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Day wes ; ay Aieh: pyro yet “ . toe me ie ™ ey orane : Bete ro ra tamer oF anche tit Me Rahs the ioe , 4 ic ck 5 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/journalmitchel36elis Mintle ty CAPRI Wl ie Nut rial) ah 0 1 a4 Ws 1§ ley i iia! if" Pes hah 40) i OVER ice ORI Ohya ai as i ; oh it Ml ae i va Lae, al ol ee ny fi ia 4 7 » ' » rk 4 ei JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOLUME XXXVI 1920-1921 ISSUED QUARTERLY Published for the Society by the University of North Carolina CONLENTS PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, MeereHEr, 19616, TOUMARCH, 1920: ....2...2.-.....2.5 005. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. . THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY. Andrew H. Patterson A New MeEtTHOopD For LAYING OuT CIRCULAR CURVES BY DE- SeEeTONsS ERoM THE P.1f. 7. F. Aickerson............... A REMARKABLE FORM OF SKELETAL ELEMENT IN THE LITHISTID Sponces (A Case of Analogical Resemblance). H. VY. OE ee Sr a THE TURTLES OF NorTH CAROLINA. C. S. Brimley A LitTLE-KNowWN VETCH DISEASE. Frederick A. Wolf NOTES ON THE Mosouito FAUNA OF NORTH CAROLINA. Frank- Ee DS NS ok AN INTERESTING FERTILIZER PROBLEM. JH. B. Arbuckle AZALEA ATLANTICA ASHE AND ITS VARIETY LUTEO-ALBA N. VAR. Me EI tS AE a hse ee et ee A New SPECIES oF AcHLYA. -W. C. Coker and J. N. Couch PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, Pee eooe TOUUECE MBER, 1920. .......5.-..---..--. 000% Peer PAGOH VOLPE. 13975-1020...........55........-.0000e- THE CHEMICAL BEHAVIOR OF ZIRCONIUM. F. P. Venable....... A PuRE CULTURE METHOD FOR DiaToms. Bert Cunningham... THE OCCURENCE OF UNLIKE ENDS OF THE CELLS OF A SINGLE FILAMENT OF-SPIROGYRA. Bert Cunningham.............. SoME MARINE MOLLUSCAN SHELLS OF BEAUFORT AND VICINITY. 8 Ie gid “ty 7 aa - ; i. a ‘ 4 a ae 7 -_ , — . s ery = - } : 7 “ty Q ; a : a , -= -~ , 7 PLATE 1 AZALEA ATLANTICA. (left) AZALEA ATLANTICA VAR. LUTEO-ALBA. (right) + Natural Size JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society | Volume XXXVI SEPTEMBER, 1920 Nos. 1 and 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, DECEMBER, 1916, TO MARCH, 1920. 225TH MEETING—DECEMBER 12, 1916 A. H. Parrerson—Shrapnel in the Making. J. M. Bett—Some Recent Work in Crystal Structure. 226TH MrretiInc—Frpruary 20, 1917 H. H. Wmu1ams—The Logic of Science. Cottier Copsp—Recent Changes in Currituck Sound (Illustrated). 227TH MretiInc—Marcu 13, 1917 H. R. Torren—Growing Mushrooms in Pure Culture. J. S. Houmes—Some Notes on the Occurrence of Landslides, Business MEETING—SEPTEMBER 26, 1917 ELECTION OF OFFICERS : President—J. G. Beard. Vice-President—J. M. Bell. Permanent Secretary—F. P. Venable. Recording Secretary—W. W. Rankin, Jr. Editorial Committee—W. C. Coker, chairman; Collier Cobb, M. H. Stacy. 228TH MrEetTINGc—OcToBER 9, 1917 P. H. Daceert—Modern Tendencies in Engineering Education. F. P. Venaste—The Luminosity of Insects—A Chemical Phenom- enon. [1] to JOURNAL OF THE MiItCHELL SOCIETY [ September 229TH MEETING—NOVEMBER 13, 1917 Cottier Copsp—Cave Dwellings and their Relation to Geology. 230TH MretiInc—DeEcEeMBER 11, 1917. W. pEB. MacNiwer—The Stabidity of the Acid-Base Equilibrium of the Blood in Animals of Different Ages. ArcuipaLp HENpERSON—The Role of Pascal’s Theorem in Modern Geometry. 231st MEETINGc—FeEBRuUARY 26, 1918 H. V. Wirson—Contributions of French Scientists as Brought out at the San Francisco Exposition. H. W. Cuase—Some Modern Tendencies in Psychological Thought. 232p Mretinc—Marcu 12, 1918 W. C. Coker—Corn (Illustrated). A. S. WHEELER—The Production of Toluol. 233p Mretinc—Apriu 9, 1918 J. W. Lasupey—Some Everyday Probiems. F. P. VenaBLe—Luminescence and Radioactivity of the Zircons. P. H. Daccert—Demonstration of a New Telephone Signaling System. Business Meetinec—OctToper, 1918 The old officers were re-elected for the year 1918-19, during which period the regular meetings were suspended. 234TH MrEETING—APRIL 15, 1919 ARCHIBALD HENDERSON—Some Points in Gunnery for Heavy Ar- tillery. F. P. Venaste—TVhe North Carolina Academy of Science. 230TH Merretinc—May 13, 1919 W. veB. MacNiper—Influence of the Age of an Organism on Regen- eration. A. 8. WHEELER—New Napthalene Dyes. J. M. Bett—Investigations on the Nitrotoluenes. 1920] Proceeprnes or EvisHa MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC Society 3 ELECTION OF OFFICERS: President—W. C. Coker. Vice-President—J. M. Bell. Permanent Secretary—F¥. P. Venable. Recording Secretary—A. W. Hobbs. Editorial Committee—W. C. Coker, chairman; J. M. Bell, Collier Cobb. 236TH MrETING—NOvVEMBER 11, 1919. H: V. Witson—Some Crustacea of the North Carolina Coast. F. P. Venasie and D. H. Jackson—Reactions of Hydrochloric and Hydrobromic Acids with Potassium Permanganate. 237TH MEETING—DECEMBER 9, 1919 J. N. Couco—A New Species of Water Mold with Observations on Fertilization, T. F. Hickerson—A New Method For Laying Out Curves in Road Location. 238TH MEETING—JANUARY 13, 1920. J. J. Wotre—The Plankton of Chesapeake Bay. The speaker presented in brief form the results obtained in a plankton survey of these waters, made by the speaker in collaboration with Prof. Bert Cunningham, the object of which was to throw some light on the kind and abundance of organisms that may serve as fish food. The collections on which the work was based were made by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. The details of collection and the methods employed in the study were explained at some length. Charts and tables compiled from the data gathered were presented and the conclusions drawn which may be summarized as follows: 1. The volume of matter suspended in the water bears little or no relation to the number of organisms present. 2. There is a gradual increase in volume with increasing depth due in part to detritus and in part to an increase in organisms. 3. There is a great variation in number of organisms in different parts of the Bay on the same day and at the same depths, the cause of which is not determined. Locations and temperature are ruled out as causes. The data, too meagre as yet, point to the tides as a possible explanation. + JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September 4. There are two erests during the year, April-May and Sep- tember-October, due to.a tremendous increase of individuals belonging to only one or two species rather than as might be expected to a gen- eral increase in all species represented. 5. There seems to be a definite relation between temperature and number of organisms, the optimum lying between 46° and 55° F. 6. There is a noteworthy absence of Copepods certainly due to some error in the method of collection. 7. Neither ‘‘count’’ nor ‘‘volume’’ gives an absolutely true in- dication of food available, These two in connection with ‘‘incinera- tion’? would probably give a more correct idea. 239TH MerretiInc—Fersruary 10, 1920 F. P. VenarteE—The Chemistry of Zircomum. ~ This paper will be published in full in this Journal in a later number. W. F. Proury—Notes on the Geology of a Portion of Clay County, Alabama. The fundamental or metamorphic rocks of Clay County, Alabama, have been generally considered of Precambrian age. There is nothing published concerning the age of the associated intrusives. Dr. Smith, of the University of Alabama, has demonstrated the Carboniferous age of a small area in the phyllites of western Clay County. The speaker has recently widely extended, in the phyllite belt, the area of known Carboniferous rocks and has demonstrated the post Car- boniferous age of the belt of green schists which everywhere separate the phyllites on the west from the mica schists on the east. The workable flake graphite ores or the mica schist belt are shown to be of epigenetic origin and the association of the ores with the more quartzitic and coarse-grained, originally sedimentary beds, leads to the conclusion that the graphitie ores resulted from the metamorphism of petroliferous strata, 240TH MrETING—MarcuH 9, 1920 . J. F. Dasuitett—-Double Habit Formation by Animals, Children, and Adults. The problem approached was that as to the relative efficiency of learning two habits by practicing them alternately (the Alternate 1220| PROCEEDINGS OF EvisHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY ca | Method) or by getting one to some extent fixed before practicing the other (the Complete Method). Data were obtained by the study of the learning of mazes by rats, of mazes by children, and of mazes by adults; then the scope was extended to include the formation of another pair of perceptual-motor habits, card sorting, and further still to include a pair of habits involving very. little of the motor element, addition. The particular technique of the different experiments was inten- tionally varied considerably: (a) in temporal distribution of trials; (b) in stage at which shift was made from one to the other habit by the Complete Method; (c) in arrangement of controls—division of subject into groups; (d) in methods of scoring; (e) in incentives used, (f) in subjects’ previous familiarity with the habits to be learned; (gz) in their knowledge of the number and order of the habits to be learned; (h) in their knowledge of the nature of the problem inves- tigated. Thus, the general results found may be considered as inde- pendent of particular details of technique and to be of general bearing. For results, it was found that in all the forms of double habit for- mation studied, learning by the Complete Method was more economical than learning by the Alternate Method. This was indicated in the different sets of experiments in terms of the different criteria of effici- eney respectively applicable, They included: (a) number of trials necessary to fix a habit; (b) degree of regularity in improvement; (c) average amounts of scores on individual trials; (d) rate of accelera- tion of improvement. The complete paper will appear in an early number of The Psy- chological Review. J. B. Butuirtr—Report on Autopsies on 25 Cases of Influenza Pneu- monia. Extensive cutaneous emphysema was encountered in one ease. Firm, fibrous pleural adhesions existed in six cases, in four of which the lungs showed old scars of apparently healed tuberculosis while one showed fibrinous exudate on the pleura, four of these exudates being thick and shaggy. In three of these there was serous effusion ; in two, purulent effusion. All cases exhibited the lobular type of pneumonia. In seven there was also distinct lobar consolidation, the lobular process in these being but slightly evident. Numerous bronchiectatic abscesses occurred in four cases, while’in four others (three of them associated with labor consolidation) there was massive 6 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September neerosis involving the whole or the greater part of a lobe. Meningitis existed in five cases—two due to the meningoccocus, one to the menin- gococcus and pneumococeus together, while in two the organism was not discovered. In all cases of more than one week duration more or less extensive organization has occurred. Two men who lived about five weeks died suddenly during apparent convalescence. The lungs showed little evidence of active inflammation, but organization has obliterated the greater part of the pulmonary tissue. These seem enalogous to those cases of nephritis in which the repair process strangles the glomeruli and kills a patient who may have survived the original toxemia. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINETEENTH MEETING OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, HELD AT STATE COLLEGE, WEST RALEIGH, N. C., APRIL 30-MAY 1, 1920. The executive committee met in the offices of Prof. Z. P. Metcalf April 30, at 12:00 M., with the following members present: President A. H. Patterson, Secretary R. W. Leiby and member Z. P. Metealf. The secretary made a preliminary report on finances, membership, ete., following which the policies of the Academy and other questions were discussed. A total of 28 new members were elected as follows: JostaH S. Bass, Asst. in Geology, U. N. C., Chapel Hill. Dr. H. P. Barret, Physician, Charlotte. Wma. Hanve Browne, Prof. Elec. Engr., State College, West Raleigh. Deo. 6. Bousrr, Prot. Path., U: N. C., Chapel Hill. J. N. Coucu, Asst. in Botany, U. N. C., Chapel Hill. | Dr. J. B. Derteux, Dept. Physics, State College, W. Raleigh. A. A. Drxon, Dept. Physics, State College, W. Raleigh. Pau Gross, Ph. D., Chemist, Trinity College, Durham. Miss Partie J. Groves, Instr. Science, Durham High School, Dur- ham. V. R. Haser, Asst. Investigations, Ent., State Dept. Agr., Raleigh. Dr. J. O. Hatverson, Expert Animal Nutrition, State Dept. Agr., Raleigh. C. M. Hecx, Dept. Physics, State College, W. Raleigh. Miss Atma Hoxuanp, Asst. in Botany, U. N. C., Chapel Hill. J. E. Ivey, Poultry Path., State College, W. Raleigh. S. G. Lenman, Asst. Plant Path., State College, W. Raleigh. A. L. Luen, Prof. Physics and Chemistry, Lenoir College, Hickory. Dr. Wm. F. Prouty, Stratigraphic Geol., U. N. C., Chapel Hill. R, F. Revson, Chemist, 210 S. Tryon St., Charlotte. G. H. SaTrerFIELD, Trinity College, Durham. Pror. M. E. SHERWIN, Prof. Soils, State College, W. Raleigh. I. V. SHuNK, Asst. Prof. Botany, State College, W. Raleigh. M. R. Smiru, Extension Ent., State Dept. Agr., Raleigh. Tra W. Smituey, U. N. C., Chapel Hill. aa 19 a) JOURNAL OF THE MitcHELL Society | September Haywoop M. Taytor, U. N. C., Chapel Hill. Dr. Water F. Taytor, Asso. Prof. Bacter. and Hygiene, W. F. C., Wake Forest. Dr. B. W. We tts, Prof. Botany, State College, W. Raleigh. C. B, Wiuurams, Dean, State College, W. Raleigh. J. H. Wiuuiams, Instr. Zool. & Ent., State College, W. Raleigh. The executive committee then adjourned. At 2:15 P.M. the first session of the annual meeting was called to order by Pres. A. H. Patterson, who made some remarks chiefly concerning the time allowance for presentation of papers. The fol- lowing committees were then appointed: Auditing—C. 8. Brimley, T. F. Hickerson, F. A. Wolf; Nominations—J. J. Wolfe, W. C, Coker, W. A. Withers; Resolutions—C. W. Edwards, H. B. Arbuckle, Miss Mary Petty. a Papers were then called for, the reading and discussion of which was carried on until 5:00 P.M. when the session was adjourned. The Academy reconvened at 8:15 P. M. to listen to the Presidential address by A. H. Patterson on ‘‘The Einstein Theory of Relativity.’ Previous to the presidential address, the Academy was formally wel- comed by Dr. W. C. Riddick, President of the College, the response being made by Professor Patterson. The Academy was again called to order on Saturday morning at nine o’clock for a business session. The Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were approved. The Treasurer’s re- port was read and referred to the Auditing Committee. The matter of increasing dues was discussed. Professor Metealf presented the pro- position of the Academy affiliating with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. This was freely discussed and re- ferred by motion to the Executive Committee with power to act. The question of securing State support for the Academy in the sum of $500.00 to $1,000.00 was discussed and motion was adopted to refer to Executive Committee to look into matter and if found practicable to authorize the President to appoint a committee to present the matter to the next Legislature. The committee on Science Instruction in the High Schools as related to the College, was continued with one change in personnel, the substitution of Mr. Bert Cunningham for Dr. J. J. Wolfe. Motion was then adopted, following pro and con discussion, that the Secretary be allowed ten per cent of all moneys collected by him for the Academy, effective next year. 1920] PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 2) Motion adopted that we accept the invitation of Wake Forest Col- lege to meet there next year. The nominating committee then made its report as follows: President—Z. P. Metcalf, W. Raleigh. Vice-President—J. M. Bell, Chapel Hill. Secretary-Treasurer—R. W. Leiby, Raleigh. Additional members Executive Committee: H. R. Totten, R. N. Wilson, F. A. Wolfe. Report was adopted and Secretary authorized to cast the ballot. Motion was then adopted that the following telegram be sent past President and Secretary, E. W. Gudger: ‘*The North Carolina Academy of Science in annual session assembled, deeply appreciating the splendid constructive service which you rendered her through SO many years, sends you greeting and begs that you accept her thanks for this most devoted service which we well know was a labor of love, and sincerely hopes that events may so shape themselves that you may at an early date again actively share in her work and achievement.’’ Following the business session the presentation of papers was con- tinued before the joint session of the Academy and Chemists until 12 :30. At 1:30 the Academy reconvened for the further presentation of papers. During this session the report of the Auditing Committee was adopted which found the books correct and suggested the payment of the nominal sum of $5.00 to the Seeretary’s stenographer. for clerical work. The report of the Resolutions Committee was then read and adopted as follows: Resolved, That we, the members of the North Carolina Academy of Science, sorrow because of the demise of our member and fellow worker, Mrs. Fannie Carr Bivins, head of the Science Department of the Durham City Schools, and express our recognition of her unselfish and enthusiastic work as student and teacher which made her life such a notable contribution to the advancement of science in her community. That we express our hearty appreciation of the kindness, courtesy, and co- operation of the President and Faculty of the N. C. State College of Agriculture and Engineering on the occasion of the nineteenth annual meeting of the Academy and especially of the generous and hospitable manner in which we have indi- vidually been entertained. Following the completion of the program the Academy adjourned sine die at 3:15 P.M. 10 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September Report OF TREASURER, July 1, 1919-April 28, 1920 RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES From former treasurer ..............6 128.67 Rubber stamp ............:..cesccseceses $ 1.00 Dues (DaCK)) Setetecasscaresszeeccsoreesene 5.00 Postage and envelopes ............. 13.72 PES ((CUEREMT) Pace catenetgeacer tec cess 56.00. Stationery <..2....2::2.cscsvssocsssteroosesce 5.25 Dunes: (advanced!) vitere.cesrescese- 16.00 Multigraph letters (3) ............ 3.00 Enitiation) +» -f6GS a. i ecvs.< W. Raleigh DiKON, Li. Be ...c.ensn.sa-scsce-ncnnsecnnsscsnnsorsnnsoeeseecenesorseeseceeeneearsseerens Weaverville MNNNNRENRES, NCL TN sy oo nstcncacnneeettanas=*Renencgansssnarsene PR ee ee a Chapel Hill RIN Rees arate og inatagncupnvacsxcanectegassatracsnearrene Elsmere, Del. NIE OS IW 2) ch seg cect pap aap skainstnapsacnetnannpennnngsnnaerapi canséseeaseanes Durham Bidgerton;. ©.) Nz, drs. -........-7 BRA Sat ec ct hee tt caeea Su Athens, Ga. IPRS FON ree ces Uancetitnarnavetaatnanantnsnaataesscase +See Troy, Ala. ReMi ocn acca ocsch sce secs snzen en aveocca vouaccosssanasancareasesePiasshee Durham, N. C. Seems aa IN Ate Ea Bn CO ola sees cecacepnes=ceneanceas=-ncasvanccesencaper-canece~enaass Durham UR TN cas cece dete eeekin etc ove gsi onSicinancsshtabetepivacecssonte Greensboro PEMD ire DE coisas cote ocr asian ea an an ccnecoct sons isnssuncunsseaaveseciyescssneteas Raleigh OE MCMC ERAT MSE CO) ces ee atone acne aseaocestas¢doncdsvanisecctnacetsaccedasesuteesees Raleigh a ouster eeepc etc ceee fcveuapsuarrachacede-nanduceheveneches Durham TEs C01 ee Fone e eRe a ade ssentetossansetseeaocsae iostvesesse West Raleigh eee EET MOE CHUAN 02 oc con sasregs-cnceeanvscaceeesncest7ossaannescdescareeneees- Chapel Hill BEETLE iy, LAW pecs ee Spo ee rn Greensboro Ne SERRA sos esta go seep tans tas e —— tan 4A, A 5729.578 i= R tan 2A = exsec 144A, A 48 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September For curves longer than 100 feet, the tabular values. of the external, tangent, and radius must be multiplied, and the degree of curve di- vided, by the ratio of the given curve length to 100. For example, suppose A is 24° and the length of curve to be used is 400 feet, then 24 E — 5.3834 & 4 = 21.8, T — 50.744 « 4 = 203.0, D = — = 6°, 4 — 238.8 « 4— 955.2. This tables gives conveniently a length of curve that will always be a multiple of ten. The chords therefore will always be an integral number of feet in length. Example 1. Given A = 40°00’; P. I at Sta. 62 + 11.8 From Table II, L = 100, E = 9.193, T = 52.135, D = 40°. Suppose local conditions are such that E should equal 46 feet 46 approximately. Hence, ratio — — = 5. 9.2 Lh = 500, H = 46.0, T = 260.7, D—s°. 500 = 50 = length of each chord to be applied 10 times. 10 Py ih = 6252-8 T. = 2 - 60.7 P. C. = 59 + 51.1 L. = 5 P. T. = 64 + 51.1 For A — 40°00’, the deflections are given directly in Table I as follows: Points Deflections gel Ne A Ist 40°29’ 2d 42°29! 3d 47°58 4th 63°41’ 5th (E = 46.0) 110°00' 6th 156°19' 7th NOY Sth WHOS 9th 179°31' Oth Eanes 180°00' 1920] New MetxHop For Laying Out CIRCULAR CURVES 49 As a check in taking deflections from the table, it should be noted that the Ist + 9th — 2d + 8th — 3d+ 7th — 4th + 6th — 180 + A — 220°00'. The above points on the curve are not at full stations; but the chainmen, on their way back from the P. C., can very easily set stakes at full station and + 50 foot poimts as follows: the rear chainman holds the + 51.1 division of the tape at the P. C., and aligns the front chainman by sighting to the 9th poimt of the curve; then a right angle offset on the P. I. side of the curve, at a certain fraction (see Fig. 3) of the middle ordinate for a chord of 50 feet (see Table III), locates Sta. 60 (in this ease the middle ordinate is 0.44 ft. and the offset is less than 0.1 ft.) ; next the rear chainman holds the zero end of the tape at Sta. 60 and aligns the front chainman by sighting from the 9th point to the 8th point, in order to locate Sta. 60 + 50 which is so near the 8th point it does not have to be shifted. The other stations are established in a similar manner. Example 2. Given A = 20°20’; PB. fat Sta. 37 -+- 18.2. T = 50.532, H = 4.5 (Table I). Suppose T = 100 = approx. desired length of tangent. aioe —2 ehences le —.200.. i —— 10120, D = 10°10". P. I. = 37 + 18.2 : 0. =F 01.0 Bea. —— 36 -- 17.2 L = 2 Pam = 38 =- 17.2 200 = 20. Use 40-ft. chords applied five times. 10 Points Deflections PET: KS 2d 21°40’ 4th So ley 6th 165°07’ Sth 178°40’ Othe ke: 180°00' 2d + Sth = 4th + 6th = 200°20’. Check. The quantities in Tables II and III are based on the definition that the ‘‘degree of curve’’ is the central angle subtended by an are of 100 feet instead of a chord of 100 feet. The radius of a one- degree curve is found by means of the following proportion: 36000 36000 1° : 360° = 100 feet : 24R feet, hence R = ——— = —————- >= 5729.578 2A 2(3.14159) feet. 50 JOURNAL OF THE MircHELL Society [September The middle ordinate (M) of an are whose central angle is 4° and whose chord is e feet, is given by the formula: MR) Vers a (4). € Also M = EDD TIN O Noguera ee ete eeeneens (CSS) e Formula (5) shows that for any radius, the middle ordinates vary as the square of the chords. The above formulas were used in com- puting Table III. Assuming the are to be parabolic, we have a convenient relation between ordinates at any point along the chord and the middle ordi- nate. See Fig. 3. For example, an ordinate at 8/10 of the chord- length from one end of the chord is 6/10 of the middle ordinate. In practice, the middle ordinate is usually less than 1.0 foot, pro- vided the chords do not exceed the limit where they vary more than .05 ft. from the are. Table III shows these limits to be as follows: 100 ft. chords up to 6° curves; middle ordinates up to 1.31 ft. 50 iE fe ce ce ce 16° ce ce ce ce 66 0.87 Te 40 if Ee ce “ce oe 95° ce ce ce 66 66 0.87 EE. 30 rte ce ce ce 37° ce ce c¢ Cre Cte: OFZ hte 95 EP ce ce ce AGS) ce ce ce (5S a $15 0.64 £t. 20 ft. ce ce ce 67° ce ce oe cc 66 0.58 fairs yet ce ce 66 100° 3 ce ce cc 66 0.49 inte a1 1v1sion IRCULAR CURVES D of Equal Curves. to Points 1 of Circular TABLE I. 12 e ae the from ons 7 eflect New MertruHop ror LayIne Out C 1920] U0 |,00008L),0u J /L0'O (OF 621) ,10°0— /90°0—} TL . 841! ,90°0— 6L'0—-| FOP) 61 0—-|, SFO 99,091 8h oI 090+ ,00.FOL 090+), I+] F0LF [86° T+ I+|,9¢.88 |,60'T+ 90° L-+ | 8# 068 |,90'L+ T+] 08088 10" t+ 00208 /00°0 |U0eO8T OP GLE LOO) LF 621 /STo8LT 90° = L841 ML oFLL| GLO) ,200F 41 G4. L9L\/L2'0—| 9, L9L GE o80L 09°04 |,00.80L G8 oGh |, 19° 1L+|,FOFF FECES | GUT +| 88 018 GF .86 |,90' T+ |, 1h .L6 OGoLG |, LO'L+| 61.9% Pecealteer a! 096 = wa) =V /00°0 (00.081 /00.08L ,00°0 {00.081 EF GL], 08 8211, GOoGLL 88 oS9L 1,08. LOL], LGo88 89016 08 oFG L186 10’ 0- - FF 40,100 /,00. LOL|,09°04 OT | | BG o66 /O0cO8T | OF io 88 BAT 08 0 -|,FLGLL 06° Of i LOoFSL 09" im SP. F9L /10°0 /90'0—| LF of /06'0 409°0—| 61.991. |/00c08E /00°0 00°0 08°0+ 09° T+ 0614 00'0 00.08 ,00°O |,00.081 ,00°0 (000081 LOO OF GL 10'0~| LF 0641 100} LP 641 /90°0— SF o82T , 90'0—| 1" 0— 09°21 ,16'0— (69'0— 99.991 ,F9°0— 090+ | ,08.66 ,09°0+ | (C9 T+| F088 | 49 T+], (LS T+| 0008S |,11+ 90° E+ G1,06 90° L+ LOT+| PEGE | L0'L+ OF BLL! 90'0--| 9.821 BO9LL 160) YT PLT 98.991 G9'0— FLoLOL 00.66 |,09'0+|,08.86 CoE | 99° T+ OF 68 1G018 | 16 LF |, PPo06 AT6L |90' T+) 20081 HLo8L | TOT+ | Slot Hi! aA cal wa | =V \eda —_ ‘ OME =Vj\Hda|=V 10°0— BF OGLE (BP6LL /10°0— /90'0—-| 83 821) IBoBLL! 90° O /6L'0—| 88 FLL 09 FLL) ,06' 0— 29°0—| 3.891 ee ea | ,09°0+ 08.201 /00.20E|,09°04 BG 1+|,8808F 00o1F 69° L-+ OT L+1,23.08 | {01066 |,06° E+ 90° LF | 28.9% 88.09% |,90°L-+ 1O'L-+| 81.09% RL oFS |,10'L4 iwll™ cn Gee Rid |=V =V |'gIa 00°0 |,00,08L ,00°0 00.08. ,00°0 10°0—| 8 GAL |L0°O— 6Fo6LL. 10'0— 90°0-—| LG.8LL 90'0— L062. 90°0— ‘1Z'0—| 8Bo9L1|,16'0—|, LP 9LT|,12'0— /19'0—| PG oL9L, 68.891 69°0— ,09'0-+ | 00.86 8026 ,09'0+ 19+! 90.8% 96.9% |,69°T+ ASL +| 28.61 OLo8L | 1s 1+ 90'L+| £0020 69081 |,90°L-+ OL) 2097 ALeSL |,10'L+ ‘iI aay Sot aae wa |} =V =V wid 1,00, 081 /09 641. 0.641 ¥9,9L1 /T.691 00046 PROFS 90041 99 oPL /OLoPL 00°0 |,00.08E ,00°0 00° 0— 90° 0— 166 0— 1L'0— 09°'0+ 000081. ,00°0 ',00°0— ',90°0— (660 182'0— 109° 0+ | OF 06h “8 —. ———_ fea JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September TABLE II. Externals, Tangents, Radii and Degrees of Curve to a 100 Ft. Circular Arc. Diff. Diff. Defi. A | E 10’ ue 10' R | per Ft I’ | 0.218 | ..036 | 50.001 , .001 | 5730 nels 0.3’ 2° | 0.436 | ~.026 | 50.005 | .001 | 2865 2° 0.6’ 3° | 0.655 | .036'| 50.012 | .001 | 1910 | 3° 0.9/ 4° | 0.873 | .036 | 50.020 | .002 | 1432 | 4° 1.2’ 5° | 1.092 | .036 | 50.032 | .002 | 1146 | 5° 1.5/ 6° | 1.310 | .036 | 50.046 | .003 | 955.0 6 1.8’ 7° | 1.530 | .036 | 50.062 | .003 | 818.6 7 2.1! sc | 1.749 | .036 | 50.081 | .004 | 716.2 mp 2.4! 9° 1.969 .036 50.103 | .004 636.6 9° 2.7! 10° 2.189 | .086 | 50.127 | .005 | 573.0 | 10° 3.0’ 1° 2.409 037 | 50.155 | .005 | 520.9 | 11° 3.3 12° | 2.630 | .087 | 50.184 | .005 | 477.5 12° 3.6’ 13° 2.851 | .037 | 50.216 | .006 | 440.8 vase 3.9" 14° | 3.073 | .0387 | 50.251 | .006 | 409.3 14° | Ae 15° | 3.996 | (03% | 50°88 | (007 | 3820 | 15° | ‘Bt, 16° | -3.519 | .087 | 50.328 | .007 | 358.1 16° | 4.8" 17° | 3.743 | «0387 1 50/870 | .008 | 337.0 ze 5.1! 18° | 3!968 | (037 | 50/416 | ‘00g | 3183)" |) ase 5.4! 19° | 4.198 | .038 | 50.463 | .009 | 301.6 | 19° | 5.7’ 90)° 4.419 | .038 | 50.514 | .009 | 286.5 20°. |" 60" 21° | 4.646 | .038 | 50.567 | .010 | 272.9 me.) 6° 99° | 4.875 | .038 | 50.624 | .010 | 260.4 22° | 6.6 23° 5.104 | .088 | 50.688 | .010 | 249.1 25° =|) 619% 94° | 5.934 | .039 | 50.744 | .011 | 238.8 PE | oe 95° | 5.565 | .039 | 50.809 | .011 | 229.2 95° |) 75! 96° | 5.797 | .039 | 50.276 | .012 | 290.4 Oe | cay o7° | 6.030 | .0389 | 50.916 | .012 | 212.2 D7 Wi sale 28°) 612645) 1089) |) 51.020: | 1013) | 20416 28° | 8.4’ 20° | 6.500 | .040 | 51.096 | .013 | 197.6 29° 8.7 30° 6.737 .040 51.175 (014) 1) 19109) eers0e 9.0' gic | 6.976 | .040 | 51.257 | .014 | 184.8 Sie 9.3 30° | 7.216 | .040 | 51.342 | .015 | 179.1 2° | ote! 33° | 7.457 |. 040 | 61.430 | 015! | 17816) |) a8?) eeeial 34° | 7.700 | .041 | 51.521 | .016 | 1685 | 34° | 10:97 35° | 7.944 | .041 | 51.615 | .016 | 163.7 35° | 10.5! 36° .| S190 Ose |) 512719! || fo1’n |) 1502s aesGanlores 37°) | (8.488004) | 61.818 | <.017 || ab ee ree ete gs° | 8.688 | 042°) 51.917 | .018 | 150.8 |~ sect) emna 39° | 8.930 | .042 | 52.024 | 019 | 1469 | 39° | 11.7 40° | 9.193 | .043 | 52.135 | .019 | 143.2 40° | 12.0 41° | 9.448 | .043 | 52.249 | .020 | 189.8 41° | 12.3 42° | 9.706 | .043 | 52.366 | .020 | 136.4 42° | 12.6’ 43° | 9.965 | .044 | 52.487 | .021 | 183.8 43° | 12.9" 44° | 10.207 | .044 | 52.611 | 1021 | 130.2 44° | 13.97 45° | 10.491 | .044 | 52.730 | .022 | 127.3 45° | 13.5/ 46° | 10.757 | .045 | 52.871 | .093 | 124.6 46° | 13.8 47° | 11.025 | .045 | 53.006 | .023 | 121.9 27? || Wate 48° | 11.996 | .046 | 53.145 | .024 | 119.4 4g° | 14.4" 49° | 11.570 | .046 | 58.288 | .025 | 117.0 49° | 14.77 50° | 11.846 | .047 | 58.495 | .025 | 114.6 50° | 15.0’ 51° | 19.125 | .047 | 53.586 | .026 | 112.3 51° | 15.87 52° | 19.407 | .047 | 53.740 | .027 | 1102 | 59° | 15.67 53° | 12.691 | .048 | 53.899 | .027 | 1081 | 532 | 15.9% 54° | 19.979 | .049 | 54.062 | .028 | 1061 | 54° | 16.2! 55° «| 13.270 | .050 | 54.230 | 029 | 104.1 | 55° | 16.57 56° | 13.564 | .050 | 54.402 | .029 | 102.1 56° (| 16,8’ 57° | 13.861 | .050 | 54.577 | .030 | 100.5 Bro) yal? 58° | 14.161 | .051 | 54.753 | .031 | 98,79 58° | 17.4! 59° | 14.465 | .051 | 54.943 | .032 97.11 59° «| (17.7/ GO° | 14.773 | .052 | 55.133 | [033 | 95.49 60° | 18.0/ 61° | 15.084 | .058 | 55.328 | .033 | 98.98 Ps Ka a CoH 62° 15.399 | .053 | 55.527 | .034 92.41 62° | 18.6’ 63° | 15.718 | .054 | 55.732 | .035 | 90.95 63° | 18.9’ 64° 16.041 | 055 | 55.941 036 | 89.52 64° | 19.97 1920] New MetuHop ror Layine Out Crrcutar CurRVES TABLE III. MIDDLE ORDINATES For Chords of CHORDS ————————__ es For Ares of 100 Ft. SOFt. GOFt. SOFt. 40Ft. 100 Ft. SOFt GOFt 5OFt 40Ft. 1° 5730 Oe Oat 021s 100)" 0:05] 100 80 60 50 640 2° 2865 0:4980:3 | 0:2) 05 0:1) 100 80 60 50 40 3° 1910 0.677 0.4 |,0.2'| 0.2 0.1 | 100 80 60 50 40 4° 1432 0.9 | 0.6 | 0.3 | 0.2 0.1 | 100 80 60 50 = 40 5° 1146 TS Osan |. 023; 028) 100 80 60 50 | 40 G> + -955:0).| 3-3.) 028: |10:5. |, 0:3; 0:2} 100 80 60 50 | 40 7° | 818.6 | 1.5! 1.0 | 0.6) 0.4 0.3 99.94 | 80 60 50 | 40 8° | 716.2 | 1.8 | 1.1 | 0.6 | 0.4 0.8 99.92 | 80 60 50 40 9° 636.6 2.0 12/07 0.5 0.3] 99.90 79.95 60 50 40 10° 573.0 2.2 141/08 0.5 0.3| 99.88 79.93 | 60 50 40 For Chords of For Arcs of SOFt. 60Ft. SOF! 40Ft. 30Ft.) SOFt GOFt. SOFt 40Ft. 30Ft. 11° |; 520.9 | 1.5 ; 0.9 ; 0.6) 014 2 79.92 60 50 40 | 30. 12%, 477.5 | 1.4 | 0:9'| 0.7 | 0:4 2 79.91 60 50 40 30 13° | 440.8 | 1.8 | 1.0 | 0.7 | 0.4 2 79.89 60 50 40 30 74° | 409.3 | 2.0 | 1.1 | 0.8 | 0.5 3 79.87 | 59.95 | 50 40 30 15° | 382.0'} 2.1 | 1.2 | 0.8 | 0.6 3 79.85 | 59.94 | 50 40 30 16° |. 358: | 2.2 |. 1.8] 0.9) | 0:6 & 79.83 | 59.938 49.95 | 40 | 30 17° | 337.0 |_2.4 | 1.3 | 0.9 | 0.6 8 79.81 | 59.92 | 49.95 | 40 | 30 For Chords of For Arcs of 6OFt. SOFt 40Ft. 30Ft. 25Ft| GOFt SOF. 4)Ft. 307: 25 Fi 18° | 318.3 | 1.4; 1.0 | 0.6 ; 0.3 ; 0:2 59.91 | 49.94 40 SOEs) OFF SOG LO 220) OFF) 1 Ola Ors 59.90 | 49.94 | 40 30 25 20° | 286:5.| 1.6} 1.1 | 0:7 | 0:4. | 0.3 99.89 | 49.94 40 S30) ) 25 Plc atoroiwlen i ek | O9%8 | Ola? ORS 59.88 | 49.93 40 30) | 25 22° | 260.4 | 1.7 | 1.2 | 0.8 | 0:4 | 0:3 59.87 | 49.93 40 oO) peeD. 250 4 eagle | 1S for3 | 0.8) (0.6) OS 59.84 | 49.91 | 40 30: | 25 24° | 238:8 | 1.9 | 1.3 | 0.8 | 0.5 | 0:3 59.84 | 49.91 40 30 25 BP 22921210 | 1.4 | 0:9 | 0:5 | O83 59.82 | 49.90 39.95 30 25 26° | 220.4 | 2.0 | 1.4 | 0.9 | 0.5 | 0.3 99.81 | 49.90 | 39.95 30 25 Din Vote? | 2.1 | 1-5) ) 019 | 0.5-| 04 59.79 | 49.89 | 39.94 30 25 Daa oOsO 22> | 325: | 1.0-).0:5-) 024 59.78 | 49.88 | 39.94 30 ° 25 Doe 1 197.6: | 2:3 | 1:6.| 1.0 | 0:6 |°04 59.77 | 49.87 | 39.938 30 25 80° | 191.0'| 2.3 |. 1.6 | 1.0 | 0.6 | 0.4 59.76 | 49.87 | 39.93 | 30 25 le eisaes | 247 | tal | 016) 04 59.74 | 49.85 | 39.92 | 30 25 Peco WAS wheel Del sl Ose) 204 59.73 | 49.84 | 39.92 | 30 25 For Chords of For Arcs of SOFt. 30Ft. 25 Ft. 20Ft. 10Ft.) 50 Ft. 30Ft. 25Ft. 20Ft. 10Ft. oo, | 1738.6 |) 128 |) 06) | 0:4 7 O83) OF 49.83 , 30 25 20 ; 10 S44 | 4168-5. | 1-8 10.7. | 0.5: | 053) | 01 49.82 30 25 20 | 10 saa lesen | 1:91 027 } (0:5: 1 0:3 Ot 49.81 | 30 25 20 | 10 BOn 0922920) |) O27) | 05) | (0:3) 7051 49.80 30 25 20 10 ots | 164:9 | 2.0) |)'0:7 | 0:5 | 0:3 : 021 49.79 | 29.95 25 20 | 10 Soe Pools | 20 Ol 10:5) 1 Ols.4 01 49.78 | 29.95 25 20 | 10 aor | 146:9. | 2:1 | 0.8 | 0:5 | 0:3 | 0.1 49.77 | 29.95 2a 20 10 AQ?) 143:9 | 2:2 | 0:8 | 0:5 | 0.387] 0.1 49.75 | 29.94 25 20 10 41> | 139:8 | 2:2) 0:8 | 0.6 | 0.4 | 0.1 49.74 | 29.94 25 20 10 42° | 136.4 | 2.3 | 0.8 | 0.6 | 0.4 | 0.1 49:73 | 29.94 | 25 20 10 Bowe lte.o |e 223. 028910.) O:4e 1 Oak 49.71 | 29.93 25 20 ; 10 44° | 130.2 | 2.4 | 0.9 | 0.6 | 0.4 |! 0.1 49.69 | 29.93 25 20 | 10 Ame Dead. 0-9) | (OL6) | Ol4, aOrd 49.67 | 29.92 25 20 | 10 AGE |) AZEG. 1225) 1029) 026) | Ol. FO 49.65 | 29.92 25 20 10 47> | 121.9 | 2.6 | 0.9 | 0:6) ‘0:4 | 01 49.63 | 29.92 24.95 20 | 10 48° | 119.4 | 2.6} 0.9 | 0.6:0.4 O04 49.62 | 29.92 | 24.95 | 20 | 10 AOE ALO) | 2ET 1) 0) 1027) (OPE. 7 OF 49.60 | 29.91 24.95 20 10 SOF | 114.6 | 24!) 1.0! 0:7 | 0:41 01 | 49.59 } 29.91 | 24.94-| 20 | 10 Norre—Tables I, II and III complete for values of A up to 128° in convenient form for use in the field may be obtained from the author at a price of 25 cents per copy. 3 A REMARKABLE FORM OF SKELETAL ELEMENT IN THE LITHISTID SPONGES (A Case of Analogical Resemblance) By H. V. WILSON Wir Four Text FIcures Sponges, like other groups, are rich in the structural resemblances which are due to common descent, resemblances which involve nu- merous organs in the individual animal and which are of such a com- plex intricate character, striking so deeply into the constitutional make-up, that it is impossible to think of them as due to any natural cause save kinship. But as we study these infinitely variable animals, we encounter resemblances which fall in another category, resem- blances which involve only some special detail of structure or at most a few features, which in their actual functioning are correlated in physiological-mechanical function. Such resemblances are certainly, in many eases at least, not inheritances from a common ancestor. We eroup them together as analogical but they fall in two subdivisions: (1) those involving features which are called out in each individual organism by the stimulus of an environment, and which do not appear when that environment is changed; and (2) those involving features which are racial characteristies, viz., characteristics that have arisen and become fixed, in some way, during the course of evolution and which continue to appear under different sets of environmental con- ditions. Analogical resemblanees of this latter class are due to the inde- pendent occurrence of the same variation (or cumulative series of variations), in different idioplasms. How such germinal changes, mutations as we often call them, are brought about physiologically, is a question that is being actively asked by many students of heredity, especially by the experimental evolutionists, of today. Along with the directly experimental attacks, descriptive work has its use in locating facts which at some time it may be worth while to put under the fire of experiment. Partly, at least, in pursuance of this idea I wish to record a case of resemblance which is certainly analogical, and which, it is practi- cally certain, is racial. It involves the shape of the fundamental spicule on which the characteristic skeletal element, the desma, of the lithistid sponges is built up. [ 54 | hI 1) | 1920 | SKELETAL ELEMENT IN LITHISTID SPONGES The desma is a silicious body, in most species of a complexly branched shape (Figs. 3, +), formed by the continued deposition of silicious material on a silicious spicule which we may eall the basic spicule, technically crepis (Fig. 1). The basic spicules, which are especially present in growing parts of the sponge, are free bodies, that is, they lie in the living tissues of the sponge unconnected with one another or with other skeletal elements. The desmas on the con- trary as they assume the final shape, become articulated with one an- other, and in most species become firmly united to form a coherent skeleton which presents the appearance of a network of silicious beams. Now the basic spicule of the desma is in some lithistida a four- rayed spicule (tetraxial or tetractinellid spicule), in others a simple rod-shaped spicule (monaxial). Different as are the basic spicules in these two groups of species, the complete desmas are not always easy to distinguish, for in both cases they may become complexly branched bodies. This superficial similarity of the two kinds of desmas, those built on tetraxial, and those built on monaxial spicules, is in itself significant, but when we find, as we do in some species, desmas of the latter class varying toward desmas of the former class, it becomes clear that the desma built on a four-rayed spicule (tetracrepid desma) is the original or ancestral type, while the desma built on a monaxial spicule (monocrepid desma) is a derived type. These in- teresting and important variations were first described by O. Schmidt in Discodernua clavatella (O. Schmidt, 1879, pp. 12, 24). Sollas (1888, p. 341) confirmed the facts and convinced himself ‘‘that a com- plete series of transitional forms connect the monocrepid and the tetra- crepid desmas.’’ Topsent (1904, p. 60) has discovered the same state of affairs in another lithistid sponge, Macandrewia azorica. The four-rayed shape may thus be regarded as the original, actual or ancestral, shape of the spicule which is transformed by the depo- sition of silicious matter into the desma, This spicule in the case of tetracrepid desmas in general is what is called a calthrops, viz., a spicule in which the four rays are similar, making the same angle with one another and having the same length. But in at least one species, Desmanthus incrustans Topsent, an evolutionary change has occurred, whereby one of the rays of the basic spicule has become longer than the others, the spicule thus being converted from a calthrops into a triaene. In the triaene, a very common form of spic- ule in the non-lithistid tetraxial sponges, we distinguish, then, one 56 JOURNAL OF THE MiTrcHELL SOCIETY [| September long ray, the shaft (technically rhabdome), and three shorter rays (the cladi, forming together the cladome), which are given off from the end of the shaft. In the sponge which I shall now describe, a further evolutionary change has cecurred, and rays are given off at both ends of the shaft of the basic spicule, the spicule thus becoming what is called an amphitriaene (Fig. 1). The sponge referred to is a Philippine form, a new species, Jere- opsis fruticosa mihi, dredged by the U. 8. Fisheries Steamer Albatross in 80 fathoms in the region of the Sulu Archipelago, and which will be deseribed in detail in a forthcoming report on Philippine sponges. It is a stony sponge of branching-cylindrieal, or shrubby, habitus, 55 mm. high, and with the free spicules of the genus (dichotriaenes, oxeas, and streptasters including amphiasters and spirasters). In the two other recorded species of the genus, Jereopsis schmidti (Sol- las) from the tropical Atlantic and Jereopsis (Neosiphonia) superstes (Sollas) from the tropical Pacific (ef. Sollas 1888, Lendenfeld 1903), the desma is, perhaps, the usual type of tetraerepid desma, built up on a ecalthrops. Sechmidt’s figure (1879, Taf, II, Fig. 10) suggests however that this is not the case. I hope at some time to have the opportunity of making a critical examination of the desma, from this point of view, in the type specimens of these two species. The facts concerning the development and structure of the desma in this sponge (Jereopsis fruticosa) are as follows: Small, perfectly free amphitriaenes (Fig. 1) occur in the super- ficial (ectosomal) region of the sponge. The spicules are about one- sixth mm. long, and consist of a straight shaft with three rays (eladi) at each end. The streak of peculiar substance, known as the ‘‘axial eanal,’’ which is found in each of the axes of a tetraxial spicule, here extends, as the figure shows, along the axis of the shaft and to the tip of each ray. Early stages in the transformation of such spicules into desmas may be found near the surface of the sponge. One is shown in figure 2. Such young desmas are free or only slightly connected with the body of the skeleton. In them the shaft continues to be of about the same length as in the basic spicule (Fig. 1), although it is thicker, but the rays have greatly increased in length. They measure now from one-half to the full length of the shaft or indeed slightly over. They are simple, viz., not branched, and when not corroded their ends bear rounded tubercles for articulation with other desmas. The axial 1920 | SKELETAL ELEMENT IN LITHISTID SPONGES Or ba | substanee, ‘‘axial canal’’, retains its former size (ef. Figs. 1, 2), thus extending only into the basal part of each ray. This is the character- istic behavior of the axial canal in the growth of the lithistid desma in general. As such desmas develop their final shape, they become firmly united to the skeletal framework already formed. If one wishes to study accurately their fundamental shape after union, the spicules must be isolated through the appleation of hydrofluoric acid to rough slices of the framework. When the framework is so treated the desmas fall apart. They are however corroded. Figs. 1-4. Jereopsis fruticosa. Fig. 1, a free and uncorroded amphitriaene from the ectosome. Fig. 2, a young desma, slightly corroded by hydrofluoric acid, from the ectosome. Figs. 3 and 4, adult desmas somewhat corroded by the hydrofluoric acid used to dissociate them from the skeletal framework. Al] x 150. Desmas (Figs. 3, 4) obtained in this way show the unchanged axial canal system which indicates the shape of the basic spicule on which the desma has been built up. The shaft is now about three times as thick as in the original spicule but no longer. The rays, better designated now as branches (technically cladi), vary a great deal not only in different spicules but in the same spicule, In some cases they have not advanced over the condition described for the inter- mediate stage (Fig. 2), either in size or complexity. More often, the branch is itself branched, a condition which is produced, of course, not 58 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September by the division of the first branch but by the continued deposition of silicious matter along lines which make angles with the first branch. In this way secondary or even tertiary branches are formed. There is apparently some law of growth which brings it about that no branch shall materially exceed the shaft in length. When or before that point is reached, new branches are formed. The articular tu- bercles are developed on the ends of the branches, whether the latter be primary, secondary, or tertiary. In many eases, as in Fig. 2, where the branches are about equally developed at the two ends of the shaft, the axial canal system of the basic amphitriaene is conspicuous, but it may be overlooked in cases where, as in Fig. 4, the branches at one end of the shaft are much more extensively developed than-at the other end. The point of importance for this paper is that the basic spicule, on which the adult desma is built, is an amphitriaene, that is a spicule consisting of a shaft and three rays at each end of the shaft. I can find no similar ease recorded for the Lithistida. In the non-hthistid tetraxial sponges, amphitriaenes are recorded only for Samus Gray and Amphitethya Lendenfeld (1906). Samus (one species) is a boring sponge occurring in the South Atlantie, Indian, and South Pacific Oceans, The only megascleres are amphi- trianes, which are not all alike. In the larger of these spicules, the shaft, 80u long, bears at each end three rays, each of which is trifid. In the smaller ones, the shaft, 20” long, bears at one end three simple rays, and at the other end three trifid rays. While the sponge falls in the Sigmataphora beeause of its microscleres, which are sigmata (rods curved somewhat in ¢-shape, but with a spiral twist), its pecu- liar megascleres give it an isolated position, setting it off as a family (Samidae). The ontogeny of the amphitriaenes is not known, and we have no data on their variation to indicate their origin. It is highly probable however that the spicules have been derived from triaenes, although Sollas (1888, p. 59) has suggested two other con- ceivable origins. In Amphitethya (Lendenfeld 1906, p. 126) there is no doubt that the amphitriaenes, which characterize the genus, are derivatives of the triaene. In Amphitethya microsigma Lendenfeld, a stalked species with globular body dredged off the west coast of Australia, the facts of variation which demonstrate this are as follows. Triaenes of sev- eral kinds occur abundantly in the sponge, those in the more axial 1920 | SKELETAL ELEMENT IN LITHISTID SPONGES 59 part of the stalk having an especially long shaft, as is often the case in such sponges. In the superficial part of the stalk there are abun- dant triaenes with short shaft, and mingled with these are the likewise abundant amphitriaenes. The latter spicules, in which the length of the shaft is 160-540, are exceedingly variable, scarcely two alike, and they form a close series grading over from amphitriaenes, quite like the spicules I have described above, to the short-shafted triaenes. These observations of the late Professor Lendenfeld securely establish the origin of the amphitriaene. Amphitriaenes were already known in the two other species of the genus, Amphitethya stipitata (Carter) and in the sponge from Amboina designated by Topsent Tetilla mer- guiensis Carter (Topsent 1897, p. 487). In the former Sollas noted (1888, p. 49) that ‘‘the amphitriaenes sometimes are reduced to simple triaenes.’’ In the latter, the detailed facts, such as similar- ities in size and precise shape, convinced Topsent that the amphi- triaenes are modified triaenes. Amphitethya is a genus with sigmata, and thus falls in the Sigmatophora. There is still another non-lithistid tetraxonid sponge in which at least a step has been made toward the transformation of the triaene into the amphitriaene. This is Ancorelia paulini Lendenfeld (Len- denfeld 1906, p. 248) from the Indian Ocean. The spicules referred to consist of a shaft, one millimetre or less in length, which bears at one end three cladi, projecting slightly downward as in an anatriaene, and at the other end a similar single cladus, extending out from the shaft at an angle in the same general direction as the cladi at the op- posite end. The sponge is classed in the Astrophora by Lendenfeld, who regards its microscleres (microxeas) as derived from streptasters. It may be regarded as certain that the presence of the amphitriaene in these several cases is not due to inheritance. The distance of the sponges from one another in the classification, expressing their general dissimilarity, negatives this idea, The comparison of Amphitethya with Jereopsis is especially instructive. Each has plenty of close rela- tives without amphitriaenes, and the two sponges fall in different suborders of the Tetraxonida. To be sure the Lithistida may not be a natural suborder but a polyphyletic group, some members of which have been derived from non-lithistid tetraxonia with astrose - microscleres (Astrophora), and others from non-lithistid tetraxonida with sigmata for microscleres (Sigmatophora).. Even in this ease 60 JOURNAL OF THE MiItcHELL SOCIETY | September Jereopsis would be related to the Astrophora, Amphitethya to the Sigmatophora.’ The only conclusion that is possible is that the triaene has varied and become an amphitriaene, independently, in several groups. The resemblance is analogical, one of ‘convergent evolution’, a rubric under which we group likenesses that are due to similar responses on the part of related, but not necessarily closely related (witness the simi- larities between the hydro- and scyphomedusae), organisms to the en- vironment. We classify it, then, as due to a heritable change that may occur in triaenes independently of inheritance, that is, reversion plays no part in its appearance. We would like to know how to evoke it. If this and similar cases_in the sponges should ever be approached experimentally, through the alteration of the external or internal en- vironment, the series of known spicule forms connecting perfect amphi- triaenes with perfect triaenes, in Amphitethya microsigma, would lead us to expect that the change induced would be more or less cumu- lative. Also our general knowledge of variation in sponge spicules (cf. Wilson 1904, pp. 9-10) would lead us to expect that the heritable change would probably at first affect comparatively few spicules. That analogical similarities are common in sponges is generaly rec- ognized, although there is not much that is definite in our knowledge. Nowhere is more emphasis laid on their occurrence than in O. Schmidt’s writings. As illustrating Schmidt’s standpoint, the following cita- 1The remarkable character of the lithistid desma makes a strong argument for the monophyletic origin of the group, weakened in no degree by the fact that some desmas are built on four-rayed, others on rod-shaped, basic spicules. For (see above) the variation yhenomena in several species show that the latter kind of basic spicule is reducible to the former. Sollas (1888, p. CXIX) has laid weight on this argument for the monophyletic origin of the group, which he derives from the Astrophora. The derivation from the Astrophora in particular is based on the fact that the most frequently-occurring type of microsclere in the Lithistida is astrose. The fairly numerous Lithistida without microscleres offer no difficulty to this theory, for comparative study shows’ that microscleres have been independently lost during the evolution of various sponges. But the few forms with sigmata (Scleritoderma, Taprobane) do offer a difficulty, if we continue to lay such stress, as now, on differences in the matter of microscleres. The whole question (cf. Dendy 1905, p. 99) can only be raised, but not answered until our critical knowledge is much greater. Alternative hypotheses may be formulated as follows: (1) We may assume a monophyletic origin of the group and trace it back along with the Astrophora and Sigma- tophora to Tetraxonida with both kinds of microscleres, asters and sigmata, in which case it would certainly be astonishing that the two kinds of microscieres had mutually repelled one another during the evolution of the Astrophora and Sigmatophora, and again within the Lithistida during the evolution of the existing families. (2) If we assume first the evolution of the Astrophora and Sigmatophora from Tetraxonida with both kinds of micro- scleres, and then the origin of the Lithistida from the former, it is at least conceivable, as Sollas has noted (loc. cit. p. CXX) that the occurrence of sigmata in some Lithistida is a case of reversion. Following out this idea, the reversion to sigmata might conceivably occur in Lithistids that had lost their microscleres. If we assume it to have occurred in forms with microscleres (asters), then again we meet the strange conclusion that sigmata and asters repel one another, the reversional variation which brings back sigmata driving out the asters. (3) If we lay stress in the first degree on the difference in microscleres, we are driven to conclude that the Lithistida have had a double origin, some from the Astro- phora, some from the Sigmatophora, and that the habit of forming a complex body, the desma, on a free basic spicule, has been twice acquired. Doubtless the number of hypothe- ses that are logically sustainable, might be increased. 1920 | SKELETAL ELEMENT IN LITHISTID SPONGES 61 tions from his ‘‘Sponges of the Gulf of Mexico’’ (1879) may be made. ‘*In the Sponge-fauna of the Atlantic Region, I have shown what a great role within the sponges is played by the phenomenon of conver- gence in the production of pseudo-homologies. These fall under the general concept of adaptations in so far as one is justified in speaking of adaptations to general mechanical laws’’ (loc. cit., p. 4). Schmidt goes on to say that his entire criticism of characters, in the work of comparing organisms with one another, aims at distinguishing what is the result of inheritance and what the effect of the environment, the latter ‘‘only drawn into the stock of hereditary characters in the course of a gradual process of fixation’’ (an abstract statement into which more than one meaning may be read). He continues and notes that in most contributions of the time, especially those dealing with embryology, the possibility that morphological agreement is not always based on common descent and heredity, is far too lightly passed over (a habit of mind which the progress of physiological-mechanical studies has greatly changed since Schmidt’s time). CHAPEL Hi, N. C. LITERATURE CITED Denpy, A. 1905. Report on the sponges collected by Prof. Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. In: Herdman Rep. Pearl Oyster Fisheries, Part III, London. LENDENFELD, R. von. 1903. Das Tierreich, 19 Lieferung. Tetraxonia. Berlin. 1906. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition, Bd. XI. Die Tetraxonia. Jena. Scummr, O. 1879. Die Spongien des Meerbusen von Mexico (und des Carai- bischen Meeres). Erstes Heft. Jena. Sottas, W. J. 1888. Report on the Tetractinellida collected by H. M. S. Chal- lenger. Edinburgh. TopsENT, E. 1897. Spongiaires de la Baie d’Amboine. Revue suisse de zoologie, i EV: TorpseNT, E. 1904. Spongiaires des Acores. Résultats des campagnes scien- tifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert ler Prince Souverain de Monaco. Fase. XXV. Monaco. Witson, H. V. 1904. Reports on an exploration off the west coasts of Mexico, Central and South America, etc. The Sponges, Memoirs Mus. Comp. Zodlogy, Vol. XXX. THE TURTLES OF NORTH CAROLINA; WITH A KEY TO THE TURTLES OF THE EASTERN UNITED STATES By C. S. BrimLey The animals known as tortoises, turtles or terrapins, no one of which names by the way has an exact application to any particular group of the order, are distinguished from all other living reptiles by having the body enclosed in a bony shell, leaving only the head, neck and limbs free. This shell consists of two portions, an upper more or less arched portion known as the carapace and a lower, smaller, flattened part known as the plastron. These two are united on each side by a bony bridge or cartilaginous suture. The majority of existing turtles have the shell covered with horny plates, which do not agree, either in size, number or position with the bony plates beneath (though on the carapace the general arrangement of both is similar), but in two small groups the shell is covered with a leathery skin instead. The classification of turtles seems somewhat unsettled, but we can distinguish without much trouble a few main groups, whatever may be their exact relation to one another. 1. Athecae. Marine turtles with the shell composed of a mosaic of small hexagonal plates which are free from the ribs and vertebrae, and covered with a leathery black skin, and with seven longitudinal ridges down the back. This group includes only the leatherback turtles, the largest of all existing forms. ; 2. Thecaphora. In which the shell is composed of a number of bony plates, agreeing in number with and attached to or composed of the expanded ribs and upper processes of the vertebrae. These are. attached to a row of marginal bony plates forming the edge of the shell, and these at the sides to another series of plates forming the plastron. The Thecaphora comprise the majority of existing turtles and dl- vide into: (A) The soft-shelled turtles (Trionychoidea) in which the shell is flattened, orbicular and imperfectly ossified around the edges, and covered with a leathery skin. The species occur in most parts of the world. [ 62 ] 1920 | TURTLES OF NortTH CAROLINA 63 (B) The side-necked turtles (Pleurodira) in which the shell is covered with horny plates and the neck bends sideways (in a hori- zontal plane) when drawn back. The species are all south tropical. (C) The S-necked turtles (Cryptodira) in which the shell is covered with horny plates and the neck bends in a vertical plane when drawn back, The majority of existing turtles belong here, in- eluding all the marine species except the leatherbacks. All of these groups except the Pleurodira are represented in this State or off our coasts, so that at present the turtles are known to be represented in our State by four marine and fourteen inland species. Of the marine turtles, which. however they may differ in struc- * ture, all agree in having the limbs developed as flattened paddles for swimming and in having the front limbs much larger than the hind ones, we get the leatherback, green turtle, loggerhead and bastard turtle. The leatherback is only occasional on our coast, but one caught near Beaufort is now preserved as a mounted specimen in the State Museum at Raleigh and weighed about 800 pounds. The species is sometimes used as a source of oil. The green turtle used to be common on our coast but has been hunted so much for food, and its eggs collected for the same reason that it is now very scarce. The loggerhead and bastard turtle are still quite common in sum- mer and the former breeds but the latter does not, its breeding season being reported to be in the winter on the Florida coast. These marine species all feed on both marine plants and animals. Of the land and fresh water forms we get species belonging to three families, while members of a fourth, the Trionychidae or soft- shelled turtles should enter our State from either the south or west or both, but as yet we have no satisfactory records of them. The three families referred to above are the Chelydridae or snap- ping turtles with a narrow cross-shaped plastron, large head and long tail; the Kinostermidae, or mud turtles, in which the plastron has ten or eleven plates and is divided into three parts, a fixed middle portion and a front and hind portion, both of the latter, or at least the front part being capable of being moved so as to partially close the shell, and the Testudinidae or terrapins, in which the plastron has twelve plates and is either wholly fixed or divided into only two portions, which are movable on a central hinge. 64 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL Society | September Only one species of snapping turtle occurs in our State, and this usually goes simply by the name of ‘‘turtle,’’ all our other species being known as terrapins in this State. The snapper is the largest and the ughest of our species reaching a weight of 25 pounds, and is also the one most frequently locally eaten, being in fact quite palatable. It is a voracious and vicious reptile, wholly carnivorous, and capable of inflicting a painful wound if carelessly handled. Its eggs are white, soft-shelled and spherical. The second family includes two of our species, which much re- semble the snapping turtles in habits, but differ in the broad plastron and smaller size, neither reaching a length of more than about four inches in the shell. The mud turtle has the head unstriped, and the plastron nearly as large as the shell opening, while the musk turtle has the head with yellow stripes and the plastron considerably smaller than the shell opening. The latter is more of a deep water animal, the former more of a shallow water form, preferring to hunt for its prey with its shell half in, half out of the water. The eggs are elongated, hard-shelled and white. The balance of our turtles belong to the Testudinidae and all ex- cept one are aquatic and have wholly fixed plastrons. The exception is the Box Turtle, commonly called Highland Terra- pin in this State, which is mainly an inhabitant of damp woods, though I have found specimens buried in the wet mud of a swamp in a place where in a wet season they would have been fifty yards from shore. The short high arched shell and the moveable plastron which closes the shell completely when the animal has withdrawn its head and limbs within, distinguishes this from all our other species. Its food consists of fruit, succulent leaves of plants, and living or dead animals of any kind it can capture. The remainder of our species differ but little in habits, all being aquatic inhabitants of pools and streams seldom leaving the water except to deposit their eges, which are elongate and soft-shelled. Roughly speaking, they divide into two groups, the smaller pond turtles with a smooth shell without variegated markings, and the larger terrapins, collectively often known as river terrapins, yellow- bellies, sliders or cooters, which have the shell almost invariably wrin- kled or keeled or both. The former rarely attain a length of over five inches, the latter are from eight inches to a foot or more long when adult. 1920] TURTLES OF NorTH CAROLINA 65 The small pond terrapins include only three of our species, the speckled terrapin in which the head and shell are marked with round, yellow dots, the mountain terrapin with the yellow markings confined to a yellowish patch on each side of the head just behind the eye, and finally the painted turtle in which the shell has red markings around the edges of the shell. The latter is the larger, attaining a length of five inches when adult, the other two not reaching more than four. The first and last are present in the greater part of our State, the mountain terrapin, in or near the mountain region only. Of the larger terrapins we get five species of sliders proper, the long-necked chicken turtle and the diamond-back terrapin, the last being a salt marsh species. The sliders are the largest of the group, some of them attaining a length of over a foot in the shell and a weight of ten pounds. The various species inhabit ponds and large streams and are most plentiful in the Mississippi Valley and the southeastern States. I cannot say much as to the habits of this group, but of the two species which formerly constituted our Raleigh representatives, one (Pseudemys concinna) seemed to be more herbivorous in its habits, and the other (P. scripta), more omnivorous, eating flesh as well as plants. The species are keeled when quite young, and the known young of all species with which I am acquainted are beautifully variegated with yellow and brown or green. Older specimens lose the keel and much of the color pattern disappears, so that many species look totally dif- ferent when young than when adult. _ The chicken turtle enters our list on account of its being recorded from Beaufort in Barbour and Stegneger’s Cheek List. Of the habits of the animal in nature I know nothing but it differs in some respects from all our other turtles. The neck is very long, awkwardly long in fact, the shell is high and narrow, but rounded above, not keeled and the color pattern is a large meshed net work of narrow yellow lines on a brown ground. On dissecting out a specimen another marked dif- ference appears, the free portion of the ribs (between the vertebrae and the costal plates) is long, slender and rounded instead of being short, broad and flat as in all our other turtles. The diamond-back terrapin, the terrapin of the restaurants, 1s a salt marsh species, found only along the coast and may be recognized by the keeled shelis and by the concentric lines on each plate from on 66 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September which it gets its name. While the article of diet known as terrapin should come from this species, yet as a matter of fact the sliders are also to a large extent shipped to market, though, so far I know, not from this State, One more group of turtles may be alluded to, namely, the soft- shells, which occur in the Mississippi Valley and the Southeastern States, but have not as yet been recorded from North Carolina. They have flat, orbicular bodies, a long neck, and a long pig- shaped snout, and though the edges of the lips are fleshy, yet within are sharp-cutting edges which can inflict a painful wound. The species grow to a larger size than any of our inland turtles except the snap- per, and are wholly carnivorous in diet. Little has been said about the recorded distribution of our species and actually but little is known. Raleigh, as usual, furnishes the best records, with 7 species, Beau- fort comes next with 4 marine and 7 inland forms, while no other locality (except Lake Ellis with 6 and Greensboro and Chapel Hill with 4 each) gives us records of more than one or two species. Yet we may reasonably infer that excepting the mountain terrapin, which is confined to the mountains, and the diamond-back, which is a salt-marsh species of the coast, our prevailing forms must range from the edge of the mountains to the coast, though some of the sliders probably are only found in the eastern half of the State and the status of a few is quite problematical. A key to practically all eastern turtles follows, by eastern, I mean forms that are found east of the Mississippi, excluding the strictly Mississippi Valley species. The key will probably enable a tolerably intelligent person to identify most of the forms included with rea- sonable accuracy. Species already recorded from North Carolina are preceded by a serial number, the rest are in italics and unnumbered, and the name is followedby the name of State nearest to North Carolina in which the species has been taken. KEY TO THE TURTLES OF THE EASTERN UNITED STATES 1. Limbs long, flat and paddle like: front lmbs with not more than two claws each. Marine turtles. See 2. 1. Limbs not paddle like, front limbs with three or more claws on each. Land and Freshwater Turtles. See 6. 1920] TURTLES OF NORTH CAROLINA 67 2. Shell without horny plates, covered with a black leathery skin, and with seven longitudinal ridges down back. (1) Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea),. 2. Shell with horny plates without longitudinal ridges. See 3. 3. Carapace mottled with yellow, and covered with loosely over- lapping plates. Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). Tropical and subtropical seas. 3. Carapace with smooth, not overlapping, plates. See 4. 4. Claws on front limbs one each, carapace mottled with yellow. (2) Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas). 4. Claws on front limbs two each, carapace without yellow mot- tling. See 5d. 5. Plates on under side of bridge three. (3) Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Ca etta caretta). 5. Plates on under side of bridge four. (4) Bastard Turtle (Ca- retta kempi). 6. Shell covered with horny plates. See 7. 6. Shell covered with a leathery skin, form flattened and orbicular. Soft-shelled Turtles (Family Trionychidae). See 37. 7. Plastron narrow, cross-shaped, the plates of its central portion nine. Snapping Turtles (Family Chelydridae). See 8. 7. Plastron not narrow and cross shaped, its plates more than nine, See 9. 8. Under surface of tail with small scales: carapace with three strong keels at all ages. Alligator Snapper (Macrohelys temminckii), Georgia. 8. Under surface of tail with rather large plates, carapace with- out strong keels in adult. (5) Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpen- tina). 9. Plastron with ten or eleven plates: front and hind portions of plastron hinged on fixed central portion and capable of partially closing the shell. Mud Turtles (Family Kinosternidae). See 10. 9. Plastron with twelve plates: plastron not as in the mud turtles. (Family Testudinidae). See 15. 10. Plastron comparatively small, hind portion capable of little movement, pectoral plate trapezoidal. Musk Turtles. See 11. 68 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September 10. Plastron comparatively large, both hind and front parts moveable, pectoral plate subtriangular. Mud Turtles proper. See 12. 11. Head without yellow stripes: shell strongly keeled at all ages. Keeled Musk Turtle (Winosternon carinatum), Georgia. 11. Head with yellow stripes, at least when young, shell not keeled in adult. (6) Musk Turtle (Ainosternon odoratum). 12. Carapace with three longitudinal yellow stripes: head with yellow stripes. Baur’s Mud Turtle (Hinosternon bauri), Florida. 12. Carapace without stripes. See 13. 13. Head with yellow stripes. Louisiana Mud Turtle (Kinoster- non subrubrum hippocrepis), Georgia. 13. Neither carapace nor head with stripes. See 14. 14. Plastron rather small, bridge very narrow, nasal shield deeply notched behind. Florida Mud Turtle (Atinosternon steindachnert), Florida. 14. Plastron and bridge of normal size, nasal shield not notched behind. (7) Common Mud Turtle (Ainosternon subrubrum | pensil- vanicum |). 15. Plastron in two pieces, both movable on a transverse hinge, and joined to the carapace by a cartilaginous suture. See 16. 15. Plastron in one solid piece, joined to the carapace by a bony bridge. See 19. 16. Hind feet fully webbed; shell rather long and narrow, eara- pace with small yellow dots. Blanding’s Turtle (Hmys blandingz), Ohio. 16. Shell short and high, hind feet little or not at all webbed. Terrestrial species, Box Turtles. See 17. 17. Quadratojugal arch present. Shell usually with narrow ra- diating lines on each plate. Hind feet somewhat webbed. Gulf Box (Terrapene major), Georgia. 17. Quadratojugal arch absent. Carapace with large yellow spots, or broad radiating stripes, or unmarked. See 18. 18. Claws on hind feet three each. Three-Toed Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina triunguis), Georgia. 18. Claws on hind feet four each. (8) Common Box Turtle (Ter- rapene carolina). 1920] TurRTLES OF NorTH CAROLINA 69 19. Limbs thick and club-shaped, hind limbs the smallest. Shell with concentric striae on the plates, but not keeled. Terrestrial and burrowing in habits. Gopher Turtle (Gopherus polyphemus), South Carolina. 19. Limbs not eclub-shaped, hind limbs usually the largest. See 20. 20. Masticating surface of jaws narrow. See 21. 20. Masticating surface of jaws broad. See 23. 21. Shell with concentric striae on the plates, giving each plate a lumpy appearance. Shell keeled. Terrestrial. Wood Terrapin (Clemmys insculptus), New Jersey. 21. Shell smooth without striae or keel. Shell four inches or less. See 22. 22. Head and carapace with smail round yellow spots. (9) Spotted Terrapin (Clemmys guttatus). 22. Carapace and head without round yellow spots, a yellow patch on each side of neck. (10) Mountain Terrapin (Clemmys nuchalis), Muhlenberg’s Terrapin (Clemmys muhlenberg), N. J. 23. Masticating surface of jaws with longitudinal ridge down middle. See 24. 23. Masticating surface of jaws without longitudinal ridge; shell keeled. See 34. 24. Head and neck when extended about two-thirds length of shell, shell high and narrow, with a reticulated pattern of narrow yellow lines in large mesh. (11) Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys «eticu- laria). 5 24. Head and neck not more than half leneth of shell. See 25. 25. Size comparatively small, usually not more than five inches in length of shell, shell smooth, no variegated markings on large plates of carapace, Shell with red markings around the edge. See 26. 25. Size comparatively large, adults from five inches to a foot or more in length of shell. Large plates of carapace usually with variegated markings. Plates of shell usually with longitudinal wrinkles. See 27. 26. Costal plates in line with the vertebrals so that the plates are in straight rows across the shell. (12) Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta). 70 JOURNAL OF THE MitTcHELL Society | September 26. Costal plates altering with vertebrals. Western Painted Turtle (Chrysemys cinerea), New York. 27. Edge of one or both jaws serrated. See 28. 27. Both jaws with smooth edges. Plastron with more or less black. See 32. 28. Both jaws serrated, with a notch at the symphisis of upper jaw and a strong tooth or cusp on each side of it. See 29. 28. Lower jaw only serrated, no notch or tooth at tip of upper jaw. Plastron wholly yellow. See 30. 29. Carapace red and black, plastron red. (13) Redbelled Ter- rapin (Pseudemys rubriventris). 29. Carapace as above, plastron yellow and brown. Alabama Terrapin (Pseudemys aiabamensis), Alabama. 30. Carapace smooth, head very small. Hieroglyphic Terrapin (Pseudemys hieroglyphica), Tennessee. 30. Carapace with wrinkles on the costal plates. See 31. p 31. Shell comparatively short and high, markings on costal plates mainly transverse. (14) Florida Terrapin (Pseudemys floridanus). 31. Shell comparatively long and flat, markings on costal plates confused or reticulated. (15) River Terrapin (Pseudemys concinna). 31. Shell with an evident keel at all ages. An upright yellow bar behind eye. Black markings of plastron consisting of a roundish black spot on each of the two front plates (sometimes on all or nearly of the plates). (16) Yellow-belliied Terrapin (Pseudemys scripta). 32. Shell usually not keeled except in the very young. Black markings of plastron usually more extensive and elongate. See 33. 33. An oval red spot behind eye, and conspicuous yellow lines on head, neck and limbs. Red-Necked Terrapin (Pseudemys elegans), Tennessee. 33. No red spot behind eye, markings on head neck and limbs obscure or lacking. (17) Troost’s Terrapin (Pseudemys troosti). 34. Shell with concentric striae on the plates. Salt marsh species. See 35. 30. Keel of each vertebral plate knobbed at tip. Southern Dia- mond-Back Terrapin (Malaclemmys pileata), and subspecies, Florida. 1920] TurTLES OF NorTH CAROLINA 71 35. Keels of the vertebrals not knobbed. (18) Diamond-Back Terrapin (Malaclemmys centrata) and subspecies. 36. Keel of shell even, not tuberculate. A triangular yellow spot behind each eye. Map Terrapin (Graptemys geographicus), Virginia. 36. Keels of vertebrals rising into knobs or tubercles on each plate, an L-shaped yellow spot behind eye. Lesueur’s Terrapin (Graptemys pseudo-geographicus), Virginia. 37. Shell with tubercles in front in adult. See 38. 37. Shell without tubercles in front in adult. Brown Soft- Shelled Turtle (Amyda mutica), Ohio. 38. Pale lines on top of head united just in front of eyes. Southern Soft-Shelled Turtle (Amyda ferox), South Carolina. 38. Pale lines on top of head united near tip of snout. Spiny Soft-Shelled Turtle (Amyda spinifera), Ohio. RaLeicH, N. C. A LITTLE-KNOWN VETCH DISEASE. By FREDERICK A. WOLF. PLATES 2-6 INTRODUCTION In the spring of 1918, a diseased condition of vetch was noted to be quite abundantly present upon the several species growing in the vicinity of West Raleigh, N. C., and in the following season, it was so destructive to hairy vetch, Vicia villosa, that the plants were practi- eally all killed before they had reached the flowering stage. Since hairy vetch is the species most widely grown within the State as a winter cover crop and as a feed crop to be utilized either for grazing or for hay, this disease is to be regarded as of considerable economie im- portance. All parts of the plant above ground were affected in a manner quite characteristically different from any of the several dis- eases which had previously come under the writer’s observation. It soon became apparent, from microscopic examination, however, that the disease was identical with one which had first been collected in the summer of 1907 on the horticultural grounds of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Since two concise mycological notes’ containing brief descriptions of the appearance of the disease and of the structure of the casual organism, comprise the only publications dealing with this malady, investigations were forthwith begun, It is the present purpose, therefore, to report upon these studies, which have been conducted during the past three seasons, as a contribution to our knowledge of the distribution, symptomatology and dissemination of this disease and of the life history and structure of the pathogen. DISTRIBUTION It has thus far not been possible to secure any considerable body of data on the distribution of the disease either within the State or within other States where species of vetch are cultivated. It has been collected in North Carolina, however, within the counties of Forsythe, Rowan, Montgomery, Granville, Wayne, and Wake and has been observed’ by Mr. Roland McKee, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of 1 Atkinson, G. F., and Egerton, C. W. Protocoronospora, a new genus of fungi. Jour. Mycol. 13; p. 185-186, 1907. Preliminary note on a new disease of the cultivated vetch. Sci. N. S. 26; No. 664, p. 385-386, 1907. 2From a letter to the writer, dated May 23, 1919. [ 72 ] 1920] A Littte Known VetcH Disease 73 Forage Crop Investigations, Washington, D. C., to oceur in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee. Even though the disease was first collected in New York as long ago as 1907, plant pathologists generally are not familiar with it and speci- mens have, for this reason, not found their way into the several large herbaria. Since the disease has not received a common name, and has the appearance of an anthracnose, it is, in this account, designated as false anthracnose. APPEARANCE OF THE DISEASE False anthracnose can first be noticed during November and De- cember when the plants are still smal]. A brownish discoloration which completely girdles the stems of the seedlings is at this time manifest. This discoloration begins near the surface of the soil and extends upward. The main stem becomes dwarfed in consequence and is soon surpassed in size by other shoots which develop below the lesions. In other cases, the main stem is so severely involved that it dies or the entire plant may succumb. The disease may be observed at any time during winter but makes little progress until spring. It then spreads rapidly upward upon the stem, producing characteristic, short, dark-brown to blackish streaks, Fig. 25, which may remain isolated or become so abundant as to quite uniformly discolor all of the invaded portions. Young stem lesions are at first grayish in color and their change through light brown to dark brown or black is due to the pigmentation of the mycelium within the cortical cells. Young stems are killed early in the season whereas older woody ones may live to maturity. The leaves, including stipules, petioles and leaflets, are successively involved, beginning with the lowermost. The lesions, except upon the leaflets, are entirely similar in outline to those upon the stems and pass progressively through the same changes in color. Those upon the leaflets may remain minute and circular with a tendency toward being most numerous along the principal veins or may appear as elongated, dark streaks. Affected leaflets are pale green in color, especially when several hundred spots develop upon a single leaflet, and become markedly chlorotic before the lesions attain their mature depth of color, Fig. 24. They eventually become dry and fall off. The mature spots on the legumes or pods are so strikingly dis- tinctive that there is no difficulty in distinguishing false anthracnose 74 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [| September of vetch from any other of the diseases of this plant. Young lesions are at first manifest as irregular purplish discolorations. The middle line of these discolored areas becomes whitish following the rupture of the epidermis by the acervulus or fruit-body of the fungus, Fig. 27. The mass of spores which comes out may give to the center of the spot a pale pink or salmon color. With age, the whitish portions of the lesions become black and the purplish halo disappears as the pods become dry. Mature lesions appear as black, elliptical or elon- gated oblique spots, Fig. 28, their direction being no doubt due to the oblique fibrous structure of the pod. ETIOLOGY False anthracnose is caused by an organism, Protocoronospora nigricans, which was described, in 1907, by Atkinson and Edgerton as the type of a new genus. Since, during the writer’s studies, this fungus was found to possess certain characters, to be described later in this report, which are common to the true anthracnoses, compari- son was made with the several species of Gloeosporium occurring on vetch, Specimens of the two American species, Gloeosporium Daviswi E. et E. and G. Everhartii Sace. et Syd., which occur on the legumes and on the leaves respectively of Vicia americana were loaned through the courtesy of Dr, J. J. Davis, Madison, Wisconsin, by whom they were first collected. The latter species was first described as G. ameri- canum E, et E*., a combination which had been earlier employed for a fungus occurring on Arauja albens (deseribed from Argentina by Spegazzini in Fungi Arg. Pug. II,, p. 36). Even though these two species differ in size of conidia, they will probably be found to be iden- tical when submitted to cultural and inoculation tests. Certainly they are distinct from the organism under consideration. A form which oceurs on stems of Vicia cracca in France and was described! as G. viciae Fautrey et Roum. is also very different and beyond doubt is identical with Myrosporium viciae Fautrey. There is furthermore no chance of confusing Protocoronospora mgricans with G. tricolor Lind which produces a ‘‘frog-eye’’ leafspot disease of Vicia cracca in Denmark.’ 3 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1893, p. 167. : 4Fungi exsiccati precipue Gallici Centurie LV. Revue Mycologique annee 12, 1890, p. 168. 5 Annales Mycol. 5: p. 277, 1907. ~] or 1920] A Lirtne Known VetcuH DISEASE MorpHo.oGy oF Protocoronospora nigricans As was indicated in the preliminary accounts by Atkinson and Edgerton, this fungus presents some very interesting structural fea- tures. They call attention, furthermore, to the fact that the gross appearance of the disease, the character of the fruit body, the pale pink or flesh color of the spores in mass, and their appearance when hastily examined under the microscope suggest the genus Gloespor- ium. Since, however, they found that the spores are borne at the apices of the conidiophores not singly, but in whorls and that these spores on germination bud in yeast-like fashion, characters not pos- sessed by anthracnoses, they believed that the fungus resembled most nearly, the thelephoraceous genus, Corticium, and consequently placed it there in their provisional diagnosis. They did not find opportunity, however, to make a critical study of its morphology. Methods—In the present investigation, use was made of cultures, of fresh material and of appropriately fixed and stained microtome sections. For the latter purpose, portions of stems, pods, and leaves were fixed in medium strength chromo-acetie acid solution and stained with Flemming’s triple stain according to the shortened method rec- ommended by Harper. The most satisfactory preparations showing the cytological features were secured when safranin was allowed to act 1-2 minutes, gentian violet 10-20 minutes and orange G. 20-30 see- onds. Many of the details of the manner of penetration of the host and of the development and structure of the acervuli could be sat- isfactorily studied by microscopic examination of the epidermis stripped from fresh material. The germination of the conidia and their development into colonies could be followed by repeated examinations of marked conidia planted upon the surface of hardened agar plate cultures. For this purpose, conidia were transferred from a lesion to a drop of sterile water on a microsepoie slide. A loopful of this suspension of conidia was trans- ferred to one edge of the agar plate and spread over its surface with a zigzag stroke toward the opposite edge. No effort was made to sterilize the surface of the lesion and in consequence mixed cultures containing bacteria were always secured. The bacteria and conidia were sufficiently well separated toward the ultimate end of the stroke, however, to permit the isolation of single spore cultures or their de- velopment and study in situ. . 76 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society [ September Acervulus—The acervuli are either isolated or variously grouped and are always subepidermal in origin, Fig. 21. They open to the surface by the rupture of the epidermis in the form of a slit through which the conidia escape, or by an irregularly lacerate opening. The stroma upon which the acervulus is seated usually extends 5 to 4 host cell layers in depth and is made up of compact pseudopar- anchyma which is at first colorless and becomes with age brown to blackish, Fig. 13. This stroma completely occupies the interior of the host cells without apparent modification of their cell walls. The nourishing mycelium extends radiately from the periphery of the stroma, Fig. 21, and is confined for the most part to the epidermal and hypodermal cells. It has never been observed to be intercellular and cells whose cavities are practically filled with mycelium contain apparently normal intact nuclei. The hyphae composing this mycelium are also hyaline at first, but darken at maturity. Since the mycelium does not penetrate the xylem tissues there is in- sufficient interference with the conduction of water to prevent the tips of the plant from growing, even when the stems are involved for the greater part of their length. The conidiophores arise within the epidermal cells and by their elongation rupture the cuticle which persists for a time as a frayed border at the margin of the acervulus. They are compactly arranged and in section appear palisade-like. They are cylindrical to clavate. in shape and quite variable in size, averaging 20-30 x 6-84. Those which are more slender are believed to be the structures which were interpreted by Atkinson and Edgerton as conidiophores intermingled with the basidia. The conidia are borne in a whorl or crown at the apex of the conidiophore, Fig. 1, 6, 9, 10 and 17. They are not formed on sterig- mata, but arise as protrusions from the apical wall of the conidio- phore. As they are abstricted, others are formed in their places, re- sulting in the formation of a mass of conidia which may ooze out of the mouth of the acervulus. The conidia are oklong to subelliptiecal, straight or curved, continuous, hyaline, granular and measure 12-20 x 3-3.5p, Fig. 2. The setae are irregularly disposed through the acervul, Fig. 13. They are very abundantly present on young vetch stems and can readily be distinguished with a hand lens. They are only sparingly present on old stems, however, and one may not be able to determine 1920] A LirtLeE Known Vetcu DisrAse We their presence without access to serial sections of material embedded in paraffin. Setae on leaf lesions can best be demonstrated by stripping off the epidermis and making examination with the microscope, Fig. 21. Here acervuli will be found which have as few as a single seta or even none, whereas adjacent acervuli bear as many as six to eight. Setae have not been observed on affected pods, aithough many serial microtome sections of young and mature lesions have been studied. Since the setae do not stand perpendicular to the leaf surface, it would be difficult to get an entire seta in vertical section and they may, for this reason, have escaped detection. Furthermore, their presence in the genus Colletotrichum is known to be so variable that it is entirely possible that they are never formed in pod lesions. These seta are from two to three times the length of the conidiophores, are brown in color, either one-celled or at most, one-septate and gradually taper to a blunt point. NUCLEAR PHENOMENA Since Protocoronospora was provisionally placed in the Thelepho- raceae, a family in the order Hymenomycetineae whose members pos- sess basidia which are binucleate in the young condition and which arise from binucleate cells in-the subhymenium, it was believed that a study of the nuclear conditions in this parasite would be of prime im- portance in determining its systematic position. Certain hymeno- mycetes have, of course, been described the cells of whose carpophores, except the hymenial portions, and the nutritive mycelium were either uninucleate or multinucleate.” Accordingly lesions on stems, which were found to be more favor- able for study than those on other parts of the plant, were sectioned and stained with Flemming’s triple stain in a manner previously stated. The nuclei were found to vary greatly in size, a condition which has been noted in many other fungi. The largest nuclei measure about 3p in diameter and are most easily observed in the cells at the periphery of the acervulus, either within the epidermis or within the more deeply lying host tissue. Here the hyphal cells are found to contain one to five nuclei (Figs. 14 and 16), The conidiophores and stromatic cells directly beneath them are found to possess consider- ably smaller, more numerous nuclei, since as many as twelve is not ®An excellent review of this situation with a bibliography of all of the-important con- tributions to the subject is contained in a recent paper by Fitzpatrick, H. M. Crytology of Eocronartium musicola. Am. Jour. Bot. 5: No. 8, pp. 399-419, Pls. 30-33, 1918. 78 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHELL Society | September an unusual number (Fig, 17). The conidia were likewise multinu- cleate but none with more than three nuclei have been observed (Fig. 15). Whether the nuclei in conidia containing more than one nucleus had arisen by mitosis following abstriction of the conidium from the conidiophore or had migrated into the conidium before it had become separated, could not be determined. It is entirely lkely, however. that multinucleate conidia arise from both conditions. GERMINATION OF CONIDIA AND GROWTH IN CULTURE. The organism causing false anthracnose has been isolated several times in each of the three seasons during which it has been studied. It has been cultivated on plain agar, dextrose agar, and vetch decoc- tion agar, on sterilized vetch stems, steamed vetch seed meal, corn meal and tapioca. On each of these media, the isolated colonies remain small and black and are of the type shown in Figs. 22 and 23. When the cultures are heavily seeded with conidia, a compact black mycelial erust is formed over the surface. ‘ The conidia are extremely variable in their method of germina- tion. The most common method is budding in a yeast-like fashion, Figs. 1 and 4, so that the tertiary sporidia may be observed to be still connected seriatim with the parent conidia. These buds arise terminally or more rarely as lateral projections, The conidia may be- come once septate early in germination (Figs. 3 and 5) and may de- velop one or more germ tubes similar to the anthracnoses. The cells of the parent conidium may become enlarged and brown walled within 48 hours and develop a rudimentary mycelium, Figs. 6 and 11. This mycelium may be so reduced that the original parent cells function both as mycelium and conidiophores, Figs. 6 and .9, in which case new conidia are formed as terminal buds. Quite an extensive, thick, closely septate, brown mycelium forms in other cases which may remain sterile, bud sparingly from lateral conidiophores, Fig. 10, or produce masses of conidia, Fig. 9. All the types of germina- tion and growth illustrated in Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11 have been observed in the same vetch decoction agar plate, made by sowing the conidia on the surface of the agar. Conidia taken directly from acervuli have been found to be budding. In old eultures, abnormal conidia of the types shown in Fig. 7 may occur, When the conidia are sown on the leaves of hairy vetch, they will within 48 hours, have become once septate, formed a slender tube 1920] A Littte Known VetcH DISEASE 79 leading to a brown ovoid appresorium and penetration will have been accomplished, Figs. 18, 19, and 20. The infection tube arises from the lower side of the appresorium and effects entrance into the ep dermis by dissolution of the cell wall. This process was observed several times in 1919 and confirmed during the present season. The mycelium then grows rapidly into adjacent cells and forms a new acervulus at the locus of infection. Within three to four days after infection has occurred, new acervuli have matured and are shedding their conidia, Fig. 21. Lire HIstTory oF THE CAUSAL ORGANISM The false anthracnose fungus possesses only one type of repro- ductive structure which in the vicinity of Raleigh, N. C., may be produced at any time during the life of its host, or from early in November until the first of July. The organism bearing mature acer- vuli and conidia has been collected during each month of this eight- month period. It is first evident upon the seedling plants and may cause the outer cortical portions of the stems to be blackened to a height of several inches above the surface of the ground, without, however, invading the xylem portions. The disease makes little prog- ress during winter, however, and only develops rapidly with the ad- vent of favorable conditions which appear usually about the middle of April, It then spreads upward and involves all of the above-ground parts including the pods. Here it usually does not extend more deeply than the skeletal or supportive tissue of the pod wall, Fig. 8, but it may penetrate into the young seed. In case of severe infections such as occurred in 1919, the seed are prevented from developing. Le- sions on young seeds show as discolored areas which are not noticeable, however, when the seed have matured. If mature seed taken from directly beneath lesions on the pod wall, are soaked in equal parts of alcohol and glycerin for several months to permit them to soften, and are sectioned, the hyphae or Protocoronospora will be found to have permeated all parts of the seed. Such an infected seed is shown in section in Fig. 12. The palisade-like cells of the young seed repre- sented in Fig. 8-d, have become the Malphigian layer, Fig. 12-a, whose outer cell walls are thickened and show a highly refractive “‘light line.”*” Beneath is the scleroid layer subjacent to which is the 7An illuminating account of the structure of legume seeds to which the reader is referred was prepared by Pammel, L. H. Anatomical characters of the seeds of Legu- minoseae, chiefly genera of Gray’s Manual. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis. 9; No. 6, pp. 91-273, pls. 7-35. 1899. 80 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September vestigal nucellar tissue. The hyphae will be noted to be present in all of these tissues which make up the seed coat and to extend into the storage tissues of the cotyledons beneath, Fig. 12-e. The initiation of the disease in fields not previously seeded to vetch is due to the planting of infected seed. This is supported by field observations during the past two seasons and by an experiment planned to determine this point. Seed from affected pods were col- lected by the writer in the spring of 1918, and were sown in a new field. By April 15th of the following spring, the plants were abun- dantly diseased. The organism can remain alive during summer on old affected parts which undoubtedly serve as a source of infection where vetch is permitted to reseed itself. No evidence has been secured that the organism possesses any other than the conidal stage although repeated examination has been made throughout the entire year of material kept out of doors in wire baskets. Were an ascigerous stage formed, it is not believed that it could have escaped detection. Furthermore, reproduction by conidia alone has occurred in cultures on the various media previously mentioned. Some of these cultures have been main- tained for an entire year without transfer but with the addition of sterile water to replace that lost to evaporation. INFECTION EXPERIMENTS The organism is such a virulent parasite, as indicated by field observations, that little attention has been given to infection experi- ments except to study the manner of infection. Three series of inocu- lations were effected, however, upon plants grown in the greenhouse. Two were made with a crude inoculum consisting of the water in which diseased plants had been washed. This water was atomized upon healthy plants and characteristic lesions developed within ten days. The other was made with pure cultures of the organism grown on agar. A watery suspension of conidia was in this case applied with an atomizer to healthy plants on May 19. The plants were then shaded for 24 hours with a sheet of paper. By May 29 acervuli had matured on the stems and leaves of these inoculated plants. Host PLANTS Protocoronospora nigricans appears to be limited to species of Vicia. It has been observed to be very destructive to Vicia sativa 1920] A Lirtte Known VetcH DISEASE 81 and V. villosa although V. angustifolia and V. dasycarpa are very re- sistant to attack. This last-named species has been observed, for two seasons, to grow to maturity practically free from disease although it was intertwined with hairy vetch so severely affected that it failed to form pods. The growing of Vicia dasycarpa, a species with appar- ently all of the good characteristics of hairy vetch but which matures a little earlier, instead of V. villosa, gives promise, therefore, of being the most satisfactory way of combatting this disease. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Attention was called, as has been stated, by Atkinson and Edger- ton in their preliminary report, to two characters possessed by the vetch organism which inclined them to believe that it was related to Corticium. These characters were the simultaneous formation of several spores from a basidium and the germination of these spores by budding. No special significance was attached by these investiga- tors to the observation that the spores were sessile and that new spores were formed in place of those which had fallen away, although the presence of sterigmata and of a definite number of spores are known to be characters commonly present among the Basidiomycetes. Germ- ination by budding appears to be not uncommon however, in both Hemibasidii and Eubasidii. Whatever may be said of these diagnostic characters, they should not be regarded as of as much importance in determining whether or not the organism is an Hymenomycete as the multinucleate character of the mycelium, conidia and conidiophores, a phenomenon not known among the basidium-bearing fungi. Because of this multinucleate condition, the organism is certainly not to be re- garded as a member of the great group of fungi, Basidiomycetes. Several characters, including the gross appearance of the spots, the pale pink color of the spores in mass, the structure and type of development of the acervulus, the presence of setae, the formation of appresoria when conidia germinate on the host, and germination of the type shown in Figs. 3 and 5, suggest its relationship to the form genus Colletotrichum. The conidia in the anthracnoses are borne singly at the end of the conidiophore whereas the vetch organism forms a number simultaneously. Some of the anthracnoses in eul- ture, because of the more or less glutinous nature of the conidia, are known to give the hyphomycetous appearance shown in Figs. 6, 9, and 10. Furthermore, none of the anthracnoses normally bud, as 82 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September does the vetch fungus. Viala and Pacottet” claim to have observed budding in Gloeosporium nervisequum on sycamore but an examina- tion of their figures indicates that they must have been working with contaminated cultures. Such a criticism has, in fact, been offered by several investigators, including Shear.” These last two characters are sufficiently distinetive to leave no reason for regarding the vetch fungus as an anthracnose. In the writer’s opinion the genus, Protocoronospora, with its single species, nigricans, should properly be transferred to the Melan- coniales, It is realized that the various genera in the Fungi Imperfecti are arranged artificially and not phyllogenetically and that it is, there- fore, difficult to properly relate the vetch organism. Under this arti- ficial scheme, Protocoronospora should probably be placed near Colle- totrichum. Perhaps some other student of this interesting organism will be able to find an ascigerous stage and thus to know its true relationship. The following brief Latin description is given and involves the changes necessary in the transfer from the Thelephoraceae to the Melanconiaceae. Protocoronospora Emend. Acervulis innato-erumpentibus, in stromate pseudoparenchymatico, ex 2-5 stratis cellularum constituto insidientibus, ramuli myeelici ul- timi conidiphora efformatibus; setulis atro brunneis; conidia ses- siles, hyalina incolora, continua, leves, plures (plurumque 4-8), ex germinatione conidia conformia efformantes. Protocoronospora Nigricans Atk. et Edg. Emend. Plagulis angustis in legumibus foliis caulibusque, 2-5 mm. long., 1-2 mm. latis; primum irregulariter purpurascentibus, centro albi- cantibus v. purpureo cinctis, deinde nigricantibus; stromate sub- epidermatico e cellularis 6-9 diam, constituto; setulis paucis v. numer- osis, continuis v. uniseptatis atro-brunneis, 60-90 x 5-7; conidiophoris ex clavato subeylindraceis, 20-30 x 5-6, plurisporis; conidiis sessil- ibus ex conidiophoris conidia nova continuo gignentibus; conidiis in massa roseolis, ex oblongo ellipsoideis, granulosis, rectis vel eury- ulis, 12-20 x 3-5.5p. 8 Viala, P. and Pacottet, P., Levures et Kystes des Gloeosporium. Ann. Inst. Nat. Agron. V. 5: Fasc. 1, p. 31-73, Figs. 32, Paris, 1906. ®Shear, C. L. and Wood, Anna Kk. Studies of fungous parasites belonging to the genus Glomerella. U. S. D. A. Bur. Plant Ind. Bul. 252, pp. 11-110, Figs. 4, Pls. 1-18, 1913. 1920] A Lirrtte Known Vetcu DIsEAse 83 Hab. parasitice in Vicia sativa, V. villosa, V. angustifolia et V. dasycarpa. Amer. bor. An abundant supply of diseased material has been deposited in the herbaria of the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Office of Myeco- logical Collections, Bureau of Plant Industry. In conelusion, the writer wishes to express his appreciation and thanks to Dr. C. L. Shear, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C., and Dr. E. A. Burt, Missouri Botanical Gardens, St. Louis, Mo., for their opinions and suggestions, given after examination of material, as to the taxonomy of this interesting fungus. SUMMARY A vetch disease previously little known has been under investiga- tion during the past three years. It was first collected at Ithaca, New York, in 1907 and is now known to occur also in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee. The disease is caused by Protocoronospora nigricans and since its eross appearance suggests an anthracnose, it may be appropriately called false anthracnose. Dark brown to black, elongated lesions may appear upon any of the above-ground parts of the plant. Pod lesions are especially char- acteristic since they are oblique to the margin of the pod. The disease is initiated in new fields by the planting of infected seed. This is demonstrated by the occurrence of hyphae within the seed and by the appearance of the disease on seedling plants in fields not previously seeded to vetch. The fruit bodies of the parasite are subepidermal in origin and possess setae, and a number of conidia are borne simultaneously at the apices of the conidiophores. As these conidia fall away, new ones form in their places. The conidia germinate in a yeast-like fashion, by sep- tation and the formation of germ tubes, by developing a thickened, short mycelium from which conidia are budded, and by the formation of appresoria from which the infection tubes arise. It has not been possible to develop an ascigerous stage either in culture or upon affected plant parts kept out of doors. All parts of the organism are multinucleate and primarily for this reason, it is not believed to be related to Corticium, a thelephoraceous fungus. It is believed to be more nearly like Colletotrichum, one of 84 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September the Melanconiceae and is accordingly transferred to this family of imperfect fungi. Vicia sativa and V, villosa become severely affected under condi- tions in which V. angustifolia and V. dasycarpa remain practically free from disease. WEstT RaeicH, N. C. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES PLATE 2 Figs 1-7 and 9-11 inclusive, are drawn to the same scale. Fig. 1. Copy of unpublished camera lucida drawings of Protocoronospora nigri- cans, made by Dr. C. W. Edgerton in 1907. The conidiophores show several stages of conidial formation in whorls at the apex. The formation of yeast-like buds upon germination of conidia is also illustrated. Fie. 2. Normal conidia of Protocoronospora nigricans taken from diseased vetch. Fic. 3. Germination of conidia in hanging drops of tap water in which vetch stems have been macerated. Septation and the formation of one or more germ tubes is shown. Fic. 4. The usual type of germination by budding as occurs in tap water, plain agar or various kinds of nutrient agar, 24 to 48 hours old. Fie. 5. A type of germination not uncommon on a variety of nutrient agar. Fic. 6. In agar cultures in which certain conidia germinate as in Figs. 4 and 5, others form a thickened, short mycelium which sporulates terminally or from lateral branches. Fic. 7. Abnormal conidia as appear in old cultures on corn meal. Fic. 8. Vertical section through a lesion on young vetch pod. (a) Conidia, conidiophores and fungous stroma; (b) Hypodermal parenchyma occupied by intracellular mycelium; (ec) Selerenchyma tissue of pod wall; (d) Embryonic cells of the younger seed. The palisade-like cells be- come the Malphigan layer in the mature seed. Fic. 9. Characteristic short mycelium in agar cultures four days old, showing abundant conidial formation. Fic. 10. Much branched mycelium with few or no conidia found in the same cultures as the condition represented in Figs. 6 and 9. Fic. 11. Sterile mycelium from four day old nutrient agar plates. Fic. 12. Section of mature infected vetch seed, showing the mycelium of Pro- tocoronospora in the various tissues; (a) Malphigian layer, the outer wall of whose cells is very much thickened and shows the characteristic ‘‘light line’? so common in seeds of eguminoseae ; (b) Seleroid layer; (ec) Vestigal nucellar tissue ; (d) Epidermis of the cotyledon; (e) Cotyledonary tissue abundantly filled with starch. 2 PLATE a c Ne Wy ee, Y i se . 0), flee ea Ye , =a —_ ‘ane iar se Py Oe . of 7 { a Ge Th “rn 1 , ms 7 ; % —~ 6 7 { : ~> S, -_ i. as § Ove = ; - ytd i : } ; . “ et _ a ’ =i ! ; A = ps - . . - | 1a : = 16. = . ‘ i e * — , : Pj «4 - _ 7 2s , : } 1 e all { P \ - > ' ie = 7 ‘ PLATE 3 BRS = hy Ca =) = Jt Mine ATSB rare : Ay mn one Mm oe ) os FEAR 2 AE 2s; wy, PLATE 4 PLATE 5 > > : : i j ' ¥ ss j F ' > ‘ ’ i z f- i ' * B 7 iy ; * 4 } * a sire 7s t ; i I : “ PLATE 6 1920] A Lirtte Known Vetcu Disease 85 PLATE 3 Figs. 13, 18, 19, and 20, are drawn to the same scale; the magnification of Figs. 14-17, inclusive, is alike. Fic. 13. Acervulus in cross section of Protocoronospora on vetch stem. The stroma extends 3 to 4 host cell layers in depth. Fig. 14. Multinucleate mycelium taken from the margin of an acervulus. Fic. 15. Variation in size and shape of conidia and in the number of nuclei. Fic. 16. Multinucleate cells from beneath the stroma. Fic. 17. Multinucleate conidiophores and cells of the stroma. Fic. 18. Germination of conidium on upper ieaf surface of hairy vetch. The formation of the appresorium is followed by infection within 36 to 48 hours. Fie. 19. Infection through the epidermis on the lower surface of the leaf. Fic. 20. Penetration by conidia lodged on the upper leaf surface. Fig. 21. A surface view of an acervulus six days after inoculation. PLATE 4 Fie. 22. Colonies of Protocoronospora nigricans, one week old, on vetch de- coction agar. Fie. 23. Two week’s old cultures on the same medium. PLATE 5 Fic. 24. Lesions on leaves of hairy vetch. Fig. 25. Stones with elongated, dark brown to black lesions. PLATE 6 Fic. 26. Pods showing the oblique oblong lesions typical of false anthracnose. Fic. 27. Young lesions with whitish centers on young pods. The pod at the extreme left of the series had purplish discolored areas but fruit bodies of the causal organism have not yet been formed. Fic. 28. The dark oblique areas are lesions on mature pods. NOTES ON THE MOSQUITO FAUNA OF NORTH CAROLINA By FRANKLIN SHERMAN Yi For many years the Division of Entomology, State Department of Agriculture at Raleigh, has been accumulating records of the differ- ent species of mosquitoes known in the State, the localities where found, the months when present, ete. Recently this subject has been assumed as one of our regular projects of work. The data included in this paper were not gathered by the author alone,—Mr. R. W. Leiby, of our Division, gave a paper on mosquito control before this body a ‘year ago, and is actively contributing to our records,—so also is Mr. C. S. Brimley, Mr. G. M. Bentley, formerly with the Division, con- tributed a number of records. Dr. Harvey P. Barrett, of Charlotte, has furnished a large number of records based chiefly on rearing from the larvae, and further work with him is contemplated for this year. Mr. Max Kisluik of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology, stationed at Wilmington, has furnished records from that locality. Many of our determinations have been made by authorities at Washington, notably Dr. H. G. Dyar and the late Messrs, Coquillet and Knab. The interest in mosquito control was accentuated in the State dur- ing the recent war by the work done under the Public Health Service, notably around the camps at Charlotte and Raleigh and shipyards at Wilmington. Since hostilities ceased a number of other communities in the State are undertaking control work in co-operation with the Public Health Service. The importance of mosquitoes as pests of man need be only briefly mentioned :—it has been abundantly proven that malaria and yellow fever are transmitted by them. There are large areas, even in this State, where land values and crop production are lower than should be on account of malaria. We have had yellow fever cases in past years,—the particular species of mosquito which transmits yellow fever is a fully-established member of our fauna. The irritation, vexation and unrest caused by our many species which merely bite. are known to all. The main outstanding features of mosquito biology may be sketched as follows: The adult female mosquitoes lay their eggs or or near water. The larvae, called ‘‘wrigelers’’, which hatch from these eges live in the water, coming to the surface for air. As they are frail [ 86 | 1920] Notes oN THE Mosquito Fauna oF NorTH CAROLINA 87 little creatures quiet waters not violently agitated by storms and rapid currents, are most favorable to them. This often means stagnant water, but not necessarily so. Completing its larval life within a week or longer, it changes to a pupa, which stage lasts for a day or longer, when it emerges as an adult, winged mosquito, The length of life of the adult is indefinite—some live over winter, some species have been kept alive in summer for two months or more. Adult mos- quitoes usually fly for distances of less than a mile,—but some species are more migratory, and with favorable ight winds may travel much longer distances. The chief features of mosquito control can be briefly outlined as follows: (1) Drainage of stagnant or standing. water when practi- cable; (2) straightening and clearing of drains to secure prompt disposal of the flow; (3) oiling of such waters as may still serve as breeding places; (4) stocking with small insect-eating fishes of such waters as cannot be guarded by other means; (5) screening of houses ; (6) use of smudges, lotions, perfumes, ete. Accepting one mile as the. general limit of flight, the Public Health Service extends the drainage work for one mile beyond the limits.of the camp, yard, town or other particular area to be guarded. Most rules have exceptions,—and although mosquitoes adhere quite closely to the general principles just laid down, yet there are certain species which are exceptional in certain particulars and unless we know something about these exceptions, and how to allow for them,—we are lable to unpleasant and disappointing surprises,—and the public, often inclined to snap judgment, may criticise and even abandon control work which is really well done, because of the inter- vention of exceptional circumstances. Thus the control work in vicin- ity of Wilmington might be ever so well done,—it might almost, it might entirely eliminate malaria,—yet a favoring breeze might bring into that city countless thousands of mosqutoes of the species Aedes sollicitans which breed in the salt marshes of the coast ten to twenty miles away, and which is known to migrate for long distances. Such an invasion, temporary though it may be, might arouse much criti- cism. A house may be ‘‘screened,’’ yet small species of mosquitoes may easily crawl through the meshes of an ordinary fly-screen. A pool may be oiled and yet the mosquito Mansonia perturbans may breed from it, because the larva of this species does not come to the surface for air but lives in the saturated mud about the roots of aquatic plants. 88 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL Society | September There are many variations in exact habits,—certain species are especially prone to enter houses for human victims, others seldom or never do this,—the larvae of certain species predominate in rain-bar- rels or cisterns, while others are seldom found there,—certain species are active chiefly after sundown, others are equally or more active during the day,—certain species are very averse to flying in a breeze, others take advantage of it to cover long distances. The importance of ascertaining which, if any, of the disease-bearing mosquitoes occur in any locality, is self-evident. This cannot be done by disease-records, for we have no yellow-fever records at present, but we do have the yellow--fever mosquito—so far as we know, it would only require the in-coming of a sufferer from this disease, at the opportune season, to start an epidemic. Hence, it requires the study of the mosquitoes themselves, the study of the mosquito-breeding waters, and the record- ing of all possible data on each separate species before we can claim to have adequate scientific data bearing upon the mosquito problem as a whole. And this phase of the subject, being the strictly entomolo- gical part of it, is the one which claims our chief attention in this The entire list of species for the State, so far as ascertained, in- cludes 32 species, while it is probable that from 10 to 15 more yet await discovery. It so happens that we have no positive record of any adult mos- quito being taken in February, but we have records for every other month of the year. The localities whose mosquito fauna is best known are: Charlotte, with a list of 23 species; Wilmington, with 15 species; Raleigh, 13 species; Blowing Rock, 5; Henderson County, 5; Havelock (Craven County), 5. Twenty-three other localities have from 1 to 4 species on record. Let us now adopt the convenient division of the State into three main regions: eastern, central and western. 1. Eastern. This we will consider to include all from the coast to Raleigh and Southern Pines but not including either of those two localities. Twenty-one distinct species of mosquitoes have been taken in this region,—of these, five species have not been taken in either of the other regions, so far as our present records indicate, they are exclusively eastern,—nine of the species have been taken in both the eastern and central regions but not in western,—while the remaining seven species have been taken in all three regions. 1920] Novres on THE Mosquiro Fauna or NortH Caronina 89 2. Central. We will consider this region to inelude Raleigh and Southern Pines and westward to the foot of the Blue Ridge, including Tryon. This reckoning places Raleigh and Charlotte (comparatively well-worked localities) in this area, and gives it a predominance, for the present, in the number of species on record. Twenty-seven species of mosquitos have been taken in this Central region,—eight of which have not yet been taken in the other areas,—nine (as before men- tioned) have been taken in central and eastern regions but not in the west,—three have been taken in both central and western areas but not in the east,—the remaining seven have been taken in all three regions. 3. Western. We will consider this region to include the strictly mountain area of the Blue Ridge and west of it. Ten species of mosquitoes have been taken in this region, none of which are confined to it,—three of them having been taken in the western and central areas only,—the other seven being ones which have been taken in all three regions. It is probable that further studies will show some of the species which are now known only in our central area to occur in the eastern area also. Dr. Barrett has taken one or more southerly species at Charlotte, which is further north than they were before known to occur, and such species are very likely to occur in our eastern region whose general fauna appears to be more southerly than at Charlotte. Indeed, the general showing would no doubt be considerably altered in its details, if our knowledge of our mosquito fauna, and its distri- bution, were as complete as we hope eventually to make it. Already enough is known to indicate that in number of species the central section of the State will compare with the eastern, what- ever disparity there may be in numbers of individuals,—even if all of the species now known in the central region are eventually found in the east, and if no more were found in the central region, its present list of twenty-seven species is sufficient to show that it has a mosquito fauna worthy of consideration. Owing to the presence of larger un- drained areas it is undoubtedly true that the total mosquito popula- tion is the greatest in the east, and for the opposite reason, least in the mountains. As yet the mosquito fauna of the mountains has been least explored. A complete list from that region would probably show a surprising variety, but the areas for breeding are more restricted. 90 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September Adult mosquitoes have been found in our State virtually through- out the year. The number of species which have been taken in each of the several months is as follows: January 2; February none, it so happens; March 38; April 5; May 18; June 14; July 13; August 21; September 9; October 10; November 5; December 3. Of the ma- larial group two species have been taken at all seasons, these winter- ing in the adult stage,—the third species of the malarial group he* been taken from March to September, inclusive. The yellow-feve. mosquito has been taken June to November, inclusive, The species which perhaps breeds more abundantly than any other in eaves-troughs, cisterns and rainbarrels and which is our most common house mos- quito, has been taken April to November, inclusive. The exceptional species whose larva lives in mud at the roots of water plants and which, therefore, would not be wholly eliminated by the usual means of control, has been taken in all three regions of the State in the months of June, July and August. With so many species of mosquitoes in every section (and every other State in this part of the country has a comparable list if worked up and put on record), and with many of them presenting ex- ceptions to the usual rules of mosquito lfe,—the intelligent and in- formed citizen will not expect perfect, absolute, complete results from any system of control work. There will be occasions when mosquitoes become abundant, by local breeding or by invasion from outside, in the best-protected areas,—they may even develop in unsuspected places inside the house itself. It has not been our purpose to here discuss the details of control further than already mentioned,—rather it has been our purpose to give an idea of the mosquito life of the State as a whole, so far as now known. NOTES ON THE SPECIES Arrangement is alphabetical. Many of the notes are from Smith ‘“Report of Mosquitoes of New Jersey,’’ or Howard, Dyar and Knab ‘*Mosquitoes of North and Central America.”’ 1. Aedes atlanticus, Dyar and Knab. An inhabitant of swamps and woods. Not known to invade houses. Taken in east part of State——May, June and August. 2. Aedes atropalpus, (Coq.) D. and K. A small species, rather northern. Taken in central and west parts of State,—no record as to month. 1920| Notes on THE Mosquito Fauna or NortH CaRouina OW 3. Aedes bimaculatus, (Coq.) D. and K. A southerly species. Life and habits not fully known. Larvae taken at Charlotte in July. 4. Aedes calopus, (Meigen) D. and K. This is the species which trans- mits yellow fever. Flies and bites in day. Invades houses. Taken in east and central parts of State—June, July, August, September, October and November. 5. Aedes canadensis, (Theobald) D. and K. Larvae in woodland pools. Adults seldom leave woods. Of wide range, but as yet taken only in east and central parts of State,—April, May, June, July and August. 6. Aedes mitchellae, (Dyar) D. and K. A southeastern species. Taken at Wilmington in December. 7. Aedes sollicitans, (Walker) D. and K. A coastwise species, the larvae living chiefly in salt marshes, but also in brackish or fresh water. Known to fly as much as 40 miles inland. Taken at Wilmington and Beaufort on our coast, and recorded at Charlotte where perhaps carried by train,—June and August. 8. Aedes sylvestris, (Theobald) D. and K. One of the species which fre- quents porches and sometimes enters houses. A common species of wide range. Taken in east and central parts of the State—May, June, July and August. 9. Aedes taeniorhynchus, (Wied) Busck. ».ZrOSO,, etc. These indicate the degree and order of the hydrolysis. Thus the steps are ZrCl.+H.O=ZrOCl.+2HCl; 2ZrOCl.+H.O0= ZrO (OH)..ZrOCl.+2HCIl. In the first stage all of the tetrachloride is hydrolyzed. In the second, one-half of the zirconyl chloride is hy- drolyzed and the colloidal hydroxide formed either combines chemi- cally with the zirconyl chloride or forms an adsorption compound with it. It is difficult in this and a number of similar cases to con- ceive of these substances where the composition is definite and the conditions of formation are accurately known as other than definite chemical compounds. Thus at a temperature of 39.5° between the dilutions 1: 4 and 1: 120 the sulphate Zr(SO.). is hydrolyzed with the production of a crystalline substance having the composition 4ZrO0..3504.14H.0, which may also be written ZrO(OH)..3ZrO. 118 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February SO,.13H.O. This indicates a hydrolysis in the second stage of one out of four molecules of ZrO.SO,. The velocity of this reaction diminishes with decreasing temperature, and it has been found that only 67 p.c. of the sulphate originally used go to the formation of this product. The condition of the remainder in this case is unknown. The crystalline basic sulphate just mentioned and other compounds of like character show partly colloidal properties and have therefore been classed by Hauser as half-colloids. Again, the existence of an equilibrium reached in the hydrolysis is indicated sometimes in measuring conductivity changes. Thus in the case of the hydrolysis of a one-fourth normal solution of ZrOC1.. 8H.O at 18° the change for the first sixty minutes is at an average rate of 67 x 10-*° ohms per ce. per minute. For the next 168 hours it averages only 0.014x10—> ohms per minute, indicating the slow breaking down of a more stable compound or the retarding effect of the liberated acid. This retarding effect of free acid is well known. It can be inhibitory or even cause a reversal of the reaction. Thus the addition of sulphuric acid to a partially hydrolyzed zirconyl sul- phate solution when it reaches a certain concentration will bring about the separation as crystals of the original zirconyl sulphate. Normal zirconium sulphate crystallizes unhydrolyzed from sulphuric acid containing only a few per cent of water. This inhibitory and reversal effect is produced also by the presence of the salts of strong bases like the alkalies. Anhydrous zirconium fluoride, for instance, is very slowly and difficultly soluble in water. In solution it is hydrolyzed, ZrF.= ZrOF..H.F.,.3H.O. This recrystallizes from water unchanged. If considerably diluted, an amorphous basic zirconyl fluoride is pre- cipitated. This formation of an acid salt with the liberated acid has been noticed in a number of cases. If the water present is in small amount, the hydrolysis is checked. If a salt of a strong base is added (usually in excess) there is formed a double salt or complex which does not hydrolyze. With potassium fluoride three complexes are formed. First, we have KF.ZrF,.H.O, which can be formed only in the presence of a large excess of zirconium fluoride and is decomposed on re-solution in water. It should probably be written KF.ZrOF,. H.F., lacking enough potassium fluoride to inhibit hydrolysis when much water is added. The second salt, 2KF.ZrF,, crystallizes with- out water of crystallization. It is very stable, giving off hydrofluoric acid only at a red heat, and can be repeatedly recrystallized from water. It is regarded as a salt of fluozirconic acid and, under that 1921] THE CHEMICAL BEHAVIOR OF ZIRCONIUM 119 supposition, its formula may be written K.ZrF,. It is formed when the potassium fluoride and zirconium fluoride are mixed in equivalent proportions. Zirconium sulphate also affords a very instructive example of hydrolysis. So complicated are the different directions which this hydrolysis takes and so varied are the products formed that it has been the subject of skilled investigation for the past two decades, and many mistakes have been made from the earliest time up to the present. Some of the problems involved still lack a satisfactory solution. The normal sulphate was long supposed to exist in two crystalline forms—the anhydrous, Zr(SO,)2, and the tetrahydrated, Zr(SO,).4H.O. The first crystallized from concentrated sulphuric acid and its formula is correctly given. The second crystallized from aqueous solutions, presumably without change. It has been shown since that the latter is really an hydrolysis product. The hydrolysis proceeds as follows: Zr(SO,)..4H.O=Zr(SO,).+H,0+3H.0 = ZrOSO,. H.S0,.3H.O. Of course, such hydrolysis would not be revealed by analysis. A solution of this acid compound reacts with certain reagents in a manner different from a freshly-prepared solution of Zr(SO,). and which is only slightly hydrolyzed. If sulphuric acid is added to this fresh solution of zirconium sulphate the same reactions are shown. The mere presence of free acid might serve as an explana- tion without the assumption of an acid compound but would leave the inhibitory effect upon hydrolysis unexplained. Observations based on physical methods also corroborate the view that an acid compound is present. There seems to be no inherent obstacle to H so, writing this formula as a hydrogen zircony! sulphate, BROS SO Hy Arete Similar acid complexes are given with the nitrate, perchlorate, and compounds with certain organic acids. One of the other possible series of hydrolytic changes has also been traced analytically. Zr(SO,).+H,O=ZrO(SO,).H,. 2ZrO(SO,); H.+H.0=Zr.0;(SO.).H.+H.SO,. Electrolytic dissociation yields respectively the anions ZrO(SO,). and Zr.0;(SO,).. These compounds occur in solution along with strongly hydrolyzed basic zirconyl products, as is evidenced by the composition of the precipitates ob- tained from these solutions on the addition of alcohol. . Such preci- pitates are usually poorly defined and seemingly amorphous. It ~ 120 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February has been found possible, however, to obtain by other means a well- defined, crystalline product whose composition is represented by the formula 8ZrO,.5SO;.14H,.O, and a potassium compound, 4ZrQ.. 5SO;.K.0. The following additional scheme of hydrolysis has been proposed: A4Zr(SOxu)2 + 8H:O = Zry(SOxu)sHa + 2H2SO, Zr4(SOu)e. (OH)s. Hy + 2H20 = Zra(SO,)s. (OH)s. He + 2H2SO, Zr4(SO,)s. (OH)6. He + 2H20 = Zry(SO,)3(OH)10 + 2H2SO, Zr4(SOx)2(OH) 1 2Zr4(SO4)3(OH)10 + 2H2O = SO, + H:SO, Zr, (SO,)2(OH)n The compounds Zr,(SO,).(OH);.H,.10H.O and 4H,O have been ob- tained as crystals, and also the compounds Zr,(SO,);(OH):. and (Zr.(SOs) (OH) 1:)280,.8H.0, but the compound Zr,(SO,);(OH)..H; only in the form of an alkali salt. In preparing these the colloid is removed by dialysis and these half-colloids crystallized from the concentrated solutions. The complex and varying products obtained by mixing a solution of zirconyl sulphate with one of potassium sulphate have long been a puzzle. In part, at least, mixtures of hydrolyzed substances are formed. Recently it has been shown that if the mixed solutions are concentrated over sulphuric acid definite compounds _ crystallize. These show very well the influence of such a salt as potassium sul- phate upon a progressing hydrolysis. When potassium sulphate is used micro-crystalline needles with the composition K,Zr,(OH). (SO,);.8H.O are obtained. In a solution strongly acid with sulphuric acid the first crystals formed are K,Zr(SO,),; in weakly acid solutions the composition is that of potassium-zirconium hydroxysulphate of varying composition. These products hydrolyze on being treated with water. If boiled with water, they become opalescent with colloidal zirconium hydroxide. Following the crystallizations in detail, the above-mentioned potassium-zirconium hydroxysulphate K.Zr,(OH),(SO,);.8H.O forms a crystalline crust of needles. A second crop of prismatic crystals is formed and this has the composi- tion K,Zr(SO,)..5H,O. The first crystals in hydrolyzing increase the free acid and bring about an equilibrium. The formation of the second then begins and decreases the amount of free acid. The reac- tion is thereupon reversed and the hydroxysulphate crystals form once more. 1921] THE CHEMICAL BEHAVIOR OF ZIRCONIUM 121 In the preparation of certain compounds by precipitation methods it has been found that the precipitate forms sometimes only after a considerable lapse of time or upon heating the solution. This is especially the case where weak acids, such as the organic acids, are concerned. The compounds thus formed are found to be more or less highly basic zirconyl salts or mixtures of such. It seems reason- able to infer that the acid radical of the precipitant used formed only soluble compounds with the less hydrolyzed salts and insoluble ones with the more basic. It is possible also that in some cases these are not true chemical compounds but adsorption compounds in which the acid radical has been absorbed by the colloidal hydroxide. Some of these products are distinctly gelatinous and can be washed and filtered with difficulty. On the other hand, some are granular and ‘some distinctly crystalline. The hypothesis of colloidal compounds is especially probable wherever the acid radical can be practically removed or greatly reduced in amount by repeated washings of the precipitate, as is true with iodic acid and some organic acids. When, however, analysis reveals the same basic compound as being formed under varied conditions of dilution, etc., as is the case with the basic chromate, it may fairly be assumed that a definite chemical compound has been formed. There has been little system in the assignment of formulas to the basic zirconyl compounds. Some have written them simply in the ratio of the zirconia to the acid anhydride as 2ZrO..SO;. Others report this basie zirconyl sulphate as ZrO..ZrOSO,.. Perhaps the most common formula is Zr.0;.SO,. Such formulas fail to make clear the known facts. These substances are often gelatinous and, when hydrolysis is far advanced, the solutions become opalescent. On dialyzing the solutions leave zirconyl hydroxide as a hydrogel. Even the crystalline basic salts dialyze with difficulty and show partly colloidal properties. They have been called half-colloids. Elec- trolytic dissociation shows often a migration of the zirconyl radical as an anion or a partition of the zirconium between the anions and cations. It is well known that the migration of a colloid is largely influenced by the medium. Furthermore, there is practically always water of hydration or crystallization present. Considering these facts, it is suggested that the most suitable formula for these basic salts would have to include the zirconyl hydroxide. Thus ZrO,. ZrOSO, becomes ZrO(OH)..ZrOSO, and Zr.0;Cl. becomes ZrO(OH).. ZrOCl,. This reveals at a glance the stepwise formation of the ~ 122 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February colloid and the liberation of the acid, e. g., ZrCl+H.,0=ZrOCl.+ QHC]; 2ZrOCl.+2H.,0=ZrO(OH):.ZrOCl.+2HCl. Where several molecules of ZrOCl, are hydrolyzed at one step more complex prod- ucts will result. This method of writing the formulas has therefore been adopted throughout this text wherever accurate knowledge of the composition of the substance was available. The tetrahalides of zirconium, especially the tetrachloride, form a number of substitution compounds with organic substances. In these all or half of the chlorine may be substituted. Thus acetic acid and its homologues of the aliphatic series give compounds Zr (C.H,0.)., or in general, ZrR, whereas benzoic acid and its homol- ogues give ZrCl.(C.Hs.CO.), or ZrCl.R:». With the esters, ketones, and aldehydes addition compounds are formed. Thus for the ben- zoic ethyl ester compound the formula is ZrCl,(C.H;.CO..C.Hs)s. Similar direct addition compounds are formed between ZrCl, and the amines, the pyridin bases, etc. The tetrachloride has been suggested as a catalyzing agent in organic synthesis by Fridel and Crafts. CuapeE.t Hitt, N. C. A PURE CULTURE METHOD FOR DIATOMS* By Bert CUNNINGHAM PLATE 9 At the suggestion of Dr. G. M. Smith of the Botany Department of the University of Wisconsin the writer undertook the pure culture of Algae. Among others, the Diatoms proved most abundant, and therefore they were selected as the subject of further work. Beyerinck (1890) seems to have been the first to apply the idea of Koch (1882), i. e., the use of a solid media to the culture of Algae. He succeeded in securing a culture of a protoccoid in a mixture of gelatine and sterile pond water. Miquel (1892) was the first to secure a Diatom in pure culture. He made an artificial nutrient with sterile sea water and inoculated it with a couple of drops of plankton material and then started cultures by fractional subdivision. In 1900 Allen and Nelson used the same method but with a variation of nutrient. West (1916) thought the method of Allen and Nelson to be good but suggested that the materials should be poured into Petrie dishes and, after a few days, the colonies should be pipetted out. Richter (1903-11) secured Nitzschia palea and Navicula minus- cula by the use of synthetic agar plates. His technique will be dis- cussed later. Pringsheim (1912-13) used the agar method for grow- ing and separating of Oscillaria and Nostoc. He mentioned the occurrence of Diatoms but apparently did not follow them up. Returning now to the technique of Richter. This is given in his Zur Physiologie der Diatomeen, published in 1909. In 1906 he started a culture of Diatoms with Fucus serratus and placed them in an atmosphere of hydrogen-sulfid. This reagent killed the bacteria but seemed to have no serious effect upon the Diatoms. This had been previously shown by Molisch. The Diatoms secured in this man- ner were colorless and identified as Nitzschia putrida Benecke. Later, in 1906, he secured pure cultures by dipping a tube in raw cultures, holding it for a minute and then dipping it into sterile sea water. The cultures secured in this way were placed on agar plates. At this time he used also another method. A small piece of agar was suspended in sterile sea water which had been inoculated with a few drops of plankton material. In the course of a few days the diatoms had reached the agar and attached themselves to it. Practically * Presented at the Botany Seminar., Univ. Wis., Feb. 1920. [ 123 } 124 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February pure cultures were thus secured. These colonies also were trans- planted to Petrie dishes. Such methods might serve well where the great majority of the Diatoms are of one species and where there is no great contamination of other forms, but would hardly be successful when used with the ordinary fresh water plankton. The method which we propose here is based upon these previous methods but has a number of variations. In the first place we used artificial media. It was made after the formula suggested by Moore (as given by Kiister) for the culture of Algae, as follows: AmmoniumEeNitrate::). o.se. a6 eee oe oO) Os Dipotassiumy Phosphates. .-2- pe ese a eee $2078 CaleumyChlondls ..... isi soccer ail, fe. Maenesiumstliate. 5:5 02.5 caret eierere Ce .2 gr. RerniGiSUliaterc cs... 2s. sates « acl Choe ele erate trace Distilled’ water?2: = ...... 0.2. soo. 3s a ee 1000 ce. (Special low conductivity) This differs from the formulae usually given for Diatoms in that it contains no added Silicon compound. Chemical analysis of our agar, however, showed Silicon to be present and an examination of the agar filtered through cotton showed the presence of some marine Diatom shells. A 2% solution was now made up with this nutrient and washed agar. The material was sterilized in test tubes and retained in them until needed. It was then melted and poured into Petrie dishes. When it had cooled somewhat, but not hardened, a drop of pond water was placed on it and washed around. The plate was then hardened and was turned up-side-down upon the cover and placed under a bell jar in the green house. After from three to four weeks, there were colonies of various organisms, large enough to be spaded out. This was accomplished by the use of a platinum needle. The colony thus dissected out was examined under the microscope and if not too badly contaminated, it was stirred up in sterile water and replated on new agar plates. These plates were likewise placed under culture conditions and in a few weeks had well formed colonies. In case all the colonies were not of the same species, colonies were dissected out and replated. Thus far this second plating in all our cases, has given us pure cultures. In this manner we have secured four species of Diatoms.* tha latter of Whit has beeeaiorously worked onb by tue care eta ae ee eee The four species of diatoms thus secured have been identified by Dr. J. J. Noscuie mania ines Nitzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. Nitzschia palea Wm. Smith. 1921) A PurE CuLtuRE METHOD FoR DIATOMS 125 Diatoms, as well as bacteria, have, in some cases, well defined contour of colony. Each of the species we have cultured shows a decided difference. The first type is that of a spreading form. It soon comes to cover the entire plate with a film of individuals. A plate of this form is shown in fig. 1. A colony of this type is easy to secure since one has but to dip down between the colonies in an old plate and make cultures from this “dip.’’ Another form of colony is shown in fig. 2. Here we find the colony margin to be restricted and the form more or less radiate, with the organisms rather evenly distributed over the area. A third form of colony is somewhat similar to the latter, but differs in that the central area is much more thickly settled than the margin. This thickened area occurs before the gradual spread as is easily seen from fig. 3. Perhaps the more characteristic form ‘is that assumed by the last type which we call the sheaf type. Fig. 4 is of this type. We are satisfied that we have not in any degree studied all the forms that may be cultured in this manner, since a number of forms were found in the first plates which we did not have time to follow up, and further, our original pond water did not contain a great number of forms. Diatoms cultured in this manner are easily cleaned and prepared for examination. The various colonies are spaded out, placed in a test tube and the agar dissolved in boiling water. The solution is centrifuged with a small centrifuge and the precipitate is washed several times with hot water, the centrifuge being used each time for concentration. After all the agar has been removed the Diatoms may be either burned upon the cover glass or cleaned with sulfuric acid and bichromate. After thorough washing they are kept in 50% alcohol. The pure culture methods open up several fields of work. First, the physiology of a species may be studied as was done by Richter. Second, the classification of the groups may be studied. We think this last point one of great interest. It is fairly well known that species have been made upon the description of a single valve. By this method, if the species will grow on agar, both shells would be available for study and any differences could be noted. Rare forms may be secured. Again, there is probably great variation among the Diatoms, as elsewhere, and probably the majority of these variants would show up in these cultures, thus species could be minimized. If there should be any doubt as to the common ancestry of all the 126 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [| February species on a plate, the Barber pipette could be used to isolate a single specimen as the progenitor. While we do not believe that this method will be available for all species of Diatoms, yet we feel sure that if it is applied to the forms which will grow upon agar, a number of interesting results will follow. Duruaw, N. C. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9. Fig. 1. Photograph of an agar plate of Nitzschia amphiorys. Reduced one-half. Fig. 2. Photograph of a portion of an agar plate of Navicula atomus. X20. Fic. 3. Photograph of a portion of a colony on an agar plate of Navicula minus- cula. X50. Fic. 4. Photograph of a portion of an agar plate of Nitzschia palea X20. LITERATURE CITED Beyerinck. 1890. Kultureversuche mit Zoochlorellen, uns. Bot. Zeit., Vol. 48, pp. 725-785. MiquEL. 1892, 1893, 1898. Recherches experimentales sur la physiologie, la morphologie, et la pathologie des Diatomees. Annales de Micrographie. Dates as above. Miquel 1903, 1904. Le Microg. Preparateur. ALLEN AND Neuson. 1900. On the artificial culture of marine plankton. Journal Marine Biol., Vol. 8, No. 5. Kisrer. 1907. Kulture der Microorganism. Ricuter. 1909. Physiologie der Diatomeen. II Mitteilung. PrINGSHEIM. 1912. Kultureversuche mit Chlorophyllfiihrenden Mikro-organ- ismen. Zeit. z. Biol. der Pflanzen. Vol. XI, 305-332. 1913. Pt. II of above. Vol. XII, 1-108. West. 1916. Algae, Vol. I. Be THE OCCURRENCE OF UNLIKE ENDS OF THE CELLS OF A SINGLE FILAMENT OF SPIROGYRA By Bert CUNNINGHAM PuaTE 10 Wolle in his Fresh Water Algae of the United States first divides the genus Spirogyra into two groups, based upon the condition of the ends of the cells. In case they are replicate as represented in figure 5 they are placed in one group, while if they are plane as in- dicated in figure 6 they are placed in the other. DeToni! makes the same distinction. West? also uses this character as a means of classifi- cation, but, adds concerning the former “‘it (i. e., the replicate ends) is a character which is constant for the species for which it is found, although the ingrowths are not necessarily present at the extremity of every cell in the filament.” Since there are no specific cases cited by West, and since the occurrence is not described by Wolle or DeToni, and since the writer has found such a phenomenon occurring, it was thought to be worth noting. The material was collected in the spring of 1917 in an intermittent pool along with considerable Vaucheria. The species may be de- scribed as follows: Cell membrane replicate at the ends in at least half of the cases examined; chlorophyll band single, usually about four turns; con- jugation scalariform; vegetative cell length about 200 mu, width about 25 mu; zygote cell length about 175 mu, width about 40 mu; zygote somewhat spindle-shaped; length 70 mu, width about 35 mu. This follows so closely the description for S. spreeiana Rahb., that the writer places it in this species. The accompanying figures illustrate more clearly than words the phenomenon. Figure 1 is a diagrammatic drawing (in which no effort has been made to represent the shape of the cell or zygote) of a pair of conjugating filaments. Each cell is indicated as it occurred in the filament. Those marked with double arrows are replicate while the others are plane. Those in which we were unable to determine the nature of the end we have indicated by?. Cells preparing to conjugate are indicated bya P. Figure 2 is a diagrammatic drawing 1Svlloge Algarum. 2 British Fresh Water Algae. (1904). 27) 128 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February of another pair of conjugating filaments, in which the points are in- dicated as in figure 1. Figure 3 is a microphotograph of the pair of filaments diagrammed in figure 1. This isa water mount. Figure 4 is a microphotograph showing the differences between the ends of the cells. The phenomenon occurs freely in the «ollected material and seems to be natural. The writer has made no attempt at explanation of the cause. However, efforts were made to germinate the spores formed but they were unsuccessful. The failure to germinate was most probably due to laboratory conditions. ) DuruaM, N.C. PLATE 10 Lae t as ? Snare r@to| Aa la leloloist See eiceieian aa ols iMmMiel-’ @el¢ i Se Re a RZ.) aiid SOME MARINE MOLLUSCAN SHELLS OF BEAUFORT AND VICINITY By Artuur P. Jacor PuaTeEs 11-13. While at Beaufort, N. C., during the summers of 1915 and 1916, the writer took the opportunity to collect what marine molluscan shells were procurable by beach picking. A study of the material thus gathered and of the fragmentary and scattered condition of the literature on the mollusca of this region have led me to present this summary for what possible short cuts it might give future workers on this subject. Four papers on the shells of this region have come to my notice. In 1860 W. Stimpson published a paper, Mollusca of Beaufort, N. C., in the Am. Jour. Sci., ser. II, vol. X XIX, p. 442. When reading his article it should be born in mind that he confounds Cape Lookout with Cape Hatteras. Eleven years later E. Coues included in his Notes on the Natural History of Fort Macon and Vicinity in the Proc. Phil. Acad. Sci., vol. XXIII, p. 120 (131), 1871, a list of the shells of this region. Again eleven years later H. L. Osburn published in the Studies from Biol. Lab. John Hopkins Uni., vol. IV, p. 64, 1887, some interesting Notes on Mollusca Observed at Beaufort, N. C. Then in 1912, H. D. Aller’s Notes on Distribution of the More Common Bivalves of Beaufort, N. C. appeared in this Journal, vol. XXVIII, p. 76. Kurtz, Catalogue of the Shells of N. & S. Carolina, 1860, is a list without localities. Thus this locality is no new field and prom- ises to be one of importance. Beaufort is the mid-most of North Carolina’s harbors or outlets to the sea. Situated 10 miles northwest of Cape Lookout and 95 miles northeast of Cape Fear, it is the only outlet for the waters of the ex- tensive sounds lying back of and between these two Capes. Thus two distinct faunal areas are brought in direct contact and an outside or deep-water silt fauna added. The Molluscan fauna of this region is typical of the east coast of the United States and yet is so situated as to receive West Indian as well as northern species. Two distinct faunas are represented, that of the outer beach or sea and that of the sounds or quiet water. The sea fauna is one characteristic of the whole coast of the state, i. e., a hard sand bottom with mud opposite the inlets. The only [ 129 ] 130 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February exception to this is the rock breakwaters at the inlet and at Cape Lookout. The sound fauna may be much divided and classified as to depth, salinity, character of bottom, plant association and current. This would form an interesting study once the shell fauna is better known. See also Coues. The following list is a composite of the above mentioned lists and my collecting. The initials (S C O A J) following the name of the species refer to the names of those reporting the presence of that species. The reference below the name of the species is to a good illustration or description. Some of the material collected may be fossil, as indicated. Some of these fossil looking shells are greenish to bluish-black and of a dead to chalky appearance. This may be due to having lived in mud of that color. Shells are similarly dis- colored from Massachusetts southward, especially such species as Anomia simplex, Pecten gibbus, Ostrea virginica, etc. The smaller Gastropods recorded as fossil (not discolored) were thrown on the beaches by a channel dredge which dumped excavated material on the sand bars and grassy flats. AMPHINEURA Chaetopleura apiculata Say. SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 51, fig. 10. Uncommon, inside, about break-waters. PELECYPODA Solemya velum Say. SCOAJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 37, fig. 3. Locally abundant, sand flats, Town Marsh behind draw. (See Aller.) Nucula proxima proxima Say. SC AJ Md. Geo. Sur., Plio.-Pleistocene, pl. 65, figs. 1-4. Fairly common, in the channels. Leda acuta (Conrad). SCJ Md. Geo. Sur., Plio.-Pleistocene, pl. 65, figs. 5-8. Fairly common, sand flats, Bird Island. Yoldia limatula (Say). SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 49, fig. 5 and pl. 56, fig. 1. Uncommon, sand, dredged (Coues); only fragments found. Glycymeris americana (Defrance). S? J Outline regular, ribs radially striate. Occasional outside, much worn. Glycymeris pectinata (Gmelin). SCJ Figure 45. Uncommon to rare, outside, my specimens all fossil-looking. Arca occidentalis Philippi. SC J Figures 48 and 17646. 1921) MarInE Mo.LuuscaNn SHELLS OF BEAUFORT 131 Less common than the next (Coues), vice versa J, outer beach. This is the American variety of Linné’s A. noae. Three or four smaller ribs between the large ones. Arca umbonata Lamarck. C J Figure 56. Occasional, outer beach. This is the American variety of the European A. imbricata. Large and small ribs alternating, somewhat reticulate. Arca (Barbatia) reticulata Gmelin. J Figure 13. Two fragments of posterior portion of valve; inside. Arca (Noetia) ponderosa Say. SCAJ Md. Geo. Sur., Plio.-Pleistocene, pl. 64, figs. 1-6, and figures 51 and 1019. Common, inside and out (see Aller). Specimens very much elongated posteriorly are rarely met. They approach the ancestral form A. limaula Conrad. I have figured one of these speci- mens, figure 54. (See also Coues.) Arca (Scapharca) secticostata Reeve. SCJ Figures 55 and 119. Occasional, outer beach. My specimens are worn but do not look fossil. Arca (Scapharca) incongrua Say. SCJ Figures 52, 53 and 1021. The most abundant of the genus, outside. Arca (Scapharca) transversa Say. COA J Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 56, fig. 2; and figs. 50 and 076a. Fairly common inside. Could some of Coues’ A. lienosa have been this species? The name has often been applied to A. secticostata. Arca (Scapharca) campechiensis Dillwyn. SC AJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 56, fig. 16; and figs. 49 and 181. Common, inside. Specimens approaching the elongate South Carolina variety A. americana (with 35 ribs), are seldom found. Atrina rigida (Dillwyn). SAJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 432, fig. 1. Uncommon outside, occasional inside. (See also Aller.) This is the long-spined form. Atrina serrata (Sowerby). S C? J Rogers, Shell Book, p. 410, fig. 1. Fairly common on mud flats, commoner outside. Pteria radiata Leach. Reeve, Conch. Icon., Avicula, pl. 6, fig. 10; and pl. 7, fig. 14. One pair of attached valves, 11 mm. along hinge line. Pteria eximia Reeve. Reeve, Conch. Icon., Avicula, pl. 16, fig. 62, and figures 7 and §. Common on sea fan (Leptogorgia virgulata) in shallow water. Found on parts of the sea-fan which are black and bare of zooids, with the long wing di- 132 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February rected upward and outward so that they look like a dead stump or part of the fan. Although Stimpson and Coues report Pteria colymbus (Dillwyn), I was unable to find a trace of it. The material which I have called P. eximia agrees perfectly with Reeve’s A. eximia and the specimens were quite common on the fans. I have been unable to find any mention of this form. If Reeve’s name should be preoccupied or subsequently taken, I would call the species P. eximioides. Some of my material has been deposited in the American Museum under Cat. No. 4998. Ostrea virginica Gmelin. SCOAJ Md. Geo. Sur., Plio.-Pleistocene, pls. 61-63. Abundant inside, mostly on mud flats, forming extensive banks locally called “Tocks.”’ Ostrea equestris Say. SC See Coues. “ Abundant; adhering to rocks with Modiola and Mytilus.” Pecten (Plagioctenium) gibbus irradians Lamarck. SC J Rogers, Shell Book, p. 411, fig. J. Abundant, outside, inside on sand in the deeper water. Normal number of ribs is 18-20, most common number is 19; rarely brilliant as P. gibbus; prefers open, clear water, and usually a greater depth than P. gibbus. Pecten (Plagioctenium) gibbus gibbus Linné. SCOAJ Common, inside on quiet mud flats, west of Piver’s Island. Normal number of ribs is 19-22, most common number is 20, usually brightly colored, shows preference to quiet water. Pecten nodosus Linné. SC J Rogers, Shell Book, p. 418, fig. 1. Coues reports a beach worn valve; half a fresh valve was picked up on Shackle- ford Bank in August, 1916. Plicatula gibbosa Lamarck. S C J Figures 85. Occasional inside. Lima inflata Lamarck. S C J Rare, inside, largest have a vertical height of 14 mm., the riblets are obsolete through the center of the dise. Live specimens found by Dr. Hyman differ in being relatively stouter, more inflated, broader, and in being cov- ered by rounded, unequal, radial wrinkles. Vertical height, 13 mm. Anomia simplex Orbigny. SCOAJ Rogers, Shell Book, p. 419, figs. 4 and 6. Abundant inside. Mytilus (Hormomya) exustus Linné. A J Figures 1, 2 and 3. Common, on breakwaters. Stimpson and Coues report Mytilus cubitus Say (Modiolus citrinus Bolten) probably for this species. They also report Mytilus edulis. Mytilus recurvus Rafinesque. C J PLATE 11 23 24. a 1921] MariInE MOo.LuuscaNn SHELLS OF BEAUFORT 133 Rogers, Shell Book, p. 388, fig. 2. Occasional inside. Modiolus (Brachydontes) demissus demissus (Dillwyn). SCOAJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 54, fig. 1. Abundant, inside on the grassy tidal flats. Modiolus tulipus Lamarck. SC AJ Dall, U. &. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 54, fig. 4. Rogers, Shell Book, p. 396, fig. 6. Fragments (rarely entire valves) occasional on outer beach. (See Aller.) Coues also reports a live specimen of Modiola castanea Say from the channel. Modiolaria lateralis (Say). SJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 6, figs. 7 and 8. One young pair of valves from Piver’s Island has been referred to this species. Lithophaga bisulcata (Orbigny). A “Railroad pier at Morehead City, burrowing into pieces of coral and soft rock. Maximum length is 46 mm.” Osborn records Lithodomus lithophagus Linné, stating that: ‘‘ Numerous speci- mens are found boring into the surface of wharf-piles beneath the bark.” Rocellaria stimpsoni Tryon. SCO ; “Shells of Venus mercenaria riddled with holes” of this species. Pandora trilineata Say. SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 24, pl. 31, fig. 4, ef. pl. 32, fig. 7. Uncommon, inside, mud flats. Some of my material approaches P. trilineata gouldiana Dall. Stimpson and Coues report Lyonsia hyalina (Conrad). Crassatellites mactracea (Linsley). SC J Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 58, figs. 11 and 18. Occasional, inside. Unworn individuals are well striated. Venericardia (Pleuromeris) tridentata Say. SCJ Figures 9 and 10. Occasional, inside. Chama congregata Conrad. Md. Geo. Sur., Miocene, pl. 41, figs. 1-3. Occasional, upper valve fairly common, inside. Chama macerophylla Gmelin. SCO Reeve, Conch. Icon., vol. 4, pl. 2, fig. 6; and pl. 8, fig. 6b. Reported abundant by Coues and rare by Osborn, I was unable to find any- thing that I would refer to this species. The largest of my Chamas s. s. have a greatest length of 24 mm. and have no foliaceous scales. Echinochama arcinella (Linné). SC J Rogers, Shell Book, pl. 357, fig. 3. Uncommon (two specimens), outer beach. Lucina chrysostoma Philippi. SCOJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 444, fig. 5. Common, ovter beach. Phacoides (Callucina) radians (Conrad). Dall, U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 23, pp. 809 and 824, pl. 42, fig. 8. . 134 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February One worn right valve. Phacoides (Parvilucina) multilineatus (Tuomey & Holmes). A J Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 23, p. 825, pl. 39, fig. 2. Common, inside. Divaricella quadrisulcata (Orbigny). SCOAJ Dall, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 58, fig. 6. Common, both inside and out. Called Lucina strigillia by Stimpson and Coues. No specimens of D. dentata were found, ditto Aller. Diplodonta soror (C. B. Adams). S C J Figure 172. Five valves, inside. “This well-characterized species is notable for its microscopic shagreening on the posterior slope and the compression of that part of the valve” (Dall). Aligena elevata (Stimpson). Dall, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 68, fig. 6. Two left valves, inside. Montacuta (Orobitella) floridana Dall. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 21, pl. 87, fig. 10. Two right valves, inside. Cardium (Trachycardium) isocardia Linné. SC A J Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 454, fig. 2. Occasional, both inside and out. Cardium (Trachycardium) muricatum Linné. SC AJ Rogers, Shell Book, p. 356, fig. 3. Oceasional, inside and out. (See Aller.) Cardium (Cerastoderma) robustum Solander. SCOAJ Rogers, Shell Book, p. 356, fig. 2. Very abundant on outer beach. Cardium (Laevicardium) serratum Linné. SC J Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 454, fig. 3. Occasional, mostly inside. Cardium (Laevicardium) mortoni Conrad. SC AJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 58, fig. 8. Fairly common, inside. Dosinia (Dosinidia) discus (Reeve). SCOAJS Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 26, pl. 12, fig. 1; and pl. 13, fig. 1. Common, inside and out. (See Aller.) D. elegans Conrad is undoubtedly present but I am unable to report it. Macrocallista nimbosa (Solander). SCOAJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 450, fig. 2. Common on the sandy beaches a few inches deep between tide lines. Coues for general notes.) Macrocallista (Chionella) maculata (Linné). S J Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 450, fig. 3. One valve, inside. Callocardia (Agriopoma) morrhuana (Linsley). C J (See 1921] MarRINE MOLLUscAN SHELLS OF BEAUFORT 135 Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 56, fig. 15. Abundant on outer beach, generally discolored as mentioned by Coues. If the habitat of this species is the mud opposite the inlet tbe coloration would be accounted for, as the valves do not look fossil and have the color of the fine, blue mud just outside the inlet. Chione cancellata (Linné). SCOAJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 450, fig. 1. Abundant, inside on mud at low water. (See Aller.) Osborn uses Dillwyn’s name C. cingenda. Chione (Lirophora) latilirata (Conrad). SJ Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., vol. 3, pl. 42, fig. 3. One valve on outer beach. Chione (Timoclea) grus (Holmes). S J Figures 4, 5 and 6. Fairly common, inside. Called C. pygmaea by Stimpson. Venus mercenaria Linné. SCOAJ Rogers, Shell Book, p. 322, figs. 4 and 6. Abundant, inside in mud near surface between tides. Venus mercenaria notata Say. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 57, fig. 1. Recorded by Coues. Venus campechiensis Gmelin. SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 26, p. 377. Common inside. (See Coues.) Venus campechiensis quadrata Dall. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 26, p. 377. One specimen, inside. Gemma gemma purpurea (H. C. Lea). CJ Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., vol. 3, pl. 24, figs. 2, 4 and 4b. Occasional, at least inside. Petricola (Petricolaria) pholadiformis Lamarck. SC AJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 59, fig. 15. Rogers, Shell Book, p. 322, fig. 3. Fairly common, inside. (See Aller.) Petricola (Petricolaria) dactylus Sowerby. A Figures 42 and 306. “Railroad pier at Morehead City.” Petricola (Rupellaria) typica (Jonas). A Figure 46. “Railroad pier at Morehead City.” Tellina (Merisca) lintea Conrad. Figure 41. Fairly common, inside. Tellina (Eurytellina) alternata Say. SCOAJ Figure 38. Fairly common, inside. (See Osborn.) 136 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February Tellina (Angulus) tenera Say. SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 56, fig. 13. Occasional, inside. Tellina (Angulus) versicolor DeKay. S J Shape as 7’. tenera but rayed with pink. Less common than preceding, inside. Tellina (Angulus) sayi Deshayes. SC J Thick; with a raised rib running from under the beaks inside. The commonest Tellina, inside. Called T. polita by Stimpson and Coues. Tellina (Scissula) iris Say. SCO Surface obliquely grooved; with radiating pink rays. Rare, inside, sand. Tellidora cristata Récluz. SJ Figure 47. Three valves, inside. Strigilla flecuosa (Say). SCJ Dall, U. S. Bur. Fish. Bull., vol. 20, pt. 1, p. 482, 1901. Occasional, inside. Macoma tenta (Say). SCAJ Dall, U. 8. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 56, fig. 10. Two right valves, uncommon, inside. Macoma (Psammacoma) brevifrons (Say). Dall, U. S. Bur. Fish. Bull., vol. 20, pt. 1, p. 481, pl. 55, figs. 3, 12 and 18. One right valve, inside. Semele bellastriata (Conrad). 8? J Dal], U. S. Bur. Fish. Bull., vol. 20, pt. 1, p. 477, 1901. One worn right valve, inside. Stimpson’s record is S. reticulata. Semele proficua (Pulteney). SC AJ Figure 126. Fairly common, inside. Called S. orbiculata by Stimpson and Coues. Abra aequalis (Say). SCAJ Figure 127. Fairly common, inside. Abra lioica Dall. Figure 650. Five valves, inside. Cumingia tellinoides Conrad. SC J Md. Geo. Surv., Plio.-Pleisto., pl. 56, figs. 1-5. Uncommon, inside. Tagelus gibbus (Spengler). SCOAJ Md. Geo. Surv., Plio.-Pleisto., pl. 57, figs. 1-4. Fairly common, inside. (See Aller.) The young have no median ray, short nymphs and a longer pallial sinus than T. divisus. PLATE 12 1921] MarRINE MoLiuuscAN SHELLS OF BEAUFORT Sz Tagelus (Mesopleura) divisus (Spengler). SC AJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 56, fig. 5. Common, inside. (See Aller.) Donax fossor Say. Figures 16 and 17 (figure 16 is from Long Island, N. Y.). Occasional, inside. Osborn’s record, though under this name, is for the other species. Donaz variabilis Say. SCOAJ Figures 14 and 15 (figure 15 is from Long Island, N. Y.). Abundant on sandy outer beaches, especially where somewhat protected. (See Aller and Coues.) Ensis directus (Conrad). SCOAJ Dall, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 53, fig. 4. Occasional, inside. (See Aller.) Ensis minor Dall. Common on sandy shallow flats, inside. Differs constantly from the previous in being smaller and more slender and in having a tendency to be wider at posterior than anterior end. Spisula (Hemimactra) solidissima (Dillwyn). SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 57, fig. 2. Common on outer beach. Spisula (Hemimactra) solidissima raveneli Conrad. Short, high form. Coues’ record under this name undoubtedly refers to the previous. Spisula (Hemimactra) solidissima similis (Say). SCA J Smaller, thinner, finer form. Fairly common, inside. Mulinia lateralis (Say). SCAJ Figure 12. Abundant, inside. Mulinia lateralis corbuloides (Deshayes). Figure 11 (144). Fairly common to occasional. Labiosa lineata (Say). SCJ Figure 44. Uncommon, on ends of the banks. (See Coues.) Labiosa (Raeta) canaliculata (Say). SCOJ Rogers, Shell Book, p. 337, fig. 3. Common, outside. Mya arenaria Linné. SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 69, fig. 2. Rogers, Shell Book, p. 323, fig. 7. Uncommon, inside. I found three broken valves, one 214’ long, the others under one inch, all fresh. Paramya subovata Conrad. SC J Md. Geo. Sur., Miocene, pl. 68, figs. 7 and 8. Uncommon, aids. four valves. 138 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February Corbula (Cuneocorbula) contracta Say. SCJ Md. Geo. Surv., Plio.-Pleisto., pl. 53, figs. 1-4. Uncommon, inside. The largest and commonest Corbula. Corbula (Cuneocorbula) dietziana C. B. Adams. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 2, figs. 7a—c. Four young valves, inside. Corbula (Cuneocorbula) swiftiana C. B. Adams. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 2, figs. 5a and 5b. A few valves, inside. Panopea floridana Heilprin. SC J Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., vol. 3, pl. 10, fig. 21. Rare, outside, one right valve. Barnea (Scobina) costata Linné. S CO J Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 68, fig. 9. Fairly common, outside. Barnea truncata Say. SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 59, fig. 12. Uncommon, inside. Martesia cuneiformis Say. SO J Johnson, Nautilus, vol. 18, p. 102, fig. 2. “Found in dead shells of Venus.’’ One valve on Piver’s Island. Martesia (Diplothyra) smithii (Tryon). A J Johnson, Nautilus, vol. 18, p. 102, fig. 3. “ Abundant, railroad pier at Morehead City.’’ Several in oyster shells. Xylotrya gouldi Bartsch. O? A J Sigerfoos, U. 8. Bur. Fish. Bull., vol. 27, pl. 11. Abundant, boring in submerged wood. GASTROPODA Fissuridea alternata Say. SCOJ Rogers, Shell Book, p. 227, fig. 2. Occasional, inside. (See Osborn.) Diadora sp.? Probably new. Two specimens. Turbo castaneus Gmelin. SCJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, pl. 67, fig. 4. Rare, inside; two specimens. Calliostoma comtum (Philippi). S C? O? J Figure 43. Occasional on jetties, especially of Shakleford Banks. Cochliolepis striata Stimpson. Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., vol. 3, pl. 23, figs. 16 and 17. Two specimens (8.5 mm. and 10.5 mm. long), inside. Molleria costulata Moller. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 72, fig. 9. Three specimens, inside. 1921) MaRINE MOoLuLuscAN SHELLS OF BEAUFORT 139 Teinostoma floridana Dall. Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., vol. 3, p. 922, pl. 27, figs. 5, 6 and 9. Two specimens, inside. Teinostoma bartschi Vanatta. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 65, pl. 2, figs. 9 and 11, 1913. One specimen, inside. Circulus trilix (Bush). Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 41, figs. 7 and 7a. One specimen, inside. Eulima conoidea Kurtz and Stimpson. Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., vol. 3, pl. 5, fig. 1). Occasional, inside; three specimens. Pyramidella crenulata Holmes. SC J Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 60, pl. 18, fig. 4. Common, inside, on eel-grass beds. Pyramidella candida MOrch. “P. crenulata is larger, wider, with less sharply cut and less distinctly crenu- lated suture; it is rarely light colored, the brown columella and anterior plaits remaining dark even in pale specimens which are usually pinkish and delicately maculated with brown. P. candida is pure white, sometimes with an opaque white spiral line on middle of whorl, and generally one fewer lirae on throat than preceding species.” Dall. Turbonillas are common on the eel-grass beds. Among the commoner species recognized are: Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) areolata Verrill. ee se interrupta (Totten). = 5 powhatani Henderson & Bartsch. pseudointerrupta Bush, and varieties. punicea Dall. vineae Bartsch. For further information see Bartsch, forthcoming monograph. Odostomia (Odostomia) modesta (Stimpson). Bartsch, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 34, pl. 13, fig. 50. One specimen, inside. Odostomia (Menestho) trifida (Totten). Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 52, fig. 8. Three or four specimens, inside. Odostomia (Menestho) impressa (Say). SCJ Dall, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 52, fig. 11. Abundant, inside, on eel-grass beds. Odostomia (Menestho) beauforti n. sp. Similar to O. seminuda but averaging longer and more slender, with five raised spiral bands, the fourth and fifth being more closely spaced than the other three, the sutural band as prominent as the others on the last three whorls, giving the whorls the appearance of having six raised spiral bands on the last three whorls, translucent, bluish-white. Type No. 15728, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 140 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February One specimen found on Piver’s Island. The writer suspects that this is a mu- tation of O. seminuda but must suspend judgment until more extensive collecting has been done in this region. Odostomia (Chrysallida) seminuda C. B. Adams. SCJ Bartsch, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 34, pl. 13, fig. 48. Common, inside, eel-grass beds. Odostomia (Chrysallida) toyatani Henderson & Bartsch. Henderson & Bartsch, U. 8S. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 47, pl. 13, fig. 2. Several specimens, inside, eel-grass beds. Odostomia (Chrysallida) sp.? Two specimens of what seems to be an undescribed species were found with the others of this group. They are stouter than the last, and have eight spiral cords which are alternately larger and smaller, and joined by very prominent raised threads tending to give the base a reticulated appear- ance. In the other species of this group these connecting radial threads are rather inconspicuous. Odostomia engonia teres Bush? Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 41, fig. 9. Three specimens have been provisionally referred to this form. Peristichia toreta Dall. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 42, fig. 10. Several, inside. Epitonewm novemcostata (Morch). Figure 22. One specimen, inside. Epitoneum humphreysii (Miener). Figures 23 and 24. Four specimens (two with 8 varices, one with 7, and one with 8 except last whorl which has 10 varices), inside. (See Coues.) Epitoneum angulata (Say). SJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 10. Two specimens, inside. Epitoneum multistriatum (Say). S$ J Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 5, and figure 28. One specimen, inside. Epitoneum novangliae (Couthouy). §S Like above but slightly umbilicate. Epitoneum lineata (Say). SCJ Figures 26 and 27. Occasional, inside. One specimen perforate. Polynices (Neverita) duplicata (Say). SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 51, fig. 12. Fairly common, sand flats, inside. (See Osborn.) Polynices (Neverita) duplicata campechiensis (Reeve). Shell very depressed, umbilicus open. Two typical individuals out of eleven and three intermediate ones. Polynices (Euspira) heros (Say). Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 51, fig. 11. Fragment of a four-inch specimen. 1921] MartIngE Mo.Luuscan SHELLS OF BEAUFORT 141 Natica (Cryptonatica) pusilla Say. C Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 21. “Not common. ‘Two or three specimens dredged.” Sigaretus perspectivus Say. SCOJT Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, pl. 68, figs. 4 and 5. Fairly common, inside and out. (See Coues or Osborn.) Calyptraea centralis (Conrad). Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., vol. 3, p. 353. One specimen, inside. Crepidula fornicata Say. SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 23. Common, inside (see Osborn). Occasionally heavily ribbed by Pecien. Crepidula glauca Say. Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, fig. 535, 1870. Three specimens, inside. Crepidula glauca convera Say. SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 25. Fairly common, inside. Crepidula aculeata Gmelin. Figures 39 and 40. One specimen, inside, bluish and broken, possibly fossil. Crepidula plana Say. SCOJ Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, fig. 533, 1870. Fairly common. (See Osborn.) Litiopa bombix Kiener. Adams, Genera of Recent Shells, pl. 34, fig. 5a. The protoconch is decussated with minute riblets. One specimen among a lot of Sargasum weed. Litorina irrorata Say. SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 69, fig. 6. Abundant on culms of marsh grass that is partially submerged at high tide. Serpulorbis (Vermicularia) spirata (Philippi). SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 51, fig. 4. Two specimens, inside. Caecum pulchellum Stimpson. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 22. Fairly common in sand. Triphoris perversum nigrocinctum C. B. Adams. SCJ Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, fig. 522, 1870. Occasional inside. } The apex is not smooth in unworn specimens of this species but finely can- cellated by radial riblets which cross two spiral threads. Cerithiopsis (Eumeta) subulata Montagu. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 52, fig. 1; and pl. 20, fig. 4 - Uncommon, inside. For other species of this and the preceding, see forthcoming paper by Bartsch. Seila adamsii H. C. Lea. SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 52, fig. 5. Common inside. (See Osborn.) 142 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February Cerithium floridanum Morch. Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., vol. 3, pl. 14, fig. 10. Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 326, fig. 4. Four specimens. Bittium (Diastoma) virginicum Henderson and Bartsch. § C OJ Henderson and Bartsch, U. 8. Nat. Mus. Proc., vol. 47, p. 419, pl. 14, fig. 3. Common, inside, on eel-grass beds. Strombus pugilis Linné. SCO J Rogers, Shell Book, p. 118, fig. 3. Occasional outside, common in Lookout bight. (See Osborn.) Called S. alatus by Stimpson and Osborn, none of this form was found by me. Cypraea exanthema Linné. C J Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, pl. 70, fig. 2. Rare, outside; one only, ditto Coues. Ovulum uniplicata Sowerby. S OJ Rogers, Shell Book, p. 135, fig. 2. Fairly common on sea fans (Leptogorgia virgulata). I have found both the yellow and orange Leptogorgias under one wharf, each with Ovulum of its own color. In company with them were Pteria eximia. Dolium galea Linné. SCOJ Rogers, Shell Book, p. 139, fig. 1. Occasional on outer beach. Cassis inflata Shaw. SCJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, pl. 71, fig. 5. Common on outer beach. Cassis tuberosa Linné. Rogers, Shell Book, p. 138, fig. 1; and p. 139, fig. 4. Common on outer beach. Eupleura caudata Say. SC OJ Dall, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 11. Md. Geo. Sur., Plio.-Pleisto., pl. 49, figs. 7 and 8. Occasional, inside and out. Urosalpinz cinereus Say. CO J Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 6. Md. Geo. Surv., Plio.-Pleisto., pl. 49, figs. 9 and 10. Common, inside and out. (See Osborn.) Purpura haemastoma Linné. SCO J Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 46, figs. 2a and 2b. Common on the jetties. Columbella (Anachis) avara Say. SCOJ Figures 33 and 34. Fairly common, inside and out. Out of 22 one has 10 ribs, eight have 11 ribs, six have 12 ribs, five have 13 ribs, one has 14 ribs, and one has 15 ribs. Columbella (Anachis) translirata Ravenel. Figures 35 and 36. Fairly common, inside and out. Columbella (Anachis) translirata similis Ravenel. Figure 32. Same as C. translirata but about half its size when adult. One specimen, inside. 1921] MARINE MOLLUSCAN SHELLS OF BEAUFORT 143 Columbella (Anachis) obesa C. B. Adams. SCJ Dall, U. S. Bur. Fish. Bull., vol. 20, pt. 1, p. 404, 1900. Occasional, inside. Columbella (Astyris) lunata Say. SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 16. Common, inside. Alectrion acuta Say. Figures 30 and 31. Two specimens, inside. Alectrion (Hima) ambigua (Montagu). SJ Figures 18, 19 and 20. Three specimens, inside. These specimens differ from Haitian specimens by having nine instead of thirteen or fourteen ribs and in being slightly less shouldered. Alectrion (Hima) vibex (Say). SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 8. Abundant, “‘on the grassy sand-flats at the edges of the salt marshes, where it replaces A. obsoleta, found also, but less frequently, upon exposed mud- flats.” Osborn. Alectrion (Ilyanassa) obsoleta (Say). SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 9. Md. Geo. Surv., Plio.-Pleisto., pl. 49, figs. 3 and 4. Very abundant, inside. (See Coues and Osborn.) Figure 37 is a carinated form of this species. Alectrion (Tritia) trivittata (Say). SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 48, fig. 13; and pl. 50, fig. 7. Uncommon, inside. Busycon carica (Gmelin). SCOJ Rogers, Shel] Book, p. 70, fig. 2. Common, especially inside on sand flats. (See Coues and Osborn.) Busycon perversum (Linné). SCJ Rogers, Shell Book, p. 71, fig. 1. Occasional, chiefly outside. (See Coues.) Busycon (Sycotypus) canaliculatum (Linné). SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 13, fig. 1. Occasional, inside. Stimpson also records Busycon pyrum. Fasciolaria distans Lam. SCOJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 86, fig. 3. Fairly common, inside on mud flats. (See Osborn.) Fasciolaria tulipa Linné. S C Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 86, fig. 2. “One mutilated specimen.”’ Coues. Fasciolaria gigantea Kiener. SCJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 86, fig. 1. Occasional, outer beach, rarely entire. Marginella apicina Menke. Figure 21. Several, inside, bluish and fossil-looking. 144 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February Oliva sayana Ravenel. SCOJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 400, fig. 2. Common, especially outside. Olivella mutica Say. SCOT Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 34, fig. 1. Common, inside. Olivella mutica nitidula Dillwyn. Larger and less slender. One specimen, inside. Mangilia (Kurtziella) cerina Kurtz & Stimpson. SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 44, fig. 16. Océasional, inside and out. Mangilia plicosa C. B. Adams. SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 50, fig. 14. Fairly common, inside and out. Terebra (Acus) dislocata Say. SCOJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 90, pl. 5, fig. 2. Abundant, inside. Terebra (Acus) concava Say. SJ Dall, Trans. Wagner Free Inst., vol. 3, p. 24. Fairly common, inside. Tornatina canaliculata Say. SCJ Md. Geo. Surv., Plio.-Pleisto., pl. 42, figs. 5 and 6. Abundant, inside. Bulla amygdala Dillwyn. SCJ Arnold, Sea-beach at Ebb-tide, p. 350, fig. 1. One small specimen, inside, fossil-looking. Stimpson and Coues also record B. solitaria. Cavolina tridentata Forskil. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 66, fig. 113. One specimen, inside in tow. Melampus lineatus Say. SCJ Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 47, figs. 9 and 12. Abundant, especially in brackish water. SCAPHAPODA Cadulus (Polyschides) tetraschistus quadridentatus (Dall). Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 27, fig. 5. One specimen, inside. Cadulus (Polyschides) carolinensis Bush. Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 37, pl. 41, fig. 19. Two specimens, inside. Dentalium gouldi Dall. Dall, U.S. Bur. Fish. Bull., vol. 20, pt. 1, p. 455, 1901. Five specimens, inside. Besides these five specimens, I have four which have six longitudinal ribs throughout, with no finer threads between them, They are too small for identification and look fossil. Still four other specimens bave seven PLATE 13 >= i= . Cc 7 ~- : ~ i . - ’ ‘ a P * - * a > 7 . 1 Po [oe a + < , y : a or be a ~ : } a = pe ; : 7 = 7 a a, - : 1a” a ' 4 F ‘ - 1 | -_ oa hei Pest TAM ie ye 18 ai el = yy : y a be ~ - fal & ors j i. 1921] MariInE Mo.Luuscan SHELLS OF BEAUFORT 145 longitudinal ribs throughout with no finer threads between them. The largest has a diameter of 1.25 mm. They are very thick, and look fossil. They may be D. disparile Orbigny. Dentalium agile M. Sars.? Sars, Remarkable Forms of Animal Life, p. 34, pl. 3, figs. 4 and 5. Occasional, inside. Dentalium matara Dall. Smooth, very slightly arched, slightly notched above and below with a short, wide notch, on convex side prolonged as a wide slit. Occasional, inside. Dentalium eboreum Conrad. Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 3, p. 27, 1846. Fairly common, inside. Dentalium leptum Bush. Slender, with fine posterior striations. Occasional, inside. Dentalium filum Sowerby. Straightish and slender, sculptured by regular anulations. Occasional, inside. The following also are reported by Stimpson: Arca adamsi, Lucina crenulatus Conrad (known as a fossil), Lepton lepidum, Tellina fausta (a West Indian species), Macoma constricta (Brug.), Strig- illa carnaria, Sportella constricta (Conrad) (known as a fossil), Solen viridis Say (also reported by Aller), Sazicava arctica Linné, Clypidella pustula, Mangelia rubella, Mangelia filiformis Holmes, Murex spinicostatus, Can- cellaria reticulata, Actaeon punclostriata Adams. Osborn records Bela plicata. NOTES ON THE THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA By W. C. CokER PuaTes 14-35 Plants (the fruiting body) of this family varying from fibrous and tough and leathery to waxy when wet, in some species hard and brittle; form various, upright and fan-shaped to funnel-shaped (and simple or branched) or shell-shaped to bracket-shaped and laterally attached, or partially to completely spread out on the substratum (resupinate); the hymenium borne only on one surface, or rarely all over the fruit-body (amphigeneous), smooth (without teeth, pores or gills) or nodulated or wrinkled; basidia simple and club-shaped, usually with four spores (2-8). The great majority grow on dead wood, some grow on the ground, and some are parasitic. Most of the genera of this family are composed of very insignifi- cant species of slight popular or economic interest, except where involved in the rotting of timber. We have tried to treat fully only a few of the genera, in others we include only a few species as rep- resentative. All of the North American genera of this family are being carefully monographed by Dr. Burt, and his work, if published, is referred to under each genus. See also Massee: A Monograph of the Thelephoraceae. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 25: 107. 1889; 27: 95. 1890, and Wakefield: Some Notes on the Genera of the Thelephoraceae. Trans. Brit. Mye. Soc. 4: 301. 1914. See also Bourdot and Galzin as cited under the genera. Interested students can turn to these papers for a fuller treatment. Many of the drawings of Corticium, Peniophora, Hypochnus, and Coniophora were made by Mr. J. N. Couch, recently assistant in Botany. Miss Alma Holland, assistant in Botany, has inked in most of the drawings and made most of the spore drawings. The photo- graphs and a good many of the drawings were made by the author. KryY TO THE GENERA TREATED * Parasitic on members of the Heath Family, causing galls or other abnormalities; spore-bearing surface forming a thin, adherenticoationsuheshost.)..... ..<2xtes=aae ooo Exobasidium (p. 147) ADDENDA Add to the literature list given on page 146 the following: Hohnel and Litschauer, Beitrdge z. Kenntnis d. Corticieen. Sitzungsb. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien 115: 1549, with 10 text figs. 1906; 116: 739, pls. 1-4 and 20 text figs. 1907; 117: 1081, with 10 text figs. 1908. This series treats many species of most of the genera in- cluded by us. 1921] Tur THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA 147 Entirely resupinate on rotten wood; the context filled’ with brown stellate bodies (cystidia) ..... < . . ec ce ees eed A sterostroma (p. 164) Not as above in all respects. Plant entirely resupinate, forming a crustaceous layer on wood with no shelving margin, or if with a narrow shelving margin then with dark spines in the hymenium; in one species of Alewrcdiscus forming small cup-shaped, centrally attached plants with the margin upturned all around and in Corticium lilacino-fuscum and Peniophora albomarginata there may be a very narrow shelving margin. Spores and basidia large to very large, the spores plump with the surface spiny or minutely rough; plant small, chalk-white or in one species the hymenium 000 Ls TESTE se SEE RS ee Aleurodiscus (p. 152) Spores smaller, elongated to subspherical. Spores rough or echinulate, colored................... Hypochnus (p. 165) Spores smooth, ochraceous or rusty or brown.......... Coniophora (p. 157) Spores smooth, white. Hymenium with smooth, spine-like, dark setae pro- ieewinemnoyve the DAasidig: {.c2c 2.025. ho cc esse. Hymenochaete (p.166) Hymenium with specialized pale cystidia (club- shaped cells, which are usually warted) mixed with Hine OOo rns a8 An Ss Sines eee eee Peniophora (p. 158) Hymenium without setae or cystidia............... Corticium (p. 168) Plants growing on wood (in all here treated), shelf-like or petal-like, usually imbricated; spores white or pale, HOUPTHE. space 3b Geiger Re tne A ea Stereum (p. 175) Plant growing on wood or herbs or moss, very small, cup- shaped or saucer-shaped and centrally attached, often pendulous by a little stalk (compare also Alewrodiscus . UNS. isos boo eee Cyphella (p. 148) Much like Cyphella, but more crowded and the fruiting bodies either more cylindrical or arising from a re- SCTE, DCT SEs 85 2 ea ne Solenia (p. 150) Plant upright, fan- or funnel-shaped, or branched like a tree, or in a few species bracketed like a Stereum when growing on wood; leathery; usually on earth, at times on wood; spores dark, warted.............. Thelephora (p. 185) Plant tough and elastic, but fleshy, repeatedly branched into a thick mass of flat, contorted-anastomosing branches; growing from rotting roots or stump bases. Sparassis (p. 193) EXOBASIDIUM Parasitic on leaves, shoots and flowers of woody plants, mostly if not entirely confined to the Ericaceae, and forming on the surface of the host, which is usually hypertrophied or deformed into galls, a 148 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February layer composed rarely of basidia alone, or more rarely of a thin felted layer of interwoven hyphae which bears basidia and conidiospores. Basidia clavate, simple. Spores white, smooth, simple or septate. The galls and other abnormalities produced vary so much, depend- ing on what host or what part of the host is attacked, that many so- called species names have been published depending on the kinds of galls formed. Burt, who has studied the subject thoroughly, has concluded that almost all of these belong to one species, EL. Vaccinii (Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 2: 627. 1915). He recognizes only two other species or varieties, one FH. Vaccinii uliginosi Boud., the other EL. Symploci Ell. & Martin. The latter is parasitic on Symplocos tinc- toria, but in it the basidia and basidiospores have not been found. For an excellent article on the morphology of this group see Woronin, Naturforsch, Ges. Freiburg, Verhandl. 4: 397. 1867. Exobasidium Vaccinii (Fuckel) Woronin. PLATE 14 Characters of the genus: Basidia four-spored; basiospores 2. 5-5 x 10-20u. (Burt). Occurring on many genera and species of the Heath Family. The most conspicuous and best known gall caused by E. Vaccinii in North Carolina is the one called honeysuckle apples, which are large, hollow, pale, sweetish, juicy formations often an inch or more thick that many children know and eat. They are found on Azalea nudiflora and A. atlantica and seem most abundant in the Coastal Plain. Another remarkable hypertrophy occurs on Andromeda Mariana, causing the flowers which are normally white and waxy subcylindrical bells, to become changed into larger, greenish, more open flowers with the petals more or less separated or quite free and spreading. This is shown in our illustration, together with the nor- mal flowers. This is the form that has been named E. Peckit. lla. On Andromeda Mariana near east gate of campus, May 6, 1909. Photo. CYPHELLA Very small, cup-shaped or beaker-shaped or saucer-shaped, at- tached by the center with a short stalk usually, and often hanging downward, the lower, concave surface covered by the hymenium; texture submembranaceous; basidia simple. The species grow on PLATE 14 EXOBASIDIUM VACCINII on ANDROMEDA MARIANA. Normal flowers above; hypertrophied ones below. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ : foam Tt ' ’ \ A ‘ 13 , is ry ; \ ‘ * ' j j é i . . n ' 4 : —o ‘ ) ry) * ‘ , nal " ! Z , i? = an ‘) 7 : : 1921] THE THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA 149 live mosses, dead stems and leaves of herbs, fallen twigs, branches and bark of trees, etc. Two of the species recognized by Burt have been reported from North Carolina by Curtis, and we are adding two others. See Burt, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 1: 358. 1914; Bourdot and Galzin, Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 26: 223. 1910. KEY TO THE SPECIES On living mosses; saucer- or petal-shaped, up to 1 em. broad. ..C. muscigena (1) On alder bark; small, cup-shaped, reddish-tawny............. C. fasciculata (2) On bark of red cedar; very small, whitish, cup-shaped, spores TASES CSS C. cupulaeformis (3) On dead stems of herbs; cup-shaped, whitish................. C. capula (4) 1. Cyphella muscigena (Pers.) Fr. PLATE 30 This is the plant treated by me as Cantharellus retirugis (No. 3224) in an earlier paper (Journ. E. Mit. Sci. Soc. 35: 38. 1919). Since then we have made three other collections of the plant, one from the same spot a year later and two from other places. The two last mentioned showed spores (from good spore prints) that averaged longer than the two others, but otherwise there is no difference in the plants. The basidia of all are small, club-shaped, rather abruptly enlarged at the end, 7—7.5 v. thick, 4-spored. I cannot make out any difference of importance between descriptions and illustrations of Cantharellus retirugis and Cyphella muscigena. 3224. See above. 3931. On living moss (Catharinia), below Cobb’s Terrace, January 8, 1920. Spores pip-shaped, 3-4.2 X 7-9.7u. 4010. Same spot and one on same kind of moss as No. 3224. Spores the same, 3.7-4.5 X 6-8.5y. 4018. Near No. 3931, but on different moss, January 24, 1920. Spores 3-4.5 X 7.5-9.7u. 2. Cyphella fasciculata (Schw.) B. & C. C. fulva B. & Rav. PLATE 30 Cups gregarious in good numbers, and often in part densely fas- cicled in groups or lines, about 0.6-3 mm. broad and same length, attached in center by a short stalk about 0.3-0.8 mm. long; outer surface of cup reddish-tawny, usually with one or two circular zones, 150 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February finely tomentose with curled hairs. Hymenium smooth, pale straw or light buff, lining the inside of the cup, the mouth of which is whitish and contracted or, when wet and fully mature, open. Spores (of No. 4001, spore print) cylindric, curved, smooth, white, 2-3 x 7.5-llu. Basidia 5-6.5u thick, flat at end, with four very small and short sterigmata. 4001. On dead Alnus twigs, January 22, 1920. Not fascicled in this collection. 4017. On dead Alnus twigs, January 24, 1920. Many densely fascicled groups in this lot, also many single ones. Common on branches of alder (as C. fulva). Curtis. 3. Cyphella cupulaeformis Berk. & Rav. PLATE 30 Centrally attached by a very short stalk; plant up to 1.5 mm. long by 2.5 mm. broad, cup-shaped or goblet-shaped, the outside minutely scurfy and paie gray-brown, the hymenium inside the cup smooth and about the color of the outside; the mouth open when wet, collapsed and practically closed when dry. Spores white, very remarkable in being set with six or more spines which are about 3.7 long, body of spore 4.5-5.5 x 5.5-6y. The spines do not appear until the spores are nearly grown, the spores up to that time being smooth and oval; as the spines begin to develop the spores appear simply angular for a while. Basidia club-shaped, 8u. in diameter. 4019. On decaying cedar limb, January 24, 1920. 4, Cyphella capula (Holmsk) Fr. We have not yet found this and adapt the following from Burt (I. ¢., p. 366). Growing on dead stems of herbs and forming little whitish, pendu- lous cups drawn out to a stalk, the entire plant about 1-3 mm. long and 0.5-2 mm. broad; hymenium on the inside of the cup; outside of the cup and stem glabrous; the cup margin irregular. Spores white, flat on one side, 3-3.5 x 4.5-6u. Common on stems of herbs. Curtis. SOLENIA Fruit bodies in the form of small to very small cups or tubes which are commonly so closely set as to appear almost as a continu- ous stratum to the naked eye. The cups are somewhat contracted 1921] THE THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA 151 at the mouths and are seated directly on the substratum or are sur- rounded at base by a very delicate weft of threads, the subiculum. The smooth hymenium covers the inside of the cups. Basidia club- shaped with usually 4 sterigmata. Spores smooth, white (at least in S. poriaeformis). Distinguished from Cyphella by the more densely crowded cups which often arise from a superficial weft, and in some species by the more elongated, cylindrical cups. A peculiar genus that has been placed usually in the Polyporaceae, but is probably better treated in the Thelephoraceae as its relation- ship to Cyphella seems obvious. It is placed next to Cyphella in Engler and Prantl’s system (Hennings), and also by Bourdot and Galzin (Bull. Soc. Myce. Fr. 26: 225. 1910), which see for a good treatment of the French species. See also Rabenhorst, Krypt. Flora Deutschland, etc. 11: 390. 1884. To represent this genus we are including only one species. In American herbaria are represented commonly about ten other species among which the most widely distributed are S. anomala, S. candida, S. ochracea, S. stipitata and S. villosa. All or nearly all known species grow on dead wood and branches or dead herbs (one is said to grow on dung). Solenia poriaeformis (DC.) Fuckel. PLaATEs 15 AND 30 Plant forming encrusting, non-removable patches quite variable in size and irregular in outline, which often fuse to make much elon- gated areas with rather definite margin; composed of a layer next _ the bark made up of extremely delicate, interwoven, white threads, about 1.2—2.5u thick, in which are imbedded for about 144—'% their depth, minute, circular, or somewhat flattened cups, about 4 or 5 to a millimeter, which usually cover the entire surface and nearly touch when expanded, are about 90-110 deep and are covered all over the outside with white, granular, easily removable powder, while the inside is covered with the smooth hymenium. Under moderate power the cups look like citron covered with sugar powder, and when the powder is rubbed off they are seen to be deep brown, contrasting strongly in section view with the white felt in which they are sitting. Wall of cups about 30-40u thick, brown, the hymenium occupying a little less than half of this thickness and less dark than the closely woven outer part; margin incurved and partly closing the cups even 152 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February when wet. The color of the plant in the fresh state a dull white, which is a little darkened by the small openings of the cups and is almost entirely due to the fine white powder covering the exposed parts of the matrix as well as the outside of the cups. When very young the plant is thin and sterile, with a minutely granular appear- ance. The cups first appear as very small openings extending to within 144 mm. of the margin; later, when expansion ceases, they are formed almost to the marginal line. Spores (of No. 4686) white, smooth, oval, 3.5-4.5 x 5-7.5u. Basidia clavate, 4-spored, 6.5y thick. A most peculiar plant differ- ing from other species of Solenia in the short, partly embedded cups. We have compared our plants with several collections from America and one from Bresadola at the New York Botanical Garden and find them similar in all essentials. Most. other collections have the cups less crowded and in some they are broader. Our plant seems to be a dense, small-cupped form Bourdot and Galzin give microscopic characters which agree with ours, as spores 4-5x 4.5-6.5u, basidia 5-8 x 18-24y, 2-4 sterigmata; and Dr. Burt writes me that a col- lection made by him in Sweden has spores 4.5-5 x 5-6u. Hennings, in the Pflanzenfamilien, gives the spores as 3-3.5 x 11-14u, which is probably an error. 4275. On dead bark of old live grapevine (V. aestivalis), April 15, 1920. Spores pure white, short, oval. 4317. On bark of Vitis, May 28, 1920. 4686. On dead bark of live, wild grapevines, November 13, 1920. 4700. On bark of live grapevine, December 4, 1920. Poorly developed specimens with few cups. ALEURODISCUS Plants in the species here treated growing on the bark of living trees or dead shoots and forming entirely resupinate, white, small, thin or thickish crusts with well-defined margins (the margin at times is vague in A. botryosus) and hard, brittle flesh; or in one case form- ing small cups with the margin free all around. Basidia and spores large to very large; spores white, minutely punctate or spiny; no cystidia or setae present, but paraphyses often of peculiar form occur in the hymenium or throughout. Other groups of species included by Burt in this genus, but not treated by us, have other characters separating them from the Ster- eums. See Burt, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 5: 177. 1918; Bourdot and PLATE 15 ALEURODISCUS MACRODENS. No. 4734 Above SOLENIA PORIAEFORMIS. No. 4686. |Below.] 1921] THE THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA 153 Galzin, Bull. Soc..- Myc. Fr. 28: 349. 1912; Lloyd, Mycological Notes No. 62: 926, Pl. 147, figs. 1666-1681 and Pl. 148, figs. 1682- 1688, and PI. 145, fig. 1652. 1920. Tor morphology and cytology of A. amorphus see Am. Journ. Bot. 7: 445, Pls. 31-33. 1920. KEY TO THE SPECIES INCLUDED On bark of living trees. Spores very large, not smaller than 12 X 15x. Flesh pliable and Jeathery when wet, margin free and up- SE SILAS nh ee eee A. Oakesii (1) Flesh hard and woody even when damp, margin not free or scarcely so. On post oak or white oak; spores oval-elliptic, minutely PRM Ree oS aie as wink ELS eek oe we A. candidus (2) On elm; spores subspherical to short-oval, very minutely punctate (some appearing smooth).................. A. candidus var. sphaerosporus (3) On ash; spores subrectangular, set with a few large, DUDE Tin cS 2 eee le D8 ee Se A. macrodens (4) On cedars; spores subspherical to short-oval, covered with MME CROCE SPICUICS « . 2 212 {old sista oleisid oie «6 oleic ore oo d A. nivosus (5) Spores not larger than 7 X 12u.. On maples (said also to grow on ash, elm and white oak); thinner and smaller than any of the above, irregular..... A. acerinus (6) On dead shoots of blackberry, lilac, ete. Spores 7.5-11 X eat een ete a Fy ss By cS a SiS INS f0.'e)aild Aveo dieav'e «0» A. botryosus (7) 1. Aleurodiscus Oakesii (B. & C.) Cooke. PLATE 30 Small, saucer-shaped or shallow cup-shaped, rather broadly attached by the center, the margin quite free all around and curved up when damp, incurved over the hymenium when dry, the exposed outer (lower) surface white and fibrous, especially on margin and near attachment so as to appear tomentose; hymenium even or a little wavy, minutely pulverulent, pale avellaneous (light fawn brown) both when wet and dry. Flesh about 0.5 mm. thick, leathery and pliable when wet, rigid when dry. Spores ovoid, white, minutely papillate-warted, 12-16 x 15-20u. Basidia very large, 15-16. thick with 4 large sterigmata. Para- physes often moniliform by constrictions mostly with prong-like short branches at the tip or lower down. The plant resembles in form a small Stereum attached by the center. Single plants are about 3-5 mm. broad when damp and ex- panded, but they fuse more or less completely when they touch, so 154 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February that elongated or irregular groups are produced which may be a cm. or more long and broad. When two plants meet and fuse a low ridge is left on the hymenium. This plant is easily distinguished from the other species of the genus here treated by the saucer-shaped form and pliable, leathery texture when wet. 3937. On bark of Ulmus near upper end of Scott’s Hole, January 11, 1920. Photo. Upper district. Bark of white oak. Curtis (as Corticium). 2. Aleurodiscus candidus (Schw.) Burt. Stereum candidum Schw. PLATES 16 AND 30 A small, entirely resupinate plant, growing on the bark of trees and forming hard, crustaceous, chalk-white patches of irregular shape and definite outline, usually under 2 cm. in diameter vith the margin free so as to show its under side which is blackish. Surface smooth, minutely pulverulent under a lens, showing irregularities of the bark over which it is spread. Flesh thick for so small a plant, about 0.5- 1 mm. thick, white or pale creamy, quite hard and brittle. Under a lens the flesh shows a rather faint stratification with as many as 5 or 6 layers, each probably representing a period of fruiting, but the time required to form each layer is not yet known. Spores white, subspherical to short-oval, minutely papillate, 12.5-16.7 x 16.6—-22u, most about 15 x 20.4u. Basidia large, club- shaped, 11-14 thick, with four very long sterigmata. Mixed with the basidia are delicate, dense, hyphal paraphyses branched like a bush above and much encrusted with granular crystals. The plant is very common in Chapel Hill on bark of post oak and white oak, and is very easily recognized by its color, habit and place of growth. Burt describes the spores as smooth, but suggests that they may prove to be minutely rough walled. We find them min- utely papillate. 1377a. On bark of post oak trees, November 28, 1913. 1517. On bark of a post oak tree, December 14, 1914. 3827. On living post oak, December 6, 1919. Salem. Schweinitz. Low and middle districts, bark of trees. Curtis. 1921] THE THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA 155 3. Aleurodiscus candidus var. sphaerosporus n. var. PLATE 30 Plant exactly like A. candidus except for smaller average size of the crusts and for the more spherical spores. The chalk-like, min- utely pulverulent surface and hard, friable, pale flesh are the same in both. The smaller, more broken up pads seem to be the result of the more fragmented and mossy bark of the elm. The spore differ- ence is constant here and taken with the different host furnishes about the right grounds for establishing a variety. Spores (of No. 3902) nearly spherical, white, very faintly rough, 13-20 x 15.5-24u, most about 16.3 x 19.2u. Basidia large, about 13u thick. The spores are even more faintly rough than in A. can- didus. To be found on most elm trees in Chapel Hill. 2021. On elm (Ulmus alata), March 10, 1916. 3902. On elm (U. alata), December 16, 1919. 3907. On elm (U. alata), December 18, 1919. Spores exactly as in No. 3902. 4. Aleurodiscus macrodens n. sp. PLaTEs 15 AND 31 Forming irregular, often somewhat elongated patches about 2 mm. to 2 cm. long with well-defined margins and with much the aspect of A. candidus; surface minutely pulverulent, pure white or when old and weathered pale cream; entire thickness only about 150-190u, the structure in section much obscured by very small crystals and the densely branched paraphyses. Basidia entirely embedded, 12-15y thick, irregular and bent, with four long, stout sterigmata, which only reach the surface by their tips. Spores (of No. 4734, print) commonly rectangular in outline, the surface set with a few large, irregularly placed, bluntly pointed spines which are up to 4u long; body of spore 11.5-15 x 18.5-27u. In passing the plant would be taken for A. candidus, but when examined is seen to be much thinner with the closely pressed margin not showing a dark underside. The spores are remarkable and unlike any others in the genus. 4734. On bark of a living tree of Fraxinus, December 14, 1920. Type. ° 156 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [Febritiary 5. Aleurodiscus nivosus (B. & C.) H. & Litsch. - Stereum acerinum var nivosum B. & C. PuaTEs 16 AND 31 Plant forming crust-like elongated patches of definite outline, about 1-23 mm. long by 1-4 mm. broad, the elongated axis vertical, at first thin like a streak of whitewash, then thickening into a mat- tress-like patch about 0.5-0.7 mm. thick with a free margin that is black below; in age cracking across to make smaller areas as in Stereum frustulosum. Surface always chalk-white. Flesh brown be- low a thin surface layer; hard, dry and rather friable. Spores (of No. 3897) white, oval, with a small, distinct mucro and short, sharp, delicate spines, 12.9-15.9 x 15.9-21.5u. A few spores show a remarkable variation in having small blunt warts like a Hyd- num. Very common, and to be found on almost every cedar tree. Differs from A. candidus in more spiny spores, proportionately narrower, longer and thinner fruiting bodies, and in growth on cedar. Burt’s description of the spores as smooth is incorrect for our speci- mens. The close-set, slender spicules distinguish the plant at once. Burt also describes the plant as thin with margin not free as in A. candidus. This is true only for the young condition. As growth continues the flesh becomes thicker and cracks across and the margin becomes free and shows the blackish outer (under) side. 3897. On bark of living cedar, December 14, 1919. 3920. On living cedar tree, December 22, 1919. 6. Aleurodiscus acerinus (Pers.) H. & Litsch. A smaller and thinner species than the others treated; crustaceous, irregular to subcircular or rarely elongated, up to about 3 mm. wide or when elongated up to a em. long; chalk-white, minutely pulver- ulent, the abrupt margin definitely outlined. Hymenium contain- ing slender branched paraphyses that are much encrusted with crys- tals. Basidia clavate, about half as large as in A. candidus, sterigmata four, elongated. Spores (according to Burt) white, smooth, 6-7 x 10—12u.. 2020. On bark of living deciduous tree, December, 1915. We have misplaced this collection which was seen and determined by Burt, and so have not been able to make original observations on the spores. Common on bark of trees. Curtis (as Stereum). beloy 3897 QO. N ODISCUS NIVOSUS. 2 L ALEUI op ) = (=) — oo C GB al OU ‘op =) — Ip) — co — = = = jaa -) | mee} “1 — al 1921] THE THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA 157 7. Aleurodiscus botryosus Burt. PLATE 31 Entirely effused to form elongated patches up to 5-6 ecm. or smaller, more scattered patches. Surface under a lens more or less lacunose and granular-looking except in the thickest places where it is continuous; pure white or creamy, smooth, and removable as a soft, flexible membrane when wet; thickness in our collection only 45-65u, nearly all of which consists of the hymenium, in which are embedded a large number of subspherical, amorphous, irregular bodies, probably of a proteid nature. Many bottle brush paraphyses present in hymenium. Basidia 11-12y thick, with four long, curved sterigmata 14-16u. long. Spores white, minutely rough, oval with an abrupt mucro, flattish on one side, very granular when shed, sprouting freely over night in a damp chamber, 7.5-10.5 x 14-19u. Except for its thinness, amounting to scarcely more than a hy- menium on the substratum, our plant agrees well with Burt’s species and our determination has been confirmed by him. 4710. On dead blackberry in low place, Glen Burnie Farm, December 5, 1920. 4724. On standing dead shoot of lilac, December 12, 1920. Spores white, surface minutely warted, 8.5-11 x 14.8-18.5n. 4740. On dead vine of Vitis (aestivalis ?) December 18, 1920. Spores white, sur- face minutely rough, 8.5-11 X 14.8-18.5yu. CONIOPHORA Entirely resupinate, fleshy, subcoriaceous or membranaceous; hymenium undulate, tubercular, granular or even; basidia simple; spores smooth or slightly angular, ochraceous or at times nearly color- less. Saprophytic on dead wood, often causing serious decay of structural timber. Burt reports three species from North Carolina and nineteen from North America. See Burt, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 4: 237. 1917. Also see Massee in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 25: 128. 1889. We are including but one species. Coniophora arida (Fr.) Karsten. Poarn 3? Trregularly effused, membranaceous when wet, forming long, thin, narrow patches about 1-3 cm. broad by several cms. long and about 175y thick on average, with indeterminate margins. Color 158 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February when dry a warm buff to buffy brown, usually darker in center. Surface even, pulverulent, sparingly cracked in places; context made up of loosely packed, thin-walled, hyaline hyphae 2-3.7y thick; hymenium closely packed. No cystidia and no crystals present. Spores fuscous in a good spore-print, smooth, elliptic with a dis- tinct mucro, 6.6-7.2 x 9.3-11.ly. Basidia club-shaped, swollen considerably at the distal end; extending out above the hymenium up to 20y. (counting the sterigmata); 8.5u thick, sterigmata 4, prong- like, curved. 4219. On bark and wood of dead pine, March 23, 1920. 4235. On bark of pine log, April] 15, 1920. PENIOPHORA Entirely resupinate as a thin encrusting layer, as in Corticium, but differing from the latter in having specialized cystidia included in the hymenium and usually projecting as far as the basidia or beyond them. We are including one (P. albomarginata) which often has a narrowly reflexed margin. The cystidia are commonly warted on the distal half, in which case they are easily distinguished. Spores smooth, white or (when fresh) pink. Hymenochaete differs in having dark, smooth, spine-like setae projecting far above the basidia. The pink color shown by a fresh spore print in several species we have studied fades out after a few months in the herbarium. We have in- cluded six species to represent the genus, which is a large one and often difficult to distinguish from Corticium. See Massee in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 25: 140. 1889; Bourdot and Galzin, Bull. Soe. Myc. Fr. 28: 372. 1912; Cooke, Grevillea 8: 17. 1879; Bresadola, Ann. Myc. 1: 100. 1903 (as Kneiffia). See also Gleocystidium as treated by Bourdot and Galzin in Bull. Soe. Mye. Fr. 28: 354. 1912. This last genus includes species usually treated under Peniophora, but its rec- ognition, as Burt has well said, would lead to difficulties without com- pensating advantages. Other proposed genera as Peniophorella and Gloeopeniophora have similar objections. For a species parasitic on chrysanthemum (Corticiwm (Peniophora) Chrysanthemi Plowr.) see Trans. Brit. Myce. Soc. for 1904, p. 90. 1905. KEY TO THE SPECIES TREATED On pine wood, making an extensive, pale, sub-translucent, parchment-like membrane when dry; sub-waxy when WEE... ok adele RRP iia oll > el ss, «\« oles Gia ote P. gigantea (1) 1921] THE THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA 159 On deciduous woods, mostly with bark on. Margin distinct and often uplifted a little in places. Deep brown with a conspicuous whitish border; sur- fabe velvety, nOb. cracking... 20. cece eee. P. albomarginata (2) Brownish purple; finely cracked superficially when IEE i en ee = Ane P. violaceo-lividum (8) Margin very thin and indistinct, closely adnate; Light gray to white with creamy areas, texture loose and velvety-looking; spores very long and narrow, ee Oe NN ARE Ao cin oo ce ainials ows a ee ss P. longispora (4) Not as above. Deep blackish brown when wet, a much lighter gray- brown when dry; only 55-75, thick; surface glab- rous, nodulated, cracked to the wood when dry. P. cinerea (6) Whitish to ochraceous buff; thick (200-250), sur- face glabrous, cracking when dry to show the pure white tissue beneath; margin thin and fading away. P. mutata (7) Margin distinct but irregular and byssoid when growing, in places connected with extensive ropy strands; color eemeaetasiers Wifin $0 CHAIIOIS Jo. <.- oic' ose - =) 5 nfsisieia nies © - P. filamentosa (5) 1. Peniophora gigantea (Fr.) Massee. PuaTE 31 Patches up to 8 em. wide by 14 em. long, adnate, sub-waxy; when old smooth and even, when young slightly hypochnoid; color varies with age, grayish white or light cream to vinaceous buff when old; surface minutely granular under a lens; margin indeterminate when young, later determinate. Structure, in section, up to 1 mm. thick, made up of two distinct layers (apparently three before the applica- tion of KOH) of about equal thickness; lower layer consisting of closely packed, septate, considerably branched, clamp-connected hyphae (clamp connections are difficult to make out) 4.2y. thick which are more loosely packed at surface of substratum and become very closely packed toward the center of the plant; upper layer made up of closely packed, almost vertical hyphae with many faintly encrusted cystidia scattered throughout, which are 9.3-11.ly thick. Basidia club-shaped with the end swollen, 4 x 11-18. Spores oval, hyaline, smooth, 2-3.5 x 3.7—5.5u. Our plant agrees completely with plants of this species from Bresadola at the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium. The dried plant has a subtranslucent, parchment-like appearance. 4306. On ground side of new pine sills and leaves which had been.on ground four months, Clark’s Sawmill, May 10, 1920. Common. Curtis (as Corticium). 160 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February 2. Peniophora albomarginata (Schw.) Massee. Stereum albobadium (Schw.) Fr. PuaTEs 18 AND 31 Entirely resupinate or, when on the sides of branches, with a free shelving margin which is rarely over 7 mm. wide, beginning as subcircular or oblong patches which may later fuse into an extensive membrane, color of hymenium when damp a rich deep brown (about bister brown of Ridgway) with a conspicuous white margin which is sharply delimited and not byssoid; when dry the brown lightens to about avellaneous with a darker ring just behind the white margin; shelving part brown on back, inherently fibrous and roughish, not tomentose, obscurely zoned. The resupinate part can be removed from the wood without much difficulty as a pliable thickish membrane like chamois skin, which in cross section is concolorous, fibrous and about 0.6-0.8 mm. thick. The hymenium is not shining but has a velvety, glaucous appearance. When drying the plant does not crack, but remains a complete membrane. Spores (of No. 3849) smooth, white, elliptic, some bent, 3-4 x 6.5-9.3u. Basidia clavate, 7.24 thick; sterigmata four. Cystidia pointed, encrusted with crystals. This is treated as Stereum albobadium by Burt. We are not using the name albobadiwm because we do not want to make a new combination. 3849. Dead limbs of peach or cherry in a brush heap, December 9, 1919. 3873. On fallen branch of ironwood (Carpinus) in Arboretum, December 12, 1919. 3932. On dead sycamore limb, January 10, 1920. Hartsville, 8. C. Several collections, December, 1919. Coker. Low and middle districts on trunks and branches. Curtis. 3. Peniophora violaceo-livida (Somm.) Bres. in Bourdot and Galzin, Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 28: 405. 1912. Corticium violaceo-lividum (Somm.) Fr. PLATES! Entirely resupinate and crustaceous or rarely the margin curled up for 1-2 mm., thin and pliable and leathery when growing, the margin appressed and rather definite but extending with short fibers; the very margin whitish purple, then a handsome brownish purple, the older surface losing most of the purple and becoming dry and PLATE 17 PENIOPHORA MUTATA. No. 3993 [top PENIOPHORA LONGISPORA. No. 4242 [cente1 CORTICIUM ARACHNOIDEUM. No. 4235a [below 1921] THE THELEPHORACEAE.OF NORTH CAROLINA 161 thinner and finely cracked, the cracks involving only the surface layer. Flesh brown, fibrous, about a quarter mm. thick near margin. The plant appears first as small, scattered patches with a plush-like surface which rapidly extend and coalesce to form large patches up to 6 cm. broad and 15 em. long, perhaps larger at times. If protected in a Petri dish the growing margin becomes densely tomentose with short fibers of the same handsome purplish color. At full maturity the surface becomes glabrous. Basidia club-shaped, 5.54 thick, with four sterigmata. Spores (of No. 3914) white, elliptic, smooth, 3.6-4.4 x 6-8.5u, rarely up to 10u. Cystidia long, pointed, often crooked or constricted below, extending beyond the surface (at times twice as far as in the drawing), set with crystals. Bourdot and Galzin give the spores as 9-12 x 3-4.5u; the basidia as 6-8 x 20-26u 3914. On a dead stem of privet, December 20, 1919. 3946. On twig of Chinese privet (Ligustrum Chinense) in Arboretum, January 16, 1920. 3964. On Baccharis in Arboretum, January 17, 1920. 4. Peniophora longispora (Pat.) PLATES 17 AND 32 Plant entirely resupinate, in patches up to 5 em. long by 3 cm. wide and up to 148y thick; open, hypochnoid, finely pubescent and somewhat resembling a mold; color light gray to white with small creamy areas, color depending upon age, margin indeterminate. Context made up of very loosely packed, much branched, clamp- connected, unencrusted hyphae 2.6u thick. Hymenium of very inconspicuous basidia, mostly about 4.54 thick, and many cystidia which are about 3.7 x 40u, more or less pointed and encrusted with crystals and projecting far beyond the basidia. In untreated sec- tions there is a distinctly darker region in the hymenium indicating the presence of numerous crystals. Spores pure white, very long and peculiar, 2-2.6 x 13-16.6y, pointed at both ends, straight or slightly bent and with two or three conspicuous droplets. Bresadola’s measurements in this species (as Kneiffia, |. ¢., p. 105) are: spores 2.5 oa) es ea) i id B 1921] Tue THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA ibrer Not rare on rotting oak stumps and logs. The species is easily recognized by its good size, complicated structure, tawny and tomen- tose surface and dark hymenium which turns red at once when bruised. It differs from S. sanguinolentum in tawny color and growth on oak. The latter is pallid and grows on pine. 334. On the base of a rotten oak stump, October 4, 1908. 3821. On oak log at “Long Bridge,” December 5, 1919. Spores 3-3.8 X 6-8.2u. 3912. On dead oak log by Battle’s Branch, November 5, 1919. 4110. Oak limb by Battle’s Branch, February 13, 1920. Common on trunks and stumps. Curtis Blowing Rock. Atkinson. South Carolina, Hartsville. Coker. 2. Stereum sanguinolentum (A. &. B.) Fr. PuatEe 35 Largely resupinate, the upper margin reflexed and bracket-like, in our plants extending only about 4-5 mm.; surface of the free caps inherently fibrous, radiately striate, zoned lengthwise by thin brown lines, the remainder nearly white or brown, the thin margin white; flesh leathery, tough, elastic, thin. Hymenium more or less wrinkled and ridged, when young whitish (very pale fawn) sooner darker through light fawn to dusky fawn; when bruised in the fresh state immediately exuding a deep red juice which stains the surface, later the stained parts becoming dark dusky brown with only a tint of red. Spores (of No. 3967) white, sausage-shaped, 2-3 x 6-8.5u.. Easily distinguished from others that turn red by growth on pine and different color. Our plants form patches about 1.5-2 x 1.54 em., some with and some without the narrow reflexed margin. If soaked again after drying the hymenium turns red almost all over and on drying again darkens to a very deep brown, the margin only remaining white. 3967. On a pine log, January 17, 1920. Photo. Low and middle districts on pine trunks. Curtis. 3. Stereum subpileatum B. &«. C. PLATES 21 anpD 35 Plants bracketed from a resupinate layer, extending about 1.5-5 em. or more, often anastomosing and contorted; dorsal surface vel- vety-scurfy when young and more or less persistently so, the older 178 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February part often quite smooth; multizonate, the more conspicuous zones with obscure ones between; usually crimped and waved to form radiating ridges like an oyster or pecten shell; color on younger grow- ing margin buff-tawny, then dull tawny-brown or at times abruptly blackish-brown, with dull purple zones and often deep gray zones near the margin. Flesh about 0.5-0.8 mm. thick, very hard and woody, not at all pliable when dry, composed of four distinct layers, the lower, just under the pale hymenium, thickest, ochraceous buff color, with vertical fibers and distinctly stratified in old plants (this rep- resenting the different layers of old hymenium); the next layer thinner (unless plant is young) and lighter with horizontal fibers; the next thinner still and black or nearly so and hard and shining like rosin; the upper brownish and densely spongy; threads of flesh densely packed, 3-4u. thick, without clamp connections. Hymenium smooth, pale creamy flesh color, cracking in age, often wrinkled and nodu- lated and obscurely zoned, becoming dull brownish red when bruised in the fresh state. Spores (of No. 3828) smooth, white, oval, 2.5-3.7 x 3.8—5.5u. Cystidia numerous, encrusted, blunt, about 5.2-7.5u thick, pro- jecting about 7.5-1lu—a few bottle-brush paraphyses were seen in our preparations. The caps are perennial, the new growth arising from the lower layer of flesh only, and forming a new hymenium over the old one. Old plants may be practically black and the old hymenium may become straw color or dull creamy yellow with discolorations due to black or green molds. It is not often that one finds plants in so fresh a condition as to show the change to reddish in the hymenium, but the plant is easily determined by its other characters. Rare at Chapel Hill; apparently more common in the Coastal Plain. Our plant is just like S. subpileatum B. & C., as represented by No. 219 in the Ravenel Exsiccati. Stereum sepium is very near, but is separated by Burt on account of the abundance of bottle-brush paraphyses. Sterewm insigne also differs in having many such para- physes and in the absence of cystidia. Stereum rugosum has been considered in a different section on account of the red juice in its hymenium, but in our collections of S. subpileatum the hymenium also turns red when bruised, a fact which has not been mentioned by others. There is, however, no obvious juice in the latter. 2837. On an oak log, September 23, 1917. 3828. On the same log as No. 2837, December 6, 1919. PLATE 21 STEREUM SUBPILEATUM. Nos. 1522 and 2837 [abovel. STEREUM FUSCUM. No. 689 [center]. STEREUM RAMEALE. Nos. 3813 and 3825 [below]. 1921] Tur THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA 179 3955. Ona standing dead white oak, January 17, 1920. Common on logs and stumps. Curtis. Blowing Rock. Atkinson. South Carolina. Hartsville (No. 1522.) Coker. 4. Stereum frustulosum (Pers.) Fr. PuatTEs 18 AND 35 Plant forming small flat, tuberculate, usually crowded bodies which are somewhat expanded at the top. The upper, spore-bearing surface is usually grooved and uneven like a molar tooth, is brownish- gray in color and nearly glabrous. The sides are blackish brown and rugosely zoned. Flesh brown, very hard and woody, about 1.5-3 mm. thick, zoned, each zone representing a renewed growth added over the hymenium of the preceding growing season as in Fomes. Spores white, smooth, oval, 2.5-3.5 x 4-5.lu. Basidia club- shaped, 5.5-7u thick, with four very long sterigmata. Cystidia numerous, club-shaped, covered over the distal half with close-set short spines like a giant’s club. These spines are not so long in our preparations as in figures by Burt (1. ¢., p. 227). (See also Lloyd, Letter 51, fig. 565; and Myc. Notes No. 49, p. 696, fig. 1041. 1917.) These peculiar cystidia, together with the perennial habit, indicates a relationship with S. subpileatum which is, I think, related to S. rugosum. The plant is common on decorticated, but still sound and hard oak stumps and logs. Plants in cavities and unexposed to weather may be buffy brown in color, and some of these at least are sterile. As they grow older the plants expand slowly above and if on ver- tical wood may become slightly shelving above, in such case looking very like a miniature Fomes. 332. On hard dead wood of white oak, October 4, 1908. 389. On hard dead oak trunk, October 20, 1911. 1042. On stump of Liriodendron tulipifera, December 6, 1913. Photo. 3814. On oak stump, December 3, 1919. 4127. On oak stump, February 15, 1920. Plants up to 3 mm. thick, with as many as ten layers. Low and middle districts on wood and stumps. Curtis. Blowing Rock. Atkinson. 180 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February 5. Stereum fasciatum (Schw.) Fr. PLATE 22 Plants very thin, tough and pliable when fresh, rather brittle when dry, sessile, and attached by a narrowed base, often imbri- cated, individuals reaching a width of about 8 cm., the upper surface covered densely with a rather harsh, fibrous tomentum; color light creamy gray or grayish tan, with distinct, rather closely set zones. After maturity the upper surface soon becomes green from the growth there of the alga Plewrococcus. Hymenium smooth, faintly zoned and of a light fleshy-cream color. Spores (of No. 3815) smooth, elliptic, 2.1-2.9 x 5.1-6.5u, just like those of S. lobatum. The plant is very common on logs and stumps and may occur in such abundance as almost to cover a large log. It is not rarely intermixed with Coriolus versicolor. The caps are only about a quar- ter toa half mm. thick. The plant is easily recognized by the strigose- hairy cap, light hymenium and comparatively large size. It is often referred in American herbaria to S. hirsutum. 938. On an old rotting log by Fern Walk, September 14, 1913. 3815. On dead, deciduous twigs and bark, December 3, 1919. 3820. On rotting oak, December 5, 1919. Common on trunks and limbs. Curtis. 6. Stereum lobatum Kunze. PLATES 22 AND 35 ; Plants about 1.3-5 cm. broad, sessile and attached by a narrowed base, petal-shaped and often fused laterally, surface conspicuously zonate with varying shades of light tan, cream, deep reddish brown, cinnamon, etc. Most of the surface is covered with a thick, close interwoven tomentum of satiny texture, but narrow zones on or near the margin may be free from it. Texture pliable when fresh, - less pliable and rather brittle when dry, very thin. Hymenium smooth, faintly zoned; color a light fleshy salmon or fleshy tan. Spores (of No. 3816) smooth, white, elliptic, 2.2-3 x 5-6.5u, like those of S. fasciatum. This species is about as common as S. fasciatum which it resembles closely in shape, colors and texture. It averages smaller than that species and may be distinguished best by the interwoven, feltish PLATE 22 STEREUM LOBATUM. No. 3816 [top]. STEREUM FASCIATUM. No. 3815 [center and below]. 7 ‘ Fi - Pp 0 \ , r y I U \ - DA , r E ys vi e =e [ p. { ' . _ 1 ~ ' t ‘s , : . ' < . - ; ' f : ‘ : —_ \, a < ‘ j 1921] THE THELEPHORACEAE OF NORTH CAROLINA 181 surface layer, which is not strigose hairy. Stereum versicolor Swartz, to which authors have referred this species, was collected in Jamaica and has a smooth surface (Lloyd, Myce. Notes 33: 429. 1909). My plants have been seen by Burt, who determines them as above. 33). On dead wood, September 25, 1908. 3816. On dead deciduous twigs and bark, December 3, 1919. Common on trunks and limbs. Curtis. Hartsville, South Carolina. Coker. 7. Stereum rameale Schw. S. complicatum Fr. PLATES 21, 23 AND 35 Caps small, shelving from a more or less resupinate base, petal- shaped or shell-shaped, often fused laterally, usually projecting 3-17 mm.; surface zoned, smooth and silky-shining except near the base where it is covered with white, gray or tawny fibers, or the hairs may occur on some of the zones more than half-way to the margin, or very rarely all over; color when quite fresh and damp a light och- raceous on margin, passing through ochraceous to reddish ochraceous at base, when dry a deep chestnut brown with paler zones, or when old and weathered the color may fade to much lighter. Hymenium smooth, strong, uniform ochraceous when fresh and damp, changing to a creamy flesh color when dry. When on horizontal branches the under side of the branch may be completely covered by the resupinate part, which gives rise on the sides to a long fringe of the projecting caps. On drying the plant contracts so much that the resupinate portion is often split and torn. Spores (of No. 3863) faint smoky flesh-color in a good print, smooth, rod-elliptic, 2-2.8 x 5-7u. Hymenium (of No. 3802) about 35u. thick. When damp the hymenium also is faintly zoned but when dry it is not zoned. The dorsal surface is on the contrary more con- spicuously zoned in the dry state. A very pretty little plant which often occurs on small twigs and wings them on both sides if they are horizontal, also appearing in large numbers on larger branches. 333. On a dead oak branch, January 14, 1909. 362. On branches and small twigs, October 11, 1911. Tawny tomentose all over. 3813. On a dead oak limb, December 3, 1919. Spores 2-2.8 X 5-7.2u. 3825. On deciduous twigs, December 3, 1919. Hymenium strong orange salmon. 4106. On an oak twig, February 13, 1920. 182 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [February 4174. Ona corticated oak branch, February 23, 1920. Color of damp hymenium about gold; grayish flesh when dry. Also many other collections on oak, sumac, ironwood, privet and peach. Blowing Rock. Atkinson. Common on dead limbs (as S. complicatwm). Curtis. 7a. Stereum rameale. Form on cedar. We have in Chapel Hill a form on Juniperous poles which differs from the typical in the much grayer and more tomentose surface in the smoky hymenium, and in never reaching the larger sizes often found in the latter. These differences remain constant from year to year, but as the spores and other microscopic characters are the same, I agree with Dr. Burt, who has seen my plants, that it is best to refer them to S. rameale. p 4 > ' , (ei 7 } 3 7 PLATE 1 liver, th Fic. 2. COLLYBIA CIRRATA. No. 3743 3) COLLYBIA LILACINAn. sp. No. 3290 Fie COLLYBIA PLATYPHYLLA. No. 1263 JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society Volume XXXVII DECEMBER Nos. 1 and 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, FEBRUARY,-1921, TO MAY, 1921 246th MEETING—FEBRUARY 8, 1921 Dr. Epwarp J. Woop (Class of 1899), of Wilmington, N. C.—Our Debt in Medicine to the British. The speaker mentioned briefly a few of the outstanding contribu- tions to the making of modern medicine by the British. The pioneer worker was William Harvey who described the circulation of the blood and must be accredited with the discovery. Special reference was made to that little group of nineteenth century physicians in London who, at Guy’s Hospital, made such a remarkable contribu- tion within a few years. There was Addison who first described Ad- - dison’s disease, Bright who first described Bright’s disease, Hodgkin who first described Hodgkin’s disease and finally Sir Ashley Cooper, a great surgeon and a pioneer in medical education. The real burden of the address was the contribution in parasitol- ogy. The remarkable achievements of Sir Patrick Manson were mentioned briefly, the genius of Louis W. Sambon applying his great knowledge of medical zoology, the discovery of the mosquito in its role in malaria transmission by Sir Ronald Ross, the work of Sir David Bruse and others in determining the relation of the trypano- some to sleeping sickness of Africa and the relation of the tse-tse fly to its transmission. The work of Sir William Leishman in the dis- covery (with division of honor to Donovan) of the protozoal cause of dum-dum fever of India. The need of a medical zoological survey in North Carolina was mentioned. It was hinted that schistosomiasis had been recently found in the state and at least one case of kala-azar. The educational need along these lines was also emphasized. [1] 2 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December 247th Mrrtinc—Marcu 8, 1921 W. C. GEorGE.—Comparative Anatomy of the Brain. The principal morphological subdivisions and connections of the human brain were described and their probable phylogeny outlined. The relation of the environmental conditions and habits of life of animals to the degree of development of special parts of the brain was indicated. Dissections of brains of an elasmobranch fish, a frog, reptile, bird, rat, mole, cat and man were exhibited to show homolo- gous parts of the brain and the degree of development under different conditions of life. Orro STUHLMAN, Jr.—Some Unsolved Problems of Modern Physics. No science has gone through a more stormy period of develop- ment than physics during the last decade. Our most cherished theories have undergone most violent upheavals, the result of which no one at this time can predict with certainty. These discoveries have forced us to adopt new and contradictory explanations, which in general may be divided into three groups: (a) X-rays and the emissions from radio-active substances; (b) The theory of radiation; (c) The so-called theory of relativity. Of these the ‘‘Theory of Radiation’? was discussed and some of the outstanding problems that require solution were explained in detail. Amongst those mentioned was Wien’s Displacement Law and the contributions made by Planck. The classical theory of specific heat and entropy and its quantum modifications were discussed. The quantum theory as applied to the emission of electrons from bodies was mentioned and some of the outstanding problems were discussed in detail. The unsolved problems in the photo-electic field were next enumerated and their possible bearing on the structure of matter was sketched. Series spectra and the numerous problems confron- ting the physicist in this field were finally enumerated. The paper closed with a review of the Lewis-Langmuier theory of the structure and physical properties of nitrogen and carbon monoxide. ) 248th Mrrtinc—Aprit 12, 1921 THORNDIKE SAVILLE—The Water Power Situation in North Carolina. This paper presents the results of a statistical study of the devel- 1921] Proceepincs oF ExvisHa MircHewt Screntiric Society 3 oped hydro-electric power in North Carolina. It is shown that there is at present a total installed capacity of about 356,000 H. P. in plants producing hydro-electric power. Of this, 80,000 H. P. or 22 per cent is transmitted for use outside the state; 113,000 H. P. or 32 per cent is used at Badin in the local reduction of aluminum; while only 164,- 000 H. P. or 46 per cent is available for general industrial and public use. Of the latter 98,500 H. P. or 28 per cent of the total (60 per cent of the 164,000 generally available) is developed by two large public service corporations. The total output of electrical energy by public service plants has increased 25 per cent from 1919 to 1920, and over 6000 per cent from 1907 to 1920. If the output increases at 12 per cent per year (one half the present annual rate) there will be a demand in 1925 for 1,434,000 kw. hr. and in 1930 for 2,528,000 kw. hr. To meet this de- mand, if the present proportion of output by water power is to be maintained (85 per cent) there will be needed additional develop- ment of 200,000 H. P. by water power in 1925 and of 624,000 H. P. by 1930. To develop this amount of water power will mean many new hydro-electric installations in the state, and the utilization of most of the economically available water power sites. It is estimated that about 1,500,000 H. P. is still undeveloped at sites in this state, but only a portion of this amount can be economically developed under present conditions. Frep F. BaHNnson (Class of 1896), of Winston Salem, N. C.—The Science of Humidification, with Demonstration of a New Humidifier. Entirely too little attention has been paid to humidification in ali manufacturing processes except those where the advantages are very plainly apparent, such as textiles. All materials of animal or vege- table origin and a number of mineral origin are affected by the humid- ity of the air in which they are stored or used, and this effect is pro- portional to the relative humidity or percentage of saturation, rather than the actual humidity or pounds of water per thousand cubic feet of space. Since the weight of a cubic foot of saturated aqueous vapor just about doubles for each twenty degrees rise in temperature, it is ob- vious that even if the out-door humidity is sufficiently high, the in- door humidity will always be too low whenever artificial heat is used. This simply means that artificial means of supplying moisture must be used practically every day in the year, because even in summer 4 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL Sociery [December weather out-door humidity is apt to be below what it should be for satisfactory manufacture. With exception of textile fibres, the curves for moisture content of various materials with reference to atmospheric conditions have not been determined. The various commercial methods of humidification were men- tioned and briefly described, and the Bahnson Humidifier was dem- onstrated under actual operating conditions. 249th Mrrtinc—May 10, 1921 ARCHIBALD HENDERSON—The Lorentz Transformation in Einstein Relativity. Dr. Henderson attempted to give in the simplest possible mathe- matical terms the explanation of the Principle of Relativity (in the restricted sense), following the lines worked out by Einstein himself. After deriving the equations of the Lorentz transformations, Dr. Hen- derson gave their mathematical interpretation (1) The systems are en- tirely symmetrical; (2) A beam of light must have the same velocity, when viewed in the variables of either system; (3) The equations for low velocities reduce to the Newtonian equations; (4) A meter-stick perpendicular to the direction of motion remains constant. Analyz- ing these equations further, Dr. Henderson showed the interdepen- dence of time and space which they present, so that the phrase ‘‘noints”’ in ‘‘space”’ is replaced by the expression ‘‘events”’ in ‘‘the world.”’ The invariance function was interpreted as indicating a ‘“‘rotation”’ in four-dimension Euclidian space with imaginary time- axis; or else, a ‘‘rotation”’ in four-dimension non-Euclidian space with real time-axis. It was pointed out that the Einstein theory of Relativity raises the deepest questions regarding space, time, gravi- tation, and the essential characteristics of the physical universe. W. C. Coxer—Effect of Length of Day on Growth and Reproduction of Plants. A review was given, illustrated by lantern slides, of the highly significant work of Garner and Allard on this subject. Mr. Allard was assistant in botany in this University sixteen years ago and went from here to the Department of Agriculture in Washington, where he is still working. In an extended series of experiments with growing plants the authors have shown that the length of day, that is the time 1921] Procrepincs or ExisHa MiIrcuEeLy Scientiric Society 5 of exposure to light, is by far the most important factor in initiating or retarding the production of flowers and fruit. For example, a certain variety of soy-beans when exposed to light for only seven hours a day blossomed on June 15th, while those exposed to full day- light did not bloom until September 4th. The majority of the plants experimented with showed similar hastening of flowering when ex- posed to short day, but several plants responded in the opposite man- ner and were much retarded in blooming by a short day. The au- thors believe that their work will have a considerable practical effect on agriculture, as it shows that the time of seeding for best results will depend on the lengths of day to which the crops will be exposed. They also believe that the natural distribution of plants on the earth is governed more or less directly by the seasonal length of day which obtains for the different latitudes from the equator to the poles. Election of Officers: President—W. DeB. MacNider. Vice-President—W. F. Prouty. Permanent Secretary—J. M. Bell. Recording Secretary and Treasurer—H. R. Totten. E:litorial Committee—W. C. Coker, chairman; J. M. Bell, Collier Cobb. PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE HELD aT WAKE Forest CoLLEGE, WAKE Forest, N. C. b ? Aprit 29-30, 1921 The Executive Committee met at 2.00 P. M. on April 29th in the Lecture Room of the Alumni Building with the following present: Z. P. Metcalf, President, and C. 8. Brimley, Acting Secretary, other members, R. N. Wilson, F. A. Wolf, and A. H. Patterson, the latter acting for H. R. Totten, who was absent. President Metcalf stated that the Legislative Committee author- ized at the last meeting of the Academy to solicit funds from the legislature had not been appointed, owing to the financial stringency existing in the state at the time of the session of that body. He also stated that affiliation with the American Association had been com- pleted except for the official notice from the permanent secretary of that organization. The Executive Committee then passed resolutions recommending the following measures to the Academy for favorable action: 1. Increasing the annual dues to $2.00 per member. 2. That the terms of the officers of the Academy should begin with the adjournment of the meeting at which they are elected, and should expire with the adjournment of the next regular annual meet- ing. 3. That the 10 per cent allowed the Secretary-Treasurer should be only on the Academy dues collected by him, and not on the Ameri- can Association dues collected by him for that body in future. 4. Appointment of a Publicity Committee. 5. Appointment of a Committee on Preservation of our Natural Resources. The Executive Committee then received and accepted the offer of the University of North Carolina to hold the 1922 meeting at Chapel Hill. President Metcalf then announced that he had appointed Messrs. W. H. Pegram, R. N. Wilson, and A. H. Patterson to draw up suitable resolutions on the death of past-President of the Academy J. J. Wolfe, and that the same had been prepared and published in the Mitchell Journal, and that he had also appointed Messrs. W. L. Poteat and C. E. Brewer to do the same with regard to the death of past-President J. S. Lanneau. 6} 1921] PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 7 Thirty-six new members were elected as follows:* W. J. Andrews, Miss Lucretia Baker, Miss E. E. Barrow, H. L. Blomquist, J. T. Barnes, Wayne Burch, Miss E. G. Campbell, L. A. Denson, R. T. Farrington, W. C. George, J. P. Givler, H. N. Gould, E. P. Jones, J. W. Lasley, Jr.,. W. Bruce Mabee, T. B. Mitchell, W. deB. MacNider, N. M. Paull, Charles Phillips, T. E. Powell, Jr., R. H. Ruffner, E. E. Randolph, A. F. Roller, Miss Mildred Sherrill, 8. C. Smith, William E. Speas, Otto Stuhlman, Jr., R. W. Sullivan, C. C. Taylor, O. J. Thies, Jr., H. M. Vann, R. B. Wilson, Mrs. B. W. Wells, Miss Lula G. Winston, Miss E. K. Wright, D. B. Wilson. The Executive Committee then adjourned. The Academy met at 2:30 P. M., when papers were read and dis- cussed. The following committees were then announced by Pres- ident Metcalf: Nominating—W. L. Poteat, A. S. Wheeler, and C. W. Edwards. Resolutions—Messrs. Bert Cunningham, J. B. Derieux and A. H. Patterson. Auditing—Messrs. R. N. Wilson, J. W. Nowell and W. C. Coker. The Academy then rose to accept the invitation of the Ladies’ Community Club to take tea with them-at the Golf Cabin. At 8.00 P. M. the Academy re-assembled in Wingate Memorial Hall to hear the Presidential Address of President Z. P. Metcalf on the ‘‘ Age of Insects,’’ which subject he handled in a highly instruc- tive and scientific manner. A very interesting paper on Judgments of Length, Mass, and Time by Dr. A. H. Patterson, of the University of North Carolina, followed, after which the Academy adjourned for the night. On Saturday morning, April 30th, the Academy held its business meeting at 9.00 A. M., President Metcalf in the chair. The Secretary then read the report and recommendations of the Executive Committee, all of which were adopted by the Academy. The Nominating Committee then reported the following names for officers of the Academy for the year beginning May 1, 1921. President—James L. Lake, Professor of Physics, Wake Forest Col- lege. Vice-President—Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geologist. Secretary-Treasurer—Bert Cunningham, Professor of Biology, Trinity College. Additional Members of the Executive Committee—Messrs. H. R. * For addresses see full list of Academy membership. 8 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL SOCIETY [December Totten, University of North Carolina; R. N. Wilson, Trinity College; F. A. Wolf, State College. The Secretary then on motion cast the vote of the Academy for these gentlemen and they were declared elected. The Resolutions Committee reported the following resolutions which were adopted by a rising vote of the Academy: 1. That the North Carolina Academy of Science extend to the Fac- ulty and President of Wake Forest College most hearty thanks for and appreciation of their courtesy in tendering the use of the build- ings and equipment of the college for the meeting of the Academy, and in opening their homes to its members. This is the fourth meet- ing to be held here and our memory of Wake Forest, both of the town and of the college, has been one of consistent and generous hos- pitality. 2. That the North Carolina Academy of Science extend its thanks to the Ladies’ Community Club of Wake Forest for the pleasant social courtesies extended to the members of the Academy at the Golf Club on yesterday afternoon and its hearty appreciation of the spirit of kindly hospitality which prompted the giving of the tea at the Club House. The Auditing Committee then reported that they had examined the accounts of Secretary R. W. Leiby and Acting Secretary C. 8. Brimley and found them correct and in good condition. Reports follow: Report of R. W. Lerpy, SECRETARY Balance on hand Apmll 29th, 1920 (audited)... .......soc0see eee $196.32 Receipts April’ 29 to Sepists 1920... . 2... 6... ac se ee 43.00 Interest April29, 1920;to April], 1921........ 2... 250s peer 5.77 Total: 28 oes eee ee bees bebe s ee eee $245.09 DisBURSEMENTS Expenses Secretary at 1920 meeting................... nee .28 Telegram to Bin We WeOSetereie 2... se. as ooo oe ee ee .95 Stenographic Services (Miss Hinsdale)..................cene008 5.00 Collectton*enkeneeke meee Eiri = 2.6. a tae oe 06 bee .10 Blisha, Mitchelljoummallemeeie 2... < 50 s0.2 3 ci «2 cee 75.00 81.33 Balanee on hand Aprmlda, 1920... . 2. ees cee e oe 2 $163.76 1921] PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 9 Report of C. S. Brimiey, AcTING SECRETARY, Marcu 25 to APRIL 29, 1921 eee dies arid. CALrAnCe teed. = y 5.4 2. 2 22 es eae ee ee ee $105.00 Disbursements— On ER EDP eo ee es Ae $17.00 (EO PUID EDT ht Abas AD gS aie san sere on er 6.00 IDENECeERVElOpeS 9.9) 51. <2. Sats k seis b ee sas feee es 12.31 Pe ursin es eT ICES. (fo... 5. 2A05 teen PaaS ae ee eee 3.00 RUSBEEIGEH A OMMhLOS OO oat kn een clec ee aaiee ose a ciere es es 10.50 48.81 eC AMEE APTI eid aoe ake hc ook e eee eee $56. 19 Estimated Financial Condition of Academy— emer mere ot oo a iaic he code acts e oe ene ss a. «163.76 “2 REEL E Es) SSE oe Age ae 56.19 Pepieedties andres (O8b.) 2... ccc ee ce ea te ce ene ese. 50.00 Pemprapiams trom Chemists... .. 2. 6o.-ce- we ee eee 5.00 ee a te es te ees es $274.95 Expenses— pecteiary, s xpenses at meeting... 2... 2.0.2... .2.- ++. 5.00 IG) jaerr (@eLne, Gin OL eS be apo ee oo e 66 Gone ee 5. 00 OUST DWI ch cS FO tar | ne ee ee 75.00 85.00 Pimanecoainnce Janel WO2 ie onc oa se ee ee oes $189.95 President Metcalf then announced the appointment of the follow- ing committees: Publicity—Bert Cunningham, Chairman; A. H. Patterson, W. A. Withers. Preservation of Natural Resources.—Z. P. Metcalf, Chairman; J. 8. Holmes, W. C. Coker, J. P. Givler, H. L. Blomquist, B. W. Wells. On motion the Academy resolved to request the Mitchell Journal to publish the names of the officers and standing committees on the back of the Journal. The Committee on Science Teaching in the High Schools was after some discussion continued and the business session ended. The Academy then met in joint meeting with the North Carolina Section of the American Chemical Society and heard several papers, after which the chemists and physicists held a joint session separate from the remainder of the Academy. After the reading of the last paper the Secretary reported that he had received a letter from Dr. E. W. Gudger, stating how much he had 10 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December appreciated the Academy meetings in the past and how much he missed them now that it was impossible for him to attend. He further- more stated that he would retain his membership, and extend his best wishes for a successful meeting. On motion the Secretary was in- structed to write Dr. Gudger, thanking him for his continued interest and good will. The Academy adjourned at 3 P. M. to meet at Chapel Hill in 1922. Following is the present membership of the Academy. Those marked with an asterisk were present at the meeting. Andrews, William .)., Civil Mingineer......°/:. 25.5450 see eee Raleigh, N. C. Arbuckle, H. B., Professor of Chemistry, Davidson College....... Davidson, N. C. Babb, Josiah 8., Dept. of Geology, University of North Carolina...... Chapel Hill Bahnson he he 2sisalsbury Road. : 2... 0i..da. see Winston-Salem, N. C. Baker, Miss Lucretia, Meredith College..:....................:- Raleigh, N. C. *Balderstony Wiarko 2%. 20s... +... oss. oe er Guilford College, N. C. *Barnes, J. £:, Dept. of Biology, Trinity College.........2:--.-.. .WurhamiN. GC: Barret. Dre e 2 blVail Ave... ....2 0... . oe eee Charlotte, N. C. Barrow, Miss Elva E., North Carolina College for Women......Greensboro, N. C. *Bell, J. M., Smith Professor of Chemistry, University of North Car....Chapel Hill Binford, Raymond, President Guilford College............ Guilford Collese. INS CG: Bonney, Miss E: C., 1421 Fourteenth Ave:........: . >. age Hickory, N. C. Bottum) Massek Risot Viary’s School... eee Raleigh, N. C. *Blomquist, H. L., Dept. of Biology, Trinity College.............. Durham, N. C. Brewer, C. E., President Meredith College...................... Raleigh, N. C. *Brimley, C.S., Division of Entomology, N. C., Dept. of Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. Brimley, H. ie Curator State Museum... ..- ss. 5see eee Raleigh, N. C. Browne, Wm. Manse Dept. of Electrical Engineering, State College, Raleigh, N. C. Bruner, ‘St C:, Estacion Agronomica...............- Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba *Bullitt, d B., Professor of Pathology, Univ. of North Carolina........Chapel Hill *Burch, Wayne, drinity College:............2..4 0.3 Durham, N. C. Cain, William, Kenan Prof. Emeritus of Math., Univ. of N.C......... Chapel Hill *Campbell, Miss Eva G., Dept. of Biology, North Car. Coll. for Women, Greensboro Clapp, S. C., Superintendent State Test Farm................ Swannanoa, N. C. Cobb, Collier, Professor of Geology, University of North Carolina... .Chapel Hill Cobb, William B., Louisiana State University................. Baton Rouge, La. *Coker, W. C., Kenan Prof. of Botany, Univ. of North Carolina........ Chapel Hill Collett: sRaiWeeeeeatereeee Hiss... bh. See White Hall, 8. C. Couch, J. N., Biology Teacher, Charlotte High School,......... Charlotte, N. C. *Cunningham, Bert, Professor of Biology, Trinity College ......... Durham, N. C. Davis, Harry T., Assistant Curator State Museum................Raleigh, N. C. Denson, Lee Ae, Was. Weather Bureau......5..-.... oe eee Raleigh, N. C. *Derieux; J. B., State College... .5.%..2..06:..!).. 32) ae Raleigh, N. C. *Dixon, A.) Av} 7iStace Wollesers: ws .. ao. bik. ok oe Raleigh, N. C. Downing; J.Ss aac eee tet ce... ok ok Y eee Elsmere, Del. 1921] PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCF 11 *Edwards, C. W., Professor of Physics, Trinity College............Durham, N. C. Soreet DS Ra CS PSS |e es Troy, Ala. SRMiMCRe un SCP rimiby COUERe. ois cies oui cee eee es Durham, N. C. George, W. C.,Assoc.Prof. of Histology and Embryology, Univ. of N. C., Chapel Hill *Givler, J. P., Professor of Biology, North Carolina College for Women, Greensboro *Gould, H. N., Dept. Biology, Wake Forest College............ Wake Forest, N.C. *Gross, Paul, Dept. of Chemistry, Trinity College, 1001 Trinity Ave... Durham, N. C. eames ais Pattie J... S02 Watts Sb... 2 cf. ae ele eee... Durham, N. C. Gudger, E. W., American Museum of Natural History..........New York City *Haber, V. R., Division of Entomology, N. C. Dept. of Agriculture. . Raleigh, N. C. *Hatyerson, JO. N.C: Dept. of Agriculture..................... Raleigh, N. C. DT EO DLE as ee Durham, N. C. Pee eats siate College. s: 2s55.00coes 20 2.6 tase ee ee Raleigh, N. C. Henderson, Archibald, Prof. of Mathematics, Univ. of North Car....Chapel Hill Hickerson, T. F., Prof. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of North Car....... Chapel Hill Hobbs, A. W., Associate Prof. of Mathematics, Univ. of North Car...Chapel Hill JE pin, [OTe PSS Ae ee ener ae ees afd ie en Statesville, N. C. Holland, Miss Alma, Dept. of Botany, Univ. of North Carolina...... Chapel Hill CET OLD ES, 17. SS S027 ESS) ee ae ee ae Chapel Hill Pe Stetson University, Deland, Fla,.................. Pine Bluff, N. C. Dee ilbe COUCH... in Ae ns seis eae se ee eee Raleigh, N. C. emmeeemee MIG Y MOOQMCEE.. ./.. 25.022 0- 22a. en bosses eee eee te Durham, N. C. Kilgore, B. W., Director of Experiment Station.................. Raleigh, N. C. ere EM rt ee os As Re es bee ee ee Raleigh, N. C. *Lake, J. L., Prof. of Physics, Wake Forest College............ Wake Forest, N. C. Lasley, J. W., Jr., Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics, Univ. of North Car... .Chapel Hill Desa EME COOUCEC. 002 8 ee ee ee ee eee Balch. N. C. Leiby, R. W., Division of Entomology, N. C. Dept. of Agriculture. . Raleigh, N. C. eS ny LA. LEIP SE ere en Raleigh, N. C. Lugn, A. L., Dept. of Chemistry and Physics, Lenoir College........ Hickory, N.C. Mabee, W. Bruce, Div. of Entomology, N. C. Dept. Agriculture... Raleigh, N. C. Mac Nider, W. DeB., Kenan Prof. of Pharmacology, Univ. of N. Car., Chapel Hill Marion, S. J., Dept. of Chemistry, State College................. Raleigh, N. C. Markhanrerlackwell 92 Noxtech St--...5:2.-.......----4--- Brookline, Mass. Mendenhall, Miss Gertrude, 1023 Spring Garden St........-.. Greensboro, N. C. *Metcalf, Z. P., Prof. of Zoology and Entomology, State College. .Raleigh, N. C. *Mitchell, T. B., Div. of Entomology, N. C. Dept. Agriculture... .Raleigh, N. C. Sewers. Ww. Wake Porest College 7. 5.-............-.5--- Wake Forest, N. C. *Patterson, A. H., Professor of Physics, Univ. of North Carolina...... Chapel Hill Paull, N. M., Assistant Professor of Drawing, Univ. of North Car...Chapel Hill Peper os buchanan hoad....-s20-0.-2.-- 08... eee Durham, N. C. Petty, Miss Mary, North Carolina College for Women........ Greensboro, N. C. *Phillips, Charles, Dept. of Pathology, Wake Forest College... . Wake Forest, N. C. enue site College: > 22.25. e ee ee eee Raleigh, N. C. re AsO Courhland Sts..-...-.-...-.-.2.-.-.--+-- eet Atlanta, Ga. *Poteat, W. L., President Wake Forest College.............- Wake Forest, N. C. Powell, T. E., Jr., Professor of Biology, Elon College............-.-- Elon, N. C. inp een Site Gealorister sn... sors .cc. sees e ec eee eee eee Chapel Hill 12 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December Prouty, W. F., Prof. of Stratigraphic Geology, Univ. of North Car...Chapel Hill *Randolph, E. E., Dept. of Chemistry, State College............. Raleigh, N. C. Fearne alysis on nies es 2 oa ee College Station, Tex. Randal plverytte a thee eb on a woe a cls eee MER College Station, Tex. Rankin, W. casstatersoara of Health. ....:-...4.c..tesemee eae Raleigh, N. C. *Rhodes, L. B., Div. of Chemistry, N. C. Dept. Agriculture....... Raleigh, N. C. Robinson, Miss Mary, North Carolina College for Women.......... Greensboro *Roller, A. F., Science Teacher, Raleigh High School............. Raleigh, N. C. Riviiner, Une disstare Gollege 5.5 icc... . .san deel aa Raleigh, N. C. *Satterheld. Gein. Mninity College... ... 2 «+0. sess aa oe eee Durham, N. C. Saville, Thorndike, Assoc. Prof. of Engineering, Univ. of North Car., Chapel Hill Seymour, Miss Mary F., North Carolina College for Women........ Greensboro Shaffer, Miss Blanche E., North Carolina College for Women........ Greensboro Sherrill, Miss Mary L., North Carolina College for Women.......... Greensboro Sherrill, Miss Mildred, Science Teacher, Henderson High School, Henderson, N. C. Sherwins) MEE tatecCollere. ..... 0... -/:t0 sos eee eee Raleigh, N. C. Sherman, Franklin, Entomologist, N. C. Dept. Agriculture........ Raleigh, N. C. Shore, C. A., State Laboratory of Hygiene..............2.....005- Raleigh, N.C. *Shunk, EV. 222 West Morgan St.........-...0. .5 eee Raleigh, N. C. smith, JAE elowa State College. .......;...< .0ee Gee Ames, Iowa Smith, M. R., Science Teacher, High School..................+ Fort Mill, S. C. Smith, 8. C., Dept. of Chemistry, University of North Carolina...... Chapel Hill Smithey, Ira W., Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of North Carolina...... Chapel Hill *Speas, William E., Dept. of Physics, Wake Forest College... ... Wake Forest, N. C. *Spencer, Hs, state College... .......... ou sos ode eee Raleigh, N. C. Silas re Ca Wie eee es ks eke eee eee Wilmington, N.C. *Stuhlman, Otto, Jr., Assoc. Prof. of Physics, Univ. of North Car. ....Chapel Hill *Sullivan, R. W., Dept. of Chemistry, Wake Forest College...... Wake Forest, N. C. Taylor, ~Ca@e State College... .:.......: oc. cs 16 eee Raleigh, N. C. Taylor, Haywood M., Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of North Carolina.. .Chapel Hill *Taylor,.WE. 0 amesorest (ollege... ... ...< «ssc Wake Forest, N. C. '*Thies, O. J., Jr., Dept. of Chemistry, Davidson College........ Davidson, N. C. Totten, H. R., Dept. of Botany, University of North Carolina....... Chapel Hill *Vann, H. M., Dept of Anatomy, Wake Forest College........ Wake Forest, N. C. Venable, F. P., Kenan Prof. of Chemistry, Univ. of North Carolina. .Chapel Hill *Wells, B. W., Dept. of Botany, State College..................-- Raleigh, N. C. *Wells, Mrs. B. Wiustate: College Sta... ......: +. o.25 eee Raleigh, N. C. *Wheeler, A. S., Professor of Organic Chemistry, Univ. of North Car...Chapel Hill Williams; "CB. tare Olegens. . sa... on cn oe ee Raleigh, N. C. *Williams: J. Hy Seareneallepe... .. os... 6s... sas in ee eee Raleigh, N. C. Williams, dF State @ollege...:...........: . «ss... 7c eee Raleigh, N. C. Wilson, Donald B., Dept. of Farm Crops, State College........... Raleigh, N. C. *Wilson, Henry V., Kenan Professor of Zoology, Univ. of North Car., Chapel Hill *Wilson, R. B., Dept. of Biology, Wake Forest College......... Wake Forest, N. C. *Wilson, Rie N., Drie aemee cco. = o's. ove 2 a's Mahdi ee eee Durham, N. C. Winston, Dr. Lula G., Meredith College, 124 E. Edenton St....... Raleigh, N. C. Winters, /R. Y., StatetCotlememeeeet c\62 skid oe 2 so ee Raleigh, N. C. Withers, W. A., Dept. of Chemistry, State College............... Raleigh, N. C. 1921] PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 13 ?Wol. Pf. A., Plant Pathology, State,College..................... Raleigh, N. C. *Wright, Miss Eva K., North Carolina College for Women.......... Greensboro Total 133. The following papers were presented at the meeting: Age of Insects. Z. P. Metcalf. (Presidential address.) Appears in full in this issue. The Genus Raspailia and the Independent Variability of Diagnostic Features. H. V. WILSON. Appears in full in this issue. Current Research in Organic Chemistry at the University of North Caro- lina. Atvin 8S. WHEELER. Active work is being done upon six research problems. First, the nature of kelp oil from the distillation of kelp, a seaweed in the Pacific Ocean, is being investigated. Nothing whatever about it is known. Second, the bromination of 2-Amino-p-cymene yields a mono-bromo derivative and new compounds derived from it have been prepared. Third, the chlorination of 2-Amino-p-cymene also yields a chlorine derivative. The constitution of the two halogen compounds presents a fine puzzle in orientation. Fourth, further work is being done with Tribromojuglone as raw material. Fifth, the chlorination of juglone proceeds differently from the bromination and good results are being obtained. Sixth, a shorter process of obtaining bromo-amino-cymene is being sought, by brominating nitrocymene and then reducing. My assistants in these studies in the same order as the problems above are: H. M. Taylor, I. W. Smithey, I. V. Giles, T. M. Andrews, P. R. Daw- son, 8. C. Smith. Some Fungi New to North America or the South. W. C. Coker. Sirobasidium sanguineum, another species of a rare genus of gelat- inous fungi which has been known before only from South America, has been found here. The author has previously reported S. Brefeldi- anum from Chapel Hill. A remarkable form of a well known edible mushroom, the early Pholiota (P. praecox), occurs in Chapel Hill and Raleigh. It is dis- tinguished by the absence of any visible trace of a veil. This would entirely mislead one as to its real place in classification, as the veil is supposed to be a generic character. The only species of the mushroom genus Tricholoma (T. venenata) that is known to be poisonous was collected at Chapel Hill in the fall 14 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December of 1919. This has been known before only from Michigan, where it made seriously ill seven people who ate it. A peculiar little mushroom of the genus Lepiota (L. caerulescens) which turns a deep indigo blue all over when it dries has been found here. It has been known before only from Missouri and Ohio. Apodachlya brachynema, a minute but interesting and very rare mold growing on dead insects in water, has recently been found in Chapel Hill. It has been reported only once before from America, in Massachusetts. Notes on the Oecology and Life History of the Texas Horned Lizard. J. P. GIVER. To appear in full in a later issue. Artificial Incubation of Turtle Eggs. Brrr CUNNINGHAM. Chrysemys picta Herm. is recognized as a good species. C. mar- ginata Agassiz, C. cinerea Bonnaterre, and C. bellii Gray are all includ- ed under the specific name of C. cinerea. Chrysemys oregonensis Nut- tall, is also provisionally included under C. cinerea. In some of the experiments eggs laid in the usual manner were used, but the majority of eggs were taken from the uterus. The latter showed a higher developmental rate. The fundamental requirements are proper moisture and temperature, and in the case of laid eggs they must be secured within a few hours of laying. Development may be stopped by low temperatures for a period of a month at least, and de- velopment of such eggs seems to proceed in a natural manner when brought back to a normal temperature. The artificial incubation allows one to keep a record of the ineuba- tion time and thus secure a more graded series than is possible under natural conditions. It also makes possible much experimental work on the rate of development, inhibitors and activators. Some Considerations in Defense of the General Biology Course. J. P. GIVLER. To appear in full in a later issue. An Interesting Anomaly in the Pulmonary Veins of Man. W. C. GEORGE. In one of the anomalies found this spring in the anatomical labora- tory at Chapel Hill the biood from the upper left lobe of the lung was drained not into the left atrium but into the systemic circulation. sunox i. 337] Ys LATIN (sisoydaoure your Ou YIM) & BpOqvyouly wR NOILVAUOU NOLL NOMLONGOUAT YT -SNVUT, 4 HLMOUWY) -VAOQONT SATAN X OT dNOuUy) SaOIua SLOUSNI TO SHOVLS-HATT GAL 36 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCiETY [December Yet Iam sure that these dry as dust facts cannot impress you with the wonders of insects’ life cycles. Neither do they answer the thou- sand and one questions that you might ask in regard to this subject. In the first place we might ask why is there any metamorphosis at all? And our answer is of course an indirect one as all that we can do is to point out its all but universal occurrence among insects and to call at- tention to the fact that the groups without metamorphosis are simply a small remnant of what was perhaps a mighty race,— a race not in the direct line of the ancestry of the higher insects but a branch from that ancient worm-like tracheated ancestor of the insects. The ad- vantages of such a metamorphosis are many. It leaves the nymph, naiad or larva, the growing period free to assimilate food and store up energy while the adult is given excellent powers of locomotion so that it may roam far and wide searching for suitable feeding grounds for the next generation. But why weary you further by recounting these thrice told tales when a few minutes spent in watching a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis or a larva change to a pupa will bring you closer to nature and impress you more with the wonders of metamorphosis than any- thing I might say. THE Tax To INSECTs. Entomologists, especially economic entomologists, In our experi- ment stations and departments of agriculture, appreciate, in a vague way at least, the annual loss occasioned by insects but the figures are so startling and so beyond the realm of our ordinary everyday finan- cial dealings that they make little or no impression. For instance I made recently a rather careful estimate of the loss to the farmers in North Carolina last year caused by insects and was somewhat startled myself to find that it totalled no less than $84,750,000.00, as shown by the following table: 1921] THE AGE oF INSECTS 37 Crop 1920 VALUE PER CENT. INSECT in N.C. Loss DaMAGE NSS... 0 Re eS ee eee $110,480,000 10 $11,050,000 TIN ARRET: oS ee ee eee 97,130,000 20 19,425,000 JR wee ee eae 68,750,000 10 6,875,000 3. soa Oh ee eee Sacer 35,000,000 10 3,500,000 Truck garden and crop............-. 77,500,000 20 15,500,000 VES oan 3 ee er 20,000,000 5 1,000,000 nih. 0. 7 oe 50,000,000 20 10,000,000 Mee a oie syncs 2 cies Apnea 48,000,000 5 2,400,000 Animal and Animal Products........ 200,000,000 5 10,000,000 DGrestyet coe eee he tees cae sss | 201000,000 5 1,000,000 pumred treducts. 5..20..05.......... » 40;000,000 10 4,000,000 $84,750,000 Enough to pay our $50,000,000 road bill and have enough left in one year to pay the ill fated $20,000,000 six year program for our institu- tions of higher education with a paltry $14,750,000 left. But I fear that most of us are not in the habit of dealing in millions of dollars and that these figures make very little impression on us. Perhaps it would be easier if we look at this as a tax. As a tax this means more than $40 for every man, woman and child in our state annually. Certainly more than the average tax for all purposes, state, city, county and town. Or let us look at it in another way. An observant entomolo- gist will tell you that in the average year our crops suffer anywhere from 5 per cent to 30 per cent depreciation from the attacks of insects. Some crops suffering much more than others. This means that our farmers pay a tax each year of from five cents to thirty cents on each dollar’s worth of crop value, a tax that would not be tolerated if it were levied by any political unit, national, state or county or for any purpose be it good roads, better schools or what not. Yet this tax is levied so insidiously that we in the experiment sta- tion never hear about it and never know anything about it except by direct personal observation, save when insects destroy 75 per cent, 95 per cent or 100 per cent of the crop which happens time and time again sometimes to isolated farmers, sometimes to practically all of the farmers growing any given crop. I have frequently had tobacco far- mers tell me that the flea beetle did no damage, while at the same time we were standing in the midst of tobacco beds covering three times the area that he would have had to have under cloth if it had not been for the flea beetle. . 38 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December What of the labor of preparing the soil? What of the fertilizer used? What of the extra yards of tobacco cloth that he was required to purchase? What of the fact that he was raising here a hoard of flea beetles that would follow the plants when they were transplanted to the fields and seriously check their growth when they could least af- ford to have their growth checked? What of the fact that these in- sects continued to eat holes in the leaves throughout the growing sea- son so that when the crop was placed on the market he was forced to sell at a lower price than he would otherwise have had to sell? What of the fact that careful experiments show that a flea beetle will eat more than fifty times its own weight in green tobacco every twenty four hours? ‘Translate that into hay for an average cow or horse and think what it would mean if you had to feed them from two to three tons every day. I happen to be interested in a group of insects called leaf hoppers and in their efforts on pasture lands. Doesit mean any- thing that we find as high as one hundred of these tiny insects per square foot? Our mountain farmer might answer no because the chances are that he has never seen a leaf hopper but is this the correct answer? Careful experiments show that these insects actually get more from our pastures than the animals that are being pastured on them. With such enormous losses due to insects it might seem that en- tomologists were not keeping pace with the insects but I do not believe that this is true. A brief summary of some of the more important re- sults of economic entomology might not be amiss. When we stop to consider the tons of arsenical poisons used in this country and reflect that this whole industry was initiated by the work of entomologists we get a glimpse of the importance of this phase of entomology. In 1888 the fluted scale, which had been introduced into California from Australia, had practically ruined the citrus industry. However, the Department of Agriculture sent a representative to Australia where he found that the fluted scale was kept in check by a lady beetle. This lady beetle was introduced into California and in nine months time it had so checked the ravages of the fluted scale that the scale ceased to be a menace and the citrus industry of California was saved. As you open your packages of predigested breakfast food, I wonder how many of you have noticed that they are carefully wrapped in oiled paper and I wonder how many people have tried to find the real reason for this. It is all done to control the grain weevils and was worked out by an entomologist who has by this simple means saved a great and growing industry. 1921] THE AGE oF INSECTS 39 These are but a few of the many illustrations that I might have drawn from the great field of applied entomology but they will perhaps serve to illustrate its many phases. INSECT FRIENDS. Entomologists lay so much stress upon the damage caused by in- sects that it is small wonder that the public is inclined to look upon insects as pests and nothing else. It was that eminent British Ento- mologist, Sir John Lubbock, I believe, who brought the opposite point of view to our attention forcibly by reminding us that he could make the world a place unfit for human habitation in less than a year’s time if he had the power to remove certain insects from the world. Which is simply another way of saying that while we suffer much from the attacks of injurious insects we owe much to insects which are our friends and help to keep injurious insects in control. Entomologists are having these matters forced upon their atten- tion but apparently the general public misses the significance of the outbreaks of certain species of insects. The army worm is a case in point. Normally this insect is present every year but not in sufficient numbers to cause any appreciable loss to the farmer. Occasionally, ‘-however, the army worm becomes locally or generally abundant and causes wide spread destruction and alarm. Even a better illustration is offered by the soy bean worm. A year or two ago this insect threatened the destruction of the soy bean crop of this and adjoining states causing hundreds of thousands of dollar’s worth of damage. Yet this insect is not even mentioned in standard textbooks of ento- mology and had never been a serious pest before. Why these sudden outbreaks of insect pests? The reply is that these destructive out- breaks represent what happens when the control exercised by their enemies is for any reason released. In other words it represents the condition that would prevail but for our insect friends. “The following analysis of a typical outbreak of the army worm will show what usually happens. As is usual during such outbreaks, large numbers of Tachina flies were to be found in the fields laying eggs on the worms. With the intention of making a more careful study of these parasites 491 larvae were brought back and placed in cages. The following data gleaned from the records of these cages are presented as being of some interest. Of the 491 larvae, 442 were in- fested with the eggs of the dipterous parasite, leaving only 49 larvae, 40 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December or 10 per cent of the whole number, uninfested, yet 61 larvae were able to pupate. From these 61 pupae, however, only 7 adult moths emerged, showing a total mortality among the Army Worm from larva to adult of 98.6 per cent. And since 90 per cent of the larvae were in- fested with the eggs of this parasite, it would seem to indicate that, in this case at least, the parasitic fly was decidedly the most important factor in causing the high mortality of the Army Worm. In a few cases it was found that where only a single parasitic egg was attached to a larva, that the host was able to complete its transformations. “The greatest number of parasitic eggs observed on a single larva was 12, with an average of 3 for the entire number (442) infested. The 442 infested larvae yielded 709 parasitic puparia, or an average of nearly two for each infested larva. The 709 puparia yielded 556 adult parasites. The greatest number of adult flies from a single Army Worm was four. These figures show that the mortality of the parasitic fly from egg to puparium was 52 per cent, and from puparium to adult 22 per cent, making a total mortality from egg to adult of 73 per cent. “This shows that the tendency would be for the fly to continually gain in relative numbers, owing to the lighter mortality, and easily ac- counts for the complete subjugation of the Army Worm in normal years by this one natural enemy. No other parasites were found in the course of these experiments. ”’ Since we are so dependent upon these insect friends perhaps it would not be amiss to inquire a little more closely into their life econ- omy. For convenience we may divide the friends of man into two groups, predacious insects and parasitic insects but this is merely a matter of convenience and the line separating the two is by no means asharp one. For example we might inquire whether the larvae of the solitary wasps mentioned in another connection were parasitic or pre- dacious and while in general their behavior is that of a predacious in- sect there is little doubt that this is simply a further development of a strictly parasitic habit. Likewise the line separating the predacious insects from the plant feeding forms is not great. Some species seem to feed predaciously if insect hosts are abundant, but if not available they turn their attention to plants. Hence we feel safe in saying that the evolution of these habits have been from plant feeding to pre- dacious insects and thence to parasitic insects. Predacious insects are many and they have varied habits. Some are active and search far and wide for their prey like the ground bee: 1921] THE AGE oF INSECTS 41 tles and tiger beetles. Others are quiescent and construct traps for their prey like the ant lions. These curious fellows usually called doodle bugs construct funnel like traps in loose sandy soil and then take up their position at the neck of the funnel and wait for a luckless ant to tumble in. The ant thus starts a miniature land slide which the ant lion aids by throwing loose sand above the ant. Some are pre- dacious only in the larval stage like the aphis lion or the aphis maggot, while others are predacious both in larval and adult condition like the lady beetles. The amount of food that these predacious insects will consume is often beyond belief. “In order to determine something of the capacity of these insects for devouring plant lice and hence their degree of economic impor- tance, I tried feeding the larvae of Syrphus americanus on cabbage aphids (A phis brassicae Linn.) The aphids were touched to the mouth of a larva which had not been kept from food. A four-day-old larva devoured the first aphid in 4.5 minutes, a second, third, fourth and fifth, smaller than the first, in 2, 1, 1, and 0.5 minutes, respectively. The sixth, a larger one, was retained for 3.25 minutes. These were very thoroughly eaten, all the viscera and body fluids being picked and sucked out. After this the lice tendered were not eaten so closely, but killed, a seventh in 2 minutes, an eight in 1.75 minutes, and a ninth in 1.5 minutes.”’ An average of less than 2 minutes for each plant louse or 240 per eight hour union day. “Tt is, of course, not probable that any larva would ever normally devour aphids so rapidly. Yet when plenty are at hand the number eaten by a larva during its life of eight days to two weeks or more must be very considerable. It should be kept in mind also that it is not the actual individuals eaten, alone, that determine the amount of benefit from these insects; but the fact that in this way the production of enormous number of aphids is prevented. If, as Reaumour has calculated, and others have substantiated, one aphid may be the pro- genitor of over 5,000,000,000 individuals during her existence of a month or six weeks, we can see at once the important benefit that must arise from the destruction of one or two of these aphids early in the establishment of the colony. It is a fact that the eggs of Syrphidae are often deposited on the host-plant very early or even in anticipa- tion of the arrival of the aphids.” (C. L. Metcalf.) On the other hand the small amount of food on which these insects seem to be able to survive is almost beyond belief. I shall. never for- get a deserted wagon road below Carolina Beech where both tracks 42 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December were crowded with the funnels of the aphis lion. These funnels aver- aged more than four to the foot in an open space about 150 feet long between a woods and aswamp. The chances of an ant traveling that road were certainly slim, but the chances of an ant lion getting very many full meals must have been correspondingly slim. . Yet each one of these little fellows had moved nearly a cubic inch of earth in con- structing his funnel. As important as these predacious insects are, they are by no means as important as the parasitic insects. Allusion has been made to the Tachina fly and the army worm. In addition to these parasitic flies there is a large group of parasitic wasps which are among the most im- portant of the parasitic insects. Many of these forms are so small that very little is known about them. And I think I would be justified in saying that they are perhaps the least known of all of the insects. Yet we are gradually accumulating knowledge of these forms and some of the more important points are perhaps worth reporting here. We have among the parasitic wasps many parasites of the egg, larval and pupal stages of insects, but cases of adult parasites are not so common. Sometimes the egg of the parasite is laid in one stage but does not emerge as a perfect insect until a later stage. Usually the parasitic stage is confined to the larva which feeds upon its host while living within the appropriate stage of the host, but sometimes the parasite really lives externally as is the case with certain parasites of the gloomy scale which we have under investigation. Here the adult parasite lays her egg or eggs under the scale covering of the host. The larval parasite attaches itself to the host and sucks it dry just as a predacious aphis maggot devours a plant louse. When it has completely de- stroyed the scale it changes to a pupa and thence to an adult. The adult cuts a neat circular hole through the scale covering and makes its escape. One of the most interesting points about this parasite is the apparent ability of the female to tell the scale insects that have been parasitized. Although I have watched upwards of 150 of these parasites under the high power binocular I have yet to find a case where one has made the mistake of ovipositing upon a scale insect that is parasitized. It is exceedingly interesting to watch the business- like way that these little fellows have as they pass from scale to scale tapping each one with their antennae until they find a suitable host, then slipping the delicate ovipositor under the scale covering deposit- ing one or two or three eggs and passing on to the next victim. Among the many interesting things about these parasites not the 1921] Tue AGE oF INSECTS 43 least interesting is the small size of many of the forms. This is especi- ally true of some of the egg parasites which are among the smallest known insects. Imagine an insect small enough to pass all of its stages in an insect egg not much larger than the period in ordinary newspaper print and you will have a proper conception of their size. Then when you remember that each adult is furnished with a pair of eyes and a pair of antennae, three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings, with mouth parts and a digestive system, with a nervous system and sense organs and is endowed with instincts enough to feed on the nec- tar of flowers and to mate and to lay eggs in the proper host at the proper time; and all this in an insect not over 14 mm. long or so small that one hundred of them placed end to end just equal an inch; with these facts all before you you will have a proper conception of the marvelous ability of nature. I cannot pass the subject of parasitism without mentioning two special phases of insect parasitism, polyembryony and hyperparasi- tism. Polyembryony is that condition in which one egg gives rise to more than one adult individual. It is known to occur in many groups of the animal kingdom, for example, the identical twins of man and other mammals, the quadruplets of the armadillo and others. But this condition reaches its greatest development among insects where Patterson reports not less than 395 individuals from a single parasitic egg. Hyperparasitism is even more wonderful than this for here we have the case of one parasite preying upon another. We have not.only the primary parasite which preys upon the host but a secondary parasite preying upon the primary parasite and a tertiary parasite upon the secondary parasite and apparently in rare cases a quarternary parasite preying upon the tertiary. Can anything more involved be imagined? And can man ever hope to unravel the intricacies of the relations that must exist in such elaborate cases of hyperparasitism? EcoLoGicaL RELATIONS. The realm of ecology is as broad as the sum total of all of the factors that touch an insect during its life. It is therefore not surprising that we know so little about the ecological relations of insects. The tem- perature relations are perhaps the only ones that have been investi- gated with any degree of thoroughness and here our firm ground con- sists of a series of critical high and low temperatures for a few economic 44 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December forms. These critical temperatures are of great economic importance in the control of insects of stored products and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of furs are now held at low temperatures during the summer months thus avoiding attacks of moths. While, at the other end of the temperature scale, we find many of our largest flour mills provided with special heating apparatus so that the temperature of the mill may be raised beyond the critical point for mill insects. When it is remembered that temperature is intimately related to humidity and other factors it is perceived that the problem is an exceedingly complex one and one that will have to await better facilities for con- trolling these factors than any as yet available. Perhaps the most interesting single bit of information as yet gleaned from the many im- portant ones relative to the temperature factor is the knowledge that certain species of plant lice will withstand a much lower temperature than their parasites. Hence they are able to survive and continue to breed in cool weather whereas the development of the parasites is checked, thus the plant lice gains the upperhand of their parasites and do widespread damage to crops during cool weather, but if the weather is warm the parasites gain the upper hand and keep the plant lice in check. Humidity is perhaps next to temperature, the most important single factor in the ecological relations of insects. Here again we have practically an unexplored field and outside of the knowledge that many insects require a relatively high humidity for their best development, our knowledge is rather limited. The fact that air passed through certain strengths of various salt solutions and solutions of certain acids can be given almost any percentage of humidity required is of great service to the entomologist and opens up a fertile but practically un- touched field. In addition to the above problems of the ecological factors, which may be called laboratory ecology, there is another realm to which I desired to call your attention namely, field ecology. In field ecology we are not concerned with the individual factors but with the environ- ment asa whole. In other words we take our selected area as we find it in nature and try to analyze it by determining the dominant species and then determine the reasons for their dominance. The whole of economic entomology may be said to belong to the field ecology of in- sects but field ecology of insects is broader than economic entomology for it is concerned not only with economic forms but with others as well. 1921] THE AGE OF INSECTS 45 For the past few years I have been giving some attention to a prob- lem in field ecology that is very interesting to me and perhaps a statement of this problem will do more than anything else that I might say to make the whole matter clear. We have along our ocean front, our sounds, bays and rivers a narrow strip of land that is flooded twice each day by the rising tide. This strip of land may be known as the tidal zone. The part of the tidal zone lying along the ocean front where it is affected also by the direct action of the waves may be known as the strand. While that portion of the tidal zone along the sounds, rivers and bays where it is not much subjected to wave action may be known as tidal belt. While these two areas may be generically re- lated yet they are very distinct. The strand is usually devoid of vege- tation and is frequented by a group of animals that we will call beach combers. All of them are scavengers and they feed upon whatever the ocean may cast up before them. Their existence would seem to be a precarious one but when we note the abundance of beach fleas, sand scabs, ghost crabs and beach tiger beetles we are inclined to believe that nature must be very lavish with them after all. The tidal belt is far more interesting to us, however, chiefly be- cause it usually supports a luxuriant growth of sedges and grasses which in turn support a wealth of leaf hoppers and plant hoppers which are my special interest in all of the groups of insects. The ecological relations of some of these insects are most interesting. Here we have strictly terrestrial air-breathing arthropods living in an en- vironment that is strictly aquatic for longer or shorter periods twice each day. Here we have strictly terrestrial forms living in close prox- imity to strictly aquatic forms like the sea snails and fiddler crabs. Naturally we wonder why these insects have adopted this habitat. Perhaps we can explain it by stating that these insects attached them- selves to their host plant when it was a xerophyte and simply followed it into its half hydrophytic environment. This may be historically correct, but whatever is the past history of this peculiar relation we know that it is not simply a strict host relation at the present time but it seems rather a matter of fixity of environmental factors. This is borne out by the fact that one of the most abundant species of plant hoppers in the tidal belt region lives on no less than three species of grasses and one sedge. Another species was described originally from Long Island where it was secured from a species of the genus Spartina but on our coast where Spartina is replaced by the sea oats (Uniola) the same species of the plant hopper occurs on the Uniola and occupies 46 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December the same situations. So much we know but there remains a vast deal more to be found out. Are these species limited in their zones by the amount of submergence that they can withstand? What are the physiological characters that make it possible for these species to sur- vive such an environment whereas their generic relatives are confined to xerophytic habitats? These and many other questions we might ask but only time and an unlimited amount of field work can give the answer. There is another ecological relation that it seems to me would be worth pausing to consider and that is the relation of insects to their hosts. The relation of insects to their animal hosts I have discussed in another connection under parasitism so that there is left for our con- sideration at this point the relation between insects and their plant hosts. This is a broad subject in itself and one deserving of more con- sideration than I am able to give it here. Some insects are so limited in the selection of their hosts that it is safe to identify the insect from the host on which you find it; while other insects apparently will eat anything that is green. We have in some cases whole families of insects limited to a narrow group of plants in their host relations, for example the Coleopterous family Bruchidae confines its attacks to the seeds of the Leguminosae. On the other hand we have species that are structurally closely related feeding on widely diverse plants. In fact these relations are so marked that they have been used to correct our phylogenetic notions. Thus the botanist may use insect species in determining the relationships of his plant forms and the entomologist frequently corrects his taxonomic concepts on a purely botanical basis. Naturally such relations cannot fail to impress the serious student and leave him with a vague feeling of dis- satisfaction at his failure to answer them. Thus I have puzzled my mind for many hours in the hope that I might be able to answer the question, why does the gloomy scale occur on soft maples in destruc- tive numbers yet be practically absent from hard maples? Is it simply a difference in the thickness of the bark in the two groups of maples, or is it a difference in the chemical composition of the sap? Whatever the answer, the selection is remarkably clear cut because we frequently see rows of hard maples with a few soft maples inter- spersed in which the hard maples are free from scale and thrifty where- as the soft maples are dead or dying. There is another series of ecological relations that is deserving of more than passing attention. I have already referred to that com- 1921] THe AGE oF INSECTS 47 plex chain reflex which causes the adult female insect to deposit her eggs so that the newly hatched young will find an abundance of food close at hand for its sustenance. These relations are easy to under- stand in those insects where the young and the adults feed upon the same host but they become increasingly difficult to understand as we pass to those adults which either do not feed or feed upon an entirely different substance. For example the adults of the order Lepidoptera, the butterflies and moths, feed on the nectar of plants for the most part yet their larvae feed upon roots, stems, leaves or seeds of plants or on animal products. The eggs must be laid in close proximity to such food or the larvae would perish and the species would vanish from the earth. What is the mechanics that brings this very desirable conclu- sion? We may answer that this series has become hereditarily in- stinctive but when we do so we are merely clothing our ignorance in a mass of verbiage. The climax in this series of complex reflexes is reached among the solitary wasps to which I have alluded in another connection. This complex may be pictured briefly and in a somewhat generalized way as follows. The female wasp digs a burrow in the soil. She goes away and searches until she finds the proper prey, be it cicada, horsefly, caterpillar or spider. She pounces upon it and stings it in the thoracic ganglia so that the prey will be paralyzed but not killed, for if the prey were killed it would decay before the egg hatched and the young larva would starve to death. She drags or carries the prey back to the bur- row, often a considerable distance, and by means of some sense that is beyond human understanding she locates the burrow and deposits her prey; lays heregg; closes the burrow and, wonder of wonders, has the time and the patience to conceal the entrance of the burrow by making it look like the surrounding territory. If in hard ground she seeks out a small pebble and pounds the loose dirt down until it blends in with the surrounding territory, or if in a tidal flat with a crust of salt she finds a bit of crust to cover the entrance. Such in brief is the story, but who has the insight to unravel the maze of ecological factors that are woven into such a complex? Another series of ecological adaptations that is so common that it causes no comment is the relation between pollination and insects. Here we are confronted with a case of parallel development that if it were not so common or if it existed only in the South Sea Islands would be one of the wonders of the age, but because we see it everywhere about us, because it is the rule rather than the exception, it arouses 48 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December no more comment than the rising of the sun. Yet the elaborate floral devices, the presence of artfully concealed nectaries on the one hand and the presence of long tongues and pollen baskets among the insects show an evolution that must have been carried on for untold ages. And how dependent one group is on the other and any failure of the one group must necessarily mean the extinction of the other. I won- der how many such cases of sad wrecks we might find if we could re- construct the past geological ages. The highest form of interdependence is found perhaps in the case of the Yucca and the Yucca moth. “The flowers of the species of Yucca are absolutely incapable of self-or-wind-pollination, and the stigma is so situated that no ordinary insect visitor can reach it in a casual search for food. In some locali- ties, it was observed that the common Yucca never produced seed and that wherever seed was produced, almost every pod was infested by a little caterpillar that destroyed a greater or less percentage of the seeds. The parent of this caterpillar is a small white moth, the Yucca moth, in which the mouth-parts are curiously modified and utterly unlike those of any other moth species that we know. At the sides of the ordinary tongue there are developed a pair of flexible processes set with little pegs and spines, and capable of being coiled like the tongue itself. When the female, which alone has these processes, is ready to lay-an egg she enters a Yucca blossom, gathers a little mass of pollen, rolls it into a ball, carries it by means of the processes to the pistil, and rams it down so as to bring it into direct contact with the receptive surface. Not until this has been completed does she turn and then into the ovary or embryo seed pod, she forces an egg by means of a slender, sharp-pointed ovipositor. She is now ready to repeat the process on another flower and she does repeat it until her stock of eggs isexhausted. Here we have a deliberate pollination preceding oviposi- tion, as if the insect knew that it would be useless to lay an egg until — the possibility of development in the seed pod was assured. “This peculiarity, though confined so far as we know to the genus Pronuba, is not confined to one species only. There are a number of Yuccas in the country, including the giant or tree Yuceas of the south- west, and for every species of Yucca there is a species of Pronuba. Surely a most wonderful adaptation of insect and plant, neither of which can exist without the other. ‘And yet, while the adaptation is not so specific, nor the evidence of design so apparent, the dependence of red clover upon long-tongued 1921] THE AGE oF INSECTS 49 bees is not less absolute. Australia has no native bumble-bee, and red clover was unknown there until the colonists began to cultivate it. There was no difficulty in making crops of forage; but it would not seed. Importing seed annually was expensive, and, naturally, the Australians were anxious to raise their own. This led to a study of the reasons for the failure, in the course of which the dependence of the plant upon bumble-bees was established. The remedy was obvious, and now European bumble-bees disport themselves among the Aus- tralian red clover, seed is plentiful, and interference with bumble-bees is a crime—as it should be rated everywhere. “There are many others among the Hymenoptera that are useful in the work of pollination because of their habit of feeding among the flowers, even if not on them; but all this is based on the same visits which the flower encourages and of which it takes advantage; but no account of this sort of relationship could be considered even passably complete without some reference to the complicated relationship existing between the Smyrna fig and the minute little Blastophaga, a species whose life relations have been beautifully worked out. “The Smyrna fig of commerce depends for its edible quality upon the ripened seeds that it contains. The fig is not really a true fruit as that term is generally defined, but is a thick fleshy envelope within which the flowers are contained. In the Smyrna fig these flowers are all female and no pollen is produced anywhere on the tree. Left to themselves, such trees could never produce ripe fruit, and that was the condition of the Smyrna fig orchards in California, prior to 1900. In the Mediterrenean countries, whence our commercial supply is de- rived, there are found beside the cultivated also several varieties of wild or caprifigs, which produce three crops of fruit during the season. These fruits contain male flowers, producing an abundance of pollen; but this pollen is never naturally discharged from the envelope con- taining the florets. “Yet it was recognized by the fig-growers in the Orient that to ob- tain fruit of the commercial edible varieties, it was necessary to bring to them when in bloom, branches containing fruit of the caprifig, which were usually hung up in the tree which it was intended to fructify. This work of pollination is accomplished by the Blastophaga already referred to, although, far from benefiting itself in the process, the in- sect dies without even being able to continue its kind. “In the caprifigs the female flowers are replaced by little gall-like swellings in which the larvae of the Blastophaga develop. One gene 50 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December ration of figs, the so-called ‘mammae,’ remain on the trees during the winter and by the time they are ready to drop, there is already on the trees a new or spring crop of fruit, known as the ‘profichi.’ By the time that this crop is in proper condition, the insects that have hiber- nated in the ‘mammae,’ are fully developed, the wingless and almost blind male Blastophaga has fertilized the female before she is even out of her cell, and the latter, leaving the dried-up fig by the small anterior opening, makes its way into the new figs, to provide for a new genera- tion. In the ‘profichi’ this generation matures at the time the com- mercial Smyrna fig is in proper condition and the females, emerging pollen covered from the ‘ profichi,’ enter the small opening of this true female flower receptacle if they find themselves in a tree bearing them. But in this Smyrna covering all the female florets are fully developed, and the gall-like swellings that replace them in the caprifigs are absent. The insect therefore moves about over the entire interior surface of the pouch, seeking a place to oviposit, and in the process distributes its load of pollen everywhere. It eventually dies without reproducing, and usually without even being able to make its way out again. But though the insect has lost its life, the tree has gained; and the seed pouch that we know as the fig, comes to maturity and ripens seed. “At the same time that the Smyrna fig which produces the edible commercial fruit is in bloom, there is also another crop developing on the caprifigs, and these are known as ‘mammoni.’ The Blastophaga issuing from the ‘profichi’ on the same tree, naturally enter these fruits which are of the same character as the preceding crops, and are able to continue their kind, coming to maturity when the third crop is ready for their reception. This third crop represents the ‘mammae’ or over-wintering form, from which the ‘profichi’ of the following season are again entered by the Blastophaga. “Here we have an extremely complicated relationship which, re- duced to its simplest terms, means that in order to produce the com- mercial Smyrna fig there must be suitable caprifigs producing ‘pro- fichi’ infested by Blastophaga, at a period corresponding to the devel- opment of the female flower capsule. And as the insects are very small and very frail, the caprifigs must be either well distributed among the Smyrna trees, or the infested ‘profichi’ must be gathered and dis- tributed among the trees to be pollenized. “This account makes interesting reading and shows how, after many trials and much painstaking investigation, the Blastophaga and the necessary caprifigs were finally introduced into the fig-growing 1921] Tue AGE oF INSECTS 51 districts of California, and how a new industry, absolutely depending for its continuance upon a minute hymenopterous insect, was finally established upon a firm and scientific basis. “How many cases of this kind exist among plants having no pre- sent economic value it would be difficult to estimate, and how so com- plicated a relationship ever became established is not yet explainable even by a theory.”’ (Smith). Fearing that I may weary you I am nevertheless impelled to point out another ecological relation that borders upon the marvelous. I refer to the relation between gall insects and their galls. We have here another case of parallelism in evolution. The galls range from simple folds of the leaf or simple enlargements of the stem to most elaborate and wonderful structures and the insects themselves are scattered in many orders. The most wonderful phase of the whole subject of galls and gall makers is the fact that the galls are absolutely specific. It is much easier to determine the gall maker by the gall that it makes than it is by the insect itself. Just what are the factors that cause any given cynipid gall, for example, to have the same form regardless of what species of oak it is found on? Just what is the stimulus that causes some galls to develop their form completely before the egg hatches? In addition to these perplexing questions we have the whole problem overlaid with the problem of parthenogenesis and alternation of hosts we can appreciate that we have here a problem that demands the best that any biologist can give. And the biologist who tackles these problems may rest assured that the field is broad enough to de- mand the best efforts that he can put forth. CONCLUSION Having considered briefly the past accomplishments in entomology it may be worth our while to turn our attention in another direction and ask ourselves what of the future. I do this because we are some- what prone to think that all that is good, all that is worth while lies be- hind us. Having lived through an age that has seen the development of the automobile, the telephone, the aeroplane, wireless and half a dozen other world astounding inventions we are inclined to think that all the great inventions and discoveries have been made and that there is little left to do. Which reminds me of a personal experience that will perhaps make the matter clearer than anything else that I might say. WhenIwasasenior in high school I was told that for good and suf- 52 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December ficient political reasons I could have an appointment to West Point if I could pass the examinations. I was persuaded not to do this by the Superintendent because, said he, ‘‘ All the great wars have been fought, and you are not the type of young man that would care to hang around an army barracks all your days.’’ Needless to say I agree that I am hardly that type of man but I also imagine that very few of the grad- uates of West Point in the class of 1907 spent many days hanging around army barracks from April 1917 to November 1919. I remem- ber telling this story to my old teacher of Zoology and he said that when he told his Professor of Natural Sciences that he expected to go into Zoology his teacher tried to discourage him. ‘‘For,”’ said he, “now that Darwin has announced his theory of Natural Selection there is nothing left for the zoologist to do.”’ I cite these two instances because they illustrate so well an all too prevalent opinion in all fields, a feeling that is far too prevalent in a new field like entomology where the pioneers have been over the ground and harvested the first rich harvest not realizing that these same pioneers have left many corners untouched and have left abun- dant harvests yet to be garnered. That such a feeling should be still prevalent in applied entomology in the face of such enormous losses as have been pointed out above or in the face of the fact that tons of honey go to waste each year and bees are needed to gather it, is indeed hard to realize. That such a feeling should be prevalent in pure entomology when we realize how Morgan has advanced the science of genetics by breeding fruit flies, or when we consider what there is yet to learn about the anatomy, the physiology or the ecology of even our most common species is hard to understand. Except per- haps there is the notion that the pioneers had an easy time when we think that, no matter which way they turned, they were almost cer- tain to stumble into unexplored fields. While if we want to be sure that our work is not simply a repetition of something that someone else has done much better we must wade through a mass of literature often mountain high to discover nothing at the bottom. Forgetting for the time being that they had no great laboratories fitted with the finest of microscopes, microtomes, ovens, cameras and utensils of all kinds, that they had no libraries, no collections and very little apprecia- tion. While we have all of these things. Forgetting that most of the pioneers had to steal their time for research from their families or from their sleep. While all that it is necessary for us to do is to steal the time from our classes or other official duties. 1921] THe AGE oF INSECTS 53 With all of these things in mind, I cannot help but feel that in spite of the past brilliant record of entomology there are better things just ahead of us. That undiscovered laws of life are awaiting the searching eye of the worker in entomology. That as yet unheard of methods of control are about to be discovered, making it possible for us to reduce the tax we pay to insects to a negligible minimum, thus making pos- sible an expansion in food production as yet undreamed. Feeling this way, I cannot help wondering if the world will be ready for these dis- coveries when they are made or will they lie buried as Mendel’s work remained forgotten for nearly half a century? Will we accept them at their true value or will we cast them aside as worthless? The Hindoos have a legend that illustrates our present tendencies very well indeed. A young man had an iron bracelet placed on his wrist one morning and was told that on a certain beach there was a stone that would turn the bracelet into gold. So he hastened out in the morning light and com- menced to pick up the pebbles one by one and touched them rapidly to the bracelet and observed the results with a critical eye. Thus he labored all through the long morning of his youth but as the sun climbed higher and higher, as the day got hotter and hotter, his speed slackened and he commenced to ask himself if it was really worth while. Wasn’t the whole thing a hoax any way? Certainly no one but a fool would believe that you could turn an iron bracelet into gold. Thus he labored through the noon-time half persuaded to stop but as the day advanced and his shadow got longer to the east and as he realized that the day was fast slipping away, he commenced to work with renewed energy that gradually changed to frenzy as the shadows of evening began to creep up from the valleys. And then as he looked down in the half light he noticed that the bracelet had indeed turned to gold. But he also realized that in his haste and in his carelessness he did not know which was the magical stone. Rateteu, N. C. THE GENUS RASPAILIA AND THE INDEPENDENT VARI- ABILITY OF DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES By H. V. WiLson The genus Raspailia (Nardo, 1833, 1847; O. Schmidt, 1862, p. 59) was classed by Ridley and Dendy, 1887, p. 188, in the Axinellidae but transferred by Topsent, 1894, to the Ectyoninae. In this Topsent has been generally followed, including Dendy, 1895 (p. 46), who here re- gards the genus as intermediate between the two groups. Dendy later (1905, p. 172) departs from this view and regards the resemblance of Raspailia to the Axinellidae as strong but superficial. Hentschel (1912, p. 413) brings out the skeletal resemblance between the Ecty- onine genera centering round Raspailia and certain Axinellidae, and inclines to regard it as due to kinship and not to convergent evolution, thus maintaining the position of Dendy in 1895. Vosmaer, 1912, keeps Raspailia alongside of Axinella, Phakellia, Acanthella, and Phacanth- ina, thus indicating his belief in a relationship to these genera. George and Wilson, 1919, pp. 160-161, in describing Axinella acanthifera re- gard it as intermediate between typical Raspailias and Axinellas. In this species there are some acanthostyles and the dermal brushes in- clude a few long slender styles, but the habitus is lamellate, and the skeletal framework of the same type as in Avinella verrucosa (Vosmaer, 1912). In delimiting Raspailia more precisely, Vosmaer, 1912, p. 313, takes the Mediterranean R. viminalis (O. Schmidt, 1862, p. 59) as embodying the characteristics of the genus. The characters empha-~ sized are: the axial skeleton is a funis (a reticular bundle composed of elementary fibres or funiculi) with wide meshes, component funiculi thin, spicules wholly or almost wholly imbedded in spongin; from this, slender and short extra-axial funiculi (radial fibres), composed of one, two, or three spicules cemented together by spongin, radiate to the surface, where each terminates in a single large style or subtylostyle, projecting far beyond the surface, surrounded at its base by a tuft of diverging small spicules, generally styles, sometimes oxea. Acantho- styles occur, dispersed in the parenchyma and echinating the funiculi. Skeletal megascleres, chiefly long, slender styles, occasionally tylo- [54] - 1921) THE GeENus RASPAILIA 55 styles and strongyles, also generally oxea. Habitus cylindrical, long and slender, branching or not branching. The long, slender, cylindrical habitus, with skeletal framework on the general axinellid plan, and the presence of acanthostyles have been regarded by many (Ridley, Ridley and Dendy, Dendy,) as the chief distinguishing characteristics of the genus. The acanthostyles may entirely disappear but the other characteristics remain, as in subgenus Syringella Ridley (1884, p. 460). Examples are: Raspailia syringella O. Schmidt (1868, p. 10) and the two species described by Ridley, loc. cit. In R.[Syringella] falcifera Topsent (1890, p. 12; 1892, p. 124) the habitus is fairly typical, and the dermal skeleton adheres to the R. viminalis type. In R. (Syringella) rhaphidophora Hentschel (1912, p. 371), the habitus is typical, save that the branches are generally com- pressed; instead of radial fibres, there are radial partitions (lamellae) ; dermal skeleton of* the R. viminalis type; megascleres, styles, oxea, strongyles; microscleres present in shape of bundles of rhaphides. In R. (Syringella) nuda Hentschel (1911, p. 383) the habitus is typical; axial skeleton with radial fibres; dermal skeleton as in R. viminalis. All these forms make it plain that the general practice with respect to Syringella is correct and that such sponges are really members of the Raspailia group in which the acanthostyles have been lost, and should not be relegated on a technicality to the Axinellidae while Raspailia is referred to the Ectyonidae. Nevertheless Topsent (1904, p. 138) takes this position. Pick’s position (1905, pp. 18-19) is different and is not opposed to the argumentation of this paper, for while assigning to the Syringella forms the dignity of a genus, he keeps the latter alongside of Raspailia. A consideration of a number of the species usually assigned to Ras- pailia makes it plain that Vosmaer’s generic concept cannot be applied in all of its details, especially in the matter of the dermal skeleton and the greatly reduced radial fibres. On the other hand the slender, elongated, cylindrical shape of body, sometimes branching, sometimes not, on which Ridley and Dendy (1887) laid chief emphasis, while common, is by no means constant. In fact, in this group of forms, as elsewhere, the characters have varied independently during the course of evolution, thus giving rise to several combinations. A generic con- cept of Raspailia, to be useful, must take into account the existence of these combinations, and cannot insist absolutely on the slender cylindrical habitus, dermal bunches of spicules such as occur in R. viminalis, monactinal character of the megascleres, or on the acantho- 56 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December styles. And yet this is what the recent definitions of the genus do, with the result that Dendy’s definition (1905, p. 172) would exclude forms that are admissible on the definition of Vosmaer (loc. cit.) or of Hentschel (1911, p. 381), and vice versa. Of course the difficulty is well known. It is a difficulty offered everywhere by nature. A considerable number of species, over thirty, have been referred to this genus. A good many of them are excluded by Pick in his essay on Raspailia (1905). He would delimit the genus somewhat more narrowly than is intended in this paper. Taking R. viminalis as a standard, some of the chief divergencies within the genus may be enumerated. It is to be regretted that in a number of the old species the data given do not permit a decision with regard to several of the features. Habitus. The long, slender, cylindrical habitus, ‘‘whip-like’”’ in Ridley and Dendy’s terminology, branching or not, is common. But it is de- parted from in a number of species. For example, while the habitus is branching and subcylindrical, the branches are comparatively short and stout in several of the Dictyocylindrus (Raspailia) species de- scribed in Bowerbank’s British Sponges, in R. ramosa and R. pumila e.g. In R. paradoxa Hentschel (1911, p.°381), the habitus departs widely from the typical, the sponge consisting of several somewhat flattened lobe-like divisions, which arise together from a common base and expand above. Again in R. zrregularis Hentschel (1914, p. 121) the habitus deviates markedly from the typical, the sponge being club- shaped. Skeleton. The axinellid type of skeletal framework consisting of an axial column and radiating fibres may be thought of as constant in Ras- pailia. Deviations from the precise form of skeletal framework found in R. viminalis are however common among the species that have been referred to this genus. Some of them may be enumerated as follows: In R. (Syringella) clathrata Ridley (1884, p. 461) the radial fibres are thick, not reduced as in R. viminalis. In R. (Syringella) australiensis Ridley (loc. cit. p. 460) also the radial fibres are thick and project at the surface, but the surface tufts are not said to be of the R. viminalis type. In R. (Syringella) rhaphidophora Hentschel (1912, p. 371), the radial fibres are represented by lamellae. In R. bifurcata Ridley (loc. cit. p. 459) a radial fibre and dermal tuft are together represented by a long style or a tuft of long styles which project at the surface (a more 1921] THE GENUS RASPAILIA 57 reduced condition than in R. viminalis). In R. hornelli Dendy (1905, p. 172), the dermal tufts in which the radial fibres terminate include a few long styles, instead of one, surrounded by shorter ones; another deviation is made in the presence of connectives between the radial fibres. In R. irregularis Hentschel (1914, p. 121) the large dermal pro- jecting spicules are in bunches and not singly as in R. viminalis. In R. flagelliformis Ridley and Dendy (1887, p. 190), the radial fibres, apparently not especially slender, terminate in projecting tufts of small spicules; habitus is typical but if we lay stress on the dermal skeleton the species must be removed to Axinella. In R. cacticutis Carter (Dendy, 1895, p. 48), there areno surface tufts of spicules, and the species would best be assigned to some other genus, as Pick (loc. cit.) has done. The R. viminalis type of dermal skeleton is known to occur in a number of species, and it may also occur in some of the older species for which the data are imperfectly given. Spicules. The skeletal spicules in the genus are smooth and in general styles, varying to tylostyles, but oxea and strongyles may occur intermingled with the styles (R. viminalis Schmidt, R. bifurcata Ridley, R. (Syrin- gella) rhaphidophora Hentschel). A marked deviation is afforded by R. vestigifera Dendy (1895, p. 47; assigned by Pick, loc. cit., to the closely related genus, Echinodictyum), in which the skeletal spicules are oxea, except the small spicules of the dermal tufts which are inequi- ended and more or less stylote; in this species the radial fibres are stout, but the dermal tufts adhere in plan to the type of R. viminalis; acanthostyles are very rare and in this sense vestigial. The acanthostyles may be almost (R. vestigifera) or quite absent, the species in which this loss has occurred being grouped together as a subgenus (Syringella). Microscleres in the form of bundles of rha- phides, may occur as in R. (Syringella) rhaphidophora; in general, absent. The facts being so, it would seem advisable to recognize Raspailia as a comprehensive, heterogeneous genus, and to include in the diagno- sis the chief lines of variation, about as follows: Raspailia Nardo Habitus often slender and cylindrical, branching or not; but the branches or unbranched stem may be comparatively short and stout, or the branches may even appear as flattened lobe-like divisions. The 58 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY {December skeleton is on the axinellid plan, including an axial dense aggregation of spiculo-fibres from which radial fibres pass outward. The radial fibres may be comparatively stout, sometimes expanded and forming lamellae, or may be reduced to one or a few spicules, or may even dis- appear as structures distinct from the dermal brushes in which they terminate. Connectives between the radial fibres generally absent, occurring only in a few species. The dermal brushes characteristically include one or a few long megascleres surrounded by numerous shorter ones, but the entire brush may be represented by one or a bunch of long megascleres, whereas in Axinella the radial fibres terminate ‘‘in tufts of diverging spicules slightly smaller than the bulk of the spi- cules’? (Vosmaer). Skeletal spicules smooth and characteristically monactinal, but diactinal forms (to be looked on as variants of the type) are frequently intermingled, and in rare cases most of the spicules are diactinal. Acanthostyles characteristically occur, echi- nating the skeletal fibres and scattered, but in some species they are greatly reduced in number, in others absent (subgenus Syringella). Microscleres generally absent but may occur as bundles of rhaphides. In considering a generic concept such as that just formulated one must remember that classification is no mere mechanical assorting, a putting of like with ike. That much of it is easy and delightful, but the fact that the features used in the classification of a group are or may be independent variables, that is, may occur together or some may be absent or greatly modified, makes classification more dependent on argument than is generally recognized. Often, to be sure, no argu- ment is conclusive, in the end there being several options about equally good. In such a case some consensus of opinion as to the best, most useful, practice is desirable. All this applies to the delimitation of such genera as Raspailia. One other consideration must be kept in mind in considering such generic concepts, and that is that variation may have proceeded in such a way as to make it quite impossible, in the present state of our knowledge of diagnostic points, to recognize the relationship of a given species to the genus. If, for instance, the acanthostyles are lost, a typical habitus and dermal skeleton would still show the relationship, or even the peculiar dermal skeleton might be accepted, in the absence of acanthostyles and typical habitus, as a safe index. But the dermal bunches, as we have seen, may also vary from the type, and if habitus, peculiar dermal skeleton, and acanthostyles all go, nothing remains to show the relationship. I take it that such eventualities may have 1921) THE GENUS RasPAILIA 59 actually happened, since, it would seem, we must recognize as a real i. e. natural, process the independent varying of characters. This consideration brings with it the conviction that classification in its de- tails cannot be a completely satisfactory guide to relationship. Minor uncertainties will occur everywhere. The only species of Raspailia recorded for our waters (North Amer- ica and West Indies), are the following: R. hamata O. Schmidt (1870, p. 62), West Indies. The diagnosis is very incomplete and Schmidt puts a query as to the genus. But the species, which is of typical habitus, is probably to be referred here. (R. tenuis Ridley and Dendy, 1887, p. 188, occurs off the Brazilian coast in shallow water to twenty fathoms). R. acanthifera (George and Wilson), North Carolina coast (Fort Macon Beach). Somewhat reluctantly I conclude that this species originally referred to Axinella shoud be transferred to Raspailia, be- cause of the presence of acanthostyles and the character of the der- mal brushes, which consist of a bunch of ordinary styles together with one to a few long ones projecting far beyond the others. The species is to be regarded (cf. George and Wilson, 1919, p. 160), as a connecting link between Raspailia and Axinella. When one speaks, as in this paper, of the independent variability of structures, it is not meant to imply that any part of a body is really an independent variable. It would rather seem from all that is known concerning ‘racial differences, that where a race has varied from the ancestral type in one feature which is conspicuous from our present view-point, it has probably come to differ from the type in a great many other features, although these may become known to us only gradually as we become intimately familiar with the race in question. It is possible and convenient to refer, as I and others have pointed out, all this kind of variation in natural races to the gene theory, since in contemporary speculation a gene is a germinal unit which, like a molecule in a radical, may influence the organism (compound) in many different directions. A good case of close correlation between specific characters in the matter of variability has been pointed out in recent years by Hent- schel (1913 a, b), who has shown that in the silicious sponge Mycale (Esperella) a large number of characters (‘‘character values” as Hent- schel calls them, representing the concrete realizations of a schematic character, itself an abstraction drawn from a survey of the several 60 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December realizations) are co-dependent, all varying, or rather having varied in the same direction. They are, as Hentschel says, ‘functions of one another or of the same variable,”’ the latter an environmental factor. We must of course suppose, since presumably we are dealing with germinal and not with somatogenic characters, that the environmental (external or internal) factor, as it increases in force, continues to modi- fy the germ in the same detail of its constitution (same gene or gene complex) and in the same direction. This brings us well into the field of speculation, but without speculation no rational experimentation. CHarEL Hitz, N. C. LITERATURE REFERENCES Denpvy, A. 1895. Catalogue of noncaleareous sponges, ete. Part 2. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Vol. 8. 1905. Report on the sponges collected by Professor Herdman, at Ceylon, in 1902. In: Herdman Report Pearl Oyster Fisheries, Part 3. London. GEORGE, W. C. anp Witson, H. V. 1919. Sponges of Beaufort (N. C.) Harbor and Vicinity. Bull. U. 8. Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXXVI. HENTSCHEL, E. 1911. Die Fauna Siidwest-Australiens. Tetraxonida, 2 Teil. Fischer, Jena. 1912. Kiesel- und Hornschwimme der Aru- und Kei-Inseln. Abhdl. Senckb. naturf. Gesellsch., Bd. XXXIV. 1913 a. Ueber einen Fall von Orthogenese bei den Spongien. Zool. Anzei- ger, Bd. XLII, Nr. 6. 1913 b. Ueber die Anwendung der funktionalen Betrachtungsweise auf die biologische Systematik. Biol. Centralbl., Bd. XX XIII, Nr. II. , 1914. Monaxone Kieselschwamme und Hornschwimme d. deutschen Siid- polar-Expedition 1901-03. Reimer, Berlin. Pick, K. F. 1905. Die Gattung Raspailia. Archiv. f. Naturgesch., 71, I. Ripiey, 8. O. 1884. Spongiida. In: Report on the zoological collections of H. M.S Alert. British Museum. Riwwiey, 8. O. anp Denpy, A. 1887. Report on the Monaxonida collected by H. M.S. Challenger. Schmidt, O. 1862. Die Spongien des Adriatischen Meeres. 1868. Die Spongien der Kiiste von Algier. 1870. Grudziige einer Spongien-fauna des Atlant. Gebietes. Toprsent, E. 1890. Notice prélim. sur les spongiaires * * * de I’Hiron- delle. Bull. de la Société Zoologique de France pour |’anneé 1890. 1892. Contribution 4 l’étude des spongiaires de |’Atlantique nord. Ré- sultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies par Albert I, Prince Souv erain de Monaco. Fasc. 2. -1894. Une réforme dans la classification des Halichondrina. Mémoires de la Société Zoologique de France, T. VII. 1904. Spongiaires des Acores. Resultats des campagnes scientifiques accom- plies par Albert I, Prince Souverain de Monaco. Fase. 25. Vosmakrr, G.C. J. 1912. On the distinction between the genera Axinella, Phakel- lia, Acanthella a. 0. Zool. Jahrb., Suppl. XV, Bd. I. AN INTERESTING MAXIMAL CASE* By ARCHIBALD HENDERSON AND H. G. Barry PLATE 3 In lists of problems dealing with maxima and minima may com- monly be encountered the following: To find the dimensions of the rectangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in an ellipse of semi-axes a and b. Various methods may be employed for the solution of this prob- lem; but these ordinarily suffice to veil the characteristic features of the solution, as viewed in the present paper. An enumeration of the methods usually employed will bring this into prominence. The interesting feature of the problem, under the method here stressed, is the introduction of an auxiliary curve which plays a dominant role in the solution. Metuop I If we represent a critical value by A and Ax by h, the customary conditions for a maximum are f (A — h) —f (a) = positive quantity f (A) —f (A + h) = positive quantity If we represent the sides of the rectangle, inscribed in the ellipse 2 2 = == at 1 by 2x and 2y, the area of the rectangle is given by U = 4xy. : : : b Since, from the equation of the ellipse, y = 5 Vat, °.U= — V 2—x?= = V a?x?—x!. a a Let f (x) = (a2x2—x‘)14 = x(a2—-x’) 4. To find the critical value, set f’(x) = 0 *. % (a®x? — xt) —]l4 (2a?x — 4x*) = 0. Hence 2x (a? — ay = 0; which gives x = 0, + ——= 3 = * This investigation, which had been directed by Dr. Henderson, was presented by Mr. Baity before the Mathematics Club, University of North Carolina. (61) 62 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December We exclude the value x = 0, since it obviously gives the minimum rectangle, of zero area. For the present, we may omit the value a ° ' A ° : x= — TF yirom consideration — primarily because a negative length would ordinarily be excluded in seeking a positive area. We shall revert to this case, however, in the latter part of the paper. Con- . ° a fining our attention to the value + va we have: _a a? a2 eva (#- :)- 2 a a? =e 1 ra—w =(Fy-4 a 58 5 oe 1 ; 1 = Z a” i) 2 2 Ante - | a ae ol2 bo| = —— — h: —— — eS SSS Se \ I a a i SS = _ 11 oe ae 2 a wa” a ——_— h . . £(A) —f(A—h) = + h? + ae h? ~ h ay a | —— _h | = h? eae | ea | ameter | This is a positive quantity, since as h approaches zero, h? remains positive, the first two terms are positive, and the remaining terms approach zero, since they all involve powers of h, and indeed h?. Proceeding in similar fashion, we derive \% a) 1a +8) = 5 (SE +2) (e— 1921] An INTERESTING MAXIMAL CASE 63 a? a a h ee) 2 en") 7 a ae Saas > ea \ a — +h a? a? P J/ 2 pee gk = ans —- ee, —— | 2 eee === 5= | a | This is likewise a positive quantity, by similar reasoning to that given a : ; : above. Hence x = + V5 8 critical value, which gives rise toa maximum. From the equation of the ellipse, the corresponding b value of y is + ar Rejecting the negative value as giving rise to a negative area, we have for the value of the maximum area a b es Metuop II Representing a critical value by A and Ax by h, the customary conditions for a maximum are f’ (A —h) = positive quantity; f’ (A + h) = negative quantity. As before, let f(x) = (a’x? — x!) 2a’x — 4x3 a? — 2x? a 2(a2x2 — x*) i o/ a2 — x? ei x) e— Since A = + = we have [December JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY 9 , a a_i eS 5 ; a 2a N atl wae, 4ah as — 2h 7 a? 2a \ iy at 2h (a2 —h) a 2 > VGerty- which is a positive quantity Also =h + h*) (G1) ee — 2h (ay/2 +h) a 2 . IG)» which is a negative quantity is a critical value, which gives rise to a maximum a H = = ence x a. V3 As before, we find for the value of the maximum area, 2ab Mertuop III We may deal with the function as an implicit function in the variables x and y, subject to the condition that the given point lie upon the required ellipse 1921] AN INTERESTING MAXIMAL CaAsE 65 Thus Gey) axe wee ow (1) subject to the condition The critical values for maxima and minima are to be found by equating to zero the first derivative of U, and replacing = by its dx specific value as derived from (2). Thus dU d — =4y 445 — = 0 from (1), dx dx and 2x 2y dy — eee eeeetid = 2 32 be dx 0, from (2) Hence dy bts dx a*’y which on substitution in the equation = = I) gives — 2y 4y + 4x( a, ="0 and therefore aty? = b2x?2 Combining with (2), we have 2b?2x? = a?b? giving a tee _ ae aaa ereiore y = 1/2 The criterion for a maximum value is aU i ag? > Leeative quantity. Now @2U dy dy . dy. dx2 eee me * ax 66 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [ December But dy _ = b2x dx azy and dy — ad b?y — a2b2x ey = | See re ee) bx? aes b?(a?b2) — b4 = ee : Hence d?U — 8b*x 4b! Se which is negative certainly for the values x= + —_; =i Z a) ea Consideration of the other combinations of signs will be deferred until the last method is reached. Metuop IV We may deal with the problem by expressing U as an explicit function in either x or y. Thus, solving (2) for y, we have a, a 1921] AN INTERESTING Maxima Case 67 and hence a a U = 4xv = az— x? since we reject here the consideration of a negative area, a being fo) always greater than x. Let f(x) = xvV/a? — x? = (a?x? — x4)/2 Then BC) a (a? 2x?) ah 2x? : (a2x2 — x)14 (a? — x) 4 and 7) 4 % aS 4 ae i 2 F 2x ; 7 (a ee) aria x) (a 2x?) i — x): Ser (x) = (a? aay x?) __ x(2x? — 3a?) (a? — x2)8 Setting f’(x) = 0, and solving we obtain 26 Se ae v2 Since we have assumed that +/a? — x is to have the positive sign, in order to reject the consideration of negative areas, we obtain, on substituting x = + ——in f’’(x) V/ 2 a Ven (a? 3a) Qa? { igo. a a2 \o 2 which proves that x = + Way gives a maximum value, as the con- =—4 dition for a maximum is that f(A) = negative quantity. The same conclusion would have been reached had we expressed U as an explicit function of y, and followed a similar course of reason- 68 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December 5 b ing. In that case we would have found that y = + Gy . In either case, the final value of U would have been’ the same, namely 2ab. METHOD V By employing the parametric representation for an ellipse, we readily obtain a very elegant solution of the problem. Any point 2 2 on the ellipse = + = = 1 may be represented by x =acos® y =bsingo when © is the eccentric angle of the point on the ellipse, namely the angle between the x —axis and the line joining the origin to the point of intersection of the line y = b sin > with the circle x? +y? = 2 1921] AN INTERESTING MAXIMAL CASE 69 Substituting the parametric values of x and y into the equation U = Axy, we have U = 4acosd.bsing = 2absin2d. . . . (1) To find the critical value of 6 for a maximum value of U, set the first derivative of U with respect to 6 equal to zero: aU 7 = 4ab cos 26 = 0; whence 26 = 90° or 270° = 45- or 135° Accordingly a b Sea Now 2U a = —8absin 2 9, giving a negative value for 6 = 45°, but a positive value for 9 = 135°. Hence 9 = 45° is the critical value for a maximum. Hence the only admissible values for giving a maximum are a a eS fas b ir: Substituting these values in (1), we have U = 4xy = 2ab, from which 37 = a ae. ga) 2 The form in which this result presents itself, namely that of a rectangular hyperbole xy = K, excites interest at once, and prompts a further investigation. The introduction into the problem of an apparently extraneous curve, not invoked in the original statement, suggests that this locus must play a crucial role in connection with the ellipse in the solution of the problem. The co-ordinates + _ az and — : it of two of the eee? 2 < < 70 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December four corners of the maximum rectangle inscribed the ellipse satisfy ; I : the equation of the rectangular hyperbola xy = >: Accordingly the ellipse and the rectangular hyperbola, having two points in com- mon, must either intersect each other or be tangential at the given points. The tangent to the ellipse at the point (x, y;) has the form eek V0 Yok ee ach nes and hence we have for the tangent to the ellipse at the point ~= as 5? Bic V2 ax = by aS arr/ 2 b/2 or et V2) ee The tangent to the rectangular hyperbola at the point (x,, y:) has the form yix + X1y = ab; and hence we have for the tangent to the rectangular hyperbola at the pont he point 7-55 in bx ay Vem that is —. 4 2 .\/o5 ne a b As equations (3) and (4) are identical, it is clear that theellipse and the rectangular hyperbola have a common tangent at the point +a +b Nf Dae consists of two branches lying respectively in the first and third quadrants, the ellipse and the rectangular hyperbola cannot intersect It may be noted that, since the rectangular hyperbola QD =Axz qo=Axz A 6 ALV Id 1921] An INTERESTING Maxima Case ya! each other in either quadrant, since only one corner of the maximum rectangle inscribed in the ellipse lies in either quadrant. Since the ellipse and the rectangular hyperbola have a pair of common tangents at two corners of the maximum rectangle, it is clear that the critical values may be arrived at by solving the two ; : one be. : equations simultaneously. Thus substituting y = oe in the equation ot the ellipse we have bx? + — = ab’, or 4x! — 4a?x? + af = 0, Le. (2x? — a2)? = 0, giving a | aes _ and accordingly ab b iE APD: At this point, or at an earlier point, in the investigation, the in- quiry may be raised why both rectangular hyperbolas: ab xy = + cain and ab do not enter into the problem. Although the question has virtually been answered in the course of the treatment in Method V, in the rejection of the solution 6 = —a ——p A 2 135°, it may be pointed out that while x = formally satisfy the equation caer 72 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December and give a rectangle of positive area, they derive from the rejected value ? = 135°. The two points meee coe > / 2 and m= ae wie 4/2 neither formally satisfy the fundamental function ab xy = ica nor derive together from either ? = 45° on 9 = 135°. The association of the ellipse and the rectangular hyperbola in this problem suggests the query whether the maximum rectangle inscribed in the ellipse is at the same time the maximum rectangle which may be inscribed in the rectangular hyperbola. This question must obviously be answered in the negative, since the rectangular hyperbola xy = = at once furnishes the result U = 4xy = 2ab; which shows the invariance of the rectangle area for the rectangular hyperbola, as indicated by the nomenclature. The superiority of Method V over those which precede is con- spicuous in two respects—the brevity and elegance of the treatment, and the immediate identification of the critical values which give rise to a maximum value. Cuape. Hitt, N. C. KEY TO THE BUTTERFLIES OF NORTH CAROLINA By C. 8. BrIMLEY (Div. of Entomology N. C. Dept. of Agr.) Butterflies may be distinguished from all other insects except the moths by the wings being covered with powdery scales which easily rub off, while from the moths they can be separated by having the antennae or feelers simple, and knobbed at tip, never hair-like, plume- like, comb-like, or even serrated. Furthermore all butterflies fly in the daytime, and most, but not all, moths at night. The following key to the families of butterflies includes only six such, all the Nymphaline families or subfamilies, except the meadow browns, being lumped together, while our single species of the Ery- cinidae, or metal marks, is included in the Lycaenidae, which group it much resembles. KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF BUTTERFLIES 1. Body stout, antennae hooked at tip (except in Ancyloxipha), species of med- ium or small size, mainly under two inches in spread of wings. Family VI. The Skippers (Hesperidae). 9 Pe PrenMendeT anichnue Hob MOOked Ab bIp......-... 2... 260.6 see ee ee ee obs 2. Front legs normal, fitted for walking, outer edge of forewing always evenly SE TO RESLUPS a) oo Bh es A 23 3. Seetranistessprusn-like, not tited for walking...................-.22.5006% oe 3. Spread of wings 2% to 5 inches, hind wings with tail-like projections which are never thread-like... Family I. The Swallowtail Butterflies (Papilionidae) ee eeeMMRI WO MHCReS OF IESS... 52.24 5--2--- +22 eee ce cee ene 4, 4. Ground color of wings white or yellow, hind wings never tailed. Family II. The Whites and Yellows (Pieridae). 4. Ground color of wings never white or yellow, hind wings often with thread- like tails..Family V. The Gossamer—winged Butterflies (Lycaenidae). - 5. Size medium or large, colors usually bright, the prevailing shade being reddish oD Family III. The Nymphs (Nymphalidae) 5. Size medium or rather small, ground color of wings some shade of dull brown, with eye—like spots almost always present on one or both sides of one or both pairs of wings. ....Family IV. The Meadow Browns (Agapetidae) Famity I. THe SwALLowTAILs Peron color light, striped with black................--.-2--c2seeee rene cade i Ground .color black, spotted with lighter................--------eeeeees 3. [73] 1 “J =I (Je) at ENGR JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Socrery [December Black andivwiite tshtiped. ack oer; ccs « ores c cogs Zebra Swallowtail (Papilio ajax) Black and yellow, striped............... Tiger Swallowtail (P. glaucus turnus) Underside mainly yellow, spread about 5 inches. Giant Swallowtail (P. thoas). Hast. Underside “miaiiily placed... oe. oes cas . . sss 2010 00-0 a0 Fee ee 4. Body striped with yellow, hind wings crossed above by an uninterrupted yel- lowsbancd Maier mentees Aces cols ss: Palamedes Swallowtail (P. palamedes). East. Body not striped with yellow, hind wings not crossed by an uninterrupted yellow band......... Gaietoualits bias 6 660 2 34» Ga eRe ee oF Underside of hind wings with two rows of yellow spots.................+. 6. Underside of hind wings with one row of yellow spots...................-. te Upper side of wings with usually two rows of light spots, inner row of yellow spots on under side of hind wings complete... Black Swallowtail (P. polyxenes). Upper side of wings usually with only one row of light spots, fifth spot of inner row on under side of hind wings missing, and replaced by a comet like re NG( SWIG STEPS es or ri Green-clouded Swallowtail (P. troilus). Wings glossy above, yellow spots on underside of hind wings enclosed in a plossy ANG MRE oc... oo ao eee Blue Swallowtail (P. philenor). Wings not glossy, upper side of hind wings with a row of blue spots, under side of wings rather faintly striped with black. Tiger Swallowtail (P. glaucus), melanistic female. Famity II. Tue Wuires anp YELLOWS Ground color of wings white............,.. «=. «sc «pee einen 2. Ground color of wings orange or yellow............ «2 as40s2 ee eee 6. Forewings falcate, sharp pointed at tip, underside of hind wings marbled with greenish, an orange patch at tip of forewing in male. Falcate Orange-tip (Anthocaris genutia). Central Section, early spring. Not asain geniid. oom. bw. . oes oss ve ato w a Oe 3. Forewings broadly bordered outwardly with black, albinistic females of some species of Terias and Colias. See under 6. Forewings not broadly bordered with black............2 a5. 45s ase 4, Wings unmarked, hind wings not buffy beneath. Gray-veined White (Pontia oleracea). Mountains, rare. Wings with some dark markings above............:- -% see pee Ds Black markings on upper side of wings consisting of the tip, one or two spots on forewing and one on hind wing, these sometimes wanting in spring speci- mens, hind wings buffy beneath....... Cabbage Butterfly (Pontia rapae). Forewings with more than two black spots, hind wings unmarked (male), or extensively marbled with dusky and white (female). Checkered White (Pontia protodice). Wings almost wholly yellow, except a row of brown spots along the outer edge in ‘the female; ieee 2 kas ss. Cloudless Sulphur (Catopsilia eubule). Wings broadly bordered outwardly with black....................-+-++-- Uf With one or two pearly spots on underside of hind wings................. 8. With no pearly spots on underside of hind wings.................e0++e2: 10. 1921) BUTTERFLIES OF NORTH CAROLINA 8. a oo 9 ee wo Noa =] or Forewings coming to a sharp angle at tip, yellow on upper side of forewings bearing a rough resemblance to an animal’s head. Yellow Dogface (Colias caesonia). TE ES EN SGP SS Se ee 9. Ground color of wings sulphur yellow...Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice). Ground color of wings orange............ Clouded Orange (Colias eurytheme) ; Ground color of wings orange, spread over 1% inches. Bordered Orange (Terias nicippe). . Ground color of wings yellow, spread under 11% inches.................... ie . A black band across fore wings near the posterior border....... peti 8 f313 ie Beane HE ACEOSS EGLO WINGS: ..... ccc ssid Sas. - sce 2 ese eee eee eee 14. . Under side of hind wings white........ Banded Sulphur (Verias jucunda). East Sa eet see MinA wanes HUISG Ye ase i joe secs. ee ee eee 13. . Upper side of hind wings yellow............ Delia Sulphur (Terias delia}. East . Upper side of hind wings white........... Elathea Sulphur (7. elathea). East. . Under side of hind wings yellow with brown spots.. Little Sulphur (Terias lisa). minder side of hind wings TUsby....:c jc. «ie. --.--. Delia Sulphur, female. Famizy III]. THe Nympus Outer edge of both fore and hind wings strongly angled or jJagged...........2. Outer edge of hind wings evenly rounded or nearly so...............-..--. 6. Wings dark brown with cream colored borders. Mourning Cloak (Euvanessa antiopa). imrredainnbeawe, tne border Garker......>..........-...-.2.--0s20es Sy Silvery mark on under side of hind wings divided into a curved mark and a dot, round black spots on upper side of forewings normally six. Question-mark (Grapta interrogationis) Silvery mark on under side of hindwings undivided, round black spots on Bummerimce GluGrewiles NOmmally five:.o:.....---..-.- 2.22.2 .eee ee seee 4, Silvery mark on under side of hind wings tapered at both ends, under side of wings with grayish markings...Gray Comma (Grapta progne). Mountains. Silvery mark on under side of hind wings expanded at both ends...........¢ 5. Under side of hind wings with greenish markings, wings very much jagged on the outer edges..Green Comma Butterfly (Grapta faunus). Mountains. Under side of hind wings without greenish markings, wings only moderately [REET Ss an 5 SOO REG Oo Oe ne eee eee Comma Butterfly (Grapta comma). Wings with numerous silvery spots on the underside.........--...-++++++-- ve Wings without silvery spots on the underside................--++--+++-+ 10. Forewings long and narrow, silvery spots on under side of hind wings elongate. Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae). Fore wings broad, silvery spots on under side of wings round.............-. 8. Spread of wings 114 inches... Myrina Fritillary (Argynnis myrina). Mountains. Coe) oP Ses te So Syed crea 9. Under side of hind wings with a broad yellowish band. Great Spangled Fritillary (Argynnis cybele). Mountains. ee side of hind wings with a narrow yellowish band. Silver Spotted Fritillary (Argynnis aphrodiie). Mountains. JOURNAL OF THB MITCHELL SOCIETY | December . Ground color of upper side of wings black or blackish, usually with some white TAT KINGS ree ETE ip sc leek cl ais a wa ecid a seas ee Thal . Ground color of upper side of wings some shade of brown or reddish brown. ..14. . Wings black, transversely banded with white, forewings long and narrow. Zebra Butterfly (Heliconia charitonia). South-east. 11. Wings not transversely banded with white........:..:.....025--. eee 12. . Upper side of forewings crossed by a bright red band. Red Admiral (Pyrameis atalanta). 12.. Upper side. of forewings without red band.. «....... 2250.3. se eee eee 13. 13. Under side with numerous red spots....Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis ursula). 13. Under side of wings without red spots. Diana Fritillary (Argynnis diana), female. Mountains. 14. Upper side of wings without white markings..................-.-s++005 15. 14. Upper side of wings with more or less white markings................... 19. 15. Spread 3 to 4 inches, inner half of wings dark, the outer half orange in strong CODEEAS Gea aero ws oe os Se Oe ne Diana Fritillary, male. 15. Spread 2% inches or less, colors not as in diand............200.eee+eece: 16. 16. Upper side of wings with 8 to 10 rounded black spots on each wing, spread about 1% inches........Bellona Fritillary (Argynnis bellona). Mountains. . Upper side of wings with not more than 4 or 5 rounded black spots on each wing, if more are present on the hind wings, there are none on the forewings. 17. 7. Black spots as well as other markings present on upper side of forewings, color of wings mainly fulyvous. Spread 2 to 2% inches. Variegated Fritillary (Huptoieta claudia). . No round black spots on upper side of forewings, spread of wings under 2 . The dark color predominating on upper side of forewings. Silver Crescent (Phyciodes nycteis). Mountains. . The fulvous color predominating on upper side of forewings. Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos). . Palpi very long, snout-—like; outer edge of forewing strongly angled, wings fulvous centrally, black externally...Beaked Butterfly (Libythea bachmani). . Palpi short as usual, outer edge of forewing not strongly angled, if at all... .20. . Wing veins all edged with black, ground color of wings reddish brown or OTANGECS «se kya srevalre esonewieieeie, =) se 5 oie os iw s\n 0 ie one Sa G rere a ae ene 21. 1. Wing veins notiedged with black... ........5..¢.0« 4-255 Toe eee D2 . Spread 3% inches or more, no black line across middle of hind wings, two rows of white spots near the outer edge of both pairs of wings. Monarch Butterfly (Danais plexippus). . Spread under 3% inches, a black band across middle of hind wings, one row of white dots near edge of wings... . . Viceroy Butterfly (Limenitis archippus). . Wings with numerous white spots on the undersides of all wings, and at least on the upper side of the forewings also, but without any ringed eye- like spots. 5 2 foe asspeie lee aa sisi s Se oe ws du olla chal er 23 . Wings with few white spots on any one wing, but with eye-like spots on at least ‘the under sidevor thevhind wings... ........... eee eee 25). . Spread about 3% inches, the hind wings with very few, if any white spots on the upper sides. 2504s The Queen (Danais berenice). Eastern Section. 1921] BUTTERFLIES OF NorTH CAROLINA iW 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. 26. 26. os Sgr eo Spread 2 inches. Dark brown, the spots about equally numerous on all wings, above and below...The Baltimore (Melitaea phaeton). Mountains. With one large eye-like spot on upper side of forewings, and two on the hind wings, the one on the forewings enclosed in the lower end of a whitish band, and repeated on the under side....... The Buckeye (Junonia coenia). With no large eye-like spot on upper side of forewings...................25. With two large eye-like spots on under side of hind wings. Painted Beauty (Pyrameis huntera). With not less than four small eye-like spots on under side of hind wings.. . 26. Ground color reddish brown, four or five small eye spots on under side of hind wings, spread 214 inches or more.. . Painted Lady (Pyrameis cardui). Local. Ground color of wings dull brown, six or seven small eye spots on under side of hind wings, spread 27% inches or less. Gray Emperor (A patura celtis). Central Section. Famity 1V. THe Mrapow Browns (Agapetidae) Parewines with a larze white or yellow patch.......................0000 Ze Pa wiMeRWwILNOlt amy SUCH PAbCH...o5 cae ccccee se ee ete ete ee ee Oe Two eye-like spots in white patch on forewings, spread of wings about 2. TCI See a Blue-eyed Grayling (Satyrus alope}. Mountains. - Often only one eye-like spot in patch on forewings, spread about 2% inches. Southern Grayling (Satyrus pegala). Outer border of hind wings scalloped, spread about 2 inches............... 4. Sines order or hind wines not sealloped..:.................. 2. cece eens 5: Veins of outer part of forewings of male are noticeably pale and the round black spots between them have light wedge-shaped marks on their inner side, female with only two well developed black spots on upper side of forewings, 22... .i..... Southern Pearly-wing (Debis creola). Wake county Veins on forewings not pale and without wedge-shaped light spots on their inner side. Three or four well developed black spots on upper side of ferewings im-both sexes. ......... 60.08. a. Pearly-wing (Debis portlandia). Mppaeritie Grewittpa WAtH CVE SPOtS.-.-sa5s 16.6.6 --. 5... ee eee eee ee ees 6. Upper side of wings without eye-spots, spread less than 1% inches......... ff Forewings with two eye-spots above, spread about 1% inches. Little Wood Satyr (Neonympha eurytus). Forewings with a row of black spots above, spread about 2 inches. Eyed Brown (Neonympha canthus). Mountains. Hind wings with a pearly or metallic patch on under side of hind wings but with no eye like spots...........3... Gemmed Brown (Neonympha gemma). Hind wings with eye—like spots on under side...................0220000005 8. Eye spots on under side of hind wings round. Carolinian Satyr (Neonympha sosybius). Eye spots on under side of hind wings elliptical. Georgian Satyr (Neonympha phocion). Famity V. THE GOssSAMER-WINGED BUTTERFLIES (Lycaenidae) Wings reddish brown above with black spots or many fine black lines... ... .2. 78 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December 1. Wings not spotted above with black, nor with many fine black lines on the Udo OYSIMISIG (sb oem So alo GO nn Sen io Nolacoccboes< 4, 2. Wings with four or five irregular black lines, extending across both pairs of wings on both surfaces. Little Metal-mark (Calephelis caenius). Cumberland Co. 2.. Wings spotted aboverwithblack.:: ... 5 ....253. es... 2 Strain eee eee 3. 3. Under side of hind wings with many small crescentic and circular fine white MDGS us su Ado oo bs 1 See The Wanderer (Feniseca tarquinius). 3. Under side of hind wings with small black dots. American Copper (Chrysophanus hypophleas). 4. Wings with more or less blue on the upper side... ...... 3. des0 qeeeeene 5. 4. Wingsitwithoutibluess 0h... ce... 6 oc oie ee Sethe ee 10. 5. Hind wings evenly rounded, without thread-—like tails...................... 6. 5: .Hind ‘wings with thread—hke tails............. 0... «2.8 see ie 6. Under side of hind wings with a row of orange crescents near the outer bor- 0 01 Riles ia Sa thd ian Scudder’s Blue (Lycaena scudderi). Mountains. 6. Under side of hind wings without any orange markings. Spring Azure (Lycaena pseudargiolus). 7. Hind wings evenly rounded with a single thread—lke tail, color of upper sur- face of wings not bordered with black....... Tailed Blue (Lycaena comyntas). 7. Hind wings with two tails or at least a second projection.................. 8. 8. Blue little if at all evident on upper side of forewings, a red band on under RNG GDR TITSER D8 ye Least Purple Hairstreak (Thecla cecrops). 8. Blue largely present on both pairs of wings above, no red band on under side Of (WINGS ss sos oe bcc ee ee cw ee we Feo ene OR 9. 9. Under side of abdomen orange, no white line on under side of wings. Great Purple Hairstreak (Thecla halesus). 9. Under side of abdomen not orange, a white line on under side of wings. White M Hairstreak (Thecla M-album). 10: Hind wings withthread—like tails... ......:....:.. +s os lesen eee eee il 10. Hind wings without tails, but often scalloped or uneven.................-- 15: 11. Under side of wings bright green, marked with brown and white. Green Hairstreak (Thecla damon). 11., Under sidevofewingsinot green... <2... 2.0... 22 see eee 12. 12. Under side of wings with a red band near outer edge. Least Purple Hairstreak (Thecla cecrops), female. 12, Under side‘of wings without red band............-. .-see eee eee Eee 13: 13. Under side of wings pearly gray with a single irregular white line on under GMO minoliin as: |e Se Gray Hairstreak (Thecla melinus). 13. Under side of wings dark brown with two or more series of broken white lines OF Series Oflines sere e clese eshte eesie as cid levsvs sienas 0 9 oon eee eee mY ovtee bon 14. Outer white lines on under side of hind wings continuous. Banded Hairstreak (Thecla calanus). 14. Outer white lines on under side of hind wings broken. Edward’s Hairstreak (Thecla edwardsi). Polk Co. 15. Underside of hind wings with a row of orange spots. Coral-banded Elfin (Thecla titus). Wake and Polk Cos. 15. Under side of wings without orange spots......:...........7. 0 eee 16. 1921) BUTTERFLIES OF NORTH CAROLINA 79 16. Under side of wings with numerous irregular black cross bars. Banded Elfin (Thecla niphon). Penrice side Of WINPA NOL AS IN NEMRON. > +... es. ee ee ee eee Lf. 17. Under side of wings uniform rust red on its outer half. Brown Elfin (Thecla augustus). Polk Co. 17. Under side of hind wings with pale scales on its outer half giving it a hoary SPIPBTIICE sae RR Be Aes Ae ng Oe eee 18. 18. Upper side of forewings grayish brown, under side of hind wings fairly uni- FORMING COOLS es oo oc he stasis foe x Hoary Elfin (Thecla irus). Mountains. 18. Upper side of forewings reddish brown on its outer portion, under side of hind wings with a pale outer portion and a dark inner portion, these sharply defined from one another. - Henry’s Elfin (Thecla henrici). Polk and Wake Counties. Note. In the preceding keys no distribution is given except of those species which are apparently confined to a part of the state, the others are known to be at least fairly well distributed throughout the state. The sixth family of butterflies, the Hesperidae or Skippers, is left for another paper, the species being both numerous and hard to discriminate. RateiGH, N. C. A THEOREM ON DOUBLE POINTS IN INVOLUTION By J. W. LASLeEy, JR. A bilinear relation seep er d= Ol ne: s costes (1) between x and 2’, in which a, b, c, d are known, may be regarded as a _ projective transformation of the points « of a line into the points x’ of that line. Thus Gy Ory eR Ye ON Oia 0 Re Saori eon tats a 2 (2) sends the point x = 1 into the point x’ = —1 and the point « = — 1 into the point x = 2. We ask ourselves can it happen that if x = h is sent into 2’ = k, that « = kis sent into x’ = h. Such transformations are said to be of period two. They are called involutions. For example Tieton to) —« = 00 eeeoeeroee (3) sends x = — 2 into ¢ — 13 and x’ = 13 mto2. ——-2 One can convince himself that the noticeable difference between (3) and (2), namely that in (8) the coefficients of x and 2’ are alike, is a property which characterizes an involution. From this point of view an involution is given analytically by anve-\-10(% 2) +- d= 0 Ae eee (4) When for x = h the relation (1) demands 2’ = k, k is said to cor- respond to h. Ordinarily to k will not correspond h again. This will be so when, and only when, the projective transformation is an involution. In this event we may say that h and k correspond. The points —2 and 138 are seen to correspond in (8). Consider now the involution Cite £)) do =O)... .. see (5) different from (3). Let us see whether (3) and (5) have a common pair of corresponding points. If so, x and 2’ must satisfy both (3) and (5). We have, then, xz’, — (x + x’), 1 proportional to the two- rowed determinants obtained from the matrix | | Lie (6) by deleting in turn the first, second and third columns, that is oa! oe a ee (7) Consequently x and 2’ are given by g? — 47 — 5 = 0........2.5. (8) 1921] A THEOREM ON DOUBLE PoInts IN INVOLUTION 81 and are —1 and 5. We find upon testing these in (3) and (5) that they correspond in both involutions. Let us inquire whether in an involution, like (3), there are points which correspond to themselves. If so, these are given by BS 65 he ON bt ee (9) obtained from (3) by putting x = 2’. These are here —7 and 1, and are called the double points of the involution. Similarly the double points of (5) are 3 and 11. The question naturally arises as to what extent a choice, of cor- responding points determines an involution. Equation (4) appears to have three arbitrary constants, but it will become evident upon reflection that only the ratios of these are important. Clearly, if we knew two pairs of corresponding points, they would by (4) give us two homogeneous linear equations, which are usually just ade- quate for determining the ratios a:b:d. For instance, let us arbi- trarily assign — 7, 1 and 3, 11 as two pairs of corresponding points, and ask for the involution determined by them. The pair —7, 1 in (4) gives 7a + 6b —d =0............ (10); the pair 3, 11 in (4) gives 350 Aa ed 02... ese: (11). From (10) and (11) we have a : —b:d as the second order determin- ants obtained from the matrix 7 6 —l | oS a by deleting in turn the first, second and third columns. In this way we obtain a:b:d = 1: 2: —5. Consequently, the involution de- termined is erin! =A (irs oe) nar) (13). whose double points are — 1 and 5. We have seen that the involutions (3) and (5) have just one pair of corresponding points in common, the pair — 1, 5 given by (8). The double points of (3), namely —7, 1 and of (5), namely 3, 11, taken as two pairs of corresponding points determined (13), and in- volution different from (3) or (5). The common pair — 1, 5 of cor- responding points in (3) and (5) turned out to be the same as the double points of (13). We shall now show that this is not an acci- dent of the particular involutions chosen, but follows from the nature of involutions. 82 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December In the two involutions (4) and was bi (a + o') +d! = 0. 5253 (14). the common pair of corresponding points are such that wx’, x + 2’: 1 are proportional to their cofactors in xo z+’ 1 a b d |. ae (15), a’ b/ d’ that is, xv’: x +2':1 = (bd’ — b’d) : (a’d — ad’) : (ab’ —’b). Consequently 2 and 2’ are given by (ab’ — a’b) x? + (ad’ —a’d)x + (bd’ — b’d) = 0........ (16). The double points of (4) are given by Coe 207 0. =O 2. eee (17), those of (14) by ax? +. Ob'n +d! =0......0.005. (18). The involution determined by the two pairs of points in (17) and (18) is anne! xt’ 1 d =F a. | =i0). Se ee (19) d’ — 20’ a’ Its double points are given by an x 1 d £3 d\= 0}. »a aaa (20), d’ iy a’ or (ab’ — a’b)a? + (ad’ — a’d)x + (bd’ — b’d) = 0............ (21) which is identical with (16). We have, then, established the theorem that the common corresponding points in two involutions is the pair of double points in the involution determined by the double points of the given involutions. CuHapreL Hunn, N. C. THE COLLYBIAS OF NORTH CAROLINA By W. C. Coker ann H. C. BEARDSLEE PLATES 1 AND 4-23 Cap slightly fleshy and in most species drooping soon after matur- ity, often thin, expanded or rounded at maturity; margin even, at first incurved. Gills sinuate, adnate, adnexed, or free. Stem hollow or stuffed, cartilaginous, rooting. Spores white when fresh, smooth, in most species small. Volva and veil lacking. None is known to be poisonous and all the best known larger ones are valued edibles. The Genus Collybia will be found fairly easy to distinguish among the white spored agarics. It is a little difficult to understand at first what is meant by “‘cartilaginous stem,”’ and as is usual, some species referred to this genus are not clearly typical and might easily be re- ferred to other genera. These will trouble the beginner. The largest of the genus, C. platyphylla, for example, has a thick fleshy stem and may well be looked for in Tricholoma. Collybia confluens, C. stipitaria and C. zonata might easily be referred to Marasmius at the start and they have in fact been transferred to that genus by some authors (see Atkinson, in N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 205-206: 61. 1919). Kauffman, in his Agaricaceae of Michigan, retains them in Collybia. The key which has been arranged has purposely been made as simple as possible, and will, it is hoped, be found practical. It covers the common species of the state, though more will probably be found as our fungous flora is better known. One species which is common in northern woods may be looked for in the mountains. It is Collybia succosa Pk. (C. nigrescens Quél., C. atramentosa Kalch., and C. fuligi- naria Weinm.). It will be at once recognized from the watery drops which exude from the lamellae when cut and from the black hues which the flesh assumes when injured. Collybia tenacella (Pers.) Quél., C. ventricosa and C. clavus (L.) Quél., were reported from this state by Schweinitz or by Curtis. They are noted as doubtfully American by Murrill (N. Am. Flora 9: 374-6. 1916). Collybia detersibilis B. & C., also reported by Curtis, is probably the same as Clitocybe compressipes Pk. It will be noted that two species have been referred to European species not before reported from America. It may be said that this [83] 84 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December has been done only after careful comparisons and correspondence with the best European authorities. Unless otherwise stated all numbered collections are from Chapel Hill, N. C. IMPORTANT AMERICAN LITERATURE: Peck. N. Y. St. Cab. Rept. 23: 78. 1872. Bot. ed.; also N. Y. St. Mus. Rept. 49:32. 1896. Bot. ed. Morrity. N. Am. Flora 9: 352. 1916 (as Gymnopus); and 9: 287. 1915 (as crinipellis). Luoyp. Collybias of Cincinnati. Mycological Notes No. 5. Dee., 1900. KaurrmMan, C. H. Collybia. Mich. Geol. and Biol. Survey Publication, Bio- logical Series 5. 1918; also Agaricaceae of Michigan, p. 749. 1918. Morean. Journ. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. 6:70. 1883. Besides the well known works of the older mycologists see the re- cent important monograph by Sartory and Maire, Synopsis du genre Collybia, Paris, 1918. Also see Ricken, Die Blatterpilze 2: 400, pls. 106-9. 1915; Lange, Studies in the Agarics of Denmark--III. Dansk Bot. Ark: 2) Now710; 3:pls. 1917. KEY TO THE SPECIES Stem stout, striate, in a few cases stuffed, not velvety..............++-0-+00-: 1 Stem more slender, glabrous or pruinose, not distinctly striate or velvety...... 5 Stem distinctly velvety........ 02.6005. 0 ood da sw Oe eee 11 1.. Capawhite or neatlyss0 sm... ss ds oe oe oe eee C’.. maculata (1) 1. Cap red or chestnut brown, or reddish ochraceous..............0.+0eeee0:: 2 1. Cap gray, grayish brown or olive................ 05.0 ee 3 2. Gills pure white; stem stout and enlarging downwards........ C. butyracea (2) 2. Gills pure white; stem not stout and nearly equal............... C. dryophila (3) 2. Gills, spotted! with! red 5 4.....5%..5.. .04... 0000 cee C. distorta (7) 3. Cap viscid; stem with a long root. :.........:: .:e eee C. radicata (8) 3. Cap not VISCIG..c 2c... cn cee ee ete tee eet eee 4 4.-Gills. blackening when injured. ...........'......: Seeeeeeeeee C. semitalis (9) 4. Gills not blackening when injured.................:...598 C. platyphylla (10) 5. Growing on decaying fungi, small, buffy tan................... C. cirrata (12) 5. Growing on pine cones, small, threads at base white........ C. conigena (13) 5. Growing on magnolia cones, threads at base buff!....... C’.. conigenoides (14) 5. Growing on thick beds of moss, small, brown................. C. clusilis (22) 5. Not growing on conesior fungi...................... eee 6 6. Cap less than 12 mm. broad; plant white all over................. C. alba (15) 6. Cap larger; plant not pare white.../...............¢. -2 ee 7 7. Gills. white or nearly S000. 6 esas... os... eds ee 8 7. Gills: distinetiysyellow eer: << oats oc: sss os ee C. exsculpta (11) 7. Gills buff color inorimmmom ulate .r cu. sco. ose e C. exsculpta (a form) (11a) 7. Gills brownish-lilac, or tan with tints of brownish-lilaec ................+-+- 9 8. Growing on damp earth; plant small, the stem base with a mat of tawny 4 PLATE 1298. No. COLLYBIA MACULATA. {5 fe: 1921] THE COLLYBIAS OF NORTH CAROLINA 85 nae colar ollenp dark DTOWR. 9 20.2526... ce ee C. Earleae (4) NN ALG OM WET OO WOENE oe 2 = se Pe ee we ee ee eek 10 Pacrowing on logs: gills crowded.........-:-.-.-......... C. myriadophylla (6) . Growing on earth; gills not crowded and with spiny cystidia. .C. lilacina (21) . Usually on leaves; cap center often rugose and always rugose on drying, color yellowish tan with center reddish; spores pip-shaped, about 3.5 — 4.5 x OS SEAS AER SS. Cae Rs a C. nummularia (5) 10. On earth, wood or leaves; cap center smooth and usually drying smooth; color pinkish tan or yellowish brown, the center darker; spores elliptic, oo 6 HO LITO PSS S/T eee te C. dryophila (3) Wo) 2 2 CEE SUSE USERS en C. velutipes (16) Maem rougn-pubescent or squamulose. -........ 222.2222 2.2. cee eee eee eee 12 2 LE LTTE. Looe Senses oo Se 13 12. Cap gray or brownish-gray, not zonate.................... C. stipitaria (20) Beagrie inwhy color, zonate. 2.2... 2.2... eee eee eee. C. zonata (19) J 220 DUDS ELS Ta ee ee a C. confluens (18) ment apemat NYPTOPRANOUS. <2. . 22-5262 s.-92- 0s sede sss---- C. hariolorum (17) 1. Collybia maculata A. & 8. PLATES 4 AND 23 Cap up to 8.5 em. wide, usually 4-6 cm., convex, slightly viscid, smooth, even, dull or faintly shining, not at all striate, color nearly white or a light flesh-pink with darker areas and stains of pinkish- brick color which seem to be the result of rubbing. Center usually not darker than the margin. Flesh white or slightly pinkish, 1 cm. thick in center, thinner towards margin, dense and pliable, odor de- cidedly woody, taste bitterish and distinctly astringent, sometimes tardily so. Gills colored like the cap and staining pinkish-brick on bruising; crowded, sinuate attached, narrow, 2-3.5 mm. deep, many short ones, none branched, margin eroded. Stem 5-10 cm. long usually rather deeply rooted, white, even or slightly larger at either end, tough, elastic, fibrous, with a central cyl- inder that is lightly stuffed or hollow; surface minutely tomentose ex- cept at base where it is decidedly hairy; the hairs white or a very light cream color. Spores (of No. 1298) cream color, elliptic, 2.9-3.8 x 4.2-5yu. Eas- ily distinguished from C. dryophila (which is nearest) by the brick- colored stains. 131. Low dense woods, Glen Burnie Farm, October 4, 1908. 594. Along branch below Howell’s Spring, October 18, 1912. ‘Spores cream color, elliptic, smooth, 3-3.7 X 4.7u. 86 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December 1298. On rotting pine log in woods south of athletic field, October 1, 1914. Photo. 1884. Under pines near old iron mine, October 3, 1915. 1939. In damp pine woods just south of athletic field, October 27, 1915. Spores smooth, subspherical, 3.6—4 thick. 2370. Woods near Meeting of the Waters branch, June 5, 1916. Spores 3-4 x 4.5-Tu. 3011. Battle’s Park just below Outdoor Theatre, April 19, 1918. 3187. Under pines by branch toward Meeting of Waters, October 5, 1918. Asheville, on or around well decayed wood in mountain woods; rather rare. Beardslee. Middle district (Schw.), woods. Curtis. 2. Collybia butyracea Bull. PuaTEs 5, 6, AND 23 Cap up to 6 em. wide, convex, sometimes umbonate, smooth, shining, color pinkish-buff, darkest in center. Flesh 2. 5 mm. thick at stem, very thin towards margin, soft. Gills deeply depressed and angled at stem, nearly free, close, none forked, many short, up to 5.56 mm. wide near stem; white, margin strongly eroded. Stem up to 6 em. long, usually flattened and channelled, up to 5mm. thick at cap, enlarging downward, smooth except near base which is incrassated with white mycelium, more or less obviously marked all over with longitudinal striations, color of cap, darkest below, flesh firm, elastic, fibro-cartilaginous, quite hollow. Spores (of No. 1902) not white, exactly light buff of Ridgway, subpip-shaped, smooth, 3-8.7 x 5-6 uw. On earth in woods, rare. There is a greasy look to the cap, which gives the plant its name. I cannot find any quality that will hold good between this and ail the forms of C. dryophila. In Chapel Hill forms occur with greasy- looking caps and slender equal stems, and Beardslee’s photo. of C. dryophila on earth shows the stem enlarged below just as in C. butyra- cea. Also the slender stemmed plants of C. dryophila often show the stem distinctly lined when a lens is used. The spores of the two species as we have distinguished them here are identical. 1902. In pine and oak woods near Brockwell’s, Battle’s Park, October 17, 1915. 2431. Under shrubs in Mr. Woollen’s yard, July 25, 1916. Spores elliptic, smooth, pointed at one end, 3-3.7 X 5.5-7.4u. PLATE 5 COLLYBIA BUTYRACEA. No. 1902. PLATE 6 Photo by B. COLLYBIA BUTYRACEA. 1921] THE CoLLyBiAs OF NORTH CAROLINA 87 Asheville, rather rare. Beardslee. Middle district, rotten trunks. Curtis. 3. Collybia dryophila Fr. Collybia subdryophila Atk. PLATES 7, 8, AND 23 Plants solitary, gregarious or cespitose with the enlarged bases densely crowded. Cap about 2.5-5.3 em. broad, convex then expanded and uneven, usually a little depressed in or around the center, smooth, hygrophan- ous; in damp weather translucent and greasy looking, in dry weather opaque and dull or faintly shining, not greasy; color pinkish-tan or dull yellowish-brown, the center darker or with a lighter ‘‘eye.’”’ Flesh thin, 1.5-2 mm. thick near center, soft, color of cap or whitish, taste and odor like rotten wood (fungoid), not farinaceous. Gills very thin, nearly or quite free, crowded, sinuate, the edges uneven, pure white or in age faintly creamy or pinkish-creamy; when bruised turning slowly to ochraceous. Looking at gills when fresh the color of the pileus showing through in some forms gives the effect of wine color. Stem 4-7.5 cm. long, 2-4 mm. thick, equal (typically) except for a sudden enlargement at the very base, but often varying towards the enlarged base of C. butyracea, damp, smooth, white-tomentose near base, and with several string-like rhizomorphs; color like that of cap or lighter, pithy then hollow. If examined with a lens the stem may be seen to be distinctly striate with inherent lines of color, especially below. Spores (of No. 80) deep cream, elliptic, smooth, 3-3.7 x 4.8-7 u.., most about 3.3 x 5.5 u. I can find no character that will sharply separate this from C. butyracea, and plants combining the characters of the two are often found. I am satisfied that these supposed species are forms of only one. This is the commonest and most variable of our Collybias. In old plants the pileus is often pale, and it presents many variations in size and habit. It is, however, soon learned and recognized in all its * Thereisa peculiar growth that has been often found on the cap and stem surface in America (not in Europe) that was named by Peck Tremella mycetophila. It is in the form of rather small pale globules or cushions of various size, that are plicate and soft. They are not, how- ever, a Tremella as the basidia are club-shaped as in an agaric. Burt now thinks it an abnor- mal growth of the Collybia itself, but Miss Hone thinks it a true parasite. See Mycological Notes No. 47, p. 662. 1917. 88 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December disguises. One photograph is of the cespitose form on old wood, but it should be noted that it is often solitary or gregarious. Collybia subdryophila was described by Dr. Atkinson from plants sent him from Chapel Hill by us. It seems to me to be one of the numerous forms of this variable species. His description is as follows (Ann. Myc. 7: 367. 1909): “Plants dry, 5-9 cm. high, pileus 2-3 cm. broad, stem 5 mm., stout. Pileus smooth, purplish or pinkish-brown. Gills white, ad- nexed. Spores oval to subglobose, granular, then usually with a small oil drop, 3-4 u, in diameter, rarely 5 py, long. Stem cartilaginous, tough, hollow, equal. Belongs to Levipedes section, resembles some- what C. dryophila, but differs especially in the spores. C. U. herb., No. 22634, mixed woods on hillside by Fern Walk near Sparrow’s Pond, Chapel Hill, N. C., W. C. Coker, October 2, 1908.” For good illustrations see Mycologia 3: 101, pl. 40, fig. 8, 1911, and 4: 164, pl. 68, fig. 3. 1912. 80. On side of hill east of Tenney’s, October 23, 1911. 1012. Among leaves in woods in Battle’s Park, October 28, 1912. Spores cream color, 3.3-3.8 X 5-7.5n. 1745. On trunk of red maple among growth of Porella, at foot of Lone Pine Hill, September 12, 1915. A depauperate form. Spores about 3.7 X 7y. 2493. Gregarious to subcespitose in humus, grove at “The Rocks,’”’ May 9, 1917. Photo. Intermediate in character between C. butyracea and C. dryophila. Spores white at first, 3-3.3 < 5.5-6.7y, exactly like those of C. buty- racea No. 1902. 3049. Dense deciduous and also pine and deciduous woods, foot of Lone Pine Hill, May 18, 1918. Spores ovate-elliptic, white, smooth, 2.8-3.9 5.2-6.5p. 3066. Strowd’s lowground woods, on decaying stump, May 22, 1918. 3310. On a black gum log, June 7, 1919. One plant has on it a specimen of the growth called by Peck Tremella mycocephala. Painting. 3542. Mixed woods, Battle’s Park, October 28, 1919. Cap very pale buff, cen- ter slightly darker. Gills and top of stem pale yellow, darker buff be- low. Blowing Rock. Atkinson. Asheville, “In scattered colonies on old leaf mould and old wood. Often in dense clusters.’”’ Beardslee. Middle district, in woods. Curtis. 3a, Collybia dryophila Bull. A form. We have a small, squat form of bare soil in shade that would hardly at first sight be referred to this species. It is single or cespitose; ‘a AY O0Ud = “WIIHdOAUC VIAATIOO 4 ALV'Id o ‘ I ‘Del if 1 ¥ \! J \ i t ' i = i ’ 1 a ' 7 i , \ { ' z 1 . e ‘ a vi . ! . ' 1 ii ‘ - ’ rn ‘ ! ia a j \ 1 T = oe ; — J a = a i \ 1 =f , t 1 1 = st P 4 N ~ f ae ® i ‘ ‘ : \ _ L ‘ hi i“) - { , \ be E : J i ‘ * g r / ‘ f "4 S 4 P ' f 4 ; =. a a > * i ss 4 ‘ . pY J —,* i f ~ = "so ‘ 2 ¥ r te ‘ = ' 1 ' * :? 7 - ae i 4 : : ’ i a ab i A + ie F = ’ \ O Ne ' . ~ | i \ ’ : 0 { : ; J ¢ - 1 'e) , 4 PLATE \\ MU, 4p gs * a . NN AS ’. COLLYBIA DRYOPHILA. 1921] THE Couiysias oF NortH CaRouina 89 the cap up to 2.5 em., usually about 1.5 cm. broad, nearly plane or irregular, glabrous, not viscid, hygrophanous, brownish-leather color when wet, leather color or buffy leather when dry. Flesh concolorous; taste oily-woody, strong, odor same or slight. Gills rather close, sin- uate, color of cap, 1-2 mm. wide. Stem 1.5-2.4 cm. long, 1-2 mm. thick, smooth, concolorous, tough, solid, firmly attached in the soil and bringing up a ball of earth. Spores (of No. 3237) white, elliptic, 2.9-3.7 x 4.1-5.5 u, identical with those of the typical form. 2500. In humus soil under shrubs in Arboretum, May 11, 1917. 3237. In sparse weeds and grass under oaks, roadside home near Mebane, N. C. May 20, 1919. 3236. Bare soil, road in front of Dr. Battle’s, May 15, 1919. This is Just like No. 3237, except that it is abnormally squat and irregular and more cespitose; cap margin strongly recurved in most; odor and taste the same. 3240. On nearly bare soil under oak, hillside on Glen Burnie farm, May 21, 1919. Spores 3 X 4.2-5.5y. 4. Collybia Earleae (Murrill) n. comb. Gymnopus Earleae Murrill. PuatTEs 9 AND 23 Cap 6 mm. to 3.3 cm. broad, convex, then plane or concave, smooth, dull, margin incurved until near maturity, sometimes striate; color pinkish buff or dark brown then wood brown; surface minutely puberulent all over when young. Flesh concolorous, tough; taste rankly moldy; odor faintly similar. Gills not crowded, notched at stem, narrowly adnexed, becoming practically free at full maturity, narrow, 1-3 mm. wide, pale then nearly color of cap, with tint of pink. Stem 1.5-3.3 em. long, 14 mm. thick, tough and cartilaginous, hollow, granular-pulverulent, then smooth, color of cap or a darker reddish buff; attached to soil by a decided clump of tangled, tawny hairs which come up with it, bringing a ball of earth. Spores (of No. 3052) white, smooth, pip-shaped, 2.3-3 x 5.2-6u. This seems certainly C. Earleae, which is known only from the type locality—a creek bottom near Auburn, Alabama. The small size, dark color, growth on damp earth, pinkish-brown gills and par- ticularly the dense clump of tawny hairs easily distinguish it. 90 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December 3046. On damp ground, Strowd’s lowground woods, May 5, 1918. 3052. Same locality as No. 3046, May 7, 1918. 3128. Same locality as No. 3046, May 18, 1918. Spores 3-3.8 X 5.8-7p. 3130. Same locality as No. 3046, May 22, 1918. 5. Collybia nummularia Fr. Collybia strictipes Pk. Puates 10 anpD 23 This medium-sized plant grows generally in small tufts on rotting leaves in low woods. Cap up to 5.5 em. broad, convex, then expand- ed, sometimes slightly depressed on one side, somewhat striate on margin, barely umbonate, yellowish-tan in color, often with tint of pink, the center almost brick red and usually a little rugose, often ap- pearing water-soaked. The pileus sometimes shows concentric circles near the margin, evidently due to the plants being water soaked and drying in stages. Gills close, and not very narrow, white or light flesh-colored, sin- uate-attached, or sometimes free, not quite reaching the outer edge of the cap, many short ones. Stem 3.5-7 em. long, 3-7 mm. thick, cartilaginous, hollow, smooth, flesh-colored or whitish, darker at base, nearly equal, connected with extensive cream-colored mycelium that runs among the leaves. Spores long, pip-shaped, white, smooth, 3.7 x 7.4-8 p, character- istically pointed and bent at the mucro end. Peck says of C. strictipes (Rep. 49: 44. 1896): ‘From small un- spotted forms of C. maculata this species may be distinguished by its even stem, less crowded lamellae and by the shape of its spores.” From C. dryophila it is distinguished by the more yellowish cap with reddish, more or less rugose center, the more equal, paler, and more translucent stem, and by the longer, more pip-shaped spores. It is a common species and easily recognized. Kauffman has developed this species (as C. strictipes) from mycelium in leaf-mold brought into the laboratory and kept in a partially covered dish (Mich. Acad. Sci. Rept. 22: 203. 1920). 82. On leaves near Howell’s Branch, October 4, 1911. 83. Among leaves, Battle’s Park, October 28, 1911. 354. On rotting leaves near Howell’s Branch, October 11, 1911. Spores pip- shaped, mostly pointed and slightly bent at one end, 4 X 9u. 584. Near Howell’s Branch, October 18, 1912. Spores 3.5-4.5 X 6-9.5p. AVATAVH VIGATIOO PLATE COLLYBIA NUMMULARIA. i : ae a7 s ay eae - ~ . —_ - a > PIC, eae eo - : ‘ ie on Ter i —- ie ; y 1 J A t 4 5 ' nf 5 1 { = i P = a ‘ mY 41 y A = * ‘ ~_ : f X s 5 P W i oy, j 5 1921] THE CouiyBias OF NORTH CAROLINA 91 589. On leaves, below Howell’s Spring, October 18,1912. Spores 3.3-4 & 6-8.5y, with mucro end pointed and bent. 628. On leaves near Battle’s Branch back of Dr. Wilson’s house, October 24, 1912. Blowing Rock, Atkinson. Asheville, abundant. Beardslee. 6. Collybia myriadophylla Peck. Cap 2-5 em. broad, thin and tough, broadly convex to plane and slightly depressed at the center, hygrophanous, brownish or grayish brown with a distinct lilac tinge when moist, paler when dry, minutely fibrillose. Gills very crowded and narrow, adnexed, brownish lilac. Stem slender, tough, 2-4 em. long 1-2 mm. thick, colored like the cap, often compressed silky pruinose especially toward the rooting base. Spores ellipsoid, 2 3-4 uw. Growing on old logs. Rare. This seems more common farther to the north. It is quite com- mon in the coniferous woods of upper Canada. It is very distinct in its very crowded and narrow lilac gills. The texture of the plant is suggestive of Marasmius. Asheville. Beardslee. 7. Collybia distorta A. & S. PuatE 11 Cap 2.6-8 cm. broad, campanulate, then expanded, and in age with the irregular and contorted margin upturned; glabrous, hygroph- anous, deep reddish brown, paler when dry, not viscid. Flesh toughish, pale-concolorous; taste of rotten wood; odor none. Gills crowded, up to 6 mm. wide, mostly narrower, several times bra nched toward the margin; edges pubescent, thick; color a dilute tan, then strongly stained and blotched with reddish brown. Stem short in ours, 2-4 em. long, 5-10 mm. thick, often flattened; strongly channelled, inherently fibrous, the base whitish with myce- lium and connected with stout white strands which run in the rotten wood. Spores white, smooth, oval, 3.3-4.2 x 4.4-6u. (rather few in this collection). 3519. On a rotten log, October 26, 1919. 92 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December 8. Collybia radicata Rehl. PLATES 12 and 23 Cap 3-10 em. broad, expanded, usually umbonate and rugose, in center sometimes nearly plane; surface viscid, glabrous, varying from pale yellowish-brown or gray to deep blackish-brown, the margin lighter. Flesh thin, white, toughish, taste pleasant. Gills white, rather distant, broad, adnexed to nearly free. Stem very variable in length and thickness, often most slender when longest, 5-20 em. long above ground, 3-13 mm. thick at stem, tapering upward, and extending deeply into the earth with a smaller root; surface glabrous or furfuraceous, striated and often grooved, about color of cap or lighter, darkest below; texture firm, stuffed. Spores (of No. 1844) white, smooth, elliptic, 8-10.8 x 14.4-19 up. A very variable plant both in size and color, but always easily recognized by the long rooting extension of the stem. It is common in open woods, groves and shrubby borders through the summer and fall, and is edible. Mcllvaine says it is sweet, pleasing in texture and delicately flavored. Fora good illustration see Krieger in Nat. Geog. Mag. 37: 398, 1920. 130. Campus in front of Alumni Building, September 21, 1908. 372. Open place west of athletic field, October 18, 1911. 472. Steep hillside on ground and on rotting tree roots in Battle’s Park, Septem- ber 30, 1912. Spores 11.8 X 15.2u. 478. In open space back of South Building, October 2, 1912. Spores 11 X 18.5. 495. On steep hillside around rotting tree in Battle’s Park, October 4, 1912. 1844. Battle’s Park, north of Piney Prospect, September 20, 1915. Asheville. Beardslee. Blowing Rock. Atkinson. Common in woods. Curtis. 9. Collybia semitalis Fr. PuatTes 14 anp 23 Cap convex, 2.5-5.5 em. broad, convex except for a low umbo or nearly plane, hygrophanous, not viscid, rather silky-shining, in- herently fibrous radially, at times minutely squamulose between center and margin, dark brown with a tawny tint, the center blackish and the margin soon so on withering or touching. Flesh 1.5 mm. OTS6 ON VLWMOLSIG VIFTATTIOO [tl ALV Id PLATE 12 COLLYBIA RADICATA. No. 478. 1921) THE CoLiyBias OF NORTH CAROLINA 93 thick near stem, pale brown, toughish, fibrous, taste and odor of raw meal. Gills crowded, 4-5 mm. wide, broadly adnate and a little decurrent, not notched; brownish drab, the margins soon darker, black when bruised. Stem 1.5-3 em. long, 5-6 mm. thick, subequal, color and surface of the cap but rather darker; flesh concolorous, tough, firm, fibrous, stuffed and paler in center. Spores (of No. 3869) white, smooth, oval, slightly pointed at each end, 3.7-4.2 x 7.4-8.5 u. Recognized by the rather small size; dark, smooth, inherently fibrous cap; dark, crowded, slightly decurrent gills, which change color when bruised, and by the farinaceous taste and odor. Added below is Beardslee’s description of this plant from Asheville: Cap 1.5-6 em. broad, hygrophanous, gray to deep smoky gray when moist, dingy gray to isabelline when dry, surface with darker fibrils giving it a streaked appearance, convex with the thinner margin incurved, then expanded and plane, flesh white, thin at the margin. Gills white, quickly becoming yellow and then black when bruised, moderately close. Stem 2-4 em. long, 5-15 mm. thick, tough, white, changing color like the gills, stuffed but often hollow with age. Odor rancid and unpleasant. Spores usually ellipsoid, 7-9 x 5-6 u. Growing along paths, in bare ground in woods. This is a curious but altogether unattractive plant. I have found it only in wet weather after rains. Usually the plants are short stemmed and close to the ground, and dirty and sordid in appearance. They agree well with Bresadola’s figure and description of C. semitalis to which I refer them. All my specimens agree in the quick change to yellow and then black, and all of them have the same disagreeable odor. Both of these characters are brought out in Bresadola’s diagnosis. It will be remembered that Bresadola has separated his plants into three closely related species, all of which were included by Fries under the one name. The spores of the Asheville plants are typically like those of his C. semitalis and the change of color and odor are as he describes. It is interesting, however, that some specimens had a few spores which were triangular as in his variety trigonospora, and in one plant they showed a tendency to become spindle shaped. In none was 94 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December there a change to blue, and then black. Some specimens were more like Tricholoma than Collybia. It is hoped that more work can be done on these forms and their status definitely determined. 887. In pine and oak woods east of graded school house, October 4, 1913. Spores 3.7-4.6 X 7.4-9n. 890. In pine and oak woods, sandy soil by edge of road, about 250 yards south- east of cemetery in woods, October 6, 1913. 3869. Mixed woods, back of athletic field, December 11, 1919. 3880. Mixed woods, Strowd’s lowgrounds, December 13, 1919. Asheville. Beardslee. 10. Collybia platyphylla Fr. PLates 1, 13, anp 23 Cap large, up to 12.5 em. broad, plane and regular or considerably crimped, lobed and uneven, sometimes depressed in center; surface smooth, finely punctate under a lens, not viscid, a rich bay brown (about warm sepia, Ridgway) in center, fading to snuff brown on the margin. Flesh white, extraordinarily thin for the size of the plant, only 3 mm. thick near the cap, and fading to a mere transparent membrane near the margin. Gills deeply sinuate, barely reaching the stem at top, distant, sometimes much crumpled and ridged on faces, varying greatly in width in the same plant, some 2 cm. wide in the center, while other narrow ones running between are only a few mm. wide; color nearly white or with a slight flesh tint. Stem stout, about 5-10 cm. long, 1.5 to 2.3 em. thick at top, some- what larger below, stuffed, then usually hollow; surface even and smooth, striate, white at top, brownish below; flesh white, firm. Spores white, smooth, oval to short-elliptic, 6.8-7.6 x 7.6-8.5 wu. Edible, but not so good as many others. 1263. In grass just east of Old West Building, campus, U. N. C., September 25, 1914. Painting. 1833. In humus, woods by branch southwest of Rocky Ridge Farm, April 20, 1915. Spores creamy in bulk, subspherical to ovate, smooth, 4. 3-5. 8 X 6.3-S8u. Surface of cap brownish-gray, with whitish flecks from the cracking superficial layer. 2045. In grass near oak tree north of Alumni Building, June 9, 1916. Also occurs near stump north of President’s house. 2509. In same spot as No. 2045, June 8, 1917. “S68 “ON “WITAHdALVId VIAATIOO &l HLV' Id \ — 1921] THE CoLuyBIAS OF NorRTH CAROLINA 95 3276. Ona rotting oak stump in Battle’s Park, June 1, 1919. A remarkable form of C. platyphylla. Cap drooping with the margin crimped inward, about 11 cm. across below, and hanging down about 10 cm., glabrous, but cracked into inherent scales over all but margined half or third. Stem very long, 24 em., 1.7 em. thick; fibrous, tough. Spores smooth, ovate, 5.9-6.6 X 7.7-8.1z. Blowing Rock. Atkinson. Asheville. Beardslee. Low and middle districts, on rotten wood. Curtis. 11. Collybia exsculpta Fr. Collybia colorea Pk. PuatTeE 14. Cap 2-4 em. broad, rounded convex to broadly campanulate, with the center a little prominent; hygrophanous, yellow, with the disk often reddish or brownish, minutely fibrillose; margin thin, exceeding the gills, even. Gills yellow, close, narrow, sinuate adnexed, usually turning red in drying. Stem slender, 2-4 cm. long, 3-5 mm. thick, colored like the cap, hollow, glabrous. Spores ellipsoid,4—6 x 3-3.5 uy. On old logs; not rare. This is without question Peck’s C. colorea. Our specimens have been submitted to Bresadola and approved as C. exsculpta, which is said to be rare in Europe. The gills usually change to red in drying, but I have had undoubted specimens in which this is not the case. Occasionally I have found specimens in which the growing plant were red. This,I take it, is Peck’s var. rubescentifolia. Fromthe peculiar color and its habit of growing on logs this species would be taken at first sight for Flammula. Asheville. Beardslee. lla. Collybia exculpta (a form) PuaTEs 15 AND 23 Cap 1. 6-2. 6 cm. broad, convex with a depressed center, then ex- panded with depressed center, glabrous, hygrophanous, not viscid, very faintly striatulate near the margin when soaked, color about ochraceous tawny when soaked, a paler cream-buff to chamois when 96 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December not soaked, the center at times a little darker, the thin margin soon withering to nearly black. Flesh very thin, about 0.6 mm. thick near stem, taste woody and a little bitter, odorless, concolorous. Gills crowded, color of unsoaked cap, in places becoming distinctly lilae in drying, sinuate, about 2-3 mm. wide. Stem concolorous, 2.3-3 cm. long, 1.3-3.5 mm. thick, nearly equal, base with white mycelium; mostly glabrous, a large hollow, toughish (cap rather tender). Spores (of No. 4543) white, smooth, subspheriecal, 3.5-4 x 3.7- 5.5 u, no cystidia. Basidia long-clavate, about 6 u, thick, 4-spored. Hymenium about 29-33 uw, thick. Threads of the gill trama parallel, narrow toward the margin, more swollen toward the cap. I am considering this a form of C. exsculpta, but the color is buff, not yellow or reddish-yellow and the gills are not bright suphur yellow. Also it does not grow on decaying wood but on the ground. 1735. In earth by path west of Meeting of Waters, September 10, 1915. 4543. On very rotten pine log, Strowd’s lowgrounds, July 26, 1920. 4597. On rotting oak wood, swamp of Bowlin’s Creek, July 30, 1920. Spores 3.7-4.5 X 4.5-7.4u. 12. Collybia cirrata Fr. Agaricus cirratus Pers. Abs. Myc. 2: 53. 1799. PuaTEs 1, 16, AND 23 Cap 7-15 mm. broad, slightly umbonate, depressed-umbonate, or only depressed, expanded; the margin curved; glabrous, hygrophanous, not viscid, buffy tan, the margin pale, and center darker. Flesh about 0.5 mm. thick, toughish, concolorous, almost odorless, taste- less. Gills crowded, less than 1 mm. wide, linear, slightly notched at stem, nearly white or concolorous. Stem 0.8 -2.5 em. longand up to 2 mm. thick, narrowed above, or equal, about color of cap or darker, covered below with a con- spicuous dense mat of long, cottony, white or whitish, more or less radicating fibers which may extend with reduced length nearly to the top if well protected; usually only scurfy above. Spores (of No. 3491) white, smooth, oblong-ovate, 2.2-2.5 x 3.7 —4 u. This is certainly C. cirrata, agreeing in all respects with Persoon’s original description which is as follows (translation) : PLATE 14 COLLYBIA EXSCULPTA. Photo by B. [upper left] COLLYBIA ALBA. Photo by B. [upper right]. COLLYBIA SEMITALIS. Nos. 3869 & 3880 [below]. ds z PLATE 15 A form. COLLYBIA EXCULPTA, at) PLATE 16 COLLYBIA HARIOLORUM. Photo by B. [above] COLLYBIA CIRRATA No. 394i [below|. = ‘ 6 | ah, ‘ - i 7 \ 7 LY i ‘ \ » i \ - - 7 \ ni a > of y . : ' ‘ f j - F D , ' - 1921] THE CoLLyBIAS OF NORTH CAROLINA 97 “Small, gregarious, cap subpapillate, plane, whitish; disk sub- rufescent, gills crowded, white; stem rather long, slender, rufescent covered with long fibrillose rootlets. “Habitat. Among dead leaves in autumn, truly a parasite, es- pecially on dying Agarics. “Stems 114 inches long, % line thick at base and sending out sparingly from the sides fibrillose rootlets sometimes 114 inches long. Gills narrow, even, subdecurrent. Cap about 2-3 lines broad, plane to convex, subumbilicate, 14 line thick.” Murrill thinks this the same as C. tuberosa (N. Am. Flora 9: 374. 1916) and he may very well be right. This form, however, has no tuber and the dense mat of hairs is not mentioned for C. tuberosa. Agaricus (Collybia) tuberigenus B. & C. is probably this. There is a collection from Hillsboro, N. C.,in the Curtis Herbarium. It is hairy at the base like our plants and also has small tubers. It seems to be growing from earth rich in humus “under cedars.”’ Beardslee’s notes on the Asheville plant are as follows: This species and its close relative C. tuberosa seem to need further study. True C. cirrata was found at Asheville answering well to the common description. The more common form, however, grew in masses from old decaying fungi arising in almost every case from yellowish sclerotia, but also having a dense mass of white fibrillose roots. If the presence of a sclerotium is decisive our plant is C. tuberosa. Bresadola considers this plant C. cirrata and writes that the differences are “exactly as shown in Cooke.”’ The main difference in Cooke’s figure is in the sclerotia which are deep brown or black in C. tuberosa and yellow in C. cirrata. According to this view our Asheville plants are the latter species. It seemed possible that the color of the sclerotia might depend upon their age, the yellow color being charac- teristic of the newly formed sclerotia and the dark brown or black indicating older ones. Some attempts were made to test this theory but no decisive results secured. 3491. On a dead and black, but still firm and tough, Thelephora, on earth near north branch of Meeting of the Waters, October 16, 1919. 3743. On a dead agaric in pine woods north of Meeting of Waters, November 12, 1919. Asheville. Beardslee. 98 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December 13. Collybia conigena Fr. PLATES 17 AND 23 Cap about 1.5-20 mm. broad, about 270 y thick, very nearly plane, but with a slight depression in the center, fhe edge turned up slightly in older specimens, surface glabrous, light brownish-tan, or the center pinkish, minutely pubescent. Threads of flesh very irregular and knotty. Gills almost white with a brownish tinge, nearly or quite free, some branched, quite narrow toward the margin. Threads of gill flesh 3.7 w thick. Stem about 2.5-5 em. long, very pale, lighter in color than the cap or gills, minutely pubescent (velvety) at maturity above and with long white hairs at the base which attach it to the cone. These threads are very long and conspicuous rhizomorphs that look like stiff cotton threads and are very peculiar. They may extend from as much as the lower third of the stem. Spores (of No. 3503) white, extremely minute, oblong, about 1.5—2 x 3-4u. Basidia about 3.7 thick and 13 yu long. Cystidia only on margin of gills, 6.6—9.3 ». at thickest part, about 15-25 yu long. Easily recognized from its habit of growth on pine cones. While C. esculenta and C. conigena are said by Bresadola to have much larger spores, this is not borne out by the more recent European monographs. Lange (I. c. p. 18), Ricken (1. ¢. p. 414), and Sartory and Maire (I. ¢. p. 176) all describe the spores to be substantially as in our American plants. Their creeping stems which are hairy on the rooting portion could not separate our plants. Itis only in the spores that a marked difference appears. Collybia esculenta is listed by Schweinitz from this state. For comparison of thisand C. conigenoides, see the latter species. 84. On pine cone, October 20, 1911. 2948. On cone of Pinus echinata, October 15, 1917. 3503. On decaying pine cones, October 25, 1919. Asheville. Beardslee. Low district, rotting pine cones. Curtis. 14. Collybia conigenoides Ellis. PLATES 18 AND 23 Cap 3-15 mm. broad, convex then nearly plane, at times depressed in center, striatulate, very finely pubescent, a little viscid, buff in center, paler toward margin; the cap surface composed of large swollen cells through which project the short hairs which are about PLATE 18 New ~ No. 3: NOIDES. 1D 1 I COLLYBIA CONIC 1921] THE COLLYBIAS OF NORTH CAROLINA 99 6-7.5 uw thick at base and of variable length up to 55 u. Flesh less than 0.5 mm. thick, nearly tasteless and odorless, toughish; threads of flesh about 3.7 u thick. Gills white or palely concolorous, rather close, ventricose, 1.5 mm. wide in center, rounded at stem and slightly adnexed, not veined or branched. Stem 1.5—4 em. long, 0.5-0.9 mm. thick, finely puberulent all over like the cap, except in the basal region which is covered for some distance by long, woven, fine buff hairs which bind the stems together; color a clear ochraceous buff all over except for the abruptly whitish tip; tough, hollow. Spores minute, smooth, elliptic, pointed at one end, 2.2-2.9 x 5-6.3 1. Basidia 4-spored, about 4.4 thick and18 uwlong. Cystidia present, contracted above the swollen body. Mostly cespitose, but some single. It approaches very closely to Marasmius, reviving quite well in water. This is certainly C. conigenoides, every character agreeing with the original description (Bull. T. B. C. 6: 76. 1876). We have examined a collection determined by Ellis and distributed as No. 3503 in Ellis and Everhart North American Fungi on cone of Magnolia Fraseri from Nuttallburg, W. Va. (Herb. Dept. Agr., Washington). Although in bad condition this specimen is without doubt the same as ours, with the long buff hairs conspicuous around the stem. The species is different from our plant on pine cones which we are calling C. conigena. The latter has smaller spores and basidia, gills branched in part, a paler stem, with white, not buff threads below, and no bladder-like cells on the cap surface. The plant from Michigan on pine cones referred by Kauffman to C. conigenoides cannot be our species on magnolia cones as the former has a white stem with white hairs at the base and shorter spores. 3945. By path in Arboretum on fallen magnolia cones, October 28, 1919. Photo. 15. Collybia alba Pk. PLATE. 14 Cap 6.5-11 mm. broad, rounded-convex, white, glabrous. Stem 1.7—2.6 cm. long, 2 mm. thick, pure white, glabrous. Gills broad, ventricose, nearly free. Spores 4-5 x 3 u. Growing on old mossy logs and stumps. This small white species 100 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December is found frequently in the summer, and has been referred to Peck’s species with which it seems to agree. The dried plants become dingy as they dry, as noted by Peck. Asheville. Beardslee. 16. Collybia velutipes (Curt.) Ir. Puates 19 AND 23 Plants densely crowded and imbricated or somewhat scattered, growing on logs. Cap up to 4.5 em. broad, very irregular in shape and surface, ridged and often deeply pitted, general outline rounded or nearly plane; surface very glutinous and viscid, smooth, color a strong dull red (about burnt sienna) in center, shading out to a yellowish-red on margin; in old wet plants a deeper blackish-red. Flesh light reddish- yellow (about color of gills), about 3 mm. thick near stem, quickly thinning to less than 1 mm., tasteless or sweetish. Gills moderately close, sinuate attached, with a broad, deep tooth near stem, about 8 mm. wide at the tooth and 4 mm. wide beyond; color a light reddish-yellow, about pale yellow-orange of Ridgway, lighter when young. Stem central or somewhat lateral, about 2. 5 to 5 em. long, usually strongly flattened at top or to full extent, about 5 to 8 mm. wide at cap, tapering downwards, and usually fused with others at base into a dense clump, surface densely short-tomentose, almost velvety; color of gills at top, dark reddish-brown elsewhere, texture tough, almost cartilaginous at surface, more fibrous inside; solid or partly hollow. Spores (of No. 1507) white, very abundant, elliptic, smooth, 3.4 x 5.1-8.5 p. | This is one of the good edible mushrooms and it may be had often in any of the winter months. We find it in Chapel Hill only in cool weather. For an elaborate account of the plant with ten plates see Stewart in Bull. No. 448, N. Y. Ag. Exp. Sta., Geneva, Feb.1918; also Biffen in Journ. Linn. Soc. 34: 147. 1899. For other illustrations see Mycologia 1: 39, pl 3. 1909; Krieger. Nat. Geog, Mag. 37: 398. 1920. 1507. On end of hickory log in grove behind Memorial Hall, December 9, 1914. 2013. On a charred oak stump, southwest of athletic field, December 18, 1915. Spores elliptic, smooth, 3.2-4 X 5.5-8p. COLLYBIA VELUTIPES. Photo by B. a i a 7 mL ; Pa Sire 2 ode as. NF Oe eh Ae a) “i a 1921] . THe Coutuysias OF NortTH CAROLINA 101 Asheville. Beardslee. Middle and upper districts, on rotting logs. Curtis. 17. Collybia hariolorum Fr. PLaTE 16 Cap 2-5 em. broad, broadly campanulate, becoming expanded, and at length nearly plane with the center a little prominent, pale tan or pale rufescent at first, becoming white with age, glabrous, striate on the margin when moist; flesh white, thin, especially on the margin; odor when crushed strong and unpleasant. Taste disagreeable. Gills white, narrow, closely crowded, adnate with a distinct sinus. Stem 2-4 em. long, 2-4 mm. thick, hollow, slightly enlarged at the base, everywhere covered with white villous down, which is longer and inore marked at the base, the extreme base usually curved and attached by an abundant white mycelium to the leaves in which it grows. Spores 4-6 x 2.5-3 u. Somewhat gregarious, on old leaves in woods. This species appeared quite frequently in late summer at Asheville. It is suggestive of C. conflwens, and may easily be taken for it. As found at Asheville it is more nearly white than C. confluens, has a shorter stem, and is not inclined to occur in the dense clusters which are characteristic of C. confluens. The rather disagreeable odor is also a mark of distinction. Asheville. Beardslee. 18. Collybia confluens Fr. Marasmius confluens in N. Am. Flora 9: 269. 1915. PuatTEs 20 anp 23 Cap 1.3-4.6 em. broad, convex then expanded, the center broadly compressed, the margin curved and _ striatulate when moist; hygrophanous, reddish-brown and viscid when wet, leather color when dry. Flesh toughish, concolorous, about 1 mm. thick in center; taste and odor slight. Gills moderately close, up to 4 mm. broad, rounded at stem and adnexed, color of dry cap. Stem 4-6 cm. long, finely white pubescent above, the threads longer and more cottony below and often binding several together, 102 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December color of cap when shown through the pubescence; tough, often com- pressed; hollow. Spores white, smooth, elliptic, pointed, 2.5-3.7 x 6.2-7.4 u. 3933. Mixed woods back of cemetery, October 26, 1919. Blowing Rock. Atkinson. Asheville. Beardslee. Middle and upper districts, among rotten leaves. Curtis. 19. Collybia zonata Pk. PLATES 21 AND 23 Cap up to 3. 6 em. broad, convex, or nearly flat with a broad umbo, a sharp depression in the center (umbilicate) at all ages, flatly ae spheric when young, with the margin strongly incurved; surface con- spicuously clothed with roughish hairs of a rich tawny color, the hairs usually pinched into groups and flattened. Flesh thin, tough, white, taste sweetish, of a disagreeable, fishy nature, odor strong and of the same nature, and persisting long after drying. Occasionally the odor is absent, as in No. 2658. Gills white, rather close, narrow, about 1.5 mm. wide, quik ly rounded at the stem and barely reaching it at the upper angle. Stem slender, even, up to 5 em. long, about 1.5 to 2 mm. thick, tough and strong, with a small irregular hollow about the size of a needle; surface covered with similar hairs as the cap and of the same color. | Spores white, elliptic, smooth, 4.5-5.4 x 6.4-7.2 u. The plants are cespitose from decaying bits of twigs, etc., on the ground and are remarkable for their penetrating odor, somewhat re- sembling the fishy smell around old wharves, only more acid. This is not mentioned by others. Not found at Asheville by Beardslee and apparently new to the state. For a discussion of this and related species see Atkinson N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 205-206: 61. 1919. For other illustration see Mycologia 4: pl. 56, fig. 8. 1912. 1577. From twigs, rootlets, old beech fruits, ete., on ground, New Hope Swamp? June 26, 1915. 1899. On a rotten root, woods at foot of Lone Pine Hill, October 17, 1915. 2241. On hull of Hicoria ovata, swamp of New Hope Creek, June 24, 1916. 2568. By path in woods along Battle’s branch, July 2, 1917. PLATE 20 COLLYBIA CONFLUENS. No. 3533. = = La ze N < FA ~ i \ 1921] THE COLLYBIAS OF NORTH CAROLINA 103 2658. On rotten oak log, low damp woods by Battle’s branch, July 12, 1917. The characteristic odor of the type was absent when fresh, but was slightly noticeable when dry. Taste faint, but unmistakably that of type. Other plants with very strong characteristic taste and odor were grow- ing on the same log with this, but several feet away. 3112. New Hope Swamp on decaying bark, June 23, 1918. 20. Collybia stipitaria Fr. Marasmius stipitarius (Fr.) Atk. and House. Agaricus scabellus Alb. and Schw. PLATE 23 Cap 5-12 mm. broad, convex, depressed a little around the center which is itself concave, roughly fibrous, that is, the inherent fibers forming irregular elevated ridges and near the margin pinched into squamules, pale tan to gray or brownish-gray, the center (in No. 3370) abruptly a much deeper gray-brown; texture of cap and stem tough and persistent; taste and odor none. Gills rather distant, about 1 mm. broad, abruptly sinuate at the stem and nearly or quite free, pale-creamy white, the margins toothed. Stem 2-5 em. long, 0.5-1 em. thick, equal, spongy-scurfy all over, inserted, i. e. disappearing into the substratum and not aris- ing from superficial mycelium; about color of cap center, the tip shad- ing to tawny. . Spores smooth, oval to elliptic, 5.1-6.2 x 8.9-10.4 uy. Cystidia acute to mucronate, simple. Easily recognized by the fibrous-squamulose cap, dark center, nearly free gills and spongy stem surface. It is distinguished from C. zonata, which is near, by the smaller size, absence of fishy smell and longer spores. For discussion of this and related species see Atkinson in Bull. N. Y. St. Mus. 205-206: 61. 1919. Massee gives measure- ments of C. stipitaria as: cap 4-11 mm. across and stem 1-2 in. long. For other illustration see Lloyd, Mycological Notes 1, No. 5: 42, fig. 15, 1900. 3370. On herbaceous debris, grove in front of Gimghoul Lodge, June 26, 1919. Asheville. Beardslee. Middle and upper districts, on decaying trunks. Curtis. 104 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December 21. Collybia lilacina n. sp. PuaTses 1, 22, anpD 23 Solitary or gregarious and at times subcespitose, rather often with little undeveloped ones attached to the stem bases of mature ones. Cap up to 7.5 em. usually about 4-5.5 em. wide, hygrophanous, de- cidedly or very slightly umbonate, somewhat uneven, expanded, margin striatulate when moist, even or nearly so when dry, flat or bent down; surface smooth, like fine leather in appearance, the mar- ginal third often rugose in youth, the wrinkles disappearing; color tan with the center decidedly deeper and usually with a tint of lilac at maturity. Flesh thin, only 1. 8 mm. thick at stem, whitish except at center, which is brownish-lilac, tough, almost tasteless. Gills rather distant, variable in attachment just as in Clitocybe compressipes, sometimes deeply sinuate, most of them barely attached and not at all decurrent, again squarely adnate in part and sinuate in part and some slightly decurrent by a tooth, very easily separating from the stem when attached, about 5-8.5 mm. wide, broadest near stem, color a pallid tan or bright tan, then darker with brownish-lilac tints and smoky on drying, many short, none branched. The surface of the gills is set with spiny cystidia which project about 20-25 u. Stem very variable in length even in plants of the same size, up to 11 em. long and 6.5 mm. thick at cap, nearly equal, usually twisting in drying and becoming lined from top to bottom, tough and semi- cartilaginous, firm, elastic; surface pruinose and often lined above, smooth below, the very base enlarged and tomentose with the fine white mycelium; color of cap, lilac tinted at maturity especially above white at base; flesh strongly brownish-lilac, deepest colored within, a large hollow cylinder in center from top to bottom. Spores (of No. 1818) white, elliptic, smooth, 5.2 x 7.8 u. Very young plants are nearly black, but soon become paler. The lilac tints do not appear until maturity and deepen afterwards. This change is peculiar and constant. Smaller specimens of the species have very much the general appearance of Marasmius oreades, but differ in the smooth hollow stem, tendency to lilae tints in all parts at and after maturity, in not reviving well when moistened and in the much larger size attained at times. The habit also is different, our plants being solitary or sparsely gregarious, and growing in woods and shrubbery and on bare earth, not in open grassy places. It also PLATE 22 COLLYBIA LILACINA. No. 3288. Photo of drawing, to show size, 4 1921] THe CoLuyBiAs OF NorTH CAROLINA 105 seems near C. nigrodiscus Pk. I am inclined to think this is the plant listed by Curtis as M. plancus, Fr., which has a similar habit and size and has a hollow stem, but M. plancus differs in its narrower gills and downy stem, and in absence of lilac tints. In size, shape, and thick- ness of flesh, Mycena Zamurensis Pat. and Gail. from Venezuela (Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 3: pl. 8. 1887) recalls our plant, but is excluded by the absence of lilac tints and differently shaped spores. I have looked through the Curtis herbarium under Marasmius and Collybia but could find nothing like this. 1752. In damp shaded spot in soil among weeds and grass, woods at foot of Lone Pine Hill, September 12, 1915. 1818. One plant. On dry shaded path in Arboretum, northeast side, September 17,1915. Stem eccentric; gills almost triangular, wide in center, pointed at stem and just reaching it, distant, veined at cap, rather light brown- ish-drab with a tint of lilac. Stem granular-pruinose above, smooth elsewhere, tough, 2.5 em. long, hollow; cap 3.5 em. wide. 2193. Woods below rock wall, south of Peabody building, June 21, 1916. Cap about 3 cm. broad, strongly convex, umbonate, smooth, appearing slightly tomentose under a lens, hygrophanous, fleshy-buff color, darker in center; margin thin, even, becoming brownish-lilac. Spores white, smooth, elliptic, pointed at one end, 3.7-4.4 5.5-Su. 2810. Among shrubs near wall, east side of Arboretum. 3288. Under Magnolia in Arboretum, June 4, 1919. 3290. Under Magnolia soulangeana in Arboretum, June 4, 1919. Fine plants, up to 6.5 em. in diameter. Painting. 4331. Under shrubs in Arboretum, June 24, 1920. Spores variable, smooth, el- liptic, 4-5.5 X 6-94, 22. Collybia clusilis Fr. (sense of Schroeter) Mycena palustris (Pk.) Sace. Cap up to 1 em. broad, very smooth, convex, not umbonate or umbilicate, brownish-olive or buffy-brown (Ridgway), paler when young, very thin and delicate but not striate. Gills pale yellowish-brown, distant, slightly decurrent, not sinuate, less than 1 mm. wide, only about 20 to 25 in number and a few short ones. Stem slender, about 3 cm. long, color of gills, smooth, hollow, extending deeply into the moss and there covered with mycelial strands. Spores white, subspherical to elliptic, smooth, 3.5-6 x 4-9 u. This very pretty little plant seems to be confined to thick- beds of moss. 106 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December Notes by Beardslee follow: Cap 0.5 em. to 2 em. broad, rounded convex, at times slightly raised at the center, becoming more expanded with age and somewhat de- pressed, hygrophanous, pale brown or brownish-olive, paler when dry, and becoming opaque, and with a slight silky luster, margin thin, striatulate when moist, even when dry; flesh thin. Stem slender, weak, 3-6 cm. long, a little lighter in color than the cap, attached by abundant white mycelium to the mosses in which the plant grows, smooth, and hollow. Gills grayish brown, rather distant, adnate, rather narrow, venous connected. Spores elliptic, 7-9 by 4-5 uw. Odorless when fresh, but developing a slight disagreeable odor. Growing in beds of sphagnum. This interesting plant was found in abundance in Sweden in 1905. I have since seen it in similar places in Maine. When first found it could not be determined with certainty, though its abundance in one of Fries’ collecting grounds indicated that it could not have escaped him, especially as it is more than usually striking. Lange’s excellent notes on Collybia made it possible to identify it as above. Schroeter has an excellent description as Lange points out in Pilze Schlesiens, page 642, which exactly fits our plant. Fries’ description does not fit as well. Cooke’s figure is not a good representation of our plant. Ricken’s description presents some difficulties. There seems little doubt that our plant is C. clusilis in the sen8e of Lange and Schroeter. As it occurred in Sweden good opportunities for studying it were given. Successive crops of specimens appeared after rains in the same moss patches and its variations could be observed. The shape of the cap seemed to vary considerably. What seemed to be the typical form uniiormly showed a slight umbo, or papilla. Other plants were rouaded or even depressed at the center, though scarcely so as to be called umbilicate. The type material of Mycena palustris (Pk.) Sacce. has been carefully compared with our specimens and found to be iden— tical, though the description seems to indicate a discrepancy in regard to the gills. 1532. In a thick, dense bed of a large moss (Dicranum scoparium), woods south of cemetery, December 4, 1913. It has also appeared in a similar bed of the same moss near the sphagnum bed east of athletic field. Chapel Hill, N. C. Perry, Ohio. PLATE 23 1921] THE CoLLyBIAs OF NORTH CAROLINA 107 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 23. Collybia maculata. No. 594. Fig. 1. Collybia butyracea. No. 1902. Fig. 2. Collybia dryophila. No. 3049. Fig. 3. Collybia Earleae. No. 3052. Fig. 4. Collybia nummularia. No. 584. Fig. 5. Collybia radicata. No. 372. Fig. 6. Collybia semitalis. No. 3869. Fig. 7. Collybia platyphilla. No. 3276. Fig. 8. Collybia exsculpta. No. 4543. Fig. 9. Collybia cirrata. No. 3491. Fig. 10. Collybia conigena No. 3503. Fig. 11, spores; fig. 12, hair on cap; fig. 13, cystidia on gill margin; fig. 14, basidium. Collybia conigenoides. No. 3545. Fig. 15, basidium and cystidium; fig. 16, hairs and swollen cells on cap surface; fig. 17, spores. Collybia velutipes. No. 2013. Fig. 18. Collybia confluens. No. 3533. Fig. 19. Collybia zonatas No. 1577. Fig. 20. Collybia stipitaria. No. 3370. Fig. 21. Collybia lilacina. No. 3290. Fig. 22. Figs. 12-16 x 670; others x 2160. ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS EFFECT OF THE RELATIVE LENGTH OF Day AND NIGHT AND OTHER Factors OF THE ENVIRONMENT ON GROWTH AND RE- PRODUCTION IN Piants. By W. W. Garner and H. A. Allard. (Note: The authors have furnished by request the following ab- stract of their work. Mr. Allard was assistant in Botany in the Uni- versity of North Carolina in 1904-05. Both authors are now in the Department of Agriculture, Washington. Their paper under the above title was published in Journ. Agr. Research 18, No. 11, 1920.) Although the intensity of the light and the quality as regards wave- length of radiation are recognized as important factors in the develop- ment of plants, the present paper deals mainly with the behavior of the plant in response to the daily duration of the period of light. This phase of the subject of light effects upon plants appears to have re- ceived little attention in the past but in the present paper sufficient evidence has been accumulated to show that it has an extremely im- portant bearing on the expression of plants as regards growth, stature, and specialization in the direction of sexual reproduction. The main feature of the present paper is a demonstration of the fact that with many plants, sexual reproduction in some manner is a function of the relative length of the day and night. In other words, by artificially shortening the summer daily illumination period by keeping certain plants in a dark house for suitable periods of the day, sexual reproduction or flowering is initiated. Thus, the plants may be made to bloom at will, weeks or months in advance of controls responding to the normal seasonal length of day. Thus, certain late varieties of soy beans, namely Biloxi and Tokio, in particular, and the variety of tobacco known as Maryland Mammoth, have shown them- selves very responsive to such conditions. The wild aster, Aster linariifolius, and other species also blossomed precociously, so to speak, when the length of day was reduced to 12 hours or 7 hours, re- spectively. Plants of this class may be considered short day plants, since sexual reproduction has been initiated by a length of day con- siderably shorter than the normal summer day which tends to promote vegetative growth, until the shorter days of late summer and autumn intervene to initiate flower and seed production. On the other hand, certain plants have consistently shown a dif- ferent behavior, and have failed to bloom in response to a day length of 7 hours, as obtained by the use of the dark house. Climbing Hemp [108] | Se 1921] ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS 109 weed (Mikania scandens), wild Hibiscus (Hibiscus Moscheutos) and the common garden variety of radish (Scarlet Globe) are members of this class. For the sake of convenience these plants have been termed long day plants, indicating that they attain sexual reproduction suc- cessfully when the days are relatively long. By the use of electric light of low intensity to increase the relatively short duration of illumination of the winter days, results in line with those obtained when the summer day has been shortened, were secured. Thus, soy beans and cosmos blossomed weeks and months after the controls enjoying the normal duration of illumination of the winter days. It is evident that the duration of the daily illumination in itself is of primary significance in controlling the course of development to- ward or away from the flowering stage or sexual reproduction. Experiments with several so-called late varieties of soy beans in the field, planted at intervals from April to August, have shown that the shortening of the period from planting till the first appearance of blossoms, is dependent upon the seasonal length of day to which the successive plantings have been subjected. In the light of these results it is believed that the natural distribu- tion of plants is governed more or less directly by the seasonal length of day which obtains for the different latitudes of the earth from the equator to the poles. From the evidence at hand it will be seen that the stature and season of flowering of certain plants is dependent upon a favorable length of day, and this may actually be a most important limiting fac- tor in determining crop yields in many instances. In other words, the time for propitious seeding to obtain maximum yields may be governed very largely by the length of day to which the crop will be exposed. Since it has been shown that certain plants respond with a definite behavior to certain day lengths, the term ‘‘photoperiodism”’ is sug- gested to designate this response. TEAcHING or Geometry. By Archibald Henderson, Professor of Pure - Mathematics, University of North Carolina. If this paper (a pamphlet of 49 pages, Univ. N. C. Extension Series No. 33) simply followed the usual treatment of books on “The Teach- ing of Geometry,” it would not call for special mention; but, as it strikes a distinct note, and gives many fresh discussions not found 110 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | December in our geometries, it seems appropriate to call attention to it as an original work of high scientific value that should prove not only help- ful, but stimulating to teachers and students in geometry. In the Introduction, Dr. Henderson properly calls attention to the lessons of the world war as to the prime necessity of Mathematics relative to the scientific progress, welfare and preservation of a nation, which naturally recalls the saying of Napoleon that, ‘‘The advance- ment, the perfecting of mathematics, are bound up with the pros- perity of the state.”’ In discussing “‘The Aims and Results of Geometrical Study,” the author emphasizes the fact that the true purpose of instruction in geometry is to develop the faculty of independent thinking in geome- try, to acquire facility in working problems—“originals,’’ as they are happily called—in other words, to train the student as an investigator —a research worker. There can be no question as to the correctness of this point of view. Students so trained, take an increasing interest in the study—they ‘‘make good—” whereas, those neglecting this discipline, soon lose their mental self-reliance and intellectual courage to tackle new problems and difficulties, become discouraged, resort to mere memorizing, and thus, ultimately fail. The author next takes up ‘‘The Problem of Instruction,” and ad- vocates the natural method of instruction, even when it is longer than the usual synthetic method. The usual text-books, following almost exclusively the synthetic method, are models of ‘Compression, ele- gance and rigor;”’ but they, too often, leave the student puzzled as to what the author is driving at, until the end is reached; when, presto, a conclusion is reached which comes as a distinct surprise to the reader, who has not been prepared for the denouement by being given the reasons for the successive steps of the demonstration. By the synthetical method, whether for the demonstration of theorems or the solution of problems, we start from known theorems or problems and endeavor to effect a solution; but, as it is often dif- ficult to know from what known theorems or problems to start, a series of fruitless essays may be made before hitting upon the proper solu- tion. On the contrary, by the natural method—that of the ‘old an- alysis”’ of Plato—we have the advantage of a starting point, the thing to be proved; and from that, an endeavor is made, by logical processes, to reacha known result. When this is attained, then if the successive 1921] ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS i Pala results are reciprocal, or each can be obtained from the one that fol- lows, the theorems or problem posited in the beginning is true; since it ean be proved by the synthetical method, by reversing the steps and working from the first conclusion or known results.* The method of analysis is generally that of research and discovery; and because of its importance to the investigator and because of the slight attention accorded it in existing texts, Dr. Henderson has, pur- posely, given a number of ijlustrations of its working in solutions of theorems and problems. In fact, the treatment by the analytical method of problems and theorems is one distinctive feature of the paper, which should appeal particularly to the eager student who aims at any research in geometry. “The Basic Problems of Construction”’ are treated by the author in an interesting manner. Most of the constructions are simple; some are complex, and are given as stimulating problems, since one object of the paper is to give new and instructive points of view. This is especially noted in the section entitled ‘‘The Problem of Research,’’ where the various modes of approach to the solution of geometrical problems are indicated, and numbers of illustrations are given with a completeness and elegance of demonstration that causes one to regard this section as the most interesting part of the essay. The scope of this section can be judged from the following sub- headings: . The Method of Analysis, . The Method of Successive Substitutions, . The Method of Reductis Ad Absurdum, The Method of Intersection of Loci, . The Method of Construction of Loci by Points, . The Method of Transformation; Construction of Auxiliary Figures, . The Method of Parallel Translation, . The Method of Rotation Symmetry, The Algebraic Method, . The Method of Similarity. SOMNAaARWNH = The final sections on “‘Procedure in Attacking Geometrical Prob- lems” and a Biographical Note complete the subject. The paper is illustrated with 26 figures, and is written in the at- tractive style one has come to associate with the author. _ It is plain- ly intended for teachers and research workers, for the author is a firm * See Duhausel’s ‘‘ Des Méthodes dans les Science de Raisonnement,”’ vols. 1 and 2; also, Cain's ‘‘Symbolic Algebra and Notes on Geometry’’ (D. Van Nostrand Co., New York) for a full discussion of the analytic method, including the cases of ‘‘lost’’ solutions and of those ‘‘strange’’ to the questions. 112 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December believer in that method of instruction which constantly calls for the working of “originals”, and this brochure should prove especially help- ful and inspiring to both teacher and student in pursuing this plan. Wo. CaINn The following three abstracts were published in the University of North Carolina Record No. 179, Graduate School Series No. 2, August 1920. In REGARD TO SPECIES AND Sponces. By H.V. Wilson. The Scien- tific Monthly, October, 1919. A comparative study of sponge species indicates that hereditary characters are independently subject to variation such that in respect to any one of them individuals and races occur which form close series between far distant extremes. Such series are doubtless in many , cases phylogenetic ones in which the terms bear to one another the re- lation of ancestral species and descendant. In other cases it would seem that the terms of the series represent only different degrees in the environmental stimuli which related protoplasms have made inde- pendently of one another. It is recognized that the gene theory which assumes the existence inthe germ cell of minute units, representative of the hereditary char- acters, is applicable to the facts stated above, as well as to the facts of Mendelian inheritance in particular, if only we assume enough units in the germ cell. In thus extending the theory to cover all forms of heritable differences between organisms, 1t may be questioned whether it retains any practical (pragmatic) value. Nevertheless it would seem that symbolism of this sort does contribute to precision of think- ing, if it be recognized for what it is, viz., conceptual symbolism. It is called to mind that many today would remove the gene from the conceptual world and give it a perceptible body, that is, they would identify it with a chromatin granule. The known facts however do not necessitate, according to some even contradict, this view as to the nature of chromatin and chromosomes. SponGcEs oF BeAuFortT(N.C.) HARBorR AND Vicinity. By W. C. George and H. V. Wilson. Bulletin U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, XXXVI, Document 876. 1919. (Body of the paper accepted as a thesis for the Ph. D. degree awarded to W. C. George, 1918). The paper includes a description of sponges present and in any de- ib 1921] ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS 113 gree conspicuous in the Beaufort area. Seventeen species are de- scribed, most of them new. Of these the ‘Fishing Bank,” a bank of coralline nature with a West Indian fauna, to seaward of Beaufort In- let, has yielded four. Collecting on the sea-beaches was incidental, most material so collected being unfit for precise study. The bulk of the sponges are harbor forms, at least eight sufficiently abundant to be available for investigations of an experimental nature. The occur- rence of a minute horny sponge of very simple character, designated Pleraplysilla latens, is noteworthy, both because horny sponges as a group inhabit more southern waters and because of the morphological simplicity of the form. The families, subfamilies, and genera represented are defined, and the paper may thus be used for purposes of identification. A con- siderable amount of comparative data falling under the general head of variation is recorded, and in the case of a number of the genera there is discussion of the facts on which they rest. The illustrations, of en- tire sponges and microscopic preparations, are for the most part photo- graphic. ASYMMETRICAL REGULATION IN ANURAN EmBryos WITH Spina bifida Derect. By H. V. Wilson and Blackwell Markham. Journal Ex- perimental Zoology, XXX. 1920. (Body of the paper accepted as a thesis for the M. A. degree awarded to Blackwell Markham, 1918.) Abnormal embryos and larvae of the frog and toad are described, the developmental processes in which add to our knowledge of what is called the regulatory power of organisms. This is the power which enables an organism, lower adult or embryo of higher form, to restore or develop the typical form of body, after the destruction or amputa- tion of a part of the whole, or after some interference in development which blocks the normal course of differentiation. In the particular cases described the normal backward growth of the axial structures of the embryonic body, such as notochord and spinal cord, is prevented. In a well-known type of embryo of this sort the tissue of the blastopore lips, two stripes which diverge from the posterior end of the embryonic body, becomes organized, each stripe forming a half spinal cord, half notochord, etc., the half structures gradually coming together (process of ‘concrescence’) in the median line to form a complete spinal cord, complete notochord, ete. But in the embryos here described a dif- ferent and asymmetrical kind of regulation is employed. Instead of both streaks (blastopore lips) organizing and fusing, only one streak 114 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [December organizes. It organizes however in such a way as to produce not a half but the whole, that is, both right and left halves of the trunk of the body. Thus the end result, the production of a typical form, may be reached by very different paths. This variety in the fundamental formative processes of which an embryo is capable makes it impossible to think of development as at bottom a deterministic process, viz., as one in which the embryo is a machine composed of (self-propagative) parts each the material cause and origin of a particular portion of the body. 1? in \ \ JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society Volume XXXVII MARCH Nos. 3 and 4 ISOTOPES By FRANCIS P. VENABLE The fundamental conception in chemistry is that of the atom. The atomic theory is the basis of all explanations offered as to the consti- tution of matter and such reactions and other changes as may cecur in matter. The atom is possessed of certain characteristics or proper- ties that distinguish it. It has even been suggested that an atom is a bundle of properties. The mass or weight of the atom has been as- sumed to be an unvarying property and hence to be classed as a con- stant of nature. The determination of one of these constants, which after all means an attempt at measuring the attraction exerted by other masses of matter upon it, is of course relative in its results and beset by many difficulties and chances for error. At first the methods used were too erude and the results obtained too inaccurate to justify any conelu- sions as to the unvarying nature of these so-called constants, but with the improvements in apparatus, methods, and manipulation there was reached a degree of confidence which caused some investigators to question the constancy of the atomic weights. Schiitzenberger, Bout- lerow, and others raised this question but no satisfactory conclusion could be reached so long as the possibility of error in such determi- nations was unavoidable. There was, however, a persistent suspicion that changes in the atomic weights might occur in the course of chemi- cal reactions. To refute this we have the well-known experiment of Landolt which proved that within the limits of experimental accuracy no change in the sum of the total interacting weights of matter can be detected when chemical action takes place. For the usual routine work of the chemist, then, it can be taken for granted that the weight [115] 116 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society [March of the atom is an inyariable or constant quantity. It is to be noted however, that the proof is not absolute, and furthermore that while the sum total weight might have been found to be the same the pos- sibility of change in single atoms was not excluded. As explanatory of some of his results Crookes, in his classical in- vestigation of the rare earths, threw out the suggestion that in the course of reactions, and such have taken place throughout untold periods of time, changes might be wrought in certain of the atoms under the stresses to which they had been subjected. These he called ‘‘worn atoms.’’ If this were so, then the determinations, in which vast numbers of atoms are dealt with, could give only the average of all atoms concerned as the weight of one. It is manifest that chemical methods alone could not give a satisfactory answer to such a question as this, but after nearly half a century the same conclusion has been practically reached through the use of modern methods, largely phy- sical. It would seem that in a number of cases at least our accepted atomic weights represent an average weight only. The announcement of the Periodic System by Mendeleeff induced a renewed and increased interest in the atomic weights and their de- termination. This system showed that when the elements were ar- ranged in an ascending series according to the increase in their atomic weights they fell into certain periods and groupings which brought out remarkable relations as to chemical and physical properties. By means of this system Mendeleeff was enabled to predict the existence of certain elements at that time unknown, and to give a fairly accurate description of them and their properties. These predictions were, for the most part, confirmed soon afterwards and the system took its place in science as a natural system. It is important to note, however, that in drawing up his ascending series Mendeleeff relied more upon the properties of the elements than upon the atomic weights. His boldness in pointing out places to be filled by yet undiscovered elements testifies to this, and still more the fact that in certain cases where there was conflict between the phys- ical properties and the atomic weight in deciding the position of an element in the series he unhesitatingly adopted the properties as the deciding factor so that so far as these elements are concerned it is not a Strictly ascending series of atomic weights. This transposition was quite allowable at a time when most of the atomic weights had been only inadequately investigated. In the cases where this liberty was 1922] ISOTOPES EF. taken the atomic weights fell very close together and it was within reason to think that the probable error lay there. The two chief in- stances were those of Te and I; Co and Ni. During the following years many determinations were made to settle this discrepancy. The differences between them were under one-half of a unit but they were real and persistent. Some suggested the existence of companion ele- ments which could not be separated. Indeed Kritiss announced the discovery and separation of such a companion element with nickel which, if removed, would leave the atomic weight of nickel greater than that of cobalt and thus justify Mendeleeff in so placing it in the series. Kriiss died shortly afterwards and his supposed discovery has never been confirmed. The proof that Mendeleeff was right in placing these elements as he did was finally brought about through the reve- lations of radioactivity. This much was evident from the first, how- ever, namely, that each element had its definite position in a series, or place in a system not artificially arranged but forming a natural order. In this orderly arrangement two factors decide the position of the element. These are the mass and the electrical content. That the elements were electrically charged was recognized by Davy within a few years after the announcement of the atomic theory. The clear exposition of the inter-relationship of the elements and their arrangement in a definite order practically placed their com- posite nature beyond question and their genesis became a subject of speculation. Of course Prout had been the first to enter this field, but so far as he was concerned it was a sheer guess without foundation in fact or logic and should never have received the attention given it. So, too, the later hypotheses lacked fundamental data, though some of the guesses were shrewdly near the developments of these latter - years. While it was definitely settled that each known element had its definite place in the series, no especial import was placed upon the relative number of this position. This is now known as the atomic number and can be determined accurately by physical means. It was first accomplished by radioactive methods but Moseley’s marvelous application of the defining power of quartz crystal to the definition of the x-rays emitted by each element under a bombardment by nega- tive elections has superseded all other methods. The spectra so ob- tained reveal an orderly shifting of certain groups of lines. Begin- ning with any one element, the position of all others in the series can 118 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March be determined. In other words, the atomic number of any element can be found in this way. Radioactivity has solved the constitution of the atom. Ruther- ford’s disintegration theory and his demonstration of the building up of the helium atom have finally settled that problem. We now know that the atom is built up of positive and negative electricity according to Rutherford’s conception, a positive nucleus of alpha par- ticles surrounded by a field of negative electrons. The discussion of this or other atomic models is apart from the object of this paper. The Periodic System represented the place occupied by an element in the series as primarily a function of its mass, but in reality. mass is secondary and the electrical content is the chief factor. As already stated there are two variables in the structure of each atom—mass and electrical content. The former decides the position of the element in the vertical columns of the Periodic Table and the latter decides the position in the horizontal columns. In consequence of the influence of the electrical content, Soddy reasons that a chemical element is not necessarily homogeneous and its atomic weight may be, and possibly is generally, a mean value rather than a natural constant. The fact that some elements are known to be radio-active—that is, with some of their atoms undergoing disintegration—that even such elements as potassium and rubidium are subject to a slow disintegration of their atoms which involves the formation of atoms of lesser mass, brings the thought near that possibly all elements are subject to the same process of change except that the rate is too slow to admit of detection by such instrumentalities as have hitherto been used. Quite recently the statement has been made that by means of a new device it has been found possible to detect and register the expulsion of one alpha par- ticle from zine in every nine and a half hours. So far as I know, this - has not been confirmed. But enough is definitely known to bring us back to the worn atoms of Crookes. The addition of some thirty or forty new elements known as radio- active elements but having valid claims to recognition as real elements puts too severe a strain upon the Periodic Table as conceived and con- structed. This is far in excess of the number of vacant places, espe- cially when one reflects that the rare earths which have been shifted from place to place are still dissatisfied with their accommodations. Making use of the two variables named above, it was found that a few of these radioactive -elements—as, for instance, radium emanation, 1922] ISOTOPES 119 which belongs to the group of the monatomic gases—found lodgment in some of these vacant places; but the great majority fall in places already occupied by well-known elements. Thus seven fall in the place occupied by lead. This necessitates the use of the same atomic number for eight elements. These radioactive elements possess identical chem- ical characteristics with lead and can not be separated by chemical means. The minute amount of the radioactive elements available ren- ders a comparison of the spectra difficult. In a number of cases they are known to be identical and according to Soddy’s theory should be, but certain generalizations (as that of Hicks) are opposed to this view. The name isotope was adopted by Soddy to designate these ele- ments. The word means same place. Thus RaG is an isotope of lead; RaC is an isotope of bismuth. No strictly chemical means for separat- ing these elements is known. In the same way ionium and thorium are isotopes and there are three other isotopes in that place in the Periodie System. As these isotopes have different physical properties, they can be separated sometimes by means of these. The question then arises as to whether in case the atoms of an element are not homogeneous they can be separated or detected by physical methods. J. J. Thompson in 1913 devised a method involving the use of the deflecting influence upon the trajectory of an ion by the simultaneous application of elec- trie and magnetic fields and thus obtained evidence of the existence of heterogeneous particles. In some eases further examinations show these to be different molecular aggregations rather than new elements. Thus in hydrogen besides Hy the presence of Hz was proved and there was a possibility of other hydrogen molecules being there. The atomic weight of hydrogen is 1.008. The fractional portion can now be safely regarded as due to an admixture of these heavier molecules. To call such molecular aggregations isotopes would be a serious de- parture from the original definition of the term. They are not dis- tinet and different elements. The term is sometimes carelessly used in the case of molecular aggregations of hydrogen, and other elements and this must lead to needless confusion of ideas. An examination of the monatomic gas neon, whose atomic weight is given as 20.2 reveals the presence of a companion gas having an atomic weight of 22. This corresponds with no known element and the new element is called meta-neon. A physical investigation of at- 120 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [March mospheric neon was then undertaken by Aston. Fractionations by charcoal absorption yielded no results, but fractional diffusion resulted in a partial separation of the two gases. They showed the same properties and gave identical spectra, differing only in atomic weight. More recently the possible existence of another isotope with the atomic weight 21 has been shown. It would seem that heterogeneity has been proved in more than twenty of the common non-radioactive elements. The investigations have been carried on chiefly by the method of Thomson in which the negative electrons were separated and differentiated, and that of Aston in which the positive particles were examined by the application of similar means to the canal rays. Diffusion methods have also been applied with partial success. From the results obtained by either the Thomson or the Aston method the atomic weights can be accurately ealeulated. It is interesting to note that the results from the Aston method give as whole numbers the atomic weights of all the elements examined. From the examination of chlorine it was found that there were present two distinct elements having the atomic weights of 35 and 37 respectively. There was a possibility of another in much smaller amount with the weight 39. The atomic weight of ordinary chlorine is 35.47 and this is correct to the second decimal place. It is composed mainly of chlorine 35 plus chlorine 37. The relative amounts of these present have been determined and the atomic weight confirmed. In argon a companion element was found in very small amount and this had the atomic weight 36. Krypton gives definite evidence of being a mixture of five isotopes and possibly six. The atomic weights are 84, 86, 82, 83, 80, 78. Xenon also shows the presence of five isotopes with possibilities of two more. The remaining ten in the list of Aston are homogeneous as to atoms but heterogeneous as to molecules. These are H, He, C, N, O, F, P, S, As, and I. In these cases only two variants were found in each mixture. There is a very striking fact regarding the isotope of helium which was discovered by Rutherford and found to have the mass 3. jAston gives it the atomic weight 4, the same as helium, and that means from his calculations some multiple of 4. It is proper to state that Ruther- ford has questioned the correctness of Aston’s deductions. If Ruther- ford is right, this coincides with the mass of the hydrogen isotope 1922] IsoTOPES 121 Hz, which was discovered by Thomson, confirmed by Aston, and di- rectly prepared by the activation of H by Wendt and Landauer (Amer. Chem. Soe. 1920. 42: 920). Thus we have the two with the same mass—one an isotope of helium and the other a molecular aggre- gation of hydrogen. They are entirely different in properties. Soddy (Lond. Chem. Soc. Ann. Rep. XVII. 221) writes as fol- lows concerning the Aston methods: The methods depend on the same general principles as those (of Thomson) which sufficed to detect the presence of meta-neon, of atomic mass 22, in atmospheric neon but the electromagnetic and electrostatic deviating fields are rearranged in such a way as to secure an effect precisely analogous to focus- sing in optics. The trajectories of the positive ions in a slightly divergent beam are brought to a focus in a plane containing the photographic plate. All those for which the mass divided by the charge is the same are brought to the same point in the plane, those with greater or less values, respectively, being on either side. The complex pencil is resolved into a ‘‘mass spectrum’’ in every respect analogous to a light spectrum produced by a prism or grating. The terms ‘first-order and second-order mass spectrum’’ are used to denote spectra pro- duced by ions singly and doubly charged respectively. The existence of ions with more than one unit of charge introduces a complication but fortunately these are experimental peculiarities which enable the two orders usually*to be distinguished without uncertainty. The relative mass of the ion causing any line in the spectrum can so be evaluated to an accuracy of one part in a thousand and the atomic mass determined to a degree of accuracy comparable with that attained in the best determinations of the atomic weight by chemical means. Incidentally, the complete agreement between the two in many cases affords much the most important evidence of the constancy between mass and weight for different elements. : Apart from a possible uncertainty, already alluded to, as to the orders of spectrum to which any line belongs, the photographs published reveal the great power and accuracy of the new method. Unfortunately, only non-metallic ele- ments have so far been included. The difficulties in the way of examining metallic elements by this means have not yet been overcome. In every case, except hydrogen, the atomic mass of each homogeneous component proves to be an exact integer in terms of that of oxygen as 16, within the error of meas- urement already stated. For hydrogen, however, the chemical value 1.008 is ex- actly confirmed and its homogeneity proved. In the year or two that have elapsed since the above citation was written by Soddy several new isotopic elements have been discovered, among them those accompanying certain metals as K, Rb, Mg, and Zn, so some of the difficulties which impeded progress have been overcome. Likewise certain of the atomic weights as determined by. chemical means have been very exactly confirmed. Furthermore, Harkins has 122 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March recently drawn attention to the inadequacy of the designation ‘‘atomie number.’’ He suggests as a substitute ‘‘element number’’ but this seems equally inadequate. The truth is, it is merely a position number and no longer represents either single atoms or simple elements. In his address as president before the recent meeting of the British Association, Thorpe says: The term atomic weight has thus acquired for the chemist an altogether new and much wider significance. It has long been recognized that it has a much deeper import than as a constant useful in chemical arithmetic. For the ordinary purposes of quantitative analysis, of technology, and of trade these constants may be said to be now known with sufficient accuracy. But in view of their bearing on the great problem of the essential nature of matter and on the super- latively grand question, ‘‘What is the inner mechanism of the atom?’’ they become of supreme importance. Their determination and study must now be approached from entirely new standpoints and by the conjoint action of chemists and physicists. In conelusion, I ask you and myself the question: How shall we now define the element in the light of these new and wonderful reve- lations? Years ago in an address before the American Association I pointed out how often in the history of science we had been forced to change the definition because of new developments and how shifting were the sands upon which it was based. The homogeneity so fer- vently relied upon in our textbooks must be abandoned as the hetero- geneity of their component particles has been made manifest. One stand is left to us and it has the appearance of permanence. However heterogeneous physically, these component particles are homogeneous chemically. In fact, the sole difference seems to be that of mass. For the present, then, the definition may safely run: The masses of all elements are composed of chemically similar particles. So long as this is true the chemist at least need not disturb himself. Of course, there always looms before us the fact of atomic disintegration. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. SOME CONSIDERATIONS IN DEFENSE OF THE GENERAL BIOLOGY COURSE By J. P. GIvLErR In the teaching of elementary courses in the biological sciences in America two main policies have been developed during the past half century. In one, the beginning student is introduced to plant biology or animal biology through the medium of a course in Botany or Zo- ology as a distinct entity. The other method, originating. with Huxley, is to organize into a single elementary course forms from both plant and animal ‘‘kingdoms’”’ to show their essential agreements or to bring out their contrasts. The history of the two policies is well known. The separate course system had its origin in systematic Botany and Zoology since Linnaeus and before his time, through Cuvier and others in Europe and into America principally through the elder Agassiz and Asa Gray at Har- vard. The animus of the General Biology Course, on the other hand, came up from Greek thought, with the viewpoint of the naturalist, out of which the selection theory gained expression through Darwin and Wallace. Parallel with this naturalistic expression developed the general- izations based upon the discovery of the meaning of the cell and of protoplasm which generalizations have become incorporated with the Doctrine of Organic Evolution. About sixty years ago Huxley seized the essential features of this eell-protoplasm-evolution complex and, with rare educational genius, framed it in clear outline for the beginner and layman. In this he doubtless secured assistance from Foster and Dyer and inspiration from Darwin. Each of these systems of elementary instruction has its peculiar virtues. That involving separate courses has the advantage of a more restricted field and, further, clings mainly to fact through the dis- ciplines of morphology and taxonomy, while the General Biology Course is animated mainly by ideas and principles from the spirit of the generalizations which gave it birth. As is commonly known the teaching of General Biology entered this country with H. Newell Martin, the physiologist, an early student of Huxley’s, and radiated out from Johns Hopkins into a great many institutions in the East and West. During the forty-odd years which [123] 124 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [March have elapsed since that time many changes have taken place. The number of colleges and universities including some kind of Biology in their curricula, then small, has multiplied into the hundreds. With this has come about a vast increase in the number and viewpoints of teachers, their leaders primarily interested, as investigators, in ex- tending our knowledge into new fields of an ever broadening and deep- ening science. Along with this must also be reckoned the profound influence of German science upon that of America. As complained of by Professor Carmichael* our science has become practically an appendage of that of Europe (and especially of Germany) as witnessed by the character of the research in most departments of American universities. These various exhaustive and extensive research programs pursued by lead- ing professors and the ‘‘schools’’ which they represent demand dis- tinct limitation in the scientific interests of the workers which, unfor- tunately, spells the extinction of the general point of view. The General Biology Course, on the other hand, was born out of a more generalized condition and in a day of more limited knowledge. Uniting the genius of interpreter with that of investigator, Huxley was able to organize out of simple materials a course of great suggest- iveness and value which undoubtedly stimulated many students. The pedagogical theory underlying the course was that each type is both broadly suggestive in itself and also that, through their sequence, evolutionary progress is epitomized. The inclusion of both plant and animal types was defended on the ground ‘‘that the study of living bodies is really one discipline, which is divided into Zoology and Botany simply as a matter of convenience.”’ In the second edition of their textbook Huxley and Martin re- versed the order of animal forms, beginning with the frog, running down to the Protozoa and then up on the plant side to the Anwiosperm. From that day to this we have had an unending series of experi- ments in the pedagogy of General Biology among writers in English recalled by the names of Parker, Gibson, Dodge, Boyer, Wells, Need- ham, Hamaker, Sedgwick and Wilson, Abbott, Conn, Calkins and others. Each of these books seems to be the embodiment of a sincere attempt to frame ‘‘a general biology’’ for the beginner in somewhat the spirit of one writing an introduction to philosophy. They disclose many influences. The book by Sedgwick and Wilson, * Carmichael, R. D., Science, Apr. 1, 1921. 1922] DEFENSE OF THE GENERAL BioLoGy COURSE 125 really an unfinished task, apparently attempts to combine the Hux- leyan unified view of nature with a strong leaning toward the typi- cally German love of multitudinous details in its rather exhaustive treatment of the fern and the earthworm. Continual experimentation in the order or sequence of presentation of types characterizes these many elementary textbooks. The earlier, and we believe the better, of these works developed directly out of Huxley’s influence and, like that of their master, were based solidly on the idea of comparative general morphology and phys- iology. An example of these, and in our judgment, the best that has ever been written, both from a biological as well as from a literary standpoint, is Jeffrey Parker’s ‘‘Lessons in Elementary Biology.’’ This book embodies the virtuous realization that the student knows only the types presented which must serve as the tangible and material embodiment of the principles drawn therefrom. Unfortunately this fine common sense is nearly absent from many later works in which both author and reader seem to struggle vainly to get feet on solid ground. Many such works embody the results of recent and unconfirmed research, talk much about enzyme action or accessory chromosomes, and give the student the notion that he must reach up and pluck general principles out of thin air. Much poor teaching has been done in the name of ‘‘General Biol- ogy,’’ and I revoice some of the criticisms of Professor Nichols* of the Yale Sheffield Scientific School, who not long ago published a de- tailed attack upon the value of this type of course. While believing that his views result, in the main, from bias, many of his points are well taken. Many courses, printed and unprinted, have been futile primarily because their builders fail to recognize the basic principle of any type course—tlat the types presented embody the realities from which both wider knowledge must spring and on which principles must rest. If this be true for distinct courses in Zoology and Botany, where subject- matter is more limited, it is much more the case in General Biology where the student’s thinking may range over a wider field. In our view the essential principle of a course in General Biology is that it be a series of elementary lessons upon a logically arranged series of suggestive type forms. The course should be conducted by a broadly-trained biologist with a view to developing in the student * Nichols, G. E., Science, Dec. 5, 1919. 126 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March the attitude of the appeal to nature for facts, upon which accurate thinking is based, as well as that liberation of the spirit which comes from reflection upon their broader meaning. From the standpoint of the student there are two considerations of importance. First, which method will give him the best scientific training in Biology while providing a single view of the entire field of living things, granted that he may find time for no further work in Biology? Second, which method would be preferable in case he decides to go further or finally become a specialist? These complex questions are, in a measure, bound up with the nature of the eurricu- lum for, after all, a college exists largely for the purpose of sampling the stock knowledges which have come down to us with our social in- heritance. Biology purports to give an interpretation of the hving world. This is a large order, so the student rightfully expects a clear panorama and a guide thereto. In our judgment this is best sup- plied by a course in General Biology whether he elects to go farther or not. The study of plants and animals together in their agreements and contrasts seems to us especially desirable. In our daily lives we deal with complex situations which have little in common beside the fact of their complexity. We learn more about these situations by econ- trasting them, the learning process, in life, progressing with the ability to drop out unessential factors. For this the training offered by work in General Biology may afford some practice. Moreover, biologically, the essential characters of organisms as plants, on the one hand, or as animals, on the other, are best brought out by comparison and con- trast. As, in a course in General Biology, this is done on material common to the several biological fields, it seems to us that a course of this character forms the best possible introduction for either the future botanist or zoologist. But we are not usually teaching for the benefit of the future spe- cialist. Our task, mainly, is to feed the prospective citizen with food meet for his symmetrical development. For him, especially, do we see in the well-organized course in General Biology the best possible introduction to a balanced view of the facts of life as it not only epitomizes living nature but also the nature of things throughout time out of which man was evolved. Here we do not find plants by them- selves nor animal life apart but rather that symbiotic relationship for the appreciation of which, in one balanced view, General Biology should stand. 1922] DEFENSE OF THE GENERAL BIOLOGY COURSE 127 That this is not more often satisfactorily done seems to us to be due both to lack of pedagogical sense and judgment and also to the restrictions imposed by too special an early training. Sometimes, also, a very conscientious instructor makes the mistake of being too thor- ough, overloads his types with too many lessons, or chooses the wrong ones for them, reasonably, to illustrate. For example, on visiting a very good college some time ago, I found the notion manifest that, in presenting Amoeba in General Biology, every possible aspect and viewpoint should be stressed,—occurrence, distribution in time and in geographical range, morphology, taxonomy, habits, behavior, oecology, ete. This would, in our judgment, be a proper method for excluding normal students from the course. Moreover, each of the disciplines referred to above was visited upon all succeeding types, seriatim. This is mechanical thoroughness at the expense of both common and artistic sense, and course-making worth the name demands both. In another highly-esteemed college the biologist incorporates in a similar course the notion that it makes no difference at all what par- ticular specimen the student works upon. To begin with one studies an amoeba, another an infusorian, another an alga or diatom or ento- mostracan or annelid. ‘‘Why worry?’’ They each and all embody the principles of Biology! Moreover, the lectures seem to have nothing to do with the work done in the laboratory. j/Among many such teachers is the idea prevalent that “‘it is per- sonality that educates.’’ All true, but in this case admirable person- ality survived in spite of handicaps. As well say ‘‘let us away with mere educational disciplines and converse with our students about what-not.’’ Nor can one justify the hodge-podge of throwing in now a few animal forms, now a few plants to insure variety. The brighter stu- dents soon get the idea that Biology is a sort of potpourri, a ‘‘footless science,’’ as a physician once expressed it to me. However, a reason- able sense of the spirit and educational philosophy back of good Gen- eral Biology teaching demands that each type be bulwarked with two sets of defenses, one for its individual] justification, the other for its right to its place in the sequence in which it stands. In this inheres what might be called ‘‘the dramatic unities,’’ a good course needing to resemble a drama to have human and intellectual appeal. Let us reiterate, also, that there is no such thing in science or literature as a continued climax. The plot must be broken up into divisions which are climactic in their sequence. 2 128 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [March With these considerations bearing on the nature and econduet of courses in General Biology it remains to be stated that an elementary course of this character appears to become increasingly justified by each new large development in Biology. The essential agreements in ultimate structure between animals and plants brought out by Sehlei- den and Sehwann, by Max Schultze, by the selection theory and other hypotheses of evolution have been extended by more recent studies on chromosomes and on the mechanism of hereditary transmission. For the justification of the already strategic position of General Biol- ogy in the middle-ground between the two great ‘‘kingdoms’’ it is im- portant to realize that none of these great developments, above named, sprang solely from Botany or Zoology as such but always from laws inherent in the nature of both. If we can judge of the future from the past it seems reasonable to predict that the biological generaliza- tions of the twentieth century, like those of the nineteenth, must emerge from similar common sources. The General Biology Course gives also a peculiar advantage for the presentation of the facts of symbiosis and of interdependence be- tween plants and animals. This aspect has been developed extensively in the textbook by J. G. Needham, and the emphasis is legitimate, for in nature living forms have not evolved alone but as factors of an interdependent symbiogenetic complex of processes. Further, from a broader physico-chemical world view, in the light of Professor Hen- derson’s work on ‘‘The Fitness of the Environment,’’ we gain even a fuller confidence, that as an introduction to the principles of the science and as the most rational type of course for the beginner, Gen- eral Biology is beyond all question superior to distinct courses in Zoology and Botany. If it be urged that this type of course is too dependent upon the ability and personality of the teacher the answer is that the success of any course is likewise largely thus dependent. No subject will teach itself. Although biological principles in education are not always to be taken literally, as shown by the misuse of the biogenetic law as ap- plied to primary education, there are here applicable suggestive evolu- tionary principles which are of interest. The principal lesson of evolu- tion is not that man is an unfolded amoeba but that all life is one. Further, no evolutionary principle is more important than that the ereat groups of living forms, surcharged with capacity for adaptive 1922 | DEFENSE OF THE GENERAL BIoLOGY COURSE 129 radiation, have sprung from generalized ancestors low down on the main stem of the evolutionary tree. In the organization of scientific courses the analogy seems justified that the more generalized the ap- proach the wider its suggestiveness, the greater the possibilities of future adaptation on a firm substructure into a widely-ranging gamut of specialized possibilities. It is further our belief that General Biology should be prerequisite to beginning courses in Zoology and Botany as such, as well as for special work in Bacteriology and Physiology in which courses pro- grams of laboratory work and lectures may be organized of much greater strength and thoroughness than would be possible with stu- dents having no such general background. A further advantage in- heres in the fact that such courses in Botany, Zoology, or other special fields, attract mainly only those who feel some beginnings of a special interest and fitness for work in these specialized directions. An econ- omy of both equipment and effort is thus effected. THE NortH CAROLINA COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. GREENSBORO, N. C. NOTES ON THE OECOLOGY AND LIFE-HISTORY OF THE TEXAS HORNED LIZARD, PHRYNOSOMA CORNUTUM y By J. BP. Givinr It was my privilege during two summers spent in a study of Phry- nosoma in southern Kansas* to observe and record many facts of bionomie interest in relation to this well-known creature. The region named also made available for study directly in the field, in comparison with Phrynosoma, representatives of several other genera and four families of Lacertilia. In the laboratory comparative studies were made of general morphology, reproductive organs, eggs and embryos. The following account is intended to serve as a record of some of these observations and to present in one view a brief account of the bionomics of reproduction of this reptile. EMERGENCE FROM HIBERNATION In southern Kansas the Texas Horned Lizard comes forth about May first. When the ‘‘toads’’ first appear in the spring they are thin and emaciated, sluggish, and very dark in color. jAt first the males greatly preponderate over the females in numbers, being in the ratio of three or four males to one female. Later the females emerge in greater numbers, tending to equalize the sexes. From the beginning of their life, ex-hiberna, their activity is de- pendent, principally, upon the sun’s light and heat. In the morning they are very sluggish and, when touched, will scarcely move. Later, as they become warmed by the sun, they run about, seek ants and other insects as food and move with a sudden characteristic impetu- osity. They are warned at the slightest sound or movement and fre- quently stop to raise and lower themselves by their front legs, an amusing habit to be appreciated fully only by those who have seen it. During these early days of spring the Phrynosomas mate freely, the preponderance of males at the outstart, as well as the gradual emergence of the females, insuring the insemination of all of the latter. This is attested to by the fact that, among hundreds of eggs studied, only one was found infertile. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM Winton (714) states for this species observed farther south that, especially in early spring, the yellow cervical crescents are much * Winfield and vicinity. [130] 1922] NoTEes ON THE TEXAS HorNep Lizarp 131 brighter in the females than in the males. This we were never able to find true of our Kansas specimens. Also, while Bryant (’11) states for the entire genus Phrynosoma, that ‘‘the presence of enlarged post- anal scales in the male is a dependable character for determining sex,’’ we have not been able to observe such difference in P. cornutum from southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma. In my experience positive separation of the sexes may be made in this species on the following criteria of body form. The torso of the males, between axilla and groin, is short and cir- cular; of the females long and elliptical. The tail in the males is longer and distinctly swollen at the root, both laterally and ventrally, due to the contained hemipenes. The tail in the female is shorter and tapers more rapidly from its base backward. It also lacks the basal swellings. The sex of juveniles may likewise be determined on these criteria while that of advanced embrycs is apparent from the presence or absence of hemipenes. THE OVARIES In females opened early in May and prior to ovulation the ovaries present an interesting picture. Most conspicuous in each is a collection of about sixteen large eggs, yellow in color, at first about 7 mm. in diameter but later swelling to 8 or 9 mm. at the time of ovulation, surrounded by delicate follicles and globular in form except for flat- tening due to mutual pressure. While the number in each group is not constant there tend to be sixteen, making a total for the two ovaries of about thirty-two large eggs ready for ovulation. In some cases there are but ten or twelve eggs in each large group, in others, and but rarely, seventeen or eighteen. Examined separately, each egg displays a germinal disc clearly visible through the follicle and directed toward the point of attach- ment in the mesovarium. The dise is white, circular and about 14% mm. in diameter. The borders, although fairly distinct, shade into the surrounding yolk. At the center of the dise is a small, yet dis- tinet, nucleus, about 0.5 mm. in diameter, and clearly discernible in good light to the unaided eye. Dorsad of these groups of large eggs ready for laying are to be found, in each ovary, eggs of smaller size, two to three mm. in diam- eter, and provided, each, with a small amount of yolk. These smaller 132 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March eges are, in each ovary, divided into two groups, one placed laterally, the other mesially in relation to the mesovarium. Still further dorsad, or lying among, this second group of eggs, are ova of a third order as to size, as yet clear and apparently alecithal. The condition here observed obtains, doubtless, in many other vertebrates which show a strictly annual periodicity in their egg-lay- ing. So far as we know ovulation in this species takes place rather suddenly, the thirty-two-odd ripe follicles undergoing dehiscence within a few hours, leaving the empty follicles to be resorbed and al- lowing the next order, or half-grown eggs, to develop to full size during the year following. Meantime the third, or smallest group, from among the remaining od6gonia, acquires yolk in its turn. Thus, in Phrynosoma, we observe, in correlation with an annual periodicity in egg-group ovulation, an annual initiation of yolk-secretion by the follicles of groups of undeveloped odcytes against the layings of future years. According to the terms of this hypothesis the secretion of the yolk of any egg requires two years. THE OVIDUCTS In birds the ova are treated seriatim by the oviduct in the laying down upon them of the albumen, shell-membranes, and shell. The ovi- duct of the Horned Lizard, on the contrary, is adapted to the simul- taneous investment with albumen and shell of sixteen or more eggs carried tandem in its coils. A seriation in this process along the two ege-strings is practically absent, the albumen, which is serous in con- sistency and very smal] in amount, as well as the shell, being evidently secreted by the same region of the duct in situ rather than by suc- cessive regions traversed by the egg in its course. OVULATION AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT From a number of observations it is evident that, in Phrynosoma, maturation occurs immediately prior to ovulation and that fertiliza- tion ensues immediately upon the entrance of the egg into the ostium. In studies of lacertilian embryology the securing of segmentation stages 1s, however, very difficult. The writer was able to confirm the statement of Peter (’04) that there is no relation between the time of copulation and that of ovulation. Further, the same female may copulate more than once. Having no way to tell the exact hour of ovulation no method has, 1922] Notes ON THE Texas HorNep Lizarp 133 to date, been published whereby the early segmentation stages might be found except by accident. Thus the series of embryos of Lacerta agilis, described and figured by Peter in his Normentafel, required six summers to complete. In my work on Phrynosoma, after much practice in external palpa- tion as well as in dissection of apparently gravid females, it became possible, in many eases, by palpation only, to distinguish between ovarian eggs and those which had passed into the ducts. The mass of large ovarian eggs is always smaller in area and more dense, that of the ovidueal eggs more diffuse and softer. I found, however, that the two conditions, unfortunately, merge at just the critical time, 7. e., with approaching ovulation the ovarian eggs become larger, softer, and less well-defined, which condition merges with that of the early ovidueal ova. After much vexation caused by the sacrificing of females in which ovulation had not yet occurred and others in which the embryos were too far advanced, and after seeking, in vain, aid through use of the flouroscope, I discovered that exploratory operations do the creatures practically no harm and hold out much promise for future success in this field of embryology. The animals recover and may be opened and sewed up again several times. If seeking segmentation stages one may thus await ovulation. If the eggs have passed into the ducts one of the latter may be dissected loose, ligatured at base and removed with its eggs, the other being left to develop further. It is interesting to observe that, whereas we are unable to explain the cause of ovulation the dehiscence of about thirty-two large folli- cles takes place, so far as we know, almost simultaneously. A change sO momentous requires an adequate cause. Up to the time of ovulation the ova are held firmly in their follicles. (There are no visible cica- trices in Phrynosoma.) Then, suddenly, the ova are all shelled out and rapidly engulfed by the ostia. The time-relation between copulation and ovulation has been much studied by vertebrate embryologists with two main results. In some vertebrates, as in the rabbit, a definite interval (nine or ten hours) has been found to exist. In others, as the lizards, there is no known time-relation. Although we have no evidence to that effect it is our belief that ovulation in Phrynosoma must depend upon the liberation of a hor- 134 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [March mone,—where, and under what circumstances secreted we are now un- able to state. GENERAL FEATURES OF EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT In the correlation of stages in lacertilian embryology we are greatly aided by the Normentafel of Peter (’04), on Lacerta agilis, in the Keibel series. But while in general parallel, the ontogenetic develop- ment of Phrynosoma is more extended and, in the later or foetal stages, much more specialized than that of Lacerta. These later differences depend but little on any diversities inherent in the two families rep- resented but rather on the emergence of highly specialized generic characters, such as the shortened and broadened body, horns, and rosettes of scales, the appearance of which overpowers the more fun- damental iguanid characters. We are here, however, concerned with the oecology of this reptile in relation to reproduction. As one species of Phrynosoma is vivip- arous and others oviparous an interesting problem exists in the re- lation of the period of egg-laying to the stage of development attained at that time. In the common fowl the egg is laid while the embryo is undergoing later segmentation. In lizards the eggs are usually re- tained much longer, the coelomic cavity of the mother serving as an incubation chamber for the eggs lying within the convoluted oviduets. The precise stage at which laying takes place seems to be a matter of no consequence, lending itself easily to the development of the ovo- viviparous habit of P. douglassi, in which species the eggs hatch while or immediately after being laid. There is reason, also, for the belief that captivity extends the pre-laying period, in reptiles, by several stages. In P. cornutum I found little constancy in this matter, some laid egos being as early as Peter’s stage 22, others as late as stage 28 or 30. Lizards being poikilothermal much must depend on the temperature of soil and air as well as on the time necessary for the gravid female to find a situation suitable for a nest. Specialized generic and specific characters also here tend to prolong the ontogenetic period within the egg and to extend it beyond the range of Peter’s series, his final stage (36) being comparable to Phrynosoma embryos several days and stages removed from the laying period. As above stated the coelomic cavity serves, during the breeding season, as a brood-pouch, the 30 or 35 eggs packing it so full that a =. ~~ een ae 1922] NotrEes ON THE TEXAS HORNED LizarpD 135 gravid females present a ‘‘stuffed’’ appearance. Within their leathery shells the eggs float in a sero-albuminous liquid and so easily that the blastoderms, after the shells are formed, invariably float upward, as in the laid eggs of the fowl, directed toward the back of the mother on which the rays cf the sun fall. During the first few hours after the ova are received by the ostia, and before the shells are formed, the germinal dises are directed cephalad, a circumstance which seems to spell suction by the ostium, the dises of the ovarian eggs being invari- ably directed dorsad and away from the point of dehiscence of the follicles. j|As the body of the mother is much flattened the eggs lie usually in but one layer and never far from the dorsal surface. The utility of this form of body as an incubator is thus evident. THE ROLE OF WANDERING MESENCHYME CELLS As shown by Jarvis (08) the germ-cells of Phrynosoma arise out- side the embryo upon the yolk-sae and migrate along the yolk-stalk to the germinal ridges. Stockard (715), more recently, has made an elaborate study of the rdle of wandering mesenchyme, showing its importance in the development of Fundulus. It was my privilege, in the examination of embryos of many stages in Phrynosoma, under the binocular, both to observe the development of the circulation and its course in the embryonic vessels, and also to witness the importance of extra-embryonic amoeboid cells (wandering mesenchyme?) which appear in large numbers in the yolk beneath the embryo in this lizard. Very soon after embryonic development begins these amoeboid cells may be found, first in a thin layer and later in a disec-shaped mass, in the thin yolk under the embryo. The mass referred to is of a yellow- ish-green color. The individual cells are hyaline or faintly granular and show active amoeboid movement. That these cells are important in many ways in histogenesis seems certain. They warrant a thorough study in this or a related reptile in the spirit of Stockard’s work on Fundulus. EGG-LAYING AND INCUBATION IN THE NESTS The nest-building and egg-laying habits of this species have been studied by Strecker (’08) in Texas and my observations are in essen- tial agreement with his. The female digs out a slanting burrow several inches in depth on a sloping hillside and prefers ‘a site just 136 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March under a projecting ledge of rock. While it may be unwarranted to state as a general principle, all nests that I have observed faced the east. The burrow exeavated to such depth that the female is about hid- den from view, she lays therein the cream-white, leathery-skinned egos. The eggs are elliptical in form and measure 15 mm. in length by 10 to 11 mm. in diameter. They are dropped into the burrow one at a time. Each ege is covered over with a thin layer of dirt, seraped down by the hind legs of the mother, before the next egg is laid. Finally, the eggs all laid, the female packs the nest with the remaining dirt, smoothes it off and seurries away. After a day or two, the site is indistinguishable. So far as known to the writer egg-laying may occur, in Kansas, anywhere between the end of May and sometime late in July. I have no facts to offer regarding the duration of the incubation period which - Strecker states to be from 35 to 40 days in Texas, except that it must vary with the stage reached at laying and the temperature. During this entire study no aspect was more interesting than that of the mutual fitness of the developing eggs in their envelopes with that of their earth-nest environment, which serves as a temperature and moisture-controlling brood-pouch. Through some inherited complex of instincts the female selects a site combining the advantage of drain- age, roofing, exposure to heating by the sun, and ventilation. Under certain conditions they become turgid and swell, but shrivel like a raisin when allowed to dry. When the latter occurs the eggs are vulnerable to the attacks of ants, the mandibles of the insects cutting through the folds of the shell. When the shell is turgid and smooth the ants can do nothing of the kind. Daily observing the creatures in their environment the realization is born in upon one that they are literally autochthones, born of the careful regulation of conditions in which they have evolved. DEVELOPMENT OF CHARACTERISTIC EXTERNAL FEATURES OF THE EMBRYO In so brief an account but little may be said upon this subject except to state that the early stages, as shown by the figures here demonstrated, are characteristically reptilian. About stage 32, how- ever, phrynosoman characters put in their appearance, the rosettes of large dorsal scales being heralded by single rounded protuberances. 1922] Notes ON THE TEXAS HorNeED Lizarp 137 At the same time the Iguanid tail shrivels distally to the more abbre- viated condition of Phrynosoma. Later, stage 33, the surrounding eirclet of scales, appearing in the adult around the large dorsal scales, is laid down as an annular anlage, later to be pinched off into its separate scalar elements. Pigmentation first appears in the cervical bilateral patches as black markings about stage 35. Rapidly thereafter the pigment appears in the large scalar rosettes caudad. It is interesting to observe that, in the spread of this fundamental scheme of pigmentation, two gradients are to he observed, one spreading caudad, the other laterad. As might be expected the horns, characteristic of these lizards, are late in appearing, being seen first with stage 36. The newly-hatched young are pale in color, precocial, and may be found within a very few days, seeking insect food in the manner of their elders. THe NortTH CAROLINA COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. GREENSBORO, N. C. LITERATURE CITED Bryant, H. C.: The Horned Lizards of California and Nevada of the Genera Prynosoma and Anota. Univ. of Cal. Pub. in Zool., 9, No. 1: 1. 1911. Jarvis, May M.: The Segregation of the Germ-cells of Phrynosoma cornutum: Preliminary Note. Biol. Bulletin, 15. 1908. Peter, K.: Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Zauneidechse (Lacerta agilis); (Normentafeln zur Entw. der Wirbeltiere von F. Keibel, Heft 4). Jena, Gust. Fischer, p. 165. 1904. Stockard, C. R.: An Experimental Analysis of the Origin of Blood and Vascular Endothelium. II. A study of wandering mesenchymal cells on the living yolk-sac and their developmental products: chromatophores, vascular en- dothelium, and blood-cells. Amer. Jour. of Anat. 18, Nos. 2 and 3, Sepi, and Noy., 1915. Strecker, J. K.: Notes on the Breeding Habits of Phrynosoma cornutum and Other Texas Lizards. Proc. Soc. Washington, 21:165, 1908. Winton, W. M.: A Note On Distinction of the Sexes in Phrynosoma. Science, Ww. ©. 10262311. 1914. A MAGNETITE-MARBLE ORE AT LANSING, N. C.* By W. S. BAyLEy Puates 24-27 INTRODUCTION Near the village of Lansing in Ashe County, N. C., is an iron mine from which is being taken an ore which differs materially from all other iron ores in the State and which resembles in some respects the iron ores obtained from the Franklin limestone in New Jersey. The mine which is the property of the Ashe Mining Co., is on the Virginia- Carolina Railroad alongside Horse Creek, and about half a mile south- east of Lansing Station. (See map, pl. 24.) Pratt! refers to the locality under the name of the Waughbank property as follows: ‘*About 100 yards from the creek a tunnel was run by the Penna. Steel Co. The tunnel has a direction of N. 40° E., and at a distance of 100 feet a crosscut was made extending 46 feet S. 40° W. ‘*This crosscut showed ore for its whole distance, making the width of the ore deposit over 30 feet. This ore is composed of coarse granular magnetite in a matrix composed of micaceous material and manganese oxide.’’ The vein was estimated by Pratt to be 70% ore. Analyses of a fair sample of the vein (I) and of a selected sample of the mag- netite (II) gave: Fe Mn 12 Ss Ti Tt | csdsgeceestocvesseceerores 46.25 4.34 .026 .027 tr UD.“ cctcckssencssecareteeesses 67.25 1.68 This is evidently the same deposit as that deseribed by Nitze? as ‘‘Ballou’s Horse Creek ore bank.’’ At the time Nitze wrote the opening was in the ‘‘shape of an undercut in the side of the hill into which it extends perhaps 50’ as a slope.’’ The seam, the dip of which ‘“is apparently towards the northeast,’’ is at least six feet wide, the lower two feet being the harder. Nitze’s analyses correspond closely with those furnished by Pratt. They are as follows: sid, Fe Mn Ss 12 P ratio 1.96 62.48 3.66 072 019 -030 4.58 54.02 6.85 007 O11 017 * Published with the permission of the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey and the Director of the N. C. Geological and Economic Survey. 1Pratt, J. H., The Mining Industry in North Carolina during 1911 and 1912. N. C. Geol. and Econ. Survey, Economic Paper No. 34, p. 68. 1914. 2 Nitze, H. B. C., Iron Ores of North Carolina. N. C. Geol. Survey, Bull. No. 1, p. 156. 1°93. [138] PLATE 24 e Pit Scale in feet oO Too 1000 Contour interval 20 feet Portions of Cranberry, Abingdon, Wytheville, and Wilkesboro quadrangles, showing position of mine at Lansing, N. C, 2 es 1922] A MAGNETITE-MARBLE ORE AT Lansina, N. C. 139 Capt. Geo. W. Cooke, who is operating the mine for the company, declares that the present mine is on the Waughbank property but that the original opening which dates back as early as 1828 was on top of the hill about 50 feet above the present tunnel and was in an entirely different kind of ore. The tunnel of the Penna. Steel Co. was opened about 15 years ago into the lower portion of,the Waughbank deposit. It is parallel to the present tunnel, about 40 feet above it and about 100 feet further west. It is frequently referred to as the upper level. ‘At its end, at the bottom of the Waughbank pit, a little limestone ore was encountered, but most of the ore developed by it was of the sili- ceous type lke that at Cranberry. The relations of the two tunnels to one another and the mutual relationships of the siliceous ore and that now being worked are shown in the sketch, pl. 25. THE ASHE MINING COMPANY’S MINE Mineral Composition of the Ore:—The ore of the deposit now being worked is essentially a coarsely granular intermixture of mag- nesian marble and magnetite (pl. 26). Here and there are particles of quartz but they are rare. The carbonates are in large grains with perfect cleavage constituting a white marble. The magnetite is in irregular though shghtly elongated grains scattered through the marble, producing an ill-defined schistosity, which is emphasized by the occasional accumulation of the magnetite grains in lenses with their long axes parallel to the obscure schistosity of the matrix of carbonates and magnetite in which they lhe. (See pl. 26.) In a few places the rock is markedly schistose. This is brought about either by the oce- currence of many of the magnetite grains in plates, suggesting the plates of hematite in specular ores, or by its occurrence in numerous small lenses elongate in parallel directions. Many of the elongate erains are sheared and drawn out into lines or rows of sharp-edged particles. The carbonate grains associated with the magnetite show no similar elongation, but the schistosity is often accentuated by the presence of calcite veins or layers running in the same direction as the lines of magnetite plates. Evidently the carbonates have been en- tirely recrystallized since the rock’s deformation. Here and there through the mass are embedded small garnets, which in many cases are altered so as to give rise to light brown stains. A typical lean ore in thin section shows coarse-grained aggregates of two colorless carbonates, of which one is calcite and the other prob- 140 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March ably dolomite, a few plates of phlogopite and large irregular masses of magnetite. The mica is in streaks of plates extending in nearly straight lines through the section with the individual plates lying be- tween adjoining carbonate grains and more frequently than otherwise near the magnetite. This mineral is often in large areas with very ragged boundaries, the salients of which project considerable distances between the grains of carbonate, or between contiguous twinning lamellae. Occasionally a smaller grain appears to be enclosed in grains of what is regarded as dolomite, and in other instances the larger masses appear to enclose small grains of the carbonate. From the fact that the carbonate inclusions polarize uniformly with the large ear- bonate grains surrounding the magnetite it 1s thought that the ap- parent inclusions are merely portions of projections that extend into the embayments of the magnetite and that their appearance as inclu- sions surrounded by magnetite is due to the fact that the section was eut through the boundary between magnetite and carbonate. The richer ore differs from the poorer ore mainly in the larger sizes of the distributed magnetite grains and especially in the much greater sizes of the magnetite lenses. Some of the latter are a foot or more in length and five or six inches in diameter. A photograph showing the contact of one of the lenses with the surrounding marble is reproduced in pl. 26. The greater portion of the ore, as has been related, is mainly a coarsely crystalline marble containing grains and lenses of magnetite. In many places, however, it contains dike-like masses of a bright green color, which proves to be a fine-grained aggregate, mainly of granular actinolite which, where shearing occurs, is changed to a mass of fibres of bright green actinolite. Often magnetite is present in the eranular aggregate, and this is noticeably more abundant near the contact of the green layer with the marble. Indeed it not infrequently happens that there are distinct lenses of magnetite at the contacts of the two rocks even though magnetite may not be present elsewhere in association with the green rock, and occasionally a continuous thin layer of magnetite separates the two for considerable distances. The actinolite layer passes into the carbonate rock by a very gradual tran- sition—the actinolite becoming less and less abundant until it forms a very small portion of the mass. In this section the actinolite mass is discovered in reality to be complex. It consists of an aggregate of thin layers and flat lenses PLATE 25 Vertical Section Nov 2 1920 Vertical Section Ma gnetite-Marble Ore [| Siliceous Ore F 4 Rock Schrists and ayrcte Plan Nov. 7, (720 The dips are of contact s 4) 4-0 b:Ke) Plan and sections of Ashe Mining Company’s mine, Lansing, N. C. (Map furnished by Geo. W. Cooke, Manager.) “1 1922] A MAGNETITE-MARBLE ORE aT Lansina, N. C. 141 made up mainly of equi-dimensional prisms of actinolite that are pleochroie in very light yellowish green and emerald-green tints. These alternate with equally thin layers of carbonates. The maximum extinction of the actinolite is about 20°. Among the actinolite prisms are scattered a few large grains of carbonate, a very few large plates of a colorless mica, perhaps phlogopite, and large irregular masses of magnetite. The actinolite appears as though in crush zones, and its individual prisms have a general parallel elongation in the direction of the layers. In many cases the magnetite masses are crossed by tiny eracks filled with ealcite. It is noticeable that the major portion of the magnetite within the layer characterized by the actinolite is usu- ally associated with the carbonates that are always present in it, In some places, however, the magnetite and actinolite are so free from earbonates that the rock is locally a magnetite-actinolite schist. Around the lenses of magnetite in the marble are often envelopes of actinolite and often there are veins of actinolite cutting through them. In these cases the magnetite is cleaved so that the lenses appear to be granular masses composed of elongate grains of the magnetite. The long dimensions of the magnetite and the long directions of the actinolite fibers in the veins are parallel, but there is no definite re- lation between the elongation of the fibers and the directions of the veins. The fibrosity may be parallel to the walls of the veins, per- pendicular thereto, or inclined to them at any angle. Whatever their direction with respect to the veins, they are all parallel within the mass of a single hand-specimen. In other specimens veins of actinolite traverse masses of magnetite and marble, and sporadic garnets appear in the mass. The suggestion furnished by the sections is that a mass of marble and magnetite, with some actinolite, became shattered as the result of movements, and the cracks between the fragments of magnetite were filled with actinolite formed from magnetite and some of the constit- uents of the marble by metamorphosing processes during the course of this movement. In some eases ealcite which was undergoing recrys- tallization at the time was also forced into the fractures. There was evidently motion in the rock-mass also after the actino- lite was formed and after the magnetite was shattered, since there are present in the rock slickensides coated with acicular actinolite, in many cases to a thickness of one-half aninchor more. Inthese cases there 142 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March are usually layers of magnetite next to the actinolite, and in the mag- netite are frequently small streaks of pyrite. That these various de- formations produced little effect upon the structure of the carbonates is due no doubt to the fact that these have reerystallized since the action of the forces producing the deformations ceased. Here and there through the ore there is also considerable dark hornblende. It occurs in large quantity in some fragments on the mine dump. It apparently is in fairly large dikes in which horn- blende, magnetite and frequently garnet are intermingled. Where the hornblende is in dikes a foot or more wide their interiors are coarse black hornblende free of garnet. In the smaller dikes, on the other hand, the hornblende masses often enclosed small lenses of lime- stone, which have been nearly completely changed to pink garnet. In some instances garnet and hornblende are in equal quantities. The limestone in contact with the hornblende is often banded and it fre- quently contains lenses of magnetite. In contact with the hornblende- garnet is a narrow layer of fine-grained hornblende, carbonates and pyrite with the latter usually in very thin seams parallel to the bound- ary. Beyond this are bands of carbonates and magnetite and of earbonates and black mica. The banding is thus the result of con- secutive layers of coarse black hornblende, aggregates of black horn- blende and red garnet, aggregates of fine-grained dark and light horn- blende, thin seams of pyrite and of carbonates, streaks of magnetite and finally layers of carbonate and black mica. There is no common elongation of the carbonate grains in the limestone, but the rock in the neighborhood of the dikes has a distinet schistosity due to the parallel arrangement of the layers. Often near the borders of the ore deposit and occasionally within its mass are also irregular aggregates of red garnet, black hornblende, magnetite and carbonates in which the garnet is predominant. The hornblende on the whole looks as though it were intrusive and the garnet as though it were a contact product between hornblende and the carbonates. These aggregates are traversed by little veins of white calcite and colorless quartz and contain here and there nests of these minerals, which are unquestionably secondary. Pyrite is not common anywhere in the ore. It occasionally occurs as thin layers between the layers of granular, light green hornblende and the marble, and in a few places seattered through the magnetite- PLATE 26 (Above) PHOTOGRAPH OF ORE FROM MINE AT LANSING, N. C. NAT. SIZE. (Below) PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING CONTACT OF ORE LENS WITH MARBLE IN ORE FROM MINE AT LANSING, N. C. j 1922] A MagenetitE-MArBLE ORE at Lansing, N. C. 143 marble rock in large masses that enclose particles of the other com- ponents. Some of the particles are plainly large skeleton cubes, poiki- litically developed. In other words, they possess the sieve structure which is characteristic of minerals formed later than the rock in which they are found. In some eases the pyrite apparently replaces calcite and in other cases magnetite. It is believed that it was not a part of the original rock but was subsequently introduced. Veins in the Ore :—In places fine-grained feldspar-quartz veins eut the hornblende-magnetite masses. In thin section the vein rock is seen to be badly crushed—the quartz areas are aggregates of small quartz grains and the former feldspar grains are now aggregates of small, very light yellow epidote grains. There are, however, no sharp boundaries between the feldspar and the quartz areas. These have been obliterated by the crushing. The quartz areas near their borders are full of epidote grains and the epidote areas contain nests of quartz grains and, further within their interiors, individual grains of quartz. Moreover there are little veins of epidote in the quartz, and vein-like lenses of quartz in the epidote aggregates. The contacts of the veins and the hornblende masses are also far - from sharp. Occasionally there is a streak of smal! pink garnets sepa- rating the two, but for most of the distance the epidote aggregate pen- etrates the hornblende mass, and hornblende grains are embedded in the epidote. The hornblende mass consists mainly of large crystalloids of hornblende—yellow-green—with large nuclei composed mainly of partly amphibolized light yellowish augite. Often the partially al- tered pyroxene comprises three-fourths of the area of the grain, and around it is a zone of compact green-yellow bornblende with sharp fibrous projections extending from the more compact portion. Ex- tinctions of 24° against the cleavage in the surrounding zone and of 45° in the nucleus are characteristic. In the spaces between neighbor- ing pieces of hornblende are small nests of quartz and calcite and often in pieces of the amphibole that are not so compact are enclosures of quartz and many more of calcite. Often the areas between the large amphibole grains are filled with quartz and carbonate grains and spicules of green hornblende, but in no case seen do the spicules actually cut through the carbonate and quartz. These minerals appar- ently simply fill in the spaces between the spicules. These fine-grained veins are believed to be small veins of pegmatite 3 144 JOURNAL OF THE MrircHELL SOCIETY | March that have been completely granulitized, and thus have lost all traces of their granular structure. It is significant that few garnets occur at their contacts with the hornblende through which they pass, but that, on the other hand, garnets are frequently found between the hornblende masses and the marble surrounding them. Where peg- matites cut the country gneiss in the vicinity of the mine large garnets occur in the gneisses near the contact. It may be fair to assume there- fore that the hornblende masses are a part of the pegmatite, since upon this assumption the presence of garnets between them and the marble is easily explained as due to contact action. Moreover, the hornblende is an altered augite—and in the Cranberry area in Avery County the pegmatites associated with the ore were originally an augitic variety. The relations of the pegmatite, hornblende and carbonates, to- gether with the presence of garnets and of streaks of magnetite near the borders of the hornblende are suggestive of contact action. In the old Waughbank Mine the ore was of the same character as that in the Cranberry Mine. If the views of Mr. Cooke are correct the Waughbank ore gradually passed into the hmestone ore now charac- terizing the Ashe Mining Company’s Mine. There is very little definite pegmatite in the present mine unless it is represented by the horn- blende streaks and the fine-grained veins described above, but there is pegmatite in abundance in the old Waughbank openings. The horn- blende streaks in the mine now operating may very well have been very basic phases of augitie pegmatite, which added iron and perhaps silica to the limestone and brought about contact action by which gar- nets, phlogopite and actinolite were produced. Chemical Composition of the Ore :—A selected sample of the rich- est ore freed from adhering limestone was analyzed by J. G. Fairchild of the U. S. Geological Survey, with the result shown below. The anal- ysis? of the magnetite separated from the ore of the Ahles Mine in New Jersey is given in If for comparison. The Ahles ore is in limestone. 2 Bayley, W. S. Iron Mines and Mining in New Jersey. Vol. VII of Final Report Series of State Geologist, Trenton, N. J., 1910, p. 111. 1922] A MaGnetitre-Marsie OrE at Lansine, N. C. 145 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MAGNETITE FROM THE LANSING MINE, N. C., AND THE AHLES MINE, N. J. if II LEAS. poeedeo aes eee ee noe eee ee 60.42 48.44 UTES O Ais jeo8h oe USER aR Es oR aE oe ce 00 TEND, OY ps Seba ee ee nas Oa ee ee eee 7: OST UY 29.32 ETE) oO SR et = eee 3.01 MnO, — 4.19 “lid Wee elise Ue eee 3.37 62 Ne IANO ec ooo ERN oe ee ea Sane cok oven oivabavescvsessousten 1.14 .29 ISDS ccs SoS sedetitoenae ota eae ete eee 26 4p LENA O pian ti setae aes ie elie A tn Pee tr Oe ee a eee et br tr (ETDS La ce Ree LEO T, ae eaten as ecco 3s can od Oss Ete ceheogidansswecsiektest-s tr tr fo. 2 eee eee 1 06 T Lee hehe a ed eee eee ee 04 1.36 ee che rcacchuysine deca ctaxaniudeasnserecntet odsadkeasoecase .83 2.59 SS Re re ree 22 Bove isaeeocdeessteeeeecasens 00 ye SE re ree ree: eee 00 DERN) 1 steee eee Sta a .00 Al SOD casa 00 Mae seria Sanat sn vockssnceacactie cc vescsvesaecascosscesesoceoasses .00 100.66 99.81 The analysis of the Lansing ore is that of a very pure magnetic ore. A calculation indicates the presence in it of the following com- ponents: CALCULATED MINERAL COMPOSITION OF LANSING ORE eR ee ceva doe ecu as eecasiebaisesiaenaktencecussteccseseeeee0000050 LeO TLEPOTERNG) -hapkthase Oe Oe i 5.6 LESARTIISTEAD |S o-pkb shee sceerere cee coe eS ee 2.6 BOON GEN Aa eee soc mene ste ce esaee ss ohazisacscccesnaceccassacccecsessace 4.5 ESI me ree ce Re eee dees een sates vuereondschacstnscsassessneosessscsees zl Nie ea Pe cane oclncdincsanecanccbeecoscnsennevees 6.2 100.0 The magnetite is remarkably pure. It evidently contains a little manganese, but is free from titanium. In these respects it closely resembles the magnetites in the Franklin limestone in New Jersey.* The percentage of Fe indicated by the analysis is 61.58% and of * Bayley. W. S. Fina! Report Series of the State Geologist (New Jersey), 7: 111. 1910. 146 JOURNAL OF THE MiTrcHELL SOCIETY | March Mn 2.33%, but this analysis is of a selected sample from which ma- terial other than magnetite has been removed as thoroughly as possible by careful hand-picking. The ore furnished to the Cranberry Furnace is shipped as taken from the mine, without crushing and careful se- lection. This, therefore, is much lower in iron, and indeed consider- ably lower than the minimum limit for ordinary magnetic ore; but because of its extremely low phosphorus and high calcium is acceptable. Some of the marble-magnetite is too poor in iron to be regarded as an ore, but by rejecting this the balance -passes as an ore which though possibly low grade with respect to iron is available to the furnace because practically all the material that is not iron is a mix- ture of calcite and dolomite which serves as a flux. An analysis of an average specimen of the marble made in the laboratory of the U. 8. Geol. Survey by Mr. Fairchild gave: MgO = 9.17%, CaO = 26.32%, and CO, = 34.28%, corresponding to a mixture of MgCO, and CaCO, in the proportions 1:2, and an excess of 314% CO,, a large part of which is in MnCO,. Analyses of many earload lots of ore made at the Cranberry Fur- nace at Johnson City prior to the summer of 1919 showed limits of 36.43-52.93 for Fe and .0094-.0114 for P. A series of analyses of 7 ears received during the summer of 1919 gave :® TOM “a ccrecsccececcectecteeeseeonece 40.65 42.76 46.46 39.07 40.65 35.11 38.54 OS PHOTIS | ewessessesrseecne 0062 8.0052 .0052 .0052 .0042 .0062 .0057 One analysis® of a car of ore very low in iron yielded Fe = 30.52, P — .0052 and CaO = 17.84. This is equivalent to 42.14% inagnetite and 31.86% CaCO,, or a total of 76%. There was no record made of the other 24%. The Ore Body :—The ore body of the mine is reached by a tunnel running 150 feet into the base of the hill just above the level of Horse Creek in a direction N. 40° E. It is in the foot wall, which is a ght gray hornblendic gneiss that may belong with Keith’s Cranberry eranite, which is archean in age. Between this gneiss and the ore- body is a thin layer of gray mica schist, that may readily be a result of shearing of the gneiss along the contact. Immediately above the ore is another thin sheet of a similar schist and above this a hght gray fine-grained gneiss that may be a part of the Cranberry granite. 5 Furnished by Pres. F. P. Howe, Cranberry Furnace Co., Johnson City, Tenn. ° Made by Cranberry Furnace Co. Furnished by Mr. Cooke. 1922] A MaGnetite-MaArBiE ORE at Lansina, N. C. 147 The greater part of the country rock is a coarse gray banded gneiss that looks very much like a squeezed porphyritic hornblende granite, perhaps a phase of the Blowing Rock gneiss, also placed by Keith in the archean. This is interlayered with light-colored gneiss which was originally an augitie syenite. It now consists of large anhedrons of a microperthitie feldspar, large light green masses of amphibole, con- taining here and there nuclei of pyroxene, and surrounded by a border of tiny epidote erystals lying in all azimuths. There are also present a small quantity of brown biotite and a few large grains of quartz. The feldspars are crushed around their edges into a fine-grained mass which now consists of quartz, epidote and pale green amphibole. These gneisses are intersected by veins of pegmatite that is almost devoid of dark components, and on the borders of which are large garnets. In many instances the feldspar of the pegmatites is partially changed to epidote as at Cranberry. In a cut on the railroad layers of hornblende schist are in the gneisses, and along these shearing took place with the production of actinolite-asbestos. The ore body is sharply marked off from the country rock by the layers of schist below and above. In shape it appears to be irregular. In general it strikes a few degrees E. of North and dips about 36° S. E. In a portion of its course the dip and strike are regular, indi- cating a width of only four feet and in some places the ore is cut out entirely by what appear to be great fragments of the country rock or by small faults. Near the present end of the tunnel the ore body was apparently chimney-like. It was encountered in an old hole on the surface above the tunnel and was followed downward in a small steeply pitching shoot into the present ore body, where it expands into a sheet with the dip and strike of the surrounding gneisses. At the foot wall is a narrow seam of calcite that appears to. be secondary as it sends veinlets into the contiguous ore and gneisses. In mass the ore appears distinctly schistose. On its borders are selvages of garnet and hornblende, several feet thick. Within these the ore is fairly uniform in character, varying only in the proportions of magnetite and carbonates present. Here and theré near its edges are pockets of loose magnetite, especially near the foot wall, where the sparse carbonate cement in lenses of granular magnetite may have been dissolved by percolating water. The pyrite that has already been referred to is confined almost exclusively to the borders of the ore i148 JOURNAL OF THE MiItCHELL SOCIETY | March body and to the vicinity of little veins of hornblende cutting through it. It is apparently most abundant where shearing has taken place. From the main mass of the ore body the mineral is entirely absent, so that it has no bad effect upon the ore. Through the ore are small vein-like masses of coarse black hornblende or of hornblende and mag- netite all running parallel to the schistosity of the ore, which is paral- lel to the general strike of the ore body, thus accentuating the struc- ture. In some cases there are also present in the limestone streaks of magnetite that suggest very strongly little dikes. These are rarely more than 114 inches wide. Their walls are nowhere sharp, but on the contrary on their margins the magnetite layers pass into the marble by gradations, the carbonate grains becoming more and more abundant toward the marble side of the contact until finally the rock becomes essentially a nearly pure marble. The thin section shows the magnetite streak to be an aggregate of carbonates, actinolite and mag- netite, with the last named of course predominating. The mine has been operating for only a short time. About 500 carloads of ore had been shipped to Aug., 1919. At present the ex- posed faces of ore suggest the existence of two sheets parallel to the foliation of the country rocks. The explorations are not sufficiently extended to show how far the sheets are continuous, consequently there is no means of estimating the magnitude of the reserve. The lower sheet is believed to pinch out just beneath the floor of the tun- nel, as is indicated in the cross section on pl. 25, but its extension in other directions is entirely unknown. The upper sheet has been shown by a raise to extend from the tunnel level to near the surface but there is no evidence to show how far it extends beneath the tunnel or beyond the sides of the raise. Although the vein looks more regular at its present depth than it was nearer the surface, nevertheless there is no certainty that it will not suddenly become broken and irregular. Origin of the Ore :—If the theory* with regard to the origin of the Cranberry ore is correct, and the magnetite in this deposit is due to deposition from ascending hot liquids and gases brought upward by augitic pegmatites, then it seems probable that the marble ores are likewise the result of pegmatitic solutions. Old limestones were meta- morphosed by soluticns depositing magnetite and producing horn- blende and aiding in the development of garnet and actinolite from 7 Bayley, W. S., The Magnetites of North Carolina—Their Origin. Econ. Geol. v. 16, no. 2, March, 1921, pp. 142-152. 1922] A MAGNETITE-MARBLE ORE AT LaAnsING, N. C. 149 the constituents of the limestone. That the actinolite is in more or less distinct layers may well be due to the presence of argillaceous lay- ers in the original limestone. The production of the actinolite in part at least seems to have been subsequent to the deposition of the mag- netite, but that its production was promoted by pegmatite solutions seems to admit of little doubt. The distribution of the components of the ore is such as would occur if they were produced, by pneumato- thermal contact action, emanating from dikes of pegmatite. No dis- tinct dikes of pegmatite are to be seen cutting the limestone ores, but they are believed to be represented by the small veins of quartz and epidote that traverse it, by the aggregates of epidote and magnetite and those of hornblende and magnetite that appear as streaks in it and by the lenses of dark hornblende that occur here and there. The epidote is believed to represent the feldspar of the pegmatites. All gradations between pegmatites in which the feldspar is only slightly epidotized and those in which all the feldspar has been replaced by epidote are common in the Cranberry area. At Lansing very little of the pegmatite magma reached the position of that portion of the ore body now being worked, but the gases and liquids travelled along the contacts between the limestone and the gneiss, penetrated the lime- stone near the contacts and caused the deposition of magnetite and the production of garnet which have been described as forming a sel- vage on the borders of the ore body. Similar Ores Elsewhere :—The only other point in the state at which similar magnetite-marble ore is known to exist is a few yards north of Dr. Jones’s residence, about a third of a mile northeast of the rail- road station at Lansing and three-quarters of a mile north of Capt. Cooke’s mine. Here a hole was put down at a place where there was much magnetite in the soil. At the depth of 25 feet. a big piece of limestone was encountered in the midst of the gneisses, with man- ganese ore on opposite sides. The hole is now filled but on the old dump, which has almost entirely disappeared, a fragment of antinolitic rock was found that is unquestionably a metamorphosed limestone consisting of calcite, actinolite and tremolite. Since returning from the field the study of the specimens collected suggests that possibly the Red Rock Mine about 114 miles southeast of Shell Creek in Carter County, Tenn., and one mile from the North Carolina State line is another similar deposit, but information of the 150 JOURNAL OF THE MiTcHELL SOCIETY | March character of its ore is furnished only by the fragments on the dumps. Marble in the pre-Cambrian near Toecane :—The rarity of marble- magnetite ores in western North Carolina may be due to the fact that the limestone beds themselves are rare. Their best known occurrence is in a cut on the C. C. & O. R. R. at Intermont, which is about four miles south of Toecane in Mitchell County. The limestone is a coarse white marble associated with gneisses and pegmatite. It is mapped by Keith as being in the Carolina gneiss—a series of micaceous and gar- netiferous schists and micaceous, garnetiferous and cyanitie gneisses, which are believed to be the oldest rocks in the region. Keith® de- scribes the marble as occurring in two bands alternating with mica- eneiss and dipping 50° 8S. E. The rocks are cut by a pegmatite vein, which passes in places across the beds and in other places along them. The upper layer is said to be 70 ft. thick and the lower layer 8 ft. with a 10 ft. thick layer of mica gneiss between them. The marble is white and coarsely crystalline. It consists of 55% CaCO, and 45% MgCoO,. The contacts of the marble with the contiguous gneiss are said to be sharp. Contacts with the pegmatite are equally sharp, but in some places between the marble and pegmatite is a thin contact vein of actinolite which grades into the marble. Inclosed in the lower marble is also a small mass of actinolite and serpentine. The marble is supposed to be a metamorphosed sediment interbedded with silicious sediments now represented by gneisses and schists. A sketch of the exposure is reproduced in pl. 27. Instead of being in two distinct layers as might be inferred from Keith’s description the section now displayed on the railroad shows the marble to be -in fragments separated by gneiss and pegmatite. It is possible that the three masses visible in the section may originally have been parts of a single bed or parts of two beds, but it is certain that their present distribution is due to fracturing and intrusion by pegmatite. At the south end of the section near its bottom the limestone is in contact with the pegmatite and with gneiss. For half an inch from the eon- tact with the gneiss the limestone is bordered by a light gray zone in which are many plates of a light mica resembling phlogopite, a few plates of biotite and an occasional garnet. At the immediate contact is a seam of light brown mica. Under the microscope a section cut across the contact zone reveals the presence in it of many plates of an almost colorless mica with a 8 Mount Mitchell Folio. Geol. Atlas of the U. S. Folio 124, p. 2-3, 1905. ‘ON ‘4jun0D [PUI ‘Yoourp epoyyurg jo yNow yw ap “y Pleyyouyy wo “‘yuowWo,Uy 7B Saansodxo vjqavut Jo Yo ays QVPIAL RASA ay your ba) peeel gs1auh wv o}f AY gs12uh DUIYo4D>) AX\Y oe —_ SUS, WOe ae a - = - Za me BS Yj LZ = “DP ) thy ZS e \\ \ sae mae oe \ \ \\ = rea AY ce oO ae Ze Be BEE. > as Le ULV Id if Mad 1922] A MAGNETITE-MARBLE ORE AT Lansina, N. C. 151 slight pleochroism in lhght yellow tones. These are arranged about parallel to the contact plane. A few erystals of pyrite are the only other components present except, of course, the predominant, com- paratively large grains of carbonate, most of which are polysynthet- ically twinned. The carbonate is free from inclusions except for tiny particles of what appears to be pyrite dust, but between the grains is often a stain of limonite. Immediately at the contact there had been slight movement with the development of a thin layer of light colored mica. At the contact with the pegmatite the contact zone is about 114 inches wide, and is composed of two layers, the inner one of which is characterized by the presence of plates of tremolite and more scanty plates of wollastonite scattered through the limestone, but mainly in such a way as to constitute bands running parallel to the contact. The tremolite is generally fresh and colorless but the wollastonite is traversed by many cracks in which have been deposited fibers of a light green micaceous mineral, with a slight pleochroism in greenish and yellowish tones. Occasional tremolite flakes are tinged with green. These are very slightly pleochroic, thus approaching actinolite in char- acter. The outer zone next to the pegmatite consists exclusively of a light-gray platy tremolite arranged with its long directions perpen- dicular to the contact. The tremolite strongly resembles the mineral at the Lansing Mine that has been called actinolite. Whether the two minerals are actually the same or are different is of little importance. Their presence indicates that the pegmatite added material to the limestone in both cases. The irregular distribution of the limestone, parts being almost completely surrounded by silicate rocks, suggests an explanation of the irregular distribution of the ore at Lansing. The limestone bed was broken into fragments as at the occurrence on the railroad and the limestone ore naturally possesses a similar dis- tribution. Reserves :—Because of the irregular manner of distribution of the limestone in the schists at the Lansing locality and the small amount of prospecting that has been done in the mine, it is impossible to esti- mate with any probability of correctness the quantity of ore that may be expected. If the limestone is shattered as it is near Toecane it may terminate within a few feet of the present workings, or it may extend beyond them for a long distance. In either event it is probable that 152 JOURNAL OF THE MircHELL SOCIETY | March the limestone ore may be replaced by silicate ore such as was found in the old Waughbank opening above the present mine, in which case it may be valuable or worthless, depending upon the width of the vein. The limestone ore is merchantable even when its iron content is as low as 35%. The silicate ore must carry much more iron before it will be accepted at the furnace, and most of it therefore must be concen- trated. URBANA, ILL., JuLy, 1921. A BOTANICAL BONANZA IN TUSCALOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMA By Routanp M. HARPER PLATE 28 Tuscaloosa, on the Warrior River, is one of the typical fall-line cities of the South. Above the city the river and all its tributaries, with a few exceptions, fiow their whole length through the Warrior coal field, characterized by essentially horizontal strata of sandstone and shale, which make many picturesque bluffs and cliffs along the river, some of them over 150 feet high, interrupted every half mile or so by wooded ravines, containing small streams which may dry up in summer, and at longer intervals by creek valleys. A few tributaries take their rise in limestone valleys about 100 miles northeastward, but it is not likely that this fact has any perceptible bearing on the richness of the cliff flora to be discussed presently. Below Tuscaloosa the river cuts through Cretaceous and Eocene strata, with no cliffs of hard rock, and conditions are unfavorable for most of the plants herein mentioned. Above Tuscaloosa the river runs in a general southwesterly direct- ion, so that the left bank is usually shaded, the bluffs on that side facing in various directions between north and west. On this left side a few miles above the city there is a remarkable assemblage of rare and otherwise interesting plants, on exposed cliffs and shaded bluffs and in nearby ravines. For some unknown reason, the greatest con- centration of rarities seems to be about eight miles above the city, their numbers diminishing up and down stream from that point. They gradually disappear also away from the river, as one ascends any of the tributary creeks. The writer has had few opportunities to explore the right bank, which is relatively inacessible, but as most of the bluffs on that side are exposed to the sun in the middle of the day, the shade- loving plants listed below can hardly be expected to thrive there. At Squaw Shoals, about thirty miles above Tuscaloosa, there were many interesting aquatic plants in the rocky bed of the river until they were drowned out by the completion of a 63-foot dam in 1915?, but apparently no cliff plants of special interest, except Heuchera 1For an account of the river-bank vegetation for a distance of about 250 miles below gcc Teen are ee aie x vepoar tes: iG 199-201. 1919. . [153] 154 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March macrorhiza. And quite recently (May, 1921) the writer has traversed over 100 miles of the river above Tuscaloosa in a canoe, with frequent landings, without materially extending the known distribution of any of the plants mentioned below, not even those which have their southernmost outposts near the fall line. Before listing the rare plants some additional] features of the en- vironment may be mentioned. At the point where they are most num- erous and for a few miles farther upstream, the hilltops are capped with sand and pebbles of Cretaceous or later age, belonging to the coastal plain, and characterized by forests of Pinus palustris and its common associates, subject to frequent fires, as is usual throughout the range of that tree. In the same neighborhood the lowlands on the inner sides of bends are covered with ‘‘second bottom’’ or terrace de- posits, which extend all the way to the coast but are very slightly represented upstream; and Acer saccharinum (formerly A. dasycar- pum), which is perhaps more nearly confined to river-banks than any other tree in the eastern United States, and seems to require twenty feet or more of seasonal fluctuation of water, extends up the river just about to the point under consideration. Qwercus laurifolia, which is almost confined to the coastal plain, extends a few miles farther upstream. But all this perhaps has as little to do with the peculiarities of the cliff flora as the fact that some of the river water comes from a limestone valley. It may be a little more significant that there are among these cliffs several ‘‘ hanging valleys,’’? with mouths high above the river, presumably indicating that the streams which made them are dry most of the time, and therefore have not cut down their chan- nels as fast as the river has. Springs too are scarce along the river, as the canoeist discovers to his discomfort in hot weather. This indi- eates that there must be little leaching out of the elements of fertility from the rocks. Some of the plants under consideration are of species commonly supposed to be partial to limestone, although the rock is not notice- ably ecaleareous. A partial analysis of a specimen of the shale made for the writer some years ago showed only 0.42% of lime (CaO), but nearly ten times as much potash (K,O), namely, 3.95% ?; and it is quite likely that these and many other supposed ealciphiles are really >See Geol. Surv. Ala. Monog. 8: 54. 1913. PLATE 28 Rich ravine near Warrior in full bloom, River a little and trunk of below mouth of Hurricane Liquidambar at r Creek, with Aesculus June 28, 1911 parviflora Pye “ ER a eo wy aa 4 =’ ey or “ ’ Looking and 100 feet Pinus down Hanging Valley above the Virginiana. Dec. 2, on left bank of Warrior R water. View taken about 50 4S ja ta Ue iver about nine miles feet back above from mouth Tuscaloosa 7 valley Trees mosth 1922] A Botanical BoNANZA IN TuscaLoosa CouNTY 155 potash-loving species.t Some of the species are noteworthy for being confined to Alabama, or more abundant in this state than anywhere else. Others here reach their southern limits or nearly so, and were not recorded from this part of the state by Dr. Charles Mohr in his magnum opus, the Plant Life of Alabama (published shortly after his death in 1901). Comparatively little botanical work of permanent value has been done in the vicinity of Tuscaloosa. Sir Charles Lyell, the eminent English geologist, visited the town in 1846, and published a few botan- ical observations in his ‘‘Second Visit to the United States.’’ A few years later Drs. R. D. Nevius and W. S. Wyman botanized in this vicinity in spare moments, but the only recorded result of their work seems to be the discovery of Neviusia Alabamensis and Sedum Nevin. Dr. Eugene A. Smith, state geologist from 1873 to the present time, devoted considerable attention to plants in the first few years of his service at the University of Alabama, and collected many specimens, quite a number of which are cited in Mohr’s Plant Life of Alabama. Dr. Mohr, although he visited Tuscaloosa occasionally, seems to have done very little field work in this neighborhood, having depended mainly on Dr. Smith for information about the flora of Tuscaloosa County. Messrs. C. L. Pollard and W. R. Maxon of the U. 8S. Na- tional Herbarium visited Tuscaloosa in the summer of 1900, mainly for the purpose of finding Neviusia, in which however they were not suc- cessful.® The localities described below seem to have been entirely unknown to Dr. Mohr, but with good reason, for they were very inaccessible during his lifetime. The locks which now make navigation possible on the Warrior River for about 75 miles above the fall-line did not exist then, nor did the railroad which now skirts the bluffs on the left side of the river for eight or nine miles; consequently it would have been very difficult to go up the river either by boat or on foot.‘ The main highway from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham indeed passes within a mile or two of some of the most interesting cliffs, but any one not 4See Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 40:398. 1913. 5 The writer had the pleasure of meeting both of these gentlemen toward the close of their lives, the former on his last visit to Tuscaloosa in 1913, and the latter a year or two earlier. 6 See Plant World 3:136. 1900; 9:105. 1906. 7Since these lines were written Dr. Smith has informed me that about 25 years ago he went with Dr. Mohr and John Muir in a small steamer a few miles up the river, probably to the first shoal above Tuscaloosa, which must have brought them pretty close to some of the cliffs here described; but they did not land there, and thus a wonderful opportunity was missed. (Pinus Virginiana, which abounds on top of the bluffs down to within about four miles of the city, is not reported from this or any adjoining county in Mohr’s Plant Life of Alabama.) 156 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March knowing of the existence of anything unusual along there would not have been likely to walk out from the road to the river through the almost pathless forest, or even if he did so, to walk along the river very far if he happened to strike it at one of the less interesting spots. My acquaintanee with the botanical treasures under consideration began during the first month of my connection with the Geological Survey of Alabama. On Dee. 5, 1905, I walked up the railroad above- mentioned (a branch of the Mobile & Ohio) to a point about ten miles above Tuscaloosa, primarily to study the vegetation of the Paleozoic area where it approaches the fall-line.8 The results were so interesting that I have since made similar trips at all seasons of the year, and taken several visiting scientists along the same route. In this brief paper no detailed discussion of the vegetation by habitats or associations is attempted. The plants observed along and near the left bank of the river from the southernmost cliffs to the mouth of Daniels Creek (where the railroad leaves the river) are put in a single list, divided into trees, shrubs, ete., and arranged as nearly as possible in order of abundance in each group. No definite lateral limit can be set for the area treated, but the plants growing in dry woods on the coastal plain material a little back from the top of the bluffs, where fire is frequent, are excluded as far as possible. There are however all gradations between that type of vegetation and the ‘‘lithophile’’ vegetation of the cliffs and the ‘‘mesophile’’ (or more correctly speaking pyrophobic®) vegetation of the ravines, affording problems enough to keep ecologists and successionists busy for many years. In this list the names of evergreens are printed in italics. The letter A after a name indicates that the species is believed to be more abundant in Alabama than anywhere else, S means near its southern limit or farther south than Dr. Mohr reported it, and L indicates species which are commonly supposed to be partial to lime- stone. The usual habitat of each species in this locality is given in a word or two. ce 5 Some of the interesting finds were described in the Plant World for May, 1906, but the narrative was marred by the insertion of several essentially fictitious common names by the editors without my consent, with the avowed purpose of making the article more “popular.” ® For an earlier use of this term see Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 45:33. 1918. 1922] A BoranicaL BoNANZA IN TUSCALOOSA CouNTY 157 TIMBER TREES RNIN NS MMIMUECTUTENULTACE N()) sce tana t oe ce sete tote ck ce coves cvescnssencesascusesssnese gee Tops of bluffs Pagus grandifolia ...............cccccessccssesecseeesseteesseseeenenscsssecceseseees Ravines BIMTIRIEINLS EPR T.GUIRLTIO: (LI) 2) -.cnccansacesconccatsnecsesaccsacecccessanvesssntesee Exposed cliffs SEEN PU EPA ANCE CTT CUT coe ce cc nescence acer coce=cseacessebsesranvdedaasecacacessee'se Rayvines Quercus Muhlenbergii (L, S)..........cseseeeessseeeteesseeeeneneeteetes Rocky ravines Roemer AMEC UY (A> 11)... 2c 20eeeancencaccene-cennencsncvecvaseceseeees eee: Ravines and cliffs IE REGEN ENTISE 1 (155) casa 2 ou sitccowssnanni ancwnevasecesnsenedvaseousesitecesses Dry bluffs mRNA AE SW EA GEC... 0000. cwseinadeactsessevdsusessortse Ravines PID STUD RY LGA eect scone ae eocccekvcsceisesscetss-csssereses¥oe=acsedssescesseseseess Ravines RUN Papa PL HATMME IT ELC LL UTI ansnc noacs.s0ecesncesecocesecoscevace-Jssssasuceeseceosveecsss Bluffs eps Ae NACA, (LU; OS) -sevsocecesence>oaczecoesececesssense-osee Cliffs MUU gad SHMMPLTUIN Nia teseeeesacesuseiess.vacch 0c 7) seareecceeses ots szsavernoserstuecssqaacocee®™ Ravines and banks lecnenglia, LAV enm hey (CQ) eee iacnssseeeae aco et eceae eee ee eee Cliffs Mires rap Mitta ACO NIGAM) <2 ozce ote se =. <.xzeeoescsie.sesucesevsseaesseesisssoncteosen Ravines and banks Set HU ABO Acl meer Eee a a occ eee ci cece slo Seuessdecseniired sxvcancns ss ssieanee River-banks, ete. SHRUBS AND VINES TGP AMACIISUS: (CAG Li) sia rssncceascsoseccacestsesesscsseszsssceteoeseved Cliffs fEteyahteen OO TEC EGITOlT am (WAS) so2ccss-250n0+<+e2esezaceeeessseceerosisqsroseeseos. Ravines and bluffs eC REN EMOTES TA)! o 0 52..sgnskecicceacsaciadesecsocsecvoctsrsrovenses ...Ravines and bluffs Pes seticeal TS my ext Vile (WAU) eewees coat senascsqccvececeusssvonessnoss¥adcesasetascasecseoes, Ravines and bluffs py OCA DOLCSCCUS .22-..-20--c0ccesce+eocceesnerscnseesenreess-ccunenceures Bluffs Aspleniwm Trichomanes (S) crccrcccscsessesccesssesseereseresenneetseeseees Cliffs Alsine PUDETA ......csseccsrssrscerccsersscssetccsecesceeseensssenersasessconesetenen Ravines Croomia pauciflora (A) ccescesceeeseeseseeeeseesseeteeceetenseesenees Ravines Campanula Americana (GID) eesececsssqssccsncrsncsesseossenctcccecenesreea™m Cliffs Isopyrum biternatum (Ly S?)....ceeessssteeessseessseceeeeneeees Cliffs Asplenimm plat yNUrOn cescesreersereerrrrersetistererssenseeserreeteetteteres Ravines Phegopteris hexagonoptera.......sseececcsesereeseeerereenenerseneesees Ravines Aster CamptOSOrus ..ceccsccscscerersecsrerssesssersessesseeees nprcparennocbocacece Bluffs TORRONE, Wer TIEO LINE). 5.205 sccosss: quoee tne soacuer Hoc unO ROC HAacoRE ope sueocudocd 3610500 Bluffs Arabis Canadensis (Li, §)...sccccceseeseseseessetsssseresereseesteseneees Bluffs MaArella COLGILO]IA ...-..-rccceescoescccencsceserccserscenerccsncccescccoescsssnesees Ravines SCAU CEPNAFUIM i... .saceeccncccccrscvcesececcceetccececenscecccsessascesseneeeanenees Cliffs 1922] A Botanical BONANZA IN TUSCALOOSA COUNTY 159 wa DE EG) 7 PTRTTILG 1 or BEER ce sone e SREY BEB nG CELE ARE AS CGU-EE EE OSE eee Damp ravines 0 a SE ee oe eee Cliffs RaleppreaeeetetePe ANGATH AGE. (0) ce ncencc-tnoncnaccavesescesceeseseoecssnce oud Bluffs SPE IORE Re PATSIIN CET OQUOGCE sconce once escarsnesescccoaranacasnncesecaneeenseestanss Ravines SUI IMPUI NEE N oe ect oct ocaida adn absent eat ance cactsnanesacsanagecnecececece .Ravines RESIERSPS EE UNOS) le sok vs vase ok cence aceseaadasee NCS we zig ot 7 = 3 = S: t ss = \ these dase oe AN INTERESTING ANOMALY IN THE PULMONARY VEINS OF MAN By W. C. GEORGE Puates 30 anp 31 Anomalies in the venous system are so common that most of them arouse no very great interest in the anatomist. One of the anomalies (pl. 30, fig. A) found last spring in the anatomical laboratory at Chapel Hill and ealled to my attention by Dr. C. 8. Mangum is so unusual and of such embryological interest as to seem worthy of a brief report. In this case the blood from the upper left lobe of the lung was drained not into the atrium but into the systemic circulation. A fairly large vein, about one-half inch in diameter, emerged from near the middle of the ventral surface of the upper left lobe of the lung and coursed directly cephalad to empty into the left innominate vein about two and one-half inches lateral to the union of the two innominates to form the superior vena cava. The right pulmonary veins and the pulmonary vein from the lower left lobe communicate with the left atrium as usual. Somewhat similar connections between the veins of the pulmonary and systemic circulations have been recorded previously. With ref: erence to this sort of anomaly Bailey and Miller (1) make the state- ment that ‘‘The upper (more cephalic) [pulmonary] vein on the right side may open into the superior vena cava; or the upper vein on the left side may open into the left innomonate vein. A possible explana- tion of this is that the pulmonary veins are formed after the heart and other vessels have developed to a considerable degree, and some of them may unite with the other vessels instead of with the atrium.”’ This explanation is apparently based on an erroneous conception of the pulmonary veins being sprouts that grow out from the sinus ven- osus into the lungs, and does not seem to be a satisfactory explanation in view of the relations existing between the pulmonary and bron- chial veins in the adult and their embryonic origin as shown by Alfred Brown (2). Brown has shown that the pulmonary system in the cat arises from an indifferent splanchnic plexus in the region of the lung bud (pl. 31, fig. C). This plexus communicates on the one hand with the sinus venosus and on the other with the neighboring sys- temic veins (cardinals, segmentals, et al.). This plexus around the lung bud differentiates into two systems, the pulmonary and the bronchial. In the adult the lungs receive their blood supply from two sources, [173] 174 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March the pulmonary arteries from the right ventricle and the bronchial arteries from the aorta. Typically the pulmonary veins drain the lungs of the blood brought in by the pulmonary arteries and, through connecting capillaries, a small amount of the blood brought in by the bronchial arteries reaches the pulmonary veins. Most of the blood brought in by the bronchial arteries, however, is carried away from the capillary plexuses around the bronchi by small bronchial veins which empty into the azygos and accessory hemi-azygos veins, repre- sentatives of persisting portions of the embryonic cardinals. Condi- tions similar to that shown in the anomaly that I have cited appar- ently arise as a result of some interference with the return of the blood through the pulmonary portion of the embryonic splanchnic plexus, thus causing both pulmonary and bronchial blood to enter the bronchial veins and resulting according to the laws of Thoma (8) in the enlargement of the bronchial system and an atrophy and dis- appearance of that part of the splanchnic plexus which would have formed the left pulmonary vein. Laws of Thoma (4): (1) An acceleration of the current leads to an enlargement of the lumen of a vessel, and a slowing of the current leads to its narrowing and final disappearance. (2) An inerease in the blood pressure is the cause for new formation of capillaries. (3) The growth in thickness of the vessel wall depends on the tension of the wall, which in turn is dependent upon the blood pressure and the diameter of the vessel. In this particular case then the large vein passing from the upper left lobe of the lung to the left innominate vein would be composed of the left bronchial vein and that portion of the accessory hemi- azygos between the innominate and the junction of the bronchial with the accessory hemi-azygos. On account of the great enlargement of this vein the distal portion of the accessory hemi-azygos appears as a side branch of the ‘‘anomalous pulmonary.’’ CHAPEL HILL, N. C. LITERATURE CITED (1) Bailey and Miller: Text-book of Embryology, p. 258, 4th ed., 1921. (2) Alfred Brown: The Development of the Pulmonary Veins in the Domes- tic Cat. Anat. Record 7:299. 1913. i (3) R. Thoma: Untersuchungen ueber die Histogenese und Histomechanik des Gefiass-systems. S. 1-91. Stuttgart, 1893. (4) Quoted from Keibel and Mall’s Textbook of Embryology 2:421. 112. OI SUIOA q wi ey} Ul “Apo RB oy} Ul [| oy} pur s N = A SOShZY A poy sale fi na soBhzrway huossanoy ‘A Bo ie lisp "A \elYyau0sg yy vavd wuag {NS K—a fiunwmroyy Quy y A OP PATMCUN Ta, ‘ Aplouhy | fuy-y AUDIARTIQNG “ A Br PI] k A Aesop qur7 t oy} VW uy ALOU} AY} JO ‘A YVASOr>UBLUT Soluadng ] (AWO]RUY S,[OStolq Wows odd} oy} Ul puR poeqtsosep IMOYS SULBASBIP OAT, UL SUOLPRIOL A sobhzvwapy Ie Pe r (a PPiyqueag ebo2aq h oe) HI2A )PHIPIDD Duy (SiP4iI prey 4O/4O pup pup Snxopd 244 IUDIG¢ "Tpur y Wremjag SISCLUOLSPLID “99M 10g 4orgPrINHIWoy most pruliof) A dyvurmoun] 7 Mab. T€ WLW Id THE EASTERN SHRUBBY SPECIES OF ROBINIA By W. W. ASHE The eastern shrubby species of Robinia are separated from Rob- inia pseudo-acacia L. (which has a smooth flat pod and white fragrant flowers) by having pods prickly, hispid, bristly or glandular and pink or purplish flowers. Key To EasteRN SHRUBBY SPECIES OF ROBINIA Al. =alleghanian; C.=carolinian. Au. = austroriparian. Twigs, petioles and pedicels viscid, pod flat, margined (Al. and C.). Twigs (often petioles, ete.) covered with viscid secretion....(1) R. viscosa Vent. Twigs (often petioles, ete.) with short gland-tipped viscid bristles (2) BR. viscosa var. hardwegii (Koeh.) Ashe Twigs never viscid. Peduneles, twigs and shoots not hispid, rarely hispidulose. Leaves, twigs and peduncles eventually glabrous or nearly so. Flowers rose-purple, never fragrant; pods thick. Flowers about 15 mm. long, leaflets lance ovate (Al.) (3) R. kelseyt Cr. Flowers more than 17 mm. long, leaflets elliptic (Al.) _ (4) Rk. boyntonii Ashe Flowers pale lilac or pinkish, fragrant; pods flat (Au.) (5) R. margaretta Ashe Leaves and inflorescence canescent (Au.)...... (6) R. elliottii (Chapm.) Ashe Pedunecles and vigorous shoots usually hispid (in 8 sometimes pubescent), pods thick. Flowers more than 20 mm. long, racemes few-flowered (Al.) EWAN MBN. MIST 052-0 cctecesecscesadacudeecueeneevoosvencsesseeeseassess (7) R. hispida L. Twigs sparingly hispid, often merely appressed pubescent. (8) R. grandiflora Ashe Flowers less than 20 mm. long, twigs never densely bristly Bristles on twigs short, gland-tipped; 6-18 flowered (C.) (9) R. longiloba Ashe Twigs usually glabrate; racemes 3-6 flowered (Au. & C.) (10) R. nana (Ell.) Spach. R. viscosa var. hardwegii (Koeh.) n. e—R. hardwegii Koeh. This plant is frequent around Highlands, North Carolina, associ- ated with the form which has viscid twigs. A few short gland- tipped hairs are to be found on nearly every plant with viscid secre- tion and as the pubescence becomes more dense there seems to be less of the viscid secretion, so that the form with the viscid secretion gradually passes into the form having viscid pubescence. _ [175] 176 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March Robinia margaretta sp. nov. A shrub sometimes propagating by root suckers as well as by seed, 1-1.4 m. in height or in cultivation becoming 3 m. high and with a single tree-like stem. Leaves, with linear acuminate herbaceous stip- ules, rarely with slender thorns, formed of 15 to 19 (to 23 in eul- tivation), elliptical rather thick firm leaflets, rounded or subeordate at base and rounded or retuse at the mucronate apex, green and some- times appressed canescent as they unfold, becoming essentially glab- rous with age, rachis sparingly hispidulose, petiolule 2-3 mm. long, canescent. Twigs slender glabrous or hispidulose, tan or light chest- nut. Racemes spreading 7-13 flowered; flowers faintly fragrant, pale lilac or with the vexellum slightly pinkish, and with a yellowish spot in the center, often with nearly white edges, 16-20 mm. long, the short broad calyx 7-10 mm. long, minutely glandular puberulent, the lobes abruptly acute about two-thirds the length of the tube; pedicels 8-10 mm. long, puberulent and sparingly glandular hispidulose as well as the peduncles. The fruit in spreading elusters of 3-7, is linear 7-10 em. long and about 1 em. wide, tipped by the slender curved style, very thin and sparingly hispid with short spreading bristles. Common on sand hills around Augusta, Ga., growing with longleaf pine and Carya pallida var. arenicola Ashe and near Greenwood, S. C., on red clay uplands with rosemary pine, southern red oak, and white hickory. A specimen from the latter place was cultivated at Washington for five years, fruiting freely, and stock from it distributed. In its small pale fragrant flowers, long racemes, flat pods, and numerous leaflets, this plant is allied to R. pseudo-acacia. It is possible that Tab. 19, Abbott’s Insects of Georgia, is intended to represent this species. Robinia grandiflora sp. nov. k. Hispida var. rosea Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. (1814). Not R. rosea Loisel in Duham. Arb. Ed. nov. ¢ 17. A slender shrub 1-3 mm. in height or in eultivation reaching 5 m., propagating extensively by root suckers as well as by seeds. Shoots and twigs mostly soft appressed silky pubescent or also sparingly setulose with weak spreading pale colored bristles; or vigorous shoots densely hispid near the tips. Leaves 15-30 em. long, the rachis mostly appressed pubescent, at least when young; leaflets 9-13 (to 17 in cultivation), broadly elliptic or broadly ovate 4-6 em. long, mostly rounded at both ends and tipped with a very short muero, bronze on 1922] THe EASTERN SHRUBBY SPECIES OF RoBINIA Vist the upper surface and white satiny canescent on the lower surface as they unfold and permanently more or less appressed pubescent. Ra- cemes 6-9 em. long, 3-7 flowered; flowers large 20-23 mm. long, rose- purple or purple and white with a large pale spot on the vexellum; the calyx 12-15 mm. long, the lobes, gradually acuminate and much longer than the tube, purplish or whitish silky canescent, as well as the pedicels or often with short weak bristles intermixed. The fruit mostly solitary at the ends of the short pubescent and often some- what hispid peduncles is dark brown, 4.5-6.5 cm. long, tipped by the stout slightly curved style, the slightly margined body about 1 em., wide and rough bristly where distended by the seeds, but the intervals often much constricted and nearly free from bristles. This plant was first collected by me on the south slopes of Grand- father Mountain in 1900 and a seed-bearing plant which attained a height of more than 4.5 m. was cultivated for many years. An in- fertile plant less hispid and more pubescent, the stock of which was collected by me on Grandmother Mountain, in 1915, has been in ecul- tivation since that date and numerous plants from it distributed. This species is evidently closely related to R. hispida L., but is readily separated by its larger size, by its pubescence, paler flowers and the fact that it is less hispid. Type, W. W. A., Grandfather Mountain, N. C., July, 1900. Many plants of this species, of R. hispida and of R. longiloba, although having perfect flowers do not set fruit. Meehan apparently first called attention to this in the case of R. hispida in cultivation. Large patches of R. longiloba have been examined, all evidently from the same stock by vegetative propagation without signs of fruit— and it is possible that certain patches may not fruit, just as the plant of R. grandiflora which I now have in cultivation has never set fruit —hbut this I have attributed possibly to the lack of cross fertilization. L have recently obtained fruit of what seems to be typical hispida and have a plant from the seed now growing. ForEST SERVICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. A NEW OAK FROM THE GULF STATES By W. D. STERRETT There was recently brought to my attention by W. W. Ashe, of the U.S. Forest Service, material of an oak he collected in Louisiana and eastern Texas, and which he seemed to regard as possibly an unde- scribed species. This material he suggested might represent the same form as a tree which I found in South Carclina in March, 1921, and which I discussed with him: a tree of wet flat woods with leaves some- what resembling post oak, but locally regarded as a timber tree much superior to the post oak. It was not possible, however, to secure at that season adequate material for study. Information regarding this tree he thought might be of service to me in connection with the prep- aration of a bulletin on which I worked for the United States Forest Service on the distribution and economic importance of the oaks of eastern United States and on which Mr. Ashe freely gave me assist- ance and suggestions. The description of this tree based on Mr. Ashe’s material and notes is as follows: Quercus ashei, sp. nov. The lower leaves, broadly obovate in outline, are 8-12 em. long, 5-9 em. broad, deeply 5-lobed, the terminal lobe and upper pair of lateral lobes very broad at the obtuse or even square ends which are usually slightly 3-notched, the lower pair much shorter and more rounded; usually rounded at the very narrow base; thin but firm in texture, dark green and lucid above, and at first more or less stellate pubes- cent, especially on the midrib; much paler beneath, and clothed at least at first with scattered short stellate pubescence, but often glab- rate with age; midrib slender with one pair of prominent lateral veins at or above the middle; petiole short, 3-6 mm. long, slender, more or less permanently stellate pubescent. The upper, sun leaves, resem- bling those of white oak, thicker, and with thickened margin, pinnated into 3-7 ascending entire lobes, rounded or cuneate base and much longer petiole. Buds small, obtuse, dark chestnut, at first with the outer scales stellate pubescent, at length nearly glabrous. Twigs very slender, 2-3 mm. thick, grooved and covered when young with loose brown or brownish-gray pubescence which is usually more or less persistent until autumn. The fruit often in clusters of 2 or 3 is ses- sile or sometimes on a stalk as long as the nut, 12-18 mm. long, in- [178] 1922] A New Oak From THE GULF STATES 179 eluding the cup; the cup from 9-12 mm. wide and not quite as Ieng is almost top-shaped or with slightly rounded sides, the margins thin and closely appressed against the nut, closely gray-canescent and coy- ering about one-third of the ovate nut. A tree 20-30 m. in height growing on better drained alluvial lands from the Sabine River in Wood County, Texas, eastward to Winn Parish in Louisiana (type, No. 1128W, from near Hinton, Winn Par- ish, La., in Mr. Ashe’s herbarium), with a decidedly tapering usually excurrent trunk 9-12 dm. in diameter, a short bole and rather short spreading branches which form an oblong crown. Bark on trunk steel gray, broken by deep furrows into narrow, flat-topped ridges, rarely exfoliating in thin flakes; that on the angled limbs and on the branch- lets gray and smoother. Common in willow oak flats and also in association with water oak, Quercus obtusa, Q. prinus, Q. shumardii, and white ash. This tree has the general aspect of a post oak of large size, but the crown is prevailingly much narrower and its slender twiggage is very char- acteristic. From Q. stellata it differs in its slender twigs, smaller and thinner foliage, and small dark red-brown and not large tan buds; from Q. marga:etta in its shorter and more rusty pubescence, which largely persists on the twigs; and from both in the far smaller nut and cup and shorter petiole of the shade leaves. It resembles in sev- eral particulars Q. stellata paludosa Sarg. (Bot. Gaz. May, 1918, 441) but that is described as having the fruit similar to the fruit of the post oak, whereas according to Ashe’s notes, T. J. Gough, of Hinton, La., woods foreman of the Urania Lumber Company, and others, re- gard the smaller acorns as being one character which separates the two trees; the very slender twigs and white oak-like upper leaves being other distinctive characters. The local name in Texas is water post oak or swamp post oak; at Hinton, La., it is water oak, Q. nigra there being called pin oak. Louisiana State Forest Ranger C. N. Bilbray regarded the larger trees in Middle Creek swamp, Natchitoches Parish, La., as white oaks. WASHINGTON, D. C. A NEW GENUS OF WATER MOLD RELATED TO BLASTOCLADIA By W. C. Coker AND F. A. GRANT PuaTE 32 Septocladia n. genus. Plant small, slender, the short or long stalk not conspicuously dif- ferentiated ; branches usually dichotomous, often verticellate in groups of 3-5, separated from the nodes by distinct and complete septa, not constricted at intervals; in vigorous cultures repeating the branching in the same way to form a complex plant. Sporangia oval, terminal, sympodially arranged, not rarely in chains of several, often clustered by the shortening of the branches, which continue the stem by one or more lateral buds beneath. Spores biciliate at times, but the two cilia so closely approximated or fused as usually to appear as one. Resting bodies (unfertilized eggs), borne in the same way as the sporangia and of the same size and shape, at maturity enclosed in a thin, hyaline sheath out of which they finally fall through an apical slit; the wall brown and conspicuously pitted as in Blastocladia: the whole probably representing a thin-walled odgonium completely filled with a thick- walled parthenogenetic egg. A saprophytic aquatic of anomalous structure and differing from all other Phycomyecetes in the regular and normal septation of the plant body. To be placed in the Family Blastocladiaceae. Septocladia dichotoma n. sp. Characters of the genus. Threads extending about 3 mm. from the substratum on a termite ant, about 10-73» thick, growing grad- ually more slender distally at each joint, basal joints 35-130, long, those of central region up to about 6754 lone; tips blunt, hyaline. Sporangia oval, 28-46 x 55-764; spores escaping singly through one or two usually apical holes or short papillae, biciliate (or uniciliate by fusion of the two cilia?) oval when swimming with the cilia apical, monoplanetie, amoeboid before encysting 10 thick when at rest; sprouting by a slender thread. Resting bodies appearing later than the sporangia but of the same shape, 25-39.2 x 36.3-49.2u, the conspicuous pits apparently sunken from the outside in regular fashion as in Blastocladia Pringsheimii, at maturity slipping from the thin, clasp- ing sheath; their sprouting not observed. [180] 1922] Water Moup RELATED TO BLASTOCLADIA 181 Found only once, October 20, 1921, on a knuckle bone of beef partly covered with water, in Sparrow’s pasture, Chapel Hill, N. C. (F. A. Grant col.). There is no doubt of the close relationship of this plant to Blasto- cladia of which four species are now known, and which was made the type of a new family, Blastocladiaceae, by Minden (Crypt. Flora, Mark Brand. 5:506. 1912). The four known species of Blastocladia are as follows: Blastocladia Pringsheimii Reinsch (Jahrb. f. Wiss. Bot. 11:291. 1876). Sporan- gia much elongated, resting bodies with thick and pitted wall, not slipping from a sheath at maturity; sterile, slender filaments often present among the reproductive bodies. Blastocladia rostrata Minden (1. ¢., p. 604). Much like B. Pringsheimii, but resting bodies slipping from sheath at maturity. Blastocladia ramosa Thaxter (Bot. Gaz. 21:50. 1896). Sporangia shorter; resting bodies with thin and scarcely pitted wall; sterile filaments absent. Blastocladia prolifera Minden (1. ¢. p. 606). Much like B. ramosa, but sporangia proliferating internally, as in Saprolegnia: the only species with this habit. Resting bodies slipping from a sheath at maturity. In the form of the sporangia and resting cells and in the absence of sterile filaments among them our plant resembles most closely B. ram- osa and B. prolifera. The remarkable resting bodies with their thick brown, strongly pitted walls and peculiar habit of slipping at maturity from the closely fitting sheath are so strikingly similar in structure and habit to those of B. rostrata and B. prolifera and in structure to those of B. Pringsheimii that one is immediately convinced of their close relationship. The diagnosis of the family will have to be ex- tended to include septate as well as non-septate forms. On an agar plate the plant does not do well. A few root-like threads grow out, branched and with cross-walls in the older portions, and in these older portions are found resting bodies or sporangia, sometimes fifteen or twenty of the latter may be in a row. The re- productive bodies are sometimes found in clusters or single on short lateral stalks. On boiled corn grain the growth is good. The threads are about the same size as on an ant but average longer, as much as 5mm. The protoplasm in threads is not as dense as when grown on ant. Threads at substratum as large as 102» in diameter. Sporangia are produced better than on ants, and resting bodies are so abundant that with the unaided eye they give a brick dust color to the entire 182 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [March eulture. The resting bodies are at first dark and have numerous large oil droplets. As they get older the walls assume a yellowish-brown color and the contents become homogeneous. They appear singly along the branches in sympodial arrangement. In a discharging sporangium a few spores that failed to get out were observed to crawl about actively in an amoeboid fashion for a good while. After an hour they had eneysted and one had sprouted. The spores are of a peculiar internal structure, resembling closely those of B. Pringsheimii as shown by Thaxter (1. ¢. pl. 3, fig. 11). Most of the protoplasm is at the end opposite the cilia, the center is almost clear and the cilia seem to extend down through the clear tip to a protoplasmic mass below, as shown in our fig. 5. CuHaAPren Hi, N. C. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 32 Septocladia dichotoma Fig. 1. Empty sporangia in chains. x 154. Fig. 2. Three sporangia, one discharging spores, two empty. x 420. Fig. 3. Vegetative branch, showing short joints and young resting bodies. x 59. Fig. 4. Optical section of resting body and empty sporangium with two aper- tures. x 420. Fig. 5. Two spores showing cilia. x 1296. Fig. 6. Spores showing amoeboid movement before encysting. x 810. Fig. 7. Sprouting spores. x 1008. Fig. 8. Habit sketch, showing empty sporangia and resting bodies. x 96. Fig. 9. Vegetative tips, showing refractive bodies and clear blunt tips. x 150. Fig. 10. Optical section of mature resting body with empty sporangium below. x 420. Fig. 11. Long, slender thread on corn grain, showing sympodial arrangement of resting bodies. x 96. Fig. 12. Surface view of resting body, showing pits. x 420. Fig. 13. Part of branch, showing thin sheath out of which the resting body (Fig. 12) has slipped. x 420. Fig. 14. Section of thick wall of the resting body, showing the pits and the sheath outside. x 1296. Fig. 15. Mature sporangium just before discharge of spores. x 420. Fig. 16. Group showing some sporangia before maturity and some after empty- ing. x 96. PLATE 32 vr : a c wie FOREST TYPES OF THE APPALACHIANS AND WHITE MOUNTAINS By W. W. ASHE I. DEFINITIONS AND ENUMERATIONS OF TYPES* Within the White Mountains of New England and in the Appa- lachians+ from Pennsylvania southward more than 50 distinct forests types or tree societies occur. Of these, more than 30 are within the .Alleghanian area (Castanea and Betula lutea-Pinus strobus phases) of the Transition life zone; about 10 are in the Canadian life zone, and about the same number in the Carolinian area of the upper Austral zone, which extends well up into the mountains towards their southern end (Appendix 1). DEFINITION OF FOREST TYPE The forest type is that arborescent species or admixture of species with the accompanying subordinate vegetation (which taken together constitute the vert) which nature has developed as best adapted to a given site. For this reason an understanding of the distribution of the forest types, their composition, and the determining environ- mental factors are a necessary basis for the best silvicultural prac- tice. Unfortunately, site and type have been confused: The site is the sum of the ecological (7. e., edaphic, topographic, and meteorologi- eal) factors; the forest type with its accompanying life is the biotic corollary as it exists. TYPE CHANGES The type does not necessarily, even in the absence of stress, replace itself in all its elements without change. There are (1) changes in composition due to replacement (oscillations); and (2) changes due to modification of the accompanying flora, especially the * The detailed composition of the forest types, their relationship and local distribution, especially their altitudinal distribution will be presented in subsequent papers, as well as the grouping of the White Mountain forest types. 7 There was submitted at the meeting of the Society of American Foresters held at Toronto, Canada, December 28, 1921, a paper with the title ‘“‘Reserved Areas of Forest Types as a Guide in Developing an American Silviculture.’ That paper records the most accessible location of areas in an unmodified or little modified condition of each of the upland Appalachian types noted in the tabulation herewith presented. The suggestion was made in that paper that the Society of American Foresters consider the subject of recommending that these areas or similar areas of forst types be withdrawn from exploita- tion and be held primarily for demonstration purposes. That paper, however, was read by title only but will appear in the February, 1922, issue of the Journal of Forestry. [183] 184 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March micro-organisms which promote nitrification. Type replacement may be effected (1) By direct self-replacement under cover, as spruce beneath spruce, or hemlock beneath hemlock. (2) By direct self-replacement without cover, as southern) jack pine or mountain pine in openings caused by the death of old trees of the same species. (3) By alternation: Yellow poplar, for example, replacing chest- nut when it windfalls or dies; and chestnut establishing itself be- neath the cover of the poplar; rosemary pine appearing in oak wind- falls; and oak appearing beneath the cover of the pine. (4) By succession (often following fire or resulting from wind- falls, ete.), as a nurse stand (temporary type) of aspen, birch, and popple followed by a stand (permanent type) of spruce. PERMANENCE OF TYPE While the type is essentially permanent, oscillation in its ecomposi- tion from time to time or intermission in the continuity of its perma- nent form may occur. In addition to such oscillations within the type, the site may be subject at least to slight or temporary modifi- cation by the type (edaphic changes). For example, there is evidence for believing that the accumulation of humus beneath the oak-yellow poplar mixture on certain situations due to retarded nitrification may result in accumulation of raw humus and the development of a subpeaty site and thus favor a change to a chestnut site and chestnut type; or a chestnut type quality 1 may with increase in peaty accumu- lations and greater acidity become highly favorable for invasion by laurel, and the site decline to chestnut quality 2 with laurel. On swampy sites there may eventually be better drainage as a result of accumulation of humus, resulting in a drying of the site (Appen- dix 2). For instance, an alder and red maple site may become suit- able for red maple and white oak. The type also is subject to change by natural stresses within itself (Appendix 3). The killing of chestnut by Endothia parasitica on large areas is resulting in pro- found changes in the forest types on what originally were chestnut sites; and undoubtedly this must be regarded as constituting an organic change in the forest types in the region which is affected, until or unless a resistant strain is developed from individual trees. Such resistant individuals are often noted. 1922] Forest TYPES 185 SEPARATION OF TYPES In deciding what shall be regarded as constituting a permanent forest type or tree society in such a complex as obtains at the southern end of the Appalachians, only such societies have been considered as are most sharply defined and well marked either by composition or, in the ease of pure stands (at least 66% pure), by marked differ- ences in the height of the dominant trees and in the volume of wood (quality of stand). The intergrading or transitional stages have been neglected, as well as temporary types. In such societies the quality of the stand, which is an expression of the possibility of yield of the tree society, is considered as important a concept as is varying proportion of species: for example, practically pure stands of chest- nut occur and are widely distributed from Connecticut to north- eastern Alabama, but the chestnut in the pure stands of this species on different sites may vary greatly in height from not to exceed 40 feet along dry and wind-swept upper slopes and crests of ridges, to exceeding 110 feet on sites most favorable for its growth. The same condition is observed in other species, and for this reason to obtain an adequate expression of the forest site the height of the trees in the mixture should be considered as a feature as well as the intermixture of species. With this variation in the height of the overwood there is a concomitant change in the character of the undershrubs and her- baceous associates. In the division of pure stands into types, the height of the domi- nant trees (Appendix 4) in the mature forest has been regarded as the criterion, with an interval of 25 feet (Appendix 5) between the different types. It has been suggested (Appendix 6) that this inter- val be standardized on the basis of 20 feet at 100 years for Appa- lachian species, which for stands of old timber practically conforms to the interval of 25 feet which is being employed. This interval in height results in a difference exceeding 2,000 cubic feet of wood per acre in stands of average height (100 feet), and indicates a great difference in the average amount of available soil moisture in the root zone on soils having the same mechanical condition and depth (Appendix 7), 7. e., a difference in the number of critical (dryest) periods and a corresponding difference in the maximum depth of the water table; or a marked difference in transpiration and evaporation of soil moisture. 186 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY ’ [March The passage from one forest type to another is seldom abrupt, but usually there is a gradual transition, as that which accompanies (1) difference in altitude; (2) variation in drainage, as when the mountain slopes are ascended; or (3) change in the physical texture of the soils, where the soils are residual and have been more or less transported and difference in available moisture results. The most abrupt transition from type to type within a short distance is usually that which is due to difference in insolation, between north and south slopes (Appendix 8), especially when the slopes are steep, or that which results from marked differences in soil composition, especially that between residual soils from the weathering in situ of caleareous rocks (and still containing enough lime to render them alkaline or neutral) (Appendix 9), and contiguous soils derived from a country rock deficient in lime or potash. In the eastern prevailingly gneissic, metamorphosed and foliated division of the Appalachians, there is no definite stratification of the country rock, and the forest types occur characteristically in patches. In the Alleghanies, on the other hand, where there is not only definite stratification but great difference in the character of the country rock—soft limestone, cherty limestone, clay shale, sandy shale, sand- stone and quartzite alternating and the extremes often being in juxta- position—the types are prevailingly in horizontal zones along the slopes of the long ridges trending northeast and southwest which characterize the Alleghanian structure, the zonation of the types due to stratification of soils being interrupted by surface configura- tion, where minor valleys and hollows indent the slopes. The facies of the mixed type (society) can often be separated into two groups of species: That portion of it which is formed of species each of which constitutes more than 20 per cent of the stand, con- trolling species, and the minor species each of which forms less than 20 per cent though more than 5 per cent of the mixture. Locals are species of limited distribution and while within a limited area they may be abundant in a type, they do not form a general feature in it throughout its entire distribution (Cladrastis tinctoria, Robinia viscosa, Magnolia macrophylla, Tsuga caroliniana). Locals may be species in the formative stage or they may be relics of species possi- bly once of wide distribution which have become nearly extinct. Vagrants are species of wide distribution entering possibly many 1922] Forest TYPEs 187 forest types but seldom sufficiently abundant in any locality to form a distinctive feature in a type (Sassafras, Magnolia acuminata). A certain species or several species within the facies of the accom- panying vegetation may be so indicative of the type as to be index species. These may be of particular importance in the under shrubs and herbaceous concomitants and have significant value in indicating the character of the superior association after it has been destroyed (Appendix 10). A knowledge of the shrubby and herbaceous index species, especially such as are not affected by the removal of the superior stand (sun species), is economically of paramount impor- tance as a guide in the determination of the quality site in cases where the superior stand has been cut, especially in the case of pure stands. The vert in the Appalachian forests usually may be separated into (1) the swperior stand overwood or sun stand of designated species, a portion of the trees in which may be dominant, a portion intermediate and codominant, and a portion suppressed (Appendix 11); (2) beneath the superior stand there may be an inferior stand or underwood of trees or shrubs tolerant of shade (such as dogwood, witchhazel, sourwood, laurel, or Kalmia), and below this a ground cover or mat of small shrubs (Vaccinium Leucothoé, Xolisma) as well as an herbaceous flora, each a more or less distinctive and varying concomitant of the forest type. Some of the important features of the forest associations of the Appalachians have been considered in connection with its general phytogeography. Kearney, in an excellent article, discusses some of the forest types as developed at the extreme southern end of the region. Harshberger considered the central portion of the region in two articles published in 1903 (Appendix 12), and later, 1911 (Appendix 13), covered the subject in a broader manner; while Schimper (Appendix 14) also discussed the forests of this region in their local distribution. The forest types in which chestnut occurs have been briefly considered in ‘‘Chestnut in Tennessee,’’ and there are a number of other references in forest literature of the Appa- lachians to the forest types of the region. TABULATIONS OF FOREST TYPES In the tabulations below the following common names are em- ployed (see Journal of Forestry 14: 233. 1916): 188 JOURNAL OF THE MircHELL Socrmery | March Mountain pine for Pinus pungens; Black pine for P. rigida; Rosemary pine for P. echinata; Small shagbark hickory for Hicoria carolinae septentrionalis ; Sand hickory for H. pallida; Spanish oak for Quercus coccinea; Spotted oak for Q. shumardii Buck. (See Bull. Charleston Museum 14: 2, 9, 1918); Southern red oak for Q. rubra L. (Q. falcata Mx.); Mountain lin for Tilia heterophylla of Authors. APPALACHIAN ForEST FORMATION Associations Societies or Forest Types SPLU CO sec eacez-coneesenecseessascnsvesesi Spruce, qualities 2, 3, 4, 5, sub 5. Spruce with southern balsam. ElemloGhkes te. ac scetrestescreseredives Hemlock and spruce. Hemlock—hirch, qualities 1, 2, 3. NAP lOsretcesstersccessetecertersecette Beech—hbirch—sugar maple, quality 3. Beech pure, qualities 4, 5. Yellow buckeye—sugar maple—yellow birch, quali- ties 2, 3. Mountain lin—black birch: ash, quality 2. Black cherry—sugar maple—birch—mountain lin, yellow buckeye—white quality 2. CHEStiMtess-caserseoceesssteeeessreessoee Qualities 2, 3, 4, 5. Wiellow; oplaitencsserce-scsese-0e-0: With red oak—chestnut—hemlock, qualities 1, 2. With white oak—sugar maple, quality 1. With white oak—black oak—white hickory, quali- ties 3, 4. With black gum—red maple—white oak, quality 3. Red) Oakey eee csccsseecssscenenes ocess oe Qualities 4, 5, sub 5. Chestnut (OBK ee rvssscssee-sesceess:s Qualities 3, 4. 5. White; Oalkvetesescsttsascessrscsoss.s* White oak, qualities 2, 3. Mixed oaks (southern red oak and sand hickory). SHORT CL ccoonaancercoenoscncen noe Quality 3. : Serub: OAK eek ..cersnsescerscssosses sScrub oak barrens, quality sub 5. iT Onl ctceeseccesestensceacennetnersectace) With red maple—black gum—alder, quality, 3. Pim e shyWeStamsenescesseeente eacea- White pine, qualities super 1, 1, 2. White pine, white oak, and chestnut. Black pine and Spanish oak. Rosemary pine and black oak. Rosemary pine and post oak. Rosemary pine and blackjack oak. Spruce pine. Mountain pine. 1922] Forest TYPEs 189 PHYSIOGRAPHIC AREAS AND CHIEF ASSOCIATED FOREST TYPES IN APPALACHIANS Canadian Life Zone Highest crests (over 6,000 feet, in North Carolina and Tennessee). Red spruce (subalpine). Alnus viridis. Rhododendron catawbiense. High crests and thin-soiled upper slopes (5,500 to 6,000 feet, in North Carolina and Tennessee; over 3,500 feet in northern West Virginia. Red spruce, qualities 4 and 5. Southern balsam, qualities 4 and 5. Medium slopes. Red spruce, qualities 3 and 4. Lower slopes and valleys (within the Canadian zone) (4,000 to 5,500 feet, in North Carolina and Tennessee; over 3,000 feet in northern West Virginia). Red spruce, quality 2. (Spruce and yellow birch, intergrading). (Spruce and hemlock, intergrading). Swamps. Black spruce and southern balsam. Alleghanian Area of Transition Life Zone Very high crests (over 5,000 feet, in North Carolina and Tennessee; over 2,500 feet in northern West Virginia). Beech pure, quality 4. Red oak pure, quality sub 5. Chestnut pure, quality 5. High crests. Chestnut pure, quality 5. Chestnut oak pure, quality 5. Serub oak, quality sub 5. Red oak pure, qualities 4 and 5. Lower crests. Spruce pine—chestnut oak, quality 4. Mountain pine—black oak, quality 4. Chestnut oak pure, qualities 4 and 5. Serub oak, quality sub 5. Yellow poplar—black oak—white hickory, quality 4. High slopes, north and west aspects. Yellow buckeye—sugar maple—yellow birch, qualities 2 and 3. Beech—yellow birch—sugar maple, quality 3. Hemlock—hbireh, qualities 2 and 3. 190 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [March High benches. Black cherry—sugar maple—mountain lin—black birch, quality 2. Red oak pure, qualities 4 and 5. Beech pure, qualities 4 and 5. High slopes, south aspects. Chestnut pure, qualities 4 and 5. Slopes (middle altitudes), northern and western aspects. Chestnut pure, qualities 3 and 4. White oak pure, quality 3. Hemlock—birch, qualities 1 and 2. Black pine—chestnut oak—Spanish oak, quality 4. Slopes (middle altitudes), southern aspects. Chestnut pure, qualities 3 and 4. Chestnut oak pure, qualities 3 and 4. White oak pure, quality 3. Slopes (lower) northern aspects. Chestnut pure, qualities 2 and 3. White oak pure, qualities 2 and 3. Spanish oak pure, quality 3. Yellow poplar—white oak—black oak—white hickory, qualities 3 and 4. Slopes (lower) southern aspects. Chestnut pure, qualities 2 and 3. Chestnut oak pure, quality 3. White oak pure, qualities 2 and 3. Hollows, ravines, coves. Chestnut pure, quality 2. Mountain lin—buckeye—ash, quality 2. Yellow poplar—chestnut—red oak—hemlock, qualities 1 and 2. Yellow poplar—white oak—sugar maple, quality 1. Alluvials (drained) and valleys. Yellow poplar—white oak—black gum—red maple, quality 3. Beech pure, quality 4. White pine, qualities super 1, 1 and 2. Hemlock, qualities 1 and 2. Swamps. Red maple—pin oak—alder—green ash—black gum. Carolinian Area of Upper Austral Life Zone Crests and dry flats (under 2,500 feet, in North Carolina; under 1,500 feet in Augusta County, Virginia). Rosemary pine and post oak, quality 3. Rosemary pine and blackjack oak, quality 4. Slopes and flats. Rosemary pine—black oak—white hickory, quality 2. 1922] Forest Types 191 Black oak—southern red oak—white oak—sand hickory, quality 2. Spotted oak—black oak—northern red oak—chinquapin oak—southern sugar maple—Biltmore ash, quality 3. Chinquapin oak—small shagbark hickory—northern red oak—post oak— red cedar, quality 4. Alluvials and riparian. Sweet gum—swamp southern red oak—spotted oak—black gum—Acer tridens—green ash—Celtis laevigata, quality 2. Sweet gum—white oak—black gum—shagbark hickory—sycamore, quality 2. River birch—sycamore—red maple—black willow, quality 3. MOST IMPORTANT VEGETATION TYPES (APPALACHIANS ) Mesophytic associations Deep soils. White oak societies. Yellow poplar societies. Chestnut societies. Black oak—southern red oak society. Medium soils. Black cherry—birch, quality 2. Spanish oak, quality 3. Yellow buckeye—white ash—mountain lin societies. Shallow soils. Red oak societies, qualities 4, 5 and sub 5, Beech, qualities 4 and 5. Xerophytic associations Mountain pine. Spruce pine. Black pine. Yellow pine. White pine. Serub oak, quality sub 5. Lithophytic associations. Chestnut oak societies. Red spruce societies. Hemlock—yellow birch, quality 3. Psychrophytic associations. Red oak, quality sub 5. Alnus viridis. Rhododendron catawbiense. Hemlock—yellow birch (to southward). Yellow buckeye—sugar maple—birch (to southward). Beech, quality 5. 6 192 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | March Oxylophytic associations. Chestnut with laurel, qualities 4 and 5. Rhododendron catawbiense. Helophytic associations. Red maple—black gum—green ash—alder. For most of the forest types listed the quality sites are given, the quality of the site being indicated by the dominant trees in the super- ior stand having the general range of heights as follows: 2) reality SU Gta eeeeeneceesecseres-erasac--s-.-c00ss+-cccsessencneesemmzares 140 feet and over ) trary leeeeeeeererenee recast eestor eco t cr cvace-sesisiescbeiseseaceesacrqeeeess 34 SARL Ms ees eee occ Pie rE osssanpnacntuadtereensccennesteeesdisesitecnseecesseneceneace 33 SAINI ARID Sree ee eto s coed vadocce dec ade ceacesashoncesicdesupeeseosvessSseceseossesesses 33 RCIA AMM oases oats cee aac n naa ca van ac doe sc oo cates tesacteceescnscssedecdeseteresseseserssssasseses 33 Rat PIR MEL eee P RR ors anna a cca ede ccaneceestwacesuretssievedesvaterssdeseessescecnareeenssses 33 MAIR IDEA IDETIS Ree cee alse Soca z= saa atstenttugessveccdadeceseccesocteaccsessessosssersensseseseseoese 33 TILER PEILG VRIES GUDT) Se Ei eee ec oe oe eee 33 a ae LIEGE MMe ne ate heise cis sace esc eceerates ost susscannssanesseeeceenerssernsees 33 SNES Aaa a ae Sat aan acne oye aaaceventagev situs desseseséasaesseseasesaseusste 33 aaNet RMR AEs EEL Laer erat aster nora os cones senb s-cas en snevenssedes soos seucssaccescersecceesecsncenecs 33 Sar R las UD Mer ae age ao as wnae o's sacd cae ecehcaseeasecerecceseecaveneseséseessacscesascessasscsse 33 198 200 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY [March Amanita—Continued VOL. PAGE SDM CU On VelNem pI Nt Clgeen sememeeenteeteaecartecncessu-se-cacosostestscscconsceuanietemessusecceummertnees 33 23 SUT O UNM MOMMUUS mareeteesstn cece secetenescocces ssesssessanocerss¢acCessocseuesendepterennaccemmmatneet 33 73 MOND) va sancencereneeeune reas cence rae aomoxt nec cessucososssaceasesaesescrevancuecenase Tees ceneeecteaammee 33 30 UNOS Cmarsertcee te ertanet arene ee toate teasta ce svscveass'oes ou ses osceedercouacesntsccureunceeestanteceraeee 33 83 Amanitas of the eastern United States, COKER............,:.scscccsesscessensseees 33 1 PAT ANVUL OFF SUSI wrcee seeetenme tee ertee teste cnceceres «2020 22-ss0scsoassceccceceseessvesncscessoccee 35 Par TIPU LIES Ett cece dseanvescccececsertnciapacuesesansasctecstassessssceates-+cccocsnesssersscccnsee 35 PSUBED ed CMM sac tecee cgsi ct xscacuorsss=e ane oc cites ceeesssisicssbocssensaneccececceeesesesscceeer 35 SAMA OIUIRI Meee ate. canseadeecocaseascancdesoeessiee=sccciceutiseoasssscestesorecesecectanescesaccsooess 35 MAUL OU TIS ONIIING oe toa r dere acncaesseasstaaiocstacsseee-stesonsescsoscscseescasssensesssuneeseceses 35 UP IPAI AUS see aren eree teen acts esonancesdese cantare cassee-catavsaseeerts a-sedencecerensanensceeeeecadsnds 35 GARNER, WIGHTMAN WELLS Effect of the relative length of day on plants (with H. A. RUS POUEEN MANOS GE CLC bine scttce dit senenccuseernceseccccercsesaceseccassecssaccsnatsvesssvaee en: 37 ““Geometry, Teaching of,’’ by Archibald Henderson. Reviewed by SoD a ees nese nec ee een cencenmaccenee consavtandesssueam=s"vanessscececeesvrassoerensc 37 GEORGE, WESLEY CRITZ An interesting anomaly in the pulmonary veins of man................ 37 Sponges of Beaufort (N. C.) harbor and vicinity (with H. V. a en Na BPI Ease ct lane aera eetseecen dense ss tacaneacu dectn+rccsadesterscvancee 37 Gil fungi, Key to the genera, COKER..............ccsscesrsoccsssnssssersssensssssserseres 35 GIVLER, JOHN PAUL Notes on the oecology and life-history of the Texas Horned er7 or Oe EV MOSONIA COLMUGUNN 2a.cvearsscacessicesadscscssnnccasserseroseneesancee 37 Some considerations in defense of the general biology course.... 37 GRANT, FREEMAN AUGUSTUS A new genus of water mold related to Blastocladia (with SNe NO EEO (CORTE) esac ete: -nc2ss acacccsceesseessartecsseordtetsssee secs Soeesesessscesonessoaseie Bi/ Grapes, rotundifolia, pollination, DETIEN................scccsccscessesseeersessseees 33 GUDGER, EUGENE WILLIS On Leidy’s Owramoeba and its occurrence at Greensboro, N. C. 32 ‘*A primer of household biology.’’ Review by WOLFE.............. 34 EEF ENEMA oc eae eteec snc tains sce esac >s-902=5000snq"-coacuesneeconas aenencceeeeneee SUDUCILET EUS macros teter renter c cre ccscovtescvanteosscseoscesseoseseisedecesaetupeanteeeteeeeeteeeeee GCETOG CUUS) cuetececstatcettesteccss tee decease s +3 susssi00 dives: sbosesscbnovsadseeseset ee eee eeesereee COMMULIEO SUS iaeangnesenetametanereemensaatesedscasesesases cs «coer +7 ~/ev sane daetanuaet seat steeee teen CP WUU US rs ceacee licens or conte oe TRS OSs CECCE oo esg vo oc gace suasensenesdsuaes soccnusqusrunen teeaseenEet eee EUNDIS. socccarecastagsetaatasee ys senst ona secevnpii-acessesnacseseseseseascucaucesnen seesuaacney semmeneaae MCLLEV EUS) Se ceviceccsvevectucdssdesisessogoesvesvuassesseesesecanstocsaeeceonatccceetce eee eee MO ULC TUS Mar owntesne ts se cen tetana nce eec cas tevedis coeds ss sere0sesseeno¥asnadosbanee canes head ateeeeaneeeee GSD Phi cccnaczeceeneeeenaseseeseye aeese ee ot sap eai: apscaeennanseccoseee Soolsnalseeesepeaeteenees eae aan Land vertebrate fauna of North Carolina, some known changes, BRU MUB YW eocsesctcescescsscersnssosccssessrsessseosuseopsssoesesvoesssasassont ae resesaetaeaneeeaeeeeeeee Landslides,‘ notes on their occurrence, HIOLMEG.............2:cssssssssccceerseeees LANNEAU, JOHN FRANCIS The suns eclipse) Jume 8; 1918: a questions .cccnsceseccseeeseeeeeeeet Wanneaus John Hrancis’ 1836-1921... -2-.ccssssccesseecestsseeeneneteeseenes Lansing, N. C., magnetic-marble ore, BAYLEY..........0.. scsesrssrssensssearens LASLEY, JOHN WAYNE, JR. Some elementary vector equations........:.:..-..cc-cce-secssereeesstesseeeeneeceeae A theorem) on double pois) im) involutiome....cers.cess-eree eerste Warurel’ 1\Oalk, (CORR: ccrsscecsecces-sc-s000-00+se+0c0s onceccceceosvessececececesttesseanet 35 PROUD ON ec es-nenccceoessuasssee coveeveess Sencec ess sys 0 onss onsen snceoscscncoovscsnccececes sete ee teen enteeenet 34 GUD OTVUG CT eccneneseeetatee asa eneuhn cose Taesep aes coudsuennesdesescuecdecteueeoneccaceeen ee ceeeneeeeenen 34 ONVUCUS I eececcvectereseeesettisstecesieccestseavodssso2sesscesnssecescoetcocnassecseae taen ee eNeeeeeaEeAeEee 34 CORK OTUs cscscsesvencercaoseeeatees cal cavsceuyenss0o0+sisasceseuseseovena keds suas ceeenteee eared eeeeee eee 34 FLUUASTOAUUS | cecdeccenccnncnesascccttes sees coes ise ssrscoscesusssnnavsstcctceeseeeombervessanteeneteeteeee 34 GOMVENLOSUS: --axsc--rercestereessncecncacreeees aseass Cone eeeeenaiee 36 151 South Carolina, regional geography, HARPER.............scssssssessesscsssesseeesens 35 105 [SPURS Sig accra ean cnet eee meee eles 0s esac ads syees ona sassaundeacesesuee eee eee 36 193 CTUSD O pisere neater eene eementnase .cccsesccecovae coonaszcosdectaness -ceeetaeeeenmeeenaa 36 195 DF Ag 17 1c, ROPERS PEPE SOA Cree EOC CEPPEPPEEERET EEE EPETEPEE EEE ITI RCT Cont o LCCC 36 194 SPAGIWULGLD ceecestuckeseeeusentaeestterseteniesa>secescncennneesaaoceievenene+nerostseeestegetseeeaaeet 36 194 1922] INDEX TO VOLUMES 32-37 VOL. Spirogyra, occurrence of unlike ends of the cells of a single fila- BRED eaYE Crot Oa UUNUNUTIN GEDA Noe sec ovce co sn ccs acusessseessscasscasessaacesseessivessseeeesesosssbdsoueéses 36 See SMOCION, WILSON. ADSETACE s.scccicsecccccctsessecicesesecsscssesssccsescsesessceness 37 Sponges, lithistid, remarkable form of skeletal element, WILSON.... 36 Sponges, some generic distinctions, WHILSON..............sccsscessssssesseseees 35 Sponges of Beaufort (N.C.), GEorGE and Winson. Abstract............ 37 Seat ete ME MNUURN TU coe ce wan Cece ca sacs cee oon (oe sc suscc Cov code eve cc ccevobtaaeadeseeststeesesenaeressee 34 PRR RRO INIA TE IY icc oa s 4 w w a No peur das Ke ee! A 4 ( - +a we ati iid JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society VOLUME XXXVIII 1922-1923 Published for the Society by the University of North Carolina Press bi . ey) , a ; ' ‘ vs y+ - a ae ; ~) - i > y - : a } phe — = t 7) Ko al ; : ia ca! - if ‘ = = — i \ an. ae 3s a + ay re. iY ; : a a i, _* rs : . = 40 ; ry - 4 Pa | r ie i” CONTENTS PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-FIrst ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NortH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE HELD aT CHAPEL Pee NAY SANDED, POO cow occ cise asco ccccec cess PROCEEDINGS OF THE EuisHA MITCHELL ScIENTIFIC SocIETy, eomeatieet 1921 TOOUNE 2, 1922... oe ccc cece ee ewes THE SEARCH FOR THE ULTIMATE Atom. J. UL. Lake........... TWENTY YEARS OF THE NorTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. 0 EE a SomME PHASES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHRYSEMYS CINEREA. RPMI TENE es fe ee teas oc anc hs oso es eet REACTION OF METHANE AND ALSO OF ACETYLENE UPON ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLORIDE. Ff’. P. Venable and R. O. Deitz... SomME PHASES OF STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF GARDEN PEA AND WHITE SWEET CLOVER SEEDS AS RELATED TO HARDNESS. INNS RTSIE ee ee ee ei ss cc ee eo oe ee VARIATION OF PROTEIN CoNTENT OF Corn. JH. B. Arbuckle and OTR UR ne Fe a GEOLOGY OF THE MuscLE SHoas AREA, ALABAMA. W. F. Prouty... PMaGEA IM NORTH CAROLINA, W. W. Ashe..............5-.0- NOTES ON THE REPRODUCTION OF HyYpRA IN THE CHAPEL HILL Se TRS 5 CHEMISTRY IN Its RELATION TO THE STATE WATER SUPPLIES. Dea OE Re yk ee cee ee cc cence THe LACCARIAS AND CLITOCYBES OF NortH Caronina. W. C. mee Men PIICIO, OESPHTOSICE. 5. Jac ee cccccvcccccccessecce THE FRUITING STAGE OF THE TUCKAHOE, PacHyMaA Cocos. Peraemen A, Wolfe. : 6 sc ck ses _. eee A KEY TO THE FULGORIDa oF EasterN North AMERICA WITH DescripTions oF New Speciss. Z. P. Metcalf............. THE GASTEROMYCETES OF NortH Carouina. W. C. Coker and 2 TIO a ee cep rrr ERRATA In vol. 35, pl. 49, the words ‘‘right’’ and ‘‘left’’ should be reversed. In vol. 38, p. 23, line 24, the word ‘‘deposition’’ should be ‘* disposition. ’’ PLATE 1 he Ly, idly Lacearia laceata. Hartsville, S. C. (No. 72), fig. 1. Lacearia amethystea. No. 5178, fig. 2. Lacearia tortilis. No. 3612, fig. 3. Clitocybe cyathiformis. No. 4934, figs. 4 and 5. Clitocybe infundibuliformis. No. 3248, fig. 6; No. 3260, fig. 7. Clititocybe subnigricans (young plant). No. 3dDN, tiga os BY RESOLUTION OF Tue ExvisHAa MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY AND Tue NortH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE THIS NUMBER IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF CHARLES BASKERVILLE BORN 1870 DIED 1922 JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society Volume XXXVIII SEPTEMBER Nos. 1 and 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Hep at CHapen. Hin, N. C., May 5 anp 6, 1922 The Executive Committee met Thursday night at the Faculty Club of Trinity College with the following members present: J. L. Lake, president, Bert Cunningham, secretary, F. A. Wolf, R. N. Wil- son, and H. R. Totten. The following recommendations were adopted for presentation to the Academy: 1. That the business meeting of the Academy shall be held on Friday afternoon at 4:30. 2. That a special committee consisting of the president, the editor of the ExisHa MircHennt JourNAL and the secretary be appointed to revise and publish the constitution and membership list and consider the advisability of adding to this a brief history of the Academy, getting the whole out in booklet form for distribution to prospective members. 3. That the fiscal years be changed from January to January to October to October so that it may coincide with the A. A. A. S. year, and the Elisha Mitchell year. 4. That the secretary be authorized to discontinue the practice of placing papers on the program in the order of their arrival, and to arrange the program as deemed best in his judgment. 5. That a loose-leaf system of records and accounts be adopted. 6. That the old secretary’s book be rebound. Pe] 2 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocleTY | September 7. That the seeretary be authorized to have reprints of the pro- ceedings made for distribution to interested parties. 8. That the Acddemy pay to the EnisHa MircHeLu JourNAu the sum of $125.00 for the Journals to the membership rather than the $75.00 now paid. The latter price was based upon a membership of 100. There are now 163 members. The following were then elected to membership: J. F. Dashiell, J. F. Daugherty, L. M. Dixon, J. E. Eckert, C. O. Eddy, N. B. Foster, E. H. Frothingham, F. A. Grant, F. Haasis, M. L. Hamlin, C. H. Higgins, A. L. Hook, C. F. Korstian, W. E: Jordanjsnac- Linderman, Mary Lyon, I. H. Manning, A. C. Martin, Bessie Noyes, K. B. Patterson, W. L. Porter, R. 8. Pritchard, Mrs. J. C. Root, P. O. Schallert, F. W. Sherwood, H. G. Smith, 8. C. Smith, J. H. Taylor, M. F. Trice, G. W. Vaughn, F. C. Vilbrandt, Ruth Walker, N. F. Wilkerson, C. F. Williams, W. T. Wright, L. E. Yocum. The following were reported as resigning: J. S. Downing, H. Spencer, M. R. Smith, C. B. Williams. All resignations due to re- moval from the state. The secretary-treasurer then made a financial report which is printed elsewhere. The secretary reported the adoption of a policy of notifying mem- bers when their titles for papers were received. The committee extended the time for Dr. A. Henderson’s paper on Einstein to 45 minutes, and then adjourned to meet Friday at 2:30. There was no new business presented at the Friday meeting of the committee. } The Academy was called to order Friday morning by President Lake and the presentation of papers was begun. After the appoint- ment of the following committees the Academy adjourned at 1:20 for lunch: Nominating—C. 8. Brimley, H. V. Wilson, C. W. Edwards. Auditing—W. C. Coker, R. N. Wilson, J. P. Givler. Resolutions—W. A. Withers, H. N. Gould, Miss Mary Seymour. After lunch many visited the flower show at Davie Hall which served as a demonstration for Mr. Totten’s paper, as shown on the program. At 3:00 o’clock the Academy re-convened and the read- ing of papers was continued until 5:45 when the Academy adjourned until 8:00 p. m. 1922] PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 3 The evening meeting was called to order by the secretary who introduced President Chase of the University who welcomed the Academy and spoke a few well-chosen words as to the relation of science to daily life. President Lake of the Academy responded and then delivered the Presidential Address on ‘‘The Search for the Ultimate Atom.’’ This was a timely review of the various discoveries which have led to our modern ideas of matter. The Academy then ealled for the paper by Mr. C. 8. Brimley—‘‘Twenty Years of the North Carolina Academy of Science.’’ This paper was highly ap- preciated as it was given by one who has been with the organization since its birth. An informal ‘‘get-to-gether’’ was enjoyed after ad- journment. At nine o’clock Saturday morning the Academy opened with a business meeting. Reports of Committees were first called for. The Committee on Natural Resource Conservation reported, and the Committee was continued. The Representative of the Academy on the Council of the Ameri- ean Association made a report. The Auditing Committee reported the books of the Treasurer as satisfactory. The Publicity Committee reported some progress, but was some- what uncertain as to what was expected of it. After further in- struction the committee was continued. The Committee on High School Science reported, and the com- mittee on the order of the Academy was reorganized as follows: Chairman—Bert Cunningham; J. N. Couch, R. N. Wilson, and A. F. Roller. The Legislative Finance reported no progress. The Executive Committee reported and all the recommendations shown above were adopted. The Treasurer gave a summarized report as follows: RECEIPTS pawerreccoumn former Treasnrer........- 22+. 202s. .se ees eaeen $196.98 Mires; J. . SOUS SS 5 MOINS Get crS Slo GIGS BIB ea 438.79 $635.77 + JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETY | September EXPENDITURES Current, EExpensest hse er ce 6 crc os oon ws hee $141.85 ALS AS TA‘. (OE (Sic ener eee. ib wires eons: 6 3 none a ee 158.00 $299.85 Balance) Savaniey Account. yer ctete ec: c1s awl sisi e's cversveleneieee tee) eee ten ene 200.00 Balance iCheckeAccountha mrs 26.4... hc ws vss ee eee 135.92 $635.77 The Academy ordered the Secretary to send the following telegram to Dr. E. W. Gudger—‘‘N. C. A. 8. in session at the University sends you hearty greetings and is glad to report that the treasurer’s bal- ance is now $370.00.’’ The Resolutions Committee reported as follows: The Committee on Resolutions very respectfully recommends the adoption of the following : 1. That the Academy place upon record its appreciation of the services of its officers who have arranged such an attractive program and secured such a large attendance. 2. That the thanks of the Academy are due to our gracious hosts who have so charmingly entertained its members during the pres- ent meeting. 3. That the Academy dedicate the volume of the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Society containing the report of the Proceedings of this meeting to the memory of the late Dr. Charles Baskerville, one’ of its earlier members, one of its very active workers, and at one time its President. W. A. WITHERS, Mary SEYMOUR, H. N. Gounp. The Nominating Committee presented the following for office and they were elected by the Academy: President—Dr. A. Henderson, University of North Carolina. Vice-President—Dr. H. B. Arbuckle, Davidson College. Secretary-Treasurer—Dr. Bert Cunningham, Trinity College. Executive Committee—Dr. H. N. Gould, Wake Forest, Professor J. P. Givler, N. C. College for Women, Dr. B. W. Wells, State College. The time for the Annual Meeting was discussed, and was finally left in the hands of the Executive Committee as in the past. 1922] PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 5 The invitation to hold the next meeting in Greensboro at the N. C. College for Women was announced and accepted. At 11:00 papers were presented to the joint meeting, and at 11:30 the Chemists and Physicists adjourned to other quarters to hold their separate meetings. Their papers are shown on the following programs. The last paper was read just before lunch time and the Academy adjourned. Following is the present membership of the Academy. Those marked with an asterisk were present at the meeting. oli evngg Wo difgs Gri all Di rea Tee i ior cie Iie oo eae Raleigh *Arbuckle, H. B., Professor of Chemistry, Davidson College............ Davidson ec iniversizy of North Carolina. .......-.-.....5..0..05- Chapel Hill nee tae SINDUTY BOAG. . 6.0 cats acess eee ee eee ee Winston-Salem eect res Pucresia, Meredith Colleve....... ec eee ees Raleigh Balderston Mark Guilford, College. 2... 22.5 .c. eee e ee eee es Guilford College Lat ve Usig SOS SAIS ADs SA Se os ee Roanoke Rapids enteurEPe mE eet WAI AVG. 2 025 os oe cals fst ews sec eee ee ee ees Charlotte Barrow, Miss Elva E., Chemistry Dept., N. C. College for Women....Greensboro *Bell, J. M., Dept. of Chemistry, University of North Carolina....... Chapel Hill Binford, Raymond, President Guilford College................ Guilford College Bonneyeevaiss Bo C-. 1400 Mourteenth Ave... s56.0 2. ec cece ee eee Hickory OnE ty Stary S SCHOOL. 5.2555. 2550 05cs ee cece ee cece Raleigh *Blomquist, H. L., Dept. of Biology, Trinity College................... Durham *Brimley, C. S., Division of Entomology, N. C. Dept. of Agriculture...... Raleigh Briley ri ee uration state Museum. ....5..5..5....2.. eee e eee eaee Raleigh Browne, Wm. Hande, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, State College..... Raleigh Bruner, 8. C., Estacion Agronomica.............. Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba *Bullitt, J. B., Professor of Pathology, Univ. of North Carolina....: Chapel Hill Bare. Wenaay Wnniie CHG e As -aoae ASG id oe Durham Cain, William, Kenan Prof. Emeritus of Math., Univ. of N. C....... Chapel Hill Campbell, Miss Eva G., Dept. Biology, N. C. College for Women..... Greensboro Glappy sc. supermtendent State Test Parm....................: Swannanoa Zeopbcolucr, erotessor of Geology, Univ. of N: C................. Chapel Hill Cobb, William B., Louisiana State University................ Baton Rouge, La. *Coker, W. C., Kenan Professor of Botany, Univ. of N. C............ Chapel Hill eee LEA Se Acc WG Sa White Hall, S. C. *Couch, J. N., Dept. of Botany, University of North Carolina........ Chapel Hill *Cunningham, Bert, Professor of Biology, Trinity College.............. Durham Dashiell, J. F., Prof. of Psychology, Univ. of North Carolina....... Chapel Hill Daugherty, J. F., Dept. Physics, Univ. of North Carolina.......... Chapel Hill Davis, Harry T., Assistant Curator State Museum.................... Raleigh Warne Meow Wass Weather BUreal. 2.5.22 522-220. c cece ee wesw Raleigh “lLETerag d/o Tks Sie ie Clore ees Sigo 6 tad cio eae Raleigh 8 i tak SS OGY er '... Raleigh 6 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY | September *Hickort, we Hi, Dept. Zoolosy Staten College. ..7..... . . 5s cbactan bathe sistent Raleigh *Bddy, C. O., Dept. Zoology, StaterCollere. < .-....2s.. «.. 0.2.5. ssss1eeneere Raleigh Korstian, \C:, '., Horest Hxaminer,. .....) < sc .ictierskehe tenner eee Asheville Krats2;Hi, Buz ies histlensete ote ore 0's ere sees le Susie eS oS CI RE aetna Raleigh *Lake, J. L., Professor of Physics, Wake Forest College............ Wake Forest *Tasley, J. W., Jz-, Asso. Prof. Math., Uniy. of IN. Cisiseeen ace Chapel Hill Tiehman,.S: G.,, State Collemes... . 5 6 6... 5 ie Shs dates eee ee eee ene Raleigh Leiby, R. W., Division of Entomology, N. C. Dept. of Agriculture...... Raleigh luewis, R. W., Citizens) Bank Building’. «... <2). «ccc slotted een eee Raleigh Lugn, A. L., Dept. of Chemistry and Physics, Lenoir College.......... Hickory Linderman, E. C., Dept. of Sociology, Greensboro College........... Greensboro Lyon, Mary, Dept. of Biology, Greensboro College................. Greensboro *Mabee, W. Bruce, Division of Entomology, N. C. Dept. Agriculture..... Raleigh *MacNider, W. DeB., Kenan Prof. of Pharmacology, Univ. of N. C....Chapel Hill Marion, 8. J., Dept. of Chemistry, State College... .\..cur)-imile eee Raleigh Markham, Blackwella sie seiece aie slew oi + cove jars (6 els bi vino lovaltooelele RRC ene eee anne Durham 1922| PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 7 Mendenhall, Miss Gertrude, 1023 Spring Garden Street............ Greensboro *Metealf, Z. P., Prof. of Zoology and Entomology, State College........ Raleigh *Mitchell, T. B., Division of Entomology, N. C. Dept. Agriculture........ Raleigh Swann. T H., Dean Med: School, Univ. of N. C................6.. Chapel Hill earn A. ©. Dept. of Botany, State College. ..5.........0..0..0005 Raleigh Season, io. M. Chemist, Dept. of Agriculture.-................0..0800. Raleigh Pw demwo Wiske Mores, College... 2 con. fee eee ee ee as Wake Forest *Noyes, Bessie, Dept. H. Biology, N. C. College for Women.......... Greensboro *Patterson, A. H., Prof. of Physics, Univ. of North Carolina........ Chapel Hill *Paull, N. M., Assistant Prof. of Drawing, Univ. of N. C............ Chapel Hill Peeram, W. H., Dept. of Chemistry, Trinity College.................. Durham Pawan Mary, N.C. Collese for Women..<-:..2...........5... Greensboro *Phillips, Charles, Dept. of Pathology, Wake Forest College........ Wake Forest Pew ers tane COllese Station 2. cess cae see ees Raleigh Piemmer. 5. K, 499 Courtland Sireet.......:....2..............4 Atlanta, Ga. Poteat, W. L., President Wake Forest College.................... Wake Forest *Powell, T. E., Jr., Professor of Biology, Elon College.............. Elon College Pratt, J. H., State Geologist, Univ. of North Carolina.............. Chapel Hill *Prouty, W. F., Prof. of Stratigraphic Geology, Univ. of N. C........ Chapel Hill *Patterson, K. B., Assistant Prof. of Math., Trinity College............ Durham eParter, W. li. Prot. of Biology, Davidson College.................5. Davidson *Pritchard, R. S., Chemistry Dept., Wake Forest College........... Wake Forest *Randolph, E. H., Chemistry Dept., State College..................000- Raleigh Rammoinbo BOs...) 52 Fiopie oto nich coed teen College Station, Texas em MNNRIIEENIIEES COE Core ess So Sis a ncaa la a ales pis seinieieid ie oe eee College Station, Texas Pimms otiataeOard ot Health: -.).2 <5. s2 se eee ees Raleigh *Rhodes, L. B., Division of Chemistry, N. C. Dept. Agriculture.......... Raleigh TU TLE. Ws) INAS a oe 6 one See Clo eee Sic ee Wadesboro oTPaillem., ual, IDL. TEI SONGS 2S ote cans ob ado On eo eee ieee Raleigh lining If, 1Sks (Sie) (COAG ORE ee esa 5 Se nan ane ae ieee Raleigh rena SETI CHOON. igeb scicle wsisrsists wir ants oe oe ee eee eee Raleigh Serpremgily Gy lake deanna Ont G Oe elas os See eee Durham *Saville, Thorndike, Asso. Prof. Engineering, Univ. N. C............. Chapel Hill “Seymour, Miss Mary F., N. C. College for Women................. Greensboro Shaffer, Miss Blanche E., N. C. College for Women................. Greensboro Sherrill, Miss Mary L., Mt. Holyoke College.................:S. Hadley, Mass. Seereemee aa Minigned, Hoh SeHOOl. 6. a ee ee ee ee Henderson Slop, ll Di Siitey (Olle ee aes Eee eee i enero Raleigh Sherman, Franklin, Entomologist, N. C. Dept. Agriculture............. Raleigh ee a pale tioratory Of PH yo1ene.. 0.2.22... ee eee eee Raleigh Senta IeeVe AOA West Morgan Obreeb. ..-.. 2-2... 1s ee ee ett eens Raleigh Sin, Ue 1k I ey Sie hoe Coll eee Oe Se oe eee anna Ames, Iowa fem e., Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of N. C.................26. Chapel Hill *Speas, William E., Dept. of Physics, Wake Forest College.......... Wake Forest amber mY ELyOTGnIC WaDOLAbOTY).< sA = Se ~ C Zi 72) ’ 4 CLITOCY BE pper three on right, No. 1414, 1140; other four, No. T } +“ 1922| THE LAccARIAS AND CLITOCYBES oF NorTH CAROLINA 115 eap flesh, tough or rather brittle, about 2-3 em. long and 2-5 mm. thick, attached firmly to the ground with white mycelium. When mature the entire plant dries to a pretty ochraceous-buff. Spores white, smooth, pip-shaped, 3.4-4.6 x 4.2-7.4n. In humus or grass or on rotten wood, in woods and groves. We have examined Peck’s type of C. sinopicoides and cannot dis- tinguish it from our plants. The caps distinctly show the squam- ulose center and the spores are exactly the same except that a few of the former are a little longer (3.2-3.8 x 7-8.5)y. In the presence of squamules and cracks on the cap in age the present species is like C. sinopica, but a European plant of that species from Bres- adola has distinctly larger spores, 3.8-5.5 x 7-9.34 and differs further in far less crowded gills and smoother cap. This is almost certainly the plant listed by Schweinitz as C. gilva, but according to Ricken that species has spherical, spiny spores. The present species is doubtfully distinct from C. infundibuliformis, which see for dis- cussion. 614. On a very rotten log, October 24, 1912. Stem eccentric in several of these plants, but not hairy. 1068. In damp grassy place in woods, October 18, 1913. Spores white, oval, smooth, 3.7-4.6 x 5.5-7.4y. 1140. In clusters, some cespitose, in a shaded lawn, July 16, 1914. 1414, Under pines in burnt over woods, near Piney Prospect, October 24, 1914. Spores 3.4-3.8 x 4.2-5.9y. 2039. Among shrubs by path west of President’s house, June 5, 1916. 2103. Deciduous woods, June 22, 1916. 2273. Oak woods, Lone Pine Hill, June 28, 1916. Spores pip-shaped, 2.4-4 x 5-6. 3262. By path on campus, May 29, 1919. 3264. Under oaks in cemetery, May 30, 1919. Margin not marked by lines but some with dots. Spores pip-shaped, 3-4 x 6-7.8y. 11. Clitocybe adirondackensis Pk. PLATES 24 AND 33 The following is by Beardslee: Cap 2-7 em. broad, thin, becoming deeply infundibuliform, dingy white, becoming white when dry, with a narrow marginal zone when moist; flesh thin, white, 2-3 mm. thick. Gills thin, white, very narrow, scarcely more than 1 mm. thick, forking, long decurrent. Stem slender 2-4 em. long, 5-7 mm. thick, stuffed, then hollow. 116 JOURNAL OF THE MircHELL Society | September Spores ellipsoid-ovate, 3-3.5 x 4-5p. Asheville. On old leaves; not rare. Beardslee. Blowing Rock. In leaf mould, Aug. 19, 1922. (No. 5585. Coker, coll.). 12. Clitocybe clavipes Fr. Cap up to 10 em. wide, plane to depressed in center or cup shaped in age, glabrous, straw drab to buffy drab, hygrophanous. Flesh soft, pure white, 1.5 em. thick near center; taste shghtly acid, odor distinetly fragrant when wilting, rather like jessamine. Gills close, 4.5 mm. wide, cream color when fresh, a deeper honey yellow when dry, shehtly decurrent, edges entire. Stem 3-5 em. long, usually 6-10 mm. thick above, smooth, color of cap above; expanded below into a bulb which is up to 3 em. thick, white and felted with the mycelium which holds the leaves. Spores white, ovate-elliptic, smooth, with a very distinct oil drop, 3.1-4.2 X 6.5-8.2p. Our plants have been compared with C. clavipes as understood by Peck (Bolton, N. Y.) and are identical. The spores of the latter are 3-3.8 x 6-8u.