I'll JOSHJ.IINS _S3 I ava a n~LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN_INST!TUTION%OlinilJLSNI-NVIN< Z * CO 2L X to O S ".y > s '\J^ i‘ " ' § ^ •HSONIAN^INSTITUTION l-F ^§31 P > 1-F ^331 P f;?i£ msK c \^»>arf/ ? vtSoiw^y i- •tfeSHL f Wiiw?/ - v%^..S9ni » im HSONIAN "INSTITUTION NOIlfllllSNI NVINOSRUWS^SS I 8V8 8 IT~U B RAR I ES^SMITI CO 2 to 2 ..... to < ^ v.- 2 . < 2 a£x .•» 2 I0SHJUWS"'S3 I ava a 11^ LIB RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION^NOliniliSNI NVIN' c/> = co = in o < ,„j ” z _ rHSONlAN INSTITUTION NOIXflXIXSNI NVINOSHXIWS S31BVH811 LIBRARIES SMIT 5 _ • z O >v “ O — /floXX O CO P* '• ~ _ m \^osv£X ^ Xjvasv^X m '^y 2 m MOSHXIWS^SS I HVd a Il~LIBRAR I ES $MlTHSONIAN~INSTITUTION%OIXfUIXSNl"NVIN 5 * ^ ^ z n co z SosSgX >• 2 > '0*22' s ' ^ g •* rHSONlAN INSTITUTION WNOlirUllSNI NVINOSHilWS^SS I a Va a ll\ I B R AR I ES^SMIT CO -3» \ CO __ ~ CO joshiiws ssiavaan libraries Smithsonian institution nouiuilsni nvin M. z I- _ 2 r* 2 r- m « v^pius]^ m co x co ~ co FHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIXnXIXSNl NVINOSHXIWS S3IHVHan LIBRARIES SMIT z .y. co z w z £ m >NOIllUliSNI-NVINOSHimSt/ co z •, c» z , to 2 co |' ' ' I V^T | | y ! * ' ' g Institution0’ N0iiniiisNi^NviN0SHiiws”s3 1 ava a n\\ brar i eswsmithsonian I | i ^ « ^..uw / gj '^jp/ g ffl XjsaiP' 5 “•*’ ^ a SS «»fl d S3 I a Va 311 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN^fMSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1MS O S - -|p^v ” C w m xgx ocj^ g <||pF S 's^2*g&X to ^ t "institution w NoimiiisNrNViNOSHiiws S3 1 ava a n~LI b RAR I es^smithsonian Z .^-. CO Z — _ CO Z CO _ „ X co o 2 > S S > "S3 I ava a n2 LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI nvinoshiiws" CO =; I oo 2 ^ ^ 00 ^ 4 ^ o N^voCX ~ O _ X^UixS^X Q riNSTITUT!0N2M0lini!lSNl‘JNVIN0SHllINS2S3 I ava 8 ll^LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN” r* x C " Z r- Z r o xtSTirl^Sv __ .W O ~ /^av7:\ O 00 >y >- v^viiwfi m x^osv^X ^ n^vasv^x m '' vw ^ m x^osv^ ^ r co E co ~ to £ c ; S3 1 ava a n libraries Smithsonian institution NouniiiSNi nvinoshiiws CO Z CO z v CO z c < V S X^ilo^s. < ^ s < A z 5 «o4. Z X CO o I INSTITUTION N0IJtniliSNI NVINOSHIIWS^SS 1 avaa nZLI BRAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN co ^ \ ^ co CO O ‘ O Z „j Z _J z S3 1 ava an libraries Smithsonian institution NouniiiSNi nvinoshiiws | y5 | 5 ^ ! br ^ // tn Lmyrnb&. \ *- -r, ^ 0.05; mean duration of activity = 2.4 ± 0.2 h). MALE-MALE ENCOUNTERS V. atalanta males typically perched on the ground, on either stones or the bare ground. On especially hot days, males perched on hilltop shrubs. Resident males flew toward a variety of flying insects such as the wasp Hemipepsis ustulata and the hairstreak Strymon melinus, returning quickly to the perch if it was not a fellow Vanessa. Congeners, however, often elicited a chase, usually a quick, erratic flight across the peaktop. Chases were typically terminated when one individual veered away from its rival and returned to its perch. Resident V. atalanta chased heterospecific males for a mean period of 5.3 ± 1.1 s (N = 23). 4 J. Res. Lepid. EH m 5 p PH O W S H 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR ■ ARRIVAL □ DEPARTURE D □ □ □ □ □ □ DATE Fig. 2. The arrival time of the first Vanessa of an afternoon and the departure time of the last Vanessa of an afternoon, October 1988 to March 1989. For arrival, r = 0.71 , N = 1 4, p = 0.01 5; for departure, r = 0.96, N = 1 4, p < 0.0001 . Arrival and departure times were not species specific; results are consistent for each species (p < 0.001 ). «o Ho Q '-o e HO $ Q co CO CD £ o w CQ § & £ NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR DATE Fig. 3. Number of V. atalanta captured per day, November 1988 to April 1989; r = 0.61 , N = 53, p < 0.0001 . Regression of date versus maximum number of V. atalanta at any one time of an afternoon yields a similar result (p < 0.0001). Results are also consistent for V. annabella and V. cardui (p < 0.05). 29(1-2):1-10, 1990(91) 5 In contrast, interactions between two V. atalanta males were often lengthy and complex. V. atalanta males chased conspecific rivals for a mean of 16.4 ± 3.7 s (N = 23), a significantly longer time than for heterospecifics (paired t = 2.75, df = 22, p = 0.01). After the initial approach, rival males often hovered for 1 or 2 s, one directly above the other, wings occasionally hitting, before entering into a prolonged chase. Chases took a variety of forms, from circles of the hilltop to sinuous chases along the ridge-line to long, ascending chases far off the peaktop. Conspecific chases ended when one of the pair dropped out of the chase, falling from the sky in a J-shaped dive, and either returned to the hilltop or continued on its way. Hovering occurred in 9 of 19 intraspecific and 0 of 19 congeneric interactions (%2 = 11.79, df = 1, p < 0.001). Dropping out occurred in 13 of 19 intraspecific and 0 of 19 congeneric interactions (X2 = 19.76, df - l,p< 0.001). MALE ^FEMALE ENCOUNTERS Male-female interactions differed markedly from interactions involv- ing two males. Seven encounters between conspecific males and pre- sumptive females were observed during the study (4 involving V. cardui, 2 with V. atalanta , and 1 with V. annabella ). All male-female encounters were characterized by a slow, fluttering flight with the male following closely behind the larger female in a pattern highly reminiscent of Chlosyne californica, another hilltopping nymphalid (Alcock, 1985). These encounters began at the hilltop but all pairs subsequently flew downslope and were eventually lost from view. Unlike male-male encounters, the males failed to return promptly. The courtships occurred as early as 1433 MST on 4 December and as late as 1650 MST on 10 April (Table 1). Moreover, a mating pair of V. cardui was sighted several hundred feet below the hilltop at 1803 MST on 29 March. Thus, courtship evidently does occur at the hilltop with female arrivals occurring throughout the period of male activity at the peak (see also Palm, 1980). Matings presumably occur downslope. SITE TENACITY AND MALE DENSITY A total of 114 V. atalanta , Table 1 . Times of Vanessa courtship Species Date Time 215 V. cardui and 68 V. annabella were captured, with V. annabella 4 December 1547 the numbers reflecting the rela- tive densities of the three spe- V. atalanta 28 November 1647 cies. The degree of hilltop site V. atalanta 4 December 1433 tenacity was negatively asso- ciated with density of conspe- V. cardui 4 November 1645 cific males at the hilltop (Table V. cardui 16 January 1605 2). The lower density species V. cardui 11 February 1622 (V. atalanta and V. annabella ) V. cardui 10 April 1650 6 J. Res. Lepid. Table 2. Frequency of return to the hilltop and duration of stay for males of 3 Vanessa species. Species Day of Marking1 Male Returns On Subsequent Days2 Duration of Stay (min)3 V. atalanta 46 of 114(40%) 24 of 114(21%) 26.87 ±4.73 (N = 46) V. cardui 42 of 215 (20%) 14 of 215 (7%) 15.00 + 3.24 (N = 42) V. annabella 20 of 68 (29%) 15 of 68 (22%) 41.61 ±6.49 (N = 20) Y=16.5, df 2%2 = 19.0, df 3ANOVA, F - = 2, p = 0.0003 = 2, p = 0.0001 4.23, p = 0.007 tended to return to the hilltop after marking to a greater degree than the high density V. cardui. The pattern holds even when we exclude males that were marked within an hour of sunset: 24 of 45 (53%) V. atalanta, 15 of 29 (52%) V. annabella, and only 20 of 68 (29%) V. cardui were sighted again on the afternoon they were marked (%2 = 7.93, df = 2, p = 0.019). Similarly, the likelihood of return to the hilltop on days after marking was particularly low for V. cardui (Table 2). Whereas about 21% of V. atalanta and about 22% of V. annabella were sighted on at least 1 day after being marked, only 7% V. cardui males were resighted, a statisti- cally significant result. If they returned after being marked, males of the different Vanessa spp. also differed in the duration of stay at the peaktop (Table 2). Male V. atalanta remained at the peak for up to 152 min on a given afternoon, with an average of 26.87 ± 4.73 min (N = 46). V. annabella had the longest average duration of stay (41.61 ± 6.49 min, N = 20, range = 1 - 91), and V. cardui individuals were the most ephemeral with a mean duration of 15.00 ± 3.24 min (N = 42, range = 1 - 92). Although male V. atalanta were relatively site tenacious, overthrows in hilltop possession occurred. Of 49 males that re-established residency after marking, 27 (55%) were unable to hold the hilltop territory for the remainder of the afternoon. Similarly, 9 of 21 (43%) V. cardui residents lost their perch (however, far fewer cases of sole residency occurred for V. cardui males). Again, V. annabella males were the most site tenacious with only 4 of 23 ( 17%) being overthrown. Frequency of turnover differed significantly among species (%2 = 9.07, df = 2, p < 0.025). Male longevity was much greater than individual tenure at the hilltop site. Male V. atalanta and V. annabella were re-sighted up to 21 days (N = 2) after their initial marking (N = 8 sightings of V. atalanta more than 14 days after marking). Thus, the failure of territorial males to hold their perch site over a period of days is puzzling. Previous residents seemed 29(1-2):1-10, 1990(91) 7 not to have much advantage in holding the site when they did return on subsequent days. Eleven of 24 (46%) V. atalanta males, 8 of 15 (53%) V. annabella males, and 7 of 14 (50%) V. cardui males that returned on a subsequent day remained less than 10 min and failed to establish territorial residency, perhaps because they were ousted by younger, more energetic rivals. No relationship exists between body size and measures of site tenacity. For neither V. atalanta or V. cardui does the likelihood of return to the hilltop vary significantly with size class (%2-tests, NS; data on V. annabella are insufficient for a similar test). Similarly, there is no apparent relationship between body size and frequency of return after capture for either of these species; sample sizes, however, are low and further tests are needed on this point. PERCH PREFERENCES The 3 species of Vanessa spatially separated themselves on the hilltop (Table 3). Both V. atalanta and V. annabella preferentially perched in quadrat 2, just below the peaktop. The numerically far more abundant V. cardui preferred the peak (quadrat 1). None of the Vanessas showed a preference for quadrat 3, the low elevation site. Although V. atalanta and V. annabella shared residency at quadrat 2, they consistently perched at the opposite ends of this section, V. atalanta towards the west at slightly lower elevation and V. annabella along the border of quadrat 1. Male V. atalanta captured while perching in quadrat 2 were more likely to be sighted again that afternoon than were conspecific males perched in other sections of the peaktop (Gadj = 7.84, df = 1, p < 0.01). Males occupying region 2 tended to be residents that chased off intruders. These intruders often perched briefly outside the favored area of this species before departing. Table 3. Perch preferences and capture sites of Vanessas at the hilltop. Species Perch Preference1 Capture Site2 Quadrat: 1 2 3 1 2 3 V. atalanta 1 15 0 9 18 2 V. cardui 25 7 4 89 18 5 V. annabella 1 7 0 7 24 0 Quadrat 3 is omitted to fit assumptions required for a G-test; Gadj = 30.4, df = 2, p < 0.0001 2Quadrat 3 is omitted to fit assumptions required for a %2-test; X2= 51 , df - 2, p< 0.0001 8 J. Res. Lepid. Discussion TEMPORAL PATTERNS OF MATE SEARCHING In all 3 species, the abundance of males at the peak varies with the season, with the highest densities occurring at times of moderate tem- peratures (mid-fall and late winter). Males of all 3 species also exhibit similar daily patterns of mate-locating activity, with individuals arriving within 3 h of sunset and departing at dusk. Although receptive females arrive infrequenty at hilltops, they do so during the period when males are active at these locations. Perhaps late-day matings work to the female’s advantage because they allow the protracted copulations to occur in the evening when they will not interfere with important daytime activities (Forsberg & Wiklund, 1989). Alternatively, males may limit mating activity to the late afternoon in order to reduce the likelihood of immediate remating by the female with consequent sperm dilution (Svard & Wiklund, 1988). TERRITORIALITY BY HILLTOPPING MALES While at the peaktops, males of the various Vanessa species appear to be territorial, a point that is particularly clear in the case of V. atalanta. Interactions between conspecifics of V. atalanta are far more complex and long-lasting than are interactions between heterospecifics, a result that matches that of Bitzer & Shaw (1979). Scott ( 1986) has championed the alternative hypothesis that males are merely inspecting passing butterflies in the attempt to locate potential mates. This hypothesis has been critiqued elsewhere (Rutowski, 1984). Here we note that the sex-identification hypothesis produces the predic- tions that (1) male-male chases of any sort will follow much the same pattern as male-female pursuits prior to courtship, (2) when two males perch in the same area and then becomed involved in a chase both are likely to return to the perching area together, and (3) when only one male returns from a male-male chase, it is as likely to be one male as the other. All three predictions fail. (1) Male-female chases are very different in form from male-male interactions, which sometimes involve elaborate ascending flights with hovering bouts. (2) On a high proportion of chases, only one male returns to the perching area, not both. (3) When only one male returns, it is far more likely to be the established resident male, rather than a newcomer. SPECIES DIFFERENCES IN SITE TENACITY The congeners differed in their duration of residency at the peaktop and their frequency of return. Interspecific variation in site tenacity and the degree of territoriality was related to differences in the density of conspecifics at the peak. V. annabella was the most tenacious of the three species and was at lowest density on the hilltop; the relative lack of site tenacity shown by individual V. cardui, in contrast, was associated with the high density of conspecifics at the peak. V. atalanta exhibited moderate site tenacity and intermediate densities. Differences in con- 29(1 2)' 1-10, 1990(91) 9 specific density were presumably associated with differences in the frequency of rival encounters. Thus, the differences in site tenacity and degree of territoriality of Vanessa butterflies may be caused by differ- ences in how often individuals must deal with conspecific challenges at the mate-encounter site. INTERSPECIFIC CONFLICT Because a diversity of hilltopping insects have converged on the same site preferences (Alcock, 1983, 1984, 1987; Shields 1967), there is great potential for interspecific encoutners at a peaktop. Perched Vanessa males fly after most objects that pass by and thus spend much time and (presumably) energy responding to heterospecific insects. A similar response to moving objects has also been reported for other territorial butterflies (e.g. Alcock & Gwynne, 1988; Alcock & O'Neill, 1986; Davies, 1978; Lederhouse, 1982; Scott, 1974). It seems likely that this behavior is maintained because it enhances the rate at which resident males identify potential mates and conspecific rivals (Bitzer & Shaw, 1979). Alternatively, Bitzer & Shaw ( 1979) suggest that response to heterospecifics may function to reduce the costs of interspecific interference at the hilltop by chasing interspecific competitors from similar territory sites. Because 4 species of Vanessa ( annahella,atalanta , cardui , virginiensis ) share the same central Arizona hilltops, the energy cost of heterospecific aggression is potentially great. Have these butterflies evolved any means to reduce non-productive interaction with congeneric males? Our observations show that territorial males can quickly distinguish rival conspecifics from congeneric males and have curbed the expense of interspecific aggression. Interactions between congeneric males are much shorter and much less aggressive than chases between conspecific rivals. Males of V. cardui , the most abundant species, are most often responsible for initiation and continuation of a congeneric chase and hence appear to be the least species-discriminating. Because V. cardui are so numerous at the study site, they interact with congeners less frequently than do either V. atalanta or V. annabella. Therefore V. cardui may be under less intense selection to be species-discriminating than are the other species of Vanessa. Species-specific perch sites may also have evolved to reduce congeneric interference on the mating system. Perch site preferences of the three species were segregated on the peak and were not associated with nectar sources or oviposition sites. Turner (1990) has recently reported a similar spatial partitioning of the hilltop among swallowtail butterflies. However, rather than sorting themselves out horizontally, as in Vanessa, the swallowtails patrolled species-specific zones above the surface of the hilltop. Spatial separation on hilltops probably reduce the frequency of interaction between congeneric males. Further work is needed to deter- mine if distinctive spatial preferences persist in the absence of congeners. 10 J. Res. Lepid. Literature Cited Alcock, J. , 1 983 . Territoriality by hilltopping males of the great purple hair streak, Atlides halesus (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae): convergent evolution with a pompilid wasp. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 13: 57-62. , 1984. Convergent evolution in perching and patrolling site preferences of some hilltopping insects of the Sonoran Desert. Southw. Nat. 29: 475-480. , 1985. Hilltopping in the nymphalid butterfly Chlosyne californica (Lepidoptera). Amer. Midi. Nat. 113: 69-75. , 1987. Leks and hilltopping in insects. J. Nat. Hist. 21: 319-328. Alcock, J. & D. Gwynne, 1988. The mating system of Vanessa kershawi : males defend landmark territories as mate encounter sites. J. Res. Lepid. 26: 116- 124. Alcock, J. & K. M. O’Neill, 1986. Density-dependent mating tactics in the grey hairstreak, Strymon melinus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). J. Zool., Lond. 209: 105-113. Bitzer, R. J. & K. C. Shaw, 1979. Territorial behavior of the red admiral, Vanessa atalanta (L.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). J. Res. Lepid. 18: 36-49. Davies, N. B., 1978. Territorial defence in the speckled wood butterfly ( Pararge aegeria ): the resident always wins. Anim. Behav. 26: 138-147. Dimock, T. E., 1978. Notes on the life cycle and natural history of Vanessa annabella (Nymphalidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 32: 88-96. Forsberg, J. & C. Wiklund, 1989. Mating in the afternoon: time-saving in courtship and remating by females of a polyandrous butterfly Pieris napi L. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 25: 349-356. Lederhouse, R. C., 1982. Territorial defense and lek behavior of the black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenes. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 10: 109-118. Palm, C. A., 1980. Territories, leks, and mating in the west coast lady ( Vanessa annabella). M.S. thesis, University of California, Davis, CA. 70 pp. Rutowski, R. L., 1984. Sexual selection and the evolution of butterfly mating behavior. J. Res. Lepid. 23: 125-142. Scott, J. A., 1974. Mate-locating behavior of butterflies. Am. Midi. Nat. 91: 103- 117. , 1986. The butterflies of North America. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA. 583 pp. Shields, O., 1967. Hilltopping. J. Res. Lepid. 6: 69-178. Svard, L. & C. Wiklund, 1988. Prolonged mating in the monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus and nightfall as a cue for sperm transfer. Oikos 52: 351-354. Thornhill, R. & J. Alcock, 1983. The evolution of insect mating systems. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 547 pp. Turner, J. D., 1990. Vertical stratification of hilltopping behavior in swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 44: 174-179. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(1-2): 11-20, 1990(92) Electrophoretic Studies in the Genus Melanargia Meigen, 1828 (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) Paola Mensi, Aldo Lattes, Luigi Cassulo, Roberta Cinti, Emilio Balletto* Istituto di Zoologia, Universita di Genova, V. Balbi 5, 1-16126 Abstract. The phylogenetic relationships of the Euro-Mediterranean species of Melanargia were studied using enzyme electrophoresis. A dendrogram is presented representing the degree of relationship among populations sampled. Results from the biochemical characterization are only in partial agreement with those obtained from conventional systematic study. Systematic problems at the level of the specific differentiation between M. galathea and M. lachesis are discussed on the basis of biochemical data obtained by parapatric and allopatric populations. The opinion that they represent two distinct, although recent, species is supported. Introduction The Satyrid genus Melanargia Meigen, 1828, the only genus of the subfamily Melanargiinae Wheeler, 1903, is characterized by one vein in the fore wings considerably swollen at the base. The “Marbled Whites” can be easily recognized within the family, because of distinctive charac- ters of adult morphology (Higgins, 1975). The wings are of medium size, with creamy spots and bold black markings. The front legs are small in both sexes, with hairless femora bearing a central groove. Sexes are similar; males lack androconial scales. Male genitalia are characterized by the uncus, short, very thick at basis and swollen on the central part of ventral surface, and by the valvae, that apart from some apical spines, lack any other appendages. Female genitalia show a genital plate that is very sclerotized in front of the opening of the ductus bursae and little sclerotized posteriorly. Two small sclerotized plates are situated on either side of the external opening of the ductus bursae. The more anteriorly placed of these plates is distally swollen in a wing-shaped protuberance, which comes into contact with the sternite. Egg morphology and larval stages are also characteristic. The eggs are oval-shaped, taller than wide, ribbed and reticulate on the chorion and with a petal-like micropylar area (Wagener, 1983). The ova are laid during flight. The night-feeding larvae are light green or sandy in colour. All feed upon Graminaceae (Higgins and Riley, 1980) and all hibernate in winter as larvae. The pupae lie free among the grass stems. Previous taxonomic studies have concentrated on morphological rela- tionship drawn from wing colouration and marking. The genus was divided into three subgenera: Melanargia Meigen, 1828, Argeformia Verity, 1955, and Halimede Oberthiir & Houlbert, 1922. The latter is a Central and East Asian group which will not be dealt with in the present paper. Of the Euro-Mediterranean species, M. * Dipartimento di Biologia Animale, Universita di Torino, V. Accademia Albertina 17, 1-10123 12 J. Res. Lepid. galathea (Linne, 1758), M. russiae (Esper, 1784), M. larissa (Boisduvai, 1828), M. hylata (Menetries, 1832), M. titea (Klug, 1832) and M. syriaca (Oberthiir, 1894) were arranged in the subgenus Melanargia whereas M. arge,M. occitanica and M. ines (with its ssp .jahandiezi Oberthiir, 1920) were arranged in the subgenus Argeformia. Within this same group M. pherusa (Boisduvai, 1833) is variously considered either as a ssp. of M. occitanica or as a distinct species. On the basis of external morphology, species of the subgenus Melanargia can be subdivided into two groups: one with M. russiae , M. hylata , M. syriaca and M. larissa and another with M. galathea and M. titea. More recently, however, Wagener (1983) suggested a different arrangement based on the ultrastructure of ova. He recognized three species groups: one including M. galathea and M. syriaca , another one with M. larissa, M. titea, M. hylata and the Asiatic M. grumi (Standfuss, 1882) and a third one with M. russiae, the Asiatic M. halimede (Menetries, 1858) and M. parce (Staudinger, 1882). An unresolved controversy regards the relationship between M. galathea and M. lachesis (Hiibner, 1790) and their dubious specific designation. The mostly parapatric distribution of M. galathea and M. lachesis in the Western and Eastern sections of the Pyrenees and the morphology of adult stages, ova and larvae have been extensively studied (Higgins, 1969; Tilley, 1983, 1986; Wagener, 1984; Mazel, 1986). Whereas in the areas of sympatry in northern Spain the two phenotypes maintain their distinctive characteristics (Gomez de Aizpurua, 1988), in the contact zone of the Eastern Pyrenees also somewhat intermediate specimens are found, equal to one fifth of the whole mixed populations (Mazel, 1986). Since genitalic and other structural characters are very conservative in this genus and show little, if any, variation between species, any attempt to carry out a cladistic reconstruction of its phylogeny could only be based on a very limited set of characters. The purpose of this work, therefore, is to evaluate genetic relationship among the Euro-Mediterranean spe- cies of Melanargia through their respective degree of electrophoretically detectable enzyme similarity. As a consequence, it also attempts to provide a yardstick for the rate of speciation processes within this genus and, at the same time, to supply new reliable taxonomic characters in the form of electromorph variants obtained by allozyme electrophoresis. Methods and Materials PREPARATION OF SAMPLES Seventeen European and Turkish populations, for a total of 165 specimens, were scored for enzyme variability. Populations and localities are listed in table 1; geographical distribution of sampled localities is depicted in Fig. 1. Only field-collected adult males were employed for enzyme analysis. Their wings were immediately removed with sharp scissors and the whole bodies were frozen in liquid nitrogen while still alive. Specimens were kept in the same medium for several days until their preparation for electrophoresis could take 29(1-2): 11 20. 1990(92) 13 Table 1. Populations sampled Locality Country, Region n° symbol Paola Italy, Calabria 12 A1 (arge) Fuscaldo Italy, Calabria 3 A2 ( arge ) Capo Cervo Italy, Liguria 14 01 {occitan ica) Mont Leuze France, Alpes Mar. 4 02 (occitanica) Ficuzza Italy, Sicily 10 Ph (, pherusa ) Melilla Morocco 4 In lines) Camlibel Dag. Turkey, Sivas 10 LI ( iarissa ) Mazikiran Gee. Turkey, Sivas 10 L2 ( larissa ) Onagil Turkey, Van 7 HI ( hylata ) * Kocak Turkey, Van 10 H2 (hylata) * Asagi Kolbasi Turkey, Bitlis 12 Sy ( syriaca ) Capo Cervo Italy, Liguria 14 G1 (galathea) Monte Amaro Italy, Abruzzo 9 G2 (, galathea ) Kastamonu Turkey, Bolu 10 G3 (galathea) Campo Spain, Huesca 18 G4 (galathea) Tragacete Spain, Cuenca 10 GL1 (lachesis) Campo Spain, Huesca 8 GL2 (laches is) * These populations, once considered identical with ssp. karabagi, will soon be described as a distinct subspecies by S. Wagener. Figure 1 - Geographic distribution of sampling localities of Melanargia populations studied. 1 : Melilla; 2: Tragacete ; 3: Campo; 4: Mont Leuze; 5: Capo Cervo; 6: Monte Amaro; 7: Fuscaldo; 8: Paola; 9: Ficuzza; 10: Kastamonu; 11: Camlibel Daglari; 12: Mazikiran Gecidi; 13: Asagi Kolbasi; 14: Kogak; 14: OnagiL 14 J. Res. Lepid. place. Samples were prepared as follows. Individual butterflies were macerated, using a tissue grinder, in 300 pi of a homogenizing solution containing 0.12 rnM NADP and lOmM 2-mercaptoethanol. The homogenate was centrifuged at 13000 g for 15 min to obtain a clear supernatant. Samples were stored at -80°C until electrophoresed. ELECTROPHORESIS Allozyme electrophoresis was carried out on Cellogel sheets at 4°C using buffer systems and stains as described by Meera Khan (1971) and Richardson et al. (1986). Thirteen gene-enzyme systems were studied: glycerol-3-phosphate dehy- drogenase (E.C. ( GPD ), malate dehydrogenase (E.C. 1.1. 1.37) ( MDh ), malic enzyme (E.C. 1.1. 1.40) (ME), isocitrate dehydrogenases (E.C. 1.1. 1.42), 2 loci ( IDh-1 , 2), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (E.C. 1.1. 1.44) (6PGD), aspar- tate aminotransferase (E.C. 2. 6. 1.1) (AAt), hexokinase (E.C. 2. 7. 1.1) (HK), adeny- late kinase (E.C. 2. 7. 4.3) (AK), phosphoglucomutases (E.C. 2. 7. 5.1), 2 loci (PGM- 1, 2), mannose phosphate isomerase (E.C. 5. 3. 1.8) ( MPI ), phosphoglucose isomer- ase (E.C. 5. 3. 1.9) ( PGI ). Isozymes and alleles were designated numerically ac- cording to their decreasing mobility rate. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Average probability of interpopulation genetic identity and distance were calculated by Nei’s I and D related indexes (jackknifed according to Mueller and Ayala, 1982). A number of other more or less similar indexes were also computed: Rogers’ distance, Wright’s modification of Rogers’ distance, Cavalli-Sforza’s & Edwards’ arc and chord distances (for these indexes see Wright, 1978) and Hillis’ modification of Nei’s distance (1984). Several dendrograms resulting from the Table 2. Allele frequencies Al A2 01 02 Ph In LI L2 HI H2 Sy G1 G2 G3 G4 GL1 GL2 aGPD 120 0.05 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 MDH 120 0.40 0.35 100 0.07 0.60 0.65 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 90 1.00 0.83 0.93 1.00 0.94 1.00 65 0.17 0.06 ME 120 1.00 0.20 0.25 110 0.21 0.10 0.05 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.61 0.75 0.15 0.43 1.00 0.90 1.00 0.78 0.95 1.00 0.75 0.75 90 0.39 0.25 0.85 0.36 0.22 0.05 IDH-1 110 0.14 0.28 0.25 100 1.00 1.00 0.32 0.25 0.17 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.08 1.00 0.94 1.00 0.86 0.72 0.75 90 0.68 0.75 0.83 0.62 1.00 0.70 1.00 0.95 0.92 0.06 80 0.12 0.15 IDH-2 130 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 29( 1-2): 1 1-20, 1990(92) 15 A1 A2 01 02 Ph In LI L2 HI H2 Sy G1 G2 G3 G4 GL1 GL2 6PGD 120 0.29 0.07 0.17 0.25 110 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.25 0.14 0.25 0.06 0.58 0.31 100 0.92 1.00 0.33 0.05 0.37 0.05 80 0.39 0.70 0.28 0.10 0.08 0.64 0.86 0.70 0.94 0.25 0.44 70 0.08 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.11 0.30 0.50 0.85 0.17 0.03 50 0.11 0.14 AAt 150 0.04 140 0.03 0.12 0.55 0.70 0.07 0.15 0.42 0.11 120 0.11 0.25 0.43 0.65 0.33 0.28 0.11 0.10 110 0.05 0.10 0.14 100 0.32 0.37 0.33 0.40 0.05 0.28 0.10 0.17 0.53 0.55 1.00 0.60 0.44 0.44 80 1.00 1.00 0.53 0.25 0.67 1.00 0.15 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.18 0.17 0.25 0.56 0.56 70 0.05 0.05 0.05 HK 120 0.04 110 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.08 100 0.83 1.00 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.87 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 90 0.17 AK 150 0.07 0.17 120 — — — 0.33 — — — 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 — — — 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.82 0.93 0.50 1.00 — — — 75 — — — 0.05 0.05 0.18 — — — PGM-1 110 0.07 0.05 0.17 0.11 0.35 0.28 0.19 0.36 100 0.30 0.15 0.93 0.90 0.75 1.00 0.83 0.65 0.71 0.81 0.62 90 0.70 0.85 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.02 PGM-2100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 80 0.12 1.00 0.87 75 1.00 1.00 60 0.88 1.00 0.12 MPI 150 — 0.17 0.10 145 — — — 0.30 0.17 0.08 0.20 0.22 0.19 0.05 — — — 135 — — — 0.20 0.33 0.08 0.10 0.50 0.28 0.44 0.11 — — — 130 — — — 0.10 0.08 0.05 0.50 0.37 0.83 — — — 120 0.18 — — — 0.40 0.28 0.33 0.30 0.15 — — — 110 0.32 — — — — — — 100 0.96 0.83 0.14 — - 0.05 0.33 0.10 0.15 — — — 90 0.04 0.17 0.25 — — — 0.08 0.35 — — — 80 0.11 — — — — — PGI 175 0.03 160 0.12 0.03 0.33 0.05 145 0.73 0.70 0.45 0.14 0.54 0.11 0.39 0.25 0.37 0.62 100 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.20 1.00 0.45 0.28 0.10 0.12 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.70 0.56 0.44 0.31 75 0.10 0.10 0.57 0.60 0.75 0.17 0.53 0.11 0.12 0.19 0.06 60 1.00 0.31 55 0.07 40 0.30 0.12 0.14 0.06 — indicates that in the population scoring was not possible. For some enzymes not all individuals of all populations were scored. Table 3 Jackknifed average Nei Distances between populations A1 A2 01 02 Ph In LI L2 HI H2 Sy G1 G2 G3 G4 GL1 GL2 A1 — 0.00 0.07 0.11 0.09 0.21 0.10 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.08 A2 0.01 — 0.07 0.12 0.10 0.22 0.10 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.08 01 0.68 0.69 — 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.11 0.08 0.08 02 0.81 0.84 0.02 — 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.11 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.09 Ph 0.64 0.66 0.20 0.23 — 0.03 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.11 In 0.96 0.99 0.33 0.39 0.23 0.26 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.20 0.29 0.29 0.43 0.18 0.18 0.17 LI 0.77 0.77 0.58 0.55 0.63 1 .04 — 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 L2 1.00 1.00 0.72 0.78 0.69 0.92 0.13 — 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 HI 0.88 0.88 0.55 0.58 0.61 0.87 0.26 0.24 — 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 H2 0.89 0.88 0.49 0.53 0.62 0.83 0.29 0.31 0.07 — 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 Sy 0.76 0.76 0.53 0.48 0.71 0.97 0.15 0.28 0.20 0.18 — 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 G1 0.73 0.73 0.71 0.73 0.86 1.18 0.32 0.38 0.23 0.26 0.27 — 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 G2 0.78 0.78 0.69 0.65 0.83 1.18 0.28 0.38 0.31 0.37 0.23 0.07 — 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 G3 0.65 0.65 0.74 0.72 0.76 1.25 0.29 0.48 0.36 0r41 0.33 0.09 0.10 — 0.00 0.00 0.00 G4 0.61 0.61 0.75 0.75 0.72 1.05 0.30 0.43 0.30 0.33 0.32 0.07 0.08 0.03 — 0.00 0.00 GL1 0.58 0.58 0.61 0.67 0.70 1.00 0.32 0.47 0.33 0.35 0.25 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.10 — 0.00 GL2 0.63 0.62 0.58 0.64 0.76 0.98 0.31 0.47 0.36 0.39 0.24 0.12 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.03 — Below the diagonal values of distances, associated standard errors above. UPGMA and Fitch-Margoliash (1967) clustering of all such indexes were also constructed. Results Allele frequencies are shown in Table 2. The overall number of alleles detected at the 13 loci of all Melanargia species studied amounts to 61 (mean per locus 4.69, range 2-9). No locus proved monomorphic across the whole sample. The jackknifed Nei’s indexes of genetic similarity, I, and genetic distance, D, were calculated on the basis of the 13 shared loci for pairwise combinations of all populations studied (table 3). A dendrogram repre- senting the degree of relationships between populations sampled is depicted in fig. 2 for Nei’s indexes. Rogers’ index, Wright’s modification of the same, Cavalli-Sforza’s arch and chord measures, and Hillis’ average distances were also computed (data not shown) and employed to generate clusters, that proved almost identical with the dendrogram shown in fig. 2. 29(1-2): 11-20, 1990(92) 17 Figure 2 - Dendrogram based on jackknifed Nets identities Species fall clearly into four groups, as follows: 1) Melanargia arge 2) M. occitanica , M. pherusa and M. ines 3) M. larissa , M. hylata and M. syriaca 4) M. galathea and M. lachesis The populations of M. arge are the most differentiated with respect to all other populations studied (D = 0.753, with respect to others). Rather surprisingly, M. arge shows complete fixation at 8 loci (61% of total). Remarkably, 2 of these (PGM-2 and IDh-2) proved alternative with respect to the other Melanargia studied. In contrast, no private locus was found to characterizes group (2). Within this group M. occitanica and M. pherusa are more closely related to each other (D = 0.215) than they are with respect toM. ines (D = 0.314). This relatively higher value of D agrees with the traditional separation between M. occitanica and M. ines : in this case genetic divergence correlates with morphological and biological differences (in fact in Spain M. occitanica and M. ines fly together without interbreeding). Groups (3) and (4), corresponding to subgenus Melanargia , cluster at a value of D = 0.334 and share a diagnostic locus (at PGM2 they fix allele 100 , absent in other groups). Within group (3) the closest electrophoretic similarity is shown by the two populations of M. hylata. 18 J. Res . Lepid. Interestingly enough, electromorph variation ranks M. syriaca within species of group 3, whereas on the basis of its egg morphology (Wagener, 1983), it should be expected to be more similar to M. galathea. A high degree of genetic similarity is demonstrated by the analysis of group 4, even between geographically very distant populations: for example D values between the Turkish and the Spanish sample of M. galathea (0.032) is even lower than that found between the Italian populations of Capo Cervo (N.W. Italy) and Monte Amaro (C. Italy) (D = 0.074). Even though these values appear very low, it may be relevant to observe that both were proved to differ significantly from zero by the jackknife procedure (Tab. 3 and Fig. 2). Discussion Results from the biochemical characterization of entities belonging to the genus Melanargia is only in partial agreement with those obtained from other more conventional systematic studies. The main branching point of the dendrogram shown in Fig. 2 is between M. arge and the other groups of Melanargia studied (D - 0.753). This accounts for the isolated position of the populations of M. arge in the dendrogram. However, the group including M. occitanica, M. pherusa and M. ines branches at D = 0.739, which is only slightly below the highest level of genetic distance. Therefore these biochemical-genetic criteria support a taxonomical ar- rangement different from the current subgeneric differentiation of Melanargia and Arge formia. Since M. arge proved highly monomorphic over the whole sample of enzymes investigated (H = 0.039), values for average heterozygosity vary depending on whether or not data for M. arge are included (H = 0.124 with, or H - 0.210 without M. arge). The first of these values is in better agreement with average values found for a number of invertebrate species (H = 0.134, Ayala et ah, 1972). The exceedingly low heterozygos- ity of M. arge could be the effect of a recent bottle-neck. This species, in fact, may well have survived glaciations even in a single refuge area in the South of the Italian peninsula (or perhaps in Sicily), where it remained restricted at least since the last ice age. Genetic differences between M. galathea and M. lachesis are relatively small, but within the range previously reported for closely related species of Lepidoptera (Geiger, 1988). External (phenetic and morphological) characteristics of the two forms are notably different, M. lachesis being larger and with reduced black markings on the dorsal surface of the wings. Their distribution is broadly parapatric and, apart from a few small areas of sympatry , in the Iberian Peninsula their biotopes are sharply delineated by altitude and expo- sure. M. galathea is a sub-nemoral species (Balletto and Kudrna, 1985) diffused throughout Europe. Its typical biotope is in the outskirts, or the clearings of, mesophilous woods, at elevations generally not exceeding 800-900 m, where the vegetation includes an abundant growth of Phleum 29(1-2): 11-20, 1990(92) 19 pratense , the main foodplant of its larvae. In SE France and the southern belt of the Pyrenees M. galathea is replaced by M. lachesis. The latter species flies generally in dry and warm biotopes with a vegetation of a Mediterranean or sub-Mediterranean type, where its larval food plant, Lamarkia aurea , grows. Notwithstanding their somewhat different environmental and cli- matic requirements, both species are known to live in sympatry in some fifteen biotopes of the antipyrenaic Spanish districts of Huesca, Lerida and Gerona and in only one biotope in Southern France (Col de Gres, in the Aude; Mazel, 1988), between the mouth of the River Rhone and the Pyrenees. In either case, the areas of sympatry are extremely small, in relation at least to the extension of the parapatric populations. Interestingly, in the contact area of southern France some roughly intermediate individuals have been described, which up until now remain unreported from the Spanish side of the Pyrenees. Even though this was not experimentally demonstrated, such specimens are often supposed to be hybrids (Higgins, 1969; Mazel, 1986). We studied two sympatric populations at a single Spanish biotope, whereas the French zone of sympatry between the two species could not yet be investigated. We found only typical individuals, easily classifiable either as M. galathea or M. lachesis. Data reveal that these sympatric populations are not significantly more similar to each other (D = 0.098) than to aliopatric samples (D = 0. 103), although in any case no diagnostic locus could be found. This finding suggests that little, if any, introgres- sion between the two species may exist, and is in agreement with the hypothesis that there is a separation at species level between M. lachesis and M. galathea. A rough dating of reproductive isolation between the two taxa is provided by time divergence estimates based on D values. Nef s estimates (Nei, 1972) to match electrophoretic data to the molecular clock hypoth- esis have been much questioned (see Mindell et ah, 1990); we tentatively apply Nef s calibration, as it has often been shown to match very well with current geological and biogeographical knowledge (Mensi et ah. 1987). Rased on these estimates, in the evolutionary history of genus Meianargia.M. galathea and M. lachesis split roughly 0.5 Myr ago. In the light of such a recent separation, it is not surprising that in nature they may perhaps be still capable of producing hybrids, although exception- ally. Acknowledgements . We are indebted to Dr. P. S. Wagener for identifying our Turkish material of Melanargia and for having supplied many useful comments. This work has been financially supported by the Italian Ministry for Scientific Research under *40%’ and '6G%? funding programs, as well as by the Italian National Research Council (CNR) under “Special project on microspeciation mechanisms”. 20 J. Res. Lepid. Literature Cited Ayala, F. J., J. R. Powell, M. L. Tracey, C. A. Mourao and S. Perez-Salas, 1972. Enzyme variability in the Drosophila willistonii group. IV. Genic variation in natural populations of Drosophila willistonii. Genetics 70: 113-139. Balletto, E. and O. Kudrna, 1985. Some aspects of the conservation of the butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in Italy, with recommendations for future strategy. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 117:39-59. Fitch, W. M. and E. Margoliash, 1967. Construction of phylogenetic trees. Science 155: 279-284. Geiger, H. , 1988. 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Biochem. Biophys. 145: 470-483. Mensi, P., A. Lattes, S. Salvidio and E. Balletto, 1987. Taxonomy, evolutionary biology and biogeography of SW European Polyommatus coridon (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 93: 259-271. Mindell, D. P., J. W. Sites and D. Graur, 1990. Mode of allozyme evolution: Increased genetic distance associated with speciation events. J. Evol. Biol. 3: 125-131. Mueller, L. D. and F. J. Ayala, 1982. Estimation and interpretation of genetic distance in empirical studies. Genet. Res., Cambridge, 40: 127-137. Nei, M., 1972. Genetic distance between populations. Amer. Nat. 106: 283-292. Richardson, B. J., P. R. BAVERSTOCKand M. Adams, 1986. Allozyme Electrophoresis. Academic Press, Sydney. Tilley, R. J. D., 1983. Rearing Melanargia galathea (L.) and M. lachesis (Hiibner) (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). Entomol. Gaz. 34: 9-11. , 1986. Melanargia galathea galathea (L.) and M. galathea lachesis (Hiibner) in the south of France (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). Entomol. Gaz. 37: 1-5. Wagener, S., 1983. Struktur und Skulptur der Eihiillen einiger Melanargia-Arten (Lepidoptera, Satyridae). Andrias, 3: 73-96. , 1984. Melanargia lachesis Hiibner 1790 est-elle une espece different de Melanargia galathea Linnaeus 1758, oui ou non ? Nota lepid. 7: 375-386. Wright, S., 1978. Evolution and the Genetics of Populations. Vol. 4: Variability within and among Natural Populations. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(l-2):21-32, 1990(91) Hybridization of the Brazilian Papilio (Pyrrhosticta) (Section V) with the North American Papilio (Pterourus) (Section III) J. Mark Seriber1 Robert C. Lederhouse1 and Keith S. Brown Jr.2 Abstract. Male Papilio (. Pyrrhosticta ) scamander Boisd, from Campinas, Brazil were hand-paired to virgin P. (Pterourus) glaucus L. and P. (. Pterourus ) palamedes Drury females. Egg viability was less than 10% for two P. glaucus x scamander crosses and 18% for two palamedes x scamander crosses, glaucus x scamander larvae developed to pupation on sweetbay, tuliptree and cucumbertree (Magnoliaceae) and black cherry (Rosaceae) but died on redbay (Lauraceae). P. palamedes x scamander larvae developed to the last instar on redbay and camphortree (Lauraceae), but none pupated successfully. One female and 3 male glaucus x scamander adults emerged. Backcrosses were unsuccessful in producing viable eggs. Similarities of P. scamander adults, larvae and food plant use with the Mexican P. garamus Geyer are intriguing. Crosses of Brazilian P. ( Pyrrhosticta ) cleotas Gray with P. glaucus gave a higher egg fertility (68%) and the larvae fed well on Talauma ovata and Michelia champaca (Magnoliaceae), though none molted to the second instar. These results suggest a closer biological relationship between the five species men- tioned than their current placement in two (sub) genera and four species groups would indicate. Introduction Of the 560+ species of Papilionidae (Munroe 1961, Hancock 1983, Collins and Morris 1985, Miller 1987), only 62 species are reported to use hosts from more than one plant family, and only 23 species use more than 3 food plant families (Seriber 1984). The most polyphagous of these species are from the North American Papilio glaucus group of Section III and the South American Papilio scamander group of Section V (Munroe 1961, Seriber 1988). The behavioral and physiological mecha- nisms by which this atypically broad feeding capability is achieved in P. glaucus and P. scamander species groups is the object of general studies in our laboratories. We are also interested in the systematic relation- ships of Section III and Section V species (Seriber et al. 1991). It has been long recognized that the North American glaucus species ^ept. of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. 2 Departmento de Zoologia, Institute de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, C.P. 6109, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil 13.081. 22 J, Res. Lepid. group (P. glaucus L .,P. alexiares Hoppfer?P. rutulus Lucas, P. eurymedon Lucas, and P . multicaudatus Kirby) and. the troilus species group (. P . troilus L .,P.pilumnus BoisduvaL and P, pulamedes Drury) are closely related (Forbes 1951, Munroe 1981, Brower 1959a). A number of strong arguments can be made for considering thes eglaucus and troilus groups as sister taxa (Hancock 1983, Scriber et at 1991, Hagen and Scriber 1991), and both are included in Section III. Numerous interspecific hand- pairings (within Section III, Munroe 1981) have produced viable hybrids between many taxa of both groups (Scriber 1982, 1988, Scriber et al, 1988 [90], 1990a, Scriber and Lederhou.se 1988[89], West and Clarke 1987188]), Hancock (1983) identified 3 Central and South American species groups (. scamander , zagreus , and homerus ) comprising Section ¥ as sister taxa to the glaucus and troilus groups. Among criteria for linking the Section III and Section V as sister taxa were the similarities in larval host families. In addition, the Eutaceae, Lauraceae, and Magnoliaceae (used by both Sections III and ¥) share secondary chemi- cals with the South American Hernandiaceae and Berberidaceae used by Section ¥ (Scriber et ah 1991). Other characters linking the two sections include a “mature, solitary, smooth, green larva with metathoracic eyespots and, usually, a transverse dark band on the first abdominal segment” (Hancock, 1983). A character differentiating the two sections is an X- shaped saddle in Section ¥ (= subgenus Pyrrhosticta of Hancock's classification) versus the smooth green mature larvae without the saddle in Section III (= subgenus Pterourus of Hancock’s classification). Hancock (1983) suggested that Section ¥ represents a South American offshoot of Section III. In this study we produced viable hybrids between the South American P. scamander and P, cleotas (of Section ¥) and species of the North American Section III. We illustrate the adult and larval color patterns of resulting hybrids and report food plant utilization abilities of the hybrids. Methods Adults of Papilio scamander were collected near Campinas, Brazil in late March 1988 and brought in envelopes to East Lansing, Michigan for oviposition or hand-pairing with 1937 lab-reared virgin females of Papilio glaucus and Papilio palamedes and P. troilus . Larvae of P. scamander , collected in Campinas, Brazil from the Asian ornamental Michelia champaca (Magnoliaceae) used in street arborization, were also brought to Michigan for pupation. Two subsequent female P. scamander adults were hand paired to P.g. glaucus males. Hybrid adult males (P. glaucus x P. scamander ) were backcrossed to virgin P. glaucus . Laboratory-reared males were fed a mixture of 1 part honey to 4 parts water supplemented with amino acids and electrolytes for at least 3 days prior to handpairing (Lederhouse et ah 1990). Field-collected and laboratory-mated females were set up in plastic boxes (10 cm x 20 cm x 27 cm) with a sprig of tuliptree, Liriodendron tulipifera ; sweetbay, Magnolia virginiana ; Michelia champaca ; black cherry, Primus serotina ; and/or redbay, Per sea borhonia under 29(l-2):21-32, 1990(91) 23 saturated humidity. The boxes were placed 0.7 - 1.0 m from 100 watt incandes- cent bulbs under a 6 hr photoperiod followed by 6 hr of darkness. Females were fed a mixture of 1 part honey to 4 parts water at least once daily. Females were allowed to oviposit until death. Eggs were collected and counted at 2-day intervals except on weekends. Larvae were removed as they hatched, and the remaining eggs were monitored for 10 days after the last larva hatched. Egg viability was the proportion of the total eggs laid that hatched. Eggs that changed color but did not hatch were scored as fertile. Using fine camel-hair brushes, first instar larvae (neonates) were gently placed on fresh leaves of various potential host plants for bioassays of consumption and survival. Leaf moisture was maintained using aquapics, and fresh leaves were provided 3 times per week throughout larval development. Results PAIRINGS AND FOODPLANT USE Table 1 . Lab pairings of female Papilio glaucus glaucus (North American, Section III) with male Papilio scamandar (South American, Section V). Mother number Morph Total eggs Number of larvae Additional fertile eggs % fertile % viable 5181 D 74 2 3 6.8 2.7 5182 D 191 9 3 6.3 4.7 5187 D 84 0 0 0.0 0.0 5188 D 10 0 0 0.0 0.0 5210 D 9 0 0 0.0 0.0 5939 Y 0 0 0 — ■ — ■ 6226 D 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 6835 D 24 0 0 0.0 0.0 6840 D 0 0 0 — — 6841 Y 0 0 0 — — 6866 D 0 0 0 — 6868 Y 0 0 0 — — Twelve hand-pairings of Papilio glaucus glaucus females with P. scamander males were made. Although females from seven pairings produced some eggs, larvae were obtained from only two of the females (Table 1), plus one of two P. glaucus female x P. cleotas male pairings. The fertility and viability of the eggs were very low (less than 10%) in P. scamander crosses but higher (68%) in one P. cleotas cross. Zero fertility was observed in two additional hybrid pairings (P. scamander female x P. g. glaucus male, Fig la) and in two backcrosses of P.g. glaucus females with hybrid males (Table 2), as well as all six pairings between scamander or glaucus and Brazilian species in Section IV ( astyalus , anchisiades, torquatus, and hectorides). Of the two hybrid larvae produced in brood 5181 ( P. glaucus x P. scamander ), both survived the first instar and to pupation on Magnolia 24 J. Res. Lepid. Table 2. Hybrid and Backcross Pairings with Papilio glaucus and Papilio scamander. Code P. scamander X P. g. glaucus = no larvae 5244 (female) (male) (hybrid) Code P. scamander X P. g. glaucus = no spermatophore 5230 (female) (male) (hybrid) Code P. g. glaucus X P. g. glaucus x P. scamander = no spermatophore 5458 (female) (hybrid male from 5181) (backcross) Code P. g. glaucus X P. g. glaucus x P. scamander = no spermatophore 5599 (female) (hybrid male from 5181) (backcross) virginiana. The neonate larval survival of nine individuals from brood 5182 was: 100% (n=l) on Prunus serotina (Rosaceae), 100% (n=l) on Liriodendron tulipifera (Magnoliaceae), 50% (n=2) on Magnolia acuminata and 67% (n=3) on Magnolia virginiana , and 0% (n=2) on Per sea horbonia (Lauraceae). Larvae from 5182 were reared to pupation on each of the first three plants (Table 3). Neonate larvae of cleotas x glaucus 6210 (n=26) fed and grew very well on Talauma ovata , the only native Brazilian Magnoliaceae, and moder- ately well on the introduced Michelia champaca, in the same family. They rested on, but hardly fed on, Cryptocarya aschersoniana (Lauraceae, Table 3. Hybrid ( Papilio glaucus x P. scamander from brood 5181 and 5182) larval survival/development on five plant species. All food plants tested except Persea horbonia are satisfactory hosts of P. glaucus. None are encountered naturally by P. scamander. Foodplant Genus Species Family n Survival through 1st stadia Survival to pupation Magnolia virginiana (sweetbay) MAGNOLIACEAE 5 80% Yes Magnolia acuminata (cucumbertree) MAGNOLIACEAE 2 50% Yes Liriodendron tulipfera (tuliptree) MAGNOLIACEAE 1 100% Yes Prunus serotina (black cherry) ROSACEAE 1 100% Yes Persea horbonia (redbay) LAURACEAE 2 0% No 29(l-2):21-32, 1990(91) 25 used by both scamander and cleotas in the field). None reached the second instar. Two pairings of Papilio palamedes virgin females with P. scamander males were made. Both of these pairings produced viable hybrids. It is noteworthy that fertility and viability of the eggs were greater than observed for the glaucus x scamander hybrids (Table 4). Of 30' hybrid larvae set up from brood 5194, first instar survival was observed as: 70% (n=10) on Persea borbonia ; 57% (n=7) on Cinnamomum camphora ; 25% (n=8) on M, virginiana , 0% (n=4) on L. tulipifera ; and 0% (n=l) on M. acuminata. Hybrid survival for four larvae from brood 5198 was 33% (n=3) on Persea borbonia and 0% (n=l) on M. acuminata . The two species of Lauraceae (redbay and camphorlree) supported vigorous hybrid larval growth until the final instar, but none of these large larvae were able to successfully pupate (Table 5, Fig. 2). A pairing of a P. palamedes male with a P. astyalus female (Section IV), gave only 7 eggs, none of which hatched. Table 4. Lab pairings of female Papiiio palamedes (North American, Section III) with male Papilio scamandar (South American, Section V). Mother number Total eggs Number of larvae Number of additional fertile eggs % fertile % viable 5194 107 31 14 26.9 18.6 5198 22 4 4 36.4 18.2 Table 5. Hybrid (P. palamedes x P. scamander from brood 51 94 and 51 98) larval survival/development on five plant species. Pure F. palamedes develop successfully on the two lauraceous host but die on the Magnoiiaceae. Foodplant Genus Species Family n Survival through 1st stadia Survival to pupation Magnolia virginiana MAGNOLIACEAE 8 25% No (sweetbay) Magnolia acuminata MAGNOLIACEAE 2 0% No (cucumbertree) Liriodendron tulipfera MAGNOLIACEAE 4 0% No (tuliptree) Persea borbonia (redbay) LAURACEAE 13 62% Huge larvae (but unsuccessful) Cinnamomum camphora (camphortree) LAURACEAE 7 57% Huge larvae (but unsuccessful) Fig. 1 a) A Papilio scamander female (top, from Campinas, Brazil) in copulation with a P. g. glaucus male (bottom, from Clinton County, Michigan, USA), b) A Papilio troilus female (top, from Allegan County, Michigan, USA) in copulation with a P. scamander male (bottom, from Campinas, Brazil), c) Dorsal view of a hybrid male adult reared on Prunes serotina from a hand- pairing of a dark morph Papilio glaucus glaucus female with a P. scamander male (from Campinas, Brazil), d) Ventral view of another hybrid male adult reared on Liriodendron tulipifera of the same pairing (#5182) as the hybrid figured in 1 c. e) Dorsal view of a female hybrid adult reared on Magnolia virginiana from pairing (#51 81 ). f) Ventral view of the same hybrid female adult. 4:wr ,■ mmm — * - *„**** 28 J. Res. Lepid. Table 6. Larval survival and development of Papiiio gammas * on four plant species. Foodplant Genus Species Family n Survival through 1st stadia Survival to pupation Magnolia virginiana (sweetbay) MAGNOLIACEAE 2 50% Yes Liriodendron tulipfera (tuliptree) MAGNOLIACEAE 4 50% Yes Persea borbonia (redbay) LAURACEAE 4 75% Yes Sassafras aibidum (sassafras) LAURACEAE 5 80% Yes A virgin Papiiio troilus female was successfully hand-paired with a P. scarnander male (Fig. lb). However, no eggs were obtained from this female. Two additional pairings of P. g. glaucus females from Michigan pupae with field-captured P. scarnander males were made in Brazil in January, 1989. Only one infertile egg was obtained. Papiiio garamas from Mexico is another species from Section ¥ with larvae strikingly similar to P. scarnander and P. cleotas and with the ability to feed on both the Magnoliaceae and Lauraceae (Table 6). Five hand-pairings of virgin P. g. glaucus and P. garamas males were made (6228-8232). However, no eggs were obtained from these females. Fig. 2 a) A second instar hybrid larva reared on Magnolia acuminata of a female Papiiio glaucus glaucus and male P. scarnander pairing (#5182). b) A fourth instar hybrid larva reared on Magnolia virginiana of a female P. g. glaucus x P. scarnander pairing (#5182). c) A fifth instar hybrid larva of a P. g. glaucus x P. scarnander pairing (#5181). Note the intermediate thoracic “eyes” and the intermediate mid-abdominal X-saddle compared to the parental types below (Fig. 2e, 2f). d) A prepupal hybrid of a P. g. glaucus x P. scarnander pairing (#5182). e) A fifth instar P. scarnander larva collected in Campinas, Brazil in late March, 1988. Note the abdominal X- saddle and the thoracic band of “eyes”, f) A fifth instar P. glaucus larva. Note the smooth green body and cohesive thoracic “eye”. Fig. 3 a) A first instar hybrid larva of a Papiiio palamedes female x P. scarnander male pairing (#5198). b) A second instar hybrid larva of a P. palamedes female x P. scarnander male pairing (#51 94). c) A fourth instar hybrid larva of a P. palamedes x P. scarnander pairing (#51 94). d) A fifth instar hybrid larva of a P. palamedes x F. scarnander pairing (#5194). e) A fifth instar P. palamedes larva, f) A fifth instar F. garamas larva (#5988). 29(l-2):21-32, 1990(91) 29 LARVAL AND ADULT COLOR COMPARISONS An adult hybrid (. P . g. glaucus x P. scamander ) male is illustrated in dorsal (Fig. 1c) and ventral view (Fig Id). The hybrid larvae of female P. g. glaucus with maleP, scamander are illustrated for the second, fourth, and fifth instar (Fig. 2a, b, c). The hybrid prepupal stage (Fig. 2d) show remnants of the P. scamander cross saddle (Fig. 2e), which is lacking in P glaucus (Fig. 2f). The hybrid larvae of female P. palamedes with male P. scamander are illustrated for the first (Fig. 3a) second (Fig. 3b), fourth (Fig 3c), and fifth instars. A fifth instar P . palamedes is shown for comparison (Fig. 3e). The fifth instar of the Mexican P. garamas (also of Section V) is illustrated for comparison (Fig. 3f, see also Fig 2e). Discussion Interpretation of the phylogenetic significance of hybrid incompatibili- ties is difficult (Ae 1979, Collins 1984, Lorkovic 1988, Geiger 1988, Coyne and Orr 1989). Since no clear standard of reference exists despite Ae’s (1979) fine work, our evaluation must be largely descriptive. Incompat- ibility in presumed regulatory genes occurs predominantly at develop- mental stages where new groups of genes begin to interact. Our experi- ence with Papilio and the literature on intergeneric crosses (Peigler 1978, Carr 1984) suggests that the genes for producing a larva remain relatively unmodified. However, genes affecting developmental stages such as pupation or adult emergence are more likely modified between species. The hybrid compatibility between species believed to be closely related, such as Papilio troilus and P. palamedes , may be quite low because of relatively small changes in key genes. This further compli- cates the evaluation of hybridization data. Nevertheless, the degree of genetic compatibility of Papilio scamander and P . cleotas of the subgenus Pyrrhosticta (Section V) with P. glaucus and P. palamedes of the subgenus Pterourus (Section III) was surprising. These insect species are currently separated in distribution by about 5000 miles and by the Central American isthmus. Although these two sections are considered to be sister taxa (Munroe 1961, Hancock 1983), it is still significant that both adult males and females were obtained for P g« glaucus xP. scamander pairings. This is remarkable since relatively few hybrid females of interspecific pairings within the P. glaucus species group itself are able to survive to adulthood (with the exception of P. glaucus xP. alexiares pairings; West and Clarke 1 98 7 [88], Scriber et al. 1988, 1990). Pairings of P. glaucus and P. pilumnus have similarly produced only male hybrid offspring (Scriber and Lederhouse 1988[89]). The inabilitj^ for any hybrids of P. palamedes x P. scamander to successfully pupate suggests a developmental incompatibility. The fertility and viability of palamedes x scamander eggs were considerably better than glaucus x scamander pairings (Tables 1 and 4). Larval growth was excellent until the final instar, although none of these heal thy -looking hybrids could successfully pupate (see Figs. 3c, 3d). 30 J. Res. Lepid. Hybridization of glaucus with cleotas gave high initial juvenile viability; this needs to be repeated under more favorable conditions, perhaps on small growing plants to avoid the likely phenolic oxidation suspected in excised Talauma ovata leaves. The relatively high biologi- cal compatibility between Section III and Section V Papilio species does not support their maintenance in separate genera or even subgenera (. Pterourus , Pyrrhosticta ), though they can be conveniently separated from the species in Section IV ( Heraclides ) with which they share very low fertility and viability upon hybridization (this work and Ae, 1979). The foodplant utilization abilities of hybrid larvae were not especially surprising since P. scamander feeds commonly on both the Magnoliaceae and Lauraceae (Jordan 1907, Scriber 1984, Ruszczyk 1986). The P. troilus species group tend to be specialized on plants of the Lauraceae, and hybrids of palamedes x scamander survived and grew very well on both redbay, Persea borbonia, and camphortree, Cinnamomum camphora (both of the Lauraceae). In contrast, the three Magnoliaceae foodplants (. Magnolia virginiana, M. acuminata , and Liriodendron tulipifera ) ap- peared to be poorer foods with no first instar survival on the latter two plant species (see Table 5). In contrast, the glaucus x scamander hybrids survived and grew well on the three Magnoliaceae species and black cherry, Prunus serotina (Rosaceae), but none survived on the Lauraceae (redbay, see Table 3). It is interesting that hybrids of P. glaucus x P. scamander would initiate feeding and survive on black cherry whereas none of the hybrid larvae (n=27) of P. glaucus x P. pilumnus could do so (Scriber and Lederhouse 1988[89]). Although hybrids of glaucus x pilumnus could use all Magnoliaceae tested (Scriber and Lederhouse 1988[89]), hybrids of palamedes x scamander could use neither tuliptree nor cucumbertree of the Magnoliaceae and did poorly on sweetbay (Table 5). The scamander population in Campinas feeds on at least 4 genera of Lauraceae ( Persea gratissima , Ocotea corymbosa , Chrytocarya aschersoniana, Cinnamomum zeylanicum , and two Magnoliaceae ( Michelia champaca and Talauma ovata ) and accepts and may regularly use an introduced Sterculiaceae, Brachychiton (see Ruszczyk, 1986). In southern Brazil, cleotas uses T. ovata , C. aschersoniana , Persea rigida , and Ocotea species, thus also combining both families in its diet. These differential abilities support the concept that major phytochemi- cal differences exist between the Magnoliaceae and the Lauraceae (Scriber 1986). Even within these plant families differences in feeding behavior and detoxification ability exist within certain Papilio taxa for different plant species (Hagen 1986, Scriber et al. 1991, Nitao e£aZ. 1991). The fact that any North American hosts were acceptable and suitable for the P. scamander hybrids is intriguing. Additional studies to assess the extent of the feeding and growth capabilities of the generalized P. glaucus larvae on an array of South American hosts, and the reciprocal study of the South American generalist (P. scamander ) on North American plants are planned. 29(l-2):21-32, 1990(91) 31 Additional interspecific, intergroup, and inter-sectional pairings will help resolve the systematic and phylogenetic relationships of the various taxa in Sections III and ¥ of the genus Papilio . A generally agreed upon phylogeny would greatly improve our understanding of the evolution of generalized feeding habits (e.g. upon several families of phytochemically diverse plant species) (Miller 1987b). For example, it will be interesting to know if the same general (e.g. mixed function oxidases) or specific detoxification enzymes are used by both P. glaucus and P. searnander or cleotas on Magnoliaceae, and similarly for P. palamedes and P. scamander or cleotas on the Lauraceae. The same could be said for the other Section III and Section ¥ Lauraceae/Magnoliaceae feeders in North, South and Central America (e.g. Papilio gammas , Table 8). Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the Michigan State Univer- sity College of Natural Sciences and the Agricultural Experiment Station (Project 8051 and 8072), the National Science Foundation (BSR 8718448), and USDA grants #85CRCR- 1-1598 and #87-CRGR- 1-2851. We are also thankful for support of the National Science Foundation and the Brazilian CNPq, FAPESP, and UNICAMP for travel support and a research fellowship (CNPq to KB). We would like to thank Ana Beatriz Barrais de Morais, Robert Dowell, Bruce Giebink, Robert Hagen, James Nitao, David Robacker, Alexandre Ruszczyk and William Warfield for their discussion and/or assistance. Comments by two anonymous reviewers were particularly helpful in improving this manuscript. Literature Cited Ae, S.A. 1979. The phylogeny of some Papilio species based on interspecific hybridization data. Syst. Ent. 4: 1-18. Brower, UP. 1959. Speciation in butterflies of the P. glaucus group. I. Morphological relationships and hybridization. Evolution 13:40-03. Collins, M.M. 1984. Genetics and ecology of a hybrid zone in Hyalophora (Lepidoptera: Satumiidae). Univ. of Cal. Publ. Entomol. 104: 1-93. Collins, M.M. and M.G. Morris. 1985. Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World. The IUCN Red Data Book. 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Female color and sex ratio in hybrids between Papilio glaucus glaucus and P. eurymedon, P. rutulus and P. multicaudatus. J. Lepid. Soc. 44:229-244. Scriber, J.M., M.H. Evans, and R.C. Lederhouse. 1988 (1990). Hybridization of the Mexican swallowtail Papilio alexiares garcia with other glaucus group species and survival of pure and hybrid larvae on potential host plants. J. Res. Lepid. 27: 222-232. Scriber, J.M. and R.C. Lederhouse. 1988 (1989). Handpairing of Papilio glaucus glaucus and Papilio pilumnus and hybrid survival on various foodplants. J. Res. Lepid. 27: 96-103. Scriber, J.M., R.C. Lederhouse and R.H. Hagen. 1991. Foodplants and evolution withi nPapilio glaucus and Papilio troilus species groups (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), IN: P.W. Price, T.M. Lewinsohn, G.W. Fernandes, and W.W. Benson, eds. , Plant- Animal Interactions: Evolutionary Ecology in Tropical and Temperate Regions. John Wiley, New York. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(l-2):33-36, 1990(91) Significant Additions to the Butterflies of the Trinity Alps and Mount Eddy, Northern California Arthur M. Shapiro Department of Zoology, University of California, Davis, California 95615 The Trinity Alps and Trinity Divide, including Mount Eddy, are situated in northwestern California and provide high-montane, sub- alpine and alpine environments of granitic, metamorphic, and ultrabasic substrates far removed from the Sierra Nevada and thus of considerable biogeographic interest. The butterfly faunistics and ecology of the region were investigated by Shapiro, Palm and Wcislo (1981), ( Shapiro, A. M., C. A. Palm & K. L. Wcislo. 1981. The ecology and biogeography of the Trinity Alps and Mount Eddy, northern California, J. Res. Lepid. 18: 69- 152), who based on five years5 field work reported 115 species. Despite frequent visits in the subsequent eight field seasons, only one additional species has been recorded. However, of the hundreds of additional records and the twenty-five or thirty new collection sites, a number are of special interest and bear on our understanding of the biogeography of the region. This paper reports the most important of the new information gathered since 1980. It is intended to be used with Shapiro, Palm and Wcislo (1981). New locality and capture data are presented by species; page numbers refer to the original text. The following are the most significant of the new localities, presented in the format of Appendix I (pp. 145-147). The 15' topographical maps on which they can be found are BK - — Bonanza King and D — Dunsmuir. Since 1981 a large number of new 7.5' quadrangles have appeared, so most of the study area is now mapped on a much finer scale. The 7.5' quadrangles are also identified for the new localities. Asbestos Gulch: 4 km SW Horse Heaven Meadows; hillside seep with tufa deposits, unusual vegetation (discussed below); Trinity Divide: 1603 m. (Seven Lakes Basin 7.5') Crow Creek: Darlingtonia bog near jet. Crow Creek and E Fork Trinity River, 1220 m. (Mumbo Basin 7.5') BK Horse Flat Camp: Lower montane mixed forest, 5.3 km up Eagle Creek from trailhead, 1450 m. BK Horse Heaven Meadows: Ledum bog, Castle Creek Road at E Fork Trinity River below Grey Rocks, 1.6 km W Whalen Summit, 1767 m. (Seven Lakes Basin 7.5') D Additions to Annotated List of Species 2. Oeneis nevadensis Felder and Felder, (p. 92) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 21.VI.86. 4. Cercyonis pegala boopis Behr. (p. 93) RECORDS: Deadfall Meadow, 22.VI.86. 34 J. Res. Lepid. 21. Phyciodes orseis orseis Edwards, (p. 99) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 2 1.VL86; Deadfall Meadow (3), 22. VI. 1986. 33. Precis coenia Hbn. (p. 103) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 21.VI.86. 34. Limenitis lorquini Bdv. (p. 103) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 22.VI.86. 37. Lycaena arota Bdv. (p. 104) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 5.DC.87. 41. Lycaena mariposa Reak. (p. 106) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 21.VI.86, 5.IX.87. 49A. Mitoura johnsoni Skinner. Johnson’s Hairstreak. The only additional species from the region, a large female collected from flowers of Ledum glandulosum Nutt. var. californicum (Kell.) Hitchc. RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 21.VI.86. 54. Callophrys lemberti Tilden. (p. Ill) RECORDS: Mount Eddy summit, 18.VI.89. 57. Glaucopsyche piasus Bdv. (p. 112) RECORDS: Coffee Creek, 1000m, 20.VI.89; Horse Flat Camp, 21.VI.89; Deadfall Meadow (4), 22. VI. 1986. 66. Agriades glandon Prunner. (p. 115) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 21.VI.86; Crow Creek, 21.VI.86. 71. Neophasia menapia Feld. & Feld. (p. 117) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 5.DC.87. 88A. Euphyes vestris Bdv. (p. 123) RECORDS: Crow Creek (4), 21.VI.1986. 94. Hesperia harpalus Edwards (. H . “comma complex”) (p. 124) As noted in the original text, Trinity-Eddy populations are extraordinarily variable. On 5. IX. 1987 a series of 70 specimens (29 ? , 41 / ) was taken on the tufa exposure near Asbestos Gulch in the Trinity Divide. This represented a small fraction of the number of animals flying in the densest population of this complex I have ever seen outside high desert. The variability was extreme, even for this region. A sample is illustrated in figs. 1 and 2. The most extensively-marked males were strongly reminiscent of H. lindseyi Holland. All of the animals, along with Polites sabuleti Bdv. and Hesperia juba Scudder, were visiting flowers of a dwarfed ecotype of rabbitbrush, Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pall.) Brit, which was the aspect dominant on the site. Associated with it were Cirsium breweri (Gray) Jeps. (mostly already setting seed) and Triglochin maritima L., both strongly calciphilic and the latter very local inland. 100. Carterocephalus palaemon Pallas, (p. 126) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 21.VI.86. 104. Erynnis icelus Scud. & Burg. (p. 127) RECORDS: Horse Flat Camp, 21.VI.89; Horse Heaven Meadows, 21.VI.86. 107. Erynnis persius Scudder. (p. 128) RECORDS: Horse Heaven Meadows, 5.IX.87. Dorsal surfaces of some Hesperia " comma complex" col- Fig. 2. Ventral Surfaces of some Hesperia "comma complex" col- lected near Asbestos Gulch, Trinity Co., 5.SX.1987. lecfed near Asbestos Gulch, Trinity Co., 5JX.1987 (not the same individuals as fig. 1). 36 J. Res . Lepid. Discussion Most of the Horse Heaven Meadows records represent either first collections or significant range extensions within the Trinity Divide, which has been rather poorly documented except for Mount Eddy and Deadfall Meadow. Most of the Trinity Divide is relatively low and heavily forested, and until very recently 7.5' topographic quadrangles were not available for it. It is crisscrossed by old logging and mining roads and Jeep trails, and by relatively random wandering on them it is possible to encounter unusual habitats, including the Ledum bog at Horse Heaven, the Darlingtonia bog at Crow Creek, and the tufa exposure at Asbestos Gulch, all of which produced important records. The Crow Creek Euphyes vestris connect the previously-known and isolated colonies at Scott Mountain Summit and Mount Shasta City, and suggest that many other colonies of this very local skipper may exist in the region. Carterocephalus palaemon was previously unrecorded in the Trinity Divide. The many species collected at Horse Heaven and elsewhere in the vicinity document the ecological breadth which allows them to transcend the edaphic and vegetational complexity of northern California; the montane fauna is much more eurytopic than the sub-alpine and alpine. At least one species enters the eastern fringe of the Trinity Divide, but fails to extend more than about 6 km west of Interstate 5. This is the apparent Lycaena editha Mead — L. xanthoides Bdv. intergrade, which is common at Dunsmuir and extends locally westward along the Callahan- Gazelle Road, but is otherwise absent form the Trinities and Eddies. Its distribution does not correlate very well with climate or vegetation. The Asbestos Gulch series of Hesperia, embracing as much variation as occurs in the entire region, includes specimens which if taken out of context could be called three different subspecies. One wonders how many taxonomic decisions have been predicated on such small and unrepresentative samples! Acknowledgments. This research has been supported by California Agricultural Experiment Station project CA-D*-AZO-3994-H, “Climatic Range Limitation of Phytophagous Lepidopterans.” I thank David Olson, Linda Farley, Bill Overton, John Wagoner, and Hansjiirg Geiger for field assistance. The photographs are by Samuel W. Woo. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(l-2):37-53, 1990(91) Heritable Color Variants in Automeris io (Saturniidae) Thomas R. Manley* Research Affiliate in Entomology, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University Abstract: Automeris io populations east of the Mississippi River and north of the Gulf States show extreme sexual dimorphism in forewing dorsal coloration. The yellow males are relatively uniform and the red- brown females are more polymorphic in appearance. A large number of inbred experimental lines has yielded several genetic color forms not known from wild sampling. The Mendelian heterozygote “broken-eye”/ ’’claw”, the more polygenic “large” and “small” eyespot and the poly- genic “broad” to “narrow” black intermarginal hindwing band genes were reported in 1978. To these are added three simple Mendelian recessives: dorsal hindwing “teardrop” with variable expressability; “brown” forewing dorsal ground color; and “rose” fore and hindwing ventral ground color, plus a recessive that produces “yellow” larvae when homozygous. Variability of wild males in Louisiana and wild females in Georgia is discussed. Introduction In 1964 a series of crosses were made within Automeris io (Fabricius) to determine the genetics of this species hindwing eyespot. Eyespot-like markings have evolved independently many times among insects, fishes, reptiles and birds. Very large eyespots may function as an escape mechanism, the possessor eluding capture by creating a “startling effect” on potential predators, enhanced by a variety of behavioral activities associated with the “eyes”. Darwin (1859) was an early commentator on its survival value. Blest (1957) and Brower ( 1960) are among more recent investigators of eyespots on lepidoptera. Automeris io, like many other members of its genus, has a large eyespot on each hindwing dorsum. The “eyes” of wild-caught moths are slightly variable in size. My initial experimentation was two phased: to increase the size of the hindwing eyespot by repeatedly crossing moths with the largest eyespots; and the second phase to reduce the eyespot by crossing moths with the smallest eyespots in successive generations. The results of these experiments not only revealed developmental genetics of the eyespot but by serendipity the several inbred lines exposed various remarkable Mendelian recessives altering the conspicuous markings of the moth (Manley 1978). The “broken-eye” breeding program was terminated in 1986 with the loss of the several lines, due to adverse weather conditions that summer. During the twenty years of continuous selective inbreeding, several additional variations of the conspicuous ^Correspondence: Route #1, Box 269, Port Trevorton, Pennsylvania 17864 38 J. Res. Lepid. markings and ground color were produced. The genetics of eyespot size and of a hindwing/forewing pair of characters, “broken-eye” and “claw” was described and illustrated earlier (Manley 1978). In the present paper one more pattern variant “teardrop”, two forewing ground color genes “brown” and “rose” and a larval color form are discussed and figured. Materials and Methods Breeding stock was derived from wild Pennsylvania Automeris io females taken in 1963 in the vicinity of Klingers town, Schuylkill Co. First instar larvae were started in sleeves on wild Black Cherry ( Prunus serotina Ehrh). Final instar larvae were placed in screened cages, with leaves available for cocoon spinning. Cocoons were refrigerated at 5°C from October to May. Pupae were placed in screened cages at room temperature in early May; adults emerged in early June. Adult behavior and breeding techniques have been described in detail elsewhere (Manley 1991). Crosses were made from selected individuals, and specimens involved in experimental crosses and their progeny were killed and spread for permanent reference. Virtually all specimens are deposited in the Entomology Division, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University (YPM). Description and Modifications of Conspicuous Wing Markings The conspicuous markings (Fig. 1) are: dorsal hindwing eyespot, nor- A - Dorsal Surface B - Ventral Surface Dorsal surface Ventral surface Fig. 1. Venation, color patterns, and conspicuous markings of Automeris io io. Dorsal surface: A - chevron line; B - forewing discal patch; C - outer marginal band; D - inner marginal band; E - focus or pupil of eyespot; F - eyespot; G - basal hair band. Ventral surface: A - forewing bar; B - discal patch; C - hindwing bar; D - hindwing discal spot; E - basal hair band. 29(l-2):37-53, 1990(91) 39 mally round or oval, always black, with a gray or bluish iris surrounding the small white pupil or “focus” (Nijhout 1978, 1980, 1981) located in the center of the hindwing; the dorsal forewing discal patch, normally a kidney shaped mark slightly posterior to the costal region on the areolar area of the forewing, may extend along the subcostal and radial veins forming four blunt finger-like projections toward the outer margin of the wing; the ventral fore wing discal spot, an oval patch of black scales with a small spherical white pupil or patch, commonly called the forewing ventral eyespot. The ventral hindwing discal spot is located beneath the white pupil or “focus” of the dorsal hindwing eyespot in the form of a white dot or “focus”, it does not appear to be associated with the dorsal hindwing eyespot (Manley 1978). The other conspicuous character is the black intermarginal band which is genetically independent of the other con- spicuous markings, its width controlled by a single gene which broadens the band. Variant Imaginal Phenotypes A. HINDWING DORSAL “TEARDROP” In 1973 two inbred lines 11-70 and 13-70 expressing the “broken-eye” phenotype, produced a male and two females with a new variant eyespot having an anterior black satellite spot. Its emergence from the eyespot was reminiscent of a brimming tear, and was ultimately named “tear- drop”. The spot is usually connected to the eyespot but is sometimes entirely separated, especially if very small. There is a pronounced asymmetry in size and shape of the “teardrop” between the left and right wings. When it is present in an individual showing “broken-eye”, it can easily be mistaken for another outreaching lobe, thus the “teardrop” variant was initially overlooked (Plate 1, Figures 1-6) . Again in 1974, six “teardrop” forms were noted in the 2100 adult io spread for study. Three more from a cross involving the normal eye, recessive to “broken-eye”, were observed as small black spot separations from the black outer ring of the eyespot, suggesting the possible forma- tion of a line breeding true for a normal eyespot plus a “satellite”. The years 1975-1976 produced no variant eyespots in the “broken-eye” inbred lines, indicating an unstable developmental pathway due to inbreeding rather than a discrete “gene” controlling trait. In 1977 the 13-70 “broken- eye” inbred line produced a female with an eyespot variant which we then finally designated as “teardrop”, and two other females had the “tear- drop” variant superimposed over the “broken-eye”, so that only a small portion of the “teardrop” extended beyond the “broken-eye” area. The 1978 “broken-eye”, 13-70 series, produced 12 females and 6 males with evidence of the “teardrop” eyespot modification; five matings resulted in no fertile ova. The “teardrop” variant was not observed again until 1982 when two crosses of the 13-70 inbred “broken-eye” line produced “teardrop” in 12 females and three males. A successful mating of a pair with “teardrop” eye initiated the “teardrop” line. A single cross of “teardrop” parents, 40 J. Res. Lepid. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 00 , MILLIMETERS , Plate I. Varying degrees of expression of “teardrop” eye in females of Automeris io. Fig. 1 . Cross 27-85 “teardrop” x teardrop Typical “teardrop” expression. Fig. 2. Cross 4-73 “broken-eye” x “broken-eye” “Teardrop” expression from the recessive normal eye in the “broken-eye” line. Fig. 3. Cross 5-74 “broken-eye” x “broken-eye” “Teardrop” expression with a “satellite” spot to the recessive normal eye in the “broken-eye” line. Fig. 4. Normal eyespot, Wild Colorado female. Control. Fig. 5. Cross 7-74 “broken-eye” x “broken-eye” “Teardrop” superimposed on “broken-eye”. Fig. 6. Cross 28-85 “teardrop” x “teardrop” Expression of incomplete penetration, note ellipsoid shape of eyespot. obtained in 1983 produced in 1984 two successful matings out of 15 attempts; 1985 provided enough “teardrop” adults to set up the entire range of experimental crosses, resulting in eight successful crosses out of 50 matings, which provided the necessary data to analyze phenotypes expressed by this condition. In 1986 two “teardrop” matings were successful, thus maintaining the genetic strain for further study. Crosses in 1987 produced four successful matings, but all larvae died due to adverse weather and line was lost. The “teardrop” eyespot is controlled as a recessive (Fig. 2); as crosses to normal wild A. io produce no “teardrop” eyespots in the F 1 generation. In backcrosses, “teardrop” appears only if the normal-eye parent is heterozygous for the “teardrop” gene. Crosses of “teardrop” x “teardrop” all have “teardrop” or if no satellite spot is present, the form is an ellipsoid instead of a round eyespot. No precise frequencies of ellipsoid eyespots to 29(l-2):37-53, 1990(91) 41 1977 1978 1982 P 13-70 13-70 120 84 2 9 0 2 86 46 32 25 0 3 0 0 2 0 27 32 P 13-70 13-70 0 N from 0 m f m fm fm fm fm f 66 46 2 10 1 1 0 1 80 44 Figure 2. Isolation crosses from inbred 1 3-70 broken-eye line to establish pure lines of the “teardrop” phenotype in Automeris io. Numbers indicate the success- ful matings. Abbreviations: 0 Broken-eye; TD Teardrop; IP Incomplete Penetration; N Normal Eyespot. “teardrop” have been determined, due to the difficulty of evaluating the wide variation in expression of the ellipsoid eyespot. There seems to be a slightly greater ellipsoidal distortion in males than in females. The “teardrop” gene has highly variable expressibility (Hartl 1980). It demonstrates a reduced or incomplete penetrance (Herskowitz 1980), some moths appearing normal for eyespot yet being homozygotes for the gene to express the “teardrop” phenotype. Crosses involving parents with normal appearing eyespots from the “teardrop” line produced the same phenotypic ratios as did parents possessing the “teardrop” eyespot. 42 J. Res . Lepid. Unlike the “broken-eye” gene, the “teardrop” gene appears to be indepen- dent of the forewing discal patch, as none of the 650 “teardrop” specimens studied show any distortion of the forewing discal patch. The fitness of “teardrop” broods were low due to their inability to mate, and to mortality of first instar larvae due mainly to their poor acceptance of a suitable food plant. When matings were successful, and first instar larvae fed well on Prunus serotina, then maturation and survival rate of pupae was normal for A. io. Over much of its range, Automeris io has spectacular sexual dimor- phism, due to the bright yellow forewings of males and the deep brown- red of many shades of the fore wings of the females. It is interesting that the “teardrop,” “broken-eye”/“claw,” and eyespot size genes show no pronounced sexual differences. B. GROUND COLORS 1. Basic description of ground color of Automeris io io wild type Many authors have referred to the extreme variability of Automeris io io within any portion of its range. Numerous infraspecific forms, with many that are basically localized genetic variants, have been named (Packard 1914, Ferguson 1972). A basic pattern emerges from controlled breeding experiments, the study of many wild specimens across its range, and mass samples from critical areas such as Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and northeastern United States. Deviations from this pattern have been isolated and genetically analyzed. The principal ones and some rare aberrations are discussed in this paper. The color descriptions of each sex, including noteworthy regional variations to the basic color pattern, are discussed. Specific regionally expressed genes changing the basic color pattern are genetically analyzed. Emphasis is given only to ground color patterns as the genetics of the conspicuous markings typical to all A. io io and its subspecies is known (Manley 1978). Variation in ground color of the unique geographical subspecies of A. io io will be discussed in separate publications. Maerz and Paul 1930, color plate designations and descriptive terminology is used to describe color throughout the manuscript. The ground color of males is jasmine or bright yellow. The dorsal forewing contains the kidney shaped forewing discal patch; the chevron line, parafocal elements (Schwanwitch, 1924; and Suffert, 1927) are located approximately two-thirds of the distance, beginning in the anal 2 cell and extends upward to the subcosta cell at the margin. The line is frequently broken in the radial cell area, in some cases absent or reduced to a small patch in the anal 2 - cubitus 2 area. The color of these markings is determined by a series of complementary genes whose expressions range from dull rosy red to opal grey. The dorsal hindwing of the male is consistently yellow with a dense area of long rosy red scales, the basal hair band, extending from the point 20(l-2):37-53, 1990(91) 43 of attachment of the wing to the metathoracic body segment. These hairlike scales cover the surface of the anal 2 and cubitus 2 cells and fuse with the outermarginal band. The outermarginal band is generally roeey red parallels the contour of the margin of wing beginning in the anal 2 cell extending to the subcostal + radial 1 cell of the wing. Its width acts independently of the highly conspicuous black intermarginal band, whose width is controlled by a single gene (Manley 1978). The forewing ventral surface of the male is yellow. The forewing bar, ’ a rosy red line of scales, separates the outer one-third of the wing. This line begins at the anal 2 cell and extends forward to the outer margin terminating in radial 1 or frequently in the radial 4+5 cell area. The inner two-thirds of the ventral forewing may be rosy red, the amount varies from a limited expression, resulting in a generally yellow forewing, to full expression with the rose color extending from anal 2 area to radial 4+5 vein, A yellow band along the outer margin covers the subcosta, El and 112-4 3 cells, its presence is enhanced when a full extension of the rosy coloration of the inner two-thirds of the wing is present. The ventral hindwing is light yellow and is semi-transparent in that the conspicuous markings on the dorsal surface are visible, especially the focus of the eyespot which appears as a white dot. The size of the dot is dependent upon the size of the focus of the eyespot. The ventral hindwing bar is a line of rosy red scales extending from the marginal terminus of the radial 1 vein diagonally across the wing to the anal 2 cell separating the outer third of the wing. The bar may be a fine line or quite broad and distinct. A fine band of rosy red scales extends along the outer margin of the hindwing. 2. Regional differences in ground color in Georgia and Lousiana Regional modifications of the basic ground color are most easily recognized in the males which have yellow fore wings, less observable in females which have dark forewings. Along the southern boundary of A. io io where it is bivoltine (Manley 1991), the ground color is subject to a variety of regional gene modifications. Those in northern Georgia are particularly dramatic, as a high degree of uniformity is expressed in individual broods reared from wild females. A, seasonal polyphenism (Shapiro 1984) appears to exist in that several broods may differ pheno- typically from each other, a situation not observable in the wild due to the natural dispersal of the brood. Dr. Hermann Flaschka of Decatur, DeKalb County, Georgia, has over the past seven years, supplied ova from wild females, which have produced the “yellow larva51 phenotype and some large broods with uniform ground color expressions not typical of northern A io io. In several of these broods the males were uniformly orange-yellow ground color, Plate 2, Figure 3; females of these broods were predominantly copper brown, suggesting a high degree of homozy- gosity or independent of a sexual dimorphism mechanism for ground color. The male progeny of one wild female were predominantly honey 44 J. Res. Lepid. yellow, Plate 2, Figure 10, with some typical yellow males. These copper or yellow brown males show no close similarity to the tawny orange brown males of the Automeris io lilith from along the Georgia coast and the Florida peninsula. The status of A. io lilith in Florida will be discussed in a later paper. In Louisiana there must be a wide range of genes which make A. io io males diverse in their color patterns. Phenotypes for some of these modifications are present in northern A. io io but not expressed to the degree observed in Louisiana, except in controlled inbred lines described later in this paper. Vernon A. Brou collected over an eight year period (1978-1985) more than eight hundred Automeris males in Abita Springs (St. Tammany Parish), Edgard (St. John’s Parish), and Weyanoke (West Filiciana Parish). A ground color phenotype not observed in our 25 years of breeding northern A. io io has rosy or brown scales on the ventral wing surface of these males, and on the limited number of females we have studied. It was present in 92% of the Louisiana sample. Unique to this phenotype is its intensity of expression, which appears to be influence other genes producing a “brown wing” phenotype. Manley (1978) demon- strated that there was no relationship of the dorsal surface genes for conspicuous markings to those on the ventral surface. Enhancement of the dorsal surface “brown wing” phenotype intensifies the expression of rosy or brown scales on the ventral wing surface. Another ground color phenotype observed in the Louisiana sample is rose-brown or cinnamon, Plate 2, Figure 9, fore wing ground color gene, observed in six percent of the males in the March- June diapausing generation. This color pattern was not expressed in the non-diapausing generation flying July-September. The mechanism of expression of this gene appears to be similar to the one controlling the tawny-brown males of the diapausing generation of Florida A. io lilith. This color pattern has not appeared in our 25 years of inbreeding Pennsylvania A. io io. Pupae from southern Louisiana, finally obtained fall 1989 should allow us to further evaluate this phenotype and others unique to that region, especially since there should be females for study. The female ground color of A. io is difficult to describe due to the wide array of potential hues that range from red to opal grey. The ground color pattern is sex limited (Remington, 1954, 1976) and is further complicated by the expressions of specific genes, conspicuous in males but masked by ground color or absent in expression in the female. Plate 3, Figures 19- 30 show females representing the potential range of ground colors observed in A. io. Wild specimens were used to demonstrate the predominant color of the female displayed in various regions of its range. Pennsylvania A. io has in its genome the ability to produce any of the basic ground colors found in the United States, with the exception of the tawny brown male coloration of the diapausing generation of Florida A. io lilith. The source of genes for this color pattern will be presented in a separate paper on the status of the Florida populations. 29(l-2):37-53, 1990(91) 45 The color range of the dorsal forewing, based on examination of over 5,000 female specimens, is red tones in the range of Persimmon or copper brown, Plate 3, Figure 19; the darkest tone is opal grey, Plate 3, Figure 30. The dorsal forewing discal patch may be slightly darker than the basic ground color or it may blend into the ground color pattern; it is not as conspicuous as it is in males. The chevron line separating the outer third of the wing may be prominent or it may blend into the ground color. Occasionally the outer margin of the wing will be lighter in color, making these females more conspicuous. Figures 20 through 28 represent the most frequently expressed forew- ing ground colors of A. io io in the United States. In controlled crosses a majority of females have similar color patterns with a strong tendency toward dull plum red tones suggesting the expression of a heterozygous complementary gene complex for color. Many predominantly rosy red to plum red female crosses produce a small number of darker forms, suggesting that opal gray is recessive. The subdued color tones of the dorsal forewing of a wild female may make it inconspicuous when resting in the shadows of leaves near the trunk of a tree. The dorsal hindwing color pattern is uniform throughout the species range; it forms the background for the display of the conspicuous “eye” markings. With the exception of the three narrow marginal bands the central portion of the hindwing is always a shade of yellow. The black eyespot and black intermarginal band are displayed in the yellow area. The band along the margin of the wing may be a fine line, or a narrow Plate 2. Color range of Automeris io males and digress of expression of the rose underwing phenotype. Fig. 7. Wild Liverpool Pennsylvania, representing typical ground color for north- eastern Io males. Fig. 8. Progeny of Wild Georgia female — orange red ground color phenotype assumed to be homozygous as all siblings were same color. Fig. 9. Louisiana male, phenotype observed only in the diapausing generation. Fig. 10. Wild northern Georgia honey-brown phenotype. Fig. 1 1 . Cross 9-74. Full expression of “brown” wing gene. Fig. 1 2. Wild Louisiana, partial expression of “brown” wing gene, usually present in varying degrees in Louisiana males. Fig. 13. Cross 7-73. Tawny pink northern male, color occasionally appears in Northern Io. Fig. 14. Cross 30-85. “teardrop” x “teardrop”. Typical “teardrop” male. Fig. 15. Cross 9-74. Full expression (YyRR) of rose underwing phenotype on fore and hindwings. Fig. 16. Cross 10-85. Partial expression (yyRr) of rose underwing phenotype hindwing rose, forewing normal. Fig. 17. Cross 10-85. Limited hindwing expression (YyRr) of the rose underwing phenotype rose dusting on hindwing. Fig. 18. Cross 10-85. Normal (YYrr) hindwing ground color. 48 J. Res. Lepid. band of color identical to the basic ground color of the dorsal forewing. The middle band is always lighter in color, a suffusion of the ground color scales on yellow, and its width varies. The outer marginal band bordering the yellow area of the dorsal hindwing is generally the widest and most pronounced. It may be the same color as the forewing blending the hindwing profile with the forewing, or it may be brighter colored and quite conspicuous. Extending from the base of the wing along the inner marginal surface, area Cu2 and 2A, is the basal hairband, a dense patch of long hairlike scales ranging from rosy red to opal grey. The color of these scales blends with the ground color of the forewing regardless of the depth of color of the forewing. The ventral surface is uniformly colored, both forewing and hindwing. The colors are slightly lighter and duller than those of the dorsal surface. As in the male, a line of rosy red or plum red, rarely opal grey, scales forming the dorsal and ventral hindwing bars separate the outer one- third of the wing. The bar is a line of deeper colored scales extending from the middle of the anal 2 upward across the wing to the terminal point of the radial 1 or radial 4-5 vein on the margin of the ventral forewing surface. The bar extends from the anal 2 cell upward to the point where the subcosta + radial 1 or radial 5 vein terminate on the margin of ventral hindwing. Occasionally bars are missing or masked by certain genes, namely the red underwing gene, making the ventral surface a single color. The ventral forewing discal spot, an oval or egg shaped patch of varying size of black scales with a small white pupil or focus, is the conspicuous marking on the ventral surface. The gene controlling its size and intensity is independent of genes controlling conspicuous markings on the dorsal surface (Manley 1978). The white pupil of the eyespot on the dorsal hindwing is visible ventrally as a white dot in the center of the hindwing. Plate 3. Color range of Automeris io females. Fig. 19. Progeny of Wild Georgia Female, sibling Figure 8 male, homozygous dominant red. Fig. 20. Wild New Jersey. Fig. 21. Cross 9-72. Female shows “broken-eye”. Fig. 22. Cross 14-73. Female shows full expression of “broken-eye”. Fig. 23. Wild Louisiana. Fig. 24. Wild Colorado. Fig. 25. Wild Pennsylvania. Fig. 26. Wild New Jersey. Fig. 27. Wild Kansas. Fig. 28. Wild Georgia. Fig. 29. Cross 9-73. With full expression of “broken-eye”. Fig. 30. Cross 3-74. Homozygous recessive for plum gene, a rare expression. 29(l-2):37-53, 1990(91) 49 3. “Brown” fore wing dorsum Any mass sample of eastern A. io io will have a high frequency of males with brown scales of varying intensity on the dorsal forewing. Our Liverpool, Snyder County, Pennsylvania sample (N=123) taken over a 25 year period shows 69% of the males with some degree of brown suffusion. A. io in the Peabody Museum Collection at Yale University and other large mass samples show a similar percentage of expression of this phenotype. In most cases the genes for “brown” wing are minimally expressed in wild males; however, strong expression of the genome can quickly be produced by selective breeding. With the maximum expres- sion of this gene complex, the color of the basal two-thirds of the dorsal forewing may be rosy red to brownish opal grey depending on the basic ground color geny complex being expressed. “Brown” wing is not observ- able in females as it may be masked by the normal dark ground color (or perhaps it is not present in females). The initial full expression of “brown wing” gene complex was first observed in cross 15-71, F5 generation of the inbred line for “broken-eye” (Plate 2, Figure 11). Crosses were made yearly 1972-1978 in an attempt to isolate true breeding lines of “rosy red” and “opal grey”. Color isolation was abandoned in 1978 due to the inability to diagnose the phenotypes of the females, and the relatively high percentage of uniform brownish males present in every cross. Females in these crosses were uniform in ground color. Males, assumed to be homozygous, having full expression of maximum forewing coloration, were mated with sibling females with background colors, predominantly “rosy red” or “opal grey”, produced a relatively uniform distribution of male color patterns regardless of the ground color of the male, suggesting a sex-limited polygenic autosome controlling its expression. Frequency of the full expression of the gene in these crosses averaged 88.8%. The Louisiana A. io population differs from others in that random mass samples show the full range of expression of the “brown” wing phenotype, making it distinct from other A. io. A random mass sample (N=805) segregated: “evidence” 21.1%; “medium expression” 42.3%; “strong ex- pression” 33.2%; “no expression”, yellow wings .03% for the “brown” wing gene. Although the full expression of the gene was .07% by wild random mating it provides evidence this gene plays a major role in the unique color patterns of Louisiana A. io. The similarity in male color patterns between controlled crosses of northern A. io and random wild matings in Louisiana involving the “brown” wing gene make their separate identi- ties difficult. 4. “Rose” underside phenotype The rosy underside phenotype, Plate 2, Figures 15-18-17, conspicuous in the yellow male, is extremely difficult to observe in females whose normal rose ground color masks its degree of expression. Analysis of this 50 J. Res. Lepid. quantitatively expressed recessive is further complicated by the (diffi- culty in selecting females with a recognizable degree of expression of the gene to mate with “rosy” underside males. Evidence of the phenotype first appeared in cross 18-69 and F 3 inbred line for “broken-eye” gene when 17 males possessed “rosy” scales of varying density superimposed among the normal lemon yellow scales that form the basic underwing ground color. This phenotype was expressed regularly in the 13-70 inbred line for “broken-eye” from 1971-1975. A 1975 cross produced individuals with the entire ventral surface deep rose, Plate 2, Figure 15; this phenotype was present in varying degrees of expression, on approximately 50% of the males, suggesting a 1:1 ratio of yellow to “rosy” underside for that cross. Serious attempts to isolate the underlying gene or genes began in 1981 and continued through 1985. To measure the degree of expression, the rosy phenotype was designated as; “normal yellow” (YYrr); “trace”, a faint dusting of rosy scales along the outer margin of the hindwing and faint dusting on the hindwing venter (YYRr); “rose dusting”, a light to medium rose dusting over the entire hindwing surface (YyRr); and “deep rose”, heavy rose scales on the ventral hindwing (yyRr); and in extreme instances heavy rose scales extending over the entire ventral forewing (yyRR). By combining the phenotypes of six crosses for “rose” underside using the above segregation criteria, phenotypes of the offspring were 229 yellow, 77 “rose trace”, 89 “faint to moderate dusting” and 28 “heavy rose dusting”, a close fit to a 9:3:3: 1 ratio (x2=1.6, df=2, p>.50). On rare occasions when the recessive opal gray ground color is expressed, the “rose” underside genome is expressed as grayish brown (N=4:423). I have never observed this phenotype in wild males in northeastern United States; however evidence of this phenotype was observed in 0.5% of the Louisiana males (N=805). 5. “Yellow larvae” gene Ova from a female taken in DeKalb County, Georgia produced two distinctly different larval colors: the normal green and lemon yellow in a 123 :97 ratio. During my 25 years of A. io breeding no “yellow larvae” had been observed. The occurrence of mutations affecting the color of the hemolymph of Lepidoptera is well documented. Certain rare variations in larval color were first reported by Gerould (1921) blue-green vs. green in Colias philodice philodice Latreille in New Hampshire; Hoffman and Watt ( 1953) described blue-green vs. green in Colias philodice eriphyle Edwards in Colorado; Gray (1953) reported yellow vs. green in Pieris rapae L.; Stehr (1953) recorded yellow vs. green larvae in moths of the genus Chorestoneura ; and Collins and Weast (1961) bluish vs. green larvae (1:20) in Automeris io texana Barnes and Benjamin. “Yellow larvae” were separated from “green larvae” into screen cages 29(l-2):37-53, 1990(91) 51 during final instar. Rearing continued on native wild cherry (Primus serotina Ehrh.) and daily observations were made to note any differences in behavior and growth. None was observed. Unique to this brood was that the “yellow larvae” attracted large numbers of Arilus cristatus L. the reduviid Wheel Rug. These large insects could project their long beak through openings in the screen into the body of larvae crawling along the surface. Although some “green larvae” were killed by Wheel Bugs, they seem to, reason unknown, concentrate on the more conspicuous “yellow larvae”. A mass sample of 87 Arilus was taken in the vicinity of the cages, few have been observed in the area since that time. Gerould (1921-1926) observed that English Sparrows ( Passer domesticus L.) could locate and feed on the highly visible “blue-green” larvae of Colias philodice while missing the normal green larvae. Surviving larvae began spinning cocoons on 1 September, and pupation was complete on 12 September 1985. There was no observable difference in shape or color of cocoons, pupae were stored at 5°C in plastic containers from October to 1 May 1986. Pupae were placed in hatching cages and a temperature of approximately 22 °C was maintained until adults emerged. Ninety-seven “yellow larvae” produced 49 pupae; their emergence period was 1 June - 23 June; sex ratio of adults, males 15/females 0. One hundred twenty three “green larvae” produced 71 pupae; their emer- gence period 1 June - 29 June; sex ratio of adults, males 30/females 5. Sixty-five pupae eventually died, sexed by pupal case size; “yellow larvae”, males 25/females 9; “green larvae”, males 18/females 13. The high loss of pupae could be attributed to early September pupal forma- tion resulting in many pupae lacking the ability to diapause. Non- diapausing pupae normally hatch in October, thus are incapable of enduring extended periods of storage at 5°C Manley (1991). The adult males are identical in color regardless of larval color. Three matings of “yellow larvae” males to “green larvae” females produced no fertile ova and the brood was lost. Fall 1988 Dr. Flaschka sent pupae reared from a wild female taken 24 June 1988 in the vicinity of Lake Allatoona, Bartow County, Georgia which had both “yellow” and “green larvae”. Larvae were separated by color during the final instar to enable one to isolate adults for future study. From this mating only “yellow larvae” males survived. Females from “yellow larvae” apparently were not able to develop into pupae; as shrivelled, spine-covered larval bodies were found in the cocoons they had spun. “Green larvae” developed normally, permitting a successful mating of a “yellow larva” male and “green larva” female. Larvae of this cross were poor feeders and were small sized in the final instar in comparison with other crosses. Pupae from this mating produced ten green larva males, one yellow larva male, two green larva females and no yellow larva females. This brood produced no successful matings. The apparent 1:1 ratio (123 “green” to 97 “yellow” larvae) of the DeKalb 52 J. Res. Lepid. County, Georgia female in 1985 suggests that “yellow larvae” is ex- pressed as a recessive. A female, heterozygous for “green larvae” mated with a homozygous recessive “yellow larvae” male. The Barton County, Georgia female (1988) apparently had the same genotype suggesting the necessity of the presence of at least one dominant allele for “green larva” color for females to survive, as no homozygous “yellow larva” females have survived to date in this study. The Au tomeris io research team (Manley 1991) was alerted to watch for “yellow larvae” in wild populations in the Gulf Coast states. David Ritland found a wild brood of Io on wild cherry with “yellow larvae” in Chattahoochee National Forest, Union County, Georgia, which he reared to adults. His comment: “Yellow larvae were very yellow, with no hint of green. There were no intermediate colored larvae” (Ritland 1986). It would appear the “yellow larva” gene is widely distributed across north- ern Georgia. The other report of wild “yellow larvae” comes from Terhune S. Dickel, who collects extensively in the Florida Keys. He wrote in 1986: “All Io larvae that I have seen in southern Florida and the Keys thus far have been bright lemon-green.” Lemon-green larval color in southern Florida was initially observed by Annie T. Slossonin 1887 (Beutenmuller, 1895). To date these are the only areas in the southeastern United States where “yellow larvae” of A. io have been observed. Acknowledgments. My principle thanks go to my long time friend and research colleague, Professor Charles L. Remington, with whom I have discussed this work throughout its duration - planning the crosses, speculating on the meanings of data as they emerged, and not least in editorial advice with drafts of the manuscript. I thank V. A. Brou and H. A. Flaschka who provided mass samples, ova and pupae along with regional data. Thanks also to L. J . Kopp of Klinger stown, Pennsylvania who reared larvae over a 25 year period, W. K. Sacco of Peabody Museum, Yale, for the photography, and L. F. Gall, Yale for review and assistance in finalizing the manuscript. Literature Cited Beutenmuller, W., 1895. Note on Hyperchiria io variety lilith. J. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 3:138-39. Blest, A.D., 1957. The function of the eyespot pattern in Lepidoptera. Behavior 11:209-256. Borror, D.J., D.M. Delong, & C.A. Triplehorn, 1977. An Introduction to the Study of Insects, 4th ed., Holt, Rinehart. Winston, N.Y. 485. Brower, L.P., 1960. Experimental studies of mimicry. Am. Nat. 44:271-282. Collins, M.M. & R.D. Weast, 1961. Wild Silk Moths of the United States Saturniinae. Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 63-65. Darwin, C., 1859. The Origin of Species: New America Library of World Literature. N.Y. 115-116. Ferguson, D.C., 1972. The Moths of America North of Mexico, Bombycoidea, Saturniidae. Fascile 20. 2B 158-161, E.W. 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Polytypic species with a frag- mented population structure lack such cohesion, and each isolated population tends to function as an independent evolutionary unit. Taxonomic subspecies are usually the products of geographic isolation and differentiation, and represent separate phylogenetic lineages. Secondary intergradation between differentiated populations takes place in hybrid suture zones that often correlate with past geographic isolating barriers. Vicariance is a common phenomenon at the subspe- cific level in polytypic butterflies. Older populations survive as relicts in disjunct refugia, and are frequently surrounded by newer popula- tions with more recently expanded distributions. There is no clear-cut distinction between a subspecies and a full species. A complete con- tinuum is observed among differentiated populations with regard to reproductive isolating mechanisms and genetic or ecological compat- ibility. Speciation is strictly a secondary process that may or may not result from the primary process of macroevolution, the geographic differentiation of populations adapting to diverse environmental con- ditions. It is also suggested that macroevolution is usually character- ized by peripatric cladogenesis and punctuated equilibria. As a conse- quence, extant insect populations have the dimension of time and ancestor-descendant relationships. Introduction One of the most controversial and perplexing questions in biology concerns the fundamental nature and evolutionary significance of geo- graphic variation within species (see Wilson & Brown, 1953; Gillham, 1956; and Pimentel, 1959 for earlier reviews). This controversy still persists, and Arnold (1985) and Hammond (1986) have recently pre- sented conflicting points of view. However, much has been learned about such variation in polytypic butterflies during the past thirty years, and it may be useful to review these questions in light of our current knowledge. In addition, basic theories of macroevolution have also advanced during this time. Five different phenomena are included under the general subject of geographic variation. These include (1.) genetic gradients within cohe- sive populations called primary dines, (2.) differentiation between popu- lations resulting from geographic isolation, (3.) secondary intergradation between previously isolated populations along hybrid suture zones, (4.) 29(l-2):54-76, 1990(91) 55 vicariance and polytopic variation, and (5.) incipient speciation. In the present paper, I will consider lepidopteran examples of these phenomena and the taxonomic problems surrounding them. Current theories of macroevolution and punctuated equilibria are also of interest to this discussion. Population Structure of Species Much of the controversy regarding the nature of geographic variation is rooted in differing individual views of population structure within biological species. Mayr ( 1963) has presented one of the more comprehen- sive treatments of geographic variation in animal species. He believed that biological species are characterized by an internal genetic cohesion and homeostasis maintained by gene flow throughout all of the reproduc tively linked populations of the species. As a consequence, Mayr (1963, p. 348) concluded that geographic races or subspecies could not function as independent evolutionary units, and that geographic variation within species is of limited significance. He also suggested that speciation is the most basic process of evolutionary change. This process apparently takes place in complete geographic isolation by a so-called “genetic revolution," when the newly evolving population would be protected from the disrupt- ing effects of external gene flow. Many authors have embraced Mayr’s point of view. For example, Rindge (1987) has recently expressed the opinion that geographic varia- tion is of little or no scientific interest unless complete isolation exists between populations. Gould & Johnston (1972) have favorably reviewed multivariate studies that portray geographic variation as continuous with no spatial disjunctions, consisting of simple genetic perturbations within cohesive and panmictic gene pools. Futuyma (1979, p. 198) stated that “Infraspecific categories are simply constructs of our imagination, erected for the sake of convenience; we can recognize as few or as many races as we find convenient, for they have no independent biological reality". Likewise, Eldredge & Cracraft (1980, p. 16) have stated “We define species in such a way as to stress their internal cohesion, their identity as discrete, real entities, and their unique position as phyloge- netic units. No taxon other than species serves as ancestors and descen- dants (i.e. as phylogenetic units) in evolution." Most recently, some theorists have suggested that biological species may be viewed as phylogenetic “individuals” (Eldredge, 1989). Such entities experience birth (speciation), death (extinction), and selection (group selection) in a manner analogous to that of individual organisms. Of course, such theory depends upon the purported genetic cohesion of the biological species. In sharp contrast, other authors have seriously questioned this concept of the cohesive species (Epling & Gatlin, 1950). Ehrlich & Raven (1969) argued that many species are actually quite sedentary and display a highly fragmented population structure, with little or no gene flow 56 J. Res. Lepid. among the isolates. They also suggested that the real unit of evolution in such organisms is the locally isolated population, rather than the collective species. In the complete absence of gene flow, the only thing that local populations of a fragmented species really share with each other is a common phylogenetic ancestry, perhaps combined with similar stabilizing selection for the ancestral characteristics (Ehrlich & White, 1980). The idea that geographic isolates constitute discrete evolutionary units and independent phylogenetic lineages is not new among lepidopterists. Rothschild & Jordan (1906, p. 429) regarded subspecies as incipient new species and basic units of evolutionary change, a view also shared by Fruhstorfer (H. Descimon, per. comm.) . Indeed, Karl Jordan was one of the first advocates of the modern subspecies concept (Mayr, 1976 p. 303). Grey & Moeck (1962) considered this with their discussion of geographic variation in Speyeria and other polytypic butterflies. Grey, Moeck, & Evans (1963) suggested that “the largest factor controlling population structure in butterflies is the residual inertia of genetic heritage, infer- ring that wing facies reflect earlier dispersal and isolation, relating only secondarily to present situations”. Similar views were expressed by Bowden (1979) regarding variation in Pieris. Moreover, the philosophy behind the taxonomic classification of subspecies is based upon the existence and function of geographic isolates as independent evolution- ary units and phylogenetic lineages. Geographic variation within a cohesive and panmictic gene pool is of limited evolutionary and taxonomic significance as Mayr and other authors have rightly suggested. However, the genetically cohesive spe- cies is probably a relatively rare phenomenon in nature, at least among butterflies. Some species do appear to conform to the Mayrian model of cohesive population structure. These are usually migratory or highly vagile organisms, and they are generally monotypic with little or no recognizable geographic variation. Among North American butterflies, possible examples of cohesive species include Danaus plexippus (L.), Vanessa cardui (L.), Colias eury theme Bdv., Speyeria idalia (Drury), and S. edwardsi (Reakirt). The last two species occupy the native tail-grass and short-grass prairies of the Great Plains, and their strong vagility appears to be an adaptation for quickly recolonizing large areas of habitat burned by periodic prairie fires. In sharp contrast, polytypic species in genera such as Argynnis, Speyeria , Euphydryas , Melitaea, Limenitis, Papilio, Colias , Cercyonis , Erehia , Coenonympha, Lycaena, Gallop hrys, and most polyommatine blues display a highly fragmented population structure that conforms to the Ehrlich-Raven model. Differentiation of Populations It is very important to distinguish between a primary genetic gradient within a cohesive population and differentiation between populations resulting from geographic isolation. These are entirely different phenom- 29(l-2):54-76, 1990(91) 57 ena. Much discussion has appeared in the literature concerning this distinction, although many authors have felt that the two processes are difficult or impossible to distinguish in actual situations {i.e. Mayr, 1963 p. 380; Endler, 1977). I tend to disagree with this view. Primary genetic gradients usually involve a simple polymorphism at a single locus or a few loci of a polygenic complex. It is not difficult to recognize such polymorphisms in actual populations. Good examples in Lepidoptera include the phenomenon of industrial melanism in moths such as Bistort betularia L., the black and yellow morphs of Papilio glaucus L. andP. bairdi Edwards, and the alba female morph of Colias species. In such cases, the genetic basis of the polymorphism is usually quite simple (Robinson, 1971). However, most polymorphisms distributed along primary dines are probably not evi- dent in the external morphology of the organism, but are internally “hidden” as with allozyme frequencies. The enzyme polymorphisms studied by Johnson (1976) in Colias populations are an example. By contrast, the genetic differentiation that takes place between isolated populations commonly involves a major restructuring of the over-all genome, affecting many different loci on different chromosomes controlling completely unrelated characteristics. This involves not only changes in external morphology such as wing color pattern, but also changes in larval and pupal characters, ecological adaptations to differ- ent foodplants and temperature regimes, changes in allozyme systems and developmental rates, and changes in behavior. This is the so-called “genetic revolution” emphasized by Mayr (1963), characterized by a major reorganization of polygenic balances (Carson, 1982). I believe that Mayr is correct in his view that geographic isolation is the primary factor behind major evolutionary divergence between popula- tions. There are alternative theories for significant differentiation within a cohesive gene pool along a primary clinal gradient, including models for parapatric and sympatric speciation (Endler, 1977; White, 1978). How- ever, such differentiation at dozens or even hundreds of independent loci on different chromosomes would appear to be very difficult to attain within a cohesive gene pool due to the disruption of gene flow and sexual recombination. I also believe that most of the butterfly subspecies listed by Miller & Brown (1981) are in fact the products of geographic isolation. Arnold (1985) has been critical of “minor” subspecies that differ by only one or two characters of wing color pattern, implying that such variation may be a single allelic substitution along a primary clinal gradient. However, in most cases this view is not correct. “Minor” subspecies that only differ by a single morphological character are often found to differ by many other “hidden” biological characters as well. For example, McCorkle & Hammond (1988) found a number of biological differences between similar subspecies of Speyeria zerene (Bdv.). A particularly good example of “minor” subspecies are the tiger swallowtails of eastern North America, 58 J. Res. Lepid. Papilio glaucus glaucus, P. g. canadensis Roths. & Jordan, and P. g. australis Maynard. These three races are difficult to consistently distin- guish on a morphological basis, but exhibit major biological differences in foodplant adaptations and pupal diapause characteristics (Scriber, 1986; Rockey, Hainze, & Scriber, 1987). Thus, even “minor” subspecies have evolutionary (adaptive) significance. Microgeographic variation within a taxonomic subspecies is also of interest. For highly sedentary organisms, the subspecies has no more genetic or evolutionary cohesion than the full species. Indeed, many subspecies are fragmented into locally isolated populations that exhibit evidence of independent differentiation, and such populations only share a common phylogenetic ancestry. In western North America, each mountain range may have an endemic microrace, and individual moun- tains within a range may have local colonies or demes that are partially or completely isolated from other colonies. The evolutionary divergence within a complex polytypic species often shows a hierarchical arrange- ment consisting of local demes, microraces, subspecies,, and major sub- species groups. F or example, Speyeria callippe elaine dos Passos & Grey is a distinctive subspecies belonging to the callippe subspecies group along the West Coast. However, S. c. elaine is not homogeneous in western Oregon, and consists of five differentiated microraces distributed in (1.) high eleva- tions of the Siskiyou Mountains, (2.) low elevations of the Siskiyous, (3.) low elevations north of the Siskiyous, (4.) high elevations in the Cascade Range, and (5.) low elevations in the Willamette Valley. Moreover, the microraces are comprised of local colonies that may be separated by five to ten miles. Such demes often exhibit minor differentiation, particularly if habitat conditions vary in different areas. In sedentary organisms, the local deme is probably the basic evolutionary unit, rather than the microrace, subspecies, or full species. In more vagile organisms such as Speyeria coronis (Behr), the taxonomic subspecies probably has some evolutionary cohesion. Hybrid Suture Zones If most taxonomic subspecies of polytypic butterflies are the result of evolutionary divergence during geographic isolation, clinal intergrada- tion among such races is the result of secondary contact along hybrid suture zones. The characteristics of suture zones have received consider- able attention in the literature (Mayr, 1963; Remington, 1968), and include three types of secondary intergradation. Many subspecies join together along an abrupt step-cline. This phenomenon may result from considerable genetic incompatibility between the subspecies or reduced ecological fitness of hybrid individuals. Indeed, Barton & Hewitt (1983) suggest that hybrid zones may serve as strong barriers to gene flow if multiple loci and characters are simultaneously involved in the geo- graphic divergence. Conversely, the suture zone between many other 29(l-2):54-76, 1990(91) 59 subspecies forms a long, gradual cline, indicating good genetic compat- ibility and ecological fitness of hybrids. In the third type of intergradation, hybrid individuals exhibit superior ecological fitness over both of the parental genotypes, resulting in a fully developed reticulate fusion between previously differentiated subspe- cies. In such populations, the original parental phenotypes only appear as rare recombinants, and most individuals are of the intermediate hybrid phenotype. This last type of intergradation may be an uncommon occurrence in nature, however. Of the some 110 subspecies within the genus Speyeria, I have identified only six that appear to be of reticulate origin. One example are the highly variable populations of Speyeria mormonia (Bdv.) in the northern Rocky Mountain and Canadian prairie regions. These may have originated from a hybrid fusion between S. mormonia eurynome (Edwards) of the southern Rocky Mountains and S. m. artonis (Edwards) of the Great Basin. Likewise, the Utah populations of S. atlantis chitone (Edwards) ( -wasatchia dos Passos & Grey) are highly variable and intermediate between S. a. nikias (Ehrmann) of the south- ern Rocky Mountains and S. a. tetonia dos Passos & Grey of the northern Rocky Mountains. It is useful to examine the intergradation between subspecies in greater detail. In most cases, hybrid suture zones are located along some type of geographic isolating barrier that either exists today or once existed in the past. Indeed, the distributions of many subspecies of North American butterflies strongly correlate with the major biogeographic regions and suture zones identified by Remington (1968). As an example, Speyeria aphrodite (Fabr.) occupies a continuous distribution over much of eastern North America, and there are no geographic barriers within this region at present. Nevertheless, three distinctive subspecies join together near the Great Lakes as shown in Figure 1. Moreover, the hybrid suture zones among these races are fairly abrupt, suggesting some degree of incompatibility. The typical S. a. aphrodite is an East Coast subspecies with a westward extension into the Great Lakes region, S. a . alcestis (Edwards) occupies the native tail-grass prairies of the southern Great Plains, and S. a. manitoha (Chermock) occupies the northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountains. Although these subspecies are not isolated at present, it is known that the Great Lakes region was buried under deep glacial ice fields during the Pleistocene some 15,000 years ago (Wells & Stewart, 1987). At that time, the three S. aphrodite subspecies were probably isolated in widely disjunct refugia along the East Coast, on the southern Great Plains, and in the northern Rocky Mountain region respectively. Following the retreat of the glaciers, the subspecies must have expanded their ranges to join together in the modern Great Lakes suture zone. In western North America, high mountain ranges and lowland deserts have combined with the climatic fluctuations of the Pleistocene to form 60 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 2. Distribution of Speyeria callippe subspecies in western North America. 29(l-2):54-76, 1990(91) 61 strong isolating barriers at various times during the past two million years. Specifically, the mountains would serve as barriers during cold periods of glacial maxima, while lowland deserts would serve as barriers during warm interglacial periods. As a consequence, many butterfly genera exhibit extremely complex patterns of speciation and subspeciation within this region. A good example is the geographic variation of Speyeria callippe (Bdv.) shown in Figure 2. The callippe group of subspecies are isolated along the West Coast from S. c. semivirida (McD.) and S. c. nevadensis (Edwards) by the high Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges. Likewise, the high mountains along the Continental Divide have served to isolate two subspecies east of the Divide, including S. c. meadi (Edwards) along the Colorado Front Range and S . c. calgariana (McD.) on the northern Great Plains. In sharp contrast, lowland deserts have served to isolate S. c. semivirida , S. c. nevadensis , and S. c. harmonia dos Passes & Grey in the Great Basin and Intermountain regions. In fact, one of the major biogeographic suture zones discussed by Remington (1968) extends between these regions as shown by the lorquini-weidemeyeri suture zone in Limenitis and the euryalus- glover i suture zone in Hyalophora. In addition to S. callippe , other species of Speyeria that exhibit an identical biogeographic distribution of subspecies across this region include S. mormonia , S. zerene, and S. egleis (Behr) Polytopic Variation and Vicariance One of the major criticisms directed towards the subspecies concept is the frequent spatial disjunction and discordant distribution of indepen- dent characters within a biological species (Gillham, 1956; Gould & Johnston, 1972; Arnold, 1985). This has been called “polytopic variation” (Mayr, 1963), and it is frequent in Speyeria callippe populations along the West Coast (Arnold, 1985). Such patterns may be explained as local and independent fluctuations in gene frequencies within a cohesive and panmictic gene pool. However, this can only be true for species with a cohesive population structure of the Mayrian model. For species with a fragmented population structure of the Ehrlich-Raven model, alterna- tive explanations for polytopic variation must be considered. In addition, discordance among diagnostic taxonomic characters is frequently ob- served at the full species level (Hammond, 1986). Different species share different combinations of the same characters as subspecies. Of the 13 species of Speyeria, only four have consistent diagnostic characters that are not present in other species, and which do not vary geographically. One explanation for discordance among different characters is conver- gent adaptation to similar environmental conditions by populations only distantly related to each other. A prime example is seen in pallid subspecies of Speyeria atlantis (Edwards). Most populations of this species live under cool, moist conditions, and display heavy, melanic basal suffusion on the dorsal wing surfaces combined with very dark disc 62 J. Res. Lepid. colors on the ventral hindwing. However, a number of »$. atlantis subspecies are found in areas with warm, dry conditions, and these exhibit very pale wing colors. Such taxa include S. a. Helena dos Passos & Grey on the Canadian prairies, S. a. ratonensis Scott in northeastern New Mexico, S. a. greyi Moeck in the Ruby Mountains of Nevada, S. a. elko Austin in the Independence and North Humboldt Mountains of Nevada, and S. a. Irene (Bdv.) in the Sierra Nevada of California. Not only are these five subspecies widely disjunct in distribution, but their pale wing colors are quite discordant with other characters of the wing pattern. One may reasonably conclude that these populations are not closely related, and have acquired similar pale colors through indepen- dent convergence. A second explanation for polytopic variation is vicariance (Rosen, 1978; Erwin, 1981). In species with a fragmented population structure, iso- lated populations tend to function as independent evolutionary units and phylogenetic lineages. Ancient subspecies that once enjoyed wide distri- butions may now survive only as relicts in widely disjunct refugia, while newer subspecies may now surround the refugia of the older subspecies. In these situations, there are often sharp ecological differences between the subspecies, which allows the older populations to survive within their restricted refugia. In addition, hybrid suture zones between the subspe- cies are often abrupt step-clines resulting from some degree of incompat- ibility. Otherwise, the older populations would tend to experience genetic swamping from the newer populations. The recognition of vicariance is dependent upon two important factors. First, one must consider a time dimension for populations or taxa, since vicariance suggests a distribution through time. This will be discussed later under processes of macroevolution. Second, convergent similarities must be distinguished from phylogenetic similarities, not only to recog- nize examples of convergence or vicariance, but to establish a natural taxonomic classification. This is not always easy. Problems with charac- ter interpretation are ultimately reflected in taxonomic difficulties with the group in question. In Speyeria evolution, wing markings appear to be highly conservative and reliable as diagnostic characters, while wing colors are less stable. However, the darkness of color ( i.e . melanic basal suffusion) is extremely plastic, and subject to repeated convergence and reversal (homoplasy). This is seen with the phylogenetic interpretations of S. callippe (Fig. 3, Table 1). There is much evidence that vicariance is a relatively common phenom- enon among polytypic butterflies in such diverse genera as Papilio, Colias , Euphydryas , Speyeria , Coenonympha, Lycaena, Callophrys, and Icaricia. For example, Speyeria atlantis atlantis is widely distributed in the Appalachians and across Canada to Alaska, but it also occurs in widely disjunct refugia through the Rocky Mountains from southern British Columbia to northern New Mexico. These refugia are surrounded by more divergent and probably newer subspecies of S. atlantis (Ferris, 1983). 29(l-2):54-76, 1990(91) 63 Because most subspecies represent discrete evolutionary units, a phylogenetic analysis can be applied to them in a study of vicariance as discussed by Cracraft (1982). Thorpe (1984) used this approach with European snakes in order to distinguish between primary and secondary dines. As an example, a cladistic analysis of Speyeria callippe subspecies is shown in Figure 3, with individual character changes listed in Table 1. The species is probably derived from a West Coast isolate of the Appalachian-type S. a. atlantis. Indeed, the Oregon S. c. elaine is still remarkably similar to S. a. atlantis , while the California S. c. callippe and S. c.juba (Bdv.) are slightly more divergent from the putative ancestral type. One daughter species is apparently derived from S. callippe. Speyeria edwardsi probably evolved from a population of *S. c. semivirida that became isolated on the northern Great Plains east of the Continen- tal Divide in the same manner as S. c. calgariana, but at a much earlier time. In other words, S. edwardsi is likely a Pliocene or early Pleistocene isolate, while S. c. calgariana is probably an isolate of the late Pleisto- cene. However, the oldest subspecies and the most complex geographic variation are found with the callippe group distributed along the West Coast in Oregon and California (Fig. 4). In phylogeny, this group divides 64 J. Res. Lepid . callippe - comstocki juba - macaria elaine - liliana rupestris - inornata semivirida - nevadensis Fig. 4. Distribution of Speyeria callippe subspecies along the West Coast. into four distinctive pairs of subspecies, including (1.) S. c. callippe and S. c. comstocki (Gunder), (2.) S. c.juba and S. c. macaria (Edwards), (3.) S. c. elaine and S. c. liliana (Hy. Edwards), and (4.) S. c. rupestris (Behr) and S. c. inornata (Edwards). But when the phylogenetic pairs are compared with the distributions shown in Figure 4, wide disjunctions are apparent. The callippe-comstocki pair has a continuous distribution in the south- ern California Coast Range. However, the juba-macaria pair is frag- mented into three distinct isolates in the northern California Coast Range, in the northern Sierra Nevada, and in the Tehachapi Mountains. Likewise, the liliana- elaine pair is widely disjunct between Napa and 29(l-2):54-76, 1990(91) 65 Lake Counties on the central California coast and western Oregon. Finally, the rupestris-inornata pair is apparently derived from S. c. elaine, and occupies the Salmon-Trinity Mountains of northwestern California, extending southward in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada to Tulare County. Thus, the coastal S. c.juba population in Glenn, Tehama, and Mendocino Counties is inserted between the unrelated populations of S. c. Uliana to the south and S. c. rupestris to the north. Likewise, the Sierran S. c.juba population is inserted between S. c. inornata to the west and S. c. nevadensis to the east, while S. c. macaria is connected to S. c. comstocki in the Coast Range and to S. c. inornata in the Sierras through the intermediate hybrid population called S. c. laurina (Wright) in the Greenhorn Mountains. Although hybridization is observed among all of these subspecies pairs, the suture zones are usually sharp step-clines that suggest some degree of incompatibility. Extensive reticulate fusion is only evident in the laurina population. In addition, sharp ecological differences are also present among the inornata, juba, and nevadensis populations of the northern Sierra Nevada. The present distribution pattern is consistent with alternating con- tractions and expansions in diverse S. callippe populations during the climatic fluctuations of the Pleistocene. During cool glacial periods, the species may have disappeared from the mountains of northwestern California, only to re-expand into this region during warm interglacial periods. Originally only three subspecies were likely present along the West Coast if this interpretation is correct. These include the common ancestor of callippe-comstocki in the southern Coast Range, ancestral Uliana- elaine in the northern Coast Range and western Oregon, and ancestral juba-macaria in the Sierra Nevada. An early glacial period could be responsible for the initial disjunction between S. c. Uliana and S. c. elaine , followed by an expansion of the Sierran S. c. juba into the Coast Range during a subsequent interglacial period. Likewise, a later glacial period may have resulted in the disjunction of the coastal and Sierran juba populations. During a still later interglacial period, S. c. rupestris expanded and evolved from the Oregon S. c. elaine in the Salmon-Trinity Mountains, and eventually spread southward in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada as S. c. inornata. Although this evolutionary hypothesis is complex, it would explain the complicated geographic variation present today along the West Coast. Incipient Speciation Patterns of geographic variation are also very complex in various degrees of incipient speciation, a process that is usually an extension of isolation and vicariant disjunction. Because polytypic species appear to lack genetic and evolutionary cohesion, the significance of speciation is largely of an ecological nature. Through the acquisition of reproductive isolation, closely related populations are able to co-exist in sympatry, 66 J. Res. Lepid. dividing available resources into ecological niches. Such resource parti- tioning results in greater diversity and stability for the total ecosystem. Thus, Speyeria edwardsi and S. callippe are widely sympatric on the northern Great Plains. The term “semispecies” has been applied to geographic segregates that exhibit a trend towards speciation (reproductive isolation), and polytypic species that consist of semispecies have been called “superspecies” (Mayr, 1963). In nature, there is often no clear-cut distinction between a geographic subspecies and a fully distinct biological species as Ehrlich (1961), Lorkovic (1962), Ehrlich & Murphy (1983), and Clarke & Larsen (1986) have discussed with butterflies. This fact supports Mayr’s belief that most speciation is an allopatric process. Because speciation is an important result of the geographic differentia- tion of populations, it is useful to examine this process in greater detail, and butterflies provide many examples at four different stages of diver- gence. These include (1.) divergent subspecies with no reproductive isolation, (2.) divergent subspecies with reproductive isolation in re- stricted local areas, (3.) allopatric populations that are intermediate in morphology between fully distinct sympatric species, and (4.) fully distinct sympatric species that exhibit reticulate hybrid fusion in re- stricted local areas. There are many examples of highly, divergent subspecies that lack reproductive isolating mechanisms, as with the Speyeria callippe sub- species along the West Coast. Most of these populations have been regarded as distinct taxonomic species in the past (dos Passes & Grey, 1947). Other examples in North America include the Limenitis arthemis complex (Platt, 1983), the Papilio glaucus-rutulus complex (Brower, 1959), and the Papilio machaon complex. In the latter group, the taxa asterius Cramer, zelicaon Lucas, and hudsonianus Clark have always been regarded as distinct species, and they are quite divergent in both wing color pattern and allozyme patterns (Sperling, 1987). Nevertheless, these taxa lack reproductive isolation, and they form extensive hybrid swarms within their suture zones. Moreover, there is evidence that this secondary intergradation is not a recent or temporary phenomenon, but has persisted for hundreds or even thousands of years since the last glaciation (Sperling, 1987). Similar stability of hybrid swarms has also been detected in Hyalophora moths (Collins, 1984). Other highly divergent subspecies intergrade in most areas of their ranges, but exhibit reproductive isolation in a few local areas of overlap- ping sympatry. For example, Speyeria atlantis subspecies exhibit exten- sive intergradation throughout most of the species’ range. Indeed, populations in the Rocky Mountains of Montana are joined together in a massive, three-way hybrid swarm between the northern S. a. heani (Barnes & Benj.), the central S. a. tetonia, and S. a. Helena of the Canadian prairies. However, in some local areas, S. atlantis subspecies co-exist together 29(l-2):54-76, 1990(91) 67 in sympatry with strong reproductive isolation, for example in the Riding Mountains of Manitoba (Moeck, 1957) and the Black Hills of South Dakota (Grey, Moeck & Evans, 1963). Likewise, Ferris (1983) and Scott (1988) have recently looked at the partial segregation between S. a. atlantis {-electa Edwards) and S. a. hesperis (Edwards) along the Colorado Front Range. My own field observations in western Colorado indicate that S. a. atlantis and S. a . nikias are widely sympatric with strong reproductive isolation south of the Gunnison River. However, the S. atlantis populations north of this river are an intermediate mixture between typical atlantis and nikias , apparently resulting from a hybrid fusion between these races. A slightly different version of incipient speciation involves sympatric populations with allochronic flight periods. Mattoni (1989) has provided several examples of sympatric allochrony in the Euphilotes battoides complex. David V. McCorkle and I have observed a good example in Euphydryas editha (Bdv.). Two subspecies of similar phenotype are distributed along the western slopes of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges. The Cascadian race is named E. e. colonia (Wright), the larvae feed on Castilleja spp. , and the adults fly in June and July. By contrast, the Sierran race is named E. e. rubicunda (Hy. Edwards), the larvae feed on C ollinsia spp. , and the adults fly in April and May (Ehrlich & Murphy, 1981). Very similar populations are also found in the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon and adjacent California. These have been called “baroni” by Dornfeld (1980), although the true E. e. baroni (Edwards) is apparently restricted to the California coast in Mendocino County (Murphy, 1983). In fact, the Siskiyou populations consist of two sympatric and allochronic units, although the adults are nearly identical in phenotype. A rubicunda- like population lives in dry, rocky habitats, and the adults fly from late March through May with oviposition on Collinsia. A sympatric colonia- like population lives in Darlingtonia bogs and riparian areas, and the adults fly in June and July with oviposition on Castilleja. Although the adults occur in the same areas with a mixture of bogs and rocky outcrops, the different flight periods must preclude most gene exchange between these populations. In terms of reproductive isolation, they are function- ing as distinct species. The third situation arises from the geographic fragmentation of popu- lations that precedes speciation. These are allopatric populations that are intermediate in morphology between distinct sympatric species, and are difficult to classify at the species level. For example, Speyeria zerene and S. coronis are sympatric throughout most of the western United States. Although closely related, they clearly function as distinct species. However, two allopatric populations are intermediate between these species, including carolae (dos Passos & Grey) in the Spring Mountains of Clark County, Nevada and semiramis (Edwards) in southern Califor- nia. The carolae population was originally described as a S. coronis 68 J. Res. Lepid. subspecies, but was later transferred to S. zerene by Grey & Moeck (1962). Likewise, the very similar semiramis exhibits reproductive link- age with other S. coronis populations, but it still retains many of the characteristics of S. zerene. There are similar examples in other genera such as Colias and Papilio. Colias pelidne Bdv. & LeC. and C. gigantea Strecker are widely sympa- tric in the northern Rocky Mountains, and are fully distinct with different larval foodplants (Ferris, 1987). However, an allopatric popula- tion in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado is intermediate and apparently feeds on both foodplants. Ferris (1987) has chosen to deal with this difficult taxonomic problem by treating the Colorado population as a third distinct species, C. scudderi Reakirt. Likewise, Papilio astyalus Godart andP. androgens Cramer are sympatric through much of tropical America. However, an allopatric population named P. thersites Fabr. is isolated on the island of Jamaica, and is intermediate in wing pattern between the continental species. Although treating allopatric popula- tions as distinct species provides an easy solution to embarrassing taxonomic problems, it also obscures the intermediate transitions be- tween sympatric species. Such transitions are quite common in nature, but their existence is not recognized by the Linnaean system of taxo- nomic nomenclature. Finally, the fourth situation involves widely sympatric species that remain distinct in most regions, but exhibit hybridization and reticulate fusion in certain local areas. Euphydryas chalcedona (Dbl.) andP. anicia (Dbl.) are usually distinct species in most parts of their sympatric ranges (Ferris, 1988a), but reticulate fusion between them is evident in parts of Nevada and northeastern California (Scott, 1980). A similar situation exists between Colias pelidne and C. interior Scudder. Although these species appear to remain distinct in most parts of their ranges, apparent hybrid populations are found in Idaho (Ferris, 1988b). There is also evidence that local areas of hybridization and fusion occur in several other butterflies of the Pacific Northwest, including hybrid swarms between Colias occidentalis Scudder and C. alexandra Edwards, and between Lycaeides melissa (Edwards) and L. idas (L.) (unpublished data). Processes of Macroevolution The theory of macroevolution has changed considerably since Darwin, and even since formulation of the “modern synthesis”. Stebbins & Ayala (1981) have suggested that macroevolution is an autonomous field of evolutionary study, because macroevolutionary patterns cannot be de- duced from the microevolutionary principles of mutation, gene flow, random drift, and natural selection. Thus, the processes of macroevolu- tion can only be examined by studying actual patterns of past divergence and adaptive radiation. Various theories of macroevolution have been reviewed by Mayr ( 1963, 29(l-2):54-76, 1990(91) 69 1976), Stanley (1979), Eldredge & Cracraft (1980), and Eldredge (1989). At first, it was thought that most evolution took place by phyletic gradualism within cohesive gene pools. This model suggested that established populations slowly change over long periods of time in response to gradually changing environmental conditions. However, the fossil record provided support for an entirely different pattern of macro- evolution; one characterized by short, explosive bursts of evolutionary change followed by long periods of relative stasis. Such evidence resulted in theories of saltation, quantum evolution, and punctuated equilibria (Gould & Eldredge, 1977). Under the model of punctuated equilibria, macroevolution does not take place by phyletic change within established populations, but through the creation of entirely new populations (cladogenesis). Moreover, the process rarely involves a dichotomous splitting of a pre-existing ances- tral population into two daughter populations. Instead, macroevolution is usually associated with peripheral budding (peripatric cladogenesis) at the perimeter of the ancestral population’s range where environmen- tal conditions are different (Mayr, 1976 p. 455; 1982). The ancestral population remains intact and unchanged within the original environ- ment, while the new daughter population actively invades and adapts to an entirely new environment (Eldredge & Cracraft, 1980 p. 125). Indeed, only a few generations of intense directional selection within a small founder population maybe required to achieve significant adaptive shifts (Ford, 1945 pp. 268-270; Carson & Templeton, 1974; Dimock & Mattoni, 1986). Thus, peripatric cladogenesis combined with adaptive shifts to new environmental conditions are now thought to be the most important factors behind macroevolution. However, Mayr and Eldredge still believe that cladogenesis is essen- tially synonymous with speciation due to the purported cohesion of the biological species (Eldredge, 1989). This view is rejected in the present paper for the reasons previously discussed. Instead, I would argue that the basic process of macroevolution is the geographic differentiation of populations, and not necessarily speciation. Likewise, if one wants to directly observe the process of macroevolution, they should examine patterns of geographic variation, and not patterns of speciation. There are other far-reaching implications. It is frequently argued that populations or taxa do not have the dimension of time, because a population of today is never precisely identical to a population of yester- day. Thus, no living population can be directly ancestral to any other living population. While this argument is partly a matter of semantic definition, it is also a corollary of phyletic gradualism. However, if punctuated equilibria and peripatric cladogenesis are real phenomena, then populations do have dimensions of both time and space. Presently extant populations may be regarded as “ancient” or “recent” on the time scale, and may be regarded as “ancestral” or “descendant” in phylogeny. In addition, ancestral forms of insects face a low probability of extinc- 70 J. Res . Lepid, tion as descendants evolve, in contrast to the extinction patterns of large vertebrates seen in the fossil record. Insects are able to survive as relicts in small, isolated refugia that could never support a viable population of large vertebrates. At the full species level, reproductive isolation and resource partitioning allow large numbers of related insect populations to co-exist in sympatry, including both ancestral and descendant popu- lations. For example, eight species of Speyeria are widely sympatric in western North America. But the four species of the primate genus Homo follow each other sequentially in the fossil record, and never co-existed together for long periods of time (Rightmire, 1985). Although these primates present the pattern of punctuated equilibria, paleontologists cannot decide if Homo evolution has been phyletic or cladogenic (Eldredge, 1989 p. 75). There is no such doubt with extant butterfly taxa. It is only through cladogenesis that related populations can exist simultaneously in time. The previous examples of Speyeria atlantis and S. callippe serve to illustrate punctuated equilibria, peripatric cladogenesis and ancestor- descendant relationships. In particular, the Appalachian-type S. a. atlantis appears to represent a basal-stem ancestor within the genus Speyeria, and is a prime example of punctuated equilibria. This subspe- cies displays a classical vicariant pattern, with a continuous Appala- chian population and three widely disjunct Rocky Mountain populations. One extends from northern Idaho to southeastern British Columbia, a second occurs in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming, and a third occurs in Colorado. A fourth population in the Black Hills of South Dakota is more derived, and appears to be closely related to S. a. hollandi (Chermock) in the Riding Mountains of Manitoba. All of these populations are surrounded by highly derived subspecies of S. atlantis. There has certainly been no direct genetic contact among the Rocky Mountain populations of S. a, atlantis for the past 12,000 years and generations since the last glacial period, and possibly for much longer considering the distributions of the surrounding subspecies. Genetic contact between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountain populations has clearly been broken for a very long time. Yet no major differentiation has taken place among these populations. This long-term stasis is closely correlated with the ecology of S. a. atlantis , since all disjunct isolates of this subspecies still occupy a similar habitat consisting of cold, wet spruce or birch forests. In sharp contrast, the surrounding subspecies occupy warm, dry forests of pine, fir, and aspen, or even open grasslands on the Canadian prairies. The cladogram in Figure 3 depicts the distribution of derived charac- ters among the taxa of the Speyeria callippe group. However, cladograms do not give a time dimension to taxa, and simply arrange taxa in a dichotomous branching pattern. If cladogenesis takes place by periph- eral budding, with ancestral populations remaining intact and mostly unchanged, then the actual phylogeny should be represented by ances- 29(l-2):54-76, 1990(91) 71 caigariana meadi \ harmonia nevadensis inornata atlantis Fig. 5. Phylogenetic interpretation of Speyeria caiiippe subspecies. tor-descendant relationships among extant taxa in the absence of extinc- tions. Such an interpretation for the S. caiiippe group is presented in Figure 5, and is based upon the cladistic data combined with the distributions shown in Figures 2 and 4. This family tree suggests that S. caiiippe elaine originated as a West Coast isolate from S. a. atlantis , probably in western Oregon. Aside from characters 1 and 2 ,S.c. elaine only differs from S. a, atlantis by a single derived character (13), and this is a rather weak and inconsistent character. Moreover, S. c. elaine still occupies a forest habitat like S. a. atlantis , although it is a warm, dry forest of oak, pine, and fir. The vicariance of S. c. elaine and the similar S. c. Uliana is also suggestive of considerable antiquity. Other subspecies of S. caiiippe in California are more divergent, and some races have shifted from the ancestral forest habitat to xeric grasslands (i.e. comstocki , macaria , inornata). However, the most ex- treme divergence shown in Figure 3 separates the semivirida group from the caiiippe group. This change is closely correlated with an extreme 72 J. Res. Lepid. ecological shift, from the ancestral forest habitat to the semi-desert sagebrush steppes of the Great Basin and intermountain regions. Two of these taxa, S. c. calgariana and S. edwardsi, have moved east of the Rocky Mountains to occupy the xeric short-grass prairies of the northern Great Plains. In other words, the degree of morphological divergence is directly related to ecological divergence, from the cold, wet spruce forests of S. a. atlantis to the hot, dry grasslands of S. c. calgariana. I believe that these examples provide at least indirect, circumstantial evidence in support of the theories of peripatric cladogenesis and punc- tuated equilibria. From the probable point of origin on the West Coast, Speyeria callippe populations have evolved and spread by the peripheral budding process southward and eastward across much of western North America. Lowland deserts and high mountain ranges combined with Pleistocene climatic fluctuations have likely served as isolating barriers during this process. Major morphological changes appear to be associ- ated with the creation of new, descendant populations combined with major ecological shifts into new environments. At the same time, ances- tral populations remain intact and locked into long-term stasis within their ancestral environments. Over long periods of time, ancestral types such as S. c. elaine may give rise to multiple descendants that differ greatly in age of divergence. For example, S. c.juha appears to be much older than S. c. rupestris by reason of its vicariance. The above discussion does not mean that phyletic evolution never takes place within established gene pools. However, such change may be limited to simple genetic traits, rather than a major restructuring of the genome. Sperling (1987) has hypothesized that the black wing morph gene of Papilio polyxenes asterius has been introduced into sympatric populations of P. bairdi through hybridization, probably in New Mexico or eastern Arizona. The black gene has since spread throughout south- western populations of P. bairdi , extending to southern California and southern Idaho. Such gene flow and phyletic evolution is most likely to take place in strongly vagile organisms with a cohesive population structure, and is much less likely in sedentary organisms such as Speyeria or Euphydryas species. Acknowledgments. 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Ent. 23:198-315. Stanley, S.M. 1979. Macroevolution: pattern and process. W.H. Freeman & Co. , San Francisco. 332 pp. Stebbins, G.L. & F.J. Ayala. 1981. Is a new evolutionary synthesis necessary? Science 213:967-971. Thorpe, J.P. 1984. Primary and secondary transition zones in speciation and population differentiation: a phylogenetic analysis of range expansion. Evolution 38:233-243. Wells, P.V. & J.D. Stewart. 1987. Cordilleran-boreal taiga and fauna on the central Great Plains of North America, 14,000- 18,000 years ago. Am. Midi. Nat. 118:94-106. White, M.J.D. 1978. Modes of speciation. W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco. 455 pp. Wilson, E.O. & W.L. Brown, Jr. 1953. The subspecies concept and its taxonomic application. Syst. Zool. 2:97-111. 76 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1 . Derived character state changes in the phylogeny of Speyeria callippe subspecies 1 . black median band at end of discal cell of dorsal hindwing distally elongate (versus not elongate) 2. silver spot in discal cell of ventral hindwing (vhw) large (vs. small discal spot) 3. yellow-orange ground color on dorsal wing (dw) (vs. medium orange) 4. very heavy melanic basal suffusion on dw (vs. heavy suffusion) 5. disc on vhw yellow-brown or pure yellow, red ground color on ventral forewing (vfw) reduced (vs. brown disc & heavy red color) 6. median spots on vhw large and elongate (vs. short, pointed spots) 7. small median spots on vhw (vs. larger spots) 8. wide yellow submarginal band on vhw (vs. narrow band) 9. disc on vhw yellow-brown or pure yellow (vs. brown disc) 10. melanic basal suffusion on dw greatly reduced (vs. heavy suffusion) 1 1 . forewings rounded (vs. pointed'forewings) 12. reduced melanic basal suffusion on dw (vs. heavy suffusion) 13. large and rounded median spots on vhw (vs. pointed spots) 14. spots on vhw unsilvered (vs. silver spots) 15. reduced melanic basal suffusion on dw (vs. heavy suffusion) 16. ground color of vfw yellow in males (vs. orange color) 1 7. veins in dorsal forewing of males thin with reduced dark scaling (vs. thick dark veins) 1 8. yellow-orange ground colot on dw (vs. medium orange) 19. disc greenish brown on vhw (vs. brown disc) 20. median spots on vhw large and elongate (vs. rounded spots) 21 . melanic basal suffusion on dw greatly reduced (vs. heavy suffusion) 22. disc pure green without brown on vhw (vs. greenish brown disc) 23. green suffusion over yellow submarginal band on vhw (vs. clear yellow band) 24. disc gray or gray-green (vs. pure green disc) 25. disc olive-green (vs. pure green disc) 26. heavy melanic basal suffusion on dw (vs. little suffusion) 27. large wind size (forewing length over 32 mm.) (vs. small wing size less than 32 mm.) 28. long valve process on male genitalia (vs. short, club-shaped process) Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(l-2):77-84, 1990(91) Cryptic larval polychroinatism in Rekoa marius Lucas and R. pa /eg on Cramer (Lycaenidae: Theclinae). Ricardo Ferreira Monteiro Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Institute de Biologia, Deptartamento de Ecologia, Lab. de Ecologia de Insetos, Caixa Postal 68020, CEP 21941 - Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL Abstract, Rekoa marius and R. palegon , are widely distributed neotropical hairs treaks that show cryptic larval polychromatism which is food dependent. Larvae of R. marius showed a short-term color shift when reared from different colored flower buds. A great number of host plant species belonging to several families were recorded for both R. marius and R. palegon larvae. Biological aspects of the larvae are presented and the relationships between cryptic polychromatism and polyphagy are discussed. Introduction The neotropical hairstreak species Rekoa marius Lucas and!?, palegon Cramer (Lycaenidae: Theclinae) are widely ranged from southern Texas (USA) to Argentina, and are known in butterfly literature as Theda ericusa and T. palegon (Robbins, 1991). The genus Rekoa has recently been revised by Robbins (1991) who refers to Rekoa marius and R. palegon larvae as polyphagous species, citing records mainly on Leguminosae and Malpighiaceae for the former and Asteraceae for the latter. Apparently crypsis is very common among lycaenid larvae (e.g., Maschwitz et al., 1984, 1985; Ballmer and Pratt, 1989), but records of larval cryptic polychromatism are poorly documented. For example, food-determined color pattern was reported in Callophrys mossii hayensis larvae (Brown, 1969), but was disputed by Emmel and Ferris (1972), and Orsak and Whitman (1988). Malicky (1970) described Newcomer organs and perforated cupolas in R. palegon larvae, and most Theclinae are known to be ant associated (Hinton, 1951;Atsatt, 1981; Henning, 1983; Cottrell, 1984). However, no ants have ever been recorded for the two species studied here. The purpose of this paper is to show the cryptic coloration in two Rekoa larvae species and discuss their food-dependent color mechanism in relation to polyphagy. Materials and Methods From June 1985 to June 1989 1 examined flower buds of about a hundred plant species in Barra de Marica (22° 57'S, 42° 52'W) State of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, consisting of beach sand dune vegetation (“restinga”), and covering an area approximately 200 ha. 78 J. Res. Lepid. Immatures of Rekoa species were collected, and larvae were reared in transpar- ent plastic boxes, with moist paper on the bottom. Adult voucher specimens were deposited in Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) and in the National Museum of Natural History (Washington, DC). To verify the effect of host plant on larval color, I collected 30 larvae of R. marius in the first and second instar, and five larvae in the third and fourth instar and reared them on different host species with four different flower bud colors. Five second instar larvae of R. palegon were also submitted to the same experiment. All larvae were observed daily. The presence of attendant ants and the occurrence of parasitoids were also recorded. Results LIFE HISTORY AND CRYPTIC COLORATION Immatures of R. marius are most common in summer and fall, but eggs and larvae may be found during most of the year. Larval development takes 22 days with four instars and pupal duration of 10 days (26.5°C ± 2; 65% ± 10 RH; N=10). R. marius was found feeding on 30 host species of 26 genera belonging to 10 dicot families (Table 1). The main host plant species had Extra Floral Nectaries (EFN) on flower buds (. Arrabidaea conjugata andLundia cordata ), leaves 0 Senna bicapsularis and S. australis ) or bracts ( Ouratea cuspidata ). In these plant species ants were observed frequently visiting their EFN. After eclosion larvae are yellowish and feed on small flower buds; as they grow they feed on larger flower buds and become cryptic. Although several host species were used, R. marius larvae always resemble the color of the flower bud on which they are fed (Fig. 1, A— F). Hence, in some host plants, such as O. cuspidata, S. bicapsularis, Coccoloba arborescens and Lundia cordata, young larvae of R. marius are green or whitish- yellow, corresponding to the color of the calyx of these plant species. The third and fourth instar larvae are predominantly yellow on the first two plant species, white on C. arborescens and red on L. cordata. Both young and mature larvae feeding on Arrabidaea conjugata were always lilac colored. This plant species, in contrast to the others, has a lilac calyx and corolla. The adults show no color variation correlating to larval host plant species. R. palegon occurred in the study area mainly in fall and winter, when most of its host plant species, almost all Asteraceae, (Table 1) bloom. Larval development takes 23 days and pupa duration is 10 days (N=10). The larvae are yellowish when they hatch. During the three following instars they become predominantly green, white, yellow or wine (Fig. 1, G-L). Larvae from inflorescences of Mikania stipulacea present two cryptic coloration patterns, wine-green when feeding on younger flower heads or green- white on mature flower heads. 29(l-2):Y7-84? 1990(91) 79 Table 1 . Host records of Rekoa marius and R. paiegon larvae collected since 1385, from “restinga” of Barra de Marica, Marica, Brazil. Rekoa marius Rekoa paiegon Apocynaceae Aspidosperma pyricollum Bignoniaceae Arrabidaea agnus-castus A. conjugata Lundia cordata Adenocaiymma marginatum Anemopaegma venusta Jacaranda jasminoides Tabebuia chrystoricha Boraginaceae Cordia verbenaceae Leguminosae Senna bicapsuiaris S. australis Caesalpinia bonduc CratyHa hypargyrea Andira iegaiis Diocleavioiacea Swartzia apeiata Malpighiaceae Byrsonima sericea Peixotoa hispidula Stygmaphylion paralias Heteropteris chrysophylia Mefastomataceae Marcetia taxifolia Tibouchina aff. holosericea Myrtaceae Eugenia uniflora E. ovalifolia Neomitranthes obscura Ochnaceae Ouratea cuspidate Polygonaceae Coccoloba arborescens C. alnifoiia Sapindaceae Paullinia weinmanniaefolia Asteraceae Mikania hoehnei M. stipulacea M. micrantha Eupatorium laxum E. odoratum Vernonia scorpioides V. geminata Wedelia paludosa Wulfia baccata Baccharis punctulata Trixis antimenorrhoea Polygonaceae Coccoloba arborescens FEEDING BEHAVIOR Larvae of both species feed all day. They bore into the flower bud (or inflorescence) making a circular hole in which they insert their retractile heads and eat the reproductive tissue and part of the calyx and corolla. 80 J. Res. Lepid. Each R. marius larva ate about 40 to 50 flower buds of O. cuspidata or S. bicapsularis during its development. Food deprivation led to cannibal- ism; larger larvae generally ate smaller ones or pupae. In the laboratory, R. palegon larvae reared on S. bicapsularis and O. cuspidata (. R . marius host species) developed into adults in 90% of the cases (N=20). On the other hand 95% of R. marius larvae (N=20) failed to develop to pupae when reared in the three main host species used by R. palegon : Mikania hoehnei , M. stipulacea and Vernonia scorpioides. NATURE OF COLORATION Food plant shift experiments showed that first and second instar larvae change their coloration and become similar to the new host flower bud color. Twenty green or yellow first instar larvae of R. marius collected from S. bicapsularis , S. australis and O. cuspidata became lilac when reared on A. conjugata flower buds. Ten first and second instar lilac larvae from A. conjugata became yellowish after being reared with the three above host species. Five green second instar larvae of R. palegon became yellowish when changed from Eupatorium laxum (green flower head) to Wedelia paludosa inflorescences (yellow flower head). Coloration change occurs within three to five days after the food plant shift, but coloration becomes more pronounced after the first moult. Third and fourth instar larvae transferred to different colored host plants partially change their color and eventually showed intermediate colors. PARASITISM AND MYRMECOPHILY Rekoa marius and R. palegon larvae are hosts for the same four parasitoids: Telenomus sp. (Hym.: Proctotrupoidea: Scelionidae — egg), Rogas sp. (Hym.: Braconidae larva), Conura n. sp. (Hym. : Chalcididae — larva/pupa) and a tachinid species (Diptera — larva/pupa). Total Figure 1 . Rekoa marius (A-F) and R. palegon (G-L) color patterns on some food plants. (A) Ouratea cuspidata (young flower bud) (B) O. cuspidata (mature flower bud) (C) Coccoloba arborescens (D) Caesalpinia bonduc (E) Arrabidaea conjugata (F) Lundia cordata (G) Eupatorium laxum (H) Mikania hoehnei (I) M. stipulacea (J) Vernonia scorpioides (K) Wulfia baccata (L) Wedelia paludosa 82 J. Res. Lepid. parasitism of each butterfly species in both years (1987-1988) was no more than 15% (N=300) for eggs and 5% (N=500) for larvae. Several ant species were observed attending third and fourth instar larvae of R. marius (Fig.l: B,C,E) ( Camponotus crassus , C. rufipes, C. cingulatus, Solenopsis sp., and Conomyrma sp.) and R. palegon 0 Camponotus crassus, Crematogaster sp. and a dolichoderine species). The ants did antennation on the Newcomer gland and pore cupola but fed only from the former. Discussion Color and feeding behavior of R. marius and R. palegon larvae provide them with camouflage (Fig. 1). Such cryptic host plant dependent polychromatism is caused by flavonoid and carotenoid pigments accumu- lated by larvae (Kaplan & Monteiro, unpublished data). Wilson (1987) showed that flavonoid content of several lycaenid species is dependent on the flavonoid content of larval food, and although she suggested that flavonoid pigments act as chemical defenses, I suspect that they confer crypsis rather than aposematism in Rekoa larvae. Brower (1958) speculated on the selective advantage of polyphagy in cryptic insects, suggesting that populations using several host plant species would be more difficult for insectivorous birds to find. Color polymorphism would break the insect population into several “visual species” each of which would have to be learned independently by avian predators. In both Rekoa species, food plant induced coloration produced cryptic poly chromatism, dividing the population into several “visual species.” Such a mechanism may be of great importance because there would be no non-cryptic individuals. Hence, polyphagy would not be dependent on the number of cryptic color morphs, as in polymorphism, but quite the contrary, the number of morphs would be determined by the host plant coloration patterns. Polyphagy in these hairstreaks may also allow them to reproduce for longer periods in the year, overcoming the problems of ephemeral food resources in nature. The wide range of host plants used by many thecline species, consid- ered uncommon among other butterflies, may be due in part to their flower-feeding habit (Robbins & Aiello, 1982). However, I believe that the color determination mechanism found in Rekoa may also play an important role on host range width providing larval cryptic protection for whichever host plant used. Such a mechanism indicates that a perfect camouflage does not necessarily require a monophagous habit of larva, as has been suggested by Maschwitz et al. (1984, 1985). Although for flower bud feeding and ant associated lycaenids the presence of Extra Floral Nectaries (EFN) in their host plants may be less important than in foliage feeding species, it is remarkable that the five main food plants of R. marius (S. hicapsularis, S. australis , L. cordata, A. conjugata and O. cuspidata ) bear EFN. As these larvae do not feed on EFN, in contrast to what was observed in a riodinid species by De Vries 29(l-2):77-84, 1990(91) 83 and Baker (1989), it is possible that this host species preference is based on a direct correlation between a higher frequency of ants in the host plants and the rate of larvae survival as verified in other lycaeriid species (Atsatt, 1981; Henning, 1983; Pierce & Elgar, 1985). Ant protection against parasitoids recorded for some lycaenids (Pierce & Mead, 1981; Atsatt, 1981; Pierce & Easteal, 1986) may also occur in Rekoa as indicated by the low parasitism rate found in both myrmecophi- lous species. Acknowledgements. Margarete V. Macedo helped me in all phases of this work. Rogerio P. Martins, Curtis Callaghan, Donald Harvey and Robert K. Robbins and two anonymous reviewers gave valuable critical comments on the manuscript. Robert Robbins, Marta Loyacono, Paul Marsh, Carlos Roberto Brandao and G. Delvare provided the insect identifications. Janie Silva identified the plants. The field work was financially supported by FINEP. Doctoral scholarship came from CAPES. Literature Cited Atsatt, P. R. 1981. Ant-dependent food plant selection by the mistletoe butterfly Ogyris amaryllis (Lycaenidae). Oecologia 48: 60-63. Ballmer, G. R. and G. F. Pratt. 1989. A survey of the last instar larvae of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) of California. J. Res. Lepid. 27: 1-81. Brower, L. P. 1958. Bird predation and food plant specificity in closely related procryptic insect. Amer. Natur. 92 (864): 183-187. Brown, R. M. 1969. Larva and habitat of Callophrys fotis bayensis (Lycaenidae). J. Res. Lepid. 8: 49-50. Callaghan, C. J. 1981. Notes on the immature biology of two myrmecophilous Lycaenidae: Juditha molpe (Riodininae) and Panthiades bitias (Lyceninae). J. Res. Lepid. 20 (1): 36-42. Cottrell, C. B. 1984. Aphytophagy in butterflies: its relationship to myrmecophily. Zool. J. Lin. Soc. 79: 1-57. DeVries, P. J. and I. Baker. 1989. Butterfly exploitation of ant-plant mutualism: adding insult to herbivory. J. New York Ent. Soc. 97 (3): 332-340. Emmel, J. F. and C. D. Ferris. 1972. The biology of Callophrys ( Incisalia ) fotis bayensis (Lycaenidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 26: 237-244. Henning, S. F. 1983. Biological groups within the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera). J. Ent. Soc. So. Africa 46 (1): 65-85. Hinton, H. E. 1951. Myrmecophilous Lycaenidae and other Lepidoptera - a summary. Proc. So. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1949-1959, 111-175. Malicky, H. 1970. New aspects on the association between lycaenid larvae (Lycaenidae) and ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). J. Lepid. Soc. 24: 190-202. Maschwitz, U., M. Schroth, H. Hanel and T. Y. Pong. 1984. Lycaenids parasitizing symbiotic plant-ant partnerships. Oecologia 64: 78-80. Maschwitz, U., M. Schroth, H. Hanel and Y. P. Tho. 1985. Aspects of the larvae biology of myrmecophylous lycaenids from West Malaysia (Lepidoptera). Nach. Ent. Ver. Apollo, Frankfurt 6: 181-200. Orsak, L. and D. W. Whitman. 1986. Chromatic polymorphism in Callophrys mossii bayensis larvae (Lycaenidae): spectral characterization, short-term color shift, and natural morph frequencies. J. Res. Lepid. 25: 188-201. 84 J. Res. Lepid. Pierce, N. E. and S. Easteal. 1986. The selective advantage of attendant ants for the larvae of lycaenid butterfly, Glaucopsyche lygdamus. J. An. Ecol. 55: 451- 462. Pierce, N.E. and M. A. Elgar. 1985. The influence of ants on host plant selection by Jalmenus evagoras, a mymecophilous lycaenid butterfly. Behav. Ecol. and Sociob. 16: 209-222. Pierce, N. E. and P. S. Mead. 1981. Parasitoids as selective agents in the symbiosis between lycaenid butterfly larvae and ants. Science 211 (132): 1185-1187. Robbins, R. K.‘ 1991. Evolution, comparative morphology, and identification of the Eumaeine butterfly genus Rekoa Kaye (Lycaenidae: Theclinae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 498: 64. Robbins, R. K. and A. Aiello. 1982. Foodplant and oviposition for Panamanian Lycaenidae and Riodinidae. J. Lepid. Soc. 36 (2): 65-75. Wilson, A. 1987. Flavonoid pigments in chalkhill blue (Ly sandra coridon Poda) and other lycaenid butterflies. J. Chem. Ecol. 13 (3): 473-493. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(l-2):85-91 , 1990(91) On Pieris ( Artogeia ) marginalis macdunnoughii Remington (Pieridae). Part II. S. R. Bowden Lydeard, Merryfield Way, Storrington, W. Sussex, RH20 4NS, U.K. Abstract. The crossing of Pieris ssp. macdunnoughii (almost without marking on the upperside) with a European P. napi produced F x male hybrids even more heavily marked than normal napi. It was not thought that the funebris gene which was present in the European stock was responsible. The female hybrids, carrying an approximation to the napi female pattern, showed slight asymmetry of marking, and “smudging”. Comparable results from other wide crosses within the napi group suggest that these, unlike closer hybrids, often suffer disturbance of the canalizing mechanisms which control patterns. In the present case abnormally short diapause failed to produce the full “spring” characters. Introduction A recent paper (Bowden 1988) described the hybridization of Pieris {napi) macdunnoughii Remington with European P. napi L., and concluded that that the Colorado taxon (like ssp. marginalis Scudder of Oregon) carried two genetically distinct systems of yellow coloration. However, no adequate description of the melanic markings of the hybrids was given. The present publication is intended to supply this, and to discuss the realized expression of the upperside pattern of this species-group, though further experimental work with unrelated macdunnoughii material, including European crosses in both directions, is desirable to confirm conclusions, and particularly to quantify environmental effects. It should be explained that the work now reported was initiated as an attempt to transfer the funebris (Lorkovic 1971) gene, as homozygote, to substantially pure ssp. macdunnoughii. There it might produce an informatively different phenotype. But the series of pairings (starting with an inbreeding of brood 1986-y — see below) necessary for this was not obtained, and in the present connection the presence of the funebris gene was probably irrelevant. Any future worker on macdunnoughii x napi hybridization will avoid this complication, as the funebris gene appears, most unfortunately, to have been lost everywhere. Several American subspecies related to Pieris napi carry no more than faint indications of the spot markings which normally charac- terize the Palaearctic members of the group (fig. 1). Such indications as there are (e.g. in fig. 6) seem to suggest that the pattern is present, but 86 J. Res. Lepid . 1. Corsican J'64dvm 6. 2. Corsican cT'64 1985-tf, 12 C? + 11 2 NQ 2'84p27ffx c?'85r6 -—> 1985-/?, 95 Cf + 0 2 2'86A‘’10ff x cf'85QlO 1986-^, 94 cf + 0 2 2'86/i"'llff x c?Cf '85(714-16 -> 1986-g“, 10 Cf +?2 2 N.NQ ?2'85/i23,24 x cfcf ’85667,68 1986-c, 41 Cf + 36 2 Q.NQ 2'85r31 x cfcf'85&78,85 -> 1986-y, 5 cf + 3 2 QN $'85^18 x cfcf'85/i88-91 — > 1986-ra, 38 cf + 26 2 Here the symbol ff following an individual identification number indicates a funebris homozygote. Marking Emphasis in Hybrid Males In the non-diapause emergence of our Fx hybrid brood 1985-/? (fig. 7), which gave no adult females, the black upperside markings of the 39 males were generally intense, with the fore wing apical patch extend- ing rather smoothly to vein Ml (= v3 of the Herrich- Schaffer system as used by Higgins & Riley 1970 and Higgins 1975.) So great an extension is usual in Pieris brassicae L., but seldom attained in P. rapae L. and P. napi. Further, the veins of the hindwings were marked distally with spots, which spread laterally from the veins to produce a marginal band only slightly interrupted (fig. 7). However, less extensively marked males were eight in number. At first sight the almost continuous band recalled the fact that the European mother of 1985-/? was of funebris form. However, although all the individuals of k must have been heterozygous for the (normally recessive) funebris gene, a small proportion (eight as mentioned) showed little or no vein-end expansion. Also, in the similarly con- stituted later broods 1986-^, gl\ the hindwing distal vein-marking was less. Such variation, attributable to environmental fluctuation, interferes with quantitative assessment. Besides, examination of many earlier napi f. funebris specimens, especially those of less extreme form, had shown that the marginal band of funebris appears to be built up primarily from interneural 88 J. Res . Lepid pigmentation, though the veins themselves may also become black. It is known that, in Pieris ( Artogeia ), patterns are assembled from sys- tems based on either the veins or interneural (transverse) bars, and that these systems are separately controlled, whether genetically or by environment. The marking in 1985-/2 is always vein-based, and is in fact close to that of P. canidia Sparrman and even of P. deota deNiceville. A connection with funebris can probably therefore be excluded. Markings of Female Hybrids Females as well as males were obtained when the Fj males were back-crossed in either direction — as also when, later, the reverse Fi (J macdunnoughii x cf napi funebris heterozygote) succeeded (1986-ft). In the back-cross (1986-j) to macdunnoughii only about half the off- spring should have lacked homozygous restricta; accordingly four out of eight expressed European marking. But then as well as the hind- wing vein-marking there was heavy black napi patterning on the fore- wings of two females, locally smudged on to small areas usually white (e.g. fig. 8). Such smudging, when it occurred in Lorkovic’s earliest funebris broods, was attributed by him to partial expression of heter- ozygous funebris (which is normally quite recessive), but I have obtained it (for example) in Calabrian x Irish napi (e.g. fig. 4). It may be that it can occur as some consequence of very wide crosses. Another disturbance in these back-cross females was a certain imbalance: left- and right-side markings were not perfect mirror-images (fig. 8). This feature too may be evidence of an instability (basically genetic) when widely distinct genomes are combined. In the 1986-c back-cross to napi (funebris heterozygote) about one- quarter of the offspring (17 or 17 out of 77) were of regular f. funebris, as expected, the phenotypes being within the range generally found (not ilustrated here — cf. Bowden 1983). The female Jcl5 (fig. 10) looked rather questionable as a possible partial funebris: though its underside showed no funebris characters whatever, this is not con- clusive negative evidence. There was little sign of bilateral imbalance in 1986-c; most of the non-funebris males looked not unlike the Fx hybrid males. In the reciprocal Fx cross, 1986-n (which had relatively few males marked more extensively than napi at apices and hindwing vein-ends), the female veins were marked distally, but not very heavily. Some (e.g. Jn38, fig. 9) showed once more a left-right asymmetry of marking. The writer was rather surprised not to find in the females even larger melanic areas, presaged by those unusually extensive male markings in 1985-/2. But what conclusions are to be drawn from a comparison of figs. 4 and 10? 29(l-2):85-91, 1990(91) 89 Pattern Interpretation There was considerable individual variation within each brood of our hybrids, and a significant diminution of average male patterning be- tween brood 1985-& and its successors 1986-g*, gl\ though parentage of these was similar (only for 1986-72 and c was the “European” parent merely heterozygous for funebris). As is usual in such cases, it is un- certain exactly how much of this variation was due to cryptic genetic differences, and how much more to environmental fluctuation. But except in 1986-c, where funebris became homozygous in some in- dividuals, it is doubtful whether this gene had any visible effect in these macdunnoughii hybrids. Nevertheless, the use of funebris-form napi introduced enough possible genetic complications to increase the uncertainty of inter- preting the pattern of the hybrids. Funebris itself is far from being understood. However, we still have much to learn even about the typical Pieris (. Artogeia ) design, which is in fact a very peculiar one. Schwanwitsch (1956) claimed that in Pieridae in general the principal wing-pattern components that he recognized as typical for other butterflies were present, but he acknowledged, “Most of the components disappear from the [genus] Pieris wing-pattern”. There are no eye-spots, no ocelli, no ripple-patterns, no central symmetry system. Even the true discoidal spots (which Nijhout 1978 remarks are “present in virtually every species of Lepidoptera”) do not appear, whereas they are prominent in Euchloe , Pontia and Tatochila. Close hybridization within the sub-genus Artogeia usually produces no significant pattern disturbance: the forms that result are simply intermediate, as far as dominant and epistatic relationships allow. More distant hybrids seem to have their specific canalizing mech- anisms disoriented, and this can be exaggerated in secondary and back-cross combinations. The pattern of the Arctic/Alpine adalwinda neohryoniae F2 hybrid (fig. 5) is startling in a male, but of course on the underside strong radial markings persist normally in this sex too. It appears that extreme imbalance of modifiers may be responsible for many apparent reversions. I have previously (1983) quoted Riedl (1978) to support the view that hybridization can allow the re-activation of suppressed gene-systems. It is not intended even to consider here the two questions as to how the basic “ Artogeia ” pattern of these closely related butterflies arose and how its variants are now (for the most part) maintained. The historical question (at present almost beyond conjecture) is of the greater interest. Are ecological/selection proposals convincing? 90 J. Res. Lepid. Pattern and Diapause Other disturbances are to be expected in wide hybrids, and were in fact encountered in the case of napi x macdunnoughii. The particular- ly common failure of the female sex to reach maturity, at least in one direction of the cross (cf. Lorkovic 1978) has been detailed for these hybrids in our earlier report (Bowden 1988). One amendment to that is due: a second female from 1986-g“ eclosed (after diapause) subsequent- ly to the preparation of the report and was classified as a true hybrid, not a waif. So such failure may not be absolute, and I believe that other workers have used injections of ecdysone to induce hybrid females among Papilionidae to complete their imaginal development. The determination and onset of diapause may also become irregular, or its connection with seasonal forms be distorted. In brood 1985-&, 39 normal non-diapause emergences occurred 25 ix-85 to Tx-85, then ceased, as if at initiation of diapause, though remaining pupae were not cold-stored until 4 xii*85. However, pupae subsequently restored to room temperature on 12 i-86 and on 27-iv-86 produced 12 + 15 male adults after about 15 days, but still of the non-diapause upperside marking! These “summer-form” insects of February and May 1986 did nevertheless approach the post-diapause underside pat- tern, with rather complete hindwing veining. On the other hand, pupae kept in the refrigerator until 25-vi-86 and 26-viii-86 produced 12 + 14 “spring-form” males in about eight and five days respectively. These “spring” insects showed only a very slight blackening of upper- side hindwing vein-ends. I believe that the production of “non-diapause” forms after a short but apparently true diapause has perhaps not previously been reported; it deserves study, with stricter environmental control. But all the irre- gularities of development described above do accord with the author’s 1988 conclusion, that macdunnoughii Remington is appropriately separated from the species napi L. Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to C. L. Remington, W. B. Watt, Frances Chew and A. M. Shapiro for sending me material of Colorado macdunnoughii over a period of 30 years, and also for the background information which they supplied. Nearly all the specimens obtained in the course of this work are, like others bred by the writer, to be deposited in the British Museum (Natural History), South Kensington, London. Literature Cited BOWDEN, S. R., 1983. A palaeomorph of ArtogeiaP. — f. funebris Lorkovic. Proc. Brit. ent. nat. Hist. Soc. 16:76-80. 1988. On Pieris ( Artogeia ) marginalis macdunnoughii Remington. J. Res. Lepid. 26:82-88. HIGGINS, L. G., 1975. The Classification of European Butterflies. London. 29(l-2):85-91, 1990(91) 91 HIGGINS, L. G. & N. D. RILEY, 1970. A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe. London. LORKOVIC,Z., 1971. Pieris napi (L.) morfa funebris, osebujna nova rekombinaeija krizanja. Acta entomologica Jugoslavia 7:1-9. 1978, Types of hybrid sterility in diurnal Lepidoptera: speciation and taxonomy. Acta entomologica Jugoslavia 14:13-26. RIEDL, R., 1978. Order in Living Organisms: a Systems Analyais of Evolution Chichester. SCHWANWITSCH, B. N., 1956. Wing-pattern of Pierid butterflies. Revue d’Entorn ologie de 1TJRSS 35(2):285-301. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) An Annotated List of Lepidopterological Journals Gerardo Lamas Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Apartado 14-0434, Lima- 14, Peru. Abstract. One hundred and seventy-five periodical publications, dealing exclusively or almost exclusively with lepidopterological mat- ters, are listed herein. Each entry includes data on the title(s) of the serial, place(s) and date(s) of publication, and issues examined by the author. During preparation of a Bibliography on the Neotropical Butterflies (Lamas, Robbins & Field, in press), a large number of periodicals were searched. Naturally, special efforts were made to consult runs as complete as possible of those journals dealing mostly with Lepidoptera. As a consequence of that bibliographic research, I became interested in learning how many lepidopterological journals were in existence in the world. The results were quite unexpected, as 175 different periodicals have been located, over half of which (94) still are being published. Only periodical publications treating Lepidoptera exclusively or almost exclu- sively have been considered. Each entry in this list is arranged alphabetically by journal title, and includes data on any title changes, place(s) and date(s) of publication, and a list of the issues actually examined by the author (indicated by “Rev:”). In several cases, it has proven impossible to locate complete runs of a periodical, in spite of having had access to the superb holdings of the British Museum (Natural History), Smithsonian Institution, National Agricultural Library (Maryland) and Library of Congress (Washington, DC), besides many other smaller libraries. Particularly frustrating have been some of the ephemeral serials of restricted circulation, including many Japanese journals and, especially, periodicals treating matters related to silk moths and sericulture. Unfortunately, natural history libraries commonly do not have large holdings of the latter, and for that reason I have been unable to consult most of such titles listed herein which have been extracted from secondary sources. As with other bibliographic publications, the present one certainly will prove incomplete; I trust readers will be kind enough to point out to me any inaccuracies and omissions that I have incurred. Information for the present list was gathered prior to May 31, 1991. Acknowledgments. My heartiest thanks go to all librarians who have helped me throughout the years in gathering bibliographic information and, especially, to my friends Mayumi Takahashi and Scott E. Miller, who commented on an earlier manuscript list and provided several additions to it. Ulf Eitschberger sent important data on several European journals, and John T. Polhemus a most useful list of Japanese periodicals. 29(1 -2):92- 104, 1990(91) 93 1. ACTA RHOPALOCEROLOGICA. Gengen-Sha Company. Fukuoka. [1977=1982] Rev: 1977(1,2), 1979( , ,3). 2. ACTA SERICOLOGXCA. Sericultural Experiment Station. Norinsho. [1952— » ] Rev: None. 3. ALEXANOR. Revue des Lepidopteristes Frangais. Paris. [1959— > ] Rev: 1-16. 4. L AMATEUR DE PAPILLONS. Journal de Lepidopterologie. Paris. [1922-1938] Rev: 1-8, 9(1-4) (all published). Continued as: Revue francaise de Lepidopterologie (1938-1958). ANNALES DU LABORATOIRE D’ETUDES DE LA SOIE. Lyon. See Rapport du Laboratoire d’Etudes de la Soie. 5. 5. ANTHOCARIS. Matsumoto Konchu Danwakai. Nagano. [1954-1959] Rev: None. 6. APATURA. Re vista de Lepidopterologla de la Sociedad Asturica de Lepidopterologia. Oviedo. [1979— > ] Rev: 1. 7. APOLLO. Bulletin of the Lepidoptera Specialist Group. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Gray’s River, Washington. [1979] Rev: 1 (all published). 8. ARQUIVOS DE ENTOMOLOGIA. SERIE A. Escola de Agronomia “Eliseu Maciel”. Pelotas. [1958-1963] Rev: 1A, IB, 3-4, 8A, 13-14 (all published). 9. ARQUIVOS DE ENTOMOLOGIA. SERIE B. Escola de Agronomia “Eliseu Maciel”. Pelotas. [1959-1962] Rev: 1A, IB, 3-4, 8A, 13-14 (all published). 10. ATALA. The Journal of Invertebrate Conservation. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1973— > ] Rev: 1-16. Note: Subtitle varies \ Atala. Communication of the Xerces Society (vols. 1-2); Atala. Journal of the Xerces Society (vols. 3- 12). 11. ATALANTA. Norsk Lepidopterologisk Selskaps Tidsskrift. Oslo. [1967-1968] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). Continued as: Atalanta Norvegica (1969— > ). 12. ATALANTA. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Forschungszentrale fur Schmetterlingswanderungen. Wurzburg. [1964^ ] Rev: 1-21. 13. ATALANTA NORVEGICA. Norsk Lepidopterologisk Selskaps Tidsskrift. Oslo. [1969^ ] Rev: 1(3-5), 2-3, 4(1-2). Formerly: Atalanta (Oslo) (1967-1968). 14. THE AURELIAN. A Journal of Lepidoptera. Beckley, Sussex. [1978-1980] Rev: 1(1-4) (all published). 15. BAPTRIA. Suomen Perhostutkij ain Seura r. y. Lepidopterologiska Sallskapet i Finland r. f. Helsinki. [1976— > ] Rev: 3(1-2, ,4), , 5( , ,3-4), 6-11, 12(1). 16. BERICHT DES SCHLESISCHEN TAUSCH-VEREINS FUR SCHMETTERLINGE. Brieg. [1840-1846] Rev: 1-6. 94 J. Res. Lepid. 17. BIBLIOGRAPHIA EUROPAEA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. Karlsruhe. [1982-1988] Rev: 1979/80, 1981-1986. Continued as: Bibliographica Palaearctica Lepidopterologica (1989— > ). 18. BIBLIOGRAPHICA PALAEARCTICA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. Karlsruhe. [1989— > ] Rev: 10. Formerly: Bibliographia Europaea Lepidopterologica (1982- 1988). 19. BOLETIM TECNICO DE SERICICULTURA. Campinas. [1955-> ] Rev: None. Formerly: Sericicultura. Servigo de Sericicultura (Campinas) (1936-1952). 20. BOLETfN INFORMATIVO. SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGfA, A.C. Mexico. [1975-1982] Rev: 1-8, 8(1) (all published). 21. BULLETIN OF THE ALLYN MUSEUM. Sarasota, Florida. [1971 — > ] Rev: 1-131. 22. THE BULLETIN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA ENTOMOLOGISTS. Saint Paul, Minnesota. [1967-1972] Rev: 2-4, 5(1-2) (all published). Formerly: Newsletter of the Association of Minnesota Entomologists (1966-1967). 23. BULLETIN. CERCLE DES LEPIDOPTERISTES DE BELGIQUE. BELGISCHE LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE KRING. Bruxelles. [1972^ ] Rev: 3-15, 16(1-2). 24. BULLETIN OF THE CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN MUSEUM. Colorado Springs, Colorado. [1938-1939] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). 25. BULLETIN. THE ENTOMOLOGISTS’ EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION. Denver, Colorado. [1936] Rev: 1(1-3) (all published). 26. THE BULLETIN OF THE HILL MUSEUM. A Magazine of Lepidopterology. Witley, Surrey. [1921-1932] Rev: 1-4 (all published). 27. THE BULLETIN OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Kyoto. [1946] Rev: 1(1-4) (all published. 28. BULLETIN OF THE SERICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Tokyo. [1918 — > ] Rev: None. 29. BULLETIN OF SERICULTURE AND SILK INDUSTRY. Uyeda. [19 ?-1941?] Rev: None. 30. BULLETIN DE LA SOCI)T) DES L)PIDOPT)RISTES FRAN’AIS. Paris. [1976-1978] Rev: 1(1-3), 2(1-4) (all published). 31. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE LEPIDOPTEROLOGIQUE DE GENEVE. Geneve. [1905-1945] Rev: 1-7, 8(1-5). 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) 95 32. BUTLLETf DE LA SOCIETAT CATALANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGf A. Mataro. [1979-> ] Rev: 21-46, , , , ,51-52. Formerly: Comunicacions de la Comissio de Lepidopterologia (1977-1978). 33. BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. The Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. Kyoto. [1949-1955] Rev: 1(2), 2-5 (all published). Formerly: The Transactions of the Nippon Lepidopterological Society (1945). Continued as: Tyo to Ga. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan (1955^ ). 34. THE BUTTERFLY CLUB. Howell Mountain Butterfly Club. Sanitarium, California. [1946-1947] Rev: 1( , ,3-11, ), 2(1). 35. BUTTERFLKY & DISTRIBUTION. Society for the Study of Butterflies. Aomori. [1980-> ] Rev: None. 36. THE BUTTERFLY FARMER. A monthly magazine for amateur entomologists. Truckee, California. [1913-1914] Rev: 1(1-12) (all published). 37. BUTTERFLY NEWS. The popular butterfly & conservation newspaper. Global Butterfly Services. Dorset. [1985— > ] Rev: 1-13. 38. BUTTERFLY PARK NATURE CLUB NEWS. Roscoe, California. [1929-1932] Rev: 1(1-12), 2(1-5), 3(1-8), 4(1). 39. CELASTRINA. Tsugaru Entomological Society. Aomori. [1978-^ ] Rev: None. 40. CHO CHO. The Rhopalocerists’ Magazine. Fukuoka. a [1978— > ] Rev: 1-4, ,6, 7(1-10). 41. CHOHO. Butterflies Talk. Club Musashino. Tokyo. [1966-1969] Rev: None. 42. CLUB NOTES, MOTH AND BUTTERFLY CLUB. Gravel Switch, Kentucky. [71947-1953] Rev: [7](l-5). Continued as: Notes on Moths and Butterflies (1953-1955). 43. COENONYMPHA. Hokkaido Lepidopterological Society. Hokkaido. [1955— > ] Rev: None. COMPTE RENDU DES TRAVAUX DU LABORATOIRE D’ETUDES DE LA SOIE. Lyon. See Rapport du Lahoratoire d’Etudes de la Soie. 44. COMUNICACIONS DE LA COMISSIO DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGfA. Institucio Catalana d’Historia Natural. Mataro. [1977-1978] Rev: 11-20. Continued as: Butlleti de la Societal Catalana de Lepidopterologia (1979— > ). 45. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE LEPIDOPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. Decatur, Illinois. [1911-1924] Rev: 1-4, 5(1-3) (all published). 96 J. Res. Lepid. 46. CORIDON. A Magazine for the Lepidopterist. Bourne End, Bucks. [1960] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). Continued as: Coridon. A Review for the Lepidopterist. Series B (1961-1963). 47. CORIDON. A Review for the Lepidopterist. Series A. Bourne End, Bucks. [1961-1964] Rev: 1-6 (all published) 48. CORIDON. A Review for the Lepidopterist. Series B. Bourne End, Bucks. [1961-1963] Rev: 1-5 (all published). Formerly: Coridon. A Magazine for the Lepidopterist (1960). 49. CORRESPONDENZ-BLATT DES ENTOMOLOGISCHEN VEREINS “IRIS” ZU DRESDEN. Dresden. [1884-1888] Rev: 1(1-5) (all published). Continued as: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift herausgegeben von der Entomologischen Verein “Iris” zu Dresden. Lepidopterologische Hefte. { 1889-1902). 50. COSMIA. Gunma Heterocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1965-1971] Rev: None. 51. DANAUS. The Newsletter about the Migratory Monarch Butterfly. Santa Monica, California. [1988^ ] Rev: 1-5. 52. DATA ON THE SURVEY OF SILKWORM RAISING. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Tokyo. [1952— > ] Rev: None. 53. DEUTSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT HERAUSGEGEBEN VON DER GESELLSCHAFT IRIS ZU DRESDEN IN VERBINDUNG MIT DER DEUTSCHEN ENTOMOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT ZU BERLIN. LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE HEFTE. Dresden. [1889-1902] Rev: 2-14 (all published). Formerly: Correspondenz-Blatt des Entomologischen Vereins “Iris” zu Dresden (1884-1888). Continued as: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris (1902- 1944). 54. DEUTSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT IRIS [or “IRIS”]. Deutsche Entomologische Verein Iris. Dresden. [1902-1944] Rev: 15-57 (all published). Formerly: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft Iris zu Dresden in Verbindung mit der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Lepidopterologische Hefte (1889-1902). 55. DISCUSSION ON MULBERRY AND SILKWORM TECHNOLOGY. Japan Sericulture Information Association. Tokyo. [1947— > ] Rev: None. 56. ENCYCLOPEDIE ENTOMOLOGIQUE. SERIE B. III. LEPIDOPTERA. Recueil d’Etudes Biologiques et Systematiques sur les Lepidopteres du Globe. Paris. [1925-1930] Rev: 1-3 (all published). 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) 97 57. THE ENTOMOLOGIST’S EXCHANGE NEWS. Colorado Springs, Colorado. [1937-1942] Rev: 2( , ,3-12), 3(1-7), 4(1-10), 5(1-11), 6(1-10), 7(1-2). Formerly: Bulletin. The Entomologists' Exchange Association (1936). 58. FRASS. An Ocassional Journal of Faralepidopterology . [1973-1976] Rev: 1-4 (all published). 59. FUTAO. Futao-Kai. Osaka. [1989-> ] Rev: 1-3. 60. GALATHEA. Berichte des Kreises Niirnberger Entomologen e.V. Niirnberg. [1985— » ] Rev: 1(1-4), 2(1-3). 61. GARUI TSUSHIN. The Japan Heterocerists’ Journal. Japan Heterocerists’ Society. Tokyo. [1954 > ] Rev: 1-142, suppls. 1-2. 62. HAMPSHIRE BUTTERFLY REPORT. British Butterfly Conservation Society. Hampshire Branch. [1985— > ] Rev: 1986. 63. HERBIPOLIANA. Buchreihe zur Lepidopterologie. Marktleuthen. [1983-> ] Rev: 1(1-2). 64. INDIAN JOURNAL OF SERICULTURE. Central Silk Board. Bombay. [1962-> ] Rev: None. 65. INDIAN SILK JOURNAL. A quarterly devoted to Indian Sericulture and Silk. Central Silk Board. Bombay. [ ? - ? ] Rev: None. 66. INSECT MIGRATION STUDIES. Annual Newsletter to Research Associates. West Hill, Ontario. [1973— > ] Rev: 10-12. Formerly: Insect Migration Studies. Newsletter to Research Associates (19 7-1972). 67. INSECT MIGRATION STUDIES. Newsletter to Research Associates. Cobourg, Ontario. [19 7-1972] Rev: 8-9. Continued as: Insect Migration Studies. Annual Newsletter to Research Associates { 1973— » ). 68. IWASE. Osaka. [1983— > ] Rev: 1-4. THE JAPAN HETEROCERISTS’ JOURNAL. See Garui Tsushin. JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. See Yadoriga. 69. JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY. [1959-> ] Rev: 13-43, 44(1-3). Formerly: The Lepidopterists’ News (1947-1959). 70. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA. Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. Beverly Hills, California. [1962— > ] Rev: 1-28. 98 J. Res. Lepid. 71. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA NEWSLETTER. Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. Beverly Hills, California. [1980— > ] Rev: 1-9. 72. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA. SUPPLEMENT. Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. Beverly Hills, California. [1985^ ] Rev: 1. 73. JOURNAL OF SERICULTURAL SCIENCE. Japanese Society of Sericultural Science. Tokyo. [1930— > ] Rev: None. 74. KAKOCHO. Nagoya Entomological Society. Aichi. [1949-> ] Rev: None. 75. KENTUCKY LEPIDOPTERIST. Nesletter of the Society of Kentucky Lepidopterists. Louisville, Kentucky. [1975— > ] Rev: 1-16, 17(1). 76. KONAMUSHI. Numata Rhopalocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1978^ ] Rev: None. 77. KOREAN JOURNAL OF SERICULTURAL SCIENCE. [19 ?— » ] Rev: None. 78. KORRESPONDENZBLATT. BEILAGE ZUR DEUTSCHEN ENTOMOLOGISCHEN ZEITSCHRIFT “IRIS”. Dresden. [1910] Rev: 1-12 (all published). 79. KUROSESERI. Kyushu Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kumamoto. [1966-1974] Rev: None. 80. KYUSHU NO CHO. Kyushu Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kumamoto. [1956-1957] Rev: None. 81. LEPIDOPTERA. Medlemsblad for Lepidopterologisk Forening. Kpbenhavn. [1946-1951] Rev: 1946-1948/9, 1950(1). Continued as: Lepidoptera. Ny Serie (1965-^ ). 82. LEPIDOPTERA. NY SERIE. Lepidopterologisk Forening. Kpbenhavn. [1965^ ] Rev: 1-4, 5(1-2), suppls. 1-5. Formerly: Lepidoptera (Kpbenhavn) (1946-1951). 83. LEPIDOPTERA. Official Bulletin of the Boston Entomological Club. Forest Hills, Massachusetts. [1918-1921] Rev: 2-4, 5(1-2) (all published). Formerly: The Lepidopterist (Roslindale) (1916-1917). 84. THE LEPIDOPTERA GROUP OF 1968 NEWSLETTER. Vejle. [197? — > ] Rev: 1(6), 2(5-7, 11-15). 85. THE LEPIDOPTERA GROUP OF 1968 SUPPLEMENT. Vejle [1977— > ] Rev: 1-2, , , , , ,8. 86. THE LEPIDOPTERIST. Official Bulletin of the Boston Entomological Club. Roslindale, Massachusetts. [1916-1917] Rev: 1(1-13) (all published). Continued as: Lepidoptera (Forest Hills) (1918-1921); and The Lepidopterist (Salem) (1918-1931). 87. THE LEPIDOPTERIST. Salem, Massachusetts. [1918-1931] Rev: 2-4, 5(1-3) (all published). Formerly: The Lepidopterist (Roslindale) (1916-1917). 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) 99 88. LEPIDOPTERISTS’ NEWS. Florida Society of Lepidopterists of the Florida Society of Natural History. Miami, Florida. [1932-1933] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). 89. THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ NEWS. The Monthly Newsletter of the Lepidopterists’ Society. Cambridge, Massachusetts. [1947-1959] Rev: 1-12 (all published). Continued as: Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society (1959^ ). 90. LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Wien. [1927-1928] Rev: 1-2 (all published). 91. LILAC. Minoo Rhopalocerists’ Society. Osaka [1952-1962] Rev: None. 92. LINNEANA BELGICA. Revue Beige d’Entomologie. Bruxelles. [1958^ ] Rev: 1-11, 12 (1-4). 93. LUEHDORFIA NEWS. Luehdorfia Lovers Association. Nagano. [1965-1970] Rev: None. 94. MELANARGIA. Nachrichten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft rheinisch- westfalischer Lepidopterologen. Leverkusen. [1989-^ ] Rev: 1(1-3). Formerly: Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft rheinisch- westfalischer Lepidopterologen (1977-1988). 95. MEMOIR. THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY. New Haven, Connecticut. [1964— > ] Rev: 1-3. 96. MEMOIRS OF THE TSUKADA COLLECTION. Plapac Co., Ltd. Tokyo. [19 ?-> ] Rev: 3. 97. MEMORIES DE LA SOCIETAT CATALANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGf A. Mataro. [1986^ ] Rev: None. 98. MICROLEPIDOPTERA OF THAILAND. Scientific Results of the Lepidopterological Expeditions of the University of Osaka Prefecture to Thailand. Entomological Laboratory, University of Osaka Prefecture. Sakai, Osaka. [1987-* ] Rev: 1-2. 99. THE MID-CONTINENT LEPIDOPTERA SERIES. Saint Paul, Minnesota. [1967-1972] Rev: 1-3, 4(50-61), 5( ,63). 100. MIKABO. Tano Rhopalocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1950-1955] Rev: None. 101. MITTEILUNGEN DER ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT OSTWESTFALISCH-LIPPISCHER ENTOMOLOGEN. Bielefeld. [1965^ ] Rev: None. 102. MITTEILUNGEN DER ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT RHEINISCH- WESTFALISCHER LEPIDOPTEROLOGEN. Diisseldorf. [1977-1989] Rev: 1-5, Beiheft 1 (all published). Continued as: Melanargia. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft rheinisch-westfalischer Lepidopterologen (1989— > ). 103. MITTEILUNGEN DES ENTOMOLOGISCHEN VEREINES POLYXENA. Wien. [1906-1913] Rev: 1-6 (all published). 100 J. Res. Lepid. 104. MIYAZAKI NO CHO. Miyazaki Rhopalocerists’ Society. Miyazaki. [1968- > ] Rev: None. 105. MONTHLY BULLETIN OF THE REPORT ON MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES. Middle Thames Natural History Society. [ ? -1965] Rev: 12a, 13-17, , ,20-35, , ,38-43. 106. NACHRICHTEN DES ENTOMOLOGISCHEN VEREINS APOLLO. Frankfurt-am-Main. [1976-1979] Rev: 1-4 (all published). Continued as: Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo. Neue Folge (1980— » ). 107. NACHRICHTEN DES ENTOMOLOGISCHEN VEREINS APOLLO. NEUE FOLGE. Frankfurt-am-Main. [1980-^ ] Rev: 1-10, suppls. 1-7. 108. NAGANO GAHO. Nagano Heterocerists’ Society. Nagano. [1976-> ] Rev: None. 109. NEOTROPICAL LEPIDOPTERA NEWS. Gainesville, Florida. [1987] Rev: 1 (all published). Continued as: Tropical Lepidoptera News (1989— > ). 1 10. NEUE ENTOMOLOGISCHE NACHRICHTEN AUS DEM ENTOMOLOGISCHEN MUSEUM DR. ULF EITSCHBERGER. Beitrage zur Okologie, Faunistik und Systematik von Lepidopteren. Marktleuthen. [1988^ ] Rev: 24-27. 111. NEWS. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION SOCIETY. Quorn, Leicestershire. [1973— > ] Rev: 12-37. Formerly: Quarterly News. The British Butterfly Conservation Society (1972-1973). 1 12. NEWS OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY. [1959— > ] Rev: 1959-1990, 1991(1-3). 113. NEWSLETTER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA ENTOMOLOGISTS. Saint Paul, Minnesota. [1966-1967] Rev: 1(1-4) (all published). Continued as: The Bulletin of the Association of Minnesota Entomologists (1967-1972). 114. NEWS. NOUVELLES. NACHRICHTEN. SOCIETAS EUROPAEA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Karlsruhe. [1976— > ] Rev: 1-17. 115. NEWS SHEET. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION SOCIETY. Over Compton, Sherborn, Dorset. [1968-1971] Rev: 1, ,3, ,5-8. Continued as: Quarterly News. The British Butterfly Conservation Society (1972-1973). 116. NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. [1977-* ] Rev: 1-11, 12(1-3). 117. NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. SUPPLEMENT. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. [1989— > ] Rev: 1-2. 118. NOTES ON MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES. Gravel Switch, Kentucky. [1953-1955] Rev: 7(9). Formerly: Club Notes, Moth and Butterfly Club (71947-1953). 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) 101 119. NOVITATES MACROLEPIDOPTEROLOGICAE. Dresden. [1926-1930] Rev: 1-5 (all published). 120. THE OHIO LEPIDOPTERIST. Newsletter of the Ohio Lepidopterists. Columbus, Ohio. [1979-> ] Rev: 1-12. 121. THE OHIO LEPIDOPTERISTS RESEARCH REPORTS. Columbus, Ohio. [1980-^ ] Rev: None. 122. ORIENTERING FRA LEPIDOPTEROLOGISKE MEDDELELSER. Aarhus. [1975— > ] Rev: 2-12. 123. PAPILIO. Gunma Rhopalocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1950-1953]. Rev: None. 124. PAPILIO. Organ of the New York Entomological Club. New York, New York. [1881-1885] Rev: 1-3, 4(1-10) (all published). 125. PAPILIO. NEW SERIES. Lakewood, Colorado. [1981— > ] Rev: 1-5. 126. PAPILIO INTERNATIONAL. The Lepidoptera Group of 1968. Vejle. [1983— > ] Rev: 1-6. 127. PARNASSIANA. Neubrandenburg. [1930-1939] Rev: 1-5 (all published). 128. PARNASSIUS. Awaji Entomological Society. Hyogo. [1967^ ] Rev: None. 129. PHEGEA. Vereniging voor Entomologie van de Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde van Antwerpen. Antwerpen. [1973— > ] Rev: 1-14, 15(1-2). 130. PRIAMUS. Results of the Scientific Research on Entomology. Ankara. [1981— > ] Rev: 1-4, 5(1/2). 131. PROCES VERBAUX/VERSLAGEN. CERCLE DES LEPIDOPTERISTES DE BELGIQUE. BELGISCHE LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE KRING. Bruxelles. [1973] Rev: 1968-1971. 132. PUBLICACIONES ESPECIALES. SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGfA, A. C. Mexico. [1976 — > ] Rev: 1-4. 133. THE PUPAPER. Butterfly World. A classified Newsletter. Pendleton, Indiana. [1978? — > ] Rev: 5(1-3). 134. QUARTERLY NEWS. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION SOCIETY. Over Compton, Sherborn, Dorset. [1972-1973] Rev: 9-11 (all published). Formerly: News Sheet. The British Butterfly Conservation Society (1968-1971). Continued as: News. The British Butterfly Conservation Society (1973^ ). 102 J. Res. Lepid. 135. RAPPORT DU LABORATOIRE D’ETUDES DE LA SOIE. Lyon. [1887-1931] Rev: 1-17 (all published). Note: Volumes 1-7 (1887-1895) and 16-17 (1923-1931) as “Rapport...”; vols. 8-9 (1897-1899) and 13-15 (1909-1919) as “Compte Rendu des Travaux du Laboratoire d’Etudes de la Soie”; and vols. 10-12 (1901-1906) as “Annales du Laboratoire d’Etudes de la Soie”. 136. REVISTA DE LA SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGIA, A. C. Mexico. [1975-* ] Rev: 1-12. 137. REVUE FRANgAISE DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGIE . Paris. [1938-1958] Rev: 9(5/6), 10-15, 16(1-4) (all published). Formerly: L Amateur de Papillons (1922-1938). 138. REVUE DU VER A SOIE. JOURNAL OF SILKWORM. Station de Recherches Sericicoles d’Ales. Ales,.Gard. [1949-1977] Rev: 1-18 (all published). Continued as: Sericologia (1979^ ). 139. THE RHOPALOCEOLOGICAL [sic] MAGAZINE. The Rhopaloceological [sic] Society. Tokyo. [1936] Rev: 1( ,2-4). THE RHOPALOCERISTS’ MAGAZINE. See Cho Chd. 140. SAPHIRINUS. Amagasaki Rhopalocerists’ Society. Hyogo. [1953-1956] Rev: None. 141. SCOPARIA. Otaru Rhopalocerists’ Society. Hokkaido. [1960-1961] Rev: None. 142. SERICICULTURA. Consiliul Superior al Agriculturii. Rucuresti. [1965^ ] Rev: None. 143. SERICICULTURA. Jornal. Industria de Seda Nacional. Campinas. [1927-1938] Rev: None. 144. SERICICULTURA. Revista Mensal da S. A. Industria de Seda Nacional. Campinas. [1934-1935] Rev: None. 145. SERICICULTURA. Servigo de Sericicultura. Campinas. [1936-1952] Rev: None. Continued as: Boletim Tecnico de Sericicultura (1955— > ). 146. SERICOLOGIA. Revue de Vers a Soie. Journal of the Silkworms. Commission Sericicole Internationale. Lyon. [1979— > ] Formerly: Revue du Ver a Soie. Journal of Silkworm (1949- 1977). 147. SERICULTURE. Journal of the Faculty of Textiles and Sericulture. Shinshu University. Series E. Ueda. [1955-> ] Rev: None. 148. SHILAP. REVISTA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGIA. Sociedad Hispano- Luso-Americana de Lepidopterologia. Madrid. [1973— » ] Rev: 1-18. 149. SOUTHERN LEPIDOPTERISTS’ BULLETIN. Jacksonville, Florida. [19 ?— > ] Rev: None. 150. SOUTHERN LEPIDOPTERISTS’ NEWS. Jacksonville, Florida. [1979-> ] Rev: 1-3, 4(1-3). 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) 103 151. SPECIAL BULLETIN OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Osaka. [1965-1971] Rev: 1-5 (all published). 152. SUGI TOGE. Kyoto Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kyoto. [1976^ ] Rev: None. 153. THE SWALLOWTAIL. The Journal of the Butterfly and Moth Stamp Society. Wiltshire. [1986— > ] Rev: 1(1-4). 154. TERRITORY. Setagaya Rhopalocerists’ Association. Tokyo. [1977 — > ] Rev: None. 155. THECLA. Yamashiro Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kyoto. [1942-1944] Rev: None. 156. TINEA. The Japan Heterocerists’ Society. Tokyo. [1953 — > ] Rev: 1-11, 12(1-25). 157. TOKURANA. Acta Rhopalocera. Mishima City. [1981— > ] Rev: 1-5, , ,8(1), 9-15, 16(1-2). Note: Vols. 1-4 as “Acta Rhopalocera”; 5-9 as “Acta Rhopalocerologica”; and 10-16 as “Reports on Rhopalocera”. 158. TOKURANA SPECIAL. The Butterflies’ Magazine. Mishima City. [1985^ ] Rev: l(pp. 1-36). THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. See Tyo to Ga. 159. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE NIPPON LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Kyoto. [1945] Rev: 1(1) (all published). Continued as: Butterflies and Moths. The Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan (1949-1955). 160. TREBALLS DE LA SOCIETAT CATALANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGIA. Mataro. [1978— > ] Rev: 1-7. 161. TROPICAL LEPIDOPTERA. Association for Tropical Lepidoptera. Gainesville, Florida. [1990— > ] Rev: 1(1-2). 162. TROPICAL LEPIDOPTERA NEWS. Association for Tropical Lepidoptera. Gainesville, Florida. [1989— > ] Rev: 2-4, 1991(1-2). Formerly: Neotropical Lepidoptera News (1987). 163. TYO TO GA. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. Osaka. [1955— > ] Rev: 6-40. Formerly: Butterflies and Moths. The Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan (1949-1955). 164. UTAHENSIS. Journal of the Utah Lepidopterists’ Society. Salt Lake City, Utah. [1981— > ] Rev: 7(1). 165. VLINDERS. [1986— > ] Rev: None. 166. WEEKLY BUTTERFLY’S TSU. Mokuyosha Company. Tokyo. [1975^ ] Rev: None. 104 J. Res. Lepid. 167. WINGS. Newsletter of the Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1974— > ] Rev: 1-15. 168. XERCES SOCIETY BUTTERFLY COUNTS. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1981 — > ] Rev: 1979-1989. Note: Some issues are supplements to Atala, q.v. 169. XERCES SOCIETY EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1978— > ] Rev: 1-9. 170. XERCES SOCIETY INTERIM NEWSLETTER. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1978— > ] Rev: 1-2. 171. THE XERCES SOCIETY SELF-HELP SHEET. The Xerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [71973— > ] Rev: 2-4, ,6-7. 172. YADORIGA. Lepidopterological Society of Japan. Osaka. [1955 — > ] Rev: 22-23, ,25-131. 173. YUGATO. Yugakai (Heterocerists’ Association). Niigata. [1959-^ ] Rev: None. 174. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR LEPIDOPTEROLOGIE. Fachorgan fur die Gesamte Schmetterlingskunde. Krefeld. [1950-1955] Rev: 1-3 (all published). 175. ZEPHYRUS. Chorui Dokokai. Fukuoka. [1929-1947] Rev: 1-9 (all published). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) The Butterflies (Lepidoptera) of the Tuxtlas Mts., Veracruz, Mexico, Revisited: Species-Richness and Habitat Disturbance. Robert A. Raguso Dept, of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511 USA! Jorge Llorente-Rousquets Museo de Zoologia, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apartado Postal 70-399 Mexico D.F., CP 04510 Abstract. Checklists of the butterflies (Lepidoptera) collected in two rainforest study sites in the Tuxtlas Mts., Veracruz, Mexico are pre- sented. A total of 182 species of butterflies were recorded at Laguna Encantada, near San Andres Tuxtla, and 212 species were recorded from the nearby Estacion de Biologia Tropical “Los Tuxtlas” (EBITROLOTU). We collected 33 species not included in G. Ross’ (1975-77) faunistic treatment of the region, 12 of which are new species records for the Tuxtlas. We present a list of the skipper butterflies (Hesperioidea) of the Tuxtlas, including a state record for the giant skipper, Agathymus rethon. At both study sites, we observed seasonal patterns in species abun- dance during periods of reduced precipitation. Our data indicate an apparent increase in butterfly species-richness in the Tuxtlas over the last 25 years. This increase reflects more efficient sampling due to advances in lepidopteran ecology and improved collecting methods, as well as the effects of habitat disturbance. A comparison between the butterfly faunas of the two rainforest sites revealed that a higher percentage of weedy, cosmopolitan species were present at Laguna Encantada, the smaller, more disturbed site. We anticipate further changes in butterfly species-richness and faunal composition as the mosaic of habitats in the Tuxtlas continue to be modified. Introduction Historically, the rainforests of the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico have been the focus of varied and extensive ecological research (Ross 1966, 1975-77, Soto 1976, Horvitz and Beattie 1980, Horvitz and Schemske 1988, de la Cruz and Dirzo 1987, Popma, et al. 1988, etc.). Following Ross’( 1975-77) comprehensive three year survey ofthe Tuxtlas butterfly fauna, studies have generated additional records and range extensions for many butterfly taxa (Welling 1982, 1983, G. Busby, unpub. data, R. Robbins and C. Beutelspacher, pers. comms.). These records provide a comparative base from which to examine changes in the profile of a Neotropical lepidopteran fauna in a region of high human impact. * Present address: Department of Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109- 1048 USA. 106 J. Res. Lepid. Recent expansion of cattle ranches, agricultural development and logging have reduced much of the formerly extensive rainforest of the Tuxtlas to scattered enclaves on steep slopes, in secluded volcanic craters or in local parks, resulting in a mosaic of heterogeneous rainforest patches. A lowland Neotropical wet forest may suffer local extinction of highly specialized plant species as a result of clear cutting and land conversion (Gomez-Pompa 1973). How has the Tuxtlas butterfly fauna responded to such human disturbance? Checklists of the butterfly species collected in two separate rainforest study sites in the Tuxtlas are given here. Laguna Encantada and the “Los Tuxtlas” biological field station of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (EBITROLOTU, by Mexican convention) are similar in eleva- tion (ca. 350 m) and vegetation, but differ greatly in both forest area (Laguna Encantada = 56 ha, EBITROLOTU » 700 ha) and the extent of disturbance. We report new species records for the region and compare our findings to those of earlier studies in the Tuxtlas. Preliminary evidence is presented indicating seasonal peaks in adult flight activity among the butterfly faunas of Laguna Encantada and EBITROLOTU, corresponding to periods of reduced precipitation. Finally, we calculate the percentages of weedy, cosmopolitan species associated with dis- turbed habitats that presently comprise the butterfly faunas of each site as an index of disturbance. Materials and Methods STUDY SITES The Tuxtlas Mountains are an isolated volcanic range 88.5 km long and 53.1 km wide stretching northwest to southeast along the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Ross 1975-77, see Figure 1). The region is characterized by a warm-humid climate and represents the northernmost extension of evergreen tropical rainforest in the Americas (Gomez-Pompa 1973). Most annual precipitation occurs from June to October and varies greatly across the Sierra, ranging from 1996 mm at San Andres Tuxtla to 4700 mm at EBITROLOTU (Soto 1976, Alvarez 1982). Our objectives were to collect and identify all butterfly species occuring at two study sites within the Tuxtlas. Ross’ study generated lists of butterflies charac- teristic of vegetational formations such as montane rainforest, swamp forest, savanna, etc. Both Laguna Encantada and EBITROLOTU are examples of lower montane rainforests ( selva alta perenifolia, Gomez-Pompa 1973, Ross 1975-77). Laguna Encantada (el. 350 m.) is located 2 km northeast of San Andres Tuxtla and features a small freshwater caldera flanked by steep volcanic slopes and dense rainforest dominated by Ceiba pentandra and Ficus sp. trees. Cattle grazing and logging have created numerous disturbed areas on the slopes, where successional trees such as Cecropia mexicana, Cassia sp., Piper sp., and Annona sp. grade into open grassy pastures and clusters of Agave sp. dot the high lip of Laguna Encantada’s crater. Plants such as Crotalaria vitellina, Bidens pilosa var. bimucronata, Cordia alliodora, C. spinescens and Lantana sp. provide nectar resources not usually found within primary rainforests. Due to selective logging, human disturbance occurs within the forest as well as on its periphery. Numerous paths traverse treefall gaps, deep forest, stream beds and grassy meadows over an area of 54 ha (C. Horvitz, pers. comm.). 29( 1-2): 105-133, 1990(91) 107 Raguso and Llorente Figure 1 . Maps of the Sierra de Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, after Ross (1975 above) and Lot-Helgueras (1979 below). 92°15' 92°10' 92°05’ 92°00' 108 J. Res. Lepid. The second study was conducted ca. 15 km northeast of the Laguna Encantada site at EBITROLOTU. This 700 ha reserve is located ca. 34 km north of Lago Catemaco and towards the Gulf of Mexico and ranges from 150 to 530 m in elevation (Lot-Helgueras 1976, Alvarez 1982). Its steep slopes are cloaked in lower montane rainforest, with an understory of Astrocarium mexicanum palms (Ross 1975-77). Although primary rainforest extends well beyond EBITROLOTU’s western and southern boundaries, butterflies were only collected within the confines of the reserve. Disturbed areas are found to the north of the station and secondary forest flanks the road to Montepio at the reserve’s eastern end (S. Guevara-Sada and A. Gomez-Pompa 1976). The EBITROLOTU site features greater topodiversity and more primary forest than the smaller Laguna Encantada site (see Lot-Helgueras 1976, de la Cruz and Dirzo 1987). Cursory surveys were performed from 0900 to 1500 hrs on 25. vii and 4.viii. 1985 at nearby Playa Azul, situated on the northeast shore of Lago Catemaco (see Figure 1). Volcanic craters, swamps, coffee and banana plantations and rainforest remnants can all be found within a three km radius of this site (Ross 1975-77). The Playa Azul surveys were performed with the sole intention of identifying regional species records. We will include these surveys in our discussion of butterfly species-richness in the Tuxtlas but exclude them from our comparisons of the Laguna Encantada and EBITROLOTU study sites. COLLECTION OF SPECIMENS Butterflies were collected from 20.vii to 31.viii. 1985 at Laguna Encantada, and during most of 1985, 1986 and parts of 1987 at EBITROLOTU. Skippers (Hesperioidea) were not collected at EBITROLOTU. We employed similar collecting methods at both study sites. Prominent nectar sources, oozing sap, puddles, treefall gaps and creek beds were inspected during three half-hour intervals: 0730-0800, 1200-1230, and 1500-1530 hrs. Van Someren-Rydon traps of vertical cylindrical netting were hung above rotting bananas, mangos, animal waste and carrion, and placed near lightgaps, forest margins and moist trails (cf. Beutelspacher 1982, J. de la Maza and R. de la Maza 1985a, DeVries 1987). Traps were inspected three times daily for captured specimens at both Laguna Encantada and EBITROLOTU. IDENTIFICATION OF SPECIMENS Butterflies from Laguna Encantada were curated and deposited at the Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven, CT with representative specimens retained by the Museo de Zoologia, Facultad de Ciencias, U.N.A.M., Mexico City. Specimens collected at EBITROLOTU are currently housed in the systematic insect collec- tion at that field station. Specimens were identified using a variety of sources including Evans (1951- 1955), Singer, DeVries and Ehrlich (1983), Lamas (1987), DeVries (1987), Godman and Salvin (1879...), Hoffmann (1940), Jenkins (1983, 1984, 1985a) and Scott ( 1986). We used reference collections housed at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, American Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Museo de Zoologia U.N.A.M., California Academy of Sciences, and the Essig Museum of Entomology, University of California, Berkeley. Individual experts were consulted in order to identify difficult taxa (see Acknowledgements). 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 109 FAUNAL SURVEYS AND COMPARISONS Butterfly species data from Laguna Encantada and EBITROLOTU were examined in three different contexts. First, our findings were compared to those of previous studies performed within the Tuxtlas (Ross 1975-77, etc.) and throughout tropical Mexico in an effort to identify new regional records. Second, we suspected that the brevity of our study at Laguna Encantada may have produced unrepresentative samples due to seasonality effects. Beutelspacher (pers. comm.) warns that a six week survey may not account for highly seasonal or reclusive butterfly species. Clench (1979) described a method by which sampling effort is used to calculate the species total for a given locality: S = Se (N)/(N + K) where S = cumulative total of species observed Se = total species theoretically present N = cumulative total of collector/observer hours K = constant of “collectability” This equation describes saturation curves such as a substrate-limited enzy- matic reaction (e.g. Michaelis-Menten equation) or, in this case, the observation and collection of butterfly species in a finite area over time. Given local species introductions, extinctions and chance events, a plot of species collected (S) versus time spent collecting (N) shows a sharply rising curve which tapers asymptotically at the limit of total species (Se) theoretically present at that site. This limit is calculated by solving simultaneous equations for (Se) and (K) with data from two well-spaced points on the fitted curve (Clench 1979). Deviations may accrue if the collecting protocol is changed or if butterfly abundance is seasonal. A double reciprocal transformation linearizes these data and facili- tates the calculation of Se (cf. Lineweaver-Burke [case II] equation in the enzymatic analogy; W. Watt, pers. comm.). Finally, we sought to assess the effects of habitat disturbance upon the butterfly faunas of the two rainforest sites. Recent studies have focused upon the presence or absence of bird species restricted to primary forests as indicators of human disturbance in temperate rainforests (e. g. Strix occidentalis ; Franklin, 1988). While certain butterfly species such as Nessaea aglaura and Heliconius sapho leuce are thought to be quite habitat-restricted and intolerant of distur- bance, other forest species (e. g. Parides iphidamas, Cissia libye, Battus sp., ithomiines, sphingid moths) are known to occur in numerous habitat types or to migrate between wet and dry forests or along altitudinal gradients (DeVries 1987, Janzen 1984). Ross' listings of the butterfly species indicative of human disturbance were more useful for our purposes. We compiled a list of species characteristic of human disturbance by pooling Ross’ (1975-77) species listings from two such conditions present near our study sites: abandoned maize fields ( milpas ) and pastures (see Appendix 1). From this list, we calculated the percentage of such species among the respective faunas of each site and compared them using a 2 x 2 G-test of independence (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981: pp. 737-738). We used the ratio of collector hours/hectare calculated for each site to standardize these data for sampling effort and then repeated the 2x2 G-test comparison. 110 J. Res. Lepid. Results CHECKLISTS, SPECIES-RICHNESS AND NEW RECORDS: We collected a total of 1293 specimens representing 254 species of butterflies and skippers. Of this number, 33 species were not listed in Ross’ survey of the Tuxtlas butterfly fauna, and 13 are new regional records (see Appendix 2). During a six week study period we collected 146 species of butterflies and 36 species of skippers at Laguna Encantada. Although skipper species records for Veracruz (especially the Catemaco area) can be found throughout the literature (Evans 1951-1955, Hoffmann 1940, Freeman 1966, 1969b), our list of Hesperioidea is the first published for the Tuxtlas, and includes the first recorded observation of Agathymus rethon (Megathymidae) in this area. The surveys at Playa Azul produced one regional butterfly species record, Calydna sturnula hegias (Riodinidae), and four additional skipper species. A total of 684 specimens representing 212 species of butterflies (Papilionoidea) were collected from February 1985 to June 1987 at EBITROLOTU (see checklist, Appendix 2). This total includes 11 new species records for the Tuxtlas region: Parides lycimenes septentrionalis , Eury tides marchandi (Papilionidae), Sarota chrysus, Cremna thasus subrutila,Napaea eucharila picina, Emesis vulpina (Riodinidae), Zizula tulliola (Lycaenidae), Memphis neidhoeferi , Memphis xenocles, Cissia renata disafecta , and Megisto ruhricata anahelae (Nymphalidae). Compared with Ross’ data for the entire region, the number of butterfly species at Laguna Encantada, Playa Azul and EBITROLOTU combined (254) was low. This was expected, as Ross’ study had encompassed a diversity of habitats from sea level to the highest elevations of the Tuxtlas, over a much larger area. It now appears that Ross’ findings, particularly among the Lycaenidae, were conservative. After a five year survey of butterflies and skippers conducted in the vicinity of Lago Catemaco, G. Busby and his colleagues found that Ross’ estimates of butterfly species-richness in the Tuxtlas may represent less than 77% of the actual butterfly fauna (Welling 1982, 1983, G. Busby, unpub. data). The 13 regional records included among our 254 butterfly species further indicate that Ross’ totals underestimate the present species-richness of the Tuxtlas butterfly fauna. SEASONALITY A cumulative plot of the butterfly species collected at Laguna Encantada is given in Figure 2a. Upon closer inspection, the species tally levels off slightly after the first ten days, then rises sharply again during the first week in August, 1985 (see arrow). A double reciprocal plot of S and N (Figure 2b) reveals what appear to be two separate functions intrinsic to this plot, visualized more clearly when plotted independently (Figures 2c and 2d). These functions may represent the temporal overlap of two distinct seasonal faunas. A similar pattern appears in a cumulative plot 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 111 S = # species Figure 2a. Cumulative species collected, Laguna Encantada, Veracruz, 1985. 1/S = 1/# species 1/N = 1 /Collector hours Figure 2b. Reciprocal Plots of species vs. collector-hours, Laguna Encantada, 1 985. 112 J. Res. Lepid. 0.03 0.02 1/S = 1/# species 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 1/N = 1/Collector hours Figure 2c. Reciprocal Plot 21 - 29 July 1985, Laguna Encantada. 1/N = 1 /Collector hours Figure 2d. Reciprocal Plot 30 July - 31 Aug. 1985, Lag. Encantada. 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 113 Figure 3. Cumulative species collected, EBITROLOTU, Veracruz, 1985-1987. of butterflies collected at EBITROLOTU (see Figure 3), where the sharpest increase in number of species collected occurred between 15 and 22. iv. 1985 (see arrow). Comparison of Study Sites According to the theoretical species total (Se - 234) calculated for Laguna Encantada, we sampled 78% of its butterfly fauna during a six week period. Similarly, our species total at EBITROLOTU (212) repre- sents about 72% of the theoretical species-richness calculated for that site (Se = 295). The ratios of collector hours to hectares (Laguna Encantada = 1.125, EBITROLOTU = 0.484), which we use as a rough index of sampling efficiency, emphasize the great size disparity between our two study sites. The butterfly species that presently constitute the faunas of our respective study sites are markedly dissimilar. Only about 70% of the butterfly species collected at Laguna Encantada were also a subset of the 212 species sample collected at EBITROLOTU (see Appendix 3). The number of species associated with disturbed habitats at both Laguna Encantada and EBITROLOTU is given as a percentage of the total number of species collected at each respective study site. The outcome 114 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1 . Comparison of butterfly species composition between two rainforest study sites, Veracruz, Mexico. Study site Laguna Encantada EBITROLOTU Collector-hours (N) 63 hrs 337.5 hrs Area 56 ha 700 ha Sampling effort (hrs/ha) 1.125 0.484 Total species Papilionoidea collected and observed (S) 146 212 Number of species characteristic of disturbed habitats* (pasture and milpa ) 31 27 Percentage of total for each study site 21 .23% 12.74% I. 2 x 2 G-test of Independence G = 4.52 P < 0.05 II. Data transformed to standardize sampling effort 2x2 G-test of Independence G = 2.76 P < 0.1 0 * sensu Ross 1 975-77 of a 2 x 2 G-test of independence illustrates that the butterfly fauna of Laguna Encantada includes a significantly higher percentage of weedy, cosmopolitan species (21.23%) than that of the more extensive forest at EBITROLOTU (12.74%, G = 4.52, see Table 1). When we repeat this comparison after standardizing the weedy species data by multiplication with the collector hours/hectare ratios, the differences between the butterfly faunas of these two rainforest sites are still significant to the > 90% level (G - 2.76, see Table 1). Discussion SPECIES RICHNESS AND NEW RECORDS Some patterns in butterfly species-richness emerge from a comparison of recent faunal surveys conducted in tropical Mexico (see Table 2). An increase in species-richness accompanies the transition from a Nearctic to a Neotropical butterfly fauna as elevation decreases from Jalapa, Veracruz southeast to the Gulf Coast lowlands (Beutelspacher 1975a, Llorente, et al. 1986). All authors attribute high species-richness in the Tuxtlas to the combination of habitats, vegetational types, geographic isolation and climatic stability that characterize the region (Beutelspacher 1975a, Ross 1975-77, J. de la Maza and R. de la Maza 1985a, 1985b, Llorente, et al. 1986). Our findings, when combined with those of Ross (1975-77) and Busby (unpublished data) indicate a total of roughly 719 butterfly and skipper species for the Tuxtlas Region. In southern Mexico, this total dwarfs that of neighboring Tabasco (C. Routledge 1977) and is 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 115 Table 2. Comparison of Lepidoptera surveys, Mexico and Costa Rica. Author Year, Locality, elev., duration, area Total Ross 1975-77, 359 Tuxtlas, Veracruz, 0-1700 m, 15 mon., NA C. Routledge 1977, 141 Tabasco, 0-900 m, 14 mon., 532,656 ha Raguso and Llorente 1990, 182 a. Laguna Encantada, Veracruz, 350 m, 1 .5 mon., 56 ha b. EBITROLOTU, Veracruz, 212 170-350 m, 27 mon., 700 ha Llorente, et at. 1986, 3331 2 3 Teocelo/Jalapa, Veracruz, 600-1350 m,< 6 yrs.,NA Beutelspacher 1975, 127 Las Minas, Veracruz, 1500 m, 16 mon., NA Beutelspacher 1981, 150 Chamela, Jalisco, 0-500 m, 12 mon., 4.44 ha Beutelspacher 1982, 174 El Chorreadero, Chiapas, 650 m, > 24 mon., NA J. &R. delaMaza 1985, 544 Boca del Chajul, Chiapas, 150 m, 4 yrs., 800 ha DeVries 1983, 1467 Costa Rica, 0-3500m, NA, NA. Number of species by family1 Hes. Pap. Pie. Lyc. Rio. Nym. — 21 36 88 48 166 — 15 23 7 8 88 36 9 16 20 17 84 — 14 19 39 27 113 — 20 36 66 49 162 33 9 24 12 4 45 45 14 22 8 10 52 36 11 25 13 14 78 148 26 31 64 76 199 353 40 71 275s 3004 428 1 Key to abbreviations: Hes. = Hesperioidea, Pap. = Papilionidae, Pie. = Pieridae, Lyc. = Lycaenidae, Rio. = Riodinidae, Nym. = Nymphalidae., NA= not available 2 plus 20 unidentified species 3 R. Robbins pers. comm. 4 P. DeVries pers. comm. 116 J. Res. Lepid. exceeded only by the butterfly fauna of Chiapas (see J. de la Maza and R. de la Maza 1985a, 1985b, Beutelspacher 1982). In the 25 years since Ross’ study took place, four new butterfly species, Adelpha leucerioides , A. diazi (Beutelspacher 1975b), A. milleri (Beutelspacher 1976) and Mesosemia gemina (J. de la Maza and R. de la Maza 1980), and two new subspecies, Prepona brooksiana escalantiana (Descimon, Mast de Maeght and Stoffel 1974) and Dismorphia eunoe popoluca (Llorente and Luis 1988) have been described from the Tuxtlas. Numerous species records have appeared in the works of Freeman ( 1966, 1969b), Welling (1982, 1983), Busby (unpub. data) and this paper. Recent censuses of hairstreak butterflies (Lycaenidae) in the Tuxtlas have accounted for nearly twice as many species as Ross had collected (R. Robbins, G. Busby, pers. comm.). If butterfly species-richness in the Tuxtlas has increased, what are the causes? Let us examine the traits of the 13 species newly observed in the Tuxtlas. Five of these species are members of the Riodinidae; a family of butterflies whose life histories are poorly understood. Many adult riodinids perch on the undersides of leaves and are crepuscular in nature (Ross 1975-77). These habits may have allowed riodinids to remain undetected during previous butterfly censuses. Butterfly species that fly high above the forest floor, avoid flowers, or are difficult to identify may also escape notice. Memphis neidhoeferi and M. xenocles are elusive charaxines that fly in primary and secondary rainforest canopies, descending to feed on rotting fruit, feces and carrion (DeVries 1987). The use of Van Someren-Rydon traps, the most reliable method for capturing Memphis butterflies, was not widespread during the years of Ross’ study (1962—65). Many of the metallic blue-colored Memphis species are also variable and difficult to identify (Comstock 1961, DeVries 1987). Similarly, females of the swallowtail butterfly Parides lycimenes are easily confused with those of Parides iphidamas, P. erithalion and P. sesostris. The satyrine Cissia renata flies in bright sunlight in all forest habitats and also visits animal dung and rotting fruit (DeVries 1987). Llorente and Luis (1989) have collected increased numbers of riodinid, charaxine and satyrine species by using Van Someren-Rydon traps and by collecting in early morning and late evening. The butterfly species discussed above were probably omitted from previous surveys due to incomplete sampling or misidentification. The observed increase in lycaenid species-richness may reflect a combination of habitat disturbance and sampling efficiency. Ross col- lected most of his 83 species of hairstreak butterflies near Catemaco at flowers of Cordia spinescens , C. alliodora, Crotalaria uitellina and Bidens pilosa ; plant species indicative of forest margins and pastures. Most of Busby’s 150 hairstreak species were collected at blossoms of Cordia (unpublished data). The availability of Bidens , Cordia and Crotalaria nectar resources, which appear to increase in direct propor- tion to the development of forest land, may lure lycaenids from the forest 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 117 canopy down to ground level, and thus facilitate their capture. This phenomenon may account for our record of Zizula tulliola at EBITROLOTU. A similar combination of disturbance and increased sampling effi- ciency could explain the current abundance of Opsiphanes cassina fabricii and O. tamarindi sikyon; two brassolines not observed during Ross’ study. These species utilize plants of the Musaceae, Arecaceae and Heliconiaceae as hosts and exploit the coconut palms and banana plantations which accompany urban development and agriculture. Coco- nut and banana are not new to the Tuxtlas, and Opsiphanes cassina and O. tamarindi have probably inhabited local secondary forests with native Heliconia and palms for centuries. However, these butterflies are now regularly seen flying at dusk through the streets of Catemaco and San Andres Tuxtla, and it is likely that agriculture and urbanization have contributed to their abundance and detection. Our three remaining species records for the Tuxtlas are butterflies that were probably overlooked because they are rare. Eurytides marchandi is a distinctively golden-colored swallowtail that flies near rivers and forest edges. It may be a recent introduction from the southeast, where it is known from lowland Chiapas ( J. de la Maza and R. de la Maza 1985a), or it may simply be scarce in the Tuxtlas. Megisto rubricata is a grass-feeding satyrine which is generally found in shady oak-pine forests and arid canyons from Texas to Guatemala (Scott 1986). We collected M. rubricata at EBITROLOTU from February to October in 1985 and 1986. Since the only substantial oak-pine forests in the Tuxtlas lie roughly 40 km southeast of EBITROLOTU on the southern slopes of the Santa Marta volcano (Ross 1975-77), the habitat requirements for M. rubricata may not be as strict as was previously thought. The presence of Agathymus rethon at Laguna Encantada is an enigma. A. rethon has been collected at 1200 m in Puebla, Morelos, Guerrero and the Oaxaca/Chiapas border. Like other megathymids, it is closely wed to its foodplant, Agave sisalana (Stallings and Turner 1957, Freeman 1969a). In early August 1985, we observed two adults perched on a small, dark green-leaved Agave on the northern lip of Laguna Encantada’s crater. Gomez-Pompa (1973) identified Agave species from three locali- ties in Veracruz - the high pine forests of Jalapa, the arid hills of Perote, near Puebla, and the desert bordering Hidalgo - but made no mention of Agave in the Tuxtlas. Likewise, Agave seeds were not discussed in studies of seed dispersal by birds (Trejo-Perez 1976, Van Dorp 1985) or bats (Orozco-Segovia, et al. 1985) conducted at EBITROLOTU. Never- theless, Ross (1975-77) found Agave sp. to be locally abundant in elfin woodland on the exposed upper ridges of the San Martin and Santa Marta volcanoes in the Tuxtlas. We think that the Agave /Agathymus rethon association at Laguna Encantada is probably one of a few scat- tered relicts of a drier period in the Tuxtlas’ history. 118 J. Res. Lepid. In summary, we attribute the apparent increase in butterfly species- richness in the Tuxtlas to the following factors: 1. improved collecting methods 2. increased knowledge of species’ life histories 3. the effects of human disturbance on local habitats and vegetation 4. the gradual detection of rare species as a function of cumulative sampling effort. SEASONALITY Mid to long-term faunal surveys such as Ross’work in the Tuxtlas (15 months) and our study at EBITROLOTU (27 months) bear the important feature of having sampled the butterflies of those sites during at least one entire year. Shorter-term censuses, on the scale of our study at Laguna Encantada (6 weeks), may highlight seasonal fluctuations in butterfly species abundance. Shapiro (1975) and Hill (1988) have discussed the importance of temporal distribution and seasonality to the measurement of butterfly species-richness. Studies of the butterfly faunas of tropical rainforests in Panama (Emmel and Leek 1970) and Queensland, Austra- lia (Hill 1988) indicate that butterfly seasonal abundance is a complex phenomenon linked to environmental factors such as precipitation. Fox, et al. ( 1965) observed peak butterfly abundance in Liberia during the dry season, while Owen (1971) found butterflies in adjacent rainforests in Sierra Leone to be most abundant during the rainy season. In their analysis of the butterfly fauna of southern Chiapas, J. de la Maza and R. de la Maza (1985b) described two peaks of adult butterfly flight activity during the Mexican summer; the first occurring toward the end of the dry season in April and the second during the sunniest segment of the wet season in August and September. These authors predicted that such patterns would be consistent throughout the rainforests of the Mexican Gulf Coast. We observed an increase in butterfly species at Laguna Encantada in early August 1985 that corresponded to reduced precipitation during this period (personal observation). While it is important not to extrapolate meteorological data overzealously across the Tuxtlas, a record of precipi- tation collected at EBITROLOTU (C. Field, unpublished data, see Figure 4) illustrates reduced rainfall during August 1985. By the end of August, the number of new butterfly species encountered at Laguna Encantada had diminished to nearly zero. Seasonal patterns were also evident at EBITROLOTU. The sharp increase in butterfly species encountered in mid-April 1985 also corre- sponded to reduced precipitation (see Figure 4). We did not, however, observe an additional species increase at EBITROLOTU during the first week of August 1985. The species that first appeared during this time at Laguna Encantada (eg. Parides erithalion polyzelus, Colobura dirce, Epiphile adrasta ) are multiple-brooded and had already been collected at EBITROLOTU during the spring months. Using Clench’s method, 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 119 Month Figure 4. Rainfall Data, EBITROLOTU, Veracruz, 1 985 (C. Field, unpublished data). seasonal effects are visible only during the early stages of a cumulative species census. The use of mark-release-recapture studies (Ehrlich and Davidson 1960), malaise traps (Covell and Freytag 1979), and the observational methods of Pollard (1977) and Hill (1988) are better suited to the specific study of butterfly seasonality. COMPARISON OF STUDY SITES At Laguna Encantada and EBITROLOTU, we have sampled what appear to be distinctly different butterfly faunas. At Laguna Encantada we encountered a significantly higher percentage of generalist butterfly species than that found at the larger, less disturbed EBITROLOTU site. In addition, at least 13 species putatively associated with lower montane rainforest were present at EBITROLOTU but absent at Laguna Encantada (see Appendix 3). Do our results highlight the effects of habitat distur- bance, the artifacts of imperfect experimental design or simply an unforseen dissimilarity between rainforest microhabitats in the Tuxtlas? Many workers have addressed the effects of habitat disturbance on local resource availability and biological diversity (May 1973, 1981; Connell 1978; see Denslow 1985 for review). Although our discussion has stressed disturbance brought about by human activities, natural events such as hurricanes, fires and treefalls may cause ecological disturbance of comparable magnitude. Depending on its historical scale and fre- quency, habitat disturbance may elicit a variety of responses from the members of a given Neotropical butterfly community. According to Blau (1980), who studied populations of Papilio polyxenes in Costa Rica, there is a large assemblage of Neotropical insect species adapted for exploiting habitats produced by localized disturbances. In his ecological analysis of the moth fauna of Costa Rica’s Santa Rosa region, Janzen (1988a) extends this discussion to the spatial and tempo- 120 J. Res. Lepid. ral variation in land use and ecological disturbance near Guanacaste National Park. Janzen (1988b) notes that the resulting mosaic of habi- tats and successional stages of vegetation presently accomodates more species of Lepidoptera than a pristine dry tropical forest, past or future, could realistically support. There are important differences between cosmopolitan species that can exploit disturbed forest habitats and organisms that are adapted to undisturbed primary forests. We have discussed the prevalence of weedy, cosmopolitan species at the disturbed Laguna Encantada site and note that a similar pattern was observed by Welling (1966) for Papilio , Euptoieta, Zerene and Phoebis species in patches cut into dense thorn forests of the Yucatan Peninsula. Many of these butterflies are migra- tory habitat generalists with catholic hostplant requirements and broad distributions throughout the tropical Americas, and could rapidly invade disturbed rainforest patches in the Tuxtlas. For example, at Laguna Encantada we frequently observed Phoebis philea and Anteos clorinde nivifera flying at the forest’s borders and over its canopy and ovipositing on Cassia trees in light gaps within the forest. If the disturbances that promote the recruitment of Cassia trees in rainforest gaps are frequent, we believe that these pierid species, which range from Texas to Argen- tina, will persist at Laguna Encantada. Have we censused the butterfly faunas of Laguna Encantada and EBITROLOTU thoroughly enough to legitimize the comparisons pre- sented in this paper? As discussed by R. Routledge (1980) and Pielou (1960, see Peet 1974 for review), it is difficult to remove sampling bias from experimental measurements of diversity in large communities. Despite the limitations discussed by Clench (1979, especially regarding K, the collectability constant.), we chose the enzymatic model to analyze the results of our surveys because of its applicability to our collecting methods and its emphasis on sampling effort. Although we sampled roughly 78% of the butterfly fauna of Laguna Encantada in six weeks, we calculate from our model that an additional 4000 collector-hours would have been required to account for its complete fauna. By this reasoning, many more collector hours would have been necessary to fully sample the butterfly fauna of the larger EBITROLOTU site. Sampling effort on this scale is only practical for long-term studies conducted by numerous researchers. Although we spent five times as many collecting hours at EBITROLOTU than at Laguna Encantada, our sampling at the former site was slightly less thorough. This result and the ratios of collector hours/hectare illustrate the great size disparity between the two study sites and the difficulties inherent to biotic surveys of different-sized habitats. It is not clear whether the distinctive differences between the butterfly faunas of EBITROLOTU and Laguna Encantada are a consequence of human disturbance or simply a reflection of intrinsic differences between these two sites. Were primary forest specialists present at EBITROLOTU 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 121 (e.g. Nessaea aglaura) driven to local extinction by disturbance at Laguna Encantada, or were they never there in the first place? It will be important to return to Laguna Encantada and look for these potential indicator species. The presence of older Cecropia , Ceiba and Ficus trees at Laguna Encantada suggests that disturbance has played a historical role in the ecology of that site. On the other hand, differences in altitude, precipitation and topography may render the rainforests at Laguna Encantada and EBITROLOTU more dissimilar than they appear. An experiment such as Brazil’s “Minimum Critical Area” project, in which forest patches of different sizes were cut from continuous lowland rainforest, would be better suited to address these questions. Rainforests throughout the Tuxtlas Mountains of Veracruz, Mexico are becoming highly fragmented, and our study sites, particularly Laguna Encantada, are likely to become even more disturbed and isolated. Which members of a fragmented forest’s butterfly fauna will be sus- tained if external sources of immigrants have been eliminated? In Costa Rica, the protected dry forests of Guanacaste National Park will become more homogeneous and pristine with succession. Janzen (1988b, also see Gilbert 1980) predicts the disappearance of many species of Lepidoptera in these forests, because potential sources of species immigration exter- nal to the park were destroyed long ago and thus will be unable to counter local extinction. In time, the extensive faunistic data bases from Guanacaste should facilitate the testing of that hypothesis. Unlike Guanacaste, the Tuxtlas region of Veracruz, Mexico will continue to suffer human disturbance and cannot presently be said to have reached its zenith in butterfly species-richness. We simply don’t understand the history of human occupation and disturbance in the Tuxtlas well enough to predict the fates of its forests and their faunas. It will be important to update surveys such as ours periodically, paying particular attention to species introductions and disappearances and the state of proximal forests as potential sources of immigrants. Acknowledgements. Field work at Laguna Encantada was conducted with the permission of the landowner, Sr. Luis Vila of San Andres Tuxtla. Dr. R. Dirzo, director of EBITROLOTU made available his insect collection and observations. Additional specimens were provided by A. Ibarra. Access to museum collections was granted by Drs. C. Remington, F. Rindge, J. Donahue, N. Penny and S. Stockwell. Determination of some taxa collected at Laguna Encantada was provided by the following: Riodinidae — D. Harvey; Taygetis — L. Miller; Theclinae — R. Robbins; Satyrinae — M. Singer and Ithomiinae, Adelpha — the late G. Small. Andre Chapp, Jorge Herrera, Gonzalo Quino and especially C. Horvitz and D. Schemske assisted with field work. C. Boggs, D. Clark, R. Dial, M. Ellis, K. Freas, D. Furth, M. Gallardo, D. Martinez, S. Naeem, B. Rathcke, W. Wagner, W. Watt, S. Weiss, and two anonymous reviewers provided helpful advice and comments. G. Busby and C. Field generously furnished unpublished data. Support for travel and field expenses was provided by NSF grant BSR-841566 to C. Horvitz and D. Schemske and a CONACYT D- 112-903646 (Mexico) grant and DGAPA-UNAM IN201789 to J. Llorente. 122 J. Res. Lepid. Literature Cited Alvarez, J. A. S. 1982. Caida de hojarasca en una selva humeda tropical de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, pp. 7-13. Thesis. 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Papilionidae Pieridae Nymphalidae Lycaenidae Riodinidae Butterfly species characteristic of disturbed habitats, after Ross (1977) and Robbins (pers. comm.). * Papilio thoas * Ascia monuste Eurema daira Eurema mexicana * Eurema nicippe Gluthophrissa drusilla * Phoebis sennae * Phoebis philea * Phoebis argante Pyrisitia boisduvaliana Pyrisitia proterpia * Pyrisitia lisa Pyrisitia dina Pyrisitia nise * Zerene cesonia Anaea aidea Anartia fatima Anartia jatrophae Anthanassa ardys Castilia myia Castilia griseobasalis Ghiosyne janais Chiosyne lacinia * Danaus gilippus Dry as iulia * Euptoieta hegesia Hermeuptychia hermes * Marpesia chiron Phyciodes vesta Thessalia theona Calycopis isobeon Eve res corny ntas Hemiargus ceraunus Hemiargus huntingtoni Leptotes cassius striata Rekoa palegon Rekoa marius t Strymon columella f Tmolusazia f Tmolus echion Juditha molpe * cited by Ross (1975-1977) or DeVries (1987) as being migratory. f Robbins pers. comm. 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 127 Appendix 2. A Checklist of the Butterflies of Laguna Encantada and La Estacion de Biologia Tropical “Los Tuxtlas” (EBITROLOTU), LJ.N.A.M., Veracruz, Mexico. Totals: 254 species, 1293 specimens. R denotes taxon not found in Ross’ checklist 1975-77. N denotes taxon not previously reported from Tuxtlas. S denotes definitive sight record; all others are collected specimens. PA denotes specimen collected at Playa Azui, near Catemaco. Taxon Study Sites: Laauna Encantada 20 vii - 31 viii 1985 HESPERIOIDEA HESPERIIDAE Pyrginae Epargyreus exadeus (Cramer 1 779) 2 LJrbanus proteus (Linnaeus 1 758) 2 Urbanus dorantes (Stoll 1 790 2 LJrbanus procne (Plotz 1 880) 1 Astraptes anaphus (Cramer 1 777) 1 Astraptes fulgerator (Welch 1 775) 4 Autochton neis (Geyer 1 832) 3 Aethilla lavocrea Butler 1 872 1 PA Achalarus toxeus (Plotz 1882) 1 PA Cogia calchas (Herrich-Schaeffer 1 869) 2 Nisoniades rubescens(Mosch\er 1 876) 3 Nisoniades ephora (Herrich-Schaeffer 1 870) 1 Carrhenes canescens (R. Felder 1 869) 1 Xenophanes trixus (Stoll 1 780) 2 Achlyodes thraso (Hubner 1 807) 1 Achlyodes busirus (Stoll 1 782) 2 Timochares trifasciata (Hewitson 1 868) 2 Gesta gesta invisus (Butler & H. Druce 1 892) 1 Ephyriades brunneus floridalis (Bell & W. Comstock 1 948) 2 Pyrgus communis (Grote 1 872) 2 Pyrgus oileus (Linnaeus 1 767) 3 Heliopetes macaira (Reakirt 1866) 1 PA Heliopetes arsalte (Linnaeus 1 758) 1 PA Quadrus cerealis (Stoll 1 782) 3 Quadrus lugubris (R. Felder 1 869) 1 Nascus phocus (Cramer 1 777) 1 Theogenes lactifera (Butler & Druce 1 872) 1 Antigonus nearchus (Latreille 1 824) 1 Hesperiinae Calpodes ethlius (Stoll 1 782) 1 Cymaenes odilia (Burmeister 1 878) 3 Ancylocypha arene (Edwards 1871) 1 Pompeius pompeius (Latreille 1 824) 3 Talides sergestus (Cramer 1 775) 1 Vettius fantasos anaca (Evans 1 955) 2 Cynea cynea (Hewitson 1 876) 1 Parphorus decorum (Herrich-Schaeffer 1 869) 1 Moerus striga stroma (Evans 1 955) 1 Anthoptes epictelus (Fabricius 1 793) 1 Papias subcostulata Integra (Mabille 1891) 1 EBITROLOTU i 1985- Vi 1987 128 J. Res. Lepid. Megathyminae Agathymus rethon (Dyar 1913) 1 (+1 S) N PAPILIONOIDEA PAPIUONIDAE Papilioninae Parides photinus (Doubleday 1844) 6 Parides erithalion polyzelus (R. Felder 1 865) 3 5 Parides lycimenes septentrionalis (J. de la Maza and Diaz 1978) - 8 R, N Parides iphidamas (Fabricius 1793) - 7 Parides eurimedes mylotes (Bates 1 856) - 8 Parides sesostris zestos (Gray 1 852) - 2 Battus belus varus (Kollar 1 850) - 5 Papilio polyxenes asterias (Stoll 1 782) 1 S, PA Papilio cresphontes (Cramer 1 777) - 1 R Papilio thoas autocles (Rothschild & Jordan 1 906) 6 1 Papilio androgeus epidaurus (God man & Salvin 1890) IS 2 Pyrrhosticta victorious (Doubleday 1 844) - 2 Priamides anchisiades idaeus (Fabricius 1793) 2 7 Eurytides marchandi (Boisduval 1 836) - 3 R, N Eurytides phaon (Boisduval 1 836) 1 PA 3 Eurytides belesis (Bates 1 834) 1 7 Eurytides branchus (Doubleday 1846) 1 Eurytides philolaus (Boisduval 1 846) 1 Eurytides epidaus (Doubleday 1846) 2 PIERIDAE Dismorphiinae Dismorphia amphiona praxinoe (Doubleday 1 844) 2 2 Dismorphia theucarilla fortunata (Lucas 1854) - 3 Pierinae Ascia monuste (Linnaeus 1764) 9 1 Melete isandra (Linnaeus 1764) 2 Itaballia pisonis kicaha (Reakirt 1 863) - 5 Catasticta nimbice ochracea (Boisduval 1 836) - 1 Pieriballia viardi (Boisduval 1 836) - 5 Gluthophrissa drusilla poeyi (Butler 1 872) - 5 Coliadinae Zerene cesonia (Stoll 1791) 2 1 Anteos clorinde nivifera (Fruhstorfer 1 907) 5 Phoebis sennae marcellina (Cramer 1 777) 10 3 Phoebis philea (Linnaeus 1763) 8 2 Phoebis argante (Fabricius 1775) 4 2 Phoebis agarithe (Boisduval 1 836) 2 1 Rhabdodryas trite (Linnaeus 1 758) - 3 Pyrisitia proterpia (Fabricius 1775) 5 2 Pyrisitia lisa (Boisduval & LeConte 1 833) - 3 Pyrisitia nise nelphe (R. Felder 1864) 8 4 Pyrisitia dina westwoodi (Boisduval 1836) 6 Eurema albula celata (R. Felder 1 869) 7 6 Eurema daira eugenia (Wallengren 1860) 6 4 Eurema xanthochlora (Kollar 1850) 1 6 Eurema nicippe (Cramer 1 780) 1 29(1-2): 105-133, 1990(91) 129 LYCAENIDAE Theclinae Pseudolycaena damo (Druce 1875) 2 5 “Theda” theocritus (Fabricius 1793) 1 PA, R 1 “Theda” hesperitis (Butler and Druce 1872) 1 0 “Theda” sp. aff. plusios Godman and Salvin 1887 - 2 “Theda” barajo (Reakirt 1866) 1 3 “Theda” tephraeus (Gey er 1837) 1 “Theda” haldones (Butler and Druce 1872) 1 “Theda” 7 unidentified species - totals Rekoa marius (Lucas 1 857) 6 Rekoa meton (Cramer 1 782) IS 1 Eumaeus toxea (Hubner 1806) 2 PA 4 Brangas cocdneifrons (Godman & Salvin 1 887) - 1 Atlides polybe (Linnaeus 1 758) 1 Ministrymon arola Hewitson 1 868 2 Tmolus echion (Linnaeus 1 758) 2 Tmolus azia (Hewitson 1 873) 1 PA Tmolus 3 unident, species. - total 3 Oenomaus ortygnus (Cramer 1 782) 1 Calycopis isobeon (Butler & Druce 1 872) 8 6 Calycopis 3 unident, species. - total 7 Cyanophrys 5 unident, species. - total 5 Cyanophrys miserabilis Clench 1 946 3 Cyanophrys herodotus (Fabricius 1793) 1 Arawacus sito (Boisduval 1836) 3 3 Arawacus togarna { Hewitson 1863) - 8 Panthiades bathis (Fabricius 1781) 1 1 Panthiades bitias (Cramer 1 777) - 1 Strymon sp. - 1 Strymon columella Reakirt 1 866 1 PA Strymon rufofusca (Hewitson 1 877) 2 PA Electrostrymon sp. aff. cyphara (Hewitson 1874) 3 Areas cypria (Geyer 1 837) - 1 Theritas sp. - 1 Chalybs sp. - 3 Polyommatinae Hemiargus isola (Reakirt 1866) - 1 Hemiargus ceraunus zachaeina (Butler and Druce 1872) 2 Leptotes cassius striata (Edwards 1 887) 2 3 Everes comyntas texanus (R. Chermock 1944) 3 6 Celastrina ladon gozora (R. Chermock 1 944) - 1 Zizula tulliola (Godman & Salvin 1887) - 1 R, N RIODINIDAE Euselasiinae Euselasia sergia (Godman & Salvin 1 885) - 6 Hades noctula (Westwood 1851) 1 8 Riodininae Perophthalma tullius lasus Westwood 1851 - 6 Leucochimona vestalis (Bates 1 865) - 4 Leucochimona lepida nivalis (Godman & Salvin 1885) - 5 Mesosemia gemina J. de la Maza and R. de la Maza 1 980 - 2 Mesosemia telegone (Boisduval 1836) 5 R Eurybia elvina (Stichel 1910) 3R 1 130 J. Res . Lepid. Calospila sudias (Hewitson 1856) 5 Napaea umbra (Boisduval 1 870) - 1 Napaea euchariia picina Stichel 1910 - 3 R, N Cremna thasus subrutila Stichel 1910 - 3 R, N Charis velutina (Godman & Salvin 1878) - 6 Calephelis sp. 1 2 4 Calephelis sp. 2 2 - Melanis pixe (Boisduval 1 836) 4 5 Charmona gynaea zama (Bates 1868) 7 Lasaia agesilas callaina Clench 1 972 1 S, R Lasaia unident. sp. - 2 Mesene croceela Bates 1865 - 2 Symmachia tricolor hedemanni (R. Felder 1869) - 1 Sarota myrtea (Godman & Salvin 1 886) - 4 Sarota chrysus (Cramer 1 782) - 6 R, N Calydna lusca venusta (Godman and Salvin 1886) 1 Calydna sturnula hegias (R. Felder 1869) 1 PA, R, N Emesis mandana (Cramer 1 780) - 2 Emesis vulpina (Godman & Salvin 1886) - 2 R, N Emesis lucinda saturata Godman and Salvin 1 886 9 R Emesis lupina (Godman and Salvin 1886) 4 Thisbe lycorias (Hewitson 1853) 5 1 R Lemonias agave (Godman & Salvin 1886) - 2 Juditha molpe (Hubner 1808) 8 6 Theope 2 unident. sp. - total 3 Theope virgilius Fabricius 1793 3 R Theope eupoiis Schaus 1 890 1 R Theope bacenis Schaus 1 890 1 R Pandemos godmanii DeWitz 1 877 - 1 R Menander menander purpurata Godman & Salvin 1878 - 5 NYMPHALIDAE Heliconiinae Agraulis vanillae incarnata (Riley 1 926) 3 3 Dione juno huascuma (Reakirt 1 866) 1 4 Dryas iulia moderata (Stichel 1 926) 5 6 E ueides isabella eva (Cramer 1775) 16 4 Eueides lineata (Salvin 1 868) 5 2 Eueides aliphera gracilis Stichel 1 903 - 1 Heliconius ismenius telchina (Doubleday 1 847) 5 1 Heliconius erato petiverana (Doubleday 1 847) 11 4 Heliconius hortense (Guerin-Meneville 1829) 1 1 Heliconius charitonius vazquezae (Comstock & Brown 1 950) 5 3 Heliconius doris transiens (Staudinger 1 896) - 1 Philaethria dido diatonica (Fruhstorfer 1912) - 1 Dryadula phaetusa (Linnaeus 1 758) - 2 Nymphalinae Hypanartia lethe (Fabricius 1793) 4 Siproeta epaphus (latreille 1882) 2 1 Siproeta stelenes biplagiata (Fruhstorfer 1 907) 4 2 Anartia fatima (Godart 1 793) 4 5 Anartia jatrophae (Godart 1 820) 4 1 Junonia evarete (Cramer 1 782) 4 1 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 131 Argynninae Euptoieta hegesia hoffmanni (Comstock 1 944) 2 4 Melitaeinae Chlosyne janais (Drury 1 782) 1 PA 3 Chlosyne erodyle (Bates 1864) - 1 Chlosyne lacinia (Geyer 1 837) 5 1 Chlosyne hippodrome (Geyer 1 837) 1 (3 PA) Thessalia theona (Menetries 4855) 4 Phyciodes vesta (W. H. Edwards 1869) 2 Anthanassa tulcis (Bates 1 864) 1 PA Anthanassa ptolyca (Bates 1 864) 2 R Eresia phillyra (Hewitson 1852) 2 2 Castilia myia (Hewitson 1 864) 2 7 Tegosa guatemalena (Bates 1 864) 3 Limenitidinae Adelpha melanthe (Bates 1866) 4 3 Adelpha leuceria Druce 1 879 - 9 Adelpha celerio diademata (Fruhstorfer 1915) 4 R 5 Adelpha phylaca (Bates 1 860) - 2 Adelpha ixia leucas (Fruhstorfer 1 91 5) - 1R Adelpha felderi (Boisduval 1870) - 1 R Adelpha milled Beutelspacher 1 975 - 1 R Adelpha diazi Beutelspacher 1 975 - 1 R Adelpha leucerioides Beutelspacher 1 975 - 1 Adelpha iphiclus (Linnaeus 1758) 5 Adelpha sp. - 1 Myscelia ethusa (Doyere 1840) 4 Myscelia cyariiris (Doubleday 1848) 1 2 Dynamine postverta mexicana (d’ Almeida 1952) 9 1 Dynamine dyonis (Geyer 1 837) 3 Eunica alcmena Doubleday & Hewitson 1850 - 1 Eunica monima (Cramer 1 782) 1 Diaethria anna (Guerin-Meneville 1844) 1 4 Diaethria astala (Guerin-Meneville 1844) 2 Callicore lyca (Doubleday & Hewitson 1847) - 1 Callicore texa titania (Salvin 1 869) - 1 Nessaea aglaura (Doubleday 1848) - 5 Biblis hyped a aganisa (Boisduval 1 836) 5 Mestra amymone (Menetries 1 857) 3 PA Hamadryas februa ferentina (Godart 1 824) 7 2 Hamadryas feronia farinulenta (Fruhstorfer 1916) 8 Hamadryas guatemalena marmarice (Fruhstorfer 1 91 6) 5 Hamadryas amphinome mexicana (Lucas 1 853) 7 4 Hamadryas iphthime (Bates 1864) - 1 Colobura dirce (Linnaeus 1 758) 5 3 Historis odius (Fabricius 1775) IS 1 Smyrna blomfildia datis (Fruhstorfer 1 908) 8 2 Coea acheronta (Fabricius 1775) - 4 Marpesia chiron marius (Cramer 1 780 ) 3 3 Marpesia petreus tethys (Fabricius 1777) IS 1 Marpesia harmonia (Doubleday & Hewitson 1847) - 8 Temenis laothoe hondurensis (Fruhstorfer 1907) 1 4 Epiphile adrasta { Hewitson 1861) 4 2 Nica flavilla canthara (Doubleday 1849) 3 1 Pyrrhogyra neaerea hypsenor (Godman & Salvin 1884) 1 1 132 J. Res. Lepid. Pyrrhogyra otolais (Bates 1 864) 1 5 Catonephele mexicana (Jenkins & De la Maza 1 985) 5 9 Catonephele numilia esite (R. Felder 1869) - 4 Apaturinae Doxocopa laure (Drury 1773) - 1 Charaxinae Prepona omphale octavia Fruhstorfer 1 904 - 3 Archaeoprepona demophon centralis (Fruhstorfer 1905) 2 2 Archaeoprepona demophoon ssp. nov. 1 6 Archaeoprepona amphimachus amphiktion (Fruhstorfer 1916) 3 2 Zaretis callidryas (Felder 1869) 2 1 Zaretis itys (Cramer 1 777) - 1 Anaea aidea (Guerin-Meneville 1844) 9 Consul fabius cecrops (Doubleday 1 849) 4 2 Consul electra (Westwood 1 850) 5 2 Memphis pithyusa (R. Felder 1869) - 15 Memphis morvus boisduvali (W. Comstock 1 961 ) 1 5 Memphis oenomaus (Boisduval 1 870) 1 6 R Memphis neidhoeferi (Rotger 1965) - 4 R, N Memphis forreri (God man and Salvin 1884) - 3 R Memphis xenica (Bates 1864) - 5 R Memphis proserpina (Salvin 1 869) - 4 Memphis xenocles (Westwood 1 850) - 1 R, N Fountainea eurypile confusa (Hall 1 929) - 5 Fountainea ryphea (Cramer 1 775) - 1 R Siderone marthesia (Cramer 1 777) - 1 Satyrinae Pierella luna heracles (Boisduval 1870) 6 5 Taygetis andromeda inconspicua (Draudt 1 931 ) 5 2 Taygetis virgilia rufomarginata (Staudinger 1 888) 1 Pareuptychia ocirrhoe (Sulzer 1 779) 1 5 Pareuptychia metaleuca (Boisduval 1 870) 3 4 Cissia usitata pieria (Butler 1 866) 11 12 Cissia iabe (Butler 1 869) - 2 Cissia renata disaffecta (Butler 1 874) - 3 R, N Cissia libye (Linnaeus 1 797) 2 6 Hermeuptychia hermes sosybius (Fabricius 1 793) 6 7 Euptychia westwoodi (Butler 1866) 4 Euptychia jesia (Cramer 1 869) 1 Megisto rubricata anabelae Miller 1 976 - 7 R, N Brassolinae Opsiphanes tamarindi sikyon Fruhstorfer 1912 2 PA, R 1 Opsiphanes cassina fabricii (Boisduval 1 870) 2 PA 6 Opsiphanes quiteria quirinus Godman and Salvin 1881 - 2 R Caligo memnon (C. Felder & R. Felder 1865) 4 3 Caligo uranus (Herrich-Schaffer 1853) - 5 Morphinae Morpho polyphemus luna (Butler 1 872) 1 S 3 Morpho peieides montezuma {G uenee 1859) 6 12 Acraeinae Altinote ozomene nox (Bates 1 864) 1 4 29(1-2):105-133, 1990(91) 133 Danainae Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus 1 758) IS 1 Danaus gilippus thersippus (Bates 1863) 5 6 Danaus erisimus montezuma (Talbot 1943) 1 PA Lycorea cleobaea atergatis (Doubleday & Hewitson 1 847) 3 4 Ithomiinae Tithorea harmonia hippothous (Godman and Salvin 1879) 1 PA 4 Melinaea lilis imitata (Bates 1 864) 3 4 Meehan itis polymnia lycidice (Bates 1 864) 6 10 Meehan itis menapis (Bates 1 864) 3 6 Oleria pauia (Weymer 1 883) 1 3 Aeria pacifica (Godman & Salvin 1879) 3 3 Dircenna klugii (Geyer 1 837) 1 6 Pteronymia cotytto (Guerin-Meneville 1 844) 3 14 Greta oto (Hewitson 1 855) 5 1 Greta nero (Hewitson 1855) - 5 Hyposcada virginiana (Hewitson 1 855) - 5 Napeogenes tolosa (Hewitson 1855) - 4 Ithomia patilla (Hewitson 1852) - 1 Hypoleria cassotis (Bates 1 864) 1 Appendix 3. Butterfly species associated with lower montane rainforest, found at EBITROLOTLJ but absent at Laguna Encantada. Papilionidae Pieridae Nymphalidae: Parides iphidimas Parides eurimedes * Dismorphia theucarila * Itaballia pisonis Pieriballia viardi Caligo uranus Cissia labe Greta nero Heliconius doris Ithomia patilla Mechanitis lysimnia Napeogenes tolosa * Nessaea aglaura Habitat specialist sensu DeVries 1987 Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(1-2):134-142, 1990(91) Territorial Hilltopping Behavior of Three Swallowtail Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in Western Brazil. Carlos E. G. Pinheiro Departamento de Ecologia, Funda5ao Universidade de Brasilia, 70910 Brasilia DF, Brazil Abstract. This paper investigates differences in the territorial hilltopping behavior of Papilio thoas, Battus polydamas and Eury tides orthosilaus. Seven behavioral activities of hill topping males are de- scribed and measured, including inter and intraspecific aggression, territory establishment, and choice of preferred sites for territories. P. thoas and B. polydamas shared many behavioral characteristics and preferred the same territorial site, near the highest point of the hill. Most interspecific aggression occurred between these species. P. thoas , the dominant species, won aggressive encounters and established its territories first. B. polydamas set up territories in neighboring areas placed around the territories ofP. thoas. Marked behavioral differences were found between E. orthosilaus and the other species; its territories were established several meters above the largest trees in the area and did not overlap with those of P. thoas and B. polydamas. Behavioral activities in these butterflies occurred in a sequential pattern each day. Aggressive acts predominated in the early hours and decreased as territory owners become established and newly arriving butterflies become rare. Introduction Many butterflies and other insects fly to hilltops in order to mate (Shields, 1967; Baker, 1983). Hilltopping is in many aspects similar to lek behavior shown by many birds and other vertebrate species. It is believed to increase the mating efficiency of individuals of a species reducing the area in which sexual encounters can occur (Poulton, 1904). According to Alcock (1987) it is not obvious why hilltops would become “rendezvous points” for any species. It has been noted that these sites generally do not contain food resources for adult butterflies, nor are they locations where females emerge, oviposit or even rest. There are only males waiting to mate. Hilltopping butterflies exhibit a considerable diversity with respect to the way that males aggregate and form territories (Courtney & Ander- son, 1986). In some species males form clusters of several individuals with little or no aggressive behavior among them (see examples in Alcock, 1985; Baughman et al., 1988). In the other extreme males do not tolerate each other, and form mating territories as defined by Brown & Orians (1970); such is the case for many swallowtail butterflies (Shields, 1967; Lederhouse, 1982; Rutowski et ah, 1989). 29(1-2):134-142, 1990(91) 135 Although much information has been obtained on hilltopping behavior, it is still poorly documented which species exhibit such behavior, espe- cially in the tropics. In this paper I examine some aspects of the territorial hilltopping of males of three large swallowtail butterflies that use the same place for hilltopping: Papilio thoas brasiliensis Roths. & Jord., 1906, Battus polydamas polydamas (L., 1758) and Eury tides orthosilaus (Weymer, 1899). I describe their preferences of sites for territories and use a behavioral method to estimate and compare the frequencies of different kinds of behaviors associated with hilltopping, including inter and intraspecific encounters and other behaviors associated with terri- tory establishment. The order of occurrence of determined behavioral activities of males is also reported. Study Site and Methods Field work was done in the region of the Rio Manso, Mato Grosso State, western Brazil (55°50'W, 14°52'S) on sunny days between May 16-21 and October 13-16, 1988; and April 22-26, 1989. Observations and data collecting were concentrated on the top of the highest hill in the area (405 m elevation), composed of a dome measuring 120 x 40 m covered with a combination of cerrado vegetation, grasses and bare rocks. F orest vegeta- tion is found 150 m below at the bottom of two small valleys around the Table 1 . Behavioral categories performed by males of P. thoas, B. polydamas and E. orthosilaus during territorial hilltopping and their characteristcs (see also the text). Category Species Characteristics Intraspecific Aggression All Includes chasing, grappling in the air and falling to the ground Interspecific Aggression All Only chasing, usually faster than intraspecific aggression Extensive Patrolling All An exploratory flight over a large area of the hilltop Restricted Patrolling All Flying about inside a small and well defined area Perching All but E. orthosilaus Resting on some vantage point the male darts out at every passing butterfly Hovering All Hovering or gliding in place Flying in circles Only P. thoas Flying in perfect circles within a diameter of 2 m 136 J. Res. Lepid. i — __ — 1 50 m I, II, III, IV, V study areas o P. thoas: territories o B. polydamas : territories □ highest point trees ■p E. orthosilaus (above trees) Fig 1 . Preferred sites for territories. (A) Territories of P. thoas, near the highest point, and of B. polydamas, when both species occur together. (B) Territories of B. polydamas, near the highest point, after remotion of males of P. thoas. Territory boundaries fit displacements done during “restricted patrolling”. north side of the hill. Several other species of butterflies, skippers and bees were also observed using this place for hilltopping. Behavioral activities were categorized based on aggressivity and indi- vidual displacement over the area (Table 1). Records of behavioral categories were taken at the end of the rainy season (April). A scan method (Altmann, 1974) was used for quantifying frequencies of behav- ioral categories. The instantaneous activities of butterflies were recorded every 5 minutes throughout the hilltopping period. 29(1-2): 134- 142, 1990(91) 137 During scan intervals butterfly displacements were also recorded by six previously trained observers placed at special points of the hilltop. With this larger number of observers it was possible to follow butterflies individually for long periods of time. Preferred sites for territories were determinated by the number of inter and intraspecific aggressive en- counters in different areas of the study site (Fig. 1). Results HILLTOPPING Hilltopping is concentrated in the warmer periods of the day. Males generally appear on the hilltop between 0900-1130 AM depending on the time of the year and temperature of the day and can remain there for more than three hours. Territorial hilltopping was only observed after the rainy season (April and May) when there was a relatively greater number of butterflies on the hilltop and aggressive encounters among individuals were frequent. In October 13-16 the number of butterflies present on the hilltop was small and males did not form territories. BEHAVIORAL DIFFERENCES AMONG SPECIES Differences in the kinds and frequencies of behavioral categories performed by males of each species during territorial hilltopping are shown in Table 2. The maximum number of butterflies on the hilltop recorded during scan sampling and the number of established territories was 3/2 for P. thoas, 5/4 for B. polydamas and 5/3 for E. orthosilaus. P. thoas and B. polydamas shared a larger number of behavioral categories and showed a more diversified behavior than E. orthosilaus , who do not use “perching” and “flying in circles” behaviors. The latter was also not observed in B. polydamas. The most common behaviors shown by P. thoas and E. orthosilaus were extensive and restricted patrolling, and hovering by B. polydamas. Nearly 25% of all behavioral records of P. thoas and B. polydamas and 15% of E. orthosilaus were related to aggressive encounters. In all cases these encounters were more frequent among conspecific males than between species (see Table 3). More subtle differences among species also occurred within each behavioral category. Aggressive acts among conspecific males of E. orthosilaus can follow a standard sequence, always starting with hori- zontal or vertical chasing among two or more males and can last several minutes, sometimes ending very far from the hilltop. Chasing generally stops when one of the males flies away from the other or from the hilltopping arena. Chases usually determine territory owners. However, in some cases chasing can be followed by grappling in the air and falling to the ground. Depending upon the height and the place of the fall, serious wing damage can result. The butterflies hold each other with the legs and even with the clasper used by males to hold females during copulation. Grappling and falling were also seen in P. thoas , but more rarely than in E. orthosilaus , and never in B. polydamas. 138 J. Res. Lepid. Table 2. Relative frequency of behavioral categories performed by males P. thoas, B. polydamas and E. orthosilaus throughtout a territorial hilltopping day in April, in the Rio Manso, Western Brazil (records were taken at five minute intervals; n= number of records) Behavioral categories Papilio thoas Battus polydamas Euritides (n^62) (n=61 ) orthosilaus (n=47) Intraspecific Aggression 19.35 21.31 14.29 Interspecific Aggression 4.83 3.28 — Extensive Patrolling 25.81 9.84 38.78 Restricted Patrolling 25.81 24.59 28.57 Perching 6.45 6.56 — Hovering 9.68 34.43 18.37 Flying in circles 8.06 — — Table 3. Number of intra and interspecific aggressive encounters (AS and AO respectively) of P. thoas, B. polydamas and E. orthosilaus per area, during territorial hilltopping in the Rio Manso, Western Brazil AREA P. AS thoas AO B. polydamas AS AO E. orthosilaus AS AO l,V II III IV 11 3* 2 2* 3 2 5 * Interspecific encounters were between P. thoas and B. polydamas, except one case against a passing pierid butterfly Extensive and restricted patrolling of males ofP. thoas and B. polydamas occurred near the ground. Restricted patrolling is done over a very defined area that the animals cover repeatedly, following the same route. E. orthosilaus patrolled at higher elevations, near 5 m above the canopy of the large trees, and the routes followed were not repeated as in the other two species. Activities related to feeding or oviposition by adult butterflies were never observed during any period of the year. Furthermore, hostplants of these species (JPiper sp, forP. thoas, Aristolochia vines for B. polydamas and probably a Lauraceae used by E. orthosilaus ) were not found among the local plants. 29(1-2):134-142, 1990(91) 139 Mating success of these species seemed to be small given that matings were not observed. However, sometimes males of E. orthosilaus , when pursuing butterflies, possibly females, flew away from the hilltop with- out returning afterwards. SEQUENTIAL PATTERNS OF BEHAVIORAL ACTIVITIES The sequence in which males of all species showed each behavior and formed territories reveals that certain activities predominate at different times during hilltopping. Extensive patrolling is more common in newly arrived butterflies and before leaving the hilltop. During initial explor- atory displacements other males were frequently encountered and ag- gressive acts occurred, characterizing an aggressive phase in the early hours. As territory owners became established and newly arriving butterflies became rare aggressive acts decreased. After choosing a site for territory, males performed restricted patrol- ling for several minutes. Inside the area delimited by such behavior, which can be considered as the territory limits, males started to hover and perch (except for E, orthosilaus ). Finally P. thoas began to fly in circles whereas B . polydamas andE. orthosilaus predominantly hovered. TERRITORIAL SITES The most desirable area for territory of each species as indicated by the number of aggressive encounters is shown in Table 3. P. thoas and B. polydamas preferred the same area (III) near the highest point of the hilltop. Most interspecific aggressive encounters occurred between these species, leading to the formation of nonoverlapping interspecific territo- ries. P. thoas , the dominant species, often won these encounters and established its territory first. Under these conditions B. polydamas set up territories in neighboring areas placed around the territories of P. thoas (Fig. 1A). An aditional experiment done afterwards showed that when males of P. thoas were removed from the hilltop, territories of B. polydamas were also set up in area III (Fig. IB). Landmarks like the highest point, trees and small plants were used by both species as reference points for territory boundaries. Territories of E. orthosilaus did not overlap with the other species. They were set up to form a barrier to newly arriving butterflies at the hilltop. These butterflies hovered or patrolled continuously several meters above the canopy of the larger trees, which were used as central reference points in their territories. In all cases territories were set up on the north side of the hill, and only pursuing males were observed flying to the south side (Fig. 1, area V). As newly arriving butterflies were always observed coming from the north, it is possible that the formation of territories on this side of the hilltop can be related to the proximity of the forests below the hill, and/or to solar movements. 140 J. Res. Lepid. Discussion Results support the idea that these swallowtail butterflies are indeed territorial hilltoppers, with territoriality defined in the sense of Brown & Orians (1970). The assembly of males on the hilltop is also similar to the lek behavior of many vertebrate species; see also DeVries (1980) for a Pierine butterfly. The defense of landmark territories seems to be a common mate- locating tactic among Papilionid butterflies. However, many differences related to site tenacity and aggression toward intruder males have been shown in some well studied species. Males of Papilio zelicaon and P. polyxenes actively defende hilltop territories to which they return over days or even weeks (Shields, 1967; Lederhouse, 1982). Otherwise males of Battus philenor perch on peaks and/or patrol routes along ridgetops but show little site tenacity and interact only briefly with conspecific males (Rutowski et al., 1989). The more aggressive behavior in the genus Papilio when compared to Battus species was also observed in this work. Territorial preferences and behavioral activities were so similar between P. thoas and B. polydamas as to lead to interspecific aggression and nonoverlapping territories. P. thoas often won aggressive encounters and established its territories in the most disputed sites while B. polydamas was compelled to use neighbour areas. Such observations may suggest that interspecific competition for territories played an important role in the evolution of different mate-locating tactics among swallowtail but- terflies and even among other hilltopping species, since similarities in male preferences for territories have been shown for many taxa includ- ing distantly related species like butterflies and wasps (Alcock & ONeill, 1987). Aggressive encounters in adult butterflies, which do not bear any specialised organ or appendix to injure other animals, are often charac- terized by ritualized flights and chases that rarely lead to contact among individuals as those observed inP. thoas and especially in E. orthosilaus. This kind of behavior seems to be common in other Eury tides species like E . protesilaus (Cr., 1707) also present in the region and frequenty misled with E. orthosilaus when observed at distance. Territorial hilltopping seems to be density-dependent in swallowtail butterflies since it was never observed when few individuals were present on the hilltop (see Brown et al. 1981 for population dynamics of B. polydamas and other troidine swallowtails). The most common behaviors observed in solitary males on the hilltop were extensive patrolling and/or perching near the highest point. In this situation butterflies frequently left early or appearred on the hilltop intermit- tently. “Restricted patrolling” and “perching” in these butterflies could be considered as true territorial behaviors. In the case of P. thoas and B. polydamas , restricted patrolling was more frequently observed when two or more males were together in the area. In two cases, when a male 29(1-2):134-142, 1990(91) 141 of P. thoas was removed from the territorial site its conspecific neighbor increased its flight area, returning to extensive patrolling again. “Perch- ing” has been also observed in other nonterritorial butterflies and thus cannot be necessarily considered a conspicuous territorial behavior. According to Scott (1986) it occurs because butterfly eyes are better at detecting fluttering movements than detailed shape and color pattern. Butterflies approach animals to smell and see them in order to find out if they be females or males of the same species. On the other hand, in the case ofP. thoas and B .polydamas , aggressive acts always ensue when the passing butterfly is a conspecific male. Under such conditions many authors regard this behavior as territorial (see revision of Fitzpatrick & Wellington, 1988). The greater behavioral differences found between E. orthosilaus and the other species are probably due to the ability of the '‘kite” swallowtail E. orthosilaus to use the wind for gliding or hovering motionless for relatively long periods of time without strong wing movements; therefore perching may not be necessary. P. thoas and B. polydamas must alter- nate behaviors like hovering and restricted patrolling with resting on some projection, since these behaviors are more expensive energetically due to the strong wing movements required. Mating success of hilltopping males seemed to be small. Matings were not observed during several full day observation sessions and did not occur during scan sampling periods. A relatively low mating frequency has been also reported for other hilltopping invertebrates (Alcock, 1981; 1987). According to Shields (1967) matings are rarely observed because females of many species of hilltopping butterflies generally mate only once or a few times. For at least one hilltopping swallowtail butterfly, P. polyxenes , it was observed that most matings occurred in territories placed in small elevations in the area (Lederhouse, 1982). Acknowledgments. I thank J.V.C. Ortiz, O.A. Shibatta, S.O. Ferreira, N.F. Martins, G.C. Dalton and B.F. Dias for assistance in the field. K.S. Brown Jr., P.J. DeVries and an “anonymous” reviewer read drafts of the manuscript and furnished many helpful comments. Field facilities were provided by Eletronorte. Literature Cited Alcock, J., 1981. Ridgetop rendezvous. Nat. Hist. 93(l):42-47. , 1985. Hilltopping in the Nymphalid butterfly Chlosyne californica (Lepidoptera). Arner. Midi. Nat. 113(l):69-75. , 1987. Leks and hilltopping in insects. J. Nat. Hist. 21:319-328. Alcook, J. & O’Neill, K.M. , 1987 . Territory Preferences and Intensity of Competition in the Grey Hairstreak Strymon melinus (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) and the Tarantula Hawk Wasp Hemipepsis ustulata (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Am. Midi. Nat. 118:128-138. Altmann, J., 1974. Observational study of behavior: sampling methods. Behaviour 49(3/4):227-267. Baker, R.R., 1983. Insect territoriality. Ann. Rev, Entomol. 28:65-89. 142 J. Res. Lepid. Baughman, J.F., Murphy, D.D. & Ehrlich, P.R., 1988. Population structure of a hilltopping butterfly. Oecologia (Berl.) 75:593-600. Brown, J.L. & Orians, G., 1970. Spacing patterns in mobile animals. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 1:239-262. Brown, K.S.Jr., Damman, A.J. &Feeny, P., 1981. Troidine swallowtails (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in southeastern Brasil: natural History and foodplant relationships. J. Res. Lepid. 19:199-226. Courtney, S.P. & Anderson, K, 1986. Behaviour around encounter sites. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 19:241-248. DeVries, P.J., 1980. Observations on the Apparent Lek Behavior in Costa Rican Rainforest Perrhybris pyrrha Cramer (Pieridae). J. Res. Lepid. 17:142-144. Fitzpatrick, S.M. & Wellington, W.G., 1983. Insect territoriality. Can. J. Zool. 61:471-486. Lederhouse , R. C . , 1 982 . Territorial defense and lek behavior of the black swallowtail butterfly Papilio polyxenes. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 10:109-118. Poulton, E.B., 1904. A possible explanation for insect swarms on mountain- tops. Entomol. Soc. London Trans. 1904:XXIII-XXVL Rutowski, R.L., Alcock, J. & Carey, M., 1989. Hilltopping in the Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly ( Battus philenor ). Ethology 82:244-254. Scott, J.A., 1986. The butterflies of North America: a natural history and field guide. Stanford IJniv. Press. Stanford. XTV + 583pp. Shields, O., 1967. Hilltopping. J. Res. Lepid. 6:69-178. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(1-2):143-156, 1990(91) Ball Mountain Revisited: Anomalous Species Richness of a Montane Barrier Zone Arthur M. Shapiro Department of Zoology, University of California, Davis, California 95616 Abstract. Ball Mountain, located in eastern Siskiyou County, north- ern California, has one of the richest documented butterfly faunas of any area its size in temperate North America, now numbering 101 entities (species and subspecies) recorded in 18 collecting trips over 8 years. It has a clear faunistic relationship with the Warner Mountains, some 225 km distant. Ball Mountain separates two different climates, and its faunal richness is enhanced by the presence of vicariant species or subspecies pairs in several complexes on its eastern and western slopes. The possible role of “mass effect” in generating butterfly species richness is discussed. What determines species richness, the number of species of a given taxonomic group in an area? A vast literature has grown up in ecology attempting to answer this question, as any introductory textbook in that discipline attests; the subject has gained in urgency when applied to conservation problems. Particular efforts have been devoted to compari- sons of species richness along various gradients, such as between tropical and temperate regions. Anomalously low or high species counts within a region may be useful in identifying important factors associated with those sites which affect species richness. Ball Mountain is a 2330 m basaltic volcano of Pliocene age located in eastern Siskiyou County, northern California, 47 km N of Mount Shasta. Its geographic and vegetational characteristics are described in Shapiro (1986), along with a summary of its principal butterfly habitats. A butterfly faunal survey of Ball Mountain was initiated in 1983, triggered by its intriguing location as an isolated high point in a biogeographically complex region. An initial visit demonstrated extreme telescoping of the altitudinal vegetation belts, important slope- and exposure-mediated vegetational discontinuities, and the presence of numerous rare or disjunctly-distributed plant species. (Although Goosenest is a larger volcano at 2524 m, it is geologically younger and much less well- vegetated.) As of late 1985 the accessible areas above 1500 m, encom- passing representatives of all identified butterfly habitats, had been collected seven times: Shapiro (1986) reported 68 species, a rich fauna for an area less than 150 km2 even given the pronounced vegetational zonation. Since then Ball Mountain has been collected 11 more times, raising the total taxa recorded there to 101. Many of the additional taxa were found to be intensely localized in sites on the eastern and southern sides of the 144 J. Res. Lepid. mountain. Although rigorous comparisons are not available, it is evident that this must stand as one of the richest butterfly faunas, for its area, in temperate North America. Shapiro, Palm and Wcislo (1981) recorded 115 species in the Trinity Alps, encompassing much more topographic and vegetational diversity in an area of 2030 km2. No 150-km2 segment of the Trinities is likely to contain 100 species. The richest butterfly fauna recorded in California (and perhaps temperate North America) is that of Donner Pass in Placer and Nevada Counties (Sierra Nevada, 2100 m), with roughly 115 species in some 50 km2 (Shapiro, unpublished data, 1972-1990). However, Donner is embedded in a large and topographi- cally diverse mountain range, while Ball Mountain is one of only three mountain “islands” above 2270 m between Mount Shasta and central Oregon, and most of the surrounding country is below 1300 m. Thus the resident portion of its fauna, if montane-endemic, must represent either historic (relict) or recent colonization from substantial distances away. Shapiro (1986) pointed out a distinct endemic element in the Ball Mountain fauna, as well as an apparent connection to the fauna of the Warner Mountains in Modoc County, 225 km to the E. Subsequent collecting has revealed an even more pronounced Warner Mountain connection in the fauna. The complete collection data for 18 days afield are given in Table 1. Comments follow on some especially interesting additions to the fauna. They should be read in conjunction with Shapiro (1986) and the most relevant major faunistic treatment, Dornfeld (1980) for Oregon. A revised faunal breakdown by families appears in Table 2. Pieris napi L. — The “parent colony” of the single previous record has been located in the Shovel Creek (E slope) drainage. Only a spring brood has been found, but the phenotype is indistinguishable from the hitherto unique Warner Mountain one. The host plant has not been identified. Anthocharis sara Lucas. — Previous records were based only on males and were characterized as the nominate subspecies sara. Now that females are in hand it appears that they should be assigned to ssp. thoosa Scudder or flora Wright, with yellowish upperside in the female. What- ever the applicable name, they resemble Warner Mountains ones. Anthocharis lanceolata Bdv. — Uncommon, but present on both the W and E slopes at 1650-1800 m, primarily in canyons. Coenonympha tullia Mueller complex. — West-slope specimens fall comfortably into the taxon eryngii Henry Edwards. East-slope ones are highly variable, with some approaching elko W. H, Edwards. Populations along Prather Ranch Road at the E base of the mountain are especially dense. This may be an intergrade zone. Porter and Geiger (1988) treat several nearby populations as such. Montague (Shasta Valley, west of Ball Mountain) is treated as eryngii , while MacArthur and Adin, to the SE, and Goose Lake, just W of the Warners (and nearly due E) are treated as intergrade zones. Specimens from the far W of Butte Valley (Sams Neck-Meiss Lake Road) are mostly very similar to Goose Lake ones. 29(1-2):143-156, 1990(91) 145 Oeneis nevadensis Feld. & Feld. — Expected, but first collected only in 1988 as it flies only in even-numbered years; widespread and fairly common. Cercyonis pegala Fabr. complex. — Occasional specimens of ssp. boopis Behr occur on the W slope up to 1850 m. On the E slope the situation is more complicated. The species is very abundant in the lower E-slope canyons and especially at the foot of the mountain, along Sams Neck- Meiss Lake Road, whence it extends into marshy grasslands in Butte Valley. These populations are extremely variable and seem to represent intergrades from boopis to nearly typical ariane Bdv., with all pheno- types represented in a series of 26 collected 22. VII. 1990. They also occur in a range of habitats from open conifer forest and shrubland to grassy swales with no woody vegetation. Boopis is common along streams in Shasta Valley W of Ball Mountain and even occurs in alfalfa fields there. Euphydryas chalcedona near wallacensis Gunder. — Common at mid- elevation on both slopes, and indistinguishable from a long series from Cedar Pass in the Warner Mountains. In 1990, under severe drought conditions, this species flew a full month early on Ball Mountain. In June 1991 it reached outbreak abundance, flying by thousands. Speyeria zerene Bdv. — Abundant. In the Warner Mountains, E -slope populations are of the pale ssp. gunderi Comstock and W-slope popula- tions show a complete and very confusing array of phenotypes intergrading from gunderi to conchyliatus Comstock. With about 60 Ball Mountain specimens on hand it is evident that about two-thirds of this variation exists on Ball Mt.; the most gunderi -like phenotypes are missing, but some females are rather clay-colored above and olivaceous, vaguely greenish-brown below and such specimens are not known elsewhere in the region except in the Warners. One possible explanation of this situation is an historic presence of gunderi here, later swamped out in pure form through hybridization with conchyliatus. Such a scenario is consistent with a Hypsithermal Warner-Ball Mountain connection, discussed below. Speyeria mormonia Bdv. — Comparison of our series (including six 1990 captures) with specimens from Bidwell Peak in the Warner Mts. (21.VII.1985, leg. C. Hageman) shows Ball Mt. specimens consistently lacking the greenish VHW basal flush usually present in the Warners. In this regard they match northern Sierran material more closely, though on other characters they are essentially intermediate. Satyrium fuliginosum W. H. Edwards. — - Three Ball Mountain speci- mens: two from Little Shasta Meadow, 21. VI. 1987 and 22. VII. 1990 and one from the mid-W slope, 24.VII. 1987. What is confusing is that the two Little Shasta specimens appear subspecifically different from the other. The W-slope animal resembles Trinity-Eddy ones, while the Little Shasta ones are smaller, intense black on the upper surface, and with the heavily-spotted high-desert facies below. This problem must remain unresolved until breeding can be established, but at least the Little Shasta situation implies residence. 146 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1 . Occurrence of butterfly species on Ball Mountain on 18 collecting days, 1 983-1 991 . On all occasions the mountain was sampled comparably except on 4.IX.1987, when increasing cloudiness terminated butterfly activity in early afternoon. Colias hybrids are not counted separately in the totals, but named subspecies of polytypic complexes ( Cercyonis pegala, Lycaena editha/ xanthoides) are. For further information, see text. (Note that 1 990 phenology was unusual; low snow pack produced a full month of acceleration at the beginning of the flight season, followed by cold, wet weather in late spring leading to a normalization to a slight deceleration in midsummer.) Papilio zelicaon Papilio rutulus Papilio eurymedon Parnassius clodius Neophasia menapia Pontia sisymbrii Pontia beckerii Pontia occidentalis Pieris napi "Warner" Pieris rapae Colias eurytheipe Colias philodice eriphyle (Colias x hybrids) Anthocharis sara sara (?) Anthocharis lanceolata F.uehloe ausonides Coenonynpha tullia nr . eryngii Coenonympha tullia nr . elko Oeneis nevadensis Cercyonis pegala nr. ariane Cercyonis pegala nr. boopis Cercyonis silvestris Danaus plexippus Limenitis lorquini Adelpha bredowii californica Vanessa virginiensis Vanessa cardui Vanessa annabella Vanessa atalanta Precis coenia Wymphalis californica Kymphalis rcilberti f urcillata Hymphalis antiopa Polygonia faunus rusticus Polygonia oreas silenus Polygonia zephyrus Polygonia satyrus Phyciodes campestris Phyciodes mylitta Chip syne hof fmanni segregata Chlosyne palla Euphydryas chalcedona Euphydryas editha ssp. Boloria epithore Speyeria coronis nr. simaetha Speyeria zerene nr ■ conchy liatus Speyeria callippe nr . rupestris Speyeria egleis nr . oweni Speyeria atlantis ssp . XXX XX X XXX X X XX X X X X X XX XXX XXXXX X XXX X XX xxxxxxxxxxx XXX XX XX X XX XX X XX X X X XX x X X X X X X Xx XX xxxx X XXX X X X X XX Xx X XXXXXXXXX X XX xx XX XX X X XX XX X X X X XXX X x X XXX XXX XX X X X XXX X XXX X XXXX X X XXX XX XXX X XX XX XXXXX X XXXX X X XXX XXX xxxx X X X X X X X XXXX XXXX xxxx xxxx X X X X X X X X X xxxx X X X X X X X X X XX XXX XXX X X XX X XX X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X XX X XX XX X X XXX X X XX XX X X X X X XX XXX XXX XXX X XX X X X X X X X XXX XXX X X X X X X X 29(1-2):143-156, 1990(91) 147 mi r« vo in o ^ 00 oo oo oo O' oi m o O' o O' 0\ i-l i-l i-( i-l O 0O S OJ OJ • M M M M W >>>>>> Speyeria cybele leto Speyeria mormonia ssp. Speyeria hydaspe nr .purpurascens XXX Strymon melinus X Satyrium saepium X Satyrium sylvinus X X Satyrium californica X X Satyrium tetra X Satyrium auretorum X Satyrium fuliginosum X Mitoura nelsoni X x X X X X Mitoura spinetorum Incisalia mossii ssp. X X Incisalia eryphon XXX XX Incisalia iroides X X Lycaena arota X Lycaena heteronea gravenotata Lycaena rubidus duofacies Lycaena xanthoides/editha Lycaena editha X Lycaena gorgon X X Lycaena helloides X X X X X X Lycaena nivalis "Warner" X X X X Plebeius Idas nr . anna/ricei X X Plebeius melissa "Warner" X XX Plebeius saepiolus X X x X Plebeius icarioides X X x X X Plebeius acmon XX XX Plebeius lupini XXX Agriades "glandon" ssp. X X Everes comyntas X Everes amyntula X X X X X X X Glaucopsyche lygdamus Columbia XX X Glaucopsyche piasus X X x Celastrina argiolus echo X X X X X Apodemia mormo nr . mormo Ochlodes sylvanoides X X Polites sonora XX XX Polites sabuleti Atalopedes campestris Hesperia "comma complex" X Hesperia lindseyi X X Hesperia juba X X X X Hesperia Columbia X x Amblyscirtes vialis X Thorybes mexicana aemilia X Pyrgus ruralis X x X Pyrgus communis X X Epargyreus clarus X Erynnis icelus X Erynnis persius XX XX Erynnis propertius X x X X X X 38 33 36 35 59 32 27 26 50 30 25 24 17 32 9 34 32 17 148 J. Res. Lepid. Table 2. Composition by family of some regional butterfly faunas, revised slightly from Shapiro, 1 986. The two Cercyonis and Coenonympha subspecies and Lycaena editha and L. editha/ xanthoides intergrades are counted as separate species, but Colias hybrids are not counted. Increases in the Ball Mountain fauna since 1986 are concentrated in Lycaenidae (1 1 species), Hesperiidae (7) and Nymphalidae (5), but the largest proportional increase was in Satyridae (5). Additions to other faunas since 1986, not otherwise documented, are not included. Family Trinity Alps Mount Eddy Crater Lake Ball Mountain Papilionidae 7 5 4 4 Pieridae 14 7 9 11 Satyridae 4 3 4 6 Danaidae 1 1 1 1 Nymphalidae 31 25 25 29 Riodinidae 1 1 0 1 Lycaenidae 32 27 26 33 Hesperiidae 25 11 11 16 Totals 115 80 80 101 Lycaena editha Mead. — Phenotypically normal editha , indistinguish- able from Warner Mountain ones, occur from Little Shasta Meadow down the E slope to Sams Neck-Meiss Lake Road, but at low density. Apparent intergrades to L. xanthoides Bdv. occur on the W slope from Ruck’s Cabin down, the E-most and highest-elevation intergrades yet discovered. Such populations are abundant in alfalfa fields in Shasta Valley (as at Montague), feeding on weedy docks. Apparent intergrades thus occur within 4.5 km of apparently pure editha. A male taken at Little Shasta Meadow on 22. VII. 1990 is as large as an intergrade but phenotypically editha. Lycaena rubidus Behr. — Occurs in sedgy swales in Butte Valley (seemingly in the same ecological role as intergrading editha-xanthoides in Shasta Valley), apparently straying upslope in the E-slope canyons on Ball Mt. The possibility of competitive exclusion among these entities, with dominance possibly mediated by climate, deserves further study. Lycaena heteronea gravenotata Riots. — Although Shapiro (1986) specu- lated that this entity might have a different host plant than normal L. h. heteronea Bdv., two females were observed ovipositing on Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. (Polygonaceae), the usual heteronea host in northern California, at the quarry on the mid-W slope on 24. VII. 1987 and another at Little Shasta Meadow, 22. VII. 90. The very heavily spotted pheno- types figured by Shapiro ( 1986) have been found in every specimen of this entity seen or collected throughout this study. Four local breeding colonies are known on Ball Mt. 29(1-2):143-156, 1990(91) 149 Plebeius melissa W. H. Edwards. — The highly variable populations of this complex in the Warners remain taxonomically unresolved at this writing (S. Mattoon, pers. comm.). All our Ball Mt. melissa are of “Warner” phenotypes and are from the E slope above 1550 m, except a female taken 1. IX. 1990 on Haplopappus flowers on the S slope. There is a P. idas anna Edwards - ricei Cross population at Martin Dairy and Little Shasta Meadow, 6-8 km away. This population is quite distinct and shows no sign of phenotypic intergradation. Its host plant has not been determined, and it persists at unusually low density for the taxon. Everes comyntas Godt. — - This record is based on a single female taken on the lower W slope on 10. V. 1990. Apparent comyntas have also been taken at Gazelle in Shasta Valley. Wright’s taxon sissona , from Sisson (now Mt. Shasta City), was classified by Miller and Brown (1981) as a synonym of comyntas , but reclassified by Ferris (1989) under amyntula Bdv. The type, if extant, should be examined as both species apparently do occur in far-northern California. Plebeius saepiolus Bdv. - — On 10. V. 1990 a very dense population of this species was found unexpectedly on the lower W slope of Ball Mountain, in juniper-Oregon oak-bunchgrass steppe, closely associated with and seen ovipositing on Trifolium macrocephalum (Pursh.) Poir. This site was completely dry in July. A series of 26 ? , 4 / (all fresh) reveals a remarkable degree of variability in the underside pattern, tending toward obsolescence but with a few extremely heavily-spotted individu- als. The average wing size is the largest I have seen in this species. The existence of this low-altitude (1650-1800 m) ecotype, apparently adapted to a vernal-ephemeral host in a novel dry habitat, demonstrates nicely how little we do know about the northern California butterfly fauna! Hesperia Columbia Scudder. — Apparently resident on the W slope (only?), but only the first brood has been collected. (In Scott Valley double-brooded, as further south in the Coast Range.) Hesperia juba Scudder. — Taken visiting dandelions pushing through mushy snow below the summit on 10. V. 1990; the only other butterfly present was Pontia occidentalis Reakirt (extreme vernal phenotypes, newly eclosed). As elsewhere in northern California, this species has a perfectly clear early spring-autumn bivoltinism. Hesperia comma L. complex. — West slope animals, collected at low density mainly from thistles, are extremely variable phenotypically. East-slope animals and those taken on the south slope with Polites sabuleti Bdv. are apparently pure harpalus W. H. Edwards in phenotype. They are at much higher density. They are indistinguishable from Cedar Pass (Warner Mt.) series. Hesperia lindseyi Holland. — - Locally common on the W slope only, mostly in juniper-Oregon oak but straying up into mixed-conifer vegeta- tion along roadsides, on Asclepias and Apocynum flowers. The darkest lindseyi are phenotypically similar to light E-slope harpalus , but easily separated from them by geography and flight season. 150 J. Res. Lepid. Polites sabuleti Bdv. — Totally absent on the W slope, but common to abundant on the E and S slopes mainly at Haplopappus flowers in September (as at Jess Valley in the Warners). Apparently strictly single- brooded, and phenotypically identical to both Warner and N slope Mt. Shasta specimens. Discussion Shmida and Wilson (1985) defined a factor contributing to species richness (or “diversity,” usually imprecisely used), which they called “mass effect”: the establishment of species in sites where they cannot be self-maintaining, but are regularly replenished from nearby permanent populations. Their studies of plant communities in desert washes revealed unstable populations of upland populations whose persistence depends on seed rain from above; such populations appear deceptively “persistent.” More or less the same mechanism was also invoked by Heck (1979). Stevens ( 1989) claimed that, due to the allegedly narrower niches of tropical as against temperate organisms, “mass effect” generated by variance in microhabitats would contribute to high species richness in many tropical environments. “Mass effect” has been known to community ecologists and amateur naturalists alike for many years, even if not formally named. Almost all regional faunas and floras contain significant numbers of “stray” species which breed occasionally or even fairly regularly— -enough to be unsurprising as records, but without being truly permanent members of the biota. Donner Pass, astride the mountain chain separating the montane-Mediterranean Sierran W slope from the much more continen- tal Great Basin, is a natural collector of dispersing butterflies, a fact which accounts for a sizeable chunk of its high species count. Can something of the sort be recognized at Ball Mountain? If so, whence come the dispersers? Roughly a fifth of the Ball Mountain species list is based on single collections (one or more individuals in one location on one date alone). This superficially suggests Ball Mountain as a collector of dispersers, but the data must be interpreted cautiously. Four of these species ( Vanessa atalanta L. , Speyeria cybele leto Behr. — females in late summer ,Atalopedes campestris Bdv., Epargyreus clarus Cramer) are well-known for their dispersal ability or tendency to “stray.” Three more are almost always rare, and little is known of their population biology: Polygonia oreas silenus W. H. Edwards, Mitoura spinetorum Hew., and Incisalia mossii H. Edwards. The following species are more or less common nearby at low elevations and stray upslope more or less frequently: from the W: C. pegala boopis, Polygonia satyrus W. H. Edwards, Satyrium tetra W. H. Edwards, S. auretorum Bdv.; from the E: C.p. cf.ariane,L. rubidus; from both sides, Coenonympha, as well as much commoner species such as both Colias. Thorybes mexicana aemilia Skinner is mysterious; its hosts ( Trifolium spp. are abundant and suitable habitats (moist meadows) 29(1-2):143-156, 1990(91) 151 likewise. Pontia sisymbrii Bdv. seems out of place and its status is uncertain. It could conceivably breed on the grassy lava flow near the top of the mountain, but no host has been found. Among the common species which are probably not permanent resi- dents high on the mountain, but depend on regular recolonization from below, are such “weedy” taxa as Precis coenia Hbn., Plebeius acmon Westwood & Hewitson;, Pontia beckerii W. H. Edwards, and perhaps Adelpha bredowii Geyer, as well as the well-documented directional seasonal migrants Danaus plexippus L. and Vanessa cardui L. Is Ball Mountain a collector of strays? Below the Juniper-Oregon Oak zone on the W slope the vegetation is disturbed weedy (annual) grass- land, with abundant nectar sources in summer and fall (especially Centaurea solstitialis L., Compositae, established within the past 15 yr) and narrow corridors of riparian vegetation. To the E in Butte Valley is agricultural land (alfalfa, potatoes), interspersed with shrub-steppe and moist, sedgy swales. Montane forest butterflies dispersing through these habitats would not lack for nectar sources, but would presumably keep moving until they encountered a more congenial (forested) habitat. This is less improbable than appears at first glance, if anecdotal evidence is worth anything. For example, the only P. oreas silenus recorded in a 5- yr study of the Trinities and Eddies (Shapiro, Palm and Wcislo 1981 — plus 8 further yr of occasional collecting, AMS, unpublished) was taken in an alfalfa field some 2 km from coniferous forest. Shapiro (1982) reported surprisingly frequent visits to a suburban butterfly garden by species whose breeding habitats were several km away. But the species most likely to move among upland “islands” of forest, e. g., various Speyeria, especially female zerene and coronis Behr, are common on Ball Mt. and give no hint of being dependent on “mass effect” for their continued existence; in the case of S. zerene, the phenotypic variability argues quite otherwise unless we assume regular exchange of specimens with the Warners, 225 km away. A significant component of the faunal richness at Ball Mountain consists of species with Warner Mountains affinities, and this is telling. These are extremely unlikely to represent either recent or frequent colonizations. In terms of dispersal capability and pattern of spatial distribution, they are a mixed lot. Euphydryas chalcedona is a good disperser and widespread; E. editha is highly colonial but fairly vagile; S. mormonia is extremely colonial in the N state, with only three populations known (Mount Eddy, Warners, Ball Mt., all phenotypically different); the various Lycaenids and Hesperiids vary among them- selves. Pieris napi and Lycaena nivalis appear to be very compelling Warner-Ball disjuncts. It is unclear how L. heteronea fits into this. The gravenotata phenotype does not occur in the Warners, but has a spotty and very local distribution in the N state, strongly suggestive of relictualism; it never seems to co-occur with normal heteronea. 152 J. Res. Lepid. The essence of both Croizatian panbiogeography and vicariance bioge- ography is the premise that congruent distributions in different taxa should be interpreted as reflecting a common historical process. Shapiro (1970) did this with the distributions of sedge-feeding marsh butterflies in the eastern Nearctic, pointing out that a few seemingly similar patterns ( e . g. , for Pyrgus communis Grote) were demonstrably irrel- evant. As Humphries and Parenti (1986, p. 87) declare with reference to the biogeography of the Southern Hemisphere, “The finding of a pattern corroborated in whole or in part by numerous other groups of plants and animals invites a general explanation...” The pattern ofWarner-Ball Mt. disjunctions leads to a prediction that further floristic and faunistic affinities are to be expected. The high diversity of ecological adaptation and dispersal capability among the taxa so far identified, and the fact that some are very poor candidates for dispersal, reinforce the appear- ance of real pattern. So does climatology: strong easterly flow, which would carry the Warner biota across Butte Valley to the Ball Mt.-Willow Creek Mt. massif, is very rare, and the topography is overwhelmingly aligned against it. The most probable explanation of our putative pattern is not recent dispersal and colonization, but a relictual distribution. During the Xerothermic or Hypsithermal interval some 5-6000 yr BP (Axelrod, 1977), warm summers and reduced rainfall caused the elevational life- zone gradients in the northern Sierra to migrate upslope. The subse- quent return to somewhat cooler, moister conditions left isolated relict populations of various plants, such as Foxtail Pine ( Pinus balfouriana Grev. & Balf.) (Mastrogiuseppe, 1972), in northern California and in the high central and southern Sierra Nevada, as the intervening low moun- tains were unable to sustain populations of them. Similarly, Shapiro (1970) inferred that the distribution of Pleheius melissa in the eastern United States was of Xerothermic relict origin. In summary, the butterfly connection between Ball Mountain and the Warners suggests an ancient expansion of the more arid Warner climate, which allowed penetration of eastern Siskiyou County by elements from farther east which largely died out as the Xerothermic yielded to more modern conditions. On Ball Mountain very local microclimates or soil conditions may have permitted the persistence of species or (in S. zerene ) relict genes in populations. Because this scenario makes specific paleoclimatic predictions, it is potentially testable. A Comment on Barriers The relatively low massif of Ball and Willow Creek Mountain separates two different climates and vegetation zones. Table 3 presents some relevant climatological data. Mount Hebron Ranger Station (NOAA #5941, 41°47’N, 122°02W, 1290 m) has much colder winters (and cooler summer night) than Montague/Siskiyou County Airport in Shasta Val- Table 3. Climatic comparisons between Mount Hebron Ranger Station (Butte Valley) and Yreka (west side Shasta Valley). Mount Hebron data are frequently unavailable in winter, but data available from local ranchers indicate much colderr winters than at Yreka with occasional minima to -34°C. 29(1-2):143-156, 1990(91) 153 o 03 ^ CO -r-: rV CO 'St O 00 00 h- 05 E z 3* m I o E ■S CO eg '5. "o £ < Q. 75 I ^ CO TJ E CO ^ J>* -C ■#*» c o E 2 c5 03 >, 6 < oo o 00 05 __ CM CO Uf> T~ evi cd CM O CO CO o oa 05 O d eg co CD 05 C © cc c o L. JD 03 X O CO LO 00 00 CO T— ^ ID LO O oo lo cxi K m y'~ r~ ffiOr- 0 CO T- E od 05 1 — f— m 0 < LO 5 Z S 2 S co eg CO w. 0 O) c CO OC c o k_ n © x c © © s © X) to >. CO a 05 CO m 1 © o 1 CO © _ ■E C x .£ © c sN I I t © 3 co .»= CD Cl lo o T- E CD o o evi 04 © T” i< © T— © _>* © CD CD sz o CO CO 05 CO 05 © cm 1“ L. © CD CO © i. 2 T“ **r T— CM LO 05 co A T™ 00 CD 00 o OJ CM 05 d LL -t— r- LO CO CD LO 00 cxi ■T CD 00 CM T— < o O LO z o CO LO ’T 00 LO < T-. LO CO z T” CO 05 T— o o o Q, h- £ <0 m ‘ CO 05 00 < Z T“ CO o CD T“ T— CM h- X < 00 Z T“ X X d od CM X X 05 cd T6™ < X Z 05 X < 00 z > > d d CO co > > 05 d CM co > > d co > = 05 CM CM T“ > = LO LO cd _ © CO © O) c CO X c o _Q © X © E © cd C © -3s£ ZS ZJ © o £ o ® > 2 >- 2 > co c CO © E o' >, °? 5 S £ 03 © T™ > © 5 I 6 J, ^ z 154 J Res. Lepid. ley, or Yreka (NOAA #9866, 41°43', 122°38'. 800 m) across the valley. This is reflected in the presence E of Ball Mt. of elements of the N Great Basin fauna including C. p. ariane and L. ruhidus. (Other elements, e. g. , Pontia beckerii , Colias philodice Godt., Plebeius melissa , etc. enter Shasta and Scott Valleys as well.) Similarly, C. p. boopis , the L. xant ho ides -edit ha intergrades, and H. lindseyi and Columbia behave as W-slope entitites . Mitoura nelsoni Bdv. as it occurs on Ball Mt. may be biologically two different entities, but neither Kurt Johnson (pers. comm.) nor I can differentiate them except by ecological context. On the W slope it feeds on Calocedrus decurrens Torr.(Cupressaceae) as else- where. On the lava flow near the top, and on the lower E slopes and the fringe of Butte Valley, it feeds on juniper. The juniper-feeding popula- tions are on average slightly purpler in habitus than the incense cedar- feeding ones. They may or may not be the same as the very abundant juniper feeders farther E in Modoc Co.; perhaps only biochemical genet- ics will finally clarify these issues. The title of this paper calls Ball Mountain a “montane barrier zone.” In what sense might it be considered a barrier? There is no evidence that butterflies cannot fly across Ball Mountain. It is neither very high nor capped with permanent ice or snow, and during butterfly season it is seldom cloudy before midday. Yet, on a smaller scale, Ball Mountain appears analogous to the Sierran crest as a faunal divide. At Bonner Pass (2100 m) both Coenonympha tullia California Westwood and C. t. ampelos Edwards occur as strays, ampelos at least breeds occasionally, but neither persists and no gene flow is likely to occur between them there. Farther N they intergrade (Porter and Geiger, 1988). Similar phenomena occur at Bonner in the Plesperia u comma complex,” in Polites sabuleti, and in the Phyciodes campestris Behr fmontana Behr complex (Shapiro and Geiger, in preparation). At Ball Mountain we find the H. ” comma complex,” C. tullia , C. pegala , and Lycaena editha/xanthoides at least behaving in the same ways. The actual nature of species (or subspecies!) borders - the lines beyond which biological entities no longer persist - is very seldom understood. “Intrinsic barriers to dispersal” (Ehrlich, 1961) tells us little. In butter- flies such limitations may be essentially physiological ( Colias philodice , Shapiro, unpublished data), harking back to C. H. Merriam’s “laws” of biogeography (Merriam, 1894). The role of Ball Mt. as a “barrier” is more likely to entail its presence between two contrasting climates, than its physically obstructing access from one to the other. The montane coniferous forest that dominates Ball Mountain, rather than trapping wandering strays, seems to serve as a filter permeable to some species and not to others. It is very remarkable to observe the precise localization of Polites sabuleti or Hesperia “comma9* of the harpalus phenotype to well-defined areas on the E and S slopes of Ball Mt. when their favored nectar source, Haplopappus sp., lines the roads and is in bloom simulta- 29(1-2):143-156, 1990(91) 155 neously all over the mountain. It would be more remarkable to under- stand it. The presence of so many species in so small an area seems to represent in this case the conjunction of four factors: proximity of two faunas; attraction of dispersing montane butterflies; the presence of a relict Warner Mountain fauna; and an unusually telescoped vegetation gradi- ent which presents many habitats over short distances. When the richness of the Ball Mountain fauna was first discovered, and the large number of rare species noted, it was initially assumed “mass effect” and collection of strays would account for much of the phenomenon. That possibility seems increasingly remote. Note added in proof Since this paper went to press, a collecting trip 6.VII.91 recorded 48 species on Ball Mt., three of them new to the site: Papilio multicaudatus (Kirby) (Papilionidae), Euphilotes enoptes (Bdv.) ssp. (Lycaenidae), and Carterocephalus palaemon (Pallas) (Hesperiidae), all in the Shovel Creek drainage on the E side. This raises the total taxa to 104. This trip also turned up a colony of Hesperia lindseyi at Shovel Creek (first record on the E) and established a host plant of P. anna/ricei there {Lotus oblongifolius (Benth.) Greene, Leguminosae). The complete species list follows: P. zelicaon, P. eurymedon, P. rutulus, P. multicaudatus, P. clodius, P. beckeri, P. occidentalis, C. eury theme, C.philodice,A. lanceolata, E. ausonides, C. tulli nr. eryngii, C. p. boopis, C. siluestris, D. plexippus, L. lorquini, V. cardui, N. californica, N. antiopa., P . zephyrus, P. campestris, P. mylitta, C. h. segregata, C. palla, E. chalcedona, B. epithore, S. coronis, S. z . conchyliatus, S. c. nr. rupestris, S. h. purpurascens, M. nelsoni, I. iroides, L. xanthoides/editha, L. helloides, L. nivalis, P. i. anna/ricei, P. saepiolus, P. icarioides, P. acmon, P. lupini, E. amyntula, G. piasus, C. a. echo, E. enoptes, P. communis, E. persius, C. palaemon, H. lindseyi. Acknowledgments. This research has been supported by California Agricultural Experiment Station Project CA-D*-AZO-3994-H, “Climatic Range Limitation of Phytophagous Lepidopterans.” I thank Adam Porter, John Wagoner, Rick and Carol Kareofelas, Lee Simon, and Bill Overton for companionship on trips since 1986 and Dave Olson, Linda Farley and Katie Giberson for additional data. Bill Overton first introduced me to Ball Mountain. In his defense, he didn’t know it was loaded. Literature Cited Axelrod, D. I. 1977. Outline history of California vegetation, pp. 139-194. in M. G. Barbour and J. Major, eds., Terrestrial Vegetation of California. Wiley- Inter science, New York. Dornfeld, E. J. 1980. The Butterflies of Oregon. Timber Press, Forest Grove, Oregon. 276 pp. 156 J. Res. Lepid. Ehrlich, P. R. 1961. Intrinsic barriers to dispersal in the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha. Science 134: 108-109. Ferris, C. D. 1989. A supplement to A Catalogue/Checklist of the Butterflies of America North of Mexico. Lepid. Soc., Memoir #3. Heck, K. L. 1979. Some determinants of the composition and abundance of motile macroinvertebrate species in tropical and temperate turtlegrass ( Thalassia testudinum ) meadows. J. Biogeogr. 6: 183-200. Humphries, C. J. and L. R. Parenti. 1986. Cladistic Biogeography. Oxford Monographs on Biogeography #2. Oxford University Press. 98 pp. Mastrogiuseppe, R. J. 1972. Geographic variation in foxtail pine {Pinus balfouriana Grev. & Balf.). MS Thesis, Humboldt State University, Areata, CA. Merriam,C. H. 1894. Laws of temperature control of the geographic distribution of terrestrial animals and plants. National Geographic Magazine 6: 229-238. Miller, L. D. and F. M. Brown. 1981. A Catalogue/Checklist of the Butterflies of America North of Mexico. Lepid. Soc., Memoir #2. Porter, A. H. and H. J. Geiger. 1988. Genetic and phenotypic population structure of the Coenonympha tullia complex (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in California: no evidence for species boundaries. Can. J. Zool. 66: 2751-2765. Shapiro, A. M. 1970. Postglacial biogeography and the distribution of Poanes viator and other marsh butterflies. J. Res. Lepid. 9: 125-155. 1982. Within-range butterfly dispersal: an urban garden as a detector. Atala 8: 46-49. 1986. Montane insular butterfly biogeography: fauna of Ball Mountain, Siskiyou County, California. Great Basin Nat. 46: 334-347. Shapiro, A. M., C. A. Palm and K. L. Wcislo. 1981. The ecology and biogeography of the butterflies of the Trinity Alps and Mount Eddy, northern California. J. Res. Lepid. 18: 69-152. Shmida, A. and M. V. Wilson. 1985. Biological determinants of species diversity. J. Biogeogr. 12: 1-20. Stevens, G. C. 1989. The latitudinal gradient in geographical range: how so many species coexist in the tropics. Am. Nat. 133: 240-256. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(1-2):157-160, 1990(91) Butterflies from Nagpur City, Central India (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) T. N. Pandharipande Department of Zoology, Nagpur University, Nagpur 440 010, iNDIA Abstract. Butterflies recorded at Nagpur city in central India from 1.1. 1987 to 31. XII. 1989 are listed and compared with the fauna of south India. A total of 61 species have been recorded. The butterfly fauna of Nagpur differs from fauna of Nilgiri (Blue) Mountains of south India and this might be due to differences in climate between the regions. Introduction The butterfly fauna of India is quite well known (Winter-Blyth, 1957; Laithwaite et al., 1975; Smart, 1975; Larsen, 1987a), but local lists of species at regional or city levels are very few (Antram, 1924; Larsen, 1987b, c, d; Wynter-Blyth, 1943, 1944, 1946, 1947; Yates, 1935, 1946). Most of these studies deal with south India fauna and there are no lists of species from central India. Nagpur (Fig. 1) is located at the center of India, 20° 9'N and 79° 9'E. This paper is an introduction to its butterfly fauna. Methods Butterflies were collected weekly from 1.1.1987 to 31.XII.1989 at various sites within Nagpur city (Fig. 1). At other times, specimens were collected and identified if new species were observed. Identification was made from published literature (Evans, 1932; Laithwaite et al., 1975 and Smart, 1975). Some of the specimens were sent to Dr. Jun Mitsuhashi, Tokyo, Japan and Dr. C. D. Ferris, Laramie, Wyoming, USA for identification. Genitalic examination was carried out to confirm identification of some species. Results and Discussion The 61 species of butterflies I recorded in Nagpur are listed in Table 1. The butterfly fauna of Nilgiri (Blue) Mountains of south India is rich and very interesting with 300 species (Larsen, 1988). Some of the largest Papilionidae, such as Troides minus , Papilio helenus daksha, P. polymnester and P. paris tamilana are recorded from Nilgiri (Larsen, 1987a); however, none of these was recorded from Nagpur. Papilionidae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae and Danaidae recorded here also occur in south India (Larsen, 1987b-d). The members of Pieridae and Satyridae recorded in this investigation are noted from south India except for Pieris napi, Anthocharis cardamines, Mycalesis malsarida, M. nicotia and Callerebia scanda, which occur in Nagpur. The common evening brown, Melanitis leda, occurs in two very differ- ent seasonal forms. The wet season form occurs during monsoon (Jun- 158 J. Res. Lepid. Oct) and is replaced by camouflaged dry season form which continues throughout the winter and spring (Nov-May). Seasonal variations in this species have been studied earlier (Brakefield and Larsen, 1984). The only member of Acraeidae in India, Acraea violae (Smart, 1975) has been recorded from both Nagpur and south India (Larsen, 1987d). A total of eight Hesperiidae species were recorded in this study, also. South India has a rich butterfly fauna probably due to climatic conditions which differ substantially from the climate of Nagpur (central India). The climate of the Blue Mountains is mild with low temperatures and very high rainfall throughout the year (Lengerke, 1977) due to direct exposure to the southwest monsoon. Secondly, the thick evergreen forests of the Blue Mts. provide favorable conditions for a rich butterfly fauna. The climate of Nagpur differs from that of the Blue Mts. with very high temperatures and unusual rainfall. The variations in butterfly fauna between these two regions are associated with climatic differences of the regions. The butterfly fauna of Nagpur city is comprised of 61 species (Table 1), almost all of which were recorded at all the investigated sites (Fig. 1). Maxima in butterfly populations were observed during late July to January and in summer populations declined. Fig. 1 Survey sites in Nagpur City. 29(1-2):157-160, 1990(91) 159 Table 1. Butterflies recorded in Nagpur city during 1987-1989 Papilionidae Pachliopta aristolochiae (Fab.) P. hector { L.) Graph ium agamemnon{L.) G. nomius (Esp.) Papiiio polytes (L.) P. demoleus (L.) Pieridae Anthocharis cardamines (L.) Satyridae Callerebia scanda (Moore) Melanitis led a (L.) Mycalesis malsarida (Btlr.) M. nicotia (Flew.) M. visala (Moore) Orsotriaena medus (Fab.) Ypthima huebneri (Kirby) Y. philomela (Job.) Catopsilla pomona (Fab.) G. pyranthe (L.) C. floret la (Fab.) Gepora nerissa (Fab.) Colotis danae (Fab.) Delias each ar is (Dry.) Pieris napi (L.) Terias hecabe (L.) T. laeta (Bdv.) Danaidae Danaus chrysippus{L.) D. plexippus (L.) Lycaenidae Castalius rosimon (Fab.) Catochrysops Strabo (Fab.) Deudorix epijarbas (Moore) Euchrysops pandava (Horsf.) Freyeria trochilus (Freyer) Jamides alecto (Felder) Syntarucus plinius (Fab.) Tajuria cippus (Fab.) Tarucus alteratus (Moore) Vacciniina optilete (Knoch.) Zizina otis indica (Murray) D. limniace (Cramer) Euploea core (Cramer) Acraeidae Acraea violae (Fab.) Nymphalidae Apatura parisatis (Westw.) Argyronome laodice (Moore) Byblla ilithyia (Drury) Euthalia nais (Forster) Hypolimnas bolina (L.) H. misippus (L.) Junonia aim an a (L.) J. lemon las (L.) J. orithya (L.) Neptis sappho (Pallas) Phalanta phalanta (Drury) Symbrenthia hypselis (Godt.) Hesperiidae Bi basis harisa (Moore) Gelaenorrhinus ratna pulomaya( Moore) Goladenia dan (Fab.) lambrix salsala (Moore) Odontoptilum angulata (Feld.) Pelopidas mathias (Fab.) Spialia galba (Fab.) Taractrocera maevius (Fab.) 160 J. Res. Lepid. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Dr. Jun Mitsuhashi, Tokyo Univer- sity of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan and Dr. C. D. Ferris, University of Wyoming, USA for identifying the specimens. The author wishes to thank Dr. T. R. New, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia for encouragement and helpful suggestions and Dr. S. K. Raina, Dr. A. M. Khurad, Dr. M. M. Rai and Mr. M. K. Rathod for much needed help during this study. The typing of the manuscript by Mr. P. S. Mahulikar is gratefully acknowledged. Literature Cited Antram, C. B. 1924. Butterflies of India. Calcutta and Simla. Brakefield, P. and T. B. Larsen. 1984. The evolutionary significance of dry and wet season forms in polyphenic tropical Satyrinae. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. 22: 1- 12. Evans, W. H. 1932. The identification of. Indian butterflies. Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay. Laithwaite, E., A. Watson and E. S. P. Whalley. 1975. The dictionary of butterflies and moths in colour. Michael Joseph, London. Larsen, T. B. 1987a. Butterflies in India. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. . 1987b. The butterflies of the Nilgiri Mountains of southern India (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 84 (1): 26-54. . 1987c. The butterflies of the Nilgiri Mountains of southern India (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 84 (2): 291-316. . 1987 d. The butterflies of the Nilgiri Mountains of southern India (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 84 (3): 560-584. . 1988. The butterflies of the Nilgiri Mountains of southern India (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 85 (1): 26-43. Lengerke, J. J. von. 1977. The Nilgiris — weather and climate of a mountain area in south India. Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden. Smart, P. F. 1975. The illustrated encyclopedia of the butterfly world. Salamander Book, London. Wynter-Blyth, M. A. 1943. Note on the Curetis species at Kallar. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 43: 671-672. . 1944. The butterflies of the Nilgiris. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 44: 536-549. . 1946. Addenda and corrigenda to the butterflies of the Nilgiris. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 45: 613-615. . 1947. Additions to the butterflies of the Nilgiris. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 46: 736. . 1957. Butterflies of the Indian region. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay. Yates, J. A. 1935. The butterflies of the Nilgiri District. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 38: 330-340. . 1946. The butterflies of the Nilgiris — a supplementary note. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 46: 197-198. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(1-2):161-171, 1990(91) Interaction between Papilio hectorides (Papilionidae) and four host plants (Piperaceae, Rutaceae) in a southern Brazilian population. Penz, C.M.1 Curso de Pos-Graduagao em Genetica, Dep. Genetica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Caixa Postal 1953, 90.001 Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Araujo, A.M. Dep. Genetica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Caixa Postal 1953, 90.001 Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Abstract Larval development of Papilio hectorides , including time to pupation, pupal mass and mortality, was measured on four different plant species (two in Piperaceae and two in Rutaceae). The results were compared with oviposition observations carried out during the spring- summer period 1986 in one southern Brazilian population from a study site in Sapucaia, RS, Brazil. The rank order for plant suitability differed from the rank order of egg distribution in the field. The most heavily used plant in the field ( Zanthoxylum hiemale) resulted in the highest growth rates in the laboratory, but a infrequently used species {Piper amalago ) was equally suitable for larval growth. Piper xylosteoides produced a large proportion of males that had one extra molt; an extra molt also occurred at low frequency in Zanthoxylum hiemale and Z. rhoifolium. Introduction Comparisons of larval development on different host plants and egg distribution in the field have not always demonstrated concordance between rank order of female choice and plant suitability (see Singer, 1984 for a review). Larvae can feed on a wider range of plants than females actually use for oviposition {e.g., Wiklund, 1973; Berenbaum, 1978) and they can grow well even on introduced plants that have been incorporated into the diet {e.g. Scriber and Finke, 1978). Larval development and survivorship in the field depend on a number of factors. The quality of the food source, determined by nutrient avail- ability and presence of secondary compounds, affects the time needed by larvae for the completion of development as well as the mass achieved at the end of larval stage (see Scriber & Slansky, 1981 for a review). Because larvae are vulnerable to parasitoids and predators (Feeny et al. , 1985) and fecundity is related to female body mass in a number of species {e.g., Papilio polyxenes , Lederhouse, 1981; Lederhouse et al., 1982), host 1 Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712, USA. 162 J. Res. Lepid. plant utilization should evolve towards the production of the heaviest possible pupae in the shortest possible time. Therefore, both time to pupation and pupal mass are good measures of the suitability of a particular host species for its herbivores. Physical characteristics of the environment, such as solar radiation exposure (Grossmueller and Lederhouse, 1985), also influence larval growth. Consequently, larval developmental time, final mass and survival will depend on the ovipos- iting females’ choice of the host plant and microhabitat. According to this scenario, we expect selection to favor the utilization of the most suitable plants, balancing between developmental and survival optima. In order to investigate this question, we measured larval growth rates of Papilio hectorides Esper, 1794 on four host species found at a site in Sapucaia, RS Brazil. These measurements were used to ask whether rank order of suitability of these plants is related to the rank order in which females oviposit on them in the field. In southern Brazil, Papilio hectorides is oligophagous on Piperaceae and Rutaceae (see Biezanko, 1959a, b; Biezanko et al. , 1974 for host plant records; eggs were also found on Piper mikanianum in Maquine, RS and Moreira, Gramado, RS, pers. obs.). These butterflies lay small clusters of 1-8 round, orange eggs on the underside of the host plant leaves. Methods and Materials STUDY SITE AND HOST PLANTS Field observations were conducted in a second growth area adjacent to Parque Zoologico de Sapucaia, Sapucaia do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (30°S,51°W) in the spring-summer period, 1986. The area had been deforested and subsequently reforested with Eucalyptus trees. It was characterized by a patchy secondary native flora mixed with Eucalyptus trees. The potential native hosts present were Zanthoxylum hiemale, Z. rhoifolium, (Rutaceae); Piper amalago , P. gaudichaudianum and P. xylosteoides (Piperaceae). Introduced potential hosts were Citrus limon and C. reticulata (Rutaceae). In order to evaluate the distribution of eggs in different host plants, we selected three 400 m transects that included a representative sample of sunny and shady, open and dense habitats. All species of Piperaceae and Rutaceae present in the transects were considered potential hosts, individual plants were counted and inspected for eggs. The eggs found were collected and transferred to the labora- tory for measurements of larval growth rates. Each cluster was assigned to a single plant species. Plant species frequency in the transects was estimated by the percentage of individuals of a particular species relative to the others. LABORATORY TESTS In order to evaluate host plant suitability, we reared a total of 344 P. hectorides larvae on the four native plant species on which eggs or larvae were found in the field: P . xylosteoides (N=106), P. amalago (N=66), Z. hiemale (N=90) and Z. rhoifolium (N=82). Measurements of (1) time to pupation, (2) mass and (3) mortality in each instar and immature stages were taken. Larvae were placed in 100ml plastic containers and kept at 25°C under constant light conditions. Additional eggs for the trials were obtained from captive females, and these were 29(1-2):161-171, 1990(91) 163 distributed equally among the four plants tested. Food was changed daily, from a store of leaves that was kept at 8°C for a period of up to one week. Larvae were weighed on a Bosch precision balance (accuracy: lpg) within 24h of each molt and pupae were weighed three days after pupation. In order to determine the leaf water content of each host tested, 10 leaves of each plant species were collected and weighed together fresh and again after seven days at 45°C in a convection oven. The loss in water due to storage was evaluated in a similar way, 10 leaves were weighed together fresh and again after a week in our 8°C storage chamber. Results HOST PLANTS AND OVIPOSXTION RECORDS Host plants of Papilio hectorides differed in growth form, leaf shape and texture, and frequency in the transects at the study site (Table 1). The Piper species differed greatly in frequency; P. xylosteoides and P. gaudichaudianum were particularly abundant both in sunny and shady sites. However, the nature of the leaves ofP. gaudichaudianum , highly pilose and lignified, probably prevented its utilization by the ovipositing females. Zanthoxylum rhoifolium (Rutaceae) individuals sampled in the study area were almost always smaller thanZ. hiemale and grew mainly in sunny sites along the transects, whereas Z. hiemale occured in both sunny and shady conditions. The introduced Citrus limon and C. reticulata were rare in the study area; only one well developed individual of C. limon could be sampled in a shady site. Except for Z. rhoifolium , leaf water content was similar among the plants and the small differences observed between the species were not likely to account for differences in nutrition efficiency (Table 1; see also Scriber, 1979b). In addition, the water loss during storage was small (P. Table 1. Comparison between the native potential hosts P. xylosteoides (PX), P. amalago (PA), P. gaudichaudianum (PG), Z. hiemale (ZH), Z. rhoifolium (ZR) concerning growth form, leaf shape and texture, leaf water content (%), relative frequency (%), number of clusters, number of eggs and mean number of eggs per cluster. Plant Growth Form Leaf Shape and Texture Water Content (%) Freq. (%) N Clusters N Eggs eggs/ Cluster ZH tree compound, glabrous 76.8 4.5 15 90 6.0 PA shrub single, glabrous 70.0 3.9 1 6 — PX herb single, glabrous 78.7 51.8 13 56 4.3 ZR tree compound, pilose 57.8 2.0 0 — PG shrub single, pilose __ 37.8 0 164 J. Res. Lepid. xylosteoides : 4.38%; P. amalago : 1.43%; Z. hiemale : 2.74%; Z. rhoifolium : 3.42%) and these fluctuations probably did not influence the nutrition efficiency of the plants (Scriber, 1979b). At the study site, eggs were found on three of seven potential hosts (see Table 1 for information on number of eggs found on each host). No eggs or larvae were observed on Piper gaudichaudianum. Larvae (N=3) were found on Zanthoxylum rhoifolium. One larva and one egg (sterile) were found on the introduced Citrus limon, but no utilization was observed for C. reticulata in the study site. In addition, most of the eggs were found in shady sites. If we calculate a utilization index for each plant by dividing the number of egg clusters found on it by its frequency in the transects, the following rank order is obtained: Z. hiemale >P. xylosteoides >P. amalago >Z. rhoifolium (on which larvae were observed). The distribution of egg clusters in the field was different from the expected if the clusters were laid randomly on the four effectively used native plants according to the frequency that they were sampled (%2 test; yf - 91.04, %24[0001]= 18.467). However, the data available is insufficient to ask if the differences were due to growth form or size of the plant. Zanthoxylum hiemale received more eggs than P. xylosteoides as a result of a difference in the number of eggs per cluster (Table 1) (t-test; t=2.09, P=0.0233). We had no evidence of missing eggs in the clusters collected in the field. DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH RATES The quality of the host plant affected time to pupation; because larval stage is a vulnerable period, the plant species that resulted in the fastest development was considered the most suitable host (Table 2). Male and female growth was pooled because their larval development time did not differ significantly (Table 3). Time to pupation did not differ between Z. hiemale andP. amalago , but we found that (1) larvae grew significantly faster onP. amalago andZ. hiemale comparared toP. xylosteoides and (2) on any of the three other species compared to Z. rhoifolium. Significant differences were also found when the congeneric pairs P. xylosteoides vs. P. amalago and Z. hiemale vs. Z. rhoifolium were compared (Table 4). Thus, the rank order for host suitability based on time to pupation was Z. hiemale - P. amalago > P. xylosteoides > Z. rhoifolium. Final pupal mass differed among host plant species and was influenced by sex (Table 2). However, in the sample raised onP. xylosteoides larvae that experienced extra instars were heavier than the larvae that passed through the normal number of instars (see Instar Number section). Insects raised on Z. hiemale andP. amalago formed significantly heavier pupae than those raised on P. xylosteoides and Z. rhoifolium , females weighing more than males (Table 4, Table 5). We ranked the host plants based on mean pupal weight as: for males, Z. hiemale > P. amalago > P. xylosteoides > Z. rhoifolium ; and for females, Z. hiemale > P. amalago > Z. rhoifolium > P. xylosteoides. However, significant differences between means were found in just four out of 12 comparisons (Table 4). 29(1-2):161-171, 1990(91) 165 Table 2. Growth comparison of P. hectorides larvae raised on four host plants, t represents the the calculated value for the t-test (two-tailed; * significant at a 0.05 level); L, larvae; P, pupae; T, total. The abreviations of the food plants are the same as in Table 1 , PX5i and PX6i refer to individuals that went through five and six instars, respectively, among the larvae raised on P. xylosteoides. time to pupation (days) pupal mass (mg) mortality (%) six instars occurrence plant N ? / t 9 / ? / L P T 9 / ? / % ZH 61 21.8 23.2 1.73 ns 22.4 746.8 835.9 13.1 15.2 27.1 1 0 1 1.6 PA 50 22.5 22.7 0.32 ns 22.6 721.0 763.2 11.9 11.9 22.4 0 0 0 — PX 65 27.4 28.4 1 .30 ns 27.8 698.1 681.5 27.4 18.5 41.6 15 4 19 29.2 PX5i 46 26.2 27.8 1 .86 ns 27.0 673.6 650.3 PX6i 19 29.2 31.5 1.15* 29.7 744.2 853.3 ZR 44 28.8 31.2 1.22 ns 29.8 640.5 703.1 24.4 15.3 35.9 1 0 1 2.3 Table 3. Comparison of time to pupation obtained on four host plants (one-factor ANOVA). Data on P. xylosteoides (PX) pool five instar larvae (5i) and six instar larvae (6i). Source DF SS MS F between plants 3 2159.944 719.981 51.344 P = 0.0001 within plants 216 3028.892 14.023 total 219 5188.836 Table 4. Tukey multiple comparison tests of the means of the time to pupation (Tp), and male and female pupal mass (Mp) on the four host plants. The abreviations of the food plants are the same as in Table 1 . Asterisks represent significance at 0.05 (*), 0.01 (**) and 0.001 (***) levels. Comparison Tp ?/ Mp ? Mp / PX vs. PA 10.442*** 1.301 3.612 PX vs. ZH 11.441*** 2.793 7.987*** PX vs. ZR 3.868* 3.050 0.791 PA vs. ZH 0.396 1.412 3.226 PA vs. ZR 13.163*** 4.104* 2.476 ZH vs. ZR 14.122*** 5.439*** 6.061*** 166 J. Res . Lepid. Table 5. Comparison of male and female pupal masses obtained on the four host plants tested (two-factor ANOVA). Data on P. xyiosteoides (PX) pool five instar larvae (5i) and six instar larvae (6i). Source DF SS MS F P host plant 3 478987.36 159962.46 14.70 0.0001 sex 1 101613.50 101613.50 9.35 0.0025 plant vs. sex 3 91702.29 30567.43 2.81 0.0403 error 212 2303115.89 10863.57 Table 6. Comparison of development time and pupal mass between individuals that passed through five (5i) or six (6i) instars in the sample raised on P. xyiosteoides. Comparisons between 5i and 6i larvae on time spent in the first two instars refer to the total number of larvae raised on this plant; for the comparison of the time to pupation all the pupae that eclosed were used (? and /); and for the comparison of the final mass, just males were used. Comparisons between larvae raised on P. xyiosteoides and Z rhoifolium refer to males only. Time is measured in days and mass in mg. t represents the the calculated value for the t- test (two-tailed); asterisks, the significance at 0.05 (*), 0.01 (**) and 0.001 (***) levels. The abbreviations of the food plants are the same as in Table 1 . comparison 5i N 0! N t PX vs. PX time spent in the 1st instar 3.9 58 4.5 21 2.67* time spent in the 2nd instar 4.2 58 5.0 21 2.60* time to pupation ? / 27.1 46 29.7 19 3.42 *** mass ? 667.8 25 744.2 15 2.26* comparison PX6i N ZR5i N t PX vs. ZR time to pupation ? / 29.2 15 28.8 25 0.29 mass ? 744.2 15 640.5 25 3.69 *** In the larval stage, P. xyiosteoides and Z. rhoifolium caused twice the mortality observed on P. amalago and Z. hiemale; pupal mortality was similar on all host plants (Table 2). P. hectorides diapauses in the pupal stage during the dry season. Most of our test insects did not diapause, eclosing 18-17 days of pupation (Table 7). Nevertheless, about 20% of the individuals in our experiment spent longer periods in the pupal stage (the longest was 158 days). We cannot determine the cause of the lengthening of the pupal stage because the larvae were kept under controlled temperature and light. However, 29(1-2):161-171, 1990(91) 167 Table 1. Comparison of mean larval duration and median pupal duration (days) between the four plants. The abreviations of the food plant are the same as in Table 1 . plant larval instars pupa 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th ZH 4.0 3.4 3.5 4.2 7.7 — 17 PA 3.3 3.1 3.8 4.5 8.0 — 17 PX 5i 3.9 4.2 4.5 5.7 9.2 — 17 PX 01 4.5 5.0 4.2 4.2 4.8 7.7 17 ZR 4.1 3.5 4.5 5.9 12.0 — 10 Table 8. Comparison of mean larval mass one day after each molt (mg) between larvae on the four plants. Mean egg weight equals 1 .3 mg (N - 266). The abbreviations of the food plant are the same as in Table 1 . plant instars 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 0th ZH 8.7 34.4 110.1 477.8 — PA 9.1 37.0 129.9 554.9 — PX 5i 7.5 27.5 100.1 511.2 ___ PX 6i 5.9 21.3 04.4 214.7 710.0 ZR 9.2 31.2 115.0 430.3 — this diapause was not correlated with host plant species, sex, number of instars in the larval period or relatedness of offspring from captive females. A mean of the time spent in each instar and larval mass after each molt is presented in Tables 7 and 8. INSTAR NUMBER Although the majority of the larvae passed through five instars, some individuals passed through an extra molt. The proportion of six-instar larvae differed among food plants and sexes (Table 2); P. xylosteoides was the plant which had the highest proportion of six-instar individuals and the occurrence of one extra instar was more common among males. The occurrence of one extra instar increased the time to pupation of the individuals that fed on P. xylosteoides ; the increase in final mass placed six-instar individuals raised on this plant species near to that on P. amalago and Z. hiemale. Since first and second instars were significantly 168 J. Res. Lepid. longer in six-instar larvae than in five-instar ones (Table 6), total time to pupation was also extended (Table 6). This elongation in the larval stage may explain why males with an extra instar were significantly heavier than five instar-ones (Table 6), leading to a significant interaction between food and sex in the comparison of mean pupal weight (Table 5). In attempt to sort out the effects of the number of molts and time to pupation on the final mass, we compared six-instar males raised on P. xylosteoides with five-instar males raised onZ. rhoifolium. The duration of the larval stage, that time when larvae can feed, was similar between the two groups; mass accquisition, however, differed (Table 6). In this particular case, the time that larvae had the opportunity to feed was not the limiting factor in terms of mass accquisition. However, it was not possible to separate the effects of the number of molts from the difference in food quality, since the two groups under comparison fed on different plant species. Discussion Growth rate, pupal mass, fecundity and larval survival all seem to positively correlate with efficiency of host use (Wiklund, 1973; Courtney, 1981; Lederhouse et al ., 1982). Therefore, it is expected that natural selection will favor insects that oviposit on potential hosts in the rank order of their suitability (Singer, 1971; Jaenike, 1978; Rausher, 1985). However, there are examples of field observations which fail to show this expected ranking (Chew, 1977; Courtney, 1981, 1982). In the population investigated, the rank orders for plant suitability and number of eggs found differed. Larvae developed equally well on a heavily used host (Z. hiemale) and on a plant that received few eggs (P. amalago). The abundant P. xylosteoides , the third-ranked host in terms of larval development, was also heavily used. Most of the eggs were found on two unrelated plants that differed in growth form, leaf shape and abundance and a preference for shady sites was observed. Since Z. hiemale andP. amalago were similarly abundant and distributed both in sunny and shady sites, the difference in utiliza- tion between these two plant species cannot be attributed to unequal probability of encounter. Their distinct growth form, leaf size and shape, and, probably, secondary chemicals (see Feeny et al ., 1983; Baldwin and Schultz, 1988) are stronger discrimination cues for the ovipositing females and may cause differences in acceptance. P. xylosteoides , espe- cially abundant in shady sites, was the second ranked host in terms of number of eggs found. The difference in number of clusters between P. xylosteoides and Z. hiemale was not as pronounced as the difference in absolute number of eggs received, which resulted from a significant difference in the average number of eggs per cluster. The cause(s) of the difference in mean cluster size between these two host species remains to be investigated, but it is possibly a response to intrinsic qualities of each of the plants (see Pilson and Rausher, 1989 for a comparison). 29(1-2): 161- 171, 1990(91) 169 Zanthoxylum rhoifolium was mostly distributed in sunny sites, which may have an influence on its low utilization, assuming the females to have a preference for shady sites. The estimates of growth rate demonstrated that unrelated plants can be equally suitable for larval development ofP. hectorides. Zanthoxylum hiemale and P. amalago resulted in the fastest development, heaviest pupae and lowest mortality among the four plants tested. Contrasts between congeneric pairs showed remarkable differences in suitability. The differences in the leaf water content and texture may have some influence in the differential performance observed between the species of Zanthoxylum, but the same explanation is not valid for the two Piper species. In those plants that supported less efficient growth, P. xylosteoides and Z. rhoifolium, the time needed by a larva for the completion of its development was longer and the final mass was smaller than the equivalent values obtained for Z. hiemale and P. amalago. Thus, in general, additional time in the larval stage could not counterbalance the poorer quality of the two low ranking hosts in terms of larval develop- ment. However, the occurrence of an extra instar, with a consequent increase on the time that larvae spent feeding, increased the final mass of the individuals raised on P. xylosteoides to a value comparable to the ones obtained for the most suitable hosts, Z. hiemale and P. amalago. The occurrence of extra molts was related to host plant species and butterfly sex. Larvae raised on P. xylosteoides that underwent an extra instar (about 30% of the total) showed a significant increase in mass. The physiological event of passing through an extra instar seems to be acting in conjunction with the elongation of the larval period, increasing the pupal mass as a result. Interestingly, almost all the six-instar individu- als obtained in this experiment were males. Because the extra molt tends to increase the final mass, and also because body mass is related to fecundity (Lederhouse et al., 1982), we would expect females to be more frequent among individuals that passed through six instars. Scriber (1979a) reported the occurrence of extra molts in larvae that experienced a poor diet, but he did not include individual records on sex, time to pupation, or pupal mass. The observations reported here suggest that diet breadth in the population studied is constrained by females oviposition behavior; the larvae can perform well on a plant that has been underexploited by females in the field. However, growth rate estimates were done under controlled conditions in the laboratory, preventing us from evaluating other ecological factors that can play an important role in larval success and survival in the field {e.g., differential predation of eggs or larvae according to their location or host, Dempster, 1984; Grossmueller and Lederhouse, 1985). The observed micro habitat preferences for oviposi- tion, the non-utilization of a potentially suitable plant and the observed differences in the number of eggs per cluster between the two most 170 J. Res. Lepid. heavily used plants in the field are points that demand deeper investiga- tion. Acknowledgements. Our thanks go to Phil DeVries, Larry Gilbert, Janet Lanza, Bob Lederhouse, Mike Singer and Bob Srygley and for valuable criticism and suggestions that very much improved the manuscript. Thanks also to Keith Brown Jr. for criticism on C.M.P. Master Thesis. CNPq fellowship to C.M.P. made this research possible. Literature Cited Baldwin, I.T. & J.C. Schultz, 1988. Phylogeny and the patterns of leaf phenolics in gap- and forest-adapted Piper and Miconia understory shrubs. Oecologia, 75:105-109. Berenbaum, M. 1978. Toxicity of a furanocoumarin to armyworms: a case of ' biosynthetic escape from insect herbivores. Science, 201:532-534. Biezanko, C.M. 1959a. Contribuifao ao conhecimento da fisiografia do Rio Grande do Sul, la - Papilionidae da zona missioneira. Arquivos de Entomologia, ser.B, 12 pp. 1959b. Contribuifao ao conhecimento da fisiografia do Rio Grande do Sul, la - Papilionidae da zona sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Arquivos de Entomologia, ser.B, 17 pp. Biezanko, C.M., A. Rufinelli & D. Link 1974. Plantas y otras sustancias alimenticias de las orugas de los lepidopteros uruguayos. Revista do Centro de Ciencias Rurais, 4(2):107-148. Chew, F. 1977. Coevolution of Pierid butterflies and their cruciferous foodplants. 2- The distribution of eggs in potential foodplants. Evolution, 31:568-579. Courtney, S.P. 1981. Coevolution of Pierid butterflies and their cruciferous foodplants. 3- Anthocaris cardamines (L.) survival, development and oviposition on different host plants. Oecologia, 51:91-96. 1982. Coevolution of Pierid butterflies and their cruciferous foodplants. 4- Crucifer apparency andAnthocaris cardamines oviposition. Oecologia, 52:258- 265. Dempster, J.P. 1984. The natural enemies of butterflies, pp. 97-104 In: Vane- Wright R.I. & P.R. Ackery (Eds.) The Biology of Butterflies. Academic Press, Orlando. Feeny, P., W.S. Blau & P.M. Kareiva. 1985. Larval growth and survivorship of the black swallowtail butterfly (Papilio polyxenes) in central New York (USA). Ecological Monographs, 55:167-188. Feeny, P., L. Rosenberry & M. Carter. 1983. Chemical aspects of oviposition behavior in butterflies, pp. 27-76 In: Ahmad, S. (Ed.) Herbivore insects: host- seeking behavior and mechanisms. Academic Press, New York. Grossmueller, D.W. & R.C. Lederhouse. 1985. Oviposition site selection: an aid to rapid growth and development in the tiger swallowtail butterfly Papilio glaucus. Oecologia, 66:68-73. Jaenike, J. 1978. On optimal oviposition behavior in phytophagous insects. Theoretical Population Biology, 14:350-356. Lederhouse, R.C. 1981. The effect of female mating frequency on egg fertility in the black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes asterius Stoll (Papilionidae). Journal of the Lepidopterist’s Society, 32:145-159. 29(1-2). 161- 171, 1990(91) 171 Lederhouse, R.C., MLB. Finke & J.M. Scriber. 1982. The contributions of larval growth and pupal duration to protandry in the black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenes. Oecologia, 53:296-301. Pilson, D. & ML!.), Rausher. 1989. Clutch size adjustment by a swallowtail butterfly. Nature, 333:361-363. Rausher, M.D. 1985. Variability for host preference in insect populations: mechanistic and evolutionary models. Journal of Insect Physiology, 31:873- 889. Scriber, J.M. 1979a. The effects of sequentially switching foodplants upon biomass and nitrogen utilization by polyphagous and stenophagous Papilio larvae. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 25:240-252. 1979b. Effects of leaf-water suplementation upon post-ingestive nutritional indices of forb-, shrub-, vine-, and tree feeding lepidoptera. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 25:240-252. Scriber, J.M. & P. Feeny. 1979. Growth of herbivorous caterpillars in relation to feeding specialization and the growth form of their food plants. Ecology, 60:829-850. Scriber, J.M. & M. Finke. 1978. New food plant and oviposition records for the eastern black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes , on an introduced and native umbellifer. Journal of the Lepidopterist’s Society, 32:236-238. Scriber, J.M. & F. Slansky. 1981. The nutritional ecology of immature insects. Annual Review of Entomology, 26:183-211. Singer, M.C. 1971. Evolution of food plant preferences in the buttefly Euphydryas editha. Evolution, 25:383-389. 1984. Rutterfly-hostplant relationships: host quality, adult choice and larval success, pp. 81-87 In: V ane- Wright R.L & P.R. Ackery (Eds.) The Biology of Butterflies. Academic Press, Orlando. Wiklund, C. 1973. Host plant suitability and the mechanism of host selection in larvae of Papilio machaon. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 16:232-242. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(1-2):172, 1990(91) Book Review RAINFORESTS: A GUIDE TO RESEARCH AND TOURIST FACILITIES AT SELECTED TROPICAL FOREST SITES IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. James L. Castner. 1990. 380+xxxiv pages. Feline Press, P. O. Box 7219, Gainesville, Florida 32605. $21.95 plus 1.50 shipping in U. S. ISBN 0-9625150- 2-7. Although I am a confirmed resident of temperate regions, the tropics command a great deal of concern for me. The horror of tropical forest destruction in the name of greed and accommodation to the exploding world population is a familiar theme. Comes now a charming little paperback guide, a sort of “Rainforests on $5.00 a Day” for biologists. Although actually more than $5 a day, the ambiance is incomparable for adventure. The reading is delightful and the book gives a great deal of detail on how to get around to the most friendly and fruitful places across the bulk of tropical America. I only wish Castner had provided this work prior to my first venture into the jungles, which was more of a bumble than an adventure. Every one of our readers with the slightest curiosity for the area covered should have this volume. Peter Raven, the eminent tropical conservation botanist, writes the foreword in which he urges everyone to make the trip while there is something left and for the privilege of observing the world’s richest palette of biodiversity before most of it becomes a mere memory. Ironically, our children may be unable to make the trip, not because of the loss of the forests themselves, but because the results of deforestation will probably magnify the upheavals in our global economic systems by way of climatic effects. On the other hand you do not need to take the tropical grand tour in person, as Castner vicariously provides a convincing sense of the places which would be on the itinerary. The facilities and sites of Peru, Ecuador, French Guiana, Venezu- ela, Trinidad, Costa Rica and Panama are described in detail. Costs, generally cheap, are given as well as all the contacts you need in order to make arrange- ments. Natural history notes are sparse, the bulk of discussion being concerned with the details of travel and accommodations. There is a very complete list and description of books and journals of the area, and all relevant organizations are listed and described. The latter include important activist groups. For the highest adventure, of course, you just take a plane to places that sound relevant to your interests and start conversations. Most natives, from Kabul to Manaos, are friendly to travellers and will provide anecdotes that flavor the trip. Such was the case for a collector friend who quickly learned there is more than one kind of “butterfly” in Spanish. Upon asking “<(,D6nde estan las mariposas?” he was told to walk two blocks down* one block over, and up the stairs. These “painted ladies” awaited customers. One fault with the book is a rather steep tab, but if sales are limited, this pricing is necessary. R. H. T. Mattoni, 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Manuscript format; Two copies must be submitted, double-spaced, typed, with wide margins. Number all pages consecutively. If possible italicize rather than underline scientific names and emphasized words. Footnotes are discouraged. Do not hyphenate words at the right margin. All measurements must be metric. Time must be cited on a 24-hour basis, standard time. Abbreviations must follow common usage. Dates should be cited as: day- Arabic numeral; month-Roman numeral; year- Arabic numeral (ex. 6. IF. 1384). Numerals must be used for ten and greater e.g. nine butterflies, 12 moths. Electronic submission: The Journal is now being produced via desktop publishing, allowing much shorter publication times. Although typewritten manuscripts are acceptable, those submitted on computer disc are highly preferred. After being notified of your paper's acceptance, submit either a Macintosh or IBM disc version. 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Abstracts and Short Papers; All papers exceeding three typed pages must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words. Neither an additional summary nor key words are required. Name citations and Systematic Works; The first mention of any organism should include the full scientific name with unabbreviated author and year of description. There must be conformity to the current International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. We strongly urge depositing of types in major museums, all type depositories must be cited. References; All citations in the text must be alphabetically listed under Literature Cited in the format given in recent issues. Abbreviations must conform to the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Do not underline or italicize periodicals. If four or less references are cited, please cite in body of text not in Literature Cited. For multiple citations by the same author(s), use six hyphens rather than repeating the author's name. Tables; When formulating tables, keep in mind that the final table will fill a maximum space of 11.5 by 19 cm either horizontally or vertically oriented. Number tables with Arabic numerals. When submitting tables on disc, use tabs between columns rather than multiple spaces. Illustrations; Color can be submitted as either a transparency or print, the quality of which is critical. Black and white photographs should be submitted on glossy paper, and, as with line drawings, must be mounted on stiff white cardboard. Authors must plan on illustrations for reduction to page size. Allowance should be made for legends beneath, unless many consecutive pages are used. Drawings should be in India ink. Include a metric scale. Each figure should be cited and explained as such. Each illustration must be identified by author and title on the back. Indicate whether you want the illustration returned at your expense. Retain original illustrations until paper is accepted. Legends should be separately typed on pages entitled "Explanation of Figures." Number legends consecutively with separate paragraph for each page of illustration. Review; All papers will be read by the editor(s) & submitted for formal review to two referees. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA Volume 29 Number 1-2 Spring 1990(1991) IN THIS ISSUE Date of Publication: December 31, 1991 Hilltopping by the Red Admiral Butterfly: Mate Searching Alongside Congeners 1 William D. Brown and John Alcock Electrophoretic Studies in the Genus Melanargia Meigen, 1828 11 (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) Paola Mensi, Aldo Lattes, Luigi Cassulo, RobertaCinti, Emilio Balletto Hybridization of the Brazilian Papilio (Pyrrhosticta) (Section V) with the North 21 American Papilio (Pterourus) (Section III) J. Mark Scriber, Robert C. Lederhouse, and Keith S. Brown Jr. Significant Additions to the Butterflies of the Trinity Alps andMount Eddy, 33 Northern California Arthur M. Shapiro Heritable Color Variants in Automeris io (Saturniidae) 37 Thomas R. Manley Patterns of geographic variation and evolution in polytypic butterflies 54 Paul C. Hammond Cryptic larval polychromatism in Rekoa marius Lucas and R. palegon Cramer 77 (Lycaenidae: Theclinae) Ricardo Ferreira Monteiro On Pieris ( Artogeia ) marginalis macdunnoughii Remington (Pieridae) 85 S. R. Bowden An Annotated List of Lepidopterological Journals 92 Gerardo Lamas The Butterflies (Lepidoptera) of the Tuxtlas Mts., Veracruz, Mexico, 105 Revisited: Species-Richness and Habitat Disturbance Robert A. Raguso and Jorge Llorente-Bousquets Territorial Hilltopping Behavior of Three Swallowtail Butterflies 134 (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in Western Brazil Carlos E. G. Pinheiro Ball Mountain Revisited: Anomalous Species Richness of a Montane Barrier Zone 143 Arthur M. Shapiro Butterflies from Nagpur City, Central India (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) 157 T. N. Pandharipande Interaction between Papilio hectorides (Papilionidae) and four host plants 161 (Piperaceae, Rutaceae) in a southern Brazilian population C. M. Penz and A. M. Araujo Book Review 172 Cover Illustration: Photograph by J. Mark Scriber. IE JOURNAL RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA Volume 29 Number 3 Fall 1990(1991) THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA ISSN 0022 4324 Published By: The Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. 9620 Heather Road Beverly Hills, California 90210 (213) 274-1052 Founder: William Hovanitz Editorial Staff: Rudolf H. T. Mattoni, Editor Scott E. Miller, Assistant Editor Associate Editors: Emilio Balletto, Italy Henri Descimon, France Philip DeVries, U.S.A. Thomas Emmel, U.S.A. Lawrence Gall, U.S.A. Hansjuerg Geiger, Switzerland Otakar Kudrna, Germany Arthur Shapiro, U.S.A. Atuhiro Sibatani, Japan Karel Spitzer, Czechoslovakia Manuscripts and Notices Material may be sent to the Editor at: 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213) 274-1052 The JOURNAL is sent to all members of the FOUNDATION. Classes of Membership: $ 20.00 year (vol.) Regular (Individual) Contributing Student/Retired-Worldwide Subscription Rate/Institutions Life $ 30.00 or more, year (vol.) $ 18.00 year (vol.) $ 28.00 year (vol.) $ 250.00 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA is published four times a year by THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The office of publication and the general business office are located at 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, California 90210. The publisher is THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The Editor is R. H. T. Mattoni at the above address. The Secretary-Treasurer is Leona Mattoni at the general business office. All matters pertaining to membership, dues, and subscriptions should be addressed to her, including inquiry concerning mailing, missing issues, and change of address. The owner is THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDA- TION, INC. , a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California in 1965. The President is R. H. T. Mattoni, the Vice President is John Emmel, the Secretary-Treasurer is Leona Mattoni. The Board of Directors is comprised of Barbara Jean Hovanitz, Leona Mattoni, and R. H. T. Mattoni. There are no bond holders, mortgages, or other security holders. Printed by Art Printing Works Sdn. Bhd., 29 Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(3):173-194, 1990(91) Evolutionary Ecology of Sympatric Catocala Moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) I. Experiments on Larval Foodplant Specificity Lawrence F. Gall Entomology Division, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511 USA Abstract. Larval foodplant specificities are presented for 31 species of Nearctic Catocala moths whose larvae feed on trees in the plant families Juglandaceae, Fagaceae, and Salicaceae. Arena tests deter- mined preferences when larvae could choose on which plants to feed, and field rearing experiments determined survival and growth rates in no-choice situations. In arenas, larvae of the Juglandaceae, Fagaceae and Salicaceae feeders ate only foods from their own plant family. Taxonomic divisions within each plant family defined further bound- aries to foodplant acceptability. Thus, among the Juglandaceae feed- ers, 2 species ate walnuts ( Juglans ), 2 ate pecans (section §Apocarya of Cary a), and the remaining 14 ate hickories sensu strictu (section §Eucarya of Carya). All the Carya section §Eucarya feeders preferred shagbark hickory, Carya ovata , and 6 of the 14 species specialized on it. Among the Salicaceae feeders, 1 species ate willows ( Salix ) and 6 ate poplars (Pop ulus), Foodplant preferences were not crisply defined in the 5 Fagaceae feeders. Larvae usually selected the favored foodplant as a resting site. Preferences broadened as larvae matured, and the Juglandaceae and Salicaceae feeders preferred young leaves over old leaves. In nearly all cases, survival was highest and growth rates most rapid in the field on the foodplants preferred in arena tests. Introduction The Holarctic noctuid moth genus Catocala Schrank contains slightly over 200 species, distributed equally across the Nearctic and Palearctic temperate zones. The genus is most atypical for noctuids in showing great species diversity coupled with highly restricted larval foodplant use — larvae of individual Catocala species eat only one or several closely related plant genera, and the recorded foodplant breadth of the genus spans but nine dicotyledonous plant families. Even this liberally esti- mates foodplant breadth among Catocala, as 137 of the 161 species whose life histories are currently known feed only on plants in the families Juglandaceae, Fagaceae, Salicaceae, or Rosacea e, There are large arrays of sympatric, synchronic, closely related species feeding in each of these four plant families, and hence the Catocala are well suited for studying the phylogenetic history of foodplant exploitation (note that the reported high species diversity is not in question, since survey collecting for the moths and the species-level taxonomy of the genus have been amply studied: see Hampson, 1912; Barnes & McBunnough, 1918; Forbes, 1954; Sargent, 1976, 1977). 174 J. Res. Lepid. This is the first of three baseline data papers addressing the foodplant- linked ecologies of Catocala moths, and covers experiments on larval foodplant specificity of 31 Nearctic Catocala species whose larvae feed on Juglandaceae, Fagaceae, Salicaceae, and Rosaceae. The following two articles in this journal issue examine distributions of wild larvae among their foodplants and the oviposition preferences of the female moths; a related paper has covered larval feeding habits within individual foodplant trees (Gall, 1987). The data in these articles help circumscribe the limits of potential foodplant acceptability for the major groups of Catocala, and form the backdrop against which questions about foodplant use in ecological and evolutionary time by the same Catocala species can be appropriately framed. Because analysis of the phylogenetic history of Catocala foodplant use is made easier by simultaneously comparing results from all these studies, I have extracted parts of what would traditionally comprise the Discussion sections from the three articles in this series, and will be integrating these into a comparative treatise on the subject. Toward that same goal, a separate series of concurrent articles is addressing taxo- nomic and nomenclatural issues in the genus (see Gall & Hawks, 1990; our taxonomic monograph of all the Nearctic Catocala species is also in the late stages of preparation, to be published in a forthcoming “Moths of North America North of Mexico” fascicle). Materials and Methods A BIOLOGICAL PROFILE OF CATOCALA All Catocala are univoltine, with adults flying in mid to late summer and hibernal diapause as eggs. The adults have cryptic fore wings which conceal boldly patterned hindwings; the interactions of the adults with avian predators have been the topic of many previous studies by Sargent and his coworkers (e.g., Sargent, 1976, 1977; Schlenoff, 1985). Eggs are laid singly or in clumps under exfoliating bark, or in crevices on tree trunks and branches. In northeastern North America, most species commence feeding as larvae during May. Egg hatch can be synchronous or highly staggered, but is constant, within any given Catocala species, the degree of staggering being closely linked to the foliating schedules of the different larval foodplants (Schweitzer, 1982; Schweitzer and Gall, in preparation). The larvae . are semiloopers, usually with highly cryptic morphologies that match the twigs and bark which serve as resting sites during the daytime. Larvae generally feed at night. Prior to this research, the wild larvae had been presumed to be mildly oligophagous among related plant genera within single plant families. Foodplant breakdowns for the 108 Nearctic species which I currently plan to recognize in the forthcoming taxonomic monograph are as follows: Fagacaeae, 26; Juglandaceae, 25; Salicaceae, 23; Rosaceae, 15; Leguminoseae, 7; Ericaceae, 4; Myricaceae, 4; Tiliaceae, 1; not yet recorded, 3 (which with virtually no question will prove to be 1 Fagaceae, 1 Juglandaceae, and 1 Salicaceae). FOODPLANT ARENA PROTOCOL The technique employed here was the “foodplant arena,” in which both potentially suitable and presumably unsuitable foods are offered to larvae, which 29(3): 173-194, 1990(91) 175 then must make a choice for feeding (see Gall, 1987). Small branches from young (2-5 cm dbh) foodplant trees are collected late each afternoon, ca. 1-3 weeks after bud burst in spring. Near dusk (the time at which Catocala larvae become active and begin feeding), pieces of leaves of different plant species are clipped from their petioles and taped by one edge to a paper strip (food choice items being ordered at random along the strip), and the strip coiled and placed flush against the wall of a small glass jar. Several young larvae are then introduced to the bottom of the jar (variation in foodplant preference among individual larvae of the same Catocala species is not pronounced, and the total amount of leaf material in each choice item is more than the maximum that the several larvae can potentially consume; Gall, 1987). Strips are removed the following morning, and larval resting locations and the amount of different food items consumed are used to calculate preference. Two types of control foods were offered in each arena. Type I controls were plant species from a Catocala foodplant group other than the group being examined: red/scrub oak or lombardy poplar for the Juglandaeeae-feeding Catocala ; shagbark/pignut hickory or lombardy poplar for the Fagaceae feeding Catocala ; and red/scrub oak or shagbark/pignut hickory for the Salieaceae- feeding Catocala . Type II controls were “entirely inedible” plant species — ones not closely related to present foodplants of any Catocala. The Type II control in arenas was typically plantain ( Plantago major L.). For each arena test, the area of food consumed per choice item was expressed as a percentage of the total area consumed, preserving relative between-choice differences while assigning unit weight to each arena test. For first instars, the amounts eaten were measured using a dissecting microscope fitted with an ocular grid. For partially grown larvae, a clear plastic ruled sheet was used. INTERVENING FACTORS IN FOODPLANT ARENAS Problems typically confronting foodplant preference studies include, among others: (1) the geometry of how to present food choices; (2) how to minimize the effects of geo- and phototaxis; and (3) how to insure that larvae are aware of and/ or have “tested” all available food items as they are beginning to feed. For many lepidopteran larvae, these present serious methodological obstacles, and, in general, the more polyphagous and/or sedentary a species one tests, the more significant these obstacles are likely to be. A brief summary of these variables as they relate to Catocala is relevant. In all instars, Catocala larvae are extremely active — within moments of introducing them to a foodplant arena, they typically traverse the entire perim- eter of the jar. When placed in arenas during the daytime, the larvae eventually settle down after a few minutes, on or near a food item, and rest. When introduced at dusk, this initial period of rapid movement also includes mandibular contact and/or momentary chewing on leaves encountered. Again, after a period of usually less than five minutes, the larvae have passed several times around the arena, and start to settle and feed (rather than rest). The distribution of larvae in arenas remains largely stable from that settling period on through the next morning, when arenas are disassembled. Most Catocala larvae are positively phototactic to some degree. I have always found mature larvae to be somewhat less active during the day than first instars (see Wojtusiak, 1979, for diel locomotor actograms of Catocala fraxini L. larvae of varying ages). Starting arena tests at dusk or night, in dark rooms, largely eliminated problems with phototaxis (all laboratory preference tests were con- 176 J. Res. Lepid. ducted under uncontrolled, but essentially natural photoperiod). Note that Catocala larvae become active and commence feeding at true dusk even in fully lit rooms with no windows. In initial trials, the geometry of how foods were presented had no discernible effect on larval foodplant preference. To test this, leaves were presented hanging, as above, or flat on the bottom of the arena. Foodplant preferences were the same in three such paired tests (n=4 arenas per test) for the Salicaceae-feeding Catocala cara Guenee, and the Juglandaceae -feeding Catocala neogama Smith and Catocala retecta Grote (p>.25 for each by ANOVA). Foods were presented hanging in all subsequent trials. FIELD REARING PROCEDURES To assay Survival and development rates on foodplants in the field, I confined larvae to large rearing exclosures (“sleeves”) on branches of different foodplants. Sleeves were made of either lightweight muslin or fine nylon netting, and varied in size depending upon the number and age of larvae confined in them. Equal numbers of newly hatched, unfed larvae were placed in sleeves on suitable foodplants, the genetic background of larvae for each rearing experiment being controlled by splitting the progeny of a single female among the sleeves. Environmental differences were controlled, insofar as possible, by selecting sleeving sites at which all foodplants for an experiment were growing in immediate proximity. Larval instar was used as the growth index, and was assayed by using both head capsule width and the instar-specific morphological patterns of Catocala larvae. Each instar was further subdivided into an early and late stage, which was assayed using body size. The primary research site for larval rearing was West Rock Park, three miles west of the Yale University campus. This is an open-canopied, xeric to mesic igneous trap-rock ridgetop habitat (Gall, 1987). West Rock is near the northern limit for many elements of more southerly biota and in addition contains the usual fauna and flora of southern New England broadleaf forests. The canopy is dominated by oak, hickory, and ash, with a sparse understory of rosaceous, ericaceous, and other shrubs. It should be noted that when sleeve rearings were initiated in 1980, 1 began measuring development rate as the number of days elapsed from first sleeving until pupation. In 1980, and especially 1981, the essentially total defoliation of the West Rock study sites by the introduced pest gypsy moth ( Lymantria dispar L.) terminated most sleeve experiments before the Catocala larvae could success- fully pupate, and re-sleeving was impossible. Hence, the measure of develop- ment rate was soon switched to larval instar at the time of sleeve census. CATOCALA AND FOODPLANT SPECIES STUDIED Arena and rearing tests were carried out for 19 J uglandaceae-feeding Catocala species: angusi Guenee, dejecta Strecker, flebilis Grote, epione Drury, habilis Grote, insolabilis Guenee, judith Strecker, lacrymosa Guenee, luctuosa Hulst, nebulosa Edwards, neogama, obscura Strecker, palaeogama Guenee, piatrix Grote, residua Strecker, retecta Grote, subnata Grote, ulalume Strecker, and vidua Smith. Hickories ( Carya Nutt.) and walnuts ( Juglans L.) are the foodplants of these Catocala. Because the generic abbreviation (“C.”) is the same for both Catocala and Carya, by convention I drop the abbreviation when referring to the moths, and retain it for the foodplants. Among the four hickories offered in arena 29(3):173-194, 1990(91) 177 tests were three Carya from section §Eucarya DC. : shagbark hickory, Carya ouata (Mill.) K. Koch; pignut hickory, Carya glabra (Mill.) Sweet; and mockernut hickory, Carya tomentosa Nutt. The fourth was a Carya from section §Apocarya DC.: bitternut hickory, Carya cordiformis (Wang.) K. Koch. Two species of Juglans were offered to larvae in arena tests: black walnut, J uglans nigra L. ; and butternut, J. cinerea L. Arena tests were also conducted with 12 other Catocala species. Included were 7 Salicaceae feeders: amatrix Hubner, cara, concumbens Walker, meskei Grote, parta Guenee, relicta Walker, and unijuga Walker. Food choices offered to these species included: black willow, Salix nigra Marsh.; pussy willow, S. discolor Muhl.; cottonwood, Populus deltoides Bartr.; quaking aspen, P. tremuloides Michx.; bigtooth aspen, P. grandidentata Michx.; and lombardy poplar, P. nigra var. italica Muench. Preferences were also determined for 5 oak-feeding Catocala : arnica Hubner, coccinata Grote, ilia Cramer, lineella Grote, and micronympha Guenee. Foods offered in the red oak subgenus (. Erythrobalanus Spach) included: red oak, Quercus borealis Michx.; scarlet oak, Q. coccinea Muench.; and scrub oak, Q. ilicifolia Wangenh. Foods offered in the white oak subgenus (. Lepidobalanus Endl.) included: white oak, Q. alba L.; chestnut oak, Q. prinus L.; and post oak, Q. stellata Wangenh. STATISTICAL PROCEDURES Data analysis was done on either an IBM 3083 mainframe or an IB M/PS 2 Model 70 microcomputer, using SAS Version 5.16 and SAS/PC Version 6.03, respectively (S AS Institute Inc., 1985a, 1985b). The GLM procedure was used for analysis of variance, with a posteriori comparisons of means done by Tukey’s HSD (results using Tukey tests were comparable statistically to those from Bonferroni and Duncan multiple-range tests, and each returned the same biological conclusions). Percentage data were arcsine square root transformed prior to analysis. Most nonparametric analyses used the NPAR1WAY and FREQ procedures, but in instances where expected cell sizes were five or less, and the number of cells was also small, Fisher’s exact tests and/or exact binomial probabilities were calculated. For these, I used my own analysis of frequency routines programmed in REXX and FORTRAN following the methods of Sokal & Rohlf (1981). Results ARENA TESTS: FIRST INSTARS 1. General Patterns Reactions of larvae to Type I and Type II controls were quite different. That the larvae of all Catocala species readily discriminated between potentially suitable and unsuitable foods is shown by the minuscule amounts of Type II controls eaten; similarly, that larvae identified their own foodplant group correctly is shown by the low amounts of Type I controls eaten (Figures 1-3). Table 1 shows the (Spearman rank) correlations between amounts of food eaten and larval resting sites in arenas. While these resting sites tended to be on the same leaves at which larval feeding occurred, it was apparent from the outset of this research that resting site was an insensitive index of preference. The correlations for the Juglandaceae 178 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1. Mean correlation between resting positions on foods in arenas and amounts of same foods eaten by first instar Catocala larvae. R = Spearman rank correlation coefficient. N = total number of arenas. Correlations calculated for each arena, then pooled by species. Species r n Species r n habiiis 0.77 4 amatrix 0.95 4 judith 0.75 8 cara 0.72 5 obscura 0.83 9 concumbens 0.55 6 residua 0.83 8 meskei 0.54 3 parta 0.56 8 epione 0.65 11 relicta 0.65 14 palaeogama 0.70 11 unijuga 0.65 5 retecta 0.64 10 vidua 0.64 7 arnica 0.59 3 coccinata 0.86 8 subnata 0.96 11 ilia 0.42 6 lineella 0.76 4 neogama 0.70 4 micronympha 0.62 5 feeders are greater than those for either the Salicaceae or Fagaceae feeders (pc. 01 in each case, by Mann-Whitney U-tests using data from individual arenas). The low correlations for several oak feeders are in part due to small sample sizes, which are in turn due to the habits of those larvae to rest away from the food choices (on arena walls, and so forth). This clearly reflects real biological differences in preferred natural resting sites (e.g., off the trees, as in ilia). The lower correlations for the Salicaceae feeders are not traceable to lower sample sizes as with the oak feeders. Again, some of these Salicaceae feeders doubtless tend to rest off their foodplants, but their native larval biologies remain less thoroughly investigated. 2. JUGLANDACEAE-FEEDING CATOCALA Figure 1 shows foodplant preferences for 18 Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala species (data are from a total of 134 arenas, involving larval broods from 45 different female moths). Only neogama and piatrix preferred J uglans over all other foods, each eating black walnut (< J . nigra ) and butternut ( J. cinerea ) nearly equally. Unfed, newly hatched larvae of five neogama broods refused to feed on either Cary a ovata or Cary a cordiformis, even when no other food was offered. Although piatrix larvae ate more J uglans than Cary a, they clearly tolerated hickories better than did larvae of neogama. Larvae of subnata and nebulosa preferred bitternut hickory, Carya cordiformis. Their distantly second-ranking food choice next to C. cordiformis was J uglans nigra. Unfed first instars of three subnata and two nebulosa broods refused to eat any Carya , and barely nibbled on J uglans nigra when only it was offered as food; larvae of each species also 29(3):173-194, 1990(91) 179 I <8 R angusi n=5, m=U, pf i-1 .05 O. (3. 0. O O 0 0.0. habilis rv=8, m=162, pf 1=1 .12 i 0. 0 O 0O 0.0 iudith n=11, m=l79, pf 1=1 .06 d 0. 0 O 0 0 00 obscura rv=8, iw=246, pf i = 1.95 d 0. 0. 0 00 00 residua n=8, m=417, pfi=2.69 • 00. 0 00. 0,0 deiecta n=4, ro=Z74, pf ■ =0.81 0.0.0 O O0 0.0. epione n=11, ra=748, pf i=0.47 0. 0. 0. 0 0.0. 0.0. f lebilis n=5. m=66, pf i =0.76 0 0 0. O O 0 0.0. insolabilis n=3, m=65, pfi=0.83 0 0. 0. O O0 0.0. laerymosa n=6 , m=67, pf i =0. 66 0 0 0. 0 o© ©o. palaeoaama n=13, m=358. pfi=0.B1 0. 0 0 0 0.0. 00 reteeta n=17, m=226, pfi=0.93 00.0 0 00. 0 0. ulalume n=2, m=219. pfi=0.72 0 0 0 O O 0 0.0. vidua n=8, iii=273, pf i =0 . 68 0.00 o 0.0. 0.0. Fig. 1 . Foodplant arena results with previously unfed first instar larvae of Juglandaceae- feeding Catocala . Areas of pies proportional to amounts (percent) of food eaten; dot in center = food not offered. Pies having the same subscripted letters are not significantly different at the 0.05 level (Tukey HSD tests). N = total number of arena tests. M = mean amount of food eaten per arena in square mm. PFI = preferred foodplant index, here measuring preference of C. ovata relative to other Carya foodplants (see text for elaboration; the greater the PFI the greater the preference). 180 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 1 continued -i o O M h u i i i 52 53 0 u BO «M m 3® H 2 Wfi ©6 P»M S3 H ►?lo| M H M « m g g ~ o. o. o • 0.0. 0.0. “ 0.0.0 4 0.0. 0.0. ™ ©. O. © O 0.0. 0.0. ~ 0. 0. 0. O 0.0. 0.0. accepted pecan, Carya illinoiensis (Wang.) K. Koch of section §Apocarya , but this foodplant was not used in arenas due to lack of material (pecan is not native to Connecticut). The other 14 Catocala species preferred Carya to other foodplant genera (see below for responses to Carya cordiformis, which was usually omitted as a food choice in their arenas). All but epione consumed more C. ovata than any other Carya , and larvae of 5 of the 14 species — angusi , hahilis, Judith , ohscura, and residua — showed quite pronounced preferences for C. ovata. This penchant for C. ovata is quantified in Figure 1 by a “preferred foodplant index” (PFI), which is here defined as the amount of C. ovata consumed divided by the sum of all Carya consumed. The PFI is higher for the set of five species including angusi, habilis Judith, obscura, and residua than for the remaining nine Carya feeders (u=0, nl=5, n2=9, pc. 05 by Mann-Whitney IJ-test). It is notable that only epione did not eat substantially more C. ovata than other Carya. In contrast to the other 13 Carya feeders examined (especially the taxa with larger numbers of arena tests), epione did not consume Juglans as its second-ranking food item next to Carya. In fact, epione was the only Juglandaceae feeder that ate significantly less Juglans than it did its Type I Quercus/Populus controls (u=12, nl=8, n2=8, pc. 05 by Mann-Whitney U-test; the amounts of control food eaten were nevertheless meager). Among the Carya §Eucary a Jeeding Catocala, the preference for C. ovata is pronounced, and it is thus germane to ask: what preferences do these larvae exhibit if C. ovata is unavailable in arenas? Several additional arenas were run in which Carya cordiformis replaced C. ovata. 29(3):173“194, 1990(91) 181 In such arenas, test larvae of Judith , palaeogama, and residua each increased their consumption of C. tomentosa and Juglans, while refusing to eat Cary a cordiformis. Indeed, in other no-choice rearing situations, unfed first instars of all North American Cary a §Eucarya -preferring Catocala refuse to feed significantly on Carya §Apocarya when only it is offered (my unpublished rearing and field data; see also below under sleeve results). Larvae of neogama also refused to feed on Carya cordiformis (see above); larvae of two piatrix broods accepted this plant, although they did not feed as readily as when Juglans was offered. Larvae of luctuosa (one arena test only) preferred C. ovata two to one over all other foods, but the larvae ate much less leaf material in toto than did larvae of all the other Catocala species tested. Moreover, luctuosa is the only Carya £Ezmarya -preferring Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala that showed poor (40-60 percent) survival as larvae when reared on C. ovata indoors in the lab (the survival rate I obtain when rearing all other Carya feeders indoors is never less than 75-80 percent). Initial field work with luctuosa in Tennessee in 1987, and its geographic distribution in the Nearctic indicate that this Catocala likely specializes on shellbark hickory, Carya laciniosa (Michx.) Loud of section §Eucarya. Test larvae of three of the Juglandaceae feeders were offspring from a single mother: dejecta , nehulosa , and ulalume. Significant (p<.05 by ANOVA) between-brood differences in preference existed for five of the remaining species: epione , hahilis, ohscura , palaeogama , and retecta. The significances for habilis and obscura were traceable to one evening of tests in 1980, in which the arenas became waterlogged (the larvae rested on and ate mostly Juglans). The between-brood differences were more robust for epione , palaeogama , and retecta. These three species also show the widest breadth in foodplant preference as both young and mature larvae (see below). However, no consistent patterns emerged when the known oviposition histories of the brood mothers were com- pared to the foodplant preferences of their larvae (see Gall, 1991b; the principal finding being that C. ovata best supports larval growth, regardless of female oviposition history). 3. Salicaceae-feeding Catocala Figure 2 shows foodplant preferences for the 7 Salicaceae-feeding Catocala (data are from a total of 47 arena tests, involving offspring of 12 different females). Only cara preferred willows over poplars. Larvae of car a did not discriminate among the willows offered. The introduced lombardy poplar, Populus nigra var. italica , was the first-ranked food item for amatrix , meskei, and unijuga, but for only amatrix was this significantly so (I regularly collect larvae of amatrix on this plant in the city of New Haven). Larvae of concumbens , parta, and relicta all ate Populus deltoides as their first-ranked food, with this pattern being significant for concumbens and relicta. All Salicaceae-feeding species except for meskei 182 J. Res. Lepid. amatriy n=4, m=101 0. O I 0. O0 0.0. c ar a n=6, m=241 0. 0 0. 0 0.0. 0.0. concumbena n=6, m=58? 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0. 0.0. meafcei rv=3, m=267 0 ©. 0. 0. ©.© ©o. parts 0=8, nv=442 0. 0 0. 0. ©0. ©o. relicta n=!4, m=296 0 0 0. 0. ©O. 0.0. unijuqa n=6, m=329 0. 0. 0, 0 0.0. 0.0. Fig. 2. Foodplant arena results with previously unfed larvae of Salicaceae-feeding Catocala. Areas of pies proportional to amounts (percent) of food eaten; dot in center = food not offered. Pies having the same subscripted letters are not significantly different at the 0.05 level (Tukey HSD tests). N - total number of arena tests. M = mean amount of food eaten per arena in square mm. ate more of the Type I control ( Carya/Quercus ) than the Type II control, and no species ate more Type I control than any salicaceous food. Three of the Salicaceae feeders were represented by a single mother: cara,concumbens, and meskei. Of the remaining four species, only relicta showed significant (pc. 05 by ANOVA) between-brood differences in preference. The oviposition histories of the relicta brood mothers were not known. 4. Quercus- feeding Catocala F igure 3 shows foodplant preferences for the 5 Quercus- feeding Catocala (data are from a total of 36 arena tests, involving larvae from 12 different females). The foodplant preferences of the oak-feeding species were less sharply defined than those of either the Juglandaceae or Salicaceae feeders. 29(3):173-194, 1990(91) 183 01 B B arnica rr-i, m=65 O. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. O.O. cocci nata n=9, m=576 0 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0.0. ilia n=8, m=416 0. 0. 0 0 0 0. 0.0. lineella n=11, m=155 0 0 0. 0. 0 0 0.0. micronympha n=5, m=281 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0.0. Fig. 3. Foodplant arena results with previously unfed larvae of Querci/s-feeding Catocala. Areas of pies proportional to amounts (percent) of food eaten. Pies having the same subscripted letters are not significantly different at the 0.05 level (Tukey HSD tests). N = total number of arena tests. M = mean amount of food eaten per arena in square mm. Quercus ( Lepidobalanus ) at left, Quercus ( Erythrobalanus ) at center. Larvae of arnica consistently distinguished between the two oak subgen- era, it being a Quercus (. Lepidobalanus ) feeder (but note the small number of arenas). The cosmopolitan Nearctic ilia showed a tendency toward Quercus (. Erythrobalanus ), eating Q. ilicifolia significantly more than other foods. Larvae of coccinata , lineella , and micronympha did not discriminate crisply between the two oak subgenera, although micronympha did eat significantly more Q. ilicifolia than other foods. All species ate more Type I control ( Carya/Populus ) than Type II, and none ate more Type I control than any oak. Each of the oak-feeding Catocala species was represented by offspring of more than one mother. No species showed significant between-brood differences in preference (p>.50 by ANOVA). ARENA TESTS: PARTIALLY GROWN LARVAE 1. Effects of larval age For 7 Juglandaceae and 3 Salicaceae feeders, foodplant arenas were also run for third and fourth instar larvae. Because of the confounding effects of leaf age and leaflet position (see Gall, 1987, and below), only terminal leaflets were used as food items in arenas with mid instar 184 J. Res. Lepid. Table 2. Foodplant preference in Catocala as a function of larvae age. PFI = preferred foodplant index, here measuring preference for favorite food of the first instar larvae compared to other foods (the greater the PFI the greater the preference). N = total number of arenas. PFI declines between first and middle instars, as foodplant preference broadens. Species Young Larvae PFI n Mature Larvae PFI n PFI Change Preferred First Instar Food epione 0.75 11 0.41 4 - 0.34 Cary a glabra habilis 1.12 8 0.83 3 - 0.29 Carya ovata judith 1.06 11 0.94 2 - 0.08 Carya ovata obscura 1.95 8 2.13 2 + 0.18 Carya ovata palaeogama 0.81 13 0.37 6 - 0.44 Carya ovata residua 2.69 8 2.49 2 - 0.20 Carya ovata retecta 0.93 17 0.59 8 - 0.34 Carya ovata amatrix 0.97 4 0.75 5 - 0.22 Populus italica parta 0.60 8 0.36 3 - 0.24 Populus deltoides relicta 0.60 14 0.54 4 - 0.06 Populus deltoides Salicaceae-feeding Catocala. Both Juglans and Cary a cordiformis were eventually eliminated from tests involving mid-instar Juglandaceae feeders, since it proved impossible to assess objectively the age of leaflets from these indeterminate foliating trees (responses of particular Juglandaceae feeders varied, but most could be shifted back and forth at will from eating large or small quantities of Juglans, depending upon the leaflets selected). With these caveats on leaf age in mind, Table 2 shows mid-instar foodplant preferences for 7 Juglandaceae feeders ( epione , habilis Judith, obscura ,palaeogama , residua , retecta) and 3 Salicaceae feeders ( amatrix , parta, relicta ). The foodplant use is expressed in Table 2 as a “preferred foodplant index” (PFI), as described earlier, but with the numerator of the index here being the foodplant species eaten most by the first instars. The PFI decreased in 9 of 10 cases, indicating that foodplant preference broadened as larvae aged (t=3, n=10, p<.05, Wilcoxon test). 2. Effects of leaf age There is a natural dichotomy between the Salicaceae and Juglandaceae in the timing of leaf appearance in the field. Plants in the Juglandaceae are principally determinate foliators i.e., all leaves break from the bud at the same time of year (true for all Cary a tested here; Juglans and Cary a cordiformis are semi -determinate foliators). The salicaceous plants are 29(3):173-194, 1990(91) 185 indeterminate foliators, with new leaves being produced in most species throughout at least the first half of the growing season. To determine the influence of leaf age on mid instar larvae of the Salicaceae feeders, arenas were constructed in which a young leaf was used for only one food item, and old leaves for all others. Young leaves were defined here as those immediately adjacent to the growing meris- tem of branch termini, and old leaves as the most basal on the same shoots. Several such tests were carried out on larvae of amatrix , cara, and parta, with a different food item being “young” in each arena. Young leaves were greatly preferred over old leaves (Table 3), in accord with the findings of most other published studies on the influence of leaf age on caterpillar feeding (e.g., Schweitzer, 1979). Leaf age nearly completely overrides the usual foodplant preferences in each of these three Catocala species (cf. Figure 2; note especially the shifting between the two Salicaceae genera, Populus and Salix). Moreover, when pre- sented with only old leaves in arenas, mid instar larvae of all three Catocala either consumed vastly lower amounts of food, or rejected the choice items entirely. SLEEVE REAEINGS: SURVIVAL 1. J UGLANDACEAE-FEEDING CATOCALA Field rearing experiments were conducted with 1 1 of the 19 Juglandaceae feeders whose preferences were assayed in arenas: angusi , epione , Table 3. Arena preference tests for young versus old leaves, with Salicaceae- feeding Catocala. Values in table are percents of food eaten. In each arena, leaves of only one food item were young, all others old (as defined in text). N = total number of arenas. Young leaves are preferred over old leaves, and leaf age overrides the usual foodplant preferences of each Catocala species (cf. Figure 2). Species n Young Leaves: Populus deltoides Populus italica Populus tremuloides Salix nigra amatrix 2 Populus deltoides 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 Populus italica 0.04 0.94 0.01 0.01 1 Populus tremuloides 0.14 0.10 0.75 0.01 1 Salix nigra 0.27 0.53 0.02 0.18 cara 2 Populus deltoides 0.92 0.01 0.00 0.07 3 Populus italica 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.11 1 Populus tremuloides 0.00 0.01 0.97 0.02 3 Salix nigra 0.00 0.03 0.16 0.81 parta 1 Populus deltoides 0.97 0.02 0.00 0.01 1 Populus italica 0.04 0.73 0.21 0.02 1 Salix nigra 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.89 186 J. Res. Lepid. habilis, lacrymosa , neogama, obscura, palaeogama, piatrix, residua , retecta, and vidua. The numbers of different broods involved in these rearings were 1,2, 1,1, 2, 2, 3, 1,3, 2, and 1, respectively. Two additional sleeve experiments (broods habilis A79 and retecta A79) were halted early in 1980 due to defoliation of the study sites by gypsy moth larvae. Censuses were taken both early and late in the season for several sleeve tests, affording insights into changes in survival and growth rates as a function of time spent on particular foodplants. Among the two Juglans feeders , piatrix survived equally as well in the field on Juglans as on Cary a (Table 4). Two attempts were made at rearing neogama brood B79 on C. ovata and Juglans nigra : experiment B 79 1 was started with third instars that had previously been fed J uglans nigra, while B792 was started with previously unfed first instars. Larvae in each of these experiments refused to eat C. ovata, and died within several days ; over half the larvae on J. nigra in each corresponding sleeve pupated successfully (Sargent, 1982, found ca. 50 percent survival of Massachusetts neogama on C. ovata in laboratory cage rearings). Larvae of neogama broods X80, A85 , and A86 also refused to eat Cary a cordiformis in the laboratory. Among the Cary a feeders tested, angusi, habilis, obscura, residua, retecta, and vidua survived best on C. ovata (Table 4). For each of these species, survival was generally next best on C. glabra’, however, in none was survival significantly higher on C. ovata than on the second ranked food. Larvae of angusi, obscura, and residua died on C. tomentosa (all deaths were in the first instar; note that these three species showed the strongest arena preferences for C. ovata). Survival was moderate on Juglans nigra for residua and vidua, and high for the other taxa. Survival was uniformly high on all plants early in retecta brood E81, but significant mortality occured between the two censuses on C. tomentosa and C. glabra (pc. 05 for each by G-tests). Of the remaining Carya feeders, epione survived equally well on all juglandaceous foodplants; C. ovata ranked first and fourth in each of the two broods, respectively. For palaeogama, survival was highest on C. ovata only in brood E80. Survival on C. glabra ranked variously, with larvae surviving poorly on it in brood A80, but well in E80. Broods A80 and E80 fared poorly on C. tomentosa, but brood B81 survived best on this plant. Brood palaeogama A79 (not shown in Table 4; 25 larvae started per sleeve) was the only 1980 sleeve experiment in which all larvae pupated prior to heavy gypsy moth defoliation. Survival in the A79 brood did not vary among C. ovata, C. glabra, and C. tomentosa (0.52, 0.72, and 0.48, respectively; p>.15 by G-test). An intensive effort was made to force larvae of palaeogama broods A80 and E80 on Carya cordiformis and Quercus ilicifolia. These rearings were done in the laboratory, under much more favorable conditions for growth than in the field. All 25 larvae started from each brood refused to feed on C. cordiformis, and died in the first instar. Of the 25 brood A80 29(3):173-194, 1990(91) 187 larvae started on Q. ilicifolia, 24 died in the first instar; a single palaeogama A80 larva grew sluggishly on this oak through the first two instars, only to die while molting into the third instar. Because the life histories of subnata and nebulosa were unknown prior to this work, all their broods were reared primarily in the laboratory on the preferred foodplant, Cary a cordiformis , to obtain maximal series of preserved immatures for later taxonomic work. This left few larvae with which to attempt no-choice rearings, and I opted to place a few larvae of subnata in the field on foodplants other than C. cordiformis. No subnata brood B80 larvae survived past the first instar in sleeves on Cary a ovata , whereas 6 pupated successfully on J. nigra but gave malformed adults (15 larvae started per sleeve). Of 10 brood A80 larvae started on J uglans cinerea , only 5 survived through the first instar, and all died by the fourth (implicit in the discussions here, of course, since there were no C. cordiformis sleevings, is that this plant would have best supported larval development of subnata in the field, as it does in the lab). 2. Other Catocala groups The biology of the Juglandaceae feeders was emphasized for this larval research, and hence comparable sleeve rearings for Catocala species in other foodplant groups have yet to be conducted. Two broods were started in 1981 with the oak-feeding ilia , but no larvae of either brood survived beyond the third instar on any of the Quercus foodplants. I suspect that these rearings were initiated too late in the season (8 May 1981), and that the leaf physiologies had already become unsuitable for the larvae (egg hatch of this species in New Haven County is typically during the last few days of April, and 1981 was an early spring). In 1983, I confined larvae of parta brood A82 and relicta brood A82 in the laboratory on several of their salicaceous foodplants. There were signifi- cant differences in mortality among foodplants during the first instar (Table 5; census at second instar). The patterns resembled the respective first instar arena preferences (cf. Figure 2), each species surviving best on Populus deltoides. SLEEVE REARINGS: DEVELOPMENT RATES There was a quite close correspondence between survival and growth rate in the no-choice rearing studies. Among the Cary a feeders, growth was most rapid on C. ovata in all broods except for palaeogama B81, and significantly so in most (Table 4; growth in palaeogama B81 was fastest on C. glabra). Growth in palaeogama A79 (not shown in Table 4) was significantly faster on C. tomentosa and C. ovata compared to C. glabra (median pupation dates of 4, 6, and 11 July 1980, respectively; pc. 05 for difference of glabra against each other hickory, Mann-Whitney U-tests). Growth was also most rapid on C. ovata in the two 1980 rearing experiments that were halted due to gypsy moth defoliation ( habilis A79, retecta A79). Of 25 retecta A79 larvae, all 20 survivors on C. ovata had 188 J. Res. Lepid. pupated prior to 15 July, whereas only two of those on C. glabra and none on C. tomentosa had done so. Five of 25 habilis A79 larvae had pupated by this date; no larvae on C. glabra or C. tomentosa had yet done so, and these were all at least one full instar behind the larvae on C. ovata. The length of the larval period was shortest for epione (ca. 25-40 days), longest for angusi, habilis , and obscura (each ca. 50-75 days), and intermediate for the others (ca. 30-60 days). The egg of epione (and hence its first instar larva) is considerably larger than those of the other Cary a feeders treated here, and epione larvae also pass through only 5 instars compared to 6-7 instars in the other species. These factors account for the rapid development in epione (timing of egg hatch for all Cary a feeders in southern Connecticut is the same; Schweitzer, 1982, and in preparation). Larvae of angusi , habilis , and obscura simply grow more slowly than the other species. Lastly, among the Juglans- feeding species, growth was faster on Juglans nigra than on J. cinerea for neogama X80 (Table 4). This was also the case for piatrix , in which growth was much slower still on Cary a. Summary GENERAL TRENDS IN FOODPLANT SPECIFICITY A principal finding here is that Catocala larval foodplant preferences appear to be absolute along foodplant family lines. In choice situations (arenas), larvae of 14 species of Juglandaceae, Salicaceae, and Fagaceae feeders accurately discriminate against foods foreign to their own foodplant array. In no-choice situations (sleeve and laboratory rearings), these same Catocala larvae die if confined on foodplants from plant families other than their own. Limitations to larval foodplant acceptability also exist within each foodplant family examined, but the crispness of such infra-familial foodplant preferences is variable. Hence, preferences are least circum- scribed for Fagaceae (two subgenera of Quercus tested), moderately so for Salicaceae (two genera tested), and sharply delimited for Juglandaceae (two genera, and two sections of Carya tested). Age-specific influences on foodplant preferences were noted for both the larvae and their foodplants. For 9 of 10 Catocala species studied, larval foodplant preferences broadened from the first instar to the third/ fourth; and for Populus , Salix , Carya , and Juglans foodplants, young leaves were preferred to mature leaves. SPECIFICITY AMONG JUGLANDACEAOUS FOODPLANTS The taxonomic divisions within Juglandaceae (. Juglans , the two sec- tions of Carya) define boundaries to foodplant acceptability for the 19 Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala studied here. Two species prefer Juglans C neogama , piatrix); two prefer section §Apocarya of Carya ( nebulosa , subnata ); and the remaining 15 prefer section §Eucarya of Carya ( angusi , dejecta , epione, flebilis, habilis , insolabilis, Judith, lacrymosa, luctuosa, obscura, palaeogama, residua, retecta, ulalume, vidua). 29(3):173-194, 1990(91) 189 The capacity of larvae to cross these foodplant boundaries clearly differs. The ability to feed largely successfully on Juglans, for example, is shared by all 19 species examined. Among the two Juglans feeders, larvae of piatrix feed successfully on Cary a, but those of neogama do not; among the Cary a section §Apocarya feeders, larvae of both nebulosa and subnata are unable to feed on Cary a section §Eucarya, and feed poorly at best on Juglans; and no Cary a section §Eucarya feeder could feed successfully on Cary a section §Apocarya. Hence, a foodplant shift from either section of Cary a to Juglans appears easier than the converse. A shift from Carya section §Eucarya to Carya section §Apocarya seems at least as difficult as a shift from Juglans to Carya. Of interest in this context is foodplant use (my unpublished rearing and field data) by the remaining 7 Nearctic Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala not treated in detail above: agrippina Strecker, atocala Brou, consors Smith, maestosa Hulst, robinsoni Grote, sappho Strecker, and serena Edwards. Throughout their ranges, each of consors, robinsoni, serena, and sappho have been reliably recorded only on Carya, with robinsoni and serena being limited to C. ouata. In the southcentral and southeast- ern USA, maestosa feeds primarily on Carya illinoiensis and C. aquatica (Mich.) Nutt, (both of Carya section §Apocarya); in southern New Jersey, near this moth’s northeastern geographic limit, both Juglans and (planted) Carya illinoiensis are used as foods. Larvae of agrippina use C. aquatica, and rarely C. illinoiensis. Foodplant use by the recently described atocala (a sibling of agrippina) remains unreported, but C. aquatica, C. illinoiensis, and C. myristiciformis (Michx.) Nutt, (of Carya section §Apocarya) are the only juglandaceous plants present where the moth flies in Arkansas and Tennessee, and atocala will doubtless prove to use one of these. Hence, only 6 of the 25 Nearctic Juglandacae-feeding Catocala prefer foodplants other than Carya (7 of 26 if one includes atocala). The remaining 19 prefer Carya , and each of these feeds heavily on shagbark hickory, C. ovata, usually preferring it over other Carya. A subgroup of 7 of these 19 species — angusi, habilis, Judith, obscura, residua, robinsoni, serena — is intimately associated with the biology of C. ovata. Their larvae show the strongest arena preferences for C. ovata , and fare the worst of all 19 Carya feeders on plants other than C. ovata in no-choice sleeve rearings. Foodplant preference also probably broadens least in this array of C. ovata specialist species as larvae mature (u=0, nl=4, n2=3, p=0.05 by 1-tailed Wilcoxon test on data in Table 4). Acknowledgements. I thank Richard Harrison, David Hawks, Charles Remington, James Rodman, Dale Schweitzer, and Bruce Tiffney for many helpful discussions about Catocala, and John Hartigan for statistical advice. Dale Schweitzer and David Furth helped with foodplant and sleeving experiments, and the rearing of innumerable larvae. Financial assistance was provided by the George D. Harris Foundation, the E. Tappan Stannard Fund, a Sigma Xi RESA grant, and a Yale University Prize Teaching Fellowship. This paper was drawn from a dissertation submitted to Yale University in partial fulfillment for the degree of Ph.D. 190 J. Res. Lepid. Table 4. No-choice field rearing results with duglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae. Developmer tal stage abbreviations: PU = pupa; PP = prepupa; LJ2 - late ultimate instar; U1 = earl ultimate instar; P2 = late penultimate instar; PI = early penultimate instar; A2 = lat antepenultimate instar; A1 = early antepenultimate instar; E2 = late ante-antepenultimat instar; El = early ante-antepenultimate instar. Growth rates among sleeves analyze by Kruskal-Wallis tests, survival among sleeves by G-tests (sleeves having same “Group letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level). Developmental Stage at Census Growth Rate Survival Species-brood Foodplant El E2 A1 A2 PI P2 U1 U2 PP PU Rank Group N % ' Grou Carya glabra 1 3 7 9 7 0 0 0 0 0 3 b,c 27/50 0.54 b angusi- A86 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 11 10 0 0 0 0 1 a 21/25 0.84 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 c 4/25 0.16 c (late census) Carya cordiformis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/25 0.00 d Juglans nigra 0 0 2 2 11 1 0 0 0 0 2 a,b 16/25 0.64 a, Carya glabra 0 0 0 0 3 1 13 8 0 0 3 a 25/30 0.83 a epione- A81 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 0 0 1 a 12/15 0.80 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 2 a 13/15 0.86 a (late census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 11 3 0 0 0 0 4 b 14/15 0.93 a Carya glabra 0 0 2 4 4 6 0 0 0 0 3 a,b 16/20 0.80 a epione- A84 Carya ovata 0 0 0 1 2 7 0 0 0 0 1 a 10/10 1.00 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 a,b 8/10 0.80 a (early census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 b 8/10 0.80 a Carya glabra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 b 15/20 0.75 a epione- A84 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 1 a 10/10 1.00 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 2 a,b 8/10 0.80 a (late census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 3 b 7/10 0.70 a Carya glabra 0 0 6 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 c 16/20 0.80 a habilis- A84 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 1 a 6/10 0.60 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/10 0.00 b (late census) Carya cordiformis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/10 0.00 b Juglans nigra 0 0 0 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 b 7/10 0.70 a Carya glabra 0 0 5 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 14/15 0.93 a iacrymosa- A87 Carya ovata 0 0 0 5 5 3 1 0 0 0 1 a 14/15 0.93 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 2 7 1 0 0 0 0 2 a 10/15 0.67 a (early census) Carya cordiformis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/15 0.00 b Juglans nigra 0 0 1 3 7 1 0 0 0 0 3 a 12/15 0.80 a neogama-Bldl K^aiyci yiavi a Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/13 0.00 b Carya cordiformis (late census) Juglans cinerea Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 a 7/13 0.54 a Carya glabra neogama- B792 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/09 0.00 b Carya cordiformis (late census) Juglans cinerea Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 2 0 0 1 a 9/09 1.00 a 29(3):173-194, 1990(91) 191 Developmental Stage at Census Growth Rate Survival Species-brood Foodplant El E2 A1 A2 PI P2 U1 U2 pp PU Rank Group N % i Group Carya glabra neogama-X&O Carya ovata Carya cordiformis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/25 0.00 b (late census) Juglans cinerea 0 0 0 0 2 9 2 0 0 0 2 b 13/25 0.52 a Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 7 0 0 1 a 19/25 0.76 a Carya glabra 0 4 12 15 9 0 0 0 0 0 2 a 40/50 0.80 a obscura- A83 Carya ovata 0 0 9 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 a 21/25 0.84 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/25 0.00 c (early census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 4 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 b 13/25 0.52 b Carya glabra 0 0 0 4 12 9 13 2 0 0 3 b 40/50 0.80 a obscura- A83 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 12 0 0 1 a 20/25 0.80 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/25 0.00 c (late census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 0 0 0 2 b 13/25 0.52 b Carya glabra 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 b 4/30 0.13 b obscura-A83 Carya ovata 0 0 0 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 1 a 7/15 0.47 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/15 0.00 b (late census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra Carya glabra 0 0 0 2 3 3 7 0 0 0 3 a 15/50 0.30 b palaeogama- A80 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 2 '5 6 0 0 1 a 13/25 0.52 a,b Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 a 2/25 0.08 c (late census) Carya cordiformis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/25 0.00 c Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 4 0 0 2 a 14/25 0.56 a Carya glabra 0 0 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 b 10/22 0.45 a palaeogama- E80 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 1 a 7/11 0.64 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 b 4/11 0.36 a,b (late census) Carya cordiformis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/11 0.00 b Juglans nigra Carya glabra 0 1 10 18 15 2 0 0 0 0 1 a 46/50 0.92 a palaeogama- B81 Carya ovata 0 0 1 20 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 a 23/25 0.92 a Carya tomentosa 0 4 8 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 25/25 1.00 a (late census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 0 3 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 a 20/25 0.80 a Carya giabra 0 0 0 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 4 c 9/10 0.90 a piatrix- A82 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 6 0 0 3 b,c 8/10 0.80 a Carya cordiformis (early census) Juglans cinerea 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 2 a,b 8/10 0.80 a Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 1 a 8/10 0.80 a Carya glabra 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 c 8/10 0.80 a piatrix- A82 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 3 b 8/10 0.80 a Carya cordiformis (late census) Juglans cinerea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 2 2 a 8/10 0.80 a Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 1 a 7/10 0.70 a Carya glabra 0 0 0 3 21 2 0 0 0 0 2 b 26/40 0.65 a,b residua- A83 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 6 11 0 0 0 0 1 a 17/20 0.85 a Carya tomentosa 0 2 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 c 8/20 0.40 b (early census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 3 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 c 14/20 0.70 a,b 192 J. Res. Lepid . Developmental Stage at Census Growth Rate Survival Species-brood Foodplant El E2 A1 A2 PI P2 U1 U2 pp PU Rank Group N % ' Group Carya glabra 0 0 0 0 0 1 16 3 0 0 3 c 20/40 0.50 b residua-A83 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 11 0 1 a 16/20 0.80 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 d 8/20 0.40 b (late census) Carya cordiformis duglans nigra 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 0 0 2 b 14/20 0.70 a,b Carya glabra 0 2 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 b 12/30 0.40 a,b residua- B80 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 3 0 0 1 a 10/15 0.67 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/15 0.00 c (late census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 b 2/15 0.13 b,c Carya glabra 1 4 7 4 10 0 . 0 0 0 0 2 b 26/40 0.65 a residua- D80 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 11 0 0 1 a 17/20 0,85 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/20 0.00 b (late census) Carya cordiformis dugians nigra Carya glabra 0 1 11 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 a 27/40 0.67 a retecta- E81 Carya ovata 0 3 3 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 a 16/20 0.80 a Carya tomentosa 11 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 b 18/20 0.90 a (early census) Carya cordiformis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/20 0.00 b Juglans nigra 0 0 9 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 a 14/20 0.70 a Carya glabra 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 5 2 a 17/40 0.42 b retecta- E81 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 9 1 a 15/20 0.75 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 - 3 b 9/20 0.45 a,b (late census) Carya cordiformis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/20 0.00 c » Juglans nigra Carya glabra 0 0 0 1 11 3 0 0 0 0 3 a,b 15/20 0.75 a retecta- C84 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 1 a 8/10 0.80 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 2 a,b 7/10 0.70 a (late census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 0 0 2 6 1 0 0 0 0 4 b 9/10 0.90 a Carya glabra 0 1 10 ,12 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 b 24/30 0.80 a vidua- A82 Carya ovata 0 0 0 3 8 3 0 0 0 0 2 a 14/15 0.93 a Carya tomentosa 0 1 1 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 a,b 10/15 0.67 a,b (early census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 a 5/15 0.33 b Carya glabra 0 0 0 1 1 6 7 7 0 0 3 b 22/30 0.73 a vidua- A82 Carya ovata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 1 1 a 13/15 0.86 a Carya tomentosa 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 0 0 4 b 9/15 0.60 a,b (late census) Carya cordiformis Juglans nigra 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 2 b 5/15 0.33 b 29(3):173-194, 1990(91) 193 Table 5. No-choice laboratory rearing results with Salicaceae-feeding Catocaia larvae. Census taken at second instar, number of larvae per rearing container not equalized at start. Foodplants having same “Group” letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level (G-tests). Species-brood Survival Populus deltoides Populus grandidentata Populus italica Salix nigra pa/ta- A82 live 52 7 1 dead 13 14 12 Group a b b relicta- A82 live 22 7 13 0 dead 8 11 4 10 Group a b a c Literature Cited Barnes, W., and J. McDunnough. 1918. Illustrations of the North American species of the genus Catocaia. - Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 3: 1-47. Forbes, W.T.M. 1954. Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. III. Noctuidae. - Mem. Cornell Univ. Agric. Expt. Sta. 329: 1-433. Gall, L.F. 1987. Leaflet position influences caterpillar feeding and development. - Oikos 49: 172-176. . 1991a. Evolutionary ecology of sympatric Catocaia moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). II. Sampling for wild larvae on their foodplants. - J. Res. Lepid., 29: 195-216. — . 1991b. Evolutionary ecology of sympatric Catocaia moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). III. Experiments on female opposition preference. - J. Res. Lepid., 29: 217-233. Gall, L.F., and D.C. Hawks. 1990. Systematics of Catocaia moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). I. Type material in the Strecker collection, with lectotype designations. - Fieldiana (Zoology n.s.) 59: 1-16. Hampson, G.F. 1913. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum. Vol. 12 (Noctuidae). - British Museum, London. 626 pp. Sargent, T.D. 1976. Legion of Night: the Underwing Moths. -Univ. Mass. Press, Amherst. 222 pp. . 1977. Studies on the Catocaia (Noctuidae) of southern New England. V. The records of Sidney A. Hessel from Washington, Connecticut, 1961-1973. - J. Lepid. Soc. 31: 1-16. . 1982. Studies on the Catocaia (Noctuidae) of southern New England. VI. The “pairing" of Catocaia neogama and Catocaia retecta. - J. Lepid. Soc. 36: 42-53. SAS Institute Inc. 1985a. SAS User’s Guide: Basics, Version 5 Edition. - SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina. 1290 pp. . 1985b. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics, Version 5 Edition. - SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina. 956 pp. 194 J. Res. Lepid. Schlenoff, D.H. 1985. The startle responses of blue jays to Catocala (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) prey models. - Anim. Behavior 33: 1057-1067. Schweitzer, D.F. 1979. Effects of foliage age on body weight and survival in larvae of the trip Lithophanini (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). - Oikos 32: 403-408. . 1982. Field observations of foodplant overlap among sympatric Catocala feeding on Juglandaceae. - J. Lepid. Soc. 36: 256-263. . 1987. Catocala p retiosa, the precious underwing moth: results of a global status survey, with a recommendation for retention in category 2. - Status Survey Report to the US Fish & Wildlife Service, (Newton Corner, MA). 24 pp. Sokal, R.R., and F.J. Rohlf. 1982. Biometry (2nd Ed.). - Freeman, San Francisco. 859 pp. Wojtusiak, J. 1979. Studies on locomotor activity during the post-embryonic development of Lepidoptera. - Folia Biol. 27: 305-342. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(3):195-216, 1990(91) Evolutionary Ecology of Sympatric Catocala Moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) II, Sampling for Wild Larvae on their Foodplants Lawrence F. Gall Entomology Division, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511 USA Abstract. Phenologies and foodplant use are documented for wild larvae of 13 species of Nearctic Catocala moths whose larvae feed on trees and shrubs in the plant families Juglandaceae, Fagaceae, and Myricaceae. Individual Catocala species restricted feeding to one foodplant family, with larvae of 4 species taken only on oaks ( Quercus ), 1 on sweet fern ( Comptonia ), and 8 on hickories ( Carya ) and walnuts ( Juglans ). Taxonomic divisions within Juglandaceae defined further boundaries to foodplant acceptability, with larvae of 2 species found on walnuts, and the other 6 on hickories. All Carya feeders preferred shagbark hickory, Carya ovata , with 3 of 6 being limited to it. Mature larvae were found on more kinds of foodplants than young larvae of the same species. Larval resting sites shifted from leaves to branches and bark as larvae matured. Different Catocala species had differing overall resting sites, with 3 of the 6 Carya feeders specializing in hiding under bark. Parasitism was lower in these 3 species compared to species that rest exposed on branches. Periodic competition for food between Catocala larvae and gypsy moth ( Lymantria dispar) larvae is shown to be intense. Introduction Although previous workers have generally assumed larval foodplant breadth to be limited among the Nearctic Catocala Schrank, little has been published other than ex ovis foodplant acceptance of reared larvae. Schweitzer (1982b) has presented some quantitative field data for larvae, documenting that seven Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala use shagbark hickory, Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch (of section §Eucarya DC. of Carya Nutt.), as a foodplant in southern New England (see also the larval collecting summaries by Rowley, 1909, and Rowley and Berry, 1910). Detailed knowledge of larval foodplant use by the Nearctic Juglandaceae feeders is most desirable, as these taxa have long been known to have synchronous larval and adult phenologies, and 20 or more species occur sympatrically at most locations in eastern North America (e.g., Sargent, 1970, 1977; Miller, 1977). This paper examines the foodplant-linked biologies of wild larvae of 13 Nearctic Catocala species that feed on trees and shrubs in the plant families Juglandaceae, Fagaceae, and Myricaceae. Treated herein are distributions of larvae on different foodplant species, spatial distribu- tions of larvae within individual foodplants, and temporal patterns in 196 J. Res. Lepid. larval abundance. This is the second of three articles examining the evolution of foodplant use in this speciose genus; the other articles cover experimental work on larval foodplant specificity (Gall, 1991a) and female oviposition biology (Gall, 1991b). Materials and Methods DESCRIPTION OF STUDY SITES The primary field study site for larval sampling was West Rock Park, an open- canopied xeric trap rock ridge in New Haven County, Connecticut, USA (see Gall, 1987, 1991a). West Rock is near the northern limit for many elements of more southerly biota and in addition contains the usual fauna and flora of southern New England broadleaf forests. The canopy is dominated by oak, hickory, and ash, with a sparse under story of rosaceous, ericaceous, and other shrubs. The juglandaceous tree fauna of West Rock is somewhat atypical for southern New England, in that shagbark hickory ( Carya ovata ) is not the overwhelmingly dominant member of this tree genus. Pignut hickory (C. glabra [Mill.] Sweet, of section §Eucarya) is nearly as abundant as Carya ovata, with mockernut hickory (C. tomentosa Nutt., of section §Eucarya) being less common. Additionally, many of the hickories on the ridgetop are small or medium-sized (5-25 cm dbh), whereas large (>25 cm dbh) hickories are usually encountered in most other New England habitats. On the top of West Rock ridge there are only scattered bitternut hickories ( Carya cordiformis [Wang.] K. Koch, of section §Apocarya DC.) and butternuts ( Juglans cinerea L.), and virtually no black walnuts ( Juglans nigra L.). I surveyed other Juglans trees (mostly >20 cm dbh) at the base of West Rock, in or near parks in the city of New Haven, and on the Yale campus at the Marsh Botanical Gardens. There are ten Quercus species on West Rock, five each in the white oak (. Lepidobalanus Endl.) and red oak ( Erythrobalanus Spach) subgenera, and a non-trivial minority of probable infra-subgeneric hybrids. Seven of these oaks can be found commonly on the ridgetop itself. Among Quercus (. Lepidobalanus ) these include: red oak, Quercus borealis Michx. ; scarlet oak, Q. coccinea Muench. ; scrub oak, Q. ilicifolia Wangenh.; and black oak, Q. velutina Lam. Among Quercus (. Erythrobalanus ) are: white oak, Q. alba L.; chestnut oak, Q. prinus L.; and post oak, Q. stellata Wangenh. An eighth red oak, dwarf chestnut oak (Q. prinoides Willd.), occurs sporadically on the ridge. Swamp white oak (Q. bicolor Willd.) and pin oak (Q. palustris Muench.) occur only at the base of West Rock. TECHNIQUES FOR SAMPLING LARVAE The procedure adopted here is known to lepidopterists as “beating” or “whip- ping,” and variations on the basic theme have long been employed by arthropod workers. First, a close visual inspection of a tree is made for larvae. With trees under 5-10 cm dbh, it is often possible to gently bend the trunk and upper branches down, and thereby inspect the entire canopy. After larvae are removed from reachable branches, a collecting sheet is spread under the tree, and the remaining larvae dislodged from their resting positions by hitting the trunk. F or this I used sharp blows with a softball bat, with 1-2 full size bedsheets to catch falling larvae. While beating might at first seem somewhat inelegant, it is nevertheless a robust and easily implementable quantitative technique. There are a number of 29(3):195-216, 1990(91) 197 sampling biases to be considered, the four principal ones relevant to juglandaceous foodplants being described here, with others treated in the Results as they pertain to particular questions. First, by beating one cannot effectively sample the larval faunas of trees much greater than 10-15 cm dbh. This does not greatly affect conclusions in the present study, since the majority of juglandaceous trees on or near West Rock are small and beatable (being young, or occasionally slightly stunted). I did sample larvae from all the large trees which I could both climb and easily reach and beat the principal branches. Second, the effective sampling radius for any given tree is the width of the collecting sheet. To the extent that this bias is operant for all trees sampled, it would not be expected to alter qualitatively comparisons among foodplant species, assuming tree size class distributions to be largely concordant (cf. Section 1. under Results for Juglandaceae feeders). One expects to sample a somewhat lower percentage of the total fauna of larger trees, since the canopy diameter increases but the collecting surface remains constant. Third, beating the trunk might not jar a tree enough to dislodge all larvae on branches and leaves. I investigated this possibility often, by first noting the resting locations of Catocala and other lepidopteran larvae on hickories (but not removing them), and then beating the trees. The majority (ca. 50-100 percent) of larvae so located usually landed on the collecting sheet, and reinvestigation of the tree showed that the others were no longer at their prior resting sites. These doubtless missed the sheet. Even when a tree was hit lightly, this usually proved sufficient to induce Catocala larvae to shift their resting positions and/or move rapidly along a petiole or branch, and moving larvae are quite readily dislodged. When sampling, I would therefore hit a tree several times in rapid succession, wait some 5-15 seconds, and then beat again to dislodge remaining larvae. Fourth, related to point three, most Cary a ovata (even some young trees) have long strips of exfoliating bark (“shags”) under which larvae can hide and wedge themselves, and it is doubtful that beating dislodges a large proportion of larvae hiding there. Sampling all the shags on a particular tree is impractical, since shags are numerous and often occur to nearly the full height of the tree. Moreover, to search shags thoroughly requires that they be removed or bent substantially, a process injurious to the cambium. Thus, I made a practice of searching under 5-10 shags on suitable trees, after checking the leaves and branches, but before beating. LARVAL PARAMETERS For each Catocala larva collected in the field, I recorded the sampling date, the species, and foodplant on which it was found. For larvae located by sight, I recorded the resting position using the following categories: terminal leaflet, lateral leaflet, basal leaflet, branch/trunk, or under shags. For most larvae I was also able to record larval instar, which was indexed using a combination of head capsule width, body size, and the instar- specific morphological patterns of larvae of different Catocala species. Many wild-collected larvae were subsequently brought back to the lab, where they were reared to maturity to obtain parasitoids, and/or to verify species identity in a few problematic cases. Wilson (1975) has documented the effects of parasitoids on larval growth in Catocala antinympha Hubner, a Myricaceae feeder. Parasitized larvae of all instars had smaller head capsules and smaller body sizes than their unparasitized 198 J. Res. Lepid. counterparts. This can potentially confound determination of instar using these two parameters, and is why my prior rearing experience with Catocala — especially knowledge of the instar-specific morphologies of the larvae — was essential to proper analysis. For statistical tests I was conservative, using only two larval age classes to minimize the parasitoid problem: these were mature (ultimate, penultimate, or antepenultimate instar) and young (all earlier in- stars). I note here that excluding larvae that proved to be parasitized from the total larval sample alters none of the statistics presented in the Results. TREE PARAMETERS For each tree, I recorded its species identity, and for most I also determined size and location. I estimated size by dbh, with size classes as follows: small, less than 10 cm; medium, 10-20 cm; or large, >20 cm. The top of West Rock ridge is a narrow plateau, with steep flanking southwestern and northeastern slopes. Two hiking trails run the length of much of the ridge in the vicinity of my study sites, one each on either side of the central plateau. Thus, I defined tree location as either west slope, east slope, or middle slope, with the trails as boundary lines. All statistical tests of larval patterns used the appropriate observed tree distributions, as necessary, when calculating expected larval frequencies. The same underlying tree distributions were used for both young and mature larval age classes when this factor was tested, since I adjusted sampling effort weekly during each season so that proportions of the three Carya sampled daily remained similar (p>.25 for each year by G- tests, data pooled into four-day intervals). Other statistical testing followed Gall (1991a). Table 1. Distributions of juglandaeeous foodplants sampled in Connecticut for Catocala larvae, as a function of year, location, and tree size. Foodplant 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Total Carya glabra 17 25 20 25 20 19 38 9 173 Carya ovata 30 63 17 45 40 31 56 11 293 Carya tomentosa 17 16 8 12 7 7 6 2 75 Carya cordiformis 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 2 8 Juglans cinerea 3 3 2 5 3 4 2 3 25 Juglans nigra 15 10 7 11 6 9 8 9 75 Total 82 117 54 101 76 71 112 36 649 Site Tree size Foodplant East Middle West Large Medium Small Carya glabra 24 58 52 20 74 66 Carya ovata 29 95 110 28 87 154 Carya tomentosa 2 20 19 6 19 39 20(3):195-216s 1990(91) 199 Results JUGLANDAGEAE-FEEDING CATOCALA 1. Tree distributions From 1980-1987 I sampled a total of 649 hickories and walnuts for larvae. Of these, 100 were Juglans , 541 were Carya of section §Eucarya, and 8 were Carya cordiformis of section §Apocarya (Table 1). Many of the same individual trees were sampled in successive years. No individual Carya was sampled twice in any given year, though individual Juglans often were after 1982. 1 treat these repeat Juglans trees as independent observations, -since larvae were removed each occasion (see Section 2. below for statistical discussion). I sampled more Carya from the western slope than either the middle or, especially, the eastern slopes. There were no differences in the frequencies of the three Carya sampled as a function of slope and date (p>.50 by G-tests, data pooled across all years). For C. ovata and C. glabra there were highly significant differences in sampling location as a function of year, whereas for C. tomentosa there was not (pc.Ol, pc. 01 and p>.50, respectively, by G-tests). This reflects a real biological difference in the microhabitat distribution of C. tomentosa (much more common on the west slope than the middle or east slopes) compared to C. ovata and C. glabra. The significances for C. ovata and C. glabra can be traced to the fact that I did not collect on the east slope in 1983 and 1987. I adjusted sampling effort to maintain comparable tree size class distributions among Carya , and hence tree size as a function of tree species proved to be the same both within and among years (p>. 10 in each case by G-tests). Despite these adjustments, the overall frequencies of the three Carya foodplants proved marginally heterogeneous as a func- tion of year (G=23.88, df=14, pc. 05). This was due to a preponderance of Carya tomentosa sampled during the first year of the study (G= 15.64, df=12, p>.15, omitting 1980). Tree size also proved marginally heteroge- neous among Carya (G= 13.496, df=6, pc. 05), with this being traceable to an excess of medium-sized Carya glabra (G 1.711, df=4, p>.50, without it). For each Carya , tree size also proved constant as a function of sampling site (p>.25 by G-tests for each species). These heterogeneities in tree sampling have minimal influence on later conclusions about larval foodplant use, with the possible exception of epione. In specific: first, regarding the site by year heterogeneity for C. ovata and C. glabra , few Catocala larvae were collected anywhere during 1983 and 1987 (9 percent of the total Carya larva sample; 16 percent of epione , and 3 percent of all other taxa combined). Second, regarding the 1980 oversampling of Carya tomentosa , only epione used this foodplant to any significant extent, and sampling in 1980 was late in the season, after most epione larvae had pupated. 200 J. Res. Lepid. Table 2. Distributions of wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae: above, by Catocala species by year; below, by foodplant species by year. Species 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Total epione 8 115 3 17 1 5 19 11 179 hahilis 4 25 3 1 0 4 0 0 37 judith 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 neogama 23 8 11 0 0 0 0 7 49 palaeogama 20 42 7 3 3 11 7 3 96 piatrix 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 4 residua 11 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 19 retecta 28 35 17 5 6 12 23 1 127 Total 95 234 45 28 10 33 50 22 517 Foodplant 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Total Carya ovata 49 180 23 23 6 28 40 12 361 Carya glabra 17 20 6 3 0 3 7 3 59 Carya tomentosa 5 26 3 1 4 2 2 0 43 Juglans cinerea 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 12 Juglans nigra 21 4 9 1 0 0 1 6 42 Total 95 234 45 28 10 33 50 22 517 Table 3. Distributions of wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae, as a function of foodplant species. P = significance level for preference of favored* foodplant genus versus all other juglandaceous foods (G-tests or exact multinomial probabilities). Species Carya ovata Carya Carya Juglans Juglans glabra tomentosa cinerea nigra Total Favored Foodplant p epione 128 21 30 0 0 179 Carya <.01 habilis 37 0 0 0 0 37 Carya <.01 judith 6 0 0 0 0 6 Carya .67 palaeogama 68 22 6 0 0 96 Carya <.01 residua 17 2 0 0 0 19 Carya .06 retecta 105 14 7 0 1 127 Carya <.01 neogama 0 0 0 11 38 49 Juglans <.01 piatrix 0 0 0 1 3 4 Juglans <.01 Total 361 59 43 12 42 517 29(3):195-216, 1990(91) 201 2. Larval preferences among foodplant genera I collected 517 Catocala larvae from the 649 hickories and walnuts (Tables 2-3). A total of 464 were larvae of epione Drury, habilis Grote, judith Strecker, palaeogama Guenee, residua Strecker, and retecta Grote; the other 53 were neogama Smith and piatrix Grote. I did not find larvae of either obscura Strecker or subnata Grote. All neogama and piatrix larvae were found on Juglans , and 463 of 464 larvae of the remaining six species were on Carya (Table 3). The single Carya- to- Juglans crossover was an antepenultimate retecta larva, found on 31 May 1980 on Juglans nigra in a New Haven park. Repeat sampling of Juglans trees from 1982 through 1987 biases the foodplant-genus level statistical tests in Table 3. The preferences of neogama and piatrix for Juglans are substantially underestimated by this repeat sampling bias, and, accordingly, the preferences of the other Catocala species for Carya are slightly overestimated. For epione , habilis , palaeogama , and retecta , the bias does not affect the biological conclusion — that is, restriction to Carya — drawn from the Table 3 statistical tests, since the preferences of these four Catocala for Carya remain significant if only the 1980 and 1981 larval samples are consid- ered (the years in which no repeat sampling of Juglans was done; pc. 01 for each species by G-tests). However, for residua , whose larval samples were small, the test for Carya preference is p=0. 1 12 for the 1980 and 198 1 seasons. Note that Schweitzer (1982a, p. 258) searched a total of 6 Juglans and 10 Carya in Connecticut in 1979-1980, using comparable sampling methods, and captured 5 residua on C. ovata. Inclusion of his additional trees and larvae with the 1980-1981 data from Table 3 gives p=0.031 for preference of Carya by residua. 3. Larval preferences within foodplant genera Table 4 shows the foodplant distributions of the six Carya -feeding Catocala species as a function of larval age. Different species had different preferences among the Carya foodplants (G=46.07, df=10, pc. 01), although all preferred C. ovata, and foodplant use broadened in each species as the larvae matured (G=7.31, df=2, pc. 05). The repeat sampling of Juglans effectively precludes a precise analysis of preference among Juglans for neogama and piatrix, but neither of these Catocala seemed to discriminate sharply between J. nigra and J. cinerea (p>.50 for each by G-tests, treating the repeats as independent). None of the Carya or Juglans feeders showed differences in foodplant preference within their foodplant genus as a function of year (p>.25 in each case by G-tests, controlling for instar, foodplant, and year). Young larvae of epione , habilis, palaeogama, and retecta were all found disproportionately on C. ovata (pc. 01 for each, G-tests). Mature larvae of habilis, residua, and retecta also strongly preferred C. ovata (pc. 01 for each, G-tests). Mature larvae of epione remained primarily on C. ovata, but not as faithfully (G=8.33, df=2, pc. 05), and mature larvae of 202 J. Res. Lepid. Table 4. Distributions of wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae, as a function of larval age and foodplant species. Mature larvae are found on more kinds of foodplants than are young larvae of the same Catocala species. See text for elaboration and statistical analyses. Species Carya Larval Age Carya ovata Carya glabra tomentosa epione Young 65 3 16 Mature 63 18 14 habilis Young 9 0 0 Mature 28 0 0 judith Young 1 0 0 Mature 5 0 0 palaeogama Young 23 5 0 Mature 45 17 6 residua Young 2 0 0 Mature 15 2 0 retecta Young 25 3 1 Mature 80 11 6 palaeogama were found nearly equally on the three Carya species (G=4.20, df=2, p>.15). Young Judith and residua larvae were not analyzed due to small sample sizes, but it seems clear from other field data (Gall, 1991b) and their mature larval profiles that these two Catocala , like habilis, are restricted to C. ovata throughout their larval cycle. Larvae of epione were found overwhelmingly on small C. ovata (G= 14.59, df=l, pc. 01) and small C. tomentosa trees (G=14.01, df=l, pc. 01; test is large trees against all others). Larvae of the other five Carya-feeding Catocala were more often found on large C. ovata trees (pc. 05 for each species, similarly), the trend being most pronounced for habilis Judith, and residua. 4. Larval phenologies Figure 1 shows larval instar plotted as a function of sampling date, for each of the Catocala species collected. For epione , habilis, palaeogama, residua, and retecta, larval instar increased smoothly as the season progressed (pc. 05 by ANOVA for each species, for difference in instar as function of date; instar means shown in Table 5). Instars of neogama did not increase with sampling date (p>.25 by ANOVA), reflecting its greatly staggered egg hatch in comparison to the synchronous egg hatch of the aforementioned five Carya feeders. The Juglans- feeding piatrix has 29(3):195-216, 1990(91) 203 20 iudith 10 Figure 1 . Phenologies of wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae. Black squares = ultimate instars; stippled squares = penultimate instars; hatched squares = antepenultimate instars; white squares = earlier instars. Collection data pooled for 1980 through 1987. 204 J. Res. Lepid. Table 5. Mean collection dates for wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocaia larvae, by larval instar. Data from 1 980 through 1 987 pooled, dates begin at 1 May (32 = 1 June, 62 = 1 July), instar means increase smoothly for Garya-feeding species, reflecting synchronous egg hatch; no comparable smooth increase for Juglans- feeding species due to asynchronous egg hatch. Species Larval Instar Younger Antepenultimate Penultimate Ultimate Total epione 10.6 18.3 24.9 26.8 176 habilis 28.6 33.9 47.4 56.0 37 Judith 30.0 29.0 34.0 41.0 6 palaeogama 17.6 27.8 31.3 35.9 89 residua 29.0 29.4 29.0 33.7 16 retecta 21.8 30.8 37.1 39.4 126 neogama 45.3 47.0 44.8 38.3 34 piatrix 42.0 43.3 4 greatly staggered egg hatch, and the Cary a -feeding Judith has synchro- nous egg hatch, but the phenologies of these two Catocaia were not tested due to small sample sizes. The 1982 and 1984 larval seasons proved to be significantly later than all other years (pc. 05 by ANOVA, controlling for instar and Catocaia species). The 1981 season was earliest, followed quite closely by 1985, 1987, and 1980, with 1983 and 1986 being intermediate; but neither of these trends was statistically significant. Among the Carya- -feeding species, larvae of epione were found consid- erably earlier than larvae of the other tax: a, and larvae of habilis later (pc. 01 by ANOVA; Mann- Whitney tests used for comparisons involving Judith). Larvae of palaeogama were slightly earlier than those of retecta (pc. 05, similarly), and larvae of the remaining species closely overlapped each other in time (p>.25 similarly for each comparison). The timing of egg hatch is the same for these six Carya' -feeding Catocaia ; hence, the earlier phenology of epione can be linked to its larger egg (and more robust first instar larva), and 5 larval instars compared to 6-7 in the other taxa. Larvae of habilis simply develop less rapidly than all the others (cf. Gall, 1991a). For epione, palaeogama, and retecta , whose larvae were found occasion- ally on foodplants other than C. ovaia , there were no significant differ- ences in larval collection date as a function of foodplant species (p>.15 by ANOVA for each). For epione , a tree by instar interaction (pc. 05 by AN OVA) was due to progressively lower collection date means for mature larvae on C. ovata compared to C. tomentosa as the season advanced. This probably reflects an accelerated growth rate on C. ovata in older epione larvae, a pattern also seen in this species’ no-choice rearing experiments (Table 4 in Gall, 1991a). 29(3):195-216, 1990(91) 205 5. Larval densities on foodplants The mean numbers of larvae collected from each tree species are presented in Table 6. Adult Catocala were extremely scarce from 1982 through 1984 in southern Connecticut (trap records of myself and D. Schweitzer), and Table 6 reflects this adult scarcity as a 10-fold decline in larval abundance from 1980 through 1984, especially when epione is removed (there was a bias against collecting epione in 1980, a year in which sampling was disproportionately late in the season). The order of magnitude decline in abundance is highly significant for each foodplant species in Table 6 (pc. 01 by G-tests, trees split each year into two classes: having no larvae, having one or more larva). Table 7 shows plots of the number of larvae collected per individual foodplants, by year and Catocala species. The variance to mean ratio, an index of contagion, is greater than one for each of these 14 plots, indicating that larvae were not distributed randomly among individual trees. Stated another way, fewer trees than expected had only one larva, and more than expected had no larvae. This makes good biological sense, since the Carya-feeding Catocala lay varying sized clumps of eggs when ovipositing. The plots also become less contagious as larvae mature (t=0, n=6, pc. 05, Wilcoxon test; using those taxa having calculable young and Table 6. Mean numbers of wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae sampled per tree, as a function of foodplant species. Above, all Catocala species included; below, excluding epione. Larval densities are always highest on C. ovata. Note 10-fold decrease in densities on all foodplants from 1980 through 1984. Larvae Per Foodplant Tree All Catocala : 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Juglans 1.33 0.62 1.44 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.58 Carya 1.11 2.17 0.71 0.33 0.15 0.58 0.49 0.68 C. glabra 1.00 0.80 0.30 0.12 0.00 0.16 0.18 0.33 C. ovata 1.63 2.86 1.35 0.51 0.15 0.90 0.71 1.09 C. tomentosa 0.29 1.63 0.38 0.08 0.57 0.29 0.33 0.00 Without epione: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Juglans 1.33 0.62 1.44 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.58 Carya 0.98 1.07 0.64 0.12 0.13 0.49 0.30 0.18 C. glabra 0.94 0.32 0.25 0.08 0.00 0.16 0.05 0.22 C. ovata 1.50 1.57 1.24 0.18 0.13 0.81 0.50 0.18 C. tomentosa 0.12 0.25 0.38 0.00 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 206 J. Res. LepicL. Table 7. Numbers of wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae sampled per individual foodplant tree, by year, Catocala species, foodplant species, and larval age. Distributions having a plus exclude data from large trees and Catocala epione. Variance to mean ratios for all distributions are greater than 1 .0, indicating clumping of larvae on foodplants; asterisks show significant clumping i.e., departure from Poisson (0.05 level, G-tests or exact multinomial probabilities). Larval Number of Larvae Totals Larvae/Tree Species Age Year Foodplant 0 1 2 3 4 >4 Trees Larvae Mean Var/ Mean epione young 1981 Cary a ovata 13 2 1 0 1 3 20 40 2.00 9.05* epione mature 1981 Carya ovata 17 8 2 1 0 3 31 30 0.97 2.44* epione young 1981 Carya tomentosa 5 1 0 1 0 2 9 14 1.56 3.07* epione mature 1981 Carya tomentosa 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 6 1.50 2.00 epione young 1983 Carya ovata 11 0 0 1 2 0 14 11 0.79 4.02* epione young 1986 Carya ovata 16 0 0 0 0 1 17 5 0.29 5.01 * epione mature 1986 Carya ovata 34 4 0 1 0 0 39 7 0.18 1.72 habilis young 1981 Carya ovata 34 1 2 0 0 0 37 5 0.14 1.71 habilis mature 1981 Carya ovata 8 3 2 1 0 0 14 10 0.71 1.39 palaeogama mature 1980 Carya ovata 21 4 2 0 0 0 27 8 0.30 1.25 palaeogama young 1981 Carya ovata 28 4 4 1 0 0 37 15 0.41 1.57 palaeogama mature 1981 Carya ovata 7 4 2 1 0 0 14 11 0.79 1.37 palaeogama mature 1985 Carya ovata 12 3 2 0 0 0 17 7 0.41 1.23 residua mature 1980 Carya ovata 22 4 1 0 0 0 27 6 0.22 1.15 retecta mature 1980 Carya ovata 16 8 1 0 2 0 27 18 0.67 1.85 retecta young 1981 Carya ovata 31 4 1 0 1 0 37 10 0.27 2.19 retecta mature 1981 Carya ovata 11 2 0 1 0 0 14 5 0.36 1.99 retecta mature 1985 Carya ovata 14 1 1 0 0 1 17 8 0.47 3.49 re tecta mature 1986 Carya ovata 26 7 5 1 0 0 39 20 0.51 1.32 all taxa mixed 1980 Carya glabra 2 1 2 2 0 0 7 11 1.57 1.03 all taxa mixed 1980 Carya ovata 9 8 6 1 0 2 26 36 1.39 2.20* all taxa mixed 1981 Carya glabra 7 1 3 0 1 0 12 11 0.92 1.88 all taxa mixed 1981 Carya tomentosa , 7 2 0 1 0 2 12 22 1.83 6.93* all taxa mixed 1981 Carya ovata 21 6 4 7 4 9 51 147 2.77 8.34* all taxa + mixed 1981 Carya ovata 29 7 0 6 5 0 47 45 0.96 2.23* all taxa mixed 1985 Carya ovata 16 6 4 2 0 1 29 26 0.90 2.08 all taxa + mixed 1985 Carya ovata 16 4 3 1 0 1 25 19 0.76 2.55 all taxa mixed 1986 Carya ovata 35 13 3 3 0 2 56 40 0.72 2.47* all taxa + mixed 1986 Carya ovata 23 10 5 2 0 0 40 26 0.65 1.23 mature larval samples in the same year), although this analysis is heavily controlled by epione, whose larvae clump considerably more than those of the other taxa. Table 7 also gives similar plots of the number of all Catocala larvae collected per tree, by year and by foodplant. Again, the variance to mean ratios are all greater than one, and highly significantly so for C. ovata and C. tomentosa. The clumping is due neither to the undue influence of epione nor to overabundance of larvae on large trees, as shown by the remaining high clumping indices when both these factors are removed 29(3):195-216, 1990(91) 207 (V* plots in Table 5). This remaining clumping might in part be an artifact of pooling larval age classes. However, with plots having mixtures of Caiocala species, the tree samples cannot be readily parti- tioned and tested by groups corresponding to young and mature larvae. 6. Larval resting sites Table 8 shows resting locations for the sampled larvae of the Carya feeders, and Caiocala antinympha , as a function of larval age. The larvae of antinympha were collected on West Rock on its myricaceous food plant, sweet fern ( Comptonia peregrina [L.] Coult.). Different Carya feeders showed markedly divergent preferences for resting locations (G-109.40, df=2, pc, 01). Larvae of all species shifted their resting sites from leaves to woody material as they matured (G=63.30, df=4, pc. 01), the magnitude of the change varying from species to species, with retecta and epione larvae changing their habits most strongly. Comparable age-specific shifts in resting behavior were re- corded for Caiocala antinympha on Comptonia (G=20.96, df=l, pc. 01). Table 8. Resting sites for wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae, and larvae of Catocala antinympha on Comptonia peregrina. Terminal leaflets preferred over other leaflets by young larvae; woody sites preferred over leaves by older larvae. Different Catocala species have different overall preferences for type of resting site. See text for statistical analysis. Species Larval Age Leaflet Resting Site Basal Lateral Terminal Woody Resting Site Branches Shags epione young 5 10 23 4 0 mature 1 3 3 30 1 habilis young 0 0 2 4 1 mature 0 0 1 0 11 Judith young 0 0 0 0 1 mature 0 0 0 0 2 paiaeogama young 0 0 11 1 0 mature 0 5 14 0 0 residua young 0 0 0 0 0 mature 0 0 0 1 5 retecta young 2 2 4 0 0 mature 1 2 2 11 4 antinympha young 10 1 mature 3 13 208 J. Res. Lepid. Table 9. Parasitism rates among wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala. Collection data pooled across all years. Parasitism is higher for species that rest exposed on branches compared to species that rest under bark. Species Preferred Resting Site Parasitized Healthy Judith hidden under shags 0 3 habilis hidden under shags 0 12 residua hidden under shags 0 12 epione exposed on bark/leaf 15 40 palaeogama exposed on bark/leaf 7 37 retecta exposed on bark/leaf 11 73 Table 1 0. Distributions of wild Connecticut larvae of Catocala arnica and Catocala lineella, as a function of their Quercus foodplant species. Larvae of arnica prefer Lepidobalanus, larvae of lineella prefer Erythrobalanus (see text for statistical analysis). Foodplant Trees Sampled Catocala arnica Catocala lineella Quercus ( Erythrobalanus ) borealis 27 2 8 Quercus ( Erythrobalanus ) cocci nea 8 0 0 Quercus ( Erythrobalanus ) ilicifolia 22 2 3 Quercus ( Erythrobalanus ) velutina 13 0 0 Quercus ( Lepidobalanus ) alba 20 4 0 Quercus ( Lepidobalanus ) prinoides 1 0 0 Quercus ( Lepidobalanus ) prinus 20 2 2 Quercus ( Lepidobalanus ) stellata 31 3 2 Among Carya-feeding larvae collected on woody material, there were differences in utilization of shags versus branches/trunks (G=46.43, df-5, pc. 01), with habilis , Judith , and residua specializing in hiding under shags. The low numbers of larvae of these three species collected by beating in comparison to epione, palaeogama , and retecta mostly reflects this difference in resting behavior, as well as my tendency not to search exhaustively under shags on C. ouata trees. Larvae resting on leaves showed a strong preference for terminal leaflets (G=41.95, df=2, pc. 01). Table 8 underestimates this preference for terminal leaflets, since the availability is 1:2:2 for terminals, laterals, and basals, respectively, on C. ovata and C. glabra (or greater, as for example in C. tomentosa , which regularly has 7-11 leaflets). The differing leaflets of Carya present qualitatively different food resources to Catocala larvae, and the influence of leaflet position on larval survival and development, and its more general implications for plant-phytophage interactions, have been treated elsewhere (Gall, 1987). 29(3): 195-216, 1990(91) 209 7. Larval parasitoids Table 9 gives numbers of parasitized and healthy larvae, for those wild larvae of the Carya feeders that were subsequently brought back and reared in the lab. These data are likely to underestimate the actual parasitism rates in the field, since many young larvae were collected before heavy parasitism might be expected (but note, for example, the several tachinid fly species whose minute eggs are laid on leaf surfaces and ingested by phytophagous larvae). The Catocala whose larvae rest primarily under shags (habilis Judith, residua) had significantly lower parasitism rates (G=9.55, df l, pc. 01) than those whose larvae rest exposed on branches and trunks (epione, palaeogama, retecta). RESULTS: QUERCUS-FEEDWG CATOCALA A sample of 142 oaks was also beaten during 1980-1987 (Table 10). All of these oak trees were classified as small or medium in size. A total of 31 Catocala larvae were taken from oaks. All but 3 of the sampled larvae proved to be arnica Hubner or its sibling lineella Grote. Table 10 gives the distributions of arnica and lineella among their Quercus foodplants. Considering only those five oak species on which larvae were taken, these two Catocala species had the same foodplantuse (but only marginally; G=8.61, df=4, .10>p>.05). Pooling by oak subgenus, these two species differed (G=4.96, df=l, pc. 05), arnica being principally on white oaks, Quercus ( Lepidobalanus ), and lineella on red oaks, Quercus ( Erythrobalanus ). The other 3 larvae beaten from oaks included 2 micronympha Guenee and 1 coccinata Grote, all taken on Quercus stellata. Curiously, no ilia Cramerlarvae were captured, as the adults are ubiquitous each year in the study sites (adult micronympha and coccinata are uncommon there). The absence of ilia larvae could in part be due to my sampling rather late in its larval season — the mature larvae tend to rest off the foliage and trunks during the day, and hence would be less collectable during daytime beating. Larvae of ilia might also prefer larger trees. Elsewhere in North America, larvae of each of ilia, micronympha, and coccinata have been recorded on trees from both Quercus subgenera (my unpub- lished field records). Discussion GENERAL TRENDS IN FOODPLANT SPECIFICITY The larval records demonstrate that foodplant specificity in these 13 Nearctic Catocala species is absolute at the foodplant family level — no larvae of J uglandaceae-feeding taxa were taken on Quercus , and no larvae of Quercus -feeding taxa were taken on juglandaceaous plants. Field data on larval foodplant use for Catocala that eat other foodplant genera have also been accumulating recently (Schweitzer, 1987; unpub- lished field data of myself and others). The conclusion emerging from these studies is that the taxonomic boundaries defined by all nine known 210 J. Res. Lepid. Catocala foodplant families are respected in the field by the larvae (these other collection data will be summarized in the forthcoming taxonomic monograph of the North American Catocala). Within single plant families, foodplant specificity is similarly sharp. At the generic level within Juglandacae, 2 Catocala species in southern Connecticut appear restricted to Juglans ( neogama , piatrix ), and 6 to Carya ( epione , habilis, Judith, palaeogama, residua , retecta ). Adult subnata occur near the larval field sites, and I consider the absence of subnata larvae on Juglans and Carya section §Eucarya in the present work, and its overriding preference for Carya section §Apocarya in studies of larval foodplant use (Gall, 1991a) and oviposition (Gall, 1991b) to indicate restriction to Carya section §Apocarya. Among the few oak-feeding Catocala collected, arnica appears to prefer white oaks, Quercus ( Lepidobalanus ), while lineella prefers read oaks, Quercus ( Erythrobalanus ). However, the foodplant specificity is not nearly so sharp within these two subgenera of Quercus as it is between the Juglandacae genera. THE INFLUENCE OF LARVAL AGE Larval age as indexed by instar proved to be a pivotal variable, and analysis of other factors in the absence of age would have led to erroneous conclusions about the foodplant-linked biologies of all the Juglandaceae- feeding Catocala species. This is particularly so for the age specific shifts in resting behavior observed for these Catocala larvae (Table 8). Larval foodplant use broadens as larval age increases (Table 4): mature larvae of epione , palaeogama , and retecta all were more common on C. glabra than were young larvae of the same species, and for Table 11. Species identities of wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae taken on C. ovata, for trees yielding seven or more larvae. Asterisks indicate tree samples from Schweitzer ( 1 982b) , pluses indicate tree samples from Godwin (unpublished data from tree defaunation studies). Number Year Tree Size Larvae epione habilis judith palaeogama residua retecta 1981 small 26 22 2 0 2 0 0 1981 large 20* 0 8 1 1 0 10 1981 small 19 15 0 0 3 0 1 1981 large 17* 0 0 0 5 1 11 1980 medium 15 + 5 0 0 9 0 1 1981 small 11 8 0 0 3 0 0 1982 large 10 2 0 0 4 1 3 1981 medium 9 6 0 0 2 0 1 1981 small 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 1981 large 8 0 3 2 0 3 0 1980 large 7 0 1 0 1 1 4 1979 large 7 + 0 6 0 0 1 0 29(3):195-216, 1990(91) 211 palaeogama and retecta , C. tomentosa was used essentially only by mature larvae. This broadening in foodplant use with age is primarily a function of larval movement (differential mortality may contribute to a small extent: in principle, inferior field survival of larvae on C. ovata compared to C. glabra and C. tomentosa could broaden foodplant distri- butions for mature larvae, but this is known not to be the case for the Cary a -preferring Catocala treated here; Gall, 1991a). In this regard, note that my efficiency at sampling trees was poorest when larvae were mature, for two reasons. First, young larvae rest essentially only on the undersides of leaves, on the midribs, where they are quite visible; mature larvae are cryptically patterned, and shift their restings sites to branches and under shags (but note palaeogama which stays on leaves), and so are more difficult to locate. Second, closer visual scrutiny of foodplants is critical when searching for younger larvae, since such small larvae are more likely to be blown by breezes far from the collecting sheet when trees are beaten. Thus, the lack of young (and abundance of mature) larvae on C. glabra and C. tomentosa is not likely to be explainable by collecting bias. INTERSPECIFIC LARVAL ASSOCIATIONS Tables 6 and 7 demonstrate that Catocala larvae often co-occur on individual trees (and larval densities are certainly higher in general than indicated here). The corollary question is whether the co-occurences represent larvae of the same or different Catocala species. Table 11 lists the identity of Catocala larvae taken on individual C. ovata trees from which 7 or more larvae were collected. Several trees from Schweitzer (1982b) and unpublished pyrethrin defaunation studies conducted by B. Godwin are included here (larvae determined by me). All but one tree in Table 11 contains a mixture of at least two species, and most trees have three or four. Note also the field reports by Rowley ( 1909 ) and Rowley and Berry (1910) detailing the frequent co-occurence in Missouri of numbers of angusi Grote, epione , habilis Judith, palaeogama, residua, and vidua Smith larvae on C. ovata. The percentage of all trees from which I collected more than one larva, on which two or more Catocala species were also present, was high for both C. ovata (34 of 57) and C. glabra (7 of 1-1). Furthermore, these percentages remained comparable from year to year, despite the great fluctuations observed in larval densities (for C. ovata, G=5.13, df=6, p>.50; for C. glabra, G=3.28, df=3, p>.25). Another way to express the association of different Catocala species as larvae is to calculate resource overlap indices. Table 12 lists overlap indices for larvae of the Cary a feeders, on foodplant use and resting site (the MacArthur-Levins index as modified by Lawlor [1980] was used to reflect consumer electivities i.e., forage ratios sensu Stanton [1982] are used as Lawlor’s alphas). Table 12 also shows the directional change in the overlap indices between young and mature larvae, and these graphs Table 12. Overlap indices for wild Connecticut Juglandaceae-feedsng Catocaia larvae, as a function of larval age. Above, forfoodpiant use; below, for resting site. “Difference” is directional change in overlap index as function of age: zero = change of less than 0.10; plus =■ increase of more than 0.10; minus = decrease of more than 0.1 0. “Difference” table interpretable biologically as change in association of different Catocaia species as larval season progresses. 212 J. Res. Lepid. 29(3):195-216, 1990(91) 213 are therefore interpretable biologically as the change in association of different Catocala species on the same foodplant array over time (refer as well to the larval phenologies given in Figure 1). These overlap indices are offered mainly as instructive guides, since they help visualize the principal findings of the larval collection data; no statistical testing is done on the indices, because in most instances they are based on small larval samples. Note the uniformly high values for foodplant use overlap, in both young and mature larvae. Larvae of epione became more associated with larvae of retecta and palaeogama on foodplants as larvae matured, but the resting sites of epione and palaeogama diverged sharply at the same time. Larvae* of habilis, Judith, and residua strongly overlapped with each other in both foodplant use and resting site throughout the season (each specializes on large C. ovata trees, and hides under shags). The larvae biology of epione differs substantially from those of the other five Cary a' -feeding species examined here (5 vs 6-7 instars, early vs later season phenology, small vs large tree preference, broad vs restricted foodplant use among Cary a). It is notable that the other five Cary a feeders comprise part of a closely knit monophyletic unit in the genus Catocala , with epione being removed at considerable distance (on the basis of egg, larval, and adult morphological characters). I suspect that eating Juglandaceae has been arrived at convergently by epione. LARVAL COMPETITION FOR RESOURCES For Catocala , there are at least two distinct resources for which the larvae might compete: food, and avoidance of predators and parasitoids. Although some Catocala species appear to be reasonable candidates for studying foodplant competition — particularly the C. ovata specialists habilis Judith, obscura, and residua — no experimental evidence is yet at hand (Sargent, 1982, conducted infra and interspecific rearings of neogama and retecta larvae on Cary a ovata, but those data do not address foodplant competition among Catocala , as neogama does not feed on Cary a in the field). Certainly, the higher parasitism rates for epione, palaeogama and retecta (whose larvae rest exposed on bark) compared to habilis Judith, and residua (whose larvae rest concealed under shags) underscores the importance of resting site to possible larval competition for antipredator niche space (Table 9). Roth Sargent (1977, 1982) and Schweitzer (1982a, 1982b) consider Catocala not food-limited, with larval numbers being held low relative to leaf availability by unknown factors, probably predators and parasites. This is a reasonable assumption in years of low Catocala abundance, and perhaps whenever large trees are being considered, but seems untenable in years of peak larval abundance, and for most (if not all) times on small trees. One factor alone, the disdain of larvae for basal leaflets (Table 8; Gall, 1987), reduces the effective preferred leaf surface area on all hickories by perhaps as much as one fourth or one third. 214 J. Res. Lepid. Table 13. Right forewing lengths (in mm) of wild-collected adult Connecticut Catocala specimens, as a function of species, sex, and severity of gypsy moth defoliation during the year of collection. ANOVA table shows that peak years of gypsy moth defoliation produce smaller adult Catocala. See text for discussion. Level of Gypsy Moth Infestation At Peak Below Peak mean mean Species Foodplant Sex N wingspan N wingspan arnica Quercus female 11 19.2 3 20.7 male 10 19.3 6 20.7 blandula Rosaceae female 8 21.9 3 23.7 male 9 20.1 3 22.0 connubialis Quercus female 3 18.7 1 19.0 male 4 18.3 3 19.7 crataegi Rosaceae female 11 20.5 1 21.0 male 6 19.2 4 19.5 ilia Quercus female 16 34.9 5 37.6 male 11 35.5 7 37.1 judith Carya female 8 23.9 2 26.5 male 8 25.2 5 26.0 paiaeogama Carya female 7 34.0 3 35.3 male 6 32.2 5 33.2 residua Carya female 6 32.8 3 34.0 male 4 31.3 8 33.0 retecta Carya female 5 32.8 4 33.8 male 6 31.0 14 33.8 Source df SS MS F P sex 1 0.025 0.025 6.90 0.009 gypsy 1 0.104 0.104 28.90 < 0.001 species 8 9.493 1.187 328.90 < 0.001 sex*gypsy 1 0.000 0.000 0.01 0.937 species*sex 8 0.041 0.005 1.43 0.185 species*gypsy 8 0.011 0.001 0.38 0.931 species*sex*gypsy 8 0.015 0.002 0.51 0.846 residual 183 0.660 0.004 29(3):195-216, 1990(91) 215 A relevant factor to intra- and interspecific Catocala larval interactions is the influence of the gypsy moth ( Lymantria dispar L.), an introduced pest that periodically defoliates deciduous forests in North America. Gypsy moth larvae defoliated many canopy trees locally at my West Rock study sites throughout 1980 and especially 1981. In 1981, defoliation was essentially complete for all tree species by the first few days of June. Defoliation of C. tomentosa occured well before other Cary a species, although by early June most of the C. ovata had been stripped of 90-100 percent of their leaves (most oaks had been stripped by late May). In 1981, only epione among the Juglandacae feeders would have been able to pupate in numbers prior to the brunt of the gypsy moth defoliation (but note the earlier defoliation of C. tomentosa , which epione uses heavily). On 2 June 1981, 1 collected 31 Catocala larvae, representing all six of the West Rock Cary a -feeders, from 10 C. ovata trees from which the foliage was nearly or entirely stripped by gypsy moth larvae. Only 5 of the 31 larvae were in the final instar; with little question, the remaining 26 would either have died from starvation within a few days, or have been forced to pupate at subnormal larval size. Indeed, wild adult Catocala collected at West Rock and North Stam- ford, Connecticut, during the years of peak gypsy moth abundance were significantly smaller than adults taken in the same areas in years when gypsy moths were scarce (Table 13). This adult size difference is almost certainly the result of forced early larval pupation in response to lack of foliage. Note that the peak years for gypsy moth abundance at both Connecticut sites were also peak years for Catocala abundance, and so the observed dwarfing could perhaps in part be due to increased intraspe- cific competition between Catocala larvae. However, dwarfed adults are not associated with peak Catocala years in other localities in the United States where the gypsy moth is absent (personal observations in Arkan- sas and Tennessee). Additionally, collecting of Catocala adults at artificial bait sources was extraordinarily successful in the peak gypsy moth years compared to other years, especially at the beginning of the flight period for each Catocala species. Again, this likely indicates that adult moths had to bolster their reduced somatic reserves carried over from larval feeding, prior to mating and oviposition (my unpublished field notes and those of D. Schweitzer). Acknowledgements. I thank Richard Harrison, David Hawks, Charles Remington, James Rodman, Dale Schweitzer, and Bruce Tiffney for many helpful discussions about Catocala , and John Hartigan for statistical advice. Dale Schweitzer and David Furth helped to collect and rear larvae. Financial assistance was provided by the George D. Harris Foundation, the E. Tappan Stannard Fund, a Sigma Xi RESA grant, and a Yale University Prize Teaching Fellowship. This paper was drawn from a dissertation submitted to Yale University in partial fulfillment for the degree Ph.D. Philosophy. 216 J. Res. Lepid. Literature Cited Gall, L.F. 1987. Leaflet position influences caterpillar feeding and development. - Oikos 49: 172-176. -. 1991a. Evolutionary ecology of sympatric Catocala moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). I. Experiments on larval foodplant specificity. - J. Res. Lepid., 29: 173-194. . 1991b. Evolutionary ecology of sympatric Catocala moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). III. Experiments on female oviposition preference. - J. Res. Lepid., 29: 217-233. Lawlor, L.R. 1980. Overlap, similarity, and competition coefficients. - Ecology 61: 245-251. Miller, W.A. 1977. Catocala (Noctuidae) species taken in Clay County, Tennessee. -J. Lepid. Soc. 31: 197-202. Rowley, R.R. 1909. Another season with Catocalae. - Entom. News 20: 127-135. Rowley, R.R., and L. Berry. 1910. Further study of the Catocalae. - Entom. News 21: 104-116. Sargent, T.D. 1976. Legion of Night: the Underwing Moths. - Univ. Mass. Press, Amherst. 222 pp. . 1977. Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of southern New England. V. The records of Sidney A. Hessel from Washington, Connecticut, 1961-1973. - J. Lepid. Soc. 31: 1-16.- . 1982. Studies on the Catocala (Noctuidae) of southern New England. VI. The “pairing” of C. neogama and C. retecta. - J. Lepid. Soc. 36: 42-53. SAS Institute Inc. 1985a. SAS User’s Guide: Basics, Version 5 Edition. - SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina. 1290 pp. . 1985b. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics, Version 5 Edition. - SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina. 956 pp. Schweitzer, D.F. 1982a. The larva and status of Catocala pretiosa (Noctuidae), with designation of a lectotype. - J. Lepid. Soc. 36: 18-30. % 1982b. Field observations of foodplant overlap among sympatric Catocala feeding on Juglandaceae. - J. Lepid. Soc. 36: 256-263. . 1987. Catocala pretiosa, the precious underwing moth: results of a global status survey, with a recommendation for retention in category 2. - Status Survey Report to the US Fish & Wildlife Service, (Newton Corner, MA). 24 pp. Sokal, R.R., and F.J. Rohlf. 1982. Biometry (2nd Ed.). -Freeman, San Francisco. 859 pp. Stanton, M.L. 1982. Searching in a patchy environment: foodplant selection by Colias p. eriphyle butterflies. - Ecology 63: 839-853. Wilson, L.F. 1975. Notes on the biology and parasitoids of the sweet fern underwing (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Michigan. - Great Lakes Entom. 8: 145- 153. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(3):217-233, 1990(91) Evolutionary Ecology of Sympatric Catocala Moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) III. Experiments on Female Oviposition Preference Lawrence F, Gall Entomology Division, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, CT 00511 USA Abstract. Fecundities and lifespans are documented for 56 species of Nearctic Catocala moths, and detailed analysis of oviposition prefer- ence is presented for 9 species whose larvae feed on trees in the plant family Juglandaceae. Among these 9 species, 1 restricted oviposition in the field to walnuts ( Juglans ), 1 to pecans (section §Apocarya of Carya ), and 7 to hickories sensu strictu (section §Eucarya of Carya). Shagbark hickory, Carya ovata , was greatly preferred by all 7 Carya section §Eucarya feeders. Large trees were favored over small trees, and there were no temporal differences in timing of oviposition. Oviposition specificity became less crisp as the season progressed and females aged. Patterns in oviposition preference were similar in two geographically distant sites in North America. Laboratory arena tests of preference concorded only modestly well with the field studies, due to the con- founding effects of female age, “shagginess" of the oviposition sub- strate, and arena size. Introduction This paper examines the foodplantdinked oviposition biologies of North American Catocala Schrank moths, and is the third in a series addressing the evolution of foodplant use in this speciose genus. Fecun- dity and longevity data are tabulated herein for 56 of the 108 Nearctic Catocala species, from all foodplant groups, and more detailed field and laboratory studies of oviposition specificity are presented for 10 of the 25 Juglandaceae-feeding species. Prior papers in this series treat choice and no-choice laboratory foodplant preference tests with Catocala larvae (Gall, 1991a), and the distributions of wild larvae on their foodplants (Gall, 1991b). Materials and Methods OVIPOSITION AEENA PROTOCOL An arena design similar to that for larvae (see Gall, 1987, 1991a) was used to assess oviposition preferences of female Catocala. Since females of the Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala deposit eggs under exfoliating bark and cracks, pieces of bark (ca. 5x15 centimeters) from different trees were used as the food choices. White oak ( Quercus alba L.) bark was offered as a Type I control choice item ( sensu Gall, 1991a) in each arena. Females confined to such arenas were fed daily with a honey/syrup solution, diluted by at least one-half to two-thirds with water. Arenas were also frequently sprayed with water to prevent desiccation. Females were generally allowed to live out their lives in arenas, but were 218 J. Res. Lepid. removed when they clearly could no longer make choices among the food items (i.e., legs lost, and/or wings battered). I used circular plastic containers and small paper bags (ca. 15 cm diam, 15 cm deep) as arenas initially in this work, and subsequently switched to larger paper bags and wire mesh arenas (ca. 30x20x15 cm). Bark samples were taped into the plastic arenas, and sewn into the others. Developing suitable arena designs proved to be a most recalcitrant aspect of these laboratory studies (see below). This stands in contrast to the larval work, in which differing arena geometries and rearing containers had little effect on assays of foodplant preference. FIELD METHODS FOR STUDYING OVIPOSITION BY WILD FEMALES Schweitzer (1982) has described the techniques used here to locate ovipositing female Catocala. One first carefully scans a trunk of a foodplant tree using a powerful focused-beam search lantern and head lamp. Most ovipositing Catocala are readily visible, and sit facing head up on the trunk, with their ovipositors inserted deep into cracks or under shags (some species e.g., subnata Grote, tend to oviposit on bark near the base of their foodplants, but most species oviposit from about waist level to 3-5 m up the trunk). After scanning the trunk and major branches, the trunk is then hit several times with a net or stick to flush remaining moths. Many Catocala so disturbed from oviposition activity spiral downward, alight, and commence oviposition again on the same tree trunk within a short time. Hitting the trunk thus proved to be »a reliable procedure for enticing unreachable females to within net range. Ovipositing female Catocala are clearly intent on the task at hand, being largely oblivious to the bright collecting lights and attendant noise when one is searching trees (twig snapping, etc.). This contrasts sharply with their wary behavior at artificial bait sources at night, and flightiness during the daytime. I conducted several pilot trials using an infra-red “sniper scope” to observe female Catocala , but abandoned this method early on in favor of lanterns and head lamps, for simplicity. Doubtless such infra-red viewing devices would prove useful in examining the oviposition behavior of other night-flying Lepidoptera that are disturbed by light in the visible spectral range. DESCRIPTIONS OF STUDY SITES Searches for ovipositing Catocala were carried out from 1980-1987 at four localities in Connecticut and Tennessee (USA). Three of the Connecticut sites were in New Haven County: West Rock, Brooksvale Park (Hamden), and Southbury; the other, West Redding, was in Fairfield County. Data from the Connecticut localities were recorded separately, but are pooled here for analysis as the biological patterns proved consonant among sites. The Tennessee searches were conducted during 1985 and 1986 at Celina (Clay County), a locality with a rich Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala fauna (Miller, 1977), and where many of the more southerly species replace or are numerically commoner than those present in Connecticut. The collecting routes were all selected to include a representative array of available juglandaceous foodplants. At West Rock, West Redding, and Celina the routes were largely woodland paths; at Brooksvale Park and Southbury, the routes were woodland margins. However, the routes at each locality included both types of habitat. Small to medium (ca. 5-15 cm dbh) hickories and walnuts 29(3):217-233, 1990(91) 219 predominated at West Rock, while large (>25 cm dbh) trees occured at the other habitats. Shagbark hickory, Carya ovata Mill. K. Koch of section §Eucarya DC., was the most prevalent hickory at all sites, although West Rock had a substan- tially larger number of pignut hickory (C. glabra Mill. Sweet of section §Eucarya) than did the other localities. Shellbark hickory (C. laciniosa Michx. Loud, of section §Eucarya ) occured only at Celina, and this locality was the only one lacking butternut ( Juglans cinerea L.). TREE AND MOTH PARAMETERS For each tree surveyed, I recorded the collecting locality and species identity. For most I also recorded size as: small (5-10 cm dbh), medium (10-20 cm dbh) or large (>20 cm dbh). The majority of trees sampled greatly exceeded 20 cm dbh, except at West Rock. I recorded the species identity of each moth, but did not index age because of lack of mark-recapture data on Catocala with which one would calibrate age. Only those moths which were positively identifiable to species, and whose ovipositors were clearly inserted into bark crevices were scored as ovipositing (these were the vast majority of all observations). At each locality, I worked a predefined collecting route. I usually repeated the route twice (occasionally three or four times) per night. Since moths were removed from trees each time, and at least 30-45 minutes separated repeat checks, I treated all tree samples as independent observations. Most sampling was conducted between 0830 and 1130 hours. Statistical testing follows Gall (1991a). Results LABORATORY STUDIES 1. Longevity and Fecundity of Female Catocala Table 1 presents longevity (in days) and fecundity data for 56 Catocala species that I have confined over the years for arena tests or for securing eggs for subsequent rearing (information is presented only for those moths that did in fact lay eggs, which was the great majority of all females). Few of the moths whose data are shown were freshly eclosed when captured. Thus, the Table 1 data must be considered minimum estimates of longevities and fecundities of wild Catocala females. In addition, Table 1 is somewhat biased toward more mature female moths, since newly eclosed females often will refuse to lay and/or will produce infertile eggs, and my primary reason for confining female Catocala always was to obtain breeding/experimental stock for the subsequent larval field season. Considering all 56 species, there were significant positive correlations between longevity and moth size (Spearman rank: r=+0.22, n=211, p<.01), and fecundity and moth size (r~+0.45, n=253, pc. 01; size indexed by forewing length taken from species accounts in Sargent, 1976). Within each of the six foodplant groups represented here by more than one taxon, the correlations between longevity-size and fecundity-size were again positive, but none of the correlations was significant. There were no significant differences in longevity as a function of foodplant group, but fecundities of females in the Salicaceae, Juglandaceae, and Myricaceae groups tended to be greater than fecundities of females in the 220 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1. Longevities and fecundities of female Catocala in oviposition containers (arenas and otherwise). Means, maxima, and sample sizes indicated for both parameters. Means by foodplant family given below main Table; families connected by the same vertical bar are not significantly different at the 0.05 level (Tukey HSD tests). Egg size gives mean maximal diameter and mean maximal vertical height of sample of 10 eggs, rounded to the nearest 5 micrometer units (scale: 50 micrometer units per mm). Species Egg Size diameter height Number Eggs Laid mean n max Lifespan mean n max Foodplant Family andromedae 50 30 53.2 6 159 13.4 5 19 Ericaceae gracilis 50 30 32.3 3 68 16.0 2 26 Ericaceae louisae 45 30 20.5 2 21 9.0 1 9 Ericaceae sordida 50 30 30.5 6 57 10.3 3 13 Ericaceae arnica 45 20 46.0 3 72 16.5 2 18 Fagaceae coccinata 70 30 77.2 6 116 11.5 4 14 Fagaceae connuhialis 50 20 54.8 4 120 11.0 3 13 Fagaceae herodias 65 40 118.4 5 198 16.0 2 20 Fagaceae ilia 70 40 122.3 7 312 14.6 5 19 Fagaceae lineella 45 20 89.2 5 150 18.7 3 21 Fagaceae micronympha 55 20 53.8 4 104 8.8 4 17 Fagaceae similis 50 20 52.1 7 109 12.3 3 18 Fagaceae angusi 50 20 463.5 4 1493 31.8 4 35 Juglandaceae censors 40 30 123.0 2 151 Juglandaceae dejecta 65 20 219.5 2 258 23.5 2 28 Juglandaceae epione 55 45 85.6 5 136 11.4 5 18 Juglandaceae flebilis 50 20 44.0 5 109 21.0 5 42 Juglandaceae habilis 45 20 100.3 4 248 28.3 3 38 Juglandaceae insolabilis 60 20 61.8 4 190 10.0 5 15 Juglandaceae judith 50 20 59.3 4 169 13.3 3 25 Juglandaceae lacrymosa 55 20 169.3 7 381 25.4 7 40 Juglandaceae luctuosa 50 20 304.0 1 304 26.0 1 26 Juglandaceae maestosa 50 20 224.5 2 388 18.0 2 20 Juglandaceae nebuiosa 55 25 58.2 5 153 22.8 4 29 Juglandaceae neogama 55 20 377.8 4 1102 21.5 6 32 Juglandaceae obscura 55 20 291.5 11 621 21.4 9 39 Juglandaceae palaeogama 55 20 317.9 14 694 22.9 12 52 Juglandaceae piatrix 50 25 164.0 5 400 14.0 2 20 Juglandaceae residua 55 20 352.7 3 480 26.3 6 37 Juglandaceae retecta 55 20 277.0 14 625 18.7 13 41 Juglandaceae robinsoni 45 20 46.0 1 46 41.0 1 41 Juglandaceae serena 50 20 72.0 1 72 38.0 1 38 Juglandaceae subnata 60 25 237.3 4 506 12.3 4 15 Juglandaceae ulalume 50 20 44.0 1 44 9.0 1 9 Juglandaceae vidua 50 20 104.5 2 165 Juglandaceae innubens 50 35 59.5 4 150 11.0 3 19 Leguminoseae antinympha 45 30 98.5 4 226 13.5 2 15 Myricaceae badia 45 30 96.0 4 150 10.5 2 15 Myricaceae coelebs 50 30 171.7 3 405 Myricaceae muliercula 40 30 248.0 2 270 18.0 2 22 Myricaceae 29(3):217-233, 1990(91) 221 Egg Size Number Eggs Laid Lifespan Foodplant Species diameter height mean n max mean n max Family hlandula 55 20 29.2 5 49 10.0 4 14 Rosaceae crataegi 50 20 80.0 3 92 13.5 2 16 Rosaceae grynea 50 20 62.6 5 99 15.3 7 27 Rosaceae mira 55 20 49.6 7 79 9.2 6 17 Rosaceae praeclara 50 20 57.5 13 278 14.8 6 34 Rosaceae pretiosa 55 20 31.1 7 72 13.5 10 19 Rosaceae uitronia 55 20 84.4 7 193 17.3 7 24 Rosaceae amatrix 45 35 452.0 2 600 20.0 3 32 Salicaceae briseis 60 35 74.5 2 99 Salicaceae cara 50 35 286.7 3 538 15.9 9 27 Salicaceae carissima 45 30 42.0 1 42 63.0 1 63 Salicaceae concumbens 55 40 157.8 5 241 15.5 4 21 Salicaceae parta 55 35 112.0 2 174 25.0 1 25 Salicaceae relicta 60 45 153.3 4 202 11.8 4 25 Salicaceae unijuga 65 40 75.0 2 100 35.5 2 37 Salicaceae cerogama 45 35 73.5 2 107 10.0 3 14 Tiliaceae Means: 214.7 20.9 Juglandaceae 177.7 19.6 Salicaceae 137.6 14.0 Myricaceae 80.4 13.3 Fagaceae 55.4 13.7 Rosaceae 37.7 12.6 Ericaceae Fagaceae, Rosaceae, and Ericaceae groups (see Table 1). Note that nearly all of the Salicaceae, Juglandaceae, and Myricacae feeding species in Table 1 are larger than the corresponding Fagaceae, Rosaceae, and Ericaceae feeders. 2. Arena Tests Table 2 gives the results of 20 arena experiments with Juglandaceae feeders. In 11 of the arenas, oviposition on either the Type I control Quercus alba and/or the arena itself (noted in Table 2 as “Fraction Haphazard”) accounted for nearly 20 percent or more of all eggs laid. Using wire mesh cages greatly reduced oviposition on the arenas them- selves, but nevertheless did not curb oviposition on the Type I control. Haphazard laboratory oviposition on plants not in the preferred foodplant family is squarely at odds with field oviposition results with these same moth species (see below under Results and Discussion). I therefore consider only 9 of the 20 arenas to be “successful,” these being starred in Table 2 and characterized by less than five percent of all eggs being laid on arenas and Type I controls (the piatrix Grote and subnata arenas are considered successful despite ca. 10 percent hapazard ovipo- sition, since the numbers of misplaced eggs were very low). Of the seven successful arenas with Cary a feeders, five are for palaeogama Guenee, and single females represent each of residua T able 2. Oviposition arena results with Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala. Values in T able are percents of eggs laid on choice items. “Successful' arenas starred. See text for elaboration. 222 J. Res. Lepid. % O £ s £ c o o CD © C o CD c JO CD 0) =3 2 CD o I o 03 D) 03 03 CD O) 03 O) o> 03 O) 03 O) 03 CL O) 03 03 O) 03 CD 3 © 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 © 3 3 U © 3 3 3 © < < < < < < < < < < < < < < CD < < © © < < < Q 00 r- 00 CO h*. 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CM < o © < in o © o CM T- o CO O CM o CM LO 03 o o q o IV 00 c © 2 0 w LD LD q c d CM d 00 cd d cd d CM q d d d q 00 CM q © © C q CM d o i — CM f— * 03 T=” rv CM CM c O CM T” 1™ o O O D) © CO “3 .© 00 £ r- |v q o q ■M" r--. q q o o q cq LD q LD C O & 1 C3 O O 03 <5 cd T— - d T-’ d d CM 03 cd T-" d d CM CM q q 03 O) © q d d |v £ CM O JO © © 0 ? 8 LD © 5 in CM id CO d CO 03 o d 03 CM 00 in q d q CM CM q LO q d LD q CM fv CM d CO 03 s £ 0 Jugians 2 .03 IV. cd 0 d CD ©3 CO CO CO fv. CO CO LO CM CD ■M' CO CO CD CM O CO |V CM iS ■M- o -M; ■m- CO CD 00 CM O 03 ^r o T“ q q 2 ID ID CO CO T-l cd 03 T 1 cd q CM LO q CM hi q cd CM cd cd 03 0 © d q LO o CM CO ■J— CM "M" co LO CM co O O O O o O 00 co 00 00 5 5 5 ~o o o CD O 00 < o CO CD 5 < <5 CD 5 o < cb 5 © CO cb 5 © o © E © 9 © 6 © CD © E © o © E © 9 © E © o CO DQ O 03 o oo .TO P O .to §> 1 to ^ O ^ o o eg 2. .8 <5 .5 eg co 5 Q o to eg 0) O 5 p 2 5 OP eg to O D) 2,13 P eg TO £ O O 3 o o o c c o o (H r- t- T" CD eg o o o o V v v as. s,s,§, TO TO TO o o o , _ TO TO C3 uj m uj uj lu too coj €03 coo TO TO CJ CJ TO TO TO TO TO . o o o o o oo T- cd to in oo o CO t- o o o o o o o o o o o o t- o o 0 0 1^-00 a o h'- 00 r- ^ ^ CO 00 00 00 1- TO 5 TO 5 g5 TO TO CJ 75 CO -ffi § S5 5 TO -g TO -2 co P CO § P S o5 to •2, o Cl. to c! a q v v 8 O a 5, O © CO CO 2j TO §> O p oo r-~ o eg uo o o o o o o TO TO TO TO P TO C0 CM CD 00 5 o eg §f eg co TO eg TO TO TT J2 TO | 5 §> TO P O .CO 1 1 o ^ 8 TO TO -S o p TO co TO p TO 0 o 5 Q 2 5 OP TO TO O O) TO TO O TO TO ^ O O O) T- LO t W r- TO TO TO TO TO to1 to4 ^ ib cb TO TO TO TO TO O CJ CJ O CJ P P P ,=3 P Uj Uj Uj Uj Uj cco too coa COj COj o o a o o 0©000 0 0 0 0 0 TO TO TO TO TO to4 to4 St4 to4 ^ TO TO TO TO TO o o o o o eg oo oo to o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o eg oo o o m ■2 TO TO ^ 95 eg TO to TO P TO $ 0 5; Q Cl k (/) TO TO TO §> eg eg eg eg 29(3):217-233, 1990(91) 225 Tennessee locality). Females of neogama Smith oviposited on Juglans in both Connecticut and Tennessee. Females of flebilis Grote, Judith Strecker, obscura Strecker, paiaeogama, residua , serena Edwards, and retecta all oviposited on Carya in both Connecticut and Tennessee. No ovipositing female nebulosa Edwards were observed in Tennessee, though I collected the species commonly there at lights and on tree trunks during the daytime. In Connecticut, C. ouata was significantly preferred over other Carya, by Judith , obscura , paiaeogama , and residua (pc. 05 for each Catocala , exact binomial probabilities; p=0.053 for retecta). Females of obscura , paiaeogama , and residua preferred to oviposit on large trees (pc. 05 for each as above, test is large trees versus all others; for Judith , p=.Q91). In Tennessee, C. ovata was similarly preferred by obscura and residua (pc. 05 for each as above; for paiaeogama , p=.103). There were too few observations to draw firm conclusions about oviposition specificity in flebilis and serena . No Catocala species showed differences in oviposition preference as a function of year (p>.25 in each case by G- tests, controlling for state). Two Connecticut ovipositions represent what I consider to be “mistakes” — a paiaeogama ovipositing on C. cordiformis, and a subnata on Juglans cinerea. These two observations are discussed later in the context of female moth age. 3. Temporal Patterns Table 5 presents the mean time of night for oviposition by the seven Connecticut Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala species. There were no dif- ferences in timing of oviposition among any of these species (p>.15 by ANOVA considering all, p>.25 for just the Carya feeders). Curiously, I found no ovipositing habilis Grote in this study, although adults were generally common at bait and light on the same nights in both Connecti- cut and Tennessee. Since my tree searches ended prior to midnight, it may be that this species oviposits Table 5. Mean time of night (EST) for ovi- position by wild female Jugland- aceae-feeding Catocala in Con- necticut. All species oviposit at similar times. Time of Oviposition Species Mean SD N judith 20:56 00:31 4 subnata 21:01 00:28 11 paiaeogama 21:09 00:36 88 residua 21:10 00:22 22 obscura 21:13 00:43 23 retecta 21:15 00:35 12 neogama 21:50 00:34 6 principally late at night. Late night to pre-dawn flight character- izes a number of other Catocala , such as the oak-feeding herodias Strecker (personal observations of myself, D. Hawks, and D. Schweitzer). Sampling was con- ducted rather late in each season to expect epione Drury (adults fly in late June and early July in Southern Connecticut), and I sus- pect from other work with epione females, and the distribution of its young larvae in the field (Gall, 226 J. Res. Lepid. Table 6. Mean numbers of ovipositing female Juglandaeeae-feeding Catocala per tree in Connecticut, as a function of year and foodplant species. Note decline in numbers from 1980 through 1984 on all tree species. Species 1980 Number of Females Per Foodplant Tree 1981 1982 1983 1984 1987 Carya glabra 0.12 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Carya ovata 0.45 0.20 0.00 0.02 0.36 0.25 Carya tomentosa 0.22 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Carya cordiformis 0.15 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 Jug Ians sp. 0.31 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Trees Surveyed 371 674 125 55 87 46 1991b) that this species oviposits on small trees, near the base of the trunk. 4. Moth Densities on Foodplants The mean number of ovipositing females per tree is presented in Table 6, by foodplant and year. As with the larval field data for the same Catocala species (Gall, 199 lb), these oviposition records reflect the sharp drop in adult Catocala numbers at light trap samples in Connecticut during 1980-1984. The decline in female abundance from 1980-1984 in Table 6 is highly significant for each foodplant genus (pc. 01 by G- tests, trees split each year into two classes: having no females, having one or more female). Table 7 shows plots of the number of ovipositin gpalaeogama, residua , and obscura per C. ovata in Connecticut and Tennessee, for years when moth abundance was high. The variance to mean ratios are not substan- tially greater than one, no distribution being significantly different from poisson (i.e., random; p>.25 for each by exact binomial tests). Stated another way, ovipositing females of the same species did not congregate on individual C. ovata trees (compare these distributions to those for larvae of the same Catocala species in Gall, 1991b). Table 7 also shows similar plots of the number of all ovipositing Catocala per tree. Again, the variance to mean ratios showed no clear trends, and the distributions were similarly random (p>.25 in each). Thus, there was no tendency for ovipositing Catocala females on the whole to congregate on individual C. ovata or C. glabra trees. The pattern was the same for the other Cary a foodplants, for which far fewer observations were available (virtually all records being of single ovipos- iting Catocala , or none). Therefore, it appears that individual Catocala females select suitable oviposition sites without regard to the presence or absence of other females. Since there is a superabundance of such sites 29(3):217-233, 1990(91) 227 Table 7. Numbers of ovipositing female Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala per individual tree: by year, Catocala species, collection locality, and foodplant species. Variance to mean ratios for all distributions are near 1 .0, indicating no clumping of females on trees (no distribution is significantly different from random i.e., Poisson at the 0.05 level; G-tests or exact multinomial probabilities). Species State Year Foodplant 0 Number of Moths 1 2 3 >3 Totals Moths Trees Moths/Tree Mean Var/ Mean obscura CT 1980 Carya ovata 80 11 2 1 0 18 94 0.19 1.38 obscura CT 1981 Carya ovata 247 8 1 0 0 10 256 0.04 1.16 palaeogama CT 1980 Carya glabra 96 9 1 0 0 11 106 0.10 1.09 palaeogama CT 1980 Carya ovata 70 19 3 2 0 31 94 0.33 1.20 palaeogama CT 1981 Carya ovata 235 19 1 0 0 21 256 0.08 1.01 palaeogama CT 1984 Carya ovata 44 7 2 0 0 11 53 0.21 1.18 palaeogama TN 1980 Carya ovata 48 5 1 0 0 7 54 0.13 1.18 residua CT 1980 Carya ovata 85 8 1 0 0 10 94 0.11 1.11 residua CT 1981 Carya ovata 240 15 1 0 0 17 256 0.07 1.06 residua TN 1986 Carya ovata 45 8 1 0 0 10 54 0.19 1.03 all taxa CT 1980 Carya glabra 93 12 1 0 0 13 106 0.13 1.02 all taxa CT 1980 Carya ovata 50 30 8 3 3 67 94 0.71 1.35 all taxa CT 1981 Carya ovata 207 40 7 2 0 60 256 0.23 1.20 all taxa CT 1984 Carya ovata 39 9 5 0 0 19 53 0.36 1.19 all taxa TN 1986 Carya ovata 35 15 4 0 0 23 54 0.43 0.94 on individual C. ouata trees, and eggs are placed far into crevices, it is doubtful that females assess egg load on trees before ovipositing (I regularly find eggs and eggshells of several Catocala species under the same piece of exfoliating bark). Implicit in the above analyses is that the spatial distribution of these hickories was not strongly contagious, a pattern which by itself could confound interpretation of moth densities on trees, as well as influence conclusions about female preferences among different foodplants spe- cies. Both intraspecific and interspecific distributions of the foodplant trees are relevant (Courtney and Courtney, 1982, for the former; Stanton, 1982, for the latter). At the Connecticut localities of Brooksvale Park, Southbury, and West Redding, farming and landscaping practices have generated an approximately regular distribution of all hickories. Large trees (often hickory and maple) are planted, or culled, at intervals along the edges of fields. This reduces the possibility of “edge-effects” within monotypic clumps of trees, but probably does not greatly affect interspe- cific tree clumping. At West Rock and Celina, where neither farming nor landscaping is now manifest, there may be some tendency for small trees to be clumped (both intra- and interspecific stands), but medium sized and large trees are encountered only sporadically. 228 J. Res. Lepid. Discussion GENERAL TRENDS IN OVIPOSITION SPECIFICITY The field studies presented above show that ovipositing female Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala discriminate among the three major taxonomic divisions within Juglandaceae: neogama oviposits on Juglans; subnata on Cary a section §Apocarya; and Judith , obscura, palaeogama, residua , and retecta on Carya section §Eucarya. Within Carya section §Eucarya, shagbark hickory (C. ovata ) is always preferred over other hickories. In both Connecticut and Tennessee, two geographically distant sites with differing juglandaceous floras, oviposition preferences by wild female Catocala are quite close even down to the foodplant species level. Oviposition by both flebilis and serena, represented here by small sample sizes, will likely also prove to be restricted to Carya (the few other recorded ovipositions for serena are all C. ovata ; Nielsen, 1978, and in lift.). Field data on nebulosa are presently lacking, but I have determined a wild egg collected in Michigan on Carya cordiformis by M. Nielsen to be nebulosa (confirmation by scanning electron microscopy; the egg SEM profiles of nearly all Nearctic Catocala are now known), and its larvae only ate Carya section §Apocarya in foodplant preference tests (Gall, 1991a). Thus, it seems probable that nebulosa will prove to limit oviposition to Carya section §Apocarya, as does subnata . In contrast to my field studies with Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala larvae (Gall, 1991a, 1991b), I did not systematically sample non- juglandaceous trees at the same time for ovipositing females, to allow explicit tests of foodplant family level oviposition specificity. However, I have certainly examined well in excess of 300 trees (most of which were oaks) in other Catocala foodplant groups during the course of these nightly walks, and never noted an ovipositing Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala on these other foodplant trees. Additionally, during studies of oviposition by Rosaceae-feeding Catocala , Schweitzer (1987, and in litt.) has similarly failed to record other than Rosaceae feeders on those plant arrays. Thus, there is little question that the Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala discussed here oviposit solely on juglandaceous foodplants. Note that Rowley & Berry (1912) did report finding eggs of the oak- feeding ilia Cramer very rarely on C. ovata in Missouri. I have taken only one ilia egg under a C. ovata shag (in Connecticut in 1984, among numerous shags examined for eggs and hatched egg shells over the years), and Schweitzer (1982) obtained exclusively Juglandaceae-feed- ing Catocala (over 100 individuals representing 4 species) from 18 C. ovata whose egg faunas he surveyed by placing shags into rearing sleeves in early spring. OVIPOSITION SPECIFICITY VS. LARVAL FOODPLANT USE Whether female oviposition choice and larval feeding biologies agree is of interest to studies of the evolutionary history of foodplant ecology in 29(3):217-233, 1990(91) 229 the genus Catocala. For the species treated in this paper, such concor- dances appear to be absolute at the foodplant family level, with all 10 Juglandaceae-feeding Catocala ovipositing solely on Juglandaceae in the field, their first instars preferring only these same plants in arena tests (Figures 1-3 in Gall, 1991a), and the wild larvae being found only on these same plants (Table 3 in Gall, 1991b). The concordances appear nearly as absolute within Juglandaceae, with one taxon ( neogama ) ovipositing and feeding as larvae in both lab and field on Juglans , one on Cary a section §Apocarya ( subnata ), and five on Carya section §Euearya (Judith , obscura, palaeogama, residua , retecta). Furthermore, for each of these seven Catocala species, larval growth and survival are also uniformly best on the foodplants preferred by wild females for oviposition (Table 4 in Gall, 1991a). Only the laboratory oviposition specificity tests do not agree closely with the larval feeding biologies. Most of the disagreement seems traceable to the confounding influences of female age and bark sample “shagginess” (see below), as the few successful oviposition arenas with palaeogama, piatrix , residua , retecta , and subnata do match larval feeding patterns moderately well at the foodplant genus level. Among the southern Connecticut Carya -feeding Catocala , there is some vari- ability in the otherwise precise correspondences between wild female oviposition and larval foodplant specificities, but only for palaeogama and retecta , the two most oligophagous of the taxa ( hahilis , Judith , obscura , and residua are all specialists linked tightly to the biology of C. ovata ). For 1 retecta and 3 palaeogama broods, data are available on the foodplant preferences of the females and their larval progeny (cf. Table 2 above; and Table 4 in Gall, 1991a). The mother of retecta brood E81 was collected as she oviposited on C. ovata. She was not tested in an oviposition arena, and her progeny ate much more C. glabra in first instar arenas than other food choices. Survival and growth rate of her larvae were but slightly higher on C. ovata than on C. glabra. The mother of palaeogama brood A80 was collected while she oviposited on C. ovata. In oviposition arenas, she laid more eggs on C. glabra than on C. ovata. Her progeny overwhelmingly preferred C . ovata to other Carya in first instar arena tests, and similarly developed fastest on C. ovata in no-choice sleeve rearings. The mother of palaeogama D80 was taken while she oviposited on C. tomentosa. She laid most of her eggs on the arena (a paper bag) rather than on bark samples. Her progeny ate equal amounts of C. ovata and C. tomentosa , but they were not reared in sleeve experiments. The mother of palaeogama brood E80 was taken while she oviposited on C. glabra. She was not tested in an arena, and her first instars preferred C. ovata two to one over C. tomentosa , and ate virtually no C. glabra. Her larvae developed most rapidly on C. ovata in sleeve rearings. The only consistent pattern to emerge from the foregoing comparisons is that C. ovata seems to best support larval growth, irrespective of 230 J. Res. Lepid. female oviposition history. There is no indication that pronounced “host races” are developed at present in the hickory-feeding Catocala who regularly use Cary a other than the universally preferred C. ouata. However, I suspect that local or larger-scale host races may prove to be common among the Rosaceae-feeding Catocala when their field biologies are examined closely (my unpublished rearing data). THE OVIPOSITION ARENA FAILURES: THE EFFECT OF FEMALE AGE Limitations in arena methodology are suggested by the failure of most captive females to discriminate against the arena walls and, especially, the Type I control (white oak, Quercus alba ) — on which oviposition by the same Catocala species does not occur in the field. First, the flight space offered in these arenas is relatively small compared to the wing- span of most Catocala. Second, volatile olfactory cues that might be used by Catocala to identify foodplants will mix in plastic and paper arenas closed to strong ventilation (the wire mesh arenas were well ventilated), and when coupled with small arena size, this could easily occlude cues which guide female choice. The exclusive use of wire mesh arenas in 1981 reduced the problem of oviposition on arena walls, but the females continued to oviposit heavily on the Type I control, Quercus alba. Two uncontrolled intervening variables seem relevant to this persis- tent tendency of females to oviposit on Quercus alba in arenas: female age, and the “shagginess” of bark samples. Both variables need to be explored further, but low adult Catocala numbers in New England since 1981 (and the more pressing need to secure adequate rearing stocks each summer from the few captured females) have limited efforts to design follow-up arena tests. For the Carya-feeding species listed in Table 2, there is a positive correlation between the date a female was confined to her arena and the fraction of eggs she placed “haphazardly” on arena walls and Type I controls. The trend is significant for the 1980 arenas (Spearman rank r=+0.78, n=8, pc. 05), but not so for 1981, although it is positive (r=+0.31, n=9, p>.25). Table 8 shows 1981 Connecticut ovipositions for palaeogama (the most abundant species in the best year), on C. ouata versus all other foodplants, as a function of sampling date. The percentage of ovipositions on trees other than Carya ouata increases as the season progresses (Spearman rank r=+0.98, n=6, pc. 05; more conservative pooling strate- gies for sampling date do not eliminate the significance). Schwarz (1923), working with caged Catocala car a females, noted a comparable increase in ovipositions on other than the preferred foodplant (willow) as the females aged (his data are summarized in Table 9). In addition, the only Connecticut residua (n=l) and retecta (n=2) ovipositions on Carya other than C. ouata were similarly late in the 1980 season (27 August, 30 August, and 1 September, respectively). Moreover, the two “mistakes” noted earlier in the Results were also late in the 29(3):217~233, 1990(91) 231 Table 8. Oviposition by wild Catocaia pa laeogama females in Connecticut during 1981 , by date and foodplant species. Preference for oviposition on Carya ovata breaks down as the season progresses and females age. July August Week 4 Week 1 Number of Ovipositions August August August Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 September Week 1 Carya ovata 5 4 10 4 3 0 another tree 0 0 1 2 2 1 T able 9. Oviposition by caged Catocaia cara females, by date and foodplant species. Preference for oviposition on willow breaks down as females age. Data from Schwarz (1923). Number of Oppositions August August September September 19 20 15 10 Female 1 willow 10 21 0 0 poplar 0 0 2 1 hickory 0 0 0 2 Female 2 willow 11 30 0 0 poplar 0 0 0 0 hickory 0 0 0 1 season: a palaeogama on Carya cordiformis , 29 August 1981; a subnaia on Juglans cinerea , 28 August 1980. These several lines of evidence indicate that oviposition specificity broadens as females grow older (although adult Catocaia typically live for several weeks or more, and pupal eclosion in the field is no doubt spread over at least a 1-2 week period, it is certainly safe to state that the average age of females in late August and September is greater than in late July and early to mid August). The broadening in oviposition specificity is likely in part a simple correlate of deteriorating sensory capacity. However, it may also in part be an adaptive response to aging, as somatic reserves are depleted and fecundity and fertility decline (sharpest discrimination might be favored selectively in younger fe- males: larvae hatching from these earlier eggs would likely be better nutritionally provisioned than those from late eggs, and perhaps be at a competitive advantage, both intra- and inter specifically). Thus, older females might be viewed as having more freedom to experiment with secondarily suitable foodplants (e.g., trees other than C. ovata for the Carya- feeders), with less risk of compromising already successful repro- ductive effort. 232 J. Res. Lepid. THE OVIPOSITION ARENA FAILURES: THE EFFECT OF BARK SHAGGINESS The roughness of bark samples also seems responsible in part for the unusual haphazard oviposition by captive Juglandaceae-feedingCafocaZa in arenas. Bark of the Type I arena controls, white oak ( Quercus alba), is rough, like that of Cary a ovata and C. glabra, and exfoliates slightly (as in only C. ovata). Only the bark of C. tomentosa is smooth (in contrast to C. ovata, C. glabra, and Quercus alba), and even massive C. tomentosa have roughened bark largely only near their bases. In all arenas with Carya feeders, fewer eggs were laid on the non- shaggy C. tomentosa than on the other Carya species (pc. 05 by ANOVA. successful and unsuccessful arenas combined). Likewise, fewer eggs were laid on C. tomentosa than on Quercus alba plus arena crevices (t=20, n=16, pc. 01 by Wilcoxon test; t=3, n=8, pc. 05 for same test using 1981 arenas only, in which the use of wire mesh cages eliminated oviposition on arenas). Lastly, 3 of the 4 arenas in which more eggs were laid on C. tomentosa than on the oak/arena were with palaeogama confined in plastic containers, in which no crevices or seams were present. Thus, the shagginess of an oviposition substrate seems also to be important to ovipositing Catocala, along with foodplant species. In this context, consider too that the genital morphology of female Catocala is clearly geared toward concealing eggs in inacessible places such as shags, crevices and cracks: the ovipositor is strongly dorso-laterally flattened, secondarily sclerotized, and highly extensible; and the eggs of most of the Juglandaceae feeders, the Nearctic Rosaceae feeders, and some of the Nearctic oak feeders are also dorso-laterally flattened, in contrast to the usual hemispherical Catocala egg . Acknowledgements. I thank Richard Harrison, David Hawks, Charles Remington, James Rodman, Dale Schweitzer, and Bruce Tiffney for many helpful discussions about Catocala, and John Hartigan for statistical advice. Dale Schweitzer, David Furth, and Victor DeMasi helped search for ovipositing females in Connecticut; Wayne Miller did so in Tennessee. Financial assistance was provided by the George D. Harris Foundation, the E. Tappan Stannard Fund, a Sigma Xi RESA grant, and a Yale University Prize Teaching Fellowship. This paper was drawn from a dissertation submitted to Yale University in partial fulfillment for the degree of Ph.D. Literature Cited Courtney, S.P., and S. Courtney. 1982. The ‘edge-effect’ in butterfly oviposition: causality in Anthocaris cardamines and related species. -Ecol. Entom. 7: 131- 137. Gall, L.F. 1987. Leaflet position influences caterpillar feeding and development. - Oikos 49: 172-176. . 1991a. Evolutionary ecology of sympatric Catocala moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). I. Experiments on larval foodplant specificity. - J. Res. Lepid., 29: 173-194. 29(3):217-233, 1990(91) 233 1991b, Evolutionary ecology of sympatric Catocala moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). II. Sampling for wild larvae on their foodplants. - J. Res. Lepid., 29: 195-216. Miller, W. A. 1977. Catocala (Noctuidae) species taken in Clay County, Tennessee. - J, Lepid. Soc. 31: 197-202. Nielson, M.C. 1978. Field Summary for 1977, Michigan report. - Lepid. Soc. News (May/June), p. 6. Rowley, R.R., and L. Berry. 1912. A dry year’s yield of Catocalae (Lepid.). - Entom. News 23: 207-214. Sargent, T.D. 1976. Legion of Night: the Underwing Moths. -Uni v. Mass. Press, Amherst. 222 pp. SAS Institute Inc. 1985a. SAS User’s Guide: Basics, Version 5 Edition. - SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina. 1290 pp. . 1985b. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics, Version 5 Edition. - SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina. 956 pp. Schwarz, E. 1923. The reason why Catocala eggs are occasionally deposited on plants upon which the larva cannot survive; and a new variation (Lepid., Noctuidae). - Entom. News 34: 272-273. Schweitzer, D.F. 1982. Field observations of foodplant overlap among sympatric Catocala feeding on Juglandaceae. - J. Lepid. Soc. 36: 256-263. . 1987. Catocala pretiosa , the precious underwing moth: results of a global status survey, with a recommendation for retention in category 2. - Status Survey Report to the US Fish & Wildlife Service, (Newton Corner, MA). 24 pp. Sokal, R.R., and F.J. Rohlf. 1982. Biometry (2nd Ed.). - Freeman, San Francisco. 859 pp. Stanton, M.L. 1982. Searching in a patchy environment: foodplant selection by Colias p. eriphyle butterflies. - Ecology 63: 839-853. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(3):234-236, 1990(91) Book Reviews A REVISION OF THE INDO -AUSTRALIAN GENUS ATTACUS. Richard S. Peigler. 1989. 167 pp., 9 maps, 24 figures (line drawings), 36 color figures. Published by the Lepidoptera Research Foundation, 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, California 90210, USA. ISBN 961 1464-2-7 Format: 20.2 by 27.8 cm. Price US $30.00 postpaid. Text in English. Summaries in German, Indonesian and Japanese. Thesis for the PhD degree in Entomology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, December 1983. The genus Attacus is particularly known for comprising the largest Lepidopt- era in the world. Its distribution, categorized as Indo- Australian with a slight incursion into the Palearctic zone, extends from the southern Himalayas to Sri Lanka at Taiwan to the Philippines and to northern Australia, with a gap in New Guinea where the genus is replaced by its sister-group Coscinocera. Of the 14 species cited by Peigler, 11 are insular and endemic to their respective islands or archipelagoes, and only Attacus atlas has a range that is both insular and continental, including all of southeastern Asia, Taiwan, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. The absence of endemics on these four islands is noteworthy. The economic role of Attacus is quite minimal, the culture of their fagara silk having been practically abandoned. The larvae, of which the known ones are very polyphagous, have only been well known as pests of cacao and avocado. In spite of their gigantism, except for three species which are largely commer- cialized on Taiwan (A. atlas) and the Philippines (A. lorquinii and A. caesar), these insects have remained relatively little known; in fact, several taxa are still represented in collections by one to ten specimens. The existing literature, itself very unequally extensive for the various species, gave numerous errors and gaps, and a revision of the genus appeared necessary. The plan to the book is that which is employed in every work of this kind. After the preface, the introduction, and an interesting historical review of the litera- ture (the first Attacus were cited and figured around the beginning of the 18th century), the author offers his methods of work which made particular use of considerable material that was examined, and notably, the collections containing the majority of the type material, in the principal American and European museums ( 17 of which were visited). The pertinent data from all these specimens plus the correspondence with other scientific institutions and private collectors is faithfully reproduced in the treatment of each species concerned, constituting, notably for the biogeographer, documentation of the first order. The following two chapters treat the study of the morphology of the imago and early stages, the latter of which only four species are known, an examination of the systematic position of the genus and a review of nomenclatural problems. The genus Attacus, in its current concept, considered without iheArchaeoattacus and Coscinocera which are nonetheless figured by the author, is a group that is monophyletic and absolutely homogeneous. The study of the 14 species cited by Peigler, following an alphabetical order which I would have preferred to have been phylogenetic, is preceded by a key that is based entirely on external 29(3):234-236, 1990(91) 235 characters of the habitus. The treatment of each species consists of the following sections: bibliographic references, type specimens, diagnosis, early stages if these are known, geographical distribution, material examined, discussion (designation of lectotypes, synonymies, specific characters, etc.). Of the 50 taxa of various ranks proposed in the literature, 14 are judged to be valid; I note 29 new synonymies of which 23 refer to Attacus atlas alone. Two new species have been described in a preliminary note (1975, Nachr. Ent. Ver. Apollo , Frankfurt (N.F.) 6: 53-60) and four taxa are elevated to specific rank. The 14 taxa treated are all considered to be full species, Peigler considering that the concept of subspecies is not applicable here. In spite of his earnest attempt to demonstrate it, this appears to be difficult to prove. As a matter of generality, declaration of specific or subspecific rank of certain taxa, in the absence of definitive characters, becomes somewhat subjective. Thus doubts remain in assigning specific rank to taxa such as A. mcrnulleni from the Andaman Islands and particularly to A taprobanis from Sri Lanka. The position that the reviser has cornered himself in is hardly comfortable! The work is finally composed of four chapters in which the following topics are covered: biology and ecology (see also Appendix I, hostplants), intergeneric relationships based on a cladistic study founded on 20 characters, a phylogenetic analysis of the genus and speciation. The solutions proposed in phylogeny are pertinent and generally convincing, but unfortunately the final result is to group the American genera on the one hand and the Indo-Australian genera on the other, with the African Epiphora by itself in the tribe. Finally, the bibliography is plethoric with more than 300 cited works. The only criticism to be expressed concerns the illustrations. The drawings are mediocre, particularly those figuring the male genitalia and even more so the female, which appear schematic and often incomplete. The color plates are technically excellent but the scale adopted is regrettable (not indicating the sizes), reducing the moths to two-thirds their actual size, thus depriving them of their most attractive character, their great sizes. Nevertheless every species is absolutely identifiable and, where doubt exists, it is sufficient to refer to the biogeographical data where necessary. Finally, I have some regret that the author did not go ahead and revise all of the Palearctic and Indo-Australian genera of Attacini, three more genera containing perhaps 10 additional species, as this would have doubled the value of this basic work. As it is, this work is a wealth of information of which I cannot give a fair appraisal in the space allotted in this review. The work of Richard Peigler is a contribution far superior to that of a simple revision and every entomologist, even if not particularly interested in Attacus , will find a documentation and assem- blage of valuable data beyond the limits of the subject treated, for all of the fauna of the geographical zone concerned. It is a book particularly well done and of beautiful quality, including the printing and the presentation, and appears to be available at a very reasonable price. Claude Lemaire, La Croix des Baux, F -84220 Gordes , France. 230 J. Res . Lepid . THE BUTTERFLIES OF THE CAUCASUS. 1. Y. P. Nekrutenko. 1990. Naukova Dumka. Kiev (SU). In Russian. 215 pp., 32 col. pis., 106 figs. ISBN 5 - 12- 001352-X. Price 2.10 Rbl. (hardback, plastic, approx. 17 x 24 cm). This important work is the result of many years of field work and study of literature and original material in museums in the USSR and abroad by the author, a leading Ukrainian lepidopterist. The book contains comprehensive treatment of Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae and Danaidae of the Caucasus (remaining Rhopalocera families are to form the second volume of this two volume handbook; I understand that the manuscript is near completion). The work opens with general chapters on the geography of the Caucasus and on the history of the study of butterflies of the Caucasus. The latter is a detailed 25 pp. account illustrated by photographs of leading lepidopterists who published important contributions on the butterflies of the Caucasus. The systematic part contains a short introduction, outline of anatomy and keys to families, as well as monographs on all species. There are also keys to genera and species. The individual species monographs provide comprehensive and painstakingly com- piled bibliographies, descriptions of external features and anatomy including drawings of male and female genitalia, variation, type-locality and etymology of the valid name. Comprehensive information on distribution, biology, larval food plants, and often on the conservation or status are also provided. Throughout the text references are made to information sources; the bibliog- raphy at the end of the volume comprises well over 400 references commencing with the “Systema Naturae” of 1758. Particularly valuable are consistent references to original descriptions. The color plates feature all species treated in this volume, near to life sizes. The quality of printing is probably very good by Russian standards, but not surprisingly leaves much to be desired by ours. As this book is above all a taxonomic work, the author calls it a key which seems to me an understatement, a discussion of the classification of some species should await the publication of the second volume. Suffice to say that the author deserves both our congratulations and our thanks. It is a great pity that the book is written in Russian only, without an English summary, and thus is inaccessible to the vast majority of European lepidopterists. The author should certainly consider publishing, if not an English translation, at least an extensive English summary of and a guide to the Russian version. I impatiently look forward to the publication of the second volume of this important handbook. Otakar Kudrna, Karl- Straub -Str. 21, D 8740 Bad Neustadt - Salz ( Germany ). INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Manuscript format: Two copies must be submitted, double-spaced, typed, with wide margins. Number all pages consecutively. If possible italicize rather than underline scientific names and emphasized words. Footnotes are discouraged. Do not hyphenate words at the right margin. All measurements must be metric. Time must be cited on a 24-hour basis, standard time. Abbreviations must follow common usage. 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Even if your printer is incapable of outputting italics, please specify italics rather than underline in your disc copy. Please note any special characters that are used in either the body of the text or the tables {e.g. e, u, '% §, p, 6, 9 ). Title material: All papers must include the title, author's name, author's address, and any titular reference and institutional approval reference. A family citation must be given in parenthesis (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) for referencing. Abstracts and Short Papers: All papers exceeding three typed pages must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words. Neither an additional summary nor key words are required. Name citations and Systematic Works: The first mention of any organism should include the full scientific name with unabbreviated author and year of description. There must be conformity to the current International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. We strongly urge depositing of types in major museums, all type depositories must be cited. References: All citations in the text must be alphabetically listed under Literature Cited in the format given in recent issues. Abbreviations must conform to the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Do not underline or italicize periodicals. If four or less references are cited, please cite in body of text not in Literature Cited. For multiple citations by the same author(s), use six hyphens rather than repeating the author’s name. Tables: When formulating tables, keep in mind that the final table will fill a maximum space of 11.5 by 19 cm either horizontally or vertically oriented. Number tables with Arabic numerals. When submitting tables on disc, use tabs between columns rather than multiple spaces. Illustrations: Color can be submitted as either a transparency or print, the quality of which is critical. 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THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA Volume 29 Number 3 Fall 1990(1991) IN THIS ISSUE Date of Publication: December 31, 1991 Evolutionary Ecology of Sympatric Catocala Moths 173 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) I. Experiments on Larval Foodplant Specificity Lawrence F. Gall Evolutionary Ecology of Sympatric Catocala Moths 195 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) II. Sampling for Wild Larvae on their Foodplants Lawrence F. Gall Evolutionary Ecology of Sympatric Catocala Moths 217 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) III. Experiments on Female Oviposition Preference Lawrence F. Gall Book Reviews 234 >-v Cover Illustration: Photograph by Lawrence F. Gall. SKT THE JOURNAL OF ON THE LEPIDOPTERA Volume 29 Conservation Issue Number 4 Winter 1990(1992) THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA ISSN 0022 4324 Published By: Founder: Editorial Staff: Associate Editors: The Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. 9620 Heather Road Beverly Hills, California 90210 (310) 274-1052 William Hovanitz Rudolf H. T. Mattoni, Editor Scott E. Miller, Assistant Editor Emilio Balletto, Italy Henri Descimon, France Philip DeVries, U.S.A. Thomas Emmel, U.S.A. Lawrence Gall, U.S.A. Hansjuerg Geiger, Switzerland Otakar Kudrna, Germany Arthur Shapiro, U.S.A. Atuhiro Sibatani, Japan Karel Spitzer, Czechoslovakia Manuscripts and Notices Material may be sent to the Editor at: 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213) 274-1052 The JOURNAL is sent to all members of the FOUNDATION. Classes of Membership: Regular (Individual) Contributing Student/Retired-Worldwide Subscription Rate/Institutions Life $ 20.00 year (vol.) $ 30.00 or more, year (vol.) $ 18.00 year (vol.) $ 28.00 year (vol.) $ 250.00 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA is published four times a year by THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The office of publication and the general business office are located at 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, California 90210. The publisher is THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The Editor is R. H. T. Mattoni at the above address. The Secretary-Treasurer is Leona Mattoni at the general business office. All matters pertaining to membership, dues, and subscriptions should be addressed to her, including inquiry concerning mailing, missing issues, and change of address. The owner is THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDA- TION, INC., a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California in 1965. The President is R. H. T. Mattoni, the Vice President is John Emmel, the Secretary-Treasurer is Leona Mattoni. The Board of Directors is comprised of Barbara Jean Hovanitz, Leona Mattoni, and R. H. T. Mattoni. There are no bond holders, mortgages, or other security holders. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(4):237-253, 1990(92) Conservation of butterflies in Australia T.R. New Department of Zoology, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia 3083. Abstract. The development of understanding of butterfly conserva- tion in Australia is reviewed. A summary is given of the dramatic changes to Australian terrestrial environments which have occurred since Caucasian settlement, and some factors leading to butterfly decline in recent years are itemised. The study of Australian butterflies is summarised, and the limitations of current knowledge in relation to conservation concern are stressed. Recent legislative measures involv- ing butterflies are itemised and discussed. Species-orientated conser- vation cases are still rare, but the roles of several taxa in increasing political and public conservation awareness are outlined. Introduction “Butterfly Conservation” is a relatively new topic in Australia, and has not yet developed to encompass the broad public and scientific concern it engenders in much of the northern hemisphere. However, during the last few years it, together with other aspects of invertebrate conservation, has started to appear on scientific and political agendas as part of a growing more general concern over the future of the Australian environ- ment and biota. A preliminary report on conservation status of Austra- lian insects by Key (1978) aroused considerable interest. A broader appraisal (New 1984) and a number of other accounts and surveys have been published during the last decade, and many of these are noted below. Thus, in contrast to the more detailed historical and factual treatments which are feasible for butterfly conservation in Europe or North America, where this theme has long been accepted readily, this account traces the emerging awareness of the topic and how it is gradually becoming acknowledged as important in Australia. Specific case histories are sparse, and there is thus not a “bank” of experience of conservation of particular taxa equivalent to that available for parts of the northern hemisphere. This account must, in contrast, indicate some of the principles, restrictions, and increasing public and legislative sympathy for butterfly conservation in the country. The Problem The Australian environment has been changed dramatically during only 200 years of European settlement, and much of the indigenous biota of the island continent has suffered accordingly. The major change has undoubtedly been the destruction of natural vegetation, and related effects. Vast tracts of land have been cleared for pasture and arable agriculture, so that most categories of forest and woodland have declined. 238 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 1 . Australia, indicating major political boundaries, biogeographical regions, approximate numbers of butterfly species from each State and Territory, and some major centres of butterfly diversity. States and Territories denoted by initial letters (Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory); numbers of butterfly species summarised from Common & Waterhouse (1981) and more recent literature; centres of diversity shown are (1) Cape York Peninsula, (2) southern coastal Queensland, (3) Cairns area - after Kitching (1981), see text; the regions shown are the southern Bassian, with distinct Western and Eastern Provinces, the Torresian (northern and north eastern), and the more arid Eyrean, delimited by the 500mm isohyet. The northern boundary of the East Bassian is debatable, and there are frequent northward incursions of southern fauna at higher altitudes. Only small proportions of the original vegetation remain in some major grain-growing areas (such as parts of Western Australia and South Australia), and nearly three-quarters of forests in Victoria have been modified substantially, for examples. As much as half the continent may have suffered degradation in land quality (Ive and Cocks 1989) by loss of topsoil resulting from combinations of vegetation clearing, over-cultiva- tion, overstocking, irrigation and the activities of feral exotic animals - 29(4):237-253, 1990(92) 239 ranging from rabbits and goats to horses, camels and water-buffalo. A second category of change considered also to have affected insects adversely has been the introduction of large numbers of exotic animals, including the above and other mammals, birds, freshwater fish and the cane toad (Bufo marinus) as well as an array of arthropods, including non-specific biological control agents, and aggressive plant weeds. Urbanisation in Australia, with its attendant effects, has tended to be concentrated along the eastern side and the southern corners of Austra- lia, the areas of greatest rainfall and ecological complexity (Fig. 1). Much of the vast semiarid to arid inland region, in contrast, is very sparsely settled, although still subject to grazing by stock, and related degrada- tion pressures. It is reasonable to infer that the above, and other, changes have caused decline and/or loss of many insect taxa, but this is difficult to substantiate because of lack of historical information on most groups. For many insect orders, there are still large numbers of unnamed species, and many taxa have yet to be collected and categorised; this lack of knowledge, with perhaps only half our insect species, or even less, yet having names, constitutes a substantial “taxonomic impediment” (Taylor 1976) to communicating concern about loss of insect diversity. As they are elsewhere, butterflies are one of the best-known groups of insects, and attention is now being paid to both the wellbeing of individual taxa, and to their use as indicators of a greater conservation need: as reflections of invertebrate biodiversity and thus of the “health” of natural environ- ments. However, Australia, even neglecting various political outliers, is a vast area, and there are many gaps in distributional and faunistic knowledge even for such “well-known” groups. The continent spans a wide range of environments, from lowland tropical rainforest in the north, through arid regions and cool woodlands, to cold montane environments in the southeast, and this mosaic of environments can be used to provide foci for insect conservation in various ways. A general account of some of the problems involved in planning conservation of the fauna is given by Greenslade & New (1991). Australian butterflies, and their study In contrast to many groups of the 20,000 or so species of moths in Australia the butterflies are, in general, taxonomically tractable and most of the nearly 400 species are recognisable without difficulty. A recent handbook (Common & Waterhouse 1972, 1981) marks the zenith of a series of texts produced at intervals over the previous century. The most important of these are a Catalogue by Masters (1873, noted by Moulds, 1977, as the first book wholly on Australian butterflies), Olliff (1889), Anderson and Spry (1893-94), Rainbow (1907) and two later classics still of great value: Waterhouse & Lyell (1914) and Waterhouse (1932). With the stimulation to collectors and biologists provided by 240 J. Res. Lepid. these and more recent texts (McCubbin 1971, D’Abrera 1971 and later editions) and a number of less comprehensive volumes, a useful frame- work of distributional, taxonomic and biological information on Austra- lian butterflies now exists, leading to possibility of some generalisation over faunal composition and larval food-plant associations (Symons 1980), for examples. More research than ever before is currently being pursued on butterfly biology in Australia and representatives of many endemic genera have been studied in considerable detail during the last decade or so. It is likely that a few further species of Hesperiidae and Lycaenidae will be found in less extensively collected regions, and that the taxonomic status of members of some complexes of putative subspecies will also change. Otherwise, very few species are undescribed. As with many other insect groups in Australia, endemism is high, so that there are some very characteristic elements in the fauna. The butterflies of northern Australia have much in common with those of New Guinea and many non-endemic taxa are restricted, or largely restricted, to this warmer region. They represent an attenuation from the richer faunas of New Guinea and the Indo-Malayan fauna. A few species are widely distributed elsewhere: Danaus plexippus (L.) (which has been in Austra- lia for about 100 years), D. chrysippus petilea (Stoll), Lampides boeticus (L.) and Pieris rapae (L.) are the best-known. The most characteristic endemic complexes occur in the Hesperiidae: Trapezitinae, Nymphalidae: Satyrinae, and Lycaenidae: Theclinae and Polyommatinae, and these groups contain a very high proportion of the butterflies of conservation concern. Others occur. Several Papilionidae, for example, have been considered in conservation legislation (see below). In general, there is a tendency for endemism at both generic and specific levels to be highest in the southern regions of Australia, probably reflecting a longer history of evolutionary isolation as relatively earlier arrivals than most butter- flies now confined to the North. Torres Strait, between New Guinea and Queensland, may have existed for only some 5.5-6 thousand years, before which these areas were contiguous. Many of the least tractable groups of butterfly species or putative subspecies occur in the south, indicating that speciation is continuing. Many of them have very localised distribu- tions and some are known to have declined in distribution range. Thus, for example, the island State of Tasmania has only three endemic species and one endemic genus (all Satyrinae) but many endemic subspecies ( Couchman & Couchman 1977). Some other Tasmanian subspecies are shared only with southern Victoria. Figure 1 shows the main political areas of continental Australia with indications of the relative diversity of butterflies in each, together with major biogeographic zones. Butterfly diversity is generally highest in the east, and decreases rapidly to the west of the Great Dividing Range. Major coastal centres of diversity (Fig. 1) include (1) the northernmost part of Queensland, Cape York Peninsula, with the most diverse array of Australian butter- 29(4):237-253, 1990(92) 241 flies, around 140 species (Monteith & Hancock 1977), (2) an area in southern Queensland where there is strong overlap of northern and southern faunas (Kitehing 1981), and (3) the area around Cairns, between these two, which Kitehing (1981) emphasises has been subject to especially high collecting intensity over many years. In contrast, butterfly diversity is generally low in the arid interior of the continent, and few endemic taxa occur there. Many of the Northern Territory taxa, for example, are restricted to the more clement climate of the “Top End.” Only some 40 species occur towards the south of the Territory in the centre of the continent. Because of their degree of taxonomic isolation, many Australian butterflies are readily designatable as worthy species for conservation attention when their restricted habitats are perceived to be threatened, or are known to be declining. The gross distributional ranges of many species are known, and distribution maps for each species and subspecies are included in Common & Waterhouse (1981), but the “fine grain” distribution of most is by no means clear and collectors continue to record taxa from up to hundreds of km outside their earlier-recorded ranges. Many species are known from only very few localities, some from only single small colonies occupying very restricted areas. In some instances there is little apparent reason for this as the habitats appear to be enclaves within much larger areas of seemingly similar terrain and vegetation. In others, restricted distributions are related more clearly to foodplant availability or to altitude or other physical features. A number of southeastern Satyrinae, for example, are alpine or subalpine and restricted to rather precise altitudinal ranges in the small mountainous regions. They often occur as discrete colonies on different mountains widely separated from each other by lower land, and some such isolated populations have been accorded subspecific names. As in other parts of the world, the species of direct conservation concern tend to be those whose abundance or distribution has either been reduced by human activities or where this is considered likely to occur. They encompass widespread species which are decreasing in abundance and species which are known from few sites, so that “more general” and “more specific” threats are both relevant. The latter could result in rapid extinctions but there are few documented cases of this in Australia. There has never been a large population of butterfly hobbyists in Australia, and yet much of our knowledge and the bulk of collections in major institutions derives from their activities. Together these collec- tions comprise a very substantial data base which is being progressively recorded and assessed with the aim of refining knowledge of butterfly distributions and how these may have changed in relation to land use. This is being augmented by increased and more selective survey and/or collecting in little-studied areas of several States to increase knowledge of some critical species. It will clearly be a long time before detailed distributional knowledge is relatively complete and lack of this definitive 242 J. Res. Lepid. information (in comparison with, particularly, some parts of Europe) is a communication hindrance with decision-makers in promoting cases for the conservation need of particular taxa. Formalised distribution data are not yet sufficiently comprehensive, in general, to be persuasive to people seeking information on the detailed status of particular butter- flies or to reinforce claims that particular butterflies “only occur” in a stated place and this, coupled with taxonomic uncertainty over the precise status of particular populations, weakens the case for some single-species conservation efforts. Most collectors reside on the eastern coastal part of Australia or in the southwest corner, the areas of greater butterfly diversity and greatest concerns over environmental effects on the insects. Some other parts of the continent are still relatively inaccessible and the total area needing detailed survey is, indeed, enormous. Perhaps the most intensively - collected area of mainland Australia is Victoria, currently subject to a butterfly mapping scheme (ENTRECS) operated by the Entomological Society of Victoria. On a relatively crude 10 x 10 minute grid system (defining areas of about 15 x 18 km), only about half these areas in the State (one of the smallest) have any butterflies formally recorded from them, and very few are comprehen- sively known (ESV 1986). Victoria contains only about 120 species of butterfly, about 10 being recorded there for the first time during the last decade. Maps for rainforest butterflies in New South Wales (Nadolny 1987) emphasise known distributions, again often sparse, of species of conservation interest, and more extensive survey work is currently in progress for that State. A list for the Australian Capital Territory (Kitching et al. 1978) also cites localities for that restricted area. A wider scale distribution - recording scheme for butterflies in Australia is also current (Dunn & Dunn 1990), but the prospect of providing detailed distribution maps for most butterflies over the vast areas of the larger Australian States is not realistic at present. There is need for decision- makers to accept the impracticality of doing this, or of being able to emulate various European mapping-schemes with very limited logistics and interest, and to accept the opinions of knowledgable lepidopterists on the status of most species rather than insist on quantitative information. Protective Legislation The Legislative system in Australia is two-tiered, involving Federal and State Governments. In general, the former lacks power to over-ride a decision made by a State Government, and States with a common border may have very different environmental protection laws. Insects have received little specific attention. Butterflies have generally been included, with other invertebrates, under such general terms as “wild- life” or “fauna” and it is only recently that such designations have diverged in functional interpretation from “vertebrates.” In all States and Territories, insects are protected in National Parks, and sometimes 29(4):237-253, 1990(92) 243 other categories of reserves, and permits are needed to collect or study butterflies in such areas. Australia is a signatory to CITES, although no Australian butterflies are included in Appendix 1. Export permits are needed for any Austra- lian native fauna under the Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1982. The operation of this Act is discussed by Monteith (1987), who emphasises that there has never been any significant amount of exploitative butterfly collecting in Australia for export. This is thus of little conservation concern at present but, clearly, could increase. There is little doubt that some species could in principle be endangered by unscrupulous collecting, and the Entomological Society of Victoria (the largest group of amateur entomologists and hobbyists in the country) has listed several species under a Voluntary Restricted Collect- ing Code, whereby no more than two adult specimens should be taken by any one collector in a season; this is, in general, heeded responsibly. Some desirable skippers could be overcollected, as their larvae produce conspicuous leaf-shelters which can be systematically taken. Some ant- attended Lycaenidae, including rare species of Ogyris Westwood, are traditionally collected in the pupal stage which occurs under the loose bark of eucalypts. Many collectors of such groups are tempted to take a surfeit of specimens to compensate for anticipated loss of specimens from parasitisation, and there are unconfirmed suggestions that this form of collecting has led to some rare species becoming endangered, or even locally extinct. Until recently, the only butterflies formally “protected” (that is, which collectors are prohibited from taking!) in any part of Australia were Papilio ulysses joesa Butler and species of Ornithoptera in Queensland, designated under the Queensland Fauna Protection Act in 1974. The Queensland Act, incidentally, defines “fauna” as only indigenous birds and mammals plus other species specifically declared to be “fauna” by government decree - so that Ulysses and the birdwings had to be specifically declared to have this status! Permits are needed for capture of any individuals of these taxa in the State, and a compulsory royalty of A$20/ specimen was introduced. Several collectors have indeed been pros- ecuted for transgressing this legislation. Proposals were made in 1980 to have a number of insects, including the butterflies Ornithoptera richmondia (Gray), Euschemon rafflesia (Macleay), Argyreus hyperbius inconstans (Butler) and Tisiphone abeona Joanna (Butler), listed for legislative protection in New South Wales under the State’s National Parks and Wildlife Act. After considerable debate, and objections from sections of the entomological community (who were not consulted over the earlier Queensland legislation but opposed it strongly in retrospect), the New South Wales proposals were withdrawn. The arguments mounted against this proposed legislation included (1) that the species appeared not to have been selected as priority taxa by any scientific process, but as examples of a much larger range of notable 244 J. Res. Lepid. insects in New South Wales many of which were at least equally deserving of protection; (2) that the conservation status of the nominated species was not clear but some, at least, appeared not to need such legislation which could merely serve to increase their value in the perception of collectors; (3) that such legislation without any concomi- tant provision for habitat protection/preservation or ecological study of the species involved was little better than a token gesture, and (4) that it could be extremely difficult to enforce. More particularly for the non- butterflies proposed, several species were sufficiently similar to other, non-protected, species that they could be differentiated confidently only by detailed examination, and it would not be reasonable to expect field wardens to be able to do this. In general, habitat protection was seen as far more urgent, significant and worthwhile than legislation of this sort. Many people have emphasised that the Queensland habitats for P. ulysses and Ornithoptera priamus (L.) are well-represented and that the species are not uncommon. Indeed, P. ulysses has recently extended its range into various towns and suburbs where its food plants have been planted. No other State has had butterfly listings equivalent to the above, although some other insects are legally protected in Western Australia and Tasmania. Recent pioneering legislation in Victoria has specifically provided for invertebrates (and non-vascular plants) under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, 1988, which in emphasis is more akin to the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Nominations can be made of any taxon deemed worthy of conservation or believed to be in need of it, and an interim conservation order may then be issued to protect the taxon and its habitat (for example, from any urgent threat of development or despoliation) pending investigation of its conservation status. The nomination process is simple and does not require massive documentation. The onus for subsequent investigation of conservation need falls on the State Minis- try, together with the duty to formulate a management plan if a conservation need is indeed demonstrated. Several Lycaenidae per- ceived as endangered from particular development projects, such as mining exploration and urbanisation, have been nominated for listing (together with other insects) and it remains to be determined whether or not this legislation will be logistically swamped in its undertaking to ensure that “no native animal or plant will be allowed to become extinct in Victoria.” It is as yet too early to comment on the functioning of this Act, which is being watched with keen interest by many conservationists in Australia. Such increased legislative awareness for insects (and other invertebrates) has the potential to draw considerable attention to the content of the modified form of the European Charter on Invertebrates which was adopted in Australia in July 1989. The Australian Entomo- logical Society has long had an active Conservation Committee which maintains a watching brief on any such developments and seeks to foster awareness of the importance of invertebrates in conservation activity. 29(4):237-253, 1990(92) 245 A recent legislative step in Australia has been to designate a species of butterfly in Queensland as “Permanently Protected Fauna” in that State, a status which confers a very high degree of protection and which has typically been accorded only to “high profile” vertebrates such as koala and platypus. Specimens held in the State by collectors, regardless of when captured, may be forfeit. Acrodipsas illidgei Waterhouse & Lyell (see below) was gazetted on 21 July 1990 as the first insect to be declared Permanently Protected Fauna («PPF”) Owners of specimens held in private collections may be given permission to retain these under a Permit to keep Fauna, renewable annually at a cost of $20, but are the permanent property of the Crown. The permit specifies the premises at which the specimen(s) is/are to be held and separate Movement Permits ($10 each) are needed to allow movement of specimens to other premises or in or out of Queensland. Maximum penalties specified for illegally collecting PPF are “200 pen- alty units or 2 years imprisonment, or both” and for “illegal possession” are “100 penalty units or 12 months imprisonment or both.” A. illidgei had been cited, as an example only , of a notable insect in a general document on the State of the Environment in Queensland (1990) and seemingly should have no greater conservation priority than very many other Queensland insects: it is not clear why it was selected for such special treatment. Priority species for Conservation No regional Red Data Book or similar full register of species of conservation interest has been produced for Australian insects and the prospect of doing this is remote. Nine Australian insects are included in the IUCN Invertebrate Red Data Book (Wells et aL 1983): no butterflies are noted. However, two documents published in 1988 do list Australian butterflies with implications for priority in conservation assessment. The more widely-known (IUCN 1988) includes seven taxa (Appendix 1), six of them from Tasmania, so that there is a strong bias towards evaluation of that island State to the relative neglect of the mainland. All six Tasmanian forms were categorised as “indeterminate,” and the unusual mainland skipper Euschemon rafflesia as “insufficiently known.” A broad survey of insect taxa meriting conservation attention in Australia by Hill & Michaelis (1988) involved requesting relevant opin- ion and information from more than 600 entomologists in the country. The 54 responses collectively listed 61 butterfly taxa and it is notable (in view of the Queensland legislation noted earlier) that no Papilionidae were nominated. The six Tasmanian taxa of the IUCN list appear also on the Hill & Michaelis list, although E. rafflesia does not. The latter list includes 28 other Hesperiidae, 24 Lycaenidae, 7 Nymphalidae and 2 Pieridae, some from only parts of their range. A select list of threatened taxa included 23 of these butterflies, and enumerated the perceived threats to these. 246 J. Res. Lepid. They include fire and agricultural activity (including trampling by stock), roadworks, urbanisation, mosquito control by insecticides, sand mining and bauxite mining. The most frequently cited threats are some form of “clearing” (10 species), followed by fire (7), the latter reflecting concern over vulnerability of remnant habitats even for a biota generally believed to be well-adapted to withstand low intensity fires as a sporadic natural occurrence. The citation of “roadworks” for four species emphasises the extreme vulnerability of several small and highly localised populations. Hypochrysops piceatus , Kerr, Macqueen & Sands (Lycaenidae), for example, is known to be extant in only one roadside habitat (extending for about 200 m) in Queensland and could seemingly be eradicated merely by injudicious road-widening or careless use of a bull-dozer in a rather remote area. It has apparently already become rarer because of tree removal. Urbanisation effects, including direct habitat destruction, are considered likely to be important for some remnant populations of formerly more widespread taxa. The reference to mosquito-spraying is to A. illidgei, which is restricted to a few coastal mangrove areas in Queensland. However, many other butterflies may also have declined, and their increasing rarity and vulnerability increases their priority for conservation in many forms of such comparative assessment. Although the taxa listed by IUCN (1988) have not had their precise status formally determined, suggestions from knowledgeable collectors imply that sev- eral of these, and others, should be regarded as being in the priority categories “Endangered” or “Vulnerable.” Species-orientated Conservation A few such localised taxa have recently been the targets of efforts to determine their status more precisely, or to more clearly appraise their need for conservation. Species-orientated butterfly conservation programmes are still a novelty in Australia, and the few cases have involved localised taxa coupled with an imminent perceived threat, that is “crisis-management” conservation with its attendant emotion. Little was known of the detailed biology of any of these species until their profiles were raised in this way. One case, in particular, has been very important in helping to establish the acceptance of butterfly conserva- tion in Australia. This is the Eltham Copper, Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida Crosby (Lycaenidae). In 1951, a brightly coloured form of the Dull Copper, P. pyrodiscus (Rosenstock), from outer northeastern Melbourne (Victoria) was described as distinct (Crosby 1951). It had been captured in reasonable numbers over a small area since about 1938, but declined substantially during the 1950s as its habitats became overtaken by the urban sprawl, and was presumed to have become extinct near Melbourne by about 1960. In early 1987, a large and apparently thriving colony was discovered at Eltham, within the historical range of the butterfly (Braby 29(4):237-253, 1990(92) 247 1987, 1990), and on land imminently threatened with development as a housing estate. An approach to the State Minister for Conservation, Forests and Lands led to discussion with the developers, who agreed to a moratorium on development until it was determined whether it might be possible to raise funds to purchase and reserve the habitat. No precedent for this had occurred in Australia and the discovery occurred, fortuitously, during the formulation of the State’s Flora and Fauna Guarantee (see above). The case was widely viewed as a barometer of the Government’s sincerity in adopting invertebrates as conservation tar- gets. A major public appeal was launched to raise funds. The butterfly became known as the “Eltham Copper,” after the township where it was discovered, one with a strong tradition of conservation and environmen- tal awareness. It became a familiar sight on posters, T-shirts, jewellery, bumper-stickers and as a local emblem. During Australia’s bicentenary year, “buy the butterfly a birthday” became a popular slogan for the appeal, and general awareness of butterfly conservation was fostered by a small booklet (New 1987) sold for the appeal. Over A$425000 was raised, of which the State Government contributed $250000 and the Shire Council a further $125000. Concurrently with the appeal, a detailed search for other colonies was pursued (Crosby 1987), a tentative management plan formulated (Vaughan 1987, 1988), and the integrity of the subspecies further appraised. Isolated colonies in one locality each in central and western Victoria, both widely separated from the Eltham population, are cur- rently referred to the same subspecies but all other colonies, mainly further east, are believed to be the nominate form. Ten colonies were discovered around Eltham, eight of them very small and considered unlikely to be viable in the long term. The largest colony, on the subdivision land, contained an estimated 300-500 larvae but, at the other extreme, only six butterflies were seen at the smallest colony. Management recommendations for these remnant urban populations, contingent on habitat reservation, included (1) protection from the various threatening processes created by nearby development (such as garbage dumping, sullage, trampling, slashing or burning vegetation, weed invasion, activities of domestic animals), (2) provision for habitat expansion by promoting natural regeneration of foodplants (a stunted dwarf form of Bursaria spinosa ) and (3) provision of a ranger to foster practical management and monitor its effects. A major part of the prime colony habitat was designated for purchase in 1989, and the effect of this was augmented substantially by the State Government transferring an area of land adjacent to this, and which also supported another major colony, to constitute part of the butterfly reserve. In the wake of the “Eltham Copper issue,” attention has since been paid to several other butterflies in eastern Australia. One of its closest relatives, the Bathurst Copper ( P . spinifera Edwards & Common), was 248 J. Res. Lepid. considered even more vulnerable (Nadolny, 1987: “the most vulnerable species in N.S.W.;” Kitching & Baker, 1990: “Australia’s rarest butter- fly”) and until very recently was known from only a single colony in New South Wales. Its status is at present being investigated in more detail, but its whole known distribution falls inside a circle of about 18 km diameter (Kitching & Baker, 1990). The localised coastal populations of Acrodipsas illidgei in Queensland occupied mangroves subject to clear- ing for tourist resort development, and its presence was instrumental in helping to prevent development of some 160 ha near Redland Bay (Samson 1989). As elsewhere, taxonomic problems can hamper assessment of conser- vation status of given populations. The Yellowish Skipper (or Altona Skipper), Hesperilla flavescens flavescens Waterhouse, has until recently been believed to be restricted to a few swampy areas in western Victoria, with largest colonies of this extreme bright phenotype predominantly on two sites west of Melbourne, where the sole larval foodplant (the sedge Gahnia filum) grows. These sites have been threatened with industrial despoliation and urban development, and these factors have been impli- cated in the decline of the butterfly and the loss of at least one colony. This taxon appears to be one extreme of a cline involving the highly variable H. donnysa Hewitson, which has nine named subspecies and with which H. flavescens Waterhouse was formerly included. A recent survey by Crosby (1990) has shown that some other populations are indeed close to, if not identical with, H.f. flavescens , although the Melbourne colonies are closed populations and considered to represent a critical stage in speciation in this complex of skippers. This example, and the Eltham Copper, together illustrate problems of promoting species conservation in Australia. We are commonly dealing with discrete and vulnerable populations, but ones whose taxonomic status is controversial, will be difficult to clarify, and about which specialists will continue to debate. Lack of “firm” taxonomic status of such clinal variants tends to weaken the political case for conservation. Two further examples, both taxa included in the Hill & Michaelis (1988) “threatened” list, illustrate this further. a) Tisiphone abeona Joanna , one of eight named “races” of the Swordgrass Brown, T. abeona (Donovan) (Nymphalidae:Satyrinae) all of which are restricted in distribution, occurs in one small area around Port Macquarie in central coastal New South Wales. It has long been known (Waterhouse 1922, 1928) that this is a hybrid between T.a. morrisi Waterhouse (to the north) and T.a. aurelia Waterhouse (to the south), and is apparently maintained consistently at the boundary where these two “races” meet. Conservation of this localised form therefore depends not only on direct conservation of its swamp habitat but also on ensuring continuity of habitat with those of the parent forms. T. abeona is not particularly vagile, so that habitat fragmentation caused by agricultural or urban development here could mark the demise of a remarkable and 29(4):237-253, 1990(92) 249 biologically unusual Australian butterfly. New (1984) cited T. aheona as an example of an endemic evolutionary phenomenon worthy of conserva- tion for its scientific interest alone. b) Pseudalmenus chlorinda (Blanchard) (Lycaenidae), the Australian Hairstreak, is represented by seven named forms in southeastern Aus- tralia, four of these occurring close together in Tasmania. Many are very restricted in distribution. Two Tasmanian subspecies and one mainland one have been listed as threatened. Couchman & Couchman (1977) noted that in Tasmania the Hairstreak “has been exterminated over wide areas,” due to various causes. Pasture improvement, involving destruc- tion of mature eucalypts (used for pupation sites) and acacias (the larval foodplant), and woodchipping, were cited for P.c. conara Couchman and P.c. chlorinda (Blanchard), respectively, and the Couchmans also noted the disappearance of two other distinctive but unnamed Tasmanian forms due to land clearing, burning and housing development. Soberingly , they stated that they located P. chlorinda in more than 50 localities after 1945 but most habitats had been destroyed so that (by 1977) it was “difficult to think of 10 areas within the island where the Hairstreak may survive.” In common with many other Lycaenidae, the habitat require- ments of P. chlorinda include the need for presence of particular species of ants in an obligate association. Habitats Widely recognised as the most important single requisite for conserva- tion, habitat reservation and management has not occurred widely in Australia for butterflies alone. As noted earlier, many important vegeta- tion types have been reduced to small remnants of their former extent, and there is considerable pressure (on non-butterfly grounds) for many of these to be reserved, with the likelihood that some butterflies will also be conserved as “passengers.” Continued threats to rainforests, for example, will almost inevitably lead to loss of butterflies. Nadolny ( 1987) commented on significant rain forest sites in New South Wales, and the wide importance of tropical rain forests on Cape York was emphasised by Monteith & Hancock (1977). Such key sites, in a range of vegetation types, are being identified progressively in several States. In addition to vegetation associations, ranging from alpine grasslands, and swamps to woodlands and forests, topographical features are impor- tant. Nadolny emphasised the importance of hill-topping sites for some species. Some Lycaenidae in Queensland, New South Wales and else- where, for example, are rarely (if ever) taken except on particular hill tops, which have become classic collecting localities and entered into Australian “butterfly folklore.” One or two species are known only from such sites but, for many, it is not clear where the species breed - although the phenomenon of hill-topping may well imply that the insects gather from a considerable surrounding area, it is by no means clear whether the populations are closed or open. 250 J. Res. Lepid. The areas of habitat involved in controversy over butterfly species conservation in Australia have generally been small: for the Eltham Copper, for example, only some four ha. Samples of many Australian ecosystems are indeed included in National Parks and other reserves but for many of these areas no definitive species list of butterflies is available, and management to conserve particular rare taxa is not undertaken. Most of the lists which do exist reflect sporadic visits by collectors rather than any attempt at comprehensive survey, although a number of more rigorous surveys are in progress. Few butterflies in Australia are regarded as “umbrella species,” al- though this status could possibly be accorded to some alpine species, such as most species of Oreixenica Waterhouse & Lyell (Satyrinae), as these are very specialised forms associated with characteristic and restricted alpine herbfield/grassland communities. They are frequently abundant over their limited altitudinal ranges, and any pronounced diminution in abundance may reflect wider-reaching effects on those communities. Here, and in some other restricted habitats, Australian butterflies could be valuable as indicators of community wellbeing, and conservation of the conditions suitable for them also ensure the persistence of other, less conspicuous, sensitive alpine fauna. The Future There is little doubt that further degradation to the Australian envi- ronment will occur. In addition to continuing pressures for forest (including rainforest) exploitation for timber, woodland clearing, and other human interventions - including development of alpine and remote coastal sites for recreation - the ramifications of possible global warming (the “Greenhouse Effect”) give cause for concern. These influences together are likely to result in further decline of many butterflies, and global warming could lead, for example, to severe contraction of alpine habitats in their present form. Decline of some butterflies will inevitably go unheralded, and insufficient is known of the biology of most of the rarer species to form the basis of informed management plans. This foundation, together with knowledge of distribution and precise taxo- nomic status, is gradually being strengthened, but the practical likeli- hood is that most species will remain as passengers in conservation activity for the foreseeable future. As elsewhere in the world, presence of rare or unusual “priority” species may strengthen the political case for reservation of particular habitats, even though they may not then be able to be managed effectively for those species. This is, perhaps, especially true for the labour-intensive maintenance of early serai vegetation stages to which many notable taxa are largely restricted, and butterfly conservationists in Australia will continue to draw on information from cases elsewhere in the world in planning optimal conservation or manage- ment strategies. Urban reserves are becoming commonplace, as people in rapidly 29(4):237-253, 1990(92) 251 expanding cities seek to conserve even small remnants of native vegeta- tion, and restoration of these is accelerating in intensity. There is some potential for translocation of butterflies to these, though this has so far been rare. A large skipper, Trapezites symmomus Hubner, found to the north of Melbourne has recently been experimentally introduced to a reserve managed by La Trobe University after a habitat was prepared for it by planting of larval foodplants, and this could mark the way for other such introductions. A strong move towards preferential growing of Australian native plants in gardens is also evident, replacing the tradi- tional concentration on exotic species, and there is some developing interest in butterfly gardening, fostered in part by horticultural groups. All these facets may help to counter the range declines and local extinctions which have caused comment from collectors in Australia since the late nineteenth century. Public awareness of, and education on, butterflies in Australia has recently been increased through Butterfly House exhibits, predomi- nantly in Melbourne (the Melbourne Zoological Gardens) and several tourist - based exhibits in Queensland. The latter enhance the image of P. ulysses, widely adopted as a tourism emblem in tropical Queensland. There is clearly considerable opportunity for conservation awareness to emanate from such ventures. Because of lack of opportunity to import live material, all such operations must depend entirely on native butter- flies, and increased knowledge of their captive breeding and mainte- nance is a natural result of this. A start has, thus, been made on several aspects of practical butterfly conservation in Australia. Specific cases, such as the Eltham Copper, still have considerable novelty value, and it is highly unlikely that hundreds of thousands of dollars will be made available for each of the many similar cases which may arise in the future. But more people than ever before are aware of butterfly conservation, the topic is no longer treated with universal disdain by politicians and the public, and the future for butterflies in Australia can be viewed with, at least, a reasonable level of optimism because of this increasing interest. Literature Cited Anderson, e. & F.P. Spry, 1893- 1894. Victorian Butterflies and how to collect them. Hearne & Co., Melbourne. Braby, M.F., 1987. The Eltham Copper: a butterfly with a special appeal. Habitat Australia 15 (6): 16-18. , 1990. The life history and biology of Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida Crosby (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). J. Aust. ent. Soc., 29: 41-50. Common, I.F.B. & D.F. Waterhouse, 1972. Butterflies of Australia. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. , 1981. Butterflies of Australia. Revised Ed., Angus & Robertson, Sydney. Crosby, D.F., 1951. A new geographical race of an Australian butterfly. Vic. Nat. 67: 225-226. , 1987. The conservation status of the Eltham Copper Butterfly ( Paralucia 252 J. Res. Lepid. pyrodiscus lucida Crosby (Lepidoptera:Lycaenidae). Technical Report Series No.81 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Melbourne. , 1990. A Management Plan for the Altona Skipper Butterfly Hesperilla flavescens flavescens Waterhouse (Lepidoptera:Hesperiidae). Technical Report Series No 98. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Melbourne. Couchman, L.E. & Couchman, R., 1977. Butterflies of Tasmania. Tasmanian Year Book, 1977: 66-96, Hobart. d’Abrera,B., 1971. Butterflies of the Australian Region. Lansdowne, Melbourne. Dunn, K.L. & L.E. Dunn, 1990. A computer database on Australian Butterflies. Myrmecia 26: 37-39. Entomological Society of Victoria (ESV), 1986. Preliminary distribution maps of butterflies in Victoria, Melbourne. Greenslade, P. & T.R. New, 1991. Australia: conservation of a continental insect fauna. In Collins, N.M. & Thomas, J.A. (eds.) Conservation of Insects and their Habitats. Academic Press, London pp. 33-70. Hill, L. & F.B. Michaelis, 1988. Conservation of Insects and Related Wildlife. Occasional Paper no. 13, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra. Ive, J. & D. Cocks, 1989. Rural land degradation in Australia. The role of trees in ecological solutions. Aust. Conserv. Farmer, 1 (3): 18-22. IUCN, 1988. The IUCN Red list of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland. Key, K.H.L., 1978. Conservation status of Australia’s insect fauna. Occasional Paper No.l, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra. Kitching, R.L., 1981. The Geography of the Australian Papilionoidea. In: Keast, A., ed., Ecological Biogeography of Australia. W. Junk, The Hague, pp. 979- 1005. Kitching, R.L. & E.J. Baker, 1990. Hello, Goodbye? Geo 12, 92-95. Kitching, R.L., E.D. Edwards, D. Ferguson, M.B. Fletcher & J.M. Walker, 1978. The butterflies of the Australian Capital Territory. J. Aust. ent. Soc. 17: 125- 133. Masters, G., 1873. Catalogue of the described diurnal Lepidoptera of Australia, Sydney. McCubbin, C., 1971. Australian Butterflies. Nelson, Melbourne. Monteith, G.B., 1987. Australian Federal Import/Export controls on insect specimens and their effect on insect conservation. In: Majer, J.D., ed., The role of invertebrates in conservation and biological survey. Dept, of Conservation and Land Management, Perth, W.A., pp. 21-30. Monteith, G.B. & D.L. Hancock, 1977. Range extensions and notable records for butterflies of Cape York peninsula, Australia. Aust. ent. Mag. 4: 21-38. Moulds, M.S., 1977. Bibliography of the Australian Butterflies, 1773-1973. Australian Entomological Press, Greenwich, NSW. Nadolny, C., 1987. Rainforest butterflies in New South Wales: their ecology, distribution and conservation. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney. New, T.R., 1984. Insect conservation: an Australian perspective. W. Junk, Dordrecht. , 1987. Butterfly Conservation. Entomological Society of Victoria, Melbourne. Olliff, A.S., 1989. Australian butterflies: a brief account of the native families, with a chapter on collecting and preserving insects. Nat. Hist. Assoc. N.S.W., Sydney. 29(4):237-253, 1990(92) 253 Rainbow, W.J., 1907. A guide to the study of Australian Butterflies. Lothian, Melbourne. Samson, P.R., 1989. Morphology and biology of Acrodipsas illidgei (Waterhouse & Lyell), a myrmecophagous lycaenid (Lepidoptera:Lycaenidae:Theclinae). J. Aust. ent. Soc., 28: 161-168. State of the Environment in Queensland, 1990. Department of Environment and Heritage, Brisbane, Queensland. Symons, D.E., 1980. The foodplants of Australian butterfly larvae. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 2: 277-292. Taylor, R.W., 1976. (A submission to the inquiry into the impact on the Australian environment of the current woodchip industry programme). In Australian Senate, Hansard (Reference: Woodchip Inquiry) pp. 3724-3731. Vaughan, P.J., 1987. The Eltham Copper Butterfly draft management plan. Technical Report Series No. 57. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Melbourne. , 1988. Management plan for the Eltham Copper Butterfly £ Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida Crosby) ( Lepidopter a : Lycaenidae ) . Technical Report Series No. 79. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Melbourne. Waterhouse, G.A., 1922. An account of some breeding experiments with the satyrine genus Tisiphone. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 47: i-xvii. , 1928. A second monograph of the genus Tisiphone , Hubner. Aust. Zool., 5: 217-240. , 1932. What Butterfly is that? Angus & Robertson, Sydney. Waterhouse, G.A., & G. Lyell, 1914. The Butterflies of Australia. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. Wells, S.M., R.M. Pyle & N.M. Collins, 1983. The IUCN Invertebrate Red Data Book. IUCN, Gland. Appendix 1. Australian Butterflies listed as “threatened animals” by IUCN (1988) Hesperiidae Antipodia chaostola leucophaea Tasmania Euschemon rafflesia E. Australia Hesperilla mastersi marakupa Tasmania Oreisplanus munionga larana Tasmania Lycaenidae Pseudalmenus chlorinda chlorinda Tasmania P.c. conara Tasmania Nymphalidae Heteronympha cordace comptena Tasmania Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(4):254-266, 1990(92) Changes of distribution of thermophilous butterflies in Slovakia Miroslav Kulfan Univerzita Komenskeho, Prirodovedecka fakulta, Katedra zoologie, Mlynska dolina B-l, CS- 84215 Bratislava, CZECHOSLOVAKIA and Jan Kulfan Ustav ekologie lesa SAV, V. I. Lenina 2, CS-96053 Zvolen, CZECHOSLOVAKIA Abstract. Data from the literature and original studies concerning thermophilous butterflies and skippers (Papilionoidea and Hesperoidea) of the Pannonian region of Slovakia are presented. Endangered, vulnerable, extinct, and species with no record of perma- nent occurrence are discussed. Anthropogenic factors harmful to thermophilous species are analyzed, including impacts of drainage, artificial afforestation, use of chemical compounds, cattle grazing, butterfly collecting, etc. Special attention is given to the state nature reserves of south Slovakia and their lepidoptera habitats. For long term protection of thermophilous butterflies in Slovakia it will be necessary to preserve the integrity of their habitats, to reduce negative anthropogenic factors and to implement further research on the biology and population structure of these butterflies. International cooperation for their protection will be necessary as well. Introduction The aim of this paper is to provide information on the distribution of butterflies (Papilionoidea and Hesperoidea) across the Pannonian re- gion of Slovakia. The region is the warmest in Slovakia. It includes lowlands, plains, basins, mountains and hills, promontories, a plateau, and highlands: Borska nizina (lowlands), Chvojnicka pahorkatina (hills), southwestern part of Biele Karpaty (mountains), southwestern and eastern parts of Myjavska pahorkatina (hills), Trnavska pahorkatina (hills), southern and low-lying parts of Male Karpaty (mountains), Podunajska rovina (plain), the southernmost part of Povazsky Inovec (mountains), Nitrianska pahorkatina (hills), Hornonitrianska kotlina (basin), Zitavska pahorkatina (hills), the southernmost part of Tribec (mountains), Hronska pahorkatina (hills), Ipelska pahorkatina (hills), southern part of Krupinska planina (plateau), Ipelska kotlina (basin), Lucenska kotlina (basin), Cerova vrchovina (highlands), Rimavska kotlina (basin), Bodvianska pahorkatina (hills), Slovensky kras (pla- teau), Roznavska kotlina (basin), Kosicka kotlina (basin), southern part of the Slanske vrchy (highland), Vychodoslovenska pahorkatina (hills), southern part of the Ondavska vrchovina (highlands), Beskydske predhorie (promontory), Zemplinske vrchy (highlands), and Vychodoslovenska rovina (plain). The overall area is mapped as Fig. 1. 29(4):254-266, 1990(92) 255 Publications concerned with butterflies of the Pannonian re- gion Earlier faunistic data on butterflies from the Pannonian region are summarized in Prodromus Lepidopter Slovenska (Hruby, 1964). Since publication of this work, faunistic research has progressed, but several territories of the Pannonian region are still not well understood faunis- tically. The Male Karpaty and nearby hills belong to the best explored regions of western Slovakia. These regions were studied by several lepidopterologists including Caputa (1968a, b, 1970) who described the butterfly fauna of the state nature reserve, Devinska Kobyla; M. Kulfan (1982) who published the distribution of butterflies from the northern part of the Male Karpaty and Myjavska pahorkatina; and J. Kulfan (1990) who investigated communities of butterflies in the southern part of the Male Karpaty. Rysavy (1984) and J. Kulfan (1990) studied the lowland butterfly communities of Borska nizina while the warmest Slovakian mountain region, Kovacovske kopce (Burda) and nearby territory was explored by Moucha (1959, 1961), Begin a et al. (1984) and Caputa (1987).. Other authors presenting faunistic data from the Pannonian region of west Slovakia included Kristof (1973), Kubanik (1979), Madlen (1971, 1974, 1975, 1976) and Sachl (1980). A few publications refer to studies of the smallest part of the Pannonian region located across central Slovakia (e.g., Caputa, 1963; Skypala, 1978; J. Kulfan, 1989). There are many references to the butterfly fauna of the Pannonian region of east Slovakia, however (e.g., Brunnerova et al. , 1984; Caputa , 1960; Ceplik, 1976; Panigaj, 1983; Vacula, 1975; 256 J Res . Lepid. Vacula et al. , 197 1 ; Vacula and Vahala, 1973;Zuskinova, 1971;Lastuvka, 1988). In addition Caputa ( I960) and Lastnvka ( 1988) explored butterfly communities in the largest Slovakian karst, Slovensky kras (Zadiel, Plesivecka planina plateau). The occurrence of individual species were reported by Kulfan et al , 1986; Stiova, 1976; Svestka, 1979; Zelny, 1961 and others. Migratory species in the Pannonian region have been reported by Moucha, Slimak, Cerny, Jakes, Lastuvka, Pipek, Cervinka, Ivirnig, M. Kulfan and Gottwald (in Moucha, 1965; Felix, 1971; Felix and Soldat, 1972; Felix et al , 1978; Pipek and Soldat, 1979, 1980). Development of the ecosystems of the Pannonian region The Pannonian region can be characterized as mixed deciduous woods which represent both the original and climax communities. During the past 12,000 years, however, natural undisturbed vegetation processes came to an end. Extensive forest clearance took place as the landscape was colonized by Neolithic farmers. Forest areas were transformed into derived meadow, pasture, and crop ecosystems which subsequently gave rise locally to secondary forest ecosystems. As a result, there were corresponding changes in the climate and in hydrology as the forest soils were converted to agricultural land. Consequently, conditions evolved which promoted the development of new vegetation types and land- scapes. These new ecosystems were formed from adaptable elements of the forest flora, by relict taxa that survived in extreme sites (as on blown sand, flood plains, saline soil, peat bogs, and rocks), and finally by a series of exotic species introduced by the early agricultural peoples (Rybnicek and Rybnickova, 1988). From 7,000 to 5,000 YRP Neolithic farmers settled into and transformed the hill areas of southwestern and southeastern Slovakia. About 3,000 YBP there was a gradual occupa- tion and deforestation of the submontane areas and the broad valleys of large rivers. During the Late Glacial period of 12,000 to 10,000 YBP, the southern part of Slovakia was covered by forest-steppe and steppes of more or less continental character. Pine and birch were the prevalent timber species but some more demanding species were present also including oak and elm. The alluvia of large rivers were covered extensively with aquatic and swamp vegetation along with willow stands. During the Early Holocene (Boreal) of 10,000 to 8,000 YBP, the region was already covered by an open forest of pine, birch, elm and oak, with an undergrowth of hazel and other shrubs and with a well developed herbaceous layer. Earlier willow stands were gradually replaced by floodplain, so since the end of the Boreal period, there were alder woods with birch and possibly some oak. During the early Atlantic period (8,000 YBP), the forested landscape gradually began a transformation to an agricultural land. Since that time there has been a general contrac- tion of forest stands and a concomitant increase of fields, meadows and 29(4):254-266, 1990(92) 257 pastures. Remnants of the woods that were the original open thermophilous oak and mesophilous oak forest were replaced by horn- beam oak woods, at first with oaks and elms dominant, and later during early Holocene with hornbeam. On poor sandy soil, e.g., the Zahorie region, oak-pine woods dominated. Since the Atlantic period, but especially since the sub-Boreal, a second- ary steppe-like vegetation evolved. Alluvial portions of the Podunajska rovina and Vychodoslovenska rovina plains were covered by floodplain woods since mid-Holocene. These landscapes were similar in appearance to those of the present day, containing alder, willows, poplars, oaks, elms, ash, and later hornbeam. Alders and willows prevailed in smaller river valleys (Rybnicek and Rybnickova, 1986). Before man intervened by converting the vegetation across this country 6,000-7,000 YBP, forest covered about 90% of the area. By the 14th century about 60% of Slovakia was covered by forests. Pines and exotic tree species were extensively planted on deteriorated and stony soils. In vineyard areas the spread of the black locust, Robinia pseudoacacia L., was encouraged, as this exotic plant was important for bee culture while providing good timber for wheel making and firewood. In recent years black locust monoculture has expanded in the southern part of south Slovakia and now covers more than 50% of forest area in many places. Butterfly fauna of the Pannonian region The Appendix lists all the species found in the Pannonian region. The list shows that 165 species of butterflies historically occurred in the Pannonian region, of which 148 species are probably still present. Forty six Slovakian species of butterflies occur chiefly in the Pannonian region. The following species are characteristic of this region, but also occur in the warm sites of the mountains of West Carpathia (Zapadne Karpaty mountains): Pyrgus serratulae, P. sertorius, I. podalirius, Papilio machaon, Colias alfacariensis, Leptidea morsei, Aricia agestis, Callophrys rubi, Glaucopsyche alexis , Maculinea arion, Nordmannia pruni, N. spini , Polyommatus bellargus, P. coridon, P. daphnis, P. dorylas, Scolitantides orion, Chazara briseis, Hipparchia semele, Melitaea aurelia, and M. didyma. Species of special significance. ENDANGERED AND VULNERABLE SPECIES OF XEROTHER- MIC SITES, MEADOWS AND DAMP BIOTOPES. Carcharodus flocciferus, Pyrgus armoricanus, Colias chrysotheme, Glaucopsyche alexis, Lycaena thersamon, Maculinea arion, Polyommatus admetus, P. amandus, P. bellargus, P. damon, P. daphnis, P. eroides, Pseudophilotes schiffermuelleri, Scolitantides orion, Melitaea aurelia, M. britomartis, M. fascelis and M. phoebe are species which inhabit xerothermic biotopes. They are all endangered, chiefly by afforestation, 258 J. Res. Lepid. fires, natural forest and shrubs succession, agricultural conversion with increasing areas of vineyards, gardens and orchards, waste disposal sites, cattle and sheep grazing with consequent affect on erosion, plant community composition, and application of insecticides and herbicides in the vicinity of agricultural areas. These are also sites which are considered to be soils without practical use. Such sites are used for building and for sports, as motocross. Some of these species are moving to secondary sites formed by man, as railway embankments and road cuts. Generally, conservation of butterfly species cited is positively influenced by extensive grazing because continuous shrub and tree stands are reduced. Nordmannia acaciae, N. pruni, N. spini and Thecla hetulae occur in similar sites but require the presence of woody plants at the proper growth stage which are the optimal foodplants of their larvae. Euphydryas maturna is now present in only a few populations in the Pannonian region. Besides the harmful anthropogenic factors dis- cussed, the species is endangered by both overcollecting and by changes in forestry management. The causes of the rapid decline of Lasiommata achine are not clear over the last decades. Nordmannia w-alhum is endangered through change in timber composition in the forest ecosys- tem. Neptis sappho occurred regularly at many localities a few decades ago. The causes of its decline are not clear. Hipparchia hermione, known in the Central European literature as H. alcyone or H. aelia, and H. statilinus are inhabitants of sandy biotopes as the Broska nizina lowland and in the sand dune grasslands of the southernmost part of Slovakia. Preservation of these sandy biotopes in their present state is necessary for their long term survival. Colias myrmidone and Brenthis hecate are represented by some isolated populations in the Pannonian region. The two species occur both in xerothermic biotopes and mesophilous and wet meadows. Rela- tively dense populations of these species occur in the southwestern part of Biele Karpaty mountains in extensively managed meadows which are mowed once a year. Both species are now endangered by changes of meadow management including fertilization, cattle and sheep grazing, and ploughing. Arida eumedon, Lycaena aldphron, Maculinea alcon, M. nausithous, M. teleius, Coenonympha tullia, Brenthis ino , Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea diamina are inhabitants of wet meadow biotopes. They are highly endangered through changes of meadow management and wet- land drainage. Lycaena dispar is endangered where it occurs on xerothermic sites near wet biotopes as in the Male Karpaty mountains and Cachtice hills. Neptis rivularis occurs as a local riparian species along streams chiefly in inaccessible places. It will be endangered by construction of thorough- fares and the artificial embankment of natural watercourses. 29(4):254-266, 1990(92) 259 Parnassius mnemosyne occurs chiefly in forest-steppe biotopes in the Pannonian region. The ecological situation is unlike that in mountain biotopes where the species prefers forest meadows and glades. The principles of conservation cited above for xerothermic species are valid for P . mnemosyne. Its isolated and small populations are highly vulner- able to overcollecting. Zerynthia polyxena is a characteristic species of the Pannonian region, occurring near vineyards, along railways and roads, and near streams. There are numerous populations of Z. polyxena , especially in the region of the Podunajska rovina plain and the Borska nizina lowland near large streams. The many isolated populations are chiefly endangered along the northern border of the Pannonian region by vegetation burning on road and railway embankments, application of insecticides and pesti- cides, repairs along the thoroughfares, and collection of both adults and larvae. INDETERMINATE SPECIES. Pyrgus serratulae, Spialia orbifer, Leptidea morsel , Pieris mannii, Aricia allous, Cupido alcetas, C. osiris, Lycaeides idas, Maculinea rebeli and Polyommatus thersites are indeterminate species, species which are probably endangered in the Pannonian region. Their distribution is insufficiently known because they all can be confused easily with commonplace species at sites where butterfly communities are dense. There is insufficient information concerning Thymelicus acteon. This species is easily overlooked by collectors. Limenitis reducta often escapes recording because collecting voucher specimens is not easy. It may also be mistaken for L. Camilla during flight. PROBLEMATIC SPECIES. There are 17 species of problematic occurrence in the Pannonian region at present. Information on their occurrence arises chiefly from very old records: Carcharodus lavatherae, Parnassius apollo, Colias palaeno, Cupido osiris, Iolana iolas, Lampides boeticus, Lycaena helle, Syntarucus pirithous, Vacciniina optilete, Coenonympha hero, C. oedippus, Pyronia tithonus, Argynnis pandora, Boloria aquilonaris, B. eunomia, B. titania, and Nymphalis l-album. In the recent past populations of Parnassius apollo were probably present on promontories of the west Carpathians. At present this species is not known even in the vicinity of Slovensky kras plateau (Lastuvka, 1988). Many populations of this species have disappeared across all of Europe as the result of the conversion of biotopes. It appears that Argynnis pandora is no longer present in Slovakia. The species occurred frequently at many localities of south Slovakia as recently as a few decades ago. In past years Nymphalis l-album and N. xanthomelas were observed, but only sporadically. N. xanthomelas was 260 J. Res. Lepid. found in the Kovacovske kopce hills about 10 years ago (Caputa, 1987), and probably still occurs in south Slovakia. Long term climatic changes may well become a major cause of extinction of these species in the near future. The butterfly fauna of the Pannonian region may be sporadically augmented by migrants from the south. Lampides boeticus and Sytarucus pirithous appear sporadically in the Pannonian region. Colias crocea appears very frequently and can be classified as an abundant species in many years. Colias erate first appeared in Slovakia in 1989 near the town Nove Zamky (Petru and Bohm, in press). In 1990 it was found at many localities of the Pannonian region, near Sturovo, Komarno, Piestany, Nove Mesto n. Vah (J. Marek, M. Svestka, L. Vitaz and J. Patocka, pers. comm.). Females were observed laying eggs and fresh adults were observed which clearly indicate the species can permanently breed in the Pannonian region. Adults of C. erate were observed across the same biotopes as Colias crocea. We cannot predict whether C erate will be permanently established in the Pannonian in the future. Its appearance may be an indicator of long term climatic change, although the possibil- ity of adaptive change within the species’ genetic system may explain this new distribution. Very recently Heteropterus morpheus and Cupido decoloratus have expanded their ranges across the Pannonian region. Both species were local and rare in the past. For example, Heteropterus morpheus was not recorded from the state nature reserve Devinska Kobyla, near Bratislava, in the 1960s (Caputa, 1970). At present it occurs regularly at this locality. It is also known from many localities of southwestern Slovakia (Reiprich and Okali, 1989; J. Kulfan, 1990). Cupido decoloratus occurs at many localities of southern Slovakia along streams in the north (M. Kulfan, 1982; Kulfan et al ., 1986; J. Kulfan, 1989, 1990; Reiprich and Okali, 1989). Conservation of biotopes Protection of butterflies in the Pannonian region is not a simple matter, mainly because the region contains mostly intensively utilized agricultural land. Consequently, most meaningful conservation efforts for the butterfly fauna can be carried out in the hills and the mountain slopes. Butterflies which occur across the narrow zones of forest-steppe vegetation between vineyards and forest stands, as in the Male Karpaty and Tribec mountains, Krupinska planina plateau and Kovacovske kopce hills, are now endangered by intensive viticulture with predict- able total extirpation. The biotopes of Borska nizina lowlands represent sand dunes grasslands which are changing not only by intensive agriculture but also by continuous afforestation, both natural and artificial, and by construction of tourist cabins and holiday homes. There are damp biotopes of relatively large areas in the Borska nizina 29(4):254-266, 1990(92) 261 lowlands, many situated in the borderland near Austria. This territory was inaccessible until a year ago. The land has now been intensively utilized for agriculture, and wetland drainage will cause destruction of these biotopes. Chemical application for mosquito control compounds the problem of survival of this specialized butterfly fauna. There are local saline soils in some places of south Slovakia, but the remaining biotopes of these sites are isolated. No lepidopterological research has been completed on these biotopes. The spread of the introduced alien black locust, Robinia pseudoacacia, has a very negative effect on the natural Pannonian vegetation. As a legume it also modifies soil chemistry by increasing nitrogen levels in the soil. In light of the massive negative anthropogenic influences across a substantial part of the region, state nature reserves and some preserved landscape zones are now vital for the conservation of the butterfly fauna. Too few reserves occur in the Pannonian region at the present time, and they are often isolated without connections that can increase metapopulation survival. In the future it will be necessary to form a network of the reserves as well as a network of zones without intensive agriculture. Only in such manner can reserves be interconnected, and long term persistence of habitat values maintained. Another management technique for the conservation of biotope diver- sity would be necessary: short term extensive grazing and planned mowing and burning. For instance, today there is extensive sheep grazing on forest-steppe biotopes on the Hainburg Bergen in Austria near the state nature reserve Devinska Kobyla in Male Karpaty moun- tains. Here the spread of undesirable herbs, shrubs and trees is reduced by sheep grazing. In addition, across some smaller areas weed burning is employed. Similar management techniques are planned for the state nature reserve Devinska Kobyla. All these methods increase floral diversity and will positively impact butterfly survival. Flowery meadows can be mowed, most appropriately during two periods, each on half the land area, so that butterflies could move from the mowed section to the unmowed one. State nature reserves in the Pannonian region possess a rich butterfly fauna. For example, in S. N. R. Devinska Kobyla (Caputa, 1970; M. Kulfan, collection) S. N. R. Kovacovske kopce hills (Hruby, 1964; Reiprich, 1977; Caputa, 1987) and S. N. R. Cachticke hradny vrch and its near vicinity (M. Kulfan, 1982; Reiprich and Okali, 1989; M. Kulfan, collection; Vitaz, pers. comm.), respectively 80, 116 and 101 species have been recorded. A rich community of butterflies, including 31 species of Lycaenidae, are concentrated on a small area in Cachticke kopce hills (Male Karpaty mountains) (M. Kulfan, 1982; M. Kulfan, collection). Therefore the Cachticke kopce hills can be identified as a butterfly reservation containing both xerothermic and wet biotopes. The greatest number of butterfly species occurs across the Plesivecka planina plateau. This is part of a preserved landscape area, Slovensky 262 J. Res. Lepid. kras plateau. Prior to 1988 121 species of butterflies occurred here (Hruby, 1964; Lastuvka, 1988; Reiprich and Okali, 1989). For protection of a thermophilus butterfly fauna in Slovakia, it will be necessary to considerably increase our knowledge of their population dynamics and ecology. In addition comprehensive inventories of many present reserves do not exist. However, research must rapidly be directed not only to the preserved areas, including the monitoring of selected indicator species with estimates of population sizes, but also extended to the regions which should be preserved for the future. In other countries of central and south Europe there are biotopes that are related to those in the Pannonian region of Slovakia and international cooperation relating to the preservation of butterflies of these sites should begin. Literature cited Brunnerova, L., P. Degma, M. Kulfan and I. Pitonakova, 1984. Splocenstva hmyzu v oblasti Vihorlatu, pp. 46-51. /raiVII. vychodoslovensky tabor ochrancov prirody 1984, prehlad odbornych vysledkov. Caputa, A., 1960. Prispevok k poznaniu Lepidopter Zadielu a jeho okolia. Biologia (Bratislava), 15: 130-132. — ,1963. Prispevok k poznaniu Rhopalocera juznej casti stredneho Slovenska. Biologia (Bratislava) Ser. B, 18: 604-611. — , 1968a. Pozoruhodne nalezy motylov v rezervacii Devinska Kobyla. Zbor. Slov. nar. Muz., Prir. vedy, 14: 99-106. — , 1968b. Vyskyt vzacnych a chranenych druhov hmyzu v rezervacii Devinska Kobyla. Ochr. Fauny, 2: 9-13. — , 1970. Lepidoptera prirodnej rezervacie Devinska Kobyla. Ent. Probl., 8: 55- 153. — , 1987. Vyskum motylov (Lepidoptera) Statnej prirodnej rezervacie Kovacovske kopce. Ochr. Prir. Vyskumne prace z ochrany prirody 5. Priroda, Bratislava, 128 pp. Ceplik, J., 1976. Vyskyt motylov babockovitych (Nymphalidae) na vychodnom Slovensku. Mlady prirodovedec, 17: 18-19. Degma, P., J. Gregor and M. Kulfan, 1984. Prispevok k poznaniu niektorych lokalit Burdy a Ipelskej pahorkatiny. Spr. Slov. zool. Spoloc. SAV, 10: 72-76. Felix, V., 1971. Pozorovani taznych motylu v Ceskoslovensku v letech 1965-1969. Zpr. Ceskoslov. Spolec. ent. CSAV, Praha, 7: 7-26, 29-63. Felix, V., P. Pipek and M. Soldat, 1978. Zprava o pozorovani taznych mozylu v Ceskoslovensku v letech 1972-1974, 1975, 1976. Zpr. Ceskoslov. Spolec. ent. CSAV, Praha, 14: 41-92. Felix, V. andM. Soldat, 1972. Zprava o pozorovani taznych motylu v Ceskoslovensku v letech 1970-1971. Zpr. Ceskoslov. Spolec ent. CSAV, Praha, 8: 125-150. Hruby, K., 1964. Prodromus Lepidopter Slovenska. Vydavatel SAV, Bratislava, 962 pp. Kristof, J., 1973. Vyskyt vzacnych a chranenych druhov hmyzu v juznej casti levickeho okresu. Ochr. Prir. (Praha), 28, Priloha Ochranarsky pruzkum, 32. Kubanik, S., 1979. Motyle (Lepidoptera) chraneneho naleziska Sedlisko (Soros) a jeho okolia. Zapadne Slovensko, 6: 184-208. 29(4):254-266, 1990(92) 263 Kulfan, J., 1989. Heliofilne motyle (Lepidoptera) extenzivne obhospodarovanej krajiny pri Krupine, pp. 237-248. /mBitusik, P. and J. Galvanek, (eds.), Stredne Slovensko 8 - Prirodne vedy, Osveta, Martin. — ,1990. Die Struktur der Taxozonosen von heliophilen Faltern (Lepidoptera) an manchen Biotopen der Westslowakei. Biologia (Bratislava), 45: 117-126. Kulfan, M., 1982. Lepidoptera severnej casti Malych Karpat a Myjavskej pahorkatiny. Biol. Prace. 28, Vydavatel. 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Reiprich, A. and I. Okali, 1989. Dodatky k prodromu Lepidopter Slovenska. 3. Vydavatel. SAV, Bratislava, 144 pp. Rybnicek, K. and E. Rybnickova, 1986. Vyvoj po dobe ladovej, pp. 31-36. In: Michalko, J., (ed.), Geobotanicka mapa - textova cast. Vydavatel. SAV, Bratislava. Rysavy, J., 1984. Prispevek k faunistice Lepidopter slovenskeho Zahori. Zpr. Ceskoslov. Spolec. ent. CSAV, Praha, 20: 75-78. Skypala, J., 1978. K poznani motylu ceskoslovenske casti Cerove vrchoviny. Zpr. Ceskoslov. Spolec. ent. CSAV, Praha, 14: 115-118. Stiova, L., 1976. Kvyskytu Libythea celtis na jiznim Slovensku. Ent. Zprav., 6: 107-109. 264 J. Res. Lepid. Sachl, J., 1980. Prispevek k motyli faune okresu Komarno, pp. 118-128. In Odborne vysledky zo XVI. tabora ochrancov prirody. Svestka, M., 1979. K soucasnemu vyskytu ohnivacka Lycaena dispar rutilus Werneburg 1864. Ent. Zprav., 9: 2-5. Vacula, D., T. Marcik and Z. Kuchar, 1971. Vihorlat. Ent. Zprav., 1: 11-17. Vacula, D. and J. Vahala, 1973. Vysledky entomologicke exkurze do okoli Plesivce. Ent. Zprav. 3: 8-14. Zelny, J., 1961. Zur Kenntnis von Pieris bryoniae O. aus den Karpaten. Z. Wien, ent. Gesell., 46: 19-22, 58-64, 100-110. Zuskinova, T., 1971. Denne motyle Vychodoslovenskeho muzea (Zaverecna sprava). Kosice, Prir. fak. Univ. P. J. Safarika, 37 pp. Appendix. Species found in the Pannonian region Hesperiidae C. erate Carcharodus alceae mo9 C. hyale 09 C.flocciferus ■o#V C. myrmidone ■o«E C. lavatherae ■o? C. palaeno o4E? C. palaemon 09 Gonepteryx rhamni 09 Erynnis tages 09 Leptidea morsei 091 Hesperia comma 09 L. sinapis 09 Heteropterus morpheus U09 Pieris brassicae 09 Ochlodes venatus 09 P. bryoniae 09D Pyrgus alveus 090 P. daplidice 09 P. armoricanus ■o«V P. mannii ■o«I P. carthami U09 P. napi 09 P. malvae 09 P. rapae 09 P. serratulae 091 Spialia orbifer U09l Lycaenidae S. sertorius 09 Aricia agestis 09 Thymelicus acteon ■0*1 A. allous ■•I T. flavus 09 A. eumedon o«4E T. lineolus 09 Callophrys rubi 09 Celastrina argiolus 09 Papilionidae Cupido alcetas ■o#I Iphiclides podalirius *09 C. argiades o# Papilio machaon *09 C. decoloratus U09 Parnassius apollo ★o ♦ E?n C. minimus 09 P mnemosyne ★o«4V C . osiris •I?D Zerynthia polyxena *mo9 ♦ V Cyaniris semiargus 09 Glaucopsyche alexis o»4E Pieridae Iolana iolas 09 ? Anthocharis cardamines 09 Lampides boeticus o?> Aporia crataegi 09 Lycaeides argyrognomon U09 Colias alfacariensis 09 L. idas ■o*I C. chrysotheme ■o#E Lycaena alciphron o»E C. crocea L. dispar ■o«4E 29(4):305-315, 1990(92) 315 gratitude to Rick Davis, Rudi and Leona Mattoni for linguistic corrections, and to O. Kudma and P. S. Wagener for encouraging me to participate at the Wageningen Congress. Literature Cited Hama, E., M. Ishii, and A. Sibatani (Eds.), 1989. Nipponsan tyoorui no suiboo to hogo (Decline and conservation of butterflies in Japan), Part 1. Nippon Rinsi Gakkai (Lepidopterological Society of Japan), Osaka. In Japanese. Moriyama, H., 1988. Sizen o mamoru towa dooiu kotoka (What is the meaning of nature conservation?). Noobunkyoo, Tokyo. In Japanese. Sei, K., 1988. Huzisan ni sumenakatta tyoo tati (Butterflies which failed to live on Mt. Fuji). Tukizi Syokan, Tokyo. In Japanese. Editor’s note: This paper is a modified version of the presentation at the Interna- tional Congress “Future of Butterflies in Europe: Strategies for Survival” organized by the Agricultural University Wageningen and held at the International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands during 12-1 4. IV. 1989. A portion of the paper comprised the English summary of Hama, Ishii, and Sibatani (1989) and is printed with permission of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(4):267-276, 1990(92) Effects of a Microbial Insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki , on nontarget Lepidoptera in a Spruce Budworm-infested Forest Jeffrey C. Miller Department of Entomology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2907 USA Abstract. Species in a guild of nontarget leaf-feeding Lepidoptera on tobacco brush, Ceanothus velutinus Dough were monitored in the field to assess ecological effects of one application of the microbial pest control agent, Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner var. kurstaki [BTK]. The Lepidoptera were sampled to compare species richness, species even- ness, species diversity, larval abundance, and a dominance index between an untreated and BTK treated site over a period of two years. The guild of leaf-feeding Lepidoptera on C. velutinus consisted of 32 species. No statistically significant differences were observed in overall species richness, although the number of species in the untreated site was 30% higher two weeks after treatment. However, species richness among uncommon species was significantly reduced in the treated site. Also, no statistically significant differences were observed in species evenness or species diversity but the indices were lower in the untreated site in three of the four post-treatment samples. A dominace index was consistently higher in the untreated site. The total number of caterpil- lars per 100 sec sampling was significantly higher (5.4-fold) in the untreated site in the early summer sample, two weeks after treatment. Also, larval abundance in the early summer sample was significantly higher (3.5-fold) one year later. No differences were noted in larval abundance in the late summer sample in either year. Introduction Microbial pest control agents [MPCAs] are a primary means of biologi- cal control for insect pests. In general, the use of MPCAs is targeted for a particular pest species. The insect pathogen, Bacillus thuringiensis [BT] Berliner var. kurstaki [BTK], is a bacterial MPCA used for suppres- sion of pest Lepidoptera. For instance, large-scale use of BTK against the gypsy moth and spruce budworm has been commonly employed over forested habitats (Brookes et al. 1987, Doane and McManus 1981, Dreistadt and Dahlston 1989). However, nontarget species that are taxonomically related to the target pest may also be adversely effected (Laird 1973, Lighthart et al. 1988, Pimentel et al. 1984, Podgewaite 1986). Miller ( 1990) noted that BTK treatments (three in a single season) for the gypsy moth in western Oregon reduced species richness and larval abundance for up to two years within a guild of native, nontarget Lepidoptera feeding on oak. Franz and Krieg (1967) observed that other Lepidoptera decreased in number when BT was applied to control Tortrix viridana L. in Europe. 268 J. Res. Lepid. Many concerns need to be addressed regarding the use of MPCAs, particularly in large-scale programs and in the advent of genetically altered organisms. Among these are: (1) the impact of an MPCA on nontarget populations that have important functions in food webs; (2) the fate of species of special interest like the monarch butterfly (Brower 1986); (3) population trends in endangered species; and (4) conflict with other biological control agents, such as Lepidoptera on weeds (Miller 1990). Also, studies on ecological effects of MPCAs that are not geneti- cally altered are needed to compare to those ecological effects involving genetically engineered MPCAs (Kirschbaum 1985, Flanagan 1989, Tiedje et al. 1989). The objective of the current study was to determine if the use of BTK resulted in significant differences in the abundance of individuals and species composition of immature Lepidoptera between treated and untreated sites. Materials and Methods The data presented here come from an investigation into the effects of a single BTK treatment targeted for the spruce budworm ( Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman) on a guild of native, nontarget leaf-feeding Lepidoptera. The study was conducted from June 1989 to August 1990. The field samples focused on the guild of immature Lepidoptera (caterpillars) that feed on the foliage of tobacco brush ( Ceanothus velutinus Dougl.). This plant was selected because of its general abundance within the plant community where the spray zone was located. Also, earlier studies (author, unpubl. data) indicated that the species richness and abundance of Lepidoptera on tobacco brush was relatively high in the Oregon Cascade Mountains. The study site was 50km (31mi) south of Estacada, Clackamas Co., Oregon. The area is on the western slope of the Cascade mountain range at 1000- 1200m (ca. 3000-4000ft) elevation where the mean maximum temperature in July is 24- 28°C (75-8 1°F) and precipitation ranges from 160-200cm (63-79in) per year, mostly between December and March (Franklin and Dyrness 1988). The plant community is dominated by Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Also present were alders (. Alnus spp.), willows ( Salix spp.), maples ( Acer spp.), and many species of shrubs, such as, blueberry ( Vaccinium spp.), rhododendron (. Rhododendron macrophyllum G. Don), ocean spray ( Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim.), and C. velutinus. Two transects for sampling caterpillars were established within each treat- ment. Thus, a total of four transects were established. Each transect was 100m (330ft) long and 2m (6ft) wide. The transects located in the treated site were 0.5km (0.3mi) within the boundary of a 4000ha (ca. 10,000ac) region that was sprayed in late June 1989. The area where the transects occurred was treated on June 26. The BTK was applied from a helicopter at the rate of 8 billion international units (BIU) per 2.8 liters (3qt) of water per 0.4ha (l.Oac). The transects in the untreated site were located outside the spray zone by at least 2km (1.3mi). Because of topographical and floral heterogeneity the transects were matched between treated and untreated sites using: (1) physical aspects of the habitat (south facing slope, open canopy, elevation of 1000- 1200m (3000-4000ft); 29(4):267-276, 1990(92) 269 (2) similarly sized plants of C. velutinus that were l-2m (3-6ft) tall; and 3) the presence of 30-40 plants of C. velutinus within an area of 100x100m (330x330ft). In 1989, each transect was sampled on June 21 (pre-spray), July 11 (early summer), and August 25 (late summer). In 1990, each transect was sampled on July 11 and August 20. The caterpillar fauna was sampled by shaking foliage over a 7 5x7 5cm (30x30in) sheet for a timed interval of 30-45 sec. Sampling was continued until a total of 180-220 sec of sampling effort was achieved along each transect. Typically, 4-5 plants along each transect would be sampled at each date to attain the 180-220 sec sampling effort. A particular plant was only sampled once within each year. Caterpillars were collected alive and reared to adults in the laboratory on clean tobacco brush foliage to determine viability and verify identifications. The number of larvae collected per 100 sec of sampling was used to compare population density among transects and between treatments. The samples were analyzed to determine: (1) the individual abundance of all immmature leaf-feeding Lepidoptera; (2) species richness (s); (3) species even- ness (JO; (4) species diversity {H ’XPielou 1974); and (5) a dominance index (J) (Berger and Parker 1970, Southwood 1978)(Table 1). Also, a novel method for classifying and comparing common and uncommon species was developed for this study. This index was used to measure proportional abundance of individuals to species richness. A rating of a species as common was given if the proportional abundance of individuals of that species was equal to or larger than its proportion of species richness. A species was considered uncommon if the proportional Table 1. Indices involving species composition among leaf-feeding caterpillars. Variable Equation Species evenness Variance of (J’) Species diversity (H’) Variance of (H’) Dominance index (d) (J’) = (H’)/lns var (H’)/(lns)2 (-Ep. lnp.)-[(s-l)/2N] [(Ep. ln2p.)-(Ep. lnp.)2/N]+[(s-l)/2N2] N /Nt max T Proportional abundance-richness index Nys s is species richness; p. is the proportion of the ith species; Nmax is the number of individuals of the most abundant species; and NT is the total number of individuals of all species (see Berger and Parker 1970, Pielou 1974, Southwood 1978). 270 J. Res. Lepid. abundance of individuals of that species was less than its proportion of species richness. The data on species richness and larval abundance were analysed by using a G-test for independence (Sokal and Rohlf 1981). Results and Discussion A total of 32 species belonging to nine families of Lepidoptera were collected during the study. The most commonly encountered taxa were in the Geometridae, Noctuidae, Lycaenidae, and Gelechiidae (Table 2). The most abundant species were; two geometrids, Drepanulatrix falcataria (Pack.) and Eupithecia sp.; a lycaenid, Satyrium saepium saepium (Boisduval); and a gelechiid, Chionides sp. Larval abundance. A total of 1389 immature Lepidoptera was collected from all sites during the two year study. Prespray equality in larval abundance between sites was demonstrated by the recovery of 75.2 and 75.5 larvae per 100 sec of sampling in the untreated and treated sites, respectively (Table 3). Table 2. Some of the more common species of Lepidoptera collected on Ceanothus velutinus in and near an area sprayed with BTK for control of the spruce budworm, Estacada, Oregon, USA. 1989-1990. FAMILY Genus species Peak abundance* GELECHIIDAE Chionides sp. 23.7 GEOMETRIDAE Drepanulatrix sp. 38.5 (mostly D. falcataria) Eudrepanulatrix sp. 14.1 Eupithecia sp. 54.0 Hesperumia sulpharia 14.4 Nematocampa sp. 10.8 LYCAENIDAE Satyrium saepium saepium 18.5 NOCTUIDAE Orthosia hihisci 0.1 TORTRICIDAE Choristoneura sp. 12.3 * Number of larvae collected per 100 sec sampling effort with a 75x75cm beating sheet. 29(4):267-276, 1990(92) 271 Table 3. Effects of BTK on nontarget Lepidoptera on Ceanothus velutinus: Larval abundance. Estacada, Oregon, USA. 1989-1990. Date Site untreated treated G df P 1989 June 21 75.2 75.5 0.00 1 0.999 July 11 80.1 14.9 49.16 1 0.001 August 25 29.2 29.0 0.00 1 0.999 1990 July 11 29.8 8.6 12.39 1 0.001 August 20 20.9 19.4 0.04 1 0.800 values are number of larvae per 100 sec sampling effort with a 75x75cm beating sheet. Differences in the number of larvae collected between the prespray samples (June 21) and the first postspray samples (July 11) demon- strated the impact of BTK on nontarget Lepidoptera (Table 3). The number of larvae per 100 sec sample effort in the untreated site increased 6%, from 75.2 in the prespray sample to 80.1 in the first postspray sample. This increase in larval abundance was due to natural seasonal cycles of species in the late spring and early summer. In contrast the number of larvae in the treated plots decreased 80%, from 75.5 to 14.9 indivduals per 100 sec sampling time. There was an 81% difference in larval abundance between treated and untreated sites on July 11. The second postspray sample, on August 25, showed no differences in larval abundance between sites. One year later, the early summer sample (July 11) again showed a significant difference in larval abundance; 71% fewer larvae were found in the treated site (Table 3). Although the BTK application occurred more than one year prior to this sample, the effects were still present because nearly all species involved are univoltine. The second year of the study was in effect monitoring the first generation from individuals present at the time of the treatment. The late summer sample one year after treatment showed no differences in larval abundance between sites. Species richness. The results on species richness in the prespray samples indicated the treated and untreated sites were similar. A comparison of treated and untreated sites indicated that statistically BTK did not significantly effect the number of species of Lepidoptera on C. velutinus (Table 4). Although species richness was 30% higher (6 more 272 J. Res. Lepid. Table 4. Effects of BTK on nontarget Lepidoptera on Ceanothus velutinus: Species richness (s) and species evenness (J’). Estacada, Oregon, USA. 1989- 1990. Date/ treatment s J ’ var J’ 95% Cl J ’ 1989 June 21 untreated 15 0.76 0.01 0.64-0.89 treated 15 0.82 0.01 0.70-0.94 1989 July 11 untreated 19 0.67 0.01 0.58-0.76 treated 10 0.92 0.02 0.67-1.00 1989 August 25 untreated 15 0.48 0.01 0.35-0.60 treated 15 0.44 0.01 0.33-0.55 1990 July 11 untreated 10 0.61 0.01 0.52-0.70 treated 12 0.85 0.03 0.52-1.00 1990 August 20 untreated 6 0.52 0.01 0.32-0.72 treated 8 0.59 0.01 0.42-0.75 species) in the untreated site in the first early summer sample, the difference was not significant (G=1.064, df=l, P>0.25). Species evenness. The results on species evenness in the prespray samples indicated the treated and untreated sites were similar (Table 4). In both years a lower value for species evenness occurred in the late summer samples. Thus, a seasonal trend in species evenness was evident. No significant differences in species evenness were observed between treatments within respective sample dates. However, in both early summer samples species evenness was consistently higher in the treated sites. Higher values for species evennness can be interpreted to indicate a decreased degree of numerical dominance by any given species. Dominance index. An index indicating the degree of numerical dominance by the most abundant species was higher in untreated sites in all samples (Table 5). A difference of 13% was detected in the prespray samples compared to a range of 45 and 54% between treatments in the early summer samples. The late summer samples exhibited a difference of 8 and 10%. These data suggest that the samples from untreated plots tended to be dominated by certain species. The application of BTK had 29(4):267-276, 1990(92) 273 Table 5. Effects of BTK on nontarget Lepidoptera on Ceanothus velutinus: Dominance index (d) and species diversity ( H ). Estacada, Oregon, USA. 1989- 1990. Date/ treatment d H’ var H’ 95% Cl H’ 1989 June 21 untreated 0.30 2.07 0.03 1.72-2.41 treated 0.26 2.22 0.03 1.88-2.57 1989 July 11 untreated 0.35 1.96 0.02 1.68-2.25 treated 0.16 2.12 0.10 1.49-2.75 1989 August 25 untreated 0.63 1.29 0.03 0.98-1.61 treated 0.58 1.19 0.02 0.91-1.47 1990 July 11 untreated 0.51 1.41 0.01 1.21-1.61 treated 0.28 1.96 0.17 1.16-2.76 1990 August 20 untreated 0.71 0.93 0.03 0.58-1.28 treated 0.64 1.22 0.05 1.00-1.44 the effect of evenning the numbers of caterpillars among species, an observation consistent with the indices on species evenness. Species diversity. The results on species diversity in the prespray samples indicated the treated and untreated sites were similar (Table 5). In both years, species diversity was lower in the late summer samples regardless of treatment. Thus, as with species evenness, a seasonal trend in species diversity was evident. No significant differences in species diversity were observed between treatments in respective sample dates. However, in both early summer samples the index for species diversity was lower in the untreated sites. A lower value for species diversity can be interpreted to indicate a reduction in either species richness, species evenness, or both. Proportional abundance-richness index. The abundance of indi- viduals in respective species expressed as a proportion relative to the number of species can be used as an index to determine whether a species may be considered uncommon or common (Table 6). This is useful because indices of species richness and species diversity do not provide a means for objectively classifying the relative abundance of individuals among species as common or uncommon. For example, a species repre- 274 J. Res . Lepid. Table 6. Effects of BTK on nontarget Lepidoptera on Ceanothus velutinus: number and proportion of common and uncommon species. Estacada, Oregon, USA. 1989-1990. Date No. Common species Uncommon Proportion of species Common Uncommon 1989 June 21 untreated 5 10 33 07 treated 0 9 40 00 1989 July 11 untreated 4 15 21 79 treated 3 7 30 70 1989 August 25 untreated 2 13 13 87 treated 2 13 13 87 1990 July 11 untreated 2 8 20 80 treated 4 8 33 07 1990 August 25 untreated 1 5 17 83 treated 1 7 13 87 sented by one individual in a sample may carry the same weight as a species represented by 50 individuals. The number of common and uncommon species in the prespray samples was similar (Table 6). The samples were dominated (73% overall) by species considered to be uncommon. Overall, only 27% of the species were categorized as common. In the early summer samples the number of common species was equivalent but the number of uncommon species was reduced by 53% in the treated site, a significant difference (G=10.66, df=l, PcO.OOl) . This effect was not observed in the early summer sample in the second year. These data suggest that certain uncommon species are more likely to be removed from the system than common species and that gross accounts of species richness may mask significant effects on less abundant species. The importance of this observation underscores the need to direct special management needs for rare and endangered species, such as: timing of application, doses, skipping sensitive areas, and mitigation. 29(4):267-276, 1990(92) 275 Conclusions The data on larval abundance and richness of uncommon species indicated that one application of BTK reduced the abundance of nontar- get Lepidoptera in the guild of caterpillars feeding on leaves of C. velutinus. The effects were most notable during the early summer period immediately following treatment. The data regarding species richness, species evenness, and species diversity did not demonstrate a significant effect. However, a statistical analysis of the indices used to describe community composition can be misleading if a biological interpretation is not assessed as well. For instance, species richness declined in the first year of the study following the application of BTK. The decline was not significant but nonetheless six species occurred in the untreated site that were not represented in the treated site. An extrapolation of these data suggests that if any of the species had been limited in its distribution, or a unique genotype of the species was locally endemic, then the popula- tion/species would be at high risk of becoming extinct. Additional studies on the impact of MPCAs on nontarget organisms under field conditions are needed. Many variables contribute to patterns in the data from samples of treated and untreated sites. A comparison of this study to a similar study conducted previously (Miller 1990) shows some of the variables that may influence the impact of a MPCA on nontarget organisms. The dose, frequency of applications, timing of applications, and geometry of the treated site will contribute a strong influence on the immediate impact and overall recovery of a community subjected to a MPCA treatment. In the present study and that of Miller (1990), BTK was shown to negatively impact certain nontarget organisms. Although no direct comparisons were made with the use of synthetic pesticides, the negative impacts on nontarget organisms would likely be more severe with synthetic pesticides and widespread across a multitude of taxa. Many synthetic pesticides have been shown to exhibit dramatic negative impacts on nontarget organisms (Croft 1990; Ehler and Endicott 1984; Martinat et al. 1988). While the use of microbial pathogens may exhibit certain negative impacts on nontarget organisms, methods for the use of MPCAs can be developed to minimize such impacts and reduce the use of synthetic pesticides in present pest management programs. The development of pathogens as biologically rational pest control agents must involve assessments of nontarget effects for the benefit of prolong- ing the use of microbes as ecologically and sociologically acceptable pest management options. Acknowledgments. Field sites were located with the assistance of Art Weber and Beth Wilhite, USFS, Portland, Oregon. Funds for this research were provided in part by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Willamette Institute for Biological Control, and Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station. Field assistance was provided by B. Scaccia and J.E. Miller. Taxonomic assistance was 276 J. Res. Lepid. provided by P. Hammond, B. Scaccia, J. Powell, and D. Ferguson. This is Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 9762. Literature Cited Berger, W. H. & F.L. Parker. 1970. Diversity of planktonic Foraminifera in deep sea sediments. Science 168:1345-1347. Brookes, M.H., Stark, R.W. & R.W. Campbell (eds.) 1978. The Douglas-fir tussock moth: A synthesis. U.S.D.A. For. Serv., Science and Education Agency Tech. Bull. 1585. Brower, L.P. 1986. Commentary: The potential impact of Dipel spraying on the monarch butterfly overwintering phenomenon. Atala 14:17-19. Croft, B.A. 1990. Arthropod Biological Control Agents and Pesticides. Wiley and Sons, New York, New York, USA. Doane, C.C. & M.L. McManus (eds.) 1981. The gypsy moth: Research Toward Integrated Pest Management. U.S.D.A. Tech. Bull. 1584, Wash. D.C. Dreistadt, S.H. & D.L. Dahlston. 1989. Gypsy moth eradication in Pacific coast states: History and evaluation. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 35:13-19. Ehler, L.E. & P. Eendicott. 1984. 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The planned introduction of genetically engineered organisms: Ecological considerations and recommendations. Ecology 70:298- 315. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) The Endangered El Segundo Blue Butterfly Rudolf H. T. Mattoni 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Abstract. Conflict concerning land use of the 302 acre sand dunes parcel at the western boundary of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) centers on the small butterfly, The El Segundo blue butterfly (ESB) . Since the ESB was granted protected status in 1976 under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, the real issues involved in its conservation have been obscured by the polemics of special interests groups that have been arguing without proper data, or worse, with flawed data. This paper reviews all known aspects of the history, biology, and conservation issues, concluding with up-to-date political actions that will affect the survival of the species. Historical Perspective SYSTEMATICS The El Segundo Blue butterfly (. Euphilotes bernardino allyni) is one of four subspecies of a polytypic species which belongs to the E. battoides species complex of many population aggregates not yet clearly defined systematically (Shields and Reveal, 1987; Mattoni, 1989; Pratt, unpub.). Although the battoides complex occurs over all of North America west of the Great Plains, from British Columbia to Baja California, E. bernardino is distributed in southern California, southern Nevada, Arizona, and northern Mexico, including Cedros Island. The ESB was formally described by Shields (1975) from specimens collected in El Segundo. These specimens were taken at the Chevron Refinery site. Several experts recognized the ESB as distinct prior to its formal description, including Emmel and Emmel (1973), who illustrated it and called attention to its potential extinction. The ESB is distin- guished from all other subspecies by a combination of underside black spot size, amount of orange on the wings, wingspread, foodplant, and other characters (Table 1 in Mattoni, 1989). NATURAL HISTORY As with all species in the genus Euphilotes , the ESB spends virtually its entire life cycle in intimate association with the flowerheads of some species of buckwheat; in this case the coastal buckwheat, Eriogonum parvifolium.. The almost total involvement of all stages with a single plant part is unique among North American butterflies. Adults find one another to mate, usually nectar, lay eggs, perch, and in most cases probably die, on flowerheads. Thus a significant array of population regulating mechanisms operate within the flower he ad environment, for example predation, parasitism, competition, nutrition and disease. 278 J. Res. Lepid. When the time arrives to pupate, however, larvae either drop or crawl to the ground and burrow into the soil. Typically they travel at least two inches below grade, but stay within the root and debris zone where they are protected from desiccation and insulated from temperature ex- tremes. Factors affecting pupae are almost totally unknown even though the species spends 90% of its life span in the pupal stage (see White, 1988). The ESB has one generation per year, as is obligatory for all members of the E. battoides complex under natural conditions. Adults fly from mid-June through the end of August, the exact timing depending on weather. Usually the flight lasts from mid- June to mid-August. The onset of flight is closely synchronized to the beginning of the flowering cycle of the foodplant. Fresh females fly to flowerheads upon emerging from their pupae. There they are found and mated within hours by one of the male population that is constantly moving from flowerhead to flowerhead. The females then immediately begin laying eggs. Labora- tory data indicate females produce 15-20 eggs per day, but must continu- ously nectar to maintain egg production (Mattoni, unpub.). Although field data indicate females at Chevron live an average of four days in nature (Arnold, 1983), in captivity females live two weeks and produce up to 120 eggs (Mattoni, unpub.). Eggs hatch within five to seven days. Larvae undergo four instars to complete growth, a process taking from 18- 25 days. The larvae develop honey glands by the third instar, and are thereafter usually tended by the ants Iridiomyrmex humilis or Conomyrmex sp., which may protect them from parasitoids and small predators. By late August the flowerheads have generally senesced and the larvae have all pupated underground. The natural history data are all reported from the population at LAX. Mature larvae are highly polymorphic, varying from almost pure white or pure dull yellow to strikingly marked individuals with a dull red-to- maroon background broken by a series of yellow or white dashes or chevrons. They feed in such a manner as to remain concealed by the flowerhead, their patterning adding to this crypsis. The preferred part of the flowerhead is young seeds, which are consumed preferentially to other flowerparts. The latter are loosely webbed together producing the illusion of an intact flowerhead. One larva requires two-to-three flowerheads (which equals 10-15 involucres or 400-500 flowers or their seeds) to complete development. The discrepancy between longevity of adults in the field (2.3 to 7.3 days, Arnold, 1983) and lab (average 16 days, Mattoni, unpub.) adults is most likely due to predation by lynx and crab spiders. These spiders were found at a frequency of about one per 200 flowerheads in 1987 (Mattoni, unpub.). When 15 man hours of direct observation of flowerheads was made, only one capture of a male ESB by lynx spider was seen. The event was rapid, by seizure, with the prey rapidly imbibed and discarded. The egg population is chiefly regulated by Trichogramma sp. nr. minutum , which also attacks the eggs of the common hairstreak and at 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 279 least two species of microlepidoptera on the flowerheads. Pratt (1987) found 9% of 147 eggs of the common hairstreak collected at the LAX dunes in 1985 parasitized by the wasp. ESB eggs probably have a similar frequency, but appear better placed for concealment in comparison to the hairstreak, so few can be found in nature for testing. In a sample of 30 mature ESB larvae recovered from flowerheads in 1987, six, or 20%, were parasitized by a braconid wasp, Apanteles thurberiae. The same wasp also attacked the common hairstreak, the moth Lorita scarified (=a6ornana)(Cochylidae), and Aroga sp. (Gelechiidae), the latter two common microlepidoptera on the flowerheads. The ichneumonid wasp, Diadegma sp., was found in the hairstreak and both moth populations in 1987, but not in the ESB (Mattoni, unpub.). Pratt (1987) reported the same pattern in his 1985 survey. The most significant feature of both wasp parasitoids is absence of diapause. Thus they only persist by living on a continuum of alternate larval hosts over an annual cycle. The same is true for the Trichogramma egg parasitoid. Arnold (1983) reported finding pupae parasitized by two unidentified species of tachinid fly at Chevron. No quantitative data were given. The tachinid life cycle coincides with that of its ESB host so alternate hosts are not necessary for its persistence. A set of 28 pupae screened from sand at LAX, just prior to the 1988 flight, produced no parasites. Pratt (1987) found larvae of Aroga sp. and Lorita scarified predominant in E. parvi folium flowerheads, up to 50 each, in 1985. He hypothesized that these severely reduced the food available to the ESB larvae, but also had an impact on the ESB by direct predation and indirect harboring of shared parasitoids. Mattoni (1988) found that a sample of flowerheads collected in 1987 produced 30-50% viable seed sets in spite of herbivory from all sources. HISTORICAL RANGE Distribution of the ESB is dependent on the occurrance of its foodplant, the coast buckwheat. The butterfly further appears limited to habitats with high sand content. These sites historically consisted of the El Segundo sand dunes, including interrupted extensions to the north into what is present-day Ocean Park, and southerly to Malaga Cove in Palos Verdes (Figure 1). However, after a gap at Santa Monica, the foodplant extends further north along the well-drained, low altitude, steep sand- stone slopes of the coastal Santa Monica Mountains and to the south on similar formations along the Palos Verdes peninsula. The plant forms a small colony on the sand dune at Point Dume. Variant ecotypes of Euphilotes bernardino bernardino are associated with mixed Eriogonum parvifolium and E. cinereum plant populations along the sea bluffs of Palos Verdes south to San Pedro. The plant populations become pure stands of E. cinereum above the bluff face in Palos Verdes. Both E. cinereum and E. fasciculatum, are toxic to El Segundo dunes ESB larvae, although ESB females will lay eggs on them in free choice experiments (Mattoni, unpub.). 280 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 1 . Distribution of both the El Segundo sand dunes and El Segundo blue butterfly, historically and at present (1991). Extent of the his- torical dunes and butterfly populations distribution are shown by the stippled areas. Extant butterfly and undisturbed dunes frag- ments indicated by the black dots or black areas: LAX dunes, Chevron Pre- serve, and Malaga Cove. Potential restorable habi- tat is indicated: Hyperion- DWP, and Playa del Rey dunes. The Ballona la- goon fragment is included in the latter site. The active El Segundo sand dunes historically covered about 4.5 square miles (1295 hectares, 3200 acres), based on data from the 1894 geologic survey (Figure 1) and Cooper (1967). An inaccurate figure of 36 square miles, sometimes miscalculated as 18,000 hectares, has been widely quoted for the dunes area from the summary of California sand dunes by Cooper (1967). The misquoted value included pre-Flandrian sand depos- its that formed yet older dunes now having more or less consolidated to form sandstone. Cooper describes the situation clearly in his figure 2 and text, but somehow the detail was overlooked and the original misinter- pretation repeated by subsequent authors. This sandstone forms the underlay or base to the present dunes. The edaphic properties of these sandstones do not provide proper adaptive conditions for the indicator sand obligate plants of the dunes community, particularly the coast buckwheat. At El Segundo, coast buckwheat is a key indicator of primary, undisturbed coastal sand dunes sites. A diagrammatic cross section of the El Segundo dune system is given in Figure 2. The biological community of sand dunes proper is adapted to continu- ously moving sand and extreme aridity. Once sand is permanently stabilized, community composition changes. Sand obligate plant species decrease in frequency to the benefit of more widespread species and weeds with overall cover increasing. Animal community composition is likely affected as well. 29(4):277"304, 1990(92) 281 Prevailing Westerly Winds — » Figure 2. Diagrammatic cross section of typical El Segundo dune in the high dune area. Major physical features denoted. The dunes and lee deflation plain were undisturbed until rancho development in the 1840’s. Farming was then established on the coastal prairie to the east of the dunes proper, but generally started at least a half mile further inland, probably because of agricultural unsuitability of the poorly drained sandstone soil near the backdune.The dunes themselves were undisturbed until the late 1880’s when the cities from Redondo Reach to Venice were established, but development was limited. Prior to that time virtually the entire dunes area was pristine, without evidence of disturbance. Redondo Beach separated the main dunes from south Redondo Beach and the Malaga Cove extensions (Figure 1), with devel- opment of Venice eliminating the dunes north of the mouth of Ballona Creek. Conversion of the central part of the dunes was slower. Construc- tion of the Chevron refinery in 1911 separated the dunes into two frag- ments. The southern fragment was gradually converted to residences starting at the turn of the century and rapidly accelerating in the late 1940s. Habitat values were totally destroyed by the 1970s. In the 1950s Henne (pers. comm.) noted a dense ESB population and other rare Lepidoptera in Hermosa Valley, an area soon after destroyed. In 1928 the grid of streets on the LAX dunes were constructed, but development was minimal following the 1929 crash. It was not until after World War II that explosive development occurred, with virtually the entire dunes built upon between 1946 and 1965, where almost all the land was privately owned. Construction of the Hyperion wastewater and Scattergood generating plants in the 1940s, along with dense housing on the present LAX dunes, reduced the northern fragment to about 80 acres of dunes habitat by 1960. The 1.6 acre Chevron butterfly sanctuary site was isolated by residential development in the 1950s. 282 J. Res. Lepid. The most important events affecting the very recent biological history of the LAX dune segment was the purchase and clearing of residences from nearly 200 acres between 1966 and 1972, construction of the VOR, and the excavation and re-contouring of about 70% of the backdune in order to re-align Pershing Drive in 1975. The newly recontoured dunes were stabilized by hydromulch with a presumptive "natural” seed mix and irrigated with a sprinkler system. Unfortunately, the seeds were representative of coastal sage and not dune scrub plant community. The common buckwheat, Eriogonum fasciculatum , was introduced by this activity. At the same time the foredune to the south and west of the VOR was graded along with the last coastal prairie fragment between the backdune and Pershing Drive. From 1966 through the late 1970s the natural biota of the LAX dune suffered its major contraction, with about 40 variably undisturbed acres as refugia for subsequent colonization. The 1990 landform classification resulting from these events is mapped in Figure 3. The most drastic change was the complete destruction of the Los Angeles coastal prairie to the lee of the dunes. This community was a Stipa grassland, with a rich occurrence of herbaceous meadow plants and innumerable intermittent vernal pools. The community is now com- pletely extinct. Extrapolating from an estimated carrying capacity of 1,000 ESB per acre on the backdune and 100 ESB per acre on the foredune (Mattoni, unpub.) the historic El Segundo dunes system, with about 400 acres of backdune and a 2,800 acre foredune, should have had an average total population of about 750,000 adults per year. PRESENT DISTRIBUTION The ESB is now (1991) restricted to three locations: the LAX dunes (LAX), the Chevron Refinery dunes (CHEV), and Malaga Cove (MC) (Figure 1, Table 1). In 1988 LAX had the largest population both in terms of area (ca. 4 acres of moderate density and 20 acres of low density populations), number of adult ESB (ca. 2000), and foodplants (1,114 native plants with 206,045 flowerheads) (Figure 4, Table 2). After the initial habitat restoration program, the foodplant population was in- creased to 3358 in 1991 (Figure 4) with an estimated 5000 ESB flying in 1990 (Table 2). CHEV in 1986 had an area of 1.6 acres, about 400 adult ESB, and about 240 natural plants plus about another 1,000 surviving introduced cultivated seedlings (Arnold 1986). The MC location, discov- ered in 1983 by J. Morton and T. Leigh, covers about one acre, had a one- day population count of about 60, and less than 50 plants with 30,000 flowerheads in 1984. It is heavily overgrown with ice plant and seriously eroded. Since 1986 the site has been fenced. A 1990 survey (R. Rogers, pers. comm.) indicates the 1984 status remains stable. Fifteen plants (3,000 flowerheads) survived to 1986 on a small dune fragment at Playa del Rey (proposed Ballona Wetlands Reserve). By 1989 half of these 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 283 O o to o II // Figure 3. Recent history of land use at LAX El Segundo sand dunes. The land use pattern correlates with the degree of disturbance to the natural biota and hence determines habitat value. The boundary of the preserve area proposed in 1991 is indicated by the heavy line. 284 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1 . Land area of all El Segundo sand dune fragments remaining as open space. Both actual habitat with some natural values and parcels that have the potential for being restored are shown. Malaga Cove and Playa del Rey were not connected to the original sand dune mass, but have many shared species. The 25 acre non-sand dune portion of the LAX site is not included. Values are in hectares (acres). Location Backdune Foredune Meadow Total ACTUAL HABITATS LAX Pristine Relatively 0.8 (2.0) 0.0 0.0 0.8 (2.0) Undisturbed 2.6 (7.0) 13.6 (34.0) 0.0 16.2 (41.0) Total 3.4 (9.0) 13.6 (34.0) 0.0 17.0 (43.0) Chevron Preserve 0.5 (1.3) 0.1 (0.2) 0.0 0.6 (1.5) Malaga Cove 0.0 0.5 (1.2) 0.0 0.5 (1.2) POTENTIAL HABITATS LAX Disturbed Sites 7.3 (18.0) 78.0 (192.0) 9.7 (24.0) 95.0 (234.0) DWP 2.0 (5.0) 15.0 (37.5) 5.0 (12.5) 22.0 (55.0) Hyperion 0.0 16.4 (41.0) 0.0 16.4 (41.0) Playa del Rey 2.5 (2.5) 0.0 0.0 2.5 (6.2) Ballona Lagoon 0.0 2.8 (7.0) 0.0 2.8 (7.0) TOTAL 11.8 (39.5) 126.4 (313.0) 14.7 (40.2) 156.8 (389.0) buckwheats died. A male ESB was reported at the locality in 1985, but the specimen was not taken and no stages have been collected since, in spite of several attempts. A transient ESB was reported on the DWP right-of- way between CHEV and LAX (R. Rogers, pers. comm.). The ESB is isolated from its closest relative, a Palos Verdes ecotype of Euphilotes bernardino bernardino, by only 2 km at Palos Verdes. To the north E. bernardino bernardino occurs throughout the Santa Monica Mountains, where it uses three Eriogonum foodplants: fasciculatum, cinereum, and parvifolium.. E. bernardino bernardino ranges along the coast to the south, from the bluffs of the Laguna Hills, feeding on the same 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 285 (above) and 1991 following interim restoration (below). 286 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 5. Photographs taken in the same position facing northwest from the corner of Imperial and Pershing, 1938 (above) and 1988 (below). The early photograph by W. D. Pierce shows Mrs. Pierce in the forground. three foodplants. Some populations found on the immediate coast, as at Point Loma, strongly resemble the ESB in appearance. This pattern is in all likelihood a convergence and does not represent monophyly with the ESB (Mattoni, 1989). There are no blues at Point Dume, which has a small sand dune and a coastal buckwheat population. There are no other sites remaining in the historical dunes habitat that can support more than a few random plants. No further ESB populations remain to be found, although two locations, the Ballona dunes and the DWP backdune behind the Hyperion Plant, could be restored to support viable ESB populations. 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 287 Table 2. Relative density of adult El Segundo blue butterflies over six years (1984, 1986-1990) along transect counts at five major clusters of Eriogonum parvifolium foodplant Number of Eriogonum parvifolium from 1986 census: the numerator is the number of plants and flowerheads actually counted for butterflies in each cluster, the denominator the total numbers in the entire cluster (See Figure 3). Cluster Number of El Segundo Blue E. parvifolium , 1986 Transect Counts plants flowerheads 1984 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Number of days sampled 4 5 9 10 11 10 Span of days sampled 19 35 56 61 54 63 Date of first flight ? 7-9 6-24 6-22 6-23 6-29 Date of last observation 8-8 8-13 8-19 8-22 8-16 8-24 1. Backdune 30 33.600 131 68 207 508 744 648 119 55,275 2. Backdune 43 15.300 60 109 187 344 466 427 (pristine) 154 49,700 3. Crest 35 1,500 2 2 0 3 9 8 91 3,185 4. Backdune VOR 20 4750 NC 70 46 159 130 78 86 8,280 5. Foredune 65 4940 NC 9 33 35 41 31 839 89,605 TOTAL 193 60.090 193 258 473 1049 1390 1192 1289 206,045 Preservation Status: Condition of the habitat The probability of survival of a given species over time is a function of habitat quality and habitat size relative to a minimum critical area (Gilpin and Soule, 1986). The spatial loss of the El Segundo sand dunes habitat to urbanization reached its maximum in the 1970s. The other dune habitats, including restorable sites, cannot be further developed at this time because of legal constraints, safety, or geological hazard. Together these sites are sufficient to maintain El Segundo Blue popula- tions indefinitely, given habitat quality. This viability analysis is based on potential habitat area and topography that could support annual adult populations in the order of 100,000 individuals. However, high quality habitat values do not now exist, nor is there assurance that quality can be maintained over time without some management. The El 288 J. Res. Lepid. Segundo Blue occurs, or could occur, across several governmental juris- dictions and on private land. Each situation presents unique problems. In addition to the three present sites of the El Segundo Blue at LAX, Chevron, and Malaga Cove; at least three additional sites could be restored to a native dune ecosystem, thereby providing further assurance of long term survival (Table 1). These are 1) The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) right-of-way for a power line between the Scattergood generating plant and Imperial highway at the south end of the LAX dunes. The site consists of 55 acres of seriously degraded dune and coastal prairie habitat, including over 5 acres of potentially rich backdune. Portions of the dune crest and foredune remnant at the adjacent Hyperion wastewater treatment plant, presently landscaped in exotic vegetation, could be included as restorable contiguous dune habitat with an additional 41 acres. Hyperion-DWP would have high value as a habitat corridor between the LAX and Chevron communities in addition to functioning as an independent habitat unit. 2) The approximate 7 acre Playa del Rey backdune, forming the west end of the proposed Ballona wetlands preserve. 3) Approximately 5 acres of bank lining the Ballona lagoon that are now (1991) being re-vegetated. A proposal to re-introduce the ESB onto the first half acre fragment during 1992 is under consideration. Other potential habitats include Dune park in the city of Manhattan Beach with a 2 acre degenerate backdune fragment about 2 km south of Chevron. Although completely open to public use, parts could be protected and restored. Public school open space of about 1.5 acres each in Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach are potential restoration sites. Without an active restoration and management program, the outlook for the long term persistence of the dunes ecosystems necessary to support the El Segundo Blue is bleak indeed. The centerpiece of any effort must be the LAX site, as LAX alone contains not only the largest fragment, but the closest approximation to prehistoric dune ecosystem composition. Of the 302 acres, about 250 acres are actual sand dunes, of which 39 contiguous acres were at least partially undisturbed, including an almost pristine 2 acres of backdune and 15 acres of foredune. The remainder has either been extensively sandmined, graded, or built upon; has heavy soil spoils; or is concrete or asphalt road (Figure 3). Further trauma included heavy spraying of some sites with oil and introduction of deleterious exotic plants for sand stabilization, and the invasion of non-native animals (Mattoni, 1990 a, b). Notwithstanding a gradual degradation between the 1938-1939 bio- logical survey by Pierce (1939-1940) and the present, most substantive changes have taken place during the past decade and a half (Mattoni 1990 a, b) as a result of the re-alignment of Pershing Drive, construction of Imperial Highway, moving sand to build the VOR hill, and fragmen- tation and scraping of the coastal prairie. The manifestation of degrada- tion was extirpation of many native species on the one hand, and the 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 289 invasion of the site by exotic plants and animals on the other. The convergence of these forces predict a grim future. Of 20 native terrestrial mammals recorded by von Bloeker (in Pierce notes)., most of which were present in 1975 (LAX-EIR, 1975), only three are extant today. In their place are introduced Norwegian rats, red fox and opossum. Of 31 species of butterfly breeding on the site, 7 or 23% have disappeared. Of 18 species of reptiles and amphibians (von Bloeker, 1941), 7 or 39% no longer occur and all 5 scrub dependent birds (Soule et al. 1988) have disap- peared. The situation with native plants is fundamentally more serious since plants are the base of food chains and hence ecosystems. A specialized herbivore restricted to one plant species would be lost with extirpation of its food source, as in the case of two extirpated butterflies. Of the 73 native plant species recorded on the sand dunes proper by Pierce et al. 22, or 30%, were not found by our 1989 survey, and 19 of the 51 surviving species occurred as less than 100 individuals and faced imminent loss. More seriously, several alien plants, including two Acacia species and Eriogonum fasciculatum , had been introduced to the site within the past two decades with serious consequences. Other exotic species present in 1938 have since become serious competitors to the native plant community. Two closely related iceplant species, insignifi- cant in 1938, are now dominant across most parts of the foredune thereby closing options on their occupied territory. Storksbills and alien grasses are also co-opting habitat for native plants. Recently observed Pampas grass and Myoporum present yet new threats. The LAX dunes history is an outstanding example of the effects of uncontrolled, often intentional, introduction of exotic plants which become ecologically devastating. Photographs of identical portions of the backdune show the changes in the landscape between 1938 and 1989 (Figure 5). The Eriogonum parvi folium foodplant of the ESB is only found on undisturbed sand dune habitat. In the fifteen years the LAX dunes have lain fallow since the massive clearing and excavating activities, only three individual plants of 1114 counted in 1988 were found on disturbed sites (Figure 4). Why the plant remains restricted is unknown, whether the limiting factor is poor seed dispersal, seed viability and germination, or establishment. Thousands of seedlings have been observed across several sites following winter rains, yet few establish. It is noteworthy that coastal buckwheat has both highest quality and highest density on the least disturbed backdune sites (Table 2 and Figure 4: clusters of 119, 154, & 86 plants) where invasive exotics are in low frequency. Within these sites, and the relatively undisturbed VOR sections (Figure. 3), native dune scrub plant associations resist significant invasion by exotics. From photographs and notes of Pierce (1938-1940), many of the exotic plant species were present in his time, but were not abundant. The two Acacia species appear exempt from this “exotic exclusion/native cohesion"’ phenomenon, however, and threaten a breakdown of the remaining native ecosystem by altering soil texture and chemistry. 290 J, Res . Lepid. Acacia populations increased from none detectable in 1976 to 671 indi- viduals in 1987 and was increasing at an annual rate of 46% prior to removal between 1988-1991. The long lived seed bank of Acacia numbers in the millions and will require attention for decades. Ecosystem disturbance through changes in the mammalian commu- nity have been profound as both rabbits and mice influence the differen- tial reproductive efficiency of herbaceous plant species. The absence of mammalian foraging probably relaxed substantial pressure on seed banks, particularly the r-strategist European weeds. Loss of small mammals is linked to the introduction of the European red fox, which themselves now have such limited food resources that they are driven to garbage scavenging, lizards, and even large insects. Of the other habitats, Malaga Cove was last visited during the flight period of 1990. The site was heavily overgrown with iceplant, which threatens the some fifty buckwheat foodplants, although this site and population have probably persisted in isolation over the past 40 years. The site needs further evaluation particularly because the ESB popula- tion has survived in spite of its very small population. According to Pratt (pers. comm. ) the Malaga Cove population is genetically identical (allozyme frequency) to that of LAX. The Chevron site has been isolated at least since the mid 1950s, subsequently carrying an ESB population of about 2000 adults annually from at least 1965 until 1977, when intensive studies on adult population demography began. While determining population sizes for 1977 and 1979, a precipitous drop from an estimated 1328 to 681 between those two years was noted (Arnold 1983). Later Arnold (1986) presented data on densities of both foodplant buckwheat and ESB for each year since 1977, showing a decline between 1977 and 1986 from about 1850 to 350 adult ESB adults and 420 to 300 Eriogonum parvifolium, Arnold claimed the primary cause for the declines was stabilization of the dune process of sand movement with correlated exotic plant growth, buckwheat senes- cence, and reduced buckwheat seedling survival, A more likely cause of crashes of both buckwheat and blue was the impact of the study itself. In small fragile habitats, particularly steep sand dunes, regular walking during the course of observation and data collection is a serious problem (Brown, 1987) that leads to root damage and changing water balances. Another study impact suggested is the citation by Arnold (1983, p. 90) of rearing 839 El Segundo Blue larvae for sex ratio determination. Removal of this many mature larvae from the population could alone explain the drop in population size from 1977 to 1979. Further, as pointed out by Murphy (1984, 1988), the use of mark-release-recapture (MRR) methods on butterflies as delicate as the El Segundo Blue probably profoundly effect behavior, survival and reproductive dynamics. Even with careful netting, legs easily break off these fragile animals and lack of legs has deleterious effects (e.g. Mattoni, 1988). The added trampling necessi- tated by an intensive MRR program cannot aid recovery. 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 291 Sociopolitical aspects of planning HISTORICAL CONFLICTS — LAX DUNES A major cause of conflict arose from events attendant to the expansion of the Mines Field into the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The major radar installation (VOR) was located on a 60 acre site purchased in 1950. Home construction on the remainder of the dunes continued unchecked until into the 1960s. With increasing air traffic necessitating construction of the north runway, safety considerations and the onset of jet age noise, residential living conditions became increasingly difficult. In a 1965 referendum, over 66% of homeowners elected to be bought out with the remaining property condemned. Between 1965 and 1975, 822 homes were vacated and over 2000 people relocated. The $60 million cost was 75% reimbursed by the federal government. Almost unnoticed during this hubbub, the ESB was listed as an endan- gered species in 1976 under the Endangered Species Act passed by the Congress in 1973. All of the LAX dunes south of Sandpiper St. (Figure 3) were proposed as critical habitat in 1977, a finding abandoned by modifications to the Act as amended in 1978. 1976 was also the year the California Coastal Act was enacted in response to a mandate by the voters to guarantee preservation of coastal environmental values. The 1970s was the first time signs appeared of a public awareness that all was not right with the environment. This concern eluded many bureaucrats. The Los Angeles City Planning Department thereafter began work on a plan to develop the LAX dunes as a recreational facility, emphasizing a 27 hole golf course. With recognition of the ESB, the plan was modified to set aside 80 acres as a conservancy plus 12 acres as a preserve/ research/interpretive area. Following requirements set forth by the coastal act, public disclosure and participation processes were initiated and hearings began in early 1981. A public interest group, “Friends of the Dunes”, was established and battle lines drawn. The essence of orga- nized opposition to any development on the dunes was the position that the dunes contained a rich biota, exemplified by the listed ESB, and should be left as open space which would restore itself by natural plant succession. After eight public hearings, the city submitted the develop- ment plan to the Coastal Commission for action in late 1983. Two independent studies of the ESB populations at LAX were per- formed in 1984. Both studies indicated serious and deteriorating habitat conditions. Consequent^ airport officials developed a memorandum of understanding with both U.S. Fish and Wildlife and the California Department of Fish and Game to support the recreational complex with the key provision that development would generate funds to assure restoration and permanent management of the preserve. A conservancy committee was to oversee long term objectives. Both federal and state agencies recognized the golf course as the least objectionable of the funding solutions because in the long run the sand substratum would remain untouched while the infrastructure of several acres of roads, 292 J. Res. Lepid. foundations, rubble and old utility appurtenances would be removed. With assurance that the unique biota were thereby conserved, future generations would have the option to roll back the golf course with minimum effort. An alternate hypothesis was advanced that the golf course could be viewed as destruction of ESB habitat, thereby permitting development of this area for commercial airport purposes at some indeterminate future. At its November 12, 1985 public meeting, the Coastal Commissioners followed their staff recommendation and rejected the airport develop- ment plan as inconsistent with the Coastal Act by not assuring preser- vation of a unique sensitive habitat. However, the Commission did not accept a staff recommendation that the airport set aside the entire 302 acre site as “environmentally sensitive habitat,” thereby leaving open exploration of other options. In its wisdom, the Commission did recog- nize that the basic issue of funding was necessary to both maintain and restore the habitat. What remained unresolved was that denial of an institutional funding mechanism would number the days of the “environ- mentally sensitive habitat.” From studies of population regulation of the ESB discussed above, it was apparent that survival of the ESB was in immediate jeopardy. In the public interest, the Board of Airport Commissioners generously provided a small contract in early 1986 to relieve the situation until a permanent solution could be found. This initial contract was successful in assuring short term survival of the ESB. In 1987 a major biological survey and ecological evaluation of the site was contracted to provide quantitative information to elucidate habitat values and open alternatives to resolv- ing the conflict of providing funding necessary to assure restoration and management. The study recognized that funding must be developed from some form of land use at the site. As appealing as restoration of the whole LAX dune remnant might be, economic realities must be recognized and a consensus established to provide a viable long term solution. OTHER EL SEGUNDO BLUE BUTTERFLY HABITATS The federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 states that “The purposes of this act are to provide a means whereby the ecosystems upon which endangered species and threatened species may be conserved (and) to provide a program for the conservation of such endangered species and threatened species,...” The Act goes on to define “critical habitat” as not only the geographic area where such species occur at the time of listing, but “specific areas outside the geographic area occupied by the species at the time it is listed ... upon determination by the secretary that such areas are essential for the conservation of the species.” Recognizing the intent of the law and the role of the ESB as an indicator of the unique El Segundo dunes ecosystem, several other habitats and potential habitats must be dealt with. These have been mentioned above and include: Chevron, Malaga Cove, DWP right-of-way and adjacent 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 293 Hyperion property, the Playa del Rey-Ballona backdune, and other miscellaneous parcels. CHEVRON: In response to concerns of several local lepidopterists, Chevron set aside and fenced the 1.6 acre habitat on their NE corner as butterfly preserve (Oppewall, 1975). A pro bono corporate fund was provided to make a partial restoration, limited to augmenting the ESB, its foodplant, and some weeding. This laudatory, though imperfect approach, produced no conflicts. If judiciously continued, the butterfly should be sustained indefinitely at Chevron, or as long as Chevron is also sustained. MALAGA COVE: Until now there has been no general awareness of this site, and there are no hard data concerning habitat value at this time. Ownership is undetermined, but geology and landform of the area imply further development is impossible. The site is fenced. There are no obvious conflicts here. DWP RIGHT-OF-WAY / HYPERION: Since an attempt to permit a nursery was thwarted by public action, no other land use is imminent. Although an effort to restore was suggested in 1981, no action has been taken, with the DWP not yet recognizing the issue. There are no apparent conflicts, however, except that the matter of funding would be an obstacle to any restoration and management program. Major resto- ration is necessary, but proximity to the LAX dunes suggests shared management expense and greater efficiency, when a program is devel- oped. The adjacent Hyperion wastewater treatment plant includes 30 acres of slope almost completely covered with non-native flora. Plans for an inappropriate exotic landscaping plan were partially implemented, against both the spirit and intent of endangered species legislation and denial of an important heritage value. The issue was rapidly resolved by discussion with a key Public Works Commissioner who understood a restored natural community would be both appropriate and more effi- cient to manage. The installed landscaping will be removed and the whole area revegetated with native dune vegetation in 1992-1994. PLAYA DEL REY - BALLONA BACKDUNE: The 6 acre dunes is owned by Playa Vista Properties and was subject to intense public conflict involving many parties. The property is part of the overall 950 acre Ballona Wetlands site. A resolution was tentatively reached (1990) whereby $10 million will be provided by the developer to a conservancy that will restore and otherwise utilize about 260 acres of badly deterio- rated habitat that will be deeded as a perpetual preserve. The benefit to the developer will be permission to construct residential and commercial buildings on 748 acres it cannot otherwise now develop. A plan to restore the dunes fragment was approved by the Coastal Commission and other planning agencies, but has not been implemented by the developer (late 1991). The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service granted permits to re- introduce the ESB. In the meantime habitat values continue to decline while diverse interests fail to agree. The situation parallels the LA-golf 294 J. Res. Lepid. course matter, except LAX involves public property, whereas Playa Vista is private. BALLONA LAGOON: A 7 acre terrestrial upland exists surrounding a 9 acre tidal lagoon located across the B a Ilona Greek channel to the north of the above site. A small, 0.2 acre portion was re- vegetated in late 1990 with 41 species of sand dune plants, including 70 coastal buckwheat plants. A second planting is proposed for 1992 and will include sufficient foodplant to attempt an ESB re-introduction. A re-introduction ofBehrs metalmark, Apodemia mormo virgulti , is scheduled for 1992 as a surro- gate for predicting success with the ESB on a small fragment. Revegeta- tion will presently be expanded to the entire site. Assuring survival of both the ESB and the dunes ecosystem must involve all of the localities cited above. Site multiplicity alone, assuming responsible management, will go far in preserving all the sand obligate plants and animals of the dunes. Although the sites cut across several political boundaries and public interests, their biological commonality must be recognized. The sites are summarized in Table 1. Biological Aspects of Planning BACKGROUND INFORMATION Listing the ESB in 1976 was based largely on intuitive information concerning distribution, abundance, and the nature of threat. Emmel and Emmel (1973) mention that the then undescribed butterfly was in danger of extinction. Their opinion was later backed by supporting historical observations of the mass extirpation of other species on the dunes by urbanization with only remnants left at LAX, Malaga and Chevron. Arnold (1983, 1987) presented quantitative information on the Chevron populations from 1977 to 1986 that showed a steady decline from 1600 to 400 individuals. Transect counts by Mattoni and Murphy (1984 unpub. rept.) provided population estimates at LAX of about 800, or about twice Arnold’s (1986) MMR estimates from the same time. For other biological parameters, Shields (1975) first found the butterfly associated with Eriogonum parvifolium and Arnold (1983) later gave additional information from Chevron on demographics, dispersal, foodplant numbers, and parasitoids; but these provided only limited useful information for developing a conservation plan and management strategy. Information prior to the Mattoni (1990) report was incomplete through failure to recognize the very significant differences in habitat structure at different sites. STUDIES CONDUCTED TO DEVELOP A CONSERVATION PLAN: CHEVRON The conservation plan Arnold (1986) implemented at Chevron essen- tially followed conventional wisdom without benefit of a planned study or research program. Detailed numerical estimates of ESB population size, a cornerstone of the plan, had little relevance to planning other than 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 295 reiterating the obvious. Although the plantations of buckwheat foodplant and removal of iceplant had a salutary effect on the ESB, the efforts did not address the basic biology of either ecosystem structure or its restora- tion. And as mentioned the damage inflicted by the study itself with extensive and intensive trampling over a small parcel, may have ac- counted for some reduction of the ESB. STUDIES CONDUCTED TO DEVELOP A CONSERVATION PLAN: LAX As th ede facto major dunes preserve in both land area and habitat diversity, attention will be focussed on LAX. After the initial 1984 studies, Pratt and Mattoni made observations that provided insights explaining the low relative ESB numbers at LAX. Their judgement was based on population density of the foodplant, which implied that several times the observed number of butterflies were to be expected. Operating on a grant from California Department of Fish and Game, they deter- mined that the critical threat to the ESB was high density of two moth species Lorita scarifica and Aroga species. Abundance of the moths was the result of the presence of introduced common buckwheat that pro- vided them foodplant a month prior to blooming of the coastal buckwheat. Since the moths are multivoltine, and the ESB univoltine, the added generation provided a direct competitive edge as well as high density of the parasitoids they share with the ESB. The Airport Commission consequently provided emergency funding to remove the buckwheat and otherwise augment the habitat. A comprehensive restoration and management plan needs information not only on the biology of the ESB, but of other components of the ecosystem which impact not only the ESB, but other sensitive species found at the site. In order to test ESB population responses, a standard transect was established for annual monitoring of adult ESB. The transect path was designed to minimize damage to the substrate. The biological survey of distribution and abundance of all dunes plants and animals provide data for a model of the ecosystem to document restora- tion. The study included information collected by Pierce and his col- leagues in 1938-1939, collections by others, and old aerial and ground photographs. The study was funded by the Airport Commission a report now available (Mattoni 1990). A comprehensive restoration and man- agement plan is in final preparation and funding sources are being pursued. EL SEGUNDO BLUE POPULATION MONITORING A general estimate of butterfly population size is needed to evaluate both the impact of management techniques and status. Although mark- release-recapture (MRR) techniques can be useful, deleterious effects of such handling on so delicate an insect cannot be justified. In addition to mortality (reported as 10% in the mission blue butterfly by Reid and 296 J. Res. Lepid. Murphy, 1986) and behavior modification (Morton, 1984), any perceived precision MRR might provide is unsupportable for studies involving fragile endangered species. The alternative of visually scoring along a regular transect is adequate for providing needed data, but even here the trampling problem must be minimized. Since MRR had been used simultaneously with a transect in 1984, crude numbers for calibration are available (Thomas 1983). Because of the unique behavior of adult Euphilotes butterflies, the transect count method may be more accurate than MRR. Since adult ESB spend over 90% of their time on flowerheads of the foodplant, moving less than 10% of the time and then usually only when travelling to a nearby flowerhead, a direct estimate of the total instantaneous population size is possible by making a rapid count of adults on flowerheads from a sample of each colony aggregate, given a count of total number and distribution of flowerheads. An accurate estimate of total population size over the entire flight period, however, depends upon estimates of birth and death rates and immigration and emigration. Because these parameters rely on esti- mates only obtainable from MRR, with its faulty assumptions, total population size estimates from transect counts will have a large error component (Mattoni, in prep.). Monitoring is also possible by sampling flowerheads to determine numbers and species of larvae. The procedure would be useful to estimate population densities of the two moths which interact with ESB larvae as well. Lastly, ESB can also be estimated from pupae counted in sifted soil from the base of foodplants. DISTRIBUTION The ESB is limited to the occurrence of its foodplant, but the relation- ship is not random. Table 2 lists ESB population counts from five major clusters of buckwheat foodplant in 1984 and 1986-1990 with numbers of plants and their flowerhead number (Figure 4). The lack of correlation between butterfly and foodplant is clearest when comparing clusters 1 and 2 (backdune) with 5 (foredune/V OR). The former each yielded 1.6 butterflies per thousand flowerheads, the latter only 0. 14. This distribu- tion pattern emphasizes the heterogeneity in habitat values, with the importance of any given plant being its location. The general distribution of high quality plants largely on the backdune near the toe of the slope is a key to conservation. The few high quality plants on the foredune only grow in small depressions with leeward protection. DISPERSAL Adult ESB are sedentary animals that spend the bulk of their time perching and searching for mating opportunities (males) and ovipositing and feeding (females). From MRR work, a few individuals moved dis- tances equivalent to the farthest reaches of the habitat (Arnold 1986). Using a different approach, Mattoni and Pratt (unpub.) set out mature 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 295 reiterating the obvious. Although the plantations of buckwheat foodplant and removal of iceplant had a salutary effect on the ESB, the efforts did not address the basic biology of either ecosystem structure or its restora- tion. And as mentioned the damage inflicted by the study itself with extensive and intensive trampling over a small parcel, may have ac- counted for some reduction of the ESB. STUDIES CONDUCTED TO DEVELOP A CONSERVATION PLAN: LAX As thede facto major dunes preserve in both land area and habitat diversity, attention will be focussed on LAX. After the initial 1984 studies, Pratt and Mattoni made observations that provided insights explaining the low relative ESB numbers at LAX. Their judgement was based on population density of the foodplant, which implied that several times the observed number of butterflies were to be expected. Operating on a grant from California Department of Fish and Game, they deter- mined that the critical threat to the ESB was high density of two moth species Lorita scarifica and Aroga species. Abundance of the moths was the result of the presence of introduced common buckwheat that pro- vided them foodplant a month prior to blooming of the coastal buckwheat. Since the moths are multivoltine, and the ESB univoltine, the added generation provided a direct competitive edge as well as high density of the parasitoids they share with the ESB. The Airport Commission consequently provided emergency funding to remove the buckwheat and otherwise augment the habitat. A comprehensive restoration and management plan needs information not only on the biology of the ESB, but of other components of the ecosystem which impact not only the ESB, but other sensitive species found at the site. In order to test ESB population responses, a standard transect was established for annual monitoring of adult ESB. The transect path was designed to minimize damage to the substrate. The biological survey of distribution and abundance of all dunes plants and animals provide data for a model of the ecosystem to document restora- tion. The study included information collected by Pierce and his col- leagues in 1938-1939, collections by others, and old aerial and ground photographs. The study was funded by the Airport Commission a report now available (Mattoni 1990). A comprehensive restoration and man- agement plan is in final preparation and funding sources are being pursued. EL SEGUNDO BLUE POPULATION MONITORING A general estimate of butterfly population size is needed to evaluate both the impact of management techniques and status. Although mark- release-recapture (MRR) techniques can be useful, deleterious effects of such handling on so delicate an insect cannot be justified. In addition to mortality (reported as 10% in the mission blue butterfly by Reid and 296 J. Res. Lepid. Murphy, 1986) and behavior modification (Morton, 1984), any perceived precision MRR might provide is unsupportable for studies involving fragile endangered species. The alternative of visually scoring along a regular transect is adequate for providing needed data, but even here the trampling problem must be minimized. Since MRR had been used simultaneously with a transect in 1984, crude numbers for calibration are available (Thomas 1983). Because of the unique behavior of adult Euphilotes butterflies, the transect count method may be more accurate than MRR. Since adult ESB spend over 90% of their time on flowerheads of the foodplant, moving less than 10% of the time and then usually only when travelling to a nearby flowerhead, a direct estimate of the total instantaneous population size is possible by making a rapid count of adults on flowerheads from a sample of each colony aggregate, given a count of total number and distribution of flowerheads. An accurate estimate of total population size over the entire flight period, however, depends upon estimates of birth and death rates and immigration and emigration. Because these parameters rely on esti- mates only obtainable from MRR, with its faulty assumptions, total population size estimates from transect counts will have a large error component (Mattoni, in prep.). Monitoring is also possible by sampling flowerheads to determine numbers and species of larvae. The procedure would be useful to estimate population densities of the two moths which interact with ESB larvae as well. Lastly, ESB can also be estimated from pupae counted in sifted soil from the base of foodplants. DISTRIBUTION The ESB is limited to the occurrence of its foodplant, but the relation- ship is not random. Table 2 lists ESB population counts from five major clusters of buckwheat foodplant in 1984 and 1986-1990 with numbers of plants and their flowerhead number (Figure 4). The lack of correlation between butterfly and foodplant is clearest when comparing clusters 1 and 2 (backdune) with 5 (foredune/V OR). The former each yielded 1.6 butterflies per thousand flowerheads, the latter only 0.14. This distribu- tion pattern emphasizes the heterogeneity in habitat values, with the importance of any given plant being its location. The general distribution of high quality plants largely on the backdune near the toe of the slope is a key to conservation. The few high quality plants on the foredune only grow in small depressions with leeward protection. DISPERSAL Adult ESB are sedentary animals that spend the bulk of their time perching and searching for mating opportunities (males) and ovipositing and feeding (females). From MRR work, a few individuals moved dis- tances equivalent to the farthest reaches of the habitat (Arnold 1986). Using a different approach, Mattoni and Pratt (unpub.) set out mature 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 297 potted foodplants at sites up to 0.5 km. outside their normal distribution area with the objective of finding offspring of dispersing females. The results were negative. All the flowerheads of two isolated plants in the disturbed foredune area (see map, Figure 4) were sampled with no ESB early stages found on 184 flowerheads in 1987. These data indicate dispersal, and/or distant foodplant locating ability across distances as small as 200 meters, is not common. Although movement between the main buckwheat clusters is probably more limited than within clusters, from a practical viewpoint further investigation is not now warranted. For purposes of population genetics, even with low inter-cluster move- ment, the population of LAX is a single unit (Forney and Gilpin, 1989). The small colonies at Chevron and Malaga Cove are isolated with probably no effective gene flow possible with the LAX “metapopulation”. Recent data of Pratt (unpub.) found allozyme frequencies of Malaga indistinguishable from LAX indicating these populations have not been separated for enough time to permit deviation in frequency of the tested loci. Habitat Values An ecosystem is physically described by the distribution and abun- dance of all plant and animal species in a circumscribed area, or habitat, to which they are co-adapted. High natural value habitat can thus be characterized by the community of species found prior to human interfer- ence. Only 1 ha backdune and 5 ha foredune at LAX can thus be considered relatively pristine habitat, with another dozen hectares moderately undisturbed. These pristine sites provide species area curve models for restoration and foci from which to carry out restoration based on species area curves. Alien species require identification with a plan for their regulation. Particular care must be devoted to assessing whether apparent natives are historic natives. The common buckwheat was heretofore believed a native plant of the dunes, for example, yet proved to be a serious threat to the ESB because it was not. All extirpated plants must be re-introduced into their proper micro- habitats. Where precise information is lacking, this can only be done by over planting and allowing selection to later segregate density and distribution. Animal re-introduction will require care to avoid excess herbivory while maintaining assurance of population regulation within the food web. Re-establishment of the historic mammalian community is impossible because of isolation and area limitation for megapredator support. The absence of models for the sequence of introduction of smaller mammals is another problem. Biological Program The biological program outlines the concerns which affect the viability of the entire plant and animal communities of the dunes ecosystem. Although focus remains on the ESB, over 30 identifiable species of Table 3. Species of special interest on the El Segundo sand dunes. Included are extirpated species that may be reintroduced, extinct species, species with restricted sand dune distributions, and species recognized by institutional listing. Site: location on prairie (P) or dunes (D). Listing categories: Federal, Endangered, Fed. 1 is awaiting listing, Fed 2 is candidate for listing, Fed 3 is probably not listable; California Department of Fish and Game, Cal E is endangered, Cal T is threatened, SSC is a species of special concern; CNPS is the California Native Plant Society listing. Status indicates population condition at the dunes. 298 J. Res. Lepid. _ a o- o be bo j •> be s <4-3 T3 T3 rd p .s a P 0 e . a 0 0 0 0 ‘m be o* ■+J cd 'm rH o rH cd cd td Id 2 03 P H-> cd £ o cd 0 Sh a • rH 2 0 a vp a p £ cd 0 Sh 0 0 £? u b 0 Sh a p & 43 & *43 £* 43 & 43 cd rj XJ rQ cd 0 0 0 cd rD X! X XI X! CO rH • pH M • r-l rP 0 cd Sh T3 > > Sh cd 0 0 0 0 be a 43 m 3 PQ i—i co Ph £ o T3 a ) u 0 be P cd ^ « § w a N Co Co 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 299 ■+j P P d P P ■§ d cd © u a m © d P © d CO a o a 2 S d £ 3 ^ o p p p o a p cd o P © a P p d d © © d d cd « 3 3 -4-3 rrt © u © u © u 3 s a © p a *43 o a a © 8 a o O © a a CO © p p P d 4-3 &.&S 43 ‘+3 +3 x 3 p a p •4-3 a x o P P © d XXX © CQ u p u CO p © o Sh P o © © © © 0 © P PQ CONN(M p d d d d o © © © © P fc fc fe fo Q co © © . P P d o o © P P fe ©©©©©© p p p p p p o © o o o o p p p p p p pL-j pLf P_| P_) pi j QQPQQQPPQQQQPPQ CO a 44 Q s* © d o e £ © s © 5 0 d d CO s •-* © *e4 e £ 1 2 &'C e © o Cl H d a O Cq « d d © o si CL SS P fLT“ d © b o d « Lit © & o o d s d S o o _ _ a -P O Cq d .. | § CO d CO O , ^ •- *> | co d d d & m E © © d s | © d > p ft o »«f C5 ^ P ft id d -+j © p s •PM 3 a a © j® § fi ^ £ & < © cd £ S CP hP -4-3 © a © a p cd a Cfi si W ^ § S P p © PQ « O cq © © © © q3 fQ © cd © _d cd o © TO a p CO d cd © 8 © P3 43 'P O P d © O m <$r d © *o d 1 ><> d d d d s cq g & co - a © d *»3 sg d g Cr fc o © o *** CO d "d -d §• co d d 50 *o * a co d © S *d co d *© o cq ^ < &q cq £P >4 a be P > JD Sh © £ © 5P d co § s & 3 o T3 &i © e° CQ P3 r-H Cd w o p © *& cd g 5 S « g a.-S TO • i—i pH *3 rP a -2 ^ d CO CO 2 © © w p p J® p p p d d © _ ^_| CO Cd Cd tn 4J -p CO CO P cd cd op OOP Q o d B CO £h © d P P Ih o bi P cS d © CO o p, © p p, d © o © p CO 4h O CO © • fM o © Pi CQ eq cq d d © © c P P P Ph co d o !& O d P 28 -2 d k co O *42 S’ o Co ^ d co d i, © .d CQ P P CO © -ft cd u pfi © t te > £ i1 ® cd © a s *S P I o © CO p o a ^ j§ O 4h O ^ -2 P! ^ H ^ P O © s a> cd o P P Burrowing owl Athene cunicularia PD SSC extirpated? Least tern Sterna antillarum hrowni D Endangered rare (nesting) San Diego horned lizard Phrynosoma coronatum hlainvillei PD Fed.2, SSC increasing California legless lizard Amelia pulchra PD in review decreasing Western Spadefoot toad Scaphiopus hammondi P in review extirpated 300 J. Res. Lepid. concern and those limited in distribution to southern California coastal dunes ecosystems will all be aided by re-establishing an optimal environ- ment for the ESB. Unfortunately emphasis on the butterfly has been and will remain important since most non-biologists, including politicians, attorneys, and planners, can more easily deal with a single organism rather than a complex system that is both conceptually and in reality vague (Jensen et al. 1990). The LAX dunes are a leading “hotspot” of biodiversity nationally when judged by the number of unique species for area size. To date 11 species have been identified that are endemic to the El Segundo dunes system, with many more variously listed as species of concern or significance (Table 3). These include the extinct El Segundo giant flower-loving fly, Raphiomidas terminatus terminatus ; the San Diego horned lizard, Phrynosoma coronatus blainvillei; the seaside calandrinia, Calandrinia maritima; and the beach spectaclepod, Dithyrea maritima. Principles that will be utilized to develop a plan include: 1. Restoration. The major emphasis for dunes conservation will be restoration. With only two acres of backdune in pristine condition, re- establishment the entire backdune area must have highest priority, since this is the site of highest ESB population density. Effort will also be directed to maintain and restore habitat diversity on foredune areas and the prairie area based upon species present for the 1938 survey. The coastal prairie, though not ESB habitat, is significant by providing interface to the backdune. This “edge” produces the highest diversity of any part of the dunes. It is also a buffer area into which ESB extensively wanders. 2. Free sand. Sufficient area is necessary, including the prairie deflation plain, to accommodate free movement of sand, by wind and water. Sand movement is necessary to maintain this physical process to which the unique sand obligate biota are adapted. The amount of net movement may be on the order of one centimeter of depth annually. 3. Human activity negatively impacts the ESB and its foodplant. The sand dune substrate must be protected from trampling or other degrad- ing contact. 4. Alien plants are a major threat to both the ESB and its foodplant either directly (shading, choking seedlings) or indirectly (by chemically and physically modifying the soil or by serving as alternate hosts to predators or competitors). Most other native dunes species are also threatened by alien plants. Evidence indicates the majority of the native flora is not spreading, but is rapidly being replaced. Active management is required to reverse this trend. 5. Alien animals have had serious effects that are only partially understood. The European red fox, responsible for the loss of nearly a dozen small mammals and scrub obligate bird species, must be extir- pated. Two of the five most abundant ground dwelling insects, the Argentine ant and the European earwig (Mattoni, 1990a), have displaced 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 301 native species and are having other effects. Regulation must be at- tempted. 6. Reintroductions. All extirpated native plant and most animal species must be reintroduced. These include species known to have occurred on the dunes and for which similar genetic stock can be obtained. Globally extinct species such as the El Segundo giant flower- loving fly, Raphiomidas terminatus terminatus cannot be resurrected. Extirpated species are all theoretically available, although some may be rare. 7. Management. All techniques used must minimize damage to native species while eliminating alien plants and animals. 8. Monitoring, is essential to assess progress of the program and to provide advance warning of shifting conditions which might otherwise be unnoticed. There are a number of uncertainties for carrying out the plan which suggest continuing research, including pollution effects from JP-4 jet fuel hydrocarbons and borates, high noise levels, and possibly extra low frequency electromagnetic radiation. There is clearly potential to per- form meaningful experiments for community ecology and to provide contributions to basic scientific knowledge. The plan must include provision for local universities and colleges that will enable students to participate through new research programs. Institutional Program An institutional program will be developed to establish a committee to represent all parties with vested interests in land use, biology, and environmental concerns. The committee will set policy to implement the biological program. and be charged with administering the habitat con- servation plan. A funding mechanism is crucial to the plan for both the restoration program and continuing management. The recreational facility plan put forth for the Department of Airports by the Los Angeles city planning department in 1983 was designed to finance a habitat conservation plan through fees generated by the facility developer. The privately managed facility was to include a 27 hole golf course plus an active recreation area. Nature was to be served through the establishment of a permanent 80 acre conservancy and 12 acre preserve. All undisturbed areas were included in the 80 acre conservancy. The matter is unresolved (1991), yet the clear message from data gathered to date is that without an active program, the dunes ecosystem will continue to collapse (Mattoni 1990b). At what point the ESB will disappear cannot be predicted, but the event could be within decades without further augmentation efforts. Species recently extirpated from the dunes cannot be restored without manipulated reintroduction be- cause there are no nearby natural areas. Exotic plants and animals continue spreading and can only be controlled or eliminated by directed 302 J. Res. Lepid. intervention. The restoration and management program will require funding. The 1983 plan was one approach to solving the problem, although with an unfavorable land area. Prognosis Long term survival of the ESB is dependent on a habitat restoration and management. To best serve the needs of the butterfly, the entire useable remnant 277 acre El Segundo dunes ecosystem should be conserved. To conserve the biota, a habitat conservation plan has been prepared which addresses the following issues: 1. The ESB and its coastal buckwheat foodplant are essentially restricted to land which has not been disturbed by human activity. Both species are indicators of habitat quality and conditions which promote them will serve to restore other components of the dunes ecosystem. 2. Human activity negatively impacts the ESB and its foodplant. The sand dune substrate must be protected from trampling or other degrad- ing contact. 3. Alien plants are a major threat to both the ESB and its foodplant. Other native components of the dunes ecosystem are also threatened by alien plants. Active management is required to reverse this trend. 4. Patterns of herbivory have been modified by the extirpation of most mammal species. Alien carnivores must be removed and native herbi- vores replaced by programmed reintroduction. These actions require reestablishment of a food web similar to that originally responsible for regulating the entire community. 5. Any plan should coordinate programs which encompass all former habitat which can be restored to a condition approaching the historical state. This includes the habitat fragments at Malaga Cove, Chevron, DWP right-of-way, and Play a del Rey dune. Coda The re-election of Ruth Galanter for the local city council in summer 1991, in part for her strong stand on protecting the LAX dunes, provided the climate to establish a new Specific Plan with 200 acres devoted to a preserve while retaining a 100 acre golf course to satisfy constituency (Figure 3). The rough areas of the golf course will be vegetated as native habitat. The Specific Plan was adopted by the Airport Board of Commis- sioners, the City Planning Department, and the City Council. Final approval of the California Coastal Commission is the last step before implementation. A detailed habitat restoration and conservation plan has been completed. The major remaining obstacle is funding. There are no funds now available and no provision in the LAX charter for the use of airport funds for either restoration or habitat maintenance. Although the Department of Airports paid over $300,000 for both the biological study and initial enhancement programs, their use of general funds were justified in promoting the 1983 golf course plan. 29(4):277-304, 1990(92) 303 Over 43 acres have been revegetated to a degree that over 90% of the plant cover is native (1991). Part of the work was performed by a team of 60 - 140 volunteers. Expansion of the volunteer program is projected to provide over 30% of the effort to complete the revegetation phase of the program. The value of volunteers has proved greater than their donated time alone both in quality and sensitivity of their work and their influence in the political base. Among the other parcels: the Hyperion foredune is scheduled for native revegetation by the Department of Public Works, contact has just been made for the DWP backdune, the Chevron butterfly garden program continues, Malaga Cove remains ignored, the Playa del Rey dune resto- ration project has been delayed by its project developer, but the Ballona Lagoon restoration and ESB re-introduction plans are proceeding. Acknowledgments. Gordon Pratt contributed substantial information concern- ing many aspects of Euphilotes systematics and biology which are invaluable to our understanding of these animals. The format of this report follows that of T. Reid and D. D. Murphy (1987) in their report “The Endangered Mission Blue Butterfly.” For comparative purposes it seemed valueable to use a standard format to present background information for planning purposes where diverse interests and insti- tutions are involved. Selected staff of the Los Angeles Department of Airports were extremely helpful for many favors and support. In particular Paul Principe not only made fieldwork a pleasure, but provided graphics support. The airport commis- sioners, in particular Ms. Maria Hummer, generously provided early funding and demonstrated concern for the broader issues of my biological study of the dunes. Councilwoman Ruth Galanter, her staff including especially Rubelle Helgesson and Betty Fisher, Mayor Tom Bradley, and many individuals across several city departments cannot be commended enough for their efforts and sensitivity to permanently preserve the ESB, its habitat at three sites, and the entire dunes biotic community. The California Coastal Conservancy has provided short term funding until other sources are developed. Last, but hardly least, I thank Jeremy Thomas, Paul Opler, and Otakar Kudrna for their comments that helped both enrich and clarify an earlier version of this paper. Literature Cited Arnold, R.A. 1983. Ecological studies of six endangered butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae): Island biogeography, patch dynamics, and the design of habitat preserves. Univ. Calif. Berkeley Pub. Entomology. 99. 161 pp. -^1986. Private and government funded conservation programs for endangered insects in California. Natural Areas Journal 5:28-39. Brown, D. R. 1986. The effect of human trampling on the dune-mat vegetation of the Landphere-Christensen Dune Preserve. Rept. to The Natural Conservancy, San Francisco. 12 pp. Cooper, W.S. 1967. Coastal dunes of California. Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 104:1-131. Forney, K. A. and M. E. Gilpin, 1989. Spatial structure and population extinction: A study with Drosophila flies. Conservation Biology 3: 45-51. Gilpin, M. E. and M. Soule 1986. Minimum viable populations: processes of species extinction, pp. 19-34 in M. E. Soule ed/ Conservation Biology: the science of scarcity and diversity. Sinauer. Sunderland, MA. 304 J. Res. Lepid. Jensen, D., M. Tom, and J. Harte. 1990. In our hands: A strategy for conserving biological diversity in California. California Policy Seminar, Univ. Calif. LAX-EIR 1975. Physical environmental studies, Los Angeles International Airport. Unpublished report by Olson Laboratories. Mattoni, R.H.T. 1988. Captive propagation of California endangered butterflies. Report to Calif. Dept. Fish and Game. Contract C-1456. 1989. The Euphilotes battoides complex: Recognition of a species and description of a new subspecies. Jr. Res. Lepid. 27: 173-185. 1990. Habitat evaluation and species diversity on the LAX El Segundo sand dunes. Rept. to the LAX board of airport commissioners. 1990a. Unnatural acts: succession on the El Segundo sand dunes in California. Proc. Soc. Ecol. Restoration and Management: 581-593. Murphy, D. D. 1984. Book Review: Ecological studies of six endangered butterflies (Lepidoptera. Lycaenidae): Island biogeography, patch dynamics and the design of biological Reserves, by R. A. Arnold. Jr. Res. Lepid. 22: 267-269. 1988. Are we studying our endangered butterflies to death. Jr. Res. Lepid. 26: 236-239. Morton, A. C. 1984. in R. I. Vane-Wright and P. A. Ackery eds. The biology of butterflies. (Symposium of the Royal Entom. Soc. Lond. No. 11). Academic, London. Oppenwall, J. C. 1975. The saving of the El Segundo Blue. Atala 3: 25-28. Pierce, D. W. 1938-1940. Unpublished notes on the El Segundo sand dune study. 5 vols. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Pratt, G. 1987. Competition as a controlling factor of Euphilotes battoides allyni larval abundance. Atala 15: 1-9. Reid, T. and D. Murphy. 1986. The endangered mission blue butterfly. U. S. Forestry Service “Syllabus on managing viable populations”. Shields, 0. 1975. Studies on North American Philotes IV. Taxonomic and biological notes and new subspecies. Bull. Allyn Museum No. 28. 36 pp. Shields, O and J. Reveal. 1988. Sequential evolution of Euphilotes (Lycaenidae, Scolitantidini) on their plant host Eriogonum (Polygonaceae, Eriogonoideae). J. Linn. Soc. 33:51-91. Vivret, N. J. and C. H. Muller. 1977. Mechanism of invasion and dominance of coastal grassland by Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. Ecol. Monogr. 47: 302-318. Von Bloeker, J. 1941. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Dunes. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 40:29-38. White, R.R. 1986. Pupal mortality in the bay checkerspot butterfly ( Lepidoptera :Nymphalidae ) . Jr. Res. Lepid. 25:52-62. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(4):305-315, 1990(92) Decline and Conservation of Butterflies in Japan Atuhiro Sibatani Biological Laboratory, Faculty of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University, 137 Kinotyoo, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan Abstract. Japanese lepidopterists so far have not defined their strategies to counter the decline of butterfly fauna in their country, although extinctions have so far been restricted to local populations. National and local government policies are to simply promulgate protective regulations. In most cases this means nothing more than the prohibition of collecting and has proved ineffective in reversing the rapid decline and extinction of butterfly populations. The existence and significance of the Red Data Book, currently in preparation in Japan, is as yet not widely acknowledged. However, a volume of collected papers on the history of the decline and protection of Japanese butterflies has been published by the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. It shows that traditional agriculture and silviculture practices in Japan contributed to the dynamic succession of deciduous and non- deciduous broadleaf forests (the latter being the laurisylvae) and maintenance of various types of open fields and meadows, all much needed habitats for the survival of a butterfly fauna with high biodiversity. In the preagricultural wilderness, this continuing dyna- mism was probably effected by forest fires, typhoons and floods. Fire, wind, water, and traditional culture historically served as protective agents for butterflies, rather than the formal prohibition of collecting. Introduction Japan is an archipelago, situated at the eastern margin of the Palearc- tic Region, and ranging over 3000 km from subboreal to subtropical climates, which in latitude roughly corresponds to the expanse from Quebec to Cuba or from Como to Aswan. It has 238 resident butterfly species, none of which have yet suffered complete extinction. However, because of the devastating industrialization and recent rapid rise of the “living standard” in Japan, many local butterfly colonies have become extinct. It would therefore be useful to compare aspects of Japanese butterfly survivability with their European counterparts at the other end of the Palearctic Region. Climatic and vegetational differences from Europe Situated equally in the Palearctic temperate zone, the European and Japanese butterfly faunas show a remarkable difference in the fact that Japan has a 3- to 5-times higher precipitation than the average in Europe throughout the year, but especially during the Monsoon season (June and July). Hence two-thirds of its quite hilly land remains covered by (mostly secondary) forests even with the recent heavy industrialization. Japan thus faunistically lacks the so-called Mediterranean element, but 306 J. Res. Lepid. instead has a Chinese element. The former is characterized by its sclerophyll forest, and the latter by the presence of a non-deciduous or evergreen broad-leaf forest with camphor laurels, camelias and tea shrubs, non-deciduous “oaks” (evergreen Quercus species) and Castanopsis, etc. This characteristic forest type is called laurisylvae or Lorbeerwaelder, and I will abbreviate it as LS in this paper. During the last interglacial period, which started about 12,000 YBP, but especially since 6,500 YBP, the LS, which had adapted to the warmer temperate climate of Japan, started to expand to the north, replacing the deciduous broadleaf forest of the cooler temperate zone. The latter is essentially similar to the European forest with many common, or vicariant, butter- flies species: Pyrgus rnalvae, Carterocephalus palaemon, Thymelicus leoninus; Papilio rnachaon; Colias palaeno, Aporia crataegi, Pieris napi , Anthocharis cardamines; Satyrium (or Fixsenia, Strymonidia) w-album, Scolitantides orion, Maculinea arionides, Lycaeides argyrognomon, Plebejus argus, Vacciniina optilete; Mellicta britomartis (rather than athalia) ,Argynnis paphia, Aglais urticae , Nymphalis io, Limenitis populi, Apatura metis ; Minois dryas, Coenonympha oedippus , and Erebia ligea. Today the vegetation of the northern half of Japan therefore looks essentially European, whereas that of the southern half represents the flora and fauna related to those occurring over the southern part of China, extending to Southwest China and the mid-slopes of the Himalayas. Typical representatives include a number of papilionid taxa and the satyrine genera Lethe and Neope. Because of the old civilization of rice cultivation, the primeval forests have long been lost from virtually all of the Japanese plains and most of the lower montane areas except within certain religious sanctuaries or enclosures in the southwestern half of the mainland. The secondary growth LS is mixed with deciduous forest, most likely representing an earlier stage of succession with LS the climax. This mosaic nature of the Japanese woodlands extends at sea level to the northern tip of Honsyu, the largest island of the mainland group, because of the warm north- bound currents along both the Pacific and Japan Sea coasts. The presence of grass bamboo, Sasa spp., characterizes Japanese vegetation over all the country, including the northernmost island of Hokkaido, distinguishing it from the neighboring part of the Asian Continent (Northern and Northeast China, Korea, and Primorye or Amur/Ussuri). General background of butterfly conservation in Japan The first legislation to protect butterflies was for “Tennen Kinenbutu” or “natural monumental things” and was promulgated by the National Government in 1932 for Panchala ganesa , a typical LS species and a representative of the Oriental Region in Nara City. It was followed by the second in 1934 for Spindasis takanonis in Tottori City. This is another species representing the Oriental/African fauna, once thought to be rare, with myrmecophilous larvae from eggs laid near pine or cherry trees 29(4):305-315, 1990(92) 307 planted in profusion in parks and gardens. Both these protective regulations , as many others that followed, simply prohibited local collect- ing. However, since these species did occur in a number of other places over the southern half of Japan, collectors have turned away from the original protected areas to look for them elsewhere. After the war, increases in motor transport and pesticide spraying occurred, and appar- ently the original protected populations vanished without any records for an unknown period of time. These two examples indicate that legislation that prohibits, as a protective measure, is totally ineffective and that locally limited popula- tions will suffer extinction even in the absence of any collecting pressure. In spite of this, patterns of official “protection” have diverged little from the stereotype, and since then a large number of local populations, or species as a whole, have been designated by the National and local governments as Tennen Kinenbutu or natural monumental “things.” These now amount to a total of 37 species. Although in some cases the entire habitat or ecosystem is protected, these regulations are usually not supported by financial and other arrangements for effective manage- ment. One gets the impression that the ruling bodies wish, by designat- ing the protected object (be it the area, ecosystem, population, or species as a whole), to divert public accusations directed to their failure of providing appropriate measures for protection of declining species (of which many are vertebrates), with an excuse that they have, after all, not failed to make their best efforts. Thus, collecting becomes a scapegoat in the face of the mounting attacks and anger of the general populace. Both professional and amateur lepidopterists have complained of this lamen- table situation, but have so far taken little systematic action to counter the general trend of the mass extinctions of butterflies in many places in spite of the increases of areas and species protected against collecting. The latest efforts by scientists and lepidopterists In recent years the Environment Agency of the Japanese government has been making an extensive survey of the status quo of the fauna and flora in Japan, but no results have been published yet. It is expected, however, that the Agency will do so by the end of 1989. Prof. Takashi Shirozu, the dean of Japanese butterfly specialists, serves as consultant for this survey. Upon returning to Japan in 1985 after an absence of 19 years, I soon came to realize that Japanese lepidopterists were behind their col- leagues in Europe and the United States in making efforts to rectify the trend of modern civilization which is rapidly endangering the butterfly fauna in Japan in addition to many other life forms. In late 1987 I made an appeal to the Lepidopterological Society of Japan on this point. It was received warmly by committee members, who then offered to organize a working group to publish volumes of collected case studies on the decline and extinction of individual butterfly populations. Japanese lepidopter- 308 J. Res. Lepid. ists, with accumulated data and living memories, are encouraged to write case studies today. These studies would be indispensable to the future planning of butterfly conservation in Japan. In order to practically cope with rapidly changing situations, it wras decided to publish certain selected cases to start with, rather than to aim at ambitious and time- consuming exhaustive surveys. The first volume of the series, entitled Decline and Conservation of Japanese Butterflies, was recently publi- cized under the co-editorship of Eiichi Hama in Matumoto, Nagano-ken, Minoru Ishii of the University of Osaka Prefecture (Department of Entomology of the School of Agriculture), and myself. For the present paper I have extracted much information from the manuscripts of this volume, written by a number of active field workers from various parts of Japan. While this work was in progress, two important books on similar subjects have been published: one, by Hiroshi Moriyama (1988), a professional specialist at the National Institute for Environmental Resources, Tukuba Science City, deals with the real meaning of nature conservation. He heavily utilized butterfly material for constructing his theory, even though not a lepidopterist himself. The other has been written by Kunihiko Sei (1988), a school teacher living near Mt. Fuji, the renowned beautiful volcano west of Tokyo, where the butterfly fauna has been seriously impoverished in recent years. Publications of these two books within a short interval were quite timely, because the former is mainly concerned with woodland ecosystems, whereas the latter is concerned with those of open country. Their main conclusions, together with those of Hama et al. ( 1989), indicate the key importance of J apanese traditional agriculture and silviculture was the maintenance and well- being of a substantial part of the Japanese butterfly fauna. The pattern of biodiversity of these habitats was the result of human culture. By implication, these books also suggest how the colorful diversity of the Japanese butterfly fauna evolved and was maintained before human settlement on the archipelago. Ironically enough, it can now be inferred that the diversity of butter- flies must have repeatedly been regenerated by quasi-periodic rejuvena- tions of the vegetation in various habitats. Thus a dynamic succession was maintained either by human interference in natural ecosystems through the labour-intensive, energy-saving, traditional agriculture on a “human scale,” or by the devastation of natural ecosystems by fire, wind and water — a paradoxical means of nature conservation. The role of collecting is also paradoxical. As long as it is not too heavily energy- or economically-intensive, collecting provides information needed for timely actions to conserve butterflies. Blind prohibition of collecting would, because of the absence of constant surveys, pave the road to mass extinctions without our being aware of what is happening. This last point is a conclusion of Hama et al. (1989), as well a message of this paper. I will now turn to the substance of this contention, heavily leaning on Moriyama (1988) and Sei (1988) as well as Hama et al. (1989). 29(4):305-315, 1990(92) 309 A summary of the case histories of selected populations of Japanese species that are described in detail in Hama et al (1989) is given in Table 1. Each species is the object of one or more histories given in that report. Table 2 presents an assessment of the major causal agents having either positive or negative effects on population viability of the species cited in Tablet. The role played by traditional agriculture — woodland As mentioned above, the Japanese temperate zone may be subdivided into two parts: the northeastern cooler temperate zone where a Euro- pean type of deciduous broadleaf forest thrives, with an occasional admixture of conifers (probably as the component of climax vegetation); and the southwestern warmer moist temperate zone where, unlike the Mediterranean region, LS is the adapted climax in this climate with high precipitation. Moriyama (1988) demonstrated that during the current interglacial period which started 12,000 years ago, a gradual warming of the Japanese Archipelago caused the northern advance of LS. He estimated the speed of the LS advance into the northeast around 5,000 years ago, replacing the deciduous forests. His techniques included pollen analysis and the estimation of seed dispersal helped by various animals. The results indicated that the speed of the natural forest advance was rather slow: 40 km per 1,000-1,500 years. However, local vegetation today does not represent the climax of such a LS forest. It contains, or did until 20-30 years ago, conspicuous patches of deciduous broadleaf forests or coppice, the origin and maintenance of which proved to be entirely artificial. Moriyama showed, again estimating the speed of forest spread, that these broadleaf constituents, once so characteristic of the Japanese countryside, could not have secondarily found their way down to southwest from its northeastern retreat, quite some time after the onset of the interglacial period. This means that the northeastward advance of SL during prehistoric times coincided with the beginning of primitive agriculture by the prehistoric inhabitants of the islands with slash and burn methods. This activity promoted the rapid growth of the deciduous trees, both naturally and artificially, involving relict local floral components during the vegetational transition period. Thus, some part of the flora and fauna associated with the cooler temperate forests could remain, through human interference from the very outset of the LS invasion into the warmer temperate forest zone. In fact, this deciduous association was able to remain as coppice, which generations of farmers must have used for fuel and compost (hence the origin of the word “to coppice”). The process cleared undergrowth and was reflected in the annual as well as intermittent rejuvenation of the woodland. The associated flora and fauna did not immigrate there secondarily, but remained in situ during all the time since the onset of the current interglacial episode. Moriyama points out that the coppice corresponds to the initial stage of arboreal succession in the warmer temperate zone. 310 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1. Summary of case studies in Hama et al. (1989). For numbers in the columns of subsequent processes and possible causes of decline, see Table 2; d, decline; e, extinction; u, unknown. Taxon Year Subsequent processes Possible causes of decline Extinct or (declined) Protective actions taken on population or (species) Pyrgus malvae (1982) 1975 24 26? Carterocephalus (1967), 1 987’1 (1975) 24 15, 26 palaemon Luehdorfia japonica 1979 u2 L. puziloi (1968) 1975 10 11,26 now proposed 10 11,13 Colias palaeno no d3 1975 24 no evidence for 26 (<1975)*4 1975 24 & d5 u 6 Aporia hippia 1966 1975 e before 24 20,14 Anthocharis cardamines 1978 1975 24 u 7 Artopoetes pryeri 1977 16,17,18 s Coreana raphaelis (1987-88) 1973 24 d,e9 12,18,26 1973 e, then 10*10 13,14,17 Niphanda fusca gradual d 17,18 d 17,18 Shijimiaeoides divinus 1950-72 13,17,18, 21,22 1960’s 6 but... 22 Tongeia fischeri 1960 27 1961 17 1964 27+18-19 (1970’s) 14,19 1975 19 (1981) shift of habitat 6+17 1984 11 Lycaeides subsolanus (1970) 1975 24 18+20 yarugatakeana 1975 prone to d 5 but 14 Fabriciana nerippe 1963 11,13 Melitaea scotosia 1963 Uu (1986) shift of habitat 13‘12 1983 16,17,19,20 d 13,17,19,20 Aglais urticae 1975 24*13 11,12,17 Limenitis populi 1976? 1975 24 14 1975 24‘14 with 5,9 but u Oeneis noma 1975 24‘15 probably 21 but not 26 Oeneis melissa (1975-81) (1965) 24 26? Erebia ligea 1975 now danger 20 of e E. niphonica 1975 now danger 20 of e 29(4):305-315, 1990(92) 311 *1 Isolated populations. *2 Impoverishment of woodlands, increase of orchards, spraying, invasion of hikers, construction of a golf course are mentioned. *3 No change of population density before and after designation as Tennen Kinenbutu. *4 The population had declined prior to the designation of Tennen Kinenbutu. *5 The population decline has not stopped after the designation of Tennen Kinenbutu. *6 The reason may or may not be due to the putative overcollecting. *7 Used to be an unusually large population. Foodplants are plenty after some modification of habitat due to sightseeing developments. *8 Foodplants still remaining. *9 Citizens’ activities for protection, but population perished after the designation of Tennen ^ Kinenbutu . *10 Foodplants were planted by citizens and school children. The local government and collectors have collaborated for restoring the population. One of the model cases of conservation. *1 1 Other butterflies species are intact at the habitat where this species alone disappeared. *12 The marsh where this species thrived before has undergone modification of biotope; hence this species moved out of this habitat and found some alternative spots along cultivated areas, which are now being abandoned. The new habitats are thus being threatened of overgrowth. *1 3 The habitat for larval feeding has vanished. *1 4 Population number fluctuating. *15 Population did not change before and after the designation of Tennen Kinenbutu . Turning to butterflies, Moriyama indicates that Luehdorfia japonica (Papilionidae), the vicariant in southwest Japan of the south European Zerynthia (or Parnalius), requires, for adult feeding, early spring flowers such as Erythronium japonicum (Liliaceae) or violets blooming on the sunny bed of the coppice then without leaves. Its larvae require Aristolochia, foodplants that are generally associated with LS, with some species growing in coppice areas on the periphery of their range. After vegetational succession causes a denser woodland, L. japonica can no longer thrive both because of the lack of enough light for adult butterflies and of adequate food for both adults and larvae. The coppice is now rapidly vanishing from the rural areas because of residential, industrial, and tourist developments. It is also disappearing from hilly slopes owing to the decline of traditional agriculture and forestry with their lower productivity. Presently there is little rejuvena- tion of the deciduous forests with abandonment of the regular felling at about 20 years’ rotation cycle for charcoal production and coppicing for other purposes associated with the traditional self-sustaining rural life. Deciduous trees have been replaced either by conifer plantations or by the advance of succession in the absence of human interference. This latter process darkens the hillsides with a thick cover of vegetational growth from high precipitation. Thus, the characteristic butterfly fauna and conventional agriculture, as integral parts of the traditional Japa- nese culture, are quickly disappearing. Some species of arboreal thecline lycaenids such as Japonica saepestriata and Favonius yuasai that respectively feed on Coreana raphaelis and on young Quercus acutissima or Fraxinus are heavily dependent on trees 312 J. Res. Lepid. Table 2. Assessment of various natural and artificial processes for their effects upon survival and conservation of butterflies. (Processes are numbered for their references in Table 1 .) Positive effects Negative effects 1 . Arrest of vegetational succession. 2. Forest fires of natural origin, typhoons. 3. Traditional forestry: coppicing, removal of undergrowth, charcoal production, diverse plantations. 4. Variation of flow rate of rivers. 5. Naturally caused floods. 6. Traditional agriculture: slash and burn, conversion, crop rotation, plantation, grass- cutting, animal husbandry. 7. Horticulture and gardening compatible with high plant diversity. 8. Policy of environmental protection backed up with adequate financial support. 9. Ordinary collecting with modest intensity, surveys, observations. 10. Lepidopterists’ advice on protective measures and volunteer patrolling. 1 1 . Large scale plantation of single species including conifers and other afforestation. 1 2. Large scale felling of forests. 1 3. Decline of traditional forestry and agriculture: cessation of coppicing and grass-cutting; spraying. 1 4. Large scale management of water flow: inundation by dams, artificial stabilization of flow routes, technological sealing of slopes, utilization of dry river-beds for developments. 1 5. “Super”-forest roads (suupaa rindoo) for tourism. 1 6. Drainage and other uses of marshes. 17. Road construction and deforestation. 18. Residential development. 19. Industrialization. 20. Resort and sightseeing development: opening of camping, parking, and skiing grounds. 21 . Expansion of leisure pursuits and tourism: golf courses, resort hotels. 22. Modern agriculture: use of mechanical power, pesticides, large-scale farming. 23. Large scale gardening in artificial settings. 24. Designation of Tennen Kinenbutu (Natural Monuments) or other prohibitions without adequate management, monitoring. 25. Overprotection and excessive prohibition of human interference. 26. Excessive collecting, especially of declining populations. 27. Magnifying effects of overconstruction of mountain roads, etc., on natural disasters caused by typhoons and floods. planted by the agricultural community [Moriyama (1988) and others (see Hama et al. , 1989)]. Because of the decline of the traditional way of life in rural areas, those trees are now largely being eliminated. Further- more, in the totally protected areas the native forests are permitted to grow taller and denser. Here the young growth upon which larvae depend has disappeared under the thick canopy along with their adult butterflies stages. It is now evident that traditional agriculture contrib- uted to maintaining high biodiversity of both flora and fauna. 29(4):305-315, 1990(92) 313 The role played by traditional agriculture — open lands Meanwhile, Sei (1988) and Hama et al. (1989) have demonstrated that a parallel situation applies to open country including meadow, marsh, and rocky areas. Again, the traditional agriculture periodically elimi- nated overgrown grasses and rejuvenated diverse growth within the low vegetation. The rotation of cultivated lands also rejuvenated open land vegetation. Such customs thus artificially created diverse conditions for various open-country ecosystems. Today these practises have long been abandoned and the land is now utilized for development including housing, industry, resorts, modernized agricultural combines, and ani- mal husbandry. Some of these developments were not even economically successful. Gone with them were characteristic open-land butterfly fauna including Shijimiaeoides divinus, Tongeia fischeri (Lycaenidae, Polyommatini), Phoebe scotosia and Fabriciana nerippe (Nymphalidae). Sei ( 1988) pointed out that a river, because of variation of its gradient and hence the velocity of the flow, along its path diversifies the physical conditions of the bank and encompassed ecosystem and thus maintains the diversity of butterfly fauna across the surrounding open lands. According to Hama etal.i 1989), the vegetation along a river is vulnerable to flooding, yet would regenerate quickly, thus contributing to the dynamic maintenance of flora and fauna. Current construction technol- ogy for water flows to prevent landslides and floods and the development of river banks for modified land use destroys, or at best simplifies, ecosystems of the bank and stabilizes a river’s route. Coupled with the decline of traditional agriculture, the diverse habitats of open lands are lost, resulting in the local extinction of many open country species of butterflies. Thus, prior to the human intervention, heavy rainfall with resultant floods and devastating typhoons, along with natural forest fires, played a critical role in maintaining the diversity of butterfly habitats in wilderness. The advent of agriculture probably did not threaten this diversity, largely because it contributed to diversifying the ecosystem. Only when combined with extensive human interference resulting in the extensive disappearance of woodland could those natural disasters produce irreparable damage to the local ecosystems. Other factors including collecting Apparently, however, not all factors explaining butterfly extinction are classified. Hama et al. ( 1989) present two examples in which the reasons for extinction could not be identified. In both cases land was modified without a decline in the food plants, yet subalpine Anthocharis cardamines (Pieridae) became extinct and other butterfly species associated with Melitaea scotosia in the same grassland habitat declined as well. As for the effect of collecting on the population of alpine butterflies, there are two opposite views expressed in Hama et al. (1989). In the central highlands of Honsyu, Oeneis noma (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) has not 314 J. Res. Lepid. declined in the alpine area and did not show any change in population density before and after the 1975 prohibition of collecting. However, in small isolated montane areas in Hokkaido, Oeneis melissa and Pyrgus malvae (Hesperiidae) (both protected species) suddenly started to de- cline during 1975-1982. Illegal overcollecting is the suspected cause, although there is no clear-cut evidence. Comparison with other countries In urban areas, butterflies are not scarce, but their diversity is always substantially lower than in nearby natural areas. In this regard, the current Japanese scene may be comparable to Sydney, Australia (1985) and Khabarovsk in the Far East USSR (1988), where I found ordinary butterflies to be numerous in parks and gardens. However, my observa- tions in Seoul, Korea (1984 and 1986), and Beijing and Kunming in the People’s Republic of China (1988) indicate that butterflies were quite scarce in urban and extended agricultural areas while they were fairly abundant in woodlands. These crude observations may be related to spraying insecticides, but I have no hard data. I wish to add that several species endangered in some parts of Europe have not so far showed signs of decline in Japan. Such species include Papilio machaon (still a pest in home gardens), Minois dryas and Coenonympha oedippus . Strategy for protection and conservation Butterflies are organisms. They are not simply “things” to be protected as archaeological or artistic objects and cannot be maintained as such. They represent life processes. It is thus fundamentally wrong to protect them as tangible objects. Continuing population maintenance requires dynamic processes. The centerpiece of a dynamic system requires constant attention and monitoring. In today’s society this means money. To designate a population or species of butterfly or an area to be protected is meaningless unless supported by budgetary action. This includes defending the habitat against invasions by exotic competitors, constant management using traditional agriculture or forestry practise as a model, and monitoring and ranging activities. We urge Japanese authorities to consider these points. At the same time, the trend of establishing green zones in urban areas should be directed towards restoring ecosystems native to these areas. Human residences should be rearranged and removed from some larger habitat areas, simply because commensal animals as sparrows and rodents might be factors affecting some sensitive species. A large effort in politics and education are needed from butterfly specialists and collectors alike. Acknowledgements. I express my hearty thanks to those who provided me with the information needed to write this article. They include the authors and co-editors of Hama et al. (1989), T. Hirowatari, Akiko Oohata, and Y. Shoji. I also express my 29(4):305-315, 1990(92) 315 gratitude to Rick Davis, Rudi and Leona Mattoni for linguistic corrections, and to O. Kudrna and P. S. Wagener for encouraging me to participate at the Wageningen Congress. Literature Cited Hama, E., M. Ishii, and A. Sibatani (Eds.), 1989. Nipponsan tyoorui no suiboo to hogo (Decline and conservation of butterflies in Japan), Part 1. Nippon Rinsi Gakkai (Lepidopterological Society of Japan), Osaka. In Japanese. Moriyama, H., 1988. Sizen o mamoru towa dooiu kotoka (What is the meaning of nature conservation?). Noobunkyoo, Tokyo. In Japanese. Sei, K, 1988. Huzisan ni sumenakatta tyoo tati (Butterflies which failed to live on Mt. Fuji). Tukizi Syokan, Tokyo. In Japanese. Editor’s note: This paper is a modified version of the presentation at the Interna- tional Congress “Future of Butterflies in Europe: Strategies for Survival” organized by the Agricultural University Wageningen and held at the International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands during 12-1 4. IV. 1989. A portion of the paper comprised the English summary of Hama, Ishii, and Sibatani (1989) and is printed with permission of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Manuscript format: Two copies must be submitted, double-spaced, typed, with wide margins. Number all pages consecutively. If possible italicize rather than underline scientific names and emphasized words. Footnotes are discouraged. 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THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA Volume 29 Number 4 Winter 1990(1992) IN THIS ISSUE Date of Publication: September 1, 1992 Conservation of butterflies in Australia 237 T. R. New Changes of Distribution of thermophilous butterflies in Slovakia 254 Miroslav Kulfan and Jan Kulfan Effects of a Microbial Insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, 267 on nontarget Lepidoptera in a Spruce Budworm-infested Forest Jeffrey C. Miller The Endangered El Segundo Blue Butterfly 277 Rudolf H. T. Mattoni Decline and Conservation of Butterflies in Japan 305 Atuhiro Sibatani Cover Illustration: Photographs of El Segundo Blue and stages in its life history by R. Mattoni. He journal | RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA i , i mm i x * ; Volume 30 Number 1-2 Spring 1991 THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA ISSN 0022 4324 Published By: The Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. 9620 Heather Road Beverly Hills, California 90210 (310) 274-1052 Founder: William Hovanitz Editorial Staff: Rudolf H. T. Mattoni, Editor Scott E. Miller, Assistant Editor Associate Editors: Emilio Balletto, Italy Henri Descimon, France Philip DeVries, U.S.A. Thomas Emmel, U.S.A. Lawrence Gall, U.S.A. Hansjuerg Geiger, Switzerland Otakar Kudrna, Germany Arthur Shapiro, U.S.A. Atuhiro Sibatani, Japan Karel Spitzer, Czechoslovakia Manuscripts and Notices Material may be sent to the Editor at: 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (310) 274-1052 The JOURNAL is sent to all members of the FOUNDATION. Classes of Membership: Regular (Individual) Contributing Student/Retired-Worldwide Subscription Rate/Institutions Life $ 20.00 year (vol.) $ 30.00 or more, year (vol.) $ 18.00 year (vol.) $ 28.00 year (vol.) $ 250.00 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA is published four times a year by THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The office of publication and the general business office are located at 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, California 90210. The publisher is THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The Editor is R. H. T. Mattoni at the above address. The Secretary-Treasurer is Leona Mattoni at the general business office. All matters pertaining to membership, dues, and subscriptions should be addressed to her, including inquiry concerning mailing, missing issues, and change of address. The owner is THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDA- TION, INC., a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California in 1965. The President is R. H. T. Mattoni, the Vice President is John Emmel, the Secretary-Treasurer is Leona Mattoni. The Board of Directors is comprised of Barbara Jean Hovanitz, Leona Mattoni, and R. H. T. Mattoni. There are no bond holders, mortgages, or other security holders. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(1-2):1-13, 1991 The distribution of radiolabeled pigment precursors in the wing patterns of nymphalid butterflies H.F. Nijhout Abteilung Allgemeine Zoologie, Universitat Ulm, D-7900 Ulm, Germany Abstract. The incorporation of radiolabeled tyrosine and tryptophan into the wing patterns of six species of Nymphalidae ( Precis coenia, Inachis io,Aglais urticae,Araschnia levana,Heliconius charitonia, and Agraulis vanillae) was studied. Tyrosine is the precursor for the pigment melanin (black to brown), while tryptophan is the precursor for the pigments 3-hydroxykynurenine (yellow) and ommochromes (orange to brown). Tyrosine always and exclusively labeled the dark brown and black scales. The red, light brown, and tan portions of the color pattern never labeled with tyrosine suggesting that the browns and earth tones of the nymphalid wing patterns are not melanins. Tryptophan labeled the yellow portions of the wing pattern in H. charitonia , and the red, orange, brown and tan portions of the pattern in the other species we studied, suggesting that the pigments in these regions are all members of the tryptophan-ommochrome pathway in the Nymphalidae. In most cases these two pigment pathways appear to exclude each other in single scales, and only one precursor is incorporated in any given scale. But in a few cases, particularly in A. levana, both pathways may be active in some scales. Introduction The pigments that make up the color patterns of butterflies belong to relatively few chemical families. The vast majority of wing patterns are made up of melanins and ommochromes. Pterins are common in the Pieridae, while papiliochromes, bile pigments and flavonoids occur sporadically in several families (Needham, 1974; Nijhout, 1985). The most common of the pattern pigments, the melanins and ommochromes, are also among the most difficult of all animal pigments to isolate and identify. The melanins are indefinitely large polymers, complexed with proteins, and almost completely insoluble. Attempts to solubilize mela- nins generally destroy their molecular structure (Needham, 1974). The ommochromes are fairly large organic molecules. Many of them are also complexed with proteins in situ and thus rendered poorly soluble unless harsh methods are used for their extraction (Linzen, 1974). 2 J. Res. Lepid. Melanins range in color from black, through brown and red, to yellow. The colors of ommochromes largely overlap those of melanins, ranging from brown through red to orange-yellow. As a consequence of the considerable overlap in the color of these pigments, and their general resistance to solubilization and characterization, it has proven ex- tremely difficult to determine whether a specific patch of color on a butterfly wing is melanin or ommochrome. Solubility properties cannot distinguish between melanins and poorly soluble ommochromes and are therefore inadequate for their identification. Chemical characterization by chromatography after vigorous extraction is possible (Umebachi, 1980), but this requires sufficiently large amounts of starting material that it cannot be used to identify a pigment in a specific small area of a wing. In the present paper we explore a method for detecting melanins and members of the tryptophan-ommochrome pathway in situ, by taking advantage of the fact that they are synthesized from different organic precursor molecules (tyrosine and tryptophan, respectively). When a radiolabeled precursor specific for one or the other pigment families is injected into pupae, that pigment becomes radioactively labeled, and its location in the intact wing can be visualized by autoradiography. While this method does not allow one to distinguish among the various ommochromes or among the various molecular forms of melanin, it can identify a given patch of color as containing either melanin, or ommochrome, or both. Autoradiography thus allows us to study the pattern of specific pigments and to determine whether more than one pigment can occur in a given element of the color pattern. Materials and Methods The following species were used for these studies, all members of the family Nymphalidae: Precis coenia , Inachis io, Aglais urticae, Araschnia levana, Heliconius charitonia, and Agraulis vanillae. Two radiolabeled amino acids were used in these studies: L- [methyl-14 C] -Tryptophan and L-[14C(U)]-Tyrosine (New England Nuclear). These compounds were dissolved in an insect saline and their pH was adjusted to between 6.8 and 7.0 with phosphate buffer. Volumes of 2 pi, containing approximately 0. 1 pCi of radiolabel were injected into pupae 12 to 24 hours before the onset of pigment synthesis. In a few cases (A. urticae and A. levana ), 1.0 pCi of tryptophan was fed to larvae during their final instar. Adults were allowed to harden their wings for about 12 hours after emergence and wings were then prepared for autoradiography as follows. The radiolabeled amino acids were incorporated into the general proteins of the wing cuticle at a low rate and this resulted in a modest but bothersome amount of non-specific background noise in autoradiograms. We were able to remove nearly all of this background radioactivity by stripping the scales onto adhesive plastic. Wings were pressed tightly between two pieces of book-cover plastic (obtainable from office supply stores) with the sticky sides facing each other. When the two pieces of plastic were peeled apart the scales of dorsal and ventral wing surfaces adhered tightly to the sticky surfaces of the plastic while the wing itself was easily peeled away. 30(1-2):1-13, 1991 3 The adhesive surface was then covered with thin plastic food wrap (Handi-Wrap II, DOW Chemical). The food wrap side of this plastic sandwich was the pressed against X-ray film (Kodak Diagnostic Film, X-Omat AR) and stored in a freezer at -70 °C for 1 to 3 weeks. After this exposure period the film was developed in an automatic film processor (Konica QX-60A). Prints were made from these autoradiograms. Hence the bright (white) portions of the prints correspond to areas of radiolabel incorporation. Results Figures 1-6 show the tyrosine and tryptophan incorporation patterns in the six species of butterflies. In all cases tyrosine appears to be incorporated primarily into the black and dark brown portions of the pattern while tryptophan is incorporated into the red, brownish orange, and yellow portions of the pattern. In the dorsal fore wing of Precis coenia (Fig. 1A, B), for instance, tyrosine incorporation is strongest in the black eyespot and in the black bands that flank the two red bars in the discal cell. There is a fainter incorporation in the outer ring of the eyespot and in the areas that flank the broad white band on the wing, both of which are dark brown. In the hind wing radiolabel incorporation is primarily in the distal half of the central disk of the two eyespots (which is the only portion of the central disk that is black), in the rings around the eyespots, and in one of the narrow submarginal bands. By contrast, tryptophan incorporation in the dorsal fore wing is strongest in the two red bars within the discal cell, and in the white band. Evidently the red is a tryptophan derivative, possibly an ommatin (Butenandt et al., 1960), and the white regions contain a significant amount of a tryptophan derivative as well. Nijhout (1980) noted that the “white” regions of the fore wing of P. coenia is actually not pure white but a light buff color and contains a low concentration of what appears to be the same pigment as that which occurs in the red bars. The tryptophan label is also incorporated in all the orange scales in both fore and hind wing, and also in the yellow-brown scales in between the inner and outer ring of the eyespots on the hind wing. Finally, the light brown ground color in the basal half of the wing labels moderately with tryptophan but not with tyrosine, suggesting that, in contrast to the dark brown regions, these light brown areas contain an ommochrome and not a phaeomelanin, as suggested by Nijhout (1980). Radiolabel incorporation in the ventral pattern ofP. coenia (Fig. 1C, D) resembles that seen on the dorsal side: Tyrosine is incorporated prima- rily in the black portions of the pattern and tryptophan in the red-orange portions. The incorporation pattern in the brown portions of the pattern is a bit more difficult to interpret. There is a slight incorporation of both the tyrosine and tryptophan label throughout the background, although the pattern elements of the nymphalid ground plan (Nijhout, 1985, 1991) label only with tryptophan. The actual pattern on the ventral hind wing 4 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 1 . Radiolabel incorporation pattern in the wings of Precis coenia. These are negative autoradiograms, so that white areas indicate regions of radiolabel incorporation. A and B, dorsal wing surfaces. C and D, ventral wing surfaces. A and C, tyrosine incorporation pattern. B and D, tryptophan incorporation pattern. 30(1-2):1-13, 1991 5 consists primarily of light brown pattern elements superimposed on a tan background. Evidently the pattern elements are a tryptophan derivative (again, probably an ommochrome), while the background contains a mixture of tyrosine and tryptophan derivatives. The dorsal wing pattern of Inachis io (Fig. 2A, B) likewise shows tyrosine labeling in the black portions of the pattern and a very strong tryptophan labeling of the reddish brown portions. The long hairlike scales in the dorsal hind wing label particularly intensively with trypto- phan. The white dots on the dorsal fore wing that are the homologs of the foci of the border ocelli (Nijhout, 1985, 1991) do not label with either amino acid, as was the case with the white scales at the center of the fore wing eyespots in P. coenia (Fig. 1). The ventral wing pattern consists of a fine black ripple pattern on a dark brown background. Both pattern and background label only with tyrosine, the black more intensely than the dark brown. There is little or no tryptophan labeling of the ventral pattern. In the wings of Aglais urticae (Fig. 3) there are also clear demarcations between areas of tyrosine and tryptophan label incorporation, corre- sponding to the black and reddish-brown areas, respectively. As in the previous species, the intensity of labeling corresponds to the intensity of pigmentation. For our studies with Araschnia leuana we used the summer form, prorsa (Fig. 4). The dorsal pattern of this form is mostly black, with a dislocated whitish band running across both fore and hind wing, and with one or two narrow reddish-brown submarginal bands on the hind wing (Fig. 4). The black portions incorporate tyrosine, while the reddish- brown submarginal bands label intensely with tryptophan. In some specimens there is a weak tryptophan labeling of the whitish band (as in the fore wing of P. coenia ), especially when reddish scales are scattered within the white band. This effect is strongest in forms intermediate between the normal spring and summer forms (Koch, 1991). Again, the small white spots on the dorsal and ventral surfaces that correspond to the foci of the border ocelli are not labeled with either tyrosine or tryptophan. The ventral color pattern of A. levana is more complex with areas of reddish brown, dark brown, black, and white pigmentation. The white portions of the pattern incorporate a small amount of the tryptophan label, as in P. coenia , and are not labeled by tyrosine, while the black portions of the pattern are labeled by tyrosine and not by tryptophan. Most of the reddish-brown and dark brown portions of the wing pattern incorporate both the tyrosine and the tryptophan label, although the two labeling patterns do not overlap precisely. Tyrosine labels the reddish- brown areas weakly, and the dark brown areas strongly (and the black areas strongest of all). This is best visible in the ventral fore wing in the region between R and M: and 9. Thus tyrosine labeling intensity corre- sponds to the degree “darkness” of the color. Tryptophan labeling, by 6 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 2. Radiolabel incorporation patterns in the wings of Inachis io. Arrangement as in Fig. 1 . 30( 1-2): 1-13, 1991 7 Figure 3. Radiolabel incorporation patterns in the wings of Aglais urticae . Arrange- ment as in Fig. 1 . 8 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 4. Radiolabel incorporation patterns in the wings of Araschnia levana. Arrangement as in Fig. 1 . 30( 1-2): 1-13, 1991 9 contrast, is particularly intense in the reddish- brown areas of the pat- tern, best visible in the proximal third of the dor- sal wing pattern and in a broad band correspond- ing to the field of the bor- der ocelli. This latter field is bordered on both sides by bands that label only with tyrosine (this is par- ticularly easily visible on the hind wing autoradio- grams), and correspond to bands of black scales in these areas. By eye, these bands are barely distin- guishable from the dark brown field in which they occur. Thus autoradiog- raphy is a tool that helps to reveal a differentiation in this portion of the color pattern. It should be in- teresting to investigate the relation between this biochemical differentia- tion and the extreme sea- sonal polyphenism of this Figure 5. Radiolabel incorporation patterns in the species. dorsal wing surface of Helicon i us The dorsal wing pattern charitonia. A, tyrosine incorporation pat- 0f Heliconius charitonia tern. B, tryptophan incorporation pattern. (Fig 5) is a crisp and bold pattern of black and yellow bands. The black bands are melanin while the yellow bands owe their color to 3-hydroxykynurenine, an intermedi- ate in the ommochrome pathway (Linzen, 1974). Radiolabel incorpora- tion reveals that tyrosine is incorporated exclusively in the black por- tions of the pattern while tryptophan incorporation is restricted to the yellow bands and the red dots on the ventral side at the base of each wing. There is no overlap of labeling. Thus the black portions of the pattern evidently do not mask a more broadly distributed yellow color. Yellow and black are true alternatives. Agraulis vanillae shows intense incorporation of tryptophan label in all the reddish-brown areas of the dorsal fore and hind wings, and in the 10 J. Res. Lepid. reddish areas of the ventral fore wing (Fig. 6B, C). Tyrosine labels all the black portions of the pattern. Particularly striking in this species is the intense tyrosine labeling of the black scales that overlie the major veins on the dorsal fore wing (Fig. 6A). The ventral hind wing labels fairly homogeneously but not very heavily with tyrosine. The silver spots on the ventral hind wing do not show any differential label incorporation. The silver spots label as intensely as the light brown “background”, which suggests a homogeneous pigmentation of this wing surface behind the structural coloration that is responsible for the silver. Discussion It is evident from the foregoing that radiolabeled tyrosine and trypto- phan are incorporated differentially into the wing patterns of butterflies. Tyrosine, a precursor for melanin, is associated with the black and dark brown portions of the color pattern. In the Nymphalidae there are no other known pigments for which tyrosine is a precursor, and since in several nymphalid species the tyrosine label is uniquely associated with the black portions of the pattern, we may adopt the working hypothesis that radioactive tyrosine labels only the melanins. Tyrosine is also a precursor for the papiliochromes (Umebachi, 1985), but these pigments are restricted to the Papilionidae. In the species that we studied tyrosine labels only the black and dark brown portions of the pattern (and the reddish-brown portions in A. levana), but not the light brown, red, or tan portions, which suggests that the browns and earth tones in butterfly color patterns are not all melanins. Tryptophan is a precursor for pigments in the tryptophan- ommochrome pathway (Linzen, 1974; Needham, 1974; Umebachi, 1980). Radiolabeled tryptophan becomes incorporated in the red, light brown, tan, and off-white portions of the pattern, suggesting that their pigments are members of that pathway, a fact that has been confirmed by pigment extraction and identification in A. levana (Koch, 1991). The reds and browns could be ommatins, rhodommatin or ommatin D, all of which have been identified in the wings of Nymphalidae, or it could be xanthommatin which occurs in butterfly scales as a degradation product of (unknown) labile ommatins (Butenandt et ah, 1960). In A. levana the reddish-brown portions of the pattern are also known to incorporate radiolabeled sulfur (Liidicke and Plesse, 1970) and glucose (Koch, 1985), which supports the hypothesis that both ommatin D and rhodommatin may be present in these areas. The yellow of Heliconius is 3- hydroxykynurenine, (Tocuyama et al., 1967; Brown, 1981; Koch, 1991), a key metabolite in the tryptophan-ommochrome pathway. In most species we studied the tyrosine and tryptophan labeled non- overlapping portions of the color pattern. This suggests the operation of discrete biochemical and developmental switches for each of these regions of the wing. To switch a region of the color pattern from yellow to black in Heliconius , or from red to black in most other species, for 30( 1-2): 1-13, 1991 11 Figure 6. Radiolabel incorporation patterns in the wings of Agraulis vanillae. Arrangement as in Fig. 1. 12 J. Res „ Lepid. instance, would have to involve the inactivation of critical enzymes in the ommochrome pathway and the synthesis and/or activation of melanin- forming phenoloxidase and its associated proteases. This discrete separation of label is perhaps nowhere better visible than in H. charitonia (Fig. 5). Complex color patterns in butterflies are always composed of a finely tiled mosaic of monochrome scales. Certain color tints, such as the “greens” in Pieridae, as well as graduated changes from one color to another are obtained by locally adjusting the ratios or proportions of scales of different colors (Nijhout, 1985, 1991). In view of this mosaic nature of the color pattern we have long suspected that each scale might only contain a single kind of pigment. Our observations on H. charitonia tend to support this notion. We have found several instances in which single yellow scales that developed well within a black region of the wing were labeled with tryptophan, and also instances in which individual black scales within a yellow region were labeled with tyrosine. Thus in this species there appears to be discrete switching of biochemical path- ways for pigment synthesis at the level of the individual scale cell. Our autoradiograms do not have sufficient resolution to allow us to determine whether this is true also in any of the other species we studied. Overlapping tyrosine and tryptophan labeling was found only in A. leuana and possibly in P. coenia. This observation suggests that in these species both melanins and ommochromes can occur in the same scales. We can, however, not at present exclude the possibility that A. levana may contain novel pigments that incorporate metabolites of both trypto- phan and tyrosine, as is the case in the papiliochromes of the Papilionidae (Umebachi, 1985) Acknowledgement : This work was supported by a grant from the Duke Univer- sity Research Council, and, in part, by Grant DCB-8517210 from the National Science Foundation. Literature Cited Brown, K.S. 1981. The biology of Heliconius and related genera. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 26: 427-456. Butenandt, A., E. Biekert, H. Kubler and B. Linzen. 1960. Uber Ommochrome. XX. Zur Verbreitung der Ommatine im Tierreich. Neue Methoden zu ihrer Identifizierung und quantitativen Bestimmung. Hoppe-Seyler’s Z. Physiol. Chem. 319: 238-256. Koch, P.B. 1985. Diehormonale Steuerungdes Saisondimorphismus vonAraschnia levana L . (Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera). Thesis, Univ. Ulm. 1991. Tryptophan and 3-hydroxykynurenine are hemolymph-carried precursors of pattern-specific ommatin formation in red wing scales of the butterfly Araschnia levana L. (Nymphalidae, lepidoptera). Insect Biochem. (in press). Linzen, B. 1974. The tryptophan-ommochrome pathway in insects. Adv. Insect Physiol. 10: 177-246. Ludicke, M. and D. Plesse. 1970. Die Darstellung des Pigmentwechsels in den 30( 1-2): 1-13, 1991 13 Fliigeln der saisondimorphen Formen von Araschnia levana-prorsa L. (Nymphalidae) nach oraler Application von [35S]-Natriumsulfat im Raupenstadium. Z. Naturforsch. 25: 399-406. Needham, A.E. 1974. The Significance of Zoochromes. Springer Verlag, New York. Nijhout, H.F. 1980. Ontogeny of the color pattern on the wings of Precis coenia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Dev. Riol. 80: 275-288. 1985. The developmental physiology of color patterns in Lepidoptera. Adv. Insect Physiol. 18: 181-247. 1991. The Development and Evolution ofButterfly Wing Patterns. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. Tocuyama, T., S. Senoh, T. Sakan, K.S. Brown and B. Witkop. The photoreduction of kynurenic acid to kynurenic yellow and the occurrence of 3-hydroxy- kynurenine in butterflies. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 89: 1017-1021. Umebachi, Y. 1980. Wing-pigments derived from tryptophan in butterflies. In: Biochemical and Medical Aspects of Tryptophan Metabolism (O. Hayashi, Y. Ishimura and R. Kido, eds.), pp. 117-124. Elsevier, New York. Umebachi, Y. 1985. Papiliochrome, a new pigment group of butterfly. Zool. Sci. 2: 163-174. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(1-2):14-18, 1991 Atepa , a new Sonoran Euliini genus (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Jozef Razowski Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences, Slawkowska 17, 31-016 Krakow, Poland. Abstract. The new genus Atepa is erected to contain three species, two of which are described as new ( cordobana , sinaloana). Introduction Obraztsow ( 1967) transferred Walsingham’s species Tortrix triplagata described in 1914 from Tabasco, Mexico from Tortricinae to Phaloniinae (=Cochylini) basing probably on its external habit. However, reexamina- tion of the type allowed the following correction. In the material kindly provided by Prof. Dr. Jerry A. Powell, Berkeley I have found two other congeneric species .described below in a new erected genus. The types of those species are in the collection of the University of California, Berke- ley. I would like to express my thanks to Prof. Powell for providing the Mexican material for study. Atepa gen. n. Type-species: Atepa cordobana sp.n. Forewing weakly expanding posteriorly in male, without costal fold, rather uniformly broad in female. In forewing all veins separate: M3 - Cul strongly approached to one another at median cell, R5 to beyond apex; in hindwing Rr - Ml stalked to middle, M3 - Cul originating in one point or on a very short stalk. Coloration: ground colour pale, usually yellowish, pattern brown, consisting of oblique postbasal blotch at dorsum, slender median fascia atrophying in dorsal part, or interrupted subdorsally, and subapical blotch. Foreleg without scale tuft. Male genitalia: Tegumen fairly long, with broad shoulders; uncus long, slender, well sclerotized; gnathos typical tortricine; socius drooping, with sharp tip; vinculum well developed, forming short saccus; valva very long, with costa well developed; sacculus fairly long, folding dorsally; pulvinus indistinct; transtilla provided with pair of strong distal pro- cesses; juxta small, with dorsal lobe; aedeagus rather stout; cornuti present. Female genitalia: Papilla analis typical of subfamily; sterigma fairly large, distinctly sclerotized, with lateral arms long, broad basally; ap- ophyses posteriores very delicate, apophyses anteriores thick, short; ductus bursae long, in major part sclerotic; corpus bursae small, mem- branous; signum absent. Biology: Moth collected in VII (several examples) and VI and X (3 specimens only) at altitudes 800 - 1010 m above sea level. 30(1-2):14-18, 1991 15 Distribution: Mexico (states Veracruz, Tabasco, Sinaloa). Comments: The supposed autapomorphies of this genus are: strongly elongate, upcurved base of costa of valva; presence of sclerotic, thorn like end of valva; sharp termination of socius; presence of slender, spined area of mid-part of anellus membrane above aedeagus; presence of large, bulbous base of ductus bursae; semi-coiled broad basal part of ductus seminalis; long process of eighth tergite connecting the apophysis; presence of scent organ in base of subgenital segment of female. The new genus has a distinct position within Euliini and belongs in a group of the undesribed genera characterised by long, slender uncus. Three species are known to this date. The generic name is an anagram of Teapa, the type-locality of triplagata. Atepa cordobana sp.n. Alar expanse 11-13 mm; labial palpus about 1.5, orange cream, cream terminally; remaining parts of head cream, suffused with orange later- ally; flagellum of antenna pale brownish. Thorax cream, orange anteri- orly. Forewing costa weakly convex; apex very short, rather rounded; termen somewhat oblique, tolerably straight. Ground colour cream, some- what glossy, suffused with orange or ochreous especially among pattern elements in posterior half of wing. Pattern brown; dorsal blotch slender, with sharp dorsal prominence at the end, accompanied with dull brown suffusion at base of dorsum; costa similarly suffused in basal third; median fascia originating beyond middle of wing where replaced by ochreous brown, indistinct suffusions; subapical blotch reaching beyond middle of termen, brown at costa, ochreous in remaining parts. Distinct ochreous suffusions along pattern edges and small groups of brown scales in dorsal part of median fascia present. F ringes ochreous cream . Hindwing gray, with more white fringes. Variation rather distinct; in dark specimens ground colour strongly suffused with chreous or brownish yellow, so the whitish, glossy surface remains in the posterior part of wing only; median fascia ocasionally complete. Male genitalia (figs 1 - 4): Base of uncus broad; terminal plate of gnathos moderate, acute; socius gradually expanding to beyond middle, tapering terminally; costa of valva with very long upcurved, bent base, concave in middle, convex subterminally, with apex directed dorsally; sacculus strongly sclerotized, provided with small prominence before middle of dorsal edge, reaching beyond middle of valva; disc rather sparcely hairy; transtilla broad but weakly sclerotized medially and anteriorly, with sclerotic posterior edge armed with a pair of strong, spoon like sublateral processes; juxta small, with dorsal prominence directed distally; aedeagus stout, with well developed coecum penis, concave in region of caulis, terminating in two broad lobes, membranous beyond opening for ductus ejaculatorius; cornuti - three groups of short, 16 J. Res . Lepid. Figs 1-10. 1 - 5 - male and female genitalia of Atepa cordobana sp.n., paratype; 6 - female genitalia of A sinaloana sp.n., holotype; 7, 8 - female genitalia of A. triplagata (Walsm.); 9, 10 - abdominal scent organ (ventral and lateral view) of same specimen. 30( 1-2): 14-18, 1991 17 thick, non-capitate spines; elongate area of minute spines in middle of anellus just beyond zone (in figs 3, 4 connected with aedeagus). Female genitalia (fig. 5): Lateral arms of sterigma broad, upcurved, angulate sublaterally; anterior portion of sterigma tubular, with pair of delicate submedian concavities ventrally; posterior edge deeply concave, with small central concavity; dorsal wall of sterigma broadly concave in middle; pair of sublateral, membranous convexities beyond sterigma. Antrum as broad as anterior part of sterigma, sclerotic, separated from the latter by means of very short membrane, provided with long ventral fold armed with numerous spines; corpus bursae small, rounded; a large dorsal lobe of ductus seminalis extending to the left just beyond corpus present; in base of the right side of that lobe extends broad ductus seminalis directed dorso-posteriorly to surround ductus bursae. Holotype, female: “Cordoba, Mex [ico], Veracruz, VII- 13 - 1966; J. S. Buckett, M.R. & R.C. Gardner Coll.”, Genitalia Slide 11785. Paratypes, 6 males and 6 females with similiar data but dated VI - 29, VII - 20, 25, and 28, and 1 specimen collected 6 mi S.E. Rinconada, Vera Cruz. Atepa sinaloana sp.n. Alar expanse 11 mm. Head and thorax as in preceding species; ground colour of forewing more yellow, suffused with ochreous yellow; pattern yelowish brown, consisting of diffuse, rather broad median fascia and elongate-trinagular subapical blotch; dorsal blotch ill-defined; apical portion of wing tinged ochreous. Hindwing greish, with weak ochreous hue; fringes whiter. Male (with abdomen missing) paler than female, with ochrous brownish, delicate pattern. Female genitalia (fig. 6) as in preceding species but with different distal incisure of sterigma, shorter apophysis anterior and strongly slerotized, smaller dorsolateral lobe of ductus bursae; base of ductus seminalis also somewhat different. Holotype, female: “27 mi E. Villa Union, 800', Sin./aloa/, Mex./ico/, VII- 26- 64; J. Powell, Black & white lights”, G. S. 6035. Paratype, probably male, with abdomen missing; same label. Atepa triplagata (Walsingham), comb.n. Tortrix triplagata Walsingham, 1914, Biologia Centr.-emer., Lepidopt. Heterocera, 4: 282, pi. 8, flg.22. Holotype, female: “Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico, III. 18.., (H.H. Smith) Gdm. Slv. 66449”, G.S. 4726 /BM/, in coll. British Museum (Natural History), London. Externally very similiar to cordobana and showing similiar pattern variation. Four specimens from Mexico, Vera Cruz: Fortin de las Flores collected 7 - 12 VII 1974 by J. A. Chemsak and J. A. Powell before me. They do not differ from the type in the female genitalia. Female genitalia (figs 7, 8): Sterigma deeply incised in middle posteri- orly, with large lateral lobes rounded subterminally; concavity of dorsal wall slender, distinctly extending beyond middle of distal edge of ventral 18 J. Res. Lepid. wall; anterior part of sterigma slenderer than in preceding species, membrane between it and sclerite of ductus bursae longer; the latter long, curved, expading in anterior part laterally, provided with large fold of left side; base of ductus seminalis broad; corpus bursae elongate; no spines in bursa copulatrix. Scent organ (figs 9, 10): A lateral sack at base of subgenital sternite, partially entering the preceding segment with transverse, elongate opening. Reference Obraztsov, N.S. 1967. Some apocryphal species of the Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). J.N. Y. Ent. Soc.,75(l): 34. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(l-2):19-37, 1991 Larval Foodplant and other Effects on Troidine Guild Composition (Papilionidae) in Southeastern Brazil Ana Beatriz B. de Morais* and Keith S. Brown Jr. Departamento de Zoologia, Institute de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, C.P. 6109, Campinas, Sao Paulo 13081 Brazil Abstract. In two neighboring forest sites (Amarais and Monjolinho) in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, with different Aristolochia host plants, two guilds of the same six troidine swallowtail butterflies showed major differences in their relative species proportions. Parides agavus repre- sented over half the adults marked in Monjolinho but only 3% of those in Amarais; P. proneus included over half the adults in Amarais, versus 3% in Monjolinho. These contrasting proportions remained essentially unaltered during a major macroclimatic anomaly (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) in 1982-1983, which however significantly altered the proportions of three other species, and permitted the occasional P. neophilus to become established and common in both sites. Troidine juveniles (a total of 1802) were located and followed during two years in Monjolinho. Introduction of Aristolochia melastoma, abundant in Amarais, into Monjolinho caused larvae and adults of the melastoma- specialist P. proneus to become more common there. No hostplant effects could be clearly identified, however, to account for the contrast- ing abundances of P. agavus in the two sites, which seem better correlated with dense vegetation structure and reduced understory illumination, affecting the microclimate in Monjolinho. Introduction Most species of the cosmopolitan butterfly family Papilionidae (swal- lowtails) occur in the tropics (Slansky, 1972; Collins & Morris, 1985). Larvae of some Papilio species are pests of Citrus (Rutaceae), and other swallowtails attack cultivated Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Annonaceae and Umbelliferae (Feeny et al., 1983; Scriber, 1984). The tribe Troidini (in the subfamily Papilioninae) specializes on plants in the family Aristolochiaceae (Slansky, 1972; Scriber, 1984); Neotropical records from any other plant family in nature have not been confirmed, though may be possible since some Magnoliaceae are accepted by both Battus and Parides in the laboratory (Brown and Klitzke, unpublished). Aristolochiaceae species are also mostly tropical (Hoehne, 1942) and most contain aristolochic acids and benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, chemi- cals with noted pharmacological properties, including abortifascient and irritant of the gastro-intestinal tract of vertebrates (Hoehne, 1942; Von Euw et al., 1968; Chen & Zhu, 1987). Recently it has been shown that secondary compounds other than aristolochic acids and alkaloids are found in the roots, stems and leaves of south Brazilian Aristolochia * Present address: Departamento de Biologia, CCNE, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Faixa de Camobi Km 09, Santa Maria RS, 97119-900 Brazil 20 J. Res. Lepid . species: lignans (Rucker et al., 1981), diterpenes (Habib & El-Sebakhy, 1981; Lopes et al., 1987; Lopes & Bolzani, 1988; Luiz et al., 1988), and essential oils (Leitao et al., 1988). Few studies have reported the effects of these plants or compounds on phytophagous insects (but see Miller & Feeny, 1983, 1989); very few herbivores other than Troidini are found feeding onAristolochia (Rausher & Feeny, 1980;Rausher, 1981:6; Brown et al., 1981). Troidine larvae store toxic chemicals from their hostplants and pass them to the adults (Von Euw et al., 1968; Rothschild et al., 1970; Brown et al., 1981, 1991; Urzua et al., 1983, 1987; Urzua & Priestap, 1985), that are unpalatable to vertebrate predators (Brower & Brower, 1964; Brower et al., 1967; Rothschild, 1973; Brower, 1984; Chai, 1986, 1988). Both larvae and adults of troidines show aposematic coloration with Mullerian convergence, and serve as models for mimicry rings that include other Papilionidae and further Lepidoptera such as Pericopinae and Castniidae; some adults also resemble unpalatable ithomiine butter- flies, and large Pepsis wasps (Brown, 1988; Aiello & Brown, 1988). The natural history of American troidine communities has been stud- ied in Brazil (Moss, 1919; D’Almeida, 1922, 1944, 1966; Brown et al., 1981; Otero & Brown, 1986) and western Mexico (Spade et al., 1988). Brown et al. ( 198 1) discussed five sympatric species and their foodplants in the region of Campinas, interior of Sao Paulo state, and suggested the possible influence of host plant palatability and other factors in causing the different species proportions of troidines in different localities. The species showed varying acceptance for oviposition, and tolerance for larval feeding on the available Aristolochia hostplants in the field and laboratory (Brown et al., 1981; Otero & Brown, 1986). Other factors such as parasitism, predation, competition, phenology, adult resources, physi- cal environment and evolutionary history were implicated in the variable composition of the guilds. In this paper we seek to expand the data-base of Brown et al. ( 1981) by addressing the following questions raised there: (1) Which environmental factors are important in determining the relative abundance of troidine species within the community? Is this abundance predictable? Is the hostplant involved? (2) To what extent do different troidine species make use of different hostplants in different habitats? What are the causes and consequences of this? In doing so, we hope to achieve a better understanding of the processes involved in community composition and dynamics at the Troidini/ Aristolochia interface. Materials and Methods Studies were undertaken in a 3-ha well-watered forest garden (arboretum), “Monjolinho,” and a larger (25-ha) tall Eucalyptus forest with a native middle- and understory, “Amarais,” both in the Fazenda Santa Elisa of the Campinas Agronomical Institute, Sao Paulo (22°54’ S., 47°05’ W., about 650 m elevation), from 1980 to 1984. The two areas are separated by 1.0 km of cultivated fields 30(1-2): 19-37, 1991 21 (Brown et al., 1981; Figure 1). Both contained many troidines during most of the year, in microhabitats resembling those occupied by the same species in fully natural systems (partly disturbed moist forests with abundant flowers). The vegetation of Monjolinho (Figure 1), where juveniles were followed in 198 1- 1983, was mostly ornamental shrubs and trees, both native and introduced, with a dark and humid but well-developed understory in many parts of the woods, and an adjacent sunny garden with abundant flowers. The two major Aristolochia hostplants occurred in separated patches, consisting of 80 accessible A. elegans Masters and 42 A. esperanzae O. Kuntze, each population including individual plants ranging from small herbs to large climbers; five small plants of A. arcuata Masters were also present in Monjolinho. A single plot of 20 m2 of A. melastoma Manso (about 40 rooted stolons) was experimentally introduced in 1981 from nearby Amarais, where A. melastoma and A. arcuata were abundant, and A. elegans and A. esperanzae absent. All these Aristolochia plants in Monjolinho were regularly examined for troidine juveniles, found on all of them at least once during this period (five high A. elegans vines remained inaccessible). The troidine populations occurring in both study areas were Battus polydamas (L., 1758), Parides proneus (Hiibner, 1825), P. b. bunichus (Hiibner, 1822), P. agavus (Drury, 1782), P. anchises nephalion (Godart, 1819), and P. neophilus eurybates (Gray, 1852), as described in Brown et al. (1981). In both areas, adults were censused by weekly capture-mark-release-recapture periods, one hour in Monjolinho and two in Amarais (enough to visit at least twice all areas usually frequented by the butterflies), in the warmer part of the day, marking with indelible soft point pens of various colors (Sharpie, Sanford Corp.), with minimal handling to reduce trauma. Each individual was given a unique number, and note was taken of the species, sex, wing wear, location and time of day, and any unusual condition or behavior of the insect. Two or three times a week, Troidini juveniles were sought in Monjolinho by thorough examination of leaves and stems of foodplants. Each egg or larva discovered was recorded and left on the original plant, to be observed on each subsequent visit until disappearance. The general yellow-orange color and similar size of the eggs of P. bunichus , P. agavus and P. a. nephalion precluded sure identification as to species until the end of the first instar, when the characteristic pattern of tubercles on the abdominal segments became conspicu- ous (Brown et al., 1981); the five larval instars were recognized by the width of their head capsules (Brown et al., 1981; Otero & Brown, 1986). The minimum number of days that each larva stayed in each instar was determined as the period between the first and last observation in that instar. Means of these “minimums” were compared between species of Troidini and Aristolochia , using Student’s t-test and one factor ANOVA. A chi-square test (or the Fisher exact probability when expected frequencies were five or fewer) was used to compare, on each species of hostplant, the numbers of larvae that survived to the third instar, in relation to those that “disappeared” before the end of the second instar (Sokal & Rohlf, 1981). Results and Discussion COMPARISONS OF THE SPECIES PROPORTIONS OF ADULT TROIDINES IN MONJOLINHO AND AMARAIS Up through mid- 1982, the species proportions of the troidine commu- nities in Monjolinho and Amarais remained basically the same as those 22 J. Res . Lepid. Figure 1 . Map of yonjolinho, showing the location of individual Aristolochia plants followed in this study, and spatial relationship to Amarais. 30(l-2):19-37, 1991 23 reported in Brown et al. (1981) (Table 1). Thus, while P. proneus represented over half the adults marked (1324 of 2420) in Amarais, and P. agavus represented only 3% (82) of that community, the abundance of the two was precisely reversed in nearby Monjolinho, where over half the adults marked (190 in 350) were P. agavus , and P. proneus represented but 3%. In Amarais, nine times as many P. bunichus and twice as many B. polydamas were marked as P. a. nephalion', in Monjolinho, the latter species was commoner than either of the former two. P. neophilus was only occasionally seen in both areas. By next-day recapture sessions, capture rates in Amarais were found to sample about 25-33% of the various Parides present and 10% of the Battus in two hours, while in Monjolinho, essentially all troidines present could be recorded in one hour (see Brown et al., 1981: 217). Exchanges of adults between the two sites occurred regularly (Table 1), indicating the possibility of choice of habitat and preferred resources in each. In continued marking in the two localities from mid- 1982 to mid- 1984 (Table 1), these patterns remained relatively stable, though P. proneus doubled its abundance in Monjolinho, P. a. nephalion doubled its propor- tion in Amarais, B. polydamas became only half as common there and disappeared from Monjolinho, P. bunichus became rarer in Amarais, and the previously occasional visitor P. neophilus suddenly became a promi- nent resident (more than 20% of both communities), which it continues to be up until today (1991). All these changes were statistically signifi- cant (Table 1), with P. agavus remaining near its former proportions in both sites, and P. proneus stable in Amarais. These alterations corresponded to a marked change in the rainfall patterns in 1982-1983, linked to a major El Nino-Southern Oscillation episode in the equatorial Pacific region (Rasmussen & Wallace, 1983; Barber & Chaves, 1983; Caviedes, 1984; Canby, 1984; Glynn, 1988). In south Atlantic manifestations of this climatic anomaly, over 2000 mm of rain fell in both years in Campinas, with very few dry months, represent- ing an event never before recorded (only one other year since 1890 showed over 2000 mm — 1970, with 2564 — and it was flanked by two fairly dry years). Large areas of Amarais were flooded as a major new stream cut across the area, draining a nearby plateau. Elsewhere in Campinas, long-term flooding in the interior of old forests killed trees hundreds of years old, suggesting the rarity of such events. Such continuously rainy weather, promoting high humidity and extensive plant growth, could have reduced activity and population levels of B. polydamas , whose adults prefer dry, sunny habitats (Rausher, 1979; Brown et al., 1981), and whose gregarious larvae are especially prone to diseases which prosper under high humidity (Moss, 1919). These condi- tions are, however, typical of habitats preferred by P. neophilus in central Brazil and the Amazon Basin and Andean foothills. Such humidity may also have favored P. a. nephalion in Amarais, and been unfavorable to P. bunichus , a dry-area species (Brown et al., 1981; Otero & Brown, 1986). Table 1. Adult individuals marked and recaptured in two adjacent Troidini communities during two periods, 1981-1984. 24 ^ co £ 'co c * § E lT < Q. CO „_L O CO > £ O T5 ,± © c o 03 C C/) o CM — ra CO TO ^ ^ 2 <5 S2.S ? 2 Em £ o' © o CM LL I CO £ r- O) 00 r- o)Jp — E CL CC O CD DC JZ 2 ef 03 CD ° 0 03 E 1 CO “ 03 ^ =3 .9 T3 4E cd C o 03 E C/5 o co 03 ° § . cm 00 °g CD 03 T3 P -I E v*_ 05 ° O 6 CXJ 00 00 03 03 CO © 'o © Q. CO O 00 LO TO V, CO E 10 00 T— -or co T" CM CM CO CO jx. TO CO O TO r- f- 19 130 33 32 228 TO , TO * c c I O CD 03 00 CD T" ^ t~ CM CO CO CO CM 00 CM CM 03 CD CM CM CM t- CM 03 xt CM CM 03 t- O i- CO CO O LO CM -i- 03 * C * CO CM CO LO CO LO t— CM CM LO •'rf LO CO t~ LO CM LO ^ 00 O 03 CM 00 LO O CO CO LO CO 03 ^ O CM CM 00 CM CM CO 00 r- 00 N TO CO 6 I Q a TO £ to 00 TO § .§ TO O -C D) c a Q. -Q TO TO TO TO TO TO TO ^ P ^ P P C C: c; C; TO TO TO TO a. a. a, a. 1 1 ■§ TO o TO O © c n m| CO c CT S to jg o " 5 g5 co .== +- TO >, 3 Q ^ C O © JZ 03 C ■B o LO O 00 o CM c LO LO CD CM X T— CO CM TO CO TO >-, 03 ’M” CD T- o JD TO LO o ~o 0 CL TO 0 TO 'CO O CD LO o 0 CO 03 LO LO O CO c E CO o < c c O) TO O 'to 0 c TO o ID c © Q, © CL CL o 2 © £ c © © 2 © JD CL .E i © a c © •1=f o §0 E v E CL O II o 11 CO © 1 . o c d TO V © Q_ 'a II © a. * TO ■*-/ if) C CO O TD d CZ V o CL 12 II CO -t— > * TO „ O E c CO © _n .9 c 03 TO C 'to 'co o 03 c CO II c TO .9 C a TO 0 Js£ o o CO E J„ Res . Lepid. 30(l-2):19-37, 1991 25 Thus, many of the small but significant changes in the community of adults during 1982-1984 could be tentatively correlated with a major macroclimatic change in that period. The contrasting abundances of P. proneus and P. agauus in the two sites remained evident, however, and reasons for this persistent difference in the two adjacent communities must be sought in other factors. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JUVENILE COMMUNITY IN MONJOLINHO Between December 1981 and November 1983, 1802 troidine eggs and larvae were found and followed in Monjolinho (Table 2); 668 of these disappeared before the end of the first instar without being identified as to species. Only three pupae were encountered, in April 1982 and February-March 1983, all ofP. a. nephalion, parasitized, and near the A. elegans on which they had been followed as larvae. While this could merely emphasize the usual dispersal of the larva far from the hostplant before pupation (thus escaping detection in the census periods), it also reflects the great mortality of juveniles in these species (Figure 2). Only 3% of all juveniles registered reached the final instar. The numbers of juveniles found varied through the year, sometimes but not always showing peaks corresponding to, or a couple of months before the peaks in the adult population; both were markedly reduced in winter (June-August), when most of the population were in pupal diapause (D’Almeida, 1966; Brown et al., 1981). One fifth instar P. a. nephalion was followed in mid-winter, with little rainfall and tempera- tures between 5-25 °C, for eight weeks without showing notable growth, nor disappearing. In 1981-1982 (Table 3), Parides proneus was the rarest of the juveniles, and P. a. nephalion was the commonest, with 50% more records than P. agauus (whose adults were four times as common as those of nephalion , Table 1) and three times as many as P. hunichus (equally common as adults). The period 1982-1983 was marked by large numbers of P. neophilus (Table 3), which led to an initial problem in separating its juveniles from those of P. a. nephalion , resolved only in mid-1983. Juveniles of P. a. nephalion and P. neophilus (probably about equal in number) both greatly outweighed those of P. agauus , while P. proneus juveniles increased significantly, presumably due to the introduction of their foodplant (A. melastoma ), becoming just as frequent as those of P. hunichus and the diminished B. polydamas. These three were still less than half as common as P. agauus ; unidentified eggs and first instar larvae increased from 24% to 38% of all juveniles. These juvenile proportions probably reflect both the abundance of adult females (Table 1) and of acceptable oviposition sites, as well as increased mortality of eggs and first instars due to heavy rain (Blau, 1980). The relative deficiency of P. agauus juveniles in relation to the adult abundance (Table 3) could be due to their undetected presence on the Table 2. Total eggs and larvae of Troidini encountered on A ristolochia species in Monjolsnho, XII-1981 to XI-1983 26 W T- CO CD TO 00 cm CO OJ OJ CO ID CO CD o OJ T- T— CO T— T“ CD 00 T— •T— CO o TO in o CO ID 00 T- CXI OJ TO S to 8 to .TO ■TO O o § TO CM TO 5 s TO .TO TO .TO ■§ O 8 .TO TO TO a TO & TO .TO -5 o o § .TO TO TO TO CTO TO TO .TO •C TO O 8 .TO m co U_ C I — CD 3 CO CTO O O B c X CO CD TO 00 CM TO CM CO CO o OJ i- CO 03 OJ CM CM CM o CO OJ CM CO o T- T- T~ CM o CO CM T_ T- \— TO T— o 00 1— • 03 TO 00 TO OJ CD 00 T— o TO CO -r- CO CM LO T— 7- TO 1- h- T- CO 7 — m CD TO OJ If) CO in 7— CD l- o 00 o> o in 1- CM TO CO o CO to CM TO o T— CO CO T- CO co T— TO CO 00 7— 1 — CO or 03 r-- o TO CM CM 03 TO TO CD CD CO o 03 03 o o T— T- to TO" LD CM CM TO CM TO CO CM T- co - 00 r- CO to CD OJ OJ 03 TO o OJ to T“ CD ^ n in n T- OJ U) T- 03 CD OJ T- « S TO .r- ?| 8 TO Cl-Q TO TO TO TO "TO ID 03 CO 00 CTO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO ^3 ^5 TO TO TO TO 0. 0, CL cl CD TO TO TO I ■§. 1° TO TO OJ 00 CD TO TO .3 TO TO 7= ■£- TO "5 TO TO - 5 S- TO O 13 TO sL CD c V.' TO c TO TO o TO CD TO + a § ■8 § "C: "TO TO TO TO a. CL QQ < H O o o G) OJ TO TO ^ CL TO 11 D) C CD C TO CL JC o TO TO C O TO _TO "E TO > < I— o J. Res. Lepid. a 0 = eggs, 1 to 5 = first to fifth instar larvae; sT = subtotal for each species on each hostplant. PARIDES PRONEUS PARIDES ANCHISES NEPHALION 30(1-2): 19-37, 1991 27 r-~ ^r cc < I— c n z cc < I — c n z ONIAIAdflS % ONIAIAdflS % ONIAIAdflS % Figure 2. “Survival” of larvae (first to fifth instars) of various Parides species (and of indistinguishable P. a. nephalion and P. neophilus) on different Aristolochia species in Monjolinho. The probabilities represent survival to the molt to the third instar (see text), which is always higher in the right-hand graph of the pair; note that more eggs are always placed on A. elegans, the species with the greatest biomass (left-hand graphs), except for P. a. nephalion (upper right pair), but this plant always gave lower survivorship than the alternative hostplant, for all species of troidines. 28 J. Res. Lepid. Table 3. Juveniles of Troidini discovered in Monjolinho, 1981-1983. 1 981 -mid 1 982 % all mid 1 982-end 1 983 % all Signifi- Species Eggs Larvae Total juv. Eggs Larvae Total juv. cance* Battus polydamus 79 42 121 23 66 12 78 6 **★ Parides proneus 0 6 6 1 43 28 71 5 *** Parides b. bunichus 4 40 44 8 29 41 70 5 ns Pariedes agavus 31 66 97 18 98 70 168 12 - P. anchises nephalion 43 99 142 26 6 7 13 n ns P. neophilus eurybates 0 0 0 0 76 47 123 9r *** P. (anchises nephalion 0 + neophilus eurybates) 0 0 0 88 248 336 24 J Unidentified Parides 101 species (less proneus) 28 129 24 408 131 539 38 *** Totals 258 281 539 100 814 584 1398 100 * Difference between census periods, compared against P. agavus (most abundant species as adults). The clustered eggs of p olydamas reduce the validity of the statistical test, which nevertheless would not lose significance. Non-significance for P. a. nephalion occurs for all proportions between 0.49 and 0.97 in the mixed batch (336 juveniles) with P. neophilus. ns = not significant, *** = P<0.001 . highest A. elegans vines; P. a. nephalion preferred the small, easily inspected plants of A. esperanzae for oviposition, where the larvae were easily discovered and followed. DIFFERENTIAL SURVIVORSHIP OF TROIDINE JUVENILES ON THE VARIOUS FOODPLANTS Troidine larvae usually stay on the hostplant nearest to where they hatch from the egg as long as suitable leaves are available, only leaving it to seek other foodplants in later instars if necessary (Rausher, 1981; Brown et al., 1981). Even so, 97% of all juveniles observed in 1981-1983 (1748 of the 1802) disappeared before attaining the fifth instar; larger larvae were sometimes found on neighboring plants ( Aristolochia and others), but in general “disappearance” meant death. Arthropods (ants and small spiders) were the principal larval preda- tors in Monjolinho, also observed in the laboratory by Brown et al. (1981) (see also Watanabe, 1976, 1981; Hirose et ah, 1980; Rausher, 1981; and Feeny et al. , 1985). Attack on later instars by vertebrates, observed by all these authors, was not recorded in Monjolinho; fifth instar mortality in P. anchises nephalion and P. neophilus occurred through parasitoids, also recorded for eggs, larvae and pupae by Moss (1919) and the above authors. Parasitism and cannibalism by congeners, indicated by most of these studies, were not quantified in Monjolinho. The “quality” of the hostplant can make important contributions to juvenile survivorship and mortality (Scriber & Feeny, 1979; Price et al., 30(l-2):19-37, 1991 29 1980; Scriber & Slansky, 1981; Courtney, 1981; Williams et al., 1983; Rhoades, 1985). Troidine juveniles were encountered in different num- bers and proportions on their four available foodplants (Table 2). Parides agavus predominated on A. elegans , on which P. neophilus was more common than P. a. nephalion, but the last species was dominant on A. esperanzae. P. proneus predominated on A. melastoma but was absent from A. arcuata , on which B. polydamas was also absent, possibly due to its very small biomass in Monjolinho (five small, scattered plants). Table 4 shows the mean minimum duration (in days) for each instar of Parides on each Aristolochia species in Monjolinho. The apparent gen- eral tendency for more rapid development on A. esperanzae in relation to A. elegans was significant only for the first larval instar of P. agavus , and in any case may have been due to the softer, perhaps more nutritious leaves on the generally younger plants of A. esperanzae. The lower means of P. proneus on A. melastoma did not reach significance. Not enough larvae were marked and followed continuously to permit simultaneous comparisons of larval survivorship on the four species of hostplants. Figure 2 shows the percentage of larvae of each Parides species surviving on each hostplant (in pairs), from first to fifth instars (fourth in P. proneus ). While P. agavus did equally well on both A. elegans and A. esperanzae , larvae ofP. bunichus andP. a. nephalion survived better to the third instar on A. esperanzae (with marginal significance, P= 0.06 and 0.09), andP. neophilus and the mixed (—1:1) lot ofP. a. nephalion and P. neophilus had significantly higher survivorship on A. esperanzae than on A. elegans. This might indicate a better “quality” for the former plant, at least in Monjolinho where it is represented mostly by young, soft plants. P. proneus did much better (P= 0.003) on its natural foodplant A. melastoma than on the far more abundant A. elegans , where females deposited the majority of their eggs. These different reactions of larvae of each species to the various foodplants chosen by their mothers are better seen in Figure 3, in which the ability to survive is emphasized as percent of total larvae remaining on each plant species as the larvae grow through each instar. The figure reveals the superior relative survival ofP. proneus on A. melastoma over other hosts, of P. agavus and younger P. neophilus on A. esperanzae (though the more abundant A. elegans was preferred for oviposition, see Table 2 and Figure 2), and of B. polydamas and P. bunichus on A. elegans. Some patterns are easier to discern in Figure 3 than in Figure 2; note especially, in the later instars of P. bunichus , P. a. nephalion and P. neophilus , the reversion of the lower survival patterns on A. elegans in the early instars. A preliminary investigation of hostplant chemistry (Morais, 1986) showed a general absence of aristolochic acids in the leaves of A. elegans and A. esperanzae , confirming results of Hussein & El-Sebakhy (1974) and Urzua & Priestap (1985) (these substances are common in the roots of these same plants — see Priestap et al., 1971 — and are known to have 30 J. Res. Lepid. Table 4. Mean number of days for each larval instar of Parides species on different Aristolochia species in the field (Monjolinho). Species and Instar A. elegans x± s (n) A. esperanzae A. melastoma “t” or x±s (n) x±s (n)ANOVAa P. proneus egg 6.60 ±2.93 (19) 5.67± 1.15 (3) 3.67 ±1.51 (6)(all 3) NS (elxmelP* first larval 7.37 + 6.67 (8) 6.67 ± 2.34 (6) NS second larval 5.83 ± 4.07 (6) 3.50 ±2.14 (8) NS P. bunichus egg 6.71 ±2.63 (7) 6.0 ±2.51 (8) NS first larval 7.97 ±4.98 (31) 6.29 ± 1.72 (17) 6.50 ±3.54 (2) NS second larval 5.50 ±3.25 (8) 5.50 ±2.17 (10) NS third larval 3.60 ±2.61 (5) 3.60 ± 2.07 (5) NS fourth larval 4.0 ±2.64 (3) 3.50 ±2.12 (2) 5.33 ±1.53 (3) NS fifth larval 8.0 ±5.57 (3) - P. agavus egg 7.08 ±3.30 (73) 5.91 ±1.90 (22) * first larval 8.46 ± 4.68 (116) 5.91 ±3.14 (32) ** second larval 5.60 ±2.72 (42) 5.18 ±3.52 (11) NS third larval 4.95 ±2.76 (19) 5.17 ± 3.19 (6) NS fourth larval 4.73 ± 2.53 (11) 3.0 ±0.0 (2) - P. anchises egg 6.40 ±2.51 (5) first larval 6.75 ±5.68 (4) 6.0 ±3.54 (8) NS second larval 6.20 ± 3.77 (5) 5.70 ± 3.33 (10) NS third larval 5.0 ±2.83 (2) 3.0 ±0.0 (3) - fourth larval 6.40 ± 1.95 (5) 5.0 ±2.52 (7) NS fifth larval 10.83 ± 5.12 (6) 4.75 ± 1.98 (8) ★ A. arcuata P. neophilus egg 5.63 ±3.48 (38) 4.44 ± 1.81 (9) 5.67 ±2.31 (3) NS first larval 6.29 ±4.28 (55) 5.62 ±2.20 (8) 4.67 ± 2.08 (3) NS second larval 5.50 ±3.39 (14) 4.0 ±0.0 (2) - third larval 10.0 ±4.32 (4) - fourth larval 4.25 ±3.30 (4) 2.0 ±0.0 (2) - a NS = Not significant, * = p<0.05, * *=p<0.01. effects on troidine larval performance — Miller & Feeny, 1989). Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (El-Sebakhy & Waterman, 1984), also important in larval feeding (Miller & Feeny, 1983, 1989) were variable, but most abundant in A. elegans. Several other secondary chemicals could be detected in the leaf fractions, different in each species. Extracts of Aristolochia leaves were seen to turn very dark with great rapidity in the presence of air, indicating phenolic polymerization; the compounds responsible for this were not isolated. It is clear that evaluation of the possible influences of leaf secondary chemistry on the variation in larval performance (Figures 2-3) and preference for different species must await more detailed investigations and bioassays (these authors, P. E. R. dos Santos & C. Klitzke, in progress). Since the larvae were not all observed simultaneously in the field, it is not possible to extrapolate the relative global performance of the species 30(1-2): 19-37, 1991 31 over two years on each plant to draw any conclusions about competitive ability. Maps of the use of individual A. elegans and A. esperanzae (based on Figure 1) by each troidine species showed appreciable concentration and overlap of species on certain plants over the period. These were often individuals of greater biomass or permanence in the system. Globally, A. esperanzae was occupied predominantly by final instar larvae of P. a. nephalion , and A. elegans by fifth instar Battus polydamas (Figure 3). Although these data might indicate a reasonable potential for competi- tive interaction among the species on both plant populations in Monjolinho, the results did not permit rejection nor sustaining of the hypothesis of resource partitioning due to competitive interaction, sufficient to affect species proportions in the community, distinguishable from the effects of tolerance, oviposition preference, growth rates and other factors men- tioned. Finally, a density-independent factor causing juvenile death, espe- cially on young A. esperanzae plants near the entrance to Monjolinho (Figure 1), was human interference during the observations and in periodical cutting of these “weedy” plants by the caretakers. These plants were always greatly preferred by P. a. nephalion juveniles, that could have suffered excessive reductions in the larval stage due to this factor, leading to lower adult abundance (Table 1). INFLUENCE OF THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT ON P. AGAVUS While variations in species proportions of five of the six troidines in Campinas have been tentatively correlated with macroclimate and larval foodplants, no factor yet discussed was adequate to explain the consistent great difference in abundance of P. agavus between Monjolinho and Amarais (Table 1). Microclimate is also important to troidines, including in the laboratory where it can determine adult activity, larval survivorship and pupal diapause (Brown etal., 1981). Because P. agavus is more restricted to the dense humid Atlantic forests than the other members of the community in Campinas, it could be more sensitive than these to light structure and humidity. Microclimatic measurements in the understories of Monjolinho and Amarais showed no significant difference in humidity, but apprecia- bly more illumination in the latter site, especially in the midday hours (Morais, 1986). Thus, the different vegetation structures in the two areas affect the quality and quantity of light in the understory, recognized as an important physical factor for insect species (Warren, 1985), including troidines (Moss, 1919; Rausher, 1981; Brown et al., 1981). The influence of vegetation/light structure versus larval foodplant on the proportion of P. agavus in the community might be tested in additional sites, such as ones with the foodplants of Amarais and the dark understory of Monjolinho, or with a brightly lit understory and the plants of Monjolinho. The latter habitat, often with abundant A. elegans and/or A. esperanzae , is very frequent in the disturbed interior region of Sao Paulo; P. bunichus and B. polydamas are predominant in these sites, PLANTS OCCUPIED PLANTS OCCUPIED PLANTS OCCUPIED 32 J. Res . Lepid. PARIDES PRONEUS N= 43 35 20 12 5 0 P. NEOPHILUS EURYBATES N= 77 52 14 11 5 3 P. BUNICHUS N= 45 35 23 9 BATTUS POLYDAMAS N= 110 82 39 48 22 12 EGG/LARVAL INSTAR P. ANCHISES NEPHALION N= 69 55 47 22 LARVAL INSTAR Figure 3. Percentage of eggs and larvae (by instar) of each troidine species found on each different Aristolochia hostplant. Eggs and first-instar larvae of P. bunichus, P. agavus and P. a. nephalion could not always be surely separated from each other, and therefore are omitted. 30(1-2): 19-37, 1991 33 with P a. nephalion and P. neophilus variably present in more humid riverine areas, andP. agavus at best very occasional. In contrast, six well- studied sites in the interior of Sao Paulo with reduced understory illumination, from 400 to 1300 m elevation and with a wide variety of Aristolochia foodplants, all showed predominance of P. agavus in the troidine community. A notable example was the dense riverine tangle 800 m NNW of the main colonies of the Horto Florestal de Sumare (Area “D” of Figure 1A in Brown et ah, 1981: 201, 217), which contained principally P. agavus , mobile between this preferred area and the little- chosen, more open woods of the Horto, where it represented only 6% of the community — a situation almost parallel to that of Monjolinho and Amarais. While correlation does not mean causation, the circumstantial evidence suggests a strong influence of understory light structure and small effect of foodplant species on the abundance of P. agavus in the community. CONCLUSIONS, SUMMARY AND PERSPECTIVES In relation to the questions posed in the Introduction, this study showed that: (1) Larval hostplant effect on the proportions of six species in the troidine guilds in southeastern Brazil was evident only in the case of Parides proneus , whose abundance corresponded to that of its principal hostplant, Aristolochia melastoma. (2) An unusual period of increased and continuous rainfall, associated with a very strong El Nino episode in 1982-1983, was accompanied by significant reduction in abundance of Battus polydamas in two commu- nities, and a decrease of Parides hunichus and increase of P. anchises nephalion in one of them. The same factor may have encouraged a range expansion ofP. neophilus , to become the second most common species in both communities, in which it was previously only an occasional visitor. (3) A denser structure of the vegetation, with corresponding reduction of light in the understory, correlated with the abundance of P. agavus in diverse habitats with a variety of potential hostplants available. (4) All of the species except P. proneus could feed and grow on all four common Aristolochia hostplants present in the two habitats studied; some differences in larval performance detected may be due more to chance or the age and size of the foodplants used, rather than to plant chemistry or general “quality.” (5) No evidence was found for partitioning of hostplants or their parts between the species (except for P. proneus), even though this phenom- enon may exist in natural systems where Aristolochia is rarer (Moss, 1919). This suggests that Troidini are usually quite opportunistic in foodplant usage within the Aristolochia available, as found by Spade et al. (1988) in western Mexico. Present work is directed towards details of foodplant chemistry, includ- ing controlled feeding experiments with fractions and isolated com- 34 J. Res. Lepid. pounds, especially from the least acceptable A. galeata (- brasiliensis ) and A. gigantea (Brown et al., 1981), not present in Monjolinho or Amarais. The importance of parasitism and predation will also be evaluated experimentally with split cohorts of juveniles on various foodplants in different habitats. Further data may come from experi- ments and observations over long periods in natural habitats where the Troidini and their foodplants are rarer, and perhaps thereby subjected to large effects from small variations in various environmental factors. Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Iria B. Baldessari and Cecilia T. Teradaira, who first worked on Aristolochia/Troidini interactions in Monjolinho, for location of many of the plants and earlier juveniles. Marlies Sazima and Marcia Siqueira identified the plants and encouraged us to study their biology, chemistry and systematics. Paul Feeny stimulated work on the Troidini swallowtails; he read and criticized an earlier version of this paper, along with Mark Scriber, Marc Rausher, and two unidentified reviewers, whom we thank for their helpful comments. Angelo Pires do Prado, Hermogenes F. Leitao Filho, Mohamed E. E. M. Habib and W. W. Benson made valuable suggestions on the part of this work which was presented as a Master’s thesis to the Post-Graduate Course in Ecology of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Silvana A. Henriques helped in the labora- tory studies, and Jose R. Trigo in these and also in the field. The Instituto Agrondmico de Campinas gave permission to work on the Fazenda Santa Elisa; Hermes Moreira de Souza labored many years to make Monjolinho a pleasant place for Troidini and for scientific research. CAPES and FAPESP provided fellowships to ABBM, and the CNPq to KSB, for research on chemical aspects of insect/plant interactions. Literature Cited Aello, A. &K. S. Brown Jr., 1988. 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Charles V. Coveil Jr. Department of Biology, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292, U.S.A. Abstract. The author lists, with dates of capture, 201 species of moths collected or seen and positively identified at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Colorado, from 1976 to 1988. During the summers of 1976 and 1977, Dr. F. Martin Brown collected moths by UV light at the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument in Teller County, Colorado. Some specimens (indicated in the text) were also collected by National Park Service personnel Ellen W. Elder, R. Hodgson, and John R. Lancoa. Moth specimens were spread, labelled, and sent to the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, for identification. Most of these specimens are now in the collection at the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. A small portion of them — particularly the microlepidoptera — are in the collection of the Univer- sity of Louisville, Kentucky. On June 18, 1988, the author, with Patrick Lawler and Troy Payne assisting, collected at blacklight near the Monument headquarters. All of the 1988 records included here resulted from that collection, which is incorporated into that of the University of Louisville, Kentucky. The Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument occupies slightly more than nine square miles - more than 5,500 acres - in Teller County. For the most part it was grazing land with a few hundred acres devoted to tourist attractions of fossil stumps and pits in which to dig - for a fee. Structurally the park occupies a valley following branches of Grape Creek, flanked with low granite hills covered by an open stand of ponderosa pines. In a few of the northward facing valleys are small clusters of firs and spruces. The greater area of the park is grassland, some of it marshy, the rest dry. The names of the species collected are numbered and constructed in accordance with Hodges et al. (1983) although Grammia geneura (no. 8180) follows a more recent combination (Ferguson, 1984). Dates of collection follow the names. Most of the moths are medium and larger species - particularly Pyralidae, Geometridae, and Noctuidae - and were determined by F.H. Rindge, E.L. Quinter, and the late A.B. Klots of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, to whom I am grateful for their help. Identifications of the 1988 material were done by D.C. Ferguson, R.W. Hodges, and R.W. Poole, all of the U.S. National Museum of Natural History, and J.A. Powell, University of California, Berkeley. To them I am very grateful. Special thanks are due to F. 30(l-2):38-44, 1991 39 Martin Brown and Grace Kemper for providing valuable information for this manuscript. While the 201 species listed here represent only a small portion of the total Lepidoptera fauna of the Monument, and a few specimens are still undetermined, I hope these data will provide a useful baseline of information upon which a more complete survey can later be undertaken. OECOPHORIDAE 980 Ethmia discostrigella (Chambers). 6-18-88 1011 Antaeotricha schlaegeri (Zeller). 6-18-88 GELECHIIDAE 1968+ Gnorimoschema sp. 6-18-88 MOMPHIDAE 1423+ Mompha sp. 6-18-88 TORTRICIDAE 3014 Eucosma ridingsana (Robinson). 8-20-76 3015 E. fernaldana (Grote). 8-20-76 3030 E. ragonoti (Walsingham). 7-30-76 3070 E. Franclemonti Powell. 6-18-88 3502 Croesia albicomana (Clemens). 6-18-88 3608 Argyrotaenia coloradana (Fernald). 7-30-76 3609 A. provana (Kearfott). 6-18-88 3618 A. dorsalana (Dyar). 6-18-88 3638 Choristoneura fumiferana { Clemens). 7-30-76. Spruce Bud- worm adults were also observed by the author near the Park headquarters on ponderosa pines, 7-16-84 and 7-23-84. 3644a C. lambertiana (Busck), ssp . ponderosana Obraztsov. 7-27- 76; 7-30-76. A series of 7 highly variable specimens. 3647 Cudonigera houstonana (Grote). 6-18-88 COCHYLIDAE 3794 Hysterosia aureoalbida Walsingham. 6-18-88 PYRALIDAE 4781 Petrophila avernalis (Grote). 6-18-88 4919 Prorasea fernaldi Munroe. 6-21-76; 7-30-76 5017 Loxostege cereralis (Zeller). 6-21-76; 7-13-77; 6-18-88 5034 Pyrausta signatalis (Walker). 6-18-88 5060 P. subsequalis (Guenee), ssp. plagalis Haimbach. 7-30-76; 8-20-76 40 J. Res. Lepid. 5347 Crambus awemellus McDunnough. 8-20-76 5352 C. richusalis (Hulst). 9-9-76 5388 C.dimidiatellus Grote. 7-14-76; 7-30-76; 8-20-76 5403 Agriphila vulgivagella (Clemens). 7-30-76; 8-20-76 PTEROPHORIDAE 6109 Platyptilia carduidactyla (Riley). Questionably this spe- cies. 8-20-76 GEOMETRIDAE 6290 Itame loricaria (Eversmann). 7-14-76 6304 7. bitactata (Walker). 7-30-76 6339 Semiothisa transitaria (Walker) (subspecies or undescribed sibling species). 6-18-88 6346 S. unipunctaria (W.S. Wright). 6-21-76 6373 S. delectata Hulst. 6-18-88 6381 S. colorata Grote. 6-18-88 6383 S. pervolata (Hulst). 6-18-88 6393 S. yavapai (Grossbeck). 6-18-88 6396 S. neptaria (Guenee). 6-21-76 6415 S. cyda (Druce). 6-18-88 6448 Glena nigricaria (Barnes & McDunnough). 6-21-76 6463e Stenoporpia pulmonaria (Grote), ssp. vicaria Rindge. 8-23- 77 6470 S. macdunnoughi Sperry. 6-21-76; 7-14-76; 6-18-88 6474 S. ex celsaria (Strecker). 6-21-76 6631 Galenaria lixarioides McDunnough. 6-21-76; 6-18-88 6635 Vinemina opacaria (Hulst). 6-18-88 6640a Biston betularia (Linnaeus), ssp. cognataria (Guenee). 6- 18-88 6684 Drepanulatrix bifilata (Hulst). 7-13-77 6737 Euchlaena tigrinaria (Guenee). 6-18-88 6761 Pero occidentalis (Hulst). 6-18-88 6819 Metanema inatomaria Guenee. 6-18-88 6852 Epiplatymetra coloradaria (Grote & Robinson). 7-30-76 6857 Lychnosea helveolaria (Hulst). 7-30-76 6860 Neoterpes trianguliferata { Packard). 6-21-76 6865 Caripeta aequaliaria Grote. 6-18-88 6865.1 Caripeta suffusata Guedet. 7-30-76 6866 C. interalbicans Warren. 6-21-76 6875 Snowia montanaria Neumoegen. 6-18-88 6876 Nemeris speciosa (Hulst). 7-14-76 6879.1 Meris alticola Hulst. 7-30-76 6883 Destutia excelsa (Strecker). 6-18-88 6895 Lambdina vitraria (Grote). 6-18-88 6905 Nepytia swetti Barnes & Benjamin. 7-30-76 6964 Tetrads cachexiata Guenee. 6-18-88 7000 Sabulodes niveostriata (Cockerell). 7-30-76 30(l-2):38-44, 1991 41 7006 Enypia griseata Grossbeck. 7-13-77 7065 Cheteoscelis bistriaria (Packard). 7-13-77; 7-14-76 7096 Lobocleta quaesitata (Hulst). 7-14-76 7140 Cyclophora nanaria (Walker). 7-16-76 7170 Scopula luteolata (Hulst). 7-30-76 7191 Dysstroma formosa (Hulst). 7-13-77 7199 Eulithis propulsata (Walker). 8-20-76 7216 Plemyria georgii Hulst. 9-24-76 7220 Thera latens Barnes & McDunnough. 8-20-76 7236 Hydriomena renunciata (Walker). 6-18-88 7243 H. albimontanata McDunnough. 7-13-77 7264 H. morosata Barnes & McDunnough. 7-13-77 7275 H. similaris Hulst. 6-30-76; 7-30-76 7301 Entephria multivagata (Hulst). 8-20-76 7328 Perizoma custodiata (Guenee), form “ polygrammata ” (Hulst). 6-21-77 7347 Stamnodes formosata { Strecker). 7-14-76; 7-30-76; 6-18-88 7385 Xanthorhoe alticolata Barnes & McDunnough. 8-20-76 7386 X. defensaria (Guenee). 6-18-88 7391 X. dentilinea Barnes & McDunnough. 7-30-76; 8-20-76 7405 Loxofidonia acidaliata (Packard). 8-20-76 7445 Horisme intestinata (Guenee). 7-13-77 7513 Eupithecia nabokovi McDunnough. 7-30-76 7529 E. coagulata Guenee. 7-30-76 7539 E. multistrigata (Hulst). 7-13-77 7540 E. perfusca (Hulst). 6-21-76 7594 E. anticaria Walker. 6-21-77; 6-18-88 7641 Lobophora montanata Packard. 6-18-88 LASIOCAMPIDAE 7687 Phyllodesma americana (Harris). 6-18-88 7702 Malacosoma californicum (Packard). 7-30-76 SATURNIIDAE 7726 Coloradia luski Barnes & Benjamin. 6-21-77; 6-18-88 SPHINGIDAE 7822 Smerinthus cerisyi Kirby. 6-18-88 7828 P achy sphinx mode sta { Harris). 6-21-76; 6-18-88 7894 Hyles lineata (Fabricius). 7-13-77; 7-22-78 NOTODONTIDAE 7900 Clostera brucei (Hy. Edwards). 6-21-76 7924 Odontosia elegans i Strecker). 6-18-88 7931 Gluphisia septentrionis Walker. 6-18-88 42 J. Res. Lepid. 7940 Furcula scolopendrina (Boisduval). 6-21-76; 6-18-88 8014 Oligocentria pallida (Strecker). 6-21-77 ARCTIIDAE 8043 Eilema bicolor (Grote). 7-30-76 8050 Crambidia impura Barnes & McDunnough. 9-10-77 8083 Lycomorpha grotei (Packard). 8-6-83 (R. Hodgson) 8089 Hypoprepia miniata (Kirby). 7-13-77 8125 Holomelina fragilis (Strecker). 7-16-77 8126 Leptarctia californiae (Walker). 5-11-77 8144 Turuptiana permaculata (Packard). 7-14-76; 7-30-76; 7-28- 83 (E.W. Elder); 6-18-88 8180 Grammia geneura (Strecker). 6-21-76 8218 Aemilia ambigua (Strecker). 6-21-76; 6-18-88 8261 Ctenucha cressonana Grote. 8-1-83 (E.W. Elder) NOCTUIDAE 8622 Synedoida inepta Hy. Edwards. 6-21-76; 6-18-88 8819 Catocala pura Hulst. 9-24-76 8907 Autographa biloba (Stephens). 6-21-77 8924 Anagrapha falcifera (Kirby). 6-20-77; 6-18-88 9111 Therasea augustipennis (Grote). 8-23-77 9193 Raphia frater Grote. 6-21-76; 6-18-88 9195 R. coloradensis Putnam-Cramer. 6-18-88 9205a Acronicta lepusculina Guenee, ssp. felina (Grote). 6-21-76; 6-18-88 9348 Apamea amputatrix (Fitch). 7-30-76 9356 A. spaldingi (Smith). 6-18-88 9358 A. parcata (Smith). 6-21-76 9364a A. finitima Guenee, ssp. cerivana (Smith). 6-21-77 9365 Agroperina lateritia (Hufnagel). 7-14-76 9370 A. conradi (Grote). 7-30-76; 8-20-76 9374 Protagrotis niveivenosa (Grote). 8-20-76 9382 Crymodes devastator (Brace). 7-30-76; 8-20-76 9383 C. longula (Grote). 9-6-77 9459 Amphipoea senilis (Smith). 9-24-76 9511 Hydroecia medialis Smith. 9-5-77 9537 Aseptis dilara (Strecker). 6-18-88 9601 Pseudanarta flavidens (Grote). 7-30-76 9609 P. exasperata Franclemont. 9-6-77 9610 P. perplexa Franclemont. 9-3-77 9617 Pseudanthoecia tumida (Grote). 8-19-76 9656 Platyperigea extima (Walker). 7-20-76; 9-17-76; 6-18-88 9681 E lap hr ia festivoides (Guenee). 6-18-88 9813 Achytonix epipaschia (Grote). 8-23-77 9883 Homoglaea carbonaria (Harvey). 9-24-76 10001 Lomilysis discolor (Smith). 8-20-76 10085 Oncocnemis terminalis Smith. 9-10-77 10093 O. levis Grote. 8-20-76 43 30(l-2):38-44, 1991 10190a Cucullia speyeri Lintner, ssp. dorsalis Smith. 8-20-76 10194a C. intermedia Speyer, ssp. Cinderella Smith. 6-21-76; 7-14- 76 10206 Copicucullia antipoda (Strecker). 6-21-76 10224 Discestra mutata (Dod). 6-21-77 10280 Polia purpurissata (Grote). 7-16-77 10290 P. obscura (Smith). 6-21-77; 6-18-88 10307 Lacinipolia lilacina (Harvey). 7-30-76 10313 Papestra brenda (Barnes & McDunnough). 6-18-88 10325 Miselia glaciata { Grote). 6-20-77; 6-18-88 10326 M. variolata (Smith). 6-21-76 10372a Lacinipolia anguina (Grote), ssp. larissa (Smith). 6-21-76 10373 L. incurva (Smith). 6-21-76; 7-14-76; 6-18-88. 10379 L. umbrosa (Smith). 7-30-76 10381 L. naevia (Smith). 6-21-76; 7-14-76 10394 L. vicina (Grote). 7-14-76; 8-20-76 10401 L. lepidula (Smith). 6-21-76; 6-18-88 10406b L. olivacea (Morrison), ssp. megarena (Smith). 7-14-76 10416 L. illaudabilis (Grote). 6-18-88 10431c Faronta diffusa (Walker), ssp. neptis (Smith). 6-21-76; 6- 18-88 10436 Aletia oxygala (Grote). 7-30-76; 8-20-76 10438 Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth). 9-23-76; 9-24-76 10446 Leucania multilinea Walker. 7-14-76; 7-30-76 10449b L. insueta Guenee, ssp. megadia Smith. 6-21-76; 6-18-88 10523.1 Tholera undescribed sp. 8-23-76 10524a Nephelodes minians Guenee, ssp. tertialis Smith. 7-30-76; 8-20-76 10528 N. carminata (Smith). 8-23-77 10541 Homothordes reliqua (Smith). 7-30-76 10610 Neleucania patricia (Guenee). 7-14-76 10616 Trichorthosia parallela (Grote). 7-30-76 10617 T. tristis (Barnes & McDunnough). 7-14-76 10651a Agrotis venerabilis Walker, ssp. arida (Cockerell). 9-3-77; 9- 5-77 10659 A. volubilis Harvey. 6-21-76; 7-14-76; 6-18-88 10670 Feltia jaculifera (Guenee). 8-20-76 10671 F. hudsoni Smith. 8-20-76 10702 Euxoa divergens (Walker). 6-21-76; 7-14-76; 7-30-76 10731 E. auxiliaris (Grote). 6-21-76; 7-14-76 10755 E. declarata (Walker). 8-20-76 10758 E. flavidens (Smith). 8-20-76 10764 E. stigmatalis (Smith). 8-23-77 10780 E. comosa (Morrison) (questionably this species). 9-5-77 10805 E. tessellata (Harris). 7-13-77 10824 E. brevipennis (Smith). 9-24-76 10826 E. idahoensis (Grote). 7-30-76 10830 E. quadridentata (Grote & Robinson). 9-8-76 10833 E. olivalis (Grote). 7-30-76 10849 E. dodi McDunnough. 8-23-77 44 J. Res. Lepid. 10850 E. infracta (Morrison). 8-20-76 10853 E. arizonensis Lafontaine. 8-20-76 10854 E. servita (Smith). 7-30-76 10858 E. cooki McDunnough. 8-20-76 10860 Euxoa sp., near perolivalis (Smith). 6-21-77 10861 E. ridingsiana (Grote). 8-20-76; 9-17-76 10882 Richia parentalis (Grote). 8-20-76 10915 Peridroma saucia (Hiibner). 6-21-77 10977 Setagrotis atrifrons (Grote). 9-3-77 10992 Paradiarsia littoralis (Packard). 6-21-76 11041 Abagrotis placida (G rote). 8-24-77 11062 Eutricopis nexilis Morrison. 6-1-77 11068 Heliothis zea (Boddie). 9-3-77 11072 H. phloxiphagus Grote & Robinson. 8-25-77 11103 Schinia persimilis (G rote). 7-14-76 Literature Cited Ferguson. D.C. 1984. Two new generic names for groups ofHolarctic and Palearctic Arctiini (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 86 (2): 452-459. Hodges, R.W. etal. 1983. Check list of the Lepidoptera of America north of Mexico. E.W. Classey Ltd. & Wedge Entomological Research Found., London. 284 p. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 Invited Paper Speciation: A Review of Concepts and Studies with Special Reference to the Lepidoptera Michael M. Collins1 Research Associate, Invertebrate Zoology Section, The Carnegie Museum of Natural History PART I: Concepts Introduction Darwin introduced his concept of speciation through natural selection as the central process in evolution, not just as a process within popula- tions of organisms but also as the ultimate origin of biological diversity. And while modern genetics has provided an understanding of the overall mechanism for evolution, from the molecular level to population biology, the genetic changes during speciation remain the subject of intense study and controversy. The evolutionary significance of speciation for sexually reproducing organisms such as Lepidoptera is the origin of reproductive isolation, since only after the cessation of gene flow can related populations genetically diverge toward separate evolutionary fates. The genetics of speciation is thus a more narrowly defined topic than overall genetic differences among closely related species. Many points of debate have centered around this distinction between the genetics of speciation and the genetics of species differences (Templeton, 1982). Three important and general findings in population biology over the last three decades relate to theories and models of speciation. First, sexually reproducing organisms contain surprisingly high levels of genetic variation within and among populations. This result calls into question early concepts of limits on population divergence which held that homogenizing gene flow and the supposed adaptive value of highly integrated gene systems must maintain similar gene frequencies among populations. Second, various parts of the genome evolve discordantly such that morphology, enzyme variation, and ecological adaptations, for example, may be poor predictors of reproductive isolation. Third, repro- ductive isolation is neither an intrinsic nor inevitable result of overall genetic divergence, but may arise only under special circumstances of population structure and selection. These findings reveal the limitations of traditional taxonomy based solely on morphological criteria (Byers & LaFontaine, 1982; Collins, 1984; Gall & Sperling, 1980; Hafernik, 1982; Lorkovic, 1985; Mayr & Ashlock, 1991; Oliver, 1972, 1978, 1979ab, 1980; Sperling, 1987; Wake, 1981; Zink, 1988), including male genitalia in Lepidoptera (Porter and Shapiro, 1990). As an expedient in classification and identification, Lepidoptera field guides customarily treat all species as discrete units of bailing address: 11901 Miwok Path, Nevada City, CA 95959 46 J. Res. Lepid. equal taxonomic rank, each with distinctive morphological and ecological characters. Evolutionarily “old” species may have accumulated many of these differences either before or after the origin of reproductive isola- tion, thus creating the impression that many classes of taxonomic characters change concordantly during the speciation process. The evolutionary biologist necessarily concentrates not on these so-called “good” species, but on taxa which lack discrete boundaries with related entities such as overlapping phenotypic variation or incomplete repro- ductive isolation - i.e. supposed examples of speciation in progress. Taxonomic decisions are especially difficult to make for allopatric popu- lations whose reproductive isolation cannot be determined directly, or for morphologically distinct taxa which hybridize in nature. Assigning taxonomic rank in these cases should be secondary to collecting and evaluating evidence relating directly to genetic compatibility and repro- ductive isolation, and other factors regulating (or potentially regulating) gene exchange between the taxa. A current trend in population biology is to view the component popu- lations and demes of a species as genetically diverse, more or less independent ecological and evolutionary units (Murphy & Ehrlich, 1984) . Speciation models must distinguish between the overall, inevi- table tendency of separate populations of a given taxon to diverge genetically, and the origin and significance of reproductive incompatibil- ity among related populations. Although this question is usually phrased in terms of the origin of “reproductive isolating mechanisms”, this may not be (as discussed in section 3 below) the proper conceptual context for understanding speciation. Practical difficulties arise because speciation cannot be studied di- rectly. The rate of speciation in sexual animals is too slow to be observed and the complex interaction of population-level genetics with the natural environment prevents a realistic laboratory simulation of speciation. (Severe artificial selection on interbreeding populations in the lab has improved incipient reproductive isolation [Thoday & Gibson, 1962; Rice, 1985] but these experimental results are difficult to extrapolate to speciation in nature). Three basic approaches can be used to identify the genetic changes accompanying speciation, especially those concerned with reproductive compatibility among closely related taxa: 1.) We can study genetic differentiation among populations and recog- nized subspecies within a species. If we assume that such intraspecific differentiation represents incipient speciation we can extrapolate the changes accompanying speciation. This assumption is open to the criti- cism that speciation may be a rare and unique population genetic process. Arguments concerning the limitations of the subspecies concept (Arnold, 1983,1985; Brittnacher et al.,1978; Forbes, 1954; Futuyma, 1986, ch. 4; Gillham, 1956; Hammond, 1985,1990; Wilson & Brown, 1953) are a part of this criticism. 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 47 2) . We can look back in time and catalog the observed differences among taxonomically very similar species, assuming that they represent the result of recent speciation. However, we cannot know if divergence in a given trait occurred before or after speciation. Comparisons can be made in methods 1) and 2) among populations with respect to population size, geographic distribution and degree of geographic isolation, rates of gene flow, ecological associations, etc. - factors affecting population genetic processes. 3) . We can employ laboratory and natural hybridization to study the genetics of traditional taxonomic characters, life history traits, and ecological adaptations. Experimental hybridization is especially reveal- ing because it is also a functional assay of reproductive and developmen- tal compatibility of the parental taxa as expressed in the hybrid genome. Yet, only certain organisms-happily including many Lepidoptera-lend themselves to this kind of experimental manipulation. Unfortunately, perhaps in the quest for perfect specimens, experimental hybridization is often omitted from taxonomic studies, even when comparative mate- rial is reared in the lab. When hybrids are obtained, quantitative data on fertility, viability, developmental rates, and diapause should always be recorded. I summarize in this paper major advances in speciation theory from various viewpoints. My purpose is not to evaluate this entire body of work; comprehensive reviews of speciation theory include Barton ( 1989); Barton and Charlesworth (1984); Bush (1975, 1982); Futuyma (1986); Otte and Endler (1989); Templeton (1981, 1982, 1989); other papers are cited in the text. With this background I will then discuss representative studies of speciation in Lepidoptera. Lepidoptera have served as subjects for many important evolutionary studies (Vane-Wright & Ackery, 1984). Much of the underlying natural history literature is the result of amateur studies and I hope to encourage the continued contribution of amateurs, especially in mutually reward- ing cooperation with professional biologists. I have endeavored to present this paper to a broad range of readership. Species Concepts 1. The Biological Species Concept dates back to the synthesis by Dobzhansky (1937) of Darwinian theory, classical genetics, and math- ematical models of population genetics into a genetic theory of evolution. As currently applied, the “biological species” (Dobzhansky, 1970; Mayr, 1963) is composed of populations contributing to a gene pool, united by actual or potential gene exchange, adapted to a unique range of ecological niches, and “protected” from disruptive interbreeding with related spe- cies by means of reproductive isolating mechanisms. This concept recog- nizes the considerable phenotypic and genetic variability of the popula- tions comprising a species, in contrast to the “typological” or morphologi- cal species characterized by an idealized, uniform phenotype. Species 48 J. Res. Lepid. are thought to arise in allopatry, either through intervention of a physical barrier or by colonization, when cessation of gene exchange allows genetic divergence. According to this view, speciation is most likely when populations are small, such as newly founded populations at the periphery of a species range. Here the effects of genetic drift (reduced genetic variability due to random “sampling” of the parental gene pool) and inbreeding could produce novel genotypes in the founding population (Carson, 1968; Carson & Templeton, 1984; Mayr, 1982; Templeton, 1980). The interaction of these genotypes and their subsequent recombi- nants with a novel selection regime in a new environment may lead to a “genetic revolution” - a new, stable equilibrium in gene interaction - which may accompany a shift to a new ecological niche. Incipient reproductive isolation, such as altered mating times, may develop inci- dentally to these genetic and ecological adaptations. Upon secondary sympatry, the two differentiated populations may interbreed but their hybrid offspring may be subvital, sterile or other- wise unfit. Overall genetic divergence in allopatry can reduce the fitness of hybrids by disrupting embryo and larval development, diapause, or adult development (postzygotic isolation). Selection would then favor the improvement of prezygotic (premating) isolating mechanisms which would reduce the gametic waste of interspecific matings. Selection cannot, of course, improve postzygotic isolation since hybrids are less fit. Morphologically distinct taxa which interbreed in nature do not chal- lenge the Biological Species Concept but serve as examples of this final stage of speciation where reproductive isolation is perfected (Remington, 1985). The origin of reproductive isolation accompanied by a period of genetic reorganization or “revolution” both stem from the concept of a highly integrated genome unique to each species. The gene pool of the biological species is assumed to be composed of an array of “coadapted gene complexes”, groups of genes acting together in a highly coordinated manner and adapting the organism to its environment. This model is based partly on studies of chromosome inversions in natural populations of Drosophila (Dobzhansky, 1970, ch. 5,9; Lewontin, 1974, ch.3). Such inverted gene sequences (identified by characteristic banding patterns in polytene chromosomes) are thought to be of adaptive value because their frequency often varies in predictable geographic and seasonal patterns in specific populations. (Their true adaptive value is still to be deter- mined.) The inversion acts to prevent crossing over and recombination in meiosis and is therefore thought to be favored by selection as a mecha- nism to maintain the gene complexes intact. This interpretation appears to corroborate the mathematical models of Wright (1931) who described the stable equilibrium of specific combinations of alleles for interacting genes. The allele frequencies for given loci in a population reflect the fitness that specific allele combinations confer; other populations in different ecological settings are characterized by different allele frequen- 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 49 cies and combinations. Unfavorable combinations reduce fitness and thus selection controls allele frequency by eliminating less fit genes and gene arrangements. In a small population selection and fortuitous gene frequency changes due to drift (or - at the extreme - local extinction and recolonization) can shift the population to more favorable gene combina- tions, or “adaptive peaks” in Wright’s graphic depiction. Intraspecific test crosses between Drosophila populations with differ- ing inversion types have produced progeny with reduced fitness. By extension, interspecific lab hybrids are often subvital or barren presum- ably because of the disruption of their respective coadapted genomes. These observations provided the basis for the idea of the highly inte- grated gene pool unique to each species. Speciation would then necessar- ily require revolutionary changes to achieve a new set of harmonious gene complexes appropriate for new adaptations. Selection in turn would favor perfection of isolating mechanisms preventing disruptive interspe- cific hybridization. If this view of the genetics of speciation is true, one of the constraints on any “genetic revolution”, and on overall speciation rates, must be the accompanying loss of fitness during such transitions. This is especially true for traits directly relating to reproduction, where independent gene systems in the two sexes control separate but compat- ible aspects of mate location and fertilization. Any mutation affecting mate recognition in one sex would probably be disruptive unless an unlikely complementary change occurred fortuitously in the opposite sex. During the last two decades researchers have critically reexamined the Biological Species Concept, aided by computer modeling and mathemati- cal analysis. 2. Criticism of the Biological Species Concept. a. Gene flow and population structure. The origin of species in allopatry remains a widely accepted model, both because biogeographic patterns of variation support it and because well established theory shows that even small rates of gene flow between populations can effectively prevent genetic divergence. Our understand- ing of the factors which maintain species integrity among separate populations has changed over the last three decades. In the Biological Species Concept gene flow and a highly coadapted genome tend to unify the gene pool. Ehrlich and Raven (1969) point to practical problems in testing the potential for gene exchange and question the assumption that gene flow rates among populations are high enough to prevent significant genetic differentiation. Populations are often widely separated and distance alone can act as a barrier to gene flow. They view species as genetic mosaics of variable populations whose relative reproductive isolation may be untestable. No one population can characterize a species and reproductive isolation may be poorly developed in certain groups, making taxonomic boundaries arbitrary. The population or deme is the 50 J. Res. Lepid. ecological and evolutionary unit, not the taxonomic species. Entire species do not evolve uniformly geographically nor synchronously (Ehrlich & Murphy, 1981; Murphy & Ehrlich, 1984). Recent concepts (Endler,1977; Slatkin, 1973, 1987; Templeton, 1980) de-emphasize the unifying effects of gene flow and a highly integrated genome. The genetic makeup of a given population is a function of not only the stabilizing effects of gene flow but also the opposing effects of mutation, genetic drift, and diversifying selection. In addition, the present genetic structure of a population reflects major historical events (e.g. glaciation, past periods of selection) affecting its present demography and genetic variability. The organization of genes within the genome is relevant to speciation processes (Templeton, 1982). Genes may occur as many loci throughout the genome, each with a small effect, or at the other extreme may exist as one major controlling gene with a few modifier loci. In a founder population genetic drift more likely would be important for a single large-effect gene than in the case of the polygene system. Various classes of genes respond differently to selection. Thus, even in the absence of significant gene flow, geographic variation may be mini- mal for genes controlling critical developmental and metabolic path- ways, mating and reproduction, and other characters under strong stabilizing selection. Other traits, such as morphology and life history traits, may exhibit abundant geographic variation. The adaptive value of much morphological variation - including that used to characterize subspecies -is often unclear, and while such characters may at first appear taxonomically useful, they may not be well correlated with overall genetic differentiation among populations within a species. The wide- spread view that subspecies are necessarily incipient species (e.g. Hammond 1985,1990) is in general unfounded. As will be discussed below, reproductive isolation is likely to arise under special circum- stances of population genetics. In Lepidoptera examples of adaptive geographic variation include regional host plant specialization (Bowers, 1986; Fox and Morrow, 1981; Scriber, 1983) , voltinism (Rabb, 1966; Waldbauer, 1978), polyphenism (Janzen, 1984; Shapiro, 1984ab), polymorphisms related to mimicry (Gilbert, 1983), etc. Unfortunately, the genetic basis for these adapta- tions is generally poorly known. Conversely, it has been difficult to establish the adaptive value of the considerable geographic variation in allozymes (Ehrlich & White, 1980; Johnson, 1976;Kingsolver& Wiernasz, 1991; McKechnie et al., 1975; Watt, 1968). Some of the best studied examples of the adaptive value of geographic variation in life history traits are in the frog genus Rana . Moore (1957) revealed a north-south cline in genetic adaptations regulating larval development in response to water temperature in the R. pipiens complex (Leopard frogs). Experimental hybrid tadpoles showed distortions in body size and shape which increased as a function of geographic distance and difference in ambient water temperature experienced by the paren- 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 51 tal populations. This work eventually led to a systematic revision of the group (Sage & Selander, 1979 and cited refs.). In a similar study (Berven & Gill, 1983) found egg size, larval growth rates, and mature larva size to be critical adaptive variables, yet their relative genetic correlations and heritabilities varied within and among species as geographically separate populations were compared. In other words, the underlying gene systems were not just “fine tuned” in a clinal fashion, but were fundamentally reorganized in response to diverse environmental selec- tion. The evolutionary significance of these examples is that adaptive geographic variation among populations within a species is not qualita- tively different from that distinguishing ecological and physiological characters among related species. Shifts to new adaptive modes or ecological niches can occur within species, even along continuous dines, and often without accompanying changes in gross morphology or repro- ductive compatibility. b. Genetic revolutions and speciation in founding populations. The early concept of a genetic revolution in a founding population leading to speciation has been revised by its advocates (Carson, 1982; Carson & Templeton, 1984; Mayr, 1982; Templeton, 1981,1982). These authors promote the theory of rapid speciation in small isolated popula- tions, but differ with respect to the number and kind of genes involved, and the type of selection acting on them. The Carson model of reorgani- zation of polygene balances involves a relaxation of selection (during a phase of rapid population growth) allowing a major reorganization of the genome. Templeton describes the action of strong selection on a few major genes in favoring a shift to a novel Wrightian adaptive peak. Both authors cite the example of the Hawaiian Drosophilids where isolation of small founder populations by lava flows seems to be involved in the extraordinary adaptive radiation of these flies into more than 700 endemic species (Carson & Kaneshiro, 1976). Barton (1989), Barton & Charlesworth (1984), and Felsenstein (1981) give critical, population genetic analyses of the restricted conditions under which genetic changes leading to reproductive isolation are actu- ally likely to occur. Barton & Charlesworth (op.cit.) conclude that the probability of speciation during a single founder event is extremely low. Reduction of variability due to drift, which could promote a reorganiza- tion through the uniting of rare recessives, actually reduces the likeli- hood of shifts to new adaptive peaks. Templeton (1981,1982) advocates the role of a few major genes in the origin of reproductive isolation, yet the substitution of a new allele in a single gene with major effects on reproduction will be especially opposed by selection. Conversely, the sequential change in many genes with smaller effects, as in the Carson model, is unlikely to occur quickly in a founder event. Barton & Charlesworth (op. cit.) support the model of a change in selection favoring 52 J. Res. Lepid. gradual genetic change over many loci which eventually results in reproductive isolation. While this process does not necessarily require a small, isolated population, novel selection regimes are in general more likely at the periphery of a species range, on islands, or in mountain ranges isolated by desert, etc. The many surveys by biochemical geneticists have found abundant allozyme variations within and among populations, but have not found evidence for a genetic revolution. Allozyme types and frequencies vary progressively through a hierarchy of intraspecific populations, conge- ners, and related genera (Avise, 1976). It may be generally true that most of the genetic differences (based on allozyme studies) between closely related species are present as polymorphisms within these species (Lewontin, 1974 ch.4). c. Genetic changes during speciation. Electrophoresis reveals variation in “structural” genes coding for metabolic enzymes, which are unlikely to relate directly to speciation. Electrophoretic studies are very useful in constructing phylogenies and in detecting gene exchange between populations (Geiger and Scholl, 1985; Geiger & Shapiro, 1986; Porter and Geiger, 1988), but show only correlation, not causation with regard to speciation. The “regulatory” aspects of the genome controlling reproduction and development are more relevant to speciation but are also more difficult to study than allozyme variation, especially in organisms for which we lack gene sequence or linkage data. Experimental hybridization can reveal reproductive and developmental incompatibilities, but cannot reveal directly the underlying genetic basis (Collins, 1984; Hafernik, 1982). By crossing members of geographically isolated populations of Phyciodes , Oliver (1972, 1978, 1979ab, 1980) demonstrated genetic in- compatibilities (disrupted diapause and emergence schedules, etc.) within species which increased with distance of separation but differed only in degree from developmental problems seen in interspecific crosses. In assessing genetic differences between closely related species it is impor- tant to remember that some of the incompatibility seen in hybrids may be due to post-speciation genetic divergence rather than resulting from the speciation process. Geiger (1988) and Lorkovic (1986) discuss and debate the proper application of experimental hybridization and enzyme assays to taxonomic problems in Lepidoptera. Indices of enzyme similar- ity and hybrid compatibility are in general agreement in comparisons ranging from intergeneric to subspecific. Discrepancies may occur in specific cases near the species level. Parker et al. (1985) employed both hybridization and electrophoresis to demonstrate developmental incom- patibilities among related Centrarchid fish. The products of regulatory genes are likely to be relatively small molecules present in low concentrations, which regulate the action of other genes distributed throughout the genome (Britten & Davidson, 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 53 1969; Hedrick & McDonald, 1980). If such a system more accurately describes “coadapted gene complexes” than the tightly linked inversion sequences of the Biological Species Concept, this finding would bolster the criticisms of speciation through genetic drift in founder populations because changes at one or a few loci would have less effect in an interacting, distributed system of genes each with small effects. When many loci are involved new, favorable combination are less likely to occur (see (b) above). Studies with Drosophila are the most detailed examples of the genetic basis of reproductive isolation (Dobzhanski, 1970, p. 340 ff; Ehrman, 1962; Schafer, 1978; Sved, 1979). Typically, effective prezygotic isolation is based on the additive effect of many genes controlling a variety of physiological, morphological, and behavioral traits, none of which is effective by itself. In an important synthesis of published data, Coyne and Orr (1989a) analyzed pre- and postzygotic isolation in Drosophila hy- brids with respect to genetic similarity (based on allozyme surveys) and sympatry vs. allopatry of given species pairs. They found a strong correlation between strength of prezygotic isolation and sympatry, which suggests the evolution of mating barriers due to selection against hybridization. Postzygotic isolation seemed to evolve in allopatry, in- creasing in severity with genetic distance, which is in turn an index of evolutionary time. The Drosophila seem to be an exception to the general lack of evidence in other animals for improved premating isolation in sympatry (see discussion in Section 3 below). Coyne and Orr ( 1989b) relate their findings to the work of Charlesworth et al. (1987) on the occurrence of hybrid incompatibility in the heteroga- metic sex (Haldane’s Rule); in Lepidoptera females are XY and sterility and in viability is almost always confined to hybrid females. In this model, beneficial recessive mutations arising during divergence in allo- patry tend to accumulate faster on the sex chromosomes than on autosomes. But upon hybridization following secondary contact the expression of these genes is disrupted in the hybrid genome, and especially in the heterogametic sex where no dominant gene would be present to mask the recessive allele on the X chromosome. The Charlesworth model thus provides an explanation both for the origin of postzygotic isolation and for Haldane’s Rule in hybrids between closely related species (Coyne & Orr, 1989b). There is recent evidence that key regulatory genes controlling the expression of a disparate collection of reproductive traits may reside on the sex chromosomes (Carde & Baker, 1984; Charlesworth, et al., op. cit.; Grula & Taylor, 1980ab; Hagen, 1990; Taylor, 1972; Tuskes & Collins, 1981). Further research, perhaps em- ploying new techniques in gene sequencing and mapping, will reveal if this phenomenon is a general mechanism in speciation. Yet, in general we still lack a detailed knowledge of the genetic basis for traits associated with reproductive isolation (Lewontin, 1974) . If an overall genetic revolution does not accompany speciation, how much 54 J. Res . Lepid. genetic divergence is necessary to achieve reproductive isolation? In closely related Lepidoptera, for example, how many genes control respec- tive differences in wing pattern and associated courting behavior, or interspecific variation in pheromones and their time of release? How much geographic variation exists in genes controlling reproductive traits within nominal species? What are the factors involved in the origin and maintenance of this variation? Is this variation of the same order of magnitude as that found in allozymes, morphology, or ecological adapta- tions? Some geographic variation is known to occur in the component chemicals of pheromones, although in only a relatively few cases can differences be interpreted as antihybridization mechanisms (Garde, 1987; Garde & Baker, 1984). Rutowski (1984) reviews the role of sexual selection in the evolution of butterfly mating behavior. 3. The Recognition Species Concept. Paterson (1986) formulated this concept in an attempt to correct perceived shortcomings in the Biological Species Concept. He defines species as “the most inclusive population of individual biparental organ- isms which share a common fertilization system”. The Recognition Concept looks at “reproductive isolating mechanisms” from a different point of view. Traditionally, labeling traits involved in reproduction as isolating mechanisms implied that they evolved through natural selec- tion for this adaptive “purpose”. Paterson stresses that their origin is based on their adaptive value in identifying mates, regulating the initiation and full expression of courtship in both sexes, and achieving successful mating and insemination. In this context, any subsequent role such traits might play in isolating a gene pool from hybridization is irrelevant, especially if they arose in allopatry. This theory of the origin of mate recognition traits has generally been acknowledged as useful and has been supported by the general failure to document the improvement of reproductive isolation in areas of sympa- try between species, or in stable hybrid zones (Butlin, 1989; Spencer et al., 1986). See Endler (1989) and Endler & McClellan (1988) for a more general discussion of the role of mate recognition/isolation traits in evolution. Other aspects of the concept have been extensively criticized (Coyne et ah, 1988; Templeton, 1989). The major points of criticism can be summa- rized as follows: 1) The true adaptive origin of reproductive traits does not invalidate the role isolation plays in allowing species to evolve indepen- dently. 2) Paterson ignores the role postzygotic isolation plays in regulat- ing gene exchange between taxonomic entities. Hybrid incompatibility is not an intellectual abstraction, as Paterson suggests, even if this unfit- ness arose from genetic divergence unrelated to selection favoring species recognition. Postzygotic incompatibility acts to stabilize genetic processes in hybrid zones by regulating gene exchange. 3) The Recogni- tion Concept is not superior in correctly assigning species status since it 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 55 is burdened with many cases of geographic variation in prezygotic isolation (or recognition) traits within species. This criticism responds to the symmetrical argument by Paterson that many apparently distinct species lack effective prezygotic isolation and thus cannot be distin- guished by isolation criteria. 4. Geographic dines and parapatric speciation. Clines are formed when phenotypic characters vary over a geographic gradient. This kind of variation is well known for Lepidoptera and other organisms; many subspecies are connected to other populations through character dines. Most dines are thought to be the phenotypic response to environmental selection gradients varying geographically in inten- sity. Slatkin (1973) and Endler (1977) have analyzed dines in terms of formal, mathematical models. Clinal variation will be minimal when gene flow rates are high and selection is weak. Abrupt dines occur when gene flow is weak and selection gradients are steep. Endler (op. cit.) believes that gene flow rates have traditionally been overestimated and that most populations are only weakly connected by gene flow. Thus, strong selection can geographically differentiate a species. If critical genes adapting a population to its environment are closely linked to those controlling mate choice, natural selection could favor the origin of reproductive isolation if gene flow rates were below some critical value. This model is often referred to as parapatric speciation. Endler (op. cit.) also demonstrates that in the absence of good biogeo- graphic evidence this kind of primary differentiation would be indistin- guishable from secondary contacts between previously isolated popula- tions. The term “dine” is often used too casually in the Lepidoptera literature to refer to anecdotal examples of phenotypic variation. Many other phenomena cause taxonomic confusion by mimicking dines: mosa- ics of small populations where variation is due to founder effects rather than selection gradients; stable polymorphisms; narrow bands of sympa- try between noninterbreeding but phenotypically very similar species; and hybrid zones where two taxa regarded as separate species are hybridizing. Critical analysis is required to distinguish these situations. 5. The Subspecies concept and its relevance to speciation mod- els. Subspecies are recognizably different geographic populations or sets of populations assigned formal taxonomic rank. The use of the subspecies category has proliferated in the taxonomy of Lepidoptera, partly because it is a catch-all for difficult problems in classification, but also because of the natural tendency of taxonomists to split intensely studied groups into new named entities. Many evolutionary biologists feel the naming of morphological subspecies is largely an arbitrary decision, which on the one hand may help catalog variation within a species, but on the other hand may actually mislead further study by implying a specific genetic status and by ignoring other significant patterns of divergence. 56 J. Res. Lepid. Four specific objections can be raised against the subspecies concept. First, there is no testable criterion to assign the subspecies rank, such as reproductive isolation as a test for species status. How different must a population be to be called a subspecies? Second, a subspecies may be a member of a clinal or mosaic array of variable populations. Geographic variation in several characters may not be congruent, making geo- graphic limits for a subspecies quite arbitrary. Third, other populations undistinguished by phenotype may actually have diverged in more significant ways, such as adaptations to new hostplants, shifts in mating time, etc. Fourth, traditional morphological subspecies are not necessar- ily undergoing incipient speciation, even when isolated in unique envi- ronments. As has been discussed above, the origin of reproductive isolation is conservative and may require special circumstances of population genetics. 6. Hybrid Zones as natural experiments in speciation. From the standpoint of the collector, hybrid zones are usually first detected as areas where two taxonomically distinguishable populations interbreed to produce a population of hybrids. With further analysis, hybrid zones are seen as narrow character dines maintained by hybrid unfitness. This definition is a practical way of distinguishing hybrid zones from intraspecific dines and dines or blend zones between recog- nized subspecies. Subspecies, by definition, should interbreed without loss of fitness, but the subspecies concept is arbitrary since the genetic and geographic boundaries of subspecies are themselves arbitrary. The distinction between hybrid zones and blend zones is predicated on knowledge of genetic compatibility; morphological analysis cannot reli- ably distinguish these phenomena nor determine if a zone is the result of primary or secondary intergradation (Endler, 1977; Section 4, above). The structure of hybrid zones suggests a dynamic equilibrium between gene flow, which would tend to widen the zone, and hybrid unfitness which would tend to narrow the zone. Prezygotic isolation is either lacking or ineffective such that the two taxa cannot exist in sympatry without interbreeding. The two parental phenotypes are rarely found together in most zones unless hybrids are effectively sterile in both sexes. Studies of hybrid zones provide evidence against the concept of the origin or perfection of premating isolating mechanisms in response to hybrid- ization (Butlin, 1989; Paterson, 1986; Spencer et al., 1986). The historical context of hybrid zones is difficult to determine, but many appear to have resulted from secondary contact following Pleistocene range changes. If so, this would point to a long term stability in the equilibria maintaining the zone. Unlike many plant hybrid zones (Stebbins, 1974), most hybrid zones in animals are not associated with ecotones, which suggests they are maintained by hybrid unfitness, rather than differential ecological adaptations. 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 57 The structure and complexity of hybrid zones, and their obvious relevance to species and speciation concepts, are intellectually very seductive and a large body of work has been done by both empirical and theoretical evolutionary biologists. This literature has been reviewed by Barton & Hewitt (1981,1985), Bigelow (1965), Harrison & Rand (1989), Hewitt (1989), and Woodruff (1973,1981). The most comprehensive summary of mathematical models and computer simulations of hybrid zones are to be found in Barton & Hewitt (1985) and the works of Barton cited therein. Postzygotic developmental incompatibilities appear to be the most important factor limiting gene flow across hybrid zones. If at least one sex is fertile in hybrid zone populations, a great deal of genetic variation will result from backcrossing, the uniting of individuals of mixed genetic background, and the effects of recombination. Indeed, hybrid zone phenotypes may be poorly correlated with other indices (allozymes, fertility, etc.) of hybridity. Many hybrid zones contain “hybrids” with complex genotypes (or this is inferred from overall phenotypic variation) and yet the zones are narrow with respect to estimates of dispersal rates. One might expect natural selection to act on this range of genotypes to increase compatibility and thus lead to a fusion of the interbreeding taxa. The narrow width of some hybrid zones suggests that incompatibilities result from disharmonious gene interaction at many loci such that recombination tends to break up harmonious gene combinations as they arise. Gene flow from outside the zone would have the same effect. In the absence of a detailed knowledge of the genetics of incompatibili- ties, most workers have used allozymes and morphological characters as markers to measure zone width and to construct character dines away from the zone. If only a few loci with large effect control hybrid fitness, neutral or advantageous alleles from one interbreeding taxon should introgress across the zone and form long dines into the other population. This will not occur if such alleles are closely linked to any deleterious gene. Thus, if many fitness loci are involved, hybrid zones can form strong barriers to gene exchange, even in the complete absence of premating barriers. This would be especially true for species with low dispersal rates. Barton & Hewitt (1989) and Hewitt (1989,1990) argue that a species could be dramatically subdivided into genetically distinct popu- lations through the action of environmental disturbance (e.g. glaciation) and the consequent formation of parapatric hybrid zones. Bigelow ( 1965) points out that when selection favoring improvement of reproductive isolation is strongest, i.e. when hybrid unfitness is highest, then gene flow actually will be lowest into bordering parental popula- tions. The great majority of matings either side of the hybrid zone will be between “pure” genotypes. The hybrid zone itself, through incompatibili- ties, isolates the two interbreeding forms. In summary, hybrid zones can reveal much about the genetics of speciation. They provide a laboratory for testing theories about the 58 J. Res. Lepid. nature and origin of premating barriers. Genetic differences between the interbreeding taxa causing disruption of postzygotic development prob- ably represent the kinds of critical genetic changes leading to speciation. Unfortunately, we cannot know the time span between such differentia- tion and the formation of a given hybrid zone. We must also bear in mind that speciation can occur by the formation of strong premating isolation with little or no postzygotic incompatibility. Closely related species in this class will not likely form hybrid zones. The great deal of genetic variation generated in hybrid zones could potentially lead to novel adaptations. The ability of hybrid zones to block introgression, however, may limit the role this variation can play in evolution. 7. Sympatric speciation. Models of sympatric speciation describe conditions under which repro- ductive isolation could theoretically arise on a distance scale comparable to the average dispersal of breeding individuals in a population (Bush, 1969; Diehl and Bush, 1989; Tauber and Tauber, 1989). The model requires a close association between mating and host choice, both behaviorally and genetically. Mating would occur on the host and genes controlling mate choice and host preference would consist of single loci closely linked, thus reducing the effects of recombination. If a new allele arose by mutation which adapted the organism to a new host (by altering its digestive enzymes, for example) selection would tend to favor compat- ible variation in the gene controlling host association and thus mate choice. Homozygous matings would be favored if heterozygotes were ill- adapted. A new host race or species could arise in this manner. The model has been criticized on the grounds that the genetic system is unrealisti- cally simplified, and that when the new allele first appears matings with parental genotypes would occur and tend to break up gene combinations favoring the host shift (Futuyma and Mayer, 1980; Butlin, 1987) . While some organisms, such as the Rhagoletis (Diptera:Tephritidae) fruit flies studied by Bush, seem to fit the model, most Lepidoptera in natural environments do not mate in such close association with their hosts and many exhibit some degree of dispersal in response to pheromones or during courtship behavior. Rapid shifts in host choice could accompany speciation in Lepidoptera in the context of range expansion or coloniza- tion. It may not be possible to know if change in host plants is a cause or an effect of range expansion. In evaluating the many putative examples of sympatric speciation it is difficult to define criteria which would exclude allopatric models. Summary No single process controls the genetic changes leading to reproductive isolation between closely related animal populations. Reproductive iso- lation may arise incidental to the evolution of the ecological, morphologi- cal and physiological traits we use to characterize species. Alternatively, 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 59 reproductive isolation may be poorly developed among taxa otherwise rich in taxonomic character differences. Strict application of the isolation criterion of the Biological Species Concept is inappropriate in such cases. To study speciation we must compare genetic differences between closely related taxa and infer which of these accompanied the origin of reproductive isolation. Experimental hybridization is an important tool in this regard. One of the challenges for the evolutionary biologist is to distinguish the genetic differences among species from the genetics of speciation. Populations of species may become differentiated through the action of selection, genetic drift and historical events affecting demography; the roles of gene flow and coadapted gene complexes in countering this divergence and maintaining species integrity may be less important than once believed. Under conditions of reduced gene flow, strong selection gradients may produce character dines or otherwise act to differentiate populations. Theoretically, it is impossible to distinguish primary from secondary differentiation. Genetic compatibility may decrease within a species when test crosses are made with individuals from increasingly distant populations. Although taxonomy must deal with discrete species, single populations are the ecological and evolutionary units of change. Speciation does not necessarily require a major restructuring of the genome; many of the fixed differences in allozymes between species are present as polymorphisms within closely related species. Features which traditionally have been termed “reproductive isolating mechanisms” may actually arise as products of selection favoring in- creased reproductive fitness for “mate recognition” within a population. Subsequent isolation from related taxa is then a byproduct of this process. Contrary to the predictions of the Biological Species Concept, theoretical arguments and empirical data do not support the routine improvement of isolation between species which have come into second- ary sympatry or which have formed hybrid zones. The Drosophila may be an exception to this rule. Populations lacking effective prezygotic isolation may become signifi- cantly different for traits affecting postzygotic development in their hybrids. Upon secondary contact such taxa form hybrid zones, the structure of which is largely determined by the opposing effects of hybrid unfitness and gene flow. The study of hybrid zones has been profitable in understanding the genetics of speciation. PART II. Representative Studies. I have chosen especially well-documented studies in five taxonomic groups to illustrate the concepts of population differentiation and specia- tion presented in Part I. These genera or species groups share at least some aspect of natural hybridization, and by this criterion deal with taxa near the species boundary of evolution. All the studies involve extensive 60 J. Res. Lepid. field and laboratory research using various methodologies, as contrasted to taxonomy based solely on comparative morphology. An ideal program for studying speciation might use experimental hybridization to under- stand pre- and postzygotic genetic compatibility, and morphometries and biochemical genetics as independent measures of genetic similarity and gene exchange between populations. No single example here employs all these approaches. In particular no direct observation of mating behavior or prezygotic isolation was made for any group except the Hyalophora , where the pheromone mating system is more easily manipulated than the complex courtship of butterflies. For the purpose of stimulating thought and discussion, I offer in some cases alternative interpretation of likely modes of population differentia- tion and speciation. Thus, for the tiger swallowtails, I give evidence for a secondary contact between full species in place of an ecological model of primary intergradation between glaucus and canadensis. Similarly, for the Limenitis problem I propose for consideration a secondary intergradation/hybridization model for the blend zone between arthemis and astyanax , although in this example definitive allozyme and experi- mental hybridization data are not yet available. The dines in mimetic morphs in Heliconius illustrate how selection can maintain a dramatic shift in phenotype over a short geographic distance. Yet the genetic differences between these subspecies appear to be relatively minimal. In the Hyalophora premating barriers are lacking and the degree of postzygotic isolation in hybrids among the various taxa reveals a hierar- chy of levels of speciation. The Tiger Swallowtail Species Group. These large, attractive butterflies are well known to collectors yet still pose new and interesting questions concerning species relationships. The eastern Papilio glaucus has a female polymorphism: a yellow form differing slightly from the male, and a dark morph believed to be a mimic of the distasteful Battus philenor. The three western species are eurymedon , multicaudatus , and rutulus (which most closely resembles glaucus ). No dark female morph occurs in the western species. Clarke & Sheppard ( 1955, 1957, 1962) hybridized glaucus with rutulus and eurymedon to study the genetics of the dark morph. Their results indicated significant genetic differences between glaucus and the west- ern forms. In glaucus the locus controlling the dark morph appeared to reside on the Y chromosome, but the expression of this gene was blocked in hybrids with the western species. Prolonged or “permanent” diapause in female pupae may occur commonly in these hybrid crosses, although this may be overcome by injection of eedysone (Clarke & Willig, 1977). A similar diapause disruption occurs with glaucus x multicaudatus crosses (West & Clarke, 1988). These crosses were made using the technique of hand pairing; nothing is known concerning premating barriers in nature. Brower (1959ab) investigated species relationships within this group 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 61 by means of morphology, and field observations. He attempted to estab- lish the existence of hybridization between glaucus and rutulus using a single wing character and slight differences in male genitalia. Areas of suspected hybridization occurred in British Columbia and the Black Hills of South Dakota. On the basis of genitalia alone certain specimens intermediate for wing spot color in each locality would have been classified as glaucus. Brower (1959a) noted that the most convincing data for natural hybridization are for the Black Hills, where rutulus is rare compared to glaucus. To date these populations have not been reexamined using modern methods of multivariate analysis or surveys of allozyme variation. No series of putative hybrids have been illustrated in any publication. Yet, recent literature treats the existence of hybrid zones as well established. Scott (1986) reduces rutulus to a subspecies of glaucus, presumably on the basis of putative hybrid zones, but without a discussion of justifying criteria. Scriber (1983,1984) has extensively documented geographic variation in host plant adaptation in the glaucus group and the genetics of sexual dimorphism in glaucus (Scriber et al., 1987). The experimental basis for this work has been hybridization with a northern taxon, canadensis, considered a subspecies of glaucus, which lacks the dark female morph, is univoltine throughout its range, is smaller than glaucus and differs in several wing pattern characters. Hybridization and controlled rearing experiments have shown the following: 1) the gene for dark morph in glaucus is carried on the Y (W) chromosome and is suppressed by an X- (Z-) linked locus in canadensis ; 2) obligate diapause in canadensis is controlled by a sex-linked locus, whil e glaucus has a facultative diapause responsive to daylength and controlled by autosomal loci (Hagen & Scriber, 1989; Rockey, et al., 1987ab); 3) hybrid female pupae typically enter a prolonged or indefinite diapause, as in the interspecific crosses described above. While both forms feed on Wild Black Cherry, they are each unable to metabolize a common host of the other taxon - Tulip Tree for glaucus and Quaking Aspen for canadensis. Hybrid Fx survive on all three hosts. The two taxa are parapatric in the Great Lakes region and in the Northeast. Obviously, a clear understanding of the origin of ecological and physiological differences between glaucus and canadensis, and moreover the nature of species and speciation in this group, rests on a correct interpretation of contact zones between the various taxa. Scriber et al.(1987), Scriber & Evans (1988), and Luebke et al.(1988) describe the interaction in Wisconsin as a “hybrid zone” between subspe- cies. Scriber (1983) proposes that ecological factors determine the tran- sition zone between subspecies. The northern limit of glaucus corre- sponds to the demarcation of 1200 - 1300 degree-days, which lab studies show to be the northern limit for completion of a second brood. This region fairly closely parallels the southern extent of Quaking Aspen and thus 62 J. Res. Lepid. the southern range limit of the canadensis phenotype. Importantly, all diagnostic ecological, morphological, and physiological characters change concordantly and abruptly in a north-south transect. There is no evi- dence for dines in polymorphism in host plant adaptation, dark morph frequency, or voltinism as one would expect for overlapping, interbreed- ing subspecies. The only evidence for interbreeding in the Great Lakes region comes from morphometric analysis using lab hybrids as a third reference group. This analysis was made difficult by variability in key characters in the lab hybrids (Collins & Luebke, unpubl.; Luebke, 1985; Luebke et al., 1988). Only two wing pattern variables plus wing length are statistically significant, resulting in relatively large misclassification errors: 19.3% for reference lab hybrids and 8.3% for glaucus reference specimens (incorrectly classified as hybrids). The results for the transition zone in Dane Co. were 2.7 % canadensis , 12.2% hybrids, and 85.1 % glaucus for a sample of 74. It is unclear if these phenotype ratios can be found in a single local population, but if so the presence of parental phenotypes indicates either assortative mating or selection against hybrids. It is possible that both the hybrids and canadensis scores are at least partly due to misclassification of glaucus , as noted above. Another possible source of error is confusion arising from the resemblance between the “spring form” of glaucus with canadensis. Ideally, the glaucus reference group should be composed only of these spring adults. The Wisconsin transition zone thus appears to be a case of parapatry between morphologically, ecologically, and physiologically distinct spe- cies. They are partly isolated by postzygotic incompatibility in diapause physiology, and the morphometric evidence for interbreeding is inconclu- sive. The concordant and abrupt discontinuity for key distinguishing traits is highly suggestive of either very limited hybridization with selection against hybrids, or for a narrow zone of sympatry without interbreeding. Hagen (1990) reports on the contact zone between glaucus and canadensis in the Northeast, using allozyme variation, host plant suit- ability, voltinism, and a diagnostic wing character. The two taxa differ in only two enzymes of 13 polymorphic loci tested. Populations were polymorphic at these two loci in three sites in northern Pennsylvania and south-central New York, whereas populations north and south of this region were fixed for alternate alleles. The loci are sex-linked. This region also corresponds with a within-brood intermediate ability to survive on some hosts of both subspecies, and with intermediacy in a wing band trait. Like canadensis , “hybrid zone” populations lack the dark female morph and are univoltine. Hagen interprets the contact zone as a very narrow hybrid zone maintained by hybrid unfitness, perhaps due to disrupted diapause in hybrids and/or metabolic “costs” associated with maintaining detoxification systems for the hosts of both taxa. Since the allozyme loci are sex-linked, their sharp frequency dines in the hybrid 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 63 zone may be due to close linkage with the locus controlling diapause, rather than to selection directly on the enzyme loci. Hagen ascribes variability in host plant utilization and allozyme frequencies to gene introgression. However, the “spring form” of glaucus in New York is known to feed on Tulip Tree yet may resemble canadensis in wing markings, lacks the dark morph, and is univoltine at its northern limit (Hagen, 1990; Luebke et al.; 1988; Shapiro, 1974). In two of the three “hybrid zone” locations the allozyme frequencies for one locus closely approximate those of glaucus to the south. The best evidence for inter- breeding is the very sharp cline in allozyme frequencies for two loci. The data at present do not allow an estimate of the relative frequency of primary hybrids or the extent of backcrossing and recombination, if any. It is possible that a past period of interbreeding produced the pattern of allozyme variation through introgression into a predominately glaucus genome. Climatic variation during the Pleistocene could have resulted in cycles of allopatry between what we now call canadensis and glaucus followed by range expansion and parapatry. If interbreeding is ongoing, the narrow width of the apparent hybrid zone is more likely due to strong selection on some locus, probably sex-linked, than to the differentiating effects of broader ecological selection gradients. Very little is known about prezygotic isolating mechanisms in nature. The small female canadensis is reportedly difficult to hand mate to larger male glaucus , and the flight characteristics of the two taxa are apparently different in terms of plant community association (Scriber et al., 1987; Scriber, pers. comm.) although R. Lederhouse minimizes these differences (pers. comm.). In Wisconsin recent agricultural disruption may have created a patchy plant community association which could promote either limited hybridization or an increase in sympatry between the two taxa in terms of islands of Aspen interdigitating with open fields and fence rows with Wild Black Cherry supporting gZazzcws populations. More extensive morphometric analysis using the spring form of glaucus needs to be done in both localities and on a finer demographic scale. Further analysis of these zones using mitochondrial genetics (Hagen, 1990) and multivariate phenetics will help determine the true extent of gene exchange. Scriber has attributed the occasional occurrence of gynandromorphs and color mosaics in female glaucus to a disruption of development resulting from long distance introgression from the putative northern “hybrid zone” into more southern glaucus populations (Scriber et al., 1987). This interpretation has been cited and accepted by West & Clarke (1988) in their investigation of the inheritance of the black morph. However, long distance introgression of a deleterious allele is not credible in terms of our current knowledge of hybrid zones. Gynandromorphs and color mosaics have been collected far from the range of canadensis and occur in both pure and interspecific lab broods. 64 J. Res. Lepid. The true taxonomic status of canadensis must also be considered in future investigation of the western contacts between rutulus and the eastern glaucus forms. It is interesting to note that canadensis resembles rutulus in terms of sharing Quaking Aspen as a host, and in the form of the yellow submarginal fore wing band and other adult wing characters. Recently, Hagen and Scriber (1991) published an allozyme survey of taxonomic relationships among the tiger swallowtail and P. troilus species groups. Genetic relationships inferred from these enzyme data confirm the full species status of canadensis , and show a very close relationship between rutulus and eurymedon. Apparently, in the latter two species rates of divergence have been greater for morphology and ecological characters than for metabolic enzymes; there is no evidence for intergradation in nature. The Western Papilio machaon group of Black Swallowtails. This relatively small group of butterflies illustrate many of the taxo- nomic problems one encounters in applying species concepts to morpho- logically distinct populations which lack effective reproductive barriers (Sperling, 1990). The various taxa exhibit seasonal “forms” (polyphenism), “dark” and “yellow” polymorphism, and discordant clinal variation. In some areas where several taxa are sympatric the various taxa have overlapping morphological variation and no one wing nor genitalic character can reliably separate the various entities. Sperling (1987) employed a multidisciplinary approach involving lab broods reared from specific hosts, allozyme analysis, and morphometric analysis of 11 key wing and body characters. Multivariate analysis of allozymes, morphological characters, and the combined data set pro- duced similar groupings of individuals and populations, but in some cases adding host plant association as a variable improved species separation. Host plant adaptations appear to play a central role in the evolution of the machaon group. Sperling synonymized with machaon the taxa oregonius and hairdii and all other forms feeding on Artemisia dracunculus. Papilio zelicaon and polyxenes remain distinct species. [Papilio indra has a distinct adult morphology, genitalia, and larval phenotype and is not included in this study. This species appears to be reproductively isolated from others in the machaon group.] Hybrid zones occur between zelicaon and machaon (primarily in Alberta), and between machaon and polyxenes (primarily in Manitoba). Interestingly, these pairs of taxa remain distinct in sympatry in many areas but hybridize to varying extent in others. Hybridization suggested by morphometric analysis was confirmed by comparing allozyme frequencies and calculating departure from Hardy-Weinburg expecta- tions based on free gene exchange. No corroborative laboratory hybrid- ization was done to measure pre- and postzygotic isolation among populations or taxa. 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 65 Degree of hybridization seems to depend on the topography and host plant association in the area in question, probably in terms of the effect on mating behavior, especially “hilltopping”. In the Riding Mts. of Manitoba habitat disturbance by man may have promoted recent hybrid- ization, but other hybrid zones probably arose during the Pleistocene. In nature it appears that machaon, zelicaon, and polyxenes are isolated by ecological characteristics more than by mating barriers or postzygotic incompatibilities. Experimental hybridization (Clarke et al., 1977; Remington, 1968a) indicates minimal postzygotic genetic incompatibil- ity in terms of fertility, embryo viability, disruption of diapause, or adult sex ratios. These findings are in contrast to the Tiger Swallowtail group discussed above. Nevertheless, more extensive hybridization should be done, especially comparing populations in hybrid zones with areas of successful sympatry. Sperling (1987, 1990) believes that speciation and differentiation within species in the machaon group occurred in allopatry in various refugia during the Pleistocene. The Umbellifer feeding ancestors of machaon apparently shifted to Artemisia dracunculus and became subdivided into various subspecies. The present distribution of dines, hybrid zones, and regions of successful sympatry are probably the result of range expansion within the last 10,000 or so years. The studies of Thompson (1988ab) on the genetics of oviposition preference and specialization complement the work of Sperling. Female zelicaon and machaon oregonius , bred from wild-collected iso-female strains, were allowed to oviposit in cages on Cymopterus terehinthinus , Lomatium grayi (both native Umbellifer hosts of zelicaon ), Foeniculum (an introduced Umbellifer host of zelicaon ), and Artemisia dracunculus (the normal machaon host). Both species laid preferentially on their native hosts and the ranking order was consistent overall within each species. Yet, within each species, the iso-female strains did differ in degree to which females laid some ova on hosts of the other species. Within strains of m. oregonius some females laid ova on all four hosts, while others laid only on the natural Artemisia host. Within strains of zelicaon females differed in the ranking of their normal hosts, but females within all strains laid at least some ova on A. dracunculus and significantly more on Foeniculum. Thompson interprets the variation in oviposition preference among stains and within strains as evidence of genetic variation controlling this behavior. Thus, these butterflies seem to have speciated by means of the genetic-based flexibility to undergo a host shift, based on oviposition behavior. Under novel selection favoring a host shift, as during range expansion into new plant communities, the genetic potential exists in latent form rather than requiring mutation. Future research may reveal more detail about the underlying genetic basis and variation among populations with respect to host plant adaptations. 66 J. Res. Lepid. Intergradation between Limenitis arthemis and L. astyanax : hybrid zone or selection along a cline? The zone of phenotypic intergradation between the white-banded Limenitis arthemis and the unhanded form L. astyanax was the subject of a now-classic study by Platt and Brower (1968). They interpret the zone of intergradation as an area of relaxed selection between the northern banded form, which benefits from a wing pattern disrupting the outline of the adult, and the dark blue unhanded form, which is seen as a Batesian mimic of the unpalatable Battus philenor. In their model no other restrictions on gene exchange exist, the two forms are considered conspecific, and the distribution of phenotypes represents an example of adaptive response to a gradient of selection, in other words primary intergradation in the sense of Endler (1977). The opposing view is that the two forms are actually well- differentiated and are hybridizing as a result of secondary contact (Remington, 1968b, 1985). The present data do not allow us to resolve this controversy, but the problem is worth reviewing in some detail because it embodies so many key questions in speciation theory. The southern limit of the disruptive pattern phenotype is approxi- mately concordant with the southern limit of Ice Age glaciation and so the present distribution must represent recolonization. Old World and western North American Limenitis are banded and this is assumed to be the ancestral phenotype pattern. The zone of intergradation is about 160 km wide. Correspondingly, the northern extent of the unhanded pheno- type is roughly the same as the northern limit of the mimicry model, Battus philenor. A selective basis for the mimetic astyanax phenotype has been estab- lished experimentally by demonstrating that B. philenor is unpalatable and that birds avoid the astyanax phenotype after exposure to philenor (Brower, J,V,Z., 1958; Brower & Brower, 1962; Platt et al., 1971). The supposedly disruptive value of the arthemis phenotype has not been tested, which would probably require difficult field experiments, since a flight behavior component may complement the wing patterns. No experiments have been performed on the probability of predation on phenotypically intermediate phenotypes. Platt and Brower (1968) and Platt (1983) reason that since the two forms are conspecific then the zone of intergradation must be of primary origin, and not a hybrid zone of secondary contact. They cite three categories of evidence for conspecific status: 1) wild-caught and reared material show no deviation from a 1:1 sex ratio nor departure from expected phenotype frequencies which might occur due to hybrid postzygotic incompatibility (but see below); 2) the two phenotypes share identical genitalic structures; 3) hybrid broods showed no gross evidence for developmental incompatibility. Several points of criticism can be made, especially of the 1968 study, in light of recent advances in concepts and methods of investigation. Most 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 67 of the data on sex and phenotype ratios in Platt & Brower (op. cit.) are based on crosses made with the same male individual and most females are from one mating. No replicate crosses have since been published. Quantitative studies of fertility, embryo viability, diapause disruption, emergence schedules, and hybrid female fecundity should be done, comparing different phenotypic classes and geographically separated populations, as in the cited work by Oliver. Tests of the genetic model of wing pattern inheritance proposed by Platt (1983) might provide an estimate of the number of loci controlling the expression of the mimetic phenotype. Platt ( 1975) and Platt et al. ( 1978) have investigated the wing pattern genetics of the monarch mimic, L. archippus , as well as the genetic compatibility of this species with arthemis/astyanax. Finally, as noted in the review of concepts above, genitalic structure is not necessar- ily a reliable index of relationships near the species boundary. The Hardy- Weinberg analysis of phenotype ratios (Platt & Brower, op. cit.) is flawed because it rests on pooling data from many subpopulations or demes rather than one large interbreeding population. This results in a tendency to record a lower number of heterozygotes than exist in the population. This distortion can also result from observation of the same population over long time periods. As noted by Platt (1983) this type of criticism is inherent in the limitations of the Hardy- Weinberg test, and is referred to as the Wahlund Effect (Hedrick, 1983, p. 284; Lewontin & Cockerham, 1959). If one could determine the boundaries of an inter- breeding population, the Hardy- Weinberg test for selection would be more robust. However, the relative deficiency of intermediate pheno- types (presumed heterozygotes) attributed to the Wahlund Effect by Platt could also be ascribed to selection. The Hardy- Weinberg analysis as a test for selection is compromised further by likely violation of one or more of its assumptions: no gene flow, no effect from genetic drift, no mutation, and the requirement for random mating. With regard to natural selection, there is a self-contradiction in arguing for conspecificity from a Hardy- Weinberg analysis in this case, since agreement with predicted frequencies rests on the assumption of no selection, yet differ- ential selection on wing morphs is what the authors are attempting to prove. But to prove conspecificity Platt and Brower (op. cit.) try to establish that the frequency of heterozygotes (inferred indirectly from phenotype) does not differ from an expected value based on absence of selection against hybrids, i.e. no postzygotic isolation. The contention that the 160km wide overlap zone is an area with “no selection” on wing phenotype is unlikely on general principles (Endler, 1986, espec. ch.4) and unproven from the data. To postulate a condition of no selection in this case requires that each phenotype class has the same survival potential in the face of predation and all other agents of selection. The Hardy-Weinberg test suffers from an insensitivity to certain types of selection including reduced fecundity and sexual selection (Endler, op. cit. p.65), either of which might be operating in nature in this case. A 68 J. Res. Lepid. further complication arises from estimating heterozygote frequencies from intermediate phenotypes, since a range of intermediate morphs occur and modifier loci are postulated to operate in the expression of the mimetic astyanax phenotype. Hardy- Weinberg in this application is based on a simple one-locus Mendelian inheritance. In contrast to Platt and Brower’s taxonomic arguments, the two forms can be conspecific and the intergradation could also have arisen by secondary contact. The two conditions are not mutually exclusive. There seems to be no supporting evidence that an allopatric model is “unneces- sarily complex” (Platt & Brower, op. cit.) compared to a model of primary differentiation along a gradient of variable selection. Furthermore, the selection regime (agent of selection, environment, population structure, etc.) present during the evolution of wing pattern differences almost certainly differs from the present situation. Pleistocene range changes could have separated the Limenitis into allopatric populations. The mimetic form could have evolved as an isolated population under condi- tions of more intense selection than are experienced now on the average. Indeed, a wide zone of intergradation would in itself suggest very weak selection on mimetic versus disruptive wing patterns, which makes a primary intergradation model less convincing. Although we know little about dispersal rates in these butterflies, selection during the evolution of the mimetic pattern in the face of gene flow would necessarily have to be relatively strong to produce the genetic changes regulating the coordinated expression of various pattern elements. It is also possible that habitat alteration by man has increased the width of the blend zone. In fact, the width of the intergrade zone in Limenitis is considerably greater than average compared to those hybrid zones listed by Barton & Hewitt (1985), which would tend to support the concept of minimal genetic incompatibility in hybrids between arthemis and astyanax , in agreement with the Platt and Brower model and in contradiction to the two species - hybrid zone model of Remington (op. cit.). However, the presence of intermediate and both “parental” phenotypes in local popu- lations presents a difficulty. Random mating with no differential selec- tion on adult phenotypes should break down the genetic basis for parental phenotypes through recombination, especially if modifier loci are involved in the expression of the astyanax phenotype. The persis- tence of both the astyanax and arthemis phenotypes suggests a highly “canalized” development such that expression of the wing pattern is stable over a range of genotypes, and/or that selection has an effect on phenotype frequencies. Historical range changes must also be considered in understanding the present blend zone. It is important to note that the narrow-banded arthemis-\ike form “albofasciata” occurs quite far south well into the range of B. philenor, and even south of the zone of hybridization ( Clark & Clark, 1951; Platt, 1983; Shapiro, 1966; Shapiro, pers. comm.). The persistence of the northern arthemis phenotype in these southern loca- 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 69 tions may represent the present effect of relict populations left behind as changing climate in the Holocene allowed the Limenitis, and their zone of intergradation, to move northward. Interestingly, a more abrupt cline in arthemis/astyanax phenotype frequencies was found by Waldbauer et al. (1988) in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, but lake barrier effect complicates interpretation of the relative importance of gene flow and selection. An alternative interpretation is that the blend zone represents range overlap where genotypes producing both the arthemis and astyanax phenotypes are adaptively superior to intermediate forms, but weak mating barriers result in continuing hybridization between parental forms. Some degree of genetic incompatibility appears to limit the genetic recombination resulting from backcrossing and therefore hybrid-like phenotypes are present in a lower frequency than in hybrid zones such as the Hyalophora in the Sierra Nevada (discussed below). The unusu- ally wide zone in this model is due to range overlap with limited hybridization, in contrast to more typical narrow hybrid zones composed of intermediate and recombinant phenotypes bounded by dines into parental populations. As noted above, the unusual width of the zone may also be due to historical range changes. This interpretation is similar to that of Remington ( 1968b, 1985) in that it hypothesizes secondary contact producing hybridization in a zone of range overlap. Unlike the Remington model, I do not postulate the subsequent origin of reproductive isolation. These Limenitis appear to be more genetically distinct than alternate morphs in a polymorphism, but less divergent than full species. Allozyme analysis would provide an independent measure of genetic similarity between arthemis and astyanax and could detect the true extent of overall gene exchange across the intergrade zone. Electrophore- sis can provide unambiguous identification of heterozygotes, and if significant or fixed allele frequency differences occur between pure arthemis and astyanax reference populations, then the population genetics of the zone of intergradation might be better understood. Finally, allozyme analysis could produce an truer index of hybridity for phenotypically intermediate specimens. As noted in the hybrid zone discussion in Part I, hybrid zone phenotypes often do not accurately reflect underlying genotypes. Evolution in these Limenitis stands in contrast to the Papilio glaucus / canadensis situation in which glaucus seems to have evolved a mimetic form, also based on the Battus philenor model, yet appears to be reproductively isolated from the very similar, non-mimetic canadensis to the north. The respective ranges of the two pairs are similar as arthemis is nearly concordant with canadensis and astyanax is approximately sympatric withglaucus. These shared distribution patterns in unrelated groups are evidence of a common response to changing climates during and after the Ice Age. Remington (1968b) hypothesizes that such condordant “suture zones” formed as biota rejoined following a period of 70 J. Res. Lepid. allopatric divergence as relict populations, in this case in refugia in the southeastern United States. Selection along a cline between alternate mimetic morphs in Heliconius. Heliconius erato and H. melpomene are brightly colored, unpalatable tropical butterflies which occur sympatrically as Mullerian mimics. By closely resembling each other, each species benefits because their com- bined numbers in a population increase the rate at which predators learn to avoid attacking any butterfly with the distinctive warning color phenotype. By contrast, a Batesian mimic, which by definition is palat- able, cannot theoretically exist in a population at a frequency higher than its distasteful model. These Heliconius are especially interesting because they exhibit parallel polymorphisms. Distinctive color morphs in differ- ent populations of the more common H. erato are often accompanied by similar geographic variation in the wing patterns of H. melpomene. Mallet and Barton (1989ab) and Mallet et al. (1990) have extensively studied the nature of selection on these shared polymorphisms in regions of Peru where wing phenotype dines connect populations of distinctive, alternate warning color patterns. The population genetics of these dines represent a special case of “frequency dependent selection” wherein for a given population the most common phenotype (of either species) has a selective advantage over the alternate, less frequent morph. This is true because predators are more likely to encounter the more common morph. Since a certain minimum number of encounters is needed for a “naive” predator to learn to avoid a warning color pattern, the less common of two alternative morphs will suffer disproportionate predation. Thus, given regions support popula- tions of the two Heliconius which have very similar morphs at high frequencies. Adjacent regions may have populations where the alternate morph is present at a high frequency in both species. The two areas are connected by very abrupt dines in wing morph type. Mallet and Barton (1989a) estimated the strength of selection main- taining these dines using marked foreign (experimental) and native (control) butterflies which were released and subsequently recaptured at intervals along dines between regions supporting alternate wing morph populations. Their analysis showed that losses among odd morph experimental individuals occurred soon after release, most probably due to predation, since released butterflies did not disperse and tended to join communal roosts irrespective of wing phenotype. Within each species, populations with differing wing patterns showed no significant differ- ences in allozymes, nor any important ecological distinctions. Alternate wing morphs are controlled by three loci in H. erato and by four loci in H. melpomene. The inference is that cline structure in each species is a function of selection on these loci, rather than due to more complex hybrid incompatibility or differing ecological adaptations. Estimates of the 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 71 coefficient of selection i n IL erato was quite high, about .17 per locus, or about a 52% selection against experimental individuals released into populations of the opposite warning color phenotype. Because the genetics of this polymorphism are well understood, Mallet and Barton (1989b) and Mallet et al (1990) were able to compare their experimental data with simulation models of selection along dines. F rom experimental studies they obtained allele frequencies for wing pattern loci along dines between populations with differing wing morphs. In their models, dine width can be expressed as a function of gene flow and selection. Gene flow also causes a linkage correlation (linkage disequilibria) between loci that differ along a dine. Thus, they used observed dine width and linkage relationships to estimate gene flow and selection. Estimates for selection generally agreed with those obtained from mark and recapture studies. The usefulness of various computer simulations of dines was confirmed. Moreover, these analyses tended to confirm theoretical models of the evolution of Mullerian mimicry based on a few loci with large effect. Mallet and Barton investigated the maintenance of a dine between genetically differentiated populations without directly addressing the origin of these genetic differences. The approach of Platt and Brower to the Limenitis astyanax/arthemis problem explicitly equated origin and maintenance in terms of primary intergradation due to differential predation on wing pattern morphs. However, the occurrence of parental phenotypes at high frequency in the broad Limenitis blend zone suggests that these forms are differentiated beyond the level of polymorphic conspecifics. The natural experimental system represented by the mimetic morph dines in Heliconius was more amenable to study than the situation in the Limenitis because 1) the genetics of the polymorphism were under- stood; 2) the inference of selection based on predation was not subject to uncertainty concerning the possible added effect of hybrid unfitness; 3) allozyme data established that the taxa are conspecific; 4) selection was measured directly by field experiment rather than by statistical infer- ence from Hardy- Weinberg calculations; and 5) the width of the zone was narrow enough that mark-recapture techniques could be used simulta- neously across the entire zone. The narrow width was also partly due to the strength of selection, which in turn aided the interpretation of the mark-recapture data. Natural Hybridization in the genus Hyalophora . The members of this genus of large, attractive saturniid moths readily hybridize in captivity, generally producing fully viable adults. Female hybrids are usually barren, but males can be backcrossed and even three or four nominate taxa have been combined in the genomes of lab hybrids. Natural hybridization occurs to varying degrees in areas of congener sympatry. By the Recognition Species Concept this genus would contain 72 J. Res. Lepid. only a single species, although this viewpoint would ignore important morphological, ecological, and genetic differences. Sweadner (1937) was the first to study natural hybridization in Hyalophora and his work was an early and important recognition that traditional morphological criteria are inadequate in describing species boundaries for groups such as the Hyalophora. We now know that this genus contains a hierarchy of taxa as judged by the degree of reproductive isolation among the various taxa. Tuttle (1985) showed through a series of careful field tests in Michigan that the large, eastern H. cecropia is partially isolated by seasonal and diurnal separation in flight activity from interbreeding with the smaller, dark H. Columbia. Occasional hybrids occur in nature (Collins, 1973; Ferge, 1983; Sweadner, op. cit.) but no true hybrid zone occurs between these taxa. By contrast, a zone of intergradation in Manitoba and Ontario connects populations of Columbia with the larger, brighter colored H. gloveri which occurs in the Canadian Prairie Provinces and south through the Rocky Mts. and Great Basin. Both adult and larval phenotypes intergrade and blend zone females oviposit on hosts of gloveri in addition to the conifer Larix (tamarack), on which the eastern Columbia is a specialist (Collins, op. cit.; Kohalmi & Moens, 1975, 1988). Laboratory hybrid females between these taxa are typically fecund, in contrast to crosses between cecropia and other congeners (Collins, op. cit.; unpub. data). Lemaire (1978) synonymizes gloveri as a subspecies under Columbia. Hyalophora euryalus on the west coast is quite distinct from gloveri in all stages, yet the two species form a large hybrid zone on the east slope of the Sierra Nevada south of Lake Tahoe in California (Collins, 1984). Multivariate analysis shows that adult phenotypic variability in mid hybrid zone greatly exceeds that seen in lab reference Fj hybrids; extensive backcrossing and recombination appear to be responsible for this variation, not merely the production of primary hybrids each season. While crosses between widely separated population of euryalus and gloveri produce barren female hybrids, females with intermediate or recombinant phenotypes from the hybrid zone are fully fecund. More- over, in test crosses using females derived from various sites along a transect across the hybrid zone, genetic compatibility was optimal with males from the source population, but decreased with males from more distant populations, even with as little 15km separation. Collins (1984, ms in prep.) interprets this result as evidence for the regional elimination through selection of incompatible genotypes. Local optimization may be aided by restrictions on gene flow due to mountainous topography, although these moths are known to be quite vagile. Genetic compatibility data on the fine structure of hybrid zones are rare, since most subject organisms are not as easily experimentally hybridized. In spite of obvious morphological differences between euryalus and gloveri in all stages, relatively few loci controlling gametogenesis may regulate the genetic structure of this hybrid zone. It would be important to verify this 30(l-2):45-81, 1991 73 model by means of allozyme or other biochemical genetic test of genetic differentiation. Sweadner (1937) attempted to document by use of a hybrid index the existence of an intergrade zone in northern Idaho and western Montana between gloveri on the east and euryalus on the west. Ferguson (1972) treats this population, referred to as “kasloensis” , as a melanic northern subspecies of euryalus, based primarily on genitalic structure. A recent reanalysis (Collins, ms in prep.) has revealed that “ kasloensis ” is inter- mediate and hybrid-like for several wing pattern characters, resembles gloveri in early larval stages, yet possesses a unique mature larva phenotype. Morewood (1991) illustrates a similar phenotype for British Columbia “kasloensis” . The unusual red dorsal scoli pigmentation of “kasloensis” may be the expression in a hybrid genome of a gene in the fifth instar which is normally “turned on” only in the penultimate instar of gloveri. The dorsal scoli of euryalus are yellow in both the 4th and 5 th instars. The cocoon resembles that of a lab gloveri x euryalus hybrid. Females from the intergrade zone are fully fertile, and have a decreased compatibility when crossed with gloveri compared to near-normal fertil- ity and viability in hybrids with euryalus. Judged by several criteria, the “kasloensis” intergrade population seems to be of hybrid origin, but appears to be restricted in gene exchange with gloveri to the east, probably due to decreased host plant availability as a result of a rain shadow effect of the Bitterroot Mts. along the Idaho-Montana border. There is an abrupt transition to the gloveri phenotype to the east and a more gradual intergradation into euryalus in British Columbia. Never- theless, the “kasloensis” population maintains genetic integrity from the swamping effects of gene flow from euryalus. It is unknown at present if this equilibrium is due to intrinsic genetic compatibility factors or the effect of ecological selection. Two other hybrid populations occur between euryalus and gloveri in Idaho, each much different from the “kasloensis” population (Collins, unpubl. data). A hybrid swarm of great phenotypic variability occurs northeast of Boise in Clear Creek Canyon. The adults more resemble the range of phenotypes seen in the Sierra Nevada hybrid zone, which may be due to a more balanced gene input from the two parental populations, euryalus from the northern, panhandle region of Idaho, and gloveri from near the Sun Valley/Ketchum area. An extension of Great Basin habitat occurs in southeast Idaho and is occupied by nominate gloveri which extends north through the Salmon area to Lost Trails Pass, where the Bitterroots and the Continental Divide merge. This pass appears too high to support a continuous population of Hyalophora, but an occasional hybrid-like individual can be taken in the gloveri population just to the south and an occasional gloveri-\ike moth occurs in the “kasloensis” population just north of the pass. Either limited dispersal occurs over the pass or a period of more extensive gene exchange occurred during a warmer interglacial period. 74 J. Res. Lepid. The hybrid Hyalophora populations in the northwest illustrate the fact that unique population genetic factors acting in each situation have produced three very different hybrid zones, regardless of the fact that the same two species are interbreeding in each case. Topography and plant community distribution, and historical climatic changes no doubt played a role in shaping the present structure of these hybrid zones. By extension, all the Hyalophora hybrid populations discussed here verify the general premise that individual populations are the true units of ecological and evolutionary change. Acknowledgments. I would like to thank Lincoln Brower, Sterling Mattoon, Rudi Mattoni, Paul Tuskes and Arthur Shapiro for their careful reviews of this manuscript and Michael Turelli for his thoughtful discussion of hybrid zones and related problems in population genetics. Literature Cited Arnold, R.A. 1983. Speyeria callippe (LepidopteriaiNymphalidae): Application of information-theoretical and graph clustering techniques to analyses of geographic variation and evaluation of classifications. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 76:929-941. . 1985. Geographic variation in natural populations of Speyeria callippe (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera:Nymphalidae). 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Windig Section of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Population Biology, University of Leiden, Schelpenkade 14A, 2313 ZT Leiden, The Netherlands. Abstract. The use of an image analyser for measuring butterfly wings is discussed. As an example the measurement of the phenotypic plasticity in the wing pattern of a tropical butterfly is described in detail. A set of 7 characters was selected to optimize the complete description of the plasticity with regard to both accuracy and speed of measurement. Several other examples of the measurement of Lepi- dopteran wing patterns with an image analyzer are given. The advan- tages and disadvantages of an image analyser are discussed. An image analyser can be an effective tool, especially for complex measurements, but the development of software is critical. Introduction The wing patterns of butterflies and moths have been studied in many biological disciplines (for example in genetics (Brakefield 1984, Robinson 1990), developmental biology (Nijhout, 1985, 1991), evolutionary ecology (Endler 1984, Kingsolver 1987). The traditional technique used is to quantify the patterns into classes, as estimated by eye. This may be adequate for discrete morphs but is likely to introduce bias for a more complex variation (see e.g. Brakefield & Dowdeswell 1985). A more detailed quantification of particular pattern elements can sometimes be made using a microscope fitted with a micrometer (e.g. Ehrlich & Mason 1966, Mason et al. 1968, Bowers et al. 1985). Computers and electronic measuring instruments can provide a more accurate analysis. Examples are a color analyser (Brakefield & Liebert 1985), and a digitizing pad (Strauss 1990, Kingsolver & Wiernasz 1991). An image analyser combines the functions of most electronic measuring instruments. Typically it consists of a TV-camera, a computer and an image processor (often called a frame grabber) that converts the TV- signal into digital form suitable for the computer (Gonzalez & Wintz 1987). Until recently image analysers existed only with mainframe or minicomputers and its use was hardly accessible to entomologists. Daly (1985) concluded that image analysis was not fully developed and of limited use in entomology. Image analysers which can be built into a personal computer are now readily available to entomologists. Detailed measurements are possible with such a system, not only of distances but also of areas. In addition it also enables analysis of color intensities. Specific parts of an image can be analyzed separately. Simple (e.g. subtractions) or complex (e.g. Fou- rier analysis for shape) calculations can be performed on the image. Use 30(l-2):82-94, 1991 83 by entomologists is still very restricted (e.g. Hagerup et al. 1990) but growing. This paper reports on the usefulness of an image analyser for measuring Lepidoptera wings in general. Anyone interested in using such a system will probably ask two questions: 1) Does it enable the researcher to approach a particular problem in a novel and enlightening way? 2) Does the gain of using an image analyser counter the costs? We used three criteria to evaluate these questions (in order of impor- tance): • completeness: A procedure must adequately quantify the pattern with respect to all characters of the wing. Colors or color intensities for example often vary within and between species and in these cases measurements cannot be restricted to sizes. • repeatability: A procedure is needed which provides a highly repeat- able result so that wings can be measured at different times and by different people without influencing the conclusions. • speed: A procedure is needed which is fast, so that sufficiently large samples can be measured to obtain statistical reliable results. This paper describes in detail the measurement of wings of Bicyclus safitza (Hewitson 1851) with an image analyser, and the difficulties encountered when developing the measurement procedure. With regard to the last criterium (speed) an additional question is addressed: must all characters be measured or can a subset of characters be used to describe the whole pattern of variation? Some other uses of the image analyser in our laboratory are outlined before discussing the general questions asked in the previous paragraph. MEASUREMENT OF B. SAFITZA WINGS WITH THE IMAGE ANALYSER B. safitza is a satyrine butterfly which occurs throughout tropical Africa (Condamin 1973), and exhibits marked phenotypic plasticity in the form of seasonal polyphenism. The form occurring in the wet season has conspicuous submarginal eyespots and a median white band on its ventral wing surface. The dry season form lacks these pattern elements and is essentially a plain brown butterfly. Intermediates between these extremes can sometimes be found in the field. Before the image analyser was available to us, forms were evaluated by ranking them into different classes as estimated by the eye, and by measuring the wings with a microscope fitted with a micrometer (Brakefield &Reitsma 1991). With the image analyser we tried to include different measurements (e.g. of color) and more accurate measurements to enable us to estimate the “dry/wetness” of the wings more rigorously. Furthermore, we needed faster measurements for (especially in quanti- tative genetical analysis) generally large or very large sample sizes are needed to obtain statistically significant results (see e.g. Shaw 1987). 84 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 1 Set up of the image analyzing system Material and methods. Measurements. Our image analysis system (fig. 1) was supplied by DIFA Measurement Inc. It consists of a black/white video camera (HTH MO), an IBM- AT compatible Personal computer (Epson PC AX2) with a frame grabber (PC- Vision plus) in one of its additional slots. The video signal is converted by the frame grabber to a digital image. The image is made up of 512x512 pixels, each pixel having a grey value between 0 (=black) and 255 (=white). An additional color monitor displays images; the PC monitor shows the software instructions of an interactive package called TIM (developed by TEA Inc.). To evaluate the wing pattern of the Bicyclus butterflies, a measurement procedure was developed with regard to the three criteria described in the introduction. Software for the measurements was developed partly by DIFA Inc., but for the greater part by ourselves. Results of measurements were written to ASCII files and could easily be used in other (e.g. statistical) programs. Each criterium had its own requirements and the software needed continuous updat- ing. Difficulties and their solutions will be described separately for each criterium. Completeness. To obtain a range of butterflies from dry to wet season forms, final instar larvae were raised at six different temperatures. The temperatures used were 14°C, 15°C, 17°C, 20°C, 23°C and 28°C, similar to the range of temperatures found in Malawi, the origin of our stocks. Five males and five females were selected at random from the butterflies raised at each temperature. “Dryness” of the butterflies was estimated by eye by ranking them into six classes, from 0 (=dsf, no eyespots and no white band) to 5 (=wsf, large white band and large eyespots). The ranking was done independently by two persons resulting in a nearly identical classification (Spearman rank r= 0.942). With the image analyser we were able to measure almost any wing pattern character we could think of. A large set containing all potentially important characters of the ventral side was measured for each butterfly (fig. 2). An ANOVA was performed on each of these 67 characters to detect significant differences (at a = 0.01) between the six seasonal classes and the sexes. All the areas covaried with wing size and for these an ANCOVA instead of an ANOVA was used. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to provide a more comprehensive picture. Partial correlations with respect to total wing size were used for 30(l-2):82-94, 1991 85 + * Nr. Object Measurements: Nr. Object 1,11 total wing 1 1 3-6 chevron r area, contrast area & 7-18 eyespots II -VIII wing fields * 1 contrast level 19-22 white band1 23 white band 1 -2 fringe area 24-32 white band Measurements: area & grey values distance grey value (for 32 range & st. dev. of grey values) Fig. 2 Characters measured for analysis of B. safitza wings. correlations between two area measurements (other than wing area). A mixed matrix of correlations and partial correlations was used for PCA. Repeatability. A subset of five females was selected to examine repeatability. This sample included two of the most extreme butterflies (1 wsf, 1 dsf) and three intermediates. Characters measured were similar to those of the completeness test. The characters were measured by six different persons, ranging from inexperienced to experienced computer users, and from persons both unfamiliar and familiar with the butterflies. They were all untrained in the specific software program. Coefficients of variation for all six sets of measurements were calcu- lated for each character measured in each wing. The means of these coefficients over all sets of five wings were calculated as an index of repeatability. Speed. Speed of measurement was evaluated when measuring the wings for the completeness test and for the repeatability test. Weights for PC 2 86 J. Res. Lepid. Weights for PC 1 Fig. 3 Weightings for first two principal components in PCA of all characters. Significance of differences in the characters in a multiple ANOVA for sexe and seasonal form are indicated. Names of the groups as in Fig. 2. (E = Eyespot field, M = Median field, B = Basal field). Results Completeness. Most characters contribute to the distinction between the seasonal forms and/or the sexes (see AN(C)OVA results in fig. 3). The areas of pattern elements in particular, show significant differences with respect to the seasonal classes in the ANCOVA’s (fig. 3, squares and upward pointing triangles). Differences between the sexes are mainly 30(l-2):82-94, 1991 87 with respect to grey values, or, as in the case of contrast, due to grey values (fig 3, dark symbols). The PCA ranked the seasonal classes adequately in the first principal component (PCI), the x-axis in fig. 4a. It shows that within each class, as estimated by eye, variation still exists; some butterflies within a class are of a drier/wetter form than others. The sexes are ranked in the second component (PC2), the y-axis in fig. 4a. There is substantial variation within each sexe; some butterflies resemble the opposite sex more than others, especially in the drier forms. To conclude, the measurements of the 67 characters with the image analyser allowed us to make a finer division than ranking them in classes (seasonal or sexual) by eye. Repeatability. Initially the means of the coefficients of variation ranged up to 28.8%. The high errors were caused by difficulties in separating the different pattern elements. Manual drawing of a line around the pattern element with the mouse was very unreliable. Not everybody was able to draw the lines precisely and different persons often interpreted the elements differently. Using coloration thresholds (e.g only pixels lower (=darker) than a certain threshold value can belong to the black ring) proved more reliable since a certain threshold always gives the same result for different persons. When each person was allowed to choose their own threshold the different interpretation of pattern elements still caused high errors (COV around 10%). Setting a fixed threshold for each pattern element resulted in acceptable errors (most COV’s <2%). Another source of error was the different exposure to light of the wings when recorded. This influences not only measurements of the intensity of colors, but also all other measurements when a fixed grey value threshold is used for separating the different pattern elements. The internal systems of the image analyser regulating the conversion of different light intensities into different grey values proved very sensitive and vulnerable. So great care always had to be taken to calibrate the system with a standard grey scale, and check for differences with previous measurements. The most reliable method for separating pattern elements was the use of contrast. Different pattern elements differ in coloration, and conse- quently differences between neighbouring pixels (= contrast) is highest where two pattern elements border. The software program indicated pixels where contrast was high, and these enclosed elements completely, or left small gaps which could be closed manually. In this way differences between persons are reduced (contrast is always the same) and the influence of exposure is also reduced (contrast is similar at different exposure levels), resulting in COV’s of less than 1%. The white band was very difficult to measure in all forms, regardless of separation procedure, since its outer edge fades into the background and is never clear. Use of a fixed threshold was problematic because grey values within the band varied over the wing. The inner edge however is PC 2 88 J. Res . Lepid. Fig. 4 First two principal components for butterflies in PCA of all characters (a) and for seven selected characters (b, see table 1). always clear, and it proved to be in a different position in the different forms, according to how well the band was developed. The distance of the white band to the crossing point of two veins proved easy and reliably measurable. Speed. In theory a software program can be written that finds and measures all pattern elements itself. The only time needed in such a program is for recording and storing the wings; automatic image analysis 30(l-2):82-94, 1991 89 PC 1 can be performed overnight. Such a software program, will, however be very complicated and take a very long time to develop. Instead we used a combined approach, where the greater part of the analysis is automati- cally performed overnight, and only the functions that are too compli- cated to program are performed manually. When contrast was used for separating pattern elements, most time was needed for closing the small gaps in the pixels enclosing the pattern elements. For measuring 7 characters this took together with recording and storing about 7 minutes per wing. When a fixed threshold value was used for separating the pattern elements the only extra time needed was 90 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1. The character subset selected for measurement of B. safitza wings, indicating the amount of variation between seasonal form and sex, and coefficients of variation. Numbers in brackets refer to fig. 2. — = not significant, * = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01 , *** p < 0.001 . Character AN(C)OVA CV for season for sex Area of hind wing (II) Area of contrast (II) Area of white pupil in 5th cell (18) Area of black ring in 5th cell (17) Distance from crossing point of Cubital & Median veins to edge of band (23) Mean grey value of midfield in 5th cell (28) St. dev. of grey values between eyespot and chevron (32) 0.56% 1.17% 0.25% 0.26% 0.34% 1 .42% 0.82% for indicating where the different pattern elements were located. To- gether with recording and storing this took less then 1 minute per wing for 7 characters. Because the gain in accuracy of measurement is only small when using contrast instead of fixed threshold values, but the loss in speed is substantial, the fixed threshold method is now always used by us. Selection of a subset of characters. Characters were selected with reference to the three demands, completeness, repeatability and speed, to reduce the time required to measure one butterfly. Only characters in the 5th cell of the hind wing were selected. This resulted in a small subset of seven characters (Table 1). A PCA comparable to that for all 67 characters was performed on these seven characters. It gave a closely similar result to the PCA for all characters (fig. 4b). The correlation coefficient for both PCA’s was 0.92 (p«0.001), showing that there is little loss of information. Each of the major character sets (band, eyespots, color) is represented. OTHER USES OF THE IMAGE ANALYSER Crypsis in Melanitis leda. A pilot study has attempted to quantify the crypsis of insects at rest by 2-D image analysis of the extent of background matching (see Endler 1984). Six individuals of the polyphenic Image analysis - PC 1 value 30(l-2):82-94, 1991 91 Fig. 5 Crypsis ranking of Melanitis butterflies in photos by the image analyzer vs. the human eye. satyrine Melanitis leda , two wsf and four dsf, were each photographed on a range of six backgrounds; three green leaves and three brown. A comparison was made of the mean grey value, size and shape of the butterfly wings with those of background objects. The same photos were ranked according to conspicuousness of the butterfly by sixteen indepen- dent observers. The data were analyzed by PC A. Fig. 5 shows the values of the PC 1 for each photo plotted against their ranks. It demonstrates the potential of image analysis for measuring the crypsis of butterfly wings. Ephestia kuhniella. The measurement of grey values is used to quantify variation in the amount of melanization of the wings within and between different melanic and non melanic genotypes of the flour moth E. kuhniella (fig 6). It shows that with the image analyser a finer distinction between genotypes is possible than ranking them as melanic and non melanic. Development of eyespots in Bicyclus anynana. Experiments involving cauterization of cells within developing eyespots in the pupae of B. anynana are being performed to investigate the developmental biology of the seasonal polyphenism. Earlier experiments of Nijhout ( 1981, 1985) indicated that an information gradient is established during pattern determination in the early pupal stage. It is established around 92 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 6 Mean grey value and 95% confidence intervals for different genotypes of Ephestia moths, as measured by the image analyser. Melanie alleles: An = Alanigra, Ch = Charcoal, b = black (recessive). a focus of cells within a putative eyespot. Image analysis in combination with the making of Camera Lucida drawings provided the means of accurately quantifying the differences between cauterized and control eyespots at a magnification of about 250x. Discussion Biological problems can be approached in a different way (question 1 in the introduction) when analysing lepidopteran wings with an image analyser. The main difference for the analysis of Bicyclus wings, is that it is now possible for us to make a better distinction between wing patterns according to seasonal differences. Furthermore, we can process far more wings than is possible with only a microscope. Another advan- 30(l-2):82-94, 1991 93 tage is the flexibility of the system as is shown by the other uses of it in our laboratory. It has potential to quantify crypsis, it can distinguish melanic genotypes in Ephestia , and it can work at a high magnification. In general there are several advantages (the gain of question 2, introduction) in using an image analyser for lepidoptera wing measure- ments. It can perform two types of measurements which most other electronic equipment cannot. It can measure not only distances (like a digitizing pad), but also areas. This can be very useful if for example the total black area in a complicated pattern (e.g. Pierid butterflies, Kingsolver & Wiernasz, 1991) must be evaluated. Furthermore it can measure color intensities, especially in lepidoptera wings often an important character distinguishing between forms, species etc. However continuous varia- tion in color intensity is, though certainly present, rarely studied. This is probably due to the difficulty of measuring it, but with an image analyser this need no longer be the case. Other advantages are the speed of measurement and the gain in precision of measurements. Both criteria were, however, not easily met and took a lot of software development in our laboratory. If gain in precision of linear measurements is the only goal, it is doubtful whether the purchase of an image analyser will be the best investment. Precision in these measurements can also be increased in other ways (e.g. repeat- ing and averaging). The gain in speed can, however, be considerable. The measurements themselves are faster and the data are directly stored and accessible for computer programs. If analyses are constrained by the time available, purchase of an image analyser might be worth the investment. There are two disadvantages (the costs of question 2, introduction) of the image analyzer. The first is its costs. Our system, including basic software, cost nearly $20,000. The second disadvantage is its complexity. There are so many functions that can be, and often must be, performed before a measurement takes place, that programs become complex. There is always the possibility of purchasing commercially written programs, but they increase the price and seldom fit the demands of the user completely. It took us a year to modify the basic software, that we purchased commercially, into a program which fully satisfied our de- mands. To conclude, the image analyzer can be a valuable tool in analyzing butterfly wings, and probably in other organisms too. It is flexible; both simple and complex analyses are possible. Measurements can be made which are otherwise impossible, and the gain in speed of measurements can be considerable. It is, however, not a cheap system, and one must bear in mind that software development can be a considerable effort. Acknowledgements'. I thank Paul Brakefield and Jose Oudenaarden for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of the manuscript, Paul Brakefield and Martin Witzenburg for ranking the butterflies into seasonal classes, Anne Schot for the data on crypsis in Melanitis , IJsbrand Swart for the data on Ephestia genotypes, and all the members of the department that measured butterflies for the repeat- ability experiment. 94 J. Res. Lepid. Literature Cited Brakefield, P.M., 1984. The ecological genetics of quantitative characters in Maniola jurtina and other butterflies. Symp. R. Ent. Soc. 11, The biology of butterflies pp. 167-190. Brakefield, P.M. & W.H. Dowdeswell, 1985. Comparison of two independent scoring techniques for spot variation in Maniola jurtina (L. ) and the consequences of some differences. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 24: 329-325. Brakefield, P.M. & T.G. Liebert, 1985. Studies of colour polymorphism in some marginal populations of the aposematic Jersey tiger moth Callimorpha quadripunctaria. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 26: 225-241. Brakefield, P.M. & N. Reitsma, 1991. Phenotypic plasticity, seasonal climate and the population biology of Bicyclus butterflies in Malawi. Ecol. Entom. 10 Bowers, M.D., I.L. Brown & D. Wheye, 1985. Bird predation as a selective agent in a butterfly population. Evolution 39: 93-103. Condamin, M., 1973. Monographic du genre Bicyclus (Lepidoptera Satyridae) - Mem. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire 88: 1-324. Daly, H.V., 1985. Insect morphometries. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 30: 415-438. Ehrlich, P.R. & L.G. Mason, 1966. The population biology of the butterfly Euphydryas edit ha III. Selection and the phenetics of the Jasper ridge colony. 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Ballmer Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, California, 92521 and Gordon F. Pratt Department of Entomology and Applied Ecology, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, 19716 Abstract. A methodology is presented for quantifying ant attendance of lycaenid larvae. Attendance of larvae by Formica pilicornis Emery (Formicidae) is compared for 58 lycaenid species (primarily from California). The presence of larval myrmecophilous organs is com- pared with ant attendance rankings to estimate their relative contribu- tions to attendance. Evidence is presented that dendritic setae may be as important in ant recruitment as the better known honey gland and eversible tubercle organs, and may be a primitive precursor of the latter. Introduction The family Lycaenidae is known for its larval myrmecophily and symbiotic ant-larval associations ranging from simple co-existence to parasitism have been described (see Hinton, 1951; Malicky, 1969a, b; Cottrell, 1984; Pierce, 1987; Maschwitz et al., 1988, 1989). Perhaps the most common ant-larval interaction is mutualism, whereby larvae re- ward ants with a mixture of carbohydrates and amino acids (honey dew) in return for protection from predators. Malicky (1970) rejected mutu- alism in favor of ant appeasement as the dominant aspect of myrmecophily among lycaenids, largely because of lack of convincing evidence that ant attendance reduced larval predation. However, recent workers have provided evidence both of the nutritive value of larval secretions and the protective value of attending ants (Maschwitz, et al, 1975; Pierce & Mead, 1981; Pierce & Easteal, 1986; Pierce, et al, 1987; Fiedler & Maschwitz, 1988a; DeVries, 1988a, 1991a). The diversity of ant-lycaenid relationships, combined with related morphological specializations, should provide valuable clues to lycaenid phylogeny. Indeed, Henning (1983a) updated Hinton’s (1951) biological groups within the Lycaenidae (based on myrmecophily, carnivory, etc.) and noted their similarity to Eliot’s (1973) proposed phylogeny, which is based primarily on adult morphology. Cottrell (1984) reviewed the complex diversity of lycaenid feeding strategies (e.g. aphytophagy has arisen independently at least eight times), and noted that attempts to 96 J. Res . Lepid. explain these strategies must be linked to a full appreciation of phylog- eny. However, the apparent loss of myrmecophilous organs and myrmecophily in members of many lycaenid lineages and absence of convincing evidence of intermediate stages in the evolution of the various organs responsible for myrmecophily complicates the use of such fea- tures for determining phylogenetic relationships. For entire groups which lack certain organs, one can only speculate whether the group predates the evolutionary origin of those organs or if the organs were lost in the group’s progenitor. Further, the anecdotal nature of most descrip- tions of myrmecophily allows only subjective qualitative comparisons among taxa. In this paper a standardized testing procedure is presented to quanti- tatively compare a major aspect of myrmecophily, the degree of ant attendance of last instar lycaenid larvae. The degree of attendance is correlated with the presence of myrmecophilous organs (ant-organs): lenticles, eversible tubercles, honey gland(s) [respectively, perforated cupola organs, tentacular organs, and dorsal nectary organ and tentacu- lar nectary organs of Cottrell (1984)], and dendritic setae (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989). The contribution of dendritic setae to myrmecophily, previously a matter of speculation (Fiedler & Maschwitz, 1988b; Ballmer & Pratt, 1989), is demonstated by comparison of their densities with ant attendance rates among various Lycaena species, which lack all other known ant-organs except lenticles. Finally, the results of this study provide a basis for speculations on the sequence of origin of the various ant-organs. Materials and Methods The degree of ant attendance was measured as the mean number of seconds that larvae were attended per five minutes (300 s). For each five-minute observation period, one last instar larva was placed in a clear plastic arena (12 X 8.5 X 6 cm) containing five workers of Formica pilicornis Emery. Each observation period began ten seconds after initial ant-larval contact. For most species, observations were replicated at least ten times; the number of larvae tested per species ranged from 1 to 10. The number of seconds of attendance per five minutes was converted to percentage and then transformed to arc sine values for analysis. Ant attendance primarily consisted of active antennation of the larval cuticle, as described by Malicky (1970), coupled with walking back and forth over the larva. Alarm behavior of ants in response to eversion of eversible tubercles (Malicky, 1969a; Claassens & Dickson, 1977; Fiedler & Maschwitz, 1988b) was also counted as attendance, although it usually resulted in briefly suspended ( 1- 5 s) contact. Other behaviors that were not considered attendance include incidental contact (contact < 1 s), ants at rest or preening atop larvae (no antennation), and aggression. Instances of multiple simultaneous attendance were counted the same as single ant attendance. Ants obtained from a wild Formica pilicornis colony near the community of Mountain Home (el. ca 1300 m), San Bernardino Co., CA, were used because they commonly tend lycaenid larvae in nature. Ants were collected as needed and 30( l-2):95-l 12, 1991 97 seldom kept for more than four days, since their reliability for larval attendance decreased over time in captivity. Ants that failed to attend larvae (which other ants did attend) usually died within a day. Therefore, control larvae of Icaricia acmon (Westwood & Hewitson) and 7. lupini (Boisduval), which are commonly attended by F. pilicornis in nature, were used to gauge the attendance capacity of subject ants: Ants which demonstrated a reduced attendance of 7. acmon or 7. lupini (< 75% of normal attendance) (Table 1) were discarded. Ants were housed in 1 L plastic food containers and fed 10% honey water dispensed by a cotton wick. Lycaenid larvae were field-collected or reared from ova; 55 species were from Arizona and California; one species each came from Brazil, Thailand and the eastern United States. A second experiment measured differences in ant attendance of Plebulina emigdionis (Grinnell) for two colonies of F. pilicornis. The ants were from Mountain Home and Victorville, CA, 57 km NW of Mountain Home. Ants from the latter site were found at the base of the host plant, Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt, where the P. emigdionis larvae had been collected three months earlier. In order to remove bias due to possible differences in larval attractiveness, the same larvae were alternately exposed to ants from each site. This experiment was inspired by initial test observations that larvae were poorly attended by F. pilicornis (Mountain Home colony) in the laboratory even though they were strongly associated with the same ant species in the field. Four species of Lycaena ( editha , heteronea, rubida, and xanthoides) known to be myrmecophilous were compared with respect to ant attendance and the abundance of both dendritic setae and lenticles. This comparison also included one population ofL. heteronea (Tioga Pass) which is apparently not myrmecophi- lous in nature. Data were analyzed using AN OVA with Duncan’s new multiple range test ( statistical package adapted for personal computer by the UCR Statistics Depart- ment). The nomenclature of higher taxonomic groups follows Eliot ( 1973), except that Riodinidae is treated as a subfamily of Lycaenidae. Results ANT-ATTENDANCE Table 1 lists all species tested in decreasing order of their mean measured ant attendance. These are grouped in 13 sets whose members’ attendance means are not significantly different (P < 0.01). Generally, these sets broadly overlap; however, there is very little overlap between sets of means greater than 50% (sets A-G) and those less than 50% (sets I-M). Table 2 lists the tested species according to natural groups and compares them with respect to mean ant attendance, the presence of ant- organs, and observed myrmecophily in nature. All species have cuticular lenticles; additional ant-organs are absent in two Riodininae, one Miletinae, 7 Lycaeninae, and two Theclini. A honey gland is present in all 22 Polyommatinae and all 19 Theclinae. Tentacle nectary organs are present in one riodinine. Eversible tubercles occur in one thecline (F. fulgida ) and all polyommatines except P. speciosa. Dendritic setae occur in one riodinine, 4 lycaenines, 15 theclines, and 20 polyommatines. 98 J, Res . Lepid. Table 1 . Larval attendance by Formica pilicornis Species Lycaena editha (Mead) Phaeostrymon alcestis (W. H. Edwards) Satyrium auretorum (Boisduval) Satyrium behrii (W. H. Edwards) Satyrium californicum (W. H. Edwards) Satyrium saepium (Boisduval) Satyrium sylvinum (Boisduval) Icaricia lupini (Boisduval) Flos fulgida (Hewitson) Everes comyntas (Godart) Harkenclenus titus (Fabricius) Philotes sonorensis (C. & R. Felder) Glaucopsyche lygdamus (Doubleday) Hemiargus isola (Reakirt) Eurybia sp. Celastrina argiolus (L.) Glaucopsyche pi as us (Boisduval) Lycaena rubida (Behr) Brephidium exile (Boisduval) Icaricia icarioides (Boisduval) Icaricia acmon (Westwood & Hewitson) Hemiargus ceraunus (Fabricius) Everes amyntula (Godart) Strymon melinus (Hubner) Lycaena xanthoides (Boisduval) Euphilotes pallescens elvirae (Mattoni) Satyrium tetra (W. H. Edwards) Lycaeides melissa (W. H. Edwards) Incisalia mossii (Hy. Edwards) Icaricia shasta (W. H. Edwards) Incisalia augustinus (W. Kirby) Icaricia neurona (Skinner) Lycaeides id as (L.) Mitoura spinetorum (Hewitson) Fixsenia Ontario (W. H. Edwards) Satyrium fuliginosum (W. H. Edwards) Lycaena heteronea (Boisduval) (W)2 Lycaena mariposa (Reakirt) Lycaena arota (Boisduval) Mitoura loki (Skinner) Callophrys perplexa (Barnes & Benjamin) Plebulina emigdionis (Grinnell) N Mean1 Duncan’s Test 12 100 A 10 100 A 10 100 A 10 100 A 10 100 A 10 100 A 10 100 A 11 100 A 13 99 A 10 99 A 10 99 A 10 99 A 10 99 A 10 98 A 10 98 A 10 97 A 10 96 A 10 96 AB 10 92 ABC 10 91 ABCD 11 89 ABODE 10 87 ABODE 10 86 ABODE 10 86 ABODE 21 85 ABODE 10 82 ABCDEF 10 82 ABCDEFG 20 76 BCDEFG 10 72 BCDEFG 21 70 BCDEFG 12 69 CDEFG 11 68 DEFG 10 68 DEFG 10 66 DEFG 1-1 65 EFG 10 64 FGH 10 63 GH 10 41 HI 10 28 IJ 10 26 UK 7 24 IJK 20 16 IJKL 30(l-2):95-112, 1991 99 Calephelis wrighti Holland Euphilotes mojave (Watson & Comstock) Hahrodais grunus (Boisduval) Lycaena heteronea (Boisduval) (T)3 Hypaurotis crysalus (W. H. Edwards) Mitoura siva (W. H. Edwards) Leptotes marina (Reakirt) Lycaena phlaeas (L.) Lycaena hermes (W. H. Edwards) Lycaena gorgon (Boisduval) Feniseca tarquinius (Fabricius) Philotiella speciosa (Hy. Edwards) Apodemia mormo (C & R. Felder) Lycaena nivalis (Boisduval) Euphilotes bernardino martini (Mattoni) Lycaena cuprea (W. H. Edwards) Atlides halesus (Cramer) 11 18 IJKL 10 18 IJKLM 10 13 IJKLM 10 12 IJKLM 10 11 IJKLM 10 11 JKLM 10 9 JKLM 10 7 JKLM 13 7 JKLM 10 5 KLM 10 5 KLM 10 4 LM 7 4 LM 5 3 LM 7 2 LM 10 0 M 12 0 M 1 Rounded mean percent time of ant attendance per 300 s; means followed by same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.01) according to Duncan’s new multiple range test. 2 W = unnamed subspecies from Warren Canyon, Mono Co., Ca. 3 T = unnamed subspecies from Tioga Pass, Mono Co., Ca. Table 2. Ant attendance and myrmecophilous organs of some lycaenid larvae Subfamily1 Species AA2 HG3 TNO ET L DS M Riodininae Riodinini A. Mormo 4 C. wrighti 18 Eurybia sp. 98 Miletinae Miletini F. tarquinius 5 Lycaeninae Lycaenini L. cuprea 0 L. phlaeas 7 L. arota 28 L. hermes 7 L. mariposa 41 L. nivalis 3 L. gorgon 5 ? ? ? ? L. heteronea (W)4 L. heteronea (T)5 L. edit ha L. rubida L. xanthoides Theclinae Theclini H. grunus H. crysalus Eumaeini S. melinus C. perplexa I. augustinus I. mossii M. spinetorum M. loki M. siva A. hales us P. alcestis H. titus F. Ontario S. auretorum S. behrii S. californicum S. fuliginosum S. saepium S. syivinum S. tetra 63 12 100 96 85 13 11 86 24 69 72 66 26 11 0 100 99 65 100 100 100 64 100 100 82 Arhopalini F. fulgida 99 Polyommatinae Polyommatini B. exile 92 L. marina 9 C. argiolus 97 P. sonorensis 99 P. speciosa 4 E. bernardino martini 2 E. enoptes mojave 1 8 E. pallescens elvirae 82 G. lygdamus 99 G. piasus 96 30(l-2):95-112, 1991 101 H. ceraunus 87 + — + + + + H. isola 98 + — + + — ? 1. acmon 89 + — + + + + 1. icarioides 91 + — + + + ? 1. lupini 100 + — + + + + 1. neuroma 68 + — + + + ? 1. shasta 70 + — + + + + P. emigdionis 16 + — + + + + L. idas 68 + — + + + ? L. melissa 76 + — + + + + E. amyntula 86 + — + + + + E. comyntas 99 + — + + + + 1 Taxa grouped according to subfamily, tribe, and lower category relationships. 2 Rounded mean percent ant attendance per 300 s by Formica pilicornis.. 3 HG = honey gland, TNO = tentacle nectary organs, ET = eversible tubercles, L = lenticles, DS = dendritic setae, M = myrmecophily in nature; + = present, <197> = absent, ? = undetermined. 4 W = unnamed subspecies from Warren Canyon, Mono Co., Ca. 5 T = unnamed subspecies from Tioga Pass, Mono Co., Ca. Although greater mean ant attendance roughly coincides with pres- ence of more ant-organs, there are notable exceptions. Of the 27 most strongly attended species (Table 1, set A), 11 have four types of ant- organs, but the remainder have only two or three. And while 9 of the 16 least attended species (Table 1, set M) lack any ant-organs other than lenticles, 3 others have four types of ant-organs. Similar exceptions occur within subfamilial and tribal lineages. Myrmecophily has not been systematically investigated among the lycaenid species addressed in this study. Table 4 tabulates the previ- ously unreported ant-lycaenid relationships observed in the course of a survey of the California lycaenid fauna (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989). Table 1 indicates the known status of myrmecophily for all test species com- piled from field observations (Ballmer & Pratt, personal observations; D. M. Wright, personal communication). Nearly all of the species known to be myrmecophilous in nature are in the Polyommatinae; four lycaenines, five theclines, and one riodinine are also known to be myrmecophilous. This tabulation is biased by the nature of the larval collection techniques. The larval hosts of most of the lycaenines and polyommatines are low shrubs and herbs on which larvae were most easily located by searching; in these species, ant associations were easily observed and aided in locating larvae. Because many of the theclines were collected by beating foliage or reared from ova in the lab, observations of natural ant associations were precluded for most species. The high degree of experimental ant attendance observed here suggests that some Eumaeini may also be attended by ants in nature. 102 J. Res. Lepid. ABUNDANCE OF DENDRITIC SETAE AND LENTICLES AMONG LYCAENA SPECIES Table 3 compares the abundance of dendritic setae and lenticles on larvae of the four Lycaena species which were most ant-attended. All four species have also been found attended by ants in the field (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989, and personal observations). However, the population of L. heteronea from Tioga Pass had the fewest dendritic setae and lenticles and was also least ant-attended; coincidentally, when these larvae were found in the field, no ants were in attendance. Because of variability in abundance of lenticles and dendritic setae among individual larvae of these populations, and because other larvae were used (in some cases) to generate ant attendance values (Tables 1, 2), the former character data cannot validly be correlated with the latter. Nevertheless, the data suggest that abundance of both lenticles and dendritic setae may be positively related to ant attendance. Of these, the abundance of dendritic setae seems to be more strongly associated with attendance. COLONY-RELATED DIFFERENCES IN ANT ATTENDANCE Comparison of attendance of P. emigdionis by F. pilicornis from two locations reveals significant differences. Larvae were tended very little by ants from Mountain Home (Table 1), but significantly more (P = 5 X 10'15) by ants from Victorville (mean percent attendance = 75, N = 18). NON-TENDING ANT BEHAVIOR Non-tending ant responses to larvae during tests included indifference and aggression. The majority of ants not attending larvae were indiffer- ent to them. When these ants encountered larvae, they generally investigated them briefly with minimal antennation and then moved on. The infrequent instances of aggression were usually initiated immedi- ately upon contact by a single ant and lasted for 2-10 s. Invariably, the point of attack was just ventral to the lateral fold of the larva. Larvae of A. mormo andL. arota were attacked for periods of 90 s, and one larva of Table 3. Dendritic setae and lenticles on myrmecophilous Lycaena larvae species N Dendritic Setae1 Lenticles1 L. rubidus 10 171 ± 41 A 993 ± 89 A L. edit ha 4 140 ± 20 A 909 ± 67 A L. xanthoides 4 84 ± 8 B 761 ± 83 B L. heteronea (W)2 7 73 ± 44 B 679 ±123 B L. heternoea (T)3 4 11 ± 8 C 646 ± 70 B 1 Mean totals ± standard deviation; means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P< 0.05) according to Duncan’s new multiple range test. 2 Population from Warren Canyon, Mono Co., California. 3 Population from Tioga Pass, Mono Co., California. 30(l-2):95-112, 1991 103 Table 4. Ants associated with lycaenid larvae in California Attending ant species1 Lycaenid species Aphaenogaster occidentalis Emery Camponotus essigi M. Smith Camponotus vicinus Mayr Conomyrma bicolor (Wheeler) Conomyrma sp. Crematogaster californica Emery Crematogaster mormon um Emery Forelius pruinosus (Roger) Formica altipetens Wheeler Formica lasioides Emery Formica moki Wheeler Formica neoclara Emery Formica neogagates Emery Formica obscuripes Forel Formica pilicornis Emery Formica subsericea Say Formica sp. (fusca group) Formica sp. (microgyna group) Formica sp. (rufa group) Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr) Lasius niger (L.) Lasius pallitarsus (Provancher) Monomorium sp. Myrmecocystus mimicus Wheeler Myrmecocystus semirufus Emery Tapinoma sessile (Say) Icaricia acmon Euphilotes pallescens elvirae Satyrium fuliginosum Everes amyntula Glaucopsyche piasus Euphilotes enoptes smithi Philotes sonorensis Euphilotes pallescens elvirae Hemiargus ceraunus Lycaena editha Icaricia acmon Euphilotes battoides comstocki Glaucopsyche lygdamus Lycaeides melissa Everes amyntula Icaricia acmon, Icaricia lupini, Glaucopsyche piasus, Lycaena heteronea, Lycaena xanthoides, Plebulina emigdionis Euphilotes battoides battoides Euphilotes battoides battoides, E. b. comstocki, Everes amyntula, Icaricia acmon Satyrium fuliginosum Satyrium fuliginosum Euphilotes bernardino bernardino, Icaricia acmon, Leptotes marina, Strymon melinus Everes amyntula Euphilotes battoides battoides Euphilotes battoides comstocki Euphilotes pallescens elvirae Glaucopsyche lygdamus Euphilotes enotpes and I la, E. e. smithi, Glaucopsyche lygdamus 1 Records based on the authors’ field observations. A. holesus (Cramer) was bitten continuously for 60 min, resulting in perforation of the larval cuticle with loss of hemolymph. When bitten, larvae usually remained motionless, sometimes after curling into a ‘C’ shape. However, larvae ofA. mormo thrashed about and regurgitated a fluid which, upon contact, caused ants to immediately withdraw and preen themselves. This behavior may be similar to the “beat reflex” observed in Hamearis lucina (L.) by Malicky ( 1969a, 1970). 104 J. Res. Lepid. Another defense against ants occurs in the Neotropical riodinine Sarota gyas (Cramer), whose larvae are densely covered with tufts of long, slender, easily-broken setae; ants which contact the setae spend much time cleaning their antennae and avoid further contact (DeVries, 1988b). Larvae of C. wrighti, which are similarly covered with tufts of long, slender, fragile setae (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989), did not induce such a repellant response inF. pilicornis', as with other poorly attended species, ants generally ignored C. wrighti after initial investigation. Discussion EXPERIMENTAL VS. NATURAL ANT ATTENDANCE The ant attendance rankings reported here are not considered equiva- lent to the relative degree of myrmecophily for the larvae in nature. Many of the lycaenids tested have been found naturally in association with two or more ant species (Table 4), as well as without any attending ants (Ballmer & Pratt, personal observations). Even though myrmecophily is facultative in most California lycaenids (Ballmer & Pratt, personal observations) and most of the North American fauna (Pierce, 1987), this condition does not preclude differences in relative mymecophily for different ant-lycaenid species combinations. Such a situation does exist with L. marina , which was well attended by 7. humilis in the field but was poorly attended by F. pilicornis in the lab. Additionally, various environ- mental factors could affect ant attendance under more natural conditions (e.g. access to the nest and nest-mates, other nutrition sources, stress levels, etc). Intraspecific geographic differences can occur for ant-larval interac- tion; this dictates caution in applying the test results to other popula- tions. For example, two populations ofL. heteronea differed significantly in attractiveness to the same ants, and, vice versa, larval attendance differed significantly for two populations of the ant, F. pilicornis with respect to P. emigdionis. SOURCES OF EXPERIMENTAL ERROR The design of this experiment could have contributed to erroneous estimates of ant attendance values. Because single and multiple simul- taneous attendance were counted equally, real differences among the more highly attended species could not be distinguished; this problem might be overcome by counting all attending ants separately. Also, because many ants initially palpate and investigate any new object in their environment, the relatively short exposure times may have re- sulted in somewhat inflated attendance values for some species. How- ever, the 10 s delay between initial ant contact and the onset of recording attendance at least partially compensated for this behavior. It is also possible that greater attendance values might have been obtained with longer exposure times through nest-mate recruitment, as demonstrated for the ant, Tetramorium caespitum (L.), attending larvae of Polyommatus coridon (Poda) (Fiedler & Maschwitz, 1989). 30(l-2):95-112, 1991 105 In spite of the limitations described, this test procedure provides a simple, repeatable means of measuring ant attendance of larvae under uniform conditions. Lenticles Lenticles are low-relief cuticular features for which a putative chemical communication function (Hinton, 1951; Malicky, 1969a, 1970; Henning 1983b) may require direct contact with ant antennal receptors. Indeed, antennation of larval cuticle is an important feature in ant attendance in this study and others (Malicky, 1969a, 1970; Fiedler & Maschwitz, 1989), and is often most intense in regions where lenticles are concentrated. In these areas ant-lenticle contact may be facilitated by the presence of generally sparser and/or shorter setae than occur elsewhere (but see dendritic setae, below). In this study there is no evidence that lenticles contributed to ant attendance. All species with greater than 50% attendance (Table 1, sets A-G), possess additional ant-organs, whereas 12 of the 22 species having less than 50% attendance (Table 1, sets I-M) do not. Nevertheless, significant differences in attendance observed among the 12 species having only lenticle ant-organs may be due to quantitative and/or qualitative differences in semiochemicals associated with the lenticles. Among populations of myrmecophilous Lycaena species, the ranked order of ant attendance (Table 1 ) corresponds to the ranked order of mean abundance of both lenticles and dendritic setae (Table 3). Of these, the abundance of dendritic setae is a better indicator of attendance. While the essentially non-myrmecophilous L. heteronea population from Tioga Pass had significantly less attendance and significantly fewer dendritic setae than the other populations, it did not have significantly fewer lenticles than L. heteronea from Warren Canyon and L. x anthoides. In spite of accumulated evidence of ant adoption substances in or on the surface of lycaenid larvae (Malicky, 1969b, 1970; Henning, 1983b), the contribution of lenticles to myrmecophily remains obscure. As noted by Cottrell ( 1984), a number of different compounds may be involved and at least some may arise from cuticular sources other than lenticles. Such sources may include the cuticle itself, specialized setae, or the putative dermal glands (indicated by some surface pores and deep pits) found on lycaenid larvae (Wright, 1983; Kitching & Luke, 1985; DeVries et al, 1986; Kitching, 1987). Also, DeVries ( 1991b) noted that the evolutionary origin of lenticles may be unrelated to myrmecophily, since they occur in non-myrmecophilous hesperiids, as well as in both myrmecophilous and non-myrmecophilous lycaenids. Honey gland Aside from lenticles, the honey gland is the most prevalent ant-organ among the species tested. The function of this organ in ant recruitment may be largely, if not solely, related to the secretion of liquid nutrition. 106 J. Res. Lepid. Many ants which specialize in collecting the sugary fluids produced by homopterans and plant nectaries also attend lycaenid larvae (DeVries, 1991a, b). The honey gland is therefore a broad-spectrum ant-attracter, as opposed to other ant-organs which may produce more specific semiochemical attractants. The attractiveness of the honey gland was quantified by Fiedler & Maschwitz (1989) for Polyommatus coridon (Poda) by comparing ant recruitment for larvae with functional and blocked (resin-covered) honey glands. It maybe more difficult to quantify the nutritional component of attractiveness of this organ among species tested here due to possible additive attractiveness of concentrations of lenticles and dendritic setae occurring along its margins. Although not quantified here, the time spent in feeding from the honey gland was usually relatively small compared to total attendance time. The honey gland occurs widely in the Polyommatinae and Theclinae, but is apparently absent in other lycaenid subfamilies (Cottrell, 1984). Kitching and Luke (1985) refer to the condition in which a honey gland is absent as myrmecoxeny, and note that the condition is imperfectly correlated with lack of ant attendance. The strong ant attendance of some Lycaena species reported here illustrates that myrmecophily and myrmecoxeny are not mutually exclusive. Furthermore, although ants were observed to imbibe fluid from the honey gland of polyommatine larvae, such secretions were not observed in any thecline larva in the tribe Eumaeini. The latter are apparently functional myrmecoxenes. Tentacle nectary organs Tentacle nectary organs occur only in Riodininae and combine the general appearance, size, and location (posterior to A- 8 spiracles) of eversible tubercles with the secretory function of the dorsal honey gland of Polyommatinae and Theclinae. Although Cottrell (1984) noted that tentacle nectary organs differ from eversible tubercles in producing visible secretions, and in lacking terminal setae, he presumed these organs to be homologous. DeVries (1991b), however, considered the ant- organs of riodinines to be analogous, not homologous, to the ant-organs of other lycaenid groups. Nevertheless, there are convergent exceptions to the usual physical distinctions between tentacle nectary organs and eversible tubercles. Thus, the eversible tubercles of some non-riodinine lycaenids, e.g. the Australian Candalides xanthospilos (Hubner) (Polyommatinae) and Ogyris genoueua Hewitson (Theclinae), lack termi- nal setae (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989), while the tentacle nectary organs of at least one myrmecophilous riodinine ( Setabis sp.) apparently do not produce a liquid secretion (Ballmer, personal observations). Eversible tubercles The most notable effect of the eversible tubercles was the apparent induction of heightened activity and aggressive posturing in attending ants. When eversible tubercles (segment A-8) were briefly everted (< 1 30(l-2):95-lI2, 1991 107 s), attending ants usually dashed about with open mandibles, as though alerted to danger. This phenomenon was typical in those species having eversible tubercles. Such heightened ant activity (alarm behavior) following eversion of the tubercles could drive away predators and is probably commonplace in the Lycaenidae (Claassens & Dickson, 1977; Henning, 1983b; Cottrell, 1984; DeVries, 1984; Kitching & Luke, 1985; Fiedler & Maschwitz, 1988b), although Malicky (1969a, 1970) failed to observe such behavior. Even non-excited ants walking on larvae may inhibit attack by predators; K. Calloway {in litt ) has found that non- attendant movement of ants on the hostplant near larvae of Brephidium exile (Boisduval) can effectively 'scare’ off predators. Larvae of P . emigdionis were exceptional in that they everted their tubercles more frequently (especially while crawling) and for longer duration (often several seconds) than did other species, yet alarm behavior by attending ants was infrequent and generally less intense than with other species. The mechanism by which the eversible tubercles induce heightened activity in ants is generally believed to be through release of chemicals which mimic ant alarm pheromone(s). Perhaps the most convincing evidence for this is provided by Henning (1983b), who showed that an extract of larval cuticle containing eversible tubercles of Aloeides dentatis (Swierstra) elicited initial alarm reaction and subsequent attraction in Acantholepis capensis Mayr. The anterior tentacle organs of some riodinines appear to have a similar function (DeVries, 1988a). Eversible tubercles are somewhat more wide spread than the dorsal honey gland in the Lycaenidae. In addition to frequent occurrence among theclines and polyommatines, they also occur in the Curetinae and Liphyrinae (Cottrell, 1984). Dendritic setae The dendritic setae occurring on larvae and/or pupae of many members of the Riodininae, Lycaeninae, Polyommatinae, and Theclinae (Ross, 1964; Lawrence & Downey, 1966; Schremmer, 1978; Kitching, 1983; Kitching & Luke, 1985; Fiedler, 1988; Pratt, 1988; Ballmer & Pratt, 1989, and unpublished observations) may release semiochemicals which affect ant behavior (Fiedler & Maschwitz, 1988b). Although varying in density and distribution among species, dendritic setae tend to be concentrated in many of the same areas as lenticles, especially around the honey gland and spiracles. They are usually longer, more erect, and have longer lateral processes than surrounding setae (see Ballmer & Pratt, 1989); their greater flexibility and reduced pigmentation also suggest a thinner setal wall which could facilitate dissemination of volatile compounds. The generally greater prominence of dendritic setae probably also facili- tates their contact with the antennae of attending ants. Among the species tested here, the presence of dendritic setae appears to be a better indicator of ant attendance than is the presence of other ant- organs. They were present in all theclines (except F. fulgida ) having 108 J. Res. Lepid. greater than 50% attendance and absent in all theclines (except C. perplexa) having less than 50% attendance. The relationship of dendritic setae to ant attendance among polyommatines is less clear; the two species lacking dendritic setae, B. exilis and H. isola, were strongly attended. The relationship of dendritic setae to ant attendance is most apparent in the Lycaeninae, a group that lacks both honey gland and eversible tubercles. The four species of Lycaena found to have dendritic setae were also the most strongly attended (Table 2). Among these four species, greater abundance of dendritic setae (Table 3) coincides with greater ant attendance (Table 1). Two populations ofL. heteronea, representing two subspecies (Emmel & Pratt, in press) from the eastern central Sierra Nevada illustrate infraspecific variations in both abundance of dendritic setae and ant attendance. If dendritic setae are homologous with the spiculate setae of eversible tubercles and anterior tentacle organs, then the latter organs may be viewed as specializations of the former to accumulate (while retracted) and disseminate (when everted) a higher concentration of semiochemicals. Since ant pheromones which act as attractants at low concentrations may incite alarm behavior at higher concentrations (Blum, 1974; Henning, 1983b), a constant release of semiochemicals by exposed dendritic setae might yield concentrations sufficient to attract ants, while higher con- centrations sufficient to alarm them might be disseminated when tu- bercles are infrequently and momentarily everted. The frequent and prolonged eversion of the tubercles observed for P. emigdionis might result in a relatively constant low level of release of semiochemicals similar to that hypothesized for exposed dendritic setae. This might explain why little alarm behavior was elicited by the eversion of tubercles by larvae of this species. The frequent and prolonged eversion of the tubercles could be important in maintaining a retinue of attending ants while larvae periodically move between subterranean diurnal resting sites and above-ground nocturnal foraging sites (Ballmer & Pratt, personal observations). In an apparently similar behavior, larvae of Aloeides thyra (L.) and A. dentatis (Swierstra) are reported to repeatedly and rapidly evert their tubercles when leaving their diurnal ant nest shelters to feed nocturnally on vegetation (Claassens & Dickson, 1977; Henning 1983a, b). COLONY-SPECIFIC ATTENDANCE RATES An example of colony-specific differences in ant attendance is apparent with P. emigdionis. Perhaps the more attendant group of ants had ‘learned’ to associate withP. emigdionis through long-term contact in the field, or may also represent a cryptic sibling species or ecotype adapted to P. emigdionis. The patchy distribution of this lycaenid (Emmel & Emmel, 1973) and its occurrence in small dense colonies, often within larger stands of host plant (Ballmer & Pratt, personal observations) may 30(l-2):95-112, 1991 109 be due to a special relationship between the butterfly and its attendant ants. This is reinforced by observations that field-collected larvae were nearly always found with F. pilicornis in diurnal shelters at the plant base (below soil surface) or while feeding crepuscularly on above-ground foliage. NONSPECIFIC MYKMECOPHILY In contrast to P. emigdionis, which was highly attended only by a particular colony (or variety) of F. pilicornis from the larval collection site, some lycaenids were highly attended in spite of their origin outside the ant’s range of distribution. Flosfulgida from Southeast Asia (Chiang Mai, Thailand) was highly attractive to F. pilicornis. Twenty larvae of F. fulgida were found in nature individually accompanied by numerous (often more than twenty) ants ( Hypoclinea sp.) in folded leaf shelters. Although that situation may signal a species-specific relationship, the presence of a more generalized myrmecophilic factor in F. fulgida is indicated by its attractiveness to F. pilicornis. THE ORIGINAL ANT ORGAN? Knowledge of the sequence of origin of the various ant-organs could be helpful in understanding the evolutionary history of the Lycaenidae. Although it has been speculated that a nutritional secretory organ, such as the dorsal honey gland, was a feature of the primitive lycaenid ancestor (Hinton, 1951; Malicky, 1970; Pierce, 1987), cuticular lenticles, which occur much more widely (Hinton, 1951; Malicky, 1969a; Ballmer & Pratt, 1989), were probably derived earlier. Lenticles are the only ant- organs that occur in all lycaenid subfamilies for which larvae have been examined. Dendritic setae and their possible derivatives, eversible tubercles and anterior tentacle organs, also may be more widespread and potentially of earlier origin than nectary organs. Whereas nutritive secretions from a honey gland or tentacle nectary organs may attract and bind a broad spectrum of fluid-foraging ant species, semiochemicals released by lenticles, dendritic setae, eversible tubercles, and anterior tentacle organs might achieve a similar attrac- tion or bonding with less energy expenditure. Of these organs, dendritic setae may offer the best combination of structural simplicity, energy efficiency and effectiveness in disseminating ant-attracting semiochemicals. Such semiochemicals might also facilitate more specific and more efficient symbiotic relationships than nectary gland secretions. The similarity of dendritic setae to spiculate setae typically found on eversible tubercles and anterior tentacle organs, in both structure and apparent function, suggests that the latter organs may be specialized derivatives of the former. Such a derivation would strengthen Fiedler’s (1988) hypothesis that the Lycaeninae is an ancient group predating the origins of the closely related Polyommatinae and Theclinae. Although Malicky (1970) concluded that the lack of a honey gland and eversible 110 J. Res. Lepid. tubercles in the Lycaeninae are derived features, he was apparently unaware of strongly myrmecophilic members of this group and of the relationship of dendritic setae to myrmecophily. DeVries (1988, 1991b) concluded that riodinine ant-organs are analo- gous but not homologous to the ant-organs of other lycaenids, and that myrmecophily among riodinines was derived independently. DeVries ( 1991b) also questioned the importance of lenticles in myrmecophily, and rejected the notion that myrmecophily is ancestral in Lycaenidae. How- ever, he was unaware that dendritic setae, which occur widely among myrmecophilous lycaenids (including riodinines), may represent not only the most primitive ant-organ (if lenticles are excluded) but a common precursor to eversible tubercles and anterior tentacle organs, as well. Nevertheless, because the presence of dendritic setae is apparently as labile as that of other ant-organs, and because the structure of dendritic setae may be a simple derivation of ‘standard’ body setae, the possibility of independent derivation in different lineages cannot be ignored. Resolution of questions regarding lycaenid phylogeny may ultimately depend on an integrated analysis of many factors involving both immatures and adults. Because of broad diversity and lability of feeding habits, myrmecophily, and larval morphology within higher taxonomic groups, evolutionary patterns based on such features should be corroborated by comparison with ostensibly more stable characters, such as first instar chaetotaxy. Also valuable may be studies of the sites of origin and structures of semiochemicals related to myrmecophily and comparisons of DNA among representatives of the various taxonomic groups. Acknowledgments. We thank Roy Snelling and Phillip Ward for ant identifications. Charles Huszar of the UCR Statistics Department provided the AN OVA program. David M. Wright provided larvae of Feniseca tarquinius. We also thank Karen Calloway, Phillip DeVries, Ian Kitching, and David M. Wright for their suggestions in improving the manuscript. Literature Cited Ballmer, G. R. and G. F. Pratt, 1989. A survey of the last instar larvae of the Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) of California. J. of Res. Lepid. 27: 1-80. Blum, M.S., 1974. Pheromonal sociality in Hymenoptera. In M. C. Birch (ed) Pheromones. Amsterdam (North-Holland Publishing Co.), pp. 222-249. Claassens, A. J. M. and C. G. C. Dickson, 1977. A study of the myrmecophilous behaviour of the immature stages of Aloeides thyra (L.) (Lep: Lycaenidae) with special reference to the function of the retractile tubercles and with additional notes on the general biology of the species. Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation 89: 225-231. Cottrell, C.B., 1984. Aphytophagy in butterflies: its relationship to myrmecophily. 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Uebersicht ueber Praimaginal stadien, Bionomie und Okologie der mitteleuropaischen Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera). Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft, Basel N.F. 19: 25-91. , 1970. New aspects on the association between lycaenid larvae (Lycaenidae) and ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). J. Lep. Soc 24: 191-202. Maschwitz, U., W. A. NAssig, K. Dumpert, and K. Fiedler, 1988. Larval carnivory and myrmecoxeny, and imaginal myrmecophily in miletine lycaenids (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) on the Malay Peninsula. Tyo to Ga 39: 167-181. Maschwitz, U., M. Wust, and K. Schurian, 1975. Blaulingsraupen als Zuckerlieferanten fur Ameisen. Oecologia 18: 17-21. Pierce, N. E., 1987. The evolution and biogeography of associations between lycaenid butterflies and ants. Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology 4: 89- 116. Pierce, N. E. and P. S. Mead, 1981. Parasitoids as selective agents in the symbiosis between lycaenid butterfly caterpillars and ants. Science 211: 1185-1187 Pierce, N. E. and S. Easteal, 1986. The selective advantage of attendant ants for the larvae of a lycaenid butterfly, Glaucopsyche lygdamus. Journal of Animal Ecology 55: 451-462. Pierce, N. E., R. L. Kitching, R. C. Buckley, M. F. J. Taylor, and K. F. Benbow, 1987. The costs and benefits of cooperation between the Australian lycaenid butterfly, Jalmenus evagoras, and its attendant ants. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 21: 237-248. Pratt, G. F., 1988. The evolution and biology of Euphilotes biotypes. Ph. D. dissertation, University of California, Riverside. 653 pp. Ross, G. M., 1964. Life history studies on Mexican butterflies. II. Early stages of Anatole rossi a new myrmecophilous metalmark. J. Res. Lepid 3: 81-94. Schremmer, F., 1978. Zur Bionomie und Morphologie der myrmekophilen Raupe und Puppe der neotropischen Tagfalter-Art Ha mearis erostratus (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae. Entomologica Germanica 4: 113-121. Wright, D. M., 1983. Life history and morphology of the immature stages of the bog copper butterfly Lycaena epixanthe (Bsd. & Le C.). J. Res. Lepid 22: 47-100. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(1-2):113-120, 1991 Appearance of the “heathii” Aberration and Genitalic Variation in a Mitoura Population from Oregon (Lycaenidae: Theclinae)1 Clifford D. Ferris2 Bioengineering Program, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071-3295 Abstract. A juniper-association Mitoura species (ascribable to barryi barryi Johnson) experienced a population explosion in eastern Oregon in June, 1990. Substantial variation in the female genitalia was observed. Two of the female specimens collected manifested the ventral surface “heathii” aberration occasionally found in genus Satyrium Scudder. Introduction The “heathii” aberration in the Theclinae, which is a broadening of the white maculation on the ventral surfaces of the wings, was described in 1904 by Fletcher. In contemporary times, additional discussion has been presented by Fisher (1976), and Ferris (1981, 1982). This aberration is normally associated with the genus Satyrium Scudder, and its occur- rence is considered to be rare in other theclines. In England, this aberration has been observed in two species related to North American Satyrium. These species are Strymondia w-album 9 ab. “albovirgata” Tutt and Quercusia quercus 9 ab. “latefasciata” Courvoisier (see Russwurm, 1978). Johnson et at. (1990) have also alluded to the occasional manifestation of “white postmedial suffusions” in the Strymon eremica (Hayward) group found in South America; they did not, however, invoke the epithet “heathii.” The common aberration (if it really is such) in Mitoura is a reduction in ventral maculation as described for M. n. nelsoni (Boisduval) and given the varietal [form] name “exoleta” by Hy. Edwards ( 1881). Based upon current and limited evidence, the “heathii” variant may be the expression of a homologous allele that occurs widely in the tribe Theclini. This aberration appears to occur more frequently in females than in males, but it is not sex restricted. In June, 1990, I collected approximately 375 specimens of a Mitoura species in Crook, Grant, Harney, and Wheeler Cos., Oregon. The population which I sampled is ascribable to Callophrys (Mitoura) barryi barryi Johnson, based upon the discussion in Johnson (1976), and this assignment will be discussed subsequently. This species experienced a population explosion, and could be found virtually everywhere that Published with the approval of the Director, Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Article No. JA 1635. 2Research Associate: Allyn Museum of Entomology/Florida Museum of Natural History, Sarasota, FL; Florida State Collection of Arthropods, DPI, FDACS, Gainesville, FL. Research Associate in Entomology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA. 114 J. Res. Lepid. Figs. 1-4. Males of Mitoura b. barryi from Grant Co., Oregon, Malheur Nat. For., N. of Mt. Vernon, 24 vi 90. Dorsal surfaces (1 -2); ventral (3). Tip of aedeagus (4). Figs. 5-6. Dorsal (5) and ventral (6) surfaces of typical females of Mitoura b. barryi from Harney Co., Oregon, Malheur Nat. For. along For. Rd. 2820, 28.vi.90. Figs. 7-8. Ventral surfaces of two aberrant females of Mitoura b. barryi from Oregon. (7) Harney Co., Malheur Nat. For. along For. Rd. 2820, 28 vi 90. (8) Grant Co., Malheur Nat. For., N. of Mt. Vernon, 24 vi 90. 30(1-2):113-120, 1991 115 Juniperus o. occidentalis Hook, occurs within the altitudinal range from 1250-1680 m. Adults were observed perching on juniper shrubs and sipping nectar on a variety of flowers, although there was a definite preference for yellow composites. The number of specimens collected provided an ample study series. Other than the ventral form “exoleta”, no unusual male specimens were taken. As is discussed below, there are two normal dorsal-surface phenotypes in the adult males. There is little variation in the dorsal wing surfaces of the females, and the ventral “exoleta” form occurs regularly, as in the males. Two females were found which exhibit the “heathii” aberration. John Lane ( pers . comm.) has indicated that occasional specimens from the San Bernardino Mts. population of juniper-feeding Mitoura exhibit a tendency toward the “heathii” phenotype. These specimens, however, are uncommon. The genitalic discussion which follows below should not be construed as having any bearing upon the “heathii” aberration. It is a general discussion relative to the Oregon population sampled. Photographic Records Figs. 1-3 illustrate typical males from the Oregon population sampled. In the form shown in Fig. 1, the dorsal surface is pale grayish-brown and the FW “thecla” patch shows prominently. There is also a prominent rusty marginal band extending from the anal angle of the HW (arrows in photograph). The form shown in Fig. 2 manifests an almost uniform dark ruddy-brown color, and the “thecla” patch is obscure. Fig. 3 illustrates the typical ventral pattern found in the males. Figs. 5-6 show, respectively, the dorsal and ventral maculation found in normal females. The dorsal color is a warm ruddy-brown. Figs. 7-8 illustrate the ventral surfaces of the two aberrant specimens which manifest the “heathii” aberration. Their dorsal surfaces (not illustrated) are normal. The specimen shown in Fig. 7 is a partial expression of the aberration, while it is fully developed in the specimen shown in Fig. 8. Note the FW broad pale areas, and the extensive widening of the normally thin post-discal band such that it merges with the submarginal band. In round numbers, these two aberrant specimens constitute approximately 1% of the females collected. Host Plant Association By way of summary, Johnson (1976) segregated the western North America populations of Mitoura whose larvae feed upon the Cupressaceae as follows: nelsoni muiri (Hy. Edwards) on Cupressus sargentii Jeps;; nelsoni nelsoni on Libocedrus decurrens Torr.; loki (Skinner), siva ssp. on J uniperus sp. ; rosneri Johnson on Thuja plicata Wats. Twoofhistaxa were referred to “suspected” hosts; byrnei to Thuja plicata , and harry i to T. plicata or Juniperus occidentalis. M. barryi barryi was described from specimens collected in Grant, Union, and Wallowa Cos., Oregon, and 116 J. Res. Lepid. Moscow Mt., Latah Co., Idaho. Regarding the host plant of barryi, Johnson stated: “The larval foodplant is unknown.” If one ignores Johnson’s genitalic descriptions (see discussion below), and accepts his descriptions of the maculation of the imagines, then M. b. barryi is the species that I collected and it is associated with J. o. occidentalis. This butterfly is more widely distributed in Oregon than Johnson indicated. Its range extends south into Harney Co., and west into the Ochoco Mts. of Wheeler and Crook Cos. In the mountains within this geographic area, there are dry habitats that apparently lie in the rain shadow of surrounding peaks. These sites support stands of Juniper, and this is where barryi occurs. I can not verify Johnson’s records for barryi on Moscow Mt., Latah Co., Idaho. I have collected in June what is referable to byrnei on T. plicata on Moscow Mt., where this butterfly is relatively common. I have collected a similar population, also in June, on T. plicata in Idaho Co., Idaho. Again the butterflies were widely distributed and common. The Thuja -association Mitoura occur in a much more mesic environment than do the Juniper us -feeding Mitoura. Based upon my collections, and extensive discussions with John Lane who has been studying this group for some years, it seems to make more sense to classify the Cupressaceae-feeding Mitoura on a biological basis as opposed to questionable genitalic characters. These butterflies parti- tion very nicely with regard to host plant. Upon further study, it is very likely that chemical races will be identified, that is local populations of Mitoura on hosts with chemical components (essential oils, etc.) specific to geographic locality. How one handles the “classical” taxonomy of such entities is another matter, while the biological basis of classification (butterfly to host) is relatively simple. General discussions of butterfly and plant coevolution may be found in Spencer (1988). Genitalic Variation In his 1976 discussion of Mitoura , Johnson primarily based his taxo- nomic assignments upon genitalic characters. In the interim since this paper appeared, various specialists have questioned the validity of these characters for making species assignments. The dissections that I have made of males of this Oregon population vary from the findings for barryi reported by Johnson, but agree with anecdotal reports and information provided to me by C. S. Guppy and J. Lane. Typical structures are illustrated in Figs. 4, 9-10. Fig. 4 is a drawing of the tip of the aedeagus. Because of the very small size of the structures involved, I was not able to evert the vesica. The two “cornuti” that Johnson described are actually two surfaces with spines or processes along their perimeters. The spines are shaped much like rose thorns. In the preparations that I made, the ventrad perimeter typically supported six major spines, and the dorsad perimeter five. Lesser spines of variable number were noted basad of the major processes. 30(1-2):113-120, 1991 117 Figs. 9-10. Male genitalia of Mitoura b. barryi from Grant Co., Oregon, Malheur Nat. For., N. of Mt. Vernon, 24 vi 90. Figs. 11-12. Female genitalia with signafrom two specimens of Mitoura b. barryi from Oregon. (1 1 ) Harney Co., Malheur Nat. For. along For. Rd. 2820, 28 vi 90. (12) Grant Co., Malheur Nat. For., N. of Mt. Vernon, 24 vi 90. Figs. 1 3-1 4. Female genitalia without signa from two specimens of Mitoura b. barryi from Oregon. Harney Co., Malheur Nat. For. along For. Rd. 2820, 28 vi 90. 118 J. Res. Lepid. t e 0.1mm Fig. 15. Five signs forms found in female genitalia of Mitoura b. barryi from E. Oregon. The photomicrograph shown in Fig. 9 is a male preparation minus the aedeagus. The uncus has been split to provide a dorsal-view mount. The saccus is funnel shaped, as was described by Johnson for barryi , but the juxta is narrow-rimmed and parabolic as Johnson described for byrnei. Note that Johnson defined these structures as the “saccus valvae.” The photographs shown represent only two of the dissections that I made. I did not find the form of the “saccus valvae” that he described for barryi. The valvae shown in Fig. 10 have been flattened to illustrate their full surfaces. Generally their form agrees with that described by Johnson for barryi. Among females, I found substantial variation from that described by Johnson for barryi regarding the presence of signa in the corpus bursae of the genitalia. Figs. 11-14 are photomicrographs of the corpus bursae of four different specimens. The genital plate with extraneous tissue removed is also shown in Fig. 12. Of 18 preparations, only 12 (67%) contained signa (arrows in Figs. 11-12). Figs. 13-14 illustrate bursae lacking signa. The forms of the signa found are shown in Fig. 15. The signa are very small, as the 0. 1 mm scale indicates. The triangular form shown in Fig. 15 (a) corresponds to Fig. 11. The actual structures in the bursae of Fig. 11 are very much smaller than the darkened areas that appear in the photograph. The preparations have been stained with Chlorazole Black E. Figs. 15(c) and 12 correspond. Based upon my study of the female genitalia in the Oregon population of barryi sampled, there are at least five forms of the signa when they are present; however, the corpus bursae is frequently devoid of signa. The signa in the female genitalia of TYmya-association Mitoura from Idaho and Latah Cos., Idaho were also examined. In both size and form, they were found to be similar to those of barryi from the Oregon localities cited above. 30( 1-2): 113-120, 1991 119 Concluding Discussion There are several schools of thought regarding the taxonomy of genus Mitoura [or Callophrys (Mitoura) ]. At one extreme, is Scott’s (1986) lumping of all but two of the western Mitoura ( sensu stricto ) into the single species gryneus (Hiibner). At the other extreme, is Johnson’s separation (1976) of the genus into a variety of species based upon phenotype, host plant association, and presumed uniformity of genitalic characters within given populations. Various studies are currently in progress regarding the genus Mitoura in western North America. In addition to my own field studies, John Lane and C. S. Guppy (pers. comm. ), among others, have been rearing material sampled from various geographic localities. Johnson’s studies are apparently continuing as well (; in litt. ). Guppy has reared two species from the same locality on Vancouver Island; the larvae of one feed on Thuja sp., while those of the other feed on Juniperus sp. According to Guppy, these two Mitoura species are respectively ascribable (tentatively) to rosneri Johnson and harryi. Before publishing his results, however, he is searching for solid morphological characters that will provide positive species separation. The occurrence of juniper-association and red-cedar-association Mitoura in close proximity is apparently not uncommon in British Columbia. I have series of each taken a decade ago in the upper Okanagan Valley, and additional records exist. Based upon contemporary studies, and the data that are emerging from them, it is evident that much additional work remains to elucidate the relationships among the various western Mitoura. This is especially true of the populations found along the eastern perimeter of the Great Basin, and in the Intermountain Region. It is clear that there is considerably more variability in the genitalia than was initially reported. Because of this variability within given colonies, I suggest that genitalic characters are of little use in making species assignments within the Cupressaceae- feeding group of Mitoura. Based upon current data, biological classifica- tion of this group, as opposed to genitalic classification, appears to be the sensible approach. In addition to reporting the occurrence of the “heathii” aberration in a Mitoura species, the object of this paper is to document the wing patterns and genitalic characters of Mitoura b. barryi indigenous to four Oregon counties. It is further suggested that species partitioning of Mitoura should be based upon biological and not genitalic characters. Acknowledgments. . I wish to thank Drs. R. J. Lavigne and R. E. Pfadt of the Dept, of Entomology, Univ. of Wyoming for critically reading a preliminary draft of this paper. My thanks also to John Lane (Santa Cruz, CA) and to C. S. Guppy (Vancouver, BC) for sharing their information and opinions with me. I wish also to acknowledge suggestions from Kurt Johnson, who was an external referee for this paper. The genitalic studies reported were conducted using an Olympus SZ3060 zoom stereo microscope fitted with a 100AL 2X auxiliary lens to provide magnification to 250X. Dimensions were scaled using Olympus H 10/10 and H10/ 100 eyepiece micrometers 120 J. Res. Lepid. Literature Cited Dornfeld, E. J. 1980. The Butterflies of Oregon. Timber Press, Forest Grove, OR. Edwards, H. 1881. On some apparently new forms of diurnal Lepidoptera. Papilio 1:50-55. Ferris, C. D. 1981(1982). Field notes on four western hairstreaks (Lycaenidae: Theclinae). J. Lepid. Soc. 35(4):325-330. 1982(83). Polymorphism in Satyrium calanus (Huebner) from Wyoming and Colorado (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclinae). J. Res. Lepid. 21(3):188-193. Fisher, M. S. 1976. The heathii- white banding aberration in the Strymoninae (Lycaenidae). J. Res. Lepid. 15(3):177-181. Fletcher, J. 1904. Descriptions of some new species and varieties of Canadian butterflies. Can. Ent. 36(5):121-130. Johnson, K. 1976. Three new Nearctic species of Callophrys ( Mitoura ), with a diagnosis of all Nearctic consubgeners (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Bull. Allyn Mus. (38):l-30. Johnson, K., Eisele, R. C., and B. MacPherson 1990. The “hairstreak butterflies” (Lycaenidae, Theclinae) of northwestern Argentina II. Strymon, sensu stricto. Bull. Allyn Mus. (130): 1-77. Russwurm, A. D. A. 1978. Aberrations of British Butterflies. E. W. Classey, Ltd., Oxon, England. Scott, J. A. 1986. The Butterflies of North America. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA. Spencer, K. C., ed. 1988. Chemical Mediation of Coevolution. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(1-2):121-128, 1991 An Artificial Diet for Butterflies, Including Bicyclus Species, and its Effect on Development Period, Weight and Wing Pattern G.J. Holloway, P.M. Brakefield, S. Kofman and J. J. Windig. Section of Evolutionary Biology, Department of Population Biology, University of Leiden, Schelpenkade 14a, 2313 ZT Leiden, The Netherlands. Abstract. A semi-artificial diet based on bean flour suitable for the laboratory rearing of butterflies is described. The effect of the diet on development period, pupal weight and wing colour pattern was exam- ined. Butterflies of the species Bicyclus anynana reared on living maize plants developed faster and were heavier, but there was no significant effect of diet on colour pattern. Introduction Bergomaz and Boppre (1986) described a simple semi-artificial diet that could be used to rear moths in the laboratory or, in a pre-prepared form, in the field. Although some species refused the diet, 38 species were reared successfully on the diet from egg to adult with no apparent effects on size, colour or other characteristics. Hence the diet provided them with a cost effective means of rearing moths in the field. A further advantage to using a pre-prepared diet is that rearing conditions can be standardised. These circumstances are attractive where a balanced data set is preferred in order to make statistical tests more robust. Also, the use of diet may reduce environmental variation which could interfere with certain types of study, such as in quantitative genetics. Butterflies are frequently used as experimental material, usually with the use of living plants for larval food. This is expensive both in terms of space and time. We experimented with the use of the diet described by Bergomaz and Boppre (1986) using particularly the tropical African, brown butterfly, Bicyclus anynana (Butler), but also B. safitza and B. ena. A number of pilot experiments showed that the larvae could develop on the diet with over 90% pupating, but the majority of the emerging butterflies were crippled, i.e. the wings failed to expand properly, if at all. The purpose of the present study was to modify the diet to make it more suitable for use with B. anynana by reducing the number of crippled butterflies developing. B. anynana has a striking plastic response to certain environmental cues which results in the production of dry season or wet season butterflies (Brakefield & Reitsma, 1991). These seasonal forms differ in their appearance, development time, physiology and behaviour; the most conspicuous difference is the much larger, sub- marginal eyespots present in wet season butterflies. Therefore, an examination of the diet reared adults was performed to assess the influence of the artificial conditions on size and wing pattern. 122 J. Res . Lepid. Materials and Methods The recipe of the diet used in the current study is shown in Table 1. The diet differed from that devised by Bergomaz and Boppre (1986) in that p-formalde- hyde and formaldehyde were omitted and linseed oil was added. Linseed oil provided extra essential fatty acids, the lack of which in the original diet presumably caused the observed crippling. The agar was dissolved in hot water. The other ingredients (thoroughly mixed together) were then added to the agar and stirred well to disperse the material evenly throughout. The gelling mixture was then poured into a suitable tray to a depth of about 1.5cm and allowed to set at room temperature for about one hour. The diet was then covered and transferred to the fridge for storage. Two alternative quantities of sorbic acid, methyl-p-hydroxybenzoate and streptomycin were used (Table 1). Two types of diet were prepared: one containing the higher amounts of the preservatives and antibiotics (normal diet) and a second containing the lower quantities (low diet). This was done since Bergomaz and Boppre (1986) suggested that these materials may have an adverse effect on the development rate. The experiment was carried out at 28°C and 80% relative humidity (12 hours D:L) which normally produces only extreme wet season form butterflies (Brakefield & Reitsma, 1991). For each type of diet, 100 newly hatched, unfed larvae from eggs of a large mixed population stock laid on maize plants were placed individually onto cubes of diet (approximately 1.5cm wide and 1.0cm high) in 9.5cm diameter petri dishes. 50 of the larvae were presented with fresh diet two times per week and the other 50 only once a week. The old diet was always removed from the petri dishes and discarded. Clean petri dishes were only provided if fungus developed on the diet or, more often, on the frass. In addition, to examine density effects, for each diet type 48 larvae (two per petri dish) and 120 larvae (five per petri dish) were also set up. Cannibalism is not a problem in Bicyclus species. As before, half of the dishes had the diet renewed two times a week and the other half only once a week. Larvae pupated on the underside of the lids of the petri dishes. The resulting pupae could easily be removed after a day or two by scraping the silken holdfast from the petri dish lid. The day of pupation and the weight (to the nearest 0. Img) of the pupae two days after pupation were recorded. Pupae were transferred after weighing to small cardboard containers (height 4cm, diameter 5cm), covered with a piece of gauze and returned to the 28°C cabinet. Butterflies were able to develop and emerge normally from pupae lying down rather than hanging as is invariably the case. Emergent butterflies were sexed and the widths of the 2nd forewing eyespot and the 5th hindwing eyespot were measured under a Wild microscope at 25x magnification using a graduated eyepiece. The length of the forewing was also measured using the eyepiece at 6x magnification. Butterflies successfully developing on the diet were placed together in a large breeding cage at 28°C and 90% relative humidity to assess whether they were capable of laying fertile eggs. 50 larvae were raised in the same 28°C cabinet on maize to enable comparisons to be made with butterflies reared on a more natural diet. The larvae were reared in groups of 10. The growing plants were coiled up into 12.5cm diameter plastic cages. Availability of space limited us to rearing larvae in groups, which is also the technique used generally in our experimental work. The same morphometric measurements were made on the maize-reared butterflies. 30(1-2): 121-128, 1991 123 Table 1. Diet recipe (modified from Bergomaz and Boppre, 1986) Above added to Ingredients Amounts White bean flour 75g Brewers yeast 17.5g Ascorbic acid 3.5g Cholesterol 0.5g Sorbic acid 0.5g or 0.2g Methyhp-hydroxybenzoate 0.5g or 0.2g Streptomycin 0.4g or 0.1g 10% tocopherol in germ oil 3ml linseed oil 4ml solution: High strength agar 15g Deionised water 400ml Results The larvae on the low diet performed very poorly with no butterflies emerging from diet changed once per week. This was probably due to the development of mould on the diet, which may not have been toxic to the larvae per se but rather formed a barrier between the larva and the food. From the diet that was changed two times per week about 50% developed from the petri dishes containing single and two larvae. Survival dropped to 15% in petri dishes containing 5 larvae. The purpose of the study was to develop an acceptable diet and to determine a suitable way of presenting the diet to the larvae, therefore only data from the normal diet will be considered from here on. Eighty percent of the solitary larvae on the normal diet changed two times per week developed successfully and 74% of the larvae on normal diet changed once per week. The percentage of larvae developing normally (i.e. into adults with fully expanded wings) also remained high with two larvae per dish when the diet was changed two times per week (79%), but dropped to 58% when the diet was changed only once per week. The percentage of larvae successfully developing from five larvae per dish was 55% when the diet was changed two times per week, but only 42% when the diet was changed once per week. Therefore, overall survival was slightly improved by keeping the diet fresh (i.e. by renewing the diet two times per week) and, under these conditions, survival was not adversely affected by increasing the density from one to two larvae per petri dish. In total, 77 males and 91 females developed, which is a sex ratio not significantly different from unity (%2 = 1.17). Table 2 shows the means for the development period (egg hatching to pupation) for the various treatments and by sex. The anova in Table 2 shows a significant density effect with individuals held singly in petri dishes developing slightly faster than higher densities. The frequency with which the diet was changed did not have a significant effect on 124 J. Res. Lepici. Table 2. Means and analysis of variance of development periods (emergence from egg to emergence of adult in days) of butterflies reared from artificial diet in petri dishes at a variety of densities and where the diet was renewed either one or two times per week. Diet renewal Sex Density rate per week 1 2 5 1 6 28.3 30.6 31.2 9 33.0 34.3 34.2 o 6 28.6 32.3 28.5 9 31.3 31.3 34.8 Analysis of variance of development periods Source DF MS F P Density (d) 2 57.90 3.79 0.025 Renewal (r) 1 29.97 1.90 0.170 sex (s) 1 337.78 22.11 <0.001 d * r 2 0.17 0.01 0.989 d * s 2 37.69 2.47 0.088 r * s 1 7.09 0.47 0.497 Error 153 15.28 Total 162 development period. Males develop on average faster, are lighter and have a different pattern than females, thus it is not surprising to find significant sex effects throughout. Table 3 shows the mean fresh pupal weights at two days old. There were significant effects of density and the frequency with which the diet was changed; the heaviest animals coming from the petri dishes contain- ing one larva in which the diet was renewed two times per week. Tables 4 and 5 compare the wing patterns by considering the ratios of the width of the 2nd forewing spot (2spot) (25x magnification) over the length of the forewing (6x magnification) and the ratio of 2spot over the width of the 5th hindwing spot (5spot), respectively. Absolute spot size was not considered as wing size and spot size are allometrically related, but the pattern may be the same irrespective of the size of the butterfly. There is a clear sex effect for both measures, as expected. Density had no effect on pattern, but there was a marginally statistically significant effect of frequency of diet renewal on the size of the 2spot/5spot ratio. However, with a significant interaction between frequency of diet re- newal and sex there was not a single method of diet presentation producing the largest ratio. Overall, neither density nor frequency of diet renewal had a clear effect on wing pattern. However, if the quality of the diet is determined by fast development and large butterflies, from Tables 2 and 3 it appears that 30(1-2):121-128, 1991 125 Table 3. Means and analysis of variance of pupal weights (grams) at two days old from larvae reared from artificial diet in petri dishes at a variety of densities and where the diet was renewed either one or two times per week. Diet renewal Sex Density rate per week 1 2 5 1 6 0.117 0.113 0.109 9 0.145 0.118 0.135 S 0.125 0.113 0.119 2 9 0.153 0.150 0.137 Analysis of variance of pupal weights Source DF MS F P Density (d) 2 0.0020 6.84 0.001 Renewal (r) 1 0.0036 12.43 0.001 sex (s) 1 0.0206 71.73 <0.001 d * r 2 0.0004 1.23 0.294 d * s 2 0.0002 0.79 0.458 r * s 1 0.0001 0.47 0.497 Error 153 0.0003 Total 162 one larva per petri dish (at least on the size of diet blocks used in the current study) and diet renewed two times per week is best. The results from the best diet treatment were compared with the performance of a sample of larvae reared on maize at 28°C. 52% of the larvae on maize reached the 4th instar and of the 26 larvae assigned to 28°C, 20 produced butterflies. Thus about 40% emergence from egg to adult survival (however, if sufficient space was available to rear larvae individually on living maize plants, much higher survival could certainly be achieved). For none of the comparisons made between the diet results and the results from maize was there a significant interaction between food (maize or diet) and sex. Therefore, single F values are presented. The mean development periods (emergence from egg to adult) for males (20.4 days) and females (22.2 days) on maize were significantly shorter than on diet (F=86.4, p<0.001). The mean pupal weight was also higher from maize (males: 0.142g, females: 0.173g) than from diet (F=8.67, p<0.05), although, curiously, there was not a significant difference between the lengths of the forewings from the two foods (F=1.81, p=n.s.). The ratios of 2spot/wing were 0.372 (males) and 0.370 (females) from maize and were not significantly different from the diet butterflies (F=0.21, p=n.s.). The 2spot/5spot ratios for maize butterflies were 0.76 (males) and 0.71 (females) and again there was no difference between the two groups of butterflies (F<0.01, p=n.s.). The butterflies developing on diet were placed together to crudely 126 J. Res. Lepid. Table 4. Means and analysis of variance of ratio of the width of the 2nd forewing spot (25x magnification) over length forewing (6x magnification) in butterflies reared from artificial diet in petri dishes at a variety of densities and where the diet was renewed either one or two times per week. Diet renewal Sex Density rate per week 1 2 5 1 7 0.38 0.37 0.38 / 0.34 0.32 0.33 7 0.37 0.39 0.35 2 / 0.37 0.35 0.37 Analysis of variance of ratio of 2nd spot over wing length Source DF MS F P Density (d) 2 0.0015 0.55 0.577 Renewal (r) 1 0.0092 3.30 0.071 sex (s) 1 0.0292 10.44 0.002 d * r 2 0.0007 0.24 0.787 d * s 2 0.0031 1.11 0.331 r * s 1 0.0209 7.46 0.007 Error 153 0.0028 Total 162 assess the effect of the diet on breeding potential. Although eggs were laid, there were very few considering the number of females which suggested that either only a small number of butterflies laid eggs or that fecundity was generally much reduced. Most of the eggs hatched normally. Discussion A large number of artificial diets suitable for the rearing of many species of moths can be found in the literature (e.g. Vanderzant, 1967; 1974; Singh and Moore, 1985; Bergomaz and Boppre, 1986). However, it is generally not as easy to rear butterflies on artificial diets (Wielgus, 1974; Morton, 1979). There could be several reasons for this. For example, many moth species are generalists with respect to host plant whilst butterflies tend to be more specialized. Also, some moths are capable of boring into materials; a behaviour that butterflies, on the whole, do not possess. However, we do know of a few instances where butterflies are being reared on artificial diets. Among these workers it is generally believed that butterflies may be unable to find certain essential fatty acids in diets designed for moths. Indeed, this seems to have been the cause of the extensive crippling of wings noted during all of our earlier trials. The addition of linseed oil to the present diet (Table 1) removed 30(1-2):121-128, 1991 127 Table 5. Means and analysis of variance of ratio of the width of the 2nd forewing spot over 5th hindwing spot in butterflies reared from artificial diet in petri dishes at a variety of densities and where the diet was renewed either one or two times per week. Diet renewal Sex Density rate per week 1 2 5 1 M 0.73 0.76 0.76 F 0.65 0.66 0.65 M 0.76 0.80 0.74 2 F 0.71 0.72 0.70 Analysis of variance of 2nd spot forewing over 5th spot hindwing Source DF MS F P Density (d) 2 0.0073 0.86 0.426 Renewal (r) 1 0.0406 4.76 0.031 sex (s) 1 0.2086 24.44 <0.001 d * r 2 0.0052 0.61 0.542 d * s 2 0.0018 0.21 0.812 r * s 1 0.0169 1.98 0.161 Error 153 0.0085 Total 162 this problem and we successfully reared B. anynana, B. safitza and B. ena. However, it is of note that the earlier trials often resulted in survivals of over 90%, sometimes even over 95%. The reason for this higher survival may have had little to do with the addition of linseed oil, but rather due to the handling and transfer of larvae onto the new blocks of diet. During prior experiments the larvae were left to find the new diet for themselves and the old diet was left in the petri dish. Therefore, it may be better to avoid disturbing the larvae as much as possible, particularly during the first instar when the larvae is most prone to damage. Another factor shown to be of importance, to Bicyclus butterflies at least, was the freshness of the diet. Butterfly larvae usually feed on fresh material with a high water content. It is possible that the diet dried out over a week to the extent that it was detrimental to the insect. Here again is a factor to which many moth species are less susceptible. We successfully reared the warehouse moth, Ephestia kuhniella, on the diet (minus linseed oil) without renewing the diet throughout the entire development period. Of course, E. kuhniella is a stored product insect and, as such, is extremely resistant to low moisture conditions. The diet described in Table 1 opens up the possibility of certain types of experiments, particularly involving the study of colour patterns, that would be difficult to perform using living plants. Examples include the 128 J. Res. Lepid. manipulation of development time independent of temperature to exam- ine the subsequent effect on wing pattern, and the study of pigments sequestered from the host plant in larvae, pupae and adults. However, the diet does not appear to be suitable for the maintenance of stock animals. Diet reared butterflies had a low fecundity and living plants are also required for the deposition of eggs. A second important reason for developing artificial diets is to enable amateur entomologists to rear a few mint condition specimens through to adult to be added to collections without the need to use living plants. Morton (1979) experimented with rearing butterflies on artificial diets and presented a recipe with which he successfully reared 50 species. However, Morton’s recipe is considerably more complicated than ours (see Table 1) and the need to develop a simple diet without expensive and difficult to obtain chemicals is of paramount importance if it is to be widely used. Furthermore, Morton found that phagostimulants were usually required in the diet in the form of dried natural host plant material. Only Bicyclus species are considered in the present study, but no dried maize leaves were needed in the diet to induce feeding. With edge feeding species, Morton shredded his diet through a cheese grater to facilitate feeding. Bicyclus species are also edge feeders (grasses), but did not require the presentation of the diet to be modified in any way beforehand. The simplicity of the diet presented here and the ease with which it can be used warrents further investigation into its applicability with other species of butterflies. The colour pattern of the species used here did not appear to be effected by the diet, but the size of the resulting animal did. This may be an important consideration if collectors’ specimens are to be reared, although it may be possible to overcome the problem through slight modifications of the basic diet. Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Prof. M. Boppre for supplying a sample of his diet mixture which was used to initiate the present study and to Prof. H. F. Nijhout for suggesting the use of linseed oil. Literature Cited Bergomaz, R. & M. Boppre, 1986. A simple instant diet for rearing Arctiidae and other moths. J. Lepidopt. Soc. 40: 131-137. Brakefield, P.M. & N. Reitsma, 1991. Phenotypic plasticity, seasonal climate and the population biology of Bicyclus butterflies (Satyridae) in Malawi. Ecol. Entomol. (in press). Morton, R.S. 1979. Rearing butterflies on artificial diets. J. Res. Lepid. 18: 221- 227. Singh, P. & R.F Moore, 1985. Handbook of insect rearing ( Vol. II ). Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam. Vanderzant, E.S. 1967. Wheat germ diets for insects: rearing the boll weevil and the saltmarsh caterpillar. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 60: 1062-1066. . 1974. Development., significance, and application of artificial diets for insects. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 19: 139-160. Wielgus R.S. 1974. Artificial diet: the key to the mass rearing of Megathymus larvae. J. Res. Lepid. 13: 271-277. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(1-2):129-139, 1991 Behavior of Male Desert Hackberry Butterflies, Asterocampa leilia (Nymphalidae) at Perching Sites used in Mate Location Ronald L. Rutowski, Janis L. Dickinson1, and Barbara Terkanian Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1501 Abstract. Males of the desert hackberry butterfly (. Asterocampa leilia) occupy and defend perches at mate encounter sites adjacent to the larval foodplant. When returning from an interaction with a conspe- cific, a male selects a perch within about 2 m2, surrounding his original perch. These perching sites are surrounded by areas of significantly lower vegetation than other areas around the larval foodplant. Over the course of the morning activity period the perching behavior of the males changes in ways that are quantitatively documented. Early in the morning males perch on the ground with the wings open facing away from the sun. Later they perch facing the same direction but with the wings closed. Later still they perch on vegetation a little less than a meter above the ground with wings closed, facing out of the plant on which they are perched. The perch preferences and orienta- tion of males when perched are discussed in light of the hypothesis that males maximize their ability to detect males and females flying in their vicinity, yet maintain tolerable body temperatures. Introduction In many insect species, males occupy and defend encounter sites as part of their mate-locating effort (Thornhill and Alcock, 1983). The selection of these sites and the behavior of males at them is thought to be structured in ways that increase their contacts with receptive females. Some studies have shown that males that defend encounter sites have a higher rate of contacting receptive females than males that do not defend, and that the most attractive areas, whether defended or not, are those with the highest arrival rate of receptive females (Borgia, 1982; Courtney and Parker, 1985; Forsyth and Montgomerie, 1987; Lederhouse, 1982; Severinghaus et al., 1981; Shelley, 1987; Wickman, 1985). However, there have been few studies that have quantified in detail the behavior of males within an encounter site or the physical characteristics of these sites to see if males select sites and orientations with characteristics that might enhance their ability to detect females that fly by. In the desert hackberry butterfly (. Asterocampa leilia Edwards), males actively defend perching sites that are on or adjacent to the larval foodplant, the desert hackberry tree ( Celtis pallida Torrey; Austin, 1977; Rutowski and Gilchrist, 1988). From their perches, which can be on the ground or the hackberry, males fly out at conspeciflcs; intruding males are chased, and females are courted. Males use these sites to detect newly-emerged virgin females as they first fly from their pupation sites Hastings Natural History Reservation, Star Route Box 80, Carmel Valley, California 93924 130 J. Res. Lepid. on or near the larval foodplant (Rutowski and Gilchrist, 1988). Perch sites are most frequently occupied and most intensely defended in the midmorning hours in central Arizona. In addition, some sites used by males are highly attractive and are occupied on a daily basis during the flight season. These attributes make A. leilia a good species for a study of perching behavior and perching site characteristics. Males visually detect females and other males. Hence, in this study we have focused on those aspects of male perch selection and perching behavior within a defended encounter site that might affect a male’s visual field. To begin, we present measures of the size of perching sites based on the distribution of perches adjacent to several hackberry trees. These data give some indication of the constancy of perch selection both within and between males. Next, we describe the distribution of vegeta- tion around perching sites to see if views from the perches that males select are more expansive than those from other spots around the hackberry tree. Finally, we quantify how perched males are oriented with respect to the sun, the larval foodplant, and other variables that might affect a male’s view. The results are discussed in light of the expectation that males behave in ways that enhance their ability to detect females flying near their perching sites. For clarity we define a perch as a specific point on the ground or on a hackberry tree where a male has landed and a perching site as an area, typically within an encounter site at the perimeter of a hackberry tree, that encompasses the perches selected by one or more males. Lastly, a sortie is when a male leaves a perch to chase a flying conspecific or other animal, or a thrown object, and then returns to the perch site. Methods Study sites. The two study sites in central Arizona have been previously described (Rutowski and Gilchrist, 1988; Rutowski et al., 1988). One was off of the Bush Highway near the Salt River northeast of Mesa, Arizona. The second was east of State Route 87 (Beeline Highway) where the highway crosses Sycamore Creek south of Sunflower, Arizona. In both areas the predominant trees were paloverde ( Cercidium spp.), mesquite ( Prosopsis spp.), and hackberry. The study was conducted between April and June in 1988 and 1990. Location of perches within a perching site. We documented the distribu- tion of perches selected within a defended site to define the size and location of the perching site. We identified and mapped 6 sites (SC1-SC6) where males were regularly seen perched in the Sycamore Creek area. Sites SCI, SC2, and SC3 were located in a dry stream bed, while the other three were located along sandy corridors in vegetation in the broad floodplain of Sycamore Creek. A 10 m baseline was established along the stream bed or corridor at each site and was used to map the locations of perches, prominent vegetation, rocks, etc. At each of the six sites we obtained the location of five perches for each of 10 males. These observations were made between 0815 and 1045 MST between 17 and 26 May 1988. For each male we noted where on the site he was perched when first seen and where he perched when he returned from his next four sorties, which were either stimulated by an animal flying by (usually a conspecific) or by 30(1-2):129-139, 1991 131 a rock thrown over the male, or occurred for no apparent reason. If we lost sight of a male during a sortie the observation on that male was terminated. This protocol was developed from our knowledge of male behavior which suggested that males typically spend 30 min or less at a site before moving on to another, especially early in the activity period (Rutowski and Gilchrist, 1988). Hence, 5 sorties were taken as a reasonable representation of perch selection by a male at a site. Moreover, the rate of interactions is greatest early in the activity period and falls off quickly as the morning progresses. Tossing rocks helped us stimulate sorties at times when passing conspecifics were relatively rare. There was no evidence that males were traumatized by the rocks; they chased the rocks briefly before returning to perch. For the set of 5 perches for each male within a site we calculated the distance between sequential perches and the distance between the place the male was first seen perched and each of the 4 subsequent perches. Then, using a digitizing pad and maps of each male’s perches we measured the area of the polygon that included all perches for males that used at least three different perches. If a male used only one or two perches, area measurements were not possible. Male perch sites relative to the hackberry tree. Occupied perching sites were identified by first finding a perched male and noting the location of his perch. We then threw rocks over him and elicited sorties. If after each of three sorties the male selected a perch within one meter of his original perch we identified the male as the resident of an occupied perching site. We then examined various aspects of the perch at which he was first seen. These observations were only made on males initially observed perched in full sun. We first determined if males preferentially perched on a particular side of a hackberry tree, such as the south side. To do this we characterized the position of the perch at which a male was first seen with respect to the compass bearing from the center of the nearest hackberry to the perch. Next, we tested the prediction that males select perches that are in sites with a relatively large view by describing the distribution of vegetation around a perch in an occupied site. From the original perch we measured the distance to the nearest vegetation over one meter high at 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, and 315 degrees relative to the bearing from the perch into the center of the nearest hackberry plant. We then made the same measurements for a spot the same distance from the perimeter of the hackberry tree as the perch, but at a point around the perimeter randomly selected by coin toss. The point was selected from 8 possible points at 45 degree increments starting at magnetic north. A paired t-test was used to evaluate the magnitude and direction of the differences in area between male- selected and randomly-selected sites. Male orientation when perching. Male perch sites were identified by the three-perches-within-l-m criterion as described above. For the first perch observed we noted where the male was perched (ground or vegetation), the direction the male faced, the distance of the male from the nearest hackberry plant, the direction from the male to the sun’s azimuth, the time of day, and the direction to the center of the nearest hackberry tree. Directional measurements and statistical evaluation. Directional mea- surements in this study were made with a hand-held compass relative to magnetic north or to the nearest hackberry tree depending on the purpose of the measurement. Summaries and analyses of directional measurements were made using techniques described in Batschelet (1981). 132 J. Res. Lepid. All parametric summary statistics are given as mean ± standard deviation. The results of all statistical tests are evaluated at the 0.05 level of significance. Results PERCHING SITE CHARACTERISTICS: SIZE After a sortie, a male did not usually return to exactly the same perch. In the 240 sorties that we observed, males returned to the same spot only 39 times. Thirty-six (60%) of the 60 males whose five perches were recorded perched in a new location after each sortie. The remaining 24 males when returning from a sortie alit on a perch they had previously used at least once. Of the males that used less than 5 different perches, 7 used 4, 7 used 3, 7 used 2, and 3 males used only a single perch. Still, over a series of five perches males tended to return to the same general area. The average distance between sequential perches observed at each site was about 1 meter (Table 1). The perches selected after each of four sorties were within 2 m of the original perch on a site (Table 1). Fig. 1 shows the distance subsequent perches fell from the first perch a male selected. Although there was a slight trend for males to increase their distance from the first perch with each sortie this trend was usually reversed with the fifth perch. Across the 6 sites at Sycamore Creek, the average area that included all perches for males that used three or more different perches was 1.58 ± 1.57 m2 (n = 50). The summary statistics for the area measurements Table 1. The distances moved and areas including all perches for males observed at the 6 Sycamore Creek study sites. Sample size for each mean is 10. Site SCI SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 Average distance from 1st perch (m) Mean 2.16 1.49 2.25 1.18 1.58 1.26 STD 1.34 0.98 1.39 1.4 1.31 1.0 Min 0.66 0.42 0.29 0 0.31 0.112 Max 5.51 3.44 4.75 3.81 4.15 2.98 Average < Mean distance moved (m) 1.6 1.09 1.74 0.87 1.24 0.95 STD 0.84 0.68 0.78 0.91 0.87 0.88 Min 0.31 0.32 0.43 0 0.1 0.05 Max 3.34 2.66 3.29 2.95 2.76 3.05 Area including all perches for an individual male (m2) Mean 2.22 1.52 1.95 1.55 0.85 0.97 STD 1.49 2.10 1.17 1.72 0.8 1.74 Min 0.3 0.07 0.02 0.39 0.13 0.05 Max 4.43 7.23 4.09 5.06 2.15 4.66 N 10 10 10 6 8 6 30(1-2):129-139, 1991 133 3.0 O 2.5 LLJ a, 3? 2.0 o DC 1 R LL 1-0 LU O z < 1.0 CO Q 5 0.5 < LU 0.0 Figure 1 . The distance subsequent perches were from the first perch. This is plotted for the 1 0 males at each site that were observed to perch five times. Each point represents the mean for the 10 males at that site. Legend: SCI (square), SC2 (+), SC3 (diamond), SC4 (triangle), SC5 (x), SC6 (circle). 2 3 4 5 PERCH NUMBER from each site are given in Table 1. These statistics exclude the 10 males that used less than 3 different perches and so constitutes an overesti- mate. The size of the perching areas did not differ between sites for males that used 3 or more perches (ANOVA, F = 0.97, 5,44 df, p = 0.47). The mean location for each of the 10 males observed to perch 5 times is shown for each site in Fig. 2. PERCHING SITE CHARACTERISTICS: PLACEMENT How were perches placed with respect to the compass bearing from the middle of the nearest hackberry tree? The distributions of perches around the nearest larval foodplant relative to magnetic north are shown for perches on the ground and on the plant in Fig. 3. Males were randomly distributed with respect to the compass bearing out of the nearest hackberry tree regardless of perch substrate (ground: Rayleigh test, r = 0.093, n = 26, p > 0.78; hackberry: Rayleigh test, r = 0.316, n = 23, p > 0. 1); hence, perching areas are not located in any particular direction, north east, south, or west, from the nearest hackberry. Males perch in areas relatively free of vegetation. The size of the open area surrounding a perched male (57.6 ± 6.04 m2, range 23 - 85.9 m2) was significantly larger than that surrounding randomly-selected points adjacent to the hackberry tree (12.6 ± 16.19 m2, range 0 - 41.7 m2; paired t-test = 9.647, 9 df, p = 0.0005). 134 J. Res . Lepid. . SC 3 .Ml1111 llll||||i1|.d[j ♦ ♦ III' ♦ rrrt| ♦♦ ♦xt!/ fffrrrr A ' < I — CO DISTANCE IN METERS Figure 2. Maps of sites SCI through SC6 showing the mean location for each of 1 0 males that were observed to perch five times on the site. Solid lines indicate the borders of hackberry trees, dashed lines indicate the edge of other vegetation, except in SCI where the dashed line indicates the edge of a small cliff, and the crosshatching indicates the direction into the vegetation. MALE ORIENTATION WHEN PERCHED What factors influence the direction a male faces when he lands at a perch? We examined three possibilities: (1) the type of perch (ground or vegetation), (2) the direction to the nearest hackberry, and (3) the direction to the sun’s azimuth. Early in the day virtually all males perched on the ground or on low rocks, sticks or other objects (e.g. dried cow excrement) adjacent to a hackberry tree. However, as the morning progressed an increasing proportion of males perched on the tree about 1 m above the ground (Fig. 4; x2 = 51.5, 7 df, p < 10'5). Perches on the ground were 1.37 ± 0.81 m (range, 0.1 - 3.4 m; n = 26) from the perimeter of the nearest hackberry. Perches on hackberry were 0.87 ± 0.23 m (range, 0.1 - 1.4 m; n = 52) from the ground. % MALES ONGROUND 30(1-2):129-139, 1991 135 ON GROUND ON HACKBERRY Figure 3. The compass bearing from the center of the nearest hackberry tree to the perch for perches on the ground (n = 26) and on the tree (n = 23). 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 TIME OF DAY (MST) Figure 4. The change in the proportion of individuals perched on the ground as a function of time of day. The number above each bar is the number of males observed at that time. Fig. 5 shows the direction perched males faced relative to the sun’s azimuth and the nearest hackberry tree for males perched on the ground (n = 26) and on the hackberry (n = 23). The direction males faced when perched on the ground was significantly correlated with the direction to the sun (Circular rank correlation, r2 = 0.23, p < 0.01) but was not 136 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 5. Directions faced by males perched on the ground (n = 26) and on the hackberry tree (n = 23) relative to the sun’s azimuth and relative to the center of the hackberry plant. correlated with the direction to the nearest hackberry tree (Circular rank correlation, r2 = 0.003, p > 0.99). Hence, on the ground males faced away from the sun (mean difference between direction male faced and bearing to the sun =177 degrees) and showed no special orientation to the plant. Because of this negative orientation to the sun and the restricted range of values for bearing to the sun’s azimuth the distribution of directions males faced was significantly non-random (Rayleigh test, r = .64, p < 0.001). In contrast, when perched on the tree, the distribution of compass bearings males faced was random (Rayleigh test, r = 0.17, p > 0.05). However, the direction they faced was significantly correlated with the direction into the hackberry (Circular rank correlation, r2 = 0.34, p < 30(1-2):129-139, 1991 137 0.002) and was not correlated with the direction to the sun (Circular rank correlation, r2 = 0.16, p > 0.7). Males perched on the hackberry, then, faced out of the plant (mean difference in male bearing and bearing from male to plant center = 190.4 degrees) and displayed no special orientation to the sun. DISCUSSION The data reveal several features of the perches at encounter sites used by A. leilia males in mate location that have been suggested by previous authors (Austin, 1977; Rutowski and Gilchrist, 1988), but have not been previously documented. First, males select perching areas in open areas adjacent to the larval foodplant. Second, the perches selected are low, either on the ground or within one meter of the ground. Third, the perches selected at a site by a male tend to be within a meter or two of one another. Fourth, male body orientation changes in a correlated fashion with changes in perch substrate over the course of a morning. Early on, males perch on the ground facing away from the sun, at first with the wings spread and later with the wings closed. Later in the morning, they switch to perches on the larval foodplant and face out of the plant. These changes in perch and body orientation preferences at encounter sites suggest that two primary selective factors have shaped the evolu- tion of male perching behavior within an encounter site. The first is selection favoring perch and body orientation preferences that produce a visible field with characteristics that enhance the detection of passing conspecifics (potential mates and intruding males) and predators. We assume for the time being that being perched on or next to a desert hackberry tree will produce the highest rate of encounters with receptive females and focus this discussion on whether or not males behave in ways that maximize the likelihood of detecting those passing animals. The problem faced by perched males is that of detecting small, rapidly- moving objects passing nearby which is certain to be affected by the features of the background against which the objects are viewed. Studies of visual system operation in insects and other animals suggests that a bright, uniform background such as the sky or distant vegetation is best for detection of small moving objects (Hailman, 1977; Horridge, 1977). The apparent preferences of males for perches in open areas would avoid obscuring vegetation and maximize the part of the visual field occupied by sky. In addition, facing way from the sun may avoid excessively bright backgrounds against which detection of small moving objects might be difficult. However, selection favoring preference for open areas should be af- fected by selection favoring the avoidance of extreme body temperatures. Butterflies, like most insects, are ectotherms which means their body temperatures are greatly affected by solar radiation incident on their body and convective heat gain from the environment (for review, see: Clench, 1966; Kingsolver, 1985). Nonetheless, in a broad range of 138 J. Res, Lepid, ambient air temperatures butterflies maintain their body temperature within a restricted range through behavioral adjustments affecting heat gain. In A. leilia, male behavior at perch sites may reflect thermoregu- latory activities. Early in the morning, solar heat gain can be important for maintaining body temperatures that exceed the air temperature and permit the butterflies to be active (Kingsolver, 1983a, b). Hence, at this time of day, exposure to solar radiation can be advantageous and may have favored males that perch in locations and orientations (facing away from the sun with the wings open (“dorsal basking”)) that enhance solar heat gain. Later in the morning, incident solar radiation as well as high air temperatures near the substrate may favor postural adjustments that reduce heat gain like those seen in other butterflies (Rawlins, 1980)to avoid intolerable body temperatures. Facing away from the sun with the wings closed minimizes the surface area exposed to solar radiation and so reduces heat gain by this avenue. As the morning passes and air and substrate temperatures rise, the ground must often become too hot to use as a perch location as has been senn in the males of a territorial digger wasp (O’Neill and O’Neill, 1988). In early summer we have measured substrate surface temperatures late in the activity period as high as 54 degrees C. At this time males move into the shade (Austin, 1977) and up onto vegetation where it is presum- ably cooler. Their body orientation is no longer relative to the sun when perched on the plant, but instead is relative to the plant. They may face out of the plant to maintain a view of the sky in as much of their visual field as possible. The sequence of perch site preferences displayed suggests that males prefer ground perches out a meter or so from the edge of the larval foodplant but that thermoregulatory concerns may drive males to less satisfactory perch locations. Currently we are attempting to test this scenario by gathering three types of information. One is data on the flight paths of females and males as they pass near perching sites. Perhaps the preference changes over the morning reflect changes in the flight paths and altitudes at which conspecifics are likely to enter a male’s perching site. The second is data on the thermal biology of A. leilia. We are measuring male body temperatures under different conditions and characterizing the thermal environment. We expect substrate preferences and body orientations to be structured in a way that keeps body temperature within the thermal preferences of A. leilia. The third type of data are on the sensitivities of the visual system in A. leilia and the visual field characteristics that permit detection of conspecifics from the greatest possible distance from a male’s perch. These data should permit a more complete understanding of the variables that influence the selection of perches in species such as A. leilia that use perches to make contact with airborne resources such a mates or prey. Acknowledgements. We thank Tim Lukascko, Steve Schoech, Ruth Stanford, Mike Demlong, and Thad Leffingwell for assistance in the field, Dr. P.-O. Wickman 30(1-2):129-139, 1991 139 for helpful comments on a preliminary draft of the manuscript, the National Science Foundation (BNS 83-00317) and the Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for financial support, and Prof. Rhondda Jones and the Department of Zoology of Jaine Cook University of North Queensland (Townsville, Australia) for use of the digitizing pad and other facilities used in preparation of the article. Literature Cited Austin, G. T. 1977. Notes on the behavior of Asterocampa leilia (Nymphalidae) in southern Arizona. J. Lep. Soc. 31: 111-118. Batschelet, E. 1981. Circular Statistics in Biology (Mathematics in Biology). Academic Press, London. Borgia, G. 1982. Experimental changes in resource structure and male density: size-related differences in mating success among male Scatophaga stercoraria. Evolution 36: 307-315. Clench, H. K. 1966. Behavioral thermoregulation in butterflies. Ecology 47: 1021- 1034. Courtney, S. P. , & G. A. Parker. 1985. Mating behaviour of the tiger blue butterfly ( Tarucus theosphratus ): competitive mate searching when not all females are captured. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 17: 213-221. Forsyth, A., & R. D. Montgomerie. 1987. Alternative reproductive tactics in the territorial damselfly Calopteryx maculata : sneaking by older males. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 21: 73-81. Hailman, J. 1977. Optical Signals. Indiana University Press. Bloomington. Horridge, G. A. 1977. The compound eye of insects. Scientific American 237: 108- 120. Kingsolver, J. 1983a. Thermoregulation and flight in Colias butterflies: elevational patterns and mechanistic limitations. Ecology 64: 534-545. 1983b. Ecological significance of flight activity in Colias butterflies: implications for reproductive strategy and population structure. Ecology 64: 546-551. 1985. Butterfly thermoregulation: organismic mechanisms and population consequences. J. Research Lepid. 24: 1-20. O’Neill, K. M., & R. P. O’Neill. 1988. Thermal stress and microhabitat selection in territorial males of the digger wasp Philanthus psyche (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). J. Therm. Biol. 13: 15-20. Rutowski, R. L., & G. W. Gilchrist. 1988. Mate-locating behavior of the desert hackberry butterfly, Asterocampa leilia (Nymphalidae). J. Research Lepid. 26: 1-12. Rutowski, R. L., G. W. Gilchrist, & B. Terkanian. 1988. Male mate-locating behavior in Euphydryas chalcedona (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) related to pupation site preferences. J. Insect Behav. 1: 277-289. Severinghaus, L. L., B. H. Kurtak, & G. C. Eickwort. 1981. The reproductive behavior of Anthidium manicatum (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) and the significance of size for territorial males. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 9: 51-58. Shelley, T. E. 1987. Lek behaviour of a Hawaiian Drosophila : male spacing, aggression, and female visitation. Animal Behav. 35: 1394-1404. Thornhill, R., & J. Alcock. 1983. The Evolution of Insect Mating Systems. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Wickman, P. O. 1985. Territorial defense and mating success in males of the small heath butterfly Coenonympha pamphilus ( L. ) (Lepidoptera: Satyridae ). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 16: 233-238. 30(1-2):140-141, 1991 Note Hostplant record for Eunica bechina magnipunctata (Nymphalidae) and observations on oviposition sites and immature biology The genus Eunica Hiibner, 1819 has 45 species distributed throughout the Neotropical region. The vast majority are found in the Andean Region and in the Amazon Valley (Jenkins 1990). The current knowledge on hostplant utilization and immature biology of Eunica is restricted to seven species and the available information is incomplete. Plants in the families Euphorbiaceae, Burseraceae and Rutaceae are the most frequently recorded foodplants for Eunica (Barcant 1970; DeVries 1986, 1987; Ackery 1988; Jenkins 1990; and citations therein). Eunica bechina magnipunctata Talbot, 1928 occurs in Southeast Brazil (Jenkins 1990) , where it is common in the cerrados (savanna-like vegetation) of the State of Sao Paulo (Oliveira 1988). This study was carried out in a cerrado area in the county of Itirapina (21°15’S, 47°49’W), Sao Paulo. The vegetation consists of a scrub of shrubs and trees, which is the cerrado sensu stricto of Goodland (1971). Eggs and larvae of E. bechina magnipunctata were observed on shrubs and trees of Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Caryocaraceae), one of the most common plant species in the cerrado of Itirapina (Oliveira 1988). The eggs are yellowish, conical, and flattened at the top; bear 12-14 longitudinal ridges and 10-12 transversal ones; average 0.76 mm high (sd=0.031 mm; n=15) and 0.72 mm diameter (sd=0.057; n=15). The preference for oviposition site within the hostplant was estimated through a census of 27 shrubs of Caryocar (35-150 cm tall). The eggs (n=141) are laid singly on young leaves (87%), shoot tips (10%), petiole (1%), stem (1%) and mature leaves (1%) of C. brasiliense. Although Eunica was seen on Caryocar from September to January (rainy season), the highest infestation level occurs between September and October when the majority of the leaves are still young, soft, and red in color. The vertical distribution of the eggs within the hostplant varied from 3 to 150 cm above ground (x=60.5 ± 44.8 cm; n=141). Caterpillars were observed feeding preferentially on young leaves of Caryocar. Early instar larvae of E. bechina construct frass chains, as already described for other Nymphalidae (Casagrande & Mielke 1985; Muyshondt 1976; DeVries 1987; Aiello 1991). Caryocar brasiliense bears extrafloral nectaries on the outer surface of the sepals and ants are the most frequent visitors to the plant in the cerrado (Oliveira 1988; Oliveira & Brandao 1991) . Foraging ants may encounter Eunica caterpillars when these are feeding on Caryocar leaves, occasionally resulting in the removal of the larvae from the hostplant. On the other hand ant visitors were never observed climbing on the frass chains constructed by the larvae, a fact suggesting that this structure may serve as a protective refuge against ant predation (Freitas & Oliveira, in preparation). Acknowledgements. We are grateful to K. S. Brown, Jr. for identifying the butterfly, and to R. B. Francini and C. F. Klitzke for reviewing the manuscript. The study was supported by research grants from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientffico e Tecnologico, the Funda^ao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo, and the Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino e Pesquisa da UNICAMP. 30(1-2):140-141, 1991 141 Literature Cited Ackery, P. R. 1988. Hostplants and classification: a review of nymphalid butterflies. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 33: 95-203. Aiello, A. 1991. Pudelpha ixia heucas : immature stages and position within Adelpha (Nymphalidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 45: 181-187. B arc ant, M. 1970. Butterflies of Trinidad and Tobago. Collins, London. Casagrande, M. M. & O. H. H. Mielke. 1985. Estagios imaturos d eAgrias claudina claudianus Staudinger (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Charaxinae). Revta. bras. Ent. 29: 139-142. DeVries, P. J. 1986. Hostplant records and natural history notes on Costa Rican butterflies (Papilionidae, Pieridae & Nymphalidae). J. Res. Lep. 24: 290-333. . 1987. The butterflies of Costa Rica and their natural history. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. Goodland, R. 1971. A physiognomic analysis of the cerrado vegetation of central Brazil. J. Ecol. 59: 411-419. Jenkins, D. W. 1990. Neotropical Nymphalidae VIII. Revision of E unica. Bull. AllynMus. 131: 1-177. Muyshondt, A. 1976. Notes on the life cycle and natural history of butterflies of El Salvador. VII. Pcrchaeoprepona demophon centralis (Nymphalidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 30: 23-32. Oliveira, P. S. 1988. Sobre a interagao de formigas com o pequf do cerrado, Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Caryocaraceae): o significado ecologico de nectarios extraflorais. Doctor in Science Thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Sao Paulo. Oliveira, P. S. & C. R. F. BrandAo. 1991. The ant community associated with extrafloral nectaries in the Brazilian cerrados. In: C. R. Huxley & D. F. Cutler (eds.), Interactions between ants and plants. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 198-212. Paulo S. Oliveira and Andre V. L. Freitas, Departamento de Zoologia, C.P. 6109, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 13081 Campinas SP, Brasil 30(1-2): 142-144, 1991 Book Reviews BUTTERFLIES OF THE HOLARCTIC REGION. Part I. Papilionidae, Pieridae, Danaidae, & Satyridae ( Partim ). Bernard d’Abrera. 1990. 185 pp. Hill House, Victoria, Australia. $240. Es ist nichts schrecklicher als eine tdtige Unwissenheit. — Goethe, Maxims and Reflections It is highly irregular to review only the first part of a projected three-volume work, but this is a terrible book and this is not an ordinary review. The definitive review of d’Abrera should come from someone (or a group of someones) competent in systematics at a global level. I was asked by O. Kudrna to look at this book and give him my reactions. They were so strong that I thought they should by shared with a broader public. One tends to turn to the groups one knows best as a benchmark of quality in a synoptic treatment like this, so I turned to the Pierini. Under Pieris napi I found a long Jeremiad, probably too long to reproduce here under copyright “fair use” guidelines, but I can pick out a few gems: Pieris napi is to many a great enigma. Some workers consider napi to comprise more than a single species and indeed have erected a “napi complex” to try to fathom apparent anomalies in morphology and biology ... after a little while the student is faced with the simple choice of Pieris napi contra Mundi! [=against the world — AMS1 And so, indeed has the entire Pieris napi cultus arisen. ... My own theory is that what we are facing is the simple phenomenon of an extremely plastic polyphagous species, which has spread successfully over a great range, some populations becoming isolated geographically and forced to become monophagous because the range of host plants has become limited in the new environments. Attempts to cross breed any two extreme populations end in frustration because of the host plant preferences of the parent stock — not necessarily because of any genetic considerations. ... I have seen the researches of others in this matter — and I am not convinced by any of them. (In a sense, I too have fallen victim to this insignificant butterfly — by writing the longest piece I have ever done on a single species!) (p. 74) Simplicity is in the eye of the beholder, and anyone who beholds the napi problem and finds it “simple” has a remarkable eye indeed. It is of course possible that d’Abrera, who may never have reared a single member of the “ napi complex” in his life, has shot insightfully to the heart of the problem, unlike all the previous workers, including not only the naming-and-classifying enthusiasts like Ulf Eitschberger, whose work d’Abrera dismisses with scorn, but the sophisticated geneticists like Sydney Bowden in Britain and Zdravko Lorkovic in Croatia, who between them worked on the napi problem for nearly a century, as well. D Abrera does not allude to them explicitly, not does he explain his disdain for their work as he does for Eitschberger’s. The underlying basis for his attitude, however, is no mystery. Bowden and Lorkovic worked in a Darwinian framework, as do Hansjiirg Geiger and myself. D’Abrera is a self-proclaimed “simple (Creationist) Anglo-Hispanic,” and is uninterested in evolutionary explanations of anything. The most complex of problems reduces to simplicity itself if the only acceptable explanation is that “God did it.” 30(1-2):142-144, 1991 143 God, however, is still presumably the Designer of the genetic systems under- lying the traits of organisms. It used to be fashionable to divide traits into “genetic” (i.e., under the direct control of the genes) and “environmental” (influenced or triggered by events or conditions external to the organism, such as food, daylength, or temperature). Such a distinction was already conceptually untenable in the latter decades of the 19th Century. By the middle of the 20th Century it had been made amply clear (by Schmalhausen, Waddington, and their successors) that responsiveness to the environment was itself a genetically- determined trait and subject to natural selection. That is why, several years ago, I had a bumper-sticker printed up to read “Epigenetics is an epiphenomenon of the genome.” We are systematically filling in the links in the middle which separate our fairly detailed knowledge at the two ends of the causal chain (transmission genetics and environmental physiology; what we need more of is the intervening molecular mechanisms). A creationist can still accept all of this and hold it up proudly; it certainly is a tribute to the Creator’s skill and ingenuity. But d’Abrera prefers to ignore it. What does it mean to say that the host plant “preferences” of the “parent stocks” need not have any “genetic considerations?” If the host plant “preferences” (oviposition? feeding? detoxifying ability? growth suitability? etc., etc.) have no genetic basis, they should be susceptible to rapid if not immediate change, and there should be no problem with hybridization. On the other hand, if they have no genetic basis at all, how are they maintained in nature? And how is it possible for any trait in a non-human species (for safety’s sake, let us leave human culture out of the argument) to have no genetic basis? For the record, the “napi complex” is not polyphagous at all. All of its known hosts belong to the small cluster of mustard-oil producing families, and nearly all are in the single family Cruciferae. That is not to argue that they are not chemically diverse; they are. European napi love Garlic Mustard ( Alliaria officinalis) while North American ones do not accept it. This interesting observa- tion suggests a variety of things to an evolutionarily-oriented geneticist or ecologist. It correlates extremely poorly with the ability of European napi to hybridize experimentally with different North American populations. Many of the incompatible combinations manifest themselves in unbreakable, permanent female diapause, a phenomenon discovered and widely commented upon by Bowden. What this has to do with “the host plant preferences of parent stock” is beyond me, though it must be crystal clear to d’Abrera. I wish he would enlighten us. He may even be able to explain what the Creator had in mind when He fashioned Haldane’s Rule (the generalization that hybrid incompatibility is more strongly manifested in the heterogametic sex — males in most animals, but females in birds and Lepidoptera). Maybe that’s an epiphenomenon of “host plant preference” too, with no genetic basis... Perhaps there is no need to continue to excoriate d’Abrera. His attitude is profoundly anti-scientific — not unscientific, but hostile to science. For a d’Abrera it is merely foolish and pedantic to investigate interesting-looking problems in the living world. There are no interesting problems because there is no hope of solution, because scientific approaches are so fundamentally wrong- headed. Everything is blissfully simple, and Pieris napi is “insignificant” insofar as it has nothing special to teach us. But d’Abrera is as bad a natural theologian as he is a natural scientist. For a God who knows when every sparrow falls, there are no insignificant creatures. As an inner-city kid once proclaimed: “God made me, and He didn’t make no junk.” 144 J. Res. Lepid. D’Abrera expresses his dislike for “that heaviest of all languages — scientific German!” It is a dislike I share to some degree, though I read a lot of it. But literary German is less ponderous and even elegant, and it is fitting that Goethe should so precisely identify d’Abrera’s problem. The quote at the beginning of this review translates: “Nothing is so terrible as energetic ignorance.” Arthur M. Shapiro, Department of Zoology and Center for Population Biology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 USA LE PEUPLEMENT DES LEPIDOPTERES DE LA BOURGOGNE. Claude Dutreix. 1988. Natural History Society of Au tun. 15 rue Saint Antoine, 71400 Autun, France. 278 pp. 150 FF postpaid. (French, English summary) Although a regional study of butterfly distribution, the area included in this work is thoroughly and exhaustively covered. This includes the four depart- ments that comprise the Bourgogne, located in the Northeast of France and comprising some 30,000 km2. The basic data consists of classifying the contents of 10 km2 UTM units for the presence of 127 species of butterflies and skippers which inhabited the region. A background of the geology and climate is presented, but unfortunately no information on plant communities is incorpo- rated. Several analytic approaches are given which evaluate both species diversity and correlation among the squares. Cluster analysis is thorough, and all the data are shown. Maps of all species are given on a large scale for all of Europe, a medium scale of France, and in detail for the Bourgogne. This is an exceptionally data rich work accompanied by protocols and their rationale which will be of interest to anyone working in biogeography. R. H. T. Mattoni, 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Manuscript format: Two copies must be submitted, double-spaced, typed, with wide margins. Number all pages consecutively. If possible italicize rather than underline scientific names and emphasized words. Footnotes are discouraged. Do not hyphenate words at the right margin. All measurements must be metric. Time must be cited on a 24-hour basis, standard time. Abbreviations must follow common usage. Dates should be cited as: day -Arabic numeral; month-Roman numeral; year-Arabic numeral (ex. 6. IV. 1992). Numerals must be used for ten and greater e.g. nine butterflies, 12 moths. Electronic submission: The Journal is now being produced via desktop publishing, allowing much shorter publication times. Although typewritten manuscripts are acceptable, those submitted on computer disk are highly preferred. After being notified of your paper's acceptance, submit either a Macintosh or IBM disk version. Include on your disk both the fully formatted copy from your word processing program and a text-only (ASCII) copy. The two most preferred formats are Microsoft Word for the Macintosh and either Microsoft Word or Word Perfect for the IBM, although translation utilities will allow conversion from most formats. Put returns only at the ends of paragraphs, not at the end of each line. 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We strongly urge depositing of types in major museums, all type depositories must be cited. References: All citations in the text must be alphabetically listed under Literature Cited in the format given in recent issues. Abbreviations must conform to the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Do not underline or italicize periodicals. If four or less references are cited, please cite in body of text not in Literature Cited. For multiple citations by the same author(s), use six hyphens rather than repeating the author’s name. Tables: When formulating tables, keep in mind that the final table will fill a maximum space of 11.5 by 19 cm either horizontally or vertically oriented. Number tables with Arabic numerals. When submitting tables on disk, use tabs between columns rather than multiple spaces. Illustrations: Color can be submitted as either a transparency or print, the quality of which is critical. 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THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA Volume 30 Number 1-2 Spring 1991 IN THIS ISSUE Date of Publication: December 1, 1992 The distribution of radiolabeled pigment precursors in the 1 wing patterns of nymphalid butterflies H. F. Nijhout and P. B. Koch Atepa, a new Sonoran Euliini genus (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) 14 Jozef Razowski Larval Foodplant and Other Effects on Troidine Guild Composition 19 (Papilionidae) in Southeastern Brazil Ana Beatriz B. de Morais and Keith S. Brown Jr. An Annotated List of Moths Recorded at Florissant Fossil Beds 38 National Monument, Colorado Charles V. Covell Jr. Speciation: A Review of Concepts and Studies with Special Reference 45 to the Lepidoptera Michael M. Collins Quantification of Lepidoptera wing patterns using an image analyzer 82 Jack J. Windig Quantification of Ant Attendance (Myrmecophily) of Lycaenid Larvae 95 Gregory R. Ballmer and Gordon F. Pratt Appearance of the “heathii” Aberration and Genitalic Variation in a 113 Mitoura Population from Oregon (Lycaenidae: Theclinae) Clifford D. Ferris An Artificial Diet for Butterflies, Including Bicyclus Species, and its 121 Effect on Development Period, Weight and Wing Pattern G. J. Holloway, P. M. Brakefield, S. Kofman and J. J. Windig Behavior of Male Desert Hackberry Butterflies, Asterocampa leilia 129 (Nymphalidae) at Perching Sites used in Mate Location Ronald L. Rutowski, Janis L. Dickinson, and Barbara Terkanian Note 140 Book Reviews 142 Cover Illustration: Radiolabel incorporation pattern in the wings of Inachis io by H. F. Nijhout and P. B. Koch. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA ISSN 0022 4324 Published By: Founder: Editorial Staff: Associate Editors: The Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. 9620 Heather Road Beverly Hills, California 90210-1757 TEL (310)274-1052 FAX (310) 275-3290 William Hovanitz Rudolf H. T. Mattoni, Editor Scott E. Miller, Assistant Editor Emilio Balletto, Italy Henri Descimon, France Philip DeVries, U.S.A. Thomas Emmel, U.S.A. Lawrence Gall, U.S.A. Hansjuerg Geiger, Switzerland Otakar Kudrna, Germany Arthur Shapiro, U.S.A. Atuhiro Sibatani, Japan Karel Spitzer, Czechoslovakia Manuscripts and Notices Material may be sent to the Editor at the above address. The JOURNAL is sent to all members of the FOUNDATION. Classes of Membership: Regular (Individual) Contributing Student/Retired-Worldwide Subscription Rate/Institutions Life $ 20.00 year (vol.) $ 30.00 or more, year (vol.) $ 18.00 year (vol.) $ 28.00 year (vol.) $ 250.00 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA is published four times a year by THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The office of publication and the general business office are located at 9620 Heather Road, Beverly Hills, California 90210. The publisher is THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. The Editor is R. H. T. Mattoni at the above address. The Secretary-Treasurer is Leona Mattoni at the general business office. All matters pertaining to membership, dues, and subscriptions should be addressed to her, including inquiry concerning mailing, missing issues, and change of address. The owner is THE LEPIDOPTERA RESEARCH FOUNDA- TION, INC. , a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California in 1965. The President is R. H. T. Mattoni, the Vice President is John Emmel, the Secretary-Treasurer is Leona Mattoni. The Board of Directors is comprised of Barbara Jean Hovanitz, Leona Mattoni, and R. H. T. Mattoni. There are no bond holders, mortgages, or other security holders. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):145-161, 1991 The Butterflies of Mauritius * P. M. H. Davis and M. J. C. Barnes 4 Leigh Road, Clifton, Bristol, U.K. and "Avalon", Upottery, Honiton, Devon EX14 9PQ, ENGLAND Abstract. All species of butterfly recorded from the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius are listed, and known bionomic details are pre- sented. Previous checklists, made in 1866, 1908 and 1938 are dis- cussed, and taxonomic corrections to these publications are offered. The status of some species is updated and we add two recently introduced species, Erionota thrax thrax L., and Virachola antalus Hopffer, to the list to Mauritian species. In addition to documenting the turnover of species on this island over the past 120 years, we also hope to stimulate further investigation into the present status of several endangered or possibly extinct endemic species. Introduction The island of Mauritius is situated at 57°30' east, 20°10' south, in the southern Indian Ocean. Its total land area is only 1858 km2. The slightly larger (2502 km2) French island of Reunion — formerly known as Bourbon — lies some 400 km to the south-west, and the Mauritian dependency of Rodrigues (103 km2) lies some 1100 km to the east. The three islands and their lesser dependencies are sometimes referred to as the Mascarene archipelago. The nearest major land mass to Mauritius is Madagascar, some 1350 km to the west. Mauritius has a tropical maritime climate. The months of December to May are hot and humid, and the months of June to November are cooler and dryer. The hotter months bring the threat of cyclones, which frequently devastate the island. The whole island is under intense cultivation pressure, the principal crop being sugar cane ( Saccharum officinarum L.). Although dense cloud forest once covered the entire island, today only a small area survives, in the Black River Gorges in the south-west of the island. This area is stringently protected but appears to be ultimately doomed due to the encroachment of introduced competitor species such as Chinese Guava ( Psidium cattleianum Sabine) and Privet ( Ligustrum walkeri Decaisne) which strangle the understorey and prevent tree regeneration. The present checklist of Mauritian butterflies recognises 35 species, of which only 25 are at all common — that is, likely to be seen by the Accepted for publication June 1984 146 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1. Distribution of the Mascarene butterfly species. Subspecies in parenthesis. Mauritius Rodrigues* Reunion* Madagascar Africa Orient Danaus chrysippus X X X X X X Euploea euphon X Euploea desjardinsi X Euploea goudotii X Amauris phaedon X (X) Henotesia narcissus X{narcissus) X(narcissus) Xifraterna) Melanitis leda X{helena) X(helena) X{helena) X{helena) X(helena) X(leda) Neptis frobenia X Neptis dumetorum X Hypolimnas misippus X X X X X X Hypolimnas bolina (X) (X) X X Hypolimnas dubius X(drucei) X{drucei) X(dubius) Junonia rhadama X X X X Junonia goudotii (X) X Vanessa cardui (X) (X) X X X Antanartia borbonica X(mauritiana) X(borbonica) X(borbonica) Phalanta phalantha X{aethiopica) X{aethiopica) X{aethiopica) X(aethiopica) Xiphalantha) Salamis angustina X(vinsoni) X(angustina) X{angustina ) Libythea cinyras (X) Papilio manlius X Papilio phorbanta X Papilio demodocus X X X X Catopsilia florella X X X X X Catopsilia thauruma X X Eurema brigitta X(pulchella) X(pulchella) X(brigitta) Eurema floricola X(cercs) X(ceres) Xifloricola) Cacyreus darius X X Leptotes pirithous X X X X X X Lampides boeticus X X X X X X Zizina antanossa X X X X Zizula hylax X X X X X Zizeeria knysna X X X X X Cyclyrius mandersi X Virachola antalus X X X Coeliades forestan Xiforestan) X(forestan) X(f ores tan ) X(arbogastes) Xiforestan) Eagris sabadius X{sabadius) X{sabadius) X{andracne) X(astoria etc.) Borbo borbonica X{borbonica ) X(borbonica) X(borbonica) X(borbonica) X(borbonica) Parnara naso X(naso) X(bigutta) X{potieri) X(monasi etc.) Erionota thrax X(thrax) X *N.B. Distribution data from Reunion and (particularly) Rodrigues are from old sources and may be unreliable. ordinary visitor. The ten remaining species are either casuals, extinct or nearly extinct, or only recently established. There is a high incidence of endemism, with nine species or subspecies being confined to the island; and a further eight species found only on the island and in other parts of the Malagasy sub-region (Madagascar, the Mascarenes, the Comoro is., and the Seychelles). For this reason alone the butterfly fauna is of great interest. Table 1 lists the known Mascarene butterflies in comparison with their occur- rence in other regions. Subspecies are given. Although the comparative data are of biogeographical interest, we have strong reservations on the completeness of the data for Reunion and Rodrigues. The latter data were from lists of the last century. The first list of Mauritian butterflies 30(3-4):145-161, 1991 147 was produced by Trimen in 1866, who recognised 26 species. This list was updated by Manders in 1908, who added five species and deleted one, bringing the total to 30. The most recent checklist was produced by J. M. Vinson in 1938, who catalogued all known Mascarene lepidoptera and largely followed Manders in respect of the Mauritian butterflies. The present paper reviews our current knowledge of the Mauritian butterfly fauna, and attempts to correct some taxonomic errors and ambiguities present in existing literature. In addition, we add two newly introduced species to the Mauritian list and offer notes on recent changes in status of other species. The latter notes are based upon observations made by P. M. H. and J. P. L. Davis during their stay on the island between 1976 and 1980. Further fieldwork on the butterfly fauna of this island is very desirable. Much of Mauritius consists of private sugar estates which include hills and scrubland, and to which access is restricted. It is possible that some of the rare or assumed extinct species may still be present in these areas, awaiting rediscovery. To aid identification and to place the Mauritian species in the context of the African fauna, we have cross-referred the species in our checklist to their appropriate entries in both Carcasson’s 1981 checklist of African butterflies (published in his ‘Handguide to the Butterflies of Africa’), and d’Abrera’s 1980 volume on the Afrotropical fauna. These works are abbreviated CC and DA respectively in the following. The Annotated Checklist DAN AID AE Danaus chrysippus L. 1758 (CC No. 3185; DA p. 152) is common and widely distributed over the island. It seems to be monomorphic there, all specimens seen from 1976 to 1980 being of form chrysippus. Manders (1908) and Vinson (1938) both claim to have seen single specimens of this species with white hindwings, which may have been form alcippus ; however, no further specimens of this form from Mauritius have been brought to our attention. Of the many hundreds of this species bred on the island a few had some whitening of the veins in the upperside hindwing, but not sufficiently so to be considered as form alcippus. Form dorippus has never been recorded — a surprising observation in the light of the occasional presence of its presumed mimic Hypolimnas misippus female-form dorippoides (‘ inaria ) on the island. Like the following two species, adults of this species were often seen to congregate in the vicinity of the Boraginacean tree Tournefortia argentea L. for several days after emergence from the pupa, where they appeared to be imbibing exudations from the ends of broken branches on the ground. It is presumed that these exudations contained pyrrolizidine alkaloids which serve as pheromone precursors and may also be involved in boosting overall bodily toxicity. 148 J. Res. Lepid. Euploea euphon Fabricius 1798 (CC No. 3204; DA p. 158). The genus Euploea is of oriental origin, as it does not occur at all in mainland Africa. Nevertheless, several of the Indian Ocean islands support endemic species — for example, E. goudotii Boisduval, which is found only on Reunion; and E. desjardinsi Guerin, which is confined to Rodrigues. The endemic Mauritian species, E. euphon , is widely distrib- uted throughout the island, although it is less common than D. chrysippus and appears to exhibit some preference for the forested areas of the Black River Gorges and certain coastal areas. The principal larval foodplant appears to be oleander ( Nerium oleander L.) although Manders reports it as also feeding upon Ficus repens Rottboell. Amauris phaedon Fabricius 1798 (CC No. 3201; DA p. 158) is confined to Mauritius, although there are doubtful reports of specimens from Madagascar. It is found occasionally in all parts of the island, but is especially common in the south-west, near the Le Morne peninsula. It is most plentiful in areas of coastal vegetation containing the tree Tour- nefortia argentea , in which the adults spend large parts of the day resting or imbibing juices. The early stages are, regrettably, not known although Vinson (1938) states that the larvae may feed upon various Asclepiadaceae, principally Tylopha asthmatica Wight. SATYRIDAE Henotesia narcissus Fabricius 1798 (CC No. 3019; DA p. 186) ssp. narcissus. This subspecies is confined to Mauritius and Reunion, the other subspecies — ssp. fraterna Butler — being confined to Madagascar and Anjouan island in the Comoro group, it is common throughout the island, especially in shady areas in woods and gardens. Manders (1908) describes the early stages, giving the larval foodplant as various Bamhusa species and other gramineae. Melanitis leda L. 1758 (CC No. 2894; DA p. 162) ssp. helena West- wood. This species is widely distributed throughout the old world tropics, being represented in Mauritius by the African subspecies helena. It is common throughout the island, and particularly active at dawn and dusk. Manders collected a series of 155 specimens of this species from Mauritius between March 10 and December 31, 1905, exhibiting seasonal variation. The wet season forms (Dec. -June) have more prominent ocelli and lighter basal areas beneath than do the dry season forms (June-Nov.). The series is deposited in the Hope Collec- tions, Oxford, U.K. Vinson (1938) gives the larval foodplants on the island as sugar cane and other gramineae, particularly Thysanoloena maxima Kuntze. NYMPHALIDAE Neptis frobenia Fabricius 1798 (CC No. 2552; DA p. 248) is confined to Mauritius. It is found most commonly in the hills above the Black 30(3-4):145-161, 1991 149 River Gorges and in the Maccabee forest. Manders (1908) reports the larval foodplants to be various species of Acalypha and Erythrospermum mauritiana Baker. Hypolimnas misippus L. 1764 (CC No. 2664; DA p. 214) is a widespread cosmopolitan species in the island, but can be very scarce in some years. During the years 1976-1980 occasional males were seen, especially on the east coast, but rarely inland. No females were seen at all during this period. After bad cyclones at the end of 1979 and in early 1980, accompanied by very heavy rainfall, the butterfly became much more common. Freshly emerged specimens were often seen inland, at Moka, and females were seen for the first time. Most females were of the form H. misippus misippus , which is the presumed mimic of Danaus chry- sippus chrysippus. However, specimens of the form dorippoides (‘maria’) were also seen and captured. The presumed model of this mimetic form isD. chrysippus dorippus , which is not present on the island. If we are to believe the evidence of specimens in the Hope Collections at Oxford, both forms have persisted in the island since at least the 18th century. Manders (1908) reports a single specimen of form alcippoides from the Port Louis Museum in Mauritius. Hypolimnas bolina L. 1758 (CC No. 2645; DA p. 214) is probably only an occasional visitor to the island, or possibly even a mistaken record. Early records are almost certainly attributable to misidentification of specimens of H. misippus. Manders (1908), however, mentions two authenticated Mauritian specimens known to him. No specimens were seen during the years 1976-1980. Hypolimnas dubius Palisait de Beauvois 1806 (CC No. 2655; DA p. 222) ssp. drucei Butler is a subspecies of the African H. dubius confined to Madagascar, Mauritius and the Comoro islands. It must be regarded as extremely rare or extinct in Mauritius. There are two specimens in the british Museum (Natural History) taken by a J. T. Rawlins in November and December 1953. No locality is given. Vinson (1938) reports a specimen from La Mi Voie, Black River, taken in September 1915. Junonia rhadama Boisduval 1833 (CC No. 2669; DA pp. 229) ( = Precis rhadama) is found in Madagascar, Rodrigues, Reunion, the Comoro islands, and Astove island in the Seychelles, in addition to Mauritius. According to Trimen (1866) the species was introduced into Mauritius from Madagascar in 1857 or 1858, and spread rapidly throughout the island. It is found all over Mauritius, but is especially abundant at Flic-en-Flac on the east coast. During the day it is found in large numbers in the vegetation and on the rocks above the tide-line. Vinson (1938) reports the larval foodplant to be various species of Barleria. 150 J. Res. Lepid. Junonia goudotii Boisduval 1833 (CC No. 2673; DA p. 230) (= Precis goudotii) is confined to Madagascar and the Comoro islands. Only a single specimen — presumably a vagrant — is recorded by Vinson (1938) from Long Mountain. Vanessa cardui L. 1758 (CC No. 2694; DA p. 238) is an almost cosmopolitan species which can be regarded only as exceedingly rare or accidental in Mauritius. Occasional specimens from the island can be found in collections, but between 1967 and 1980 only one or two unconfirmed sightings were made. Antanartia borbonica Oberthur 1880 (CC No. 2697; DA p. 239) ssp. mauritiana Manders. The nomotypical subspecies of A. borbonica is confined to Reunion and the Tamatave region of E. Madagascar. The other subspecies, mauritiana , is restricted to Mauritius. It is consider- ably smaller than the nomotypical race. The two have previously been considered as subspecies of the African species A. hippomene Hiibner 1823. This species must be regarded as on the verge of extinction, if it is not already so. Manders (1908) reports that at the turn of the century the species was confined to the locality of Curepipe, at 1800 ft. (c. 550 m). Vinson additionally reports (1938) the presence of other specimens from Moka at 1200 ft. (c. 360 m). The larval foodplant is reported to be Pilea urtice folia Blume (family urticaceae) by Manders (1906) who gives a complete description of this species’ early stages. The flight period is given as February to March, and sometimes as early as September or as late as May. During four years on the island (1976-1980) no specimens were seen. Phalanta phalantha Drury 1773 (CC No. 2704; DA p. 210) ssp. aethio- pica Rothschild & Jordan. The nomotypical subspecies of this species is oriental. Subspecies aethiopica is the African and Malagasy form, and is the one present in Mauritius. The species is common and widespread throughout the island, especially in sunny patches in gardens and near coastal vegetation. The larval foodplants are various Flacourtia species. Salamis angustina Boisduval 1833 (CC No. 2662; DA p. 224) ssp. vinsoni Le Cerf (= ‘Salamis augustina’ Auct.). The nomotypical sub- species of this insect is confined to Reunion and Madagascar. Subspecies vinsoni is found only on Mauritius. It may be distinguished from the former subspecies by the greater amount of purplish colouring on the upper side wing surfaces of vinsoni as compared with angustina. It must be regarded as a very rare species indeed in Mauritius, if not already extinct. As early as 1866, Trimen noted this species to be very un- common, having seen only one or two preserved specimens. Vinson (1938) records that he captured specimens of this species between 1920 and 1923 from the months of April to September. This agrees with Manders’ description (1908) of the habits of the Reunion subspecies, 30(3-4):145-161, 1991 151 whose flight time he gives as “April and May and again in September” (between 0900 hrs. and 1000 hrs.). The larval foodplant is given as sugar cane. Manders (1908) attributes the decline in numbers of this species to the introduction of Mynah birds from India. The last recorded specimen was taken by Dr. J. Bolton in August 1929. No locality is given. This species closely resembles the Danaid species Euploea euphon , of which it may be a mimic. LIBYTHEIDAE Libythea cinyras Trimen 1866 (CC No. 2101; DA p. 409). Only the type specimen of this species is known. It was given to Trimen in 1865 by a Mr. Colville Barclay, who allegedly took it at Moka. The specimen is in the British Museum (Natural History), and is in exceedingly poor condition. PAPILIONXDAE Papilio manlius Fabricius 1798 (CC No. 492; DA p. 22) is confined to Mauritius. It is closely related to the Reunion species P. phorbanta L. 1771 and the Malagasy species P. epiphorbas Boisduval 1833. All three are presumed to have evolved from the same line which produced the ‘blue papilios’ of the mainland such as P. nireus L. 1758 and related species. P. manlius is fortunately common throughout the island and in no danger of extinction, as it feeds upon various species of Citrus , which are widely cultivated, although not intensively sprayed with insecti- cides. The larvae may be found feeding together with the next species, P. demodocus. They may be distinguished from the latter as P. manlius larvae are bright green at all stages. A review of the conservation status of this species appears in the IUVN ‘Papilionidae Red Data Book’ (1985). Papilio demodocus Esper 1798 (CC No. 505; DA p. 30) is the common citrus swallowtail of Africa It is found all over the island and is fairly common. Like the preceding species it is a Citrus feeder, and its population size appears to fluctuate with fluctuations in Citrus numbers due to disease. It was probably accidentally introduced into the island at some time between 1865 and the turn of the century, following its deliberate importation into Reunion from Madagascar in 1863. PIERIDAE Catopsilia florella Fabricius 1775 (CC No. 557; DA p.53). The taxonomy of this species and others in the same genus has frequently been the source of much confusion. Although lists prepared of the island’s Catopsilia species, and specimens in the collection of the Mauritius Institute Museum, indicate a plurality of forms, varieties and species, our own work on the island and in various collections shows to our satisfaction that only two basic species are present on Mauritius. The 152 J. Res. Lepid. first of these, the pan- African migrant C. florella is common and widespread throughout the island. Specimens in the Mauritius Insti- tute labelled ‘C pyranthe' almost certainly result from early taxonomic confusion with this oriental species. The two species are separable on the basis of genitalia (Klots, 1929) and also by the dark forewing apical band, which is always continuous in C. pyranthe but frequently broken in the Africa C. florella. Both female forms of C. florella , the white form pyrene and the yellow form florella are present on the island, the white form being by far the more abundant. The male is always white. The larval foodplant is Cassia fistula L. Catopsilia thauruma Reakirt 1866 (CC No. 558; DA p. 53). Specimens in the Mauritius Institute labelled as the oriental ‘C. pomona are almost certainly misidentified specimens of this species, which is restricted to Madagascar and Mauritius. Although the two species have often been regarded as conspecific (see, for example, Corbet, 1948) the two are quite clearly distinguishable on the basis of genitalic differences (Klots, 1929). Previously this species has been regarded as two separate species, C. thauruma and C. grandidieri Mabille 1877, or the latter as a subspecies of the former. The principal grounds for separation appear to be the smaller size of the male of C. grandidieri , and the extreme dimorphism of the two females. Whereas dimorphism of the females of this species is unquestionable — in common with the females of many pieridae, and most Catopsilia species — examination of long series of C. thauruma from Madagascar and Mauritius indicate that there is enormous vari- ation in size of both males and females within and between populations. The notion of two separate species or subspecies cannot therefore be sustained on this basis. We hence suggest, in common with other Catopsilia species, that the females of the two taxa hitherto regarded as subspecies of C. thauruma should be relegated to the status of ‘female forms’, i.e. C. thauruma female-f. thauruma and C. thauruma female-f. grandidieri. Both are illustrated with their male, from Mauritius, in Figure 2. Both forms appear to occur in both Mauritius and Madagascar, the only appreciable difference between the two geographic subspecies being the consistently smaller size of males and females from Mauri- tius. This diminution is a phenomenon common to the fauna of many small islands. The erection by Le Cerf (1916) of the taxon ‘var. mauritiana ’ of C. grandidieri from Mauritius appears to have been based on too small a sample (3 specimens) and equivocal characteristics. It should therefore be ignored as an invalid infrasubspecific category. The insect is common, although less so than the preceding species, all over the island — especially where its larval foodplant grows in abund- ance, e.g. Beau Bassin. The larval foodplant is Cassia siamea Lamarck. 30(3-4):145-161, 1991 153 Eurema brigitta Stoll 1780 (CC No. 566; DA p. 55) ssp. pulchella Boisduval. This species is distributed throughout the old world tropics in a confusing variety of subspecies and forms. Subspecies pulchella is restricted to Madagascar, Mauritius, the Comoro islands and Aldabra, and has often been regarded as a separate species from E. brigitta. The female is frequently dusted with black scales over its entire upperside wing surface, the overall effect being a dull green coloration. Only the wet season from, which is illustrated, appears to be at all common on the island. The dry season form is hardly ever seen. The butterfly is common, particularly in gardens where it flies with the next species. The larval foodplant is Cassia mimosoides L. Eurema floricola Boisduval 1833 (CC No. 565; DA p. 55) ssp. ceres Butler. This species has been considered conspecific with E. hecabe — which it superficially resembles — for many years. However, genitalial examination shows the two should be regarded as separate species (Paulian & Bernardi, 1951). Eurema floricola is distributed throughout the Malagasy sub-region in a variety of subspecies, i.e. floricola (Madagascar); aldabrensis Bernardi (Aldabra); anjuana Bulter (Comoro islands); and ceres , which is confined to Mauritius and Reunion. The insect is common throughout Mauritius and found in the same sort of habitat as the preceding species. Vinson (1938) records the larvae as feeding upon Desmanthus virgatus Willdenow, Caesalpinia bonducella Fleming and Leucaena glauca Bentham, data which may indicate ecological separation from the above species. LYCAENIDAE Cacyreus darius Mabille 1877 (CC No. 1845; DA p. 544) is confined to Madagascar, the Comor islands and Mauritius, and has frequently been regarded in the past as conspecific with the African C. lingeus Stoll 1782, from which it is superifically indistinguishable. However, as Stempffer (1943) shows, the two species are separable on the basis of consistent differences in the valves of the genitalia. C. darius is probably an import to Mauritius, having first been caught on the island only at the turn of the century. Manders suggests that it may have been imported into the island upon a species of Coleus , its larval foodplant, which was brought in from Madagascar and planted out in the Botanic Gardens at Curepipe. There is a small series of this species in the Hope Collections at Oxford, taken by Manders at the turn of the century in these same Botanic Gardens. By 1938 Vinson noted that the species was rather scarce, and no specimens at all were seen or taken during the years 1976-1980. Its status today is unclear. It may be extinct on the island. v 154 J. Res. Lepid. Leptotes pirithous L. 1767 (CC No. 1868; DA p. 546) (= Syntarucus telicanus Lang 1789) is a very common ‘blue’, found all over the island. It prefers small bushes and trees and it can be seen flying around and settling on these, especially near the coast and in gardens. Its overseas distribution includes Africa, Madagascar, much of Asia and Europe. Its larval foodplants include many legumes such as Cajanus cajan Druce, and various other species including Plumbago capensis Willdenow, and even Lantana camara L. Lampides boeticus L. 1767 (CC No. 1825; DA p. 541) is an almost cosmopolitan species. Trimen (1866) found it rather scarce on the island, being confined mostly to gardens where peas were grown. Since then the increase in population of the island, and the great increase in the growing of vegetables, especially peas, has led to this species becoming a common pest. This is a very fast flying ‘blue’ which can be found in any garden or field in which there are peas or other legumes. Zizina antanossa Mabille 1877 (CC No. 1902; DA p. 550) (= Z. perparva Saalmuller 1884) is distributed over the entire continent of Africa, including Madagascar, and also occurs on Reunion. Manders (1908) believes it to be an introduction to the island at about the turn of the century. The species is common throughout Mauritius, and found frequently on garden lawns and flower beds, where it flies low and erratically. It is very similar to Zizeeria knysna Trimen. However, Z. knysna has a black spot in the centre of the cell on the underside of the fore wing, which Z. antanossa lacks. Zizula hylax Fabricius 1775 (CC No. 1906; DA p. 551) (= Z. gaika Trimen 1862) is distributed over the entire continent of Africa, in- cluding Madagascar and Reunion and is also present in the orient. It is very common on Mauritius, but can be overlooked due to its small size and dull coloration. It was first recorded in the island by Manders in 1907, but may of course have been present unnoticed for some time before. Mamet (1955) gives the larval foodplant as Lantana camara L. Zizeeria knysna Trimen 1862 (CC No. 1901; DA p. 550) (= Z. lysimon Hubner 1803) is distributed throughout Africa, Madagascar and the Seychelles, and is also present in the orient. It is very common in Mauritius, and often flies with Z. antanossa. It may be distinguished however, as Z. knysna has a black spot in the centre of the cell on the underside of the forewing, which is lacking in Z. antanossa. Mamet (1955) gives the larval foodplants as Cajanus cajan Druce and Pisum sativum L. Cyclyrius mandersi Drue 1907 (CC No. 1867; DA p. 546) (= Nacaduba mandersi) is confined to Mauritius and was described by Druce from specimens collected by Manders at the turn of the century. It is said to be restricted to the coast. Specimens taken by Manders in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History) and the Hope Collections at 30(3-4):145-161, 1991 155 Oxford indicate coastal localities as far apart as Blue Bay in the south- east of the island; Le Morne Brabant in the south-west; and Flacq on the north-east coast. The larval foodplant is given as Caesalpinia bondu- cella Fleming in Manders’ account of the early stages. The insect is reported to be a high flyer, in contrast to the other Mauritian members of this family, which tend to fly close to the ground. It is somewhat surprising in the light of this information that no specimens of this species were seen or taken in the years 1967-1980 by P. M. H. and J. P. L. Davis. We cannot, therefore, comment on its current status and it would be of great interest to know if this endemic is still extant. Virachola antalus Hopffer 1855 (CC No. 1662; DA p. 515) (= Deu- dorix antalus) is a species new to the island since the publication of Vinson’s check list in 1938. David L. Hancock of the National Museum, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, informs us that Dr. E. C. G. Pinhey, formerly of that museum, took one male and two females of this species in May of 1976 at Case Noyale, Relais de la mi Voie, and Riviere du Rempart. P. M. H. and J. P. L. Davis took further specimens at Moka in 1978 and later in the Black River Gorges and on the coast. The species would hence appear to be well established on the island. The flight patterns and other behaviour is similar to that of L. boeticus, and for this reason it may have been on the island for some time and been confused with this other species. The insect is present throughout Africa and in Mada- gascar and the Comoro islands. HE SPERHD AE Coeliades forestan Stoll 1782 (CCNo.ll) ssp. forestall is distributed throughout Africa, Reunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues, the Seychelles and the Comoro islands as the nomotypical subspecies. Subspecies arbo- gastes is present in Madagascar. The species is widely distributed in Mauritius, but is never very common. It appears to prefer open ground. The larval foodplants are Canavalia ensiformis. A. P. de Candolle, and Terminalia catappa L. There is no evidence that the closely related C. ramanatek Boisduval 1833 has ever occurred on the island, as has been suggested. Eagris sabadius Boisduval 1833 (CC No. 54) ssp. sabadius is distri- buted throughout East and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean islands in a number of subspecies. The Mauritian subspecies is the nomotypical one, also present in Reunion, and is not common on the island. The insect has a very rapid and erratic flight and rests with its wings spread flat. The larval foodplant is Hibiscus rosasinensis L. Borbo borbonica Boisduval 1833 (CC No. 466) spp. borbonica. This species is found throughout the Afrotropical region and southern Europe. It is probably the commonest Hesperiid in Mauritius. The ground colour is fuscous, with a row of angular yellowish spots running \ 156 J. Res . Lepid. across the forewing. The sexes are similar. The larval foodplants are various gramineae, especially Paniscum species. Parnara naso Fabricius 1793 (CC No. 470) ssp. naso (= Parnara marchalli Boisduval 1833) is widely distributed throughout Africa and the Orient in a variety of subspecies. The nomotypical form is confined to Mauritius. It is probably the second most common Hesperiid after the preceding species, and is superficially similar in shape and coloration. It may be distinguished by the reduced yellow forewing spotting in this species, which may not even be present in the male. There is some sexual dimorphism, the female having a larger fore wing spot and being paler in coloration than the male, which is a rich chocolate brown. The larval foodplant is sugar cane. Erionota thrax L. 1767 ssp. thrax is an extremely large ‘skipper’ with a forewing length of some 30 mm. The ‘Banana Skipper’ of the orient, it appears to be a very recent introduction. It was first seen in Mauritius in 1970, and by 1972 its larva was such a common pest on bananas that the Mauritius Ministry of Agriculture was forced to import three species of hymenopterous parasitoids against it, from Sabah. The species sub- sequently became uncommon. Three specimens were taken by J. P. L. Davis at the Black River Aviary on the west coast in 1979, but it was not seen elsewhere between the years 1976 and 1980. It current status is unclear. This species is a notorious coloniser of tropical island habitats, presumably being imported with agricultural produce. Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank the British Museum (Natural History) for their considerable help and for the loan of specimens, and in particular Dick Vane-Wright and Philip Ackery, and Cindy North. Our thanks also go to the acting curator of the Hope Collections at Oxford, Malcolm J. Scoble, for the further loan of specimens, and to Audrey Smith, Hope Librarian, for her help in tracking down references. Our thanks to David L. Hancock of the National Museum, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and E. C. G. Pinhey, formerly of that museum, for information concerning the latter’s collecting trip to Mauritius; and to the Herbarium of the Botany Dept, at Oxford University, especially Fred Topliffe, for help in tracking down authorities for larval foodplants. Our thanks also to Paul Brakefield of Exeter University for invaluable help in obtaining specimens for photography. Last but not least, the thanks of the junior author to the senior author and his wife Kathleen and son Julian for having introduced him to this beautiful island and its butterfly fauna. His additional thanks to Carl Jones of the Black River Aviary Project for a fascinating week’s collecting in the Black River Gorges. Photographs by Martin Street, Honiton, Devon. Literature Cited CARCASSON, R. H., 1981. Handguide to the butterflies of Africa. Collins, London. CORBET, A. S., 1948. Observations on the species of Rhopalocera common to Madagascar and the Oriental region. Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc. Lond. 99, pt. 17:589-607. 30(3-4):145-161, 1991 157 D’ABRERA, A. B., 1980. Butterflies of the Afrotropical region. Landsdowne, Melbourne. INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE. Papilionidae Red Data Book. (1985). KLOTS, A. B., 1929. The generic status of Catopsilia Hiibner and Phoebis Hiibner, with a discussion of the relationships of the species and the homologies of the male genitalia (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 24(4):203- 214. LE CERF, F., 1916. Note sur deux Pierides (Lep. Rhopal.) de Pile Maurice et de Pilot d’Astove. Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1916:112-113. MAMET, J. R., 1955. A revised food-plant catalogue of the insects of Mauritius. Bull. Dept. Agric. Mauritius 90. 95 pp. MANDERS, N., 1906. The variation of the larva and pupa of Vanessa hippomene Hub. Entomologist 39:41-42. , 1908. The Butterflies of Mauritius and Bourbon. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1907(4):429-454. PAULIAN, R., 1956. Faune de Madagascar II. Insectes Lepidopteres Danaidae, Nymphalidae, Acraeidae. Tananarive, Inst. Rech. Sci. Madagascar. 102 pp. 2 col. pis., 110 figs. &G. BERNARDI, 1951. Les Eurema de la region Malgache (Lep. Pieridae). Naturaliste Malgache 3:139-154. STEMPFFER, H., 1943. Contribution a l’etude des Lycaenidae de la faune Ethio- pienne (Lepidopt. Rhopaloc.) Ann. Soc. Ent. de France. Vol. 91, 1942:117- 134. TRIMEN, R., 1866. Notes on the butterflies of Mauritius. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. Dec. 1866, JVol. 5, 3rd Ser., Pt. IV:329-344. VINSON, J. M., 1938. A catalogue of the Lepidoptera of the Mascarene islands. Mauritius Inst. Bull. 1. Dec. 1938:1-69. Addendum Since the submission of this manuscript for publication an important new record for the island has been brought to our attention. R. I. Vane- Wright, of the British Museum (Natural History), has informed us that Dr. J. R. Williams of the Sugar Industry Research Institute of Mauritius has taken two authenticated specimens of the species Danaus plexippus at Curepipe, in the central uplands of the island, in April of 1984. Furthermore, several specimens of this species are reported to have been reared from larvae taken on an unknown Asclepiad by a junior employee of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Entomology Division, in November of 1983. It remains unknown as to whether or not the species is now firmly established on the island, but if such is the case it represents an important — and intriguing — extension to the range of this widespread species. The species has not been recorded from the mainland of Africa, the Indian Sub Continent, or, hitherto, and Indian Ocean Islands. Its likely source of introduction must therefore lie in the realms of conjecture. 158 J. Res. Lepid. Further Addendum One more new Mauritian species has recently been reported to us by Dr. J. R. Williams. This is the Malagasy Hesperiid Ceoliades ernesti Grandidier 1867, which was introduced into Reunion in the 1950’s. Dr. Williams has taken several specimens of this species in the Mondrain area of the Black River Gorges, and it appears to be well established. The most recent reports also indicate that D. plexippus is now well-established and fairly common through- out the island. 30(3-4):145-161, 1991 159 Fig. 1. 1 Dana us chrysippus chrysippus, 2. Henotesia narcissus narcissus , 3. Amauris phaedon female, 4. Euploea euphon female, 5. Neptis frobenia , 6. Hypolimnas dubius drucei female, 7. Hypolimnas misippus male, 8. Junonia rhadama, 9. Vanessa cardui, 10. Hypo- limnas misippus female form misippus, 11. Antanartia borbonica mauritiana, 12. Junonia goudotii (Madagascar specimen), 13. Hypo- limnas misippus female form dorippoides, 14. Phalanta phalantha aethiopica, 15. Mel an ids leda helena 160 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 2.. 1. Pa pi Ho demodocus, 2. Pap i Ho man Hus female, 3. Sa/amis angu- stina vinsoni female, 4. Catopsi/ia florella male, 5. Catopsi/ia florella female form pyrene, 6. Catopsi/ia florella female form florella, 7. Catopsi/ia thauruma male, 8. Catopsi/ia thauruma female form thauruma, 9. Catopsi/ia thauruma female form grandidieri, 10. Eurema brigitta pulchella male, 11. Eurema floricola ceres male 30(3-4): 145-161, 1991 161 Fig. 3. 1. Cacyreus darius female, 2. Cacyreus darius male, 3. Leptotes pirithous male, 4. Leptotes pirithous female, 5. Lampides boeticus , 6. Viracho/a antalus , 7. Zizina antanossa male, 8. Zizina antanossa female, 9. Zizeeria knysna male, 10. Zizeeria knysna female, 11. Cyc/yrius mandersi male, 12, Cyclyrius mandersi female, 13. Zizula hy/ax male, 14. Zizula hylax female, 15. Eagris sabadius sabadius male, 16. Eagris sabadius sabadius female, 17. Borbo borbonica borbonica, 18. Parnara naso naso male, 19. Parnara naso naso female, 20. Coe/iades forestan forestall, 21. Erionota thrax thrax, 22. Zizina antanossa (underside), 23. Zizula hylax (underside), 24. Zizeeria knysna (underside) Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):162-174, 1991 Convergent Evolution in Western North American and Patagonian Skippers (Hesperiidae) Arthur M. Shapiro Department of Zoology and Center for Population Biology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 Abstract. The western North American skippers Polites sabuleti and Pyrgus scriptura, typically found in saline or alkaline semiarid habi- tats, are pheno typically remarkably similar to Hylephila zapala and Pyrgus seminigra from similar habitats in Argentine Patagonia. Their behavior is effectively identical, and the two Pyrgus deviate behavior- ally from their close relatives. The host plants of P. sabuleti and H. zapala are identical; those of the two Pyrgus are subspecies or sister- species. Placement in distinct genera makes P. sabuleti and H. zapala unambiguously convergent. Phylogenetic relationships within Pyrgus are unclear, but P. scriptura and P. seminigra appear to belong to different, allopatric species-groups or lineages and to have evolved their similarities by parallelism or convergence. The shape of a crystal is determined solely by the molecular forces, and it is not surprising that dissimilar substances should sometimes assume the same form: but with organic beings we should bear in mind that the form of each depends on an infinitude of complex reactions.. .It is incredible that the descendants of two organisms, which had originally differed in a marked manner, should ever afterward converge so closely as to lead to a near approach to identity throughout their whole organization. — Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species (1859) Darwin objected not to the reality of convergent evolution, with which he was thoroughly familiar, but to the idea that it could progress so far that competent systematists would be unable to distinguish convergence from homology (resemblance due to common ancestry). Yet debates of this sort continue to enliven the zoological literature. Biochemical- genetic methods (Sibley and Ahlquist 1987) have resolved some of them. A good example of the problem is the striking similarity of much of the high-Andean and Patagonian butterfly fauna to that of the temperate and boreal Holarctic (Descimon 1986). Although historical-biogeographic scenarios deriving the Andean fauna from the Holarctic have been current for nearly a century, the matter is still unresolved for most taxa (Shapiro 1991). Paradoxically, the greatest ambiguity lies at relatively high taxonomic levels (genera and above). When individual species show remarkable similarity but demonstrably belong to different lineages and cannot be each other’s closest relatives, a diagnosis of convergence is assured. This is especially true when the resemblance extends to behav- ior and ecology, implying adaptive significance rather than the effects of 30(3-4):162-174, 1991 163 mere chance. Thus there is great uncertainty as to whether the Andean Yramea is closely related to the Holarctic Boloria , but no doubt that the uncanny phenotypic similarity of an undescribed oreal Yramea from northwestern Argentina to the boreal Boloria improba Butler is conver- gent. Among such species-level convergences, a few spectacular cases have been described which strain the biologist’s credulity. Cody ( 1974, pp. 165- 168) summarizes a number of avian examples, including the near- legendary American meadowlark Sturnella (Icteridae) and African pipit Macronyx (Motacillidae) which fooled Linnaeus, and which are still virtually indistinguishable even as hand specimens (Friedmann 1946). Using a picture book such as Lewis (1973), it is possible to synthesize numerous cases of seemingly striking convergence in butterflies, but without behavioral and ecological information they are not very credible. In the course of field work in temperate North and South America, I have twice been struck by apparent convergence equivalent to the Sturnella-Macronyx case. Both instances involve Hesperiidae. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the South American taxa are obscure and poorly docu- mented. Both cases involve saline or alkaline, semiarid habitats. Al- though the two North American species are frequently sympatric (espe- cially in California), their Patagonian equivalents occur in similar habitats but widely separated from each other. In both cases my initial encounter with the Patagonian species elicited a shock of recognition — equivalent to encountering an old friend in a very unlikely place. Polites sabuleti and Hylephila zapala Polites sabuleti Bdv. (type locality “California”), the Sandhill Skipper, is fairly widespread in western North America (fig. 1), breaking into a bewildering array of subspecies and local races in the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin. The nominate, lowland Californian subspecies occurs primarily in saline or alkaline seeps or on sand with a high water table, where its native host, the perennial grass Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene, is commonly the aspect dominant. Other consistent plant associates are semisucculent Chenopodiaceae. The life history ofP. sabuleti was briefly described by Comstock (1929). The genus Polites is wholly Nearctic. Hylephila zapala was described by Evans (1955, pp. 313-314) from a pair collected at Zapala in the Province of Neuquen by P. Kohler and forwarded by K. Hayward. Evans identifies these with Hayward’s figures (1951, pi. IV and XVI) of Hylephila boulleti Mab. This same pair had earlier been called H. peruana Draudt by Hayward (1934, pp. 111-112), which he corrected to boulleti a few years later (1941, p. 281)(peruana is considered a Peruvian subspecies of boulleti). In Hayward’s final cata- logue (1973) he used the name zapala and gave its range as “Neuquen (and) Chubut.” The true boulleti is also listed from far to the north in Catamarca, following Evans. This usage is nearly correct. A member of 164 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 1 . Distribution of Polites sabuleti (all subspecies) in North America, from Scott 1 986, and of Hylephila zapala in South America. Fig. 2. Distribution of Pyrgus scriptura in North America, from Scott, 1 986, and of P. seminigra in South America. the boulleti complex, probably undescribed, occurs at high elevation in the Cumbres Calchaqmes and Sierra de Aconquija, a very high pre- Andean range in Tucurnan and Catamarca. The rather dissimilar H. isonira mima Evans, also listed by Hayward (1973) from Catamarca, occurs below it in the same ranges (also in Salta and in the cordillera Real in San Juan). I have not found any Chubut specimens of H. zapala , but the habitat is common enough there. The currently documented range of H. zapala is thus contained within Neuquen, from Chos Malal (866m) in the far north to Zapala (1012m) in the central part of the Province. It is locally common in marshy alkaline seeps in high desert, localities inevitably dominated by Distichlis spicata and various Chenopodiaceae. It does not occur in cooler, moister, less saline inundated meadows ( mallines ) farther west, as at Loncopue (892m), where it is replaced by the mesic-Patagonian and Chilean H. signata Blanch, and H. fasciolata Blanch. H. zapala is at least double- brooded (November and January). Fig. 3A, B shows habitats of Californian P. sabuleti : 3C, D Patagonian H. zapala. Hesperiine skippers are often confusingly similar, but fig. 4A, B demonstrates thatP. sabuleti and H. zapala transcend the ordinary. The detailed resemblance extends to the individual spots forming the com- plex pattern of the ventral hindwing beneath. These species are much more similar in pattern than are most montane races ofP. sabuleti to the 30(3-4):162-174, 1991 165 lowland California phenotypes. Naive observers presented with the two species have consistently noted the more prolonged apex of the Hylephila forewing, as well as differences in the shape of the male stigma and occasionally the shorter antenna in Hylephila. No detailed description of the behavior of P. sahuleti has been pub- lished. Scott (1986, p. 444) states that “Males perch all day in low grassy spots to await females,” a more or less generic description of skipper epigamic behavior. The mating behavior of Hylephila phyleus Drury has been described thoroughly by I. Shapiro (1975, 1977). This, the only North American Hylephila , sometimes co-occurs with P. sahuleti and is useful as a comparison with it and its own congener, H. zapala. Although H. phyleus will breed on Distichlis, it is neither restricted to it nor particularly common in saline areas and alkali seeps. Unlike P. sahuleti , it is not effectively restricted to perching on Distichlis turf or nearby bare soil. All three species are perchers, but H. phyleus males often select roosts several cm above ground level, on projecting vegetation or litter; H. zapala , like P. sahuleti , consistently perches on the ground (>100 observations of each). Both H. zapala and P. sahuleti oviposit singly on the undersides of Distichlis blades, flying between bouts. H. zapala has not been reared. Pyrgus scriptura and P . seminigra Pyrgus scriptura Bdv. (type locality “California”), the Least Checkered Skipper, is indeed the smallest Pyrgine skipper in North America and rivals the African and Middle Eastern species of Spialia for global honors. Although its range is fairly extensive (fig. 2), throughout this range it is local and rarely taken far from its host plant. Only two hosts, both Malvaceae, are recorded: Sphaeralcea coccinea (Pursh) Rydb. in Colorado (Ferris and Brown 1980) and Malvella leprosa ssp. hederacea Torr. ( =Sida hederacea (Dougl.)Torr.) in California. These two plants are not closely related but are very similar in habit, both being low, spread- ing, perennial and pubescent. The life history of P. scriptura remains unpublished, although it has been reared many times. Minno (1981) studied its bionomics; Dusheck (1984), its host plant relations. Dusheck describes its habitat in California as “the drying borders of alkaline marshes in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, as well as vacant lots and railroad tracks,” and of M. leprosa ssp. hederacea as “heavy compacted... clay soils... more or less moist saline areas below 1800m.” She found that females would not oviposit on other (non-pubescent) mallows in the laboratory, but larvae were easily reared on them. Whatever the eco-evolutionary basis for monophagy in the field, it is neither toxicity nor nutritional inadequacy of the unused mallow species. Pyrgus seminigra was described by Hayward (1933, p. 273 and pi. XXIX, mistakenly cited in the text as pi. XXIV) as a “form” of what he called Erynnis emma Stgr., differing from the typical in lacking the marginal row of light spots and the white discal dot on the hindwing 166 above. The figured specimen indeed presents a solidly black hindwing above. Second-brood specimens are darker than first, but nearly all I have seen do have at least traces of the discal dot. The habitat is given as Chubut and the south of the Province of Buenos Aires. By 1941 Hayward called it Pyrgus bocchoris Hew. form seminigra , with no additional data; likewise Hayward 1948. Evans (1953, p. 216) treats seminigra as a junior synonym ofP. bocchoris ssp. cuzcona Draudt, type locality Cusco, Peru. Like Hayward (1941), he treats emma as a junior synonym of bocchoris. Hayward (1973) follows Evans on all points, listing bocchoris from the northern, high -Andean Provinces of La Rioja, Catamarca and Tucuman and seminigra from La Rioja, Tucuman and Jujuy — without mentioning the southern records in the original descrip- tion! Evidently his concept of his own taxon had changed. MacNeill (pers. comm.) treats seminigra as a subspecies of cuzcona , which he separates from bocchoris. All of these entities are very similar in facies and in genitalia. Some specimens of the common, weedy Chilean subspecies of bocchoris , trisignatus Mab., are nearly indistinguishable from Patagonian seminigra , though they average significantly larger. I have elected to treat seminigra as a species in this paper, given the uncertainties in its affinities and especially its geographic isolation in northeastern Patagonia. This is an extraordinary disjunction from the southern Peruvian highlands, not duplicated in any other organism known to me. Moreover, temperate seasonality has been a very difficult barrier for tropical high-Andean butterflies to overcome (Shapiro 1991). It is also difficult to construct a scenario that would put seminigra where it is and nominate bocchoris in the high Andes of northwestern Argen- tina, between it and cuzcona , if these two are indeed more closely related to each other than either is to bocchoris. The ranges of Pyrgus scriptura and P. seminigra are given in fig. 2. Seminigra is abundant in eastern Chubut (Trelew, Puerto Madryn, Rawson, Uzcudun), north to the vicinity of Viedma and Carmen de Patagones. It seems always to occur with the very widespread, but less common Pyrgus fides Evans. (Typically, the taxonomy of this entity is also confused. Hayward, 1933 first figured it as trisignatus and recorded it from the Sierras of Cordoba (P. Kohler). In 1941 he corrected the name to fides amd gave records from Cordoba, Mendoza, Neuquen, Rio Negro and San Luis, repeating all of this in 1973. Evans (1953) correctly placed trisignatus as the lowland Chilean subspecies of bocchoris : it is not known from Argentina). Pyrgus seminigra is restricted to alkaline seeps, mostly on compacted clay soils, floristically and physiognomically equivalent to P. scriptura habitats in California (fig. 3, A, Bus. E, F). It is confined to the immediate vicinity of its only known host, Malvella (=. Sida)leprosa (Ortega) Krapov. This plant is apparently identical to Californian hederacea except in flower color (cream in hederacea , sulphur yellow in leprosa). It ranges from “Mexico to Patagonia, in saline soils” (Cabrera 1953, p. 310), often 30(3-4):162-174, 1991 167 very widely disjunctly. These two plants, now placed in Malvella Jaub. & Spach., have no very close relatives in the Americas. Like P. scriptura, P. seminigra often occurs on waste ground, along railroad tracks, and in very degraded or abused sites. As in the Polites-Hylephila case, many checkered skippers are pheno- typically similar, and the Pyrgus pattern is very conservative. However, these two species (fig. 4C, D) are the smallest and darkest in their respective faunas, and the same pattern elements tend toward obsoles- cence in each. Their resemblance is not, however, especially close on the ventral hindwing. What attracts attention in this pair, however, is not so much their phenotypes as their behavior and ecology. Scott (1986, p. 495) says of P. scriptura : “Males patrol and sometimes perch all day in swales or gullies to seek females.” Minno ( 1981) contrasts the behavior of scriptura with sympatric Pyrgus communis Grote: “ Pyrgus communis... patrol by flying between six and twelve inches (15-30 cm) off the ground, stopping frequently to feed and occasionally to bask. Pyrgus scriptura assumes a somewhat different patrolling style in that males fly closer to the ground and land frequently on vegetation or bare soil to bask.” This comparison is quite accurate. P. scriptura seldom fly >10 cm above the ground. They never engage in the nearly circular reconnoiter- ing flights characteristic ofP. communis. While the flight of communis is fast and direct, scriptura appears almost indolent when not alarmed, flying with a zigzag, skipping motion which is reminiscent of a small Bombyliid (Diptera). The flight ofP. scriptura is most exaggerated in the small, late summer broods. The flight and behavior of P. seminigra resemble those of scriptura closely, contrasting analogously with the much stronger flight and higher perching of sympatric fides. Males of the two Patagonian species are easily distinguished, but ovipositing females may not be. Pyrgus fides breeds on a variety of Malvaceae, including weedy naturalized Malva ssp., erect annual Sida (in Neuquen and Mendoza), and M. leprosa. Seminigra , like scriptura , appears strictly monophagous afield. Chilean bocchoris are associated with weedy mallows, but remarkably the life history is unpublished. The eggs ofP. seminigra , like those ofP. scriptura , are laid singly on the under surfaces of mature leaves. P. communis will lay eggs almost anywhere on a host. P. fides is not well-known. Although Emmel and Emmel (1973) remark that P. scriptura occurs “sparingly” in the Colorado and Mojave deserts of southern California and is “never taken in large numbers,” this is not true in the California Central Valley. There, it is one of three abundant butterflies in its unusual habitat, P. sabuleti and Brephidium exilis Bdv. (Lycaenidae) being the others. In eastern Chubut, P. seminigra is likewise abundant. The phenomenon of high population densities in species of low-diversity faunas, so-called “density compensation,” was first described for islands (MacArthur, Diamond and Karr 1972). In skippers it often results in 168 J. Res. Lepid. suppression of territorial perching behavior, as described by Shapiro 1970, p. 120. Such is effectively the case here. Discussion Phylogenetic Considerations. Hylephila is an Andean genus, reaching the highest altitudes of any Hesperiine skippers in the Americas. The weedy lowland species H. phyleus probably entered North America in the Great American Interchange or thereafter (i.e., within the past 3 MY), and its range expanded to its climatic limits with the introduction of the weedy grass Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. It now ranges from New York City and northern California to extreme northern Patagonia. MacNeill and Herrera are currently revising the genus. There is no basis available to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among species, except to say that H. zapala does not appear to be a primitive member of the genus, especially close to the genus Polites, or the sister-species of P. sahuleti. Ergo, its resemblance to P. sahuleti must constitute convergence. Although Pyrgus is desperately in need of global revision and offers unusually interesting opportunities for phylogenetic reconstruction, no such project seems to be in progress. Early subdivisions of Pyrgus were based on the male secondary sexual characteristics, which, however, appear extraordinarily labile albeit not within species. On genitalic as well as biogeographic grounds, P. seminigra belongs to an Andean cluster of taxa. P. scriptura is somewhat aberrant but seems most closely related not to the Andean Pyrgus but to P. ruralis Bdv. (male costal fold present) and P. xanthus Edw. (absent, as in scriptura ). The reduced patterns of both species are derivative in their lineages, and the derivative character of P. scriptura is underscored by its seasonal dimorphism, the spring phenotype being virtually identical to the single phenotype ofP. xanthus. Thus, P. scriptura and P. seminigra cannot be sister-species. Host Relations. I can find no record of the hosts of P. cuzcona or nominate P. hocchoris (or of Chilean trisignatus , though it is known to eat Malvaceae). There are plenty of mallows in the high-Andean flora up to 4500m (Halloy 1983 discusses an extreme case). The hosts of high- Andean P. hocchoris are probably species of Nototriche or Maluastrum. P. fides is also a mallow feeder. Thus all of the Argentine Andean and Patagonian Pyrgus investigated so far are mallow feeders. In western North America, both P. ruralis and P. xanthus feed on herbaceous perennial Rosaceae. The Rosaceae-Malvaceae duality is pronounced in the swarm of sibling species of this lineage in Europe, some of which feed on one, some on the other, and one (P. maluae L.) perhaps on both (Higgins and Riley 1970). Mallow feeding has presumably arisen several times in the Holarctic Pyrgus , and is derivative within its lineage in P. scriptura. All Hylephila and Polites are presumably grass feeders. Distichlis occurs naturally on both continents. It is the most common oviposition substrate of all of the Andean and Patagonian Hylephila I have studied 30(3-4):162-174, 1991 169 from Arequipa, Peru south. It may well be the ancestral host of the genus. In Polites, turfgrasses are not usual substrates; only sabuleti and its desert races feed on Distichlis . The montane races feed mainly on bunchgrasses such as Festuca idahoensis Elmer. One may thus infer that P. sabuleti has diverged more from its relatives in its host relations than has H. zapala. “ Parallelism ” and Convergence . Traditionally, evolutionary biologists and systematists have distinguished between these two terms, depend- ing on the degree of relationship between the taxa. Simpson (1961) defined parallelism as “the development of similar characters separately in two or more lineages of common ancestry and on the basis of, or channeled by, characteristics of that ancestry.5’ The repeated “discovery” of Malvaceae in the Holarctic Pyrgus described above, would be a typical case. Eldredge and Cracraft (1980) argue against the concept on grounds of parsimony and intrinsic ambiguity; it is operationally unfeasible to demonstrate a homologous genetic basis for allegedly parallel traits except by hybridization experiments (which are ruled out in cases of full speciation). Shapiro (1986) showed by such experiments that seasonal polyphenism was developed in genetically non-homologous ways by two members of the same polytypic species. If this may occur, it is dangerous to make assumptions about genetic homology at all. I therefore treat the resemblances between Pyrgus scriptura and P. seminigra as convergent. Historical Biogeography . If we are not dealing with disjunctions between sister-taxa, it is not necessary to “account” for the geographic relation- ships shown in figs. 1 and 2. There are in fact floristic affinities between western North America and the Patagonian region. The best-known are those between the Sonoran desert and the Argentine monte (Solbrige7 al. 1977); the taxa described here do not properly pertain to these biota. Pyrgus is almost certainly a Holarctic element in the Andean Fauna, but the diversity of the genus in South America argues against it being as recent there as the Great American Interchange. Determinism and “ Adaptive Syndromes .” Both situations described here represent apparently integrated syndromes or suites of characters, including morphology, wing pattern, behavior, habitat and host plant. Is any single factor the trigger for the development of such syndromes? The two Pyrgus discussed here are very similar to the various species of the Old World genus Spialia , found in arid and semiarid (occasionally mesic) (Overlay) Fig. 3. Habitats of western North American and Patagonian skippers. A, B, habitats of both Polites sabuleti and Pyrgus scriptura in spring, Solano County, central California, with Distichlis spicata and Malvella leprosa ssp. hederacea. V, 1 979. C, habitat of Hylephila zapala at Chos Malal, Neuquen. 1.1981. D, probable type locality of H. zapala, Zapala, Neuquen, 1.1981. E, habitat of Pyrgus seminigra, Trelew, Chubut. The shrubs are naturalized Tamarix. XII. 1989. F, same site as E showing large clone of Malvella leprosa ssp. leprosa growing intermixed with Atriplex hastata. P. seminigra was very abundant here. XII. 1989. All photos by AMS. 170 J. Res. Lepid. 30(3-4):162-174, 1991 171 Fig. 4. Dorsal and ventral surfaces of convergent skippers. A, Male and female Hylephila zapala, Chos Malal, Neuquen, Argentina, 1.1986. B, male and female Polites sabuleti, West Sacramento, Yolo Co., Calif., VI. 1981 . C, Male Pyrgus seminigra, Trelew, Chubut, Argentina, XII. 1989. D, Female Pyrgus scriptura, Suisun Marsh, Solano Co., Calif., IX. 1974. Photos by S.W. Woo. 172 J. Res. Lepid. habitats in southern Europe, Africa, and the Near East. All species of Spialia are confusingly similar among themselves, and indeed may be indistinguishable on the wing. Their behavior, as described in various regional works, is also very similar. However, their host plants are taxonomically diverse, embracing Convolvulaceae, Sterculiaceae, Malvaceae and Roseceae (Larsen 1974, Larsen and Larsen 1980). Thus the identity of the host cannot be the determining factor (unless specia- tion and host-plant specialization have occurred too recently for much phenotypic differentiation to have occurred). Yet, as noted above, Pyrgus scriptura uses two phenotypically similar, but not closely related, mal- lows not used by other Pyrgus and growing in unusual habitats. Clearly some kind of determinism is operating, but it is maddening when such elusive selection factors seem able to produce remarkably precise, de- tailed resemblances. The most definitive study of convergence in a functional context is by Mares (1980). Every biology student learns that widespread convergence has occurred in the morphology of desert granivorous mammals, embrac- ing not only various rodent groups but members of other lineages, even marsupials, as well. Mares examined entire faunas using quantitative morphometries and was able to demonstrate convincingly that morphol- ogy was correlated with, and presumably functional in, feeding ecology. The principal barrier to such sophisticated methods being brought to bear on, say skippers is the lack of an ecological data base. The checkered skippers appear ideally suited to such treatment, combined with a rigorous phylogenetic analysis - but there is not even any anecdotal literature on the biology of most of the species, and even common North American and European species have never had their life-histories published. Cody (1974) points out that structurally simple habitats seem to produce a high frequency of convergence. The occurrence of two striking cases of convergence in different skipper subfamilies in precisely the same, simple community in two hemispheres, as reported here, hardly seems accidental. While not all alkaline seeps in temperate North and South America have any skippers, there seem to be remarkably few ways to be a skipper there at all. Acknowledgments. Don MacNeill has determined all my South American skippers for many years, but is not responsible for any errors of interpre- tation. He and John Burns have been constant sources of wisdom on the Hesperiidae, their genitalia and their evolution. Field studies reported upon here were funded by NSF grants DEB-76- 186 11 and BSR-83- 06922. Specimen photos are by Samuel W. Woo. I thank June McCaskill, UCD Herbarium for help with the botanical literature. 30(3-4): 162-174, 1991 173 Literature Cited Cabrera, A.L. 1953. Manual de la Flora de los Alrededores de Buenos Aires. Editorial Acme, Buenos Aires. 589 pp. Cody, M.L. 1974. Competition and the Structure of Bird Communities. Princeton University Press, N.J. 318 pp. Comstock, J.A. 1929. Studies in Pacific Coast Lepidoptera (continued). Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 28: 22-32. Descimon, H. 1986. Origins of Lepidopteran faunas in the high tropical Andes, pp. 500-532 in F. Vuilleumier & M. Monasterio, eds., High Altitude Tropical Biogeography. Oxford University Press, New York. Dusheck, J. 1984. Larval host suitability and oviposition preference in two checkered skippers, Pyrgus communis and Pyrgus scriptura (Hesperiidae). Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of California, Davis. 66 pp. Eldredge, N., and J. Cracraft. 1980. Phylogenetic Patterns and the Evolutionary Process, Columbia University Press, New York. 349 pp. Emmel, T.C. and J.F. Emmel. 1973. The Butterflies of Southern California. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Calif. 148 pp. Evans, W.H. 1953. A Catalogue of the American Hesperiidae in the British Museum (Natural History). Part III. British Museum, London. 246 p. 1955. A Catalogue of the American Hesperiidae in the British Museum (Natural History). Part IV. British Museum, London. 499 pp. Ferris, C.D., and F.M. Brown. 1980. Butterflies of the Rocky Mountain States. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. 442 pp. Friedmann, H. 1946. Ecological counterparts in birds. Sci. Monthly 63: 395-398. Hallo y, S. 1983. Algunos datos ecologicos para Nototriche caesia Hill, Malvacea altoandina, en las Cumbres Calchaqufes, Tucuman, Lilloa 36: 85-104. Hayward, K.J. 1933. Lepidopteros argentinos. Familia Hesperiidae. III. Rev. Soc. Ent. Arg. 5: 219-275. 1934. Lepidopteros argentinos. Familia Hesperiidae. IV. Rev. Soc. Ent. Arg. 6: 97-233. 1941. Hesperiidarum Argentinae Catalogus. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.) Secc. Zook 2: 227-340. 1948. Genera et Species Animalium Argentinorum . Insecta, Lepidoptera. I. Guillermo Kraft, Buenos Aires. 389 pp. 1951. Genera et Species Animalium Argentinorum. Insecta, Lepidoptera. II. Guillermo Kraft, Buenos Aires. 388 pp. 1973. Catalogo de los Roploceros Argentinos. Opera Lilloana 23: 1-318. Higgins, L.C., and N.D. Riley. 1970. A field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. 380 pp. Larsen, T. 1974. Butterflies of Lebanon. Nat. Council for Sci Res., Beirut. 256 pp. Larsen, T., and K. Larsen. 1980. Butterflies of Oman. Bartholomew Books, Edinburgh. 80 pp. Lewis, H.L. 1973. Butterflies of the World. Follett, Chicago. 312 pp. Lindsey, A.W., E.L. Bell., and R.C. Williams, Jr. 1931. The Hesperioidae of North American. Denison University Bull., J. Sci. Lab. 26: 1-142. MacArthur, R.H., J.M. Diamond, and J.R. Karr. 1972. Density compensation in island faunas. Ecology 53: 330-342. Mares, M.A. 1980. Convergent evolution among desert rodents: a global perspective. Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. 16: 1-51. 174 J. Res. Lepid. Minno, M.C. 1981. The population biology of tropical and temperate butterflies of the genus Pyrgus (Hesperiidae). Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of California, Davis. 50 pp. Scott, J.A. 1986. The Butterflies of North America. Stanford Univ. Press, Calif. 583 pp. Shapiro, A.M. 1970. The biology of Poanes viator (Hesperiidae). J. Res. Lepid. 9: 109-123. 1986. The genetics of polyphenism and its role in phylogenetic interpretation of the Tatochila sterodice species-group (Pieridae) in the Andean-Neantarctic region. J. Res. Lepid. 24, suppl.: 24-31. 1991. The zoogeography and systematics of the Argentine Andean and Patagonian Pierid fauna. J. Res. Lepid. 28: 137-238. Shapiro, I. 1975. Courtship and mating behavior of the fiery skipper, Hylephila phylaeus (Hesperiidae). J. Res. Lepid. 14: 125-141. 1977. Interaction of population biology and mating behavior of the fiery skipper, Hylephila phylaeus (Hesperiidae). Amer. Midi. Nat. 98: 85-94. Sibley, C.G., and J.E. Ahlquist. 1987. Avian phylogeny reconstructed from comparisons of the genetic material, DNA. pp. 95-122 in C. Patterson, ed., Molecules and Morphology in Evolution: Conflict or Compromise? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Simpson, G.G. 1961. Principles of Animal Taxonomy. Columbia Univ. Press, New York. 247 pp. Solbrig, O.T., W.F. Blair, F.A. Enders et al. 1977. The biota: the dependent variable, p. 50-66 in G.H. Orians and O.T. Solbrig, eds., Convergent Evolution in Warm Deserts, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg, Penna. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):175-195, 1991 Multivariate and Phylogenetic Analyses of Larval and Adult Characters of the Editha Complex of the Genus Lycaena (Lepidoptera:Lycaenidae) Gordon F. Pratt1, David M. Wright2, and Gregory R. Ballmer3 Abstract. The Editha Complex of the genus Lycaena , L. editha, L. xanthoides, and L. rubidus, are united by biological and morphological similarities which are not shared by other North American Lycaena. The specific status of parapatric L. editha and L. xanthoides has been questioned, since populations with intermediate wing characteristics have been noted. Statistical analyses indicate significant larval char- acter differences among populations of each species. Independent discriminant analyses of adult, first instar, and mature larval charac- ter sets of the three taxa, L. editha, L. x. xanthoides, and L. x. dione , gave congruent taxonomic classification with most populations. All but one misclassification involved L. xanthoides, and these are believed due to phylogenetic relationships of populations rather than ‘gene flow.’ Phylogenetic analyses of 17 populations of the Editha Complex, using 30 morphological characters and L. heteronea as an outgroup, indicate that Lycaena rubidus ferrisi is probably the most primitive taxon. Both L. editha and L. x. xanthoides appear to have evolved independently from anL. x. dione ancestor, probably through vicariant events caused by the glacial periods of the Pleistocene. Introduction Analyses using C14 dating of Pollen from core samples and macrofossils of pack rat ( Neotoma ) middens from various regions of western North America, have revealed great changes in plant biogeography during the Pleistocene (Martin & Mehringer, 1965; Wells, 1983). For instance, during the most recent Wisconsin glacial, subalpine conifers extended down to basal elevations of the Great Basin; desert vegetation, which was replaced by more mesic plants, moved into lowland pockets and to southern desert refugia. Because of the complex topography of the West, dispersal routes as adaptations to the climatic changes of the Pleistocene have been proposed for a number of western birds, mammals, plants (Wells, 1983) and butterflies (Porter & Shapiro, 1991; Austin & Murphy, 1987). These routes were based on island biogeography, the phyletic relationships of neighboring populations, and the potential routes avail- able from these regions. The Pleistocene probably greatly affected the evolution and biogeogra- phy of the Lycaena editha Complex, which consists of L. editha (Mead), L. rubidus (Behr), and L. xanthoides (Boisduval), (Klots, 1936; Ballmer 1 Entomology and Applied Ecology Department, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 2 100 Medical Campus Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446 3 Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 176 J. Res. Lepid. & Pratt, 1989b), and primarily confined to western North America. Lycaena xanthoides dione (Scudder), the only member of this group found east of the Rocky Mountains, extends into the Great Plains. Although the three species are regionally sympatric, they are confined to different elevations. For example, along the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada, in the vicinity of Sherwin Summit, L. xanthoides occurs mostly below 2,000 meters, L. editha generally above 3,000 meters, while L. rubidus occurs between them from 2,000 to 3,000 meters elevation (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989b; Ballmer & Pratt, pers. obs.). Certainly these elevation limits, like those of the desert and subalpine vegetation, must have changed drastically during the most recent Wisconsin glaciation. A number of problems complicate phylogenetic studies of the Editha Complex: 1) there is a paucity of good phylogenetic characters, 2) there may be ‘gene flow’ between taxa creating either intermediate or ‘primi- tive’ taxa, and 3) because most of the characters which separate these taxa are continuous rather than discrete, there is a high probability of convergence. Intermediate populations between L. editha and L. xanthoides have been reported from Mather and Dunsmuir, California (Scott, 1980). Four suspected hybrid specimens with L. rubidus have been reported, one with L. x. dione and three with L. editha (Scott, 1980; Anonymous, 1986; & Crowe, 1970). Scott (1980) compared different populations of L. editha and L. xanthoides using 15 wing characters. He found that only two of those 15 characters separated L. editha from L. xanthoides : wing length and ventral hindwing spot size. The populations from Mather and Dunsmuir, California were intermediate in these two characters. Scott (1980) also determined that L. x . dione was the most distinct of the different comparisons, since it differed from both L. editha and L. xanthoides on the basis of eight wing characters. Unfortunately no statistics were used to determine the significance of these characters. The use of first instar setal patterns has been proposed for elucidating the phylogenetic relationships of the Lycaenidae (Clark & Dickson, 1956). These characters differ greatly from those of later instars, since first instars have only primary and subprimary setae, whereas in third and fourth instars only secondary setae can be discriminated (Wright, 1983; Ballmer & Pratt, 1989b). Primary and subprimary setae are distinguished from secondary setae by their numbers and positions, which are fixed in specific locations on the larva; secondary setae are variable in both number and location (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989b). Many of the morphological structures found in mature Lycaena larvae are not found in first instars, such as mushroom, dendritic, and other specialized setae (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989b). Mature larval characters, representing the opposite end from that of first instars of a spectrum of characters expressed in the larval stage, are useful in distinguishing!/, editha from L. xanthoides (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989b). The two closest relatives to the Editha Complex are Lycaena heteronea (Boisduval) and L. gorgon (Boisduval). In fact these two species are so 30(3-4):175-195, 1991 177 morphologically similar to the Editha Complex that Miller and Brown (1979) misrepresented their phylogenetic relationships. They placed L. rubidus with L. heteronea in the genus Chalceria, and L. editha and L. xanthoides along with L. gorgon in Gaeides, even though male genitalic structures indicate that L. gorgon and L. heteronea belong to one group, while members of the Editha Complex comprise another species group (Klots, 1936). Details of larval biology and morphology support this genitalic arrangement of the species (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989b). In this paper we employ discriminant and phylogenetic analyses of larval and adult wing characters to investigate the status of the different species of the Editha Complex, with emphasis on L. editha and L. xanthoides. Lycaena heteronea was used as an outgroup comparison because it shares the presence of dendritic setae on the mature larva with that of the Editha Complex; these setae are lacking in all other North American Coppers (Pratt, Ballmer, & Wright, pers. obs.). Based on various phylogenies of the taxa at a population level, we hypothesize the different dispersal routes and vicariant events which may have led to the historical evolution of the different members of this complex. Materials and Methods OVIPOSITION AND REARING Larvae were primarily reared from ova obtained from captive females; some were field collected. Females of L. x. xanthoides from Mojave River Forks were reared from larvae and mated in the lab (as in Ballmer and Pratt, 1989a); mated females of other populations were field-collected. Dried leaves of Rumex acetosella L., Rumex crispus L., and Rumex salicifolius Weinm. were used as oviposition substrates. Egg diapause was terminated by refrigeration at 4°C for 3-5 months (as in Pratt and Ballmer, 1986). Within 7-10 days after removal from 4°C and incubation at 25°C, first instars eclosed and were reared on R. crispus until mature. Mature larvae were preserved and injected, as in Ballmer and Pratt ( 1989b). First instar larvae were primarily obtained by dissection from ova, while those that eclosed were fed R. crispus and distended and fixed in first instar distention fluid (10 ml glacial acetic acid, 1 ml glycerin, 0.1 ml Triton X-100®, and 89 ml water). FIRST INSTAR CHARACTERS First instar characters (see Fig. 12 in Wright, 1983) are as follows: number of SD1 and SD2 setae on prothoracic shield, of SD2 setae on T2-A7 and A9, of SD3 setae on T2, T3, and A3-6, of SD4 setae on A1-A7, of SD1 setae on A9, of lateral setae and dorsal lenticles on A8; lengths of D1 and D2 setae on T2 and Al, of LI and L4 setae on T2, L4 seta on T3, and L3 seta on Al; and mean crochet number per proleg on A3-A6. SD3 and SD4 are derived subprimary setae common to lycaenids. Frequently short and clubbed, SD3 is located near proprioceptor MD1 on thoracic and abdominal segments; SD4 is located near the spiracle on abdominal segments. Permanent slide mounts of first instar cuticle were pre- pared following brief KOH ( 10%) digestion of internal soft parts and cleansing of cuticle. All characters were analyzed with a binocular microscope (200-400X), and measurements were made with an ocular micrometer. The locations and sample sizes are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. 178 J. Res. Lepid. Table 1 . Locations and Sample Sizes of the Different Populations for First Instar Characters Taxon L. x. Location* xanthoides Sacramento Branscomb Lake Mojave River Forks Acton Sherwin Summit Silver Canyon L. x. dione Idledale Milford Brookfield L. editha Sagehen Mdws Mt Barcroft Tioga Pass Winter Park Dunsmuir L. r. rub id us Tioga Pass L. r. ferrisi Ditch Camp L. heteronea Chuchupate Cmpgd Warner Valley County State N Sacramento CA 9 Mendocino CA 6 San Bernardino CA 7 Los Angeles CA 9 Mono CA 8 Inyo CA 10 Jefferson CO 3 Seward NB 12 Waukesha Wl 6 Mono CA 8 Mono CA 7 Mono CA 9 Grand CO 6 Siskiyou CA 12 Mono CA 8 Apache AZ 6 Ventura CA 8 Lassen CA 6 *The locations are shown in Figure 1 . MATURE LARVAL CHARACTERS Mature larval characters (see Fig. 1 in Ballmer and Pratt, 1989b) are as follows: number of dendritic setae on T1 and A1-A8, number of non-sensory/non-mush- room and mushroom setae on the prothoracic shield, head width, head and leg pigmentation using L. xanthoides (Mojave River Forks) and L. editha (Tioga Pass) as standards, length of the longest dorsal seta on Al, and mean lateral crochet number on prolegs A3-A6. Measurements were made with an ocular micrometer using a binocular dissecting microscope. The locations and sample sizes are shown in Table 2 and Figure 1. ADULT CHARACTERS Adult characters (Figure 2) are as follows: length of the Cu2 vein in the forewing and hindwing; medial width of the dorsal Cul aurora; lengths of the dorsal M3 discal and Cu2 basal shadows of the forewing; longest length and perpendicular width of the basal macule on the hindwing; longest lengths of the Ml and M2 discal macules of the hindwing, and of the M3 and Cul discal macules of the forewing. These measurements were made with an ocular micrometer using a binocular dissecting scope. The locations and sample sizes are shown in Figure 1 and Table 3. DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS Discriminant Analyses (Hand, 1981) were performed onL. x. xanthoides, L . x. dione, and L. editha using the SAS program. Three reference populations of the 30(3-4):175-195, 1991 179 Figure 1 Locations of the various populations of Lycaena : open circles = L heteronea, closed circles = L. editha, closed triangles = L. x. xanthoides, open triangles = L. x. dione, and open squares = L. rubidus. The locations are as follows: 1=Mojave River Forks, 2=Acton, 3=Frazier Park, 4=Hunter Mt, 5=Silver Canyon, 6=Mt Barcroft, 7=Sherwin Summit, 8=Sagehen Meadows, 9=Tioga Pass, 1 0=Tioga Pass, 1 1 =Warren Canyon, 1 2=Sacra- mento, 13^Branscomb Lake, 14=Mt Lassen, 15=Mt Bidwell, 16=Ball Mt, 1 7=Dunsmuir, 1 8=Ditch Camp, 1 9=Westcliffe, 20=Winter Park, 21 =ldledale, 22=Nebraska, and 23=Wisconsin. taxa were used in these analyses, the remainder were classified (as test un- knowns) as to their likely membership into one of these reference populations. Some reference populations had to be lumped with neighboring populations, since their sample sizes were considerably smaller than the number of charac- ters. These reference populations are as follows: L. x. xanthoides from Sacra- mento CA (mature larvae and adult female) and Sacramento and Branscomb Lake (first instar); L. x. dione from Nebraska (mature larva), all of the adult females (adult female), and Nebraska and Wisconsin (first instar); and L. editha from Tioga Pass and surrounding areas (mature larva and adult female) and 180 J. Res. Lepid. Table 2. Locations and Sample Sizes of the Different Populations for Mature Larval Characters Taxon L. x. Location* xanthoides Sacramento Mojave River Forks Hunter Mountain Branscomb Lake Silver Canyon Sherwin Summit L. x. dione Milford L. editha Tioga Pass Mount Barcroft Dunsmuir L. r. rubidus Tioga Pass L. heteronea Mount Bidwell Warren Canyon Frazier Mountain Westcliffe County State N Sacramento CA 20 San Bernardino CA 15 Inyo Co CA 3 Mendocino CA 2 Inyo CA 6 Mono CA 4 Seward NB 20 Mono CA 16 Mono CA 14 Siskiyou CA 11 Mono CA 9 Modoc CA 11 Mono CA 4 Kern CA 2 Custer CO 15 * The locations are shown in Figure 1 . Tioga Pass and Mt. Barcroft (first instar). F our characters were removed from the first instar analysis: the number of the SD1 and SD2 setae on the pro thoracic shield and the number of SD3 and SD2 setae on the metathorax and the ninth abdominal segments, respectively. These setae are commonly absent on both L. editha and L. x anthoides] their presence or absence is more important in discriminating these taxa from L. rubidus and L. heteronea. PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS All of the morphological characters of the different populations were statisti- cally compared using the general linear models procedure of SAS. Different statistical classes were defined using a T-test (P<0.05) for each morphological character for the different populations. Populations within each class were significantly different from every other population outside of the class. The number of classes were maximized and ordered according to decreasing magni- tude of the means of the morphological character. The first class was given a value of one, the next class a value of 2, etc. Two additional adult characters (iridescence and color of the male dorsal wing surface) were added to the phylogenetic analysis. These two characters were discrete and coded without statistics. The iridescence was coded as present=2 or absent=l. The color gray was coded as 1, orange as 2, and blue as 3. These morphological scores were analyzed by PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony, version 2.4, Swofford, Illinois Natural History Survey). Mulpars and global branch swapping were performed with the FARRIS optimization. Since the characters were continuous, the Weights Scale option was used. 30(3-4):175-195, 1991 181 Figure 2 A) Ventral wings of male Lycaena editha from Dunsmuir. Gul is cubital vein 1 , Ml is the medial vein 1 , M2 is the medial vein 2, M3 is the medial vein 3. B) Ventral wings of female L. editha from Dunsmuir. C) Ventral wings of female L editha from Mt Barcroft, White Mts. Cu2 is the cubital vein 2. D) Dorsal wings of female L. editha from Dunsmuir. Lycaena heteronea was used as an outgroup in most analyses, so in these cases no prior assumptions were made about the polarity of character states (primitive versus advanced). Those character states which were closest to that of L. heteronea were therefore accorded primitive status by the analyses. 182 J, Res. Lepid. Table 3. Locations and Sample Sizes of the Different Populations for Adult Female Characters Taxon Location* County State N L. x. dione Winnipeg Manitoba 2 Omaha NB 6 Blue Springs Jackson MO 2 Lees Summit Jackson MO 2 L. x. xanthoides Sacramento Stone Lakes Sacramento CA 9 area West Sacramento Yolo CA 1 American R. Parkway Sacramento CA 10’ L. x. xanthoides Southern Lake Flenshaw San Diego CA 1 CA area Mojave R. Forks San Bernardino CA 3 Solemint Vista Grande Los Angeles CA 1 Ranger Station Riverside CA 1 Tahquitz Lodge Riverside CA 1 L. x. xanthoides Los Altos Santa Clara CA 4 L. x . xanthoides Sherwin Summit Mono CA 2 L x . xanthoides Hunter Mt Inyo CA 8 L. editha editha Tioga Pass Mono CA 17 Dunsmuir Shasta CA 12 * The locations are shown in Figure 1 . Results THE MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS The Editha Complex separates from Lycaena heteronea on the basis of two first instar characters, the crochets and D2 length on Al. None of the taxa of the Editha Complex separate as clearly from the remainder. Lycaena rubidus is significantly different fromL. editha, L. x. xanthoides, and L. x. dione (but not from L. heteronea ) on the basis of the prothoracic shield SD1 and SD2 setae. Lycaena. x. xanthoides separates from the other taxa on the basis of the D1 and D2 setal lengths on Al. Because of variability, bothL. editha andL. x. dione are only significantly different for one first instar character (L3 on Al). This character separates L. x. dione fromL. x. xanthoides and L. editha , but not fromL. rubidus and L. heteronea. 30(3-4):175-195, 1991 183 Three mature larval characters separate L. heteronea from members of the Editha Complex: the number of dendritic setae on Al, the ratio of the number of dendritic setae on A7 to A8 and the length of the dorsal setae on Al. Within the Editha Complex, L. r. rubidus (Warren Canyon) is distinct from all other populations in the number of dendritic setae on A3- 6 and non-sensory/non-mushroom (secondary) setae on the prothoracic shield. Lycaena editha populations are distinct from most L. x. xanthoides in having more dendritic setae on A2 and a darker head capsule and legs. In addition to smaller wing size, two adult characters separate L. editha from L. xanthoides : the ratio of the length of the hindwing M2 discal macule to the forewing Cul discal macule (>1 inL. editha but <1 inL. xanthoides) and the width of the dorsal orange aurora along Cul. Of these two characters only the macule ratios yield significantly distinct classes as discussed in the Materials and Methods. The mean ratio of the M2 macule to the Cul macule is less than or approximately equal to one in Lycaena gorgon , L. nivalis (Boisduval), L. heteronea , L. rubidus , L. phlaeas (L.), andL. xanthoides (Pratt, pers. obs.). The mean ratios for L. editha specimens from Tioga Pass and Dunsmuir were 1.33 and 1.54, respectively, and were significantly different from the other Lycaena , and each other. In L. x. dione the orange aurora is wider than in three of the five L. x. xanthoides populations, but is similar to that of the Hunter Mt and Southern California populations. In discriminant analyses all individuals of the reference populations were classified in posterior tests to their proper taxon, showing that the discriminant functions properly discriminate these three taxa. Mature larval characters gave the best discrimination of the test unknowns. Out of 55 unknowns, only two misclassifications were obtained, two L. x. xanthoides larvae from Silver Canyon were misclassified as L. x. dione. The first instar analysis misclassified 11 out of 63 unknowns. Two of three L. x. dione , and two of eight and seven of ten L. x. xanthoides from Sherwin Summit and Silver Canyon, respectively, were misclassified as L. editha. Out of 33 adult female unknowns, nine were misclassified, one of 12 L. editha from Dunsmuir was misclassified as L. x. xanthoides and eight L. x. xanthoides were classified as L. x. dione (5 of 8 from Hunter Mt and 3 of 7 from Southern California). Complete data of the morphological characters can be obtained from the first author. PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS Twenty eight morphological characters formed significantly different classes and were used in the phylogenetic analyses along with two discrete adult wing characters. Some continuous characters did not form significantly different classes as defined in the Materials and Methods, although there were significant differences amongst the populations. The phylogenetic trees produced by PAUP are based on the Wagner Algorithm, which assumes that the best estimate of a phylogenetic tree is that which has the fewest character changes (most parsimonious). 184 J. Res. Lepid. First Instar Characters — dione Wisconsin - dione Nebraska dione Colorado xanthoides Sherwin 1— xanthoides Mojave I xanthoides Acton I — xanthoides Sacramento c xanthoides Branscomb xanthoides Silver Cyn — editha Sagehen rubidus Warren Cyn r - editha Winter Park — editha Dunsmuir editha Mt Barcroft editha Tioga Pass — rubidus Ditch Camp , heteronea Lassen heteronea Ventura Figure 3 Phylogenetic Analysis (Distance Wagner Tree) of the members of the L. editha complex using first instar characters and L. heteronea as an outgroup. Length is 22.05 and the consistency index is 0.590. Wagner trees show the interrelationships amongst the operational taxonomic units (populations) better than IJPGMA derived trees, since they do not assume that taxonomic units exhibit equal evolution through time. In other words some populations can be more primitive (plesiomorphic) than others. Not only are the interbranch lengths impor- tant with these phylogenies, but so too are the branch lengths of the individual taxonomic units, since they indicate how advanced (apomorphic) the units are. From an analysis of nine taxonomic units, slightly more than 4,000 different phylogenies or arrangements of the units are possible. This number increases geometrically with the number of taxonomic units being investigated. It is not surprising, therefore, that there may be many phylogenies which are equally parsimonious in an analysis of more than nine taxonomic units. Three equally parsimonious trees were produced from the 14 first instar characters, their topologies, or branching structures, were identi- cal to Figure 3. All populations of L. x. xanthoides and L. x. dione (Colorado) were advanced and clustered together, whereas L. r. ferrisi (Ditch Camp) and L. editha (Tioga Pass) were primitive. Lycaena r. 30(3-4): 175-195, 1991 185 Mature Larval Characters dione Nebraska xanthoides Silver Cyn editha Dunsmuir editha Tioga Pass — editha Mt Barcroft rubidus Warren xanthoides Sherwin xanthoides Sacramento xanthoides Branscomb L xanthoides Mojave R Cyn L xanthoides Acton r heteronea Tioga Pass ' heteronea Ball Mt — heteronea Colorado heteronea Ventura heteronea Mt Bidwell heteronea Warren Cyn Figure 4 Phylogenetic Analysis (Distance Wagner Tree) of the members of the L. editha complex using mature larval characters and L. heteronea as an outgroup. Length is 15.65 and the consistency index is 0.767. rubidus (Warren Canyon) was advanced compared to L. r. ferrisi (Ditch Camp) with respect to first instar characters, and clustered amongst the L. editha populations. The other populations ofL. x. dione and L. editha were intermediate, yet did not cluster together. The Colorado L. x. dione population appears to be distinct from the two other L. x. dione popula- tions and is more closely related to L. x. xanthoides than is L. editha. Lycaena editha (Sagehen Meadows) and L. xanthoides (Silver Canyon), were the most advanced and most primitive of their species, respectively. Twenty-one phylogenies were constructed from the 13 mature larval characters. All showed L. xanthoides as most primitive, withL. editha as intermediate, and L. rubidus as the most advanced species (Figure 4). Lycaena x. dione clustered closely with L. x. xanthoides , but as more primitive. The major differences amongst the 21 trees were the precise arrangement among theL. xanthoides populations. The arrangement of L. xanthoides Silver Canyon was the same with respect to L. editha and L. rubidus , in all 21 trees. These phylogenies also show an interesting relationship amongst the L. heteronea populations. Those L. heteronea populations which exhibit 186 J. Res. Lepid. Mature Larval Characters with Dark Legs and Head as Primitive dione Nebraska xanthoides Sherwin S xanthoides Mojave R xanthoides Acton L xanthoides Branscomb — xanthoides Sacramento xanthoides Silver Cyn — editha Dunsmuir editha Tioga Pass editha Mt Barcroft rubidus Warren Cyn - ANCESTOR Figure 5 Phylogenetic Analysis (Distance Wagner Tree) of the members of the L. editha complex using mature larval characters and a hypothetical ancestor (characters of L heteronea, but with a dark head capsule and legs). Length is 14.4 and the consistency index is 0.764. well formed macules on the ventral hindwings (Tioga Pass, Ball Mt, and Colorado) cluster separately from those with no visible macules on the ventral hindwings. The Tioga Pass L. heteronea (on Eriogonum nudum Doug, ex Benth.) was less than 1 km from the Warren Canyon population ofL. heteronea (on Eriogonum umbellatum Torr.). The same two popula- tions also differ in other morphological features and in ant attendance (Ballmer and Pratt, 1992). Since the phylogenies derived from mature larval characters differed dramatically in the placement ofL. rubidus from those derived from first instar characters, phylogenies were constructed with a hypothetical ancestor modified from L. heteronea. This was to test whether the polarization of the taxonomic units could be easily reversed by changes in character states to those which could have been primitive for the complex. The two partially correlated characters, the dark coloration of the head capsule and legs, are quite variable amongst the Lycaenidae. Populations of the same species can differ in these two characters (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989b). A hypothetical ancestor (with a dark head capsule and legs) causes the polarity of the taxa to be completely reversed (Figure 5). Since phylogenies can be affected easily by only a couple of changes in the polarity of character states, a single convergence in a character state could cause a reversal in the polarity of a phylogeny. The more characters used in a phylogenetic analysis, the more robust the analysis will be and the less likely that a single character will have this affect. Therefore a 30(3-4):175-195, 1991 187 All Characters Without dione Colorado dione Nebraska xanthoides Silver Cyn xanthoides Sherwin xanthoides Mojave R — xan Acton xan Sacramento L xanthoides Branscomb editha Dunsmuir r editha Tioga Pass L editha Mt Barcroft rubidus Warren Cyn L heteronea Ventura rubidus Ditch Camp Figure 6 Phylogenetic Analysis (Distance Wagner Tree) of the members of the L. editha complex using first instar, mature larval, and adult characters and L. heteronea from Ventura as an outgroup. Length is 43.726 and the consis- tency index is 0.663. phytogeny was constructed using all 30 morphological characters and Lycaena heteronea (Ventura) as an outgroup. Since mature larval char- acters were not available for L. r. ferrisi (Ditch Camp), these characters were coded as missing. The L. x. dione Colorado population was not included, since it was based on only three first instar larvae. Only one Wagner Tree was produced from this analysis (Figure 6). Lycaena rubidus ferrisi (Ditch Camp) was the most primitive taxon amongst the Editha Complex. All of the L. x. xanthoides populations clustered to- gether, as did allL. editha , and the twoL. rubidus populations clustered at the base. This phylogeny suggests thatL. x. dione gave rise toL. editha and L. x. xanthoides independently. DISCUSSION Since the number of characters used for the first instar and mature larval derived phylogenies were small, 14 and 13 respectively, there are a number of possible explanations of why the two phylogenies were quite different. One of these, convergence of character states with the outgroup was examined (Figure 5) and may be a partial explanation. Another explanation is that different operational units were examined in the two analyses. It would also seem likely that the mature larval characters contained different evolutionary information from that of first instars and that an analysis including all of the characters, would be a more robust representation of the historical evolution of the complex. 188 J. Res. Lepid. Some first instar characters may be correlated with mature larval characters, such as lengths of primary and secondary setae. By combin- ing these character sets an uneven weighting due to these correlated characters would be obtained in a final analysis. However, with Euphilotes Mattoni a correlation of setal lengths in first instars to mature larvae appears unlikely, since all combinations in lengths have been observed (Pratt, 1988). Euphilotes enoptes mojave (Watson & Comstock) first instars have very short primary setae, while mature larvae have long dorsal secondary setae. Euphilotes enoptes ancilla (Barnes & McDunnough) is the reverse with long primary setae and short dorsal secondary setae. Euphilotes enoptes dammersi (Comstock & Henne) has both short primary and secondary setae, whereas E. battoides baueri (Shields) has both long primary and secondary setae. Within the Editha Complex there are three closely related entities (. Lycaena rubidus , L. xanthoides, and L. editha). Recently, Scott (1980) reduced L. editha to a subspecies of L. xanthoides. The Dunsmuir L. editha population was proposed by Scott (1980) as intermediate between these taxa. In this study we find that although the Dunsmuir population is intermediate in wing size, it is not with larval and adult characters. With discriminant analyses of these characters, the Dunsmuir popula- tion clearly classifies as anL. editha. Also, a character which separates all adult L. editha from other Lycaena (ratio of macule lengths) is not intermediate in the Dunsmuir population. Scott (1980) found only two morphological characters that distin- guished L. editha from L. xanthoides ; these characters were the size of the wings and the macules. He showed that the M2 macule size for the Dunsmuir population is intermediate betweenL. editha andL. xanthoides. This may be due to the way the macule was measured (parallel to a wing vein), rather than its maximum length. Scott’s method is satisfactory when the M2 macule is circular or when it is elongate and its long axis is parallel to vein M2, as inL. editha from the White Mountains (Figure 2D). However, Scott’s method gives an erroneous value for macule width in specimens with elongate macules whose long axes are not parallel to the vein, as often found in L. editha from Dunsmuir (see Figure 2C). From the phylogeny based on first and last instar larvae and adults (Figure 6), both L. editha and L. x. xanthoides appear to have evolved from L. x. dione. The depicted arrangement of populations within and between taxa, may also reflect an historical pattern of evolution. For instance, in the area where L. x. xanthoides shared the most recent connection with extant L. x. dione populations, the latter could be more similar to L. x. xanthoides than are other L. x. dione populations. Therefore, considering the geographic distributions of the two taxa and of the populations in this study (Figure 1), L. x. dione from Colorado (the most southwestern) should be closest phenetically to L. x. xanthoides from Silver Canyon, Sherwin Summit, and Hunter Mountain (the most eastern). The L. x. dione population from Colorado is closest to L. x. 30(3-4):175-195, 1991 189 xanthoides from Sherwin Summit and Silver Canyon according to a first instar phylogeny (Figure 3), which is the only complete data set for the three dione populations. Discriminant analyses of mature larvae from Sherwin Summit and adults from Hunter Mountain misclassify 2 of 6 larvae and 5 of 8 adults, respectively as L. x. dione. This supports the hypothesis that L. x. xanthoides evolved from or was founded by L. x. dione, rather than by L. editha. The elevation differences between L. editha andL. xanthoides popula- tions in the Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountains generally make the two taxa asynchronous in flight periods. Along the east slope of the Sierra Nevada L. xanthoides occurs from about mid-May to mid- or late June at 2,000 meters, whereas L. editha generally doesn’t occur before early to mid- July at 3,000 meters. Although it is possible that an early male of L. editha may encounter a late female of L.x. xanthoides, by that season the L. x. xanthoides female should have been mated. Still ‘gene-flow’ may be occurring between L. editha and L. xanthoides at Silver Canyon and perhaps Sherwin Summit, since according to a discriminant analysis of first instars they are phenetically closer to L. editha than are other L. x. xanthoides populations. It is also possible that these relationships are due to retention of plesiomorphic characters, since according to discriminant analyses two of three first instars of L.x. dione from Colorado, also misclassify as L. editha. In any case, these populations cluster more closely with L. xanthoides than with L. editha (Figures 3-6). Lycaena heteronea was chosen as an outgroup because it belongs to the most closely related group (along with L. gorgon) to the Editha Complex, and is the only other North American Lycaena known to possess dendritic setae in later instars (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989b). The mature larval characters which make L. xanthoides appear close to L. heteronea may be due to retained plesiomorphic characters, convergent derived charac- ters, or a combination of both (Figure 4). However, additional characters of mature larvae shared by L. heteronea and L. gorgon are absent in the Editha Complex and all other North American Lycaena (Ballmer & Pratt 1989b). These character states and those of first instar body and cranial chaetotaxy (which are shared with other North American Coppers) indicate that the Editha Complex is more plesiomorphic (older) than L. heteronea (Wright pers obs.). Although there is a possibility that L. xanthoides and L. editha may be exhibiting some regional or site-specific gene-flow, all populations exam- ined can be assigned to one or the other species in the complex. With respect to larval characters, L. ruhidus appears to be at least as close to L. editha as it is to L. xanthoides. There does not appear to be continuous blending of populations ofL. xanthoides from the south or low elevations with L. editha in the north or high elevations. Isolated populations of L. editha from Tioga Pass (Sagehen Meadows, Winter Park, and Mt Barcroft) cluster with other L. editha populations and isolated populations of L. 190 J. Res. Lepid. xanthoides (Hunter Mt, Silver Canyon, and Sherwin Summit) cluster with other L. xanthoides populations. It is possible that there are narrow blend zones between the species, but at present these have not been identified. Lycaena ruhidus ferrisi is more primitive and significantly different fromL. r. ruhidus (Warren Canyon) on the basis of seven of 14 first instar characters used in the phylogenetic analysis. Perhaps these two taxa are separate species as has been proposed by Johnson and Balogh (1977). This distinction may also be due to either a sample bias or more likely to the geographic isolation between the two taxa. More populations of L. ruhidus need to be sampled in order to arrive at a species level decision regarding these two taxa. DISPERSAL ROUTES AND VICARIANT EVENTS OF THE EDITHA COMPLEX Lycaena ruhidus Lycaena ruhidus ferrisi was shown to be the most primitive taxon in the Editha Complex. This is particularly interesting since this taxon is presently allopatric with all other N orth American Lycaena (Scott, 1986). The formation of L. r. ferrisi therefore could have been the initial vicariant event which separated the Editha complex from its sister taxon and allowed it to evolve in isolation. The dispersal routes open to L.r. ferrisi for the subsequent formation ofL. ruhidus at Warren Canyon could have been long and precarious. The species may have moved through the mountain ranges to the north of where L. r. ferrisi occurs (WH in Figure 7) into Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and then westward to the Cascades of Washington and Oregon and south into the Sierra Nevada. This movement could have resulted in a series of founder events which caused the differentiation of L. ruhidus at Warren Canyon. Since intermediate populations of L. ruhidus were not used in the first instar phylogenetic analysis, it is not surprising that the character steps of this population would be more parsimonious with other derived populations of other taxa. This phylogenetic discrepancy disappeared with a more robust analysis. L. x. dione The most likely method by which L. x. dione formed from L. r. ferrisi is during a glacial period, perhaps the first of the four which occurred during the Pleistocene. This would have caused L. r. ferrisi to move down in elevation, perhaps to the Colorado Plateau (C in Figure 7). When the glacier retreated, the Colorado Plateau, where no Lycaena presently resides, probably became more xeric and an unfit habitat for the food plants, Rumex sp. Perhaps some individuals retreated up the mountains, whereas others at the eastern edge of the plateau went east into the Great Plains (GP in Figure 7). At least this Colorado Plateau population would have become adapted to Prairie habitats during the glacial period. Since 30(3-4):175-195, 1991 191 Figure 7. The map illustrates the present geographic regions of grasslands and mountains of western North America. The dark areas represent mountain ranges and the grasslands are outlined, while the remaining areas of the West are largely desert. The following abbreviations: C=Colorado Plateau; CR=Golorado Rocky Mountains; GB=Great Basin Desert; GP=Great Plains; l=the edge of the Glacier during the Wisconsin Glacial period; IN=lnyo and White Mountains of California; M=Mojave Desert; S=Sierra Nevada; SV=Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin Valley; W=Wasatch Range; WH=White Mountains of Arizona; XR=the present southern limit of L. x. dione. 192 J. Res. Lepid. the present southern limit of the range of L. x. dione (XR in Figure 7) is north of the Colorado Plateau, L. x. dione must have moved north as the glacier retreated, which may have further isolated L. rubidus from L. x. dione. L. editha Two biological adaptations must have occurred in the ancestral L. x. dione which formed L. editha : first it became adapted to high elevations and/or cool environments; second, and perhaps most important, it be- came adapted to Rumex paucifolius Nutt. These two changes probably coincided, since R. paucifolius largely occurs in cool environments, presently in alpine environments. BothL. rubidus and L. xanthoides use large broad leaved Rumex species and not R. paucifolius (Ballmer & Pratt, 1989b). The geographic range of L. editha is entirely confined within the range of this food plant (Scott, 1986; Hitchcock & Cronquist, 1973; Scoggan, 1978). In areas where L. editha is not associated with R. paucifolius , as at Dunsmuir, the butterfly primarily uses the closely related species Rumex acetosella L. and/or R. angiocarpus Murb. These three Rumex species share similar floral and other characteristics, and key out in sequential couplets (Hitchcock & Cronquist, 1973). Both R. acetosella and R. angiocarpus are believed to be introduced from Europe (Munz, 1974). Lycaena cupreus (W. H. Edwards), a high altitude species also adapted to R. paucifolius , like L. editha , sometimes occurs at lower elevation in association with R. acetosella (Emmel & Pratt, pers. obs.). A likely mechanism for these changes in a population of L. x. dione , involves entrapment during a glacial period in a blind prairie canyon or valley. This canyon must have been long, broad, and ran generally north- south. The blind end would have been blocked by mountains to the south, with high mountains to the east and the west blocking movement in all directions but the north. The closer to the southern edge of the glacier, the colder the canyon would have become. Such a prairie canyon occurs in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, the Red Rock River Canyon (Figure 7). As the glacier moved south, probably L. x. dione moved south in response. Eventually the glacier may have even cut off any possible movement to the north, so that an isolated pocket of L. x. dione was formed. In such an isolated pocket the large Rumex species, on which L. x. dione was adapted, may have been gradually extirpated, being re- placed by the colder adapted R. paucifolius. Therefore only those butter- flies that went through a host shift to this new host survived. The glacial period probably lasted a long time; for instance, the recent Wisconsin lasted for over 50,000 years (Martin & Mehringer, 1965). This is a lot of generations of selection upon a new host race. When the glacier receded, the new host race probably followed its food plant up into the Rocky Mountains, where it remained isolated from L. x. dione at high elevations. Probably during the following glacial period L. editha dropped down into the Great Basin desert (GB Figure 7), which was just south of 30(3-4): 175-195, 1991 193 the Rocky Mountains of Montana. During the Wisconsin Glacial, subal- pine plants extended down to basal elevations (Wells, 1983). At that time L. editha could have expanded its range throughout the Great Basin. Now L. editha is found throughout connecting mountain ranges that border the Great Basin desert. L. x. xanthoides Lycaena x. dione is adapted to the prairie habitat of the Great Plains andL. x. xanthoides is adapted to grassland habitats of California (SV in Figure 7). Although L. x. xanthoides does not occur exclusively in these grassland habitats, its range encompasses the region. Only one other Copper occurs in the grasslands of California, Lycaena helloides (Boisduval), and it also inhabits the prairie habitat of the Great Plains (Scott, 1986). It is possible, therefore, that L. x. xanthoides came from L. jt. dione through a prairie corridor which led from the Great Plains to California. Because of the Rocky Mountains and Great Basin desert of the west, such a corridor probably would have had to have run from western Texas through southern New Mexico and Arizona (south of the White Mountains) and ended in the Mojave desert of California (WH and M in Figure 7). Present distributions of three lycaenid species suggest that such a prairie corridor could have once existed, Phaeostrymon alcestis (W. H. Edwards), Everes comyntas (Godart), and Lycaeides melissa (W. H. Edwards) have populations adapted to the prairie habitats of the Great Plains. Phaeostrymon alcestis occurs through much of the southern regions of the Great Plains and its range overlaps that of L. x. dione. This butterfly occurs in 2 disjunct regions through this region from the White Mountains south (Scott, 1986). Everes comyntas also occurs throughout the Great Plains and in disjunct areas south of the White Mountains. This species extends its range into the grasslands of California and north into the grasslands of Washington and is absent from the Rocky Moun- tains and most of the Great Basin, and shows no likely east-west connection to the north (Scott, 1986). Lycaeides melissa which occurs through most of the west, occurs in this region south of the White Mountains as disjunct populations, whereas the butterfly’s range out- side of this region is largely continuous (Scott, 1986). Although L.x. dione does not presently occur south to the gateway of this hypothetical prairie corridor, the northern half of its range was covered in glacier during the Wisconsin. It would seem likely that during the Wisconsin, L. x. dione probably extended south to this gateway. Not only would this prairie corridor have been cooler during a glacial period, but moister and more favorable to Rumex species. When the glacier retreated this corridor probably became too dry for Rumex species and the range of L.x. dione moved north. Now L. x. dione and L. x. xanthoides are isolated by the Rocky Mountains and Great Basin desert. 194 J. Res. Lepid. Conclusion One of the remarkable results of this study are the number of statistical character differences found in different populations of the same species. Perhaps this is not too surprising in L. rubidus and L. editha, which historically may have formed isolated geographic populations during the Pleistocene, but these differences are even apparent in the first instars of different populations of L. x. dione. The Great Plains presently are rather uniform, with little if any geographic barriers to gene-flow. On the other hand, pockets of isolated prairie could have occurred during the Wisconsin glaciation. For instance, the eastern peninsula of grassland habitat of the Great Plains could have been isolated during a glaciated period (see Figure 7). By increasing the number of carefully chosen populations, number of characters, and sample sizes, a more refined phylogenetic analysis could be performed which could answer more specific dispersal questions within the Editha Complex. Genitalic characters could also be examined and scored in much the same way as the larval characters, particularly since character differences have been observed in the L. rubidus subspe- cies (Johnson & Balogh, 1977). By increasing the sample sizes for some of the larval characters, greater statistical differences may be obtained which would create more characters that form significantly different classes. Such analyses may demonstrate vicariant events which could be timed by a known geological history of the regions. These analyses may also help illuminate potential vicariant events of other butterflies as well as other insects. Acknowledgements. We thank Susan S. Borkin for ova of L. x. dione from Wisconsin, Jim Scott for ova of L. editha and L. x. dione from Colorado, Malcolm Douglas for ova of L. r. ferrisi from Arizona, Art Shapiro for females of L. x. xanthoides from Sacramento and ova ofL. heteronea from Ball Mt (CA), Sterling Matoon for the ova of L. xanthoides from Branscomb Lake (CA), Rudy Mattoni for ova of L. xanthoides from Acton and L. heteronea from Chuchupate Camp- ground (CA), Adam Porter for ova of L. xanthoides from Silver Canyon (CA). Additional thanks are due to Adam Porter, Art Shapiro, and John Emmel for reading and commenting on an early version and two anonymous reviewers which helped in the final manuscript. Literature Cited Anonymous, 1986. Season Summary 1985, Colorado Section. News Lep. Soc. 2: 23. Austin, G. T. & D. D. Murphy, 1987. Zoogeography of Great Basin butterflies: Patterns of distribution and differentiation. Great Basin Naturalist, 47:186- 201. Ballmer, G. R. & G. F. Pratt, 1989a. 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The Flora of Canada, Bonnie Livingston, editor. National Museums of Canada, publisher, Ottawa, Canada, p. 639. Scott, J. A., 1980. Geographic variation in Lycaena xanthoides. J. Res. Lep. 18: 50-59. 1986. The Butterflies of North America. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. Wells, P. V. 1983. Paleobiogeography of montane islands in the Great Basin since the last Glaciopluvial. Ecological Monographs, 53:341-383. Wright, D. M., 1983. Life history and morphology of the immature stages of the bog copper butterfly Lycaena epixanthe (Bsd. & Le C.) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). J. Res. Lep. 22: 47-100. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):196-208, 1991 A morphological search for the sound mechanism of Hamadryas butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Julian Monge-Najera Museo de Zoologia, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica Francisco Hernandez Facultad de Microbiologla, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica Abstract. At least seven locations have been proposed for the sonic mechanism of Hamadryas butterflies, which has not been identified to date. Using light microscopy, five species of Hamadryas (including a “mute” population) were compared with Siproeta stelenes, Anartia fatima and Ectima thecla, which do not emit audible sound. Three macrostructures were found exclusively in Hamadryas: the abdominal rami, and in the forewings, a hemispheric membrane in the costal cell and the swollen base of the subcostal vein. Only the third appears to be related to sound emission (possibly, percussion by clapping the wings). Thus, the fore wings appear to be the most feasible location for the sound emission mechanism in Hamadryas. Introduction Despite Darwin’s mention of the phenomenon in his books (Darwin, 1839; 1871), the loud sound emissions of Hamadryas — a genus of Neotropical butterflies — are not widely known by entomologists. At least seven locations of the thorax, forewings and abdomen have been pro- posed for the still unidentified sound mechanism, but experimentation has proven difficult (Swihart, 1967; Monge-Najera, 1991). Considering the intensity and frequency of the sound, the structures which produce it must be relatively large (Swihart, 1967; Cromer, 1978) and possibly detectable in a study of the external gross morphology. Surprisingly, such a study had never been attempted before. This paper compares external structure in eight ecologically related Neotropical species: I) five sound-emitting Hamadryas species from Costa Rica: H. amphinome, H. feronia, H. guatemalena, H. glauconome and H. februa\ specimens of H. februa from a Venezuelan population which does not emit audible sound (Otero, 1988) were also included; II) three species which do not emit sound: a) Siproeta stelenes , similar to Hamadryas in size, territorial behavior and diet; b) Anartia fatima , also territorial but smaller and nectarivorous and c) Ectima thecla , a member of a genus that is phylogenetically and ethologically close to Hamadryas (Jenkins, 1985). 30(3-4):196-208, 1991 197 Methods The insects were fixed in KAAD for at least a week and preserved in 75% ethanol. Scales and debris were eliminated with a brush and by manual or ultrasonic agitation while submerging the body (6 min) and the wings (3 min) in commercial bleach (approximately 2.5 % sodium hypochlorite). After a rinse in distilled water, the specimens were dried with the help of a vacuum evaporator or in air. All illustrations are based on camera lucida drawings. To facilitate observa- tion, some translucent parts were coated with gold as for scanning electron microscopy and observed with a light dissection microscope. Ink was added to check possible communication among veins. A total of 97 specimens of eight species were studied, as follows: Hamadryas februa(5 9,30 6),H. feroniai 2 9,5 6),H. guatemalena (1 9,8 8),H. glauconome (1 9,1 8),H. amphinome (1 9,1 8 ), S. stelenes (2 9 , 24 6 ), A. fatima (3 9,11 8) and E. thecla (2d). Results The structure of forewings and the general thorax and abdomen plans are similar in all taxa, independent of sex (Figs. 1-9). The only outstand- ing characteristics are the presence of the hypandrium and rami, in male E. thecla and Hamadryas spp., respectively (Figs. 7 C, 8 A,B and 9 A,B), and three structures of the forewings: Vogel’s organ, and in Hamadryas, the costal cell membrane and the swollen base of the subcostal vein (Figs. 2 and 7 B). The hypandrium and rami are structures associated with the male genitalia. The hypandrium has the shape of a curved lamina and the rami are a pair of rods (Figs. 7 C, 8 A,B and 9 A,B). “Vogel’s organ” (a term coined by Otero, 1988) is developed in both sexes of Hamadryas and less defined in the other genera. This organ (Fig. 7 B) was found in satyrids early in the century (Vogel, 1912) and occupies the base of the Cu vein. It has a rigid cap mounted on a flexible ring. There are four chambers under the cap; ink added to them does not reach the adjoining veins, suggesting a lack of direct connection. The costal cell membrane (present in Hamadryas only) has the shape of an elongated coppola and is located in the wing base (Fig. 7 B). This membrane, which is inflated in the living insect, can be easily ruptured (and thus deinflated) during manipulation of the specimen. In Hamadr- yas, the strong subcostal vein is highly “swollen” and reaches a diameter about 2-3 times that of the equivalent vein of silent species. All Hamadryas have three structures that are lacking in the species which do not emit sound: a) in the abdomen, the rami and b) in the forewings, the costal cell membrane and the swollen base of the subcostal vein. Discussion To evaluate the plausibility of the role of each structure in sonic emission, it is useful to consider how sound is produced by organisms. 198 J. Res . Lepid. parapatagium patagium p/eurosternum epistermun coxa i epimeron g mer on 2 - eucoxa qnepisternum 2 Dasalare z s ubalare 2 axilore cord 2 scutellum 2 scutum 3 scutellum 3 subalare 3 epimeron 3 eucoxa 3 epimeron 3 episkternum 3 Fig. 1 . Lateral view of thorax. A. Nomenclature (from Scott, 1985). B. Male E. thecla. C. Male E. fatima. D. Female E. fatima (wings removed). E. Male S. stelenes. F. Female S. stelenes . Bars 1 mm. 30(3-4): 196-208, 1991 199 Fig. 2. Lateral view of thorax. A. Male H. februa. B. Female H. februa. C. Male H. feronia. D. Female H. feronia. E. Male H. guatemalena. F. Female H. guatemalena. Bars 1mm. 200 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 3. Dorsal view of thorax. A. Nomenclature (from Scott, 1985). B. Male E. thecla. C. Male E. fatima. D. Female E. fatima (wings removed). E. Male S. stelenes. F. Female S. stelenes. Bars 1 mm. 30(3-4): 196-208, 1991 201 Fig. 4. Dorsal view of thorax. A. Male H. februa. B. Female H. februa. C. Male H. feronia. D. Female H. feronia. E. Male H. guatemalena. F. Female H. guatemalena. Bars 1mm. 202 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 5. Ventral view of thorax. A. Nomenclature (from Scott, 1985). B. Male E. thecla. C. Male E. fatima. D. Female E. fatima (wings removed). E. Male S. stelenes. F. Female S. stelenes. Bars 1 mm. 30(3-4): 196-208, 1991 203 Fig. 6. Ventral view of thorax. A. Male H. februa. B. Female H. februa. C. Male H. feronia. D. Female H. feronia. E. Male H. guatemalena. F. Female H. guatemalena. Bars 1mm. 204 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 7. Dorsal (A) and ventral (B) sides of the forewing base of male H. februa. Veins: Sc subcostal, R radial, Cu cubital, A anal. Other structures: BA basalare, H hypandrium, MCC membrane of costal cell, SA subalare, VO Vogel’s Organ. From above: dorsal, lateral and ventral view of abdomen in male E. thecla (C), and A. fatima (D: male, E: female). Bars 1 mm. 30(3-4): 196-208, 1991 205 Fig. 8. From above: dorsal, lateral and ventral view of abdomen in: A. Male S. stelenes. B. Male H. februa. C. Female S. stelenes. D. Female H. februa. Bars 1 mm. 206 J. Res. Lepid. Fig. 9. From above, dorsal, lateral and ventral view of abdomen in: A. Male H. feronia. B. Male H. guatemalena. C. Female H. feronia. D. Female H. guatemaiena . Bars 1 mm. 30(3-4): 196-208, 1991 207 There are three basic mechanisms, all known in the Lepidoptera (Monge- Najera and Morera, 1987): vibration of a filament, vibration of a mem- brane and percussion. None of the structures found appears capable of vibrating as a filament. The costal cell membrane and Vogel’s organ could act as a vibrating membrane but they lack the necessary muscle and the second also occurs in “silent” species (Figs. 1 and 2). Swihart (1967) experimentally showed the auditory function of the costal cell membrane; the function of Vogel’s organ, proposed to be a hearing organ by Vogel himself (1912), has not been tested (it may be specialized for detecting predatory bats, as suggested by its rigidity and smaller size; see Cromer, 1978). Percussion could be carried out by any mobile structure hitting against another; this includes the antennae and legs (both never suggested as sound organs in the literature on Hamadryas ) and the rami and wings. The antennae appear too soft for loud percussion and the legs do not participate, since -very infrequently- perching individuals produce sound while the legs are motionless (but they clap the wings as they emit sound during perching; JMN, personal observation). The rami do not show articulations (Jenkins, 1983) and are more probably structures used by females “to evaluate the male” during copulation attempts, as suggested in general for complex, rigid sexual structures by Eberhard (1985). The same applies to the hypandrium of the mute Ectima. In contrast with the other structures, the swollen base of the subcostal vein in the forewings (exclusively present in species that emit sound) could be a reinforcement for percussion. A strong venation may allow sound production when the insect claps its wings (less probably, sound may result from chitin flexing or snapping during a modified wing beat). Interestingly, the “mute” Venezuelan Hamadryas do not present any defined morphological difference from sound emitting Hamadryas. Their silence may be an ethological rather than a morphological characteristic. In conclusion, the forewings are the most feasible location for the sound emission mechanism in Hamadryas, possibly in relation to clapping, but the exact nature of the mechanism remains to be identified. Acknowledgments. We thank many colleagues for assistance and advice, par- ticularly Luis Otero (Universidad Central de Venezuela) and Peter Dobbeler (Berlin Herbarium), who provided specimens and a translation, respectively. Carlos Valerio, Juan Chavarria and William Eberhard (Universidad de Costa Rica) gave valuable advice and commented on the manuscript. Literature Cited Cromer, A.H. 1978. Ffsica para las ciencias de la vida. Reverte, Barcelona, Spain. 541 p. Darwin, C.R. 1839. A naturalist voyage. Murray, London. . 1871. The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. Murray, London. Eberhard, W.G. 1985. Sexual selection and animal genitalia. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. 244 p. 208 J. Res . Lepid. Jenkins, D.W. 1983. Neotropical Nymphalidae I. Revision of Hamadryas. Bull. Allyn Mus. 81: 1-146. . 1985. Neotropical Nymphalidae. IV. Revision of Ectima. Bull. Allyn Mus. 95: 1-31. Monge -NAjera, J. 1991. Cryptic Butterflies, Hamadryas of Panama (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae): Their biology and classification. In D. Quintero and A. Aiello (editors). Insects of Mesoamerica and Panama: Selected Studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Monge-Najera, J., & B. Morera-Brenes. 1987. Emision de sonido en insectos: un enfoque evolutivo. Biocenosis 3: 18-21. Otero, L.D. 1988. Contribution a la historia natural del genero Hamadryas (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Ph.D. Thesis, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. Scott, 1985. The phylogeny of Butterflies (Papilionoidea and Hesperoidea). J. Res. Lepid. 23 (4): 241-281. Swihart, S.L. 1967. Hearing in butterflies (Nymphalidae: Heliconius,Ageronia). J. Insect Physiol. 13: 469-476. Vogel, R. 1912. Uber die Chordotonalorgane in der Wurzel der Schmetterlingsflugel. Z. Wiss. Zool. 100: 210-244. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):209-220, 1991 Extirpation and Recolonization of the Buckeye, Junonia coenia (Nymphalidae) Following the Northern California Freeze of December, 1990 Arthur M. Shapiro Department of Zoology and Center for Population Biology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 Abstract. The Buckeye, Junonia coenia, seems to have been eradi- cated from its northern California range east of the San Francisco Bay area by a severe freeze the fourth week of December 1990. Reinvasion of the Sacramento Valley began at the end of June and many areas had been reoccupied by the end of the 1991 season. Population growth was approximately exponential during the reoccupation, but at season’s end numbers were estimated at only 10% of average. No colonization was observed in the montane Sierra Nevada. Introduction In 1972 Ehrlich et al. observed that "... we believe that extinctions of local populations may be relatively commonplace in most temperate butterfly species, if not in most temperate animal species. That they are not more commonly observed and reported may well be an artifact of misapprehensions about the size of evolutionary and population-dy- namic units... as well as the difficulty of ‘proving’ that a population of small, vagile organisms is no longer maintaining itself in an area.” Since that time, extinction processes affecting threatened or endangered species have become an important topic of concern in ecology and conservation biology. Such butterflies are typically monophagous, steno- topic, univoltine and philopatric (Arnold 1981, 1983). Extinctions of common, “weedy” species are rarely noted, although in theory they should be very common. The Buckeye, Junonia (or Precis ) coenia Hbn. (Nymphalidae), is about as different from an endangered Lycaenid as a butterfly can be; it is oligophagous, eurytopic, multivoltine and disper- sive or even migratory. Such a species may be thought of as having no “permanent” populations at all, only constantly dynamic local manifes- tations of a large-scale or even global “metapopulation” (Andrewartha and Birch 1954, Levins 1970). Buckeyes may breed in a given locality for only one generation before dispersing, or being forced to disperse by seasonal changes in the ruderal vegetation. The larger entity — the metapopulation — may, however, be very persistent. In lowland Califor- nia J. coenia is regarded as ubiquitous, common, and weedy (Garth and Tilden 1986; Tilden and Smith 1986). The droughty winter of 1989-90 allowed the Buckeye to overwinter successfully in many atypical localities, as evidenced by the flight of adults in late winter and early spring where this is a rare event. In the California Central Valley the regular pattern of seasonal population growth was advanced by 1-2 generations, depending on locality. By 210 J. Res. Lepid. autumn 1990 populations were very large in most areas, and adults were still flying as late as early December at the Suisun Marsh. Within three weeks the coldest weather in several decades gripped California. Al- though it cannot be rigorously proven, this freezing episode seems to have destroyed all of the Buckeye metapopulation east of the East Bay hills. This paper presents the available data on both the disappearance of the Buckeye and its gradual recolonization-reoccupation of its inland range in 1991. The Normal Situation Junonia coenia ranges throughout the Central Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, foothills of the Coast Ranges and northern California moun- tains, and western foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Southward it extends across the Transverse Ranges and is common in coastal Southern California, but scarce in the deserts. At higher elevations in the northern mountains and Sierra Nevada it is a sporadic visitor from midsummer through autumn. When it arrives early enough it may breed successfully at least up to 2000m, but is unrecorded as overwintering at such altitudes. On the Sierran east slope it is often collected as singletons on flowers of Rabbitbrush ( Chrysothamnus , Comositae) along highways (e.g., 89 and 395) in autumn. In some years it descends the Truckee River drainage to Reno, NV but its occurrence east of the Sierran crest is always chancy and short-lived. Beginning in 1972, a transect has been maintained across north- central California parallel to Interstate Highway 80 for studies of butterfly phenology and faunsitics. At present there are 10 stations on the transect. The number and identity of butterfly species flying at each is recorded on a biweekly sampling schedule throughout the season. Stations on the transect have been monitored from 6 to 20 yr. In addition, butterfly phenology is monitored closely on the floor of the Sacramento Valley at a network of stations not on the transect. I am thus in a good position to detect anomalies — such as the disappearance of a common species over a wide area for several months. I have in addition presence- absence data from more or less regular trips to the north end of the State. The Buckeye has been present at all low-elevation (below 1000m) transect stations in all years of record. That, however, does not mean it is a continuous resident. Shapiro ( 1974, p. 120) stated that it “is restricted to bottomlands early in the season, but generally distributed by late vi. It is not certain thatP. coenia overwinters in the (Sacramento) Valley at all. It is abundant in the foothill canyons 3-6 wk before it appears on the Valley floor.” This assessment has held up. The first J. coenia on the Valley floor are usually seen in III or IV and occur in riparian habitat. They may have followed the streams down from the hills and are always spotty and rare; the species is almost never common before mid to late V. The first specimens seen in foothill canyons are very small and clay- 30(3-4):209-220, 1991 211 colored beneath. This phenotype is produced in autumn everywhere, but infrequently seen in the Central Valley in spring. Table 1 demonstrates the high variance in first-flight dates for low-elevation stations since 1982, as well as the pattern of early appearance in the foothills (repre- sented by Gates Canyon) as compared to the Valley, with the Suisun Marsh usually latest of all. Gates Canyon is an E-W oriented Coast Range CD "O 0 CD 0 Q U CD 0 JC eo 0 CO ■Q ■4—* o> C/3 0 "D C 0 00 0 -Q 0 0 ■*— • CO 0 > o "5 O o SZ O C 0 CC c o >> C 0 o C/3 03 0 0 C/3 0 C 3 0 3 CO X X X X X X X X X X » t CO T— 03 CM CM T“ d cd T” CM V“ i i T” *1 — 1 22. V ■ I > 1.VIII ■ 14.1V 17.IV- 3. VII 19.11 - - roe 10.VI - 16. VIII > > == = c\i c\i cd °o CM CM CM 1— ~P ID -n "O 03 X O X 0 CM X cd 0 T— v d CM "O > A A i CO 1 o z cd > > — > CM — : LO 03 ~0 CM CM O O 0 0 0 > O O 0 >4 0 0 > O o 0 >% 0 0 > O o 0 >% Q) "0 > 0 0 co 0 'r_ X 0 03 X X X X CM > iJ) d CM A id CM CM d CM 1 i __ _ EE — > zz > cd Lf3 Is" CO X X X X X X 03 X X CM cd *1 — CM A 03 1 > = > > > — CM CM d CM 03 T" 00 20.1 d CM X X cd X X X X X X cd CM cd cd id l — C\l 00 > > > > > 1 > > > 00 d d 03 d cd l T— T” T- CO CM 03 C\J WW^IO(ONCOO)0'- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 030) 0303030)030303030303 o CM C 4-* O 0 if) c 0 c o if) ~D »_ o o 0 0 0 o 0 CD 03 0 00 i? 00 • - 03 0 i- O c X & _ O) ® E § ® "O -0 f 2 E ® s § o & z < 212 J. Res . Lepid. canyon and itself averages 2-4 wk later for the Buckeye than the nearby N-S oriented Cold Canyon, which is monitored in spring but not part of the transect. The Buckeye does occasionally appear at Valley sites as early as I, especially in drought years. There is no year-to-year pattern of repeated overwinter survival at particular Valley sites. I interpret the picture presented in table 1 as follows: the Buckeye is eradicated from most Valley sites in “normal” winters; the probability of successful overwinter- ing is enhanced in drought years, but even then it is a rare and stochastic event. The Valley is recolonized during spring, mostly from foothill populations but perhaps with some contributions from locally overwin- tered animals. The population grows rapidly and always peaks in September-October, coinciding with the flowering time of Coyotebrush (. Baccharis pilularis, Compositae), a favorite nectar source, and then tails off rapidly in November. In most years two or three apparent “waves” of migrating Buckeyes are seen passing through Davis during the summer and fall. Their general direction is S to N or SW to NE, but their sources are unknown and they are rarely abundant. Junonia is a tropical and subtropical genus. In the eastern United States the northern boundary of J. coenia fluctuates from year to year, apparently due to cold intolerance. Opler and Krizek (1984) summarize a vast literature thus; “The Buckeye ranges from southern Canada through most of the United States to northern Mexico. Throughout most of its range the species cannot survive the winter, and year-round populations occur only in the southern portions of its range. It can survive the winter on coastal dunes as far north as North Carolina.” Clark ( 1932) reported some overwintering at Washington, D.C., but his spring indi- viduals could just as easily be immigrants. No one has even alleged the existence of a southward migration in autumn in the northern 2/3 of the range. Presumably, then, all reproduction in the north is ultimately in vain. Northern California is the northernmost area where J. coenia is considered a permanent resident. Dornfeld (1980) treated it only as an immigrant into southern Oregon. The events of 1990-91 can be viewed as a temporary shift downslope and southward of the average threshold for successful overwintering near the northern edge of the species range. The Catastrophe On December 16-17, 1990 a low-pressure system from the Gulf of Alaska moved SE into northern British Columbia and Alberta, trailing a cold front. This is a normal sequence of events, but the context in which it occurred was not. A block in the northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation had ponded up a huge mass of stagnant, cold high pressure in the Arctic, and it eventually had to break out of confinement. Blocking high pressure remained over the Atlantic Ocean. The 16-17.XII system set the stage for the escape; when on 19.XII a second system moved southward on the Pacific coast, the pressure pattern allowed the bottled- 30(3-4):209-220, 1991 213 up Arctic air to rush straight southward instead of being deflected to the SE east of the Sierra Nevada, as normally occurs. From the 21st through the 24th, air direct from the Yukon flowed down into the Central Valley on gusty NNE winds induced by a low-level jet stream. The wind eased on Christmas Day but picked up again on the 26th, blowing until the end of the month. This was the worst cold wave in California since 1932, and in some areas since 1913. The worst night was the 22nd, setting dozens of records up and down the State. In many localities this was the coldest night ever recorded. Sensible temperatures (wind-chill temperatures) frequently dropped below zero F (-17.8 C). Of 190 California weather stations reporting deviations from 30-yr monthly mean temperatures in December, 187 were negative and the average deviation was greater than -3°F. Examples of climatological data for this period appear in tables 2-4. Economic consequences were severe, reflecting the impact of such unusual temperatures on exotic species. The entire citrus crop was lost, and many trees were killed or badly damaged. The severity of damage was exacerbated by the desiccating effects of the wind; on the 22nd mid- afternoon humidities were near 10% at many stations, and overnight rebounded only to 40%. Vegetable crops were damaged, and recently- planted fields required replanting. Damage to exotic ornamentals was much more extensive than in the shorter freeze of 1972. Among woody genera severely damaged were Eucalyptus , Greuillea and Brachy chiton (all from Australia). All specimens of Canary Island Pine, Pinus canariensis, in the Davis-Sacramento and Chico areas lost most of their needles. They appeared dead, but nearly all recovered. Standing dead and damaged Eucalyptus in the East Bay hills contributed to the destructive wildfire of 20-2 l.X. 1991. The Aftermath: Transect Data Numbers of individual butterflies are not counted as part of the transect study; only presence/absence data are taken. However, when I realized that the Buckeye was absent at all stations, I resolved to count all individuals of that species until numbers approached normal and this became impractical. That point was never reached in 1991. On 31. Ill I saw a single female at Willow Slough, Yolo County, 5 km N Davis, on the floor of the Sacramento Valley. That is a normal time and place for a first Valley record of the year, but it is very unusual for no Buckeyes to have been seen by then in the foothills, and such was the case. (In 1985 the Buckeye was seen in the Valley before the foothills.) This was the last individual seen for 90 days! On 29. VI I observed two males in riparian habitat in North Sacramento, Sacramento Co. — one worn, one much fresher. 32 days later I saw another male in West Sacramento, Yolo Co. None was seen at the Suisun Marsh until 10.VIII ( 1 male): at Rancho Cordova, Sacramento Co. , until 16. VIII ( 1 male); and in the foothills at Gates Canyon until 17.VIII (also 1 male). The cluster of mid-VIII sightings seems not to be coincidental. Single females in Table 2. Daily T observations (in °F) for the second half of December, 1990 for selected stations affected by the freeze. From Climatological Data, California, Vol. 90 #12, NOAA, Asheville, N.C. 214 T 00 LO 00 CO "3T or LO (D O' CD r- CO CM o LO CO -M- CM CM LO CM LO CM o CM O' CM LO CO LO CM -o CD •*_ o O 00 T— CD O r- 00 T— O' CD O' o CO 00 CO L. 3 CO CD CM LO CM CM or CM LO CM O' CM LO CO O' CM o o o CD CD r- T— O O r- CM 00 o Is- 00 r- CM LO 00 O' "cO C\J CM LO CO LO CM LO CM LO CM o- CM LO CO O' CM > D CO LO CO 00 00 LO O LO O' O' CM r- O' o Is- CD CO C\J LO CM LO CM CM LO CM LO CM LO CM LO O' LO CM CD E o Is- CO CO CM 00 CD LO r- r- O' CO CD T— LO CM 00 CO CM LO CM LO CM LO CM LO CM LO CM LO CM LO CO LO CM 0) 1_ CD JZ CD 00 CM o CD T— CO CD CD CM O' CD 00 LO LO Is- CM $ CM CM LO CM LO CM LO CM LO CM O' CM LO CO o- CM c B LO 00 O o CO 00 CM O CO T— — 00 O' CM r- LO O c 3 CM CM LO CM CM LO CM LO CM O' CM LO CO O' CM o Is- CM 00 CD CD CO CM 00 CD CD CM CD o c CM T— "O' CM •M- O’ CM o CM O' CM O' CM O' D co CO Is- CD CD CD CM o 00 CD LO Is- CD CM 00 O' LO c CO to o CM CO CO CM O' 00 •t — 00 O' CM CO CM CO 00 r- Is- Is- CO r- 00 CD CD CM CD 00 Is- T“ CO »«— * r" CM CO CO CO 00 i — CO CO CO CM CO CD O -5, 1 — CO i — 'M' LO CM 00 LO O' CO CM i — O 00 CD CD ~o CM CM CM CO CM CO CM O" CM O' CM O' CM CO CO o O Is- CD CO CO LO r- o LO 00 O' CD O' O CD d n CM CM CO CM O' LO CM O' CM O' CO O' >s C CO CD o Is- CD O CM r- T — LO CM CM o o T_ CM O LO CO CO 'M' CO LO 00 LO CO LO CO LO O' LO CO CD CD •+— « CO 00 CO cd CD 1 — CM CM o CM CO O' O CD o CM 00 C D LO CM LO CO LO CO LO CO CD 00 LO 00 LO O' LO CM o ■*—> c Is- — CM CD CO CO 00 CO LO CD CM 00 CD o CM Is- Q) LO CO LO CO LO CO LO CO LO CO LO 00 LO O' LO CM o CO ~o CO CD O LO 00 CD CO 00 LO CD T— CD CD Is- CO O' O' O _Q LO CO CO LO CO LO CO LO CO O' 00 LO O' O' CO _d CD X < z X < Z X < Z X < z X < Z X < Z X < z X < Z V. CO 2 tT o CL u. 2 2 Airport M 2 c D CD D CO O « 4 — • <: < o CO O o CD E C £3 ID O Id (0 CD J0 C C . . CM Z (/) TD CD E CO S o CD CO "O CO V-. LL. CD o > t= o C O C o CO a. LU H jZ CO < Q "co LL CO cn CO > LJ CO CO < 1— Q C/) c 0) _J — i r. Res. Lepid. .angston). d representative Sierran foothill site (360m). 30(3-4):209-220, 1991 215 Table 3. Departure of mean temperature from 30-yr means and lowest temperature (°F) registered for selected stations affected by the freeze, December 1990. From Climatological Data, California, Vol 90# 12, NOAA, Asheville, N.C. STATION: Departure From Mean T: Lowest T Recorded: Angwin (Pacific Union College) N.A. 16 F Flealdsburg -4.1 14 Napa State Hospital -6.2 14 Santa Rosa -2.9 18 Auburn -4.3 17 Chico University Farm N.A. 17 Clearlake, 4 mi SE N.A. 6 Fairfield -4.0 17 Placerville -1.4 13 Sacramento (Airport) -4.6 18 Sacramento (City) -3.8 18 Vacaville -3.1 17 Willows 6 mi W -4.1 11 Winters -3.7 15 Woodland -3.9 19 Davis 2 mi SW -4.9 16 Palo Alto -5.7 20 Redwood City -5.4 19 San Francisco Airport -2.8 27 Santa Cruz -4.0 19 Watsonville Water works -5.8 12 Modesto -2.3 19 Stockton Fire Station #4 -5.3 15 Turlock N.A. 19 apparent migratory flight were seen in Davis on 19.VIII (WNW to ESE) and 25.VIII (S to N), and a male was seen on flowers on 6. IX. These were the first Buckeyes of the year in Davis — two to three months later than average. Numbers continued to increase in late summer and early autumn (table 5) in approximately the usual seasonal pattern, but remained far below average for calendar date. Since counts are not normally done, I can only guess that numbers were only about 10% of “average” in the late summer. Junonia coenia is normally present in every flower garden in Davis in September and October. In 1991 1 never saw one in my garden, and sightings were so few that all were carefully noted. Other observers report similar experiences (see below). Not one Buckeye was seen above 1000m in all my 1991 field work, although I spent 81 days afield in the Sierra Nevada and another 35 elsewhere in the mountains. On 19.X one male and two females were observed flying up the South Yuba River canyon near Washington, Nevada Co., at ca. 900m. By then, successful breeding was out of the question, and butterfly activity had ended there by 16.XI. 216 J. Res. Lepid. Table 4. Minimum temperature records for Sacramento, December 1878 through 1987 with comparison to 1990 minima. Degrees Fahrenheit. From NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS WR-65 (Revised). Compare December 9-15, 1932. Date Record Low, Year Low, 1990 Date Record Low, Year Low, 1990 1 32, 1929 29 17 28, 1928 33 2 30, 1906 31 18 28, 1924 32 3 32, 1918 33 19 25, 1924 30 4 29, 1909 34 20 27, 1928 23 5 32, 1972 36 21 26, 1928 22 6 29, 1891 34 22 25, 1928 18 7 28, 1891 33 23 28, 1930 20 8 27, 1972 31 24 25, 1879 19 9 23, 1932 32 25 26, 1891 22 10 22, 1932 39 26 25, 1879 23 11 17, 1932 46 27 27, 1878 26 12 21, 1932 35 28 26, 1930 25 13 23, 1932 36 29 24, 1878 27 14 23, 1940 32 30 28, 1962 20 15 26, 1932 39 31 24, 1915 24 16 26, 1892 38 The Aftermath: Data From Others In September I wrote to a number of northern and central California Lepidopterists soliciting Buckeye data. A total of 18 respondents contrib- uted to the synthesis which follows. Their experiences range from extensive field tripping to observing their own gardens. Information was received covering most of the area from Trinity and Siskiyou Cos. on the N to Inyo and Stanislaus Cos. on the S. A selection of observations follows; it must be stressed that none of those responding had found normal or nearly normal numbers of Buckeyes, and several had seen none at all to that time. W. Swisher (Santa Rosa): Only 1 or 2 between I and VI; perhaps 20% of “normal” numbers by IX. J. Mori (Modesto): None until 9.X (7 observed that date; 4 of these apparently migrating S to N). W. Patterson (Sacramento): “In II-III, 1990 common along Middle Fork American River (Sierra foothills); none in 1991. One 1 mi E Pilot Hill, Eldorado Co., 12.V.91. One at Del Puerto Canyon, Stanislaus Co. (Inner Coast Range), 30. VIII. 91.” (A Buckeye at Del Puerto Canyon would not normally be noteworthy at any time of year — AMS.) L. Smith (Sacramento): None in Sacramento until one each, 7. IX and 13. IX. 30(3-4):209-220, 1991 217 Table 5. Individual counts of Buckeyes at low-altitude transect stations, 1991 . RANCHO SUISUN GATES NORTH WEST CORDOVA MARSH CANYON SACRAMENTO SACRAMENTO 1.1-0 16.1-0 20.1-0 19.1-0 17.1-0 18.1-0 22.1-0 30.1-0 26.1-0 23.1-0 29.1-0 9.11-0 12.11-0 7.11-0 28.1-0 10.11-0 18.11-0 17.11-0 14.11-0 6.11-0 20.11-0 6. Ill - 0 24.11-0 23.11-0 16.11-0 13.111 -0 27.111 -0 14.111 -0 16.111 -0 25.11-0 29.111 -0 2.1V -0 28.111 -0 30.111 -0 8. Ill - 0 4.1V -0 10.1V - 0 3.1V -0 7.1V -0 22.111 -0 14. IV - 0 28. IV - 0 13. IV - 0 21 .IV - 0 30.111 -0 cn < i o 14. V - 0 28. IV - 0 cn < o 9.1V -0 16. V - 0 25. V - 0 11.V-0 16. V - 0 17. IV - 0 30. V - 0 4. VI - 0 25. V - 0 28. V - 0 5.V-0 19. VI - 0 20. VI - 0 3. VI - 0 12. VI - 0 19. V - 0 1 .VII - 0 6. VII - 0 20. VI - 0 29. VI - 2 30. V - 0 16. VII - 0 21 .VII -0 9. VII - 0 15. VII - 0 15. VI - 0 1 .VIII - 0 10.VIII - 1 4. VIII - 0 1 .VIII - 1 29. VI - 0 16. VIII - 1 23. VIII - 0 17. VIII - 1 16. VIII - 1 14. VII - 0 31 .VIII -0 28. VIII - 6 3. IX - 0 2. IX - 2 31 .VII - 1 15. IX - 4 7. IX - 1 11. IX- 11 15. IX - 1 15. VIII - 2 28. IX - 1 16. IX - 4 25. IX - 20 27. IX - 3 27. VIII - 3 13.X -8 30.IX- 15 18.X- 10 11.X -0 10. IX - 8 27.X- 10 14.X -35 4. XI - 25 27.X - 8 24. IX - 5 9. XI - 0 1.XI -0 22. XI - 2 11. XI - 1 11.X -4 24. XI - 2 15. XI - 2 1 1 .XII - 0 23. XI - 1 23.X - 2 9. XII - 0 29. XI - 0 24. XII - 3a 4. XII - 0 5. XI - 0 12. XII - 0 20. XII - 0 23. XI - 1 19. XII - 0 1 .XII - 0 20. XII - 5a a Apparently new emergence, much later than average. C. Nice (Davis): One each in Davis 29.VTI, 20.VIII; three in West Sacramento, Yolo Co., 18. DC (about 3.5 km N of my West Sacramento site — AMS). G. Kareofelas (Davis): In extensive travels in northern California, only 3 Buckeyes seen in 1991: 1 at Grindstone Overlook, Glenn Co. (Inner North Coast Range), 4.VIII; 1 at Suisun City, Solano Co., 17. IX; 1 5 km S Rio Linda, Sacramento, Co., 22.XI. S. North (Areata): A month late on North Coast and in Trinity Co. J.R. Tucker (Redding): None in Trinity foothills - Weaverville area in spring. D. Giuliani ( teste O. Shields): Several seen migrating W to E, along ridge running N from summit of Mt. Tamalpais, Marin Co., 218 J. Res. Lepid. Table 6. Biweekly total sightings of individual Buckeyes along the transect, 1991. 2-week interval beginning: 3. VI 0 1 7. VI 2 1 .VII 0 15. VII ..0 29. VII 3 12. VIII 5 26. VIII 12 9. IX 28 23. IX 44 7.X 60 21.X 20a 4. XI 28 18. XI ...6 2. XII ......0 a Cold wave 22. X and heavy rain 25-26. X depressed counts. 19.X; several more also migrating W to E, Point Reyes Penin- sula, 20.X. Very detailed data were received from two respondents, viz.: O. Shields (Mariposa): None seen in Mariposa Co. until mid-IX. At Jerseydale, Mariposa Co., 19 12. IX, IS 23. IX, 19 l.X, 29 4.X, then continuously present until 2. XI, commonest in mid-X when up to 15 were counted on 16.X, with some evidence of migratory movement toward the SW 16-24.X. Also 2 seen at Mariposa, 7.XI. Also 2 seen in Monterey Co., 8. IX. R. Langston (Kensington): “Buckeyes are usually observed in small numbers November through February in most winters in the Bay Area.” He provides winter counts at San Bruno Mountain for 1989-90 and 1990-91. The last specimen seen in 1990 was on 28.XI: zero seen in 12 days in XII, zero in 16 days in 1.91; the first post-freeze sighting was on 15. Ill and numbers in IV were low. “By mid-IX the Buckeye in ‘fair’ numbers on SBM and noted in Kensington. However, quite scarce on 3 Xerces (Fourth of July) counts where usually much commoner:... Berkeley (15), Mt. Diablo (4), and South San Francisco Bay (only 1!).” Discussion This level of coverage is far spottier than one would have arranged had there been advance warning. Still, it is good enough to persuade one that Junonia coenia experienced a severe die-off during the December 1990 30(3-4):209-220, 1991 219 Fig. 1 . Sequence of first Buckeye observations in 1 991 at transect localities (sampled biweekly) and localities with a resident observer. Localities: 1 San Bruno Mountain 15.111 2 North Sacramento 29. VI 3 Davis 29. VII 4 West Sacramento 31. VII 5 Suisun Marsh 10. VIII 6 Rancho Cordova 16. VII 7 Gates Canyon 17. VIII 8 Jerseydale 12. IX 9 Modesto 9.X 10 Washington 19.X freeze and gradually reoccupied much of the lost territory during the second half of summer 1991. The meteorological records indicate that the freeze was most severe inland, so it is not surprising that Buckeye survival seems to have been better at the coast (Langston and J.A. Powell). It is not, however, certain that recolonization of the Sacramento Valley proceeded from the Bay Area by way of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, since recolonization of the Suisun Marsh was so late in comparison with metropolitan Sacramento. Mori reports no Buckeyes at Modesto until early October, the same time they became common in the Sierran foothills in Mariposa Co. (Shields). The apparent wave of immi- grants observed at Davis in mid-August showed no clear-cut directional- ity. It may be that recolonization resulted from the spreading out of several independent foci where some overwinter survival had occurred, rather than being traceable to a single source. At any rate, the various local populations had effectively coalesced at least near Sacramento by 220 J. Res. Lepid. the end of the season, as normally happens several months earlier (fig. 1). As far as I know, there are no quantitative data demonstrating that Buckeye population growth in normal Central Valley summers is an exponential process, but my subjective impression after 20 yr is that it is. When the total number of observations on the transect is summed for each biweekly sampling cycle, the result for 1991 is very nearly an exponential process, with a doubling time of nearly 3 wk during the interval late Vl-early X (table 6). This can only be suggestive, but it does suggest that Buckeye populations grew in reasonably normal fashion in 1991 but with a substantial handicap due to their late start, which they could not overcome before the season came to an end. Just as an early start due to a dry, mild winter seems to have led to an outstanding Buckeye flight in 1990, the freeze of December 1990 set up the Buckeye with unusually low numbers of individuals attempting to hibernate over the winter of 1991-92. Acknowledgments. I am pleased to thank all the individuals quoted in the text, as well as P. Cherubini, R. Dowell, C. Dunlap, A. Ludtke, J.A. Powell, S.O. Mattoon and R. Wells. This study forms part of CA Agricultural Experiment Station project CA-D*-AZO-39994-H, “Climatic Range Limitation in Phytophogous Lepidopterans.” Literature Cited Andrewartha, H.G. & L.C. Birch. 1954. The Distribution and Abundance of Animals. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 782 pp. Arnold, R.A. 1981. A review of endangered species legislation in the U.S.A. and preliminary research on six endangered California butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Beih. Veroff. Naturschutz Landschaftspflege Bad.-Wurtt. 21: 79-96. 1983. Ecological studies of six endangered butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): island biogeography, patch dynamics, and the design of habitat preserves. Univ. Calif. Publ. Ent. 99: 1-161. Clark, A.H. 1932. The butterflies of the District of Columbia and vicinity. Bull. U.S. Nat Mus. 157: 1-337. Dornfeld, E.J. 1980. The Butterflies of Oregon, Forest Grove, OR: Timber Press 276 pp. Garth, J.S. & J.W. Tilden. 1986. California Butterflies. Berkeley: University of California Press. 247 pp. Levins, R. 1970. Extinction, pp. 77-107 in M. Gerstenhaber, ed. Some Mathematical Questions in Biology. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Opler, P.A., & G.R. Krizek. 1984. Butterflies East of the Great Plains: An illustrated Natural History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 294 pp. Shapiro, A.M. 1974. The butterfly fauna of the Sacramento Valley, California. J. Res. Lep. 13: 73-82, 115-122, 137-148. Tilden, J.W., & A.C. Smith. 1986. A field Guide to Western Butterflies. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 370 pp. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):221-224, 1991 Notes on the Immature Biology of Two Riodinine Butterflies: Metacharis ptolomaeus and Napaea nepos orpheus (Lycaenidae) Curtis J.Callaghan Av. Suba 130-25 Casa 6, Bogota, Colombia Introduction This paper presents field and laboratory observations on the biol- ogy of two riodinid butterflies from southeast Brazil: Metacharis pfo/omae ws(Fabricius, 1793) andNapaea nepos orpheus (Westwood, [1851]) that supplements information published previously (Zikan 1953; Callaghan 1985). Metacharis ptolomaeus ranges throughout southeast Brazil from south- ern Bahia (Pernambuco?) south along the coast and inland to eastern Minas Gerais, Santa Catherina and Parana States from sea level to about 1000 meters, and is particularly common along the coast. On August 30, 1988, near Barra de Sao Joao, Rio de Janeiro State. (site described in Callaghan 1985), I observed a female M. ptolomaeus ovipos- iting on the leaves of a large tree around 1500 hours. Eggs were laid singly and well diszxxpersed on separate branches of the foodplant, later identified as Heisteria sp.(Olacaceae), previously reported in error as Lacistema sp. (Callaghan, 1985) The female dragged her abdomen on the substrate before ovipositing. Three other captured females were induced to oviposit on food plant placed in a plastic box, yielding 9 eggs. Imature Stages EGG: Diameter 0.5mm, height 0.2mm. Color shiny bronze. Sides covered with network of ridges forming hexagonal figures, with a small tubercle at each intersection. Duration 12 days. N=9 FIRST INSTAR LARVA: (fig. 1) Length 1-1. 5mm, Thorax and abdomen light yellow, pubescent. Head dark brown with numerous small setae on front; headcapsule width 0.13mm. Prothoracic shield with high trans- verse ridge from which 4 long, black setae project cephalad, followed posteriorad by 4 longer setae then by two shorter ones, these turning slightly caudad then cephalad; T2 with two tubercles dorsad from which two long, black setae extend, first curving cephalad then caudad. T3 through A8 with 2 pairs of long, black setae dorsad, each emerging from a small tubercle, and three similar setae extending laterally from the base of the dorsal plate on each side; A10 covered by an anal shield from which 6 long black setae extend caudad. Spiracles indistinct; found on Tl, ventrad on A1 and laterally on A2-A8. n= 5 SECOND - FOURTH INSTAR LARVA: (fig. 2) Color light green, body thickened laterally and dorsad, tapering caudad and covered with long white lateral setae, giving larva an arctiid like appearance. Head brown, 222 J. Res. Lepid. many short setae on front. Prothoracic shield with numerous white setae extending cephalad, followed by a transverse ridge with 10 thick, blunt setae with small barbs along shaft; T2 with two tubercles from which extend two similar barbed setae; T3-A8 with 2 pairs of tubercles dorsad, the first pair long with black bulbs on the tips, curving caudad, second shorter with a smaller bulb; A1 and A6 with dark area dorsad across base of setae. Anal shield with 4 long setae extending caudad. Spiracles found laterally on Tl, ventrally on A1 and laterally on A2 through A8, that on A2 higher than the rest.n=2 FINAL INSTAR LARVA: (fig. 3) Length 15mm, Color dark green dorsad, light green ventrad with white mottling. Head dark brown; head capsule 2mm wide. T1-T3 with white dorsal marks; Setae same as on second instar, those on prothoracic shield and T2 with black bulbous tips similar to those on T3 through A8; base of setae on A6 raised higher on black tubercles; many white setae extending laterally from base of dorsal plate. End of anal shield with 4 long non bulbous setae extending caudad. White lateral spiracles on Tl and A2 through A8 with a row of white lenticle patches dorsad; spiracle on A1 ventrad. Prepupal stage lasts 2 days, larva turning lighter green color and remaining motionless on leaf. Larval development time, all instars 42 days. n=l. PUPA: (fig.4 ) Length 13mm, width 5mm. Light green with black marks on wing cases, elongated and pointed caudad; Tl with slightly bifurcated crest; dorsal surface covered with small, mushroom shaped tubercles with tiny projecting teeth; spiracles on A2 dorsad, those on A4-A8 lateral; pupa secured by cremaster and silk threads along entire ventral surface, without girdle. Duration 10 days. n=l. The first instar larvae fed between the veins on the ventral leaf surface and in later instars on the entire leaf. All instars rested for long periods, especially during molts. The larvae expelled frass forcibly, by raising the end of the abdomen, flopping it down, and ejecting frass 150 to 200mm from the larva. The larvae were cannibalistic. Three first instar larvae were devoured by their larger siblings, which may explain the dispersed ovipositing behaviour. I observed no behaviour or organs indicating myrmecophily. The larvae were covered with long setae and showed no evidence of myrmecophilous organs. Just to be sure, I placed Camponotus ants with the Metacharis larvae and the ants totally ignored them. Napaea nepos consists of three subspecies. Nominate nepos ranges over the Amazon basin, intergrading into subspecies tanos Stichel in Bolivia, and orpheus, which inhabits mountain areas above 900 meters in southeast Brazil, from Espirito Santo, eastern Minas Gerais south to Parana and Santa Catherina States. Zikan (1953) recorded larvae of orpheus on Oncidium sp. and an “Erdorchidae”(ground orchid). I found two final instar larvae of this species on Zygopetalus orchids in my garden in Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro, 900m. The larvae rested among the roots of the plants during the day and fed at night. They were brought into the lab and raised. 30(3-4):221-224, 1991 223 Figures: Illustrations of M.ptolomaeus life history. 1 . First instar larva. 2. Third instar larva 3. Flead and thorax of final instar larva. 4. Pupa- lateral, dorsal and ventral views. 224 J. Res. Lepid. FINAL INSTAR LARVA: Length 11mm. Larva dorsally rounded, abdomen narrowing caudad to flat anal shield. Color dark green, dorsad a purple spot between each segment, bordered laterally by two pairs of white spots. Head is light brown with numerous short setae and large labrum and heavily sclerotized, toothed mandibles; head capsule width 3 mm. Prothoracic shield extends over head with many long, barbed setae projecting cephalad. Thorax and abdomen covered with short, bunched setae, the longest being on the prothoracic shield projecting cephalad and along the base of the dorsal plate and at end of anal shield. Spiracles brown, lateral on T1 and on A1 to A8, those on T1 and A8 larger than others; that on A2 and T1 slightly more dorsad than rest. One white lenticel patch dorsad of each spiracle. n=2 PUPA: Length 13mm, width 5mm. Abdomen and thorax light green, wing cases paler green. T1 with notched crest outlined in black. Spiracles on segments A2 through A7 with that on A3 hidden beneath wing cases. Pupa secured by cremaster only, resting at 45 degree angle from sub- strate. Duration: 16 days. n=l. Although ants were found feeding on the orchid extrafloral nectaries, none were observed to take interest in the N. nepos larvae. This observa- tion, plus the lack of myrmecophilous organs and long setae suggest that like M. ptolomaeus , its relationship with ants is defensive. Acknowledgements: I thank Drs. A. Mattos and K. Brown of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (SP) for identification of the foodplant of M. ptolomaeus and Drs. Don Harvey of the U.S. Natural History Museum, Washington D.C. and Philip DeVries of the University of Texas, Austin, for their helpful com- ments on the manuscript. Literature Cited Callaghan, C.J., 1985(86). Notes on the biology of three riodinine species: Nymphidium lisimon attenuatum, Phaenochitonia sagaris satnius, Metacharis ptolomaeus (Lycaenidae.Riodininae) J. Res. Lep. 24(3). Zikan, J.F. 1953. Beitrage zur Biologie von 19 Riodininen Arten (Riodinidae- Lepidoptera), Dusenia:IV (5, 6), 402-413. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):225-236, 1991 The Effects of Temperature and Daylength on the Rosa Polyphenism in the Buckeye Butterfly, Precis coenia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Kelly C. Smith Departments of Zoology and Philosophy Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 Abstract. In North Carolina, Precis coenia that emerge during the Summer months exhibit a ventral hindwing (VHW) with well-defined reddish-brown and brown pattern elements on a light tan background. During late Summer and early Fall, however, individuals begin to appear with poorly defined or obscured pattern elements on a dark reddish-brown background. The present study shows that the Fall (. rosa ) color morph can be induced by either low rearing temperatures or short daylengths. The effect of such conditions seems to be cumula- tive throughout the larval life, although animals are much more sensitive during the last 24 hours of larval life and immediately after pupation. Introduction Seasonal polyphenism involves a repeating pattern of changing pheno- types which is under the control of an environmental factor (Shapiro, 1976; Tauber, et. al., 1986). It is important to differentiate this from genetic polymorphism, where the phenotypic differences in a population are the result of genetic differences. The Buckeye butterfly, Precis coenia (Lepidoptera:Nymphalidae), has long been known to exhibit a seasonally polyphonic color pattern (Clark, 1932; Klots, 1951; Mather, 1968). The background coloration of the ventral hind wing (VHW) surface changes with the season: the Summer {tinea) morph has a pale tan background with well-defined pattern elements while the Fall {rosa) morph has a dark reddish-brown background with indistinct elements (Figure 1). The rosa morph becomes predominant during the F all and early Winter, with the exact time of its appearance depending on local conditions. The control of the rosa polyphenism had not been studied in detail, though several authors have speculated on its mechanism. Clark (1932) suggested that high humidity played a role while Howe (1975) proposed a photoperiodic control. At the very least, the control mechanism did not seem to be straightforward, a fact which prompted Shapiro (1976) to report no obvious environmental correlations at all. The present study, however, shows that the rosa morph can be induced by exposing devel- oping larvae either to low temperatures or short daylengths. Materials and methods Precis coenia stock was derived from a laboratory population maintained at Duke University and constituted from animals collected over a period of years in the region around Durham, NC. A random sample of the eggs produced by this 226 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 1 . Ventral wing patterns: 1 a) shows the ventral wing pattern of the Summer or Linea morph (score = 0). The backgound is light tan and the pattern elements are quite distinct. 1b) shows the ventral pattern of the Winter or Rosa morph (score = 3). The background coloration is uniformly reddish- brown and the pattern elements are no longer distinct. population was used to found a breeding colony which was maintained under controlled environmental conditions at a temperature of 27°C and a daylength of 16 hrs. light : 8 hrs. dark (16L:8D). To assess the influence of daylength and temperature on the expression of the rosa morph, eggs were removed from the breeding colony and randomly assigned to one of nine controlled temperature and daylength regimes. Animals assigned to “seasonal” conditions (from June through November of 1990) were reared in a semi-shaded area of an outdoor cage. Those assigned to regimes of 27°C, 16L:8D were reared in the same constant temperature room as the breeding colony. All other regimes were maintained in incubators (accuracy of ± 1°C) with lighting provided by 15W fluorescent bulbs on clock timers. All larvae were mass-reared in plastic boxes on an artificial diet containing pow- dered Plantago lanceolata leaves (Smith, 1991). Results Adults from each experimental treatment as well as from the breeding colonies were scored as to VHW background coloration. The scoring system assigned each animal a score from 0 (the linea Summer morph) 30(3-4):225-236, 1991 227 to 4 (an extreme rosa morph) and is summarized in Table 1. The response of each treatment was then defined in terms of two response character- istics: mean score and % response (percentage of animals with scores > 0). BREEDING COLONY Non-Zmea morphs (score > 0) were encountered in the breeding colony. However, the incidence of such morphs was relatively low (14%) and there were no individuals with more than intermediate expression of the Table 1 . Scoring system: System used used to quantify the degree of Rosa expression. Mean score and % response (percentage of animals with score > 0) were the two response characteristics used to compare treatments. All animals were scored at least twice and in no case did group means vary by more than 5%. SCORE MORPH DESCRIPTION 0 Linea Light tan VHW background with distinct reddish-brown pattern elements. 1 Light Intermediate Predominantly tan VHW background with pinkish tinge proximal to the mid- wing umbral band and along the trailing edge of the hindwing. 2 Dark Intermediate Predominantly reddish-brown VHW background with tan areas still visible distal to the mid-wing umbral band. Pattern elements in the reddish-brown areas somewhat obscured. 3 Rosa Uniformly reddish-brown VHW background and wing edges with red or pink regions distal to the mid-wing umbral band. Pattern elements severely obscured. 4 Extreme Rosa Solid reddish-purple VHW background with vestigial pattern elements and distal wing edges a dark purple. 228 J. Res. Lepid. Emergence Date Emergence Date Figure 2. Response to seasonal conditions: The graphs show the moving mean scores (9 day interval centered on date of emergence) of animals raised under seasonal conditions in an outdoor cage as compared to those under the controlled conditions of the breeding colony (27°C, 1 6L:8D). The mean scores of the two groups are initially quite similar but begin to diverge in mid- August and become maximally dissimilar by October. 2a shows the response of the two groups as compared to the seasonal daylengths. 2b shows the response of the two groups as compared with the moving mean (9 day interval) of average daily temperatures. Breeding colony scores (27°C, 16L:8D) seasonal colony scores (outdoor cage) — — Temperature / daylength rosa morph (score > 2). Based on these findings, the response character- istics of the breeding colony (27°C and 16L:8D) were used as a baseline of comparison for other treatments. SEASONAL CONDITIONS Individuals reared outdoors under seasonal conditions showed a marked increase in both the incidence and degree of rosa correlated with short- ening daylengths and falling temperatures (Figure 2). The mean scores of animals raised under the conditions of the breeding colony (27°C, 16L:8D) and those raised outdoors under seasonal conditions remained quite similar from July through early August. However, by mid-August the responses began to diverge, with the population under seasonal conditions exhibiting a progressively higher incidence and degree of rosa coloration. TEMPERATURE AND PHOTOPERIODIC REGIMES While the seasonal exposures suggested that environmental cues might influence the onset and intensity of the rosa morph, the concurrent decreases in daylength and temperature made differentiation between Mean temperature (moving average, °C) 30(3-4):225-236, 1991 229 Summary of Response for all Stable Treatments Temperature Photo 18°C 21 °C 24°C 27°C 16L A SCORE =3.1 RSP=10Q% ERROR= 0.26 N=7 SCORE =1.: ERROR= 0.1 J RSP=81% 10 N=73 SCORE =0.34 RSP=27% ERROR. 0.06 N.134 0 SCORE =0.11 RSP=14% ERROR= 0.01 N=644 14L SCORE =0.74 RSP=52% ERROR= 0.06 N=187 0 SCORE =0.07 RSP=7% ERROR= 0.04 N=41 12L SCORE =2.5 R$F'.yf.% ERROR. 0.06 N.211 0 SCORE =0.63 RSP=39% ERROR= 0.10 N=76 10L SCORE =2.5 RSP=97% ERROR= 0.08 N.123 \~2 estival inter 1 1 rosa SCORE = MEAN SCORE RSP = % WITH INTERMEDIATE OR FULL RESPONSE ERROR = STANDARD ERROR (SCORE) N = SAMPLE SIZE Figure 3. Summary of all temperature and daylength regimes: The extent and intensity of response for each of the nine controlled temperature and daylength regimes as shown by proportionately shaded pie charts. The percentage of Linea (score = 0) individuals is shown by the unshaded portions, intermediate individuals (score = 1 or 2) by the crosshatched portions and Rosa individuals (score = 3 or 4) by the completely filled portions. The top row shows response to different temperatures at the breeding colony daylength of 1 6L:8D while the rightmost column shows the response to different daylengths at the breeding colony temperature of 27°C. Below each piechart is additional information for that treatment: mean score and standard error, % response and sample size. the effects of these two factors impossible. In order to study the effects of temperature and daylength separately, each was manipulated indepen- dently under controlled conditions in laboratory incubators. The results of all such manipulations are summarized in Figure 3. The mean score and % response of animals subjected to progressively shortened daylengths rose sharply, even when temperature was held at 230 J. Res. Lepid. 0 0 10 12 14 16 Daylength Figure 4. Response to daylength: The response characteristics of groups exposed to different daylengths at the breeding colony temperature of 27°C. The critical daylength (50 % response) lies between 10L:14D and 12L:12D at 27°C. mean score % response (% animals with score > 0) the breeding colony value of 27°C (Figure 4). It was found that the critical daylength (the daylength at which 50% of the population shows a response) lies between 10L:14D and 12L:12D at 27°C. A comparable increase in mean score and % response was noted in response to lowered temperatures, even when daylengths were held at the breeding colony value of 16L:8D (Figure 5). In this case, the critical temperature was found to lie between 21°C and 24°C at 16L:8D. Two balanced 2X2 matrices were constructed from the data in Figure 3: one including daylengths 14L:10D and 16L:8D with temperatures 24°C and 27°C, another including daylengths 12L:12D and 16L:8D with temperatures 21°C and 27°C. Both matrices were subjected to 2 X 2 ANOVA analysis and each revealed highly significant temperature, daylength and temperature-daylength interactive effects (P < 0.001). RECIPROCAL TRANSFER STUDIES Reciprocal transfers of larvae at various developmental stages were carried out in order to investigate the critical period(s) for the induction of the rosa morph. Larvae were staged into one of five developmental classes: first instar, second instar, fifth (terminal) instar, pre-pupation 30(3-4):225-236, 1991 231 4 1.0 0.8 c <1) 3 2 0 0 18 21 24 27 Daylength Figure 5. Response to temperature: The response characteristics of groups exposed to different temperatures at the breeding colony daylength of 1 6L:8D. The critical temperature (50 % response) lies between 18°C and 21 °C at 16L:8D. mean score % response (% animals with score >0) and post-pupation. The pre-pupation class included those animals that were hanging by their anal prolegs in preparation for pupation ( 18-24 hours prior to onset of pupation). The post-pupation class included those animals in which pupation had occurred, but sclerotization of the pupal casing was not yet complete (approximately 1 hour after onset of pupa- tion). In one series of transfers, animals were removed from breeding colony conditions (27°C, 16L:8D) and subsequently reared under conditions known from previous experiments to produce a high incidence of the rosa morph (21°C, 12L:12D). The results of these transfers are summarized in Figure 6. Animals transferred early in larval life (first instar) showed response characteristics very similar to those whose entire life was spent at 21°C, 12L:12D, indicating that the presence of temperature and daylength cues during egg and early larval stages of life is not crucial to the development of the rosa morph. Animals transferred in the interval near pupation - from 24 hours prior to pupation (fifth instar) to 1 hour post- pupation - showed a clear response to such conditions. However, the response was intermediate between the two untransferred control popu- 232 J. Res. Lepid. 3 2.5 2 Q) 0) lations. The fact that their response characteristics are significantly lower than that of animals reared at 21°C, 12L:12D for most or all of larval life suggests that larval conditions exert a cumulative effect. On the other hand, the fact that their response characteristics are signifi- cantly higher than that of animals raised exclusively under the condi- tions of the breeding colony suggests a relatively high sensitivity to conditions at or near pupation. A series of reciprocal transfers was also conducted in which individuals reared at 21°C and 12L:12D were transferred to the conditions of the breeding colony (27°C, 16L:8D) at various stages of development. The results of these transfers are summarized in Figure 7. Again, animals transferred to the conditions of the breeding colony very early in larval life (first instar) exhibited response characteristics 30(3-4):225-236, 1991 233 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Figure 7. Response to transfer to conditions of the breeding colony: Response characteristics of animals transferred at various stages of development from conditions know to produce a high incidence and degree of Rosa coloration (21 °C, 1 21:1 2D) to the conditions of the breeding colony (27°C, 16L:8D). Individuals transferred during the first instar (1ST) show a re- sponse comparable to the untransferred breeding colony control at 27°C, 18L:8D (NON). Individuals transferred during the second instar (2ND) retain some residual response as compared to the breeding colony control (NON) despite being exposed to conditions of 21 °C, 1 2L:1 2D for only a few days longer than first instar transfers (1 ST). Individuals transferred during the fifth instar (5TH), before pupation (BP) and post-pupation (PP) show a progressively stronger retention of the Rosa response. Note the divergence in response between individuals transferred before pupation (BP) and those transferred post-pupation (PP), despite a difference in exposure to the 21 °C, 12L12D conditions of only 19-25 hours. This indicates a rapid “fixation” of the Rosa response near pupation. Moreover, the retention of response by post-pupation transfers (PP) at a level comparable to the untransferred 21 °C, 1 2L:1 2D control population (IND) indicates a complete fixation of the response within an hour of pupation. mean score % response (% animals with score >0) indistinguishable from the breeding colony control population. However, those transferred only a few days later (second instar) seem to retain a slightly heightened response. Animals transferred later show progres- sively stronger retention of response characteristics, with those trans- ferred in the post-pupation stage retaining response characteristics indistinguishable from the untransferred control population at 21°C, 12L:12D. Of special interest is the fact that the post-pupation transfers 234 J. Res. Lepid. show markedly stronger response characteristics than animals trans- ferred immediately before pupation, even though an interval of only 19- 25 hours separates the two stages. Discussion Short daylengths have been shown to trigger the appearance of the rosa morph in Precis coenia. This is not surprising since many, if not most, insects respond in some fashion to photoperiodic cues (Beck, 1980; Tauber et. al, 1986). In particular, photoperiodic cues are thought to predominate in the polyphenisms of four families of Lepidoptera, includ- ing the Nymphalidae (Shapiro, 1976; Brakefield & Larsen, 1984). Low rearing temperatures alone seem to be as effective as short daylengths in producing the rosa morph. While temperature is a common modifier of photoperiodic induction, examples of systems with true multiple induction are relatively rare. In particular, although multiple induction systems have been shown to exist in other insects (e.g. , aphids), the only other clearly documented example among the Lepidoptera is by Shapiro (1982) - although there is also some evidence that the related species Precis octavia and Junonia villida may have similar induction patterns (McLeod, 1968; James, 1987). The reason for multiple induction in the rosa system is unclear. In general, it is thought that photoperiodic cues are more reliable indicators of seasonal change than highly variable temperatures. Thus, it is often argued that only in areas where reliable photoperiodic cues are unavail- able (e.g. , equatorial regions and foggy montane habitats) will reliance on temperature cues evolve (Beck, 1980; Shapiro, 1984; Tauber, et. al., 1986). For example, as an equatorial species P. octavia is exposed to a daylength with little seasonal variation, so the appearance of a tempera- ture-regulated mechanism for the polyphenism is easily explained. But P. coenia is a temperate species and is subjected to seasonal daylength fluctuations of more than 3 hours in North Carolina - ample range for the development of a predominantly photoperiodic induction if such a cue were inherently superior to temperature. Shapiro (1978) has suggested that seasonally polyphonic systems in general should tend to have redundant induction mechanisms. If so, the dearth of examples in the literature may be due to an overzealous focus on the importance of photoperiodic cues. On the other hand, Shapiro has also argued (1976) that seasonal polyphenisms are character traits which represent a high degree of phylogenetic information. If it turns out that multiple induction of seasonal polyphenisms is relatively rare, then perhaps the rosa system represents an early stage in the evolutionary transition from temperature to photoperiodic control in a species with a tropical ancestry. The reciprocal transfer studies seem to indicate that the induction of the rosa morph is a cumulative process beginning early in larval life, accelerating during the terminal larval instar and culminating within 1 30(3-4):225-236, 1991 235 hour of the onset of pupation. The protracted nature of rosa induction is unusual since the majority of insects respond to seasonal cues only during a tightly defined critical period, although there other are ex- amples of cumulative induction patterns - as in Pectinophora gossypiella and Ostrinia nubilalis, as well as in the pierid butterflies Pieris rapae and Pieris brassicae (Beck, 1962; Barker, et. al., 1963; Shapiro, 1968). The complexity of the rosa polyphenism may help explain why elucida- tion of its seasonal cues has so long eluded researchers. Although the present study solves this particular puzzle, it raises many new ones to take its place. Obvious questions remain concerning the exact physiology of the system and these are the focus of ongoing research. Perhaps most intriguing however, are questions concerning the evolutionary ecology of rosa. There is interesting evidence that the rosa system has a strong genetic basis and exhibits clinal variation in the wild (Smith, 1991) but the adaptive significance (or insignificance) of the rosa morph is un- known, as are many other parameters of evolutionary importance such as migration and gene flow patterns. Klots’ (1951) observation concern- ing the Buckeye is just as true today as it was 40 years ago: “A great deal of careful work and thorough analytical study is needed.” Acknowledgments. I am greatly indebted to Fred Nijhout of the Duke University Zoology department in whose lab this study was carried out and without whose support its completion would not have been possible. Special thanks also to Arthur Shapiro as well as Robert Brandon and Debbie Roundtree for reading and commenting on early drafts. Literature Cited Balciunas, J. and K. Knopf (1977) Orientation and flight speeds and tracks of three species of migrating butterflies. The Florida Entomologist. 60(1):37- 39 Barker, J. F. and W. S. Herman ( 1976) Effect of photoperiod and temperature on reproduction of the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus. Journal of Insect Physiology. 22:1565-1568. Beck, S.D. (1962) Photoperiodic induction of diapause in an insect. Biology Bulletin. 122:1-12. (1980) Insect Photoperiodism (2nd edition). Academic Press. New York. Brakefield, P. M. & T. B. Larsen ( 1984) The evolutionary significance of dry and wet season forms in some tropical butterflies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 22:1-12. Clark, A. H. (1932) Butterflies of the District of Columbia & vicinity. United States National Museum Bulletin. 157, 327pp. Ferris, C. D. & F. M. Brown (1980) Butterflies of the Rocky Mountain States. University of Oklahoma Press. Norman. Howe, W. H. (1975) The Butterflies of North America. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City. James, D. G. ( 1987) Effects of temperature and photoperiod on the development of Vanessa kershawi McCoy and Junonia villida Godart (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society. 26:289-92. 236 J. Res. Lepid. Kidd, N. A. C. (1979) The control of seasonal changes in the pigmentation of the lime aphid nymphs, Eucallipterus tiliae. Entomological Experimental Applications. 25:31-38. Kingsolver, J. G. (1987) Evolution and coadaptation of thermoregulatory behavior and wing pigmentation in pierid butterflies. Evolution. 41(3):472- 490. Klots, A. B. (1951) A Field Guide to the Butterflies of North America, East of the Great Plains. Houghton Miflin Co. Boston. Leigh, T. F. & R. F. Smith (1959) Flight activity of Colias philodice eurytheme Boisduval in response to its physical environment. Hilgardia. 28:569-624. Mather, B. (1967) Variation in Junonia coenia in Mississippi (Nymphalidae). Journal of the Lepidopterist Society. 21(l):59-70. McLeod, L. (1968) Controlled environmental experiments with Precis octavia cram. Journal of Research on the Lepididoptera. 7(1):1-18. Opler, P. A. & Krizek, G. O. (1984) Butterflies East of the Great Plains. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore. Shapiro, A. M. (1968) Photoperiodic induction of vernal phenotype in Pieris protodice Boisduval and Le Conte (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). The Wasmann Journal of Biology. 26(1):137-149. (1976) Seasonal polyphenism. in Evolutionary Biology. M. Hecht, W. C. Steere and B. Wallace (eds.) Vol. 9. Plenum Press. New York. (1978) The evolutionary significance of redundancy and variability in phenotypic-induction mechanisms of pierid butterflies (Lepidoptera). Psyche. 85(2-3):275-283. (1982) Redundancy in pierid polyphenisms: pupal chilling induces vernal phenotype in Pieris occidentalis (Pieridae). Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society. 36(3): 174-77. (1984) Experimental studies of the evolution of polyphenism. in The Biology of Butterflies. Academic Press. London. Smith, K. C. (1991) The effects of temperature and photoperiod on seasonal polyphenism in Precis coenia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Department of Zoology in the Graduate School of Duke University. Tauber, M. T. , C. A. Tauber and S. Masaki (1986) Seasonal Adaptations of Insects. Oxford University Press. New York. Walker, T. J. & A. J. Riordan (1981) Butterfly migration: are synoptic-scale wind systems important? Ecological Entomology. 6:433-440. Walker, T. J. (1991) Butterfly migration from and to peninsular Florida. Ecological Entomology. 16:433-440. Watt, W. B. (1968) Adaptive significance of pigment polyphenisms in Colias butterflies. I. Variation of melanin pigment in relation to thermoregulation. Evolution. 22(3):437-458. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):237-244, 1991 Three New Taxa of Calephelis from Costa Rica (Lycaenidae: Riodininae) George T. Austin Nevada State Museum and Historical Society, 700 Twin Lakes Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107 Abstract. Two new species and one new subspecies of Calephelis (Lycaenidae: Riodininae) are named from Costa Rica. Introduction Calephelis Grote and Robinson, 1869 is a large riodinine genus (Lycaenidae); its species are typically difficult to determine. The subtle differences between taxa in size, wing shape, pattern, and genitalia are recognized only after considerable study and frustration. The revision of the group by McAlpine (1971) was a start in elucidating their diversity but has little comparative information. The species limits of the nearly forty putative species are debatable (e.g., Scott 1986) and may require detailed studies of the early stages or genetic data to resolve. Nonethe- less, local faunas, at least, seem to have constant genitalia and, taking into account possible seasonal variation, pattern and color on the wings. While examining the Calephelis for a treatment of the Costa Rica riodinine fauna (DeVries, in prep.), I encountered three phenotypes which have not been previously recognized. Because of a general disin- clination of workers to deal with the genus and the need of names for the above mentioned work, I describe these herein to bring them to the attention of future taxonomists. Calephelis sodalis new species Figs. 1, 2 (male), 3, 4 (female), 13 (male genitalia) Description. Male. Forewing length = 11.6 mm (11.0-12.3, N = 6; holotype = 11.2). Dorsum dark grayish red-brown; basal 2/3 of both wings with five relatively indistinct, broken, black lines from costa to inner margin, the outer broader than others and shaded slightly proximally with darker brown; marginal and submarginal lines distinct, iridescent blue-gray, the outer thin and more-or-less parallel to outer margin, narrowly broken at veins, the inner broader, composed of irregular scrawls or crescents, broken and often disjunct at veins, produced distally between veins M2 and CuA} on both wings; row of rather large black dots between iridescent lines; area distal to black dots red-brown, lacking gray cast of remainder of wing; fringes checkered about equally with whitish and dark gray. Ventral surface bright orange-brown with markings of dorsum re- peated; basal black lines very fine, segments often obsolete in some cells; outer black line usually single (occasionally trace of doubling on more 238 J. Res. Lepid. 8 30(3-4):237-244, 1991 239 Facing Page: Figure 1 . Calephelis sodalis Austin - holotype male, dorsal surface. Data in text. Figure 2. Calephelis sodalis - holotype male, ventral surface. Figure 3. Calephelis sodalis - paratype female, dorsal surface. COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Prov.; Las Alturas, Tajo Rd. & pasture top, 8 Sept. 1990. Figure 4. Calephelis sodalis - paratype female, ventral surface. Same specimen as Fig. 3. Figure 5. Calephelis exiguus Austin - holotype male, dorsal surface. Data in text. Figure 6. Calephelis exiguus - holotype male, ventral surface. Figure 7. Calephelis exiguus - paratype female, dorsal surface. COSTA RICA: Limon Prov.; Sixaola Rd., 14 km SE Bribri, 3 Sept. 1987. Figure 8. Calephelis exiguus - paratype female, ventral surface. Same specimen as Fig. 7. Figure 9. Calephelis laverna parva Austin - holotype male, dorsal surface. Data in text. Figure 10. Calephelis laverna parva - holotype male, ventral surface. Figure 1 1 . Calephelis laverna parva- paratype female, dorsal surface. COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Prov.; Osa Peninsula, 2.5 mi SW of Rincon, 1-7 Mar. 1967. Figure 12. Calephelis laverna parva - paratype female, ventral surface. Same specimen as Fig. 1 1 . 240 J. Res. Lepid . Figure 13. Calephelis sodalis - holotype male genitalia, ventral view. Figure 14. Calephelis exiguus - holotype male genitalia, ventral view. heavily marked individuals); iridescent lines broader and greener than on dorsum, inner less irregular and in form of bars especially on forewing. No seasonal variation among individuals seen. Head, thorax, and abdomen concolorous with wings above, paler than ground color beneath; antennae black with distinct white annular rings, club often whitish on outside edge, tip orange. Genitalia: valvae short and relatively broad in lateral view, evenly, but not broadly, curved in ventral view; transtilla exceeding valva length, narrow and curved dorsad at the posterior end, both pairs of lateral processes usually well developed. Female. Forewing length = 12.5 mm (11.9-12.8, N = 7). Similar to male; dorsum less dark especially basally; median dark band more prominent; venter more ochraceous with all lines more prominent. Types. Holotype male with the following labels: white, printed and handprinted - Costa Rica Puntarenas / Las Alturas 1400m / Tajo Rd & Bella Vista / 26 May 1991 / time 10:30 / P. J. DeVries; white, printed and handprinted - Genitalic Vial / GTA - 1880; red, printed - HOLOTYPE / Calephelis sodalis / Austin. Eleven paratypes (all COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Province, leg. P. J. DeVries): Las Alturas, 1600 m, Tajo Bella vista, 25 Aug. 1990 (3 males), 17 Aug. 1990 (1 female), 8 Sept. 1990 (1 male), 5 June 1991 (1 male); Tajo Rd. & pasture top, 1500 m, 8 Sept. 1990 (2 males, 3 females). Deposition of types. The holotype and one female paratype will be deposited at the Allyn Museum of Entomology. One pair of paratypes will be retained by the author and the remaining paratypes will be returned to Philip J. DeVries. 30(3-4):237-244, 1991 241 Type locality. COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Province; Las Alturas, elevation 1400-1600 m. Las Alturas is on the Pacific slope of southern Costa Rica, northwest of San Vito at about 8 km west of the Panama border. Distribution and phenology. This species is known only from the type locality on the Pacific slope of southeastern Costa Rica at moderate elevations. There evidently are at least two broods with specimens known from May (fresh), June (worn), August (worn, fresh), and Septem- ber (worn, fresh). No other Calephelis are known from the vicinity of the type locality of C. sodalis. Etymology. The species is known from the Las Alturas Biological Station at the border of Parque Nacional la Amistad, a joint venture of Costa Rica and Panama. The name refers to comradship or friendship in Latin. Diagnosis and discussion. This species is nearly impossible to distinguish from Calephelis browni McAlpine superficially. Calephelis sodalis is slightly larger than C. browni and the basal markings on the ventral wings are less well defined on the average. The genitalia are, however, distinctive. The valvae of C. browni are longer and proportion- ally narrower in lateral view than those of C. sodalis , are less evenly curved in ventral view, and there is less space between them anteriorly. The transtilla of C. browni is shorter than the valvae, broader at the posterior end, and the anterior processes are often poorly developed. The male genitalia are similar to those of Calephelis dreisbachi McAlpine, Calephelis montezuma McAlpine, and Calephelis azteca McAlpine, all known only from Mexico, differing in minor details. The pattern and color of the wings are different. Other small to medium-sized species of the genus in Costa Rica with the transtilla exceeding the valvae in length are Calephelis schausi McAlpine on which the transtilla greatly exceeds the valvae, the wings are more rounded, and the maculation is quite differ- ent; Calephelis inca McAlpine which is very small and has a paler and brighter dorsal coloration; and Calephelis laverna (Godman and Salvin) which again is smaller and has very different short and stout valvae. Calephelis exiguus new species Figs. 5, 6 (male), 7, 8 (female), 14 (male genitalia) Description. Male. Forewing length = 10.0 mm (9.7-10.1, N = 4; holotype = 10.1). Dorsum dark red-brown; basal 2/3 of both wings with five indistinct, broken, black lines from costa to inner margin, the outer shaded very slightly proximally with darker red-brown; marginal and submarginal lines indistinct, iridescent blue-gray, both thin, the outer more-or-less parallel to outer margin, narrowly broken at veins particu- larly on hindwing, the inner sinuous, produced distally between veins M.; and CuAj on both wings, broken at veins; row of rather large black dots between iridescent lines; fringes dark gray checkered with white. Ventral surface dull orange-brown with markings of dorsum repeated; basal black lines very fine, broken at veins; outer black line single; iridescent lines broader and more prominent than on dorsum. 242 J. Res. Lepid. Head, thorax, and abdomen concolorous with wings above, paler than ground color beneath; antennae black with narrow white annular rings, club with orange tip. Genitalia: valvae in lateral view relatively narrow and curving ven- trally throughout their length, rather square anteriorly before curving inward posteriorly in ventral view, broadly rectangular space between; transtilla equal to valva length, very narrow and evenly tapered poste- riorly, very slightly curved dorsad, posterior lateral processes well developed, anterior small. Female. Fore wing length = 9.7, 11.2. Similar to male; wings much more rounded; ventral iridescent lines broader. Types. Holotype male with the following labels: white, printed - COSTA RICA / Limon Province / Sixaola Road / Paraiso / 3 Sept. 1987 / leg. G&A Austin; white, printed and handprinted - Genitalic Vial / GTA -1523; red, printed - HOLOTYPE / Calephelis exiguus / Austin. Five paratypes (all COSTA RICA: Limon Province, leg. G&A Austin): same data as the holotype (1 male); La Bomba, 2 Sept. 1987 (1 male, 1 female); Rio Blanco Road, Rio Victoria, 6 Oct. 1987 (1 male); Sixaola Rd., 14 km SE Bribri, 3 Sept. 1987 (1 female). Deposition of types. The holotype and one paratype female will be deposited at the Allyn Museum of Entomology. The remaining paratypes will be retained for now by the author. Type locality. COSTA RICA: Limon Province; Sixaola Road, Paraiso, elevation ca. 50 m. This locality is on the Atlantic slope of easternmost Costa Rica, less than 2 km north of the Panama border about half way between Sixaola and the main road to Limon (Ruta 36). The types were taken from roadside flowers. Distribution and phenology. The species is known from the types, all taken below 100 m on the Atlantic slope of eastern Costa Rica (southeast of Limon) in September and October and a male from Madre de Dios, Limon Province, taken in July. Two males from Heredia Province taken in May and June are slightly darker on the dorsum with more distinct silvered lines. These may prove to be a seasonal phenotype of C. exiguus. Two other Calephelis are known from the region inhabited by C. exiguus: Calephelis sixaola McAlpine and Calephelis hrowni McAlpine. Etymology. The name means small and refers to the small size of this species. Diagnosis and discussion. Superficially, this species resembles a small Calephelis costaricicola Strand but the median dark band is less well developed, the ventral ground color is more orange (more ochraceous on C. costaricicola ), the lines are more poorly developed on the ventral surface without the doubling and shading of the outer basal line, and the forewings are less produced. The male valvae are not as broadly rounded as on C. costaricicola and the transtilla is narrower; C. costaricicola is not known from the Atlantic slope. Calephelis hrowni is larger, deeper orange-brown beneath and tends to have a grayish cast distal to the more 30(3-4):237-244, 1991 243 prominent dark median band on the dorsal wings. The male genitalia of C. browni are more robust than those of C. exiguus and curved ventrad more abruptly at the posterior end. Of the other small species of the genus in Costa Rica, C. inca is brighter, more orange-brown on the dorsal surface and C. laverna is a richer red-brown on the dorsum with more prominent iridescent lines and has a brighter ventral ground color with the various lines much better defined. The male genitalia of both C. inca and C. laverna are very different with the transtilla greatly exceeding the length of the valvae. Calephelis laverna parva new subspecies Figs. 9, 10 (male), 11, 12 (female) Description. Male. Forewing length = 9.9 mm (9.7-10.2, N = 6; holotype = 9.9). Dorsum dark red-brown, tending towards brighter red- brown distally; basal 2/3 of both wings with five relatively distinct, broken, black lines from costa to inner margin, the outer broader than others and shaded slightly (or not) proximally with darker brown; marginal and submarginal lines relatively distinct, iridescent blue-gray, the outer thin and more-or-less parallel to outer margin, narrowly broken at veins, the inner broader, broken and somewhat disjunct at veins, produced distally between veins M2 and CuAx on both wings; row of rather large black dots between iridescent lines, distinct on hindwing, distinct or not on forewing; fringes dark gray, checkered narrowly with whitish. Ventral surface bright, dark orange-brown with markings of dorsum repeated; basal black lines distinct; outer black line single; iridescent lines slightly broader and more blue-green than on dorsum, inner less irregular and in form of bars especially on forewing. Material from March is somewhat darker than that from July. Head, thorax, and abdomen concolorous with wings above, paler than ground color beneath; antennae black with distinct white annular rings, club with orange tip. Genitalia: valvae very short and relatively broad in lateral view; short, stout, and straight in ventral view; transtilla greatly exceeding length of valvae, very narrow at posterior end, anterior pair of lateral processes well developed. Female. Forewing length = 9.9 mm (9.2-10.6, N = 3). Similar to male; wings much broader and rounder; dorsum slightly less dark especially basally; median dark band more prominent; venter ochraceous to ochraceous orange with all markings more prominent. Types. Holotype male with the following labels: white, printed and handprinted - COSTA RICA / Puntarenas Prov. / Osa Peninsula / 2.5 mi. SW. Rincon / 08° x42’ N. 83° 29’ W. / III - 1 to 7 - 1967 / OTS Adv. Zoo. Course; white, printed - J. M. Nelson / Collector; white, printed - Downey colln. / Allyn Museum / Acc. 1985 - 14; white, printed and handprinted - Genitalic Vial / GTA - 1863; red, printed - HOLOTYPE / Calephelis laverna / parva Austin. Eight paratypes (all COSTA RICA: Puntarenas 244 J. Res. Lepid. Province): same data as holotype (1 male, 1 female), Paso Canoa, 160 m, 19 July 1963, leg . L. D. Miller (1 male, 1 female), 20 km N of Palmar Sur, 140 m, 22 July 1963, leg. L. D. Miller (1 female), Parque Nacional Corcovado, Sirena, 20 m, 6 March 1989, leg. N. Greig(l male), Corcovado, Sirena, 7 March 1989, leg. N. Greig (1 male), La Vacita, 24 March 1990, leg. P. J. DeVries (1 male). Deposition of types. The holotype and a pair of paratypes will be deposited at the Allyn Museum of Entomology. One male and two female paratypes will be deposited at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Two male paratypes are in the care of P. J. DeVries and one male paratype will be retained by the author. Type locality. COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Province; Osa Peninsula, 2.5 miles southwest of Rincon. This is near sea level in the northeastern portion of the Osa Peninsula on the Pacific Coast of southern Costa Rica. Distribution and phenology. This species is known only from the Pacific slope of southern Costa Rica at low elevations near the coast and centered on the Osa Peninsula. There evidently are at least two broods with fresh material from March and July. One other species of the genus, Calephelis schausi McAlpine, is known within the distribution of C. /. parva. Etymology. The name refers to the small size of this subspecies of C. laverna. Diagnosis and discussion. The male genitalia of this phenotype are virtually identical to those of Calephelis laverna laverna (Godman and Salvin) described from “V. de Chiriqui” (Panama). McAlpine (1971) apparently viewed the type, additional specimens from the type locality and nearby, and from South America. The only variation he noted was of material from Trinidad and adjacent Venezuela which had somewhat different genitalia and was described as Calephelis laverna trinidadensis . Specimens of C. laverna which I have seen from Panama and Columbia are considerably larger (the forewing length averaging about 12 mm), are distinctly more reddish above, and thus the various markings are much more distinct. Acknowledgments. I thank the curators and others at various museums for the opportunity to examine specimens in their care: L. D. and J. Y. Miller (Allyn Museum of Entomology), J. Rawlins (Carnegie Museum of Natural History), F. Rindge and G. Martinez (American Museum of Natural History), and S. Borkin (Milwaukee Public Museum). P. J. DeVries kindly loaned material in his care and made numerous suggestions for improvement of the manuscript. Literature Cited McAlpine, W. S. 1971. A revision of the butterfly genus Calephelis (Riodinidae). Jour. Res. Lepid. 10: 1-125. Scott, J. A. 1986. The butterflies of North America, a natural history and field guide. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):245-247, 1991 A New Species of Calephelis from Guatemala (Lycaenidae: Riodininae) George T. Austin Nevada State Museum and Historical Society, 700 Twin Lakes Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89107 Abstract. A new species of Calephelis (Riodininae) is named from northern Guatemala. Introduction. McAlpine (1971) suggested that Guatemala may be the center of distribution of the genus Calephelis (Lycaenidae: Riodininae). During field work at Parque Nacional Tikal in Peten, northern Guatemala, in February 1992, a striking new species was taken. This is named and described below. Calephelis tikal new species Figs. 1, 2 (male), 3 (male genitalia) Description. Male. Fore wing length = 11.6 mm (holotype), 11.8 mm (paratype). Dorsum dark brown with prominent gray cast especially on outer third of both wings; wing bases with five indistinct, concentric, black lines, more-or-less continuous from costa to inner margin, the outer very broad on both wings, extending basad nearly to next line; marginal and submarginal lines faint (especially on forewing), iridescent blue- gray, the outer thin, parallel to outer margin, broken slightly at veins, the inner somewhat irregular, broken and disjunct (on forewing) at veins; row of rather large, but indistinct, black dots between iridescent lines; fringes gray-brown, paler than ground color. Ventral surface dark red-brown with black overscaling, especially distally; markings of dorsum repeated, more prominent; outer basal line doubled throughout length on both wings, area between dusted with black anteriorly on forewing; iridescent lines broader, prominent. Head, thorax, and abdomen concolorous with wings above and (includ- ing legs) below; antennae black with white annular rings, tip of club yellow-orange. Genitalia: valvae of moderate length, broad in lateral view, robust and broad in ventral view; transtilla slightly longer than valvae, relatively broad, curved dorsad to a slight hook. Female. Unknown. Types. Holotype male with the following labels: white, printed - GUATEMALA / Peten, Parque / Nacional Tikal / #6, 12:15-12:45 / 2 February 1992 / leg. G. T. Austin; white, printed and handprinted - Genitalia Vial / GTA - 2385; red, printed - HOLOTYPE / Calephelis tikal / Austin. One paratype male with same location and collector as holotype, 6 February 1992. 246 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 1 . Calephelis tikal Austin - holotype male, dorsal surface. Data in text. Figure 2. Calephelis tikal - holotype male, ventral surface. Deposition of types. The holotype will be deposited at the Allyn Museum of Entomology, Sarasota, Florida. The paratype will be re- tained for now by the author. Type locality. GUATEMALA: Peten; Parque Nacional Tikal, 200 m. The types were taken along the side of the main road, just south of the ruins at Tikal. Distribution and phenology. This species is known at present only from the two types taken in February. Etymology. The species is named after its type locality, the ruins of the Mayan city of Tikal. Diagnosis and discussion. This is the darkest of the known Calephelis, so dark that the initial impression is that of a Charts. The male genitalia 30(3-4):245-247, 1991 247 most closely resemble those of Calephelis acapulcoensis McAlpine with the transtilla slightly exceeding the length of the valvae. The valvae of C. tikal , however, are broader and less curved. The valvae are similarly broader than those of Calephelis azteca McAlpine and Calephelis guatemala McAlpine and less curved than those of the latter and Calephelis yucatana McAlpine. Acknowledgments. My studies at Tikal were made possible through a MacArthur Foundation grant to P. R. Ehrlich via the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. I thank the center’s staff biologists and field companions, N. Haddad, A. Launer, D. Murphy, and T. Sisk, for their assistance. I also acknowledge the various agencies of the Guatemalan government which graciously issued the necessary permits. Literature Cited McAlpine, W. S. 1971. A revision of the butterfly genus Calephelis (Riodinidae). Jour. Res. Lepid. 10:1-125. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):248-256, 1991 Host specialization of satyrine butterflies, and their responses to habitat fragmentation in Trinidad M.C. Singer1 and P.R. Ehrlich Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Introduction Butterflies may be among the most useful indicators of habitat change (Ehrlich & Murphy 1987, Kremen 1992). In this paper we describe the communities of grass- and sedge-feeding Satyrinae (Nymphalidae) but- terflies from ten study sites in Northern Trinidad in 1970-74, and assess the extent to which species may have been lost as a result of human modification of the landscape. In undisturbed habitats such as still exist in some neotropical countries, satyrines move through the forest, feeding as adults on fallen fruit, and ovipositing on patches of grass or sedge that grow at treefalls or beside streams (DeVries 1985;1987). Although the patches of larval habitat may be widely scattered, there are few obstacles to the movement of adults. In contrast, human disturbance increases host plant abundance and decreases patchiness, but creates obstacles to the movement of adults, most of which will not fly through open areas. Thus, the clearing of tropical forests in Northern Trinidad has resulted in considerable fragmentation of habitat for these shade-loving species. The resultant reduction in population sizes could cause local extinction of specialist insects from the habitats that still contain their hosts. We seek evidence for such local extinction by comparing the distributions of these insects with the fragmented distributions of their hosts. We also compare our data with historical records gathered by Barcant (1970) to ask whether there is evidence for recent extinction of either specialist or generalist species from the Island of Trinidad. As a prerequisite for this work we needed to classify the study species as either host specialists or host generalists, since no information on their diets was previously available. We also obtained information on host plant species richness and abundance, and asked whether either of these traits was correlated across habitats with either butterfly species richness or butterfly abundance. Study Species The generic status of many of the neotropical Satyrinae is unclear (see discussion in DeVries 1987). For the purposes of this paper we have placed all satyrines studied here in the genus Cissia since many of them, including palladia , terrestris, myncea, libye, themis and penelope, are very likely to belong in this genus (Singer et al. 1983; DeVries 1987). Satyrine butterflies are known to feed on various monocotyledonous plants including palms and Marantaceae as well as grasses and sedges Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 30(3-4):248-256, 1991 249 (DeVries 1987). A small group (the genus Euptychia) has colonized lower plants, feeding on Selaginella (Singer et al. 1983) or on epiphytic mosses (Singer & Mallet 1975). However, the Trinidadian species we studied were restricted to grasses and sedges in their diets. Observations of oviposition on other plants, including Selaginella , turned out to be examples of oviposition away from the host plant by insects whose larvae were unable to feed on the plants that actually received eggs (Singer et al. 1971). Satyrine butterflies are, to varying degrees, shade-loving insects. Among our study insects, arnaea, myncea and junta were the most shade- loving, while hermes, themis and penelope were the least restricted to deep shade. This trait is important, since the most shade-loving species should be the least able to colonize small habitat patches. In the fragmented landscape of Northern Trinidad, such colonization would usually require crossing open areas inimical to these insects. Study Sites Our study sites were all situated in Northern Trinidad. All but two, “Trace” and “Trace Plantation,” were close to sea level. “Trace” was an ill- kept trail along a ridge-top through montane rain forest at about 800 m elevation. “Trace Plantation” was an abandoned, heavily-shaded and overgrown cacao plantation at the same elevation. “Guanapo” was a cultivated flat with bananas, cocoa, and coffee. “Dump 1” and “Dump 2” were adjacent sites close to Guanapo town dump. “Dumpl” was entirely second growth, with few shrubs more than ten feet high, while “Dump 2” was less recently disturbed and quite heavily shaded. “Cave” was another abandoned and overgrown Cacao plantation, at much lower elevation than “Trace Plantation”. The remaining four sites were all in the city of Port of Spain in a well-preserved patch of dry forest just North of the Zoo. The sites coded as “POS 1, POS 2, and POS 3” were very close together, separated from each other by uncensused strips only about 50 m wide that also contained butterflies. With the exception of “Trace”, which was an elongated study site bordering a trail, all of our study sites were approximately rectangular. Most were on the order of 10,000m2 in area, but “Cave”, and the three “POS” sites were about half this size. Habitat fragmentation in Northern Trinidad was already extensive at the time of this study (1970-74), and no substantial patches of forest remained in our study area. The two “dump” sites were each separately cut off from suitable habitat, as were the three “POS” sites as a group. Only the least shade-restricted species would now have easy access to these sites. The “Guanapo” site was surrounded by habitat that was not totally unsuitable but sufficiently open that the more shade-loving species were reluctant to travel through it. All other sites were at least partially connected to shaded habitat through which adult insects could travel. 250 J. Res. Lepid. Methods Standard counts of adult butterflies were performed in timed searches of the habitats (cf Pollard (1977). No habitat was sampled twice in any morning or afternoon, but some were sampled twice in the same day. No habitat was sampled less than three times in all, and each habitat was sampled at least once in both wet and dry seasons. The census of the grasses was done by counting the number of species present and assigning each habitat to a category of overall grass abundance ranging from 1 (grasses averaging less than one ramet per 10 m2 and nowhere abundant) to 5 (grasses providing almost complete ground cover). Host specificity of the insects was investigated by several methods. For abundant species, we obtained direct evidence by observing ovipositions in the field, and by finding eggs and larvae and recording their hosts. For three of the rare species, we were not able to find early stages, so had to resort to indirect methods. These were: 1) Oviposition preference trials on captive adults. Insects were deprived of opportunity to oviposit for 24 hours. They were then offered sequential trials with each species of grass or sedge from their natural habitats. At each trial, the insect was placed gently on the plant and its response (oviposition or not) recorded. The range of plants accepted was classified as the host range of the butterfly. These crude trials are likely to overestimate the natural host range because of the high oviposition motivation of tested insects (Singer 1986). One species (arnaea) was not amenable to the trials, failing to duplicate normal oviposition behavior after manipulation. We obtained data from this species by holding females captive until oviposition motivation was high, then releasing them and observing acceptances and rejections of plants they encountered. 2) Feeding-preference trials on captive larvae. Larvae were placed in Petri dishes with three or four potential hosts from their natural habitats. Each plant species that was fed on was classified as part of the host range. Figure 1 : Cissia census data and host-plant distribution among ten study sites. Sites are listed from top to bottom, while butterfly species are listed across the figure in the upper section (a) and plant species in the lower section (b). Figuire 1 a shows the numbers of each butterfly species censused at each site. For example, the census at “Trace” comprised 2 individual palladia, 6 myncea, 196 hermes, etc. Generalist feeders are shown at the left of the figure, separated by vertical lines from the three host specialists at the right. Figure 1b shows the presence or absence of each plant species. Each species is indicated by a number; the names, where known, are given below. The figure is arranged as far as possible with the plant species vertically beneath the insects which feed on them. The host specialists at the right of Figure 1 a, arnaea, junia and erichto , are each arranged above their respective hosts, grass species 13, 14 and 15. The generalists, palladia, terrestris themis, penelope, are arranged above those hosts that are edible to them, species 1 through 13 inclusive. Tentative plant identifica- tions are as follows: 1) Lasiacis sloanei 2) Panicum sp. 3) Trypsacum sp. 4) Setariapaniculifera 5) Paspalum sp. 6) Paspalum conjugatum 7) Paspalum sp. 8) Paspalum decumbens 9) Panicum pilosum 1 0) Cyperus sp. 11) Scleria sp. 12) Panicum polygonatum. 13) Ichnanthus pallens 14) probably Panicum maximum 15) Unidentified sedge. 16) Unidentified grass 17) Unidentified grass 18) Bambusa vulgaris BUTTERFLY SPECIES 30(3-4):248-256, 1991 251 Vj -i V %* CO CO CD CO c 111 2 § CO 13 E 33 E 3 b 6 o < CL (/) H 1— CD o o O CL CL CL CO 1- BUS (/) • • • • • 03 c _co CL 05 05 O O co co 0 Q- 1- CM 1 g- g- 05 co E E > 3 3 D (C CD Q Cl O i- CM CO CO CO W boo CL CL CL BUS m Acceptable to 1 1 Species Inedible to Inedible palladia ► penelope Generalists to All 252 J. Res. Lepid. Results Data on host specificity, butterfly censuses and grass species richness are summarized in Figure 1. We identified eleven generalist butterflies (at left of figure) and three specialists. Thirteen grass and sedge species were edible to the generalists, and one of these, Ichnanthus pallens, (No. 13) was also edible to a specialist. Two grasses (nos. 14, 15) were classified as edible only to specialists. Field searches of the three grass species (16,17,18) at the right of the figure revealed no eggs or larvae, and these plants were inedible to larvae of arnaea , hermes, junia, myncea and hesione. It was not possible to obtain sufficient larvae of the rarer insects to test them on all available plants, since satyrine larvae are cryptic and secretive, some of them extremely so. In consequence, our classification of these plants as inedible to all our study insects is tentative, though in accord with all data we were able to gather. Because we were not able to classify these plants as hosts of satyrines, we did not include them in any of our analyses of host diversity and abundance. Table 1 shows the total number of butterfly and host species recorded at each site, and an index of butterfly abundance derived by simply dividing the total number of individuals by the length of time we spent in our census. Table 2 shows the same data for the community comprising only the generalist species and plants edible to generalists. Spearman correlation coefficients and significance levels of correlation for all the data are shown in Table 3. When specialists and generalists are lumped there is no significant correlation between any of the insect parameters and any of the plant parameters. After removal of the specialists from the data (along with the plants which are edible only to these specialists) the correlation between plant abundance and insect abundance rises to a (just) significant level. Discussion ACCURACY OF HOST SPECIFICITY DATA The evidence for classifying as such the generalists and their hosts is of variable quality. Classification of specificity was made from field records of oviposition and larval distribution for ten of the fifteen species we found. For four of the rare species palladia, ocypete, alcinoe and erichto , we had to rely on data from captive insects. One rare species, cephus , found at St. Ann’s as a single specimen, gave no diet information, and may not even be grass-feeding. We accordingly omitted cephus from our analyses. In general, field data are better than laboratory data as indicators of specificity, since insects often show greater diet breadth in captivity than in their natural habitats (Singer 1986). We found hermes larvae feeding in the field on 8 plant species, renata on 6, penelope on 5 and hesione on 5. Their larvae will eat all the other species if offered them though one of the sedges (No. 11) is only edible to most larvae when young. Some of these plants are sufficiently rare that 30(3-4):248-256, 1991 253 Table 1 . Characteristics of plant and butterfly communities at ten sites. Butterfly Butterfly Plant Plant Site Species Abundance Species Abundance Trace 9 37.6 8 4 Trace Plantation 8 15.3 2 5 Guanapo 9 38.3 11 5 Dump 1 8 13.3 4 4 Dump 2 4 7.33 4 2 Cave 3 4.33 1 2 POS 1 4 8.67 2 3 POS 2 10 39.0 2 1 POS 3 7 7.00 4 2 St. Ann’s 10 15.7 4 4 Table 2. Characteristics of generalist insects and their hosts. Butterfly Butterfly Plant Plant Site Species Abundance Species Abundance Trace 8 35.9 8 4 Trace Plantation 7 13.6 2 5 Guanapo 8 38.0 11 5 Dump 1 7 11.3 3 4 Dump 2 2 3.00 1 2 Cave 2 3.00 1 2 POS 1 4 8.67 2 3 POS 2 8 27.3 1 1 POS 3 7 7.00 4 2 St Ann’s 8 9.67 3 4 we would be unlikely to have found larvae on them, even if they were high quality hosts. Among the rare insects, alcinoe and themis oviposited readily on 5 grass species offered to free-flying insects in an insectary. We were unable to obtain natural oviposition behavior from captive terrestris, ocypete, or palladia. Evidence for classifying these three species as generalists is poor, and consists only of recording which plant species were readily consumed by captive larvae. We have more than 30 observations of arnaea feeding on plant species 13, Ichnanthus pollens. Our evidence for the edibility of this plant to generalists is also good: we have field observations of hermes , renata , libye, and hesione feeding on this species, and we have raised larvae of myncea, alcinoe and ocypete on it. Evidence that junia is host-specific comes from oviposition tests on a single captive adult, plus the finding of 254 J. Res. Lepid. 11 eggs (eggs are laid singly and independently in this species) on plant 14. Our evidence for categorizin gerichto is less firm, and consists only of oviposition trials on three captive adults. All were tested on plants 1 through 18 with the exception of Nos. 3 and 4. No acceptances of any species other than No. 15 were recorded, and we obtained 16 such acceptances. For two of the three species classified as specialists, arnaea and junia, data obtained from the field are concordant with those obtained from captive or semi-captive insects. This concordance between field and lab data reassures us that our laboratory data do seem to have meaning. The third specialist, erichto , was classified from behavior of captive adults and larvae. Three adult erichto that were preference-tested would accept only an epiphytic sedge that hung from trees (16 acceptances observed), and the larvae likewise refused to feed on plants other than this sedge. Among those insects classified as generalists, we have adequate field data for myncea, hesione, libye, renata, hermes, themis and penelope (although themis was rare in our study sites, we obtained data from nearby populations of this insect). For alcinoe we were able to perform preference trials on both captive adults and larvae, but for palladia and ocypete our only data are from larval feeding preferences. For these two species, we regard our classification of diet breadth as extremely tenta- tive. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN INSECT AND PLANT TRAITS The lack of significant correlation between rank orders of insect species richness and host species richness indicates the relatively minor role played by specialists and their hosts in our data set. The only significant trend is a positive correlation between insect abundance and host abundance (Table 3), and this appears only after “specialist removal”. Even this is not a conspicuous trend. There are clear exceptions to it, as the example of site POS 2 shows. At this site, species 13 served as the sole host of nine butterfly species, even though it was rare (Table 1). Our results contrast with those obtained from heliconiine butterflies and Passiflora , which have shown correlations between species richness of the insects and that of their host plants (Gilbert & Smiley 1978). EFFECTS OF HABITAT FRAGMENTATION The concordance between the distribution of specialists and that of the habitats available to them indicates that, at least for this set of species, habitat fragmentation had not resulted in significant local extinction of these species at the time of our study (1970-74). The presence of any of the three monophagous species in a habitat could be confidently pre- dicted from the presence of its host species. The data of Figure 1 show erichto and junia distributed among sites in precisely the same manner as their respective hosts, while arnaea was recorded from six of the seven sites where its host grew. This phenomenon was especially striking since 30(3-4):248-256, 1991 255 Table 3. Spearman correlation coefficients. Correlation coefficient Significance of correlation Correlation between: All Species Generalists All Species Generalists Butterfly/ plant species 0.426 0.514 0.110 0.064 Butterfly species/ plant abundance 0.290 0.356 0.208 0.157 Plant/ butterfly abundance 0.349 0.562 0.162 0.046 Plant species/ Butterfly abundance 0.393 0.474 0.131 0.084 junia was absent from POS 1 and POS 3, which were both only about 50 m from POS 2 where junia and its host were common. There was no trend in our data for the more isolated habitat patches (POS, Dump and Guanapo) to contain fewer species. However, much larger sample sizes would be needed for such a test to have sufficient power. On a larger scale, we found no evidence for loss of species from the island of Trinidad. We recorded fifteen species, while Barcant ( 1970) lists seventeen satyrines recorded from Trinidad since lepidopterists first collected there in the 1890’s. One of these seventeen (calpurnia) was recorded from a single site only, in 1932, while a second (brixiola) had been recorded only twice. We did not find either of these very rare species. Although Barcant recorded palladia as present in Trinidad, he was describing misidentified myncea (Singer et al 1983). Palladia does, indeed, occur there, but was apparently not found by Barcant (1970) or by other butterfly -collectors. Although human activities must have removed many formerly suitable habitats for these insects, at the time of this study they had not yet resulted either in extinction of species from Trinidad, or in significant reduction of the ability of host specialists to maintain populations in patches of habitat where their hosts still occurred. Summary Eleven species of Trinidadian satyrine butterflies were found to be generalist feeders as larvae, while three were monophagous. The pres- ence of a monophagous satyrine at a site was accurately predicted from the presence of its host. This relationship, coupled with a comparison of our data with historical records, shows that, at the time of our study (1970-74), habitat fragmentation had not resulted in significant loss of 256 J. Res . Lepid. these insects either from local habitats suitable for them or from the Island of Trinidad as a whole. Comparison between sites showed no significant correlation between insect species richness or abundance and host plant species richness or abundance. If generalist feeders and their hosts were considered sepa- rately, they showed a significant relationship between insect abundance and plant abundance. This trend, however, was not a very clear one, and there were striking exceptions to it. There was considerable overlap in resource utilization, with nine insect species using the same host species at one of our study sites. Acknowledgements: We thank P. J. DeVries for pestering us over the years to finish this paper, for providing critiques, and for retyping the final draft. Literature Cited Barcant, M (1970). Butterflies of Trinidad and Tobago. Collins, London DeVries, P.J. (1985). Hostplant records and natural history notes on Costa Rican butterflies (Papilionidae, Pieridae & Nymphalidae. J. Res. Lep. 24: 290-333. . (1987). Butterflies of Costa Rica and their Natural History. Princeton University Press. Ehrlich, P. R. & D.D. Murphy. (1987). Monitoring populations on remnants of native vegetation, in: Nature conservation: the role of remnants of native vegetation, D.A. Saunders, G. W. Arnold, A. A. Burbidge and A.J.M. Hopkins (eds.). pp 201-210. Surrey Beatty & sons, Canberra. Gilbert, L.E. & J. T. Smiley. 1978. Determinants of local diversity in phytophagous insects: host specialists in tropical environments. In: Diversity of Insect Faunas. Symp. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. No. 9, pp 89-104. Kremen, C. 1992. Assessing the indicator properties of species assemblages for natural areas monitoring. Ecological applications 2: 203-217. Pollard, E. ( 1977). A method for assessing change in the abundance of butterflies. Biol. Cons. 12: 115-132 Singer, M.C. (1986) The definition and measurement of oviposition preference in plant-feeding insects. Ch 3 in: Insect-plant interactions, edited by J. Miller and T.A. Miller. Springer- V erlag, pp 65-94. Singer, M.C., P. J. DeVries & P.R. Ehrlich. (1983). The Cissa confusa species group in Costa Rica & Trinidad. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 79: 101-119. Singer, M.C., P.R. Ehrlich & L.E. Gilbert. (1971). Butterfly feeding on lycopsid. Science 172: 1341-1342 Singer, M.C. & J.L.B. Mallet. (1986). Moss-feeding by a satyrine butterfly. J. Res. Lep. 24: 392. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):257-260, 1991 Celastrina nigra and its synonym C. ebenina (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) James A. Scott 60 Estes St., Lakewood, Colo. 80226 and David M. Wright 124 Heartwood Drive, Lansdale, Penn. 19446 Abstract. Celastrina nigra Forbes 1960 is the valid name, not C. ebenina Clench 1972, because Forbes raised the infrasubspecific nigra Edwards 1884a to subspecies rank. C. nigra is not a homonym of Scolitantides orion nigra Gerhard 1882. Both nigra and ebenina have been used as the name of the same Celastrina species, nigra by Scott (1984, 1986), ebenina by Wagner and Mellichamp (1978), Miller and Brown (1981), and Ferris (1989). This paper shows that C. nigra Forbes 1960 is the correct name and C. ebenina Clench 1972 is a synonym; it summarizes a lengthy paper on the case, which is available upon request. The oldest names for C. nigra are by Strecker ( 1878): uLycaena lucia ab. a female nig .” (actually a male), and “ab. b female intermedia”. Both were named as aberrations and are unavailable infrasubspecific names (ICZN 1985 art. l[b][5]); Strecker used nig. to abbreviate nigra, niger, and nigrum, but evidently intended this nig. to abbreviate the feminine nigra because he erroneously thought the insect was female. Edwards (1884a) described Lycaena pseudargiolus infrasubspecific form nigra as a “mela- nic dimorphic male form” — a melanic form limited to males — of C. argiolus form uiolacea (Edwards); thus it is an infrasubspecific name, a minority element within a population, certainly not a subspecies. Miller and Brown (1981) erred in stating that nigra was named as an aberra- tion, a word not mentioned by Edwards. The name nigra Edwards was actually described in W. H. Edwards’ (1884a, June) Butterflies of North America 11:315-319 (p. “1-5”), which appeared before Edwards’ (1884b, p. 306, Dec.) “Revised Catalogue”, mistakenly cited by Miller and Brown (1981) as the original description. Forbes (1960) described Plebeius argiolus nigra: “Race or rather local variety nigra Edwards (H 31:4 — female intermedia Strecker) is solid brown above in male, and dominantly blackish in female. It is limited to a small area in West Virginia and western Pennsylvania so far as I know.” Forbes’ word “race” clearly describes a subspecies; his words “rather local variety” are less clear but signify a geographically restricted type of animal of at least a population (“local variety” in sloppy American English generally means a subspecies with very restricted range); his description of the limited range in W.Va.-Pa. is a clear indication of a subspecies (ICZN 1985 article 45[f][ii], 1961 art. 45[d][ii]). 258 J. Res. Lepid. Rules. The 1985 ICZN rules apply precisely to the case. Article 10(c) states that an infrasubspecific name that satisfies the other criteria of availability becomes available when the name is used for a species or subspecies. Edwards’ nigra satisfies all criteria of availability except that it is infrasubspecific (art. l[b][5], 45[e]); Forbes’ (1960) nigra satis- fies all criteria including treating it as a subspecies and giving a diagnosis. The 1985 rules regarding “forms” and “varieties” also indicate that Plebeius argiolus nigra Forbes 1960 is an available name, while Lycaena nigra Edwards 1884 is unavailable. ICZN 1985 article 45(g) states that: before 1961, the use of either of the terms “variety” or “form” is to be interpreted as subspecific rank, but if the intention of the work reveals that infrasubspecific status is meant (as in nigra Edwards), the name is infrasubspecific, UNLESS before 1985 it has been treated as an available name and either adopted as the name of a species or subspecies (which Forbes [1960] and Scott [1984] did), or treated as a senior homonym in which case the name is deemed to be subspecific from the date of its establishment (“establishment” — according to the glossary definition — was in 1960 as Plebeius argiolus nigra Forbes). The 1948 to 1985 rules mandated more rigorous standards for publish- ing subspecies after a cutoff date: before 1951 in the 1948 rules in effect until 1960, before 1961 in the 1961-1985 rules. Before and after this cutoff, a name is a subspecies if the original description clearly indicated the taxon is a subspecies, and a name is infrasubspecific if the author expressly indicated that he regarded the taxon as infrasubspecific. But if the author did not clearly state in the original publication whether he regarded it as being a subspecies or an infrasubspecific form, a name established before the cutoff is a subspecies, but after the cutoff the name is infrasubspecific. The rollback of the date to the start of 1961 in the 1961 Code which Clench (1972) had to follow, means that pre-1961 names are (1) subspecies if described as such, (2) subspecies if not clearly described as subspecies or infrasubspecific (thus even if Clench thought — or any- one now thinks — that F orbes’ description was ambiguous), (3) subspecies if merely described as “varieties” or “forms” without accompanying description clarifying status. C. ebenina would be valid only if Forbes had unambiguously described nigra as an infrasubspecific name, but Forbes did the opposite by describing it as a “race” — a subspecies. Readers are warned that the example at the end of 1985 Article 45(g) is grossly misleading in implying that infrasubspecific names raised to subspecies rank take authorship and date from the original publication of the infrasubspecific name. 1985 article 87(b) states that “Examples do NOT form part of the legislative text of the Code” so the example must be ignored because the implication contradicts articles 23(j), 50(c)(i), 10(c), and 45(g)(ii)(l); and the example is ambiguous because the author of the name in the example may have published a second paper in the same year treating the varieties as subspecies, in which case the example could also be (properly) interpreted as meaning that the name should take the 30(3-4):257-260, 1991 259 authorship and date of the second paper raising the names to subspecies rank. We have informed the ICZN that this example must be replaced. Ferris ( 1989) was mistaken when he stated that “ ebenina is valid for the edition of the code [1961/1964] under which Clench worked”; C. nigra Forbes (1960) was a valid available subspecies under the 1961/1964 rules (articles 10[b], 45[d][i, ii]), and ebenina became a synonym the day it was named in 1972. And nigra Edwards 1884 is unavailable under the 1961/ 1964 rules (art. 1, 45[c], 45[d][iii]). The 1961/1964 rules were written imprecisely because 196 1 article 45(e)(i) states that before 1961 “variety” or “form” are not to be interpreted as either infrasubspecific or subspe- cific rank, and article 17(9) states that a name remains available even though before 1961 it was proposed as a “variety” or “form”; a strict interpretation of these two rules in isolation from others might suggest that they override 45(d)(iii) (but not 45[c]) in cases in which the word “form” or “variety” is used, possibly making nigra an available species group name even from 1884 to 1960. But logic clearly shows that the only way all parts of rules 17 and 45 can be applied simultaneously without contradiction is if the intent of the 1961/1964 rules was that a name merely described and ranked only as “form” or “variety”, without infrasubspecific modifiers such as “melanic dimorphic” etc., be treated as an available subspecific name, whereas a name described as “form” or “variety” with qualifying modifiers signifying infrasubspecific status was to be treated as infrasubspecific and unavailable. This is the clearly stated intention of the 1948 rules which form the basis of the 1961 rules, and is the clearly written intention of the 1985 rules. Obviously, C. nigra Edwards 1884 is infrasubspecific thus unavailable. C. nigra Forbes in fact is valid and nigra Edwards invalid and unavailable, in all versions of the rules as far back as 1842. The unofficial Stricklandian Code (Strickland, 1842) did not permit the use of infrasubspecific names or varieties. The unofficial Dali Code (1878) permitted the use of “varieties” but not infrasubspecific names such as “melanic dimorphic male forms”. The Regies from 1905 onward did not cover infrasubspecific names until 1948 when the current rules regard- ing infrasubspecific names were devised. Homonymy. Lycaena pseudargiolus infrasubspecific form nigra Edwards 1884 was named two years after Lycaena orion variety nigra (Gerhard 1882, p. 126). The latter is now a ssp. of Scolitantides orion (Pallas) 1771 (1985 article 45[g] etc.), and is evidently a senior synonym of all three other ssp. now used in the species. But neither nigra Edwards nor nigra F orbes is a homonym, because nigra Edwards is infrasubspecific so is not covered by the 1961-1985 Code, and nigra Forbes was named in genus Pleheius. Earlier rules did not make nigra Edwards a homonym either. The unofficial Dali Code (1878) did provide for homonymy of infrasubspecific names, but only if both names were within a single species (rules LXVI and LVII), and nigra Gerhard and nigra Edwards were always in separate species. 260 J. Res. Lepid. The 1905-1947 Regies mentioned only subspecies and species and did not cover infrasubspecific names, so nigra Edwards was not subject to homonymy. From 1948 until the 1961 Code, the Regies allowed homonymy within infrasubspecific names (ICZN, 1950, p. 93, rule [9][a]), but homonymy applied separately to (A) subspecies/species names than to (B) infrasubspecific names, such that (A) and (B) were self-contained and mutually independent sectors of nomenclature. Homonymy was not possible since nigra Edwards is infrasubspecific and nigra Gerhard is a subspecies ( nigra Gerhard was named as a “variety” but is a subspecies by 1948 rule [3] [ICZN, 1950] and all later Regies and Codes). Acknowledgements. We are grateful to John N. Eliot and an anonymous referee for thorough review and very helpful comments. Literature Cited Clench, H. K. 1972. Celastrina ebenina, a new species of Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera) from the eastern United States. Annals Carnegie Mus. 44:33-44. Dall, W. H. 1878. Report of the committee on zoological nomenclature. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Advancement Sci. 26:7-56. Edwards, W. H. 1884a. The butterflies of North America. Vol. II (1874-1884). Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, Mass. 1884b. Revised catalogue of the diurnal Lepidoptera of America north of Mexico. Trans. Amer. Entom. Soc. 11:245-337. Ferris, C. E., ed. 1989. Supplement to: A catalogue/checklist of the butterflies of America north of Mexico. Lepid. Soc. Mem. #3. Forbes, W. T. M., 1960. Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Part IV, Agaristidae through Nymphalidae including butterflies. Memoir 371 Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. N. Y. State College of Agric., Ithaca, New York. 188 p. (see p. 127). Gerhard, B. 1882. Lepidopterologisches. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 26:125-128. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. 1950. Ed. Francis Hemming. Bull. Zool Nomenclature 4:i-lii, 1-760. Miller, L. D., & F. M. Brown. 1981. A catalogue/checklist of the butterflies of America north of Mexico. Lepid. Soc. Mem. #2, 280 p. Scott, J. A. 1984. News of Lepid. Soc. 1984 No. 1 p. 6. 1986. The butterflies of North America, a natural history and field guide. Stanford Univ. Press., Stanford, Calif. 583 p. Strecker, H. H. 1878. Butterflies and moths of North America.. .a complete synonymical Catalogue. ..Diurnes. Press of B. F. Owen, Reading, Penn. Strickland, H. E.,etal. 1842. Rules for Zoological Nomenclature. Report of 12th meeting of British Association held at Manchester in 1842. British Assoc. Advancement Sci. Report 1842, 11:105-121. Wagner, W. , & T. Mellichamp. 1978. Foodplant, habitat, and range of Celastrina ebenina (Lycaenidae). J. Lepid. Soc. 32:20-36. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):261-266, 1991 Foam barriers, a new defense against ants for milkweed butterfly caterpillars (Nymphalidae: Danainae) P.J. DeVries Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 Abstract. All instar caterpillars of Idea leuconoe and Euploea crameri from Brunei, Borneo trench leaves and/or cut veins of their hostplant Parsonsia spiralis, presumably to circumvent plant defensive chemis- try. First through third instar caterpillars also line the outside perim- eter of circular trenches with a regurgitated foam that repels ants. These observations are discussed with respect to chemistry of danaine hostplants, and future questions are raised regarding this system. Introduction Cutting the leaves or stems of plants in the families Caricaceae, Moraceae, Apocynaceae, or Asclepidaceae typically causes copious milky sap to emanate from the wounded tissues. To an insect herbivore this is a graphic example of rapidly mobilized plant defenses produced in response to tissue damage; the rapidly oozing sap may hinder its ability to feed. In addition to a physical defense, plant sap commonly contains secondary chemicals that can either deter insect herbivores, or be outright toxic to them (Dussourd & Denno, 1991). To overcome this type of plant defense some insects have evolved the habit of severing major leaf veins or cutting a circular trench into leaf tissues prior to feeding — behaviors termed vein cutting, or trenching. From the insect’s point of view, trenching and vein cutting behavior may impede or stop mobiliza- tion of plant defenses, and make leaf tissues edible (Carroll & Hoffman, 1980; Dussourd & Denno, 1991). Milkweed butterfly caterpillars (Danainae: Nymphalidae) typically feed on plants containing abundant laticifers (Ackery, 1988), and some species are known to exhibit trenching and/or leaf cutting behavior (Ackery & Vane-Wright, 1984; Compton, 1987; DeVries, 1987; Dussourd & Eisner, 1987). The purpose of this paper is three-fold. First, is to describe trenching behavior in the early instar caterpillars of the danaines Idea leuconoe and Euploea crameri from Borneo. Second, is to describe a new defense where caterpillars produce a foam barrier that repels ants. Finally, the observations are discussed in light of chemical defenses found in danaines and other insect herbivores, and several questions are raised regarding this system. Observations During June 1983 I made observations on the life cycles of Idea leuconoe nigriana Grose-Smith, 1895, and Euploea crameri Lucas, 1853 in the coastal mangrove forests near Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei on the island of Borneo. Both of these butterflies are part of the monophyl- 262 J. Res. Lepid. Figure 1: Second instar caterpillar of Idea leuconoe nigriana (Danainae) beginning to create a circular trench in a Parsonsia spiralis leaf. The caterpillar has excavated two areas in the leaf epidermis (curved arrows). Note the six areas of foam that have been deposited on the outside perimeter of the circular trench (straight arrows). Eventually this caterpillar completely surrounded the trench with foam. Figure 2: A trenched area abandoned by a second instar Idea leuconoe nigriana caterpillar. The caterpillar has eaten away the circular area in the epidermis of the Parsonsia leaf. Note the broken ring of residue on the outside perimeter of the trench left by the dried foam barriers. etic subtribe Euploeina, and range widely throughout the island of Borneo, and elsewhere in southeast Asia (Ackery & Vane-Wright, 1984). In the Brunei mangrove habitat, both species fed on Parsonsia spiralis (Apocynaceae) as caterpillars, a common, woody vine in the coastal mangrove forests, and in second growth mangrove habitats (see Ackery and Vane-Wright, 1984). In the field and in an ambient temperature laboratory, first through early third instar caterpillars of both/, leuconoe , and#. crameri typically cut a circular trench in the leaf, and fed on the tissues within this circular trench (Figs. 1 & 2). Fourth and fifth instar caterpillars typically cut large leaf veins or the petioles, and then fed on tissues distal to these cuts. The sap of P. spiralis is slightly sticky when exposed to air, but unlike many other members of the Apocynaceae the sap is clear, not milky. Although trenching and vein cutting occurs in other danaine species (DeVries, 1987; Dussourd and Eisner, 1987), this is apparently the first report specifically for I. leuconoe and E. crameri. In addition to trenching, the first through third instar caterpillars of both species also lined the outside perimeter of their circular trench with a yellowish foam barrier. Depending on the individual caterpillar, the foam barriers ranged from a closed circle to a broken circle of foam. The foam barriers were erected as follows. After hatching and eating the chorion of the egg, a caterpillar would chew into the leaf, extend the body 30(3-4):261-266, 1991 263 away from the chewed area, regurgitate a small amount yellowish foam, and deposit it on the leaf surface distal to the chewed area. This process was repeated until the caterpillar remained inside a ring-trench ringed on the outside perimeter with yellowish foam (Fig. 1). Although forth and fifth instar caterpillars cut the veins of leaves prior to feeding, they were never observed to produce foam or erect barriers. One of the most abundant ant species in Brunei mangrove habitats was the weaver ant, Oecophylla smarigdina (Formicinae). As elsewhere in its range, a single colony of this ant may form numerous, interconnected, arboreal nests that include large areas within its foraging territory. Several features of weaver ant biology are pertinent here: they have acute vision, are extremely sensitive to movement, aggressively territo- rial, they recruit quickly to any disturbance or resource within their territory, and they possess well-developed mandibles and chemical spray defenses used in prey capture and defending the colony. Although they harvest secretions produced by Homoptera and lycaenid butterfly cater- pillars, the diet of weaver ants also includes substantial proportions of arthropods. Thus, where weaver ants are ubiquitous they can exert considerable predator pressure on the local arthropod community (re- viewed in Holldobler & Wilson, 1990). A simple experiment suggested that the foam placed by Idea and Euploea caterpillars on the outside of circular trenches functioned to repel ants. The experiment consisted of bridging a captive portion of a weaver ant colony to a cut portion of Parsonsia vine (placed in a bottle of water) that had either a first or second instar 7. leuconoe or E. crameri caterpillar on it complete with circular trench and foam barrier. Once set up, the interactions between caterpillars and ants were noted. The observations are summarized as follows. As individual ants moved onto the Parsonsia cutting they investigated the stem and all leaves. When an ant encountered the foam barrier with the caterpillar inside it, there were typically two reactions. First, if the caterpillar was resting inside the ring, upon contacting the foam the ant would immediately back away, groom its antennae, and then move to another area of the plant. Second, when an ant found a foam ring with a moving caterpillar within, it attempted to attack the caterpillar (presumably because the ant could see it), but was repelled by contact with the foam. In this case an ant would make 2-5 attempts at attacking the caterpillar, then back away, groom its antennae and legs, then move to another area of the plant. This experiment was repeated with six individual caterpillars and plants, and in all instances I found that foam barriers that were between 0.25 and 2 hours old repelled the attempts of 10-17 individual ants to get at the caterpillars within foam barriers. Approximately 6 hours after the foam barriers were deposited they degraded, and eventually dried to a noticeable yellowish scum (Fig 2). Repeating the experiment three times with degraded barriers, I found that the dried foam had no observable deterrent effect on the ants, which attacked and killed caterpillars. 264 J. Res. Lepid. Discussion The caterpillars of I. leuconoe and E. crameri excavate trenches or cut veins in their hostplant tissue prior to feeding (Fig. 1 & 2). As in other insects (including some species of Danainae), this behavior may circum- vent plant chemical defenses, thereby making the leaf tissues more palatable to the caterpillars (e.g., Dussourd & Denno, 1991). Sawfly larvae in the genus Stauronema (Tenthredinidae) secrete anti- predator chemical defenses through specialized epidermal glands, and also surround themselves and the leaf area they feed on with a foam regurgitation. The foam regurgitated by Stauronema larvae has a repel- lent effect upon ants (Boeve & Pasteels, 1985). The production of defensive foam by sawfly larvae and danaine caterpillars indicates this trait has evolved independently at least twice among insects, and points to the possibility that the use of foam to repel ants may occur in other groups as well. Some butterflies and Homoptera incur strong survival benefits by forming symbioses with ants (e.g., DeVries, 1991, DeVries, 1992; Pierce et al., 1987; Way, 1963). However, predation by ants can strongly affect the distribution and abundance of those insects that cannot form such symbiotic associations (reviewed by Whittaker, 1991). The abundance and predatory nature of O. smarigdina suggests that foam barriers probably increase the chance of survival for early instar Idea and Euploea caterpillars by acting as a deterrent to foraging weaver ants. Nothing is known about the chemical composition of the foam produced by Idea and Euploea caterpillars (Fig. 1). We also do not know whether it is derived from plant tissues, synthesized by the caterpillars directly, or results from an interaction of both. The genus Parsonsia contains a suite of secondary chemicals, including large fractions of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (Edgar, 1984; Edgar &Culvenor, 1975). Moreover, pyrrolizidine alkaloids are integral to all life stages of many danaine species (Ackery & Vane-Wright, 1984), and act as a repellent to a variety of predators (Brown, 1984; Dussourd et al., 1988; Boppre, 1990). Consequently, the foam produced by Idea and Euploea caterpillars may contain defensive chemicals derived directly from Parsonsia leaf tissue, including pyrrolizidine alkaloids. A long history of systematic and ecological interest in the Danainae makes them one of the best understood groups of all butterflies (see Ackery & Vane-Wright, 1984). The observations here raise four ques- tions pertinent to danaine evolution and biology. First, are foam barriers confined to the subtribe Euploeina, or does this trait occur elsewhere within the Danainae ? Second, are foam barriers built only by/, leuconoe caterpillars that feed on Parsonsia , or does this trait also occur in those that feed on members of the Asclepidaceae? Third, do the traits of trenching and erecting foam barriers occur independently within the danaines? Finally, are foam barriers specific to ants, or do they repel a suite of arthropods? Detailed experiments and analyses will be required 30(3-4):261-266, 1991 265 to identify the exact function of foam barriers and their chemical composition, but simple field observations and manipulations can quickly provide more information relevant to danaine phylogeny and behavioral ecology. Acknowledgments: The caterpillar and ant behaviors described here were filmed by R. Foster, and the 16mm footage is in the film vaults of Partridge Films LTD, London. Professors P. R. Ackery, B. Bolton, and C. J. Humphries, and R. I. Vane-Wright who were at the BMNH at the time of this study (now abbreviated the NHM) kindly identified the butterflies, ants, and plants. Insect voucher specimens are in the author’s collection, and a specimen of hostplant has been deposited in the collection of the NHM, London. Thanks to R. Dudley and N. Greig for commenting on a draft of this paper, M. Rosenberg for the travel grant, and the entire staff of the then BMNH for their help. This work was supported by a Fullbright Fellowship, Partridge Films Ltd., the MacArthur Foundation, and is dedicated to Sonny Stitt, Sonny Criss, and Joe Farrell. Literature Cited Ackery, P. R. 1988. Hostplants and classification: a review of nymphalid butterflies. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 33: 95-203. Ackery, P. R. & R. I. Vane-Wright 1984. Milkweed butterflies. London, British Museum (Natural History). Boeve, J. & J. M. Pasteels. 1985. Modes of defense in nematine sawfly larvae, efficiency against ants and birds. J. Chem. Ecol. 11: 1019-1036. Boppre, M. 1990. Lepidoptera and pyrrolizidine alkaloids: exemplification of complexity in chemical ecology. J. Chem. Ecol. 16: 165-185. Brown, K. S. 1984. Adult-obtained pyrrolizidine alkaloids defend ithomiine butterflies against a spider predator. Nature. 309: 707-709. Carroll, C. R. & C. A. Hoffman. 1980. Chemical feeding deterrent mobilized in response to insect herbivory and counteradaptation by Epilachna tredecimnotata. Science. 209: 414-416. Compton, S.G. 1987. Aganais speciosa and Danaus chrysippus (Lepidoptera) sabotage the latex defences of their host plants. Ecol. Ent. 12: 115-118. DeVries, P. J. 1987. The Butterflies of Costa Rica. Princeton, Princeton University Press. . 1991. The mutualism between Thisbe irenea and ants, and the role of ant ecology in the evolution of larval-ant associations. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 43: 179- 195. . 1992. Singing caterpillars, ants and symbiosis. Scientific American. 267: 76-82. Dussourd, D. E. & T. Eisner. 1987. Vein-cutting behavior: insect counter ploy to the latex defense of plants. Science. 237: 898-901. Dussourd, D. E., K. Ubik, K. Harvis, J. F. Resch, J. Meinwald, & T. Eisner. 1988. Biparental defense endowment of eggs with acquired plant alkaloid in the moth Uthesia ornatrix. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85: 5992-5996. Dussourd, D. E. &. R. F. Denno. 1991. Deactivation of plant defense: correspondence between insect behavior and secretory canal architecture. Ecology. 72: 1383-1396. Edgar, J. A. 1984. Parsonsieae: ancestral larval foodplants of the Danainae and Ithomiinae. Symp. Roy. Ent. Soc. 11: 91-93. Edgar, J. A. & C. C. Culvenor. 1975. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Parsonsia (Apocynaceae) which attract danaid butterflies. Experientia. 31: 393-394. 266 J. Res. Lepid. Holldobler, B. & E. O. Wilson. 1990. The Ants. Cambridge., Harvard University Press. Pierce, N. E, R. L. Hitching, R.C Buckley, M.F.J. Taylor, & K.F. Benbow. 1987. The costs and benefits of cooperation between the Australian lycaenid butterfly, J almenus evagoras, and its attendant ants. Behav. Ecol. & Sociobiol. 21: 237-248. Way, M. J. 1963. Mutualism between ants and honeydew producing Homoptera. Ann. Rev. Entom. 8: 307-344. Whittaker, J. B. 1991. Effects of ants on temperate woodland trees. IN: Interaction Between Ants and Plants. D. Cutler & C. Huxley (eds.). 67-79. Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):267-271, 1991 Temporal and spatial overlap in the mate-locating behavior of two species of Junonia (Nymphalidae) Ronald L. Rutowski Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, Tempe 85287-1501, USA Abstract. In northeastern Australia, males of two species of Junonia , J. villida and J. orithya, use a sit-and-wait tactic to detect females at encounter sites. In a brief study of the behavior of both species, I documented considerable overlap in the locations of the encounter sites used by males and in the time of day at which males were at encounter sites. Because of this overlap interspecific interactions are frequent, but males of J. villida at least respond much more strongly to conspe- cific males than to males of J. orithya. The discussion focuses on the lack of divergence in the mating behavior of these sympatric species. Introduction Males of many insects use landmarks such as hilltops or open areas along paths as places to encounter receptive females (Thornhill and Alcock, 1983). These landmarks typically do not contain any resources of material benefit to females but are instead places where receptive females appear primarily to mate. Some landmarks are used at the same time by a variety of species many of which are highly territorial. For example, Alcock (1987) found convergence in the spatial and temporal structure of male mate-locating tactics of a diverse set of hilltopping insects including a pompilid wasp, a bot fly, and representative of all families of butterflies (Alcock 1984, 1987; Alcock and O’Neill, 1987). However, there have been few studies that deal with the issue of what happens when closely related species, similar in overall morphology and behavior, share encounter site preferences. The general expectation is that selection will favor male behavior patterns that reduce the costs in terms of energy and distraction arising from interactions with other species. Brown and Alcock (1990), Hafernik (1982), Turner (1990), and Pinheiro (1990) all reported spatial segregation of butterfly species that concurrently utilize similar encounter sites. Moreover, Callaghan ( 1982) indicates that hilltopping Neotropical butterflies in 10 riodinid genera are temporally as well as spatially segregated. In the Indo-Australian region, two species of Junonia Hubner, J. villida Godart and J. orithya Butler, have similar distributions and habitat preferences (Common and Waterhouse, 1982). Moreover, pub- lished reports (Heinrich 1972) and my preliminary observations indi- cated that males of these species utilize mate-locating tactics similar to those seen in J. coenia Hubner in North America (Hafernick 1982, Scott 1975b). Males perch in open areas of bare ground and fly up at passing conspecifics and heterospecifics. This brief study was designed to deter- mine if the males of these two sympatric species are spatially and 268 J. Res. Lepid. temporally separated and if males respond more vigorously to conspecif- ics than they do to heterospecifics. A stronger response to conspecifics is expected for two potential reasons. First, males might be expected to make an effort to remove potential competitors from their perching locations. Heterospecifics are not mating competitors, so a stronger response should be directed at conspecifics (Brown and Alcock, 1990). Second, conspecific males may be more likely than heterospecific males to be misidentified as females when approached (Scott, 1975a) and then be chased and courted in error, especially given the low level of sexual dimorphism in these species (Common and Waterhouse, 1982). Methods The data were collected between 14 June and 6 July 1989 in an open eucalypt woodland on the campus of James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Queensland, Australia. A census route, that was 600 m in length and followed a dirt road through the bush, was walked hourly to establish the distribution of perched males along the road and the daily timing of male activity. In addition, observations were made on interactions between perched J. villida males and butterflies flying by their perch. The durations of these interactions were measured with a handheld stopwatch from when the males came within 2- 3cm of one another until they separated. The form and outcome of the interac- tions was recorded immediately following the observation. The census route sloped very gently uphill to the north except for a dip near the middle of the route where a small stream crossed the road. The only other major features were a small road that branched off to the west from the census route at about 200 m from the north end and a few large trees overhanging trees at 60, 240, and 330 m from the north end. The overhanging vegetation cast partial shade and was at least 15 m above the surface of the road. All parametric summary statistics are given as the mean ± one standard error of the mean (SEM). Statistical comparisons were evaluated at the 0.05 level of significance. Results Males of the two species overlapped both in terms of the timing of their perching activity and the spatial distribution of preferred perch sites. In both species males were found perched on the road between 10:00 AM and 15:00 PM and the largest number of males of both species was found on the road between noon and 15:00 PM (Fig. 1). Neither species was uniformly distributed along the census route (Fig. 2). Males of J. villida were seen perched in only 25% of the 30m segments along the census route. Similarly, J. orithya males were seen in only 40% of the 20 segments. Also, males were not uniformly distributed among those segments in which they were seen perched (J. villida : x2 = 13.6, 4 df, p = 0.009; J. orithya : %2 = 21, 7 df, p - 0.004). Males of the two species were distributed differently among those segments where at least one species was observed (%2 = 26, 9 df, p = 0.002). Only one of the species was seen in those segments where less than 2 males were seen during the 19 censuses. Nonetheless, there was a great deal of overlap in their distri- 30(3-4):267-271, 1991 269 TIME OF DAY Fig. 1 . The relationship between the mean number of males seen perched along the census route and time of day (J. villida, squares and positive error bars (1 SEM); J. orithya, circles and negative error bars (1 SEM)). The number of censuses from which the means and SEMs are calculated is shown above each time period. CO LU O O 15 DISTANCE ALONG ROUTE (M) Fig. 2. The relationship between the total number of males seen perched in a 30 m stretch of the census route in 19 censuses and the distance along the census route (open bars, J. orithya, filled bars, J. villida). The bars for each 30 m segment are above the distance at the end of the segment away from the northern end of the route. butions; for example, that part of the route at 150-210 m was popular with both species and in this and other overlap areas there was no evidence of spatial segregation with 30m segments. Males ofboth species were often seen perched within a meter of one another. Males ofboth species flew up from their perches and approached both conspecifics and heterospecifics. Detailed observations were made on the form and duration of interactions between perched J. villida males and 270 J. Res. Lepid. congeners. An interaction with a conspecific typically began when a perched male flew up and chased a conspecific flying overhead. The two males then began flying rapidly around one another while gaining altitude. At a height of 3 m or so the two males quickly separated and one flew off while the other returned to the area and perched. Ten interac- tions of this sort that were timed lasted 3.99 + 0.398 sec (range = 2.1- 6.4 sec). Interactions between perched J. villida and J. orithya males flying overhead always ended very soon (1.55 + 0.184 sec, range = 1.2 - 2.6 sec, n = 8) after the two came into close contact. These interactions were significantly briefer than those between J. villida males (Student’s t = 5.11, 16 df, p = 0.0001) and never led to an ascending flight. If both males had perches nearby, both usually returned to these sites after the interaction. Discussion The data suggest substantial overlap in when and where males of these two species sit-and-wait in their efforts to locate females, at least during the late autumn and early winter. This is in contrast to studies which have found clear divergence in the mate-locating tactics of males in a variety of sympatric butterfly species (Brown and Alcock, 1990; Callaghan, 1982; Pinheiro, 1990; Turner, 1990), including two New World species of Junonia (Hafernik 1982). This lack of divergence in the behavior of the closely related sympatric species suggests that (1) spatial and temporal distributions of receptive females in the two species are similar and (2) the potential costs of interspecific interference are relatively low (Rutowski (1991)). At this point little is known about the behavior and ecology of receptive females in these species and the factors that might affect their distribu- tion. In both species the larvae are polyphagus and feed on a wide range of similar foodplants (Common and Waterhouse, 1982) which might produce similar spatial patterns of emergence in these species. Also, females may mate more than once in J. villida and other members of the genus (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1978; Scott, 1975a). Similarities in patterns of female receptivity may also contribute to interspecific similarities in the distribution and abundance of receptive females. Males may gain little by adopting distinct perch sites because the costs of interspecific interactions appear to be small, at least under the conditions that applied during this study. These costs would be deter- mined by the frequency of interactions with heterospecifics as well as the form that such interactions take. Although no measures were made of interaction rates in this study; interspecific interactions were frequently observed. Indeed, males indiscriminately approach just about anything passing nearby, including birds, other insects, and thrown rocks. How- ever, after the initial approach males of at least J. villida males respond to males of J. orithya less intensely that they do to conspeciflcs. In this 30(3-4):267-271, 1991 271 way, males apparently minimize the time spent interacting with heterospecific males and there is then no strong selection that favors the differential utilization of encounter sites by these species. It would be of interest to see if male behavior diverges when conditions such as higher population densities of both species produce conditions that increase the costs of interspecific interactions. Acknowledgements. This work was done while I was on sabbatical leave in the Department of Zoology at James Cook University of North Queensland. I thank Professor Rhondda Jones and the Department of Zoology for the space and other resources they provided. Literature Cited Alcock, J. 1984. Convergent evolution in perching and patrolling site preferences of some hilltopping insects of the Sonoran Desert. Southwestern Nat. 29: 475-480. . 1987. Leks and hilltopping in insects. J. Nat. Hist. 21: 319-328. Alcock, J. & K. M. O’Neill. 1987. Territory preferences and intensity of competition in the grey hairstreak Strymon melinus (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) and the tarantula hawk wasp Hemipepsis ustulata (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Amer. Midi. Nat. 118: 128-138. Brown, W. D., & J. Alcock. 1990. Hilltopping by the red admiral butterfly: mate searching alongside congeners. J. Res. Lep. 29: 1-10. Callaghan, C. J. 1982(83). A study of isolating mechanisms among Neotropical butterflies of the Subfamily Riodininae. J. Res. Lep. 21: 159-176. Common, I. F. B., & D. F. Waterhouse. 1982. Butterflies of Australia, Field Edition. Angus and Robertson, Sydney. Ehrlich, A. H., & P. R. Ehrlich. 1978. Reproductive strategies in the butterflies: I. Mating frequency, plugging, and egg number. J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 51: 666- 697. Hafernik, J. E., Jr. 1982. Phenetics and ecology of hybridization in buckeye butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Univ. Calif. Publ. Entomol. 96: 1- 109. Heinrich, B. 1972. Thoracic temperatures of butterflies in the field near the equator. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 43A: 459-467. Pinheiro, C. E. G. 1990. Territorial hilltopping behavior of three swallowtail butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in western Brazil. J. Res. Lep. 29: 134-142. Rutowski, R. L. 1991. The evolution of male mate-locating behavior in butterflies. Amer. Nat. 138: 1121-1139. Scott, J. A. 1975a. Movement of Precis coenia, a “pseudoterritorial” submigrant (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). J. Anim. Ecol. 44: 843-850. . 1975b. Variability of courtship of the buckeye butterfly, Precis coenia (Nymphalidae). J. Res. Lep. 14:142-147. Turner, J. D. 1990. Vertical stratification of hilltopping behavior in swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). J. Lep. Soc. 44: 174-179. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):272-278, 1991 Cephalic Sclerites and Chaetotaxy of a Hairy Caterpillar, Lymantria marginata Wlk. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) Jasvir Singh* Department of Zoology, Sanatan Dharm College, Muzaffarnagar (UP)-251001, India. Abstract. The head capsule sclerites and cephalic chaetotaxy of first instar larva of Lymantria marginata Wlk. are described. Primary setae and punctures of first instar are constant in number and position. Each half of the capsule is characterized by the presence of 21 primary setae and 10 punctures. The A3 seta of the anterodorsal group is the longest seta on the cranium. Additional secondary setae are recorded for each successive instar. Most setae were added in second and third instars. The punctures and number of setae of vertical, genal and clypeal groups remained unchanged throughout larval development. Introduction Dyar (1896), Forbes (1910), Gardner (1938), Hinton (1946, 1947), Bucker (1967), Goel and Kumar (1981) and Kumar and Goel (1986) have described cephalic chaetotaxy of several lepidopteran larvae of taxo- nomic significance. Most work deals with non-hairy caterpillars for simplicity. The first instar larva presents a generalized plan of tubercles and setae in Lepidoptera. However, hairy caterpillars have shown remarkable differences from the first instar larva into their subsequent instars. The changes for each instar need to be explored for a proper understanding of the morphological variations between species. The cephalic chaetotaxy of Lymantria marginata Wlk., a defoliator of mango in North India (Singh and Goel, 1986), is described. The morphological changes involved during successive instars are also elucidated. Materials and Methods The caterpillars from first to seventh instars in laboratory culture were killed and fixed in KAAD mixture (Peterson, 1962) and stored in 70% alcohol. The head was removed after placing the larva in heated 5% KOH for 2 minutes. The material was washed in distilled water, dehydrated and stained with hematoxy- lin, and mounted in Canada balsam. Exuviae from each instar were also mounted in Canada balsam and used for confirming setal patterns and punctures. Illustrations were done with the aide of a camera lucida on high power microscope (Olympus). The setal numbers groupwise on the head capsule were counted from first to seventh instars and their morphological changes at each moult were recorded. Five head capsules representing each instar were observed for setal counting. The distribution of setae is given in Table 1 for different instars on each half of the cephalic region. Hinton’s (1947) terminology is followed. ^Present Address: Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Spices Board, Sakleshpur (Karnataka)-573134, India. 30(3-4):272-278, 1991 273 Table 1 . Distribution of primary setae of first instar larva and additional secondary setae for different instars on each half of the cephalic region of Lymantria marginata Wlk. Setal group 1 II Instar stages III IV V VI VII Vertical group (V) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Clypeal group (C) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Genal group (G) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Posterodorsal group (P) 2 17 27 29 32 29 30 Lateral group (L) 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 Adfrontal group (AF) 2 2 7 6 7 6 6 Frontal group (F) 1 3 5 7 6 9 10 Anterodorsal group (A) 3 14 28 27 23 25 26 Ocellar group (0) 3 5 12 11 9 10 11 Subocellar group (SO) 3 5 7 9 8 9 10 Total 21 54 94 98 93 97 102 Results The head capsule: The head capsule of L. marginata is heavily sclerotized, dark brown, elliptical and compressed cephalocaudally in a hypognathus orientation. The two upper region large sclerites, parietal or vertex (PT) of the epicranium are demarcated by an inverted Y-shaped coronal adfrontal sulcus (Fig.l). The coronal stem(CS) splits ventrally into two adfrontal (AF) cleavage lines. Each adfrontal sulcus terminates anteroventrally at the epicondyle (EC), a place for dorsal articulation of the mandible of that side (Fig.l). The triangular sclerite enclosed be- tween lateral arms of frontoclypeal suture is the frons (FR). The tentorial arms (TA) arise from the lateral adfrontal sutures to internally strengthen the head capsule. The clypeus (CL) lies in front of the frons and a thin cuticular anteclypeus (AC) is attached to it for articulation of the labrum (LB). Because of the weak adfrontal cleavage line, the narrow strip between the frontoclypeus and parietals denotes the adfrontal area (AF) which appears inflected into the adfrontal sulcus (ADR) (Fig.2). The parietal of either side posteriorly forms the genal area (GA) which supports the triangular hypostomal area (HA). Both areas are separated by hypostomal sutures (HS) and extend mesially into hypostomal process (HP) to connect to a similar process of the other side forming a membra- nous hypostomal bridge (HB) (Fig.3). There are six ocelli (OC1-OC6) on either side of the cranium posterolateral near the antennal socket (AS) (Fig.4). The cranium posterodorsally is perforated by a large occipital foramen (OF) (Fig.3). Cephalic chaetotaxy: The head capsule of the first instar L. marginata is characterized by the presence of 21 primary setae of which 17 are long 274 J. Res. Lepid. Figs. 1-4. Head capsule of first instar caterpillar of Lymantria marginata Fig. 1 . Anterior view Fig, 2. Frontoclypeus with labrum (a) Frontal view (b) Inner view Fig. 3. Posterior view Fig. 4. Parietal (lateral view) Aa Anterodorsal puncture A1-3 Anterodorsal setae AC Anteclypeus ADR Adfrontal sulcus AF Adfrontal AFa Adfrontal puncture AF1-2 Adfrontal setae AS Antennal socket Cl -2 Clypeal setae CL Clypeus CS Coronal stem EC Epicondyle Fa Frontal puncture Abbreviations FI Frontal seta FR Frons FS Frontoclypeus sulcus Ga Genal puncture G1 Genal seta GA Genal area HA Hypostomal area HB Hypostomal bridge HP Hypostomal process HS Hypostomal socket La Lateral puncture LI Lateral seta LB Labrum Oa Ocellar puncture 01-3 Ocellar setae 0C1-6 First to six ocelli OF Occipital foramen Pa,b Posterodorsal punctures PI -2 Posterodorsal setae PT Parietal sclerite or vertex SOa Subocellar puncture SOI -3 Subocellar setae TA Tentorial arm Va Vertex puncture VI -3 Vertex setae 30(3-4):272-278, 1991 275 and 4 minute. On each half there are 10 punctures. The clypeus bears two clypeal setae Cl and C2 without punctures. The frontal group single seta (FI) lies closer to frontal suture and puncture (Fa) closer to middorsal line passing through the coronal stem (Fig.2). The adfrontal region has two setae, AF1 and AF2, and puncture AFa along the adfrontal suture. The setae Al, A2, A3 and puncture Aa are present in the anterodorsal group of the head capsule and lie between the adfrontal and ocellar groups. Seta A3 is the largest seta on the head capsule and lies closer to OC2 and slightly posterolaterad of A2. The setae organized by length are A3>A2>A1. The ocellar group bears two almost equal sized setae 01 and 02 and puncture Oa. The seta 01 lies within the ocellar area and seta 02 is posteroventrad to 01, while 03 is ventrad of 0C6. The puncture Oa is closer and anterior to 0C4 (Fig.4). The seta SOI is close to antennal socket, S02 is between 0C5 and 0C6, and S03 is posterior to SOI (all subocellar group). Relative lengths are S02>S03>S01. The puncture SOa is close to 03 anteriorly. The genal group possesses a small minute seta G1 and a puncture Ga, both posteroventrad to 0C6. The lateral group has a single seta LI and puncture La. The seta LI is anterolaterad to PI, and puncture La is posterodorsad to LI. The two setae (PI and P2) and two punctures (Pa and Pb) are part of the posterodorsal group. The seta PI is the second largest on the head capsule and lies posterolaterad to AF2, and P2 is posterodorsad to PI. The puncture Pa lies ventrad to PI, whereas Pb is anteroventrad to P2. The vertical group is characterized by the presence of three minute setae VI, V2, V3 and puncture Va. There is a small gap between the three setae and puncture Va lies equidistant between V2 and V3. Distribution of secondary setae in instars I-VTI : Besides the primary setae, numerous additional setae are observed on each half of the head capsule from the second through final instars, giving a tufted look to the caterpillar. However, the position of primary setae and punctures remains unchanged; primary setae have more prominent setal sockets compared with the additional setae. There are no additional punctures observed on the head capsule of any larval instar. An asym- metrical condition has been observed for secondary setae. Many addi- tional setae occur in second and third instar larvae whereas the number of additional setae during the remaining instars increase slightly from third instar (Table 1). The first instar larva has 21 primary setae but due to the regular increases of secondary setae at each instar, the seventh instar has 102 setae. The vertical (V), clypeal (C) and genal (G) are the only groups that do not deviate in number from first to last instar. It is notable that wherever there are increases in the AF group during the third and fifth instars and decreases in the fourth, sixth and seventh instars, than a corresponding decrease in L group setae occurs during the third and fifth instars and vice-versa in the fourth, sixth and seventh instars. The posterior region of the frons, however, has no additional setae. The 276 J. Res. Lepid. maximum setal numbers were added to the posterodorsal (P) and anterodorsal (A) groups, i.e. 56% of the total number of setae (559) from first to the seventh instar. Discussion The sclerites are like those of most ditrysian Lepidoptera. Snodgrass (1935) described the triangular frontal part as the clypeus while Hinton (1947) called it the frontoclypeal apotome. Walker (1931) applied the names anteclypeus and postclypeus. In the present study the frons, clypeus and anteclypeus, by their clear demarcations are considered separate. DuPorte (1946) described the epicranial suture as a line of weakness which normally splits open during ecdysis (Hinton, 1947). InL. marginata and most Lepidoptera, especially butterflies, the coronal stem splits only at the time of pupation and not at each stadial ecdysis. Number of setae can be used to identify the instar ofL. marginata. The size of the frontoclypeus relative to the head capsule was used to identify instars by Singh ( 1956) and Mathur and Singh ( 1963), but the proportion of the frons and coronal stem is almost equal in first and second instar of L. marginata. The adfrontal area is less distinct in L. marginata, as described by Crampton (1921) than in some other Lepidoptera. The number and position of setae and punctures on head capsules ofL. marginata appears typical of Lepidoptera as described by Heinrich (1916), Hinton (1946), Mukerji and Singh (1951), Mathur and Singh (1963), Bucker ( 1967) and Goel and Kumar (1981). A few other studies of lymantriids are available. The same position of seta FI and puncture Fa was observed by F orbes ( 19 10) in a lymantriid, Hemerocampa leucostigma. Seta A3 is the longest seta on the cranium in L. marginata whereas Hinton (1946) described PI as generally the longest seta of the cranium. Bucker (1967) reported A2 as the longest seta in his study of four lymantriid species. The ocellar and subocellar groups of L. marginata are like those reported by Mathur and Singh (1963) in pyralid larvae and by Bucker (1967) in lymantriids. The genal group of L. marginata has a single minute seta and puncture. The same condition agrees with Heinrich (1916), Ripley (1923), and Downey and Allyn (1979). Hinton (1946) has described two setae G1 and G2 and one puncture (Ga), instead of one seta, in Lepidoptera. One seta (Gl) and two punctures (Ga and Gb) have been reported by Goel and Kumar (1981) in a arctiid, Diacrisia obliqua (Wlk.). Hinton (1946) differentiated the Lymantriidae as a specialized family of the ditrysian group by the presence of secondary setae or punctures following the first or succeeding moults. Being prominent and smooth, the primary setae hardly lose their identity from the surrounding secondary setae even after first instar. The punctures and setae of the vertical, genal and clypeal groups remained unchanged throughout the larval period of L. marginata in position and number. However, no setae were detected in the upper part of epicranium and frons in this study. 30(3-4):272-278, 1991 277 Forbes (1910) described the upper portion of the epicrania and frons as having no additional setae in the lymantriid Euproctis chrysorrhoea. The part of the vertex and gena which retracts into the prothorax possessed three minute setae on the vertex and on the caudal part of each side of the gena. According to Hinton ( 1946), the minute setae were positioned in the overlapping parts and functioned as proprioceptors as those on the thorax and abdomen. Likewise, the presence of the greatest number of secondary setae are in the posterodorsal and anterodorsal groups in L. marginata. The long setae, which undoubtedly function for tactile pur- poses, are rather evenly distributed over the anterior and exposed parts of the head. Acknowledgements. The Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi provided financial support and Dr. S.C. Goel gave valuable guidance and constant encouragement. Literature Cited Bucker, A.H.A. 1967. Studies on the chaetotaxy of a few lymantriids. Bull. Ent. 8: 36-42. Crampton, G.C. 1921. The sclerites of the head and the mouth parts of certain immature and adult insects. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 14: 65-110. Downey, J.C. & A.C. Allyn. 1979. Morphology and biology of the immature stages of Leptotes cassius theonus (Lucas) (Lepidoptera:Lycaenidae). Bull. Allyn. Mus. 55:1-27. Duporte, E.M. 1946. Observations on the morphology of the face in insects. J. Morph. 79: 371-418. Dyar, H.G. 1896. Notes on the head setae of lepidopterous larvae, with special reference to the appendages of Perophora melsheimerii. Jr. N.Y. Ent. Soc. 4: 92-93. Forbes, W.T.M. 1910. A structural study of some caterpillars. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 3: 94-143. Gardner, J.C.M. 1938. Immature stages of Indian Lepidoptera (I) Lymantriidae. Indian For. Rec. 3: 187-212. Goel, S.C. & A. Kumar. 1981. Cephalic demarcations and chaetotaxy of a larvae Diacrisia obliqua (Wlk.) (Arctiidae). Uttar Pradesh J. Zool. 1: 6-15. Heinrich, C. 1916. On the taxonomic value of some larval charcters in the Lepidoptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 18: 154-164. Hinton, H.E. 1946. On the homology and nomenclature of the setae of lepidopterous larvae with some notes on the phylogeny of the Lepidoptera. Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 97: 1-37. 1947. The dorsocranial areas of caterpillars. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 14: 843- 852. Kumar, V. & S.C. Goel. 1986. Cephalic chaetotaxy of last instar caterpillar of Plusia orichalcea Fabr. (Noctuidae). Uttar Pradesh J. Zool. 6: 40-44. Mathur, R.N. & P. Singh. 1963. Immature stages of Indian Lepidoptera No. 13, Pyralidae, subfamily Pyraustinae. Indian For. Rec. 10: 117-148. Mukerji, S. & H. Singh. 1951. Studies on the chaetotaxy of larvae of Plusia sp. (Lepidoptera:Phalanidae). Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 20(B): 15-24. 278 J. Res. Lepid. Peterson, A. 1962. Larvae of insects. Part I. Columbus, Ohio. 315pp. Ripley, L.B. 1923. The external morphology and postembryology of noctuid larvae. 111. Illinois Biol. Monogr. 8: 1-169. Singh, B. 1956. Some more Indian geometrid larvae (Lepidoptera) with a note on the identity of components of various groups of setae. Indian For. Rec. 9: 136-163. Singh, J. & S.C. Goel. 1986. Biology of Lymantria marginata Wlk. (Lyman triidae:Lepidoptera), a mango defoliator in Western Uttar Pradesh. Entomon 11: 265-267. Snodgrass, R.E. 1935. Principles of Insect Morphology. McGraw Hill, New York. ii+667pp. Walker, E.M. 1931. On the clypeus and labium of primitive insects. Canadian ent. 43: 72-81. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 30(3-4):279-288, 1991 Distribution and Flight Behaviour of the Junglequeen Butterfly, Stichophthalma louisa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), in an Indochinese Montane Rainforest Vojtech Novotny, Martin Tonner and Karel Spitzer Institute of Entomology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic Abstract. A population of Stichophthalma louisa (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) was studied in a montane climax rain forest in Vietnam. The species was confined to the closed forest; open sites represented a barrier to its dispersal. The distribution within the forest was primarily determined by adult food sources (sap exuding from wounded trees of various species), which varied unpredictably in location and quality. As S. louisa tracked these resources, it was equally variable in its spatial distribution. Most of the variability in distribution was associated with feeding places and the network of gullies, “flyways” along which the butterflies flew. The turnover of individuals within any area (either a food place or the surrounding forest) was high. By the irregular and wide movements of individuals within the population, S. louisa is dissimilar to other tropical forest butterflies which have more predict- able spatial structure of populations. She came flying out of the wood over yonder — How fast those Queens can run! ... I’ll make a memorandum about her, if you like — She’s a dear good creature. Lewis Carroll Through the Looking Glass Introduction For pragmatic reasons most population studies on Lepidoptera have been on small populations of sedentary species confined to distinct and small “islands” of suitable habitat. Structurally simple and open temper- ate zone habitats, meadows in particular, are most frequently studied. In this study, the population structure of a forest butterfly Stichophthalma louisa , which is confined to a large area of a structurally complex montane monsoon forest, is examined. Stichophthalma louisa Wood-Manson 1877 is a montane species with the distribution from Upper Burma, northern and central Thailand to North Vietnam. The isolated, little known and highly variable popula- tions of northern Vietnam appear to form several local geographical races (Fruhstorfer, 1927). Most of specimens from the study site, the Tam Dao Mts., can be probably referred to S. louisa sparta de Niceville 1894 (Niceville, 1894; Okano, 1985; P. Ackery pers. com.), but typical “louisa” and intermediates are also present. The life history is unknown. Most 280 J. Res. Lepid. species of the genus Stichophthalma are probably univoltine with larvae associated with monocotyledonous plants (Fruhstorfer, 1927). According to Ackery (1988), larvae of a related Chinese species S. howqua Westw. feed on Phyllostachys spp. (Poaceae). Methods STUDY SITE The study site was a large remnant of a montane rain forest (19,000 ha) in the Tam Dao Mts. (N. Vietnam; 21° 30’ N, 105° 40' E; 800 - 1000 m alt). It is floristically very rich, without any conspicuously dominant tree species. The tree layer formed a dense continuous canopy, approximately 10 m high, without emergent trees, but with epiphytes and climbers (Figs. 1 and 2). Bamboo thickets dominated on ridge tops and disturbed sites, the shrub and ground layers were fragmented (Spitzer et al. 1993). As steep slopes and dense vegetation made movement through the forest difficult, observations on the population of S. louisa were confined to a 5-meter wide belt on either side of a narrow path tracking a contour at 800 m asl. The path was only about 1 meter wide and did not affect the composition of the surrounding vegetation. It intersected an extremely steep slope (30° - 40°) so the canopies of the trees growing down-hill could be observed. A transect of 2 km was demarcated along this path, arbitrarily divided into 200 10-meters long sections numbered 1 - 200. The transect intersected three habitat types: closed forest (sections 1-112, 1120 meters), ecotone with forest on the down-slope and a deforested area on the up-slope (113- 167, 550 meters), and ruderal ( 168 - 200, 330 meters). The ruderal zone was a mosaic of small cultivated fields and abandoned land overgrown by Fig. 1 The Tam Dao mountains covered by rain forest. 30(3-4):279-288, 1991 281 tall grasses. Butterfly communities along the transect were described by Leps and Spitzer (1990) and Spitzer et al. (1993). Along the forest transect, five habitat types were distinguished among the 112 forest sections: closed forest, gullies, bamboo thickets, glades, and feeding trees. Shallow rocky gullies with either permanent or temporary brooks were numer- ous within the forest. As the transect intersected the slope horizontally, the gullies were perpendicular to it. They represented “tunnels” within the vegeta- tion, with closed canopy above. Dense bamboo thickets covered small-scale disturbed patches, usually the result of selective logging. Glades were open patches ranging from tens to hundreds of square meters, either rocky or overgrown by grasses. They were either of natural origin or from human disturbance. Feeding trees were trees which exude sap and that are used as the major nutrient resource by adult butterflies. Our observations were made daily, between 10.00 and 18.00 hour, from 5 June to 7 July 1991. This was the first half of a rainy season (rainy season starts in June and ends in October). BUTTERFLY DENSITY, DIURNAL ACTIVITY, AND MOVEMENTS The number of *S. louisa was estimated by direct counts of individuals flying or resting on the vegetation within the 10-meter wide belt along the forest transect (sections 1 - 112). Altogether, 65 transect counts were conducted. Our observa- tions depended on butterfly activity recognizing that some of the resting, but none of the flying, individuals were overlooked. Accordingly only results under optimum weather conditions provided reliable density estimations. The number of butterflies recorded flying per unit time during the forest transect counts was an index of activity used to evaluate diurnal activity of S. Fig. 2 Montane monsoon forest in the Tam Dao Mts., the habitat of Stichophthalma louisa. 282 J. Res. Lepid. louisa. Altogether, data on 389 specimens recorded between 10.00 and 18.00 hour over 32 hours of observation were analysed. Movement of S. louisa was examined by a capture-mark-recapture method between 8 June and 7 July 1991 (see Fig. 3). Because of the dense forest vegetation, butterflies were captured and marked only along the transect, which was effectively a one-dimensional linear structure across a two-dimensional population continuum, not permitting home range, population size and other demographic estimations. Results BUTTERFLY BEHAVIOUR Stichophthalma louisa is cryptic, the upper and undersides of their wings resemble dead leaves. When resting on vegetation, butterflies close their wings. When flying, they slowly glide in a zigzag course within the vegetation, resembling falling leaves. Encounters between two but- terflies frequently resulted in a “contest” during which the couple repeatedly spiralled upwards with the butterflies clinging together. As other amathusiines, S. louisa was never seen visiting flowers. The only observed source of food for butterflies was sap bleeding from injured trees. When feeding, butterflies ignored one another, frequently sitting side by side in a vicinity of the sap flow. SEASONALITY The seasonal dynamics of the Tam Dao population can only be inferred from our short-term observations made at various times over several Fig. 3 Marked specimen of Stichophthalma louisa. 30(3-4):279-288, 1991 283 years. This information indicates a distinct seasonality with the occur- rence of adults restricted to the June to September rainy season, with the highest abundance during June - July. No adult butterflies were ob- served in May, October, and December. The present study coincides with the period of high butterfly abundance following peak emergence. Freshly emerged specimens were observed throughout the course of the study, but the proportion steadily decreased from 87 % at the very beginning (5 - 10 June) to 36 % between 23 and 28 June. DIURNAL ACTIVITY The activity varied widely from 5 to 34 butterflies observed per hour and did not reveal a consistent daily pattern. S. louisa was a typical diurnal species, not crepuscular like some other amathusiines. The periodicity observed on any given day possibly followed fluctuations in weather. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION Stichophthalma louisa had a distinct vertical distribution, being con- fined mostly to the canopy and top of the shrub layer with a flight height range 2 - 8 m. The population density of S. louisa observed in the shrub understorey vegetation (0 - 2 m) close to the transect was approximately 1.4 butterflies per hectare. This value is ten times lower than that for the canopy (see below). S. louisa was never observed to fly above the canopy layer. HABITAT PREFERENCE The number of butterflies observed along the transect is summarized in Table 1. Altogether, 65 transect counts were made and each butterfly seen was assigned to its transect section. S. louisa appeared to be restricted to the forest, its edge represented a barrier that was rarely crossed. Glades within the forest habitat, although small, were avoided. Butterflies were also rarely encountered in patches of very dense vegeta- tion, especially bamboo thickets. On the other hand, butterflies were observed flying more frequently along gullies and brooks than in the surrounding dense forest. The proportion of the transect sections classified as a particular habitat type gives a rough idea of its representation within the forest (Table 1). Closed canopy forest covered about 77 % of the transect, 13 % was covered with bamboo thickets and the remaining 10 % were open glades. Along the 1120 m of the transect there were 15 gullies (spanning over 19 sections), five of which were bisected by a permanent brook. In the forest natural glades were scarce and small. Such glades were common along the transect due to man-made clearings. These together spanned over 10 transect sections. Naturally produced feeding trees had a density of about 1.2 per hectare, with two out of five feeding trees bleeding sap due to man-made injuries. 284 J. Res. Lepid. Of 812 butterflies recorded, 38 % were found within the closed forest, 25 % flying along gullies, and 29 % in sectors with a feeding tree. In terms of butterfly distribution, glades and bamboo thickets were not important as each of these habitats harboured less than 5 % of the population. The variance/mean ratio for the closed forest, s2/x = 2.1, is fairly close to unity, although significantly different from it (x2 test, P>0.05). This indicates that the distribution of S. louisa in the closed forest is close to random, not clumped (Poisson distribution has the variance/mean ratio equal to unity). Accordingly, no further differentiation of the closed forest habitat type into subhabitats is probably needed. Dispersion of S. louisa within each habitat is expressed by the Lloyd’s index of mean patchiness (Pielou, 1976) as given in Table 1. Distribution of butterflies among 19 gullies and brooks was highly heterogeneous. There were five sections used as flyways with densities ranging from 16 to 22 butterflies. Another 14 sections showed densities not different from the closed forest habitat (1-9 butterflies per section, mean 4.5). The occurrence through time of butterflies in the high-density sections was uneven and fluctuated independently in the various sections. This is shown in Fig. 4, which depicts the numbers of butterflies observed each day over one month sampling period across three adjacent flyways (sections 77, 74, 70). Feeding trees differed in their attractiveness for S. louisa , indicated by a high value of Lloyd’s index. The attractiveness of any given feeding tree Table 1 . Habitat and microhabitat preferences of Stichophthalma louisa. Habitat n N X s2 Forest 112 812 7.2 a 158.2 Ecotone 55 31 0.6 b 1.1 Ruderal 33 4 0.1 b 0.3 Forest microhabitat n N X s2 L Feeding trees 5 236 47.2 a 1279.7 1.6 Gullies and brooks 19 203 10.7 b 141.8 2.2 Closed forest 62 293 4.7 c 10.1 1.2 Bamboo thickets 14 34 2.4 d 2.6 1.0 Glades 12 28 2.3 d 4.4 1.4 All habitat types are characterized in the text. The forest habitat is further subdivided into 5 microhabitats in the lower part of the table, n = number of 1 0-meters section in the transect. Total number of butterflies recorded (N), arithmetic mean (x), and variance (s2) of butterfly numbers per section, and Lloyd’s index of mean patchiness (L) are given for each habitat. Values in lines followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P>0.05; Kruskal-Wallis test). 30(3-4):279-288, 1991 285 as a food source varied over time. This variability was not correlated with changes in butterfly numbers on other feeding trees or in the surround- ing forest and neighbouring gullies used as flyways (Spearman correla- tion coefficient between number of butterflies observed per day on a feeding tree and in surrounding forest were not significant, P»0.05, for all feeding trees). Stichophthalma louisa did not create large aggregations in any forest habitat type. On feeding trees, no more than 6 specimens were ever present simultaneously. No hilltopping or response to other obvious landmarks were observed, although all neighbouring prominent sum- mits were inspected. The butterfly was never observed to indulge in puddling behaviour. At night, the butterflies roosted singly in the vegetation. During the 65 sampling periods of the forest transect sec- tions, 8 specimens was the maximum recorded at any one time. POPULATION DENSITY AND MOVEMENTS The number of S. louisa counted during any transect sample ranged from 1 to 26 (mean 18.4). Since the transect represents an area of 11,200 sq. m. (1120 m x 10 m), the mean population density of S. louisa in the forest was 16.4 individuals per hectare. The observed density remained constant over the study period. A total of 235 butterflies were marked and released, with 524 butter- flies checked for marks from 8 June though 7 July. Only 23 previously marked butterflies were recaptured. The low recapture frequency indi- cates that butterfly mortality was high and/or they were very transient, 100 larval nests per square meter. Larger pools, which had been partially inundated during the height of the migration, had many larval nests on the margins and few in the center. Extremely deep pools, which had been completely inundated during the migration had only an occasional larval nest. Many third and fourth instar larvae were also observed during the late-April field visit. These larvae had left their nests and were apparently in search of fresher food. Most were eating adjacent Psilocarphus brevissimus. However, some larvae were observed on Psilocarphus tenellus Nuttall, Micropus californicus Fischer & Meyer and Filago gallica Linnaeus (Asteraceae: Inuleae), plus Achyrachaena mollis Schauer (Asteraceae: Madiinae) and Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. micranthus (Piper) Johnston (Boraginaceae). Although Eryngium (Apiaceae) is cited as a larval host plant in The Butterflies of North America (Scott, 1986), none were observed on the Eryngium vaseyi Coulter & Rose occurring in the vernal pools. Several large larvae were collected from the Tehama County vernal pool site. These were successfully reared on Psilocarphus brevissimus with pupation beginning on May 2nd and emergence beginning on May 9th. A final field visit was conducted on May 5-6th and many newly emerged Vanessa cardui were observed migrating. However, the preceeding week had been 15-20° F above local average temperature and most of the remaining early 30(3-4):302-304 303 Photo 1 : Typical vernal pool from western Tehama County. Photo 2: Psilocarphus brevissimus, a vernal pool endemic plant and new larval hostplant record for Vanessa cardui. 304 J. Res. Lepid. instar larvae were found dead in their nests on the dessicated hostplant. Larger larvae were observed moving from plant to plant. Following the discovery of Vanessa cardui larvae on vernal pool endemic plants, a quick reconnaissance of vernal pools in Glenn, Colusa, Sacramento and Solano counties was made. On May 5-7th, several vernal pool formations were visited and Vanessa cardui larvae or larval nests were observed at each site on Psilocarphus brevissimus. At two sites in Solano County, later instar larvae were also observed on Evax caulescens (Bentham) Gray (Asteraceae: Inuleae). Of considerable significance is the lack of adult nectar sources at some of the vernal pool sites. The terrace soil formation vernal pools in Tehama County are dominated by Navarretia leucocephala and Psilocarphus brevissimus which places an adult nectar source and the hostplant in close proximity. However, the basin soil formation vernal pools in Solano County contain very little or no Navarretia leucocephala and relatively small amounts of Psilocarphus brevissimus. Nevertheless, these pools contained a similar ratio of larvae to hostplant. From these observations we may deduce that use of Psilocarphus brevissimus as a larval hostplant was not purely adventitious. Carol W. Witham, 1028 Cypress Lane, Davis, California 95616. Host specialization of satyrine butterflies, and their responses to 248 habitat fragmentation in Trinidad M.C. Singer and P.R. Ehrlich Celastrina nigra and its synonym C. ebenina (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) 257 James A. Scott and David M. Wright Foam barriers, a new defense against ants for milkweed butterfly 261 caterpillars (Nymphalidae: Danainae) P.J. DeVries Temporal and spatial overlap in the mate-locating behavior of two 267 species of Junonia (Nymphalidae) Ronald L. Rutowski Cephalic Sclerites and Chaetotaxy of a Hairy Caterpillar, Lymantria 272 marginata Wlk. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) Jasvir Singh Distribution and Flight Behaviour of the Junglequeen Butterfly, 279 Stichophthalma louisa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), in an Indochinese Montane Rainforest Vojtech Novotny, Martin Tonner and Karel Spitzer On the functional foreleg tarsus in Caerulea males (Lepidoptera: 289 Lycaenidae: Polyommatini) Rudolf H. T. Mattoni and Konrad Fiedler Book Reviews 297 Note 302 THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA Volume 30 Number 3-4 Fall 1991 IN THIS ISSUE Date of Publication: December 1, 1993 The Butterflies of Mauritius 145 P.M.H. Davis and M.J.C. Barnes Convergent Evolution in Western North American and Patagonian 162 Skippers (Hesperiidae) Arthur M. Shapiro Multivariate and Phylogenetic Analyses of Larval and Adult 175 Characters of the Editha Complex of the Genus Lycaena (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Gordon F. Pratt, David M. Wright, and Gregory R. Ballmer A morphological search for the sound mechanism of Hamadryas 196 butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Julian Monge-Najera and Francisco Hernandez Extirpation and Recolonization of the Buckeye, Junonia coenia 209 (Nymphalidae) Following the Northern California Freeze of December, 1990 Arthur M. Shapiro Notes on the Immature Biology of Two Riodinine Butterflies: 221 Metacharis ptolomaeus and Napaea nepos orpheus (Lycaenidae) Curtis J. Callaghan The Effects of Temperature and Daylength on the Rosa Polyphenism 225 in the Buckeye Butterfly, Precis coenia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Kelly C. Smith Three New Taxa of Calephelis from Costa Rica (Lycaenidae: Riodininae) 237 George T. Austin A New Species of Calephelis from Guatemala (Lycaenidae: Riodininae) 245 George T. Austin Cover Illustration: Lateral view of thoraxes of six species of Hamadryas . Line drawing by Monge-Najera and Hernandez. 45 1G1 SI XL 04/94 198115 03 io\ S3 d) > S3 [KflL 7 V? m CO I ^ s ! | HSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIIDIIISNI NVINOSH1IWS S3iavaaiT LIBRARIES S 2 \ ^ 5 CO - «J m Q X^OS^X 0,1 N^VASVV-^- Q " w ^ ^VASn>^ Q 2 3 Z -J 2 _ 0SHJL1WS S3ldVden LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUllSNI N | I^| | » HSONIAN INSTITUTION^ NOlinillSNrNVINOSHimS^SB I HVM 8 11 L I B RAR I ES^S ^ IOSHilKIS'"S3 I 8V8 a Sl^ LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN_SNSTITUTION^NOIiniIISNI_N __ Y_‘. /^stoSA — ,• ^ •« *2 — /^SsSDA w < (*§. 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