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UIST ere SR Rar Pc 2 SN Aces se ESCO OR aa SR Note on the Fundamental Bases of Dynamics—Wm. Oi AR AS 0 aie, Sais oe CI wars oe OD woe ns Ney RS Notes on the Distribution of the More Common Bivalves of Beaufort, N. C—Henry D. Aller........... The Gloomy Seale, an Enemy of Shade Trees—Z. P. Wer COL fetes ates ne ee reo chia Sls DOSS Ses Capture of Raleigh by the Wharf Rat—C. 8. Brimley Viable Bermuda Grass Seed Produced in the Locality of Raleigh, N. C.—O. I. Tillman...........0.. 16 34 68 PAGE Malarial Pigment (Hematin) As a Factor in the Pro- duction of the Malarial Paroxysm— Wade H. Brow. oes tance Sandee tee ee ee eee The Past, Present, and Future of the Naval Stores In- dusiry—Chas. HH. Heriy 22 ce ee eee hee ee ee The Resenes of Resins and Oleoresins—Chas. H. Herty and W. 8. Dickson — 720 asa ae ee The Value of Commercial Starches for Cotton Mill Pur- poses—-G.. M.. MacNaders: 2-227 se eee Note on the Transformation of Ammonium Cyanate into: Urea—A. S.. Wheeler... <.Gisie =e eee New Thermometers for Melting Point Determination— A. 8. Wheeler: 5.4 0). een ike eee ee ee Proceedings of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society from ‘March, 1909; te. Dee, 1912... 2.0 eee New Occurrences of Monazite in North Carolina— Joseph Hyde Pratt + xvas Sans ies. so eee Natural History Notes on Some Beaufort, N. C., Fishes—.. W:. Gudger 2s Si wile ae. Se eee Recent Views on the Chemistry of Diet — Isaac F. ROIS rd Fa ens Pode bees) C4 ae 97 ge Di 131 135 146 148 149 JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOLUME XXVIII MAY, 1912 No. | A STUDY OF THE ACTION OF VARIOUS DIURETICS IN URANIUM NEPHRITIS! By Wo. vEB. MacN«iper. IEEE SVCHICELON aes costae at erect area ease ehapere arece siete: so 6, Slocea Sie! are 'ee's 0s 1 Femme WAG Cel ALCFALUTON 15.2 falcttascieta siace icicle < sclcaee cieeiele ss! saleld ole. 3 Discussion of the technique employed in the experiments. ....... 4 Sourse et tne Experiments 32. < hse Seles sen ce ie ee Gera sasis lonctevers « if The effect of diuretics in uranium nephritis ................... 9 BRE eRCR A PALH OLOGY; oo) cicinisysieiclsiaie eis a Share eevee |e: aw r@ie ar eises) «! Sivsve's.cle 12 REREAD CEP et Sie cc ye nea cis cinch oarega ee ayer re tet 3 as 6c SSeS my Bee! lc Bislo.s 13 EMDEI AT OE AA PANE payer. Chetan ais rn cr otavatal shale eats csr Oke trdlateterasda'e esas ce es « 15 In a recent anatomical study (1) of the nephritis produced in the dog by the use of various nephrotoxic substances it has been shown that these substances vary to some extent in the degree of their selective affinity for the different kidney tissues. Arse- nic, for example, has a striking affinity for the blood vessel tissue of the kidney; while potassium dichromate catses an involvement of the epithelial element of the kidney much earlier than does any of the usually employed nephrotesie substances. Uranium nitrate, a substance which has frequently been employed to produce experimentally a nephritis, in its avidity for the different tissues of the kidney, is not so selective in its action as are the poisons just mentioned. If uranium be given in large doses subcutaneously, or if smaller quantities be used and the nephritis be allowed to per- sist for some days, the nephritis which it induces with such a technique is more tubular than vascular. If, on the other hand, small quantities are employed, 5 to 10 mgs. per animal, and if the nephritis be terminated early, the reaction on the part of the 1 Presented in abstract before the Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Baltimore, December 27, 1911. Reprinted from The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. III, No. 4, March, 1912. 2 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL Society [May kidney is largely vascular. We possess, therefore, in uranium a nephrotoxic substance which, when appropriately adminis- tered, is competent to produce the two main types of nephritis. For this reason uranium was the nephrotoxic substance selected to use in the production of nephritides of different severity, in which one or both elements of the kidney concerned in the for- mation of urine were functionating pathologically. By the use of such a substance which produces primarily a vascular, and later a tubular nephritis, it was hoped that by studying the physiological response of the kidney at these stages of its pathological reaction, it might be determined which element of the kidney in a nephritis was most concerned in determining the quantitative output of urine. With this object in view in this study diuretics have been employed which effect both the vascular and the epithelial elements of the kidney. In the anatomical study of experimental nephritis which has been previously referred to, the nephrotoxic substances em- ployed were potassium dichromate, sodium arsenate, canthari- din and uranium nitrate. During the course of this investiga- tion it was noted that there existed a fairly clear cut correllation between the degree of epithelial involvement in a given nephritis and the total output of urine; whereas, on the other hand, no such histological correllation could be made, within certain lim- itations, between the severity of the vascular pathology and the output of urine. For example, a nephritic animal with a normal urine flow, or a polyuria, would show a vascular reaction which histologically would be similar to the vascular pathology in an anuric animal. The associated epithelial reaction in such stages of a nephritis differed very widely. In the early nephritides with a normal output of urine, or a polyuria, the epithelial involvement was slight or absent. In some of the experiments, especially those conducted with uranium, the epithelium ap- peared to have undergone a shrinkage. In the later stages of the nephritis when the output of urine had been reduced or an anuria had developed, the epithelium, and especially that of the convoluted tubules invariably showed marked alterations. The epithelial changes varied with the severity of the nephritis. 1912] A Srupy or tue Action or Diuretics 3 The earlier degenerations consisted in cloudy swelling and vacuolation, while the later changes were principally an epithe- lial desquamation, usually preceded by necrosis. In these late nephritides the swelling of the epithelium was frequently decidedly noticeable and was sufficient either greatly to encroach upon or completely occlude the lumen of the tubules. The present physiological study of the nephritic kidney has been undertaken to determine, if possible, the part played by the vascular and by the epithelial pathology of the kidney in influ- encing the output of urine, and to determine whether or not the vascular mechanism of the kidney is physiologically responsive in a nephritis in which there is evidence of epithelial involve- ment and but little histological evidence of vascular injury. REVIEW OF LITERATURE The two most important recent contributions to the study of acute experimental nephritis are those by Schlayer (2) and Hedinger and by Pearce (3), Hill and Eisenbrey. These investigations were conducted with the same general object in view and are principally concerned with the physio- logical response of the nephritic kidney. Schlayer and Hedinger studied the vascular reaction of the kidney in both the glomerular and the tubular types of nephritis. For their studies in the vascular type of nephritis they em- ployed as kidney poisons, cantharidin, arsenic and diphtheria toxin, and for the tubular type potassium chromate and corro- sive sublimate. The investigation by Pearce, Hill and Eisenbrey was also principally concerned with the vascular reaction in acute nephritis. The authors were able to distinguish types of nephritis in which either the tubular or the vascular changes predominated. They were not able to conclude, however, that a given poison produced an exclusively tubular or vascular injury. Potassium chromate, corrosive sublimate and uranium nitrate, caused extensive tubular injury and in the early stages of the nephritis showed no evidence of vascular injury except physiologically. When physiological methods were employed they were able to demonstrate in the early stages of the nephritis 4 JOURNAL OF THE MiTCHELL Society [May an exaggerated contraction and dilatation of the vessels and also an increased diuresis. Arsenic and cantharidin acted as vascular poisons and produced but little injury to the tubules. Both of these poisons tended to cause an anuria which was char- acterized by minimal contraction and dilatation of the renal vessels and little or no flow of urine. Finally, in this investiga- tion two types of late tubular nephritis are described: one anurie and accompanied by gastro-intestinal symptoms; and the other polyuric until the time of anesthesia. In addition to these two investigations which are principally concerned with the physiological response of the kidney, patho- logical studies of the kidney in a uranium nephritis have been made by several investigators. Heineke and Myerstein (4) were able to demonstrate a marked vascular disturbance in the kidney from uranium in addition to a pronounced action on the renal epithelium; while Dickson (5) in an extensive series of experiments in which the guinea pig was the animal employed came to the same conclu- sions. Christian (6) in his work on uranium nephritis in which the vascular pathology was studied, described as developing in the capillaries of the glomerulus, oval or irregular homogeneous droplets 0.5 to 4 microns in diameter. Similar structures have been observed in several of the experiments in the series of animals which will be presented in this study. The work of Schirokauer (7) on the uranium nephritis of rabbits is of special interest on account of the associated anasarca. DISCUSSION OF THE TECHNIQUE EMPLOYED IN THE EXPERIMENTS In conducting the experiments the dog was the animal con- stantly employed. A total of twenty-three animals were used. The animals were free from disease and their general nutrition was apparently normal. For three days prior to the experiments the animals were kept in metabolism cages, fed on beef and hard bread and given once a day by stomach tube a known and constant quantity of water. The quantity of water varied with the size of the ani- 1912 | A Srupy oF THE Action oF DruReTIcs 5 mal. - During the period of preliminary observation the urine was collected daily, measured and studied qualitatively and microscopically. The existence of a naturally acquired nephritis was excluded. Two of the animals showed the presence of albumen and erythrocytes in the urine but no casts. At the end of three or four days, after the preliminary data had been obtained, the animals were given from 5 to 10 mgs. of uranium nitrate subcutaneously. The frequency with which the injections were repeated was determined by the severity of the nephritis produced by a given injection and by the stage of the nephritis that was desired in which to study the action of the different diuretic substances. Such a method of regulat- ing the quantity of nephrotoxic substance is more accurate, so far as the reaction on the part of the kidney is concerned, than can be obtained by using a constant quantity of the kidney poison per kilogram of body weight, since different animals vary very greatly in their response to the same quantity of the poison. Usually within twelve or twenty-four hours after the initial injection of uranium the animals had developed a well-marked nephritis. Occasionally on the first day of the nephritis, and almost invariably by the second day, the animals developed a pro- nounced glycosuria. The quantitative output of albumen was not determined. Quantitative sugar determinations were made with both Fehling’s and Purdy’s quantitative reagents. These determinations showed that the output of sugar in a twenty-four hour specimen of urine varied from 0.25 to 3.22 per cent. After the production of the nephritis the animals were anesthetized with either morphine-ether or Gréhant’s anes- thetic." The following operative technique was constantly employed. A tracheal canula was tied in place and connected with the ether bottle to be used in case additional anesthetic was neces- sary during the experiment. 1Gréhant’s Anesthetic. The animal is given 4 ec. per kilogram of a 4 per cent solution of morphine. This is followed in half an hour by 10 ce. per kilo- ae of the following mixture: Chloroform, 50 cc.; alcohol and water, each ee. 6 JouRNAL OF THE MircHELL SOCIETY [May The carotid pressure was recorded in the usual way, and a relative idea of the heart volume was obtained along with the pressure tracing by means of a Hiirthle manometer. The left kidney was surrounded by a rubber bag filled with water, and the kidney with its surrounding water cushion placed in a copper oncometer. The oncometer communicated by means of a rubber tube with a water manometer which registered on an arbitrary scale graduated in millimeters the increase or the decrease in the volume of the organ. Into each ureter was placed a ureter canula. Observations of the urine flow were made only from the right kidney, on ac- count of the fact that the flow from the left kidney was possibly influenced by the mechanical disturbance necessarily associated with the use of the oncometer. The various diuretic solutions were given intravaenously through the femoral vein, due care being taken of their tempera- ture. The experiments were of such a nature that they would necessarily require considerable time for consecutive observa- tions of the action of the different diuretics. On this account it seemed advisable to employ some method to maintain a fairly constant body temperature. For this purpose a cop- per water box was used, similar to the ones employed in Soll- mann’s laboratory. The upper surface of the box is concave and holds a wooden rack in which the animal is placed. With such an apparatus the animal’s body temperature can be fairly accurately maintained. At the termination of the experiments, the kidneys were at once removed and tissue fixed for microscopic study in both corrosive-acetic and in formaline. Five of the twenty-three animals employed in this investiga- tion were either purposely or accidentally killed before or at the commencement of the anesthetic. Kidney tissue from these animals was fixed for histological study. In the remaining eighteen animals the physiological response. of the nephritic kidney was studied under the influence of : 1912] A Srupy or tue Action or Diuretics 7 Caffeine........ 1-2 cc. of a 1 per cent solution per kilogram Theobromine. ...1-2 ec. of a 1 per cent solution per kilogram Disitalinh ease ce eis. es ck co eal 1 mg. per kilogram Sodium chloride solution....0.9 per cent, 10 ce. per kilogram COURSE OF THE EXPERIMENTS The average daily output of urine of each animal was deter- mined at the end of the third day, during which time the pre- liminary observations were being made. Following the injec- tion of uranium the daily output of urine was ascertained and compared with the average daily output by the animal prior to the use of uranium. Three of the animals were used experimentally after they had developed a nephritis but before the development of a gly- closuria. The daily output of urine by these nephritic and non- glycosuric animals showed a moderate increase as follows. The: urine from the different animals increased respectively from 278 to 318 ce., from 392 to 440 ce. and from 386 to 358 ce. The urine showed qualitatively a pronounced reaction for albu- men, and microscopically hyaline and granular casts and ery- throcytes. The remaining animals were used experimentally after the development of a glycosuria. In each instance, with the devel- opment of a glycosuria the output of urine at once enormously increased. For example, in experiment 1, in which the animal was receiving daily 350 ce. of water, the average daily output of urine for three days prior to the uranium was 385 ce., while with the development of a nephritis and an accompanying gly- cosuria the urine increased on the first day to 620 ce. and on the second day to 750 ce. Again, in experiment 8, in which the animal was recelving 500 ce. of water daily, the average output of urine prior to the uranium was 513 ce., while following the uranium with the development of a nephritis and a glycosuria the output of urine increased to 1310 ee. This increase in the output of urine was not an occasional occurrence, but it developed in each animal that was allowed a sufficient time to develop a glycosuria. These polyurie and nephritic animals were anesthetized by one of the methods pre- 8 JouRNAL OF THE MitTcHEeLi Society [May viously mentioned. Within thirty-four minutes to an hour and a half after the commencement of the anesthetic, the output of urine from these excessively diuretic animals was either very greatly reduced, reduced to a condition bordering on an anuria, or an anuria had developed, which in six of the animals per- sisted throughout the experiment, uninfluenced by the diuretics which were employed. This pronounced reduction in the output of urine after the anesthetic is equally as striking as is the increase in the output of urine after the animals have developed a glycosuria. Experiment 20 is used to illustrate these observations. The animal was receiving 500 cc. of water daily. The average output of urine for the three days prior to the uranium was 464 ec. The animal was given subcutaneously one injection of uranium of 10 mgs. The animal rapidly developed a nephritis and a glycosuria, and the urine increased to 1018 cc. At the time of the experiment 294 cc. of this urine was found in the bladder, which shows quite clearly that the animal was diuretic until the time of anesthesia. The experiment lasted four hours and during this time the animal was in a perfectly satisfactory physiological condition. The general blood pressure varied between 93 and 108 mm. of mercury and the renal vessels were physiologically responsive to caffeine, theobromine and 0.9 per cent salt. Not a drop of urine was voided. This experiment, associated as it is with others which give identically the same results, shows a definite relation between the polyuria and the development of glycosuria. Secondly, it shows an equally intimate connection between the use of an anesthetic and the development of an anuria. The polyuria in uranium nephritis and the influence of the anesthetic in reduc- ing the output of urine has been observed by both Schlayer (2) and Pearce (3). Pearce attributes the anuria to a “decreased glomerular permeability” and makes a similar suggestion to interpret the results obtained by Schlayer. So far as I have been able to learn these authors make no note of the association of the polyuria with the onset of the glycosuria. 1912 | A Srupy oF THE Action oF Diuretics 9 . THE EFFECT OF DIURETICS IN URANIUM NEPHRITIS To facilitate the study of the effect of the different diuretics the experiments have been classified into groups, e. g., the Anuric, Practically Anurie and Diuretic Groups. Anuric group Six experiments are included in this group. In all six of the animals caffeine, theobromine, and digitalin were employed as diuretics and in four of the animals 0.9 per cent salt was also used. None of these agents had any effect in reéstablishing a flow of urine. This failure cannot be attributed to either a failure on the part of the diuretics to increase and maintain an adequately high general blood pressure for urine secretion, or to a failure in the vascular response of the kidney. The following experiment will serve well to illustrate these points: Experiment 23. The animal’s general blood pressure at the commencement of the experiment was 104 mm. of mercury and at the termination 107 mm. Caffeine produced a rise in arterial pressure of 4 mm. of mercury and a rise in the oncometer of 27 mm. (water manometer). Theobromine produced a rise of 7 mm. in general pressure, and a rise in oncometer pressure of 59 mm., digitalin a rise of 18 mm. in arterial pressure and 20 mm. in oncometer pressure, while 0.9 per cent salt caused no rise in general blood pressure, but a rise of 15 mm. in oncome- ter pressure. The animal remained anuric throughout the ex- periment. Practically Anuric group Falling in this group are experiments 6 and 11. They rep- resent animals which are not absolutely anurie but which show a gradual decline in the flow of urine which is but slightly influ- enced by the diuretics. The first animal of this series, experiment 6, prior to the anesthetic had an output of urine of 810 ec. Following the an- esthetic an anuria developed for two hours, although during this time a rise of blood pressure of 14 mm. of mereury and of oncometer pressure of 12 mm. of water was obtained from caffeine and a rise of 10 mm. in general pressure and of 12 mm. 10 JOURNAL OF THE MircHEeLy Society [May in oncometer pressure from theobromine. During the last half hour of the experiment, under the effect of 0.9 per cent salt the arterial pressure rose 17 mm. and the oncometer pressure 20 mm. The urine filled the ureter canula and a few drops were discharged into the receiving flask. Experiment 11 followed the same general course. Prior to the anesthetic the animal was highly polyurice. Following the anesthetic the output of urine for the first half hour period was 2 cc. The urine flow then decreased, although the animal showed the usual physiological response to caffeine and theo- bromine. During the final half hour period of the experiment the flow of urine had been reduced to two drops. The experi- ment demonstrates a continuance of those changes, whatever they may be, which lead to an anuria, and which commence with the administration of the anesthetic, and in this instance have progressed, uninfluenced by the employment of diuretics. Diuretic group In the animals classified as diuretic, the term is used rela- tively. With few exceptions these experiments were terminated artificially during a period of diuresis. Such a termination does not exclude the possibility of the animal later becoming anuric as was illustrated in the previously described experiment. The following experiments are representative of this group: Experiment 16. The animal had a pronounced nephritis, was polyuric and had developed a glycosuria. Following Gréhant’s anesthetic the animal became anuric for fotry-five minutes. Following the use of caffeine, with a rise of arterial pressure of 5 mm. of mercury and of oncometer pressure of 8 mm. the urine flow was reéstablished and during the half hour period following the use of caffeine the flow of urine was 1.5 ce. Under theobromine without a rise in arterial pressure but with a rise in oncometer pressure of 4 mm., the flow of urine in- creased to 3 cc. in a half hour period. With digitalin which produced a rise in arterial pressure of 10 mm. and in oncometer pressure of 8 mm. the urine flow increased to 3.3 ce. in a half hour interval. 1912] A Srupy or tHe Action oF Drvretics ila In three of the experiments of this series 0.9 per cent salt was tised. With the salt solution the greatest degree of diuresis was produced and this diuretic effect from the salt was more constant than that from the other diuretics in this type of nephritis. In experiment 19, the flow of urine in the half hour period prior to the use of salt solution was 0.9 cc. Following the salt with a rise in arterial pressure of 14 mm. and in oncometer pressure of 49 mm. the urine increased 1.7 ec. In experiment ¥ with a flow of urine of 1.6 cc.—prior to the use of salt solution, following its use the urine increased to 4.6 cc. The oncometer pressure rose 18 mm. and the general pressure 6 mm. The following deductions concerning the diuretic value of the different substances employed in these groups of experiments are as follows: 1. In the anuric group, caffeine, theobromine, digitalin and 0.9 per cent salt solution have no effect in reéstablishing the flow of urine. Their failure does not depend upon their inabil- ity to raise and maintain a sufficiently high general blood pres- sure to produce diuresis. 2. The inactivity of these substances is not due to their in- ability to influence the local renal circulation, for the physio- logical vascular response of the renal vessels as indicated by the oncometer readings is normal or hyperactive. 3. In the group of experiments classified as practically anurie the same deductions concerning the inefficiency of the diuretics are allowable. 4. In addition to these deductions relative to the effect of the diuretics, this group also shows that the quantity of urine may not only not be increased by the diuretics, but that the out- put of urine may progressively decrease, even though the general blood pressure readings and oncometer readings show the usual response. 5. In the diuretic group in which the animals show the same physiological response to the diuretics as was shown by the animals in the anuric and practically anuric groups—the sub- 12 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHEeLL Society [| May stances effect a diuretic action. Salt solution, 0.9 per cent, shows a more constant diuretic effect, and the increase in the flow of urine from the salt is more pronounced than it is from the other substances. THE RENAL PATHOLOGY Five of the animals used in this investgiation were killed either prior to the anesthetic or during its administration. Four of these animals had an early uranium nephritis, were markedly polyuric and had a glycosuria. The fifth animal had a late uranium nephritis, was glycosuric but was not polyuric. The output of urine was reduced below the normal. In the four early nephritides the vascular pathology of the kidney was much more pronounced than was the epithelial pathology, while in the fifth animal with a late uranium nephri- tis in which the output of urine had been reduced below the normal, the epithelial pathology predominated. The vascular pathology in the early nephritides consisted primarily of an acute engorgement of the glomerular capillaries. The hyper- aemic capillary tufts usually filled the space enclosed by Bow- man’s membrane and frequently this structure gave the appear- ance of being distended by the enclosed capillaries. The endo- thelial nuclei of the capillaries and of the capsular membrane showed no degeneration but were unusually prominent. Within the capilliaries the vacuoles first described by Christian (6) were observed in two of the kidneys. The intertubular vessels showed the same engorgement with an occasional intertubular exudate containing a few erythro- cytes. With this pronounced vascular reaction on the part of the kidney the epithelial pathology was remarkably slight. The epithelium had not degenerated, it stained well and showed no encroachment upon the lumen of the tubules. (Figs. I and IL.) A comparison of the epithelial changes in these animals, with the epithelial changes in those animals having a complete anuria is as striking as is the difference in the output of urine by the two groups of animals before and after the administra- tion of an anesthetic. 1912 | A Stupy or tHE Action or Diuretics 13 Four of the anuric animals were in an early stage of uranium nephritis, the stage which has just been described as existing in the animals killed before the administration of an anesthetic. In these animals with an early uranium nephritis which were polyurie and glycosuric, and which following the anesthetic became anuric, the vascular pathology was histologically sim- ilar to the vascular pathology noted in those animals that had not been subjected to the effect of an anesthetic. The epithelial pathology imthese two groups of animals shows, however, a well marked difference. The epithelium in the anuric animals is very greatly swollen and is usually vacuolated. As a result of the swelling the lumen of the tubules has either been very greatly encroached upon or the lumen has become obliterated by an apposition of the opposing faces of the tubular epithelium. The epithelial changes are most pronounced in the convoluted tubules. (Figs. III and IV.) In the animals grouped as practically anuric, the renal path- ology is so nearly similar to the pathology of the kidney in the anuric group that the two allow no histological differentiation. In the animals grouped as diuretic, the vascular pathology is similar histologically to the vascular pathology which has been described for those animals in the anurie group and also for those animals which were killed prior to the use of the anes- thetic. The epithelial pathology, however, differes very much from the epithelial pathology of the anuric group but resembles in its appearance the epithelial reaction seen in those diuretic animals obtained before the use of an anesthetic. (Figs. V and VI.) SUMMARY 1. Early in a uranium nephritis, usually within the first twenty-four hours, the animals develop a glycosuria and _ be- come markedly polyurie. 2. Following an anesthetic, morphine-ether, or Gréhant’s, these animals either become completely anurie or the output of urine is greatly reduced. 3. Such animals under the effect of caffeine, theobromine, digitalin and 0.9 per cent salt solution, show a normal response 14 JoURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Society [May in the general blood pressure rise and in the vascular response of the kidney. 4, In certain of these animals the flow of urine is increased by these diuretics while in other animals the urine flow is unin- fluenced. 5. Histologically the vascular pathology of the kidney is similar in those animals which show a diuretic effect and in those animals which remain anuric. 6. Those animals which remain anuric show a physiological vascular response on the part of the kidney vessels similar to the response which is obtained in the diuretic animals. The physiological and the pathological reaction of the kidney ves- sels in the anuric and in the diuretic animals are, there- fore, similar. 7. The two groups of animals differ, however, in the degree of involvement of the epithelial element of the kidney. The anuric animals show an epithelial involvement which is severe and which results anatomically in an encroachment upon, or occlusion of, the lumen of the tubules, while in the diuretic animals the epithelial changes are less marked and are insuffi- cient to produce a mechanical obstruction of the tubular lumen. 8. The pathology of the kidney of those animals with an early uranium nephritis which were examined prior to the use of an anesthetic showed a vascular pathology which in general was similar to the vascular pathology of the anuric, practically anuric and diuretic animals. The tubular epithelium of these animals which were polyuric, showed but slight changes, and in their epithelial reaction the kidneys of these animals were more nearly comparable to the kidneys of the diuretic animals than they were to the kidneys of the anuric animals. The physiological and anatomical observations which have been made in this investigation indicate that in a uranium nephritis the epithelial changes are more responsible for a re- duction in the output of urine or an anuria than are the vascu- lar changes. The way in which these changes influence the output of urine will furnish the basis for a subsequent investi- gation. Plate I 1912] A Stupy or THE Action or Drvuretics 15 BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Mac Nider: Journal of Medical Research, vol. xxvi, no. 1 (to be published). (2) Schlayer and Hedinger: Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. med., 1907, xe, 1. (3) Pearce, Hill and Eisenbrey: Jour. Exp. Med., vol. xii, no. 2, 1910. (4) Heineke and Myerstein: Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. med., 1907, vol. xe; LOL. (5) Dickson: Arch. Int. Med., 1909, vol. iii, p. 375. (6) Christian: Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1908, clix, 8. (7) Schirokauer: Ztsch. f. klin. Med., 1908, Ixvi, 182. Figs. I and II The figures represent the kidneys of a nephritic, glycosuric and polyuric animal before the use of an anesthetic. The glomerular ves- sels fill and distend the surrounding capsule and show the presence of vacuoles in the capillary walls. The tubular epithelium shows oc- casion vacuolation, is but slightly swollen and has not encroached upon or occluded the lumen of the tubules. The tubules contain gran- ular detritus. B. and L. obj. 3, oc. 1. Figs. III and IV The figures represent the kidneys of two animals which were ex- cessively polyuric before the administration of an anesthetic. Follow- ing the anesthetic the animals became anuric. The anuria remained uninfluenced by the diuretics. The vascular pathology is histological- ly similar to the pathology described in the polyuric animals illus- trated by Figs. I and II. The epithelial pathology, however, is strik- ingly different. The epithelium shows an acute swelling resulting in a nearly complete occlusion of the lumen of the tubules. The acute nature of the swelling of the epithelium is well shown in Fig. III. The anuria was uninfluenced by the diuretics. B. and L. obj. 3, oc. 1. Figs. V and VI The figures represent the kidneys of two animals which were re- sponsive to the diuretics. The vascular pathology is similar to that described in the anuric animals. The epithelium shows but slight swelling and no material encroachment upon the lumen of the tubules. B. and L. obj. 3, oc. 1. Chapel Hill, N. C. NOTES ON THE BIRDS OF CHAPEL HILL, N. C., WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THEIR MIGRATIONS. By ALexanver L. FEILp. The material from which these notes are derived was gath- ered during my four undergraduate years at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,—Sept. 1907 to June 1911. Since the migrating birds occur in the spring and autumn months, I was able to obtain tolerably complete records for the entire time. I made no observations during the three vacation months of June, July and August. A considerable amount of my spare time, however, during the school year was devoted to a study of the birds found in this region. The total number of species positively identified was one hundred and seven. Of this number twenty-nine are known to remain here all through the year and are therefore called permanent residents. Eleven are transient visitors,—birds which during the spring and fall migrations remain here for only a few days or weeks. Twenty are winter residents, which are birds that breed further north- ward but spend the winter in this locality. Thirty-three occur only in the summer, coming here to breed after their winter residence in the southern United States or the tropics. The remaining fourteen species are of doubtful classification. I have added five new species to the hitherto catalogued species of Chapel Hill. They are the Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo borealis borealis), Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Dryobates bore- alis), Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus), Cape May Warbler (Den- droica tigrina), Kentucky Warbler (Oporornis formosus). In 1899 Mr. T. G. Pearson published in this Journal (Vol. XVI, Part I) a “ Preliminary Catalogue of the Birds of Chapel Hill, N. C., with Brief Notes on Some of the Species.” One hundred and thirty-four species are included in this cata- logue, one hundred and nineteen of which actually came under his notice. About all of the remaining seventeen species had been recorded previously by Prof. G. F. Atkinson. The latter 16 1912] Nores on Tur Birps or Cuarer Hanns C i published in 1887 in the Raleigh News and Observer a “Prelim- inary List of Birds Collected in the Vicinity of Chapel Hill.” Ninety-two species were listed. In an article entitled “A Pre- liminary Catalogue of the Birds of North Carolina,” published in this Journal (Part 2 for 1887), Prof. Atkinson states that he identified about one hundred and twenty species at Chapel Hill, but does not enumerate them. No attempt was made by either of these observers to give any systematic record of bird migration at Chapel Hill. Following my notes on the one hundred and seven species I met with, I have given a supplementary list of the thirty-three other species that have been previously listed for Chapel Hill, making a total of one hundred and forty. For further informa- tion concerning this last list, the reader is referred to Mr. Pear- son’s article, above mentioned. The nomenclature used is that of the third edition of the A. O. U. Check List of North American Birds. 1. Green Heron (Butorides virescens virescens). This heron is a summer resident. I did not find it as com- mon as might be expected for this locality. In 1909 the first bird was seen on April 18, 2. Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia). I obtained only one record for this species. This was on April 18, 1909. It is not known to breed here. 3. Killdeer (Oxyechus vociferus). I have seen this bird in December, February, March and April, the latest record being April 18, on which date one indi- vidual was seen. They are most abundant in March. No breeding record has been yet secured, although it is probable that they do breed. It is a tolerably common resident in the middle section of the state. 4. Bob-white (Colinus virginianus virginianus. ) A common resident throughout the year. I have observed numerous coveys on the campus. 5. Mourning Dove (Zenaidura macroura carolinensis). This bird is common at all times of the year. It is classed 18 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHELL Society | May as a game-bird. In 1909 I first heard the Dove’s call on Feb- ruary 14; in 1908, on March 8. 6. Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura septentrionalis). This vulture, commonly called “Turkey Buzzard,’ may be seen every month of the year. It breeds in this region. 7. Black Vulture (Catharista urubu). A flock of these vultures was seen on January 22, 1909. It may breed in this region, as it has been recorded as a resident in the eastern and middle portions of the state. 8. Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter velox). The only time recorded was on February 9, 1909. There seems to be a scarcity of hawks of all kinds in the region around Chapel Hill. 9. Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo borealis borealis). This hawk was noted only once, April 24, 1909. It has not been recorded by any earlier observer at Chapel Hill. 10. Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus lineatus). This is apparently the commonest member of the family in this locality. I have only observed it in December, February, March and April, however. 11. Sparrow Hawk (Falco sparverius sparverius). Next to the Red-shouldered Hawk, the Sparrow Hawk is most often seen. One pair evidently nested in the oaks back of the South Building. 12. Barred Owl (Strix varia varia). In the winter and spring months these birds were heard call- ing night after night in the forest south of the campus and in Battle’s Park. Sometimes several would be heard at once. 13. Screech Owl (Otus asio asio). This little owl is often heard on the campus. I never actually saw but one individual here. 14. Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus americanus). This ‘“Rain-Crow” was first seen on May 17 in 1908, and on April 28 in 1911, It is a not uncommon summer resident. 1912| Nores on 18 Brrbs or Cuaper Hit, N. C. 19 15. Belted Kingfisher (Ceryle aleyon). I have observed this species only in March, April and May, the earliest record being March 25, and the latest May 2. It probably breeds. No record of it has yet been obtained. 16. Hairy Woodpecker (Dryobates villosus audubont). This bird is not at all uncommon around Chapel Hill. I have seen it in November, December, J anuary, April, and May. ky The latest spring record was May 27. It breeds here without doubt. 17. Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens). This is the smallest and most abundant woodpecker at Chapel Hill. It was seen in all months of the year. I met with it most frequently in February. In the middle of this month it starts its loud drumming, which is the mating-call 18. Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Dryobates borealis). The woodpecker has not been recorded for Chapel Hill by earlier observers. I found it a not uncommon bird in Battle’s Park and other neighboring woods. This species was seen by me five times in the months of March and April, 1909, the latest being on April 17. The Red-cocaded Woodpecker was usually observed in numbers ranging from two to six. 19. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius varius). This common migrant woodpecker occurs here. The average date of its arrival was October 16. The earliest were on Octo- 11 in 1907 and 1911. The latest time at which it was seen in the spring was on April 26 in 1911. It was noted in all the intervening months except November, but was most abundant from January 15 to February 15. 20. Pileated Woodpecker (Phloeotomus pileatus pileatus). This large bird was seen on four occasions, the dates being November 28, 1907, January 9, January 22, February 20, 1909. On three of these occasions it was found in the forest several miles south-east of the campus. Only one individual was seen at any one time. 20 JOURNAL OF THE MiTCHELL SOCIETY [May 21. Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus). This handsome bird is a very conspicuous inhabitant of the campus. It is not so abundant in the surrounding region. It seemed most numerous in May. I have no records for Decem- ber, nor for the first three weeks in January. In 1909 the loud drumming mating-call was first heard on February 5. 22. Red-bellied Woodpecker (Centurus carolinus). One of the anomalies of Chapel Hill ornithology is the abund- ance of this woodpecker, which is rare in very similar local- ities. I observed one pair nesting in a hole in an elm in the back-yard of the old Archer place. The time was April. I have also seen this bird during the fall and winter months, ex- cept February. 23. Flicker (Colaptes auratus auratus). Next to the Downy the commonest woodpecker. I found it most conspicuous in March, It is a resident species. 24, Whippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferous vociferous). The average date of arrival of this migrant was April 5. The earliest arrival was noted on March 31, 1910. These birds during the spring migrations may be heard calling in large num- bers in Battle’s Park and the woods south of the campus. Those individuals that remain to breed continue their calling through the first week in May. 25. Nighthawk (Chordeiles virginianus virgimanus). This bird breeds at Chapel Hill. I saw one bird perform for several successive evenings the sky-coasting performance, for which the species is famous, over the cemetery and adjoining woods. This was about May 1, 1911. The earliest record I obtained was April 11, in 1908. In 1911 I saw it as late as October 7. 26. Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica). My records for the arrival of this well-known summer visitor are as follows: March 31, 1908, April 4, 1909, April 4, 1910, April 5, 1911. In 1908 and 1909 it was last seen on October 10; in 1907, on October 9. In the fall, just before they leave, on ™ 1912] Nores on THE Birps oF Cuaper Hi, N.C. 21 these swifts gather in great numbers in the chimneys of the South Building. 27. Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris). Arrived on April 16 in 1908, and on April 15 In 1909. A common summer resident. 28. Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus). I found the Kingbird not very common at Chapel Hill. The earliest spring arrival was on April 26, 1908. In 1907 it was seen as late in the fall as September 3. This flycatcher is not as abundant as in many similar sections of the state. 29. Crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus). Earliest spring arrival, April 16, 1908 and 1910; average arrival, April 18. Last seen in the fall of 1907 on September 17. This is a very common bird at Chapel Hill, breeding on the campus. 30. Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe). A nest containing three eggs and one young was found by me on April 24, 1909, under the eaves of a mill near Chapel Hill. I have teed ne Phoebe during all the nine months of the school year. It was most abundant in February. 31. Wood Pewee (Myiochanes virens). A very common summer resident. Average time of arrival was April 27; earliest arrival was on April 24, 1907. The ‘Wood Pewee was last seen in 1907 on October 14. 32. Acadian Flycatcher (Hmpidonax virescens). A rather common summer resident. It usually appeared about May 4. Earliest arrival on May 1, 1910. 33. Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata cristata). An abundant resident of the campus. It is not so numerous, however, in the surrounding region. 34. Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos). A common permanent resident. 35. Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus). Small flocks of these migrants were seen April 3-7, 1908, 22 JOURNAL OF THE MitrcHEeLt Society [May April 7, 1909, April 5, 1911, on the campus. The males were in song on each occasion. 36. Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus phoeniceus). This bird is perhaps a rare summer resident. I have it re- corded only during November, however. The scarcity of this and other species of similar breeding habits may be due to the absence of much swamp-land or many ponds near Chapel Hill. 37. Meadowlark (Sturnella magna magna). It may be that these birds breed occasionally here. No record, however, has been obtained. I have observed them from October 22 to April 22. The Meadowlark begins to sing about January 8 and continues until March 30. They are common birds on the campus in the winter and spring months. 38. Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius). A summer resident on the campus. Is a tolerably common species. Average appearance in spring, April 28; earliest, April 22, 1909. 39. Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula). One individual was observed on April 27, 1908, in the arbor- etum. There is only one other record for this species at Chapel Hill, this being May 2, 1901. 40. Purple Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula quiscula). Only seen on March 5, 1908, and February 12, 1911. 41. Purple Finch (Carpodacus purpureus purpureus). This winter visitor is abundant at Chapel Hill during March and part of April. The latest records I obtained were on April 23 in 1909 and 1911. I did not see it at all in the fall; nor earlier in the winter than February 2. The Purple Finch sings. continually from about Februtry 14 until it leaves in the spring. 42, English Sparrow (Passer domesticus). Abundant in town and spreading into the country. 43. Goldfinch (Astragalinus tristis tristis). A common permanent resident, abundant during March and April. Begins to sing about March 19. Found associated largely with the Purple Finch. 1912| Nores on THE Birps or Cuaper Hirt, N.C. 23 44, Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus). This uncommon transient visitor was noted in abundance on the campus from April 23 to May 6, 1911. These are the first recorded at Chapel Hill. 45. Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus gramineus ). First seen in 1908, on October 30; was seen in December ; and on April 3, 1909. A rather uncommon winter visitor. 46. Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis savanna). I only saw this bird in the spring of 1909. It occurs probably as a regular winter bird. I found it common in the arboretum from April 2 to April 23. One individual was heard to sing on April 18. 47. Grasshopper Sparraw (Ammodramus savannarum dus- tralis). Observed only on May 30, 1908, and April 10, 1911. It is not known to breed here, but probably does. 48. White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). An abundant winter visitor. Length of stay: October 14, 1907, to April 11, 1908; October 16, 1908, to May 7, 1909; — — — to May 5, 1910; October 13, 1910, to May 7, 1911. Sings during its entire stay, but most frequently in April. 49, Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina passerina). Abundant as a summer resident. Spring arrivals are as fol- lows: March 6, 1908, February 28, 1909, March 9, 1910. It usually leaves about November 10. On December 10, 1907, however, quite a number were seen on the campus. 50. Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla pusilla). This common permanent resident begins to sing regularly about February 14. One individual was heard as early, how- ever, as January 22. 51. Slate-colored Junco (Junco hyemalis hyemalis). The “Snow-bird” is a very common winter visitor. The av- erage date of arrival was November 10; the earliest, October 25, 1908. In the spring it was seen until April 15 in 1909. 24 JOURNAL oF THE MitcHELL Society [May The Junco begins to sing about February 17 and continues until its departure in April. 52. Bachmans Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis bachmant). A not uncommon bird at Chapel Hill. It arrived in 1908 on April 26, and in 1909 on April 17. I am of the opinion that one pair of these birds usually breeds in the neighborhood of the cemetery. 54. Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia melodia). My records of the length of stay of this common winter visitor are: October 22, 1907, to March 29, 1908; October 20, 1908, to April 8, 1909; October 21, 1910, to Its song is heard throughout its residence here, but it is most frequently heard during March. 55. Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana). Observed on only one occasion in the winter (date not known). By no means a common bird in this locality. 56. Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca iliaca). This winter visitor arrived in 1907 on November 28. I found it much commoner in the first three months of the year than in November or December. It was last seen in 1909, on March 18. Its song was heard in January, February, and March. 57. Towhee (Poplio erythrophthalmus erythrophthalmus). This bird finds a very congenial winter home in the valleys of Chapel Hill. I found the usual date of arrival to be October 16 (earliest, October 11, 1907). This bird lingers in the spring as late as May 6, which is the average of three years’ observations. The last bird seen in 1909 was on May 9. The Towhee begins to sing in the middle of February and continues until about April 6. 58. Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis). A common resident all the year. Begins to sing in January, but is not in full voice until February 15. — 1912] Norers on THE Birps oF Cuaret Hitt, N.C. 25 59. .Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Zamelodia ludoviciana). One male observed on April 28, 1908, in the village. A rare transient visitor. 60. Blue Grosbeak (Guiraca caerulea caerulea). A not uncommon bird during the spring migration. Arrived on the following days: May 9, 1908, May 9, 1909, May 1, 1910, May 24, 1911. It is without doubt a summer resident here. 61. Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea). A very common summer resident, the bird’s average arrival for three years being April 24 (earliest record, April 23, 1909, 1911). The Indigo is a persistent singer from the time of its arrival until late summer. 62. Scarlet Tanager (Piranga erythromelas). In 1910 this was a rather common bird on the campus from May 10 to 16. It was not seen at any other time. A rather un- common transient visitor at Chapel Hill. 63. Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra rubra). This Tanager is the common form at Chapel Hill. It is a resident in the summer. The extreme length of stay was from April 15 (1909) to September 26 (1907). I found it to arrive usually about April 20. 64. Purple Martin (Progne subis subis). In 1908 this swallow, which is rather uncommon at Chapel Hill, arrived on April 22. In 1907 one individual was seen on September 7. I do not know of any that nest here. 65. Barn Swallow (Hirundo eythrogastra). Observed only in the spring of 1908, May 6 to 8, and in the fall of 1909, September 17. On both occasions the birds were migrating in flocks of eight or ten individuals. 66. Rough-winged Swallow (Stelgidopteryx serripennis). The earliest appearance of this bird was on April 10, 1910. It is perhaps a rather uncommon summer resident. In the migration season, however, it is more numerous, being seen reg- ularly every year. 26 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHEeLt Society [May 67. Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum). I have seen the Cedar-bird from October 29 to November 8, and from January 4 to May 30. It probably occurs also in December. It is not certain whether it breeds in this locality or not. There are no records of its nesting here. It is very common in the late winter and spring. 68. Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus ludovicianus). My only record for this bird was on October 15, 1907, when one individual was seen in the village. It is a rare winter vis- itor. 69. Red-eyed Vireo ( Vireosylva oliwacea). This is the commonest Vireo at Chapel Hill, arriving from the south about April 22 (earliest record, April 18, 1908). It breeds abundantly. 70. Yellow-throated Vireo (Lanivireo flavifrons). A summer resident, almost as abundant as the Red-eyed Vireo, and fully as persistent a songster. It arrives about April 15. (Earliest record, April 8.) In 1907 it was seen in autumn as late as September 21. 71. Blue-headed Vireo (Lanivireo solitarius solitarius). Two birds were observed in the fall of 1907 in the village (date not exactly known). 72. White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus griseus). Not as common as would be expected for this locality. A summer resident. Arrived in 1908 on March 29, the average appearance being on April 6. 73. Black and White Warbler (Mniotilta varia). This warbler usually arrived on the first of April (earliest record, March 28, 1909). It breeds here and is tolerably com- mon. 74. Parula Warbler (Compsothlypis americana americana). Usually arrives about April 8. In 1910 the Parula Warbler appeared on April 3, which was my earliest observation. It is very common during the migration season and until May 15. It probably breeds at Chapel Hill. I have an entry for this 1912] Nores on THE Birps or Cuaper Hirt, N. C. 27 species on September 2, 1907, which was as late as I found it in the fall. 75. Cape May Warbler (Dendroica tigrina). In the spring of 1909 this rare bird was tolerably common in the oaks on the campus from April 26 to May 3. These are the first recorded at Chapel Hill, and must be regarded as very rare transient visitors. 76. Yellow Warbler (Dendroica aestiva aestiva). Spring arrivals were: April 20, 1908, April 19, 1909, April 16, 1910, April 18, 1911. Last bird seen in 1907 on September 20. Gt ul H 75. “ti ‘the va a ’ ¢ ; i) AGL? a 5s: enral od pee : helt becel e aee ee fii ‘ j it) al nog 1% hie | io (hh ul 1) wilisoedt cei ~ 1.7.0) chk a) Ry hes oe | +4 JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOLUME XXVIII DECEMBER, 1912 No. 3 MALARIAL PIGMENT (HEMATIN) AS A FACTOR IN THE PRODUCTION OF THE MALARIAL PAROXYSM.* By Wane H. Brown, M. D. It is remarkable that, from the enormous amount of inves- tigation that has centered about the malarial parasite and its relation to malarial fevers, there has come no clear exposition of the mode of production of the various phenomena of the malarial paroxysm. It is true that these phenomena have been ascribed to the presence in the circulation of some toxic sub- stance, or substances, elaborated by the malarial parasite, and that the blood at the time of the segmentation of the parasite has been shown to possess toxic properties. Still, as far as I know, the nature of these toxic agents remains unknown, as no one has clearly demonstrated the presence of any definite substance, which, when introduced into the circulation, could reproduce the symptom complex of the malarial paroxysm. The observations embodied in this report are offered, therefore, with the hope of shedding some light upon the question. In the course of some work on hematin metabolism, it was noted that a rabbit that had received an intravenous injection of alkaline hematin developed a very pronounced shaking chill, strikingly like that of malaria. As the author has attempted to show in a previous paper,’ the pigment elaborated from the hemoglobin of the red blood corpuscle by the malarial parasite Reprinted from the Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol. XV, No. 6, 1912. * Aided by a grant from The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Re- ceived for publication, March 29, 1912 The first seven experiments of this investigation were done in the Pathological Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 1W. H. Brown, Jour. Exper. Med., 1911, xiii, 290. 98 JOURNAL OF THE Mitcuett Society [December and liberated into the circulation of the host at the time of segmentation of the parasite is undoubtedly hematin. It at once appeared possible, therefore, that we might find in this substance one of the hypothetical toxins operative in malaria. The investigation of this question now embraces a series of ninety observations upon the effect of the intravenous injection of alkaline hematin, eighteen rabbits having been used for test purposes. TECHNIQUE. Materials Used and Their Preparation.—The hematin used was derived from three sources, rabbit blood, dog blood, and ox blood, but in all cases it was prepared by the Schalfijew process. The solutions for injection were made in 0.85 per cent. salt solution containing 1.5 or 2 per cent. bicarbonate of sodium. The strength of the hematin employed has varied from 1.5 to 5 milligrams per cubic centimeter. The hematin was added to the sterile solvent and heated to 100° C. for five to ten minutes, and was then allowed to stand for twelve to twenty-four hours, when it was again heated and, while still hot, filtered into sterile flasks. The subsequent treatment of these solutions has varied somewhat. Solutions prepared thus, and again heated to 100° C. for five to ten minutes have appa- rently remained sterile. In a few instances, however, the filtered solution has been autoclaved to insure sterility. It has been found extremely difficult to prepare hematin solutions of absolutely uniform character. With a given prep- aration of hematin and with the same technique in the prepara- tion of the solutions, two distinct types of solution may be obtained: one, a perfectly clear, deeply colored solution that even under the microscope shows very few particles of pigment suspension, and on standing shows no precipitation in the flask; the other, a turbid solution that appears chocolate brown in thin layers and under the microscope shows myriads of pigmented particles and droplets floating in an only faintly colored fluid. Much of this pigment is precipitated on allow- ing the solution to stand. This latter “colloidal” type of solution or suspension, manifests all the optical properties of a 1912] Mavariat Piement 1n Mararrat ParoxysM 99 an alkaline hematin solution and the suspended pigment readily passes through Schleicher and Schiill filter paper No. 597 which has been used as the routine filter. With different prep- arations of hematin these variations in solubility are contin- ually appearing. Reference is made to this feature of the hematin solution to indicate the difficulty in maintaining abso- lutely uniform experimental conditions and accurate dosage. Experimental Procedure.— Briefly, the experiments have been conducted according to the following plan: The animals were accustomed to laboratory surroundings by being kept in cages from one to two days before any observations were made. The normal temperature curve of each animal was then estab- lished by rectal temperature, taken every half hour from 8 or 9 a. M. until 3 or 4 Pp. M., the time to be covered by subsequent experiments. As it seemed probable that the sodium bicar- bonate salt solution used as the solvent for hematin might pro- duce some toxic manifestations when injected intravenously, the action of this solution was determined in a number of in- stances, usually in such doses as were subsequently to be admin- istered with the hematin. While these control tests were usually made prior to the injection of hematin, some such tests followed the administration of hematin. The animals were next given intravenous injections of alkaline hematin at 8 or 9 a. M., and the resulting phenomena were noted, the tempera- ture being taken as previously, although fifteen-minute obser- vations were frequently made. Dose of Hematin.—It is evident that the question of dosage in such a series of experiments is one of prime importance. To carry out the object of these experiments it is quite essential that the dose of hematin employed be somewhat comparable to that liberated into the human circulation at the time of seg- mentation of a generation of parasites. While there is no evi- dence to show that all the hemoglobin of the infected red cor- puscles is decomposed to form hematin, if we may assume that such is the case, and, further, that a 1 to 5 per cent. infection of red blood corpuscles is not uncommon, we have sufficient data upon which to base a calculation of the approx- 100 JourNAL oF THE Mircuett Society [December imate amount of hematin liberated into the human host with the segmentation of a given generation of parasites. Basing our calculations on the presence of 8.5 grams of hemoglobin per kilo of body weight, and 4.47 per cent. of hematin in hem- oglobin,? we find that in a 1 per cent. infection of the red blood paepuscles approximately 3.7 milligrams of hematin per kilo of body weight would be erated In my experiments the dosage has paved from 1.3 milligrams to 28 milligrams per kilo of body weight, given in single or in divided doses, corres- ponding roughly to an infection of 0.3 to 7.5 per cent. of the red blood corpuscles. Normal Temperature of the Rabbit—In undertaking an investigation which must necessarily deal so largely with varia- tions a the temperature of the experimental animal, it is im- PABST ne ee let ge CREE. ARSASRrare cane Bt BS a ee ris Ita lalla let elt ee Li | [Nbrimat freinderatbre | TT TT TT | ERERERG RE ORES Text-Fic. 1. Normal temperature of four rabbits during the period of the experiments. perative that the basis of comparison between normal and abnormal fluctuations of temperature be as free from objection as possible. Unfortunately, the temperature of different rabbits 2Olof Hammarsten, A Text Book of Physiological Chemistry, translated by Mandel, New York, 1901, p. 139. These figures are probably high. 1912] Mavarrat Piement 1n Mararrat Paroxysm 101 varies widely, even when kept under exactly the same condi- tions. In apparently normal animals I have found the individ- ual extremes between 98° and 103° F. Likewise, the fluctua- tions of temperature in a given animal may be quite consid- erable, but usually follow a fairly definite course. The course and fluctuations of temperature of the normal rabbit under experimental conditions, as well as the individual difference in temperatures, are shown in text-figure 1. This chart shows the normal temperatures recorded for rabbits 15, 16, 17, and 18. The first three animals were from the same litter, about three-quarters grown, and weighed 1,600 to 1,700 grams. Number 18 was full grown and weighed 1,840 grams. All the records were taken at the same time and all conditions were as nearly alike as possible. While three of these curves coincide closely, the fourth shows an extremely low and irreg- ular curve of temperature. It should be noted that the temper- ature in all instances has a downward trend during the morning hours, and does not show an upward tendency until about noon, when there is a gradual rise, which ultimately reaches as high as the temperature at the first observation or even higher. This temperature curve has been fairly constant in my entire series of experiments. Effect of Hematin upon Temperature.—lIf, for purposes of comparison, we adopt the classical division of the malarial par- oxysm into a cold stage, a hot stage, and a stage of sweating, with the concomitant symptoms belonging to each, certain of these manifestations are capable of accurate measurements in an experimental animal, while others may be determined with a fair degree of accuracy by close observations, and still others are wholly indeterminable. Of prime importance among these phenomena of the malarial paroxysm is the question of fever. In estimating the temperature effects, in all instances at least three facts are to be taken into consideration: the nature of the effect, the degree of the effect, and the duration of the effect. While it has been possible to assemble much of the data concerning the effects of hematin upon the temperature in an appended table which shows the abbreviated protocols of the 102 JOURNAL OF THE MircHett Sociery [December entire series of experiments, it must be fully appreciated that such tabulations of statistics are wholly inadequate to present many features of the experiments that are equally as important as those thus presented, and attention will be especially directed to such features. Further, as can be seen from these tables, it has been the object of the author to study effects in individual animals with a variety of doses, as occasion suggested, rather than to mould all the experiments to a single type or plan, for it became evident early in this investigation that individual peculiarities of the animals played a prominent réle in the re- sults obtained. Without exception, every dose of hematin administered has elicited a definite temperature response. With but three excep- tions, this response has been characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, reaching the fastigium in about an hour and a eCcieeieelelee LL eleleletelele ie el | [olSi=[Si-[epolst | | fofsf=ls[=feafrols Eratcd Lgl | cd oh) ocala oho ahaa SHER RERERARERR ERED EE BOS |) OS) | as Se ae REE RRE RE EREREE LEE Oe. Hole | | beh VN a Ub baie ul te ad alkali ei al a Pe) = Oe PS ERR E LESSEE EPR RAAMERE HOR || at 2 ea a ERERZBSEREESTCSPeEEE EVZRERRESREREDENED EERAMP Ree eM ae Renee NO)o. ts dad all oh ST of Sie bead oh SINEL aL |] [ [Rap fot TT TT TT Rafpiefis] [tT | fineerton tT TT TT TT Puketiod 2f [fT TrxT-Fic. 2. The usual types of temperature curve following injections of hematin. quarter. The further course was somewhat variable, although in most cases with a dose of 15 milligrams, or less, per kilo, there was a rather sharp fall of temperature for thirty minutes 1912| Mavarrat Piement 1x Mararran ParoxysM 103 to one hour, followed by a secondary rise of variable extent and duration or a very gradual decline requiring several hours to reach normal again. Two such temperature curves are shown in text-figure 2. These curves are subject to innumerable variations depending upon the dose, the stage of the experiment, and upon the indi- vidual peculiarities of animals. Some of the more important variations are an accentuation and prolongation of the secon- dary rise, usually shown with initial and large doses, or a defervesence that is almost as sharp as the rise in temperature. A third variation, which includes the three exceptions previ- ously noted, is met with in instances of marked intoxication and is characterized by an initial drop in temperature with a subsequent rise. All three of these modifications are illus- trated in text-figure 3. i! oat | fait | TV TTT Tt . S2 SRR RRR RENAE Jy 2S GEM RES BEAR ee a SSE LUTE ECO PLAE | PPA PSPS Ts eee ode oN iBeaD sc BU @ pes fis) PRR AUR | SM RAN RAN Sree ae Pf} | Rappit] ip] | | tT | Rabbit] of | | | | (Rabbit Siete (CCE iectop fe inject te TExt-Fic. 3. Variations in the temperature curve following large doses of hematin or repeated injections of hematin. 104 JOURNAL OF THE Mircuett Society [December The extent of the temperature elevation is, within certain limits, proportional to the amount of hematin injected. The temperature effect, being very slight with small doses, increases with the dose, until we begin to obtain signs of an over-intox- ication when the elevation may be much less than with smaller doses, the optimum dose usually being between 10 and 15 milligrams per kilo of body weight. The elevation of temper- ature obtained with such optimum doses is from 3° to 3.5° F., and it is exceptional that a greater rise is reached. Occasion- ally, however, the temperature may rise 4° F. or even higher in highly susceptible animals. The greatest elevation recorded in my series of experiments was 4.9° F. in animal No. 9, with a dose of 18 milligrams of hematin per kilo. In well-marked reactions, the temperature usually returns to within the normal range in the course of three to five hours. With large or initial injections of hematin, the period of elevated temperature is more prolonged than under other circumstances and seldom reaches normal in less than four hours, occasionally requiring as much as six hours. Excep- tionally, the return to normal may be rapid (text-figure 3). The method of administration also plays an important part in the results. A given dose of hematin injected in two or three fractional doses at intervals of fifteen to thirty minutes produces a much more marked elevation of temperature than when given at a single injection, an effect that is well shown in rabbit 13. This is particularly true of the smaller, or optimum doses, while with larger doses the increased potency may be man- ifested by a slowing of the rise of temperature, a cessation of the rise, or even a fall upon the injection of the second fraction, as illustrated in rabbit 12. Neither the source of the hematin nor the type of solution seems to play an important part in the results that I have ob- tained. That is, there has been but slight difference between the action of rabbit, dog, or ox hematin, or between the action of the perfectly clear hematin solution and that containing much finely divided hematin in suspension. However, a few tests seem to indicate that solutions of hem- 1912] Mavariat Piement 1n Marariat ParoxysM 105 atin gradually lose their pyrogenic properties with age or when subjected to high and prolonged temperature. This apparent decrease may be seen by comparing the results obtained in rabbit 7, injection 8, and rabbits 8, 10, and 11. Further, it can readily be imagined that all animals will not be found equally susceptible to the toxic action of hematin. A few will exhibit a marked sensitiveness and a few will be found ex- tremely resistant, the optimum dose in the one producing but slight effect in the other. This variation in susceptibility was strikingly illustrated by animals 13 and 14 which were under observation at the same time. Rabbit 13 was a typically resist- ant animal, and rabbit 14 was highly sensitive. Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate Salt Solution upon the Tem- perature.—Animals injected with the bicarbonate salt solution alone, for purposes of control, almost invariably showed an elevation of temperature in proportion to the size of the dose, and about one-third to one-half the elevation produced with an equal amount of hematin solution, depending somewhat upon the concentration of the hematin in the solution. With small doses of the control medium, the fluctuations of temperature were usually within what might be termed the normal range and were such that it is difficult to say whether they are more than incidental to the process of injection. Large doses may produce a rise in temperature corresponding approximately to the over-intoxicating effect of large doses of hematin. In such instances, however, other features of the clinical picture will distinguish sharply between the two cases. In all instances, therefore, there were distinct differences between the action of the sodium bicarbonate salt solution and the action of the hematin solution, such that there can be no question as to the part played by the hematin in these experiments. Other Phenomena of the Hematin Paroxysm.—Apart from the elevation of temperature in the experimental animal, the paroxysm of hematin intoxication’ presents other features which are of equal importance and show a strong resemblance to corresponding phenomena of the malarial paroxysm. For the first fifteen to twenty minutes following the injection of 106 JOURNAL OF THE Mitcuett Society [December hematin, the rabbit usually manifests a slight degree of rest- lessness, then crouches in a corner of the cage. In the second stage of the paroxysm the vessels of the ears contract giving to the shaved ears a pale and cyanotic hue, while at the same time the ears become decidedly cold. In pronounced cases the surface temperature (temperature of the ears) may be more than 30° F. below the rectal temperature. The lowest temperature re- corded in this series of experiments was 63.5° F. with a room temperature of 62.5° F., and a rectal temperature of 105° F. During this stage the animal’s ears usually lie on its back, and the hair tends to become erect, pre- senting the picture of an animal that is cold. Meanwhile, the rabbit shows convulsive tremors or shivering, but rarely any continued or pronounced shaking. ‘This stage of chill lasts from forty-five minutes to one hour, and is terminated rather abruptly by a dilation of the superficial vessels, the ears rapidly becoming flushed and hot. The animal now moves about the cage or stretches out and remains quiet. Further than this, the third or hot stage of the paroxysm possesses no especial symptoms and its limit can be fixed only by the course of the temperature, which may remain well above normal for several hours, or sink to normal within an hour. During the third stage and the latter part of the second stage of the paroxysm the animal shows a pronounced thirst which is undoubtedly referable to the febrile condition. The most striking and at the same time the most constant of all these symptoms are the contraction and dilatation of the superficial vessels associated with the corresponding lowering and elevation of the surface temperature. The contrast between the symptoms of the animal injected with hematin and those of control animals is quite as sharp as in the instance of the temperatures. With doses of hematin sufficiently large to produce pronounced symptoms of the type described, corresponding doses of sodium bicarbonate salt solu- tion produce practically no recognizable effect. There may be a suggestive or very transient change in the surface vessels and the temperature, but nothing that is definite or constant. When, 1912| Mavarrat Prement 1n Mararrat Paroxysm 107 however, larger doses, e. g., ten cubic centimeters per kilo, are given, phenomena simulating the picture of hematin intoxica- tion may be elicited, but the changes are not so definite or con- stant. If now we correlate these symptoms with the temperature curve, we find that the elevation of temperature during the first stage is slight, and that the second stage of the paroxysm cor- responds closely with the period of rising temperature, the in- itial drop coinciding sharply with the vascular dilatation and flushing of the ears and the elevation of the surface temper- ature. The third or hot stage, as previously noted, corresponds to the duration of the temperature above normal. As in the case of the temperature, all other phenomena of hematin intoxication seem to be exaggerated when a given dose of hematin is divided into several fractional doses, the cycle of phenomena following closely consequent changes in the tem- perature curve. It must be pointed out, however, that the prominence of these paroxysmal phenomena and the degree of elevation of the temperature are by no means always parallel. The toxic par- oxysmal phenomena may be present to a high degree in an ani- mal that shows only a slight elevation of temperature, and in most instances such a condition is to be regarded as evidence of over-intoxication. Acquired Resistance.—Early in the course of these experi- ments it became evident that repeated injections of a given dose of hematin in the same animal did not give uniform results. The results, however, were of such a nature as to suggest that the animal acquired a certain degree of tolerance which, in turn, might be broken when the intoxication was pushed suffi- ciently. ‘To determine this point the following experiment was carried out. Experiment——Four rabbits, weighing respectively 1,600, 1,650, 1,790, and 1,840 grams, were injected on ten successive days with a solution of ox hematin containing 5 mg. of hematin to I cc. The first two animals received 10 mg. of hematin per kilo of body weight, and the other two received 15 mg. per kilo. Rectal temperatures were recorded every half hour. The results are shown in text-figure 4. In a is shown the 108 JOURNAL OF THE Mircuett Socrety [December differences of elevation of temperature on successive days of the two animals receiving ten milligrams per kilo, and in b those receiving fifteen milligrams per kilo. | [Day [1 [21 3]4| 5/6] 7] 8|9lio} i [2131 4] 5/6) 7/ 8/9 h19) Ene Sea = E mo] | tRabyit] [te] [et (Rabbit Tiber | SSRERRRSESE SERRE Sane TEXT-FIG. 4. Variations in the elevation of the temperature with repeated injections of a given does of hematin. While the curve of temperature reaction in each case is extremely irregular, it is in general characterized by a tend- ency towards a decrease, which in the instance of animals 16 and 17 persists throughout the experiment. With animals 15 and 18, however, a second phase of increased reaction is devel- oped. These animals also exhibited the most marked sympto- matic effects throughout the experiment. If the temperature curve alone be considered, it is certain that the tendency is toward a decreasing response to successive injections of hem- atin, and this I have found to be true in other experiments. If we take into consideration other evidence of intoxication, however, as in animals 15 and 18, this decrease seems referable not so much to a tolerance as to over-intoxication. Again, as these symptoms of intoxication decrease and the fluctuations of temperature increase correspondingly, there may be devel- oped a certain degree of tolerance. On the other hand, as shown in animals 16 and 17, there may be an increasing resist- ance to the hematin from the start as the toxic symptoms as well as the temperature decrease proportionally. 1912] Mavariat Piement in Mararrat Paroxysm 109 This subject of acquired tolerance has been taken up largely to emphasize the importance to be attached to results obtained from properly adjusted initial doses of hematin, but also to explain the apparent discrepancies in the results from any series of hematin injections. It is the initial injection, with but few exceptions, that gives the maximum temperature reac- tion obtainable with a given dose of hematin until the series of injections has been extended to such a degree as to permit of the acquirement of a tolerance in highly susceptible animals or to cause a break in the early acquired tolerance of more resistant animals. When such conditions supervene, the tem- perature reaction may again increase and show an even greater response than with the initial injection (table I, animals 9 and 18). SUMMARY. The paroxysm of hematin intoxication in the rabbit un- doubtedly presents many features of striking similarity to the paroxysm of human malaria; still one must hesitate to apply such results unreservedly in an attempt to identify the causative agent of the malarial paroxysm. When, in addition to the character of the paroxysm, we consider the sequence of events in the two instances, the analogy becomes so close that it seems impossible to regard the matter as a mere coincidence. The injection of hematin, especially in fractional doses, is in a measure comparable to the liberation of hematin into the human circulation by the malarial parasite. In these experi- ments, both solution and finely divided suspensions of hematin have been found equally effective in eliciting the phenomena of the paroxysm, and while it seems possible that a portion of the malarial pigment might be dissolved in the alkaline human serum, such an assumption is probably not essential. It might be objected that the toxic action of foreign hematin thus injected into the circulation would probably be greater than that of hematin derived from an animal’s own blood, but as far as I have been able to determine, this objection does not seem valid, as rabbit hematin, dog hematin, and ox hematin JOURNAL OF THE MitcHett Society [December 110 ‘ueMeY qqUy *AT}UB4S Ur ped “WOrTyNjoOsS 4[es *qu00 Jed G9’) Ul UlQZVULOY JO UOISUSdSNS YIIY} ‘0°d G'7Z ‘OSILI PUODES PUB ‘iT Soo1sap E'GOT OF TTP YIM S99ISIP ONT OF OSTA [VIQIUT ‘UIJeULOY IIGqeey ‘TOTPOOLUL 194TV smoyqy ¢ pslq ‘4ivde sejynuiut Gg ‘sasop OM} UT ‘OSTI AIVpUOIIS uo 9InjJeIedule, YsSousIFT ‘suorq000 “ul [[@ UL UrFBUNOY zIqQqey ‘SuUUVNOY 6'POL T901 6601 0'FOT 0°60 0'90T 8's0T 0'e0T € Por v'96 0°S0T 8°Z0T 0'SOT 9°01 AT 74 Ver | LS | OT "AT 8% gzor | ee | ay VAI 9% B20r 4 oh ho By AT PT | 9°01 Peace Ler G% AI eg sor | FOL | 002 AL 0% Zor | SL | OST Al 0°¢ POOl | Oa gy “AT 9% gzor | 6e | a2 I ZT OZ0r | eT | a2 "AT T'S Gls 1 oa Ow I GZ | Tor “AT SI | Z20r “Az ST | $'Z0r 00 O'gor | OT] 0°02 “AT a! 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B. Crystal -Nos 0072. Ate. ove ties Pee eee 1.04 special “Warpy ote meio achat tne eee 3.48 There are quite a number of processes for treating starches to reduce the viscosity or make them thin boiling starches. In the table above the Eagle Finishing Starch is a treated starch ?The samples of treated starches were very kindly furnished the author by the Corn Products Refining Co., of New York. 1912 | Tue VaLue or CoMMERCIAL STARCHES 141 containing a small amount of borax and is slightly alkaline. The viscosity of the alkaline N starch has been reduced by the addition of a small amount of alkali. The other starches given in the table have been treated to reduce the viscosity and are neutral in reaction. The effect of several reagents on the vis- cosity of starches has been shown in a previous paper.® It will be seen from this table that the viscosities of the treated starches cover quite a wide range, from a viscosity shghtly less than that of corn starch to a viscosity only slightly higher than water. The Special Warp Sizing Starch is a pul- verized corn starch. It is frequently claimed that pulverized starch makes a smoother size mixture than the ordinary gran- ular starch. These treated starches, on account of having lower viscosities than untreated starches, are of value in sizing and finishing to obtain more penetration of the starch into the yarn or cloth and to increase the amount of starch which is put into the goods. This may be accomplished by using the treated starch in place of the untreated and increasing the amount used or by mixing the treated starch with the untreated starch in such proportion as to secure the desired results. For instance, in sizing or finishing if the mixture contains 50 lbs. of corn starch to 100 gallons of water and it is desired to increase the amount of starch put into the goods nearly double this amount of a thin boiling starch could be used which has a viscosity of half of that of corn starch and still obtain a size mixture with the same thickness or viscosity as with the 50 lbs. of corn starch. In other words nearly twice as much starch would be put into the yarn, thereby increasing the weight of the yarn, by using the thin boiling starch than by using the untreated corn starch. This is shown in the following formulae for sizing No. 26 yarns which are taken from actual practice: 100 gallons water 50 lbs. corn starch. 100 gallons water 95 lbs. Eagle Finishing Starch. 8 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. IV, No. 6, 1912. 142 JOURNAL OF THE MitcuHett Society [December It will be noted from the table of viscosities that Eagle Fin- ishing Starch has a viscosity slightly less than half of that of untreated corn starch and hence when this starch is used the amount can be nearly doubled without effecting the penetration. By comparing the following formula for sizing No. 26 yarns with the first formula given it will be seen how the amount of starch may be increased and at the same time obtain greater penetration and more weight than with untreated corn starch. 100 gallons water 80 lbs. Eagle Finishing Starch. The following formula for sizing No. 26 yarns shows the use of another treated starch: 100 gallons water 65 lbs. Alkaline N Starch. It will be noted from the table of viscosities that this starch has a viscosity of 2.13 or slightly lower than corn starch and hence a larger amount of it can be used. In making investigations on the value of the different com- mercial starches for cotton mill purposes the author has re- ceived very valuable assistance from many of the cotton mills in the State. A large number of mills have very kindly sent in reports showing the kind of starch which they use and the method of preparing the starch for sizing and finishing. Below are given a number of typical formule for sizing by the long chain or slasher system which are in actual use by the mills. For convenience of comparison the formule have been caleu- lated to a basis of 100 gallons of water. As there is such a great variety of softening agents in general use by the mills the amount of softener has not been included in the formule. The average amount of softener used in sizing is approximately 15 lbs. of tallow, or its equivalent, to 100 lbs. of starch or 1.5 lbs. to each 10 Ibs. of starch. The amount used varies, of course, with the yarn numbers and the method of sizing. For yarn Nos. 14s and 20s. 100 gallons water 66 lbs. Eagle Finishing Starch. i PT 1912} Tur VALuE oF COMMERCIAL STARCHES 143 For yarn Nos. 14s and 22s. 100 gallons water 71 lbs. Eagle Finishing Starch. These formule are used on practically the same yarn num- bers. The first one, using 66 lbs. of starch will give greater pen- etration than the second, but the second formula will give more weight to the yarn. For yarn No. 16. 100 gallons of water 63 lbs. corn starch. In this formula, using an untreated starch, a smaller quantity of starch is used than in the other formule where treated starch is used. For yarn No. 21. 100 gallons of water 62 lbs. corn starch. For yarn No. 23. 100 gallons of water 60 lbs. corn starch. For yarn No. 26. 100 gallons of water 50 Ibs. corn starch. 100 gallons of water 95 lbs. Eagle Finishing Starch. 100 gallons of water 80 lbs. Eagle Finishing Starch. 100 gallons of water 65 lbs. Alkaline N Starch. These formulee for 26s show how different starches may be used to increase the penetration and vary the amount of starch put into the yarn, thereby increasing the weight of the yarn. 144 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHett Socrety [December For yarn Nos. 28s and 36s. 100 gallons water 65 lbs. Potato starch. For yarn No. 2814. 100 gallons water 80 lbs.. Famous N Starch. For yarn No. 30. 100 gallons water 65 lbs. Famous N Starch. 100 gallons water 65 lbs. corn starch. These formulae for 30s show how more penetration and hence more weight may be obtained by using a thin boiling starch in place of an untreated starch. For yarn No. 36. 100 gallons water .48 lbs. potato starch. For yarn No. 40. 100 gallons water 65 lbs. Eagle Finishing Starch. 100 gallons water 70 lbs. potato starch. In comparing the amounts of starch used in the different formule the viscosity of the different starches should be kept in mind as it will be noted that when large amounts of starch are used the treated or thin boiling starches are used in place of the untreated starch which has a higher viscosity. In sizing by the short chain system more starch is required and a thicker solution is used than in sizing by the long chain or slasher system. This is due to the fact that the yarn is not stretched as much in short chain sizing as it is on the slashing machine and hence the starch solution penetrates the yarn more readily. For example, a size mixture composed of 120 gallons 1912] Tue VaLurE oF COMMERCIAL STARCHES 145 of water, 65 lbs. starch and 8 lbs. of tallow will size about 720 Ibs. of No. 1414 yarn by the short chain system, while by the slasher system the same amount of size will be sufficient for about 950 lbs. of the same yarn. In preparing the starch for use it is very important that the size be thoroughly boiled before being used. In the reports which the author has received from the cotton mills it is always recommended to boil the size mixture from thirty minutes to one hour before using. From this it is safe to say that the size mixture should be boiled for not less than forty-five minutes before being used. From the data which has been presented in this article it is seen that the viscosity of the starch solution is the important point to be considered in determining the value of a starch for textile purposes. There is another property of starch which is of value in the textile industry which is not shown by the viscosity, that is the finish which is imparted to the goods by the starch. Potato and cassava starch are said to produce a smooth finish, while corn and rice starch are said to produce a harsh finish. While this property may be of value in sizing and finishing some grades of goods, still no matter which one of the starches is used some softening agent must be used with it to modify the effect of the starch and it is therefore best in the majority of cases to use a cheap starch and control the finish by the use of softeners than to control the finish by varying the kind of starch used. Sufficient data has been given to show the value of the differ- ent starches for textile purposes. There is a wide variation in the viscosity of the different starches and in the effect of boil- ing on the viscosities and as this is such an important factor in sizing and finishing it must be taken into consideration in selecting the starch to be used in cotton mills. As starch plays such an important part in the manufacture of cotton goods it is very important for the manufacturer to use the kind of starch which will produce the desired results most economically. FEED AND MICROCHEMICAL LABORATORY, N. C. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Raleigh, N. C. NOTE ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF AMMONIUM CYANATE INTO UREA.* Chattaway’ says, “ The course of the reaction which takes place when ammonium cyanate is transformed into carbamide has never been satisfactorily explained. Up to a few years ago it was universally regarded as a peculiar case of isomeric change and no consideration was given to the process by which the conversion was effected.” He then states that various spe- cified reactions of carbamide, cyanic acid, isocyanic acid and their esters may be simply explained “ by regarding them as instances of the well known tendency of the carbonyl group to add groups such as R,NH and ROH, followed by a subsequent atomic rearrangement involving only the transference of a hy- drogen atom from an oxygen atom to a nitrogen atom connected with it through the doubly linked carbon atom, thus: N:C:O = SINE C NE -CO-N- The conversion of ammonium cyanate into carbamide should therefore be formulated as follows :” NHN :CORH -N:C:04+ NICH NK —H.N ‘CO:'NH: The three stages, then, in the transformation are (1) the break- ing up of ammonium cyanate into cyanic acid and ammonia, (2) the formation of an addition compound, and (3) a re- arrangement of this compound. A simpler explanation eliminates this addition compound and its rearrangement. I find in my note book on the lectures in Organic Chemistry by Professor H. B. Hill at Harvard Univer- sity in 1896, this statement: Ammonium cyanate breaks up with heat into HNCO and NH, and then the NH, adds itself as follows: H.N:C:0 PoE H NH: * Reprinted from The Journal of the American. Chemical Society, Vol. XXXIV, No. 9, September, 1912. = H.N :CO-'NH: 1912 AMMONIUM CYANATE INTO UREA 147 T have used this explanation in my own lectures since that time. Essentially the same explanation is given by Willstitter in his lectures in Ziirich. By introducing the idea of partial valence the mechanism is more readily conceived. The reaction is for- mulated thus: H—N++C=0 H—N—C=O H — NH: H NH: The partial valences of the nitrogen and carbon atoms are rep- resented by a number of very short lines, not dots, which should be reserved for ordinary valences. (The practise of writers in this matter is not uniform, but uniformity would be very desir- able.) When the partial valences come into play in the pres- ence of H.NH,, one of the double bonds between nitrogen and carbon is broken, as represented in lecture practise by a double stroke across the bond and the partial valences resolve them- selves into ordinary valences. Arvin S. WHEELER. University oF NortH CAROLINA. Ux> NEW THERMOMETERS FOR MELTING POINT DETERMINATION.* Uniformity in practise in making melting point determina- tions would be very desirable, for even to-day there are too many cases where different observers disagree. The failure to agree is not always due to the quality of the material if we may have confidence in the analytical data given. Many forms of appara- tus are in use as well as various kinds of thermometers. Other factors also enter in. The practise of reporting the corrected reading is a step in the right direction and its extension should be constantly urged. In order to avoid the necessity of making corrections for the exposure of the mercury column I have devised a thermometer with a short scale, so that it may be completely immersed in the bath. The method of construction may be readily seen from the accompanying sketch. Owing to the compact form of the scale it was necessary to construct a set of seven thermometers, each with a milk glass scale of 50° with divisions in degrees. The length of the scale is 35 mm. The thermometer jacket is lengthened so that the total length is 20 em. This permits of its suspension by means of a cork as in the Thiele apparatus which is a particularly good form to be used with this thermometer. The mercury bulb is small and compact and above it is a con- striction to enable one to attach the capillary tube if that is desired. For the protection of the manufacture of the thermom- eters patent No. 507,320 has been entered in the German Patent Office. The thermometers may be obtained from C. Richter, 30 Lehrterstrasse, Berlin, N. W. 5. Arvin S. WHEELER. University oF NortH CAROLINA. * Reprinted from The Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. XXXIV, No. 9, September, 1912. ee Deo jg os JOURNAL \° OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOLUME XXVIII FEBRUARY, 1913 No. 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIEN- TIFIC SOCIETY FROM MARCH, 1909, TO DEC., 1912. 182nd Meeting—March 9, 1909. D. H. Dotizy. The Pathological Cytology of Surgical Shock. I. Preliminary Communication: The Alterations Oc- curring in the Purkinge Cells of the Cerebellum. A. H. Parrerson. Exhibit of Some New Vacuum Tubes Recently Received by the Physics Department. 183rd Meeting—April 12, 1909. ARCHIBALD Henperson. The Linear Classification of the Cubic. Surface. Auvin 8. Wueeter. Trichlorethylidenediphenamine Com- pounds. Business Meeting—September 14, 1909. ELECTION oF OFFICERS: President—Prof. A. H. Patterson. Vice-President—Dr. J. E. Mills. Corresponding Secretary—Dr. F. P. Venable. Recording Secretary—Dr. A. S. Wheeler. Editorial Committee—Dr. W. C. Coker, Chairman, Dr. H. V. Wilson, Dr. A. Henderson. 184th Meeting—October 20, 1909. W. C. Coxer. The Yosemite Valley and the Big Trees. II- lustrated. D. H. Dottry. The Anatomical Reaction of Nerve Cells in Normal and Excessive Muscular Exertion. 149 150 JOURNAL oF THE Mircne tt Society [February 185th Meeting—November 9, 1909. H. V. Wirson. The Structure and Regeneration of the Skin in Sponges. A. S. Wureter. A New Study of Oceanic Salts. A. H. Parrerson. The Personal Equation in Judgment of Length, Mass and Time. 186th Meeting—December 14, 1909. J. E. Larra. Notes on the Static Transformer. W. B. MacNiwer. The Part Played by the Kidney Cells in Determining the Quantity of Urine. 187th Meeting—February 8, 1910. Wm. Cary. The Pressure of Coal in Bins (by title). A. H. Parrerson. The Comets of 1910. Illustrated. 188th Meeting—March 8, 1910. Wm. Carn. The Influence of Cohesion in the Pressure of Earth against Walls. J. H. Prarr. The Conservation and Utilization of our Nat- ural Resources. 189th Meeting—April 12, 1910. ArcuiIBALD HenpEerson. Some Configurations on the Cubic Surface. J.S. Hotmes. A Sketch of the Forestry Work of the Several Geological Surveys of North Carolina. Business Meeting—October 17, 1910 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: President—Prof. M. H. Stacy. Vice-President—Prof. P. H. Daggett. Corresponding Secretary—Dr. F. P. Venable. Recording Secretary—Dr. R. A. Hall. Editorial Committee—Dr. W. C. Coker, Chairman, Dr. J. M. Bell, Prof. A. H. Patterson. — UCU eee a oe ee LN the SN Att ta ea ee 1913| PRocerpines or Evisna Mircuery Society 151 190th Meeting—November 1, 1910. F. P. Venaste. The Meteor-Crater of Arizona. J. M. Berx., Indirect Methods of Chemical Analysis. 191st Meeting—December, 1910. H. V. Witson. Development of Sponges from Isolated Cells. A. H. Patrerson. Revision of the Calendar. 192nd Meeting—February 14, 1911. W. C. Coxrr. Some Peculiar Forms of Yeast. W. B. MacNiver. Kidney Regeneration. 193rd Meeting—March 21, 1911. EK. V. Howerzt. Opium. 194th Meeting—April, 1911 Wm. Cain. Pressures on Tunnel Linings. Business Meeting—October, 1911. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: President—Dr. W. B. MacNider. Vice-President—Dr. A. Henderson. Corresponding Secretary—Dr. F. P. Venable. Recording Secretary—Dr. R. A. Hall. Editorial Committee—Dr. W. C. Coker, Chairman, Dr. J. M. Bell, Prof. A. H. Patterson. 195th Meeting—November 14, 1911. A. S. Wurrter. The Walden Inversion. T. F. Hicxerson. The Crest-of-the-Blue-Ridge Highway. 196th Meeting—December 12, 1911. W. C. Coxer. The Rothamsted Experiment Station. C, H. Herry. Chemical Analyses of Chapel Hill Waters. 197th Meeting—February 13, 1912. Coxtier Coss. The Meaning of the Fall Line in the At- lantic and Gulf Coastal Plain. 152 JOURNAL OF THE MircHett Society [February J. M. Bett. Solubility Studies. A. Henperson. Cubic Surfaces, A Report. 198th Meeting—March 12, 1912. A. H. Parrerson. The Acoustics of Memorial Hall. A. T. Benprat. A Scientific Expedition to Venezuela. 199th Meeting—April 9, 1912. W. B. MacNwer. The Relation of the Epithelial Changes of the Kidney to the Total Output of Urine. R. A. Hatit. Ammonium Citrate Solutions. Business Meeting—September 27, 1912. Erection oF OFFICERS: President—Prof. E. V. Howell. Vice-President—Prof. P. H. Daggett. Corresponding Secretary—Dr. F. P. Venable. Recording Secretary—Dr. J. M. Bell. Editorial Committee—Dr. W. C. Coker, Chairman, Prof. A. H. Patterson, Dr. J. M. Bell. 200th Meeting—October 15, 1912. C. H. Herry. Chemical Control of Industrial Plants. W. C. Coxrer. The Water Molds of Chapel Hill. 201st Meeting—November 12, 1912 W. H. Brown. The Physiological Action of Hematin. I1- lustrated. J. S. Hormes. Forestry for Eastern North Carolina Lum- bermen. 202nd Meeting—December 10, 1912. T. F. Hicxerson. Notes on the Construction of the Crest- of-the-Blue-Ridge Highway. Illustrated. CoLiier Coss. Zonation in the Chapel Hill Stock. James M. Bett, Recording Secretary. NEW OCCURRENCES OF MONAZITE IN NORTH ; CAROLINA By Josrrpu Hypr Prarr In 1897 there was forwarded to the office of the North Car- olina Geological Survey a package containing a sample of min- eral for identification. No letter accompanied this package and the only clue to the locality from which the mineral came was the postmark, which was Mars Hill. The mineral was turned over to the writer for examination and was found to be monazite. There were a number of fairly well developed erystals of unusual size; but the majority of the pieces of mona- zite did not show any crystal facies but were pseudo-crystalline, due to parting parallel to c and m. An attempt was made to locate the sender of the specimens without success and although many inquiries were made in and around Mars Hill, and the vicinity had been visited a number of times, no clue to the oc- currence of this monazite was obtained until in the fall of 1908 when another specimen of monazite was seen by the writer while travelling in Madison County. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Kraukau, 1909, 660. Chem. Zentr., 1909, II, 1295. 6 Ber., 36, 3945 (1903). ™Z. physik. Chem., 69, 486 (1909). SJ. Chem. Soc., 99, 2138 (1911). 45 46 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society [ October three way stock-cock. While the cell was in the thermostat, the outlet tube was capped. The three-way stopcock permitted the removal of either solution, and permitted the separation of the solutions in the limbs of the tube until the measurement was about to be made. The electrodes were of platinum foil about 1 cm. square, welded to platinum wire which was fused through a glass tube containing mercury. Frequently during the course of the experiments, the platinum foil and wire were plated with silver from silver nitrate solutions acidified with nitric acid. When the two solutions were at the same level in the two limbs of the U-tube, connection between them was made by opening the stop-cock, and the E. M. F. was determined by the ordinary potentiometer method. The galvanometer was sensitive to 0.00005 volt even with a large resistance in the circuit. An electrically heated and electrically controlled thermostat was run at 25° constant to 0.01°. The measurements were irregular until the metal coating of the thermostat tank was grounded. Measurements of the electromotive force of such combinations were constant within 0.0001 volt for at least 20 minutes after putting the solutions in contact. The table below gives the mean of two values obtained when different solutions and fresh- ly plated electrodes were used. These duplicate measurements differed at most by 0.0003 volt and in the majority of cases by not more than 0.0001 volt. TABLE I Mols/liter Mols/liter H.M.F. obs. —___ E C, C, Millivolts. K=“qog,, ¢,/e, (1) 1.0 0.1 47.2 0.0560 (2) 1.0 0.01 103.6 0.0584 (3) 0.3 0.03 53.6 fe) (4) 0.3 0.003 113.8 0.0616 (5) 0.1 0.01 56.6 0.0608 (6) 0.03 0.003 60.1 0.0623 (7) 0.01 0.001 60.2" 0.0623 These readings show satisfactory agreement among them- selves, for the sum of (1) and (5) should equal (2), and the sum of (8) and (6) should equal (4). The differences are 0.0002 and 0.0001 volt respectively. 1Cumming finds 59.0 millivolts. 2 Cumming finds 61.8 millivolts. itt Ler i 1913] Sirver Nitrate Concentration CELLs 47 The Nernst formula for cells of this type is 2U [Pu hs C1 — loge — utv nF Ce E= where ¢, and ¢, refer to the concentration of silver ions and not to the concentration of silver nitrate. It is necessary to know the values of w and v, the migration ratios of Ag* and NO,. With solutions for which uw and v are constant, values propor- tional to the ionic concentrations are given by the conductivities of tle solutions, and these are inversely proportional to the re- sistance of the solutions. Cumming and Abegg conclude “that TABLE II Concentration. Resistance. 1.0 3.486 0.3 9.646 0.1 24.25 0.03 73.80 0.01 206.49 0.003 679.32 0.001 1907.0 conductivity seems to be an exact measure of ion concentration.” The preceding table contains the results of measurements of the resistances of the above solutions. Measurements of the migration ratios at each concentration were not made. The table given by Lehfeldt' indicates that the migration ratio for silver nitrate is fairly constant up to a concentration of 0.2 mols per liter. Assuming this value to be constant the above becomes 1D 2ut ORT —————— = .—.loge 10 = K, logo C1/C2 utv ne E The values of _ K= ———— are given in the last column of logy 9¢1/¢2 Table I and with the exception of cells 1 and 2, where normal solutions were used, they are fairly constant. This confirms the results of previous investigations, which show that the 48 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHEeLL Society [ October Nernst formula holds for dilute solutions of silver nitrate. From the value of K found above the values of w and v may be ealeu- lated by substitution of the proper values of the other quantities in the equation RT 2v K = — loge 10 nE uty Taking K=0.0623 the value of v is 0.523 while the observed value, given by Lehfeldt’ is 0.528. The table compiled by Lehfeldt indicates that the value of v is less for concentrated solutions and this would make the value of K smaller in proportion. The present results are in harmony with this fact, although it is impossible as yet to calculate the electromotive force between two solutions of silver nitrate of such concentrations that the migration ratio of the two are dif- ferent. The following table gives the results of measurements of the electromotive forces of three combinations where ethyl alcohol was used as solvent. TABLE III Mols/liter Mols/liter E.M.F. obs. es ee Cc, Co Millivolts. ~~ log,, ¢,/¢, (1) 0.1 0.01 47.0 0.068 (2) 0.1 0.001 100.6 0.071 (3) 0.01 0.001 50.7 0.074 The experimental values are consistent among themselves as the sum of (1) and (3) is 106.7 against 106.6 for (2). The relative ionic concentration of silver ions was determined by conductivity measurements the results being given in the next table. TABLE IV Concentration. Resistance. 0.1 208.5 0.01 1024.0 0.001 6420.0 Again assuming that at all the concentrations employed the values of the migration ratios remain constant, the value of K 1 Blectrochemistry, p. 256 (1904). ee ee 1913] Sitver Nitrate Concentration CELLS 49 was determined by the same formula as for aqueous solutions. As these values vary somewhat (see Table III), it seems prob- able that the migration ratios of Ag* and NO,” are not constant even for concentrations below 0.1N. Taking K=0.074, the value of v is 0.62. SUMMARY The electromotive forces of concentration cells containing solutions of silver nitrate in water at 25° are in accord with the Nernst formula for dilute solutions. Where higher concentra- tions were employed the calculated value of the electromotive force is greater than the observed because the migration ratio v is smaller at the higher concentrations. This affects two factors in the Nernst equation, viz., 2v/u-++v and log ¢,/c,. The latter factor is affected because the ratio of the ion concentrations ¢,/Cy is determined from conductivity measurements and this method of determination is valid only when the migration ve- locity remains constant. The value of migration ratio for dilute solutions calculated from the above results agrees closely with the values found by direct experiment. For ethyl alcohol solutions the migration ratio apparently varies even at concentrations below 0.1 VN. The value of v cal- culated from the most dilute solution was 0.62. Cuaper Hinn, N. C. ANNUAL ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHELLFISH COMMISSIONERS, NORFOLK, VA., APRIL 23, 1913 BY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT It is with a great deal of pleasure that I, as President of the National Association of Shellfish Commissioners, respond for the members of the Association and delegates to this convention to this most cordial welcome that has been extended to us. I can assure the good people of the city of Norfolk and of the State of Virginia that it is very gratifying to us to be able to hold this fifth annual convention of our Association in the old historic State of Virginia, which has always stood in the fore- ground of progress, and has played such a vital and important part along all lines in the development of our great nation. The warm, sincere, and open-hearted hospitality for which Virginia has always been noted, is now being extended to us. There are but very few instances in the history of this great State where this warm and open-hearted hospitality has not been shown to those who desired to come within her borders, such as: the re- fusal of the State to accept certain governors that England wished to force upon her; the warm but inhospitable reception that was extended so effectively to Cornwallis and his followers during the Revolutionary War; and the polite and energetic request that was given to certain visitors who insisted on coming into the State during the sixties that their room was preferable to their company. I believe, outside of such instances as I have mentioned, that Virginia has at all times extended the right hand of fellowship and free hospitality to all who wish to come and visit or dwell within her borders. Even those whom she turned away on account of certain differences have, when the differences became adjusted, been and are now being re- ceived with the same sincere cordiality as if these differences had never existed. We cannot, as we meet together in this State, prevent ourselves from reminiscing regarding the early history of Virginia; from 50 a — ee 1913 | Appress oF Presrpent N. A. S. Com. 51 the spring of 1607, when the first permanent English colony was established at Jamestown, Va.; and, as we do this, we realize that to the men who assisted in the building up of this eolony and to all Virginians who have followed, even to perhaps the greatest of all, who now occupies the highest office in the gift of the people,—President Woodrow Wilson,—that to these men the nation is indebted for much of its success and its rise to the greatest nation in the world. It can be truthfully said that not only in the United States but also in our own States individualism and sectionalism, as opposed to a national or state community spirit, has reached in the past few years a point that is of positive detriment to the best growth and development of our country. We believe, how- ever, that we now have at the head of our national government a broad-minded, conscientious man whose attention is directed to measures of nation-wide importance, which he will endeavor to see are considered in a manner that will be for the best in- terest of the country at large, and not for the benefit of any particular local section or community or interest at the expense of the country as a whole. I believe that the influence of this man is going to be wide-spread throughout the nation, so that various measures that are coming up in the states will be con- sidered from the standpoint of the State, and not from the standpoint of the county or township. It is undoubtedly true that questions that come up relating to the conservation and perpetuation of our natural resources of whatever character they may be, must be considered from at least a state, and in some cases a national standpoint, if the best results or even any good results are to be obtained; and this is very true in connec- tion with the shellfish industries. Virginia is one of the few South Atlantic States that has taken a decided practical step looking toward the conservation and perpetuation of her shellfish industry, and through the con- scientious work of her able commissioner, Hon. W. McDonald Lee, she has reached the place where she can point with pride to what the State is accomplishing in the oyster industry. Her Lynnhaven and James River oysters are famous not only in the 2 52 JoURNAL OF THE MircHety Society [ October State but throughout the country, and she has made them abundant so that she can supply the greatest demand that may arise for them. I have used the words “made them abundant” advisedly, inasmuch as the results accomplished have been due to the actual work of man in the cultivation and planting of the oyster as well as assisting by adequate statutes the growth and reproduction of the oyster on the natural rock. The oyster industry is on a paying basis, and each year is enabled to pay into the General Treasury of the State a very satisfactory fund, after all expenses have been met. This could only have been accomplished as a state-wide measure. Man himself is one of the most important factors in decreas- ing the supply of oysters and other shellfish in the waters of the several states, due largely to his selfish interest and to his idea that anything that comes out of the sea is his by a God- given right, and that the State has no authority over it whatever. Many of the natural oyster rocks or reefs may have been par- tially or wholly destroyed by becoming muddied or sanded, due to very severe storms, thus smothering the oysters; or the beds may have been destroyed by some parasite; or, because of the certain changes of the coast line, waters may have become too fresh; and thus the natural rocks have been destroyed. Not- withstanding the fact that these causes may account for the destruction of many natural rocks, it is undoubtedly true that the most important influence is the one that has to do with the actual taking of the oysters themselves. This is especially true of the lobster, which in many sections has been almost entirely exterminated by overfishing. The oyster and the clam have practically no chance whatever to protect themselves or to escape their worst enemy, man; but, though an enemy, 1% is also through the efforts of man that the destruction wrought in many places must be and has been remedied. If it had not been for the conservationist or perhaps I might say in connes- tion with the oyster industry, the man who appreciated the oyster as a delicious food, realizing that unless some steps wer2 taken by the State or National governments to protect it and prevent over-oystering of the natural rocks, the oyster would be exterminated; we would be today in many, if not all of the 1913 | ApprEss oF Presipent N. A. S. Com. 53 states, without this form of food. There were such men who came to the assistance not only of the oyster but of other shell- fish. In many instances, however, it would have been too late with the oyster if it had not been previously demonstrated that its cultivation was a commercial proposition, and this had been taken up very extensively in those states where the natural rock had been very nearly depleted. Besides producing oysters on the made rock, another result of the cultivation of the oyster has been that the natural rocks have in several states begun to increase and become again very productive, which is undoubted- ly due to the great quantity of spat that was produced by the cultivated beds, and which settled on the natural rocks. Such recommendations as are made for the perpetuation and cultivation of the oyster and the protection and perpetuation of other shellfish can only be carried out by a state’s taking the problem and considering it as a state proposition. Where this has been done the results have been most beneficial and gratify- ing, and the oyster industry of these states has been revived and become a very profitable one. There are, however, still many states where the problem has not yet been successfully solved; and it is found, upon investigation, that the reason for this is that state legislators have not and are not now considering the question as a state problem, but are permitting the local com- munities to have enacted laws relative to the oyster industry, and are not taking any steps from the standpoint of the state for the protection of these shellfish. The result is, that in several of the states, as: North Carolina and Georgia, oystering has reached a very low ebb, so low in fact that it is scarcely to be reckoned with in considering the oyster industry of this country. The work of this Association is to consider and assist in the solving of all problems that may come up in regard to the per- petuation of the various shellfish; and it has tried and is still trying to bring every state that has shell fisheries to a realiza- tion of the absolute necessity of the state taking up the problem and passing adequate legislation covering the whole industry in the state. The Association has had the hearty co-operation of the United States Bureau of Fisheries in this work, and we believe that the considerable progress that has been made in the 54 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Society [| October shellfish industry can be directly traced to the work of this As- sociation. With the passage of adequate laws regulating the fishing of the oyster, and its cultivation, problems immediately come up that must be considered and solved, such as: What are natural rocks? What areas shall be open for cultivation of the oyster ? Shall such areas be leased or sold ? How much area shall each individual be permitted to take up ? How shall the oyster bottoms be taxed ? What regulation shall be made in regard to the production and shipment of seed oysters ? What measures shall the State take to protect the beds that are being cultivated; for the protection of the natural rock ? Pollution of oyster rocks and its prevention. Effect of dumping all waste material into our harbors and bays which may result in the pollution of oyster rocks and clam beds, or may cover the oyster rock and thus smother the oysters. Shall the areas of the natural rock be mapped or the areas that are leased or sold for cultivation ? Uniform seasons for catching oysters in adjoining states. The solution of these problems is now being taken up by the various states and also the Federal Government; and they are slowly but surely being solved, and we believe in the interest of the shellfish industries. As can readily be seen from these problems, it will be abso- lutely impossible to solve them unless it is done by the states as state propositions. The problems vary in the different states and in some that relating to the oyster has been almost entirely solved, but there still remains a great deal to be done in con- nection with the perpetuation of other forms of shellfish. The necessary measures that are required to better the various shell- fish industries will be accomplished just so fast as we are able to educate those who make a livelihood out of these industries, as to the need of conservation; bring the rest of the people of that particular state to a realization that they too have a decided personal interest in the conservation of these industries; and ee ae ee eR ee 1913 | Avpress oF Presipent N. A. S. Com. 55 cause each of these classes of people to realize that the shellfish do not belong to the individual but to the state, and, therefore, the state has a right to insist upon their protection and perpetu- ation. The National Association of Shellfish Commissioners is try- ing to bring together the best information obtainable regarding the problems suggested above; and they are holding conventions to discuss these problems and work out, if possible, a plan which will eventually solve them. The information at our con- ventions has been of very great assistance to the commissioners of the various state, and is being utilized by them for the good of the industry. Some states are better equipped than others for carrying on experimental work in connection with certain problems, and, al- though the results of their experiments are of peculiar value to that state, yet they are of great value to all who are interested in the same or similar problems to those that have been investi- gated. Our Association should be and is a clearing house through which each State Commission can obtain the benefit of the results obtained by the others. The discussions that have taken place at our previous con- ventions on such subjects as: The leasing vs. the sale of sea bottoms for oyster and clam cultivation ; The method and rate of taxation of oyster and clam bottoms; The pollution of oyster bottoms ; have all been of very great interest, and the fervor and earnest- ness with which the delegates to the convntion entered into the discussion resulted in the co-ordination of our ideas and theories, and emphasized the value of co-operation. We sometimes become impatient at the length of time re- quired to have our ideas, suggestions and recommendations put into practice by our state legislators, and we wonder why they can be so ignorant on such an important subject, as the ‘“Shell- fish Industry.” Yet we cannot expect them to be very familiar with a subject that has taken us years to understand and realize its great value. What we do, however, have a right to become impatient over is the often apparent unwillingness of our legis- 56 JOURNAL OF THE MircHEeLt Socrety [| October lators to accept the recommendations of the Shellfish Commis- sions regarding the industry or that their ideas are of any par- ticular value; and instead pass legislation regarding the in- dustry that is almost diametrically opposite to our suggestions. This is frequently done for political reasons, and the interests of the state have been sacrificed for self advancement. I believe, however, the tide is turning and that we are entering upon an era when man’s love of country and his true patriotism will outweigh the thought of self; and in deciding questions of state his query will be: What effect will this measure have upon the country and upon my state, and not what will be the po- litical effect upon me. When we have broadened and developed to such an extent that we consider in these great questions first, our country’s interest, then our state, then our county, and last our own individual community, then and then only, will we be able to obtain the best solutions to these problems. Our co-operation should not only be between the states but between the states and the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. There should be a more adequate appropriation made by Congress to the Bureau of Fisheries for investigations relating to the shell- fish industry. There is a wide field for work which should be done largely by the Federal Government, and in co-operation with the several states. The importance and value of the in- dustry warrant our making a vigorous demand upon Congress for such an appropriation. The oyster, clam, scallop, the lobster, the crab and the terra- pin must all receive the attention of the Shellfish Commissions. The sessions of our convention are open to the public and we will gladly weleome any who are interested enough in the sub- ject to attend; and we may in this way impress upon laymen the value and importance of the industry we represent. In closing, I wish to express to you Virginians our extreme regret that illness has kept Governor Mann from meeting with us. We miss his word of cheer and guidance, and voice with you the prayer that his illness may not be for long, and that he will soon be restored to his State in full vigor and health. CHapEeL, Hint, N. C. Re a ee the eek — ees LIME ON SOILS BY JOHN E, SMITH The various operations of tillage are performed for the pur- pose of enabling the plant to obtain the food necessary in the process of growth. Certain substances are sometimes added to the soil to increase its productivity; these are known as soil amendments and lime is one of the most useful of them. CORRECTS THE ACIDITY An acid condition results from the decay of organic matter, is brought to the top soil from the subsoil by capillary water, is produced by nitrifying bacteria, and is formed in other ways. All forms of lime (except gypsum) readily counteract or neutralize this condition, one ton per acre in most cases being sufficient to keep the soil neutral for two or three years. AIDS NITRIFICATION The acidity of soils is somewhat injurious to the growth of many plants and in many instances is fatal to the legumes (clover, vetch, alfalfa, ete.), whose power to assimilate and store nitrogen is dependent on the activity of bacteria that thrive in a neutral or slightly alkaline soil but cannot live in the pres- ence of much of the acidity which in part is the product of their own work. RO Meghann ~ 1914 | Crerrain Minrrat Resources 25 the vulue of the ore increases with each unit over this. Ores as low as 45 per cent Cr.0, find a ready market if they are low in silica. The North Carolina ores are high grade and usually low in silica. Cuare, Hu, N. C. (Continued in next issue) GEOLOGY OF CHAPEL HILL AND VICINITY An Outline BY JOHN E. SMITH The circular area having a radius of about five miles with Chapel Hill near its center is located chiefly on the eastern mar- gin of the Piedmont Belt, but includes a small portion of the arm of the Coastal Plain that extends northward beyond Oxford and whose western border is less than two miles east of the vil- lage. TOPOGRAPHY The area is traversed by New Hope Creek in its northern part, by Bolin’s Creek near the middle, and by Morgan’s Creek on the south. Its drainage is therefore excellent. These streams flow eastward to the plain where they join and flow south- ward until they reach the waters of the Cape Fear. The general elevation of the upland is 500 to 540 feet and that of the creek bottoms and the plain is about 200 to 250 feet lower. This gives the area the rugged topography typical of the eastern margin of the Piedmont Plateau. Into this plateau the streams have cut their valleys by erosion ; this work is still in progress and can be observed in every stage of advancement in each of the larger streams of the area, from the smallest gulley to the broad mature valley. The small deep, steep sided valleys show youthful stages of development. As one proceeds down stream, a point is reached where the current is checked to such an extent that the cutting is confined to one level; here the valley begins to grow in width, a floodplain forms, and from this place down the valley, the various stages of maturity, Increasing in age with the distance, are illustrated. This side cutting or lateral planation proceeds very slowly on the outer curve of a meander where it touches the valley wall, and in time, by crossing from one valley wall to the other, de- velops a broad floodplain. The region as a whole is one of ma- 26 Coie . =a — 1914 | Grotoagy or Cuapen Hirtr 27 ture topography because its surface lies chiefly in slopes with but little reduction of the summit level of the divides. There are a few hills rising from the Coastal Plain near its margin almost to the elevation of the upland plateau and on this plateau several hills reach an elevation of 100 to 200 feet above it. Among these are Nunn’s Mountain, Blackwood Mountain, Mount Collier, and others. CYCLES OF EROSION Before the streams began to cut the valleys now forming, the plateau was nearly continuous and unbroken save for a few hills, that at Hillsboro for example, rising from it. As the pres- ent stream work proceeds, the floodplains gradually work head- ward along the streams thus developing a longer and broader plain at the new level. On this floodplain, though sometimes covered, are sand, gravel, and waterworn rocks brought by the current during freshets or left when migrations of the channel occurred. When the new level cut by each stream meets, in places, that formed by the other streams, the result is a very broad plain with hills rising from it. These hills are called monadnocks and the level formed is a peneplain. A base level is completed when all of the monadnocks have been removed by erosion. The changes made in the young valleys can be observed after each hard shower or from year to year. A lifetime, however, reveals very little if any increase in width of the mature valleys by lateral planation. The period between the time when the streams begin to erode the upper plain, and the completion of the one at the lower level, constitutes a cycle of erosion. The dura- tion of such a period is very, very great and a cycle of erosion is one of the longest definite intervals of geologic time. Numerous specimens of waterworn (smooth and rounded) pebbles of quartz and its varieties up to four inches in diameter have been collected by the writer and others from various places on the upland and hill tops both east and west of Chapel Hill. These can be none other than the surviving ones from the gravels of a river floodplain as it was being developed at the 28 JOURNAL OF THE MircHELL Society [June temporary base level of that time. Similarly rounded smooth pebbles in similar positions are found throughout the Piedmont Belt. Also the folded layers of stratified and metamorphic rocks of this region are truncated at the elevation of the upland. The plateau level of the area about Chapel Hill and elsewhere in the Piedmont is therefore a peneplain. On this peneplain several monadnocks occur, the hill at Hills- boro for example, also numerous hills of igneous origin that are in all probability monadnocks. Among these are Nunn’s Mountain and Blackwood Mountain, each about five miles north of Chapel Hill, and Mount Collier’ about the same distance to the west. Two cycles of erosion are therefore evident in this vicinity, one nearly completed, during which the peneplain was formed, the other now in progress, during which the valleys are being excavated and the new temporary base level developed. When the Piedmont as a whole is considered, strong evidence of earlier cycles of erosion is found. ARCHEOZOIC ERA The rocks of this system consist of gneisses, schists, slates, ete., with granites and other igneous rocks intruded into them. The metamorphic rocks are complexly folded and have been truncated by erosion. All are disintegrated to a depth of 20 to 50 feet. They occur throughout the vicinity except in a circular area near its center and are closely related in age with the oldest rocks of the American continent.? PROTEROZOIC ERA The rocks of this system are conglomerates, both basal and intraformational, sandstone, porcellanite, slates, schist, etc., interstratified with numerous acidic lava flows, chiefly trachytes and rhyolites. The outcrops are along the right (south) valley slope of Morgan’s Creek, and are best exposed at the old site of 1Mount Collier is so called in honor of Professor Collier Cobb, Head of the Department of Geology in the University of North Carolina, who in 1892 was the first to recognize its volcanic origin. 2Pre-Cambrian Geology of North America, 1909, Van Hise and Leith. Bul. 360, U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 677 ff. and 695 ff. Gives a summary of Pre-Cam- brian Geology of North Carolina and lists references for the State. Se ee ee ee ee er ee, ee 1914 | GroLocy or CuapreLt Hitn 29 Purefoy’s mill about two miles south of Chapel Hill. An out- crop occurs also at McCauley’s Quarry about seven miles to the west. Before the close of the era, great intrusions and uplifts oc- curred tilting the stratified rocks to an angle of 65 degrees. The Chapel Hill stock may have had its origin at this time. It con- sists chiefly of granitoid rocks,® (granites,* etc.) but is believed to be in part composed of basic igneous rocks derived by magmatic segregation. It is cut by numerous dikes, both acidic and basic, ranging from granitoid to felsitic textures. The dikes occupy the joint planes which extend approximately N. 30 E. and N. 60 W. PALEOZOIC ERA That this region was an area of high land during the earlier part of this era, is shown by the great volumes of sediment derived from it. These are the sedimentary rocks of western North Carolina, eastern Tennessee and Kentucky and have a total thickness of nearly 20,000 feet. This continent, known as Appalachia, sloped to the west or northwest and probably ex- tended eastward into the area now covered by the Atlantic Ocean. The Paleozoic seas covered most of what is now the Mississippi Valley and extended east to the present position of the Blue Ridge Mountains or farther.° Near the close of the era, great stresses produced the Ap- palachian Mountains by very slow folding which also affected our area causing a relative uplift in western North Carolina. This changed the slope of the land and our streams flowed east- ward or northeastward over a lower area. MESOZOIC ERA After the tilting of the surface and the erosion that followed, an incursion of the sea came from the northeast. During this 3 Baton, H. N., Notes on the Petrography of the Granites of Chapel Hill, N. C. Jour. E. Mitchell Sci. Soc. 25:85. 1909. Also, Flint-Like Slate near Chapel Hill, N. C., ibid 24, 1908. 4Fry, W. H., Some Plutonic Rocks of Chapel Hill. Jour. E. Mitchell Sci. Soc., ake. 19172 se aaa Dr. J. H., Geology of Western N. C. Jour. E. Mitchell Sci. Soc., 29: 30 JouRNAL oF THE MitcHett Society [June time the location of the present site of Chapel Hill with respect to the sea was somewhat like that of Annapolis, Md. This long, narrow body of water extended northward into New England and is known as the Triassic sea. The rocks formed by disposi- tion in it and near it are conglomerates, sandstone, quartzite, arkose (contains orthoclase and muscovite). They occur on the plain, also as outliers resting unconformably on the flank of the eroded granite of the stock. The sea was a shallow one as it receded. This is shown by the fossil deltas, sand dunes, mud cracks, ete., left above the deeper water deposits. Arms of the sea were cut off as it with- drew, and evaporation left among the sediments, its salts, which give salinity to the water of the wells and springs of this part of the area. The swamps of these low areas were the feeding places of very large lizard-like animals whose tracks and fossil remains are found in these beds. These rocks carry also the petrified forest of North Carolina, part of which is about two miles east of Chapel Hill. Near the end of the Triassic period, its rocks were folded® and faulted and some intrusions of igneous dikes, sheets, etc., prob- ably occurred. A very long interval of erosion took place before the close of the era and the elevation again became low. CENOZOIC ERA Several changes in elevation occurred during this era as the sea twice advanced from the east nearly as far as the present site of Raleigh. The most striking thing in the geological history of this vicinity is the fact that most of it has remained a land area almost continuously since Pre-Cambrian times. As a result of this very long interval of weathering and erosion the bedrock is covered by a residual mantle rock described in the following: GENERALIZED SECTION 1. Soil, “Top soil,” red to gray and black (humus),............ 1 to Att. 2: Subsoil,: fine, red to yellow clay: 24.022 haat este de one ee eee 3 to 10 it. 3; Clay; coarse lumpyssomersand..2> +555 see eee eee eee 5 to 20 ft. ® Miss Florence Bascom, Historical Geology of the Piedmont Area. U. 8. Geol. Survey, Trenton, N. J. Folio No. 167, p. 19. a ee 1914] GroLtoay or Cuapet Hrnn 31 4. “Gravel,” “ Natural Sand-Clay,” fragments of orthoclase and Resta) Wale, SatiGy atic: CLAYs....<\.:<:x . aims 0/51 ca ofdie ate. ayaly ot wide 10 to 20 ft. 5. Fragmental rock, partly decomposed angular fragments 2 to APINGHeSPlil CAT CLGE ss L's’. .'cacrc.c frais siee oo alele:a biecary Sreperemeiets 10 to 15 ft. 6. Fragmental rock, angular, much coarser and less decayed ine yar ital IN Opt Seeds pean se er en Pe oar Apert hen 8 Stole a tt 7. Solid rock, “ Bedrock,” “ Country rock.” THE PROBLEM OF ZONATION That some zonation exists in the igneous rocks of this vicinity has been shown by Professor Collier Cobb.‘ This problem, however, has not been fully solved and there are several factors which make its complete solution extremely difficult. The mantle rock in this area is twenty to fifty feet thick which prevents the occurrence of many exposures of the solid rock. This makes it very difficult to determine accurately the relations and boundaries of the probable zones beneath. If wide dikes of various igneous rocks, deeply covered, cross each other nearly at right angles, the result would closely simulate zonation in which the zones are somewhat circular. Such a resemblance would be especially strong in this vicinity where half or more of the zone circle is concealed beneath sedimentary and metamor- phic rocks. These conditions, however, do not disprove the pres- ence of zonation; they have not been fully confirmed by observa- tion in the field but are suggested by the occurrence of acidic and basic dikes throughout the stock. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Zone No. 1 of the generalized section given above is the true surface soil of the upland and No. 2 contains the brick clay of the area. Some of the clay used in the old brickyards of Chapel Hill was taken from zone 3 and therefore unsatisfactory results were obtained. Zones 1 and 2 have been largely removed by the long continued erosion and neither now occurs in very large areas in the vicinity. This leaves zone 3 at the surface over a large part of the area, especially on the valley slopes, and No. 4 and its decomposition *™Zonation in the Chapel Hill Stock. An address (unpublished) before the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, December, 1912. 32 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Society [June products at the surface on the lower part of the slopes. These produce sandy or gravelly soils that are, as a rule, inferior in quality. They respond readily, however, to the influences of modern methods in agriculture: crop rotations, diversified farm- ing, the growing of fertilizing crops, etc. The rugged topography with its east-west valleys and divides retards the development of railway transportation, thus depriv- ing the area of ready access to market. This, with the above mentioned factors, accounts for the low value of land in a tier of counties® along the eastern margin of the Piedmont Belt from Granville and Person to Montgomery and Moore inclusive, Orange being one of the number.® Zone 4 of the generalized section provides a natural sand-clay suitable for use in road building.*® The material used on Frank- lin Street was taken from a pit opened in this zone, the upper part of this zone should not be used without the addition of stream sand. Numerous other places in this area would yield material of the same quality. The stream sand is used also in making mortar, ete. Cuapre, Hu, N. C. 8 North Carolina Supplement, Tirteenth Census Report. ® Holmes, J. S., Timber Resources of Orange County, N. C. Jour. EB. Mit- chell Sci. Soc. 39:89, 1914. 10 Smith, John E., Natural Sand-Clay in the Piedmont, Southern Good Roads, current number. A STUDY OF THE ACTION OF VARIOUS DIURETICS IN URANIUM NEPHRITIS, WITH SPECIAL REF- ERENCE TO THE PART PLAYED BY THE ANESTHETIC IN DETERMINING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE DIURETIC! Wan. vEB. MacNiper From the Laboratory of Pharmacology of the University of North Carolina, Received for publication, May 8, 1913 “TUL SLE + ce eae clea tne fe GSE EE ae re Tee a or 491 MMPI EI GBM lec. Sarss Stim cae ot ck tas Oa eke Oo cou vile Calas wale Wa coe dae or 492 ewiew OF PEEVIOUS EXPELIMENtS) .. oo vee cee se ce ccs eva cnccsecseas 492 Discussion of the technique employed in the experiments............ 494 The effect of uranium nitrate on the output and composition of the upine in young and full-grown animals. .......2...:- 0.000005 496 The effect of Gréhant’s anesthetic on the output and composition of the urine in young and in adult dogs, nephritic from uranium.... 499 The effect of morphine-ether on the output and compostion of the urine in young and in adult dogs, nephritic from uranium....... 502 The efficiency of various diuretics in uranium nephritis in animals anesthetized with Gréhant’s anesthetic and with morphine-ether.. 504 The difference in the renal pathology of animals or diuretic following PSGHATE Sil ANESLHEHIG) 2). Soom a sled so cen s cee oate cas Doe tac cata te tee 506 The difference in the renal pathology of animals anuric or diuretic FoOlowInes MmORphine-CEHER.. daiesic con cass oie.0'd Ge ters viakaia weitere nace 509 General discussion of the experimental data...............+-22eeees 509 ROE REREN TSN EMEP er fare tra i etiate Sat sre ie Gate eles PE aT ole oc wits wie) eluksrelalicrsl etcetera 513 PMBIMETPEI YS © od ora aa Seles ea Ne cass Sane tis ae caw Spa oddwwnadaemece eae Gus In a previous number of this journal (1), a report was made on the action of various diuretic substances in animals rendered nephritic by uranium nitrate. The animals employed in this series of experiments could be classified, on a basis of their re- 1 Presented in abstract before the Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Cleveland, December 80, 1912. Aided by a grant from the fund for Scientific Research of the American Medical Association. 2 Reprinted from The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. IV, No. 6, July, 1913 33 34 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Society [ June sponse to diuretics, into three groups: an anuric, a practically anuric, and a diuretic group. In the present invesitgation, which is a direct continuation of the previously mentioned experiments, the same general group- ing of the animals can be established. It has been experiment- ally demonstrated, however, that the practically anuric group is an unnnecessary refinement in the classification, for the con- dition of partial anuria should be interpreted as a forerunner of the anuric state which sooner or later develops, provided the ex- periment be continued. Therefore, in the present report the observations will be confined to two groups of nephritic animals: a diuretic group and an anuric group. The present investigation shows, also, that whether or not the animals are diuretic or anuric following the anesthetic depends very largely upon the anesthetic employed and upon the age of the animals. As a result of this observation, in addition to a continuation of the study of the response of the pathological kidney to diuretics, it becomes especially necessary to consider the response of the pathological kidney to different anesthetics. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS EXPERIMENTS In the experimental work previously published it was shown that when dogs were given uranium nitrate subcutaneously in the dose of from 5 to 10 mgs. the animals developed an albu- minuria, which was followed within twelve to forty-eight hours by a glycosuria. The output of sugar in the twenty-four hour specimen of urine varied within wide limits: 0.25 to 3.22 per cent. No determination of acetone or acetone bodies was made. It was also shown that either just prior to the development of the alubuminuria, or associated with its development the output of urine increased, and that with the development of the gly- cosuria the animal became highly polyuric. For instance, in experiment 8, of the previously mentioned series the animal was receiving 500 cc. of water daily; the average output of urine prior to the uranium was 513 ce.; while following the uranium and with the development of a nephritis and a glycosuria the urine increased to 1310 ce. wn 1914] Action oF Various Diuretics 35 The microscopic examination of the urine constantly showed the presence of erythrocytes, usually few in number, and tube casts. Early in the nephritis, with the first appearance of al- bumin, the hyaline cast predominated, but later when the alubuminuria had become more marked, granular casts predomi- nated over the hyaline type. When such animals which were nephritic, glycosuric, and polyurice were anesthetized by either Gréhant’s anesthetic or by morphine-ether, they grouped themselves, so far as their re- sponse to diuretics was concerned, into two mains groups: an anuric group and a diuretic group. The physiological study of these two types of animals with special reference to their response to diuretics, showed, in the first place, that no change had been induced in the height of general blood pressure to account for the difference in the out- put of urine in the two groups. Secondly, oncometric deter- minations of the local renal circulation showed that the response of the renal vessels in both groups was either normal or hyper- active. This was true for substances such as caffeine and theo- bromine which are supposed to influence the renal circulation principally through a local vascular effect, as well as for such a substance as digitalin, whose local effect on the blood supply of the kidney is induced through its general effect upon the circulation. As a result of the above mentioned study of the general and local vascular response of the nephritic animals, the cause of the stoppage of the urine flow in the anuric group was thought not to be due to any vascular change. The histological study of the kidneys from the diuretic and from the anuric groups showed a marked difference in the degree of epithelial involvement, whereas the vascular pathology in the two groups was practically identical. In those animals that remained diuretic following the anes- thetic, the epithelial involvement was slight or absent. The cells were not only not increased in size, but frequently they showed an undoubted shrinkage with an associated increase in the size of the lumen of the tubules. The cells stained well, the nucleus 36 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHeEtt Socrety [ June was not pyknotie, and the cytoplasm of the cells showed but slight or no vacuolation. On the other hand, in those animals which became anuric fol- lowing the anesthetic the epithelium of the tubules of the laby- rinth, and especially of the proximal convoluted tubules, showed an acute swelling, which was remarkable for the rapidity with which it developed. Asa result of the swelling, the lumen of the tubules was either greatly encroached upon or completely oc- cluded. In some animals the swelling was so acute that the cells had not had time to undergo any marked degenerative change, while in other animals the epithelium was severely vacuolated, staining was imperfect, the nuclei pyknotic, and the cytoplasm in various stages of necrosis. As a result of these observations, I was inclined to the belief that in a unranium nephritis the epithelial changes were more responsible for the reduction in the output of urine than were the vascular changes. The continuation of these experiments, which will now be re- ported, serves in great measure to confirm this belief, and also brings into consideration the part played by different anesthetics and by the age of the animals in precipitating these epithelial changes. DISCUSSION OF THE TECHNIQUE EMPLOYED IN THE EXPERIMENTS The operative technique employed in the following experi- ments has been identical in every particular with that employed in the experiments of the previous investigation. There have, however, been made, for the sake of accuracy, slight changes in the quantity of the nephrotoxic substance employed; and also additional diuretic fluids have been used. In place of giving from 5 to 10 mgs. of uranium nitrate to the animals without re- gard to their weight, there was a determination made of the dose of uranium which was competent to induce a nephritis and a glycosuria without rendering the animals in the least toxic and without inducing gastro-enteric changes, which are usually man- ifested by vomiting and a diarrhoea. The dose of uranium nitrate when given subcutaneously in 1914 | Action or Various Diuretics 37 the dog which is suflicient to induce the desired changes in the kidney without the undesirable gastro-intestinal complications has been found to be 6.7 mgs. per kilogram. This is the dose of uranium which has been constantly employed in all of the experiments. Only animals in apparently perfect health were selected for the experiments. They were placed in metabolism cages and given daily by a stomach tube a known and constant quantity of water. The diet consisted of bread and uncooked meat. The urine was collected at 4.30 p. m. each day and examined qualitatively for albumen, sugar and acetone, and quantitatively for sugar. In making both the qualitative and quantitative sugar determinations, Benedict’s (2) reagents were uniformly employed, for the reason that these solutions allow of more delicate determinations and do not deteriorate upon standing. No preservative was used in the urine. These observations were made for three days prior to the ad- ministration of the uranium. On the third day the first uranium injection was made and repeated at the same time on the fourth day, the experiment being performed on the fifth day that the animal had been under observation. Such a routine is neces- sary, for the changes in the urine, especially the output of glu- cose, are influenced to some extent by the time which has elapsed following the uranium injections. As a result of the foregoing study of the urine the use of an animal with a naturally acquired nephritis was excluded. None of the animals prior to the use of the uranium showed the pres- ence in the urine of either glucose or acetone. The diuretic substances which have been employed in these experiments include those which were used with the first series of animals; and, in addition, various salts which were used in solutions isotonic with 0.9 per cent and 2 per cent sodium chloride. The osmotic pressure of some of the salts which have been employed has never been accurately measure. This, therefore, introduces an element of error into the calculations, which were conducted in order to obtain solutions of these salts isotonic = 38 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHEeLt Society [June with 0.9 per cent and 2 per cent sodium chloride. The caleu- lations were made for solutions at 37.5°C. and at this tempera- ture the solutions were introduced into the animals. For these calculations, I am indebted to Dr. J. E. Mills, of the University of South Carolina. The following solutions have been employed in the study of the response of the nephritic kidney to diuretic substances: Cafieineie trae eae: Rees eee 1 to 2 of al per cent soution per kilogram Theobromine: + Uses age bisa 1 to 2 of a 1 per cent solution per kilogram Digwaline 2 Bek. cites Paes ees eee Be 0.5 to Img. per kilogram Sodium chloride solution, 0.9 per cent............ 5 to 10 cc. per kilogram Sodium chloride solution, 2 per cent.............. 5 to 10 cc. per kilogram Sodrum-carbonate, (0:9 percent: ..-22 sce esses eee 5 to 10 cc. per kilogram Sodium carbonate, 2 per cent............c0ccee- 5 to 10 cc. per kilogram Sodium sulphates OO per icent. we iaeeki cine cients 5 to 10 cc. per kilogram Lithnimichloriden0'9) pericent s:.6 ssscceiste stecelate isles 5 to 10 cc. per kilogram THE EFFECT OF URANIUM NITRATE ON THE OUTPUT AND COMPO- SITION OF THE URINE IN YOUNG AND IN FULL GROWN ANIMALS As has been previously stated, the present series of experi- ments serve not only for a study of the efficiency of various diu- retic substances, but they also serve to demonstrate the differ- ence in the response of animals of different ages to the same quantity of a toxic substance, such as uranium. The differences here referred to are those which are manifested in the total out- put of urine and in the composition of the urine. During the course of this paper the animals referred to as “ young,’ are animals not over one and a half years old; the “adult” animals are those varying in age between one and a half and six years; while the old animals are certainly over six years old. The classification is, of course, a more or less arbi- trary one, though it is based to some extent upon a knowledge of the average life of the dog. Falling in the group of young animals are eight dogs. Four of these animals were from the same litter, and at the time of the experiments were between four and a half and five months old. Two other animals were three months and three weeks old; > sy <_< oro... — ee 1914 | Action or Various Diuretics 39 while the remaining two dogs, young adults, as accurately as could be ascertained, were about one year and two months old. The animals were given daily a known and constant quantity of water and allowed a mixed diet of bread and raw meat. Fol- lowing the preliminary period of observation of three days, they were given subcutaneously on two successive days 6.7 mgs. of uranium nitrate per kilogram. The two young adult animals re- ceived 500 ce. of water daily, while the other members of the group received 400 ce. On the second day of the uranium injections these animals showed the following changes in output and in composition of the urine: As will be seen from table 1, these animals, following the development of a glycosuria, became polyuric. The output of glucose, especially by the puppies, is remarkably constant for the different animals, while the presence of acetone varies. The TABLE I Age Water Urine Albumen; Sugar acetone Ge: ee. per cent Young adult___ 500 830 Present 1.06 Trace Young adult___ 500 1015 Present 0.701 | Trace IPEDD Ye eee 400 790 Present 0.202 | None ul re 400 780 Present 0.446 | None [PUpDYe 2=-==5-* 400 740 Present 0.077 None uppy. ———-_-.-| 400 605 Present 0.35 Trace i) 400 910 Present 0.484 | Trace uppy. —---—--- 400 910 Present 0.86 Trace quantity of acetone in the urine of these young animals is ex- ceedingly small and its detection would frequently have been missed without a microscopic examination of the tested distillate for the presence of crystals of iodoform. The group of animals referred to as “ adult” animals were kept on the same diet as the younger animals, and lke the younger animals were given 6.7 mgs. of uranium nitrate per kilogram on two successive days. The changes in the output of urine and in the composition of the urine are indicated in table 2, which represents the course of eight characteristic experi- ments following the uranium injections and prior to the use of an anesthetic. 40 JOURNAL OF THE MircHELt Society [June TABLE II Age Water Urine Albumen | Sugar | Acetone cee. ee. | per cent | Adult -- 500 1240 Abundant | 2.17 Pronounced Adult --| 300 645 Abundant 2.56 + | Pronounced Adult -- 500 980 Present | 2.17 | Present Adult -- 500 1180 Present 3.625 | Present Adult —__| 500 | 1025 Present | 2.08 Present Adult __| 500 1515 Present 2.08 Present Adult _-| 500 | 1130 Present 1.06 | Present Adult -_! 500 885 Present 3.03 | Present A comparison of the two tables showing the results obtained in these groups of animals, representing different age limits, shows in the first place, that the polyuria which, as has been pre- viously stated, becomes pronounced with the development of the glycosuria. The animals of the adult group show a higher de- gree of polyuria than do the younger animals; and they also show, with one exception, a uniformly higher percentage of glucose. Although quantitative determinations of acetone were not made, we feel reasonably certain that the acetone output in the adult animals was dictinctly in excess of that of the younger animals. Judging from the density of the precipitate of albu- men the same statement may be made for this element of the urine. The microscopic examination of the centrifugalized urines in- variably showed that in the adult animals casts were far more numerous that in the young animals. The increase in the num- ber of fatty casts was especially noticeable. From the foregoing observations, the following deductions ap- pear allowable: 1. Uranium nitrate when given subcutaneously in the dose of 6.7 mgs. per kilogram induces in the dog a series of changes which vary in their degree of severity. 2. The severity of these changes is determined by the age of the animal, the changes being more pronounced in adult animals and less pronounced in young animals. 3. The factors which determine these differences in the 1914 | Action oF Various Diuretics 41 response of animals of different ages to the same quantity of uranium are at present undetermined. THE EFFECT OF GREHANT'S ANESTHETIC? ON THE OUTPUT AND COMPOSITION OF THE URINE IN YOUNG AND IN ADULT ANIMALS In the experiments that have been previously reported (1) in which this anesthetic was employed, the anesthetic was used in the full strength advised by its originator. In order to exclude the possibility of the anesthetic unduly depressing the circula- tion, in the present experiments the quantity of the anesthetic has been reduced to 60 per cent strength. In this strength the anesthetic was given to ten adult animals and eight young ani- mals after they had been rendered nephritic by uranium. The ten adult animals following the development of an anes- thesia which was not profound became anuric and remained anuric throughout the experiments. The anuria was uninflu- enced by the various diuretic substances which have been pre- viously enumerated. The rapidity with which the anuria develops has varied slight- ly in the different animals and is apparently dependent to some extent upon the depth of the anesthesia. The following experiments illustrate this point: Experiment 4. The animal was receiving 500 cc. of water daily. On the day of the experiment the animal had an output of urine of 1130 cc. Within forty minutes after the commencement of the anesthetic, which resulted in a complete anesthesia, the animal became anuric. During the course of the experiment no urine was obtained. At the commencement of the experiment the animal had a blood pressure of 95 mm. of mercury, and at its termination a blood pressure of 115 mm. of mercury. Following the injection of 1 cc. of a 1 per cent solution of caffeine per kilogram, the general blood pressure was raised from 105 to 115 mm. of mercury and the oncometer pressure as indicated by a water manometer, showed a rise of 16 mm. of water. Experiment 7. In the following experiment the animal was imperfectly anesthetized. During the operation he was constantly struggling. On the day of the experiment the output of urine was 1025 cc. For the first 8 Grébant’s Anesthetic: The animal is given 0.25 ce. per kilogram of a 4 per cent. solution of morphine. This is followed in_half an hour by 10ce. per kilo- gram of the following mixture: chloroform, 50ce.; alcohol and water, each 500ce. , 42 JOURNAL OF THE MircHeEett Society [June half hour period that the animal was under observation after the com- pletion of the operation the output of urine was 2.7 cc. Following this period of diuresis the animal became completely anuric, and with the de- velopment of the anuria the struggling and other evidences of an imper- fect anesthesia ceased. , : At the commencement of the experiment the animal had a blood pres- sure of 105 mm. of mercury, and at its termination a blood pressure of 165 mm. of mercury. At no time during the experiment was there evi- dence of any over action of the anesthetic. The animal remained com- pletely anuric to caffeine, theobromine, digitalin, 0.9 per cent sodium chlo- ride and 2 per cent sodium chloride. The experiment shows that even though an adult animal may not be completely anuric at the commence- ment of an experiment, the changes in the kidney which are inaugurated by the anesthetic, progress with the anesthesia, and that with the develop- ment of a state of satisfactory surgical anesthesia an adult animal which has been anesthetized by Gréhant’s anesthetic becomes anuric. The young animals and puppies that had been rendered ne- phritic, glycosuric, and polyuric by the same quantity of uran- ium per kilogram that was employed for the adult animals, showed after the administration of Gréhant’s anesthetic in 60 per cent strength a distinct difference in the effect of the anes- thetic on the output and composition of the urine. Although this group of young animals received the same quantity of Gréhant’s anesthetic and although they were allowed the same time in which to develop the anesthesia, they were not so completely anesthetized at the expiration of this period as were the adult animals. It was usually necessary to give these animals a small quantity of ether to complete the anesthesia. After a satisfactory state of anesthesia had been established, it was rarely necessary to administer the ether again. The ani- mals remained satisfactorily anesthetized throughout the ex- periment, which usually lasted several hours. The animals of this group show a distinct difference in the effect of the anesthetic on the urine flow. None of the members of the group were rendered anuric by the anesthetic, but, on the other hand, they were distinctly diuretic before and after the introduction of various diuretic substances. The urine of this group of diuretic animals showed after the anesthetic an increase in the quantity of glucose and in those animals in which acetone was not present in the urine 1914 | Action oF Various DivurRETICcs 43 prior to the anesthetic, after the anesthetic, acetone was in- variably present. The observation that has been made relative to the increase in the quantity of glucose in the urine after the anesthetic might be questioned on the ground that the increase in glucose was a relative rather than an absolute increase, e. g., that with the animals not so diuretic after the anesthetic as they were before the fact that the urine became more concentrated would show a rise in the percentage of glucose. To eliminate this possibility a series of normal animals were given Gréhant’s anesthetic, and the changes induced in the com- position of the urine were noted. (3) Following the anesthetic these animals developed a glycosuria, the percentage of glucose varying with the age of the animals. It seems therefore allow- able to conclude that when Gréhant’s anesthetic is given to a glycosuric animal the increase in the percentage of glucose in the urine is an absolute rather than a relative increase. The following experiment will serve to show the difference in the output and composition of the urine in a young animal from that of the previously discussed adult animals. Experiment 18. The animal was receiving 400 cc. of water daily. On the day of the experiment the output of urine was 780 cc. The urine contained 0.446 per cent glucose but no acetone. Following the anesthetic, the gluecose increased to 0.99 per cent and an acetonuria developed. At the completion of the operation this animal had a blood pressure of 111 mm. of mercury and a urine flow of 1.4 cc. per ten minute interval. During the course of the experiment, which lasted for three and a a half hours, the animal was completely anesthetized and was freely diuretic to caffeine, digitalin and 0.9 per cent sodium chloride. At the termination of the experiment the animal had a blood pressure of 118 mm. of mercury and a urine flow of 4.5 per ten minute interval. THE EFFECT OF MORPHINE-ETHER ON THE OUTPUT AND COMPOSI- TION OF THE URINE IN YOUNG AND ADULT ANIMALS The young animals which received this type of anesthetic showed but slight differences in the output and composition of the urine and in their response to diuretics from the young ani- mals receiving Gréhant’s anesthetic. The following experiment shows the similarity in the response of these animals to mor- phine-ether. tt JOURNAL OF THE MircHELt Society [June Experiment 17. The animal was completely anesthetized. Prior to the anesthetic the animal was receiving 400 cc. of water. On the day of the experiment the animal had an output of urine of 790 cc. The urine contained 0.202 per cent of glucose and was free from acetone. Fol- lowing the anesthetic the animal remained diuretic and had an output of urine of 2 cc. per ten minute interval before the use of any diuretic sub- stance. During the course of the experiment the animal remained diuretic to caffeine and digitalin. The urine collected showed an increase in glucose to 0.501 per cent. The urine contained acetone. The adult animals which were given morphine-ether differed from the adult animals receiving Gréhant’s anesthetic in that they did not become anuric, but remained responsive to the same diuretic substances which when employed in animals anes- thetized by Gréhant’s anesthetic were found to have no diuretic value. Two very old animals that were nephritic from uranium which were given morphine-ether, became anuric and the anuria was uninfluenced by caffeine, digitalin and 0.9 per cent sodium sulphate. These animals showed a pathological response on the part of the kidney which was similar to the pathology which develops in adult animals following Gréhant’s anesthetic and which renders the animal anuric. The following experiment shows the usual effect of morphine- ether as an anesthetic in adult animals: Experiment 16. The animal was receiving 500 cc. of water daily. On the day of the experiment the output of the urine was 1015 cc. The urine contained 1.22 per cent of glucose. Acetone was present. Following morphine-ether, which resulted in a complete anesthesia, the animal’ remained diuretic. During the first ten minute period, before the use of any diuretic substance, the output of urine was 3.4 cc. The animal was diuretic to both caffeine and digitalin. The urine obtained during the experiment showed an increase in glucose to 2.77 per cent. CONCLUSIONS CONCERNING THE EFFECT OF GREHANTS ANES- THETIC OF MORPHINE-ETHER UPON THE OUTPUT AND THE COMPOSITION OF THE URINE IN YOUNG AND IN ADULT DOGS NEPHRITIC FROM URANIUM 1. When given to adult animals, Gréhant’s anesthetic pro- duces a state of anuria which is uninfluenced by any of the diuretic substances that have been employed in ‘this investi- gation. a ~ 1914 | Action or Various Drurerics 45 2. When Gréhant’s anesthetic is given to young animals, the animals remain diuretic and responsive to the various diu- retic substances. The urine collected during the anesthesia shows an increase in glucose over that induced by the injections of uranium before the anesthetic. 3. Adult animals when given morphine-ether have only occa- sionally developed an anuria. The animals in our series which have developed this condition have been old animals. In the animals anuric from morphine-ether the changes in the kidney are similar to those found in the kidneys of the animals anuric from Gréhant’s anesthetic. In general, the adult animals anesthetized with morphine- ether remain diuretic and are responsive to the different diuretic substances. The urine shows an increase in the percentage of glucose. 4, The young animals anesthetized with morphine-ether have without exception remained freely diuretic throughout the ex- periments. The urine collected during the experiments has shown a slight increase in the percentage of glucose. This in- crease, however, is less than the increase observed in the adult animals under the influence of the same anesthetic. 5. In conclusion, the age of the animal apparently exerts some influence over the toxicity of the anesthetic as did the same factor influence the toxicity of the uranium prior to the anes- thetic. THE EFFICIENCY OF VARIOUS DIURETICS IN URANIUM NEPHRITIS IN ANIMALS ANESTHETIZED WITH GREHANT’S ANESTHETIC AND WITH MORPHINE-ETHER The efficiency of various diuretics in animals anesthetized with Gréhant’s anesthetic In considering the efficiency of these different diuretic sub- stances in animals anesthetized with Gréhant’s anesthetic, the nephritic animals, so far as their response to the diuretics is concerned, are found to arrange themselves into two groups: a diuretic group which is represented by the young animals; and an anuric group which consists of adult animals which had re- 46 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHett Socrery [June ceived the same quantity of the nephrotoxic substance per kilo- gram and the same amount of the anesthetic per kilogram as was received by the young animals. In these animals the following diuretic substances were em- ployed: caffeine, theobromine, digitalin, 0.9 per cent and 2 per cent sodium chloride, 0.9 per cent and 2 per cent sodium car- bonate, 0.9 per cent sodium sulphate, and 0.9 per cent lithium chloride. When these substances were employed in adult animals ne- phritic from uranium and anuric from Gréhant’s anesthetic, they had no diuretic value. After having once become anuric these animals remained anuric. The following experiments are representative of this group and demonstrate the inefficiency of substances as diuretics which in a normal animal or in a nephritic animal which has not be- come anuric, usually induce a distinct diuresis. Experiment 12. On the day of the experiment this animal had an output of urine of 980 cc. Following Gréhant’s anesthetic the animal be- came completely anuric and remained anuric throughout the experiment. Caffeine induced a rise in general blood pressure of from 125 to 140 mm, of mercury without any change in kidney blood pressure. Digitalin in- duced a rise in general blood pressure of from 130 to 140 mm. of mercury with a rise in kidney blood pressure of 6 mm. of water. Sodium carbonate in 2 per cent solution, given in the quantity of 10 cc. per kilogram, caused a rise in general blood pressure of 13 mm. of mercury and a rise in kidney blood pressure of 16 mm. of water. The animal received 175 cc. of salt solution. Experiment 7. This animal during the first half hour period of ob- servation was diuretic. Following this initial stage of diuresis the animal became completely anuric and remained anuric, uninfluenced by the diuretics. The animal’s general blood pressure varied between 105 mm. of mer- cury at the commencement of the experiment to 165 mm. of mercury at its termination. At the commencement of the experiment the oncometer showed a kidney pressure of 25.3 cm. of water and at the termination a pressure of 32 cm. Caffeine induced a rise in blood pressure of 32 mm. of mercury and a rise in oncometer pressure of 16 mm. of water. Digitalin increased the general blood pressure of 30 mm. of mercury, and the on- cometer pressure 27 mm. of water, 0.9 per cent sodium chloride, 10 cc. per kilogram gave a rise in general blood pressure of only 5 mm. of mercury, while the oncometer showed an increase in pressure of 48 mm. of water, 2 per cent sodium chloride in the quantity of 10 cc. per kilogram 1914] Action or Various Diuretics 47 caused a rise in general blood pressure of 17 mm. of mercury and a rise in kidney blood pressure of 27 mm. of water. The animal received 248 cc. of salt solution. With the employment of other diuretic solutions in this group of anuric animals, such for instance as sodium sulphate and lithium chloride in 0.9 per cent solution, the same type of re- sponse was obtained in general blood pressure changes and in the local vascular changes in the kidney as were obtained from the salt solutions just described. Neither the type of salt nor the difference in the tonicity of the solutions which were em- ployed induced any diuretic effect. The following series of animals which did not became anuric from Gréhant’s anesthetic were young animals. Prior to the anesthetic they had been rendered nephritic by the same quantity of uranium per kilogram as was received by the adult animals; and later they received the same quantity of the anes- thetic per kilogram as was received by the adult animals. With this group of animals the experiments were conducted in a manner identical with the group just discussed; the same diuretic substances were employed; and they were given to the animals in this same quantity per kilogram. The following series of animals which did not become anuric retic response of the two groups. Experiment 18. The animal before the use of a diuretic had a flow of urine of 1.4 cc. per ten minute interval. Following caffeine, which in- duced a rise in general blood pressure of 6 mm. of mercury and in on- cometer pressure of only 6 mm. of water, the urine flow increased to 2.5 ce., digitalin produced a rise in general pressure of 6 mm. of mercury and in oncometer pressure of 15 mm. of water. The urine flow was in- creased from 1.1 to 1.7 cc. per ten minute interval, following 0.9 per cent sodium chloride, which induced practically no change in general blood pressure but a rise in kidney blood pressure of 23 mm. of water; the urine flow increased from 2 to 4.5 cc. A comparative study of these two groups of experiments in which the animals received Gréhant’s anesthetic and in which one group becomes anuric and fails to respond to diuretics, while the other group does not become anuric and does respond to diuretics, fails to show any variations in the changes in general blood pressure which could account for the difference in the out- put of urine. 48 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHELt Socrety [ June The changes in the oncometer pressure in the two groups show that the kidney vessels are responsive to substances acting peripherally on these vessels and that they also respond to changes in the general circulation. A general analysis, how- ever, of the pressure changes in the kidney induced by the dif- ferent diuretics in the two groups of animals shows that in the diuretic animals the changes in the kidney pressure are usually more pronounced than they are in the anuric animals. At the present time experiments are being conducted with the object in view of determining whether or not there is any constant differ- ence in the vascular response of the kidney vessels in the two types of animals. The difference in the renal pathology of animals anuric and diuretic following Gréhant’s anesthetic In conducting the pathological study of the kidneys from these two types of animals every precaution was employed to eliminate sources of error by using several fixing fluids for the tissue from each experiment and by adhering to a uniform stain- ing technique. Tissue was fixed in 10 per cent formaline, Zenker’s fluid, and in corrosive-acetic. The formaline and Zenker fixed tissue was imbedded in cellodin, while the corrosive-acetic fixed tissue was imbedded in paraffin. Cellodin sections were cut varying be- tween 10 to 15 micra while the paraffin sections used for the comparative study were 6 to 8 micra in thickness. The stains employed were haematoxylin and erosin. In addition to this, frozen sections were made and stained for fat by Herxheimer’s Scharlach R. method. As has been clearly shown by Bullard (4) fat proplets in considerable number may be demonstrated by this stain, when Herxheimer’s modification is used, which would be missed by the simple alcoholic solutions of Scharlach R. and of Sudan. III. The following pathological report should be considered as a summary of the essential differences in the kidneys of these two two types of animals. A detailed discussion of the pathology will be published elsewhere. In adult animals which had been rendered nephritic by uran- ee ee eee 1914 | Action or Various Diuretics 49 ium and killed by shooting, so as to eliminate the effect of the anesthetic, the kidney shows in the gross a severe congestion of the outer cortex and of the medulla. Between the cortico- medullary boundary zone and the superficial portion of the cor- tex there is a mid zone which appears distinctly pale as con- trasted with other portions of the kidney. In young animals which have been subjected to a similar ex- perimental technique, this pale zone of the cortex is either ab- sent, or is much less pronounced, while in general the cut sur- face of the kidney appears uniformly and severely congested. The histological study of tissue from the kidneys of these two groups of animals which have not received an anesthetic shows a vascular reaction which is manifested by an engorgement of the glomerular vessels, but without any intro-glomerular or inter- tubular exudate. The epithelium of the tubules shows a shrink- age which gives to the lumen of the tubules an unusual promi- nence (figure 1 and 2). Thus far the grosser pathological changes in the two groups of animals are similar. The changes, however, differ very strikingly in this respect. The adult ani- mals show a high degree of fatty degeneration in the tubules of the medullary rays and in the distal convoluted tubules, while tissue from the kidneys of the young animals show this fatty change to a much less extent, though when it develops the same tubules are involved. This is one of the striking differences in the pathological response of these two groups of animals. When adult animals and young animals are anesthetized by the same quantity of Gréhant’s anesthetic per kilogram, the gross and microscopic pathology of the kidneys shows the fol- lowing differences. In the adult animals the cut surface of the kidney does not show such a severe congestion and the mid-cortical zone of pale- ness has perceptibly increased in distinctness and extent. The microscopic study shows that the fatty changes which have been induced by the uranium have been very greatly increased by the anesthetic and that the pale zone of the cortex is, in part, due to these changes. As a result of the effect of the enesthetic the epithelium of the tubules of the labyrinth, especially the 50 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIeTy [ June proximal convoluted tubules, has become acutely swollen, with a part or complete occlusion of the tubular lumen. The epi- thelium is in various stages of degeneration and necrosis (fig. 3). The rapidity with which this swelling develops is remark- able. Tn the kidneys of the young animals following Gréhant’s anes- thetic, the same type of changes are induced, but to a much less extent. Thus there develops in the cortex a pale zone which is much less extensive than in adult animals and microscopically the fatty changes in this zone are found to be less pronounced. Equally noticeable as the difference in the fat content (micro- scopically demonstrable) is the difference in the degree of involvement of the tubules of the labyrinth. In the young ani- mals which have remained diuretic the severe grade of swelling of the epithelium which was so noticeable in the adult animals is comparatively slight or absent (fig. 4). The difference in the renal pathology of animals anuric and diu- retic following morphine-ether With two exceptions these animals following morphine-ether remained diuretic. The diuretic group was composed of both young and adult animals. In this group uranium induced the same type of changes as have been described in the animals which were given Gréhant’s anesthetic. When, however, morphine-ether was em- ployed as the anesthetic, the fatty changes which had been in- duced by the uranium were not increased to a degree comparable to the increase in these changes which followed Gréhant’s anes- thetic, and also the acute swelling of the epithelium of the tubules of the labyrinth was either absent or much less marked (fig. 5). The exceptions to this statement are found in two animals which were very old; and these animals following morphine- ether showed a pathological response on the part of the kidney which was comparable to the pathology seen in the kidneys of the adult animals which received Gréhant’s anesthetic, and like these animals they were rendered anuric. bo ' j » * ly y a | hl é ‘ Ps , « Ey ala " H , = eee oe A TI RE I I a ee a Po etn _ 1914 | Acrion or Various Diuretics 51 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL DATA The metabolic disturbance which is induced by uranium and which in part is characterized by the development of a glyco- suria is usually explained by assuming that this substance like hydroeyanic acid induces the glycosuria by lessening internal respiration. In the experiments conducted by Chittenden and Hutchinson (5) on the influence of uranium salts upon the activity of cer- tain ferments they were able to show that the nitrate exerted an inhibitory effect upon the ferment action of saliva and of pepsin. This inhibition was induced by the nitrate in very high dilu- tions. An inhibitory effect on the ferment action of saliva was brought about with dilutions of the salt in 0.0001 to 0.003 per cent. strength while the inhibition of the protelytic action of pepsin required the use of the salt in stronger solutions. The action of this ferment was inhibited when uranium nitrate was used in the strength of 0.01 per cent, and all action ceased when the strength of the solution increased to 0.5 per cent. It is possible that uranium nitrate exerts a similar inhibi- tory effect upon the action of the oxidative enzymes of the eell, and that through this action internal respiration, even in the presence of abundant oxygen, is interfered with. The lessened oxidation so induced would explain the glycosuria that is constantly seen following uranium injections. Granting that such a hypothetical explanation for the uran- ium glycosuria be true, the experiments which have been con- ducted in this investigation would tend to show that the oxi- dative capacity of the young animals is greater than that of the adult animals, for when these two groups of animals have received uranium nitrate in the same quantity per kilogram the percentage of glucose in the urine of the young animals is much less than is the percentage in the urine of the adult animals. | When we consider the unusual demand for activated oxy- gen which likely exists in the tissues of rapidly growing young animals, we see that such an assumption concerning | | | Or 52 JOURNAL OF THE MircHett Society [ June the relative oxidative capacity of young and adult animals is not especially visionary. In addition to the evidence of a disturbed metabolism that is manifested by the appearance of glucose in the urine, the use of uranium also induces fatty changes in the kidney and in the liver. So far as their severity is concerned these changes bear the same relation to the age of the animal as was seen to exist for the percentage of glucose in the urine. The fatty changes in the liver and in the kidney are much more pronounced in the adult animals than they are in the young animals. When these nephritic and glycosuric animals are given an anesthetic, those changes, of whatever origin they may be, which have been induced by the uranium injections become greatly augmented. The percentage of glucose in the urine is increased, the fatty changes in the kidney and in the liver are more marked, and the nephritis is so increased in severity that certain of the animals rapidly develop an anuria. These changes which are induced by the anesthetic are also influenced by the age of the animal, and they are found to be more pronounced in the adult animals than they are in the young animals. An observation similar to this has been made by Whipple (6), who was able to show that chloroform in- duced but slight fatty degeneration and liver necrosis in young pups, while in adults a marked central hyaline necrosis of the liver was induced. Not only does the age of the animals influence the severity of the action of the anesthetic, but the type of anesthetic em- ployed also aids in determining the severity of its effect. Of the two anesthetics which were used in the experiments, Gréhant’s anesthetic gave more evidence of being toxic and had more effect in increasing the severity of the nephritis and in establishing a condition of anuria. The active anesthetic ingredients in Gréhant’s anesthetic are chloroform and alcohol, and from the observation which has just been made, it would appear that of the two anes- thetics, Gréhant’s and morphine-ether, Gréhant’s which con- 1914| Action or Various Diuretics 53 tains choloform and alcohol is far more toxic in a nephritis than ether. This would be especially true in those nephri- tides in which the parenchymatous element of the kidney is principally involved. A study of the response of the nephritic kidney to diuretics, shows that the efficiency of a given diuretic very largely de- pends upon the age of the animal, and upon the anesthetic which has been employed. Thus young and adult animals nephritic from uranium, when anesthetized with morphine- ether, remain diuretic to the substances which have been used in the experiments. The same statement holds true for the young animals which were anesthetized with Gréhant’s anes- thetic. When, however, an adult animal nephritic from uran- ium is anesthetized with Gréhant’s anesthetic the animal be- comes anuric and remains refractory to the diuretic substances which have induced a free diuresis in the other animals. A similar condition of anuria with a failure to respond to the diuretics has been observed in two old animals anesthetized with morphine-ether. The renal pathology which is characteristic of this anuric group consists in a rapid swelling and necrosis of the epi- thelium, especially of the proximal convoluted tubules. A physiological study of this anuric group shows that the anuria is not dependent upon a general condition of low blood pressure. The degree of response of the renal vessels to sub- stances acting locally in the kidney and through changes in the general blood pressure is certainly sufficient to influence diuresis in a normal kidney. When compared with the de- gree of response on the part of the renal vessels in the diuretic animals, it would appear that it was sutticient to induce diuresis in these anuric animals. In the anuric group however, with the pronounced swelling of the epithelium which is constantly present, the quantity of blood reaching the glomeruli and the rate of blood flow through the kidney must be to some extent interfered with. This is likely a part of the explanation for the anuria. With this cause for the anuria in mind, in these animals 54 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELt Society [June which had remained anuric to diuretics, such as caffeine and 0.9 per cent sodium chloride, hypertonic salt solutions were employed with the object in view of inducing a shrinkage of the swollen cells and by removing any obstruction to the renal circulation and at the same time by removing any mechanical obstruction to the flow of the urine through the partly or com- pletely occluded tubules to induce a diuresis. When such hypertonic solutions were used, it was found pos- sible to induce a shrinkage of the epithelium (fig. 6). With such a change in the size of the epithelial cells which would tend to decrease the volume of the kidney, the oncometer showed an increase in kidney volume. ~This rise in kidney pressure is likely due to the dilator effect of the hypertonic solutions on the renal vessels. With this change in the ves- sels, increasing the quantity of blood reaching the kidney and with the epithelium shrunken the circulation through the kidney should be distinctly, improved. Even through such a change in the renal circulation had apparently been induced, the animals remained anuric. Whether or not we have in this anuric type of nephritis, as suggested by Pearce (7), a condition of the vessels which allows dilatation, but in which the vessels are so influenced by the anesthetic as to cause de- creased glomerular permeability, it 1s difficult to say. In three animals of this anuric group the use of salt solu- tion caused a well marked inter-tubular exudate to be pro- duced. ‘This observation would tend to decrease the proba- bility of Pearce’s explanation for the anuria, for it shows that some of the vessels are permeable to salt solution. The salt solutions were also employed as diuretics for the purpose of renderering the blood more hydremic and at the same time of decreasing its viscidity. These changes in the blood had no effect in re-establishing a urine flow. In conclusion, it would appear that in a uranium nephritis when following an anesthetic the epithelium becomes severely damaged, the animal develops an anuria uninfluenced by diu- retics which increase the efficiency of the vascular mechanism 1914] Action oF Vartous Diuretics 55 of the kidney, and which so alter the composition of the blood as to favor diuresis. The investigation would, therefore, tend to favor the con- ception of the kidney’s activity being more dependent upon the secretory capacity of its cells than upon any mechanical conception of the action of the vascular mechanism of the kidney. CONCLUSIONS 1. Im dogs in which an acute nephritis has resulted from the subcutaneous administration of uravium nitrate in the dose of 6.7 mes. per kilogram the severity of the nepritis, of the elycosuria, and of the polyuria is influenced by the age of the animal. ‘The changes in the kidney and in the urine are more marked in adult animals than they are in young animals and in puppies. 2. When such nephritic, glycosuric, and polyuric animals are anesthetized by Gréhant’s anesthetic or by morphine-ether, the severity of the nephritis is increased, and the output and compo- sition of the urine is changed. 8. The increase in the severity of the nephritis is more marked from the use of Gréhant’s anesthetic, the active anes- thetic ingredients of which are chloroform and alcohol, than from morphine-ether. 4. In addition to the fact that the type of anesthetic influ- ences the renal pathology the age of the animal also aids in determining the severity of the changes. The changes are more pronouncel in adult and old animals than in young animals and puppies. 5. Following the anesthetic these nephritic animals either be- come anuric or remain diuretic. 6. In the anuric group, which is principally represented by the adult animals which have received Gréhant’s anesthetic, the condition of anuria is influenced by various diuretics. 7. The failure of this group to respond to diuretics is: more likely due to the destruction of the epithelium of the kidney than to any physiological or anatomical change in the vascular element of the kidney. 56 JOURNAL OF THE MitrcHett Society [ June 8. Those animals that following the anesthetic are not ren- dered anuric are responsive to the same diuretic substances which in the anuric group have been shown to have no diuretic value. 9. In this diuretic group of animals, regardless of whether the anesthesia has been induced by Gréhant’s anesthetic or by mor- phine-ether, the epithelial involvement of the kidney is much less severe than in the anuric group. In conclusion I desire to acknowledge my indebtedness to Dr. J. P. Jones for his valuable aid in conducting the experiments. Cuare, Hut, N. C. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) MacNider: Jour. of Pharm. and Exper. Ther., iii, 4, March, 1912. (2) Benedict: Journ. of Amer. Med. Assoc., lvii, 15, October 7, 1911. (3) MacNider: Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., x, 3, 1913. (4) Bullard: Journ. of Med. Research, xxvii, 1, 1912. (5) Chittenden and Hutchinson: Trans. Conn. Acad. of Arts and Sci. vii, p. 261. (6) Whipple: Journ. of Exper. Med., xv, 3, 1912. (7) Pearce, Hill and Eisenbrey: Journ. of Exper. Med., xii, 2, 1910. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1. Kidney of an adult animal, nephritic, glycosuric and polyuric from uranium. The epithelium is shrunken and gives to the lumen of the tu- bules undue prominence. The epithelium shows an early vacuolation. The glomerular vessels fill the capsular space. The tubules contain granu- lar detritus. 2. Kidney of a puppy, nephritic, glycosuric and polyuric from uranium. The changes in general are similar to those seen in figure 1. 3. Kidney of an adult animal following Gréhant’s anesthetic given in 60 per cent strength. Prior to the anesthetic the animal was excessively poly- uric. Following the anesthetic, within forty minutes, the animal became completely anuric. The figure shows the acute swelling of the epithelium with an occlusion of the lumen of the tubules. The epithelium of the be- ginning of the collecting tubules is spared. These tubules remain open. The glomerular vessels do not fill the capsular space. This figure should be compared with figs. 1 and 4. 4. Kidney of a puppy following Gréhant’s anesthetic. The animal had been rendered nephritic with the same quantity of uranium per kilogram as had been used for the adult animal, figure 3. The puppy was anes- thetized with the same quantity of Gréhant’s anesthetic per kilogram as was the adult animal. The figure shows the absence of epithelial involve- 1914 | Action oF Vartrous Diuretics 57 ment. The tubules are not occluded. The glomerular vessels fill the capsular space. The animal was freely diuretic. 5. Kidney of an adult animal following morphine-ether as an anesthetic, nephritic from uranium. The animal remained freely diuretic. The figure shows the absence of the acute swelling of the epithelium, which was the most characteristic change in the figure from the adult animal anesthetized with Gréhant’s anesthetic. 6. Partial shrinkage of the epithelium in an adult anuric animal from the use of hypertonic salt solution. The epithelium is in an advanced stage of degeneration. The glomerular vessels fill and distend the capsule and are histologically well preserved. The animal remained anuric. CuHaper Hirt, N. C. JOURNAL ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIG SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH CAROLINA - ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Held at Trinity College, Durham, N. C., Friday and Saturday, May 1 and 2, 1914 The Executive Committee, President Sherman and Secre- tary Gudger, ex officio, and Messrs. C. S. Brimley, W. C. Coker, and J. J. Wolfe present, met at 2:30 P. M. Friday, May 1. The secretary made his annual report of the finances and membership of the Academy and this was recommended favorably to the Academy at its annual business meeting. The following were elected to membership: (1) Wm. Battle Cobb, Soil Scientist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. (2) OC. M. Farmer, Professor of Natural Science, Atlantic Christian College, Wilson. (3) E. Osear Randolph, Assistant in Geology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. (4) Henry Roland Totten, Assistant in Botany, Univer- sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The invitation of the President and Faculty of Wake Forest College that the Academy hold its fourteenth annual meeting as the guest of that institution was unanimously accepted. An amendment to the constitution adding the vice-president to the list of ea officio members of the Executive Committee was offered by C. S. Brimley, discussed by the Committee, and recommended to the favorable consideration of the Academy. The Committee then adjourned. 60 JouRNAL oF THE MitrcHety Society [August At 3 P. M. President Sherman called the Academy to order and appointed the following committees: Nominating, H. V. Wilson, W. C. Coker, W. H. Pegram; Auditing, C. W. Ed- wards, J. D. Ives, and R. W. Collett; Resolutions, C. S. Brim- ley, Z. P. Metcalf, and W. N. Hutt. The reading and discussion of papers was then begun and continued until adjournment was had at 6 P. M., when 11 num- bers had been disposed of. In attendance were 23 members and a number of visitors. The academy reconvened at 8 P. M. in the Y. M. C. A. Hall, when, after a hearty welcome to Trinity College from Dean W. I. Cranford, President Franklin Sherman, Jr., of the Academy, gave his presidential address on the subject “‘ Studies of the Animal Life of our State with Suggestions for a Biolog- ical Survey (illustrated by numerous charts). Next, Professor A. H. Patterson delivered a lecture ‘‘The Gyroscope and Its Modern Applications,” illustrated with some fine apparatus. Then Mr. Bert Cunningham gave a striking demonstration of the new Nitrogen Tungsten lamp, showing it in comparison with the ordinary Tungsten and Carbon lamps consuming the same amount of current. Following this the faculty of Trinity College entertained the Academy at a much enjoyed smoker. At 9 A. M. Saturday the Academy met in annual business meeting, with the President in the chair, and some 20 members present. The proceedings of last meeting were read and ap- proved, and the report of the Secretary and Executive Com- mittee were called for. Mr. Brimley’s amendment to the con- stitution, Art. III, Sec. 1, was adopted. This now reads: “|. . and an Executive Committee of s7x, including the Pres- ident, Vice-President, Secretary,” the italicized words indicat- ing the change and the addition. The Auditing Committee reported the books and accounts, and the financial statement of the Secretary-Treasurer to be correct. The Secretary-Treasurer then read his itemized finan- cial statement which is included herewith and showed that the current dues are insufficient to carry the current expenses of the 1914 | Procrepines N. C. AcapEMY oF SCIENCE 61 Academy and that it is now necessary to draw every year on the savings bank account. ‘There was some discussion with regard to an amendment to the Constitution increasing the dues but it was finally decided to let the matter go over until next year. Chairman Brimley of the Resolutions Committee, reported the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted: Resolved; (1). That we express our sincere appreciation of the many courtesies and generous hospitality extended to us by the Faculty of Trinity College; (2). That we commend our efficient Secretary for his zeal and assiduity in the performance of his duties; (3). That we ex- press our approval of the recommendations of our President for a Bio- logical Survey of the State and suggest that all our members co-operate in gathering data to further that end. The Nominating Committee submitted its report and officers were unanimously elected as follows: President, J. J. Wolfe, Professor of Biology, Trinity College, Durham. Vice-President, A. H. Patterson, Professor of Physics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Secretary-Treasurer, E. W. Gudger, Professor of Biology, State Normal College, Greensboro. Executive Committee: W. N. Hutt, Horticulturist, State Department of Agriculture, Raleigh; J. H. Pratt, State Geologist, Chapel Hill; W. A. Withers, Chief Chemist, North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, West Raleigh. Chairman Edwards, of the committee appointed in 1912 and continued last year, brought forward the following report on ventilation of public buildings: “ Resolved, that the North Carolina Academy of Science recommends that legislation be enacted specifying the minimum standard of ventilation in schools, public auditoriums, and penal institutions in North Carolina and that this committee be authorized to submit to the proper legislative committee all data accumulated by it concern- ing this matter.” This was so ordered. The question of changing the time of the annual meeting was raised and discussed. Some of the members thought it better to have it earlier in the spring, increasing the time between the meetings and the commencements of the colleges; others advo- 62 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHELL Society [August cated having it in the fall about Thanksgiving. Finally, how- ever, the matter was left in abeyance until the next meeting. The Secretary reported that on January 1st, 1913, there were 81 members; that during the year 15 were lost by with- drawals, removals from the state, and non-payment of dues; and that 12 new members were elected; the number at the be- ginning of the year 1914 being 78. At 9:45 the reading of papers was resumed and continued until all were finished and adjournment was had at 12:30. There were 30 papers on the program, of which only two were read by title, the others being given by their authors. The membership of the Academy at the present time is as follows—those present at the meeting being indicated by a *: Allen, W. M.; Balcomb, E. E.; Booker, Warren H.; Boomhour, J. G.; *Brimley, C. S.; Brimley, H. H.; Bruner, S. C.; Cain, William; Clapp, S. C.; *Cobb, Collier: Cobb; Wim., B.; ‘Coker; R:-H,; *#@oker, Wee *Collett, R. W.; *Cunningham, Bert; Dixon, A. A.; Downing, J. S.; *Edwards, C. W.; *Farmer, C. M.; *Fulton, H. R.; *George, W. C.; Gove, Anna M.; *Gudger, E. W.; Hammel, W. C. A.; Harding, W. T.; Herty, C. H.; Hobbs, A. Wilson; Hoffmann, S. W.; Holmes, J. S.; Holmes, J. A.; *Hutt, W. N.; *Ives, J. D.; Kilgore, B. W.; Lanneau, J. F.; *Lay, George W.; Lewis, R. H.; McIver, Mrs. Chas. D.; MacNider, W. de B.; *Markham, C. B.; Mendenhall, Gertrude W.; *Metcalf, C. L.; *Metcalf, Z. P.; Mills, J. E.; Newman, C. L.; *Norton, W. C.; *Patterson, A. H.; *Pegram, W. H.; Poteat, W. L.; *Pratt, J. H.; Radcliffe, Lewis; Ragsdale, Virginia; *Randolph, E. Oscar; Rankin, W. S.; Robinson, Mary; *Sherman, Franklin, Jr.; Shore, C. A.; *Smith, J. E.; Stiles, C. W.; Strong, Cora; *Totten, Henry R.; Venable, F. P.; Wheeler, A. S.; Williams, I, F.; *Wilson, H. V.; *Wilson, R. N.; Winters; Rees. Withers, W. A.; *Wolfe, J. J. In addition to the presidential address, which is published in full in this number, the following papers were presented : a 1914 | Procrrepines N. C. AcapEMY oF SCIENCE 63 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY OF CHAPEL HILL, N. C. AND VICINITY. Joun E. Smiru GENERALIZED SECTION oF MANTLE Rock, MSO hop soil, ted to'gray or black........2...cc+s ces I to 3 feet 2. Subsoil, fine, somewhat compact, red to yellow clay...... 3 to 10 feet au@lay, coarse and lumpy, with some sand................- 5 to 20 feet 4. “Natural Sand-Clay,” feldspar, quartz, sand and clay....10 to 20 feet 5. Fragmental Rock, angular, decayed, size 2 to 4 inches....10 to 20 feet 6. Fragmental Rock, coarser and fresher than that in 5.... 5 to 15 feet 7. Granite, “Bed Rock,” “Country Rock.” This region serves as a type for Piedmont areas in which granite is the underlying rock—about one-third of the Piedmont Belt. Zone No. I is the surface soil of the upland and is used in agriculture and in road building. No. 2 provides clay suitable for brick and tile. As the topography is mature and these zones have been removed by ero- sion from much of the area, the value of the land is low. The material of zone 4 makes good sand-clay roads. This is approximately horizontal and outcrops on the slopes where valleys have been cut below its depth. Stream sand is used in making mortar and in road construction. This mantle rock forms an excellent filter and most wells in it are free from contamination. Excepting the mountain region, these are the most healthful areas in the South. AN ACHLYA OF HYBRID (?) ORIGIN W. C. Coxer. An Achlya was described from Chapel Hill, N. C. with pecularities that suggest a hybrid origin. The tips of the hyphae often die and the growth is then extended as a side branch below the dead tip. The spores show a strong tendency to poor organization, the protoplasm often segregating only imperfectly, and producing irregular masses of various sizes. The same is true of the eggs, which are of any size and almost never become perfectly organized, and die quickly. The plant seems most like Achlya polyandra Hildeband, but differs from it in the walls of the oogonia being pitted and in the abnormal behavior of the eggs. It is suggested that the plant may be a hybrid between A. DeBaryana Humphrey and A. apiculata DeBary. THE NURSE SHARKS OF BOCA GRANDE CAY, FLORIDA. E. W. Gupcer. Boca Grande Cay is an island of coral sand and mangroves lying about 20 miles west of Key West. Situated on a shallow submarine platform, about 120° of its circumference is surrounded by sand flats inhabited 64 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHEty Society [August largely by sting rays. Another 140° of its circumference is bounded by a shallow gently sloping rock bottom on which the water a half mile from shore will not be over a man’s shoulders. On this rocky bottom, the nurse sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum, come out to bask in the sun, to play, to breed, and possibly to feed. Here they are found in large numbers. A dozen can be seen at almost any time, and 33 have been counted in the sweep of the eye. These sharks in looks and habits much remind one of well fed pigs in a barnyard. They are much broader in the pectoral region than ordinary sharks, are sluggish in their movements, and are comparatively unafraid of man. They frequently lie in water so shallow that their dorsals project above the surface, and a number of times they allowed the boat to drift down over them and strike their fins before they would move. They lie with heads on each others pectorals or tails, or one will have his snout elevated on another’s flank, or they will lie heads and tails together or in a confused herd. Here again this similarity in habits to barnyard pigs is very noticeable. Further they often swim one after another to the number of three or four in an aimless fashion, each one following the purposeless turnings of its leader. They are perfectly harmless. Their mouths are small and filled with small pointed teeth. They are omniverous in feeding, like most sharks, but their food seems chiefly to be crustacean, probably consisting of the large spiny “crawfish” common on the reef and on rocky bottom of any kind. Under the circumstances noted above, there is, of course, no difficulty in killing these sharks. Ordinarily shark fishing is good sport, but kill- ing nurse sharks is no more exciting than sticking pigs in a barnyard. Indeed the Key West fishermen contemptuously speak of them as “Nurses”, and of the other sharks as “sharks”. Work on the habits and embryology of this shark is being carried on under the auspices of the Marine Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington situated at Tortugas and will be continued this summer. FLOWERS AND SEED DEVELOPMENT OF SPECULARIA PERFOLIATA. H. R. Torren anv J. A. McKay. There are two kinds of flowers, conspicuous open ones with normal corollas and small bud-like flowers that never open. The last or cleist- ogamic flowers were described carefully by von Mohl, as long ago as 1863. It is the object of this paper to give the development of the seeds in the cleistogamic flowers. The seeds are of the same size and appearance as those borne in the open flowers. Four megaspores are formed and 1914 | Procrepines N. C. AcapemMy or ScrENCcE 65 the embryo-sac develops from the lower one. It is surrounded by a single nucellar layer and one thick integument. The endosperm nucleus forms a cellular endosperm from the first division. The young endosperm sends out a knob-like haustorium of one or two cells at each end. The suspensor of the embryo grows up into the micropylar haustorium, to some extent, forming a small enlarged knob there. As the seed grows the haustoria are encroached upon and destroyed. STUDIES IN THE TOXICITY OF COTTONSEED MEAL W. A. Wirue_rs, R. S. Curtis anp G. A. Roperts About one-hundred and seventy-five hogs were fed upon cottonseed meal or some fraction of it. The swine died in every case after eat- ing the meal for periods ranging on average from 59 to 96 days. Twenty- two rabbits fed on cottonseed meal died on average of 13 days. With different solvents used, the extract was usually nontoxic and the residue usually toxic. Green feed, liberal exercise and ashes seemed to be of some aid to pigs in overcoming the toxic effect of Cottonseed meal. Treatment of the meal with an alcoholic alkali rendered the meal non-toxic to rabbits. Citrate of iron and ammonia was effective with rabbits and ferrous sulphate was effective with swine as an antidote to the toxicity of cotton- seed meal. THE LOCUST TREE CARPENTER MOTH, A FORMIDABLE PARASITE OF THE OAK. J. J. Wore. In February, 1911, a white oak about fourteen inches in diameter, on the campus of Trinity College was seen to be severely injured as a result of the boring habits of what proved to be the larvae of Pryonoxys- tus robiniae, commonly known as the locust tree carpenter moth. The tree was cut and sections of the trunk split into two pieces. Numerous winding tunnels were found throughout the heart and sap wood of the trunk and larger limbs. From these were collected fourteen larvae of three distinct sizes—a fact supporting the view that the insect requires three years for its development. A portion of the trunk near the ground was riddled with holes—points of exit—in which wood destroying fungi had established themselves and threatened the destruction of the tree. The insect attacks several trees of the street, park and forest. Its habits render it a formidable pest. Means for its control on any large scale are at present wanting, but sporadic occurrences in trees of streets and parks might possibly be held in check by injecting into these tunnels a volatile poison and then plugging them with some waxy sub- stance. 66 JOURNAL oF THE MircHetyi Society [August THE PECAN TWIG GIRDLER. C. L. METCALF. A detailed account of the egg-laying habits of Oncideres cingulata Say. The preliminary and supplementary maneuvers habitually performed (which result in the severing of numerous twigs from the tree in which the eggs are laid); with a brief account of the life-history, economic importance and methods of control of the pest in commercial pecan orchards. A ROUGH METHOD OF RECORDING SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION. C. S. BRIMLEY. The method I am about to describe is not meant to take the place of full records or complete data with regard to any group of living things in which one is particularly interested, but rather to provide a conven- ient means of summarising such records and also to record data con- cerning animals or plants in which one is less interested and therefore is not likely to take much trouble about. The method is briefly this, rule the left-hand pages of a blank book into 12 vertical columns, leaving enough space on the left for the names of the species to be recorded, and leaving the right hand page blank for any additional data. At the head of these twelve columns write the abbreviations, Jan., Feb., Mar., Apl., May., Jun., Jly., Aug., Sep , Oct., Noy., Dec., and when you have a record to make of a species, record it by the appropriate letter of the month in the column for that month, J. standing for early January, a for middle January, n for late January and so on, “early” signifying from the first to tenth inclusive, middle for from eleventh to twentieth, late from twenty-first to end of month. I have hundreds of species of insects recorded in this way and the rec- ords are both easy of access and very serviceable when one wishes to find at what period of the year any particular insect is likely to occur. Of course, separate records could be kept for each year and should, of course, be kept for different localities, but as a matter of course such a system would necessarily come into use mainly for the locality in which one spends the greater part of one’s time. SOME RARE PLANTS AND SINGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS IN NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. CoKEr. Announcement was made of the addition of a new tree to the flora of North Carolina. The Pin Oak (Quercus palustris DuRoi.) was found near Chapel Hill by Mr. J. S. Holmes, State Forester, in the fall of 1913. Rhododendron catawbiense Michx., supposed to be confined in this 1914, | Procrrepines N. C. AcapEMY oF SCIENCE 67 state to the tops of the highest mountains, was reported as growing at Chapel Hill, Hillsboro, and other places in Orange county, and stranger still at Cary (near Raleigh), and even at Selma which is well within the coastal plain. Venus’ Fly Trap (\Dionaea muscipula Ellis.). Evidence as to distri- bution of this remarkable plant was reviewed and it was concluded that that species is distributed from Buckville, S. C., to New Bern, N. C., and westward along the Cape Fear River to Fayetteville. The tuberous variety of Tall Meadow Oat grass (Arrhenatherum ela- tius (L,) Beauv., var. bulbosum) was exhibited from Chapel Hill. This is a recent introduction from Europe where it is known as a trouble- some weed. Within the last three years the U. S. Department of Agri- culture has received it occasionally from Virginia to Georgia. Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus L,.) was shown to be a troublesome weed in Chapel Hill grain fields. Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq. This is found to be one of the rar- est shrubs in North Carolina, and known with certainty only from Chapel Hill. THE LAWN PROBLEM IN THE SOUTH. W. C. Coker AND FE. O. RANDOLPH. This paper attempts to find some way of solving the hard problem of lawn making in the South. Observations were made on many lawns, with various conditions of soil, exposure and care, to determine the grasses and weeds actually present. About six of the most promising grasses were carefully studied to determine their value and use as lawn cover. Exhibits were made in trays of good sods formed by these six grasses, and also of some of the worst lawn weeds. No abstracts have been received for the following papers: Movements of Plants—J. D. Ives. A Report on Local Protozoa—Z. P. Metcalf. By Raft and Portage—A Study in Early Transportation in North Caro- lina—Collier Cobb. The Case of the Riparian Owner—R. N. Wilson. Some Philippine Sponges—H. V. Wilson. Economic Minerals in the Pegmatite Dikes of Western North Carolina —J. H. Pratt. The Sclerotinia Disease of Clovers and Alfalfa—H. R. Fulton. The Use of Home-made Models as an Aid in Teaching Embryology— W. C. George. — 68 JOURNAL oF THE MitcHeELy Society [August Electrical Conduction of Flowing Mercury—V. L. Chrisler, presented by A. H. Patterson. Microscopic Demonstration of Protozoan Spores, Used as Proof of Contamination of Food with Human Excrement—C. W. Stiles. Some Recent Developments in the Theory of X-Rays—C. W. Edwards. The Gyroscope and its Modern Applications (with a demonstration)— A. H. Petterson. The Coggins Gold Mine—J. H. Pratt. Geology in Relation to the Location of Highways in North Carolina— Collier Cobb. The Corn Bill Bug—Z. P. Metcalf. A Peculiar Case of Freezing—R. N. Wilson. The Nitrogen Tungsten Lamp—Bert Cunningham. E. W. Guncer. Secretary STUDIES OF THE ANIMAL LIFE OF NORTH CARO- LINA WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR A BIOLOGICAL SURVEY* FRANKLIN SHERMAN, JR. When it became known to me that the North Carolina Acad- emy of Science, at its last meeting (which I did not attend) had made the mistake of thrusting upon me the presidential honors for this session,—one of the first questions that arose in my mind was as to the topic, subject-matter and method of presenta- tion of the annual address. I have had special misgivings upon this subject because of the fact that my immediate predecessor, Mr. ©. S. Brimley, has tastes and views so similar to my own, that I feared that the thoughts which I might present would bear almost too close a resemblance to his. It is already known to some of you that Mr. Brimley and myself have been for some years accumulating records, data, and specimens bearing upon the occurrence and distribution of the native animals of the state. At our meeting in Greensboro in 1908 we presented a joint paper on the Life Zones of the state. Both of us have (both at these meetings and in technical journals) presented lists and data bearing on this topic, and Mr. Brimley’s Presidential Ad- dress a year ago upon the subject of ‘ Zoo-geography ” laid further emphasis upon this subject. In the hope that through the activities of the Academy, the individuals thereof, and the institutions represented in its mem- bership, we may be able to place these and related studies on a better footing, and in the further hope that the topic may carry some measure of interest to our visitors on this occasion, I now venture to open the subject of this address. When any person, scientist or layman, has his interest aroused by any new, strange or interesting plant or animal, among the first and most natural questions are these: What is its name? Does it normally live and thrive in this locality ? Where else does it occur? At what seasons are its activities evi- * Presidential Address before the North Carolina Academy of Science, Durham, N. C., May 1, 1914. (69) 6 70 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHELL SocretTy [August dent? Is it really rare? What are its economic relations, that is, is 1t beneficial, or harmful, or merely neutral? And if is neutral, or practically so, on which side of the balance would its weight be felt if it should in future increase to excessive num- bers ? These are logical and reasonable questions, and such as the public might expect biologists to be able to answer. Yet at present this information in any detail at least, is lacking for the majority of our native animals. North Carolina is not poorer in this respect than most other states, but it wuold seem to be a reasonable ambition to assemble and publish such facts and data, as would give us some reliable source for reference on such matters. A very little sincere study will show any student that the general public has little or no really definite knowledge to offer on these questions. For example, among our native ani- mals no group is more appreciated than the birds, yet if we ask even an intelligent layman to name the birds which he positively knows at sight, we will find that his list is pitifully scant, and his knowledge of these few indefinite. Even our favorite Mock- ing-bird is often confused with the Logger-head Shrike, a bird whose habits are totally different and which resembles the Mocker only in superficial appearance. A single female of the Rusty Blackbird would certainly often pass as a “ Catbird,” the whole group of dull-colored but interesting and important Spar- rows pass by such indefinite and misleading names as “ bush sparrows” and “ field birds,’ and the large family of Wood- warblers, which is the most gaily colored group of all and one of the most abundant in individuals and species,—is scarcely known at all except to bird students. And if this is true in the field of Ornithology, which is one of the most popular of all the branches of Biology, how much more is it true of the other branches, especially those which deal with the so-called “lower” and more obscure groups of ani- mals, and of plants? Even the most intelligent farmers have very little really definite knowledge of the weeds which annoy them, or of the insects which attack their crops. 1914] Anima Lirn or Norru Caroma 71 We can never expect that the general public will become really well informed on the subjects, but it is certainly in line with our duty as specialists in the study of these problems that we should aim to make this definite and exact information avail- able not only to ourselves but to our co-workers and to such other persons as may be sufficiently interested to study these subjects as amateurs. As soon as a group of animals (or plants) is proven or suspected to be of economic importance it becomes a fit subject for study by our recognized institutions, and results of such study usually find a ready means of publication in the bulletins and reports of agricultural or educational institutions. But data upon subjects the economic application of which is or seems to be remote, cannot so easily find a place for publication, especially if they deal with strictly state or local matters. Yet every stu- dent knows how ditticult it is to draw the line clearly between what is, and what is not, of economic bearing. Even an incon- spicuous form of life with apparently no economic relations, may on occasion prove to be important, hence if our studies are really to be broad we must include forms which for the present appear to be of no account. Recent developments in the field of Medical Entomology will make this clear. Only a very few years ago the common House-fly was regarded merely as an insect which annoyed us at times, but which was popularly be- lieved to ‘“‘keep the air pure”; but now we know that its life is associated with filth and is fraught with almost endless possibil- ities in the spread of serious diseases of mankind. The Mosqui- toes comprise another group of insects which we formerly re- garded merely as annoying, but which we now know to be con- cerned in the spread of both malaria and yellow fever, and much of the sanitary work now being done in Cuba, Panama and other tropical and sub-tropical localities is aimed at mosquito control. A few years ago an exhaustive study of the mosquito fauna of a state (North Carolina for instance) would have aroused skep- ticism and ridicule so far as its economic aspects were con- cerned,—now it appears highly desirable. Several states have made more or less exhaustive studies of the subject, notably 72 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHEett Socrety [August New Jersey, and even in North Carolina, both the State Board of Health and the Public Health Service at Washington are making studies. Fortunately for the present day scientist, the public is rapid- ly coming to realize that an exhaustive study of what at first seem to be even the most abstruse subjects may ultimately yield results of far-reaching import, especially if they have to do with natural laws or principles upon which all of our life and our activities are dependent. The microscopist studying forms in- visible to the naked eye may appear to be interested in matters which are of literally small concern, but it was just such studies that laid the foundations for all of our present knowledge of bacteriology and verified the existence of bacteria themselves. Broadly speaking, the students of American fauna are di- vided into two great schools: (1) Those who are interested primarily in the study of principles of life, death, reproduction and development,—experimental biology and morphology, and (2) Those who are interested primarily in knowing the numer- ous species themselves, their classification, distribution over the earth, and the seasons during which they may be found. It is more especially this latter phase of the subject to which I now invite your attention: Parker and Haswell (1897) have divided our animal king- dom into 12 branches or phyla. All of what we popularly know as the “ higher ” animals, fishes, batrachians, reptiles, birds and mammals (including man) fall into one of these 12 phyla. Were I preparing this discussion for an audience of strictly technical zoologists, scientific accuracy would demand that I discuss them in proper scientific order, but as it is the function of this ad- dress to put ideas into shape so that they may be understood by persons not technically interested, I shall for the purposes of this discussion, divide our fauna (animal life) into seven groups as follows: Invertebrates 2. Fresh-water and Land Invertebrates—not insects. (no backbone) 1. Marine Invertebrates. 3. Insects. 1914| Anima Lire or Norru Carorrna 73 4. Fishes. Vertebrates 5. Reptiles and Batrachians. (with backbone) ) 6. Birds. 7. Mammals. Thus all the invertebrated animals, which are technically di- vided into eleven groups, are here put into three, and the verte- brated animals which technically comprise only one group, are here for easier understanding, divided into four. In this division we must remember that there is much over- lapping of forms, especially in the water-inhabiting inverte- brates, for a single zoological group may contain some species living in fresh water, and others which are strictly marine. What progress has been made in the study of what our state affords in these several groups? Remembering that several of these groups contain thousands of species, my hearers will ex- cuse me if I fail to discuss all the groups in full detail. I. MARINE INVERTEBRATES This group includes thousands of small, little-known forms of life, along with a host of larger and better-known forms. Such work as has been done in listing and making known our species has been chiefly at the government Biological Laboratory at Beaufort where there are special facilities for work. Dr. H. V. Wilson, of the State University, informs me that the sub-groups of this group which are best known from the systematic stand- point are: The Coelenterates (Jelly-fishes, Sea-anemones, Corals, etc.) Echinoderms (Star-fishes, Sea-urchins, Brittle-stars, Feath- er-stars, Sea-cucumbers. ) Crustacea (Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimp, etc.) Mollusca (Bivalved shells, Conchs, snails, etc.) Dr. Wilson informs me that the larger forms of Crustacea will be thoroughly listed in a paper soon to be published by Dr. Hay, of Washington, and Dr. Shore, of Raleigh. This list in- cludes parts of several of the most important zoological groups, but leaves the whole group of one-celled animals largely unex- 74 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHEt. Socrety [August plored, except that the marine forms have been partially studied at Beaufort by Professor Edmundson of the University of Oregon. Comparatively few of the marine worms appear to have been recorded, much less has the geographical range of these on our coast been worked out. Our three prominent capes, Fear, Lookout, and Hatteras, each presumably mark the northern or southern distribution of certain species of marine and coast-inhabiting animals. Perhaps no other one locality on our coast offers so good a field for system- matic collecting as Beaufort, but the thorough student of the distribution of our coast forms would wish to explore both sides of each of these three capes. Studies from the morphological side of the subject have been conducted among the Porifera (sponges), the leader in this being Dr. Wilson, of our State University, also in the Coelenter- ates, Echinoderms, and larger species of Crustacea. II LAND AND FRESH-WATER INVERTEBRATES ,—NOT INSECTS Such common forms as earth-worms, snails, crayfish, centi- pedes, millipedes, spiders, ticks and mites are here included. Entimologists incidentally accumulate some knowledge of milli- pedes, spiders and ticks on account of their obvious affinities to, or association with, insects,—but the true worms and snails have been very little studied, though every person in this au- dience has known them from childhood. Verily, it is often the commonest things of which we know the least. If I could adver- ‘tise, and here place on exhibit even the smallest bit of entirely lifeless matter genuinely known to have come from the planet Mars, I doubt not that this hall would be crowded with persons eager to quench their thirst for knowledge by gazing at the specimen, yet many of those same persons would not know that some of the common snails in our gardens naturally have a shell, while other common snails naturally never have a shell. Mr. C. S. Brimley has studied the spiders and millipedes of Raleigh to some extent, and Mr. Nathan Banks, of the Na- tional Museum at Washington, has collected spiders quite assidu- ously for several weeks in the vicinity of Black Mountain, but ae oe Res a 1914 | ANIMAL Lire or Nortu Caroiina 15 here our knowledge of the state fauna in this group comes prac- tically to a standstill, save for some earlier accounts and descerip- tions of our spiders published by Mr. Hentz, and by Prof. At- kinson. II. INSECTS We now come to a group which in numbers of species far out-ranks all others, indeed, it far out-ranks all others combined. Aproximately four-fifths of all known species of animals are insects. Furthermore in their economic aspects they are ex- tremely important, not only as pests to crops, domestic animals and to man, but also as carriers of important diseases. A few have been domesticated to form distinct commercial assets, such as the silk-worm and the honey-bee, while others are useful as natural enemies of the destructive sorts. It is but natural that so important a group as this should attract students, and not only are there amateur entomologists (though very few in North Carolina), but both Federal and State governments have seen fit to employ persons in the study of this group,—mostly on the purely economic questions in- volved,—but to some extent on the systematic and morpholo- gical sides as well. And it is essential that a student in ento- mology should have some knowledge of insect classification, else he will surely become entangled, confused and seriously misled among the innumerable closely related species. It has been an ambition of the speaker ‘to contribute in some degree toward making known the insect fauna of the state, and in this effort he had help not only from those officially associated with him, but from Mr. C. S. Brimley, of Raleigh, Rev. A. H. Manee, of Southern Pines, and from specialists in other states who have identified many specimens and who in some instances have taken an actual part in exploring our rich and varied in- sect fauna. For our purposes we may consider our Insects as falling into seven principal groups, though there are several other smaller groups, some of which fall readily into one or another of the seven, and some of which do not. The seven main groups are: 2 a 76 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHEti Society [August 1. Roaches, Crickets, Katydids, Grasshoppers, etc., Orthoptera. Cicadas, Scales, Plant-lice, Squash-bug, Electric-light bug, and re- latives, Hemiptera. Dragon-flies, May-flies, Stone-flies, etc., Neuroptera. Moths and Butterflies, Lepidoptera. House-fly, Mosquitoes, Gnats, and relatives, Diptera. Beetles, hard-shelled, with wing-covers meeting straight down back, Coleoptera. Ants, Bees and Wasps, Hymenoptera. AML YW a (1) The first group is decidedly the smallest in number of species and is one of the easiest to collect and study owing to the average large size of the insects, and the ease with which many of them can be collected. The group is of some active, and great potential, economic importance. Owing to ‘the fact that few if any of our species ever indulge in long sustained flight or migrations, they are good subjects for the study of distribution. For all these reasons the group has received some special attention. The recorded state fauna in this group, includes approxi- mately 160 species. Analyzing our card-catalogue data, we find that these records are drawn from exactly 102 post office locali- ties, counting distinct mountain peaks as localities. But that many of these are merely isolated, scattering records is shown by the fact that only eighteen localities are credited with 15 or more species, only nine show more than 25, while only two show more than 50 species. Raleigh, with 115 species is the only locality whose species are at all fully recorded. Asheville comes next with about half of its probable forms listed. South- ern Pines, Waynesville, Blowing Rock and Wilmington have enough records to give a fair idea of their characteristic forms, but in all of these, save possibly Raleigh, a large share of the smaller and rarer forms still awaits discovery by the careful student of distribution. So while the list of species for the state as a whole is fairly complete we are much lacking in data as to the exact range of the species within the state as well as the exact seasons during which they may be found. And to my mind the listing of our fauna, to be at all complete, should not only include the species occurring but also show ‘their geogra- phical and seasonal distribution. A list of species if at all com- 1914 | Anima Lire or Norte Caroiina Te plete is enlightening, but it becomes vastly more useful if it also shows where and when the species are to be found. Let us see to what extent the geographical range of this group as a whole has been determined for our state. On this point we can indicate the recorded distribution of 155 species. Records indicating distribution over whole state............ 28 species. Records indicating distribution on coast only................. I species Records indicating distribution in eastern half............... 22 species. Records indicating distribution in central portion........... II species, Records indicating distribution western half................. 16 species. Records indicating distribution mountains only............. 20 species. Recorded from few scattered localities.................... IQ species. mecoreed irom only one locality... .............0ccceccsees 38 species. Remembering that we are now discussing a group of insects which has immense latent powers for evil, it can readily be seen that ‘this kind of data, the more complete the better, can be drawn upon in defining the area where damage is likely to be serious when any species threatens. If a grasshopper suddenly becomes a pest in any locality we have a valuable clue to the possible ultimate meaning of the outbreak if we know the dis- tribution of the species. If thorough records were available for all we might say of any one species: “This insect occurs only in such and such an area, hence persons outside of this area are free from danger by it except by its possible migration or artificial spread.” Without such defi- nite and comprehensive data we must wait for each outbreak to show us, after the fact, just where each species is capable of damage. This same kind of definite information as to the dis- tribution of all other groups of animals could be drawn upon in the same way. This group merely serves as a type to illus- trate the point. Every man engaged in scientific work knows how dangerous is the policy of off-handed and unguarded dec- laration, but when one has his opinions backed by ample evi- dence secured by painstaking study of the facts, even his guess is of value. (2) In the second group of insects, including the true bugs, a very considerable body of data has been accummulated, though 78 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHELL Society [August up to the present, only a portion has been published. «= = 2 a) [March TINTIT OF Figure 1 # aan 1915] Ture Coaetns Gotp Mine 169 approximately 260 feet. Four levels have been developed from the shaft: one known as the ‘50-foot Level,” which is approxi- mately 57 feet from the collar of the shaft. Another level known as the ‘100-foot Level,” a third known as the “200-foot Level,” and a fourth known as “250-foot Level.” 50-foot Level.—On the 50-foot level development work has been extended for a distance of 142 feet to the southwest of the shaft and 172 feet to the northeast of the shaft. At a point 60 feet southwest of the shaft, a diabase dike was encountered; and 130 feet northwest of the shaft another diabase dike was encountered. (Fig. 1, p. 168.) Most of the work on the 50-foot level has been stoping of ore that existed between these two dikes; and the ore has been taken out very largely from this level to the 100-foot level, also to a considerable extent from this level toward the surface. (Fig. 2, p. 171.) Blocks and pillars of ore have been left, some of which carry good values, but have not been reckoned as a part of the ore in sight. There seem to be two veins of ore, separated by a block of slate that carries considerably less value than the veins; but, as tested in certain places, carry pay values. At the extreme northeast of the drift of this 50-foot level the slates were tested, which show no free gold; and this indicates that beyond the diabase dike on the northeast there is but little ore, unless it should be found that the ore-bearing portion of this slate has been faulted. To the southwest of the southwest dike ore was encountered and stoped for a distance of about 30 to 40 feet. The extreme southwest end of the drift was tested, which showed a certain amount of free gold; indication that the ore body was continuous in this direction. The 50-foot level is connected with the surface by an upraise of 50 feet to the southwest of the shaft, and with another of 60 feet to the northeast. It is also connected with the 100-foot level by a winze from the stope to the southwest and a stope to the northeast of the shaft. (See plan of level, Fig. 2, pelt.) 100-foot Level.—On the 100-foot level development work has been extended for a distance of 60 feet to the southwest of the shaft and 102 feet to the northeast. Besides the stoping that eer ead 6 eine - — eet 170 JOURNAL OF THE MitrcHeEtty Society [ March was done from this level toward the 50-foot level, considerable underhand stoping has been done to the northeast of the shaft; and a winze has been sunk from this stope to the 200-foot level. The ore as exposed on this level was very carefully sampled, so that a comprehensive idea can be obtained of the occurrence of the ore bodies. There seems to be two ore shoots to the north- east of the shaft, separated from each other by a band of slate, which, however, is gold-bearing, as indicated by the two samples assayed, which showed $2.11 and $2.51 value in gold. The southwest ore body has been developed by a drift and cross-cut, and the ore as exposed was carefully sampled. This gave a value of approximately $9 per ton, for a width of approximately 20 feet. The work to the southwest of the shaft is apparently in the barren or partially barren band of slates, separating the two ore shoots, which accounts for the low values obtained from the assaying of the slates in the vicinity of the shaft. The south- west stope of this 100-foot level, which comes within 12 feet of this level, encountered on the southwest the diabase dike, which accounts for the stoping being stopped in that direction. The cross-cut was extended to the southwest from the winze connect- ing this stope with the 100-foot level for a distance of 45 feet; and then another drift was extended for about 30 feet to the southwest, cutting through the diabase dike. A sample was taken of the supposed ore just beyond the dike, but this showed but very little value. (See plan of level, Fig. 3, p. 172.) 200-foot Level.—On the 200-foot level development work has been extended for a distance of 90 feet to the southwest and 120 feet to the northeast, and the ores have been stoped at two points: one at the extreme southwestern portion of the level and the other about 20 feet from the extreme northeastern por- tion of the level. Both overhead and underhand stoping have been done. Neither of these stopes connect with the 100-foot level; but a connection with the 100-foot level is had by the winze sunk from the northeast stope of the 100-foot level to a cross-cut on the 200-foot level, which is to the southeast of the stope. The development work on this 200-foot level indicates that the so-called ‘“‘two-ore bodies” of the 50- and 100-foot levels cae 171 Tur Coagins Gotp MINE @ PINT 100 LEVEL COGG/N MINE [March JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL Society 200 LEVEL COGG/IN MINE € ans y . 9 r % < q = q ! | 1915 | Tue Coeerns Gorp Mine 173 have come together on this 200-foot level. As assayed, an ore body is developed on this level 42 feet wide at the northeast por- tion of the level, which carries values of approximately $6 per ton for the whole width. The northeast stope is on the richer ore shoot that occurs in the vein, and has been stoped for a width of about 15 feet. The assays made of this ore shoot showed values varying from $5.82 to $21.54 per ton. The southwest stope of this level is on the richer portion of the ore body, just southwest of the diabase dike, and showed values of $17.82 and $32.52 per ton. This stope is about 12 feet wide. Between these two stopes, a distance of approximately 90 feet, there is a block of ore that has been developed by means of cross-cuts, that gave values varying from $3.38 to $8.30. There is apparently a seam of slate in this ore body that carries very low values. The whole body of ore, approximately 40 feet in width, will be found to carry approximately $5.50 to $6 per ton. The ore shoot to the southwest undoubtedly extends further to the south- west than has been developed. It was impossible to get down into certain of the stopes in order to take samples at the bottom of the stopes between the 100- and 200-foot levels, and also the upper portions of the stopes from the 200-foot level. Two sides, however, of the block of ore between these two levels have been sampled and assayed, which will give an approximate value of the ore body; and this value has been used in reckoning the ore body. 250-foot Level.—At the 250-foot level a drift has been run a distance of 47 feet, N. 50° W. Ata distance of 37 feet drifts were started northeast.and southwest on a rich vein or seam of ore. As assayed, this seam carried from $170 to $232 in gold. Portions of it were rich, one 2-foot sample assaying $677 per ton. The material taken out of this cross-cut and the drifts show ore delivered to the mill on my last visit to the mine, January, 1914. The drifts from this cross-cut had only been extended a distance of 6 or 8 feet. A winze was started from the northeast stope of the 200-foot level to connect with the northeast drift on the 250-foot level. On account, however, of the difficulty in keeping good air in the winze, work was stopped on this, and an upraise will be made from the 200-foot level to connect with this winze. Z [March JourRNAL oF THE MitTcHELL SOCIETY 174 } 2Insy TBAT, 002 “oes TTIATDT,OO/ ergs ay QNIWN NIDIOD NOILIZPOGd IWPILY IA 1915] Tur Coeerns Gorp Mine 175 The percentage of free gold in the ore at the 250-foot level is approximately the same as at the 200- and 100-foot levels. It is very interesting to note, and indicates that this type of ore is carrying free gold to considerably greater depth than had been expected. Northeast Pit.—This pit, which is about 400 feet N. 42° E. from the main shaft, is 13 x 13 feet, and has been sunk to a depth of approximately 15 feet. This pit exposed the slates which, for a width of 6 feet, contained numerous seams and veins of quartz. The strike of the slates was approximately the same as that at the shaft, and their dipping, if anything, a little more vertical. All the slates were badly decomposed to the depth of the pit. A sample was taken from across the width of this open pit, and upon panning showed considerable free gold. Southwest Pit.—This pit, which is at the extreme southwest portion of the 62-acre tract, has been sunk to a depth of about 6 to 8 feet alongside of a diabase dike. The strike of the schists that were exposed is approximately N. 43° E., and the strike of the dike approximately N. 20 to 30° E. A sample was taken of the slates as exposed in the pit just to the northeast of the dike; but, upon panning, this did not show any free gold, al- though some pyrite. 176 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHeLt Society [March ASSAYS OF GOLD ORE, COGGINS MINE Value Sample} Level Description Width in Gold A....-| 200 ft. |Southwest stope ——— | 6 ft. 6in, |$ 33.48 j oe? ee 200 ft. |Southwest stope opposite end from AW... 5 ft. 10in. 17.78 Cie 200 ft. |Just east stope, supposed wall rock... eee fae Bk i meh .62 pas 200 ft.|Just northeast of dike. All slate_......../10 ft. 1.03 E..............| 200 ft.| West cross-cut from shaft. Mostly slate with seams of quartz). eat. 5.37 F.| 200 ft. |Last 12 ft. cross-cut. Northeast side ae IE a 5.79 }.............| 200 ft. |Cross-cut to northeast stope. Section east ANE SIRE UE ee 11 f& Gane 827 |3 Pee 200 ft. | Extreme southwest end of northeast stope.__| 4 ft. Tin 3.31 ss 100 ft.|Extreme end. Almost western to the north- east, drifts: 22 J | 2 Ge 10.75 K_.......| 100 ft. | Extreme end of the easterly “hortheast drift..| 5 ft. 10 in. 455 L.........| 100 ft.|Extreme southwest end just beyond diabase dikes a ee eee ee ea ey CF 2 ij 83 M..........|_ 100 ft. |Southwest cross-cut. Slate 3ft. 3in........| 3 ft. 3 in. 2.07 WN. -_ 3! 100 £t: |Next 5 ft. 8 in. beyond M.S | 0 see 4.55 O........| 100 ft. |Northeast cross-cut. Northeast side... 9 ft. 8.27 [pee 100 ft. |Southwest end of northeast stope._.__........ 6f -2i0- 2.48 Q.......... | 100 ft.|Junction of two northeast drifts.—._._.__ 8ft. 5 in. 2.07 R__....| 100 ft.|Just east of main shaft. Northeast side of chamber —. _ eS Pott Gite: 2.07 Se =) 100 ft | Nine it, tothe east of i ie extending partly beyond shatt« 4s ee Fe te 2.07 T____| 100 ft.|2 ft. seam of quartz of REE EES Co fis 1.65 U2 200 ft.|5 ft. above bottom northeast oe north- east end ........ = sonal) HO te 21 50 \ Vp Se Bead, 200 ft. |Just southwest i. 3 ft. to 4 ft. above bot- tom of stope 2... 22 eS | ieee 11.57 Wes 200 ft. |Southwest end of stope. “3 ft. above bottom| S8ft. 11 in. 5.78 Y_.......| 100 ft. |Southwest cross-cut. Northeast side of first S-ft:.. of slate: ee 8 ft. 291 AA........| 200 ft.|Westwardly northeast drift. 31 ft. 6 in. from face. Sample across roof -...........|12 ft. 10 in. 10.33 CC..........| 200 ft.|Extreme northeast cross-cut. East section..}14 ft. 8 in. 7.03 pps) 200 ft.|Same as CC. Next 10 ft. 10 in. to west-—..|10 ft, 10 in. 7.03 pes 900. ft: |Next 16 ft. 10 in: to DD _ to west__.___._____ 10 ff 10 in: 4.13 A-27......| 250 ft.|North side of cross-cut, 33 ft. from shaft...| 8 ft. 232.68 B-2......| 250 ft.|South side of cross-cut, beginning 33 ft. from) shot 8 ft. 171.51 C-2_......| 250 ft.|South side of cross- “cut, “beginning 3a ote from) shatt .-- S eS UE a 12.64 Do hy Dh te | Newer! TE ie Ce ea ee a 218.99 ees 250: ft: | Next2. ft. *to), D-2- > ate a Ee Ps a 677.59 WO 950 ft, | Nextua- ft:7t0 2 eS SS 3 ft. 70.38 G-2._.....-| 250 ft.|North side cross-cut, beginning 3» ft. from SHARE Ss ee eee eee 3 ft. 258.90 H-2 2RO ft.|Next 2 ft. to Gn oH a 73.79 J-2 250. ft.|Next 2 ft. to H2 De ee epee 10 02 ap. 950 ft: |Next 2 ft. “to 1-2 ee ee ee oo 3.08 K-2 250 ft.|South side of cross-cut, last 3 ft. 2 in. of cross-cut) 2 6 ee ae ae 1.26 1-24 250° ft.) Next. ott. 16> im: to Kid ee ee 1.44 —— OO * Assays A to EE were made by Mr. Frank Drane, Charlotte, N. C. + Assays A-2 to L-2 were made by Mr. Henry McCoy, Ophir, N. C. tIt was considered when these two samples were taken that they were beyond the ore-bearing seam, and the assays indicate this. 1915] Tuer Coagarins Goutp MINE 177 The ore bodies exposed in the Coggins Mine were carefully sampled and the location from which the samples were taken indicated by letters on the maps. 172.) (Figs. 2 and 3, pp. 171 and In addition to the above samples, several other samples were taken, which were panned to determine whether or not the ore tested was carrying free gold, and the relative amounts. The panning samples were quartered and the amount panned usually weighed from 1 to 3 pounds. follows: These samples were taken as Sample Level Description Width Value in Gold facet ears 200 ft. |Quartz seam in drift from] 2 ft, Showed several nuggets cross-cut in front of of gold 4 dwt. to 1 shaft. dwt. and many colors 1 55) Se eee tes 100 ft.)Southwest end of southwest} 2 ft, Showed 3 good colors stope, Material next to and many minute diabase dike. ones. CGe 100 ft.|;Overhead southwest stope.| 9 ft. Showed one good color, Sample taken next to several minute ones. diabase dike, Several pyrite. .|Northeast portion of south-| 2 ft, Showed two fair colors west stope to quartz and considerable fine seams. gold -|Extreme southwest end......... pe cectoesattcaets Showed several small colors, some pyrite. -|&xtreme northeast end be- Showed no free gold. yond diabase dike. 4ft.10in Some pyrite, -|Jnst southwest of diabas2 Showed fair colors and dike of southwest drift.| 6ft. Tin. many minute ones. Siliceous slate. Some pyrite. 12) eases SUES |IBih is: Se ee ns ite Many colors. MI SUEEACe DP ItEs Awe eee ee ee |) Seas No gold. 200 ft.|Northeast stope sample Nine fair colors. Many taken from material left|10 ft minute ones. Some a supposed hanging pyrite. all. A 10-stamp mill with four sets of amalgamation plates and two Wilfley concentrating tables has been erected. The ore as it is brought from the mine is raised to a hopper, from which it is fed to a Gates crusher, which feeds it onto an endless belt. This conveys the ore to the hopper, which feeds to the stamp mill. The capacity of the mill is approximately 30 tons per day. There seems to be but very little tendency for the ore to slime, and a very good separation is obtained. One run of ore ——— 178 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Society [March from the winze that was being sunk from the 200-foot to the 250-foot level, which gave $19.75 on assaying, gave tailings as- saying 90 cents. The ore from the 200-foot level, as it was delivered to the mill, asayed $53.20. Tailings from this ore assayed $4.35 on the first run. On the second run, where the ore assayed $54.02, the value of the tailings had been cut down to $2.88. The concentrates from the first run gave values of $133.03, and on the second run, $81.57. This, of course, is accounted for by the fact that the concentrates were not as clean as in the first run. The concentrates were carefully tested by panning, but showed no free gold. This was also true of the tailings, which indicates that there is a very complete amalga- mation of free gold on the plates. The fineness of the Coggins. gold, as determined in the Laboratory, was 904. Cuaper, Hix, N. C. CERTAIN MAGNETIC IRON ORES OF ASHE COUNTY* BY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT During the past six months the author has had the oppor- tunity of examining several of the magnetic iron ore deposits of Ashe County, and to study in considerable detail their oc- currence and the geology of the districts. The deposits examined are located in the northeastern por- tion of Ashe County, principally along the north fork of New River and its tributaries that flow into it from the north. The deposits can readily be divided into three belts: one known as the “River Belt,” another the “Poison Branch Belt,” and the third, “The Helton Creek Belt.” While formerly these deposits were twenty or more miles from the railroad, the one now being built across Ashe County will bring the Ballou-Piney Creek, the Joseph Graybeal and Waughbank properties within a very short distance of the rail- road. These ores are all magnetic iron ores, occurring in erystal- line rocks which consist principally of hornblende gneisses and schists and micaceous schists. The deposits of ore are undoubt- edly lenticular or lens-shaped, and are pinching and widening in all dimensions. These lenses may continue for long distances along the strike and on the dip; then, again, there may be a series of smaller lenses separated from each other by country rock or connected with each other by a thin seam of ore. Some- times they may be so small as to be of no commercial value; while at other times they attain enormous size, both in length and depth. Usually these ore deposits are comformable to the enclosing country rock. Each ore locality has to be investigated as a separate unit, inasmuch as there is great variation in them, and it does not follow that because one ore deposit is well de- veloped that another one, even in the same belt, will be equally as good. These lenses have a general northeast-southwest trend. The deposits examined include the Calloway and W. H. * Reprinted from Economic Paper No. 34, of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, pp. 65-73. ne ‘ 180 JOURNAL oF THE MitrcHetu Socrety [ March Brown properties of the “River Belt”; the Wanghbank, the Graybeal, the Ballou-Piney Creek, Francis, McClure, Poison Branch, Falls, and Red Hill properties of the “Poison Branch Belt”; and the Kirby and Sturgill properties of the “Helton Creek Belt.” River Beit The principal property examined in this belt is known as the Calloway property, the mineral interest of which is owned by Mr. Uriah Ballou. It adjoins a portion of the old N. B. Ballou property, the mineral interest of which is now owned by the Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company. The iron ore out- crops at the top of the hill, and has been developed by means of cuts and tunnels, so that the ore is exposed at various points from the top of the hill to the creek, 150 feet or more below. The principal development work on the Calloway property is a tunnel that was started about 140 feet below the top of the hill. This tunnel was extended in a N. 35° E. direction for a distance of 103 feet, when it encountered the iron ore. A cross-cut was made in order to determine the width of the ore, and it exposed a width along the cross-cut of 27 feet 8 inches, which would give a width across the vein of about 20 feet. The strike of the vein is approximately N. 45° E. The cross-cut, after penetrating the ore, was turned N. 70° E., and then 60° west, following the hanging wall until it again encountered the ore, which it followed for a distance of 17 feet 8 inches without pene- trating the ore body. This gave a horizontal distance of about 30 feet along the vein. This same ore body outcrops at the sur- face at several places between this level and the top of the hill. By means of float and a few cross-cuts this ore belt can be traced in a southwesterly direction for a distance of about a mile across what is known as the Davis property and the Neaves property, when it crosses the north fork of New River. The deposit nar- rowed considerably, but where it crosses the river it is reported to have a width of 12 feet. On the Calloway property it is esti- mated that there is a distance of 450 feet of the vein from the tunnel to where it crosses onto the property owned by the Vir- ginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company. Average samples of the ore as exposed in the tunnel were taken across the vein, where OPP te PROG PR COE Ar at —_— — sora heey Raor Sly on ee 1915 | Maaenetic Iron Ores 181 cut by the cross-cuts. Results are given in analyses I and II of Table of Analyses. The ore is very much mixed with gangue, but the magnetite van readily be separated from the gangue and largely concen- trated by hand cobbing. On the side of the hill controlled by the Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company sufficient crosscuts and tunnels have been made to show that the vein is continuous across the property. POISON BRANCH BELT The first property examined in this belt is known as the Poison Branch mine, the mineral interest of which is owned by Mr. Uriah Ballou and Mrs. Davis. The ore was encountered near the summit of a hill dividing the waters of Old Field and Silas creeks. Considerable work has been done on this proper- ty, part of which was to obtain ore for an old Catalan forge. This ore was obtained from two open cuts on the northeast side of the road, one on each side of the divide. Fifty feet below the summit a tunnel 181 feet in length was run into the hill, from which crosscuts were made: one at the extreme end of the tun- nel; another 45 feet towards its mouth; and a third 114 feet from the end. The strike of the vein is approximately N. 40° E., and the dip about 45° S. E. Both the first two cuts cut across the vein for a distance of a little over 9 feet, which would give a vein of an actual width of 414 to 5 feet. A third cross- eut was run for a distance of over 33 feet, but this was as far as it could be entered at the present time, as it had been filled up with waste material from some other part of the mine. No ore could be seen in this crosseut. Average samples of this ore were taken, and the results are given under III in the Table of Analyses beyond. The foot wall of this deposit is a mica schist, while the hanging wall is a hornblende gneiss. This ore belt has been traced in a southwest direction from the Poison Branch property for a distance of about 314 miles crossing the McClure, Blevins or Falls, Uriah and Graybeal properties. It is questionable whether the deposit itself is con- tinuous, and it is more than apt to be made up of lenses of 182 JoURNAL oF THE Mitcuett Sociery | March magnetite, which may or may not be connected with each other. With the exception of the McClure property, the ore was ob- served in place on all of the properties. On this property, how- ever, the cuts had become filled up so that no ore at all was ex- posed. Previous investigations, however, made by Mr. H. B. C. Nitze of the State Geological Survey showed conclusively the continuation of the magnetic iron ore belt across this property. The Falls or Blevins Property.—This property, which was formerly known as G. Douglas Blevins property, is now owned and controlled by B. G. Falls and Charles Blevins, and is about 3 to 4 miles southwest of the McClure. The ore is exposed in a vein which outcrops in a ledge above Mr. Falls’ house. The ore is a hard magnetite occurring in an epidote gneiss. There is also considerable of the epidote occurring as a gangue with the magnetite. An assay of this ore gave 43.29 per cent of iron. The vein as exposed on the outcrop of the ridge is about 8 feet wide. The strike is approximately N. 50° E., and the dip about 45° to the southeast. About 60 feet below the summit of the ridge a tunnel was run 60 feet into the hill, which cut but did not penetrate the vein. To the northeast of the vein on the same property there is another occurrence of magnetite that outcrops on the W. Jones property. Ballou-Piney Creek Property.—About half a mile south, a little west of the Falls property, there is an occurrence of man- ganiferous magnetite on the Uriah Ballou land just above the waters of Piney Creek, about 114 miles from it mouth. An open cut has been made here just below the road, which exposed 18 feet of ore, which would make the vein 12 feet across. The ore is very coarse grained, very free from gangue, but containing near its center a 15-inch seam or vein of soft brownish-black manganese-iron oxide. This ore was sampled and the analysis showed 64.56 per cent of metallic iron. For complete analysis see VI of table below. The soft brown ore was also analyzed, showing 42.80 per cent of metallic iron. See analysis VII in Table of Analyses. About 85 feet above the cut described above the ore was exposed in a cut 4 to 5 feet deep. A granular ore, similar to the above, was found. The full width of the vein was not ex- 1915 | Maanetic Iron Ores 183 posed. A sample of this ore gave 65.50 per cent of metallic iron. See analysis V of table. About 40 feet still higher on the hill another cut 3 feet deep also exposed the same kind of ore. The lateral distance represented by the exposures made in the three cuts mentioned above is approximately 350 feet. The lead has been traced by means of float for a considerable dis- tance beyond that exposed in the upper cut. The above all indicates that there is a lens of very large size on this property. Ballou's Horse Creek, or Waughbank Property.—This prop- erty is about 114 miles southwest of the Ballou-Piney Creek property on the north bank of Horse Creek. About 100 yards from the creek a tunnel was run by the Pennsylvania Steel Company. The tunnel has a direction of N. 40° E., and at a distance of 100 feet a crosscut was made extending 46 feet S. 40° W. This crosscut showed ore for its whole distance, making the width of the ore deposit ever 30 feet. This ore is composed of coarse granular magnetite in a matrix composed of micaceous material and manganese oxide. A rough estimate indicates that about 70 per cent of the ore body would represent the iron ore. This material was sampled and the results of the analysis are given in VIII-A in the table beyond. This mineral can readily be cobbed, which will raise the iron content. A sample was also analyzed of the magnetic iron portions of the vein, which gave 67.25 per cent of iron. The results of this analysis are given in VIII of the Table of Analyses. Seventy-five to one hundred feet above the tunnel the vein was exposed in an open cut; but, on account of the cut having eaved in, nothing definite could be determined in regard to the width of the vein. Graybeal Property.—About one-half a mile northeast of the Waughbank property begins what is known as the Graybeal properties. The first property encountered is the Calvin Gray- beal. Only a very little development work has been done on this property, but float ore has been encountered, which would indicate the continuation of the ore formation across the prop- erty. A short distance north from the top of the hill on the Cal- 184 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Society | March vin Graybeal property on lands owned by the Patton family and Calvin Graybeal, a cut exposed magnetic iron ore mixed somewhat with the country schist. This may be part of an ore deposit that is known in that section as the “North vein,” which extends approximately parallel with the regular ore formation, and approximately 200 to 300 yards north of the larger vein. It is about one-fourth mile from the top of the Calvin Gray- beal hill to the Joseph Graybeal property in a general northeast direction. The vein has a strike across this property of an ap- proximately northeast direction, and it is dipping toward the southeast. The ore deposit has been prospected and developed by means of open cuts, pits, and tunnels for a lateral distance of at least 800 feet and a vertical distance of over 100 feet. A drill hole was made by the Pulaski Iron Company at a point about 700’ to the southeast of the first open cut, and 75’ below. It is reported to have encountered the ore at a depth of about 200’. The dip of the vein would bring the ore body to this point. The width of the ore body as encountered varied from 4 to 15 feet. The first cut examined was partially filled, so that the extent of the vein could not be determined. Good ore is exposed in the cut, thus showing the continuance of the ore body. This work was done by the Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company in 1907. Three hundred feet to the northeast another cut ex- posed the vein, which had a width of at least 15 feet of nearly solid ore, there being a little of the ore mixed with finely divided gangue rock. An analysis of this ore showed 63.50 per cent metallic iron. At the mouth of the ent, about 30 feet from the vein, another small seam of ore 12 to 15 inches thick was ex- posed. Most of this work was done about 1890 or 1892. Part of it was done in the early days of iron mining in the county, when the ore was obtained for Catalan forges. Still further to the northeast a long open cut or trench was made by Mr. Sturgill in 1903 across the ore deposit. At the time of my visit, however, it was nearly all filled up, and the ore was only exposed at the east end of the cut. Float ore has been found between all the cuts referred to. On the opposite side of the hill several cuts and tunnels have 1915 | Maaenetic Iron Ores 185 been run which penetrated the ore body, showing that the ore was continuous through this hill. Most of the work was done by the Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company in 1907. The first cut is about 300 yards northeast of the Sturgill cut referred to above. The first work done at this cut was in the early days to obtain ore for Catalan forges. Near the mouth of the cut an iron manganese seam of ore was encountered 6 feet wide, the distance between the two veins being about 30 feet. This ore was analyzed, and the results are given in XIV of the Table of Analyses. Its iron content was 63.15 per cent. Thirty feet below this cut a tunnel was run into the hill. This was partially caved, so that it could not be examined ex- cept near its mouth, where a manganese iron vein was observed. Judging from the material found on the dump, the ore encoun- tered in the tunnel was very similar to that in the cut referred to above. Two hundred and fifty feet northeast of this tunnel another open cut was made by Dr. Tom Jones in 1905, and work was continued by the Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company in 1907. This cut exposed a seam of magnetite about 4 feet wide, which it penetrated. In the uper end of the cut there was ex- posed a mixture of pyrite and hornblende. Thirty feet below and 30 feet northeast of this cut a tunnel was run by the Vir- ginia Iron, Coal and Coke Company, and later continued by Dr. Jones. This penetrated the ore body. There was exposed near the mouth of the tunnel a manganese iron seam of ore. From this point it is 300 yards northeast to the Joseph Graybeal line. Beyond this property is the Dr. Thomas Jones land which has been prospected for the whole distance along the course of the ore by means of shallow cuts and pits. Only at one or two places was the ore exposed in place. Henninger Property.—Adjoining the Dr. Jones property on the northeast and east are the Francis and Henninger proper- ties. About 500 feet from the Dr. Jones line a small open eut was made, which showed granular magnetic ore. Six hundred feet northeast of the first opening another open cut shows similar ore. These two cuts were made by Mr. E. Sturgill about 1903 or 1904. These openings are near the barn of Mr. Eugene Ballou, who now owns the property. ‘tn i i i ee ae 186 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHett Society [ March Francis Property.—This property, which is between the Henninger and the Ballou-Piney Creek properties, has been developed to some extent by means of open cuts and tunnels, but at the time of my visit no ore could be observed in place. This ore was observed in place by Mr. H. B. C. Nitze of the North Carolina Geological Survey when he made an investigation of the Ashe County iron ores. Red Hull Property—The Red Hill property is near the northeast extension of the Poison Branch ore belt. The Red Hill rises about 170 feet above the level of the creek, and a trench over 200 feet in length has been made from one side of the hill to the other near its summit. While it did not expose a vein of solid magnetite ore, it did show a decomposed schistose rock, which carried almost throughout its entire extent masses and particles of magnetite scattered through it. There have been many openings made at various points on the hill which encountered magnetic iron ore. In some of the cuts more or less pyrite was observed, which will have a tendency to increase the sulphur content of the ore. HELTON CREEK BELT Kirby Mine.—This mine is located on the upper waters of Helton Creek, about one-half mile north of Sturgill postoffice and one-fourth of a mile from Helton Creek. The ore body on this property was exposed by a series of cuts made by the Pennsylvania Steel Company in 1902. One cut about 55 feet above a small branch showed ore exposed for a distance of 17 feet. Another cut 25 feet still higher on the hill showed a similar exposure of ore. This ore was in a gangue of epidote and hornblende. On the opposite side of the branch a long open cut was made by Mr. Sturgill in 1892. The mineral interest is owned by Mr. J. L. White and Sheriff Sturgill. Analysis of the ore is given in XVI of the Table of Analyses. The iron content of 43.10 per cent can easily be increased by hand cobb- ing. There is given in the table below analyses of the ores from the various properties mentioned above. 1915] Maenetic Iron Ores 187 TABLE OF ANALYSES n Locality No. Iron Silica 8 3 = 3 £8 | Analyst A, nal oo Calloway Property + I 31.26 17.37| .028 10 amine |) Drane® Calloway Property nc... If 38.36 = Pe eee sossspecaceavs | anecopgectonee = ao Drane Poison Branch Property...... II 45.25 20.65| .052| 1,58| trace] C. & M.f TENEBIIS 183 no) oS) 01 Fh ere Ys BS I25 Paeee ele ISS | ee ee | IC. & M. Ballou-Piney Creek Prop- | | | | | OTE Gig LUE CL =CUG eons ccccnescoonsecennse Vi 65250) e260 [ee (eens (ees (eee C. & M. Ballou-Piney Creek Prop- _ | | | ELEY, MCAT CTCCK cezcecseseccccccoens Vii 64.56] 2.59| 2.06| .014|trace| none| Drane Ballou-Piney Creek Prop- s | | | erty, Mn-Fe vein ................. VII ADM SO At-48 2 |e week! bare a C.&™M. Waughbank Property ............ VIII yee) Teele: Sees no | ere | eee | De Cc. & M. Waughbank Property, Mag- | | | TELE) Ot 1(E poe ne er ea VITI-A | 46.25[ 4.34]... -026| .027| trace |C. & M. Graybeal Property, first | | | | OLE: | es nea ee XI 67-40 = | 1.15] .005] .060] none|C. & M. Graybeal Property, second | | | | CUSTER XII 62:50 |S |e eee as eee | On cae Graybeal Property, large | | | | | CEisattop) hill) 2 XIV 62.05 3:58)... pee [eee ( iC. & M. Rin iiyaen line. eee XVI Ae) en 21.76| .057| .036|trace|C. & M. | | | | * Frank Drane, Chemist, Charlotte, N. C. 7 Crowell & Murray, Chemists, Cleveland, Ohio. As will be seen from the above analyses, there is considerable variation in the metallic contents of the ore, but the iron con- tent is good, and as they are all comparatively low in sulphur, phosphorus, and titanium, they will, therefore, make iron ores of high value. Analyses I and II of ore from the Calloway property are low in iron, but they represent samples taken across the full width of the ore deposit, including gangue and waste. By hand cobbing this ore can readily be raised to a 55 to 60 per cent iron ore. The magnetite portion of the vein gives as high as 65 per cent metallic iron. The ores represented by analysis III, IV, and VIII-A can also be easily concentrated by hand cobbing. All the ores tested are a splendid grade of magnetite, and should make a pig iron of exceptional quality. Cuaprert Hixz, N. C. THE ISOMERISM OF THE HYDROJUGLONS* RICHARD WILLSTAETTER AND ALVIN S. WHEELER Thanks to the splendid researches of A. Bernthsen! and F. Mylius,? the uncertainties of the constitution of juglone have been fully cleared up. The decomposition of juglone into B- hydroxyphthalic acid and its synthesis from 1, 5-dihydoxy- naphthalene indicates that its structural formula is that of 8- hydroxy-1, 4-naphthoquinone: The study of the two hydrojuglones however remained in- complete in certain important points, especially in regard to their isomerism. Mylius isolated two isomeric compounds, a- and f-hydro- juglone, from green walnut shells. The first, which possesses the higher melting point, is a true hydroquinone and oxidizes easily to juglone. The @-compound however does not pass di- rectly into juglone. According to Mylius the two hydrojuglones ean be converted into each other in different ways. For ex- ample, the a-form can be changed into the B-form by distillation or by the hydrolysis of its acetyl derivative. The 8-form may be turned back into its isomer by heating a solution of it in alcoholic dilute hydrochloric acid. Mylius explained the rela- tions between the two isomers as position isomerism. He stated that one of the para hydroxyl groups in the a-hydrojuglone changed its location in the nucleus of the disubstituted benzene ring. This explantion was plausible for nearly thirty years but the easy mutual transformations of the isomers are in our view opposed to this theory. We find it is not necessary to distill the a-hydrojuglone in * Translated from Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesell., 47,2796 (1914). 1Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesell., 17.1945 (1884); Bernthsen and Semper, ibid, 18.203 (1885) ; 19,164 (1886), 20.934 (1887). 2Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesell., 17.2411 (1884) ; 18,463,2567 (1885) ; also Habilitationsschrift, Freiburg i. B., 1885. 188 OE 1915 | IsomErisM oF THE HyprosuaLtons 189 order to isomerize it. One needs only to heat wotil it melts in order to obtain an equilibrium out of which one can readily isolate nearly three-fourths as the B-compound. In order to convert this into the «-form it is sufficient to dissolve it in alkali with the exclusion of air and then to acidify. This is not a case of the wandering of an hydroxyl group but rather a case of keto-enol isomerism. a-Hydrojuglone is a true trihydroxynaphthalene (1, 4, 8). Its solutions are distinguished by a very strong fluorescence. B-Hydrojuglone is the keto form of it in which one of the two hydroxyl groups in the para positions has experienced a trans- formation into a carbonyl group, according to one of the follow- ing formulas: OH 2 on O ee OR Hw H OW OW We are able to support this view since we have obtained well crystallized semicarbazones of B-hydrojuglone with semi- earbazine and with phenylsemicarbazine while analogous deri- vatives of a-hydrojuglone could not be obtained. An oxime of B-hydrojuglone was also observed but a closer study of it has not been undertaken. That the two isomers yield the same triacetyl and tribenzoyl derivatives is in agreement with this conception. But it does not well explain the behavior of these derivatives on hydrolysis. The acetyl compounds yield 6-hydro- juglone by the action of strong sulfuric acid, while a-hydrojug- olne according to Mylius is not transformed into its isomer by sulfuric acid. The isomerism of the hydrojuglones is the first case if keto- enol isomerism of a phenol in the naphthalene series. It ranges itself alongside the desmotropic phenomena of the meso-phenols of the anthracene series (dianthranol, anthranol and anthra- hydroquinone) which Hans Meyer* and especially Kurt H. Meyer* have described in their important investigations. 8 Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesell., 42,143 (1909) ; Monatsk., 30,165 (1909). ¢Ann., 379,37 (1910-11) ; Meyer and Sander, Ann., 396,133 (1913). 3 190 JOURNAL OF THE MitrcHEett Society [ March PREPARATION OF JUGLONE We found that the oxidation of 1, 5-dihydroxynaphthalene according to Bernthsen and Semper® was the best method for the preparation of juglone although we were unable to secure a higher yield of the pure quinone than sixteen per cent. 1, 5- Dihydroxynaphthalene was purified by dissolving in ether and reprecipitating in petroleum ether. It forms colorless prisms which melt at 254°. 50g 1, 5-Dihydroxynaphthalene, after rubbing up with a small quantity of water, are introduced in small portions into a chromic acid mixture consisting of 240g sodium bichromate, 340g concentrated sulfuric acid and 3400ce water. The temperature is not allowed to rise above 10°. On the following day the brownish yellow precipitate is filtered off, dried and boiled up with ligroin, 70-80°. The impurities re- main undissolved and the extracts upon concentration yield 8.8¢ juglone in the form of deep yellow needles, They show a melting point of 149-50°, when the substance is introduced into a bath previously warmed to 140°. We found that juglone could also be obtained from 1, 5- dihydroxynaphthalene by oxidation with lead peroxide. The yield is somewhat higher but the process is not practical. It is noteworthy how much the yield here depends upon the quantity of the solvent and of the oxidant on the surface of which the oxidation takes place. 100g Lead peroxide in one liter of ben- zene yields the same quantity of juglone whether 5g or 0.5 g dihydroxynaphthalene are used. 0.5g 1, 5-Dihydroxynaph- thalene are boiled five hours in one liter of benzene with 100g good lead peroxide. The beautiful yellow solution is concentra- ted in vacuum to 10ce and mixed with petroleum ether. 0.15g Juglone crystallizes out in pure yellow needles. 0.1252¢ Substance gave 0.31432¢CO,; 0.0402g H,0 Calculated for C,,H,O,: C, 68.95; H, 3.47 Found CO, 68.46- ~” Hi, ’aoe 1, 8-Dihydroxynaphthalene does not yield juglone on oxida- 5 Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesell., 20,938 (1887). 1915] ISOMERISM OF THE HyproguGLONS 191 tion. The statements of H. Erdmann® on its formation by means of chromic acid are erroneous. P. Friedlaender and S, Silberstern’ obtained juglone by coupling 1, 8-aminonaphthol with diazobenzenesulfonic acid, followed by reduction and oxi- dation. It was suggested that 1, 8-dihydroxynaphthalene might serve as the raw material. The formation of monoazo dyestuffs from it proceeds most smoothly in aqueous alcohol solution if less than the theoretical quantity of the diazo compound is employed. 5g Dihydroxy- naphthalene are dissolved in 300ce alcohol and coupled with 2.5g diazobenzenesulfonic acid at a low temperature. After twelve hours the alcohol is boiled off and the dyestuff is salted out with a little salt. To remove any dihydroxynaphthalene it is washed with alcohol. It crystallizes from dilute alcohol in garnet red quadratic plates. It dissolves considerably in water but is difficulty soluble in alcohol. 0.2060g Substance gave 0.1398¢ BaSO, Caleulated for C,H,,0O;N.S: S, 9.32 Found S, 9.32 The dyestuff is stirred up with much excess of sulfuric acid and zine dust is added until it is decolorized. The filtrate which is still strongly acid is cooled and treated with an excess of ferric chloride in one portion. Juglone crystallizes out, 1.4¢g being obtained from 3.0g dyestuff. The product, however, was seldom pure. After recrystallization the yield usually dropped to 0.5g to 0.6g. a- AND B-HYDROJUGLONE a-Hydrojuglone, whether it is obtained from green walnut shells, or by the reduction of juglone or by the transformation of B-hydrojuglone, differs in one point from the statements of Mylius, for we find that the melting point of all our preparations is 148° whereas Mylius found it to be 168-70°. We do not doubt but that a satisfactory explanation of this difference will yet be found. 6 Ann., 247,358 (1888). Also the statement in Beilstein, III, 380, that jug- lone according to M. Kawalski is formed from g-naphthol in alkaline solution by means of atmospheric oxygen, is incorrect. This author, Ber. 25, 1660 (1892) is describing here the ordinary hydroxynaphthoquinone. ™Monatsh., 23,513 (1902). 4 192 JOURNAL oF THE MircHery Society [ March We could not confirm the statements in the literature® that juglone is reduced by sulfurous acid. The best method of re- duction is with zine and sulfuric acid in the following way. 5g Juglone are suspended in a separatory funnel with about 50ce ether and an under layer of 2N- sulfuric acid. Zine dust is added in small portions, followed by vigorous shaking, until the ether layer becomes colorless, though exhibiting a strong greenish fluorescence. After removal of the ether solution, the aqueous layer and zine dust are shaken out twice with ether. The etheral solution is dried with sodium sulfate, concentrated under diminished pressure and mixed with considerable petro- leum ether. The precipitated substance did not change its melt- ing point of 148° after reprecipitation from ether by petroleum ether or after recrystallization from water. It corresponded in its other properties to the careful description of Mylius. 0.1993g Substance gave 0.4956g CO, and 0.0825g H,0 Calculated for C,,H,0,: OC, 68.16; H, 4.58 Found C, 67.82; H, 4.63 Mylius transformed it into its lower melting isomer by dis- tillation in an atmosphere of hydrogen. It is sufficent however, as we found, to simply melt the a-compound in an evacuated flask. After keeping it in a melted condition 10 minutes in a bath at 160-70°, a yield of 70 per cent of B-hydrojuglone was obtained. It was found best to extract the cooled product with earbon tetrachloride in which the e-compound is much more completely insoluble than in chloroform. The carbon tetrach- loride solution was concentrated in vacuum and the B-hydro- juglone recrystallized from aleohol or petroleum ether. It forms six sided plates, melting at 96-7°. The transformation into the a-compound is readily carried out, as Mylius stated, by heating with alcoholic aqueous hydro- chloric acid. It is also successfully obtained by dissolving the B-compound in dilute sodium hydroxide, containing a little stannous chloride, and acidfying. ’ Ber. der deutsch. chem. Gesell., 17,1946 (1884). Seen Cee TT ae SEVILLE eA Oa fe ee enc sgh? LE Oe 1915] IsomMERISM oF THE HyprosuGLoNs 193 SEMICARBAZONE OF B-1 YDROJUGLONE C,,.H;0,: N. NH. CO. NH, Warm alcoholic solutions of B-hydrojuglone (3g in 65cc) and of semicarbazine (1.5g in 35cc) are mixed and a bottle is filled to the stopper with the solution and closed. After four days dark yellow hard globular crystals, weighing 3.8g, have erystallized out. They are washed with alcohol and reerystal- lized from.much boiling benzene. Only one half of the product could be brought into solution, an insoluble amorphous substance remaining behind. The semicarbazone forms beautiful feather like groups of needles or sharply truncated prisms of pale yel- low color which melt at 197-8° with decomposition. The com- pound is easily soluble in hot acetic acid, difficulty soluble in alcohol and in benzene, insoluble in ether and in ligroin. 0.1460g Substance gave 0.3062g¢ CO, and 0.0650g H,0 0.1307g Substance gave 21.4ec N at 18° and 713mm Caleulated for C,,H,,O,N,: C, 56.65; H, 4.72; N, 18.03 Found Cee pik 19 E98. N= 1786 PHENYLSEMICARBAZONE OF B-HYDROJUGLONE ©7,n.05: N-NH. CO. NHO,H, We mixed cold saturated solutions of B-hydrojuglone (1g) and phenylsemicarbazine (1.1g) in absolute alcohol. The re- action product began to separate within a half an hour and the separation was complete in 24 hours. The phenylsemicar- bazone formed a pulpy mass of bright yellow needles in star shaped groups. The yield amounted to 1.7g. By recrystalli- zation from considerable boiling acetone (350ce required by 1g) or from xylene long thin er edlice were OnE which ear- bonized at 243° ont melting. 0.1687¢ Substance gave 0.4090g Co, and 0.0744g H.O 0.1046g 12.9cee N, dry, at 25° and 721mm Calculated for C,,H,,0,N;: OC, 66.03; H, 4.85; N, 13.59 | C, 66.12; H, 4.90; N, 13.40 The phenylsemicarbazone is insoluble in ether, in alcohol 194 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Society [ March and in benzene, difficulty soluble in hot benzene. It is resolved into its components by boiling with sulfuric acid. Notrre:—The work described in this paper was carried out in the Organic Laboratory of the Federal Polytechnic Institute, Zurich, Switzerland. LIST OF REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS OF NORTH CAROLINA BY C. S. BRIMLEY The following list is a brief summary of the records of reptiles and amphibians from North Carolina, contained in a eard catalogue of the same which I have kept for a number of years. The records are drawn from the following sources: 1. Published Records. (See Bibliography at end of this paper. ) 2. Specimens received by the State Museum at Raleigh, for which I am indebted to my brother, H. H. Brimley, Curator. 3. Specimens collected at various points in North Caro- lina by Messrs F. Sherman, H. H. Brimley, Z. P. Metcalf and myself. 4, Specimens in the Biological Laboratory of the Univer- sity of North Carolina, for the pleasure of examining which I am indebted to Dr. W. C. Coker, and Dr. H. V. Wilson. Those species of which I have not seen North Carolina speci- mens are marked with a star (*). I. TAILED AMPHIBIANS (SALAMANDERS) 1. Stren lacertina (Great Siren). New Bern and Lake Ellis in Craven County, Edenton, Collington’s Island (just north of Roanoke), apparently not common. 2. Necturus maculatus (Water Dog). Raleigh, Kinston, Tarboro, Chapel Hill, not common. *3. Necturus punctatus (Southern Water Dog). Wilming- ton, two specimens sent to U. S. National Museum in March, 1882 by Donald MacRae. 4, Amphiuma means (Ditch Fel). Raleigh, Halifax, Clay- ton, Cape Hatteras, Bertie Co., Tarboro, Bladen Co., Lake Ellis, common in lowland swamps. 5. Cryptobranchus alleghaniensis (Hellbender). Found in the mountain streams. IJ have seen specimens from Cherokee and Yancey counties. *6. Amblystoma jeffersonianuum (Jefferson’s Salamander). 195 196 JOURNAL OF THE MircuHEty Society [March “Very numerous under logs below the fir belt on Roan Mt.” S. N. Rhoads in Proceedings of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1895, p. 402. 7. Amblystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander). Raleigh, Kinston, Tarboro, Salem, Greensboro, Chapel Hill, Lake Wac- camaw, not uncommon. 8. Amblystoma punctatum (Spotted Salamander). Raleigh, Greensboro, Chapel Hill, and Andrews (Cherokee County). *9. Amblystoma talpoideum (Mole Salamander). ‘“Abun- dant in the high valley in southwestern North Carolina, in which the French Broad river takes its origin from mountain streams.” Cope, Batrachia of North America, page 53. 10. Amblystoma tigrinum (Tiger Triton). About twenty- five received from Sanford in mid-January, 1893. A specimen without data in Biological Laboratory of State University. 11. Diemyctylus viridescens (American Newt). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Kinston, Blantyre (Transylvania Co.), Highlands, Grandfather Mt., and Sunburst (Haywood Co.), Common. *11a. Diemyctylus viridescens vittatus (Wilmington Newt). Wilmington (type locality), H. Garman, Journal Cincinnati Society of Natural History, 1897, pp. 49-51. 12. Desmognathus fusca (Brown Triton). Raleigh, Lake Ellis, Chapel Hill, Salem, Kinston, abundant. *13. Desmagnathus nigra (Black Tritcn). Roan Mt., two adults taken by Rhoads. ; 14. Desmagnathus ochrophea (Round-tailed Triton). Abundant in the mountains mostly above 3,500 feet. Taken in Haywood, Macon, Transylvania, Buncombe, and Yancey coun- ties and on Grandfather Mt., occuring up to at least 6,500 feet. In streams and rotten logs, 15. Desmognathus quadrimaculatus (Mountain Triton). Abundant in the mountains from about 3,500 feet up, in streams. Taken in Haywood, Buncombe, Yancey, Transyl- vania, Macon, Cherokee and on Grandfather Mountain. #16. Leurognathus marmoratus (Moore’s Triton). Grand- father Mountain (type locality), three taken by Dr. Moore in pool in stream on south side of mountain in July 1898. (Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila. 1899, p. 316. ¥ SA Gea ere eae “ paket Pd Ree PO ee a 8 eee oy Tf POL pre ae ee <2 haa LA <.ey > a ares ERA ERNE SS EO 1915] List oF Reprites ann AMPHIBIANS 197 17. Plethodon erythronotus (Red-backed Salamander). Taken by Sherman at Greenville in Pitt County, April 4, 1902. Also recorded from four mountain localities, Roan Mt., Black Mt., Andrews (Cherokee Co.), and Sunburst (Haywood Co.) Apparently not common. 18. Plethodon glutinosus (Viscid Salamander). Common in all parts of the state, but not apparently ranging above 3,500 feet in the mountains. Recorded from Littleton, Greenville, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Lake Ellis, and Lumberton jin the east and from the counties of Haywood, Transylvania, Buncombe, and Yancey and from Grandfather Mountain in the west. 19. Plethodon metcalfi (Unspotted Salamander), Common above 3,500 feet at Sunburst in Haywood County (type locali- ty), and also on Grandfather Mountain. Two taken at High- lands and two more on the Tuskwitty Range between Andrews and Aquone in May, 1908. Occurs up to 6,000 feet at least. 20. Plethodon shermani (Red-legged Salamander). Taken only on the Wayah Bald Mountain, between Franklin and Aquone, (type locality). See Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, P35. 21. Manculus quadridigitatus (Dwarf Salamander). Ra- leigh and Kinston, not uncommon. Terrestrial, except in the breeding season which is in January. 22. Stereochilus marginatus (Margined Salamander). Lake Ellis, common. 23. Spelerpes bilineatus (Striped Salamander). Raleigh, Salem, and in the mountains up to 5,500 feet. (Yancey, Bun- combe, Haywood, Cherokee, Mitchell, Macon, and Transyl- vania counties and on Grandfather Mountain.) 24, Spelerpes guttolineatus (Holbrook’s Triton). Raleigh, Salem, Andrews (Cherokee Co.), and Weaverville (Buncombe Co.) Not noted over 2,500 feet. 25. Spelerpes danielst (Daniel’s Triton). Blantyre (Tran- sylvania Co.), Sunburst (Haywood Co.), and Cane -River Yancey Co.), Eleven in all taken, none above 3,500 feet. 26. WSpelerpes ruber (Red Triton). Raleigh, Goldsboro, Beaufort, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hillsboro and Summerville. Also recorded from some mountain localities, but these probably 198 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHELt Society [ March refer to the next. Specimens from Cane River and Burnsville in Yancey county are apparently this form. 27. Spelerpes schencki (Black-lipped Triton). Sunburst, Blantyre, Highlands, Andrews, Wayah, Bald Mountain, and Aquone. Apparently replaces S. ruber in the mountains. Not observed above 4,000 feet elevation. 28. Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (Purplish Salamander). Roan Mt. (Rhoads), and Black Mt. (Sherman, larvae). II. TAIL-LESS AMPHIBIANS (FROGS AND TOADS) 29. Aeris gryllus (Cricket Frog). Raleigh, Lake Ellis, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Southern Pines. Abundant. 30. Chorophilus feriarum (Chorus Frog). Raleigh, Greens- boro, Chapel Hill, abundant. Normally commences breeding in February. 31. Huyla cinerea (Carolina Tree Frog). Cape Hatteras, July, 1905, (H. H. Brimley). Kinston (Cope). 32. Hyla femoralis (Pine woods Tree Frog). Wilmington, December 1901, Lake Ellis, May 1907 (Sherman). 33. Hyla pickeringi (Peeper). Occurs from Lake Ellis to the mountains. Lake Ellis, Dover, Goldsboro, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Andrews, Blantyre, Toxoway, Aquone, Highlands, Black Mountain, and Roan Mt. Highest recorded elevation 6,300 feet on Roan Mountain (Rhoads). 34. Hyla squirella (Squirrel Tree Frog). Cape Hatteras, January 1903 (F. Sherman), Lake Ellis, July 10, 1905, (C. S. B.), and Southport, October 1906 (Sherman). 35. Hyla versicolor (Common Tree Frog). Raleigh, Greenville, Chapel Hill, Goldsboro, Summerville and Tarboro, common. 36. Scaphiopus holbrooki (Solitary Spadefoot). Raleigh, common, but seldom seen except when breeding, which happens some time in spring or summer, usually when a warm rain is falling. Have been noted breeding in March, April, May, June, and August. 37. Bufo americanus (Common Toad). Our only positive records are from Sunburst (Haywood Co.) and Black Moun- tain. Apparently the common toad of the state is the next. a, 1915] List or Reprines anp AMPHIBIANS 199 38. Bufo fowlert (Fowler’s Toad). According to Miss M. C. Dickerson, author of the “Frog Book”, our Raleigh toads are this species as are also two out of three specimens from Black Mt. Chapel Hill, University collections. 39. Bufo quercicus (Dwarf Toad). Kinston (Cope), Beaufort (Sherman), and Lake Ellis (C. S. B.) Not common. 40. Engystoma carolinense (Narrow-mouthed Toad). Ra- leigh, Dover, Goldsboro, and Southern Pines. Breeds from May to August, common, but nocturnal and subterranean, and hence seldom seen. 41. Rana catesbiana (Bullfrog). Raleigh, Lake Ellis, Tarboro, Cape Hatteras, Chapel Hill, and Hendersonville. 42. Rana clamata (Spring Frog). Lake Ellis, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Salem, Blantyre (Transylvania Co), Black Mt., Roan Mt., and Sunburst (Haywood Co). 43, Pane nalieens (Pickerel Frog). Raleigh, Roan Mt., and Kinston. Apparently increasing in numbers at Raleigh, though not common. 44, Rana sphenocephala (Southern Leopard Frog). Ra- leigh, Lake Ellis, Cape Hatteras and Tarboro. This and cla- mata are the two commonest Ranae at Raleigh. *45. Rana sylvatica (Wood Frog). Kinston (Cope). 46. Rana virgatipes (Carpenter Frog). Lake Ellis, Wil- mington, the latter locality added on the authority of Mr. W. T. Davis who heard them near here in the spring of 1914. III. LIZARDS 47. Anolis carolinensis (Green Lizard, “Chameleon’’). Ap- parently common throughout the whole region east and south of Raleigh, but does not occur at Raleigh. Wilmington, Lum- berton, Carthage, Southport, Smith’s Id., Lake Ellis, Beaufort, Kinston, Willard (Pender Co.), Wakefield (Wake Co.), Sum- te (Harnett Co.), White Lake (Bladen Co.), Albemarle (Stanly Co.), and Tryon (Polk Co.). 48. Sceloporus undulatus (Fence Lizard). Common, Ra- leigh, Chapel Hill, Lumberton, Summerville, Tarboro, Wil- mington, Kinston, Salem, Blantyre (Transylvania Co.), Hen- dersonville, Toxoway, Franklin (Macon Co.), Andrews (Chero- 200 JOURNAL OF THE MitrcHEeLt Society [ March kee Co.), Black Mt., Sunburst (Haywood Co.). Does not ap- pear to range over 3,000 feet in the mountains. 49. Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (Sand Lizard). Common, ranging in the mountains up to about 2,500 feet. Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Kinston, Brunswick Co., Southern Pines, Black Mt., and Andrews. 50. Ophisaurus ventralis (Glass Snake). Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Garner (Wake Co.), Southport, Beaufort, Wilming- ton, New Bern, Washington, White Lake (Bladen Co.), and Statesville. Confined mainly to the eastern part of the state, not common. 51. Leiolepisma laterale (Ground Lizard). Raleigh, Lake Ellis, Chapel Hill, Kinston, Salem, not uncommon, but secre- tive in habits. 52. Humeces quinquelineatus (Bluetailed Lizard, “Scor- pion’). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Lumberton, Lake Ellis, Kin- ston, New Bern, Blantyre, Andrews, Franklin, ranging up to 3,000 feet at least. IV. HARMLESS SNAKES 53. Abastor erythrogrammus (Rainbow Snake). New Bern, Wilmington, Kinston, Lake Ellis, Edenton, not common. 54, Bascanium constrictor (Black Snake). Raleigh, Cha- pel Hill, Lake Ellis, Washington, Statesville, Blantyre and Black Mountain. Common. 55. Bascanium flagellum (Coach whip). Southern Pines, Lake Ellis, White Lake (Bladen Co.), and Pender Co., one specimen from each locality. 56. Carphophiops amoenus (Worm Snake). Lake Ellis, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Washington, Kinston, Blantyre, Andrews, and Sunburst. Common in rotten stumps and logs. 57. Cemophora coccinea (Scarlet Snake), Raleigh, South- ern Pines, Washington, not common, in the eastern part of the state only. 58. Coluber guttatus (Spotted Racer; Corn Snake). Eas*- ern part of state, not common. Raleigh, Washington, Lake Ellis, Southern Pines. 59. Coluber obsoletus (Black Chicken Snake). Western i i i? 7 te. = yo Ce ay 7 1915] List or Rertites anp AMPHIBIANS 201 two thirds of state, not uncommon. Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Kin- ston, Taylorsville, Andrews (Cherokee Co.), Sunburst (Hay- wood Co.) 60. Coluber quadrivittatus (Stripped Chicken Snake). Eastern part of state. New Bern, Cape Hatteras, Lake Ellis, Pender Co., Maysville (Jones Co.), White Lake (Bladen Co.) 61. Cyclophis aestivus (Southern Green Saxe ), Connnon, arboreal, on low bushes and coarse herbage. Bertie Co., Tar- boro, Kinston, Beaufort, Cape Hatteras, Southern Pines and Chapel Hill. 62. Diadophis punctatus (Ring-necked Snake). Appa- rently whole state, common. Lake Ellis, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Summerville, Blantyre (Transylvania Co.), and Sunburst. 63. Hutaenia saurita (Ribbon Snake). Wilmington, Ra- leigh, Avoca, Summerville, and Toxoway. 64. Hutaenia sirtalis (Garter Snake). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Kinston, Jackson, (Northampton Co.), Cane River (Yan- cey Co.), and Sunburst. Common. 65. Farancia abacura (Horn Snake). Eastern section on- ly. New Bern, Wilmington, Whiteville (Columbus Co.), Cur- rituck, White Lake, and Lake Ellis. 66. Haldea striatula (Ground Snake). Raleigh, Sum- merville, Lumberton, Bertie Co., Lake Ellis. Common. 67. Heterodon platyrhinus (Spreading Adder). Wilming- ton, Goldsboro, Kinston, Beaufort, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Sum- merville, Southern Pines, Washington, and Black Mountain, also Statesville. Common. Black specimens are occasional. 68. Heterodon simus (Hog-nosed Snake). Goldsboro, Lake Ellis, and Wake Co., not common. 69a. Natrix fasciata fasciata (Southern Water Snake). Eastern section, less common than the next. New Bern, Wil- mington, Lake Ellis, and Raleigh. 69b. Natrix fasciata sipedon (Northern Water Snake). The common water snake of the whole state. Wilmington, Kin- ston, Cape Hatteras, Goldsboro, Royal Shoals (Pamlico Sound) White Lake, Washington, Salem, Black Mountain, Cane River, - Sunburst, Andrews, Raleigh and Chapel Hill. 69ce. Natrix fasciata erythrogastra (Red-bellied Water 202 JOURNAL oF THE MitcHELL Society [March Snake, “Copperbelly’”). Not common, Kinston, Lake Ellis, Raleigh, White Lake, Jackson (Northampton Co.). 70. Natrix taxispilota (Pied Water Snake), Kinston, Avo- ca, Lake Ellis, White Lake, New Bern, Cape Hatteras, and Pender Co. Common in the east. 71. Natrix leberis (Willow Snake, Queen Snake). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Kinston, Waynesville, Blantyre, Cane River. Not common. 72. Ophibolus doliatus coccineus (Red King Snake) Sum- merville, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, not uncommon. 73. Ophibolus doliatus triangulus (Milk Snake). Sun burst (Haywood Co.), two specimens. 74. Ophibolus getulus (King Snake). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Lake Ellis, New Bern, Kinston, Washington, Brunswick Co., Homestead (Graham Co.), Patterson (Caldwell Co.), Blantyre (Transylvania Co.) Common. 75. Ophibolus rhombomaculatus (Brown King Snake). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Jackson, Washington, Statesville. Not common. 76. Pityophis melanoleucus (Pine Snake, Bull Snake). Two received alive by State Museum from Bushnell, Swain Co., in August 1909. *77, Rhadinaea flavilata (Brown-headed Snake). Fort Macon (Cope). 78. Storeria dekayi (DeKay’s Snake). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Kinston, and Cherokee. Common. 79. Storeria occipitomaculata (Red-bellied Storeria). Ra- leigh, Southern Pines, Chapel Hill, Cranberry. Less common than preceding. 80. Virginia valeriae (Valeria’s Snake). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Statesville, and Andrews. Not common. V. POISONOUS SNAKES 81. Tantilla coronata (Crowned Tantilla). Raleigh, May 6, 1906, Southern Pines, May, 1909, also a specimen in the Zoological Laboratory of the University of North Carolina without data, possibly from Beaufort. Our only Dipsadine snake. 1916] List oF Reprines anp AMPHIBIANS 203 82. - Elaps fulvius (Coral Snake) Montrose, Hoke Co., July 29, 1912, specimen killed and sent to State Museum by Dr. M. E. Street. 83. Ancistrodon contortrix (Copperhead). Wilmington, Lake Ellis, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Jackson Co., Montreat. Not uncommon, 84. Ancistrodon piscivorus (Cottonmouth). Eastern See- tion. New Bern, Lake Ellis, Wilmington, Cape Hatteras, Washington, Beaufort, Whiteville, Raleigh. 85. Crotalus adamanteus (Diamond Rattlesnake). Jack- son (Cope), Havelock (Craven Co.), and Pender Co. (J. A. Holmes), near the coast only. 86. Crotalus horridus (Banded Rattlesnake). Wilming- ton, New Bern, Dare Co., Lake Ellis, Beaufort, and in the mountains from Cherokee, Macon, Buncombe, Haywood, and Alexander counties. *87. Sistrurus miliarius (Ground Rattlesnake). Wilming- ton, (Cope), Bogue and Shackleford’s Banks (Coues 1871). VI. TURTLES 88. Terrapene carolina (Box Tortoise, Highland Terra- pin). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Beaufort, Lake Ellis, Greensboro. 89. Chelopus guttatus (Speckled Terrapin). Raleigh, Beaufort, Lake Ellis, Southern Pines. *90. Chelopus muhlenbergi (Muhlenberg’s Terrapin). Three specimens taken October 1879, by A. L. Barringer at States- ville, (Yarrow in Check List). 91. Malaclemmys centrata (Diamond-back Terrapin). Salt marshes along the coast only. Beaufort, Brunswick, Car- teret, Dare, New Hanover, Onslow, Pasquotank, Pamlico, Pen- der, Craven, and Hyde counties. *92. Deirochelys reticulata (Chicken Turtle). ‘““North Caro- lina to Florida inclusive” Ditmars in Reptile Book. 93. Chrysemys picta (Painted Terrapin). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, the most abundant turtle at the former place. 94. Pseudemys concinna (River Terrapin). Raleigh, and Tarboro, less common than in previous years at the former 204 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Society [March place. Also two nearly hatched specimens, without data, in the Zoological Laboratory of University of North Carolina. 95. Pseudemys floridana (Florida Terrapin). Lake Ellis, also Richardson’s Pond in Johnston Co. 96. Pseudemys mobilensis (Mobile Terrapin). A specimen 13 inches long in shell from White Lake, Bladen Co., doubt- fully referred here. *97. Pseudemys rubriventris (Red-bellied Terrapin). Spe- cimens in U. S. National Museum from Kinston and Wilming- ton according to Yarrows Check List of North American Rep- tiles and Batrachians, 1883. 98. Pseudemys scripta (Yellow-bellied Terrapin). Raleigh and Lake Ellis, common, also recorded from Beaufort and Greensboro. Has apparently much increased in numbers at Raleigh of late years. 99. Pseudemys troostii (Troost’s Terrapin). Raleigh, November 1914, one speciment 8 inches in shell. 100. Cinosternum pennsylvanicum (Mud Turtle). Tarboro, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Beaufort. Abundant. 101. Aromochelys odoratus (Musk Turtle). Raleigh, Lake Ellis, Greensboro. Less common and much more aquatic than the preceding. 102. Chelydra serpentina (Snapping Turtle). Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Lake Ellis, Beaufort. *103. Colpochelys kempi (Kemp’s Loggerhead, “Hawks- bill”). Beaufort and Cape Hatteras. 104. Thalassochelys caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle), Beaufort and Pamlico Sound. *105. Chelone mydas (Green Sea Turtle) Beaufort, rare. 106. Dermochelys coriacea (Leatherback Sea Turtle). Beaufort, May 27, 1897. VII. CROCODILIANS 107. Alligator mississippiensis (Alligator). Brunswick, Craven, Carteret, Bladen, New Hanover, Onslow, and Robeson counties. wg i cal as al 1915] List or Reprites anp AMPHIBIANS 20 Or BIBLIOGRAPHY 1871. Coues, Elliot. Natural History of Fort Macon, N. C. pt. I, Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Batrachians. (Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. May 2, 1871, pp. 12-49). 1882. Yarrow, H.C. Check List of North American Rep- tiles and Betrachians. (Bull. U. S. N. M. No. 24, 1882.) 1889. Cope, E. D. Batrachia of North America. (Bull. U. S. N. M. No. 34, 1889.) . 1895. Brimley, C. 8. List of Snakes observed at Raleigh, N. C. (American Naturalist, January, 1895.) 1895. Rhoads, Samuel N. Contributions to Zoology of Tennessee, No. 1, Reptiles and Amphibians. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1895, pp. 376-407.) (Contains some records of Amphibians from Roan Mountain.) 1896. Brimley, C. S. Batrachia found at Raleigh, N. C. (American Naturalist, June, 1896, pp. 500-501.) 1897. Garman, H. Diemyctylus viridescens var. vittatus, a new variety of the Red-Spotted Triton. (Journal of Cincin- nati Society of Natural History, Vol. XIX, No. 2, March 24, 1897, pp. 49-51.) Described from Wilmington, N. C. 1898. Cope, E. D. Crocodilians, Lizards and Snakes of North America. (Report of U.S. N. M., 1898, pp. 153-1270.) 1899. Moore, J. Perey. Leurognathus marmoratus, a new Genus and species of salamander of the family Desmog- mathidae. (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1899, pp. 316-323.) Described from Grandfather Mountain, N. C. 1902. Stejneger, L. Re-discovery of one of Holbrook’s ‘salamanders, (Desmognathus quadrimaculatus). (Proc. U. S. N. M., Vol. XXVI, pp. 557-8.) From Grandfather Moun- tain, N.C. 1906. Stejneger, I. A new salamander from North Caro- lina. (Proc. U.S. N. M., Vol. XXX, pp. 559-562). Describes Plethodon shermani. 1907. Coker, R. E. Cultivation of the Diamond-back Terrapin. (N. C. Geological Survey, Bull. No. 14, 1906.) 206 JOURNAL oF THE MitcHett Socrery [ March 1907. Brimley, C. S. Notes on some Turtles of the genus Pseudemys, (Journal Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. June, 1907, pp. 76-84.) 1909. Brimley, C. S. Some Notes on the Zoology of Lake Ellis, N. C., with special reference to Herpetology. (Proce. Biol. Soc. Wash., Vol. XXII, pp. 129-138.) 1912. Brimley, C. S. Notes on the Salamanders of the North Carolina mountains with descriptions of two new forms. (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., Vol. XXV, pp. 135-140.) Rate£icH, N. C. OF dauphin i) SRC Re eee en Tha Q Elisha Mitchell Scientific it Society, Chapel Hill; N.C: EA Journal Vv. 238-30 Physical & Applied Sci, Serials PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY "OR, : & fenrd 5 Phar ade a) ¥ aw " ibe hel : oe PeNiogen to isGahgpubbdtuadabidebaneth et . eer ri tirerevere Sapna ree NN rd Aa ne