¥ i (stagnate states! RL ye ST ice Atesee ts oe rac i Bireroen: cto Meret Sera et Suelo te AB aera a om heaad Banc 1 nes = ae ee om nit . faye © a Deen 4 5 tet ee tes whet S ty\=s Re BA . ayy ae Ss i ote RAP let seis ges ot y Tapes ® si rae JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES rey OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, ; BY J. HARDING, 1825 CONTENTS OF VOLUME V. PART I. Page. Officers of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Bails; delphia, for the year 1829. - - 1 Description of a number of new American Bpesics of Shperize. By Lewis D. de Schweinitz. - 3 Experiments on Anthracite, aie &e. By Lardner Vanuxem. - - - - 17 Additions to the Ornithology of the United States. By Charles Bonaparte. — - - - - 28 Descriptions of new Species of Hister and Hololepta, inhabiting the United States. By Thomas Say. $2 Description of a new Fish of the genus Salmo. By C. A. Lesueur. - - 2 - - 48 Description of a new crystalline form of Apophyllite, Laumonite, and Amphibole, and of a variety of Pearlstone. By Gerard Troost, M. D. ai? a Oe Observations on the Nomenclature of Wilson’s Orni- » thology. By Charles Bonaparte. (Continued.) 57 Descriptions of four new species of ape ee By C, A. Lesueur. - 107 Note on the genus Condylura of Migr. By J. D. Godman, M. D. - - - 109 Description of a new species of Sathislider. By Jacob, Green. - : = a weeee 4g Description of a new species of the genus Saurus, (Cu- vier.) By C. A. Lesueur. — - = - 118 Descriptions of some new species of Fresh Water and Land Shells of the United States, By Thomas Say. - - - - - “ar B19 Description of two genera of the natural order Cruci- feree. By Thomas Nuttall. - . = 182 iy CONTENTS. Note, By J. D. Godman, M. D. - P 5 Description of a new species of Salamandra. By R. Harlan, M. D. - - “eae Notes to the paper entitled, “ Descriptions of ten spe- cies of South American Birds.” By Charles Bonaparte. - - : - - On the species of the Linnean genus Asterias, inhabit- ing the coast of the United States. By Tho- mas Say. - - - - - Description of a variety of the Coluber fulvius, Linn. a new species of Scincus, and two new species of Salamandra. By R. Harlan, M. D. - Observations on a species of Anemone of the section Pulsatilla, indigenous to the United States. By Thomas Nuttall. - - - - Descriptions of new species of Coleopterous Insects inhabiting the United States. By Thomas Say, 135: * 136 137 141 154 158 160 JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES . OF PHILADELPHIA. LIST OF OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1825. President. William Maclure. Vice Presidents. Zaccheus Collins, George Ord. Corresponding Secretary. Reuben Haines. Recording Secretary. William H. Keating. Treasurer. Jacob Gilliams. Librarian. Jacob Peirce. Curators. Thomas Say, C. A. Lesueur, John P. Wetherill, Isaac Hays, M. D. Auditors. John M. Brewer, Samuel G. Morton, M. D. Judah Dobson. VOL. Vi-JUNE, 1825. ; 1 Committee of Publication. Themas Say. Isaac Hays, M. D. Isaac Lea. R. E. Griffith, M. D. William H. Keating. SPHAERIA. 3 Description of a number of new American Species of Spumriz. By Lewis D. de Sechweinitz. Read February 15, 1825. The following pages include the description of a number of new American species of SPHERLE, a genus of the order PyrenomyceTes, of the class Gasreromycetes, of Fungi, arranged according to the system of Dr. Elias Fries, and is supplementary to my Synopsis of Carolinian Fungi, published in the Commentaries of the society of Naturalists at Leipzig, by Dr. Schwegrichen. Of 528 species of this most comprehensive genus described in Fries’ abridgment, 330 have been ob- served by me in America, and a large proportion of the residue will yet, doubtless, be found. The new species, exclusive of what Fries has incorporated, amounts to 112. The whole number of American Fungi which I have hitherto observed, falls little short of 2000, and I am fully persuaded as many more remain undiscovered. Our immense forests, humid climate, and variety of higher ranking vege- table productions, may well warrant this conclusion. It is also worthy of remark that, of the number of truly geogenous Fungi, or those not usually deemed parasitic, because they proceed directly from the soil, (for no Fungus has ever been found on rocks, or per- haps on soil wholly free from vegetable matter,) very few comparatively are met with peculiar to America; as for instance, in the genera AGaricus, Boterus, 4 SPHERIA. Hypnum, &c. and the same as far as we know, ap- plies even to tropical climates, regarding their fung- ous productions, amounting indeed to little more than the fact that the parasitic fungous forms are com- mensurate with the immense variety of species of higher grades. Considering this as a supplement to the Synopsis of North Carolina Fungi, I shall enumerate the Eu- ropean species I have here met with since, with such observations as may be necessary, besides describing the new species; and propose to continue this cata- logue through the whole genus at a future time. SPHERIA. § I. Cordyceps. a. Series. Hypocrea. 1. S. geoglossum.L.V.S. Ofa fleshy substance, very much like that of GzocLossum, whitish inter- nally, very black externally: capitulum or elavula, tongue-shaped, compressed and canaliculate in the middle, with an obtuse subfalcate apex, and densely covered by very small, oblong, crowded spherule, immersed in the substance, but prominent to a per- ceptible degree on the black surface, with small, and scarcely prominent ostiola: stipes nearly thrice the length of the clavula, somewhat squamulose and hir- sute, of the same colour with the clavula, fleshy, fibrously dividing, and white within; the whole plant about one inch long, and very slender. It differs materially from S. ophioglossoides, by its tender and SPHERLA. 5 brittle substance, slender shape, and total absence of yellow colour inside. Pl. I, fig. 4, a, with magnified analysis of 4, and €, section. Found at New York, and communicated to me by Dr. Torrey. It almost exactly resembles a GEoGLos- suM, (especially G. Airsutum) but the capitulum is manifestly sphzriferous. 2. S. capitata. Fries, p. ii. p. 324. I found this rare fungus at Salem, on vegetable earth, and more certainly without a tuber, much less growing on the ScLeRopERMA cervinum, hitherto vainly sought by me in America. 3. S. mucronata, L. V. S. Synops. Fung. Carol. p. 2. Fries, p. 326. I insert this species, found by me very rarely on Liriodendron roots in Carolina, al- though sufficiently described in the Synopsis, in order to give a good figure, because I have not met with it since, and have communicated my only good speci- men to Dr. Schwegrichen, merely preserving the drawing. Pl. I, fig. 1, natural size; a, with analysis; 6, magnified piece of clavula; c, section magnified. b. Series. Hypoxylon. 4. S. subterranea, L.V.5. pl. 1, fig. 3, nat. size. analyzed. Caulescent, suberose, undivided and very long, with lengthened, gray, pulverulent, entire apex; colour of the rest, blackish. These stems, of half a foot or more in length. rise from a hirsute, suberose. 6 SPHERIA. base, and are very often variously bent, of a suberose texture, and clothed half way up from the base by a thin, brownish-black tomentum; the perithecia are dispersed here and there in the pulverulent part of the stem, and appear rarely. The species is consid- erably allied to S. carpophila, from which its size and place of nativity however easily distinguish it. In mines and wells, New Jersey. Communicated by Dr. Torrey, often considerably more than six inches in length. 5. S. flabelliformis, L. V.S. Merisma nigripes, p- 85, Synops. F. C. ed. Schwegr. Having now com- pletely ascertained that the Fungus described under the above name, is really a Spna:ria of the present family, I correct it here, and communicate a figure, pl. I, f. 5, a, nat. size; b, c, magnified specimens; d, section ; e, magnified surface of fertile ones. The peri- thecia are produced in the fertile specimens on the palmately expanded fimbriate summits, of a vivid incarnate colour, which colour remains when in fruc- tification. Fertile specimens, however, have, as is usual in the family, their summits less expanded, some- times nearly cylindrical, and cease to be pulverulent; the bulb or tuber at base is often proportionably very large, and the stems constantly very thick, in propor- tion to their length. I have never met with a speci- men exceeding half an inch in length. This species exclusively inhabits decayed branches of very soft kinds of wood, e. g. SaLix, VipuRNUM, &c. in moist woods, Salem, N. C. SPHERIA. 7 § Il. Poronia. 6. S. pocula, L. V.S. Resembling an inverted Pe- z1zA, bursting fasciculately from beneath the epider- mis, showing 2—4 pedicillate, pendulous cupulas in a bunch, the margin of the cupula bent in and thick, the disk flat and pruinose; colour of the whole fungus white, tinged with brown ; size of each cupula about one or two lines. The perithecia are small, oblong, lutescent, crowded in a single tier (monosticha,) to- tally immersed in the pulverulently pruinose disk, with black and scarcely prominent ostiola ; substance internally suberose, albescent ; externally, the cupule and proportionably thick stipes into which each is contracted, are somewhat squamose or furfuraceous. Pl. Il, fig. 6, a, nat. size; b, and c, magnified bunches; d, section magnified. A most remarkable species, communicated to me by Dr. Torrey, bursting from beneath the epidermis of Fraxinus; it is strictly of this section, and the only one besides the European Poronia, which I consi- der genuine. Notwithstanding indefatigable atten- tion, I have never been able to find the S. punctata (Poronia, Prziza punctata, auctor. veter.) in America. It is not very rare on horse dung in Eu- rope. The S.-candida, L. V. S. (Synops. Carol. page 3, n. 20.) is located by Fries as another species of this family. But I am not satisfied that it is correctly arranged, though certainly that species, as well as B SPHJERIA. S. intermedia, L. V. S. tobe described below, make au approach towards it. These two forms are evidently intermediate between the present tribe and the next, but may, perhaps, be as well placed here. Still S. pocula is undoubtedly genuine. ? 7. S. intermedia, L.V.S. In a younger state, nearly pulvinate, when mature, substipitate and form- ing a kind of repandly undulate, free cupula, fixed to the inner bark by a very short, thick stipes, plicate on the under side, and grayish black ; the upper side or disk forms a pulvinate but flattened and unequal surface, thickly covered with various sized, more or less prominent spherule, of an incarnate brown, and covered with a gray furfuraceous substance, surround- ing the perforate ostiola, so as to make these appear impressed. The numerous apothecia, are immersed. in the interior brownish-black substance, entirely analogous to that of the next family, the upper brown cortex of which forms the spherule, conspicuous on the upper surface; they are ovate, crowded and com- municate with the surface, by short, very thin aper- tures or ostiola, and form, frequently, more than one tier. This SpHxR1A grows on the inner bark, sur- rounded by the stellately bursting epidermis, singly, or in clusters, sometimes assuming an unusual square shape, sometimes more or less rounded, about three lines in diameter, and always free in the margin, only attached by its peculiar stipe. It is a very distinct species. As before observed, this new species found at Bethlehem on decayed branches of the common wild SPHERIA. 9 plum, is referred to this section with considerable doubt. Itis, nevertheless, a good species, and nearly related to S. candida, L. V.S. § Il. Pulvinate. 8. S. vernicosa, L.V.S. Largest of the tribe, being upwards of one inch in height, turbinate to- wards the top, and suddenly attenuated into a thick stipes, much like the variety obovata of S. concen- trica; outer cortex of the most splendid black colour, and beautifully varnished; the surface of the upper turbinate part is somewhat uneven, as from the sub- jacent spherule; I have, however, been unable to discover, with a powerful lens, any aperture of the ostiola, which nevertheless must exist, as in proper time, the black pulverulent mass which fills the apo- thecia, is shed through them most copiously, after the manner of S. concentrica, rubiformis, and other kindred species; internally, not only the upper tur- binate part, but likewise the large stipes is filled by numerous concentric layers of large, densely stipate, narrow apothecia, which appear to be entirely com- posed of the clear white sacculus, met with in other Spuzrias, but altogether destitute of cortex; they remain undestroyed after the internal powder is shed, when the fungus is entirely white inside ; the breadth of the turbinately rounded top is about half an inch. First called S. enteroleuca, by me, which name I now find pre-occupied. A very rare, but unusually large, and extremely distinct apr nearest allied VOL. Vi—JUNE, 1825. 2 10 SPHLERIA. to S. concentrica. On posts of garden fences, near the ground, at Salem, N. C. Pl. I, fig. 2, and analysis; a, nat. size 5 de. sec- tion ; ¢, the same magn. 9. S. enteroméla,L. V.S. Ovate, sblongty pulvi- nate, longitudinally confluent, rubiginosely brown ; the outer cortex, which is subsquamose, is not per- ceptibly granulated by the subjacent spherule, and easily detached so as to lay bare the inner black, but not shining substance, otherwise resembling that of S. fragiformis, in which the very small apothecia are immersed, of an almost globular shape, and with- out prominent ostiola, This SpuH=ria is about ; of an inch in its shortest diameter, and often much more in its longer one, and numbers have been found con- fluent in the rimose bark to the length of one foot; for the rest it is superficially attached, and by no means immersed. Bursting from the rimose bark of Fraxinus, in long, ‘confluent series. Rarely found on the Lehigh mountains near Bethlehem, and allied to S. fragi- formis, but much larger. 10. S. teres, L. V.S. Teretely cylindrical, with an obtusely rounded apex, growing singly and entirely superficial; the outer cortex rubiginose, and elevated into not’ very prominent, but large tuberculose in- equalities; the internal substance fuliginously black, somewhat stratified ; the apothecia large, not crowded, and protuberant on all sides, immersed in the interior substance. ‘The whole Spuzria about three lines in height, and one in breadth. 2, SPHLERIA, ll Pl. H, fig. 7, a, nat. size; 5, section magn. 3 ¢, magn. specimen, ’ Communicated by Z. Collins, Esq. on an inde- terminable piece of bark. Though I am in posses- sion of but a single specimen, (besides the one de- stroyed in the examination) the present appears so distinct, that I cannot hesitate in considering it a good species, nearest related to rubiginosa; this lat- ter is rather rare in America, and always inclined to spread widely in the varieties here observed. But even in the European more elevated varieties, I have never seen an individual really pulvinate, much less making an approach towards the unusual cylindric shape of the one under consideration. It is one of the most common species in Lusatia. 11. S.annulata, L.V.S. Growing superficially, widely spreading, confluent to an unusual degree, but occasionally single, and then neatly pulyinate, orbiculate; the orbicular, pulvinately elevated shape is at the same time very perceptible in the single cxspitule or heaps of confluent Spozrizs. In the junior state, the colour is ochroleucous, and darkens gradually, until the outer cortex becomes perfectly black, but not shining; it is densely and regularly granulated by the peripherical apothecia prominent in the surface; when come to maturity, each thus elevated perithecium appears horizontally truncate, with a ring-shaped elevation on the margin of the truncature, the centre rises to a somewhat elevated, but still much flattened conical ostiolum perfectly smooth and shining, while the rest of the elevated 12 SPHERIA. spherula is rather roughened; the internal stroma, in which the numerous peripherical perithecia are immersed in a single tier, of a subglobose shape, and provided with the white internal sacculus or velum, is perfectly black. The confluent pulvinule often occupy 4—6 inches in length and breadth on the bark, each about j of an inch in diameter. . Pl. Il, fig. 8, a, nat. size; b, one cespes mag- nified ; ¢, and Sf sections; d, a single arate: magn. from above; e, in profile. This species considerably resembles S. multifor-. mis, Fr. (S. rubiformis, Pers.) but is decidedly dis- tinct; the latter I never found in North Carolina, and here it is not near as frequent as the present species. The remarkable and constant structure of the parts around the ostiola, distinguishes it well, although both species are nearly of the same size, (ours how- ever, the larger) and have the ochroleucous or argil- laceous colour of the junior specimens in common; constituting in that state the S. argillacea of Persoon. It is found sometimes in very large assemblages on the outer bark of oak, and other logs, and sheds a bluish-black seminal powder in great quantities. The S. multiformis more frequently prefer fence —_ posts, &c. deprived of bark. 12. S. gelatinosa, Fries I. p. 336. This uipetiies I have lately found on Sambucus canadensis, Bethle- hem. It is rather too near S. rufa. 13. S. stereorum, L.V.S. Variously shaped, updulately spreading and somewhat lobed in the SPHERIA. 13 periphery, evidently plicate on the upper surface, and but slightly pulvinate; colour of the upper sur- face, light brown. In a youthful state it is sur- rounded by a white evanescent tomentum at base, and of a more elevated but very irregular form ; it occurs singly, but generally is longitudinally confluent, and principally attached to the narrow folds into which the Thelephora, on which it grows, is compressed by extraneous impediments, from which it spreads some- thing like a pulpy Collema, over the hymenium chiefly, but sometimes appears in the Pileus likewise. Its texture is not gelatinose, but still softer than that of the rest of the family, except rufa and gelatinosa. The ostiola of the apothecia are conspicuously promi- nent on the upper surface, and of a dark brown co- lour minutely and densely granulating it; the interior substance is perfectly white, suberosely pulverulent the apothecia are not immersed in this, but only in the proportionably thick outer cortex, and of a glo- bular form; confluent patches sometimes exceed one inch in length and three lines in breadth. Singly growing specimens approach an orbicular form, and are about 1—2 lines in diameter. ‘The species is su- perficially attached, but rather free in the margin, especially the larger lobed specimens. ‘The powder shed by the apothecia is of a white colour, and pretty abundant. A very beautiful species nearly related to S. rufa and gelatinosa; growing on the Hymenium of THELe- PHORA, (STEREUM) fasciata, L. V.S. and some others. Bethlehem, late in the fall. It is only on account of 14 ' SPHERIA. its evident aflinity to the above two Spua#Ri#, that I arrange it in this division; the habit would other- wise induce me to place it among the S. glebosw. § IV. Connate. 14, S. lactea, Fries I. p. 337. This species I have found spreading widely on the inner side of de- cayed bark, surrounding stumps near the ground, and in part on the earth at Bethlehem. 15, S. coprophila, Fries I. p. 342. A, most beautiful species, found rarely in North Carolina, on wood lying in moist places, and partially covered with cow dung. 16. S. confluens, Fries I. p. 342. Not rare at Bethlehem. 17. S. atramentosa, Fries I. p. 344. Found at Salem, N. C. and communicated to some friends by the name of S. cohortina,L. V.S. It is clearly the species described by Fries; the colour is, however, variable, sometimes very black, and again of an olive brown. 18. S. hydnicola, L. V.S. Undulately effigurate, thick, short, and proportionably much elevated, oc- casionally confluent; external cortex deep black, un- equally granulose and elevated into tubercules, as from the subjacent spherule, which are large and distant, immersed in a white stroma, provided with an internal velum or sacculus, of a brown colour; the ostiola are perceptibly prominent; at times where it grows on the larger subuli, these grow together with SPH ERIA. 15 the SpH#ria into the resemblance of a thick, mis- shapen pedicel. PI. II, fig. 9, a, nat. size 3 6, ec, and d, magnified ; @, section. Rarely found growing on the long subuli of de- eayed hydnums, and often so as to penetrate the substance. Nearest related to S. confluens and uda. Single heaps are about ; of an inch in diameter. 19. S. callostroma, L.V.S. Diffusely spreading in patches of very irregular shapes, some inches in length, consisting at first sight of a great number of contiguously crowded large sphaerule, of the size of small shot, which, however, on transverse section, appear evidently connected by a common cortex, thus strongly granulated black, rugose and uneven; each sphaerula is irregularly truncate at summit, and there provided with a slightly elevated, conic, ob- tuse ostiolum; beneath the outer black cortex, a stroma, coarsely pulverulent and of a bright red ochre colour on all sides, sparingly surrounds the large apothecia, crowded irregularly into more than one tier; their shape is generally oval, with a shining black velum, and they connect with the external ostiola by a very palpable neck or duct. The species would serve as a fine type of the family. Pl. Il, fig. 10, a, nat. size; b, c, d, magn. heaps ; ¢, section. A handsome and distinct species lately found on decayed Corylus in very moist and shady places; it js apt to deceive the observer at first, as if belonging to those simple SpHaRig which grow gregariously. 16. SPHERIA. Close examination has, however, led me to discover the stroma, even where but two or three sphzrulas form the cespes. Bethlehem. 20. S. fusco-purpurea, L. V. S. Widely spreading in variously efligurate fanciful patches, tending, how- ever, always to extend longitudinally, mostly with a sterile margin; the outer cortex appears black on transverse section, but its upper surface is of a hand-— some brownish purple colour, somewhat byssaceously tomentose, on bark very uneven and elevated into variously sized tubercules, all greatly granulated by the subjacent spherule ; stroma very scant but shin- ing black, in which the numerous apothecia are crowd- ed into one or more tiers; they are pretty regularly oblong-ovate, and shining black, with a whitish inter- nal velum. The whole SpH#ria is proportionably not much elevated, and tinges the subjacent wood or bark, on which it grows perfectly superficially, al- though inseparable, black. Pl. U, fig. 11, a, nat. size; b, nat. size on bark ; e, magnified, showing the barren margin ; d, section. Likewise a very handsome new species, which is more nearly related to S. rubiginosa, than S. atro- purpurea, with which I confounded it formerly. Not rare both at Salem and here, on soft decaying wood, and on the bark of similar kinds; when on bark it assumes a somewhat different appearance, the sterile margin spreads into more irregular shapes, and the upper surface is much more tuberculous; on wood it is often to a great extent very even and very regu- larly granulated. EXPERIMENTS ON ANTHRACITE, PLUMBAGO, &c. 47 Experiments on Anruracite, PLumpaco, &c. By Larpner Vanuxem. Read March 15, 1825. These experiments were undertaken with a view _ to determine whether the globules obtained by Pro- fessor Silliman, from the above substances, were owing to a fusion of their carbon, or merely to the impuri- ties or foreign matter contained within them. They were long delayed by my waiting for some sheet zinc necessary to repair a Deflagrator intended to be used for the purpose of obtaining the globules; but this not arriving, I resolved to avail myself of the sugges- tion of Professor Silliman, namely, that of using the compound blowpipe, which answered perfectly well. In the experiments with the blowpipe, the substances were placed upon platina foil, spread upon a lump of magnesia ; the size of the pieces subjected to its ac- tion, was about 4 an inch in diameter, and } of an inch in thickness. The light in the greater num- ber of instances, was so intense, that I found it neces- sary to use double green glasses. The mode pursued in the analysis of Anthracite and Plumbago was as follows. The presence of water was ascertained by heating a few small pieces of the substance in a glass tube, closed at one end; and the quantity of water by heating a given portion in a covered platina crucible. Another portion was pul- verized in an agate mortar; then a given weight of it was put into a platina crucible, and _— without VOL. V.—JUNF, 1825. 3 18 EXPERIMENTS ON its cover at a red heat in a small French furnace, until the whole of the carbon was consumed ; the re- sidue was then boiled in water for an alkali; after which operation it was heated with caustic potash in a silver crucible: when the fusion of the mass was completed, water was added, and the whole then dis- solved with nitro-muriatic acid. By evaporating the liquor to dryness, and adding acidulated water and filtering, the silex was obtained. To the liquor from this operation, ammonia in excess was added, and by this agent, the iron, manganese, and alumine contained in the liquor, were precipitated; the lat- ter was separated from the two former by caustic potash. No attempt was made to ascertain the rela- tive proportions of iron and manganese ; this know- ledge not being considered important. The presence of manganese was evidenced by the green colour of the alkaline fusion ; and a rose colour, when acid was added to the liquor. No allowance was made for the difference in the degree of oxidation of the iron and manganese in the substances used, and the pro- ducts obtained, as the amount was less than one per cent. where most abundant. The first experiments made with the globules, were with potash, and with carbonate of soda on sil- ver, and on platina foil; with these agents I could not produce much effect, but by using a small quan- tity of carbonate of lime, carbonate of soda and borax, on platina foil; their fusion, whether they were co- loured or colourless, opaque or transparent, was ef- fected in a few minutes. ANTHRACITE, PLUMBAGO, kc. 19 Experiment 1st. A piece of the purest Anthracite of Lehigh, subjected to the blowpipe, presented nu- merous small white globules; few were tinged with violet, and two or three were blackish; the globules did not readily unite with one another; however, by long continued heat, some of the globules were ob- tained of the size of the head of a small pin; the greater number of them were but feebly translucent, and could be broken by a moderate force ; others, though few in number, were transparent, hard, and not so brittle. The white globules were not mag- netic, except when dark spots were present; the blackish ones were magnetic, and like the whole of them could be fractured by pressure. The surface of the mass whitened, as observed in the ordinary combustion of this coal, and presented veins or layers of the matter of the white globules; showing that the impurities of the coal were not regularly intermixed with its carbon, or, upon the supposition of its being fused carbon, that its production was extremely ir- regular. With the flux before mentioned, the different kinds of globules were melted without difficulty. By heating a centigramme and a half of the globules in powder, for a long time, with caustic potash, about $ of a centigramme of silex was obtained. It mani- fested itself by its gelatinous appearance before the water was driven off. 90 EXPERIMENTS ON The result of the analysis of this Anthracite, was Carbon, - - : . - > - 904 Water,* . x 7 - - - - 6.6 Silex, - 1.2 Alumine,— - bil Residue by incineration, of a dirty white colour, $3.3 consisting of Oxides of iron and) 4 9 manganese. 5 Loss, : 08 — 100.0 Experiment 2nd. The Anthracite of Rhode isleed, by the action of the blowpipe, presented « brownish appearance after cooling, (owing to manganese.) “The surface exhibited numerous globules, larger then those of the Lehigh ; some of them were transparent, colourless, and very brilliant by refiected light; others, and the most abundant, were black and opaque, and were strongly attracted by the magnet; a few were coloured white and black in spots; the white spots resembling enamel. The surface of the mass pre- sented minute veins similar to those of the Lehigh. Some of the black globules were heated for a long time on platina foil, with carbonate of soda ; the mass was yellowish, but became black when immersed in water. By heating and dipping into water several times, the globules whitened ; I could not effect their fusion in this way, but with the compound flux they readily fused. With this flux the different kinds were tried, and with the same effect. * It is rather singular that so great a quantity of water as is contained in Anthracite, should heretofore have es- caped notice. It is my intention to examine all the dif. ferent kinds of coal, to ascertain if this fact be general. ANTHRACITE, PLUMBAGO, &e. bf The analysis of this Anthracite from Rhode Island, gave, Carbon, - - - - - - - 90.03 Water, - - - - - - - rete < 4359) Silex, - - 2. Residue by incinera- Falk tion, which was aig 5.07 consisting a} See and 2.50 . . > a light brick red, lisa: A3 100.00 Another specimen from the same locality, whose colour was a little different, being of a deeper black, and which was not tried with the blowpipe, gave Carbon, - - - - - - - 77.70 Water, - - - . - - - 6.70 é ae Silex, - - 8.50 Residue by incinera- ag SS tion, colour ted 15.60 consisting of- os on os we 7.10 same as the former. Naucaton. . trace, 100.00 Experiment 3d. A specimen of Plumbago from Borrowdale, of great purity, as judged by its external characters and mechanical properties, was subjected to the blowpipe; the globules began to form imme- diately and in great number, attended occasionally by scintillations, owing to the combustion of iron; the globules were small; the greater part of them were black, opaque, and of great lustre ; others were dull, of a brownish colour, and feebly translucent ; almost all of them were attracted by the magnet. The surface of the heated part of the Plumbago was brownish. The globules, though acted upon with great diffi- culty by soda, and by potash, readily yielded to the compound flux, and formed a limpid yellowish glass. 22 EXPERIMENTS ON A large globule, by repeatedly heating it with car- bonate of soda, and plunging it into water, became rough, and finally opened in the centre ; it then dis- solved in nitro-muriatic acid. By evaporating the liquor to dryness, the yellow colour of the iron was very manifest ; acidulated water took it up, leaving a white substance like silex, floating in the liquor. The analysis of this Plumbago gave Carbon, - - : . - - . 88.37 Water, a . ‘5 - - - - 1.23 lex, .- 5.10 Residue by incineration, Alumine, - 1.00 colour, yellowish back 10.4 consisting of{ Oxides of iron — 3.60 red, manganese, Loss, 70 100.00 Experiment 4th. An impure specimen of Plum- bago from the same locality, gave numerous and large globules; some of the size of small shot; they readily formed ; the majority of them were translu- cent, shining, and of a light greenish-yellow, others were dark coloured; and some of them were dull externally. The dark globules, as well as the sur- face of the mass of Plumbago exposed to the flame, was attracted by the magnet; some of the light co- loured ones were affected by the magnet, but only at the point where they had been attached to their support, owing to particles of the support adhering to them. During the combustion of the Plumbago, there were occasionally, scintillations; the heated surface of the mass was brownish. A large globule of the lightest colour and mag- fietic only at one point, melted with ease when the ANTHRACITE, PLUMBAGO, &c. 23 compound flux was used; it formed a transparent mass when hot, and opaque and milky when cold. The black ones with the same flux were also fused 5 they were brownish when hot, and greenish when cold. They were acted upon with great difliculty by caustic potash, and by carbonate of soda. The analysis of this Plumbago gave Carbon, - ® “ y . . Water, - - - - - = - 5.33 Silex, - 10.10 Residue by incineration, Alumine, - 3.20 colour of a dirty vag 33.4 consisting of} Oxide ofiron and? 99 99 lowish-red. manganese, E : : Loss, 10 100.00 Experiment 5th. A specimen of Plumbago re- markably pure, from near Bustletown, Penn. was tried with the blowpipe. The globules were formed with difficulty, probably owing to its foliated texture, the fused parts spreading over the surface. The co- lour in places was white and translucent, in others so dark as to be almost black. With the flux before mentioned, the fused matter was reduced to a transparent glass. The analysis of this Plumbago gave Carbon, - 4 rs . Water, - : - : = - - 94.40 - - - 0.60 Ps Saag! Silex, : - 2.60 esidue by incineration, 2? ~- HH Oxides of iron and colour light brick red, $ #-0 consisting of. manganese, é 140 Loss, 1,00 - 100.00 Similar experiments were made with Plumbago from several other localities; the results of which 24 EXPERIMENTS ON were no wise different, and therefore need no further mention. ; Experiment 6th. A piece of charred mahogany, during its combustion by the compound blowpipe, presented numerous small, imperfect globules, owing to the force of the flame, which dissipated their sup- port before they had time to form or to accumulate to any considerable size ; many of them adhered to- gether, ramifying like flos feri, which they resem- bled; they were collected by placing a dish under their support. By the compound flux, they readily fused into a transparent glass. Experiment 7th. A quantity of lampblack was pressed into a mould with great force, and made to assume the form of a cylinder of about 2 of an inch in diameter, and } an inch in thickness; it weighed seven grammes. This cylinder of lampblack was subjected to the blowpipe. It wasted away gradually without forming any globules or fused matter, visible to the naked eye or to the microscope. The heat was equally as intense in this experiment as in all the other instances, and no condition was wanting to produce the same effects, except the difference of composition. After burning the lampblack for as long a time as was thought necessary to make the experiment a fair one, it was again weighed, and found to have lost four grammes, ;43,, for it weighed but two grammes, +y5- Five grammes of the same lampblack heated in an open platina crucible, left after its incineration, one ANTHRACITE, PLUMBAGO, &c. 25 eentigramme of white ashes, equal to 335 of the mass. From the analyses of the substances, used by Pro- fessor Silliman, from which the globules were ob- tained, it appears that they all contain foreign mat- ter, as silex, iron, manganese, and some of them also alumine ; that when lampblack was used which con- tained but 33,5 of fixed impurities, no distinct glo- bule or melted matter was formed; although the heat was sufliciently great, and the combustion slow enough to admit of the forming of globules, if their production was owing to the fusion of carbon, and not to extraneous matter. From my own experi- ments I always found that the more impure the sub- stance was, the more numerous and the larger were the globules produced. All the globules from the different kinds of sub- stances used, were readily fused by the compound flux, and underwent little change when it was not used ; although the heat was, in this case, of longer continuance. Matter similar to the impurities dis- covered in the substances used, was detected in them. From these facts it would appear, that the globules produced from the combustible substances operated upon, did not arise from the fusion of their carbon, since they can otherwise be accounted for; particu- larly as no experiment has been made which unequi- vocally leads to that conclusion. The experiment upon which Professor Silliman relies, as a proof of the globules being fused carbon, is one which is not satisfactory to me ; if it had been, it would have given VOL, Ve—JUNE, 1825. 4 26 EXPERIMENTS ON me great pleasure ; for no one, I trust, feels more in- terested in the scientific prosperity of his country than I do; and if Professor Silliman were right, it would indeed be a triumph for America. The experiment just alluded to, (see vol. vi. p. 347, Journal of Science, ) is the heating some of the colour- ed globules in oxygen gas by the solar rays, with a lens. The following is an extract from the papers. ** To detach any portion of unmelted Plumbago which might adhere to them, I carefully rubbed them between my thumb and finger, in the palm of my hand. Although they were in the focus for nearly half an hour, they did not melt, disappear, or alter their form ; it appeared, however, on examining the gas, that they had given up a part of their substance to the oxygen, for carbonic acid was formed which gave a decided precipitate with lime-water.” That this experiment is equivocal appears certain, as. particles of the support might have been attached to the globules; for, from my own observations, I found that in a great number of instances, some of the white globules at the point of junction with their support, had small dark particles attached to them, and when the surface from which they were detached was magnetic, they were attracted by the magnet when it was presented to those parts; I could not disengage those particles by rubbing the globules with my fingers against one another. It is very evi- dent that, as the globules underwent no change, (unless a reduction of volume, which is not mentioned) as the description clearly shows, the carbonic acid a ANTHRACITE, PLUMBAGO, &c. 27 obtained, might have been produced by the combus- tion of portions of the support adhering to them ex- ternally, and penetrating them to a certain extent. In the experiment detailed in vol. v. p. 363, of the same Journal, the carbonic acid found, probably had a similar origin, and the disappearance of the globules may have been owing to their incorporating themselves with the piece of brick upon which they were placed, as the brick was vitrified at the point where they were placed. Professor Silliman seems disposed to lay great stress on the loss in my examination of the globule, sent by Dr. Macneven. I thought I had well ac- counted for it, as the particle was small, action vio- lent, and I merely wished to show chemically, the presence of iron. I could not, for one moment, enter- tain the idea that carbon existed in it, in any notable proportion ; for I know of no combination of iron and carbon at common temperature, which could give a product possessed of the malleability and toughness which the globule possessed. I was sorry to observe that Professor Silliman in his reply to my paper, seems offended that I did not notice his communications upon the subject of these globules, particularly as the discovery was his, and was justly entitled to such consideration. My si- lence certainly appeared uncourtly, but it was not owing to ignorance of his labours, or a want of regard to him personally, or as a chemist; Professor Silliman’s merit is too well known to be affected by me. 28 ADDITIONS TO THE ORNITHOLOGY ~ Additions to the Ornithology of the United States. By Cuarres Bonaparte. Read May 10, 1825. Mr. Titian Peale’s expedition to Florida has en- riched the Fauna of the United States, in several of its departments, with many interesting species. Of the birds, which will be introduced into the pages of my American Ornithology, the following are more particularly worthy of immediate notice. Fatco. Subgenus Elanus, Savigny. F. melanopterus, Daud. Canus, subtus albus; tectricibus alarum nigris ; cauda subequali; unguibus subtus rotundatis. Pale bluish-gray, beneath white; wing-coverts black ; tail nearly even; nails rounded beneath. This beautiful hawk is certainly an important ac- quisition to the Ornithology of this country. Of all birds it is one of the most extensive in its range, be- ing found in almost every part of the globe. To- gether with the F. furcatus, and a few others, it forms a very natural and strongly marked subgenus, which, with Savigny, Leach, and others, we have called Elanus, notwithstanding Vieillot has changed that name to Llanoides. ‘Though of comparatively recent discovery, this bird is already superabundantly supplied with names; it is the F. melanopterus, and F. sonninensis, Latham; the Elanus cwsius, of Sa- OF THE UNITED STATES. 29 vigny and Vieillot, the Z/anus melanopterus of Leach, &c. It was first accurately described and figured by Levaillant, under the name of Blac. We readily recognize this species in the excellent description that d’Azara has given of his ALcon blanco, which, Vieillot, pursuing his improper plan of giving names to species he had never seen, called Mixvus /eucurus. He afterwards perceived that it was an Llanus, (and on that account changed this generic name to that of E/anotdes) but he placed it in a different section from that to which he referred African specimens of the same species ! I take this opportunity to give a specific phrase to distinguish the other North American species of this subgenus. F. furcatus, Linn. Albus; dorso, alis, caudaque valde forficata nigris ; unguibus subtus canaliculatis. White; back, wings, and deeply forked tail, glossy black; nails beneath, canaliculate. The latter character shows the impropriety of at- tributing rounded nails to all the Zlani. SyLvia. S. palmarum, Lath. Fusco-olivacea, vertice ru- fescenti-subtus ; flavo; albida, pectore striato, crisso flavo ; rectricibus extimis duabus intus apice macula alba. Brown-olive; vertex rufous; beneath, yellowish- white ; breast striated; under tail-coverts pure yel- 30 ADDITIONS TO THE ORNITHOLOGY low; two exterior tail-feathers white on the imner web at tip. This species has hitherto been known as a West Indian only. The adult male seems to have been un- known. CoLUMBA. Subgenus Columba. C. leucocephala, Linn. This well known species will now have a place amongst the birds inhabiting the United States, as Mr. Peale has brought specimens from the southern part of Florida, where they resort to breed, in company with an undescribed Dove, that may be distinguished from the C. carolinensis, which it closely resembles, by the following characters. C. zenaida, Nob. Rufo-cinerea, subtus vinacea ; orbitis ceruleis; macula pone aures amethystina ; cauda brevi, quali, fascia nigra, rectricibus duode- cim, tribus extimis apice griseis. Brownish-ash ; beneath vinaceous; orbits pale blue; an amethystine spot under the ear; tail of twelve feathers, short, even, with a black band; three outer feathers pearl gray at tip. Rauuus, Linn. Subgenus Rallus. One of the most important proceeds of Mr. Peale’s mission, is a new species of Rail, of an extraordinary stature, being by far the largest known of the genus. OF THE UNITED STATES. 31 R. giganteus, Nob. Fusco-virens, pennis medio longitudinaliter albis; uropygio, remigibus rectrici- busque immaculatis ; remigum prima falciformi. " Blackish, glossed with green; feathers longitudi- nally white in the middle; rump, quills, and tail feathers immaculate ; first primary falciform. Length 2 feet 1 inch; bill nearly 5 inches. On a late visit to New York, I observed two spe- cimens of this bird in the well kept museum of that city. They are labelled as undescribed Rails. I am informed that one was brought alive from South America, whilst the other was shot at Long Branch, N. J. where it had undoubtedly strayed. STERNA. S. ecayana, Lath. Alba; occipite nigro; dorso alisque canis ; remigum scapis albis ; rostro elongato, ex flavicante rubello. White ; occiput black ; back and wing, pale bluish- gray; quill-shafts white; bill elongated, pale yel- lowish-red. Perfect winter plumage ; in the summer the whole top of the head is black. Total length 174 inches; bill 33; tarsus 11. 32 HISTER. Descriptions of new species of Hister and Howo- LEPTA, inhabiting the United States. By T. Say. Read May 10, 1825. 7 HIsTeER. . Family 1. Head with a transverse stria; thorax with one or two stria; tibiz.dentated. A. Thorax with two lateral striz, entire or one abbreviated. + Elytra with the marginal stria. 1. H. memnonius. Inner thoracic stria abbre- viated a little beyond the middle; elytra, each with a basal puncture. Body black, somewhat polished : head slightly con- vex, arcuated line very distinct: mandibles a little prominent: antennz dull piceous: thorax with the inner stria abbreviated at about ¢ the length of the thorax, a very short impressed line on the middle of the base: elytra with the marginal and four dorsal strie entire; the fourth hardly reaching. the base ; fifth less than half the length of the elytrum ; sutural stria more than half the length of the elytrum; an obvious impressed puncture at base equidistant from the fourth stria and the scutel : feet piceous : anterior tibia quadridentate. Length nearly } of an inch. I received this species from Dr. J. F. Melsheimer, under the name I have adopted. The punctures of HISTER. 33 the elytra are much nearer to the base than those of the senegalensis as represented by Paykull. _ 2. H. depurator. Inner thoracic stria longer ; elytra, marginal stria obsolete ; dorsal strie three. H. unicolor, Melsh. Catal. Body black, polished; head slightly convex, ar- cuated line very distinct: mandibles a little promi- nent: antenne piceous: thorax with the exterior , stria a little shorter than the inner one, which ex- tends to the basal margin: e/ytra, marginal stria ob- solete, consisting only of a ‘series of punctures which extend no further than the middle; dorsal strie three, entire ; fourth stria consisting of from nine to twelve impressed points, not extending beyond the middle; fifth stria very short, obsolete, and consist- ing of two or three impressed points; sutural stria abbreviated at the middle, generally interrupted at the posterior tip into a short series of punctures: anterior tibie tridentate; terminal tooth slightly emarginate ; superior tooth often obsolete. Length rather more than } of an inch. Var. a. Marginal line obsoletely continued by the humerus in punctures. Var. b. Ferruginous. Altogether distinct from the wnicolor of Fabr. which has the exterior marginal and abbreviated strix very distinct, and the anterior tibie six toothed. Dr. J. F. Melsheimer has since given it the name which I adopt. It is a very common species, in- habiting throughout the union. I obtained a speci- VOL. V.—JuLY, 1825. 5 34 HISTER. menin Arkansa. It differs from H. thoracicus, Payk. by having the sutural stria. 3. H. arcuatus. Elytra witha large rufous lunate vitta ; anterior tibi# with two entire teeth. Body black, polished: head with the transverse line very distinct: entennz tipped with fulvous: thorax ciliated each side with yellowish hairs ; striz . entire, reaching the base and not undulated near the tip: elytra with a broad rufous vitta, commencing at the middle of the base, where it is dilated, and curving; so as to reach the sutural stria near the tip; marginal stria very distinct, entire; three dorsal strie entire; fourth and fifth abbreviated, not reach- ing the middle; sutural strie extending rather beyond the middle ; a slight transverse indentation near the tip: thighs bright rufous: anterior tibie with two very prominent entire teeth. Length 3 of an inch. Var. a. Transverse line of the head not very ob- © vious ; fifth stria of the elytra obsolete. This species is rather rare. In its general appear- ance as respects colour, it resembles the sinuatus, Panz. which, however, is destitute of the marginal stria. The variety occurred in Arkansa. 4. H. difidus. Thoracic strie entire; marginal and four dorsal striz entire; an oblique abbreviated stria at base. Body black, immaculate : head with the transverse line very distinct ; an obsolete, longitudinal line visi- ble in a particular insidence of light: antenne with HISTER. 35 the tip of the clavum pale: thorax, strie entire, not approaching at tip: elytra, marginal stria entire, near the base exterior to the humerus, bifid and di- varicated ; an abbreviated, very oblique stria from the humeral angle, inwards towards the first dorsal stria ; dorsal strie four, entire ; fifth not reaching the tidiios 3 sutural stria extending beyond the middle ; an abbreviated, very oblique stria at base, being the origin of the very widely interrupted fifth stria : an- terior tarsi three toothed, the intermediate tooth largest, three smaller teeth above. Length less than } of an inch. From the character of the fifth stria this species might be mistaken for the interruptus of Beauvois, but it is a much smaller insect, and the interruptus has two abbreviated strie at the base of the elytra. It is an inhabitant of Missouri; I obtained two specimens when with Major Long’s party in that region. Tt. Elytra destitute of the marginal striz. 5. H. indistinetus. Thoracic strie entire; dor- sal strie four, entire ; fifth stria abbreviated, obsolete ; sutural stria slight. Body black, immaculate : head with the transverse line very distinet : thorax with an indentation on the middle of the posterior submargin ; lateral strie en- tire and not approaching at their tips: elytra with four entire dorsal strie ; fifth abbreviated, more or less obsolete, generally consisting of five or six punc- tures ; sutural stria not deeply impressed, extending y* 36 HISTER. rather beyond the middle, and not reaching the tip: anterior tibiz tridentate, terminal tooth largest, emarginate. Length less than } of an inch. B. Thoracic stria single. 6. H. sedecimstriatus. Dorsal strie entire; fifth connected to the sutural at base. Body black, immaculate : head with the transverse line distinct : antennz ferruginous, paler at tip: tho- rax with the stria entire and well impressed : elytra with the dorsal and sutural strie entire, the latter uninterruptedly connected with the fifth at base; marginal strie two, exterior one entire, inner one abbreviated at the termination of the small oblique line ; terminal margin with small profound punctures : feet piceous: anterior tibiz tridentate. Length more than 3, of an inch. This species is not uncommon, and seems to extend to many remote parts of the Union, as I obtained a specimen in Missouri. The fifth and sutural strie of the elytra unite at base as obviously as those of the 12-striatus of Europe and Africa ; it is therefore, somewhat similar to the americanus of Paykull, which, however, differs by being altogether destitute of the marginal stria of the elytra, and by having two thoracic striz, though one of them is much ab- breviated. It may be useful to state in this place, that Paykull has represented his americanus as hav- ing the sutural stri# widely interrupted at base from the basal termination of the fifth stria; in this char- i ee eo SS ee I eI HISTER. 37 acter he is, perhaps, correct, as respects a few spe- cimens, but in most individuals the connexion can be traced, with the exception of a very short interval of absolute interruption. 7. H. obliquus. Elytra with an oblique rufous spot at tip; lateral thoracic stria interrupted from the anterior one. Body black: head with the transverse line angu- lated in the middle: antennx rufous: thorax, an orbicular indentation at the angle formed by the an- terior and lateral strie, which do not join: elytra with a large oblique spot on the exterior tip, extend- ing from the sutural angle to the humerus, where it is obsolete ; four dorsal stria, entire ; fifth somewhat abbreviated, being obviously shorter than the others ; sutural stria extending to the middle: feet with a large, prominent, slightly emarginate tooth at tip, and three smaller ones. Length more than 4 of an inch. This is so much like the dimaculatus, Linn. of Europe, that I have long hesitated to describe it, being inclined to consider it a mere variety of that species. Paykull represents the frontal stria of the bimaculatus of the usual form, excepting that it is more obtuse than others, whereas that of our insect is precisely similar to the same part of the senegalen- sis, Payk. this character, for which I rely on the accuracy of Paykull, combined with those of the in- terrupted thoracic striw, and the somewhat abbre- viated fifth dorsal stria, justify the separation of this insect as an independent species. 38 HISTER. Family 2. Frontal stria obsolete or none ; lateral thoracic stria none ; elytra with entire strie ; anterior tibia’ entire. 8. H. nigrellus. Strie of the elytra equidistant, equal, rectilinear ; front convex. H. flavicornis, Melsh. Catal. Body oval, black: front convex, more prominent in the middle, a slight angle over the insertion of the antenn : antennz piceous, clavum oval, pale fulvous : thorax densely and equally punctured: elytra with all the strie rectilinear, entire and equidistant, ex- cepting the marginal one, which is very obsolete, hardly perceptible and generally abbreviated: stria on the lateral edge of the superior surface as distinct as the dorsal ones: feet piceous: anterior tibiz ciliat- ed with short spines. Length 4 of an inch. Var. a. Body piceous. This species is altogether different from the flavi- cornis, Herbst, in which are but three abbreviated strie at the base of the elytra. I therefore adopt a name given by Dr. J. F. Melsheimer. It is certainly very closely allied-to the fulvicornis, Fabr. and may possibly prove to be a variety of that insect. 9. H. conjunctus. Fifth dorsal stria abbreviated ; fourth united with the sutural stria at base. Body oval, black: head minutely punctured, slight- ly concave before, and somewhat angulated over the insertion of the antenne: antennx and mandibles piceous, the former with a dull fulvous capitulum : ee ee ee HISTER. 39 thorax more obviously punctured each side: elytra piceous at the terminal margin; marginal stria obso- lete, more distinct behind; four dorsal strie entire, the fourth very obtusely incurved at base, so as al- most to join the sutural stria ; fifth stria abbreviated, extending a little beyond the middle : anterior tibiz narrower at tip, and very obtusely and slightly cre- nate on the edge. Length rather less than +, of an inch. A very distinct species, remarkable for the con- nexion of the fourth and sutural striz. 10. H. subrotundus. Front concave ; elytra with the sutural stria abbreviated. H. subrotundus, Melsh. Catal. Body rounded, black: front concave, transverse line obsolete: mandibles piceous: thorax more ob- viously punctured on the sides: elytra each side and at tip rufo-piceous; marginal stria hardly reaching the middle; five dorsal strie entire; sutural stria abbreviated beyond the middle ; terminal submargin transversely indented: beneath blackish-piceous: feet rufo-piceous : anterior tibie not wider at tip than in the middle, ciliated with distant spines. Length much less than 4, of an inch. Var. a. Fifth dorsal stria abbreviated, (rare. ) Var. b. Entirely black. This seems to be closely allied to the troglodytes, Payk. of the East Indies; but in that species the form is more oval, and the anterior tibiw are biden- tated. It is a common species and varies in size. 40 HISTER. 11. H. vernus. Front concave; elytra with two abbreviated strix. % Body black: head minutely punctured : front con- cave: antennz with the capitulum piceous : mandi- bles dark piceous: thorax with rather large, distant punctures each side; a much abbreviated impressed line on the posterior margin: edytra with the margi- nal strie abbreviated, not extending beyond the middle ; dorsal striz four, entire, well impressed ; fifth and sutural strie abbreviated rather before the middle: feet piceous: anterior tarsi crenate, with three larger, subequal, spinous teeth. Length ,, of an inch. Family 3. Front convex, punctured ; thorax with- out strie, punctured each side; elytra striate and punctured. 12. H. fraternus. A transverse impunctured space on the thorax, and a common one on the elytra ; first dorsal stria reaching the tip; head with impressed lines. Body brassy-black : head somewhat rugous before : antenne with a dull rufous capitulum : thorax densely punctured, excepting a transverse space behind the middle : elytra densely punctured, excepting an oval common space near the base and the lateral margin ; marginal strie obvious, not reaching the humerus ; first dorsal slightly undulated near the base, entire, much incurved behind the middle; second, third, fourth, and sutural strie abbreviated at the middle, the two latter connected at base : beneath black : feet FR LORS ee HISTER. 4} piceous-black : anterior tarst quadridentate, penulti- mate tooth largest, and two or three smaller ones at base. Length rather more than 4, of an inch. Var. a, Cupreous dull. Length less than ,% of an inch. ‘Inhabits Missouri. Very closely allied to the 4-striatus, Payk. of Europe, but the impunctured space of the thorax is much smaller, and that of the elytra is shorter, trans- versely oval. Not uncommon. It occurs numerous on the sea beach under Fuci, and other decaying vegetable and animal substances. I obtained a spe- cimen also in East Florida. 13. H. mancus. Thoracic punctures smaller on the disk ; a common space on the elytra, impunctured ; dorsal striz all abbreviated ; head without impressed lines. Body black: head punctured, compressed before and destitute of ruge: thorax densely punctured ; punctures smaller on the disk, and particularly be- hind the middle: elytra densely punctured, trans- verse common space near the base, and humerus, impunctured ; marginal stria entire ; dorsal strie ab- breviated rather behind the middle; fourth and su- tural strie connected at base: feet piccous-black : anterior tibize not dentated, but with remote short thick spines. Length rather less than 3, of an inch. - I obtained it in the North West Territory during Major Long’s second Expedition. It resembles the VOL. V.—JuLY, 1825, 6 42 HISTER, preceding, but the abbreviated first dorsal stria, and the entire anterior tarsi, amply distinguish it. 14. H. palmatus. Thorax, excepting on the pos- terior margin, impunctured ; anterior tibie profound- ly dentated. | Body black: head with a transverse line and a lon- gitudinal bifarious one : antennz, small joints rufous: thorax without any appearance of punctures, except on the narrow basal margin, where they are rather large : e/ytra punctured on the terminal half, but not exterior to the line of the third stria ; marginal stria abbreviated ; four dorsal strie abbreviated, the fourth united to the sutural stria at base: feet blackish- piceous : anterior tibie with two or three prominent teeth, and four or five smaller ones. Length less than } of an inch. Family 4. Body oblong or elongated, flattened ; clypeus concave ; thorax marginated, punctured each side; elytra striated; anterior tarsi denticulated ; posterior pairs with but a single series of spines. 15. H. parallelus. Elytra with entire striz ; ante- rior tarsi quadridentate ; frontal line distinct. Body somewhat elongated, a little depressed, black : head punctured, with a distinct transverse, impressed line, anterior to which the surface is a little concave: antenne pale rufous: mandibles piceous: thorax punctured, those of the disk a little smaller: elytra slightly punctured each side and at tip; all the striz entire: beneath piceous-black: feet pale piceous: a re HISTER, 43 anterior tarsi four toothed, two terminal teeth nearly equal. Length from more than {5 to less than ,o0f an inch. Var. a. Sutural stria obsolete at base. Rather common. I have also found it in East Florida. 16. H. frontalis. Head a little depressed 3 nasus very short, transverse line indistinct; elytra with entire strie. Body oblong, somewhat depressed, black: head depressed, the clypeus terminating before in a rather prominent line between the antennz ; transverse line obsolete ; nasus very short, transverse linear, not concave: labrum and mandibles piceous: antenne piceous, with a yellow capitulum: thorax subequally punctured: e/ytra slightly punctured on the lateral margin and tip; striz entire; fifth obsolete at base, or continued only by punctures: anterior tarsi with four small teeth. Length less than ;; of an inch. Very similar to the preceding, but much smaller, and distinguished by the peculiar form of that part of the head to which the labrum is attached: this part is transverse linear. I obtained a specimen on the eastern shore of Virginia. Family 5. Body flattened, oval; intermediate and posterior pairs of tibie with but a single series of spines, A4 HISTER. 17. H. sordidus. Thorax impunctured ; marginal strie of the elytra none; inner strie abbreviated. — Body polished: head concave in front; transverse line very obvious: thorax impunctured, marginal line single: e/ytra destitute of a marginal line ; first, second, and third striz entire ; fourth, fifth, and su- tural strie anteriorly abbreviated at the middle, sub- equal; the sutural one often rather longest: anterior and intermediate pairs of tibie, five toothed, of which the superior tooth is very small, and with the appearance of a still smaller one above: posterior tibie with several spines. Length less than 3, of an inch. This is very similar to H. depressus, of Europe, but there is no appearance of punctures on the thorax. 18. H. xqualis. Elytra destitute of obvious striz, minutely punctured. Hister xqualis, Melsh. Catal. Body much flattened, black : head slightly convex, very minutely punctured ; transverse line marginal, much arcuated : antenne, capitulum rufous: thorax with very minute lateral punctures, lateral line nar- row: elytra punctured, punctures small, numerous ; a very slight appearance of a marginal stria, and of one or two oblique abbreviated ones at base : anterior tibie somewhat dilated, teeth four, obsolete : posterior tibie unarmed, Length ,3, of an inch, To the unassisted eye, the elytra appear perfectly smooth, and it is only on a close examination, aided HISTER. 45 by a particular insidence of light, that the stria we have described, are at all visible. In some speci- mens, the anterior tibiw are hardly crenate, in others they appear armed with four very short spine-like teeth. Family 6. Punctured, convex ;sutural strie none. 19. H. punctulatus. Dorsal strie four, the inner ones abbreviated near the tip. Hister punctulatus, Melsh. Catal. Body rounded, subovate, black: head with small numerous punctures: antenne# piceous, capitulum pale fulvous : thorax with small numerous punctures, less distinct on the disk: elytra irregularly punctured 5 first and second dorsal strie entire, well impressed 5 third and fourth strie less deeply impressed, extend- ing from the base to near the tip, where they are abbreviated, the latter shorter: feet piceous: ¢ibizx dilated in the middle, much smaller at tip. Length nearly ,°, of an inch. Allied to the punctatus, Payk. but sufficiently distinct. Rare. 20. H. transversus. Thorax with two grooves and a transverse impressed line. Body oblong, brownish-black, with large numer- ous punctures: head somewhat concave above the antenne, and before the antenne elongated : thorax with a large deep groove on each side, and a trans- verse, impressed, very distinct line rather before the middle: e/ytra with large, dense, longitudinal punc- 46 HISTER. tures, giving a somenytia’ rugose appearance to the surface. Length rather more than ;', of an inch. About equal in size to the cxsus, Fabr. of Eu- rope, to which it is very closely allied. Family 7. With elevated lines. 21. H. alternatus. Thorax with six elevated lines; lines of the elytra with intervening smaller ones. Hister sulcatus, Melsh. Catal. Body oval-orbicular, convex, brownish-black : tho- rax with six prominent lines, the two middle ap- proximate on the anterior margin; the exterior line abbreviated before; lateral edges prominent; inter- vening grooves punctured : elytra with about four elevated lines, and a common one ; intervening spaces with smaller elevated lines: anal segment with three elevated lines: beneath with large punctures: feet piceous. Length less than +, of an inch. Certainly not the sulcatus, Fabr. to which, how- ever, it is somewhat similar as regards the sculpture of the elytra, but in the position and number of the thoracic lines it is somewhat like the s¢riatus, Fabr. Rare. It belongs to the genus OnTHopHiLus of Leach, a a ee ee ee a ee ee HOLOLEPTA. AT Ho.o.errta. 1. H. zxqualis. Polished; mandibles as long as the head, simple. Body polished, suboval : head with an obtuse spine above each antenna: antennx dark ferruginous: mandibles simple, as long as the head: elytra ob- liquely truncated at tip, sutural shorter than the ex- ternal edge; three much abbreviated strie at base, the inner one indistinct, marginal stria very obvious : anterior tibiz three toothed, the anterior one dilated and emarginate. ~ Length 3 of an inch, nearly. - Common under bark of decaying trees. I formerly considered it identical with the 4-dentatus, Fabr. of South America, but on comparison, I agree with Dejean that it is a new species. 2. H. fossularis. Anterior angles of the thorax with an excavated spot. Body highly polished, suboval: head with an ob- tuse spine above each antenna: anfennx dark ferru- ginous: mandibles simple, rather longer than the head: thorax with a profoundly impressed, longitu- dinally-oval spot on each anterior angle: elytra ob- liquely truncated at tip, the sutural shorter than the external edge, three much abbreviated striz at base, the inner one obsolete ; marginal stria very obvious: anterior tibie three-toothed, the anterior tooth di- lated and emarginate. Size of the preceding, which it very much resem- bles, and of which it may possibly prove to be the male. 48 SALMO. Description of a new. Fish of the genus Saumo- By C. A. Lesuzur. Read January 11, 1825. SALMo. S. microps. Pl. iii. Teeth in the superior and inferior jaws, long, hooked, armed with one or two barbs at their extremities; those of the inferior jaw much longer and projecting outwardly. Body, including the caudal fin, four inches in length ; depth, six lines; thickness, four lines, near the pectoral region; form elongate, thicker anteriorly, thin and slender towards the tail, slightly compressed upon the sides: back, nuca and head, describing a pretty uniform curve, rather more elevated towards the back: abdomen long, straight: anus behind the middle of the body: head subcompressed: front slightly arcuated: snout very short, a little longer than the diameter of the eye: eyes small, much ap- proximated to the jaws, to the summit of the head, and extremity of the snout, where they scarcely leave room for the nostrils, which are small and in- distinct: branchiz with their apertures very large, open from the junction of the inferior jaws to near the nuca, after having described a semioval curve, behind the angle of the jaws; this disposition ren- ders the opercular pieces very oblique; these pieces are, as all the rest of the fish, soft and rather mem- branaceous than osseus, they are weak and indistinct, and the form of each piece is scarcely determinable, SALMO. 49 and as though pushed from their place by the pro- found opening of the mouth, which is the seventh part of the whole length of the body, or six lines in length: branchiostegous membrane narrow, sustain- ed by ten or twelve weak approximate rays: bran- chial arcs much geniculated, furnished with very short branchial filaments : mouth spacious, horizontal, deeply cleft, having its angle about five lines behind the eyes: tongue scarcely perceptible, sustained at its extremity by a membrane, and at the junction of the inferior mandible by two small, moveable, late- ral bones; its teeth are slender, long, curved, in many ranges, continued as far as the pharynx : vomer armed on each side with two rows of teeth, rather shorter than the preceding ; wings of the palate with two rows of slender hooked teeth, of moderate size : intermazillaries small, furnished with teeth : mazil- laries straight, long, each with two rows of hooked teeth ; those of the interior row longer, more curved, and sometimes terminated by two small barbs: infe- rior jaw equal to the superior, straight, armed with two rows of teeth, which are slender, curved, and hooked, terminated by barbs; those in the exterior row much longer than those of the superior jaw; they are moveable and projected outwardly; at the extremity of the lower jaw on each side, are three or four teeth of a line in length, longer, more ar- cuated, and more moveable than the others, termi- nated by very distinct barbs; teeth of the interior row smaller, and appear to be placed between the first like secondary teeth: sca/es small, with concen- VOL. V.—JULY, 1825, is 50 SALMO. tric lines, rounded, pellucid, and very soft: dateral fine almost straight, in the middle of the body : fins, first dorsal short, subtriangular, higher than long, elevated anteriorly ; second dorsal adipose, placed above the posterior part of the anal fin; ventrals large at their base, and terminating in a point, which is prolonged towards the middle of the anal fin, one inch four lines long, placed at the third of the length of the body, under the origin of the dorsal and to- wards the head; fectorals falciform, about one inch and two lines in length, their points reach the poste- rior base of the dorsal fin; they are placed upon the sides about the middle of the height and near the branchial opening ; anal fin middle sized, as long at the base as the height of its anterior part, emarginate posteriorly, placed nearly midway between the ven- tral and caudal fins: ¢ai/ long and narrow, terminated by a fin small in proportion to the others, slightly emarginate, the superior lobe largest and longest: colour reddish ; back marked with numerous brownish points, (the spirits appeared to have changed its colour. ) B. 10—12. P. 15. 1IstD. 14. 2dD.0. V.9. A. 16. . C. 20. Inhabits the East Indian seas. Communicated to me by Dr. Hays. Oxzservations. In the form of the body, the deeply cleft mouth, the head, and number of bran- chiostegous rays, this fish is closely related to the subgenus Saurus, of Cuvier, but it is distinguished by the teeth of the vomer. It does not appear possi- I Silat APOPHYLLITE, LAUMONITE, AMPHIBOLE, &. 5] ble to place it in the subgenus Salmo, of Cuvier, in consequence of its large pectoral and ventral fins, and particularly of the teeth, which are moveable, and barbed. We think proper, therefore, to make it the type of a new subgenus near to Saurus, under the name of Harpadon, with the following charac- ters. Jaws, tongue, pharynx, wings of the palate and vomer, armed with moveable, slender, curved teeth, those of the jaws barbed. Description of a new erystalline form of Aporuy.- LITE, LAUMONITE, and AMPHIROLE, and of a variety of PearysTtone. “By Gerarp Troost, M. D. Read May 17, 1825. The geode from which the following description of Apophyllite has been drawn up, was presented to me by Dr. Bigsby, who found it imbedded in the amygdaloid of Point Marmoaze, (Memince of the Voyageurs,) on Lake Superior, 44 miles N. W. from the straits of St. Mary. It is composed of white calcareous spar, with a little fibrous Prehnite inter- spersed, and is lined with crystals of quartz, and of the new form of APopHYLLITE. The last mentioned mineral, now discovered for the first time in North America, has a beautiful opalescent play of colours; it is translucent, passing into transparent, exfoliates like the European va- riety before the blowpipe, and melts into a white 52 APOPHYLLITE, LAUMONITE, AMPHIBOLE, &c. enamel, which, by a prolonged application of heat, changes into a semi-transparent glass. It does not require so much heat for its fusion as the variety just mentioned,' but coincides with it in its other char- acters. One of the crystals of the Apophyllite lining the sides of this geode, rather exceeds } an inch in length; it has the appearance of an elongated octaedron, with the angles of the base truncated and its edges emar- ginated. Adopting the primitive form as given by Haiiy, Traité de Mineralogie, tom. iii. p. 191, 2d ed. we have primitive form, fig. 1. Fig. 1. eer ree Apophyllite mixtunitaire M AB fig. 2. 3 Ms zx M upon M 90° M s 127° 59° M—— 2x 149° 29'.30” Pa eae en ee a se <2 APOPHYLLITE, LAUMONITE, AMPHIBOLE, &c. 53 LaumonitE. The same gentleman has also fur- nished me with a specimen of a crystallized substance which has proved to be a new form of Laumonite. It is of a red colour, passing from rose into brick red ; it is brittle and sometimes even friable ; it melts before the blowpipe, accompanied by ebullition, giv- ing out a fine blue phosphorescent light, into a whitish enamel. The form which the Laumonite, in the present instance, assumes, is a rhomboidal prism, acuminated with a diedral summit, and is, in fact, the primitive form, having its summits separated by a rhomboidal prism; it is the most simple form at present known of that mineral. Fig. 1, Primitive. Fig. 2, Prismatic. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. SS My friend Dr. Bigsby, discovered this mineral at three different places, and in different geological situations. The crystallized variety was discovered in a small vein of white calcareous spar and red feld- spar, which passes, with occasional ramifications, nearly lengthwise along the centre of a trappose 54 APOPHYLLITE, LAUMONITE, AMPHIBOLE, &c. dyke, in quadrilateral columns, 9 miles north-west of the Otter’s Head, a conspicuous head-land on the north shore of lake Superior. This dyke traverses a fine grained white granite, containing but a little hornblende, and that little almost altogether vanish- ing northwards along the shore. It occurs also in a reddish feldspar 29 miles south- east from the Otter’s Head. A granular and crystal- lized Laumonite, of a brownish orange colour, mixed with calcareous spar, forms numerous highly inclined veins, sometimes 6 inches thick, in the amygdaloid of Point Marmoaze, with temporary divergencies, running nearly parallel to its obscure northly direc- tion; the same vein being now and then traced for 200 yards, sending off from time to time capricious ramifications, which subdivide until they disappear in threads. AmpuiBoLe. The specimen now under consider- ation, was at first very enigmatical; Iwas entirely misled by its crystalline form, so widely deviating from those usually presented by Amphibole. In all the crystals of this mineral hitherto described, the faces M of the primitive form compose the greatest part of the prism, and the summits have generally two and more faces; I was therefore very much sur- prised to find the characters and composition which distinguish the Amphibole, combined with the erys- talline form now to be described. It is a rectangular prism, terminated, in some of the crystals, by an inclined plane, and in a few others by a diedral summit. These crystals, which have a APOPHYLLITE, LAUMONITE, AMPHIBOLF, &. 55 greenish and sometimes a black colour, with a rough surface, are divisible parallel to the four edges of the prism, forming the rhomboidal prism of the Am- phibole, the inclined planes forming an angle with one of the sides of 105° 11’, and must, of course, be the face /, (see Haiiy, Traité de Min. Atlas, pl. 64,) so that we have ‘GEbE, approaching therefore, to the Triunitaire of Haiiy, the faces M having en- tirely disappeared, the decrement with forms /, has place sometimes on the two angles forming the diedral summits, but the greater part of the crystals on our specimen having but one inclined plane are the re- sults of the decrement on one of the angles. These crystals, in combination with a granular yellowish-brown garnet, cover a mixture ‘of Quartz and Amphibole. Dr. Bigsby discovered this mineral among the rejections of the diggings at the bottom of Foster’s bed of magnetic iron ore, 4} miles east from the Marmora iron works, which are situated 30 miles north from Lake Ontario, on Marmora river, one of the branches of the Trent, a large river tribu- tary to that Lake. The rock containing this ore is a sienite ; the feldspar gray and predominating. It is on the confines of the secondary limestones of the great Lakes. Pearistone. Another substance was brought by Dr. Bigsby from the north shore of Lake Superior, and was suspected to be a variety of Pitchstone. Its action before the blowpipe, however, induced me to subject it to a closer examination. It is opaque, and has a perfectly black colour, and 56 APOPHYLLITE, LAUMONITE, AMPHIBOLE, &c. a small conchoidal fracture, approaching to rough, with a resinous lustre; its hardness is sufficient to scratch glass; before the blowpipe, it foams up at once, becomes brown, and by a continued heat is brought to the state of a black opaque scoria; its specific gravity is 2.41. Its constituents are, Silex, - - - : 78. 25. Alumine, - - - 1250755 Iron Oxide, - : - 1 Alkali, - - - + - 8 Water, - - - - 5 Loss, - - - - - § 100 We see from these data that this mineral is closely allied to the Pearlstone, but differs from it in colour, the latter having generally a tint resembling that of the substance, the name of which it bears, whilst ours is perfectly black. It was discovered by Lieutenant Bayfield, em- ployed by the British government in a minute sur- vey of the great lakes of Canada. He met with it on an islet on the north shore of Lake Superior, near the island of St. Ignatius, in the mouth of Nipigon bay, and 56 miles north-east from Thunder moun- tain point. It was adhering to the side of one of the quadrilateral columns of the trappose dykes, which traverse in great numbers the Amphibolic granites, chloritic greenstones, limestone and sand- stone, of the part of this coast between Michipicoton bay and the head-land above mentioned. OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE, &c. 57 Observations on the Nomenclature of Wi.son’s OrnitHotocy. By Cuaries Bonaparte. Read May 31, 1825. (Continued.) Water Brirps. Having concluded my observations on the land birds, described by Wilson, I now proceed to his series of water birds, guided by the index inserted by the editor, Mr. Ord, in the 9th volume of that work. Since commencing my remarks on this cele- brated work, that gentleman has published a new edition of the 7th and 8th volumes, and promised that of the 9th, containing the water birds,* and as he has introduced the greater number of the changes and corrections which I intended to propose, I should ‘have thought it unnecessary to proceed in this ar- duous task, but for the sake of those who possess the original edition only, and chiefly because the editor and myself may, in some instances, disagree in opinion. I shall therefore proceed to review the nomenclature of both editions. As none of the following birds are comprised in the two published volumes of Vieillot’s Oiseaux de PAm. Sept. 1 shall quote the abbreviated name of that author in reference to his articles in the Vouv. Dict. d Hist. Nat. * The first six, devoted to the land birds, were merely re- printed. VOL. ¥.—-JULY, 1825. 8 58 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE PLATALEA. This restricted and well characterized genus is admitted by all authors; it is common to both conti- nents. * 185. P. ajaja, vol. 7, p. 123, Ord’s ed. p. 129. A beautiful and well known species peculiar to this continent, inhabiting the warm parts of both hemi- spheres ; it is represented by our author in its young plumage, (2 years old;) the adult is much more bril- liant, SYNONYMES. Praravea ajaja, Linn. Get. Larx. Vier. Priatea coccinea, Briss. (adult.) Piartea rosea, Briss. (young.) Spatule couleur de rose, de Cayenne, Burr. Pl. Enl. 165, (young, 2 years old.) ARDEA. This cosmopolite and numerous genus has been divided by modern writers more or less judiciously, and several genera have been formed of the separat- ed species. The eleven species of Wilson still be- long to it, with the exception of the largest, which ‘is a Grus. 186. A. minor. Vol. 8, p. 35. As Wilson ob- served, this bird given by naturalists as a yariety of A. stellaris, is, in reality, a distinct species. Bris- son had, with propriety, considered it as such; it has already received four different names. a i SMT ii dia a each eid ais i a Tae e a: OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 59 SYNONYMES. Arvea stellaris, var. &. Gur. Lata. Arpea Botaurus Freti Hudsonis, Briss. Arpea mokoho, Viriwu. _ Arpea lentiginosa, Sapine. 187. A. cwrulea. Vol. vii. p. 117. Ord’s ed. p. 122. This American bird is well described by our author, who correctly notices the impropriety of con- sidering a distinet species, (A. jugudaris, Forst.) from New Zealand, as a variety, whilst the A. cxru- éea is thrice nominally included in the systems. The fact escaped our author, that the young birds of the year before their first moult, are altogether pure white, and are therefore apt to be confounded with the young of A. candidissima. SYNONYMESe Arpea coerulea, Livy. Guex. Lara. Viert. (adult.) Arve cerulescens, Lavin. Viritt. (adult.) Arpea cyanopus, Get. Latn. (young.) Arvea Cancrofagus ceruleus, Briss. (adult.) ArpEa americana cinerea, Briss. (young.) Heron bleudtre de Cayenne, Burr. Pl. Enl. 349, (adult.) 188. A. herodias. Vol. viii. p. 28. This stately bird is closely allied to the European A. cinerea, but it is easily. distinguished by its superior size, and ferruginous thighs. Like in almost all the species of this difficult genus, a nominal species has been made . of the young. SYNONYMES. * Arpea herodias, Layy. Gmev. Lara. Vier. (adult.) 60 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE Arpea hudsonias, Linn. Guev. Lau. Vieitt. (young.) Arpea virginiana cristata, Briss. (ad.) Arpea Freti Hudsonis, Briss. (young.) 189. *A. egretta. Vol. vii. p. 106, Ord’s ed. p- 111. It is spread almost all over the globe, but does not frequent the western shores of the old continent. It furnishes the beautiful feathers known by the name of Heron-plumes. The bird is common in some districts, and we may account for the rarity and high price of the feathers, by recollecting that the adult only is decorated by them during but a portion of the year, and that it is very shy and diffi- cult to be obtained. The adult was not observed in Europe until lately, and the young only, considered as a distinct species, had been arranged amongst the European birds, under the name of Arpera alba; the adult, A. egretta, being assigned to America. SYNONYMES. Arpea egretia, Gmet. Larn. Vieitt. (adult.) Tema. not of Brisson which is A. garzetta, Linn. Arpvea alba, Liyn. Ger. Lara. Vier. (young and moulting.) Arvga candida, Briss. (young.) La Grande Aigretie, Burr. Pl. Enl. 925, (adult.) Heron blanc, Burr. Pl. Enl. 886. (young or moulting ad.) Notwithstanding the unanimity of Ornithologists, the name of Arpga alba ought to be exclusively re- tained, as it is the only one given by Linné, although applied to the young bird. Mr. Ord doubts the RR OS hs SE IR I BET OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 61 identity of the American and European species ; his doubts are unfounded. 190. A. virescens. Vol. vii. p. 97. Ord’s ed. Pp. 102. A well known and accurately described species. SYNONYMES. Arpea virescens, Linn. Guet. Lata. Viercr. but not all the varieties given by Linné and Latham. Arpea ludoviciana, Guev. Laru. Vieitu. Arpea Cancrofagus viridis, Briss. (adult.) Arpvea Cancrofagus viridis nevius, Briss. (young.) Crabier de la Louisiane, Burr. Pl. Enl. 909, (adult.) Crabier tacheté de la Martinique, Burr. Pl, Enl. 912, (It is generally thought to be the female, but like all other species of this genus which I have had occasion to examine, the sexes are perfectly similar in colour: the spots repre- sented on the wings must be owing to bad colouring.) Crabier de Cayenne? Burr. Pl. Enl. 908. (It is with much doubt that | quote, agreeably to others, this plate; if intended for our bird, it is very incorrect, principally in colouring.) 191. A. ewilis. Vol. viii. p. 37. The smallest American species, considerably smaller than the Eu- ropean A. minuta, and peculiar to this continent. . Like its European analogue, it is distinguished from all other water birds, excepting those of the sub- genus Rusticola, by having the thighs entirely feath- ered as in the land birds; for this reason they might be considered as constituting a subgenus under the name of .2rdeola. 62 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE SYNONYMES. Arvea evilis, Guev. Lata. Viritt. We know of no other figure than that of Wilson, which, it is the more to be regretted, is too much reduced. 192. A. ludoviciana. Ord’s ed. A. leucogaster. Vol. viii. p. 13. This beautiful bird has been given by our author as new, but under a name pre- occupied by a species since ascertained to be nominal. He, however, expressed a doubt of its being the A. leucogaster, (Demi-Egret) and Mr. Ord, without giving any additional reason, substituted this name for that of Zudoviciana, in his edition, though he has, probably through inadvertence, permitted the second paragraph of the article to remain, in which Wilson states the resemblance of his bird to the Demi- Egret. Neither Wilson, Mr. Ord, nor myself, have seen the A. leucogaster ; the respective descriptions and plates do not agree; therefore, to state the resemblance is all that Wilson could do and has done. We shall hold him to be perfectly correct in considering this bird as a \. new species, until some naturalist prove, by facts \and observations on nature, that it must be referred to an old species, which, however, will probably never be done 3 and although the name of /udovieiana was pre-occupied, as that species is merely nominal, being nothing but a repetition of ARDEA virescens, I propose that, in compliment to Wilson, the name he selected be exclusively adopted for the present species, OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 63 193. *A. nyeticorar. Vol. vii. p. 101. Ord’s ed. p. 106. A circumstance very creditable to the discernment of Wilson is connected with this bird, of which many nominal species had been made, since it is common to both continents, very widely extended, and consequently observed for a long series of years by various naturalists, all of whom mistook the young for the female, which, as in other Are, is perfectly similar to the male, when adult. Wilson, whose in- valuable observations were too early terminated, was the first, as far as I know, to detect the error by examining merican specimens, thus, as in other instances, making additions and corrections even to European Ornithology. He is, however, in error, in stating that the young acquires the plumage of the adult before the first spring; they do not obtain it until the third. SYNONYMES. Arvea nycticorax, Linn. Briss. (ad.) Guex. Larn. Vier. Tem. Arvea grisea, Linn. Briss. (young, quoted by Gmel. Lath., &c. as the female.) Arpea magaieis, Gmex. (not of Lath. nor of Vieillot, which are two different birds,) young. Arpea Botaurus nevius, Briss. (young. ) Le Bihoreau, Burr, Pl. Enl. 758, (ad.) Femelle du Bihoreau, Burr. Pl. Enl. 759, (young.) Some of the synonymes inserted by the editor, are very doubtful. Such are, Arpea gardeni, Guet. Lara. Le Pouacre de Cayenne, Burr. Pl. Ent. 939, which seems to me rather the young of A. violacea, (see hereafter the remarks on that species.) 64 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE Wilson’s figure of the young is a very correct representa- tion of the first state; the difference from the questionable plate of Buffon is obvious. 194. A. candidissima. Vol. vii. p. 120. Ord’s ed. A. carolinensis, p. 125. Two closely allied species of small, white, crested Herons have much puzzled naturalists, who seem to have rivalled each other in confounding them, some by considering them as identical, others by making several nominal spe- cies, thus rendering their synonymy almost inextri- cable ; the species are the A. garzetta of Europe, and the subject of the present remarks; the latter does not inhabit Europe, but is said to be found in Asia, (which we are inclined to doubt) as frequently as on | this continent, where it is widely extended. Wil- son is free from all the above mentioned errors, hav- ing as usual, admirably established the species. He was, moreover, judicious in his selection both of the English and Latin names, and it was, doubtless, after a careful investigation that he selected the name of candidissima, which Mr. Ord has changed to A. carolinensis. ie In fact the A. candidissima of Gmelin is certainly our bird, notwithstanding the opinion of some na- turalists. Latham rejected that species, and united it to A. nivea, thus misleading subsequent authors ; he ought to have abolished nivea by uniting it to garzetta; his nivea is therefore a compound of both species, as ts obvious from his synonymes; however, as Latham’s phrase indicates the present species, OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 65 those who wish it may arrange all the synonymes of the Asiatic nivea, which is exclusively that of Gmelin, under the garzetta, and give to our bird the name of A. nivea, Lath. excluding his synonymes. This is the course that may be pursued with an appearance of propriety by those who object to Wil- son’s choice, which, however, I shall select as having been previously appropriated by Jacquin, and adopt- ed by Gmelin. Even if both these names were to be rejected, we ought to look amongst other nominal species, which, at least in part, relate to our bird, before we impose a new name on a bird already over- loaded with them. Notwithstandirfg, therefore, all the illegitimate names which this bird has received and is about to receive, that of Gmelin and Wilson must exclusively be adopted. The synonymy being more or less erroneously compiled in all authors with- out exception, and that of Wilson and of Mr. Ord not being complete, we shall here give all the syno- nymes that we can warrant correct. SYNONYMES. e ARDEA candidissima, Gmet. Arvea nived, Lath. (Although the greatest part of his synonymes do not belong to it, but to A. garzetla,) 1 not of Gmelin, which is the garzetia. Arvea garzetta, (the variety from America) Vieill. who - states that with all naturalists he believes the American ‘and European specifically the same. He ought to have <. at least Wilson! Héron panaché Temm. (in the article of A. garzetta.) "Snowy Heéron, Latu. Syn. first suppl. In theedy of the work he seems to have reference rather to the garzetla. Vou. V.i— auGuST, 1825. 9 66 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE LD’ Aigrette, Burron, Pl. Enl. 901. Arpea alba minor, Barrram. The young of this species has probably also its © part in the confusion that exists under the head of A. xquinoctialis of authors, and A. zilatat of Vieil- lot; and of course we might here quote with doubt, the indications of authors whence these two nominal species are compiled, 195. A. americana, Ord’s ed. Grus americana. Vol. viii. p. 20. The only species in Wilson that is no longer an ARDEA 3 it belongs to the very na- tural and restricted genus Grus, of Pallas, (included by Brisson in his genus Cicon1a) species of which are found in every part of the globe, excepting New Holland and the neighbouring islands. The present gigantic bird is not found in Europe, but it seems probable that the Grus gigantea of Asia, is the same species. Although Wilson, who followed La-— tham, did not adopt the genus Grus, yet he admi- rably pointed out the differential characters. He was, however, led into error, in stating that A. cana- densis, Linn. is probably nothing more than the young of this species; that bird certainly is, as Mr. Ord observes, a distinct and stately species. I shall give it a place in my American Ornithology. SYNONYMES. Grus americana, ViEiLL. Arpea americana, Linn. Guen. Lara. Arpea gigantea? Guet. Lara. Grus leucogeranos? Pauwas. OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 67 Ciconra Grus americana, Briss. La Grue d’ Amérique, Burr. Pl. Enl. 889. 196. A. violacea. Vol. viii. p. 26. A beautiful nocturnal species closely allied to A. nyceticoraz, but peculiar to the warm. parts of both Americas. With a few others, these may constitute a subgenus under the name of Wycticorax. Our author has cor- rected several errors of former writers, originating from Catesby. No less than four nominal species have been made in the systems of this species. Not satisfied with the existing confusion, Vieillot has given a new name to the adult, and probably another to the young. SYNONYMES. Arpea violacea, Linn. Get. Lata. Virirr.* (adult,) i ins correct description. ArpEA cayennensis, GuEt. (adult.) Arpea cayanensis, Lara. (adult.) Anpea jamaicensis, Guev. Lara. (young) Arpea gardeni? Guev. Lata. (very young, quoted by Temminck as the young’of A. nycticoraz.) ARDEA “ee Viritt. he could not resist the tempta- * This ornithologist states, that the description of authors be- ing made from the incorrect figure of Catesby, is very bad, as are Imost all those made from the figures of that author, which, ie: the birds themselves have been described from nature, have often still been considered as representing different spe- cies. He then proceeds to describe the bird as he has seen it. His remarks are very proper, and it is therefore the more sur- prising, that he does not perceive that his A. violacea (as cor- rected) is no other than his A. sexsetacea. 68 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE tion of giving this excellent name, although he knew it to be the cayanensis. Arpea maculata? Vieitn. (young,) not of Latham, which is a bird from New Holland, to which, at all events, the name of maculata must be exclusively preserved; nor of Gmelin, which is, undoubtedly, the young of. A. nycticoraa, (European) incorrectly united (in our supposition) by La- tham, to A. gardeni, which we think the young of this American species. Arpea Cancrofagus bahamensis, Bas (adult.) Bihoreau de Cayenne, Burr. Pl. Enl. 899, (adult.) Le Pouacre de Cayenne? Burr. Pl. Enl. 939. (young, quoted by Temm. under A. nycticorax.) TANTALUS. Three species of this Linnean genus are given by our author, but as it has been very properly restricted by Lacépéde, Illiger, Temminck, &c. only one of them belongs at present to it; the others being Isis, Both genera are found in the two continents. = TantTatvus, Linn. Is composed of three species. - 197. T. loculator. Vol. viii. p. 39, Peculiar to America, where it inhabits the hottest climates on both sides of the equator, but extending more in the southern hemisphere. It is stated to be also an » habitant of New Holland, on the authority of Da pier, who informs us that he saw great flocks a them, But is it really the same species? the lat fact alone would induce me to doubt it, as the Ame- re rican is a solitary bird. Eat ad ae ae Maer we ¥ E i tae OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY, 69 SYNONYMES. Tantauus loculator, Linn. Get. Lata. Vieirn. Numenius americanus major, Briss. Le Curicaca de Cayenne, Burr. Pl. Enl. 868. Inis, Lacépéde. Lac€péde was the first to separate this natural ge- nus from TanTatus, and he has been followed in this respect by all recent ornithologists. It is a sin- gular fact that Vieillot endeavoured to appropriate this genus to himself. 198. T. ruber, Ord’s ed. Ists ruber, Vol. viii. p- 41. One of the most beautiful of the feathered tribe. In its young state it is dirty brown ; it is said to change to a pure white afterwards; and finally becomes of the most vivid red. It must now be called In1s rubra. It is peculiar to the hottest parts of this continent. : SYNONYMES. Tantatus ruber, Linn. Guet. Lara. (adult.) Tanratus fuscus, Linn. Guet. Lata. (young,) Tpis rubra, Vieiwt. (adult.) Tris fusca, ia (who wants it to be distinct,) (young.) Nomentus brasiliensis coccineus, Briss. (adult.) Nomentus brasiliensis fuscus, Briss. (young.) ' Courly rouge du Brésil, de Vdge de trois ans, Burr. Pl, Ent. 81, (adult.) ~ Courly rouge du Brésil, de Page de deux ans, Burr. Pl. Eni. 80. (young adolesc.) 199. §T. albus, Ord’s ed. Inis albus. Vol. viii. ™. 43. Whether or not this is a real or nominal species, or a particular state of plumage of the pre- 70 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE ceding, can only be determined by observations on the living bird. On this subject Wilson expressed his doubts, in which we heartily agree with him. Although fully persuaded of the species being nomi- nal, Mr. Ord permitted the name of a/bus to remain; we shall also call this bird Isis alba, but it is because we are not satisfied of its being nominal. SYNONYMES. Tanraus albus, Luv. Get. Lara. TanrTaus coco? Guru. (var. of age?) Nomentus brasiliensis candidus, Briss. Courly blanc @’ Amérique, Burr. Pl. Enl. 915. Tsis alba, View. Ipts coco? Viet... (var. of age.) Vieillot states that although the Isis alba may be confounded with the younger Inis rubra, in its white state of plumage, yet it is distinct, being somewhat larger, (this, however, is not the fact, they are equal in size.) Some Ints seen by d’Ulloa near the island of Juan Fernandez, white, with the breast and wings rose colour, may possibly be the adult of this species, which we must not then think of rejecting. * * Another species of Inrs, unknown to Wilson, has been added to the ornithology of this country by Mr. Ord, who has given a good account and minute description of it in the Journal of the Academy, Vol. i. p. 53, under the name of Tanr. ee meni- -canus? From his description we recognized it for the Euro- pean Less falcinellus, and were confirmed in our decision by the specimen itself, which is well preserved in the Philadel- phia Museum. As our synonymes will show, this bird has given rise to many nominal species. It is known to inhabit Na oe a oe St Te SEI ee epee a PRE arr ci » OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY, vat NUMENIUS. This is one of the few genera of Brisson, that were rejected by Linné, but which Latham restored. Brisson did not distinguish from it the birds which constitute the present genera, Tanra.us and Isis; but as fixed by Latham and adopted by all modern ornithologists, it is now very natural. Linné ar- Europe, Asia, and Africa, where it is so much celebrated as having been held sacred by the Egyptians. No bird ranges more extensively over the globe; it will appear in the second volume of my American Ornithology. , SYNONYMES. Tats faleinellus, Vizity. Tamm. Tantatus falcinellus, Linn. Guew. Latu. (adult.) Tantaxus igneus, Guete Lata. (very old and beautiful specimen.) Tantavus viridis, Gur. Lara. (young.) Numentus castaneus, Briss. (adult.) Nomentvs viridis, Briss. (young.) Courly @Italie, Burr. Pl. Enl. 819, (adult male.) Tanratus cayanensis, Gurt. Lara. Courly verd de Cayenne, Burr. Pl. Enl. 820, is thought by Vieillot, to be the same with the l. falcinellus; though at the same time he gives it the name of I. sylvatica, thus changing the name even of a species which he believed merely nominal. As the discovery of the I. falcinellus in America might give weight to this erroneous supposition, we take this opportunity of Stating, that this bird is a distinct species, peculiar to South America, which we lately had an opportunity of examining, and which must be called Isis cayanensis. 72 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE ranged the species, with which he was acquainted, in his immense genus Scotopax, which was rather a family than a genus, and to which, as Cuvier ob- serves, he ought, agreeably to his principle, to have united several of his Trine, &c. Although but one species is thus named by our author, yet two are described in his work, one being placed under the old name of ScoLopax. The genus is cosmopolite. 200. N. longirostris. Vol. viii. p. 23. This bird is one of the numerous evidences of Wilson’s perspicacity and correctness of judgment in the dis- crimination of species; having been confounded by all ornithologists with the European N. arquatus, he judiciously separated it and gave it the present very appropriate specific name, which must of course be adopted. SYNONYMES. Scoropax arquata, var. & GMEL. Numentvus arquata, var. &. Lara. Noumentus melanopus, Vinivi. (he gives an account of this bird, and separates it from the European, without no- ticing Wilson; probably he had not seen his volume. The specimen, however, which he described from personal ob- servation, belongs to the borealis of Wilson.) SCOLOPAX. When Wilson wrote, the great genera chad and TrINGA were in much confusion, and it is ex- traordinary that those two luminaries Illiger and e vier, though they have certainly improved, have not succeeded in elucidating them satisfactorily. Other te te a a a a ee es I ea ae ‘. Bi 3 ? OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 73 recent ornithologists followed by Temminck and Vieil- lot, have been more successful. We agree entirely with Temminck both as respects the number and limits of the separated genera. Wilson’s arrange- ment is not free from the old confusion; thus of his eight ScoLopaces, one is a NuMENIus, one a Limo- SA, three are ToTanI, and only three are true ScoLo- PACES; we shall, consequently, thus divide them. Species of all those genera are found in both conti- nents, and with the exception of the Limosx, which inhabit only cold and temperate regions, are found in all climates. Nomentvs, Briss. 201. S. borealis. Ord’s ed. Numentius borealis. Vol. vii. p. 22. By an unfortunate occurrence, our very extensive collection of European birds is defi- cient of the Numentus phxopus, and we cannot, therefore, compare with that bird, but with Wilson we firmly believe that this species is not the phxopus, but is peculiar to this continent, notwithstanding the opinion of several of the best living ornithologists. This species differs as much from the phxopus as the longirostris does from the arquata. Both the Ame- rican species differ respectively from their. European analogues, by having a longer bill, and the rump, lower portion of the back, and the tail-coverts of the general colour, instead of having those parts white. Vieillot and Temminck, however, affirm that they ~ have received the true phzopus from North America, VOL, V.~-aveusT, 1825. 10 74 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE: but that bird was not noticed by Wilson, neither have I met with it. Although there is no doubt that this species, which is the N. hudsonicus of Latham, is distinct from the phwopus, yet it is not the N. borealis,* Lath. This I have ascertained to be a distinct species, and will figure it in my American Ornithology. If, therefore, the European N. phao- pus be really an inhabitant of North America, this country will then possess four species of NUMENII, viz. longirostris, phxopus, hudsonicus, and borealis. SYNONYMES. Scoropax borealis, Guzen. Numentvs hudsonicus, Lara. Nomentus melanopus, Virtui. a very accurate description of the present bird given as that of the young of his melano- pus, a name which he has applied to the preceding spe- cies. Thus whilst he attributes to North America several nominal species, he has strangely confounded the two real ones. : Linosa, Briss. A much restricted and very natural génus, formed by Brisson, but since united with ScoLopax by Linné and Latham, with Acriris by Illiger, with Toranus by others, &c. Leisler restored the genus to the limits prescribed by its founder, and has been followed by Temminck, Viecillot, and others. The * We do not know why Mr. Ord whe changed the Eng-) lish name, did not also change the Latin one that they might correspond. OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. "5 latter author, however, has taken the liberty to change the name to Limicuta! Although but a sin- gle species is described by our author, yet another, common in Europe, the Limosa me/anura of Leisler and Temminck, is also found here and will appear in my American Ornithology. That bird has been stated by recent writers not to inhabit the United States, from the circumstance of being unnoticed by Wilson. : 202. S. fedoa. Ord’s ed. Limosa fedoa. Vol. vii. p. 30. This large species first figured by Ed- wards, is peculiar to America, and has given rise to several nominal species, owing to its varieties of sex and age. Thename of Limosa fedoa must be adopt- ed for them all. SYNONYMES. [ . Scororax fedoa, Liny. Guet. Lara. Sconopax marmorata, LaTH. Scororax hudsonica, Laru. (young.) Limosa americana rufa, Briss. Limicuta fedoa, V1EiLL. Limtcuna marmorata, Viertt. (Although he makes a spe- cies of it to which he affixes his name, he acknowledges that it is nothing but the female, or the male in winter dress of his fedoa!) Luucuza hudsonica, Vert. (young.) i _ ScoLopax, (as now restricted.) The true ScoLopaces may be divided into three rf subgenera, each of which has a representative in the : United States, "6 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE . Subgenus Rusticola, Vieill. Considered by Vieillot asa genus. It contains but two species, and is distinguished from almost all other water birds by the very remarkable character of the thigh being perfectly covered with feathers as in the land birds; this anomaly has contributed to induce me to change the foundation of the primary distri bution of the feathered tribe, in my synopsis of North American birds, not yet published, in order to es- tablish it on more constant characters. 203. S. minor. Vol. vi. p. 40. It is worthy of remark that this bird, which so completely replaces here the 8S. rusticola of Europe, i is a summer visitant, whilst its analogue, which is spread completely over the old continent, is a winter resident in the tem- perate climates and breeds in the north. As has been remarked of the hare, partridge, and indeed of all kinds of game, with the exception of the grouse * and canvass-back duck, this species is much inferior in bulk and flavour to its European analogue. This bird is a striking example of the impropriety of giving comparative names to animals; when natu- ralists called it S. minor, they compared it with the S. rusticola, and they applied the name of 5. major to an European species as a distinction from its near relative S. gallinago: thus is S. minor larger than S. major! This statement is not made witha view to countenance any change in the name, far from it 5 it is that future naturalists may be warned against so pernicious an example. Se — SA eT TT ee a sing = Se ie OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 77 SYNONYMES. ScoLopax minor, Guex. Latn. Rusticoua minor, Vietu. Subgenus Scolopaz. In this subgenus Europe is richer than North Ame- rica, having four species, whilst the latter has but one. According to Temminck and Vieillot, however, all the European species inhabit North America ; if this be the fact, they must be exceedingly rare, and have escaped the researches both of Wilson and my- self. 204.* S. gallinago. Vol. vi. p. 18. Commonly known by the absurd name of English Snipe. The first time I shot this bird I ascertained it to be a new species, intermediate to S. gallinago and S. major, being much more closely allied to the former, from which it is hardly distinguishable, but having the number of tail feathers (16) equal to that of the lat- ter, of which bird it has also the voice, the more re- gular flight, and some of the habits. I therefore drew up a description of the bird and was about to communicate it to the Academy as a new species, when I observed in the Bulletin des Sciences Natu- relles for February, 1824, a notice of a new Scoo- pax, described by Mr. Kaup in the Isis, under the name of S. brehmii. He states it to be found acci- dentally in cold winters in the north of Germany, and that it is intermediate to the gallinago and ma- jor; this would almost be a sufficient indication of 78 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE the present bird, since it is almost impossible that any other species should exist between those two, which are so closely allied; and the addition of the short, but excellent phrase, the record of the cir- cumstances under which it was found, as well as a detailed description in the work of Mr. Brehm, on the birds of Europe, since received, has dissipated all doubts on this subject; the bird must therefore be called S. brehmit. It is not a little unfortunate for describers of American birds, that they should have left one of their most common species to be established by a young student of Heidelberg, from a speci- men strayed in Europe. To Mr. Kaup the highest credit is due for his success in a separation which Wilson did not dare to attempt. The S. brehmit must now be arranged amongst those birds which, like the following species, the Toranus bartramius, &c. are natives of America, but occasionally visit the European continent, more or less regularly. For this reason the sign of common residence is affixed to it, and not from the circumstance of its being the English Snipe, since it might, with much more pro- priety, be called American Snipe. SYNONYMES. Scoropax brehmii, Kaur, Bream, Europ. Vog. p. 623. Wilson evinces his good judgment by not quoting any synonyme, by expressing a doubt relative to its identity with the gallinago, and even stating that it is probably a distinct species ; otherwise, he observes, it must be partially changed hy difference of climate. Se ee FPA ME ee ee OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 79 How could he express such an opinion since he stren- uously opposed such observations when made by Buf- fon. Vieillot must probably retract his assertion that the gallinago is found in more countries than any other bird, inasmuch as it has never been found in this hemisphere. It is very remarkable that Temminck quotes Wilson under his gallinago, notwithstanding the essential difference of the number of tail feathers. Subgenus Macroramphus, Leach. This subgenus which shows the transition from the genus ScoLopax to Toranus, and corresponds to the third section of Temminck’s Sco.orax (Bécassines Chevaliers) is more closely allied to the preceding than that subgenus is to Rusticola. Vieillot has not distinguished it even as a section, but has uncon- sciously shown its difference by making of the only species belonging to it several nominal Toranrt. We have adopted for this subgenus the name given by Leach to an indicated genus in the Catalogue of the British museum, although he has not assigned to it any character; a similar division has also been pro- posed by Say, in the first volume of Long’s Expedi- tion to the Rocky Mountains, p. 171, likewise con- sidered as deserving of generic distinction, and we may say, that the present subgenus was established by him, since although he neglected to give it a name (which we should have adopted) yet he has given it positive characters. It is, however, proper to remark that this learned zoologist on referring the species _. to Limosa instead of Sconopax, (he states it to be , 80 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE intermediate between the two) has so laid down the characters as to make them the more strongly con- trast with those of Limosa. The only character by which it aberrates from ScoLopax and approaches Toranus and Limosa, is that of having the exterior toe connected at base to the middle one by a small membrane ; a character, the importance of which is diminished by the circumstance of some species of the subgenus Scolopax, having a very slight rudi- ment of this membrane. But the habits are widely distinct from those of its congeners, and are more allied to those of Limosa and Toranus. 205.* S. noveboracensis. Vol. vii. p. 45. Ord’s ed. p. 49. S. grisea. This is one of those American species which accidentally stray to Europe; its ap- pearance in that quarter of the globe must be ex- ceedingly rare, since Temminck has ascertained but two instances, of which one was in England and the other in Sweden, affording Nilsson an opportunity of making a nominal species. The difference be- tween the summer and winter plumage, and the anomalous appearance of this Snipe, have led natu- ralists to make several nominal species of it. - SYNONYMES. Scoropax grisea, Guew. Larn. Tem. (adult in winter plumage.) Scoropax noveboracensis, Gut, Lars. (adult in summer dress.) Be Scoropax leucophrea, VreIL.. (not of Latham, whose spe- cies is the young of Limosa rufa of Europe.) (¢hanging to the summer dress.), We cannot admit this to be a new _ OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. . 81 species ; it is evidently the S. grisea in a different state of plumage. Toranus ferrmpinelcoliis, Vier. (summer dress of the adult.) Toranus griseus, Viet. (adult in winter; he describes it also as a Scotorax, twice in one genus, and thrice in the other.) Scotopax paykulli, Nrxsson, Orn. Suec. (adult in winter dress.) Macrorampuus griseus, Leacu. Limosa scolopacea, Say, in Long’s Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, (adult in winter plumage.) Toranus noveboracensis, Sazine, in Franklin’s Expedition, (adult in summer dress.) _The name of Sco.orax grisea ought probably to be exclusively retained for this widely extended North American species, having been chosen by those . who first perceived that noveboracensis and grisea of were but one species. Wilson, however, was aware 4 of it, since in a note he quotes the brown Snipe of Pennant as a synonyme of the female, and as he chooses the name of noveboracensis, the propriety J of changing that name might be questioned. He describes only the summer vesture, which renders it Se ee H necessary that we should represent the species in its ____Widely different winter dress. vs ig Toranus, Bechst. 4 P : ig : . Species of this genus were scattered in SCOLOPAX is and Trine, and so erroneous was the distribution, that in some instances the same species was placed in both genera: but according to the characters they ~ VOL. V.—avGusT, 1825. 11 82 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE ought to have been all placed in Sco.opax. In company with the Limos and the legitimate Trin- Gm, they formed the genus Acritis of Illiger. Bechstein was the first to,arrange them separately, choosing a name which had previously been made use of for some of the species; he was followed by Cuvier, Temminck, Vieillot, and others. Not only the genus, but many of the species also, are cosmo- polites. The three that our author arranged under Sco.opax are not the only Torani that he described; some of his ‘Trine belong also to this natural genus, thus incorrectly separated, whilst many distinct ge- nera were strangely confounded together under the names of TrinGa and Scotopax. We are surprised — that Wilson should have pursued a course so erro- neous and unnatural, as he was generally very happy in detecting natural affinities. 206.* S. semipalmata. Ord’s ed. ToTanus semi- palmatus. Vol. vii. p. 27. This is one of the American species which occasionally stray to the shores of Northern Europe ; it is therefore admitted by Temminck in his Manuel amongst the European birds. The great difference which exists between the summer and winter vesture, has induced Vieillot to make a nominal species of the latter, which I shall represent in my American Ornithology, inasmuch as the former only is included in Wilson’s Work. The species is well distinguished by its semipalma- ted feet ; a remarkable character, which has been con- sidered by some as generic, and which would be pro- perly estimated as subgeneric. re csi A ae NG go tae Le te OY OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 83 SYNONYMES, ScoLopax semipalmata, Guxx. Latx. (summer dress.) Toranus semipalmatus, Tem, (VreiLL. summer dress.) Toranvs crassirostris, Virtt. (winter plumage.) Guortis semipalmata, Nitsson, Orn. Suec. 207. S. vocifera.. Vol. vii. p. 57. Ord’s ed, p. 61. Toranus melanoleucos. This bird is undoubt- edly the S. melanoleuca of Gmelin and Latham, first made known by Pennant. Why Wilson, who was aware of it, should have changed the name, we are at a loss to conceive; Mr. Ord was therefore right in restoring the true specific name. The species is peculiar to this continent, and by double employment has been unaccountably considered as a variety of an European species ; Vieillot made a nominal species of this supposed variety. SYNONYMES. Scotopax melanoleuca, Gauri. Larn. Scoropax fotanus, var. & Guet. Lata. Toranus melanoleucus, Viri.u. Toranus sasashew, VIEILL. Toranus voeiferus, Saptne, (not of Vicillot, at least agree- ably to the description of this author, who is wrong in quot- ing as a synonyme Latham’s Scotorax melanoleuca, which is our bird, and which he, in the same work, states to be his Toranvus melanoleucus !) 208. S. flavipes. Vol. vii. p. 55. Ord’s ed. p. LPeS P Pp ' 59. Toranus flavipes. This species is peculiar to America, although it resembles some species of the old continent. 84 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE SYNONYMES. Scoropax flavipes, Guex. Latu. Toranus flavipes, Viertu. (Saige, undescribed summer dress.) TRINGA. The remarks we made respecting the ScoLopaces of Wilson, are applicable to his Trincx. Authors comprised at least as many natural genera under this head as under that of ScoLopax, whilst other na- tural genera were indiscriminately scattered in both; Wilson rather increased than diminished the confu- sion by considering a Plover as one of the Trinex, whilst he arranged a four-toed bird as a Plover. Of his eleven Trincz, three are Torani, one forms the genus STREPSILAS, one is a CHARADRIUS, and six only are TrinG#; from this number, however, we must reject two as being different states of others, and therefore merely nominal species. Toranus, Bechst. _ This genus, as it had been dismembered by Wil- son, is already spoken of under ScoLopax, where we found three species; in Trinca we find four others, making seven species of Torani described by our author. Temminck and Vieillot attribute several other species to North America, but none, besides those of Wilson, have fallen under our ob- servation, and we have been able to refer several of © Vieillot’s numerous new species to Wilson’s. Some other species of this author may be referred with ae ] ] ‘ i e" OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 85 doubt, but we prefer to omit them with this notice only, that our firm conviction is, that the greater number of his new North American ToTani are merely nominal. 209.* 'T. bartramia. Vol. vii. p. 63. Totanus bartramius, Ord’s ed. p. 67. A new and beautiful species, which has recently been found in Europe, and is admitted by Temminck in his Manuel as one of those birds the appearance of which in that coun- i 1. Say informs me that this bird, so rare in the Atlantic states, is very common in some districts of the extensive Missouri prairies; thus con- firming the opinion of Wilson that its residence is in fhe interior, and not on the sea coast like most of ‘its congeners, SYNONYMES, Thadive bartramius, Tem. Trine longicauda, Becust. Toranus campestris, Vieit. (from Pisum whose de- scription leaves no doubt as to the identity; thus is our bird a visitant of South America.) Toranus melanopygius ? Vizttu. (The size is, however, smaller, and the remarkable shape of the tail is not men- tioned, nor the colour of the lateral tail-feathers. Was not the tail deficient in his specimen? if so, it may account for the attributed smaller size, as that part may have been estimated as of anordinary length. Vieillot does not men- tion either Toranus bartramius, Wils. or T. tongicauda, Bechst. under these names.) 210. T. solitaria. Vol. vii. p- 53. Ord’s ed. p. 57. Toranus glareolus, This was rightly given by @ 86 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE Wilson as a new species peculiar to this continent ; he did not perceive that it had been indicated by Latham as a variety of his Trinca ochropus. Mr. Ord has rejected Wilson’s species by referring it to Toranus glareolus of Europe, to which it has cer- tainly much resemblance ; but we cannot admit their identity, since several European species approach as near to each other as the present does to g/areolus.* Wilson’s species will therefore remain as Toranus solitarius, or rather, that name haying been applied by Vieillot to another species, as ¥, ae chloropy- gius, a name which he gave to the present, SYNONYMES. Trine ochropus, var. g Larn. Toranus chloropygius, Vrr1Lu. 211.* Trinea macularia. Vol. vii. p. 60, Ord’s ed. p. 64. Toranus macularius. This fine little * It differs from the latter not only as respects the character of the tail feathers, but also in being more minutely speckled, the white spots being smaller; by its longer tarsus; by the li- neation of all the tail feathers, but especially the lateral ones, the bands being broader, purer, and much more regular, whilst the lateral tail feathers of the European species are almost pure white on the inner webs; by having the shaft of the ex- terior primary black, whilst that of the glareolus is white; and by other minor characters. We should have been glad of an opportunity of examining the two specimens shot by Mr. Ord, all the tail feathers of which were barred, and which corre- sponded exactly with T. glareolus; agreeably to his ane we are led to believe that the latter species is also an inhabi- tant of these states. ; OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 87 Species is common to both continents, but is much more abundant in America. It has long since been distinguished from other species, by the handsome manner in which the inferior surface is spotted, but it is, notwithstanding, closely allied to several spe- cies, and principally to T. hypoleucos. SYNONYMES,. Trinca macularia, Linn. Gusev. Larn. Toranus macularius, Temm. Vier. Trinca turdus aquaticus, Briss. TrrnGa, Linn, Although we join the name of Linné to this genus, we do not estimate it exactly as he did, since, as has been often said, his genus TRINGA was very compre- hensive and unnatural. It approaches more to the genus Trinca of Brisson, but even that has been limited, by removing the Torani and a few others. The genus, as adopted by Temminck, Vieillot, and ourselves, may be subdivided into three subgenera $ first, TRINGA, toes entirely separated ; second, Ma- CHETES, outer toe connected at base with the middle one ; this was constituted by Cuvier for the Trina pugnax of Europe; it has no representative in America: third, a new subgenus which I propose to institute under the name of Hemipalama, for the Trinca semipalmata of Wilson, the characters of which will be, toes semipalmated. 88 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE Subgenus Hemipalama. This new subgenus will connect still more inti- mately than Macueres does the closely allied ge- nera Trinca and Toranus: it may almost be ar- ranged in either, and may perhaps induce some naturalists to unite them agreeably to Brisson, and to add to them Limosa, after the example of Illiger; the great genus thus formed, ought to be called Triv- GA, and not Acritis. At all events the characters of the genus TrinGa, even those of Temminck and of Vieillot must be altered, in order to comprehend _ the present subgenus. 212. TRINGA semipalmata. Vol. vii. p. 131. Ord’s ed. p. 137. This was given by Wilson as a new species, or as one that had always been confounded with the following. We, however, think that it is clearly indicated by Brisson in the description and figure of his Trinea cinclus dominicensis minor, on which exclusively, Linné has established his Trinca pusilla, The latter was unaccountably confused by Gmelin and Latham, who added synonymes and de-. tails that do not relate to it, but to an European spe- cies, the little Sandpiper of Latham. The semipal- mated feet noticed by Brisson, clearly prove our assertion. It is, therefore, not correct to state that this species has been confounded with Trinea pu- silla, from which it is easily distinguishable by the character of its feet, since it is the real TRINGA pu- silla, and the other an intruder. i We should, therefore, propose to restore its legi- OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY, 89 timate name, were it not for the following reasons : Ist, several species have been confounded together under the name of T. pusilla; and although the pre- sent is the real species, it would be adding to the existing confusion to change the most appropriate name of semipalmata, given by the author who first separated the species, in order to apply a name ge- nerally given to another, to which we ought, in that case, to give anewname. 2nd, Though pretty well satisfied that this is the pusilla of Linné, from the circumstance of his quoting Brisson only, yet we can- not help observing that the under parts are indicated in the description as being more rufescent, and that it may therefore be a distinct bird. These reasons induce us to adopt the appropriate name given by Wilson, who certainly had, at all events, the merit - of distinguishing two species out of the compound T. pusilla, both of which are peculiar to America. SYNONYMES. Trinea cinclus dominicensis minor, Briss. (Unaccount- ably quoted by Vieillot under his Toranus pusillus, a bird which he states to be spread over. all North America, but which we have never seen; he further says that it has im- properly been referred to Trinea pusilla. We do not know what it is; probably not a real species.) _ Trinea pusilla? Linn, not of Gmel. and Lath, (although they have preserved the Linnean phrase. So little can we rely on these Trinea phrases!) Trinea semipalmata, Vixint. (from Wilson.) - VOL. V.—avaustT, 1825, 12 50 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE Subgenus Tringa. Five species of this subgenus are described by our author, but his T. eimedus being no other than his T. alpina, in winter plumage, and his cinerea being the young of his rufa, the real number is reduced to three. Temminck and Vieillot mention several others as inhabitants of the United States; and we have no doubt of the existence of several in this country, not recorded by Wilson. Thus Say, in his valuable notes to Long’s Expedition, has en- riched the ornithology of his country with a beau- tiful species, which seems to us to be TRINGA cin- clus dominicensis of Brisson, a bird accurately de- scribed and figured by that author, but since unno- ticed; it is closely allied to T. a/pina, and hardly distinguishable from it but by its larger size and shorter bill. Say’s T. cinelus var. may also prove to be an addition to the American Ornithology ; we believe it to be the new European species hitherto eonfounded with T. alpina, and lately separated by Brehm, in his work on the birds of Europe, under the name of T. schinzii, in winter plumage. Both will appear in my American Ornithology. 213. T. pusilla. Vol. v. p. 32. This species is peculiar to America, notwithstanding Wilson’s statements, and although Sabine has referred it to T. minuta of Europe. The size of the tarsus, which is remarkably long in minuta, whilst it is short (less than of an inch) in pusilla, if no other character, proves it entirely distinct; though it is certainly OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 9] elosely allied both to that species and to T. tem- minchit. Although it is not the T. pusilla of Linné, as we have proved, yet as that species will probably be abolished according to what we have stated under the preceding species, we shall permit Wilson’s name to remain. It is much to be regretted that Wilson’s first impression relative to this bird being a variety of some other species, probably of his semipalmata, in- duced him to reduce the size of his figure so much as to render it absolutely useless. aft SYNONYMES. T. pusilla, (not of Linné.) Guet.? Lata.? Vier. It is strange to see this author, who quotes Wilson’s plate, state that itis Trine cinclus dominicensis minor of Brisson, which he has correctly represented, on another occasion, to be erroneously placed under T. pusilla. The toe membranes of that bird will always prevent naturalists from referring it to the present species with any appearance of good rea- son; neither can it be Vieillot’s Toranus pusillus, (a doubt- ful species) as is proved by the orange feet, white lateral tail feathers, &c.; not one of the characters he attributes to his bird corresponds with the present. Brisson’s bird is, therefore, either an independent species, (at all events the Trinea pusilla of Linné) which cannot be our bird, or, as we have stated, it is the Trine semipalmata of Wilson; we must confess, however, that the under parts are indicated as rufescent in that bird; and, as we read in Temminck’s Manuel (in a note) that an extra European species is really so, we must hesitate to permit Wilson’s name to remain, and should the true pusilla be a distinct species, we must give a new name to the present bird, or apply to it the fol, 92 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE lowing synonyme of Vieillot, if we are right in our suppo- sition that it belongs to it. SYNONYME. Trinca minutilla? View. 214.*.T. alpina. Vol. vii. p. 25. This bird is widely spread over both continents, but the Ameri- can specimens are, on an average, larger than those of Europe. Its changes are very considerable, and with other authors Wilson described the summer plumage as belonging to a different species from that of the winter. The species is now generally known as T. variabilis, but, in addition to the fact that this name would be equally applicable to other Sandpi- pers, we cannot admit any excuse for changing spe- cific names, and shall, therefore, retain the somewhat © inappropriate name of T. alpina, which could only be changed with any appearance of propriety, for that of T. cinelus, which is also a Linnean name for the same species in a different state of plumage. SYNONYMES- Trinea alpina, Linn. Gut. Lata. (summer dress,) Viern1.? (he states the size to be only six French inches.) He corrects an error (which he creates) of Temminck, by saying the latter is right in quoting Trinca cinclus of Briss. but evi- dently wrong in quoting T. cinclus minor of the same author, as synonymes of this species. The latter, says he, is my Trinca pusilla, He means to say, that his Trinea pusilla is Trinea cinclus dominicensis minor of Brisson; but even in this he is mistaken; and Temminck quotes the var. a. minor of Brisson’s Trivea cinclus! That bird may be different from the present, and it may possibly be T. schinzii of OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY, 93 Brehm, but it is certainly Vieillot’s alpina which is six inches long. Trine cinclus, Linn. Briss. Guex. Latu. (winter plum- age.) Taivea ruficollis, Get. Latu. (spring moulting.) Scoropax pusilla? Guet. (moulting.) Is it not rather T. schinzti, Brehm? Trine cinclus torquatus, Briss. (moulting.) Scoropax gallinago anglicana? Briss. (moulting.) Is it not rather T. schinzii ? Trinea variabilis, Meyer, Temm. SaBine. Le Cincle, Burr. Pl. Enl. 852, (moulting.) 2) L’Alouetie de mer? Bure. Pl. Enl. 851, (moulting.) With Vieillot we do not think this plate intended for Trinea subarquata, Temm. as it is thought. by Meyer and Tem- minck. 215.*+ T. cinelus. Ord’s ed. T. alpina. Vol. vii. p. 39. This being no other than the winter vesture of the preceding, it must be altogether erased from the list of species. In this case Wilson follow- ed European authors, who all committed the same error, as may be ascertained by the synonymes which have been of course quoted under the preceding. Wilson’s figure and description do not relate to the perfect winter dress, which is more uniformly cine- reous ; some vestiges of the summer dress are still to be observed in it. The two specimens, male and female, shot by Mr. Ord below Philadelphia, and which he thought young, belonged probably to T. schinzii, Brehm, (T. einelus, var. Say.) 216.* T. rufa. Vol. vii. p. 43. Ord’s ed. p. 47. aS 94 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE This was given by Wilson as a new species; but he perceived a close alliance to the species to which it really belongs. The editor permitted the spe- cific name to remain, but gave the synonymes with doubt. He enquires, Is this bird T. islandica ? Even in that case is T. tslandica the perfect adult plumage of T. cinerea? We are gratified to be able to state from minute observations and compa- risons, that T. rufa is no other than T. is/andica in the same state of plumage. 'T. cinerea is the same bird in winter dress. Thus has Wilson added a new name to a species that had already seven, whilst he described it under two different heads. The first error is excusable from the want of oppor- tunities of comparison, whilst the other is common to all other authors, who have moreover described the same changeable species, not only twice, as Wil- son did, but seven times. ‘The name of T. islandica must be exclusively applied to them all, both in America and Europe. SYNONYMES. Trinea islandica, Linn. Gurr. Lata. (This author is wrong to quote a species which is Trinea subarquata, Temm. easily distinguished by its curved bill, &c.) (summer dress. Bren ve Trinea cinerea, GueL. Laru. (winter plumage.) Temm. Tringa grisea, Guex. Lata. (winter plumage.) Trinea canutus? Livy. Briss. Guev. Lata. (winter plum- age.) If thissynonyme were not a little doubtful and proper to an anomalous state, it ought, as prior, to be applied te the species. ‘ell oe cae ait a Se eer a } led OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 95 Trinea nevia, Guev. Lata. (young.) Trinea australis, Guet. Latu. (young.) Trinea calidris ? Linn. Guev. Laru. (moulting.) If it does not relate to this species it does to the preceding, (T. al- pina) and must at all events be rejected from the list of beings. Trinea calidris, Briss. (young in spring.) Trivea calidris nevia, Briss. (young, changing ;) the figure only, not the description. Trinea calidris grisea, Briss. (winter plumage.) Maubéche grise, Burr. Pl. Enl. 366. (winter plumage.) Maubéche tachetée, Burr. Pl. Enl. 365. (young in the first spring.) Trinea ferruginea, Meyer, ViEILi. Toranus ferrugineus, VieiL1. (summer dress.) 217.*+ T. cinerea. Vol. vii. p: 36. This spe- cies must be eliminated, as it is no other than a dif- ferent state of the very changeable T. islandica, of which so many nominal species have been made. Wil- son’s description and figure are those of a very young specimen before the first moult. Srrepsi.as, Illig. Consists of but one species, which is spread all over the globe. Brisson had correctly established the genus, which Linné afterwards abolished, under the name of ArenariA, and Vieillot has adopted that name notwithstanding that it is pre-occupied in Botany. 218. T. interpres. Ord’s ed. SrrePsiLAs inter- pres. Vol. vii. p. 32. A well known species, sub- ne *e % 96 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE ject to many variations of plumage, owing entirely to age, the sexes being nearly similar. Wilson figures a perfect adult male, and gives an excellent history of the species. It must now be called Srrep- SILAS interpres. SYNONYMES. Trinea interpres, Linn. Guev. Lata. Trinea morinella, Linn. (young.) Trinea interpres @. morinella, Guet. Latu. (young.) Srrepsizas collaris, Temm. Brexm. AReENARIA interpres, VIEILL+ ArenariA, Brtss. (adult.) AreEnaria cinerea, Briss. (young.) Coulond-chaud, Burr. Pl. Enl. 856. (adult.) Coulond-chaud gris, Burr. Pl, Enl. 857. (very young.) Coulond-chaud de Cayenne, Burr. Pl. Enl. 340, (very young, stretched beyond measure in the stuffing.) Cuvier is wrong to consider these plates as belonging to a distinct species peculiar to South America. rh It is so unaccountable that Wilson should have re- ferred the following Plover to Trinea, that we feel no hesitation in stating that the word Trinea placed before Aiaticula, is undoubtedly a typographical er- ror, which, however, appears also in the index. In this assertion we are corroborated by the very defi- nite characters of the genus, and by the fact that Wilson calls his bird a Plover and not a Sandpiper. He further considered his Cuaraprius Aiaticula as CHARADRIUS. ae | ¥ ; = eae «9 le M a 5) ’ fe CG "OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 97 a variety of his Trinea hiaticula, (he called both Ring-plovers) and, even since, was not so well satisfied of their being distinct species as to apply a name to his supposed variety ; how then can we admit that he considered them as belonging to different genera? -We must therefore conclude that he considered this bird, as in justice he ought, a CHarapRIUvs. 219. Trinea (a typographical error, it ought to be Cuaranrivs) hiaticula. Vol. vii. p. 65, Ord’s ed. Cuaraprius hiaticula, p. 69. Is accurately described and figured by our author, but some of the synonymes belong to an allied European species of a smaller size. The remark made by Mr. Ord relative to the difference between the union of the toes in American and European specimens, is no less’ extraordinary than correct ; I have verified it on the specimens in my collection. This character would seem om in the most positive manner that they are distinct, but allied species, differing from each other as TrinGA semipalmata of Wilson differs from his Trica pusilla. Uhave been endeavouring to discover some other markings on my stuffed speci- mens, that might enable me to establish the species on a more solid basis; but though certain small dif- ferences are discernible, such as the somewhat smaller size, and the black narrower collar of the American, &e. yet we are aware that such trifling differences occur between individuals of the same species; we shall therefore not rely on them until our observa- tions shall have been repeated on numerous recent or living specimens. In the mean time should the spe- VOL. V.—-aucusT, 1825. 13 93 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE cies prove to be distinct, of which we have no doubt, it may be distinguished by the appropriate name 4 CHARADRIUS semipalmatus. " The synonymes of the European C. hiaticula, ave the following : y _ Cuananrivs hiaticula, Linn. Guin, Lara. Temm. Vigitt. Prvviatis torquata minor, Briss. Le Pluvier @ collier, Burr. Pl. Enl. 920. ‘ CHARADRIUS. This genus formerly contained almost all the three- toed GRALL#, but as now restricted by the separa- tion of the genera Himanropus, (Kpicnemus, Ca- LIDRIS, &c. it is very natural. The genus PLuyia- Lis of Brisson approached nearer to the present ar- rangement than any other, as it contained only the il- legitimate @ipicnemus. In the index are seven spe- cies given as Plovers; but of these, two belong to the genus CaLipris, and are in reality but different states of one species; one is a four-toed bird belonging to the genus VANELLUs of Brisson, which had néver been arranged with the Plovers, but was a Linnwan Trinea. Wilson, however, was more judicious in arranging it with CHARADRIUS, since it is certainly more closely allied to that genus than to Trine. Thus but four true Cuarapru are described as such by, Wilson, and if we add the above mentioned bird. erroneously called a Trinea, we shall have five Cuaraprit described by our author, and they are, probably, all the species except one, inhabiting these states. OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY.” 99° 220. C. hiaticula. Vol. v. p. 30. Was at first given by Wilson as a variety, of which he intended to describe the type in a future volume, but when he did so in the seventh volume, he clearly and posi- tively pointed out the differences in markings, habits, migrations, voice, &c. between the two, which he then considered as distinct species ; he thus, in reali- ty, established the species, but without applying a . new name, and we have no doubt that if he had made out the index himself he would then have sup- plied the deficiency, as he had before done in respect tosome land birds. However, Mr. Ord has supplied this void by calling it C. melodus. We cannot help expressing our regret that this name of Wilson, re- peatedly objected to, in these observations, as being ungrammatical, should — be again brought forward. Bad as it is, it must still be preserved ; and Mr. Ord informs us that it ( uld have been Wilson’s choice. “ ‘cus, canorus, and others, would have correctly conveyed the same appropriate meaning. Thave carefully examined and compared the spe- cies, and have no doubt of its being distinct and new ; this may account for the unjust censure of Wilson’s figure by Temminck, who thought it intended for the C. hiaticula, a censure which has been repeated and aggravated by Sabine; Wilson had stated the bird to be a variety, and the figure would of course be somewhat different. We can see no other fault in the figure than its extremely diminished size, which renders it almost useless. On this account. as the bird is now admitted to the rank of a new 100 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE species, I shall give a figure of it of the natural size in the second volume of my American Se nee As Mr. Ord very properly observes, the inner toe is separated to the base; by which character it ap- . proaches more closely to C. hiaticula of Europe than to C. semipalmatus of America. Being a new spe- cies, the synonymes quoted by our author do not belong to it, and they do not, moreover, relate to a 7 one and the same species. 221. C. wilsonius. Vol. ix. p.77. A very rare species established by the editor and dedicated to Wilson. It is the first homage of the kind paid to the memory of this great and lamented self-taught naturalist. The descriptions of several species in the works of former authors, come more or less near to it, but after a careful investigation we are satisfied that it is new. SYNONYMEs Cuaraprivs wilsonius, ViEtLL. ian Wilson’ $ Wack.) 222.°C. vociferus. Vol. vii. p. 73. Ord’s i p- 77. A beautiful and well known American species, described several times by former authors. SYNONYMES,. Cuaraprivs vociferus, Linn. Gur. Lata. Viriit. Cuaraprius torquatus, Linn. Cuaraprius Jameaicensis ? Guev. Latu. ViEILEe fe Proviatis virginiana torquata, Briss. “% Pruviatis dominicensis torquata, Briss. PLuviatis jamaicensis torquata ? Briss. Pluvier @ collier de St. Domingue, Burr. Pl. Eni. 286. i abyre 8 3 OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 101 223.* C. pluvialis. Vol. vii.-p. 71. VANELLUS helveticus, Ord’s ed. p. 75, (a different bird from that of Wilson.) The editor has rejected from Wil- _son’s work this beautiful species, so widely spread over the globe. That Wilson confounded the young of VANELLUs helveticus with it, is obvious, and every naturalist knows how readily they may be mistaken _ for each other. But as he had very properly intro- ~ duced this species into his ornithology, all that was afterwards required was to correct the error by sepa- rating the two species, and placing all that had re- lation to VaNnELLUS /elveticus in its article. That. Wilson had the real Golden Plover in view, is proved by his statement, that the feet are ‘‘ three-toed, with generally the slight rudiments of a heel.”” This shows beyond the possibility of a doubt, that those with the slight rudiment were VANELLI, and that those without any were CHARADRII, and that the greater number of individuals observed by Wilson, were of the former genus. There can be no doubt that Wil- “son’s figure is taken from the genuine C. pluvialis, as is proved by a greater brilliancy of colouring than is ever exhibited by the young of VANELLUs helve- ticus, and especially by the slenderness and general shape of the bill, though on a close inspection the plate exhibits a doubtful indication of the rudimental toe, (a deviation from nature that may be explained by the circumstance that Wilson ‘did not believe that appendage to be specific;) and as the text must be intended to elucidate the plate, the editor ought to have made a new article referring exclusively to the afl 102 OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE Cuaraprivs pluvialis. No notice being now taken ~~ of that interesting and delicious bird, we shall sup- @ editor appears to be of opinion that the C. piwialis ~ ply this omission in our American Ornithology. The a is altogether foreign to America, and states that all - the American birds hitherto referred to that species, were young of VANELLUS helveticus.. But we can assert from our own observation that they are cone mon eyen in the Philadelphia market. a SYNONYMES. y Cuarapnivs plucialis, Linn. Guex. Latu. (winter dress.) Temm. VieILL. Cuaraprivus apricartus, Linn. Guer. Laru. (summer dress,) (not of Wilson, which is a four-toed bird, Vawexius helveticus.) “i if Puioviauis aurea, Briss. (winter dre 38.) _Puvvianis aurea minor, Briss. (wi nt Pruviatis dominicensis aurea, Briss. (winter dress.) Pruviatis aurea Frreti Hudsonis, Briss. (summer dress:) Le Pluvier doré, Burr. Pl. Enl. 904, (winter dress.) * VaNELLUS, Briss. This genus contains those Linnean Trincm and Parra# which have a Plover bill, and are therefore much more intimately allied to Coaraprivs than to Trinca. Indeed we consider them as so closely related that we doubt the propriety of ¢ psidering VANELLUS as a genus; at any rate we are : strongly inclined to unite the subgenus Squatarola of Cuvier {Vanneaux- Phiviers of Temminck) vie the genus » ae te se \ OF WILSON’S ORNITHOLOGY. 103 Cuaraprius, the only difference being the slight rudiment of a hind toe; and it is certainly rather in- _ judicious to separate generically, two species that are so much alike as to be generally mistaken for one another, even by Ornithologists. The genus VANELLUs ought to consist of the V. cristatus of Eu- rope, the V. cayanensis, senegalus, &c. it would _ then have no representative in North America. Subgenus Sguatarola, Cuv. 224.* Cuarapnrius apricarius. Vol. vii. p. 41. Ord’s ed. VANELLUS helveticus, p. 42. Wilson evinced his good judgment by arranging this species with the Plovers rather than with the Trivex ; but he committed an error by applying to it the name of C. apricarius, a name which belongs to a three-toed species, the preceding in its summer dress. His not considering the want of a hind toe as a con- stant character, was probably the cause of his error, which Mr. Ord has corrected. The bird is common “to both continents, and is generally known by the name of VANELLUS melanogaster. Mr. Ord, how- ever, with Vieillot, judiciously called it V. helveticus, as being the first name given. Owing to its re- markable changes several nominal species have been made of it. Agreeably te my view of the affinity of this bird I shall call it Coaraprivs helveticus. ‘SYNONYMES. Vane wus helveticus, Briss. (summer dress.) Virttn. Vanetuus griseus, Briss. (winter dress.) 104. OBSERVATIONS ON THE NOMENCLATURE Vanetuus varius, Briss. (young.) Vanettus melanogaster, Becust.. Tem. Trine squatarola, Linn. Guet. Lata. (winter plumage.) TrineA varia, Linn. (young.) Trinea squatarola @ varia, Guet. Lata. (young.) Trinea helvetica, Linn. Gut. Lara. (summer dress of the adult.) ' Le vanneau varié, Burr. Pl. Enl. 923, Maisie didn’ Le vanneau gris, Burr. Pl. Enl. 854, (young) Le vanneau suisse, Burr. Pl. Enl. 853, (summer dress of the adult.) Wilson states that this bird, when young, may be easily confounded with the C. pluvialis, but that it may be readily distinguished by the larger size, and proportionally larger head and bill; 3 in this he is per- fectly right. But the gr ‘number of those which I have examined,” sa , “have the rudi- ments of a hind toe. ” W remark that all those destitute of a hind Hob were Colden Plovers in summer dress, and had therefore small heads and bills. Cauipris, Illig. rs Was first established by the German Ornithologists under the name of ArENARIA (but we must not con- found this with the Arenaria of Brisson and Vieil- lot, which is our Srrepsiias) but as this was pre- occupied in Botany it was changed by Illige present name, and has been adopted by all writers. It consists of the following species BA, sabi is found in almost all parts of the globe, and has been OF WILSON'’S ORNITHOLOGY. 105 » described thrice’by Gmelin, and twice by our author. The circumstance relative to the classification of this genus is analogous to that of the genus VANELLUS though much more closely allied to Trinea, (of which perhaps it ought to form a subgenus) it had | “been arranged with the CHARADRII on account of their three-toed feet, as the Vanexui had been placed under Trrvea because of their four-toed feet. We | are surprised that Wilson did not make this change, as he did, though inadvertently, in the case of the preceding species. The species had also been placed in Trinca. Wilson was fully aware of the impro- I: priety of arranging this bird with Cuaraprivs, al- _ though he did not venture a change. Vol. vii. p. 68. Ord’s ed. p. lust be known by the 7; the figure represents the bird in its wi dress. Wilson positively states that the Ruddy Plover is the same bird in ‘summer plumage, generally mistaken for a distinct species. He moreover promises a figure of that state; but he afterwards considered it as distinct. 72, Cauipris ae DRIS ‘name of CaLip SYNONYMES. Cauipris arenaria, Itc. Tem. Cauinris rubidus, Viriti. Taxeug arenar ia, Linn. Guz. (winter dress.) Cu rubidus, Guex. Lar. (summer dress.) Cuan, aprivs calidris, Livy. Guen. Larx. (young-) “ Trivnea calidris grisea minor ? Briss. (winter dress.) SO aR ee ee ee ee = Pa ae ’ '226.*+ Cuaraprius rubidus. Vol. vii. p. 129. - Ur a V.—SEPTEMBER, 1825. 14 SAS a See eed 106 OBSERVATIONS, &c. Ord’s ed. CaLrpris arenaria, p. 135. The preced- ing species in perfect summer plumage. Se FM ATORGS. a fi _ A well marked genus, spread over the globe, and» composed of but three well ascertained species, one only of which inhabits the United States, though another is vaguely stated to be found on n the north- west coast of America. 227.* H. ostralegus. Vol. viii. p.15. Com to Europe and North America. The South Ameri- can species is distinct. Wilson’s figure represents the summer plumage. Mr. Ord makes a remark by is he propriety of con- which he would seem to doubt sidering the North Am : a , ropean species. The ter, says he, black, whilst that of ¢ er is white, largely tipped with black.” We have before us specimens from both countries, and find them perfectly similar, “f ‘same as the both having the tail white at base and black at tip. ®& SYNONYMES, Ilamarorus ostralegus, Linn. Guev. Latu. Temm. Via. Osrratecus pica marina, vulgo dicta, Briss. . E’Huitrier, Burr. Pl, Eni. 929, (winter plumage.) (20 BE CONTINUED.) 4 ae bad Dt hu ‘ ; and fine teeth: eyes small, placed between the angles’ th. MURENOPHIS. a 107 ci % ‘ agp : i SEE o> |) pa ‘es ba ane ay yak igs Descriptions of four new species of Murznoputs. od C. A. Lesveur. July 19, 1825. ap. macularia. P\, iv. ‘igh 1. Head a gap ye very wide ; spots of a dirty white on the back, — rei a kind of chain; other smaller spots on the sides; colour pretty deep brown. Body nearly cylindrical anteriorly, compressed mel, the tail: dorsal fins commencing on the #, very narrow and united to the anal: head d body covered with whitish spots, which form sith the back a kind of chain; head narrow, snout pretty long: mouth deeply cleft, armed with long of the j jaws and the extremity of the snout: nostrils tubulous, prominent: operculze, or rather the skin which supplies their place, very dilatable: branchial opening very small: lateral line indistinct. Inhabits among the rocks and madrepores of Bar- “badoes 3 very active, ‘and slides so swiftly between them that it is very difficult to take. The figure is of the natural size. 2. M. rade. iv. fig. 2. Body much com- - ] pressed, bright yellow, with spots and irregular bands of deep black, which give it a resemblance to the disposition of colours in the zebra; jaws equal; teeth short, conic, pointed. This speciés, whose body is very much compressed, is distinguished by the opposition of the yellow and i, “tinct. ‘ ed with round and distant spots of orange, edged | va & ayy ° a é "i 108 the 7 MURENOPHIS, = black colours, and by the black spots ae vertica bands which cover the body. eon small: gape moderate : snout obtuse, tee The rocks and madrepores afford it shelter, where a it glides with agility, and is, like the preceding, diflicult to catch. The figure Lg rpoees the animal of the natural size. ® 3. M. ocellata, PI. iv. fig. 3. Body slender, cy- _ lindrical, serpentiform, of a rufous colour, ornament- with blue; dorsal fin ye edged with blue, united 4 to the anal: head sho covered with small round 2 L grange spots : jaws unequal : teeth conic, obtuse. a This exceeds the preceding in length, and is also more agile ; its cylindric and attenuated body enables it to pass readily between the rocks-and corals of the shores of Barbadoes, where I discovered it and the preceding species during my stay in this lant (3 in 1815, in company with Mr. Maclure. 4. M. bengalensis. From siatten to seventeen - elongated spots on the dorsal, and a straight band of black on the anal fin; eyes large; body covered with numerous round spots. Body 14 inches long, 13 inches in depth upon the nucha; elevated anteriorly and gradually diminishing i r ‘ a we a ® oh © CONDYLURA. a iiisie 109 ie a giving it an elamgated lan- ciform appearance : head straight, compressed: snout short, with mucous pores on the sides: jaws unequal, ‘in length: inferior ja ,, S, susceptible of considera extension, cilitate the entrance of the food; numerous plaits of skin on the sides to permit the throat and branchiz to dilate: branchial opening very small: teeth in the throat: eyes very large: dorsal fin commencing over @ branchial opening: colour blackish-brown, with nui yellowish spots over the body. is beautiful species does not appear to me to o been described; it was brought from the coast ~~ of Bengal. Note on the genus Connytura of Iiliger. By ~ J.D. Gopmay, M.D. Read July 19, 1825. As several very interesting external characters peculiar to the ConpyLura cristata have been en- tirely overlooked by those who have heretofore writ- ten on this subject, the object of this note is to sup- ply the deficiency as far as possible, especially as these characters may be very serviceable in enabling us to compare the present genus with some others. - The Conpy.ura cristata is destitute of an auricle projecting above the level of the skin, but is, never- - 110 ae CONDYLURAY) theless, provided with an extremely large extn ear, as we may properly consider all that part whic . is entirely exterior to the tympanum and skull. The meatus externus fee _— long, having & distinctly , oti fold of integument connecting the fore-arm and head, and may be very easily missed by those who merely examine stuffed skins, or specimens preserved in spirits. From the meatus, the course of the carti- laginous tube is obliquely downwards, forwards; and inwards, until it terminates in a delicate bony tube, previous to reaching the tympanum, which is large and composed of a very delicate membrane, ie The scales on the anterior and posterior extremi- ties have been mentioned in general terms by several — writers, especially by Desmarest, who has given the ‘ best description of the animal that has yet appeared. * But these scales are so peculiar and uniform in their position, that I cannot understand how a naturalist could pass over the particulars of their arrangement in silence. ’ On the anterior extremities the superior or ulnar edge of the hand has on its anterior surface, (regard- ing the position of the animal) a row of corneous scales, about nine in number, which are broadest mid- way from the carpus to the first phalanx of the fifth finger. Another row of scales commences on the inferior part of the back of the little finger, becom- ing broader and of a semilunar figure as they extend towards the metacarpus, between these two a much th = CONDYLURA. ot 08 ‘smaller row is placed. The fourth finger has a sin- gle row of small scales on its upper posterior side, and a large one extending along the back of the finger to the metacarpus; the middle : fin; yer has a small cen- tral row, which is distinguishab e; that on the fore finger is still more feint; the thumb has none but very small ones on its central posterior part, but on its inferior posterior part, or radial edge, it has one scale of considerable size on the phalanx, and four or five between this part and the carpus; the two nearest the scale on the phalanx are largest. | e surface of the palm of the hand is covered with small circular scales, extending most numerously, _ and of a darker colour from opposite the root of the thumb obliquely outward to the basis of the little finger. On the inferior ex ct emities, the whole of the su- perior surface of the foot is covered with minute, blackish, circular scales, which increase slightly in size as they approach the toes. On the anterior part of the fourth toe isa large central row of black scales, and on the fifth a rather smaller one; hence these toes have a very considerable resemblance to the toes of a bird. . The other toes of the hind foot being ap- plied with their anterior surfaces to the ground, have the scales very minute and almost colourless. The colour of.the scales varies on different parts of the hand. On so much of the back of the hand as is formed by the fourth and little fingers, the scales are very dark blue, approaching a black, in the living animal; thence to the large scales of the 1D CONDYLURA, thumb the colour changes to a feint purplish blues which is little more than distinguishable. Two other excellent’ characters belonging to the palm of the hand haye been neglected ; the first is the enlargement of the carpal edge of the palm by an elongation of the integuments; this, in addition to the row of bristles that margins all the rest of the palm, has two distinct bristly hairs at its superior and inferior edge, more than } of an inch long. The second character is still more striking ; it is a process of the palmar cuticle on the superior edge of the thumb and three succeeding fingers. These pro- cesses are serrated and directed obliquely upwards and outwards ; the serrations on the thumb being two, __ and on the three succeeding fingers three in number. On the soles of the (posterior) feet another charae- ter is found, which consists. of five circular, distinct spots, so arranged that the two nearest the body are parallel with each other, opposite the commencement of the first toe, counting as in the human subject, from the one nearest the median line of the body 3 the superior spot is nearly in a line with the fourth toe, and larger and darker coloured than the inferior; . the two succeeding spots (nearer the extremity of the toes) are also parallel with each other; the ex- terior one is largest of all these plantar scales, and placed nearly over the extremity of the metatarsal of the fourth toe; the inferior spot is nearly over the root of the second toe; the fifth or singe scale is placed in advance of all the rest, and is situated im- 4 . , a CONDYLURA. 113 ediately over the centre and behind the separation of the third and fourth toes. A very analagous arrangement may be observed in the sole of the feet of the Syeopon Aupidegn of Ord. By comparing the Conpy.ura with the Scators, we are led to several interesting observations. We have seen that the Conpytura has a remarkable and large external ear, though it is destitute of a pro- - jecting auricle. The Scalops has neither auricle nor meatus externus opening on the side of the head, as the skin of the head extends over the cartilaginous tube, which is small, and asimple funnel. The situa- tion of the ear is to be discovered externally only by a very small spot, not larger than the circumference of an ordinary pin head. , The hand of the Scalops is peculiar for its great breadth and strength: the extraordinary breadth is produced by an additional metacarpal bone, inferior or external to the thumb, articulated with the car- pus, and having a tendon for moving it from the common flexor of the fingers.* On the superior or ulnar edge of the hand there is a cartilaginous addi- tament, connected with the little finger by a tendon. The Conpy.ura has the additional metacarpal bone, but rather like a rudiment, and has not the cartila- ginous additament at the superior edge of the hand; hence the very great difference in breadth in the » * This structure resembles that of the Tarra europea, but as that species dees not exist in this country, I have not been able to obtain a recent specimen for comparison. VOL. V.—SEPTEMBER, 1825) : 15 114 CONDYLURA. hands of the two genera. The Scalops has a slight. process or elongation, not at the carpal extremity of the palm, but on the inferior or outer edge of the supplementary bone. If we compare the Scalops and Conpyiura with the description of TaLpa europea, the resemblance will be found greater between the Conpytura and Tapa in regard to the ears and eyes. If we com- pare the hands and nose we shall find that the Sea- lops approximates more closely to the European ge- ° nus; nevertheless, the aflinity of neither is so strong as to endanger their being confounded with Tapa, if we were to judge from external characters alone.* Of the genus ConpyLura I believe after a patient examination, and obtaining specimens from various localities, that most probably there is no other spe- cies in this country than the eristata.t The only evidence of the existence of a longicaudata is that given by Pennant, who describes it without refer- * T am happy to state from actual and repeated observation, that it is the Scators which in this country forms the ‘ mole- hills,” similar to those thrown up by the Tatra europea. As far as I can ascertain, no such circumstance has yet been re- marked relative to the burrowing of the Conpytura. In a forthcoming work on American Natural History, a full account will be given of my observations on the habits of the feunents and ConpyLura. t A late number of the United States Utena Gazette con- tained an annunciation of a newly discovered species of this genus, by Dr. Harris, of Milton. From a description given by -this gentleman in a letter to a distinguished naturalist of Phila- delphia, we are satisfied that the supposed new animal is the well known Conpytura cristata. © CONDYLURA, 115 ence to the nasal rays. It is on this indication that Gmelin, Illiger, and Desmarest have allowed of the species, the latter author with very strong doubts, which Ranzani repeats. From Pennant’s figure I feel convinced that his longicaudata was a stuffed and dried specimen of the ConpyLura cristata, hav- ing the nasal radii shrunk and distorted. A speci- men in this condition’I have now in my possession, and it might readily be taken for the /ongicaudata, figured by Pennant. _ The Connyuura cristata is subject at certain sea- sons to a very remarkable enlargement of the tail, varying from the smallest or most ordinary size to the thickness of the little finger. This circumstance was long since made known to many of his friends by Mr. Titian Peale, who found one of the largest size: since then I have found one, and examined several others, and both Messrs. Say and Bonaparte confirm this observation by other examinations: all the specimens yet examined having the tail thus enlarged, were males; and it is most probable that the enlargement occurs only during the rutting season. Messrs. Say and Peale both suggested to me a long time since, that the differences heretofore serving for the estab- lishment of the longicaudata as a distinct species, were merely sexual. In all other respects the spe- cies of ConpyLura found are inyariable in their ex- ternal characters, if we except a single specimen ob- tained by my friend, Titian Peale, which may prove to be a new species, should he find other specimens with the same character, for which purpose he defers his observations. It is certainly an extremely de¢- 116 SALAMANDER. sirable circumstance that we should rid the American Fauna of a great number of merely nominal species, which never had existence unless in the imagination of their authors: to this end the labours of American naturalists should be directed, as it is a gréat advance towards true knowledge to disencumber ourselves of error. It is well known that the sjpien tation from which Illiger named the genus, was an extravagant exag- geration of Delafaille, who represented it in his plate as having numerous knots or strangulations on ° the tail. Desmarest’s figure is also incorrect in re- lation to the tail; he having figured it from a dried specimen; in the recent state, the knotted appear- ance is not distinguishable: he has also drawn it with the palms turned nearly to the earth, instead of . placing them with the thumbs to the ground and the palms presenting backwards. In the recent En- - glish translation of Baron Cuvier’s Régne Animal, Desmarest’s figure is copied, but is rendered vastly more incorrect and unnatural than it is in the original. Description of a new species of SALAMANDER. By Jacos Green. Read July 19, 1825, SALAMANDRA. S. tigrina. Cauda longiuscula: corpore, supra nigricante cum maculis flavis, subtus cinereo et lu- teolo. 1 ba | eo SALAMANDER. 117 ~~ Length eight inches: tail rather longer than the body, tapering, compressed, and rounded at tip: head large: snout obtuse: mouth large, extending further to it than the eyes: lower jaw projecting beyond the upper: eyes protuberant and remote: iris beautifully coloured with gold and brown: pupil circular and contracting horizontally, though but little affected by the light: colour on the upper parts and sides, blackish, with numerous large, ir- regular spots of pale ochre, which are the largest on the upper part of the tail: beneath cinereous, and _ very irregularly marked with patches of an ochrace- ous colour, which are more numerous and less con- fused along the sides: ‘hroat of a uniformly pale ochre: under part of the tail without spots, and pre- senting a remarkably granulated appearance: under part of the legs and feet reddish; this, however, i is not perhaps a permanent character: shin smooth, and secretes but a very little of that glutinous fluid so common in Salamanders; interior feet four-toed ; posterior feet five-toed. This animal was found near Moore’s town in New Jersey. It has been kept alive for some time by Mr. Titian Peale, to whose kindness I am indebted for the use of it in this description. The S. tigrina is so nearly allied to the S. sud- violacea of the late Professor Barton, that after some hesitation I have concluded to consider it a distinct ies. The colour and markings are certainly very different, and these, though they are very variable in this tribe of animals, yet I think in this instance, ou 118 * saurus. they are sufficiently remarkable to constitute a dif- ferent species, when taken in connexion with other peculiarities. I have seen a number of the S. sub- violacea, and they all corresponded in their markings with the figure Professor Barton has given in the 6th volume of the Transactions of the Amer. Philos. Soc. The S. tigrina has also some resemblance to the S. terrestris of Europe, which has been so much the subject of fables ; it wants, however, the tubercles on the skin. Mr. Titian Peale has made a very accurate draw- ’ ing of the S. éigrina. Description of a new species of the genus Saurus, (Cuvier.) By C. A. Lesuzur. Read July 26, 1825. Saurus. S. minutus. Pl. v. Snout twice the length of the - diameter of the eye, pointed: mouth deeply cleft: head tolerably large, a little depressed above: (first dorsal fin short and elevated, and placed rather pos- terior of the ventrals: second dorsal with a single di- vided ray, truncated above, supplying the plage of: the small adipose fin and situated above the ante portion of the anal: pectora/s rounded and sufficiently long to reach the ventrals: anal elongated, narrow i. FRESH WATER AND LAND SHELLS. 119 and straight: ¢ail elongated and terminated by a forked fin: scales on the body, head, and opercula, corresponding to the size of the fish: opgamala mode- rate: lateral line straight. Length about two inches ; breadth, two lines. P. 12. V.9. D. 10. 2dD.1. A.10. ©.12, Isle of France. Although the snout of this fish is rather longer than that of the S. fasciatus, Risso, and OsmMErus Saurus, (Lacep. page 235) and the second dorsal fin is truncated, it nevertheless appears to me that it appertains to the genus Saurus, Cuvier. Descriptions of some new species of Fresu Waren and Lanp Sueuts of the United States. By Tuomas Say. Read May 3, 1825. He rx. H. fallax. Spire convex; volutions five, with elevated lines forming grooves between them : labrunr reflected, contracting the aperture, bidentate ; teeth separated by a profound sinus; superior tooth in- flected into the mouth; inferior tooth situated near the base: labrum with a large, prominent, oblique, lamelliform tooth, curying downwards so as nearly to reach the termination of the labrum: wmbiliews open, exhibiting the volutions. ae 120 pRESH WA Greatest transverse diameter ~, of an inch. » This resembles the tridentata, Nob. but the upper tooth of the labrum is much inflected, the spire is more elevated, and the size is less considerable; in the former character it coincides with H. inflecta, Nob. but that shell has the umbilicus closed. Presented to the Academy by Messrs. Hyde and Mason, who found it in the vicinity of Philadelphia, where they are not uncommon. Since the above was written I have received a spe- cimen from Mr. Stephen Elliott, of South Carolina, fully equal in size to the tridentata. 2. H. egena. Shell convex, polished: whorls five, not distinctly wrinkled, rounded: aperture ra- ther narrow, transverse: /abrum simple, at its infe- rior extremity terminating at the centre of the base of the shell : wmbilicus none, but the umbilical region deeply indented. Breadth more than ;'; of an inch. This shell was found by Mr. John S. Phillips, on ye ey, RE TER AND LAND SHELLS. the bank of the Delaware river, about ten miles from — Philadelphia. It is much more elevated and not so broad as the H. arborea, Nob. the aperture also is of a different shape. It is much broader than the H. chersina, Nob. Buiimuvs, B. multilineatus. Shell conic, not very obviously wrinkled : whorls not very convex, yellowish-white, with transverse entire reddish-brown lines ; a black- = FRESH wart AND LAND SHELLS. 121 ish subsutural revolving line : ¢, suture not deeply in- dented, lineolar: apex blackish: umbilicus small, surrounded by a broad blackish line : columella whit- ish: labrum simple, blackish. _ Length less than 7, to of an inchs greatest breadth jess than i, of an inch. This species was Pana by Mr. Titian Peale oe the mpi Pat of East Florida. Pura, # P. fallax. Shell turreted, pale horn colour; wrinkles rather obtuse, hardly prominent: suture rather deeply impressed: volutions nearly seven, a little convex: apex somewhat obtuse: aperture un- armed, suboval, truncated above by the penultimate whorl, less than 3 the whole length of the shell: al bium nearly transverse, colour of the exterior par of the shell : columella reflected, rectilinear, longitu- dinal, forming an obvious though a rounded angle, with the labrum and labium: /abrum hardly reflect- ed: umbilicus narrow. Length more than ;3, of an inch, For this species I am indebted to Dr. T. W. Har- ris of Milton, Massachusetts. It closely resembles P. marginata, Nob. but is much larger, and the labrum is not widely reflected; when viewed in front it has a reflected appearance, but the opposite view — only a very limited excurvature. ie is VOL, V.—SEPTEMBER, 1825. 16 ‘ * ‘ : : uaa 7 sill ‘os Se i re Pines ~ ACHATINA. id — Ae pas } A. solida. Shell conic, rather elongated, nearly , smooth, or with distant wrinkles, polished, yellowish, paler towards the apex, which 1 is white, rather pon- derous : whorls about seven ; spire prominent : mouth rather small: /abrum on its imner r submargin thick- ened: columella hardly truncates 1, W prevent ridge on the inner side near: the base. Length 2} inches. | This species was found by Mr. Titian Peale in the southern part of East Florida, where he also ob- tained the A. flammigera, Ferruss. and vewillum, Humph. or their analogues, in plenty. - In outline it bears some resemblance to Lister’s figure 9 of plate 14, but is much smaller. It appears to be rare, but one, ‘specimen having been brought home by My ‘Peale. Rs ‘ LYMNEUS. | i L. modicellus. Shell blackish, not. elongated : whorls rather more than four, convex suture deeply impressed: apex acute: aperture very regular, the labium and labrum being subequally ‘attain the fold of the columella rather slight. _ Total wast sg of an inch; breadth $3 slehiea of. the apertu Smaller ie any of the species I have hitherto described. Tggvas found by Dr. M‘Euen at Owego, ¥ FRESH WATER AND LAND SHELLS. 123 on the Susquehanna river near ‘the state of New York. 2. L. obrussus. Shell oblong, rather slender, pale yellowish testaceous: whorls five, slightly rounded: apex acute: suture deeply impressed: aperture not dilated, within pure white: columella with the sinus of the fold very obvious. Lister, pl. 14, fig. 8.? Total length 2 3 Of an inch ; oS Bs breadth nearly 4. All the individuals that have pechiied were cov- ered with an earthy slime. “They inhabit a small rivulet below the fish-ponds at Harrowgate, the seat of my friend Mr. J. Gilliams. pee 3. L. pinguis. Shell oval, rather ventricose, pale dirty yellowish : whorls nearly four, rapidly di- minishing to the apex, which is dull fulvous: su¢ure moderate : spire rather more than half the length of the aperture : aperture lange : labrum with the inner submargin a little thickened. * Total length 3} of an inch; aperture rather more than 53 breadth 7 me Proportionally shorter and much more dilated than other species of the country, with the exception of L. macrostomos, Nob. from which it is readily dis- tinguished. It inhabits the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers near Philadelphia, in company “ab +s cote copium, Nob. % a 4, L. galbanus. Shell subovate: whorls nearly five, very convex: suture very deeply impressed : yet o. ¥ ah ™ ier ye 124 PRESH WATER AND LAND SHELLS. apex acute: body whorl a little flattened in the mid- dle: aperture not dilated : columella with the sinus of the fold very obvious. : Length ,% of an inch; aperture rather more than. half the whole length. For this shell I am indebted to Mr. Nuttall, who obtained it in a marl pit near Franklin, New Jer- sey. He considers it fossil, as well as numerous spe- cimens of PLANoRBIS campanulatus, VALVATA tri- earinata, and Puysa heterostropha, found with it. Ihave never seen a recent specimen, but the present _ corresponds with some individuals belonging to the - Philadelphia Museum, also said to be fossil. Puysa. P. ancillaria. Shell heterostrophe, subglobose, - pale yellowish: whorls rather more than four, very rapidly attenuated : spire truncated, hardly elevated beyond the general curve of the surface: suture not impressed : aperture but little shorter than the shell, dilated : dabrum a little thickened on the inner mar- gin, Length more than ; an inch. The spire of this species is unusually short, trun- cated at tip like the PaLupina decisa, Nob.; and the suture is So inconspicuous as to give rise to the name - which I have chosen for it. My brother, B.: Say, obtained it in the Delaware river near Easton, and Mr. Jessup a numerous specimens in the Con- necticut river, above Hartford. It may be distin- FRESH WATER AND LAND SHELLS. 125 guished from P. heterostropha, Nob. by the shorter and truncated spire, inconspicuous suture, as well as by the more obtusely rounded junction of the labrum with the base, and by the general form. CycLosToMa. ©. dentata. Shell conic, cylindsie, truncate at tip: whorls three or four, slightly convex, cancellate with fine, regular, subequal, longitudinal, and trans- verse elevated lines; superior edge fimbriated with prominences extending over the suture ; one or more F rufous revolving lines, sometimes obsolete: labrum somewhat reflected, white : wnbilicus distinct. Length less than } an inch. | For this species we are indebted to the researches of Mr. T. Peale in Florida. It is the only true spe- cies of CycLosToMA yet found within the limits of the Union. This species is probably somewhat like the Turso crénatus, Linn. but that shell i is not said to be truncated at tip, and has a keeled base. PALupINa. P. subglobosa. Shell subglobose: whorls thrée and a half, much rounded, rapidly enlarging : suture profoundly impressed : aperture subovate : umbilicus very narrow, nearly closed by the labrum Spire very short, convex. | - Inhabits the pe Sah de Territor Length less than =, of an inch. ’ Pukey 126° Hipoe WATER AND LAND SHELLS. I obtained this shell when traversing the north- a ra part of the Union. _ It is much larger than ata, Nob. which it resembles considerably, but its whorls are much more agpidly enlarged, and the umbilicus is much narrower. -MELANIA, eed, M. simplex. Shell conic, blackish, sata ra- nie idl attenuated n acute apex: suture not deeply im yressed : volutions about. eight, but little rounded : ‘ oe aperture longitudinal ; within dull reddish : labrum _ ~~ with the edge not, undulated, or but very slightly ~ and obtusely so near the superior termination. Length § of an inch; greatest breadth ;,. _ For this species we are indebted to — eka who presented several specimens to th Academy. He. informs me that he obtained thei in Virginia, in a stream running from Abingdon to the Salt Works, and from the stream on which Gen- eral Preston’ s grist- -mill is situated, near the Salt works, as well as in a, brook running through the salt water valley, and discharging into the Holstein spi Near.the’ summit the whorls are marked #3 vated line near their bases. a I nnot be mistaken for the conica, Nob. for in hk, the aperture is obviously oblique. a = Be ene. Shell conic, rather. slender,’ black, gra ally aytenuated to the truncated apex: suture moderately impressed : aperture longitudinal, within milk w : labrum with the edge not undu- ig FRESH WATER AND LAND SHELLS. 497 lated, or but very slightly, and ge age so near the superior termination. Length to the truncated Pe nearly ; greatest breadth less than + of an inch. | Professor Vanuxem obtained this species in a small brook which discharges into the Catawba river, near Landsford, Chester district, South Carolina, and also. * in the warm springs, Buncombe county, North Caro- ; lina, and in the French Broad river, of the same_ i county. It resembles the preceding very” closely, . but is decidedly more slender, and like that shell it has two elevated lines on the inferior margin. of the... * terminal whorls. The interior of the aperture in many specimens is of a dull reddish colour, and in sonie the same part exhibits the appearance of two . or three obsolete bands. Another variety, which Mr. 2 Vanuxem obtained from a limestone spring near road river, Spartanburg district, ‘South Carolina, is of a pale horn colour. In astream of the Saluda range of mountains near Mill Gap, in Rutherford, - county, he found another variety of @ somewhat smaller size, tinged with reddish-brown, and gene- rally distinctly banded within the aperture; one of these. specimens is very remarkably truncated, pre- senting only about one whorl and a quarter. The _same variety also inhabits a brook near the Table rock. A variety which seems to differ from the lat- : ter only in size, was found by Mr. Vanuxem ae Douthard’s gap, of the Saluda mountains 5 the largest specimen he sent from that locality is only about 3 _ of an inch long. _ iis rit wei saa si. we Py x 3 , re 128 ie PRESH WATER AND LAND SHELLS. Bo we subglobosa. . Shell subglobose, brownish horn colour : spire but little elevated, not half the - length of the aperture: volutions about four : aper- ture rounded, nearly as broad as long ; within more or less ieee with dull.red : labium a little flattened. Length ~ of an inch; greatest breadth 34 of an inch. Professor Vanuxem found this curious shell in the = north fork of the Holstein river, Virginia, where _ they are extremely abundant.. In the old shells the surface, and particularly that of the spire, is consid- erably corroded, presenting the appearance of hay- ing received a fortuitous deposition of calcareous mat- _ ter. This corrosion, however, does not extend to the destruction of any of the whorls, as is the case with many shells, but its effects seem to be confined ‘to the exterior. It is a second species of my Pry: posed genus ANcuLorus. All the strie of the operculum are’ cabiceetee oe , the geperior angle.” a Prirena, i of sealariformis. Shell turreted, oneckadle ta- pering to the apex, which is acute: whorls rounded, _ crossed by numerous elevated, regular lines, which, on the body whorl, are terminated near the base by ‘five or six more or less profound revolving grooves ; suture p ety deeply impressed, with generally one of the grooves above it, so as to appear double: co- Jour pale, with several revolving reddish-brown lines; Me ) 129 2 FRESH WATER AND LAND SHELLS. “ue aperture rounded : labrum thickened, somerhat re- curved ; a slight but very obvious sinus at base, and another very slight, more obtuse one near the junc- tion with the preceding whorl : umbilicus none. Length .°, of an inch. Mr. Titian Peale found this handsome and curious shell in great abundance in the fresh water lakes of the Florida Keys. It is most certainly a fresh wate shell, yet it is destitute of an epidermis. The la~ brum thickens with age ; the operculum is orbicular, "ae and so small as to admit of the animal retiring one half the length of the shell. It differs from MELA- ie wiA, MeLAnopsis, and Prrena, in the rotundity of a ae the aperture, the thickened labrum, and comparative 7 smallness of the operculum. The tentacula of the animal are two in number, and the eyes are placed a little above their exterior base. '. Fusus. dis F. flwvialis. Shell fusiform, olive-green or brown- ish: spire much elevated, gradually tapering: volu- tions nearly six, wrinkled across, and with a series of elevated undulations on the middle: suture con- sisting only of an impressed line : aperture somewhat fusiform ; within whitish, more or less with dull red- dish, and with several lines of that colour, sometimes confluent: /abrum on the inner margin immaculate, edge undulated : canal rounded at tip: columella very concave. eB VOL. V.—NOVEMEER, 1825. 17 ie: 1430 FRESH WATER AND LAND SHELLS. Length 1% inches; aperture 3% of an inchs greatest breadth 35 of an inch. Professor Vanuxem found this curious and highl interesting shell on the north fork of the Holstein river, near the confluence of a brook of salt water. From the name of the genus it might reasonably be supposed to be a marine shell, but it has never been discovered on the coast, and seems to be limite toa very small district of the Holstein river, in company with Unto cariosus, subtentus, nobis, MELANIA sub- globosa, nobis, and no doubt other fluyiatile shells. When the infiaBitant becomes known it may authorize the formation of a new genus, but there appears no characters in the conformation of the shell that would readily distinguish it from Fusus. Unto. U. subtentus. Oblong-oval, subcompressed, slight ly contracted at the middle of the base, dull yellow- ish brown: beaks not prominent, decorticated ; dor- sal edge regularly arcuated, without any appearance of an angle ; anterior margin with numerous slightly reflected ribs. fig uh Breadth 3 + inches; length more. than 1 3 inches. This species was found by Professor Vanuxem in the north fork of the Holstein river, in company with U. cariosus, nobis, Menania subglobosa, nobis, and Fusus fluvialis, nobis. In consequence of the ribbed appearance of the anterior margin of the shell, it has much similarity FRESH WATER AND LAND SHELLS. | 13] to an ALAsmMopON, but the lamelliform teeth. are prominent and distinct. ~ALASMODONTA. A. ambigua. Shell transversely oblong- -oval 3 somewhat inflated, rather thin, dusky, wrinkled; _ anterior and posterior margins almost equally round- éd: hinge margin parallel with the base ; basal mar- _ gin a little compressed in the middle: beaks not prominent, approximate, their surface slightly undu- lated ; a very obtuse, hardly elevated undulation extends from the beaks to the junction of the basal and anterior margins: Aing'e with very small, obso- lete primary teeth: within somewhat iridescent ; posterior and basal portion milk-white ; hinge cavity brownish. Breadth 1 ¢ inches; length } nearly. This is one of the many fine shells which I obtain- ed in the north-western territory, when travelling with major Long’s party. Tt forms a link between the genera AvasmoponTa and ANoponta. When young the primary teeth are obvious, but when the shell arrives at the full growth the teeth are obsolete, and in some instances, not at all visible. 132 CRUCIFERE. aan Deseri tion of two new genera of the natural order Crucirerx. By Tuomas Nutrau. Read Octo- ber 4, 1825. @ *SELENIA.F _ Calyx basi equalis coloratus patens: si/icula magna polysperma elliptica compresso-plana marginata sub- ‘sessilis, valvulis dissepimento minoribus parallelis : glandule decem per paria intra calycis foliola et solitarie emarginate inter stamina breviora et pis- tillum. , Herbacea annua, caule angulato triquetro, foliis pinnatifidis, flores aurei axillares: Brassice habitus sed. fructus Lunarie. A : SELENIA, aurea. Description. Root fibrous, annual: stem sim- ply subdivided from the base, acutely triquetrous! glabrous, 4 to 6 inches high, nearly erect: leaves smooth, and somewhat succulent; the radical and lower ones subbipinnatifid, sessile, 2 to 4 inches long, primary segments partly runcinate, acute, ultimate segments or denticulations inclined upwards : pedun- eles axillary, angular, 1 to 14 inches long, sometimes commencing nearly from the root: flowers fragrant : calyx’ yellow, spreading, the leaves oblong-ovate, and concave, about the length of the claws of the Tt From ¢ana, the: moon, in allusion to its apparent affinity ‘to Lunaria, * CRUCIFERE. 133 petals: petals bright golden yellow, cuneate-oblong; elaws connivent, erect, lamine spreading: glands 10! 8 disposed by pairs at the base of each of the calyx leaves, and 2 emarginate glands, or rather 4? adnate by pairs within the base of the shorter stamina: style conspicuous, ensiform ; stigma small and entire; the valves of the germ convex: capsule elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, flatly. compressed, subsessile, sur- rounded by a thickish margin confluent in the ter- minating énsiform style, valves parallel with, and narrower than the dissepiment, flat and membrana- ceous: seeds few, roundish-reniform, flat and mar- ginated as in Lunarta. The cotyledones are also similar to those of that genus. Hapirat. Near the banks of Arkansa, in de- pressions, on the margins of hilly rivulets from Point Pleasant to the garrison at Belle Point near the Pot- toe river. The flowering time from March to the close of April. OxsservATion. The spreading coloured calyx, equal at the base as in SisymBrium, the equal dis- position of the numerous small glands of the recepta- cle, with the sessile position of the capsule, and the unequal relative dimensions of the valves and disse- piment, to say nothing of the remarkable habit, at once distinguish this curious plant from Lunaria; and in most of the particulars, as well as in other characters, unnecessary to be adduced, it is alike separated from Ricotia. Indeed, its proximate afli- nity, notwithstanding the singular disparity of the fruit, appears to be to Sisymprium. The plant is 134 CRUCIFERE: very desirable for cultivation, both for the bright colour of its flowers ‘and their delicate fragrance. The seeds, of which I obtained abundance, lost their vegetative power in consequence of the undue mois- ture to which they were unfortunately subjected on my voyage from New Orleans to Philadelphia. Plate VI. The figure taken from a moderate sized dried speci- men. a. The flower and calyx of the size of nature. 6. The capsule, and c. the seed of the same magnitude. *STREPTANTHUS.} Calyx erectus coloratus: petala dilatata, ungui- bus canaliculata tortuosa: glandule nulle: stamina filamentis subulatis basi incrassatis: siligua longis- sima angulata. compressa: semina“uniseriata = marginata: cotyledones aceumbentes. Herba annua, foliis integerrimis ; flores purpurei siliqua longissima-ancipito-tetrahedra, stricta. STREPTANTHUS, maculatus. Description. Annual. The whole herb glau- cous: stem erect, simple or branched above, terete and very smooth, one to two feet high: eaves am- plexicaule, cordate-ovate, acute, entire and smooth: flowers.in a terminal corymbose raceme: calyx erect, oblong-ovate and coloured, its leaves about the length of the claws of the petals: petals having the } From epee, to ttirn oF twist, and arb a flower, in allusion to the singular character of the contorted petals. HS og + CRUCIFERE. 135 claws channelled and tortuous, the border rather large, oboval, dilated and purple, the base of each marked by a deep velvet-like blotch: stamina, filaments subulate, with the base dilated; anthers linear subsagittate: glands none: style scarcely any ; the stigma emarginate and sub-bilamellate: siligue 4 or 5 inches long, erect, shortly pedicellate, linear, compressed, angular, and somewhat tetrahedral: seeds oblong and flat, with a membranaceous margin. Hasirar. Amongst rocks, and on shelving hills, near the banks of the Kiamesha of Red River in Ar- kansa territory. Flowering in May. Osservation. This very showy and remarkable plant, bears no inconsiderable affinity to the genus Turritis and Arasis.. The peculiar character of. the corolla, however, will distinguish it from both. The silique is nearly that of Turritis, but the seeds are disposed in a single series and marginated as in CHEIRANTHUS. Plate VII. a. A lateral branch of the natural. sii’ drampiicom a dried specimen. .'The silique. c.A petal. d. The seed. Note by J. D. Govman, M. D. read August 9, 1825. In my note on the genus Conpytura recently published, itis stated that the Scazops has the integuments continued over the ¢artilaginous tube leading to the internal ear. I lately had an opportunity of examining several fine specimens, and have found the very small meatus auditorius externus, which will admit a body of the size of a common pin. It is by no means easily discovered, and is situated about three-fourths of an inch behind the eye, nearly over the anterior part of the shoulder joint. 136 SALAMANDRA. Description of a new species of SALAMANDRA. By R. Harvan, M.D. Read June 21, 1825...) SALAMANDRA, picta. Body blackish or dark slate colour above, yeww: ish or light orange colour beneath; skin beneath the neck folded; head large; legs strong; tail compressed at its inferior portion nearly the length of the body. , Dimensions. Total length nearly 4 inches; body rather more than 2 inches; ¢ai/ less than 2 inches 3 length of the head ~%,; breadth 3 length of the hind legs .6,3 of the fore legs =4,. » Description. Head large, rather flat: adh broad, slightly protuberant: szout obtuse, rounded anteriorly: rietus of the mouth wide, extending poste- riorly to the eyes; anterior borders of the lips slightly undulating: skin of the throat folded, so as to form a collar nearly surrounding the neck: body above blackish; a longitudinal furrow extending from the occiput along the back to the base of the tail; infe- r portion of the body obsoletely punctured with dark spots, more visible on the sides: Jegs short, strong and thick, externally of the colour of the back} internally of the colour, of the belly: ¢ai/ sub-quad* rangular for the first two-thirds; the remainder or - inferior portion abruptly compressed, pointed, with the superior and inferior borders carinate. The above description i is from several specimens, of different ages, taken in the vicinity of Philadelphia. In the cabinet of Mr. W. Hyde, I have observed a specimen much larger than the present. Inhabit shallow brooks in the vicinity of this city, ay SOUTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 137 Notes to the paper entitled Descriptions of ten spe- cies of South American Birvs. By Cuarves Bonaparte. Read July 12, 1825. 2. Picus rubricollis. I have recently obtained the true Picus rubricollis of authors; it corresponds exactly in size, which in both living birds must have been more considerable than has been stated from the dried skin ; it also cor- responds in every other respect, even in the most minute markings, with the exception of the follow- ing characters. 1st, All the superior parts of. the body are brownish-black. 2d, The whole inferior surface, thighs and’ under wing-coverts, are ‘plain rufous cream colour; the quill feathers are entirely of the same rufous cream on their inner webs to with- inan inch and a half of their tips. Thus in the species the rufous cream colour occupies all the space which’ in the variety is marked by’spots. Is the latter a species or a difference dependent on age or sex? Its general habit inclines me to suppose the latter; but which is the perfect bird? 10. Rauuus nigricans. — The examination of specimens received at the same time with the above, has convinced us that the bird we described ‘under this name is not the Ypa- caha obscuro, of @Azara, but that it is his Ypacaha chiricote aplonado which Vieillot has vaguely refer- VOL. V.— NOVEMBER, 1825. 13 138 SOUTH AMERICAN BIRDS. red, asa variety of age or sex, to his RALiws chiri- cote, a species which, like the former, he established on the Vpacaha chiricote of d’Azara, without hav- ing seen it. Having also had the good fortune to - receive a fine specimen of the latter, we think it may be acceptable to ornithologists, to have these two birds placed in a clearer point of view than they are at present; at the same time that we correct a mistake into which we have been led by the desire to avoid multiplying species, when not justified dy comparison. ‘They both belong to the subgenus Rallus, and are so perfectly similar in form, i in par- tial and total dimensions, and inthe greater portion of their markings, that with Sonnini and Vieillot we should consider them as different ages or sexes of the same species, but for the remarkable difference in the shape of the bill, and was it not that no example is known to exist-in the genus of so wide an. aberra- tion from the ordinary plumage. oa mbeh” 5 Ae Rauuus chiricote, Vicillots Capite colloque plumbeis; dorso, alisque brunneo- olivaceis; remigibus rufescentibus ; tectricibus alarum inferioribus rufis nigro-fasciatis ; pectore, abdomine- que pallide! mufis ; uropygio, crisso, cauda,. femori- busque nigris. Length 14 inches; bill 2; inches long, and 3 $ of an inch in width at base, tapering rapidly, boing gan inch at the anterior tip of the nostrils; its general shape evidently approaching the subgenus Cre, (which is considered by Latham, 'Temminck; ‘and SOUTH AMERICAN BIRDS. 139 others, as i to GALLINULA 3) it is of a deli- ~ cate pale green colour, and at base it is wrinkled and yellow : feet pale (reddish?) naked space above the heel, one inch ; tarsus nearly three inches long ; toes as in the other species; whole head and neck dark bluish-slate, darker and inclining to brownish on the top of the head : throat whitish : cheeks and neck be- neath light slate: back, seapulars, and upper wing- coverts olive-brown, inclining more to greenish on the back: shoulder margins, exterior wing-coverts, spurious wing and primaries dark rufous ; the latter slightly dusky at tip : secondaries dark brown, slight- ly tinged with greenish : inferior wing-coverts bright chesnut, banded with black : breast, belly, and flanks light rufous-buff, separated by a well defined line from the plumbeous colour of the neck; the whole plumage at base plumbeous; lower part of the back, rump, vent, upper and lower tail-coverts, and tail, black: thighs dark plumbeous. The specific ‘name of this Rail is drawn from the sound of its voice, which is said to resemble that of the syllables Chiricote. . It enters pretty deeply into woods, and alights at night, and sometimes even in the day, on the small and densely vestured trees. Ranivs melanurus, Nob. Fusco-ardosiaceus; collo supra brunneo; dorso, alisque brunneo-olivaceis; remigibus rufescentibus ; tectricibus alarum inferioribus rufis nigro-fasciatis ; uropygio, crisso, caudaque nigris. 140 SOUTH AMERICAN BIRDS. For a minute description we refer to our supposed Rauuus nigricans, Vieill. (Vol. iv. p. 386) where it will be obvious that the two descriptions differ little else than in the following characters, towhich we also add such other traits as may be interesting: The size and proportions of the birds, with the ex- ception of the bills, are nearly the same. The slight difference observable in the description i is owing to the inequality of dried skins; but the bill of R.’me- lanurus is considerably narrower, being but little more than 3 an inch high at base, and 3 at the an- terior tip of the nostrils it is thus more equal through- out, and of course is more decidedly that of a true Rail. Its colour appears to have been more delicate, the feet of a darker red, if we may judge from the dried specimens; thé brownish tinge of the upper part of the neck, (totally wanting in the Chiricote) the more obvious tinge of brownish on the commence- ment of the olive-brown of the back, and principally the slate colour of the inferior parts, (which are bright yellowish-rufous in the other) will at once dis- tinguish our R. melanurus. The other differences which are expressed in the descriptions by using dif- ferent but nearly synonymous words, are so inconsid- erable that’ they cannot be relied upon, being un- doubtedly more remarkable in different specimens of each species. Thus the quill feathers are consid- erably brighter and more rufous in Chiricote, &c.; the shoulder and outer wing-coverts are not of that colour in melanurus, but are pretty much of’ the olive-brown colour, &e. i : & ASTERIAS. 141 On the species of the Linnwan genus ASTERIAS, in- habiting the coast of the United States. By Tuomas Say. Read November 1, 1825. Astrerias, Linn. Lam. 1. A. articulata. Disk moderate, granulated 5 margin of the rays articulated, ciliate. » Inhabits the coast of Georgia and East Florida. Disk rather small, covered with close set, small rounded granulations, which conceal rounded tuber- eles, on which they are placed, and are continuous to near the extremity of the rays: rays five, depressed, nearly flat above ; margin articulated throughout, the articulations depressed, witha single series of com- pressed, somewhat truncated spines on the side, two on each articulation, in length about equal to two of the articulations ; on the superior surface of the ar- ticulations, is a series of small tubercles, one on each, extending from near the tip of the ray to the middle ; beneath articulated, and armed with cuales short, slender spines. «gj: i This species is closely allied to the A. aranciaca, with which it has probably been considered identical. But there are several invariable characters which readily distinguish it from that species, and not the least important of these is that of the lateral spines being placed in a single series, two to each articula- _ tion; the granulations also of the disk are in no in- stance ascicular, but are always spherical, 4 142 ASTERIAS. It is very common on the coast of East Florida, and on the gea islands of Georgia. jade 3." as elathrdta.” Disk rath’ small, granulated ; surface tesselated. Inhabits the. coast of Georgia and East Florida. The whole surface is covered by minute granula- tions, divided into small groups, which are rounded on the disks, and quadrate on the margins, where the division is effected by longitudinal and transverse, _ continuous impressed lines: rays five, semicylindrical, or a little depressed, terminating in a glabrous tu- bercle, which is not reflected, and dilated each side with very short spines; beneath, divided throughout by narrow, transverse articulations, by means of im- pressed lines, and armed with numerous Baie broad and compressed. spines... Very distinct from the preceding species, and attaining toa somewhat larger size. It seems to be allied to the A. devigata, an inhabitant of the Indian oceap. It is very common on our southern coast. het Ass spinosus, Linck. This species is very abundant. on our coast, from Maine.to East Florida inclusive. The generic name Sis Movie by Linck is PENTADACTYLOSASTER ; his specific name was changed b marck to that of echinophora, but there can be no doubt respecting priority in this ease. The largest specimen I have seen belongs to the col- — lection of the Academy; it is about nine inches and three-fourths. in diameter; but on the shores of the Southern States, they are often 6, 64, and even 7 ASTERIAS. 143 inches in diameter.. 1 was not aware that it was found so far North as Maine, until a recent letter, with an accompanying specimen, from Mr. D. H. Storer, informed me that they are found at Cape Elizabeth, clinging to the rocks, several feet below low-water- mark, and that in fact, they may be found on almost any rocky shore in that region. The figures in the Ency. Meth. to which Lamarck refers, are so very unlike this species, that if they should prove to be accurate representations of the spinosus, the species here alluded to must be entirely distinct. . 4. A. sentus. Disk $m hein spiny, not obviously reticulated. ‘Tnhabits the coast of Florida. Rays cylindrical, very slightly aapotiagg of mode- rate length; surface covered with a. blackish viola- ceous epidermis, destitute of pores, and with numerous conic acute spines, which may be traced into about 10 or 11 longitudinal rows, two or four of which are beneath; beneath paler; grooves very slender. Komal 41 inches... This species was brought from oe West by Mr. T. Peale, who found them abundant there. Lieutenant Gandtt of the Navy, has since pre- sented two. specimens to, the Academy , by A. vestitas Disk ‘broad 5 pietieer vatieile covered by cylindrical ee ; margin anti pe lated ; rays depressed. = ‘The whole superior suface is sieoWordd by oylindri- cal prominences, which are placed near each other, 144 ASTERIAS. truncated at their summits, and each summit crowned by from ten to eighteen small, equal, cylindrical fimbrie ; wart-like tubercle large, radiated, very conspicuous: margin articulated; each articulation . with about four, very much compressed, subquadrate, truncated spines or moveable processes, which are vertically adpressed to the surface of the segment, and are imbricated with respect to each other. Diameter 1 foot 2 inches. The fine specimen from which this description was made, was found at Cape May by Mr. J. Robbins, and by him presented to the Philadelphia Museum. Allied to A. aranciaca, Linn. but distinct by many characters, and particularly by the form and number ‘of the lateral spines. It is very rare on this, sonst. 6. A. alternata. Disk rather small ; diistlare re- ticulated, and covered by small columns, supporting fimbrie, of which the central one is largest.” Inhabits the coast of Florida. * Rays very distinctly reticulated, the sdeiitte open; but the. network is concealed by a series of short, trochleariformcolumns, which, on their summit, support numerous small radiating cylinders, of which the central one is usually larger, and often much more promt t than the others; wart-like tubercle not visible ; lateral spines oblong, conic, acute, placed in two SENS. with. many smaller ones beneath. them ; all the surface beneath spiny ; colour above purplish ; the rays with irregular yellowish bands, ‘beneath entirely yellowish.“ Diameter about 8 inches. _ASTERIAS. 145 The columns of the surface are narrower in the middle than at either extremity, and many of the crowning radii of those columns have the central one ‘much larger, so as to give the surface an appearance of irregularity. The species has a flaccid appearance, and is readily broken, But.a single specimen was brought by Mr. Peale from the Florida Keys.* Oprnurura, Lam. 1. O. angulata. Disk orbicular, slightly pen- tagonal, spinous ; rays five, with numerous echinated spines, which are almost twice as long as the trans- verse diameter of the ray. Inhabits Charleston harbour. The edge of the disk is more prominent ned agus what lobed between the rays3 the surface of the disk is radiated with ten spiny lines, of which five are dilated, and the remainder very narrow; the spines are very small in proportion to those of the rays, and bifid or trifid at tip, and are supported by small, — hardly raised granulations: rays of moderate length, above depressed ; segments angular at their tips, and each SERPOSHPE on each side a transverse series of "* A, icteenlie Lam. As the native coe + of oe ee species was unknown to Lamarck, I may avail myself of opportunity to state that a fine specimen was presented to! e Academy by Mr. Wm. W. Drinker, which was found near Guasco, on the coast of Chili, by Mr. Samuel Archer, jr. Another indi- vidual, taken at the same locality, is in the possession of Mr. Charles Bispham. ; VOL. V.—NOVEMBER, 1825. 19 * ey Pa) or 3 oo @ 7 146 ASTERIAS. seven echinated, unequal, cylindrical spines, of which the two or three inferior ones are short and imperfect; beneath, segments emarginate at tip : colour purplish. This species is rather small, the largest specimen I have observed being not more than one inch and a quarter in diameter. It is not uncommon on the Gorgonia, at Sullivan’s Island. The angulated form of the segment plates, is. similar to that of ‘the 0. ciliaris, Linn. 2, O. elongata. Disk pentagonal, minutely squa- mose 3 rays much sonsste, slender, with short, muti¢c spines. Inhabits Charleston harbour. The scales of the disk are imbricated, and at each angle of this part are two abbreviated, somewhat di- _ lated lines; the rays are very long and ‘slender, with short segments, which are transversely oval above, and quadrate beneath, armed each side by a trans- ~ verse series of three spines, the length of which are hardly more than equal to half the width of the seg- ment; the intermediate spine is more obtuse than the others, and is minutely echinated. - This species inhabits Gorgoniz with the papi Its diameter is upwards of six, inches, whilst. that of the: disk is about one fifth of an inch. It may compared with the filiformis of Muller, and longipeda and nereidina of Lamarck. From ysl former it is distinguished by having a proportionally smaller disk, destitute of those profound i incisures of the edge so remarkable in that species, Its spines are much shorter than those of the longipeda, and it % a ASTERIAS. 147 is altogether destitute of dorsal grooves which dis- tinguish the nereidina. . “3. O. echinata Lam.? A specimen of OpHturA, found at Cape” May, will possibly prove to be a variety of this “eed it belongs to the Philad phia Museum. 4, O. crassispina. Disk orbicular, minutely granu- lated ; some of the Spines dilated. Inhabits the coast of Florida. Disk orbicular, destitute of spines, hardly percep- tibly crenate on the edge, with very minute equal spherical granulations over its whole surface, placed at a little distance from each other on a level ground ; no glabrous spaces : rays on the back with only a single obvious series of plates, which are transversely oval, not angulated; on the inferior part a series of plates, on each side of the base of which are two equal, very small, oval scales; the plates are hexagonal, the three anterior sides are short, the lateral sides are much longer and concave, to receive the side of one of the lateral scales: spines unarmed, not longer than the transverse diameter of the ray, placed ‘in four series; superior series with the spines towards the base of the ray, dilated, some being almost oval; those towards the tip; and at the’ base of the ray, simple; remaining series equal, simple: colour dar purplish, more or less varied with yellowish on the rays ; spines and beneath yellowish. Diameter of the disk 3 of an inch. “Length of the ray 3} inches. ® 148 ASTERIAS. Mr. Titian Peale found several specimens on the Florida Keys. I am also indebted to Mr. Peale for the opportunity to examine and describe the six fol- lowing species, all found by himself on the Florida Keys. 5. O. reticulata. Disk pentagonal, very minutely scaly ; rays yellowish, annulate with dusky. Inhabits Coast of Florida. . Disk pentagonal, the angles rounded, and sides concave ; surface entirely covered with minute, im- bricated scales, and entirely destitute of spines or other elevations; of a yellowish colour, reticulated with dusky or blackish: rays yellow, with distant, narrow, blackish annulations ; back with a series of transverse subquadrate plates, narrower at their tips, and a series of smaller ones each side above the first series of spines ; beneath, a series of quadrate plates, with rounded angles, the terminal sides more or less deeply emarginate; and a single series of obovate Seales each side of the plates, and less than half the size of the plates: spines placed in three series only, nearly equal, and hardly longer than half the trans- verse diameter of the wih Diameter of the disk ,°, of an inch. Length of a ray: Disat. 31 inches. . Three individuals of this pretty species were ab: tained. It resembles the species represented in the Encyclopedie Methodique, -p\. 122. figs. 5,6, 7, 8, to which Lamarck has given a name without having seen the animal in nature.» ASTERIAS. 149 6. O. bdrevispina. Rays cylindrical, subulate : spines minute, adpressed: disk pentagonal. “TInhabits the coast of Florida. Disk pentagonal, the angles acutely emarginated at the base of the rays; sides concavely arched 5 sur- face with sand like granulations, without interval between them: rays rather short, cylindrical, taper- ing from the base to the tip: back with but a single series of transversely oblong-quadrate plates, which extend quite to the first series of spines; beneath with a single series of rather small rounded plates, which are a little narrower at base: spines seven on the lateral edge of each segment, equal, shorter than the segment and adpressed to it, so as. not to be ob- vious : colour whitish, rays annulate with greenish. Diameter of the disk nearly 3 of an inch. Length of a ray about 1,5, inches. Resembles the O. fexrturata Lam. of Europe, but. the disk of that species is divided into. imbricated plates of various figures, and the dorsal plates of the rays are narrow. . The surface of the disk in our species, resembles a stratum of extremely fine, sphe- rical granules, laying in every position with esl to each other, and i in contact. 7. O. paucispina. » Disk entiiouler, consisting of small plates, surrounded: by still smaller ones: rays with two series of very short spines. Ba Inhabits the coast of Florida. Disk nearly orbicular, very slightly pentagonal, the superior edge not interrupted by the rays: sur- face composed of many rounded, small plates, each 150 ASTERIAS. slightly concave, and surrounded by a row’of small scales: rays on the back with a series of triangular plates, at the anterior angle, each side; is a very-small triangular plate or scale; beneath with a series of plates which are profoundly concave each side for the reception of two small scales: spines remarkably small, adpressed, less than one-third the length of the segment, and consisting of but two series: colour - whitish, rays annulate with dusky. Diameter of the disk 4 of an inch. A01 A very pretty little species. . It resembles O. tea- turata Lam. but has fewer ‘spines, and the divisions of the surface of the disk are differently formed, more rounded and..much more regular: the edge of the surface of the disk in that species also is interrupted by the rays... } 8. O. tsocantha. Disk adingolan granulated ; spines less than half the length el the’ transverse diameter of the ray. Inhabits the coast of Florida! epee Disk with the angles obtusely Huinieas surface with numerous elevated tubercles or pines which are not crowded ; edge not interrupted by the - rays: rays on the back with a single series of trans- ‘versely oblong-oval plates; beneath with a series of transversely, angularly oval plates, on each side of which are-two very small spine like scales : spines less than half the transverse diameter of the ray in length, unarmed, ‘prominent, equal, placed in three series: mouth very regular, stellate: ene ang rays annulate with pect vie ppd als ASTERIAS. 151 _ Diameter of the disk:less than } of an inch. A single specimen only was taken by Mr. Peale. The granulations of the disk resemble those of O. erassispina, but they are somewhat larger in pro- 9510. flaccida. Disk membranaceous, with a marginal series of scales. Inhabits the coast of Florida. Disk pentagonal 5 the curvature concave between the rays; angles rounded ; surface membranaceous, flaccid, and with a regular | series of imbricated, ra- ther large, oval scales on the margin: rays on the back with a single series of transverse, narrow plates, having a longitudinal impressed line; beneath with a series of angularly rounded plates, deeply emargina~ ted at their tips, and having a deep open puncture each side, in which there is no appearance of a small, scale: spines short conic, rounded and large at base, acute at tip, and not longer than the segment, somewhat -adpressed to the segment. and placed. in four series. Diameter of the disk. about 4 or ¢ of an inch, The disk i is remarkably membranaceous, so much so that it requires care in handling the animal to avoid tearing this part. This character, and that of the series of imbricated scales or plates situated near the superior enge-9 of the eine amply distinguish xs species. 10. O. appressa. Disk orbicular, granulated: spines of the rays 1 aegattcaaiiadad in about seven series. BST ye Inhabits the coast of Piaicene: x 152 ASTERIAS. Disk orbicular; surface minutely and regularly — granulated : rays on the back with a single series of transversely, oblong subquadrate plates, their tips parallel to their bases, and both rectilinear ; beneath with a series of rounded subquadrate plates, entire at their tips: spines hardly more than half the length of the segment, and adpressed to it, sub-equal, the one or two inferior ones rather largest, placed in from six to nine series: colour dusky cinereous, with darker annulations on the rays. Diameter of the disk nearly 4 an inch. . The granulations of the disk are equal, and placed side by side, i in contact with each other. * ' * O. cirrosa. Disk small rays convex, much eeghta, cirriform ; spines shorter than the diameter of the ray. Inhabits the West Indies. Disk small, deeply emarginated between the rays, surface granulated, and with ten elevated rounded lines placed in pairs and extending from the centre to the base of the rays: rays slender, very much elongated, resembling tendrils, remarkably attenuated towards the tip, granulated throughout, pale yellow- ish, the incisures bright fulvous; spines very short, towards the base of the ray conic, shorter than the distance between them, towards the middle of the ray cylindric, truncated or very ob- tuse at tip, longer than those near the. base, but still shorter than the diameter of the ray, towards the tip of the rays, the spines rapidly diminish in length. avh Diameter about 11} inches. ~ Diameter of the base of a ray one-tenth of an inch. Diameter of the disk nearly three-tenths of an inch. This is a beautiful and curious species, belonging to the Phi- ladelphia Museum, to which Mr. T. Peale informs me it was “presented by Mr. F. Bravil, who obtained it in the West Indies. The specimen is supported on a Gorgonia, around the branches - ASTERIAS. 153 Adena Wsaty:. _ Evrvaue, Lam. mo 4 ‘muricatum, Lam. This fine species was de- scribed by Lamarck, from a specimen belonging to the French, Museum, the native country of which was ‘unknown. A very perfect specimen has lately been presented to the Academy by Lieutenant Gandtt of the Navy: it was taken at the Florida Keys, and the species is therefore an inhabitant of the coast of the United States. Mr. T. Peale also obtained. two specimens at the same place. e late Dr. Waterhouse mentioned to me a spe- cies of this genus that was cast upon the shore of one of the Eastern States, and from his description of the animal, I supposed it to be the E. costosum, Linck, but not having seen it, I cannot with any degree of BRRPRE, add it to this ‘paper, Aunerno, Leach. A. een scte. Shays simple, bifid ; cilia tapering ; tentacula with a pit tooth on the middle . the last _ joint. Inhabits the ‘coast of N ew Je ersey.. Rays slender, bifid nearly. to the base, destitute of of which it has twined its tendril-like rays in numerous yolu- . tions. These rays. have an annular appearance - throughout their whole length, in consequence of the fine fulvous colour of the incisures of the. segments, and the paler colour of the segments themselves. It is certainly very distinct, from either ’ of the six species, having convex rays, described by Lamarck. VOL. V.—NOVEMBER, 1825. 20 154 ASTERIAS. spines on the back: cilia from six to nine jointed, ‘rather long, gradually and regularly attenuated to the tip: dorsal tentacula about twenty-seven, of which the largest are sixteen jointed, and the smallest ten jointed, slightly slarger towards the tip, smooth ; ; joints a little contracted at their middle ; terminal joint ending in an incurved ’ acute claw, and with a prominent tooth on its inner middle. Diameter about 2% inches. Of this small species an individual belongs 1 to the Philadelphia Museum, found at Great Egg Harbour by Mr. Titian Peale. As neither Leach, Lamarek, “nor Miller have noticed a tooth on.the inner side of the last joint of the tentacula of the species they, have described, we cannot suppose that it exists in either of those species, otherwise this character would not have been overlooked. The genuine name ALEcTRO has the priority over that of Comaruta of Lamarck, we therefore cannot choose but adopt it. a t “ me Description of a ph of the Couueer fulvius, Linn. a new species of Scineus, and two new species of SALAMANDRA. By R, Fis Sealt MaaD- Read September 6, 1825. aft . Dr, William Blanding, a corresponding lina of the Academy, } has recently presented to the Society, a splendid collection of Reptilia, Crustacea, Insecta, &c. from the vicinity of Camden, South Carolina, COLUBER FULVIUS. 155 his place of residence. The present specimen is one of that collection. _ Cot. fulvius, Linn. Var. (H. ) Char. Coluber with 18 deep black rings, with as many scarlet or blood-red intervening ones, separated by narrow rings of whitish-yellow bands. _ Dimensions. Length two feet, of which the tail includes three inches. Abdominal plates two hun- dred and two: subcaudal scales forty pairs. Description. A single row of teeth in the upper jaw, with a perforated fang on each side: consequently this species is to be considered as poisonous : in ‘which it differs from the CoLuBER coccineus, (as well as in the disposition of the colours :) but agrees with the fulvius in possessing fangs, though Daudin describes the latter as innocent. The black rings are broad above and narrow be- low ; the reverse is observed of the scarlet rings ; the latter display a mixture more or less of a blackish colour. In the centre of many of the scarlet rings on the abdomen, there is a large circular black spot: on the tail the yellowish-white and black rings alone prevail, as in the fulvius. The rings commence with yellowish-white, surrounding the occiput. The face is black. Inhabits Charleston South Carolina. A specimen in the Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Nore. It appears to be this variety which Mr. ’ Say has compared with the C. coccineus. Vid, Sil- liman’s Journal. The fulvius of Linn. has no red bands. 156 SCINCUS: | Scrncvus. seh S. unicolor. Char. Universal colour, a dark silver gray ; head small ; snout acute 5 be a ete: of the body. : Dimensions. Total fell 3,4, inches 5 of the tail 1,4, inches. ~ ete ‘Description. Head small and tring thick than the body ; covered above with nine plates 5 superciliary ridge composed of four plates; meatus externus rather large, transversely oval: tail small, abruptly conical: universal colour dark silver Bray, lighter beneath: back obsoletely striated. This species, the smallest of the family, nelle to the collection in the Philadelphia Museum ; it is not known certainly from whence it came, but is bies.s0d ed to pes the Southern States. > met SALAMANDRA. ifsw : P&S ‘ 4 ryt ‘ ati 1. Si eylindracea. Char. - General colour blackish; clouded with ‘confluent white blotches on the sides} head thick and oval ; tail cylindrical; pe stor body; all the toes fissile. 1 cous Drvensions.” ‘Total length about five nictiea then the snout to the base of ry tail ail on eal tremity of the tail lost. a - Descrirrion. “Male. Head larger than ee ae oval and slightly protuberant at the occiput; eyes large, protuberant; snout obtuse: tail cylindrical, + SALAMANDRA. . 157 thick and gradually tapering ; skin beneath the neck folded transversely ; vent, a simple longitudinal rima: general colour blackish or dark slate green ; lightest on the throat and underneath the tail ; sides clouded with confluent white blotches. Female of a darker colour, with the head flatter, and with a slightly impressed longitudinal furrow. along the spine. ~ . ; . Habit. The tail of this species being perfectly cylindrical, would appear to indicate its: terrestrial ' Inhabits South Carolina. Presented to me by Dr. Blanding. ; : ; 2. S. symmetrica. Char. Colour dusky-brown, ‘or fuscous above; orange yellow beneath; a row of deep orange-coloured spots on each side of the spine, symmetrically arranged ; tail compressed, longer than the body. : . ~ Dimensions, Total length 3 inches; of the tail 1, inches. ~ : Description. Female. A delicate and well proportioned animal, head rather small, somewhat flattened ; in some specimens marked with-three small spots above ; skin of the neck not folded transversely 5 eyes rather large, though not protuberant; a row of deep orange coloured oval spots, nine or ten in num- ber, lining each side of the spine; and arranged _ symmetrically; vent, very protuberant, circular, and puckered in both sexes. Colour of the lower parts of the body, orange yellow, sparsely spotted with minute black dots ; upper surface of the body dusky “158 ANEMONE. brown. From the appearance of the generative or-- gans, these animals must sain died in the season of their amours. , Pisigy- Male of a larger size ited lighter colours with a broad ancipital tail. Inhabits South Carolina. Poadiseh ey Dr. Blan- ding. . at Ah Bihed Nore... This species bears no satin to the Ss. oii Daud. which is the Lacerta aquatica, var. Gmel. and which Professor Barton and others have confounded with the ‘ Stellio” of Catesby: the latter being in fact, only a variety of the S. subviolacea Barton, as is clearly demonstrated by a specimen I have lately received from Camden S$. C. through Dr. Blanding. Mr. Say on. the contrary, appears to have confounded the S. symmetrica with the Stellio, in his “notes on Herpetology,” Vide Silliman’s Journal. vol. 1. p. 264. ti ° ae Observations on a species of ANEMONE, of the section PuLsATILLA, indigenous to the United States, By Tuomas Nurrauu. Read October 11, 1825. i 4} Co od That the genus Seniaias as seumatisased) it Lin- nus and, his: successors, even after) the judicious separation of Hepatica by Willdenow, still requires revision, must, I conceive, be apparent to all who have ever compared the Pulsatillas with such. other as- sumed species of the genus, as A, virginiana, A. caroliniana, or A. thalictroides: the last, indeed, with strict propriety, has been referred by De Candolle to Tuaxictrum, and the Pulsatillas are sectionally di- _ ANEMONE. 159 vided by Persoon, from his Anemonoides, being distin- guished remarkably from the latter by the long plumose appendages of their spreading carpelles, im which par- ticular, though remote in habit, they bear so marked an aflinity to the genus CLeMATis, that Pursh, de- ceived by imperfect specimens of our plant, named it CLemMATIs hirsutissima, (2. p. 385) and by this name he marked the specimen in Mr. Lambert’s herba- ‘rium which I had collected. In-the work on the _ Genera of North American plants and the rarer spe- cies, Vol. II. p. 20, I have attempted to describe it as ANEMONE */udoviciana, having a 1-flowered in- volucrate scape, remarkably soft and lanuginous (no ways hirsute) with the segments subulately divided ; the leaves pseudo-digitate, multifid, and smooth on the upper surface, the segments entire, linear and acute; the petals 6, oblong-ovate, and nearly erect. This species has also been introduced into the Systema Vegetabilium of De Candolle, by the name of Anemone WVuttallii; and the better to illustrate it, I have now added a figure from a sketch made on the spot (vid. Pl. viii.) Like most of the section to which it appertains, it grows on exposed bare hills, and flowers early in the month of April. The colour of the flower is a grayish sombre blue. We found it growing in considerable tufts, on hills near the confluence of the Missouri and Platte rivers. It would be highly acceptable to the flower ever freon its early and er 5 ag vegas 160 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. Descriptions of new annits ab Coleopterous Inseets inhabiting the United States. rae Tuomas en Read January 18, 1825, v4 ; Dytiscus, Linn. Latr. * rind 1. D. liberus. Thorax obscure rufous; elytra ~ brownish, glabrous, with three obsolete series” ye punctures. Body impunctured, alaboms, oval: head very aii scure rufous; antennz and palpi pale: thorax obscure rufous; somewhat piceous, varied with dusky: seutel piceous: elytra dull testaceous, but having a fuscous appearance in consequence of very numerous, minute, blackish, confluent points ; a narrow dull testaceous exterior margin, in which the blackish points are less: numerous; three series of distant obsolete punctures: beneath piceous : venter varied with dull testaceous, and with about four spots of the same colour on each lateral_ margin. Length less than 3 an inch. . I have never found this insect in Pennsylvania. ie purchased several specimens, with a collection of i in-. sects, several years ago in New York, of which state it is therefore probably a native. The elytra of the female are not sulcated, but are erheae similar to those of the male. I have recently received specimens from Des Har- . ris of Massachusetts, who obtained them in that state. COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. - 161 Cyrnon, Fabr. Dej. 1. C. discoidus, _Testaceous; elytra with a com- mon black disk. - Inhabits Arkansa. ¢ Body oval, pale testaceous, with short yellowish hair » head and thorax impunctured: eyes fuscous : scutel triangular, with a slightly depressed margin: elytra with.a large common black disk; numerous small punctures furnishing hairs :. 2igs black. - Length} of aninch, _ . . Taken on the banks of the river Adeana by Mr. Thomas Nuttall. © ti 2. C. ovalis. Blackish, or yeaah brown; pu- bescent 3 thorax harrow, transverse. Body rather. short, oval, considerably depressed, ‘blackish or yellowish brown; with short, numerous hairs: antenne and palpi pale yellowish-brown: thorax transverse, harrow, not rounded on the an- terior edge; punctures more distinct each side: elytra with numerous impressed punctures gradually becom- : ing obsolete behind : feet pale Laman dice Length 7, of an inch. +. More rounded and less sericeous than C. griseus Fab., and somewhat larger than C. padi, Gy). -Lampyris, Linn. Latr. 1. L. ruficollis. Blackish ; antenne and thorax rufous. — VOL. V.— DECEMBER, 1825, 21 ~ 162 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS: Lampyris ruficollis, Melsh. Catal. Head black, polished, with short hairs ; eyes rather small, prominent ; antenne and palpi dull rufous: thorax transversely oblong-quadrate, with short hairs, polished ; anterior angles rounded ; anterior margin not extended over the head; rufous, a little dusky before the middle: e/ytra blackish, with numerous punctures furnishing short hairs: pectus rufous on the lateral pe ie tibix obscure rufous. Length ,4, of an inch. The smallest North American species I have seen and very distinct by its characters from any of them. It does not appear to be endowed with the power of yielding light. __ 2. L: angulata. Blackish-brown; thorax yel- lowish, with a vitta and lateral pada black ; elytra margined with yellowish. _ Lampyris mar ginata, Melsh. Catal. Body dilated: head dull rosaceous, with an obscure frontal spot and vertex, blackish ; antenne simple, blackish, basal joint pale ; palpi blackish: thorax ob- tusely somewhat angulated before; a dilated black vitta attenuiated before, on each side of which towards — the base is a large pale rosaceous space, and towards the tip each side a dull yellowish one ; lateral margin blackish ; a longitudinal elevated line ; lateral margin a little excurved near the posterior aihuton 3; posterior edge arcuated each side: scute/ black: elytra with a broad outer margin and narrow sutural margin and tip, yellowish: abdomen, terminal segments bright yellow. we COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 163 Length 3 of an inch: In general form, and colour of the thorax, it re- sembles the corrusca Linn. which, however, is desti- tute of coloured margins to the elytra, and its thorax is rounded before ; it is very different from the mar- ginata Linn. by its much more dilated form, I have one specimen which is 3 of an inch in length. 3. L. centrata. Thorax rosaceous, with a black centre ; elytra margined with yellowish. Lampyris limbata, Melsh. Catal. ‘Body oblong: head blackish ; mouth dull rufous ; antenne simple, compressed and with the palpi, black : thorax rounded before, destitute of a carinated line ; a black vitta, each side of which is a large rosa- ceous spot; lateral margin not excurved towards the posterior angles, yellowish; anterior margin dull testaceous-yellow ; posterior edge rectilinear: elytra brownish-black, a narrow. exterior, sutural and ter- minal margin, yellowish: abdomen; terminal —— bright yellow. _ Length from } to 9, of an inch. WVar.“a. Thoraiie: -vitta abbreviated. Very similar in its markings to the preceding, but is less dilated, the thorax is rounded before, with its posterior edge rectilinear, and the lateral margin is not blackish, &e, 4. L. reticulata. Elytra dusky, with longitudinal elevated lines, and transverse ones in the interstitial spaces. Body rather slender : head yellowish ; eyes hlack : 164 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. thorax wider than long, accurately rounded before ; depressed margin wide at the posterior angles ; pale _ yellowish, blackish on the disk ; lateral and anterior margins a little recurved : elytra fuscous, with lon- gitudinal elevated lines, and intermediate, transverse, somewhat irregular ones: _pectus pale yellow each side : \postpectus and feet pale yellow. Length less than } of-an inch. ' A single specimen was brought from Apsaue by Mr. Thomas Nuttall. It may be readily distinguished from the other species of the United States by its reticulated elytra, and slender form. 5. L..seinetillans. Light brown; thorax rosaceous, with a yellowish margin and central black spot; elytra with a yellowish margin. Lampyris. pyralis; Melsh. Catal.’ Body oblong: head blackish, more or less tinged with rufous; mouth paler; antenne brown: thorax regularly arcuated before and on each sidé; bright rosaceous, with a black central spot and impressed line $ anterior and lateral margins pale yellowish ; posterior edge very slightly arcuated, which extends equally from one angle to the other: elytra pale brown, with a narrow exterior, satural and terminal margin. Length nearly 4, of an inch. This is our very abundant ‘“Fire-fly,”” sit is fami- liar to every inhabitant of this country. , It is very like the centrata nob., but is much smaller and of a much paler colour. With the late Mr. Melsheimer, I have always hitherto considered this species to be the COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 165 pyralis of authors ; but on a careful comparison with their descriptions, and. particularly that of Olivier and his figure, I have, after much hesitation, conclu- ded that it is distinct from that species. The pyralis is described to be equal in size to the splendidula and noctiluca, but our species is smaller; my chief reliance, however, is on the figure given by Olivier, which is beyond all doubt that of a mre: different species from the present. The female differs from the male in having the elytra imperfect, being not more than one-third the length of the abdomen ; they are, however, ros like those of the male. CANTHARIS » Fabr. Dej: “1. C. tomentosa. Rufous ;, elytra blackish, covered with short hairs; thorax truncated before. Cantharis tomentosa, Melsh. Catal. Head prominent, somewhat elongated and attenu- - ated behind the eyes, glabrous, rufous: antennx dusky, pale rufous at base, second and third joints equal : thorax rufous, subglabrous, with very minute hairs, polished; lateral margins narrow, more de- pressed behind; anterior margin truncated ; a longi- tudinal acute impressed line: scutel pale rufous: | elytra blackish, with dense minute hairs, and close set small punctures: postpectus dark plumbeous, se- riceous, with very short prostrate hairs : feet pale ru- fous; tibie dusky, the anterior pair somewhat arcuated, so as to have the appearance of being a little dilated 166 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. on the inner side towards the tip: abdomen dark plumbeous on the disk, lateral margins and tip me rufous. Keabacinite 35 of an inch. + ea 9 rotundicollis. Pale rufous ; elute el beous, sericeous ; thorax rounded before. , _ Head SE sericeous on the front, towards the tip a little varied with black ; antenne hardly darker than the head, third joint longer than the second, but not twice as long; mandibles black at tip and on the inner margin: thorax pale rufous, polished, with short hairs, somewhat inequal ; lateral margins nearly. _ obsolete behind, depressed before ; posterior margin abruptly depressed ; anterior margin regularly round- ed, lateral angles none: scwtel pale rufous: elytra plumbeous and decidedly sericeous, varying with the incidence of the light: beneath pale rufous, sericeous: anterior tibiz simple. Length nearly 3 of an inch. The colours of this species, as well as their distri- bution, are so very similar to those of the preceding, that it might be easily mistaken for the same, but it differs in the anterior rotundity of the thorax and the simplicity of the anterior tibix.. 3. C. ligata.. Pale ochreous ; head with twolines and thorax with a vitta, black. . Body pale ochreous: head with two very obyious black lines, proceeding from the base of the antenne and converging.a little to the neck ; antenne black, second joint very small, half the length of the third, COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. “167 which is not. more than two-thirds the length of the fourth ; mouth prominent, with a black line each side above; palpi long, terminal joint but little dilated : tharaw quadrate, not transverse ; lateral edges recti- linear ; angles rounded, posterior ones more acutely so a broad black vitta, which, however, does not af- fect the anterior and posterior raised edges : elytra immaculate : wings black: tibie and tarsi black, rails simple. Length more than 3? of an Sack: The form of the palpi prove this species to be closely related to Mauturnus. I found the specimen near the cantonment of Major Long’s exploring party on the Missouri river. 4. C. jactata. Pale ochreous; thorax with an impressed line, dull rufous, yellowish each side. Body pale ochreous ; head yellowish before, above . the antenne black, polished; antennz black beneath, and basal joint rufous ; second joint half as long as the third, which is equal to the fourth: thorax transverse, rounded before; posterior angles acute; yellowish each side, on the disk rufous with a blackish line, and with an indented line extending from the middle to the posterior raised edge: elytra immaculate: postpectus blackish on.each side: tibiz and tarsi black above, nails with a prominent tooth: venter blackish in the middle. Length more than } 5 of an inch. I found this species when with Major Long’s party; near the bes -ip Mountains. 168 ‘ COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 5. C. paraliela. Black; thorax yellow; with a black. vitta. / Head. black ; niet hae hiniainetloncs antenne with the first joint yellowish beneath, second’ joint half the length of the third, which is equal to the fourth: thorax yellow, with a slight tinge of rufous, with a black equal vitta, which occupies not more . than one-fourth or one-fifth of the surface; anterior portion rather narrower than the posterior margin $ ‘angles rounded : e/ytra black : beneath black : peetus yellow: nails armed with a tooth. Length more than j of an inch. _ This species was labelled in my cabinet with the name of /ineola; but that name is pre-occupied. ‘The black line of the thorax is well defined, and its sides are. parallel. Occurs'in June. 6. C. laticornis.. Black; thorax with nthe lateral margin yellow ; antenne serrate. ; Body black : head somewhat yellowish helene an- tenne a little dilated and serrate on the’ inner side ; second joint very small, less than one-third the length of the third joint, which is equal to the fourth: thorax a little narrower before, lateral Daer mar- gins honey-yellow ; middle of the lateral edge con- tracted 5 posterior angles subacute : peetus beri nails simple, eign pair with a slight perpen ‘Length nearly 7% of an inch. 7, 0. ‘seitula. Dusky 5 ; thor a margin of the ely- tra and feet yellow. — Head black, anterior half yellowish ; antennie with ' A COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. — 169 the two basal joints beneath yellowish, second joint rather large, two-thirds the length of the third joint, which i is-equal to the fourth: thorax yellow, imma- culate; anterior angles obtusely rounded, posterior angles acutely rounded: elytra dusky, with a pale yellowish margin, the sutural margin very broad, near the scutel occupying nearly half the width of the elytrum beneath pale yellowish ; postpectus and venter varied, with dusky : nails armed with a tooth. Length more than } of an inch. 8. C. ? bidentata. shone Risiiaioie yellow ; an- tenn serrate. Body black: antennz dilated, fein short, aeeracs ; second joint very small, not dilated, half as long as the third, which is equal-to the fourth: thoraz yellow; near the posterior angle on each side are two promi- nent, approximate, parallel teeth. ~~Length more than 53, of an inch. eee me Fabr. 1. M. fovilabris.. Porplish- ‘Meok:3 head at tip yellow. Body black, with a slight tinge of ° phephaly par- ticularly on the elytra: head polished deep black be- tween and above the eyes, anterior, to which it is bright yellow ; antennz beneath one half. the length yellow: anterior pairs of feet yellow, coxx and thighs with a-dilated black line ; posterior feet dik y Length to the tip of the elytra more than yy of an inch. VOL. Y.—DECEMBER, 1825. 22 & 170 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 2. M. pusillus. -Purplish-black ; feet, excepting the posterior tibiw, yellow. « Head polished black; antennx at. base yellow; mandibles yellow, piceous at tip: anterior pairs of feet excepting the patella, yellow; posterior pair yellow, tibie and line.on the thighs, black. Length more than ,}, of an inch.. IT received the two insects above described ‘from Dr. J. F. Melsheimer, under ene names I have given to them. 3. M. seineetus. Pale yelloiahg thoracic disk black. ; Head yellow, black at eee thorax deep black on the disk, each side ands basal edge yellow: scutel black ; elytra pale yellowish , suture excepting towards the tip blackish : pectus yellow, with a blackish spot each side: postpectus yellow, lateral and posterior margins black: abdomen black, incisures and lateral edge yellow. Length ,'; of an inch, _A common species, remarkable for. its pale colour. 4. M. apicialis. Black; thorax sanguineous 3 feet and tip of the elytra. whitish. Head black, polished antenne. yellowish: thorax sanguineous, dusky on the anterior margin: elytra black, polished ; a large, rounded, whitish, somewhat hyaline spot occupying the tip: feet and’ sr sad part of the venter sind yellow or whitish. Length less than + 16 of an inch. : I obtained this species when with Major Long's ; party in Missouri. - COLEOPTEROUS, INSECTS. 171 5. M. terminalis. Blackish; setiningl margin of the elytra pale testaceous. Body black, polished, somewhat hairy:5 3 antenne at base; c/ypeus on its anterior margin and labrum dull rufous: e/yéra with the apicial margin only pale testaceous: anterior thighs beneath, piceous: abdo- men with the segments margined with pale testaceous. Length less than. ,', of an inch: of a more robust form than the preceding insect. XyxeTinus, Lar. X. sericeus. Brown; thorax-indented each side behind; elytra striate. \ Anobium sericeum, Melsh. Catal. Body cylindrical,’ with minute prostrate hairs: head granulated ; antennx rufous; mouth with golden yellow hair: thorax granulated ; an obvious longitu- dinal impressed line, terminating behind in a short earina, which separates two impressed transverse spaces ; lateral edge prominent: e/ytra with regular impressed striz, in which are — hea impressed punctures. Length + of an inch, If the short Fabrician description of serricornis be accurate, there can be no doubt that the present spe- cies is distinct. ' SOREN, Fabr. - 1. A. gibbosum. Thorax much elevated, acute, ‘in the middle. sk : re 172 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. Anobium gibbosum, Melsh. Catal. Body very hairy, brown ; hairs more or less ferru- “ginous: antennx nearly ‘eid reddish-brown : tho- rax youch, elevated in the middle, the tip of the prominent part bifid: e/yfra with irregular stria of punctures; a few more prominent tufts of hairs; humerus prominent ; postpectus dusky. ad Length more than } of an inch. The hairy surface, and prominence of the thorax render this a striking species. It is not common, 2. A. bi-striatum. Black ; feet dull rufous § an- tennx pale yellowish. ~ _ Thorax a little compressed before, with a. slight oblique groove each side, proceeding backward and becoming confluent on the posterior submargin; lateral margin impressed, edge rather prominent; anterior edge slightly reflected : e/yéra@ with obsolete series of impressed punctures; on the lateral ren: are ws deeply impressed striz. » Length more than ;', of an inch. ae A small but very distinct species. (Para 3. A. notatum. Above blackish, varied with cinereous ; thorax with the posterior angles subacute. Head with cinereous hair on the front; antenne glabrous, rufous, as long as the thorax : thorax black- ish-brown, a Jongitudinal impressed line, i in which i is very short cinereous hair, on each side of which i is a small obsolete cinereous spot; base with a large cinereous patch $ posterior angles rather prominent, subacute : sewtel cinereous : e/ytra striate, punctured. a COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. ; 173 with short cinereous lines in the interstitial spaces, forming a band beyond the middle, and at. base gene- rally enclosing a black spot : beneath cinereous 3 sfect blackish-rufous. Length more than ,{ a0 of an ich. This pretty species is not at all common. 4, A. tenuestriatum. Reddish- brown; sericeouss elytra with filiform striz.: Anobium villosum, Melsh. Catal. Antenne moderate, the terminal j joints not unusually elongated, the length of each not being equal to three times its breadth: thorax not remarkably con- vex, a little indented transversely each side on the posterior margin, but not carinated_ on the posterior middle ; before the middle on each side, in a particu- lar highs, 3 is a rounded spot of the general yellowish sériceous hair : elytra with very slender, not deeply impressed, peneiprel strie. _ Length less than 5% of an inch. : - A very common species § it frequently occurs in our* Museums. It is also very destructive. to Iris root of the shops, and to various other farinaceous substances. It has some resemblance to the A. séri- atum Fabr, of Europe, but the terminal joints of the antenne are less elongated, the thorax is less con- tracted before, and the strie of the elytra are much narrower. The hame Spe by Mr. Melsheimer i is pre-occupied. La 174 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. Trws, Fabr. Latr. | 1. T. bicolor. Black; thorax rufous; anterior and posterior margins black. Body hairy: head black: antenne dusky, pale ru- fous at base: “mouth pale rufous: thorax contracted _ behind the middle, and a little dilated at the middle; rufous, anterior and posterior margins black: elytra black, with regular strie of punctures: pectus rufous, anterior and posterior margins black : postpectus pice- ous: feet yellowish, knees and tarsi dusky. Length more than .3, of an inch. - Resembles T. elongatus, Linn. of Europe, but the middle of the pectus is not black, and the anterior and posterior margins of the thorax are black. Mr. Nuttall brought mea specimen of this insect from Arkansa, and Dr. J. F. Melsheimer sent me one under the name which I have adopted. _ 2. T. undulatus. Elytra pale testaceous, two un- dulatéd bands and tip black. ~ Notoxus undulatus, Melsh. Catal. Body long, slender: head black: eyes nearly entire; antenn# pale rufous, nearly filiform, slightly larger towards the tip, and hardly serrated: palpi pale ru- fous: thorax blackish, cylindrical, transversely in- dented on the anterior submargin, a little. dilated on the middle of the lateral margin, and narrower behind : elytra with regular striw of punctures, pale testaceous ; basal margin blackish; an undulated band before the middle, another behind, the middle and tip black: COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 175 beneath rufous, stethidium sometimes varied. with blackish: feet pale testaceous 3 nails eer Length nearly } of an inch. - This insect has the habit of a Noroxus, but it cannot be congeneric with the mollis, owing to the conformation of the first. joint of the tarsi, which agrees with that of the present genus. The antenne are much less serrated than those of elongatus Fabr. and are proportionally longer, the nails also are pec- tinated. : CLERUs, Fabr. Dej. 1. C. trifasciatus. Rufous; elytra with a broad band on the middle, and tip black, an intermediate cinereous band. Body hairy, bright rufous: head at tip dusky : an- tenne black, terminal joint rufous. at tip: thorax short, the transverse indentation rather deep: elytra rufous and granulated at base ; on the middle a much dilated deep black’ band, undulated on its anterior and posterior edges, and with a narrow cinereous line at its anterior edge; behind this black band is a pale rufous band so covered by cinereous hair as to appear entirely cinereous ; tip deep black: beneath rufous : feet hairy, black. ~ Length more than ,% of an inch. This insect has considerable resemblance to the ichneumoneus Fabr. and rufus Oliv. but the black band occupies the situation of the rufous band of those insects, behind this band those two species have 176 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. a black-band, but in our insect this is rufo-cinereous ; the tip also is deep black, whereas in the above men- tioned species, it is either nee or eh with cinereous. 2. C. pallipennis. Blackish ; agira Be ice testa- ceous, bifasciate with black. Body greenish-black: antenne and palpi sine rufous, terminal joint of ‘the former a little dusky : thorax widest before the’ middle, contracted behind | an indented transverse line on the anterior submargin, and a Jess conspicuous one on the posterior margin ? elytra very pale testaceous, with a black band on the middle, and another at tip: feet pale ee pos- terior pair rather long. Length less than + of an inch. Similar in form to the humeralis nobis. 3.°C. -unifasciatus. Blackish ; 3 elytra with a Witite band on the middle. Body black, tinged ‘with greenish : antennie and palpi pale rufous: thorax widest before the middle, so as to resemble a tubercle on each. side: elytra with a very narrow, pure white band on the middle : fee blackish 5 ¢arst pale. Leaeeh rather more than ,, of an dnch, Of a form similar to the PIECRENE yeti Site Bes Exopuium, Latr. . E diosa Black; elytra witha inhale and spots. tied? REN : @) brat wat Body punctured, black, hairy: aed on the antetion, COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 177 part reddish-yellow ; antennzx brownish, yellowish at base, terminal joints not deeply serrated, somewhat rounded : thorax subcylindric: elytra with an oblique line from the humerus, having a spot at its inner tip, an angulated band beyond the middle, and a spot near the tip, eres feet pale. $: Length from ,3, to nearly } of an inch. Var. a. Spot at tip of the elytra obsolete or wanting. ‘ Although the antennzx differ considerably from the characteristic form of this genus, yet as they have three large and separated joints at tip, and the palpi are all filiform, with five distinct joints to the tarsi, I have thought best to place the present insect in the genus Enopiium. Necropnorus P Fabr. : N. orbicollis. Thorax orbicular; elytra with a rufous band. before the middle, and spot at tip. Body deep black, above polished: clypeus before, with a large, square, rufous spot: antennzx black ; elavum, excepting its first joint, light ferruginous: thorax orbicular, margined all round, excepting on the anterior portion, which is truncated; the im- pressed lines are well defined, and the longitudinal one extends to the base undiminished : elytra minute- ly punctured, and with two obsolete-nervures; the anterior band is rather before the middle, but does not extend to the scutel; it is undulated, and does not reach the suture; the spot at tip is somewhat VOL. V.—NOVEMBER, 1825. 23 178 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. reniform or trilobate, and does not reach the edge or suture: beneath piceous: feet above black :» post- pectus yellow sericeous. _ Length more than ,% of an sti It differs from marginatus Fabr. particularly i in the rounded form of the thorax, which in that spe- cies is much narrowed behind; the elytra of margi- natus have a rufous exterior margin, the basal band is not interrupted by the suture, and embraces the tip of the scutel; there is also a band at tip. The colours of the antenne are arranged exactly as in vespillo Fabr. but the thorax is much more accurate- ly rounded, and the elytral. markings are different. The rotundity of the thorax is more complete than even that of mortuorum Fabr. The species occurs in the N. W. Territory: it is very rare in the mid- dle states. I have received a specimen from Dr. "e- W. Harris of Milton, Massachusetts. . - Nira, Fabr. Des “4, N. 6-maculata. Blackish, with a broad a rufous margin, and elytral spots. ' Nitidula 6-maculata, Melsh. Catal. Body blackish:brown, or deep piceous : antennie pale rufous: thorax with a dilated pale rufous mar- gin: elytra with a dilated pale rufous. margin ;_ an angulated line in the form of aU at base, a small s spot on the submargin, sometimes connected with a line which runs towards the ‘tip, and becomes confluent ie the lateral margin; an angulated or rounded spot % ae % COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 179 behind the middle, rufous: beneath piceous: feet paler. a Length more kaha “of an inch. _ The rufous angalie line at the base of each ely- trum, in the form of the letter U, is a striking cha- racter. i ; p2 : 2. N. ziczac. Black-brown; elytra with an an- gulated band. me Body dark brown or blackish, with numerous pros- trate hairs: antennz piceous, two basal joints rufous : thorax with a rufo-cinereous lateral margin: elytra without stria, an obsoletely rufo-cinereous margin ; on each is one or two obsolete rufous spots at. base, and a very obvious ochreous spot on the middle, in the form of a V, the angle pointing towards the base : beneath blackish-piceous: feet and lateral margin of the pectus, rufous. ' Length more than ,% of an inch. © _ This species was sent me by Dr. J. F. Melsheimer, who remarked, that “it resembles the European Niripvuva undulata very much, but differs in having the undula ‘or lunule nearer to the apex of the ely- tra.”” With that species Tam entirely unacquainted. 5 toe Ns undulata. Yellowish- fulvous, varied with fus- cous; an undulated, common immaculate space be- _ hind the middle of the elytra. Nitidula undulata, Melsh. Catal. ’ Body above fulvous, more or less tinged with yel- lowish: head varied with fuscous, sometimes nearly all fuscous, with the exception of the anterior portion, 180 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. and the antenne: thorax literate with fuscous, the broad lateral margins immaculate, with the exception of a single spot on the middle: e/ytra irregularly marked with small fuscous spots; a large, common, transverse, undulated, immaculate space behind. the middle ; slightly striated ; strie not obviously pune- tured, but furnished with very short recurved hairs ; exterior margin immaculate: beneath rufous : : feet and fail paler. Length about { of an inch. The European analogue of this insect is certainly the N. varia Fabr., but the spots of the elytra of that insect seem to be more distinctly arranged in abbre- viated longitudinal lines, and the common immaculate space of the elytra appears to me to be less obvious, and less acutely undulated. I know of no species in this country, for which it can be readily mistaken. It may possibly prove to be a variety of the varia. 4, N.-rufa. Dull rufous, immaculate; , elytra somewhat truncated at tip. WNitidula rufa, Melsh. Catal. . , Body obscure rufous, with the margin a little paler: thorax with the lateral edge a little curyed inwards, so that the greatest breadth is anterior to the poste- rior angles : 2 elytra destitute of any appearance of spots, lines or striz, but on the sutural subm argin is a longitudinal hardly elevated undulation ; : tip not reaching the tip of the tergum, truncated, or very obtusely rounded : feet and terminal segment of the Venter paler. , _COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 181 _ Length less than ,% of an inch. 5. N. geminata. Reddish-brown ; aye, each with 4 ochreous spots, placed 2, 2. Body obscure reddish-brown, a little hairy : thorax widest at the basal angles; lateral margin rufous: elytra striate with elevated, acute lines, and with in- tervening regularly concave grooves; tip rounded, concealing the extremity of the abdomen; on each elytrum are four ochreous spots, of which: one is on the humerus; another near the seutel, elongated, ap- proaching the suture near the tip, and sometimes common ; and two other rounded ones beyond the middle, placed transversely, equal ; aasesine margin obscure ochreous. Length more than +; of an inch. The. general colour of the elytra is sometimes so similar to that of the spots, that the latter are hardly observable. 6. N. 8-maculata. Dark reddish-brown; elytra with four rufous spots, placed 1, 2, 1. Body very obscure reddish-brown: front with two ‘indentations: thorax rather large; lateral margin paler: elytra striate with slightly elevated lines; a rufous oblong spot at the middle of the base, a rounded one behind the humerus, another on the sutural mar- gin near the middle, and a fourth a little behind the middle, oval, oblique ; tip rounded, coneearing the tip of the abdomen, and rufous. Length more than, 2, of an inch. The lines of the sie are more obtuse than those 182 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. of the preceding species, the interstitial spaces are not so regularly grooved, and the spots are located differently. I found it in plenty, when on the Ar- Kansa river with Major Long’s party. 7. N. unilineata. Reddish-brown ; thorax. with a line and elytra, each with about five spots, rufous. Body obscure reddish-brown: thorax with the lateral margins, and longitudinal dorsal line rufous = elytra destitute of strie ; a large oblong spot at base, near the scutel, a rounded one on the humerus, an- other near the middle; -an obsolete longitudinal line on the middle of the exterior submargin, a rounded spot on the subsutural margin, rather behind the mid- dle, another near the tip, and exterior and terminal margin, rufous 5 tip very obtusely rounded, almost truncate, not covering the termination of the re men. © > : re (e Length more than 5} + of an ines: f For this species I am indebted to Dr. J. se Mel- sheimer. . ’ . 8. N. semitecta. Piceous; elytra smatilian rufous, piceous at tip. . . Nitidula hemiptera, Melsh. Catal. } Body dark rufo-piceous, sateen ‘Kéad! with an indentation each side above the antenna 3 5; antenne rufous: clava oval, dusky: e/ytra about.half the length of the abdomen, truncated, yellowish-rufous; or tes- taceous; exterior ret 60 and tip wir says 98 Length nearly = of an inch. Mead Thename given by Mr. Melsheimer is preoccupied. COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 183 - 9 N. unicolor. Piceous, aa elytra ab- breviated, slightly sericeous. al Body rufo-piceous: head with Lirias, confluent, small punctures: thorax with small confluent punc- tures: elytra darker, about half the length of the abdomen, a little sericeous in a particular light: be- neath somewhat paler. be sey Length less than 4 of an inch. I have found this species under loose bark of | the yellow pine, in October. 10. N. brachyptera. Piceous, immaculate ; ‘elytra two-thirds the length of the abdomen. Witidula brachyptera, Melsh. Catal. bs Body entirely piceous: head with an impressed, transyerse line between the antenne® ; antennz ru- fous : thorax, posterior angles rounded elytra ab- ruptly truncate at tip, rather more than two-thirds ‘the length of the abdomen: feet rufous. Length less than 4, of an inch. The smallest species I have seen. Scaraisoma, Leach. S. convexa, Highly polished, black 3 antenn®, mouth, feet and tail piceous. Scaphidium convecum. Melsh. Catal. Body black, very highly polished; head piceous, paler before, with a deeply impressed transverse arcuated line between the eyes: thorax with minute, rather distant punctures: elytra, punctures, excepting towards the base, more obvious than: those of the 184 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. thorax; terminal and posterior lateral margin ob- scurely piceous : Set, abdominal incisures a tail piceous. Length +4 of an inch: I received this species from Dr. J. F. Malheiantyy under. the denomination I have adopted. From all I can learn, it seems to be very closely allied to the S. agarica of authors, of which, in fact, it may pos- sibly prove to be a variety. Carors Fabr. _1. C. opaeus. Brownish-black, opaque ; terminal and two basal joints’ of the antenne rufous. Ptomophagus opacus, Melsh. Catal. ‘Body sericeous, with minute hairs, whales particular light, are pale ferruginous : antennee er the seventh joint largest, the eighth smallest : elytra not striated, but'with a subsutural impressed line, and very numerous minute punctures, furnishing minute hairs: feet blackish-piceous. Length less than -of an inch. Occurs frequently in a species of Hypnom. 2. C.. simplex. Pale brownish, sericeous ; termi- nal and five basal joints of the antenne rufous, ; Inhabits Arkansa. | Head dark ferruginous; antennex dark oe the five basal joints and terminal joint rufous; palpi and mandibles ferruginous : ¢horaz rather paler than the head, quadrate, alittle transverse; sides regularly arcuated 3 posterior margin not wider than the an- COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 185 terior ; posterior edge rectilinear; angles rounded : elytra paler than. the thorax, light brownish, with obsolete strie, more obvious towards the tip 5. very numerous minute punctures, furnishing minute hairs : beneath piceous? fect rufous 3 aah yellowish be- neath, Length nearly ,%, of an inch. ‘This species occurred on dung. Atracenus, Latr. A. eylindricornis. ‘Reddish-brown; antenne and feet pale rufous. . Dermestes ey ylindricornis, Melsh. Catal. Body reddish-brown, with very numerous, short, ferruginous, somewhat rigid, sericeous hairs : head blackish, with an obscure rufous frontal spot ; anten- ne pale. -rufous, terminal joint dark brown; mouth — rufous : thorax nearly as dark as the head: elytra paler than the thorax: beneath pigspur Biase Seet pale rufous. ' Length 7 33, 2 less than 3 B of an a Var. a. Smaller, — Dermestes floricola, Melsh. Catal. Var. b. Elytra almost rufous. Dermestes obseurus, ‘Melsh. Catal. abe species is commen. ‘ iuindanbib: Herbst, Latr. M. ornate. Blackish; elytra undulated with VOL. V.—DECEMBER, 1825, 24 x ‘ 186 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. Dermestes undulatus, Melsh. Catal. Body with short, numerous hairs; antennzx pale rufous, terminal joint dusky: ¢horax somewhat va- riegated with irregular lines of rufo-cinereous hairs: elytra with one half its surface oceupied with rufous spots or Miaeeaias lines: beneath blackish-brown. | Length ,% of an inch. | The name undulatus is pre- oceupied by a species described by Herbst. The short hair with which the body is furnished, is deciduous, particularly that _of the thorax. ; Byrruvs, Latr. B. alternatus. _Blackish-brassy ; ics ft al- ternate darker lines. . % Head and thorax minutely punctured, black brassy; with short, prostrate hair; anéennz black; the thorax with a slender, impunctured, dorsal line: elytra black, very slightly tinged with brassy; strie very narrow, well impressed, and with very small pune- tures ; interstitial lines flat, alternately more obviously polished ; very minute hairs: beneath blackish, with small very regular punctures: feet blackish- “picedus. Length less than } of an inch. Iam indebted to Mr. Charles Picker of Salem, Massachusetts, for this species. I have never before met with it. : Exuis, Latr. 1. E. cinetus. Blackish ; elytra with a large ru- fous, arcuated line and spot at tip, — COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 187 Parnas cinetus. Melsh. Catal. Head black ; antennx and palpi yellowish, dusky on the terminal joint: thorax black, anterior and posterior margins pale rufous; a transverse slight elevation each side of the middle, with a correspond- ing indentation before : elytra convex, black, with a large arcuated pale rufous line, extending nearly straight from the humerus obliquely to near the su- tural middle; thence it curves outwards and back- wards towards the margin ; towards the tip, a dilated longitudinal pale rufous line: feet elongated ; tibiz and base of the ‘high, pale rufous. Length rather. more than ;, of an inch. - The antenne are very obviously eleven-jointed, and the ee joints are slightly enlarged. 2. E. 4-notatus. Black; antenne, two spots on each elytrum, and tarsi rufous. Body black : antenne entirely rufous ; thorax sim- ple: elytra with strie of punctures ;a large rounded rufous spot at the base of each, chiefly on the humerus, and a rufous elongated, obsolete one on the posterior _ declivity : ¢ars? rufous. Length less than {, of an inch. © - Macronycuus, Mull. M. glabratus. sancti 3; feet ee antenne pale rufous. Macronychus. pr bh Knoch, J. F. Melshei mer. Body oes blackish ; . slightly hairy thorax Pu, ‘ g & on 188 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. with a slightly elevated line each side at base, hardly extending to the middle: e/ytra with series of large punctures not very deeply impressed; a more dis- tinct series of hairs near the suture; an elevated, erenate, submarginal line extends from the humerus, but is abbreviated before the gl Jeet clongated. Bet rather more than zo of an inch. : Hyonopaiies » Linn. Fabr. 1. H. retundus.. Very convex, tala elytra desti- tute of strix, excepting the sutural one. t Body black, polished, with very numerous, minute,’ regular punctures: palpi piceous: thorax with the lateral margin piceous; this colour extends a short distance on the basal margin: elytra very obscurely piceous on the lateral margin, without any appearance of stri or large impressed punctures; the sutural strie very obvious, not reaching the base, generally hard- ly uP OP IDE, the middle. Length +4 of an inch. He. For this species: I am indebted to Dr, J. F. “Mel sheimer, who informed me that it inhabits “marshy places in forests near the first ridge of. the South Mountain, in Adams County, Pennsylvania.” I also found it in Georgia. It resembles globosus Nob. but is less convex, and is destitute of stria of the elytra. . 2. H. striatus. Dill testaceous; head dark green- ish; ‘elytra stints) and with small’ remote: — spots. ; - Hydrophilus striatus, Melsh. Catal. Le, i” . COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 89 Head dark greenish, with a cupreous gloss: thear tinged with rufous, with a double, longitudinal ab- breviated line? sewtel black : elytra with acute, clely punctured striz ; a small spot on the humerus,nd two others arranged in a very oblique series, ith respect to the first ; then a transverse, much undla- ted series of five or six small spots; then two sall- spots near the sutural tip, black: beneath blackh :_ Jeet pale rufous. . Length more than } of an inch. About equal in size, and. closely allied to the re: grinus of Herbst, but that species is represent« to be altogether destitute of the black spots on thety- tra, and of the double thoracic line. 3 A. exiguus. Pale testaceous; elgtie with yne- tured striz. Body with numerous small .punctures : - heudiith: the transverse line very distinct: e/ytra rather ier than the thorax, with the stri# rather obtuse, ine- tured: beneath slightly tinged with rufous. » Length 7, of an. inch. This small species I obtained on the sea she of Chincoteage Island. 4. H. subeupreus: Black, obsoletely tingewith _ eupreous § elytra destitute of strie, excepti ‘the sutural one. ; Hydrophilus minutus, Melsh. Catal. Body oval, punctured, black, with a slightipre- ous reflection : thorax obsoletely piceous on t late- . ral margin : e/y¢ra with rather larger punctu than 19 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. the of the head and thorax ; strize none, “axial théutural one, which is Sieelate 3 in the. middle, and dog not approach the base; exterior margin and tip soletely piceous: beneath blackish- Sia : feet pious. ngth much less than +, of an inch. losely allied to the genus Spuaripium. It is " mun smaller than the minutus of Herbst. _ Spuzripvium, Fabr. is. pretextatum. Black ; elytra with a yellow- ish\teral and terminal margin. rindi pretextatum, Melsh. Catal. , ddy oval, black, polished, punctured: palpi whith: antennz piceous: elytra striate; stri# very disttt, impressed, punctured; interstitial spaces _ punured; a broad pale yellowish outer margin, comencing at the anterior angle, and grating di- latinto the tip: feet piceous. Leth 2 zy of an inch. 524, nigricolle. Black ; elytra and feet pale tes- tacesg, Sferidium glabratum, Melsh. Catal. By oval, polished, punctured: head black: an- tennaiceous; capitulum dull rufous: palpi piceous: thorablack: elytra testaceous: strie# slender, not deeplimpressed, punctured; terminal margin ob- soletelpaler, interstitial lines punctured: feet pale more than yz of an inch. COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 191 Var. a: Elytra and feet dark reddish-brown, tie former with a very obvious pale spot at tip, some- what similar to the unistriatum of Beauvois, but much smaller than he represents that insect to be. 3.8. occallatum. Black; elytra with a pale “lg feet piceous. . _ Body oval, black, polished, punctured: palpi pice- _ ous: antenne bdlackish-piceous: e/ytra with very distinctly punctured, impressed strie; a large dull yellowish spot at tip, rounded on its anterior termi- nation, and extending further on the lateral margin than on the suture: beneath blackish: feet piceous. Length much less than, of an inch. Found in putrescent animal substances at Senipux- ten. It is about the size of apicialis nobis, which it much resembles, but it is distinguishable by its black colour, and firmer consistence. Apuoptivus, Hg. Fabr. thin vittatus, Black ; elypeus trituberculate ; elytra with a dull rufous vitta. Scarabeus vittatus, Melsh Catal. Head minutely punctured ; three tubercles blaised in a transverse line, thé intermediate one largest, and the lateral ones elongated in a line to the eye} tip of the clypeus slightly and very obtusely emarginated : thorax with numerous small punctures : elytra with narrow punctured striz ; the interstitial spaces flat ; a dull rufous vitta ‘anohading the humerus at’ base, 192 COLEOPTEROUS, INSECTS. extending somewhat obliquely towards the apex of the elytrum, and contracted in the middle: feet ob- scure rufous. . Length more than 3% ae an inch. This insect is very like the terminalis nobis, but it may be distinguished by the vitta of the elytra, and I She much less a pralennaly emarginated ripe 'Trox » Fabr. $i 2s striatulus, Elytra with shepden acute lines, and. intermediate: regular grooves. Trox striatulus, Melsh. Catal. Head blackish-brown, with confluent punctures ; tip widely emarginate: thorax blackish-brown, with dilated confluent punctures; a slightly impressed longitudinal “groove ; sides very much decurved: - elytra light brown, with numerous profound STOOVES, which are separated by elevated acute lines. Length ,%, of an inch. The smallest species known to inhabit the United States, and so perfectly distinct in the striking cha-- racter of its grooved elytra, as not to require any comparative observations. b) 2. T. terrestris. Elytra with raised. obtuse lines, on which are round fascicles of short hairs. : Trox. terrestris, Melsh. Catal. ’ 5 Body blackish-brown : head. with two small mi cles on the front: thorax with the dorsal groove very distinct, contracted and almost obliterated im its mid- dle, so as to be nearly interrupted into two, on each. = x % COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 193 side of the posterior portion of it is another groove equally profound ; posterior angles obliquely trunca- ted: elytra with the fascicles of yellow hair, on the elevated lines, rounded and not oblong, equal; in- terstitial spaces with small tubercles: Length nearly } of an inch. This insect is about equal in size to the arenarius Fabr., from which it differs in having no capillary lines in the interstitial spaces of the elytra. The yariolatus of Melsh. Catal. if not altogether the same as the arenarius of Europe, is certainly most closely allied to it. 3. T. porcatus. Elytra with elevated interrupted lines and numerous transverse punctures on the in- terstitial spaces. Trox porcatus, Melsh. Catal. Body brownish-black: head somewhat inequal, with a more distinct frontal groove: thorax with short — brownish hair ; a deep and_-well defined longitudinal groove, sides inequal ; lateral edge entire ; posterior angles projecting: e/ytra with regular series of in- terrupted hairy lines, the series alternately smaller ; interstitial spaces with dilated transverse impressed distinct punctures. Length nearly of an inch. A little larger than canaliculatus nobis, which it resembles, but it differs in having the transverse punctures of the elytra; capillaris nobis is smaller than the above-mentioned species, and may be dis- tinguished from the present by the capillary lines of its elytra. VOL. V-—DECEMBER, 1825, 25 « Wr es 194 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. _ Scaranaus, Latr. S. relictus. Head with an elevated transverse line, interrupted in the middle; clypeus at tip ele- vated and bidentate. ' Body brownish-black : head with a transverse i. vated line between the origin of the antenne, inter- ‘rupted in the middle, and most prominent near the interrupted part; tip of the clypeus with two re- flected, acute denticulations: thorax with rather sparse punctures: e/ytra punctured, and with three double series of punctures, converging towards the apicial angle; the second and third double series do not reach the angle, a fourth double series is on the exterior submargin, but is not so distinct as the others: beneath piceous : pectus and postpectus hairy : feet above blackish : venter blackish. Length more than $ of an inch. It may be compared with the S. punctatus Fabr. of Southern Europe, but is of a more slender form, and is otherwise distinguished by the armature of the anterior termination of the head. I have found specimens in Pennsylvania. It varies in having the reflected tip of the head emarginate, and not ‘deeply divided into two teeth. I have réceived a specimen from Dr. T. W. Harris, of Milton, Massachusetts. al Menotonria, » Fabr. 1. M. dalia. Chesnut-brown ; head and tharax blackish-brown ; ; the former and the inferior surface of the stethidium hairy. COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 195 Body eylindrical; head blackish, with small but ' dense and confluent punctures ; front, below the ver- tex, and above the transverse pressed line, with a band of rather long dense ochreous hairs, terminating at the eyes ; elypeus deeply and widely emarginated, the edge reflected, and beneath the edge is a fringe of recurved hairs: thorax rather prominent on the middle of the lateral edge; nearly as dark coloured as the head; punctures numerous, irregularly dis- posed: sewtel with a few punctures, and with re- flected prostrate yellow hairs at its base, partly covered by the base of the thorax : e/ytra confluently punctured, chesnut-brown : stethidium beneath, with dense pale yellow hair: naz/s with a prominent tooth on the middle, and an angle at base. Var. a. Thorax rufo-castaneous. — Length more than 33 of an inch. ‘This common species was sent to me by Dr. J. F. Melsheimer, under the name which I have adopted. The following are his remarks: ‘it differs from M quercina in being more cylindrical, from M. quercus, in the absence of the ‘rore ceerulescenti,” &c. and from M. hirticula, in the want of the triple series of fuscous erect hair on each elytrum. In its proper season this insect may be found in vast numbers under the deciduous leaves of forests ; during the night the millions of wings that fan the air, produce a loud humming sound, not unlike that emitted by the en- — occupants of a humble-bee’s nest.”” ‘It is much smaller than the guercina, smaller than the hirticula, and larger than oe i * @ iy : i 196 - 2 INSECTS. 2. M. ephilida. Ochraceous ; thorax coinesit rufous ; head blackish ; clypeus nearly entire. _ Head blackish, with sometimes an obscure chesnut disk; very densely and confluently punctured ; punc- tures small: c/ypeus, anterior termination widely, but slightly truncated, not at all emarginated, the edge reflected: thorax, pale rufo-castaneous, polished ; punctures irregularly scattered ;. middle of the lateral edge rather prominent : sewfel with a very few punc- tures, and with reflected prostrate hairs at its base, partly covered by the base of the thorax : elytra pale ochraceous, densely punctured: sfethidium beneath, with pale yellow, dense hair: nails with a. strong prominent tooth on the middle. , Var..a. Scutel entirely destitute of punctures. Length § of an inch. This species closely resembles the preceding, but it has a more robust form, it is somewhat shorter, destitute of the frontal band of hair, and is of a paler colour. I adopt the name given to it by Dr. J. F. Melsheimer, who remarked in a letter to me, that “it approaches nearest to a MetovontHa described by Professor Knoch under the name of angularis, but as the thoracic angles of that insect are covered with a substance resembling Mother of Pearl, or, as the Professor expresses it, “‘ einer farbe die villig mit der kalkerde iiberein kémt; welche von den Mineralogen Schaumerde genannt wird,” we cannot connect with propriety, our inseet with the M, an- gularis.” n colour it closely resembles the longi- tarsa nobis (in Long’s second expedition) but that COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 197 msectis somewhat smaller, with an emarginate cly- peus and much longer tarsi. 3. M. moesta. Elytra punctured, and with two double series of punctures ; clypeus slightly emargi- nated. Melolontha moesta, Knoch in Melsh. Catal. Head with very dense profound punctures ; trans- verse line between the eyes rather deeply indented : elypeus with the margin recurved, the tip very ob- tusely, but not very profoundly emarginated: thorax with scattered profound punctures; lateral edge ob- tusely projecting a little, rather behind its middle : elytra with numerous punctures, and with two regu- lar double series of punctures on the disk, one or two on the exterior submargin, and a single subsutural series: beneath glabrous : nails with a robust promi- nent obliquely truncated tooth beyond the middle. Length about } an inch. The colour of young specimens is rather pale ches- nut, but, as is the fact with respect to many species, as they grow older, the colour becomes darker, and it is not uncommon to - individuals that are almost black. i 4.M. sordida. Covered with short dense hair. Melolontha sordida, Melsh. Catal. Superior surface entirely covered by short close set hairs, which are longest on the head, thorax, and base of the elytra; the punctures are also dense and confluent: e/ypeus with the edge reflected; tip wide- ly emarginated : thorax, lateral edge reflected, and ~ 198 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. a little. dilated rather behind the middle oma having the subsutural line obliterated: beneath near- ly glabrous: naz/s with an obliquely fruncntet ey robust tooth beyond the middle. : Length about 3 of an inch. The colour varies considerably. I have a speci- men that is of a pale chesnut colour, and others that are dark dull brown. I have found this species in May; and at Chinquoteage Island, many individuals occurred under yellow- ~pine trees in company, with the preceding species in October. It is very | well distinguished from other species by its equally distri- buted hairy covering. 5. M. Cratailicele: Elytra punctured, and: with two double series of punctures; ¢elypeus entire. Melolontha frondicola, Knoch, Melsh. Catal. Body pale chesnut: head dusky, with large con- fluent punctures; transverse line angulated»in the middle ; e/ypeus very obtusely rounded at tip, almost - truncated, the edge reflected: thorax with rather large,~very numerous punctures, more dense. and confluent on the sides; lateral. edge a little obtusely dilated at the middle: e/ytra with numerous punc- tures, and with two double striz,of punctures on the disk, one or two on. the exterior submargin, and a single subsutural one: beneath glabrous: nails with a remarkably robust, broad compressed truncated tooth. ea Length ;4, of an, inch. r Although. this, species is very similar, in. some re- spects to the moesta, yet it is so. much smaller as to é a bee 199 be readily distinguished; the clypeus also of that species is emarginated, and the punctured series are much more regular than those of the present species, in which the punctures of the series are often con- fluent with the punctures of the interstitial lines. As regards size, it is but little smaller than vespertina, which has numerous indented striz on the elytra. 6. M. whifasciata. Thorax very dark green 5 elytra testaceous, with a black abbreviated band or PB pot on the middle. Head densely punctured, particularly before, very dark greenish on the vertex, and tinged with cu- preous before: clypeus entire at tip, the edge reflect- ed: thorax blackish-green, rather sparsely punctured, punctures small, lateral edge a little dilated rather before the middle: sewtel dark green, sometimes tinged with cupreous, with a few punctures: elytra pale testageous, in a particular light having a slight metallic tinge, each with seven or eight regular strie of punctures, and a few scattered ones near the suture ; margin and suture dusky; on the middle is a black- ish band, which is more or less interrupted and undu- lated: beneath black, slightly tinged with green and cupreous: stethidium a little hairy : acetabulum with an indented longitudinal line: nails, of the anterior and intermediate feet, having one nail simple, and the other bifid at tip, of the posterior feet simple. : Length 3 of an inch, Var. a. Elytra, excepting at base, black. This species is very closely allied to varians Fabr., but it may be distinguished by its much larger size. te 4 200 sie Mion INSECTS. , The varians is not uncommon in Pennsylvania, but the present is a Southern species. Dr. J. F. Mel- sheimer gave it the name of vernalis, which is pre- occupied in this genus; he informed me that it “was captured in Virginia, in the early part of the year 1807. Male. and female were flying about in a ploughed field, in innumerable multitudes.” Judging from its habit, it belongs to Megerle’s genus ANOMALA. Hopxia, Jilig. H. trifasiata. Head black: elypeus at tip reflect- ed: thorax densely covered with reddish-yellow scales: feet brownish-red: scutel blackish: elytra light brownish-red, with sparse yellowish scales, which, however, are more dense in some parts, so as to form three bands, which are tolerably distinct; of these, one is at the base, the other on the middle, and the third near the tip; they are somewhat un- dulated: anal segment and beneath densely covered with pale cinereous scales, which have in some parts, a cupreous reflection. The opposite sex is black on those parts, which in the other are brownish-red, and the bands of the elytra are hardly discernible: in both sexes the humerus is prominent, and at the decurvature of the elytra near the tip, they are ele- vated almost into an angle. Length nearly 4 of an inch. The great difference in colour between the two sexes of this species, may readily deceive naturalists imto the belief that they are two distinct species. COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 201 Ceronta, Fabr. C,. vestita, Hairy ; clypeus emarginate $ elytra with a few white spots. Body brownish-black, with very numerous, rather long, reflected, cinereous hairs: head with the hairs smaller.and sparse before ; clypeus widely emarginate at tip, the lateral angles subacute and a little elevated ; lateral margin not recurved: thorax with a carinated glabrous line, little elevated but very distinct: elytra with two hardly obvious elevated lines on the middle, confluent behind ; striz slightly impressed, with small punctures; on each elytrum is a small white dot on the middle of the sutural submargin, another behind the middle and approaching nearer to the suture, three oblique ones on the exterior submargin, and a transverse one at tip near the suture. Length of an inch. This species resembles the sapien Fabr., but it differs i in having t the clypeus emarginated, the hairs of the body elongated, and the spots of the elytra fewer in number. Tn form, it is more slender than that well known species, and its colour is more opaque and less metallic. It is much more closely allied to the C. hirta, Fabr. of ‘Europe, the spots being nearly similar; but the ves¢ifa is one half smaller, and the hair is much coarser and much less abundant; can it be a variety of that species. | I have met with but two specimens, one belonging to the Philadelphia Museum, and the other sent to me by Dr. T. W. Harris, of Milton, Massachusetts. VOL. V.—DECEMBER, 1825, 26 202 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. Lucanus, Linn. Latr. 1. L. placidus. Head small, slightly concave 5 ; tooth of the mandibles emarginate. Body dark reddish-brown : ead slightly éétilive, rather narrower than the thorax; mandibles hardly as long as the head, regularly curved; tooth a little beyond the middle, not very prominent, but rather wide and emarginate at tip: elytra without strie + an- terior tibiz about four toothed, superior tooth small. Length one inch. I found this species when with Major Long’s party in Arkansa. It differs from the dama Fabr. in being smaller, in having the head narrower than the thorax, the mandibles shorter and less. arcuated, and their tooth wide and bifid at its tip. 2. L. brevis. Short and wide; mandibles one- toothed ; elytra smooth, humerus mucronate. » Body robust, reddish-brown: head wide, rather narrower than the thorax, minutely punctured, a little concave above the mandibles ; mandibles short, with one simple oblique tooth on the middle, extend- ing inwards and forwards: thorax wide, with minute punctures, angles rounded; posterior ones not ob- liquely truncated: e/ytra nearly smooth, having nu- merous small punctures, and obsolete, hardly im- pressed lines; Awmerus mucronate: anterior tibie with five or six small denticulations, and a broad terminal, prominent one widely emarginate: infer- mediate tibie with a single spine on the middle. oe COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 203 £: ; Length nearly ,, of an inch. This species seems to be related. to parallelus nobis, but it is much wider in proportion to its length, and there are no distinct strie on the elytra. — Tenesrio, Kabr. Latr. 1. T. reflerus. Blackish-green; edge of the clypeus reflected ; thorax subquadrate. Tenebrio xruginosus, Melsh. Catal. Body very dark green, almost black : head minutely and densely punctured, anterior edge of the clypeus regularly arcuated and reflected; antennzx black; palpi blackish piceous; thorax rather transversely quadrate, minutely and densely punctured ; angles subacute: elytra with impressed, punctured striz 5. interstitial lines depressed, almost flattened, obsoletely punctured: ¢ibiz, anterior pair of the male with a prominent angle above the middle, and with the second pair much arcuated on the inner side. Length 3 of an inch. The specific name wruginosus is preoccupied. 2. T. rufipes. Black, polished ; terminal joint of the antenne pale fulvous; thighs bright rufous. Tenebrio rufipes, Melsh. Catal. Body oblong, black, polished : antennz. black, two basal joints piceous, terminal joint, except at its base, fulvous : thorax rather narrower than the elytra, and. ‘ with the head densely and minutely punctured: edy- tra with impressed, punctured striz, and convex in- terstitial lines : thighs bright rufous; ¢ibiz, anterior hs if 4 . + & . * 204 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. FP Pe pair of the male with a short spine on the inner fiddle, Pancreas taal “Length 3 Laninch idens I have stated this insect to be polished, in order to distinguish it from the Uris fulvipes Herbst, which it very much resembles, and with which it is strictly © congeneric. 7% PHILADELPHIA. ‘ , ey ‘ 1 ‘ i ; i Tata) X DP gery js i es ge Z i : By me 2 “ f, " Ta F vr : ( “Aree LN i tee “ ps Loe ¢ i; § x , nif + F ‘ . > ‘ . Woke . ‘ ) fi i ! ‘ Biot ' , ‘ E oy KSERE a oe CONTENTS OF VOLUME V....PART iL Officers of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- phia, for the year 1827, Descriptions of Marine Shells, recently discovered on the coast of the United States. By Thomas Say, Note on a species of Scincus. By R. Harlan, M. D. On the distinction of two species of Icrmrus, hitherto con- founded under the specific name of IcrrrocerHa- ius. By Charles Bonaparte, On the species of the Linnean genus Ecuinus, inhabiting the coast of the United States. By T. Say, Description of an Hermaphrodite Orang Outang, lately living in Philadelphia. By R. Harlan, M. D. Descriptions of new species of Coleopterous Insects, in- habiting the United States. By T. Say, (continued) Description of a Land Tortoise, from the Gallapagos Isl- : ands, commonly known as the “Elephant Tor- toise.” By R. Harlan, M. D. i Descriptions of new species of Coleopterous Insects, in- habiting the United States. By 'T’. Say, (concluded) Genera of North American Reptilia, and a synopsis of the species. By R. Harlan, M. D. 293 317 iv CONTENTS. ‘ + - PAGE Descriptions of some new species of North American insects. By N. M. Hentz, 373 Remarks on the Lime Stones of the Mississippi Lead mines. By E. James, M. D. 376 Descriptions of three species’of the genus Cremastochei- lus. By T. W. Harris, M. D., of Milton, Mass. 381 List of Donations to the Cabinet, *, 391 same Alphabetical Index, 401i Plates of Vol. V. 409 oad ids coihgin i iqia: eaihyty eet . TOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. - a LIST OF OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1827. President. - William Maclure. Vice Presidents. Zaccheus Collins, George Ord. Corresponding Secretary. Reuben Haines. Recording Secretary. S. G. Morton, M. D. Curators. J. P. Wetherill, Isaac Hays, M. D., T. R. Peale, John Vaughan. Treasurer. George W. Carpenter. Librarian. 5S. W. Conrad. Auditors. J. Dobson, S. V. Merrick, W. M. Walmsly. * Committee of Publication. S..G. Morton, M. D. J. P. Wetherill. W. Wetherill, M. D. J. P. Smith. R. Harlan, M. D. Nore.—The labours of the late Committee of Publication were dis- continued after the first 22 pages of this half volume. JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. LIST OF OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1826. President. William Maclure. Vice Presidents. Zaccheus Collins, George Ord. Corresponding Secretary. Reuben Haines. Recording Secretary. S. G. Morton, M. D. Curators. T. Say, Isaac Hays, M. D., T. R. Peale, John Vaughan. Treasurer. Jacob Gilliams. Librarian. Jacob Pearce. Auditors. J. ‘Poe, S. G. Morton, M. D. Geo. W. Carpenter. Committee of Publication. S. G. Morton, M. D. J. P. Wetherill. W, Wetherill, M. D. J. P. Smith. . * ___R. Harlan, M. D. Norr.—The labours of the late Committee of Publication were dis- continued after the first 22 pages of this half yolume. ‘in ~ Deseriptions of Marine Shells recently discovered on . the Coast of the United States. By Tuomas Say. Read October 18, 1825. Detruinuta, Lam. D.? lava, Whorls all separate. Inhabits the Coast of South Carolina. Shell subovate, nearly glabrous, whitish, slightly tinged with dull yellowish: whorls rounded, perfectly disjoined throughout, rapidly attenuated to the apex; a dilated, rugous, shallow groove on the line of the umbilicus: aperture oval-orbicular, with an acute edge. Greatest breadth about .2 ap of an inch. - This very remarkable shell was sent to me for ex- 3 aid eds by Mr. Elliott, who has found but a single ‘specimen; it must therefore-be considered very rare. ‘Ona first view I was inclined to refer it to the genus VERMETUS, in consequence of the* separated nature of its volutions, and the broken apex of the spire, but a more careful examination exhibited the broad rugous groove, analogous to that in the umbili- cus of many shells, and seemed to show its more close alliance with the present genus, Can this be a monstrosity of a NaTica as the Cornu of Born is said to be a malformation of Heirx aaheinre Mull.? © TURBITELLA, Lam. » 1, T. concave. ; Shell subulate,. white; volutions 208 MARINE SHELLS more than ten, concave in the middle, and sculptured with from two to four obsolete, impressed revolving lines, and with an apicial and basal band. of about fif- teen longitudinal undulations on each volution ; the basal band passes round the middle of the body whorl: suture very slightly impressed, interrupting the con- tinuity of the undulations in the adjacent bands: canal rather promingae Length 34 of an inch 3 ; greatest breadth less than } of the jénpth: For this species I am indebted to Mr. Stephen Elliott of Charleston. je % T. zqualis. Shell subulate, white ; volutions ten, each with about twenty-two transverse, By aa obtuse, equal lines, with interstitial grooves of the same diameter ; suture distinct, impressed ; aperture rounded at base, and destitute of any distinct emar- gination. Length, of an inch. ScaLaria, Lam.. S. multistriata, — Shell tapering to an acute apex; white: whorls eight: costa regular, equidistant, mo- — derately elevated ; altogether wanting on the three terminal whorls: interstitial spaces with very — ous, approximate, impressed lines: aperture oval. Length about 4 an inch. - Inhabits the Sistas Coast. — . - I obtained two specimens of this shell on the Coast of East Florida, and I am indebted to Mr. Stephe OF THE UNITED STATES. 209 _ Elliott for a much better specimen than either of them, ~ from the Coast of South Carolina. It is readily dis- tinguished from the two other species which inhabit our shores, the clathrus of authors, and the lineata, nobis, by the numerous small indented lines that occur in the spaces between the cost, and at nee angles with them. InrunpisuLum, Montf.. I. depressum. Shell depressed, fragile, with small concentric irregular wrinkles; volutions three; suture not profoundly indented ; apex not.central ; base oval, - almost orbicular ; umbilicus oblong; internal plate small. , Greatest diameter of the base rather more than: 5 - ~~’ of an inch. This highly interesting shell was found by Mr. Stephen Elliott, on. the Coast of South Carolina, Amongst a number of curious shells, natives of New . Holland, Timor, and the Isle of France, presented to the Academy by Mr. Lesueur, a species of this genus occurs, which is somewhat similar to ours, but it is much larger ; its greatest basal diameter being $ of an inch in length, its suture is more profoundly indented, and its surface wrinkled,with much regularity. ~Natica, Lam. NY triseriata. “Shell longitudinally suboval, ap- roaching subglobular; volutions five; body whorl h three revolving’ series of large oblique, parallel, ’ 4 210 MARINE SHELLS oblong-quadrate, dark reddish-brown or blackish spots, about twelve in each series; wmbilicus rounded, not contracted by the callus; safe not impressed ; spire with but one series of spots on each volution, Length 2, width 3% of an inch. Inhabits the Northern Coast. Boston harbour. This shell may be compared to the N. intricata of Donovan, which is comprehended by Dillwyn amongst the varieties of N. canrena. It certainly appears to be closely allied to that very common species of the British Coast in its configuration, excepting that it is perhaps somewhat more elongated, and that the _ shoulders of the whorls are much less convex, and the suture, consequently, less deeply impressed. In a very perfect specimen, presented to the Academy by the vice- president, Mr. Zaccheus Collins, the two. lower series of spots are jointly included by a pale yellowish-brown band ; beneath this band the base of the shell is pure white ; the shell is also white above this band, excepting that the spots of the superior series are connected by a pale yellowish-brown colour. This species like the canrena, seems subject to many varieties. On two specimens for which I am indebted to Mr. Stone, the pale yellowish-brown colour is ¢o-: vered by a cinereous tinge, and on one of them the two lower series of spots towards the labrum are con- fluent at their inner extremities into one series; in another specimen the spots of each series are so con- & q fluent with each other on the back of the shell and © towards the labrum as to represent three continu , bands. OF THE UNITED STATES. 211 I have not yet found this species so far south as Great Egg Harbour. From the examination of some specimens of Natice from the same Coast, presented by Mr, Collins, I am inclined to think that this species grows to a consid- erable size, and attains the length of 23 inches, that ; it then loses its spotted bands, but always retains the whiteness about the umbilicus, and this latter part as well asthe callus, and indeed the whole outline of the shell remains unaltered. Vortvaria, Lam, V. canaliculata. Shell whitish, immaculate, cylin- dric, with very minute obsolete wrinkles ; spire con- vex, very little elevated, mammilated at tip; vo/utions about five, with their shoulder very obtusely grooved ; labrum with the edge arcuated ; /abium overspread ‘with a calcareous lamina, and with a single oblique fold or small tooth near the base. Length from ,4, to nearly ; of an inch. I received specimens of i sigular shell from Mr. Elliott of South Carolina, who obtained it on the Coast of that state. The arcuated form of the edge of the labrum is only pereeyee when the part is viewed in profile. Nassa, Lam. 1. N. unicineta, Shell yellowish-white or cine- reous, subovate-conical : whorls with numerous revoly- “ing lines and transverse undulations, the former about 212 MARINE SHELLS eleven or twelve in number, with often a smaller ob- . solete one in the intervening spaces; undulations about ten to the body whorl, placed at the distance of the length of their own diameters apart, and somewhat closer on the spire; whorls eight ; apex acute; body whorl with a brown band, sometimes obsolete, inter- rupted by the undulations, and consisting of about two spots in each of the intervening spaces: labrum within with ten parallel strie, which revolve on the inner surface of the shell ; dabiwm in the middle con- cave, with about two obsolete striz, and a more pro- found one at base. Length 34, breadth nearly .%, of an inch. Inhabits the Coast of South Carolina. In the collection of the Academy is a shell from the West Indies, to which our species is very closely allied; and although the strie of the labrum are double in the former, yet it is probable that the two shells will be found to constitute one species, when more specimens are examined and carefully compared. In the systems it will ppoenly rae near to N. vulgatum. ; For this shell I am indebted to Mr. Sioa Elliott of Charleston. 2. N. alba. Shell ovate, white, immaculate, lon- gitudinally ribbed or undulated, and with spiral striz 5 ribs equal, equidistant, symmetrical, from ten to eigh- teen on the body whorl; strie equal, equidistant, filiform, elevated as distinctly upon the ribs as in their interstices, and from seventeen to twenty in number, on the body whorl: whorls seven, convex: suture OF THE UNITED STATES. 213 deeply indented ; aperture suborbicular ; /abrum with a larger rib than the others on the exterior, and striate within; /abium, plate distinct, entire, but not ex- panded, with an indented line near the base, and a prominent one near the junction with the labrum. Length ,°,, breadth 5 of an inch. Inhabits the Southern Coast of East Florida, and the West India Islands. I owe this beautifully sculptured shell to the po- liteness of Mr. Elliott. It seems to be more closely allied to N. macula of authors than to any other with which I am acquainted. Itis, however, distinguished as a species by its more ventricose form, by its ribs being more rectilinear, and by the spiral striz being more prominent and distinct. Those found on the Coast of Florida are in no respect different from spe- cimens brought from the West India Islands. 3. N. lunata. Shell reddish-brown, with about six volutions; whorls with two revolving lines of di- lated, sublunate, whitish spots, and sometimes a third one at base; sufwre not deeply impressed; labrum ’ dentate on the inner submargin, the superior teeth more prominent; labium with the plate not thickened. Var. a. Shell white, sag two revolving reddish- brown dilated lines. Length ,% of an inch. Inhabits the Coast of the Southern States. Cabinet of the Academy, and Philadelphia Museum. Anima pale, whitish; foot linear, nearly as long as the shell, acute behind, hardly larger than the respiratory trunk, truncate before: trunk more than VOL. V.—FEBRVARY, 1826, . 28 214 i ' -, MARINE SHELLS half'as long as the shell, obtuse at tip, with a brown annulation near the tip, and another near the bases tentacula short, cylindrical, annulate with blackish, on the middle; eyes sont placed on the base of the * tentacula. Found adhering under stones, fuci, &c. in the bays5 _ humerous. It varies in colour and in markings; the white sometimes predominates, and reduces the red- dish- brown to one or two linear, transverse, undulated. lines. A variety occurs on the Coast of Maryland, which is white, with two or three reddish-brown, irregular, revolving lines. Fusus, Lam. 1. F. 10-costatus.. Shell somewhat ventricose, very short fusiform; the beak being much shorter than the spire; with six.or seven volutions, which are each obliquely flattened above the shoulder, and spirally ribbed; these coste are elevated, semicylindric, and with the exception of the two superior ones, equi- distant ; sutural costa remote from that of the shoul- der; interstitial spaces with small lines parallel to the cost; the latter are ten in number on the body whorl, . three on the second whorl, three on the third, and ' obsolete on the fourth. - Length 3,5 inches. Greatest width, 1,% inches. Length of the spire 1} inches. This interesting species was presented to me by Mr. Zaccheus Collins, who obtained it from the Coast near Boston. The summit of the spire, of two spe- QF THE UNITED STATES. 215 cimens before me, is partially removed, exhibiting in the interior, a close arrangement of very numerous septe, formed by the animal at different times, as it increased in size, and gradually abandoned the apex. It approaches very closely in character to the genus Buccinum.. 2. F. bicolor. Shell short fusiform; the beak sub- equal to the length of the spire : volutions five, con- vex, with abrupt, prominent, regular, equidistant undulations, which, on the body whorl, are thirteen or fourteen in number, extending from the suture. about half the distance to the tip of the beak, and near the suture exhibiting a tendency to rise into ‘ arched scales : the whole surface of this shell is sculp- - tured with small revolving grooves, to the nomber of from twenty-five to thirty on the body whorl; inferior moiety of the body whorl tinged with rufous: swfure profoundly impressed: aperture gradually diminish- ing to the beak: s¢riz of the labrum within aanareind sometimes obsolete or wanting. Length 33 greatest breadth more than } ofan inch. Inhabits the southern Coast of East Florida. The aperture is not suddenly contracted at the origin of the beak channel, as in many species, but is gradually diminished in width, much like Montfort’s figure of Larirus filosus. , For this shell I am indebted to Mr. Elliott. “i Parexa, Lam. -P. alternata.. Shell conical, with upwards of 216 MARINE SHELLS thirty obsolete, hardly raised, unequal ribs 3 apex ob- liquely curved, the tip pointing nearly in a parallel direction with the surface of the shell, and acute; colour brown, radiated with white: base oval. Basal length .3, of an inch. Inhabits the southern Coast of East Florida. - Communicated by Mr. Elliott. It seems to ap- proach the /eucopleura, as described by authors, ex- cepting that the base is not ovate, as the base of that shell is said to be. CALYPTREA. C. striata. Shell oval, prominently convex, with numerous, slightly elevated, equal, equidistant radi- ating lines: swmmit glabrous, wax-yellow, subacute, inclining towards the left side and the posterior end : inner valve pateliform, dilated, attached by one side to the shorter side of the shell; acutely angulated at the anterior line of junction, and rounded behind, and rapidly attenuated to an acute tip, which nearly ~ corresponds with the inner apex of the shell. Length less than °. of an inch. : This species belongs to my indicated ths Dis- porza. Iam indebted for it to Mr. John S. Phil- lips, who obtained two specimens on the Coast of New. Jersey, about three miles north of Long Branch. Venericarpbia, Lam. V. tridentata. Shell suborbicular, subequilateral, thick and ponderous, with about eighteen convex lon- OF THE UNITED STATES. 217 gitudinal ribs, cancellate by concentric elevated lines, which do not penetrate into the interstitial narrow spaces, and which are obsolete on the umbo, and on the anterior side: inner margin deeply crenate: hinge with two diverging teeth, separated by a large cavity on one valve, and on the other, a single large * _ triangular prominent recurved tooth, closing into the . cavity. ; Length } of an inch, breadth rather more. This curious shell was discovered by Mr. Stephen Elliott, on the Coast of South Carolina. Its charac- ters do not at all correspond with those of VeNnERIcAR- DIA, as defined by Lamarck in his last work, the 2ni- - maux sans vertebres, where he attributes to the genus “two oblique cardinal teeth directed to the same side.” In the Ann. du Mus. Vol. 7, page 55, he admits, however, that “‘in certain species, which ought, perhaps, to be separated from the Veneri- cardes, there is on oné valve, but a single cardinal tooth, and upon the opposite valve, two divergent cardinal teeth.”” These characters, I conceive, cor- respond with the shell above described, and although, should they be tolerated, an artificial assemblage will _ be the ‘result, yet for the present, I refer this shell to the genus RE oR under this authority of La-- marck. This species will be Srarded as an interesting ad- dition to the Fauna of the present world. The first recent species was described by Lamarck as a native of New Holland. All other known species are found only in the fossil state. 218 MARINE SHELLS ‘ TELLINA. 1. T. intastriata. Shell subovate, angulated at the anterior base, transversely wrinkled, and within slightly. striated longitudinally. ~ Coast of East Florida. : Shell white, immaculate, ventricose ; wrinkles dis- tinct, and with obsolete, longitudinal strie: posterior slope near the hinge parallel to the base; posterior end obtusely rounded; anterior hinge slope rectilinear, oblique: anterior end rounded ; fold rather profound, | extending from the beak to the junction of the base, with the anterior end: base viewed from the disk of the right valve subrectilinear, but very much arcuated with the concavity of the shell: hinge teeth small, lateral teeth none: within longitudinally obsoletely striated: beak rather before the central. tau Length 13 inchesnearly ; breadth 2}, inches nearly. This shell was handed me for examination by Pro- fessor Green, in whose cabinet the specimen is pre- served: a right valve is in the collection of Mr: Hyde: In general outline, it resembles fig. 3, pl. 287 of En- cycl. Meth. c. 2. F. lateralis. Shell transversely subovs ee seal nearly central; posterior margin regularly rounded + anterior margin rostrated, the rostrum turned to the left, and slightly gaping: gament slope rectilinear : basal margin regularly arcuated, a little contracted near the rostrum: valves whitish, often tinged with ferruginous, with small concentric wrinkles and slight waves; within white, a little sculptured with the ex- OF THE UNITED STATES. 219 ternal waves: lateral teeth none: cardinal teeth two on one valve, and one with another hardly elevated filiform one on the other. ; Inhabits the Coast of the United States. Length 134 inches; width 2,3, inches. This species is more commonly found upon the Southern Coast, where it is abundant, but: perfect specimens are very rare. 3. T. decora. Shell trisversely subovate, rosa- ceous, or white, with rosaceous radii ; not much com- pressed; numerous minute concentric wrinkles, and regular, oblique, equidistant lines crossing them > an- terior margin destitute of the oblique lines : posterior lateral tooth of the left valve prominent, the others obsolete : apex a little before the middle. Length more than } an inch; breadth 37 of an inch. The largest specimen, brought ‘by Mr. T. Peale from the southern Coast of East Florida, is one inch in breadth. In the character of the oblique strie this species is allied to T. iris nobis, but it is amply distinguished by its much greater size, less compressed form, oblique striz, via its colour, &e. | ie Lam, ' ao ‘aie ie ie ; P. fusca. Shell lea tressed, transversely sub- ovate, thin and fragile ; wrinkled concentrically, and - eovered with a fuscous or yellowish-brown epidermis: apex not prominent, central: anterior margin more narrowed than the posterior one, with a slight and * 200 MARINE SHELLS * obtuse wave passing along the anterior submargin: posterior margin very obtusely rounded: within white: teeth diverging remotely, very meer: fili- form, and hardly elevated. Var. a. Epidermis whitish, slightly tinged with yellowish. Length 1,4 inches 3 breadth igs ‘adel Inhabits the estuaries of Georgia. Cabinet of the Academygand Philadelphia Miyecim. Several specimens of dead shells were brought up ' from the bottom of the Sound, near oA eykill island, by — the fluke of our anchor. Ampuipesma, Lam, 1. A. radiata. Shell transversely oval, orbicular, a little compressed : apex nearly central, a little pro- minent: posterior slope somewhat concave near the beak: anterior slope rectilinear to the middle: dish somewhat regularly wrinkled transversely, and with minute longitudinal strie, white, with more or less rosaceous radii, which are sometimes obsole rior submargin, with a slight rb se | eardinal teeth two in eac unequal : dateral teeth ve inct rior one. nearer the primary tee han the an- terior one: interior ligament form, nearly parallel to the anterior slope: tinged with yellow, and the rosaceous radii are Length =; breadth rather more than 1 inch. - Many specimens of this pretty species ne OF THE UNITED STATES. 22} from the southern shores of East Florida, by Mr. Titian Peale, and I obtained a worn individual a few years since, on the coast of Georgia, measuring one inch and two fifths in breadth. It resembles the species I formerly described under the name of A. orbicudata, but it is wider in propor- tion to the length, &c. 2. A. lepida. Shell very much compressed, sub- triangular, remarkably thin, pellucid, equilateral, somewhat iridescent, with numerous concentric wrin- kles, and equally numerous very minute, regular, longitudinal strie, which, on the anterior margin, curve towards the anterior edge, and on the posterior margin, curve in the same manner towards the pos- terior edge: cardinal teeth obsolete: lateral teeth prominent. Length rather more than ; of an inch; breadth less than } of an inch. This shell was sent to me by Mr. Elliott, who found it on the coast of South Carolina. - Note on aliihpposed: new ‘epecies. of Scincus published in the prece- ding number of this ournal. Py R. Harcay, M.D. Read January Bs 1826. I was not aware, until afer ine publication of my description of the Sciycus unicolor, ‘species of this genus had been noticed i in Long’s Expedit @ the Rocky Mountains, it having been omitted in the general Index. I have since been convinced, however, that the new animal, described in Vol. 2nd, p. 190, of that work, under the name of Scincus lateralis, is identical with the S. unicolor. L. ¥-—-FEBRUARY, 1826. 2 292 NEW SPECIES OF ICTERUS. On the distinction of two species of lorERUS, hitherto confounded under the specific name of lcTERO- cepHaus. By Cuartes Bonaparte. Read Feb- ruary 28, 1826. Though almost convinced that the Yellow-headed Troopial, brought. by Major Long’s expedition, was not the species to which that name had been applied by authors, yet in conformity to my principles, never to establish a new species, whenever it could be re- ferred to an old one with any degree of propriety, I did not think myself authorized to give it as new in the first volume of my American Ornithology, espe- cially as Say had called it by the above name in the list of animals observed by the expedition. I limited myself, therefore, to giving an exposition of the rea- sons for and against identity; and it will be seen by referring to my American Ornithology, p. 27, that the principal reasons (which I then called deceptive) for considering my bird as distinct from the I. ¢etero- cephalus, were 1st, that mention had not been made by authors of the conspicuous” ‘spot on wing: 2nd, the difference of size: 3d, that my bird be- longed to a different group from the one to which the I. icterocephalus had been referred by late writers. But I explained these differences, by attributin first to the common negligence of early describers; he admeasurement having been taken from dried skins. could account for the second; as for the third, we had only Vieillot’s authority, who might never have seen NEW SPECIES OF ICTERUS: 223) the bird he thus classified. But we must confess, that the principal reason which prevented us from considering the trans-Missouri bird as a nondescript, was the actual comparison of it with a specimen from South America, with which it proved to be identical. The more natural conclusion of the species having been incompletely described, was therefore adopted, in preference to the improbable one that two species were found in South America, of which the undescrib- ed one should happen to be our species. Having since, however, observed specimens of the real IcTr- Rus icterocephalus, we beg leave to introduce the other under a new name, and will try to put them under such a point of view, as will prevent their being mistaken in future. Subgenus Xanthornus. 1. Yellow-headed Troopial. Icrerus xanthoce- phalus, nob. | Niger; capite, collo, pectoreque aurantiacis; alarum macula alba. Male black; head, neck and breast orange; a white spot on the wing. Length 103 inches. Female and Young dark brown ; wings immacu- late ; throat whitish 5 A a7 ne yellow patch on the pe Len th 8h incl g c SYNONYMES. Yellow-headed Troopial, Icrerus ieterocephalus, nob. Am. Orn. 1. p. 27. pl. 3. fig. 1: male, fig. 2. female. 224 NEW SPECIES OF ICTERUS. Yellow-headed Oriole, Orionus icterocephalus, Say in Long’s expedition, but not the I. icterocephalus of authors. _ Probably the larger of Buffon’s Coiffes jaunes. Inhabits the western parts of North America; found also in South America. For a detailed description and history, see the above quoted work. Subgenus Jcéerus. 2. Yellow-headed Troopial. IcTERus icteroce- phalus, Daud. Niger ; capite colloque luteis; alarum macula nulla. Male black; head and neck yellow; no white on the wing. Length 7} inches. Female and Young unknown. SYNONYMES. Orrowus icterocephalus, Linn. Guex. Lata. nec © Say in Long’s expedition. IcreRvs canthornus icterocephalus cayennensis, Briss. IcreRvs icterocephalus, Davp. nec nob. Am. Orn. Penpuuinus icterocephalus, ViEi.. ae Cornix atra; capite, collo pectoreque flavis, Korirevter, Nov. Comm. Petr. Les Coiffes jaunes, (probably the smaller only) Burr. Ois. Carouge de Cayenne, Burr. pl. enl. 343. Yellow-headed Starling, Epwarps, Glean. wets Yellow-headed Oriole, Lata. Syn. ey Inhabits Cayenne. Description. Bill formed exactly like that of i SPECIES OF ECHINUS. 295 baltimore. Whole head, sides, and inferior part of the neck, down to the breast, rich uniform yellow, rounded on the breast, and well defined; feathers round the base of the bill, and space between the bill and eye, black, not extending beyond it: back of the neck and all remaining parts of a deep, uniform, glossy black. Tail slightly rounded, 2: inches long. From the above it will be seen that these species, besides that they are subgenerically distinct, may be readily recognised by their very different size; our new species being more than three inches longer, and proportionally stouter; by the yellow colour being more extended, brighter, orange, and of different shades in the I. xanthocephalus, whilst it is uniform in the I. icterocephalus; by the black colour being tinged with brownish, and with some feathers yellow at base, whereas it is pure and uniform in the old species ; and finally, by that most striking character of the white spot on the wing of the new species. On the species of the Linnxan genus Ecutnvs, in- habiting the coast of the United States. By Tuomas Say. Read November 8, 1825. - Ecuinus, Linn. Lam. 1. E. granularis, Lam.? Several specimens of a species which agrees with | Lamarck’s description, were sent me by Mr. D. H. 226 SPECIES OF ECHINUS. Storer from near Cape Elizabeth, coast of Maine. He found them in plenty under rocks. At first view, I referred them to E. esculentus, Linn. ; but on com- parison with that species, I find it to be more de- pressed, and much more thickly studded with small - elevations; thus agreeing with the reputed characters of the present species. It is also allied to E. neglectus, Lam. The spines are green. A few Ecuini found by Mr. N. M. Hentz on the coast near Charleston, may prove to bea variety; the spines are more —_— and are white. 2. E. lucunter. Linn. Found by Mr. T. Peale, on the Florida Keys. 3. E. variegatus, Leske. Mr. Peale obtained two specimens on the Florida Keys. I would add to Lamarck’s description, that the pores in the series are placed alternately two and four; and that the figures around the space of the mouth, are narrow and rather deep. CipareTes, Lam. C. diadema, Linn. Found by Mr. T. Peale, on the Florida Keys. Encycl. Meth. pl. 133, fig. 10: and a portion of a spine is represented at C; and mag- nified at D. Scureria, Lam. 1-S. pentaphora, Gmel. Lamarck was unacquainted with the native country of this species, and he seemed inclined to consider it SPECIES OF ECHINUS. 227 only a variety of the heraporus Gmel. of the West Indies. . It is common on our coast, where it is almost every where found, and in many parts abundantly. Amongst many thousands that I have seen, not one specimen of the hexaporus occurred ; and this latter has not yet been found on any part of our coast. 2. S. trifaria. Orbicular, slightly convex; anus in the periphery : ambulacrez ovate-oval, disjoined at tip: beneath with five radiating grooves, each of which terminates in three branches, at about two- thirds of its length from the centre; these branches ~ consist each of two impressed lines; the two lateral branches are opposite at their base, and form a right angle with each other; the central branch is rectili- near with the groove; colour when recent, bright eoppery: Diameter about two inches. This species seems to be closely related to S. par- ma of Lamarck, from the Indian Ocean, as it agrees with his short description; but having consulted the figure of Rumphius, to which Lamarck refers, I find that species to be twice as large as the present, and exhibiting a different aspect. For perfect specimens of the trifaria, I am in- debted to Mr. Aaron Stone. Within twenty miles of the shore of Long Island, this gentleman dredged a distance of about a mile, and brought up 150 spe- cimens, unaccompanied by any thing else. He in- formed me that their colour was bright coppery, and that they had a very feetid effluvium. | 228 SPECIES OP ECHINUS. Ihave never found any of this species cast upon our coast as far south as New Jersey, but Mr. D. H.- Storer has recently sent me two bleached individuals from the coast of Maine, one of them from Prout’s neck, and the other from Hunnewell’s point; but he informs me that they are not abundant at either of those beaches. 3. §. 5-faria. Orbicular, discoidal 5 anus between the mouth and margin. Fossil of Georgia. Body orbicular, regularly rounded, without any angulated appearance; beneath very slightly concave ; anus situated at half the distance between the mouth and the margin; from the mouth are five radiating, impressed lines, each of which, at its middle, gives off an opposite branch on each side; these lateral branches at their middles, each gives off a branch on its exterior side. Diameter 2,5, inches. Height 3 of an inch. For this interesting species we are indebted to Dr. Boykin of Milledgeville, Georgia, who informs us that they abound in that vicinity, and that they are there familiarly known by the name of “ Biscuits.” The name of this genus is preoccupied in Ento- mology, and must therefore be changed. Mr. Peale found a species of Linnean Ecutnus on the Florida Keys, that is probably the CLYPEASTER rosaceus, Linn. or a very closely allied species, but as I have not seen a specimen, I cannot introduce it into this paper. HERMAPHRODITE ORANG OUTANG. 229 Sparaneus, Klein, Lam. S. atropos, Lam. I am indebted to Mr. William Wagner for the spe- cimen: he found it on the coast near Charleston, S. C. It agrees very well with Lamarck’s description of the atropos, and with the figures of that species in the Encyclop. Meth. _ Description of an Hermaphrodite ORANG OUTANG, lately living in Philadelphia. By Ricuarp Har- LAN, M. D. &c. Read October 17, 1826. Sima. -$.—With black, thick, woolly, and frizzled hair, covering all parts of the body, with the exception of the palms, the face, and the ears. Skin black. Nails on all the fingers. Orbits of the eyes prominent. Arms very long. No cheek-pouches: no tail: no guttural sac: a rudiment only of callous buttocks. Nose more prominent, and facial angle more elevated, than in the Simta safyrus of Linneus.* Dimensions.—Total length, from the vertex to the heel, 2 feet 2 inches: superior extremities, 1 foot 6 * Corpore pilis nigris obtecto ; facie, palmis, et auriculis nudis ; . cute nigro; palmis pentunguibus ; brachiis longissimis ; cauda, et sacculis buccarum et gutturis omnino carentibus ; natibus leviter callosis ; naso prominentiore, et angulo faciali plus elevato quam in Simia Satyro Linnzi. VOL. V.—-NOVEMBER, 1826. 30 230 HERMAPHRODITE ORANG OUTANG. inches : arms, 6 inches 6 tenths: fore-arm 9 inches i tenth: hand and fingers, 5 inches 5 tenths: lower extremities, 11 inches: thighs, 5 inches 4 tenths: legs, 6 inches 2 tenths: foot, 4 inches 6 tenths: body, 10 inches 5 tenths: head and neck, 11 inches 3 tenths: length of the bare-face, 3 inches: circumference of the thorax, 11 inches 3 tenths: circumference of the head, 10 inches. stash. ae Observations.—This interesting animal was im- ported into New York, from the island of Borneo, in the month of May, 1826; and at its death, was said to. be rather less than two years of age. Each jaw contained twelve teeth ; three molars, one — and two incisors, on each side. When standing erect, the fingers of the Senin nearly touched the ground ; advancing on a plane surface, he voluntarily assumed the erect attitude ; balancing himself with his long arms, on the slack rope, and climbing with the greatest agility: when he retired to sleep, assuming a recumbent posture ; displaying great fondness for fruits of all descriptions, but particularly for grapes; possessing all the do- cility and. intelligence characteristic of the orangs. He died of a diarrhoea, from excessive indulgence in fruits. ns Distinctive characters of the species. fag . The Orang genus has already been increased eet one to six species. The present specimen differs from all the others hitherto described; it evidently pertains to the Gibbon family, or the Long-armed Orangs, the type of which is the Simia lar (Linn.) to © HERMAPHRODITE ORANG OUTANG. 231 which are added, Ist, the Little Gibbon, or Orang varié of Cuvier. 2nd, the Siamang, or S. syndactylus of Rafiles; and 3d, the Active Gibbon, or Wou-wou of Duvancel and F. Cuvier. From all these our specimen differs, in being of a universal black colour, in the facial line being less inclined, in the absence of the circle of gray hairs around the face, in the rudi- mentary state of the ischiatic callosities, and, with the exception of the Active Gibbon, in the absence of the guttural sacs. Should I be right in supposing the above details to offer specific differences, the animal may be properly named Simia concolor. Habitat.—Island of Borneo ; climbing trees, feed- ing on fruit and insects. The present specimen, caught and devoured all the flies within his reach. Dissection.—General adhesions of the peritoneum, omentum and ifitestines; glands of the mesentery very much enlarged ; white eruptions, or rather ulcerated tubercles on the peritoneum, such as are observed occasionally in scrophulous subjects, and inflammation of the mucous coat of the stomach and intestinum rec- tum. i ie Hk - Orangs have been occasionally dissected, and mi- nute and laboured descriptions of their anatomy are published. The present individual displayed re- markable peculiarities: the ligamentum rotundum | very strong ; liver resembling the human, having the same number of lobes, gc. Appendicula vermiformis very large; contents of the thorax displaying close analogy to the human: ventricles of Morgagni rather 232 HERMAPHRODITE ORANG OUTANG. large, though not communicating with a sae in the throat, as in the Simia satyrus and some monkeys; sternum composed of only two pieces, like that bone in man, in which it differs from the Simiz with tails. Twenty-five rings to the trachea, fourteen ribs on each side, fourteen dorsal vertebra, seven cervical, ‘five lumbar, five sacral, and five coceygeal : but the most remarkable peculiarity remains to be noticed; the subject proved to be a complete Hermaphrodite. Hermaphrodism, that is to say, individuals uniting in themselves the means of reproduction, without the concurrence of other individuals of their own species, appears to be, in some sort, a vegetable attribute; as among plants, the class Dioécia (Linn.) is the only one not hermaphrodite. The nearer the animal ap- proaches the vegetable kingdom, the more frequent and complete are the instances of hermaphrodism. This is of two distinct kinds: in the*one, it is abso- lute, the animal possessing within itself the powers of reproduction, as is instanced in the Bivalve shells, as the Oyster, in some of the Multivalves, as the Chi- ton, and in Zoophites, Holothuria, &c. ; whilst in Uni- valve shells, on the contrary, such as the Helix, Lim- nea, Planorbis, &e. although they unite the two sexes, yet the union of two individuals is necessary to fe- cundation. The common garden snail, is a familiar _ example: animals of this description are properly termed ‘ Androgynous.” The disposition, then, to hermaphrodism, is more rare, as we advance in the scale of perfection, or rather to a more complex or- ganization. Those cases said to have occurred in the HERMAPHRODITE ORANG OUTANG. 233 higher orders of animals, may, with few exceptions, be attributed to mal-conformation of the genital organs, and to a mixture of the two sexes; which, according to the observations of Sir E. Home,* and Mr. John Hunter,+ are of more frequent occurrence in the bull, than in any other of the mammifera: but in no in- stance have these authors found the assemblage of the organs of both sexes complete; some or other of the organs being absent, or existing in a rudimentary state. The case which most nearly approaches in per- fection the subject of the present description, is that detailed by Mascagni in the “ Bulletin de la faculté de Medecine for 1811, p. 176,” where he describes a bull with all the male organs, and with ovaries, uterus, and vagina; but in place of a vulva, the vagina had its orifice in the urethra. There is also another case, somewhat similar, described in the ‘Med. Reposito- ry, No. XLV,” of a human individual in Lisbon, uniting both sexes in apparently great perfection. The subject was 21 years of age, was twice pregnant, and aborted at the third and fifth months. It is true, that though the penis and testicles existed, the latter, with their excretory ducts, were not examined ana- tomically. For a more detailed account of this indi- | vidual, vide Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales, art. ; * Cas rares.”’ The above observations will at least demonstrate the possibility of the occurrence of complete her- _maphrodites, even in the highest class of animals. The specimen which forms the subject of the present de- * Philosoph. Trans. 1799. + Obs. on certain parts of the animal economy, Lond. 1792. 234 HERMAPHRODITE ORANG OUTANG. scription, will furnish us, perhaps, with the nearest approach to a complete union of the sexes in the same individual, which has been detailed ; and is the only instance, as far as we have observed, of a circumstance of this kind occurring in the monkey race. In the present instance, the penis was about one inch in length, subject to erections: terminating as usual in a glans, but imperforate; a deep groove on the inferior surface, serving as a rudimentary urethra: this groove extended about two-thirds of the length of the penis, the remaining portion being covered with a thin, cuticular, diaphanous membrane, which also closed the external orifice of the vagina, being extended across the vulva. The vagina rather large, and displaying transverse strie; remains of the nymphe, and labia externa, visible; the meatus urina- rius opening beneath the pubis into the vagina, the urine must have been directed along the groove of the penis, by the membrane obstructing the orifice of the vagina: the os tince was surrounded by small globular glands, the orifice and cervix admittingya large probe into the cavity of the uterus, which organ appeared perfect, with all its appendages ; the round and broad ligaments, together with well-pronounced ovaries, all in situ.* The scrotum was divided, con- sisting of a sac on each side of the labia externa, at the base of the penis, covered with hair; the testicles * The male and female organs of generation, were i ‘in this animal, as completely perfected as could have been anticipated in so young an individual, and resembled those of other indi- viduals of a similar age: minute ova were visible in the ovaries. HERMAPHRODITE ORANG OUTANG. 235 lay beneath the skin of the groin, about two inches from the symphysis pubis, obliquely outwards and upwards ; they appeared to be perfectly formed, with the epidydimis, &. The most accurate examination could not discover vesicule seminales; but an opening into the vagina, above the meatus urinarius, appeared to be the orifice of the vas deferens. The testicles were unfortunately separated from the body, during the process of skinning. Admitting what in reality ap- peared to be the fact, that all the essential organs of both sexes were perfect in this individual, had the subject lived to adult age, most interesting results might have been elicited. Could not the animal have been impregnated by the male individual, by rup- turing the membrane closing the vulva? or by mas- turbation, might not the animal have impregnated itself? by this means exciting the testicles to discharge their seminal liquor into its own vagina. The imper- fection of the urethra, most probably, would have pre- vented the animal from ejecting the semen into the vagina of another individual. The subject, whilst living, always passed fora male. Had an instance of a like nature occurred in the human subject, it might have occasioned great difficulties, viewed in the light of a case of Legal Medicine. Drs. Charles Pickering and S. G. Morton assisted at this dissection. The accurate drawings of the ana- tomical parts, in a recent state, of the natural size, by Dr. Morton, and the figure of the animal, by Dr. R. M. Bird, have largely contributed to the value of this paper. 236 HERMAPHRODITE ORANG OUTANG. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. ; Plate IX.—From a drawing of the animal, taken after death. Plate X. fig. 1st.—External organs of generation. A. Orifice from the vagina and urethra, b. Membrane covering the vulva. c. Prepuce. ‘d. Raphe of the perineum. e. Penis with a groove on its inferior pre f, Ischiatic nudities. ‘ g. Anus. Fig. 2nd.—Internal organs of generation, viewed from behind ; ; the uterus turned up, with its ligamentum Tatum, to show the ovaries, &c. aii A. Bladder. b. b. Ovaries, c. Uterus. d. d. Fallopian tubes, e. Rectum. f. f. Broad ligaments. COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 237 Descriptions of new species of Co.zorterous In- sects inhabiting the United States. By Tuomas Say. Read January 18, 1825. (Continieed from page 204.) Oparrem, Fabr. 1. O. notum. Brownish-black : elytra with regu- lar series of impressed punctures. Opatrum elathratum. Melsh. Catal. Head with small, close set punctures; terminal emargination not angulated: thorax with small, close set punctures; lateral edge reflected ; posterior an- gles somewhat produced, subacute : elytra destitute of impressed striz, but with regular series of large, profoundly impressed, rather longitudinal punctures : tarsi piceous. Length less than ,% of an inch. This does not correspond with the description of the elathratum, Fabr., inasmuch as the elytra are not striated. It is common. 2. O. pullum. Brown; head and thorax darker ; elytra with punctured strie ; beneath reddish-brown. Description. Head and thorax dark-brown, mi- nutely and densely punctured ; posterior angles not prominent 5 3; lateral edges not reflected: antennz piceous; terminal emargination of the clypeus not angulated : e/ytra with impressed, punctured striz, the punctures profound, somewhat transverse ; inter- stitial lines with numerous smal! punctures : ye reddish-brown. Length rather more than 5, of an inch. VOL. V.—NOVEMBER, 1826. : _3i 238 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. _I obtained this species on the margin of the Arkan- saw river, when with major Long’s party. It may be distinguished from the preceding, by the striated elytra, and by the simple edge of the thorax. Boros, Herbst. B. unicolor. Blackish-brown, punctured ; thorax not obviously indented behind. Body depressed, rather slender, blackish-brown, punctured: fead suboval, punctures rather large, numerous, smaller before ; a dilated indentation each side anterior to the eyes: antennz but little longer than the head: thorax oval, accurately rounded each side, punctures numerous, rather large ; no indenta- tion: elytra with irregular, numerous punctures, smaller than those of the thorax, not disposed in any regular series; an obtuse indented line on the outer margin, and another at the suture. Length ,% of an inch. I received this insect from Dr. J. F. Melsheimer, under the name I have adopted. It is certainly very closely allied to B. elongatus, Herbst, but judging by the figure given by this author, it is much smaller ; it is also destitute of any obvious indentation. on the posterior part of the thorax. " tie Ste Length ,3, of an inch. Ki > 5. A. alternatus. Robust; elytra witha series s of ° alternate gray and. black spots. Body short and thick, densely a brownie cinereous: head plane, not prominent between the eyes : antennx moderate, pale rufous, three last joints fuscous: thorax with a few black spots; elevated line of the posterior margin not prominent, placed near, and parallel to the posterior edge : edytra with punc- ° oe INSECTS. 251 _ tured nivel alternate intenssicied lines, with alternate ~ black and gray spots: feet rufous; thighs perce tir bie with about two dusky bands. ' © Length 35 of an inch. Lk This may readily be distinguished ftom A. eapilli- : cornis, by the much shorter antenne, and more oirest e form of body. 6. A. variegatus. Vexind; with blackish and dull. yellowish ; elytra; each with two larger spots. Anthribus variegatus, Melsh. Catal. ,, Body dull ochreous, varied with blackish, with very short hair: head plane, dusky, paler towards the tip: » wtenne moderate, pale rufous, three terminal joints fuscous: thorax much varied with. blackish, which does not extend on the anterior margin: e/ytra with hardly obvious strie, with many small orbicular, blackish spots, and two larger spots on each, of which one is near the sutural base, and the other rather be- _yond the middle, near the suture: feet ~~ rufous : | thighs blackish in the middle. eet Length more than ;', of an inch. . The two spots of each elytron are sometimes sie by an intervening blackish sutural line. The species is not uncommon, and I have found it onthe “smut” of wheat. Mr. Lea took eighty in-- dividuals from. six heads of wheat. 7. A. tomentosus. Body short, blackish, tibix . rufous. oe, _Anthribus tomentosus, Melsh. Catal. _. Body robust, short, dark reddish-brown, covered by short, yellowish-cinereous hair: head on the ver- 352 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. tex and between the eyes a little convex: antennx _ rufous, at tip fuscous: thorax rather convex trans- versely in the middle, a little depressed before the _ base; posterior angles acute: e/ytra with punctured stri#, immaculate: tibix rufous; terminal joint of the tarsi blackish. ae) Length less than +’, of an inch. ; : & This species does not appear to be common. It is much smaller than either of the preceding. ' ArreLasus, Fabr. Dej. a4 1. A. pubescens. Dull rufous, with short yellow down. Bante Attelabus pubescens, Melsh. Catal. Body above dull rufous, the whole surface covered with thick set, somewhat matted, short yellowish down: head with very small punctures at base, and large ones at tip; an elevated frontal longitudinal line: rostrum much contracted between the antenne, dilated before : thorax with an indentation each side of the middle: e/ytrastriate, and with irregular pune- tures: venter nearly naked: feet naked, bright rufous. Length about } of an inch, 4 This species is not uncommon. D. Melsheiier found it on the leaves of the Corylus americana. — 2. A. seutellaris. Black; antenne and tarsi ru- fous; scutel white. Body deep black, much punctured :. head shiet be- hind the eyes, with distant punctures, more dense on the rostrum: antenne rufous: thorax with numerous _ COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 253 dense punctures: seutel white: elytra slightly hairy, with punctured striz ; the interstitial lines crenate: feet piceous : thighs with a slight anee on the inferior middle : tarsi rufous. Length ,, of an inch. I obtained two specimens on the Kalmia latifolia ie July. It is a small species. ; Apion, Herbst. hs A. rostrum. Black ; thoracic punctures large, dense ; an impressed line, ind punctures between the eyes. t Rhynchites ebilies Melsh. Catal. Body entirely black: vertex impunctured: front with large punctures, and a longitudinal impressed. line; an impressed longitudinal line between the an- tenne: thorax with large, concave, close set punc- tures; an impressed, abbreviated line on the middle of the posterior sub-margin : e/yéra striate, the striae. rather wide, punctured, interstitial lines flat, topped with a single series of small hairs. Length from the tip of the rostrum less than 5% of an inch. ." This is a very abundant species. Dr. J. F,, Mel- sheimer found it on the leaves of the Ropinta pseud- acacia; and Dr. Harris of Milton, Massachusetts, in- forms me that it occurs imall its stages in the seed” vessels of the wild Indigo, ( ‘Baptisia tinctoria, ) in the months of August and September. "have also taken it in plenty on that plant, It seems to be allied to VOL. V.—NOVEMBER, 1826. 33 _ - 254 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. the A. nigrum, Herbst., but it does not agree with his figure, nor sufficiently well with his description. Bracuycerus, Oliv. Fab. -_B. humeralis. Body inequal, with punctures fur- nishing small hairs; humeral angles advanced. Inhabits Arkansa. Body black, punctured, and with minute punctures furnishing short, robust, filiform, white remote hairs: head transversely indented at the base of the very short rostrum, and with a very profoundly impressed abbreviated frontal line: antennx, terminal joint oval acute: thorax inequal, widest in the middle, punc- tures dilated, preceded each side by small tubercles ; anteriorly profoundly excavated, for the reception of the proboscis: elytra with double series of dilated punctures, each puncture preceded by an obtuse slightly elevated tubercle, and each double series punctures above separated by a slightly elevated in- terstitial line: Awmeral angles projected forwards, and embracing the lateral base of the thorax’; Ne a at tip, and rugged. Length 5% of ch. Male more nA of an inch. Not uncommon on the sterile country near the head waters of the Arkansa river ; where I obtained a few specimens, when with major Long’s party. ” It is remarkable by the profound excavation in the anterior face of the trunk, for the reception of the rostrum ; the antenue also do not perfectly agree with COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 255 those of the genus ; these and other distinctions would - authorize the formation of a new subgenus, which may be named ——. Bosrricuus, Fabr. 1. B. exesus. Rufous; elytra excavated at tip, each six or eight toothed. Bostrichus exesus, Melsh. Catal. - Body with short, numerous, ochraceous hairs: head ferruginous, with numerous small elevations: antennx, club rather large: thorax ferruginous, rough, with numerous elevated points before ; behind with rather distant punctures: elytra darker rufous than the tho- rax, with punctured strie; punctures. large, trans- verse; posterior declivity excavated, with large punc- tures, and armed on each side with six or eight teeth ; the first and third being sometimes obsolete, the fifth a little larger. Length more than 3 of an inch. Eats a straight, zig-zag, or waved passage between the bark and wood of the yellow pine, (Pinus mitis, Micuavx,) when cut down or decaying: they are nu- merous, and many die when perfect, being unablejto cut a passage through the bark. : 2. B. fasciatus. Blackish; thorax at base mar ing on the elytra, ferruginous. ty Bostrichus fasciatus, Melsh. Catal.. Body brownish-black: thorax rough before, with slightly elevated ruge, and with a few hairs; behind glabrous, impunctured, and pale ferruginous: ely¢ra : 256 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. destitute of strie, punctures obsolete ; basal half pale ferruginous; sutural region dusky ; posterior declivity hairy, slightly truncated, towards the suture indented. Var. a. Band of the elytra occupying the greater ~ of the surface, and of a clay colour. From nipuxent. | / Length more than {', of an inch. 3. B. zylographus. Rufous; elytra with series of punctures and short me on the posterior de- clivity. _ Bostrichus xylographus, Melsh. Catal. ~ Body somewhat polished, a little hairy, rufous: thorax rugous to the middle, on the centre of which is an obtuse, hardly raised tubercle, behind which the surface is smooth, with a few very small punctures: elytra with series of slightly impressed punctures, the interstitial lines with minute. punctures, furnishing hairs ; posterior declivity not truncate, but with small denticulations on the interstitial lines. — Length much less than 3, of an inch. This insect is abundant in forests of the pine, (Pinus mitis, Mx.,) to which it is very destructive. Immediately beneath the bark, on the wood, it exca- _ _ vites a rectilinear groove, with short, equal, pig grooves at right angles with the preceding. — BF. . It-varies considerably in size. a ro politus. Rufous, with rather long tis elytra entire. ‘7 Apate politus, Melsh. Catal. : re! 7 Thorax with ts gc rather distant points before, 4 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 257 gradually disappearing towards the base: elytra punc- tured, punctures not in regular series; tip aang feet yellowish: tibixw narrowed at tip. Length more than +; of an inch. 5. B. pini. Dark chesnut; elytra ested a ' tip, each about four toothed. Rertelehass tne mney sen 2 mate. ¢ Catal. Ye eee pini,. _ Body somewhat hairy, chesnut. brown: head swish minute elevated points: antennz pale rufous : thorax punctured, more particularly hairy before, and on each side ; before the middle, with numerous small elevated points, more acute towards the anterior margin: e/ytra more particularly hairy each side,. with strie of transverse punctures ; interstitial lines:im- punctured ; tip truncated obliquely, and excavated ; the exterior edge on each side, with four denticula- tions, of which the second from above: is the largest, and the inferior one is smallest, and most acute; there are sometimes. two. very small ones above, near the suture. oy Length ,§ ae of an inch, . This. species is very closely allied to 2B. exesus, It is very destructive to many species of Pine. Mr, Z. Collins informs me that it depredates on the Larch, (Pinus pendula, ? Aron.) . Dr. J. Mease recs exhibited to me some sections of limbs of the Ive pine (Pinus strobus) trees, which decorate the wh ips , injsred by the Sree of this insect, avin 53 j ng taxed Feet na ty KP * Sao Serge 958 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. ‘Hytonevs, Latr. - H. dentatus. Head plane; body reddish-brown ; elytra with impressed, punctured striz. bikes _ Head blackish, with short hairs : antenne rufous thorax blackish, passing into dull rufous at base ; with numerous hairs rather shorter than those of the head ; punctured : elytra dull rufous, with numerous short hairs ; striate, the strie deeply impressed, and giving the prominent basal ‘edge 'a dentate appearance ; m- terstitial lines rough, with raised points, which are more prominent and destitute towards the tip: We. neath dark reddish brown : feet ee Length nearly 3, of an inch. re Resembles the frontalis Fabr.; but the head is des- titute of spines, and the elytra are less prominently aculeate. I have recently received an individual from Dr. T. W. Harris of Milton, Massachusetts. Pine Se os rive melts: cnt A. punctatus. Black-brown 3 posterior aecetiity of the elytra carinate on the exterior sub-margin. ' Apate punctatus, Melsh. Catal. _ Body confluently punctured: head rough: anteniip piceous, three exterior joints yellowish, decidedly transverse : thoraz. before rough, with elevated, thick points, which disappear towards the base, | and are there supplied by discoidal punctures ‘elytra with large, impressed punctures, which can hardly be traced into a series; tip rather abruptly declining, COLROPTEROUS INSECTS. 259 é with prostrate yellowish hairs, and a carinate line on the exterior sub-margin. Length more than %, of an inch, _ CLYPEASTER, And. Latr. C. fasciatus. Thorax yellowish, with a dusky disk ; elytra black, with a yellowish band. , Body rather oblong-oval, depressed, with fine prostrate hairs: antennz dusky at tip: thorax honey- yellow, blackish on the disk; anterior margin regu- larly rounded ; posterior Margin but little undulated : elytra very obtusely rounded at tip, almost truncate, black, with a honey yellow band a little beyond the middle, and the edge of the tip somewhat dull yel- lowish : beneath dusky : feet honey-yellow. Var. a. Elytra honey-yellow, with a.paler band. Length about zs of an. inch. I refer this little insect to the present genus, by its form of - It is very like a small Cassipa, and the head is equally concealed by the clypeiform tho- rax. ~ Ceryion, Latr. C. castaneum.. “Reddish. -brown, punctured, palpi bright yellowish ; elytra striate. Inhabits the United States. _ Body reddish-brown, punctured, sbinene anten- nzx paler: palpi pale reddish-yellow, polished: thorax widely and slightly indented at base, each side of the 260 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 4 - middle; punctures numerous distinct, posterior angles rectangular: seufel transversely linear: elytra with the strie impressed, punctured. . Length rather more than of an inch. This species is not uncommon. I have found it in various parts of the Union, and as far west as Missouri. Myceropuacus, Fabr. 1. M. punctatus. Blackish; elytra rufous, with a large dot; scutel and tippblack. - Mycetophagus punctatus, Knoch., J. F. Melshei- mers = * Body blackish-piceous, with short hairs antenne and mouth piceous: thorax immaculate, with a small indentation each side, on the basal margin: seutfel black: elytra with punctured stri# ; rufous; region of the scutel black ; a large black spot on the middle, confluent with the lateral margin, and ge@xtending on that part to the humerus, and in the == tion to a large subterminal black band; a small Colints tip. Length more than } of an inch. 2. M. flecuosus. Blackish; elytra rufous, undu- lated with black. Mycetophagus flexuosus, Melsh. Catal. tend Body blackish-piceous, with short hairs : antiaei, terminal joint fulvous: thoraz indented each side on the posterior margin: elytra with punctured striz, yellowish rufous; a transverse quadrate black spot on the region of the seutel; a small rounded one on the COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 261 é humerus ; a large irregular one on the exterior mid- dle, sometimes not interrupted by the suture, and a large black spot on the tip, enclosing a small fulvous spot: beneath pale ene Length more than 5% of an inch, Closely allied to the preceding, but is much smaller, and the markings are always different. 3. M. 6-punetatus. Blackish; elytra with three spots of yellowish hairs. ' Mycetophagus 6-punctatus, Melsh. Catal. Body blackish-brown, with short yellowish seri- ceous hairs: antennzx with the three last joints larger ; labrum yellowish : thorax with an abbreviated, obso- lete longitudinal line on the posterior margin, each _ side: elytra with regular series of hairs, more obvious towards the exterior margin; a dense group of hairs on the middle of the base, forming a spot on that part ; a subsutural one is before, and another behind the middle: beneath piceous: tarst paler. Length rather less than 7, of an inch. Very distinct from the preceding. 4. M. didesmus. Blackish ; elytra with two bands and obsolete tip, pale rufous. Body blackish-piceous,, with short yellowish-seri- eeous hairs: head piceous: antennz somewhat clavate: thorax with the posterior angles rounded : elytra with a pale rufous, slightly oblique band near the base, and another beyond the middle ; ; A obsoletely oe ru- fous : feet pale. Length rather less than 3; 1s of an inch. "VOL. V.— NOVEMBER, 1826. ° 34 Pipe ss 262 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. Lycrus, Fabr. 1.L. reflexus. Chesnut; thorax punctured, slight- ly narrower behind ; elytra striate. Inhabits Pennsylvania. Lyetus americanus ? Melsh. Catal. Head with numerous, large, deep. punctures; a longitudinal rather wide indented line each side, near the eyes: antenne rather robust, shorter than the thorax: thorax with large numerous punctures, gra- dually a little narrowed behind, without any im- pressed line or elevation ; lateral edge dusky: sewte/ convex, rounded : elytra with somewhat large strie, in which are large punctures; terminal edge reflected. Length ,°, of an inch. 2. L. geminatus. Thorax lopentoatigally indented: strie of the elytra geminate. Inhabits Pennsylvania. Body depressed, dark reddish-brown, with short, prostrate hairs: head punctured: antenne rather robust, with short hairs: thorax gradually a little narrowed behind, with numerous large punctures; middle of the disk widely indented longitudinally: scutel convex, rounded : elytra depressed above ; im- pressed strie placed in pairs ; interstitial lines punc- tured. . Length ,% of an inch. ) 3. L. hamatodes. Thorax with two indented lines; elytra with large, deep punctured striz. Lyctus hematodes ? Fabr. Body dark reddish-brown, a little dondanilt head COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 263 with large, not profound punctures; an indented lon- gitudinal space each side, between the antenne : an- tenne short, robust: thorax with large, somewhat deep punctures, and two dilated, parallel, indented lines on the disk; margin a little elevated, in the middle contracted : elytra with dilated profound strie or grooves, in which are dilated, not deeply impressed punctures ; interstitial lines narrow, prominent. Length less than 3, of an inch. This certainly approaches the description of L. hzmatodes, Fabr., and probably is the same; but as he describes that species to be carinated on the tho- rax, I have made out the above description, that those who have an opportunity, may compare. I obtained many specimens under loose bark of the yellow-pine, on Chinquoteage Island, in October. The three species above described, correspond with the characters of the genus Brroma, of Herbst, in having the antennz shorter than the head and thorax, and the mandibles not very obviously projecting ; yet they appear to me to be very properly retained in the present genus. Corypium, Fabr. 1. C. parallelopipedum. Head with two tuber- cles ; thorax with two elevations, and an elevated line each side. Colydium parallelopipedum, Melsh. Catal. Body dull rufous; glabrous, punctured: head with an indented, transyerse line, and two hardly promi- 264 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. nent tubercles, often obsolete: ‘thorax quadrate, rather longitudinal; two tubercles before, which gradually dilate and disappear behind ; lateral sub- margin, with an elevated line hardly attaining to the base, and extending on the anterior edge, so as to join the opposite line ; exterior edge a little reflected ; anterior angles prominent: e/ytra with hardly im- pressed, ‘punctured striz, becoming small behind: feet pale rufous. Length less than } of an inch. This seems to be allied to C. bidentatum, Fabr., of South America. 2. C. longiusculum. Dark brownish ; antenne and feet rufous; thorax punctured. Colydium longiusculum, Melsh. Catal. Body linear, slender, elongated, dark reddish- brown: head blackish, eminently punctured; nasus dull rufous : entennzx bright rufous: thorax cylindric, long, minutely punctured, blackish: e/ytra with large, deep striz, in which are transverse puncturess inter- stitial lines convex: beneath blackish: feet bright rufous. A pee gan Length } of an inch. 3. C. lineola. Dark brownish; antenne and feet rufous; thorax with an impressed line. Colydium lineola, Melsh. Catal. Body linear, slender, elongated, dark reddish brown: head blackish, dull rufous before, minutely punctured : antenne rufous: thorax cylindric, long, minutely punctured, blackish, with a very obvious, longitudinal, acutely impressed line on the back : e/y- COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 265 tra with rather large, deep strie, and transverse punctures, which crenate the interstitial lines: be- neath rufous. Length less than } of an inch. Resembles. the preceding, but is smaller, and is readily distinguished by the impressed line of the thorax. Larripius, Herbst. L. pubescens. Reddish-brown ; thorax each side, irregularly denticulated. Inhabits Pennsylvania. Latridius pubescens, Melsh. Catal. Body irregularly punctured, with numerous scat- tered hairs: thorax on the lateral edge having eight or nine irregular denticulations: e/ytra without any series of punctures or impressed line; hairs of the lateral margin prominent. Length nearly 5 of an inch, - Very different from the species which I described under the name of L. 8-dentatus, which has regular series of punctures on the elytra. Sitvanus, Latr. S. dentatus. Thorax 6-toothed each side, and with a double-indentation behind. Latridius dentatus, Melsh. Catal. = © Body reddish-brown, depressed, punctured; pune- tures small: head with a reflected edge each side, 266 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. extending above the eye, and somewhat more promi- nent over the insertion of the antennw: thorax with two dilated, parallel, longitudinal indentations behind the middle, and not reaching the base ; lateral edge with six rounded teeth; the anterior and posterior ones more acute: elytra with about four slighty ele- vated lines, sub-sutural one obsolete. Length ,% of an inch. Syneuita, Hel. 1. S. 4-guttata. Blackish-brown ; thorax canali- culate ; elytra each with two rufous spots. Inhabits Arkansa and East Florida. Body with short curved hairs: head at tip tinged with rufous: thorax with a longitudinal groove each side on the sub-margin, continued on the anterior margin; lateral margin a little concave, the edge denticulated: elytra with four dilated grooves, con- taining double series of punctures, and a marginal groove, containing but a single series of transverse punctures; interstitial lines slender; each elytron with an oblong longitudinal dull rufous spot at base, and another beyond the middle. Length less than ,% of an inch. I obtained three specimens when with Major Long’s party in Arkansa, and several occurred in East Florida. 2. S. granulata. Thorax granulated ; lyr with granulated interstitial lines. Inhabits East Florida. COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 267 Body blackish-brown: head granulated, somewhat rufous before: antennzx rufous, joints of the capitulum not distinctly separate: thorax covered with granu- lations ; without grooves ; lateral edge denticulated : elytra with regular series of elevated granulated striz, and intervening, narrower, smooth ones. Length less than ,% of an inch. Very distinct from the preceding. I obtained but a single specimen in Florida, and Mr. Nuttall pre- sented me with three which he brought from Mis- souri. Cucusus, Fabr. 1. C. biguttatus. Dark reddish-brown ; antenne more than half the length of the body ; elytra witha large spot ; thorax with a lateral impressed line. - Cucujus biguttatus, Melsh. Catal. Head with numerous small punctures: thorax with numerous small punctures, not obviously crenate on the lateral edge, with an impressed line on the lateral submargin; the margins slightly paler than the disk: seutel pale: elytra with acute impressed strive; a rather large, oval, pale spot somewhat before the middle, chiefly included between the second and third striz : beneath rufous. Length more than ', of an inch. This is a common insect. It isso much like the C. bipustulatus of Panzer, that we find some hesitation in admitting it to a distinct rank. That species, however, judging from Panzer’s figure, has the lateral 268 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. edges of the thorax obviously crenate, and the pale elytra spot is much larger than in the present species. 2. C. modestus. Reddish-brown; antenne more than half the length of the body ; thorax with a lateral impressed line; elytra with punctured striae. Head and thorax reddish-brown, with numerous small punctures; the latter somewhat rounded, hardly narrower behind, with an obvious impressed longitu- dinal line on each lateral sub-margin: antennz con- siderably more than half the length of the body: e/ytra rather shorter than the abdomen, pale testaceous, im- maculate ; strie obtuse, hardly impressed, with large punctures: beneath reddish-brown. Length more than ;, of an inch. This small species occurs in East Florida, and was obtained by Mr. Maclure’s party. It is about equal in size to C. testaceus, Fabr., of Europe, but is a very different species. In the form of its antennz, this species approaches the genus BRonveEs. t Lamia, Fabr. 1. L. macula. Brownish; sides of the thorax _ spot on the elytra gray. Cerambyx macula, Melsh. Catal. - Head brownish above, grayish before, and ve on the cheeks: antennz a little longer than the body, dull rufous; the joints blackish at their tips: thorax slightly inequal, with very obtuse, obsolete tubercles ; lateral spine none, substituted by a hardly elevated tubercle; above brownish, with two longitudinal, COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 269 distant blackish lines; sides beneath the lines gray : elytra punctured ; each with six lines of minute black spots, one of which is at the suture, and another on the lateral margin; a large triangular gray spot on the lateral middle, rarely reaching the suture: thighs clavate, black: ¢ibie dull rufous, annulate with dusky. Length 55, of an inch. This species frequently occurs. 2. L. 6-guttata. Elytra with minute elevated points, and about six obsolete gray spots. Lamia 6-guttata, Melsh. Catal. Body brownish: antennz a little longer than the body, obscure rufous; the joints dusky at their tips: thorax a little inequal, with hardly elevated, very obtuse tubercles ; lateral spine none, being substituted by a slightly elevated tubercle: elytra punctured, each with six lines of minute black spots, which are each elevated, reflected, and acute; about six obsolete gray spots on each, of which one is sub-marginal be- hind the humerus, a minute one is upon the middle, and, the third is small, subsutural, and behind the middle: thighs clavate, blackish: tibiz dull rufous, annulate with dusky. Length nearly ,% of an inch. This species resembles the preceding, but it may be distinguished by the want of the large gray lateral spot of the elytra, and more essentially by being armed with reflected points on the elytra. It also resembles the L. aculifera, nobis, but is destitute of the whitish elytral band, and the general form of the body is different from either, being less robust. VOL. V.—NOVEMBER, 1826. 35 270 — INSECTS. 3. L. dasycerus. Antenne hairy beneath ; elytra with minute elevated points. Body \ight brownish-cinereous: antennz a little longer than the body, with rather long, close-set haits on the inferior side : thorax without obvious tubercles; with two obsolete, longitudinal, approximate, brown lines: e/ytra with a common arcuated: black line, ex- tending from one humerus te the other; numerous, » rather large, irregular punctures; a few series of distant elevated black points; an obsolete common white band behind the middle: thighs clavate: tibia not annulated. Length ,% of an inch. This may be distinguished from either of the be- fore mentioned species, by the pendant hair of the inferior side of the antenne, &c. The white band is sometimes altogether wanting; and if very closely examined, the black points of the elytra will be found to consist of fasciculated hairs. 4. L. alpha. Elytra each with a white oblique line extending, backwards from the middle of the suture. Cerambyzx analis ? Melsh. Catal. Body dull reddish-brown: head lonciaudinally deeply indented on the vertex : antennz considerably longer than the body; incisures blackish: thorax above, destitute of tubercles, but with three small black spots, placed 2, 1; a short tubercle, abruptly acute at tip, each side before the posterior angles, which are emarginate 3 posterior margin with a trans- verse indented line : seutel blackish: e/ytrairregular- COLOPTEROUS INSECTS. 271 ly punctured ; a few black dots, consisting of tufts of hair, chiefly along the suture; region of the scutel dusky ; a blackish marginal abbreviated line from the humerus; a blackish line margined with gray, extends from the middle of the suture, obliquely backwards, towards the exterior margin. Length nearly , of an inch. This. species is. not very rare in Pennsylvania; I also obtained one in the N. W. Territory. ‘5. L. faceta. Blackish; elytra yellowish-white, with four blackish bands. Antennz nearly twice as long as the body: thorax equal, with an acute spine’ each side, near the pos- terior angles, which are emarginate; a gray mark behind the middle, in the form of a W: elytra yel- lowish-white ; a blackish band at base, decurrent be- hind, along the suture ; a narrow oblique band before the middle, not reaching the suture; a broad band rather behind the middle, and another at tip: feet ochreous. Length ,% of an inch. I have found this pretty little species on the com-. mon Juniper, early in July. 6. L. spinosa. Covered with short, prostrate gray hair; antenne gray and black. Saperda spinosa, Melsh. Catal. ® Head deeply indented between the antenne: /a- brum pieeous : antenne longer than the body, black, : each joint gray at base: thorax cylindrical, immacu- late ; an acute, slightly recurved spine near the pos- terior angles: elytra with numerous small impressed 272 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. punctures, at tip truncated: venter with a series of almost concealed black spots on each side. Length more than ,°, of an inch. The Seneral form is that of a SapeRrDA 3. but, agree- ably to the generic characters, the spines of the tho- rax determine the affinity, SapPerpa, Fudr. 1. S. cingulata. Brownish-cinereous, with obso- lete fulvous dots; elytra with a dull cinereous band. Saperda cingulata, Melsh. Catal. Body robust, covered with short prostrate hairs: head varied with fulvous, a slender fulvous line around the eye, a frontal indented line: antennx much longer than the body, but not twice as long: thorax ob- viously broader than long, slightly varied with ful- vous: elytra with numerous, obsolete, small fulvous dots ; at base and tip broadly reddish-brown ; a broad cinereous, somewhat undulated band onthe middle. Length 33 of an inch. ' This is not common. Occurs on the Hickory. 2. S. nigra. Entirely black, immaculate; elytra irregularly punctured. Saperda nigra, Melsh. Catal. Head indented between the antenne, minutely granulated: antenne much longer than the body: thorax minutely granulated ; a transverse impressed line on the anterior and posterior margin : elytra yery minutely granulated, and with numerous, irregularly placed, rather distant, profound punctures; tip,sim- COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 273 ple: anterior thighs laterally we their tibiw Seendipshety arcuated. Length ,% of an inch. The anterior thighs innit tibia are very obviously arcuated. 3. S. fuscipes. ‘Hairy, hana 3 thorax with two black vitte ; feet rufous. : Saperda juishiie Melsh. Catal. Body with rather long cinereous hair, punctured : head not indented between the antennex : dabrum tes- taceous: thorax as long-as broad, irregularly and _ deeply punctured ; two longitudina Iblack vitte, oc- casioned by the complete denudation of the parts: elytra with numerous, close-set, irregularly disposed, © deeply impressed Sona 5 at tip rounded: feet dull rufous. Length 2 of an inch. 4. 8. 3-lineata. Densely covered with short pros- trate hairs; antenne naked, black. Sa ode cinera ; Pi : Melsh. Catal. Body densely clothed, with short, prostrate, green- ~ jsh-cinereous hairs: head a little tinged with yellow- ish, with a longitudinal Jine: antennz quite naked and black: thorax tinged with a little, yeHowish, breadth hardly exceeding the length ; a longitudinal black line before the middle: e/ytra immaculate, rather acutely terminated. Length ; of an inch. 5. S. vestita Very hairy ; brownish, varied with grayish; antenne as long as the body. 274 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTs. Body in every part with numerous long erect hairs, _and shorter ones between them ; numerous punctures placed irregularly: Aead not indented: labrum pi- ceous: thorax with a short tubercle on each side: elytra rounded at tip. Length less than 3 of an inch. ‘This species might perhaps be xelameail to rh ge- nus LAMIA. 6. S. obliqua. Elytra with four ieee elevated dines. nia’ be . Body yellowish-brown, or pale ferruginous: head with an impressed line ; a broad fuscous line behind — each eye: antennzx rather longer than the body, gray, incisures fuscous; first joint rather thick, hairy, fus- cous: thorax cylindrical, with four fuscous vitte : elytra with numerous, subinequal, irregularly dis- posed punctures ; four elevated, obtuse, parallel, ob- lique lines, commencing at the exterior submargin, and proceeding backward to the suture, the anterior originating on the humerus ; tip mucronate. Length ¢ of an inch. This interesting species was brought by Mr. Tho- mas Nuttall from Missouri. Srexoconus, Fabr. ‘1. Se rigidus. ocetnaa.. antennae pve spinous beneath. r Body rather slender, ferniginayty with veryyshort hairs: head, space between the antenne more ele- vated ; a longitudinal impressed line: mandibles at COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 975 tip black: antennez very robust, hairy, a little longer than the body; with numerous spines beneath, par- ticularly on the third or fourth basal joints: thorax rounded, a little narrower before, widest behind the middle: elytra very pale ferruginous ; without any strie or punctures, instead of which, are very slight depressions, furnishing very short hairs; on the mid- dle of each elytron is a longitudinal obvious nervure + tip acutely rounded: thighs, anterior ones more ro- bust than the posterior pairs. Length more than $ of an inch. The spines on the inferior surface of the antennz, are not confined to the tips of the joints, as in some species, but occupy the surface from base to tip ; they are obsolete on the first, second, and terminal joints. The species is rare? 2. S. quadrigeminatus. Pale brown; elytra each with two geminate spots; basal ones equal. Body entirely pale yellowish-brown: antenne hardly more obviously hairy on the basal joints than on the others: thorax with two black tubercles above, rather before the middle, placed transversely, and a short spine each side on the middle of the length of the thorax : elytra rather paler than the thorax ; each with two double, somewhat elevated bright yellow, abbreviated very short lines ; the two members of the basal spot equal, the other spot is placed on the mid- dle, and its inner member is shorter than the exterior one ; tip two spined@the exterior spine longest : in- - termediate and posterior thighs two spined at tip, the inner spine rather longest. 276 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. Length of an inch. This insect is not uncommon. It is related to S. 4-maculatus, Fabr., S. maculosus, Fabr., S. didy- mus, Oliv., all of South America, and S. stigma, Oliv., of Cuba. It differs from the first, to which it is more closely related than to either, by the equality of the two members of the basal double spot of the elytra, and by having only two tubercles on the back of the thorax; from the maculosus it may be distin- guished by its greater size and simple pale eolour; from didymus by its smaller size, and not having the third and fourth joints of the antenne more hairy than the other joints; from stigma by having the basal spot of the elytra double. Cryrus, Fubr: 1. C. confusus. . Black, with spots of yellowish- white ; feet rufous, tarsi and knees black. Head covered with prostrate, short yellowish hair, excepting a longitudinal line on the vertex : antennz two-thirds the length of the body, black: thorax covered with hair, excepting a dilated dorsal vitta, and a narrow, obsolete longitudinal. line each side: scutel covered with white hair : elytra with irregular, inequal spots of short yellowish-white hair; of these spots there is in many specimens, a series at the suture, another on the middle, and a third on the exterior submargin ; but in other specimens the’series are obsolete, and in some, many of the spots. are con- COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 277 fluent; tip truncate, emarginate: wings blackish: feet rufous; knees, tarsi, and tip of the tibix black. Length about % of an inch. I obtained a small individual several years since in this state, and my brother B. Say took a specimen near Pleasant Mills, New Jersey, and I subsequently obtained another in the N. W. Territory... 2. C. annosus. Black, with short gray airy a triangular carina between the eyes. Body black, covered with short, gray, ee eR hair: head with a grooved prominence between the eyes, terminating in a short carina: antennz but little longer than the thorax: thorax witha naked dorsal vitta: elytra with the hair more densely arranged in some parts, so as to exhibit the appearance of small spots, which are arranged in two bands, in each of which are two spots each side, the second band is on the middle; near the oc a are one or two common spots; tip entire. Length nearly 3. of an inch, I received this species from Mr. P Nuttall, who brought it from anourN as ai Fabr. C. cucuji-forme. Pale yellowish’ ween a little contracted in the middle.. - Callidium cucuiiforme, Melsh. Catal.» Body depressed : ' ‘Head with a slight rufous tinge: antenne rather shorter than the body, tinged with rufous: thorax VOL. ¥.——NOVEMBER, 1826. 36 f 278 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. longer than broad, obtusely contracted each side, ra- ther before the middle : e/ytra irregularly punctured, without elevated lines: thighs dilated : pectus with a large discoidal, very bee uaa indented mind on each side. : Length «3 +5 Of an inch. ss cit Linn. Fabr. 1..L. scalaris. Rufous, sericeous ; elytra slender, with sericeous triangles along the suture. » | Body elongated, rufous, more or less covered with golden sericeous; impunctured: head with a trans- verse indentation before, and a longitudinal indented line ; space behind the eyes prominent: antennz ra- ther more than half the length of the body: thorax with a transverse impressed line before, and another behind : elytra slender, concayely arcuated on the outer edge behind the middle, rounded at tip, con- siderably shorter than the abdomen; a darker rounded spot on the middle, and an oblong one behind the middle, so arranged as to exhibit two sutural golden- sericeous triangles on each elytron: posterior thighs blackish at tip: tergum longitudinally black in the middle : beneath with brilliant golden sericeous hair. Length 1 inch. For this fine species I am indebted t to my friend, . Prince Musignano, who obtained it near his summer residence, at Point Breeze, New Jersey. It is much like the CeramByx longipes of Drury, 1 pl. 37 fig. COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 279 4, but the thighs are not spinous at tip, as in that species. 2.L. nigrella. Blackish- “brown ; thorax cylin eal. Leptura nigra, Melsh. Catal. Body punctured, somewhat pubescent: head with confluent, small punctures; those of the nasus and labrum sparse: anfenne more than two thirds the length of the body: thorax cylindrical, very slightly wider behind, punctured like the head; an obtuse, lightly impressed, transverse line on the anterior sub- margin, and another on the posterior submargin : e/y- tra with very obvious, numerous punctures, which are more particularly confluent near the base ; tip a little truncated obpanely: negate dull avery seri- ceous. Length nearly 4%, of an inch. . I received this species from Dr. J. F. Melsheimer, under the name which I have here given; that of nigra being preoccupied. The thorax approaches the form of that of a Saperpa. & 3. L. pubera. Black ; thorax sub-globulars elytra truncate at tip. Leptura pubera, Melsh. Catal. Body punctured, somewhat pubescent: head with dense small punctures: antenne rather more than two thirds the length of the body: thorax convex, with rather large punctures: e/yéra with numerous, rather large punctures, at tip transversely a little truncated: beneath dull silvery sericeous. ~ Length 34 qo of an inch. 280 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. This is very different from the preceding in the form of the thorax, as well as in colour, -&c. 4, L. eerulea. Slender ; bluish; feet pale mufns. Rhagium rufipes, Melsh. Catal. __ Body slender, punctured : head transversely much indented near the nasus: palpi pale rufous: antenne situated on a tubercle: thorax with a small tubercle, rather behind the middle, on each side; an anterior and posterior, transverse, impressed line: elytra acutely rounded at tip : feet pale 1 rufous: beneath dull plumbeous. Length rather more than } an inch. A very pretty little insect, belonging to the jbl Toxorus, of Megerle. The name rufipes, is pre- occupied i in this. genus. © x! 5. L. sphericollis. Black; thorax patie on the posterior margin ; feet varied with yellowish. — Body with very short hairs, somewhat sericeous : labrum and anterior margin of the nasus yellowish : mandibles and palpi yellowish, at tip piceous: thorax globular in the 1 middle; anterior and posterior mar-— gins much ‘contracted : elytra punctured ; the pune- tures large at base, small towards the tip of the ely- tra: feet yellowish ; thighs at tip, and tibie at — : blackish. Ti Length nearly 3 of an inch. i _ Lreceived this insect from Mr. Charles Pickering, of Salem, Massachusetts, to whom I returned for it the name of L. pudbera; but on a strict comparison, I _ find that by the form of the thorax, it is quite differ- ent from that species, and much more:closely related — COLROPTEROUS INSECTS. 281 to the L. ruficollis, nobis, from which it differs hasty in the colour of the thorax. : Onsopacwa, Latr.- 1.0. tripla. Rufous; feet yellowish; thorax den- tate each side. - Crioceres asparagi, Melsh. Catal. Body rufous, punctured: Aead coarsely and con- fluently punctured; before the antenne yellow: an- tenn with the basal joints yellow at their tips: man- dibles black at tip: thorax widest in the middle, with coarse, confluent punctures; lateral edge with about _ six unequal denticulations, of which the anterior one is yellowish, and forms the anterior angle: e/ytra with tripple series of rather large impressed punctures, and alternate elevated lines: feet yellow ; tarsi rufous: venter yellow in the middle. Length from { to + of an inch. Var. a. Elytra pale; abdomen yellow. Crioceres flavida, Melsh. Catal. Seems to belong to the genus Avenenta of Me- gerle; but I have not seen the characters of that genus. 2. 0. hepatica. Head black 5 thorax rufous; ely- tra brownish. Head black: palpi and base of the alongs ella, ish: thorax yellowish-rufous, larger before the mid- dle, with scattered punctures ; anterior angles round- ed: elytra liver colour, with numerous, irregularly disposed, rather large punctures : beneath piceous: feet yellowish. ie 282 COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. ~ Length less than $ of an inch. This species was brought from the Mississippi re- gion, by Mr. Thomas Nuttall. Donacta, Fabr. 1. D. guadricollis. Brassy green; thorax with the impressed line and lateral tubercle, obsolete. —_ Head dull green bronze; frontal line very pro- foundly impressed ; no distinct tubercles ; lateral lines very distinct and definite: antenne nearly black 3 second joint but little shorter than the third: thoraz . quadrate, very slightly narrower at base ; densely and - confluently punctured ; the longitudinal line, as well as the lateral tubercles, indistinct; colour brassy- green : elytra a little inequal near the suture; slightly truncated, and not decurved at tip; with regular dis- tinct strie of punctures: beneath dusky silvery gray : feet dull rufous; posterior thighs with a small tooth 5 3 all the thighs a little dusky above. Length lessthan 2 of an inch. | This spoil nearly equal i in size to the ice Oliv., which is the D. anea of Melsh. Catal.; but that common insect has the dorsal thoracic line and lateral tubercles well defined, the third joint of the antenne nearly double the length of the second, and the tips of the elytra more profoundly emarginated 5 the thorax is moreover transverse. I may observe, with respect to the palmata, that the male wrath has the anterior tarsi dilated. ae COLEOPTEROUS INSECTS. 283 2. D. metallica. Cupreous; antenne and feet ru- fous ; 2nd and 3d joints of the former equal. Donacia metallica, Melsh. Catal. Body above cupreous, polished: head densely punctured, nearly opaque, with an acute impressed line transversely indented in the middle; tubercles and lateral lines none: antenne pale rufous; rather short ; less than half the length of the body; with short joints, the second and third equal, the fourth nearly equal: thorax convex, gradually a little narrowed to the base, decidedly longer than broad, very highly polished, with very distinct scattered punctures, an impressed acute line; lateral tubercle obtuse, obvious; small tubercle of the anterior angle distinct from the large tubercle, subacute; posterior submargin in- dented: elytra, strie with impressed punctures; a single obsolete indentation passes from the humerus to the suture before the middle ; tip much decurved, rounded : beneath greenish silvery : feet pale rufous : posterior thighs with a broad. gos angle. Length about <5, of an inch. : Var. a. Antenne and feet dusky. ; Var. b. Greens antenne and feet obscure rufous. The thorax is more convex and polished than in most other species. I have received a specimen from Dr, T. W. Harris, of Milton, Massachusetts. 3. D2. rufa, Dull metallic rufous ; front destitute of lateral impressed lines. Body totally dull rufous, with a metallic gloss, par- ticularly on the elytra: Aead dusky, almost opaque, with much crowded, very small punctures; no ap- 284 - TESTUDO ELEPHANTOPUS. pearance of tubercles; a very distinct impressed frontal line extending down between the antenn ; no appearance of impressed lines near the eyes? an- tenn somewhat paler than the body, and about half the length of the body; third joint distinctly Jonger than the second: thorax longer than broad, minutely — punctured ; longitudinal line very distinct, deeply impressed ; a transverse’ impressed line on the pos- terior submargin ; lateral tubercles rather prominent, obtuse; tubercle of the anterior angle distinct” from. the large tubercle, acute: e/ytra hardly obviously inequal near the suture ; with strie of punctures; tip decurved,; almost truncated, or obtusely rounded : be- | neath, ina particular light, dull silvery sericeous: feet rufous. ; Length more than 2 To of an inch. I found this species in company with palmate on the bank of the Schuylkill river. : (ro BE CONTINUED.) Description of a Land Tortoise, Pelt the sc Galapagos Islands, commonly known as the “ Elephant Tor- toise.” By Ricuarp Haran, M. D. Se. Read bith 5, 1826... 5... ia 50s oie ~ Tesrupo clephantopus, (nobis. j + Elephant Tortoise, of Mariners, vide “ Porter’s i vol, i. p. 161, oll apages Tortoise, of others. CuaAr.—Shell ‘reflected over ie head, and over the posterior extremities: all the back-plates irregu- TESTUDO ELEPHANTOPUS. 285 larly pentagonal, with elevated concentric ridges, and with a smooth space in the centre: tail short, thick at base, without a corneous tip. * Dimensions. Ft. inches. tenths. Length of the back-plate, following its curvature,.. 1 9 6 Breadth of the back-plate, following its curvature,. 1 10 6 Vertical diameter, or height of the animal,........ 0°" 9 0 Bateral diametéris 0. WA SS. er aes ie 8, 1 2 0 Circumference of the body,........ p.0;9;0s'eime'« viele’ ne ee | tt) Length of the posterior extremity,........++.+-++ Re 0 Length of the anterior extremity,....... ..ssseeee ne, 0 Length of the neck and head,..... ...e sees eee ees 22000 0 Tength, of the heads, ss Jeae sa's + ene iine oalew ois « aie 6 0. i) Bremen O8 the Head). osc. 2 <6. a vee ony ss as ay ooinianes ab 0 2 5 Length of the tail,.............005 BUC Cone choscw Ore 5 Breadth of the tail at base,.........cc.eeeseeeeeees RA 0 Description.—General colour of the animal, plumbeous: the shell appears somewhat oval, though on measurement is found to be nearly as long as broad. The marginal plates are reflected upwards anteriorly, and also over the posterior extremities, in order to afford greater freedom in the motions of the head and extremities. The posterior marginal plate is bent abruptly downwards: the head is very small; and like the neck, extremities, &c. is enveloped in a rugous, lax, and granulated covering; the skin being pro- duced into flattened protuberances, somewhat cor- neous in structure: these protuberances are larger and more dense about the joints, and other parts of the body most subjected to pressure; two of these larger tubercles are found on each side of the elbow. _* Testa supra collum et crura reflexa: scutellis disci penta- gonis, striisque elevatis, concentricis, cum lave macula centrale. auda brevis, crassa ad basim, sine apice cornuto. VOL. V.—NOVEMBER, 1826. 37 286 TESTUDO ELEPHANTOPUS. Jaws slightly serrated; the superior emarginate at tip, with two small dentiform processes, which are sometimes destroyed : the inferior jaw closing within the upper, like scissors. There are two palatine ridges within the upper jaw; the inner one smooth, the outer serrated: one serrated ridge in the lower jaw: these ridges occupy the place of teeth; the in- ferior ridge, closing between the two superior, forms, with the two mandibles, powerful organs of mastica- tion. Under jaw, and upper part of the throat, marked with yellow blotches. Tui/ short and exceed- ingly thick at base, abruptly terminating without a corneous tip: vent opening about one inch from the tip, ei, Marginal seuta, twenty-three in number; eleven on each half of the shell, and a single one posteriorly ; the six anterior, elevated or reflected, and crenated at their sutures: six posterior, (with the exception of the terminal one,) elevated, slightly reversed, and cre- nated at their sutures. Vertebral plates, five in number, not carinated: costal plates, four on each side: all the plates of the shell of an irregular pen- tagonal form, displaying elevated, concentric ridges, with obsolete radiating lines, dividing each plate into different compartments; a smooth space being left in the centre. Sternum composed of sixteen unequal plates, two anterior very small; next come two larger pentagonal plates; then follow two narrow plates, with a small one at their anterior and terminal borders, which, with two similar ‘ones at the posterior and terminal borders of the two largest central plates, _TESTUDO ELEPHANTOPUS. 287 constitute the suture between the back-plate and sternum: posterior to the large central plates, are two of a medium size, followed by two small terminal plates. The anterior extremity of the sternum pro- jecting forwards between the fore legs, as in the Go- pher, (T. polyphemus, Lin.) though not projecting beyond the anterior margin of the back-plate, as in the latter species. Toes not fissile, covered with the thick shagreened skin of the legs, like those parts in the Elephant. Five claws before, four behind, broad, flat, and blunt, the longest measuring 3 of an inch. » Osservations.—The animal which is the subject of the present observations, is no doubt young, al- though larger than a similar species which lately lived for several months in the Philadelphia Museum. If we are permitted to judge from the shortness of the tail, and still less certain sign, the planeness-of the sternum, our specimen isa female. Its weight is forty pounds. . The only species with which there appears any probability of confounding the present, is the T. indica of Vosmaer; a description of which, with an indifferent figure, may be seen in Shoepff, (Hist. Test. p. 103, tab. xxii. fig. B.) On comparing these two species together, the distinctive characters of the T. elephantopus will be found sufficiently clear; dif- fering widely in the number of plates, both of the sternum and shell, as well as in other essential par- ticulars. ‘That the T. ‘indica of Perrault, is specifically dis- 288 TESTUDO ELEPHANTOPUS. tinct from the animal of the same name described by Vosmaer, we have no doubt; and think that a refer- ence to the figures and descriptions afforded us by Shoepff will satisfy the most sceptical. On comparing the present specimen with the T. indica of Perrault, an individual of which lived many months. in the Philadelphia Museum, we were enabled to ‘detect still less analogy.* The present individual displays great docility of temper, never attempting to bite, except when much irritated ; the force of its jaws is very great. Some idea may be formed of the muscular power of this animal, from the fact, that a large man seated on its back, appeared to occasion no great inconvenience to its progressive motion. During warm weather, in our climate, they are enormous gluttons; and ina state of nature, are exclusively phytivorous, eating without much discrimination, succulent vegetables of all descriptions ; where the food is dryer, they drink large quantities of water: like our Box turtle, (C1s- TuDA clausa,) they are naturally timid, seeking re- tirement and shade, displaying equal impatience when exposed to the rays of the sun, or to a — - rain. * As copies of Shoept’s work (‘¢ Historia pion ‘eo: bus illustrata, 1792,”) are rare in this country, we subjoin a description by Vosmaer, of his 'T. indica. ‘Testa supra collum |. reflexa, disci scutellis anterioribus Jevibus; margine crenato. — “Ex promontorio Bonz spei.testa hec, absque, ulla ulteriori notitia, ad nos pervenit. Ad testudines terrestres eam pertinere, primo intuitu adparet. Scuti longitudo ped. 2. poll. 8. Latitudo ped. 1. poll. 63. Altitudo ped. 1. poll. 2. . Discus scutelli xiii, margo xxv, habet; anteriora nempe 6, postica 9, lateralia utrin- que 4. Sterni scatella duo media majora, his anteriora 5, pos- teriora 7, horum duo, scutellis marginalibus proxime adjacent, reliquis minora sunt. Color scuti nigricans, sterni cinereus.” TESTUDO ELEPHANTOPUS. 289 ’ Thus much of their habits we are enabled to detail from personal observation; a much more extensive account of these interesting animals may be found in *¢Porter’s Journal.”* | If there be not some mistake, the enormous size to which they are said to attain in some instances, is truly astonishing; the author above quoted, states, that some individuals weighed more than 300 Ibs., and that others measured five feet in length; he how- ever states his conviction of the existence of two dis- tinet species, as inhabiting the different Gallapagos Islands. as “Those of James’ Island appear to be a species entirely distinct from those of Hood’s and Charles’ islands ; the form of the shell of the latter is elongated, turning up forward in the manner of a Spanish saddle, _ of a brown colour, and of considerable thickness; they are very disagreeable to the sight, but far superior to those of James’ island in point of fatness, and their livers are considered the greatest delicacy. Those of James’ island are round, plump, and black as ebo- ny; some of them handsome to the eye, but their liver is black, hard when cooked, and the flesh alto- gether not so esteemed as the others. 2, E. angulatus. Dark rufous, margin and feet paler. : aa . 304 ‘COLEOPTEROUS. INSECTS. LEndomycleus.limbatus, Melsh. Catal. Body dark rufous or piceous: thoraa a little con- vex; an impressed line on the lateral submargin ; lateral margin paler than the disk: elytra a little convex, with a paler exterior margin, sometimes ob- soletely so on its middle, the ‘paleness: being then confined to the humerus and tip: feet pale rufous; anterior tibiz with a prominent angie on the inner middle. ’ Length rather more than } of an inch.. Smaller and somewhat more convex than the pre- ceding species. ‘It is altogether different from the limbatus, Oliv. of Cayenne. Lycorerpina, Latr. . L. vestita. Yellowish, hairy ; disk of the cya blackish. Body oval, evened with rather shot ewe “yel- lowish: antennz, the six terminal joints piceous : thorax with the’ disk somewhat darker ; lateral 1 margin with an impressed line; lateral submargin with an abbreviated impréssed line at base's elytra dark pice- ous; basal, sutural and exterior “miargins ipa beneath immaculate. Length more than ,', of.an ‘inch. lads I have found this species on the iek 3 in’ Tune. bei PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. 305 Observations on the Pekagys Mi 5 dena . of the Perkiomen. Lead Mine, in Pennsylvania. By ~Joun P. Wetueritt, Read December 19, 1826. GEOLOGICAL’ REMARKS. The Lead Mine of Perkiomen is situated in Mont- - gomery county, and on Perkiomen creek: itis twenty- three miles north-west of Philadelphia, and about five from Norristown. The county. in its immediate vicinity is gently undulated, and the soil is remark- ably fertile.. : _ The rocks in this vicinity are acto by our il- lustrious countryman Mr.Maclure, and by other geologists, to the *O/d Red Sandstone formation. This opinion, however, is disputed by Mr. Finch, who, in a paper. recently published in Silliman’s . Journal, observes that they “may be classed with the Second, or Variegated Sandstone of Europe :” his idea of these rocks is derived from “their mineralogi- - cab character, the variety of their colours, their al- ternation with strata of Marl, the agricultural quali- ties of the soil, their geological position, by contain- ing the fossil bones of — and mines of lead, Op perand manganese. at * In the Map attached to Me. Maclure’s Baie of the United States of America, the Old Red Sandstone is ‘coloured dark blue, and extends with little interruption from New Eagies to Vir- ginia. } Silliman’s Journal Of Bbiaher and the Arts, Vol. x. p. 212. ‘gag... - PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. Although Mr. Finch appears not to have formed this opinion without careful observation, we are not — prepared to coincide with him, and for the ener reasons. _ He speaks of the Mineralogical chanatit of ts sandstone-as an evidence of its secondary nature; but _ it is expressly stated by Professor Cleaveland, that “¢ Sandstones, more particularly in the older forma- tions, sometimes contain metallic substances, dis- seminated through the mass, or in beds, or in veins. | Among these are the sulphurets’ of Jron, Lead, Mercury and Copper, Pyritous Copper and Cobalt.”* These ores, with two exceptions only, occur at Per- kiomen. ‘ Mr. F. describes this’sandstone as leona with strata of Marl: we have not examined the quarries near Newark, in the state-of New Jersey, to which he particularly refers, but we do not hesitate to say, that no substance, having the characters of Marl, has ever. been taken from the mine at Perkiomen ; on the con- trary, the intervening strata consist of a well charac- terized Slate-clay, differing in colour, and oceasion- ally .in: hardness, from the Red-shell or slate, - that imparts its colour to the soil for many miles round» It is said that the Sandstone at Newark is. inter- spersed with Clay-gaills ; none of these, however, have been seen at Perkiomen, where the rock is so compact that it is used for mill- arpncs in grinding white- lead. oe * Min. and Geol. 2nd edit. p. 758. ° © PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. 307 The strata at Perkiomén are regular; and have an inclination of from 18 to 22 degrees from the horizon, which, according to’ Maclure, is as great an angle as is generally formed by the oldest red’ Sandstone; the New or variegated Sandstone being horizontal; or following the inequalities of the surface.* ‘As regards the fossil bones of animals, we believe they have been found only in a very limited division of the Sandstone on the shore of the Connecticut river, _ and ‘in New Jersey, where it is probable the formation ' is of a more recent date than that farther south; for it’s remarked by Professor Silliman, that some of the upper strata in New England seem to correspond ‘with the views of Mr. Finch. * It is possible, there- fore, that a similar recent formation may exist near Newark, and even in other sections of the Old Red _ Sandstone; but we do not ‘hesitate to consider the latter as constituting the stratification at’ Perkiomen. Of the boas? operations | at Perkiomen. The earth for lead j in’ this place was commenced in 1809, by a ony called “The Perkiomen Mining Company.” “In a short time they sunk a shaft of eighty feet i in depth, and followed the vein N. W. and S. E. of the shaft, to a distance of fifty- six feet.. At right angles with the drift thus made in pursuit of the mee they cut another 325 feet pe "* Silliman’s Jour. Vol. i. p. 212. t Ibid. Vol. x. p. 209. 308°: PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. commencing 80 feet below the opening of the shaft, - and terminating at the edge of the creek, a little above the water level. Through this passage the pumps discharge the water of the mine. By these operations a large quantity of Galena was procured ; but owing to some misunderstanding between the individuals of the company, the works were abandoned in 1810. Soon after, however, the mine was purchased by Mr. Samuel Wetherill, the present proprietor, antl ~ shaft and drifts were re-opened. Since that. period, the works have been pri: regularly conducted, and at present extend as follows: the. shaft has been-sunk -to a‘depth of 160 feet from — thesurface. The Upper drift made by the company, has been extended on both sides to a-distance of 192 feet. In addition to this drift, two others have been cut parallel to it, one of them opening 115 feet, and the other 150 feet below the surface: each of them has much the same lateral’ extent as the upper one, and all three follow the direction of the principal lead-vein—that is to’say; from’N. W.toS.E: The ~ lower. and middle drifts communicate by a. vertical passage called the Mir tunnel: _ : wets The Galena was found near the opening of: the shaft, in what the miners call a string, or small vein. — The first five feet penetrated the soil’ mixed with fragmentsof Red Slate-clay, ‘or red-shell ; after which the Sandstone was encountered, occasionally alternat- ing with’ strata of Slate-clay, for the most et of a dark gray colour. At the depth of 10 feet, the vein iccpelbial tofiftcen PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. 309. inches in thickness of solid ore, was regularly formed, and inclining 65°. At 20 feet the’ vein continued much ‘the same, though rather poor to the south. ‘Specks of car- bonate of copper,.and oxide of i iron; ‘were now first seen. Inclination 85°. At 30 feet the rock became Sg and the vein poorer; the gangue for the most part consisting of quartz intermixed ‘with copper, pyrites, and iron. - At 40 feet the vein improved to the north, and had sulphate of Barytes in addition to the former Matric. Inclination 75°. . At 60 feet the Galena diminished, and the’salts of lead, as isthe sie aaac and Phosphate, became abun- dant. ° _ At 70 feet the vein saipetved; and strings of Blenide were discovered ; but the water had rig beg ‘to . inconvenient degree. x The vein now diminished Iradbatly) until at ‘a depth of 82 feet. it was. considered scarcely worth pursuing in a vertical direction ; but the shaft was , continued for the purpose of running the drifts. - Accordingly three of these drifts were opened at right angles with the shaft, and penetrated to the extent, and in the direction already,mentioned. In the course of these lateral operations, several large tich veins were met with, which yielded the ore in | _ considerable abundance. By way of illustration, ‘it may be remarked that four men were employed for 458 days, during which time the lead. they obtai ed, VoL. Vi—DECEMBER; 1826.. « ¢ ‘ 40 310 PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. after ‘ei cleaned, washed, and. ready for. ithe fur- ACE weighed 1140 cwt. But a better idea of the veins and their ssiamiat minerals may be obtained by stating the successive products of some one of the drifts; and’ for this pur- pose we will take the N. W. course of the tome drift. This passage is seventy-two inches high, ail eats: two wide. Soon after.its commencement, it presents a vein of four feet in thickness, of which. the gangue is Quartz and Barytes, with some Iron. The same appearances continue for forty feet, shane the vein becomes five feet thick, and has carbonate and. phosphate of lead in addition to the former sub- stances. At 50 feet the yein is ae feet across, andj is ac- companied by. sulphuret of zine. At 60 feet the vein is five feet through ; ; pot . of copper and the salts of lead in Plenty, with yet quantities of carbonate of zinc. : _._ At 70 feet the vein diminished to three feet anda half, but has all the above mentioned minerals, At 90 feet the vein is but thirty inches wide. After this drift had been run for.60 feet, a. rich vein was observed pursuing a vertical course ; the excavation was therefore continued upwards, by which means the middle and lower drifts became united by the Air-tunnel. — The products of the other drifts are in most respects analogous to those of this one. The ore of this mine Fields 75 per. cent. of int, PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. sii« with a:trace of silver; but it is to be regretted that it is extremely difficult to smelt by the ordinary modes, and indeed no plan has yet been tried by which it can be reduced-with facility. From this cause, the mine is at present inactive; but the proprietor has lately instituted ‘a series of experiments that may eventually obviate the difficulty. Of the Minerals of Perkiomen. | Perhaps no mine in the United States has produced so great a variety of minerals as this; notices of most of them, however, have been already published, -es- pecially in an interesting paper by Mr. Lea, in vol. _ i, part second, of this Journal; but it will be necessary to recapitulate them here for the purpose of deserib- ing their crystalline forms, an object which has not hitherto been attempted. We will, at the same time, _ adda few species that have been discovered since io anti Mr. Lea’s paper was written. LEAD. Sulphuret of Lead—In-addition tothe cube with truncated angles, (vol. i. p. 467,) the regular eube and Octaedron have been found here. ; Carbonate of Lead—(Vol. i. p. 467.) This salt oceurs variously crystallized; the following forms have been satisfactorily identified. * 1. Elongated Octaedron. 2. Flattened Octaedron. ° 12. -PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. Octaedron with all the solid angles truncated. Octaedron with apices truncated. Oblique rhombic prism, with .the terminal edges and solid — ee by “a planes. y Oblique four sided prism, veenianiil by an acute four sided pyramid, the planes of the pyramid set on the planes of the prism. The regular hexaedral prism, the ‘terminal edges replaced by single aman (Annu- laire of Haiiy.) ni sng Macle crystals of the above. “ Uniequiangular six sided prism, terminated. by a four sided pyramid; the planes of the pyramid set on the smaller lateral phen of _the prism. . Double six sided pyramid, with thie apices _ truncated. : Acute double six sided pyramid. peatines dale of Haiiy.) ; Double six sided pyramid, with the common base truncated.’ ( Trihexaedre of Haiiy.) Sulphato- Carbonate of Lead.—Beside the above specimens, others occur in groups of very oblique, four sided. prisms, epee’ to be the sulpbeieset bonate of Lead. ; * Sulphate of Lead—(Voli i. p- 467.) Bhis minal has been obtained in the following forms of crystal. 1. Oblique. four sided prism, acutely bevelled on the extremities, the bevelling planes set om the acute lateral edges, and the obtuse: lateral edges of the prism truncated. - PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. 313 2. Oblique quadrangular prism, terminated by a four sided pyramid ; the planes of the pyramid corresponding with those of the prism. 3: Same form modified by bevelments wa the edges of the pyramid.. — 4, Very acute Octaedron. 5. Cuneiform or elongated Octaedron, so modified as to pass into the Trihexaedre of Hatiy. A fine specimen in the cabinet of the Academy. Phosphate of Lead—The only form of this salt hitherto found, is the hexaedral prism. (Vol. i. p. 468.) Molybdate of Lead—(Vol. i. p. 468.) Two forms of this rare mineral have been obtained at Perkiomen. 1. Rectangular four: sided table, with bevelled edges ; being a modification of the Sexoctonale of Haiiy. Colour orange-yellow. 2. Low Octaedron, with the angles of the common base, the lateral edges, and apices of the pyramid truncated. Variety of the T’riforme of Haiiy. Colour wax-yellow. = COPPER. Nitive Copper has been found in eel quantityin a gangue, consisting for the most part of Quartz. : oe is both massive and dendritic. Red Oxide of Copper—A few splendid specimens of the Capillary variety were obtained some years ago, — (Vol. i. p. 463,) the finest of which is in the cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences. It also o¢eurs in minute Octaedral crystals. # * Rips 5 : A ay eet: 314 PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. Copper Pyrites—(Vol. i. p. 463.) , Green Carbonate of Copper—(Vol. i. p. 462.) Blue Carbonate of Copper—(Ibidem.). — Hematite—T! he brown iin occurs in small hei beautiful specimens, generally iridescent, and sur- rounded either by crystals of Quartz or Barytes. Sulphuret of Iron—(Vol. i. p. 464.) Micaceous Oxide of Iron—(Ibidem. ) Sulphuret of Zinc—The Brown Blende is abun- dant, and the yellow and. black varieties also’ occur. (Vol. i. p. 468.) About a quarter of a mile from the Perkiomen mite, another is now worked for Lead ; but the Zine, which is above the former, is so abun- dant.as to constitute the chief obstacle in the search for Lead. No crystals of it have yet been observed. Carbonate of Zinc—In amorphous and riniform masses, either white, pale blue, or brown.. The blue variety is scarce ; it occurs in beautiful hemispherical coneretions, which: are sometimes radiated. . The Brown Carbonate (if such it be) has_been found ina — single instance only: it is in small globular masses, possessing some traces of the dodecaedral form; the surface is delicately. striated and’ glistening. It is in most respects analogous to a rare specimen in Dr. Magia sellcctiony from Lokteskoi i in nace PERKIOMEN LEAD MINE. 315 - QUARTZ... - Quartz—(Vol. i. p. 473.). Besides the crystallized specimens, it is found cavernous and pseudomorphous ; the latter variety appears in most instances to have replaced the cube of lead. Many of the cavernous specimens are beautifully coated with Oxide of tron, or with the Salts of Lead and Copper. BARYTES. Sulphate of Barytes(Vol. i, p. 481.) Its crys- talline forms are these : 1. Four sided prism, with a rhombic base. (Forme - primitive of Haiiy.) sete 2. Hexagonal Table. This form is rare, and very minute. ; bese, : 8. Lenticular. Abundant, and often fancifully grouped. ANTHRACITE. A small vein of this substance is found between the Sandstone, 172 feet from the mouth of the Water drift. _ All the above descriptions, with a single exception, are taken from specimens in my cabinet; duplicates — of many of them are also contained in the oe of the Academy of Natural Sciences. In preparing ‘this paper, I have been assisted by my friend Dr. S. G. Morton, to whom I am also indebted for the annexed accurate diagram of the mine; the - data were obtained by careful observations. me on the spot. | NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 317 Genera of North American Reprrum, and a Synop- sis of the species. By Ricuarn Harwan, M. D. Read December ms 1826. ‘There are few departments of ati” science which, to American naturalists, have given rise’ to more investigation than the history of the Reprives of our widely-extended country. Within a very few “years, most important facts’ have been eli cited, and many new and interesting species have. been added to'a list, formerly extensive. The great obscurity and confusion peculiarly prevalent in the descriptions of Authors who have written on this subject, though gradually: dissipating, are by-no means sufliciently cleared. "To the student of Herpetology, whether general or local, a systematic arrangement of all the _N. A. genera, with scientific descriptions of their species, cannot but bea desirable object. The present essay is offered to the Academy, ‘more . particularly as an outline of, and with the View of eliciting facts and observations preparatory to a con- templated work, to contain.a more elaborate descrip- tion of the animals, their habits, &c. peculiar to this department. Brongniart’s division of the reptiles into Sie or- ders, viz: Curtonta, Sauwra, Opuipra, and Ba- TRACHTA, is universally acknowledged, and justly esteemed. As all systems are arbitrary, we shall take the liberty of deviating from the numerical artange- VOL. V.--DECEMBER, 1826.,...., Be : Al 318 NORTH AMERICAN RFPTILIA. ment of this author, and commence with.that OrpER which best comports with our present convenience, - BATRACHIA.* aN 7 Diaries of the Orper—Heart with a. single auricle and ventricle; the latter destitute of. fleshy columns, and discharging the blood by one opening: skin naked, usually lubricated bya mucous secretion : no-external organs of generation in the male: fecun-. dation external : the eggs are deposited in the water : the young are hatehed in that element, and at first possess branchiz, which, in some genera, are per- sistent; in others, are absorbed. when the lungs have acquired the proper degree of development : all des- titute of true ribs, and possessing the faculty, more or less extensive, of changing their. colours at will... Ist. Division. T Branchial fenestre persistent : skull mE of : a solid piece. 4 . Ist Genes. AMPHIUMA. Garden. Linn. Harlan. Characters of the Genus—Teeth in “both: jaws: * From ‘Pormeeerranimele, resembling frogs. Sa: ab t In common with several authors, we have hitherto used the term “ Opercula”: (coverings, to express the idea intended by branchial fenestre, (Gill openings.) The term * Spiracula,” (breathing holes,) which is, oceasionally used as synonymous, is "equally objectionable, as it conveys an erroneous idea. NORTH”AMERICAN REPTILIA. _ 819 legs four, slender and jointless: toes before and be- hind jointless, clawless. The — consists of a single shia the } - A te ttitids means, Garden. ° Synonyma. Amphiuma maine; Garden. daair'y correspondence of Linneus. Amphiuma means, Fintan, Journal of Philad. A, N. Sc. Vol, 3—and Annals of the N. Y¥. Lyceum of Nat. Hist. Volk Lp. 269. pl. XXII. Sireni simili, Linn. Smith’s correspondence of Linneus. Chrysodonta larvxformis, pasha) Med. Recorder, No. 19. Vulgo, Congo athe. “° Ohar-—Colbur dark-brown, or slaty, with a bluish tinge on the sides, and the belly rather lighter : head ‘long, ‘tapering, depressed : mouth extending half the length of the jaws: teeth, two rows above, and one below, with their points somewhat flattened and re- flected : -/egs small, distant, with rudiments only of bones concealed in the flesh, and with two clawless toes, the external the longest. Habit.—Burrowing in the mud, in swamps, or in the vicinity of streams, V yhere it searches its food, and hybernates 5 occasion visiting the dry land. Growing to the length of three feet. i, Inhabits the southern Atlantic ‘states, from South Carolina to Mexico: Specimens are common of late, in most of our‘museums. | The. species was fora tong time neglected : or unknown. 320 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. .2nd°Genus. .Menoroma. Harlan. Charaeters of the Genus.—Destitute of branchie at — all periods of its existence: four strong legs: toes clawless: one or more rows of. teeth i in both jaws. As yet aac a single species of the gram: is known. | Menoroma alleghaniensis. Sysonvma. Salamandra alleghaniensis, Michaux. ED ae Salamandra gigantea, and S. horrida, Barton. Fe Protonopsis horrida, Barton: Saldmandre des monts alleganiens, Sonalit and Latraille; Abranchus alleghaniensis, Harlan. Annals of: Lyceum, Vol. 1. p- 233. pl. 17. ’ Menopoma qleghaniensis, Harlan. Annals of, he N. Xe Vol. Il. p. 271. Triton alleghaniensis, Daudin. Molge gigantea, Merrim. Vulgo, Hell-bender, Mud-devil, Grind. wipl, Young tiga, and Tweeg, by. the North American Indians, . . Confounded with the ‘Proteus of the Lakes, by Dr, Mitchill. Vide Silliman’s Journal, Vol. AV, and VIL, Also by Baron Cu: vier, Animaux fossiles, 2nd ed. Vol. IV. . Indicated as the youn; of the Triton: lateralis, or “ Proteus of the ae by. Say; vid. rebe wish 3 N.S. Vol. iad * > te (as Chahrahoders jow frais. with a sinaiia row: af teeth: upper jaw with two concentric. rows: four _ strong legs: five toes behind, four before : the outer edge of the feet fimbriated :. two outer toes of the hind feet palmated, clawless. Vid. Annals of thei if Lyceum of Nat. Hist. Vol. I. p..222.) 9) 5 + Inhabits the Ohio river and its. eeibeitana! NORTH (MALRICAN REPTILIA. 321 ‘end Division:—With persistent branchiz : all pene! * pager er : ‘3d. Gees. Srren, ates Phiondétivs of the Clerius. sila anguilliforin 3 two anterior legs, toes small and clawless.’ - At present this genus consists of three species, “ type of which is the “Srrena lacertina, Linn. SynonyMa. phe Siren, Gm.’ Linn. ~ Murena siren, Turt. ‘Linn. and Stewart's Elements. ' Mud iguana, Ellis. Amer. Philosoph. trans. Vol. bis p- 189. _ Siren-lacertina, Barton. j S. lacertina, M. P. de Beauvois sain’) passim. -Char.—Toes four, sem lens a in. the following order, commencing at the interior, 2,1, 3, 4: teeth, - two very minute rows surrounding the lower jaw: the anterior portion of the palate furnished with two | oblong eminences arranged obliquely, as respects each other, and. studded with minute teeth: a few teeth scattered over the mid le of the anterior palate : body black above, dusky beneath, sometimes speckled : three. branchial appendages, the lowermost the long-- est, all with lateral fringes: three gill-openings, or. branchial fenestra, the interior edges serrate, as in the gills of fishes: fai] compressed, with narrow ray- less fins, above and below. . . 322 NORTH AMERICAN’ REPTILIA: Habit.—The Siren conceals itself in the — oc- casionally. visiting both land and water. Inhabits the southern states, from South Chaitin to Florida: common in the vicinity of Camden, S. C. Specimens comnion in public and private collections. > ° Siren erie Le Conte. . Synonyuca, Siren striata, Le ‘Coste! Annals of the Lyceum, N. Y., Vol. I. pl. 4. Palo-braich, fet: Vulgo, guana. Chie Lae feeble; ‘three clawless toes: branchiz three on each side, with a fleshy trilobate covering ; the lobes entire and. naked: colour dusky, with a broad. brown stripe on each side : nate nine — teeth? . + -s Habit.—Frequents mud -swamps but does not Bak: row in the ground. Cee ee ae ~‘Inhabits South Carolina. ainda, isis Simen ser, Be Conte ti Chat cae descinbiiagan of the Debit 3 branchi resembling those. of the Striata, Length about one foot. ii Inhabits the southern ‘staies—specimens’ in the cabinet of the pos eg and in cabinet of the A N.S. Pp ame eA * Manuscript notes. NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA, 323 4th Genus... Menosrancus. Harlan.” Characters of the. Genus.—Persistent branchit : four’ footed, toes clawless : jaws armed with teeth. The genus consists of two or, three species, the. type of which i is found in the Menonnaxons laieralis. SyNonyma.. Salamandra plleghanionss, (young) Say, Be vae A.N.S., Vol. I. Triton lateralis, Say, Long’s eed: @ the Porky Mountains, Vol. I. p. 5. Proteus of the Lakes, Mitchill, Silliman’s Journal, Vol. VIL. p. 63. Meauinbine lateralis, Harlan, ely of the Lyceum, Vol. I. pl. 16. , Char. Or black vitta from the nostrils passing _ through the eyes, and dilated on the sides, becoming obsolete on the tail. Feet four; four toes to each foot, clawless : teeth, two rows:in' the upper, one in the lower jaw; conic, obtuse and small : body brown. . spotted with black: taid ancipital.. Length from one to two feet. Habit aquatic, carnivorous, +e Inhabits the Lakes and the Ohio, with its aha ries. Specimens in the cabinet of the A. N.S... Variety.. A.‘ Proteus of the shes” of Professor Mitchill. bei Char. —Destitute of ie lateral aks > colours Tight er; blackish spots more numerous. Cabinet of the A. N. S. * 324 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILLA. ‘Menosrancuus tetradactylus. Synonyma. Proteus tetradactylus; Lacepéde. Ann. du: ‘Mus. Vol. X. p. 230. figured. w rf ‘Char.—Teeth two rows in each’; jaw;-a dupli¢ature of skin forming a collar, partially surrounding the superior part of the neck, anterior to the branchie : four toes to each foot, clawless. rig 6-4 a French, Observations.—W e have lately exaintheeh some fine specimens of the Mexican ‘Axalotl, or Siren pisci- formis of Shaw, contained in the cabinet of the Ly- ceum. The animal being furnished with teeth, and the branchie. having every appearance of being per- sistent, we have little hesitation in considering it a perfect animal, and not a larva. ~ It will very natu- rally arrange itself as a species of the present getius, along side of the Menobranchus Jateralis it has one toe more ori the hind foot, which circumstance ‘indi- cates the transition of this genus to the Salamandra. In concluding our observations on this genus, we regret to remark that some’ authors have very unad- visedly, we think, confounded it Ja ie (Bends Proreus of Laurenti. In a recent number of the Avierteai’ sided of Science and Arts,* we observe an error of this de- scription: the author gravely quotes twenty ¢particu- lars,” in which he thinks the two genera “ resemble each other,’ > when — one half gr penny included * Vol, XL. No, 2, p 291, Oct. 1816.. * sie ’ * NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 325 in the whole order resemble each other in the same “‘particulars;’? and which, taken collectively, will characterize no particular genus. In order to obviate the possibility‘of a similar error in future, we offer to the students of herpetology the following generic characters afforded by the type of the genus under consideration. ‘They differ from each other widely _in their general form and anatomical details, but more particularly in‘ osseous structure. The Proteus has thirty vertebra, exclusive of the caudal, and seven false ribs on each side: the Menobranchus is furnished with nineteen vertebra, and eighteen false ribs: the Proteus has three toes before, and two behind: the Menobranchus, four toes to each foot: the pelvis of the former is attached to the 26th vertebra, the pel- vis of the latter to the 19th. Lastly, the habits. and geographical distribution of the two genera ar e alto- gether at variance. Différences, which, taken: collect- ively, are more than‘suflicient to Aber hi a generic distinction. Compared with the other genera of this order, the Proteus of Laurenti, and the Menobranchus, will be found to be precisely those which are the most widé- ly separated from each other; in the most of its'in- ternal anatomical characters, the latter genus is much nearer elated to the Salamandra than to the ee : 3d Divisio. Reenhivg shia lungs only in an vadult states ; hren chie and their fenestra deciduous. Tail persistent, teeth in botli jaws. VOL. V.—sanvary, 1927. 42 f *s 326. NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 5th Genus: SALAMANDRA. Brongaiart sy Pe Salamandra, mane Characters of the Genus. Body poate pid tine: tail long: feet four: toes, four before, five be- hind: ears concealed beneath the skin: no tympanum: jaws armed with numerous. small teeth, and with two longitudinal palatine rows: tongue adhering. at its sides, reflected at the extremity:* no sternum: numer- ous false-ribs: branchiz in the larya state: membrana- ceous_ opercula covering the branchial fenestree : breathing with vesicular lungs in the adult state, at which period the rudiments of the cartilaginous arches of the branchie, remain attached to the os hyoides: anterior extremities developing before the posterior. The § a ‘modus copulandi” i is peculiar to the Benwas the wala, forming an angle ‘more or less acute ; the male ejects a quantity of white, thick liquor on the female organs of generation; these organs are much swollen in both sexes, during the season of their amours. . The seminal liquor vivifying only those ova which are situated near the orifice of the vulva: the whole of the eggs not being vivified at the same time, they require frequent reiterations of the act: the union of the sexes continues for: 20 or 30 days, and is repeated several times in an’ hour: the wonderful faculty of “* Latreille erroneously ‘states, asa natural character of ‘the Salamandra, “ Langue fixée dans toute sa longueur.” . Vid. Lat. hist. nat. des Salamandres de France. , ey OS er i. ee eee aoe one = Pe NORTH) AMERICAN REPTILIA. 327 reproduction. observed in this. genus is . generally known. For important and interesting particulars. connected with the history of the Salamanders, vide _ Histoire naturelle des Salamandres de France, by _P. A. Latreille,”” who has furnished us with the best figures of these animals. Laurenti reserving the name -Salamdra to the S. terrestris, has: described under the two generic names, Triton and Béitaes Re peveras aquatic Salamanders. . This genus is naturally divided into the terrestrial, or such as are furnished with tails more or less com- pressed, sometimes cylindrical, and seek their food on the land, and into the aquatic; or such as are fur- nished with compressed tails, and seek their food in the water. Like most animals of this, order, the Salamandre prey on living game a which they seize leaping. LaNp SALAMANDERS. Tail more or less compressed, sometimes cylindrical, tapering. ‘The type of which in American PE is the. SALAMANDRA subviolacea. ri rage Lacerta venenosa. Barton, Amm. Phil. trans. fig. t. Vol. VI. r Se S. subviolacea,, Idem. 4 Lézard aquatique: C. S, Rafinesque. Lacerta punctata, Sp she Stelio.? Catesby, Carol. pl. X, fig. 10. Le ponciuée, Lackpéde- La Salamandre a points Blas, Sonnini. Char. — Body black above; sails ieee bengath, with two longitudinal rows of yellow or whitish spots 328 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. on the’ back, which beconie single on the lower half of the tail: ¢hroat with a strong cuticular fold: tail compressed at the end, cylindrical at the base, and about the length of the body ; a few ope on the ec Length about 7 inches. . - Inhabits Pennsylvania. Cab. of A. N. $i Nore.—Phis species differs from the Si ponekn of Europe, principally in the form of the tail, and form and arrangement of the blotches. » A variety of this species is found in South Carolina, differing principally in being of a larger size, and in the ee of the blotches. pSni— SALAMANDRA tigrina, Ss. tigrina, Green. 5 Gane! ‘Kéaal Nat. 8c. Vol. VI. p. 116, A Char. — Tail rather longer than the body; taper- ing, compressed, and rounded at tip: beneath granu- lated, immaculate: above blackish, with numerous, large, irregular spots of pale ochre: beneath cinereous, irregularly marked: with patches of an ochraceous colour throat pale ochre. Length? Inhabits New Jersey. SALAMANDRA cylindracea. 8. cytindracea, Harlan. Journ. Acad. Nat. Se. Vol. Ve p. 156. ‘ Char.—General colour blackish, clouded with con- fluent white blotches on the sides: head thick and oval: tail’cylindrical, longer than the body: all the toes fissile :tofal length about five inches. Inhabits South Carolina. Cab. of AY NOSP” NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 329 SALAMANDRA fasciata. _ $, fasciata, Green. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Vol. I. p- 350. Char.— Tail abouts long as the body, oval, taper- ing, and pointed: back brown, marked with. trans- verse, irregular blue bands, which extend over the upper part of the tail: beneath ash colour, or dark brown in the young animal. Length five inches. Inhabits New Jersey. A specimen was t Widod hy- bernating beneath the moist leayes, in the woods : sometimes visits the water. Cab. of A. N. Ss. e& SALAMANDRA sineiput- -albida, Ss. ssdionie- -albida, Green. Journ. Acad. Nat, Sc. Vol. I. p. 352. Char. —Nose white: tail shorter than the body, thick, tapering, and pointed ; above dirty ferruginous: beneath yellowish. Length 3 inches, » Inhabits New Jersey. Placed provisionally. wish the land salamanders, from the form of its tail. SALAMANDRA erythronota. S. erythronota, Raf. Green, Journ. Acad. Nat. Se. Vol. I. p. 336. _ Char.—Tail rather shorter ‘than the body, eylin- drical, tapering, and pointed: above red, mixed with brown; the colours forming a stripes from the snout to the end of the tail : bereati cinereous: throat whi- -tish. The young haye no brown mixed eee the red. Length 4 inches. ‘pouns dade eg 330 NORTH “AMERICAN REPTILIA. Inhabits New Jersey, under stones, &c. in high places, SALAMANDRA cinerea. S. cinerea, Green. Journ. ead Nat. Sc. Vol. I. p. 356: Char. —Tail longer than the body, aay tapering, and pointed: back dark brown, sprinkled with white dots: beneath, black and white, mixed : throat whitish. Toes very minute 5 3 four before, five behind. Length 4 inches: es Inhabits New Jersey. eb Meg: in the cabinet of the, Acad. from South Carolina. SALAMANDRA glutinosa.. S. glutinosa, Green. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Vol. I. p. 357. Char.—Tail nearly twice the length of the body, slightly compressed near the end: above’ blackish, marked with white spots : beneath black. ‘Length 6 inches. ot ee Inhabits New Jersey. . 9 se SALAMANDRA fusca. . 8. fusca, Green. Journ. Acad. Nat. Se. Vol. I. p. 357. Char.—Tuil the length ‘of the body, tapering, slightly compressed: above iiniformly yellowish- brown: beneath white, with a line on ‘each side of black spots: throat spotted with bidicks.* *:pesnQtes ‘Length 3 inches, a {BER Inhabits New Jersey. ae ee eee ae. eS ee a il al aaa Pn 4, 3 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 331 4 Water SALAMANDERS. Tail always vertically compressed, sometimes fring- ed; passing most. of their time in or near the water. ~ SALAMANDRA maculata, = om s. maculata, Geen Wears Acad. Nat. Sc. Vol. I. p. 350, Char. —Tail about as. long as the body, slightly compressed = above whitish, sprinkled with. sail _reddish- brown spots: beneath white. Length 5 inches. ' _Inhabits New cones Cab. of the A. N.S, ee Satawannea subfusea, Uy, subfusca, Green, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Vol. I. p. 351. Char.— Tail rather shorter than the body: above of an olive- -brown, marked with dark spots : beneath yellowish, and spotted. Length 6 inches. . Inhabits New Jersey. SALAMANDRA longicaudata. 'S. longicauda, Green.” Journ. Acad Nat. Se. Vol. I. p. 531. ar.— Tail nearly twice the length of the body, npressed and pointed: above, yellowish-brown, » sp stted with black dots, assuming the form of trans- verse bands on the tail: beneath whitish. Length 6 inches. 332 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA: iki the swamps of New Jersey. — in pe sna of the Academy. | ws iasoerden Sauanakona m —? 8. nigra, Green Journ. tot I lied above tacks sides! beneath whitish. oan Pe ay Bene 4 inches.) 8F8. iS RO ae ~ Inhabits Pennsylvania. - Specimens in th of the Academy. pitts t 8 se ve SALAMANDRA bis-lineata. © Ss. bis-lineata, Green. Toute: Acad. Nat. Sc. Vol: I. p. 325. Char. —Tait’ longer than the body, compressed : above cinereous, with two, sometimes three dark lines ; if three, the middle one broadest near’ the head, and about the length of the hei ib a hem, or yellowish. CURL ees Length tabhes. Lae a m8 “eb irtsigh Inhabits New Jersey. ay fg SALAMANDRA pulrie s. rubra, Dandin. Hist. Nat. des Reptiles. Synonyma. S- rubriventris, Green, (perhaps a bass ourh. of the Acad. Nat. Sc. Vol. peS8S.0 0 essen aa ite ‘Char:—Tail shorter than’ the body; comp above — — — mies sides red : beneath red. Pr igag ans nen ae egae o a Length 7 saci ‘otek 9 eiagainen $ Inhabits New Jersey. Cab. of the A.N.S: NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA, 333 SALAMANDRA pica. i ‘Ss. picta, Harlan. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Vol. V. p. 136. Char. —vAbove Blackish or Hil colour: beneath yellowish or nge colour: skin beneath the neck, folded: head large: tail nearly the Hivetbn of the body, compressed. at the end. _ Length 4 ine Inhabits Pennsylvania ‘Specimens i in the Cab, fa < a Sacaaehereea sjnsteasiiion. 7 i Suelio, Say, Silliman’s Oa Vol. Le pe 264. 5 symmetrica, Harlan. Journ. Acad. Nat, Sc. Vol. V. p. 158. Char. —Above. dusky-brown or fuscous: beneath orange-yellow: a row of deep. orange-coloured spots on each side of the spine, symmetrically arranged: ~ tail compressed, longer than the ney: Length 3 inches. Inhabits South Carolina, sometimes iia the hark of dead trees. Specimens in the Cab. of Acad. SALAMANDRA /lavissima. . 5. flavissima, Harlan, Silliman’s J ournal, March, 1825.. q bove brownish-yellow: beneath’ clear. yellow: back marked with three black lines: ail compressed, longer than the eee Length 3 inches. vs $ VOL. V.—JANUARY, 1827. 43 334 non gaa REPTILIA. Inhabits Peni peecingws in. the. pabinet of the Acad. 1 4 SALAMANDRA variolata. ‘S. pany Gilliams. Journ. Acad. Nat. Se. Vol. I. 400. pl. Ghar —Body black, with a slight violaceous tinge, and irregular white spots, more numerous on the sides, wanting on the ventre and inferior portion’ of the tail: tail very slightly compressed near the end. Length 3 inches. = Inhabits southern states: ee in — fae of the Acad. a ee A variety of this species, ach larger, dark dees" g colour above, lighter beneath: fail whitish beneeth,” and proportionably longer and less tapering: Occurs in Pennsylvania. Cab. of the A. N.S. ~ 6th Genus. RANA. Linneus. “The Linnean genus Rana, includes the. modern genera, Rana, Hyla, Bufo, and Pipa. All the modern genera possess the following: ie racters in common: four legs, ‘with four toes before, five behind ; sometimes the rudiment of a sixth: head flat, snout rounded: throat very large: tongue at- tached at the. borders of the jaw, and reflected at the extremity: skeleton destitute of ribs and ste eyes furnished with a third lid; inspire by the muscles of the throat!; expire by the 2 _the abdominal muscles: no tail in the adult state. Larve or Tadpoles, furnished with large fleshy tails, NORTH AMERICAN, REPTurA. 335 ahd small corneous beak 5 brauchise Pieath the skin, _ attached to four cartilaginous arches. Feeding prin- cipally on insects, whieh they search for on dry land. ee Frogs, PROPERLY sO ‘Cxuten. _GENvs. RANA. Of modern authors, . Characters of the Giaele —Body sind hind feet very long, strong; and palmated: skin for the most part smooth: upper jaw serrated : palate armed with one or more transverse rows of teeth, or serrated eminences.. The larve possess but one branchial cr and that dlways on the left side. ! ae Rana pipiens. SynonymMa. Bullfrog, Bartram, Catesby, Brown, Kalm. Rana maxima, Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carol. Vol. Il. p. 72. pl. » Rana catesbiana, Shaw, Gen. Zool. Vol. II. part 1. p. 106. pl. 33. 3 Bana Be, Linn. . Char.—Above een recy beneath whitish : arms and legs'striped with black : head and fore — of the body more or-less green. » Length of the body, from 6 to 10 situa’ 3 of the hind legs, from 8 to 12 inches.’ “Inhabits the middle states ; common in the vicinity of Philadelphia. cone ' t ~ Rana clamata. St: canes * ? Poe Rana dualiie: Daua. Le eriard, Idem. . Vulgo, the bawling frog. ERICAN REPTILAA. -Above i reous: beneath whitish : snout more or less § within, obsoletely black. : , F Length of the say, about 3 indie of the hind legs, 4 inches. Inhabits the middle states 5 the most common of all our frogs. _ 4 ‘ ~ Rawa ocellata. Synonrma. Rana mécima virginiana, Seba. Rana pentadactyla, Linn. Gmel. Rava ocellata, Linn. ; : Argus frog, Shaw, Gen. Zool. Vol: Ill. pt. 1. p. 108. a: ra Grunting frog, Bartram’s Travels through North and South Carolina, &c. p. 276. Rana grunniens ? Daudin. ~ 2 Char.—In form and size resembling the “ Pi- piens :” above brownish, or greenish, with irregular deeper coloured spots: beneath whitish, granulated under the belly and thighs; round brownish spots, surrounded with a clear teint’ upon the flanks, Leaf tocks and thighs. Inhabits Florida and Mexico. Rana melanota. Rana melanota, Rafinesque, Vulgo, Black-frog. Char.—Back olivaceous-black : a yellow streak on the sides of the head: chin, throat, and inside of ¢ NORTH AMERI PTILIA. 337 the legs. whitish, - w t ots: belly white, immculase. iia eee * ; - Total length 2: inches . Inhabits Lake Chewy in and bake. Georges rt 3 Rana Riliediek ~ Synonyma. Rana pipiens, Schneider, Schreber, Shaw. Rana aquatica, Catesby, Carolina, p. 70: Vol: IL. Rana ocellata ? Kalm, Trav. in North America, Ye ifs Shad frog, Bartram, ‘Trav. p. 278. Char.—Above light cinereous: beneath white’: marked above with irregularly’ disposed’ blotches body and dimbs elongated. — —— of the body 3: inches; of the hind legs } inches. “Inhabits sha site and the southern states: . Rites iste cdideriae. Rana utricularivs, Harlan. American J ournal of Science, and __ Arts, by B. Silliman, M. D. Vol. X. p. 60, 1825: Char.—Above dark olivaceous-green: beneath — " white: back with sub-oval blackish spots: a vocal ve- sicle on each side of the neck : legs with a few black: ish bands. Length of the body about 3 inches; of the hind legs more than 4 inches. Inhabits cepts and New Jersey. seat hiaieaaiab dark 9 ee snout green: throat yellow: abdomen Dhite: a golden cola line above the scapule. | - Length of the body 3 inches; of the hind legs 4 inches. Inhabits Pennsylvania. lliman’s J ournal, ut ‘supra, Rana flaviviridis.. « Rana Aaviviridis, Harlan: Silliman’s Journal, ut supra. Synonyma. Rana, fontinalis ? Le Conte, Ann. of Lyceum, Vol. I. p. 282. Yellow throated green frog. - Spring frog ? Bartram, manuscript notes, cag: me. Char. Above. clear lively green: beneath white : throat yellow: buttocks mottled with black spots: body rather clumsy : abdomen large: snout rather obtuse. Length of the body 3 inches; of the hind: legs more than 4 inches: breadth of the head 1 mea Inhabits the middle states. % Rana sylvatica. ‘ Silbathes: Rana aytoatica, Le Conte. Ann: of the Lye. ofNew York, Vol. 1. Pp: PBZ. di : ‘yi ss we Rana pennsylvanica, Harlan. ‘Silliman’s Journal, ot, supra, Vulgo, bis £ Char.—Above olive- anew or drab. ‘ela a neath white: a black vitta,, shamarieia, ‘on the side ——— ee NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 339 of the snout, passes backwards, dilating and involving the eye and.tympanum: posterior extremities kn - letely fasciated. Length rather smaller, ged more slender pont the clamata. Inhabits the middle states. Cab. of ae Riis Cau Rana palustris. Synonyaa. Rana palustris, Le Conte, Ann. ‘ot the Lyceum, Vol. I. p. 282. Rana puilet Harlan. Silliman’s Journal, ut supra. . Vulgo, Leopard, Zebra, or Fee fre | Char:—Above darkecinerdous beneath white, lighter on the flanks, snout and extremities: interior surface of the limbs yellowish : a row of dark-green spots on each side of the spine, extending the whole length of the back: two longitudinal, rows on the flanks: posterior extremities striped with broad, transverse, greenish lines or bands... Length of the body 3 OES 3 of the hind les 4 inches 3 tenths. — ; Inhabits Pennsylvania, “Cabinet of the ee - Rana pumila. Rana elas Le Conte. Ann. of Lyceum, Vol. I. p.. 282. : A Char.—Body pale ‘green: back with a decurved line on each side, bounded with dusky: head with a triangular spot between’ the eyes: legs havred with dusky. ‘Length ? —— 340° NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. Rana gryllus. Synonyma. Rana gryllus, Le Conte. Ann. of the Lye. Vol. I. p. 282. Savanna cricket, Bartram’s Travels, p. 278. Erroneous- ly supposed by Daudin to be the young of the Hyla lateralis. _ Char.—Above warty ; colour various: a dark tri- angular spot on the top of the head between the eyes: a.pale line extending from the apex of this spot to the vent: hind part of the thighs yellowish or white, with one or two lines of dusky or brown. Length about one-inch and‘a half. .. Inhabits the southern and middle states: frequents the grass, and verges of ponds. Cab. of the Acad. Rana dorsalis. Rana dorsalis, Harlan. © (New ae) Char. — Above fuscous, smooth, with a en, white, longitudinal vertebral band, bifurcating ante- riorly, and extending over’ each eye: snout above, pale or whitish: beneath white: throat and. inner part of the thighs, freckled : buttocks white, with two brownish transverse lines : a white line on the side of » the neck, extending from the eye to the scapula. — ‘Length of the body ¥ of an inch; of the legs 13 inches. .This measurement being takes from the largest: of seven < dase _. Inhabits Florida. Specimens in the Cabinet ofthe A. N. Ss. Wis ‘kee ge y NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 341 “RANA nigrita. Rana nigrita, Le Conte. Annals of the Lyceum, ut supra. Char.—Above black, speckled with white warts : middle of the back cinereous, with ‘an interrupted stripe of black : upper lips with a white line: beneath granulated, whitish: /egs barred with whitish ; hind part of the thighs brown ; hind legs very long. Length? : 7th Genus. HYLA. ~ Roesel, Daudin, Cuvier. Characters of the Genus. .—Living chiefly on | trees during: ‘the summer, and temperate weather 5 preying on insects; changing the colour of the skin, so as to resemble the substances on which they rest ; hyberna- ting in the mud, and generating like the frog; hind toes semipalmate; with the extremity of each toe sutrounded with a mucous tubercle: skin more or less granulated : colour changeable. Hyta Jateralis. Synonyma. Rana arborea, varietas B. Linn. Gmel. Hyla viridis, Laurenti, Catesby. Calamita carolinensis, Pennant. Calamita cinerea, Schneider. La raine flancerayée, Daudin, sei " ik La calamate ston ee Schneider. ’ Char.—Body smooth above, lively green: beneath — whitish, or pale-green, granulated : a straight, 1 VOL: v.—-JanuaRyY, 1827. Ad 342 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. line, of a yellow or silvery colour, bordering the su- perior lip, prolonged on the flanks, and — extremities: ivis golden. Length one and a half inches. Inhabits the southern states and Surinam: frequents _water plants, according to Le Conte. Cabinet of the A. N.S. Hyva femoralis. Sywonyma. Laraine fémorale, Daudin, Hist. Nat. des Reptiles par Latreille, planche enluminée. Char.—Above dark cinereous, marked with a few confluent spots of dusky, largest between the eyes: beneath whitish, granulated: head rather obtuse: thighs, exterior spotted with ‘yellow: degs bordered with dusky. Length .one and a half, to one and three quarters of an inch. Colours various: a variety with the back chiefly occupied with a large irregular blotch: Jegs barred. Inhabits the southern states. Cabinet of the A. . Ss. Hyia squirella. Synonyma. La raine squirelle, Daudin. Hyla ocularis, var. Le Conte. Char.—Above brown-cinereous : beneath whitish, granulated; a dusky, or various coloured ‘band, ex- tending from the nostrils to the eyes, and a narrow white stripe extending from near the nostrils along NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 343 the upper lip, reaching to near the fore-leg : iighe yellow on the exterior : legs barred. ) Length more than 1 inch. ' Coloured by Daudin, from a specimen in spirits. “Var. A. Above cinereous, with a bar between the eyes: back with a few spots of dusky, sometimes confluent, sometimes uniting into a lateral line. Var. B. Above cinereous, irregularly spotted with darker : line between the eyes broken. Var: C. Above brown, immaculate: exterior of the thighs not yellow.”’ (Le Conte.) Inhabits the southern states. According. to Bosc, the young resemble the common frog of Europe. Cabinet of the: A, N.S, Hyta delitescens. Hyla delitescens, Le Conte. Ann. of Lyc. Vol. I. Pp. 281. Char.—Above cinereous, spotted with darker : beneath whitish, granulated : head rather obtuse : lips whitish: chin speckled with brown: exterior of the thighs, and inner surface of arms and legs, yellow. Length about 2 inches. Inhabits. Georgia, under. the bark of. trees. Hyxa versicolor. _ Hyla versicolor, Le Conte, ut supra. Char.—Above verrucose, colour varying with: the will of the animal from pale-brown to cinereous and green: back more or less marked)with an acute angled % sagt NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. cross: beneath white, granulated: head small: hind part of the abdomen, and hind legs, beneath, =" Length two inches. Inhabits the northern and middle states; has more the resemblance of a toad than the other a Cabinet of the A. N. S. 8th Genus. BUFO. Daudin, Cuvier, ke. : Characters of the Genus.—Body thick, contracted, and for the most part warty above, and granulated beneath : tongue short and thick: fore feet four-toed, fissile: hind feet five-toed, mostly palmated: destitute of teeth, but having the upper jaw grooved, the lower jaw closing within the channel of the upper: a gland behind each eye ia most instances. Buro musicis. Synonyma. Rana musica, Linn. Gmel. Bufo clamosa, Schneider. Le criard, Daub. Lacépéde, Bow &e. Land-toad, Catesby. Land-frog, Bartram. Char.—Above deep-brown, verrucose, with: ir- regularly disposed fuscus, or blackish spots, edged with white: beneath dirty white, granulated: sides pale, spotted: /egs barred: large oblong warts behind the eyes: a large blackish spot posterior to the tym- panum : head above canaliculate: two tubercles on the heal of each foot: a in Pht shallow groove. asta Length of the body about 3 inches. NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 345 _. Inhabits the southern and middle states. Mostly leaps, seldom crawls 3 preying 0 on living insects a Cabinet of the A. N.S. Buro cognatus. Bufo cognatus, Say. Long’s Exp. to the Rocky Mountains, Vol. : Ht. p- 190. Char. — Body above dark brownish, verrucose ; papille and their disks black: beneath whitish, granu- lated : head with a short groove: sides and legs with irregular cinereous lines: verruce behind the eyes moderate; a cinereous vitta extending along the ver- tebrz, with three oblique lateral lines. . Length about 4 inches. Inhabits the plains of Missouri.. A specimen in the Philadelphia Museum. Y Var. A. The reddish-brown, or brick-coloured toad of Bartram; very large, weighing near one pound when full grown : legs and thighs marked with blotches and ringlets. Inhabits the southern states. The Red toad of Pennsylvania is but little ci than the B. musicus. Orver.. OPHIDIA,* or cre Characters of the Order.—Body long, more or less cylindrical, covered with scales or plates, sometimes annulated, tuberculated, or granulated: casting their exuvie for the most part twice annually : destitute of feet : tail sometimes long, at others short : : Jaws armed with short teeth ; also, perforated fangs in the poison- * From O¢%—Serpents. . 346 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. ous species: tongue long, extensible, and bifurcated, with few exceptions: top of the head covered with plates, or with scales; in some instances, with both plates and scales ; in others, smooth.* 1st Genus. OPHISAURUS. Daudin. Characters of the Genus.—Body rather thick, ob- long, cylindrical; on each side a longitudinal fold: tail long, cylindrical, tapering: smooth plates on the head : furnished with eye-lids: ears visible externally : tongue extensible, notched at the extremity: scales square, symmetrically arranged, so as to appear lon- gitudinal or transverse: anus simple, transverse: minute sharp teeth to each jaw ; destitute of or a branches, or poisonous fangs. Opnisaurus ventralis. SyNonyMa. , Anguie ventralis, Linn., ‘Gnel, , Schneider. Chamasaura ventralis, Schneider, Gar Phil. Trans. * Cecilia maculata, Catesby, Hist. Carol. pl. LIX. Glass-snake, Bartram’s Travels in North and Sutil Carolina. Le jaune et brun, Daubenton, Encyc. Meth. Idem, Lacépéde. L’anguis jaune et brun, Latreille. , Anguis ventral; anguis lamproie, Bose. Dict. @Hist. Nat. édit. de Déterville. : Ophisaurus ventralis, Dandin. Hist. Nat. des Rept. pl. 88. * Any attempt to draw specific characters. from a difference in the number of abdominal plates, or subcaudal scales, as first proposed by Lacépéde, is altogether nugatory, an immense difference existing in this respect in the same species: nor has the enumeration of the teeth for a similar purpose, proposed by M. P. de Beauvois, proved more successful. NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 347 Char.—Above with fourteen longitudinal ranges of nearly square scales: abdomen with twelve longitudi- nal ranges of smooth scales, and forming about 120 transverse ranges, similar to rings: beneath the tail similar to the abdomen: colour above brownish, with the sides of the head and neck spotted with black: abdomen and back separated by a longitudinal fold or groove, which terminates at. the anus. Length between two and three feet. Inhabits the southern states. Cabinet of A. N. S. 2nd Gunvs.. COLUBER, Linn. Characters of the Genus.—Body long, cylindrical _and tapering: head.oblong, covered above with smooth polygonal plates: above covered with rhomboidal scales, reticulated or carinated : abdomen with trans- verse plates; beneath the tail with double plates: anus transverse, simple: jaws furnished with sharp teeth : without poisonous fangs. Some species ovipa- “rous, others ovo-viviparous. Coxvuner obsoletus. €. obsoletus, Say. Long’s. Exp. to the Rocky Mountains, Vol. . I. p. 140. Char.—Above black : beneath whitish, with large subquadrate black spots, which are confluent and pale- bluish towards the tail: throat and neck pure white: sides between the seales with red marks. ~ Length about five feet; tail about one fifth. ae 348 ‘NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. Abdominal plates, from 223 to 228: caudal scales from 67 to 84. Inhabits Missouri. A specimen in the Philadel phia Museum. CoLuBER constrictor. ~Synonyma. Coluber constrictor, Linn. Gmel. Kalm. Trav. in N. America, Vol: IIL. p. 136. Black-snake, Catesby’s Carolina, Vol. Il. pl. XLVIII. Le serpent lien, Daub, Enc. Method. Idem, Lacépéde. _ La coulewvre lien, Latreille, Daudin. Coluber ovivorus, Linn. Syst. Nat. La couleuvre ovivore, Latreille, Lacépéde, Daudin. Chicken snake, of Bartram. Vulgo, Racer, or Black-snake. Char.—Above blackish-blue: beneath slate-colour: throat and lips white: head above covered with plates: scales of the back, rhomboidal or hexagonal, slightly carinated. Length from three to six feet; tail about two sevenths. Abdominal plates from 176 to 186: caudal scales from 88 to 98. : Inhabits North America; very common in the middle states: feeding on small animals; climbing trees in search of birds nests: suffocating its prey in its folds, like the Boa Constrictor. Cab. of theA.N. 5S. CoLuBERr festaceus.: C. testaceus, Say. Long’s Exp. to the Rocky senitaians + Vol , If. p. 48. Char—Abane pale sanguineous, or testaceous : deneath sanguineous, immaculate: scales large: size NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 349 of the black-snake (C. constrictor.) Abdominal plates 198: caudal scales 80. Inhabits Missouri. A speci- men in the Philadelphia Museum. Coxtvuser ordinatus. Synonyma. Coluber ordinatus, Linn. Gmel., and Gronovios. Coluber cerulescens, Boddaert. Little green snake, Catesby, ‘Carol. Vol. Il. pl. LIL. Blue spotied snake, Shaw. : Dibibe, Daubenton, Lacépéde, Latreille, Dandin, C. biponctuée, Latreille. Garter snake, Say, Long’s Exp. to the Rocky Mountains, Vol. I. p. 375. This popular name is applied ee to several very distinct species. Char:—Colour bluish, marked with black and cloudy spots, with a row of black dots under the flanks, anda green line on the back. (According to Catesby, the colour is spotted green above.) Head covered with plates. ; Total length two feet; tail four inches. Abdominal plates 138: caudal scales from 65 to 74. Inhabits South Carolina. Cortnen parietals. Cc. salamaany Say. Long’s Expedition to the Rocky ‘Mountains, Vol. I. p. 186. Char.—Above blackish, with three ella fillits, © _ and about eighty red concealed spots: beneath bluish, a series of black dots on each side. Total length one foot ; tail four inches. Abdominal plates 165: caudal scales 88.” VOL. V.—JaNvaRy, 1827. : a 8 i iS; 350 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. Inhabits Missouri. Specimens in the Philadelphia Museum. CoLuser filiformis. Synonyma. Coluber filiformis, Linn. Gmel. Anguis flagelliformis, Catesby, Carol. pl. LIV. Natrix fiiformis, Laurenti. Le fil, Daub. Lacépéde. La coulewore filiforme, Latreille. Vulgo, Coach-whip snake. Char.—Above entirely brown, or obscure livid: beneath whitish, with a black vitta near each eye, prolonged on the side of the neck. Length from four to six feet, very slender and tapering. Abdominal plates 165; caudal scales 158. Silex bits Carolina. ; Co.user Jflagelliformis...° Synonyma, Coluber mycterizans, Linn. Gmel. and Gronovius. Natrix colore magis virescente, Gmel. syst. Nat. p..1119. ' Anguis viridis, Catesby,. Carol. Vol. 2. pl. LVIE. La fouet de cocker, Daudin. Coach-whip snake of the Anglo- Americans, " 2} Nei ohisas, Char.—Above entirely grass-green: beneath whit- ish, with a longitudinal pale line on each flank. — Length between two and three feet; tail one third. Abdominal plates 187 ; caudal scales 147.5 Inhabits South Saseling: : : i ae ' NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 351 CoLuBER sipedon. Synonyma. Coluber sipedon, Linn. Gmel. : Le sipede, Daub. Lacépéde, Latreille. Vulgo, Brown water- snake. Char.—Above dusky-brown: beneath whitish, or yellowish-brown, speckled with black. Total length four feet four inches: tail 14 salies. Abdominal plates 136 ; caudal scales 54. Inhabits middle states. Specimens in the Cabinet of the A. N.S. This species, the most common in the vicinity of Philadelphia ; first discovered by Kalm, and. named by Linnaeus, has never been correctly described by ~ succeeding naturalists. Description.—Body thick and long: tail short and abruptly tapering: head thick and short: scales ob- long, hexagonal, notched at the lower end, strongly ’ carinated: colour above, unvaried dirty brown, or of a dusky, dead-leaf appearance : sides reddish-brown: abdomen whitish or yellowish-brown, freckled with black, particularly beneath the tail; in some instances the flanks or sides obsoletely banded with black : pos- terior occipital plates large, oblong, and rounded pos- teriorly, arranged as follow: postoccular 8, interoc- cular 3, antoccular 12, Jabial 18. Living chiefly in or near the water, feeding principally on live frogs ; hybernating in the mud: sometimes attains to five feet ‘in length. 352 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. > CoLuBER saurita. Synonyma. Coluber saurita, Linn. Gmel. Riband snake, Catesby, Carol. Vol. 2. pl. L. Le Saurite, Daub. Lacépéde, Latreille, Daudin. Char.—Above deep brown, with three longitudinal stripes of a whitish or light green colour: beneath light green: head small, oblong; covered with plates : scales similar to those of the C. sipedon. Length about two feet; tail one third, long and tapering. Abdominal plates from 154 to 159: cownal scales from 117 to 122. Inhabits southern and middle states. Sileclifiehs in the Cab. of A. N. S. CoLuBER sirtalis. _Synonyma. Coluber sirtalis, Linn. Gmel. Le sirtale, Daub., Lacépéde, Latreille, Daud. Vulgo, Garter- snake, in Pennsylvania. Char.—Ibove brown, marked with a longitudinal © vertebral line, and one on each side, of a yellowish green colour: back spotted with black dots; scales oblong, strongly carinated, largest on the sides: de- neath yellowish-green, lighter on the throat and lips: ‘abdominal plates with two black spots; one.at the union with the lateral scales, the other a little distant. Total length 2 feet 3 inches ; of the tail’ 54 wiecnae Abdominal plates 150; caudal scales 60. ; Inhabits Pennsylvania. Specimens in the Cab. of A.N.S. Hitherto not accurately described. "NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 353 CoLUBER prozimus. C. proximus, Say. Long’s Exp. to the Rocky Mountains, Vol. I. p. 187. Char.—Above black, trilineate ; vertebral line ochraceous; lateral line yellowish; a double white spot on the parietal plates: beneath tinged with greenish- ue. Total length two feet; tail seven inches. Ab- dominal plates 178: caudal scales 86. Inhabits Missouri. Specimens in the Philadelphia Museum. «This species differs from the Saurita in the nu- merical proportion which its sub-caudal scales bear to its plates; from the Ordinatus,* by being destitute — of the two series of black points beneath ; it is a much more slender serpent than the parietalis, and the tail is proportionably longer.” (Say.) CoLuBER Jflaviventris. _ J. flaviventris, Say. Long’s Exp. to. the Rocky Mountains, Vol. I. p. 185. he Char.—Above olivaceous: beneath yellow: lower ‘aw beneath white: scales destitute of carena. - ‘ Total length 3 feet 11 inches ; tail 11 inches. Ab- lominal plates 176: caudal scales 84... Inhabits Missouri. * Cotuser sirtalis, Linn. “$54 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA, » | CoxLuseEr striatulus. Srnonvuk. Coluber Striatulus, Linn. Gmel. Bosc. Le Strié, Daub., Lacépéde. . Le couleuvre striatulée, Latreille, Daudin, &c. Char.— Above’ of a eieat brown colour, with ol boidal, strongly carinated scales: beneath whitish- gray : head oval, covered with nine plates. — . Length nine inches ; “tail two inches. Abdominal plates from 126 to 132: caudal scales from 25 to 45. Inhabits South Carolina; frequents woody places. Specimens in the Cab. of the A. N. S. fe CoLUBER punctatus. 1 lofi Synonyma. Coluber punctatus, Linn. and Gmel. Le ponctuée, Daub., Lacépéde, Latreille, and Daudin. Char.—Albove plumbeous, finely pointed with gray: beneath reddish-yellow, with three longitudina and parallel rows of plumbeous and sub-triangula: points; beneath the tail immaculate: head rather oval flattened, with a white spot or band oe wine the occiput. . Total length nine inches; tail two aingin Ab dominal plates 136 to 140: caudal scales 43 to 48: Inhabits South Carolina, under the bark of tre’s. A specimen in thé Cab. of A. N. S. © NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. » BBR * CoLUBER ameznus. | C. amenus, Say. Journal of the A. N. S. Vol. IV. p. 237. Char.—Above brown or blackish: beneath bright red: ¢ail short, with an abrupt solid conic tip. Length from 4 to 10 inches ; tail ;%, of total length. Abdominal plates from 118 to 134: eaaal scales 32 to 38. TInhabits Pennsylvania; found beneath stones and logs: not very common. Specimens in the Cab. of A. N, S. CoLuBeERr rigidus. C. rigidus, Say. Journal of the A. N.S. Vol. IV. p. 239. Char.—Above dark fuscous or blackish: beneath & yellow, with two black lines. Total length 20 inches ; of the tail 4 inches. Ab- . dominal plates 133: ‘anti scales 51. Inhabits the southern states. . A specimen in the » Cab. of A. N. S. CoLuBER septemvittatus. C. septemvittatus, Say. Journ. of the A. N, S. Vol. IV. p, 240. Char.—Above brownish, with three blackish lines beneath yellow, with four blackish lines. Total length 9 inches 345 of the tail 23 inches. Abdominal plates 143: caudal scales 70. JInhabits Pennsylvania. Specimens in the Cab. of the A. N.5. 356 © NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA, ©) CoLuBer porcatus. Synonyma. Coluber porcatus, Bosc. Manuscript notes. . La coulewore a stries, Latreille. Copper-belly snake, Catesby, Carolin. Vol. 2, pl. XLVI Coluber aquaticus ? Shaw. La couleuvre sillonnée, Daudin. Char.—.Above brown, sprinkled with darker; with obsolete reddish bands on the flanks: beneath whitish, spotted with red ; each plate at its base marked with two sub-triangular spots: colours on the tail less dis- tinct. Total length two feet; tail 7} inches. Abdominal plates 128 : caudal scales 68. Inhabits South Carolina. CoLUBER coccineus. Synonyma. Coluber coccineus, Linn. Gmel. Coulewvre écarlate, Latreille, Daudin. Hist. Nat, so rage ) pl. 83. Vulgo, earn” : * Char,—Above of a lively blood-red ine with twenty-one or twenty-two transverse yellowish bands, bordered with black ; the first band being situated on the posterior part of the head : beneath —— im- maculate. Total length 2 feet ; tail . . Abdominal — from 161.to 175: caudal scales 35 to 43. ‘ Inhabits South Carolina; feeding on grasshoppers and other insects. J “a - NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 357 CoLuBER heterodon. Synonyma, Couleuvr'e hétérodou, Daudin ; fig. Heterodon platirhinos,.Latreille.. sie Coluber stmus, Linn. Gmel. , Le camus, Daub., Lacépéde, Latreille. Bee contortric: ? ape Vulgo, Hog-nose snake. Char. — Above blackish, sometimes ainaien with Pique: and bifid bands of a pale reddish-gray colour : beneath whitish, immaculate: head short and trian-— gular: nose flattened, pointed, slightly yw and carinated above. Total length from one to three feet. ‘Abdorsiat plates from 119 to 150: caudal scales 38 to 40. Inhabits New Jersey; bold, but innoxious. A ‘specimen in the Cab. of A. N.S. CoLuBER wstivus. ‘Synonyma. © Coluber estious, Lion. Gmel. : Le verdétre, Daub., Lacépede,. Latreille. . La coulewvre verte été; Daudin. : Green-snake, Catesby, Carol. pl. 47, and Bartram, Tray. in _ North and South Coolings, Vol. I. Pp | aa “ ‘tine: — Above brilliant green: Benedith nearly white: body slightly compressed at ‘the sides: tail = and pointed : seales very slightly carinated. ‘Length about two feet ; tail 2 of total length. ““Ab- dominal plates: from 155 to 199: cantiat seales from 128 to 144,00 ‘Inhabits South Cite: “Spine in the Cab. RENE BL css > VoL. v. —FEBRUARY, 1827. : 46 % 358 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. CoLuBeEr fasciatus. Syvoiteas.. Coluber fissdinten; Lin. Giel. : Le vampum, Daub., Lacépéde, Latreille, Daudin. iS Wampum snake, Catesby, Carol. pl. 58. - e 3 i _Char.—Above bluish-black, with more than thirty yellowish marks, alternately disposed on- each flank, and a few transverse yellowish lines on the*back, be fureated on the flanks: head blackish, cavers with plates: tnferior lip yellowish. itu. “eho Length four or five feet; tail 4. - Abdominal plates from 128 to 138: caudal scales 66 Or 6F.13! jsta’} Inhabits the southern states. Specimens in the Cab: of A. N. S. heed . CoLuser getulus. - Sywonyma. Coluber getulus, Linn. Gmel. La chaine, Daub. Lacépéde, Latreille, Daudin. Chain snake, Catesby, Carol. Vol. I. fi 620°) os Char.—Above bluish-black, with ciate or ne yellowish and transverse stripes; these lines uniting | on the flank to a'longitudinal or zig-zag line, which - at each inferior angle unites toa white, Spry, pro; longed on the abdomen: beneath yéllo hites spotted with bluish-black : lips bordered. with white: © plates of the head black, spotted with pees Inge on oY ieob Length four.or five feet ; tail 3. from 210 to 215: caudal scales 43 to a6 ~—— Inhabits South Carolina, as ry ie . eM, NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. ~ 359 <<, ages seh “Convmen calligaster. d ©. calligaster, Say. : "Ket — Above fuscous, with three rows sof black ; blotches the vertebral row transversely oblong, and large ; $a longitudinal row of smaller black blotches on. each side: beneath rapa ote tail corneous at tip. Length about four feet. Abdiggsined shail 213: ene seales 52. Inhabits Missouri. Specimens in the Philadelphia Museum ; one of which has eight sub-caudal entire plates next the vent. The present description is taken from the prepared aprenncey in the. ~~ Museum. . -CoLUBER melanoleucus. Synonyma. C. melanoleucus, Daudin.. La coulewvre noire et blanche, Idem. Pine-snake and Bull snake, sc seer oh Trav. Vek ss a! 18- Vulgo,, Horned snake. J Char.—Above black and ‘edibles black Sill pre- me vailing on the anterior’ half of the body: beneath yel- : -Jowish-white, very ‘sparsely spotted v with black: tail corneous at tip: scales on the back sub-carinated. Length from four to six feet. “Abdominal i . 246: caudal scales 66. _ shiny ’ Inhabits the southern states: common in vale ne * forests of New Jersey... Specimens in the Philadel-— phia museum 3 anne in ayer ts ine 24 femey ey 3 & 360 NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. Coluber melanoleucus.. Var. Say. Char.—Above black and yellowish-white; the black arranged in large blotches, the white in transverse bands: —_— yellowish-white, with square blotches of black. — . Length about five: feet. Abdominal pase sat (259 caudal scales 80. ~ reroll | Inhabits Missouri. Described from a senha in the naa Museum. ‘ Conuper eximus. C.. eximus, Didier (Manuscript Notes.) Vulgo, Hsia mat Chicken snake, or Thunder and Lightning snake. . Char.—Above blackish, banded with hanya white bands bifurcating on the sides, and becoming confluent: beneath yellowish-white, spotted with quadrangular black spots. Length: grows to the length of the black-snake, (C. constrictor) but.is much thicker ; the colours are very lively and beautiful. Abdominal sg 250: caudal scales 60. Inhabits Pennsylvania. Specimens in the Phifa- delphia Museum. (Not before described.) . Couuzer floridanus. ~ a vote c. foridanus (Nobis.) Vulgo, Red Chicken-enake of Florida. » Char.—Above red or cupreous, with obsolete, nar- row, transverse facie, bordered with black? reriepe _ yellowish, or reddish-white. | ft Total length three feet four inches ;' ail inches. Abdominal plates’ 225 : caudal scales MG heat tha, ET Inhabits East Florida. Cab. of A. N. S.’ ab ia t NORTH: AMERICAN REPTILIA. — 361 Conuner vernalis. C; vernalis, Dey, (Manuscript notes.) Vulgo, Green-snake. Char.— Above of a universal deep green colour: beneath greenish-white: scales oblong, rhomboidal, not carinate : plates on the head seven. Total length one foot seven inches ; tail six inches... Abdominal plates 127; caudal scales 57. Inhabits Pennsylibia and. New Jersey. A speci- men in the Cab. of A. N.S. (Not before described. i CoLUBER airifuacie. (Nobis. ) igen: —Above uniformly —blackish- ‘ey with, strongly carinated, oblong, rhomboidal scales: beneath whitish, plates plumbeous at base, and at their union with the lateral scales: beneath the tail: plumbeous, spotted with yellowish: Aead covered with seyen plates. Length from two to four feet; tail one-fifth. Ab- dominal plates 130: caudal scales 50.. ~ Inhabits the southern states 5 climbing trees in search of game. Described from a specimen: in spirits. Cab. of A. N.S. Conner ery throgrammts. “vhs < wie a raies rouges, Daudin, pl. 9 met _ Char.—Above dusky-black;, with a. longitudinal, /_ vertebral, red line; and a similar lateral liné’on each le of the back: flanks yellow; base of each scale “ved: abdominal — red, bordered | ‘with yellow, 362 NORTH AMERICAN ePTaTAL ‘with black on the* middle, and ¢ on each eaveeaey of the plates. _ Length five feet; tail one-sixth, Abdominal plates 162; caudal scales 49. fe edpiagp the United States. Oe +*Riites Jas 5 me ‘canted : ; Cotsen doliatus. aoe dae Stitowrora. C. doliatus, Linn. and Gmel. ee _ Etannelée, Daub.; Lacépede, Latreille. Oa he Awe La couleuvre cree Daudin. — Char. —Whitish, with black rings ; the rings fis: _ posed alternately beneath: more regular on-the back: . head sometimes blackish: scales smooth, rhomboidal. Length seven inches: tail one inch five lines. Ab- dominal plates. 164: scales 43... Inhabits Carolina: © + arve vita. dag iteaae 3 opera maculatus. moa? G2 yA cd Synonymas C. maculatus, or La buibieess sabe Dandi. La coulewore tachetée,, Lacépéde, rane sare te detgie Corn sie Catesby, Carol.-v. 2. 5a LY. . te fics) Olen stein whitish, ithe ddngecseedlas spots, bordered with blackish ; a double row of these spots forming a zig-zag line: ‘eiieatt tee: sometimes — _ spotted’: sedles cavinateds'. 9) oe) ots Length two feet. « Aviominl plate 119 sealesVOp: fv: did; aan she Bp “Inhabits Carolina and Louisianay \ :iclyhw< : NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. oe - CoLuser guttatus. ‘Synonyma. C. guttatus, Vidu. aad Gmel. |, » La mouchetée, Daudin, Lacépéde. , - La couleuvre a gouttelettes, Daudin. : Beed snake, misses te Carol. y..2. pl. LX. ‘the —Colour ak. marked shove with red and black spots; with small lines.on the flanks; with al- ternately square, black spots beneath. _. Length from two-to four feet... Nearly of equal thickness throughout. Abdom inal plates 223, or 230 ; caudal seales 60... . , 2 inhabits S. Carolina. Principally found in potato patches. Mian ie - t t , CoLuBer molossus. Syxnonyma. C. molossus, or La coulewore molosse, Daudin, and Latreille. Char.— Head ‘elongated, rather flattened, brick- — red, with two rays more deep, bordered with brown : - lips white, spotted with brown. Above of a pale- brick colour, with» blackish-red, subquadrangular spots, bordered with brown: sides with smaller spots disposed in fascize : ianeneh vias with neers brown spots. “~ Total length 23: ‘ellen; tail 3 inches. Atdontoal plates from. 220 to 226 5 caudal scales 60 to 64. — _ Inhabits S. Carolina, under bark, in the ncterte Catbaee retieularise, ; ‘Syvonyma. C. reticularis, or C. reticulaire, Daudin, Latreille. 364 °°. NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. Char.—Covered above with whitish scales, bor- dered with white ; giving to the animal a reticulated appearance: dorsal scales smooth and losange form. Length four feet; tail one-fifth. Abdominal. = 220; caudal scales 80, . el Inhabits Louisiana. 3d Genus. VIPERA. Daudin. “i Characters of the Genus.—Differing from the ge- nus Coluber in having poisonous fangs, and the head contracted in length, and broader posteriorly $ covered sometimes with small plates; in others, with scales similar to the dorsal, and seldom with large plates, as in the Coluber. Virzra fulvia. . Synonyma. Coluber fulvius, Linn. and@inel.. Le noire et fauve, Daudin, Lacépéde, and Latreille.. La coulewsre fulsie, Daudin. ua » po taa Char.—Marked with ised ihe black vali val- ternately with an equal number of yellow rings, spot- ted with brown; these last rings being iano and behind: head covered with eee a oe ieee Length about two fest; Aail.y:->: Angel iaie® Abdominal, plates 2183 caudal scales Shiv anaes Inhabits the southern states. It is by mo means innocuous, as is asserted by Daudin, and may be fa- tally mistaken for the scarlet snake, reais : ee eee ee ee ng inna me NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 365 Virera fulvia. Var. Siemon Coluber Sileies: Linn. Var. (H.) Harlan, Journal) . of the Acad. Nat. Sc. Vol. V. p, 154. Coluber coccineus, Say, Notes on Herpetology, Silliman’s Jour- pal, Vol1. Char. —Eighteen des black rings, with as many - scarlet. or blood-red intervening ones, separated by re tlarrow rings of whitish-yellow. Se * Total length two feet; tail three inches. - a ‘Aba . Ys Pree plates: 202 ; ; caudal. scales 40. Sia aN Me COPE vA voNfeme in the Cab. of { ee. rs “3 “ath Ganvs. - CENCHRIS. Daudin. ibe asi of the Genus. —Body tithles thick, cy- nae: tail short, cylindrical: plates on the front of the head ; scales on the back of the head ; entire 5 aia on the centre: double plates beneath the an- terior portion of the tail, entire plates on ‘the remain- der: anus transverse, simple, and without spurs: _ Jaws armed with sharp teeth ; poisonous hangs! in ad upper jaw. _ Cencuris mokeson. gee Synonyma. Cenchris mokeson, Daudin, pl. 79. Coloured, ad : parently, from a specimen in spirits. Hog*nose snake, Cateahay, Carol. Vol. Il. pl. 56. Vago, mockeson. - Char. A Feit? large, covered with vated before, VOL, V.—-FEBRUARY, 1827. , AT 366. NORTH AMERICAN REPTHLIA. with scales behind: scales slightly carinated: neck contracted. Above brown, covered with transverse black spots; in some places confluent, occasionally transverse strive : beneath dirty white, with ane black spots. Length 14 feet ; tail one-fifth. Abdominal plates 157. Sub- caudal plates 3. Caudal scales 32. Inhabits S. Carolina. Cencuris mokeson. Var. ce Z a ¥ f ae aah eS - Among a numerous collection of Reptiles, ed to the Academy, by their corresponding m Dr. Samuel Blanding, of Camden, S. Carolina, i is” ma remarkable variety of this genus, if nota distinct . species. It offers the strongest resemblance to the’ Crotalus miliarius without its rattle. = Char.—Above fuscous, with large, black, distinct : blotches ; beneath whitish: head broad, and rather flat: neck contracted: body thick: tail short and ey- lindrical: nose flattened. and reflected, as in ‘the Co- luber heterodon : tail strongly corneous. ay Length, about two feet. yo . Abdominal plates 139 ; sub-caudal plates 11; scales 20. . ‘Tnhabits S. Carpling, Cabinet of the A. N. S.° (Not before described.) a Se Ss Bees elias 5th Genus. SCYTALE. Daudin. Characters of the Genus,—Body robust, elongated, Pere . (Sar Cea SE ee oe Ey NOWTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. 367 -eylindrical: head thick, hae; swollen posteriorly, » covered with plates anteriorly, with scales posterior- ly: scales carinated, reticulated, and _rhomboidal : beneath the abdomen and tail furnished with trans- 5 norte plates: jaws furnished with ea Spe ; peisan: ss in the superior. to ia . piscivorus. fl NON’ 2 Bis qucivorws, Daudin,, Shy iy , iy oes Catesby, Carol. pl. 43. ih St peor, Lacépéde. ; » We. Sytale piscivore, Latreille. Hist nat. des Reptiles, inate, - Lom. III, p. 163. "Olan, —Above brown: beneath black, with irre- -gular, transverse, yellow bands, or yellow and black, alternately: sides of the neck, black: head large; neck contracted: tail strongly corneous. } _ Length, five or six feet. Abdominal plates Caudal ‘plates ——? : Inhabits S. Carolina, ? SCYTALE niger. - Sywonyma. Scytale noir, Daudin. _ Black snake, Catestyy Carol. pl. 44. Caer —Colour dusky pinay sometimes approach- ‘ ing to redness: ead short and broad: tail short : body contracted. Length about two feet. Patesand ue not - arena . at ' 368 | NoRTH AMERICAN REPT, 6th Gases. CROTALUS.. “Lin Characters of the bia Ray sabi, elo ngate cylindrical : tail short, cylindrical, terminated \ _ sonorous rattle, which is a ‘comeous-produiction of the epidermis; this rattle is. cast annually, (cor 1S juen’ ly, no inference as to the _age of the animal; ci n b drawn from the number of pieces which, Comp: the rattles:) head thick and “broad, covered: b -with small plates, behind with carinated seales curved, poisonous fangs, forthe when or by Li smaller ones in the rear. A poison bag, occupying the whole length of the upper-jaw, beneath 2g pm y and opening into the fang at its base. . ‘aja durissus. 4? * Synonyma, Crotalus durisous, Linn., Gmel., Kalm, and Catedby, Carol. pl. 41. se, Caudisona durissus, Laurenti. Crotalophorus,’Gronovius. Crotalus atricaudatus, or Le Crotale @ queue notre, Daudin, and Bosc; variety from young age? Le Crotale durissus, of the French. Vulgo, Banded Rattlesnake. The epithets “ banded,” and “ diamond, ” have — Levey d by some authors eS ae ‘ Char. ntl éinereous, idan with sallecsiba or ‘greenish, with transverse, irregular black bands, bor- dered with a clear tint ; each band terminating on the NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. - 369 ‘flanks in a quadrate black spot: tail black: beneath __-yellowish-white, freckled with black: scales rhom- . + boidal, carinated ; a row of pei round scales on . each flank. Length four or five feet. ‘Ationsiin plates, from 163 to 1745; caudal plates, from 16 to 30. Inhabits the northern and middle states; very common in Pennsylvania. Cab. of the A. N. 5. Observations.—In the month of June, 1826, there was exhibited in Philadelphia, a collection of “‘Band- ed Rattle-snakes,’’ 150 in number. ‘These animals were all taken in the counties of Wane, Pike, and - Susquehanna, in the state of Pennsylvania, and in Sullivan county, in the state of New-York, during the months of April and May preceding. They had not been offered any food the present year, and “1g appeared very lively. The operation of casting their exuvie was he. quently witnessed. ‘The process, generally, lasted about fifteen minutes: after its completion, the colours of the skin appeared very brilliant.. When at rest, the pupil of the eye is oblong vertically, but they “possess the faculty of rendering the pupil oval, and even nearly circular. It is a remarkable fact, that. these spies were never known to injure each other, though crowded together in close boxes, and subjected ‘to continual irritation from visiters, and the living animals on _ which they were fed; as if aware of the fatal conse- quences of their venom, instinctive iter nner amongst them. ~ gatepasks yae x ——_ * 370. NORTH AMERICAN ‘REPTILAA. ‘The shades’ of ieilinie offered to view by the ani-. mals in this collection were exceedingly various, from light cinereous to deep black, the bands occasionally interrupted, giving the back a spotted appearance, though the characteristic markings were more or less _ permanent. Several specimens displayed the ‘fol- lowing peculiar differential traits, if not stn racters. ie - Char.—Above blackish: ‘slate colour, with pre ‘ca- rena elevated and tipped with cinereous, giving to. | the back a longitudinally striated appearance: back marked wtth transverse black bands, rather obsolete: beneath yellowish, the plates being plumbeous at’ base, and yellow at the edges; beneath the throat and lower jaw, impure white: head very black: saga striated longitudinally, without bands. ’ Length between thrée and five feet. 9 CROTALUS horidus. Synonyma. © Crotahis horidus, Linn., Gmel., Bodner. a . Caudisona terifica, Laurenti. TRA GS he Boiquira boicinininga, by the Betzilions. ti he Reet ae Caseavel, by the Portuguese. ‘ Rg Cet Teuhtlacot zauhqui, by the Mexicans. Boiquira, Lacépéde, Latreille, &c. _ Vipera caudisona, and Anguis crotalophorus, Ray. Syn. “Ann a ‘Boiquira ayug, Marcgrave, Hist. Nat. Brazile 995) 9 085 Crotalus, rhombifer, and Le crotale a lozanges, audio, and Latreille, Vulgo, Diumond Rattle-snake. bsedh regbisitenth Char.—Above cinereous, with four black’ lines on — the side of the neck; beneath the lines arow of black _ points longitudinally disposed: back with from twen= Se oo = 6 we ” “s NORTH AMERICAN, REPTILIAN = eC stg oe black rhomboidal. figures, distinct, and -’ having their centre and border of an impure white colour: beneath yellowish-white, immaculate: tail black, terminating in a rattle, consisting of from one to twenty pieces: body above furnished with twenty- nine longitudinal rows of scales, more or less: hex- agonal ; the twenty-seven intermediate ones carinated. ‘Length from three to six feet; tail about ;. Abdomi- _nal plates from 167 to 170: caudal plates from 20 to 30. - Inhabits the southern states and territories; the _ Antilles, and intertropical parts of America. Cab. of the A. N. S. Croratus miliarius.. “Synowyma, Crotalus miliarius, Linn. and Gmel. ; Le millet, Daub. Enc. Meth. Lacépede, Latreille, Catesby, Carolina, pl: 42. Bartram’s trav. Le crotale millet, Daudin. Vulgo, Ground Rattlesnake, or Little Raitle- snake ; and by others, sauce Rattle-make-. Char.— Above reddish- -gray, cinereous, or fais, witha longitudinal series of black spots, rounded and - bordered with white: flanks with two or more ranges of. black spots: beneath white, ‘freckled with similar ~ black spots: scades on the top of the head suboval and cariated : front of the head and. snout covered with nine smooth plates, disposed i in four rows... ‘Length 18 inches tail ;. Abdominal plates 132: caudal plates 32. Inhabits the southern states: there are several y ya- rieties, differing in the colour and arrangement of the spots. Specimens in the Cab. of A. N. S. 4 Say . ee, oy Ba 372 | NORTH AMERICAN REPTILIA. “Croratus con fluentis. % anil Crotalus goatee, Say. Long’s Exp. to the Rocky Mountain Vol. Il. p. 48. ip he? Char. ndisliboh, brownish-cinereous, varied mh greenish-yellow ; a triple series of fuscous spots, edged with greenish-white, transversely oblong-oval, an- teriorly confluent: tail banded: beneath yellowish- white, immaculate. _ di agi Length about three feet. Abdominal plates 197 : caudal plates 27. Inhabits the western territories, near the base of the Rocky Mountains ; frequenting the holes of the Prai- rie-dog, (Kncroules ludoviciani, Ord.) Speeimey: in the Philadelphia Museum. Croraus tergeminus. Crotalus tergeminus, Say. Long’s. Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Vol. I. p. 499. _ Char.—Above einereous brown, with a triple ‘se- © ries of fuscous spots, transversely oblong-oval, and ob- soletely edged with whitish : : sides spotted, with an . alternating fuliginous series: a’ black vitta ‘passes through the eye, and terminates on the neck: beneath spotted with black: ¢at/ above, fasciated with fuscous, terminating with six bifid plates. Length two feet, two inches; tail two inches. Ab- dominal plates 152 ; caudal plates 20; scales at tip 6. -Inhabits the western territories ; friqudadd the cells of the Prairie-dog. eee in the rier Museum. ina 4 NORTH AMERICAN INSECTS. 373 Description of some new species of Nortu AMERICAN. Insects. By N. M. Hen'rz, professor of modern languages at the University of North Carolina. Syccumm October ~ 1826. ; The insects of which the divutotiet follows are rare ; of the four, only one has been found more than once by myself, and the others were unknown to seve- ral studious entomologists, which is an additional con-- sideration for supposing them to be new. : s BUPRESTIS. B. harrisst. Green; eyes black antennee black towards the extremity ; tarsi black ; elytra with two impressions near the base, the internal one uniting with a groove, which follows the suture. Description.— Body bright green, punctured: head punctured : eyes black: antennzx black, tinged with green near the base: thorax green, punctured with a longitudinal impressed line: elytra with a deep impression at the base, divided in two by a nearly obsolete raised lines a raised line, forming, with the suture, a deep groove, which terminates at the apex ; an impression nearer the apex than the middle, formed by the termination of the obsolete line; a diagonal raised line, and ‘another near the margin ; in all four raised lines: pectus, postpeetus, and venter green, punctured: feet green: anterior pic ing with a nig tooth: farsi nearly black. » Length accompanies the adhe: Fi is: 1. VoL. V.—-FFBRUARY, 1827. » aS ’ 374 NORTH: AMERICAN INSECTS. _ Observations. —Found, in the month of ‘May, in — Massachusetts. ry eer a ‘ ‘ y SE ees: gti ee E. vernalis. Bright black, elytra yellow, striate, with five bluish-black spots, one common at ‘the base. ~ Deseription. — Body bright black, punctured ; “an- tenne black; head and thorax black, punctured : elytra yellow, with strie formed by punctures ; 3 “each having three bluish-black spots, of which one at the base is common with the other: pectus, postpectus and venter black, punctured : feet black: tarst rufous near the extremity. Length accompanies the drawing. rig 3! Observations.—This insect, found in May, i in the west of Pennsylvania, was new to Mr. Say, Dr. Har- ; bse A all the hyo fis may whom, Teonsulted. _ AMPHICOMA. 5 Soham an wulpina, - Piceous : thorax; stat tid sbile men, covered with yellow hairs elytra brownish. “4 _ Deseription.— Head pearly. black, punctured ; an- tennz piceous ; thorax and scutel nearly black, punc- tured, covered with thick yellow hair: elytra brown, turning to a chesnut. colour; ‘somewhat, darker near the apex: venter piceous, covered with yellowish hair, thicker ¢ on the sides: ivlest — blac tarsi piceous. Ts Length. acenmpauics the senders % Fig. 3. ee ae Observations. —The discovery of an insect of this NORTH AMERICAN “INSECTS. 375 genus, in this country, is peculiarly interesting, as there were reasons for supposing it to be confined to tropical regions. To my friend, Dr. T. W. Harris, ~ of Milton, Mass., ‘I am indebted ‘for useful remarks on this insect, which I submitted to his examination. It was found in J une, in the west of Massachusetts, resting on flowers ; it flies very much like Ceronta’ barbata of ‘Say, and, like it, visits he arenes fre- = NOTOXUS. jai (cdechinded Testaceous; horn of the thorax wit at the apex; a black line on the suture of the elytra, reaching a black transverse spot near the apex - ‘a small. sna seesaate black line nearer the wie on, the sides. _ Description. —Boly above aia spot testace- ous: head fuscous; eyes black: thorax testaceous : horn slightly dentate, fuscous chiefly on the sides, the shade continued to the sides of the thorax: elytra . with a black suture, broadest near the base, not reach- eee er Ee ing the apex, but united toa large, black, lunate, transverse spot; a black,. abbreviated, longitudinal dine near the external thargin, above the transverse spot, and nearly reaching’ it: feet testaceous. “Length accompanies the drawing. Fi ig: '4itergatn. : Observations. This beautiful insect is. aw - ANTHICUS monoceros as well as ANTrHicus monodon, described by Mr. Say, but sufficiently distinct from either: I have, as yet, found but two specimens; in the month of July, in Massachusetts. 376 — MISSISSIPPI-LIME STONES. - Remarks on the Line. Sronxns of the Mississippi Lead Mines. By E. Janes, Assistant Surgeon, iG. ay Ralie January’ $e 1827. eye Ni A, - ~ The Lead Mines of the Mississippi yield at this - time an annual product of more than two millions three hundred thousand pounds of lead, and are becoming . every day more extensively wrought: The mining operations are at present principally confined to the country about the Merrimack and St. Francis rivers in Missouri, and to the neighbourhood of Fever river, Apple river, near the northern boundary of Illinois, and a district in the country of the Sauks and Foxes, westward of the Micsinlipie Menvealogs kalowe as Du Buque’s mines. — At all these localities, aiid at others where lead: hes been detected in the same metaliferous range, as near the mouth of the Ilineis, on Rock river, at Prairie ‘Du Chien, near the mouth, and at a. place about thirty- five miles eastward from the mouth of the Wisconsan, and numerous other j points, ina range of eight hundred miles from N.'N. E: to S. S. W. the prevailing rock is lime-stone. The idea that these immense deposites of lead are out of place, and-have been tr: from distant mountains by currents of water or other causes, has been a favourite one with American Ge- ologists, but is wholly unsupported *y any - ahve. _ pearances about the mines. At many of the:mines below Saint Fait dtvtnphe large quantities of ore are found, hot in regular veins or ee, or im any manner cunneteem scenes ——— se oe ee Se Se eae ee he MISSISSIPP! LIME STONES. 33977 consolidated strata, but disseminated throughout the soil. ‘These ‘masses are not found in connexion with rolled. stones, foreign to the district, nor with beds.of gravel, or any other substances bearing evidence of having been transported from distant regions. On the ‘contrary, the red clay in which the heaviest masses of galena have been found, is often traversed by veins containing crystallized substances, such as rhombie spar, rock crystal, and sulphate of barytes, so connected with the clay, as to lead irresistibly to the conclusion, that these substances, as well as the ores of lead, have come into their present situations from chemical solution, and probably at a period con- temporaneous to the quiet precipitation of the’earthy | beds, The highly crystalline character of the lime- stone at the lower mines cannot escape the observation _ of any one who visits that district. This. lime-stone in its structure and appearance, so much resembles a loose aggregation of particles of fine white sand, that _ itis commonly, mistaken by the miners for sand-stone. The larger crystalline masses of carbonate of lime, when broken, are often found to contain water in- “4 cluded in cayities within the body of the crystals. . ie ‘appearances ordinarily presented at the mines — near. Potosi, are as follow :—The shafts descend per- . pendicularly fifteen or twenty feet, through a tena- cious red clay, intermixed with masses of sulphate . of barytes, and sulphuret of lead; then succeeds the soft gray rock, which the miners call sand-stone, but which is an aggregate of small crystalline particles of carbonate of lime: this stratum lies —, but 398 ——— LIME STONES: ‘the miners remark that ie is uncertain at what depth they will strike it, as its surface is extremely uneven, and marked by deep coneavities.. It has numerous drusy cavities lined with minute quartz crystals, and is traversed by veins in which these crystals occur, intermixed with. barytes and. galena.: This *stratum varies in thickness at different points where it’ has _ been pierced from six or eight, to fifteen or twenty feet. It is succeeded by red clay; barytes, &e., simi- lar to that above: below this isa second bed of lime~ stone, similar to the former; and near the surface of | this, sometimes in it, and sometimes in the se the largest, quantities of lead have been found. ° “In the lead mines about Fever river, inuaemeaiie they have been explored on the upper Mississippi, . the ore is commonly found in large veins, traversing in an east and west direction, a lime-stone very simi- lar to ‘that. above mentioned: these veins ramify in i various directions, the small branches: commonly run- “ning north and south. The ore contained in the branches i is not so ‘distinctly crystallized as that found in the larger trunks; it is called “north and. south mineral,” and is considered more: refractory and ‘less valuable than the other.» The ore often fills. the’en- tire. vein,’ unaccompanied by. any incrustation. of — quartz: crystals, or other foreign substahce.” In these cases; it is common to observe smal] masses and points, of galena scattered in the substance of the rock, near the -walls of the vein: at other places the oresis inter- mixed with rhombic ‘spar, and that variety of iron ore here called“ mineral: blossom 5 3?) igs the latter MISSISSIPPI’ LIME STONES. 379 substance: itis” very difficult to separate it; and the mineral which is-so mixed, looses much of its value on ~ this account. At some of the mines about Fever river, | | the red clay, the sulphate of barytes, and the galena | ‘occur: ‘together, as in the lower mines : the lime-stone ‘differs from that of the Merrimack, principally 4 in the circumstance of exhibiting numerous impressions or: ‘casts of marine shells ; it alternates with beds of sand- stone, in many of which is observed the same ‘tend- eney to form drusy cavities, and. incrustations ‘of : ‘quartz crystals, ‘as in the lime-stone of the lower mines. | Nothing has hitherto been observed in either of these mining districts to justify the opinion that the lime-— stone containing the lead, is of more ancient deposition — than that of the coal formations scattered throughout the same great field of secondary rocks. tit _ An opinion prevails extensively in the west, that © “the Time-stones of the lead mine district and its vi- oe cinity sometimes exhibit distinct i impressions of human . feet? ‘This belief has originated from numerous, deep, ; : and ‘exquisitely sculptured figures, representing such “impressions 5 some of which, near the sources of Big | | river, about ten miles S. E. of mine A Burton, Thave _ ‘earefully examined: they are’some of the remaining '_* vestiges of a. people who inhabited the. country ata | 4 time’ prior to the earliest. visits of the Spanish and e. ok and beyond the reach of the traditions of the Indians of the present day. Other accounts of “ im- pressions of human feet” have been satisfactorily _ traced to the nodular, reniform, and fancifully shaped masses of flint, which often occur in, the horizontal ene ee, LD 380 | MISSISSIPPI. LIME STONES. seams of ‘the lime-stone about Siecalnmasiaiiiaeal which, being easily detached, leave impressions bear- ing a remote resemblance to many things, and some- times by accident to the human foot: such are the — reputed prints of feet presérved in the ehimaney: ofa house at Herculaneum. (Missouri). The disturbance. soantifent hat the direction of the strata on the borders of the Jead mine. district, and the great prevalence. of crystalline substances among __ beds and strata containing organic remiains, similar in all. respects to those of. the western ‘coal formations, would seem to indicate that these mineral * veins were filled from: below, after the consolidation a she \se- condary rocks had commenced. § | ‘Although in the immediate vicinity of the mines on the Upper Mississippi, no coal has hitherto been ~ found, there is reason, to think that deposites of this mineral exist in the same series of beds in which the lead is found. Coal and plaister are brought i in small masses, by the Indians, from the country about the upper branches of the De Moyen, two.or three days journey westward of Du Buque’s mines;,and coal has. been found in extensivebeds at a place. ‘called by the Chippeways, Maskotank, (the Prairie,) probably Jess _ than, one- hundred, nen from_ she: ei of Beng: river. tp? hal : ey t 4h 253 cha eg, ‘att ie : , , . ’ e bs . ols iy an a) « tee seifetds' RL A oe SHOEI: " GET ar me Ati) et ae . J 1 oa, ¢ cel » eat vee f feat. Ieee. CREMASTOCHEILUS. 381 Description of three species of the genus CREMAs- TocnEiLus. By T. W. Harris, M. D., of ares teak Mass. Read Feb, 6, 1827. The genus Cremastocheilus was instituted by Pro- fessor Knoch, for the reception. of an undescribed in- sect, sent him from the United States. This insect is rarely met with, eagerly sought by European en- tomologists, and is the only species of the genus which has hitherto been known. The discovery of three species in Massachusetts, two of which are undoubt- edly new, has induced me to furnish an account of them, with a description of this singular genus in detail. CREMASTOCHEILUS, Knoch. Generic character.—Antennzx with the first joint very large: elypeus transverse, the anterior margin entire, arcuated, reflexed : palpi short ; the last joint elongated, the apex obtuse : mentum large, oval, con- eave: thorax with the angles dilated, tuberculiform: tarsi with equal nails. This genus is closely allied to Tricnivs and Cr- ToNtA, which, with several other genera, have been separated from ‘the Linnean Scaranat. It belongs to the section of Coleopterous insects, with five joints to all the tarsi ; and is included in the family Scara- BEIDES or LAMELLICORNES of Latreille, and in the MELOLONTHID# of Leach. Vol. V.— Fepruary, 1827, 4y 382 CREMASTOCHEILUS. The body is oblong, flattened above; ‘the head — covered by the e/ypeus, (nasus of Mr. Kirby,).a cowl- like projection, broader than long, elevated in front, the edge folded downwards over the lip: Jabrum con- cealed beneath the elypeus, emarginated in the mid- dle, dilated and rounded at the sides, where, with the anterior edge, it is corneous; in the centre ‘it is membranous: the mouth closed below by the mentum, (labium, Kirby,) which forms a deep transverse-oval concavity, occupying the whole of the under side: the mentum is deeply emarginate beneath, and the lateral lobes are ciliated.on the edge: the mandibles are corneous at the summit: the maxilla terminated by a falciform process, and are ciliated and spinous within: terminal joint of the palpi, particularly the labial, very long, cylindrical, obtuse; the other joints very short: ‘antennzx composed of ten articulations ; first joint very large, triangular, incurved; the six next minute ; the three last lamelliform, united into a short club: thorax transversely quadrate, notched or emarginated near the angles, which are elongated, and somewhat dilated : sew¢ed/um nearly an equilateral triangle: coleoptra broader than the thorax, contracted — abruptly, and sinuated behind the base; the margins embracing the sides of the abdomen: scapularia not prominent between the thorax and base of the elytra: meso-sternum minute, and not produced anteriorly : extremity of the abdomen naked, as in Trichiuss the penultimate dorsal segment armed with two minute tubercles; one just below the posterior eurye of each elytron : anterior tibia with two external teeth; one er Pe ee ae ae i al la Os ee CREMASTOCHEILUS. 383. long, termiial, and a:strong conical spur within: in- termediate and posterior tibize above very rugose, each with an abbreviated tooth beyond the middle ; the extremity crowned: with four short teeth, and armed, beneath with two, unequal, conical apues nails simple and equal. This genus appears much more closely allied | to Tricutus than to Ceronia. Asin the former, the thorax is not so. broad as the coleoptra, and ‘the tri- angular piece or scapular is not interposed between. its posterior angles and the shoulders of the elytra ; the-mesosternum in both is minute, and there is no conspicuous projection of the posterior coxa at the sides: of the body, between the intermediate and’ hinder legs. The clypeus of Cremastocheilus ap~ — proaches somewhat to that of. Trichius, as may be: observed by comparing it with that of our large spe- cies, T. eremicola, Knocn, and T. scabery Beauvois. — In Ceronia the thorax is triangular, nearly as broad at base as the elytra; the scapulars and meso-sternum large and prominent; and, in most species, the coxa is produced, between the intermediate and posterior legs, to an acute angle, couspicuous at the sides, even beyond the margin of the elytra.. Ce'ronra and Cre- MASTOCHEILUS agree in having the elytra contracted behind’ the base; in corisequence of an emargination of their borders in this respect differing from Tri — cuius.. CrEMASTOCHEILUS is further distinguished: from Tricnivs by the quadrate shape of the thorax, and its angular processes ; but the most distinguishing charaeter ofthe genus is) taken fron the mentum, 384 ' CREMASTOCHEALUS. which, as before observed, forms a tran$verse-oval, cup-like cavity below the clypeus. It was the sin- gular structure of this’ part, entirely different from that of all other known insects, that suggested to Pro- fessor Knoch the name which he has bestowed on: “a genus. This genus appears to be ie to North pores ca; but we are informed by Mr. Kirby, that it has its representative in Africa, in Genucuus. Not haying yet seen Mr. Kirby’s description of the latter: genus, I cannot institute a comparison between itand ours; but Jearn that the form of the mentum is “nee distinct.* The characters of the genus Crémnstathndilan as here given, do not entirely. corréspond with those laid down by M. Latreille. Indeed, there is some. dis-, crepancy in. his arrangement. and description of the. genus, evident on. comparison of the Genera Crus- taceorum et Insectorum, Vol. II. p.12Q and 121,) with the Regne Animale, Vol. IIT. p. 286, 288. CREMASTOCHEILUS castanex ? ry 1 et Specific character.—Black, ‘polished, pilous, with. distinct impressed spots: thorax with a tuft of yellow. hairs near each posterior angle; base of the anterior tubercles continued upon the dise into an elevated, sigmoid line. © Lab Bus at Di BORE * See Introduction to Entomology by Kirby and Spence, Vol. Wl. p.-423, and Vol. IV. p 498. pl. XXVI, figures 34,35,» CREMASTOCHEILUS. 385. Synonym. Crematrocuertus castanew, Knoch, Neuv. Beitrage. 1. p. 115. T. 3. f. 1.. Schonherr, Latreille, Hist. Nat. Cr. and Ins. HI. p. 152, X. p. 206. Genera Cr. and Ins. If, p. 121. Description.—Body black, somewhat polished, thinly. covered with erect yellow hair, and with dis- tinct impressed spots, which are largest on the elytra: head with confluent impressions: antennz black, hairy: external margins of the thorax nearly straight, obtuse 5 anterior border deeply emarginated near each angle, within which is situated a minute tuft of fulvous hair ;. an elevated line, originating from the anterior part of the disc, extends laterally to the angle, is pro- duced forwards, curves inwards, and is terminated by a rounded tubercle; posterior border with slighter emarginations, and the-angles with smaller, obtuse tubercles, before each of which is a tuft of yellowish hairs: e/ytra with two inconspicuous, longitudinal, elevated lines, that nearest the suture being most ap- parent: scapularia above with an oval, hoary spot: podex with large impressed punctures: venter smooth, hairy, not conspicuously punctured: fibiz and thighs punctured, hairy: farsi fringed with hairs around the articulations. The male of this and the succeeding species differs from the female in size,'and in having the podex rounded ;. whereas, it is more pointed in the female. Length. of the. male rather exceeding ;% of an inch; breadth across the base of the elytra nearly 3% of an inch. , F emale. over sy of an inch long, ¢ and nearly ,) a of an inch broad. 386 CREMASTOCHEILUS. The larve pi robably live in the deeayed trunks and roots of thé chestnut tree. In the month of Septem- ber, 1824, considerable numbers of the perfect insects were observed in Northampton, Mass., by Professor Hentz, on Round Hill, which is almost entirely co- vered with a chestnut grove. From Dr. C. Pickering I have received a specimen, which he “ found on West Beach, in Beverly, (Mass.) in the autumn.” — ' It is highly probable that this inseet is the C. eas-- tanex of Knech; but not having access to his works, — I cannot identify, with eertainty, the species$ and have been unable to profit by his description, in- drawing up an account of the genus. It is a matter, also, of deep regret, that the repeated attempts which — I have made to obtain a specimen of the ©. eastanex from Pennsylvania have been’unsuccessful ; but it is - still'in the power of those in this country, who'may” havé access to the collection of insects made by the” Rev. F. V. Melsheimer, the friend and correspondent of Professor ‘Knoch, to elucidate this subject. E ‘sy Vif i SLE RPO Cremasrocuertus Hentai 0 7 fs depose Specific character.—Black, opaque 5 el ytra ru; with confluent impressions 5. and a transverse, he ry submarginal spot on each elytra. Rl Si Deseription.— Head opaque, with conflaent im pressions: elypeus more reflected in front, and ‘more dilated at. the sides, than.in C. castanex? ‘Thorax opaque, with impressed spots, having elevated een“ tres; the dise with a longitudinal furrow 5 ‘lateral. & ieee CREMASTOCHEILUS. 387 margins slightly curved, acute 5 anterior and posterior emarginations deep; angles much produ¢sed ; the an-. terior ones curving inwards, sub-acute 3 thi posterior ones furnished with a sharp, triangular process, di- rected backwards and outwards: elytra not polished, rugose, with confluent, impressed spots, and. two elevated lines, less apparent than in the: preceding species. On each elytron, just behind the middle, and near the external margin, a transverse, hoary spot, formed. by minute whitish scales: Pectus, post- pectus and podex punctured: venter smooth ; “hairs on the body so minutes to be discerned onky by the aid. of a lens. ~ This ‘species is idiatingguichelley at, ‘sight, from the Ge castanex, by the sharp; angular processes: of the thorax, the absence of the tufts of hair near the pos- terior angles, the géneral want of polish, and the ex- istence of the canescent spots on the elytra: it is also larger; the male measuring more than 5%, or nearly half-of an inch-in length, and nearly. ,45 of an inch in - breadth. The female is a little ,over hell an. inch Tongs: and 55 of an inch broad. There is a specimen of this insect in Fontse’er “a lection, made nearly thirty years ago. | His: insects were obtained in the vicinity of the ities of. New Haven and, New York... For specimens of the Greimashotheili, Iam indebted tomy friend, N. M. Hentz, Esq., Professor of Modern Languages, in the University of North Carolina. During his: late. residence in Northampton, he: col- lected many interesting insects; and this finé insect 388 CREMASTOCHEILUS. is named in honour of him, whose investigations of American Araneide will place him among the first of our-naturalists. pen BEDS Cummastocuss.s, me Specific character.—Black, opaque, aiid yeanen mentum with a slight emargination below; thorax retuse, or excurved each side of the base,’and fur- nished with ‘a prominent, rounded > sane at 109624 angle. conus ve Description. — Head ne large, demi stilt and short, erect, yellowish hairs: mentum large, transverse-oval, prominent beyond the inferior edge of the clypeus; the lower margin ciliated with a few very short hairs, and a slight central emargination : thorax with deep punctures or cicatrices, (as in C. Hentzii) each of which furnishes an erect, yellowish bristle, or coarse hair: anterior angles excurved, each _ with an incurved tubercle, rounded: and compressed ~ ‘at base, and subacuminate at tip; and between’ the tip and: base verriculate, or furnished with a tuft of very short, ferruginous hairs; lateral margin regular- _ ly curved to the posterior angles, where the thorax is broadest 3 posterior angles rounded and ‘excurvated to the base ; at the termination of which, on each side, ° is a somewhat rounded tubercle, compressed,-exctirv- ed, and furnished beneath the tip with a minute ver- riculum of rufous hairs: e/ytrw opaque; with distant, irregular, deep, setiferous punctures: body — with besa punctures, and depressed hairsy 9) — CREMASTOCHEILUS. 389 Length of the male, between seven and eight-twen- tieths of an inch. Discovered by Professor Hentz and myself, beneath a stone on Round Hill, on the 16th of May, 1826. This insect resembles C. Hentzii, in the distribution of the punctures, but is distinct at sight from that ‘species, by wanting the hoary spots on the elytra; and also from that and C. castanex ? by the greater - quantity and length of the bristles with which it is clothed. The mentum is proportionably larger, and more regularly transversely oval ; it is also less ciliated than in both the others, and has but a very slight emargination beneath. The thorax differs greatly ; the disc is convex, and the lateral margins are regu- larly arched : the anterior tubercles resemble in shape those of ©. castanex, but are not continued into an elevated, sigmoid line on the thorax: the posterior margin is deeply excurved each side of the basal line, and the tubercle is situated within this emargination, and below the plane of the disc : there are no fascicles of hairs on the thorax, in front of the posterior tu- bercles. . To the distinguished author of *‘ American Ento- mology”’ this insect is dedicated. . VoL. V.— FEBRUARY, 1827. 50. LIST OF DONATIONS go hei ‘MUSEUM oe, Academp of Natural Sciences, During the years 1825 and 1826. Articles presented. : ‘ _ Bonors, When presente d 1825. = Lime, Wom, Wm. 8. Vous: January. 1% specimens Marine ra J. 8. David. f February. Fossil Vertebra, Maryland. J, Gilliams. - Collection of Insects, India, Dr. R. Coates. = March. > 4 — of Feldspar, Dizx- ’s Farm, Del. Geo. Spackman. April, 6 sendies Marine Shells, China. Large Alcyonium, Bengal Bay. Dr. R. Coates. _ Head of an Echineis. Dr. Hays. Suite of Rocks; from the B AS : f ‘age pred e. Pa. mie | Dr. Darlington. » May. * Species of Scutella, Cape May. ‘Thos. F. Leaming. Collection of Diseased Bones of the human subject.. Speci- | Dr. E. Rousseau, J men of the Ilex Aquifolium, { Paris. eee ceewigs etc. Fossil Echinus, Cuba. W. H. Keating. © Nacrite, Delaware Co., Pa. ‘ PY Specimens of Plante. { Dr. Darlington, « July. VOL. V.— FEBRUARY, 1827. 51 392 LIST OF DONATIONS. Articles presented. ‘ Donors. . When presented. Skull ofa sual, Island chief. Specimen of Cassa from Hayti, pega . together with some weapons Dr. Gibbon: of the aboriginal Haytiens, _ Specimens of Anatifa, Gulf Capt Hewett.’ stream. I Solen Costatus, Coast of N eee * Emblsaa.” schsrianl aot oe A. Lesueur, . August. . Several specimens of Ostracion, 2 Capt. Stelwagen, and another of Dog-fish. : Dy 8. N. 2 Colubérs; 1! Ostracion, 2 spe> EW. . cies Asterias; ’a Fasciolaria, > ~ tent i it ss and a strombus, Florida, 2 Trilobites, Trenton Falls, N. 2a LA L. Ronaparte, x Shells of seven ‘species of Tor.) : toise._ : eopersieiag eae 2 yials fresh water Crustacéa. - : Vial containing Scolopendre. |. . ee ee 4 vials and 2 boxesof [nseets. | — pil. one ne Skull of the Canis Virginianus. | : isi Bone, of the Penis of the, Reet ode sntyeih: eampaiooge $1 coon. < ayomnlD, 9 vials, containing asemany ape- stay rf fine cf . cies of Colubers,,....> Dr. iad 5 pris of Lacerta and Salaman- CNC. thy rout Broaitji: 5 specimens Fossil Shells, San-) Harlan. c te ive tee Canal. = ie - ay onem © ; 5 specimens of Gre, Lime- 9 a stone, &c.. : viontdad ‘ng pe Saath: A specimen of Elastic. Sand-; ' Ay exceed pikatth "tas eabieets y erage Catawba’ Spree.) : \ 03 sere yagi 4 naw) adtetiot tea g: 2 specimens Tuckyhoe, and1 | Fi. : r 14 i uae of Convolvulus Panduratus, Jo °° 9 to aebantlo’) : ent cera a4 21specimens of Minerals Eas-, ia , nabecinens OF Hier £2 gu pdarhanelt fla Prismati¢e Porphyry» Cape at W. ‘Macloré: enallad fisewt Gate, Spain. sched salen Specimens of »Anatifa,’ id Capt. Hewett 1 Yo eagenionty’ stream. WIAs; y ; _ Mygale Saas en LIST) OF DONATIONS. . "eugene ‘presented. é Donors. ; When. presented. Amphiuma Means, Camden, S. t Dr. Harlan. : ‘ence specimens, of sng: etl Thon. eal at donta Ma inata, Unio 23 Fishers. ee and Unio Nasuta. —§; Hides pecimens of 1 uae 7 Capt. H. Bache, U peal ig { Salamandra picta. ~ . (Dr. Harlan... — of Fosals, Paris Ba- tw. Maclure. Calappar Cristata? Gulf stream. Capt. Hewett. es Specimens of Mollusca. © © Capt. Harman. » Extra-uterine Foetus. .. Dr. Porter. Salamandra Flavissima, (new species,) and a specimen of Dr. Harlan. Pan toes : : 3 species of Birds, (prepared.) Jas. Griffith. | Scutella Quinque-radiata, in the fossil state. 3 specimens, Dr. Boykin.” G . Lepidolite, Gardiner, Maine. Dr. Holmes, Pa and a bottle containing Sco- | lopendre and other insects Mrs. M. By ad ‘Cuba... Asterias Helianthus, and a spe- cimen of Pyrasoma, Guasco,,> in Chili. Substance from, the Oviduct of? ‘ae eoOr: , a Fowl, containing an égg. LW. W. Drinker. ” _ 18 specimens of W. Maclure. . Group of Producti cerns Dr. T. H. Harris { NuUY. : f of Rochester. Decem. Wormeitom the hididaethatidie. Dr. Porter. ye Porcupine Fish, preserved in i 1826. . spirits. ’ C. A. Poulson. January. Serpula, a Natica and a Chama, Coast of Alvarado. Also, a specimen of Semi- opal, Mexico. Micaceous Iron ore, Reading, E. Dems ig Pa. Capt. J. Hasna March. Salmo, (Salmo Peleranus?) — De Messe, eer Several specimens of Green. . . and Blue Carbonate of Cop- ) R. Swift. 8 per, 4rod Mine, S.A. *° ; 2 shells, viz: a Mallow anda Captain M‘Kibbin, April Turbo. ‘through Mr. Ord. — mer Sulphate of Barytess a group s Ww Cound of crystals. Rey , 21 specimens, aang the va- rieties of the Green-stone of |. Scotland. 45 specimens, showing the - np uO stratification of the north } Dr. S. G. Morton. May. end of Salisbury Craigs, near a4 ; Pree. Edinburgh. 14 specimens of the Rocks of the Hebrides, etc. Specimen of Loligo; Haina § Cat, Jas. Hamil- ogous 2 specimens Pecten Nodosa, 2 | ocean. ton. Ry at Methodical Table of Oviparous » Animals. Re bicees 29 specimens of European, and ¢ Dr. 11 of American Minerals. 8. G. Morton. . May. ee LIST OF DONATIONS. — 395 , Articles presented. Donors. _ When presented. , , 1826. ‘Collection of Minerals, from Lockport, N. Y. and ia C. W. ‘Spiteek, - Virginia. G. Stawaidvod, " Species of Iguana, West Indies. through Mr. June. ; Conrad. Lieut. Thomas, Minerals, Washington, Missouri. { through Mr. _ Poulson, Collection of Minerals, and a of saibvaimenbtia suite of the lavas of Vesuvius. : Dre Cee Collection of Minerals, Lake? p. wetherill George. ee ¥e 4 Qaclosicalepectinens, vicinity th . of Hartford, Cont. § Dr. I. Hays Suite of the Granite rocks of} » titre bei) America. 3 specimens of Minerals, PR cash athe dix a vonshire. ° 6 specimens of Minerals. _ Geo. Spackman. A collection of the fresh water} Tortoises of the U. S. pre- served in spirits; consisting apd ‘of 12 specimens, and em- uct bracing 9 species. - , " ¢ A collection of the Batracian Reptiles of the U: 8. viz:— 5 species of Rana. 2 do. Hyla. 2 do. Salamandra., : A specimen of Bafo pucdciin: + Dr. Harlan. ~~ June. Taphozous ; aa ' Americanus. Several American Quadrupeds, viz:— Mus Campestris, and young of the same. Jerbillus Canadensis. | Sorex Brevicaudatus, Arvicola ‘ Xanthognatus, oldand young, and Scalops Canadensis: J ne LIST ‘OF DONATIONS. oro Nala presented, “9% Donors.) ¢Whemipreseuited, : ALS I % 1826, Siliceous Carbonate of Lime, eae deat hes 7 with Shells, near Paris. ~ { W. 11. Keativi. ” ped Secondary Lime-stone, Hudson’ : rein sadholale river. - .) > Dr. Hays. et Amphibole. © a) ‘tort sperg? In onisege Chelonura Serpentina, male 5a and female, oo in ) Dr. Harlan. fa July. spirits. rena TE teepaue, Fresh water Tortoise, eiliiithea j , , to be a new species, tributary es ‘Collins. TR. "th ede? streams of the Chesapeake. “pl cdi Yo tite: Crocodilus ‘Lucius reserved he gotinetied in spirits. me H Dr. Wetherill : peer Skull of the Manatus Latiros- : Dr. Fathi pel wahgotaend + tris, coast of Florida. : Aen OE be Indian skull, froma cave at) t: await? Gah Wh site Golconda, in Tennessee...» ; eehan, Specimens of Coluber Constric- | HS to Semen REN < tor, and C. Aquaticus; also, a ; oeyddsgs specimen of Rana’ Clamata, honk Hayes. tle wasivegs 2 ‘and another of the Cistuda ew: segs) SAL io eottontion s Clausa; all’ preserved “in | jou 97) sf) Me exphonia® oy . ca #2 $25 J spirits. . f J Breton pehivhe te" wih wrt Basanite, found in digging a} aun 6, ie nan cee well in this city. { Geo. Ord. . “4 x: 7 species fresh water shells, 2 7" yell +4 aoiwood A South Carolina.. ' anused, ult Yo Large collection of fresh water Shells, from Ohio. oan ‘a 7 Lela Ce Fossil Sean; one ee and Ches, J os. Carr, through wotaioogs A Canal., Isaac Lea, ue See Portunus Pictus, Cape May. Isaac Lea. identical ' Menobranchus Lateralis, Lake oa apelotolay of. ont tenant _. Erie, “Hl fr N. ¥.° =: Polished Stalactite, and Fossil) Bones in Limestone, Gib- | - r PES (20 lt raltar. C. Hedelius."” HG? webby g A Porphyry Mortar, from 5: ee oie wd dupe Hig Pixel heneease oe aagodrnne wba’ hats { Major Long. " SS SA SE a ea eee Pe ee ee eee _ LIST OF DONATIONS. 397 velco Awtidles presented. |. > | ' Donors. When presented. . 1826. 410 specimens Vegetable Im- oy pressions in slate, Swetara, |. ft Pa. 2 specimens Argillace- +" ous Tron, with organic. im- Dr, 1, Hayg,,. pressions, and another of of; isned Shell Limestone. wit Exogyra Costata, 2.specimens, ) W. 'S. , Newbold, - Delaware and Chesapeake Ca- through Dr.Mor-,_. nal, ; ‘ trae Exrites in slate, ales $ S. Miffin Impressions of Fish, in slate, 2 chor specimens, Westfield, C ina tei Harlan. > September A Snow Owl, Strix Nyctea of) J. P. Wetherilly:C.’ Wilson ; shot in Burlington}, . W.'Pennock, and .. Co., N. J., in 1825. ~ Dr. S.G. Morton. Bottle i Reptiles, Hacoming'$ Dr. RUE. Griffith, Co., r Foasil Crab, China... Dr. T. Ritchie. Specimens of the Tertiary) ~ 2) nities: Formation at York, Pay and > Dr. Harlan... September. Tron ore from Genesee, N. Yu ie - Vertebra ofa whale, Cape May.. Wm. Milnor. am - White Statuary recap yah ‘i bury, Maryland. « a Gen. Parker, : ; Specimen of Rana Peonsylvani- Chiegl os’ ca, (Harlan.) ‘ sh Harlan latoe 9 specimens of American Freeh 8. W. Conrad. peels 2 ‘ water Bivalve Shells. abraenl peat <3 A large Glass Cylinder. 8, Pi Wetherill. eprih ale a og conege Dr. R: E, Griffith, sri 7 14 specimens of Organicimp seer sions in slate, Wilkesbarre, Pas. Dr, 8.6. Morton. OLE Larva of a species of Sphinx. | @.'W: bins ons sda ol Cyanine Zirconite, Bun- PEE “cp comb Co., N. Carolina. . es Auriferous ‘Pyrites. om Vanuxem. Asteriwe, Sullivan’s Island, S.C.) 398 Articles presented. Portion of the Fossil Jaw. of a Crocodile; fossil teeth, shells &c. Burlington Co., N. J: Stem of an Encrinus, in slate. Carbonate and Sulphate of Lime, Goat Island, Niagara. Fragments of -Human Bones, and those of the Deer, dug up near Phenizville, Pa. Salamander in Spieity, Wabash river. 2 boxes of Insects, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, &c., China. Species of Cancer, "Canton. Tabasheer, from the Indian Bamboo. 2 specimens Chalcedony, ritain, Pa Pipe clay, Alvarado. Steatite, China. Organic remains, Eolaghhath, N. J. Box of Seeds, from the Botanic gardens at Calcutta. © Specimen of the HalcusBicolor. Talon of a Bald Eagle.. bids: erforated by the Tere-) avalis. 5 ipecuiie of polished Fossil Madrepores, ‘Torbay, in De- vonshire, England. 2 specimens Fossil Terebratu- ) lz, and several Belemnites; Allentown, N. J. 2 specimens Cadmia, Holly Pure) nace, Conn, Charcoal on Anthracite, Lehigh, Pa. Helix Alternata in recent Lime-- fer i LIST OF DONATIONS. S.P. Wetherill. Jas. Read. Dr. I. Hays. Dr. Ellerson, ~ through R. Haines. Jas. M‘Murtrie. September. 2 Dr. Emerson. t G. Blakie. ot Dr. Harlan. Capt. Harman. October. J. Read. Dr. Wallack, ar Calcutta. S..V. Merrick. Jas. B. Smith. Dr. 8. G. Morton. J.P. Wetherill. - >Dr. I. Hays. stone. J a ea, LIST OF DONATIONS. 399 ~~ Articles presented, Donors. ‘ When présented. ie 1826. See F. ‘Hodgeote through |» 420 species of British plants. t Dr. M pow Lignite, Delaware and Chesa-? J. Clements, peake Canal. through Mr. Lea. 10 specimens of Minerals, 2 Mr. Walker, through Oct Northampton, Mass. Mr. Carpenter. i Bituminous Coal, Tioga Co. Nv) ' Y. 17 specimens of Organic’ remains, from same. place. ‘9 specimens of Vegetable Im- ressions, on ‘slate; Laurel SDr. R. E. Griffith, . . Noy. Pa, another from Mount é ‘ Carbon. 'Terebratula, Lau-. rel Hill. Anthracite, Stoney Creek, Pa. 150 specimens of Seeds used in ‘ domestic economy. f odayreae Fragments of Fossil Bones, and ) W. S. Newbold, specimens of Exogyra Cos- >. through Dr. tata, Del. and Ches. Canal. Morton. _ Asbestus in Serpentine, Chester Pate.) a 4 Dr. Harlan. Madrepore on a recent Oyster. Be 8 specimens of Minerals; Mass. N. M. Hentz. 2 — Feldspar, Dizon’ cf J. P. Wetherill ‘Del. Rahat oe f Phosphate of Lead, Ecton mine, 2 C. Sheffield, through Pa. tae Dr. Griffith. Tridachna Squamosa, both 2 J. S. Phillips and Dec valves. ; Dr. Morton. ; Triton Variegatum, and Triton Odiferum. ? tM. Thomas. 3 specimens of Amber, 1 o Retinasphaltum, | of Lignite, ig through and 12 species of Fossil ‘ Shells, Y, Cut of the Dela- _ and Mor. ware and Chesapeake Canal. 2 species Ammonite Whitby, in ; Yorkshire; Englan Pie 3: : Dr. S. G. Morton. Asterias, Mediterranean. Capt. Hewett. VOL. V.— FEBRUARY, 1827. 52 400 LIST OF DONATIONS. Articles presented, ‘ Donors. '- When presented. 1826. Fossils, principally nial) Drummond’s Island, Lake Su- \ Dr. J. K. Mitchell. perior. Siren Lacertina, (Lin.) ied S.C. Vespertilio ‘Arcuatus, New Hampshire. Specimens Dr. Harlan. of Rana, dissected to show the Spawn. Agama Umbra, (Daud:) Cali-? > p woth erill: fornia. Species of Sea Nettle, dried. Capt. Hewett. Anodonta Cataracta, (Say) Junc- tion of Clark’s rat Lint the _ Swatara. Tail of the Raia, 2 specimens. New England. ‘S. Mifflin. Z. Collins. th On the 13th December, 1825, forty-two ‘ members of the’ Academy presented to the Institution a framed portrait of their president, William Maclure, Esq., painted by Mr. Themis ides of this city. In July 1826, Mr. C. W. Pennock BBE ty a map, con- structed by himself, of Wier’s cave, in Virginia. ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE FIFTH VOLUME. A. ' Achatina, ~ solida, Alasmadonta, istriatum, notatum, tenuestriatum, bi ates ; rufa, , Anthicus, constrictus, pares idus, pitas, coliate Porson _labiatus, impressus, Anthribus, notatus, capillicornis, 122 4-notatus, 122 limbatus, 1381 alternatus, - 131 variagatus, 153 tomentosus, -153 | Apophyllite, 220} Apion rostrum, 220} Apate punctatus 221 | Aphrodius vittatus, $18| Ardea, 319 minor, 374 ceerulia, $74 herodeus, 51 egretta, — 17 virescens, 158 exilis, 171 ludoviciana, 171 mycticorax, 172 candidissima, 172 americana, 173 violacea, 244 | Asterias, 244 articulata, 244 clathrata, 244 spinosus, 245 sentus, 245 vestita, 245 alternata, 246 | Attagenus cylindricornis, 246 | Attelabus, 247 |- pubescens, 247 scutellaris, 248 | Attica suturella, 402 INDEX. B. Charadrius _pluvialis, 101 ; rubidus, 105 Batrachia, 318 | Chrysomela, 296 Boros unicolor, 238. _ceruleipennis, 269 Bostricus, ~ 255 spirea, - 297 exesus, 255 Oidaretes diadema, 226 fasciatus, 255 | Cistela, — 242 serteaa 256 obscura, 242 politus, 256 , atra, 242 pini, 257 | Clerus, ! 175 | Boletophagus corticola, 238 le 6 175 Brachycerus areepslis, 254 er? 176 Bufo, $44). ciatts 259 musicus, 344 Clytus, 276 cognatus, 345 confusus,. 276 a harissi, 373 annosus, «e277 Bulines multilineatus, 120] Cordyceps, 4 Byrrhus alternatus, 186 | Cornata, anitsd@ 3 ‘ Columba, datanby 80 im) lencoc 980. ae Calidris, 105 | Condylura, . - 109 Cantharis, 165:| Coluber, ‘154 re tomentosa, 165 fulvius,: 154 enapeseyag 166 obsoletus, $47 ligatay 166 constrictor, $48 jactata, 167 testaceus, .. 348 prralaley 168 ordinatus, .. $49 aticornis, 168 rietalis, 349 awa ; 168 Fil liformis, 850. identata, 169 flagelliformis, 350 Catops, «9 184 sipedon,» 351 opacus, 184 sauritay 9 852 simplex, 184 Sirtalis, |. $52 Col {ntrea, 216 oximus, 858) Callidium cucujiforme, 277 fiavivestiiiii 4 853 Cassida bivittata, 295. striatulus, (» 354. Cetonia vestita, 201 panes $54 . Cerylon castaneum, 259 amcenus, — 355 Cenchris, 49 rigidus,. |. $55 mokeson, 49} & Ms no ad . $55 » mokeson, (var.) 50) | porcatus, 356 Charadrius, 96—98 . coccineus,.. 356 hiaticula, 97—99 | Coleopterous insects, 237 wilsonius, 100 Colyda ium, 263 vociferus, 100 Paralelpipedtin, 268 ee eo a ee ee ee ee INDEX. 403 Colydium longiusculum, 264 | Elater vernalis, , 374 lineola, 264 | Elephant tortoise, 284 Coccinella, $01 | Enoplium dislocatum, 176 Garg ullata, _ 301) Euryale muricatum, .. 153 ans Finotata, 302 | Eustrophus tomentosus, 239 normata,, 302 | Eumolphus, 295 ep 308 295 Cruciferce, 132 ote 295 Cremastocheilas, _ $81} Eumorphus, 303 tte ' eastanea, $84 distinetus, , 303 ; hentzii, 386 angulatus, 303 “ sayili, 388. Crotalus, 52 F. , durissus, 52 j ; horidus, 54 | Falco, giizht 28 , miliarius, 55 Fusus fluvialis, 129 224 confluentis, 56 | Fusus, 214 ,, er 56 10- costatus, 214 267 bicolor, 215 gg EN 267 rij modestus, — 268 G. Cyclostoma dentata, 125 _ Cyphon, 161 | Gallapagos tortoise, 284 : discoidus, 161 | Galleruca, 298 ovalis,.... 161 mee pat 298 ; D. Geology of P Pohionss Lead Mines, ~ 305 Delphinula laxa, 207: Da Donacea, 282 Hi. gi es 282 metalica, 283 Hamatopus, 106. rufa, 283 | Hemipalama, . 88 pusilla, 293") Helix, : 119 confluenta, 298 fallax, 119 Dytiseus i liberus, 160 egena, 120 ? Hermaphrodite Orang, 229 . E. Helops pullus, 240 mip? ee politus, 240 Echinus, 225 tenuicollis, 241 - , lucunter, » 226 aratus, 241 venseeeib 226 | Helodes, 298 Elanus, 28 trivittata, 298 Elmis, 186 | Hister, 82 _ citictus, 186 memnonias, $2 4-notatus, 187 depurator; 3S 404 INDEX. Hister unicolor, 86 L. arcuatus, 34 bifidus, $4 | Latrideus pubescens, 265 indistinctus, 85 | Lamia, 268 sedecimstriatus, 36 macula,’ 268 obliquus, 87 6-guttata, 269 nigrellus, 38 dasycerus, 270 conjunctus, 88 alpha, 270° subrotundus, $9 faceta, ‘e71 vernus, 40 spinosa, 271 fraternus, 40 | Land tortoise, 284 mancus, 41 | Laumonite, 61 palmatus, 42 | Lampyris, 161 lelus, 42 ruficollis, 161 ntalis, 43]. angulata, 162 sordidus, 44 centrata, ' 163 eequalis, 44 reticulata, 163 punctulatus, 45 scintillans, 164 transversus, 45 Leptura, 978 alternatus, 46 nigrella, 279 Hololepta, 47 scalaris, — 278 eequalis, 47 ' pubera, “219° fossularis, 47 coerulea, 280 Hoplia trifasciata, 200 spheericollis, | 280 — Hypocrea, 4| ema melanocephala, 294 Hypoxylon, 5 Lime-stones of the Mis- Hydrophilus, 188 souri lead mines, 376 rotundus, 188 | Limosa, 3 74 striatus, 188 Limneus, : 1 exiguus, 189 modicellus, “122° subcupreus, 189 obrussus, 123 Hylurgus dentatus 258 pinguis, ‘| es Hyla, , $41 Ibanus, «123 lateralis, 341 | List of Officers for 1827, 5 femoralis, 342 | List of Donations to the squirella, $42 ‘Cabinet, ee) delitescens, $43 | Lucanus, ee versicolor, 843} lacidus, 202 brevis , 202 I. Lyctus, "262 reflexus, 262 Icterus, 229 minatus, = 262 icterocephalus, 224 zmatodes, oF Infundibulum, 209 | Lycoperdina, ; depressum, 209 | vestita, =. 304 Index, (general.) gi INDEX. M. Necrophorus, orbicollis, Macroramphus,. 79 | Nitidula, Malachius, 169 6-maculata, bs flavilabris, 169 Ziczac, pusillus, 170 undulata, , sincatin 170 rufa, icialis, 170 genaaias ; be. Sermon 171 -maculata, Macronyn 187 unilineata, . glabratus, 187 semitecta, Megatoma ornata, 185 unicolor, Melania, 126 brachyptera, ; simplex, 126 | Notoxus, proxima, 126 anchora, subgl 128 | Numenius, g Menobranchus, 323 longirostris, lateralis, 323 tetradacty- 0. us re lus, pe niensis, 320 lura. Menopa ga 243 — ‘angulata, trifasciata, 243 elongata, attenuata, 243 echinata, rufa, 244 crassispina, rrahger som 107 reticulata, — 107 brevispina, ocellata, 108 ucis bengalensis, 108 oes naman 260 flaccida, unctatus, 260 appressa, exuosis, 260 | Ophidea, 6-puncta- Ophisaurus, tus, 261 ventralis, didesmus, 261} Opatrum, Mycetophagus, 239 notum, tomentosus, 239 pullum, Orang Outang, (hermaphro- N... dite) —— Le ' Orscodacna, Natica, = 209 tripla, ' ___ triseriata, 209 hepatica, Nassa, See 211 ' unicincta,. 211 "Pi alba, 212 junata, 113} Paludina, 405 177 177 229 281 281 281 125 406 Paludina subglebosa, Patella, ov alternata, Pearlstone, Perkiomen Lead mines, Phasa ancillaria, © Plam muse” oa Poronia, Psammobia, . fusca, Plates to Vol. V. R, Rana, i pipiens, clamata, ocellata, melanota, halecina, utricularius, scapularis, flaviviridis, sylvatica, palustris, pumilla, el, orsalis, nigreta, Rallus, giganteus, nigricans, _ chiricote, melanurus, Reptilia, (North Ameri- can,) Rhynchites, INDEX. — Rhynchites rostrum, 253- ‘QN5. Se: ieworaeht 51 ; 2 vetted yd Salmo, Hive 48 12 mic tame 48. 128 Salamandray. rite 116 128 tigrina, 117 137 Salamandra, So 26- 137 subviolacea, $27 17 tigrina, 328 58 c indracea, 328 2 fasciata, . ( 229 — bi- 219 My - 219 sotdigia 9 cinerea, vihiaee 330 121 utinosa, 330 121 ~ fusca, 330 409 maculata, 331 subfusca, - $31 longicaudata, $31 nigra, + $32 334 ‘bislineata, 332 335 rubra; 332 335 pictays) 99 333 336 symmetric, 333 336 avissima, 333. 337 puniiiatn, $34. 337 | Saurus, ‘ gi 118 338 minutus, © 118. 338 | Salamandra, » 136: 338 picta, 136 339 symmetrica, 157 339 wig 156 340 | Saperda, \ 272 340 singulata, 972 346 nigra, 272 30 fuscipes, 273: 31 $-lineata, 273: 137 vestita, 2 28 138 obliquay; 274 139 | Scincus, pe 6. unicolory: sie) 156 317 | Scincus, wedi 221 258 | Scaphisoma, signu! ¥83: Scaphisoma convexa, rabceus, relictus, Scalaria, multistriata, Scutella, ~. pentaphora, i, ‘trifaria, Séot 5-faria, olopax CE béedalis, fedoa, minor, gallinago, noveboracensis, semipalmata, flavipes, Syctale, : piscivorus, Siren, lacertina, intermedia, striata, Spheerie, ossum, captiats, mucronata, subterranea, flabelliformis, ula, intermedia, vernicosa, enteromela, teres, annulata, gelatinosa, stereorum, lactea coprophila, confluens, atramentosa, hydnicola, VOL. V.—FEBRUARY, 1827. INDEX, 183,| Sphzerize calastoma, , 194 fusco-purpurea, 194 | Spheeridium, 208 pretexlatum, 208 nigricolle, 226 ocellatum, 226|Spatangus, 227 atropos, 228 | Squatarola, 72 | Sterna, 73 cayana, 75 | Streptanthus, 16 maculatus, 77 | Stenocorus, 80 Figidus, 82 quadrigemina- 83| _ tus, 50 | Strepsilas, _ 51 | Sylvia, 51 palmarum, 229 | Synchita, 265 guttata, 265 granulata, $21 $21 T. 822 $22 | Tantalus, 3 “ loculator, 4 ruber, 5 albus, 5 | Tenebrio, 5 reflexus, 6 rufipes, 7 | Testudo elephantopus, 8 | Tellina, 9 intastriata, 10 lateralis, 10 decora, 11 | Tillus, 12 bicolor, 12 undulatus, 14} Totanus, 14| Tringa, 14 bartramia, 14 solitaria, 14 macularia, 53 407 15 16 190 GU opie PES - .euqortadqel (a asialabs:s 13 Te tde it). as: er oy aaa gs. teeta | Po hte ione j ae! psavqeatee® ev ee Se ee PLATES TO VOLUME V. Plate I. Spheeria. e, fig. 1. S, mucronata, natural size. a, with analysis ; b, magnified piece of clavula; c, sec- tion magnified. fig. 2. S. vernicosa, and analysis; a, nat. size; b, section; ¢c, the same magnified. fig. 3. §. subterranea, nat. size. ; fig. 4. S. geoglossum. a, with magnified analysis of 6, and ¢, section. fig. 5. S. flabelliformis. a, nat. size ; 6, and c, mag- nified specimens; d, section; c, mag- nified surface of fertile ones. Plate Il. fig. 6. S. pocula. a, nat. size ; b, and c, magnified bunches; d, section magnified. fig. 7. S. teres. a, nat. size; b, section magnified ; c, magnified specimen. fig. 8. 8. annulata. a, nat. size ; b, one caspes mag- ; nified; c, and f, sections; d, a single spheerula, magnified from above; e, in profile. fig. 9. S. hidnicola. a, nat. size ; 6, c, and d, magni- fied; e, section. fig. 10. S. callostroma. a, nat. size ; b, c, and d, mag- nified heaps; e, section. fig. 11. S. fusco-purpurea. a, nat. size on bark ; 6 magnified, showing the barren margin ; d, section. Plate If, Salmo microps. 410 PLATES TO VOL, Y« Plate IV. fig. 1. Murcenophis macularia. fig. 2. zebra. fig. 3. ocellata. Plate V. Saurus minutus. VI. Selenia aurea. a, the flower and calyx, nat. size ; 6, capsule, and c, seed of the same magnitude. VII. Streptanthus maculatus. a, lateral branch, nat. sizes b, the silique ; c, a petal; d, seed. VIII. Anemone nuttalii. IX. Simia concolor. X. Organs of generation of the Hermaphrodite Simia concolor, XI. Testudo elephantopus. — XII. Section of the shaft and lateral drifts of the Per kiomen lead mine. XII. fig. 1. Buprestis harrisi. fig. 2. Elater vernalis. he: 3. Amphicoma vulpina. fig. 4. Notoxus anchora. OE = = Journal of the Mead. Nat, Sti Phal® SUM IA. RM. Bird. del CONCTOLOR . Harlan Vol. V. pl. LD \Jtten Acad. Nat. Sct. Pai. Vol. Repl XL. ee ne ee Sternal. Fates a TESTUDO ELEPHANTOPUS. 8.6 Morton. MD. det. ie ; GB Ellis. Se Jour.Acad. Nat. Sei.Fhat* 5» 20 (30! 40 Scale of 5 feet to the Ho of'an inch. a 65 Fit. Vol. Vpit. XM. = i a + ‘we : ~teurnal ot the ANS Phil Vol¥. PLL NMifentz. del. G. Pairman sculp' QH Academy of Natural Sciences 1 of Philadelphia Al9 Journal ae oP eS Prolegieal Medical a f Serials PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY STORAGE At pe Pron Piet “ry {+ Let oe Al ben os Ale FLY. aa fi “, ; : Eb ree TA as aap ote ‘ ie * i rps a he : ¥ ‘ PA A op a aie Meta ewe . , Sy : ; , : SA nee bet i ai ait i : ; re : ~ hi eae feist ia aie ; 1% } sant pe ert rig A ae y ‘ : ’ i va 7 ; ge aed dyvar exes Grd caoP once pee of i ‘i " - i ‘ eyees bs HA sine rhea at Lites s Punt ied Wat ‘ , oo ats : 5 i, Merc HOUR eri arent in i : f Q sgh de al reed a i oh ostes wives : ‘ Aiea esate Uistinelea iy : : EG ; ‘ eee: : ; Wey nerbae’ eht' ah) ; F : ; ; ae - te Cras te Pane : a ‘ : , ae ‘ ‘4 - atetie ee ! F : erie : aap y Ne ieee Ais ee : : nae ‘8 3 ’ opie ; : Saks age any rai : re . A fi | i” . Wie epics posta righ 7: a ee “aN a i ey 4 Vee WB ussets gn ie - ui : p ‘ Fe) hoe oe ee in : owe s eds j SE Sea ee yt ve me Ay a baze Aa 5 aed ea oh OY tA Wace ¢ yshis ; : Nees fie Beer Lees Raho taht a " B : Nib 4 ve eu ‘ * 7 sae ark |