, University of North Carolina; J. E. 1910| Procrrpines or Ninto Annuat Meesrine 53 Mills, University of North Carolina; E. W. Gudger, State Nor- mal College. The business meeting being over, the reading of papers was resumed, and with a short interruption for lunch was concluded at 3:00 P. M. The Committee on Resolutions brought in the following report: Resolved, That we, the North Carolina Academy of Science, hereby extend our sincere thanks to Wake Forest College for kindness in supplying for us a place of meeting, and for other favors, and Resolved, That we wish to express our especial appreciation of the kindness of the members of the faculty and their families and others who have so courteously entertained us, and Resolved, That we wish to express our gratification for the activity of our Secretary-Treasurer in the zealous discharge of his duties. The following members were in attendance: T. W. Addicks, W. M. Allen, B. Barlow, J. Blanchard, J. G. Boomhour, W. G. Chrisman, 8. C. Clapp, Collier Cobb, W. C. Coker, C. W. Ed- wards, P. L. Gainey, E. W. Gudger, J. G. Hall, B. B. Higgins, WN. Hutt, J. D. Ives, J. F. Lanneau, G. W. Lay, C. B: Markham, Mrs. Z. P. Metcalf, A. H. Patterson, W. L. Poteat, J. B. Powers, F. Sherman, Jr., F. W. Sherwood, R. I. Smith, F., L. Stevens, Opal I. Tillman, W. A. Withers, J. J. Wolfe. This meeting equalled any other in number of papers, and excelled any in attendance, in discussion of papers, and in gen- eral interest. The number of new members received is 46, of old members enrolled, 43; total, 89. Adjourned, 3 P. M. The following papers were presented: The Cause of Pellagra—A Preliminary Report, Jas. J. Wolfe, Trinity College, Durham. Believing that Pellagra must be an infectious disease, and that, because of its generalized nature, the organism was most likely to occur in the blood, the writer last September began a 54 JOURNAL OF THE MircueLt Society. [April study of some specimens of pellagrous blood, with the hope of throwing some light on the etiology of this disease. The usual smear preparation was made, stained with methe- lene blue and studied under a Zeiss apochromat. Bacteria were seen in considerable numbers in most cases (especially severe ones )—milder cases were more difficult and not as yet entirely convincing. These are polymorphic, but generally spherical; grouped often in doubles like a dumb-bell, or irregular clumps; sometimes in chains, and usually between 14 and 1 micron in diameter. A culture derived from damaged corn shows an organism quite similar in grouping, size, color, reactions and polymor- ism. This is now being tested with animals. Peculiarities in the Distribution of Some North Carolina Birds, Franklin Sherman, Jr., State Entomologist, Raleigh. This paper appears in full in the current number of this par Py journal. | The Comet: What is It? John F. Lanneau, Wake Forest College. The Resin of Pinus Sabiniana, Charles H. Herty and E. 8S. Til- lett, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hull. [Read by title. | Medical Entomology, Z. P. Metcalf, Department of Agriculture, Raleigh. A short popular account of some of the more recent develop- ments in the science of Medical Entomology, which was de- fined as that branch of Entomology which treats of the relation of insects and insect-like animals in the transfer of diseases from man to man, man to animal, and animal to animal. This relation was declared to be twofold. In the first case the insect is a necessary intermediate host, and in the sec- ond case the insect is merely an incidental or accidental factor in the transfer of the disease. The work of the Board of Health of the city of Asheville was cited as an example of applied Medical Entomology. 1910| Procrxpines or NintH Annuat MEETING 55 The Ammoniafying of North Carolina Soils, F. L. Stevens and W. A. Withers, assisted by P. L. Gainey and F. W. Sher- wood, N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station, West Raleigh. Remarks on the Relation of Our Birds to The Farm and Gar den, C. S. Brimley, Raleigh. Read by F. Sherman, Jr. [ Published in full in the current number of this journal. | Where to Find Amebas, E. W. Gudger, State Normal College, Greensboro. The directions given in the books are very indefinite, as the writer found to his sorrow in his early biological days. Acting on a suggestion made by Dr. D. H. Tennent, now of Bryn Mawr College, he at that time successfully sought them in the yellow- ish-green diatom deposits on the bottom of stagnant ditches or of quiet pools in brooks. In seven years these have never failed to furnish abundant material. The writer’s classes are sup- pled from a tiled drain at the foot of a bank less than 100 yards from the laboratory. These amebas vary in size from quite small to those so large that they cannot be seen in their entirety under the ordinary high objective. The Origin of Thermal Waters, with Special Reference to Hot Springs, Ark., Collier Cobb, University of N. C., Chapel Hill. Some Aids to Better Work in Science, C. W. Edwards, Trinity College, Durham. [Read by title. ] A New Hybrid Habenaria of North Carolina, J. G. Hall, N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station, West Raleigh. A hybrid Habenaria was reported from the neighborhood of Kinston, N. C. This natural hybrid seemed to be pretty well intermediate between the two supposed parents, H. ciliaris and H. blephariglottis. Photographs of the flowers were shown and these presented some characters of the parents and the hybrid. The Present Status of the Darwinian Hypothesis, W. L. Po- teat, Wake Forest College. 56 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL Soctery. [April Some Experiments on Ionization by Impact: The Time Varia- tion of the Current through a Gas Ionized by Radium, J. Blanchard, Trinity College, Durham. The ionization vessel was a glass tube with parallel plate electrodes about 5 centimeters in diameter, both plates coated (though unequally) with a thin layer of a very impure salt of radium. With the plates about 1 centimeter apart and the pressure about 1 millimeter, with a potential difference suffi- cient to produce considerable ionization by impact, it was found that the current decreased with the time the battery key remained closed, reaching its minimum value in about an hour. On opening the key the initial conductivity was almost totally regained in about the same time. Upon reversing the potential at the end of an hour the current was sometimes found to be greater than it was initially in this reverse direction, but also decreasing with the time as before. The potential difference apparently causes an increased amount of ionization near the positive plate, the effect being de- tected only when the potential gradient is sufficient to cause ionization by impact. Further experiments are in progress. Is the Fusarium Which Causes Cowpea Wilt Genetically Con- nected with Neocosmospora? B. B. Higgins, N. C. Agricul- tural Experiment Station, West Raleigh. In 1889 the wilt disease of cotton was studied by Prof. Geo. F. Atkinson, and its causal fungus named Fusarium vasinfec- tum. A few years later (1894-99) the wilt disease of cotton, watermelon, and cowpea was studied by Erwin F. Smith. He found no specific differences between the fungi upon any of the three hosts. He found, however, upon some of the plants prev- iously killed by the wilt fungus an acigerous fungus which he considered the perfect stage of Fusarium vasinfectum. The fungus was therefore renamed by him Neocosmospora vasin- fecta, and this conclusion has been accepted by subsequent writ- ers. The evidence upon which this conclusion was based was very weak, however; and a recent study of the two forms by the writer—the results of which will at an early date be pub- 1910| Procrrpines oF NintH AnNuAL MEETING 57 lished in bulletin form—has caused the writer to reopen this question, which was considered closed. Some Experiments in the Propagation of the Diamond-Back Terrapin, Henry D. Aller, Director Laboratory of Fisheries, Beaufort. Read by the Secretary. [This paper appears in full in the current number of this journal. | The Present Status of the Relativity Problem, C. W. Edwards, Trinity College, Durham. [Read by title. The Locus of a Moving Point When the Sum of Its Distances From Two Fixed Points, Their Difference, Their Product, or Their Quotient, is Constant, John F. Lanneau, Wake For- est College. The loci determined by the first three conditions are the well known Ellipse, Hyperbola, and Lemniseate. Under the fourth condition: Take line through the fixed points F and F” as x-axis; the point O, midway between them, as origin; 2c for distance F to EF’; K for the constant quotient when the moving point is on one side of the y-axis, and there- fore = the quotient when it has the corresponding position on the other side. k2 4¥ pea wt axte 2=0 The locus, therefore, consists of two equal circles whose centers are on the x-axis beyond F and F” at equal distances from O. 2. A discussion of the equation shows: If k—1, the circles are of infinite radius, and are tangent at O; If k is either O or OO, the circles reduce to the points F and F’ ; If k has, in turn, any series of values between 1 and O, or be- tween 1 and OO, the loci form a group of circles about F and a similar group about F’—the number of circles in each group limited only by the number of values given to k. 1. The equation of the locus is x 58 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHet. Soctrery. [April 3. None of the circles of the F and F’ groups pass through either of the fixed points F and F’. Any circles drawn through F and F” are extraneous to the loci, but each such cirele is orthogonal to every circle in the loci groups. Notes on Fungi, F. L. Stevens and J. G. Hall, N. C. Agricul- tural Experiment Station, West Raleigh. Three new species of Claviceps were described. Two of them are upon Paspalum and are thought to be the perfect stages of the fungus usually known as Schlerotiwm Paspali S. Germina- tion of the sclerotium was described and the characters of the fungus were illustrated by photographs and specimens. The third species grows upon Gama grass (T'ripsacum dactyloi- des L.) Both sphacelia and ascosporic stages were exhibited. Technical descriptions were given under the names Claviceps Paspali (S.) n. comb.; C. Rolfsii n. sp.; and C. Tripsaci n. sp. These will be published in full elsewhere, soon. Specimens of a Cercospora upon persimmon, which was thought to be new, were also shown. Some Methods of Making Illustrations, Z. P. Metealf, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Raleigh. A brief consideration of the more important methods of mak- ing illustrations. Drawings with their reproductions were shown covering the following methods: pen and ink, pencil and crayon, watercolor, oil color, photographs, lantern slides and color photography. Precautions Necessary in Estimating Climates of Geological Time, Collier Cobb, University of N. C., Chapel Hiil. The Jaws of the Spotted Sting Ray, Aetobatus Narinarz, EK. W. Gudger, State Normal College, Greensboro. This ray was discovered in Brazilian waters, described and figured by George Marcgrave sometime between the years 1637 and 1644. His description of fish and jaws was published in 1648. This pavement-toothed ray has but one set of teeth— 1910| Procrrpines oF NintH AnNvuAL MEETING 59 the central one—in each jaw, the lateral teeth found in the others of its kind having all disappeared. In the upper jaw are found 14 I-shaped teeth, in the lower 17 broad V-shaped grinders as noted by Maregrave. The lower jaw is the longer and projects beyond the lips. With it and the fairly long snout, the ray digs up the clams on which it feeds. The paper was illustrated by photographs of dorsal, ventral, and lateral views of the ray, and by a pair of dried jaws. The writer has in preparation for the U. S. Bureau of Fisher- ies a paper in which he hopes to bring together all the work ever done on this fish, and in which will be included his observa- tions and the photographs above mentioned. The Cocoanut Crab, John F. Lanneau, Wake Forest College. Called also the Robber Crab and the Pouch Crab. Shaped more like a lobster than a crab. Found on islands of the South Pacific. Weight usually 5 or 6 pounds, sometimes 20. Feeds on fallen cocoanuts. Said to climb the trees. Is highly esteemed as food, especially the rich fatty content of the pouch. Ts found on our island of Guam. It and other singular forms of life on that pleasant little island would repay a biologist’s in- vestigation. His visit would likely be facilitated by our Secre- tary of War or Secretary of Navy. A Double Flowering Dogwood, F. L. Stevens and J. G. Hall, N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station, West Raleigh. A ease of “double-flower” of the common Flowering Dog- wood (Cornus florida L.) due to the excessive development of the small bracts that subtend the individual flowers of the ordi- nary head, was reported. There was, as well, the suppression of all the individual flowers except the central one, which ap- peared entirely normal. A Note on the Development of the Gall-Fly Diastrophus Nebu- losus, O. S., J. D. Ives, Wake Forest College. [This paper is published in full in this issue. | Pecan Culture in North Carolina, W. N. Hutt, State Horticul- turist, Raleigh. E. W. GUDGER, Secretary. SUMMARY OF RECENT EXPERIMENTS ON THE CULTURE OF THE DIAMOND-BACK TERRAPIN AT THE FISHERIES LABORATORY, BEAU- FORT, N. C. By Henry D. Auer, Director Beaufort Laboratory. It having been determined by the Bureau of Fisheries to re- sume experimental work looking toward the culture of the dia- mond-back terrapin at the Beaufort, N. C., laboratory, the con- struction of a large concrete pound was begun at that place late in the year of 1908. The concrete work consisted of one side wall, 4514 feet long, running parallel to the shore, and two end walls, each 2814 feet long, running at right angles to the other wall. Plank extensions inshore gave a rectangular pound 4514 feet by 4414 feet. The location of the pound was such that dur- ing a portion of each tide a part of the interior was flooded with salt water. An opening about three feet wide in the offshore wall, crossed by gratings to prevent the escape of terrapins, per- mitted the tide to rise and fall freely within the pound. With ordinary tides a considerable part of the interior of the pound was above high water level. The stock of terrapins consisted of about a dozen which had been kept at the laboratory for a number of years, being a part of those used for experimental work at Beaufort, twenty pur- chased from a firm at Crisfield, Md., and a number secured from local sources. In all between sixty and seventy were available for the work, in the proportion of about two females to one male. They were placed in the pound in the spring or early in the summer of 1909. They were fed abundantly, mostly on crabs and fresh fish. During the season there was no evidence of any egg-laying. During December, 1909, while excavating a quan- tity of earth from the pound, a number of young diamond-backs were unexpectedly discovered. Twelve in all were found. Eleven were in good condition, the twelfth having been injured in the excavation work. They were of uniform size, measuring 1910] Cutrure oF Diamonp-Back TrErrapin 61 from 25 to 28 millimeters in length, the lengths being taken along the median line of the plastron. The young were buried in sand in various places, some in the laboratory and others out of doors. No special care was given them, aside from keep- ing the sand containing those in the laboratory moist and in protecting all from freezing. No food was given them. They remained buried until about the first or second week in April, when they began to come to the surface, as if preparing for an active existence. The chief conclusions are: first, that diamond-back terrapins will captivity with little attention, provided they have plenty of food and free access to water; second, the young may be easily cared for during the early part of their life. Appar- ently all the young were hatched from eggs laid in ground which had received no attention. So far as is known, none were hatched in the sand-beds prepared for nests. It is not neces- sary, and perhaps not possible to supply the young with food prior to the spring following the year during which they were hatched. During June, 1909, a number of eggs were collected from nests made under natural conditions in the vicinity of Beau- fort. These eggs were buried in sand at the laboratory, but the attempt to hatch them was not successful. Whether the failure was due to improper handling of the eggs cannot be said, but it is doubtful whether this method of raising terra- pins would ever be of any economic value. The work has been carried on under the general direction of Prof. W. P. Hay, of ‘Washington, D. C. REMARKS ON THE RELATION OF BIRDS TO OUR FARMS AND GARDENS. By C. S. Brimtey. This paper is prompted by a letter that appeared some time ago in the Progressive Farmer, in which the writer stated that he wished there were one thousand beneficial birds to every one we now have, and in which he advocated the stopping of all hunt- ing and shooting as a means to secure that desired end, evident- ly thinking that if birds were only let alone they would increase indefinitely, which of course is uot the case. This leads me to ask the question,—Why are not birds more numerous in our farms and gardens, and why do they not eat up more of the in- sect pests that destroy our crops? A good many persons would answer that there were not enough of them, and would say that the scarcity was caused by the recent wholesale destruction of them for millinery purposes, being unaware that practically all the birds killed for that purpose of late years have been shore and sea birds which would only occur on cultivated land under ex- ceptional circumstances. | Now there is undoubtedly rather a scarcity of birds on the average southern farm, and what we want to do is to find out the reason for it, and see if a change cannot be brought about. If then we consider the natural habits of our small land birds, what do we find? Just this, that a very large majority of them are naturally woodland birds, and what may I ask is there in acre after acre of such clean culture crops as corn, cotton or tobacco, to attract any forest loving species at all? Frequently too we find the farm house standing unshaded with no trees around it, often there is no orchard, and the only birds that will frequent such a farm are those that can find patches of briars or bushes to build their nests in. Mind you I am not saying there may not be plenty of birds in the adjacent woods, but they would feed and breed in the woods, and would hardly be seen on the farm at all. What is the remedy for this? Let the farmer plant some shade trees, and an orchard, and when the trees get big enough 1910| Rewation or Birps tro Farms anp GarpENs 63 he will find birds will come and nest in them, and vice versa, if he cuts his trees down the birds will leave also. I can give an actual instance of the latter fact. There used to be a little way from Raleigh, a large mulberry orchard, in which orioles, tan- agers, yellow warblers, catbirds, cardinals, kingbirds and others dwelt in numbers during the summers, in fact there were more individual birds there than in almost any place I ever saw. Now, however, that orchard has been entirely cut down, and with the disappearance of the trees the birds have also disap- peared. Then again if he has a real pasture, not merely a fenced-in piece of swamp or pine woods, he will find a few kinds will sooner or later be attracted to it and will nest there. Mind you I am not saying that we can get enough birds on any farm to be a substitute for paris green or arsenate of lead as a remedy against injurious insects ; in fact I am inclined to look upon that as an iridescent dream, but still by paying some attention to the needs of the birds we can get quite a number of kinds to make their homes near our homes, and that without doing anything that we ought not to do anyhow. To take a concrete instance, I moved to my present residence, some ten years ago, and at that time there were a lot of big trees around the house, but nothing else. Since then, however, I have planted a lot of bushes,and some fruit trees, so that there is a great deal more growth on the lot than there was when I came there, and there are also a good many more birds there both winter and summer than at first. Now, what are the birds that will be attracted by such meas- ures to the neighborhood of our dwellings, and of course the an- swer is only those that are able to adapt themselves to the changed conditions brought about by man. The species that will come around in summer under such conditions are the robin, the bluebird (if there is a suitable hole or two for him to nest in), the purple martin (if we hang up martin gourds), the summer tanager, yellow warbler, red-eyed and yellow- throated vireos, crested flycatcher—also dependent on a nice hole for a nesting site, wood pewee, catbird, mockingbird, caro- 64 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHEL. Society [April lina wren, (he is likely to come anyway) red-headed woodpecker (if there are oaks to furnish him acorns) field sparrow, chip- ping sparrow, English sparrow and others that I do not eall to mind at present. Sad to say, however, most of these birds, all of which, ex- cept the martin, nest more or less on my lot, stay up in their trees, and do not come into my garden at all, the exceptions being the three kinds of sparrows mentioned, the catbird, caro- lina wren, with an occasional summer tanager and wood pewee. The two vireos never come there. This brings me to another phase of the subject, which is that do what we will, we are not going to get birds that are naturally arboreal to come down out of their trees and feed on the ground, however much we may want them to do so—and hence I believe that our birds must inevitably be of much greater importance to the forester than to the farmer. Some of the species mentioned above, however, may be economically useful, and these are the two native spar- rows and the catbird. Passing now to our winter birds, we find these largely fre- quent clumps of bushes and thickets, while other species are found in open fields, and many of these latter undoubtedly are beneficial on account of the cutworms, white grubs, and other insects they destroy, the meadowlark and titlark being familiar examples of such open field birds. Those species that inhabit thickets, both great and small, undoubtedly also destroy large numbers of hibernating insects that would otherwise come out next spring to do damage, and which pass the winter in the shelter of such places. In fact, offhand it looks as if the winter birds might do more good than the summer species. The principal winter birds that frequent thickets or clumps of bushes in and around fields are the song, white-throated, and field sparrows and the slate-colored junco (snowbird), all of which, especially the first two, are common in my garden. DEVELOPMENT OF SPONGES FROM TISSUE CELLS OUTSIDE THE BODY OF THE PARENT™*. By H. V. Witson. About five years ago I suggested to the Bureau of Fisheries that an investigation to cover the various ways in which sponges reproduce might yield some results of value for scientific sponge culture. I had in mind the high degree of reproductive (tech- nically, regenerative) power possessed by at least certain body cells, as distinguished from germ cells, in sponges. This great regenerative power of somatic cells in sponges is displayed, as has long been known, in the formation of asexual masses which under proper conditions develop into new sponges. The regenerative masses of this kind that are best known are the gemmules of fresh-water sponges, but similar gemmules have been discovered by Topsent and others in marine sponges. Ob- servations of my own, dating as far back as 1889,+ indicated that in some marine sponges such asexual masses not only possess the power to transform into sponges, but in so doing pass through a swimming stage not distinguishable from the ciliated larva which typically develops from an egg. In a case of this kind, as I have pointed out (op. cit., 1891), the nature of the body cell as measured by its potentialities is fundamentally like that of a germ cell—it has full regenerative power, including the ability to recapitulate in some measure the ancestral history of the protoplasm. Considerations of this kind led me to doubt whether in all metazoa the protoplasm really did divide sharply into somatic and germinal cells. Rather was the idea encour- aged that in the lower metazoa, such as sponges, the cellular elements all retained just so much of the nature of the germ cell (just so much of the specific idioplasm, one might say) as would enable them, under the influence of an appropriate stimu- *Reprinted from Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. xxviii, p. 1265-1271, May 1910. +Wilson, H. V.: Notes on the development ofsome sponges, Journal of Morph- ology, 1891; Observations on the gemmule and egg development of marine sponges, ibid., 1894, 66 JOURNAL OF THE MircHett Socrety [April lus, to develop either into ova or sperms, or into asexual repro- ductive masses. Assuming that sponge protoplasm had this eminently plastic character, I conceived that one might discover ways in which to call into unusual activity the reproductive or regenerative power, and so, as it were, to invent new methods of growing sponges. The results, at this time, of the investigation that I have been conducting for the Bureau during the past five summers at the Beautort laboratory justify, it seems to me, the point of view above outlined. Two new methods by which sponges may be grown have been discovered, and both of these methods attest the remarkable regenerative power of the body cells of sponges. That both methods are applicable to the commercial sponge there can hardly be a doubt. Whether at the present time any economic advantage would accrue from the practice of either is perhaps doubtful, in view of the fact thas sponges may so suc- cessfully be grown from cuttings—a method first practiced by Oscar Schmidt, and further developed in this country by Rich- ard Rathbun, while in recent years H. F. Moore has brought it through a long series of admirable experiments to a high degree of efficiency. But while the methods which I shall presently describe may not now be of practical utility, they add something to our knowl- edge of the underlying scientific principles of sponge culture. And it is a truism that such principles are the funds, so to speak, on which the practice of succeeding generations draws in the conduct of economic enterprises. I am convinced that our knowledge of these scientific principles of sponge culture may be vastly increased. Future researches will surely clear up, among other points, the relation between the formation of sexual pro- ducts (ova and sperms), of asexual masses which transform directly without passing through the swimming stage (ciliated larva), and of asexual masses which imitate the egg development in passing through the stage of the ciliated larva. I may add that such a relation is “cleared up” to the eye of science (in contradistinction to metaphysics) only after the discovery of the actual treatment to which, when the sponge tissue is sub- 1910] DEVELOPMENT OF SPONGES 67 -jected, it responds by the development of this or that reproduc- tive body. In this instance, as in many such biological problems, the most intimate knowledge of the structure and movements of the cells concerned in the production of each kind of body is necessary. But such knowledge of itself falls short, and remains unsatisfactory until it leads up through experiment to an actual control of the phenomena—to the power which can at will con- pel the sponge to produce the one or the other kind of reproduc- tive body. The first of the two new methods to which I have alluded has been described in Science.* It is briefly as follows: If sponges are kept under appropriate conditions in aquaria, the body dies in some regions, but in localities the cells remain alive and congregate to form masses. In the production of such masses the component cells lose their individuality, fusing with one another to form a continuous mass of protoplasm studded with nuclei (a syncytium). Such masses of syncytial proto- plasm are easily seen with the unaided eye scattered through the interior or over the surface of the remains of the original sponge. They are frequently spheroidal, but often of an irregular shape, and have the power of slow ameboid movement. In successful cases of treatment these masses, varying from a fraction of a millimeter to a few millimeters in diameter, are exceedingly abundant. The smaller ones of more regular shape at once call to mind the gemmules that are normally formed in such sponges as Spongilla. Experiment shows them to be physiologically like such gemmules in that they have the power to transform into perfect sponges. To bring about this transformation it was only necessary to remove the regenerative masses to the open water of the harbor at Beaufort, where they were kept in small bolting cloth bags suspended in a floating live box. The sponge *Wilson, H. V.: Anew method by which sponges may be artificially reared. Science, June 7, 1907. 68 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHeELt Sociery - [April especially worked on was a silicious form, a species of Stylo- tella.* The second of the two methods, a description of which may be found in the Journal of Experimental Zodlogy,+ is the more in- teresting and important. It should be said that the method succeeds best with sponges in which there is a considerable de- velopment of horny skeletal fiber. The form especially used in my work has been Microciona prolifera Verrill, and it has proved practically necessary to use always the large bushy speci- mens. The procedure is as follows: Cut the sponge into small pieces and put them on a square of bolting cloth. Gather the cloth round the sponge fragments in the shape of a bag. Holding the upper end closed with the fin- gers, compress the bag repeatedly with small dissecting forceps. The bag meantime remains immersed in a little dish of sea water. The sponge cells are squeezed free of the skeleton and are strained through the pores of the bolting cloth. They fall like a fine sediment on the bottom of the dish. Collect the sedi- ment with a small pipette and strew it over glass plates or shells immersed in sea water. The originally separate cells quickly combine with one another, exhibiting amceboid phenomena. The masses so formed go on fusing with one another through the for- mation of peripheral pseudopodia, and thus the whole surface of the glass slide (or other object used) may become covered with a network of plasmodial masses and cords, which adhere to it with some firmness. After perhaps half an hour the plate should be lifted from the water and cautiously drained. The sponge plasmodia are thus flattened out somewhat and their attachment to the plate is strengthened. Return the plate at once to a dish of fresh sea water, where it should be left with two or three changes of water for a day. By this time the network of plas- modia has probably transformed itself in whole or in great part into a thin uniform incrustation. It is best now to transfer the *Otto Maas has independently discovered that the cells of calcareous sponges under the influence of reagents exhibit a behavior essentially like that above de- scribed. See my account in Science, loc. cit. +Wilson, H. V.: On some phenomena of coalescence and regeneration in sponges. Journal of Experimental Zoology, vol. v. no. 2, December, 1907. 1910 | DEVELOPMENT OF SPONGES 69 plate to the open water. My practice has been to tie such plates to the inside of galvanized-wire boxes, and to hang the boxes in a large live-box. In the course of a week it will be found that the incrustation has transformed itself into a functional sponge with pores, os- cula, well-developed canal system, and flagellated chambers. The steps in this gradual differentiation may be followed by examining the sponge at intervals under the microscope. The differentiation goes on, but at a slower rate, in preparations kept continuously in laboratory dishes or aquaria. While the sponge incrustation is quite thin, the currents of water and vibrations of the flagella in the flagellated chambers may be ob- served with a high power. For this purpose small incrustations grown on cover glasses are the best. Until the past summer it was a question whether sponges pro- duced in this way would continue to grow and would develop the skeleton characteristic of the species. If they would not, it was clear that the method had no value for economic sponge culture. And so, early in July, I again visited the Beaufort laboratory and with the help of my assistant, Mr. R. R. Bridgers, started some Microciona plasmodia on glass slides and oyster shells. It was possible for me to remain at the laboratory only two weeks, but Mr. Bridgers took charge of the sponges and continued to start other plasmodia at intervals during July and August, con- ducting his experiments with great care and skill. Mishap of course overtook some of the cultures; but scores of them grew perceptibly during the summer and by the first of September a large number had developed the skeleton of the adult with the characteristic spicules and the horny columns pro- jecting up from the basal skeletal plate. What was equally gratifying was that the sponge in many cases had not only spread and thickened and developed the species-skeleton, but had also developed quantities of reproductive bodies. These lay scattered in the deeper part of the incrustation, plainly visible to the eye. I have not yet made a sufficiently pregise histologi- eal examination of these bodies to determine whether they are ege larvee or asexual masses. The whole appearance of the 70 JOURNAL OF THE Mircueti Sociery [April sponges grown in this way, some six weeks old, is quite like that of normal Microciona of incrusting habit. Looking from the utilitarian standpoint at this latter method of growing sponges, it is not at all inconceivable that it may at some time be of direct economic value. The ease with which quantities of sponge cells may be had and the opportunity af- forded of attaching them to any desired object are considera- tions which encourage such an idea. Going farther afield from present-day practice and looking to the future, the method sug- gests itself as one of the possible means of altering the specific characteristics of sponges and improving races. In a paper presented to the National Fishery Congress of 1898* I briefly discussed the possibility of improving sponge races, suggesting as means thereto the breeding of sponges from the egg with accompanying selection, and also the practice of grafting. Now if the cells of two closely allied races were mixed together it is on the whole probable that a composite plasmodium would result which would develop the characteristics of both races. Such a form would be something comparable to a hybrid. I have in fact carried on experiments of this character.;+ The results of my experiments were negative—the cells of each species coal- esced, but there was no permanent union between the cells or cell masses of the different species. It should be said, however, that the species used were so unlike that there was at the outset but little chance of coalescence. In a more favorable locality, where a great variety of horny sponges exist, such experiments hold forth some promise. Note.—In connection with the foregoing paper there was an exhibit of micro- photographs illustrating some of the more important stages in the development of sponges from cells forcibly removed from the parent body. a *Wilson, H. V.: On the feasibility of raising sponges from the egg. Proceed- ings of the National Fishery Congress, 1898, in U. S. Fish Commission Bulletin, vol. xvii, 1897. +Journal of Experimental Zoology, loc. cit. PECULIARITIES IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF SOME NORTH CAROLINA BIRDS. By Franxiin SHERMAN, JR. In view of the fact that a volume on the birds of North Caro- lina is already in preparation by Messrs. T. G. Pearson and C. S. Brimley, which will include a few observations made by the writer at various times, it seems desirable to present some of them at this meeting. A lost or startled bird may wander (or be carried by storm) far out of its natural range. It is not to such accidental cir- cumstances that we wish to refer, but rather to the oceurrence of certain birds in nesting season in natural behavior, at locali- ties not generally heretofore known to be within their breeding range, In the working out of areas of distribution and life-zones, data on the places where a bird nests, are far more valuable than records of its mere occurrence. sonG sparROW (Melospiza fasciata, Gmel. ) The nesting range of the song sparrow is, in general, northern. Chapman says: “breeds from northern Illinois and Virginia north to Quebee and Manitoba.” Curiously enough, all but one of the earliest breeding records for this State were from the coast, indeed, on the very “‘banks”’ or fringe of low sandy islands ‘that separate our mainland from the ocean. Mr. Bishop re- ports that a few breed on Pea Island. Dr. Coues, working chiefly at Fort Macon on the banks at Beaufort, reports that it is a resident (present all the year) though most of them pass north to breed. Mr. Pearson once observed it singing at Cape Hatteras on May 15th. In July, 1906, Mr. Pearson observed it very common at Ocracoke, and he observed it there in other years. These are the eastern records. The first western North Carolina records are: Three seen frequently in summer of 1892, by Philip Laurent at Cranberry (Mitchell County). Common on Roan Mountain up to 3,500 ft., in June 1895 (S. N. Rhoads). A pair seeen at Asheville July 26, 1902, by T. G. Pearson. Nevertheless, Cairns, who 72 JOURNAL OF THE MircHELL Society [April worked for years around Weaverville, in Buncombe County, makes no mention of it, and Mr. Brewster, who gave some time to ornithological study in Haywood, Jackson and Macon coun- ties in May and June 1885, did not list it at all. The writer is positive that he saw the song sparrow at High- land (Macon County) in the summer of 1903 or 1904, when he crept close to a singing specimen which was exposed to full front view in the top of a small tree, but the fact was not positively recorded, especially as there still existed some doubt of its being in our mountain section in breeding season. The writer had some discussion with our local ornithologists on the subject, which led to a determination to find out the facts. During the summer of 1907 the writer spent some days at Hendersonville, where he recorded a number for mid-J une— and a little later recorded the species at Highlands again. Dur- ing the same season Mr. S. C. Bruner both saw and collected specimens at Blowing Rock and recorded it as “common.” He also found a nest. Immediately after the meeting of our Acad- emy at Greensboro two years ago, Mr. C. S. Brimley and the writer started on a tour of two weeks through the southwestern counties. The species was recorded at Blantyre (Transylvania County), and Highlands, and was collected at Aquone (Macon County). During the same summer (1908) Mr. R. W. Collett working in the Swannanoa Valley near Black Mountain, re- ported it “as common as the field sparrow. Have never seen but one breeding pair in Cherokee or Graham counties.” He reported seeing birds feeding young. June 18 to 24, 1909, the writer observed it to be common at Linville, Linville Falls, Blowing Rock, Boone, Valle Crucis, and Patterson. Why the status of this bird as a common breeder throughout all the higher parts of our mountain region should have been so long a matter of speculation, is difficult to explain. We con- sider it common enough now—why did not Cairns or Brewster record it? Possibly it has not always been a common breeder in these sections. Yet, all through the piedmont and western part of the coastal plain the song sparrow is present only in winter, and goes north 1910] Distripurion oF Nortu Carorina Birps 73 in spring to breed. That it should breed in this State only along the very verge of the ocean itself and in our higher moun- tain localities is worthy of mention. TOWHEE (Pipilo erythropthalmus, Linn. ) This bird is a member of the sparrow family, spends much time on the ground, and is a vigorous scratcher, as might be inferred from its large feet. It is the sort of bird that is apt to be well known in localities where it remains for any length of time. Locally it is sometimes called the “Joe-rigger.” For sometime we have known that the towhee breeds in the mountains in the western part of the State, where it is on record from Hendersonville, Blowing Rock, Highlands, and Buncombe County. On June 9, 1909, Mr. C. S. Bruner observed one at Taylorsville, which is on the verge between the mountains and the piedmont, as it is near the Brushy Mountains, an eastern spur of the Blue Ridge. We have also known that it breeds near the coast. Dr. Coues lists it as a common summer resi- dent at Fort Macon. Dr. J. W. P. Smithwick says it is “or- dinarily seen in summer in the east.” The writer recorded it as common at White Lake in Bladen County May 18 to 22, 1909, and both Mr. C. S. Brimley and the writer have recorded it at Lake Ellis, Craven County, in May and June in several different years. But we have had no clear and definite records of it in breeding season in the piedmont, unless the Taylorsville record could be so considered. On July 29, 1908 (midst of breeding season) the writer ob- served both sexes of the Towhee common on a drive between Stony Ridge, in Stokes County and Stoneville in Rockingham County. So it does at least breed in some sections of piedmont North Carolina. BARN SWALLOow (Chelidon erythrogaster, Bodd.) Until last year breeding records of the barn swallow were con- fined to extreme eastern North Carolina, although the great bulk go north of this State to breed. Dr. Bishop and Mr. Pear- son record nests on Pea Island. Mr. Pearson reports two nests found at Wrightsville in July, 1903, and the same observer re- ports two birds seen 15 miles north of Southport in June, 1908. 74 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Soctery [April On July, 20, 1909, the writer observed a pair nesting and in perfectly natural behavior in a barn at Valle Crucis, Watauga County. This locality is at an elevation of 2,500 to 2,700 feet. It is probable that it breeds in other localities in at least the northern part of our mountain region. LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE (Lanius ludovicianus, Linn.) This bird has been known to North Carolina ornithologists chiefly as a winter visitor, arriving from the north in fall, and departing to the northward in spring. Winter records are from Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Warrenton and Red Springs. Breeding has been recorded from the western half of the State, at Morganton and Statesville. Dr. Smithwick does record it as breeding at LaGrange, though more common as a winter bird. On April 27, 1909, the writer saw a shrike acting very much at home in a yard at Laurinburg, apparently preparing to nest, as it made frequent trips to the tangle of a seuppernong grape arbor. On July 21, 1909, a pair were observed flying along road and perching on telephone wires at Kelford, in Bertie County, and on July 27 (only six days later) a pair, seemingly mates, were seen at Kingsboro, in Edgecombe County. It seems likely, therefore, that the shrike nests (sparingly per- haps) throughout piedmont and eastern North Carolina. roBIN (Merula migratoria, Linn.) This bird is well known to all of us. Of its breeding range Chapman says: “Breeds from near the southern border of the United States northward to the Arctic coast.” Nevertheless, it has not until recently been known to nest in eastern North Caro- lina. Dr. Smithwick in August, 1908 wrote: “I have never seen a robin nesting east of Chapel Hill.” His observations were mainly from southeastern Bertie, southeastern Beaufort, and Lenoir counties. At Belvidere, Perquimmans County, Mr. Pearson recorded a pair building April 25, 1898, and in late June, 1909, Mr. C. S. Brimley found the species abundant at Southern Pines and they must have been nesting at that date. On July, 18, 1909, the writer observed several at Gatesville in the tall shade trees—and on July 30, 1909, observed. several 1910| Disrrinution oF NortH Carorina Birps 75 in like situation at Grimesland, Pitt County. Several pairs of robins remained in Raleigh through the summer of 1909, and Mr. Brimley has known the species there for many years, in sparing numbers. From a number of the foregoing records it will be noticed that certain birds, notably song sparow, towhee and barn swal- low, are of northern range so far as breeding is concerned, yet they nest along our coast and in the mountains, while all through the central part of the State they are hardly seen at all in breeding season. Yet the mountains, generally speaking, furnish the northern conditions, and the coast furnishes the more southern conditions. Why should a bird of northern ten- dencies show a preference for the northern and southern ex- tremes of our State and yet seem to shun the great middle ground? It may be noted in this connection that the same pecu- liarity is shown by certain plants, of which the wild cranberry is an example. This plant grows wild naturally in certain swampy areas in Mitchell County in the west, at altitudes of 3,000 ft. and in the low swamps of Dare and Tyrrell counties in the east, practically at sea-level, yet the plant is not known in all the region between. The same peculiarity has been noted in the distribution of certain mammals. Mr. W. W. Ashe, who has long studied the plants of the State and their distribution, says that the explanation of these phe- nomena is that in the coast region the great humidity of the atmosphere reduces the apparent heat to the plant or animal, so that its needs are met as completely as in a more northern latitude. All of which shows more and more clearly that this State fur- nishes a fine field for the student of geographical distribution, and the few interesting facts thus far discovered are probably only an indication of many more that are yet hidden. J am under obligation to Mr. C. S. Brimley for the many rec- ords with which mine are here compared. Even my own records were sent direct to Mr. Brimley, who returned them again to me, and at whose suggestion this paper has been pre- pared. A NOTE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GALL-FLY DIASTROPHUS NEBULOSUS, O. S. Bx Gb. P. olvEs: The average number of larve taken from blackberry knot galls in January was about 85. But in most of the galls there were places where some of the insects had evidently emerged. In one gall there were as many as 39 such places, while in others there were but few; making the average number of larve con- tained in a gall about 100. In certain of the galls the number of parasitic or inquilinus larvee, namely those of Torymus sackeni, Ashm., and Hurytoma sp. exceeded those of Diastrophus nebulosus, O. S. The para- sitic larve being hairy, were quite easily distinguishable from the hairless larvee of Diastrophus, though nearly the same size, each being about 3 mm. long. The larve of Diastrophus began to pupate February 26. A day or so before the larvee pupated their eyes could be seen through the skin. They appeared as light brownish-pink areas on the second somite of larve.. The color was in fine pigment spots which gradually enlarged and turned darker as the insect matured. At 2 P. M. I observed a larva about to transform ; at 5 P. M. the transformation was complete. The larvee of Torymus and Eurytoma pupated March 5th. At 11 A. M. I noted one larva about to transform. By 11:15 the somites were hardly distinguishable. At the posterior ex- tremity there was a protuberance of the old skin. At 11:30 the size of the protuberance of skin had greatly increased and the head and part of the thorax was free. At 12 the thorax and part of the abdomen were free. By 1:30 the process was complete, though the moulted skin clung to the abdomen for several days. Throughout the process the larva was very active, especially its posterior portion. By March 11 Diastrophus transformed into the adult, while the inquilinus insects transformed March 21. COMPOSITION OF SEA WATERS NEAR BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA.* By Atvin S. WHEELER. Clarke in his “Data of Geochemistry” reports no analyses of sea waters along the coasts of North America. Possibly no care- ful analyses have been made. These analyses were undertaken owing to the increasing interest which biologists are taking in the chemical composition of sea water as a feature of the envir- onment of sea life. The work was done during the summer of 1909 at the U. S. Biological Laboratory at Beaufort, N. C., and for the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. I wish to express here my thanks to the Commissioner of Fisheries, Mr. George M. Bow- ers, for his courtesy in permitting the publication of my report. Sodium and Potassium. The most careful investigation of sea water has been made by Dittmar, reported in the ‘Report of the Scientific Results of the Exploring Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, 1873-1876,” Vol. I, Physics and Chemistry. This work was not at hand when this investigation was undertaken and the usual methods for determining sodium and potassium were adopted. These are given in ‘“‘Mineral Waters of the United States,” Bulletin 91, Bureau of Chemistry, by J. K. Haywood and B. H. Smith. The determination of sodium came out low, the total bases being insufficient for the total acids. This experience is in agreement with the statement of Dittmar that “the routine method adopted in mineral salt analysis, 1. e., the elimination of lime and magnesia and subsequent joint de- termination of soda and potash as sulphates or muriates, would never give sufficiently precise results.” My determinations were therefore corrected by employing Dittmar’s method of “total sulphates.” Ten cubic centimeters of water were weighed out in a glass stoppered weighing bottle and evapor- ated to dryness in a platinum dish with a small excess of sul- phuric acid, a dilute solution of known strength being em- ployed. After evaporation to dryness over steam, the residue *Reprint from The Journal of The Am. Chem. So. May, 1910. 78 JOURNAL OF THE MircueLt Socrery. [A pril was heated on a sand bath and finally ignited to dull redness to constant weight. The following figures show the value of this method. The values for sodium sulphate by the total sulphate method and by calculation from the determinations of the other constituents differed by two parts in a thousand. On the other hand the values obtained experimentally after elimination of sulphuric acid, lime and magnesia and by calculation from the determinations of the other constituents differed anywhere from thirteen to thirty in a thousand. Calcium and Magnesium. Forty cubic centimeters of water were weighed out and transferred to a beaker. One ce. 5N hydrochloric acid was added and the mixture boiled to ex- pel carbon dioxide. After cooling, four cc. 5N ammonium hy- droxide and five cc. N|2 ammonium oxalate solution were added. The next day the supernatant liquid was decanted upon a filter, the residue was redissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid and precipitated with ammonium hydroxide, and a littie am- monium oxalate solution. The following day the calcium oxa- late was filtered upon the filter already used, washed with hot water and ignited in a platinum crucible to constant weight. The combined filtrates were concentrated to a volume of 150 cce., cooled, mixed with ten ce. normal disodium phosphate solutien and ten ce. strong ammonium hydroxide. The next day the precipitate was filtered off, washed with dilute ammonium hy- droxide and finally water. It was ignited in an open platinum crucible. Chlorine. Eight ee. sea water were weighed out and trans- ferred to a beaker. Titration was conducted with a standard solution of silver nitrate (one cc.==0.003555 g Cl), using po- tassium chromate as indicator. In order to better observe the change of tint, a standard of comparison was made by precipi- tating a sodium chloride solution with excess of silver nitrate and re-establishing the yellow color with a little more salt. The silver nitrate solution was standardized by means of two sam- ples of sodium chloride 1. A sample labelled “Sodium Chlo- ride ec. p., Eimer and Amend” was dissolved in pure water and reprecipitated with hydrochlorie acid. It was filtered off, 1910 | Composirion OF SEA WaTER 79 washed with water and ignited. 2. A sample labelled “So- dium Chloride ¢. p. Special. Baker’s Analyzed Chemicals.” The impurities being CaO—0.001%, Fe—0.0001%, SO?=0.001%. Sulphuric Acid. To 25 ec. sea water which had been weigh- ed, were added while hot 2 ee. dilute hydrochloric acid and 3 ce. N barium chloride solution. The next day the barium sulphate was filtered off, washed with hot water and ignited in a plati- num crucible. Carbon dioxide. The determination of carbon dioxide was earried out by titrating 100 g. of water with 0.05 N hydro- chloric acid, using phenol-phthalein as indicator for normal carbonates and then methyl orange for bicarbonates. The re- sults were checked by titrating with 0.05 N acid potassium sul- phate as recommended by Cameron. Specific gravities. The specific gravities were determined by the use of a picnometer of U form. The temperature employed was that of the laboratory, in order to avoid the usual condensa- tion of moisture on the picnometer if lower temperatures were used. The waters. Five samples of water were analyzed. The lo- ealities were marked upon a chart of Beaufort Harbor, which accompanies my report to the Bureau of Fisheries. A. Taken in Beaufort Inlet. B. At the Laboratory dock where water is taken for the Laboratory aquaria. C. In Bogue Sound, oppo- site Morehead, where Toxopneustes are abundant. D. At a point between the eastern end of Beaufort and Bird Island shoal. E. At Green Rock, in Newport River, near the entrance to Core Creek. The results are given below in four tables. Comparison is made with Dittmar’s results. Challenger water No. 924, a deep sea water, is given in three tables, because this is the only water whose composition is reported in parts per thousand of water. It does not, of course, represent the average. For example, the value for chlorine is 55.396 per cent of the total salts, whereas the average for the 76 analyses is 55.420. Com- parison is also made with the analysis of a water mentioned in JOURNAL OF THE MitrcHeLL Society [April an article by Curt Herbst in “Archiv fur Entwickelungsme- chanik der Organismen, Vol. 5, page 651. the Mediterranean Sea, below Naples, Italy. TABLE I. (Parts per 1,000 grams of sea water.) Cl SO, CO, Na Kk Ca Mg Total NaCl KCl MeCl, MgSO, CaSO, CaCO, A 19.909 2.754 0.152 11.049 0.442 0.453 1.553 36.072 A 28.043 ¢ 0.842 3.379 2.417 J bse br 0.220 B £92635 2.681 0.129 10.968 0.390 0.429 1.301 35.539 TR rm De Be Oo bo ee Go bo H CO MH Ot bo = Total, same as above. Cl SO, CO, Na A ay Fa LE 7.635 0.366 30.630 C 19.767 2.699 0.129 11.022 0.394 0.440 1.3138 35.767 D 19.810 2.730 0.129 11.056 0.394 0.456 1.332 35.867 TABLE II. (Parts per 1,000 grams of sea water.) D 28.006 0.751 D.000 2.312 1.188 0.215 TABLE III. E 924 17.571 19.201 2.378 2.673 0.129 0.143 9.771 10.607 0.568 0.380 0.3892 0.483 LUC. A300 31.786 34.788 E 924 24.796 26.882 0.702 0.725 2.972 3.413 2.062 1.9387 1.039 1.591 0.215 0.240 (Percentage of total salts.) 18) 55.231 7.612 0.360 30.768 E Dittmar} 55.280 55.292 7.481 7.692 0.405 0.207 30.741 30.5938 *The residue insoluble in water after evaporation to dryness. +Average of analysis of Challenger waters. This water is from Herbst PLAST 5.238 *0.080 11.936 0.409 0.473 1.362 38.634 Herbst 30.292 0.779 3.240 2.638 1.605 *0.080 Herbst 54.710 8.380 #0207 30.894 1910] ComMposITION OF SEA WATER 4 1220 OFS eLtO2 1099 L117 Ca ee 20821230)" L216. 1.233 Mg 3.101 3.661 3.672 3.714 3.703 Total, 100 per cent. TABLE IV. (Percenage of total salts.) Ja. B C D E NaCl 77.743 78.340 78.229 78.083 78.010 KCl 2.334 2.088 208 8.22 ‘ 2MOO 2093) 2:2 MgCl, J907 69,032 9.227 -.9:300- 9.350 MeSO, 6.700 6.551 6.487 6.612 6.487 Wa50,° 3.246 3.287 3.361. 3.313 3.269 CaCO, 0.610 0.602 0.596 0.599 0.676 Total, 100 per cent. u Specific gravities at 28. 81 1.106 1.059 1,19%- 1.224 3.725 3.526 924 Herbst 74 78.408 85) 2-016 1 8.386 9 6.828 2 4.154 9 *0.208 Spo degrees (corr. ) A. 1.0227; B. 1.0222; C. 1.0226; D. 1.0227; E. 1.0193. *TInsoluble residue. ~? e. oe aia - 4 »- . a * A i a) 1 9 € oe a we OU OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY, beds 1910 ry 1F Longitude West,from Greenwich — Ile d’Oleron Pte. de Maumusson\# Pte. d'Arvert la Coubre We fea ‘ ye ABS : (amie arent; Giscarrosse da ‘Aare silhan tang Labouheyre * Mimizan : Re ang de St. Jylien et de/ Lit “Etang de ibs 207N Etang de Sougtons__ SCALE OF MILES 10 20 80 THE M.-N. WORKS, BUFFALO. N.Y. | Collier Cobb The ie and Dieses of Gascony. JOURNAL ra sf Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOL. XXVI NOVEMBER, 1910 NO. 3 THE LANDES AND DUNES OF GASCONY BY COLLIER COBB. Closelky resembling our own \tlantic coastal plan in physio- graphic feattres and in geologir al history as well, the region known in France as ‘‘Les Landes de Gascogne’’ possesses a peculiar fascination for the traveller who is more than a tourist, to him who would learn how man gains the mastery over nature, instead of remaining a mere creature of his environment and the slave of circumstances. The French Landes extend over the department which takes its name from them, include half of La Gironde, and take in a cor- ner of Lot-et-Garonne, occupying in all about five thousand four hundred square miles, or something less than three and one half million scres. They are bordered on the west by a line of sand- dunes extending along the Bay of Biscay for a hundred and fifty miles, from the river Gironde to the mouth of the Adour at the base 6 ~4e Pyrenees. This sandy moor isthus bounded by the ocean, the Adour, the cultivated heights of Lot-et-Garonne, and the vine- yards of Bordeaux lying along the Gironde. The region is an old sea-floor, for a long time covered by the waters of the Atlantic and receiving the waste of the land, which was spread with evenness over its area. This has been lifted above sea-level to a height averaging 160 to 190 feet, declining gently on the northeast toward the Gironde and the Garonne, on the west toward the sea-shore lagoons become fresh lakes, and on the south toward the river Adour. The uniformity of this great plain is so marked that highways and railways run prevailingly in straight tangents, and from La Mothe to Labouheyre there isa, (82) 83 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHELL Society [ November stretch of the Bordeaux-Bayonne Railway without curve, excava- tion, or embankment, for twenty-eight miles. The extraordinary retilinear quality of the shore-line is due, first, to the smoothness of The Landes and, second, to the mature action of a powerful sea. The sands along the. coast, and the alluvium bordering the Garonne-Gironde river and that along the Adour as well, are class- ed by geologist as quaternary; though these sands, those brought down by the rivers and those washed up by the sea, show from their mineral composition that they are derived largely from the pliocene deposits that cover so large a part of the interior. Inland from this coast strip the surface is practically all pliocene, though the streams nearly all cut down to miocene and oligocene; some of them reach eocene, which is seen along the tributaries of the Adour, and others cut down even into the cretaceous. We thus have a heavy series of stratified deposits, clay, sands, and gravels, and a calcareous mar] known locally as tufa, this last making a bed even more impervious than the altos. Theclesn sands, greater in thickness than any other member of the series, are between the im- permeable strata, are water-bearing, and may be reached by deep wells, but not every bed of sand bears water fit to be drunk. The topographic features of The Landes may be described by calling the region a vast savanna, using the word as itis found today in popular use in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. This extensive sand-flat is so poorly drained that it is nearly every- where boggy in wet weather, though frequently dry and ‘‘erusty’’ in dry weather. Consequently, Schimper’s definition of savanna, as xerophilous grass-land with insolated trees, is applicable to even the greater part of this area, since, however hoggy it may be, it bears xerophilous vegetation, indicating what the ecologist terms physiological dryness. It is now well recognized by students of soils that drainage may increase the available soil-moisture. When the subsoil is too close and too fully saturated with water to permit the roots of plants to penetrate it, as is the case in The Landes, the rvots are forced to develop in so limited an amount of soil, that in time in of drought, when plants demand much mois- ture because of their rapid growth, capillary action is not able to upply the moisture from below as fast as it is meeded, and the re- Plate I. Bergers Landais Fig. 1. A View in The Landes. 16 Céte d’Argent Bassin d ARCACHON — Vieux berger Landais et son troupeau Fig. 2. An Old Shepherd With His Flock. late IL. P Fig. 3. Shepherdesses of The Landes. The Landes. -_ - — 1910) LANDES AND DUNES oF GASCONY 84 sult is that the stratum of soil occupied by the roots becomes so dry that plant growth is impeded, The American of our own Southern Atlantic states would de- scribe The Landes as an extensive savanna dotted over with po- cosins of considerable size. The pocosins stand at a distinctly higher level than the savanna, and are forested with pines (P. Pineaster), though poorly drained. In the larger pocosins there are low places where the water stands in ponds in wet weather. The pocosins have little or no underbrush and are relatively free from flowering plants, while the savanna is covered with shrubs, ferns, the golden-flowered broom, and in spring and autumn is bright with flowers of various hues. When viewed from almost any point, The Landes present a dark horizon-line of pines. There is not an oak, or a beech, ora popular, not a single broad-leaved tree of any kind to be seen on the sandy wastes. There is also a marked absence of animal life in the region of The Landes.* There is rarely a bird to be seen, except as the sea- birds seek the shelter of the marshes and brackish lakes behind the dunes next the shore. And the quadrupeds are every bit as scarce, except for sheep tended by shepherds and even shepherd- esses. These sheepherders stand above the moor, giants in height, but witches and warlocks for slenderness, being nearly as high as their pole-and-mud huts whose roofs are thatched with rushes. Buta second look shows that these tenders of sheep are rather under-sized men and women perched upon stilts that in many cases lift them five feet from the ground. Besides sheep there are some cattle and an occasional herd of marsh ponies, wild horses like the banker-ponies of the Carolina coast, whose hunting is as much a public ceremonial as the pony- pennings in the neighborhood of Beaufort. And those hunts are now as rare in Gascony as in Carolina, though one may see the little animals anywhere caught and tamed. The marshy condition of The Landes, consequent upon im- *This discription applies to the coastal plain portions of Mississippi and Alabama. See Hilgard, Geol. and Agr. Miss., pp. 370-371; Harper, Torreya, VI. 204 (Oct. 1906); Hearn and Carr, Soil Survey of Biloxi Area in Field Operations of Bureau of Soils, 1904, pp. 353-374. 85 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Socrery [ November perfect drainage, is due chiefly to an impervious layer of com- pacted sand occuring but a short distance beneath the surface. This agglutinated sand, generally of a rusty color and bearing a close resemblance to ferruginous sandstone, is known as alios,t and owes its color and firmness to the continual infiltration of Yain-water. which ‘“carries into the ground various organic sub- stances in a state of solution, and blends them intimately with arenaceous particles. (Reclus).’? But in the more marshy dis- tricts the alios is actually a sandstone, in which the cementing material is iron oxide. This bed of alios is generally the hardest where it is least thick; it underlies practically the entire area of The Landes, and is completely impervious to water, The free exit of water from The Landes to the sea is prevented by the combined action of the southward-going shore current, which forms a bar of sand running parallel with the coast from north to south, and the great sand-waves and dunes, marching in- ward before the prevailing. westerly winds, encroaching upon Landes and swamps, and often overwhelming entire villages. Now the region has been largely drained, and there are fewer solitudes where the Landescot must use stilts to cross the swamps and look after his flocks, this method being confined at the time of my visit, in 1908, to the more remote districts. We are told that before the reclamation of this vast area, ‘‘in summer it was a bed of burning sand, in winter in a state of constant inundation, while between the two was a period of pestilence. The country was characterized by steritity and insalubrity.’’ (Gifford) Then the miles of almost treeless wastes, covered with low dense herbage, were sparsely inhabited. The few people who lived there, depending entirely upon their flocks, were hardly greater in number over the entire area of The Landes than at present in the few insolated districts where the population still retains its primi- tive character and pastoral occupation, and still speaks a romance dialect more ancient than the langue d’oc of much of southern France. t+Like the hardpan of Florida. See Harper in 3d Ann. Rep. Fla. Geol, Sur- yey, pp. 222, 294,295, (1911), Examined in proof. ‘g “BIy Isoy “STOTUL cen | “8 ‘asnonbaieg ou Plate III. ay Tek a eri Adm au 4) 1910| LANDES AND Dunes or GAscony 86 Just as on Hatteras Island and along the Banks of the Carolina coast, there are here in the Dunes of Gascony evidences that the roving sands were centuries ago fixed by a natural forest growth. But along both coasts thoughtlessness or vandalism destroyed the forests, and the winds blew the sand inland for a time until grass- es followed by woody plants bound the soil in such a way that the winds were powerless to move it. “In the sand-dunes near Ar- cachon, five superposed beds of soil are to be traced, containing trunks of trees in situand other remains of vegetation.’ (Thoulet) At one time the dunes threatened to destroy the entire region, for following one destruction of the forests they advanced inland at a rate varying from 60 to 80 feet a year. The village of Lege twice retired before this invasion of sand. Mimizan retreated likewise, and when measures were at length taken to stop the on- ward march of the dunes they were already within a few yards of its houses. (Reclus). There are extensive ponds and lagoons in the rear of the dunes, formerly estuaries and bays of the sea from which they became separated by a bar of sand. The streams flowing into and seeping out of them soon leached out the salt'and they became living lakes of fresh water. Some of these lakes are rapidly closing up by the growth of plants within their borders, just as Currituck Sound in North Carolina is closing up with vegetation since it be- came a body of fresh water through the closing of the inlets by drifting sand and the leaching action of its inflowing streams. The largest of these lakes, the Etang de Cazau, has an area of 15,000 acres, and its surface lies at a Jevel varying from 62 to 66 feet above the level of the sea, according to the season. This feature is very different from our own coast. The rivers draining The Landes and these lakes are turned to the southward on en- tering the sea, through the action of the southward-going current and the tongues of sand it tends to build across their mouths. It has several times been suggested that the government of France construct a canal running parallel with the coast, lowering the level of this and other lakes, affording a safe waterway connecting the Garonne with the Adour, and avoiding the dangers of the Bay of Biscay with its high winds and violent currents, and several 87 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ November such canals of smiall size have already been constructed. Gascony cannot long be without such an inalnd waterway in a country like Franee, whose rivers have been regulated and deep- ened so as to render their currents more uniform and permanent. The natural waterways of France have been so supplemented dur- ing the last few years by an excellent system of canals that there is hardly any part of the country today that is not reached by water transportation, which has greatly facilitated the exchange of heavy and bulky products, until 42 per cent of the mineral fuel for Paris is now carried into the city by water. The drainage of these border lakes andswamps has been effected by direct engineering efforts to a much smaller extent than is usual- ly supposed, the most important instance of such effort being that of the Lake of Orx, near Bayonne, which was drained and re- claimed in 1864. We are also told that the efforts of engineers to remove the obstructions to the unimpeded discharge of the rivers have not generally proved successful. The result has come largely from an unforeseen effect of tree planting to be adverted to later. While it is true that the sands are ever shifting and bars are constantly forming, it is equally well recognized that the sea has been encroaching extensively upon the land. Bremontier states that the sea, in his day, wore away nearly seven feet of the beach of Hourtin annually, and the inhabitants in this day point out traces of man on the narrow edge of this eastern face of the dunes, or on the beach over which the dunes have moved. These are essentially similar to the evidences on the New Jersey coast, con- sisting of alios, turf-pits, hoof-imprints, trunks of trees still bear- ing the marks of axes, bricks, and bits of broken pottery. The retreat of the land along this coast is by no means due entirely to the gnawing of the sea, since there has been a marked subsidence of the Jand, particularly in the region to the north of the Gironde. The lighthouse of Cordouan, which stands as a beacon for vessels entering this river, was erected by Louis de Foix at the close of the sixteenth century. Then the rock on which it stands was large enough to admit of several dwellings for the workmen employed in its construction. It is now completely Plate IV. the Oysterwoman of Arcachon. Fig. 8. Une Pecheuse de Crevettes. : : - ~ ' os P 7 = 7 7 ‘a : ss . - _. y ; is . s - + a) 1910] LANDES AND DunEs oF GASCONY 88 covered at high water, and the distance between it and the Point de Grave increased from 3.1 miles in 1630 to 4.3 miles in 1876, according to Reclus, who also tells us of numerous villages, named in old chronicles, that have been swallowed up by the sea or over- whelmed by the inland march of the dunes. ‘‘Soulac was an important town on the Gironde, below Bordeaux, whilst the Euglish held the country, but the Gothic church and the few walls which alone remain of it now stand upon the shore of the ocean, the dunes having passed right over them.’’ (Reclus). The Basin of Arcachon, about half-way between the Adour and the Gironde, is the only estuary on this coast still open to the sea. It isa large depression communicating with the ocean only by a narrow channel, and separated elsewhere by sand-dunes. It, too, will soon be cut off from the sea. Its ever-shifting sands and violent currents are great obstacles to the conversion of this basin into a harbor of refuge, so much needed on this dangerous coast. The basin is not completely covered, even at high water, but is traversed by various and varying channels due to the violent tidal currents which play such an important part in moulding its features. Since the planting of the shore dunes with maritime pines, this has become the chief center in France for the culture of oysters. But still the Bay of Arcachon is being rapidly filled with sediment, and recourse must be had to dredging if its oyster beds are to be preserved, its neighboring lands saved for agricul- tire, and its channel kept open to the sea. When the tide is out this basin presents the appearance of an extensive grass-land, slightly undulating, a vast field of tempting turf. The carts drawn by oxen driven by women over the lawn lend local color to the illusion: and the beholder is ready to be- lieve himself completely bewitched when he sees upon this lawn little schooners and other small sea-going vessels, which are really lying at anchor in the narrow channels of the basin. The carts are gathering the green sea-weed of the flats for manure, and the vessels are waiting for their small cargoes of rosin, turpentine, acid, oysters, shrimps, wool, wooden utensils, or even wines of the finest kinds, 89 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Socrety [ November The reclamation of this extensive area has been extremely slow of accomplishment, but the results obtained have paid many fold for the expenditure of time, labor, and money. In 1778, a talen- ted engineer, Baron Charlevoix de Villers, was sent to Areachon for the purpose of forming a military post. He saw at once the necessity of fixing the sand, and was, according to Grandjean, the first to establish the fact that the way to fix the dunes is by means of plantations of pine. He met with troubles in his work, and was finally sent to the Island of Santo Domingo. In 1784, Bremontier set to work, and it is said that, by using the results of de Villers’s labors, he finally succeeded in fixing the moving sand. This he accomplished by the construction of a littoral dune from the mouth of the Gironde to Bayonne, the winds themselves doing the work under the control of brush fen- ses planted by the skilled engineer.* A protective dune was built up to the height of 33 feet, above which height it was observed that the winds did not readily drive the sand inland, provided the dune is at least 300 feet in-shore from high-water mark. The windward slope of the dune is from 4 to 14 degrees, and its leeward slope about 30 degrees. This dune is kept in shape by the growth of grasses upon it, stock is carefully kept off of it, and even man is not allowed to wonder at will over the dunes, lest the wind following in his footsteps set the solid in motion. The French engineers hold firmily to the opinion that the Sahara itself would soon have its oases united and be largely grassed over if wandering Arabs and roaming cam- els could be fenced out of it. The dunes next the shore having been fixed, it was nearly fifty years before any further effort was made to reclaim this region of marshes and ““miasma.’?’ M. Chambrelent, a young engineer of bridges and roads, was sent to the Gironde to study the drainage of 8000,000 hectares{ of land in the districts of Gascony and The *For details as to the methods the reader is referred to the writings of Chambrelent, Grandjean, Poisson, Duffart, and to Dr. Joln Gifford, especially ‘‘The Control of Shifting Sands,’’ in the Hngineering Magazine, January, 1898. +A hectare=2.471 acres, Plate V. - i=] oY on eI ~ 3 cy) ~ Lo) 2] © Protective Dune. lifes). éte d’ Argent La C ry RS Ra ite, aa ae = 5G a7 Forest with Fire Line. Fig. 10. Plate VI. Fig. 11. A View on the Dunes. Fig. 12. A View on the Dunes. 1910) LANDES AND DuNES OF GASCONY 90 Landes. His plans were not accepted, but he was so thoroughly satisfied of their feasibility that he bought some land and applied it to the measures he advocated. In 1855 the results of his ex- periments were submitted to an international jury, ‘“‘The jury was so favorably impressed that it recommended the application of Chambrelent’s plans to the entire region, and in 1857 a law was passed requiring the Communes to do this work. The Com- munes paid for it by selling a part of this land [thus improved], which increased in value after the completion of the work.’’ Drain ditches were dug and seeds of the Pinus Pinaster were sown, all the drainage works having been completed in 1865, It was at first feared that the inabilty of the tap-root to penetrate the hardpan would arrest the growth of the trees, “‘but’’, says Chambrelent, ‘‘the uselessness of the tap-root has already been demonstrated.* It extends to inert soil which receives no atmos- pheric influence. It really plays only a mechanical role for hold- ing the tree in place, but in close growth is not necessary, because the trees support one another.’’ In several cases, however, the alios was pierced with apick, and wherever the tap-root gained a foot- hold and went through the hard-pan it maintained underground drainage into the sands beneath, which already drain themselves. If organic substances have been the cementing material, the alios is thus permanently broken up by the drainage which the tap-root effects. Where the hard-pan has become a ferruginous sandstone, the cracks in the rock have been extended by the slow growth of the tap-root; oftentimes the cementing iron oxide has been changed by contact with vegetation to an iron carbonate, which is readily disolved out by the organic acids, and the same result is obtained by a somewhat longer process. An interesting lesson for the forest engineers. The pines grew with great rapidity, their wood was of superior quality and soon came in great demand in England for mine props and later for telegraph poles, both props and poles being impre- gnated with copper sulphate before using. In speaking of the *Many pines on the Miami limestone of Southern Florida have roots speading flat on top of the rock, and have no tap root, to which fact my at- tention was called by Dr. Roland M. Harper. 91 JOURNAL OF THE MircHELL SocrEeTy [ November effects of the forests, Chambrelent says that ‘“The Landes, which in 1865 were pestilential, are now as free from fever as the most favored regions. The presence of so much wood enables every household to have generous supplies for heating and drying in cold end wet seasons. An investigation of the causes of agricul- tural depression in other parts of France only too clearly indi- cates the inestimable benefit of large wood supplies for domestic purposes.’ This section is now one of the richest, most productive and most healthful in France, the change having been brought about by the intelligent cultivation of pine forests. Immense forests now cover the country, dunes and marshes are but little in evi- dence, and the wood, turpentine, rosin, and kindred industries have brought wonderful prosperity to the entire department, which was formerly the most barren district of France. “‘A man,’ says Grandjean, ‘“‘was forced to take some of this land for a debt. He became a millionaire later by selling it in small parcels.”’ The region is now a famous health resort, combining the beau- ties and pleasures of the sea-shore with those of the pine forests of the sand-hills. The population of the country has increased in proportion to its natural resources. The fecundity of the people of Gascony is now as proverbial! as the alarming sterility of the rest of the French people. And the old customs are by no means completely destroyed by the coming of the health-seeker and the tourist. The native of The Landes may still be seen standing upon stilts watching his sheep. He balances himself with a staff, whose top is like the top of a crutch, and spends his spare time knitting stockings, even when gossiping with the shepherd of a neighboring flock. The country has improved and the land is ‘no longer desolate; cord- wood is cut from the pocosins and the borders of the pasture-land ; but a few of the people still cling to their stilts; in fact, in several places of the back country mail-carriers use stilts today. The women working in The Landes, the Echassiéres, wear skirts; but the wife of the Résinier, the Parqueuse d’huttres, and the i Pr 1 = ; ‘ a as ” , —— a j 2. e i 7 ’ 1 * r . ai ae t . i » -. ‘ = x ri ~ 1 e i i ‘ , ‘ 1 . uN —_ , = e ‘ J ¥ {) it ‘ ; i ee ep Lege “ > f oe 5 = (1) which when integrated becomes log (A — y) = log:A — ffj............ ae) A represents the concentration ,of the solution | when’ final equilibrium, is reached. In applying: these equations, -however, the authors have mistaken the significance of A;., since the ,value of A used by them was the total quantity of the salt which was originally mixed with the carbonated. water,:and not that’ portion of salt which the liquid was capable of dissolving. Only when the quantity of salt added to the water is just sufficient for saturation is the above procedure valid. Since in the experiments, two dif- ferent original pie of dicalcium phosphate to water were employed, viz.: 1 : 750 and 1: 1500, at least in one case. (and probably in as a wrong value was assigned to.A. In the case *Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XXXII. No.7. July, 1910. * Landw. Jahrb., 39, 299 (1910). 116 117 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETY [ November of tricalcium phosphate four different ratios of salt to water were employed, viz.: 1 : 1500, 1 : 2000, 1 : 3000, and 1: 6000. So that in three of the four series, and probably also in the fourth, incorrect values were assigned io A. As the above equations under these conditions failed to accord well with the data, a modified form of equation (2) has been pro- posed by the above authors, LO CAS a A CRU os ae aN (3) in which A represents the total quantity of the salt and ¢ and n are constants. It seems to me proper, therefore, to recalculate the results, in order to determine whether equations (1) and (2) are really out of accord with the data. Before discussing the recalculated results, several features of solution phenomena should be recalled. It is obvious that the rate of solution of any substance depends upon its exposed sur- face. Where the substance is in grains of widely different sizes, it is not possible to deduce any rationai equation representing the rate of solution of such an aggregation of particles. And further, if any empirical equation is found to conform with the data for material in one mechanical condition, that equation will not, in general, describe the rate of solution of material which is chem- ically the same but mechanically different. Consequently experi- ments on rate of solution have usually been carried out with large crystals of low solubility, the surface changing but slightly during the course of the experiment. It is apparent also that an aggregation of crystals of uniform size and of low solubility may be considered as of constant surface during the solution. In the experiments of Mitscherlich, Kunze, Celichowski, and Merres powdered material was probably used, but no statement is made as to its mechanical condition. The data indicate that the surface exposed must have altered considerably, for in the experi- ments with dicalcium phosphate over half of the phosphoric anhydride was extracted, and in the experiments with tricalcium phosphate, at least 45 per cent of the phosphoric anhydride was extracted. Consequently, even if the proper value of A (the total 1910| Rave or Exrraction oF PLant Foop ConstiTuENts 118 quantity of phosphoric anhydride in solution at equilibrium) had been used in the calculations, the usual equation for rate of solution might have failed because of the great changes in the extent of surface. In the tables the first figures give the concentration of the solu- tion one hour after the salt and water were mixed. In my recalculated results, this has been taken as the starting point of the reaction, for the following reasons: In every case more phosphoric anhydride passed into solution within the first hour (within which no determinations were made) than in the re- maining time of the reaction (23-47 hours). Thus, calculated on the basis of 45.55 per cent. phosphoric anhydride in dicalcium phosphate, in one case the increase was from 20.16 per cent. after 1 hour to only 23.03 per cent. after 47 hours more, and in the other case the variation was between 35.09 per cent. and 39.67 per cent. Similarly for tricalcium phosphate with 43.22 per cent. _ phosphoric anhydride, the increases for four experiments were as follows: From 14.92 per cent. after 1 hour to 19.83 per cent. after 47 hours more; from 17.24 per cent. after 1 hour to 24.69 per cent. after 24 hours; from 20.99 per cent. after 1 hour to 34.55 per cent. after 48 hours; and from 21.46 per cent. after 1 hour to 42.14 per cent. after 24 hours. Thus, for most of the cases, the solution has been very close to equilibrium, and the extent of surface has probably changed but little. For the last two cases given (Tables V and VI) however, the changes in sur- face have been considerable. In the recalculated results this surface factor has been assumed constant, a legitimate assumption in all but two cages (Tables V and VI). Even in these two cases, in spite of this objection to the application of the usual equation, it will be seen that the equation describes the facts at least as well as.the empirical equation proposed by the above authors. 119 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL Society [ November TABLE I.—RATE OF SOLUTION OF DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE IN WATER SATURATED with CQ,. Ratio or Sart To WaTER, 1 : 750. Temp. 30° ©. Original. Recalculated. o_O vt ETT E bo. CO HS y calc. = Y= Y cale. y cale.= t. yfound. fromeqn. (4). ¢—1 y—20.16 fromeqn.(5) Y+20.16. 1 20.16 20.05 0 0 0 20.16 2 20.80 20.56 1 0.64 0.23 20.39 4 21.15 21.10 3 0.99 0.64 20.80 8 22.42 21.63 7 1.26 1.29 21.45 12 21.53 21.94 11 bay / 1.76 21.92 24 22.78 22.47 23 2.62 2.53 22.69 48 23.03 23.02 47 2.87 2.93 23.09 log (45.55—y) = 1.6585—0252 i ora atais alate eAicve terete Gio (eievelalemister Aeiere (4) logz*(200—-Y) := log’ 3.00—0.035T. ct ou. ese eae cee eee (5) Tas_e IT.—Rarts oF Soivtion or DicaLtciuM PHOSPHATE IN WATER SATURATED witH ©O,. Ratio or Sarr ro Water, 1 : 1500. TeEmp. 30°C. Original. Recalculated. SSS SS SS SSS rea = y eale. T= Y= Y eale. y cale. t. yfound. fromegn. (6). t—1l. y—35.09 fromeqn. (7) Y +35.09 1 35.09 35.00 0 0 0 35.09 2 35.82 36.05 1 0.73 0.68 35.00 4 37.09 37.06 3 2.00 1.76 36.85 8 38.29 38.02 7 3.20 Sybil! 38.20 12 38.67 38.56 11 3.58 3.82 38.91 24 39.31 39.45 23 4.22 4.49 39.58 48 39.67 40.21 47 4.58 4.60 39.69 log} (G5-56--y) = 1 .6585=—PGs aps Lele cycle hes eae tee (6) lor | (4:60—Y)) |= log) 4.608. 70T 525 22523 peste eit eee (7) Tasreé III.—Rate oF SoLurion oF TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE IN WATER SATURATED WITH CO,. Ratio oF SALT ro Water, 1 : 1500. Temp. 30°C. Original. Recalculated. iar = a aa er a Wrieeee om y cale. T= Y= Y cale. y cale. = t. yfound. fromegqn. (8). t—1. y—14.92. fromeqn. (9). Y+14.92. 1 14.92 17.29 0 0 0 14.92 2 16.31 17.78 1 1.39 1.03 15.95 4 18,15 18,23 3 3.23 2.49 17.41, 1910) Rate or Extraction or Piant Foop ConstiruvENts 120 8 18.92 18.71 7 4.00 4.00 18.92 12 18.96 18.99 pal 4.04 4.60 19.52 18 19.05 19.27 17 4.13 4.90 19.82 24 19.68 19.48 23 4.76 4.97 19.89 48 19.83 19.97 47 4.91 5.00 19.92 20 ie (45-299) —— 163570. DOF Ab. vais ccclacselvcpetsesccione (8) log (5:00—Y ).— log 5.00—0. 100 Ti. lise eehelieee eee. (9) TaBLE [IV.—RareE OF SOLUTION OF TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE IN WATER SATURATED witH CO,. Ratio oF Satt to Water, 1 : 2000. Temp. 30° C. Original. Reca!culated. oo ray i Roe Sa ara | TaTY y eale. a ee Y cale. y cale. = t. yfound. fromeqn. (10. t—1l. y—17.24. fromegqn. (11). Y+17.24. 1 17.24 21.51 0 0 0 19.43 2 20.19 22.20 1 2.95 2.19 19.43 4 20.75 22.92 3 Besh 4.84 22.08 8 23.68 23.59 7 6.44 6.83 24.07 12 23.90 24.04 11 6.66 7.33 24.57 24 24.69 24.77 23 7.45 7.50 24.74 15 log (48.22—z) =1.6357—0.299 Vt.......... 2c cece cece (10) fog (7.50—Y) = log 7.50—0.150T....... 054.23.) (I) TABLE V.—RarTE OF SOLUTION OF TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE IN WATER SATURATED witH CO,. Ratio oF SAtr To Water, 1 : 3000. Temp. 30° C. Original. Recalculated. ——_—_—_*- Sea | (SS eee Peary a y cale. = = Y cale: y cale. = t. yfound fromegqn. (12) ¢t—1 y—20.99 fromegqn. (13) Y+20.99 1 20.99 24.78 0 0 0 20.99 2 24.35 26.60 1 3.36 3.19 24.18 4 28.55 28.44 3 7.56 5.60 26.59 8 30.66 30.28 7 9.67 9.67 30.56 12 31.30 31.34 11 10.31 11.46 32.45 24 33.71 33.06 23 12.72 13.01 34.00 48 34.15 34.70 47 13.16 13.20 34.19 6 log (43.22—y) = 1.6357—0370 Vt..........-....-.- (12) log (13.20—Y) = log 13.20—0.080T..........+..+-+- (18) 121 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society [ November TABLE VI.—RatTEe oF SoLuTIon oF TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE IN WATER SATURATED WITH CO,. Rarro oF Sat tro WarTsErR, 1 : 6000. Temp. 30° C. Original. Recalculated. -_ r ais Ge ia aT Y y cale. T= Y= Y cale. y cale. = t. yfound fromegqn. (14) ¢t—1 y—21.48 fromeqn. (15) Y+21.48. got Ag 28.31 0 0 0 21.48 2 30.30 32.59 1 8.82 6.40 27.88 4 36.71 36.44 3 15.23 13.85 35.33 8 39.67 39.48 ef 18.19 19.13 40.61 12 40.88 40.77 age 19.40 20.34 41.82 24 42.14 42.22 23 20.66 20.70 42.18 5 log (43.22—z) = 1.6357—0.462 /t?....-..-2-02-+0s20414) log (20.70—Y) = log 20.70—0.160T.. . .5))2.4.2. oes (15) TABLE XXI.—RarE oF SoLuTion oF Lime FROM A LoAm SoIL BY WATER SATURATED WitH CO,. Rario oF Som ‘ro WartsEr, 1: 10. Temp. 30° C. Original. Recalculated. Goat ae om —-————_ —— y cale. T= Y= Y cale. y cale.= t. yfound. fromegqn. (16) t—2 y—0.1087 fromeqn. (17) Y-+0.1087 2 0.1087 0.1069 0 0 0 0.1087 4 0.1199 0.1232 2 0.0112 0.0107 0.1194 8 0.1342 0.1378 6 0.0257 0.0264 0.1351 11.5 0.1461 0.1450 9.5 0.0374 0.0360 0.1447 16 0.1520 0.1511 14 0.0433 0.0436 0.1523 24 0.1572 0.1578 22 0.0485 0.0512 0.1599 32 0.1631 0.1620 30 0.0544 0.0544 0.1631 log (0.18—y) = (0.25583—1)—0.315 Vt..........--.. (16) log (0.057—Y) = log 0.057—0.045T.........-..-.-- (17) From the above tables it is evident that the results calculated by the usual velocity equation are in as good accord with the ob- served values, as are the results calculated by the empirical equation (3) proposed by the above authors. Finally it should be observed that A, which is the maximum quantity of phosphoric anhydride which the liquid can extract, is not identical in Tables II, or in Tables III to VI. If the 1910| Rare or Extraction oF PLant Foop ConstiruENts. oe phenomenon being measured was one of solution only, this would of course, be a legitimate objection to these calculations. But it has been shown that when water acts on dicalcium phosphate or tricalcium phosphate a decomposition results, the solution having a higher ratio, P,O,:CaO, than the remaining solid." The same sort of hydrolysis undoubtedly takes place when carbonated water is used asasolvent. With an hydrolysis whose extent depends on the original ratio of salt to water, the quantity of phosphoric anhydride in solution at equilibrium depends on the quantity of salt originally employed, and hence A will vary with the condi- tions of experiments. In this paper it has been shown that notwithstanding the con- ditions militating against the use of the ordinary equation for rate of solution, viz.: the variable extent of surface and the fact that the phenomenon observed is not one of solution only but also of hydrolysis, this equation describes the data at least as well as the empirical equation proposed by Mitscherlich, Kunze, Celichowski, and Merres. The usual equation for rate of solution also describes very well the extraction of lime from a loam soil by carbonated water. “Cameron and Bell, Bull. 41, Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. Agr. TOPOGRAPHY OF FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA By Wruiam H. Fry. The region directly around and in Fayetteville, N. C., ina gen- eral way can be divided into three subdivisions, each of which is topographically independent and distinct from the other two, although not so geologically. The first of these subdivisions lies to the west of the town and includes Haymount, Massey’s, and Harrington’s hills. These hills, despite their different names, are in reality all one, they being merely difierent portions of the range running northeast and southwest through the State. In fact, the line where one begins and the other ends is not a definitely settled point. The names are simply broad designa- tions of the particular parts of the hills to which the major streets of the town run. The sccond division borders the foot of this line of hills, and and extends in breadth eastwardly somewhat slightly above a mile. Ifere its border is marked by a steep but short incline which runs parallel, with but few breaks, to the hills, the opposite border. How far beyond the immediate vicinity of Fayetteville this may be true cannot well be ascertained, owing to the fact that plowing and erosion have rendered the incline indeterminable wherever the earth has not been protected by vegetation. But, judging from analogy, it should run parallel to the hills through the whole breadth of the State. This second division includes the upper and central portions of the town. Bordering upon the second division and running indefinitely eastward is the third division. It may include the whole eastward section of the State; but detailed maps are too few to settle this point. With but little error it may be said that this third division takes its beginning at Dick, Green, Ramsey and North 123 1910] TOPOGRAPHY oF FayvEtrevitte Norry CAROLINA 124 streets and includes in Fayetteville, what is locally known as Frog- town and Campbelltown, ending, as far as our present purpose goes, at the Cape Fear River. From the foregoing description it can be seen that Fayetteville consists of three steps rising in a regular order of succession and each at an increasing height above the former. This condition ig of course most easily seen on the streets running eastwardly and westwardly where the slopes have been protected from erosion by boards placed transverse to the Streets, by layers of such resistant materials ag cinders, and by the turfing of terraces in the lots on either side. Fortunately such streets are numerous. But even were this not so the line of demarcation would stil] be readily visible inside the town and even at some points outside where the land has not been cultivated. It may be remarked, by the way, division being the business Section, and the upper or westward The upper or westward division, as has been stated above, is simply a part of the range of sand hills running through the State ina northeasterly and southwesterly direction. The part con- sidered here is about four miles long, extending from the Cochran farm on the north to the Holt-Tolar-Hart Cotton Mill on the south. This section is composed essentially of white sand, mainly quartzose, overlain and in many places interstratified with a yel lowish red clay. All of the materials are rather coarse. Only in The natural vegetation of the area affords a true and typical index of its sandy and desert character. Here are found pines, scattered and thin bunches of rough grass, and an abundance of the prickly pear cactus (Opuntia). The prickly pears are go abundant that small barefooted boys invariably keep to the roads 125 JourNAL oF THE MrTcHELL SocIETY [ November or well beaten paths, games on anything but much used places © being entirely out of the question. This upper section or division can be called a topographical unit only if viewed in a very general way. But in reality it is made up of very marked hills and valleys. These are comparatively close together and seem to be scattered about promiscuously. The slopes of these, however, are all gradual, there being, with one exception to be noted later, no steep or abrupt inclinations. This condition is, of course, what might be expected in a range of hills of the character of this where the material readily yields to the action of both rain and wind. Two main valleys cut through the hills and form the loci to to which all the minor valleys tend. As usual in this area, these two valleys are very wide compared with their depth and have very gradual slopes both laterally and longitudinally. The bottoms and broad plains which are occasionally flooded after heavy rains. At one point, however, as noted above, near Monticello Heights, the slope is exceedingly abrupt. But this can be accounted for by the fact that here the stream has left the hills and is flowing along the foot of one of them with the swifter motion on the westward or hill-side of the stream, thus naturally tending to encroach upon the hill. Besides, the rapid erosion of the slope above the stream is prevented by a thick growth of tall pines and underbrush, which has, so far as could be learned, never been cut. The second and third divisions have no distinctive character by which they can be separated from each other save position. As | has already been said, they lie parallel both with each other and with the first division. The material composing them is much finer in texture than that of the hills, being in many cases simply a mixture of clay and — organic mould, which extends to a considerable depth, as would : be observed in recent excavations made for a sewerage system. — Much of the organic material was undoubtedly deposited when the i land stood at a lower level and swamp conditions prevailed, before the uplift allowed the streams to cut deep enough to afford — drainage for the area. The clay is probably derived from the / 1910] Torograpuy or FAYETTEVILLE NortH CARTLINA 126 wash of the hills. Ata depth of about ten to fifteen feet below the surface sand and gravel are encountered. This is pure enough to be used for plastering after having been screened from the gravel that occurs with it. The gravels are very much rounded, indi- cating much exposure to running water. As for the origin of this topography: it is probable that the hills constitute the upper part of an old shore line from which the waters receded in a very recent geological period, the exact time not having been determined. The second division, as indicated by the water-worn sand and gravel, was probably that part of the shore between high and low tides. The clay and organic matter were probably deposited after the emergence of the division. The third division, which now slopes gradually eastward, was probably covered by the sea. These explanations account for the present rather unusually regular topography; while later erosion and transportation of material account for all seeming irregularities such as are found at many places near the creeks. As for geological changes now going on: in the hill region the sand is being cemented together by iron oxide, forming a coarse red sandstone. This is found in lumpy aggregates, or more often in thin, closely compacted layers or hardpans. Erosion, as has already been mentioned, forms broad, gently sloping valleys in the hills; but in the lower regions, where the first ten or fifteen feet is clayey, narrow and deep valleys are cut reaching a depth of thirty or more feet, where the streams debouch into the river. GREAT DAMAGE FROM RECENT FOREST FIRES! WHAT SHALL WE DO ABOUT IT?* During the latter part of March ,and‘ the first half of April, eastern and central North Carolina have experienced one of the severest periods of dry weather that has occurred ‘for many years. Not only did little or no rain fall over the greater part of the State for about five weeks, but there was almost continuous sunshine during this period. Grass and leaves in the woods became as dry as tinder, and forest fires were of almost daily occurrence over the greater part of the State. The Survey, anticipating the usual spring drought, issued about the middle of March a statement to the newspapers, calling atten- tion to the serious effects of such fires, in which it brought out the fact that the greater number of these fires—at least the most de- structive ones—at this season are caused by farmers carelessly setting fire to brush, stumps, and other ‘rubbish, collected in clearing up the ground for cultivation.”..This statement was published at length, or in shortened form, by many. of the leading State newspapers and was very favorably noticed,,by the leading lumber journal of the country. Though this warning was timely, and probably exerted some influence, it did not have a. very marked effect. “o much damage was reported through the various State papers that the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey determined to investigate the causes of these fires and see if the damage done by them was as great as the dispatches indicated, with tne purpose of working out some method of pre- venting the almost annual occurrence of these destructive spring fires. About the middle of April the Forester to the Survey made a trip into Moore and Cumberland counties with the special: pur- pose of collecting data on fire causes and damage. At this time *Press Bulletin No, 39, N. C,:Geological:Survey. 127 1910] GREAT DAMAGE FROM Recent Forest Fires 128 had been put out, though some stumps and logs were stil] smoking on some of the more recently burned areas. Conditions were found to be worse even than had been ‘Tepresented in the press. During the dry spell, scores of fires had Started in these ‘counties alone, many of them burning for days, traversing miles of country and covering thousands of acres of woodland. At least half of the area of the southern part of Moore County and by far the greater part of the woodland of Cumberland County was found to have been burnt over this past spring. Some areas had been burnt in the winter, and on these, though the mature growth showed little injury, the young growth was, of course, largely destroyed, In every direction blackened woods, scorched and dead pines, dying and dead hardwoods could be seen: even the resistant Scrub oaks were absolutely killed on thousands of acres. late spring than at any other season of the year. , The sap being up in the trees and the new leaves coming out, make the treeg forts to extinguish them seem to have been greater than usual, many fires had to practically burn themselves out because it was impossible to work near enough to the fires to stop them. In many cases fire was carried from 50 to 100 yards, or even more, through the air by the wind. So great was the heat and SO rapid the spread of the fire, thatin many cases a thousand acres, Or n.ore, burnt over in: two or three hours time. In these two counties, not less than 250,000 acres of woodland have been burnt over during the past winter and spring, and the amount of dead vegetable matter on the ground, and with the age, density and character of the growth on the area. Though hill land, growing only smal] scrub oak and little or no pine, still the damage is very serious. As this land is used only to grow timber, the Prevention of a profitable growth on .it means 129 JouRNAL OF THE MITCHELL SoclETY [ November destruction of the usefulness of the land. Fifty cents an acre is & low average for the damage done by one fire to this class of land. Near the towns, however, especially the towns that are chiefly de- pendent for their prosperity on the winter resort business, the injury by fire has been eight or ten times this amount. In many cases, attempts have been made, with more or less success for a number of years, to protect the pine growth, both for the value of the trees for timber and more especially for their aesthetic value. Where this was the case, the destruction of the young growth on these areas can hardly be estimated in dollars and cents. In several such cases the damage over considerable areas amounts to from five to seven dollars per acre, not including the destruction of buildings. To show that this 1s @ conservative estimate and to illustrate in what way the amount of damage is arrived at, a specific estimate is here given. On a large tract of land near one of these resort towns, used, through the courtesy of the owner by the general public as a park and pleasure ground, about 900 acres was burned over early in April by two closely zonsecutive fires. Of this 900 acres, 50 acres was round timber, that is, mature, unboxed, long-leaf pine; 150 acres was old field growing up to young pine; the balance of 700 acres was boxed timber, or rather, scrub oak with scattered mature pines which had been previously boxed for turpentine. The round timber is worth approximately $50.00 per acre for the timber itself. It was estimated that one-tenth of this timber was killed; probably half of this can, however, be used for fire-wood. Thus, out of $5.00 worth of timber killed, half of it is a total loss, and the other half a, partial loss, as the price for cord wood is less than for saw tim- ber; this would make a total loss of $3.75 per acre. The loss to this part of the property in appearance 1S roughly estimated at fifty cents an acre, though a very much larger sum would not compensate for the loss to the beauty of this tract of forest. The estimated damage then is $4.25 per acre. The old field was covered with a growth of pine averaging approximately 18 years of age. This timber will be worth at least $50.00 per acre when 100 years old, so that one year’s growth would be worth fifty cents an acre, or 18 years’ growth would amount to $9.00 per acre. As, 1910 | GREAT DAMAGE FROM ReEcENT Forest FIREs 130 however, some of the growth was not killed outright, though all was severely injured, the damage to the young growth on this tract was estimated at $5.00 per acre. The young pine was growing in the most conspicuous part of the property, that sur- rounding the golf links, and the injury to scenic beauty was therefore much greater here than on any other part of the property. $2.00 per acre isa low estimate for this damage. This, together with the $5.00 for the destruction of the trees, makes a total loss of $7.00 per acre for this 150 acres of old field. On the area on which the boxed timber was the chief valuable growth the damage consists (1) in the burning down and consequent de- struction of half the stand of boxed timber, amounting to some 250 feet board measure, per acre, worth approximately $1.25 per acre; (2) in the total destruction of a stand of seedlings and young growth of pine approximately four years old, worth $2.00 per acre; (8) in the injury to the beauty of the tract, fifty cents per acre, or a total of $3.75. The above estimate does not include fences, bridges, etc., ap- proximately $200 worth of which were destroyed. An enormous quantity also of lightwood was burned up, for which a nominal estimate of twenty-five cents per acre is made. This gives a total loss for the 900 acres burned over of something like $4,300, which would be increased by $100 to $200 for the cost of fighting these two and some other fires that threatened the property. The above gives some idea how the loss through fire can be ap- proximately arrived at, and also brings out the point that it is not only the loss of salable material that should be counted, but all other direct and indirect losses. Even in this estimate, however, one very important item has been omitted, which is the impov- erishment of the soil from the destruction of the humus. This is very serious, and is very generally recognized, though it is exceedingly hard to put it into dollars and cents. ; These two fires under consideration were set by sparks from a railroad train. So, also, was the one in Cumberland County, n which, after burning over several miles of country, an old woman lost her life. This woman, Mrs. Kate Howard, lived with her sister not far from a well traveled road. The two of them made 131 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocreTy [ November their living, at least through the spring and summer, by gathering flowers and plants in the woods and shipping them North. The fire which this woman went out to fight was threatening not only her house but her livelihood, as wherever the fire went it destroyed the flowers, so that even had she not lost her life, the fire was a very serious thing to her. Another very destructive fire in the loblolly pine country, near Fayetteville, was set out by a tenant farmer who owned no land of his own. This man set fire to half an acre of old field that he wanted to plow, in the middle of the day. The wind quickly carried the fire beyond control, and before it was stopped, two or three hours later, it had swept through 1,200 acres of woodland belonging to a dozen or more different men, causing an estimated loss in timber and fences of nearly $5,000. Another destructive fire in Cumberland County was caused by setting fire to a brush pile on a dry, windy day. The fire was carried from this pile by the wind 75 or 100 feet across a wide road, setting fire to the woods and quickly doing a thousand dol- lars worth of damage to the fences and young timber of one of the neighbors. Many people, when asked as to the cause of so many destructive fires, attributed them entirely to the unprecedented dry weather, forgetting that this alone could not cause the fires. Most people, however, seemed to recognize the fact that during such a drought the greatest care should be exercised to keep fires from getting out, and that it was to the neglect of proper precautions in handling fire that the greater part of this damage was due. This criminal neglect, chiefly on the part of the railroads and of the small tenant farmers, was brought out very clearly in the present investigation. Out of over thirty fires taken note of, practically one-half resulted ' from sparks from railroad locomotives, and about one-third were caused by fire getting away from farmers carelessly burning brush and rubbish. It seems to be generally felt that the only way such fires can be prevented is by the passage of a law for the purpose of controlling or restraining those responsible for these two classes of forest fires. The State Geological and Economic Survey is of the 1910] GREAT DAMAGE FROM RECENT Forest FIRES 132 same opinion, and suggests that legislation along these lines be taken up next winter. Railroad fires could in large part be prevented if the railway companies kept their rights-of-way cleared of brush, grass, weeds and other inflammable material. One substantial property owner in Cumberland County says he asked the railroad two or three times the past winter to clear off its right-of-way, apparently with- out result. Very few roads keep the whole of their right-of-way cleaned up, though some seem willing to codperate with property owners by burning off each side of their track at some time during the winter. The railroads have in most instances been given their right-of-way by the property holders along the line, and they ought to be compelled by the State to keep it cleaned up, so that it does not become a menace to these adjacent owners. In many States this is required, and it is found to work well where the law is enforced. Nearly half of the destructive fires occurring late in the season were found to be due to the careless burning of rubbish, brush, log piles, stumps, etc., by farmers clearing up their land for cul- tivation. In most cases it was found that it was not the owner of the land who was responsible for the fire, but some small tenant farmer who had little interest in the property, and, in most cases, had no land of his own. Even small fires, during the dry spring weather, will be carried quite long distances by the wind—in- stances of fire being carried 100 yards or more, across plowed land, were cited by several different people. It ought to be made a criminal offense for a man to set out fire, even on his own land, during such dry weather, for a man who has no property, and cannot pay a fine, cares little about being sued for damages. Intelligent citizens and property owners all over the State would, it is thought, support a law to this effect, and it seems the only way to prevent fires resulting from such criminal carelessness. To both of these proposed remedies, a very strong and. valid ob- jection can be raised, namely, that the passage of laws is of little value unless they are enforced. Even now the law requiring notice to be given to adjacent land owners before a fire is set out is a dead letter, because it is never enforced. A man very naturally objects 133 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Socrery [ November to suing a relative or a near neighbor and perhaps landing him in jail, for, besides the natural reluctance to make an enemy of one who is possibly a good friend, there is always present the idea that an offended neighbor may retaliate in some way at some future time. An instance of this reluctance to sue was brought to the attention of the Forester during this investigation. Two men had set fire to the woods during the recent dry spell, on purpose to prevent any possible fire getting to their fences. After securing their own property, they had made no attempt to extinguish the fire, and it had burned over a large extent of country, and done very serious damage to several of the neighbors. ‘This was clearly in violation of the present law. Witnesses could have been procured to testify to the facts in this case, but no one would prosecute, because every one who was injured was related more or less to one or other of these men. This feeling has, all over the State, practically nullified the law, so that, where it isno one’s duty to enforce the law, it becomes useless. It is therefore suggested that in addition to the two laws above outlined, the execution of them be placed in the hands of a man specially appointed in each county or township desiring it. This man, who might be termed a fire warden, should be appointed by the Governor, on the recommendation of the people of the county, and be given powers similar to those of a deputy sheriff. His duties should be to in- vestigate all forest fires which occur in his county, to find out who the guilty parties are, and to report direct to some State official, such as the State Geologist or the State Forester. This official would then, through the fire warden on the ground, prosecute all offenders against the forest laws. Thus the idea would be eliminated that any such prosecutions were brought about from personal motives. It is not recommended that county fire wardens be appointed in every county in the State, but only in those in which the fire danger warrantsit. In counties where there is over 50 per cent of woodland the costs for the maintenance of such an official would quickly be much more than offset by the increased value of the forests of the county through the prevention of fire. If such laws had been in effect, and such men had been on duty in Moore and Cumberland counties the past spring, there is no 1910) GREAT DAMAGE FROM REcENT Forest FIRES 134 doubt that a saving of many thousands of dollars would have re- sulted to the people of these counties. During the present summer, while members of the two branches of the State Legislature are being nominated and elected, the people should keep this question in mind. Every candidate should be interrogated as to how he stands on the forest flre ques- tion. It is really very much more important to determine what a man intends to do in the Legislature, than what he thinks on a question which does not affect this State at all. It is hoped that the next Legislature will take up this question and push through a law that will furnish the woodland owners of the State the pro- tection that they require and demand. SLANG) ka ft i AB aod oe 6 Hane Vice wi : Ruan i EYES laren . iA Minh A By i Me OH Gt ati Arty ah ae te UM eR ide, i yRey PRT san a ¥ (0 ard a Sore HR GAS ieee | webb eae ae Se ee aes ALG ALB tay be ae eg } D hs A LAR Aah i sigs nays taljy: Byte Re, He. POs als Si iby aft wb Puhr artis) et aN aunty Maa OB Phy 1 . \ ; i ; " Te MARAT ‘ eo Tags ert PAL be) SANG LAU tery isa ih) ie CREEL iwi) Sik ts NA ee ; fl DRY Of 4 } LF R? ot | en \ ; i My ; , i Wen AGNT tpn) JOURNAL ls ae Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOL. XXVI DECEMBER, 1910 NO. 4 GOOD ROADS AND CONSERVATION* By Joseph Hyde Pratt. Mr. President and Members of the Southern Conservation Con- vention: I was very glad indeed to be invited to make an address at the Southern Conservation Convention, and especially so when it was suggested that I speak on the subject of Good Roads in their Relation to Conservation. It will be necessary for me at times, perhaps, to drift consid- erably away from the actual subject, in order to make clear cer- tain relations that I feel exist between good roads and conser- vation. There is a very close relation between good roads and the successful carrying out of the principles of conservation; in fact, the construction of good roads is one phase of conservation. In the first place, conservation, as applied to our natural resources, means not only their preservation and conservation but means also that we will be able to utilize them perpetually. The problems relating to the conservation of these resources are not local but national and state questions; they are questions that affect and are of interest not only to the indi- vidual but to the whole people, and, therefore, in adopting meas- ures looking toward the conservation of these natural resources, the nation must be considered before the state and the whole peo- ple before the individual. This does not mean necessarily that the Federal Government should control and dominate all policies relating to conservation; although, personally, I believe that this - *An address delivered before the Southern Conservation Convention, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 8, 1910. 135 ; Printed April 12, 1911. 136 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETY [ December would be the very best step that could be taken for the most successful accomplishment of all measures relating to conserva- tion. It does mean, however, that the Federal Government should have at least some supervision in the carrying out of these poli- cies so that what is done shall react to the good of all the states and not simply to the individual state and often to the disad- vantage of adjoining states. There are so many questions com- ing up relating to conservation that cannot be applied to the individual state, and the accomplishment of the desired results ean only be obtained when they are considered as interstate problems. To illustrate, you might take the question of the protection of forests from fires; one state may pass most rigid laws relating to the protection of its forests from fire and yet the adjoining state may give ao protection at all to its forests, and forest fires, starting in this state, gather great headway so that it is almost impossible to prevent their crossing the imagi- nary state line and doing a great deal of destruction in the state which has rigid fire laws that are being enforced as far as that state itself is concerned. Such a condition can, and does, exist in the Southern Appalachian reign; and, unless all the states will take up the question of fire protection for their forests, there will always be more or less destruction of the forests near the borders of these states from fires that have originated in adjoin- ing states. Another illustration of the need of some Federal supervision is in the protection of mountain trout from destruction on ac- count of sawdust that is thrown into many of our streams. Many of our mountain streams flow from one state to another and from one county to another and in many instances the counties within a state on the lower waters of a stream have passed rigid laws regarding the throwing of sawdust in these streams and yet the counties higher up on these streams have no such laws, and their lumbermen are allowed to throw sawdust in the streams, with the result that the counties lower down, who have the rigid laws against throwing sawdust into the streams, derive no benefit whatever from these laws as their streams are 1910| Goop Roaps AND CONSERVATION 137 filled with sawdust from the counties above. This can also be true where the streams flow from one state to another; one state, on the lower waters of a stream, may have laws against throwing sawdust or other deleterious material into the stream, while the state which contains the upper waters of the streams may have no such laws whatever, and thus the first state looses all of the benefit that its good laws should give. This is also true in regard to the conservation of water- powers. One state will pass laws for the conservation and protection of its waterpowers, and yet the sources of the streams are within another state which is doing nothing what- ever to protect its water supply, and thus the waterpowers in the other state are largely decreased in power on account of the lack of protection in the state where the streams originate. From the above it can readily be seen that there should be Federal supervision for carrying out the principles of conserva- tion that are interstate in their benefits, and decidedly state supervision in connection with the conservation of the natural resources of the various counties composing the state. Every state should be interested in the development of every other state, for no advancement can be made in any one without its being directly or indirectly a benefit to all the others. We should carry the question of conservation further than its application to our natural resources and apply its principles to the preservation of the health of our people and the conserva- tion of their labor, time, and wealth, and this latter view, it will be found, is fully as important as the first. We will find that good roads play perhaps a more important part in the car- rying out of this latter phase of conservation than in the former. Under the head of natural resources we would have: (1) Soils, (2) Forests, (3) Water-Powers, (4) Products of the sea. The development, and even the life, of this nation is de- pendent upon these natural resources, and, while some of them are of less importance than others, yet the best and healthiest growth of the nation is dependent upon the conservation of all 138 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ December of them. When one stops to consider that the population of this country is now increasing at the rate of about one-fifth of its total population each ten years, one begins to realize how many more millions of people must be fed and clothed from the products of the soii. By the middle of the present century it is estimated that there will be about one-hundred and fifty million people in the United States. This increase is not confined to any one state or territory, but there is a decided and steady increase in all of them. This large growth in population means a con- stantly increasing call upon all our natural resources; and it is time that we, as a nation, give very serious consideration to their conservation, for we must realize that our responsibility does not rest with providing for the present generation, but we must also do our part toward providing for future generations by conserving and perpetuating for their use the natural re- sources that we ourselves now enjoy. The conservation of our soils and forests stands out pre- eminently as the most vital duty demanded of us, and the carry- ing out of this to its fullest accomplishment falls principally upon the farmer. The farmer is called the most independent of men, and, in many sections of the country, he is; but in many others he is not, and instead we often find him a very discouraged citizen. If we expect our farmers to take an interest in the conservation of our soils and forests, we must assist them by providing adequate means of transportation for their products and prevent combinations from being formed whose object is to curtail the price received by the farmer for his products and increase the price to the consumer. Upon the farmer rests al- most entirely the problem of the conservation of the soil, and his interest will inerease in the ratio that we improve the social condition of farm or rural life, and it is in this connection that we will find that good roads play a very important part in improving their condition. Good roads will do more toward improving the social condition of rural life than any other agency that can be inaugurated. At the present time it is possible for the people of our rural sections to have many of the econ- 1910] Goop Roaps AnD ConsERVATION 139 omic advantages and conveniences of the city,—such as hot and cold water in their houses, lighting and heating systems equal to any in the city, and telephone connections,—at little or no more cost than these same conveniences would cost in the city. Rural mail carriers now deliver mail to the citizens of our rural sections from once to twice aday. Yet with all these con- veniences, which many of us now deem absolutely essential and necessary, the farmer, if his home igs connected with thai of his neighbor and with town by a bad road, is handicapped in his financial and social development, and these many conveniences that have improved his home life lose a great deal of their value in improving tle social conditions of the community. It is surprising to note the wonderful] uplifting effect that good roads have in a community that has been accustomed for generations to bad roads. It means that houses will be painted, fences will be repaired, flowers and shrubs planted in yards, and, in a num- ber of instances where chicken coops and pig pens were in the front yard, they have been removed to a legs unsightly place in the rear of the yard, and it is due to the fact that a good road has been constructed by that farm. At the present time there is a great deal of thought being given to the problem of keeping the young people, especially the young men, on the farm. Personally, I believe that the con- struction of good roads throughout the farming sections of our country will do more than any other one thing to keep these young men on the farm. I do not wish to give the impression that I believe all young men who are raised in the country should remain there, for there are many young men if they do remain in the country and take up farming as a pro- fession. Many of these young men are now leaving the farms 140 JourNAL oF THE MrtcHELy Socrery | December men could, in many instances, have made a splendid success at farming. It is not the work or life on a farm that many of them have objected to, but it has been the isolation of farm or country life. This can be remedied by the construction of good roads, and I am confident that any community or county in many of our Southern States that is now being troubled by its young people leaving the country, can check this exodus very materially if they will arrange for the construction of a system of good roads. It will be one of the very best investments that the community can make, for it will not only help to solve the problem under con- sideration, but it will also assist in solving the labor problem that is now confronting so many of our farmers. Our farmers are also closely identified with our forest areas and we will find that there is a decided relation between good roads and the conservation of these forests. As has been stated by Mr. J. S. Holmes, Forester of the North: Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, ‘‘a forest cannot be managed to the best advantage unless * the inferior species and lower grades of tim- ber can be profitably marketed, and this is only possible where the cost of transportation is low enough to warrant it. The dif- ference between $1.00 and $2.00 per ton for hauling, or the dif- ference between a bad and a good road, will often determine the possibility of profit or loss in marketing timber’’. In many of the counties of the Southern Appalachian region the cost of hauling the timber to market is greater than what the owner receives for the timber on the stump. As an illustration of the amount of money that is being expended for the transpor- tation of lumber over our public roads, I will give some figures regarding the sixteen counties in North Carolina west of the Blue Ridge. In this region three-quarters of the area is now in forest, and, probably, the larger portion of this area is better adapted for the production of forest than for any other purpose. During the year 1909 it was estimated by the State Forester that fifteen million cubic feet of timber were hauled to market or to the railroad by wagon over the public roads of these counties. The * Bull. 8. So. Appalachian Good Road Association, 1910, p. 13. 1910) Goop Roaps AND CoNSERVATION 141 estimated cost of hauling this timber was $750,000 and in this particular instance it amounts to twice as muchas the timber itself was worth on the stump. With this excessive cost of hauling, it can readily be seen that only the most desirable types of timber can be hauled and that the lower grades and the inferior species must be left in the woods. With these conditions, it is only natural that the lumberman should skin the forest of every single desirable tree that he can afford to cut and haul to market, and thus many of the forest areas of the Southern Appalachain region have been almost entirely depleted of many of their most valuable trees, such as black walnut, cherry, yellow poplar, and white oak. ‘There is but little chance of decreasing the length of haul in transporting these forest products, but there is a splendid chance of increasing the load to be hauled by the construction of good roads. Our farmers are partially at fault for the wholesale waste of our timber, but the states themselves are by far the most to blame for not providing good roads through these forest areas, which would have permitted the farmer to derive a good income from his iarm and not be tempted to sell his timber for a mere song. ‘Thus it will be seen that if the forests are to be protected and perpetuated, we must construct throughout the region a system of good roads. There is another way in which good roads throughout these forest areas will play an important part in the conservation of our timber resources, and that is, they will enable automobilists, coaching parties and tourists to travel through these forest areas, who will recognize the import- ance of these areas to their respective states and it will then be much easier to pass the laws necessary to conserve these forests. The reclamation of cut-over and abandoned farm lands is much more readily accomplished when these areas are traversed by good roads. Although the farmer may not consider it a profitable investment to reforest his eut-over lands or that portion of his land which he has abandoned for farming pur- poses, yet he will take up the question of the reforestation of these areas if they are traversed by good roads, for he will 142 JouRNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society [ December realize that it will improve the general appearance of the country, making it look more profitable and so increase the value of his cultivated farm, by having it surrounded by land that is growing forests instead of land that is being cut into gulleys and looks like wornout, abandoned farm land. With a system of good roads it will be found that many of the farms that are not now being cultivated will be worked and again become pros- perous, and thus add to the material wealth of the state in which they are located. lt has been said by the Governor of New Hampshire, that since the construction of a system of good roads throughout that state during the past five years, nearly all of the abandoned farms in New Hampshire or at least the majority of them are now again in a state of cultivation. If this can be made true in one state it can be made just as true in another: From the commercial standpoint the question of the construc- tion of good roads comes closer home to the farmer than to any other class of people, as practically all agricultural products have to be hauled for at least some distance over the public roads, and such a system of roads will do more to conserve the time, labor, and wealth of the farmer than any other one thing. As we know, there is but little chance of reducing the railroad transportation charge on these products, but there is a splendid opportunity in nearly every county of every state in the South to reduce the public road transportation charge. Over many of the public roads of the South it is now impossible to haul a load of more than half a ton. It may be that a considerable portion of the road over which the load is to be hauled is a fairly good one over which one or two tons could easily be hauled, but, on account of the many heavy places and grades on this road, it is impossible to haul over the whole distance more than the half ton, as it is necessary to load the wagon for the rough, heavy places and not for the good portion of the road. There are many ways in which the farmer will be benefited by a system of good roads besides improving his social condition, and it may be advisable to enumerate these here, as they have 1910] Goop Roaps AND CONSERVATION 143 a direct bearing on the improvement in country life, which, in the end, has a direct bearing on conservation, especially in its relation to soils, and also in conserving the time, labor and health of the farmer. A system of good roads connecting farm with market will often permit the farmer to raise certain crops that are more valuable than others, more easily handled, and which will bring a much greater income than he could possibly raise and market where he is on a bad road. I could give numerous eases to illustrate this poimt, but it is sufficient to state here that it will be found that good roads are a factor in making a farmer realize the necessity of getting the most out of his soil, realize the necessity of studying his soils and the value of rotation of crops. Another beneficial result that the farmer derives from good roads is that he is able to economize time and force in the trans- portation of produce between country and market. The distance that the farmer lives from market is not a question of miles, but of the roads that he must travel to reach the market, and of how many hours and how many horses it requires to haul a load to market. When thus measured, ten miles of good, smooth highway is not as long as a few miles of mud and stone. Our farmers are realizing more and more that the distance they live from market is measured in time and not in miles. Another advantage that improved roads will give to a farmer is that it will permit him to take advantage of market fluctua- tions in buying and selling, and to take advantage of any special demand that may arise for any of his products. It will per- mit him to do his hauling at any time of the year regardless of the weather, and thus, when it is too wet to work his crops, he can haul to and fro from town. At the present time in many sections of the country the farmer can only haul to advantage in dry weather, and frequently the dry weather comes just at the time he most needs to work his crop; so that he either loses the opportunity of a demand that has arisen for certain of his products at a good price or has to neglect his erop. In many sections the construction of a system of good roads has 144 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL Socrery [ December made it possible for farmers living eight or ten miles from large communities to raise garden truck where formerly this eould only be produced advantageously within a few miles of a city. The railroads are also greatly affected by the conditions of the public roads in regard to the transportation of farm pro- ducts, for the reason that on account of bad roads many of our farmers are only able to raise certain crops and are only able to haul them at certain times of the year, which means conges- tion of freight at the railroads during certain seasons and from 50 to 75 per cent less during the rest of the year. I believe that these conditions in many sections of the country have a decided effect upon the freight rates that the railroads can give for hauling farm produce. Congested freight, which makes it neces- sary for the railroads to go to extra expense to produce cars with practically no freight at other times, when perhaps their ears are going by these stations empty, causes the extra high ireight rates. A third beneficial result that the farmer derives from good roads, and one regarding which most of our farmers have paid little, or no attention, is the saving in the wear and tear on horses, harness, and vehicles, when these are used over good roads as compared with their cost over poor roads. Then, again, little thought is given to how many days in the year we have to leave our horses and mules standing in the stables on account of bad roads. There is an enormous sum lost each year in this way by nearly every Southern State that can be charged up directly to bad roads. This amount is due to the wear and tear on harness and wagon and the loss of time of those whose living is depend- ent upon driving and teaming and the loss that a liveryman and farmer sustains when he is unable to work his animals on account of bad roads. This amount in many of the Southern States is from twelve to fifteen million dollars a year, all of which could be readily saved to the states by the construction of good roads. It will be impossible to carry out the principles of conser- vation in their entirety until the people are more fully educated 1910] Goop Roaps AND CONSERVATION 145 as to the need of conservation, and there is no better place to begin this educational work than in our public schools. Nature studies are already beginning to take a strong hold in many of the schools of some of the states and it will not be long before the general subject of our natural resources will be taken up in nearly all our public schools. The best results, however, along this line can only be accomplished in the better graded schools, and we will find that such schools are dependent upon good roads. Although the one room schoolhouse that dotted this country in its early history, has done a great deal of good in its day, yet, we all realize that a six room schoolhouse, with six teachers, ean do better work than six schoolhouses of one room each, where the same teacher is obliged to teach scholars of all ages and attainments. The development of the graded school is dependent upon the construction of good roads, and, although we may not realize it, yet every mile of good road that we build we are increasing thereby the educational facilities of our children. In closing, I wish to emphasize one point, and that is that while the construction of good roads is one phase of conserva- tion, the maintenance of the road after it is once constructed is a still more important phase of conservation, and one regarding which we are often apt to give but little consideration. Any county or state arranging to construct good roads should always at the same time provide the revenue for the maintenance of the roads after they have once been constructed. COLLOIDAL CHEMISTRY* By Duncan McRae Although the first important work on colloidal chemistry was done in 1861, by Sir Thomas Graham, it is within the last few years that the most rapid advances in this field have been made. Since 1900 not only have a number of chemists been engaged in research on this subject, but the attention of chem- ists generally has been turned in this direction. This is shown in the number of reports and addresses that have been given on colloidal chemistry. In 1905 A. A. Noyes delivered, as his presi- dential address before the American Chemical Society, a paper on ‘*Colloidal Mixtures’’, and in 1908 H. R. Proctor delivered an ad- dress on “‘Colloidal Chemistry’’ before the British Association for the Advancement of Science. There have also been a number of German monographs pub- lished on the subject of colloids. The research work has been so abundant that nearly every abstract journal contains one or more articles on some phase of this subject. Now, there is a special journal devoted entirely to Colloidal Chemistry, edited by Wo. Ostwald: Zeitschrift fur Chemie und Industrie der Kolloide. The class of bodies known as colloids is named from one of its most representative substances—glue. Colloid means from its derivation, “‘glue-lke’’. Some of the best known colloids are: silicic acid, aluminum hydroxide, gelatin, glass, glue, starch, albumen, resin, rubber and gum arabic. Some writers divide colloids into two classes: the reversible and the irreversible. The irreversible lose their colloidal properties on dessication, and become insoluble, but the reversible colloids re-dissolve after dessication. Gelatin is an example of the latter. After drying, it can be dissolved again in water to form a jelly or *Report before the North Carolina Section of American Chemical Society at Raleigh, June 22nd, 1910. 146 [ December 1910] CoLLOIDAL CHEMISTRY 147 solution. Silicic acid is an irreversible colloid. This fact is taken advantage of in the determination of silicic in minerals. The gelatinous silicic acid is converted into the insoluble form by heating to drive off all the water. A. A. Noyes, in his paper, referred to above, classifies col- loids in another way. He first defines colloidal mixtures as *‘Liquids or solid mixtures of two or more substances, which are not separated by the action of gravity, however long con- tinued, nor by filtration through paper; but are separated when the liquid is forced through animal membranes, the substance then remaining behind, being designated the colloid’’. He di- vides colloidal mixtures into ‘‘Colleidal Solutions’’ and Colloidal Suspensions.’’ Solutions are viscous, gelatinizing, and not coagu- lated by the addition of salts. Colloidal suspensions are non- viscous, non-gelatinizing. but readily coagulable. Colloidal solu- tions possess characteristics of true solutions: osmotie pressure, diffusibility, and usually a limited solubility of the colloid at some temperature. Colloidal suspensions do not have these prop- erties of true solutions, and manifest many similarities to macro- scopic and microscopic suspensions. Prof. Noyes says, in giving this classification, that when more is known about the behavior of colloids, it is probable that this classification may be found to be one of degree rather than a distinction based on some very fundamental difference. It seems to the writer of this report that a better classifica- tion than either of the above may be found when colloids have been studied more extensively. The distinction was originally made between colloids and erystalliods. In recent years however. a number of erystalloids like sodium and potassium chlorides and barium sulphate, have been prepared in colloidal form. So that now the distinction is made between two different states rather than between two classes of substances. The important properties of substances in the colloidal state are: (1) When dry they are amorphous and show a conchoidal fracture. (2) They form two classes of physical compounds, with 148 JOURNAL OF THE MitrcHE!L Socrety [ December liquids: jellies, and colloidal solutions. These are technically ealled ‘‘gels’’ and ‘‘sols’’. Gelatine furnishes an example of each. If it is dissolved in hot water we have a colloidal solu- tion. When this solution cools it forms the semi-solid mass called a jelly or ‘‘gel’’. (3) When a colloid is heated with water and it expands to form a jelly, it exerts a very great force. This force has been calculated for starch by the use of Clausius’s equation for bodies expanded by heat, and found to be 2073 kilos. per sq. em. The expansion of colloids by water is a revers- ible and cyclical process, therefore Clausius’s equation is applic- able to it. The great force exerted by swelling wooden wedges used to split rock, has been explained as this colloidal expansion. (4) Colloidal substances are permeable to crystalloids but are more or less impermeable to other colloids. Dialysis is based on this property. The mixture of colloids and erystals which it is desired to separate, is placed in a bag made of an animal membrane, which is a colloid. This bag is then placed in run- ning water. The erystalloid then passes through the membrane and is removed by the running water; the pure colloid remains in the bag. (5) When an electric current is passed through certain colloidal solutions the colloidal particles migrate towards the anode; particles of other collodial solutions migrate towards the cathode. It has been found that when solutions that migrate to different electrodes are mixed, they precipitate each other; while colloids migrating to the same electrode have no effect on each other. Colloidal solutions also coagulate on the addi- tion of a very small quantity of an electrolyte. Often, though, an electrolyte which preciptates one colloid will have just the oppo- site effect on another, causing its gel to go into solution. When a colloidal solution is precipitated by an electrolyte, it is found that a very small amount of one or the other ion of the electrolyte is carried down with the coagulated colloid, and that on analysis of the solution, a corresponding amount of the same ion is lack- ing; (6) The property of colloids that has probably the widest technical application is that of adsorption.. Colloids may take up and hold acids, salts, ete., in such quantity that the result- 1910] CoLLoIpaL CHEMISTRY 149 ing products may be mistaken for chemical compounds. This is the case with basic ferric arsenite 4 Fe,O, As,O, SH,O, and a number of complex mineral silicates, which are now con- sidered to be absorption compounds. The collodial solution of palladium absorbs about three thousand times its volume of hydrogen. Dyeing is largely .an adsorption process, the dye being absorbed by the colloidal threads. (7) When observed with the ultramicroscope the particles in colloidal solutions range in size from very nearly that of the estimated size of the hydrogen molecule to hundreds of times as large. They all exhibit the Brownian movement which rapidly increases with decrease in size of the particles. (8) If a small amount of a reversible colloid (not enough to appreciably increase the viscocity of the solution) be added to a colloidal solution of gold, it makes the gold solution more stable, ie., less liable to coagulation. Also hydrochloric acid produces only an opalescence in silver nitrate solution containing a small amount of gelatin* In general the addition of a small amount of a reversible colloid seems to prevent coagulation or the growth of crystals. It has a wide technical application. The methods of preparation of colloidal solutions may be of interest. There are four general methods: (1) by simple solution as in the case of gelatin and albumen; (2) by electrical subdivision ; Bredig prepared his colloidal solutions of the metals by forming an electric are under water, between electrodes of the metal, whose colloidal solutions he wished to prepare; (3) by adding a small amount of an electrolyte to an insoluble jelly. The proper electrolyte causes it to be dissolved. For instance: stannic hydrate is rendered soluble by the addition of a drop of ammonia; (4) by chemical reaction in a solvent in which the resulting product is very insoluble. Colloidal barium sulphate is prepared in this way by precipi- *Experiment. Two portions of silver nitrate in one of which is dis- solved an empty gelatin capsule obtained from a drug store, are precipitated with HCl and filtered. Filtrate from the one containing gelatin is opalescent, the_other‘is»clear. 150 JOURNAL OF THE MrrcHELL SocrEty [ December tation in glycerol. The alkali halides are prepared in colloidal form by precipitation in methyl] alcohol. So far I have given the most importaut properties of substances in the colloidal state and the general methods for their preparation. As colloidal chemistry is still a very new field the different workers are by no means agreed on the correct explanation of all the phenomena, I will try to give one or two of the most generally ac- cepted theories concerning colloidal solutions and gels. Any such theory must offer an explanation of the electrical behavior of colloids, the movement of the particles, and their coagulation. Most of the writers on colloids, though they express the fact in very different ways, agree that colloidal solutions form a regular transition from suspensions to ordinary solutions. That is to say, we can start with a suspension that settles out on standing, and by taking other suspensions of smaller and small particles, we can pass through colloidal solutions and finally when the particles consist of one molecule, arrive at ordinary solutions. The particles acquire an electric charge (by contact in a manner similar to the acquisition of a charge by glass rubbed with silk) by contact with the liquid, and as the particles become smaller and smaller the influence of this charge becomes very large in comparison with the influence of gravity, the Brownian movement then appears as the result of the mutual repulsion of similarly charged particles. As the particles become smaller and smaller, this motion increases very rapidly and prevents the settling of the suspension. When the particles approach the size of molecules the rapidity of the motion is enormous and we have erystalloidal solution. The coagulation that takes place when two colloidal solutions of opposite sign are mixed is supposed to be due to the neutral- ization of the electric charges and the consequent cessation of the movement of the particles. When the motion ceases the attractive forces of the particles and gravity cause the settling. The explanation of the character of the colloidal jellies is that they have a cellular, sponge-cake structure, the solid part of which is a solid solution of the liquid in the colloid. The 1910} CoLLoIDAL CHEMISTRY 151 spaces in between the solid part, corresponding to the pores of the sponge, are filled with a liquid solution of the colloid in the liquid. The tremendous force exerted by the swelling colloid is generally ascribed to molecular forees. Different writers are not agreed as to whether the mechanism of this force obeys capillary, surface tension or osmotic laws. Adsorption is also explained by this structure and these forces. Some of the practical applications of colloidal chemistry will now be mentioned. First of all, its application to the study of physiology can be seen when we think that the whole body is made of colloidal substances. The blood has been found to contain in soluble form the same colloids that appear in the muscles and tissues. Colloidal jellies are used as media in which bacteria are studied. Nearly all foods are colloidal substances. From the num- ber of references in the literature to medical journals I should say that the physiological application of colloidal chemistry was certainly one of its most important ones. Since this paper was written, a very interesting article, ‘‘Some Colloid-chemical Aspects of Digestion, with Ultramiscroseopic Observations’’ by Jerome Alexander, has been published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. The process of dyeing different kinds of fabries is, in most eases, colloidal adsorption. A mordant is used to deposit a col- loidal jelly in the thread and this absorbs the dye. The artificial silk industry which now produces 50 per cent. of the silks sold, depends largely on colloidal processes. The cellulose is obtained in a soluble form and again coagulated in the form of very fine threads. Celluloid, rubber and starch are colloids and consequently their manufacture is concerned with colloidal processes. Photographie plates are coated with a colloidal solution of a silver salt in nitro-cellulose. One kind of photographic paper is simply a piece of paper coated with a mixture of potassium dichromate, a pigment and gum arabic. Under the action of light this mixture becomes insoluble. Ice cream is given a smoother taste by the addition of a small 152 JOURNAL OF THE MItcHELL SoclEry [ December amount of a protective colloid like gelatin. The gelatin prevents the formation of large ice crystals. A small amount of gelatin, albumen or gum arabic is added to candies to prevent the erys- tallization of the sugar. This is done in making marshmallows caramels, ete. In the manufacture of pottery, tannin is added to the clay to make it more workable. The tanning industry is concerned with colloidal chemistry. In electroplating, a small amount of protective colloid is often added to prevent the formation of crystals and to give a smooth ccating to the plating. The coloring of glass is a colloidal process. The colored glass being a colloidal solution of a metal. Ruby glass is a solidified colloidal solution of gold. These applications will serve to show the importance of this field of chemistry. In conclusion, | wish to thank this section for having made me its reporter. It has been a pleasure to me to study this subject, and I hope that some of you may be interested in this new and interesting field of chemistry. A RECOLLECTION OF PROFESSOR W. K. BROOKS WITH CRITICISMS OF SOME OF HIS WORK* By H. V. Wilson. In going over my memories of Dr. Brooks I find that my mind does not separate him from his environment. I continually see him in the semi-communal life of the laboratory, whether in Baltimore or Beaufort, Woods Hole or the islands of the West Indian sea, which so stirred and charmed him. Even his home life with its restful, satisfying beauty was but a detached fragment of the other larger existence. I think of him as the central figure, wise and kind, of a circle of young men coming from many quarters, from New England, the Middle States, the West. and the South, from Canada, England and Japan, a society from which older members were always going out to honorable careers and into which new were coming to learn the ways and traditions of the school. Very different were we, but knit together from the start by the strong bond of a common interest. and presently by growing appreciation of him who made the school. It took us but a short time to learn that here was nc mere work-shop, well crganized and in which we might acquire the requisite degree of skill in a profes- sion, but that we were in the company of a master mind, wide ranging in the fields of knowledge and inquiry, profound in contemovlative thoneht, and with the aeuteness of the observer who discovers what has beer hidden. As I dwell on the man and try to single out mental habits and attributes from the whole of his personality, I. come to many that arrest and enchain my attention. Tt is interesting to consider his practice and advice to begin- *From the composite biographical sketch in the Memorial Volume to William Keith Prooks (Journal Experimental Zoology, special volume 9). 153 154 JOURNAL OF THE MIrcHELL SocIEry [| December ners in the study of Nature. It was to start out, not from a general principle, but from some phenomenon that had caught the eye and become a nucleus for thought. Continued persistent observation and reflection ¢ircling round such a center would yield, he held, solid results in the shape of new facts and would sooner or later lead one into living contact with great questions. This method of work was eminently characteristic of his inde- pendent, individualistic temperament. The serenity of Dr. Brooks impressed every one. In a mind so strong, active, and keen, calm temperateness was doubly noticeable. This peace of mind must have been due in part to the fact that his critical insight was unobscured by selfseeking. A firm gaze fixed on the distant goal held the immediately advantageous in its proper place, and gave him a confidence, a quiet boldness that we all recognized. _ Brooks frequently said that he tried always to be a reasonable man. And in dealing with men and their ways I am convineed that reasoning did guide him in a remarkable degree. His logi- eal habit of thought came in, however, for more congenial exer- cise in professional work. Do we not all remember the pleasure he had in the skilful disengagement of the idea from the mass of details, and in its portrayal, language and drawing mutually contributing to clearness? I recall also his strong and helpful faith in the value of labor spent in searching out the order of the universe, the way things happen in nature. For, as he often said, such knowledge both makes the conscious life of man fuller and nobler, and is the basis on which rests all our control of natural phenomena. The machinery of Professor Brooks’ department, the lectures, set tasks and routine, was simple. Experience has shown, how- ever, that it was not inadequate, on the contrary, that it was well adapted to the purpose in view. Brooks’ underlying as- sumptions were that graduate students had come to stay some time, would work as hard as they could, and that they had enough independence of mind and enough elementary train- ing to handle books and journals which record the actual state 1910] A REcOLLECTION OF ProrEssor W. K. Brooks 155 and progress of zoology. Of lectures there was one now and then from Professor Brooks on any subject. A round of lec- tures by older students in the department was given some years, and this was excellent practice. The journal club was serious. It met weekly and the arrange- ment was such that each graduate student reported a number of times during the year. A reading club met weekly in the even- ing at Professor Brooks’ house. Some pleasant book of general zoological interest, often one of travel, was read, after which came tea. In the laboratory again once a week readings of a more serious nature and with some discussion were held. The ““Origin of Species’’ was in this way gone through, and ‘‘Agas- siz’s Essay on Classification.’’ Professor Brooks had compiled an elaborate list of the litera- ture, with which it was supposed candidates for the doctor’s degree were to make themselves familiar. It included the text- books of the period and important memoirs on the various subdivisions of zoology. The list was long. Perhaps some stud- ents completed it. But we all read with considerable diligence and it was the custom to make careful abstracts. On the basis of this common reading a good deal of informal talk and discus- sion was maintained among us. We lived in the laboratory all day and the young men learned much from the older, especially in matters of technique. Brooks gave excellent suggestions on drawing and would occasion- ally go through the form of taking a micro photograph. } - d i - y 7 i] - \ a ; ‘ , a4 ‘ > 1 i@ + - -) - ry * , i - \ , S y p i P ’ ij ' P it 5 F : : : - > ee J . ; ' t ; i : = ah , i ; & p ' — 3 wy 1911} EPITHELIOID MEMBKANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES it its margin. The epidermal nuclei are irregularly distributed, in some spots close together, in others farther apart. This is well shown in fig. 2. These nuclei moreover are all alike. The facts would seem to indicate that the epidermal sheet of protoplasm spreads of its own initiative over the pore canal, and that the nearest nucleus or nuclei are simply drawn intoit. In Reniera on the other hand there is always one nucleus at the margin of the pore and this nucleus is (perhaps only passively) associated with the formation of the pore membrane. Some details in the structure of the epidermal layer remain to be mentioned. The irregular distribution of the nuclei has been noted. They are small and uniformly exhibit only a nuclear membrane and a few chiomatin granules in the nucleoplasm. No cases of division were observed, although mitotic figures in amoebocytes of the mesenchyme were noticed not infrequently. Round each nucleus or group of two or three is a more deeply staining area which appears finely granular or granular and reti- eular. The rest of the membrane stretching between the nuclei and over the pore canals exhibits a fine reticular structure. The reticular structure is found everywhere, but is most distinet in the thin pore membranes. Discreet granules are absent or nearly absent in the epidermal sheet. It should be understood that the reticular appearance of the epidermal! layer is perhaps only the optical expression of an alveolar structure. To demonstrate the reticular appearance a good immersion objective is necessary. I have chiefly used Zeiss 2mm. ap. 1.30 but also Zeiss 2nm.ap. 1.40, with comp. oculars 6 and 8. Very white clouds on sunny days afford satisfactory light. Results with other fixatives. Material mixed by other methods confirms the account Just given. | Picro-sulphurie. Tangential sections and strips of epidermis were prepared from material fixed in picro-sulphuric. The stain- ing was as for the alcoholic material and the preparations gave the same results. Absolutely no cell boundaries exist. The in- ternuclear sheet more commonly appears finely granular rather 8 JOURNAL OF THE MrrcHeELL SocreTy [ May than reticular. Possibly this is due to a deeper staining of the nodal. points. But the fine reticular structure comes out well in places; especially inthe pore membranes. Discrete granules sueh as are found in mesenchyme cells are either entirely absent or are found only in very «mall number here and there. Acetic acid. Pieces were fixed in. glacial acetic for a few min- utes. (5-10) and then transferred to water. The dermal mem- brane was peeled and cut from the choanosome, and was then cleaned of the underlying sponge parenchyma which was picked away with forcep: and needles. The pieces were then stained, some in methyl green, others in-acetic carmine or in haemalum, wut were mounted in glycerine. Preparations so made give re- sults similar to the foregoing. But they are not as transparent as balsam preparations and do rot disclose the detailed structure of the internuclear sheet. Osmic acid. Pieces were fixed in one-half per cent osmie for (10-15) minutes, washed in running water, and Miil- ler’s fluid 12 hours. They were run up very gradually through the alcohols. Sections and strips were made, stained in haemaluna, and mounted in balsam. ‘Che preparations very frequently exhib- ited interesting artefacts. At first sight an epithelium seemed to be marked out in the clearest way. Perfectly clear channels of eonsiderable width cut up the surface layer into areas that were often polygonal. Examination with an immersion ‘objective showed that these areas were not cells. They sometimes have nuelei and sometimes not, and the channels between the areas exhibit peculiarities in their course which clearly indicate them to be cracks. The while appearance must be due to the cracking of the very delicate epidermal sheet. The fixative probably makes the sheet brittle, and it later cracks perhaps duitng the washing. Sublimate. Pieces were fixed for a few iiinutes in saturated corrosive sublimate and washed in iodised 70 per cent alcohol in the usual way. Tangential sections and = strips of epidermis were prepared and stained in haemalum and congo red. Suehi preparations frequently exhibit artefacts similar to those pro- duced by ogsmic. The surface Jayer is broken up into thin and irregularly polygonal pieces that are widely separated by perfect- 1911} EPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 9 ly clear channels. The latter are crossed in some places by a few slender protoplasmic filaments. Careful examination shows that the pieces are certainly not cells. Some are without nuclei, others with a nucleus or sometimes with two. They often include one or more large clear vacuole-like spaces. This appearance again is probably due to cracking of the epidermal layer, perhaps coupled with a violent coagulation set up by the sublimate. The appearance is certainly an artefact, although the pieces in many places look at first sight like cells. Silver nitrate. Thin pieces were sliced off from the surface of a living sponge, and were fixed 5-10 minutes in one-twentieth per cent osmic acid. After thorough washing in distilled water, they were transfered to one per cent silver nitrate and exposed to direct sunlight 5-10 minutes (Hertwig’s method). After washing and running up through the alcohols, strips of epidermis were peeled off and mounted in balsam. Tangenital sections were also made and mounted in balsam. As a control small hydrome- dusae were stained in the same way. The subumbrellar surface of the latter showed the usual polygonal network of distinct brown lines, marking out the epithelium cells. The method was em- ployed several times on favorable days. Stained in this way the surface of Stylotella frequently exhibits no lines that in any way suggest cell boundaries. But in places an appearance is got with a Zeiss D objective as if epithelium cells were marked out. Examination with an immersion objec- tive shows that the appearance (fig. 4) is due toartefacts and not to the presence of epithelium cells. The facts may be summed up as follows. The network of lines is below the thin surface layer. The lines are no browner than other strands, viz., have the osmic and not the silver stain. In the meshes are irregular masses that are usually nucleated. The areas marked out by the lines may vary greatly in size. It is plain that such areas cannot be epithe- lium cells) The appearance is probably caused by violent coagu- lation of mesenchyme cells and strands. Inter-cellular connectives and parts of cell bodies remain as the network of brown strands, while the cell bodies, contracted and torn loose from the con- nectives, remain as the irregular masses that lie in the meshes, 10 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | May REGENERATION OF THE EPIDERMIS IN STYLOTELLA A dermal membrane with normal epidermis soon regenerates over a cut surface. For the study of the process of regeneration, sections vertical to the surface are of little use. The method I have followed was to allow the regeneration to proceed a certain time, then to fix and harden the piece of sponge, and to cut from the superficial region a number of thick (1004) tangential sec. tions. For the fixation alcohol, picro-sulphurie and sublimate were employed. The piece was stained in toto with haemalum, and the sections with congo red. Paraffine and celloidin sections were chiefly used, but good preparations were sometimes made by slicing off free-hand the regenerating surface from the piece in aleohol, and at once staining and mounting the slices. Or the piece was fixed in glacial acetic, washed in water, and the re- generating surface sliced off. The sponge parenchyma was then picked away with needles and forceps from the surface layer, which was later stained and mounted in glycerine. The original cut surface was made as smooth as possible, and allof it is included in the first few sections. These are mounted with the regenerating surface uppermost. Where the surface was part of the choanosome such preparations are too opaque for study. But where the surface was part of the transparent col- lenchyma, the sections offer fairly clear pictures. Much the best pictures of all are to be had from the new dermal membrane which develops across the cut ends of the larger canals. To obtain membrane of this kind I cut off oscular lobes about an inch be- low the apex, thus cutting the main efferent canals transversely. The open ends of the canals become closed in by the new mem- brane which extends out from the surrounding collenchyma across the aperture. The rate at which the canals become c'osed in may be gathered from the following record. The lobes were cut off at 9:30 a. m., the cut surface of each lobe showing several widely open canals. At 1:30 p. m., most of the canals were closed in by thin, collenchymatous membranes perforated in the center, like diaphragms. In the case of a few canals the mem- branes had completely closed the apertures. Within an hour or 1911| EPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 11 two all of the membranes had completely formed and the canals were entirely closed in. In fig. 5 one of the newly formed mem- branes, ¢. m., with surrounding collenchyma and outlying cho- anosome is shown. When the cut is first made, the dermal membrane covering the rest of the sponge ends at the exposed surface with a sharp edge. On the cut surface itself are exposed in choanosomal regions, flagellated chambers, mesenchyme, and spicules; in the regions immediately round the larger canals, only collenchymatous mes- enchyme. The mesenchyme everywhere includes branched cells freely interconnected, and free amoebocytes. The latter are scarce in the collenchyma. Collenchymatous mesenchyme is especially characterized, it will be remembered, by the large amount of watery intercellular substance and the considerable length of the cell processes. A recognisable new dermal mem- brane develops over the whole surface within a day. The edge of the old membrane remains distinguishable for some hours, but it applies itself closely to the more solid sponge tissue, sinking in to meet the latter where it had covered subdermal spaces, and after about 12 hours it is no longer recognisable. By this time it is in perfect continuity with the layers of mesenchyme cells stretching over the cut surface and which are developing into the new dermal membrane. We may now proceed to the detailed examination, by stages, of the developing dermal membrane and epidermis, using for study as explained above the membranes that develop across the open ends of canals and over collenchymatous regions. One hour after cutting. The cut surface is occupied by branched cells containing abundant and conspicuous granules. Even in a comparatively small area they exhibit slight differences of level. These cells are interconnected so as to form a fairly close net- work, Some very. smal! spheroidal cells, probably metamorphosed collar cells, lie free here and there. Many of the superficial granu- lar cells are thin and flattened. Below the superficial cells lie several layers of essentially similar granular cells which are not flattened. They are interconnected with one another and 12 JoURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETY {| May with the superficial cells. The entire network formed by the granular mesenchymal cells is closest at the cut surface and be- comes more and open as we go deeper below the surface. Two hours after cutting. The cells at the surface are now more uniformly flattened than they were an hour earlier. A group of the superficial cells isshown in fig. 6. Five hours after Cutting. The surface is now occupied by a layer of thin, flattened, coarsely granular cells or cell areas connected by a complex network of fine intercellular strands (fig. 7). The cells areas are mostly uninucleate but may include two or even three nuclei. The areas have no precise boundaries but merge gradually into the intercellular network. On focussing below the surface layer, coarsely granular mesenchymal cells come into the view. These have slender processes and are freely intercon- nected forming a coarse open network (fig. 8, m.c.) This open network of coarsely granular mesenchymal cells constitutes the body of the developing dermal membrane. In it spaces which doubtless represent pore canals have already appeared. One such is skown in fig. 8 (p.c.) The mesenchyme cells bounding it, and which doubtless become the lining epithelium, do not yet form 2 continuous wall. Above the developing pore canal the epidermal layer, p. m., is shown as it appears at the upper focus. Twelve hours after cutting. The surface is now occupied by a continuous epidermal membrane in which the cells that have fused ate still distinguishable (fig. 9). The area around each nucleus or group of two or three takes a deeper stain and appears asa finely granular, vaguely delimited area containing a good many of the coarse granules that characterise the fusing cells in earlier stages. Between these areas the epidermal membrane is a thin continuous sheet which in places appears reticular (alveolar] and in other places more fibrillar. In this thin sheet one sees here and there a few of the coarse granules which seem to be lodged, in cages at least, at the nodes of the reticulum. The sheet ex- hibits small perforations of varying size, sometimes twice as large as that shown in fig. 9 (per.) Possibly these are the beginnings of pores, although I was not able to observe that they always lay PLATE II. -* we 1911) EPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 13 over pore canals. In a regenerating dermal membrane at this stage groups of well formed pore canals are found here and_ there (fig. 9, p. c.) In the preparation shown in fig. 9, the pores are open. Later development. The epidermis 24 hours after cutting is like that of the normal sponge. The course granules found in earlier stages are absent or present only in scanty number here and there. Pore canals that are open or closed in by pore membranes are abun- dantly present. The ectosomal skeleton is scanty. Pieces of sponge were kept in live boxes for a week and in these examina- tion indicated that the ectosomal skeleton was practically like that of the normal sponge. The color of the new surface at this time was still like that of the interior, orange, while the old surface was orange with a distinct tinge of green. Summary. A comparison of the stages just described shows that immediately after the cutting coarsely granular mesenchyme cells approach the exposed surface in considerable number. Many of the migrating cells are doubtless originally free amoebocytes. The granular cells when they have reached the neighborhood of the surface appear as branched bodies freely interconnected. This layer of interconnected granular cells develops into the new dermal membrane. The cells at the surface become flattened and more closely set than the deeper elements from which they are no doubt recruited during the first few hours The fuse to form the epidermis. Union between the cells takes place not through crowding so as to give rise to plane surfaces, but through the con- tinued development of intercellular connectives. As these become more numerous and branched they give rise to a complex reticulum of protoplasmic strands. This intercellular reticulum becomes transformed into what we would usually speak of as a continuous sheet of protoplasm, although careful examination shows that even in the adult it has a finely reticular, possibly alveolar struc- ture. During the metamorphosis of the superficial granular cells into the epidermis, the cells loose their characteristic granules. The pore canals arise as excavations in the mesenchyme of the developing dermal membrane, and are covered in by the new epidermis which in such places constitutes pore membranes. 14 JOURNAL OF THE MrTCHELL SocrkTy [ May THE EPIDERMIS IN RENIERA The species used is an undescribed one fairly common in Beau- fort harbor. The body, frequently about 100 mm. high, is a com- plex system of anastomosing cylindrical branches, the diameter of which varies from 3 mm. to 8 mm. The color is often pink but varies to a brown. The oscula terminate short tubes arising ver- tically from the branches. Such oscular tubes are frequently 1.5-3 mm. in diameter, 2-4 mm. high. The wall of the tube is colorless, thin, and transparent. The sponge, like the other two forms used for the observations recorded in this paper, falls in the halichondrine monaxonida. For the study of the epidermis pieces were fixed in absolute alcohol, 95 per cent alcohol, sublimate, picro-sulphuric. Thick tangential sections were made from the smoothest and most trans- parent parts of the surface. Both celloidin and parafline were employed. Useful preparations were also made directly from the oscular tubes in the following way: The tube was cut off, split lengthwise, the sponge tissue picked away from the canalar sur- face, and the pieces mounted with the epidermal surface upper- most. Forstaining I made use in general of haemalum and congo red, staining the piece in toto with haemalum and the sections in congo. Results with material fixed in alcohol Alcohol proved much the best fixative. The epidermis is so delicate a membrane that during the treatment necessary with other fixatives it cracks. In the alcoholic preparations clean places must be looked for. These are abundant enough, and in such places the structure of the layer may be successfully studied. There are no cell boundaries. The layer is a syncytium as in Stylotella, consisting of a thin, continuous sheet of protoplasm containing abundant nuclei that are irregularly scattered (fig. 11). Round each nucleus as a rule the protoplasmic sheet is thicker than elsewhere, takes a deeper stain, and presents a finely granular appearance. The rest of the sheet is minutely reticular. Granules sufficiently large to be recognised individually and which are abun- dantly present in mesenchyme cells, are not found in the epidermis 1911| FPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 15 The recticular character of the sheet is very distinct in places where the staining is both deep and clean. The meshes appear to be actual spaces. They look clear and empty and are bounded by the stained reticular lines. The thin pore membranes closing in pore canals are especially favorable for such observations. The epidermal sheet is certainly of surprising delicacy and thinness. It may often be traced over the large spicules which lie horizon- tally and form the superficial meshes of the skeletal network. In such places it rests upon the white background of the spicule and the reticular character comes out distinctly. There are places where mexenchyme cells of the dermal membrane also lie on top of the superficial spicules. But it is where the epidermis alone crosses the spicule that the opportunity for study is so especially good. Results with other methods Sublimate was given a good trial as a fixative. The epidermis cracks a great deal. The fragments are sometimes fit for study. They exhibit the reticular character of the sheet and an absence of cell boundaries, as noted above. Picro-sulphuric which is a good fixative for the epidermis in Stylotella does not give good results on Reniera. The epidermis cracks into pieces. When treated with this fluid the membrane seems to have no stiffness. Thus it often drops down into the pore canals and breaks away from the part left on the surface. The fragments are sometimes fit for study. They are fre- quently polynucleate but exhibit no cell boundaries. The reticular character of the sheet could not be observed on this material. Several trials of the silver nitrate method were made on favor- able days. The silver entirely failed to show the presence of cell boundaries in the epidermis. Where the stain is deep, the out- lines of mesenchyme cells and processes sometimes appear. The silver was used according to the method already described for Stylotella. Oscular tubes that had been so stained were split and mounted in water, glycerine, and balsam. Tangential sections were also made. As a control pieces of an expanded Leptogorgia 16 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SociktTy { May were used, and the epithelial cells on the surface of the polyps were here outlined with great distinctness. Pores, pore canals, and pore membranes In the preparations made from preserved material, the pores are sometimes wide open or partially, sometimes completely, closed by pore membranes. The pore membrane as in Stylotella is simply an extension of the epidermis. When it incompletely closes the pore it has a single nucleus (fig. 11), and even when it is complete it may have but one (fig. 11). Frequently, however, when it is complete it exhibits more than one nucleus (fig. 11, 5). As Jong as the pore membrane is imperfect the outline of the pore canal is distinct. When the pores are cormpletely closed, however, it often happens that the outline of the pore canal is vague or lacking at some part of the circumference (fig. 11). The explanation of this appearance must be that after the epidermis has extended over the pore canal the mesenchyme of the dermal membrane also extends in towards the middle of the canal, thus tending to obliterate it. Fortunately in this sponge the behavior of the pores may easily be watched during life. For this purpose an oscular tube is cut off, split lengthwise, and the halves mounted with epidermal sur- face uppermost in plenty of sea water under a coverglass. The cover flattens the pieces sufficiently to permit the use of a one-sixth inch objective. In such preparations made from a sponge just re- moved from the live box, many of the pores will be found open and their closure may be actually observed. I append the follow- ing records of observations on the closure of selected pores. Pore 1. At 9.45 a.m., the pore is open with one nucleus at the margin (fig. 10). The nucleus shifts its position, traveling back and forth along the margin, going sometimes half round the pore and back again. The movements of the nucleus are quick and easily observed. At 9.50 the epidermis extends a short distance over the margin in the shape of a thin film. This gradually spreads across the pore becoming a well marked pore membrane. As it spreads the originally marginal nucleus passes into it. The sketches (fig. 10) show successive stages in the passage of the PLATE III. pe a oe na S paca Fc 5 = le ¢. 9 B 3 G45 E>” e. 956 | : : yD é) q55 9.58 0 1 ua 1911| EPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 17 membrane across the pore, At 9.58 the pore canal is almost com- pletely closed in. Its outline is still distinct at this time. Five minutes later the pore is completely closed, and the outline of the pore canal is no longer distinguishable. Pore 2. The pore at 10 a. m., is partly closed by a few inter- connected strands of protoplasm which include a nucleus (fig. 12). The strands are thin and delicate, and are in continuity with the surrounding epidermis. The protoplasmic strands change form and arrangement, and the nucleus shifts its position, all very quickly. Such amoeboid movements continue for some min- utes. During their progress camera sketches were made, and the conditions at 10.05 and 10.07 are shown in fig. 12. By 10.10 the protoplasmic strands have taken the shape of a marginal film. This is drawn into the epidermis, the nucleus remaining at the margin of the pore, and at 10.12 there is only the usual appearance of an an open pore. The nucleus now shifts quickly back and forth along the margin of the pore, narrow marginal films appearing and disappearing as the nucleus changes position (comp. sketches drawn at 10.15, 10.17, 10.20, fig. 12). The narrow marginal film present at 10.20 begins to spread at 0.21 and rapidly covers the whole pore, becoming a pore membrane into which the nucleus passes. Two stages in the completion of the pore membrane are drawn as they appear at 10.23 and 10.25, The pore is completely closed by 10.27. The wall of the pore canal was distinet all round until 10.21. Shortly after that time it began to grow indistinct round a part of the circumference (right side). At 10.25 it was no longer distinguishable in this region and was only vaguely outlined on the opposite side. The pore canal was kept under observation until 10.40 a.m. At that time its outline (p. ¢. in fig. 13) was still vaguely distinguishable, although circumseribing a much smaller area than formerly. Pore 3. When the observations began the pore canal (fig. 14, 1.45 p. m.) was far smaller than the normal. It had evidently already contracted. It was partly covered by a pore membrane at the margin of which lay a nucleus. The marginal pore mem- brane was then largely drawn into the epidermis, the nycleus 18 JOURNAL OF THE MircHELL Society [ May shifting its position in what remained (comp. sketches drawn at 1.50 and 1.53). At 1.53 the marginal membrane began to spread rapidly, closing in the pore by 1.57. After complete closure of the pore the outline of the pore canal was still distinguishable. The outline was distinguishable but smaller at 2 p.m. The wall at this time was far from sharp and appeared rough and granular, whereas before closure of the pore it was sharp and smooth. The rough outline at 2 p. m., probably indicates how far the mesen- chymal jelly has spread towards the middle of the original pore canal. Pore 4. The pore at 2.05 p. m., was wide open, and at the margin two nuclei were distinguishable (fig. 15, 2.05 p.m.) One nucleus, a, remains at rest, but the other nucleus, 6, shifts its position back and forth in the usual way. It position at suc- cessive moments is shown in the camera sketches made at 2.07 and 2.10. Nucleus > is the pore nucleus, the movements of which are associated with the formation of the pore membrane. The other nucleus @ is not especially concerned in the closure of the pore. At2.12 the epidermis has just crept beyond the margin of the pore, carrying with it the nucleus >. By 2.15 the pore membrane has completely crossed the pore and the outline of the pore canal is indistinguishable. Pore 5. At the beginning of the observations (fig. 16, 3.15 p. m.) the pore which 1s somewhat constricted is crossed by a single strand of protoplasm. The strand moves across the pore and incorporates the nucleus (3.20). Thestrand with the nucleus at its base now shifts its position across the pore back and forth, finally passing to the edge and becoming a marginal film (3.30). This quickly spreads over the pore in the usual way. Pseudopodial activity at the pores While making observations on the closure of pores, pseudopodial activity was occasionally observed at the margin of the pore and at the free margin of a partial pore membrane. In fig. 17 three pores are represented in which such activity is goingon. In pore h the pseudopodia extend out from the incomplete pore membrane, in the other two cases from the margin of the pore itself. The fine 1911] EPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 19 pseudopodia were thrown out, moved about quickly, often fused more or less with one another, sometimes combining to form a network (pore c). They then were partially or completely drawn in, but reappeared after a short! interval. This remarkable phenomenon was observed in the case of the three pores shown during one-half hour, at the end of which period the pores were still wide open and the pseudopodial activity going on. At several other times I have noticed the formation of one or two flagellum- like pseudopods at the margin of open pores. Such pseudopods would quickly appear, move or wave from side to side, and bedrawn in. There was nothing to indicate that this pseudopedial activity at the margin of pores was a pathological phenomenon. It is possible that it occurs commenly during life, and that the pseudopodia are temporary, sensory processes which explore, so to speak, the region of the open aperture. The facts afford a further illustration of the widespread occurrence of ‘‘filose phenom- ena,’’ to the importance of which as an expression of the funda- mental nature of protoplasm, Professor and Mrs. E. A. Andrews have repeatedly called attention (see especially, Andrews G. F., 07). Summary account of pore closure in Reniera The pore canals may undoubtedly contract, viz., while still open become smaller (comp. figs. 15 and 16). The entire thickness of the dermal membrane shares in this process. Actual closure is, however, brought about by an extension of the epidermal layer across the pore. This extension of the epidermis may at once constitute a simple and continuous pore membrane (fig. 10) sim- ilar to that present in Stylotella. Or the epidermis may first ex- tend across the pore in the shape of one or more strands of protoplasm which shift about in amoeboid fashion (figs. 12 and 16) and are then withdrawn into the general layer before the continuous pore membrane finally begins to extend across the pore. A single nucleus not differing in appearance from other epidermal nuclei is associated with the closure of a pore. It lies at the margin round which it is shifted back and forth, in the first stage of closure, probably by wave-like movements of the pro- 20 JOURNAL OF THK MrreHELL SocieTyY [ May toplasm similar in some respects to those occurring in plant cells (Nitella, e. g.) These movements of the nucleus are quick and easily observed. For instance a nucleus made the complete cireuit of a widely open pore in about one minute. After closure of the pore, other nuclei beside the pore nucleus may pass into the area which covers the pore canal (fig. 11). The constant presence of a nucleus at the pore and its quick changes of position strongly suggest that it is in some way physiologically concerned in pore closure. The extension of the epidermis to form a pore membrane does not necessari'y involve the rest of the dermal membrane, and hence after the epidermis has spread across the pore, the pore canal may stiil remain open, in which case its outline is distin- guishable on focussing below the surface. Usually after closure of the pore, the outline of the canal is suddenly lost to view. This must be due to centripetal streaming of the mesenchyme of the dermal membrane, induced by scme local contraction in the epithelial wall of the canal. Perhaps in nature the pores com- monly remain in this condition until they reopen. At any rate this is the state in which closed pores are usually found in pre- served material (fig. 11). In excised pieces of sponge kept under a cover glass the pore canal may completely or almost completely disappear. In this latter case the area of the canal diminishes greatly in size and its outline becomes rough and vague (figs. 13 and 14). This small and vaguely outlined area represents the central region of a pore membrane, and indicates how far ‘the mesenchyme of the dermal membrane has streamed inwards in its obliteration of the pore canal. The formation of a pore membrane is a contraction phenomenon which involves only the epidermis. The closure ol the pore canal is probably also primarily a contraction phenomenon, which in this case involves the epithelial lining of the pore canal. The epithelial Jining contracts, we may suppose, after the fashion of a sphincter, locally or throughout the extent of the pore canal, and so tends to obliterate the lumen. Such contraction brings with it a centripetal streaming of the mesenchyme of the dermal mem- brane. The closure of the canal is certainly not brought about by PLATE IV. 2" O"O" O° nd “Oo @ . : é “Oo @ 12 se ’ ’ 1911] EPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 21 the contraction of surrounding fibre-like cells arranged in sphincter fashion. There are none of these. In the centripetal streaming of the dermal mesenchyme we must distinguish active movements of cells and passive move- ments of intercellular jelly. Both undoubtedly occur. On the active movements of such cells I may record the following few observations. The conspicuous cells in the mesenchyme of the dermal membrane are coarsely granular amoebocytes (cells a, c¢, in fig. 18) and pale cells either without coarse granules or with only a few (cells d, b, in fig 13). Both varieties of cells may appear in the spheroidal shape. When they are actively moving they are irregular in shape, the body extending out into slender prolongations. Cells of both varieties constantly shift their posi- tion, and undergo changes of form, all very slowly. The granular amoebocytes move more actively than the pale cells. The cells a and ¢ crossed the space included between the spicules, passing over b which they obscured for a time. In crossing the space, cell a consumed five minutes. CLOSURE OF PORES IN LISSOCENDORYX The species used was Lissodendoryx carolinensis, a common form in Beaufort harbor, and a deseription of which is contained in a paper now in press for the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. The sponge falls in the halichondrine monaxonida. The whole sur- face is abundantiy covered with tubular translucent papillae the walls of which are perforated with numerous pores. These pore- papillae which are often slightly branched are contractile and may almost entirely disappear. When dilated they are about 3-5 mm. long and 1 mm. in diameter. If such pore-papillae in the expanded state are cut off and mounted in sea water, many pores are found to be open, and their closure may be watched under the microscope. Each pore lies in a field surrounded by long spicules (tylotes) and when expanded is large. Asin the cases of the preceding species, I restrict the term pore to the actual aperture of the surface, using the term pore canal for the very short tube which perforates the wall of the ae JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Soctrwry [May pore-papilla. [ append the following record of observations on the closure of selected pores. Pore 1. When the observations began at 2.25 p. m., the pore canal and pore were wide open. The pore canal steadily contracts until 3.20 p.m. The diameter of the canal at this time is about one-third of the original size. While the pore canal is contracting, the surrounding spicules come closer together (the whole papilla contracts). The mesenchyme cells at 3.20 extend to the very wall of the pore canal. Imme- diately after 3.20, a thin homogeneous looking membrane con- taining no mesenchyme elements suddenly extends out across the open aperture. This pore membrane (fig. 18, 3.25 p.m.) in a few minutes time closes the pore completely. Pore 2. The pore canal at 3.30 p.m. had already contracted to about one-half the full size, and was in the same condition as pore 1 at 8.20 The pore, however, closes in a different way from pore 1. The canal steadily contracts until it disappears, at 3.40 p.m. Pore 3. The pore canal contracts to about one-half its original diameter. It then is found covered in near its margin by an ex- tension of the dermal membrane. This extension constitutes zone b of fig. 19. From this zone a further extension in the shape of a very thin membrane, zone a, formed exclusively by the eni- dermis, extends over the more central part of the canal. It seems proper to designate zone @ as a pore membrane. My reeord for this pore is not complete. Probably the pore membrane was first formed, and the mesenchyme of the dermal membrane later streamed inwards, forming zone b. The pore membrane soon closes the pore completely. The distinction between zones > and a is later Jost, since granular amoeboecytes and microscleres in- vade zone a. Even after this has occurred, on focussing below the surface, the wall of the pore canal may be seen. Summary. In this sponge the pores do not always close in the same way. (1) Often the whole pore canal closes up and disap- pears by simple contraction. Pore 2 closesin this way. (2) In other cases the pore canal shrinks as before, but actual closure 1911| EPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 23 is brought about by a rapid extension of the epidermal layer across the pore, forming a pore membrane (pore 1.) (3) In still other cases the pore canal shrinks and closure is then ef- fected through the formation of a pore membrane which is gradu- ally reinforced by the dermal mesenchyme (pore 3). COMPARISON OF THE METHODS OF PORE CLOSURE AS OBSERVED IN STYLOTELLA, RENIERA AND LISSO- DENDORYX The various waysin which pores were observed to close in the three species of sponges that were studied may be arranged in a series expressing the successive physiological states that con- ceivably may occur in the closure of a dermal pore in monaxonid sponges generally. (1) A partial closure of the pore may be brought about by the extension of the epidermis across the aper- ure in the shape of one or more amoeboid strands of protoplasm (figs. 12 earlier stages, and 16, for Reniera). Possibly this state is sometimes preceded by the formation of fine pseudopodia at the margin of the pore (fig. 17, for Reniera). Suchclosure is temporary. The pore opens and then remains open or (2) is completely closed by a continuous extension of the epidermis across it, form- ing a pore membrane (fig. 12 later stages, for Reniera; figs 2 and 3 for Stylotella). (3) To bring about a more secure closure of the pore, the pore membrane is reinforced by a centripetal ex- tension of the dermal mesenchyme induced through contraction of the epithelial lining of the pore canal. This reinforcement ex- tends gradually from the margin across the whole pore (fig. 19 and pore 3, for Lissodendoryx). (4) Hitherto the lower part of the pore canal, opening into the subdermal chamber, has re- mained open. Contraction accompanied by centripetal stream- ing of the dermal mesenchyme now affects this part of the canal and almost obliterates it (fig. 13, for Reniera) or completely obliterates it (pores 1 and 4, for Reniera). The final result, complete closure and obliteration of the pore canal, which may occur as the end of aseries of easily distin- guished steps, is in other cases brought about simply through 24 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Soctnry | May continued shrinking (pore 2, for Lissodendoryx). Or the pore canal may shrink greatly, and then be closed in by the formation of a pore membrane (fig. 18, for Lissodendoryx,) the complete obliteration occurring later. THE CANAL EPITHELIUM IN STYLOTELLA Oscular lobes of sponges jn which the canals were well expand- ed, were fixed in aleohol (absolute and 95° per cent,) sublimate, and picro-sulphuric. After hardening pieces were excised which included two or three of the main efferent canals, and these were sectioned so as to cut the canals longitudinally. Celloidin was used as an imbedding material, and the sections were cut. thick. As the series of sections passes through a canal, the first and last sections will of course cut the canal wall tangentially, and these sections when mounted with the canalar face up give ex- cellent surface views of the lining. For staining haemalum was used ‘‘in toto,’? and the sections were stained in congo red. It is only the main efferent canals that I have studied. Pieces fixed in aleohol and picro-sulphuric yield essentially the same results. A study of the details show further that the re- sults are reliable. The main efferent canals are lined with the epithelial membrane depicted in fig. 20. It may be seen that the membrane consists of a single layer of flattened cells that are separated by wide spaces across which abundant intercellular con- nectives pass. The cells are in general elongated in a direction transverse to the long axis of the canal, but polygonal cells also oceur. The cytoplasm is granular and vacuolated, and quite with out distinct boundaries. It passes insensibly into the intercellu- lar connectives. The vacuoles vary in size and are irregularly distributed. In many cells the granules are seattered more or less uniformly through the cell, but quite commonly they are distributed in dense and pretty straight tracts which often extend along one margin. ‘he nuclei appear to be all alike. They uni- formly show the membrane, nucleoplasm, and chromatin in the shape of granules or short pieces (doubtless a reticulum exists). The term ‘‘cell’?’? and the idea expressed by it are net alte- gether appropriate to the nucleated areas present in this men. 1911) EPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 25 brane. The areas are everywhere united by abundant intercellu- lar connectives, and merge very gradually into these, the cyto- plasm often thinning away into reticulated films which then pass into the intercellular strands. Where the margin of the cell area is densely granular, the distinction between cell and the con- nective is sharper (a figure inevitably represents the contrast be- tween cell body and connective as sharper than it exists in na- ture). The nucleated areas are frequently directly confluent, so that one and the same area may contain two nuclei (fig. 20). The membrane is actually of course a syneytium, but it is one in which the component cells permanently remain in a state of im- perfect union. The regenerating epidermis passes through an es- sentially similar stage (fig. 7). The canal lining thus remains in a condition not so far removed from the mesenchyme as is the epidermis. Like the epidermis it may be regenerated from the mesenchyme, probably as Weltner (?07) maintains, largely from the granular amoebocytes. When the membrane is examined with a comparatively low power, the nucleated cell areas appear to have distinct boundaries and to be independent cells separated by wide spaces. Fixation with sublimate may lead to the same erroneous conclusion. In fig. 21 the canal epithelium is represented as it appears when prepared from sublimate material. The cells are widely separated and have good sharp boundaries. The cytoplasm is finely granu- lar and fairly dense. Almost no intercellular connectives are pre- sent. The absence of the connectives and the uniform dense granular appearance of the cells when comparison is made with a good alcoholic preparation such as that from which fig. 20 was made, must be regarded as artefacts due to the sublimate treat- ment. There is good indication that the lining epithelial cells are contractile and of themselves bring about the diminution in bore of the canal. The canals certainly do diminish in bore, and greatly at times. Round the canal there are no fibre-like mes- enchyme cells arranged sphincter fashion. But the shape and arrangement of the lining epithelial cells suggests plainly that 26 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ May they are the closers of the canal. As I have said the cells lining an expanded canal are in general elongated transversely to the long axis of the canal. Very often the cell is so long and nar- row that it is properly described as fibre-like (figs. 20 and 21). Mingled with such one finds other cells that are not greatly elongated and still others that are polygonal (fig. 21). I have examined some canals in which contraction had very materially diminished the size of the lumen. In these | found that a very large number of cells were either only moderately elongated or were polygonal. This is what one would expect to find if the epithelial cells do by contraction shorten and so tend to close up the canal. In this connection it may be noted that in the case of con- tracted canals, when seen in cross section, the surrounding mes- enchyme (collenchyma) cells are found to be greatly elongated and arranged in such fashion that they radiate outwards from the canal wall. The appearances suggest that as the epithelial cells are the closers of the canal, the surrounding collenchymal cells act as openers. COMPARISON It is well known that in a large number of sponges the dermal surface is covered and the canals lined with a single layer of cells (pinacocytes of Sollas) forming an epithelium. It was F. KE. Schulze who in 1875 first established this fact. After demon- strating the presence of epithelia in Sycandra he showed in suc- ceeding numbers of his classical “‘Untersuchungen’’ that the same or very similar structural conditions are found in a great variety of sponges. Schulze’s conclusions have been confirmed and extended, for the same and other forms, by many observers. A review of the literature shows, however, that both Schulze and other observers have now and then, in this sponge or that, been unable to demonstrate the presence of distinct cells in the epider- mal membrane. Possibly in some of these forms the epidermis is a continuous syncytium as in Stylotella and Reniera. With regard to the canal lining a number of recorded facts suggest that loose epithelioid membranes such as I have found in Stylotella perhaps occur with some frequency in place of typical epithelia 1911| EPITHELIOID MEMBRANES IN MONAXONID SPONGES 27 composed of polygonal cells fitting together neatly by straight edges. The covering layers of surfaces exposed to the water are certainly less uniform in sponges than was supposed some years ago to be the case. The hexactinellids in particular depart from the common condition. In these sponges, as Ijima’s important discoveries seem to show, the covering layers in question can not be regarded as epithelia at all. In the following sponges the occurrence of epithelia on the surface of the body, or lining the canals, or in both situations, is well established. Calcarea. In Sycandra (Schulze ’75) the dermal and gastral surfaces are covered with an epithelium composed of a single layer of flat polygonal cells which fit together neatly. In Grantia according to Dendy (’91 a) the epidermis is a simple flat epithe- lium and theinhalent canal system is lined with a similar layer. In Vosmaeropsis too, Dendy (’93) finds that the epidermis and canalar lining are simple flat epithelia. In Clathrina, Minchin (’00) finds the dermal surface covered with flat polygonal epithe- lium cells, between which are intercalated the peculiar pore cells, In Leucosolenia, Dendy (91 b) finds the dermal surface covered with thin flat po'ygonal epithelium cells. The more recent in- vestigations of Urban (’06) show that while the flat cell is the common type, the epidermis also includes cells of other shapes, some cylindrical, some flask-shaped, the later probably glandular. Minchin ’08 confirms Urban’s account as to the variation in shape of the epidermal! cells in this genus. Carnosa. In Chondrosia and Chondrilla (Schulze ’77b) the canals are lined with a simple flat epithelium. In Plakina (Schulze ’80) the dermal surface and canals are covered with a single layer of flat epithelium cells that are flagellated. In Plakor- tis (Schulze, loc. cit.) the conditions are similar except that the cells are probably not flagellated. In Corticium, Schulze (’81) finds that the dermal surface is covered with flat epithelium cells. The canals of this genus are lined in places, according to Len- denfeld ((94, p. 74) with columnar epithelium. Tetractinellida. In Craniella and some others of the ‘‘Chal- lenger’’ tetractinellids Sollas was able to distinguish epithelial 28 JOURNAL OF THE MrrcHELL Sovrkery [ May cells. He does not state whether the cells in these cases were epidermal or canalar (’88, p. 36.) In Geodia and Ancorina Len- denfeld finds [’94, p. 74| that the canals are lined in places with massive cells. Monaronida. Among the Clavulina Lendenfeld finds (?96) in Tethya, Suberites, and Polymastia that the epidermis consists of flat epithelium cells. In Vioa, Suberanthus, Astromimus, and Papillella he finds the canals lined with epithelium cells which in some cases are flat, in others high, the two varieties perhaps only representing different physiological states of the same elements. In Suberites, Thomson (’86) observed that the epidermis con- sisted of a single layer of small, polygonal, and apparently un- equal cells. Among the halichondrine monaxonida the Spongil- lidae are perhaps the best known. In these sponges (Ephydatia) Weltner (796, ’07) finds the epidermis and canal lining made up of flat epithelium cells (pinacocytes). Delage and Hérouard describe (99, p. 176) the same condition as obtaining in Spongilla. According to Weltner the epidermal cells include the pores which would therefore be intracellular. Keratosa. In Aplysina (Schulze ’78 a) the dermal surface and canals are covered with flat epithelium cells. In Spongelia (Schulze ’78 b) the same condition occurs. In Euspongia and Hireinia (Schulze ’79 a, b) the canals are lined with flat epithe- lium. In Aplysilla (Schulze ’78 a, Lendenfeld ’89) the epidermis and canalar lining are made up of flat cells. In Dendrilla and Halme Lendenfeld (’89) finds that epidermis and canalar lining are made up of flat epithelium cells that are flagellate. In Ianthella (Lendenfeld ’89) the epidermis consists of flat cells. Myxospongida. In Oscarella lobularis (Schulze ’77 a) the dermal surface is covered wlth a single layer of fairly thick cells that are flagellate, and the canals are lined with a similar layer. In Halisarca Dujardini (Schulze ’77 a) the canals are lined with flat simple epithelium. In the Hevactinellida true epithelia appear not to be present either on the surface or lining the canals. < 1200. 3 Stylotella. Dermal membrane perforated by pore canals—irom thick tangential section. Pores partially closed. References as before. >< 1200. 4 Stylotella. Dermal membrane showing osmic-silver artefacts. From thick tangential section. >< 1200. 5 Stylotella. An oscular lobe was cut transversely. Part of cut surface is shown; canals have been closed in by newly formed membrane. ch., choanosome; col., collenchyma; c.w., wall of canal; c.m., newly formed membrane closing in the canal. > 85. 6 Stylotella. Regenerating epidermis. Exposed surface twe hours after cutting. x 1200. 7 Stylotella. Regenerating epidermis. Exposed surface five hours after cutting. 1200. 8 Stylotella. Regenerating epidermis. From tangential section of new 36 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ May dermal membrane that has closed in a canal. Five hours after cutting. Body of figure is drawn at a focus below cut surface, and shows mesenchyme cells, m.c.; p.c., Space in mesenchyme, probably representing pore canal. At a different focus the epidermis, p.m., is drawn where it roofs in the space. In such a position the epidermis presumably forms a (closed) pore membrane. < 1200. 9 Stylotella. Regenerating epidermis... Exposed surface twelve hours after cutting. Pore canals, p., now perforate the dermal membrane; small perforations of the epidermis, per., occur. 1200. 10 Reniera. Successive stages in the closure of a pore. 600 (Zeiss D 4). 11 Reniera. Epidermis from an oscular tube. Walls of pore canals, p.c., shown at a lower focus. Pore canals partially or completely closed in by pore membranes, p.m. > 1200. ‘ 12 Reniera. Successive stages in the closure of a pore. >< 600. 13 Reniera. Dermal surface.—from an oscular tube. p.c., pore canal of fig. 12, now closed in and contracted; a-d., cells in the mesenchyme. 600. 17 Reniera. Three pores showing pseudopodial activity, at margin (a, ¢), or at margin of incomplete pore membrane (b). x 600. 18 Lissodendoryx. Late stage in the closure of a pore. p.c., wall of pore canal; p.m., pore membrane. < 600. 19 Lissodendoryx. Stage in the closure of a pore. 600. 20 Stylotella. Epithelioid lining of main efferent canal. Alcohol fixation. x 1200. 21 Stylotella. Epithelioid lining of mainefferent canal. Sublimate fixation. < 600. 5All figures have beenfreduced in reproduction by one third. - “ ied ay amt hy apa! > —~ ae oly = PLATE VI JOSEPH HINSON MELLICHAMP 1829-1903. DR. JOSEPH HINSON MELLICHAMP. By W. C. Coxer. Dr. Joseph LeConte in his charming autobiography refers to the fact that while the civilization of the old South produced many men of fine scholarship and great capacity they seemed rarely to have any ambition for the notoriety that comes from publication. Such aman was Langdon Chevis, to whom Dr. LeConte refers, and such also was Joseph Hinson Mellichamp of Bluffton, 8S. C. The life that Dr. Mellichamp led was as simple and _ beautiful as a child’s. Though I never saw him I know so well the type to which he belonged—without ever a selfish thought or hope of fame he opened his mind to the inexhaustible inspirations of nature and transmuted them into a faith and love that warmed the hearts of all who knew him. He was one of those who gave the old South its real distinetion, a distinction that rested not so much upon the material as upon the spiritual evidences of life, Several little sketches have appeared that give the salient facts and ‘‘superficial vestments’’ of his days. These are by Dr. S.fC) Sargent of the Arnold Arboretum in his “‘Silva of North America,’’ volume on Cupuliferae, page 144; by Mr. Yates Snowden in the Charleston ‘‘News and Courier’? of July 20th, 1897; by Mr. W. H. Canby, a well known botanist and banker of Wilmington, Delaware, in Torreya, Vol. 4. No. 1, Jan. 1904; and by Mr. W. P. Gee in the Charleston ‘‘News and Courier’’. The most important of these is the appreciation by Mr. Canby who knew Dr. Mellichamp personally, and,is referred to by him in one of the letters published herewith. I shall give this sketch in full for the light it throws on the character of Dr. Mellichamp, Mr. Canby says: 37 38 JOURNAL OF THE MITcHELL Socrery [May “Dr. Mellichamp—an excellent botanist of South Carolina— died on James Island in that State on the second of October last. Joseph Hinson Mellichamp, the son of the Rev. Stiles and Sarah Cromwell Mellichamp, was born in St. Luke’s Parish, South Carolina, on the 9th of May 1829. His father was for many years Preceptor of Beaufort College and afterwards was pastor {rector} of St. Janes Church on James Island. Being a lover of outdoor life and of natural objects, he gave his son a taste for the same and especially for botany, which continued throughout his life. In 1849 he graduated from South Carolina College and in 1852 from the Medical College at Charleston. He then spent some time in Europe, studying at the Hospitals of Dublin and Paris. On his return he established himself as a phy- sician at Bluffton, South Carolina, and he remained there the most of his life—the exceptions being the time when he was a surgeon in the army of the Confederate States and when, during his last years, much of his time was spent with his daughter and only child in New Orleans. It was during this period that, to his great delight, he accomplished a visit to Cali- fornia and its ‘big trees.’ 1) Notwithstanding the diligence required to fulfil the responsi- bilities of a large practice among the planters and their depend. ents, he found time for much botanical research and collecting. In the interesting floral region around him were many of the rarer species described by Walter, Michaux, and Elliott. Speci- mens of these were much prized by the botanical fraternity and, through his correspondents, were largely and freely distributed and are now valued samples in many of the best herbaria. " His good judgment in making observations and clear. state- ments of the results brought him the correspondence and esteem of Doctors Gray, Engelmann, and other masters of the science. For Dr. Engelmann he investigated the flowering and fruiting of some species of Yucea, the peculiar oaks of his region, and especially Pinus Elliottii, which he practically discovered and, in the excellent notes he furnished, adequately described. Very ucute observations on the insectivorous habits of Sarracenia vario- laris were published in the Proceedings of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, In this paper he recorded 1911| Dr. JosepH Hinson MELLICHAMP 39 his discovery of the lure by which insects are tempted to the fatal pitcher of the leaf; of the fact that the secretion therein is more or less an intoxicant; and the curious fact that the larva of a certain insect was able to resist the secretion and to feed upon the decaying mass. Dr. Sargent, in his \‘Silva of North America, \ acknowledged his services in the studies of the oaks and other trees. Dr. Gray so esteemed his assistance that he named a Mexican Asclepiad in his honor Mellichampia. Desirous of help- ing others, he was one of those useful men who, diffident and re- tiring, and not caring to advance their own fame, are always willing to give to others the benefit of the knowledge they have acquired. It is not too much to say that but for him, considerable of value would have remained unknown of the flora of his district; grate- ful acknowledgements of this have come from European as well as American botanists.” “\ Dr. Mellichamp was an ardent lover of nature, with a poetic and artistic spirit, and his letters teem with fine descriptions of the various objects which attracted him in his professional drives about the country. Hewas wont, as the spring approached, to speak of the exceeding beauty of the young tlowers of Pinus Elliottii, as they expanded their cones over the trees, crowning their robes of green with a haze of purple. His letters show the keenest sense of tne loveliness and delicious warmth of a spring in the pines with flowers opening everywhere, the fragrance of the woods, of jessamine and of magnolias filling the air made vocal with the songs of mocking-birds. "But best of all, he wasa man to be loved for his qualities of heart and mind. A magnetic and attractive man, his friends and correspondents cannot forget his ready kindness and words of cheer and will cherish his memory. He was beloved by the poor people of his district who, in a touching way, mourned the loss of their ‘‘old doctor’’ as his body was borne to the grave. As might have been supposed he was intensely southern in his feel- ings and in his love for his native State. He now rests in her bosom, and the well-known lines, slightly altered, may well be applied to him, ‘tittle he’ll reck if they let him sleep on in the grave where a southern has laid him. “ 40 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society [May There are some omissions in this as in all other sketches of Dr. Mellichamp’s life and in order to fill in some of these I have sought further information from his relative and life-long friend, Mr. W. G. Hinson, a prominent planter of James Island, South Carolina. Letters from Mr. Hinson and avisit to his home have enabled me to add somewhat to the published facts of Dr. Mel- lichamp’s life. Ina letter of April 26, 1910, Mr. Hinson says that when graduated from the Medical College of South Carolina Dr. Mellichamp did not go at once to Europe but “‘was taken into copartnership by Dr. Pope of Bluffton, S. C., who died shortly after, leaving Dr. Mellichamp with a large, lucrative practice, when he took a notion that his medical education was not com- plete, and that he must spend a year at the hospitals in Europe. His friends tried to dissuade him from such a course, being a young man not well established the field would soon be oceupied and he not able to regain what he had lost. The greatest difti- eulty he had to face was want of means, (His father was an Episcopal clergyman of very limited means, unable to tender him any assistance) fortunately he had an old appre- ciative friend who loaned him $500 which enabled him to carry out his wish. Two years after his return to Bluffton (which was a beautiful settlement on May River, surrounded by wealthy and eultured planters) his practice was much larger and more remunerative than his partner’s had ever been. After the war he returned to his home, which had become almost a deserted country and was so for many years. Many inducements were of- fered him to go to a city, but his love of the forest and nature was too strong. He had one daughter who married Mr. Woodward (son of an Episcopal Clergyman) who is a dentist of note in New Orleans; they have several children, grown up. When Dr. Mel- lichamp’s health failed he went to his daughter’s to live, but re- turned on a visit to his old home, was spending a few days with me, had retired in the evening apparently well. I was aroused in the next room by a call from him and found him breathing with great difficulty. In fifteen minutes he had quietly passed away.’ Dr, Mellichamp was the grandson of St. Lo Mellichamp who 1911| Dr. JosepH Hinson MeiiicHamp 41 “Died, on the 17th of August, 1827, at his residence, Independ- ent Ridge, St. Paul’s Parish, inthe 70th year of his age—a sol- dier of the revolution, and a man of integrity, unblemished throughout life ?’ In his obituary of this soldier, from which the above quotation is also taken, Hon. Henry Bailey, onetime At- torney General of South Carolina,says: ‘In politics he was an undeviating Republican of the Jeffer- sonian stamp, regarding the people as the only legitimate source of power, and their representatives as servants, who are not at liberty to make use of that service for their individual benefit. Thus, when a member of the Legislature he refused a lucrative office, the acceptance of which his friends were pressing upon him, holding it to be a dangerous precedent that a representa- tive should afford the slightest color for a suspicion of having used the influence of his station for his private advancement.’’ St. Lo Mellichamp married a daughter of Captain Benjamin Stiles who commanded the James Island Company during the Revolutionary War. Another daughter of Capt. Stiles was the grandmother of Mr. W. G. Hinson above mentioned. The Rev. Stiles Mellichamp, son of St. Lo Mellichamp married Sarah Fow- ler Cromwell, auyietow, and Dr. J. H Mellichamp was their son. The following notice is copied from the old family bible: ‘Joseph Hinson Mellichamp, M. D., son of Rey. Stiles Melli- champ and Sarah Fowler (Cromwell) his wife, born at Gillison- ville, Beaufort District, South Carolina, 9th May, 1829; married Sarah EK. Pope, daughter of James Pope, Esq., 26 November, 1858, Bluffton, 8. C., and died at Stiles Point, James Island, S. C., Oct- oher 2nd, 1903, at 7 a m., of heart disease. ‘Funeral services performed at (P. E.) Grace Church, Char- leston, S. C., 3d October, 1903, by the Rev. William Way; and buried at Saint Luke’s Church yard, Beaufort county, So. Carolina, twelve miles from Bluffton, S.C., at 12 M., October 4th, 1908. “After the Confederate war (1860-1865 A.D.) Bishop Howe, of the Diocese of So. Carolina Protestant Episcopal Church, sold the above Saint Luke’s Church, located on the Fording Island road between New River and Okeetee River to the Metho- dists and it is now known as ‘‘Bull’s Hill Church.”’ 42 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ May i “The church is a quaint wooden structure on the edge of the forest road where Dr. Mellichamp loved to roam in pursuit of his favorite study of the trees and flowers.”’ Dr. Mellichamp’s contribution to a knowledge of southern bot- any cannot be judged from his own publications. With the ex- ception of occasional letters these seem to be confined to the fol- lowing: Ist. Insectivorous habits of Sarrecenia variolaris in Proceed- ings of the American Association forthe Advancement of Science. 2nd. Notes from a South Carolina Naturalist I. Garden and Forest, Jan. 2nd, 1889. 3rd. Notes from a South Carolina Naturalist II. Garden and Forest, Jan. 9, 1889. His principal contributions were in the form of collections, ob- servations and notes that he was constantly sending to the prin- cipal botanical scholars of the country. In his study of the Con- iferae* Dr. Engelmann of St. Louis, one of the ablest botanists of the times, says: °‘P. Elliottii was imperfectly known to Elliott and was considered by him a form of P. Taeda. Later botanists ignored it, till Dr. J. H. Mellichamp of Bluffton, S. C. redis- covered it about ten years ago and directed my attention to it. Without his diligent investigations; ample information and copi- ous specimens, this paper could not have been written.”’ In 1893 Dr. Mellichamp found on a tree of Pinus Elliottii at Bluffton some remarkable bisexual cones (androgynous cones) and these appeared again in other years (see reference to this in one of the following letters). These cones found their way to the hands of Dr. H. Christ who published a technical description of them in Le Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique. He there refers to Dr. Mellichamp as ‘‘our excellent friend, Dr. Mellichamp, of Bluffton, S. C., known for his notable botani- cal discoveries, and especially for his studies on the pines of his country.’ The following observation was | written by Dr. Mellichamp in *'The botanic a ue of ‘ne ie George nyalinenn?? , edited by Wm. Trelease and Asa Gray, 1887. 1911| Dr. JoskpH Hinson MELLICHAMP 43 his copy* of Dr. George Engelmann’s ‘‘Revision of the Genus Pinus.”’ “ During this season 1880 (the winter having been very mild) Pinus Elliottii flowered from Ist to 10th of February;—P. Australis and P. Taeda almost together about the first week in Marech— the former a little in advance;—P. Glabra a little later,—and P. Mitis and P. Serotina almost together from Ist. to 10th of Apri ,—— the former being a littlein advance. 1— 2— 3— 4— P. Elliottii P. Australis and P, Taeda P. Glabra 1st-10th Feb. 1st-10th March. 10th-20th March. — — iY P. Mitis and P. Serotina 1st-10th April. J. H. Mellichamp, Bluffton, S. C., 20 April, 1880. In order to arrive at a clearer conception of Dr. Mellichamp’s characteristics as a man and naturalist, | have examined a num- ber of his letters that were kindly sent me by Mr. Hinson, who says: “T have sent you a number of letters with the package sent by this mail, thinking they would give you a clearer understanding of his nature than anything one could say. His being named after my father would naturally cause an interest in him, but it only need- ed contact with him to be won by his pure and lovely character.’ From these letters I have selected the following for publication knowing that they will be more appreciated than any other part of this contribution. The letters, unless otherwise stated, are ad- dressed to Mr. W. G. Hinson, Stiles Point, James Island, 8. C. Notes ee corrections are by ihe editor. «Now in possession of Mr. NVIG: ingen: 44 JOURNAL OF THE MIrcHELL Socrery [ May Bluffton, S. C., 24 June, i892. My dear William: Thanks for the specimens of Tilia (Bass-wood,Linden) which you sent me. I take them both to be Tilia pubescens. It differs somewhat from the tree in the mountains and northward—but not much. Near New River I saw on the road a young tree 10-12 feet high which is the only true poplar (I don’t mean the ‘Tulip tree’’— but the “‘Cotton wood’’) which I have seen in the low country, but which is a different species from your “‘Carolina Poplar’’ which is found higher up the country and at the north too, I be. lieve. This I enclose is therefore (so far as I know, and so stated by Elliott) Populus Angulata* and is a Cotton wood. or poplar or as- pen, and the only low-country poplar we have. The other poplar (so called) is no cotton wood—or aspen but the ‘Tulip tree’’ or ‘‘White Poplar’’ and its scientific name is as you may know ‘‘ Lirio- dendron Tulipifera.’’ Yours truly, J. Ea Bluffton, S. C., 29 March, 1895. My dear William: Robert tells me that you want to know where, or how you can get a copy of Dr. Engelmann’s “‘Revision of the Genus Pinus’’ that contains my old friend ‘‘P. Elliottii?’—the one I rediscovered and sent to the Doctor with my notes ete., from time to time. Yes! a delightful correspondence [ had with that genial and kind- ly man! Well! I don’t know where you can get a copy—un- less indeed you were a Gould or a Vanderbilt and could bribe some impecunious botanist to whom Dr. Engelmann may have sent the book, for such things are not found in the book stores! I am glad that I can help you and that too without hurting my- closed) is the true ‘‘Carolina poplar’’ and is now properly known as Popu- lus deltoides Marsh. 1911 Dr. JosePpH Hinson MELLICHAMP 45 son—Dr. George J. Engelmann, and Prof. Trelease of the Shaw’s Gardens of St. Louis, and still more through the good Mr. Shaw himself, (who published in one splendid volume all of Engel- mann’s works), I have a copy which of course includes Dr. En- gelmann’s P. Elliottti. So I have sent it on to you but with thes agreement which you must promise immediately to carry out, viz: that you will have it bound! It need not be bound expensively, just in boards and tipped on the edges and back with calf or sheep. It won’t cost much, but I owe that much to Dr. Engelmann’s book. I was afraid I had lost my copy of the pamphlet in a vil- lianous house-cleaning last year, but today I set to work and by good luck found it. And so send on at once to you. For certain reasons, chiefly to avoid the possibility of its get- ting into some careless darkey’s hands, and its getting mashed up or upset overboard in the Ashley when being carried over to Stile’s Point, I have addressed tt—registered to Robert'at Chis- olm’s Mill, and he is a careful man you know, and will put it in- to your hands safely. What villianous paper these Jews have sold me—the point of my pen actually goes through the paper. Did the pines come all right? Yours affectionately, J. H. Mellichamp. P.S. In 1893-Feb., [found a piece of P. Cubensis, P. Hlliotti, (Engelmann) with most remarkable blooms—many of the aments or catkins having the male or female flowers united, or bisexual or androgynous which ever you please, and they again appeared in 1894 and 1895. I-send you a specimen pressed in the pamph- let. It is not a very good specimen but will do to show.* Bluffton, S. C., May—’95. My Dear William: I received a delightful letter last night from Robert,f in which he told me with great sweetness and simplicity and abounding sympathy, of the great success of the reunion which you inaug- *The androgynous specimen still accompanies the letter, +Robert Mellichamp, his brother, 46 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocreTy [ May urated and carried out. Iam very glad of it, and I congratulate you with heartiness. What I chiefly write for now is to ask you, if it is convenient for you to do so, to send to Dr. F. Peyre Porcher, Pinopolis, 8. C. (Julian’s brother) the copy of Dr. Christ’s paper on the Andro- gynous Catkined pine, which sometime ago I sent you. I sent a small specimen to Dr. Porcher and he seemed interested in it and asked him to send him any paper, etc., of mine, and this is next kin to it. But do not send him my bungling translation, send only the French. .Ask him to be sure and return it to you, and don’t forget to give him your address. Also enclose him stamp for the return of it, which I enclose. I who am so rarely sick, had a pretty bad attack two days ago, bordering on inflama- tion of the bowels—due I think to check of perspiration on the bluff after being well heated by a walk. I am now well, but ex- tremely weak. Affectionately Yours, J. Ee Bluffton, 8. C., Feb. 28, 1896. Rev. Jno. O. Wilson, Greenville, S. C. Dear Sir: I have received the box containing the beautiful specimens of the yellow-berried holly, and [ thank you very much for your courtesy. Upon comparing your Greenville specimens with our common holly on the sea coast, I can see no difference save in the size, shape, and color of the berries which are, I think, almost twice the size of ours here, besides being much rounder, and of a bright yellow color. I think also the leaves which you send have stronger and heavier spines than what we find on some trees, but I have seen the spines equally as strong and numerous on different trees with us. Undoubtedly your tree is the same as ours—TIlex Opaca. I send you with this note two or three specimens from a handsome tree growing near my house. You will observe that some of the leaves are entirely free of spines, and that the berries 1911] Dr. Josep Hinson MELLICHAMP AT are not as round as yours, and are very much smaller—still both trees belong to Ilex Opaca. The only holly with yellow berries, which I have seen, was Ilex Myrtifolia, a so-called “‘variety’’? of the rare and beautiful Tex Dahoon, which grows sparsely in swamps along the sea coast. This ‘‘variety’’ I have never seen growing on salt water, but higher up the country, so far up as Orangeburg county, around pineland ponds. It has been seen with yellow berries about Wil- mington, N. C , from which place the late Dr. Thomas F. Wood sent me fine specimens: With thanks for your kindness, I am Very respectfully yours, J. H. Mellichamp. This letter is copied from a newspaper clipping of date, March 19th, 1896, in possession of Mr. W. G. Hinson (probably from a Greenville, 8S. C., paper). At the foot of the clipping Mr. Hinson has written as follows: “Dr. Mellichamp and myself found both growing in same pond near Summerville in 1898.’’ Charleston, 8. C., August 14, 1897. My dear William: When I sent you P. card I forgot to send you also a copy of “Garden and Forest’? of Aug. 4th, which I think you will find interesting. I refer you to the articles marked. You can keep them. Suppose you look for H. [Hicoria] pallida in your moun- tain region, and be sure and save a good specimen of leaf and fruit for me! You have the guide! Yours truly, a A 3 eb) De Chisolm’s Mill, Charleston, S. C., 2 Sept., [18977] My dear William: Robert hands me your post card so I reply at once. Am glad to know that you looked for Mr. Ashe’s Hicoria pallida, and per- haps have found it,—will be delighted to see it. Suppose you received the copy of Garden and Forest-containing the plate and etc, But you must try and bring also the nut in its present con- 48 JOURNAL OF THE MrrcHeLL Sovlety [ May dition of growth, and anyone of last year’s growth also—if you can! Mr. Ashe has sent mea specimen of H. pallida nicely pressed with nut also. Iam getting along and have not bothered to go up to see the Dr. for I believe 3 weeks—-and have long since thrown his “‘truck’’ to the dogs! R. [Robert Mellichamp] sends regards. J. Hoos Foot of Trade St., 16 Dec., 1897. My dear William: I thank you very much for the fine specimens of Holly whieh you sent me, and I am curious to know where they came from. It would not surprise me to find one of them (Ilex Dahoon) on James Island—but the other two (Ilex Myrtifolia)t I have never seen on salt water, though I have seen it near Hardeville both with yellow berries and red. I refer to the small leaved varieties. In the middle country they are found in, and around pine-land ponds, and they become small trees with very white and smooth bark. They are very beautiful. Let me know where they came from,—if from James Island,—at what place,—and is the yellow berried form abundant? The other tree with larger leaves and pink berries is Ilex Dahoon, and becomes a small tree. It is the arrow leaved form of Ilex Dahoon, Let me know. I sent these specimens (they were so fine) to Dr. Wm. Trelease of the Mis- sourl Botanical Garden at St. Louis, so if it be convenient for you to get other specimens of Ilex Myrtifolia with yellow berries and red also, ’'d be glad—but do not put yourself out or take any special trouble. Yours truly, J. H. Mellichamp. P.S. This thing which I enclose (Illicium parviflorium)* IT found up at Chicora Park much of it growing on the avenue just in the rear of the old Turnbull brick house Jeading to Cooper river +Mr. Peo writes me that he ee a got this from Summerville, S. C. which is not on salt water. *The leaves of Illicium are still with this letter, 1911] Dr. JosepH Hinson MELLICHAMP 49 Have you any of it? It is worthy of cultivation. Leaves when brusied smell delightfully of sassafras, or heart snake root.* Bas Ora Le I saw one tree up there 35-40 feet high! Elliott says they usually grow 6-10 feet high. Sisqo Mi Charleston, S. C., Foot of Trade St., Friday, 14 Jan., ’98. My dear William: I have heard that you were back from your duck-hunting trip, but whether you were over-laden with ducks or not—I did not learn! But I hope you had a pleasant time—as pleasant as the one | had in the same Waccamah region with my dear friend Dan. Tuckert in the days long past—the days that are no more! Please thank Mr. Ellis for sending me the medical books which I leftat your house. I hate to leave, but [ must go, and expect to start for Bluffton early on Monday morning. I shall remain there a few days, then goon to Savannah, and after a day or so shall boom on to New Orleans. What fate has in store for me there—God only knows! Ihave heard from my friend, Mr. W. W. Ashe, Chapel Hill, “*N. C. Geological Survey’? after he received my leaves of the oak which you showed me on the Battery. He says I’m right, that the ‘‘Darlington oak’’{ is our‘‘ Water Oak’’—Q. /aurifolia, but if you do get specimens of the oak from your friend in D—n, | Darlington, S. C.]$ [wish you’d send them on leaves, acorns and all, and any “‘notes’’? you may have about the tree. Goodbye my dear William if I don’t see you again. Yours truly, J. H. Mellichamp. *This is Asarum arifolium Michx., often called ‘‘Heart Leaf.’’ +A wealthy rice planter of Georgetown, 8. C., and a class mate of Dr. Mellichamp at the South Carolina College. +More widely known as ‘‘Laurel Oak.’? The name ‘‘Darlington Oak’’ comes from its use as a street tree in Darlington, 8S. C. §6He refers here to Mr. W. D. Woods, of Darlington, 8. C., who has heen interested for years in the trees of his section, He is still living, 50 JOURNAL OF THE MitrcHELL Soctety [ May New Orleans, La., Cor. Fern and Elm Sts., 18 Feb., ’98. My dear William: Tam sorry that I did not reply just as soon as I received your letter with Mr. Ashe’s papers, but the fact is, I was not very well and so put it off for a more convenient season! And if a thing cannot be well, and properly, and faithfully done, it seems to me it had better not be done at all, and so stands the case about the queries as to the young live oak, and the young magnolias! If I could only have received these queries when I was last in Bluffton, I could have answered them accurately bat now I cannot do so, and I do not wish to trust to my memory of some years back when I not only planted the live oak acorns, but examined the young roots after a year or two and even reported the results to my dear friend Engelmann of St. Louis who had been put on the track by Wim. St. J. Mazyek who spent a pleasant morning with me at the mill, when I was last in Charleston. The results are published in Dr. Engelmann’s works I think. Should I ever get back to the low country in S.C., I shall take the greatest pleasure in examining both the live oak and the magnolia,—but now I’d prefer not to trust too much to (perhaps) a treacherous memory! I am very sorry! I enclose Mr. Ashe’s papers as perhaps you will need them. I thank you very much for getting and sending the specimens of the so called “Darlington oak’’ to Mr. Ashe. When I was last in Bluffton I sent him quite a lot of speei- mens of a curious oak which I had found on the roadside some years before which seemed a hybrid between the ‘‘Water oak,’ our low country ‘‘ Quercus Caurifolia)’’?, and the “Q. Cinera’’, and it had two sets of acorns. the one ‘‘annual,’’ the other “‘bien- nial,’’ that is, the one set maturing in one year, like the “‘Live oak,’’—the other in two seasons like the ““Water oak.’’ It was very curious, and evidently all is not known yet as to the queer ways of our oaks! I like this old place very much, and everybody here is at this present time talking and talking and talking about the ‘‘Mardi 1911| Dr. JoseEpH Hinson MELLICHAMP 5| Gras’’ or whatever they call it. Iam sorry that such things do not interest me now,—but thank God! the woods and fields and trees and plants do interest me still. Two of my grandchildren have been sick with grippal pneu- monia and pleurisy, and Herbert from having been overdone by a long bicycle ride away off to Lake Pontre-Chartrain (or however these French people spell it) last Sunday. Both thank Heaven are now well. Mary sends you much love, —she can’t forget those very happy days you and yours gave her long ago at Stile’s Landing! Well, I must have tired you out my dear William. Yours truly, Beale ea I had one ‘bout’? the other day, waiting in the streets with Iva for the street cars.—losing somewhat of speech and with a kind ofa dull and stupid feeling in the head, and the effects I felt cer- tainly for 2 days! Now [ feel quite well. When you see Elias Rivers give him my love aud do William look after my dear Robert* for me and let me know about him. New Orleans, La., Cor. Fern and Elm Sts. My dear William: I received your letter enclosing one of Mr. Ashe’s last night and reply at once about his pine. What he alludes to as the ‘‘Slash Pine”’ is nothing but the same pine as the seedlings which I send you from Bluffton—otherwise called the ““Cuban Pine’? (P. Cu- bensis), or P. Eliottii, [P. Elliottii], or P. Heterophylla, which Elliott first called it as « variety of the loblolly pine (P. Taeda) but he never made a greater mistake in his life, as it is no ‘‘varie- ty’? but a true and genuine species. It is the only pine on our coast which has purple ‘‘catkins’’? or flowers except the long leaved yellow pine (P. Australis) and it bears its leaves as I have shown you by twos and threes. The scales or flakes of bark are also thinner and longer usually than those of the long leaved pine and of a kind of violet or bluish or pinkish color. You will hard- *Robert Mellichamp, brother to Dr, Mellichamp. ~ 52 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocleTy [ May. ly find it in the Island. I only saw one tree there when I was a boy in College, ané it grew on the bluff or edge of it, not far from the Nartello tower. It was the first tree of the kind I ever saw, and I was struck by the appearance of the cones—their beautiful shape and color. I collected a good many of them for my dear Sister, as she was (at the suggestion of Wm. M. Lawton) making basket work of pine scales for the great exposition in London at that time. She received her testimonials through Mr. Law- ton. I never saw another of that species of pine on James Island although I always kept my eyes open, but I did see the pollen from similar trees wafted in immense clouds (earlier than that of any other pine) when I was fishing or exploring in Great Creek or about Black Island.* I once killed on Black Island an old eagle and two grown young ones, and the nest was also on one of these trees, (P. Elliottii). Pardon my dear William the garrulity of age and my allusion to these delightful days, the happiest of my life. Ishall never see the like again, and it is a delight to al- lude to or think of them! I feel pretty sure that I saw the same tree growing on Goat Island’’ in my trip with your father to Bird Key, but I guess you won’t find it now on James Island. I wrote to Mr. DuBois in Bluffton telling him that I’d be glad for him to send specimens of the tree to Mr. Ashe and I’d_ send stamps, but I do not know whether he had time or inclination. I sent Mr. A. the same androgynous specimens which were just commencing to bloom when I left Bluffton, and this is what he alludes to in his letter to you. Had I known that Mr. Ashe want- ed specimens of P. Elliottii when I was last in Bluffton, I would have taken pleasure in getting them, or having them gotten by somebody at the right time, if Mr. DuBois couldn’t get them— but he may get them as I know him to be kind and obliging. We are in the midst of all the row of Mardi Gras about which *These observations on the occurrence of Pinus Flliottii at and near Charleston (James Island lies right across the Bay from the Battery) are very interesting. Mr. R. M. Harper who has carefuliy studied the distri- bution of this pine says: ‘‘It perhaps does not grow within thirty miles of Charleston.’’ (Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. 34, page 375, 1907). 1911| Dr. JosepH Hinson MeLLicHAmp 53 the French people go mad, but I did not go out last night with John W. and his boys, as I find it impossible to feel any interest (Alas! Alas!) insuch things. But I’ll try tonight unless I get too ‘‘stubbornt’’ as the Crackers say. If Mary was down stairs she would, I know, send her love. John W. is in partnership with a fine man and I may say he is doing well. I wrote you a few days ago, returning Mr. Ashe’s letter and the Darlington man’s. Yours very truly, J. H. Mellichamp. New Orleans, La., Cor. Fern and Elm Sts., April 18th, 1898. My dear William: I fear you are thinking me a troublesome customer, but I can’t help it, as I greatly wish to oblige Prof. C. S. Sargent. A short while ago Mr. Sargent wrote me, begging me to send him from the sea-coast a good specimen of our common Red Cedur as there were questions about it and the Bermuda Cedar which he was anx- ious to settle. I immediately wrote my friend Mr. DuBois of Bluffton, enclosing to him Mr. Sargent’s letter, and asking him to send hima specimen with the berries (if possible) but I have since heard from Mr. DuBois as to other matters, and as he did not say a word as to my request (I sent stamps), I fear that my letter miscarried in the mail. Now I’ve just heard again from Professor Sargent and he thanks me for my attempt, but up to that time the cedar has not arrived, so I conclude that Mr. Du- Bois did not receive my letter. But Mr. Sargent wants speci- mens from different places, so | write you, begging you to send him a specimen or two with the berries, if possible, and on the parcel putting on your name thus, ‘‘ Botanical specimens,’’? from Wm. G. Hinson, James Island, S. C., then the address thus—Prof. C. S. Sargent, Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. That will keep the parcel from being torn to pieces by mail peo- ple probably. Yours affectionately, J. H. Mellichamp. P.S, The Trillium I wanted was sent me by our old friend 54 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | May from St. John’s, Mr. Porcher, so you need not think of it again. IT sent Robert Mellichamp a specimen for you, so that you may know it. May sends her love to you. I am feeling very well, but I am too dull and stupid—indeed that is now I fear a chronie contagion with me! ‘Solemn before us, veiled the dark portal.’’ “Grave of all mortal’! J. He New Orleans, La., Fern and Elm S8ts., 26 May, 798. My dear William: I replied to your kind letter yesterday, but in reading it over again this morning I find there were one or two queries which | neglected to reply to. You ask if [ had seen Dr. Chas. Mohr’s book on Forestry. Yes, I have it, sent me by Dr. M. a few years ago. This was the edition of 796, but yours is IT suppose a later and last edition. The old Doctor paid me a visit in Bluffton some years ago, and stayed a few days with us. We were all very much pleased with him. Heis an accomplished man. He is a druggist in Mobile and has sons and daughters too I think. His home is but a short distance from this city, as you know, and he spent a day with us the other day, dining with us, ete. I fear his health is not as good as it was. He looks much older, and he is now an old man. I may one of these days take a trip to Mobile, and perhaps go about with him a little in the woods. He isa most pleasing man, and has been all over the world. That magnolia which you met within Mr. Middleton’s garden may not really be the same as the “Umbrella tree’? in the C’h woods. It may bethe “‘Magnolia Macrophylla’’, which is “‘found in Tennessee and 10-12 miles to the S. East of Lineoln court house, North Carolina.’’ Elliott. The leaves are very large ‘They have been found thirty-five inches long, and 9-12 inches wide,’’ ete. I wish I could see it in its native haunts. The other 1911| Dr. JosePpH Hinson MELLICHAMP 55 day I was strolling (over a month ago), and I stumbled over a water plant in “‘Audubon Park’’ which T had been looking for all my life in our low country, but never could find. It was the “Tawny Tris.’’ Irish Cuprea Pursh. I found a great many grow- ing in a ditch in the park. I became as you may imagine very much enthused. It was like meeting a very old friend. Elliott says it ‘“grows in the marshes of the Altamahah’’ and cites Le- Conte. I enclose a small specimen, and when the seeds are ma- ture, I shall manage to get some and let you try them in some bog near your house, if you have such a thing as a beg now, which IT am afraid you haven’t! And so the poor little Seabrook bey has gone or is going the way of all flesh, except wise old fellows like W. G. H., but then its doubtful, for you manage to take the cares of other people upon you in addition to your own, so nothing is gained after all! I shall in a few days send you a few acorns of the Texan Oak (Q. Texana) which the people grow on their sidewalks, and you can try and grow it at your place. Well, I believe that is all I have to say Just now. Yours affectionately, J. H. M. (Mellichamp.) New Orleans, La., Fern and Elm Sts. 27 June, 1898. My Dear William: I received your letter some days ago, and thank you for the en- closed specimen which you sent me. I examined that flower some fifteen years or more ago and if I remember a-right could not find it in any Southern Bot. work which I had, either Elli- ott’s or Dr. Chapman’s and of these I have at present only Elli- ott’s. IJ think it is no Southern plant, and don’t know why it should have been planted by the Perronneau* people as I suppose it was. I think I must have sent it to Dr. Gray, of Cambridge but I have forgotten the name, but think it commenced with a C. *An old Carolina family of James Island. Their place is now owned by Mr, W. G, Hinson, 56 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Soormry | May Today I sent it to Dr. Mohr* of Mobile, who lives near here, and indeed came to see me the other day, spending the day with us, and dining with us. Nice German gentlemen and accomplished wants me to:go and see him. I’ll write you again when he gives me the name. Something I want you to do for me again. I want a specimen of the Gonolobus Vine that bears yellow flowers aud grows on the road near the gate to the right, where I got the pink Howered Eu- patorum which you got for me on the /eft of the road. The vine exudes milk when you pluck the flowers or leaves. [Sketch] The petals are somewhat veined and the leaves are generally large and heart-shaped [sketch] and rather hairy. The specimen ought to have one or two clusters of pale-yellow (sometimes brownish purple) flowers, 6-8 inches long and pressed, and keep till dry, or flat. If troublesome don’t bother, and you can send one little bit of the other, the pink Eupatorum, but if either of these be gotten, you must carry with you a book, and on the road press atonce before wilting occurs. The Gonolobus bears a round capsule which is prickly. [sketch] The other kind has angled capsules and very smooth and grows on the McLeod road and has purple owers—dark purple [sketch] petals not veined and sharp pointed. Yours very truly, J. H. M. [Mellichamp. ] New Orleans, La., Cor. Fern and Elm Sts., July 13, 1898. My dear William: I received your package of beautiful plants a mail or two after your letter came, and I thank you very much. The plant Gonol- obus hirsutus was just what I wanted, as I wished to compare it with a vine which I found growing here occasionally in the gar- dens, and even along the sidewalks. *Dr. Chas. Mohr, a druggist and a botanist of distinction. His large work on ‘‘The Plant Life of Alabama’’ is well known. 1911] Dr. Joseph Hrxson MELLICHAMP 57 If I ean find the right book which I pressed it in, I shall enclose it in this letter. I was quite curious about it, especially as I had left Dr. Chapman’s book at home and therefore could not satisty myself about’ the name. However I sent a fragrant of it to my good friend, old Dr. Chas. Mohr of Mobile (he came to see us the other day and spent the day with us) and be gave me the name stating that some weeks ago he had collected it himself in Central Ala. Tt is not found about our Sea-island country of South Carolina, so it was quite a stranger to me. It has the yellow or straw col- ored flowers of your Airsutus but not the shape of the petals, and its leaves are exactly like the vine that grows along the McLeod hedge, and the flowers are of the same shape only they are not dark purple as they are but (as I said) yellow or straw color. Dr. Mohr said it was gonolobus flavidulus. Here is an outline of the petal of your hirsutus [sketch], here is one of flavidulus [sketch | the one more rounded and blunt, the other more narrow, and sharp pointed. The difference you may say, ‘‘twixt tweedledum and tweedledee.’? But both your plant and mine of New Orleans have their flowers straw colored. Much ado I’m afraid you’ll say about nothing, and yet these distinctions are absolutely necessary! As I told you, May and I did not get to see your friends down town, for my own sickness or indisposition with the downpour of rain prevented and we could not go and now we see from the paper that they (at least the ladies) had gone to Saluda, but we shall go again if there are any left. We liked them all very much. It would give me an immense amount of pleasure to come to your house and stay while with you, but I don’t know if I can compass it. But | must think it over. [ heard yesterday—long letter—from Mr. Arthur Huger. He is at Waynesville, N. C., at Pink E. Hyatt’s. That vine of yours (:. hirsutus (hairy) that has the straw color or yellow flower—has also sometimes flowers dark colored a kind of chocolate color, but dif- ferent from the G. M. (Gonolobus Macrophyllus Michx.) at Me- Leod’s fence. The fruit of the former as you must know, both 58 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SociETy [ May the chocolate and yellow colored kind is round and prickly and that of the other smooth and angled—not round.* Yours affectionately, J. H. M. | Mellichamp] Fern and Elm Sts., New Orleans, La., 26th Aug., 1898. My dear William: I received your card yesterday, and thank you more than ever for your affectionate invitation. You are very good to me, and I feel sure I would have a grand time with you and Mr. Brewster in the woods and everywhere—but I cannot come! Some other time perhaps if it suits you in the days to come—I shall give myself that pleasure—but not now! How curiously a man talks of the future—' “Days to come,’’ as if I had the years of Methusaleh ahead of me, and had not already almost hoed out my row of the three score years and ten! Well! it’s no wonder we cling to the years we have known and hope to have here,—for after all it is all we know, and we know nothing ot the other world—the world to come! I hope it is a good place and hope [ shall get there when I go—but it is doubt- ful. I much prefer this present world with its uncertainties and Deviltries—it being the only one I know! But all of such talk is nonsense—let me talk of things more pleasant. About two weeks ago John Woodward had a little holiday of two weeks, and we agreed on taking ¢ a _ small ” ‘outing?’ *In Raeed to the two cone of ne inserted in the positon indi- cated above there are two marginal sketches of the fruit of Gonolobus hirsu- tus and G. Macrophyllus respectively. Gonolobus flavidulus Chapm. is now generally considered only a variety of G. hirsutus Michx. The earlier generic name of Vineetoxicum has been adopted instead of Gonolobus for these species and they are now known as Vincetoxicum hirsutum flayiduluam (Chapm.) Vail. and Vinecetoxiecum gon- or Orpus Walt. Inclosed is a specimen of ‘““Gonolobus flavidulus’’ (leaf and flowers). 1911| Dr. JosepH Hinson MELLICHAMP 59 with grandson Joe* at Covington, which is some 60 miles from New Orleans. And so we went,—and a delightful time we had— or rather I had, for it rained more or less the whole time we were away. The hotel was full where we expected to be entertained, so we went out into Pinelands, some three miles off, with a Ger- man—or rather the son of a German, by name of Zeit Vogel, who took care of us and did the best he could (which was not much) for our comfort. His house was on the banks of a little stream with an Indian name— Bougfalayah he called it, but I don’t know what that means, but it sounded Indianlike and all right, so John and Joe thought it would at least give them a few cat-fish, or a perch (pache, the Savannah River niggers call it) or trout. So they rigged up their lines and tried the most inviting looking spots on the river—but not a bite did they have. John evidently was in hopes of doing such fishing as that he used to do on the “Rocks”? in May River—or about Dawfuskie, or Calebogie—but it was no use—they did not have a bite, so they were just in the humour to accept my invitation to other fields and ‘‘Pastures New,’’ and that was into the beautiful Beech and Magn. lia woods on the banks of the Bougfalayah, where it seemed likely I would see some fine things. And so we did. I soon got John and Jve into an enthusiastic humour, and in a little while I had them showing me, or bringing me the finest or most wonderful speci- mens of shrubs and plants. It is curious, isn’t it?—how you can get people by a sort of contagious enthusiasm into exactly the right mood which you would wish them to be in to help you! The first thing I struck was JWicium parviflorum (or Floridanum) of old Michaux who first found it I think on the St. John’s River in Florida. I have searched our woods in Carolina in yain for it —never could find it in the woods wild, and saw only one shrub on the Okeetee which had been dug from poor Langdon Chevis’ garden on Savannah River when he was engineering at Batten Wagner and losing his life too! Poor fellow! I liked him go much, he seemed a very accomplished man when I met him at the Hilton Head forts. I next met this shrub last year at ‘“‘Chicora’’ (Turnbull’s old place) where I saw one tree about 40 feet high, *Joe Woodward, a grandson of Dr, Mellichamp. 60 _ JOURNAL OF THE MrrcHELL Socrety | May but no tree there had either flower or fruit. But those on ‘the Bougfalayah river were full of fruit, and Joe with a great air of triumph brought me a single flower—growing out of all time and season from a shrub. I guess this shrub is in the gardens. of Sav. and Charleston, etc., but I never saw it wild and growing in the woods but near Covington. I saw other things, but I weary you, so stop, and I thank you very much, my dear William. Yours affectionately, J: H. iM: P.S. If I can squeeze into this letter a specimen of the Illicium Floridanum* with leaves and fruit I shall do so, and I’d like you to keep on the lookout for it, but I don’t expect you to find it. If Mr. Dill is up there will you please give my regards to him. New Orleans, La., 2 April, 1900. My dear Robert: Tf I think I sent you a postal a day or two ago, telling you that both Prof. Sargent and Mr. Canby had suddenly burst in on us—asking me to pilot them through the Covington swamps and show them the fine J/ictum which I had found there a year or two ago. I wish I could have had them to dinner, but my poor daughter was badly fixed for it, being be-devilled by servants as she was who might be termed of the Devil incarnate order. So after my making an agreement to meet them next morning at the Depot (Sunday) they bade me goodbye. I found Mr. Canby a charming gentleman and brimful of humour—he and the Prof. poking a great deal of fun at each other, to my great amusement. For the last fifteen or twenty years they have been travelling more or less together over the whole of the U. S., beth South and North,—but Mr. Canby had never been in New Orleans before, *Specimen enclosed of Ilicinm floridanum Ellis. Illictum parviflorum Michx. is another species that is supposed to be confined to Florida and Georgia. +Robert Mellichamp, his brother, 1917) Dr. JoSepH Hinson MeELLIcHAMP 61 so everything was fresh and new to him The nextday they both went to Miss. City (wherever that may be) but they did not. find what they were after—(a haw, I think, Crateegus) and upon the whole they didn’t seem to think Miss. City any very grand place I suppose for lack of the: Haw! So at four o’clock Sundayumorning I got up, fearing that I might oversleep myself, and I guess it was perhaps a half or two hours before Herbert* and I were off into the street cars bound down town—but the two travellers were not to be seen. A great many Franco-English Fishermen were crowding the platform with all sorts of rods and reels and fanciful baskets—the former of which I thought would have delighted the eye of Father.—( You remem- ber what a taste he had in going up to ‘‘Stones”? on a fishing ex- pedition.) But we saw no Mr. Sargent and no Mr. Canby with their accoutrements to entrap their floral treasures and we had al- most given them up, when almost at the last moment here they were al! chip and cherry and not thinking they were too late—as is the way with old travellers! The cars were packed with all manner of people, all more or less bent on fishing seemingly in the Pont Chartrain, Lake County, »nd so packed were the cars that we could not get a seat together,—but the whole scene was so new and strange and pleasant with a kind of Frenchy air that I at least enjoyed it im- mensely. Pont Chartrain, on the edge of which we travelled for along dis- tance through marshes and bogs, is I believe some 16 or 20 miles wide and at last weseemed to cross it completely when eventually we got over into a desolate pine-barren country and then we made good speed. Prof.Sargent seemed very much interested when I told him that I expected to meet with on our journey a good many trees of the Sinooth Sprvvre (Pinus Glabra) which I promised to point out to him. He seemed very much surprised, having ex- pected to find them in a flat, clay like country, but I told him we would come to cave-like drippings in the woods—unless I was greatly mistaken where we see them. But on and on we went *Herbert Woodward, a grandson_of Dr. Mellichamp. 62 JOURNAL OF THE MircHEeLL Socrery [ May and no Pinus Glabra did we see and I commenced to feel a little foolish, thinking that perhaps I had seen the trees in some other region, maybe in Alabama or even inCarolina, but all of a suddent— (as Crackers say) here was a low dip and here were the Pines first discovered by the St. Tohn’s Berkley Englishman, Walter, who settled and married in that Parish and who was buried on ‘‘The banks of the Santee.’’ Dr. Peyre Porcher was his descendant and ete d. heired his botanical tastes, and the Charlton family in Sav. Ga., are also his descendants. Walter married a Miss Peyre and I sup- pose that it was from that family that Rush Gaillard’s brother, Peyre Gaillard, took his name. Kinsfolk I know they were. Mr. Sargent, I could see, was very much pleased to find another station so far west asd for P. Glabra, as he maps out the bounds and measures of the different species, and evidently he was quite unprepared for this new place. I told him I’d show him a good many along the Bugfallgah—or whatever the name may be. That is the river which runs through the swamp 3 miles from Covington, and I did show them to him there and further on the R. R. SoI saved my bacon, as I may say, for really I commenced to tremble in my shoes (as Squire used to say) and feared that my Pinus Glabra was not ‘‘Come- atibus in Swamps’’—but it was! At last we reached Covington and I looked for the Dutchman (Mr. Berg or Burg) to whom I had sent a postal to meet us with his team, but no Mr. Berg was to be seen, so at last Mr. Canby hired a buggy with a scary, balking horse—he and I taking the back seat and Prof. Sargent and the driver in front and away we went for the swamp three miles off. A lovely and a most brilliant day and cold enough to make even my heavy old overcoat comfortable and I commenced to feel even still more happy than when I was travelling on Pont Chartrain and almost as happy ason that never to be forgotten day which I spent in the Church Woods with our dear Father in November—a year or two before our war of ruin and disaster. Have I ever forgotten the Beech trees and the sunlight in their green and_ yellowing leaves or the towering pines of P. Glabrit or the long, deciduous, banana like leaves of the beautiful Magnolia-~ the first which I 1911] Dr. JosepH Hinson MELLICHAMP 63 had ever seen—or Father’s enjoyment of the sceene—his enthusi- asm, his lovableness? No, let my right hand forget its cunning before I forget that day of all days—-or I forget that sweet day which I spent with you—Xmas day, wasn’t it?—when we went down May River together to Old Island and we saw many ofithe wonders of the world there and eame back home brimful. No, I won’t forget that day either—never. Well, such a day was yes- terday with Prof. Sargent and Mr. Canby! They were as happy as boys, and I not so far behind, and I won’t forget that day, either. They were very courteous and good to me, and a grand time did we have on the roadside, for at times we jumped out of the buggy and we admired the splendid trees on the edge of the Caves,——the early flowering shrubs, and all of a sudden here was Ilicium Floridanum in full and bounteous bloom from top to bot- tom. We never expected such a sight—the crimson flowers were very beautiful to us and never had anv of us seen such a profusion of flowers. Mr. Sargent was inclined to think that this shrub dif- fered a great deal from the Floridanum and I would not be sur- prised if he did not make even a new species of it. Such profusion T never before saw, and the flowers in full and perfect bloom from top to bottom, and almost everywhere—and strange to say, the shrubs growing in whitish, sandy land, but still, near the waters of the Caves. Never saw anything like it in my life before, or such enthusiasm on the part of those Veterans, I may say. Still, we were, I may say, just on the edge of the Swamp and the perfect glories within had hardly been revealed to us. I had promised to show Mr. Sargent a shrub like tree full 30 feet high —measured at least it had been by John Woodward’s careful eye, but that tree I could not find—greatly to my discomfiture! I had given to Mr. Sargent John’s very good and accurate plot of the swamp and his idea of the position of these one or two largest trees, but although I found several or many which were 15 feet or perhaps 20 feet high, the 80 foot one I could not locate. So we had to leave the swamp without finding it, yet I know it ts there, and [ think John could find it if he too should come once more into that beautiful region. Mr. Canby was always talking about /unach, but I thought we could go on, so Mr. Sargent agreed 64. JoURNAL OF THE Mrrcse.y Socrery | May with me to go on and on, for Iwas in that state of enthusement (such a word?) that like Tennyson’s Brook, I felt as 1f I could go on ‘“forever,’’ and neither of my friends were at all far behind me! but I must stop my too swiftly current and hilarious pen, is it?— for the time flies as I’m writing an account of these delightful hours spent yesterday and I must keep my engagement to meet Mr. Sar- gent in an hour or so at the St. Charles Hotel to take lunch with these ‘‘grands hommes,’’ as I must call them, and then I’m to carry them to the City Park to show them some grand live oaks and a hickory tree (C. Aquatica) of which I sent Prof. Sargent some months ago, the finest he said as to fruit he had ever seen. So time is flying and go I must and finish my letter another time, so for the present goodbye, and I[’ll send you one or two of the specimens of J/lictwm when I finish. J. Ee Late in the afternoon and I’ve just returned from City Park, where I spent a pleasant time, but not approaching the glorious times of yesterday—such delights (from their novelty also) don’t come to us every day—about 3 or 4 times in a whole life time! Better so,—we will value them the more when they do come! We are not apt to get a surfeit, that’s certain. I showed Mr. Sargent the two grand oaks— Lowisiana oak and the Mc Donough oak, but told him there was one at Caper’s Landing, S. C., bigger still—but in my day even it had been mutilated by hurricane and cyclonic storms. They gave mea grand lunch of sheepshead and other fine things at Mr. Victor’s—a sort of French Restaurant—where we were admirably served, also nice Claret which I very much enjoyed, winding up with Café noir. I could tell you more about the original trip and all the other fine things we saw, and the fine things we did, but [’m a little bit tired and I guess I have said enough for one time—only I must allude to our balking horse d—1 that I almost feared he was going to kill us, but we got off slick enough. Love to Stiley. I dare say he got my love letters. Affectionately, J Ee Puate I, Francois André Michaux JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOL. XXVII JULY, 1911 No. 2 THE GARDEN OF ANDRE MICHAUX By W. C. Coxer. Among the earlier botanical explorers of America none pros- ecuted his studies with more energy and enthusiasm, or met with more courage and fortitude the hardships and dangers of extensive travels in the wilderness than that restless and indom- inable spirit, André Michaux, of France. The studies and travels of this distinguished man are accessible to students through the Journal of his travels, written in French, and through his botanical works, but the extensive Southern garden that was established by him, with the assistance of his son, Francois André, who was then but a lad, cannot be definitely located by referring to their works. So far as I know the only account of the location, history and present condition of the garden is contained in a letter by Judge Henry A. M. Smith, of Charleston, to the Charleston News and Courier of August 23, 1905. This is, of course, not accessible to many, and as a result there is very little known in regard to the garden by botanists in general. To bring the facts within the reach of the student is my excuse for this communication. I shall first give a copy of Mr. Smith’s letter. He says: “Tn the Sunday News of August 20 it was stated in your Columbia correspondence that a letter of inquiry had been received concerning the Bot. garden of André Michaux, near Charleston. “ The site of the garden is near the Ten Mile Station, on the Southern Railway. It lies on the north side of the track, about a half mile west of the station and some 400 or 500 yards from the railway line, in full view of passing trains. “André Michaux was sent out by the French Government —the Royal Government — to investigate and introduce into 65 Printed June 26, 1911 66 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHEeLL SocrerTy. [July France such trees and plants of North America as would be acquisitions of value. In 1786 he purchased this tract of some 111 acres and there established his so-called garden. “Tt was rather an entrepot or place where he planted the seeds of promising trees, shrubs and plants, so as to have young seedlings and fresh seeds in the best condition from time to time to ship to France by the comparatively slow sailing ships of the period. The garden was sold by order of the French Republic in 1802. The deed of sale on behalf of the French Republic was executed by André Michaux, the younger, the son of the first, and himself an eminent botanist. “The journal of the elder Michaux shows that he spent a very considerable part of his stay in this country at this garden, engaged in the cultivation and selection of the trees and plants collected by him over the Eastern United States. The garden was apparently kept up for some time after the sale, and was for a period owned by the Agricultural Society. ‘Nothing now remains of the garden proper save the lines of a few old drainage ditches and ponds long silted up. The position of the old dwelling is marked by some broken bricks and a grove of trees, oaks and magnolias, said to have been planted by Michaux. When the writer first. visited the spot, some fifteen years ago, there was a fine Salisburia or ginkgo tree, but this has since disappeared.” As the “Journal’’* of Michaux begins with his arrival in Charleston in 1787, thus indicating an inconsistency of dates, I wrote Judge Smith as follows: ‘“ T notice in your letter to the News and Courier of August 23rd, 1905, the statement that Michaux purchased the Garden tract in 1786. In his introduction to the Journal of Michaux, Dr. Sargent says that Michaux first visited Charleston in 1787, and I notice that his Journal begins on his arrival in Charleston April 19th, 1787. Had he been to Charleston before this, or is 1786 in your article a typographical error ? “J cannot find any mention of the Garden in the Journal *Journal of André Michaux 1787-1796 with Introduction and Notes by C. S. RAseeant: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Vol. 26, No. 126, 1911 | Tue GarpDEN oF AnprE Micuavux 67 before the page 22: does his reference here to securing land for the king mean that this is a date of purchase (July 12th, 13, 14, 15, 1787) ? The deed will be the best evidence.” To this Judge Smith gave the following reply: “From the record it appears that the tract of 111 acres near Charleston, afterwards known as the French Garden, was conveyed by Lewis Besselieu to André Michaux by deed dated 3 November 1786, recorded in Book Y, No. 5, p. 1381. The same tract was conveyed by Fr. André Michaux (Michaux fils) to John J. Himely by deed dated 8 March 1802, recorded Bk. G, No. 7, p. 102. There is also on record (Bk. F, No. 7, p. 333) an agreement between Fr. André Michaux and John J. Himely dated 27 April 1802 setting out that this property had been originally acquired for the French Government and that the proper department of that government had authorized Fr. André Michaux to make the sale but reserving to Michaux the use of the property until 1 March 1803.” It will be seen from this that there is still an unexplained inconsistency between the Journal and the deed. Did Michaux visit Charleston before 1787? Or did he buy the land through other parties without having seen it? He came to America for the first time in 1785, arriving in New York, and he is supposed to have remained in the North until he sailed for Charleston in 1787. I know at present of no way of settling this point, but other sources of information may yet appear.* The old garden property has changed hands a number of times recently, and is now owned by Mr. St. Julian Kestler, ot Ten Mile Station. Michaux remained in America for more than ten years, and if he can be said to have had a home in America it was at this garden, where he had a residence, and in his Journal he makes frequent mention of the garden and of his work there. It was from this point as a base that he made extensive travels into the Alleghany Mountains, and into Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, the Bahamas and other islands. On some of these trips he was accompanied by his son, Francois André, who, on y *In a recent letter Judge Smith suggests that the deed may have been ante- ated. 68 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL Socrery. [July his first arrival in America in 1785, was a boy of but fifteen years. The young Francois was also of great assistance to his father in collecting and planting seeds, resetting and propagat- ing plants, and other such exacting and laborious work of the garden. This training was of great assistance to the younger Michaux in his future career as botanical explorer and author. There is no known portrait of the elder Michaux, but there is a daguerreotype of Francois André, made in 1851, which we reproduce as the frontispiece of this issue (Plate I). In 1796 André Michaux returned to France and after further travels died in Madagascar in November, 1802. The younger Michaux, who had left America before his father, was sent back in 1801 by the Minister of the Interior, of France, with instructions to ship all available nursery stock from the garden to France and then sell the place. Almost immediately on his arrival in Charleston, in October, Michaux was attacked by yellow fever, which disabled him for over a month. In his “ Travels ”* he says: “As soon as I recovered from my illness I left Charleston, and went to reside in a small plantation about ten miles from the town, where my father had formed a botanic garden. It was there he collected and cultivated, with the greatest care, the plants that he found in the long and painful travels that his ardent love for science had urged him to make, almost every year, in the different quarters of America. Ever animated with a desire of serving the country he was in, he conceived that the climate of South Carolina must be favorable to the culture of several useful vegetables of ‘the old continent, and made a memorial of them, which he read to the Agricultural Society at Charleston. A few happy essays confirmed him in his opinion, but his return to Europe did not permit him to continue his former attempts. On my arrival at Carolina I found in this garden a superb collection of trees and plants that had survived almost a total neglect for nearly the space of four years. I likewise found there a great number of trees be- *Travels to the West of the Alleghany Mountains, in the States of Ohio, Ken- tucky, and Tennesse, and back to Charleston by the Upper Carolinas. London, 1805. 1911] THE GarvDEeN oF AnpDré Micuaux 69 longing to the old continent, that my father had planted, some of which were in the most flourishing state. I principally re- marked two ginkgo bilobas, that had not been planted above seven years, and which were then upward of thirty feet in height; several sterculia platanifolia, which had yielded seed upward of six years; in short, more than a hundred and fifty mimosa illibrissin, the first plant of which came from Europe about ten inches in diameter. I set several before my return to France, this tree being at that time very much esteemed for its magnificent flowers. The Agricultural Society at [sic] Caro- lina are now in possession of this garden: they intend keeping it in order, and cultivating the useful vegetables belonging to the old continent, which, from the analogy of the climate, prom- ise every success. I employed the remainder of the autumn in making collections of seed, which I sent to Europe; and the winter, in visiting the different parts of Low Carolina, and in reconnoitering the places where, the year following, I might make more abundant harvests, and procure the various sorts that I had not been able to collect during the autumn.” The “ginkgo bilobas” (Ginkgo biloba)* trees here mentioned are undoubtedly the ones seen by Judge Smith on one of his first visits, but they have now disappeared. The Ginkgo is one of the most unique of living trees. The leaves have the shape and texture of the leaflets of the maiden- hair fern, and for this reason it is often called the ““Maidenhair tree.” While the general effect of the Ginkgo is more like that of the broad-leafed trees (Angiosperms), we know from botan- ical evidence that it is even more primitive than the pines. It is a native of China, but grows well in America and is often planted for ornament. The two other trees mentioned in the quotation above have now become extensively cultivated in the Southern states. The Sterculia or Varnish Tree is an exotic-looking species (native of China), with very large leaves. It has the remarkable habit of maturing its seeds on the exposed edges of the open carpels, The “mimosa” (now known botaniecally as Albizzia Julibrissin) *Or Salisburia adiantifolia, another name. 70 JOURNAL OF THE Mircuett Society. [July is one of thc few hardy members of its group, and is the small spreading tree with pretty pink flowers so often seen in Southern lawns and parks. It is the only one of the three trees referred to above that is still to be seen at the old garden. In order to see the present condition of the garden I visited Charleston early in June of last year (1910) and went out to Ten Mile Station. On getting off the train the fine grove of broad-leaved trees that marked the site of Michaux’s house was in full view about one-half mile farther up the track, and about 400 yards north of it. The grove is bordered on the east by a field, on the north by an even second growth forest of old-field pine (Pinus Taeda), on the west by the narrow swamp of a branch, and on the south by bushy cleared land through which runs the branch. As I approached the place one of the first things to attract my attention was a tree of the “mimosa” men- tioned above. It was in full bloom and stood near the branch about half way between the grove and the railroad. In the field to the southeast of the grove is an immense old Magnolia grandiflora which was almost certainly planted by Michaux himself in what was then the nursery. A photograph was taken of this tree, as shown in Plate II. It is unusually wide spread- ing for a magnolia, and is one of the most impressive speci- mens I have ever seen. Approaching about one hundred yards nearer the edge of the grove I took the photograph shown in Plate III. Magnolias appear on each side and oaks in the center. Within the grove the interwoven boughs cast a dense shade and all the trees are densely hung with long gray “moss” (Tillandsia usnioides). A picture was taken here under the trees and it shows well the dense moss and the low hanging boughs of the live oaks (Plate IV). Near the center of the grove, about 150 feet north of where this photograph was taken, stood the old house, and its position is still distinctly marked by several piles of broken bricks. Immediately in front of the house are three very old live oaks (Q. virens), one of which has recently been blown down. The other two are apparently from the same root, and are now on the decline. 1911] Tue Garpen oF Anpré Micuaux (a: A few feet from the west side of the house stands a very fine old specimen of the southern sugar maple (Acer floridanum), which was undoubtedly planted here, as the tree does not grow naturally in such situations around Charleston. So far as known it does not approach nearer Charleston than the headwaters of the Cooper River, thirty miles away (Elliott). About five other good sized specimens of this species are grouped in the grove to the southwest of the house, and a number of much smaller ones are coming on as seedlings from the old trees.* About sixty feet west of the house stand, close together, two magnificent old cedars that certainly reach back to Michaux’s time, if not earlier. Draped with “moss” and perfect in every way, they are the most impressive specimens I have ever seen. Other trees of the grove are a large number of fine magnolias, live oaks, and water oaks (Quercus nigra L.), two very old red birehes (Betula nigra), and a large number of smaller seed- lings from them, a few post oaks (Quercus stellata), black oaks (Quercus velutina), choke cherries (Prunus serotina), Caro- lina laurel-cherries or ‘mock orange” (Prunus caroliniana), white hickories (Hickoria alba), and sweet gums (Liquidambar styraciflua). There was considerable undergrowth of dog-wood (Cornus florida), holly (Ilex opaca), waxberry (Myrica ceri- fera), possum-haw (Viburnum nudum), Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus), white-leaved blackberry (Rubus cuneifolius), dew- berry (Rubus trivialis), red buckeye (Aesculus Pavia), and bear grass (Yucca filamentosa). A rather extensive clump of hazel nut (Corylus americana) was flourishing under the live oaks. It was probably planted by Michaux. The vines, which were quite abundant in the shrubbery, were four species of cat- brier (Smilax glauca, S. bona-nox, 8. lanceolata, and S. rotundi- folia), Summer grape (Vitis aestivalis), Virginia creeper (Am- pelopsis quinquefolia), and poison ivy (Rhus Toxicodendron). Near the two old cedars I was surprised to see two plants of gladiolas, one in fine bloom. It is surprising that they should have survived so long in utter neglect. On the gentle sandy slope between the grove and the branch was a fine carpet of ferns and flowers under some large *This species is native as far up as Chapel Hill, N.C. 12 JOURNAL OF THE MircuHEeLtt Society. [July trees of pines, oaks and gums. The ferns here were cinna- mon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea), royal fern (Osmunda reg- alis), bracken fern (Pteris aquilina), chain fern (Woodwardia areolata), large chain fern (Woodwardia virginica), and lady fern (Asplenium Felix-femina). In damper places among the ferns were in bloom the pretty pink orchid (Calapogon pulchellus) and the blue skull cap (Scutellaria in- tegrifolia), and higher up among the bracken there were con- spicuous purplish patches of Samson’s snakeroot (Psoralia pe- dunculata) and the scattered white spikes of star grass (Aletris farinosa). The white flowers of daisy fleabane (Erigeron ram- osus) were abundant under the pines. In the rich and more or less swampy soil along the branch were Cypress (Taxodium distichum), black gum (Nyssa sylvat- ica), Southern red maple (Acer carolinanum) ,* sweet gum (Lig- uidamber styraciflua), old field pine (P. Taeda), long-leaf pine (P. palustris), short-leaf pine (P. echinata), sweet bay (Magnoha glauca), alder (Alnus rugosa), possum haw ( Vibur- num nudum), pepper bush (Clethra alnifolia), candleberry (Myrica cerifera), and swamp azalea (Azalea viscosa). Climb- ing up the trees was the very attractive and interesting vine De- cumaria barbata, belonging to the hydrangea family. It has much the same habit as the English ivy, attaching itself to the bark of the trees by adventitious roots and sending off horizon- tal flowering branches at some distance from the ground. I have tried to cultivate this vine in the arboretum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but have not sacceeded in get- ting it to live for more than two or three years. When we consider the number of times that Michaux’s gar- den property has changed hands, it is surprising that the old grove has remained so completely undisturbed. It is hardly likely that this immunity has been due to sentiment, even though the historic associations of the spot have not been forgotten en- tirely, and unless acquired and protected by some interested organization the grove may at any time be felled and the living record of a great man lost forever. Chapel Hill, N. C. *Wrom my observation this form seems to intergrade imperceptibly into the typical Acer rubrum. Prats IT. OLD MAGNOLIA MICHAUX’S GARDEN ‘ PROCEEDINGS OF THE TENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Hep at THE AGRICULTURAL AND Mrecuanicat CoLuEcE, Rateicu, N. C., Apri 28-29, 1911. The Executive Committee met at 2:45 p. m., Friday, April 28, there being in attendance Pres. W. H. Pegram and Sec’y- Treas. E. W. Gudger ex-officio, and F. L. Stevens. In addition, C. S. Brimley and Franklin Sherman, Jr., were asked to act for H. H. Brimley and H. V. Wilson, absent. The Sec’y-Treas. read his report, which showed that in addition to the usual routine work, the Constitution and By-Laws have been edited and published with a list of the officers from date of organization and the roster of members revised to Jan. 1, 1911. The mem- bership for 1909 was 44; new members added in 1910, 46; actual membership Jan. 1, 1911, 90. The following new mem- bers were then elected: Dr. W. T. Carstarphen, Prof. of Physiology Wake Forest College. Mr. W. T. Harding, 116 W. Jones St., Raleigh. Prof. W. P. Jackson, Instr. in Science, High School, Raleigh. Dr. Wm. de B. MacNider, Prof. of Pharmacology, Univ. of N. C., Chapel Hill. Mr. W. C. Norton, Asst. in Botany, A. & M. Collge, W. Raleigh. Mr. G. W. Wilson, Asst. Plant Pathologist, A. & M. College, W. Raleigh. There was then laid before the Committee the offer of the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society with regard to publishing the proceedings. Heretofore, when the Academy 73 74 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL SocrIETy. [July numbered 40-50 members, the charge has been $50.00. Now that the membership has doubled, the new offer is to publish the proceedings and any papers presented at the annual meet- ing, and furnish the Journal to each member of the Academy (the number not to exceed 100) for $75.00 per year, to take effect for the year 1910-11. The Secy. offered a resolution that hereafter each member when sending in his titles for the yearly meeting specify the amount of time wished, and that this be printed in the pro- gram. The following by-law was proposed by Franklin Sher- man, Jr.: BY-LAW 6, The Secretary-Treasurer, during his term of office, shall not be liakle for annual dues, and his necessary expenses in attending the regular meetings shall be defrayed from the Treasury of the Academy. All these matters were favorably recommended to the Acad- emy. The Treasurer’s report for 1910-11 showed: RECEIPTS Balance:trom last; audit. ©..5 v.00. Scityne ior ieee $167 29 Dues Paid sia .. s/c oid wists Ss ere cete melee men Nene 92 00 Interest on Savings Bank Deposit..............--- 4 93 T otal receiptsy arin sions eesier ice siete ait ei ee $264 22 Expenditunes™ cae penrie eer o -iechyien eee 80 64 Balance nce hee eae Bee Bate clea pictorial $183 58 Savings Bank balance ........----+++++-++-++0>- $133 29 Checking account .... 2.5.2 052++202 52 0eesseetees 50 29 otal. in Banko... /ojieeeiem sou: eee emer $183 58 ncolllected sdules. ac sco orca ease eee 29 00 Bstimiated TeEsSOUrCes ss sae ss elocie a etaieneie bel steer tener $212 58 1911 | ProcEeEpines oF THE N. C. Academy 15 EXPENDITURES meet Sis iose eons haa sce se ee sole he wa’ 15°50 ieraceedings (Mitchell Journal) 2200.2 000. 0.0... 50 00 PRS NIE IS PIS SS Ne ee RS ie os we 8 00 Pementeraid Lxpreds non (tse shasta see See ce. 7 14 Moralexpendatinesaves +4 ue Se A RS Ts ent $ 80 64 OUTSTANDING DEBTS Peeerec mints MONO IE, sO. sues css ners a sioe ences 4 $ 75 00 PRE erameniisr (CADOUL) <6 ost ss cc'tcie cc loc ewe ies 3 4s 8 00 eremraredn elit a. tases ey cic owe cea fon)s sete Sn4 6's, $ 83 00 At 3 p. m. Pres. Pegram called the Academy to order and appointed the following committees: Nominating —C. 8. Brimley, W. C. Coker and Julian Blanchard. Auditing — J. J. Wolfe, R. I. Smith and F. Sherman, Jr. Resolutions — Collier Cobb, C. B. Markham and A. H. Patterson. Then followed the reading of papers in order as shown on the following program, adjournment taking place at 5:45, when twelve numbers had been called. On reassembling at 8:30 p. m. the Academy was warmly welcomed to the A. & M. College by Pres. D. H. Hill. After making response to the address of welcome, Pres. Pegram de- livered the Presidential Address on the subject, “ The Problem of the Constitution of Matter.” Following him, Prof. John F. Lanneau delivered a lecture on “Sirius, the Bright and Morning Star.” After adjournment, the Committee on Sei- ence Teaching in the Schools of North Carolina (W. C. Coker, chairman) held a meeting. At 9 a. m., Saturday, the Academy reconvened in annual business meeting. The three recommendations of the Execu- tive Committee were unanimously adopted. The Nominating Committee reported as follows: For officers for 1911-12 — Pres., Dr. H. V. Wilson, Prof. of Zoology, Univ. of N. C., Chapel Hill; Vice-Pres., Prof. W. 76 JOURNAL OF THE Mitcuett Socrery. [July A. Withers, Prof. of Chem., A. & M. College, W. Raleigh; Secy-Treas., Dr. E. W. Gudger, Prof. of Biology and Geology, State Normal College, Greensboro. Executive Committee — Dr. J. J. Wolfe, Prof. of Biology, Trinity College, Durham; Mr. F. Sherman, Jr., Entomologist, Dept. of Agriculture, Raleigh; Prof. A. H. Patterson, Prof. of Physics, Univ. of N. C., Chapel Hill. The Committee on Resolutions reported as follows: Resolved, That the North Carolina Academy of Science ex- tend to President Hill and the Faculty of the N. C. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts its appreciation of the hearty welcome and hospitality extended to it. That we express to the News and Observer and the Evening Times our thanks for the publication of the program and for the excellent reports of the proceedings of the Academy. Prof. W. C. Coker, Chairman of the Committee on Science Teaching, gave an outline report on Science teaching in the State and discussed the situation. On motion the committee was authorized to complete its report and publish it on the authority of the Academy.* At 10 a. m., by special invitation, Dr. R. A. Hall, of the Univ. of N. C., read his report, ‘‘ The Chemical Researches of Ehrlich Leading to ‘606’” before a joint meeting of the Acad- emy and the N. C. Section of the American Chemical Society. Next came the reading of the Chemistry papers on the program of the Academy—these having been made a special order for this hour—followed by the regular program. The reading of papers having been concluded at 2 p. m., the Academy adjourned to the dining hall of the College and was there entertained at luncheon by the College and by the Raleigh members. The following members were in attendance: Blanchard, J.; Brimley, C. S.; Bruner, 8. C.; Chrisman, W. G.; Clapp, S. C.; Cobb, Collier; Coker, W.. (C.; Edwards, Co 9W.; Gudger, E. W.; Herty, C. H.; Hutt, W. N.; Hutt, Mrs. W. N.; Ives; J. Di; dackson; W222; Kaleore see, Lanneau, J. F.; ‘Lay, G. W.;-) Lockhart,” iL. Biggin *This report will appear in full in the North Carolina High School Bulletin for July, 1911. 1911} ProcEepines oF THE N. C. Acapremy ra Nider, G. M.; Markham, C. B.; Metcalf, Z. P.; Metcalf, Mrs. Z. P; Mills, J. E.; Newman, C. L.; Norton, W. C.; Pat- ferson, A. H.; Pegram, W. H.; Pratt, J. H.; Shaw, S. B.; Sherman, Franklin, Jr.; Shore, C. A.; Smith, R. I.; Stevens, F, L.; Williams, L. F.; Wilson, G. W.; Wilson, H. V.; Wil- son, R. N.; Withers, W. A.; Wolfe, J. J. The total attendance was 40 out of a membership of 85. There were 33 papers on the program, all of which were read but two, and all when called for save two. In attendance, num- ber of papers, range of discussion, and general interest, this ses- sion exceeded any in the history of the Academy. In addition to the presidential address (published in full in this issue), and to the lecture on “Sirius,” the following papers were presented : , Catching Hawk Moths on Flowers at Dusk, C. S. Brimley, Raleigh. | Published in full in this issue. | Natural History Notes, E. W. Gudger, State Normal College, Greensboro. A. An Interesting Case of Symbiosis. (Specimens ex- hibited. ) For six successive seasons, wood frogs, leopard frogs, toads, and salamanders (species unknown, probably Amblystoma punc- tatum), have been observed to lay their eggs in a small pool in the college park. Each spring it has been noted that the eggs of the salamanders only had a greenish color. Microscopic ex- amination shows that this is due to great numbers of a very small unicellular green alga found within the inner mass of jelly. The green color grows more marked as the develop- ment of the eggs takes place, due presumably to the larger amount of CO: given off as the larvee become more active. Since no algae have ever been found in the outer or general mass of jelly, it seems possible that they may penetrate the oviducts of the salamander and become enclosed in the inner capsule of jelly as the eggs pass to the exterior. 78 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHeLL Society. [July B. Some Plant Abnormalities A bifureated frond of the common Boston Fern was exhib- ited. This was one of two growing on one plant in the writer’s laboratory at the present time. Three years ago two others were noticed on different plants. A drawing was exhibited of a motile Haematococcus with four flagella. This was found last fall in a lot of fresh material from a cemetery urn. Results of a Practical Attempt to Control Lettuce Sclerotiniose, F. L. Stevens, A. & M. College, W. Raleigh. Lettuce sclerotiniose has been the subject of investigation for several years in the North Carolina Agricultural Experi- ment Station. From the laboratory study it was concluded that all structures except the sclerotium are short lived; there- fore, that if the formation of new sclerotia could be prevented diseased beds could eventually be restored to health. To test this theory several experimental beds were very thoroughly infected in April, 1908, by heavily inoculating a large number of plants and allowing the sclerotia which were formed to re- main in the beds. The following year 555 plants, or over 45 per cent., died of sclerotiniose. From this time on a course of treatment designed to prevent the formation of sclerotia was followed with the hope of lessening the disease. The following year only seven plants, or one-half of one per cent., of the crop died. A year later, that is, the present year, the results were almost the same. This experiment seems to indicate that con- trol of this disease can be obtained by the methods employed. Some Points of Architectural Acoustics, Andrew H. Patterson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. An account of experiments made by the author and Mr. A. L. Feild on the acoustics of Memorial Hall at the University of North Carolina. The reverberation in this hall is very bad, and the problem is complicated by bad echoes due to large flat panels in the dome-shaped ceiling. Further experiments will be undertaken in an attempt to find a complete solution of the difficulty. 1911] PrRoceEepines oF THE N. C. Acaprmy Ue Preliminary Report of the Regeneration of Nemerteans and Amphitrite, Judson D. Ives, Wake Forest College, Wake Forest. Sections of Nemerteans were found to regenerate readily. The anterior surfaces of the sections regenerated but a small amount of new material compared to that formed by the poste- rior surfaces. A small section, 1.2 em. long, regenerated 2.5 em. on its posterior surface in twenty-five days. Another sec- tion, 0.8 cm. in length, regenerated 1.6 cm. in the same length of time. A section 2.1 em. regenerated 1.5 em. in twenty-five days. A section 8.3 em. long regenerated 0.6 cm. in twenty-nine days. A worm with its posterior portion cut off, its head and the remaining anterior portion measuring 10.2 cm., regenerated 1 cm. in twenty-nine days. In Amphitrite the tentacles were found to regenerate read- ily and rapidly. Normality NH, in Water Layer—_y 10 ph 2 a ae a ee a | solutions Hantzsch and Sebaldt have found that ammonium chlo- ride has almost no effect. Dawson and McCrae have, . however, shown that the effect is measurable, the distribution ratio at, 20° deereasing by 0.88 for each mol. of salt per liter of solution. The nitrate and sulfate also lower the distribution ratio, while the . bromide increases it. The following table (III) gives the results of experiments on the distribution of ammonia between chloro- form anda solution of ammonium chloride containing about 3 mols. per liter. At each concentration of ammonia the distribu- tion ratio is very close to that found in the absence of ammonium chloride. DISTRIBUTION OF AMMONIA BETWEEN WATER AND CHLOROFORM TABLE III. Normality NH, Normality NH, in water layer in CHCl, layer (N¥UCI-3N) cale. 0.84 0.037 4.32 0.226 0.02, 0.494 10.16 0.837 Normality NH in CHCl, layer ODE. oe! 0.037 0.228 0.512 0.820 123 In this paper it has been shown that at 25° the distribution ratio for ammonia between water and chloroform varies with the concentration, from about 24 in dilute solution to about:10 in con- centrated solution. The presence of ammonium chloride affects the distribution very slightly. University oF NortH CAROLINA, CHAPEL Hii, N. C. SOME PLUTONIC ROCKS OF CHAPEL HILL BY WILLIAM H. FRY The Chapel Hill area is situated in the northern central part of the state in the ‘‘Carolina Metamorphic Slate and Voleanic Belt.’’ The area here considered is bounded on the south by igneous slates of unknown age generally spoken of as the Purefoy’s Mill series; on the southeast, east, and northeast by Triassic sand- stones; and on the north and west by very basic crystalline plu- tonics and acid volcanics of comparatively recent age, probably triassic, as bombs of the material are found embedded in the sand- stone to the east. The rocks composing the area are mainly gran- ites, the exceptions being small dikes of a diabasic nature. Wat- son, Laney, and Merrill’, describe the field appearance and loca- tions of the plutonics of the area as foliows: ‘*Boulders and ledge outcrops of granite are exposed along Bo- lans creek where crosssed by the Durham road, one mile north- east of Chapel Hill, near the contact of the crytalline rocks with the Triassic sandstones. The rock indicates much variation in texture from a very fine grained even granular granite of a decid- ed pink color. Reddish pink feldspars, quartz and a small quan- tity of biotite are apparent to the unaided eye. The rock is en- tirely massive and is intersected by several sets of joints. No at- tempt has been made to quarry the stone and its marked variable texture would make it undesirable as a general building stone. ‘‘The outcrop on the Clayton place on the north side of Brock- er’s creek, one and a half miles north of Chapel Hill, shows more or less variation in texture and color, though the rock is usually dark gray and of a very fine texture. No statement can be made of the working qualities of the stone. ‘Pour miles north of Chapel Hill and 150 yards east of the railroad is an exposure on the Brocker place, of pinkish gray granite with porphyritic tendency, containing large laths of pink 1Bulletin 2, N. C. Geol. Survey, 1906. 124 Somer Priutontc Rocks oF CHAPEL HILu 125 feldspar. It lacks uniformity in both color and texture and for this reason would not prove a very desirable stone for general building purposes.’’ The only previous petrographic work done on the area consists ‘of two papers published by Mr. H. N. Eaton; one a description of micropegmatite in a binary granite’, the other a few petrograph- ic descriptions of some of the granites of the area’. In the introduction to the latter paper he speaks of the area as follows: “The village of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, is located upon a gently rounded knob of granite rocks................ Northward the granite becomes rapidly more basic, reaching a quartz-mica-dio- rite, or grano-diorite. Rocks resembling true diorites macroscop- ically are adjacent on the north. Aplite dikes exist everywhere, and a suite of specimens can be easily collected showing a grada- tion from this binary type to rocks containing biotite and horn- blend. The range in color varies from fine grained, white, acid rocks, to those which are dark, medium, and coarse grained.”’ He then gives descriptions of a few specimens and their sections. A large number of samples have been collected by the present writer representing the area more thoroughly than did the speci mens collected by Mr. Eaton. Thin sections were made from representative types of these samples. Descriptions of these thin sections and the specimens from which they were taken are given below. I.—This rock occurs under the railroad bridge about one and a fourth miles north of the station, near the old iron mine. In hand specimen it is rather fine grained; rather dark in color, and weathers to a brownish dirty-looking soil belonging to the Iredell series. It is mottled with greenish hornblende and light feldspar. The thin section contains magnetite, feldspar, hornblende, and quartz. The magnetite is abundantly present in comparatively small scattered granules. The feldspar is very much decomposed. The main mass of it is probably orthoclase, judging from its crys- 1Jour. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Vol. 24, No. 3, Nov. 1908. 2Jour. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Vol. 25, No. 3, Noy. 1909, 126 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY talline outlines. Other weathered feldspars are present, most of them probably one or more of the plagioclases. One plagioclase crystal was fresh enough for determination as labradorite. The hornblende is green in color, and is segregated into clusters mixed with magnetite, and alone. Quartz is abundantly scattered through the whole section. The rock was determined as horn- blende granite. II1.—In handspecimen the rock is very finely crystallized. The color is a sort of white tinged with brown. The fracture is eon- choidal althougn the rock is not so fine grained as to be crypto- crystalline. Altogether the rock has a very pronounced quartzitic appearance. It occurs about half a mile northeast of Piney Pros- pect in Strowd’ field at the contact between the crystalline roek and the Triassic sandstone. The thin section contains hornblende, magnetite, quartz, ortho- clase, and tourmaline. The hornblende occurs sparingly scatter- ed through the section. The magnetite is present in occasional grains. Quartz is the predominating mineral, and is intermixed with a considerably less amount of orthoclase. The tourmaline is present in small scattered grains. It doubtless owes its origin to the action of magnetic gases near the periphery of the intrusion. The rock was determined as a hornblende granite. III.—Macroscopicolly the rock is fine grained, light with a tinge of pink in color, and very closely jointed, breaking into rhombo- hedra-like forms. It occurs near the Raleigh road about one fourth of a mile out from the cemetery. The thin section contains quartz, plagioclase, hornblende, and magnetite. The quartz is abundantly present in comparatively large granules. The plagioclase feldspar is sparingly scattered throngh the section in very small granules. The orthoclase is slightly weathered, and is present in large masses. The hornblende is present only in a very slight amount. The magnetite is present in medium sized and scattered granules. The rock was determin- ed as hornblende granite, almost a binary type of granite. IV.—This rock is very fine grained, almost cryptocrystalline. It is slightly darker in color than usual and has a greenish ap- Somer: PLutonitc Rocks oF CHAPEL HILb 124 pearance. It occurs on the Hillsboro road just north of Bolin’s creek. The thin section contains apatite, hornblende, quartz, plagio- clase, and orthoclase. Apatite was located in only one place, and oceurred in the form of an acicular crystal. The hornblende is scattered through the section. In one case it is segregated into a large nodule. _Laths of plagioclase feldspar are abundant; while only a slightly smaller quantity of orthoclasc is present. The quartz occurs mainly as the filling of a vein which traverses the section. Outside of the vein quartz, while still present, does not constitute the main mass of the rock. Along one plane of the section a s'ight normal faulting has taken place. The rock was determined as hornblende granite. V.—This rock is of a light flesh-colored pink. The grains are medium sized. The rock is splotched with a greenish mineral. It occurs to the northwest of the hosiery mill about one half of a mile. The section contains quartz, plagioclase, feldspar, hornblende, magnetite, and orthoclase. The quartz is present in large, irreg- ular, and apparently stressed crystals. Some of them are filled with minute cavities and inclusions of other minerals. The pla- gioclase is oligoclase. Much slightly decomposed hornblende is present, and is usually segregated into particular localities. The magnetite is present only in very slight amounts. The orthoclase is not predominant. The rock was determined as hornblende granite. VI.-—In handspecimen this rock is medium grained, light pink in color, and breaks with a conchoidal fracture. It occurs on the old Durham road near its junction with the new road on the south side of Bolin’s creek. The thin section contains quartz, hornblende, and oligoclase. The quartz is present in predominating quantities. The ortho- clase is abundant and is very much kaolinized. The hornblende ovceurs in a seam running completely through the section, with a little quartz intermixed with it. Outside the sear the hornblende is present only in very meager amounts. The oligoclase occurs as 128 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY a few scattered crystals. The rock was determined as hornblende - granite. VII.—This rock is very coarsely crystalline. It is dark green in color mottled with white and pink feldspars. It occurs south of the Raleigh road near the cemetery. The section contains hornblende, magnetite, quartz, labradorite, orthoclase, and biotite. The hornblende is present in large amounts as small scattered crystals. The magnetite is present in very small quantities. The quartz occurs filling the interstices between the other minerals. Labradorite is present in small quantities. Orthoclase is the pre- vailing feldspar, and occurs in large crystals, almost phenocrysts. Biotite is present in very small amounts. It is brown in color. The rock was determined as hornblende-biotite granite. VIII.—This rock is medium grained in texture and light gray in color. Macroscopically a flake or two of biotite were noticed. but the mineral was in negligable quantities. None was located in this section. The rock occurs on the campus of the University of North Carolina near the athletic field. The section contains orthoclase, hornblende, chlorite, quartz, and magnetite. The quartz is the predominant mineral and oc- curs in large, well defined crystals. The orthoclase oceurs as crys- tals which are much kaolinized and are almost phenocrysts in cer- tain cases. The hornblende is in small scattered crystals occupy- ing a very inferior area of the section. It is greenish and brown- ish in color. The chlorite is green and probably represents a de- composition product. The magnetite occurs very sparingly in small scattered masses. The rock was determined as hornblende granite. IX.—This rock is very fine grained macroscopically. The color is very light gray. The rock occurs on the Pittsboro road about a mile out from the Chapel Hill public school. The thin section contains quartz, hornblende, feldspars, and magnetite. The quartz occurs as phenocrysts scattered through a groundmass composed of the other minerals present, and as small crystals composing a part of the groundmass. The crystals are studded with gas bubbles. A rather large veinlet is filled with quattz. The hornblende occurs in rough, irregular patches and Some Prutonic Rocks or CHapet Hit 129 stringers. The crystals individually are very small. Asmall vein running nearly across the section has hornblende for its vein ma- terial. The feldspar is probably a mixture of orthoclase and one or more of the plagioclases. The crystals are very small, but show good crystalline outlines between crossed nicols. The shapes are rather elongate The magnetite occurs very sparsely as small granules. The rock was determined as hornblende granite. X.—This is a very fine grained and light colored rock. It oc- curs on the Chatham road near its junction with Cameron Avenue. The section contaihs quartz, hornblende, and feldspar. The quartz occurs as large phenocrysts and occupies the larger portion of the section. In several instances good hexagonal outlines were observed. A large sized veinlet filled with quartz extends nearly across the section with somewhat of a crank-shaped course. The outline between the vein and the wall is very clearly drawn. In some cases horses of the groundmass of the rock occur in the vein. The vein was evidently formed by some mechanical disturbance and filled by silica-bearing solutions. The hornblende occurs in stringers and small scattered crystals. The stringers in one local- ity are all sheared and drawn out in parallel directions, indicating some mechanical disturbance. The feldspar is very fine grained and is probably orthoclase. It forms the main groundmass ma- terial of the section. The rock was determined as hornblende granite. XI.—This is a medium grained and quartzitic-appearing rock. The color is a very light pink. Macrascopically the rock appears to be almost a binary type. It occurs to the north of Chapel Hill near the ‘‘Colorado Canon.’’ The thin section contains quartz, orthoclase, magnetite, horn- blende, chlorite, plagioclase, and a negligible quantity of biotite. The quartz occupies the major portion of the section. It occurs in large, well developed, and apparently stressed masses. The orthoclase occurs in masses somewhat larger than those of the quartz. It is slightly kaolinized. Pieces showing good crystalline outlines are rare. It is also apparently stressed. The magnetite occurs in small scattered masses occupying a very inferior portion of the section. The hornblende occurs scattered promiscuously 130 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocleTy through the rock, seldom in large masses. Chlorite was observed in one instance as a small, ill-defined mass. It is probably a de- composition product. The plagioclase is probably labradorite. It was observed in only one locality. The crystal was very small and irregular. The rock was determined as hornblende granite. XII.—This rock is very coarse grained and very dark in color, mottled with green. It occurs to the north of Chapel Hill on the the hill north of the Oxford road. 3 The thin section contains quartz, hornblende, orthoclase and magnetite. The quartz occurs in well defined crystals often show- ing hexagonal outlines The crystale show a tendency to segrega- tion in small masses. The hornblende occurs in clearly marked crystalline forms with well marked cleavage. It is greenish and brownish in color. The orthoclase is slightly kaolinized and shows no crystalline form. It occurs in large masses intermixed with the hornblende. The magnetitite occurs in small scattered gran- ules. The rock was determined as hornblende granite. XII.—This rock is rather coarsely crystalline and of a deep pink color. The fracture is sub-conchoidal. It occurs in Battle’s Park south of the Dissecting Hall. The section contains quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, hornblende, magnetite, and biotite. The quartz occurs in large irregularly shaped masses seldom showing any distinct crystalline outlines. The plagioclase is labradorite. It occurs sparingly scattered through the section in well defined crystalline forms, and shows perfect twinning. The hornblende occurs in small segregated masses and fairly well defined crystals of medium size scattered promiscuous- ly through the rock. In some instances the cleavage can be ob- served, but not without difficulty. The magnetite occurs more abundantly than usual as medium sized but scattered granules. It occupies only an inferior portion of the rock section. Biotite oc- curs sparingly in small scattered flakes. The cleavage can usual- ly be made out. It is brownish in color. The rock was deter- mined as hornblende-biotite granite. 7 XIV.—This is a very coarsely crytalline rock. The color is light gray mottled with black. It occurs in the alley near the residence of Mr. H. H. Patterson on Cameron Avenue. The rock Some Prutonic Rocks or CHapet HInn 131 is very much decomposed. The section contains quartz, orthoclase, hornblende, and mag- netite. The quartz occupies the major portion of the section, and eccurs in masses which are almost phenocrysts. The crystals are intergrown with each other in a remarkably irregular manner. The orthoclare occurs in large masses, and in some of these the cleavage can be very well observed in spite of the decomposed condition of the mineral. In one case a perfect crystal of ortho- clase was found imbedded in an irregular mass of the same min- eral. The hornblende shows a marked tendency to segregation into large bunches. It is green in color, and in the individual crystals, the cleavage can be made out fairly well. The magnet- ite, as usual, occurs in small sized, scattered granules usually, but not always, associated with the hornblende. The rock was deter- mined as hornblende granite. XV.—In handspecimen this rock is very coarsely granular. In color it is light gray splotched with black. It occurs on Franklin street near the residence of Prof. E. V. Howell. The sample was collected from an excavation made for sewerage. When exposed the rock is very much decomposed. The thin section contains quartz, orthoclase, hornblende, and magnetite. The quartz occurs in large grained, irregular masses occupying probably half of the section. The orthoclase is very much kaolinized, but shows good crystalline outlines. It occurs in large crystals. The hornblende occurs in abundance. It is greenish in color and shows practically absolutely perfect cleavage. The magnetite occurs in irregularly scattered granules. The rock was determined as hornblende granite. Out of the nine granites described by Mr. Eaton in the papers already referred to only one was a hornblende granite, two were binary granites, one a muscovite granite, one a bietite-hornblende granite, aud four were biotite granites. These cover pretty thor- oughly the types of acid plutonics found in this area; but the pa- pers give a wrong conception of the relative proportions of each type. In the present paper, out of fifteen sections described, thirteen were hornblende granites, while the other two were horn- 132 JOURNAL OF THE MrrcHELL Society blende- biotite granites. It is thought, both from field evidence and from the present work, that this latter proportion comes near- er being representative of the acidic area than does the former. The biotite granites undoubtedly exist here, but seldom without a great deal of hornblende intermixed. The muscovite and binary granites must be considered as rare exceptions. MINERALS OF THE CHAPEL HILL REGION BY WILLIAM H. FRY. The following minerals are known to occur in the Chapel Hill area: gold, pyrrhotite, pyrite, quartz, flint, hematite, magne- tite, some manganese minerals, limonite, orthoclase, microcline, oligoclase, andesine, labradorite, augite, hornblende, zircon, epi- dote, tourmaline, muscovite, biotite, chlorite, prochlorite, serpen- tine, talc, kaolinite, titanite, apatite. Many more are doubtless present, but so far they have not been brought to light. Gold occurs in a quartz vein about two and one half miles north of the village of Chapel Hill. The vein runs in a north to north- east and southwest direction. The material has been assayed and was found not to be economically valuable. Pyrrhotite has been determined by the writer from specimens collected in the dump heaps of the old Chapel Hill iron mine. It is of very rare occurrence in this locality. Pyrite occurs rarely in material from the iron mine. In some cases it carries a trace of copper. As a magmatic segregation it is found rather abundantly in connection with the basic plutonics of the area. As an accessory mineral it occurs in practically al] the igneous rocks of the neighborhood. Quartz, besides its occurrence as a rock constituent, is found in numerous veins. These range in width froma_ fraction of an inch to sometimes several feet. Here the mineral is undoubtedly an aqueous precipitate. Beautifully formed crystals are occasion - ally found in geodes of the country rock. The flint of the area is ‘of doubtful nature. It seems to bea very acid volcanic rock rather than the true mineral. Hematite is found abundantly at the Chapel Hill iron mine where it was formerly worked. The ore has been considered as the filling of an ordinary fissure vein. Analyses of some of the ore from the mine are as follows : Magnetite occurs admixed with the other iron ores of the Chape] "Nitze, Bull. 1, N. C. G. S. ? Roberts, J. C., this Journal, 1883-’84, pp. 26-27. 133 134 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society Hill mine, as an accessory rock constituent, and float ore. Writ- ing of this float ore John L. Borden’ has the following: ‘“This magnetite is found on the farm of—Cheek, about three miles south of Chapel Hill. Pieces ranging up to ten or fifteen pounds in weight are found scattered over the field. One ofthese was analyzed with the following result: MaenetiGarOm OXTGC «22 1. teniteres Note tame cae acroge nite tetas 96.03 STC a. snes Fhe ioe Oe Ea eS es oraeels Sie toee ore nena 3.02 Wisiter 7 op. Leas Ey iy tad bits SiGe Sa ReaD A AI PERE OSES Oe RE 52 SOU 6) NEDO Pe NS Aor esa Ree ome Oo prea sm caotidts 7 Sen 6 19 PHOBPHOLUSC: sparc sie acon sie tector ek, Semin ns eee trace 99.76"’ Manganese minerals’ occur admixed with limonite in Strowd’s field. ‘‘The formation is similar to the formation of bog iron ore. There is only a small quantity of the ore, scattered on the sur- face.’’ There is auother occurrence on the Cheek farm somewhat similar to the above. Other small occurrences have been located. The manganese minerals composing the deposits have not been separately determined. They probably consist of the oxides and hydrates. Limonite occurs abundantly. The ore usually is found in the shape of bog deposits. Orthoclase, microcline, oligoclase, andesine, hornblende, zircon, epi- dote, muscovite, biotite, chlorite, titanite, and apatite’ have been re- ported as occurring in the granites of the area. In addition to these the writer has found labradorite, augite, and tourmaline in thin sections of the country rocks. The tourmaline occurs in the granites near their contact with the Triassic sandstones. Prochlorite* has been found about one-fourth of a mile from Orange Church north-east of Chapel Hill. It occurs admixed with decomposed muscovite. Serpentine? has been reported from somewhere near Chapel Hill. 1~his Journal, 1883-’84: p. 87. 2Pratt, J. H., Unpublished Notes. 3Maton, H. N., This Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3, Nov., 1909. 4Pratt, J. H., loc. cit. 4Genth, F, A., ‘“‘Minerals of North Carolina,’’ MINERALS OF THE CHAPEL Hitt Reaion 135 The writer has not been able to verify this occurrence. Tale occurs rather commonly in connection with the more basic rocks of the area. Kaolintte, almost pure, was found by the writerabout one fourth of a mile to the rear of Mr. Patterson’s residence on Cameron Ay- enue. The deposit covers about five or six square yards. FORMULAS FOR INVESTMENT CALCULATIONS BY THOMAS F. HICKERSON This is an attempt to present clearly and logically all the formulas needed for various interest and sinking fund computa- tions that may come within the field of the engineer. Many of these formulas, in a less general form than given in this paper, have been found here and there in algebras, civil engineering text books and journals, while others have never been seen in print. SIMPLE INTEREST. Let P=Principal in dollars. r—Rate of interest. [Interest on $1 for one year. | n=Total time in years. I=Interest on the principal at the end of n years. A=Amount at end of n years. Ui es El Bok ee nea PO PIERS 2S!2oc co. (1) Solving for P, r, and n we have P= /rn;3 1 eae n= Dy ee ielets/elelsleic oi crslatecrener stort (2) Also, A=P-+1 =PoEPr n=P (1mm) 2-5. eee (3) Solving for P, r, n and I, we have p— A Ms (ASP) se A Nae 985 T= Arn (1+ rn) Pao Peo ss (1+rn) Lh MRAM Ma RE AIRE ECT US To (4) COMPOUND INTEREST. Interest is compounded when it is added to the principal and becomes a part of the principal at specified intervals. Let P=Principal in dollars. r—Rate of interest (Interest on $1 for one year.) n=Total time in years. t=Time in years between two successive compoundings; thus, if the interest is to be compounded quarterly, t="/ , A=Amount at end of n years. 136 ForRMULAS FOR INVESTMENT CALCULATIONS 137 It is evident that the total number of periods [compoundings] equals 7 and the rate per period equals rt. Amount at end of 1st period —=P-+Prt=P (1-+r1t) ee tee end PC rt) 4 Pl tt) Xk) years = S+0 "A= JAP ALP AG CP. he Ane = 8+8rX = (n—k) ...(7) if k fA Se = (n—1) ee (8) Next, suppose thespayments to be made at the beginning of each period of k years; then it follows similarly that A= FF a Br XS (nk) ins. sedenes sce ee (9) fk = 1, A= wSpisrx Soe) oe eee (10) The difference between the amounts as given by formulas (7) and (9) equals S rn, which is the interest on S dollars at r per cent for n years. Example. $100 set aside at the end of every six months and placed at sim- ple interest at 6 per cent for 10 years will amount to, using formula (7), 210 100+ .06 109.5 = $2570. If this amount is set aside at the beginning of every period of six months, we have, using formula (9): A = 2000+ 100 .06 1010.5 = $2680. b) Compound interest basis. Let S, n, r, k, and A represent the same notation as used above. In addition, let t — time in years between successive compoundings of interest. First, suppose the payments to be made at the end of each period of k years. Amount of Ist S in (n—k) years = S (14+rt) — ss 6 Qnd 66 66 (n—2k) cic = 5 (rt) “grat! (a BK) = 8 Uracil <= CORO Ree EHH HEHEHE HEE EEE EEE EEEHEH OHHH EES HEHE FORMULAS FOR INVESTMENT CALCULATIONS 139 te es (=) ths in (n— 2 xk) years=§ A=S(1+rt)=== + S(i+rt)2* + s(1trt)2S* + +5 Hence, summing up the geometric series, we have SIS) e/a) cn A= ~(C-Frt)*/1—1 = EGS S77 "aed eae, ee et (12) Formula (12) gives the necessary sinking fund to accumulate an amount A in n years, etc. If k=1, t—1, then A= slaty Pea ARB, aeonesin’ (13) al aati hell a helenae meas eames (14) (1+r)"—1 Next, suppose the payments to be made at the beginning of each period, then A= S[(1+rt)"/ ++ (1+rt) — + Rata Ae sl@4rn)= = — G+n)*/: Aaa iSong be (15) (1+rt)*/:—1 If k=1, t=1, then Fret Crete Bee ae (16) r The difference between the amounts as given by formulas (11) and (15) equals S[(1+rt)"/+—1], which is the amount of S dollars at r per cent. compound interest for n years. Example. $100 set aside at the end of every six months and placed on interest, compounded semi-annually at 6 per cent. for 10 years will amount to, using formula (11), with r=.06, k=4, t=+, n=10, S=100; | a= HOLE 08)" 1) — 90687 03 140 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETY If this amount is set aside at the beginning of every period we have, using formula (15), ‘4 1001 (1.03)"—(1.03)] — $9767.64 03 peor ANNUITY. An annuity is a fixed sum of money payable at definite inter- vals of time (not necessarily every year). Evidently an unpaid annuity, with interest, will amount to the same sumas a sinking fund set aside at the same intervals. Hence, the formulas al- ready derived for the amount of a sinking fund are also applicable for finding the amount of an annuity. PRESENT VALUE OF FuTURE PAYMENTs. The present value, P, of A dollars payable n years hence is equal to that sum P which when' placed at interest for n years will amount to A dollars. mals 2 ie at TPE ; Hence, Cun a [See formula (6)] ......... (17) A i t=1, Pe eee eee (itr) “2 Also, on simple interest basis, we have tel eels : BA — Geena) [See formula (4) Ue eee (19) The present value, P, of an annuity of S dollars payable at the end of every interval of k years for a period of n years with inter- est compounded at the end of each interval of t years is the same as that sum P which, if placed at compound interest, would amount to A dollars, where A equals the amount of the annuity in n years. SiG-bryr7 a (1+rt)*/t—1 A= P(i+rt)"/+t [See formula (5) | Hence, eee A= [See formula (11) | FORMULAS FOR INVESTMENT CALCULATIONS 141 ‘See (Fst)? « (1+rt)*/ 1-1 If k=1, t=1, The present value of a perpetual annuity (n =o ) equals Ss Bas ee arte OS Geet Cie —=6h ly AS eae (22) Equating formulas (3) and (7) it follows that, on a simple in- terest basis, ne J1++@-k) | Etak 2 (93) p= Tau) ge A Re os: nS [4 Uae) 7Jt k=1, P= cL MRD EE EPR eo He Pe ce (24) (1 + nr) The present value of an annuity of S dollars payable at the beginning of every period of k years, etc., is sf + rt)¥/e— (1 + ae P= t (1 + rt)¥/t—-1 Z 1 . [a+»— ca| (26) r ie —-l ¢ — 1-then P= If the annuity is perpetual (n= ), pee ete ree tb — 0) ne SUL RE). Gf k=t=1)...(27) (1+rt) ®t x 142 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Socrery Equating formulas (3) and (9) it follows that, on a simple in- terest basis, nS [ een, n+) t 2 ees. ck y mT 2 (28) (1-++nr) ae 7 pad Weer Ll a (29) If k=1, P=nS [ (ites) The difference between the present values as given by formulas (25) and (20) equals Easter] “ (1+ rt)" 7% Example. Find the present value of an annuity of $1 for 20 years with in- terest at 4 per cent. Payments at end of each year: P (Compound interest basis) = $13.59 (Formula 21) P (Simple om hi = $15.33 (Formula 24) Payments at beginning of each year: P (Compound interest basis) = $14.13 (Formula 26) P (Simple '; ‘".) = $15.78 (Formula 29) To find the present value of an annuity which is to begin (a) years hence and continue at the end of each interval of time k (in years) for b years, interest being compounded every t years. The present value of such an annuity, were it to begin k years hence and continue for (a+b) years, equals I: 1), Se S [ (4+1t) =| (See formula 20) (1-++rt)¥/ + —1 ‘The present value of such an annuity, were it to begin k years hence and continue for (a) years, equals i sf a | ji (A+rt)*/ 1 ==" (See formula 20) FORMULAS FoR INVESTMENT CALCULATIONS 143 The present value required is evidently the difference between the above expressions. S aes eee — 1 Corey UTeey fa Ee Mss (30) (1+rt)¥/:—1 1 1 i 5 (i+rt)?/ | s Hb==,P= Feo = se iy tC) ae (31) Hence, P= If the annuity is to begin (a) years hence and continue at the beginning of every interval of k years, etc., then it follows simi- larly that k— sats t “(14 t)—_ |. iriswe (32) Bey G--rt)®¥/i—1 i p= aiP= 8 [ate | s [ain | (GAS ESS Eee r (if k=t=1)......... (38) To find the future value P', the value m years hence, of an an- nuity of S dollars payable at the end of of every k years for n years, interest compounded every t years. P' is evidently equal to the amount of the annuity of S dollars for m years plus the present value of the annuity of S dollars for (n—m) years. Hence, using formulas (11) and (20), we have pa8 [eter] +s [1 ara ; (1+ rt)! “/t—1 riieeet ee et 1 | eGeert)= 7; —1). a+r), (34) =5 144 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocréTy If k=1, t=1 on S (1+r) ‘ 7 | RP ys Pe (35) = mCi eae If S is payable at the beginning of every period of k years, etc., then it follows similarly that m+k k—n1—m_ (3 s[ (i-trt) 2 art) id |- 7 p= (1+rt)*/ t—1 If k=1, t=1: ‘ ; m+1 Pan oe [ate sae | aes ly BONDS. Bonds are written or printed obligations to pay a certain amount of money at a specified future time, together with the interest as at becomes due. Let P=price of a bond in dollars. n—time (in years) the bond has to run. r—rate of interest on par value of bond. —face of the bond (V=P, if bought at par value). —current rate of interest, compounded every t years. x—desired rate of interest on the investment. P (1+tx)"/ t=value of the purchase money at the end of n years. [See formula (5)]. kVr=interest on the bond, received at the end of each interval of time k. The total amount received from the bond in n years, if each installment of interest is immediate'y put at compound interest at 100s per cent— kVr(1-+te) +kVr(1 +t) = | taye+ y= TSS) ae ote (1+ts)*/ t—1 V+kvVrx ForMuLAs For INVESTMENT CALCULATIONS 145 n =e. 1+ts)"/ t—1 Now, let P(1+tx =V+kVr xX ( as ( LN TEN (1+ts)*¥/i—1 Evrx[(1-+ta)"/e— tJ] = eee) —— fT ..(38) Hence, (1+tx)= [+ Example. What interest will a purchaser receive on his investment if he buys at 120 a 6 per cent bond, with interest payable semi- annually, that has 25 years to run, money being worth 5 per cent. =100, P=120, n=25, s=.05, t—"/,, k=’/,,. (+2)= [30 43 nee / 0 =1 024 (Formula38) 200 120 X (.025) . X= .048 = 4.807/.. FUTURE PROVISION FOR A BOND ISSUE. Let it be desired to find what constant payment Q (including interest) must be made at the end of each period of k years in order to extinguish a principal A in n years, it being understood that each payment shall apply first to the interest due at the date of payment, and the remainder, after this is satistied, be deducted from-the principal before the interest for the next period is cal- culated. It is evident that Q must be equivalent to the interest per period plus the sinking fund per period necessary to amount to the prin- cipal in n years. Hence, we have, using formula (12): A[(1 riya ool + kAr sepasecoy ace tenes 39 ent ert) 7 1 e a —. —— Ar = = If k=1, t=1; Q (Ee) OAL FAD igo eh oadgd (40) If the payments are to be made at the beginning of each period of k years, then we have, using formula (15): A [ (pry 4 v= Ciprt) 2F*— (1+ rt)F/* Geeeyoe 146 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocrEeTy Ar If k=1, t=1; Q= (1+r)™!1—(it+r) + Aru... (42) wa To find the aggregate payment and the Loe payments, if Y dollars and also the interest on the reduced principal are to be paid at the end of every period of k years, so that the whole debt will be cancelled in n years. n Let us assume —— — whole number. k A kA Evidently, Y = aa = Tao Total amount paid at end of first period of k years =kAr+ a n Amount at end 2nd period=(4—*4 ) kr + aA Amount at end 3rd period=( A= mA.) kr + A kn < Jer'-- oe n nA kA 2kA Total= kr fake bad [o+ i fe as ot b/, ARiLS Ce (eee *Ay] +A n =ar (BEE) 2 eee Se (43) Difference between any two successive payments, —=Ar XK: n Example:—$100,000 in bonds at 4 per cent for 20 years are is- sued. In order to meet this by the end of 20 years, $5,000 and whatever interest may be due, are paid at the end of each year. FORMULAS FOR INVESTMENT CALCULATIONS 147 What will be the aggregate amount paid and how do the payments vary? A=100,000, n=20, k=1, r=.04, Y=5000. Total = 4000 x (=) + 100,000=$142,000. Difference between payments—4000 1 —$200; that is, the 20 annual payment would start at $9000 and decrease by $200 each succeeding year. RELATIVE ECONOMY. There are several methods of comparing the costs of articles of structures in order to decide which will be the most economical in the long run. All of these methods of comparison lead to the same relative result, as will be seen later. The following elements must be considered: (1) first cost; (2) life of article or struc- ture; (3) cost of replacement or renewal; (4) rate of interest; (5) cost of maintenance; (6) salvage or scrap value of the article at the close of its period of usefulness. CAPITALIZATION. Phe capitalized cost of an article is that sum which is suffi cien to’pay the first cost and provide for future cost of maintenance and renewals forever. Let C = first cost of article. C’ = cost of renewal. M = cost of maintenance during each interval of k years. n = life of article in years. D = scrap value of article at end of n years. r = rate of interest, compounded every t years. X = required capitalized cost. M' = the amount at compound interest necessary to pro- duce at the end of every k years the cost of maintenance. R = the amount which, when put at compound interest, will provide asum at the expiration of the useful life of the article sufficient to renew it and also to leave a sum equal to the original amount (less the scrap value) for further future provision, 148 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society Then X — C++ WB M Now, M' = (1+rt)*7:— 1 (See formula (22); the present worth of a perpetual annuity. ) If R is placed at compound interest, as stated above, we must have R (i+rt)"?/: = (C'—D)+R (CD) Whence R = (1+rt)"/ 1-1 Substituting these values of M' and R, we have the general formula for the capitalized sum: M (C—D) X=C+ (1+ rt) /1-1 eh Citrt)"/ mae (44) if k—1) t—1, and i (C —D) — ©: then M C x=c+ aa 5 (+r)®—1 ab slo's vteictnehaitinn = teeta (45) In permanent structures the term R reduces to zero and we have the simple formula: iE xe S(O Se Seta Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOLUME XXVIII _ - _ DECEMBER, 1911 4y NO. 4. WALDEN’S INVERSION BY ALVIN S. WHEKLER. During the years 1896 to 1899 P. Walden? published observa- tions upon the behavior of optically active substances which were the most surprising in this field since the fundamental Tesearches of Pasteur. The discoveries of Walden showed that it was not necessary to pass from an optically active substance to its racemic form in order to reach its antipode. He found that this inversion may take place directly. After 1889 Walden published no further work in this line nor did any one el-c pay attention to this unex- plained phenomenon until 1905 when E. Fischer and O. Warburg* showed that the process could be employed with amino acids. The most important of Walden’s researches is exhibited in the - scheme below which shows a cycle of changes. It is seen that the sign of rotation of the active chlorosuccinic acid and malice acid may be interchanged at will. PCls l-chlorosuecinie acid | d-malic acid | KOH, NH: | AgeO | AgeO KOH , NH: | V <—— — l-malic acid d-chlorosuecinie acid —_——__ > PCls The change of configuration was named by Fischer the Walden Inversion. Ifa reagent causes no change in the configuration, it 1. Ber.d. deutsh. Chem. Ges. 29: 1896; 30: 2795, and 3246. 1897; 32: 1833 and 1855. 1899. 2. Ann, Chem. (Liebig), 340: 191. 1895. 153 Printed February 16, 1912 154 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIEry is said to act normally, whereas if it causes a change it acts ab- normally. Owing to the uncertainty at times of the real con- figuration, it remains a matter of opinion whether a reagent acts normally or abnormally. It appears however that a single reagent may act in both ways, as Fischer has observed in the case of nitrosyl bromide which acts differently upon «-amino acids and their esters. d-alanine + NOBr — > |-bromoepropionic acid d-alanine ester + NOBr ————> d-bromopropicnic ester He also observed’ a difference in the product with silver oxide. l-bromopropionic acid + Ags O—— > l-lactice acid l-bromopropionylglycine + AgzQ —-—— > d-lactie acid McKenzie and Clough’ have noted recently that similar reagents may act differently. They found that |-hydroxy-pheny!propionic acid was converted by thiony!] chloride into |-cloro- phenyl! propionic acid whereas phosphorus pentachloride gave the dextro form. All observations until recently have been confined to @-substi- tuted acids. Lately Fischer and Scheibler have studied 1-6- hydroxybutyric acid but were unable to prove an inversion. These authors announce the forthcoming publication of the ob- servation that the hydroxyacid obtained from f$-aminobutryic acid by the action of nitrous acid is optically different from that obtained by way of the chlorbutyri¢ acid by the action of nitrosyl chloride. So far as noted the Walden Inversion is dependent up- on the presence of a carboxyl group and the reactions are limited to the displacement of an amino group by means of a nitrosyl halide and to the displacement of a halogen group by an hydroxyl group or vice versa. Although there remain still many gaps to be filled, Fischer’ has suggested an explanation of the phenomenon. As may be seen from the statements above, a Walden Inversion takes place when the configuration of the molecule changes as a result of substitution on an asymmetric carbon atom. Fischer believes that the inversion is a general phenomenon related very intimately to the mechanism of substitution. Whether a substi- tution is followed by a change in configuration depends upoi the nature of the reaction and on that of the atoms linked to the 3. Ber. d. deutsch. Chem. Ges., 40: 494. 1907. 4. Jour. Londou Chem. Soc., 97%: 2546. 1910. 5. Ann. Chem. (Liebig) 381: 123. 1911. W ALDEN’s INVERSION 156 asymmetric carbon atom. Since the antipodes possess a like energy content and therefore a like stability, there is an equal probability of either isomer being formed. The changes may be readily comprehended by the use of a new type of model devised by Fischer The carbon atom attached to an iron rod is entirely covered with steel bristles. The substituents consist of variously colored celluloid balls attached to corks which are covered on one side with steel bristles. A special system of two corks joined together and having three bristle surfaces is designed to represent subsidiary valencies. The mechanism of the changes is illustrated by employing the conversion of «-bromopropionic acid into the corresponding active amino acid by means of liquid ammonia, re- garding the addition compound as consisting of one molecule ammonium @-bromopropionate and one molecule of ammonia. The balls 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Fig. 1) represent the four groups H, Br, rig). Fig. IL 156 JOURNAL OF THE MIrcHELL SocIery CH:, and COONHs, which are attached to the asymmetric carbon 7. The balls 5 and 6 signify the two parts of ammonia, H and NH? which are concerned in the substitution process. They are combined with the carbon atom by subsidiary valencies. The Figure II shows more clearly the arrangement of this group. If the halogen atom is set free and goes into the ionic form, the amino (NH2) group may occupy its place. In this case no change has taken place in the configuration of the molecule. It may hap- pen however that one of the other three substituents, 1, 5 or 4, will occupy the place of the halogen, leaving its place for the amino group. Here the configuration is changed and the Wal- den Inversion has taken place. If however both processes go on, then either a partial or a complete racemisation will occur. The experimental part of this paper describes a Walden In- version carried out by the author® in the chemical Inboratory of the University of Berlin with E. Fischer and H. Scheibler. @-Bromo- isocapronic acid was converted into the hydroxy acid, known al- so as leucine acid. We were able to resolve this into its active constituents with brucine, quinine and chinidine, the salt crystal- lizing out in each case being the laevo form. Chinidine proved to be the best agent. The |-leucine acid was also obtained, for com- parison purposes, from I-ieucine, by the action of nitrous acid. The ethy! ester of both the racemic and the laevo acid were pre- pared. Attempts to substitute the OH group in the l-ester were unsuccessful, PCls and SOClz being tried. However it was readily substituted by Br by means of Br and red P. The bromoester proved to be dextro rotatory. The action of NOBr upon J-leucine gives l-bromoisocapronic acid which yields the l-ester. ‘Ihe fol- lowing scheme of changes shows that a Walden Inversion has taken place. l-leucine + HNO2 ——— > |-leucine acid ——-— > ]-leucine ester 1 1-leucine ——— > | leucine ester + NOBr ———— > d-bromoisoea- pronic ester WALDEN’s INVERSION 157 l-leucine + NOBr — > |-bromoisocapronic acid ——— > ]- bromoisocapronic ester Experimental Part Preparation of dl-leucine Acid. One hundred grams of a-bromo- isocapronyl bromide in 1357ce normal caustic soda were auto- matically shaken at room temperature until complete solution took place and then heated several hours upon a water bath until all bromine was ionized. The solution was now neutralized with 194cc normal H2SOs, considerably concentrated upon the water bath, supersaturated with 120ce 5N-H2SOs and repeatedly ex- tracted with ether. After distillation of the ether a mass of crystals mixed with a sirup remained. The acid was purified by conversion into its diffiultly soluble barium salt. recrystallizing it, decomposing it with H2SOs and extracting with ether. The yield amounted to 39.8 grams or 78 per cent of the theory. It may be recrystallized by dissolving in ether and precipitating with ligroin. The acid erystallizes in rhombie tables which if slowly formed are very large. The melting point is 76-7°. The purity was estab- lished by analysis. Resolution of dl-leucine acid into its optically active components, Thirty grams of dl-leucine acid were dissolved in 500ce water and mixed with a solution of 84g(1 Mol )chinidine, containing alcohol of crystallization, in 299ce of aleohol. The solution was concen- trated to about 500ce and kept 15 hours at room temperature after impfing. The yield of the chinidine salt amounted to 45 gr, much of which was racemic. After two recrystallizations from very weak alcoho! the yield amounted to 39g or about one half of the theoretical amount. Thisgave an acid of the rotation, (a)%—96 9° (in NaOH solution). This salt was nearly pure and was used for further work. The twice recrystallized, finely pulverized chinidine salt was shaken 15 minutes with an excess of normal NaOH. The filtrate from the separate chinidine was treated with an excess of HeSOs and several times extracted with ether. After distillation of the ether the acid is recrystallized from ether + ligroin. It occurs in thin prisins and melts at 81-2°, with pre- 158 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY vious softening. The rotatory power of the sodium salt is greater than that of the free acid, the specific rotation being -27.8° as against -10.4°. The details of the analyses are here omitted. A pure dextro acid could not he obtained from the mother liquors, although it formed salts with other alkaloids. The highest rota- tion obtained was +11.9°. Preparation of l-leucine acid from l-leucine. Five grams of 1- leucine of rotation (a)$= + 15.8° (in a 5 per cent solution in a 20 per cent HCl) were dissolved in 57cc N-H2SOs and treated at 0° with a concentrated solution of NaNOz (4g or 1.5 Mol.). The nitrite solution is added slowly during the course of a half hour. After standing 2 hours at O° and three hours more at room temperature, the solution is extracted with ether and the hydroxy acid so obtained is converted into its barium salt. The acid thus purified had a rotation of («)$= -27.7°. The yield amounted to 72 per cent of the theory. The action of nitrous acid is therefore smooth and proceeds without essential racemisation. The acid showed a melting point of 81-2°. Optically pure d-léucine acid could not be obtained through reso- lution of the racemic acid but could be readily obtained by the action of nitrous acid upon d-leucine. The liydroxy acid so ob- tained gave melting point of 80° and a rotation of (2)$=+26.3° Ethyl! ester of dl-leucine acid. The method originated by Fischer and Speier was employed. Five grams of dl-leucine acid, dis- solved in 15g absolute alcohol containing 0.22g HCl, were boiled 4 hours under a reflux condenser. The solution was pured into 5 parts of water, extracted with ether and the ethereal solution thouroughly dried over Na2SOs. After driving off the ether the ester distilled at 80-1° under 16mm pressure. The yield amouted to 4.85g or 80 per cent of the theory. The ester had a faint, pleasant oder, was difficultly soluble in water but easily in alco- hol or ether. Ethyl ester of l-leucine acid. The preparation of this ester was carried out exactly as that of the inactive ester. The properties were also the same. The rotation was («)}= -11.07°. Theester yielded an hydroxy acid of rotation (4)$= -26.9°. Transformation of the ester of di-leucine acid into the ester of d-o WALDEN’s INVERSION 159 bromisocapronic acid. Many attempts were made to substitute the OH group by Cl by means of PCls and SOCl2 but without success. The introduction of bromine however was readily carried out. Two and one half grams of the dl-ester were well mixed with 0.5g red P, cooled by a freezing mixture and 3.7g Br slowly introduced. A vigorous evolution of HBr immediately took place. In order to complete the reaction the mixture was allowed to stand at 0° for three hours and then 15 hours at room temperature. The product was treated with water and sodium bicarbonate with simultaneous introduction of ice. The reaction mixture was ex- tracted with ether and the ethereal solution dried with sodium sulphate. After driving off the ether the ester was twice distilled. It boiled at 86-7° under 11mm pressure. The yield amounted to 1.25g or 36 per cent of the theory. The same experiment car- ried out with the l-ester yielded the dextro ester of a-bromisoca- pronic acid. The boiling point was 91-2° at 18mm _ pressure. Two grams of the l-ester gave 1.0g of the d-bromester or 3.6 per cent of the theory. The estershowed a rotation of (2)?=+40.0°, The rotation of the ethyl ester or l-4-bromisocapronic acid as given by Fischer’ is (¢)—= -43.1°. This value however is too small since the acid employed was 16 per cent racemic. All determinatioms of the rotation of the free acids were carried out in NaOH solution. and in sodium light. The experimental details for l-leucine acid, for example, areas follows: 0.1321g substance were dissolved in N-NaOH. The total weight of the solution was 1.3307 g and density at 20°—1.0144. The rotation at 20° and in sodium light in a 1dm tube was 2.88° (0.02) to the left. Chapel Hill, N. C. 7. Ber. d. deutsch. Chem. Ges., 40: 502. 1907. THE CREST OF THE BLUE RIDGE HIGHWAY BY THOMAS F. HICKERSON. Highways built primarily for scenic purposes are common in Switzerland, France, Germany, and many other countries of Europe, but they exist only toa limited extent in America, the most noted ones being the roads in Yellowstone Park, Yosemite valley, Adirondacks, the Crawford Notch Road in Newhampshire, and Vanderbilt’s Road to Mount Pisgsh. The scheme for a scenic highway and a chain of hotels through the mountains of Western North Carolina, where the scenery is considered by many to be equal of any in the world, was thought out and put into effect through the efforts and influence of Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geologist. The proposed location of this highway extends from Asheville to Boone, but the ultimate plen is to extend it, from Boone northward by Whitetop Moun- tain to Marion, Virginia, in order to connect with the Bristol- Washington Highway which passes by Roanoke and through the Shenandoah Valley, and Asheville southward by way of Hender- sonville, Brevard, Toxaway, Highlands, Tallulah Falls, Ga., Cornelia, Ga., to a point on the National Highway, and thence to Atlanta. There will be approximately 353 miles of the highway between Marion, Va. and Cornelia, Ga., nearly all of which lies in North Carolina. The following table gives the portions which are al- ready graded and constructed etc., a go Ee rds) por & | 8q \bee | #2 = | gg Seb | 22 SECTION e- |\Seo | 32 3 Zs Fe am aS % kS |UD = _8 = Ss 86 0d| eh | A we moe ue ie Ee rue) a oe. TERS S| gees Marion; Va., to. Boone, NOC). oe |S re | 75 aes Doone ito ASheville.c. 2c. 60c we aceee eee 134 52 6 76 Asheville ito Toxaway s..:2\ " avzte . Catesbaei). (Quercus A large specimen of Turkey Oak THE Puanr LIFE oF HarrsviL1p, S. C. 179 The pines have been boxed and burned and cut for sawing until they are now only thinly scatteredfover the “hills. — But fortun- ately they are reseeding themselves quite well in many places, and with the observance of the most clementary principles of forestry they could be renewed and increased indefinitely. The frequent woods fires are still more or less destructive to the young plants, but after close observation for a number of years lam now convinced that the idea expressed by W.W. Ashe in several of his bulletins*,that this species is more susceptible to in jury by fire than theold-field pine is entirely erroneous. It is true that its growth is so slow that when five years old the bud is usually but a few inches above the ground, but the very dense and abundant protective scales of the bud are wonderfully efticient in keeping out the heat from the delicate growing point. Moreover, the widely spreading mat of long, succulent, mature leaves that rest on the ground prevents the accumulation of inflammable material near the bud and thus greatly reduce the intensity of the heat. Early in the spring of this year, when all buds were dormant, a severe fire in eG the woods between Burnt Bay and Prestwood’s Lake. During the first week in June the ground was looked over carefully for evidence on this point. The woods are rather open and a large number of young long-leaf pine had gotten started. The mature leaves were killed back almost or entirely to the bud, and were largely burned off, but I could not find a single plant even though an inch high that was not putting out its fresh young leaves from the unhurt growing point. On the other hand, nearly all of the young:plants of the old-field pine were killed and many of them were four to six feet high. It is of course true that year old seedlings of long- leaf pine cannot resist hot fires, and the destruction of very young plants in the way is doubtless a:great deterrent at present to the reforestation of the sand hills. Gifford Pinchot was the first to call attention to superior adaptations of the long-leaf pine to fire resistance. National Geographic Magazine for October, 1 the In the ate ct 899, page 298, hesays: *See: Bulletins N. C. Geol. Survey, No. 5, page 58: No. 6,: pages 157-165, and No.7, page16. In these bulletins Mr. Ashe gives an excellent discussion of;the long-lenf pine problem and of the methods necessary to secure the continued propagation of the forests. 180 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY “Almost all trees yield readily to slight surface fires during the first ten or fifteen years of their life. To this statement the long- leaf pine is a conspicuous and rare exception. Not only do the young trees protect themselves in early youth by bark which is not uncommonly as thick as the wood (the whole diameter being thus two-thirds bark and one-third wood), but they add to this _unusual armor a device specially adapted for their safety when growing amid long grass, usually a most fatal neighbor to young trees in case of fire. It is to be noted that the vast majority of long-leaf pines are associated with grass from the beginning to the end of their lives. During the first four or five years the long- leaf seedling reaches a height of but four or five inches above the ground. It has generally been erroneously assumed that this slow growth makes it specially susceptible to injury from fire; but while the stem during these early years makes little progress, the long needles shoot up and bend over in a green cascade which falls to the ground in acircle about the seedling. Not’ only does the barrier of green needles itself burn only with difficulty, but it shades out the grass around the young stem, and so pre- pares 2 durable fire-resisting shield about the vitals of the young tree.’’ In his little book on ‘‘The Long-Leaf Pine in Virgin Forest,’’ published in 1907, G. Frederick Schwarz discusses this point and calls attention to the exceptional fire-resistance of the long-leaf pine after the first two or three years of growth. On page 71 he says: ‘‘Without attempting to minimize the immediate and serious harm done to young growth, it may be asserted that the destruction of long-leaf pine seedlings by surface fires has been somewhat exaggerated and misun- derstood; at any rate, so far as concerns seedlings over two or three years of age.’? And which admitting that one or two year old seedlings are destroyed as a rule by fires he says (page 72): that ‘After the seedlings have attained several years’ growth they begin to offer wonderful resistance to surface fires.’’ In the Bulletin of the Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. 38, p. 523, 1911, R. M. Harper says: ‘‘It is pretty well known that long-leaf pine, after it is four or five years old, is less affected by fire than almost Plate IV. Vegetation of Hartsville. Upland Willow Oak (Quercus Cinerea) in the Sand Hills. - - in +< Faddgaliey Tue Puant Lire oF HarrsviLte, S. C. 181 any other tree we have, and in Southern forests periodically swept by fire little else can grow but this pine and a great variety of more or less xerophytic, mostly perennial, herbs, among which various grasses are usually most abundant.”’ In the original condition of our forests the old-field pine was largely confined to the boundaries of swamps, bays and water courses. Over the remainder of the country the long-leaf pine was supreme. I think it probable that this condition was due principally to the fact that the long-leaf pine was able to endure the fires of the uplands, while the old-field pine was not. ‘The latter was pushed aside to protected places. The present preponderance of second growth old-field pine in most thrown out land, outside of the sand hills, is probably due to two factors—Ist, the infrequency of fires in cleared old fields, and 2nd, the insufficient seed pro- duction and limited seed distribution of the long-leaf pine. Given an equal chance and protection from fire and the old-field pine seems able to supplant the long-leaf pine from most of the good lands that it once occupied. It is different in the Sand Hills. There the soil is too poor to support the old-field pine and the long- leaf pine is given a free hand. Its present slow propagation there seems to be due as much to the scarcity and infrequent seed pro- duction of old trees as to fires, though these certainly do great dam- age,as mentioned above, inthe destruction of young seedlings. The fact that the long-leaf pine can reproduce itself in the Sand Hi'ls and is doing so abundantly in places is evidenced by the growth shown in Plates I and I. Below the pines the rather low growth of the hills is composed most largely of several species of scrub oak. Among these the turkey oak, or fork-leaved black-jack, as it is more often called, (Quercus Catesbaei), is by far the most abundant, especially in the most barren places. It is almost always associated with broad- leaved black-jack (Q. marilandica), upland willow oak (Q. cinerea) and post oak (Q. stellata). The turkey oak and upland willow oak are typical sand hill species, but the other two occur also in more genial soils, where the latter reaches a much greater size. Though characteristically very small and scrubby the turkey oak may in the most favorable situations become a tree of considerable 182 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocretTy proportions—say 40 feet high and 2 feet indiamater. One of the largest I know of is that shown in Plate III near the Baptist Church building. The upland willow oak is the smallest of all our species. The largest specimen I ever saw is shown in Plate [IV (a winter view). It is about 25 feet high and 14 inches in diameter. The association of this oak as shown in the picture will give a good idea of what is characteristic of sand hill conditions. Tall long- leaf pines are scattered in the back ground, and in middle ground are small trees of turkey oak, black jack oak, post oak, a few stunted persimmons, choke cherries ( Prunus serotina) , and sassafras bushes. Poison oak ( Rhus quercifolia) and summer grape (Vitis aestivalis) were the only other woody plants. In August, 1910, the flowers in bloom around this tree were Vernonia graminifolia, Liatris pauciflora, Chrysopsis graminifolia, Dasystoma pedicularia (fly poison) and Ascyrum hypericotdes. In the most barren knolls of the hills, where the sand is purest, about the only trees that can stand the conditions are the long-leaf pine and the turkey oak. And there is no shrub that can be said to be tolerant of such places. But where the slightest advantage in moisture is to be had the trees already mentioned can establish themselves, and a number of shrubs become characteristic com- ponents of the cover. Horse sugar (Symplocus tinctoria), stagger- bush (Lyonia mariana), sumach (Rhus copalina), and the sum- mer grape (Vitis aestivalis) are frequent. The Carolina holly (Ilex caroliniana), a small shrub with large deep red, shiny ber- ries, is also a member of this community, but it is rare, in fact one of the rarest Hartsville shrubs. It will grow in much damper soil, as for example in front of the Upper Farm Place on Home Avenue. Bear grass ( Yucca filamentosa) and rattlesnake master (Eryngium aquaticum) require slightly damper soil than the preceding group. They are usually to be found near the foot of slopes that descend to water courses and bays. But I have found the rattlesnake master in very dry places at times, and also in almost saturated soil. Another little shrub that can endure almost the extremes of poth drought and moisture is the low black huckleberry Plate V. Vegetation of Hartsville. Pine and Oak woods below Captain Cannon’s Residence. THE PiantT Lire oF HaAxtsvILye, S. C. 183 (Gaylussacia dumosa). This plant can flourish under a remark- able range of conditions. It is as much at home on the damp edges of savannas, associated with Lycopodium adpressum and L. carolinianum as it is in the sand hills in company with the serub oaks. Next to the pines and oaks there is nothing so at home in the sand hills as the wire grass (Aristida stricta). Its grayish- green, terete, wiry, recurved leaves form large tussocks thinly scattered in the sand. Frequently there is so little other growth that the pure white sand may be seen from a long distance shining under the trees. The sand hills are not without their share of attractive flowers; in fact, with the exception of the savannas they are the most color- full of the floristic regions of our section. In early spring all except the most barren places support a good display of violets and bluets ( Houstonia caerulea), shoe strings (Cracca virginiana), and the dainty little dwarf iris (/ris verna). Arbutus (Epigaea repens) is also very frequent here, and lovely in early spring. Wild phlox (Phlox Hentzii) and the blue flowered lupine (Lupinus diffusus) are very conspicuous, but occur only rather sparingly in scattered patches. At severa! spots in the hills there have been discovered in recent years a number of colonies of that most eharming little carpet plant, Pycidanthera barbulata, called flower- ing moss. It has been known before only from the pine barrens of New Jersey and North Carolina.* In summer there is a con- tinuous series of bioom that reaches its height in August, with a number of conspicuous composits, such as Chrysopsis graminifolia, Chrusopsis aspera, Chriysopsis pilosa, Vernonia augustifolia, Aster concolor, Silphium compositum, Coreopsis delphinifolia and species of goldenrod. Other characteristic herbs of the hills are Stillingia sylvatica (queen’s delight), Cracca ambigua, Cracca spiccata, Amorpha herbacea (lead plant), Indigofera caroliniana (wild indigo), Astragalus apilosus, Hieracium Gronovii, Carduus repandus (thistle), Breweria trichosanthes, Baptisia tinctoria, Asclepias tuberosa (butter- fly weed) Tragia wrens, Euphorbia Ipecacuana, Euphorbia Curtisii ? *See my article in Torreya, Vol. Il, page 9, Jan., 1911. 184 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY Euphorbia maculata, Penstemon laevigatus, Onosmodium virginianun, Paspalum setaceum and Stenophyllus capillaris. There is a small sedge (Cyperus Martindalei) that is also abundant here, but it had not before been reported from the State. THE UPLAND ForEstTs The vegetation of the well drained upland forests of this sec- tion has been largely cleared away, but certain areas still remain that exhibit to some extent the primitive conditions. Originally it was as in the Sand Hills, a two storied forest with long-leaf pine as the dominant, but not the most abundant tree. Most of the pines have now been felled, but the vigorous and luxuriant growth of broad leaved trees that reached almost to the lower limbs of the pine crowns has been scarcely changed. The oaks are the dominant factor now, as they are in the Sand Hills, but are of different species. The Spanish oak (Quercus falcata) and black oak (Q. velutina) are the largest and by far the most numerous trees. Both of these oaks are of fine proportions, often reaching a height of seventy feet and a diameter of 3% or 4 feet. Next in abundance come the post oak (Q. stellata) and white hickory (Carya alba). The former, which in the Sand Hills is scrubby or even bushy, is here a large tree, second only to the black, scarlet, and Spanish oaks. The scarlet oak (Q. coccinea) is a rare but beautiful member of this com- munity. There is a very large old tree of this species on the lawn of the old Law Place (now the residence of Mr. A. M. McNair). Among the smaller trees dogwood is abundant, and pignut hickory (C. glabra), persimmon (Diospyros virginiana), sassafras, and choke cherry (Prunus serotina) are frequent. There are few shrubs except im open places, wheresumach (Rhus copalina), red- haws (Crataegus uniflora), cow itch (Tecoma radicans), and Jersey tea (Caenothus americana) are common. The slope of the hill towards the creek supports a fine forest which exhibits well the transition from the dryer to the damper well-drained soil. Its crown is covered with the growth just described, but on the slope there appear a few scattered trees of short-leaf pine and old-field ‘(epevL snuig) eld Piel PIO sapun (WNesoqie wINIMIDIBA) AIJaqaTyirdg Vegetation of Hartsville. “ ee me me pig tee ee a5 v2 “ om THE Piant LIFE oF HarRTsvIL_e, S. C. 185 pine, and there is more dogwood (Cornus florida), choke cherry (Prunus serotina), sumach (Rhus copalina), and Jersey tea (Cean- othus americana). There were once a number of chinquapin bushes (Castanea pumila) on this hillside opposite Burnt Bay, but they are now nearly all gone. At the foot of the hill behind the residence of Capt. E. W. Cannon there are several acres of well-drained fertile land that slopes gently toward the lake, and supports an untouched forest that exhibits well aslight modification of the conditions just described. In Plate V is shown a photograph of this spot. The old-field pines are very tall and fine and rise far above the hard-wood growth of oak, hickory, etc., with gums and holly near the lake. In the center of the photograph is shown a fine post oak with wide spreading branches. The lower woody growth is most conspicuous for its very fine dogwood (Cornus florida) and sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum). The latter is as luxuriant and abundant as [I have ever seen it, andin places almost forms thickets, as shown in Plate VI. It here composes about all the undergrowth and is twelve to fifteen feet high. Where the two paper mill roads go down the hill there are scat- tered specimens of the pretty little dwarf flowering locust (Robinia nana), one of our rarest shrubs. On newly deposited soil near gully washes, etc., one may occasionally find catalpa trees (Catalpa bignonioides) and red mulberry (Morus rubra), both probably in- troduced and not native. The bullace grape (Vitis rotundifolia) and the summer grape (Vitis aestivalis) are quite plentiful in these woods, as they are in most places that are not too wet. Wild “‘honeysuckle’’ (Azalea nudiflora) is also found here but is more at home in the flatwoods. As the foot of the hill is reached and the soil becomes more moist the appearance of holly, (Jlex opaca), yellow jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens), horse sugar (Symvplocus tinctoria), etc., indicates the transition zone to bay-margin con- ditions. Beginning a little way above Captain Cannon’s Place the swamp margin is bordered on the south side by more or less abrupt bluffs which may reach the entire height of the valley, as at the old Bacot Place. The vegetation of these bluffs represents the most 186 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Socirry northern element of our flora. Here is Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) in profusion, and the rare combination may be seen of kalmia trees adorned with luxuriant vines of yellow jessamine. Perhaps the most interesting plant of these blufis is colt’s foot (Galax aphylla), which occurs in plenty in several places, and reaches here its seaward limit so far as I can ascertain. Spotted wintergreen (Chimaphala maculata), heart leaf (Asarum arifolium), partridge berry (Mitchella repens), arbutus (Epigaea repens), snake root (Aristolochia serpentaria), calamint (Clinopodium carolin- ianum), witch hazel (Hamamelis virginica), and sourwood (Ozay- dendrum arboreum) are attractive plants that occur here at their best. At two or three places along these bluffs, as at Laurel Land and below the paper mill, the remarkable little trailing huckle- berry (Vaccinium crassifoliam) , with firm, oval, evergreen leaves is found. In Plate VII is shown the vegetation of these bluffs as it ap- pears at Laurel Land. Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) is in the foreground, holly (lea opaca) and white oak (Quercus alba) in the background. At the top of the high bluff behind the Bacot place there are a few escaped trees of mock orange (Prunus caroliniana) and Chinaberry tree (Melia Azedarach). As in the case of the peach, such occasional escapes as this do not entitle these trees to a place among the naturalized flora of the section. To one accustomed to more northern conditions the most striking peculiarity of our rich woods is the almost entire absence of the conspicuous early spring flowers that show their attractive colors before the sun is cut off from them by the ieafing of the trees. We bave no anemones, hepaticas, or bloodroot, or giant chickweed, or spring beauty, or dogtooth violets (which are not violets at all). The hills and savannas have considerable color from herbaceous plants, but the deeper woods get most of their spring charm from the woody plants, as kalmia, yellow Jessamine, dogwood, and azalea. THE FLATWOODS. A transition from the well-drained forest to the more pronounced flatwoods may be noticed in the pine grove to the right of Home ate VIII. I] artsville. ation of H t Vege Young Long-leaf Pine in dense shade, gi Suid. ee a Tue PLANT Lire or Hartsvit1e, §. C. 187 Avenue, in front of the Upper Farm Place. Here for the first time we find a considerable amount of the short-leaf pine (Pinus echinata), and with it are associated long-leaf pine and old-field pine. Among these I was surprised to find a large tree of pond pine which is here in as dry a situation as I know of for the species (see Pond Pine under Hartsville trees). This is the only bit of level ground I have seen where these four coastal plain pines are to be found within a few yards of each other. Below the pines is a rather complete covering of shrubs and small trees. In addition to black oak and spanish oak there is water oak (Quercus nigra), willow oak (P. Phellos) and some black jack (Q. marylandica). One of the most conspicuous things about the grove is the large number of young holly (Jlex opaca) trees which are more abundant here than in any place I know of near Harts- ville. The other trees are dogwood, white hickory, sassafras, choke cherry and persimmon. The shrubs are sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum), which is in great abundance, Carolina holly (Ilex caroliniana) , red haw (Crataegus uniflora) , and another species of Crataegus not yet determined. The perennial and almost shrubby little calamint (Clinopodinum carolinianum) is abundant. Yellow jessamine, bullace grspe and summer grape are the only vines. The re-seeding of the three species of pine in this grove is a point of considerable interest. There is abundant reproduction of the short-leaf pine, less of the old-field pine and a little of the long-leaf pine. Most of the young growth is in the more open places, but even in quite shady spots among the shrubs there are a large number of slender, delicate and struggling little short-leaf pine plants that grow about three inches a year and when ten years old are often not thicker than a lead pencil. Among the young long-leaf pines that were scattered here and there were some that were withstanding a shade so dense as to seem quite prohibitive to such sun-loving plants. One of these young trees is shown in Plate VIII. It is growing in a dense clump of sparkleberry bushes and short-leaf pine saplings. over which is a canopy of bullace grape vines. The extent of the shade is indicated by the occurrence around the foot of the pine of clumps of moss and of a number of plants of pipsissewa (Chi- 188 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY maphila maculata). This little pine is at least twelve years old and is only three feet three inches high, but it is far more stocky and vigorous than a number of young short-leaf pines near it, several of which had been killed by the shade. Another surprise was the find- ing in the same grove ofa young long-leaf pine closely surrounded by hollys (Ilex opaca). In fact all one’s previous experience in re- gard to the associations and requirements of the long-leaf pine seems controverted here. Among the herbaceous plants in the grove are Aster concola, Vernonia angustifolia, Lespedeza repens, Dolicholus erecta, Crotalaria Purshii, Lespedeza virginica, Lespedeza Nuttalii, Galactia volubilis, Stylosanthes riparia, Zornia bracteata, Baptisia tinctoria, Schrankia angustata, Polygala grandiflora, Euphorbia Curtisti, Dasystoma pedicularia (fly poison), Helianthemum majus, Lechea villosa, Lechea racemulosa, Lechea Torreyi, Chimaphila maculata, Hypoxis hirsuta, Erigeron ramosus, Hieracium venosum, Solidago odora, Vernonia angustifolia, Chrysopis graminifolia, and Sertcocarpus bifoliatus. On a ditch bank through an open field near here are a good lot of honey locust trees (Gleditsia triacanthus) , a few hack- berries (Celtis crassifolia), and a single small ash tree (Fraxinus Darlingtoniana), the only one I have found in the neighborhood of Hartsville. For the typical low flatwoods I shall select for description that area lying directly south of the residence of Mr. J. E. Miller. Here the long-leaf pine is still present in consider- able quantity in mixture with the old-field pine, which is the dominant tree of the flatwoods. The relative abun- dance of these two pines fluctuates very rapidly according to the slight dips and elevations of the surface, the long-leaf pine prefer- ring the higher ground. Originally the pines stood pretty close in the flatwoods, but in most places they have been so culled as to be now considerably scat- tered. The general effect isratheropen. The willow oak is abun- dant, and is perhaps the most characteristic tree. The other ar- borescent growth consists of water oak, Spanish oak, black jack oak, post oak (a little), black gum, sweet gum, and persimmon. Be- neath the trees the shrubbery is more or less clumped, with open THE PLANT LIFE or HarrsvitiA, S. C. 189 spaces between. The small gallberry (Ilex glabra) and the wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) are the most abundant shrubs. The former is evergreen and in such open positions is rarely over three feet in height. On May 24th, 190%, it was in full bloom and its black berries of the preceding season were still hanging on in abundance. The wax myrtle is of two forms, a large shrub three or four feet high, that often stands close against the boles of the pines, and a small dwarf variety, one foot high or less, that runs extensively in open places. To this latter form Dr. J. K. Small has given the name of Myrica pumila. As there has been some doubt as to whether M. pumila is a species or merely a growth form of M. cerifera dependent on environmental influences, [ undertook to settle the point by planting the two forms side by side both at Harts- ville and at Chapel Hill, N.C. After several years each retains its character completely, thus proving at least a varietal dis- tinction. There is a good deal of the little stagger bush (Lyonia mariana) around the edges of the other shrubbery. It is very pretty when covered with its large, white, bell-shaped flowers. The only other shrubs noticed in this area were high blackberries (Rubus An- drewsianus) and sumach (Rhus copalina). Plate IX is a photo- graph of these woods. As we pass through these flat woods in a southerly direc- tion the surface gradually becomes more depressed and the soil damper until we enter a typical flatwoods bay, called a ‘‘pocosin’’ in North Carolina.* Its vicinity is marked by an in- crease in the number of gall-berry and wax myrtle bushes, and the appearance of Azalea nudiflora and clumps of cat- brier (Smilax rotundifolia). In general aspect the flatwoods bay is much like the alluvial bay, but the tiers of vegetation are generally more sharply marked, there being fewer broad leaved trees of medium height to fill in between the pines and the shrubs. But there is considerable variation in this respect. So tar as I know there are no bays around Hartsville where the growth is confined to the tall pines and a dense low undergrowth of mostly *There is some difference of opinion as to exactly what a pocosin is. See Harper in Bull. Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. 34, page 361. 1907. 190 THE JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETY evergreen shrubs such as I have seen farther down the State near Lane’s. The pines in our flatwoods bays are always old-field in- stead of pond pine, but with the exceptions mentioned below the appearance and constitution of the shrubby undergrowth is almost the same as in the alluvial bays. In addition to the pine the following trees, mentioned in order of abundance, are always present: black gum, sweet gum, red maple, sweet bay, and a little holly (Ilex opaca). Among the shrubs the two gall-berries (Ilex glabra and Ilex lucida) are by far the most plentiful, and next to these in quantity come the high-bush huckleberry (Vaccinium corymbosus) and cat-brier (Smilax rotundifolia). Choke-berry (Aronia arbutifolia) is also present in moderate amount and there is some bamboo-briar (Smilax laurifolia), though it is nothing like so plentiful here as in the alluvial bays. Blackberry (Rubus Andrewsiana) occurs on the ditch banks, but not in the body of the bay. Zenobia pulverulenta and Zenobia cassinifolia are two beautiful shrubs of the heath family that are partial to the flat- woods bays, but they are very erratic in their occurrence. They prefer the wet, undrained soil of these bays and are rarely found in alluvial bays,* but all flat woods bays do not contain them. They multiply by underground shoots and frequently from rather extensive patches, to the exclusion of other growth. In Plate X is shown a large clump of each of these species. Zenobia pulverulenta is at the right and Zenobia cassinifolia is at the left. Both are in flower, and a charming display they make. The point where this photograph was taken is not in the area just described, but in a somewhat similar flat across Black Creek about half mile below the paper mill. In the photograph there is shown some Lyonia nitida under the front edge of the large bushes, a slender plant of Jlex lucida projecting through the center of the right hand clump and Jlex glabra standing behind and to the left. In the immediate neighborhood were Cyrilla racemiflora, Viburnum nudum, Aronia arbutifolia, and small trees of pond pine, red bay, black gum, red maple, and sweet bay. A comparison of the flatwoods bay or ‘‘Pocosin’’ and the alluvial or well drained bay will show the presence in the latter and *See, however, page 195 for reference to their occurrence in alluvial bays, Plate IX. Vegetation of Hartsville. eo athe Kner Nae 4 Flatwoods showing Old-field Pines and a few Long-leaf Pines; undergrowth of Candle-berry Gall-berry (Ilex glabra). (Myrica cerifera ) and THe Pruant Lire or Harrsvittes, S. C. 191 absence in the former of bamboo-brier (Smilax laurifolia), juniper (Chamacyparis thyoides), loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus), swamp azalea (Azalea viscosa), swamp wax myrtle (Myrica carolinensis). On the other hand the two Zenobias and cat-briar (Smilax rotundifolia) are found in the flatwoods, but are absent from the alluvial bay. There is the further difference in the Hartsville area of the dcminance of the pond pine in the drained bay and of the loblolly pine in the flatwoods bay. In the bay north-east of the old Lucas place through which the road passes there may be seen a beautiful example of transition from bay to savanna conditions. On the south side of the road near the center of this area the vegetation of the bay circles about and encloses a pretty little savanna of about a quarter acre in ex- tent, where four or five cypress trees are standing on a grassy floor. This sudden change from the bay vegetation is due to a de- pression in the surface and an increase in the dampness of the soil in consequence. THE SAVANNAS. There are all gradations between the level flatwoods and the savanna formations, and there are savannas of every size from an acre or less to a number of square miles. The savanna is a wet, undrained prairie or meadow with a scattered open cover of cypress and pond pine trees. There is practically no shrubby growth. In late spring and summer these Savannas show the most conspicuous display of attractive flowers of any of ouv plant societies. In May and June the two species of swamp iris or blue flag Iris versicola and Iris prismatica are conspicuous and beautiful with flowers showing all shades of color from deep blue and lilac to light blue. The most extensive savanna in Darlington County is the Big Savanna, east of Auburn, about six miles from Hartsville. The Atlantic Coast Line road runs directly across it. I have not had an opportunity to study this particular savanna, but from the train it seems to have the same sort of vegetation as the others I am more familiar with. However, on account of its large size, it is quite probable that it will show some peculiarities on closer acquaintance and I hope some day to make it a more extended 192 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETY visit. The savanna most-studied was the one on the back part of Major J. L. Coker’s plantation, called “‘Plantation Savanna’’ in the herbarium labels. It is a small one, only about three acres in extent, and recent drainage has begun to change it a little. There is here, in addition to the cypress and pond pine, some black gum and sweet gum. The herbaceous cover is made up largely of grasses and sedges. Juncus aristulatus and Rynchospora glomerata when in fruit give a decided reddish color to considerable areas. Among the most noticeable flowers of the savanna are Pluchea bifrons, Ludwigia capitata, Stachys hyssopfolia, Polygala mariana, Polygala ramosa, Ludwigia hirtella, Eupatorium Mohrii, Diodia virginiana, Gerardia linifolia, Rhexia lanceolata, Rhexia mariana, Linum medium, Sabatia lanceolata, Oxypolis filiformis, Linaria canadensis, Dasystoma fiava, Gratiola pilosa, Eupatorium semiser- ratum, Hypericum virgatum, and Boltonia asteroides. In the flat- woods not far from here was found a little Baccharis halimifolia. It also occurs sparingly near Prestwood’s Lake and the paper mill and seems to be getting more plentiful. Just to the north of the dam at the paper mill are some low flats, that show almost the same herbaceous growth as a typical savanna. In the wettest spots grow Typha latifolia, a few trees of Salix nigra, the decorative Scirpus Eriophorum, Juncus scirpoides, Juncus trigonocarpus and Mikania scandens. Mingling with these and running out into slightly dryer places were Rynchospora glomerata, Juncus aristulatus (these two giving a red effect to the meadow with their fruits), Fuirena squarosa (very abundant), Boemerea scabra, Hypericum virginicum, Eriocaulon decangulare, Lachnocaulon anceps, Limodorum tuberosum, Rhexia mariana, Linum medium, Linum striatum, and Eupatorium rotundtfolium. The somewhat less wet portions of the flats were covered with the following: Cynoctonum sessilifolium, Gratiola pilosa, Buchnera elongata, Aletris farinosa, Spiranthes praecoz, Hypericum setosum, Lobelia Nuttalii, Ludwigia hirtella, Burmannia capitata, and Rhexia lanceolata. With these flourished large quantities of Lycopodium adpressum, and Lycopodium alopecuroides, and in the firmer, more sandy spots Lycopodium carolinianum. In the dryer parts were ate X. Pl of Hartsville. ation Veget Zenobia pulverulenta and Zenobia cassinifolia in flower. THE Piant Lire oF Hartsvitxe, 8. C. 193 Chrysopsis graminifolta, Crotalaria rotundifolia, Gnaphalium pur- pureum, Rumex hastatulus,' Psoralea pedunculata, Asclepias amplexi- caule and Hypericum gentianoides. On a ditch bank through this flat grew a good quantity of Amelanchier Botraypium, here not over two feet in height. THe Bays AND SWAMPS. As the typical ““Bay’’ of this section we may select the one called Burnt Bay, which runs along the southern side of Black Creek valley west of the novelty mill. It is covered with a dense growth of trees and shrubs of which so many are evergreen as to give a general effect of verdure at all seasons. On the edges there is old-field pine and a little long-leaf pine, but the typical pine of the bay, and the only one that extends through most of the deeper parts, is the pond pine. This grows much larger here than in the savannas, reaching a height of over seventy-five feet and a diameter of two and a half feet. On the edges of the bay there is an attractive fringe of low shrubs that leads up gradually to the taller growth behind. Among these the two gall-berries (Jlex glabra and Ilex lucida) and the fetter bush (Lyonia nitida) are evergreen and so numerous are they proportionally as to give their hopeful winter color to the whole border. Abundant among these are the following deciduous shrubs: swamp azalea (Azalea viscosa), Lyonia ligustrina var. foliosiflora, sweet pepper bush (Clethra alnifolia), he-huckleberry or myrtle (Cyrilla racemiflora), Virginia willow (Itea virginica), swamp sumach (Rhus Vernix), swamp waxberry (Myrica caro- lintiana), the two ’possum haws (Viburnum nudum and Viburnum cassinoides), choke-berry (Aronia arbutifolia), the two high bush huckleberries (Vaccinium fuscatum, tall, berries black, and Vac- cinium corybosum, tall, berries blue), high blackberry (Rubus Andrewsiana), and a little of the shad bush (Amelanchier Botry- apium), called “‘wild currant’’ here. Yellow jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens), climbs over this border in abundance, and just just behind it are great masses of the bamboo brier (Smilax laurifolia), one of the most beautiful evergreen vines in the world. Poison ivy (Rhus Toxicodendron), Virginia creeper (Psedera quin- 194 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY quefolia), and cross vine (Bignonia capreolata) extend through- out the bay, but the bullace (Vitis rotundifolia) is confined to the borders. Next to the pine the largest trees of the bay are black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), janiper (Chamaecyparis thyoides) and red maple (Acer carolinianum). Water oak (Quercus nigra) is plentiful in the borders and shallower parts, and Willow oak (Quercus Phellos) , while not a typical bay tree, is found in Burnt Bay where it edges off into the low sandy woods on the south side. The most common evergreen trees of the bay are sweet bay (Magnolia glauca) and red bay (Persea pubescens). They are both extremely abundant and characteristic. The sweet bay is not entirely evergreen with us. There are specimens in Burnt Bay that reach the unusual height of 35 feet. The loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus) is not nearly so common as the two pre- ceding, but is found scattered near the edges of nearly all bays. It is quite evergreen, and when covered with its fine white flowers it is one of our handsomest trees. Around the edges of Burnt Bay cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) is plentiful, and there is alittle bracken fern (Pteris aquilina) and royal fern (Osmunda regalis). In the deeper and more shady inner parts are scattered beds of chain fern ( Woodwardia areolata), and in shallow standing water or mud is thelarge, coarse ““‘poor man’s soap’? ( Woodwardia virginica). In the low damp woods along the north side of the bay grow old-field pine (Pinus Taeda), long-leaf pine (Pinus palustris), white hickory (Carya alba), dogwood (Cornus florida), sassafras (Sassafras variifolium), Spanish oak (Quereus falcata), willow oak (Quercus Phellos), water oak (Quercus nigra), and the following shrubs: sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum), Vaccinium tenellum, Gaylussacia frondosa, Myrica cerifera, Lyonia mariana, eee) iP veat le mt ss iy. ‘BF a! PESTA Re {iiss | 2 a/ ; bi lie 1 ye 4 . i ; ‘ * baths RYAN SEN JEL ean ‘ A ane By , uy \ ad dist , laf : Hage) 2 i OR te 4) ’ A a” ee fa } ‘ +7 it “. i 1 i Wy} ‘ 1 duals as ; fit LAT JVWHRIIGE. DAL A ae tg) we i ry a f i > he \ 1A A a * j ( pee 4 “ z i ‘ } it } 4 y Li jeri " RIMDING LIST FEB 1 19% Q Elisha Mitchell Scientific il Society, Chapel Hill, Woo. Journal Physical & Applied Sej, Serials PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY STORAGE eh ng Pe Oty Ee so naee