^ & C ( ) /3 FOR THE PEOPLE FOR ED VC ATI ON FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY I OF SCIENCE 3 l a l a l E 1 I 5 I = I I I I I § I 5 I a I I I a i a I I I I I i I i I I I I I = I S I I I I a I 4... (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) APRIL, 1939 VOLUME 11 Part I Program of THE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING HUNTINGDON COLLEGE MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA APRIL 14 and 15, 1939 Office of the Editor Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham, Alabama * I ■ I K I a l i i = i i § I 8 I I I i 1 E I a i a a a l a i g i a I i I i I i a 1 i a I i i = i i i i 1 I I a i * ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Program Sixteenth Annual Meeting HUNTINGDON COLLEGE Montgomery, Alabama April 14 and 15, 1939 OFFICERS FOR 1938-1939 President, P. H. Yancey _ _ _ _ Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. President-Elect, George D. Palmer University, Ala. Pice-Presidents and Section Chairmen : E. V. Smith, Biology and Medical Science, ____ _ Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. G. D. Palmer, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, University, Ala. Winnie McGlamEry, Geology, Anthropology and Archeology, _ _ _ Geological Survey of Alabama, University, Ala. J. F. GlaznEr, Industry, Economics and Geography, _ _ _ State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. Secretary, Septima Smith _ 1 _ University, Ala. Treasurer, John Xan . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Councilor of A.A.A.S., J. H. CoulliETTE, _ _ 1 _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Editor of the Journal, E. V. Jones Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. s , o t, ( n: te . « ") ^ GENERAL PROGRAM All Addresses and Section Meetings are open to the public. FRIDAY, APRIL 14 8:30 A.M. REGISTRATION by all members and guests at en¬ trance of Flower’s Hall. Secure tickets for Banquet (Friday, 7:30 P.M.), and register for Saturday trips. 10:30 A.M. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, Room 106, Flower’s Hall. 11:15 A.M. PRELIMINARY BUSINESS MEETING, Chapel, Flower’s Hall. Appointment of Committees, etc. Ad¬ journment until 5 P.M. 12:20 P.M. PHOTOGRAPH of the Academy in front of Flower’s Hall. 12:45-1 :30 P.M. LUNCHEON (Dining Room, Pratt Hall, Price 35 cents.) 1 :45 P.M. SECTION MEETINGS. Papers, discussions, demon¬ strations, election of section chairmen for 1939-1940. DEMONSTRATIONS will be held in Room 204, Bell- ingrath Hall. Section I. Biology and Medical Science, Room 205, Bellingrath Hall. E. V. Smith, Chairman; A. M. Pear¬ son, Secretary. Section II. Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, Room 105, Bellingrath Hall. G. D. Palmer, Chairman ; R. D. Brown, Secretary. Section III. Geology, Anthropology and Archeology, in Haughton Library, Second Floor. Winnie McGlainery, Chairman; Edgar Bowles, Secretary. Section IV. Industry, Economics and Geography, Room 206, Flower’s Hall. J. F. Glazner, Chairman ; J. Allen Tower, Secretary. 1 :30 P.M. ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Registration at Sidney Lanier High School and assign¬ ment to rooms. P. P. B. Brooks, Chairman of arrange¬ ments. 4.00 to 6:00 P.M. TEA for all visiting ladies, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Emigh, 13 College Court. 5:00 P.M. FINAL BUSINESS MEETING, Chapel, Flower’s Hall. Reports of Committees, announcement of Academy grant from A.A.A.S., other business, adjournment. 7:30 P.M. ANNUAL BANQUET (informal), Jefferson Davis Hotel. Haygood Paterson, Toastmaster. Tickets should be purchased when registering. ($1.25 per plate.) 2?6*\ tree 1 4 <1959 8:15 P.M. ANNUAL PUBLIC ADDRESS, Jefferson Davis Ho¬ tel. 9:00 A.M. Address of Welcome: Dr. Hubert Searcy, President, Huntingdon College, Montgomery. Response: Dr. Walter B. Jones, Alabama Department of Conservation, Montgomery. Presidential Address: “Science and the World Crisis”, P. H. Yancey, President of the Academy. Informal Social: Ball Room, Jefferson Davis Hotel. SATURDAY, APRIL 15 SECTION MEETINGS. Section I, Biology and Medical Science, Room 205, Bellingrath Hall. Section IV, Industry, Economics and Geography, Room 206, Flower’s Hall. Other Sections finished programs on Friday. 9:00-12:00 A.M. GEOLOGY FIELD TRIP to Fort Toulouse and We- tumpka will be conducted by Walter B. Jones and J. Y. Bramer. Trip starts promptly from Jefferson Davis Hotel. 12:00 M. LUNCHEON, (Pratt Hall, 35 cents). 2:00 P.M. AFTERNOON TRIPS of various kinds have been ar¬ ranged : State Health Laboratories, U. S. Weather Bu¬ reau, Montgomery Museum, Seeing Montgomery Trip, The Geology Trip (repeated). These trips start from Flower’s Hall. Please register on Friday for trips. N.B. Your promptness at all sessions, trips, etc., will be greatly appreciated. 4 FRIDAY AFTERNOON— 1 :45 SUCTION I. BIOLOGY AND MEDICAL SCIENCE E. V. SMITH, Chairman A. M. PEARSON, Secretary Room 205, Bellingrath Hall 1. REFRIGERATION AS A MEANS FOR IMPROVING THE GER¬ MINATION OF LESPEDEZA SERICEA AND OTHER REFRAC¬ TORY SEEDS. (15 min.) — J. F. Duggar, Ala. Polytechnic Institute. A new leguminous plant, Lcspcdeza sericea, is showing special promise for the production of hay. Untreated seeds germinate very poorly under Southern conditions. A slight degree of refrigeration under varied conditions is under investigation by the author as one of the possible means of improving its germination. A progress report is presented in this paper. 2. HABROBRACON JUGLANDIS (ASHMEAD) AS A SUBJECT FOR RESEARCH AND LABORATORY WORK IN GENETICS. (15 min.) — P. H. Yancey, Spring Hill College. One of the difficulties in carrying on research and laboratory work in genetics, especially in a small college, is the expense and time involved in caring for large numbers of animals. This difficulty finds a happy solution in the employment as a subject of research of the small para¬ sitic wasp, Habrobracon juglandis (Ashmead). It is easy and inex¬ pensive to raise in large numbers, does not require much space, atten¬ tion or equipment and, being parthenogenetic, will show recessive muta¬ tions in males after one generation. It is also very useful for labora¬ tory work because of its short life cycle. Many generations can be studied in a one semester course. 3. “SPREAD WING”, A NEW MUTATION IN HABROBRACON. (Demonstration.) P. H. Yancey, Spring Hill College. 4. THE PREVALENCE OF OXYURIASIS IN TWO. ORPHAN¬ AGES. (10 min.) — C. Brougher, State Dept, of Health, Montgomery. The inmates of two orphanages, totaling 234 individuals, were exam¬ ined for Enterobulis vermicularis infestation. The method of examina¬ tion was by use of the N.I.H. cellophane rectal swab. Four and five swabbings were made in the two institutions respectively with an ap¬ preciable increase in the number of infected individuals detected on each repetition of the swabbing. Of the total of 234 persons examined 88 were found infested with pin worms. Eighty-five of the infested persons were treated with a correction of 77.7 percent. (10 5 5. HEALTH CONDITIONS IN THE NORTH AND SOUTH, min.) — R. M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. Some recent attacks on the South have purported to show, by means of statistics for all races combined, that this is an unhealthy section of the United States. But when the races are separated, southern whites make a better showing than northern whites, and southern negroes than northern negroes, in several respects. 6. FROZEN SECTIONS. (10 min.) — Walter C. Jones, Tenn. Coal, Iron and Railroad Company Hospital, Fairfield. The method of preparing tissues by frozen sections has had a hard struggle for existence for twenty years. It has been severely criticised and even ridiculed, right down to the present year. Its detractors are mostly those who have not had the patience and ingenuity to select proper stains and equipment and to use them thoughtfully. Excellent routine sections can be made quickly and easily and can be preserved readily for at least seAreral months. 6a. RESULTS OF THE USE OF 10 PERCENT SOLUTIONS OF KMn04 AS A REMEDY FOR POISONING BY POISON OAK. (5 min.) — C. M. Farmer, State Teachers College, Troy. Nomination and election of Chairman for 1939-40, other business and recess. 7. .THE EXPERIENCE OF THE ALABAMA STATE DEPART¬ MENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH WITH MALARIA CONTROL ON IMPOUNDED WATERS. (IS min.) — G. H. Hazlehurst, State Dept, of Public Health, Montgomery. The paper points out the general field of malaria, control in Alabama arid defines impounded water control as one phase of the control prob¬ lem. It states the principles, reasons for, and means of control, gives the historical background leading to this activity, and states the results obtained. S. BIOLOGICAL MEASURES IN ANOPHELTNE CONTROL ON IMPOUNDED WATERS. (15 min.) — E. Harold Hinman, Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilson Dam, Ala. Biological control of anopheline breeding upon impounded waters can be made a vital factor in malaria prevention. Proper reservoir clear¬ ance with particular attention to marginal areas, together with neces¬ sary drainage, and wintertime filling, are essential. In reservoir main¬ tenance pool level fluctuation is the most important single factor. Predators undoubtedly exert a marked influence upon anopheline breed¬ ing but their utilization artificially has not been demonstrated to be practicable. Similarly, herbicides, shade or zooprophylactic measures remain unproven. 9. POTENTIALLY EFFECTIVE METHODS IN CONTROLLING MALARIA. (IS min.) — Allan F. Archer, Alabama Museum of Natural History. The ecology of malaria mosquitoes is discussed, and various methods for controlling them are mentioned. Recommendations are made in regard to effective methods for dealing with the mosquitoes and the treatment of human carriers of malaria. 6 10 MALARIA AS A PROBLEM OF REGIONAL WATER CON¬ TROL IN THE TENNESSEE VALLEY. (15 min.) — E. L. Bishop Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Malaria constitutes a serious economic and health problem in the South¬ eastern United States. The TVA, in creating its multi-purpose reser¬ voirs, produced potential breeding grounds of Anopheles quadrimacula- tus, but through recognition of this fact is enabled to prevent the de¬ velopment of actual hazard. The control program is based primarily upon biological methods with resort to larvicides only when such methods are inapplicable. Experiments are being conducted concerning utilization of certain substitute procedures such as screening and chemoprophylaxis. 11. larvicidal work in relation to wildlife conser¬ vation. (15 min.) — C. C. Kiker, Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilson Dam, Alabama. In areas where naturalistic control of anopheline breeding is not ef¬ fective, supplementary measures such as larvicides are utilized. Their use is limited to acute situations, as larvicides are relatively ineffective, expensive and of temporary value. Petroleum oils and Paris green are the larvicides in general use. Our observations in the Valley and elsewhere in Alabama over a period of years have failed to reveal any significant damage to important wildlife. 12. NEED MOSQUITO CONTROL BE INCOMPATIBLE WITH WILD LIFE? (15 min.) — Walter B. Jones, Alabama Dept. Conservation. Present practices of the public health authorities relating to mosquito control are detrimental to the wild life resources of the state. The use of heavy oils destroys fish foods as does the use of various poisons. This practice also kills the natural enemies of mosquito larvae, render¬ ing biological control quite impossible. Present methods of drainage are contributing to the lowering of the ground water table. Other states have found mosquito control to be compatible with wild life — why not Alabama? 13. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF MALARIA CONTROL. 7 FRIDAY AFTERNOON— 1 :45 SECTION II. CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, AND MATHEMATICS G. D. PARMER, Chairman R. D. BROWN, Secretary Room 105, Bellingrath Hall SYMPOSIUM ON THE CHEMISTRY OF THE TVA PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS 1. PROGRESS IN PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS. (25 min.) — R. L. Copson and G. L. Frear, Tennessee Valley Authority. Phosphorus is the key element in the solution of the urgent national problem of maintaining and restoring soil fertility. The trend in ferti¬ lizer manufacture toward more concentrated products is discussed. The economy to the farmer of using concentrated fertilizer is empha¬ sized. 2. SMELTING OF PHOSPPIATE ROCK IN THE ELECTRIC FUR¬ NACE. (25 min.) — R. H. Newton and D. B. Ardern, Tennessee Valley Authority. This paper describes the phosphate deposits of Tennessee. The mining- operation and subsequent processing are given. The chemistry of phos¬ phate smelting in the TVA electric furnaces and the recovery of acid are explained. 3. TVA PROCESSES FOR CONCENTRATED SUPERPHOS¬ PHATE AND METAPHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS. (25 min.) — Grady Tarbutton, Tennessee Valley Authority. TVA has developed processes for producing two fertilizers having- high phosphate content; namely, superphosphate containing 45 to 50 percent P205, and metaphos containing 60 to 68 percent P.,Os. These processes are described. Nomination and election of chairman, 1939-40. 4. FORMULAS FOR GRADUATING CIRCLES AND SPHERES. (10 min.) — J. Sullivan Gibson, State Teachers College, Livingston. Many maps, charts, and graphs now in common use embody circles and spheres graduated so as to represent proportional values. Computing the dimensions for such symbols involves division and/or multiplica¬ tion, and root extraction. Simple mathematical formulae reduce all computations in a given problem to a single slide rule operation, thus enabling an operator to perform a hundred or more computations per hour. 8 5. THE PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF MESITYL OXIDE. (20 min.) — B. F. Clark, Birmingham-Southern College. A thorough investigation has been made of the physical properties of mesityl oxide in an effort to clear up several discrepancies occurring in the literature. Boiling point, melting point, refractive index, mole¬ cular refraction, density, viscosity, surface tension, parachor, and solu¬ bility will be reported. 6. THE INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN IONS ON THE OXIDATION POTENTIAL OF GLUTATHIONE. (15 min.) — John Xan, Howard College. The effect of the ions of the blood stream on the oxidation potential of glutathione has been studied. Phosphate ions increase the negative potential of glutathione. Other ions such as K+, Na+, Mg++, CL, Ca++, and SO=4 are apparently without effect. 9 FRIDAY AFTERNOON— 1 :45 SECTION III. GEC )L( )GY, ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHEOLOGY WINNIE McGLAMERY, Chairman EDGAR BOWLES, Secretary Haughton Library, Second Floor 1. CLIMATE OF THE TENNESSEE VALLEY IN ALABAMA. (10 min.) — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. The salient features of the climate of the Tennessee Valley portion of Alabama will be illustrated by graphs for temperature and rainfall, and a few statistics. 2. RAINFALL IN ALABAMA. (15 min.) . — Eugene D. Emigh, Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. This paper will deal with the geographic distribution and seasonal characteristics of precipitation in Alabama, with special attention to the division of the State into three climatic zones known as the North¬ ern Division, the Middle Division and the Southern Division . 3. HAIL-STONES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO DISTURB¬ ANCES OF SUCH CHARACTER OCCURRING IN ALABAMA. (15 min.) — Patrick H. Smyth, Meteorologist (Retired). Fortunately destructive hail-storms are not of frequent occurrence in Alabama, and are, as a rule, mostly local in character. A careful examination of records dating back to 1832, in which year there were destructive hail-storms throughout the State, shows that they also oc¬ curred locally in 1857, 1884, 1920, and 1928. The hail-storm of 1928 was the most destructive of its type ever to occur in Alabama. This paper also treats of the causes of frost, sleet, and other more or less related phenomena. 4. VARIATIONS WITH DEPTH AT HOG MOUNTAIN GOLD MINE. (10 min.) — R. S. Poor, Birmingham Southern College. This paper concerns certain new facts discovered as this mine was pushed farther into the intrusive. Reasons for discontinuance of op¬ erations will be discussed. Extensive collections of specimens on all levels serve as the basis for textural studies. Surface studies have delimited the extension of the intrusive. 10 5. TALLAPOOSA ART. (20 min.) (Lantern) — Peter A. Brannon, Alabama Department of Archives and History. The purpose of this paper, illustrated with lantern slides, is to show a rather distinctive, characteristic execution, a technique practically applied, of an art concept of the people of the lower Tallapoosa River Valley. The designs are similar to illustrated figures, largely conven¬ tional in type, found at points in the Tennessee River Valley, along the Chattahoochee and in the Alabama and Tombigbee Basins, though there is a localization which must be admitted. 6. RECENT SEISMIC ACTIVITY IN WESTERN OHIO. (15 min.) (Lantern) ■ — -A. J. Westland, Department of Geophysics, St. Louis University. Perhaps the earth in the Great Lakes Region is even now springing back in desultory jerks — -recovering from the glacial compression of Pleistocene time. Possibly the Ohio River flood accelerated the snap- back process. At any rate the earthquakes of March 2 and March 9, 1937, give ample evidence that Western Ohio is still quite active seis- mically. 7. BENTONITE IN SOUTHERN ALABAMA. (10 min.) — Edgar Bowles, Geological Survey of Alabama. A new discovery of bentonite has been made in the Eocene deposits of Clarke County. Bentonite has been known in the Paleozoic strata of northern Alabama for many years, but the Clarke County occur¬ rence is the first of economic importance to be recorded. Production began last year and is increasing rapidly. Petrographic studies of this bentonite prove it to consist of almost pure montmorillonite (volcanic ash) clearly showing relict volcanic structure. 8. THE GEOLOGY OF THE MONTGOMERY DISTRICT. (10 min.) - — Walter B. Jones, State Geologist of Alabama. Montgomery is located in the Cretaceous belt of the Coastal Plain, with the crystallines some twelve to fifteen miles to the northward. The Cretaceous, including from top to bottom, the Ripley, Selma, Eutaw and Tuscaloosa formations, extends in easterly-westerly direction, over¬ lapping the crystallines. Near Wetumpka. there is a series of very interesting block faults, where Eutaw and Selma blocks have settled into Tuscaloosa and crystallines (Ashland Schist) alike. 11 SATURDAY MORNING— 9:00 SECTION I. BIOLOGY AND MEDICAL SCIENCE E. V. SMITH, Chairman A. M. PEARSON, Secretary Room 205, Bellingrath Hall 1. WATER SOLUBLE GROWTH SUBSTANCES IN PLANTS. (15 min.) — J. R. Jackson, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Organic substances elaborated in the growing tips of plants are effec¬ tive in inhibiting and development, initiating root development and per¬ mitting phototropic responses. Synthetic compounds are also effective. Vitamin complexes (especially B,) are essential to the growth of certain fungi and green plants. 2. GROWTH OF EXCISED PLANT PARTS. (Demonstration) — Coyt Wilson, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Excised embryos and root tips of some plants can be grown in a dilute mineral solution containing a sugar such as glucose. In some plants at least, it is possible to maintain these excised plant parts indefinitely by transferring a portion of the growing tip to fresh solutions at wcekly or bi-monthly intervals. Water soluble growth substances are neces¬ sary for the prolonged growth of the excised plant part. This. method offers possibilities in studying respiration, temperature reaction, inor¬ ganic and organic nutrition, correlation, polarity, hormone action, in¬ fection, and tissue invasion by pathogenic organisms. 3. SELF-STERILITY IN BSCHSCHOLTZIA CALI FORMIC A CHAM. (10 min.) — Alvin V. Beatty, University of Alabama. • Several inheritable factors are involved in the production of self-steril¬ ity in the California poppy. One of these factors has been isolated and the mode of inheritance has been determined. The time at which this factor operates and the manner in which it causes sterility has been ascertained. 4. PHOTOPERIODISM AND ITS APPLICATION TO SOUTHERN FLORICULTURE. (15 min.) Charts and Slides. — E. W. McElwee, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Commercial florists in other sections are now controlling the dates of flowering of certain greenhouse crops by using photoperiodic treat¬ ments to insure a continuous supply of flowers, to avoid periods of oversupply, and to eliminate inferior crops. Because of climatic differ¬ ences, however, the photoperiodic treatments used in other sections have not produced comparable results under southern conditions. New or modified photoperiodic treatments that have been worked out for southern conditions will be reported. 12 5. BREEDING BETTER VEGETABLES FOR ALABAMA GAR¬ DENS. (15 min.) — Keith C. Barrons, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Au¬ burn, Alabama. Scientific plant breeding work is in progress at the Alabama Agricul¬ tural Experiment Station for the purpose of developing new varieties of vegetables especially adapted to southern conditions. A new^ pole bean introduced last year under the name of “Alabama No. 1’ has proved very outstanding in tests all over the State. It is resistant to root-knot and rust and possesses the ability to yield fairly well under conditions of poor soil and drouth where common varieties practically fail. 6. UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE TRAINING IN WILD LIFE MANAGEMENT (15 min.— Charts.) — F. S. Arant, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The increased interest in wildlife conservation during the past few years has developed a definite need for well trained leaders to direct wildlife work, both professionally and as an avocation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the course work and type of training needed by undergraduate and graduates interested in wildlife. The undergradu¬ ate prerequisites for graduate study in wildlife at Auburn will be pre¬ sented. 7. THE MOLLUSCAN POPULATION OF OLD GULLIES IN WEST ALABAMA. (10 min.) — Allan F. Archer, Alabama Museum of Natural History. A study of old gullies in sample areas, Clarke and Tuscaloosa Coun¬ ties in west Alabama, was undertaken in order to determine whether or not Mollusca have become established in them. There is a certain similarity in the molluscan communities of the two areas. A total of nineteen species are recorded from the combined areas. 8. ROLE OF PLANKTON IN FISH PRODUCTION. (15 min.) — E. V. Smith and H. S. Swingle, Ala. Agr. Expr. Station, Auburn. Minute free-floating plants and animals constitute the plankton of bodies of water and form the basic food supply for fish. Phytoplank¬ ton is eaten directly by few species of fish — gold fish, golden shiners, and shad. It is eaten by dipterous larvae which are eaten by bream, small crappie, and bass. Most of it is decomposed by bacteria which are eaten by zooplankton which form a major item of the diet of young pan and game fish. 9. FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH OF FISFI. ' (15 min.) — H. S. Swingle and E. V. Smith, Ala. Agr. Exp. Station, Auburn. A body of water under a given set of conditions can and normally will support a certain weight of fish. Food and crowding are limiting factors for fish growth in most waters (pollution of streams must be considered in industrial areas). Under natural conditions the weight of fish is in equilibrium with the food supply and the best way to get bigger fish is to increase the food supply; adding more fish will fre¬ quently result in smaller fish. Results of experiments dealing with increased fish production are reported. 13 10. THE SEROLOGICAL TYPES OF PNEUMOCOCCI IN 331 SUS¬ PECTED CASES OF LOBAR PNEUMONIA. (10 min.) — S. R. Damon, State Dept, of Health, Montgomery. During 1938 three hundred thirty-one sputa from suspected cases of lobar pneumonia were sent to the laboratories of the State Department of Health for typing. Examined by the Neufeld technique 184 of the sputa showed pneumococci that gave a Quellung reaction. Type I was the most commonly occurring type of organism and was almost exactly twice as prevalent as any other type. Types VII, VIII and III were the next most common. Twenty-three of the recognized 30 serological types were encountered during the year. 11. OBSERVATIONS ON THE NESTING HABITS OF THE MOURNING DOVE. (10 min.) — A. M. Pearson, Alabama Coop. Wildlife Research Unit. The material presented will concern the nesting habits of Mourning- Doves, especially in Alabama. A series of lantern slides will be used to illustrate nesting sites and development of the young. 12. NOTES ON ALABAMA SNAKES (12 min.) (Opaque projection) —Geo. C. Moore, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. This paper will treat briefly the snakes that are found in Alabama with their distribution within the state. Of particular interest will be the discussion of the extended range of the western subspecies of the pigmy rattler ( Sistrurus miliarins streckeri ) ; and the discussion of a new representative of the genus Matrix that has recently been collected near Auburn, Alabama. Some of the chief differences between poi¬ sonous and non poisonous snakes will be illustrated by photographs. 13. THE PACKAGE BEE AND QUEEN BEE INDUSTRY. (12 min.) — J. M. Robinson, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Producing package bees and queen bees in the southern states and California has developed into a large business. Such bees and queens are used; by honey producers, for the collection of nectar; by fruit growers and vegetable growers for the cross pollenization of fruit and vegetable flowers in northern United States and Canada. 14. NATURE STUDY IN THE HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM. (10 min.) — Henry G. Good, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Nature study should be emphasized in the high school curriculum. The majority of the high school students do not attend college, so they should be given the opportunity to know the common native plants and animals of the state and to appreciate the conservation movement. More emphasis to the training of the biology teacher should be given by the colleges through adaptive course work with reference to identi¬ fication, habit and habitat of our native life. 14 SATURDAY MORNING— 9:00 SECTION IV. INDUSTRY, ECONOMICS AND GEOGRAPHY J. F. GLAZNER, Chairman J. ALLEN TOWER, Secretary Room 206, Flower’s Hall 1. POPULATION TRENDS IN ALABAMA. (15 min.) — J. Allen Tower, Birmingham-Southern College. In an analysis of land utilization and its problems in Alabama, one method of approach is to analyze the settlement record. This paper presents and analyzes the distribution of population in 1930 (map) and the shifts from 1910 to 1930 (map). It thus reveals certain trends and danger spots. 2. MARKETING ALABAMA FARM PRODUCTS. (20 min.) — Luther Fuller, Farm Products Agent, T. C. I. & R. R. Co. This paper presents a practical discussion of the problems involved in the marketing of Alabama farm products, and relates to available and possible markets, trade requirements, grading, packing, processing plants and opportunities in Alabama to increase the farmers’ income. 3. POSSIBLE METHODS FOR INCREASING THE CONSUMP¬ TION OF COTTON AND ITS BY-PRODUCTS. (15 min.) desk space. — C. A. Basore and A. R. Macormac, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Cotton is used extensively in the Textile Industry where it comes in competition with linen, wool and silk. It is also an important source of cellulose. The consumption of cotton depends largely upon what can be accomplished in these two fields. There are reasons for thinking that if cotton is subjected to an inten¬ sive research program it may partly or wholly replace rayon, linen, wool or silk. As a source of cellulose cotton comes in competition with cheap paper pulp. Hence it is necessary to determine in what respects cotton is different from other sources of cellulose and then develop these differences. Some thirty-five possible research problems are given stressing these two lines of attack. 4. WHAT DOES INDUSTRY MEAN TO THE SOUTH? (20 min.) — W. D. Moore, American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham. A presentation of some of the major benefits and problems of Southern Industry, with particular reference to the cast iron pipe industry, whose normal annual production is valued at $50,000,- 000.00. Approximately 60% of the cast iron pipe manufactured in the United States is produced in the South, altho 85% to 90% of this production is shipped to other territory. Only 10% to 15% is consumed in the South. 15 The reasons why industries will locate and remain in the South are brought out. Industry is mobile. The general problem of bringing more industry to the South and keeping it in the South will be discussed. 5. COAL: ALABAMA’S PROBLEM INDUSTRY. (15 min.) — R. S. Poor, Birmingham-Southern College. In addition to the well-known statistics of the coal industry in Alabama this paper will discuss many less well-known geologic conditions af¬ fecting the industry. 6. THE WESTERN BLACK BELT: ITS GEOGRAPHIC STATUS. (15 min.) — J. Sullivan Gibson, State Teachers College, Livingston. Four western Alabama counties — Sumter, Marengo, Greene, and Hale — together with a fragmentary periphery, form a typical cross-section of the western Black Belt, the area with which this paper deals. As its major theme tne discussion treats the character of land use as related to the tremendous bi-racial problem facing the region. Crude farm- methods and severe land abuse, associated with negro tenantry and the antipathy for manual labor on the part of most white farmers, cannot escape notice. 7. SIGNIFICANCE OF BACHELORS AND SPINSTERS. — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. Most people marry sooner or later, but the proportion who never do varies considerably at different times and places. The percent of bach¬ elors and spinsters in the white population of each state, from 1890 to 1930, and in certain cities, will be illustrated by graphs, and the sig¬ nificance of the geographical differences pointed out. 16 PROGRAM OF THE JUNIOR ACADEMY SESSIONS: SIDNEY LANIER HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1939 1 :30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 3 :00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Registration at Sidney Lanier High School and assignment to rooms. Registration fee, 25c. Arrangements of exhibits. Business Meeting of all Officers, Sponsors, Counselors, and Delegates. Inspection of Exhibits. Sightseeing Trips. Annual Banquet. Entertainment Program (55 cents per plate). SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1939 8:30 A.M. Inspection of Exhibits, Sidney Lanier High School. 9 :00 A.M. Seating of Delegates. Business meeting. 9 :30 A.M. Presentation of Papers. Presentation of Awards. PAPERS PRESENTED 1. The Design and Construction of Aircraft _ Walter Cornelius Shades-Cahaba High School 2. Soil-less Plants _ _ _ _ Winnefred O’Dell West End High School 3. Eugenics and the Future _ _ .Charles Boyd Tuscaloosa County High School 4. The Insulin Harmone _ _ _ _ _ ... Reddin S. Sugg Lee County High School 5. Phosphorescence and Fluorescence _ Billy Smith Woodlawn High School 6. My Flobby: Taxidermy - Thomas Duncan Head Sidney Lanier High School 7. To be announced - ... _ _ _ Mary Parkman Seale High School 8. Evolution of the Pituitary Gland - ^.....Julian Wyrosdick Coffee County High School 9. Bio-Chemistry _ _ _ _ _ _ Murphy High School 10. Amateur Taxidermy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doodie Bettis Convent of Mercy 11. Pipe Making in the World’s Largest Plant _ ... Mildred Dables Hueytown High School 12. The Weather Observatory of St. Bernard—. James Harris St. Bernard High School 13. Typical Amateur Radio Station _ _ E. C. Pritchard Phillips High School 14. Synthetic Chemistry......... _ _ _ _ Edith Binner Mortimer Jordan High School OFFICERS OF THE JUNIOR ACADEMY— 1938-1939 Troy, Alabama Vice-President, JANE FRAZIER _ West End High School Birmingham, Alabama Seale, Alabama Treasurer, ROBERT McNUTT _ Shades-Cahaba High School Birmingham, Alabama Acting Permanent Counselor, JAMES L. KASSNER _ _ _ _ _ _ University of Alabama University, Alabama Counselor to President, J. H. STARLING _ Troy High School Troy, Alabama Local Chairman, P. P. B. BROOKS _ Sidney Lanier High School Montgomery, Alabama CHAPTER MEMBERS OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 1. Lee County High School _ Auburn 2. Baldwin County High School _ - _ Bay Minette 3. Bishop Toolen High School _ Mobile 4. Coffee County High School _ Enterprise 5. Convent of Mercy Academy _ . _ Mobile 6. Butler County High School _ Greenville 7. DeKalb County High School _ Fort Payne 8. Ensley High School— _ _ Ensley 9. Fairfield High School _ _ _ Fairfield 10. Hanceville High School _ Hanceville 11. Hazlewood High School _ Town Creek 12. Hueytown High School _ , _ Bessemer 13. Minor High School _ iil^Ensley 14. Montgomery County High School _ Rarner 15. Mortimer Jordan High School _ _ _ Morris 16. Mount Hope High School— _ Mount Hope 17. Murphy High School _ __ _ Mobile 18. Phillips High School _ ... _ Birmingham 19. Ramsay Tech High School _ _ _ Birmingham 20. Seale High School _ Seale 21. Selma High School _ Selma 22. Shades-Cahaba High School _ Birmingham 23. , Tuscaloosa County High School _ Northport 24. Tuscaloosa Senior High School _ Tuscaloosa 25. Visitation High School _ Mobile 26. West End High School _ Birmingham 27. Woodlawn High School— _ Birmingham 28. Troy High School _ Troy NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 77th Street & Central Park West NEW YORK, N. Y. *■- I ■ -•4* THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) JUNE, 1939 VOLUME 11 Part II Proceedings and Abstracts of THE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING HUNTINGDON COLLEGE MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA APRIL 14 and 15, 1939 Office of the Editor Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham, Alabama 1 THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) JUNE, 1939 VOLUME 11 Part II Proceedings and Abstracts of THE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING HUNTINGDON COLLEGE MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA APRIL 14 and 15, 1939 Office of the Editor Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham, Alabama TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officers of the Academy _ . _ 3 General Program of the Montgomery Meeting _ 4 Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting _ 5 Minutes of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting _ _ _ 6 Reports of Committees and Officers — The Treasurer’s Report _ 9 Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S _ 9 Report of the Counselor of the Junior Academy _ 11 Report of the Editor of the Journal _ 12 Annual Presidential Address _ 13 Abstracts of Papers at 1939 Meeting — Section I — Biology and Medical Sciences _ 19 Section II — Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics _ 34 Section III — Geology, Anthropology and Archeology.. 39 Section IV — Industry, Economics and Geography _ 43 The Alabama Junior Academy of Science — Junior Academy Officers for 1938-1939 _ 48 High Schools and Delegates at Troy Meeting _ 48 Winners of Senior Academy Certificates _ 48 Treasury Report for Junior Academy _ 49 Members of Alabama Academy of Science _ 49 Associate Members.! _ 53 ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OFFICERS FOR 1939-1940 President, George D. Palmer _ _ _ University, Ala. President-Elect , C. M. Farmer _ State Teachers College, Troy, Ala. Vice-Presidents and Section Chairmen: S. R. Damon, Biology and Medical Science _ - Alabama State Department of Health, Montgomery, Ala. I. M. Hostetter, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics _ _ _ - Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. A. J. Westland, Geology, Anthropology and Archeology _ _ _ _ Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala, E. D. Emigh, Industry, Economics and Geography _ _ _ - - - - Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. Secretary, Septima C. Smith _ _ _ University, Ala. Treasurer, John Xan _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Councilor of A.A.A.S., J. H. Coulliette _ _ - Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Editor of the Journal, E. V. Jones _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. PAST PRESIDENTS Wright A. Gardner (2 terms) _ _ Auburn . . .....1924-1926 Stewart J. Lloyd _ _ _ University _ .....1926-1927 John R. Sampey Howard College .1927-1928 Walter C. Jones _ Birmingham _ —1928-1929 Freti Allison _ _ Auburn _ _ 1929-1930 Emmett B. Carmichael _ University . . ...... 1930-1931 George J. Fertig _ .. Birmingham _ ...1931-1932 J. F. Duggar .... _ Auburn _ ......1932-1933 J. L. Brakefield— . . _ Howard College _ ...... 1933-1934 R. S. Poor . Birmingham-Southern College _ _ 1934-1935 A. G. Overton .. ..Alabama By-Products Corp _ ...... 1935-1936 Walter B. Jones _ _ University _ _ ......1936-1937 Roger W. Allen . . _ _ _ Auburn _ ......1937-1938 P. H. Yancey... _ _ ... Spring Hill College, Mobile — . _ ......1938-1939 GENERAL PROGRAM FRIDAY, APRIL 14-15 8:30 A.M. REGISTRATION at entrance of Flower’s Hall. Secure tickets for Banquet and register for trips. 10:30 A.M. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, Room 106, Flower’s Hall. 11:15 A.M. PRELIMINARY BUSINESS MEETING, Chapel, Flower’s Hall. Appointment of Committees, etc. Ad¬ journment until 5 P.M. 12:20 P.M. PHOTOGRAPH of the Academy in front of Flower’s Hall. 12:45-1:30 P.M. LUNCHEON (Dining Room, Pratt Hall, Price 35 cents.) 1 :30 P.M. ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. Registration at Sidney Lanier High School and assign¬ ment to rooms. P. P. B. Brooks, Chairman of arrange¬ ments. 1 :45 P.M. SECTION MEETINGS. Papers, discussions, demon¬ strations, election of section chairmen for 1939-1940. DEMONSTRATIONS Room 204, Bellingrath Hall. 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. TEA for all visiting ladies, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Emigh, 13 College Court. 5:00 P.M. FINAL BUSINESS MEETING, Chapel, Flower’s Hall. 7:30 P.M. ANNUAL BANQUET (informal), Jefferson Davis Hotel. Haygood Paterson, Toastmaster. (Plate $1.25.) 8:15 P.M. ANNUAL PUBLIC ADDRESS, Jefferson Davis Hotel. Address of Welcome: Dr. Hubert Searcy, President, Huntingdon College, Montgomery. Response: Dr. Walter B. Jones, Alabama Department of Conservation, Montgomery. Presidential Address: “Science and the World Crisis”, P. H. Yancey, President of the Academy. Moving Picture: Walter B. Jones, Montgomery. Informal Social: Ball Room, Jefferson Davis Hotel. SATURDAY, APRIL 15 9:00 A.M. SECTION MEETINGS'. 9:00-12:00 A.M. GEOLOGY FIELD TRIP to Fort Toulouse and We- tumpka will be conducted by Walter B. Jones and J. Y. Brame. Trip starts promptly from Jefferson Davis Hotel. 2:00 P.M. AFTERNOON TRIPS: State Health Laboratories, U. S. Weather Bureau, Montgomery Museum, Seeing Mont¬ gomery Trip, The Geology Trip (repeated). These trips start from Flower’s Hall. 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, APRIL 14, 1939 The meeting was called to order at 10:30 A M. by P. H. Yancey, Presi¬ dent of the Academy, in Room 106, Flower’s Hall. 1. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive Committee held at State Teachers College, Troy, April 8, 1938, were read by the Secretary. They were approved as read. 2. Treasurer’s Report: John Xan, Treasurer, postponed his full re¬ port until the first business meeting, but moved that at all times hereafter both President and Treasurer approve all bills in advance of their being made. Seconded by R. S. Poor. Passed. 3. Report of the Councilor of the A. A. AS.: J. H. Coulliette, Coun¬ cilor of the A.A.A.S., delayed his annual report until the first business ses¬ sion. He moved, however, that the President appo nt a committee to secure money from the Legislature or from some other source, in order that the Journal may print in full worth-while research papers. This is in accord¬ ance with what is being done in other Academies, and what was suggested at the last Council meeting of the A.A.A.S. in Richmond. Seconded by E. V. Jones. Discussion as follows: P. H. Yancey thought he knew a legislator who would introduce such a bill R. S. Poor inquired about the necessity of incorporation by the Academy in order that it might receive the money. J. F. Duggar, Sr. wondered as to the advisability of such a project at this time. G. D. Palmer questioned whether it was worth-while for the Academy to publish articles in full in the Journal since, under the present arrangement of publishing abstracts only, full-length articles on the same research can be published in other journals of wider distribution. J. L. Brakefield expressed the opinion that such papers as our Journal would publish would not receive recognition by national journals. He recommends the use of the Journal for the publication of “first” papers, i.e. of initial efforts of “youngsters” to encourage them to do further research. Editor Jones feels that the Journal as well as the A.A.S. should enter upon a pe¬ riod of expansion and greater activity, with the President a working mem¬ ber, and cites the progress of other young academies. To this end he moved ♦ he appointment by the incoming President of three additional committees, namely, the a. Committee on the Promoting of Membership and the Activities of the Academy (seconded by J. L. Brakefield). b. Committee on Research (seconded by John Xan). c. Publications Committee to consist of an Editorial Board, which will aid the Editor in the publication of the Journal. Vote on the last-named was deferred until the final business meeting. The original motion was now voted upon, passed in Executive Meeting, and approved for presentation to the Academy at their final business meeting. 4. Report f rom E. V. Jones, Editor of the Journal : The Editor re¬ quests prompt and early reports of programs and details of meeting for future publication. Annual report postponed until preliminary business meeting. 5. Report of the Acting Permanent Counselor to the Junior Academy: James L. Kassner, Acting Permanent Counselor to the Junior Academy, reported as follows : a. That action on the report of the Special Committee on the Junior Academy with reference to the proposed amendments to the constitution 6 and by-laws of the Junior Academy, tabled from last year, be again post¬ poned. b. That the President appoint a Committee of the Senior Academy to Promote the Interest of the Junior Academy. Seconded by E. V. Jones. Motion carried. J. H. Coulliette moved that the Counselors to the Junior Academy select one girl and one boy from that group to be recommended as Honor¬ ary Junior Members of the A.A.A.S. Seconded by R. S. Poor. Motion car¬ ried. The President and the Secretary of the Junior Academy had been appointed to the honor by the Academy President this year. 6. Adjournment : At the end of business and upon motion of Roger W. Allen, the meeting adjourned. MINUTES OF THE PRELIMINARY BUSINESS MEETING The meeting was called to order by P. H. Yancey, President of the Academy, at 11 : 1 5 A.M. in the Chapel of Flower’s Hall. 1. Minutes : The minutes of the previous preliminary business meet¬ ing held at State Teachers College, Troy, April 8, 1938, were read by the Secretary. They were approved as read. 2. Reports of the Standing Committees : a. Committee on the Academy Award: This committee was com¬ posed of the president-elect, George D. Palmer, and the four vice-presi¬ dents, chairman of their respective sections, including George D. Palmer, Willie McGlamery, J. F. Glazner and E. V. Smith. The Academy Award from the A.A.A.S'. for the coming year was given to J. Allen Tower, Assistant Professor of Geography, Birmingham-Southern College, for “Preparation of an Atlas of Alabama and a Geography of Alabama.” b. Charter Membership Committee : Peter A. Brannon, chairman, an¬ nounced that certain facts had already been acquired by the committee, but the report was still incomplete. J. F. Duggar, Sr., moved and R. S. Poor seconded a motion, that the committee be continued. It was so or¬ dered. Mr. Brannon received certain additional information from the as¬ sembled company. c. Councilor of the A.A.A.S. : J. H. Coulliette, Councilor of the A.A.A.S., read his annual report. Report appended. It was moved by Walter C. Jones, seconded by C. M. Farmer that the report be accepted. Motion carried. d. Editor of the Journal : E. V. Jones, Editor of the Journal, made his annual report. In order to avoid late appearance of the Journal, he recommends prompt forwarding of section programs. He urges expan¬ sion and intensification of the work of the Academy in order to measure up to other Academies. Peter E. Brannon moved, J. H. Coulliette sec¬ onded the acceptance of this report. It was so ordered. Report appended. e. Treasurer: John Xan, Treasurer, presented his report for the fiscal year. This was referred to the Auditing Committee, to be reported back to the Academy at the final business meeting. f. Acting Permanent Counselor of the Junior Academy: James L. Kassner, Acting Permanent Counselor of the Junior Academy, presented his report. It was moved by E. V. Jones, seconded by A. J. Westland, that the report be accepted. It was so ordered. Report retained for forwarding later. 3. Appointment of Committees : The following committees were ap¬ pointed by the President and requested to report at the 5 :00 o’clock Busi¬ ness Meeting. 7 a. Auditing Committee : (a) for the Senior Academy: R. S. Poor, chairman, C. M. Farmer and Thomas A. Wood, (b) for the Junior Academy: John Xan, Chairman, and James L. Kassner. b. Resolutions Committee: Roger Allen, chairman, W. F. Abercrom¬ bie and Margaret Hess. c. Committee on Meeting Place for 1940: A. J. Westland, chairman, James L. Brakefield, G. F. Barnes. d. Nominating Committee : Walter B. Jones, chairman; J. F. Dug- gar and B. F. Clark. Officers to be elected: President-elect, Councilor of the A.A.A.S'. for one year ; Editor of the Journal for three years. Section chairmen were reminded to have their respective sections select their chair¬ men for the coming year. Each chairman selects his own secretary during the year. 4. Presentation of Shingles : The Secretary presented shingles of mem¬ bership to those who had joined at the last regular session. New members will receive their shingles at or before the next meeting. Thanks are due to Miss Christine Adcock for the art work on the shingles. 5. Announcements : Harry C. Heath, Peter A. Brannon, E. D. Emigh, members of the local entertainment committee, made various announce¬ ments regarding registration, the Tea, the banquet and sightseeing trips. Mr. Emigh moved that a committee be appointed for the promotion of interest in meteorology and climatology in the state. Roger Allen seconded this motion. Motion carried. 6. Adjournment : Following the completion of the business, the meet¬ ing adjourned until 5:00 p.m. MINUTES OF THE FINAL BUSINESS MEETING The final business meeting was called to order at 5 :00 P.M. in the Chapel, Flower’s Hall, by P. H. 'Yancey, President. The reading of the min¬ utes of the previous final business session held at State Teachers College, Troy, April 8, 1938, was, by popular acclamation, dispensed with. They were approved without being read. Reports of the standing committees : 1. Auditing Committee for the Senior Academy : C. M. Farmer re¬ ported as follows for the chairman, R. S'. Poor, who had been called away: “We, your committee, on auditing the Treasurer’s books, find report and books correct and in order. Since the last bank balance was made in April, 1935, we recommend that the book be balanced at an early date.” J. Allen Tower moved and B. F. Clark seconded adoption of the report. It was so ordered. Report appended. 2. Auditing Committee for the Junior Academy: John Xan an¬ nounced that he and James L. Kassner, members of the committee, would give this report by mail. 3. Resolutions Committee : Report of the committee was made and its adoption moved by Margaret Hess, member, reporting for Roger W. Allen, the absentee chairman. It was adopted. 4. Committee on Place of 1940 Meeting : The committee reported through A. J. Westland, chairman, that one invitation had been received, namely, from Birmingham-Southern College, through R S Poor, and recommended its acceptance. Walter B. Jones moved, and W. C. Jones seconded the motion to accept this invitation. It was so ordered. 5. Committee for the Nomination of Officers, 1940: W. B. Jones, chairman, read the report of the nominating committee which was as fol¬ lows : President (Elect of last year) : George D. Palmer, University. President-Elect: C. M. Farmer, State Teachers College, Troy. 8 Councilor of the A.A.A.S.: J. H. Coulliette, Birmingham-Southern College, re-elected for one year. Editor of the Journal : E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College, re¬ elected for three years. The Treasurer, John Xan, Howard College, is retained for another two years. The Secretary, Septima C. Smith, University of Alabama, has one more year. As there were no nominations from the floor, it was moved by Peter A. Brannon and seconded by J. Allen Tower, that the Secretary be in¬ structed to cast the vote for the above nominations. It was so ordered. 6. Nominations of Section Chairmen : Section I. Biology and Medical Sciences: Samuel Reed Damon, Alabama State Department of Health, Mont¬ gomery. Section II. Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics: Ingomar M. Hostetter, Howard College. Section III. Geology, Anthropology and Archeology: A. J. Westland, Spring Hill College. Section IV. Industry, Economics and Geography : E. D. Emigh, Weather Bureau, Montgomery. All of the above nominations were accepted at the business meeting. 7. Proposal of Three New Committees : The formation of three new committees, suggested at the Executive Meeting in the morning by E. V. Jones, were now brought forward for the approval of the Academy. They are to be appointed by the incoming President. a. Committee on the Promoting of Membership and the Activities of the Academy : This committee is to serve the function of enlarging the scope of the Academy. Moved by J. L. Brake! ield, seconded by Walter B. Jones. Committee approved. b. Committee on Research : Moved by E. V. Jones, seconded by John Xan. Discussed by W. B. Jones, W. C. Jones and J. H. Coulliette Com¬ mittee approved. W. B. Jones moved and Jerry Bowles seconded the mo¬ tion, that the Committee on Grants-In-Aid be instructed to aid this new committee. Motion carried. c. Publications Committee: This committee to serve as an Editorial Board to assist the Editor in publications. Moved by G. F. Barnes, sec¬ onded by John Xan. Committee approved. 8. Committee on Junior Academy : John Xan moved, E. V. Jones seconded, that the Committee on the Junior Academy as well as the Acting- Permanent Counselor of the Junior Academy be retained for one more year. Motion carried. 9. Secretary’s Proposal: In order to facilitate editorial and publicity efforts, and the more accurate and timely distribution of information in advance of annual meetings, the Secretary moved, seconded by J. F. Dug- gar, Sr., that two carbon copies of the section programs, the original of which is sent to the Editor for the printed program, be sent at the same time to the Secretary who, in turn, will forward one to the Chairman of Local Arrangements. The latter is to be responsible for ,A.ssociated Press, United Press and local publicity. The secretary will retain one copy for distribution of information as required. Motion carried. The technique of requesting dues from the members by the Treasurer was also discussed and left to the discretion and tact of the Treasurer. 10. Section on Climatology: E .D. Emigh moved, J. F. Glazner sec¬ onded the motion, that papers in Climatology and Meteorology hereafter 9 be assembled in a group and given in connection with Section IV. To this end Mr. Emigh urged the co-operation of all members interested along these lines. 11. Committee to Secure Funds from the Legislature : J. H. Coul- liette moved and Ingomar M. Hostetter seconded the motion, that the incom¬ ing president appoint a committee to obtain funds from the state legislature, about $400.00 to $500.00 a year, for extending the scope of the Journal and for the publication of full-length papers. It was intimated that one legislator might be persuaded to present such a bill. S. R. Damon questions the value of publishing papers in full — fears they will not be full enough. J. F. Dug- gar, S'r., recommends that the President appoint a committee to study the problem of the publication of long papers. A. J. Westland urges a con¬ tinuation of effort toward the publication of full-length papers. J. H. Coulliette approves the publication of papers in full. Original motion lost. 12. Adjournment : Upon the completion of business, and following the expressions of appreciation by the President for the cooperation of his officers and of the Academy members, the meeting adjourned. Over eighty members and a number of visitors registered. SEPTIMA C. SMITH, Secretary. TREASURER’S REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 14, 1939 RECEIPTS Balance on hand April 7, 1938 _ _ 210.21 Membership fees, reprints, and journal files _ _ 301.48 301.48 511.69 DISBURSEMENTS Septima Smith (89) postage and shingles _ 6.48 G. G. Carlson (90) _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.77 G. W. Hargreaves (91) _ _ 1.65 Birmingham Printing Co. (92) _ _ Journal Part 1, Part 2, and reprints.... _ _ _ _ 198.78 E. V. Jones (93) Editor’s Expenses _ _ _ _ _ 11.75 E. V. Jones (94) Editor’s Expenses _ _ _ .46 Birmingham Printing Co. (95) . . . . . . . . Stationary and Abstracts Form _ 17.74 G. D. Palmer (96) Postage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.00 243.63 Balance _ _ _ _ _ 268.06 JOHN XAN, Treasurer. Audited and approved. R. S'. POOR, Chairman Auditing Committee. T. A. WOOD, C. M. FARMER. REPORT OF THE COUNSELOR OF THE A.A.A.S. The Academy Conference met at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Virginia, on Tuesday, December 27, 1938. The program consisted of the following papers : 10 First, “A Survey of State Academies Affiliated with the A.A.A.S.”-' W. H. Schoewe, Kansas Academy of Science. Second, “Objectives of the Academy Conference,” Bert Cunningham, North Carolina Academy of Science. Third, “Financing Academy Publications,” general discussion. Dr. Schoewe presented an interesting group of statistics concerning the membership and activities of the various affiliated societies Dr. Cunningham suggested that the academies give attention to the following items: (1) Informing the citizens of the state with regard to the work of the academy and its members. (2) The service of the academy as a unifying agent for the various scientific organizations of its state. (3) The accumulating and administering of funds for aid in research. (4' Publi¬ cation of the programs of the State Academy in national journals such as “Science.” Dr. Cunningham particularly emphasized the importance of increas¬ ing the number of members of the academy who are members of the A.A.A.S., since the amount granted to the Academy to aid research de¬ pends upon the number of members of the Academy who also belong to the A. A. AS. It was announced that the Grants-in-Aid for research from the A.A.A.S. are continued on the same basis indefinitely. Hence, the Alabama Academy will continue to receive an annual grant of only twenty-five dollars until we have increased the number of members be¬ longing both the Academy and the A.A.A.S. It was requested that each academy make an annual report of the way in which its Grant-in-Aid was expended. The discussion concerning the financing of the Academy publications was participated in by a number of individuals, and was productive of a number of ideas concerning possible sources of revenue. Five of the state academies receive aid from their state legislatures in the form of a definite appropriation. Other academies receive aid through the medium of the state university or the state museum. It was suggested that an ef¬ fort be made to obtain an appropriation from the Alabama Legislature for the purpose of making possible the publication in full of all papers pre¬ sented at the Academy meetings which represent original research. It was suggested that the financial condition of the Academy might be im¬ proved by the establishment of an endowment fund. The income from such an endowment could be used to promote some scientific project; for ex¬ ample, the Reelfoot Lake Laboratory of the Tennessee Academy. The subject of honorary junior membership in the A.A.A.S. was dis¬ cussed and the conditions established as follows : The state academy is entitled to elect one boy and one girl to honorary membership in the A.A.A.S. each year. The method of selecting the junior members is left entirely to the discretion of the state academy. It is desired that such election be made at the annual meeting and that the Secretary of the A.A.A.S. be promptly notified of such election. The Alabama Academy has been represented at all meeting of the Academy Conference except in 1929. Only the academies of Indiana and Ohio have a perfect record of attendance. It was suggested that the con¬ tinuance of the same individual as councilor over a period of years would be conducive to greater efficiency in the activities of the Academy Con¬ ference. The American Institute of the City of New York was announced as a new member of the Academy Conference; having just become affiliated with the A.A.A.S. It was this organization which recently announced the very ambitious scheme of organizing science and engineering clubs in high 11 schools throughout the nation. Dr. H. H. Sheldon, the representative of the American Institute, stated that the American Institute is desirous of cooperating with the Junior Academies of the State Academies which are affiliated with the A.A.AS., and would welcome suggestions for coordi¬ nating the activities of the two organizations for the mutual advantage of both. A committee of the Academy Conference was appointed to con¬ sider the question of coordination. The American Institute plans to spend some sixty thousand dollars during a period of three years to develop and make available literature and scientific information to the various acad¬ emies and science clubs of the country. The Academy Conference was brought to a close with a complimen¬ tary dinner at the Jefferson Hotel and your representative enjoyed very much his duties as councilor. Respectfully submitted, J. H. COULUETTE. REPORT OF THE ACTING-PERMANENT COUNSELOR OF THE JUNIOR ACADEMY The Alabama Junior Academy of Science voted at the Troy meeting to change the annual dues for each chapter from one dollar to two dol¬ lars a year. The society also voted to charge a registration fee of twenty- five cents for each person attending the annual meeting. The counselors and President of the Junior Academy decided to interpret this to mean all delegates other than those from the host chapter. At a special meeting of the officers of the Junior Academy, the sponsors from the high school clubs, and the delegates from the clubs, it was decided to ask the Senior Academy to continue the office of Perma¬ nent Counselor. This was also discussed and passed upon at the regular business meeting of the Junior Academy. On April 27, 1938, a form letter was prepared and sent to each chap¬ ter of the Alabama Junior Academy of Science. This letter gave the clubs the names and addresses of the new officers and counselors of the Jun¬ ior Academy. It also contained information about changes in dues, regis¬ tration fee, Certificates of Award, and other high spots of the Troy meet¬ ing. Many of the clubs wrote the Permanent Counselor and said that they would like to receive a report of the annual meeting each year. In the future this report can be sent out to the clubs by the secretary of the society. Last year I was asked to audit the treasurer’s book for the Junior Academy. I found that the method of keeping books was not satisfactory and it was practically a hopeless task to try to audit the books. A new treasurer’s book was obtained and the old record transcribed to it, and a systematic method of keeping the records worked out. The new book was turned over to the treasurer with instructions on how to keep the records so that they will be complete and easily audited. Certificates of Award have been prepared and are ready to be pre¬ sented at the Montgomery meeting. The charters have been prepared as of the year in which the club became affiliated with the Junior Academy, and will be signed by the President and Secretary of each year respectively. Charters have only been prepared for the clubs that are now active. The other clubs may obtain a charter when they become affiliated with the Junior Academy. This year an attempt was made to promote the work of the Junior Academy by asking members of the Senior Academy in different sec- tions of the State to help organize science clubs. The following members of the Senior Academy consented to serve on this committee : P. D. Bales _ _ Robert D. Brown _ Floyd F. Cunningham Lambert Gattman . . J. F. Glazner _ Margaret Hess _ W. J. Kennedy.. . . P. H. Yancey _ _ Birmingham, — Livingston, _ Florence, -St. Bernard, .Jacksonville, _ Marion, — Montevallo, _ Mobile, Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Through the efforts of the above a great deal of interest was created, and many science clubs were organized. Five clubs affiliated with the Junior Academy. I would like to recommend that the President be em¬ powered to appoint members of the Senior Academy in various sections of the state to promote the work of the Junior Academy. This would bring the Senior Academy in closer contact with the high school science teachers. This year Mr. Wade Moss, President of the Junior Academy, and I talked briefly to the science teachers at the A. E. A. meeting in Mont¬ gomery, concerning the work of the Academy. Thirty high school science teachers filled out blanks requesting further information. In conclusion I would like to recommend that we try to hold a longer meeting next year with the science teachers at the A. E. A. meeting. (Signed) JAMES L. KASSNER, Acting Permanent Counselor to the Alabama Junior Academy of Science. THE REPORT OF THE EDITOR OF THE JOURNAL An apology is in order for the late appearance of the programs this year. Failure to send in program materials and previews on time not only delayed the mailing of the programs but added substantially to their cost. The plan used this year for the first time of having the programs come directly to the Editor from the Section Chairmen rather than hav¬ ing the Secretary set them up and send them to the Editor did not work as smoothly as it probably will another year. The New York Academy of Sciences and the Florida Academy of Sciences have been added to our list of exchanges. Our library now con¬ sists of over four hundred exchange titles together with small reserves of all numbers of our Journal. The work of compiling for binding all the official correspondence and records of the Academy has been continued and all the officers — past and present — are urged to send their files in to the Editor. Impressions received from casual reading of some of the records of our sister Academies prompt me to urge that the Alabama Academy of Science enter immediately upon a program of expanding and intensifying its work. To that end I move the appointment of three committees as follows: (1) A Committee on the Promoting of Membership and the Activities of the Acad¬ emy. (2) A Committee on Research. (3) A Committee on Publications. E. V. JONES, Editor of the Journal. 13 ANNUAL ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ACADEMY SCIENCE AND THE WORLD CRISIS — Patrick H. Yancey, S.J., Spring Hill College. It seems to be pretty well agreed that we are in the midst of a world crisis. On every side we see wars or hear rumors of wars and we are told that another world war in comparison with which the last war was only a skirmish, is almost upon us. More important still, we see the pat¬ tern of civilization we had fondly considered, if not the best attainable, at least the most perfect that had so far been attained, and this at the cost of great sacrifices, threatened with destruction. In such circumstances it is customary to seek something or someone on whom to lay the blame. In 1932 the Democrats blamed the Repub¬ licans and in 1936 the Republicans and many Democrats blamed the New Deal ; Hitler blames the Jews and the rest of the world blames Hitler. In a word, everyone has his own candidate for the office of scapegoat. Among the things that have been most blamed for our ills is, strange to say, science. It has been said that science is a blame for war or, at least, for the horrendous type of war we have today, because it discov¬ ered the high explosives, airplanes and other machines of destruction that are used in modern warfare. It is also blamed for our economic misery because of the invention of labor-saving devices. As a result, some have gone so far as to suggest a “holiday” from scientific investigation. Of course such an idea is fantastic. You might as well talk of damming the Gulf Stream as to talk of stemming the tide of human thought and in¬ ventiveness. And even if it were possible, it would not be desirable be¬ cause of the violence it would do to the human spirit, to mention only one reason. It would set back civilization more than all the attacks of totali¬ tarianism and more than a war involving literally every nation of the earth. Are we then to absolve science of all culpability for the ills of the world ? Science, yes ; because science in the broadest sense of the w’ord is simply knowledge and knowledge is good. But even in its narrower sense of natural science it is still good. Eor, though this knowledge should be abused to do evil, as knowledge it is still good and, generally, the good effects more than outweigh the evil. Therefore science, cannot be blamed. Can the same be said of scientists? In my opinion it can, because not only have scientists contributed perhaps more than any other group to making the world a better place to live in and to making life in it more certain and of longer duration, but also as a group they have done very little towards making the evil use of scientific discoveries that is supposed to have brought us to the present impasse. Very few of them have bene¬ fited financially from their scientific discoveries and consequently have not been a factor in the unequal distribution of the goods of this world which, no doubt, is a part of our trouble. Very few of them have taken an active part in politics and hence are not responsible for our present political conditions. In fact, as scientists they have done a pretty good job and far from being blamed they ought to be praised and better re¬ warded for their positive contributions to the welfare of humanity. However, this does not mean that some scientists have not contributed towards creating the conditions which exist today. Of course the same can be said of clergymen and politicians and of any other group. But one of 14 the reasons why we are not getting out of our. present doldrums, is, I be¬ lieve, because each group is trying to lay the blame on some other group instead of striking its own collective breast and crying out with the chil¬ dren of Israel of old, “We have sinned.” So I hope I may be pardoned if I make bold to point out some of the ways in which, to my mind, some of our fraternity may have been contributing causes to the present unset¬ tled state of the world. I do this in the hope that by removing these ob¬ stacles we may make an even greater contribution to world peace and progress. First of all let me emphasize again that it is not as scientists that scientific men have done harm but precisely when they ceased to be scien¬ tists and tried to become philosophers, theologians, politicians or something else ; that is, when they left their own special field. Of course, knowl¬ edge can not be neatly wrapped up in separate packages labelled “science,” “philosophy,” “theology,” etc., so that one who takes one field of knowl¬ edge for his specialty should be absolutely ignorant of all the others and never make use of the contributions of another branch in pursuing his own. Quite the contrary. It is more likely that a man who has limited himself too exclusively to one field would not be an authority even in that field. In fact, this is the first charge I would make against some scientists, name¬ ly, that they have an altogether too narrow outlook. With the great triumphs of natural science in the 19th century came a feeling of smugness on the part of some scientists that the world had been a pretty barbarous place until they came along. It was customary to refer to previous ages as “dark,” though modern research has shown the falsity of this appellation for the so-called Middle Ages. With some this was only a negative attitude. They simply ignored all other approaches to truth without positively denying their possibility. They were intellectual agnostics. Perhaps the best example of this kind of scien¬ tist was Charles Darwin. Never having had much formal education, he disliked most of that which was forced upon him, especially mathematics, than which there is no better discipline for the mind. As a result his mind became, as he himself confessed, “A kind of machine for grinding out general laws out of large collections of facts.” The trouble was that the machine lacked several important cogs. One of these was a thorough grounding in logic and he admitted a tendency in himself “to fill up wide gaps of knowledge by inaccurate and superficial hypotheses” because he held that “in scientific investigation it is permitted to invent any hypothesis, and if it explains various large and independent classes of facts it rises to the rank of a well-grounded theory.” Hence he has been called by his latest biographer, Geoffrey West, “a fragmentary man.” However, it was the followers of Darwin, such as Huxley in Eng¬ land and, especially, Haeckel in Germany, who became active propagan¬ dists for a new type of education which would dispense with most of the lore of the past and would concentrate exclusively on the facts and theories of natural science. They laughed with scorn at the ancient classics which had been the backbone of education up to that time. At first they met with opposition but gradually their ideas prevailed and the old classical education gave way to the new scientific kind to such an extent that today the study of the liberal arts has become so neglected that the re-introduc¬ tion of them into certain colleges as an experiment calls for nation-wide com¬ ment. Thus Mr. Walter Lippman found material for a most illuminating arti¬ cle on the “St. John’s Program,” that is, the return to a liberal arts curric¬ ulum at St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md. He writes, “When I was very young .... I was taught that because applied science had revolutionized the arts of producing goods, the hopes 15 of free men would be realized when everyone had learned about the ex¬ perimental procedures of scientists and engineers. But I was unconvinced . . . because, though I had a speaking acquaintance with the methods of applied science, it was only too painfully obvious to me that I did not really un¬ derstand the troubled times in which we live.” It was in this state of mind that he came across a book by Dr. James J. Walsh called “Education of the Founding Fathers.” This is his re¬ action to its thesis: “To my immense surprise I learned for the first time that these men who organized our liberties had followed a course of studies which comes down to us through the middle ages from the schools of an¬ cient Greece. They had studied and had been drilled in the liberal arts, arts which were called liberal because they were what the “liber homo,” that is, the free man must know if he is to be in fact free .... First it seemed to me odd, for I was a child of my generation, that the men who had made the modern wrold should have been educated in this old- fashioned way. And then I began to think that perhaps it was very sig¬ nificant that men so educated had founded our liberties, and that we who are not so educated should be mishandling our liberties and to be in danger of losing them. Gradually I came to believe that this fact is the main clue to the riddle of our epoch, and that men are ceasing to be free because they are no longer being educated in the arts of free men.” He concludes, “There are those who see that the onset of barbarism must be met not only by programs of rearmament but by another revival of learning.” We who are engaged in education can contribute greatly to this revival by insisting on a well-rounded curriculum in our institutions even, or rather especially, in the training of science students. My own experience is that the student who has a good training in the classics and philosophy makes a better scientist than one who takes little but science. The second charge would seem at first sight to be contradictory to the first, for it is that some scientists have not “Stuck to their last” but have dabbled in other fields. In reality there is no contradiction because the charge is not so much that scientists have invaded other fields as that they have done so without a proper appreciation of the basic principles of other disciplines. As has already been said, knowledge cannot be precisely divided into water-tight compartments and hence it is impossible for the scientist never to encroach on other fields of knowledge. This is especially true of philosophy and to some extent of theology. Natural phenomena are not isolated facts but have ultimate causes and form part of a system of some sort. Therefore it is asking too much of the scientist to limit himself to the gathering of facts and to let the philosopher have the exclusive right to theorize on them. The scientist is an intelligent being and his mind is just as avid of the ultimate why of things as that of the philosopher. But just as the scientist expects the philosopher to take his facts from the expert in the scientific field, so the philosopher expects that the scientist will not build up philosophical theories from his scientific discoveries with¬ out due regard for the laws of logic. Not to go too far afield, I shall limit myself to the life sciences in pointing out a few instances of such extravagations on the part of scien¬ tists. With the marvelous discoveries in biology of the last century, but especially with the impetus given to the already promulgated theory of evolution by the publication of the Origin of Species, a number of biologists thought they had solved not only the problem of species which, today, we who have at our disposal many more facts than they had, sadly realize is still with us, but also the problem of life and the riddle of the universe itself. In vain did other biologists, like Virchow and Oscar Hertwig, 16 protest against the application of tfye basic tenets of Darwinism, such as “the struggle for existence” and “the survival of the fittest,” to human affairs. It is a significant fact that Adam Sedgwick, Darwin’s mentor in geology, predicted that if Darwin’s rejection of the metaphysical and moral part of nature were accepted “humanity . . . would suffer a damage that might brutalize it, and sink the human race into a lower grade of degrada¬ tion than any into which it has fallen since its written records tell us of its history.” Today, as I pointed out in the beginning of this talk, many feel that we are on the brink of just such a catastrophe. But it may be objected that there is no connection. Let us turn to history after the pub¬ lication of the Origin, and see. Karl Marx considered that the Origin gave him “a basis in natural science for the class struggle in history” and so was born communism. At the same time Nietzsche appealed to it for his idea of the superman and thence sprang the old German imperialism and the new German Nazism. Moreover, the new industrialists of that day seized upon this teaching as justifying their policy of laissez-faire which is the canker in the otherwise sound system of capitalism. All these and many other opposing political and economic theories stemmed directly from Darwinism. For, as West writes, “Think Darwinianly and you will act Darwinianly.” That is what the rulers of Germany did before the last war and we had hoped that that spirit had been forever crushed at the Marne and St. Mihiel only to find that it was the guiding principle of the participants at the Peace Con¬ ference of Versailles, except perhaps our own idealistic president. Moreover, at that very time a new political and economic structure was being reared on the same foundation in Russia. Says an Associated Press dispatch from Moscow last March 19th (New York Times) : “Since the establishment of the Soviet regime, 1,700,000 copies of books by Darwin or by others propagating his teachings have been printed in the U.S.S.R. A museum has been founded bearing his name and dedicated to the popu¬ larization of Darwinism.” And Professor L. S. Berg “was proclaimed unworthy of membership in the Academy of Sciences” because he “had written a monograph suggesting that the evolution of living organisms might arise from basic and preordained factors within the organisms ( nomo- genesis), rather than from natural selection, survival of the fittest and the like.” And geneticists know that the International Genetics Congress which was scheduled to meet in Moscow this summer had to be transferred to Edinburg because of the Soviet’s purge of geneticists. This experiment, moreover, was not confined to Russia. For one of the basic tenets of the Bolshevik regime was the promotion of world revo¬ lution and we saw not only the autocracies and monarchies of an earlier day — Russia, Germany, Austria, Spain — going down before its onslaughts, but also the strength of the democracies being sapped by it. But just as the barbarian invasions, which destroyed the Roman Empire, brought into being the modern nationalistic states, so the corroding influence of commu¬ nism created the counter-irritant of nazism. Miss Dorothy Thompson has contrasted the two systems as follows : “The conception of man as a product of economics is the essense of the philosophy of communism. The conception of man as a biological product, his destiny entirely determined by his racial chromosomes, is the essence of nazism.” But. if, as I have shown, Marxian economics is an offspring of materialistic biology, the source of Nazi racism is to be found in the same. Ever since the rediscovery of Mendel’s Laws and the successful appli¬ cation of genetic principles in the improvement of plants and animals, we have been reproached for obscurantism and traditionalism because we did 17 not use the same methods for improving the human stock. As Professor H. S. Jennings has pointed out, “There is no obstacle in the known prin¬ ciples of genetic science to the production of such a result, provided we can decide what qualities we wish to conserve in our human stock, and provided that the necessary methods are applied with the necessary thorough¬ ness for the necessary length of time .... To bring this about, to im¬ prove the human stock as cattle have been improved, a practical breeder must be placed in complete control, with instructions to fear not God neither regard man, in the execution of his project.’’ Well, the Nazis have met both challenges. They decided that the kind of human stock they wanted to conserve was the so-called Aryan and they placed in charge a breeder who certainly has shown no fear of God or regard for man. Never¬ theless, several American geneticists have expressed themselves as highly interested in the results of the experiment. The last charge to be made against some scientists concerns practical action. As a general rule the majority of scientists like nothing better than to be left alone to pursue their researches and, in turn, they do not busy themselves with the affairs of others or project themselves into activi¬ ties foreign to their work, such as politics. Indeed the traditional picture of the scientist is that of a retiring, rather incommunicative individual, so wrapped up in his studies that, like Melchisedech of the Old Testament, he seemed to be without family or country. But fortunately that has changed. Today scientists are taking an active part in the social and civic and even the political life of their communities, thus bringing to these the bene¬ fit of their trained minds and high ideals. However, though, by and large, this has been a beneficial contribution, there are a few scientists who have, in my opinion, done a disservice to science by espousing radical theories and aligning themselves with subversive movements. Of course, that is their privilege as individuals but it is questionable whether they do right by science when they use the influence of their official position or scientifc accomplishments to back up these causes. We all recall the derision brought upon science by the crackpot ideas of the technocrats and the early brain- trusters of the New Deal. But it is in the classroom that some scientists have done the most harm. Abusing the authority of their position and the lack of resistance of the unformed minds before them, they have gloried in the work of wreck¬ ing the foundations of patriotism, morality and religious belief in their students. There is no country in the world in which there is more free¬ dom for scientific investigation and more money provided for carrying it on than the United States. Yet there are some American scientists who are well known for their open advocacy of systems of government diametri¬ cally opposed to our own, especially the Communist, and have supported movements whose object was to undermine democracy as we have always understood it in America. They also attack the capitalistic system, though it is this system which has provided the endowments which enable them to carry on scientific work. Some too take particular delight in wisecracking at the religious beliefs and the old-fashioned mores of millions of our citi¬ zens. And any objection to these attacks by the attackees is immediately branded as a curtailment of free speech. I will repeat, that, as citizens, they have the right to say what they please but, as scientists, I maintain they have a responsibility to science not to bring it into disrepute by asserting as facts what are only their private opinions or by trying to bring ridi¬ cule upon others for not agreeing with them. This has never been the attitude of really great scientists individually or the official attitude of the scientific bodies. At the Boston meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science a resolution was 18 passed entitled “A Declaration of Intellectual Freedom” in which the sup¬ pression of independent thought and its free expression was denounced as a crime against civilization. A committee was appointed to study the ques¬ tion and to recommend measures for safeguarding this freedom. When it presented its report I was in the Council as a representative of our Acad¬ emy. Several prominent members of the Association advocated the addi¬ tion to the original resolution of a declaration of the correlative of the freedom of science, that is, the equal responsibility of science. And this was done. Other indications of the same were given at the last meeting of the Association at Richmond at which the retiring president, Professor George D. Birchoff, took as the subject of his presidential address, “Intuition, Rea¬ son and Faith in Science,” and Sir Richard Gregory, for many years editor of NATURE and special guest of the American Association from the British Association, spoke on “Religion and Science.” Quite a change from the days of Andrew White! For, after referring to Cardinal Pa- celli’s (now Pope Pius XII) address at the opening of the Pontifical Academy of Science (of which Professor Birchoff is a member) in which he spoke of “the potent streams of the natural and rational sciences and the great river of revealed wisdom,” Professor Birchoff says, “As for ‘the great river of revealed wisdom,’ is it not to be found in all the abso¬ lutely sincere utterances of poets, philosophers and prophets . . . ? It would seem that such utterances are in essence similar to the pronounce¬ ments of the scientist ... it is desirable to accord reality in equal meas¬ ure to ALL KINDS OF KNOWLEDGE EVERYWHERE, and so to view the universe as broadly and impartially as possible”. If this attitude is maintained and even broadened, I foresee the evolu¬ tion of a mighty force for peace, justice and happiness in the world. Because it seems to me that a combination of science, with its painstaking search for and accurate correlation of facts, and of philosophy, with its insist¬ ence on logical reasoning in drawing conclusions from data and making practical application of them, and of religion, with its tremendous power to inspire the human heart to heroic deeds, would be unassailable. We have seen scientists lead the world astray because either their theories were not logically deduced from their facts or they prostituted their discoveries to bolster a political system ; we have seen philosophers spinning webs of thought out of their minds absolutely divorced from reality and tending to debase man to the level of the machine ; we have seen religious leaders crusading against scientific truth either because they did not take the trou¬ ble to learn the facts or because, knowing something of the facts, they felt obliged to deny their validity because it seemed to run counter to divine revelation, as if God could contradict Himself. But if we scientists make it our aim to give the world facts unadulter¬ ated by preconceived theories, and the philosophers will come to the scien¬ tists for the facts on which to build their systems, and the theologians will interpret revelation in the light of demonstrated scientific findings, then, instead of wasting our time in useless controversy and weakening one an¬ other’s position in the battle for freedom — political, intellectual and relig¬ ious — we can present a solid front to the forces both of error and of ty¬ ranny. And no dictator, whether he be communist or fascist, would be able to prevail against us. For when the supernatural inspiration of relig¬ ion is added to the natural power of the human mind, men will be willing even to lay down their lives for scientific truth as they have and still are laying them down for religious conviction. 19 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED April 14 and 15, 1939 SECTION I BIOLOGY AND MEDICAL SCIENCES BIOLOGICAL MEASURES IN ANOPHELINE CONTROL ON IMPOUNDED WATERS — E. Harold Hinman, Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilson Dam, Ala. Biological control of anopheline breeding upon impounded waters can be made a vital factor in the prevention of malaria. Pool level fluctation is probably the greatest single measure in such a program. In order to derive the maximum benefits from this procedure, reservoirs must receive constant attention from the inception of plans. The geographical location of the dam site, the construction of the dam so as to provide adequate range of fluctuation, the proper clearing of the reservoir and particularly the cor¬ rect conditioning of the fluctuation zone just piror to impounding, marginal drainage, and the wintertime filling are essential to the greatest efficiency. In reservoir maintenance, shoreline improvement must be considered a standard practice. This should include dirft removal, proper upkeep of marginal drainage projects and possibly herbicidal activities. The most efficacious wintertime elevation should receive special deliberation. The utilization of predatory species in an artificial manner has not been demon¬ strated to be practicable. As stated above, the ultimate aim is to accomplish malaria control through biological means with the utilization of larvicides in an emergency role only. Proper reservoir preparation, pool level fluctuation, and a num¬ ber of accessory procedures, constitute the most important measures at our disposal. To date, during the early years of any reservoir, greater reliance has been placed upon anti-larval measures. However, it must not be for¬ gotten that they are merely palliative procedures, extremely expensive, and representing every ephemeral attempts at control. Expenditures upon most biological methods, herein discussed, should be considered in terms of a more enduring investment. THE PACKAGE BEE AND QUEEN BEE INDUSTRY — J. M. Robinson, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The shipment of Package Bees and Queen Bees has become a large industry throughout the United States. The package bee shipments for the most part are produced in the states adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico and in the north and central portions of Califorina. The importation of Italian queen bees from Europe into American be¬ gan in 1859. At that time queens were sent by mail. In 1862 Rev. L. L. Langstroth shipped queen bees by express. In Gleanings, May 1879, A. I. Root brought to the attention of beekeepers the fact that pound bees had been shipped by express in cages. Thirty years ago W. D. Acord of Fitz¬ patrick, Alabama, shipped bees to Ohio in cages. Today some 295 bee- 20 keepers produce and sell package bees and queen bees to honey producers, orchardists and vegetable growers in northern United States and Canada. Today Package Bees and Queen Bees are shipped by mail, express, air- express, and by truck. Beginning 1934 the shippers have worked under a Marketing Agreement of the AAA, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. The Marketing Agreement established in 1934 had price fixing features which proved satisfactory to the shippers and the honey producers. Beginning 1939 a Bee Marketing Agreement and Order oper¬ ates under the amended law of 1937. This agreement provides for price posting at ten-day intervals in lieu of price fixing thereby complying with the constitution. This arrangement provides for free competition thereby avoiding monoplv. Approximately ninety per cent of the package and queen bee business is located in six states, namely, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and California. The other twenty-one states produce queens largely. There were 238,356 queens sold in 1934. In the same year 262,023 pounds of bees were sold. The total value of such was $351,873.84. BREEDING BETTER VEGETABLES FOR ALABAMA GARDENS — Keith C. Barrons, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Ala. Scientific plant-breeding work is being conducted at the Alabama Agri¬ cultural Experiment Station for the purpose of developing new varieties of vegetables especially adapted to southern condition. Work is in prog¬ ress with tomatoes, peas, cabbage, turnips, and numerous other vegetables ; however, definite results have been obtained with pole beans. A new pole bean introduced last year under the name of “Alabama No. 1’’ has proved very outstanding in tests all over the State. It is re¬ sistant to root-knot and rust and possesses the ability to yield fairly well under conditions of poor soil and drouth where common varieties prac¬ tically fail. Alabama No. 1 is the result of selection in a strain of pole beans secured from a local farmer who had saved his own seed for many years. No doubt natural selection is partly responsible for the adapta¬ tion of this variety to southern conditions. A few genetic variations either due to mutations or natural crossing, have appeared in Alabama No. 1. Individual plant selections have been made of these variations, and progeny tests have been grown. Two new strains resulting from this selection work appear to be as vigorous and high yielding as Alabama No. 1. Possibly one or both of these will be introduced after further tests have been conducted. Alabama No. 1 has been used extensively in hybridization work for the purpose of combining its outstanding traits with desirable characters possessed by other varieties. Selection was started in the F2 generation following hybridization, and the F4 and F5 generations will be grown during the present year. Some especially promising material has been selected from the progeny of the cross Alabama No. IX Kentucky Wonder. A study of the genetics of root-knot resistance conducted in con¬ nection with this breeding program has shown that resistance is inherited as a double-recessive Mendelian character. GROWTH OF EXCISED PLANT PARTS (Demonstration) — Coyt Wilson, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. It has been shown by several investigators that excised plant parts can be grown in dilute mineral nutrient solutions containing a soluble sugar and small amounts of growth substances supplied in extracts of autolized yeast or peptone. A mixture of crystalline vitamin Bt and purified amino acids has been used successfully by some investigators in replacing the extracts of autolized yeast or peptone. The excised roots of tomatoes or peas can be grown indefinitely by transferring at weekly, or bi-weekly intervals, a portion of the grow¬ ing tip to fresh solutions. A demonstration was shown in which the excised roots of peas, corn, and cotton, and excised embryos of corn and peas were growing in different solutions. FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH OF FISH — H. S. Swingle and E. V. Smith, Ala. Agr. Exp. Station, Auburn. A body of water under a given set of conditions can support a certain weight of fish. The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station is studying methods of handling such bodies so that they may support satisfactory weights of fish and so that the fish may grow to acceptable sizes. One of the first evils to be overcome is that of over-stocking. Most people when stocking a pond get all the fish that they can obtain from government hatcheries, and then seine a few streams and old ponds to add to the population, believing that more fish mean better fishing. The results usually are disappointing. A pond was stocked at the rate of 6,500 newly hatched bream fry per acre. Six months later the pond was drained and 300 pounds of fish were recovered ; the average weight was one ounce. They were re¬ placed in the pond and allowed to remain two years and reweighed. The total weight was 300 pounds and the average size of the fish was the same as before. Three ponds were then stocked with two-year-old, one-ounce bream at the rate of 1,300, 3,200, and 6,500 per acre. Each pond contained 300 pounds of fish after six months and the average weight per fish was four ounces, two ounces, and one ounce. In other words, the pond could only support 300 pounds of fish, and when over-stocked the fish were unable to grow. The recommended rate of stocking is 1,500 bream and 200 bass or crappie fry or fingerlings per acre. The weight of fish that a pond can produce is correlated with the amount of food that the pond can support. The role of plankton in fish production has been discussed at this meeting. The average plankton production for four ponds was 5, 10, 16, and 31 milligrams per liter and the fish production was 90, 210, 380, and 588 pounds per acre, re¬ spectively. A direct relationship between the food supply and the fish production was shown. Phytoplankton responds to fertilization just as cotton and corn do. The use of fertilizers should lead to increased fish production through increased plankton production. Unfertilized ponds at Auburn produce 100-150 pounds of fish per acre but fertilized ponds produce nearly 600 22 pounds. One hundred pounds of commercial 6-8-4 plus ten pounds of nitrate of soda are used at each application and 10 to 15 applications are made per year. FROZEN SECTIONS* — Walter C. Jones, Tenn. Coal, Iron & Railroad Co. Hospital, Fairfield. Bring a larger piece of tissue to boiling in ten per cent formalin. Cut slices 2 to 3 mm. thick and boil again for a few seconds or place in ten per cent formalin one minute under negative pressure. Section with C0.2 freezing microtome. Stain 10 to 20 seconds in saturated solution of thionin (Grubler) in 5 per cent aqueous phenol. (This solution keeps indefinitely.) Wash in 15 per cent aqueous alcohol a few seconds and mount in 25 per cent aqueous dextrose (plus 1.5 per cent formalin to preserve it). Slides prepared by this method are ready for examination at once. And they may be kept from one to three months without essential loss of color, by keeping them covered and away from the light and by placing 3 or 4 drops of equal parts glycerin and water along the edge of each cover slip every few days. If there is no hurry, somewhat bet¬ ter results frequently can be obtained by fixing the tissue 6 to 12 hours in a paraffin oven or 12 to 14 hours at room temperature. Yet mitotic figures, etc., usually show clearly in tissues fixed by boiling. If permanent mounts are desired, after washing in 15 per cent alcohol flood the slide 3 to 5 times with acetone. Drain. Clear with xylene and mount in Canada balsam. Details generally show better in permanent mounts, and they require only one minute longer to prepare. Thionin is a beautiful triple stain and brings out brilliantly details, as well as or better than good paraffin sections stained with hema¬ toxylin and eosin. Sections prepared by this method are not wrinkled, can be examined at once, show details with great clearness and can be retained for several months for extended study. In fact, they meet adequately all of the objections that various writers have brought against the frozen section method. HABROBRACON JUGLANDIS (ASHMEAD) AS A SUBJECT FOR RESEARCH AND LABORATORY WORK IN GENETICS — P. H. Yancey, Spring Hill College. This form is a small wasp parasitic on the meal moth, Ephestia. The wild type has black eyes, antennae, legs and wings and a honey-yellow body with a pattern of black varying in intensity and extent with the temperature. It has been chosen for research work in genetics by sev¬ eral workers, especially by P. W. and A. R. Whiting, and is also very useful for laboratory work for classes. Some features that make it preferable to other forms are, first, because, being parthenogenetic, re¬ cessive traits will show up in the first generation. Second it is easy and cheap to raise and has a life cycle of only ten days. Females sting and lay their eggs on the caterpillars of Ephestia. These are easily obtained by exposing corn meal to the moths. Wasps may be kept for months in a dormant state in the ice box. They are raised in shell vials which do not occupy much space. An incubator controlled for 30° C, is all the apparatus needed. 23 Benkert (’33) listed fifty mutations at separate loci. Twenty-seven of these have been located in eight linkage groups. The principal ones are in body color and eye color. A. R. Whiting (’38) describes three body colors, honey, lemon and black and two combinations of these, lemon-honey and lemon-honey-black. There are eight eye colors in four independently segregating loci: Orange (light ocelli (lost), dahlia, orange, ivory); White (white, carrot); Cantaloup; Maroon. A new mutation, Spread Wing, in which the wings stand out from the body, was found last summer in the F0 of X-rayed females. Some three hundred gyan- dromorphs or sex mosiacs with some male and some female character¬ istics have also been found. Usually the head is of one sex and the genitalia of the other. HEALTH CONDITIONS IN THE NORTH AND SOUTH — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama In comparing health conditions in different parts of the United States it is a common practice to use vital statistics in which all races are lumped together, partly to save time, and partly to give the southern states a low rating. But when the races are separated the South compares very favor¬ ably with the rest of the country. Its population is still mostly rural, and the expectation of life has long been known to be greater in the rural than in the urban population, of the same race. In the following table some elementary vital statistics for 1929-30 are given for various sections of the Eastern United States, for white and colored separately. (In the East about 97 per cent of the “colored” are of African descent, but in the West they are mostly Mexican, Indian, Chinese, etc., so that combined statistics for them would not mean much.) The per cent of adults over 65 is used as an index of longevity, in¬ stead of expectation of life, which is not available for negroes in single states. Per Thousand WHITE gg North New England _ 77.2 New York to Pennsylvania _ 77.4 East North Central _ 64.5 South Delaware to West Virginia _ 43.6 North Carolina to Florida _ 31.7 East South Central _ 27.9 COLORED North New England _ 85.8 New York to Pennsylvania _ 89.2 East North Central _ 91.1 South Delaware to West Virginia _ 45.8 North Carolina to Florida _ 28.4 East South Central._ . . 28.6 Percent over 21 Percent Adults over 65 Birth Rate Death Rate Infant Mortalit; 62.4 10.80 17.1 12.1 63.0 62.0 8.70 17.9 9.6 61.2 62.0 9.93 18.2 11.2 71.2 57.0 9.40 20.9 11.1 69.6 52.4 8.32 21.2 10.0 64.6 53.0 8.96 22.3 10.2 63.6 62.0 623 20.6 17.1 92.5 66.2 3.12 21.6 17.0 105.9 69.9 3.86 17.8 17.9 106.7 55.5 6.60 23.4 18.5 110.9 480 6.12 23.3 16.1 102.0 52 8 6.80 22.2 16.5 94.5 24 This table shows comparatively little difference between North and South in longevity and death rates, and the higher birth rates in the South might be taken as an indication of greater physical vigor. Al¬ though some infectious diseases, such as malaria, are at present more prevalent in the South, chronic diseases characteristic of urban popu¬ lations, like heart disease, cancer and diabetes, are more prevalent in the North. And the mortality from infectious diseases has been greatly reduced in recent decades, and probably will be still more hereafter, while medical science has made little or no headway against chronic diseases yet. So perhaps before long the South will be distinctly ahead of the North in longevity, etc., as some of its individual states already are. LARVICIDAL WORK IN RELATION TO WILDLIFE CONSER¬ VATION. — C. C. Kiker, Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilson Dam, Alabama. In brief, biological control of Anopheles mosquitoes is generally ob¬ tained through careful pre-impoundage preparation, consisting princi¬ pally of timber removal in the basin and drainage of depressions in the zone of water level fluctuation. This effects a clean water surface, un¬ der which conditions the floating anopheline larvae cannot survive. Post-impoundage operations — consisting of limited water level fluctuation, debris removal and control of certain objectionable emergent growth— are aimed at maintaining this clean water surface. It should be mentioned here that sub-surface vegetation, tied down logs or brush, standing tim¬ ber, or anything else which does not protrude above the water surface is not objectionable in anopheline mosquito control. Those concerned with fish conservation may take cognizance of this fact in improving the en¬ vironment for wild life in artificial lakes. The two larvicides having general use for anopheline mosquito con¬ trol on impounded water are Paris green and petroleum oils. They have quite distinct fields of application on lakes of the Tennessee Valley Au¬ thority. In the protected bights along the steeper shore accessible to boats, oil is most generally used, while in the extensive flats Paris green dust is applied through use of airplanes. In the former either oil or Paris green might be used, but oil has been chosen on the basis of ef¬ fectiveness. In the latter flats and shallows, airplane dusting is the only practical method of application. Paris green is effective on anopheline larvae due to their unique feeding habits. Other mosquito larvae and most aquatic organisms do not feed in this manner and consequently are not affected. Anopheline larvae lie at the water’s surface, ingesting indiscriminately any tiny par¬ ticles, animate or inanimate, contained in the surface film. A uniform application of Paris green to the breeding area at a rate varying from one-half to one pound per acre produces sufficient particles in the stir- face film to insure ingesting and effective kill of Anopheles larvae. The particles, held up by surface tension, remain afloat for only a short pe¬ riod so that treatment may be required again in seven to ten days. In this connection, consideration has been given to applying heavy oils in an effort to obtain a more lasting film which would lengthen the interval between applications and reduce the season’s cost of opera¬ tion. Conclusion has been reached that such procedure is not practical or desirable on impounded waters of the Authority. The heavy oil film could not be made to remain uniform or unbroken over the surface. The volatile content chiefly responsible for effectiveness would be rapid¬ ly lost through evaporation, leaving a residue of little value. Mention must be made here, however, of the fact that the heavy oil film method may have application in certain work, particularly in municipal mos¬ quito control where a more lasting effect can be obtained without ob¬ jection in heavily treating such places as fire barrels, pits, dipping vats, catch basins, etc. The following standard specifications apply: KEROSENE To conform to Federal Specifications VV-K-211, having a specific gravity between 0.824 and 0.795 at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. At least 25%, 50%, 75% and approximately 100% by volume of the crude kerosene to be distilled off at 210, 220, 230, and 300 degrees centigrade respect¬ ively. BLACK OIL To be a pure petroleum product free from fatty oils, fatty acids, resins, soaps, or other non-hydrocarbons, and having a specific gravity between 0.946 and 0.921, at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The mixed oil to yield no more than 0.5% bottom sediment by centrifuge. PARIS GREEN The Paris green must be of a fineness such that approximately 100% will pass a 200-mesh screen and approximately 85% pass a 300-mesh screen. It must contain approximately 55% arsenious oxide with not more than 3%% being soluble in water. The Paris green must be lethal to anopheline larvae when applied in natural breeding areas. Shipment is to be made in tight metal drums containing 100 pounds of material. POTENTIALLY EFFECTIVE METHODS IN CONTROLLING MALARIA — Allan F. Archer, Alabama Museum of Natural History The malaria mosquito, Anopheles, occupies a variety of habitats. A. quadrimaculcitus, probably the most important malaria-carrier in Ala¬ bama, breeds in a variety of ground pools with abundant vegetation, especially marshes, ponds, bayous, and overgrown drainage ditches. A. barberi and A. plumbous lay eggs in tree holes, while a fourth species inhabits salt marshes and salt springs. It remains to be proved that under usual conditions large areas of impounded waters constitute major breed¬ ing places for Anopheles, since such waters are subject to much disturb¬ ance. The importance of Anopheles in the spread of malaria lies in its great range of flight. Various methods have been employed for controlling and destroying Anopheles. Oils, larvicides, the fluctuation of impounded waters, and drainage ditches have all been used, but many of these methods are un¬ desirable because of the damage resulting to wild life and to our water¬ sheds. 26 For controlling the disease in man quinine is most widely used, but is not entirely satisfactory because, while it seems to exert a helpful in¬ fluence in reducing malarial incidence, it is not toxic to the malarial or¬ ganism. Its use is not practical in the number of cases where toxic re¬ actions or idiosyncrasies occur. The most constructive suggestions for controlling the malaria men¬ ace are as follows: 1. The use of the Ginsburg larvicide (harmless to organisms other than mosquito larvae) wherever predators are unavail¬ able. 2. The use of Gambusia and other natural aids in the destruction of larvae. 3. The removal of human populations from heavily infested areas. 4. A program of anti-malaria education in schools. 5. The use of atabrine and plasmochin as a drug prophylaxis in the treatment of malaria. 6. The effective screening of houses. MALARIA AS A PROBLEM OF REGIONAL WATER CONTROL IN THE TENNESSEE VALLEY — E. L. Bishop, Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, Tenn. Malaria a serious economic and health problem in the Southeastern United States. Occasionally assumes epidemic proportions in portions of the region and has exhibited mortality rates varying from zero to ninety deaths per hundred thousand population. Each death from malaria rep¬ resents from 2,000 to 4,000 days of sickness and average annual infection in southeastern United States in excess of 2^4 millions. Control program built into design, construction, and operation of reservoirs in such fashion as to permit achievement of the major ob¬ jective of water control without the penalty of increase disease preva¬ lence. Program conducted by well-trained staff and integrated with serv¬ ices of State health agencies and the United States Public Health Serv¬ ice that broader objectives may be possible without exceeding Authority’s obligations. A fundamental objective is the control of malaria by preventing mos¬ quito breeding through naturalistic measures and limitation of larvicidal measures. Factors influencing control include fluctuation, control of vege¬ tation below normal pool level in compliance with specifications pre¬ pared for each project, drainage of minor depressions, and population surveys. An attack on the vector of the parasite through measures ad¬ versely modifying its breeding habitat best assurance of efficient and economical control of the disease. These methods inapplicable in cer¬ tain areas and in such cases resort to larvicidal agents necessary. Thin oil used on steeper shoreline slopes, while airplane dusting with dilute Paris green mixture applied to flat areas. Evaluation of screening and chemotherapy being studied as supplementary measure in mosquito con¬ trol. Need greater precision in diagnosis of malaria and, in regions of high morbidity rates, more complete epidemiological investigation of case6. Health and Safety Department of the Authority recognizes gravity of malaria control as public health problem in regional water control program and constantly seeks counsel and assistance in these problems ; also recognizes fact that recreation and wildlife conservation collateral parts in regional water control program and desires counsel and co¬ operation of organizations interested in such developments. THE MOLLUSCAN POPULATION OF OLD GULLIES IN WEST ALABAMA — Allan F. Archer, Alabama Museum of Natural History Gullies, although a negative feature resulting from rapid erosion, do not constitute biological deserts. This is demonstrable in the case of old gullies which have reached a stage where the rate of erosion has slowed down perceptibly. Old gullies under recent observation in west Alabama have a fairly adequate flora and invertebrate fauna. Gullies in the vicinity of Jackson, Clarke County have the china- berry as their chief arboreal cover, while Rubus sp. and perhaps Geranium caroliniatnum characterize the ground cover. The mollusks which inhabit the gullies are Deroceras laeve gracile, Gastrocopta contracta, Hawaiia minuscule, Limax flavus, Polygyra perigrapta, Pupoidcs marginatus, Zoni- toides arboreus. The other sample area occurs within the limits of Tuscaloosa, Tusca¬ loosa County. The arboreal cover is well established, and is sometimes quite dense. The characteristic arboreal species are Pinus taeda, Salix nigra, Quercus obtusa, Ulmus alata, sweetgum, Paulownia tomentosa, and Broussonetia papyrifera, while the ground cover includes Smilax purnila, Lonicera japonica, Hcdera helix, Modiola ; caroliniana, and Chaerophyllum sp. The mollusks which live in vine mats, among herbaceous weeds, and under bricks are Deroceras laeve gracile, Buconulus chersinus, Gastrocopta contracta climeana, G. pentodon, Hawaiia minuscula, Helicodiscus paral- lelus, Mesomphix perlaevis, Philomycus carolinensis, Polygyra inflecta, P. leporina, P. perigrapta, P. pustuloides, P. thyroidus, Pupoides marginatus, Retinella indentata paucilirata, Zonitoides arboreus, Z. demissus. Inciden¬ tal to the list are the following sedentary spiders : Araneus cavatica, Gas- teracantha cancriformis, Leucauge venusta, Linyphia communis, Mangora placida, Tetragnatha laboriosa. NEED MOSQUITO CONTROL BE INCOMPATIBLE WITH WILD LIFE? — Walter B. Jones, Alabama Department Conservation The present practices of the public health agencies are destructive to wildlife resources. The use of heavy oils and poisons (paris green calcium arsenate and sodium arsenite) is particularly destructive to top feeding species which are themselves natural enemies of mosquito larvae. Important examples of these species might be listed as top min¬ nows, dragon fly larvae, water beetles, the young of all species of game fish, and two plants, chara and bladderwart. The poisons used are not soluble in water, and thus afford a permanent hazard in all streams where they have ever been used. Bottom concentrations of poisons from samples taken last October, showed up to 3300 parts per million of arsenic, which is a very heavy concentration. The practice not only destroys those species which afford valuable biological control, but likewise destroys fish food which hampers the growth and development of useful fish life in those waters. The drainage program is definitely contributing to the further low¬ ering of the ground water table. Likewise drainage destroys aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats. The greatest concentration of mosquito lar¬ vae the writer has ever seen was last year in a drainage ditch, 28 dug under the guise of mosquito control, at Mound State Monument., At the present rate of loss of water in the ground, in two hundred years we will have desert regions in this State. Whether the health authorities want deserts or not, their present practices are going to pro¬ duce them; in the meantime, our waters are fast becoming aquatic deserts. Other states have found mosquito control to be compatible with wild¬ life, through the use of modern larvacides ; impoundment rather than drainage; aiding biological control; and are treating their malaria prob¬ lems through preventive medicines, the screening of houses, etc. Con¬ structive methods are urged for Alabama for our wildlife resources are quite as valuable as human health. The civilization cannot outlive its wildlife resources. Human history can be traced by the deserts we have created. That is our present trend. The seriousness of the situation de¬ mands drastic action. OBSERVATIONS ON THE NESTING HABITS OF THE MOURN¬ ING DOVE — A. M. Pearson, Alabama Coop. Wildlife Research Unit. During three seasons mourning dove nests were studied in Alabama. Nests were located in many species of trees, but more occurred in pines than in all other kinds combined. The nesting sites ranged in height from on the ground to 65.92 feet, with a mean of 21.72 feet and a modal interval of 11 to 15 feet. A typical nesting period of thirty-three days was found to consist of the following : nest-building, seven days ; incuba¬ tion, fourteen days ; and the nestling period, twelve days. The entire nesting season was found to be of long duration and lasted from late February until mid-October. NATURE STUDY IN THE HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM - — Henry G. Good, Alabama Polytechnic Institute Nature study in the biology course in the Alabama High Schools is not sufficiently emphasized. The relatively short and open winters of the South afford an excellent opportunity for the outdoor study of our plant and animal life. There is a tendency for too much inside work based upon textbooks and class routine work, thus depriving the student of the out-of-doors class work. To obtain the best results from the standpoint of knowledge, interest, and enthusiasm, more outside labora¬ tory time should be available. Large classes cannot be handled effectively. Instructors should not only be trained in biological principles but should be able to recognize and illustrate the principles in field work. This requires a fundamental knowledge of the local plants and animals in their native habitat. Terraria and aquaria are excellent means of bring¬ ing nature into the classroom to show the habits and development of many forms characteristic of the region. Instructors should be able to con¬ duct field trips for the study of bird life; plant life; and aquatic life. A college survey course of the Vertebrates should be offered for science teachers with emphasis upon native life and conservation programs. Instructors should be trained in the field in which they are teaching. Unfortunately many instructors are trying to teach subjects in which 29 they are neitheh prepared nor particularly interested. This prevents the students from getting the proper viewpoints and enthusiasm for a particu¬ lar subject. These facts are based upon known requests of science teach¬ ers desiring the answers to the Biology work-book. They can therefore hardly teach the subject matter properly and enthusiastically. THE PREVALENCE OF OXYURIASIS IN TWO ORPHANAGES — C. Brougher, State Department of Health, Montgomery. A total of 234 children in two institutions were examined for oxy¬ uriasis using the N. I. H. swab, a total of 4 scrapings were made. Prior to examination by perianal scrapings a fecal examination was made using the Willis salt flotation technique. By salt flotation one positive pinworm infestation was detected. The first perianal scraping yielded 39 positives, the second 26, the third 16, and the fourth 6, a total of 87 positive. Based on one feces examination the percentage infestation was apparently 0.42% ; when based on one perianal scraping the percentage infestation was apparently 16.7% ; on two scrapings it was 27.8% ; on three it was 34.7%, and on four it was 37.3%. Possibly further scrapings would have increased the positive findings. PHOTOPERIODISM AND ITS APPLICATION TO SOUTHERN FLORICULTURE (Charts and Slides) — E. W. McElwee, Alabama Polytechnic Institute An experiment was started in 1936 to test the adaptability to South¬ ern conditions of photoperiodic treatments used by florists in other sec¬ tions to induce greenhouse plants to flower out of season. The results of this experiment with two important greenhouse crops are reported below. The China-aster responds to both long-and short-day treatments. It was found that application of additional illumination in the seedling stage was not only more effective than shading in inducing early bloom¬ ing but was also cheaper. Plants given the short day treatment bloomed 13 days earlier than the normal treatment, w'hile those given long day treatment bloomed 27 days earlier. Later experiments showed that varie¬ ties that normally bloom on August 22 could be induced to bloom on May 28 or 88 days earlier if given the long-day treatment in the seedling stage. The most economical treatment was from late varieties seeded on February 17, given additional illumination from four to six weeks dur¬ ing the seedling stage, and planted about April 14. This treatment did not materially reduce production or quality of flower. Fourteen mid-season varieties of chrysanthemums given short-day treatments bloomed on an average of 33 days earlier if the treatment was started on July 15, 23 days earlier if the treatment was started on Au¬ gust 1, 15 days earlier if the treatment was started on August 15, and 11 days earlier if the treatment was started on September 1. The blooming date of 11 mid-season and late varieties of chrysan¬ themums was delayed on an average of 38 days by giving the plants the long-day treatment from September 1 to October 15. The same treatment from September 10 to November 1 delayed blooming on an average of 50 days. Thus, the blooming date of a variety that normally bloomed on October 28 was delayed until December 17.* Through the use of photoperiodic treatments the cutting period of a given variety of chrysanthemum may be extended from two weeks to as much as 14 weeks. ROLE OF PLANKTON IN FISH PRODUCTION — E. V. Smith and H. S. Swingle, Ala. Agr. Fxpr. Station, Auburn Many textbooks of Botany and Biology state that algae form the basic food supply for fish, but they leave some doubt in the reader’s mind as to how these plants function as fish food. The writers have been concerned with methods for increasing fish production and have studied the role of plankton in the cycle of aquatic life. Free-floating organisms that are so small as to be more or less microscopic constitute the plankton of a body of water ; the phytoplank¬ ton is composed of small plants and the zooplankton is composed of small animals. A few species of fish, such as goldfish, gizzard shad and golden shiners feed directly on phytoplankton. Although not game fish, they may serve as forage minnows for game fish. Many dipterous larvae — e. g., chironomid midge — feed on phytoplank¬ ton and are eaten, in turn, by bream, and young crappie and bass. Some of the larger microcrustaceans also may eat small species of algae. A large bulk of the phytoplankton normally is decomposed by bac¬ teria. The latter organisms are eaten by microcrustaceans and other zoo¬ plankton which form the principal food supply for young bream, crap¬ pie, and bass. Consequently there are at least three bridges between phytoplankton and pan or game fish. Any procedure that will increase the phytoplank¬ ton of a body of water should lead to greater fish production and better fishing. RESULTS OF THE USE OF 10 PERCENT SOLUTIONS OF KMn04 AS A REMEDY FOR POISONING BY POISON OAK — C. M. Farmer, State Teachers College, Troy. At the 1936 meeting of the Academy I presented the results of an experiment in which it was shown that lead acetate had little or no value in the treatment of poisoning by poison ivy. In the discussion following that paper, some one suggested the use of potassium permanganate as a remedy. In the Scientific Monthly, Vol. 42 Jan. -June, 1936, Dr. James F. Couch, Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, writing under the title : “That Perennial Public Enemy, Poison Ivy,” suggests potassium permanganate as a remedy. Following these and other claims for the curative value of the perman¬ ganate. on the forenoon of March 30, 1939, twenty-one volunteers at the Troy State Teachers College were exposed to poison ivy (Rhus toxicoden¬ dron L.) by rubbing the cut end of a live stem on their arms. The next day, March 31, eleven other exposures were made, making thirty-two in all. Of this number, 20 were immune. This number will not seem so large when it is remembered that most of them believed themselves immune. One, 31 however, who thought he was not sensitive to it became one of the worst cases. The remaining 12 broke out as follows : March 30 p.m.„ _ 2 April 1 a.m _ 6 April 2 a.m _ 2 April 3 a.m _ _ 2 Six were promptly treated with a 10% solution of potassium perman¬ ganate and six were not treated with anything. Recovery as follows : With Treatment Without Treatment April 4 a.m _ 2 April 6 a.m _ _ 1 April 5 a.m. _ 1 April 9 a.m _ 2 April 6 a.m _ 2 April 10 am. _ _ _ 3 April 8 a.m _ _ 1 The average time from the first appearance of dermatitis till recovery for those treated with the permanganate was five days, while the average time for those without treatment of any kind was seven and one half days. This is not exactly an accurate showing inasmuch as it was intended not to treat the case which is reported well on April 8, but because of the severity of the attack treatment was begun on April 3 and continued until well. While the experiment was in progress others who had become acci¬ dentally poisoned were treated and cured by the permanganate. No record was made of them. The results of this experiment show : 1. A large number to be immune. 2. That potassium permanganate is an effective remedy for poisoning by poison ivy. 3. The susceptibility varied all the way from extreme sensitivity to apparent total immunity. THE SEROLOGICAL TYPES OF PNEUMOCOCCI IN 331 SUS¬ PECTED CASES OF LOBAR PNEUMONIA — S. R. Damon, State Dept, of Health, Montgomery. During 1938 three hundred thirty-one sputa from suspected cases of lobar pneumonia were sent to the laboratories of the State Department of Health for typing. Examined by the Neufeld technique 184 of the sputa showed pneumococci that gave a Quellung reaction. Type I was the most commonly occurring type of organism and was almost exactly twice as prevalent as any other type. Types VII, VIII and III were the next most common. Twenty-three of the recognized 30 serological types were en¬ countered during the year. THE EXPERIENCE OF THE ALABAMA STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH WITH MALARIA CONTROL ON IM¬ POUNDED WATERS — G. H. Hazlehurst, State Dept, of Public Health, Montgomery. There is likely no problem in the field of public health which offers a greater challenge to our people and to health officials for solution than does malaria. There are areas in Alabama — chiefly in the cities — where it yields to control, and there are other areas — mainly rural — where it does not. 32 Malaria prevention is primarily a problem of water control. Water areas may be divided into two classifications: (a) naturally created and (b) artificially-created. In these water areas the vector of malaria breeds — the mosquito Anopheles quadrimaculatus. Therefore, both natural and ar¬ tificial or man-made areas must be considered, as the methods of apbroach are frequently quite different. In considering natural areas the health department furnishes informa¬ tion as to how the disease may be controlled or abolished. The final re¬ sponsibility for authorizing as well as financing such preventive measures as are necessary rests with the people, individually, by groups, or through their local governments. The rural government in Alabama has not been granted the basic authority to handle the problem and its solution is for the future. In the control of artificially-created areas the state takes the position, in the interest of those persons living within an area of a mile or so of the impoundage, that the owner of such impoundages must not permit it to became a danger to the lives and health of these citizens. As Anopheline breeding both in natural and artificial areas is brought under control, malaria should gradually be reduced in the state as a whole. There are several measures used for the control of malaria. Only the elimination of the vector is fully effective. Under some conditions this may be accomplished in several ways, but normally draining or filling is the most positive. Others consist of biological methods, as water level fluctuation, fish, and plant control, larvicidal as oil spraying or Paris green dusting, housing as screening, and treatment of the individual with drugs. The State Health Department within its legal and personnel limitations is now utilizing every recognized method, where applicable to aid the people of the state to throw off the economic handicap of malaria. Its program is not stagnant or stereotyped. Its present activities other than artificially- created impoundages are conducted with the full and normally written con¬ sent of all land owners. The department can go no further than these are willing to permit it. All of its efforts directed at malaria control through¬ out the state at large are based upon the postulate that the protection of human life and health should be given first concern and that the many other important interests of a socio-economic nature should be considered and weighed in the light of their relative importance. REFRIGERATION AS A MEANS FOR IMPROVING THE GERMI¬ NATION OF LESPEDEZA SERICEA AND OTHER REFRAC¬ TORY SEEDS — J. F. Duggar, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Chilling of unhulled seeds of this valuable hay plant, at temperatures, near and on either side of the freezing point, usually more than doubled the percentage of seeds that sprouted. This held true even for as brief an ex¬ posure to cold as a single day. The number of sprouting seeds was further increased by lengthening the exposure to cold to two days. Best results were with the longest period tested, that is, with an exposure for 16 days to cold just above or just below the freezing point. Under most conditions improved germination occurred where the seed were dry when refrigerated. Somewhat larger increases in germination were generally obtained where the seeds, when refrigerated, were either damp or wet. 33 Refrigeration for even these short periods afforded increases that brought the germination percentage up to 61 per cent. This would justify refrigeration of sericea seed in the farmer’s practice, but is considerably below the maximum germinability of this species, as shown by germination percentages of scarified seed. The results serve to explain the thicker volunteer stands that seem to follow the shedding of sericea seed in cool climates than the writer has generally obtained in Alabama. Here the seeds, naturally shed on or near the surface of the soil, are subjected to less severe and less protracted cold than in higher latitudes. NOTES ON ALABAMA SNAKES (Opaque projection) — Geo. C. Moore, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Snakes belong to the suborder Ophidia which is distinguished from other groups of animals in the class Reptilia by the presence of teeth not set in alveoli and the absence of legs, eyelids, external ear openings and tympanum. There are five families of this suborder found in the U. S., three of which are found in Alabama. There are about 47 species and subspecies of which about 40 belong to the harmless and beneficial family Colubridae. The beautiful but deadly little coral snake belongs to the family Elapidae. The Indian cobra, a close relative, is perhaps the largest and most deadly of all poisonous snakes. One should never confuse the poisonous coral with the harmless king snake, Lampropeltis elapsoides. They are very similar in habits and general ap¬ pearance, but may be easily distinguished. The family Crotalidae com¬ prises most of our poisonous snakes, as the copperheads, cottonmouth, and the rattlers. They are fairly uniformly distributed over the state but some are more or less restricted to the most favorable habitats. Two new subspecies have recently been added to Alabama fauna by the extended range of one and the resurrection of another which has passed unnoticed for nearly half a century. The western subspecies of the pigmy rattler ( Sistrurus miliarias streckcri ) has been collected near Auburn by the author. This extended the former range several hundred miles eastward. The water snake, Natrix sipedon pleuralis, was poorly described by Cope in 1892 as Natrix fasciata pleuralis. It has recently been discussed by Clay and seems to be an intergrade between the Northern Banded Water Snake, N. s. sipedon , and the Southern Banded Water Snake, N. s. fasciata. The finding of these two new subspecies near Auburn is worth consid¬ eration and opens a field for further study. WATER SOLUBLE GROWTH SUBSTANCES IN PLANTS — J. R. Jackson, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The necessity of complex organic compounds in the normal development of plants has been established. These compounds, variously known as growth substances, plant hormones, etc., function in the elongation of stems, photo¬ tropic and geotropic responses, inhibition of bud development, and the initi¬ ation of the development of adventitious roots on herbaceous and hardwood cuttings. Recently the concept of water soluble growth substances has been enlarged to include at least certain of the vitamin complexes. Vitamin B1t vitamin C and probably others are essential to the growth of certain fungi and excised roots of green plants. 34 UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE TRAINING IN WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT — F. S. Arant, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Wildlife management may be defined as the art of making land produce and sustain wild vertebrate animals. It is the art of so managing the land and manipulating the environment as to increase productivity. A program of wildlife management must be based on a thorough knowledge of sound biological principles and must fit into a scheme of economical land use. Professional wildlife work involves the interplay of so many factors that both undergraduate and graduate training are highly desirable if not essential for students who are to make wildlife work their vocation. A1 though a number of reputable institutions are now graduating students with the B.S. degree in wildlife, it is the firm conviction of the writer that a far better plan is to offer fundamental undergraduate training in biology and land use; then build on this foundation with graduate work in applied wild¬ life and related sciences. Course work leading to the M.S. degree in wildlife, in addition to Eng¬ lish, history, mathematics, sociology, and other general subjects, should in¬ clude at least the equivalent of the following three-hour courses : Undergraduate. — Grain crops, soils, drainage and terracing, animal nu¬ trition, agricultural economics, plant materials, general botany*, bacteriology, general chemistry*, organic chemistry, qualitative and quantitative analysis*, physics, general zoology*, comparative anatomy, genetics, embryology, gen¬ eral entomology, systematic entomology, wildlife conservation. Undergraduate or graduate. — Forage crops, fertilizers and soil fertility, incubation and brooding, farm management, general forestry, dendrology, systematic botany, invertebrate zoology, parasitology*, birds, micro-technique. Graduate. — Advanced systematic botany, seed identification, aquatic zoology, ichthyology*, advanced ornithology, mammalogy, game manage¬ ment*, herpetology, research. King (Trans. 3rd N. Amer. Wildlife Conf. 1938, pp. 548-57) has dis¬ cussed in more general terms types of training in wildlife management. *Six credits. BY TITLE SELF-STERILITY IN BSCHSCHOLTZI A CALIFORNICA CHAM — Alvin V. Beatty, University of Alabama. SECTION II CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, AND MATHEMATICS FORMULAS FOR GRADUATING CIRCLES AND SPHERES — -J. Sullivan Gibson, State Teachers College, Livingston. Given: A Circle with radius of one unit (unit circle) and area repre¬ senting a known value. Required : To compute the radius of any other circle whose area shall have the same ratio to the area of the unit circle as the known value of the required circle has to that of the unit circle. 35 Solution: Let a = area of unit circle with radius of one unit and r = radius (1 unit) of the unit circle and a^ area of any other circle proportional to the unit circle and r, = radius of circle with area a, (the radii of two circles are to each other as the square roots of their areas) r, : r : V a, V a V- ri r, _ . l_a 1_ r ~ I \ a r, ^ / a, then r But r = 1 (given) a is constant throughout any given series, since it is a unit circle. Then V a also is constant and can be computed arithmetically. Then in solving for n in the equation, Va. ri = divide Val by the constant For solving with slide rule : 1. With a soft lead pencil mark the B scale at the point representing the numerical areal value of the unit circle (This line, extended, marks on the C scale the square root of the numerical areal value of the unit circle. This square root becomes the constant divisor in the series of compu¬ tations.) 2. Move the marked point on the B scale to the point on the A scale repre¬ senting the numerical areal value of any given circle of the series. 3. Read the new radius on the D scale at the end of the C scale. For graduating spheres, proceed as above, except use : 3 3 ri • r • • V Vi : V v For solving with slide rule : 1. Set the hair line at the position on the K scale representing the numeri¬ cal value of the unit sphere. 2. Mark with soft pencil the C and B scales (slide closed) immediately underneath the hair line. 3. Move the hair line, and the marked points on the C and B scales to the position on the K scale representing the numerical value of any given circle of the series. 4. Read the new radius on the D scale at the end of the C scale. THE PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF MESITYL OXIDE — B. F. Clark, Birmingham-Southern College. A search of the literature revealed the fact that the physical constants of mesityl oxide had not all been determined, and that those already recorded frequently showed considerable variance. The investigation just completed has served to clarify this situation. Boiling point determinations of mesityl oxide were made at various pres¬ sures from atmospheric down to 25mm. The boiling point at 755.59mm was found to be 129.1°. Density was determined at several temperatures and the results are as follows : 0°/4° 0.8799 10°/4° 0.8700 20°/4° 0.8629 3074° 0.8517 4074° 0.8430 6074° 0.8222 80° /4° 0.8022 10074° 0.7818 36 The refractive index was found to be: 15° 1.4458 20° 1.4430 25° 1.4404 30° 1.4381 Molecular refraction calculated by the Lorenz-Lorentz equation was 29.83, or 1.16% different than the theoretical of 29.510. Absolute viscosity was as follows 0° 0.008263 40° 0.005007 10° 0.007162 60° 0.004023 20° 0.006334 80° 0.003349 30° 0.005578 100° 0.002767 Surface tension at 20° was found to be 29.42 dynes per sq.cm, by the drop weight method. From the above data on density and surface tension, the parachor was found to be 264.88. Melting point and solubility data are not yet complete but results to date indicate that the melting point is — 63.8° ± .5°. Solubility in water at room temperature is approximately 4%. THE INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN IONS ON THE OXIDATION PO¬ TENTIAL OF GLUTATHIONE — Dick Clay and John Xan, Howard College. It is of prime importance to ascertain what factors affect the ease of oxidation and reduction of glutathione. Therefore, a study of the effect of certain ions on the oxidation reduction potential of glutathione was under¬ taken. The apparatus used in this experiment is a modification of that de¬ scribed by Clark and Cohen. The following results were obtained : E.M.F.of Solution Tested Glutathione Distilled water_ _ .035 Mcllvain buffer — pH = 7 _ .097 NaCl _ 1M _ .036 KCI _ 1M _ .037 E.M.F.of .Solution Tested Glutathione CaCl2 _ 10 mgCa/100 cc _ .036 MgCh — 2.75 mgMg/100 cc _ .042 Na-SCL .1M _ .043 Na2HP04--2mgPC>4/100 cc ... .056 Na2HP04--5mgPC>4/100 cc . 076 The results show that phosphate ion causes a greater negative potential, and that the negative potential is greater, the greater the phosphate concen¬ tration. The concentrations of S04, Ca, Mg, and P04 approximate those found in blood plasma according to the analysis of Greenberg, Youngburg and Youngburg, and other analysis. As to the affect of the other ions of the blood plasma, namely Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, and S04, the data here presented show that they are without effect, with the possible exception of Mg and S04 which may slightly in¬ crease the negative potential. PROGRESS IN PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS — R. L. Copson and G. L. Frear, Tennessee Valley Authority. Of the mineral plant food elements, phosphorus is crucially important in the solution of the urgent national problem of soil conservation. If the 37 fertility of our soils is to be maintained, consumption of phosphate fertilizers must be increased several-fold. Nearly all of the phosphate fertilizer used in this country has been pro¬ duced from the phosphate rock deposits of Florida and Tennessee, although very much larger reserves exist in the Northwest. The Tennessee and Florida fields have been mined for more than fifty years, and the highest- grade and most accessible deposits were mined first. In recent years it has been necessary to develop methods of utilizing the lower-grade and less desirable deposits. Methods of concentrating the lower-grade material by washing and flotation have been developed, but the processing of lower- grade material tends to increase manufacturing costs. Phosphate fertilizer is produced commercially by grinding phosphate rock and mixing it with sulfuric acid. The product is known as ordinary superphosphate, and contains 16 to 20 per cent available P905. By treat¬ ing rock phosphate with sulfuric acid, dilute phosphoric acid can be pro¬ duced, which after concentration can be mixed with additional phosphate fines to produce concentrated superphosphate containing 45 to 50 per cent available P905. Only a relatively small proportion of the commercial pro¬ duction of phosphate fertilizer consists of the concentrated product. Beginning about 1920, development of the electric furnace process for concentrated phosphoric acid was undertaken by the chemical industry. The blast furnace process also has been used by one company. Little of the con¬ centrated acid from these processes went into fertilizer prior to the activi¬ ties of TVA. Beginning in 1933, the Authority has made improvements in the electric furnace method, and has produced approximately 170,000 tons of concen¬ trated superphosphate by this process. Low-grade rock may be used di¬ rectly in the electric furnace to produce concentrated superphosphate. TVA has also developed a plant for manufacturing a new fertilizer material, cal¬ cium metaphosphate or “metaphos,” which contains 60 to 70 per cent avail¬ able P205. Some 8,500 tons of "metaphos” have been made. Other materials and processes are being investigated. The TVA concentrated products are being used in testing, demonstra¬ tion, and soil building programs under supervision of State Land Grant Colleges and Universities, the U. S'. Department of Agriculture, and organi¬ zations of farmers. The Authority has chiefly directed its experimental work toward the pro¬ duction of concentrated phosphates in the belief that substantial savings are most likely to be realized through reduction in such costs as handling, bag¬ ging, and transportation. The lower cost of shipping highly concentrated products like “metaphos,” and the trend toward higher manufacturing costs in the East, may ultimately bring the Western deposits into the economic picture. SMELTING OF PHOSPHATE ROCK IN THE ELECTRIC FUR¬ NACE — R. H. Newton and D. B. Ardern, Tennessee Valley Authority. The Tennessee phosphate deposits have been mined by hand methods to produce high-grade lump rock to such an extent that the deposits are now depleted of this material. Recent developments in mechanical mining meth¬ ods and electric furnace processing have permitted utilization of lower- grade fine material. TVA agglomerates fine phosphatic material by heating to incipient fusion in a rotary kiln. This process accomplishes the removal of volatile matter without the loss of phosphate, and makes a satisfactory burden from material of low phosphatic content. The phosphate is smelted in three-phase, 5500 kilowatt, electric arc furnaces. In the furnace charge, the phosphate is proportioned with suf¬ ficient fine coke to reduce the phosphate, iron oxide, and minor reducible constituents; and with sufficient silica pebble to flux the residual compon¬ ents, forming a calcium silicate slag. Ferrophosphorus, a compound of iron and phosphorus, is a by-product of the process. The furnace gases, containing essentially carbon monoxide and phos¬ phorus, are either burned in a water-cooled chamber or cooled in a spray type condenser. In the latter process, phosphorus is condensed and the carbon monoxide is recovered as a valuable fuel gas. The condensed phos¬ phorus may be burned to phosphorus pentoxide or diverted to other uses. The phosphorus pentoxide obtained from the combustion of either the condensed phosphorus or the furnace gases is hydrated to concentrated phos¬ phoric acid by fine water sprays, and the acid is recovered in an electrostatic precipitator or an entrainment separator. Purification of this crude acid is not necessary in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizer. TVA has operated one to three furnaces for about five years, experi¬ menting with a wide variety of furnace materials and operating conditions in order to determine means of achieving the minimum cost of phosphoric acid. A study of the products of reaction has shown the probable course of many minor reactions in the furnace. TVA PROCESSES FOR CONCENTRATED SUPERPHOSPHATE AND METAPHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS — Grady Tarbutton, Tennessee Valley Authority. TVA has improved processes for making superphosphate containing 45-50 per cent Pr,Or, by treating rock phosphate with concentrated phosphoric acid (60-87 per cent HsP04), and has developed a process for making cal¬ cium metaphosphate (“metaphos”) containing 60-70 per cent P2On by re¬ acting P^Oj; with rock phosphate at 1100° C. Concentrated superphosphate made from dilute phosphoric acid contains much water which must be evaporated either by long storage or bv artificial means. The opinion was held that use of concentrated phosphoric acid (above 65 per cent HsP04) was not feasible because the product set up too quickly to be mixed thoroughly. Therefore, experiments were made to de¬ termine the feasibility of using the more concentrated acid. The variables studied were: concentration of acid (60-87 per cent HaP04), particle size of rock, and temperature. The mixture of acid and rock at first is fluid, then becomes plastic and finally solid. The time required for the mixture to set up decreased with decreasing particle size of rock, with increasing acid concen¬ tration, and with increasing temperature. The power required to operate the mixer was found to increase sharply as the mixture passed from the fluid to the plastic stage. Further, it was found that intimate mixing for a long time was not necessary. In practice, a satisfactory product is made by mixing rock dust (90 per cent through 100-mesh) with 76-78 per cent HaPCL at about 100° F. in a batch mixer. Two minutes are required for mixing and dumping a batch. “Metaphos” is made by the direct reaction of P2O5 with lump rock phosphate at about 1100° C, at which temperature the product is obtained as a molten, glass-like material. The proper distribution and control of heat in the furnace were found to be of prime importance. It was found that 39 the refractories commonly used for lining high temperature furnaces were either attacked by the hot P2O5 or were dissolved by the molten “metaphos.” However, most of the difficulties encountered have been overcome and a full-scale plant has been operated successfully. SECTION III GEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHEOLOGY BENTONITE IN SOUTHERN ALABAMA — Edgar Bowles, Geological Survey of Alabama. Bentonite has been known in Alabama for many years, but only recently has a deposit of sufficient size and quality for commercial exploitation been discovered. The discovery, in 1937, by Mr. M. J. Epley of Thomasville of a rela¬ tively thick bed of bentonite in Clarke County is the first record in Ala¬ bama of bentonite younger than Cretaceous. The Clarke County bentonite occurs as a 40-inch layer in deposits of Middle Eocene (Claiborne age), apparently in the transition zone between the Tallahatta and Lisbon forma¬ tions. The bentonite stratum, consistently maintaining its thickness, has been discovered in three places a few miles apart along the strike of the forma¬ tions, showing in each case the same geologic relationships. The known occurrences of this bentonite horizon are all in T 10 N, R 1 W, just east of the Tombigbee River and a few miles southeast of the village of Cunningham, in Clarke County. Distinct relict volcanic textures are present and are interesting from an economic as well as a scientific point of view. As the bentonite deposits are the result of direct volcanic action, it might well be expected that the same horizon would appear consistently along the strike, maintaining a con¬ stant stratigraphic position. The presence of glauconite in association with the montmorillonite, the constituent mineral of the bentonite, is another important point in the argu¬ ment for continuity and consistency. Glauconite is formed only under con¬ ditions of marine sedimentation. If, then, the volcanic ash settled in quiet marine water off-shore, the beds should occur as definite marine sediments consistently present along the strike of the formation and with little varia¬ tion in thickness other than a gradual thinning away from the source of the material. CLIMATE OF THE TENNESSEE VALLEY IN ALABAMA — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. The Tennessee Valley has a growing season of about 200 days, which puts it near the northern limit of cotton culture. It is far enough from the coast to have rather dry summers, a factor conducive to fertile soils. Win¬ ter and spring are the principal rainy seasons, and that may be a factor in giving this part of Alabama a higher tuberculosis mortality than the rest of the state. Illustrated by graphs. 40 VARIATIONS WITH DEPTH AT HOG MOUNTAIN GOLD MINE — R. S. Poor, Birmingham-Southern College. Hog Mountain is located at the northern edge of Tallapoosa County, 13 miles northeast of Alexander City, Alabama. The geology of this area in Tallapoosa County, Alabama consists of a quartz-diorite intrusive in Wedowee schist of probable Pre-Cambrian age. The intrusion is a laccolith truncated by erosion. It is probably late Paleo¬ zoic. The intrusion is crudely oval, N - S parallel to regional schistosity, with the source at the south end. It is broken by E - W joints which dip 45 to 85 degrees to the north. Some of these are mineralized. The northern extension of the quartz-diorite bottoms out on the We¬ dowee schist from the shaft northward on the 200 foot level. In this section “where followed toward the schist and quartz-diorite contact the veins widen, forming pipe-like ore bodies, but commonly they split into many stringers and pinch out at the contact. Shear zones, conspicuously developed in the quartz-diorite, are less noticeable in the schists. They strike almost due east and dip northward. Many shear planes cross the veins, though some bend and merge with them. Certain shear zones, while carrying less value than the material proper, are still high enough in grade to be eco¬ nomically mined. . . .”1 The gold is in very minute grains in pyrrhotite with some pyrite and chalcopyrite and occasional arseno-pyrite and sphalerite. The gangue is blue-gray to black quartz. Mineralization is hvpothermal and mostly in the veins may go 1 to 4 feet beyond in the shearing. Development south of the shaft on the 200-foot level showed : (1) An increase in coarseness of texture, (2) an absence of miarolitic openings (3) an interweaving of vein stringers with schist indicating that the vein fillings may have come via the schistosity, (4) Tenor became more irregular and lower as the texture became coarser. iReprinted from U. S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 6914. HAIL-STORMS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO DISTURB¬ ANCES OF SUCH CHARACTER OCCURRING IN ALABAMA — Patrick H. Smyth, Meteorologist (Retired). Destructive hail-storms are not of frequent occurrence in Alabama and, as a rule, thev are local in character. Such storms occurred in the State in 1832, 1847, May 6, 1857, 1884, April 20, 1920, and May 22, 1928. The hail-storm of April, 1920, was of considerable intensity; it was accompanied by heavy thunder, high winds, and heav' rainfall. The hail drifted in places to depths of three to five feet. The hail-storm of May 22, 1928, was the most destructive storm of its type, of which there is a record, ever to have occurred in Alabama. The path of heaviest hail was from one to four miles in width and extended from the vicinity of Aliceville to Gordo, Pick¬ ens County, thence northeastward to Newtonville, Fayette County. In some places in Pickens County the hail drifts in the forests were eight feet or more in height, and the largest hailstones ranged from the size of a guinea egg to that of a baseball. In certain locations in Pickens County ice, two to three feet thick, was still to be found in the gulleys on July 4. 28 days 41 after the storm. Information regarding soft hail, frost, hoar-frost, sleet, glaze, rime, and what constitutes an ice-storm. Although heavy snow sel¬ dom occurs in Alabama, there have been such visitations. In 1886, Decem¬ ber 3-5, snow covered the ground to a depth of 20 inches in the northern portion of the State, reached a depth of 16 inches in the middle portion, and 12 inches in some localities in the southern portion. Dense fog is not of frequent occurrence in Alabama. It is confined mostly to the coast region and along the rivers, and mostly local in character. THE GEOLOGY OF THE MONTGOMERY DISTRICT — Walter B. Jones, State Geologist of Alabama. The City of Montgomery is located on the Eutaw formation of Cre¬ taceous age, just north of the contact between the Eutaw and the overlying Selma chalk, the Eutaw rests conformably upon the Tuscaloosa forma¬ tion which is the oldest of the beds composing the Coastal Plain series. The Tuscaloosa formation covers various crystalline beds which form the old Piedmont Plateau. The crystallines are strongly folded and faulted and constitute a com¬ plex of mica schists of the Ashland group, augen gneiss, the Wedowee phyllites, undifferentiated Archean rocks, Pinckneyville granite, etc. At Wetumpka some fifteen miles north of Montgomery, the Coosa River has uncovered the basement rocks, exposing there the Ashland schists, together with some block faulting into the down throw of which rest beds of Eutaw and Selma age. The faulting is very interesting and quite unusual. The maximum displacement is some 600 feet. The Tuscaloosa formation is composed largely of variegated clays com¬ prising the principal thickness of the formation on top of which are sands and gravel, particularly in the vicinity of the fall line where the Tusca¬ loosa overlaps the crystallines. The Tuscaloosa is non-fossiliferous. The Eutaw formation is composed of fossiliferous, marine clays and heavily cross-bedded sands. The Selma formation consists of so-called rotten lime¬ stone ranging in calcium carbonate content from 70% to about 87%. Some horizons within the Selma formation are quite fossiliferous, various species of Ostrea being particularly abundant. The Selma formation is about 900 feet thick, the Eutaw about 400, and the Tuscaloosa about 800. The thickness of the crystalline rocks has not yet been accurately determined. RAINFALL IN ALABAMA — Eugene D. Emigh, Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. Much of the material used in this paper originated in an analytical study to divide Alabama into three climatic zones. The Southern Division, the smallest of the three, lies, roughly, south of Latitude 31° 30'. Though not entirely free from those influences peculiar to the Temperate Zone, it enjoys a sub-tropical climate, on the whole, in¬ fluenced to a pronounced extent by the Gulf of Mexico. The northern Di¬ vision, which is the largest, lies north of Latitude 33°. Its climate is con¬ trolled largely by the alternation of cyclonic disturbances, and anti-cyclones, the centers of which pass along paths mostly to the north of it. The Middle Division is less subject to the influences which preponderate in the other divisions and for this reason is the zone of occurrence of least precipita¬ tion. 42 The average annual precipitation for the State is 53.87 inches, the Northern Division 53.59, Middle 51.84, Southern 58.77. Annual precipita¬ tion at individual stations varies from 46.05 inches, at Tuskegee, in the Middle Division to 67.62 inches at Robertsdale in Baldwin County, which with adjacent territory in Florida is one of the wettest regions in the United States. During the winter and spring months there is remarkable uniformity in rainfall distribution over the State, 15.45, 15.49 and 15.38 inches, re¬ spectively, for the divisions north to south in winter, and 14.95, 13.81 and 14.04 in spring. Beginning in June and to an increasing extent through September rainfall over the Southern Division exceeds that elsewhere in Alabama, the summer averages being 13.43, 13.28 and 17.10. The Southern Division is the only section where the July precipitation is much greater than that in March. However July rainfall throughout the State is of great interest and importance, adequate moisture to sustain vegetation al¬ ready growing well and revive crops suffering from drought being prac¬ tically certain to occur. RECENT SEISMIC ACTIVITY IN WESTERN OHIO (Lantern) — A. J. Westland, Department of Geophysics, St. Louis University. Reliable records list 21 earthquakes of at least moderate intensity for the West Central part of Ohio during the period from 1875 to 1939. The last two tremors occurred March 2 and 9, 1937. Both appear to have the same epicenter but the second was of slightly greater intensity possibly reaching VIII Wood-Neumann Intensity Scale. Thorough microseismic and macroseismic studies were made with excellent agreement in the loca¬ tion of the epicentral region. The macroseismic evidence determined a felt-area of- some 70,000 square miles for the March 2nd shock, while the one of March 9th was felt generally over more than twice this area and reported by people favorably located in such distant cities as Madison, Chi¬ cago, St. Louis, Evansville, Louisville, Pittsburgh and Toronto. Isoseists showed a definite NNE trend which is apparently typical of the earthquakes of this region. No loss of life occurred fortunately and the principal property damage was confined to the town of Anna and the immediate vicinity. In Anna a three story brick school house, a Methodist and a Lutheran church were badly damaged. Practically every chimney was broken or twisted and many foundations and walls were cracked. Within a radius of five or six miles approximately three fourths of the chimneys required repair and sectional monuments in all the nearby cemeteries were rotated or overturned. Sub¬ surface changes in the same area were evidenced by renewed activity of springs, conversion of ordinary wells into artesian wells, increase in flow in other wells but a lessening in the output of both oil and gas wells. Geologists and Seismologists in general pointed to the snap back, re¬ covery-progress, dating from the glacial compression of Pleistocene time, as the most likely cause of these earthquakes. TALLAPOOSA ART — Peter A. Brannon, Alabama Department of Archives and History. Art is an expression by physical execution of the mental concept to devise a means to gratify that ambition. Art may be a picture of an actual 43 thing. Art may be a composite execution expressed in a conventional way, and generally speaking, this expression, in whatever manner it might be fixed, is intended to be pleasing. We think of art as being something which gives comfort rather than something which disturbs in the interpretation of it. The art of aboriginal people is expressed in the forms of their pottery, and in their tools, as well as through and by the ornamentation of these things. The people of the Tallapoosa Region, had just as much distinctive¬ ness in the expression of their culture as did those of Moundville, or those of any other section. Ceramic art is expressed in shell tempered ware which is relatively late, and which extended into historic days ; in ornamented sand tempered ware which shows a high development of finish, and which may have been glazed; in a coarse, heavy, rough ware (the first developed after the stone age period). S'hell ornaments of the older culture of these Tallapoosa people is quite suggestive of that of the Norris Basin of the Tennessee, and of the Wood¬ land culture of the Mississippi Valley. Mask-like gorgets of conch shell, picturesquely carved shell spoons, ear plugs, and pins illustrate the cross, the eye, the hand, the rattlesnake, and the figure of the bird. Painted designs on pottery are similar to the so called Mayan and Aztec temple pyramid step-figures. An orange red slip wash is very much akin to that found in the Pueblo regions of Arizona and New Mexico. There is illustrated through archaeological research, five distinct cul¬ tures of attainment in the progress of the people who occupied this country. The last and historic evidence is indicative of a people who were more or less permanent in their settlement, and who seem to have practised in their arts some of their handed down traditional customs. The speaker used a series of lantern slides, and in a chronological way demonstrated the several cultural stages. SECTION IV INDUSTRY, ECONOMICS AND GEOGRAPHY SIGNIFICANCE OF BACHELORS AND SPINSTERS — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. In every city, state and country there are many people who go through life without marrying, and the proportion varies considerably at different times and places. Where one sex is considerably in excess naturally some of them have to forego marriage, but even in the minority sex there may be many who are physically or mentally incapacitated, or disinclined for other reasons. Statistics of marital condition go back only to 1890 in the United States, but farther in some other countries. Graphs exhibited show the propor¬ tion of bachelors and spinsters in the white population over 45 years old, in every state and in several large cities, from 1890 to 1930. The proportion single increased in most states between 1890 and 1920, but there was com¬ paratively little change between 1920 and 1930, and the next census may possibly show a decrease in some of them. Exceptions to the prevailing trend are found in some of the newer western states, where bachelors were formerly more prevalent than now, on account of a decreasing surplus of men, and in some of the southeastern states, where spinsters were more prevalent in the 90’s than now, on account of the Civil War. 44 The proportion of bachelors is usually a little greater and of spinsters considerably greater in cities than in rural districts ; and there is less celib¬ acy among negroes than among whites. In some foreign countries about 99% of the people who live long enough ultimately marry, while others have as much celibacy as the United States, or more. The percentage of bachelors in the white population over 45 years old is low in the South and high in the West, the extremes in 1930 being 5.57 in Alabama and 31.0 in Nevada. Spinsters are most numerous in the North¬ east and least in the Southwest. The extremes for them by states (not counting the District of Columbia) are 6.22 in Oklahoma and 11.90 in Massachusetts. Among cities of over 100,000 inhabitants San Francisco seems to have the most bachelors (24.8%), and Birmingham the fewest (6.1%) ; and the extreme for spinsters seem to be Cambridge, Mass. (22.2%) and Birmingham (6.5%). As a rule, bachelors are most numerous in the wealthiest states ; but where they are few the people are apt to be more contented, as shown by statistics of divorce, suicide, etc. Spinsters, on the other hand, flourish in the older states, with good school facilities, that have produced many noted persons. They are scarce in newly settled regions, for such communi¬ ties usually have an excess of men. and there would be little for an old maid to do in a region of mining or logging camps or cattle ranches. The proportion of spinsters therefore is a pretty good index of culture. THE WESTERN BLACK BELT: ITS GEOGRAPHIC STATUS — J. Sullivan Gibson, State Teachers College, Livingston. The Black Belt, generally considered co-extensive with the Selma Chalk crescent spanning southcentral Alabama and eastern Mississippi, comprises a distinct cultural unit. Narrow cultural transition zones — counterparts of sharp geologic and soil boundaries — lead from the Black Belt to surround¬ ing areas with contrasting physical character, land use practices, and racial composition. The Black Belt of today reflects a past more renowned than its present, and much of its individuality represents a carry-over from better days An agrarian economy rooted in scattered, rolling tracts of prairie soils of un¬ usual pristine richness gave distinction to early society. Slave labor yielded profits to a sparse white population. In early post-slavery decades, a tenant system supplanting the older order perpetuated the prestige of the cotton planter. More recently, soil deterioration and the accompanying exodus of white farmers resulted in economic and cultural decline. Towns and villages contain only about one-sixth of the total popula¬ tion. Several old towns antedate the railroads and doubtless influenced rail courses ; younger towns have sprung up along the rail routes. Thus, the urban alignment conforms closely to the rail pattern. Old river towns at present realize little from their advantageous location of a century ago. Farm population comprises the rural element. Farmers operating small units crowd the areas of good soil ; relatively few people occupy the poorer soils and the timbered tracts, particularly in the margins of the region. So, rural population adheres to a rather even pattern, varying somewhat with agricultural affluence. A definite bi-racial problem underlies the economic and social order of the Black Belt. Nowhere in the South does a sharper color line exist, and nowhere do whites depend more upon blacks. Servant and tenant roles give the negro a degree of economic security, although his lot is a lowly 45 one. Negroes outnumber whites nearly four to one in the western Black Belt; they comprise more than ninety-five per cent of the total population in some strictly rural districts. White proportions ranging from one-third to two-thirds in urban centers reflect the absentee-landlord role of white farm owners, and the tendency of white people toward business and profes¬ sional pursuits. Negroes perform most of the farm work in the Black Belt. Tenant and share cropper groups include the majority. Cotton and corn, under small scale, crude cultivation, yield only moderately except when fertilized. In¬ creased emphasis on beef cattle represent recent trends in some communities. COAL: ALABAMA’S PROBLEM INDUSTRY — R. S. Poor, Birmingham-Southern College. Serious decreases in bituminous production have occurred in the priv¬ ately-owned mines of Alabama during the past twenty-five to thirty years. The loss for the state amounts to about 7.8% of the nation’s total, or ap¬ proximately $24,804,000 from 1925 to 1937 based upon the 1936 average mine price. These losses can be attributed in large measure to four factors : (1) Competition from coal substitutes (a) fuel oil, including oil dumped from Mexico, (b) natural gas, and (c) hydroelectric power. (2) Unfavorable geologic conditions in the Alabama fields, such as dirty coal, “middle-man” rock, broken measures, gaseous mines, long slopes requiring excessive haulage, etc. (3) Competition by the eastern Kentucky-Tennessee fields, where seams are relatively thick and free from dirt. (4) Freight rates unfavorable to the deep south. These are but a few of the factors in the problem and of those listed Number 3, namely the increased production in the eastern Kentucky-Ten¬ nessee field is most important. POSSIBLE METHODS FOR INCREASING THE CONSUMPTION OF COTTON AND ITS BY-PRODUCTS — C. A. Basore and A. R. Macormac, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Although government regulation of the cotton crop since 1933 has un¬ doubtedly given a certain amount of temporary relief, the cotton carry over has increased year after year until now it amounts to several times the annual consumption. The proposed Federal laboratory at New Orleans will have as its primary objective research for new uses for cotton lint, cotton seed and the whole cotton plant. In the cotton fiber we have the purest form of natural cellulose; practically all of it is present as alpha cellulose, the most valuable form of cellulose. Moreover, cotton is the cheapest of all fibers. Three classes of problems suggest themselves : (1) Chemical and mechanical treatment of the cotton fiber at any stage of manufacture to modify its properties whereby it may become a more serious competitor of linen, wool, silk or rayon. (2) Research projects to determine the best means of obtaining the greatest economic value out of the cottonseed including cotton lin- ters, cottonseed oil, hull fiber, cottonseed meats and cottonseed bran. 4 G (3) Research projects to determine thoroughly the possibilities of the Cameron Dockery whole cotton project and the possible utilization of cotton stalks. In conclusion the authors maintain that King Cotton must get rid of his inferiority complex. They do not agree with those who contend that the economic position of cotton is necessarily hopeless, but on the contrary take the position that much could be done to stabilize and maintain cotton prices by a comprehensive and intensive research program along the general lines indicated, 57 specific projects being listed. Emphasis should how¬ ever be put on projects leading to the use of cotton in high grade and ex¬ pensive material rather than the cheaper class of goods as has been done in the past. One of the most encouraging features of this problem is that cotton is the cheapest of all fibers and thus gives the research worker the opportunity to use relatively expensive processing and finishing procedures and still comnete on a price basis with the other fibers. All signs point to an increased interest on the part of both public and private interests in this country in research on projects aiming to increase the industrial consump¬ tion of agricultural products. If the suggestions made in this paper serve as an additional incentive to attempt such work on cotton or its products, we will feel that our efforts have been well worth while. WHAT DOES INDUSTRY MEAN TO THE SOUTH? — W. D. Moore, American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham. Agriculture and Industry in Alabama have a common cause. That which would hurt one must eventually hurt the other, and that which is good for one must also be good for the other. In the interest of a “New Deal” for the State of Alabama and the South I wish to present to you some of the problems which confront industrialists, with the hope that we may join hands in seeking a solution. Don’t forget that industry has wings — it is mobile today as never be¬ fore — because in all of the cases under discussion you will find modern factories located at the strategic points of the country with capacities far in excess of the market requirements, so the law of economics, working through Management, dictates which plant shall operate and which shall re¬ main idle. During recent years the cast iron pressure pipe industry of this country has operated at approximately 40% of its capacity. It is a fact that the individual corporations own plants in several important producing cen¬ ters of the country, and it is a function of Management to determine which of these plants shall operate, and the decision is made on a basis of eco¬ nomic facts, and not on sentiment. We have a balance of trade against the South of more than a billion dollars, and if this is to be brought into a reasonable balance we must man¬ ufacture and ship more finished products out of the South. The economic challenge is this : Can these products be produced here in the South at prices sufficiently low to be able to pay the cost of transportation to the market and compete with the same quality of products made in well equipped plants that are more favorably located with relation to the markets? It is not enough that we produce our products as cheap as our competitors, for they are located at or near the market, and have a relatively low cost of transportation, while we are located at a great distance from the market and must absorb the difference in the cost of transportation. For example, the South produces 60% of the cast iron pressure pipe of the country 90% of this Southern production is sold in outside markets at $1.00 to $10.00 per ton freight rate disadvantage. To absorb this rate disadvantage, pro¬ duction costs in the South must be lower in wages and taxes than in the North, and freight rate disadvantages must be reduced. Otherwise, in¬ dustry must leave the South. MARKETING ALABAMA FARM PRODUCTS — Luther Fuller, Farm Products Agent, T. C. I. & R. R. Co. This was a practical discussion of the problems involved in the mar¬ keting of Alabama’s farm products. It analyzed the available and possible markets, trade requirements, grading, packing and processing plants, and the opportunities in Alabama to increase the farmer’s income. (Illustrated with charts and maps) POPULATION TRENDS' IN ALABAMA — J. Allen Tower, Birmingham-Southern College. Land utilization has been a topic greatly stressed in recent years. Droughts, floods, and the manifold effects of international market disloca¬ tions have proven clearly many of the disadvantages of our prevailing meth¬ ods of land use. Largely as a result of these effects, a state planning movement has swept the country during the New Deal years, and most states have more or less active state planning commissions. In Alabama the com¬ mission heretofore has been able to do little, but the new administration seeks to activate it. If this be done, much of its work will lie necessarily in the field of land planning, since our population is primarily rural and dependent upon agriculture and forestry for a living. In default of detailed field work, one method of approach is to examine the settlement record. An analysis of the localization and trends in popula¬ tion distribution reveals the record of man’s experience according to exist¬ ing land use methods. It likewise provides a starting point for a more detailed study of local areas and necessary remedial work. This paper is a progress report on such a preliminary study. The map of Population Change in Alabama for 1910-30 localizes by election precincts the changes during that period. While the state as a whole increased 24 percent in population, marked regional variations oc¬ curred. Of the 1351 precincts 35 percent showed perceptible decrease and 54 percent definite increase. The Tennessee Valley region shows the best all around growth, primarily based on agriculture ; next year’s census should show continued increase, except where impounded water has forced an exo¬ dus of population. In the Ridge and Valley region, rapid urban and indus¬ trial growth sets the keynote, and agriculture seems declining except in DeKalb and Cullman. General decline is true in the Piedmont except for local industrial developments. In the Black Belt the shift from cultivated crops to livestock has entailed the greatest decline of any region, and has been accompanied by extensive land abandonment. Much of the Wire Grass region is growing on the basis of diversified agriculture, while in the Mobile region general increase is the result of forest activities and only locally of agriculture and recreation, plus Mobile's manufacturing and port functions. Regional trends indicate extensive farm abandonment in Alabama, and therefore a crucial problem in the continued growth of the state lies in the proper handling of what is essentially forest land. At our meeting next year, this is a problem which might well be considered. 48 ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Officers for 1939-1940 President, Henry Shine, St. Bernard High School— . . St. Bernard, Ala. Vice-President, Elizabeth Bush, Seale High School _ Seale, Ala. Secretary, Artie Belle Pirtle, Sidney Lanier High School Montgomery, Ala. Treasurer, Warner Sinback, Woodlawn High School _ Birmingham, Ala. Acting-Permanent Counselor, J. L. Kassner* * _ University, Ala. High Schools and Official Delegates at the Seventh Annual Meeting, Sidney Lanier High School, Montgomery, Ala., April 14 and 15, 1939 +Aliceville High School — -Jenny Shaw _ Aliceville, Ala. Baldwin County High School — George EUa Till _ Bay Minette, Ala. Bishop Toolen High School — Rita Villa _ Mobile, Ala. Butler County High School — John A. McCrory _ Greenville, Ala. Coffee County High School — James Hatchard _ Enterprise, Ala. Convent of Mercy Academy — Doris Crabtree . . Mobile, Ala. +Cullman County High School _ Cullman, Ala. Hueytown High School — Catherine Jennings _ Hueytown, Ala. Lee County High School — Redding S. Sugg _ Auburn, Ala. Mortimer Jordan High School — Earnest Joseph _ Morris, Ala. Murphy High School — Claude L. Brown _ Mobile, Ala. Phillips High School — Harold Lloyd.. _ _ Birmingham, Ala. ♦Sacred Heart Academy — Mary Myrtis Walsh _ Cullman, Ala. +Saint Bernard High School — Henry Shine _ St. Bernard, Ala. Seale High School — Mary Parkman _ Seale, Ala. Shades-Cahaba High School — George Rush _ Birmingham, Ala. +Sidney Lanier High School— Russell LeRoy _ Montgomery, Ala. Troy High School — Sara Riley _ Troy, Ala. Tuscaloosa County High School — Otha Spence _ Northport, Ala. Tuscaloosa Senior High School — Mary Grey Porter _ Tuscaloosa, Ala. West End High School — Virginia Nacarow _ Birmingham, Ala. Woodlawn High School — Charles Barratt _ _ Birmingham, Ala. Senior Academy Certificates of Award For the best paper — Walter Cornelius, The Design and Construction of Aircraft — Shades-Cahaba High School _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala. For the best exhibit in biology — Taxidermy Sidney Lanier High School _ _ Montgomery, Ala. For the best exhibit in chemistry — Everyday Chemistry Convent of Mercy Academy _ _ Mobile, Ala. For the best exhibit in physics — Ultra Violet Demonstration Woodlawn High School _ _ _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala. For the best exhibit in science and industry — Ventilation of a Coal Mine — Hueytown High School _ _ _ Hueytown, Ala. +Chapters added in 1938-1939 *For his report see page 11 49 TREASURY REPORT OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 15, 1939 RECEIPTS Balance on hand April 7, 1938 _ _ _ $18.00 Chapter dues _ _ _ _ _ _ 48.00 Registration fee at annual meeting _ _ _ _ _ 22.50 Total Receipts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $88.50 DISBURSEMENTS Treasurer’s books _ 3.35 Stationery _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9.18 President’s trip to Montgomery _ 1.00 Stencils _ 1.25 Postage _ _ _ 8.07 Engrossing Certificates and Charters, H. L. Jones _ 15.50 Expenses at annual meeting _ _ 2.15 Weatherford Printing Company... _ _ 2.00 Miscellaneous _ 1.45 Total Disbursements _ _ _ _ Balance, The City National Bank, Tuscaloosa Audited and found correct, April 15, 1939. $88.50 $43.95 44.55 $88.50 J. L. KASSNER, JOHN XAN, Chairman Auditing Committee. ^MEMBERS OF THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE t Abercrombie, W. F. (A)... . . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Adcock, Julia C. (C) _ Route 1, Box 29-E, Birmingham, Ala. Alabama Department of Archives and History _ Montgomery, Ala. JAllen, Edgar (A) _ _ _ Yale University, New Haven, Conn. t Allen, Roger W. (B) _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. f*Allison, Fred (G) _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Andrews, T. G. (C)... . . . . . . . . . . . University, Ala. Arant, F. S. (A) _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. t Archer, Allen F. (A) _ _ _ _ .... University, Ala. fAyrs, O. L- ( B ) _ 1001 28th Place S.. Birmingham, Ala. Bales, P. D. (G) _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Barkalow, F. S. (A)... _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Barnes, G. F. (B) _ _ _ Judson College, Marion, Ala. *Basore, C. A. (D) _ _ ..Auburn, Ala. Beatty A. V. (A) _ University, Ala. Biggs, Jeannette (A) _ _ _ _ Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. fBishop, E. L. (F) _ 404 Pound Building, Chattanooga, Tenn. Blair, Arthur J. (C) _ 1600 Brown-Marx Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. 50 Blair, C. S. (C)~_ _ _ Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. fBliss, A. R. (F) _ , _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Bodemann, Elsie (A) _ Alabama College, Montevallo, Ala. Bowles, Edgar (C) _ _ _ _ University, Ala. fBrakefield, J. L. (A)„. _ _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Brame, J. Y. (C)_ _ _ _ Montgomery, Ala. * Brannon, Peter A. (C) _ _ _ _ - . . _ _ Dept, of Archives & History, Montgomery, Ala. fBreckenridge, C. G. (A) _ ^ _ ....University, Ala. Brooks, P. P. B. (G) . 212 Ponce de Leon Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Brown, Margaret E. (A) _ 1639 13th Ave. S., Birmingham, Ala. Brown Olin T. (C) _ .... _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Brown, R. D. (B) _ _ _ Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Brougher, Cooper (F) _ State Health Department, Montgomery, Ala. Bruhn, J. M. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. fBunton, Paul B _ _ 602 Transportation Bldg., Washington, D. C. Campbell, Justina (A) . . State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. fCarlson, J. Gordon (A) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. fCarmichael, E. B. (B) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Christenson, R. O. (A) _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Christianson, O. O. (F) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. fClark, B. F. (B) _ Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. Clements, R. M. (F) _ _ _ 2501 7th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Coghill, W. H. (C) . . . U. S. Bureau of Mines, University, Ala. fColton, W. E. (A)— _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Coons, Kenneth W. (B) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Copson, Raymond L. (B) _ _ 110 Plant One, Sheffield, Ala. Corley, Nora, (A) _ _ _ _ State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Coulliette, J. H. (G)-Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. Crane, (Mrs.) I. B. (F)... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .University, Ala. fCudworth, James R. (C)_ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Culmer, Orphan Ann (E) _ State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. fCunningham, Floyd F. (D) _ State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. Dale, Hugh (B)... _ _ _ _ Y. M. C. A., Birmingham, Ala. Damon, S. R. (F) _ State Board of Health, Montgomery, Ala. Dejarnette, David (C). _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Dejarnette, James T., Jr. (C) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. deWilton, Ed L. (A) . . . 1502 N. 15th Court, Birmingham, Ala. Dorroh, J. L. (B) _ _ _ _ _ Judson College, Marion, Ala. Duggar, J. F., Sr. (A) - - - - - Auburn, Ala. Emigh, Eugene D. (C) _ _ ...Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. Engelbrecht, Mildred A’. (A) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. English, Arthur A. (A) _ _ _ _ Box 708, Mobile, Ala. t*Farmer, C. M. (A).. _ _ _ _ _ _ Troy, Ala. Fertig, George J. (D) _ _ _ Comer Bldg, Birmingham, Ala. Fidler, Herbert K. (A) _ _ _ University, Ala. Fies, Milton H. (D) _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. fFoley, Janies O. (F) _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Foster, James R. (B) _ _ _ ...Box 307, Wilson Dam, Ala. Frear, G. L. (B ) - - - - Sheffield, Ala. Gandrud, B. W. (C) _ 406 19th Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Gattmann, Lambert (A)... - - St. Bernard College, Cullman, Ala. Geisler, Edith (A). — - - Adger, Ala. Gerhardt, Henry (E) - - - - 1215 Elmira St., Mobile, Ala. Gibson, J. S. (D)~ . _ . . .State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Glazner, J. F. (D) - State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. 51 Good, J. G. (A) - - - - - - - A. P. I., Auburn, Ala. fGoss, Charles N. (F) _ _ _ University, Ala. t*Graham, John Y. (A) - - - - - University, Ala. fGraves, Stuart (F) - - - - University, Ala. Greene, J. E. (F) _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Griffin, Harrel (C) _ _ University, Ala. Grover, Marcus A - Box 590, Birmingham, Ala. fHargis, E. H. (F) — . 28th St., and 12th Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Hargreaves, G. W. (B) _ , _ Auburn, Ala. fHarper, Roland M. (C) _ _ _ University, Ala. Hazlehurst, G. H. (A) _ 519 Dexter Ave., Montgomery, Ala. fHeath, Harry C. (A) . . 21 Agnew St., Montgomery, Ala. Hertzog, E. S. (B) _ _ _ University, Ala. fHess, Margaret (A) _ Judson College, Marion, Ala. fHinman, E. Harold (A) _ T. V. A., Wilson Dam, Ala. Hodges, Robert S. (A) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Horton, Edgar C. (C) _ 1221 North 13th St., Birmingham, Ala. Hostetter, I. M. (E)__ . — . . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Howell, W. M. (F) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. fHunt, T. E. (F) _ University, Ala. tHyde, John W. (A) _ 2813 Quarry Rd., N. W., Apt. 12, Washington, D. C. Indindole, James (A) _ _ Greenville, Ala. Jackson, J. R. (A) _ A. P. I., Auburn, Ala. Jones, Carl T. (D) _ U. S. Forest Service, Knoxville, Tenn. tjones, E. V. (B)_. . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. tjones Herman D. (B) _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. f*Jones, W. B. (C) _ State Dept, of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. f*Jones, W. C. (F) _ _ — T. C. I. Hospital, Fairfield, Ala. Joyner, A. L. (F) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Kassner, J. L. (B) _ _ _ _ _ 1000 13th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. f Kennedy, J. J. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Kiker. Calvin C. (A) _ T. V. A., Wilson Dam, Ala. Knight. Gladys E _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Land, J. E. (B).„ _ _ A. P. I., Auburn, Ala. Lawler, Matt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Toulminville, Ala. Littlejohn. Jeannette (B).__ . Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Ala. *Lloyd, S. J. (B) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. *Loding, H. P. (A) _ _ _ 166 Houston St., Mobile, Ala. Lord, James (C) _ _ _ _ _ Russellville, Ala. Macormac, A. R. (B) _ _ _ A'. P. I., Auburn, Ala. McBurney, Ralph (F)..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ : _ University, Ala. McElwee, E. W. (A) _ _ _ A. P. I., Auburn, Ala. McGlamery, Winnie (C) _ _ _ University, Ala. McTyeire. Claustie E. . . . . __1804 Arlington Ave., Bessemer, Ala. McVay, Thomas N. (B) _ _ _ _ University, Ala. MacKenzie, James T. (B) _ 4300 Glenwood Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Martin, H. M. (B) _ _ _ _ _ __Auburn, Ala. Mobley, Willard M. (D) Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant, Ala. Montgomery, Jack P. (B) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Moore, Miriam (A) _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. fMoore, W. A. (E) _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Mundhenk, R. L. (F) _ _ _ _ 150 Burton St., Auburn, Ala. Newton, R. H. (B) _ _ _ _ _ Sheffield, Ala. Nork. John Joseoh \f A) _ 809 East Clinton St., Huntsville, Ala. North William E. (A) _ _ _ 12 W. Clarke St., Prichard, Ala. 52 fOtt, W. P. (E) _ _ - . . . — University, Ala. fOverton, A. G. (D) _ Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant, Ala. tPalmer, George D. (B).. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. t Parson, R. L. (D) _ _ _ State Teachers College, Troy, Ala. Partlow, W. D. (A) _ _ _ Bryce Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Paterson, Haygood (A) . . .—.808 Forest Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Pearson, A. M. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Peoples, Stuart A. (F)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Poor, R. S. (C) _ Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. fPrickett C. O. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Pve, (Miss) Orrea F. (A) _ University, Ala. Quinn, I. T. _ _ _ Dept, of Games & Fisheries, Montgomery, Ala. JReinke, E. E. (A) _ _ ....Vanderbilt University, Tenn. Reynolds, J. Paul (A) _ _ ...Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Richards, Edward F. (C) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. f*Robinson, J. M. (A) . . . . . . . . . .Auburn, Ala. *Robinson, Mary E. (A) _ 536 Princeton Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Rodgers, Eric (B) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Ruffin, W. A. (A) _ .Auburn, Ala. fRutledge, R. W. (A) _ _ _ State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. fSalmon, W. D. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Sizemore, Troy B. (D) _ 1313)4 N. 29th St., Birmingham, Ala. Sledd, Arthur (B) _ _ _ _ _ Judson College, Marion, Ala. Smith, E. V. (A) _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. fSmith, Septima C. (A) _ _ _ University, Ala. *Smyth, Patrick H. (G) _ _ 806 Winona Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Snow, C. E. (C) _ _ _ 4125 Terrace R., Birmingham, Ala. fSommer, Anna L. (B) _ 348 S. Gay St., Auburn, Ala. fSpeith, Alda May (A) _ State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Starling, J. H. (A) _ _ _ Troy High School, Troy, Ala. Starr, E. E. ( A ) _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Tarbutton, Grady (B) _ _ _ Box 1485, Wilson Dam, Ala. Tellier, Albert J. (E) _ _ _ 153 S. Monterey St., Mobile, Ala. Thomas, Gerald A. (B) _ 115 11th Ave., N., Birmingham, Ala. Thompson, Davis H. (B) _ 917 Valley Road PL, Birmingham, Ala. fTower, James Allan (D) _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Van Aller, T. S. (F) _ _ _ _ 902 Charleston St., Mobile, Ala. Walsh, Mary Vincent (B) _ _ Visitation Academy, Mobile, Ala. Ward, W. W. (C) _ _ _ Centre, Ala. Webb, Lina (D) _ _ ...State Teachers College. Florence, Ala. Weil, C. K. (F) _ _ 1 19 Adams Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Weishaupt, Clara G. (A) _ State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. JWestland, A. J. (G) _ _ _ Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. White, A. H. (D) _ 706 9th Court, W., Birmingham, Ala. White, James M. (C) _ 717 St. Charles Ave., Montgomery, Ala. White, Urban (B) _ St. Bernard College. Cullman, Ala. f*Whiting, W. A. (A) _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Wilson, Coyt (A) _ _ _ _ _ A. P. E, Auburn, Ala. Wingard, R. E. ( B ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..Auburn, Ala. Wood, Thomas A. (A) _ _ _ Marion Institute, Marion, Ala. Woodall, Percy H. (A) _ 1101 27th Place S., Birmingham, Ala. Wooley, Mary _ _ _ Murphy High School, Mobile, Ala. Woolf, F. P. (F) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Worley, Lillian (D)____ _ _ Alabama College, Montevallo Ala. tXan, John (B).. _ _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. f Yancey, Patrick H. (A) _ Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. 53 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Bryant, Frances Jane _ Veterans Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Camp, George Lewis,, _ _ Holt High School, Holt, Ala. Cannon, Laura Mae, West End High School _ Birmingham, Ala. Capesius, John _ _ _ _ St. Bernard College, Cullman, Ala. Castro, Hasus _ 1214 Palifax St., Tampa, Fla. Eskridge, Marshall _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Demopolis, Ala. Hackworth, Lorye E _ _ _ Box 1844, University, Ala. Harris, L. E _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Howse, B. C . . . . . . . . . . 333 38th St., Fairfield, Ala. Jernigan, J. M _ _ _ _ ...University, Ala. Larson, J. F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Miles, Martha Fay _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Moore, G. C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Box 1031, Auburn, Ala. Osberg, Theresa . . . . . . . . ....University, Ala. Pardue, L. G _ _ Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. Pennington, Elsie _ 1 _ _ _ _ . _ Box 1033, University, Ala. Reno, G. B _ _ _ 1502 N. 15th Court, Birmingham, Ala. Rushing, E. D _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Sulkin, N. M _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Swayne, V. R. Jr . . . . . 443 N. Cedar St., Florence, Ala Williams, W. J—. _ _ _ _ University, Ala. *Charter members of the Alabama Academy of Science. The com¬ plete list so far as is known was published in Volume V of the JOUR¬ NAL p. 8. fMember A.A.A.S. ^Honorary Member. The letters (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), and (G) indicate: (A), Biology; (B), Chemistry; (C), Geology, Anthropology and Arche¬ ology; (D), Industry, Economics and Geography; (E), Mathematics; (F), Medicine; (G), Physics, as the chief field of interest of the mem¬ ber. **Corrections or additions to this roll will be appreciated. Editor. ' \ Hm YORK ACADEMY OF SCn^«* 77th Street & Central Park West jqEW YORK, N. ^ • l THE JOURNAL I of the a i | ALABAMA ACADEMY j OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) I I a I a j MARCH, 1940 I I I j I I I 1 I 5 I 1 I 3 I i I i I VOLUME 12 Part I Program of THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA MARCH 29 and 30, 1940 Office of the Editor Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham, Alabama V/iAfHi (.! £ KV H : i/.u'stuw if ad i nM/\ SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY APPARATUS AND CHEMICALS A catalog of over twelve hundred pages illustrating and de¬ scribing laboratory apparatus and a separate catalog of chemical reagents, organic chemicals, culture media, biological stains, standard solutions, minerals and ores, and micro chemicals are available without charge to all commercial laboratories and edu¬ cational institutions. E. H. SARGENT & CO. 15 5-165 East Superior Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS McKesson & Robbins, Incorporated DOSTER-NORTHl NGTON, DIVISION Laboratory Apparatus and Chemicals FOR Chemical, Metallurgical and Biological Laboratories PHONE 3-4171 1706-08-10-12 FIRST AVENUE Birmingham, Ala. Members of Alabama Academy of Science are cordially invited to visit us tchile in Birmingham. _ _ ^ „ . . ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Program Seventeenth Annual Meeting BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN COLLEGE Birmingham, Alabama March 29 and 30, 1940 OFFICERS FOR 1939-1940 President , George D. Palmer _ University of Alabama, University, Ala. President-Elect, C. M. Farmer _ _ State Teachers College, Troy, Ala. Vice-Presidents and Section Chairmen: S. R. Damon, Biology and Medical Science, _ State Department of Health, Montgomery, Ala. I. M. HosTETTER, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. A. J. Westland, Geology, Anthropology and Archeology, _ _ Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. E. D. Emigh, Industry, Economics and Geography, - Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. Secretary, Septima C. Smith _ _ _ University, Ala. Treasurer, John Xan - Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Councilor of A.A.A.S., J. H. CoulliETTE, _ - Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Editor of the Journal, E. V. Jones _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. GENERAL PROGRAM All Addresses and Section Meetings are open to the public. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1940 8:15 A.M. REGISTRATION at entrance to Munger Hall. Secure tick¬ ets for the luncheon and banquet and register for Saturday trips. 9:00 A.M. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING in Faculty Trus¬ tee Room, Munger Hall (second floor). 10:45 A.M. FIRST BUSINESS SESSION, Auditorium, Munger Hall. 12:10 P.M. PHOTOGRAPH of the Academy in front of Munger Hall. 12:30 P.M. LUNCHEON (compliments of the College), College Cafeteria. 1:30 P.M. SECTION MEETINGS. Papers, discussions, demonstrations, election of section chairmen for 1940-1941. Section I. Biology and Medical Science, Room 308, Munger Hall. S. R. Damon, Chairman; H. D. Jones, Secretary. Section II. Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, Room 307, Munger Hall. I. M. Hostetter, Chairman; W. E. Glenn, Sec¬ retary. Section III. Geology, Anthropology and Archeology, Room 304, Munger Hall. A. J. Westland, Chairman; C. E. Snow, Secretary. Section IV. Industry, Economics and Geography, Room 303, Munger Hall. Eugene D. Emigh, Chairman; J. Allen Tower, Secretary. 1 :00 P.M. JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE REGISTRATION in Student Activities Building and assignment to rooms. B. F. Clark, chairman of committee on local arrangements. 4:00-6:00 P.M. TEA for all members of Senior and Junior Academies and visiting ladies, Stockham Building. 4:30 P.M. FINAL BUSINESS SESSION, Munger Auditorium. 7:00 P.M. ANNUAL BANQUET (informal), College Student Activities Building; Walter B. Jones, Toastmaster. Tickets $1.00. 8:30 P.M. JOINT SESSION of The Alabama Academy of Science and the Junior Academy of Science — Munger Auditorium, Walter B. Jones presiding. Address of Welcome — Geo. R. Stuart, assistant to the Presi¬ dent, Birmingham-Southern College. Response — Dr. S. J. Lloyd, University of Alabama. Presidential Address — “Scientific Research, The Hope of The South.” — Dr. George D. Palmer, President of the Academy. Motion Picture Sliozv — “The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker,” ar¬ ranged by Dr. Walter B. Jones. SATURDAY, MARCH 30 8:30 A.M. INSPECTION OF JUNIOR ACADEMY EXHIBITS— Ramsay Hall. 9:00 A.M. SECTION MEETINGS — Munger Hall, in same rooms used by the sections on Friday. All except SECTION III. 3 9:30 A.M. GEOLOGY FIELD TRIP. A cross-section from Enon Ridge through Red Mountain to the crest of Shades Mountain. Russell S. Poor in charge. Time, two and one-half hours. The trip starts from the Student Activities Building. 12:30 P.M. LUNCHEON at College Cafeteria. 1:30 P.M. TWO AFTERNOON TRIPS have been arranged by Dr. Poor. I. Through the residential section of Mountain Brook and the Country Club area. Time, one and one-half hours. II. A trip to a local blast furnace and coke oven. Time, two and one-half hours. Both trips start from Student Activities Building. N.B. Your promptness at all sessions, trips, etc., zvill be great¬ ly appreciated. FRIDAY, 1 :30 P.M., MARCH 29TH, 1940 SECTION I. BIOLOGY AND MEDICAL SCIENCE S. R. DAMON, Chairman; H. D. JONES, Secretary Room 308, Munger Hall 1. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON DRAGONFLY COLLECTING IN ALABAMA. (15 min.) (Lantern). — Septima C. Smith, University of Alabama, and Robert S. Hodges, Alabama Department of Conservation. Collecting continued over a period of five years by the authors has afforded to date 134 species of dragonflies for Alabama. This record compares favorably with that of other states. Much distributional data and certain new or rare species have been dependent upon the collecting and rearing of nymphs. That the same locality in a stream may be profitably dredged for nymphs over a period of several years is shown by some interesting results from such continued activity. 2. DIFFERENTIAL COUNTS OF PANCREATIC ISLET CELLS IN DOGS DEVELOPING OBESITY FOLLOWING SURGERY OF THE HYPOPHYSIS OR HYPOTHALAMUS.. (15 min.) — Thomas E. Hunt, University of Alabama. Marked obesity frequently develops following surgery of the hypophysis or hypothalamus. In such cases it has been found that there is also a considerable increase in the number of alpha cells in the islets of the pancreas. Dogs with similar operations not resulting in obesity have a normal number of alpha cells. The correlation observed suggests that these cells are concerned in some way with fat metabolism. 3. RATE OF CONTRACTION OF THE HEART BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF CIRCULATION IN RAT EMBRYOS. (15 min.) — Charles M. Goss, University of Alabama. The first heart beats in living rat embryos have been caught by movies taken through a compound microscope. Active contraction of these tiny hearts precedes circulation of the blood by many hours. The ventricle 4 and atrium display their individuality almost from the first and they soon establish the rate of rhythmic beating which is characteristic of them throughout life. Man, as well as other animals, apparently starts life with two independently contracting hearts. 4. 2.5 MM. HUMAN EMBRYO IN SITU WITHIN ITS CHORIONIC SAC (10 min.) — W. F. Abercrombie, W. E. Prescott, Jr., and P. D. Bales, Howard College. Scarcity of material has been one of the serious obstacles to the develop¬ ment of knowledge regarding early human embryology. This specimen was obtained by dissecting the aborted placenta of a woman whose case history is known and will be reported. Age will be discussed with regard to size and menstrual history. The embryo and placenta were preserved and will be demonstrated. A survey of the literature indicates that few such small specimens have been recorded. 5. STUDIES OF THE EFFECT OF INSULIN ON. AND GLUCOSE TOLERATION OF, PARTIALLY AND COMPLETELY HYPO- PHYSECTOMIZED ALBINO RATS. —Herman D. Jones, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. In these investigations a study was made of insulin sensitivity and glu¬ cose tolerance of completely and partially hypophysectomized albino rats. The experiment was also extended to a study of the effects of the thyrotropic and adrentropic factors and the posterior lobe extract on insulin sensitivity of partially hypophysectomized rats. 6. PNEUMONIA FATALITIES— RATES AMONG INDUSTRIAL WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES. (15 min.) — C. H. Kibbey, T. C. I. Hospital, Fairfeild. A statistical study of approximately 5,000 cases of pneumonia, classified by age, sex and occupation, occurring in the experience of an industrial medical service over a period of 14 years. The study was made in an effort to determine, if possible, what influence, if any, the occupation of an individual might have on pneumonia fatality. 7. LOW BACK INJURIES AND THEIR RELATION TO INDUS¬ TRY. — Percy H. Woodall, D.O., Birmingham. A discussion of (1) the frequency of occurrence, (2) the economic im¬ portance, (3) the anatomical phases as a predisposing factor and (4) present trends in the treatment of low back injuries. 8. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE AMPHIBIAN OVI¬ DUCT (15 min.) (Lantern). — C. M. Pomerat, University of Alabama. In young toads, Bufo arenarum (Hensel), the glandular layer of the oviduct has been found to differentiate in the absence of the ovary. Pituitary preparations did not markedly hasten this process. Induction of ovulation in Amphibia by pituitary stimulation seems to be accompanied by an increase in water content. The significance of this phenomenon in relation to the ovary and oviduct will be discussed. 5 9. ANIMAL HEADS EXAMINED FOR RABIES AND ANTIRABIC TREATMENTS DISTRIBUTED 1933-1939. (10 min.) — Cooper Brougher, State Department of Health, Montgomery. A brief discussion of some of the problems of antirabic treatments and some findings in testing for rabies. 10. STREPTOCOCCI IN PASTEURIZED MILK (15 min.) — Mildred A. Engelbrecht, University of Alabama. Several species of streptococci, both hemolytic and non-hemolytic, have been found in samples of commercially pasteurized milk. The margin between the thermal death point of streptococci and the highest temperature feasible for pasteurization is a narrow one, there¬ fore, the precision of the control apparatus of the pasteurizer is a matter of great importance if commercially pasteurized milk is to be considered as safe for human consumption. 11. TWINS AND TWINNING. (IS min.) — Groesbeck Walsh, M.D., and Robert M. Pool, M.D., T. C. I. Hospital, Fairfield. A lantern slide demonstration of charts, photographs and summaries with verbal explanation concerning the presence of similar lesions in both of identical twins. This is preceded by a short historical, biblical and literary review. Do both of identical twins have similar anatomical, physiological, psy¬ chological and pathological conditions due to heredity and influence of chromosome division or because of environment and subsequent associa¬ tion with each other? BY DEMONSTRATION “THE INDUCTION OF OVULATION BY PITUITARY STIMU¬ LATION; THE USE OF THIS TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING AND RESEARCH,” — C. M. Pomerat, University of Alabama. FRIDAY, 1 :30 P.M., MARCH 29, 1940 SECTION II CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS I. M. HOSTETTER, Chairman; W. E. GLENN, Secretary 1. DIPHENYLAMINE SULPHONIC ACID AS AN INDICATOR IN TITRATING IRON WITH DICHROMATE. (10 min.) — Maurice Powell, Birmingham- Southern College. A comparison of the endpoint obtained using the indicator diphenyla- mine sulphonic acid with the potentiometric endpoint using a Pt-calomel system when titrating ferrous iron with 0.1 N dichromate. *2. THE GENERALIZATION OF MIQUEL’S THEOREM. — Henry Gerhardt, Mobile. *No preview was furnished for this paper. 6 3. A REVIEW OF CHEMILUMINESCENCE. (15 min.) — B. F. Clark, Birmingham-Southern College. A general review of the entire field of chemiluminescence (chemical re¬ actions which emit light) , will be given. This will be followed by a dis¬ cussion of the theory underlying this phenomenon. Copies of an exten¬ sive bibliography on the subject will be available to those interested. 4. DEMONSTRATION OF CHEMILUMINESCENCE. (15 min.) — B. F. Clark, Birmingham- Southern College. A striking demonstration of chemiluminescence will be shown. Printed directions for reproducting this demonstration will be available to those interested. (The room must be darkened for this demonstration). *5. A METHOD OF NUMERICAL INTEGRATION OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST ORDER. — A. J. Pilkington, U. S. Flood Control, Mobile. 6. SOME NEEDED EMPHASES IN SCIENCE TEACHING. — E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College. Some recent criticisms of our present methods of science teaching will be reviewed and some suggestions offered for more effective teaching. 7. THE ACTION OF OXYGEN ON ALKALINE SOLUTIONS OF MERCAPTANS. — John Xan and Louis Roberts, Howard College. A method for the study of the action of oxygen on alkaline solutions of mercaptans was developed. The action is a heterogeneous one. The oxygen dissolves in the alkaline solution first and then it reacts with the mercaptan. Propyl and Butyl mercaptans were studied. They are oxidized to the disulfides. 8. THE AREA BETWEEN A CIRCLE AND ITS INVOLUTE. — W. A. Moore, Birmingham- Southern College. This area is of such frequent occurrence in nature that the problem would seem to deserve a prominent place in mathematical literature. On the contrary it seems to have been practically ignored. Possibly the reason for this is the fact that a straightforward application of the standard Definite Integral Area Formulas leads to considerable diffi¬ culties. In this paper these difficulties are avoided and an elegant so¬ lution is obtained by the use of a simple and obvious transformation. 9. STATISTICAL CURVES AND ZIGZAGS. (15 min.) — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. In plotting statistical curves of various kinds it is a too common prac¬ tice to connect known points by straight lines, or even to draw square- topped steps or black bars instead of curves. * Smooth curves, such as are commonly used in civil engineering practice, have decided advan¬ tages. Several kinds of statistical graphs, illustrating different methods, will be exhiibted. 10. THE CHEMISTRY AND PROPERTIES OF NYLON. — A. R. Macormac, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. A discussion on DuPont’s new synthetic fiber Nylon and its relation to the textile industry. The chemistry involved in its production and the properties of the resulting product will be considered. Samples will be shown to illustrate the variety of its uses. *No preview was furnished for this paper. 7 FRIDAY, 1 :30 P.M., MARCH 29, 1940 SECTION III. GEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHEOLOGY A. J. WESTLAND, Chairman; CHARLES E. SNOW, Secretary. 1. SIGNIFICANT GEOLOGIC FACTORS CONCERNING OIL AND GAS IN THE SOUTHEAST. (15 min. Slides and Charts). — R. S. Poor and Hugh Garrison, Birmingham-Southern College. Some of the principles of oil and gas accumulation and methods of pros¬ pecting will be reviewed. The areal distribution of known significant geologic structures in the Southeast will be discussed. 2. THE STABILITY OF TIDAL INLETS. (15 min.) — Francis F. Escoffier, U. S. Flood Control, Mobile. The general nature of the problem of the stability of tidal inlets is dis¬ cussed verbally. A mathematical formula is then obtained, which ex¬ presses a relationship between some of the variables involved in deter¬ mining stability. The use of the formula is explained as well as its application to the following problems : 1. The determination of the stability of an existing inlet. 2. The improvement of inlets in order to increase their stability. 3. The determination of stable dimensions for artificial inlets. 3. PROCESSES OF ADJUSTMENT IN CHANNELS FLOWING THROUGH ERODIBLE MATERIAL. (15 min.) — Leon Lassen, U. S. Flood Control, Mobile. The factors which determine whether the cross section of a channel is filling, remaining stable, or eroding are discussed. The general im¬ portance of vegetation is explained and the manner in which human occupancy of adjacent lands affects streams by modifying vegetation. Changes, apparently due to human occupancy, which have taken place in the channels of certain streams are described. 4. SOIL AND CIVILIZATION IN FRANCE AND THE ALABAMA BLACK BELT. (15 min.) — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. France and our black belt both have fertile soil, a pretty high degree of civilization, and low birth rates. An attempt will be made to show some correlations between these factors. To be illustrated by graphs. 5. STRATEGIC MINERALS IN ALABAMA. (15 min.) — Edgar Bowles, Geological Survey of Alabama. War conditions in Europe have caused geologists and industrialists h> become acutely aware of the lack, in the United States, of certain min¬ erals essential to both our peace time and war time economy. The position of Alabama as a potential producer of certain of these strategic minerals is briefly described. 6. NOTES ON A MIDWAY NAUTILOID CEPHALOPOD FROM ALABAMA (5 min.) — Winnie McGlamery, Alabama Geological Survey., Hercoglossa orbiculata, described by Tuomey in 1854, but not figured. The type lost, and exact locality not known. An incomplete specimen! 8 was described and figured by Miller and Thompson in Journal of Paleontology, 1933. In 1936, the Alabama Geological Survey collected a large rather complete specimen which has been identified by Dr. Miller as the same species. This specimen came from excavation for a new road about one mile west of Pine Barren Creek, Wilcox County, from the “Nautilus Rock” horizon. 7. INDIAN CRANIA FROM THE MUSEUM BURIALS AT MOUNDVILLE. (12 min.) — Charles Snow, Alabama Museum — W. P. A. Laboratory, Birmingham. The Indian Crania from the Mound Park Museum burial pits are analysed both metrically and morphologically. Naturally, the racial affinities of the aboriginal population which developed the high culture with its vast grouping of truncated pyramidal mounds so characteristic of Moundville are of great importance. Close similarities in physical types are demonstrated to the Pickwick Basin “Roger Island” series as well as other roundheaded, southwestern groups. 8. CERAMIC SEQUENCES IN NORTH ALABAMA. (15 min.) (Lantern). — (Miss) Marion L. Dunlevy, Alabama Museum — WPA Laboratory, Birmingham. A paper dealing with the classification of ceramics on the basis of paste qualities, form and surface finish demonstrating the use of pottery typology as an indicator of time relationships of culture complexes. 9. INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE PREHISTORY OF AN INSU¬ LAR SHELL MOUND, LAUDERDALE COUNTY, NORTH¬ WESTERN ALABAMA. (15 min.) — W. W. Kraxberger, Alabama Museum — WPA Archeological Project, Sheffield. This site, Lu°25 was established by the Alabama Archeological Survey. Located on Seven Mile Island in the Tennessee River it provided a more or less permanent home site for the aborigines who followed the great river courses and by whom it was utilized for a considerable period of time. Favorably situated it was secure and provided abundant food and work¬ able material. Thus being established on this particular migrational route it was a link in the valley cultures of the southeast and was responsible for the various phases of cultural manifestations here re¬ vealed. 10. RECENT TRENDS IN SOUTHERN ARCHEOLOGICAL METH¬ ODS. (15 min.) — P. A. Brannon, Dept. Archives and History, Montgomery. The idea of the paper is to compare methods followed by workers prior to 1900 and the highly technical technique employed by investigators at the present time. The paper uses illustrated references to methods of the school of Doctor Eugene Smith, Peter A. Greene and men who worked in the ’80s and '90s and contrasted the results both physical and in the manner of notes, with present time efforts. 11. AN EXHIBIT OF RELIEF MODEL CONSTRUCTION. — Olin T. Brown, University of Alabama. 9 FRIDAY, 1 :30 P.M., MARCH 29, 1940 SECTION IV. INDUSTRY, ECONOMICS AND GEOGRAPHY EUGENE D. EMIGH, Chairman; J. ALLEN TOWER, Secretary Room 303, Munger Hall 1. SOME ASPECTS OF FOG FORECASTING. (IS min., opaque projection). — J. J. George, Eastern Air Lines, Atlanta. This paper will emphasize the importance of accurately forecasting fogs and low ceilings at airports along commercial air lines. Recent studies for use by airway forecasters, and the causes and frequencies of fog in the eastern and southern areas, and in certain localities, will be discussed. 2. TEMPERATURE CONTRASTS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIRMINGHAM. (15 min.) — E. C. Horton, Weather Bureau, Birmingham. Recent striking differences between the temperatures at the City Station and the Airport Station of the Weather Bureau in Birmingham have awakened renewed interest in an old topic. Why should there be as much difference as 10° within such a short distance? Are the City conditions in contrast with those of the open country sufficient to ex¬ plain the differences, or should the cause be sought elsewhere? Other factors to be discussed seem equally as important, if not far more so. *3. UPPER AIR TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE AND HUMIDITY OBSERVATIONS MADE AT CAIRO, ILLINOIS AND MONT¬ GOMERY, ALABAMA. (15 min.) — P. H. Smyth, Montgomery. *4. FOREST WORK IN ALABAMA. (15 min.) — Brooks Toler, State Division of Forestry, Montgomery. 5. FORESTRY AND THE NATIONAL FORESTS OF ALABAMA. (15 min.) — F. W. Rasor, U. S. Forest Service, Montgomery. This will be a discussion of nationally supervised forestry in the State of Alabama, and in the areas designated as National Forests. Areas will be described, and propagation methods and protective measures discussed. 6. THE FOREST ECONOMY OF ALABAMA. (20 min.) — Frank A. Ineson, Southern Forest Experiment Station, New Orleans, La. A discussion of the land-use situation, the rank and distribution of forest industries in the State, utilization and mortality drain on the forests and comparison of this drain with the present timber stand and current growth, and the opportunity for expansion of industry and employment through a fuller development of Alabama’s forests. *No preview was furnished for this paper. 10 7. ALABAMA’S WILDLIFE RESTORATION PROGRAM UNDER THE PITTMAN-ROBERTSON ACT OF 1937. (10 min.) — Frederick S. Barkalow, Jr., State Department of Conservation, A. P. I., Auburn. At present little is known of the wildlife resources of Alabama. Whether or not wildlife will increase, decline, or remain stationary under the present conditions and management practices is a matter of speculation and until the wildlife populations and environmental influences are catalogued and evaluated for each species a program of long range planning for wildlife restoration and management can be founded upon nothing better than guesswork. What Alabama is doing to solve such problems and the techniques used will be discussed. 8. LAND MOLLUSCA AND FOREST COVER IN ALABAMA. (10 min.) — Allan F. Archer, State Department of Conservation, A. P. I., Auburn. The significance of land Mollusca in the plant-animal communities of forests is discussed. In accordance with the physiological requirements of Mollusca forest communities are divided into two divisions. In the upland areas there is considerable environmental stress exerted on snails. The characteristic species of the uplands are mentioned. The effects of the fires on Mollusca are described. SATURDAY, 9:00 A.M., MARCH 30TH, 1940 SECTION I. BIOLOGY AND MEDICAL SCIENCE S. R. DAMON, Chairman; H. D. JONES, Secretary Room 308, Munger Hall 1. GERMINATION OF CROTALARIA SPECTABILIS AS AF¬ FECTED BY AGE OF SEED. (15' min.) — J. F. Duggar, Alabama Polytechnic Institute Experiment Station. The naturaF germination of seed of this economic plant is extremely low. In earlier papers the writer has presented means for overcoming this condition. Certain of his germination tests have suggested that age of stored seed has affected the necessity for these treatments. Such data are brought together in this paper. The data should aid the farmer in determining whether and for how long he may rely on nat¬ ural reseeding and afford aid in selecting subsequent crops. 2. SOME CAVE SPIDERS OF ALABAMA. (15 min.) — Allan F. Archer, Department of Conservation, Montgomery. From the point of view of spider ecology and the distribution of species in caves three successions are listed : Cave entrances, zone of partial darkness, and zone of total darkness. Twelve families of true spiders have been found in Alabama caves. Eight families are discussed in detail. Eleven species out of the twelve families are largely confined to en¬ trance areas. Eight species are confined to the dark zones. 11 3. RESPONSES OF SINGLE CELLS TO SMALL ELECTRO-MAG¬ NETIC VARIATIONS. (7 min.) — Zoe Black, Biology Department, Alabama College. When marine amoebae are grown and studied within a lead shield, their sensitivity to electro-magnetic changes is increased. Responses are measured by taking the rate of locomotion. These amoebae compare favorably with photo-electric cells in sensitivity to white light. Color sensitivity is more complex. There are directional orientations in re¬ sponse to changes in magnetic field. All responses are visible im¬ mediately as surface membrane phenomena. 4. THE MOURNING DOVE IN ALABAMA. (30 min.) — A. M. Pearson, Ala. Coop. Wildlife Research Unit. A silent movie showing the Alabama mourning dove in its native habitats. 5. THE EFFECT OF FIRE ON MATURE YELLOW PINE) TREES. (15 min.) (Opaque Projection). —Kenneth H. Garren, State Teachers College, Jacksonville. It is well known that fires produce much cull and decay in the basal portion of mature hardwood trees. The present study attempts to record the actual cull and decay entering through fire scars on mature pines and to associate that cull with such factors as width of fire wounds, and rate of healing and age of fire wounds. 6. AN INTERESTING HYPERICUM FROM THE PIEDMONT OF ALABAMA. (10 min.) — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. In 1921, Dr. S. J. Lloyd found in Chilton County a shrubby Hypericum (St. John’s-wort), which from the small sprig he sent could not be distinguished from H. fasciculatum, a species characteristic of cypress ponds in the coastal plain. Nothing more was learned about it until more of it was found in Tallapoosa County in 1938. It appears distinct from the coastal plain plant, but more evidence is needed about possible connecting links. 7. FERROUS SULFATE AS A PREVENTATIVE OF POISONING BY POISON IVY. (10 min.) — C. M. Farmer, State Teachers College, Troy. Is ferrous sulfate an effective preventive against poisoning by poison ivy? A group of students at Troy State Teachers College by experi¬ ment endeavor to answer this question. The results of their experiment will be embodied in this paper. 8. HOG CHOLERA VACCINATION BY INTRAPERITONEAL IN¬ JECTION OF TISSUE VACCINE. — L. E. Starr, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The present project has to do with a tissue vaccine as an immunizing agent against hog cholera. It has been necessary to give two sub¬ cutaneous injections of the vaccine at two week intervals which is not practical in many cases. The author has shown that hogs may be suc¬ cessfully immunized by one simultaneous intraperitoneal and subcu¬ taneous injection of the tissue vaccine. 12 9. COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE EGGS OF NEMATODE WORMS (15 min.) — R. O. Christenson and H. H. Earl, Jr., Alabama Agricultural Experi¬ ment Station, Auburn. Zoologists have little appreciation of the variation of morphology which occurs in nematode eggs. Mammillation and operculation are well known specializations ; but peculiar modifications like byssi, terminal filaments, equatorial filaments, sub-polar filaments, and lateral crests have received little publicity since they are absent in economically important species. Using the morphology of a typical egg as a basis the above specializations will be considered. Ovoviviparity as it occurs in so-called viviparous species such as Trichinella spiralis will receive some consideration. 10. SOME EFFECTS OF LOW X-RAY DOSAGE ON MITOSIS IN THE NEUROBLASTS OF THE GRASSHOPPER EMBRYO (10 min.) — J. Gordon Carlson, University of Alabama. Exposure of actively dividing cells to any but very low dosages of X-rays effects temporarily complete cessation of mitosis. Grass¬ hopper neuroblasts treated with as little as 31 r of X-rays, how¬ ever, have their division affected appreciably only if they are in an early stage of mitosis. SATURDAY, 9:00 A. M., MARCH 30, 1940 SECTION II. CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS I. M. Hostetter, Chairman; W. E. Glenn, Secretary 1. THE REARRANGEMENT OF CAMPHENE HYDROBRO¬ MIDE (15 min.) — Lindsey M. Hobbs, University of Alabama. The increasing number of uses of camphor and the fact that a monopoly of the natural supply is controlled by the Japanese, results in a special interest in the synthesis of camphor from local turpentine. Results of a study of an intermediate step in the synthesis are re¬ ported. The data are interpreted in terms of the camphor synthesis and in terms of the light which they throw on the mechanism of the Walden inversion. 2. THE APPROXIMATE DETERMINATION OF THE QUAD¬ RATIC FACTORS IN POLYNOMIALS OF HIGHER DE¬ GREE — George W. Hess, Howard College. Examples will be given showing the application of the method in finding imaginary roots. 13 3. ORGANIC FLOCCULATING AGENTS IN THE PRECIPI¬ TATION OF INSOLUBLE FLUORIDES (15 min.) — Harold E. Wilcox, Howard College. Colloid chemists have long known about the phenomenon of “sen¬ sitization” whereby a minute amount of some lyophilic colloid such as gelatin will greatly reduce the amount of electrolyte necessary to flocculate a sol. The application of this phenomenon to ana¬ lytical chemistry is much more recent. In this paper, the effec¬ tiveness of various organic flocculating agents in flocculating colloidal calcium fluoride was determined, and gravimetric calcium fluoride methods were suggested for determining soluble and insol¬ uble fluorides. 4. CONDENSATION OF MESITYL OXIDE WITH ALDE¬ HYDES: PRELIMINARY REPORT (10 min.). — B. F. Clark and William Easter, Birmingham-Southern College. Mesityl oxide readily condenses with aromatic and heterocyclic aldehydes, but is reluctant to condense with aliphatic aldehydes. Several new compounds have been prepared and will be shown. Factors influencing the condensations, such as catalysts, temper- tures, etc., will be discussed. 5. AN APPLICATION OF THE THEOREMS OF MENELAUS AND CEVA TO THE COMPLETE QUADRANGLE (10 min.). — W. E. Glenn, Birmingham-Southern College. Projective Goemetry defines a harmonic range by means of the complete quadrangle. In this paper the range defined by the complete quadrangle is shown to be harmonic by means of the theorems of Menelaus and Ceva as used in pure geometry. This application in turn illustrates an interesting connection between the two theorems. 6. FATTY ACIDS FROM SOUTHERN PINES (10 min.) (Lan¬ tern). — K. W. Coons, University of Alabama. Twenty thousand tons of valuable fatty acids are being burned annually in the soda furnaces of the Kraft pulp industry. A method of recovering and methods of processing these acids is presented whereby diversified products with a value of $4,162,000 may be pro¬ duced annually. Paper size, printing inks, detergents, soaps, greases, cutting oils, coolants, drawing oils, candles, vitamin sources, and edible oils are among the products which can profit¬ ably be produced. 7. MAXIMA AND MINIMA FOR SCALAR AND VECTOR FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. — I. M. Hostetter, Howard College. With the aid of the vector notation it is possible to derive very easily the necessary and sufficient conditions for the various types of maxima and minima possible for a scalar functions of any finite number of variables. The application of the theory to a set of such functions leads to a very interesting geometrical interpreta¬ tion of certain properties of the jacobian. 14 SATURDAY, 9 :00 A. M., MARCH 30, 1940 SECTION IV. INDUSTRY, ECONOMICS AND GEOGRAPHY i Eugene D. Emigh, Chairman; J. Allen Tower, Secretary Room 303, Munger Hall 1. OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENTS IN ALABAMA (10 min. Slides and Charts) R. S. Poor, Birmingham-Southern College. An historical sketch of oil and gas development in the state will be given, and recent activity will be summarized. The probabilities of commercial development and its economic significance will be discussed. 2. NATURAL RESOURCES AND PROSPERITY (15 min.) — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. It is very widely believed that a region with abundant natural re¬ sources, such as Alabama, is bound to be prosperous, unless the inhabitants are too ignorant or lazy to take advantage of them. But oftener the converse is true, for fairly obvious reasons. 3. QUICK FREEZING AS A NEW FOOD CONSERVATION PROCESS (20 min.) — Haygood Paterson, Department of Agriculture and Industry, Montgomery. Its value to Alabama farmers will be discussed in comparison with the different methods of food preservation. Mention will be made of foods which may be so preserved. The subject of community plants, their purpose and value will be discussed. 4. RECENT CHANGES IN LAND UTILIZATION IN MADI¬ SON COUNTY, ALABAMA (15 min.) — Lillian E. Worley, Alabama College, Montevallo, Ala. This study deals with the changes which have taken place in crop¬ land utilization over the period of the past twenty years. The most significant result has been the great amount of diversification which has occurred in the past five years. 5. NEGRO DISTRIBUTION IN ALABAMA (20 min.) — J. Allen Tower, Birmingham-Southern College. A study of Negro localization today and in the past, a comparison of this distribution with general population distribution, and an analysis of the reasons for this localization. t IS 6. SOME ESSENTIAL FACTORS' IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF BOBWHITE QUAIL (15 min.) — James W. Webb, State Department of Conservation, A. P. I., Auburn. Data on the environmental requirements of the Bobwhite quail are essential to any program for increasing the population of these birds. This paper discusses some of the more important factors which have been found to be characteristic of preferred quail habitats. 7. THE NYMPHAL SKIN OF GOMPHAESCHNA SELYS (ODONATA) (10 min.) — Ernest C. Martin, State Department of Conservation, A. P. I., Auburn. Nymphs of all the genera of North American dragonflies, with the ex¬ ception of Gomphaeschna, are known. Odonatologists have long sought for the Gomphaeschna nymph, hoping that it would clarify the relation¬ ship of this genus to the subfamily Gomphinae as indicated by adults. Since Gomphaeschna is a primitive group the nymphal discovery would add information to Odonata phylogeny. This paper records the dis¬ covery, description, and ecology of the Gomphaeschna nymph. 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. -8:30 P.M.- 8:30 A.M, 9:00 A.M. '9:30 A.M. PROGRAM OF THE JUNIOR ACADEMY EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN COLLEGE FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1940 Registration in Student Activities Building, Birmingham- Southern College and assignment to rooms. Registration fee, 25c. Arrangement of Exhibits in Ramsay Building. Business Meeting of all Officers, Sponsors, Counselors, and Delegates in Ramsay Hall. Inspection of Exhibits. Sightseeing Trips. Annual Banquet. (75 cents per plate) College Cafeteria. -Entertainment Program in Munger Hall Auditorium. SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1940 -Inspection of Exhibits in Ramsay Building by Judges. Business Meeting in Ramsay Hall. Presentation of Papers. Presentation of Awards, dent Activities Building. Stu- 16 PAPERS PRESENTED 1. Synthetic Chemistry and Its Relation to Future Man ... Stuart Parker Aliceville High School 1. Chemistry and the Layman _ _ — - - L. J. Hooper, Jr.. Baldwin County High School 3. Dangers of Nose-Drop Medication _ _ _ _ Olney Whatley Coffee County High School 4. Analysis of Iron Ores Near Fort Payne _ Robert Purdy Dekalb County High School 5. By-Products of Coal _ _ _ Eddie Kolter Ensley High School 6. Preparation and Valuation of Common Poultry Tonic _ Greensboro High School Tom Anderson 7. From Iron Ore to Steel _ _ _ Edwin Waldrop Hueytown High School 8. Repulsion Coil _ _ _ _ _ Walter McClure Phillips High School 9. Fluorescence and Luminescence.— _ J. M. Silverstein Ramsey High School 10. The New Wonder-Tree of the South _ _ _ Mildred Imbusch Sacred Heart Academy 11. Science in Rural Schools _ _ _ Elizabeth Bush Seale High School 12. Construction and Importance of the Radio Altimeter _ _ _ . _ S'hades-Cahaba High School George C. Douglas 13. Amateur Radio . . . . . _ _ _ ...Charles Fischesser Sidney Lanier High School 14. Advantages of Supplementary Lenses in Photomicrography _ St. Bernard High School William Purdy 15. Carbon - - — _ _ Ross McBryde Troy High School 16. Progressive Science (A Student’s Monograph) _ _ _ _ _ Visitation Academy 17. Testing Foods for Purity _ _ _ _ _ _ Don Palmer Woodlawn High School 18. Technique in Skeleton Mounting _ _ _ _ ....Madeline Roper Billingsley High School OFFICERS OF THE JUNIOR ACADEMY 1939-1940 President, HENRY SHINE _ St. Bernard High School St. Bernard, Alabama Vice-President, ELIZABETH BUSH _ Seale High School Seale, Alabama Secretary, ARTIE BELLE PIRTLE _ Sidney Lanier High School Montgomery, Alabama Treasurer, WARNER SINBACK _ Mortimer Jordan High School Morris, Alabama Acting Permanent Counselor, J. L. KASSNER _ University of Alabama University, Alabama Counselor to President, REV. L. GATTMAN, O.S.B. —St. Bernard College St. Bernard, Alabama Local Counselor, R. G. BALLARD _ Woodlawn High School Birmingham, Alabama CHAPTER MEMBERS OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 1. Aliceville High School _ Aliceville 2. Baldwin County High School _ Bay Minette 3. Bishop Toolen High School _ Mobile 4. Butler County High School _ _ Greenville 5. Coffee County High School _ 1 _ Enterprise 6. Convent of Mercy Academy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mobile 7. Cullman County High School _ Cullman 8. Dekalb County High School _ _ _ _ Fort Payne 9. Ensley High School - - Birmingham 10. Hueytown High School - - Bessemer 11. Lee County High School _ Auburn 12. Minor High School _ _ Ensley 13. Mortimer Jordan High School _ Morris 14. Murphy High School _ _ _ — Mobile 15. Phillips High School ... _ Birmingham 16. Ramsay Tech High School _ Birmingham 17. Sacred Heart Academy _ Cullman 18. Seale High School _ _ Seale 19. Shades-Cahaba High School _ _ Birmingham 20. Sidney Lanier High School- _ _ Montgomery 21. St. Bernard High School _ _ St. Bernard 22. Troy High School _ Troy 23. Tuscaloosa County High School _ Northport 24. Tuscaloosa Senior High School - - Tuscaloosa 25. Visitation Academy - - Mobile 26. West End High School _ _ _ — Birmingham 27. Woodlawn High School _ _ Birmingham Alabama’s Largest and Best Equipped Printers Birmingham Printing Company Birmingham, Alabama XilE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES t/Lo Striae t & Central Park West NEW YORK., N. Y. , ? I tf IU;UY ci i i.i L'i tl I t- A K' l.'.ua U I' i \b:\ ' (9,1 fifsvPfiY : THE JOURNAL of the (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) JUNE, 1940 VOLUME 12 Part II ALABAMA ACADEMY ! X OF SCIENCE ! Proceedings and Abstracts of THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA MARCH 29 and 30, 1940 Office of the Editor Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham, Alabama § 1 * i v*;?r I I/, use HI/. I'i A 0 l f: 3 I/. A . yd on hi •.£ | SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY APPARATUS AND CHEMICALS A catalog of over twelve hundred pages illustrating and de¬ scribing laboratory apparatus and a separate catalog of chemical reagents, organic chemicals, culture media, biological stains, standard solutions, minerals and ores, and micro chemicals are available without charge to all commercial laboratories and edu¬ cational institutions. E. H. SARGENT & CO. 15 5-165 East Superior Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS McKesson & Robbins, Incorporated DOSTER-NORTHINGTON, DIVISION Laboratory Apparatus and Chemicals FOR Chemical, Metallurgical and Biological Laboratories PHONE 3-4171 1706-08-10-12 FIRST AVENUE Birmingham, Ala. Members of Alabama Academy of Science are cordially invited to visit us tchile in Birmingham. THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) JUNE, 1940 VOLUME 12 Part II Proceedings and Abstracts of THE SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA APRIL 29 and 30, 1940 Office of the Editor Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham, Alabama TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officers of the Academy _ General Program of the Birmingham Meeting _ Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting _ Minutes of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting _ Reports of Committees and Officers — The Treasurer’s Report _ Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S _ Report of the Editor of the Journal _ Report of the Counselor of the Junior Academy _ Annual Presidential Address _ Abstracts of Papers at 1938 Meeting- Section I — Biology and Medical Sciences _ Section II — Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics _ Section III — Geology, Anthropology and Archeology- Section IV — Industry, Economics and Geography _ The Alabama Junior Academy of Science — Junior Academy Officers for 1938-1939 _ High Schools and Delegates at Birmingham Meeting- Winners of Senior Academy Certificates _ Members of Alabama Academy of Science _ Associate Members _ 3 4 5 5 12 12 13 14 16 24 40 53 60 69 69 69 72 76 ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OFFICERS FOR 1940-1941 President, C. M. Farmer _ _ _ State Teachers College, Troy, Ala. President-Elect, Paul D. Bales _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Vice-Presidents and Section Chairmen : H. D. Jones, Biology and Medical Science _ _ _ _ _ Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Lindsey M. Hobbs, Chemistry _ _ _ _ _ ...University, Ala. David L. DeJarnette, Geology, Anthropology and Archeology _ _ _ _ Alabama Museum of Natural History, University, Ala. J. Allen Tower, Geography, Conservation and Allied Subjects _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. W. A. Moore, Physics and Mathematics _ _ _ — . _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. (Chairman to be appointed) — Industry and Economics ClaustiE E- McTyeirE, The Teaching of Science _ _ Hueytown High School, Bessemer, Ala. Secretary, Winnie McGlamery, Geological Survey _ University, Ala. Treasurer, John Xan _ _ _ _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Councilor of A.A.A.S., J. H. Coulliette _ _ _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Editor of the Journal, E. V. Jones _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE ACADEMY Committee on Promoting Membership and Activities: Dr. Walter B. Jones, Chairman; Dr. E. B. Carmichael, Dr. R. S. Poor, Dr. E. V. Smith, Proe. G. F. Barnes, Father P. H. Yancey, Proe. F. F. Cun¬ ningham, Proe. J. F. Glazner, Proe. J. S'. Gibson, Proe. C. M. Farmer, Prof. T. A. Wood, Rev. Lambert Gattman, Dr. Grady Tar- button, Mr. Peter A. Brannon. Committee on Research: Dr. S. J. Lloyd, Chairman; Proe. J. F. Duggar, Mr. S. S. Heide, Mr. J. T. Mackenzie. Committee on Publication: Dr. E. B. Carmichael, Chairman; Dr. W. C. Jones, Dr. I. M. Hostetter, Dr. Roger Allen, Dr. C. B. Crawley, Dr. E. V. Jones, Ex-officio. GENERAL PROGRAM All 8:15 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 12:10 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 1 :30 P.M. 1:00 P.M. Addresses and Section Meetings are open to the public. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1940 REGISTRATION at entrance to Munger Hall. Secure tick¬ ets for the luncheon and banquet and register for Saturday trips. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING in Faculty Trus¬ tee Room, Munger Hall (second floor). FIRST BUSINESS SESSION, Auditorium, Munger Hall. PHOTOGRAPH of the Academy in front of Munger Hall. LUNCHEON (compliments of the College), College Cafeteria. SECTION MEETINGS. Papers, discussions, demonstrations, election of section chairmen for 1940-1941. JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE REGISTRATION in Student Activities Building and assignment to rooms. B. F. Clark, chairman of committee on local arrangements. 4:00-6:00 P.M. TEA for all members of Senior and Junior Academies and visiting ladies, Stockham Building. 4:30 P.M. FINAL BUSINESS SESSION, Munger Auditorium. 7:00 P.M. ANNUAL BANQUET (informal), College Student Activities Building; Walter B. Jones, Toastmaster. Tickets $1.00. 8:30 P.M. JOINT SESSION of The Alabama Academy of Science and the Junior Academy of Science — Munger Auditorium, Walter B. Jones presiding. Address of Welcome — Geo. R. Stuart, Assistant to the Presi¬ dent, Birmingham-Southern College. Response — Dr. S. J. Lloyd, University of Alabama. Presidential Address — “Scientific Research, The Hope of The South.” — Dr. George D. Palmer, President of the Academy. Motion Picture Show — “The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker,” ar¬ ranged by Dr. Walter B. Jones. SATURDAY, MARCH 30 8:30 A.M. INSPECTION OF JUNIOR ACADEMY EXHIBITS— Ramsay Hall. 9:00 A.M. SECTION MEETINGS — Munger Hall, in same rooms used by the sections on Friday. All except SECTION III. 9:30 A.M. GEOLOGY FIELD TRIP. A cross-section from Enon Ridge through Red Mountain to the crest of Shades Mountain. Russell S. Poor in charge. Time, two and one-half hours. The trip starts from the Student Activities Building. 12:30 P.M. LUNCHEON at College Cafeteria. 1:30 P.M. TWO AFTERNOON TRIPS have been arranged by Dr. Poor. I. Through the residential section of Mountain Brook and the Country Club area. Time, one and one-half hours. II. A trip to a local blast furnace and coke oven. Time, two and one-half hours. 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, MARCH 29, 1940 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by George D. Palmer, President of the Academy, in the Faculty-Trustee Room, Munger Hall 1. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive Committee held at Huntingdon College, Montgomery, April 14, 1939, were approved as published in the Journal, June, 1939. 2. Report of the Secretary: Septima C. Smith, Secretary, read her report. 3. Report of the Treasurer : John Xan, Treasurer, postponed reading his full report until the Preliminary Business Meeting. 4. Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S.: In the absence of the Councilor, J. H. Coulliette, no report was given. 5. Report of the Editor of the Journal: E. V. Jones, Editor of the Journal, read his report and urged Academy bfficers to send in all official correspondence for his files, at the earliest possible moment. The Editor stressed prompt response to calls for titles and abstracts. Report accepted. 6. Report of the Acting Permanent Counselor of the Junior Academy: James L. Kassner, Acting Permanent Counselor of the Junior Academy, made a preliminary announcement concerning his report, which was to be presented in full later. J. L. Brakefield moved, seconded by John Xan, that a rotating committee of three be appointed by the nominating commit¬ tee to serve as Counselors of the Junior Academy, to be elected for one, two and three years respectively, after which one new member was to be elected each year. James L. Kassner was to be retained for the one-year period, and to be chairman of the group. Motion carried. 7. Junior Membership in the A. A. AS.: The method of selecting rep¬ resentatives from the Junior Academy for Junior membership in the A. A.A.S. was reported, by the President, to have been the same as last year. E. D. Emigh moved, seconded by E. V. Jones, that this method be incorporated into the by-laws of the Academy. Motion carried. 8. Establishment of Medals and Aid in Publication of More Extensive Articles by State Departments : These items were discussed. Action post¬ poned. 9. Establishment of Academy Statistician: The need of a statistician for the Academy was stressed by the President. J. L. Brakefield moved, seconded by W. B. Jones, that the incoming President be empowered to appoint a statistician for the Academy. Motion carried. 10. Establishment of a Director of Exhibits and Demonstrations: The need for someone to build up exhibits and demonstrations for the Academy, especially for the encouragement of laymen of the state in Academy work, was emphasized by the President. S. R. Damon moved, seconded by W. B. Jones, that the incoming President be empowered to appoint one man for this purpose; amended by S. C. Smith, seconded by E. V. Jones, that the appointee be allowed to select helpers as needed. Motion, as amended, carried. 11. Suggestions for Facilitating Assembling of the Program: Sugges¬ tions were made by E. V Jones, S. C. Smith and E. D. Emigh. Action referred to the incoming President. 12. Rernsion of Academy Sections: The agenda of the President sug¬ gested the expansion of the Academy from its present four-section arrange¬ ment to include six sections, the revision to be as follows : Section I. Biology and Medical Science Section II. Chemistry 6 Section III. Geology, Anthropology and Archeology Section IV. Geology, Conservation and Allied Subjects Section V. Physics and Mathematics Section VI. Industry and Economics J. L- Brakefield moved, seconded by A. J. Westland, that the revision, as outlined above, be accepted. Motion carried. 13. Sustaining Memberships in the Academy: It was suggested that individuals, organizations or institutions be allowed and encouraged to maintain a sustaining membership in the Academy upon a minimum pay¬ ment of $10.00 per annum, the activities in connection with this to be added to the duties of the Committee on the Promoting of Membership and Activities of the Academy. W. B. Jones so moved, seconded by John Xan. Motion carried. 14. Honorary Memberships in the Academy: Two members, who have been outstanding in the history of the Academy, were suggested for honor¬ ary membership. These were Wright A. Gardner, Auburn, Founder of the Academy, and John Y. Graham, for forty-two years Chairman of the De¬ partment of Zoology at the University. Action on this matter was referred to an item of special business to be taken up at the Preliminary Business Meeting. Moved by J. L. Brakefield, seconded by E. V. Jones, that the by-laws be so amended as to read that not more than two honorary mem¬ bers be elected in any one year. Motion carried. 15. Suggested Southeastern Scientific Society: J. L. Brakefield moved, seconded by E. B. Carmichael, that the Academy invite official delegates from other Academies and Regional Southeastern Organizations to meet concurrently with the Academy at their next annual meeting for the pur¬ pose of organizing a Southeastern Scientific Society which later, perhaps, might become the Southeastern Division of the A. A. A. S'., as suggested in the agenda of the President. Motion carried. It was left to the incoming President to appoint a committee to care for this action. 16. Registration Fee: It was moved by E. V. Jones, seconded by E. D. Emigh, that a registration fee of fifty cents be charged at future Academy meetings. Motion carried. 17. A.A.A.S. Membership Drive: Because increase of Academy mem¬ berships in the A.A.A.S. increases the grant-in-aid for research, it was urged that such memberships be encouraged. Action on this matter was left to the incoming President. 18. Place of 1942 Meeting: Both Major Harwell Davis, President of Howard College, and John Xan, Treasurer, and Howard College Faculty member, extended invitations to the President of the Academy to hold the annual meeting at Howard College in 1942, in connection with the Cen¬ tennial Celebration of that school. The invitation was turned over to the incoming President. 19. Simplification of the Calendar: R. S. Poor suggested that the Academy go on record for or against the simplification of the calendar as the A.A.A.S. and other scientific bodies have done, Action was left to the incoming President. 20. Adjournment: Upon completion of the business of the Executive Committee, the meeting adjourned. MINUTES OF THE PRELIMINARY BUSINESS MEETING The meeting was called to order by George D. Palmer, President of the Academy, at 10:45 A.M. in the Auditorium of Munger Hall. 7 1. Minutes: The minutes of the previous Preliminary Business Meet¬ ing held at Huntingdon College, Montgomery, April 14, 1939, were approved as published in the Journal, June, 1939. 2. Report of the Secretary: Septima C. Smith, Secretary, read her report. Report appended. 3. Report of the Treasurer: John Xan, Treasurer, presented his re¬ port. Report referred to the Auditing Committee. 4. Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S.: J. H. Coulliette, Coun¬ cilor of the A.A.A.S., presented his report. Moved by P. H. Yancey, sec¬ onded by S. R. Damon, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. Re¬ port appended. 5. Report of the Editor of the Journal: E. V. Jones, Editor of the Journal, read his report. The Editor urges prompt action, in the future, in forwarding program titles and previews. He also urges the turning in of correspondence by the officers for the Editor’s files. Report accepted. Report appended. 6. Report of the Acting Permanent Counselor of the Junior Academy: James L. Kassner, Counselor, presented his report. It was moved by S. R. Damon, seconded by Lambert Gattman, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. Report appended. 7. Reports of the Standing Committees: a. Committee on the Academy Award: This committee, composed of the president-elect, C. M. Farmer, and the four vice-presidents of the Academy, chairmen of their respective sections, namely, S. R. Damon, I. M. Hostetter, A. J. Westland, and Eugene D. Emigh, reported that they had received two applications for the A.A.A.S. grant-in-aid of research. It was voted to renew the grant for another year to J. Allen Tower, Birming¬ ham-Southern College, for the continuation of work already begun. Moved by C. M. Farmer, seconded by E. V. Jones, that the recommendation of the committee be accepted. Motion carried. b. Committee on the Promoting of Membership and Actiznties of the Senior Academy: Walter B. Jones, chairman, reported much success dur¬ ing the year in securing new members for the Academy. c. Committee on the Promoting of Membership and Actiznties of the Junior Academy: R. D. Brown, chairman of this committee appointed by the president during the year, urged the cooperation of the Senior Academy in securing new chapters for the Junior Academy. E. V. Jones, P. H. Yancey and the chairman all stressed the value of including broader fields of interest on the Academy program, so as to attract members among the High School scientists, and J. Allen Tower urged the encouragement of membership among graduate students. d. Committee on Research: Stewart J. Lloyd, chairman of the com¬ mittee, had no report. e. Publications Committee: E. B. Carmichael, chairman, urged the clarification of the duties of this committee. No report. 7. Charter Membership Committee : Peter A. Brannon, chairman, in¬ dicated the date April 4. 1924, as the authentic date for charter member¬ ship in the Academy. He urges the continuation of this committee. Moved by S'. R. Damon, seconded by Lambert Gattman, that this report be ac¬ cepted. Motion carried. 8. Report of the Committee on Meteorology and Climatology : No re¬ port. E. D. Emigh, chairman, moved the continuation of this committee, seconded by J. A. Tower. Motion carried. 8 9. Appointment of Committees to Report at the Final Business Meet¬ ing: 1. Auditing Committee : a) Senior Academy: Peter A. Brannon, chairman, J. Sullivan Gib¬ son and J. Allen Tower. b) Junior Academy: John Xan, chairman, and James L. Kassner. 2. Resolutions Committee : P. H. Yancey, chairman, Mildred A. Engel- brecht and Lillian E. Worley. 3. Committee on Place of 1941 Meeting: R. S. Poor, chairman, C. M. Farmer and J. F. Glazner. 4. Committee on Nominations: J. L. Brakefield, chairman, P. H. Yancey and J. F. Duggar. Officers to be elected: President-Elect, Councilor of the A.A.A.S. and Secretary of the Academy. (3 years) 10. Nezv Business: a. Method of Selecting Representatives of the Junior Academy for Junior Membership in the A.A.A.S.: This question was left to the incom¬ ing President. b. Counselors of the Junior Academy: The method of selecting these Counselors, as passed by the Executive Committee, was accepted by the Academy. c. Suggestions for Establishing Medals for the Best Papers: Action deferred. d. Establishment of an Academy Statistician: Action on this item, as passed by the Executive Committee, was accepted by the Academy. Ap¬ pointment left to the incoming President. e. Establishment of a Director of Exhibits and Demonstrations : Action on this item, as passed by the Executive Committee, was accepted by the Academy. Appointment left to the incoming President. f. Revision of the Academy Sections: Action on this item of busi¬ ness, as passed in Executive Session, was accepted by the Academy. In addition, it was moved by P. H. Yancey, seconded by E. V. Jones, that a seventh section, namely, on The Teaching of Science, be added to the six already accepted. Motion carried. It was also moved that the chairman of Section VII be named by the Nominating Committee, and that the chair¬ man of any new section split off from existing sections, be named by the members of the original section. Motion carried. g. Suggestions for Facilitating the Assembling of the Program: Action upon this matter was left to the incoming President. 11. Adjournment : Upon completion of business, and following an¬ nouncements by the Committee on Local Arrangements, the meeting ad¬ journed until 4:30 P.M. MINUTES OF THE FINAL BUSINESS' MEETING The final business session was called to order at 4:30 P.M. in Munger Auditorium by George D. Palmer, President. The minutes of the previous final business meeting, held at Huntingdon College, Montgomery, April 14, 1939, were approved as published in the Journal, June, 1939. Reports of Committees : 1. Auditing Committee for the Senior Academy: Peter A. Brannon, chairman, and J. Sullivan Gibson, member, reported that the Auditing Com¬ mittee had checked the Treasurer’s report and found it satisfactory. They moved its adoption. Motion carried. Audited report appended. 9 2. Auditing Committee for the Junior Academy: John Xan, chairman, reported that this committee had not yet functioned and would send in its report by mail. 3. Resolutions Committee : P. H. Yancey, chairman, Mildred A. Engel- brecht and Lillian E. Worley, members, presented the report of this com¬ mittee and moved its adoption. Report accepted. Report appended. 4. Committee on Place of 1941 Meeting: This committee was com¬ posed of R. S Poor, chairman, C. M. Farmer and J. F. Glazner. Follow¬ ing certain suggestions of the chairman with reference to rotating the places of meeting with the idea of holding more frequent meetings at the membership population centers, he recommended the acceptance of the invi¬ tation by Spring Hill College for 1941. Moved by S. R. Damon, seconded by C. E. Snow, that this report be accepted. Motion carried. 5. Committee for the Nomination of Officers: J. L. Brakefield, chair¬ man, J. F. Duggar, Sr., and P. H. Yancey, members, read the following report : President (President-elect of last year) : C. M. Farmer, State Teachers College, T roy President-elect : Paul D. Bales, Howard College Councilor of the A.A.A.S. : J. H. Coul.iette, Birmingham-Southern College, re-elected Secretary : W’innie McGlamery, Geological Survey, University Counselors to the Junior Academy: James L. Kassner, University, retained for one more year; Rev. Lambert Gattman, St. Barnard College, two years ; P. P. B. Brooks, Sidney Lanier High School, three years Vice-President and Chairman of Section VII, on The Teaching of Science. Claustie E. McTyeire, Hueytown High School The terms of office of the Treasurer, John Xan, Howard College and of the Editor, E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College, expire in one and two years respectively. As there were no nominations from the floor, it was moved by Lillian E. Worley, seconded by J. A. Tower, that the nominations close. E. B. Carmichael moved, seconded by R. S. Poor, that the report of the nomi¬ nating committee be accepted. Motion passed. 6. Nominations of Section Chairmen: Section I. Biology and Medical Science — Herman D. Jones, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Section II. Chemistry — Lindsey M. Hobbs, University Section III. Geology, Anthropology and Archeology — David L. Dejarnette, Alabama Museum of Natural History O. T. Brown, Department of Geology, University, Secretary Section IV. Geography, Conservation and Allied Subjects — J. Allen Tower, Birmingham-Southern College Section V. Physics and Mathematics — W. A. Moore, Birmingham-Southern College Section VI. Industry and Economics — (Chairman to be appointed) Section VII. The Teaching of Science — Claustie E. McTyeire, Hueytown High School 7. Sustaining Memberships in the Academy: J. F. Duggar, Sr. moved, seconded by J. L. Brakefield, that the Academy concur in the recommenda¬ tion of the Executive Committee that sustaining memberships in the Acad- 10 emy be granted either to individuals, organizations or institutions, at the minimum rate of ten dollars per annum. Motion carried. 8. Honorary Memberships in the Academy: J. L. Brakefield moved, seconded by W. C. Jones, that two members who have given signal service to the Academy and to the state, and who were suggested for Honorary Memberships by the Executive Committee, be elected by the Academy. These men are Wright A. Gardner, Auburn, Founder of the Academy, and John Y. Graham, for forty-two years Chairman of the Department of Zoology at the University. Motion unanimously carried. J. L. Brakefield moved, seconded by E. B. Carmichael, that the motion passed in Executive Session, namely, that not more than two honorary members be elected in any one year, be accepted. Motion carried. 9. Suggested Southeastern Scientific Society: Moved by J. L. Brake- field, seconded by H. D. Jones, that action suggested by the President and concurred in by the Executive Committee, namely, that an invitation be extended to Southeastern Scientists, including official delegates from other Academies and Regional Southeastern Organizations, to meet concurrently with the Academy at their next annual meeting for the purpose of organ¬ izing a Southeastern Scientific Society which later, perhaps, might become the Southeastern Division of the A. A. A. S'., be accepted. Motion carried. Appointment of a suitable committee to take care of this proposal was left to the incoming President. 10. Registration Fee: Moved by H. D. Jones, seconded by E. V. Jones, that the motion carried in Executive Meeting, namely, that, in the future, a registration fee of fifty cents be charged all members, be accepted by the Academy. Motion lost. 11. A. A. A.S. Membership Drive: Action upon this proposal, endorsed in Executive Session, was met with favor by the Academy. Action referred to the incoming President. 12. Place of 1942 Meeting: The invitation of Howard College, as pre¬ sented in executive session, was referred to the incoming President. 13. Simplification of the Calendar: Dr. Poor’s suggestion on this item, made in Executive Session, was referred to the incoming President. 14. Discontinuance of Part I of the Journal: E. B. Carmichael moved, seconded by J. F. Duggar, Sr., that, due to the expense involved, Part I of the Journal be discontinued. Motion carried. The Chairman of the Publications Committee also recommened that the Academy work toward the publication of longer papers, or, as recommended by W. C. Jones, longer abstracts in the Journal. No formal action was taken. 15. Expression of Appreciation to Retiring Officers: J. L. Brake- field moved, seconded by P. H. Yancey, that the Secretary spread upon the minutes a vote of thanks for the efforts of all of the retiring officers during their term of office, including the President, Secretary and Section Chairmen, together with their respective Secretaries. Motion carried. 16. Adjournment: Upon the completion of the business of the Acad¬ emy, and following the expression of appreciation by the President for the cooperation of his officers and of Academy members, and to William Roy West and Leon Misuk, University of Alabama students, for their gratuitous service in enscrolling the names on the Academy certificates, the meeting adjourned. Over one hundred and twenty-five members and a number of visitors registered. septima C. smith, Secretary. 11 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary, after a three-year appointment, which followed a pre¬ liminary service of two years, is completing a five-year term of office (1935-1940) and presents a brief report of activities undertaken during this period. 1. There has been close cooperation between the Secretary, the suc¬ cessive Presidents and other Academy officers during these years. 2. The Secretary has directed especial effort to securing newT members for the Academy. In this she was aided annually by the officers and mem¬ bers of the Academy and in addition, this year, by the newly-appointed Committee on the Promoting of Membership and the Activities of the Acad¬ emy. 3. Efforts have been made, by the Secretary, to inscribe and present certificates of membership to new members who have joined the Academy during this interval and to Charter members. In addition, a certain num¬ ber of certificates have been prepared for other members who have ex¬ pressed a desire for them. Cards to be filled out for this purpose have been readily available at the registration desk at the annual meetings. Since, during a variable period preceding 1935, certificates were not pre¬ pared for members and since data on many membership application blanks is incomplete or unreliable, this item will be classified under the head of “unfinished business’’ to be continued by future secretaries. It is desired to thank those University students who, gratis, gave their services in this connection. The names of these students appear in the various annual minutes. 4. The Secretary feels the need of instituting some policy which will facilitate assembling the annual program, and has made certain concrete suggestions along this line. Such simplification will be of value to all Academy officers, especially to the Editor of the Journal. 5. An increase in Academy membership in the A.A.A.S. is urged by the Secretary, since the amount of the grant-in-aid for research depends upon such combined membership. 6. The Secretary would like to go on record as favoring the publica¬ tion of full-length articles in the Journal, and of making the Journal as much of a “national” publication as is that of any other Academy publica¬ tion in the country. Until such recognition is given our Journal by the scientists and scientific organizations in or out of the state, it will not receive the status it deserves. 7. And, finally, the Secretary wishes to emphasize the need of interest in and loyalty to the Academy by Alabama scientists, which should at least be comparable to that of more wide-spread organizations. If the Academy is worthy of existing, it is worthy of such support. SEPTIMA C. SMITH, Secretary. 12 REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 28, 1940 RECEIPTS Balance on hand April 14, 1939 _ _ _ 268.06 Membership fees, journals, dividends and A.A.A.S. Award 372.82 372.82 Total _ _ _ _ - _ _ 640.88 DISBURSMENTS H. C. Heath, Huntingdon Meeting Expenses (Check No. 97) _ _ _ ...... _ 13.97 Program Vol. II, Part I, Birmingham Printing Co. (Check No. 98) _ 53.79 Envelopes, Strickland Paper Co. (Check No. 99) _ 2.23 Membership Blanks, Birmingham Printing Co. (Check No. 100) _ 5.98 J. Allen Tower, A.A.A.S. Award (Check No. 101) _ 25.00 Jr. Academy Awards, Commercial Printing Co. (Check No. 102) _ 16.32 300 copies of Journal, Part II, Birmingham Printing Co. (Check No. 103) _ 192.30 Editor E. V. Jones, Expense Check No. 104 _ _ _ 22.47 President Yancey, Expense Check No. 105 _ 3.59 Secretary Smith, Expense Check No. 106 _ 11.73 347.38 Balance March 28, 1940 _ 293.50 JOHN XAN, Treasurer. Auditing Committee : PETER A. BRANNON J. ALLEN TOWER J. SULLIVAN GIBSON REPORT OF THE COUNCILOR OF THE A.A.A.S. The session of the Academy Conference at the Columbus meeting of the A.A.A.S. was called to order by Chairman Bert Cunningham at 3:00 P.M. December 27, 1939 in the Wallick Suite of the Deshler-Wallick Hotel. Dr. H. E. Enders of the Indiana Academy of Science presented the report of the committee appointed to confer with the American Institute of New York City on Problems of the Junior Academy. As a result of the work of this committee, it was agreed that the American Institute would limit its promotion of “Associated Science Clubs” as follows : 1. In states which have a State Academy of Science and a Junior Academy of Science any inquiring science club seeking admission to the “Associated Science Clubs” is to be referred to the Junior Academy of Science of the State in which the club is located for assignment of its mem¬ bership. 2. In states which have no State Academy and no organized group of High School Science clubs, any organization of its science clubs (promoted by the American Institute) shall bear the name “Associated Science Clubs” rather than the name “Junior Academy of Science.” 3. In any state which has an organized State Academy but no Junior Academy of Science, if or when ten or more high school science clubs are organized, the General Secretary of the A.A.A.S. shall recommend to the existing State Academy an initial establishment of a Junior Academy of Science. A continuing committee was set up by the Academy Conference to pro¬ mote the interests of high school science clubs. Dr. E. C. Faust of the New Orleans Academy of Science reported on “The Usefulness of the Academy Research Grants of the A.A.A.S. — in Retrospect and in Prospect" — This report showed that 175 grants have been made since the plan was begun. The distribution of these is : Physical Sciences _ 42 Biological Sciences _ _ _ 2. _ 112 Social and applied Sciences _ 8 Unstated _ 13 Total _ _ _ _ _ 175 From the problems aided by these 175 grants, there have been pub¬ lished 52 papers. Dr. Faust urged that the grants be made to projects which are of a definite research character, rather than to those in which the formation of collections of specimens of minerals, plants, etc., is the chief aim. Also it is urged that a definite effort to obtain publication of reports of these researches be made. Dr. Faust also presented an analysis of the methods used in selecting the Junior A.A.A.S. memberships. A variety of methdos are used, but the A.A.A.S. refrains from requiring any uniform method of selection. The method used by our own Academy, i.e., choice by the Counselors of the Junior Academy, agrees with that used bv one third of the Academies. Dr. P. D. Strausbaugh of the West Virginia Academy of Science dis¬ cussed the question “Can the Academy serve as a Unifying Agent for the Various Scientific Organizations of the State?” He recommended that the various scientific organizations of the state be unified in so far as possi¬ ble in order that duplication of effort and expense be eliminated. He suggested that joint meetings be arranged to bring about a realization of community of interests of the Academy and the other organizations. In many cases, joint meetings will be profitable even though combination of the organization may not seem desirable. The concluding paper on the program was a discussion of “The Organ¬ ization of An Academy" by Dr. J. C. Gilman of the Iowa Academy. The Academy Conference then adjourned for dinner. Respectfully submitted. J. H. COULLIETTE. A Motion — I move that each recipient of a Grant-in-Aid of Research from the Alabama Academy be requested to submit a written report of the results of his research — such report to be printed in the Journal of the Academy, if it has not been printed elsewhere Motion adopted. REPORT OF THE EDITOR OF THE JOURNAL The plan adopted last year of having the section programs assembled by the section chairmen and sent in to the Editor seems to have an in¬ herent weakness in it. Each year a new set of officers have this task the 14 details of which are not familiar to them and this entails a lot of unneces¬ sary work. Some means of obviating this difficulty should be devised. The South Carolina Academy of Science has been added to our ex¬ change list and some foreign exchanges are under consideration. Our ex¬ change files are being kept up to date. The volume and cost of our publications are steadily increasing. Some commercial advertising has been secured this year on some of our cover space to help meet the increasing expense. It is hoped that at least the earliest years of our official correspond¬ ence can be bound soon. The annual invitation is hereby given to all offi¬ cers to turn in their official correspondence to me at an early date. E. V. JONES, Editor of the Journal. REPORT OF THE ACTING-PERMANENT COUN¬ SELOR OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE A meeting of the counselors and officers of the Alabama Junior Acad¬ emy of Science was held in the Tutwiler Hotel October 21, 1939. In addi¬ tion to the counselors and officers this meeting was attended by Dr. G. D. Palmer, President of the Senior Academy, Dr. B. F. Clark, chairman of the committee on arrangements, Prof. P. D. Bales, member of the com¬ mittee for promoting the work of the Junior Academy in the Birmingham area. At this meeting plans were made for the annual meeting. The com¬ mittee approved the design of the pin for the Junior Academy which was presented by Mr. Henry Shine, President of the Junior Academy, and also approved the individual membership cards for Junior Academy members. The new officers and counselors of the Junior Academy were given copies of their duties and charged with the responsibilities of the next meeting of the Junior Academy. The President of the Senior Academy in cooperation with the Acting Permanent Counselor appointed the following persons as members of the Committee for the Promoting of Membership and Activities of the Junior Academy: Dr. R. D. Brown, Chairman, Dr. J. F. Duggar, Prof. P. H. Yancey, Prof. W. L. Pressley, Rev. Lambert Gattman, Prof. P. D. Bales, Mr. W. T. Wilkes, Prof. P. B. Brooks, Miss Emma Donoho, Dr. C. M. Farmer, Prof. Jesse L. Price, Prof. O. W. Edwards, Miss Florence Timms, Prof. T. A. Wood. Charters were presented to the clubs elected to membership in the Junior Academy last year and Certificates of Award were prepared and mailed out to the winning chapters. Last year a fourth division was added to the list in which exhibits may be presented ; namely, science in industry. At the annual meeting of the A.E.A. the Junior Academy sponsored the afternoon meeting of the science section in order to acquaint the science teachers in the state with the work of the Junior Academy. The exhibits that qualified for the Senior Academy Certificates of Award in 1939 were exhibited at this meeting and the following program was presented : History of the Junior Academy by Dr. Roger Allen, Auburn Presentation and Value of Exhibits by Prof. P. H. Yancey, Spring Hill 15 Ideals and Aims of the Alabama Junior Academy of Science by Henry Shine, St. Bernard Eight new clubs have applied for membership in the Junior Academy this year, making a total of thirty-five active chapters. The constitution has been revised and the by-laws written so as to meet the needs of the Junior Academy as it now exists. Copies of these have been sent out to the various members concerned to be studied and voted upon at this annual meeting. This concludes the work for which the office of Acting Permanent Counselor was created. JAMES L. KASSNER Acting-Permanent Counselor Alabama Junior Academy of Science REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON GRANTS-IN-AID The Committee on Grants-In-Aid unanimously voted to award the $25.00 available to Dr. J. Allen Tower to aid in his work on the “'Prepara¬ tion of an Atlas and a Geography of Alabama.” The committee feels that his work is of particular interest and value and that it should be continued. While the grant is small, it is the opinion of the committee there should be a larger number of applicants for this aid. C. M. FARMER, Chairman S. R. DAMON I. M. HOSTETTER A. J. WESTLAND E. D. EMIGH REPORT OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE 1. Counselors Committee to Junior Academy : Dr. James L. Kassner _ 1 year _ _ University of Ala. Rev. Lambert Gattman.. 2 years _ _ St. Bernard College P. P. B. Brooks _ 3 years _ _ _ Sidney Lanier High School * 2. Chairman of the Section on The Teaching of Science: Vice-President — Miss Claustie McTyeire _ Hueytown Lligh School 3. Councilor of A.A.A.S. — J. H. Coulliette .... B’ham-Southern College Secretary — Miss Winnie McGlamery _ Geological Survey, University President-Elect — Paul D. Bales _ _ _ _ Howard College PROF. P. H. YANCEY J. F. DUGGAR J. L. BRAKEFIELD, Chairman RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE REPORT Whereas the Alabama Academy of Science has been very cordially en¬ tertained by the President, the Faculty, and the Students of Birmingham- Southern College at its 17th Annual Convention. Therefore, be it resolved that the Alabama Academy of Science offer a vote of thanks to the President, the Faculty and Students of Birming¬ ham-Southern College, and spread the same on the minutes of the Academy. 16 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, THE HOPE OF THE SOUTH1 Presidential Address, George D. Palmer I wish, first, to discuss the importance of scientific research to the nation as a whole; second, to contrast the scientific research done in the North with that done in the South ; and third, to suggest ways of building up our scientific research organizations in the South. We all know about the “Report on Economic Conditions of the South” prepared by the National Emergency Council for President Roosevelt, and his statement that “The South presents right now the Nation’s number one economic problem.” This report emphasizes our poor ranking in education, housing facilities, etc., but barely mentions our low ranking in the field of scientific research. This is all the more remarkable since we now know that the present status of the United States as the leading nation is due pri¬ marily to the unbeatable combination of business and scientific research, backed by our great resources. Big business to-day is exploiting the fruits of our scientific research laboratories — our last remaining frontiers, our so-called inner frontiers — as during the past century it exploited our exterior— or geographical — fron¬ tiers. There is one big difference now — we shall never run out of inner frontiers. Success in one field of scientific research immediately presents many new and worth-while fields. It is this scientific research, chiefly in the fields of applied chemistry and physics, backed by excellent industrial organizations, which has enabled us gradually to forge ahead of all other countries. Our nation has at last become intensely interested in scientific research, chiefly because there is “money in it,” and also security against war. Dr. C. M. A. Stine, of the du Pont Company, vice-president in charge of research, has said that scien¬ tific research is a “definite contribution toward the maintenance of peace.” It is the most useful tool of the democracies. If, as Walter Lipmann writes, “The democracies have become softened by a false sense of security,” all the more do we need scientific research organizations to keep ahead of the dic¬ tatorships. Our nation has now become the center of scientific research primarily through the large amount of work done during the past ten years by our industrial, educational, and governmental scientific research organizations. Approximately $500,000,000 is invested each year in scientific research in the United States. Half of this, or $250,000,000, is invested by industrial concerns practically all in the North and Far West; the other half is in¬ vested by governmental and educational institutions,' again practically all in the North and Far West. Three examples will indicate the extent to which industry invests in scientific research. Note that I use the word “invests” and not “spends.” The research budget of the du Pont Company for the year 1939 was $7,000,000; that of the Dow Chemical Company, $1,400,000. The Cali¬ fornia Fruit Growers Exchange reports that their research for the past twenty-five years has “so far paid more than $8,000,000 in direct profits to growers and has lead to two by-product plants.” Twenty years ago there were about 100 companies investing money in scientific research. To-day, there are over 2000 companies, practically all in the North and Far West, investing large sums of money in scientific research. Now double the amount of work done by these 2000 companies, and you will have the total of all research done, including that done by about 200 universities, colleges, ’Science — (1940) . 17 and various research institutes, again, sad to relate, located primarily in the North and Far West — the richest sections of our country — thus making these rich sections richer. There is much scientific research done in the North and Far West, but, by contrast practically none in the South. There is never any doubt about the profits of organized scientific research, and these profits are progressively increasing in these modern times. In fact, the depression years have been the most outstanding years for industrial scientific research. This industrial scientific research is lead¬ ing us into prosperity and will continue to lead us through prosperous times. We are in a “new era,” a more realistic world, whether we like it or not, based more and more upon scientific research. This condition exists pri¬ marily because we now have in the United States more cooperation between the men of business and the men of science. James Truslow Adams, the historian, states in “Democracy at Work,” that as a nation, “We depend more and more on brains and less on brawn. We create our new horizons in the laboratory.” Because of the commercial importance of scientific research, many new concerns are establishing, and many older concerns are expanding their re¬ search laboratories. For example, the American Cyanamid and Chemical Corporation has just completed its magnificent new scientific research laboratory in Stamford, Connecticut, costing several millions of dollars. The American Telephone and Telegraph Company recently announced that it will build a new $3,000,000 research laboratory at Murray Flill to be completed in 1941. Many more laboratories have been completed and others announced for completion in the near future. The importance of scientific research is well illustrated by recent developments in the airplane industry. According to a recent announce¬ ment most of the research has been completed for building bombers capable of flying across the ocean and back on one fueling. More research will be done, and we will make this transatlantic round-trip bomber, and so it goes. This probably means that transatlantic round-trip bombers will event¬ ually end the United States isolation policy. To realize the importance of scientific research, one only has to think of some of the things that we did not have ten years ago, such as trans¬ oceanic passenger air service, streamline trains, new nylon synthetic silk for hosiery, glass building blocks, glass textiles and insulation materials, new synthetic rubbers, television, new and very strong plywoods, synthetic vitamins and hormones, sulfanilamide and sulfapyridine drugs, etc. This in itself shows that business has invested heavily in its research laboratories during the past ten years of depression. Certainly, a great future awaits us in the United States. This is impressed upon one when he remembers that the bulk of scientific industrial research in the United States only began with World War number one. In order to emphasize further the importance of scientific research, I shall mention only one chemical industry, but a most important new one — the synthetic plastics industry. I invite you to a plastics exhibit I have on display in Ramsay Hall. From this display you may gather some idea of the part these new plastics are now playing in our industrial development, and the part that they will play in our future development. We are re-making the world through our “inner frontiers” — our or¬ ganized research laboratories. The whole of our future mechanical civiliza¬ tion depends upon them. At the present moment, a large number of new products of the research laboratories are almost ready to be put on the mar¬ ket. Some are now being tried on a small scale in certain sections of the 18 country. All these and many more will be commonplace in a few years. Thus we may easily visualize the tremendous effect of scientific research upon our nation as a whole. Now, I should like to emphasize the effect of scientific research on a given geographical section of the country. It is now well known that our “inner frontiers’’ are in the scientific research laboratories. We can no longer go West! We are now developing a new civilization based upon the products of the scientific research laboratories. As a result of this tre¬ mendous amount of research activity in the United States (about $500,000,000 expended annually) the following rule stands out in bold relief: The pros¬ perity of a region is roughly proportional to the number of patents taken out in that region. Consequently, you can readily understand that it is highly important that the South take steps so that Southerners intensely interested in the South will take out patents and develop fields which will utilize the resources of the South rather than those of some other section. This will create new industries and additional jobs in the South. As I see it, the South’s number one problem is the utilization of its resources through scientific research. The question immediately arises. What steps should be taken to enable the South to utilize its own resources ? The general answer is — simply build up scientific research organizations similar to those in the North. Everything in science, as in other fields, is becoming highly organized. A lone scientist or inventor is able to do little. At the present time, we, in the South, need organization and help, but we should help ourselves. We should develop our oivn scientific research organizations for work on Southern resources. This may be done in many ways. In the past, it has taken a man with determination, fighting ability, salesmanship, and imagination to build up single-handed an industrial research laboratory in the South. We have had few such men. The only ones, so far as I know', are Theodore Swann, who lives in this city, the late Charles H. Herty, who pioneered our new newsprint paper mill and labora¬ tory at Savannah, and William H. Mason, of Laurel, Mississippi, who started the Masonite Corporation. If it had not been for Theodore Swann, the Monsanto Chemical Company would not now be in Anniston, nor the Swann Chemical Company in Birmingham, nor several other plants in other places. Swann has been the pioneer and one of the greatest exponents of Southern industrial research. The South needs more Theodore Sivanns! In this connection, mention should certainly be made of the large part that patents played in the success of Erskinc Ramsay who likewise lives in this city. Despite our lack of large industrial scientific research organizations some outstanding industrial scientific research has been done in the South. I should like to mention especially the making of cast-iron pipe by centrifu¬ gal force as developed in the Birmingham District. The other day in his column in the “Age-Herald,” John Temple Graves II described the following statement: “A revival of the pioneer spirit, a venturesome and creative outlook on the problems of our day,” as the “eternal song” of Vanderbilt’s Chancellor O. C. Carmichael. Tins is his “remedy for the sickness that has come over democracies.” We need a revival of the pioneer spirit in scientific research in the South today. Of course we are gradually developing some small research laboratories in the South, but this increase has taken place primarily during the past ten years, and is not at all in proportion to the amount of industry in the South. In fact, the scientific research laboratories pioneered by Swann and Mason are still the largest industrial research organizations existing in the South. Some of our paper mills are true Southern concerns and as such ID are helping to build up Southern scientific research. Apparently where the new research idea is born is where the research organization is built up, which in turn produces other new products and establishes more new indus¬ tries with their resultant new research laboratories — the usual snowball effect. Ideas count tremendously in industry and most of them are now born in the scientific research laboratories up North. Heretofore, research activity has been in the interest of the North with the profits from new industries, monopolies of patents, etc., likewise going there. Although Northern scientific research has already greatly affected the South, it will affect the South to a much greater extent in the very near future, and much more adversely unless we have our own scientific research organizations working in the interest of the South. The concentration of research in the North amounts to a scientific research differential, which is much more important than our freight differential, important as that is, because the research differential is more fundamental. We have our indus¬ tries in the South, but our research is done for us up North. We often hear of the absentee ownership of industries of the South, but we never hear about the absentee research done for these same industries. Research is done in the North for the benefit of the North, and only indirectly for the South. Some of the larger industries have large scientific research labora¬ tories in the North while most of their plants are in the South. For example, the duPont Company has about half of its plants in the South, while prac¬ tically all of its research is done in the North. Likewise, the Hercules Powder Company has most of its plants in the South while practically all of its research is done in the North. A further step in the development of our Southern resources is being made at the present time, but it is the Federal Government who is doing it, and not we ourselves. I refer to the new $1,000,000 regional research laboratory recently established at New Orleans to obtain new products and uses of cotton, peanuts, and sweet potatoes. This will help, just as a govern¬ ment sweet potato research laboratory at Laurel, Mississippi, has already helped. More scientific research supported by the Federal Government is badly need in the South. Although we recently obtained one of the four Federal regional laboratories — which in itself is geographically fair— in gen¬ eral, I can say that here again we have a governmental research differential. The rule of rewarding the institutions that have already established large research organizations is applied even by the Federal Government. That is, Northern institutions get more than their share of Federal money for research. Since the Federal Government invested $60,000,000 last year in research, this is a considerable advantage. It is only fair to say, however, that such a project as TVA with its many research activities tends to elimi¬ nate this governmental research differential, for those living in that region. This generally accepted custom of rewarding those institutions that have already established large research organizations destroys enthusiasm for research in the South. The Rockefeller Foundation, and other educational, as well as industrial, grants-in-aid-for-research, with very few exceptions go to the Northern schools and research institutions. This, in turn, has its effect upon industrial scientific research, and thus is another and very considerable factor in making the South poorer. It is this very factor — centralization of research in the North — that is hurting the South so much. While there has been some, decentralization of plants, there has been much more centralization of research and management. Research and management, which usually go together , determine where the excess money of a region ultimately goes. This centralization of research and management in the North has drawn most of our competent Southern 20 scientists away from the South. Many Southern scientists in charge of very important research work in the North would like to work in the South but are offered little inducement. Many scientists in Southern colleges and universities desire to work on Southern resources but have few facilities. If you list the most important raw materials, such as coal, iron, petro¬ leum, cellulose, salt, sulfur, phosphates, etc., and include power, you will find that the South has a near monopoly, or, as a minimum, has its share, in proportion to the rest of the United States. Since scientific research is necessary in the development of these vast resources, the South has done little toward the utilization of these raw materials. What has been done has been brought about almost entirely by Northern capital. According to Georgia’s Geologist Garland Peyton : “The Southeast is the only sector of the United States whose agricultural diversities, climate, and mineral resources are sufficient to make it wholly self-supporting from the raw material standpoint.’’ The Southeast is destined to become the greatest chemical manufacturing region in the nation because of these natural resources. The flow of chemical industries, paper mills, etc., to the South during the past ten years is excellent evidence that we are on our way. Dr. E. Emmet Reid, chemical consultant to many industries and Southern colleges and universities, informs me that for the past three years there has been more actual construction of chemical plants, or total ex¬ penditure for chemical plants, in the Southeast than in all the rest of the United States combined. This is certainly startling news. However, re¬ search and management have seldom followed the flow of chemical plants into the South. The time required for the South to take the number one position in the chemical manufacturing field may be definitely speeded up by organizing our own research laboratories — not waiting for the other fellow. Then too, by planning our own research, we can gradually build up our own industrialization instead of taking the backivash from others. If we do not organize our own companies, and plan our own research, we still shall have absentee ownership and absentee research, and the South will continue to send most of its excess money up North. I believe that, as Stewart J. Lloyd, Dean of the School of Chemistry, Metallurgy, and Ceramics at the University, has said, “A group of business men in the Birmingham district should get together and build up an indus¬ trial scientific research organization — not with the idea of subsidizing re¬ search, but to make money.” This would help the Birmingham District and the South. The Mellon Institute at Pittsburgh has evolved many new in¬ dustries for that and other regions. This type of organization is every¬ where in the North and Far West. We need more Southern business men interested in science. There is another type of scientific organization that the South needs. The Feb. 1 issue of “Forbes” (business magazine) contained the announce¬ ment of the next logical step in the North's systematic method of increasing the amount of scientific research which it already controls. The North, not content with the great advantage it now has, expects to make that advantage much greater. The larger companies already have their research organizations. Now the North is starting to make scientific research organizations available to all their smaller industries. A few excerpts from the Feb. 1 issue of “Forbes” follow : “Hitherto only big manufacturers could afford laboratories and experts. The small concern had neither the funds nor the technical skill to develop new products or new uses for old products. 21 New England, however, has now hit upon a plan through which the little factory can share the benefits of industrial research at a price it can afford to pay. Under the leadership of Dr. Karl T. Compton, president of the Massa¬ chusetts Institute of Technology, a group of leading industrial executives and scientists have organized the section’s public, institutional and private research agencies into a unit, which gives technical assistance to any busi¬ ness — large or small — with a research problem on its hands. For the first time in America, science and business have teamed up in a large scale cooperative movement to pool the research facilities of the entire area. The line-up consists of over 307 research agencies, including those in 13 universities and colleges, which are equipped to handle 1,200 diverse types of research ranging from aerodynamics down to yeast chemistry. In addi¬ tion, there are research departments in many factories and numerous inde¬ pendent scientists, technicians, engineers, and clinicians. This great alliance functions through the New England Council’s New Products Committee, of which Dr. Compton is chairman. Its members are hard-headed scientists and scientifically-minded industrial executives — the biggest names in their particular fields — who have had practical experience in applying the discoveries of the laboratory to the salesman’s sample case.” “New England originated cooperative science because of economic diffi¬ culties.” This is the answer to those who may say that the South cannot afford to do much research. “Plank No. 2 in the Neiv England Council’s platform for 1940 is : Pro¬ motion of intensive research . . . for the benefit of all our industries, especial¬ ly those without research departments of their own — and they are many, since 75% of the industrial establishments of New England have only 50 or less employees. This report reveals how that program — already a dividend payer which can be applied in any other region — is being carried out.” “This broad program is financed in several ways. One industry, whose leaders are on Dr. Compton’s committee, invests $250,000 annually in re¬ search. Other small concerns may spend only several hundred on a simple job. A portion of the Council’s membership dues is used to run the research department.” “Small concerns, however, often get research assistance without cost. The Council brings a case to the attention of a state university. If the problem — such as finding new uses, new processes, or new materials — is within the range of the school laboratory or staff, the work is done without charge on the theory that a tax-supported institution should serve its state industries. Sometimes the cost of materials is paid by the concern bene- fitted. Another arrangement with non-state universities is for the manufac¬ turer to pay the college a fixed rate for equipment, materials, etc., and to receive the work free. Sometimes universities send graduate students into plants to conduct research. The concern pays each student a small salary, while the work is supervised by the school faculty. Another service is expert advice on materials. A concern thinks it has discovered a practical formula for, say, a new plastic. This information goes to the Council, which, checking through its list of big manufacturer laboratories, may discover that the formula is old or has previously de¬ veloped serious flaws. This negative report saves the concern from invest¬ ing effort and money in what will prove a useless product.” The article also lists many research problems already completed by these cooperating agencies. 22 “Thus we find a section seizing upon research as an industrial life- saver and branching out with the idea, until now nearly all of the various research agencies are organized into a unit. Each continues to do its own job, but each is tied in with the central council so that contacts are made swiftly ; ideas are swapped ; problems are shared : new discoveries are routed to where they will do the most good ; expert guidance is available ; equipment, experts, and laboratories are at everyone’s finger-tips.” “Yankee ingenuity gave New England a prosperous past. Modern streamlined Yankee ingenuity seems to assure New England a prosperous future.” New England even celebrates a “Research Day” each year. This year marks the third annual celebration of this event. I do not wish you to think that I blame the Northern interests for what they are doing. I am sure that we would do exactly the same thing under the same conditions. They are simply using good business methods. If the South does not do something about this — form a similar organization — this new organization in the North is going to make things much worse, economically, for the South. We need not fear that we shall over-expand in scientific research. Chaplin Tyler of the du Pont Co. believes that at the present time it would be profitable for industry in the United States to do five times the amount of research it is now doing. Thus, should the South expand its research, it would be building up industry in the nation as a whole. Southern in¬ dustry, and, in turn, Southern agriculture would be benefitted enormously. Dr. C. M. A. Stine states that the “chemical industry spends 2% to 4% (as high as 7% in some cases) of its gross sales revenue on research; agricul¬ ture, in contrast, spends only about 1/7 of \% of the value of its products on research. As much as $240,000,000 might be expended annually in the United States on agricultural research and the expenditure would not be at all fantastic nor out of line with need.” Money for scientific research is the greatest need of Southern Colleges and universities at the present time. The legislatures of the Southern states should appropriate additional money to the universities and other state col¬ leges for scientific research. Practically all of the Northern states do this on a very large scale. This is undoubtedly the most important means of building up scientific research within the Southern states. In addition to state aid, many gifts for scientific research from business men and endowed foundations have helped Northern educational institutions. Few such gifts have been made to Southern educational institutions. Of course, federal aid for scientific research in Southern educational institutions would help solve the problem. IV e cannot build up Southern industrial scientific re¬ search laboratories zvithout the cooperation of Southern universities and colleges. A large number of individual companies and many trade associations make research grants to educational institutions. Need I say that very few of these are given to Southern colleges and universities? In fact, many Southern-owned companies, for various reasons, make research grants to Northern educational institutions to carry on their own scientific research. Some of this work should certainly now be done at Southern institutions. In the future, if we are to build up our own Southern educational scien¬ tific research, practically all of this should be done by Southern institutions. We need to increase our industrial scientific research organizations, along zvith our university and college research organizations, so that our Southern- trained young men zvill remain in the South and build up the South. These will be the men who will have new ideas and create many nezv Southern in- 23 dustries. if we train Southern men in scientific research, a certain propor¬ tion of them will remain in the South. Hence, the universities and colleges should take the lead in building up scientific research in the South. We should strive to have at least one institution in each of the Southern states granting the Ph.D. and M.D. degrees. At present, Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi do not have a college or university granting the Ph.D. degree, while the M.D. degree cannot be obtained in Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, or South Carolina. We should also build up natural science education in the secondary schools. At the present time there is a strong trend away from natural science in these schools. If we do not think our organizations are worthy enough to do first class work, certainly no one else is going to think so! We should estab¬ lish our own nationally great colleges and universities, our own grants-in- aid-for-research, our own national journals for the publication of research, etc. A direct way to encourage scientific research in the South would be for the Southern states to forego taxes on industrial, as well as on college and university research laboratories. Now I should like to mention just a few ways in which I believe the Alabama Academy of Science can help in this program. The more interest in science on the part of the people of the state, the better off science will be in the state. We are certainly furthering this interest through our Junior and Senior Academies of Science. For the first time we have several im¬ portant all-year-round committees to carry on the work of the Academy. We are progressing in our finances, our membership, and in our journal activities. We should further expand our journal so as to be able to pub¬ lish valuable research pertaining to the state of Alabama that would not otherwise be published and thus kept for posterity. Many colleges, uni¬ versities, and other institutions, unfortunately not in the South, are begin¬ ning to publish their own scientific manuscripts. Only this year Iowa State College established a science journal for “publications in subject matter fields for which satisfactory publication channels are not elsewhere avail¬ able.-’ This is a necessary trend in view of the large amount of scientific research now being done. We should work for the establishment of similar publications in the South. We should also increase our grants-in-aid-for- rcscarch. These are all valuable and sure ways of building up science in the state. We need state aid to adequately finance the Academy. I believe our next step should be the formation of a Southeastern Scientific Society (S.S.S.), perhaps later to become the Southeastern Division of the A.A.A.S., similar to the Southwestern Division, and meeting with our various state academies. This should stimulate further interest in science in the South¬ east. Finally, I should like to say that I sincerely hope that by the end of the South’s “ten year program of economic and cultural enrichment" spon¬ sored by the Southern Governors’ Conference and to be climaxed by a great world’s fair of the South in 1950, we shall be able to report much progress in scientific research. Therein lies the hope of the South for the utilization of its own natural resources. 24 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED March 29 and 30, 1940 SECTION I BIOLOGY AND MEDICAL SCIENCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF OVIDUCAL GLANDS IN OVARI ECTOMIZED IMMATURE TOADS — C. M. Pomerat, Laboratories of the Instituto de Fisiologia de la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the Department of Biology, University of Alabama. The activity of the oviduct in the toad, Bufo arenarum Hensel, is ap¬ parently independent of the ovary and under the direct control of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. This view was established by de Allende (38) working in Orias’ laboratory by means of the simple expedient of ligating the caudal end of the oviduct in ovariectomized animals. In such prepara¬ tions oviduct secretion accumulated to a degree equal to that observed for animals in which the ovary was left undisturbed. The oviduct of the immature toad has no evidence of glands in the mucosa — Figure 1 (see also the classification given in the legend for Chart I). Biopsies were made of the pre-uterine portion of the oviduct of 148 animals of which 4S lived long enough to permit completion of the analysis. Untreated, as well as the animals injected with toad pituitary ex¬ tracts, F.S.H., L.H., F.S.H. & L.H., were autopsied and the oviduct of the opposite side were sectioned at a point corresponding to that of the bi¬ opsy, from 10 to 51 days after the experiments were begun. The results obtained are presented in Chart I. Normal (untreated) animals with or without ovaries were found to de¬ velop glands spontaneously (numbers, 189, 191, 190, 108, 162). Probably the oviducts of these were particularly sensitive. The ducts of very young animals (Type I) were not found to contain glands even after 51 days. There was no evidence of spontaneous glandular secretion in adults (Types III and IV) with one exception (number 162). The positive effects in this series are believed to have been due to the animals’ own pituitary. Pituitary injections gave only moderate responses which were most marked in Type II oviducts (i. e., animal 91, Figs. 1 and 2). Possibly pituitaries which were used had a low gonadtropic hormone content (probably a sea¬ sonal effect). Houssay and his associates have shown that this toad is refractory to mammalian pituitary preparations. In the present study no significant ef¬ fects were produced by mammalian F.S.H. and L.H. fractions. There seems to be evidence, therefore, in the mild responses obtained in an admittedly small group of experimental animals, that the oviduct of im¬ mature toads of this species will develop a glandular pattern in the absence of the ovary at least when their own pituitaries are intact. 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY — de Allende, I. L. C., 1938 Aparato Sexual Femenino del Bufo Arena- rum, Buenos Aires, pp. 1-166. Figure 1 Animal 91. Biopsy showing ab- scence of glands in the mucosa of the oviduct. Figure 2 Same animal. Oviduct of the op¬ posite side showing development of glandular pattern. Explanation of Chart I Results obtained on 48 animals used to study the glandular development of the oviduct of the toad, Bufo arenarum Hensel. Four types of oviducts were found for toads weighing from SO to 85 grams. These were classified as follows : I Infantile Tubes so small that the lumena were not wider than the thickness of the wall. II Immature Ducts with adult features but without evidence of glands. III Young adults Containing young glands but these not completely encircling the tube in any section. IV Mature adults Fully developed glandular pattern but not func¬ tionally active. 26 Method of entry Symbols Formula OV Ovariectomized C Non-ovariectomized controls O No change D Dilation of the duct E Increase in the height of the epithelium G Appearance or moderate increase in glandular tissue GG Marked increase in the amount of glandular tissue Animal number No. of pits, or rat units Days of treatment response Thus : 103 TrO means that animal number 103 to whom no treatment was given showed no response 14 days after biopsy. 27 I II III IV ov c OV c OV C OV c NORMAL, 0 3 14 0 0 111 14 O 0 100 14 O 0 116 51 O 0 189 19 G 0 191 31GG 0 190 30 G 0 108 14 G 0 119. 14 O 0 177 31 O 0 112 14 O 0 162 31 G 0 211 29 O 0 120 51 O 0 206 29 O 0 208 29 O 0 W Eh u w H-J £ t— 1 H ►— 1 CL, 8 163 16 D 12 169 19 D 12 98 14 D 16 ^9 11DG 12 91 14GG 12 113 14 E 16 186 30 D 12 93 14 G 12 114 14 E 12 172 19 O w ►4 + a CO Jn 10 253 21 O 11 199 29 D 11 198 29 D 6 252 12 G FSH 10 225 21 O 10 229 21 O 10 224 21 O 10 226 21 O 10 227 21 O 6 231 12 O 6 230 12 O 10 245 21 O 6 258 12 G K hT 10 241 21GG 2 192 10 O 6 235 12G±; 10 237 21 D 10 239 21 E 10 243 21G± 10 236 21 O 6 259 12G±; 6 260 12G±: 28 SOME CAVE SPIDERS OF ALABAMA — Allan F. Archer, Department of Conservation. Dr. Walter B. Jones and the author have collected much data and many specimens of spiders from Alabama caves. Cave habitats may be divided into three successions: (1) Cave entrances, including overhangs of contigu¬ ous ledges; (2) zone of partial darkness; (3) zone of total darkness. The following families of spiders are represented in these ecological situations : Uloboridae, Pholcidae, Hypochilidae, Pisauridae, Ctenidae, Agelenidae, Clu- bionidae, Nesticidae, Theridiidae, Linyphiidae, Argiopidae, and Mimetidae. The species belonging to eight families are discussed below. Uloborus americanus (Uloboridae) occurs in cave entrances in Jackson. Lawrence, Madison, Marshall and Morgan Counties. Pholcus phalangioides (Pholcidae) occurs from entrances into the zone of total darkness in caves all over the state. Hypochilus thorelli (Hypochilidae) occurs under roofs and overhangs at cave entrances on Bishop Mountain, Marshall County. Theridion tepidariorum and Tidarren fordum (Theridiidae) occur in cave en¬ trances all over Alabama. Tbe symbiotic spiders, Argyrodes cancellatus and A. trigonum (Theriddidae), live in the webs of other spiders in cave en¬ trances. A new species of Nesticus (Nesticidae) is blind, and occurs in Honey¬ comb Cave, Marshall County. Nesticus pallidus lives in Shelta Cavern, Madison County. Glaucelmus augustinus (Nesticidae) was found in Lime Point Cave, Marshall County. The Linyphiidae are represented in caves by Microneta latidens, Madison and Marshall Counties. Lephthyphantes sabu- losus, Kelly Natural Well, Madison County, and Phanetta subterranea, Madi¬ son, Marshall and Morgan Counties. Theridiosoma radiosa (Argiopidae) lives in cave entrances in Jackson, Madison and Morgan Counties. Meta menardi (Argiopidae) is common in partial or total darkness in Mac Hardin and Bishop Caves, Marshall County. Asilia vagepicta (Argiopidae) lives in total darkness in Cave Ms2, Town Creek, Marshall County. Aranea cavatica (Argiopidae) occurs in cave entrances on Monte Sano, Madison County. Wixia ectypa (Argiopidae) is adventitious in cave entrances on Monte Sano. Mimetus notius Chamb. & line (Mimetidae) wanders into cave entrances, where it is predatory on spiders. PREVENTION OF HOG CHOLERA BY A SINGLE INTRAPERI- TONEAL INJECTION OF TISSUE VACCINE - — L. E. Starr, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. Hog cholera constitutes one of the most serious of all diseases affecting swine. It is caused by a virus which is found in the blood, skin and body organs of affected animals. The only method of prevention in the past has been by the subcutaneous injection of hyperimmune serum and a fullv virulent virus. The use of a living virus tends to spread and perpetuate the disease, making it highly de¬ sirable that something other than a fully virulent virus be developed. Boyn¬ tons’ Tissue Vaccine fulfills these requirements, but it is necessary to make two injections at two-week intervals in order to confer a true immunity. This increases the expense and inconvenience to the owner. In order to de¬ termine whether a single injection of the vaccine would develop an immunity the following projects were set up. 29 A lot of 22 pigs of varying ages were given simultaneous, intraperi- toneal and subcutaneous injections of the virus. At the end of one month half the pigs were injected with virulent virus, the remainder of the pigs are being held to determine how long the immunity produced will be retained. Another lot of 20 pigs were given intraperitoneal injections of the vac¬ cine. After one month they were divided into two lots of ten each. One lot was fed a pig which had died of cholera. This approximates commercial garbage feeding practices. The other lot was allowed to run with two sus¬ ceptible pigs which had been injected with virus. The project is still in progress but the results obtained indicate that si¬ multaneous subcutaneous and intraperitoneal injections and intraneritoneal injection alone will confer immunity on healthy pigs but will not fully protect those animals whose resistance has been lowered by severe intestinal parasit¬ ism or by necrotic enteritis, both of which conditions are very common. It should be emphasized, however, that the exposior given was much greater than that ordinarily encountered in nature. THE GERMINATION OF CROTALARIA SPECTABILIS AS AF¬ FECTED BY AGE OF SEED - J. F. Duggar, A. P. I. Experiment Station, Auburn. In an earlier paper the writer had reported success in using hot water in overcoming the usual extremely low germination of seed of crotalaria. His tests showed that the best and safest results came from scalding the otherwise untreated seed for 20 minutes at a temperature of 150° F. He had also reported, in an earlier paper, that improvement in germi¬ nation (from less than 10 per cent up to above 60 per cent) followed sowing the untreated seed in extremely dry soil, with an application of water after an interval of 12 to 30 days. In other experiments untreated crotalaria seeds were continuously ex¬ posed on the surface of the dry soil in summer without covering. When subsequently brought to the laboratory and germinated in an incubator, their germination was very greatly improved. For example, in one test fresh seed not thus exposed, later afforded germination only to the extent of 5 per cent; when exposed for seven days, 75 per cent; and when subjected for four weeks on the dry soil surface to alternations of high afternoon temperatures and much lower night temperatures, these seed afforded 95 per cent of ger¬ mination. Using year-old seed exposed for various periods on the surface of dry soil in summer, similar increases in germination resulted. However, the writer recommends as a safer farm practice either the mechanical scarifi¬ cation of crotalaria seed or scalding them for 20 minutes at a temperature of 150° Fahrenheit. On repeated testing of untreated crotalaria seed of varied ages, it was found that the very low percentage of germination invariably found in fresh seed usually persisted through two years or longer. With somewhat older seed, the percentage of germination increased materially. However, a larger proportion of the sprouts appeared weak in the case of very old seeds. 30 SOME OBSERVATIONS ON DRAGONFLY COLLECTING IN ALABAMA — Septima C. Smith, University of Alabama, and Robert S. Hodges, Alabama Department of Conservation. Studies on Alabama Odonata, continued during the past five years by the authors, have resulted in the identification of 134 species for the state of which 110 are found in Tuscaloosa County, where accessibility has allowed the most systematic collecting. A numerical comparison with forms from other regions is favorable as, for example, the 95 known species from Cuba and Puerto Rico and 42 from the whole of Great Britain. Certain factors have been noted in connection with the field work of these studies, the overcoming of which has, doubtless, influenced their suc¬ cess and which, it is thought, might be worthy of record. Briefly, they are as follows : 1. Habitat relations. The nymphs of dragonflies have great diversity of habitat, ranging all the way from ponds and sandy-bottom creeks to the swift waters of rocky shoals, depending on the species, thus making collec¬ tion of both adults and nymphs difficult. For nymphs, so entrenched, a strongly built wire dredge with a long handle was found indispensable. 2. Repetition of effort. In difficult situations, constant and repeated efforts have been essential to securing nymphs of new or rare species, or to complete representation of both male and female of any one species. 3. Effect of water-levels. Favorable low-water-level periods have, during certain seasons, greatly facilitated collecting efforts which would have been useless during flood periods. 4. Life-cycle studies. The rearing of adults in laboratory aquaria has proven the relationship with the nymphs of some disputed forms and has, in addition, secured for study certain species of rapid dispersal, such as those of the genera Gomphus and Neurocordulia. 5. Collecting techniques for adults. Although the net-method was com¬ monly utilized, the employment of a .22-caliber rifle loaded with dust shot for high-flying forms, and of a sling-shot equipped with cand or steel grit as ammunition for swift-flying adults, greatly facilitated their capture. The last-named technique was “invented” by a group of active student aids. While Tuscaloosa County, because of its environmental variations, ap¬ pears to be, in our experience, especially favorable for Odonata studies, it is possible that other counties in the state would, if submitted to equally ex¬ haustive investigation, present somewTiat comparable results. SOME EFFECTS OF LOW X-RAY DOSAGE ON MITOSIS IN THE NEUROBLASTS OF THE GRASSHOPPER EMBRYO — J. Gordon Carlson, University of Alabama. Treatment of embryos of the grasshopper (Chortophaga viridifasciata) with 31 r of x-rays at a rate of 200 r per minute affects the average number of neuroblasts in middle prophase, late prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and early telophase per embryo without, however, causing complete cessation of mitosis as higher dosages do. Counts of cells per embryo were made at 15-minute intervals during the first 225 minutes after x-raying. The number of middle prophases increases during the first 180 minutes after irradiation and then decreases rapidly. The number of late prophases undergoes a slight initial increase and then remains at a relatively constant level. Metaphases and anaphases show no appreciable change in numbers during the first 30 and 60 minutes, respectively, but then decrease gradually in numbers till they reach zero at the end of 90 and 105 minutes, respectively. Early telophases increase in numbers for about 45 minutes and then fall off very gradually to zero at 150 minutes. The reappearance at the end of 180 minutes of metaphases, anaphases, and early telophases is coincident with the abrupt de¬ crease in the number of middle prophases at that time. These facts may be explained by assuming that x-radiation blocks the mitotic progress of cells in middle and late prophase stages and that recovery sets in — after a dosage of 31 r — after 180 minutes, allowing the cells that have accumulated in middle prophase to pass into successively later stages. 2.5 MM. HUMAN EMBRYO IN SITU WITHIN ITS CHORIONIC SAC — W. F. Abercrombie, W. E. Prescott, Jr., and P. D. Bales, Howard College. . This embryo was obtained from the chorionic sac aborted by Mrs. - , a white woman, 22 years old, with one living child, born seven months before the abortion. Her menstrual period, of the 28-day type, started the first month after delivery. Coitus was too frequent to try to determine when pregnancy occurred. The chorionic sac was perfect and untorn. An opening was made at a translucent point. The body stalk was cut with iridectomy scissors, the embryo removed and fixed in Bouin’s. The chorionic sac was cut into pieces and fixed in Bouin’s. Both were photographed. The chroionic sac measured externally (including villi) 45 mm. long x 25 mm. wide x 15 mm. deep. The cavity of the chorionic sac measured 20 mm. x 10 mm. x 5 mm. The greatest length of the embryo is 2.5 mm. It is believed that the embryo is covered by an amnion which obscures the external features of the embryo. The body-stalk arises from the ventral body wall of the embryo, passes dorsally to the right and was attached to the inner surface of the chorionic sac. Ventral to the body of the embryo may be seen the yolk-stalk along with the body stalk. The heart is conspicuous as a prominent swelling between the cephalic part of the yolk-sac and head end of the embryo. The menstrual age of the ovum is 73 days. Assuming ovulation occurs in the middle of the intermenstrual period the possible age of the ovum would be 59 days. Size is variable in embryos and was not used to calculate the age. Later, the embryo will be sectioned, and the number of somites counted. These will be correlated with the size in an attempt to determine the age of the specimen. AN INTERESTING HYPERICUM FROM THE PIEDMONT RE¬ GION OF ALABAMA — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. The genus Hypericum (St. John’s-wort) is represented in the United States by about 40 species, mostly small shrubs, about half of them in the southeastern coastal plain. One of the commonest species, which has gen¬ erally gone by the name of H. fasciculatum, is a shrub averaging two or 32 three feet tall (occasionally ten feet or more), with a single erect stem with spongy bark at the base, and widely branched above the middle. It grows mostly in and around shallow, sandy ponds in the coastal plain, from North Carolina to Florida and Mississippi. In June, 1921, Dr. S. J. Lloyd sent the writer in a letter a small sprig of a plant apparently indistinguishable from that species, but from dry hills of mica schist in Chilton County, which would be a very unusual habitat for H. fasciculatum, as well as being over 100 miles from any known station for it. Efforts to locate the plant in 1927, with Dr. Lloyd’s assistance, failed. But in August, 1938, it was found on a wooded hillside of mica schist in Tallapoosa County by Dr. H. K. Svenson and the writer, but only in a very small area, a fraction of an acre. The plants there were found to differ strikingly from the cypress pond form in being less than a foot tall, with several decumbent branches instead of a single erect stem, though leaves, flowers and fruit showed no marked differences. What appears to be the same thing has been found in the Piedmont re¬ gion of Georgia and the Carolinas, but as no intermediate stations or inter¬ mediate habitats are known between it and the coastal plain form, the two must have been separated for thousands of years, long enough to develop some genetic differences. STUDIES OF THE EFFECT OF INSULIN ON, AND GLUCOSE TOLERANCE OF PARTIALLY AND COMPLETELY HYPO- PHYSECTOMIZED ALBINO RATS — Herman D. Jones, A. P. I., Auburn. In these investigations the early work on insulin sensitivity of com¬ pletely hypophysectomized rats was confirmed but the results show that the hypophysectomized rat is only four times more sensitive to insulin than the normal rat, and in addition they clearly demonstrate that a hypergly¬ cemic condition in partially hypophysectomized rats followed insulin in¬ jections. In some of the partially hypophysectomized rats a fall in blood glucose was found 30 minutes after administration of insulin, while in others an increase was found at the end of this time interval. However, in all cases an increase in the blood glucose level was found at some time during the 3 to 4 hour experimental period. In the majority of the animals the height was reached at the 1)4 and 2 hour periods. Blood glucose curves obtained after insulin administration were used as indices of completeness or incompleteness of hypophysectomy in subse¬ quent experiments. The analytical findings were confirmed at autopsy. A comparative study of results of the glucose tolerance experiments with partially hypophysectomized rats showed that the glucose tolerance curves lie between that of a normal and that of a completely hypophysec¬ tomized rat. This variation in glucose tolerance seemed to be of a quanti¬ tative nature. Three partially hypophysectomized rats were used in the investigation of the influence of the adrenotropic factor on insulin sensitivity. The re¬ sults clearly show that the adrenotropic factor increased the sensitivity of these animals to insulin. Two partially hypophysectomized rats were used in the experiment on the influence of the thyrotropic factor upon insulin response. Results indi¬ cate that apparently the thyrotropic factor did have an influence on insulin 33 sensitivity of the partially hypophysectomized rat as measured by the blood glucose. Three partially hypophysectomized rats were used in the studies on the influence of the posterior lobe extract on insulin sensitivity. Results obtained show that insulin sensitivity of two animals seemed to be increased, as the blood glucose levels were appreciably decreased. However, in the third animal a very dissimilar type of curve was obtained. Although the curves differ somewhat, it can be stated that the response of partially hypophysectomized rats to insulin after posterior lobe extract changes mate¬ rially the type of glucose curves when compared to those obtained after insulin only. The response of castrate female rats to insulin was also investigated. Results show that castration apparently produces different changes in insulin sensitivity. In some the normal type of glucose curves following insulin was obtained, in other cases a hyperglycemia resulted. COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON THE OVA OF SOME NEMATODES PARASITIC IN CHICKENS — H. H. Earl, Jr., and Reed O. Christenson, A. P. I., Auburn. Major emphasis was placed on the study of eggs of Ascaridea lineata, Heterakis gallinae, Capillaria columbae, and Cheilospirura hamulosa. These species are all of considerable importance to the poultry raiser of Alabama. Eggs of Ascaridea lineata (Fig. 1) possess three distinct coats in the egg envelope, namely: (1) an inner vitelline membrane lipoidal in nature, (2) a relatively thick chitinous shell or true chorion, and (3) a thin, outer proteinaceous coat. The general contour is rectangular, but atypical eggs may be elongate or spheroidal. A “lenticular space” is usually present at one pole and appears to be located between the chitinous shell and the vitel¬ line membrane. It varies considerably in appearance being globular at times and lens-shaped at others. Ackert (1931) attributes this formation to a solid conical process of the vitelline membrane. Other workers (Vide Baylis, 1929, et. al.) consider it a thickening of the chitinous shell. The average size is 82.0 microns by 52.3 microns. Heterakis gallinae (Fig. 2) eggs are similar to Ascaridea lineata with respect to the layers of the envelope. The shape is more ellipsoidal, and occasionally atypical eggs are found either flattened on one side like those of the Oxyuroidea, or sharply pointed at one end. This species likewise possesses a “lenticular space” of varying morphology, but its occurrence is more frequent. The average measurements are 72.7 microns by 41.8 microns. The eggs of Capillaria columbae (Fig. 3) are characteristic trichuroid eggs, having the three typical membranes and an operculum at each pole. The chitinous shell and mucoid (proteinaceous) coats are discontinuous at the poles leaving apertures into which the opercula are fitted. A thickening of the external investments in this region often gives an annular appearance. These eggs, like those of Ascaridea lineata and Heterakis gallinae, are un- segmemed upon discharge. The average measurements are 50.1 microns by 27.3 microns. Cheilospirura hamulosa (Fig. 4) eggs similarly possess all three mem¬ branes. The chitinous shell or chorion is relatively thicker than in the fore¬ going species, thinning somewhat in the polar regions. The eggs are em- 34 bryonated at the time of discharge and are elongate oval in shape. They measure 41.0 microns by 25.8 microns. Eggs of some economically important nematodes of the chicken ( Gallus gallus) . Fig. 1, Ascaridea lineata; Fig. 2, Heterakis gallinae ; Fig. 3, Ca- pillaria colmnbae; Fig. 4. Chcilospirura hamulosa. Original. Abbreviations : pm, proteinaceous layer ; cs, chitinous shell or chorion ; vm, vitelline membrane; Is, “lenticular space” or polar globule. Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Upper left : Ascarida lineata Upper right : Heterakis gallinae Lower left: Capillaria colmnbae Lower right: Chcilospirura hamulosa 35 DIFFERENTIAL COUNTS OF PANCREATIC ISLET CELLS IN DOGS DEVELOPING OBESITY FOLLOWING SURGERY OF THE HYPOPHYSIS OR HYPOTHALAMUS — Thomas E. Hunt, University of Alabama. Differential counts were made of the islet cells of 20 female dogs which had been hypophysectomized or in which lesions had been placed in some part of the hypophysis or hypothalamus from 6 to 18 months previously. Operations were performed by A. D. Keller of the Department of Physiol¬ ogy. In 12 of the dogs a marked obesity developed and in these it was found that the average incidence of alpha, beta and delta cells was changed from a normal of 20%, 75%, 5%, respectively to 31%, 65%, 4%. Although the total amount of islet tissue was not determined, it appeared to be normal or at least not decreased. Therefore, it is believed that there was an actual increase of the alpha cells rather than a decrease of the other types. In ani¬ mals that were not obese, or only slightly so, the incidence was normal or showed an increase of 3% or 4% of alpha cells. From 3,000 to 10,000 cells (average 5,000) were counted in different regions of each pancreas, the tail and the body being utilized more generally. Tissue was fixed in Zenker- formol and stained with a modified Mallory-azan technique. THE EFFECT OF FIRE ON MATURE YELLOW PINE TREES' — K. H. Garren, State Teachers College, Jackonsville. Due to the resinous nature of pine wood and thicker bark on pines, it has been assumed that wounds produced by fire are not the important en¬ trances for decay producing cull in pines that they are in hardwoods. No actual figures have existed to prove this assumption. In the present study some 800 felled pines were observed. It was found that about 20% of the pines in five areas showed fire wounds. In the same area from 35-75% of the hardwoods were fire wounded. It was found that most of the wounds were under 9 inches. Wounds 10 inches and above accounted for less than 25% of the total wounds. When wound width, regardless of wound age, was plotted against cull it was found that wounds under 6 inches wide account for less than 20 board feet of cull per wound. Wounds 6-9 inches wide account for about 20 board feet cull per wound, and wounds 12 inches or over account for more than 30 board feet cull per wound. When wound age as well as wound width were considered it was found that wounds 1-3 inches wide produced less than five board feet cull, no mat¬ ter how old. Wounds 4-6 inches wide will produce over 10 board feet cull after 30 years. Wounds 7-9 inches wide will produce over 15 board feet cull after 10 years and over 30 board feet cull after 50 years. Wounds 10 inches or more wide will destroy 5% of the wood of the tree after 10 years, and 10% of the wood of the tree after 30 years. When these figures were reduced to a 10-year basis it was found that in 10 years 8-inch wounds will result in cull equal to 12% of the increment and the curve increases to the point where 18-inch wounds result in cull equal to almost 40% of the increment. Thus growth increment tables will show far too much increment for fire wounded pines. It is evident, therefore, that large fire wounds do produce considerable cull in pines, although not to the alarming extent that fire wounds produce cull in hardwoods. 36 PNEUMONIA FATALITIES BY OCCUPATION AMONG INDUS- * TRIAL WORKERS AND THEIR DEPENDENTS — C. H. Kibbey, M. D., Director of Sanitation, T. C. I., Fairfield. Our population, averaging slightly more than 77,000 persons over the period of fifteen years covered by this study, is divided into dependents, surface workers, coal miners and ore miners. Pneumonia Incidence — Dependents, which include 75 per cent of the population, gave 68.7 per cent of our pneumonia cases. Surface employees, 17.9 per cent of the population, 20.7 per cent of cases. Coal miners, 4.5 per cent of the population, 5.8 per cent of cases. Ore miners, 2.2 per cent of the population, 4.6 per cent of cases. Fatality Rates — There is apparently no relationship between the fre¬ quency with w'hich a given group has shown itself susceptible to pneumonia and the regularity with which death has occurred among those in the same group who have the disease. Surface employees of all occupations, both colored and white, have a fatality rate of 29.8 per 100 cases. Coal miners, 28.2. Ore miners, 24.2. Comparing negroes and whites, we find that surface whites have a fa¬ tality rate of 33.7 against 27.5 for colored. White and colored coal miners have 28.3 and 28.2, respectively. For white ore miners the rate has been 10.5 ; for colored, 27.3. With almost perfectly similar working conditions, it is difficult to un¬ derstand the disparity between white and colored rates in the same occupa¬ tional group or varying fatality rates of whites in different occupational groups, while negroes exhibit a fatality rate varying so little in the different groups. Why should white surface workers, for example, have 33.7 death for each 100 who have pneumonia and negroes 27.5, while white coal miners have a fatality of 28.3 and colored coal miners an almost identical rate of 28.2? Or why should colored ore miners die with pneumonia at the rate of 27.3 per 100 cases, while whites have a rate of only 10.5? FERROUS SULFATE AS A PREVENTATIVE OF POISONING BY POISON IVY — C. M. Farmer, State Teachers College, Troy. Claims are sometimes made by writers on the subject that a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate is a preventative of poisoning by poison ivy. It is sug¬ gested that the hands and other exposed parts of the body be washed in the solution before coming in contact with the ivy or immediately after ex¬ posure to it. Because poison ivy is so widespread, quite frequently students on bio¬ logical field trips and others walking or working in fields or woods become poisoned, hence, the desirability of some reliable means of prevention. In order to test the efficacy of ferrous sulfate as a preventative, twenty-three biology students in the Troy State Teachers College volunteered to wash in a 5% solution and rub the cut end of a live poison ivy stem on their arms. Of the twenty-three students, eight admitted they did not believe they were sensitive to it as they had never in their knowledge been poisoned; four did not know. The remaining eleven knew definitely that they were sus¬ ceptible and are the most worth while for the purpose of this experiment. In the case of any of the others only negative results would be valid. 3*J 7 The results may be tabulated as follows : Number exposed _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23 Number believed to be immune _ 8 Number who did not know _ _ _ 4 Number known to be susceptible _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 Number developing dermatitis : Skin wet with solution when exposed _ 4 Skin dry when exposed _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ 2 Skin washed in solution after exposure. _ _ _ _ _ 1 Total cases of dermatitis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 Of the eleven persons known to be susceptible and treated with the sulfate solution, seven developed dermatitis ; four did not. The results of this experiment seem to show : 1. That 5% ferrous sulfate is certainly not a reliable preventative of poi- soining by poison ivy. 2. Inasmuch as all the cases were comparatively mild it is probable that the attacks were not as severe as they would have been with no preventative measures. 3. It is possible that the appearance of dermatitis was delayed by virtue of the application of the sulfate. ANIMAL HEADS EXAMINED FOR RABIES AND HUMAN TREATMENTS DISTRIBUTED BY LABORATORIES OF THE ALABAMA STATE HEALH DEPARTMENT. 1934-1939. — Cooper Brougher, State Department of Health. Montgomery. Rabies is primarily a disease of animals, it is infectious in nature for practically all of the mammalia ; but it is most prevalent among the carnivora, dogs, cats and wolves. Infection in man occurs when saliva of rabid ani¬ mals gains entrance to wounds from bites or scratches. Rabies is more or less prevalent in all civilized countries of the world except in England, where careful supervision of dogs, enforcement of muz¬ zling laws, and rigid enforcement of legislation regarding the importation of dogs, have caused a practical eradication of the disease. In 1937 the State Legislature passed an operable law which made the vaccination of dogs against rabies compulsory in Alabama ; this law pro¬ vided for the appointment of rabies inspectors and the establishment of pounds for unvaccinated dogs. RABIES DATA Total Total Treatments Year Examinations Distributed 1934 2,353 5,514 1935 2,062 5.038 1936 1.758 4,036 1937 1,812 3,794 1938 1,442 2,775 1939 678 926 38 RATE OF CONTRACTION OF THE HEART BEFORE THE BE¬ GINNING OF CIRCULATION IN RAT EMBRYOS — Charles M. Goss, University of Alabama. Regular rhythmic contraction of primitive cardiac muscle continues un¬ interruptedly for approximately 12 hours before there is circulation of the blood. During this interval, which occupies the last half of the tenth day of gestation, the fourth to seventh somites are developed. At the beginning of contraction, the heart consists of two laterally placed ventricular primordia. The left side contracts before the right. It has a regular rhythm and a rate of 34-43 per minute. The rate increases gradually to between 50 and 60 beats per minute before the lateral hearts are united by the median saccular ventricle (3 to 4 somites). During the further development of the ventricle the rate increases to 80 (4 to 5 comites). The rate at the time when the atrium can first be identified as a pace-maker is approximately 80. The rate increases with further development in cultures to 100 or over without circulation, but the higher rates may be associated with abnormali¬ ties. Two cases which began circulation in culture and observation of other embryos immediately after removal from the uterus, indicate that the rate is approximately 90 at the beginning of circulation (7-8 somites). The embryos, 1 mm. in length, wTere mounted in hanging drops over hollow slides. The medium consisted of blood plasma and a saline extract of rat embryonic tissue. Observations were made at 38° C. RESPONSES OF SINGLE CELLS TO SMALL ELECTRO-MAG¬ NETIC VARIATIONS — Zoe Black, Alabama College, Montevallo. Changes in sensitivity have been observed in marine amoebae after growth in a rigidly controlled environment. A glass Petri dish containing the amoebae was placed in a grounded iron shield. The dish rested on the stage of a microscope which was fitted with non-magnetic parts. The amoeba was kept under constant conditions of food supply, temperature, composition of salt water medium, method of transfer and time of transfer. The only change necessary in order to ex¬ amine the culture was to swing aside the light tight doors at both ends of the optical system and turn on the light source outside the shield. The light source was located at a fixed distance. It was a calibrated bulb and was used in combination with a series of Wratten filters. Under these conditions the amoebae grew rapidly and normally. They carried on locomotion by flattening themselves against the glass and flowing along without pseudopod formation. After the light was turned on there was a change in the amoebae. In some individuals the change was imme¬ diate. In all cases it appeared before ten seconds. This change was mani¬ fested as a slight increase in the number of visible granules or as a slight wrinkling of the surface of the cell. After either or both of these slight changes further reactions varied widely from temporary pseudopod forma¬ tion to encystment. In control cultures grown in the dark but outside the shield, there was no such sensitivity, no visible increase in granules or wrinkling of the surface membrane. The conclusion drawn is that this marine amoeba was rendered more sensitive to light by being grown in the electro-magnetic shield. 39 STREPTOCOCCI IN PASTEURIZED MILK* — Mildred A. Engelbrecht, University of Alabama It is well known that raw market milks contain streptococci of the hemolytic and non-hemolytic varieties. Much less is known about the fate of these streptococci in commercially pasteurized milk. This problem was attacked from two different angles, first by determining the thermal death point of streptococci whose source and identity were known and sec¬ ondly by isolating streptococci from commercially pasteurized milk when it was ready for the consumer. Forty-three strains of streptococci which had been isolated from pas¬ teurized milk were subjected under careful regulations to 61.1 °C. for 30 minutes. Twenty-nine of these species survived, namely. Str. mastitidis, Str. infrcquens, and Str. asalignus. This work indicated that certain strains of these species of streptococci have the power to resist the highest tem¬ perature of pasteurization. In a second set of experiments the thermal death point of eight dif¬ ferent species of our typed cultures kept in stock and which had been re¬ covered from freshly drawn milk were determined. The results showed that all of these species which included both human and bovine types and hemolytic and non-hemolytic species were killed at a temperature consid¬ erably below the first series of strains studied. In the isolation of streptococci from pasteurized milk, samples were obtained directly from the delivery wagons or grocery stores in the cities of Chicago, Illinois ; and Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin. In the first series of work, 200 samples of milk were examined and almost 50 per cent showed hemolytic streptococci, all of the bovine type and similar in all respects to species isolated from raw milk freshly drawn. The second series of experiments, done a few years later, showed that from 60 samples of milk 23 per cent yielded hemolytic streptococci. One of these was Str. anginosns, a human type. In the third series of experiments, performed the next year of 100 samples examined only 11 per cent of the 85 strains isolated were hemo¬ lytic streptococci and these were all Str. asalignus. The others were of the non-hemolytic type and seven of these were Str. boznnus. The other 68 strains were in the group of Str. salivarius. A decided decrease was noted each year due perhaps to improved methods of pasteurization and also to better raw milk supplies. *This work was done in the Agricultural Bacteriological Laboratories at the University of Wisconsin, under the general supervision of Dr. W. D. Frost. LOW BACK INJURIES AND THEIR RELATION TO INDUSTRY — P. H. Woodall, D. O., Birmingham, Back injuries make up seven to nine percent of all industrial injuries. They occur mainly in connection with work which requires stooping, twist¬ ing and heavy lifting: and are located chiefly in the lower part of the back in the lumbar and sacro-iliac areas. In spite of the seeming slight injury in many of these cases, insur¬ ance men testify that they are the most vexatious and difficult with which they have to deal, their outcome most uncertain, and their cost all out of proportion to their numbers. 40 To understand why this area is so often injured, and so hard to cure, one has only to review the anatomy of the region : the lumbar vertebrae, especially the fifth, the lumbar-sacral junction, the sacrum and the sacro¬ iliac joints. Developmental anomalies or abnormalities occur in a large percent of cases. These predispose to injury and to maintenance of injury. X-ray will determine anomalies if present. Palpation should be the major means of diagnosis. The doctor can train his sense of touch so as to detect the slightest anatomic variation. The great majority of low back injuries respond to manipulation, the correction of faulty body mechanics. This treatment has the great eco¬ nomic advantage of keeping the patient ambulant; at his job both to his own and his employer’s advantage. A few patients require rest ; some re¬ quire supportive treatment, strapping or braces ; some need exercise ; a few respond to no conservative form of treatment and surgical intervention is necessary. To protect insurance companies and employers it might be wise to have routine x-ray and palpatory examinations of the spine of all em¬ ployees or applicants for employment, thus determining if injury is due to the work if one should occur. SECTION II CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS THE REARRANGEMENT OF CAMPHENE HYDROBROMIDE — L. M. Hobbs, University of Alabama At present, camphor is made mainly from pinene by one of two pro¬ cesses; one, through the formation and oxidation of isoborneol, and the other, through the formation and oxidation of borneol. Poor yields of camphor result by use of either procedure because the intermediates are more or less unstable and the transformations are accom¬ panied by side reactions. For improving the camphor synthesis catalysts of greater specificity must be found for each step. The conversion of esters of camphene hydrate into the correspond¬ ing esters of isoborneol represents an important step in the first process mentioned. A study of this reaction has been made ; specifically, the cata¬ lytic effects of hydrogen bromide and organic peroxides on the rate of rearrangement of camphene hydrobromide into isobornyl bromide have been evaluated. It was found that these agents produce a striking increase in the rate of rearrangement of camphene hydrobromide. From study of the cata¬ lytic effect of hydrogen bromide at small concentrations it was concluded that the rearrangement will not take place in the absence of that substance. As a summary of the information concerning the rearrangement of camphene hydrobromide, a free-radical chain mechanism is proposed in which the bromine atom is the active intermediate or chain-carrier. This is represented bv the following : HBr + -0-0- = H-O-O- + Br- Camphene hydrobromide + Br- = Isobornyl bromide + Br- Thus more effective catalysts have been found for a reaction which constitutes one step of the camphor synthesis. On evaluation of the data 41 obtained, it has been concluded that the Walden inversion which takes place in the rearrangement of camphene hydrobromide proceeds through a free radical chain mechanism. A REVIEW OF CHEMILUMINESCENCE — B. F. Clark, Birmingham-Southern College. A general review of the field of chemiluminescence was presented. Since the initial observation by Davy about 1798 of the luminescence at¬ tending the formation and precipitation of cadmium sulfate numerous other of these so-called cold-light reactions have been observed. Practically all such reactions are oxidations, in even the most efficient of which the energy converted into light amounts to less than 1 per cent of the total energy liberated by the reaction. Grignard compounds offer the disadvantages of being troublesome to prepare and preserve and are also objectionable for demonstration pur¬ poses because of the ether fumes. Both aliphatic and aromatic Grignard compounds are luminescent. The bromides are the strongest, the chlorides, slightly weaker and the iodides, although easily prepared, are very weak in light-giving power. The chemiluminescent oxidation of phosphorus has been studied in great detail by many workers, which particular reference to the minimum con¬ centration of oxygen at which light could be produced. Oxidation of pyrogallol in alkaline solution is accompanied by a dull red glow. By far the most spectacular demonstration of chemiluminescence devel¬ oped to date is the oxidation of 3-aminophthalhydrazide by means of hydro¬ gen peroxide and potassium ferricyanide. The effect in this case lasts for several minutes. Copies of an extensive bibliography in the field of chemiluminescence were distributed. DEMONSTRATION OF CHEMILUMINESCENCE — B. F. Clark, Birmingham-Southern College. Lophine, prepared by the action of heat on hydrobenzamide, was oxo- dized in dilute alcohol solution with a mixture of sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide A yellow luminescence of brief duration was obtained. Luminol, or 3-aminophthalhydrazide, in dilute alkaline solution was then oxidized by means of a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and potassium ferricyanide. The luminescence in this case was much more intense and of longer duration than that of lophine. Details for producing the above demonstrations were given and va¬ rious details of technic were discussed. STATISTICAL CURVES AND ZIGZAGS. — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. In statistical work it is often desirable to put tables in graphic form, with one curve for each column or line of figures, whose intervals, equal or otherwise, may represent number, time, distance, percentage, tempera¬ ture, or many other things. In such cases it has been a common practice 42 of statisticians to plot the known points and connect them by straight lines, or even to use heavy bars or square-topped steps instead of zigzag lines. But that is too literal and unscientific, and obscures one of the main objects of statistics, which is to discover laws governing variations. Some statistical curves, especially those in which horizontal distances represent an indefinite period of time, such as those for business activity and price fluctuations, may not follow any known law; but several other kinds, when carefully plotted, make smooth curves to which equations can be fitted pretty closely. (Examples of several different kinds were exhibited.) Sometimes the known points are unavoidably widely spaced, as in the case of population figures from decennial censuses. But in may cases the investigator arbitrarily selects the intervals himself in assembling his data, and can make them as small as the number of available records will justify, thus approaching nearer and nearer to a true curve. In engineering practice it is customary to connect known points, whether widely or closely spaced, by the smoothest curves possible. That method applied to statistics not only makes clearer the principles involved, but also facilitates putting several curves of one class on the same graph for comparison, which is rather awkward with zigzags, bars or steps. DIPHENYLAMINE SULFONIC ACID AS AN INDICATOR IN TITRATING IRON WITH POTASSSIUM DICHROMATE — Maurice Powell, Birmingham-Southern College. Potassium dichromate is an excellent oxidizing agent ; its oxidizing po¬ tential, however, is less than that of permanganate. This lower oxidation potential is advantageous in titrating ferrous iron because the chloride-ion is not oxidized in a hydrochloric acid solution. The biggest disadvantage in the use of dichromate has been the lack of a good indicator. Formerly an external indicator was used ; later the potentiometric method was used. One of the most recent, and best indicators that has been found is diphenylamine sulfonic acid. Sorver and Koltoff, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 53, 2906, who first studied the properties of the indicator, suggested .3 ml of 0.005 molar solution of the indicator in a total volume of 275 ml. Twenty ml. of concentrated phosphoric acid should be added. At the end-point the solution changes from green to reddish purple ; this change being very sharp. In an effort to determine the correction for 0.1N dichromate ferrous ammonium sulphate was titrated with 0.1N dichromate. Six drops of the indicator were added to the ferrous solution before the titration was begun. The solution was then made approximately 2N in sulphuric acid with 15 ml. of phosphoric acid. The volume correction was then determined by titrating a given volu- ume of a ferrous solution with dichromate potentiometrically using a Pt.- calomel system without any indicator present. Another titration was made of the same volume of the same solution using the end-point ob¬ tained with the indicator. This method showed that a larger volume was used in titrating the iron with the indicator than was used when a potentiometric titration was made. A series of eight determinations gave a correction of 0.08 ml. of 0.1 N dichromate. 43 FATTY ACIDS FROM SOUTHERN PINES — Kenneth W. Coons, University of Alabama. Describes the recovery and utilization of Fatty and Resinic acids (Tallol) from the by-products of the sulphate pulp process. Recovery of these soaps from all the existing mills would result in the annual produc¬ tion of 62,500,000 pounds of fatty acids (90 per cent Oleic) and 50,000,000 pounds of resinic acids. Processing this production would yield market¬ able materials with a value of $4,500,000. This production of approxi¬ mately 50,000 tons of acids from a new source represents only about 5 per cent of the annual demand for fatty acids and would not glut the market. Printing ink can be manufactured from these oils, which leads to the possibility of printing as well as of making newsprint entirely from southern pine. Among the many products which can be made from Tallol are paper size, cutting oils and extreme pressure lubricants, rosin oil, soap, inks, and textile treating oils. organic Flocculating agents in the precipitation OF INSOLUBLE FLUORIDES — Harold E. Wilcox, Howard College. The effect of varying many factors in the precipitation of calcium fluoride was studied, and it was found that constant stirring and the slow, dropwise addition of a slight excess of hot, calcium chloride solution to the fluoride produced the best precipitates. The precipitation was carried out in neutral or slightly acid solutions, and the immediate addition of a small amount (5 mg. per 150 ml. of solution) of dry, powdered agar-agar to the hot solution gave a rapid and complete flocculation. If gelatin is used as the flocculating agent, it is necessary to age the precipitate for at least five hours before adding a small amount (1 or 2 mg. per 150 ml. of solu¬ tion) of the “ash-free” material. Many other flocculating agents were tried, but none of them was effective in neutral or acid solution. After the flocculating agent has been added and the precipitate cooled to room temperature, it can be filtered, washed with a saturated solution of calcium fluoride, dried at 105-110°, and ignited in a platinum crucible. It can then be moistened with hydrofluoric acid, reignited, and weighed as calcium fluoride or converted to the sulfate by treatment with hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids. For insoluble fluorides such as fluorspar, the fluorine is converted by alkali carbonate fusion in the presence of silicic acid to a soluble alkali fluoride, the excess silica removed by precipitation as silicic acid, and the soluble fluoride precipitated as calcium fluoride and flocculated with agar- agar as indicated above. A series of determinations made using pure so¬ dium fluoride and Bureau of Standards “Standard Sample No. 79” of fluorspar showed that the method could be used for both soluble and in¬ soluble fluorides, although it was more reliable when used to determine soluble fluorides. 44 THE ACTION OF OXYGEN ON ALKALINE SOLUTION OF MERCAPTANS — John Xan, Louis Roberts, Howard College. A method for the study of the action of oxygen on alkaline solu¬ tions of mercaptans was developed. Sodium butyl mercaptide was studied. It is oxidized to the disulfide in accordance with the follow¬ ing equation: 4C4H9SNa + 02 + 2H20 = 2C4H9S — S — C4H9 + 4NaOH The disulfide was isolated from the reaction mixture, purified and its boiling point compared with that of a synthetic butyl disulfide. Two factors enter into the reaction; the rate of solution of oxygen and the rate of the reaction of dissolved oxygen with the mercaptan. The equa¬ tion for the former on which the latter depends is: -^=KA(Pg— Pt) (1) where x = mols of 02 used; t = time; A = area of mercaptan solu¬ tion exposed to oxygen; Pg = partial pressure of oxygen in the gas phase; P; = partial pressure of oxygen at the interface; and K= a con¬ stant with the dimensions moles of oxygen dissolved/hour/square cen¬ timeter of solution surface/mm. of pressure differential. On integration equation (1) becomes X = KAt(Pg — P.) + C (2) Under the experimental condition Pj is very close to zero and C be¬ comes zero when X = O and t — O then equation (2) becomes X= KAtPg (3) But Pg remains constant and equation (3) changes to X = K1 At (4) and K1 = X(At)-i (5) Where K1 has the dimensions of moles of oxygen dissolved/hour/square centimeter of solution surface. The following table gives the value of K1 calculated from data obtained by six different experiments: 1. K1 = 4.3 X 10-° 2. K1 = 3.5 X 10-6 3. K1 = 4.2 X 10-6 4. K1 = 4.2 X 10-6 5. K1 = 4.2 X 10-6 6. K1 = 3.5 X 10-c Average of K1 = 3.9 X 10-6 The close check of these different values for K1 supports the idea that the reaction is heterogeneous and follows equation (1). 45 CONDENSATION OF MESITYE OXIDE WITH ALDEHYDES; PRELIMINARY REPORT — William Easter and B. F. Clark, Birmingham-Southern College Ghosh has previously reported the condensation of mesityl oxide with five aldehydes, namely: ortho and para hydroxy benzaldehyde, piperonal, cinnamic aldehyde and vanillin. His methods were poorly defined and still more poorly described and he used three different condensing agents, zinc chloride, alcoholic potassium hydroxide and dry hydrochloric acid gas with¬ out indication of any reasons being given for the changes from one to another. We used the three condensing agents as used by Ghosh and after con¬ siderable work we found the best methods for each with the aldehydes that he had used — then we proceeded to test these methods on the other ade- hydes that we had available, as follows : 1. One gram of mesityl oxide is mixed with 2.5 grams of the alde¬ hyde, 10 cc. of ethanol and 1.5 gram of freshly fused zinc chloride and refluxed on a water bath for two hours. 2. The same proportions of aldehyde and ketone as before were placed in lOcc. of ethanol and saturated with dry HC1 gas, keeping the flask im¬ mersed in an ice bath. After 30 minutes the flask was tightly stoppered and allowed to stand for 48 hours. 3. The same proportions of aldehyde and ketone were used and lOcc. of 10 per cent alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution were added. Heat was applied if no reaction took place on mixing. The products of either of the three above methods are then poured into a large excess of water, filtered, washed with water, dried and then recrystallized. Alcohol was usually found to be the best solvent. New condensation products with the following aldehydes were ob¬ tained : anisaldehyde, benzaldehyde, m — hydroxy benzaldehyde, o — chloro benzaldehyde, m — nitro benzaldehyde, p — chloro benzaldehyde, o — nitro ben¬ zaldehyde and furfural. Analyses have not been made and structures have yet to be determined and will be reported at a later date. NYLON— THE FIRST SYNTHETIC FIBER — A. R. Macormac, A. P. I., Auburn Nylon is the first entirely synthetic fiber which can be made from coal, air, and water. At present the starting point is phenol. This ma¬ terial is reduced to cyclohexanol and then oxidized to adipic acid. This adi¬ pic acid is one of the components used in Nvlon. The other component is obtained by a further treatment of adipic acid. It is first changed to the nitrile which is then reduced to an amine, hexamethylene diamine, which is the second component of Nylon. Hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid are heated together and thus dehydrated to give a salt or polyamide. This salt is polymerized by fusion to give a solid which is melted and in the molten form run through spin- nerettes to give a filmament yarn similar to the common rayon. However, before this fiber is put on the market it must be cold drawn. In this proc¬ ess it may be stretched as much as 600 to 700 per cent. This cold draw¬ ing orientates the micelles and serves to increase enormously the elasti¬ city and tensile strength of Nylon. 46 Nylon fibers exceed in tensile strength and elasticity fibers of equal size of cotton, linen, wool, silk, or rayon. It is this combination of strength and elasticity that gives Nylon its chief value as a textile fiber. Most of the present proposed uses of Nylon depend on these two properties. Sewing thread of Nylon has been on the market for over a year. A limited quan¬ tity has also been used for fishing lines and leaders and for surgical su¬ tures. In this connection the low water absorbency of Nylon is also of importance. This property has also made it especially useful for tooth¬ brush bristles which do not become soggy wet and of decreased stiffness. At present, however, the most important practical use of Nylon is in hos¬ iery. It is expected that women’s Nylon hose to sell at a price about that of silk hose of a corresponding grade will be on the market in the spring of 1940. As the plants producing Nylon increase their capacity, many other uses will probably develop. NEEDED EMPHASES IN SCIENCE TEACHING — E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College Teachers of the physical sciences are usually keenly aware of two glaring weaknesses in their students, namely, their inability to think in terms of science and their inability to solve problems. These weaknesses result largely from wrong emphases in science teaching. Science may be defined as (1) systematized knowledge (2) as a method of attacking problems and (3) as an attitude of mind. Too much of our science teaching in the high school and in the college has been teaching systematized knowledge as it is found in the text books. Far too little em¬ phasis has been placed on science as an attitude of mind in which the scien¬ tific method has become a fixed habit of mind. The really significant thing in science education is not how much factual information a student has but rather what it means to him, what he thinks about it, and what he can and will do with it. Students of the physical sciences are seriously handicapped by weak¬ nesses in mathematics, especially in arithmetic. Here again it is largely a matter of a wrong emphasis. We are doing too much teaching of this powerful tool-science as systematized knowledge, and too little teaching of it as a technique of thinking and of problem solving. Another mistaken emphasis in the thinking of college teachers causes many of them to regard the “professional training” of high school science teachers as a waste of time. But if teaching subject matter is only an incidental part of the task of the science teacher and the more important task is the training and guiding of the student in the use and comprehension of the scientific method and in the development of a scientific attitude of mind, then the training of the teacher is something for broader and more fundamental than a mere knowledge of subject matter. What we need is not less professional training but better professional training. 47 A METHOD OF NUMERICAL INTEGRATION OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST ORDER — Albert J. Pilkington, U. S'. Flood Control, Mobile. The purpose of this paper is to present a method of integrating nu¬ merically equations of the first order, when their solution by analytical methods is impossible or excessively laborious. The equation to be solved is of the type: A method of integrating rapidly this type of equation is of great value in engineering computations. Many numerical methods have been developed for solving such equations and have been discussed in detail by Scarborough and by Milne. Of these, the most rapid are those utilizing open quadrature formulas, many of which were developed by Milne. The integration proceeds one step at a time, each step involving an equal interval of the independent variable. However, in order to start the process of integration, it is necessary that a certain number of initial values of the dependent variable, y, be computed by other methods of quadrature. The essential feature of most methods of quadrature is that they assume the quantity to be integrated; i.e., F(x,y) can be represented to a sufficient degree of accuracy by means of Lagrange’s interpolation formula. The resulting expression can then readily be integrated by ordinary rules for integrating algebraic expressions. Many valuable quadrature formulas can be obtained by passing a parabola of second degree through three successive values of F(x,y), using Lagrange’s formula and integrating the resulting expression. Thus, if the three successive values of F(x,y) in question are Fn_3, Fn_2, and Fr_:, the resulting expression is: xj (T-h) (T-2h) = Y, + Fb-3 f ? 2h“ 1 xj (T-2h) (T-O) DT — F + F c XJ n-2j Xl n-1 ^ Xj h” (T-O) (T-h) 2h2 DT DT (Goursat’s Cours D’ Analyse Mathematique, Tome I; page 267) where the limits of integration Xj and xj have not as yet been specified. By using three different sets of limits, three different valuable quadrature formulas are obtained, which are : I. Y„ = Y n-4 + i*L 3 2 F, n-3 Fn-o + 2 F, n-1 For i = n-4 and j = n 48 [Fn-3 + 4Fn-2 + Fn-1 ] For i = n-3 and j = n-1 [ f„-3 + of„_2 + 3 Fd_1 ] For i = n-3 and j = n Equations I and III are open quadrature formulas, while II is a closed quadrature formula. Formulas I and II are easily recognized to be Milne’s and Simpson’s formulas, respectively. It is believed that formula III, as an open quadrature formula, has several advantages over Milne’s formula (formula I), which is now in general use. In using formula III it is necessary to integrate, by some other method of quadrature, only two initial intervals whereas Milne’s formula requires the computation of three initial intervals. As the coefficient of Fn_9 is zero and the remaining coefficients are positive, there are fewer multiplications and no subtractions to be performed by the computer. THE AREA BETWEEN A CIRCLE AND ITS INVOLUTE — W. A. Moore, Birmingham-Southern College. In view of the importance of the area here defined it seems strange that the problem has been practically ignored in the literature where it should have a prominent place. The easy solution here given is believed to be new and not previously published. The explicit area under consideration is that bcnmded by an arc of a circle of radius R, an arc of its involute and a tangent to the circle from a point on the involute. It is obvious from a figure that this area is equivalent to the area swept over by the radius vector of the involute. The latter area is given by the standard elementary formula f01 A = / \ p2 de. (l) u o where ( p , 9) are the polar coordinates of a point on the involute. Let <£ be the angle subtended by the corresponding arc of the circle. The right triangle in the figure will have the two sides R and R-, the hy¬ potenuse p and the angle B = — 9 = arc cos R/p — arc tan . We now have 9 = — arc tan 4>, and d9 = (1- — 1/1 +4>2) d'b = $2 From the parametric equations of the involute: x = R (cos 4> + $ sin ) and, y = R (sin — $ cos ) by squaring 49 and adding we get x2 + y2 = p2 = R2 (1 + 2). The latter result can also be obtained directly from the figure. Formula (1) now becomes A = $1 'A f R2(l+4>2) 0 <1.2 l+i2 dd> rb/R Vi I R2 4>2 d$ ' 0 where b is the length of the arc of the circle. Integration gives, A = [~VR2®8 ] b/R 0 1)3 6R which is the area desired. THE APPROXIMATE DETERMINATION OF THE QUAD¬ RATIC FACTORS IN POLYNOMIALS OF HIGHER DE¬ GREE. — George W. Hess, Howard College. If a polynomial of higher degree is divided by a divisor of the form x2 + ax + b until a remainder mx + n is obtained, it is evi¬ dent that if a small increment is given to the value of a or b, there will result corresponding changes in the values of m and n. It is further evident that, if sufficiently small increments are used, the changes in the value of m or of n will be nearly proportional to the increments of a or b which produced them. If f (x) = (x2 + ax x + bx) qx (x) + mx x + nx, f (x) = (x2 + a2 x + bx) q2 (x) + m2 x + n2, and f (x) — (x2 + ax x + b3) q3 (x) 4- m3 x + n3, and, if a and p denote the increments in the values of a and b respec¬ tively such that x2 T ax T cc) x + bx + p shall be a factor of f (x), then the equations m0 — m, , nio _ r _ L cc + _ 4 a2 ax b3 a2 ax b3 will serve for an approximate determination of cc and p. Experience will show how large it is safe to take the increments a2 — a 1 and b3 — bx. If the approximate values of cc and p are large in comparison with these increments, it is usually best to take for the corrections to ax and bx for the next trial divisor, not cc and p respec- 50 tively as determined from the equations, but smaller quantities pro¬ portional to them. The polynomial x8 + 11 x7 — 31 x6 + 2000 x5 — 3 x4 — 800 x3 + 2 x2 + 1000 x — 11 was taken as an example. A study of the three terms with highest coefficients suggested the trial divisor x2 + 1.35 x + .7, which gave the remainder 52.1 x + 29.4 approximately. x2 + 1.36 + .7 gave 116 x + 78.9 x2 + 1.35 x + .71 gave — 31.2 x — 13.2. These results led to the equations, 6390 cc _ 8330 p = —52.1 4950 oc _ 4260 p = —29.4 from which cc = — .00164 and p = +.005. The divisor x2 + 1.34836 x + .705 gives the remainder 3.7104 x + 2.1134. A continuation of the process gave as approximate factors of f (x), (x2 + 1.34852 x + .70557), (x2 — 1.3456 x + .707), (x2 + 18.49684x — .203586) and (3x2 — 23.49928x + 108.01005) AN APPLICATION OF THE THEOREMS OF MENELAUS AND CEVA TO THE COMPLETE QUADRILATERAL — W. E. Glenn, Birmingham-Southern College The Theorem of Menelaus states that a transversal determines six seg¬ ments on the sides of a triangle such that the product of three non-consecu- tive segments is equal to the product of the other three. The addition of the transversal to the three sides of the triangle forms a complete quadri¬ lateral and it is evident that any three of the lines may be taken as the triangle and the fourth line as the transversal. Since this is true the Theorem of Menelaus may be stated in more general terms as follows : When four non-concurrent lines intersect a complete quadrilateral is formed. Each side of the quadrilateral divides the other sides in six segments such that the product of three non-consecutive segments is equal to the product of the three others. The Theorem of Ceva may be made more general by considering the three vertices of the triangle and the given point as a complete quadrangle. Ceva’s Theorem states that lines drawn from the vertices of a triangle to a given point divide the opposite sides into six segments such that the product of three non-consecutive segments is equal to the product of the other three. It may be generalized to read: The lines joining one vertex of a complete quadrangle to the other three vertices divide the sides deter¬ mined by these verices in six segments such that the product of three non- consecutive segments is equal to the product of the other three. 51 In a quadrangle one of the diagonals is concurrent with each pair of sides. If this diagonal is considered as a cevian and the other two diago¬ nals as transversal and opposite side of the triangle respectively, it may be shown by an application of the theorems of Menelaus and Ceva that any two vertices of the diagonal triangle are the harmonic conjugates of the two vertices of the quadrangle that are concurrent with them. THE GENERALIZATION OF MIQUEL’S THEOREM — Henry Gerhardt, Mobile In this paper a theorem is given which includes Miquel’s theorem as a special case. This generalized form is valid in both euclidean and hyper¬ bolic geometry, in contradistinction to the special theorem, which is true only in euclidean geometry. Miquel’s theorem states that, if A, B, and C are three points on a plane connected by straight lines, and we draw a circle which passes through A and intersects the two connecting lines, AB and AC, in any two points, D and E, and draw another circle through B and D which intersects the third connecting line BC in F and the first circle in O, then the four points CEOF will lie on a circle. A proof of this by related ranges is given in H. F. Baker’s Principles of Geometry , Vol. II, p. 70. The question of whether this theorem is also true in hyperbolic geo¬ metry arises. To answer this we will use a conformal representation of the hyperbolic plane on the euclidean plane. Straight lines and circles in the former will be represented by half-circles and circles in the latter. Let us choose a straight line as the line of infinity and connect the three points, A, B, and C with arcs of circles whose centers lie on this chosen line; we will then have represented the hyperbolic straight lines. If we draw a circle through A which intersects the arcs AB and AC in D and E and another circle through B and D which intersects the arc BC in F and the first circle in O, we will have a representation of the hyperbolic circles. Let the reflection of C in the chosen line be denoted by C’ ; then the circle through ABD cannot pass through C’. But ABC’D are the inter¬ sections of four circles whose other four intersections are CEFO. Since ABC’D do not line on a circle, CEFO cannot lie on a circle, and Miquel’s theorem is not valid in hyperbolic geometry. The generalized form of the theorem states : If A, B, and C are three points on a plane connected by arcs of circles which intersect in one point S, and we draw a circle which passes through A and intersects the two connecting arcs in D and E, and another circle through B and D which intersects the third connecting arc in F and the first circle in O, then the four points CEOF will lie on a circle. It is obvious that this theorem will be valid in euclidean geometry. Since ABDS are four intersection points of four circles and lie on a circle, the other four points of intersection, CEOF, must lie on a circle. But this generalized theorem will also be valid in hyperbolic geometry because hyperbolic circles are represented by euclidean circles. In the limiting case, when the intersection point S moves to infinity, this will lead in euclidean geometry to the special Miquel theorem, as the connecting arcs will become straight lines. In hyperbolic geometry in this 52 limiting case we will get horocycles and equidistant curves instead of straight lines. This is the reason why only the generalized Miquel theorem can be valid in both geometries. MAXIMA AND MINIMA FOR SCALAR AND VECTOR FUNC¬ TIONS. — I. M. Hostetter, Howard College. The geometrical equivalent of the scalar function (x1; x2, ..., xn) is f(r), where r is the position vector whose components are x^ x2, ..., xn in a space Vn. The function f(r) will be said to be a minimum (maxi¬ mum) with respect to a subspace Vm of Vn whose points are denoted by v~ if f(r-) = constant, f(r) — f (r~) > O, [ f(r) — f (i — ) < O ] for all values of r differing from r- and in the neighborhood of r-. Let r0 be a particular point under consideration. f(r) may be developed in a manner analogous to Taylor’s expansion. (The reader is referred to the writer’s paper, An extension of Gibbs’ Vector Analysis to n-space. Journal of Math, and Physics, Vol. 15, p. 191 (1936) (for ex¬ planation of notation.) f (r) — f(r0) = (r-r0).Vf(r0) + ^ (r-r0)2: V Vf (r0) + ^!(r-r0)3: V3f (r0) - + 1/n! (r-r0)n:Vmf[r0 + 0(r-ro)], O^G^l. Vf vanishes at all critical values. The sign of f(r) — f(r0), for r0 a critical value, therefore depends upon the sign of the second term of the right member. V V f is symmetric. If ( V V f)n is positive definite f(r) is a minimum, if negative defi¬ nite a maximum, if indefinite a minimax for r0. If (V Vf)n= O and (VVf)n l =|= O then the elements of VVf lie in a hyperplane. If (VVf)(n i)S, the scalar of (VVf)n_1, is positive definite f(r) is a mini¬ mum, if negative definite a maximum, if indefinite a minimax with respect to a curve whose direction at rQ is normal to the hyperplane. If (V Vf)n^1 = O and (VVf)n_2 =4= O, then the elements of VVf lie in a flat n-2 space. If (VVf) s is positive definite f(r) is a minimum, if negative definite a maximum, if indefinite a minimax with respect to a two dimensional manifold determined at r0 by VVf. In general if (VVf) = O, (VVf) ,4=0 and (VVf) is positive indefinite a minimax with respect to an n-p + 1 dimensional manifold an element of which is determined at rQ by VVf. The vector equivalent of a set of n scalar functions i (xx, x2, ..., xn) (i = 1, 2, ..., n) is a single vector function F(r). Its critical values may be investigated by considering the properties of the dyadic V V|F| 53 where |F[ is the scalar magnitude of F. The investigation leads to an interesting geometrical interpretation of the jacobian. SECTION III GEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHEOLOGY PROCESSES OF ADJUSTMENT IN CHANNELS' FLOWING THROUGH ERODIBLE MATERIAL — Leon Lassen, U. S. Flood Control, Mobile Because of the serious lack of early data on the condition of stream channels it is rarely possible to measure directly the extent of filling or erosion which may have taken place in those channels. Nevertheless, since a knowledge concerning the changes taking place within stream channels is of great importance to the engineer entrusted with improving and main¬ taining those streams, it is desirable to develop a method, however approxi¬ mate, whereby the degree of filling or erosion can be evaluated. The fundamental hypothesis which is here made is that there exists a close correlation between the elevation of the bottom of a channel and the low water stages which occur during dry periods. Stations with pe¬ riods of adequate length were selected. For each station the minimum stage for each year was piotted on coordinate paper against the year as abscissa. A broken line, here called the trend line, was drawn through the lowermost of these points, thus enveloping all of the other points. The trend line thus drawn was taken as an index of the elevation of the bottom of the channel. Ten stations were analyzed in the way described. Of these, four showed a persistent upward trend; five, a downward trend followed by an upward one ; and one station showed a persistent downward trend. The persistent downward trend at one station was explained by the existence of a reser¬ voir above the station, which removed part of the sediment load from the water. From a study of the remaining nine stations, it was inferred that the streams on which they were located had all been filling in recent years. SOIL AND CIVILIZATION IN FRANCE AND THE ALABAMA BLACK BELT — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama France, particularly its northern half, has very fertile soil, much of it derived from chalk, similar geologically to that in our black belt. Most of the area of both regions is under cultivation, and the people are com¬ paratively prosperous. As far back as records go, France has had the lowest birth rate in Eu¬ rope, and the black belt the lowest in Alabama, at least as far as the white population is concerned. Various theories have been advanced to account for the low birth rate in France. One possible factor, that seems to have received little attention, is that rich soil and good water seldom go together, and for that reason wine has been the favorite beverage in France for cen¬ turies, and at present the per capita consumption of alcohol there is about double that of any other European country. Most of our black belt coun- 54 ties have legal liquor, perhaps for a similar reason ; though both in north¬ ern France and in the black belt, good water can now be had from arte¬ sian wells, if one wants to go to the trouble. And indulgence in alcohol for several generations is believed by some to lower the birth rate. Be that as it may, a low birth rate necessarily means small families and a large proportion of adults, a condition conducive to prosperity. France in the 19th century and earlier had many luxuries that were relatively un¬ known elsewhere, and when English-speaking people adopted those lux¬ uries they took the French names with them; and French became the in¬ ternational language of diplomacy and polite society. In Alabama there are no language differences of any consequence, but the black belt has long dominated the state politically. (Illustrated by a map, graphs, and word lists.) PROBLEMS IN THE GEOLOGY OF THE COASTAL PLAIN OF ALABAMA1 — Watson H. Monroe, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. The report of Dr. Eugene A. Smith1’ is still the standard work on the Coastal Plain of Alabama, but partly as a result of new methods of ex¬ ploration, increasing ease of transportation, and new concepts of geologi¬ cal science many problems have arisen since its publication. Probably the most pressing problem is the explanation of the surfical deposits. Information is needed about the types of deposits represented, the areal distribution, the sources of the materials, and the mode of deposition. The Tertiary formations are defined almost entirely by their fossil content, and a critical study of the deposits should be made to determine true mappable lithologic units with well-defined boundaries. Besides a much needed general physiographic study of the Coastal Plain of Alabama the following details need explanation : The tendency of most Alabama rivers to cut the right bank more than the left as exemplified by the positions of river bluffs and by the great terrace deposits that are predominantly on the left sides of the rivers ; the remarkable westward flow of the Alabama River from Montgomery to Selma and the migra¬ tion of the river channel to the north (right) through this region; the southwesterly direction of most streams in southeastern Alabama; and the coastal terraces to determine whether they are marine or fluvial. Faulting is common in Western Alabama and has been seen in East¬ ern Alabama, but much additional study is needed to determine whether there are extensive fault zones. The faults near Wetumpka have displaced Selma chalk against the crystalline rocks of the Piedmont, but little is known about these faults except their great magnitude. Of the many problems mentioned the most important probably are the redefinition of the formations of the Tertiary, a structural study of the the western part of the State, a detailed study of the surficial deposits, and a general physiographic study of the whole province. Published by permission of the Director, U. S. Geological Survey -Smith, R. A., Johnson, L- C., and Rangdon, Jr., D. W., Report on the geology of the Coastal Plain of Alabama, 1894. 55 INDIAN CRANIA FROM THE MUSEUM BURIALS AT MOUND- VILLE — Charles E. Snow, Alabama Museum-W.P.A. Archaeological Laboratory, Birmingham The Indian crania from the unique Museum burial pits at Moundville are described. Fifteen restorable adult crania sexed as seven males ; eight females make up the series presented. Total male and female series were formed on the basis that presumably the sample measured is a part of the same population and from one cultural horizon. Sub-groupings were then made of the two distinctive physical types present and the metrical and morphological differences between these types are shown. The predominant type both male and female, is characterized by a fairly large, high roundheaded skull often deformed either at the back of the head, on the forehead, or by a combination of both. A few members of the population are longheaded, a type which is strengthened in numbers by other undeformed longheaded crania of infants, juveniles and a few fragmentary skulls. It is thought that the occurrence of two different physical types at Moundville may perhaps be explained by the relationship of similar physi¬ cal types in the Pickwick Basin area. There it was conclusively demon¬ strated that the earlier pre-pottery population were all longheaded and definitely preceded the later roundheaded peoples. The then existing data, however, did not clearly indicate admixture of the two types. The presence of these two types at Moundville can perhaps be inter¬ preted either as the segregated recessives resulting from admixture be¬ tween the long and roundheaded peoples or else simply that the few long¬ headed crania may be those of visitors from other tribes who journeyed to this great cultural center and upon death were buried along with the natives. Somehow, the former suggestion seems the more likely as it is very natural that peoples in contact with each other would mix. The prevalent pathology among the burials seem to be hypertrophic arthritis of the lumbar vertebrae. The presence of dental caries even among infants is noted. The brachycranic or roundheaded group at Moundville seem to show affinities with other brachycranic series from the Pickwick Basin, Tennes¬ see Stone Grave Series and the Southeastern roundheaded types in general. STRATEGIC MINERALS IN ALABAMA — Edgar Bowles, Geological Survey of Alabama Since the World War industrial economists and military strategists have concentrated on the problem of filling our needs in time of war. They have assembled a list of the so-called strategic minerals — that is, minerals which we do not produce in sufficient quantities to meet our normal con¬ sumption — and have attempted to outline possible reserve supplies that might be exploited if our normal supples are cut off. This list of minerals, in order of importance, follows : Manganese Tin Nickel Chromium 56 Aluminum Mercury Mica Platinum In describing Alabama’s possible contribution to a solution of the prob¬ lem of mineral emergencies, we can discard immediately antimony, plati¬ num, nickel, mercury, and chromium. The first four of these are totally unknown from Alabama, and chromium, the last named, has been found only in very small quantities on a non-commercial scale in Tallapoosa County in the vicinity of Dadeville Alabama can furnish small amounts of managanese, bauxite, mica and possibly tin. RELIEF MODEL CONSTRUCTION — Olin T. Brown, University of Alabama Methods of Relief Model construction vary with the purpose for which the model is to be used but in most cases a topographic map of the area is necessary in advance of construction. After careful determination of the scale to be used, the operator with the aid of a pantograph, may start at the lowest elevation and project each successive contour on a sheet of cardboard. The thickness of the cardboard will determine the vertical scale. Each projected contour, after being cut from the cardboard, is accumulated in order and fastened upon a wooden base. This, when com¬ pleted, will result in a positive model possessing a series of ridges. After thinly covering these ridges with modeling-clay a plaster of paris negative may be cast. From this negative many positive models may be made. Upon the finished positive may be superimposed the drainage, culture or other data desired by using different colors of paint or other symbols. NOTES ON A MIDWAY NAUTILOID CEPHALOPOD FROM ALABAMA — Winnie McGlamery, Alabama Geological Survey In 1854, Tuomey described a large nautiloid cephalopod from Alabama along with a list of other fossils, under the title : “Description of some new Fossils from the Cretaceous Rocks of the Southern States.” This form described as Nautilus orbiculata, Tuomey states, “is the largest of the genus found in our rocks, being ten inches in diameter.” His intro¬ duction indicates that he intended to describe more fully and to illustrate, later on, the entire list of fossils. This was never accomplished, and the type of this species seems to have been lost. In a paper published by Miller and Thompson on the Nautiloid Cepha- lopods of the Midway Group of the Gulf Coast, in Journal of Paleontology, 1933, the authors reach the conclusion that this form was probably from the vicinity of Allenton, Wilcox County, Ala., and consequently a Midway form. They have referred it to the genus Hercoglossa. An incomplete specimen, the only one available, was figured and described in their paper. It was collected by Mr. F. E. Vestal, in 1931, from Pine Barren Creek, 5 miles north of Allenton. In 1936, the Alabama Geological Survey made a collection of nautiloid specimens from the Midway along the highway from Camden to Snow Hill, Wilcox County, Ala., about 1 mi. w. of Pine Barren Creek, in which one very fine specimen of Hcrcoglossa orbiculata was found. Excavation for a new road bed had been made some time before, and our specimens were collected from matrial dumped in the fields by the roadside. Dr. A. K. Miller, of the University of Iowa, verified my identification of this specimen. Its dimensions are : 8^4 inches from adoral end of ventor across the umbilicus to the opposite side, and about 6V4 inches wide. SIGNIFICANT GEOLOGIC FACTORS CONCERNING OIL AND GAS IN THE SOUTHEAST — R. S. Poor, Birmingham-Southern College A map of the southeastern states was presented and on this was shown the regional geologic structures as they have been recognized by various geologists. The Piedmont Plateau area is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks and therefore is considered to be an impossible area for oil. The Ridge and Valley Province is an area of highly folded and faulted Paleozoic rocks and is therefore unlikely to have retained large quantities of oil and gas if such was ever present. The Cumberland Plaeau Province, which is the southern extension of the Appalachian Plateau, possesses some oil possibilities in Alabama, the only southern state likely. The southern part of this province is the War¬ rior Coal Field in Alabama. Here at depths of 5 or 6 thousand feet there is a chance of buried unconformities in the Mississippian or older strata. Considerable activity by several companies has been shown in this area. In the western part of the Coastal Plain in Sumter, Clarke, Mobile, Baldwin, Choctaw, Washington, Marengo, Wilcox, and Monroe counties a very thick succession of Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits lie upon an un¬ known foundation. In Sumter, Hale, Greene and some adjacent coun¬ ties it is believed that these sediments overlap titled Paleozoics. If this is true the chances for buried unconformities is rather good. Only drilling can prove this point. In the Coastal Plain in Montgomery, Autauga, Lowndes, Bullock and adjoining counties the chances are very poor because the younger sedi¬ ments overlap Pre-Cambrian igneous and Metamorphic rocks. INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE PREHISTORY OF AN INSULAR SHELL MOUND, LAUDERDALE COUNTY, NORTHWESTERN ALABAMA — Wayne W. Kraxberger, Alabama Museum-W.P.A. Archeo¬ logical Project, Sheffield This insular shell mound, Lu°25. was established by the Alabama Archaeological Survey in 1933, and is located on Seven Mile Island in the Tennessee River in Lauderdale County. The mound is a single unit site, covers an area of roughly 118,750 square feet, averages six feet in thickness, and represents a fairly long period of habitation and utilization by primitive man. 58 The mound is underlain by a base of river deposited silt and sand which is usually sterile with exception of intrusions from the upper zone. In the western portion of the mound three zones are recognized, a shell zone directly above the silt which in turn is sealed by an argillaceous clay deposit upon which rests the uppermost level of shell and midden material. Cultural material and human remains are abundant throughout the entire structure. Artifacts consist of flaked or chipped stone, pecked or polished stone and slate; bone objects of both utilitarian and ornamental types; shell objects usually of a decorative nature and pottery of which the major portion consists of utility ware. Human remains number well over 700 individuals of which 144 have come from the portion of the mound discussed herein. The greater number of burials come from the upper shell and midden level. The partially flexed body position was the type of interment usually favored. Major orientation was east or southeast. The greater percentage of grave of¬ ferings consisted of stone artifacts, with bone, shell and pottery following in order. A total of 77 features including fire places, work shops, clam bakes, caches and shell pits and basins were recorded. The type feature noted most was the fire place which was followed by fired floor areas, work shops and clam bakes. Evidences of domiciliary structures of the round- log, non-trench type dwelling were unearthed. A total of 20 dog burials have been recovered as well as many thou¬ sands of animal bones. Copper associations in grave offerings are rare at Lu°25, but one burial has been recovered from the new Unit 5 with offerings of copper beads. CERAMIC SEQUENCES IN NORTH ALABAMA — Marion L. Dunlevy, Alabama Museum-W.P.A. Laboratory, Birmingham The ceramic industry is only one of many, but it has proved to be a useful key in determining the areal distribution and the relative chronologi¬ cal position of culture in the Tennessee Valley region of North Alabama. In the analysis of the paste qualities, surface treatment and vessel form of pottery the type of temperin'? material and certain decorative designs have proved to be culturally significant. Fiber tempered ware is the earliest encountered and was succeeded by limestone tempered and limestone followed by shell tempered pottery. Sand tempered wares occur in early horizons, contemporaneity with limestone tempered pottery proved by the cross-over of stamped and other designs ; and also in later times as indicated by the association of sand tempered with shell tempered vessels with burials. A small quantity of clay-grit tempered pottery, which appears to be approximately contemporaneous with the limestone tempered ware also occurs. Within the shell tempered wares a division into early and late may be made on the basis of cord marking, brushing and certain incised designs which appear to be diagnostic of historic occupation in the North Alabama region. 59 THE STABILITY OF TIDAL INLETS — Francis F. Escoffier, U. S. Flood Control, Mobile. By starting with two equations which have been previously de¬ rived by Colonel Earl I. Brown in a paper entitled “Inlets on Sandy Coasts” in the Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LIV, Part Two, February 1928, it is possible to derive a third equation, which will allow us to compute the velocity that will develop in a channel connecting a bay with a tidal sea. The equation finally obtained is where r and where Vm = Mean velocity of peak tidal current in feet per second, c = Chezy’s coefficient in (feet) 1/2 per second, a = Cross-sectional area of channel in square feet. p = Wetted perimeter of channel cross-section in feet. L — Length of channel in feet. H = Mean tidal variation of the sea in feet. M = Water surface area of bay in square feet. Assuming that a and p are the only variables on the righthand side of the equation and that these are in turn functions of a single inde¬ pendent variable x, it is possible to construct a curve on Cartesian coordinates showing the relationship between Vm and x, and thus show how Vm varies with the size of the channel. A critical Vcr is as¬ sumed to exist such that if Vm exceeds it in value the channel will have a tendency to scour, while if Vm is less than that velocity, the channel will have a tendency to fill. This value of Vcr can be shown on the coordinates diagram as a straight line parallel to the x axis. If the Vm curve intersects that line in two points, the point correspond¬ ing to the largest dimensions represents a stable channel, the other root corresponding to an unstable channel. If the curve intersects the line either in one point or not at all, no stable channel is possible. Thus, through the use of the foregoing equation and diagrams, it is possible to investigate the stability of tidal inlets whether they are actually existing or whether they are proposed artificial channels. 60 ARCHEOLOGICAL TECHNIQUE OF FIFTY YEARS AGO AND NOW — Peter A. Brannon, Dept. Archives and History, Montgomery Comparing Indian relic hunting and the socalled superficial digging of the 1880s to 1915 with present day, highly developed, mass production, deep¬ ly scientific, cultural stratification techniques of 1940, the speaker recalled his experiences from boyhood down to date. He gave references to his con¬ tacts with Charles B. Moore, George W. B. McKnight, and others who did much work in Alabama prior to 1917, and using the notes of Dr. Ed¬ ward Palmer, an investigator for the National Museum, who worked in Alabama during the period from August, 1883, through the Spring of 1884, developed the character work done by those early students. An effort was made to prove that while those early investigations were superficial, when compared with the present day, highly scientific procedure, much was learned, and to this period, the time prior to 1900, we owe something more than is generally credited. SECTION IV INDUSTRY, ECONOMICS AND GEOGRAPHY SOME ASPECTS OF FOG — J. J. George, Eastern Air Lines, Atlanta Most texts separate fog into two principal causes, radiation, and ad- vection. A careful examination reveals that at best, these two terms have a broad overlap, and at worst, are indistinguishable. A clearer division could be made by according to whether or not the air in which the fog formed had a recent extensive history over water. It has been shown that the usual cause of fog in continental air is a daytime cloud cover which restricts the heating of the surface layers, and further that such fog may be accurately forecast by means of the em¬ pirical formula : T = 6.13 Loge 0.18 (S + D) +3.2 where T is the time of fog formation in hours after ' sunset, S is the number of hours of sunshine during the day from a sunshine recorder, and D is the dew point depression in F° at sunset. Because surface measurements of temperature and humidity in air with an extended maritime trajectory do not reflect the true conditions of an appreciable layer of the air, the forecasting of fogs in such air is a more complex problem with a large number of variables. Each locality requires a different treatment, as does each season, and even different paths by which air from the same source reaches the station. Most fog in air with a maritime history forms after the air has under¬ gone a loop over warmer water in an anti-cyclonic sense. The evaporation of water is rapid under this condition, then as the air moves back north¬ ward over the land surface it is cooled from below by the increasingly colder waters and later by the cold land surface itself. For equivalent dew point depressions at the surface, fog forms four to eight hours earlier in maritime air than in continental air because in the maritime air the gradient of moisture vapor is directed downward as condensation begins at the surface and a means of replenishing the depleted 61 supply of vapor is established, while in continental air the ordinary dis¬ tribution is a maximum at the surface decreasing rapidly aloft, so that the moisture vapor gradient is directed upward. This must be counter¬ balanced by an increased amount of radiational cooling. TEMPERATURE CONTRASTS' WITHIN THE METROPOLITAN AREA OF BIRMINGHAM — E. C. Horton, U. S'. Weather Bureau, Birmingham Wide differences in temperatures at sites quite near together have often been noted, especially where one observing point is in a rather large city, and another in the country or the environs of the city. The establish¬ ment of a number of airport stations on the margins of large urban centers has made such contrasts more noticeable than heretofore. Studies previously made by investigators in different parts of the world tended to show that the primary causes of such disparities were smoke accumulations, crowding, paving, surface drainage, artificial heat¬ ing, absorption and storage of heat by different kinds of structures, and interference with free wind movement. Such causes function at all times and everywhere to a greater or less degree, but they are of no great influence on cloudy or windy nights. With a cloud covering, radiation is checked, and with a brisk wind movement a transference and mixing of the air prevents sharp differences in the tem¬ perature, in spite of the aforenamed influences to the contrary. These miluences though operating in the Birmingham area appear to be less potent than another, to-wit : Air drainage, or the natural tendency of air cooled by radiation to flow down slopes and fill valleys, lifting up the warmer air. Such drainage may cause sharp differences in the tem¬ perature, as shown by experiments at the City Observatory, where dif¬ ferences of 3 to 9 degrees were observed for a difference of 50 feet eleva¬ tion on clear still nights. This explains the sharp differences between the temperatures at the Airport and city offices of the Weather Bureau in Birmingham considering the lower level of the Airport of about 90 feet. FORESTRY AND THE NATIONAL FORESTS OF ALABAMA — Frank W. Rasor, U. S. Forest Service, Montgomery As an introduction, it should be explained that forestry is the produc¬ tion and maintenance of the many and varied products of the forest. ' It has been defined as a science, but it is a combination of many sciences such as botany, biology, physics and mathematics. It has been defined also as an art (the application of these sciences). The sciences are fundamentals upon which the art is based. Forestry includes the study of these sciences and their application, which is the art. Hence, forestry may be simply de¬ fined as the science and art of managing forests so that they yield con¬ tinuously their maximum of wood products, values and influences. The values of a forest have two main divisions, namely, forest prod¬ ucts and forest influences. The principal product of the forest is wood, and many valuable commodities are obtained from wood. The product hav¬ ing the most value is lumber. Forest influences are physical and social. Physical influences are those affecting temperature, humidity, rainfall, stream flow and erosion. The growth and development of wildlife is di- rectly dependent on the influence of the forest. Social influences are those affecting employment and healthful living. Forests and forest products manufacture provide employment for many workers. Forest recreation makes living conditions more healthful and more enjoyable. Forestry is being practiced in the National Forests of Alabama. There are three of these forests, namely, the Black Warrior, the Conecuh and the Talladega. These contain a gross acreage of 1% million acres and pur¬ chasing by the Federal Government progresses currently as funds become available and owners elect to sell. Forestry falls into three phases : First, the establishment of a stand ; second, the protection of the stand ; and third, the harvest through selective harvesting of the forest products grown. Forests are treated as a renewable crop when forestry is practiced. FOREST WORK IN ALABAMA — Brooks Toler, State Division of Forestry, Montgomery State interest in forest work began in 1924 by legislative action. In 1939 the work was consolidated under the Department of Conservation; the Division of Forestry is charged with the duties of the development of forest protection, assistance to individual landowners in forest management, the production of forest tree seedlings, the investigation and management of State school lands, and general educational work. The Division now has approximately 8,000,000 acres of forest land in the State under protection with the cooperation of individual land-owners and counties in 27 counties. The County Board of Commissioners in Jef¬ ferson County is one of these. For protection work the Division has 75 forest fire towers, 1,200 miles of telephone line, 2,000 miles of forest truck trails, and 3,000 miles of firebreaks. At the present time 14 towers are un¬ der construction in the State. For forest protection work, the State pays 25 per cent, the Federal Government 25 per cent, and the remainder is paid by counties or individual landowners. The Federal allotment for the current year is $57,552. The nursery work of growing forest tree seedlings will produce 6,000,000 trees at the State Forest Nursery at Autaugaville for distribu¬ tion to landowners this fall. Through its management work the Division assists individual land- owners in inaugurating proper forest management practices on woodlands. The general education work consists of furnishing materials for use by individuals and schools ; a motion picture truck is now travelling through¬ out the State. State land investigation work is now attempting to correct titles to school lands and to put them under proper forest management prac¬ tices. OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENTS IN ALABAMA — R. S. Poor, Birmingham-Southern College The first report of oil in Alabama was published in the Niles National Register, August 14, 1841, and describes the finding of oil in a dredging operation at McGrew Shoals on the Tombigee River. The so-called Wat¬ son Wells, drilled in Lawrence County in 1865, was probably the first real prospecting for oil in the State. The Goyer Well, in Lawrence County, near Moulton, was completed in 1891 and was claimed to have produced 25 barrels per day. The discovery of the great Spindletop field in Texas, in 1901, stimulated prospecting throughout the Southeast and several wells were drilled in the Southwestern part of the State. A lull and then a renewal of interest following higher prices in 1916, and since that time a more or less continuous activity until the present time, 1940, when a new surge of activity is underway. The present excitement was motivated by two events in other parts of the country : ( 1 ) the rather sudden spurt of renewed production in Southern Illinois, and (2) the Yazoo County, Mississippi, discovery. The number of companies prospecting in Alabama is difficult to ascer¬ tain and is constantly changing, but 6 major and 5 minor organizations were represented in the State on January 1, 1940. The number probably has increased since that date. Most of the activity has been in Fayette and Walker counties. In Mississippi and Alabama combined 63 crews were operating on January 1st, and of the 30 million acres of land in Missis¬ sippi more than 6 million are under lease. Figures for Alabama leased acreage are not available. The trend is definitely eastward from Missis¬ sippi and with improved geophysical methods and deep drilling techniques no one can accurately predict the future. The geologic conditions within the state have been described elsewhere in this issue. Alabama stands to profit from the finding of oil within its boundaries and the real adventures will be made mostly by small independent com¬ panies and individuals. Only twenty-eight per cent of the wells drilled in the United States were drilled by the so-called ‘larger companies” in 1939. They also only drilled 35 per cent of the footage drilled in this country, but these large companies produced 59.3 per cent (719,713,078 bar¬ rels') in 1978 Therefore, all lands within the state in the hands of the larger companies will probably be handled in a very orderly manner. NATURAL RESOURCES AND PROSPERITY — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama It is a very widespread belief that a region with fertile soil or an abundance of water-power, minerals or timber is bound to be prosperous, unless its inhabitants are too ignorant or indolent to take advantage of the natural “wealth.” In recent years various southern states, or all of them together, have been held up to ridicule as sorry examples of neglect to profit from nature’s bounties. But that is not peculiar to the South. Wealth is not intrinsic, but is created by labor, plus intelligence. Soil that is not cultivated, minerals in the ground, timber on the stump, and fish in the sea, are worth almost nothing, perhaps a few cents a ton ; but they become valuable after wmrk has been done on them. And the value of the work depends mainly on the educational equipment and experience of the workers. The greater part of the work done in mines, forests and fish¬ eries and on farms requires little or no education, and is therefore inevi¬ tably poorly remunerated. The abundance of natural resources in the South, and in several other parts of the world, and the large number of unskilled laborers employed in extracting them, has probably been an important factor in keeping such communities relatively poor. Converting the raw materials into finished products, such as machinery, furniture and cloth, generally requires more skill, and is therefore paid better ; but the finishing plants often use raw G4 materials from widely separated sources, and it may be advantageous to have them nearer to the large cities than to the mines and forests. Of course we have to have natural resources somewhere, to provide our food, clothing, shelter, etc., but generally speaking, the people whose connection with them is most remote, such as merchants, insurance offi¬ cials, movie actors, and writers of “best sellers,” have much higher incomes than those who live close to the soil, so to speak. ECONOMIC TRENDS IN MADISON COUNTY, ALABAMA, OVER THE PAST TWO DECADES —Lillian E. Worley, Alabama College, Montevallo. This study treats briefly those changes most conspicuous in the devel¬ opment of agriculture and industry in Madison County from 1920 to 1938. The amount of land in farms has shown a steady increase while the value of farm lands has shown a marked decrease, approximately 40 per cent in the decade 1920-1930 and 9 per cent between 1930 and 1935. This decrease seems to be true for other highly productive agricultural counties in Alabama. There was a 16.5 per cent increase in the number of farms in the county between 1920 and 1930, but a slight decrease between 1930 and 1935. During the same interval there was a considerable increase in the number of white operators, but a decrease in the number of colored operators. The number of farm owners showed a 28.4 per cent decrease during the decade 1920 to 1930 but an 18.6 per cent increase between 1930 and 1935. Tenancy showed a 38 per cent increase between 1920 and 1930, but approxi¬ mately a 7 per cent decrease between 1930 and 1935. The latter is prob¬ ably due to the efforts of the Farm Security Administration to make home ownership possible for a larger number of farmers. A study of land utilization reveals a 40 per cent decrease in cotton acreage between 1929 and 1934 but a 74 per cent increase in the amount of idle crop land. During the period 1929 to 1938 there was a marked increase in all of the cereals and small grains. In addition to this there was a marked increase in vegetable, orchard, tobacco and peanut acreage. The large increase in grain production has led to a larger livestock in¬ dustry, especially beef cattle and swine. About three years ago the Agricultural Adjustment Administration turned its major emphasis from Crop Control Practices to Soil Building Practices. Since that time the county has put on a large terracing program, has added many tons of basic slag, limestone and superphosphate to the soil, and has planted large acreages in winter legumes and lespedeza. A study of the county’s manufactural industries shows a decrease in the number of establishments between 1930 and 1935, a decrease in employ¬ ment and a decrease in wages paid. This study shows, first, that a one-crop system of agriculture has prob¬ ably been destroyed and that a more healthy, diversified system has come to take its place ; secondly, that soil building and terracing practices have been accepted as a part of the general farm program ; thirdly, that although there has been a decrease in the value of manufactures, this perhaps is not so significant within itself as in its effects upon unemployment and the smaller amount of money available for circulation. 65 NEGRO DISTRIBUTION IN ALABAMA — J. Allen Tower, Birmingham-Southern College Negroes in the United States have traditionally been a phenomenon of the South, and every Southern State has been considered overflowing with them. In 1930, however, their distribution concided largely with the well developed agricultural areas of the humid parts of the South. A map showing percentage distribution by precincts in Alabama in 1930 illustrates this. In the State as a whole 26 per cent of the precincts are over half negro, 21 per cent are between a quarter and a half negro, 39 per cent are less than a quarter, and 14 per cent have none at all. The location of these classes follows a rather regular distribution. The highest percentage is located in the Black Belt, named originally for its soil and not its population; the greatest proportion is in Precinct 17 of Wilcox County with 3 whites and 759 negroes. From the Black Belt there are three extensions of this zone predominantly negro : one to the south¬ west along the Alabama River, one to the southeast into Henry County, and another to the northeast in scattered parts of the Piedmont. From this area the percentage decreases rapidly both to the south and to the north. In the "piney woods” of the Wire Grass and Mobile regions there are four precincts without any negroes. To the north the proportion of negroes drops even more sharply to the “White Belt” in the higher lands south of the Tennessee River where there are none at all. This rate of decrease is somewhat irregular. In some of the poor soil areas of the western margin of the Piedmont there are none ; in the Birmingham district and the Coosa Valley they are much more numerous than in adjacent areas. In the ex¬ treme north along the Tennessee River negroes are again a large propor¬ tion of the population. This very peculiar zonation of negro distribution in Alabama seems to be primarily the result of the agricultural history of the State. Where the cotton plantation with its slave labor flourished — the Black Belt, the limestone and alluvial valleys — there the negro is still predominant. Where the plantation system did not flourish, the negro from the beginning was few in numbers, and in these areas the proportion colored has decreased. This proportional decrease has been the result partly of a lower fertility ratio among nonfarm negroes than among nonfarm whites in rural areas, partly the result of white immigration, and partly the result of negro emi¬ gration in search of economic opportunity and as a result of the social pressure of the dominant white majority. The one exception to this is in the Birmingham district where there has been an increase by immigration seeking jobs in the coal and iron mines and the mills. SOME ESSENTIAL FACTORS IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF BOB- WHITE QUAIL — James W. Webb, State Department of Conservation, Auburn During recent years we have witnessed a decrease in the population of our most popular game bird, the bobwhite quail. This is due in part to an increase in hunting, but changes in our farming operations have doubt¬ less contributed their share to the decrease. In an effort to determine the enviromental factors preferred by bob- white quail, observations were recently made on the location of 91 coveys of birds found in selected areas. A number of the environmental factors 66 found to occur most frequently in these observations have been listed. Fifty-seven of the 91 coveys of birds were found in fields, 22 in wood¬ land, 7 in areas consisting partly of woods and partly of fields, and 5 in swamp areas. The greatest distance of any covey of birds from cover was ISO yards, there being only one such case. All other coveys located were less than 100 yards from cover, the average distance being 33 yards. Of the 22 coveys found in woodland the greatest distance of any covey from a field was 100 yards, except for two coveys that were in open woodland and were not near a field. The average distance of all coveys from field or open ground was 30 yards. These observations indicate that birds do not like to range very far away from cover or very far into it. Thus the area at the center of a large open field or dense woodland is likely to be barren for quail use. Food preferences of the coveys of quail observed were, in order, Les- pedeza sp., occurring 68 times; Meibomia sp., 31 times; Ambrosia sp., 18 times; Chamaecrista, 11 times. Seldom was a covey of quail found very far away from one or more of these favorite food plants, even if ideal cover prevailed. Since no birds were found ranging very far into woodlands or open fields, it appears that the food they use must be located near the borders of these areas. Field borders are poor for agricultural purposes and may be planted in soil-building legumes that will furnish food for quail. In order to maintain the maximum production of quail, large fields should be broken up to provide strips or clumps of cover at least every 200 yards. THE NYMPHAL SKIN OF GOMPHAESCHNA SELYS (ODO- NATA) — Ernest C. Martin, State Department of Conservation, Auburn The nymphs of all North American genera of Aeschnine dragonflies, with the exception of Gomphaeschna are known. The nymphal skin of a dragonfly found in a Louisiana swamp is believed to belong to this genus. The exuvia is Aeschnine as regards antenna, shape of labium, presence of median mental cleft and ovipositor, three-segmented mid-tarsi, and gen¬ eral body shape. The only Gomphid character is the presence of two-seg¬ mented fore tarsi. Tarsal segmentation is most interesting as this is the first time a dragonfly has been found with 2-3-3 jointed tarsi. The following points are presented to support the writer’s supposition that this exuvia is that of Gomphaeschna : 1. Combination of Aeschnine and Gomphine characters. 2. Early time of emergence (March) indicates primitiveness as point¬ ed out by Kennedy (1928). Gomphaeschna is a primitive group. 3. Time of emergence corresponds with the period of flight (January, March, June) of G. antilope in Elorida as reported by Davis and Fluno (1938). Beyer (1930) places the emergence of G. antipole in Florida as occurring “probably in March.” 4. It is distinctly Aeschnine, yet it does not resemble the nymphs of any known genus of Aeschninae. Gomphaeschna is the only genus of this sub¬ family with undescribed nymphs. The exuvia was found in a black gum swamp situated in acid pine- lands. The swamp is densely shaded, the acid water (pH 5. 1-5.3) is black and the dark mud bottom is covered with a tangle of roots. The water depth varies during the year from several inches to 12 feet. 67 “ALABAMA’S WILDLIFE RESTORATION PROGRAM UNDER THE PITTMAN-ROBERTSON ACT OF 1937” — F. S. Barkalow, Jr., State Department of Conservation, Auburn Under the provisions of the Pittman-Robertson Act of September 2, 1937, a research project entitled “Inventory of Wildlife Resources of Ala¬ bama” has been initiated. This project, embracing all game species in the State, is being conducted for a period of twelve months with the expecta¬ tion that it will be renewed from year to year. Work is directed toward determining the distribution of game, and approximate game populations. Species given primary consideration are the bobwhite quail, wild turkey, deer, squirrel, and rabbit. Quail are being censused by actual covey counts on representative farms throughout the State. Deer and turkey populations are being estimated by drive counts, while rabbits are censused by means of pellet frequency or flushing counts. Squirrel populations are estimated by means of nest and time interval counts. Limiting factors, restoration possibilities, and the most pressing re¬ search needs are being evaluated and projects to solve such problems are being submitted. Information is secured in several different ways, includ¬ ing direct field observations made by members of the research staff, and indirect information such as that obtained by means of questionnaires and interviews with interested parties. A study of the literature on censusing is being made to obtain a background for the work of the project. Full-time assistants have been assigned to the quail, turkey, and deer, as well as to the squirrel and rabbit phases of the project. LAND MOLLUSCA AND FOREST COVER IN ALABAMA — Allan F. Archer, State Department of Conservation Among other Invertebrata the Mollusca (snails and slugs) may be classed as important soil-makers. Their function is the ingestion of fungi, bacteria, and decaying vegetation. The excreta thus derived are returned to the soil as valuable nitrogenous material. The soft parts and the shell are added to the soil when the snail dies. Inasmuch as CaC03 and other mineral salts are important in the phy¬ siology of land mollusks, forest communities can be divided into two di¬ visions according to how well they supply these requirements. 1. Ever¬ green Division. Evergreen hardwood, evergreen hardwood -coniferous, and coniferous communities, varying from poorly drained to dry, and having a soil pH of less than 6.0. 2. Deciduous Division. Predominantly decidu¬ ous communities, hygric, mesic. and xeric, and having a pH of 6.0 or higher. It is in the second division that mollusks are most abundant as to species and individuals. Fires and cultivation are potent factors on uplands, and influence the character of the mollusk communities. Here we find the dominance of small and medium-sized snails. In the Cumberland Area of Alabama the characteristic species are: Gastrodonta interna, Zonitoides, arboreus, Z. suppressus, Z. demissus, Mesodon inflectus. In the Piedmont and Coastal Plain we find Zonitoides intertextus, Retinella spp., Triodopsis fallax van- nostrandi, and Polygyra auriformis. 68 The maximum representation of families and species occurs on the slopes. The large species of Mesodon, Triodopsis, and Mesomphix predomi¬ nate, with a strong element of Stenotrema. Wherever fires have affected the slopes we now have a dominance of Stenotrema and the small Meso- dons, while large snails tend to pass out of the picture. Even in the case of the pyric succession conditions are severe. 69 ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Officers for 1940-1941 President, Artie Belle Pirtle, Sidney Lanier H. S _ Montgomery, Ala. Vice-President, Ralph Holliman, Shades-Cahaba H. S. _ Birmingham, Ala. Secretary, Inez Hooge, Visitation Academy _ Mobile, Ala. Treasurer, James J. Bender, St. Bernard H. S _ St. Bernard, Ala. Counselors : J. L. Kassner, appointed for one year _ _ _ Tuscaloosa, Ala. Father Lambert Gattman, appointed for two years _ St. Bernard, Ala. P. P. B. Brooks, appointed for three years _ Montgomery, Ala. High Schools and Official Delegates at the Eighth Annual Meeting, Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Alabama, March 29 and 30, 1940 Aliceville High School — Jinnie Maude Shaw _ Aliceville, Ala. tBillingsley High School — Vida Smoot _ Billingsley, Ala. fBlessed Sacrament Academy — Bill Stephens _ Birmingham, Ala. Coffee County High School — Douglas Helms _ Enterprise, Ala. Convent of Mercy — Doodie Betis— _ _ _ _ _ _ Mobile, Ala. DeKalb County High School — Bruce Smith _ Fort Payne, Ala. JDeshler High School — Billy Blackburn _ Tuscumbia, Ala Ensley High School — Auguste Richarzhagen _ _ Birmingham, Ala. ■{•Greensboro High School — Lee Otts _ _ Greensboro, Ala. Hueytown High School — Mildred Carnes _ Bessemer, Ala. Lee County High School _ Auburn, Ala. Minor High School — Don Bass _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala. Mortimer Jordan High School _ _ Morris, Ala. Murphy High School _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mobile, Ala. Phillips High School — Walter McClure _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala. Sacred Heart Academy — Mildred Imbusch _ Cullman, Ala. Saint Bernard High School — Francis Adams _ St. Bernard, Ala. JSaint Paul’s High School — Billy Travis _ Birmingham, Ala. Shades-Cahaba High School — John Poole _ Birmingham, Ala. Sidney Lanier High School — Charles Fischesser _ _ Montgomery, Ala. JTalladega County High School — Willie B. Knox _ Lincoln, Ala. fTallassee High School — Harold Meeks _ Tallassee, Ala. JT. R. Miller High School — Cecil Jones _ _ _ Brewton, Ala. Troy High School — Henry Smith . . Troy, Ala. Tuscaloosa Senior High School— Willis Bulgood _ _ Tuscaloosa, Ala. Visitation Academy — Inez Hooge _ Mobile, Ala. Woodlawn High School— Don Palmer _ _ Birmingham, Ala. A total of one hundred and ninety-four delegates attended the meeting. Senior Academy Certificates of Award For the best paper — Edwin Waldrop, From Iron Ore to Steel — - Hueytown High School _ _ _ _ _ Bessemer, Ala. For the best exhibit in biology — Technique in Skeleton Mounting— Billingsley High School _ _ _ Billingsley, Ala. fChapters added in 1939-40. 70 For the best exhibit in chemistry — By-Products of Coal — Ensley High School _ _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala. For the best exhibit in physics — Two-way Portable One and One-Half Meter Radio — Sidney Lanier High School _ Montgomery, Ala. For the best exhibit in science and industry — Lumbering in Alabama — Hueyton High School _ _ _ _ _ Bessemer, Ala. TREASURY REPORT OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR ENDING MAY 15, 1940 RECEIPTS Balance on hand from 1939-40 _ _ _ $ 44.55 Chapter dues _ _ _ _ _ 72.00 Membership cards at one cent each _ 5.70 Registration Fee at Annual Meeting _ 48.50 Total Receipts _ $170.75 DISBURSEMENTS Birmingham Engraving Co. (pins, membs. cards, stationery) _ _ _ _ $ 33.28 University Supply Store, paper and stencils _ 5.60 Ward Drug Store, Registration book _ 2.75 To Pres, and Coun. to Pres., Printing and postage.——— 20.09 B. F. Clark, local expenses of annual meeting— _ _ _ 2.50 Engrossing Certificates and Charters, H. L. Jones _ 20.00 Postage _ _ _ _ , _ 15.81 Samples of Membership cards _ .48 For mimeographing constitution and by-laws _ _ _ 5.60 Programs printed (300 — 4 page) _ _ _ 5.15 Total Disbursements _ _ _ $111.26 Balance, The City National Bank, Tuscaloosa _ 59.49 $170.75 $170.75 Audited and found correct. May 16, 1940 JAMES L. KASSNER. 71 MEMBERS OF THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Honorary Members Allen, Edgar (A) - - Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Gardner, Wright A. (A) - - __Auburn, Alabama f*Graham, John Y (A) - - - University, Alabama Reinke, E. E. (A) _ Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Active Members t Abercrombie, W. J. (A) . . . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Adcock, Miss Julia C. (C) _ _ _ Archaeological Lab., W.P.A., Birmingham, Ala. Ala. Dept, of Archives and History _ Montgomery, Ala. Albin, J. R . _ _ _ 401 Courthouse, Birmingham, Ala. t Allen, Roger W. (B) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. t*Allison, Fred (G) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Almon, Lois _ _ _ _ Judson College, Marion, Ala. Anderson, A. B. _ _ — . . . . . . Shannon, Ala. Andrews, T. G. (C) _ _ University, Ala. Arant, Frank S. (A) _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. t Archer, Allan F. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Attaway, C. F _ _ _ _ _ 323 Evergreen St., Brewton, Ala. fAyrs, O. L. (B).. _ _ _ _ 1001 28th PL, South, Birmingham, Ala. Bales, P. D. (G) _ _ _ _ _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Barkalow, F. S. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Barkalow, F. S., Jr _ _ _ Ala. Dept of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. Barnes, G. F. (B)_ _ _ ..Judson College, Marion, Ala. *Basore, C. A. (D) _ ....Auburn, Ala. Beatty, A. C. (A) _ _ _ _ ’ _ _ University, Ala. Beaudry, D. P. (D) . .2636 Ridgeway Ave., Ensley, Birmingham, Ala. Biggs, Jeannette (A) _ _ _ Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. f Bishop, E. L. (F) _ _ _ _ 404 Pound Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Black, Mrs. Zoe (A) _ _ 305 Nabors St., Montevallo, Ala. Blair, A. J. (C) _ 1600 Brown Marx Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Blair, C. S. (C) _ Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Blair, Ruth T _ _ _ _ 418 6th St., S.W., Birmingham, Ala. f Bliss, A. R., Jr. (A) _ _ _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Bowles, Edgar (C) _ _ _ 510 Capstone Court, Tuscaloosa, Ala. fBrakefield, J. L. (A). _ _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Brame, J. Y. (C) _ _ _ _ Montgomery, Ala. *Brannon, P. A. (C) _ _ _ Dept, of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala. fBreckenridge, C. G. (A) . . . . . LTniversity, Ala. Brooks, P. P. B. (G) _ 212 Ponce de Leon Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Brown, O. T. (C) . Dept, of Geology and Geography, University, Ala. Brown, R. D. (B). _ _ State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Bruhn, J. M. (A) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. fBunton, P. B., care Spencer Long Company, 602 Transportation Bldg., 17th & H Streets _ Washington, D. C. Bush, J. D. (F) _ _ _ Box 1965, University, Ala. Campbell, Miss Justina (A) _ State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. 72 Cannon, Laura Mae (A) _ fCarlson, J. G. (A) .. _ f Carmichael, E. B. (B) . . Cason, Mrs. Louise R. (F) _ Christenson, R. O. (A) _ Christianson, O. O. (F) .1 _ tClark, B. F. (B) _ Clements, R. M. (F) _ Coghill, W. H. (C) _ Coons, K. W. (B) _ Copson, R. L. (B) _ Corley, Miss Nora (A) _ fColton, W. E. (A) _ _ _ Cornell, B. M._ . . . _ . . Cotter, H. F. (B) _ Coulliette, J. H. (G) _ Crane, Ina Barbee (F) _ Crawley, C. B. (G) _ fCudworth, J. R. (C) _ Culmer, Orpha Ann (F) _ fCunningham, F. F. (D) _ Dahms, Harold (C) _ Dale, Hugh (B) _ _ _ Damon, S. R. (F) _ _ _ Dejarnette, David (C) _ Dejarnette, J. T., Jr. (C) _ DeWilton, E. L. (A) _ Dorroh, J. L. . . _ _ _ Duggar, J. F„ Sr. (A) - Dunlevy, M. L. (C).. _ _ fEmigh, F. D. (D) . . Englebrecht, Mildred A. (A) English, A. A. (A) _ Escoffier, Francis (C) _ f*Farmer, C. M. (A) _ _ _ Fertig, G. J. (D) - Fidler, H. K. (A) _ Fies, M. H. (D) _ _ t Foley, J. O. (F)_ . . Ford, Thomas A. (D) _ Foster, J. R. (B) . . . . Gandrud, B. W. (C) _ _ _ Garren, K. H. (A) _ _ .... Gary, C. M _ _ _ _ Gattmann, F. L. (A) _ _ Geisler, Miss Edith (A).. . Gerhardt, Henry (F) _ Gaston, E _ _ Gibson, J. S. (D) _ Glarner, T. F. (D) ..... _ Glenn, W. E. (E) . . . Good, J. G. (A) _ tGoss, C. M. (F) . . . Groesbeck, F. W. (F) _ tGraves, Stuart (F) _ _ Birmingham, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ 2009 7th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ _ Auburn, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. _ 2501 7th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ U. S. Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ _ University, Ala. _ 110 Plant One, Sheffield, Ala. ...State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. _ _ Auburn, Ala. _ 518 Wright's Mill Pond. Auburn, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. _ Tutwiler Hall, University, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. _ State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. _ 2717 Ensley Ave., Birmingham, Ala. _ 1 _ Y. M. C. A., Birmingham, Ala. ..State Board of Health, Montgomery, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ _ University, Ala. _ 1502 N. 15th Ct., Birmingham, Ala. _ Judson College, Marion, Ala. _ Auburn, Ala. _ Rt. 1, Box 29C, Birmingham, Ala. . . ..Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ Box 708, Mobile, Ala. . . 350 Stocking St., Mobile, Ala. _ State Teachers College, Troy, Ala. _ Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ University, Ala. _.Dept. of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. . . . . . Box 307, Wilson Dam, Ala. _ University, Ala. State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. ...State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. _ St. Bernard College, St. Bernard, Ala. _ Adger, Ala. _ 1215 Elmira St., Mobile, Ala. _ Box 1031, University, Ala. .....State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. _ _ _ 124 Highlands, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Employees Hospital, T.C.I., Fairfield, Ala. _ University, Ala. 73 Griffin, Harrell (C) _ _ *. _ _ _ University, Ala. Grover, M. A _ _ _ _ _ _ Box 590, Birmingham, Ala. Hagerty, C. G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Hall, S. C., Jr. _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. fHargis, E. H. (F) _ _ 28th St. & 12th Ave., N., Birmingham, Ala. Hargreaves, G. W. (B) . . . . . . .Auburn, Ala. fHarper, R. M. (C). - - - - - University, Ala. Harris, Agnes Ellen. - - - - - - - - - ..University, Ala. Harris, Frances B. (E)— _ _ 866 5th Place, W., Birmingham, Ala. Hazlehurst, G. H. (A) _ _ 519 Dexter Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Hazzard, W. W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Box 68, Columbiana, Ala. Hearn, Jane Kessler _ 933 8th Ave., W., Birmingham, Ala. f Heath, H. C. (A) _ _ —.21 Agnew St., Montgomery, Ala. Hertzog, E. S. (B) _ _ _ 505 18th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. fHess, Margaret (A). _ _ _ ..Judson College, Marion, Ala. fHinman, E. H. (A). - - Health and Safety Dept., T. V. A., Wilson Dam, Ala. Hixon, C. R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Hobbs, L. M. (B) - - - - - - - - — . .....University, Ala. Hodges, R. S. (A) - - - - - - University, Ala. Horton, E. C. (C)~~ _ _ 1221 N. 13th St., Birmingham, Ala. Hostetter, I. M. (E) _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Howell, W. M. (F) . . . . . . . Auburn, Ala. Howse, B. C. (F) — - - 1 - - 333 38th St., Fairfield, Ala. fHunt, T. E. (F) _ _ _ _ _ _ ..University, Ala. Hunt, T. W - - - - - - - Lockhart, Ala. fHyde, J. W. (A) _ _ _ 2813 Quarry Rd„ N.W., Apt. 12 Washington D. C. Indindole, James (A).j. . . . . . Greenville, Ala. Jackson, J. R. (A).. - - - - - - Auburn, Ala. Johanson, Theodore _ _ _ _ _ _ .University, Ala. Tones, C. T. (D) _ _ _ U. S. Forest Service, Knoxville, Tenn. tjones, E. V. (B)__ _ . _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. t Tones, H. D. (B) . . . . . . . . _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. t*Jones, W. B. (C) _ Department of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. f* Jones, W. C. (F) - - T. C. I. Hospital, Fairfield, Ala. Joyner, A. L. (F) - - - - - - - ..University, Ala. Kassner, J. L. (B) ..: - - - 1000 13th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Kennedy, A. M. (B) _ _ University, Ala. Hampe, David E. _ . _ 11 Wellington Road, Montgomery, Ala. f Kennedy, J. J. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Kiker, C. C. (A) _ _ _ _ Wilson Dam, Ala. King, Pauline _ Enterprise, Ala. Knight, Gladys E. _ University, Ala. Kraxberger, W. W. (C) _ 515 St. Louis Ave., Sheffield, Ala. Land, J. E. (B) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Lassen, Leon (C) _ _ _ 105 Macy St., Mobile, Ala. Lathrop, F. P. _ _ ..Scottsboro, Ala. Lawler, Matt _ Toulminville, Ala. Littlejohn, Jeanette (B) _ ... Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Ala. *Lloyd, S. J. (B) _ _ _ _ University, Ala. *Loding, H. P. (A) _ _ _ _ _ ... The Gem Floral Garden, 166 Houston St., Mobile, Ala. Lord, James (C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Russellville, Ala. McBurney, Ralph (F) _ _ _ University, Ala. 74 McElwee, E. W. (A) _ McGehee, Mary Frances McGlamery, Winnie (C) McTyeire, Claustie E _ McVay, Thomas (B) _ Macormac, A. R. (D) _ MacKenzie, J. T. (B) _ Malone, J. M. (E) _ Marsh, Alfred . . Martin, E. C. (D) _ Martin, H. M. (B) _ Mobley, W. M. (D) _ Monroe, William H. (C) Montgomery, J. P. (B) Moore, G. C _ _ fMoore, W. A. (E) _ _ Morrison, Edmund (A).... Mundhenk, R. L. (F). . Murphy, Sam Ross _ _ Newsom, W. R. (C) _ Newton, R. H. (B) . . Nork, J. J. (A) _ Norris, Mrs. Earl _ North, W. E. (A) _ Oliver, R. B. _ fOtt, W. P. (E) . . . fOverton, A. G. (D) _ fPalmer, G. D. (B) _ Pardue, L. G., Jr. (D) _ fParson, R. L. (D) _ _ Partlow, W. D. (A) _ Paterson, J. El. (A)—.. . Pearson, A. M. (A) _ Peoples, S. A. (F) _ Pike, Mabel R . . Pilkington, A. J _ Pole, G. R. (B) _ _ Pomerat, C. M. (A) _ Pool, R. M. (F) . . . - Poor, R. S. (C) _ Pressley, W. S.- _ _ fPrickett, C. O. (A) _ _ Pye, Miss Orrea F. (A).. Quinn, I. T. . . . . . Ramsdell, D. A . . Rasor, F. W. (D) _ _ Reeves, W. P. _ _ Reynolds, J. P. (A) _ Richards, E. F. (C)— _ Riggan, F. B. (D) _ _ * Robinson, Mary E. (A)... t*Robinson, J. M. (A) _ Rodgers, Eric (B) _ . . . . . 481 Pinedale Rd., Auburn, Ala. _ _ Montevallo, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ _ ......1804 Arlington Ave., Bessemer, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ Auburn, Ala. _ 4300 Glenwood Ave., Birmingham, Ala. . . . . 1102 7th Ave., W., Birmingham, Ala. _ _ _ _ _ Box 22, Jacksonville, Ala. _ _ _ _ Box 1734, University, Ala. _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. _ Ala. By-Products Corp., Tarrant, Ala. _ _ Ala. Museum of Natural History, University, Ala. _ _ ...University, Ala. _ Box 1031, Auburn, Ala. _ _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. _ _ _ _ Billingsley, Ala. _ _ _ 150 Burton St., Auburn, Ala. _ Box 24, Jasper, Ala. _ Division Meteorologist, Panair do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, South America . — _ Sheffield, Ala. _ _ 809 E. Clinton St., Huntsville, Ala. _ University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. _ _ 12 W. Clarke St., Prichard, Ala. _ 304 Thomas St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ University, Ala. . . . Ala. By-Products Corp., Tarrant, Ala. _ _ _ — . University, Ala. _ Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. _ State Teachers College, Troy, Ala. _ Supt. Bryce Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ _ 808 Forest Ave., Montgomery, Ala. _ _ Auburn, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ _ _ T.C.I. Hospital, Fairfield, Ala. _ 106 Bush Ave., Mobile, Ala. _ House 87. Village 1, Sheffield, Ala. _ . — Box 2047, University, Ala. _ _ 652 Ridgeway Rd., Fairfield, Ala. _ _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. _ _ _ Lee County High, Auburn, Ala. _ Auburn, Ala. _ - _ University, Ala. Dept, of Game & Fisheries, Montgomery, Ala. _ University, Ala. - - - - - Box 40, Montgomery, Ala. . . . - _ University, Ala. _ _ _ Birmingham-S'outhern College, Ala. _ University, Ala. Stockham Pipe Fittings Co., Birmingham, Ala. _ 536 Princeton Ave., Birmingham, Ala. _ _ _ - _ Auburn, Ala. _ University, Ala. 75 Ruffin. W. A. (A) _ Ruggles, D. N _ Rushing, E. D _ fRutledge, A. W. (A) _ . _ fSalmon, W. D. (A) _ _ _ Sauer, M. E - Sharman, J. R _ _ Sharp, C. G— . - - - - Schultz, O. W - - Sizemore, T. B. (D) _ _ Sizemore, W. R _ _ _ Sledd, Arthur (B) _ Smith, E. V. (A).— _ _ Smith, H. E _ _ _ fSmith, Septima C. (A) _ *Smyth, P. H. (G) _ Snow, C. E. (C) _ fSommer, Anna ( B ) _ fSpieth, Alda May (A) _ _. Starling, J. H. (A) _ Starr, L. E. (A) . . . Swan, Ella O _ _ _ Tarbutton, Grady (B) _ Tellier, A. J. (E) .. _ _ Thompson, D. H. (B) . . . Thompson, Minouise _ _ Toffel, G. M. (B) _ Toler, Brooks (D) _ fTower, J. A. (D) _ Van Aller, T. S. (F) _ Walsh, Mary Vincent (B) _ Ward, Thomas (A) _ Ward. W. W. (C) _ _ Watson, J. H _ _ _ _ Webb, J. W. (A) . . . . . Webb, Lina (D) _ 1 _ _ Weil. C. K. (F) _ fWeishaupt, C. G. (A) _ fWestland, A. J. (G) _ _ White. A. H. (D) _ . _ _ White, J. M. (C)._ _ _ White, Rev. Urban (B) _ t* Whiting, W. A. (A) _ Wilcox, H. E. (B). . . Wilks, W. T. _ _ _ _ Williams, J. W _ Williams, S. J _ _ _ Williamson, Grace _ Williamson, Josephine. _ _ Wilson, Coyt (A). . . Wingard, Mrs. R. E. (B) _ Wood, C. R. (E) _ _ _ Wood, T. A. (A) _ Woodall, P. H _ - Auburn, Ala. _ _ Marion, Ala. _ ; _ University, Ala. _ _ _ State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. - - Auburn, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ _ Lockhart, Ala. _ 1313J-2 N. 29th St., Birmingham, Ala. _ _ _ _ _ Box 328, Ozark, Ala. - Judson College, Marion, Ala. _ _ Auburn, Ala. . . . . ....Box 695, University, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ 806 Winona Ave., Montgomery, Ala. _ 4125 Terrace R, Central Park, Birmingham, Ala. - 348 S. Gay St., Auburn, Ala. ..State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. _ _ .Troy High School, Troy, Ala. _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. _ _ Greensboro, Ala. . . . Box 1485, Wilson Dam, Ala. _ 153 S. Monterey St., Mobile, Ala. ... 917 Valley Rd. Place, Birmingham, Ala. _ _ 300 42nd St., Fairfield, Ala. _ Marion Institute, Marion, Ala. _ Division of Forestry, Montgomery, Ala. - Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. _ 902 Charleston St., Mobile, Ala. _ Visitation Academy, Mobile, Ala. _ Elba High School, Elba, Ala. . _ Centre, Ala. _ _ ...Box 133, Dadeville, Ala. . . . . . Box 469, Auburn, Ala. _ State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. _ 119 Adams Ave., Montgomery, Ala. State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. _ St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. . . . 706 9th Ct., W., Birmingham, Ala. _717 St. Charles Ave., Montgomery, Ala. _ St. Bernard College, Cullman, Ala. _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. _ _ Box 41, Tallassee, Ala. _ Snead Jr. College, Boaz, Ala. _ _ Livingston, Ala. .... _ 4213 Parkway, Fairfield, Ala. _ 4212 Parkway, Fairfield, Ala. _ 267 S. Gay St., Auburn, Ala. _ Auburn, Ala. -State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. _ Marion Institute, Marion, Ala. _ 1101 27th PI., S., Birmingham, Ala. 76 Woolf, F. P. (F) _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Wooley, Mary . . ... . . . „ . . Murphy High School, Mobile, Ala. Worley, Lillian (D) . . . . . Alabama College, Montevallo, Ala. fXan, John (B) . . . . . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. t Yancey, P. H. (A)... _ _ Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Associate Members Broungart, D. C. . Brougher, Cooper Bryant, Frances Jane Camp, G. L . - Capesius, Rev. John Castro, Hasus . . Dunbar, Dixie (Mrs.) Eskridge, Marshall ..... Griffin, J. D _ Hackworth, L. E - Kinnear, R. W _ Kirk, E. E _ Lemmon, George J.— Lloyd, F. V . . Long, A. R._ _ _ Mayfield, Sara _ _ Miles, Martha Fay.... Misuk, Leo W _ Munro, W. M. . . Pennington, Elsie _ Powell, Maurice _ Smith, R. J. . . . Strakes, Robert _ Sulkin, N. M . . Swayne, V. R - Thompson, W. D.._ . . Ward, Jane _ West, Wm. Roy _ Wheeler, J. H.__ _ White, J. M., Jr _ Williams, W. J..— . _ Catholic University, Washington, D. C. . . . 519 Dexter Ave., Montgomery, Ala. _ ....Veterans Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ Holt High School, Holt, Ala. _ _ _ _ St. Bernard College, Cullman, Ala. _ _ 1214 Palifax St., Tampa, Fla. School of Medicine, Emory Univ., Atlanta, Ga. _ University, Ala., or Demopolis, Ala. _ 132 Ross St., Auburn, Ala. _ _ .Box 1844, University, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ .University, Ala. _ Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ Weather Bureau Office, Meridian, Miss. _ Idllwyld, Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ University, Ala. . . . . 210 Woodley Rd., Montgomery, Ala. _ _ ..Box 1033, University, Ala. - - - - 2233 22nd St., Ensley, Ala. _ _ 1401 Brown St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. - - ....731 12th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. - 507 14th Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ 443 N. Cedar St., Florence, Ala. _ 1000 Riverside Drive, Tuscaloosa, Ala. _ Sweetwater, Ala. - University, Ala. _ 311 W. Magnolia St., Auburn, Ala. _ 717 St. Charles Ave., Montgomery, Ave. - - University, Ala Alabama's Largest and Best Equipped Printers Birmingham Printing Company Birmingham, Alabama YORK, n. Y. JUL 8" Wtt «•— »I«J* THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) JULY, 1941 VOLUME 13 Proceedings and Abstracts of THE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING SPRING HILL COLLEGE MOBILE, ALABAMA MARCH 20-22, 1941 Office of the Editor Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham, Alabama -•4* 5*: ■}■? 'V.;- •.* ' ^W0:- • < • 3 ... .'.{*• • *. ,'v •- ' ;..W- :k V V , flfr ■V, ' ■ • ■ • ; ••• . . • • • THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) JULY, 1941 VOLUME 13 Proceedings and Abstracts of THE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING SPRING HILL COLLEGE MOBILE, ALABAMA MARCH 20-22, 1941 Office of the Editor Birmingham-Southern College Birmingham, Alabama TABLE OF CONTENTS Officers and Standing Committees of the Academy - 3 General Program of the Mobile Meeting _ 4 Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting - 5 Minutes of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting _ 6 Report of Officers and Committees The Treasurer’s Report _ 10 The Editor of The Journal _ 12 The Counselor of the Junior Academy _ 12 The Councilor of the A.A.A.S _ 10 The Academy Statistician _ 13 The Committee of Membership and Activities _ 16 The Committee on Charter Members _ 16 The Organization of the S.A.A.S _ 18 The Annual Presidential Address _ 19 Abstracts of Papers at the 1941 Meeting Section I Biology and Medical Science _ 28 Section II Chemistry _ 38 Section III Geology and Anthropology _ 43 Section IV Geography and Conservation _ 50 Section V Physics and Mathematics _ 63 Section VI Industry and Economics _ 67 Section VII The Teaching of Science _ . _ 72 The Alabama Junior Academy of Science Junior Academy for 1941-1942 _ 76 High Schools and Delegates at the Mobile Meeting _ 76 Winners of Senior Academy Certificates and Awards.. 77 Junior Academy Financial Statement. _ 77 Members of the Alabama Academy of Science Honorary Members _ 78 Sustaining Members _ 78 Active Members _ 78 Associate Members _ 84 ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OFFICERS FOR 1941-42 President, Paul D. Bales _ _ _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. President-Elect, W. M. Mobley _ Alabama By-Products Co., Tarrant, Ala. Vice-Presidents and Section Chairmen: Alvin V. Beatty, Biology and Medical Science _ University, Ala. Harold E. Wilcox, Chemistry _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. E. F. Richards, Geology and Anthropology _ University, Ala. Brooks Toler, Geography, Conservation and Allied Subjects _ _ Division of Forestry, Montgomery, Ala. W. A. Moore, Physics and Mathematics _ _ - Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. John Goef, Industry and Economics _ _ _ _ _ _ Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Clustie Evelyn McTyeirE, The Teaching of Science . . . . _ Hueytown High School, Bessemer, Ala. Secretary, Winnie McGlamery, Geological Survey _ _ University, Ala. Treasurer, John Xan _ _ _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Councilor of A.A.A.S. , Septima C. Smith _ University, Ala. Editor of the Journal, E. V. Jones _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE ACADEMY Committee on Promoting Membership and Activities: E. D. Emigh, Chairman; Fred Allison, G. F. Barnes, C. S'. Blair, J. L. Brake- field, Peter A. Brannon, E. B. Carmichael, P. J. Conner, R. L. Copson, F. F. Cunningham, S'. R. Damon, Thomas Ford, Lam¬ bert Gattmann, J. S. Gibson, J. F. Glazner, H. C. Heath, Walter B. Jones, Mary Frances McGhee, Clustie Evelyn McTyeire, A. G. Overton, R. L Parson, Haygood Paterson, A. J. Pilkngton, R. S. Poor, Frank Rasor, E. V. Smith, Grady Tarbutton, Brooks Toler, A. J. Westland, T. A. Wood, P. H. Yancey. Committee on Research: Dr. S. J. Lloyd, Chairman; Prof. J. F. Duggar, Mr. S. S. Heide, Mr. J. T. Mackenzie. Committee on Publication: Alvin V. Beatty, Chairman; John Goff, Clustie Evelyn McTyeire, W. A. Moore, E. F. Richards, Brooks Toler, Harold E. Wilcox, E. V. Jones, Ex-officio. GENERAL PROGRAM All addresses and Section Meetings ore open to the public. THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1941 8 :30 P.M. Executive Committee Meeting, Admiral Semmes Hotel FRIDAY, MARCH 21 8:15 A.M. 9 :00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 12:15 P.M. 1:20 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. Registration at Headquarters. Secure tickets for the Satur¬ day buffet luncheon on the College Campus. Tickets for the annual banquet, for the group photo and register for Satur¬ day trips. Executive Committee Meeting, Headquarters hotel. First Business Session, Headquarters hotel. Special Luncheon for members and friends at hotel. Photograph of the Academy group front entrance of Library Building, College Campus. Section Meetings at Spring Hill College except Section VII, which meets at Murphy High School, Saturday at 9 :00 A M. Papers, discussions, demonstrations. Election of Sec¬ tion chairmen 1941-1942. Final Business Session, College Inn on the Campus. Annual Banquet (informal) Hotel Admiral Semmes. Father Anthony J. Westland, S. J., Toastmaster. Tickets $1.28. Presidential Address, “Science Education” — Dr. C. M. Farmer, President of the Academy. SATURDAY, MARCH 22 9 :00 A.M. Section Meetings College Campus. All Sections meet in rooms used on Friday except Section III which has a field trip and VI and VII. The latter meets at Murphy High School. 9:30 A M. Geology Field Trip arranged by Miss Winnie McGlamery and Mr. D. L. Dejarnette to the marine outcrop of Pleistocene on Mon Louis Island. The trip starts from Headquarters hotel promptly at 9 :30. 12:15 P.M. Buffet Luncheon by the College Inn on the Campus, guests of Spring Hill College. 1 :30 P.M. — Trips. Azalea Trail, Bellingrath Gardens, Industrial Centers of Mobile. The Alabama Academy of Science was greatly honored by the gen¬ erous response of delegates of other scientific groups and noted scientists throughout the South to the invitation to participate in the Symposium on “Scientific Research in the South” and in the formulation of plans for the organization of a Southern Scientific Society. Many of these scientists were cordially welcomed at the sessions of our Academy and several pa¬ pers were presented by them. 5 PRELIMINARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, MARCH 20, 1941 The meeting was called to order at 10:45 P.M. by C. M. Farmer, President of the Academy, at Hotel Admiral Semmes, to bring up cer¬ tain matters for consideration. No final decisions were made. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, MARCH 21, 1941 The meeting was called to order at 8 :30 A.M. by C. M. Farmer, President of the Academy, at Hotel Admiral Semmes. 1. Minutes: Moved and seconded that the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive Committee held at Birmingham-Southern College be accepted without reading as published in the Journal, June, 1940. 2. Report of the Secretary: Winnie McGlamery, Secretary, reported list of new members. 3. Recommendations for new members: E. V. Jones moved, sec¬ onded by E. B. Carmichael, that applications for membership in the Academy shall be signed by three active members in good standing ; the Secretary’s signature may be the third. Motion carried. 4. Report of the Treasurer: John Xan, Treasurer, presented his report with the following comments : The condition of the treasury is excellent. There are five* sustaining Memberships of $10.00 each already paid for: Birmingham-Southern College, Howard College, Huntingdon College, McKesson-Robbins, University of Alabama. The Grant from the A. A. A. S. for 1941, $50.00, has been received. E. B. Carmichael moved, seconded by H. D. Jones, that this report be accepted. Motion carried. 5. Report of the Councilor of the A. A. A. S.: J. H. Coulliette, Councilor of the A. A. A. S., presented his report. Moved by W. A. Moore, seconded by Miss Clustie McTyeire, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. 6. Report of the Editor of the Journal: E. V. Jones, Editor of the Journal, read his report. E. B. Carmichael moved, seconded by Roger W. Allen, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. 7. Reports of the Standing Committees: a. Committee on the Promoting of Membership and Activities of the Junior Academy: In the absence of R. D. Brown, Miss Clustie McTyeire reported extemporaneously that two chapters had been added. Other chapters were reported by other members. *Between March 21 and July 10 the following’ sustaining members have been added to our roll (see page 78) largely through the efforts of Milton H. Fies, special committee chairman on Sustaining Memberships. New sustaining members: Alabama By-Products Corporation _ ... _ _ _ Alabama Polytechnic Institute _ Alabama Power Company _ Alabama State Chamber of Commerce _ Birmingham' Trust and Savings Bank _ DeBardeleben Coal Corporation _ Portland Cement Association _ Southern Natural Gas Company _ State Teachers College _ Stockham Pipe Fittings Company _ _ _ Woodward Iron Company _ ..Birmingham', Ala. _ Auburn, Ala. Birmingham, Ala. -Montgomery, Ala. .Birmingham, Ala. ..Birmingham, Ala. .Birmingham, Ala. ..Birmingham, Ala. _ Troy, Ala. .Birmingham, Ala. _ Woodward, Ala. 6 b. Publications Committee: No report at this time. 8. Committee on Constitution and By-Laws: It was moved by Roger W. Allen, seconded by John Xan, that the Chair appoint a committee to bring the Constitution and By-laws up to date on matters passed by the Academy. Motion carried. Referred to incoming President. 9. Regarding State Subsidy for Academy: J. L. Brakefield recom¬ mended that the question of State subsidy for the Academy be dropped and that instead we encourage securing of Sustaining Memberships. Recom¬ mendation accepted. 10. Regarding a Committee on National Defense: It was moved by E. V. Jones, seconded by J. Allen Tower, that a Committee on National Defense and long range planning be appointed. Motion carried. Re¬ ferred to incoming President. 11. Adjournment: At the end of business and upon motion of E. V. Jones, the meeting adjourned. MINUTES OF THE PRELIMINARY BUSINESS MEETING, MARCH 21, 1941 The meeting was called to order by C. M. Farmer, President of the Academy, at 10:30 A.M., at the Admiral Semmes Hotel. The Academy was welcomed to Spring Hill College by Dr. William D. O’Leary, President of Spring Hill College. It was moved by J. L. Brakefield, seconded by Roger W. Allen, that the house proceed to business and waive any contrary provisions of the by-laws relating to a quorum. Motion carried. 1. Minutes: Moved by J. L. Brakefield, seconded by E. B. Car¬ michael, that the minutes of the previous Preliminary Business Meeting, held at Birmingham-Southern College, March 29, 1940, be accepted with¬ out reading as published in the Journal, June, 1940. Motion carried. 2. Report of the Treasurer: John Xan, Treasurer, presented his report for the year ending March 20, 1941. He moved that his report be accepted, seconded by E. D. Emigh. Motion carried. Report referred to Auditing Committee. 3. Report of the Editor of the Journal: E. V. Jones, Editor of the Journal, read his report. It was moved by Roger W. Allen, seconded by J. Allen Tower, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. Report appended. 4. Report of the Chairman of the Counselors of the Junior Academy: James L. Kassner, Counselor, presented his report. C. A. Basore moved, seconded by Herman D. Jones, that the report be accepted. Motion car¬ ried. Report appended. 5. Long Range Planning Committee: It was moved by E. B. Car¬ michael, seconded by J. Allen Tower, that the President of the Academy appoint a long range planning Committee of seven, one from each Section of the Academy, to serve from one to seven years, according to the num¬ ber of the Section, the representative from Section I automatically retiring at the end of the first year. The chairman of the committee each year shall be the member who is to retire at the end of that year. Replacement on the committee shall be handled by the respective Sections. Motion car¬ ried. Referred to the incoming President. 6. Report of the Councilor of the A. A. A. S.: J. H. Coulliette, Councilor of the A. A. A. S., presented his report. Moved by E. D. Emigh, seconded by E. V. Jones, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. Report appended. 7 7. Report of the Statistician: Roland M. Harper, Statistician, read his report. It was moved by J. L. Brakefield, seconded by J. H. Coul- liette, that the report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Report ap¬ pended. 8. Reports of the Standing Committees : a. Committee on the Academy Azrnrd: This committee is composed of the president-elect, Paul D. Bales, and the seven vice-presidents of the Academy, chairmen of their respective sections, namely H. D. Jones, Lindsey M. Hobbs, David L. Dejarnette, J. Allen Tower, W. A. Moore, Clustie E. McTyeire, C. A. Basore. In the absence of Paul D. Bales, the report was made by J. L. Brakefield that the following were recom¬ mended to receive the A. A. A. S. Grant-in-Aid for 1941 : Herman D. Jones, for apparatus “To Study the Distribution of Arsenic in the body following the use of water through which smoke from cigarettes has been passed; W. F. Abercrombie, for transportation and equipment in his study of “The Effects of Various Chemicals on the Cockroach,’’ each to received $25.00. Motion was made by J. L. Brakefield and seconded, that the recommendations of the committee be accepted. Motion carried. b. Committee on the Promoting of Membership and Activities of the Senior Academy: E. D. Emigh, chairman, reported that the committee had been enlarged to include representatives from each educational insti¬ tution, State and National Government agency and important industry in the State. It has a combined objective, increasing membership and encour¬ aging young scientists who have become members to present papers before the Academy in the Sections in which their fields of interest lie. The response was good. There was a substantial increase in membership. Motion by E. V. Jones, seconded by J. H. Coulliette, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. 9. Recommendations for nezv members: John Xan moved, seconded by Roger W. Allen, that application blanks be signed by three active mem¬ bers of the Academy in good standing, of which the Secretary may be one. Motion carried. 10. Appointment of Committees: The following committees were appointed by the President and requested to report at the 4 :30 o’clock Business Meeting: a. Auditing Committee: (a) for the Senior Academy: J. H. Coul¬ liette, Herman D. Jones, G. F. Barnes, (b) for the Junior Academy: Roger W. Allen, W. A. Moore, W. F. Abercrombie. b. Committee on Place of Meeting for 1942: C. A. Basore, J. Allen Tower, Miss Clustie E. McTyeire. c. Nominating Committee : J. L. Brakefield, E. B. Carmichael, E. D. Emisji Officers to be elected : President-elect. Councilor of the A. A. A. S', for one year, Counselors to Junior Academy, Treasurer. 11. Adjournment: Upon the completion of business, the President declared the meeting adjourned until 4:30 P.M. 8 MINUTES OF THE FINAL BUSINESS MEETING, MARCH 21, 1941 The final business meeting was called to order at 4 :30 P.M. in College Inn, Spring Hill College, by C. M. Farmer, President. The minutes of the previous final business meeting, held at Birmingham-Southern Col¬ lege, Birmingham, March 29, 1940, were approved without reading as published in the Journal, June, 1940. Reports of Committees : 1. Charter Membership Committee: In the absence of Peter A., Brannon, chairman, C. M. Farmer read his report. In view of the fact that there was more work to be done, there was a motion by E. V. Jones, seconded by J. H. Coulliette, that the committee be continued. Motion carried. Report appended. 2. A. A. A. S. Drive Committee: E. B. Carmichael, chairman, gave a preliminary report, stating that the committee was still functioning. It was moved by E. V. Jones, seconded by J. H. Coulliette, that the work be continued another year. 3. The Committee on Associate Membership: W. F. Abercrombie, chairman, proposed the following: ‘Under associate members where it reads, ‘Any adult interested in the promotion of Science in Alabama and who does not qualify for the grade of Member shall be eligible for Asso¬ ciate Membership’, it is suggested that it be changed to read. ‘Any adult, particularly college students, interested in the promotion of Science in Alabama and who does not qualify for the grade of Member shall be eligible for associate membership.’ ” Respectfully submitted, J. Allen Tower, Emmett B. Carmichael, W. F. Abercrombie. W. F. Abercrombie moved, seconded by J. H. Coulliette, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. 4. Auditing Committee for the Senior Academy : J. H. Coulliette, chairman, reported that the Auditing Committee had examined and ap¬ proved the Treasurer’s report. The following recommendation was of¬ fered, that “the Treasurer obtain and keep a journal and a file for bills and receipts.” J. H. Coulliette moved, and it was seconded, that the re¬ port be accepted. Motion carried. Audited report appended. 5. Publications Committee : E. B. Carmichael, chairman, made the following report in the form of suggestions : “(1) the committee should be composed of the vice-presidents of the Alabama Academy of Science, and their duties should be to edit the abstracts in their respective sections before they are sent to the Editor of the Journal. The vice-presidents may request advice and help from others, in their respective fields of study. (2) the possibility of offering space in the Journal of the Ala¬ bama Academy of Science for publishing in full the best papers by mem¬ bers presented in each section.” E. V. Jones moved and it was seconded, that the report be adopted. Motion carried. 6. Auditing Committee for the Junior Academy: W. A. Moore, chairman, announced that this report was not yet ready and would be given by mail. 7. Committee on Place of 1942 Meeting: The committee composed of C. A. Basore, J. Allen Tower and Miss Clustie E McTyeire. recom¬ mended that the invitation of Howard College be accepted. J. Allen Tower moved, and it was seconded, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. 8. Presentation of Papers by Non-Members: J. L. Brakefield moved, and it was seconded, that non-members present papers in the respective sections upon invitation. Motion carried. 9. Presentation of Shingles: Shingles for new members were pre¬ sented during the meeting of the Academy. J. L. Brakefield moved, sec¬ onded by J. Allen Tower, that a letter of appreciation for inscribing the shingles be sent to Mr. Thomas H. Dejarnette, and that it be spread upon the minutes. Motion carried. 10. Change in Name of Section: C. E. Snow, as chairman of a committee from Section 3, proposed the change of name of the Section from Geology, Anthropology and Archaeology to Geology and Anthro¬ pology. Moved by J. L. Brakefield, seconded by E. B. Carmichael, that the change be made. Motion carried. 11. Committee of Appreciation: W. F. Abercrombie moved, and it was seconded, that the Secretary send a letter of thanks to the President of Spring Hill College in appreciation of the generous hospitality of the College as host to the Academy. Unanimously carried. 12. Committee for the Nomination of Officers: J. L. Brakefield, chairman, E. B. Carmichael and E. D. Emigh, members, read the follow¬ ing report : President (Elect of last year), Paul D. Bales, Howard College. President-elect : W. M. Mobley, Alabama By-Products Company, Tar¬ rant, Ala. Councilor to A. A. A. S. : Septinia C. Smith, University of Alabama. Counselors to the Junior Academy : P. P. B. Brooks, Montgomery, chairman, one year; Miss Clustie McTyeire, Bessemer, two years; W. F. Abercrombie, Birmingham, three years. Treasurer, John Xan, Howard College. J. L. Brakefield, seconded by E. B. Carmichael, moved the adoption of this report. Motion carried. 13. Nominations of Section Chairmen: Section I. Biology and Medical Science — Alvin V. Beatty, University of Alabama. Section II. Chemistry — Harold E. Wilcox, Howard College. Section III. Geology and Anthropology — E. F. Richards, University of Alabama. Section IV. Geography, Conservation and Allied Subjects — Brooks Toler, Montgomery, Ala. Section V. Physics and Mathematics — W. A. Moore, Birmingham-Southern College Section VI. Industry and Economics — John Goff, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. Section VII. The Teaching of Science — Clustie E. McTyeire, Hueytown High School. 14. Adjournment : Upon completion of business and following the expression of appreciation by the President for the cooperation of officers and members of the Academy, the meeting adjourned. Ninety-five members and visitors registered. WINNIE McGLAMERY, Secretary. 10 REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 20, 1941 RECEIPTS Balance on hand March 28, 1940 _ _ _ 293.50 Membership fees 1940 and 1941, Reprints, Journals _ 459.50 Sustaining Memberships of Huntingdon, Howard, Birmingham-Southern, McKesson-Robbins _ 40.00 A. A. A. S. Award 1940 and 1941 _ _ _ _ 100.00 599.50 893.00 DISBURSEMENTS' Expenses Chairman Section I (Ch. No. 107) _ 5.04 President’s Expenses (Check No. 108 ) _ . _ 6.00 Strickland Paper Co, Envelopes (Ch. No. 109) _ _ _ 2.30 Check returned, no funds _ 1.10 Alabama Academy of Science Award (Ch. No. Ill) _ 50.00 Treasurer’s expenses, postage, ledger sheets (Chs. 112 and 115) _ _ 8.42 Birmingham Printing Co., Letterheads, Envelopes, Jour- Editor’s expenses (Ch No. 114) _ _ 24.98 Secretary’s expenses (Ch. No. 116) _ 4.00 531.14 Balance March 20, 1941 _ _ _ _ _ _ 361.86 JOHN XAN, Treasurer. Examined and approved. Auditing Committee: J. H. COULLIETTE G. F. BARNES H. D. JONES The Auditing Committee recommends that the Treasurer obtain and keep a journal and a file for bills and receipts. REPORT OF THE COUNCILOR TO THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE The Academy Conference held its fourteenth annual session in the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia on the afternoon of December 27, 1940. Dr. J. C. Gilman (Iowa Academy), the chairman, opened the con¬ ference. It was moved and voted that the Junior Academy Committee be continued for another year, and that the President be empowered to fill any vacancies in this committee. It was also moved and voted that this committee submit a progress report at the next meeting of the Con¬ ference in Dallas. In a discussion of the Junior Academy of Science movement the following suggestions were offered : 1. That those who are awarded junior memberships in the A. A. A. S. be rewarded with a subscription to one of the two official A. A. A. S', periodicals. 11 2. That the periodical be sent to the library of the science club to which the junior belongs who was awarded the junior member¬ ship. 3. That representatives of the Senior Academy go to the high school to which the junior belongs and make a presentation speech in making the junior membership awards; that a worthwhile cere¬ mony be conducted to impress upon the members of the science club the honor that is being bestowed upon the recipients. In the Indiana Academy the recipients of the junior member¬ ship awards are selected by sending out a request to each science club to nominate their best boy and best girl, who meet with the council at the annual meeting. The council interviews them, checks over the data, and selects the two best candidates. The subject of establishing a collegiate division in the academies was discussed at length. It was suggested that this topic be made one of the main subjects for discussion at the Dallas meeting. It was also suggested that a report be made at the next meeting on research grants and that an outline be agreed upon, if possible, as to what should constitute a proper type of problem on which the recipients of these grants might work. The formal program consisted of two papers, one by Dr. W. F. Rudd of the Virginia Academy on “Long Range Planning for State Academies of Science’’, and the other by Dr. P. D. Strausbaugh of the West Virginia Academy on “Methods of Bringing the Academy into closer relationships with other Organizations.” In his paper Dr. Rudd described the plan that has been followed by the Virginia Academy in working out a long range plan for the work of the Academy. The method used was : 1. To call for expressions from all members of the Academy in which they were asked to outline three or more contributions that the Academy may and should make in the next five years. 2. The replies received were tabulated and abstracted. 3. A carefully chosen committee of nineteen members was selected to evaluate the suggestions and to work out plans for putting into action the projects considered worthy. It is believed that the adoption of such a plan will bring about co¬ operative attack upon particular problems of specific importance to the state, and result in very definite benefit to the state. Dr. Strausbaugh concluded from his investigation into the problem of bringing the Academy of Science into closer relationship with other organizations that each state has its own peculiar problem. This problem might well be made the topic for consideration by a committee which would work toward a satisfactory solution in our own state. Respectfully submitted. J. H. COULLIETTE, Councilor. 12 REPORT OF THE EDITOR OF THE JOURNAL The assembling of the program for printing continues to be a very serious problem. Anyone who has not assembled a section program has little idea of the struggle involved therein. I wish to urge a suggestion made last year, namely, that we have the same person assemble each sec¬ tion program for a period of three years, staggering the periods, so that most of those getting up programs will have had at least one year’s expe¬ rience at the job. The major problem related to the duties of the Editor is that of finance. Volume 12 of the Journal was over 40 per cent larger than Volume 11 and that increased the cost considerably. The mathematical symbols, equations, etc., also added about $30.00 to the printing costs. Another extra expense item this year is a new supply of badges at a cost of $45.00 per thousand. Some progress has been made toward solving this problem by launch¬ ing the plan of securing sustaining memberships. The plan has been re¬ ceived very cordially and the following memberships at ten dollars each have been received : Birmingham-Southern College, Howard College, Huntingdon College, McKesson & Robbins and the University of Alabama. Others are giving the plan sympathetic consideration. All our members are urged to lend their support to this plan. We have maintained our exchanges and the Mississippi Academy and the Science Bureau of Thailand have been added to our list. I am glad to report that we have now bound the official correspond¬ ence files for the first ten years of the Academy. The files for other more recent years are about ready for binding. E. V. JONES', Editor. REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF COUNSELORS OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE A meeting of the counselors and officers of the Alabama Junior Academy of Science was held at the Sidney Lanier High School, Mont¬ gomery, Alabama, October 26, 1940. In addition to the counselors and officers this meeting was attended by Dr. C. M. Farmer, President of the Senior Academy; Father A. J. Westland, Chairman of the Committee on Arrangements; Father P. H. Yancey, Local Counselor; Prof. P. D. Bales, President-elect of the Senior Academy; Carmella Wood, Visitation Academy; Elouise Langan, Bishop Toolen High School; Mary Boudous- quie, Convent of Mercy. At this meeting plans were made for the annual meeting. It was recommended that the order of the Saturday morning meeting be changed so as to give the judges more time to make their decision. This can be accomplished by having the presentation of papers come before the report of officers and counselors of the Junior Academy. It was also recom¬ mended that registration of the Junior Academy delegates be on cards instead of in a book. The counselors were instructed to collect all of the correspondence and records of the Junior Academy and turn them Over to the chairmen of the counselors to be bound. Some of the early correspondence has been located in the files of Dr. John R. Sampey who is now on leave of ab¬ sence from Furman University and is serving in the United States Army. Dr. Sampey has written that he will send this correspondence as soon as he is able to do so. 13 For a number of years the Local Counselor has had difficulty in providing a sufficient number of rooms without charge for the delegates, sponsors, and chaperons of the Junior Academy. The chapters have been requested to consider, at the annual meeting, a revision of the “Hospi¬ tality” provision of the By-Laws. Charters were presented to the science clubs elected to membership in the Junior Academy last year and certificates of award were prepared and mailed to the winning chapters. Four new clubs have applied for mem¬ bership in the Junior Academy this year — making a total of thirty-seven active chapters. A five-year supply of badges, registration cards, and exhibit cards were printed for the Junior Academy by the printing department of the Sidney Lanier High School, Montgomery. The Junior Academy is in¬ debted for this service to Prof. P. P. B. Brooks, Counselor to the Presi¬ dent, and Prof. J. R. Armstrong, head of the printing department of the Lanier High School. JAMES L. KASSNER, Chairman of Counselors of the Alabama Junior Academy of Science. REPORT OF THE STATISTICIAN ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, 1941 Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama, University, Ala. When the office of statistician was created last year, no duties were specified, but it was suggested informally that an analysis of the programs of past meetings would be appropriate ; and accordingly that has been done. The Academy has met every spring, beginning in 1924, and at the 17 meetings previous to the present one about 720 papers (including a few demonstrations, etc.) have been presented, by about 410 different per¬ sons. (This does not include the Junior Academy, a more recent devel¬ opment, which is not covered by the present report.) At any one meet¬ ing the number of papers and authors is about equal, for the number of papers in which two or more persons cooperated is about balanced by the number of authors who appear on the program more than once. In 17 years the average author has contributed about 1.76 papers; but this number may ultimately approach 2, on account of some of the authors continuing to appear on successive programs. Of course the number of papers presented is not an exact measure of any person’s ac¬ tivity, for they may differ greatly in length and importance; but an evalu¬ ation is out of the question, and only numbers will be considered here. In the case of joint papers each author is usually assumed to have had an equal share, and credited with one-half or one-third or whatever it is. Making this adjustment for joint papers, in 17 years seven persons have given ten or more papers (or an equivalent in joint papers) each, 26 have given from five to nine, 20 from three to five, 39 have given two each, 195 have given single papers, 30 have given joint papers amounting to one or one and a fraction, and 78 score less than one each. Some of those who have appeared on our programs only once or twice had a long and distinguished career behind them, but died or left the state soon after the Academy was established. At the other extreme are young persons or newcomers who have participated only in recent years, and may have most of their career ahead of them. 14 Between these extremes are a few persons who were in Alabama only a short time, and a large number of students who in their last year in college did a good piece of research, either alone or in cooperation with a professor, and reported on it, and then graduated and dropped out of scientific work or moved to another state. Another considerable class of “one-timers” comprises persons who are not recognized scientists, but have something worth while to impart, and when the Academy meets in their city they are stimulated to present a paper, by invitation of local members. These are largely physicians, and technical employees of indus¬ trial corporations. Of the total number of authors represented about 37, or nine per cent, are women, and their contributions averaged 1.52 each. At least five of them were married before they addressed the Academy, and about the same number have married since, and apparently left us. (These num¬ bers, however, might possibly be increased a little by more complete in¬ formation.) In making the following tabulations there were some uncertainties as to the exact number of papers and authors, and some errors could have been made in counting; but it is believed that the errors will not exceed one per cent. The first table gives the number of titles and authors at each meeting. Authors Place Year Titles Total • Women Montgomery __ . . _ . _ 1924 16 15 0 Mobile _ _ _ 1925 15 14 1 Birmingham _ 1926 22 26 2 Birmingham _ 1927 19 21 0 Birmingham _ 1928 23 28 2 Birmingham _ 1929 27 30 4 Auburn _ _ _ _ 1930 31 34 3 Tuscaloosa . . ..... 1931 47 43 4 Birmingham .. . _ 1932 51 59 6 Birmingham _ .... 1933 75 72 4 Mobile _ _ 1934 68 64 4 Florence _ ...... 1935 56 58 4 Auburn _ _ _ 1936 65 66 6 Tuscaloosa _ .. _ ..1937 53 56 5 T roy _ _ _ 1938 45 46 2 Montgomery _ _ 1939 48 45 0 Birmingham _ _ 1940 59 59 6 Totals _ _ 17 720 410 37 When it comes to classifying the papers by subjects, there are many uncertainties, and probably no two persons would reach the same con¬ clusions. For some of the early meetings we have only the titles to go by, and those do not always adequately indicate the scope of the paper. And even if every paper had been published in full in our Journal, the dif¬ ferent fields of science overlap and intergrade in a confusing manner, making classification difficult. And some categories that are distinct enough are so sparingly represented on our programs that they have been combined here to avoid taking up too much space with numbers too small to mean much. The first entry in the table, Miscellaneous, includes papers of broad scope, like presidential addresses, and some belonging to very small fields, or difficult to classify. The second, “Technology,” includes papers on 15 operations of mines, furnaces, factories, etc. that are not scientific in a strict sense, but interesting to some scientists nevertheless. The sciences are arranged in a somewhat logical order, and the entries for number of papers are divided into four periods, 1924-1928, 1929-1932, 1933-1936, and 1937-1940, to show secular trends. CLASSIFICATION OF PAPERS Subject 1924-28 Miscellaneous _ _ 2 T echnology _ _ 2 Mathematics _ 3 Astronomy _ _ 1 Physics and mechanics _ 2 Inorganic chemistry _ 20 Org. and physiol, chem _ 5 Soil chemistry, fertilizers _ 1 Geophysics, seismology _ 0 Areal geology, stratigraphy 1 Econ. geology, mineralogy- 1 Paleontology _ 1 Meteorology, climatology . 4 Botany (various) _ 9 Forestry _ 1 Bacteriology _ 2 Invertebrate zoology _ 3 Vertebrates, faunal studies.. 2 Animal anatomy and cytology _ 1 Animal physiology, path¬ ology _ 4 Human anatomy and cytology _ 1 Human physiology and pathology _ 17 Archaeology _ 0 Psychology and education _ S Demography and eugenics.. 0 Geography _ 0 Agronomy, agricultural economy _ 7 Economics _ 0 Totals _ 95 1929-32 1933-36 1937-40 Total 10 26 23 51 24 24 13 63 7 7 14 31 2 0 0 3 6 5 2 15 16 10 10 56 16 26 12 59 1 2 2 6 1 1 3 5 1 3 6 11 2 20 8 31 1 5 3 10 1 1 8 14 4 5 8 25 0 2 2 5 3 0 1 6 19 16 12 50 1 0 7 10 7 20 8 36 7 24 12 47 2 5 1 9 12 42 13 84 0 6 11 17 4 2 6 17 3 6 7 16 0 2 5 7 6 4 6 23 0 0 2 2 156 264 205 720 This table shows that Alabama scientists have covered a wide range, but seem to be most interested in chemistry, zoology and physiology, and have rather neglected astronomy, physics, geography, and the social sciences. But of course the proportions change from year to year with the membership, and other circumstances, and may be quite different a few years hence. Comparisons with other state academies, and national scien¬ tific societies, would be interesting. In such a short period it is not easy to note definite trends, but inor¬ ganic chemistry seems to have declined in popularity, and geography, archaeology and demography gained. However, the near future may show different trends for some of these. 16 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES— ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE On the suggestion of Dr. Walter B. Jones, the chairmanship of the Committee on Membership and Activities of the Academy was vacated by him shortly after the beginning of the incumbency of Dr. C. M. Farmer as president. Your present chairman was requested to take over the work of the Committee. This he did and to the best of his limited ability the work has been supervised by him. In order that there might be a representative of the Academy inter¬ ested in promoting an increase in membership in each educational institu¬ tion, State or National Government agency, and other organizations, the membership of the Committee was substantially increased and the Chair¬ man of each of the Sections was made ex-officio a member of the Com¬ mittee. The purpose in having each Chairman of a Section cooperate closely was to avoid interfering with his efforts to build his program according to his own ideas. At the same time it was requested that insofar as was possible, the idea of group interest be served and young scientists en¬ couraged to submit papers and bring their problems to the technical sec¬ tions of the Academy for discussion. It was further suggested that, with¬ out discouraging the presentation of considered and established findings of high scientific merit, reports of progress in research be also considered proper and desirable. For the increase in membership during the year, your Chairman of Committee must disclaim any great amount of credit. The responses have been most gratifying and the work of individuals and Chairmen of Sec¬ tions highly commendable. Fifty shingles for new members have been presented by the Secretary of the Academy and are to be presented to them today. Some preliminary work has been done in the matter of securing sus¬ taining memberships from educational institutions and industrial concerns, such memberships having been obtained by the University of Alabama, Birmingham-Southern College, Howard College, Huntingdon College, and McKesson & Robbins. Responses from industry have been a bit disap¬ pointing but will doubtless come through satisfactorily as a result of the meetings of Southern Scientists conducted by Dr. G. D. Palmer in the past two days. Plans are in the making to contact the president of each col¬ lege in the State and other interests. Members of the Committee on Membership and Activities were encour¬ aged to solicit memberships in A. A. A. S'. E. D. EMIGH, Chairman. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON CHARTER MEMBERSHIPS On account of my inability to make this statement in person, I take this opportunity to report in writing that I have called on Dr. W. A. Gardner, and have secured his signature to six Charter Member certifi¬ cates as follows : Stewart J. Lloyd, C. M. Farmer, P. H. Smyth, Miss Mary E. Robinson, C. A. Basore, and Peter A. Brannon. I am in correspondence with John R. Sampey who is now detailed to Headquarters of Station Complement of Camp Davis at Wilmington, North Carolina, on active military duty. I shall forward these to him and when they are received from him properly signed, will forward them as 17 directed, or will send them to the University to the Secretary. It so hap¬ pens that two of us are here at Montgomery, myself and Doctor Smyth, and I have the address of Doctor Lloyd, and Doctor Basore, and Doctor Farmer, so I can forward them, but if I am to forward the certificate to Miss Robinson, her address should be furnished me. I regret that I am not able to be present to make a report. I have a promise from Doctor Gardner that he will attempt to attend the meeting in Mobile at which time I am hoping that he will give his recollections of the organization of the Academv. PETER A. BRANNON. 18 THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE1 For several years it has been increasingly apparent that, although the state academies of science are very effective organizations, each state academy is a unit within itself. Members of one state academy seldom come in contact with members of another state academy through their re¬ spective organizations. Consequently scientists even in adjoining states do not know each other, much less their common Southern problems. In an effort to coordinate the work of the various scientific organi¬ zations of the South, it was agreed at the meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, March 29-30, 1940, that the Alabama Academy of Science spon¬ sor a meeting of the Southern scientists at its next annual meeting in Mobile for the purpose of organizing a Southern Scientific Society, which later, perhaps, might become the Southeastern division of the American Association for the Advance of Science. Over 3000 invitations to this Southern Scientists’ meeting were sent to scientists and business men over the South. Delegates from practically all the scientific organizations of the South and representatives in scien¬ tific and industrial fields of eleven Southern states met in Mobile in con¬ nection with the Alabama Academy of Science meeting held at Spring Hill College. Dr. George D. Palmer of the University of Alabama served as presi¬ dent during the period of organization. L. C. Bird, of Richmond, Va., was elected first vice-president, and Fr. Anthony J. Westland, S.J., of Spring Hill College, was named first secretary. As incoming officers, Dr. W. F. Rudd, of the Medical College of Virginia was elected president, Dr. G. H. Boyd, of the University of Georgia President-Elect, Milton H. Fies, Birmingham industrialist, Vice-President, and G. D. Palmer, Uni¬ versity of Alabama, was named secretary-treasurer to serve three years. A copy of the complete report of the organization of the S. A. A. S. may be secured from the Secretary. GEORGE D. PALMER, Secretary-T reasurer, LTniversity, Alabama. iScience, April 18, 1941, Vol. 93 No. 2416, pages 378-379. J9 SCIENCE EDUCATION Presidential Address, C. M. Farmer Man, like all other organisms, is in interaction with his environment. His activities have always been largely directed toward living, securing the means of carrying on the life processes. Primitive man’s chief problem was to get food and keep from being food for other animals. But man’s mental endowment has enabled him better to adjust himself than other organisms, although in some respects he is not as well adapted as they are. Somewhere in the animal series man became endowed with the consciousness of his own actions, the ability to think and formulate concepts. As he secured his food he learned much about the plants and animals upon which he subsisted. He learned to domesticate them, and by breeding and care, to develop them into kinds better suited to his needs. He observed the phenomena of nature and postulated explanations for them. In some instances his hypotheses were sound but more often they were mythical and fanciful, and there is found much of the same kind of thing even today. Gradually, however, there was built up a body of real knowledge of his environment, and science had its beginning. Many of the fanciful ex¬ planations of nature were handed down by tradition and became a part of the folk lore of the race, thus becoming difficult to eradicate in the pres¬ ence of more facts and reflective thinking, hence the widespread supersti¬ tions even in this boasted age of science. As through the mist of ancient history science slowly emerges, it seems that the Chaldeans and Egyptians were perhaps the greatest contributors. From them the Greeks learned much. While the Greeks, who some say were the greatest people ever to live on this planet, did not develop a great science, they contributed a great deal by their scientific spirit and attitude their love of and search for truth. Charles Singer in “Science and Civili¬ zation,” says : “It was not the practice of science which the Greeks in¬ vented, but the scientific idea, the conception that the world was know- able.” Science owes much to some of their great thinkers, particularly to Aristotle, “the father of natural science.” The Romans, who inherited much of Grecian culture, strange to say, did not make much progress in science. It would seem that a people so militaristic and materialistic would have been interested in the advancement of science. True, some of their great men made some contribution, but on the whole Rome did not make the progress we should expect from so great a people. In the Dark Age, while “intellectual and scientific darkness was not complete” and the previous advances were not lost, there was not much contribution to progress. It seems to have been in the life of the race what the psychologists call in the individual’s learning process, a plateau — a marking time, so to speak. The thirteenth century saw a new spirit and desire for knowledge reviving in the minds of men. Among the outstanding men of the cen¬ tury were Roger Bacon in the natural sciences and Leonardo of Pisa in the mathematical sciences. Then the Renaissance from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries brought wonderful strides. Advance in medicine, nat¬ ural science, mechanical inventions, and the development of printing from movable type, mark the progress of the period. The sixteenth century ushered in the modern period, “the Age of Science,” as we are pleased to call it. Such men of genius as Vesalius, Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton, wrought mightily in the sixteenth 20 and seventeenth centuries and laid foundations for the wonderful develop¬ ment of science in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. The seventeenth century saw the invention or improvement of many scientific instruments which have made possible modern progress. The reason for this historical summary is merely to stress the fact that the advancement of science has not been due to popular interest in or knowledge of science, but to the work of a comparatively few men of genius. There was apparently little or no effort on the part of the an¬ cients to teach to their youth what science they had. All through the cen¬ turies there has been a remarkable neglect of scientific instruction. Some outcroppings here and there, to be sure, there have been but no universal effort to disseminate scientific knowledge as there has been in the clas¬ sics. Primitive people were taught “what to do” and “how to do,” but not the why of it. The priests were instructed in the why of things, but such teaching was reserved for the priestly class and the public generally received no such instruction. In the earlier centuries of the modern era, study of nature was fos¬ tered more by academies of science than by the schools and universities. The first of these academies was established at Naples in 1560. In Ger¬ many, while the university of Halle offered courses in science from the first, the academies and the real-schools gave it most attention. In 1794 France founded the normal school of Paris where some of the most fa¬ mous scientists lectured. Paul Monroe says that : “Modern scientific teach¬ ing in the universities, together with the experimental use of laboratories by students, may be said to have begun about 1825 by Liebig at Giessen. In 1860 the faculty of science was created in the University of London and the degrees of doctor and bachelor of science were first given. It was not until 1869 that courses in science were established in any number in Oxford and Cambridge.” In America, while science was given some attention in the universities and colleges, it was comparatively insignificant. For example, Harvard, in 1642, offered a course in astronomy and the seniors studied “the nature of plants” for one hour on Saturdays in the summer. In 1690, Harvard introduced physics, and Yale did the same thing early in the eighteenth century. Of significance, as showing the effect of the absence of denominational control over education, Kings College (now Columbia University), in 1754. and the University of Pennsylvania, in 1755, set a precedent in the amount of scientific instruction offered. Neither of these institutions was under denominational control. In 1779, William and Mary College, the second oldest in the United States, following the example of Kings College and the University of Pennsylvania, set up a curriculum in which the natural sciences had a rather conspicuous place. The University of Virginia, founded in 1819, allowed students to elect their courses, yet in my own student days there, when it was proposed to offer the B.S. degree, there went up a protest by the alumni, charging that the University would prosti¬ tute its prestige by substituting a smattering of science for the old hard- earned classical degree. Harvard did not allow complete freedom of elec¬ tion until the administration of President Elliot in 1869. Cornell, estab¬ lished in 1867, from the start gave freedom of election and emphasized courses in science and technology. Other institutions about this time be¬ gan offering electives. Monroe says, “with the elective system came the general ascendency of scientific subjects.” However, owing to the in¬ fluence of the old classics, it does not seem that science became very im¬ portant in the popular mind, as indicated by the opposition to the B.S’. 21 degree in the University of Virginia, as stated a moment ago. So much for science in the higher institutions. In the secondary schools Germany seems to have taken the lead pretty early, probably due to what is known as the “sense-realist move¬ ment.” Early in the nineteenth century the public schools were giving considerable attention to science and by 1882 the Realgymnasium, the Oberreal schule and the real-schule had dropped Latin and substituted a scientific curriculum. In addition there was established technical high schools, wherein science, of course, had a prominent place. The academies in England introduced science into the secondary cur¬ riculum, but these declined in the eighteenth century and “little was ’done to continue any interest in the study of the sciences.” During the first half of the nineteenth century a controversy between the sciences and the classics in the secondary schools began and continued for a long time. Here and there science received some attention in secondary education in England, but in spite of the efforts of Herbert Spencer and Thomas Huxley, it did not become generally popular. As in England, the academies introduced science into secondary edu¬ cation in America. They were organized as “peoples schools”, as the public high schools later were called. Even in these schools courses in science were few and instruction limited mostly to textbooks. Although established to supply the demand for popular secondary education, they in time came to be dominated by the' colleges, and, instead of courses suited to the needs of the many, they catered to the few who were preparing to enter college. Soon the academies were supplanted by the public high schools. In them science was given a place, but superficial instruction, poor equipment and a desire to prepare students for college, to which they, like the academies, succumbed, prevented them from doing a good job of giving the public a scientific education. In the field of elementary education Germany takes the lead in em¬ phasis upon science. Through the influence of Pestalozi in 1810 science in the elementary grades was made general and has continued so. “For almost a century, science has been recognized as one of the subjects of the elementary schools throughout almost the whole of the German-speaking countries,” says Monroe. England, as in the case of secondary and higher learning, has been a laggard in popularizing science in the elementary schools. Until 1900 the 3 R’s were the only required subjects. More recently instruction in ele¬ mentary science has been made compulsory. The United States, following the example of England, taught vir¬ tually nothing but the three R’s until after the middle of the nineteenth century. Then a little geography and physiology were introduced. The New England states took the lead in teaching science in the elementary schools, but the movement grew slowly even there. In the early part of the present century, the nature study movement grew out of object teach¬ ing and this a few years ago gave place to elementary science. The South, backward in all forms of education, has been particularly neglectful of elementary and secondary science instruction. It would seem that a rural people such as ours, living close to nature, would be particularly interested in nature study or elementary science, but such is not the case. The South in general and Alabama in particular have been extremely slow to take advantage of the opportunity and duty to interest and instruct pupils in their natural environment. In 1930 the Alabama State Department of Education prepared and published an elaborate elementary course of study in which elementary 22 science had a prominent place. I had the honor to have a considerable part in the preparation of that course. It was carefully worked out, with examples of what some teachers had actually done explained in detail, and yet little results came from it. The chief cause, I think, was the ignor¬ ance of nature on the part of the teachers themselves. It is astounding how little teachers know about natural things and phenomena. Superin¬ tendents complain that they have difficulty in finding teachers of science. Nearly all teachers, they say, wish to teach history or English in high school. Conditions are improving but painfully slow. The reasons for this lack of scientific training, as I see it, are: First, the influence of theology. Education from the earliest times until very recently has been under the dominance of the church. Even in our day it has a considerable, though liberalized influence. Science has been looked upon as being contradictory to the teachings of theology. The findings of science often have conflicted with current interpretations of theological concepts. Few people have taken the position that a prominent churchman several years ago expressed to me when he said, “The church needs a scrap heap where it may discard the outworn dogmas as science has for its outworn theories.” Or that expressed by Dr. Herman Harrell Horne of New York University when he said, “For science to deny the truths of religion is to make itself arrogant; for religion to antagonize the find¬ ings of science makes itself ridiculous.” Second, the influence of the classics and tradition. The influence of the so-called cultural subjects has been stronger than that of the practical. Herbert Spencer in “Education” states this view so clearly, I quote : “There are men who would resent as an insult any imputation of ignorance respecting the fabled labors of a fabled demi-god, show not the slightest shame in confessing that they do not know where the Eustachian tubes are, what are the actions of the spinal cord, what is the normal rate of pulsation, or how the lungs are inflated. While anxious that their sons should be well up in the superstitions of 2,000 years ago, they care not that they should be taught anything about the structure and function of their own bodies — nay, would even disapprove such instruction. So over¬ whelming is the influence of established routine ! So terribly in our edu¬ cation does the ornamental override the useful !” Third, poorly organized courses. The classics have had centuries of popularity and courses have been well constructed and texts well prepared to present them in the best possible manner. Natural science with less time in which to build up has stumbled along with poorly organized courses, unattractive textbooks, and inefficient teachers. This I believe to be a potent factor in preventing it from being popular in schools. As was pointed out previously, elementary teachers seldom know any science to teach. High school teachers of science, who themselves have frequently missed the point of their college courses, have made the error of trying to reproduce them in their classes, often with poor equipment and difficult texts. The result all too frequently has been to inculcate a dislike for the subject in the minds of the youngsters. Only those with something of a genius for it or who wished to follow some pursuit where a background of real science was required to have been much interested. This group con¬ stitutes a very small minority of the high school students. Improvement has come about in the last few years, but there is room for much more. Fourth, the. indifference of scientists to popular interests. Research men are often little concerned about what the general public knows. The research scientist often takes.it for granted that people do not understand him and are not interested in what he is doing. The satisfaction which 23 comes to him is in finding some new principle or fact and the acclaim he gets from his fellow scientists who understand and appreciate such work. Frequently even the teachers of science in universities and colleges are more concerned with research than in “selling” their courses to their students. His mind concentrated upon a problem of research, the professor may even forget the class until the hour is partly gone, whereupon, if the students have been good enough to remain, he may rush before them with no organized lecture and his mind still upon his research problem. Results from such teaching, if teaching it may be called, can scarcely be of a very high order. Nor has the research scientist been concerned about publishing the results of his work in a way that the non-technical man may be benefitted. Real, authoritative science books in the past have been comparatively few, high priced, and written in language that the layman could not understand. So, there grew up a mass of literature for the public purporting to be scien¬ tific, but frequently inaccurate, unauthentic, misleading — '“yellow journal¬ ism,” Dr. Bird of the University of Virginia used to call such writings. Fortunately the last several years have seen quite a change in this matter. Popular books are now written either by scientists themselves, such as Hegner’s “Parade of the Animal Kingdom,” Jenning’s “Biological Basis of Human Nature,” ClendenningT “Human Body,” and “Romance of Medi¬ cine,” and many other fascinating books ; or by popular writers whose writings are under the direction of real scientists as, for example, Schein- feld’s “You and Heredity.” There has been an effort in the last decade to popularize science by publishing in science sections of reputable maga¬ zines as well as science journals, such as the “Scientific Monthly,” “Science News-Letter,” etc., reports of scientific discoveries and experi¬ ments, in language that can be understood by the non-scientific reader. These, I believe, have accomplished something toward educating the public along scientific lines. Picture shows and science films for schools have appeared in limited number and there is great promise in these agencies. Much remains to be done in these endeavors, however. Up to this point we have been discussing the lack of public educa¬ tion in science. The results of this failure upon society I wish now to bring to your attention. We boast of our progress in an age of science. When discussing modern civilization we enumerate the inventions, great industries, progress of medicine and surgery, and so on, yet in this twentieth century people are far from being scientific in their thinking or in their attitudes. When fraudulent food distributors, patent medicine fakers, and fortune tellers, can wring from a gullible public millions of dollars annually we can scarcely claim to be scientific. When palmistry and astrology use the radio, an instrument of the highest scientific achievement, to disseminate to millions of people their fakes and claim them in the name of science, when people in all walks of life from errand boys to U. S', senators believe in superstitions and carry charms for good luck, we can hardly say scientific knowledge has become universal. Rather the word has become one with which to charm the public who cannot distinguish the spurious from the genuine. Fortune tellers claim with gusto that they are scientific, fraudu¬ lent advertisers proclaim science as the foundation of their products, fakers of every description refer to science as the basis of their claims, knowing full well that the public whom they are addressing know no science but will be charmed by the magic of the word. Dr. Oliver Wendall Holmes is quoted as saying, “We put medicines of which we know little into our bodies of which we know less to cure diseases of which we know nothing.” This will certainly apply to those people of the present day who are led to 24 self medication by the influence of patent medicine advertisements or the rantings of a long haired street vendor. Again, this ignorance of science on the part of the public has been, in part at least, responsible for many and grievous errors, such as the disturbance of natures balance by wanton slaughter of the birds, the virtual extinction of the bison, the denudation of our forests, the improper handling of soil, the destruction wrought by fire. To ignorance may be attributed the prevalence of bacterial and nutritional diseases which science has found how to prevent. The presence of hookworm or malaria in a community is evidence of the ignorance of its people. People do not have the scientific attitude, but are motivated by prejudice, emotions, or expediency, rather than by reason based on facts and principles. It is said that the great scientists Faraday once exclaimed : “Society, speaking generally, is not only ignorant as respects education of the judgment, but is also ignorant of its ig¬ norance.” Dr. Elliot the “grand old man” of Harvard, is quoted as saying that “the world has always been and probably always will be ruled mainly bv feeling.” Perhaps he is right, but to the extent that the actions of people are determined by intelligence rather than by emotions or prejudice will a high and complex civilization be possible. I, of course, do not wish to see emotional education neglected, for there is decidedly a place for the emo¬ tions, and one devoid of feeling would be a poor or evil member of society. On the other hand, life dominated by emotions or prejudice is by no means as efficient as when judgment and reason prevail. I believe that universal scientific education would go a long way toward establishing the scientific attitude and eliminating prejudice, superstitions, and ignorance, and es¬ tablishing in their place intelligent ideas of and responses to environment, both natural and social. Nor do I believe education in science to be antagonistic to aesthetic appreciation. On the contrary it enhances the sense of value of art, music, poetry. Let me quote Herbert Spencer: “We find,” he says, “that aes¬ thetics in general are necessarily based upon scientific principles ; and can be pursued with complete success only through an acquaintance with these principles. We find that for the criticism and due appreciation of the works of art, a knowledge of the constitution of things, or in other words, a knowledge of science is requisite. And we not only find that science is the handmaid to all forms of art and poetry, but that rightly regarded science is itself poetic.” Another great intellect, Thomas Huxley, expressed it in these words : “I cannot give you any example of a thorough aesthetic pleasure more in¬ tensely real than a pleasure of this kind — the pleasure which arises in one’s mind when a whole mass of different structures run into one harmony as the expression of a central law.” And again — “the great majority of the forms of art — derive much of their quality from simultaneous and even unconscious excitement of the intellect.” There are those who fear that the achievements of science will make possible or even probable the destruction of civilization. The race, they say, has come into possession of natural forces which it is not competent to control, that the material advances have so far progressed beyond that of the control of human nature as to make a dangerous situa¬ tion. Even scientists in some instances have entertained such thoughts. A few years ago, it was reported, a proposal was made in a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science that it go on record as favoring a moratorium on research until society had time to catch up. Of course in the very nature of things, such proposals get nowhere, for the mind of man will not stop in its search for knowledge, and the only thing, as I see it, which will retard or stop his efforts will be such bad economic and political conditions as to render progress impossible. In a recent issue of the “Christian Century” there was an article by Baker Brownell, professor of philosophy in Northwestern University, entitled “Will Science Commit Suicide?” In conclusion he says; “Science will sur¬ vive with despotism ; will commit suicide leaving despotism ; or will give victory to liberal culture. The future may as easily write one answer as another.” Personally I do not feel that mankind is in grave danger from the advance of science and technology. True, what is good for the race may be potentially bad, but man has always used instruments of in¬ vention for destructive as well as constructive purposes. Primitive man’s stone hatchet was used alike to slay his food or split open the head of an opposing tribesman. So, through the ages those scientific creations of such great benefit to the race have been, on occasion, turned to destructive uses. Yet, if rightly taught, science, I believe will be an important factor in establishing a sane attitude on the part of people and bring about the time when the mechanisms of destruction will be converted into the imple¬ ments of peace and construction. If we set out to evaluate knowledge in terms of its worth to man¬ kind, we may well apply the criteria proposed by Spencer who said: “1. Those activities that minister directly to self-preservation; 2. Those activi¬ ties, which by securing the necessities of life, indirectly minister to self- preservation; 3. Those activities which have for their end the rearing and discipline of offspring; 4. Those activities which are involved in the maintenance of proper social and political relations ; 5. Those miscel¬ laneous activities which make up the leisure part of life, devoted to the gratification of the tastes and feelings.” It seems to me that we can scarcely avoid arriving at the same con¬ clusion to which he arrived : “Thus, to the question with which we set out, what knowledge is of most worth? The reply is — science. This is the verdict in all the counts. For direct self-preservation or the maintenance of life and health, the all-important knowledge is — science. For the in¬ direct self preservation which we call gaining a livelihood, the knowledge of greatest value is — science. For the due discharge of parental functions, the proper guidance is to be found only in — science. For that interpre¬ tation of national life, past and present, without which the citizen cannot rightly regulate his conduct, the indispensable key is — science. Alike for the most perfect production and highest enjoyment of art in all its forms, the needful preparation is still — science. And for the purposes of discip¬ line, intellectual, moral, religious, the most efficient study is, once more — science.” If we agree that scientific knowledge is so important, how is it to be disseminated among men? The remaining part of this address I wish to devote to a consideration of what I conceive to be an effective plan for educating the public. First, in the elementary schools the native interest in things of nature possessed by every normal child should be utilized. If children are directed in an intelligent study of their environment, as they satisfy their curiosity about things in the acquisition of facts about them, their appetites for more facts will be increased and they will not only get great pleasure out of their effort, but will gradually accummulate a wealth of information. As Dr. Gerald Craig of Columbia University has said, “It is now possible for a child to know more than the scientist of a century ago.” It is astonishing how much children will learn when given the opportunity. I have been surprised almost beyond expression when asked to go before a class of children in the training school of the Troy State Teachers College and 26 answer questions which could not be answered by their teachers. These often involve principles of science difficult to make clear even to col¬ lege students. The clearness of the statement of the questions and the in¬ telligent response to the answer given is little short of amazing. If these children continue this throughout the grades and high school, it is pleasant to contemplate what sort of college students they will be. This type of education has been neglected but there is a trend toward improvement, and I believe we may confidently look forward to the time when it will be universal. In the high schools, science instruction has been too theoretical and has made little appeal to the average student. As a result he has gone out into life with little or no practical knowledge and devoid of the scientific attitude. This, too, is improving here and there, but for the defect to be cured, will require a different type of teaching from that usually employed. My plan is that there shall be taught the fundamentals of science which apply to the problems of daily life. This, I conceive, will get the interest of the student without which no real learning takes place. In the colleges, too, there should be a liberalizing of the science courses. The bulk of college students are not greatly interested in the technical and theoretical type of courses usually offered. The high specialization of modern science has led to the erroneous assumption that the undergraduate student should have courses of a specialized and technical nature. Dr. Grace White, professor of biology in Wilson College, Chambersburg, Penn¬ sylvania, says : “It is almost as useless to know too much about too little as too little about too much.” We have made the error, in my opinion, of trying to teach too much about too little. In correcting this error I would not wish to fall into the opposite one of teaching too little about too much. There should be sound scholarship, but if we are to accomplish the desired results with those students who do not expect to be technical scientists, we shall have to strip the courses of much of their technical and theoretical aspects. Many college textbooks discuss in great detail theories about which scientists themselves are not agreed and which need much more research to establish. With such texts it can hardly be ex¬ pected that students will be other than confused and develop a distaste for the subject. What we need in high school and undergraduate college work is that, from the great body of available scientific knowledge, fundamental and established principles, applicable to the solution of the problems of the daily life of the student, shall be selected and taught. This I do not con¬ ceive to be contradictory to real scholarship, but rather, conducive ro sound, practical education. Then, too, science courses must be better organized. As previously pointed out, other courses have had a much longer history and are much better organized and better taught. Phillip B. Sharpe in the “American Biology Teacher” for October, 1940, accuses science teachers of being “Rip Van Winkles while other subjects are more scientifically taught than science itself”. Science instructors must awake to the need for a better selection of material, more suited to the needs and interests of their stu¬ dents and which will be of more practical value in the solution of the problems of daily life. In addition to this program of instruction in the schools, there should be more attention to the adult public. More books and periodicals should be published in language that the layman can understand and in which he will take an interest. J. B. S. Haldane says, “The public has lost touch with the progress of science.” The truth is, it has never had much in¬ terest to lose. As Gregory in his “Discovety of the Spirit and Service 27 of Science,” says, "the popular mind has a misconception of science and scientists.” This, of course, is due to ignorance and can be overcome only by public enlightenment. In a day when the printing press is turning out so much material and people are such gormandizers of printed matter, there seems to be a good opportunity for scientists to carry much further the work already well begun of writing popular books which will help to edu¬ cate the public mind. In conclusion may I briefly summarize what I believe would result in universal scientific education, rightly directed : First, the value to the individual who would learn more about his own being and how to care for himself, the satisfaction which would come to him by a greater knowledge of the things about him, more of the scientific attitude which would make for saner judgment and sounder reasoning and better interpretation of his experiences. Rightly taught it will make for better behavior and more efficient activity in all aspects of life. Second, value to society. It would help in the solution of social and economic problems. Great emphasis is being placed upon the so-called so¬ cial sciences, which, as Julian Huxley has pointed out in a recent magazine article, are not sciences in the true sense, and must go through a period of development similar to that which the natural sciences experienced before there will be a real social science. Because of its subjective character in contrast to the objective character of natural sciences, it will be more diffi¬ cult to develop. General scientific education would, I believe, greatly in¬ crease the efficiency of labor, which is so much needed in industry, and indeed in all vocations. Not only would it make the laborer more efficient, but would give him a saner attitude and cause him to take a pride in doing his work well and make him a better and more competent individual in a democratic society. Last, but not least, it would result in a greater number of research scientists. When the public mind has been raised to higher levels of knowl¬ edge and appreciation of science, out of that popular spirit will come an ever increasing number of people who will devote themselves to research, both theoretical and practical. This, then, is my plea for a general science education, beginning in the lowest grades and continuing through the elementary school, high school, college and university and on through life, that all persons, to the extent of their ability may know the truth, and the truth will make them free. 28 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED March 21 and 22, 1941 SECTION I BIOLOGY AND MEDICAL SCIENCE BRUCELLOSIS: a brief history; incidence in Alabama; 1939-1940; L. S. Suter, Laboratory of Alabama State Department of Health, Montgomery, Ala. Brucellosis has existed for centuries in certain parts of the world, but, for lack of knowledge, until recently has remained undefined. It has in many isolated cases been mistaken for other diseases ; it has been called ‘‘Malta fever,” “Texas fever,” and “Undulant fever.” Brucellosis was for the first time clearly defined and described as a clinical entity by Marston (1861) in the Maltese Islands. He called it “Mediterranean remittant,” or “gastric remittant” fever. In 1887 Sir David Bruce isolated the causative organism of “Malta fever” from the spleens of persons who had died of the disease and he named the organism “Micrococcus melitensis.” Bang in Denmark (1897) isolated on organism from the uterine discharge of cows that had aborted. He proved this organism to be the causative agent of in¬ fectious abortion of cattle and named the organism “Bacillus abortus.” In 1914 an organism similar to Bang’s “Bacillus abortus” was isolated from the hog by Traum. Evans in 1918 found that these organisms of Bruce and Bang were similar. A few years later a new genus, “Brucella,” in honor of Sir David Bruce, was created to include all of these organisms. (Myer & Shaw, 1920). We now recognize three species with primary hosts as follows: Brucella melitensis from the goat; Br. abortus from the cow; and Br. suis from the hog. In Alabama during the last two years the number of cases reported to the State Department of Health were as follows : 1939, 59 ; 1940. 70. Cases reported by counties were as follows: for 1939, Mobile 11, Mont¬ gomery 10, Jefferson 7, Lee and Escambia 4 each, Dale, Covington. Cof¬ fee and Houston 3 each, Bullock 2, and 9 other counties with 1 each; for 1940, Houston 17, Montgomery 15, Jefferson 6, Covington 5, Chambers and Escambia 4, Butler, DeKalb and Pike 2 each, and 1 each from 13 other counties. In 1939 the Laboratories of the Alabama State Department of Health examined 8,170 bloods. Of these 108 exhibited Br. agglutinins in titre of more than 1 :80 and 47 in titre of less than 1 :80. Of 130 bloods cultured 10 were postive for Brucella organisms, all of which were identified as Br. suis. In 1940, 8,323 agglutination tests were performed; of these 113 exhibited agglutinins in titre higher than 1 :80 and 55 in titre of less than 1 :80. Of the 176 Cultures performed 23 were positive for Brucella or¬ ganisms ; 16 were identified as Br. suis and 7 as Br. abortus. 29 THE EFFECTS' OF VARIOUS CHEMICALS ON THE COCK¬ ROACH — W. F. Abercrombie, Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Magnesium sulphate, according to various investigators, has been found to be toxic to the Mexican bean beetle, wheat wireworm, and grass¬ hoppers. Frings and Frings (1937) indicated that magnesium sulphate may be an insecticide of value for the control of mandibulate insects. With this statement in mind experiments were performed upon the cockroach (Blatta orientalis Linne). Control animals received the following normal diet: Ground Whole Wheat Flour___ _ 50% Dried Skim Milk _ 45% Dried Baker’s Yeast _ 5% Water was present in the cages at all times. Experimental animals re¬ ceived a normal standard diet with various percentages (10-100%) of the different chemicals added. Death rates were recorded daily for periods varying from fourteen to twenty days. Magnesium sulphate, according to these experiments has practically no effect on the cockroach since no deaths occured at all except in the 100% series where 50% of the animals died. Smith (1937), as a result of field tests with Epsom Salts bait for grasshoppers, found that Epsom Salts did not give satisfactory results. Lead arsenate, a very effective poison, killed all of the animals ex¬ cept 10% in the 10% series. Potassium cyanide killed most of the animals and usually within the first fifteen minutes. Experiments with and without water indicate that the generation of HCN is responsible for the sudden deaths. Strychnine sulphate does not kill below the 80% concentration. Bichloride of mercury killed all the cockroaches within 3 days except those in the 10% mixture. Lead acetate is not an effective poison since the animals died only in the 100% mixture. Barium carbonate is a slow acting poison, failing to kill all of the animals during the experimental period. Cupric sulphate above 20% was effective as a poison since most of the animals died within the first five days. It may be concluded, according to the experimental procedure used, that the chemicals may be arranged in the folowing order with regard to their effectiveness as poisons : Potassium cyanide > bichloride of mercury > lead arsenate> cupric sulphate > barium carbonate > strychnine sulphate > magnesium sulphate > lead acetate. SOME EFFECTS OF COLD ON PLANTS IN ALABAMA IN 1940 — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama, University, Ala. The cold winter and spring of 1940 in Alabama affected vegetation in several different ways. The zero weather at Tuscaloosa in late January killed several species of cultivated shrubs and trees to the ground, and a few others completely, but had little effect on native plants, except for delaying the blooming of the alder and elms about a month, and the oaks about tw’o wreeks. 30 A killing frost the night of April 12-13 wilted the half-grown leaves on many trees, and practically wiped out the crop of hickory nuts, pecans, annual-fruiting acorns, muscadines and persimmons in the northern half of the state, but did less damage southward. On account of the late start most of the tree leaves got, most of the deciduous ones had not completed their annual cycle by the middle of No¬ vember, and were still green, when a killing frost wilted the leaves on several species of trees, wild and cultivated, before they had formed the abscission layer at the base of the petiole, and left them drooping until they were dislodged by rain a week or two later. CYTOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL STUDIES ON THE GENUS CROOMIA — Alvin V. Beatty, University, Ala. The genus Croomia, along with two other genera, Stemona and Stich- oneuron, including 8 species in all, belongs to the Roxburghiaceae, a family having as its center of distribution Japan, India and Australia. This is a fairly homogenous family being some what ancient as indicated by the dis¬ tribution of the genus Croomia. Of the two species in this genus, Croomia japonica is common in Japan while Croomia pauciflora is found in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. The genus has a strong superficial resemblance to some herbaceous Berberidaceae, but the affinity to the genus Medeola in the Liliaceae is strongly suggested by the number, 24 diploid, size and shape of the chromosomes. INFECTIOUS EQUINE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS, BIRDS AND MAN — L. E. Starr, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Equine encephalomyelitis is an infectious disease of equines and is caused by a neurotrophic virus. Horses, mules and man are susceptible to natural infection and monkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice by arti¬ ficial exposure. It has been found that some rodents and birds such as the ring-necked pheasants, turkeys and probably some migratory birds act as carriers or reservoirs of infection although not themselves susceptible. The disease is transmitted by biting insects although infection by con¬ tact may occur. The disease is prevalent throughout the Untied States, two distinct varieties of virus being known. The eastern variety occurs east of the Allegheny Mountains and the Western variety west of the mountains. The two viruses are closely related but one will not immunize against the other. Several proven cases of infection in children have been reported from the New England States west to Minnesota. All cases have been fatal. One fatality followed probable laboratory infection. The disease is of great economic importance, thousands of horses dying in some years. It is believed that we now have a reliable method of prophylaxis with the development of a check embryo tissue vaccine. Treatment is not satisfactory. TEMPERATURE ANALYSIS OF ENDOCRINE FUNCTION — C. M. Pomerat, University, Ala. A Warburg respirometer designed to measure simultaneously the 02 consumption and the CO.> production of the newt, Triturus viridescens Raf., at temperatures ranging from 6° to 28° C was described. All data reported was collected from animals in which no movement was observed. Normal, well fed spring collected animals gave a single u value for both 02 and C02 of 17,200±. The effect of temperature on the respiration of castrate, hypophysec- tomized, immature (red eft), thyroidectomized and pancreatectomized ani¬ mals showed no shift in the temperature characteristic. The fact that the respiratory rate-temperature relationship (or relative respiratory rate) remained unaffected following the removal of the major endocrine glands is interpreted as indicating a constancy of pacemaker link not directly dependant upon these coordinator devices. SEASONAL OCCURRENCE OF SOME ECONOMICALLY IM¬ PORTANT PARASITES OF THE CHICKEN (G ALIMS GALLUS). — Reed O. Christenson and Robt. L. Butler, Jr., Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Autopsies made over a 12-month period on 499 chickens from East Alabama flocks yielded a total of 35,259 parasitic intestinal worms, giving an average of 71 worms per bird. The maximum load from a single chicken was 1,202 worms; some had as many as five different species oc¬ curring concurrently. The seasonal distribution of the parasites occurring most frequently, including Heterakis gallinac, Ascaridia galli and various cestodes, is shown in the composite curve in Graph 1. The total worm burden is relatively low until early October. Shortly thereafter infections accumulate rapidly, reaching the peak in November. The individual species of parasites encountered follow closely this incidence distribution, the younger birds having, in general, a lesser parasite load than the year- old chickens prior to November. Climatological data suggest a reason for this distribution. Official weather reports of the Auburn station show two relatively dry periods of the year ; the first during April and May, and the second from September to December (Graph 2). The months of June, July, August and September are the hottest months of the year, and rep¬ resent a period of relatively heavy rainfall. Under the sod-covered yard conditions in which the flocks under observation had to live, it is believed that the sod and accompanying vegetation effectively blanketed the parasite eggs and vectors from excessive heat, and that the heavy rainfall cooled the soil surfaces so that ideal temperatures for the propagation of para¬ sites resulted. Were it not for the heavy rainfall the soil temperatures would reach lethal proportions during this period. Ineffective organisms ac¬ cumulate in the soil during these wet, hot months and toward the end of the period they are so concentrated that the parasite load in the bird reaches its maximum regardless of the fact that the following months may be relatively dry. The occurrence of many developmental stages of parasitic worms in the digestive tracts of birds during the latter part of the wet season and extending into October definitely relates infection to this period. Parasitologists in this area agree that the incidence of gastro-intestinal parasites of other animals feeding under pasture conditions follow the dis- 32 tributional curve given below for important chicken parasites. Since hook¬ worm larvae are so dependent on moisture (Chandler, 1929) it is probable that the primary infections in man are correlated with the wet period. Such parasites as Trichuris trichiura and Ascaris lumbricoides of man, be¬ cause of the inherent nature of the organisms, are governed in their dis¬ tribution and incidence by much the same factors which govern Heterakis gallinae and Ascaridia gctlli. It is probable that they follow the same, or a similar, incidence curve. Number of PoREM/TEiS Orrph / Oeruonbl Occurrence of In te j t/nrl He l min thj Graph 1. — Seasonal occurrence of 35,259 intestinal parasites of the chicken recovered from 499 autopsies over a 12-month period. 33 Temp F° Graph 2. — Thermohydrograph based upon the weather data of the Auburn Weather Station for the autopsy period. Data supplied by Professor J. M. Robinson. GLUCOSE TOLERANCE IN PARTIALLY HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED ALBINO RATS1 — Herman D. Jones, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. It has been shown that insulin injected into a partially hypophysec- tomized albino rat produced a hyperglycemia instead of a hypoglycemia as commonly occurs in one completely hypophysectomized. The work thus far presented on the relationship of the pituitary to carbohydrate metabolism has been done primarily on animals with complete ablation of the pituitary, and due to the hyperglycemia response to insulin of partially hypophysec¬ tomized animals it seemed of interest to investigate glucose tolerance in animals with partial hypophysectomy. It was thought that this might give additional information on the part the pituitary plays in this phase of metabolism. Hypophysectomies and blood glucose determinations were done as previously outlined. The completeness of the hypophysectomy was then determined by injecting insulin and ascertaining whether or not hyper or hypoglycemia resulted. The degree of completeness determined, glucose 34 tolerance test were made on both groups of animals. The twenty strong, active rats used in the experiment were allowed at least two weeks to recover. Complete removal of the hypophysis was found in 8 rats with partial removal in 12. Glucose tolerance tests were also made on 5 normal rats. A 0.3 cc blood sample was taken immediately before subcutaneous injection of approximately 0.25 gm of glucose per 150 gm body weight. Samples were taken at 30 minute intervals for the first two hours and at hourly intervals for the third and fourth hours. Immediately after the glucose tolerance test the animals were sacrificed and autoposied. Careful his¬ tological and gross examination of the pituitary was made in order to check with the insulin tests and for confirmation of the results. All the tissue, varying from fragments to approximately J4 the gland were section¬ ed and some stained with H and E, and others according to the Cleveland Technique. In some animals only the anterior lobe was found, in others fragments of both lobes. The results indicate that apparently there is a different response to glucose in the partially hypophysectomized rats as compared to the normal and those with complete ablation of the gland. Normal glucose tolerance curves were obtained from the normals, whereas in the partially hypophy¬ sectomized, there is a large increase in blood glucose during the first 30 to 60 minutes. The glucose content then begins to decrease and with a few exceptions continued to decrease for the remainder of the experiment. The magnitude of fall is less than in those completely hypophysectomized. In the animals with complete ablation of the gland the tolerance curve rises for the first 30 minutes to 1 hour, then it also begins to fall. The rate of decrease of blood glucose in these animals is greater than in those with partial removal of the gland. In a careful histological study of the pituitary fragments it was found that in some animals, fragments of both posterior and anterior lobes were present, while in others only fragments of anterior lobes were found. The results obtained seem to suggest that fragments of the pituitary still exert influence on the carbohydrate metabolism to a limited extent. That the controling pituitary has been disturbed is shown by the fact that the blood glucose curve lies between that of a normal and a completely hypophysectomized rat. MITOTIC ACTIVITY OF THE HYPOPHYSIS AND ADRENAL GLAND DURING DIFFERENT PHASES OF THE SEX CYCLE OF THE FEMALE RAT — Thomas E. Hunt, University, Ala. Mitotic activity in the pars glandularis of the hypophysis is most marked at metestrus and relatively rare at estrus and diestrus. The activity also varies according to the age of the animal being greatest at the begin¬ ning of sexual activity (50-70 days of age), and then becoming progressive¬ ly less in older animals. Immature animals have from 5 to 6 mitoses per sq. mm. of section. In metestrus of the first cycle there are from 30 to 70 per sq. mm. In groups of rats, approximately 150, 250, 350 and 500 days old the average number respectively per group is 6.3, 3.1, 1.6 and 0.6 mitoses per sq. mm. Animals in diestrus and estrus have an average of 0.2 mitoses per sq. mm. About 90% of the mitoses occur in the chromo¬ phobes and 10% in the acidophils. In the adrenal gland mitotic activity is greatest 24 to 36 hours later in the cycle, i.e. in diestrus. At this time mitoses occur in the outer zone 35 of the fasciculata approximately ten times as frequently as they do in other stages of the cycle. In the glomerulosa mitotic activity is essentially the same at all stages. All animals were killed between 11 and 12 A. M., the glands fixed in Allen’s B-15 fluid and serially sectioned at 3 micra. Sections were stained in either iron hematoxylin or Masson’s stain. CROSS TOLERANCE BETWEEN PENTOBARBITAL SODIUM (NEMBUTAL) AND DELVINAL SODIUM [5-ETHYL 5-(l- METHYL 1-BUTENYL) BARBITURIC ACID] IN GUINEA PIGS — Emmett B. Carmichael, University, Ala. The existence of cross tolerance has been established between the two barbituric acid derivatives: 1, pentobarbital sodium, and 2, delvinal sodium. Normal young guinea pigs were used and all injections were made intraperitoneally. A single large does of one of the above drugs was used and after a few days it was followed by a series of semi-weekly doses of the other drug for a period of three weeks. Two series of experiments were made, using pentobarbital sodium as the initial drug; 1, sixteen guinea pigs received 20 mgm./kgm., and 2, thirteen guinea pigs received 50 mgm./kgm. The animals in each of these series received semi-weekly doses of 40 mgm./kgm. of delvinal sodium for three weeks. The average length of hypnosis following the delvinal sodium was reduced from that produced by the same size dose of this drug on normal guinea pigs of about the same weight. The average length of hypnosis for normal guinea pigs was 192 minutes and following the 50 mgm. dose of pentobarbital, the average length of hypnosis was reduced to 169 minutes. A group of 16 guinea pigs that survived a single dose of 70 to 85 mgm. of delvinal sodium/kgm. were given semi-weekly doses of 20 mgm. of pentobarbital sodium/kgm. for three weeks. A definite tolerance was also produced in this series. This was shown by the fact that the length of hypnosis following the first dose of the pentobarbital sodium was markedly less than it was for normal controls with the same size dose/kgm. The average length of hypnosis in the control experiments with a dose of 20 mgm. of pentobarbital sodium/kgm. was 93 minutes while the duration of the hypnosis, following a large dose of delvinal sodium, was 49 min¬ utes. THE MICROBIOLOGY OF A PAPER MILL — Mildred A. Engelbrecht, University, Ala. The various parts of a pulp and paper system afford an excellent environment for microbiological activity. In this preliminary investiga¬ tion a few points of prime importance in the manufacture of paper were selected. The bacterial count of the incoming water was about 12,000 per cc. This water was chlorinated before it was used in the plants. However, the count in the beaters was approximately 10,000 bacteria per cc, indicating infection from within the plant. The organisms isolated from the incoming water were : M. ccmdicans, M. frcudenreichii , Ach. liquefaciens, B. subtilis, B. teres, B. mutabilis, B. 36 viscosum, B. mycoides, and B. cereus. In the material from the beaters M. candicans, B. cereus and B. mycoides were also isolated but none of the other organisms found in the incoming water. In addition to these or¬ ganisms M. nitrificans, M. cmrantiacus, Staph, albus, Aer. aerogenes, B. graveolens, B. silvaticus, B. agri, B. subtilis, B. mesentericus, and B. aterrimus were isolated. Since the bacterial flora of the beater was so different from that of the river water and since the pulp was practically sterile those organisms which were found probably entered the beaters from the wash water rein¬ fected through the pipe lines and the chests. All of these organisms have their natural habitat in water and soil and are of the non pathogenic type. Most of them have been cited in literature as being present in slime and also fabricated wood containers. There seems to be evidence, therefore, that it would be much better to not only chlorinate the incoming water but also to rechlorinate within the system. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE NUTRITION OF THE PEANUT PLANT — Anna L. Sommer, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Peanut plants were grown as the last of a series of crops on 16 Ala¬ bama soils in an experiment to determine whether these soils were de¬ ficient in magnesium and the so-called minor elements. The plants were grown in pots in the greenhouse and purified salts, sodium nitrate, acid potassium phosphate and calcium sulfate, were used for the basic fertilizer. In addition to the basic fertilizer, magnesium, a mixture of the “minor” elements (boron, zinc, manganese, etc.) and a combination of magnesium and the “minor” elements were added to some of the pots. Peanuts were found to have a low requirement for the “minor” elements. On soils where turnips and crimson clover died in the early stages of growth when these elements were not added, peanut plants appeared normal and there was lit¬ tle decrease in dry weight or nut yield when compared with cultures re¬ ceiving them. The peanut plant appeared to be particularly sensitive to boron toxicity, that is, a toxic condition developed with smaller amounts of boron than for other plants investigated. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency of the leaves appeared in only a few of the least fertile soils but there was a marked increase in nut yield in a number of soils when mag¬ nesium was added to the fertilizer. Peanut plants absorbed more calcium than did any of the other plants investigated. With other plants, cotton, com, crotalaria, turnips and crimson clover, an excess of calcium sulfate was evidenced by its accumulation on the top of the soils as they ap¬ proached dryness. This was not the case when peanuts were grown and analyses at the end of the experiment showed that the calcium had been almost completely removed from the soils. Analyses showed that the magnesium and calcium contents of the peanut plant were markedly greater than those for any of the other plants investigated. 37 THE BIRD-LIME SPIDERS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES' — Allan F. Archer, Department of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. The bird-lime spiders of the Southeast comprise diminutive species less than $4 of inch long. This group comprising the genus Cyclosa (family Argiopidae) is characterized by a transverse groove on the cara¬ pace (females). The small, vertical orb web has a shroud woven into the stabilimentum, and in it are placed the egg-sacs, plant debris, and the corpses of victims. The coloration of the spider nearly matches the shroud, and the spider is thus camouflaged, for, having no nest of its own, it rests on the lower termination. Cyclosa nanna Ivie and Barrows. The smallest species; known only from Collier County in southwest Florida. Mature males in February. Cyclosa conica Pallas. Most common in the North, it has been found as far south as the Black Mountains and Piedmont of North Carolina. In open woods and in hedges along roads or near houses. Males in Au- gust. Cyclosa caroli Hentz. Ranges from Maryland to the Everglades of Florida; in Alabama south of the fall line and Blue Ridge. Occurring in tropical hammocks, swamp woods, lowland woods, pines, ravines ; under tables and benches in parks ; along sidewalks ; on walls of houses and under eaves. Among its prey are mosquitoes and Argentine ants. Males in December (Florida). Cyclosa bifurca McCook. The largest species. Known only from peninsular Florida, at least as far north as the limit of arboreal palms. In palms and palmettoes in hammocks and slash pine; also around and inside of buildings. Cyclosa turbinata Walckenaer. Probably general in the South except for peninsular Florida. In swamp and upland woods, oak barrens, in fields, urban gardens and around houses. Among its prey are mosquitoes and ants. Males in midsummer. Cyclosa Walckenaeri Cambridge. Probably introduced into southern Florida from South America. THE EFFECT OF TRAUMA IN PITUITARIES ON THE INSULIN- GLUCOSE MECHANISM OF COMPLETELY AND PARTIAL¬ LY HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED ALBINO RATS — June Krause, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. This study was undertaken in an effort to clarify the probability of the role of trauma to the pituitary in producing hyperglycemia following in¬ sulin injection in partially and completely hypophysectomized rats. Twenty one female albino rats were hypophysectomized, the degree of hypophysectomy determined, vaginal smears made daily to check these results, and eight animals, two completes, six partials, selected for use. In each, four whole traumatized pituitaries were transplanted subcutaneously, a normal blood sugar determined, and calculated amounts of insulin in¬ jected. The blood sugars were then determined at definite intervals fol¬ lowing insulin injection. The following conclusions were drawn : (1) That traumatized pituitaries transplanted into partially hypophy¬ sectomized rats did not change the general trend of the curve as found when insulin only was injected. 38 (2) That traumatized pituitaries transplanted into completely hy- pophysectomized rats produce the same hyperglycemic effect as is observed in- partially hypophysectomized rats. SECTION II CHEMISTRY THE ANTIFOAMING ACTION OF SOME ORGANIC COMPOUNDS WITH INORGANIC SALT SOLUTIONS — Harold E. Wilcox, Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. The effectiveness of antifoaming agents can be quickly and easily de¬ termined in an apparatus known as the “dynamic foam meter’’. This in¬ strument is so called because it measures foam while the foam is being formed, and it consists of a long, glass tube closed near one end with a sintered glass disk of Pyrex or Jena glass. Air passing through the porous septum at a given temperature and pressure produces with inorganic salt solutions in the foam meter definite and reproducible foams. The effect of various organic antifoaming agents was measured by adding a given amount of the antifoam to the foaming salt solution and timing the antifoam period; that is, the period during which the solu¬ tion did not foam. Temperature, alkalinity, and concentration of antifoam were varied and the antifoam period noted. Many different types of compounds were tried, but, in general, the most effective antifoams for salt solutions were high molecular weight organic materials almost insoluble in water and thus having a high capil¬ lary activity which would enable them to concentrate in the air-liquid in¬ terfaces present in foam systems. Nearly all of the effective antifoams were liquids and possessed a polar and non-polar part of the molecule, so that a definite orientation of those molecules occurred at the air-liquid interface. Six types of antifoaming action were cited, and an explanation of the mechanism of such action was proposed for several individual antifoaming agents. THE USE OF SELENIUM AS A CATALYST IN BLOOD CHEM¬ ISTRY AND A NEW METHOD OF DETERMINING SUL¬ PHATES IN BLOOD SERUM AND WATER — J. F. Duggar, Jr., Hope Hull, Ala. In this paper an account of non protein nitrogen determination in the blood was described by using a digestion mixture of sulphuric acid and selenic acid composed of 75 percent by volume sulphuric acid, .6 per¬ cent selenium and remainder water. One cubic centimeter of this was used to digest .715 cubic centimeters of Folin Wu protein free filtrate. After five minutes digestion the digested mixture was cooled and diluted to five (5) cubic centimeters and two cubic centimeters of Nesslers solution was added and comparison of color made with a suitable standard. A colorimetric method for blood sulphates was described in which the ordinary benzidine sulphate precipitate was dissolved, diazotized and cou¬ pled with dimethyl alpha napthylamine. A brilliant amethyst color is de- 39 veloped and estimation made by comparing this color with that produced by a suitable standard. The details of diazotizing and coupling are prac¬ tically the same as in the usual estimation of sulphanilamide in the blood. CHEMISTRY OF CELLULOSE — H. F. Cotter, University, Ala. Brief reference is made to the sustained five year increase in U. S. paper production to 15 million tons per year at an annual rate of a million tons a year — equivalent to a dozen new large mills each year. Temporary suppression of a million tons per year of pulp imports from the Baltic, countries, and the at least temporary abandonment of part of the Baltic export market produce a large demand for cellulose pulp. U. S'. Cotton textile consumption amounts to a million tons per year, of which a small but steadily increasing fraction is rayon. Gun-cotton is useful military explosive. In addition to these large scale industrial outlets, cellulose as a chem¬ ical has many useful properties. It is a cheap, readily available, tri-hy¬ droxy alcohol of controllable polymerization, resistant to all but oxidizing agents and H-ions. Many additional properties : solubilities, softening point, compatibility, can be developed by partial conversion of this alcohol to various esters and ethers. Much has been learned though X-ray dif¬ fraction studies of the methods of opening up the structural units of cel¬ lulose to reach the normally protected but very useful alcoholic groups. Such colloidal derivatives have many uses and more possibilities in lac¬ quers, plastics, transparent wrappings, thickening agents, textile and paper sizings. THE PREPARATION OF SOME ESTERS OF SUCCINIC ACID — James M. Holbert and J. Y. Cooper, Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. This investigation, one of a series of similar problems initiated by Dr. Emmet Reid, has for its purpose the preparation of those esters of succinic acid which have not been heretofore recorded. Besides determining the simple physical constants such as melting point and boiling point, it is pro¬ posed to determine bther physical constants such as density, refractive index, and surface tension whenever possible. All esters reported were prepared by esterifying the acid directly with the alcohol. In the case of the lower alcohols, the reaction was catalyzed by acid. With the higher alcohols no catalyst was necessary. The esters prepared thus far are : ester n-octyl _ n-decyl _ n-dodecyl n-tetradecyl n-cetyl _ m o. 4.3°C. 23.1°C. 39.'2° C. 50.1 °C. 57.5°C. 40 CAST IRON AND OUR WAY OF LIFE — W. O. McMahon, Sloss-Shef field Steel & Iron Co., Birmingham, Ala. The story of cast iron, a story of conquest and adventure, of work and peace, closely parallels the story of civilization. Iron implements, found in the Great Pyramid, are believed to date back as far as 3733 B.C. The Chinese established an iron industry before the dawn of the Christian Era. The development and use of coke and the blast and cupola furnaces, in the 18th and 19th centuries, represent the basis of the present importance of cast iron. Today almost every human accomplishment involves the use of some cast iron product. Its wide application results from its availability and from the variety of physical and chemical properties it may possess due to the presence of impurities. Of the thirty or more elements often found in cast iron, carbon, silicon, phosphorus, manganese, and sulfur have been considered the most important in influencing its properties. Concerning the influence of the other elements found in iron or those which may be added to it, much is to be learned. Metallurgists and chemists have yet to realize the full possibilities in the use of cast iron. It is safe to say, however, that as new properties and new uses are discovered, cast iron will play a role of ever increasing im¬ portance in our lives. PROBLEMS OF THE COLLEGE AND THE INDUSTRY IN EDU¬ CATING AND TRAINING A METALLURGIST — Robert B. Oliver, University, Ala. The purpose of this paper is to call to the attention of the schools and the industry the gap between the graduation of a student from a tech¬ nical school and the time that he is finally of some value to the industry. The attempts of the school to shorten this period and a request for sug¬ gestions and cooperation are sincerely presented. The Department of Metallurgy of the University of Alabama attempts to give only the basic fundamentals correlated with industrial applications of each fundamental fact presented. The laboratories are used intensively for visual instruction and to illustrate the theory presented in the lecture work. In addition the laboratory exercises are designed to arouse and sustain the student’s interest in the science of metallurgy. We avoid any tendency to develop specialists but try rather to give the student a well rounded training in the metallurgical sciences. The members of the faculty place some emphasis on their duty to train and develop the student’s personality and character as well as his mind. We attempt to develop the character along its natural lines rather than to change the character. The student is taught to have an enthusiasm and interest in his chosen profession, to be a good and willing worker, to be a good follower as well as a leader, to be compatible and cooperative, and above all to be dependable. One suggestion the department would like to offer to industry — . We have the opportunity to observe and study each man for over two years and the results of these observations could be of value to you in selecting a man to fit into your organization. 41 THE PHOTOLYSIS OF METHYL FORMATE — J. Royal, University, Ala. The photolysis of methyl formate has been investigated by means of the mirror method developed by Paneth and others. Free radicals were formed. No hydrogen atoms were detected. The half-life period of the free radicals produced by the ester has been computed to be 6 - 8 x 1(L3 seconds. This value agreed with the value obtained for the fragments produced in the pyrolysis of lead tetramethyl. The photolysis of methyl formate in a static system has been studied. The products formed in the decomposition were found to be CO, H.?, CH4, C2Hfi, CHaOH, and a minute amount of HCHO. The total reaction can be represented as a combination of four net reactions. These are : HCOOCHa— »CH*OH + CO (1) HCOOCHs-»2CO + 2H2 (2) HC00CH3-»C09 + CH4 (3) 2HCOOCHs— >C2Hr> + H2 + 2C02 (4) The products at 50% decomposition of the ester are such that the total reaction may be considered as made up of approximately 61% of (1), 16% of (2), 15% of (3), and 8% of (4). The effect of nitric oxide has been studied. Mechanisms for some of the net reaction have been sug¬ gested. NEW SYNTHETIC MOLDED PLASTICS — Harold A. Levy, New Orleans, La. In creating substitutes for the products of nature the organic chemist has provided us with a variety of products whose utility, effectiveness, beauty and cost have extended far beyond what is offered by the materials of nature. This is especially true of the many new synthetic plastic ma¬ terials. While synthetic plastics are now about a hundred years old, the major progress which has extended over the past thirty years has been very rapid. This history of the various types and their relative importance are traced. The chemistry involved in their manufacture is presented. The discussion includes the physical and chemical properties and characteristics of the many types. Their versatility, applications, limitations and relative costs are also included. The resume includes a presentation of the trends of development in this field. The changes in formulation and processing are effective in better adapting types to certain uses. The choice of types and the economics of their selection becomes an important aspect in the growth of various forms as well as the industry as a whole. The closing thought includes the phases of engineering properties and economics of these materials which may make them dominate the forms and extent of applications of most of our industrial and domestic ma¬ terials of contruction — possibly rivalling the metals. 4:2 RESEARCH IN THE SMALL COLLEGE — L. B. Roberts, Arkansas Agricultural and Mechanical College, Monticello, Ark. The South- must no longer neglect the vast possibilities for research in small colleges, to compensate for its too few large universities and in¬ dustrial research laboratories. Besides, the colleges for their own sakes should encourage research. A moderate amount of research helps to keep the teacher alive and awake, keeping him out of ruts, compelling some attention to current scien¬ tific literature, and encouraging contact with other workers. Without it some teachers become dissatisfied. In training the student research offers development of initiative, training in the scientific method and in clear thinking, and an introduction to scientific literature. The amount of research required to gain these benefits is small — just enough to keep up the interest of teacher and student ; not enough to con¬ stitute a burden nor to interfere with other work. The kind of research undertaken should be the simpler problems and those not requiring special equipment, and might include routine collection of data and study of local problems. For research to produce the greatest benefit to the college, to indus¬ try, and to science, there must be co-operation among the workers in one laboratory, among the departments of one institution, among institutions, and between school and industry. Such co-operative effort can best be attained through a co-ordinating agency such as a committee appointed by the Southern Association for the Advancement of Science and working with similar committees appointed by the State Academies. MICROSTRUCTURE OF STEEL AND ITS EFFECT ON PROPERTIES — H. A. Caldwell, Asst. Chief Metallurgist, T. C. I. and R. R. Co., Birmingham, Ala. This paper considers the features of the structure of steel that cannot be seen with the naked eye, and the effect of these microscopic constituents on the properties of the steel. Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. The crystalline nature of pure iron is considered, and the combination of the iron with carbon to form Fe.^C. The various other components of steel are formed by different combinations and conditions of the two fundamental constituents, pure iron, or ferrite, and cementite. The nature and physical properties of these con¬ stituents are outlined. By reference to the iron-carbon diagram, the conditions under which the various constituents of steel exist are shown. The effect of hot work on steel and the reason of the importance of finishing temperatures are shown. The effect on structure of working below the critical range is shown and the cause of hardening from cold working discussed. The purposes of heat-treatment are summarized and a brief outline given of the processes and resultant structures of normalizing, annealing, hardening, tempering and spheroidizing. 43 THE SULFONATION OF OLEFINS' — James H. Holbert, Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. When sulfur trioxide reacts with a chilled solution of dioxane in ethyl¬ ene dichloride, a precipitate forms which has been shown to be dioxane sulfotrioxide or dioxane disulfotrioxide. Either of these addition compounds serve as a reagent for the sulfona- tion of various types of compounds. Primary and secondary alcohols are readily converted by this reagent into alkyl hydrogen sulfates.1 Dioxane sulfotrioxide or dioxane disulfotrioxide reacts readily with olefins to give an intermediate compound which is thought to be of the carbyl sulfate type. This intermediate hydrolyzes readily to a hydroxy- sulfonate. The alkali hydroxysulfonates of the higher olefins, .C12-C1S, have marked detergent properties. Dioxane sulfotrioxide also reacts with olefins by substitution pro¬ ducing unsaturated sulfonic acids. Styrene, for example, gives a large yield of 2-phenylethylene-l -sulfonic acid and a small amount of the sultone of 2-hydroxy-2-phenylethane-l-sulfonic acid. A mechanism of the above reactions has been proposed. SECTION III GEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY THE POTENTIALITY OF ‘BLACK GOLD’ IN ALABAMA — John Boyd, University, Ala. Interest in petroleum in Alabama dates back to the August days of 1841 when evidences of oil were found in the McGraw Shoals on the Tombigbee River during dredging operations. Since that early discovery in Alabama interest and developments have risen and fallen. Since the dis¬ covery of the Tinsley Field in Mississippi about two years ago, interest has again become evident in Alabama as there is good reason to believe that structures in Alabama somewhat parallel those in Mississippi. Many of the companies operating there have extended their operations into southern and western Alabama. In the past summer more investigations were carried on in this state than ever before, as good gas horizons and indications of oil in general were noticed in the counties of the northern part of the state, chiefly Walker, Limestone, Franklin and Madison coun¬ ties. Various wells have been drilled and tested in Alabama in the last 15 months, and more are now being drilled and tested, in spite of the number that have been abandoned. Interest has been shifting towards the Coastal Plain Region near the Gulf of Mexico in Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. The last reports said there were about nine geophysical crews working in Alabama in late February and early March. Most of the crews were working in the Mo¬ bile County region and in the border counties of northwest Alabama. In Madison County in the past year efforts were planned to try to pump a particular well drilled in that county ; that is very good news, to say the least. Lawrence and Limestone counties should produce some very favor¬ able reports when more work has been carried on in these two counties. lSuter, Kiefer, and Evans, J.A.C.S., 60, 538 (1938). 44 Some of the deepest wells drilled in the state are located in Mobile County where drills have gone down below 6000' into the Selma Chalk. Among geologists the tectonic structures in South Alabama, along the Tombigbee River, have caused much speculation; as anticlinal structures in the Eutaw, Tuscaloosa, and the Pottsville formations may have the secret that spells a great industry in this state. The dissipating structures of the Appalachians in South West Alabama may have a bearing on oil forma¬ tions as many of the large fields of Texas are located in a region where a mountain range was once evident and lies buried beneath the marine sediments of more recent age. Commercial oil deposits in Alabama would mean new industry, wealth, and a great progressive surge in many allied fields of human activity. Ever since evidences of oil have been observed in this state it has been tbe hope that they could someday be found in commercial quantities. Ala- bamas dream is now the shadow of a latticed pattern upon the ground in a setting Sun— A PAGEANT OF ACTIVE OIL WELLS! THE COPENA COMPLEX IN NORTHERN ALABAMA — Plarold V. Anderson, Alabama Museum- W.P.A. Archeological Lab¬ oratory, Birmingham, Ala. A burial complex encountered originally in Lauderdale County and later in Wheeler and Guntersville Basins, Alabama, identified by a con¬ siderable and characteristic use of copper and galena is now recognized as the Copena Focus, the name being appropriately coined from these predom¬ inate manifestations COP (per - gal) FALL Twenty nine of the original thirty six traits attributed to this copper- galena complex were diagnostic of Hopewell as found in Ohio. Those recognized as definitely diagnostic of the Copena Focus were : (1) Mounds with inclusive burial pits. (2) Burial pits below mound base. (3) Artifacts accompanying subsoil burial. (4) Pipes, elbow form. (5) Spades, Schist, many large I"x6"x26". (6) Long copper bead found with stained teeth; (way suggest single nose beaaf). Recent excavations have disclosed a trait common to Copena and the Adena complex in Kentucky. (1) Bodies sealed between thick layers of foreign clay. The fifty traits now attributed to the Copena Focus are predominately burial traits. The problem of the complex, as a whole, has been obscured by the inability to definitely establish village sites occupied by the Copena people. Twenty-two mounds, one cave, and five villages showing manifestation of the Copena Focus have been excavated in the Tennessee River Valley of Northern Alabama by the Tennessee Valley Authority and Alabama Museum-W.P.A Archeological Project 45 DAUPHIN ISLAND — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. Dauphin Island, the largest island on the Alabama coast, is covered with diversified and relatively undisturbed vegetation. The principal habitats or vegetation types are flat pine woods, dunes (two or three types), dune hollows, beaches, and shell mounds. In some places the dunes are advancing into the pine woods. The population decreased from 327 in 1910 to 226 in 1940. The peo¬ ple are all white, and nearly all live in one village and are engaged in fishing and allied industries, apparently none in farming or forest work. The birth rate appears to be above the average, and the decrease of popu¬ lation must be due to emigration. Illustrated by a map and lantern slides. MICROSEISMS RECORDED AT THE SEISMOLOGICAL OB¬ SERVATORY OF SPRING HILL COLLEGE — A. J. Westland and C. J. Elliot, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. Earthquakes have always been an object of popular interest because of their destructiveness. However, popular knowledge of the nature and operation of the instruments by which earthquakes are recorded, is slight. These instruments, called seismographs, consist essentially of a delicately supported pendulum which, because of its inertia, remains stationary while the earth beneath it and the apparatus about it quiver. This quivering motion is magnified by levers, and recorded on specially prepared paper. Thus the earthquake leaves its trace behind it, and from such traces science has learned much about the nature and origin of earthquake vibrations. Besides vibrations caused by earthquakes, explosions, and traffic, seis¬ mographs also detect other regular vibrations of the earth which are called microseisms. These have attracted the attention of seismologists since 1869, and continued investigations have led to a partial determination of their causes. The causes so far assigned for microseisms are air-pressure oscilla¬ tions, the pounding of the surf on the shore, and the presence of low pressure areas over the ocean. But only this last has received any experi¬ mental confirmation. Investigations carried out at the Seismological Ob¬ servatory of Spring Hill College over a period of two years, have con¬ firmed the theory that microseisms are associated with the existence of low pressure areas over the ocean, and that the amplitude of the vibra¬ tions recorded on both components varies with the movement of the baro¬ metric low. With the aid of data from the Weather Bureau at Mobile, New Orleans, and Jacksonville, and the original ship reports loaned by the Weather Bureau at Washington, D. C., an exhaustive study of the storms of Jan. 22-24, Aug. 5-6, and Aug. 10-11, 1940, and the corresponding seismograms from this Observatory yielded very positive results. More recent findings, however, have led to the investigation of cold fronts as a possible cause of microseisms. Insufficient progress has been made to date to permit the confirmation of such a hypothesis. 46 A NEW MOSASAUR SKELETON FROM THE CRETACEOUS IN ALABAMA — Herndon Dowling, Jr., University, Ala. The recent discovery by a group of students at the University of Ala¬ bama of a comparatively complete skeleton of the pre-historic mosasaur arouses interest in this reptile extinct for many millions of years. It was found in an outcrop of Selma Chalk about five miles southeast of Eutaw, in Greene County, near the site from which J. J. Renger found similar remains in 1933.1 The specimen is about ten feet long; it shows the structure of the lower jaws very clearly; and it has over forty caudal vertebrae — only a few having been lost. It is probably the remains of a young reptile as shown by the fact that there are only twelve teeth on each jaw instead of the usual sixteen to eighteen. The bones were taken out one by one and placed in numbered bags. A diagram was drawn with the bones sketched in and numbered as they were removed from the limestone. This not only made it easier to put the single bones back together but also showed how the bones lay in relation to one another. The usual description of a mosasaur is “an extinct aquatic reptile of the Cretaceous Period.” This definition may be improved by saying that it resembles an overgrown lizard with paddles instead of feet. The largest species were over 35 feet long although some of the smaller ones were less than eight feet. The name Mosasaurus was coined by Conybeare,- a well known paleon¬ tologist of England. It conies from the Latin Mosa, for Meuse (the first specimen coming from near the Meuse River in Holland), and S aunts, a lizard. Since 1870 literally thousands of specimens have been found from all over the world, most of them represented by only a few vertebrae or pieces of jawbone. They have been found in England, Belgium, Russia, and France in Europe; in twelve states in the United States; also in New Zealand and South America. Their geological history is relatively brief notwithstanding wide dis¬ tribution over the earth in great numbers and diversity. The earliest are known from near the beginning of the Upper Cretaceous of New Zealand, whence it is believed that they migrated to other parts of the world, ap¬ pearing in North America some time later. They reached the peak in size, number, and variety very soon and then disappeared forever before the close of Cretaceous time. There are now known about eight genera, all belonging to one fam¬ ily, the Mosasauridae, including over twenty-five species. The species all have restricted ranges, probably indicating that they had non-migratory habits. The mosasaurs were completely fitted for aquatic life. They were long and slender with short paddles and long jaws filled with sharp teeth. The skull is narrow, flattened and more or less elongate, large in proportion to the rest of the body, being nearly one-sixth the entire length. The teeth are strong and sharp, conical in shape, recurved, and inserted on large bony bases. They were easily dislodged and were constantly being 1 “Excavation of Cretaceous Reptiles in Alabama” by J. J. Renger. Scientific Monthly, Vol. 41, pp. 560-565. December, 1935. 2lVater Reptiles of the Past and Present by Samuel Wendell Williston, Professor of Paleontology, University of Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1914. 47 lost and replaced. In this way the mosasaurs always had sharply pointed teeth — an absolute necessity to an animal of predaceous habits. They swam by means of their long broad tails, using the tail in the same manner as do the alligators of today. The paddles were probably used in making quick side movements to capture the fish that formed the main diet. Having no means of tearing or rending their prey, they had to swallow the fish whole. For this purpose the lower jaws were loosely attached to the skull and also had a remarkable joint in the middle, per¬ mitting movement between the front and back parts both laterally and vertically. Beside these adaptations the front ends of the sides of the jaws were loosely connected with ligaments, as in snakes, thus allowing inde¬ pendent movement. The mosasaurs were much more predaceous and pugnacious in their habits than any other truly aquatic reptiles (or mammals) of the past or present. They were truly the ‘‘pirates of the Mesozoic seas” and were probably the only water reptiles that would be dangerous to man were they living today. Some of the larger species were able to swallow fish six or seven feet long. This skeleton is now on exhibition at the Alabama Museum of Natural History at the University of Alabama. Exposure of Selma Chalk six miles southeast of Eutaw where Mosasaur was found. (May 1, 1941) 48 « T' iumwrnw wsw . v Skeleton of mosasaur from the Upper Cretaceous. Total length approximately ten feet. (May 1, 1941) FINAL FIELD NOTES ON INVESTIGATION OF SHELL MOUND Lu° 25, LAUDERDALE COUNTY, ALABAMA — W. P. Kraxberger, Alabama Museum— W.P. A. Archeological Laboratory, Birmingham, Ala. Exploration of this site established by the Alabama Geological Survey in 1933 was concluded in January of 1941 and marked the end of the most extensive archeological investigations ever made in the Tennessee River Valley of Northern Alabama. Lu°25 is located in the Tennessee River on Seven Mile Island, one and one-quarter miles downstream from the Sheffield docks, Lauderdale County, Alabama. Two major cultural periods have been tentatively assigned to this insular shell mound, based on stratigraphic sequence. The terminology used is that applied by Ford, Wiley and Waring to aboriginal Southeastern Cultures and adopted by M. T. Newman and C. E. Snow. In the early horizon of Lu°25 an undeformed dolichocephalic people who subsisted on a hunting and fishing economy utilized the mound in process of its growth as living and burial grounds. Remains of house structures are absent. Pottery was unknown as were vessels of steatite and sandstone. The lithic industry was extensive but its scope was lim¬ ited. Bone, horn, and shell were utilized extensively. Metal was unknown and trade goods in the form of marine shells and a few varieties of stone were present. Social organization was probably rather loose. Burial of the dead was usually in individual circular unprepared pits, the body being flexed and placed on either side or in a sitting position facing north- northeast or south-southeast. Grave furniture was scanty and confined to stone and shell. The period tentative assigned is the archaic or Old Eastern Culture, definitely pre-historic in time and sometimes referred to as Shell Mound. There is a hiatus between Old Eastern and the third or New South¬ ern Cultural Period. The later occupational level grew and developed under the impetus imparted by new comers, the deformed brachycephals 49 who were apparently an early semi-sedentary group who augmented their diet with the basic agricultural products. Implanted into this new era was the art of ceramic manufacture, a diversification of artistic trends in stone, shell, slate and metal. Remains of structural patterns denote the urgency for permanent dwellings. Social organization had probably advanced considerably. Disposal of the dead was elaborated upon and communal burials were not uncommon. Al¬ though the flexed body position persisted from Pre-Mississippian times, extended body positions appeared from the first time. In both divisions of the mound numerous bones of the deer were found, augmented by bones of the dog, bear, turtle, various rodents, turkey and fish. The phase as¬ signed to this later occupancy of Lu°25 may be suggested as being Pre¬ historic Mississippian in time with perhaps traces of later injections of Historic Mississippian. Lu°25 may well become a type site due to its productivity in cultural and human remains and in its reliable stratigraphic sequence which per¬ mits the establishment of a statistical constructional scale based on strati¬ graphic differentiation in the range and variability of physical types and their correlation with cultural determiners. MOUNDVILLE — A PREHISTORIC CULTURAL CENTER — Steve B. Wimberly, Alabama Museum — W.P.A. Archeological Laboratory, Birmingham, Ala. A group of more than thirty Indian mounds lies along the Warrior River, near Moundville, Alabama, covering some 160 acres. Most of the mounds are of a type known as “domiciliary” and served as platforms on which important houses were built. With the aid of the Civilian Conservation Corps and the National Park Service, the Alabama Museum of Natural History has conducted several excavations in the vicinity of the mounds. These excavations have enabled archeologists to reconstruct the aborigi¬ nal life of Moundville and to fit Moundville into the archeological pic¬ ture. The villagers lived in square houses scattered throughout the area around the mounds. They buried their dead anywhere in the village and placed burial offerings beside them. These included pottery vessels, beads and other ornaments. Moundville is not a stratified site, but a site of continuous occupancy by a people possessing a highly developed culture which was perpetuated through centuries by several generations. The culture era contemporaneous with Moundville is recognized at stratified sites as the latest pre-historic culture and at certain sites is shown to merge into historic times. The art of pottery making reached its zenith during this culture era and at no other place in Alabama was the art as fully developed as at Moundville. Hundreds of pottery vessels have been recovered. Some of them are modeled into animalistic forms while the surfaces of others are engraved with designs and drawings of eagles, plumed serpents and human hands, eyes, and arm bones. Moundville was an important center of culture and must have had much influence on the culture of near and distant groups of people. 50 THE INDIAN DWARF COUPLE FROM MOUNDVILLE — Charles E- Snow, Alabama Museum — W.P.A. Archeological Laboratory, Birmingham, Ala. During the preliminary examination of the Indian skeletal material from Moundville (a prehistoric site, Middle Mississippi phase), two re¬ markable dwarf skeletons were encountered. One, a female, was excavated in 1934 by the Alabama Museum of Natural History the other, a male, in 1939 by the Civilian Conservation Corps, under the supervision of the National Park Service. Both were found in the same vicinity unaccom¬ panied by artifacts, and buried a few feet deep in partially flexed posi¬ tions with the faces downward. It appears that there is only one other Indian dwarf known to American Archeology, in the National Museum collection from Florida. The skeleton of the male dwarf is fairly complete. Measurements of the burial in situ indicate an approximate stature of 52-54 inches. The skull, characterized by its bulging vault and excessively large size, is flat¬ tened at the back by a pronounced degree of intentional occipital deforma¬ tion. The facial profile presents a marked concavity in the nasal region, which is often characteristic of this type of dwarf. Many teeth of both jaws have been affected by dental caries and abscesses. The skull of the female dwarf is so fragmentary that it cannot be re¬ stored, but the post-cranial skeleton, with the exception of eight missing vertebrae, is in good condition. The skeleton, measured in situ, was 48 inches in length. The morphology of the long bones of both skeletons is peculiar but characteristic of the achondroplastic dwarf. The short, massive shafts of the limb bones with their very rugged and pronounced areas of muscular origins and insertions, and the normal-sized torso are impressive particu¬ larly when compared bone by bone with average-sized normal Mound- villian skeletons. It is thought that glandular disturbances, probably of con¬ genital origin, may be responsible for this peculiar pathological affliction which inhibits the growth of the extremities. The vertebrae of both dwarfs show periosteal lipping of the bodies suggestive of arthritis. Photographs of the skeletons, of the male skull, and comparisons with normal Indian bones are presented with lantern slides. A detailed report on these two Indian dwarf skeletons is being prepared and will be pub¬ lished as one of the Museum Papers of the Alabama Geological Survey. SECTION IV GEOGRAPHY, CONSERVATION AND ALLIED SUBJECTS REGIONS OF ALABAMA — J. Allen Tower, Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. For an adequate understanding of any considerable area such as Alabama, a prerequisite is some sort of regional subdivision. Generaliza¬ tions about large areas are disconcertingly inaccurate for specific locali¬ ties. In this paper, the 1941 preliminary revision of the Types of Fram¬ ing Regions of Alabama is used as the basis for presentation. No attempt has been made to change these boundaries, but some modifications seem advisable and are suggested here. These thirteen 51 regions are analyzed according to the 1930 population and land use data shown on eight accompanying maps. On each map the unit of calculation has been the election precinct, the smallest area for which census statistics are available. There are 1349 of these precincts in Alabama. The eight precinct maps are Population Density, Percent of Total Population Negro, Population Change, Average Size of Farms, Average Crop Acres Per Farm, Average Pastured Acres Per Farm, Average Value Per Acre of Farm Land and Buildings, and Percent of Total Area in Farms. All data are for 1930 except the map of population change, which is for the pe¬ riod 1910-1930. The thirteen regions are the Tennessee Valley, the Jackson Hill Country, Sand Mountain, the Coosa Valley, the Birmingham District, the Talladega Mountains, the Piedmont, the Tuscaloosa, the Black Belt, th.e Wiregrass, the Escambia, the Western Piney Woods, and the Gulf Coast. This analysis of the regions of Alabama is purely tentative, although this division, or modifications of it, does seem to have considerable validity. Further analysis on the basis of occupational and crop statistics, plus field delimitation of boundaries, will be necessary before final definition. Sug¬ gested modifications are invited. IS THERE A BLUE RIDGE PROVINCE I'N ALABAMA? — Allan F. Archer, State Department of Conservation, Montgomery. In 1928 Fenneman limited the southwestern terminus of the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province to the Cobutta Mountains north of the Etowah River in northwest Georgia. Johnston followed suit in his two papers on the physical divisions of Alabama. They both considered the Talladega Mountains as a mountainous division of the Piedmont. That these mountains are not a part of the Piedmont but actually part of the Blue Ridge seems to be affirmed by the following facts: 1. The axis of the Talladega Mountains, if projected into north Georgia across the Etowah River, is continuous with the Blue Ridge. 2. The Etowah River does not exclude the Alabama segment from the Blue Ridge any more than does the Potomac exclude the segment north of it from the Blue Ridge classification. 3. The mature topography is identical with the Blue Ridge, and is not like the submature Piedmont. 4. The geology does not differ essentially from that of the Blue Ridge. 5. Although the true lower montane forest is absent from the Alabama Blue Ridge due to present climatic conditions, we have Blue Ridge plants ranging from Betula lent a and Azalea arbor escens to Galax aphylla, none typical of the Piedmont flora. 6. There are a number of species of snails oc¬ curring either in the Piedmont or Blue Bridge but not both. 7. Three species autochthonous to the Piedmont do not occur in the Blue Ridge. 8. Six species of Blue Ridge origin are not found in the Piedmont, four of them endemic. 9. The species closest to Stcnotrcma brevipila of the Talladega Mountains is S. cohuttense in north Georgia, both of common ancestry, and separated geographically by the Etowah Valley. 52 THE ALABAMA CONSERVATION PLAN — A. W. Jones, State Director, AAA, Auburn, Ala. The 1941 Alabama conservation program is planned to help each farmer get on his farm, over a period of five years, these conservation measures : 1. One-fourth of the cropland each year in erosion-resisting and soil- conserving crops. 2. Good terraces with proper outlets on all cropland needing them. 3. One acre of improved pasture for each 15 acres of cropland. 4. One acre of perennial soil conserving crops for each 15 acres of cropland. 4. We have soil that yields little — soil that is hungry because it has been growing crops which take away plant food and help erosion. People are hungry on hungry soils. Families are thinly clad and uncomfortable because the income from farms is so low. There is not enough corn, hay and pasture, not enough chickens and hogs and dairy cows, and not enough money to buy them. 5. The four-point program will provide land protection and hay with erosion-resisting and soil-conserving crops; protection to land and plant food with terraces ; more pastures which are the basis of economical live¬ stock production, and hay and grazing and soil protection with perennial crops. 6. The AAA offers around $4,500,000 in payments to farmers for carrying out soil conservation and soil building practices. With this money, it is felt that the most needed soil conservation work can be accomplished in five years with the least out-of-pocket cost to farmers. 7. Not only are farmers given individual help in planning five-year conservation work on their farms, but the AAA advances phosphate, lime, kudzu plants, winter legume seed, and terracing in lieu of cash payments. That farmers need this and other help is evident if we consider a few of the requirements and the progress. 8. At the rate farmers terraced in 1938 it would take 40 years to terrace Alabama farm land; at the rate farmers terraced in 1939, it would require 40 years. Under the 1941 plan we hope to accomplish the job in five years’ time. 9. We need 50 million kudzu plants annually for the next four years under the conservation plan ; this year the AAA furnished farmers 16 mil¬ lion plants with some additional ones being obtained by farmers from neighbors. We need 2]/2 million acres in conserving crops annually com¬ pared to the one million we now have. A fourth of the cropland in winter legumes would require 50 million pounds of seed. At present farmers are planting less than 20 million pounds. Soil chemists say Alabama soils need annual lime applications of y2 million tons of lime for several years. In 1940, 60,000 tons, or a little over 10 per cent of our needs — was supplied through the AAA. These, along with the great need for phosphate, give an idea of the magnitude of the needs of Alabama farm land. 10. Results of the program will be more food and feed crops and then more livestock for home consumption, thus, reaching a balanced diver¬ sified program. 11. We need soil conservation and we need human conservation. Our land will take better care of us if we take better care of it. That’s the purpose of the Alabama conservation plan. 53 SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICTS IN ALABAMA — O. C. Medlock, State Coordinator, Soil Conservation Service, Auburn, Ala. The Alabama Extension Service and Experiment Station long have emphasized soil-conserving practices. Federal assistance in erosion control began in Alabama with the establishment of the Dadeville Soil Conserva¬ tion Demonstration Project in 1934. Three other similar projects were later established in the State. Demonstration projects tested conservation measures, demonstrated their value to farmers, and provided a training field for soil conservation workers. These projects emphasized the use of a complete, well-rounded conservation program. A demand for assistance in conservation planning from farmers throughout the Nation resulted in the development of the soil conserva¬ tion districts idea. The Department of Agriculture, with agricultural lead¬ ers throughout the Nation, developed a Standard Soil Conservation Dis¬ tricts Act which was presented to the States as a model for State laws. The Alabama Soil Conservation Districts Law was enacted March 18, 1939. The law provided for the State Soil Conservation Committee which encourages the formation of districts, appoints supervisors, coordinates the programs of districts and aids in obtaining assistance from Federal, State, and local sources. Twenty-five landowners may petition for the formation of a district and obtain a hearing. If the interest is sufficient, a referendum is held. If two-thirds of the landowners voting favor the formation of a district, it may be organized. Five landowners residing within the district are ap¬ pointed to administer the affairs of the district. These supervisors prepare a program and work plan, and request assistance from Federal, State, and local agencies. There are nine soil conservation districts in Alabama, including 52 counties with a total of 24,346,880 acres. Three other proposed districts including the remaining 15 counties, will hold a referendum on March 29, and, if organized, the entire state will be covered by districts. The Soil Conservation Service, in assisting districts, provides a district conservationist to administer the work of the Service in the district. A technician is supplied to work each county as a work unit. In nine coun¬ ties CCC camps serve as work units. Technicians assist farmers in pre¬ paring district farm plans for erosion control and in applying conserva¬ tion measures. The Soil Conservation Service, the Extension Service, Farm Security Administration, vocational agricultural teachers, and State Division of Forestry, are all cooperating with the districts. Districts operating in Alabama since October 1939 prepared plans for 2,578 farms with a total of 500,528 acres. These plans provide for con¬ verting 36,400 acres of idle land to profitable use; increasing perennial hay by 43,000 acres; increasing improved permanent pastures by 31,000 acres; and constructing new terraces on 102,800 acres. 54 THE ECOLOGICAL ROLE OF FIRE IN SOUTHERN PINE FORESTS — Kenneth H. Garren, State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. A wide divergence of opinion exists regarding the effect of fire on Southern pine lands. A study of the reliable scientific evidence now at hand shows that fires may be assigned several definite roles in the ecology of Southern pine lands. The facts indicate that frequent fires in the long- leaf pine area have the following results: 1. Destruction of seeds and seedlings, curtailing of normal restocking, and sometimes invasion of long- leaf areas by poor trees such as sand pine or sprouting scrub-oaks. 2. Marked retardation in growth seedlings, saplings, and perhaps larger trees. 3. A compacting of the soil, and promotion of erosion where water run off is possible. 4. Reduced economic value for many of the larger trees. Controlled winter burning of longleaf forests at less frequent inter¬ vals, however, may have the following beneficial results: 1. An in¬ creased restocking, because of the bare soil necessary for proper seed germination. 2. Prevention of death or stunting of seedlings Through de¬ struction of the brown-spot organism. 3. Maintenance of longleaf pine as the dominant tree in the forests through killing competing hardwoods or other pines. 4. An increased crazing potentiality for wooded areas. Similar conclusions as to the role of fire in loblolly-shortleaf pine areas are not now scientifically justifiable. It is indicated, however, that fre¬ quent fires also prevent normal restocking of these pine forests, as well as result in increased decay in mature trees. On the other hand, however, if pine forests continue to be of greater value to the South than oak and hickory forests, it is possible that infrequent controlled fires may be help¬ ful in maintaining loblolly-shortleaf areas at the expense of the other¬ wise dominant oaks and hickories. FLOOD FORECASTING — Eugene D. Emigh, Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. For many years the duty and responsibility of predicting river stages for the information of navigation, power and other interests has devolved on the officials of the Weather Bureau, under statutes so specifically pro¬ viding. Under this assignment the prediction of floods is the most impor¬ tant, and interesting, and sometimes exciting, requirement. Along larger streams river stage predictions are based on river gage relations between stages at one point and those to be expected at points downstream. Forecasting for smaller streams, and at times for streams of considerable size, such as the Coosa River, in Alabama, which flow¬ through long, narrow watersheds, the stage forecasts must be based on the relation between the effective rainfall and the stages likely to result at river gage stations. Formerly long years of record were considered necessary, but now rating curves furnished by Geological Survey and U. S. Army Engineers have simplified the problems and little preliminary data are required. For this type of forecasting a network of well distributed rain re¬ porting stations is needed. To provide for emergencies resulting mainly from irregular distribution of heavy rains a large number of stations arc 55 required. In the past few years many such stations have been added and in Alabama provision along this line is now reasonably satisfactory. Maps and charts presented with the paper elaborated the principles and facts outlined in this abstract. NATIONAL FOREST WORK IN ALABAMA — Frank W. Rasor, U. S. Forest Service, Montgomery, Ala. National Forest work in Alabama has a scientific and research aspect as well as a physical one although the latter is the one generally recognized by most of the public. Adequate forest fire control is a first step in proper forest manage¬ ment and to determine the reasons behind the human equation in fire oc¬ currence Dr. John P. Shea, psychologist, made a seven months study of the thoughts and actions of 50 selected families on the Talladega National Forest in 1939. After analysis of his findings 12 suggestions were made for a new approach for prevention of man-caused fires. Fire preparedness and fire suppression activities are gauged by use of daily data on humidity, rainfall, wind velocity, soil moisture content, etc., applied and coordinated by prefabricated charts worked out by research to cover various combinations of such factors. Rates of spread of forest fires in different types of ground cover are also determined through re¬ search and govern the dispatching of manpower and equipment. Unsuccessful forest plantings have occurred and 5800 longleaf and slash pine seedlings are now being studied to determine the cause. Direct seeding experiments are also established. Cutting practices are tied into a scientific background of growing stock, annual growth and annual mortality determined by actual field re¬ connaissance. 210 permanent mortality plots have been established. Much research has been done with insect and disease loss but a large field for research still exists. The Little Leaf disease of Shortleaf Pine is a major unsolved problem in Alabama. More provision should be made for adequate financing of the Forest Experiment Stations if the many existing and anticipated problems in con¬ nection with our forest land are to be solved. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE TO PRIVATE FOREST OWNERS — C. F. Evans, U. S'. Forest Service, Atlanta, Ga. Because timber growing is a long-time process attended with all the risks of long-time investments, and because in the past this Nation has had an oversupply of timber which created a wasteful philosophy, forest land- owners as well as the general public in the past have had a laissez faire attitude toward forest resources. If this is continued under the recent in¬ creased demand for forest products, heavy inroads will be made into our immature stands of timber. During the first decade of this century the Federal Government made a start towards overcoming this attitude of indifference. Progress since then has been attained in spurts, the first of which was the enactment of the Weeks Law in 1911, which provided some financial assistance in co¬ operation with the states. This recognized federal responsibility on pri¬ vate lands and led to the establishment of state forestry departments. Eol- 56 lowing this came the establishment of forest experiment stations and the passage of the Clarke-McNary Law. The latter broadened the cooperative efforts of the Weeks Law to include fire protection on all state and pri¬ vate lands, and the production and distribution of tree seedlings, as well as the employment of extension foresters. The Civilian Conservation Corps has done much in recent years to facilitate fire protection through con¬ struction of towers, telephone lines, and roads. While much progress has been made by farsighted landowners with public cooperation, it is obvious that private forest land generally is inadequately protected from fire and is being exploited instead of managed. The country is' still in the formative stages of caring for its forests and greater attention and support are needed. Perhaps something more than assistance is needed. Sentiment for legal restrictions to prevent for¬ est destruction is growing. Legislation of this nature is already being con¬ sidered by Congress and several state legislatures. The establishment of sound forest practices on private lands is not an easy task and it will require the wholehearted support of a more enlight¬ ened public. A PRIVATE LAND OWNER’S APPROACH TO FOREST MAN¬ AGEMENT — M. C. Leach, Forester, The Alger-Sullivan Lumber Company, Century, Fla. Most lumber companies were started by manufacturers who bought trees as a resource to run a manufacturing plant and accepted the land because it allowed them to cut when and where they pleased. With plenty of stumpage available, they were more concerned with the manufac¬ ture of the product that the public demanded than with the productivity of their land. But when the life of the manufacturing plant became endan¬ gered by the depletion of the resource they became concerned and began to take stock of their cutover land and timber to see what could be done to make it furnish new life for the manufacturing plant. Having become conscious that they are land owners, they are in the market for a workable plan of operation that will make the land as productive as possible, so they are working out as intensive a program as their experience and finances will permit. Lost butt cuts due to catfaces, seeing young stands wiped out and areas, kept bare by fire has convinced them that fire protection is a profit¬ able investment. Thinning sapling and sawlog stands for an increase in quantity and quality is an accepted policy ; in fact, it is the backbone of our private forestry program. Too, better stands of desirable species are being secured by eliminating the least desirable, although profits from this investment may not be realized for years. Better utilization is being secured by cutting lower stumps, closer tops, snags and red-hearted trees which were formerly left. Some of this is marginal operation, but every foot cut means growing stock left for future cuts. Logging methods are being improved and efforts made to prevent damage to trees left, regardless of size. They are asking the cause and prevention of disease and insect mor¬ tality and if the doctors cannot give a satisfactory answer they will work out one for themselves by the trial and error method. 57 FOREST RESEARCH IN ALABAMA — L. M. Ware, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. A brief history of forest research work in Alabama, a statement of the scope of the program and mention of a few contributions to action pro¬ grams in the state of forest research conducted by the Alabama Experi¬ ment Station. ABSTRACT OF FOREST TAXATION RESEARCH IN ALABAMA — Ronald B. Craig, Southern Forest Experiment Station, U. S. Forest Service, New Orleans, La. The Southern Forest Experiment Station of the U. S. Forest Service at New Orleans, in addition to the Forest Survey and a study of natural reproduction of pine in farm woodlands, is now making, in Alabama and other states, a study of the general level of assessment and of ad valorem property taxes per acre of forest land and timber. This study began in 1939 in Mississippi. So far as is possible, these value and tax data will be related to forest types and condition classes, but the methodology must be adapted to the assessment systems of each state. Sample counties are selected to give representation to the major forest types and forest ownership conditions throughout each state. Because of Alabama’s blanket assessment system, it was not possible to derive data for each forest type and condition class. Instead, the average assessed value and average ad valorem property tax per acre were de¬ termined in each sample county for a majority of the forest land and timber other than farm woodlands assessed with crop and pasture lands as a farm unit. Data were obtained for the 4-year period, 1937-40, in nine counties distributed throughout the State. In 1940, the assessed values per acre ranged from a county average of $1.32 to an average of $3.90, with a group average of $2.87. Taxes per acre ranged from a county average of 2.8 cents to 8.2 cents, with a group average of 6.1 cents. Since 1937, in most counties the trend in both assessed value and tax per acre has been slightly downward. The maxi¬ mum tax rate has been fixed by the State Constitution at 21 mills per dollar throughout this period. For 1940, the comparable average tax in seven Mississippi counties as a whole was 18.5 cents per acre, indicating a much more favorable forest tax situation in Alabama. It is planned to keep these data current by annual resurveys, and to extend the study to other states. FORESTRY IN THE MINING DISTRICT — W. F. Shillito, Alabama By-Products Corp., Birmingham, Ala. The first record we have of coal mining in Alabama for commercial purposes was in 1830 in Tuscaloosa County. The growth of the coal in¬ dustry has been rapid, the production of coal reaching its peak in Alabama in 1926, when there were mined twenty-one and a half million tons, which will probably be equalled if not exceeded this year, owing to the increased demand under the Defense Program. There need be no cause for alarm, however, of a coal shortage in our State, as although we mined one and a half billion tons during the past century, there still remains, according to 58 estimates made in 1923, some thirty-three billion tons of coal in Alabama. To mine this coal, however, we need a tremendous supply of timber, and unless something is done by way of improved methods of cutting and keep¬ ing fires out of our woods it will be a relatively short time before the mining industry finds itself in the same condition as occurred in England nearly four hundred years ago. When coal is removed from a seam, the roof must be supported by timbers in order to prevent rock-falls, which requires an enormous amount of timber. Most of these timbers once replaced are rarely removed — hence a tremendous amount of lumber is left in the mines after the coal has been worked out. In the mines of my company we used more than eight and a quarter million BM feet last year, an average of one thousand BM feet for every two hundred and twelve tons of coal mined. If we use these same figures as a basis and mine as much coal as was done in 1926, the coal industry of Alabama will require this year more than one hundred million BM feet of lumber. The mining industry as a whole is vitally interested in the matter of fire protection and the conservation of forest lands, and has cooperated with the State Division of Forestry in the erection of a large number of fire towers in the several counties in which mining is done. During the past few years we have somewhat improved our cutting methods, eliminat¬ ing considerable waste, and have also withdrawn, so far as possible, any cutting whatever on large tracts of land in order to give such lands an opportunity to reforest themselves. It will be necessary for us, however, to more closely supervise and emphasize selected cutting if we are to over¬ come the lag between the increment and the annual drain of our timber resources. THE FORESTRY PROGRAM OF THE ALABAMA POWER COMPANY — -Gomer D. Evans, Alabama Power Co., Birmingham, Ala. The present forestry program of the Alabama Power Company, inau¬ gurated in 1930, consists of two main divisions, namclv : Line Clearing and Forest Management. Line Clearing embraces maintenance of tree clearance on 9,206 pole-line miles of distribution lines located in 60 out of the 67 counties in the State. Forest Management entails establishment and maintenance under a program of reforestation and the selective cut¬ ting of timber on approximately 100,000 acres of forest land. While the primary purpose in maintaining adequate tree clearance is to ensure safe and continuous service to our customers, the pruning work is carried out in such a manner as to be of mutual benefit to the owner as well as the Power Company. In 1935, the organization of special tree trimming crews was begun and during the course of the past 5 years, we have operated from 3 to 6 trimming crews in maintaining clearance on our distribution lines. At present, we are operating three large trimming crews, which last year trimmed and removed a total of 42,743 trees. Today, ap¬ proximately 20 per cent of the line clearing cost is expended in corrective pruning. The forest lands of the company for the most part were acquired in. conjunction with the develonment of our six large hydro-electric plants located on the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers. The reservoir lands were acquired for the purpose of protecting riparian interests and to control land usage in the immediate vicinity of the reservoirs. The company also owns 59 several tracts of mineral land in Walker, Cherokee and DeKalb Counties. Practically all of these lands are of forest character ; however, some acreage is suitable for agriculture and is devoted to that purpose. The major objective of our Forest Management program is to restore the forest lands to the full productive capacity of the soil. This objective is grad¬ ually being accomplished through fire protection efforts, an intensive re¬ forestation program, and by the removal of defective and crowded trees by selective cutting. Intensive forest and farm surveys have been in progress for a number of years, and definite management plans have been formulated. The 5,000,000 seedlings produced at the company nurseries in the past 6 years at an approximate nursery cost of $1.TK) per thousand have been planted on 5,253 acres. This has been done in cooperation with the appropriate State and Federal agencies. GERMAN AND AMERICAN FAMILIES IN CULLMAN COUNTY — Roland M. Elarper, Geological Survey of Alabama, University, Ala. Cullman was settled by Germans in the 70’s, soon after the railroad was built through there, and in a few years it was made the county-seat of a new county. The growth of population of the county, like that or many other sandy regions, has been pretty rapid, and immigrants from other counties and states soon outnumbered the Germans, and the propor¬ tion of German stock has declined pretty steadily. The German element in the county and city has been estimated Dy means of census reports, tombstones, marriage records, and the Cullman telephone directory. The Germans have always been largely concentrated in and near Cullman, and other towns along the railroad, but are now in the minority even there. The beats containing the most foreigners generally have the most properous farmers, but that does not necessarily indicate that the Germans are more efficient farmers than the Americans, for land near a railroad is nearly always more valuable than that elsewhere, and farming on such land is likely to be more intensive. THE LAND-USE PLANNING PROCESS — J. C. Lowery, Alabama Extension Service, Auburn, Ala. The basis for land-use planning as now being conducted in Alabama is the Mt. Weather Agreement between the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Land-Grant Colleges. In formulating the agreement it was recog¬ nized that any sound agricultural program must be based on the wise use of land and that, if the agricultural programs are to be made really effec¬ tive in servicing agriculture, the farmers themselves must be afforded an opportunity to participate actively in the formulation and execution of such- programs. The planning organization is to be composed of State, county, and community planning committees, wTith the community committee recog¬ nized as the basic unit of the planning process. The State Land-Use Planning Committee is composed of representa¬ tives of State and Federal agencies engaged in administering agricultural programs, and a number of farm men and women representing each type of farm area in the State. The county committee is composed of represen¬ tatives of each Federal and State agency responsible for administering 60 agricultural programs in the county, and farm men and women represent¬ ing each principal community in the county. The community committees are made up of farm men and women cnly. The Department of Agricul¬ ture and the Land-Grant Colleges accept the land-use planning organiza¬ tion as the channel through which all the farm people in the counties can be readily reached and through which the farm people may participate in building agricultural programs more adequately to serve their heeds. The first job of the community or county committees is to study and identify the physical and economic differences between the land use areas of the county. They obtain such help as is needed from the Department of Agriculture personnel, Extension Service workers, and farm-program leaders. The committees then determine the extent and character of these land use problems. As a basis for, and as an aid in, analyzing the fac¬ tors involved in these problems, they develop maps, and they have discus¬ sions concerning the information and the conclusions reached about the county’s problems in relation to the basic pattern of land use in the county. The completed maps and reports will show, among other things, the present land use areas, the settlement pattern, the problems within each- area, as well as express conclusions as to the changes needed and how they should be brought about. Land Lise Committees have been set up in practically all Alabama counties, and rather complete land use reports have been made in 16 counties. The work of these committees is democracy in operation to solve agricultural problems. CONSERVATION PLANNING IN ALABAMA SOIL CONSERVA¬ TION DISTRICTS — Sam Morgan, Soil Conservation Service, Montgomery, Ala. There are 32,913,588 acres of land in Alabama, of which approximately 19,500,000 acres are in farms. Of the acreage in farm land, 8,700,000 acres are classed as cropland. According to an erosion survey made by the Soil Conservation Service in 1934, 8,240,954 acres had lost practically all of the original topsoil. Almost three million acres were severely affected by erosion, while 931,429 acres were essentially destroyed for farming pur¬ poses. In addition to the direct damage to the land caused by erosion, numerous social and economic ills resulted. Most erosion in Alabama has been caused by the misuse man made of the land. Alabama farmers have followed a clean-cultivated, row-crop system of agriculture that keeps the land bare of all close-growing vege¬ tation — and bare land washes away. Nature has shown for ages that vegetation will control erosion. There is considerable evidence of this. For example, soil losses from land cov¬ ered by a well-established woodland or a good sod of grass are negligible. If vegetation will control erosion, the problem of conserving and building the soil becomes one of using as much of the land as possible to produce close-growing, soil-building vegetation. Farmer-organized soil conservation districts in Alabama recommend complete conservation plans for the individual farm in order to provide better land use and effective erosion-control. The conservation plans pro¬ vide for terraces on all land that needs terracing and the maximum amount of close-growing annual and perennial vegetation for all of the land on the farm, including woodland Since it is not generally practicable to plant all land on the farm to close-growing vegetation, such vegetation 61 should be arranged so as to afford the maximum protection from erosion. In other words, perennial vegetation, such as kudzu and Lespedeza sericea, should be established on the most erodible portion of the cropland. The close-growing annual vegetation, such as small grain and annual lespedezas, will protect more land if planted in strips on the contour. Soil Conservation Service technicians assigned to Alabama soil con¬ servation districts are now working in 52 counties, helping farmers develop complete conservation plans for their farms. During the past 18 months, these technicians have assisted farmers in developing plans for 3,713 farms, comprising 680,409 acres. FARM SECURITY ADMINISTRATION REHABILITATION WORK IN ALABAMA — M. H. Pearson, U. S. Farm Security Administration, Auburn, Ala. FSA in Alabama has found innumerable problems, both economic and social, among the 33,000 families it is assisting through supervision and credit. These families represent one out of every eight farm families in the state. These problems have grown out of poor land use practices deeply imbedded in the farming patterns of the South. The families who are receiving FSA assistance have been, and still are, struggling to make a living on land that is too poor to support them due to past land use. The pressure of population is very acute. The average farm has about one- third as many acres of crop land per family as the average for the rest of the country. FSA families average about 6.2 members, thus greatly reducing the crop acreage per capita. The experience of the FSA, with reference to low incomes, parallels that of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics in its study in Lee County. At least two-thirds of the families have net cash incomes of less than $300.00. The changing pattern of agri¬ culture in Alabama in which families are being displaced aggravates the problems of FSA in finding farms for displaced families. The education level of these families is very low and the background of farming requiring managerial ability is very limited. The tenure situation which causes about one-half of the tenants and sharecroppers who constitute two out of every three farmers in Alabama, to move annually makes it difficult for the families to participate in the various community activities and services offered by state, county and federal agencies. The system of credit under which families had worked, before applying to FSA for assistance, has prevented their accumulating farm tools and livestock, a surplus of food and feed and also household goods. The demand for cash crops by landlords has almost eliminated a live-at-home program among tenants and sharecroppers. FSA has found disease and sickness among these low-income farmers to whom modern sanitation services are almost unknown. Unfavorable environment, lack of education and lack of stable farm homes have greatly contributed to the so-called inferiority of these low income people. In attacking these problems FSA has worked on the premise that the family success depends on how effectively we can educate them in sound farm and home management practices. Hence the use of farm and home management plans as a basis for the rehabilitation loans to these families. The farm and home management plan is based on recommendations of the Extension Service, Experiment Stations and Soil Conservation Service. All farmers agree to comply with AAA and the benefit payments are re- 62 invested in the land in compliance with the agreement with AAA. All farm and home plans provide a maximum for subsistence livestock and for subsistence food and feed for the family and an adequate food preservation budget including fruits, vegetables, and meats. Leases are being secured for as long terms as possible. In 1940, 30; per cent of our leases were for a period of 5 years, 15 per cent had 2 to 4- year leases, 36 per cent had one-year written leases and 4 per cent had no written lease. 15 per cent were so-called landowners, 10 per cent of whom had mortgages on their farms. The work that these families are doing in soil conservation, in planting soil building crops, in improving housing conditions and sanitating the environment has greatly increased the ease with which written leases can be secured. By pooling their funds families are having more adequate medical and dental care for the family and veterinary service for the livestock. In order to qualify for a loan a family must have more than one cash enterprise and a garden large enough to supply the family with fresh vege¬ tables all the year and to provide a surplus for canning for winter months. To overcome the credit; problem, loans for capital goods and farm and home operations are made for a five-year period with a low rate of inter¬ est. In case of crop disaster notes may be renewed. FSA believes that this great mass of low-income farm families are moving toward rehabilitation. A large part of their success is due to the FSA method of combining a loan program with one of direct supervision. Changing habits of farming is a difficult job and the success of our Farm and Home Supervisor depends on their ability to understand the people and their problems. Supervision must be given when and as often as it is needed. AIR MASS AND FRONTAL ANALYSIS OF THE DAILY WEATHER MAP — Arthur R. Long, U. S'. Weather Bureau, Meridian, Miss. Air Masses Air masses were defined as extensive bodies of air within which the conditions of temperature and moisture in a horizontal plane were essen¬ tially uniform. Northern Canada was shown to be a source region for polar air and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea as a source region for tropical maritime air. Superior air was shown to be due to subsidence and lateral spreading. Some of the modifying influences on air masses were shown to be thermodynamic and mechanical. Fronts A front was defined as the line of discontinuity between two different air masses. The various types of fronts — cold, warm, occluded, stationary, and upper — were defined and described. Also, frontogenesis and frontoly- sis were defined. Locating Fronts It was shown that fronts were located: by logical historical se¬ quence ; by discontinuities in wind, temperature, and moisture ; by cloud and precipitation areas ; by 3-hourly pressure changes ; and by the use of upper-air data. 63 Upper-Air Data The wind directions and velocities for various levels are obtained from the pilot balloon flights, and frontal movements may often be ap¬ proximated by using these data at suitable levels. The use of radiosonde and airplane observations in drawing cross sections of the upper-air and their use in making analyses were shown. A brief description was made of the isentropic chart and its value in making analysis of the current synoptic chart. Conclusion The value of air mass and frontal analysis in forecasting was shown. While the use of this method is no panacea for all forecasting ills, it is a step in the right direction and its use is resulting in better and more accu¬ rate weather forecasts. SECTION V PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS A METHOD OF DETERMINING THE COEFFICIENTS' IN A TRANSFORMED EQUATION — George W. Hess, Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. If f(x) — xn-f- Ptx"-1 + p2xn’2+ . . . . + p„ = 0 is a given equation of the nth degree, and, if <£(z) = + q, z^1 + q2 zkn_2 + . . . +qtmO denotes the transformed equation such that the roots of <£ (z) — 0 are given homogeneous functions of the kth degree of the roots of f(x) = 0, each coefficient qt is expressible as a rational integral function of the p’s, each term in such expression being of weight k.t, where the weight of a term Apdpp ... is defined to be r.i + s.j . . . . To determine a given qt, it is expressed as a polynomial containing as terms all possible products of the p’s of weight t.k, each term containing an undertermined coefficient, which is later determined by the use of suit¬ able equations with knowm roots. A PROBLEM IN DIFFUSION — J. H. Coulliette, Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. A number of metastable mercury atoms are formed in a small spherical volume and permitted to diffuse to the surrounding spherical wall. The rate of arrival of the metastable atoms at the wall was computed from the well known diffusion equation. The rate of arrival was measured experi¬ mentally in a four electrode vacuum tube, and compared with the computed value of the rate of arrival. The reasonably close agreement indicates that metastable atoms do not give up their excitation energy upon colli¬ sion with normal mercury atoms, but diffuse through the gas until colli¬ sion with the wall of the container causes them to return to the normal state. 64 A NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR “ESCAPE” VELOCITY — W. A. Moore, Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. J. Prescott in his Mechanics of Particles makes this statement : “A body projected away from the earth’s surface with a velocity of seven miles per second will never return to the earth.” Sir James Jeans in his Theoretical Mechanics says: “If u2 = 2 gr the velocity will vanish at infinity; the body will escape from the earth but will be left with zero velocity.” The problem referred to in the above quotations would be an inter¬ esting and challenging one for students of elementary calculus and should be an illuminating one for students of Mechanics yet calculus books omit it and Mechanics books slur it. It seems to deserve a straightforward rigorous treatment which this paper proposes to give. First, as a direct consequence of Newton’s Law of Gravitation, the following equation is derived : V2 = U2 _ 2 gr + 2 gr” x where x is the variable distance of a body from the center of the earth, v is the velocity at x, u is the initial velocity at x = r, and ( — g) is the value of gravity at x = r. It follows directly from the equation that v — 0 only if u2 = 2 gr — < 2 gr2 “ <2 gr. In other words u2<;2 gr is a necessary condition for re¬ turn. It is also a sufficient condition for return, for if u2 <; 2 gr then u2= 2 gr — e where e is an arbitrary positive constant, and the equation becomes : , 2 gr2 2 gr2 V2 = 2 gr - e - 2 gr + x~= — - - e 2 gr2 Thus v = 0 when x = ■ ~ e Now since u2<2 gr is sufficient for return, then u2 = 2 gr is nec- 2 gr2 essary for escape. Finally, if u2 = 2 gr the equation gives V2 — - — — ■ which is greater than zero for all values of x. Hence u2 = 2 gr is suf¬ ficient for escape. THE PHOTOELECTRIC PROPERTIES' OF THIN FILMS OF BISMUTH OF MEASURED THfCKNESS — L. j. Eisele, S.J., Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. Recent work by Weber1 on the photoelectric properties of Bismuth films evaporated in vacuo shows threshold shifts towards the longer wave lengths accompanying increasing film thickness. The same author found that Fowler’s theory held for low temperature measurements, at least as low as -7 5°C. The same author has also determined the vapor pressure of Bismuth2 which makes it possible to study these threshold shifts as a function of actual film thickness. 1. Weber, A. H. Phys. Rev. 53: 895 (1938). 2. Weber, A. H. Phys. Rev. May 15 (1940). 65 In this work threshold shifts were analyzed for films varying in thick¬ ness from 5.5 to 456 atomic layers and the temperature range was further extended to -183°C. The DuBridge method of analysis was employed. Excellent agreement of experiment with theory was found for all except one film. Four films (5.5 to 44.5 atomic layers) showed a relatively small threshold shift towards the red (a total of 40A°) whereas films of greater thickness (111.2 to 456 atomic layers) showed large shifts towards longer wave lengths (approximately 500A°). These phenomena may be due to a change in the structure of the film beyond about 50 atomic layers. A study of photoelectric current versus film thickness showed that a saturation current was reached at about 200 atomic layers. However, threshold analysis showed a strong shift even beyond this thickness. It is also pointed out that a more careful analysis of the properties of thin films should involve conductivity measurements as well as photoelec¬ tric properties. SQUARING THE CIRCLE IN NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY — Henry Gerhardt, Mobile, Ala. It is known that by denying Euclid’s fifth axiom we will have a con¬ sistent system of Geometry in which the sum of the angles in a triangle is less than two right angles. In this Geometry a remarkble connection exists between a circle and a certain angle. This enables us to square the circle. In this paper a conformal representation is used which gives an easy approach to this problem by means of elementary methods. It shows the way to the actual construction. A PROBLEM IN HEAT CONDUCTION — Robert Gaskell, University, Ala. In this problem we have an isotropic right cylindrical bar, whose ends are placed in contact with well-stirred liquids, and which is provided with lateral insulation so as to make the problem one-dimensional. We are given an initial temperature distribution function for the bar, f(x), with other physical constants involved, and are required to find the temperature distribution, U(x,t), at any subsequent time. There are essentially four steps in the solution of the problem. The La¬ place transformation is applied to the conditions of the problem, yielding an ordinary differential equation and two end conditions. This system differs notably from those usually solved by a separation of variables process in the occurrence of a parameter in the end conditions as well as in the dif¬ ferential equation. The application of the inverse Laplace transformation to the solution of this system, u(x,s), is the second step. If f(x) is piecewise continu¬ ous, and if f'(x) is bounded and integrable, this inversion can be carried out by use of Churchill’s theorems on the inversion integral. The third part of the solution is that of showing that the inverse transform, L_1-|u(x,s) }• , is a solution of the boundary value problem. Some of the conditions are verified by a Tauberian process from observed 66 properties of u(x,s). A series expansion for L'1 •{ u(x,s) }■ can also be found; anti this series can be shown to satisfy the remaining condition proving that U(x,t) = L'1 -j u(x,s) [ . In the final step, conditions on f(x) and its derivatives are found which will yield a unique solution. It can be shown that if f (x) and its first two derivatives are piecewise continuous and if f"' (x) is bounded and integrable, then U(x,t) = L'1 { u(x,s) J- is the only solution of a certain definable character. TECHNIQUES IN GRINDING AND POLISHING TELESCOPE MIRRORS — John R. Patty, Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Two telescope mirrors were ground and polished in the summer and autumn of 1934 by the author and Mr. Carl Hibdon working in conjunc¬ tion with each other at Arkansas State College. Techniques were fol¬ lowed as indicated in the third edition of “Amateur Telescope Making” but procedures were soon altered to overcome certain difficulties which seemed to be characteristic of the prescribed methods. A more-finely ground surface was obtained by adding optician’s rouge and water repeatedly to the sludge in the final grinding with number 600 carborundum and extending the grinding for an additional hour. Damage to the finely-ground surface in removal of the mirror from the grinding tool was avoided by attaching a screw eye and cord to the handle on the back of the mirror, and fastening this cord to a spring balance three feet above and almost directly over one edge of the grind¬ ing tool with the cord length adjusted to make the tension approximately equal to the weight of the mirror. Immediately preceding removal,' an excess of water was applied, and the mirror was slipped quickly and smooth¬ ly from the grinding tool and was caught with the hands. A modified and flexible polishing tool was made by rubbing beeswax and naptha across a two-inch diametral strip on the grinding tool to in¬ crease the adhesion to the HCF (honey comb foundation) lap place there¬ on. The portions to either side of this strip were separated from the grinding tool by means of a dull knife, and sheets of paper were inserted to increase the polishing to any desired amount near the edges and decrease it near the center. A nicely-figured mirror was obtained within four hours elapsed time or about two hours of actual polishing. RADIO FREQUENCY MODULATION — Elmer Rhodes, Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. A brief survey of the basic principles of frequency modulation, meth¬ ods of generating and receiving frequency modulated waves, the advan¬ tage of noise free reception offered by frequency modulated systems, and the theory of noise silencing by frequency modulation was presented. A simple reactance modulator was described. Also a system of phase modulation was discussed along with a brief explanation of the theory of phase modulation. 67 A method of receiving frequency modulated waves was discussed along with the method by which the desired modulation may be rectified from the carrier free from extraneous noises. The whole discussion was non-mathematical, and designed for those with no experience with frequency modulation but only a general familiarity with terms used in radio discussions. A REPORT ON THE PROGRESS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN SECTION OF THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY — Fred Allison, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. The history of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society is sketched from its inception on March 23, 1935, to date. A study of statistics on attendance, membership and number of papers presented shows a healthy growth during the period. The present membership of 300 indicates the important place physicists occupy in the group of Southern Scientists. AN ANOMALOUS TEMPERATURE EFFECT IN X-RAY DIF¬ FRACTION OF WATER — C. B. Crawley and Eric Rodgers. Recent work on supercooling of water has shown that its freezing temperature can be changed by pre-heating. This has been explained by the theory of motes in the water. So much work has been done indicating a complex molecular structure of water that it is felt worth while to de¬ termine if the molecular structure depends on preheating. This is being investigated in experiments now in progress at the University of Alabama. SECTION VI INDUSTRY AND ECONOMICS THE ECONOMICS OF THE FILM CONCEPT IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING — N. W. Muller, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. The economics of absorption are considered in terms of liquid-gas rate, efficiency, optimum contact area and mass transfer coefficient. The method of Maker and Thornberg is generalized to fit all of the diffusional and transfer operations in chemical engineering. The relationship be¬ tween optimum area is N “ Kga(Yx yi) * area 1 — K 68 The optimum efficiency of operation in terms of fixed and operating costs, gas and liquid rates, and mass transfer coefficient is expressed by TT _ 1 + K — V(1 + K)2 - 4K(1 - R) ^ 2K Relationships between efficiency, gas-liquid rate, fixed and operating costs, and optimum area are shown in a graphical correlation. THE NEED AND OPPORTUNITY FOR FURTHER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN ALABAMA — John Ward, Secretary Alabama Chamber of Commerce, Mont¬ gomery, Ala. Alabama with all its natural and human resources has remained until recently largely an agricultural state with an economy dominated by cot¬ ton. Alabama is rich in possibilities but comparatively poor in reality. Reasons suggested for this strange situation are (1) The destruction following the War Between the States, (2) Problems growing out of a large negro population, (3) The tariff, (4) Discriminatory freight rates, (5) A kind of colonial economy forced on the South by other sections, and (6) The nature of some of our resources. On the other hand, to no outside influence can be attributed (1) The fact that we have waited on others to develop our resources, (2) Lack of cooperative effort, (3) Holding to an agricultural economy of cotton until it impoverished us, (4) Waste of our lands, (5) Waste of many of our natural resources, and (6) Continued migration of our young people to other sections. In recent years we have made much industrial progress. Also a sound farm program is now being followed. However, our total and per capita income will remain low unless part of the seventy per cent of our people dependent on agriculture can be transferred to industrial pay rolls. Hence the development of the right kind of manufacturing opera¬ tions in the state is important. In considering opportunities for further industrial development, the numerous raw materials of Alabama, electric power production in the state, transportation facilities, labor supply, taxes, health conditions, and the favorable trend in the State Administration are discussed. Examples of industrial development in Alabama are cited. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES TO CRIMINAL LAW ENFORCEMENT — C. J. Rehling, Alabama State Department of Toxicology. In the early days of science, newly discovered laws and principles were only slowly utilized by medicine and the other professions, due, in part, to resistance encountered from religious and political minds as well as from numerous leaders in the several embryonic sciences of the day. Such pioneers as Lavoisier, Priestly, Harvey, Lister, Pasteur and many others fostered a practical utilization of the newer knowledge of the day to prolonging human life and welfare. But the nineteenth cen- 69 tury witnessed a phenomenal growth in the practical application of chem¬ istry and other fields of scientific learning. However, it was not until World War I that we saw scientific knowledge put to work en masse for the first time and this occasion saw the rise of our national sun in the fields of research and industry. Then, too, during the ’20’s came organized or professional crime and law enforcement was practically “blitzed”. The officer, by and large, was impotent in his control over such lawlessness while the courts were honeycombed by newly found “loop holes”. Yet it was only after some years that any organized effort was made by law enforcement agencies to launch out, as the commercial world had done, in search of aid in the realm of science. Some local efforts along these lines in Europe had accomplished much but our interest had lagged. Then followed the newer program which considers the higher type of intelligent officer, coupled with a coordinated scientific service, as the most effective and efficient service. Such newer program is by no means universally accepted and continued education is necessary to further such facilities now available to assist our law enforcement agencies. Consistent with such efforts, the State Department of Toxicology was established in 1935. Its purpose and efforts are to provide, as fully as possible, a free, scientific, criminal investigative service to the State of Alabama. Cases are submitted to this department at an ever increas¬ ing rate and at present some forty-five cases per month are received and given our diligent attention. All branches of scientific criminal investigation are exercised by a staff of qualified and experienced experts. As shown by the illustrations herewith projected, the department is equipped to handle various phases of chemistry, microscopy, legal medicine, photography, pathology, bacte¬ riology, etc. and apply these to the case at hand to ferret out all possible facts that may be valuable as evidence. Our purpose is to conduct an unbiased investigation with the ultimate cbjective in mind that the findings will probably be presented as evidence in courts of law. THE NAVIGATION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF THE TEN¬ NESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY — John H. Goff, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Northern Alabama lies in the heart of the Tennessee Valley Region. The activities of the Tennessee Valley Authority are of direct interest to the state. A cardinal phase of the Authority’s activities is the develop¬ ment of a modern canalized waterway which will permit year-round navi¬ gation the entire length of the Tennessee. By 1944 or early 1945 this program should be realized and there should be available for use a 648- mile standard 9-foot navigation channel from Paducah, Kentucky to Knox¬ ville, Tennessee. This will give northern Alabama access to America’s great inland waterway system — a net-work having 5700 miles of standard 9-i‘oot chan¬ nel and 3000 miles of 6-foot channel. The value of the Tennessee River navigation improvement will be greatly enhanced by being a part of this national system. Such diverse points as Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Houston will be accessible for all-water movements, without transshipment of cargo, to river ports in Alabama. 70 Completion of the TVA navigation program will make the Tennessee the best river in the United States from the standpoint of economical operation of vessels, because : 1. The most efficient floating equipment can be used. 2. There will be few time-consuming lockages owing to the small number of high dams. 3. The wide and deep channel will permit easy and safe handling of craft. The Tri-cities area (Florence, Tuscumbia and Sheffield), Decatur and Guntersville will probably be the river-side points of Alabama which will gain most from transportation on the river since they are commer¬ cially important themselves and because they can serve as transit ports for traffic moving by rail or truck from or to hinterland points such as Birmingham, Atlanta, Gadsden, and Anniston. PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE PAPER INDUSTRY IN THE SOUTH — I. Y. East, Southern Kraft Corp., Moss Point, Miss. The invention and manufacture of paper dates back to 105 A.D. wnen a Chinese, Ts’ai Lun, made a successful sheet of paper using cotton, rags and hemp. From China this invention spread to Arabia and thence to Sicily, Spain, France, and finally to Germany where the industry has steadily improved. In the early development of paper, cotton and linen were the principal raw materials except in China and Japan where the use of the inside lining of mulberry bark, bamboo, etc. is still continued. Paper remained a luxury until the discovery of the use of wood fibres, and the invention of the modern paper machine. The pulping processes are as follows : soda, sulfite, kraft or sulfate, and mechanical or groundwood. With the introduction of the kraft or sulfate process, which is adapt¬ able to the southern pine, the South is rapidly becoming the center of the paper industry due to its abundance of wood, transportation facilities, and favorable climate. Recently the sulfite process has been adapted to south¬ ern pine to produce pulp for the rayon industry. The pulp industry, especially the kraft process, offers great oppor¬ tunities for scientists. RELATION OF PATENTS TO RESEARCH IN INDUSTRY — Henry L. Jennings, Patent Lawyer, Birmingham, Ala. Of the 41,730 patents granted in 1940 for inventions, 4,410, or more than 10%, related to the Chemical Industry, a field of active industrial research. Of the 4,410 patents, 1,911, or more than 40%, related to car¬ bon compounds, a particular branch of Chemistry which is the subject of intensive research. Also, of the 4,410 patents, 484 were assigned to the DuPont Company, a company which maintains extensive research labora¬ tories. Of the 41,730 patents of all kinds issued last year, 850, or more than two per cent, were assigned to the General Electric Company, 245 to the Eastman Company, and 91 to the Celanese Corporation — all companies which engage extensively in research. 71 Our patent system, being designed to promote progress in the useful arts, encourages research. By the grant of rewards in the form of ex¬ clusive rights to patented inventions, it provides a means for financing further research. Industry in the South has heretofore lagged behind the North and East in taking advantage of the patent system, yet there have been many valuable patents issued to inventors in the South. For example, phos¬ phoric acid and phosphates; diphenyl and diphenyl derivatives; centrifugal cast iron pipe; insulating wall board; improved blast furnace; and im¬ proved cotton gin. Patented inventions increase, rather than decrease, employment, but adjustments sometimes have to be made in the case of labor saving inven¬ tions. If invention should cease, civilization would perish due to in¬ ability to overcome destructive change. SWEET POTATO STARCH AS A SIZING AGENT IN THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY — Omar C. Moore, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Recently much interest has been given, particularly in the South, to the development of a commercially usuable starch from sweet potatoes. An intensive investigation was carried on in the laboratories of the Engi¬ neering Experiment Station at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute with the National Bureau of Standards and the U. S. Department of Agri¬ culture cooperating. In this work sweet potato starch was studied to determine its possi¬ bilities as a warp sizing agent in the textile industry. Several methods of testing and testing apparatus were developed, calibrated and used in the laboratory investigation. As a result of this work it was found that sweet potato starch had the qualities of a good warp sizing agent and in some respects was su¬ perior to other starches. These conclusions were verified bv actual mill- scale tests. Today, sweet potato starch is being used exclusively in some cotton mills as a warp sizing agent and is rapidly gaining a place of industrial importance in the South. EVALUATING STARCHES* — W. T. Schreiber and W. L. Stafford, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Methods are described for evaluating starches for use on fabrics ; these include methods for judging the starch mixtures from a processing or plant operating viewpoint and methods for evaluating the quality of starched fabrics. The former may be used for measuring the stickiness of starch mixtures during ironing, and the penetration of such mixtures ; the latter may be used to measure the transparency of starch films, and to determine the smoothness, stiffness and resistance to crushing of starched fabrics. These methods may also be used to advantage in evaluating other sizing or finishing agents. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry has publication rights to this paper. 72 SECTION VII THE TEACHING OF SCIENCE IMPENDING CHANGES IN THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM — Hanor A. Webb, Department of Chemistry and Science Education, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn. If science were offered in a school for the sake of culture only, its curriculum might not need revision for a century. If science were offered for information only, its curriculum might not need to be brought up to date oftener than once a generation. But if science be offered with at least one of its objectives the training of workers and consumers in a scientific age, then certain changes impend continuously in the science curriculum. The United States Government, one of the largest employers of scientifically trained persons, for the third year in succession has urged young college graduates to take the Civil Service examinations for scien¬ tific positions paying $2,000 a year. Even a boy still in college is offered summer work in scientific occupations at the rate of $1,440 per year. Duriiig 1939 and 1940, 83,136 young folks took these examinations, and 10,699 passed. The examinations for 1941 were held in March. The colleges in which most of these young persons study science are not offering courses that fit well into the demand for scientific service that the Government, and private organizations, are making. The high schools which give background to scientific study are not interesting the younger students in the fields they should study later to go into the scientific work that will be offered to them. Data as to the fields covered by the examinations for appointment to junior scientific positions follow: United States Civil Service Appointments Junior Professional Assistant, $2,000 a Year 1939: examined, 38,976; passed, 9,431 1940: examined, 44,160; passed, 11,268 1941 List: Junior Professional Assistants Administrative Technician Home Economist Agronomist Animal Nutrition Biologist-Wildlife Business Analyst Chemist Economist Engineer Forester Geologist Anpointments from 1939-1940 Examinations: Many Appointments : Agronomist Geologist Engineer Legal Assistant Forester Physicist T imited Number of Appointments : Chemist Economist V ery Few Appointments : Biologist Home Economist Horticulturist Legal Assistant Meteorologist Physicist Range Conservationist Soil Scientist Writer and Editor Zoologist-Parasitology Range Examiner Soil Scientist Administrative Technician Meteorologist Horticulturist 73 Agricultural Economics Agronomy Animal Husbandry Biology-Wildlife Economics Engineering Forestry Geology Student Aid, $1,440 a Year (Accepted for summer work under certain conditions.) Home Economics Horticulture Metallurgy Plant Pathology Political Science Range Management Soils Statistics A second examination of certain data included above is helpful in the interpretation. The Government has made many appointments of young people to work with older scientists in agronomy, forestry, geology, physics, soils, and range examination. Few colleges give this training in full; few high schools begin studies in a majority of these fields. In contrast, the Government made few appointments of young people to work in chemistry, biology, home economics, weather; these are the subjects taught in most colleges, and begin in high schools. Curriculum changes impend whenever schools do not keep up with the needs for training. For example, just when thousands of the high schools are dropping their courses in physics because of small enrollment, it becomes required that every young man must have physics who hopes to become a flyer. College work in biology is characteristically the type for which few are needed by the Government, while there is much demand for biological training of other types. Wise science teachers and their supervisors study the trends toward more attention to the outdoor sciences of a practical nature, which will be needed in the activities of conservation, soil surveys, forestry, water control, and mineral resources. More workers are needed in these fields than in the indoor, laboratory occupations. The new, practical courses that will train young people for their future service to the Nation should rapidly be installed in our high schools and colleges. THE CLASS EXPERIMENT AS A TEACHING METHOD — E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the importance of a simple teaching method which has great possibilities but which, it seems, few teachers consciously use. I he general relation of the class experiment Lecture to other methods of science teaching is shown Lecture Demonstration by the list at the left. It represents the ex- Class Experiment perimental or problem approach to the study Group Experiment of science. Individual Experiment , , . , , , The lecture demonstration and the class ex¬ periment are much alike and yet profoundly different. They are fre¬ quently confused in the literature of teaching methods. As pointed out by Preston in his “High School Science Teacher and His Work”, they involve exactly the same setting, namely, a teacher and a class grouped about a table or lecture desk. In the lecture demonstration the teacher “shows everything, explaining and interpreting each point” as it is pre¬ sented. While in the class experiment the teacher develops a problem or laboratory goal from a brief discussion, presents certain experimental evidence, and endeavors to get each student to observe, record and inter¬ pret the evidence and arrive at his own conclusions which he puts on record. By proper seating arrangement the work may be made almost wholly individual. But the teacher may at any time introduce general class discussion or deal with difficulties or questions of any member of the group. The writer believes this method is admirably suited to the teaching of general science and possibly to much of the other high school science especially where the equipment is limited and where double laboratory periods are not available. Other supplementary work might be given for experience in manipulation. For many years it has proven a very valu¬ able method for a few selected experiments with college freshmen. To summarize briefly, — The class experiment a. Is a time saver and a costs reducer in individual experimental study. b. Commands the attention of the indifferent student and frequently arouses his interest. c. Has the teacher and each member of the class actively partici¬ pating throughout the class period. d. Reveals student weaknesses both to the teacher and to the student himself. e. Affords the teacher a fine opportunity to guide the student in the use of the scientific method and in the formation of a scientific attitude of mind. THE PLACE OF THE MUSEUM IN TEACHING — Jane K. Hearn, Shades Cahaba High School, Birmingham, Ala. A children’s museum is able to play a vital part in the community by offering a unique service which cannot wholly be obtained in the home or school ; that of a more complete integration of the child with his school, home and social environment. A children’s museum makes the following specific contributions to the child, the school, the community: 1. It is a source of motivation, arousing and stimulating interest through planned activity. 2. It considers the individual needs of the child seeking to develop a balanced personality by providing an outlet through leisure time activi¬ ties of a high intellectual quality and often as a result removing a disci¬ pline problem from the classroom. 3. It broadens the scope of the school work by providing supple¬ mentary material in the form of visual aids which the school would not otherwise have. 4. The service that a museum renders to a school and community may be unlimited. It is not wholly dependent upon the financial status of the community but rather upon the enthusiasm and ingenuity of the museum staff. The program of the Brooklyn Children’s Museum (the first museum of its kind in the world) is cited as evidence of the influence of a museum on the school and community life. It is suggested that the teachers of Alabama use their influence to make civic leaders and citizens museum minded, and help them plan and work toward the organization of children’s museums in their respective communities. 75 COMPARISON OF TWO COLLEGE TESTING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY — Roger Allen, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Two testing programs which have been recently used in college Gen¬ eral Chemistry are discussed and the results compared. Nine hundred students were tested. A comprehensive multiple choice examination (scored by machine) was given at the end of the semester. It consisted of 100 questions. Five possible answers were shown after each question, only one of which was correct. The average grade was 54. Periodic quizzes calling for descriptive answers were used in the class during the semester up to the final examination. The average grade on these quizzes was 72. Due to the probability that one fifth of the answers on the compre¬ hensive final examination could be guessed correctly, a higher grade was anticipated than on the descriptive quizzes. A lower grade by 18 points was a surprise. 76 ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Officers for 1941-42 President, Helen June Harding, Hueytown High School - Bessemer, Ala. Vice-President, Douglas Helms, Coffee Co. High School, — Enterprise, Ala. Secretary, Robert Weeks, Jones Valley High School- . ...Powderly, Ala. Treasurer, Robert Doyle, Murphy High School _ _ _ Mobile, Ala. Counselors : - P. P. B. Brooks, Sidney Lanier High School _ Montgomery, Ala. Miss Clustie E. McTyeire, 1804 Arlington Ave _ Bessemer, Ala. W. F. Abercrombie, Howard College _ Birmingham, Ala. CHAPTERS OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE and Official Delegates at the Ninth Annual Meeting, Murphy High School, Mobile, Ala., Mar. 21 and 22, 1941. xAliceville High School _ _ — - - - — Aliceville, Ala. Baldwin County High School — Ford Cook _ Bay Minette, Ala. Billingsly High School — Annie Lee Donahoo _ Billingsly, Ala. Blessed Sacrament Academy — Catherine Vance _ Birmingham, Ala. Bishop Toolen High School — Eloise Longan _ _ _ Mobile, Ala. xButler County High School _ Greenville, Ala. Coffee County High School — Douglas Helms _ Enterprise, Ala. Convent of Mercy Academy — Dorothy Ching _ Mobile, Ala. xCullman County High School _ _ _ _ _ Cullman, Ala. DeKalb County High School — Bob Thomas _ Fort Payne, Ala. Deshler High School — George Jones _ Tuscumbia, Ala. Ensley High School — Jack Bolt _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala. Greensboro High School — Norman Boggess . . . Greensboro, Ala. Hueytown High School — Edwin Waldrop _ Bessemer, Ala. yjones Valley High School — Robert Weeks _ _ _ Powderly, Ala. xT. R. Miller High School _ _ Brewton, Ala. J. W. Minor High School — Mervel Parker _ Ensley, Ala. yMontgomery County High School — Ruth Chesnutt _ Ramer, Ala. Murphy High School — Clayton Foscue _ _ _ Mobile, Ala. yOpp High School — Mildred Williford _ _ _ _ _ Opp, Ala. Phillips High School — Harry Gilmer _ Birmingham, Ala. xRamsey High School _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..Birmingham, Ala. Sacred Heart Academy — Mamie Deere . _ _ _ Cullman, Ala. xSeale High School _ _ _ Seale, Ala. Shades-Cahaba High School — Jimmie Holmquist _ Birmingham, Ala. Sidney Lanier High School — Duncan Head _ Montgomery, Ala. St. Bernard High School — Bill Cutcliff _ St. Bernard, Ala. St. Paul’s High School — Josephine Jamison _ Birmingham, Ala. xTalladega County High School _ _ Lincoln, Ala. Tallassee High School — James Black _ _ _ Tallassee, Ala. xTroy High School _ Troy, Ala. Tuscaloosa Senior High School — Preston Cunningham.... Tuscaloosa, Ala. xTuscaloosa County High School _ _ Northport, Ala. 77 Visitation Academy — Ann Weinacker _ _ _ Mobile, Ala- xWest End High School _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala. yWest Jefferson High School _ Quinton, Ala. xWoodlawn High School _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala. xNot represented at the annual meeting. yChapters added in 1940-41. Note: A total of 209 registered for the meeting. Senior Academy Certificates of Award For the best paper — Organic Culture Phillips High School _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala.. For the best exhibit in biology — Culture of Organs Phillips High School _ Birmingham, Ala.. For the best exhibit in chemistry — Sulfuric Acid Plant Ensley High School _ _ _ _ ...Birmingham, Ala.. For the best exhibit in physics — Radio Communication Murphy High School _ ...Mobile, Ala. For the best exhibit in science and industry — Mineral Resources of Alabama — Tuscaloosa Senior High School _ Tuscaloosa, Ala. The following projects received Honorable Mention: Exhibit in biology — Method of Rendering Tissues Transparent and Staining of the Skeleton St. Bernard High School _ St. Bernard, Ala- Exhibit in physics — Electron Microscope Visitation Academy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mobile, Ala. Paper in biology — The Magic-Like Effects of Nicotinic Acid on Pallagrins — St. Paul’s High School _ Birmingham, Ala_ TREASURY REPORT OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 21, 1941. RECEIPTS Balance on hand from 1939-40 _ $ 59.49 Old chapter dues _ 50.00 New chapter dues _ _ 8.00 Membership cards _ 4.15 121.64 EXPENDITURES Birmingham Engraving Co . . . . $ 13.77 Postage of Treasurer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.27 Postage of President _ 11.70 Stencils of President _ .90 Paper of President _ _ 1.40 Filing cards of President _ 3.00 Express _ .68 34.72 Balance on hand March 21, 1941 - - - - $ 86.92. LAMBERT GATTMANN JAMES L. KASSNER ARTIE BELLE PIRTLE JAMES BENDER P. P. B. BROOKS' Audited March 21, 1941 ROGER ALLEN W. F. ABERCROMBIE W. A. MOORE 78 MEMBERS OF THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Honorary Members Allen, Edgar (A) _ _ Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Gardner, Wright A. (A) _ _ _ Auburn, Alabama §*Graham, John Y. (A) _ University, Alabama Reinke, E. E. (xA.) . . . _Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Sustaining Members Alabama By-Products Corporation _ Alabama Polytechnic Institute _ Alabama Power Company _ Alabama State Chamber of Commerce _ Allen Rushton, B’ham Ice & Cold Storage Co Birmingham-Southern College _ Birmingham Trust and Savings Bank . . . DeBardeleben Coal Corporation _ Howard College - - - Huntingdon College _ _ _ McKesson and Robbins, Inc _ Portland Cement Association _ _ _ Southern Natural Gas Company _ State Teachers College _ Stockham Pipe Fittings Company _ University of Alabama. _ _ _ _ _ Woodward Iron Company _ _ _ Active Members fAbercrombie, W. F. (A) _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Adcock, Miss Julia C. (C) _ Archaeological Lab., W.P.A., Birmingham, Ala. Ala. Dept, of Archives and History _ _ _ Montgomery, Ala. Albin, J. R - 401 Courthouse, Birmingham, Ala. Allen, Roger W. (B) - Auburn, Ala. §*Allison, Fred (G) - Auburn, Ala. Almon, Lois - - - _ - Judson College, Marion, Ala. Anderson, A. B. - - - . — _ - Shannon, Ala. Anderson, Harold V - Route 1, Box 29-C, Birmingham, Ala. Andrews, T. G. (C) - University, Ala. Arant, Frank S. (A) - Auburn, Ala. fArcher, Allan F. (A).. _ _ . _ University, Ala. Arnold, Paul J - Jacksonville State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. _ Auburn, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. _ Montgomery, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. _ Montgomery, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. _ _ Birmingham, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. _ Troy, Ala. _ Birmingham, Ala. - Tuscaloosa, Ala. - Woodward, Ala. ^Charter members of the Academy. tMembers of the A.A.A.S. §Fellows of the A.A.A.S. and of the Alabama Academy of Science. The letters in parentheses after the names indicate the chief field of interest of the members. (A) Biology, CB) Chemistry, (C) Geology and Anthropology. (D) Geography and Conservation, (E) Mathematics, (F) Medicine, (G) Physics, (H) Industry and Economics, (I) Teaching of Science. 79 Attaway, C. F - 323 Evergreen St., Brewton, Ala. Ayrs, O. L. (B) _ 1001 28th Place, S., Birmingham, Ala. §Bales, P. D. (G) _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Barkalow, F. S. (A) - Auburn, Ala. Barkalow, F. S., Jr _ Ala. Dept of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. §Barnes, G. F. (B) _ Judson College, Marion, Ala. *Basore, C. A. (D) _ Auburn, Ala. Beatty, A. C. (A) _ University, Ala. Beaudry, D. P. (D).__ . . 2636 Ridgeway Ave., Ensley, Birmingham, Ala. Biggs, Jeannette (A) _ _ _ Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn. fBishop, E. L. (F) _ 404 Pound Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Black, Mrs. Zoe (A) _ 305 Nabors St., Montevallo, Ala. Blair, A. J. (C) _ _ _ 1600 Brown Marx Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Blair, C. S. (C) _ Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Blair, Ruth T. _ 418 6th St., S.W., Birmingham, Ala. §Bliss, A. R., Jr. (A) _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Bowles, Edgar (C) _ 510 Capstone Court, Tuscaloosa, Ala. §Brakefield, J. L. (A) _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Brame, J. Y. (C) _ _ _ Montgomery, Ala. *Brannon, P. A. (C) _ _ _ Dept, of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala. fBreckenridge, C. G. (A) _ _ _ University, Ala. Brooks, P. P. B. (G) _ 212 Ponce de Leon Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Brown, O. T. (C) _ Dept, of Geology and Geography, University, Ala. Brown, R. D. (B) _ State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Bruhn, J. M. (A) _ „ _ University, Ala. fBunton, P. B. _ _ _ care Spencer Lens Company, Atlanta, Ga. Bush, J. D. (F) _ Box 1965, University, Ala. Campbell, Miss Justina (A) _ State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Cannon, Laura Mae (A) _ _21 77 Highland Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Carlson, J. G. (A) _ _ _ _ _ —University, Ala. §Carmichael, E. B. (B) - - University, Ala. Cason, Mrs. Louise R. (F) _ _ _ _ _ 2009 7th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Christenson, R. O. (A) _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Christianson, O. O. (F) _ —University, Ala. fClark, B. F. (B) _ 300 Richmond Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Clements, R. M. (F) _ 2501 7th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. §Coghill, W. H. (C) _ _ _ U. S'. Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Cole, Frank T _ _ Weather Bureau Office, Mobile, Ala. Coons, K. W. (B) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Copson, R. L. (B) _ _ 110 Plant One, Sheffield, Ala. Corley, Miss Nora (A) _ State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. §Cotton, W. E. (A) _ _ Auburn, Ala. Cornell, B. M _ _ _ _ _ 518 Wright's Mill Pond, Auburn, Ala. Cotter, H. F. (B) _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. §Coulliette, J. H. (G) _ _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Crane, Ina Barbee (F) _ Tutwiler Hall, University, Ala. Crawley, C. B. (G) _ _ _ University, Ala. Cudworth, J. R. (C) _ _ _ - _ University, Ala. Culmer, Orpha Ann (E) _ State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. Cunningham F. F. (D) _ State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. Dahms, Harold (C) _ _ _ _ 2717 Ensley Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Dale, Hugh (B) _ Y. M. C. A., Birmingham, Ala. Damon, S. R. (F) _ _ _ _State Board of Health, Montgomery, Ala. Dejarnette, David (C)„ . . — - University, Ala. 80 Dejarnette, J. T., Jr. (C) _ — De Wilton, E. L. (A) _ Dorroh, J. L _ Dowdey, Perry Frank _ Duggar, J. F., Sr. (A) - Dunlevy, M. L. (C) _ _ _ Rt. 1, Box 29C, Birmingham, Ala. East, Isaac Young _ Southern Kraft Corp., Moss Point, Miss. Eisele, John Lewis _ Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. _ University, Ala. .1502 N. 15th Ct., Birmingham, Ala. _ Judson College, Marion, Ala. _ Labuco, Ala. .Auburn, Ala. Emigh, E. D. (D). Englebrecht, Mildred A. (A). English, A. A. (A) _ Escoffier, Francis (C) _ _ _ _ Fair, Baxter B _ ■f^Farmer, C. M. (A) _ ..Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ _ _ _Box 708, Mobile, Ala. 350 Stocking St., Mobile, Ala. 72 Virginia Ave., Montgomery, Ala. -State Teachers College, Troy, Ala. Fertig, G. J. (D) _ . _ _ _ Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Fidler, H. K. (A) _ University, Ala. Fies, M. H. (D) _ _ _ University, Ala. Foley, J. O. (F) _ i _ University, Ala. Ford, Thomas A. (D) _ Dept, of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. Foster, J. R. (B) _ _ _ Box 307, Wilson Dam, Ala. Gandrud, B. W. (C) _ University, Ala. Garren, K. H. (A) _ _ _ —State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. Gary, C. M _ _ _ State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. Gattmann, F. L. (A) _ —St. Bernard College, St. Bernard, Ala. Geisler, Miss Edith (A) _ . _ _ _ _ _ Adger, Ala. Gerhardt, Henry (E) _ 1215 Elmira St., Mobile, Ala. Gaston, E _ Box 1031, University, Ala. Gibson, J. S. (D) _ _ _ State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Gillis, Ewen _ 7900 7th Ave., S., Birmingham, Ala. JUlazner, J. F. (D) _ _ _ State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. Glenn, W. E. (E) _ _ _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Goff, John Hedges _ Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Good, J. G. (A) _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Goss, C. M. (F) _ 124 Highlands, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Grace, John Lamar, Jr - 615 Wilson Road, Powderly, Ala. §Graves, Stuart (F) - University, Ala. Greenwood, Frances A _ — _ _ _ University, Ala. Griffin, Harrell (C) _ _ _ _ University, Ala. fGrover, M. A _ Box 590, Birmingham, Ala. Groesbeck, F. W. (F) _ Employees Hospital, T.C.I., Fairfield, Ala. Hagerty, C. G _ University, Ala. Hall, S. C., Jr _ _ _ University, Ala. Hampe, David E _ _ Wellington Road, Montgomery, Ala. JHargis, E. H. (F)___ . . 28th St. & 12th Ave., N., Birmingham, Ala. Hargreaves. G. W. (B) _ Auburn, Ala. ■§Harper, R. M. (C) - University, Ala. Harris, Agnes Ellen _ University, Ala. Harris. Frances B. (E) _ 866 5th Place, W., Birmingham, Ala. Hart, Kermit T - Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. _ 519 Dexter Ave.. Montgomery, Ala. _ Box 68, Columbiana, Ala. - - - Box 68, Columbiana, Ala. Hearn, Jane Kessler _ 933 8th Ave., W., Birmingham, Ala. §Heath, H. C. (A) - 21 Agnew St., Montgomery, Ala. Hertzog, E. S. (B) - 505 18th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Hazlehurst. G. H. (A) _ Hazard, Wm. W., Jr _ Hazzard, W. W.. 81 Hess, A. D. - - Dept. Health and Safety, T.V.A., Wilson Dam, Ala. Hess, Margaret (A) _ _ _ _ _ Judson College, Marion. Ala. §Hinman, E. H. (A) _ .' _ Health and Safety Dept., T. V. A., Wilson Dam, Ala. fHixon, C. R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Hobbs, L. M. (B) _ _ _ University, Ala. Hodges, R. S. (A) _ University, Ala. Horton, E. C. (C) _ 1221 N. 13th St., Birmingham, Ala. Hostetter, I. M. (E) _ _ _ Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Howell, W. M. (F) _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Howse, B. C. (F). — _ _ _ _ 333 38th St., Fairfield, Ala. Hunt, T. E. (F) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Hunt, T. W. _ _ _ _ _ Lockhart, Ala. fHyde, J. W. (A) _ _ 3321 Shelburne Rd., Baltimore, Md. Indindole, James (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Greenville, Ala. Jackson, J. R. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Jennings, Henry L _ Title Guarantee Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Johanson, Theodore _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Jones, A. W _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Jones, C. T. (D) _ _ _ _ U. S. Forest Service, Knoxville, Tenn. § Jones, E. V. (B)_ _ _ _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. §Jones, H. D. (B) _ Auburn, Ala. §*Tones, W. B. (C) _ Department of Conservation. Montgomery, Ala. §*Jones, W. C. (F) _ T. C. I. Hospital, Fairfield, Ala. Joyner, A. L. (F) _ University, Ala. Kassner, J. L. (B) - 1000 13th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Kennedy, A. M. (B) _ University, Ala. •{•Kennedy, J. J. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Kiker, C. C. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wilson Dam, Ala. King, Pauline _ _ _ _ _ Enterprise, Ala. Knight, Gladys E. _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Krause, June _ Valley Vocational High School, Fairlax, Ala. Kraxberger, W. W. (C) _ SIS St. Louis Ave., Sheffield, Ala. Land, J. E. (B) _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. fLang, George _ _ _ Box 2021, University, Ala. Lassen, Leon (C) _ _ 105 Macy St., Mobile, Ala. Lathrop, F. P _ _ _ Scottsboro, Ala. Lawler, Matt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Toulminville, Ala. fLeach, Chas. N _ State Board of Health, Montgomery, Ala. Littlejohn, Jeanette (B) _ Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Ala. *Lloyd, S. J. (B) *Loding, H. P. (A) _ Lord, James (C) _ McBurney, Ralph (F)..._ McCaffrey, Joseph E _ McF.lwee, E. W. (A) _ McFarland, Robert W _ McGehee, Mary Frances _ McGlamery, Winnie (C) _ McTyeire, Clustie Evelyn _ McVay, Thomas (B) _ fMacormac, A. R. (D) _ .University, Ala. . . . The Gem Floral Garden, 166 Houston St., Mobile, Ala. _ Russellville, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ Southern Kraft Corp., Mobile, Ala. _ 481 Pinedale Rd., Auburn, Ala. _ P. O. Box 685, Fairhope, Ala. _ _ Montevallo, Ala. _ University, Ala. 1804 Arlington Ave., Bessemer, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ Auburn, Ala. 4300 Glenwood Ave., Birmingham, Ala. MacKenzie, J. T. (B) Malone, J. M. (E) _ 1102 7th Ave., W., Birmingham, Ala. 82 Marsh, Alfred _ Marsh, John F _ Martin, E. C. (D). Martin, H. M. (B). Medlock, Olin C _ Mitchell, Flora M._ _ Box 22, Jacksonville, Ala. . 10 Thorn Place, Montgomery, Ala. _ Box 1734, University, Ala. _ _ Auburn, Ala. _ 368 Payne St., Auburn, Ala. _ Central Heights, Florence, Ala. Mobley, W. M. (D) _ _ Ala. By-Products Corp., Tarrant, Ala. Monroe, William H. (C) _ .Ala. Museum of Natural History, University, Ala. _ University, Ala. .Box 1031, Auburn, Ala. Moore, Mildred _ Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Montgomery, J. P. Moore, G. C._ (B) Moore, Omar C Moore, W. A. (E) _ Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Morgan, Sam R., Jr _ _ _ _ P. O. Box 1431, Montgomery, Ala. Morrison, Edmund (A) _ _ _ Billingsley, Ala. Mullahy, John H _ _ Soring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Mundhenk, R. L. (F). Murphy, Sam Ross _ Nettles, Lou Ellen _ Newsom, W. R. (C)_ -150 Burton St., Auburn, Ala. _ Box 24, Jasper, Ala. _ _ Arlington, Ala. .Division Meteorologist, Panair do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, South America Newton, R. H. (B) _ _ —...Sheffield, Ala. Nixon, H. W _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Nork, J. J. (A) - 809 E. Clinton St., Huntsville, Ala. Norris, Mrs. Earl _ University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. North, W. E. (A) _ 12 W. Clarke St., Prichard, Ala. Oliver, R. B. . — _ _ _ _ 304 Thomas St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. §Ott, W. P. (E) _ . _ University, Ala. tOverton, A. G. (D) - - Ala. By-Products Corp., Tarrant, Ala. § Palmer, G. D. (B) _ University, Ala. Pardue, L. G., Jr. (D) _ Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. Parks, Helen C _ Alabama College, Montevallo, Ala. f Parson, R. L. (D) _ State Teachers College, Troy, Ala. Partlow, W. D. (A) _ _ _ _ Supt. Bryce Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Paterson, J. H. (A) - 808 Forest Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Pearson, A. M. (A) _ Auburn, Ala. fPeoples, S. A. (F) _ University, Ala. Pike, Mabel R - T.C.I. Hospital, Fairfield, Ala. Pilkington, A. J _ 106 Bush Ave., Mobile, Ala. fPole, G. R. (B) _ House 87, Village 1, Sheffield, Ala. Pomerat, C. M. (A) _ Box 2047, University, Ala. Pool, R. M. (F) - 652 Ridgeway Rd., Fairfield, Ala. Poor, R. S. (C) _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Pressley, W. S . - - - - - Lee County High, Auburn, Ala. §Prickett, C. O. (A) _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. Pye, Miss Orrea F. (A) _ _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. Quinn. T. T. . . . Dept, of Game & Fisheries, Montgomery, Ala. Ramsdell, D. A _ University, Ala. Rasor, F. W. (D) - Box 40, Montgomery, Ala. Reeves. W. P. - _ - ... _ University, Ala. Reynolds, J. P. (A) _ _ _ _ _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Richards, E. F. (C) _ _ _ University, Ala. Riggan, F. B. (D) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala. *Robinson, Mary E. (A) _ _ 536 Princeton Ave., Birmingham, Ala. 83 §*Robinson, J. M. (A)„_ Rodgerfc, Eric (B) - Ruffin, W. A. (A) — Ruggles, D. N - Rushing, E. D - Rushton, E. R _ Rutledge, A. W. (A)__ §Salmon, W. D. (A) — Sauer, M. E - Sharman, J. R _ §Sharp, C. G _ Schultz, O. W - - Sizemore, T. B. (D) _ Sizemore, W. R _ Sledd, Arthur (B) - Smith, E. V. (A) _ Smith, H. E _ _ _ —Auburn, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ Auburn, Ala. _ Marion, Ala. ... _ _ University, Ala. _ P. O. Box 556, Florence, Ala. ..State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. _ University, Ala. _ _ University, Ala. _ Ala. College, Montevallo, Ala. _ _ Lockhart, Ala. __ 1313J4 N. 29th St., Birmingham, Ala. _ Box 328, Ozark, Ala. _ Judson College, Marion, Ala. _ _ Auburn, Ala. ..Box 695, University, Ala. §Smith, S'eptima C. (A) _ _ _ _ _ University, Ala. *Smyth, P. H. (G) _ _ 806 Winona Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Snow, C. E. (C) _ 4125 Terrace R, Central Park Birmingham, Ala. §Sommer, Anna (B)_ _ _ _ —.348 S. Gay St., Auburn, Ala. fSpieth, Alda May (A) _ State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Starling, J. H. (A) _ _ _ _ Troy High School, Troy, Ala. §Starr, L. E. (A) _ _ _ _ _ Auburn, Ala. fStevens, Russell B _ Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Stratton, Harold M - 205 Saffold St., Montgomery, Ala. Sullivan, Edmund B _ Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Suter, L. S _ Alabama State Dept, of Public Health., Montgomery, Ala. Swan, Ella O _ _ _ Greensboro, Ala. Tarbutton, Grady (B) _ Box 1485, Wilson Dam, Ala. Tellier, A. J. (E) _ 153 S. Monterey St., Mobile, Ala. Thompson, D. H. (B) _ 917 Valley Road Place., Birmingham, Ala. Thompson, Minouise _ _ _ 300 42nd St., Fairfield. Ala. Tilson, W. L _ Weather Bureau Airport Station, Mobile, Ala. Toffel, G. M. (B) _ Marion Institute, Marion, Ala. Toler, Brooks (D) _ _ _ Division of Forestry, Montgomery, Ala. Tourtelot, Harry A _ _ Salitpa, Ala. §Tower, J. A. (D) - - Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Van Aller, T. S'. (F) _ _ _ 902 Charleston St., Mobile, Ala. Walsh, Mary Vincent (B) _ Visitation Academy, Mobile, Ala. Ward, John M _ _ —Alabama State Chamber of Commerce, Montgomery, Ala. Ward, Thomas (A) - Elba High School, Elba, Ala. Ward, W. W. (C) _ _ _ _ _ Centre, Ala. Watson, J. H - - - Box 133, Dadeville, Ala. Webb, J. W. (A) - - - Box 469, Auburn, Ala. Webb, Lina (D) - State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. Weil, C. K. (F) - 119 Adams Ave., Montgomery, Ala. fWeishaupt, C. G. (A) — . —State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. tWestland, A. J. (G) - St. Louis Univ., St. Louis, Mo. White, A. H. (D) - 706 9th Ct., W., Birmingham, Ala. White, J. M. (C) - 717 St. Charles Ave., Montgomery, Ala. White, Rev. Urban (B) - - St. Bernard College, Cullman, Ala. §*Whiting, W. A. (A) . . . . . Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. 84 fWilcox, H. E. (B) - Wilks, W. T _ Williams, J. W _ Williams, S. J - - - Williamson, Grace - Williamson, Josephine - Wilson, Coyt (A) - Wilson, Mrs. Pauline Park— Wimberly, Steve B - Wingard, Mrs. R. E. (B) — _ Wood, C. R. (E) _ Wood, T. A. (A) _ Woodall, P. H _ Woolf, F. P. (F) _ Woolley, Mary _ Worley, Lillian (D) _ §Xan, John (B) _ §Yancey, P. H. (A) - _ Howard College, Birmingham, _ Box 41, Tallassee, _ Snead Jr. College, Boaz, _ _ _ _ _ Livingston, _ 4213 Parkway, Fairfield, _ 4212 Parkway, Fairfield, _ 267 S. Gay St., Auburn, _ 1621 2nd St., Tuscaloosa, _ Rt. 1, Box 29-C, Birmingham, _ Auburn, -State Teachers College, Jacksonville, _ _ _ Marion Institute, Marion, _ 1101 27th PI., S., Birmingham, _ Auburn, _ Murphy High School, Mobile, _ Alabama College, Montevallo, _ Howard College, Birmingham, _ Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Associate Members Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Ala. Boyd, John M _ Box 271, University, Ala. Broungart, D. C _ Catholic University, Washington, D. C. B rougher, Cooper _ _ _ 519 Dexter Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Bryant, Frances Jane _ Veterans Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Butler, Robert L., Jr _ Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Camp, G. L _ Holt High School, Holt, Ala. Capesius, Rev. John _ St. Bernard College, Cullman, Ala. Castro, Hasus _ 1214 Palifax St., Tampa, Fla. Denaro, Salvatore _ 1016 8th Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Dowling, Herndon, Jr _ 1426 Brown St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Dunbar, Dixie (Mrs.) _ School of Medicine, Emory Univ., Atlanta, Ga. Eskridge, Marshall _ _ _ University, Ala., or Demopolis, Ala. Griffin, J. D - 132 Ross St., Auburn, Ala. Hackworth, L. E _ _ _ Box 1844, University, Ala. Haeberle, Fred Roland _ 1016 8th Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Kinnear, R. W _ University, Ala. Kirk, E. E _ University, Ala. Klingbeil, Jerome _ University, Ala. Lemmon. George J— _ _ Tuscaloosa, Ala. Lloyd, F. V.__ _ j. _ University, Ala. Long. A. R _ Weather Bureau Office, Meridian, Miss. Mayfield, Sara _ Idllwyld, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Miles, Martha Fay _ _ _ University, Ala. Misuk, Leo W _ _ _ University, Ala. Munro, W. M - 210 Woodley Rd., Montgomery, Ala. Pennington, Elsie _ _ _ Box 1033, University, Ala. Powell, Maurice - 2233 22nd St., Fnsley, Ala. Smith, R. J..... - - 1401 Brown St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Strakes, Robert - - - - - - 731 12th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Sulkin, N. M - - - - 507 14th Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Swayne, V. R - 443 N. Cedar St., Florence, Ala. Thompson, W. D - 1000 Riverside Drive, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Ward, Jane - Sweetwater, Ala. West. Wm. Roy - University, Ala. Wheeler, J. H - - - 311 W. Magnolia St., Auburn, Ala. White, J. M., Jr - 717 St. Charles Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Williams, W. J - - - University, Ala. !■■■ ... -5 1941 THE JOURNAL ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) SEPTEMBER, 1942 VOLUME 14 Proceedings, Papers and Abstracts of THE NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING HOWARD COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA MARCH 20-21, 1942 Office of the Editor University of Alabama University, Alabama •'< ri > •> 1/ , ttyjf'l tn' a V110W ii!';;i/jjiiY/ ir;;v i $i THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) SEPTEMBER, 1942 VOLUME 14 Proceedings, Papers and Abstracts of THE NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING HOWARD COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA MARCH 20-21, 1942 Office of the Editor University of Alabama University, Alabama TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officers and Standing Committees of the Academy . 3 General Program of the Howard College Meeting . 4 Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting . 5 Minutes of the Preliminary Business Meeting . 6 Minutes of the Final Business Meeting . 8 Reports of Officers and Committees: The Treasurer’s Report . 9 The Councilors of the A. A. A. S . 10 The Editor of the Journal . 12 The Committee on the Academy Award . 13 The Committee on Membership and Activities . 13 The Committee on History of First Meeting . 14 The Resolutions Committee . 15 Papers Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting at Howard College . 16 Index of Authors for Howard College Meeting . 69 The Alabama Junior Academy of Science: Junior Academy Officers for 1942-43 . 70 High Schools with Delegates at the Tenth Annual Meeting . 70 Senior Academy Certificates of Award . 71 Junior Academy Financial Statement . : . 72 Members of the Alabama Academy of Science: Honorary . 73 Sustaining . 73 Active . 73 Associate . i . 78 ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OFFICERS FOR 1942-43 President, W. M. Mobley . Tarrant, Ala. President-Elect, E. V. Jones . Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham, Ala. Vice-Presidents and Section Chairmen: R. O. Christenson, Biology and Medical Science . ...Auburn, Ala. Carl Bordenca, Chemistry . Auburn, Ala. Peter A. Brannon, Geology and Anthropology... . Montgomery, Ala. Lillian Worley, Geography and Conservation . Montevallo, Ala. J. H. Coulliette, Physics and Mathematics . Birmingham, Ala. Roy Goslin, Industry and Economics . Auburn, Ala. Swan Ella Owens, The Teaching of Science . Opp, Ala. Secretary, Winnie McGlamery . University, Ala. Treasurer, John Xan . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Councilor of A.A.A.S., Septima C. Smith . University, Ala. Editor of the Journal, Emmett B. Carmichael . University, Ala. Councilors for Junior Academy : Clustie E. McTyeire (1 yr.) . . . Bessemer, Ala. H. E. Wilcox (2 yrs.) . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Swan Ella Owens (3 yrs.) . . . Opp, Ala. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE ACADEMY Committee on Promoting Membership and Activities: E. D. Emigh, Chair¬ man; Fred Allison, G. F. Barnes, J. L. Brakefield, C. S. Blair, Peter A. Brannon, Emmett B. Carmichael, P. J. Conner, R. L. Copson, F. F. Cunningham, S. R. Damon, C. M. Farmer, Milton H. Fies, Thomas Ford, J. S. Gibson, F. J. Glazner, H. C. Heath, E. V. Jones, Walter B. Jones, Clustie Evelyn McTyeire, Haygood Pat¬ erson, A. J. Pilkington, R. S. Poor, Frank Rasor, E. V. Smith, Grady Tarbutton, Brooks Toler, A. J. Westland, T. A. Wood, Lil¬ lian Worley, P. H. Yancey. Committee on Research: Fred Allison, Chairman; S. J. Lloyd, J. F. Dug- gar, S. S. Heide, J. T. Mackenzie. Committee on Publication: J. H. Coulliette, Chairman; R. O. Christen¬ son, Carl Bordenca, Peter A. Brannon, Lillian Worley, Roy Gos¬ lin, Swan Ella Owens, Emmett B. Carmichael, ex-officio. Long Range Planning Committee : R. S. Poor, Chairman ; C. M. Farmer,. G. D. Palmer, Walter B. Jones, E. D. Emigh, W. A. Moore, John Goff, Clustie E. McTyeire. GENERAL PROGRAM All addresses and Section Meetings are open to the public. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11 :00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1942 Registration, Lobby Main Building. Secure tickets for lunch¬ eon and banquet and register for geology trip. Meeting of Executive Committee, Room 21, Main Building. Business Meeting of the Academy, Auditorium Main Build¬ ing. President-Elect W. M. Mobley, presiding. Address of Welcome — Major Harwell G. Davis, President of Howard College. Response to Welcome Address, Dr. G. D. Palmer, University of Alabama. Luncheon, Renfro Hall. Compliments of McKesson-Doster-Northington. President-Elect W. M. Mobley, presiding. Photograph of group. Section Meetings for Papers : Main Building, Room 21 — Biology and Medical Science. Main Building, Room 14 — Chemistry. Main Building, Room 305 — Geology and Anthropology. Main Building, Room 303 — Geography, Conservation and Allied Subjects. Main Building, Room 202 — Physics and Mathematics. Main Building, Room 203 — Industry and Economics. Registration Junior Academy, Woodlawn High School. Final Business Session of the Academy, Auditorium. President-Elect W. M. Mobley, presiding. Annual Banquet (informal), Tutwiler Hotel. Chairman, W. M. Mobley. Toastmaster, Dean P. P. Burns, Howard College. Address, Col. Theodore Swann, President Swan Chemical Company, Chief of Ordnance, Birmingham District. Subject: Chemistry in Industry. SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1942 Section Meetings. See Friday’s program for rooms. Section III, a Geological Trip. Sections V and VI, no meetings on Saturday. The Teaching of Science, Woodlawn High School, Room 111. Geological Field Trip. Leaving Howard College, the trip will go through the Walker Gap section of Red Mountain. Time approximately two hours. R. S. Poor in charge. 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, MARCH 20, 1942 In the absence of President Paul D. Bales, W. M. Mobley, President- Elect, called the meeting to order at 10 A.M. in Room 202, Main Building. 1. Minutes: E. B. Carmichael moved, seconded by Septima C. Smith, that the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive Committee held at Spring Hill College be accepted as published in the Journal, July, 1941. Motion carried. 2. Shingles for 1941-42: Walter B. Jones moved, seconded by E. V. Jones, that membership Shingles for this year be sent to President Paul D. Bales for his signature. Motion carried. 3. Report of the Treasurer : John Xan, Treasurer, reported the fi¬ nances of the Academy to be in good condition. The income of the Acad¬ emy for last year was about $800.00, while this year it is over $1000.00. This is due largely to Sustaining Memberships, there being sixteen of these paid, and three unpaid. In addition, the members are paying dues better than formerly. 4. Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S.: Walter B. Jones moved, and it was seconded, that Septima C. Smith make a brief oral report, sav¬ ing her complete report to be read at the Business Meeting. 5. Report of the Editor of the Journal: E. V. Jones in making his report as Editor of the Journal, after a service of twelve years, asks that he be not considered for renomination. E. V. Jones led a discussion on the advisability of the various Section Chairmen being nominated by the Nominating Committee rather than by election in the section itself. Alter much discussion it was moved by Wal¬ ter B. Jones, seconded by E. V. Jones, that the matter be referred to the Long Range Planning Committee to be appointed by the President. E. D. Emigh introduced the idea of creating a separate section for Social Science. John Xan moved, seconded by E. V. Jones, that this matter also be referred to the Long Range Planning Committee. Walter B. Jones moved and it was seconded that there be referred to the Long Range Planning Committee the matter of those members of the Academy in Military Service, recommending that’ they be granted a sus¬ pension of dues until their return, and reinstatement in good standing upon payment of current dues. 6. Place of 1943 Meeting: There were two invitations received for the place of meeting for 1943, Auburn Polytechnic Institute and the Uni¬ versity of Alabama. These were referred to the Committee on Place of Meeting for report at the Final Business Meeting. 7. Membership Drive: E. D. Emigh recommended that Miss Lillian Worley be placed on the Membership Committee, and announced the for¬ mation of a new Committee, replacing some of the former members. 8. Activities of the Junior Academy: Miss Clustie McTyeire in dis¬ cussing the affairs of the Junior Academy mentioned the advisability of limiting officers of the Junior Academy to Chapters that had been active for at least a year. After some discussion it was decided that she present this matter at the Preliminary Business Meeting for action. 9. Adjournment,: Upon completion of business the meeting adjourned. 6 MINUTES OF THE PRELIMINARY BUSINESS - MEETING, MARCH 20, 1942 The meeting was called to order by W. M. Mobley, President-Elect, at 11 A.M., in the Auditorium of the Main Building. Major Harwell G. Davis, President of Howard College, gave the ad¬ dress of welcome to the Academy. George D. Palmer, of the University of Alabama, made the response. 1. Minutes: Moved by R. S. Poor, seconded by J. L. Brakefield, that the minutes of the previous Preliminary Business Meeting held at Spring Hill College, March 21, 1941, be accepted as published in the Journal, July, 1941. Motion carried. 2. Report of the Treasurer: John Xan, Treasurer, presented his re¬ port for the year ending March 19, 1942. He reported the treasury in good shape, with a balance of $471.56. Report was referred to the Auditing Committee. 3. Report of the Editor of the Journal: E. V. Jones, Editor of the Journal, read his report. Dr. Jones requested that he be not considered by the Nominating Committee for re-election. He expressed appreciation of the cooperation of the Academy through the years. John Xan, moved, sec¬ onded by A. J. Westland, that the report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Report appended. 4. Report of the Chairman of the Counselors of the Junior Academy: Miss Clustie McTyeire, acting as chairman, proposed the following change in the Constitution of the Junior Academy: Article IV, Section 1, to read: “No chapter will be permitted to nominate any one for office unless that chapter has held membership in the Junior Academy for at least one year.” Miss McTyeire moved, seconded by E. B. Carmichael, the adoption of this change. Motion carried. 5. Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S.: Septima C. Smith, Coun¬ cilor of the A.A.A.S., read her report. G. F. Barnes moved, seconded by W. A. Moore, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. Report appended. 6. Report of the Southern Association for the Advancement of Sci¬ ence: George D. Palmer made mention of this Association in his reply to Major Davis’ welcoming address, and called attention to the meeting to be held in Atlanta, April 2-3, 1942. 7. Reports of the Standing Committees : a. Committee on the Academy Award: This committee is composed of the President-Elect, W. M. Mobley, and the seven vice-presidents of the Academy, chairmen of their respective sections, namely, Alvin V. Beatty, Harold E. Wilcox, E. F. Richards, Brooks Toler, W. A. Moore, John Goff, and Miss Clustie E. McTyeire. Report was read by Alvin V. Beatty. Application blanks for the Grant in Aid from the A.A.A.S. were sent to the various institutions, and only three were returned. The amount of the Grant for 1942-43 is only $35.00, and the committee decided to make one award for the entire amount. John Xan was chosen to receive it, his subject being: “The Study of the Reaction of Mercaptans with Oxygen in NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide).” Moved by E. V. Jones, seconded by Septima C. Smith, that the recommendation of the committee be accepted. Motion carried. Report appended. 7 b. Committee on the Promoting of Membership and Activities of the Senior Academy: E. D. Emigh read his report, and requested that the Secretary list the members of the Academy in the Journal with the institu¬ tions with which they are affiliated. Mr. Emigh moved, seconded by John Xan, that this meeting authorize an affiliation of the Alabama Academy of Science with the Southern Association for the Advancement of Science, without cost. Motion carried. Report appended. 8. Appointment of Committees to Report at the Final Business Meet¬ ing: (1) Auditing Committee : a) Senior Academy: E. B. Carmichael, Chairman; J. H. Coul- liette, John Xan. b) Junior Academy: C. M. Farmer, Chairman; J. L. Kassner, Septima C. Smith. (2) Resolutions Committee : R. S. Poor, Chairman; Walter B. Jones, R. M. Harper. (3) Committee on Place of 1943 Meeting: C. A. Basore, Chairman; Father A. J. Westland, J. A. Tower. (4) Committee on Nominations: Fred Allison, Chairman; George D. Palmer, E. D. Emigh. 9. Adjournment : Following announcements by the Committee on Local Arrangements, the meeting adjourned until 4:30 P.M. 8 MINUTES OF THE FINAL BUSINESS MEETING, MARCH 20, 1942 The final business meeting was called to order in the Auditorium of the Main Building at 4:30 P.M. by President-Elect W. M. Mobley. The minutes of the final business meeting held at Spring Hill College, Mobile, March 21, 1941, were approved as published in the Journal, July, 1941. Reports of Committees: 1. Auditing Committee for the Senior Academy: In the absence of E. B. Carmichael, chairman, J. H. Coulliette reported that the books and records of the Treasurer had been examined and that they were found to be in order. W. B. Jones moved, seconded by A. J. Westland, that the report be accepted. Motion carried. Audited report appended. 2. Auditing Committee for the Junior Academy: C. M. Farmer, chair¬ man, announced that this report was not yet ready, that it would be sent in by mail. 3. Resolutions Committee : R. S. Poor and Walter B. Jones presented the report of the committee. R. S. Poor moved, seconded by John Xan, its adoption. Motion carried. Report appended. 4. Committee on Place of 1943 Meeting: C. A. Basore, chairman, re¬ ported that of the two invitations received, the University of Alabama and Auburn, it was decided to accept Auburn’s invitation as it has been some time since the meeting was last held at Auburn. Moved by Walter B. Jones, seconded by E. V. Jones, that this report be accepted. Motion carried. 5. Committee for the Nomination of Officers: Fred Allison, chair¬ man, George D. Palmer, E. D. Emigh, members, submitted the following report : President (President-Elect of last year) : W. M. Mobley, Alabama By-Products Corporation, Tarrant, Ala. President-Elect: E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College, Birming¬ ham. Councilor of the A.A.A.S. : Septima C. Smith, University, re-elected. Editor of the Journal: E. B. Carmichael, University. Counselors of the Junior Academy: H. E. Wilcox, Howard College, Birmingham, two years; Miss Swan Ella Owens, Opp High School, Opp, three years. R. S. Poor moved, seconded by C. A. Basore, the adoption of this re¬ port. Motion carried. 6. Nominations of Section Chairmen : Section I. Biology and Medical Science — R. O. Christenson, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. Section II. Chemistry — Dr. Carl Bordenca, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. Section III. Geology and Anthropology — Peter A. Brannon, Dept, of Archives and History, Montgom¬ ery. Section V. Physics and Mathematics — J. H. Coulliette, American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham. Section VI. Industry and Economics — Roy Goslin, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. Section VII. The Teaching of Science — Miss Swan Ella Owens, Opp High School, Opp. 9 7. Charter Membership Committee : Peter A. Brannon was unable to be present, and his report was read by W. M. Mobley. After much discus¬ sion of the matter brought up in his report, E. V. Jones moved, seconded by John Xan, that we recognize as Charter Members of the Academy those whose names are published in Volume V of the Journal on page eight and any others who may be found later to have been at the Montgomery organi¬ zation meeting or to have paid their membership dues before June 4, 1924, the day agreed on to close the charter membership roll. Motion carried. Report appended. 8. New Business : (a) J. H. Coulliette brought up the subject of eliminating Mathe¬ matics in the High Schools as recommended by the State Board of Edu¬ cation, and R. S. Poor moved, seconded by C. A. Basore, that the President appoint a committee to act if necessary after investigation. Motion carried. (b) Relative to Changing the Name of Section VIII: John Xan moved, seconded by Brooks Toler, that the Executive Committee be au¬ thorized to handle this matter. Motion carried. 9. Adjournment : Upon completion of business of the Academy, and after Mr. Mobley expressed his appreciation to the members and officers of the Academy for their cooperation, the meeting adjourned. WINNIE McGLAMERY, Secretary. REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 19, 1942 RECEIPTS Balance on hand March 20, 1941 . $ 361.85 Membership fees 1941 and 1942, Reprints, Journals and Sustaining Membership, Donations . 696.03 Total Receipts . $1,057.89 DISBURSEMENTS Expenses, President Farmer . . $ 15.35 Expenses, Secretary . 3.75 Checks returned no funds . 3.10 E. V. Jones, Editor . 29.39 Expenses, Treasurer . 12.20 Expenses, A. V. Beatty, Biology Secretary . 3.15 Fred Allison, A.A.A.S. Award . 25.00 J. Allen Tower, A.A.A.S . . . . . . 25.00 Emmett B. Carmichael (Stamps) . 6.27 J. E. Duval Printing Company . 17.70 Weatherford Printing Company . 1.58 Midwest Badge . 45.14 Birmingham Printing Co . 396.23 Zac Smith Book & Supplies . - . 3.47 Total Disbursements . $586.33 $ 586.33 Balance, March 19, 1942 . .$ 471.56 JOHN XAN, Treasurer. Auditing Committee : J. H. COULLIETTE JOHN XAN 10 REPORT OF THE COUNCILOR TO THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE The Academy Conference held its fifteenth annual session in the Baker Hotel in Dallas, Texas, on the afternoon of December 29, 1941. In the absence of President P. D. Strausbaugh of the West Virginia Academy of Science, Vice-Chairman S. W. Bilsing of the Texas Academy of Science presided at the Conference. Representatives from twenty-one affiliated academies were present. The formal program consisted of two papers, one by Dr. E. C. Faust, (New Orleans Academy) on “A Resume of A.A.A.S. Research Grants,” and the other by Dr. J. C. Godbey, (Texas Academy) on “The Organization of a Collegiate Division of the Texas Academy of Science.” The paper presented by Dr. E. C. Faust was a continuation report of a paper presented at the Columbus, Ohio, Academy Conference in 1939. In this report the following facts were brought out : First, that very little money for research is added by the respective Academies to the grants allotted them by the A.A.A.S. Second, there is very little evidence that research projects reach the publication stage except as abstracts in Acad¬ emy Transactions. Third, with few notable exceptions, Secretaries have great difficulty in obtaining progress reports from Grants Committees or directly from grantees. In some instances there is definite evidence of poor record keeping in Secretaries’ offices ; in some instances, poor cooperation between Grants Committees and Secretaries ; in many instances, utter dis¬ regard of grantees for requested information. The following recommendations were presented : 1. A.A.A.S. Executive Committee and Academies (as local represen¬ tatives of A.A.A.S.) should give serious consideration to allotment of re¬ wards with reference to responsibility of grantees to provide annual (or semi-annual) progress reports to Research Grant Committee or Secretary of Academy. 2. Closer cooperation is needed between Research Grant Committee and Secretary of Academy. The Committee and Secretary should have readily available up-to-date duplicate files of status of each grant from 1935. 3. In the future Mr. Woodley’s office of the A.A.A.S. should be the clearing office for all such reports to the Academy Conference. It was suggested that next year a report be given in the Academy Conference concerning the best method for handling grants. Accordingly it was moved and voted that the Chairman appoint a committee to make a study and report back to the Academy Conference next year an effective means of deciding to whom grant allotments are to be made, and how to handle these allotments. An amendment was voted to the above motion that the committee try to evaluate in addition any other things pertaining to the grant situation that were not mentioned in the above motion. Sub¬ sequently Dr. G. W. Prescott (Michigan Academy) was appointed as chairman of this committee and was authorized to get information from and enlist the services of any one he may choose to help canvass the situa¬ tion and submit recommendations concerning the handling of research grants. 11 Dr. J. C. Godbey, in his discussion of “The Organization of the Colle¬ giate Division of the Texas Academy of Science,” reported that this divi¬ sion was organized in 1936, but showed its largest growth during the past year. Any science club or society in any College or University of Texas, having a membership of ten or more student members, at least five of whom are members of the Texas Academy of Science, is eligible to mem¬ bership in the Collegiate Division and is called a Chapter. Each organization is allowed one official delegate to the annual meeting for each ten members. The annual meeting meets concurrently with the Texas Academy of Science, at which time sectional meetings for the reading of papers and reports and a business session are held. The Texas Academy issues a Charter to each Chapter on its becoming an approved member of the Division. Each student member of a chapter who is also a member of the Texas Academy of Science pays an annual student mem¬ bership fee of one dollar to the Texas Academy. At the complimentary dinner which followed the last report, the nomi¬ nating committee consisting of Doctors Lyell Thomas (Illinois Academy) ; Septima Smith (Alabama Academy) ; and E. C. L. Miller (Virginia Acad¬ emy) submitted the name of G. W. Prescott (Michigan Academy) as their nominee for vice-chairman. There being no other nominations Dr. Prescott was duly elected vice-chairman for 1942. After considerable discussion and by common consent a committee was authorized to assist in selecting a committee to study the Junior Academy situation. Such a committee was appointed. Upon motion the members voted that the secretary convey the greet¬ ings of the Academy Conference to Dr. J. T. McGill, of Vanderbilt Uni¬ versity, Nashville, Tennessee, in recognition of the many years of service rendered by him in Academy affairs. The members of the Academy Conference expressed their appreciation for the complimentary dinner given by the Executive Committee of the A.A.A.S. by a rising vote of thanks. SEPTIMA C. SMITH, Councilor. 32 REPORT OF THE EDITOR After enjoying the honor of being Editor of the Journal of the Ala¬ bama Academy of Science for twelve years and Custodian of records and of the Exchange Library for ten years, I come now at the end of a regular three-year term to announce my retirement from these offices. The Editor was not present at the Auburn meeting of 1930 when he was elected to the newly created office of Editor of the Journal. He was entirely without experience that would qualify him for such a position and received no instructions as to his duties or methods of procedure. In the first annual report of the Editor it was suggested that a com¬ mittee be appointed to guide publication policies. Although that request was repeated almost every year, a committee on publications did not begin to function until this past year. The Editor feels definitely that this lack of guidance and assistance has hindered the progress of publication by the Academy. In spite of the serious handicap of inexperience, the Editor admits a certain feeling of pride that with the fine cooperation from the membership and the other officers of the Academy, we have been able to publish such a complete record of the activities of the Academy as we find in files of the Journal. In 1926 Dr. John Sampey, then of Howard College and Secretary of the Academy, published a volume of abstracts for the years ’24 through ’26. This was designated Volume I of the Jorunal when Volume II was pub¬ lished in 1930. We list very briefly the more important items in our published record. I. A complete record of minutes of all our meetings and a copy of original constitution. II. A complete list of all papers presented before the Academy to¬ gether with their authors. III. Abstracts of all but a very few papers presented before the Academy since 1932. Many of the recent Presidential Ad¬ dresses have been printed in full. As custodian of records and of the Exchange Library since 1932, the Editor has had many varied activities. This Library was begun by Dr. J. L. Brakefield while secretary of the Academy from 1927 to 1932. Forty exchange volumes of Journals, Transactions, Proceedings, etc., were turned over to me by him in 1933. During the next year through the generosity of Dr. E. B. Carmichael of the University of Alabama, the Exchange Library received a bound volume of the records of the Alabama Industrial and Scientific Society founded in 1891. The Library now contains nearly 65O exchanges and at least a few copies of each number of our own Journal. We have also bound files of the official correspondence of the Academy for the first ten years — up through 1940 are about ready to be bound. Frequent inquiries indicate that our Journal is gaining wider recogni¬ tion each year. The plans and work of the Committee on Publications together with more adequate financial support should enable us to make the Journal what it ought to be — a worthy channel for the publication of Alabama research on local problems. E. V. JONES, Editor. 13 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE ACADEMY AWARD This committee is composed of the president-elect, W. M. Mobley, and the seven vice-presidents of the Academy, chairmen of their respective sec¬ tions, namely, Alvin V. Beatty, Harold E. Wilcox, E. F. Richards, Brooks Toler, W. A. Moore, John Goff, and Miss Clustie E. McTyeire. The two grants made last year were to Dr. Herman D. Jones, Auburn, and Dr. W. F. Abercrombie of Howard College. Both left the State before the awards were turned over to them and new applications were asked for in November, 1941. Two new awards of $25.00 each were made from these by the committee of vice-presidents. (1) Dr. Fred Allison, of Auburn, for “Application of X-Ray diffrac¬ tion techniques in the investigation of the chemical and crystalline matter of the constituents of human gall bladder precipitates.” (2) Dr. J. Allen Tower, of Birmingham-Southern, “To pay drafts¬ man to prepare tracing of the 1940 Census Precinct Map of Alabama and copies made from same for use in preparing a Geography of Alabama.” For the 1942-43 awards, application blanks were sent out to the various institutions and only three were returned. The grant from the A.A.A.S. for this year was only $35.00 and it was decided to make only one award of the entire amount. From these applications the committee chose for this award : Dr. John Xan, “The Study of the Reaction of Mercaptans with Oxygen in NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide).” This annual award is open to all qualified members of the Academy in either industrial or academic research and it is strongly urged by this com¬ mittee that more interest be shown by a larger number of applications being sent in from every division of the Academy. W.-M. MOBLEY, President-Elect. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES The Chairman of this Committee got a rather tardy start in initiating efforts along several lines for the benefit of the Academy. At the request of the Treasurer, Dr. John Xan, efforts were made through the members of the Committee at the various educational institu¬ tions and State agencies, and by direct communication, to secure payment of back dues from members who are delinquent in their payments, and to clear the membership list of names of persons who by reason of having moved from the State, or other causes, are not now available for mem¬ bership. So far as is known at this time, responses have been rather disappointing, but it is believed that further effort will bear fruit in re¬ establishing the interest of many of these members and inducing them to become more active in their efforts for the Academy. Letters were written to the presidents of all of the important institu¬ tions of higher education in the State for the purpose of stimulating the interest of those whose institutions are already members and of securing the membership of the others. As a result of this effort, sustaining mem- 14 berships were subscribed by Judson College, Jacksonville State Teachers College, and Alabama College. This leaves only the State Teachers Colleges at Florence and Livingston to be brought into the line-up. A suggestion was transmitted to the members of the Committee over the State, and to the chairmen of the several Sections for this year, that it might be well to endeavor to stimulate interest in the social sciences, such as sociology, physical culture, public health, domestic economy, and other subjects, and possibly establish a section for these sciences in the Academy. Considerable interest in this matter has been aroused on account of the intense human interest involved and the need for investigation and action along these lines in connection with the war-time emergency which now exists. At this morning’s meeting of the Executive Committee, the matter was referred to the Committee on Long Range Planning. The Ex¬ ecutive Committee also referred to the Committee on Membership and Activities several matters for investigation and recommendation for the coming year, as shown by the minutes of the Executive Committee. A suggestion was made to the Executive Committee that the listing of names in the Journal should give the name of the institution with which the member is connected rather than, or in addition to, his home address. The chairman desires to express his appreciation of the unanimous cooperation he has had during the past year from all members of this Com¬ mittee and others interested in the welfare of the Academy. Without such collaboration, no results can be attained. Respectfully submitted, E. D. EMIGH, Chairman. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON HISTORY OF FIRST MEETING TO THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE ASSEMBLED: I have- the honor to report that through correspondence I have estab¬ lished that Dr. S. A. Ives actually served as Secretary and Treasurer of the Academy for the first two years of its existence. Doctor Ives, now con¬ nected with Furman University, has agreed to sign the certificates of the original Charter members. I have forwarded them to him for that purpose, and when they are returned to me I will send them direct to the parties concerned. I will have some half a dozen or more in hand for that pur¬ pose. I am not able to establish that Miss Mary Woolley was present at the Montgomery meeting. I understand that the Charter members were to in¬ clude those present at Montgomery and those who were enrolled prior to a certain date. The Academy must determine whether those who were present on April 4, 1924, are to be considered only as Charter members. If this meeting will act on that question, then I will have the further en¬ rolled names recorded. You will please note Volume 3, of the proceedings, page 11, wherein it is stated as of May 19, 1924, that “thirty-six original members have paid their dues.” Please know that by no means have we established and fur¬ nished these thirty-six with properly signed “shingles.” That is those signed by Doctor Gardner and Doctor Ives. Respectfully submitted, PETER A. BRANNON. 15 REPORT OF THE RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE WHEREAS, The 19th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science has had a successful meeting at Howard College, Birmingham, Alabama, be it hereby resolved : First; that the Academy membership extend its thanks and sincere appreciation to Howard College, its President, Major Har¬ well G. Davis, and its science division faculty for the hospitality extended our Society. Second; that we extend our sincere thanks to Mr. Thomas H. Dejarnette, of Tuscaloosa, for inscribing the shingles for new members. Third; that we extend our thanks and sincere appreciation to McKesson-Doster-Northington, Laboratory Supply Department, Mr. Frank W. Powell, Manager, for the complimentary luncheon presented Friday noon. Fourth; WHEREAS, our fellow scientist and a Charter member of our Acad¬ emy, Dr. Henry Peter Loding, of Mobile, was called to his Maker on February 26, 1942, and WHEREAS, Dr. Loding possessed the most tender feelings for all of Nature’s children — the trees, shrubs, flowers, insects, birds, animals, and WHEREAS, he was particularly outstanding in his knowledge of Coleoptera and Herpetology, and WHEREAS, he possessed those sterling qualities of absolute scien¬ tific honesty, unimpeachable character and integrity, and WHEREAS, he was always ready to help his fellow scientists, pro¬ fessional or amateur, old or young, imparting to many of us some measure of his insatiable thirst for knowledge, and WHEREAS, his passing is a heavy blow to our group, to our state and to the field' of science generally, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this expression of regret be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and that a copy be sent to the bereaved family. RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: R. M. HARPER WALTER B. JONES R. S. POOR, Chairman. 16 PAPERS PRESENTED at the NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE March 20 and 21, 1941 SOME “MODERN” CULTURAL ATTRIBUTES OF THE MOUND- VILLE INDIAN — -Julia C. Adcock, Birmingham. The first Alabamians were practicing South American good will hun¬ dreds of years ago. Artifacts unearthed at Mound State Monument, Moundville, Alabama, show that the earliest inhabitants of Alabama — the Indians — had much in common, culturally, with their South American neighbors. They worshiped the same gods, used the same decorative motifs, and built similar architectural structures. Study of the physical remains of the Mounville Indian reaffirms, also, the “modern” truism of “peace not always to the peaceful.” The Mound¬ ville Indian gave little thought to war-making. The size of the mounds he constructed and the profusion of pottery he manufactured belie sufficient time for any armament program. And there were no implements of war among his possessions. But to tranquil, prehistoric Moundville there came the scars of violence. The skull of a woman unearthed at Mound State Monument bears indication of scalping. In connection with American-Russo-Chinese sympathies it is interest¬ ing to note that the first Americans came from the territory that is now China and Russian Siberia. An interesting sidelight on this subject is the comparison of a design on a Moundville pottery vessel with the design of the modern Chinese flag. MODERN METHODS OF INCREASING OIL PRODUCTION; AND THE REJUVENATION OF OIL FIELDS — John Ainbert, University of Alabama. Today, as never before, the conservation of our petroleum supply has become vital to the life of our nation. Wasteful methods of production have depleted the reservoirs of oil in the United States. The dissipation of natural gas is one of the causes for the following methods of production: (1) gas lift (2) swabing (3) plunger pumping (5) special deep well pumping (6) nitroglycerine shooting (7) acid treatment Secondary methods of production include: ( 1 ) vacuum pumping (2) air and gas repressuring (3) water flooding The ultimate method of oil recovery is that of oil sand mining: it is quite probable that this method will play an important role in the future. 17 AN APPROACH TO CONSERVATION — Willis M. Baker, Dept, of Forestry Relations, TVA, Norris, Tenn. It is not untimely now to direct attention to the problem of protecting and perpetuating our natural wealth, when aggressor nations are waging a war primarily for the purpose of acquiring by force those essential re¬ sources which we have and they lack. In fact, it becomes especially timely for us to give this matter renewed consideration, lest our all-out war efforts cause us to neglect or deplete our basic resources to an extent dangerous to national security. Moreover, it is also highly desirable to give careful thought to the methods which may be followed in resource conservation, because the stress of our emergency may be expected to give rise to all kinds of pro¬ posals from those concerned with getting jobs done. Some of these pro¬ posed methods may call for short-cuts in sound procedure, or for drastic and possibly unwise action which, if adopted, may do more harm than good to a constructive conservation program. Public education leading to better coordination of efforts is proposed as the key to the solution of the conservation problem. When people thor¬ oughly understand the need for conservation, what it means and what it entails, those same human motives of self-interest and security which led them in times of plenty to exploit natural resources should cause them to adopt more conservative practices. It should lead them to use every appro¬ priate agency of government to rebuild and safeguard the natural wealth of the country — the permanent security of the Nation. It will do so when understanding reaches deeply enough to overcome inertia and to establish responsibility. A TERMINAL COURSE IN COLLEGE MATHEMATICS — G. F. Barnes, Judson College. The percentage of students who enter our colleges that take at least one course in mathematics is lower now than it was a few years ago. Those students entering our colleges have less mathematical training than in previous years. Because of certain criticisms mathematics has been re¬ removed from the list of those subjects required for graduation in many of our high schools and colleges. Our former critics took the prescribed courses in our high schools and colleges. While the traditional courses in freshman mathematics probably meet the requirements for those students who expect to pursue courses which are mathematical in nature, they evi¬ dently do not meet the needs of those students who expect to pursue other courses. The author outlines a course which he thinks would more nearly meet the needs of those students who come to our colleges poorly prepared in mathematics, and who expect to pursue courses that do not primarily call for an extended knowledge of mathematics. 4 18 TEACHING FOREST CONSERVATION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS — Wm. R. Barbour, Atlanta, Ga. Forest conservation must not be confused with preservation or reser¬ vation. Conservation means wise use of a resource, and is subordinate to the conservation of human resources. The teaching of conservation must not be confused with nature study or technical forestry. It is the “why” rather than the “how” that should be taught; it is an economic rather than a biologic subject. Forest con¬ servation should be fitted into the existing school curriculum rather than taught as a separate subject. This is the experience of Tennessee, which pioneered the teaching of conservation in the South. It mya start in the very lowest grades. Audio-visual methods are useful aids to teaching con¬ servation. Available from the U. S. Forest Service are 16 mm. sound motion pictures on conservation subjects, and sets of lantern slides. Many government publications are also valuable. It is recommended that a Conservation Education Service be set up in Alabama to provide source materials and advice to teachers. While tools for teaching are important, the teacher is more important, and must her¬ self be “sold” on conservation. It is recommended that courses on forest conservation be included in the curricula of State Teachers Colleges. Teachers have a very real responsibility to help assure the future of con¬ servation. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH IN THE CREATION OF NEW INDUSTRIES — C. A. Basore, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Industrial processes in the early days usually were developed by em- perical processes. Little effort was made to discover the scientific principles involved nor to apply them in the manufacture of iron and steel, copper, glass, ceramics and numerous other products. I Extensive application of the principles of scientific research in recent years has greatly accelerated the growth of American chemical and metal¬ lurgical industries. The principles of scientific research have been generally accepted by the American chemical industries. The total expenditure for all basic pro¬ duction research in the United States in 1941 was reported by Hamor as $275,000,000. The National Resources Planning Board reports that Ameri¬ can companies spend 6 per cent of this net income on industrial research. 2,350 companies employing 70,033 persons engaged in research have in¬ creased their research personnel 41 per cent in the past two years. About 200,000 new products have come from the chemical researches in the United States since 1914. The profound effect of scientific research in times of war is particu¬ larly significant. The immediate objectives are to develop rapidly new processes and products, to find substitutes for goods that are unavailable and to improve existing raw materials and finished products. Progress is said to be great with respect to supplies and equipment dependent upon metals, resins, textile fibers, rubber, chemicals, food and petroleum. Many of the war time researches probably will have important appli¬ cations in times of peace. Some of the peace time industries that are likely to be benefited by war time research are the airplane industry, construc¬ tion of superhighways, modern construction methods for residences, the 19 plastic industry, the synthetic rubber industry, the metal industry, par¬ ticularly aluminum, magnesium and berrylium, and glass products. Re¬ search in pure science probably will lead to the creation of industries not now in existence. THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE HEIGHT AND WEIGHT OF ONE THOUSAND GIRLS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA — Alvin V. Beatty, University of Alabama. A survey of the height and weight of 1000 girls at the University of Alabama was made in 1940. Freshman and sophomore girls were chosen. Some of the data were taken from records in the Physical Education De¬ partment, though it was not possible to obtain the exact ages of all of the subjects, the known range was five years with the majority falling between 17-19. The average height was found to be 161.29 cm with a standard devia¬ tion of 5.79 and a probable error of 3.81, while the average weight was 116.86 pounds with a standard deviation of 16.13 and a probable error of 10.86. A positive linear correlation coefficient of 0.4453 was found. These results compare favorably with similar studies, such as the one made at the University of Michigan in 1941 on 1702 girls with an age range between 15-30 and with the majority falling between 17-19. The average height was given as 162.79 with a standard deviation of 5.54 and the average weight as 124 pounds with a standard deviation of 17.70. The sizable difference in the average weights is significant. The positive linear correlation coefficient of 0.44)54 is high. In 1941 the United States Department of Agriculture published the results of a survey for Garment and Pattern construction (Miscellaneous publication No. 454). Their correlation between the height and weight in the unlim¬ ited age group was 0.2264 while the correlation in a constant age group was only 0.2989. The explanation of the high degree of correlation in this study is prob¬ ably two-fold: first, because of the carefully selected group of subjects with a small age range; secondly, because of a conscientious effort on the part of the subjects to maintain a high degree of correlation between their height and weight. DO ALABAMA SCHOOLS HAVE A PLACE FOR CONSUMER SCIENCE? — J. C. Blair, Lincoln. The old slogan, “Let the buyer beware” has been on equal basis at least with the saying, “Let the seller beware.” This has been brought to the front by the passage of the new Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. However, the real power behind this transition has been the con¬ stantly increasing education and resulting pressure for control of bad practices by the consumer. Some of the general practices which have caused righteous indigna¬ tion are (1) misleading advertising, (2) improper labeling, (3) deceitful shapes and air spaces in package goods, (4) adulterants, (5) harmful preservatives and (6) general ignorance of buyers in evaluating. In more recent years there has been a clear voice calling upon our public schools to come to the aid of this worthy cause by teaching con- 20 sumer science to our future citizens. Can we find anything more practical to teach? The general practices mentioned above have been tested in some high schools and found true. The results of these experiments raise this question: In the smaller high schools of our state, should a separate course in college in preparatory physics and chemistry be maintained? It has been discontinued for some time. This has met with much interest. One of the extremes which should not be reached is to try to point out the best buy for all products on the market. Pupils may experiment and draw their own conclusions, as teachers we should set as our goal to teach our pupils to make wiser choices and an attitude of scientific method of evaluation. SOME OBSERVATIONS CONCERNING THE REGULATION OF BODY TEMPERATURE — J. Reese Blair and Allen D. Keller, University of Alabama. Procedures for the quantitative calibration of heat regulating ability of normal dogs have been described (J. R. Blair and A. D. Keller, Amer. J. Physiol., 1941, 133, 229). These procedures were utilized in detecting the presence or absence of defects in regulating ability of dogs having their brainstems cut crosswise, with varying degrees of completeness, at the cephalic midbrain and middle pons levels. Hemisection of the brainstem at these levels produces no detectable defect in either heat maintenance or heat loss mechanisms. A dog’s heat maintenance ability can be entirely eliminated by a transverse cut which involves the medial portions of the right and left halves of the brainstem (medial quarter segments) at the cephalic level of the midbrain. A lesser medial cut spares this mechanism in part or entirely according to the width of the section. A transection except for a millimeter or two of tissue immediately adjacent to the midline leaves the animal with considerable heat maintenance powers. These observations verify Isenschmid and Schnitzer’s conclusions (rabbit) that the heat main¬ tenance fibers in coursing from the hypothalamus to the midbrain have a diffuse medial distribution. At the pons level the heat loss fibers are eliminated by transverse sections involving only the lateral portions of the brainstem. A transec¬ tion of the brainsteam except for the sparing of one extreme lateral seg¬ ment does not impair heat loss powers nor eliminate heat maintenance powers. A deficit in heat maintenance powers has, however, been encoun¬ tered in such preparations. These results verify on a better quantitative basis previous observations by one of us (A.D.K.) THE CHLORINOLYSIS OF HYDROCARBONS AND THEIR PAR¬ TIALLY CHLORINATED DERIVATIVES — C. Bordenca, Alabama Polytechnic Institute Corresponding to the terms hydrolysis, hydrogenolysis, ammonolysis and alcoholysis, which refer to the rupture of a molecule by water, hydro¬ gen, ammonia and alcohol respectively, the term chlorinolysis has been adopted to describe the rupture of a molecule by chlorine. Chloro-derivatives of ethane, propane, butane and un-butane when subjected to chlorinolysis gave carbon tetrachloride and hexachloroethane as products. Chlorinolysis of polychloro-hexane, polychloro-heptanes and tetradecane gave, in addition, hexachlorobutadiene and hexachlorobenzene. 21 In general the chloro-derivatives were made by the chlorination of the hydrocarbon in the presence of light. The chloro-hydrocarbons were used as starting materials rather than the hydrocarbons to reduce the possi¬ bility of explosion. In the chlorinolysis reaction, the chloro-hydrocarbon was treated with chlorine at elevated temperature and pressure. The apparatus was fabri¬ cated from ferrous metals with the exception of the reactor and exit tube which were made of nickel. A dual proportioning pump was used to introduce liquid chlorine and chloro-hydrocarbon into the nickel reactor which was surrounded by a molten salt bath. The product, after leaving the reactor passed through a water-cooled condenser into a receiver. The apparatus was built to withstand pressure up to 2000 lbs./sq. in. A detailed study was made of the effect of change of temperature, rate of introduction of reactants and pressure upon the relative proportion of products obtained. DECREASE IN INSULIN TOLERANCE FOLLOWING HYPOPHY- SECTOMY LARGELY DUE TO REMOVAL OF STALK TISSUE — J. M. Bruhn, A. D. Keller, W. E. Lawrence and C. F. Barton, University of Alabama. Procedures. Dogs were prepared by cutting through the hypophysis with scissors at various distances from its attachment with the hypothala¬ mus. The glandular tissue distal to the section was removed ; that proximal to the section was left with its normal hypothalamic attachments. The ani¬ mals were calibrated by determining (1) the largest subcutaneous dose of insulin tolerated with spontaneous recovery and (2) the smallest dose precipitating a major convulsion necessitating sugar administration for relief of the hypoglycemic crisis. Calibration studies were begun not earlier than two months after hypophysectomy. Operative procedures were verified histologically after the experiments were terminated. Removals and results. A near ordinary hypophysectomy (more than 90% of the distal pars anterior and posterior lobe removed) mildly re¬ duces insulin tolerance (3-5 itmes), produces partial or complete sexual regression, partial coat change, stoppage of growth, mild adrenal atrophy and a tendency to increase fat stores on a diet normally not inducive to fat storage. An ordinary hypophysectomy (elimination of the entire pars anterior, the posterior lobe, and some of the distal tuberalis) results in a compara¬ tively small (10 times) reduction of insulin tolerance, complete sexual regression, stoppage of growth, maximal coat change, moderate adrenal atrophy, and a definite tendency to increase fat stores. However, following a near-total hypophysectomy (an ordinary hypo¬ physectomy plus removal of varying amounts of the stalk) a greatly diminished insulin tolerance (20-80 times depending roughly on the level of stalk section) occurs. Adrenal atrophy is definitely greater and fat deposition more pronounced than following ordinary hypophysectomy. 22 «- THE MITOTIC TIME SCHEDULE IN NEUROBLASTS OF THE GRASSHOPPER, CHORTOPHAGA VIRIDIFASCIATA — J. Gordon Carlson, University of Alabama. A total of thirteen different stages in the mitotic cycle of living, un¬ stained Chortophaga neuroblasts can be distinguished in hanging-drop tissue culture preparations. The terms by which these are designated, the characteristic events that initiate these stages, and their mean durations in minutes are given below. Each time period is the average for ten to nineteen different cells at 26° C. Prophase: very early — appearance of fine chromatin threads among the scattered granules of the preceding interphase, 32 minutes; early — dis¬ appearance of nuclear granules, 136 minutes; middle — chromatin threads thick enough to be traced from one part of nucleus to another by careful focussing, 36 minutes ; late — chromatin threads short and well spaced enough that about seven can be counted near the nuclear membrane in one-fourth of its circumference in mid-optical section, 22 minutes ; very late — breakdown of nuclear membrane, 11 minutes. Metaphase : location of the chromosomes throughout their lengths in the equatorial plane, 8 minutes. Anaphase: early — initial separation of chromosome halves, 4 minutes; middle — distal ends of daughter chromosomes begin to leave equatorial plane, 5 minutes ; late — cleavage furrow reaches spindle, 5 minutes. Telophase: early — cleavage is completed and chromosomes lose their sharp outlines, 13 minutes; middle — appearance of nucleoli, 22 minutes; late — change in shape of nucleoli from spherical to irregular, 28 minutes. Interphase : chromatin granules lose their linear arrangement, 169 min¬ utes. TOXICITY OF PENTOTHAL SODIUM [SODIUM ETHYL (1- METHYL-BUTYL) THIOBARBITURATE] FOR GUINEA PIGS — Emmett B. Carmichael, University of Alabama. (Read by title) The toxicity of pentothal sodium has been tested for both young and adult guinea pigs. The drug was dissolved in distilled water and the fresh solution was injected intraperitoneally. Normal animals were used: (1), 154 young guinea pigs and (2), 56 adult guinea pigs. Of the latter group, 45 animals had delivered one or more litters. The doses varied by incre¬ ments of 2.5 mgm. from 35 mgm. to 60 mgm./kilo. The average lethal dose (minimal lethal dose) for young guinea pigs was about 50 mgm. to 52.5 mgm./kilo. The number of old animals used is small but the pre¬ liminary results indicate that old guinea pigs have slightly more resistance to this drug than the young guinea pigs. The average lethal dose for. adult guinea pigs seems to be about 55 mgm./kilo. and the minimum lethal dose was 40 mgm./kilo. , 23 DEVELOPMENT OF CROSS TOLERANCE TO BOTH PENTO¬ BARBITAL SODIUM AND DELVINAL SODIUM BY A SINGLE LARGE INJECTION OF PENTOTHAL SODIUM IN GUINEA PIGS —Emmett B. Carmichael, University of Alabama Normal guinea pigs were injected intraperitoneally with pentothal sodium to determine the average lethal dose of the drug. The dose varied from 35 mgm. to 60 mgm./kilo. The animals that survived the above experiments were given a single dose of either 20 mgm. of pentobarbital sodium/kilo, or 40 mgm. of del- vinal sodium/kilo. There were 74 animals that received the pentobarbital sodium and 58 animals that received the delvinal sodium. The second injection of the barbiturate was given either 2, 3, 4, 7, 14, 23 or 30 days after the initial injection of pentothal sodium. If the doses of pentobarbital sodium and delvinal sodium were given within four days after the dose of pentothal sodium, the length of sleep was either markedly shortened when compared with the results on control animals that received similar doses of pentobarbital sodium and delvinal sodium, or sleep was not produced. The length of hypnosis was reduced also. There was some cross tolerance 23 to 30 days after the administration of the pentothal sodium as evidenced by the duration of sleep and hypnosis. DEVELOPMENT OF TOLERANCE IN GUINEA PIGS BY RE¬ PEATED ADMINISTRATION OF LARGE DOSES OF PARAL7 DEHYDE — Emmett B. Carmichael, Frank A. Kay and Grady W. Phillips, University of Alabama. (Read by title) Paraldehyde was introduced as a therapeutic agent in 1882 by Cervello and the next year Morselli reported the hypnotic and sedative action of the drug. Toleration to the drug has been more or less a controversial subject since 1889. Nineteen normal young male guinea pigs, that weighed from 418 grams to 592 grams, were used. One volume of the drug was diluted to ten vol¬ umes with water and 10 cc. of this dilute solution/kilo, were injected intra¬ peritoneally three times per week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday). This size dose is about twice the therapeutic dose of paraldehyde employed by psychiatrists. The series of injections were continued for four weeks. The average weight of the animals dropped from 499 grams to 469 grams during the experiment. The periods of time for three stages of the hypnotic state were re¬ corded: (1) the time from the injection until the onset of sleep increased from 92 seconds to 100 seconds, (2) the duration of sleep dropped from 95 minutes to 31 minutes and (3) the end of hypnosis dropped from 231 minutes to 167 minutes. 24 IMPACT OF WAR ON AMERICAN FOREST RESOURCES — Henry Clepper, Society of American Foresters, Washington, D. C. The war effort is making heavy demands on our forest resources. At least 33 billion board feet of lumber and timber products will be consumed during 1942; nearly 10 per cent will be used for war purposes. From our 461 million acres of commercial woodlands, the lumber industry could double production if necessary. But such an increase, if continued, would seriously deplete timber reserves. About 20 per cent only of our forest land is under intelligent management. Nationally, only about 70 per cent of our forest land is given organized fire protection. The solution proposed is universal fire protection and sustained-yield management of commercial timberlands and of farm woodlands. SOME POSSIBLE EFFECTS OF THE WAR ECONOMY ON ALA¬ BAMA — H. H. Chapman, University of Alabama It is not the purpose of this paper to venture far into the field of prophecy but rather to make some comments which it is hoped will have some small place in encouraging a thoughtful attitude toward the serious problems which confront the state and its people. The first problem which is raised has to do with the attitude that should be taken toward the whole problem of placing the state on the basis of a war economy. An attitude that seems all too common in the country generally is to get the full share of the war industry expansion, or a little more. Too frequently a cloak of patriotism hides simply an attempt to get federal money to increase payrolls in a particular community or to finance what is little better than a wildcat venture by persons who can contribute neither capital nor experienced managerial ability. Alabama, with her resources in coal, iron and steel, with the power developments of the T.V.A. and the Alabama Power Company, with a climate and topog¬ raphy favorable to the development of military training projects, and with a great port at Mobile which is connected by rail and water with the in¬ dustrial district of the state, can develop a program of participation in the nation’s war effort which is based on sound economic grounds. Conse¬ quently the leaders of thought in the state have little excuse for being led into backing questionable proposals by a panicky feeling that the state is not going to be able to get its share. A second problem that may be raised has to do with the attitude which should be taken toward post-war readjustment. The attention which this subject is attracting seems almost unprecedented in the history of the wars of this nation and it is to be hoped that even a part of the effort which is being expended will bear fruit. Some of the discussions almost seem to infer that many people believe that it should be possible to work out an elaborate plan for taking care of all the problems which peace will bring that can then be placed in the proper drawer to be brought forth at the proper time and put into effect. Perhaps no one is really quite so naive but it is not beside the point to suggest that the war is bound to take many turns that we cannot anticipate, and that our economy surely will be changed in ways that we do not foresee. This does not at all mean that we should cease to think of the future but rather that our analysis should be continuous and that our program should be a developing one. We should be continuously in the process of studying developments and raising questions as to how peacetime adjustments can be made. We cannot now chart the 25 course for post war adjustments but we can prepare the way for an intelli¬ gent attack on the problem when the time comes. The remainder of the paper will be devoted to a discussion of some of the conditions that are developing or that the writer believes will soon make their appearance. The demand for skilled workmen is having a number of very impor¬ tant effects. In the first place steps are being taken to create a greater supply of skilled workers and in the second place, efforts are being made to use the existing supply to the best possible advantage. Among the efforts to increase the supply the following may be men¬ tioned : 1. Bringing to the fore skills existing in the labor force that are not now being used. This may have to do with the discovery of latent or hidden skills among common laborers but is more concerned with advancing those who have been acting as assistants on skilled jobs or have had some experience at least in semiskilled occupations to a skilled rating more rapidly than normally would be done. This process is spoken of as upgrading. 2. Attracting skilled workers from other communities or other areas. This process, of course, does not increase the total labor supply of the country, but it does have that effect on the areas where the most insistent demands exist. 3. Setting up regular training programs to provide a supply of new workers. Programs of defense training are now being carried on by the regular Vocational Educational agencies in the vocational subjects, by the U. S. Office of Education through selected colleges and universities in engineering, science, and management subjects, and by the National Youth Administration. Also many industries are engaged in intensive programs of training their own employees. In addition to the programs specifically designed for the emergency, undoubtedly the increased emphasis upon vocational and technical pursuits will have a tendency to encourage increased enrollments in the corresponding departments or divisions of the regular educa¬ tional agencies : the public schools, the technical schools, and the colleges and universities. - Training for the skilled occupations and for the professions is at best a relatively slow process and can only bring about a very decided change in the supply if the effort is sustained for a relatively long time. A tem¬ porary program, no matter how many millions of dollars may be spent on it, will leave the characteristics of the labor supply in the state with respect to ratios between skilled and common laborers practically un¬ changed. Consequently the extent to which defense training has a very great direct effect upon the labor supply of the state depends upon the length of time the effort continues. The indirect effect, however, whether the special programs last for a long or short time will be to emphasize the need for technical skills and in that way to accelerate the tendencies which have been operating to provide the state with an increasingly larger force of trained workers and technical men. The most significant feature of the attempt to use more effectively the existing supply of skilled workers centers around a process which is being called job dilution. This device consists of breaking down jobs which were formerly considered as requiring skilled workers of well-rounded abilities into a number of highly specialized tasks, for which semiskilled operatives can be trained in a few weeks. While this device is not new, there seems to be a tendency to extend it into many skilled occupations in which it was 26 not formerly considered applicable. The skilled workers are used as super¬ visors or instructors or in key positions. If continued, highly significant changes may result. It places increased emphasis on machinery, particularly the specialized and automatic types. It can best be applied in large operat¬ ing units and so acts as another influence favoring mass production. The result must be an added impulse toward industrial concentration and the development of industrial areas. With respect to the geographic distribution of the labor supply, the defense effort can be expected to encourage a drift away from the farm and from the small town which does not have a defense industry. The effect in Alabama may well be a renewed drift away from central Ala¬ bama toward Mobile to the south and to the industrial towns and cities of the northern section of the state. Likewise the dominantly agricultural states like Mississippi are likely to lose population to industrial areas in neighboring states. The question may be raised as to whether the opportunities which exist in the North and on the Pacific Coast may not drain away the supply of skilled laborers of the South. The argument may be advanced that the developments in the South have been more than matched by much greater developments in other parts of the nation and consequently that there will be greater opportunities elsewhere. The South very likely will be definitely affected by this situation if it continues for any great length of time, but an opinion as to the probable effects should be formed only after a careful consideration of the various factors involved. It should be remembered that there is a shortage of skilled labor in the South. This is not a new condition although present demands are making it more acute. As a result wage differentials as among regions in the skilled occupations either have not been great or are nonexistent. In fact there are some instances of occupations where wages in the Birming¬ ham district are above the average in the nation. The active demand for skilled workers should provide opportunities for employment near home and at relatively high rates of pay and consequently the incentive to skilled labor to migrate should not be as strong as might be expected. The assur¬ ance of work in almost any locality may well be an inducement for un¬ attached men to wander about the country, but the writer is doubtful that any great movement of skilled workers away from the South will take place. On the other hand a very different situation exists in connection with unskilled labor. While construction work on defense projects and the increased operations are demanding a larger number of common laborers, there seems to be no prospect in the South of a shortage in the unskilled ranks. To the writer it seems more reasonable to expect that a shortage in the supply of this class of labor will appear in the great industrial areas of the North and East and perhaps certain sections of the Pacific Coast long before such a condition exists in the South. With supplies of immi¬ grant labor cut off, a heavy migration of common labor from the South can be expected. The presence of large numbers of persons who are de¬ riving a very meager existence from an agricultural system which cannot offer much prospect for improvement even at greatly increased prices makes such a movement at the earliest opportunity very likely. Further¬ more the restrictions placed by social conventions on negroes and to a lesser degree on poor whites act as further incentives to migration. Ne¬ groes now employed in the North have to a very large extent maintained some connection with their families and former home communities and can form a channel by which opportunities for employment can become 27 known. Transportation is relatively easy to obtain and in all, conditions are more favorable for migration than in the days of World War I. Still another influence which will have its effect is the working of the selective service machinery. If the various sections of the country furnish selectees for the armed forces in proportion to population, the general effect will be to bring about a shortage of common labor at an earlier time in the North and East than in the South. The South has never been able to match the North and East in oppor¬ tunities for employment in the highly remunerative positions and so has continuously lost talent to those sections, and undoubtedly will continue to do so. An intensified and sustained defense effort will probably induce a very sizable migration of common labor from the South, and the North may well see new negro communities grow up and old ones show decided increases. On the other hand, there is little prospect that skilled workers will move away in great numbers although there may be a tendency for young and untrained persons to be recruited away from the South to enter industrial employment as trainees. The permanence or lack of permanence of the enterprises created by the war effort has a very vital connection with the lasting effects of the war economy upon the state. The continuance of the camps on anything like the present scale, of course, is directly dependent upon the length of time that a large scale military program will be continued. This, of course, is dependent either upon the length of hostilities or upon the possibility that we may be em¬ barking upon a permanent program of military training due to the possi¬ bility of the present hostilities resulting in a stalemate. Directly, of course, army camps do not result in an industrial development in the ordinary sense of the term because the camps operate more or less as closed units and consist largely of enlisted men who come from different parts of the country and will leave at the end of the period of service. However, the presence of such camps does have very important indirect effects on the communities in which they are located because of the demand for services and for commodities which may be purchased by the camp personnel. Also there is, of course, the demand for many commodities which are bought locally or in the general vicinity of the camp for operation and mainte¬ nance. In the case of the industrial projects the prospects are quite varied. There is a very good possibility that the expansion in aluminum produc¬ tion may become prominent unless aluminum is superceded by other ma¬ terial which is produced elsewhere. The program undoubtedly will increase productive capacity far beyond the amount which was formerly used under peacetime conditions, but it is entirely possible that the increased produc¬ tion may result in a volume of material and an efficiency of operation which will bring about low costs per unit and a widely expanded use. Also the new units should be more- modern and efficient than the older ones and should have a good chance of survival if a period of competi¬ tion develops. Another expansion which has been attracting a great deal of attention centers around the ship building and ship repairing projects which are located in Mobile, Pascagoula, Jacksonville and Tampa. The experience after the last war is not encouraging. However, the results of this struggle may be quite different. It is well to remember that in the last war many of the important sea-going countries were not seriously affected. This was true of the Scandinavian countries, Holland and also of the ports of 28 France and Great Britain. The end of the present war may leave practically all of the old shipbuilding countries in a crippled condition. The prolonged effort may result in a thoroughly organized industry in the Gulf ports and in methods of fabricating and building ships which will put our yards in a relatively strong competitive position. Finally there is the possibility that the whole war effort may result in a draw with the result that the United States will feel compelled as a matter of public policy to maintain a mer¬ chant marine regardless of cost. The ordnance plants which are being established in large numbers and with tremendous productive capacity present a quite different kind of prob¬ lem. Such plants are designed primarily to produce war materials and a large proportion of these materials are of a character that give little prom¬ ise of direct use in peacetime. Some of the plants may be capable of con¬ version to other uses, but for many such conversion is unlikely or can be accomplished only at a huge loss arising either from unused capacity due to insufficient demand or from inefficient use of plant and equipment due to conversion to uses for which the establishment was not designed. In the case of many basic industries the pressure of the demand for the materials which they produce is making itself felt and efforts are being made to increase productive capacity. If the effort continues, there will very likely result a decided expansion in such plants as blast furnaces and steel mills. The slackening of demand which probably will accom¬ pany the return to a peacetime economy may then reveal an over-expansion with the problems of adjustment which are created by such conditions. Along with the long term consequences of production for war comes the question of the effect on the industries producing for normal civilian needs. Already many industries such as stove manufactures in Alabama and Tennessee are having to curtail operations because of inability to secure raw materials under the present system of priorities. As these poli¬ cies are continued and expanded, it seems that either of two lines of de¬ velopment will result, either the existing plants will devote a large part of their resources to the production of war materials with an attending de¬ cline in normal production or a large portion of their labor force will transfer to defense industries and perhaps many of the establishments themselves will be forced to close. While temporary difficulties may arise, the very active demand for experienced workers makes it unlikely that any considerable amount of unemployment will result, but the important result of either of the above courses of action is that a decided decline in plants specifically adapted to production for normal civilian supply will take place. The other side of the picture is that the restriction on production for ordinary needs will result in an accumulation of shortages of many com¬ modities which we have long been accustomed to have available for use in abundant quantities. The price and credit problems which this condition tends to create will not be developed in this paper, but the relationship to the employment problems of the war period can be pointed out. If the accumulated shortages can be converted into effective demand when pro¬ duction for war is stopped and labor and capital is released for other uses, a condition will be created which will facilitate the shift from a war to a peace basis. At the cessation of hostilities we may find a very large portion of our labor force assembled around huge specialized war materials plants at a distance from the establishments that can be made to produce the products normally needed. The specialized skills which have been developed may not be of a nature particularly needed for peacetime production. At the 29 same time old plants may have been permitted through neglect and inade¬ quate maintenance to have gotten into such shape that they cannot imme¬ diately be put back into operation. Or they may have been converted to war use. Thus when the time comes to resume peacetime operations we may find ourselves in the same kind of position that has been troubling us in recent months, with this exception, that where we now want war materials and are equipped to produce for peace, we may then want products for normal consumption but be equipped for war. If this situation should de¬ velop we would have very real and perhaps very large shortage of com¬ modities normally needed and very limited plant capacity available imme¬ diately to produce these commodities. At the same time large numbers of workers will be released and huge plants will be standing idle because they are not adaptable to the commodities which are in demand. This is a very different situation from that which existed in 1929 and 1930. The need will not be for great public works programs so much as for condi¬ tions which will permit the potential demand for ordinary goods and services to be made effective as quickly as possible. 30 SOIL TEMPERATURES AND SOIL MOISTURE AS FACTORS IN THE SEASONAL INCIDENCE OF CERTAIN ANIMAL PARA¬ SITES IN ALABAMA1 — Reed O. Christenson and Hubert H. Creel, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Surface soil temperatures in Alabama reach magnitudes above the thermal death points of the eggs and larvae of parasitic worms during the summer months. In the hottest of the five soil types studied, i. e. Decatur Clay, there were 21 days when the temperatures passed 126° F ; 19 days above 131° F, and two days above 136° F. On bare soils the latter tem¬ peratures would coagulate the proteins of parasite eggs instantly; in the other temperature ranges the eggs and larvae would die within the periods the temperatures were sustained. The highest surface soil temperature re¬ corded was on Decatur Clay which registered 140° F on June 28, 1941, when the atmospheric temperature recorded but 93° F.2 The relative soil moisture was low on this day, computed to be only 2.1% on this plot. On normally clear days the highest surface soil temperatures are recorded between 12 M. and 1 P.M., for example on June 28 the Decatur Clay read¬ ings were 140° F (12 M.), 140° F (1 P.M.), 132° F (2 P.M.), 127° F (3 P.M.), 115° F (4 P.M.), and 110° F (5 P.M.) Sumter Clay was the second hottest of the Alabama soil types studied, 18 days being recorded in the range from 126-130° F, 9 from 131-135° F and one from 136-140° F. The third hottest type of soil from the stand¬ point of total degrees F above zero for the year was Norfolk Sand. This soil type, however, absorbs heat rapidly and transmits it to the lower soil levels faster than the other types so that the surface levels do not reach high magnitudes as often as does Cecil Clay. In Cecil Clay 10 days were recorded between 126-130° F, and 6 between 131-135° F, whereas Norfolk Sand had 7, and one day in the respective temperature ranges. In no instance did temperatures on Hartsells Sandy Loam pass 125° F, which was equally true of Norfolk Sand covered with sod (Table 1). Sod, and possibly other vegetative growths, forms a blanket over the surface reduc¬ ing the maximum soil temperatures during the hottest weather, and raising the minimum surface soil temperatures during the coldest (Graph 1). The highest average maximum daily temperatures occurred during the month of May (rainfall .84 inch) whereas the following summer months which had higher atmospheric temperatures had lower average maximum surface soil temperatures, but much more rainfall which had a cooling effect upon the surface soil layers (Graph 2). A trace of rain, with accompanying TABLE 1 TEMPERATURE OF THE SURFACE LAYERS OF FIVE ALABAMA SOIL TYPES FOR THE YEAR 1941 Temp. Sumter Norfolk Hartsells Decatur Cecil Norfolk Range °F. Clay Sand Sandy Loam Clay Clay Sand-Sod 100 or below 199 210 254 204 207 285 101-105 25 32 70 27 41 40 106-110 30 42 27 22 36 12 111-115 25 32 8 20 23 6 116-120 26 21 4 29 20 7 121-125 30 19 1 21 21 5 126-130 18 7 .... 21 10 .... 131-135 9 1 .... 19 6 .... 136 or above 1 .... .... 2 .... .... 1. Published with the approval of the Director. 2. Official weather data kindly supplied by Professor J. M. Robinson. TEMPERATURES OF NORFOLK SANJJ S3HONI N I TlVJNIvy o 40 U a. < Jfl I H o in -if- o3S a a O O 5 25 2 x < 5 55 5 5 i f- z o 5 5 SEE z z z oo o 5 5 5 u O < ir U U LI cc tr ci u u u u > > > > m x eg Z “ O 2 O o cO I" «S o* 40 •y- fO rg o o> 00 * CD <0 if) <0 eg 32 meterologi«_al factors, may result in a 60 degre drop in surface soil tem¬ peratures in a twenty-four hour period. During dry periods the relative soil moisture often falls below the 2.8% which if sustained for a period of 10 to 14 days, depending upon the soil type, will be lethal to some para¬ site eggs (Christenson, 1935). During the year 1941 a total of 165 chickens was autopsied over the 12-month period yielding 15,969 intestinal helminth parasites, the big ma¬ jority being Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinae. Graph 3 shows the oc¬ currence of these over the year. The low point for February is not sig¬ nificant since but two chickens were autopsied that month. During the rest of the year the curve has a somewhat bimodal nature, similar to that fig¬ ured by Christenson and Butler (1941), the latter curve being based Upon the autopsy of 499 chickens over the 12-month period which yielded 35,259 worms. During the winter months of last year low temperatures sustained, there being few days when soil temperatures reached levels sufficient for the development of parasite eggs. The average maximum daily tempera¬ tures on Sumter Clay, for example, were 64.4° F for January (41.03° F average minimum), 62.88° F for February (39.82° F), 72.36° F for March (46.97° F), and 46.61° F (42.97° F) for December. The parasite eggs dis¬ charged during this period developed slowly, if at all, and were a latent source of infection when the temperatures reached favorable magnitudes. In April the average maximum surface soil temperatures rose sharply to 96.77° F (62.66° F) giving average daily temperatures near the optimum for eggs of such parasites as Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinae. Sim¬ ilarly the month of April had a fair amount of rain, and only in the Nor¬ folk Sand did the relative soil moisture fall below the critical point of 2.8%, and the longest period such dessication occurred was for 5 days. The above analysis of soil temperature and moisture conditions indi¬ cate that in April, especially the latter half, the parasite eggs could de¬ velop in a normal time to infectivity. Infection at this time would be ex¬ pressed in a rise in the adult worm population in about two months, which, on a theoretical basis, would account for the rise in the incidence curve shown in June in both 1940 and 1941 (Graphs 3 and 4). It has already been stated that the month of May was both hot and dry. Undoubtedly in nature many of the eggs of parasitic worms such as Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinae, and those of similar parasites of other animals, die during this period, and during the early part of June which is normally dry and relatively hot. The months of July and August normally have slightly higher atmospheric temperatures than June and they have considerably greater rainfall which exercises a cooling effect on the soil (Graph 2). Actually in 1941 the months of June, July and August were relatively wet although dryer than the 62-year average. These months, and to a lesser extent September, had surface soil temperatures above the thermal death points of parasite eggs. In October there was a drop in temperature to near the vital optimum, and enough soil moisture to incu¬ bate the eggs of parasitic worms. It would be expected that the incidence curve would rise to its peak by the end of the time normally required for the worms to develop, i. e., about eight to nine weeks. This was found to be the case in both 1940 and 1941. It thus appears that there are two periods of the year when parasite infections reach their maxima in the case of such parasites as Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinae, first during the early spring growing season expressed by the incidence peak in Junej and secondly during the latter part of the summer rainy season, the latter period apparently being of greatest importance. Periodically during the year ecological factors either retard the development of parasite eggs, or are actually lethal to them. GRAPH- 1 SEASONAL OCCURRENCE OF INTESTINAL HELMINTHS OF THE CHICKEN GRAPH” 4* SEASONAL OCCURRENCE OF INTESTINAL HELMINTHS Or THE CHICKEN | I t- V I I Pa oj N <\j Pis “o 2 o (Ti CO 05 in ro oa 34 DESIGNING A SPECTROGRAPHIC LABORATORY — J. H. Coulliette, Birmingham. The equipment and arrangement of a spectrographic laboratory for the quantitative analysis of iron and steel is considered. The best equip¬ ment available for (1) preparation of the sample, (2) making the spectro¬ gram, and (3) measuring the spectrogram is described. The most conve¬ nient arrangement of the laboratory for efficient operation is discussed. SOME ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE COAL INDUSTRY IN ALABAMA — James L. Davidson, Counsel, Alabama Mining Institute Coal furnishes fuel for, or provides the necessary heat for all the melting processes in use in Alabama. All of the pig iron, steel, iron and steel products, as well as, the fabri¬ cation thereof, together with forging and castings (including one-half of the pressure pipe produced in the United States), made in Alabama, are melted, manufactured and produced by the use of coke or gas derived from coal, which is burned to produce the necessary heat in such processes. Steam power made from burning coal, propels practically all of the railroad locomotive engines used in hauling the bulk of the freight origi¬ nating in Alabama or hauled into the State from other sections. Then, too, a ton of water must fall a mile to produce the energy equal to that contained in a pound of coal, for the reason that a kilowatt hour of electricity can be and is produced from the combution of less than one pound of coal in large steam power generating plants. All heat used for processing by the Textile industry in the South is produced from coal and a large portion of the power required to operate the looms and machinery in the cotton mills situated in the Southeastern states is produced from coal. Alabama stands fourth among the states of the nation in the produc¬ tion of by-products. But only the primary by-products are produced here, and then sent away and processed at plants elsewhere. These primary products from the coking process consist of coke, com¬ bustible gas, light oils, coal tar, sulphate of ammonia, benzol, toluol, naphthalene, pyridine bases. Space will not permit delineation of the numerous by-products de¬ rived from the splitting up processes; therefore, only a few of them, espe¬ cially those essential to winning the war, will be mentioned, viz : tri-nitro toluol (high explosive), creosotes, phenol, sulfa drugs, plastics, et al. PETROLEUM DEPOSITS IN THE DUTCH EAST INDIES — John R. Donnell, University of Alabama The five largest islands of the Dutch East Indies group, consisting of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Ceram, and Tarakan are the most important source of oil for the South Pacific countries. They have seven refineries which produced 60,830,000 barrels of oil or 6 % of the world’s supply. The shal¬ low wells are drilled in sediments of Later Tertiary Age. The oil occurs in a deep Geosyncline, and the fields are in a structual continuation of those on the Irrawaddy River in Burma. 35 Japan, blocked by the United States embargo of high test gasoline and the British monopoly in the Far East, invaded the Dutch East Indies to assure herself of a much needed source of petroleum. As the Japanese advanced the Dutch destroyed wells, refineries, and pipelines to the ex¬ tent of millions of barrels of petroleum and $100,000,000 worth of ma¬ chinery. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FOUNDRY INDUSTRY — C. K. Donoho, Birmingham. New developments in iron and steel foundries which are of a chemical nature include: 1. Ladle innoculation of molten gray cast iron to produce desirable graphite structures. 2. Desulfurization and dephosphorization of iron and steel with basic slags. 3. Relation of abnormal properties in iron castings to contamination of the melt with antimony and tin. 4. Reduction of silicon in liquid cast iron by exothermic oxidation with mill scale. EFFECTS OF SEED TREATMENT ON GERMINATION OF LES- PEDEZA SERICEA — J. F. Duggar, Alabama Polytechnic Institute Experiment Station Experiments were conducted to learn the causes and possible correc¬ tives of low germination of unhulled seed of sericea, ( Lespedeza scricea ), a new perennial forage leugme ; also to hasten the germination of scarified sericea seed. Sulfuric acid was a fairly effective substitute for mechanical scarifica¬ tion, but required repeated washing of seed or the use of lime as a dryer. Shelling without scarification was only partially effective. Scalding in boil¬ ing water failed to make great improvement in the germination of unhulled seed, and scalding in a strong extract of sericea hulls depressed germina¬ tion ; tannin is suspected as the depressing factor. The germination of unhulled sericea seed, while improved, was not raised to a completely adequate extent by any one of the treatments here discussed (other than by mechanical scarification). Apparently several of them need to be tested when employed concurrently and in various com¬ binations on the same lot of unhulled seed. The germination of scarified sericea was in general hastened by slight refrigeration, or by soaking briefly in weak solutions of either calcium chloride or calcium hypochlorite, or by incubating seeds in contact with calcic limestone. The latter proved superior to dolomite; C. P. calcium car¬ bonate was likewise more effective on germination than was magnesium carbonate. Other chemicals and fertilizing materials were also tested, with mostly negative results. 36 A NEW RAPID COLORIMETRIC METHOD FOR DETERMINING POTASH IN CEMENT — J. F. Duggar, Jr., Hope Hull. Recently considerable attention has been focused on the amount of soda and potash in cement, to be used in making concrete roads. It is suspected that a content of these two substances in excess of one-half per cent may be deleterious to the pavement after a period of from ten to fifteen years. The present method of determining these substances is the one given in the A.S.T.M. which is the J. Lawrence Smith method combined with the Lindo Gladding method for potash. In Bulletin of the A.S.T.M., January, 1942, No. 114, a more rapid tentative method is described with studies on it. The author has noted for some time past that potassium chloroplatinate when dissolved in hot water will yield a brown violet color when acidi¬ fied and treated with potassium iodide. Studies showed that this color is suitable to colorimetric work, the intensity being proportional to the amount of chloloroplatinate present. The results obtained in an average of three analyses by this method gave a figure of .154 potash against a figure of .126 by the official method. The method follows : Weight 0.2 grams of cement into a 3 oz. platinum dish and add a little water, hydrochloric acid and 2 cc. of hydrofluoric acid and 0.5 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid. Carefully dry and ignite to red heat. This expells the silica. Take up in a little dilute hydrochloric acid and add gram of ammonium carbonate and a few drops of ammonia. Boil for one-half minute and filter on a very small filter paper. The filtrate is now acidified with 1 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid and boiled dry and ignited. It is next taken up in a little water and 0.5 cc. of hydrochloric acid and 1 cc. of 10% platinum chloride is added. Dry on steam bath in usual manner and take up in 95% alcohol, filter on a very small filter and wash five times in 95% alcohol. The potassium chloroplatinate is dissolved in a small amount of hot water and acidified with 10% of its volume of concentrated hydro¬ chloric acid. Add 10 cc. of 15% potassium iodide. Compare the color devel¬ oped with a standard made from a weighed amount of potassium chloro¬ platinate acidified and potassium iodide added as for the cement. A suitable standard is 1 milligram of potassium chloroplatinate to 10 cc. of hot water. Some difficulty may be encountered in dissolving such small amounts, due to the surface tension of the compound, but a little care will obviate this. TYPES OF RAINFALL IN ALABAMA — Eugene D. Emigh, U. S. Weather Bureau, Montgomery. Introductory material in this paper is from an analytical study to determine the most scientific an advantageous division of the State of Alabama into climatic zones. The Southern Division, smallest of the three, lies, roughly, south of latitude 31° 30'; the Northern Division, which is the largest, lies north of latitude 33°. The Middle Division is less subject to the influences which preponderate in the other divisions, and for this reason is the section of least precipitation. Throughout the State, and the entire Southeastern states, July precipi¬ tation is of great interest and importance, adequate moisture to sustain vegetation already growing well and to revive crops suffering from drought being practically certain to occur. In northern districts, September is the driest month, normally ; in the Middle Division, October is the driest, and in the Coastal Division, Novem¬ ber has the least rain. 37 Comparisons — Tnskegec-Robertsdale The distance between Tuskegee, which, with its average of 46.05 inches of rain, is the driest point in the State, and Robertsdale, where the average is 68.07, is only 177 miles. At Robertsdale, July totals have varied from 2.76 inches (in 1915) to 34.86 inches (in 1916). That the two amounts occur in consecutive years, emphasizes the great variability in the coastal area. At Tuskegee, July totals have ranged from 1.30 inches (1914) to 12.58 inches (1916). In September, when the effect of tropical storms is most in evidence, Robertsdale’s totals have run from .79 inch (1934) to 23.33 (1917). Tuskegee had no rain in September, 1927, and 7.06 inches, it greatest September amount, in 1917. Storm Types Storms producing heavy rainfall in Alabama are of two outstanding types, according to their cause. Those which occur during the spring months are characterized by marked convectional instability in energetic low pressure conditions, with an overrunning stratum of cold air aloft. These disturbances are attended by heavy rainfall over wide expanses, and often by torrential downpours over smaller areas of considerable ex¬ tent. Small tornadoes and occasional narrow line squalls of cold air which knifes its way to the surface from aloft are also characteristic. The tropical storms of late summer and fall months are responsible for the other type, late summer downpours being, for the most part, either directly or indirectly chargeable to these disturbances. Rainfall Reporting Stations The number of rainfall reporting stations in Alabama has increased from 63 in 1933 to nearly 200 at the present time, many of which have recording gages. SPECIAL AIDS IN THE TEACHING OF BACTERIOLOGY — Mildred A. Engelbrecht, University of Alabama Of the communicable diseases of children, those of the upper respira¬ tory tract are exceedingly infectious and much more serious than most people realize. Since many of these diseases are spread by infected drop¬ lets produced by coughing, sneezing and talking, children should be taught the need for sanitary habits in relation to the care of the mouth and nose secretions. This can be done much more effectively if bacteria are demon¬ strated to be living entities. A few simple and inexpensive methods were described for demon¬ strating bacteria as living plants capable of movement, growth and repro¬ duction. These were shown by hanging drop and various Petri dish prep¬ arations. Several prepared Difco Products media were explained and also the use of coasters instead of the more expensive Petri dishes. The spread of diseases by droplet infection can be represented by coughing, sneezing or talking into a nutrient agar dish and allowing time for each organism to multiply until visible colonies or families can be seen in the Petri dish culture or “germ garden.” Methods for showing the destructive effect of sunlight, boiling temperatures, and disinfectants were presented. Clay models were used to show the comparative sizes, shapes, and arrangements of the various organisms capable of producing the differ¬ ent diseases. With the knowledge gleaned from the above demonstrations the chil¬ dren are now ready for a discussion on the relationship of bacteria to 38 diseases. They have a much better receptive mind for understanding the ways and means by which these respiratory diseases are spread in epi¬ demic proportions and also how they can be prevented. It is far safer, cheaper and much better to keep the germs from entering the body than to treat the body after they have entered. Especially at a time of National Defense it is essential that we do all within our power to teach the chil¬ dren to safeguard their health and the health of those around them. THE TERNARY SYSTEM: WATER— PHENOL— AROMATICS — W. C. Frishe, Alabama Polytechnic Institute The critical solution temperature of pure phenol and pure water is very sensitive to the addition of a third substance. On the addition of a third substance soluble only in phenol, the critical solution temperature will be 1° C. higher when as little as 0.1% of the third substance is present. Van’t Hoff found that the raising of the critical temperature of a liquid is directly proportional to the amount of solute it contains, and so, from this, one is led by analogy to believe that the elevation of the critical solution temperature due to a third substance is a linear function of the number of moles of the third substance present. If this is true, we have a new method for determining molecular weight. Using aromatic compounds soluble only in phenol and having very low or no dipole moments an experimental check on this analogy was made. The conclusions drawn from the data taken are : (1) The raising of the critical solution temperature is a linear func¬ tion of the number of moles of third substance present but it is also de¬ pendent upon some characteristic of the third substance. (2) Since chemically similar compounds show similar critical solution temperature elevations it is suggested that the most likely characteristic affecting the elevation is the solubility of the third substance in phenol. A COURSE IN PRINCIPLES OF GEOMETRY — Henry Gerhardt, Mobile The war situation has in many instances caused a curtailment of edu¬ cational programs, and the need for an intensified and even deeper teach¬ ing of the physical sciences is imperative. Geometry certainly plays a very important part in the curriculum, and to select the essential material for streamlined teaching is no easy task for the instructor. The following idea is presented in this paper : In a short summer course of about ten hours designed for teachers, lectures on principles of geometry would be given, explaining the axioms of Euclidean geometry and showing how other systems of geometries arise as other axioms are chosen. This will open a new vista and will present the theorems of Euclid¬ ean geometry in a novel light, thus facilitating a selection of the more fundamental and important chapters. Starting with the history of the parallel axiom, the theorems which are valid independently from this axiom (the so called absolute theorems) can be demonstrated. With this knowledge as a background the teacher will be able to choose the fundamental material which is worth proving. The whole course would presuppose only a knowledge of elementary geometry and algebra. 39 COMPARABLE METHODS OF THE MANUFACTURE OF a-AMINOACETIC ACID (GLYCINE) — Ewen Gillis and Eugene Brown, Howard College The manufacture of glycine is not difficult, but obtaining a product of high purity is very difficult. The first method of preparing glycine involves the precipitation of Hippuric Acid (benzoylglycine) from Bovine urine. The hippuric acid is hydrolyzed with concentrated hydrochloric acid. The glycine is obtained along with some benzoic acid. The yield is approximately 27% of the theoretical amount. The second method for the preparation of this acid involves the reaction of formaldehyde, sodium cyanide, and ammonium chloride to form methylaminoacetonitrile (5-hydroformamine cyanide). By the alco¬ holysis of this nitrile with ethyl alcohol and sulfuric acid, methylene diethyl ether and aminoaceto nitrile hydrogen sulfate are formed. The acid salt of the nitrile is then added to a boiling suspension of barium hydrox¬ ide, and the barium salt of alpha- aminoacetic acid is formed. From this salt barium sulfate is quantitatively precipitated and filtered off. The fil¬ trate is then concentrated to a small volume and upon chilling the crude glycine separates out. This concentration process is done until the final volume is about 5 cc. The yield is approximately 77% of the theoretical amount. The third method is the reaction of monochloroacetic acid and am¬ monium hydroxide. The acid is dissolved in a small amount of water and this is added to the base. This solution is set aside for 48 hours, the excess ammonia is boiled off and recovered. The solution is then concen¬ trated to 250 cc. and 1500 cc. of technical methyl alcohol is added. The glycine precipitates upon the addition of this alcohol, and with one crystal¬ lization from hot water a U.S.P. product is obtained. Although this method does not give but 65% of the theoretical yield, it is the easiest, cheapest and most desirable method of obtaining a product of the desired purity for drug and chemical use. THE SLIDE RULE AS A TEACHING AID — W. E. Glenn, Birmingham-Southern College When used in classroom work in most of the subjects taught in the field of the natural sciences, the slide rule offers the following advantages : 1. Add interest. 2. Speeds up class problem work. \ 3. Excellent check on other methods of calculation. 4. Teaches the student to reject unreasonable results. 40 TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NEWT, Triturus viridescens, UNDER NARCOSIS — Leon E. Gordon, University of Alabama The oxygen consumption of the Newt, Triturus viridescens, under narcosis was measured in a modified Warburg apparatus at temperatures ranging from 6.5° C to 21.0° C. The anesthetic used was Nembutal (So¬ dium Pento barbital) at a dose of 0.120 grams in 0.2 cc. of distilled water for animals weighing approximately 2.7 grams. The data was found to satisfy the Arrhenius equation and yielded temperature characteristics (g) of 22,080 for temperatures from 6.5° C to 16.5° C and of 10,100 for temperatures from 17.0° C to 21.0° C. The value for unanesthetised ani¬ mals has already been established by Pomerat in 1937. Shifts in tempera¬ ture characteristics following experimental manipulations are relatively rare in the literature. They are looked upon as a change in a fundamental constant. From a more theoretical basis they are believed to represent a change in the “pace-setter” of a catenary chain. Thus, Nembutal may bring about narcosis by shifting some enzymatic reaction whose expression can be detected by the measurement of the oxygen consumption. APPLICATION OF X-RAY RADIOGRAPHY TO INDUSTRY — Roy Goslin, Alabama Polytechnic Institute X-ray radiography furnishes to industry a ready means of studying the internal structure of manufactured products, without any destruction of the product. Inspection of individual items may be carried out with rapidity and ease. The cost of the equipment will vary from a thousand to many thousands of dollars, depending upon the voltage and the size of specimen to be studied. If individual inspection is too costly, control tests on foundry processes may be developed to give a standardized foun¬ dry procedure capable of producing a quality casting with certainty. The application of this technique to industry is economically feasible when safety of country and life may depend upon metallic structures. The equip¬ ment required for radiography may be purchased from such companies as The General Electric X-ray Company, and The Victor X-ray Company. THE GLYCOGEN CONTENT OF THE EMBYRO OF RAN A PIPI- ENS DURING DEVELOPMENT — John R. Gregg, University of Alabama Needham, in the second volume of his Chemical Embryology, gives a short review of determinations by various investigators of the total glyco¬ gen content of the frog’s egg. Faure-Fremiet and Dragoiu examined both unfertilized and fertile eggs and found a large loss in glycogen by the time of hatching of the egg. Konopacka and Konopacki, using a staining method, showed qualitatively a fall in the amount of glycogen after fertili¬ zation, followed by a rise at gastrulation and a second decrease following gastrulation and neurulation. Since the publication of Chemical Embryol¬ ogy, Brachet and Needham have reinvestigated the problem, and have re¬ affirmed the fall in the post-gastrulation glycogen content. Other research¬ ers have reported investigations of the amount of glycogen in the unfer¬ tilized egg and in various parts of the egg at different developmental stages. No detailed information on the amount of glycogen in the develop- 41 ing egg was available in the litertaure, so it was decided to make a stage- by-stage investigation of the embryos of Rana pipiens to make much data available. Eggs obtained by the pituitary stimulation method of Rugh were arti- 'ficially fertilized and allowed to develop in pond or tap water at room temperature. To standardize the procedure, the tables of Shumway for the development of Rana pipiens were consulted, and eggs fixed for glycogen determinations at the stages given therein. Glycogen estimations were made by the method of Good, Kramer, and Somogyi and the colorimetric glu¬ cose method of Gibson. Results were expressed as gammas of glycogen glucose per egg. The average glycogen content of the unfertilized egg was 100 gamma. This value fell off very rapidly in the fertile egg to about 75 gamma at mid-cleavage (Shumway, Stage 8-9). By late gastrula the value rose again to about 93 gamma (Shumway, Stage 12). Following neurulation, this value decreased steadily. At hatching, (Shumway, Stage 20) the glycogen content of the egg was 50 gamma. These results support Konopacka and Konopacki in demonstrating a rapid fall in the glycogen content of the egg during early cleavage, suc¬ ceeded by a reaccumulation of glycogen stores in the gastrula. This phe¬ nomenon has been missed and even denied by other authors. Further inves¬ tigation into its reality and its mechanism should prove fruitful. A GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF ALABAMA HISTORY — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama The main features of Alabama history that can be represented by statistics, such as density of population, race, sex, age, families, and home ownership, are shown on three graphs, with different scales, to indicate past trends and suggest what may be expected in the near future. The earliest population statistics for Alabama (except for a few counties or¬ ganized before that) are those of 1820, but some kinds began Considerably later, and some of those for 1940 are not available yet. The growth of total population has been pretty steady since the early days, and cities have grown faster than the rest, here as elsewhere, but wars and depressions have had noticeable effects, especially on the growth of cities and on the ratio of males to females. The proportion of negroes has been decreasing since about 1880, with increasing industrialization, etc. In the pioneer days men were decidedly in the majority, as usual, but the male excess has been trending downward for the last few decades. This is due largely to increasing urbanization, with the numerous opportu¬ nities for employment for women in cities, but the proportion of male births seems to be trending downward, too. All this makes for decreasing self-reliance, which is rather disconcerting. The birth rate, indicated by the proportion of children, and size of families, has been decreasing pretty steadily in Alabama, as elsewhere. This makes for a larger proportion of adults and therefore greater per capita wealth, which is what most people seem to want, but it also intensi¬ fies the spoiled child problem, which is not so good. As usual, the cities have gone farther in this respect than the rural districts. Planners whose main goal seems to be increasing population and more and larger cities seem to lose sight of this, and the demoralization that seems to be inherent in city life. Many of the trends shown on the graphs cannot be changed by any known means, while some, if they could be changed, would inevitably make undesirable changes in others. 42 THE BUR OAK IN ALABAMA — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama The bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa, is a characteristic tree of prairie groves in the Mississippi Valley, hut there was no record of it in Alabama until a single specimen was found at the edge of a field in Montgomery County in 1927. Being at least 200 miles from any other known stations for the species, there was a suspicion that it might have been planted there. But in the last few years, Mr. T. L. Head, of Montgomery, has found several other trees of it in woods in the same neighborhood, which makes it practically certain that it is indigenous. In general appearance it much resembles the post oak, and there may be many other specimens in the black belt, if not in other parts of Alabama, that have been overlooked for that reason. Illustrated by photographs of leaves, acorns, and whole tree. CONDENSATION OF FORMALDEHYDE WITH 2, 4-DICHLORO- PHENOL — J. M. Holbert, Birmingham-Southern College. When 2, 4-dichlorophenol is reacted with a large excess of formalde¬ hyde in an acid medium, 6, 8-dichloro-l, 3-benzodioxane is obtained in good yields. The structure of this compound is proved, as it is readily oxidized to 6, 8-dichloro-l, 3-benzodioxane-4-one. This product when boiled with base is converted to 3, 5-dichlorosalicylic acid, a compound of known structure.1 If in the above condensation the amount of formaldehyde is decreased, some 3, 5-dichloro-2-hydroxybenzyl alcohol may be isolated. This compound when reacted with benzaldehyde gives 6, 8-dichloro-2-phenyl-l, 3-benzo¬ dioxane. METHOD FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE VALERIC AND CAPROIC ACIDS IN THE BARK EXTRACT OF VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM — J. M. Holbert, Jean Holbert, and Tom Andress, Birmingham- Southern College. A method for the identification of the valeric or caproic acid in Vibur¬ num has been suggested. It consists of the preparation of all the isomers of valeric and caproic acid and the subsequent conversion of these to their corresponding anilides. The unknown acid is then converted to its anilide and identified by the method of mixed melting point. Methods for the preparation of a-methylvaleric, 3-methylpentanoic, methylisopropylacetic, and diinethylethylacetic acid are reported. Melting points are given for the anilides of n-valeric, iso-valeric, methylethylacetic, pivalic, n-caproic, iso-caproic, diethylacetic, a-methyl¬ valeric and sec-butyl acetic acids. 1. Buehler, Brown, Holbert, Fulmer, and Parker, J. Org. Chem., 6, 902-7 (1941) 43 CHEMISTRY OF FLUORESCENT LIGHTS — Bert Holmes, Howard College The modern development of fluorescent lamps has required the pro¬ duction and purification of special chemicals to be used in their manu¬ facture. Fluorescent lamps are relatively long glass tubes containing electrodes at the ends, a low pressure inert gas, a few droplets of mercury and a coating of material which will absorb the resonance line of a low pressure mercury discharge in the ultra-violet at 2,537 Angstrom units, and radiate this energy into the visible spectrum. The presence of the rare gas, argon, is a very recent addition to fluo¬ rescent tubes. When argon is used with mercury, starting of the lamp is greatly facilitated, by reducing the breakdown voltage required for ioniza¬ tion ; usually about 4 mm. pressure of argon is used in these tubes. The gas has also another important function. If no gas is present, excited mercury atoms or ions which are positively charged may strike the cathode with sufficient velocity to knock off particles of the cathode. This is known as sputtering and results in blackening the ends of the lamps and destruction of the cathode. Many hundreds of chemical compounds fluoresce but only a few are suitable for use in lamps. First, the material must absorb the 2,5 37° a ultra-violet line and re-radiate this energy in a portion of the visible spec¬ trum. Fluorescent compounds for lamps must be very stable. The chemist ordinarily thinks of mercury as inactive, but mercury in the excited condi¬ tion in a discharge tube is exceedingly active, chemically. Experiments with various materials on the inner walls of a tube containing a mercury discharge show that substances like sodium chloride, boric acid and even water are decomposed by the excited mercury atoms. Some compounds have this remarkable property of fluorescence as an inherent characteristic of its crystalline structure, as in the case of pure magnesium tungstate. Other compounds require an impurity to be added before a high degree of fluorescence can be obtained. Artificial zinc silicate requires about one per cent of manganese oxide for best results. Not all impurities will serve as activators, however. As little as one- thousandth of one per cent of an impurity of iron will make a noticeable decrease in fluorescence of zinc silicate. FIXED FRONTAL PLANE TECHNIC FOR POSTURAL MEASURE¬ MENTS — Katherine Huff, Ruth Chandler, Mary Nichols, Alvin V. Beatty, and C. M. Pomerat, University of Alabama. The measurements of the curvature of the spine have interested stu¬ dents of physical education as an accessible and fundamental tool in the evaluation of posture and in the development of corrective exercises. A special conformative instrument was designed by means of which the curva¬ ture of the back from the seventh cervical to the second lumbar vertebra could be measured while the subject was held firmly in a fixed frontal plane by means of pegs applied to the ear, shoulder, greater trochanter of the femur and the external maleolus. By means of this instrument it was possible to make the following measurements in addition to that of stature. 44 Trunk length: The distance from the second cervical to the 2nd lum¬ bar vertebra. Trunk-stature index: This was obtained by dividing the trunk length by the value for the total stature. The range of variation of the relation between the length of the torso to the rest of the body can thus be obtained. Thoracic index: The distance from the 7th cervical to the 2nd lumbar vertebra was divided by the distance from the frontal line to the greatest point of curvature of the thorax. The index provides a measure of the degree of straightness or curvature of the thorax. A positive correlation of 0.6 was found between the thoracic index and the trunk index. Two hundred University-women were measured and the results ob¬ tained were as follows : Range Average Median Mode Stature in CM 152-181 163 162.5 166 Trunk Length in CM 25-47 32.77 36 32 T runk-Stature index .125-275 .198 .200 .210 Thoracic index 1. 1-7.2 3.060 4.12 3.000 A STUDY OF A RESPIRATORY FACTOR IN CERTAIN AQUATIC COLEOPTERA — Agnes Hunt, University of Alabama The purpose of this study was to determine the function of the bubble of air that the common whirligig beetle, Dineutes carolinus Lee. carries with it when it dives below the surface of the water. The air store which is held under the elytra and on the tip of the abdomen of Dineutes carolinus Lee. forms a very effective adaptation to aquatic life, enabling the beetle to utilize some dissolved oxygen and also providing an air store that will supply the insect with enough oxygen to last several hours under water. These facts were proven as follows: (1) when the animal was submerged in aerated water it could live no longer than three and one-half hours. (2) Beetles with no air bubbles lived only ten minutes. (3) Beetles submerged in non-aerated water lived forty-five minutes less than those in aerated water. The variation in shape and size of the air store is a controlling factor in the aquatic adaptation. The greater the amount of surface exposed the greater the possibility for absorbing dissolved oxygen. The oxygen absorp¬ tion is not nearly so rapid as the oxygen consumption. The size of the bub¬ ble is a limiting factor in that it controls the amount of oxygen in the air store, and also the buoyancy of the insect. The rate of metabolism increases as the temperature increases. Those beetles submerged at cold temperature with equal oxygen supplies lived much longer than those submerged at warm temperatures. No attempt was made to measure the amount of oxygen used or the rate of metabolism of the insect, except upon a comparative basis. It was concluded that while the animal may have become somewhat emancipated from its aerial environment, it is still more dependent upon the air than upon the gas derived from the water. 45 THE RUMANIAN OIL FIELDS — Lee E. Johnson, University of Alabama The region discussed in this report comprises the old Rumanian prov¬ inces of Wallachia and Moldonia. The region is divided into three zones. On the north and west, the Carpathian system is composed of crystalline metamorphic rocks with igneous intrusions, and of twisted and distorted remnants of Jurassie and Cretanous sediments. On the south and east lies the Rumanian Plains, formed by the horizontal beds of the Quaternary. Between these two zones, the broad band of foothills marks the area of folded Tertiary strata. The salt masses are scattered from the edge of the Quaternary across the mountains into Transylvania. The stratigraphic location of these masses is uncertain. The masses are roughly ellipsoid with their greater horizontal axis parallel to the direction of the fold even curving with it. Chemically the salt is almost pure sodium chloride, 99.9%, but many impurities in the forms of clays, sands, and carbonaceous material have been folded in mechanically. Formation of the salt by precipitation from ascending solutions is precluded by this supposition. All the oil is produced from well marked uplifts. The source of the oil, like that of the salt, is a matter of contention. The chief similarity of the Rumanian oil fields and those of our Gulf Coast is the accumulation of oil on structures having salt cores. The growth of the petroleum industry in Rumania has been steady from the times when it was used for medicinal purposes to the present. Production increased from 51,000 tons in 1939 to 91,000 tons in 1940. Two wells were completed and at the close of the year 43 wells were pro¬ ducing. SURFACE TENSION STUDIES — E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College For some years the author has been comparing various methods of measuring surface tension by students in regular laboratory work in physi¬ cal chemistry. A brief comparison of the following four methods was made from this point of view. a. Mamixum bubble pressure. b. Modified capillary rise. (By Bashforth and Adams). c. Drop weight. d. Du Nouy tensiometer. In some respects the first two methods were most satisfactory. A preliminary report was made also on some careful determinations by the author of the surface tensions and parachors of some esters supplied by E. Emmet Reid. The maximum bubble pressure method was used for surface tensions and the pycnometer method for densities. 46 THE USE OF THE GRATING SPECTROGRAPH IN THE ANA¬ LYTICAL LABORATORY — E. V. Jones and Wvnelle D. Thompson, Birmingham-Southern College. The procedure for using a grating spectrograph for qualitative anal¬ ysis as now employed at Birmingham-Southern College was outlined. By first preparing standard spectrograms of known elements and comparing the spectrogram of the sample under analysis with these standards, the elements can be readily identified by their persistent lines. As practical illustrations, projections were made of spectrograms of a brass sample, using the high-voltage spark for excitation, and of a paint pigment, using the D.C. arc to excite the sample. For quantitative analysis, the procedure now used involves the princi¬ ple of “homologous pairs of lines” and the use of a logarithmic sector to measure the intensity of the spectral lines. It was necessary to prepare standards of samples in which the percentages of the element were known. It was pointed out that the preparation of these standard samples was the chief problem. PREPARATION OF STABLE AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE SOLU¬ TIONS — James L. Kassner and Howard P. Crammer, University of Alabama. A series of molybdate solutions, containing ammonium nitrate, citric acid, and nitric acid in addition to the ammonium molybdate has been prepared and found to remain stable. A typical solution may be prepared as follows : Add 25 grams of am¬ monium nitrate, 32 grams of citric acid, and 34 grams of analytical reagent ammonium molybdate (NH^jeMmOsj AH^O to 700 ml. of water, and stir. When completely dissolved pour into a solution which contains 132 ml. of concentrated nitric acid and 175 ml. of water, and mix thoroughly. This solution may be used immediately, as it does not have to settle or be filtered. Such a solution was prepared in this laboratory over two years ago and is still clear. Eighty milliliters of this solution take the place of the citric acid and ammonium molybdate solution in the procedure for P2O in phos¬ phate rock. The range over which the composition of the citro-molybdate solution may be varied without vitiating the results when determining the per¬ centage of P2O in phosphate rock has been investigated. AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF P2O IN PHOSPHATE WORK — James L. Kassner and Howard P. Crammer, University of Alabama. A sample of phosphate rock is treated with nitric and perchloric acids, evaporated to fumes of perchloric acid and the silica removed. The sample is diluted to 250 ml. Fifty ml. of special citric acid solution are added to a 25 ml. portion of the sample, then heated to boiling, and the phosphate precipitated with ammonium molybdate. The precipitate is filtered, washed with KNO3, and then titrated with standard NaOH solution to the purple color of a special mixed indicator prepared from phenol red and bromo- thymol blue. The results obtained by this procedure agree with those ob¬ tained by the double precipitation as magnesium ammonium phosphate. 47 TOXICITY OF PARALDEHYDE FOR BOTH YOUNG AND OLD GUINEA PIGS — Frank A. Kay, Emmett B. Carmichael and Grady W. Phillips, University of Alabama. Normal guinea pigs, that weighed from 280 grams to 1130 grams, were used in this series of experiments. The animals were divided in two arbi¬ trary weight groups: (1) 290 grams to 549 grams and (2) 550 grams to 963 grams. There were 77 animals in the first group and 133 animals in the second group. One volume of the drug was diluted to ten volumes with water and administered intraperitoneally. The dose of this solution varied by increments of 0.25 cc. from 12 cc. to 14 cc./kilo. The median lethal dose (MLD/50) of the above solution was 12.00 cc. to 13.00 cc./kilo. for the animals of the first weight group and 12.00 cc. to 13.0 cc./kilo. for those in the second weight group. From the above ex¬ periments it seems that the median lethal dose (MLD/50) is about the same for young and old guinea pigs. PANCREATECTOMY INCOMPATIBLE TO LIFE IN THE PRES¬ ENCE OF NEAR-TOTAL HYPOPHYSECTOMY IN THE DOG — A. D. Keller, M. M. Bruhn, C. F. Barton and W. E. Lawrence, University of Alabama. For this study the same animals described in the abstract by Bruhn, Keller, Lawrence and Barton were utilized. The pancreas was removed from 3 to 8 months after the hypophysectomy procedures were executed. There is no alleviation of diabetes mellitus following pancreatectomy until more than 90% of the distal portions of the pars anterior and pos¬ terior lobe are removed. Following an ordinary hypophysectomy pancreatectomy results in a maximal Houssay effect (the major part of hypophysial stalk tissue re¬ mains). These animals exhibit no glycosuria under any conditions nor a fasting hyperglycemia. The glucose tolerance curve is raised and prolonged. The life of the animal is greatly prolonged beyond that for otherwise nor¬ mal pancreatectomized dogs but loss of weight is progressive and death occurs when emaciation becomes extreme. In near-total hypophysectomized dogs (only proximal remnants of stalk tissue remain) pancreatectomy results in death from 4 to 8 hours. These animals recover from the ether and appear normal for from 2 to 4 hours when progressively sluggishness, muscular weakness, prostration and finally death supervene. The period of prostration is associated with polyp- neic respiration and periodic straining movements. Death is preceded by a characteristic period of gasping. This sequence of events is not altered by (1) maintenance of blood sugar at or above the normal level or (2) ad¬ ministration of adrenal cortical extract (Upjohn’s), desoxycorticosterone (Ciba) or anterior lobe extract (Parke-Davis “total extract”). The success¬ ful fortification with anterior lobe extract being attested to by the return of insulin tolerance and basal metabolism to near normal. 48 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STARCH GELATINIZATION POINT DEPRESSANTS — Evan Lewis, Howard College The gelatinization temperature of most corn starches is so high that the heat would destroy most enzymes used in the enzymatic conversion of the starch. Therefore a number of compounds were tried to determine their action as gelatinization point depressants. Determinations of gelatinization point temperatures were made with both organic and inorganic compounds to get lyotropic series and to make comparisons with similar series in the literature. The results show that depressant action is probably an adsorption phe¬ nomenon and that compounds with high molecular weight have a greater depressing action than those with lower molecular weight when used in equivalent concentrations. The lyotropic series obtained agreed with series given by Oden, and Getman and Daniels for other colloidal systems and with surface adsorption tencencies as revealed through surface tension measurements. The organic compounds used were: allylthiourea, thiourea, urea, and sucrose. Their effectiveness as depressants decreased in the order shown. Among the inorganic compounds tried only ammonium thiocyanate and ammonium cyanate showed any depressant action. Sodium chloride, po¬ tassium chloride, potassium iodide, potassium bromide, potassium sulfate, calcium chloride, trisodium phosphate, aluminum chloride, and ammonium iodide all tended to elevate the normal gelatinization temperatures slightly. Comparable results were obtained using pure corn starch or a par¬ tially oxidized starch which was obtained from the Clinton Starch Com¬ pany, Clinton, Iowa. CERTAIN LOCATIONAL INFLUENCES OF AGRICULTURE AND THEIR RELATION TO INDUSTRY* — W. K. McPherson, Agricultural Economist, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. The study of the theory of the location of enterprises is one of the more neglected phases of economics. Lack of well developed locational theories has given rise to competition among communities to attract indus¬ tries on the illusion that the establishment of an industry in itself is an economic good for any community ingenious enough to obtain it. Nothing is further from the truth. Only enterprises which utilize resources economi¬ cally in a given location are of real and lasting benefit either to the people in the community where the enterprise is located or to the society as a whole. One of the most scholarly studies on locational theory has been pre¬ pared by Alfred Weber.* 1 He bases his theory essentially on (a) the loca¬ tion of the raw materials; (b) the location of the market; (c) the avail¬ ability of the fuel or power; (d) the labor supply; (e) availability of capital; (f) climate; (g) transportation costs. Locklin,2 an authority on * This paper reports a portion of the research on the project entitled “The Marketing and Processing of Livestock and Livestock Products,” being conducted by the Ala¬ bama Experiment Station and jointly supported by the Station and the Tennessee Valley Authority. 1. Frederick, C. J., Alfred Weber’s Theory of the Location of Industries. (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1929). 2. Locklin. D. Philip, “Economics of Transportation” (Chicago, Business Publications, Inc., 1938). 49 transportation, makes the general statement that the first four of these factors are most important and points out the first three, the location of the raw materials, the location of the market and the availability of fuel or power, are influenced by transportation charges. In a large portion of his book Weber3 assumes transportation costs to bear a direct relationship to weight and distance and upon this assumption arrives at the questionable conclusion that weight-losing industries will be found located at the source of the raw materials. Hall,'4 being more realis¬ tic about the inconsistencies in the freight rate structures existing in this country, concludes that whether or not an industry locates close to the market or close to the raw material depends upon (1) the relationship of the freight rate on the raw materials to the freight rate on the finished product; and (2) the loss in weight that results from the manufacturing process. The following statement of Locklin’s is somewhat more clear; i. e., “Whether the industry will be drawn toward the raw materials or toward the market for the finished products will depend upon the relative cost of transporting the raw materials and the finished product.”5 The truth of this statement can be well shown by a study of the loca¬ tion of livestock enterprises in the southeastern states. Livestock enter¬ prises are manufacturing enterprises converting feedstuffs into the finished products (finished with respect to the producer only) of livestock or live¬ stock products. Based upon Locklin’s and Hall’s conclusions, livestock en¬ terprises should be located at the course of the feedstuffs if the cost of transporting feedstuffs is greater than the cost of transporting the finished livestock or livestock products. It actually costs about $2.08 to ship enough corn from northern Illinois to Moultrie, Georgia, to produce one hundred pounds of live hogs and it costs but 66 cents to ship 100 pounds of live hogs over the same route. If the Moultrie producer had to purchase corn from northern Illinois, he would have a cost of something like $1.42 per hundred weight more than his competitor, assuming both producers sold their hogs in Moultrie, Georgia. If there was no difference in the price of hogs in the two areas, the southerner’s disadvantage would be $2.08 per hundred weight and if the southern hogs had to be shipped to northern Illinois his disadvantage would be $2.74 per hundred weight. Do farmers take all of these things into consideration when planning their livestock production programs? They definitely do. Concentrates6 are the principal feedstuffs used for producing swine. When the production of concentrate feedstuffs and the swine population are compared on a square mile basis in 10 southeastern states by counties, a good correlation is evi¬ dent. A similar comparison of the entire livestock population with the pro¬ duction of all feedstuffs,7 including concentrates, harvested forage and pasture forage, reveals an even better correlation. A very strong correla¬ tion also exists between the location of harvested and pasture forage pro¬ duction and cattle populations. These correlations are sufficiently good to support the theoretical assumption that farmers generally produce livestock at or near the source of the raw materials. Locational theory pretty well explains the location of livestock enter¬ prises. Of course, there are some cases which, upon superficial analysis, 3. Ibid. 4. Hall, Frederick S., “The Localization of Industries,” 12th Census of the United States, Manufacturing, 1902. 5. Ibid. 6. Concentrates used in this sense mean feed grains such as corn, oats, etc. 7. To make these comparisons the livestock populations were converted to animal units and all feedstuffs produced were converted to feed units. See Bulletin 257, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, entitled “A General Appraisal of the Livestock Industry in the Southeastern States,” published in June, 1942. 50 appear to be exceptions to the rule. Heavy milk production near large cen¬ ters of population is one of these. In the major milk sheds, producers find it profitable to purchase feedstuffs that are not produced locally. The high price these producers receive for this perishable product makes this sort of economic activity feasible. But here the basic locational factors still hold true. Under these conditions the cost of transporting the highly perishable product of milk is higher than the cost of transporting feedstuffs. Digressing for a moment from pure locational factors it seems desir¬ able to mention another use for the quantitative evaluation of raw ma¬ terials available for the production of livestock and livestock product. Since enterprises based upon conversion of feedstuffs to livestock products are located where the feedstuffs are produced, the size of the livestock industry in any given area depends largely upon the amount of feedstuffs available. When the feedstuffs available per animal unit in the various counties are examined, it is found that in large areas in the southeastern states not enough feedstuffs are produced to adequately feed the livestock now on farms and in only very small areas are any surplus feedstuffs available for livestock production. In every major livestock producing area more than 100 feed units per animal unit are produced, while in large areas in the southeastern states less than 75 feed units per animal unit are produced. For this reason alone it is not logical to expect a large increase in the live¬ stock industry in the southeastern states until more feedstuffs are available. Of course, some increase can be expected as a result of farmers using better breeding and feeding practices, but the increase will probably be more in quality than quantity. Coming back again to the subject of this discussion, it now seems logical to inquire into the effect of these factors upon the locational pat¬ tern of southern industries based upon agricultural raw materials, and especially livestock and livestock products since they are being used as an example. Livestock and livestock products are the finished products of the livestock industry but are the raw materials for the packing and many allied industries. Going back to our previous discussion of the principal factors in plant location theory, the source of the raw materials and the location of the consuming markets are two of the four most important. Basically the availability of labor will not be a major factor since southeastern states are relatively heavily populated and the fuel and power factor loses its im¬ portance when the supply is considered in comparison with the supply in other states. In fact, until recently the abundant supplies of low cost labor and power or fuel have been locational factors favoring southern locations. For analytical purposes these two factors wlil be considered constant in all areas. The fact that the southeastern states are quite heavily populated indi¬ cates that a market for the products of the packing and allied industries exists here. However, quantitative studies of consumption show that some groups within the southern population eat less than one-half as much meat as people in other sections of the country. So, on a per capita basis the market for meat is considerably less than might be expected offhand. Fur¬ thermore, the consumer’s preference for various cuts of meat in the south¬ ern states does not always follow the proportions in which these cuts are obtainable from the animals. That is to say there is a market for more pounds of fat backs and sow bellies in the South than for the pork chops and hams that accompany them. All this merely shows that the location of the market for packing house products is not a simple thing. The supply of livestock to be used as raw materials for the packing industry is, indeed, much easier to determine. In fact, the data used for 51 making the comparisons described earlier in this paper, perhaps broken down in more detail, such as beef cattle, calves, milk cows, swine, etc., are about as good as we need, especially when supplemented by data on the amount of local slaughter and feeder and breeder sales. The large packing companies use similar data extensively. When we attempt to compare the location of the raw materials to the location of the market, the chief difficulty arises, as previously pointed out, in actually being able to locate the market. In order to understand the loca¬ tional problems involved more clearly, let us consider three possible situa¬ tions a prospective entrepreneur may face when deciding where to locate a livestock processing enterprise. (1) There is a market for a certain amount of meat in any locality where livestock is produced. An entrepreneur may be able to process enough to supply this local (local here assumed to mean from 25 to 50 miles) demand and purchase the livestock locally. Under these conditions the price the entrepreneur receives for his produce and the price he pays for his raw materials is determined by competitive forces outside the communtiy, providing no other enterprise of this type is located in the area. Since purchasers of livestock outside the community have transportation charges to pay, and since purchasers of meat within the community also must pay transportation charges, the prospective processor in this com¬ munity has a margin to work on equal to the cost of processing in plants outside of the community plus the cost of transporting the livestock out and the finished product back into the community. In some communities suffi¬ cient business is available for a processor to operate very profitably on this margin. The existence of conditions of this type has permitted the develop¬ ment of small processing plants in many southern communities. This is especially typical of -communities in which a town of from ten to twenty- five thousand people is located in a relatively high livestock producing area. (2) There are also large markets for meats in areas in which there is little or no production of livestock. A prospective enterpreneur anticipat¬ ing the establishment of a processing industry to supply this market would be confronted with the problem of where to locate his plant, at the source of raw materials or at the market. His decision will largely depend upon the relative cost of shipping processed meats and the cost of shipping live animals, assuming the cost of labor and fuel or power the same in the two locations. The present locational pattern of the packing industry has been influ¬ enced greatly during the past twenty years by the relationship between the rates on livestock and livestock products. Before the early twenties the freight rate on one hundred pounds of livestock from the middle west was somewhat lower than the rate on livestock products obtainable from one hundred pounds of livestock. The result of such a rate structure was that processing plants were located near the consumption centers. In the early twenties the rate on the products of one hundred pounds of livestock was made lower than the rate on one hundred pounds of livestock on shipments from the Midwest. This shift was one of the major factors contributing to the decentralization of the packing industries. Since that time, numerous plants have been established in the heavy livestock producing areas. At present, however, only a very few locations in the South enjoy a rate on the products of 100 pounds of livestock that is substantially lower than the rate on 100 pounds of live animals. As long as this condition exists, entrepreneurs will not be likely to establish plants in the South to supply meat for the northern markets. They will establish southern plants 52 only to supply the southern consumption since only these plants can enjoy the advantage of the cost of transportation of meat into the area. Whether or not there is a surplus of livestock in the South over that needed to feed the people is questionable. If there is no surplus, then the freight rate structure does not operate as a serious handicap to southern producers and consumers. However, the two cases just cited are extreme cases and do not reflect all of the conditions existing in this industry. (3) The last case we must consider is not as well defined because it represents a combination of (1) and (2). A prospective entrepreneur may desire to process certain amounts of livestock, selling as much as possible locally and the remainder in more distant markets. Here the answer is not clear. Such locational decisions have to be made upon the evaluation of the size of the local market, the size of the surplus market, and the exist¬ ing freight rate structure. The location of the raw materials and the local market indicates a southern plant location and location' of the secondary or surplus market under the existing rate structure indicates a northern or eastern location. The proportion of business done in both markets will ultimately determine the most economical location. Time prohibits exhausting the subject further. This rather general treatment of the problem has brought out but two or three rather funda¬ mental facts concerning the locational factors. (1) The locational factors developed by scholars of the subject have been accepted. The relative importance of these factors can be questioned. The importance of each factor varies with the nature of the industry. In the processing industries the location of the raw materials and the location of the market for the finished products can easily be of major importance and the relationship of the transportation cost of raw materials to the transportation cost of the finished product the determining locational factor. (2) Livestock enterprises using large quantities of feedstuffs as raw materials are generally located near the source of the raw materials. (3) The location pattern of industries processing livestock is not so well defined in the southeastern states. This is probably due to the lack of well defined surpluses of livestock and the widely scattered nature of the market for livestock products. Southern locations seem favorable for pro¬ cessing products consumed in the South but the present freight rate struc¬ ture favors northern and eastern locations for industries processing south¬ ern livestock to be consumed in those markets. GAS AND OIL IN MISSISSIPPI — John A. Means, University of Alabama Practically the entire geologic column from Ordovician to Recent is represented in Mississippi. Some wells have penetrated into Knox dolomite which is Cambro-Ordovician in age. The sediments are approximately 60% marnie and 40% non-marine. A large regional unconformity is known to be present at the top of the Paleozoic. The regional structure of Mississippi is that of a west-and- southwest dipping homocline at approximately 30 feet to the mile. The Jackson area was studied in 1915, no wells were brought in be¬ cause they were drilled too far down the flanks. It was February, 1930, when the first well was brought in. It was drilled too deep and yielded much salt water with the gas. In the Amory area the gas is produced from a hard sandstone which is thought to be a part of the Hartselle member, and is Mississippian in age. 53 Depth below the surface is about 2,370 feet. The discovery well was drilled in 1926. The Cretaceous on the Jackson structure is represented by the Selma chalk, which is the youngest, and below it are the Eutaw and Tuscaloosa formations. It is thought that the reservoir is the unconformity zone between the Midway chalk and the Cretaceous chalk and the solution cavities in the top of the chalk. The Eocene is represented by the Midway, Wilcox, Claiborne, and Jackson Groups. The Midway is composed of the Porters Creek clay and the Clayton formation. The Wilcox is composed of fine-grained micaceous sand, shale and lignite. The Claiborne Group is composed of the Yegua, Minden, Sparta and the Can River members. Some are marine and some non-marine. The Jackson consists of tough calcareous clay underlain by a blue-gray glauconitic fossiliferous fine-grained sand. CORRELATION OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE AND HIGH SCHOOL HOME ECONOMICS — Swan Ella Owens, Opp. This paper describes courses in senior high school science which are correlated with and parallels high school vocational home economics. The courses also propose to teach other phases of science which are related to the whole life of the girl. Since it is a course designed especially for girls, boys are not admitted to the classes. Physics, chemistry, and biology courses are open to girls as well as boys. Since the science courses do not propose to take the place of chemistry, biology or physics girls may elect them instead if they care to or may take both. It is strongly recommended for home economics majors. The first course is offered the senior one year, the second the senior II year. Two laboratory periods a week are a part of the course. Since no text book could be found which could be used in its entirety and since one text book would limit the course too much there is no text book for either course. This is the third year these courses have been offered at Opp High School. As far as we have been able to ascer¬ tain from the perusal of abstracts, books, magazines, pamphlets, etc., no course of its nature is being offered in any other high school. TOXICITY OF PARALDEHYDE FOR BOTH YOUNG AND OLD RATS — Grady W. Phillips, Emmett B. Carmichael, and Frank A. Kay, University of Alabama. Normal young and adult rats were used in this series of experiments which extended over seven months, September to March, inclusive. The animals were arbitrarily divided into three age groups: (1), 1.3 months to 3 months; (2), 3 months to 6 months and (3), 6 months to about two years. The range of weights for the above three groups were as follows : (1), 71 to 234 grams, (2), 128 to 381 grams, and (3), 165 to 525 grams. There were 84 animals used in the first group, 140 animals in the second group, and 221 animals in the last group. 54 The paraldehyde was diluted with nine volumes of water and injected intraperitoneally. The doses varied by increments of 0.25 cc. from 12 cc. to 15 cc./kilo. The preliminary results indicate that the average lethal dose (minimal lethal dose) or a dose that kills 50% of the animals is about 13 to 14 cc. of the 1:10 solution of paraldehyde/kilo, for the first group; 13.25 to 14 cc./kilo. for the second group, and 12.75 to 13.5 cc./kilo. for the third group. The young animals were able to tolerate larger doses of the paraldehyde solution than the older animals since it took 15 cc./kilo. to cause death in 100% of the animals in the first group while 14.5 cc./kilo. resulted in 100% fatalities in the second group and 14.75 cc./kilo. resulted in 100% fatalities in the rats that were from 6 months to 2 years old. QUARTAN MALARIA USED AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT- BLOOD SMEARS TAKEN AT VARIOUS HOURS IN THE SCHIZOGONIC CYCLE, AND COLORED WITH THE GIEMSA MAY-GREENWALD STAIN — David B. Partlow and Walter J. Brower, University of Alabama. (Demonstration). PARABOLIZING A TELESCOPE MIRROR — John R. Patty, Howard College. The errors of a spherical mirror when used to converge rays which are parallel to the principal axis before reflection, and the application of the knife-edge test to determine the correction necessary to parabolize the mirror are considered. If r is the radius of curvature, and 6 is the angle between the principal axis and r where r is drawn from the center of curvature to the edge of the mirror, then the longitudinal aberration or the aberration along the axis is : - - r 0 FF =~2~ — r sin# (tan-^— + cot 20) This expression may be reduced to : _ r sin ~zr FF' = _ — - COS 0 The lateral aberration is : , . , 9 _ 2rsin AB = - — . tan 20 cos d For small value of 0, the following approximation may be made : AB = t05 55 The knife-edge test applied at the center of curvature shows a uniform convergence of rays to a point in the case of a sphercial mirror. If the center of the mirror is polished more than the outer portions until the mirror is parabolized, the rays from the outer portion are brought to a focus at a distance 4FF' further from the vertex of the mirror than those rays from points near the vertex. Consequently, testing with the knife-edge test at the center of curva¬ ture magnifies the necessary correction for a parabolized mirror four times as much as the error due to longitudinal aberration when the surface is spherical and the rays are parallel to the principal axis before reflection. MITOTIC PERIODICITY IN LEAVES — Elsie Estelle Pennington, University of Alabama The plants used in this investigation were Hedera Helix L. (Ara- liaceae), Abelia grandiflora Rehd. (Caprifloiaceae), lpomoea purpurea Lam. (Convulvulaceae), Clematic virginiana L. (Ranunculaceae), Ligu- strum japonicum Thunb. (Oleaceae), Duchesnia indica Focke (Rosaceae) and Commelina communis L. (Commelinaeceae). Hourly collections of leaf samples from very young leaves were made over a twenty- four hour period. Leaf tissue samples 1 millimeter in diameter from the basal region were fixed in Carnoy’s Solution (3 parts chloroform, 2 parts absolute alcohol and 1 part glacial acetic acid) (Warmke, 1935), (Baldwin, 1939) and aceto- carmine smears completed. Mitotic counts were made by averaging 5 random samples 1/21.14 square millimeter in size and calculating the number of divisions in the total area. Graphs were plotted of the number of divisions against the hour. Mitotic Periodicity was exhibited in all of the seven plants investi¬ gated. With the exception of H. Helix all exhibited two maxma and two minima of primary importance during the twenty-four hour period ; the minima around 5 P.M. and 7 A.M. ; the maxima occur around 3 A.M. and 3 P.M. H. Helix exhibits primary maxima at midnight and noon. All plots investigated exhibited curves of the same general tendency. I. purpurea, C. virginiana, D. indica, and L. japonicum showing the most similarity and H. Helix the greatest divergence. The range and number of mitosis for each plant varied from highest to lowest as follows : L. japoni¬ cum 7781, D. indica 7201, H. Helix 5857, C. communis 5608, I. purpurea 5151, C. virginiana 3726 and A. grandiflora 2561. A QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF THE ANTAGONISTIC ACTION OF CALCIUM TO THE NARCOTIC EFFECTS OF MAGNESI¬ UM INJECTED INTRAVENOUSLY IN RABBITS — S. A. Peoples and J. C. Gale, University of Alabama. Since the discovery by Melzer and Auer that Calcium salts antag¬ onized the narcotic effects of magnesium ion, several attempts have been made to elucidate the mechanism involved. The basic problem of whether there is a quantitative relation between the blood concentrations of Ca + + and Mg + + at the moment of antagonism has received particular attention but so far, the results have been inconclusive. 56 We have attempted a new approach to this problem by injecting intra¬ venously both the calcium and magnesium simultaneously in such doses that the immediate blood concentrations could be calculated from the ani¬ mal’s blood volume and the normal blood serum levels of calcium and mag¬ nesium. Ten rabbits were used in the experiment and the following factors were used: Blood plasma = 3% body wt., Blood calcium = 8.0 mg/100 cc diffusible and 14 mg/100 cc. Total, Blood magnesium 2.5 mg/kg. It was found that the minimum certain anesthetic dose of magnesium sulfate alone was 0.75 milli-mols/kg corresponding to a plasma concentra¬ tion of 25.8 milli-mols/liter. The ratio of this to the diffusible calsium was 12.9 and to the total calcium 7.8. When the dose of magnesium was raised to 1.0 milli-mol/kg, causing a plasma level of 34.1 milli-mols/liter, the addition of .03 milli-mol/kg of calcium antagonized the increased dose of magnesium. The ratio of mag¬ nesium to diffusible calcium was now 11.4 and to the total calcium 7.9. Although an insufficient range of dosage has not been covered to jus¬ tify any definite conclusions, it does appear that there is a definite ratio between the calcium and magnesium ion when antagonism takes place and that it is more closely correlated with the total calcium than the diffusible calcium. ADRENAL GRAFTS TO THE CEREBRAL CORTEX - — C. M. Pomerat, C. G. Rreckenridge and L. E. Gordon, University of Alabama. Brain cortex possibly may prove suitable as a host medium for duct¬ less glands. Some evidence exists for the persistence of heterologous tumor grafts and the differentiation of cartilage and embryonic eyes in cerebral tissue. Moreover, brain extracts have been shown to have a high growth promoting capacity when used for “in vitro” culture of fibroblasts. In order to test this hypothesis experiments of this general character were tried : Under nembutal anaesthesia the right adrenal gland was re¬ moved from animals which were then allowed to recover for about one week. The area of the left frontal lobe of the cerebrum was approached by trephining and an adrenal graft was introduced under the dura after a fragment of the cortex approximately equal in volume had been removed. Five to ten days later the host’s left adrenal was extirpated. Since most mammals die within seven to ten days following bilateral adrenalectomy, this served as a measure of success or failure of the graft to function. Sections were prepared of the host’s own adrenals as well as the area of the transplantation. In six cats heteroplastic grafts were tried using adult rat glands while six other hosts were used to test adrenals from new born rats. A series of twelve monkeys were used for adult homioplastic transplants. Under all these conditions the results proved negative. Histological examination re¬ vealed progressive lymphocytic infiltration in the area of the transplants. In another series an adult rat of about 100 grams weight was left dependent upon a graft from a new born rat for twenty-one days, then killed. Microscopic study showed evidence of successful establishment and differentiation of cortical tissue. 57 ATTACHMENT OF MARINE SEDENTARY ORGANISMS TO BLACK AND WHITE GLASS PLATES IN THE HORIZONTAL POSITION — C. M. Pomerat and James H. Gregg, University of Alabama. One black and one white plate of Carrara Structural glass were sus¬ pended in the horizontal position at the north dock of the Bureau of Fish¬ eries station at Pensacola, Florida. Each plate was exactly one square meter and one cm. thick. Results of a typical experiment in which plates were exposed for 21 days from October 5, 1941 to October 26, 1941 are reported here. Silting was relatively heavier on the top surface of both plates. The number of organisms on the under surface of both plates was distinctly less in a zone of about eight inches around the margin as com¬ pared with the central portion. This was particularly evident on the black plate. It is believed, therefore, that shadow effects influenced by the area of exposed surface must be considered in evaluating experiments dealing with the phototropic responses of sedentary organisms. The three dominant species found were Balanus eburneus, Acantho- dcsia tennis, and Electra hastingsae. Instead of making individual counts the organisms were scraped off the plates by means of a wood chisel and were then dehydrated by heating for 24 hours at 100 degrees F. The scrap¬ ings were then weighed. The results obtained were : DRY MATERIAL (grams) Top Bottom Black . 0.2 107.3 White . 6.6 66.1 Since the size of populations on white and black plates is inverse with respect to top versus bottom, these results suggest that these organisms responded to the differential environmental light intensity. That is to say, organisms moving below the plates would come into a zone of greater change in light intensity when in the area of the black rather than the white plates. For organisms moving above the plates the light relationship would be reversed. Thus one might conclude that the larvae of sedentary organisms may be attracted to areas or objects whose light reflection differs perceptibly from that of the general background. This is the same type of reasoning which is often suggested to explain the survival value of the light ventral and dark dorsal colors of many aquatic animals, notably fish and amphibia. A STUDY OF THE BIOLOGY OF PALAEMONETES EXIL1PES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BIOMETRIC AND ECO¬ LOGICAL FACTORS — W. Paschal Reeves, Jr., University of Alabama Palacmonetcs exilipes Stimpson, the fresh water prawn, is common in Alabama, especially in Tuscaloosa County. It is found in streams and ponds, some of which are very shallow and reach high temperatures during the summer. The average oxygen content of a typical habitat as deter¬ mined by the Winkler lodimetric method was 3.57 cc. per liter. Specimens were cultured for more than two months in running-water aquaria. In random sampling the females outnumbered the males in a ratio of 4:1, and are slightly larger. The measurements were: (in mm.) 58 Length of Body- Length of Rostrum Second Cheliped Length of Average . 29.0 30.1 Minimum 26.4 27.4 Maximum 30.8 32.0 Male Female Male Female 7.8 8.0 6.9 6.0 9.0 9.2 Male Female 10.5 11.7 9.7 9.5 12.5 13.2 The eggs — attached to the swimmerets — have a deep green coloration early in the summer which disappears as hatching approaches. Hatching occurred in the field during the first half of July, but in the laboratory did not begin until two weeks after field hatching ceased. Eggs which had been in 0.02 M sodium ferricyanide for five hours hatched twenty-six hours after removal to distilled water. Eggs treated with 0.02 M phlorizine for three hours hatched seven hours after being placed in distilled water. With¬ in the egg the embryo is in the shape of a compressed U. In hatching the cephalothorax is thrust outside the egg with the abdomen remaining inside for several minutes. The larva then becomes detached ; and, after a brief swimming period, floats near the bottom in a perpendicular position with head downward. The length of the newly-hatched larvae averaged 4.5 mm. The telson consists of a solid piece; eyes are not stalked; and no swim¬ merets or antennae are present, but exopods are well developed. P. exilipes was subjected to the action of certain drugs which aid in determining the process by which energy may be liberated. The lethal ef¬ fects were : In 0.5 M sodium flouride all died within eight and one-half hours, but in 0.02 M solution the survival time was greatly increased. Iodoacetic acid was the most rapid lethal agent ; all animals dying within an hour and a half in 0.02 M solution. In 0.02 M sodium ferricyanide prawns lived seventy-two hours. A 0.02 M solution of sodium benzoate yielded very irregular results. Survival times varied from 16 to 106 hours. From the evidence thus obtained it seems that Palaemonetes exilipes derives its energy by first phosphorylating glucose before converting it. THE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT FIXATIVES ON INTRA-CELLU- LAR STRUCTURES IN THE NEUROBLASTIC CELLS OF THE GRASSHOPPER, CHORTOPHAGA VIRIDIFASCIATA — Elliott R. Reiner, University of Alabama. (Demonstration). Embryos of Chortophaga viridifasciata, 14 days old, at 26 centigrade degrees were placed in six different fixing fluids : Bouin’s, Carnoy’s and Lebrun’s, Carothers’, Flemming’s weak and strong, P.F.A.-15, and Zenk¬ er’s. The embryos were sectioned at 10 micra and stained with Heiden- hain’s iron alum-hematoxylin. All of the fixatives were found suitable for the general structures taking basic stains with the exception of the Bouin’s fluid which gave a somewhat disfigured appearance to the stained struc¬ tures. The Zenker’s fluid appeared notable in two respects : first, that it rendered the nucleolus stainable in both the resting and dividing cell and second, that it gave relatively outstanding results in efforts to demonstrate the spindle. It was interesting to note in considering the cells with visible spindle fibers and the several cells with visible astral rays that no struc¬ ture was found that could be called a true centrosome. 59 EXTRACTION OF ESTROGENIC HORMONES — Billy Roberts, Howard College. The method of extraction used was practically the same as the con¬ tinuous extraction process which Doisy originated in 1930. This process used butyl alcohol as the solvent for extraction of the hormones estrone and estriol from the urine of pregnant women. The yield of hormones was found to be about 0.5 milligram of estrone and 2 to 5 milligrams of estriol per gallon of extracted urine. Acidification of urine before extraction greatly improves the yield. All urine used in this investigation was ob¬ tained from The Hillman Hospital in Birmingham. The purification of the butyl alcohol extract is rather complicated but the essential steps depend upon the solubility of the hormones in butyl alcohol, benzene, ethyl ether, and dilute sodium hydroxide. A very impor¬ tant step is the separation of the extract into two portions, one of which is soluble in alkali and the other insoluble in alkali. The alkali soluble portion contains practically no quantity of hormone which can be extracted with ethyl ether. The strength of hormones obtained by this process may be determined in terms of rat units by standardization against rats. One unit is defined as the amount which will cause a complete estrus cycle in a mature spayed rat. CERTAIN PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF THE SO-CALLED ROTATING OR SPINNER PROJECTILE POINTS — A. J. Robinson, Alabama Polytechnic Institute In the classification for, projectile points, there should be a recog¬ nized class for the rotary points. This class in turn can be subdivided into (a) beveled arrow and spear points, and (b) the spiraled blade or spinner point. According to Wilson (Report of U.S.N.M. Vol. 1, 1897) these projec¬ tiles are found in well defined areas of the southern and central states. Both the beveled and spiral types are fairly common among the surface objects which may be picked up at Indian sites in the counties of east cen¬ tral Alabama and at contiguous areas of western Georgia. They are made in the Southeast from both crystalline and non-crystal¬ line materials. All of the points are of the Stemmed Group which signifies a tight connection to the shaft. All of the projectiles in the collections observed by the writer are beautifully and carefully made, a fact which would indicate a very special use, one which would require delicate balance and accuracy. Nearly all of these points are beveled in the same direction and pro¬ duce counter-clockwise rotation. The construction of the points will positively give rotation even with¬ out the feather on the shaft. One must conclude from a study of these points that the Indian made them with the knowledge that they induced rotation, and that this spinning was an aid to accurate marksmanship. That these arrows were used for a special purpose. Possible for use in contest shooting, as the Indians were great gamblers. The spiraled or spinner points usually have serrated edges which would produce large ragged wounds ; therefore would be valuable as war points. In any case the Indian must be credited with a great deal of ingenuity in that he thought of rotation for his projectiles independently of the white man. 60 COLLOIDAL SELENIUM — Billy A. Smith, Howard College A resume of the various methods of preparing selenium colloids and of their properties is presented. The methods considered are chemical, electrical and mechanical. The three main types of selenium sols are hydrosols, organosols, and solid sols or gels. Methods of preparing these types are given in detail and some of their more important properties are enumerated. A review of the important work done by Pochettino and others on solid selenium sols and the protective action of certain substances toward selenium sols are also discussed. The catalytic behavior of selenium and some of its compounds is discussed, particularly Selenium dioxide, which is especially useful for oxidizing ketones and aldehydes according to the following scheme : R-CHa-C-CHa + Se02 - R-C-O-C-CHa + H2O + Se O O The reaction of selenium on carbonyl selenide and on bisulfites is of interest, and has been included in the paper. The question as to whether the color in ruby selenium glass is due to colloidal selenium or to crystalloidal selenium compounds is considered, and evidence for and against is presented. THE ATROPINE CONTENT OF THE NATIVE ALABAMA HERBS, JIMSON WEED ( DATURA STRAMONIUM) AND DEADLY NIGHTSHADE ( ATROPA BELLADONNA) — Howard E. Smith and A. Wade Alford, University of Alabama. The inability at the present time to secure foreign produced atropine due to war conditions stimulated this investigation. The dried leaves of the respective herbs were ground, weighed and an alcoholic, slacked lime solution made for the purpose of extraction. Two methods of bioassay were employed. These are the effect of atropine in causing complete vagal blockage and the mydriatic effect upon the rabbit’s pupil. In the former series female dogs weighing from 6 to 7 Kgs. were used. The vagal thres¬ hold stimulation was obtained, the effect on blood pressure being observed. The source of stimulation was a special thyrotrom stimulator. Standard atropine sulphate was then introduced into the femoral vein and complete vagal blockage obtained after 0.000035 gm. of atropine per Kg. had been given. A similar series was then run, using the unknown alcoholic stra¬ monium solution and it was determined that 100 gms. of dried stramonium leaves would yield 1.33 gms. of atropine. The belladonna solution was also tested. It was determined that the stramonium solution contained approxi¬ mately 23 times as much atropine as the belladonna solution. The second method of assay was used only for the stramonium. In this series 0.05 cc. of 1/50,000 dilution of atropine sulphate was used as a standard and placed in the right eye of New Zealand white rabbits. In the left eye 0.05 cc. of diluted unknown alcoholic stramonium solution was used. The amount of dilatation was noted at I5 minute intervals. It was found by this method that 100 gms. of dried stramonium leaves would yield between 1.2 gms. and 1.5 gms. of atropine and thus served to confirm the vagal blockage calculations. 61 THE SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES AFFORDED BY KODA- CHROMES IN TEACHING — Septima C. Smith, University of Alabama. 1. The advantages and use of the 2x2 Kodachrome lantern slide are discussed, including their use in photomicrography, copying and general views. 2. Suitable equipment and cost is demonstrated and questions of fidel¬ ity of color rendition and permanence are discussed. 3. A demonstration of projected Kodachrome 2x2 lantern slides is given of a variety of subjects, including maps, geography, geology, and flower photography, including both closeups and general views of gardens. 4. Views showing seasonal changes of foliage are shown. 5. Photomicrographs taken with both low and high powers are shown and some of the difficulties of this type of work are discussed. INCIDENCE OF ENDAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA AND OTHER IN¬ TESTINAL PROTOZA IN A SELECTED GROUP IN ALA¬ BAMA — Septima C. Smith, Jerome Roy Klingbeil and Frances Bell, Uni¬ versity of Alabama. An opportunity was lately given us to investigate a small unit of a recently-arrived group of British Flying Cadets for the incidence of in¬ testinal parasitism. This is a preliminary report upon our findings. Forty-nine individuals have been examined to date. For 9 of these, a second stool specimen has been obtained ;and for 2 of them, a third sample. This makes a total of 60 indviidual examinations. Each of the 60 samples was treated in the following manner : a fresh smear made with physiologi¬ cal saline (0.85% NaCL), a second one with d’Antoni’s iodine, and two permanent preparations made of eac hand stained with Heidenhain’s Iron Haematoxylin. This makes a total of 4 procedures on each of the 60 sam¬ ples, or a total of 240 preparations. A minimum of 10 minutes was spent on each examination, or a total of 2400 minutes or 40 hours on examina¬ tions alone. The material was examined as soon as brought to the labora¬ tory and within 12 to 48 hours after being passed. Positives, on all examinations, were found as follows : 1. Endamoeba histolytica — 1 case (No. 19) . 2.04% 2. Endamoeba coli — 5 cases (Nos. 11, 29, 37, 57 and 63) . 10.2% 3. Giardia lamblia — 2 cases (Nos. 14 and 43) . 4.08% In comparison with the incidence known for the American civil popu¬ lation, this incidence is low. The problem will be re-examined with the addition of the Zinc Sulphate Centrifugal Floatation technique, a concen¬ tration method, and upon a larger number of samples. This may raise the percentage of infection to some extent. The technique employed for the permanent preparations was a modifi¬ cation of that employed in the U. S. Navy Medical School at Washington, D.C. This utilizes Johnson’s short method with the substitution of cello- solve ( Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether ) for the dehydration-clearing agent instead of the usual alcoholxylol series. We found that the addition of lithium-carbonate (Li-'CO-i) to the wash water and the employment of two changes of cellosolve improved the results. 62 OUTSTANDING OIL FIELDS OF SOVIET RUSSIA — William E. Stanton, University of Alabama A few short statements are given on the present day importance of the Russian oil fields. This is followed up by a few remarks on the past history of the oil regions. History taken care of, a general geologic picture of the area of the most important fields is given. The important fields are now taken up one by one. The Maikop field is briefly described. Its early history and a few sentences on its oil horizons are made. The Grozny field is taken up now with its past history and geographical position touched upon. And the dis¬ cussion is closed with statements on its structure and oil horizons. The main part of the paper is reached now with a discussion of the important Baku fields. Again a short history is encountered. This is fol¬ lowed by a physical description of the Apsheron Peninsula. The geologic features of the peninsula follow this. Now a description of some of the centers that go to make up the Baku Region. The Balkhani and Kirmaku fields are taken up with discus¬ sion mainly limited to the three divisions of paysands that crop out in this area. The Bibi-Eibat field is geographically mentioned and then the geologic features pertaining to the production of oil make up the major part of the remaining discussion on this area. Now the matter of the interference by water bearing beds is met and mentioned briefly. A few sentences now follow which state some of the ideas on possible exhaustion of the areas. Some of the chief difficulties that are met in the drilling of oil are stated and the reasons for such a vast amount of oil being situated here are quoted. INCIDENCE OF PNEUMOCOCCUS TYPES IN ALABAMA IN TWO THOUSAND SPECIMENS — L. S. Suter, State Board of Health, Montgomery. Although Pasteur, Sternberg and others had investigated lance shaped cocci in the saliva it was not until 1886 that Frankel and Weichselbaum proved that lobar pneumonia was an infectious disease and that it was caused by the “Pneumococcus.” In 1910 Neufeld, Handel & Cole dis¬ covered by cross agglutination and animal protection tests that pneumo¬ cocci were not alike in all respects. In 1928 Cooper and her colleagues be¬ gan a four-year study of the pneumococcus types. They found that the heterogeneous group IV of Dochez and Gillespie, (1913), was composed of 29 different types. Since Cooper’s work two more types have been identi¬ fied, making at present a total of 34. Late in 1937 the Bureau of Laboratories of the Alabama State Board of Health introduced the service of examining sputa for Pneumococcus types. In typing the pneumococci the Neufeld Quellung reaction is em¬ ployed. The smallest number of sputa was examined the first year, (1938) ; the largest number was examined the following year, (1939). The number then dropped off in 1940 and still more again in 1941, although a few more were examined the last year than during the first year. The total for the four-year period equaled 2062, with 959 positive, 1019 negative and 84 unsatisfactory for examination. Statistics covering a study by Heffron of 14,000 cases of pneumonia show that Types I, II, III, V, VII, and VIII occur with the greatest frequency. These types are also the most virulent — the most virulent of 63 all being I, II and III. His study covered different geographical areas, Europe, Africa, the Far East and Australia, and most of North America; it considers only Types I, II and II and a Group IV which includes all other types. This study shows that Type I is by far the most prevalent followed by Types II and III. By comparing the results obtained in Ala¬ bama it is noted that the percentage distribution of types compares more closely with that in Africa than with any other region. In Alabama the type distribution over the four-year period is as fol¬ lows: By far the most prevalent Type is I (23.9%), followed in order by Types III, VII, V, VIII, IV, II, XIX and VI. Each of the other 25 types occurred in only 2%, or less of the cases; all of these other 25 types taken together comprised only 27.4% of the entire number. A sputum may contain more than one type of pneumococcus. Mixtures of two types were found in sixteen sputa ; mixtures of three types were found in four sputa. Mixtures occurred most frequently with Types VI, VIII and III. In one instance a mixture of Types I and II were found in the same sputum. THE PERTURBATIONS IN THE b22, v=0 BAND OF CYANOGEN1 — A. T. Wager, Birmingham-Southern College The violet and red systems of cyanogen have been developed strongly in a flame obtained by mixing CHC13 with active nitrogen. Photographs of the 0-0 and 0-1 bands of the violet system and of the 9-4 band of the red system were made under high resolving power on the 30 ft. grating at the University of Chicago. Measurements of the plates revealed the positions of the expected2 perturbing levels relative to the undisplaced ones as follows : A v = — 0.340 cm-1, +0.927 cm-1, +1.202 cm-1, and +1.298 cm-1 for K = 4, 7, 11, and 15 respectively. The R- and P-lines to K — 7 are sharp and single: from K = 7 through K = 14 they are wider and appear to be unresolved doub¬ lets, thus confirming that the perturbing level K = 7 is a IT state. The lines from K — 15 to K = 21 are clearly desolved doublets, with A v 0.20 cm-1, proving that the perturbation with K= 15 is likewise a n level. The same perturbations and enhancements are present in the O-l band of the violet system, thus confirming that it is the upper state which is perturbed. The corresponding2 weakening of the *11, v = 9 system is appar¬ ent in the photographs taken; the analysis of this system is now under way. 1. A. T. Wager, Phys. Rev. 61, 107 (1942). 2. H. Beutler and M. Fred, Phys. Rev. 61, 107 (1942). LATERALITY DOMINANCE IN THE FOUR GOSPELS — Groesbeck Walsh and Robert M. Pool, Fairfield This is a critical review of the four gospels with laterality dominance constantly in mind. It shows that the apostles, who were the authors of the four gospels had definite knowledge of laterality dominance and that they correlated this knowledge with the daily life of their period in conjunction with the principals of Christianity and the teachings of Christ. This review also shows that there is, indirectly, a connection between laterality dominance and certain medical problems. This paper should be of interest to members of the general public who have read the Bible and it should also be of interest to the clergy and the medical profession. 64 FINGER PAINTING AS A CREATIVE EXPERIENCE — Dorothy C. Washburn, Art Dept., University of Alabama There is a definite need in this period of nervous strain for the creative experiences that may be provided for through the various art media. Dur¬ ing this war the U. S. government has realized the importance of relaxa¬ tion and recreation and has created a department of Morale in which Art in National Defense is to play an important part. Our long-term war plan must include a program for leisure and relaxation not only for the soldier but for the civilian as well. Teachers can render a great service for the post-war world by providing activities in the present day schoolroom that will relieve tensions and raise morale. We in the field of art feel that art has much to offer. It can supplement or even take the place of some of the modern amusements; it offers a means of creating useful objects; it pro¬ vides emotional outlets; it gives the satisfaction and joy of achievement. Finger painting is a medium that not only provides a creative experi¬ ence but is frequently used as a crafts material, and also for diagnostic purposes. A pre-school child’s first experience with finger-painting often portrays certain character traits. She may very daintily put the tip of her finger — and not more than the tip — in the finger paint, or he may put both hands into it and by the time he has made several fish by placing his little arm on the paper and quickly raising it and adding an eye, he has the paint to his elbows. Finger painting probably offers more opportunity for rhythmic move¬ ment than any other medium. Because of this use of body muscles, finger painting is frequently done by professional artists for relaxation. So from the pre-school age to the adult — they all have fun. Give the adults an op¬ portunity for “free play’’ and they, too, will be in paint up to their elbows. They may finish by having a painting which they frame or by making an all-over pattern to use for the cover of a scrap-book, covering for a knit¬ ting box made from an ice-cream container or the covering for any number of other useful objects. But no matter what the “finished product” may be, at the close of finger painting, there is always the exclamation, “Isn’t it fun! Isn’t it wonderful!” A PROGRESS REPORT ON THE STUDY OF MICROSEISMS — A. J. Westland and W. Rhein, Spring Hill College Previous papers have presented findings in the study of the nature and origin of microseisms carried on for a period of over two years at the Spring Hill College Observatory. These findings have confirmed the theory that at least one type of micro earth tremors is associated with low pres¬ sure areas over the ocean. The possibility that shorter-period microseisms, with definitely spaced maxima and minima, may be caused by the passage of cold fronts, is now being investigated with the aid of new and improved equipment. The re¬ sults to date are positive only to the point of encouraging continued and more extended efforts along the same line. 65 REPORT OF STUDY OF 100 COLLEGE WOMEN AND THE EF¬ FECTIVENESS OF THEIR EDUCATION —Pauline Park Wilson, University of Alabama An intensive study of 100 college women graduates was made for the purpose of finding out the needs and problems of women after college and to determine the effectiveness of their education in helping them meet and solve their needs and problems. The study was made in Detroit, Michigan, at the Merrill-Palmer School under a grant from the General Education Board in 1932. The staff doing the study was composed of three sociologists, three psychologists, a gynecologist, a nutritionist and a psychiatric social worker. The women studied were selected on the following criteria: 75% mar¬ ried, 25% single; 75% graduates of co-education schools, 25% from women’s colleges; graduation date after 1920; colleges scattered through¬ out the country ; willingness of the women to cooperate ; all holding bac¬ calaureate degrees. After selection the group was found to have a median score on the Detroit Advanced Intelligence Test of 23 points higher than the 75th percentile for college women. The median income was $2880.00 for the married women. The data were collected by free association interviewing. An autobiog¬ raphy was completed for each woman studied. This covered life from birth to the present. The material was analyzed on both a cross sectional and longitudinal basis. The findings for this group of women reveal: 1. that the important and predictable events in the lives of women are for the most part never prepared for by the individuals and institutions responsible for educating them. 2. That individual differences revealed themselves at an early age and tended to persist throughout life. 3. That no one aspect of an indi¬ vidual’s life could be considered irrespective of her total development. 4. That the most frequent problems faced by the women themselves were those of personality. 5. That the major husband-wife problem was the struggle for domination. 6. That money per se was not the problem. Many other findings resulted from the study. These hold implications for the education of women in parent education, elementary and secondary as well as college education. A report of this study is published under the name of “Women after College.” ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN CLARKE COUNTY, ALABAMA — Steve B. Wimberly, Alabama Museum of Natural History, Birmingham. Early in the history of American archaeology much interest was cen¬ tered on the Indian mounds of Ohio. In those early days these mounds were not known as Indian mounds but were said to have been built by the “Mound Builders,” a people who supposedly preceded the American Indian on this continent. In later years archaeologists determined that these were Indian mounds; mounds representing the works and remains of a group of Indians who lived in the “Middle Period” of North American civilizations. These people in no sense represented the archaic or basic civilization as formerly believed, but existed during that period of cultural evolution when elaborate funereal ceremonies came into vogue. 66 The highly developed culture represented by some of these mounds has been given the name “Hopewell,” after the Ohio type site of that name. The Hopewellian culture is usually identified by evidence of elab¬ orate burial customs and ceremonial objects such as copper axes and ban¬ ner stones, along with personal ornaments of shell and copper. Burials made in carefully constructed log tombs are characteristic. Until 1930 or thereabouts the Hopewellian culture was thought to be confined to western Ohio and an adjacent strip of Indiana. Later, addi¬ tional finds in Missouri and Illinois, though limited, led archaeologists to believe that the Hopewellian culture developed in the Mississippi Delta region, advanced up the Mississippi Valley, then spread eastward into Indi¬ ana and Ohio. Recent excavations in Clarke County, Alabama, have divulged a sig¬ nificant amount of Hopewellian pottery, and the one burial mound exca¬ vated in that area exhibited certain Hopewellian ceremonial traits. The significance of these finds lie not in the museum value of the material but in the revamping of the history of an important American Indian culture. It is now established that the Hopewellian culture not only spread through the Mississippi Valley but filtered through the Gulf Coastal Region as far east as the coastal area of Alabama. Again we are reminded that Alabama has everything. CHEMISTRY OF VITAMIN “C” — Stewart M. Winton, Howard College This paper deals briefly with (a) the sources, (b) the pathological uses, (c) the history leading up to the isolation of Vitamin C, and more in detail with the chemistry of the vitamin as determined subsequent to its isolation. Vitamin C is specific for the prevention and cure of the deficiency disease known as scurvy. It is a very widely distributed vitamin, but also a very unstable vitamin which si easily oxidized. Little was known of the chemical properties of Vitamin C before 1932, the year of its isola¬ tion. Before its isolation Vitamin C could only be assayed biologically by: (1) the preventative, (2) the curative, and (3) the microscopic structure of the tooth methods. Knowledge of its chemical properties led to the de¬ velopment of methods of synthesis and also titration methods of assay which are more rapid. Chemical assay methods in conjunction with results by biological assay are very useful and helpful. The chief methods of chemical assay are the ones using (1) the dye 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophe- nol as indicator and standard, and (2) the iodine methods and modifica¬ tions. A modification of the iodine method developed by Robert Ballentine (Ind. and Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. Feb. 1941) was used in the Vitamin C determination of canned citrus fruit juices and the juice of fresh fruit as obtained on the open market. Briefly the method is as follows : To five cc. of fruit juice, two cc. of 2NH2SO1 and one cc. of ten per cent potassium iodide solution is added. The mixture is titrated with 0.01N KIO to the typical iodine end-point using starch indicator. It was found that canned juices ran only slightly lower in Vitamin C content than fresh fruit juices and that only a relatively small amount of juice per day would cheaply supply the minimum daily requirement. Even when pure ascorbic acid is used as*the source of the vitamin, the minimum daily requirement can be supplied for less than six cents. 67 LAND UTILIZATION IN SHELBY COUNTY, ALABAMA — Lillian E. Worley; Alabama College, Montevallo Since the appearance of the first settlers in this county around 1815, cotton has been an important crop. The first sharp decrease in the produc¬ tion of this commodity appeared during the Civil War period and was no doubt accounted for by the shortage of labor brought about by the War. And again, the World War decade saw a sharp decrease both in acreage and production. Since 1930 both acreage and production are again on the downward trend. This is accounted for by the AAA and SCA Programs. This year is to witness a further decrease of row crops and increased acreage of small grains — hay and pasture. Corn, too, has been an important crop in the county, but its production shows very sharp fluctuations, the first marked decrease coming in the Civil War period, the second in the decade 1900-10, after which there was a sharp increase. This increase, however, was not so marked as the de¬ crease since 1920 has been. In the early days wheat was an important crop, but by 1940 it was almost non-existent. This year, however, every family being aided by FSA has been asked to plant from one to three acres of wheat. Barley, buck- wheat* tobacco and broom corn were once found on most farms, although they were never planted in large acreages. In 1940 more land was devoted to oats, wild and cultivated grasses and legumes. Sugar cane for molasses has been an important crop since 1860. The most marked decrease in production came in the decade 1920-30, followed by a sharp increase the following decade. This may indicate that in rela¬ tively prosperous periods less molasses is consumed. Both irish and sweet potatoes were planted by the early inhabitants, and both have very erratic acreage and production curves. Sweet potatoes have been definitely on the downward trend since 1920, but irish potatoes are going stronger than ever. Although peanuts have been planted for several decades this year the crop is to receive special emphasis, both as a money crop and as food for livestock. Any study of agricultural land utilization is concerned either directly or indirectly with livestock production. The most significant item in this respect has been the decrease in numbers of workstock in the past twenty- five years which is accounted for in part by the use of more efficient ma¬ chinery and power implements. In the past three or four years, however, much interest has been created in the production of workstock for local needs, and toward that end breeding stock has been placed in the county. Since 1930 there has been an increase in dairy cattle due to the loca¬ tion near Birmingham where the products may be marketed. There are few beef cattle in the county because of the small acreage available for pasture land, and because feed stuff is limited. This year, however, ought to show increases in cattle and swine production since both the County Extension and Farm Security programs are stressing more livestock, bet¬ ter facilities for their care, and more livestock food crops. The most conspicuous increase in livestock numbers has been in poul¬ try. Since 1930 corn has been cheap, and farmers have found it more prof¬ itable to market it through poultry. 68 ABSORBTION OF OXYGEN IN ALKALINE SOLUTIONS OF MERCAPTANS — John Xan and Arthur Dowell, Howard College The rate of solution of gaseous oxygen in alkaline solutions of mer- • captans was found to follow the equation Ki = x/At, where K> is a con¬ stant with the dimensions of moles of oxygen /hour / square centimeter of surface area/ millimeter of pressure differential. The reaction was found to be complicated and to be a series of re¬ actions rather than a single reaction. The limiting reaction in the first portion of the reaction was found to be of the second order but was con¬ verted to the first order by the conditions of the experiment. In weak solutions of alkali the only oxidation product was found to be the dissulfide, but as the concentration of the alkali was increased, the reaction went further, even to the formation of some sulfonic acids. SOME PROPERTIES OF FOAMS — Howard Young, Birmingham-Southern College The physico-chemical theory presented by C. W. Foulk, of the Ohio State University, is discussed and the relationship between this theory and Gibbs’ equation for surface tension is shown. Numerous comparisons are made between the properties of foams and emulsions ; for example, the action of added electrolytes and of protective colloids. The work done by Foulk on the effect of solid matter in boiler-water foaming was discussed. Examples were given of desirable and undesirable foams. Among the former are foams in flotation processes, in beer, and in fire fighting ap¬ paratus. Methods of preventing, or subduing undesirable foams were given where possible. 69 INDEX OF AUTHORS Page Adcock, J. C . 16 Alford, W . 60 Ambert, J. P . 16 Andress, T . 42 Barbour, W. R . 18 Baker, W. M . 17 Barnes, G. F . 17 Barton, C. F . 21, 47 Basore, C. A . 18 Beatty, A. V . 19, 43 Bell, F . 61 Blair, J. C . 19 Blair, J. R . 20 Bordenca, C . 20 Breckenridge, C. G . 56 Brower, W. J. . 54 Brown, E . 39 Bruhn, J. M . 21, 47 Carlson, J. G . 22 Carmichael, E. B . 22, 23, 47, 53 Chandler, R . 43 Chapman, H. H . 24 Christenson, R. 0 . 30 Clepper, H. A . 24 Coulliette, J. H . 34 Crammer, H. P . 46 Creel, H . 30 Davidson, J. L . 34 Donnell, J. R . 34 Donoho, C . 35 Dowell, A . 68 Duggar, J. F . 35 Duggar, J. F., Jr . 36 Emigh, E. D . 36 Englebrecht, M. A . 37 Frishe, W. C . 38 Gale, J. C . 55 Gerhardt, H . 38 Gillis, E . 39 Glenn, W. E . 39 Gordon, L . 40, 56 Goslin, R . 40 Gregg, J. H . 57 Gregg, J . 40 Harper, R. M . 41, 42 Holbert, J. M . 42 Page Holbert, Jean . 42 Holmes, B. J . 43 Huff, K . 43 Hunt, J. A . 44 Johnson, L. E . 45 Jones, E. V . 45, 46 Kassner, J. L . 46 Kay, F. A . 23, 47, 53 Keller, A. D . 20, 21, 47 Klingbeil, J. R . 61 Lawrence, W. E . 21, 47 Lewis, E . 48 McPherson, W. R . 48 Means, J. A . 52 Nichols, M . 43 Owens, S. E . 53 Partlow, D. B . 54 Patty, J. R . 54 Pennington, E. E . 55 Peoples, S. A . 55 Phillips, G. W . 23, 47, 53 Pomerat, C. M . 43, 56, 57 Pool, R. M . 63 Reiner, E. R . 58 Roberts, B . 59 Robinson, O. J . 59 Reeves, W. P., Jr . 57 Rhein, W . 64 Smith, S. C . 61 Smith, H. E . 60 Stanton, W. E . 62 Suter, L. S. . 62 Thompson, W. D . 46 Wager, A. T . 63 Walsh, G. F . 63 Washburn, D. C . 64 Westland, A. J . 64 Wilson, P. P . 65 Wimberly, S. B . 65 Winston, S . 66 Worley, L. . 67 Xan, J . 68 Young, N . 68 70 ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Officers for 1942-43 President, Mack Allison, Phillips High School . Birmingham, Ala. Vice-President, Jane Richmond, Bishop Toolen High School. ...Mobile, Ala. Secretary, Estelle Cooley, Convent of Mercy Academy . Mobile, Ala. Treasurer, Hazel Karter, Sacred Heart Academy . Cullman, Ala. Counselors : Miss Clustie McTyeire, Chairman (1 yr.), 1804 Arlington Ave . Bessemer, Ala. Dr. H. E. Wilcox (2 yrs.), Howard College . Birmingham, Ala. Miss Swan Ella Owens (3 yrs.) . Opp, Ala. CHAPTERS OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE and Official Delegates at the Tenth Annual Meeting, Woodlawn High School, Birmingham, Alabama, March 20 and 21, 1942 Billingsley High School — not represented . Billingsley, Ala. Bishop Toolen High School— Margaret Watler . Mobile, Ala. Blessed Sacrament Academy — Ellis Walker . Birmingham, Ala. Coffee High School — not represented . Enterprise, Ala. Convent of Mercy Academy — Martha Boudousquie . Mobile, Ala. DeKalb County High School — not represented . Fort Payne, Ala. Ensley High School — Doris Norton . Ensley, Ala. Greensboro High School — not represented . Greensboro, Ala. Hueytown High School — Anna Belle Camper . Bessemer, Ala. Jones Valley High School — Milton Slater . Birmingham, Ala. Minor High School — not represented . Ensley, Ala. Montgomery County High School — not represented . Ramer, Ala. Murphy High School — Randall Laffree . Mobile, Ala. Opp High School — Norris Dunn . Opp, Ala. Phillips High School — Mack Allison . Birmingham, Ala. Sacred Heart Academy — Jean Robinson . Cullman, Ala. Saint Bernard High School — James Bendell . St. Bernard, Ala. Saint Paul’s High School — not represented . Birmingham, Ala. Shades-Cahaba High School — Ralph Holliman . Homewood, Ala. Sidney Lanier High School — Frank Tripp . Montgomery, Ala. Tallassee High School — Harold Meeks . Tallassee, Ala. West Jefferson High School — Betty Jean Dale . Quinton, Ala. Woodlawn High School — Gladys Palmer . Birmingham, Ala. Visitation Academy — not represented . Mobile, Ala. A total of 171 delegates registered for the meeting. 71 SENIOR ACADEMY CERTIFICATES OF AWARD Best Paper — Alabama’s Wealth in Mineral Resources Hueytown High School . Bessemer, Ala. Best Exhibit in Physics — Fluorescent Lighting Woodlawn High School . Birmingham, Ala. Best Exhibit in Chemistry — Fractional Distillation of Oil Ensley High School . Ensley, Ala. Best Exhibit in Biology — General Biology Convent of Mercy Academy . Mobile, Ala. Best Exhibit in Science in Industry — Bleaching of Cloth Hueytown High School . Bessemer, Ala. 72 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 21, 1942 RECEIPTS (Received by Dr. Kassner since las treport) Balance, March 21, 1941 . $ 86.92 Registration Fees at Mobile . 44.45 Tuscaloosa County High School — Dues paid March 25, 1941 . 2.00 $133.37 EXPENDITURES (By Dr. Kassner since last report) Local expenses — Mobile meeting . $ 3.00 Expense, Local Counselor, Mobile . 2.89 Engraving Certificates . 10.00 Extra janitor service, Mobile . 1.50 Binding Five Volumes, Proceedings . 8.00 Postage and Miscellaneous Expense May, 1940, to August, 1941 . 4.92 $ 30.31 BALANCE (Transferred Aug. 25, 1941 to P. P. B. Brooks, Chairman, Committee of Counselors, 1941-42) . $103.06 REPORT OF P. P. BROOKS, CHAIRMAN, FROM AUGUST 25, 1941 TO MARCH 21, 1942 RECEIPTS Balance transferred by Dr. Kassner . $103.06 Chapter Dues . 44.00 Membership Cards . 1.75 Registration for Birmingham meeting . 42.75 $191.56 EXPENDITURES Birmingham Engraving Company . . . $ 18.45 Expense of President, Postage, etc . 5.83 Postage of Treasurer . 1.28 Expense, Chairman of Counselors, postage. telegraph, etc . 6.56 Expense, Local Counselor — postage, etc . 1.50 Guest Tickets to Banquet . 17.25 Expense, Meeting at Wopdlawn High School . 12.77 $ 63.64 BALANCE, March 21, 1942 . $127.92 EDITH GEISLER, Counselor to Pres. C. M. FARMER ) For JAMES L. KASSNER j A.A.S. Signed : P. P. B. BROOKS, Chm., Counselors HELEN JUNE HARDIN, President ROBERT DOYLE, Treasurer ROBERT WEEKS, Secretary 73 MEMBERS OF THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Honorary Members Allen, Edgar (A) . Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Gardner, Wright A. (A) . Auburn, Ala. §*Graham, John Y. (A) . Alta Apts., 33, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Reinke, E. E. (A) . Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Sustaining Members Alabama By-Products Corporation . Birmingham, Ala. Alabama College . Montevallo, Ala. Alabama Polytechnic Institute . Auburn, Ala. Alabama Power Company, Thomas Bragg, Vice Pres . Birmingham, Ala. Alabama State Chamber of Commerce . Montgomery, Ala. American Cast Iron Pipe Company . Birmingham, Ala. Birmingham Slag Company, 2019 Sixth Ave. N . Birmingham, Ala. Birmingham-Southern College . Birmingham, Ala. Birmingham Trust & Savings, John S. Coleman, Pres . Birmingham, Ala. DeBardeleben Coal Corporation, 2201 First Ave . Birmingham, Ala. Howard College . Birmingham, Ala. Huntingdon College . Montgomery, Ala. Jacksonville State Teachers College . Jacksonville, Ala. Judson College . Marion, Ala. McKesson & Robbins, Inc . Birmingham, Ala. Portland Cement Association, Watts Building . Birmingham, Ala. Ruston, Allen, Birmingham Ice & Cold Storage . . . Birmingham, Ala. Southern Natural Gas Co., Watts Building . Birmingham, Ala. Stockham Pipe & Fittings Co . Birmingham, Ala. Troy State Teachers College . Troy, Ala. University of Alabama . University, Ala. Woodward Iron Company . Birmingham, Ala. Active Members t Abercrombie, W. F. (A) . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Adcock, Miss Julia C. (C) . Route -1, Box 29 E, Birmingham, Ala. Alabama Department of Archives and History . Montgomery, Ala. Albin, J. R . 401 Courthouse, Birmingham, Ala. Allen, Roger W. (B) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. §*Allison, Fred (G) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Almon, Lois . Judson College, Marion, Ala. Anderson, A. B . . . Shannon, Ala. Anderson, Harold V. (C) . Route 1, Box 29-C, Birmingham, Ala. Andrews, T. G. (C) . . . University, Ala. Arant, Frank S. (A) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. ♦Charter members of the Academy. fMembers of the A.A.A.S. §Fellows of the A.A.A.S. and of the Alabama Academy of Science. The letters in parentheses after the names indicate the chief field of interest of the members. (A) Biology, (B) Chemistry, (C) Geology and Anthropology, (D) Geography and Conservation, (E) Mathematics, (F) Medicine, (G) Physics, (H) Industry and Economics, (I) Teaching of Science. 74 fArcher, Allan F. (A). .Co. C, Reception C’ter, Ft. McPherson, Atlanta, Ga. Arnold, Paul J. (A). Jacksonville State Tchrs. College, Jacksonville, Ala. Attaway, C. F . . . 323 Evergreen St., Brewton, Ala. Ayrs, O. L. (B) . 1001-28th Place S, Birmingham, Ala. §Bales, P. D. (G) . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. fBarnes, G. F. (B) . Judson College, Marion, Ala. *Basore, C. A. (D) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Beatty, A. C. (A) . University, Ala. Beaudry, D. P. (D) . 2636 Ridgeway Ave., Ensley, Birmingham, Ala. Bell, Frances . 1216-8th Avenue, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Black, Mrs. Zoe (A). ...Alabama College, 305 Nabors St., Montevallo, Ala. Blair, C. S. (C) . Black Diamond Coal Mining Co., Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Blair, Ruth T . 418-6th St., S.W., Birmingham, Ala. Bordenca, C. (B) . Ala. Poly Institute, 204 South Gay, Auburn, Ala. Bowles, Edgar . 2000 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D.C. §Brakefield, J. L. (A) . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Brame, J. L. (C) . Montgomery, Ala. *Brannon, P. A. (C) . Dept, of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala. Brooks, P. P. B. (G).. Sidney Lanier High School, 212 Ponce de Leon Ave. Montgomery, Ala. Brown, R. D. (B) . State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Bruhn, John M. (A) . University, Ala. fBunton, P. B . care Spencer Lens Company, Box 4208, Atlanta, Ga. Bush, J. D. (F) . Box 1965, University, Ala. Carlson, J. G. (A) . University, Ala. §Carmichael, E. B. (B) . University, Ala. Chauvin, Viola (A) . U. S. Marine Hospital, Mobile, Ala. Christenson, R. O. (A) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. §Coghill, W. H. (C) . U. S. Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Cole, Frank T. (G) . Weather Bureau Office, Mobile, Ala. Coons, K. W. (B) . University, Ala. Copson, R. L. (B) . T.V.A., 110 Plant One, Sheffield, Ala. Corley, Miss Nora (A) . State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. §Cotton, W. E. (A) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Cornell, B. M . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 518 Wright’s Mill Pond, Auburn, Ala. Cotter, H. F. (B) . University, Ala. §Coulliette, J. H. (G) . American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham, Ala. Crane, Ina Barbee (F) . Tutwiler Hall, University, Ala. Crawley, C. B. (G) . University, Ala. Culmer, Orpha Ann (E) . State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. Cunningham, F. F. (D) . State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. Dahms, Harold F. (C) . T.V.A., Knoxville, Tenn. Damon, S. R. (F) . State Board of Health, Montgomery, Ala. Dejarnette, David (C) . Alabama Geological Survey, University, Ala. DeWilton, E. L. (A) . 1502 N. 15th St., Birmingham, Ala. Dorroh, J. L . Judson College, Marion, Ala. Dowdey, Perry Frank . West Jefferson High School, Labuco, Ala. Dugger, J. F., Sr. (A) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Dugger, J. F., Jr. (A) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. East, Isaac Young . Southern Kraft Corp., Moss Point, Miss. Eisele, John Lewis (G) . Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Emigh, E. D. (D) . Weather Bureau, Montgomery, Ala. Englebrecht, Mildred A. (A) . . . University, Ala. Evans, G. Harlowe (B) . Huntingdon College, 209 Woodley Road, Montgomery, Ala. 75 Fair, Baxter B. (F) . U. S. Veterans Hospital, 72 Virginia Ave., Montgomery, Ala. f*Farmer, C. M. (A) . State Teachers College, Troy, Ala. Faxon, F. W . 83-91 Francis St., Buck Bay, Boston, Mass. Ferguson, Hal (F) . T. C. I. Hospital, Fairfield, Ala. Fies, M. H. (D) . Transportation Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Foley, J. O. (F) . University, Ala. Ford, Thomas A. (D) . Dept, of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. Gandrud, B. W. (C) . U. S. Bureau of Mines, University, Ala. Garren, K. H. (A) . State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. Gary, C. M . State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. Gattman, F. L. (A) . St. Bernard College, St. Bernard, Ala. Geisler, Miss Edith (A) . Adger, Ala. Gerhardt, Henry (E) . 1215 Elmira St., Mobile, Ala. Gibson, J. S. (D) . State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Gillis, Ewen (B) . Howard College, 7900 7th Ave., S., Birmingham, Ala. fGlazner, J. F. (D) . State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. Glenn, W. E. (E) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. Goff, John Hedges . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Goss, C. M. (F) . 124 Highlands, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Grace, John Lamar, Jr . Jones Valley High School, 615 Wilson Road, Powderly, Ala. §Graves, Stuart (F) . University, Ala. Greenwood, Frances A . University, Ala. fGrover, M. A . T. C. I. Co., Box 590, Birmingham, Ala. Hackworth, L. E . Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Mass. Hampe, David E. (D) . Ala. Dept, of Conservation, Wellington Road, Montgomery, Ala. fHargis, E. H. (F) . 28th St. and 12th Ave., N., Birmingham, Ala. §Harper, R. M. (C) . Alabama Geological Survey, University, Ala. Harris, Francis B. (E) . Birmingham-Southern College , 866-5th Place, W., Birmingham, Ala. Hart, Kermit T . Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Hazlehurst, G. H. (A) . Alabama Dept, of Public Health, 519 Dexter Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Hazzard, W. W . Box 68, Columbiana, Ala. Hearn, Jane Kessler . 933-8th Ave., W., Birmingham, Ala. §Heath, H. C. (A)... .Huntingdon College, 21 Agnew St., Montgomery, Ala. Hertzog, E. S. (B)....U. S. Bureau of Mines, 505-18th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Hess, A. D. (F) . Dept, of Health and Safety, T.V.A., Wilson Dam, Ala. Hess, Margaret (A) . Judson College, Marion, Ala. §Hinman, E. H. (A)... .Health and Safety Dept., T.V.A., Wilson Dam, Ala. Hobbs, Lindsey M . University, Ala. Hodges, R. S. (A) . University, Ala. Horton, E. C. (C) . Weather Bureau, 1221 N. 13th St., Birmingham, Ala. Hostetter, I. M. (E) . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Howell, W. M. (F) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Howse, B. C. (F) . T. C. I. Hospital, 333-38th St., Fairfield, Ala. Hunt, T. E. (F) . University, Ala. Hunt, T. W . Lockhart, Ala. JHyde, J. W. (A) . National Resources Planning Board 3321 Shelburne Road, Baltimore, Md. Jennings, Henry L . Title Guarantee Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Jones, A. W . Agriculture Adjustment Administrator, Auburn, Ala. §Jones, E. V. (B) . Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. §Jones, H. D. (B) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. §*Jones, W. B. (C) . Department of Conservation, Montgomery, Ala. 76 §* Jones, W. C. (F) . T. C. I. Hospital, Fairfield, Ala. Kassner, J. L. (B).. University of Alabama, 1000-13th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Kendrick, L. D . Phipps & Bird, 5808-6th Ave., S., Birmingham, Ala. fKennedy, A. M. (B) . University, Ala. Krause, June . Valley Vocational High School, Fairfax, Ala. Kraxberger, W. W. (C) . 4535 E. 16th Avenue, Denver, Colo. Land, J. E. (B).... . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. fLang, George . Box 2021, University, Ala. Lassen, Leon (C) . 105 Macy St., Mobile, Ala. Lathrop, F. P . Scottsboro, Ala. Lawler, Matt . . . Toulminville, Ala. fLeach, Chas. N. (F) . State Board of Health, Montgomery, Ala. Littlejohn, Jeanette (B) . Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Ala. *Lloyd, S. J. (B) . University, Ala. Lord, James (C) . Rockwood Alabama Stone Co., Russellville, Ala. McCaffrey, Joseph E. . Southern Kraft Corp., Mobile, Ala. McElwee, E. W. (A).. ..Ala, Poly. Institute, 481 Pinedale Rd., Auburn, Ala. McFarland, Robert W . Alabama Museum of Herpetology, P. O. Box 685, Fairhope, Ala. McGehee, Mary Frances . Alabama College, Montevallo, Ala. McGlamery, Winnie (C) . Alabama Geological Survey, University, Ala. McTyeire, Clustie Evelyn....Hueytown High School, 1804 Arlington Ave., Bessemer, Ala. McVay, Thomas (B) . University, Ala. fMacormac, A. R. (D) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. MacDonald, Margaret B . Citronelle, Ala. MacKenzie, J. T. (B) . 4300 Glenwood Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Malone, J. M. (E) . Birmingham-Southern College 1102-7th Ave., W., Birmingham, Ala. Marsh, John F . U. S. Dept, of Agr., 10 Thorn Place, Montgomery, Ala. Martin, E. C. (D) . Dept, of Conservation, Selma, Ala. Martin, H. M. (B) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Medlock, Olin C . Soil Conservation Service, 368 Payne St., Auburn, Ala. Mitchell, Flora M . Central High School, Central Heights, Florence, Ala. Mobley, W. M. (H) . Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant, Ala. Montgomery, J. P. (B) . University, Ala. Moore, G. C . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Box 1031, Auburn, Ala. Moore, Mildred (A). . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Moore, Omar C. (B) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Moore, W. A. (E)'. . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. Monroe, Watson H . U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Morgan, Sam R., Jr. (D) . Soil Conservation Service, P. O. Box 1431, Montgomery, Ala. Morrison, Edmund (A) . Billingsley High School, Billingsley, Ala. Mullahy, John H. (A) . Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Mundhenk, R. L. (F) . Ala. Poly. Institute, 150 Burton St., Auburn, Ala. Murphy, Sam Ross (D) . Dept, of Conservation, Box 24, Jasper, Ala. Nettles, Lou Ellen . McKenzie High School, Arlington, Ala. Nixon, H. W . Auburn, Ala. Olive, Alfred H. (B) . ....Howard College, Springville, Ala. Oliver, R. B . University of Alabama, 304 Thomas St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. §Ott, W. P. (E) . University, Ala. fOverton, A. G. (D) . Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant, Ala. Owens, Miss Swan Ella . Opp High School, Opp, Ala. §Palmer, G. D. (B) . . . University, Ala. Parks, Helen C . Alabama College, Montevallo, Ala. Patty, Dr. J. R . 7815 Fifth Avenue, So., Birmingham, Ala. 77 Pearson, A. M. (A) . Biological Survey, Auburn, Ala. Pennington, Elsie . McAdory High School, McCalla, Ala. §Peoples, S. A. (F) . University, Ala. Pepinsky, Raymond (G) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Phillips, Grady W. (F) . University of Alabama, 6628 1st Ave., S., Birmingham, Ala. Pike, Mabel R . T. C. I. Hospital, Fairfield, Ala. Pilkington, A. J . 105 Bush Ave., Mobile, Ala. fPole, G. R. (B) . T.V.A., House 87, Village 1, Sheffield, Ala. Pomerat, C. M. (A) . Box 2047, University, Ala. Pool, R. M. (F) . 652 Ridgeway Road, Fairfield, Ala. Poor, R. S. (C) . . . Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Pressley, W. S . Lee County High, Auburn, Ala. §Prickett, C. O. (A) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Rasor, F. W. (D) . U. S. Forest Service, Box 40, Montgomery, Ala. Reed, Clyde T . Marion Military Institute, Marion, Ala. Reeves, W. P., Jr. (A) . . . . . Sheffield, Ala. Reynolds, J. P. (A) . Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Richards, Leon W. (B) . Howard College, 8802-2d Court N., Birmingham, Ala. *Robinson, Mary E. (A) . 536 Princeton Ave., Birmingham, Ala. §*Robinson, J. M. (A) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Rushing, E. D . University, Ala. Rushton, E. R. (B) . T. V. A., P. O. Box 556, Florence, Ala. Rutledge, A. W. (A) . State Teachers College, Florence, Ala. Sharman, J. R . University, Ala. §Sharp, C. G . ..Alabama College, Montevallo, Ala. Schultz, O. W . Address unknown Silvia, E. R. De . U. S. Forest Service, Box 40, Montgomery, Ala. Sizemore, W. R. (D) . Ala. Division of Forestry, Box 328, Ozark, Ala. Sledd, Arthur (B) . Judson College, Marion, Ala. Smith, H. E . Box 695, University, Ala. Smith, Ralph Jackson . 1401 Brown St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. §Smith, Septima C. (A) . University, Ala. *Smyth, P. H. (G) . U. S. Weather Bureau, 806 Winona Ave., Montgomery, Ala. Snow, C. E. (C) . University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. §Sommer, Anna (B) . Ala. Poly Institute, 348 S. Gay St., Auburn, Ala. Spies, Tom D. (M.D.) . Hillman Hospital, Birmingham, Ala. fSpieth, Alda May (A) . State Teachers College, Livingston, Ala. Starling, J. H. (A) . Troy High School, Troy, Ala. §Starr, L. E. (A) . Alabama Polytechnci Institute, Auburn, Ala. fStevens, Russell B. (A) . Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Sullivan, Edmund B. (B) . Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Suter, L. S. (A) . Ala. State Dept, of Public Health, Montgomery, Ala. Tarbutton, Grady (B).. . T. V. A., Box 1485, Wilson Dam, Ala. Tarzwell, Clarence M. (A) . . . T. V. A., No. 3 LaFayette Apts., Dccstur ^ | ^ Tellier, A. J. (E) . 153 S. Monterey St., Mobile, Ala. Thompson, D. H. (B) . 917 Valley Road Place, Birmingham, Ala. Thompson, Minouise . 300-42d St., Fairfield, Ala. Thompson, W. D . Medical School, George Washington University, Washington, D. C. Tilson, W. L. (D) . Weather Bureau Airport Station, Mobile, Ala. Todhunter, E. Neige . Box 1051, University, Ala. Toffel, G. M. (B) . Marion Institute, Marion, Ala. Toler, Brooks (D) . Division of Forestry, Montgomery, Ala. 78 Tourtelot, Harry A. (C) . Troy, Ala. §Tower, J. A. (D) . Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Van Aller, T. S. (F) . 902 Charleston St., Mobile, Ala. Wager, Alan T. (G) . Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. Walsh, Mary Vincent (B) . Visitation Academy, Mobile, Ala. Walsh, Groesbeck F. (F) . Employees Hospital, T. C. I., Fairfield, Ala. Ward, John M . Ala. State Chamber of Commerce, Montgomery, Ala. Ward, Thomas (A) . Elb High School, Elba, Ala. Watson, J. H . Division of Forestry, Box 133, Dadeville, Ala. Webb, J. W. (A) . Box 469, Auburn, Ala. fWeishaupt, C. G. (A) . State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. fWestland, A. J. (C) . Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala. White, Rev. Urban (B) . St. Bernard College, Cullman, Ala. §*Whiting, W. A. (A) . Birmingham-Southern College, Ala. fWilcox, H. E. (B) . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. Wilks, W. T . Tallassee High School, Box 41, Tallassee, Ala. Williamson, Grace . 4213 Parkway, Fairfield, Ala. Williamson, Josephine . 4213 Parkway, Fairfield, Ala. Wilson, Mrs. Pauline Park . University of Alabama, 34 Guilds Woods, I 1 1 C P* 1 /VA C O /\ 1 O Wimberly, Steve B. (C) . T. C. I. Co., Box 29 E, Route 1, Birmingham, Ala. Wingard, Mrs. R. E. (B) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Wood, C. R. (E) . State Teachers College, Jacksonville, Ala. Wood, T. A. (A) . Marion Institute, Marion, Ala. Woodall, P. H . 1 101 -27th Place, S., Birmingham, Ala. Woolf, F. P. (F) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Woolley, Mary . Murphy High School, Mobile, Ala. Worley, Lillian (D) . Alabama College, Montevallo, Ala. §Xan, John (B) . Howard College, Birmingham, Ala. §Yancey, P. H. (A) . Spring Hill College, Spring Hill, Ala. Young, Monroe . . . Greensboro, Ala. Associate Members Boyd, John M . Box 271, University, Ala. Brower, Walter Jordan . 2772 Hanover Circle, Birmingham, Ala. Butler, Robert L., Jr . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Cason, Mrs. Louise R. (F) . University of Alabama, 419 Caplewood, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Capouya, Miss Mathilde . Box 452, University, Ala. Creel, Hubert H . 318 S. Gay St., Auburn, Ala. Denaro, Salvatore . 1016-8th Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Dowling, Herndon, Jr . 1426 Brown St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Haeberle, Fred Roland . 388 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Kinnear, R. W . Address unknown Klingbeil, Jerome . University, Ala. Koch, Leonard . University of Alabama, 1224% 8th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Long, A. R . Weather Bureau Office, Meridian, Miss. Mayfield, Sara . ..Idllwyld, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Munro, W. M . 210 Woodley Rd., Montgomery, Ala. Powell, Maurice . , . 2233-22d St., Ensley, Ala. Sherrill, Richard B . Cahaba Rd., Birmingham, Ala. Strakos, Robert P . 731 12th St., Tuscaloosa, Ala. Wheeler, J. H . Ala. Poly. Institute, 311 W. Magnolia St., Auburn, Ala. 79 e m b e r 8 Deceased Andrew Richard Bliss, Jr., August 12, 1941 Henry Peter Loding, February 26, 1942 . SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS FRATERNAL PUBLICATIONS COMMERCIAL PRINTING BOOKS WEATHERFORD PRINTING COMPANY Phone 5738 BROAD STREET TUSCALOOSA, ALA. i.aiL' NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 77th Street & Central Park West NEW YORK, N. Y. THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) OCTOBER 1943 ■proo VOLUME 15 . v 0? V*# ^ 1'":i " / , - . U ’ - A nr? rJrH'' V 1 1 * . , , .. 4 - V* (A try v> 7 / in ^ r & ; ( , Proceedings of the Executive Committee and Papers and Abstracts Prepared for the 1943 Meeting Office of the Editor University of Alabama University, Alabama I . yy*S» • ■ ***• •v {e' ^v?- :;- i;-‘ .i.au-.}- mi m . *£ S ■ M$M * * -r? ? ■• ■; . •• • :* r '* ***V - .;.-v >g& *<#£7 , -V vy..y^; ?t?&*£.'*ehv&£m 3§S^vtta : .7 ■• ••• 7--. n-:^mU>'z v- ■* 17 V/ 7 •. -: : Vk7< THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) OCTOBER 1943 VOLUME 15 Proceedings of the Executive Committee and Papers and Abstracts Prepared for the 1943 Meeting Office of the Editor University of Alabama University, Alabama TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officers and Standing Committees of the Academy . 3 Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting . 7 The Treasurer’s Report— . 10 The Nominating Committee’s Report . 11 Original Papers Prepared for the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science . 13 Abstracts of Papers Prepared for the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science . 28 Index of Authors . 35 The Alabama Junior Academy of Science: Junior Academy Officers . 36 High School Chapters . 36 Junior Academy Financial Statement . 37 Members of the Alabama Academy of Science : Honorary . 38 Sustaining . . ! . 38 Active . 38 ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OFFICERS FOR 1943-44 President, E. V. Jones . . . Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham President-Elect, James T. MacKenzie . American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham Vice-Presidents and Section Chairmen: J. M. Robinson, Biology and Medical Science . Auburn W. C. Frishe, Chemistry . Auburn Peter A. Brannon, Geology and Anthropology . Montgomery Lillian Worley, Geography and Conservation . Montevallo G. F. Barnes, Physics and Mathematics . Marion Roy Goslin, Industry and Economics . Auburn James L. Kassner, The Teaching of Science . University Secretary, Winnie McGlamery . University Treasurer, John Xan . Howard College, Birmingham Councilor of A.A.A.S., Septima C. Smith . University Editor of the Journal, Emmett B. Carmichael . University Councilors for Junior Academy: H. E. Wilcox (1 yr.) . Howard College, Birmingham Kathryn M. Boehmer (2 yrs.) . Ensley High School, Birmingham A. V. Beatty (3 yrs.) . . . University STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE ACADEMY Committee on Promoting Membership and Activities: E. D. Emigh, Chair¬ man; Fred Allison, G. F. Barnes, J. L. Brakefield, C. S. Blair, Peter A. Brannon, Emmett B. Carmichael, P. J. Conner, R. L. Copson, F. F. Cunningham, S. R. Damon, C. M. Farmer, Milton H. Fies, Thomas Ford, J. S. Gibson, F. J. Glazner, H. C. Heath, E. V. Jones, Walter B. Jones, Clustie Evelyn McTyeire, Haygood Pat¬ erson, A. J. Pilkington, R. S. Poor, Frank Rasor, E. V. Smith, Grady Tarbutton, Brooks Toler, A. J. Westland, T. A. Wood, Lil¬ lian Worley, P. H. Yancey. Committee on Research: Fred Allison, Chairman; S. J. Lloyd, J. F. Dug- gar, S. S. Heide, J. T. MacKenzie. Committee on Publication: J. H. Coulliette, Chairman; R. O. Christen¬ son, Carl Bordenca, Peter A. Brannon, Lillian Worley, Roy Gos¬ lin, Swan Ella Owens, Emmett B. Carmichael, ex-officio. Long Range Planning Committee : R. S. Poor, Chairman; C. M. Farmer, G. D. Palmer, Walter B. Jones, E. D. Emigh, W. A. Moore, John Goff, Clustie McTyeire. 4 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Tarrant, Ala., November 24, 1942. Dear Member : Due to speed-up programs, loss in personnel and increasing transpor¬ tation difficulties, there has been some discussion among the members about the advisability of holding the Spring meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science. This letter is addressed to the Executive Committee and espe¬ cially to the Section Chairmen, who are largely responsible for a success¬ ful program, for your consideration and advice. Unfortunately, Auburn is not centrally located for the majority of active members and public transportation systems are rather uncertain where connections or train changes must be made. Normal attendance can hardly be expected for these various reasons but most other scientific societies are planning to continue their scheduled meetings. Several have suggested that the entire program be devoted to our contribution to the war effort. This would further limit the scope of available papers and present a real problem to the Section Chairmen. Further action will be guided by an expression from the majority of the members of this Executive Committee and any suggestions will be welcomed. Please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience. To save time a blank form is enclosed. With all best wishes for the continued success of the Academy, I am Sincerely yours, W. M. MOBLEY, President Birmingham, Ala., January 7, 1943. Dear Officer,: By recent vote of the Executive Committe, it was decided to hold the annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science at Auburn on April 9th and 10th. We all realize the difficulties we are facing in continuing the work of the Academy during these trying times and can succeed only by the hard work of each officer. The Section Chairmen should start at once to get up a program for their respective groups. Do not be discouraged if the response is slow or if the number of papers offered is less than in previous years. Appoint a secretary for your section if you have not already done so and get them to help with the program. I personally appeal to the other officers of the Academy to give all the assistance possible in planning a successful program, your suggestions will be welcomed. The nominations for Councilor to the Junior Academy and also Chair¬ man of the Teaching of Science Section are on the attached sheet. Please indicate your choice and send them in at once as those elected must be notified. With best wishes to you and my sincere thanks for the splendid job I know you are going to do, I am Yours very truly, W. M. MOBLEY, President Alabama Academy of Science 5 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Tarrant, Ala., March 18, 1943. Dear Member : The Executive Committee of the Alabama Academy of Science is faced with an immediate decision as to the advisability of holding the annual meeting at Auburn on April 9-10th. The majority of you voted in December to carry on our program in spite of the difficulties expected and the Section Chairmen have been busy since that time, trying to get up papers for their sections. A check made this week shows the results of their untiring efforts. Biology and Medical Science . 6 papers Chemistry (unreported) Geology and Anthropology . 2 papers Geography and Conservation . 0 papers Physics and Mathematics . 0 papers Industry and Economics . . 2 papers Teaching of Science . 8 papers Social Science (Mr. Emigh) . 5 papers A program from the above proposed papers would be short and rather unbalanced, discouraging attendance to those interested in sections not represented. A one-day general session with outside speakers would not serve the primary purpose of the Academy, interchange of ideas, and might further reduce interest and attendance. It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to decide at once whether the meeting should be postponed until more normal times. A post card is enclosed for your immediate and imperative reply. Please indicate your decision and mail this card today without fail. You will be advised of the results as soon as the poll is completed. Thanking you for your continued co-operation, I am Sincerely yours, W. M. MOBLEY, President. TO THE MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Tarrant, Ala., March 23, 1943. Miss Winnie McGlamery University, Ala. Dear Miss McGlamery: The Executive Committee voted to postpone the Auburn meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science. I am notifying all the officers at once by card, asking them to publicize this information. Will write you in detail as soon as I catch my breath. I am disappointed that we could not go through with our plans but am glad that it is definitely settled for the time being. W. M. MOBLEY, President. 6 ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Birmingham, Ala. April 6, 1943 Executive Committee Members, Alabama Academy of Science. Dear Member: Unusual conditions have arisen in the affairs of the Academy since you voted to postpone the Auburn meeting. As correspondence between so large a group is not entirely satisfactory, a meeting of the Executive Committee is necessary. The Southern Association of Science and Industry has planned their meeting in Birmingham at the Tutwiler Hotel on Friday, April 23rd and those of you who are members will probably attend. To conserve time, I am calling a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Alabama Academy of Science for 4:00 P.M. at the Tutwiler Hotel in Birmingham on Friday, April 23rd. Some of the matters of importance for your consideration which must be decided are : 1. Publication of Journal and papers. 2. Status of present officers. 3. Continuation of dues. 4. Future plans for the Senior and Junior Academy. I trust each of you will make a special effort to attend this meeting and will appreciate a reply on the enclosed card. With kindest regards and best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, W. M. MOBLEY, President. 7 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, APRIL 23, 1943 A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Alabama Academy of Science was called by the President, Mr. W. M. Mobley, for April 25 at 4 P.M. in Birmingham at the Tutwiler Hotel, in order to make some decisions concerning the Academy, at which the following were present : Mr. W. M. Mobley, President; Dr. E. V. Jones, President-Elect; Dr. R. S. Poor, Dr. C. M. Farmer, Mr. E. D. Emigh, Dr. J. L. Kassner, Dr. J. H. Coulliette, Mr. Thomas A. Ford for Miss Lillian Worley, Dr. John Xan, Dr. E. B. Carmichael, Miss Clustie E. McTyeire, Miss Agnes Hunt, Dr. H. E. Wilcox, Winnie McGlamery. 1. Minutes: Dr. E. V. Jones moved, seconded by Dr. H. E. Wilcox, that we plan definitely at this time for a spring meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science one year hence in Birmingham. Motion carried. 2. Dr. C. M. Farmer moved, seconded by Dr. E. V. Jones, that the present officers remain until after the meeting is held next spring. Motion lost. 3. Moved by Dr. John Xan, seconded by Dr. E. B. Carmichael, that new officers be elected to fill the vacancies for 1943 and that the President appoint a Nominating Committee to submit such nominations to a ballot by mail to all members of the Academy. Motion carried. 4. Publication of Journal and papers : Dr. Coulliette moved, sec¬ onded by Dr. E. B. Carmichael, that abstracts of all papers be submitted, and that the committee on publication print as many as possible of the complete papers. Motion carried. 5. Continuation of Dues: Mr. E. D. Emigh moved, seconded by Dr. John Xan, that the Executive Committee desires that it be made known that funds are needed for the work of the Academy and that the members be urged to pay dues as usual. Motion carried. 6. The Junior Academy: Dr. J. L. Kassner moved, seconded by Miss Agnes Hunt, that the Junior Science Clubs be requested to turn in nomi¬ nees for the various offices of the Junior Academy, using the usual printed form, and such supplementary information as is desired in addition to the form ; and try to get together the Executive Committee of the Junior Academy and let them make nominations for the Junior Academy for next year, suggesting two or three people for each office. Motion carried. 7. The president appointed the following committees : Nominating Committee: Dr. C. M. Farmer, Chairman Dr. H. E. Wilcox Dr. J. L. Kassner Auditing Committee, Senior Academy: Dr. J. R. Patty, Chairman Dr. R. S. Poor Dr. J. H. Coulliette Auditing Committee, Junior Academy: Miss Clustie McTyeire, Chairman Miss Agnes Hunt Dr. H. E. Wilcox 8. Report of the Long Range Planning Committee: Dr. R. S. Poor, Chairman, presented the report of the Committee with the following action by the Executive Committee : 8 (1) Shall Section Chairmen be nominated by a section nominating committee rather than by being elected by the Section itself? Mr. E. D. Emigh moved, seconded by Dr. J. L. Kassner, the approval of this. Motion carried. (2) Shall a separate section for the Social Sciences be created? This question was brought up and referred back to the Long Range Planning Committee for further study. (3) Shall the dues of members in military service be suspended for the duration of that service? Dr. Poor moved, seconded by Dr. C. M. Farmer, the approval of this question. Motion carried. (4) Dr. C. M. Farmer suggests that two propositions be considered by the Long Range Planning Committee. First, that the Academy make some provision by which some of the findings which are of practical im¬ portance be published for the benefit of the public at large. Such publi¬ cations as the Alabama School Journal, trade journals, daily press, might be furnished copy of some of the things reported in the papers of the members. Second, the Academy might well pass resolutions on scientific matters of public concern, urging action upon them. For example, I am chairman of a Committee to take action regarding the limitation of mathematics courses in high schools. I think we shall bring to the Academy a resolu¬ tion requesting teachers to give more attention to math and science in our schools. In order that it may do good it will carry with it the authority to publish it broadcast. Referred to the Long Range Planning Committee. (5) Dr. George D. Palmer, Secretary of SASI, asks that the Chair¬ man of the Alabama Academy of Science Long Range Planning Com¬ mittee appoint a sub-committee to cooperate with a sub-committee sim¬ ilarly appointed by SASI to cooperate with the SASI “Sub-committee to Survey and Report upon the Scientific Research now being done in the South.” Mr. E. D. Emigh moved, seconded by Dr. E. B. Carmichael, that this subject be referred to the incoming President. Motion carried. The retiring chairman of the current Long Range Planning Commit¬ tee of the Alabama Academy of Science appoints the following men to serve on this sub-committee : Mr. E. D. Emigh — Montgomery Dr. C. M. Farmer — Troy The committee chairman wishes to publicly thank the members of his committee for their cooperation. This committee recommends the adoption of items 1, 2 and 3 listed above ; and refers item 4 to the incoming committee for serious con¬ sideration. Respectfully submitted, C. M. FARMER C. D. PALMER E. D. EMIGH W. A. MOORE JOHN GOFF CLUSTIE McTYEIRE R. S. POOR, Chairman 9 9. Report on the Award from the A.A.A.S. : Dr. E. V. Jones reported that this would be submitted later. 10. Report of the Committee on the Teaching of Science and Mathe¬ matics in high schools: Dr. C. M. Farmer, Chairman, presented the reso¬ lutions of the Committee as follows : Investigation of practices in the schools, an examination of the State Course of Study for Secondary Schools, and reflection upon the fact of inadequate preparation in these subjects induce us to offer the following resolution : Whereas it is well known and generally conceded that very few stu¬ dents in elementary and high schools are adequately prepared in mathe¬ matics and science, even in normal times, and Whereas the present crisis has greatly accentuated the need for ade¬ quate training in these subjects, Be it resolved by the Executive Committee of the Alabama Academy of Science, in business session assembled in Birmingham, Alabama, April 23, 1943, (1) That we greatly deplore such a state of affairs as conducive to inefficiency in both military and civil life. (2) That we urgently request superintendents, supervisors and prin¬ cipals to insist upon more thorough preparation in mathematics and science. (3) That we earnestly request teachers, especially in the upper ele¬ mentary and high school grades, to interest their students in these sub¬ jects and that they make their instruction as thorough and efficient as possible to the end that their students may be better prepared for life in a scientific and mechanical age. (4) That parents be requested to enlist the interest of their children in these subjects by calling attention to them and pointing out the impor¬ tance of them and by cooperating with the teachers in an effort to bring about more thorough preparation along these lines. (5) That these resolutions be published in the Alabama School Jour¬ nal and otherwise given as much publicity as possible. Respectfully submitted, C. M. FARMER, Chairman P. P. B. BROOKS J. H. COULLIETTE Dr. R. S. Poor moved the adoption of this report as presented by Dr. Farmer, with some revisions, seconded by Dr. John Xan. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. WINNIE McGLAMERY, Secretary. i 10 REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDING MAY 14, 1943 RECEIPTS Balance on hand March 19, 1942 . $ 471.56 Received Membership fees and Sustaining Membership 1942-43 . 597.75 Total Receipts . $1,069.31 DISBURSEMENTS Expenses of Meeting . . . $ 7.39 Expenses of Vice Presidents : Miss McTyeire . $5.30 H. E. Wilcox . 2.67 7.97 Expenses of President . 5.46 Expenses of Secretary . 3.75 Expenses of Editor . 16.15 Expenses of Treasurer . 11.66 Printing, Journal, Envelopes, Stationery, et . 304.86 Exchange charge for checks . 2.10 Returned check . 2.00 A.A.A.S. Award . 35.00 Total Disbursements . $ 396.34 Balance May 14, 1943 . $ 672.97 JOHN XAN, Treasurer. Auditing Committee : JOHN R. PATTY J. H. COULLIETTE R. S. POOR 11 REPORT OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE May 31, 1943. At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee it was voted to hold a meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science at Birmingham in the Spring of 1944 and that new officers would be elected by vote of the mem¬ bers. The list of officers to be replaced as proposed by the Nominating Comrfiittee is attached with space at the bottom for other nominations by individual members. Please fill out this ballot, detach, and return. Nominating Committee : DR. C. M. FARMER, Chairman DR. H. E. WILCOX DR. J. L. KASSNER The following members were elected to the respective offices that were vacant according to our Constitution and By-Laws : 1943-44 Term President-Elect — Dr. J. T. MacKenzie Secretary — Miss Winnie McGlamery Councilor of the A.A.A.S. — Dr. Septima C. Smith Councilors to Junior Academy: Kathryn M. Boehmer (2 yrs.) Dr. Alvin V. Beatty (3 yrs.) Section Chairmen: I. J. M. Robinson II. W. C. Frishe III. Peter A. Brannon IV. Lillian Worley V. G. F. Barnes VI. Roy Goslin VII. J. L. Kassner 12 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Members : The past year has seen many changes in our personal lives, as well as in the affairs of the Alabama Academy of Science. As the annual meeting was not held this year, I feel it is my duty to make a report to the mem¬ bership. Early in the Fall of 1942 some members expressed themselves on the advisability of trying to hold the Auburn meeting. The A.A.A.S. meeting, scheduled for December, was called off on account of transportation and hotel difficulties. A letter was sent to the members of the Executive Com¬ mittee in November, requesting their consideration and vote on the matter. The majority were in favor of holding the regular meeting as scheduled and work was started on planning the program. As the time of the meeting drew near, we ran into unusual difficulties. Three of the Section Chairmen left the State and there was little time to call for nominations and elections by the Executive Committee. The de¬ parting chairmen were asked to suggest members who would continue the work already started and appointments were immediately made. All the chairmen worked hard to obtain papers, but results were slow due to the general press of work and uncertainty of planning ahead. A check was made on March 18th, and a total of only seventeen promised papers were reported. The Executive Committee was immediately advised and their final decision requested. As a result, the Auburn meeting was called off and the members notified. Later reports from some of the chairmen in¬ creased the total number of prospective papers to twenty-nine, which was still small to support a two-day meeting. The Alabama Academy of Science was requested to act as host for the limited war program of the Southern Association of Science and Industry on April 23rd, 1943, in Birmingham. Your officers cooperated in every way possible to make this program a success. A special meeting of the Executive Committee of the Alabama Acad¬ emy of Science was called on this same date in order to make future plans. The proceedings will be found elsewhere in the Journal, and I urge each one of you to read them carefully. As noted, a Nominating Committee was appointed and ballots mailed to all members for their final decision. A meeting is planned for the Spring of 1944 in Birmingham which, we trust, will be most successful. A record of the contributions of the individuals of the Alabama Academy to the war effort would be most interesting, and I urge that such a movement be started. The necessity of postponing our meeting in¬ dicated that everyone was devoting their efforts and time to winning the war and was not caused by lack of interest. In closing, I wish to thank each member of the Alabama Academy of Science for the honor and privilege of serving you as President in 1942- 43 and express my deepest appreciation to my associate officers who gave so liberally their time and helpful advice. As we see the day of victory approach, I commend to you your new officers so ably fitted to carry on the great work of the Alabama Academy of Science. W. M. MOBLEY, President. 13 ORIGINAL PAPERS PREPARED for the TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 1943 THE SPECTROGRAPHIC LABORATORY FROM THE ECONOMIC POINT OF VIEW — J. Horace Coulliette, American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham. The spectrograph is a useful instrument for determining the composi¬ tion of certain types of materials. Of the 92 elements, 70 may be readily determined quantitatively. These 70 elements include all the metallic ele¬ ments and some of the non-metals. Hence, all laboratories performing a considerable number of routine quantitative determinations of the metal¬ lic elements, or an appreciable number of qualitative determinations will do well to consider the use of the spectrograph. The spectrograph should be considered as complementary to the chemical methods rather than in competition with them. The use of the spectrograph for quantitative determinations is dependent upon samples of known composition for calibration purposes. These standard samples must be analyzed chemically to determine their composition. As indicated above certain elements cannot be determined by the spectrograph. In the iron and steel laboratory, for example, the carbon, sulfur and phosphorus must be determined by methods other than spectrographic. Also it is desirable to have checking analyses performed by chemical methods periodically to be sure that the spectrographic procedure is properly standardized. For analyses which fall within its scope, the spectrograph has certain very definite advantages over wet methods. These advantages over wet methods are : 1. SPEED : the time required for determining a single element in a sample of steel will range from six to ten minutes ; additional elements in the same sample may be determined at the rate of one determination per minute. This rate is the same for any element for which the routine has been worked out. The wet methods require very different times for determining different elements. For example, the determination of silicon in steel may require about twenty-five minutes, while the determination of titanium in steel will require about four hours. The time requirement may be fairly well illustrated by a typical week’s work in the Acipco laboratories shown in Table 1. These labora¬ tories operate approximately sixteen hours per day. The chemical labora¬ tory is operated at approximately 80% of capacity. The spectrographic laboratory is operating at approximately 60% of capacity. 14 TABLE 1 Chemistry Laboratory Report, Feb. 8, 1943 - Feb. 13, 1943 Total No. No. No. No. Average Analyses Checked Right Wrong Per Day Si .. . 418 16 13 3 70 s .. . 380 15 14 1 63 Mn . 251 11 10 1 42 P .. . 266 0 0 0 d4 C .. . 760 182 158 24 127 Cr .. . 28 2 2 0 5 Mo . 21 6 6 0 4 Ni . 15 2 2 0 2 Total . .2,139 234 205 29 356 Man Hours 515. Determinations per man hour — 4.2 Spectrographic Laboratory Report Total No. No. No. No. Average Analyses Checked Right W rong Per Day Si .. . 378 12 10 2 64 Mn . 380 14 10 4 64 Cr .. . 196 6 6 0 32 Mo . 184 4 4 0 30 Ni .. . 66 0 0 0 12 Cu . 356 6 6 0 60 A1 .. . 26 0 0 0 4 Sb .. . 7 0 0 0 1 Sn . 9 0 0 0 2 Ti .. . 7 0 0 0 1 V . 7 0 0 0 1 Total . 1,616 42 36 6 271 Man hours 165. Determinations per man hour — 9.8 The speed with which spectrographic determinations are made is of particular importance in furnace control work. For example, we can give the steel furnace operator an analysis of alloy steel in nine minutes after he takes the sample. Where raw materials of unknown or variable com¬ position are being used, this means the difference between obtaining a melt that meets specifications or one that does not meet specifications. Ob¬ viously, the saving of a few heats of steel will save the cost of the spec¬ trographic laboratory in a very short time. The spectrographic method makes it possible to examine a sample for undesirable elements in a very few minutes. For example Navy De¬ partment specifications on certain types of steel state that no elements other than those specified shall be present to a total of more than 0.50% nor shall any one of these elements be present in a concentration greater than 0.25%. A rapid scanning of the spectrographic film will determine the presence or absence of these elements, and the amount present can be determined at the rate of one element per minute mentioned above. A 15 similar survey of a sample by wet methods would require several hours or even days. The spectrographic film provides a permanent record of the sample, so that any question of error or oversight in the analysis can be readily answered without repeating the procedure with the original sample. 2. Precision is greater for the spectrographic method in determining small concentrations. The percentage error for the spectrographic method is approximately 2% of the amount present throughout the range of analysis. This precision is markedly greater than chemical methods when concentrations run in the order of .01%, and is satisfactorily comparable in the higher concentrations. Recently we have determined nickel and chromium in stainless steels containing up to 35% Cr. with an error of less than 2% of the amount present. The probability of accidental errors is considerably less in spectro¬ graphic analysis because the sample is usually in solid form and is not subject to loss by spilling, etc. The procedure for determining all ele¬ ments is essentially the same. There is a minimum personal error since calculations are made by chart and curve methods, and it is not necessary to learn a large number of different techniques for different determina¬ tions. 3. The initial installation cost is not much greater than for the chemi¬ cal laboratory. For the Acipco installation the costs were: Chemical laboratory (1937) . $11,675.00 Spectrographic laboratory (1942) . $13,300.00 Note that the purchase of chemical laboratory supplies in 1942 would have made the costs somewhat greater than in 1937. In order for the chemical laboratory to perform by wet methods the work which is now done by the spectrographic laboratory it would be necessary to increase the chemical laboratory equipment and personnel. A rough estimate of this increase is $5,000.00 for equipment, and five chemists. However, this increase would not enable the chemical laboratory to give the analyses to the furnace operators as rapidly as desired. 4. The cost of supplies for the spectrographic laboratory is very much less than for the chemical laboratory. The average cost of chemical lab¬ oratory supplies for the Acipco laboratory prior to the installation of the spectrograph was $600.00 per month. The average monthly cost of supplies for the spectrographic laboratory since its installation is less than $50.00. Since the installation of the spectrograph, over a period of seven months the average cost of all laboratory supplies has been reduced $228.00 per month as compared with seven months just prior. This saving in labora¬ tory supplies alone would amortize the cost of the spectrographic equip¬ ment in 5 V2 years. This saving has been made despite the considerable increase in the amount of analytical work that has been done as a result of the war production program. A minor advantage which appeals to the analyst is the greater physical comfort in the spectrographic laboratory since there are no chemical fumes and it is desirable to condition the air of the laboratory. The educational qualifications for the personnel are about the same as for the chemical laboratory. The work of the spectrographic analysis can be done most efficiently by two operators. At least one operator should have special training in the theory of spectra as well as a good foundation 16 in the fundamentals of Physics and Chemistry. The routine of analysis can be performed satisfactorily by a mature person with only high school training. In view of these facts, we feel that there is an important and definite place for the spectrograph in the analytical laboratory. AN EXPERIMENT IN BIOLOGY TRAINING — C. M. Farmer, Troy State Teachers College, Troy. In the fall of 1942 the teaching staff and freshman class of the Troy State Teachers College decided that in the bio-social core curriculum the problem for the year’s study would be personal and social development. Upon an analysis of the problem to determine its most important com¬ ponent factors, it was early decided that heredity plays a big part. During the orientation discussion one student remarked that everything they con¬ sidered headed into heredity. Therefore, it was decided that an intensive study of the subject should be made for eight or ten weeks. Thus, the subject was chosen by the students themselves, arriving at the conclusion they needed a knowledge of it. The biology instructor on the staff, who was called upon to lead the study, divided the topic into three major problems: 1. How do we in¬ herit? 2. What do we inherit? 3. What implications has heredity for per¬ sonal and social development? These major problems were then broken down into detailed related problems. Each day there was a group of these problems placed on the board as an assignment for study. References to the text, library books and periodicals were given, and the class was divided into groups for special study and reports. The reports which were usually made the next day, were followed by questions by both the members of the staff and the members of the class, discussions and lectures. On the blackboard and placards the stu¬ dents presented drawings of a series of stages of soma cell division, spermatogenesis, and oogenesis, illustrations of the Mendelian laws, etc., and discussed them. Vocabulary and thought tests were given at intervals. Written reports on aspects of the subject were handed in to the instructor. Finally a stiff examination, composed of original problems involving a pretty complete knowledge of heredity was given. This examination revealed not only an excellent grasp of the subject but ability to apply the information ac¬ quired. In similar fashion the subject of nutrition was chosen by the class as their second problem. It was handled in essentially the same way. Metabolism, respiration, circulation, and the digestive system were studied in some detail. Laboratory experiments in food testing and digesting were carried out, and the dissection of the foetal pig, with reference to the organs of respiration, circulation, and digestion were made. Studies were made on the following subjects: (1) the number of calories needed daily by individuals of different ages and different activi¬ ties, (2) balanced diet, (3) the role of vitamines, (4) malnutrition and nutritional diseases. The third problem to be attacked was sex and reproduction, with particular reference to its influence upon individual and family life. 17 Finally, the problem of consumer goods were studied, with special emphasis upon the needs of the present. Relative food values, proper buying, substitutions, etc., were considered. The results have been the most satisfactory we have ever obtained in many years of teaching freshman biology. This, we conclude, was brought about largely as a result of free discussion on the part of the students in which they arrived at a sense of their needs and made their own choice of what they should study. Thus interest was aroused and maintained throughout the work. If some such plan were followed with high school students and college freshmen there would, we believe, be better results obtained in biology courses. THE PLACE OF BIOLOGY IN THE WAR EFFORT — C. M. Farmer, Troy State Teachers College, Troy. In Science for March 5, 1943, it is reported that Dr. Edwin Grant Conklin, president of the American Philosophical Society and of Science Service, stated in an address that biology has not been so heavily drawn upon in the service of war as have physics and chemistry. Biology is the science of peace, he said. This conclusion seems to me to be the result of superficial thinking. A little reflection on the subject reveals how great the part biology plays in the war effort. The fact is that, while biology is not used in such tangible and even spectacular ways as the calculation of the trajectory of a shell, the force of an explosive, or the height to which an airplane may ascend, it nevertheless makes many definite and important contributions. Frequently we are told that modern warfare involves the whole nation — its civilian population as well as its soldiers, its resources, indus¬ tries, everything. Assuming this to be true, how can biology serve in such a time? In the first place, what contributions can it make to the effort of the soldiers? When we give serious thought to this question we shall, I think, be convinced that the application of biological principles makes many and vastly important contributions. First, perhaps no other science is as effective in building a scientific attitude. The soldier who has this developed in him is more efficient. He will be more cautious in accepting insidious propaganda. He will not be so likely to be influenced by superstition. It has been said that a fatalist — one who believes that if he is marked or destined to be killed there is nothing he can do about it — makes a poor soldier because he will not take precautions for his protection that otherwise he would. Second, a knowledge of biology, which is a knowledge of life, gives the soldier a better understanding and appreciation of his enemy. He knows better what to expect an enemy to do under the circumstances and how to act toward him. Knowing the laws of biology he will under¬ stand better how to protect himself and dispatch his enemy, particularly in a hand-to-hand encounter. Third, a knowledge of the life processes makes for more intelligent appreciation of the function of clothing, and, if necessary as is some¬ times the case, enables him to make substitutions of whatever may be at hand for bodily protection and comfort. He will know better how to care for himself or his fellows in case of wounds. His knowledge of bacteria 18 and bacterial invasion of the body may be applied in taking the greatest possible precautions against infections, both by avoiding as far as possi¬ ble opportunities for such invasions and the proper use of antiseptics in case of danger of infections. Fourth, his knowledge of wild plant and animal life is likely to come in handy in avoiding or combatting poisonous plants, snakes, and insects, and in making use of some that may be useful. In the American Biology Teacher for January, 1943, E. Lawrence Palmer, of Cornell University, in an address on the subject, “The War Hits Succotash Biology,” points out some very pratical applications soldiers can make under certain con¬ ditions of a knowledge of wild plants in 'substituting them for both food and body covering. In the second place, what can biology contribute to the civilian war effort? First, much that we have said about its aid to the soldiers applies also to civilians. A knowledge of biology should enable workers in muni¬ tion plants and other war industries, as well as in all civilian life, better to care for themselves and others. Second, in these days of scarcity of physicians and nurses it can con¬ tribute much. While it cannot take the place of medical science it is the best substitute we have, both in the prevention of disease and in the care of the sick. Third, when food is scarce and rationed, biology has a place in keep¬ ing people healthy and strong by correct diet. It enables individuals to discriminate against food fads and exaggerated or false advertisements and to employ a properly balanced ration with its correct amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamines. Where any particular food is scarce or unavailable substitutions may be made intelligently. Fourth, to one who knows the laws of life, the necessity for relaxa¬ tion, recreation and sleep in a regular regimen is obvious. So, in these days of stress and strain biology contributes to saner attitudes and living habits. Fifth, in emergencies which the war has already brought on and may bring, such as, bombings, chemical or bacterial warfare, and the outbreak of epidemics, certainly biology can play an important role. These considerations lead to the conclusion that the science of biol¬ ogy, both directly and indirectly, has a very important place in the war effort both for soldiers and civilians, even of equal significance, if less tangible, than that of the physical sciences. 19 CHEMISTRY AND A LIBERAL EDUCATION — Stewart J. Lloyd, University of Alabama, University. My topic has to do with the contribution made by one of the common subjects of study to our general scheme of a liberal education. Naturally a discussion of this kind makes necessary some sort of statement of our idea of just what constitutes a liberal education. I would not care to attempt a formal definition of that much discussed phrase, though we are all entitled, no doubt, to define it as we see fit, but I shall apply instead a direct and practical criterion, namely what sort of an education would I like my own son to receive, if I happened to have a son. The answer to that question, if honestly given, will usually reveal a man’s real con¬ cept, good or bad, of a liberal education, and it is interesting to note how different the real answer sometimes is from what the previous expressions of the man in question might have led us to expect. A prominent self-made manufacturer in the Middle West acquired some years ago a national reputation for his advocacy of vocational training, and his expressed con¬ tempt for higher education, but when his own son grew up, he sent him, not to a vocational school, but to Harvard. I should like my own son to have included in his education the following : (1) Some kind of specific training, which will enable him to earn a comfortable living for himself and those dependent upon him. (2) A knowledge of man, his history, aspirations, emotions, his ac¬ complishments in learning to live with his fellows, his aesthetic qualities, what we used to call the humanities. (3) A knowledge of the nature and working of the material universe, so far as that is possible under our limitations, a knowledge of the apparent sequence of events in that universe (what we some¬ times call cause and effect), an acquaintance with the great but changing generalizations by which we are able to link together conveniently what seem often to be widely separated phenomena, and also a knowledge of the way in which our growing control and utilization of natural forces has affected human life. You will notice that I have not defined a liberal education as one which tends to make a man tolerant, considerate, of even temperament, etc. Definitions of this kind are easy to formulate but of little value. We would all like to see people so educated as to possess these and other desirable qualities, but the difficult question is how to accomplish this. It all reminds me of the campaign statements of the candidate for public office who announces importantly that he stands for truth and justice, but gives no intimation of how he is going to secure them in specific cases. Certainly the mere acquisition of information does not ensure a liberal education. Aristotle many years ago defined a good education as one which led to correct action, not to mere accurate knowledge. Briefly, then, a liberal education should include : Training to make a living. The study of men in the broadest sense. The study of the material world. What is the place of chemistry in all this? What contribution can it make to these three desiderata? Let me say at the outset that I make no distinction whatever between chemistry and physics for our purposes. What is said of chemistry will apply indeed to most of the natural sciences, and to engineering. The 20 boundary lines between them are not very sharply drawn now, and are growing dimmer year by year. First, the natural sciences, including chemistry, undoubtedly con¬ tribute greatly to a liberal education in helping us to make a living, which means, usually, rendering services or making something for our neighbors in return for what they do for us. I am sure you would not be interested in any catalogue of the various types of jobs, good or bad, for which a study of the basic natural sciences will fit you, in part, at least, nor in a statement of the value of these sciences in medicine and engineering and meteorology and a host of other things. No one questions their usefulness, or utility, nor their inevitability in this respect. In our desideratum, No. 2, a knowledge of the humanistic studies, of language, philosophy, soci¬ ology, etc., we do not find them appearing at all, at least not directly. What we are perhaps more interested in than anything else is the real value of these subjects, from the point of view of what we occasionally call “pure science,” their value to the educated man quite apart from their importance in showing how to build radios and airplanes and auto¬ mobiles and plastics and so on. Let me say at the outset that I am no ardent champion of the study of the physical sciences as a means of inculcating clear logical reasoning and thinking, certainly not as they are usually presented in contemporary manuals and texts. The elementary study of chemistry for example is largely a matter of memory, just as much as that of a foreign language, and certainly it makes no greater demand on the intellect than does language study. This would not matter so much, but the average book, especially the elementary ones, in physics or chemistry, is usually written with an air of authority, of finality, which is altogether unjustified, and which produces a very bad and mistaken attitude of mind in the reader. There is constant confusion in most of these books between the invariants of science, the permanent eternal building bricks, experimental data, on the one hand, and on the other the ephemeral generalizations or theories used to correlate these data for easier recollection. The condescending attitude taken toward earlier work by the authors of most science manuals would be amusing too, if it were not so dangerous. For example, the reader of one of these texts would gain the impression that the old phlogiston theory of the eighteenth century was untrue, and false, if these words really mean anything in natural science, and the product of second rate minds, and that our present way of describing the phenomena of combustion constitutes the ultimate truth, the last word. As a matter of fact, the phlogiston theory was true in its day, if anything ever was true; it correlated very well the experimental data of its time, pointed the way to further valuable research, and was altogether a very handy, useful generalization. Later and more exact experimental data could not be handled by it, and we had to give it up for something broader. Again, as an example of inverted reasoning, calculated to give the reader an entirely false view of natural science, let me quote an extraordinary statement from a widely used book on chemistry. This illustration may not mean much to the non-technical reader, of course, but it represents a not un¬ common point of view. The metal iron, as some of you may remember, when dropped into a solution of a copper salt, like blue vitriol (copper sulfate), drives the copper out of solution and takes its place. This is a plain experimental fact, part of the order of nature apparently, which calls for no particular explanation, though we may show its analogy to other similar phenomena. Here is the way our author speaks of it. He says, “The reason iron precipitates copper from solutions of salts of the latter, is that iron stands higher in the electrochemical series,” instead of 21 saying that iron is placed above copper in the electrochemical series be¬ cause it precipitates the latter from its solutions. The experimental fact which may be repeated indefinitely with the same results is deduced by the author from a pure mental conception, the electrochemical series, which has no objective existence. No mediaeval school man interested in determining how many angels could dance on the point of a needle could have made a more senseless statement. Chemical texts and laboratory manuals are shot through with this sort of thing, and with unanswerable and foolish questions, the answers to which the student is supposed to deduce from his experiments. In one physics text occurs the question, “Why is the sky blue?” I should not like to have to answer that. Perhaps the best answer is, “the Almighty willed it so.” What the questioner really meant, of course, was “What is the immediate cause of the blueness of the sky, or what has to be present in the atmosphere to give it a blue color, when you look through it?” This same sort of thing is often seen in the use of the much abused word “explain.” I recall quite a few years ago wandering into a class room where a history examination had just been held, and on picking up there one of the mimeographed sheets containing the questions, I found the following gem: “Explain Mary Queen of Scots.” I suppose the instructor intended his victims to tell something about Queen Mary’s life, her times, her contemporaries, and her tragic fate, but he surely did not ask for that. We have plenty of such cases nearer home, however. Last spring I deleted from an examination paper given by one of my assistants the question, “Explain the manufacture of sulfuric acid.” Of course, no one could do that, but we can describe the manufacture of this acid with some precision, and that was what the questioner really wanted. I have had students ask me how we could tell what compounds an element would form until we knew its “valence.” What happens, of course, is that we find by experiment what compounds the element actually does form, and then deduce from this the so-called valence, a pure concept, of the element. The essence of natural science is experimental data, and observations, and to disregard them as so many books do, and fasten attention on the way, altogether transitory, in which these data are tem¬ porarily correlated is to mistake the scaffolding for the building which it helps to construct. I am afraid I have been allowing my own hobby to run away with me here, in pointing out how imperfectly chemistry and physics are usually presented, thereby producing a clouded and illogical picture of the ma¬ terial world. We really have no definite knowledge at. all of atoms or electrons or protons or orbits or valences or electrolytic dissociation or any of these scaffoldings which last only until the building has grown past them. We do know, however, that sodium and chlorine combine ex¬ plosively, that iron ore and coke give us pig iron, that we can get lime from limestone by heat. These things do not change, they are the heart of chemistry, the invariants, while our series of conceptions, of laws and generalizations, changes from generation to generation. This point of view, of course, is not new. Stallo, who used to be American minister to Rome, Kirchoff, Karl Pearson, Ernest Mach, Ost- wald, Einstein, and others, have all emphasized it from time to time, but without much effect upon the writers of text books and manuals. Summing it all up, the common presentation of the natural sciences leaves much to be desired, and, so handled, they cannot, I think, claim any intrinsic advantages in tending toward a liberal education over other subjects, or disciplines, which seems to be the accepted word now. 22 All this has been rather critical of natural science or rather of its exponents. What are some of the items on the other side of the balance sheet? Most people, though not all, have an innate curiosity about the be¬ havior of the world around them, and are not content until that curiosity is satisfied, however imperfectly. This feeling is not universal, by any means. George Gissing, the English novelist, for example, had a horror of all things mechanical, of everything pertaining to natural science. Ludwig Lewisohn in his querulous book, “Up Stream,” confesses to the same feeling. In so far as the study of chemistry and physics satisfies this feeling of curiosity, it is, I suppose, valuable. Personally, I have never been able to regard as uneducated, people who are uninterested in what goes on behind the veil. A knowledge of acoustics is not at all necessary for a genuine appreciation of music, nor is a knowledge of optics, physi¬ cal or geometrical, much of an aid in the world of painting. To a man who really enjoys the natural sciences there is of course no need of justifying them. I know of no greater pleasure than the con¬ firmation by experiment in the laboratory of some line of thought, or the deduction from experiments of some conclusion which in turn leads to valuable new results. These things, though, are for the research man, and can hardly be shared by the casual student of the sciences. Of course, any discussion of a liberal education and of the contribu¬ tions to it of different subjects is doomed from the start by the inescapable fact that no one of us knows the purpose, if any, of human life, and we are therefore without any criterion by which we may judge except pro¬ visionally the value of different things. With this let me close by saying (1) That the Natural Sciences do contribute to a liberal education by supplying training and information useful in earning a living. (2) When realistically presented, they do give us a consistent and succinct account of the material world, thereby satisfying what seems to be an innate need at least of some of us. HOME CANNING IN ALABAMA AND ITS RELATION TO THE WAR EFFORT — Margaret Oliver, Alabama Extension Service, Lee County. The science of preserving foods in the home by canning has enjoyed rapid extension in the past three decades. Each succeeding national emer¬ gency has been accompanied by greater attempts to extend the science either by its application to new foods, or by increasing the amounts of foods formerly preserved in this manner. During the first World War and during the depression, efforts were made to induce homemakers to raise as much food as possible, and to preserve it by canning and other procedures. The present emergency has again turned attention to home canning and other improved methods of food preservation as an impor¬ tant means of maintaining high national nutrition standards, and of meeting the many problems brought on by food rationing. Home Canning in Alabama Since 1930 This chart (Fig. 1) shows how Alabama homemakers have responded to this challenge. In 1930, less than a million quarts were reported canned. Glancing briefly over the consistent climb during the decade, we see in 1940 a total of 10,000,000 quarts canned. It was during this year that the intensive national nutrition campaign was begun, and agricultural agen- 23 cies throughout the country concentrated their efforts on a program for maximum food production and conservation. It is significant to note the amazing increase in home canning reported in Alabama from December 1, 1941, to December 1, 1942. During America’s first year in the war, Ala¬ bama homemakers canned a total of 14,099,911 quarts of fruits, vegetables and meats. This progress was achieved as follows : HOME CANNING IN ALABAMA C Figure 1 ) 1. Through regular demonstrations : Food conservation demonstra¬ tions are a regular part of the home demonstration program in Alabama. Under the supervision of Miss Curtis, home demonstration leaders are trained in the proper methods of conserving food, including selection, grading, preparation, processing and storing. These leaders return to their communities and repeat the demonstrations before their clubs — and also give individual assistance in the community when needed. They are thor¬ oughly trained in the proper use of the pressure cooker, and impressed with the importance of the careful selection and grading of foods for 24 TABLE 1 Alabama Food Conservation Budget — (One Year) By Laziada Curtis, Specialist in Food Preservation Products Quantity Needed for One Person Quantity Needed for Family Quantity Conserved This Year Canned Tomatoes . 66 Pts. Vegetables — canned or frozen.. Kraut . 66 Pts. Butter Beans . Beets . . . . . Peas . Snap Beans . . . Carrots . Corn . Spinach . Kale . . . Soup Mixture . . . Asparagus . Peppers . . . . . Okra . Squash . Fruits — canned or frozen. Apples . Berries . Figs . Grapes . Peaches . Pears . Plums . Fruit Juices . Meats . Preserves . . . Jellies . Pickles . Syrup or Honey . Nuts . Dried Fresh Vegetables . . . Bean or Peas . Fruit . Stored Lean Meat, Poultry . . Bacon . . . Salt Pork . Lard . . Sweet Potatoes . . Irish Potatoes... . Stored Fresh Turnips . Cabbage . Tomatoes . Peppers . 70 Pts. 20 Pts. 8 Pts. 5 Glasses 8 Pts. 32 Pts. 5 Lbs. 4 Lbs. 10 Lbs. 5 Lbs. 35 Lbs. 13 Lbs. 6V2 Lbs. 9% Lbs. 50 Lbs. 50 Lbs. 10 Lbs. 15 Lbs. 10 Lbs. 1 Doz. 25 • canning. This means that in most communities there are capable leaders trained to assist their neighbors in planning and conserving their foods. 4-H club girls, too, receive the same training through regular demonstra¬ tions at club meetings, camps, and small group meetings. In the broad community-neighborhood leadership program, adult leaders, also assist these 4-H members. Other agencies, too, carry on intensive training in food conservation. The Farm Security Administration and the vocational teachers stress it with the groups they assist, and county nutrition coun¬ cils throughout the state emphasize food conservation and storage as a major project activity. 2. Canning on a Budget Basis: In her annual report for 1942, Miss Curtis says that much of the increase in canning is “due to the increasing number of women canning on a budget basis.” The Alabama food conser¬ vation budget is shown in Table 1. Miss Curtis says, “Each year since the canning budget card has been used, there has been an increase in the number canning on a budget basis. The growth is shown in Table 2. TABLE 2 Alabama Families Canning on a Budget Basis 1936 . . 300 1937 . . . . . . 3,000 1938 . . 8,000 1939 . . 8,644 1940 . . 12,626 1941 . . 18,407 1942 . . 33,694 An additional 20,000 people were given instructions on the use of the budget in 1942. As an example of canning on a budget basis consider Henry County’s food preservation report : ‘F. S. A., vocational, extension, health, and public welfare workers have all cooperated on the food preservation program in Henry County. Working through the Nutrition Council each has helped to promote and distribute to every family in the county material that would encourage them to save more food. Home Demonstration Club women were most cooperative with the school lunch program when they canned so willingly for this project in the county. “Mrs. Rupert Bond, Concord Club, with only three in her family, says : ‘I realize that we farmers must do our part in the “Food for Victory” program. My part is at home, I guess, so I am cooperating in all food and food preservation programs. I have conserved my food supply on a budget basis and have a canned supply of 435 quarts, mostly vegeta¬ bles, fruits and meats. I also have 50 pounds of dried vegetables and 25 pounds of brined vegetables. We cured 500 pounds of meat according to recommendations. I feel that whatever comes, we’ll have food to live on at my house, and maybe some to spare.’ ” 3. Pantry stores demonstration : A third method of increasing and improving home canned products was through pantry stores demonstra¬ tions. The state goal of pantry demonstrators in 1942 was to establish two pantry demonstrations in each county — these demonstrations to be used as 26 a means of teaching farm families a wise live-at-home program. In addi¬ tion, they serve to stress the importance of quality canning, and the need for efficient, convenient and sanitary storage space for canned products. A pantry demonstration is carried on by a farm woman who volunteers to can for her family by approved methods on a budget basis, and to hold “open house” sometime during the year for her community and possibly other visitors to show them the quantity and quality of home conserved food needed by her family — this food stored in a convenient, sanitary and appropriate place. In 1942, there were 216 such pantry demonstrations in Alabama, and 8,677 visitors to these demonstrations. These budgets in¬ cluded a total of 125,547% quarts of food, valued at $4,689.08. Think what it must have meant to these 8,500 visitors to see a well planned pantry, consisting of all the conserved foods necessary for a good diet for the family. As an example of what the pantry demonstrators are accomplishing, Miss Crawley, Washington County, says, “Mrs. F. E. Bumpers of Cortel- you Community, a pantry stores demonstrator, has carried her project (for three years with excellent results. She has canned 812 quarts of fruits, vegetables, meants, preserves, jams, and jellies valued at $267.50. Mrs. Bumpers remodeled her kitchen last year and added sufficient cabinet space to store her canned products. During the year she has held open house, having approximately 125 visitors, and assisted 7 people with canning. The Bumpers family consist of Mr. and Mrs. Bumpers, a son and daughter in high school and two daughters in grammar school.” 4. Safe methods of canning: Food preservation leaders teach their neighbors to can at home, using the pressure cooker for non-acid vege¬ tables and meats, and the water bath method for fruits and tomatoes. “Two hours from garden to can” is an excellent slogan, and the only one to follow in order to obtain a palatable, attractive product, safely canned. This means canning several jars every day while vegetables and fruits are young and tender, rather than saving up for “canning days” during which the homemaker might save up quantities of food for canning, have to rush through, and run the risk of spoilage, and certainly of having some old, tough products in her jars. Canning does nothing to improve the quality of fruits and vegetables — hence, canning a few jars at the time, while dinner is cooking, will help retain the color and tenderness of beans, peas, etc., assuring quality products to occupy space in jars and on pantry shelves. No discussion on food conservation in relation to the war effort would be complete without definite emphasis on home drying of fruits and vege¬ tables — a process which promises to be the solution to approaching prob¬ lems caused by shortage of pressure cookers, tin cans, jars, and lids. Im¬ proved methods of home drying now insure sanitary, attractive and palata¬ ble fruits and vegetables, rich in food value. Intensive work on drying was done in 67 counties in Alabama last year, and although a state wide report could not be secured, home demonstration and 4-H members alone reported drying 2,632,211 pounds of fruits and vegetables, valued at $254,215.00. Alabama Extension Service bulletins on dehydrating methods are : How to Dehydrate Foods' at Home, Circular 244 and Food Conservation and Storage, Circular 228. The following outline on “Wartime Food Reserve” is an example of the adjustments which are being made in Alabama’s wartime food con¬ servation program : 27 Wartime Food Reserve When we consider the wartime job that farm people face in 1943 and 1944, there can be little doubt that food will be one of the problems. It is extremely important that we make our plans now to grow and conserve a variety of food. From the food rationing program we know there will be a scarcity of certain foods and an abundance of others. Those that are abundant may not make a balanced diet. It is to maintain a balanced diet that we should be planning. Every family should be making plans for a wartime food reserve at home. They should have on hand a variety of food that can be stored without spoiling. *This would enable families to take care of themselves in case of emergencies or a critical shortage of food. In Russia each family keeps a reserve of food — and Switzerland thinks so highly of such a plan that the government loans money to needy families so that every family may have a two-months’ supply of food. This keeps foods where they will be needed and away from storage cen¬ ters that might be bombed. Some suggestions for farm families to follow in gathering a reserve food supply that contains essential food elements are : 1. Dry beans or peas for protein, vitamin B-l and iron. These can be produced in quantities by every farmer. They keep indefinitely if stored properly. 2. Wheat for Calories, Iron and Vitamins. Whole kernels of wheat make an excellent emergency ration. This can be stored. Whole wheat toasted in the oven for one hour at 300° F., then ground in the food chopper or coffee mill and cooked in salted water, makes a delicious cereal. Flour and grains should be stored in tight containers. 3. Sauerkraut. Farm families should plan to make a supply of sauer¬ kraut, as it can be stored in large containers. This along with canned tomatoes will supply vitamin C. 4. Animal Protein and Fats. Figure on the amount that will be needed. Emphasize canning, curing, and corning. Conserve heart, liver and other organs of the animals — vary with chicken and turkey. Let no meat go to waste. Peanut butter furnishes a well-liked fat as well as proteins and vitamins. 5. Where there is a surplus of milk, make American cheese. Five gallons of sweet milk made into cheese each week will go a long way in supplying protein food. 6. Stored Eggs. It would be well to store a few dozen infertile eggs in water glass. Eggs stored in water glass are usable for all purposes, but not equal to fresh eggs for poaching. 7. Food from the Garden. Vegetables harvested in late summer and fall should be stored in quantities — in cellars, trenches, hills, or in brine. 8. Dried fruits and vegetables. Recent reports indicate that almost all commercial dried food products will go to the army. Farm families should increase the amount suggested by the Alabama Food Conservation Budget. 9. Care and Storage... One should not plan a food reserve until she has made arrangements for a good storage place for canned and stored products. The above mentioned food conserved and stored properly would go a long way in preventing a critical food shortage. 28 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PREPARED for the TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 1943 COMMENTS ON URN-BURIAL CULTURE — J. Y. Brame, Montgomery. The practice of disposing of the dead by depositing the remains, cre¬ mated or uncremated, in receptacles was employed in widely varying form in particular areas from coast to coast, but nowhere has it been found to be the exclusive form of burial. But it was principally in the Southern States that the custom of interring the noncremated skeletal remains in covered earthenware vessels was practiced on an extensive scale. This method of disposing of the dead reached its peak in Central Alabama. Plural urn-burials, meaning two or more human remains in a single ves¬ sel, is a custom peculiar to Alabama and has not been discovered elsewhere. These large shell-tempered vessels were not fabricated especially for mor¬ tuary purposes but were employed for domestic use until a death occurred to demand its conversion to an ossuary. Quite often the outside of the urn is still soot covered, and in some instances the interior bears a film of grease, attesting its former use as a culinary vessel. In a few instances glass beads and similar trader material have been found associated with the human remains to prove that the urn-burial custom persisted until the early stages of the historical period. THE DETERMINATION OF THE MEDIAN LETHAL DOSE, (LDso), OF PENTOTHAL SODIUM [SODIUM ETHYL (1-ME¬ THYL-BUTYL) THIOBARBITURATE] FOR BOTH YOUNG AND OLD RATS - — Emmett B. Carmichael, University of Alabama. The toxicity of pentothal sodium has been tested for both young and old rats. The drug was dissolved in water and the fresh solution was injected intraperitoneally. Normal well fed animals were used: 1, 259 young rats (1 to 9 months old), and 2, 43 old rats (9 to 15 months old). The doses varied by increments of 5 mgm. from 100 to 140 mgm./kgm. for the young animals, and from 90 to 130 mgm./kgm. for the old animals. The median lethal dose (LDso) for young rats was about 125 mgm./ kgm. and for old rats was about 120 mgm./kgm. 29 THE CATALYTIC OXIDATION OF ANILINE IN THE VAPOR PHASE — W. C. Frishe, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. In 1886 Bernthsen1 passed aniline vapor through a hot tube and ob¬ tained phenazine as one of the products. He was attempting to prepare safranine but the exact manner in which the experiment was carried out was not given. This is the first instance where phenazine was made by a method not strictly chemical. Several chemical (or wet) methods for preparing phenazine have been proposed. At the present time our knowl¬ edge of the mechanism of the oxidation of aniline is far from complete. In the vapor phase reduction of nitrobenzene with hydrogen, Dr. O. W. Brown2 and co-workers found that lead, thallium and bismuth and their intermetallic compounds were good catalysts. Since a good reduction catalyst frequently makes a good oxidation catalyst when converted into the oxide it was decided to try thallium oxide as the catalyst for the vapor phase oxidation of aniline. Aniline is reported to be a very stable compound at high temperatures. Hofmann3 found that when heated under the pressure of its own vapor aniline was practically unchanged at 500° C. The ignition temperature of aniline is variously reported in the chemical literature: Moore4, 770° C. ; Tausz and Schultz5, 770° C. ; Egerton & Gates6, 750° C. ; Masson and Hamilton7, 620° C. ; and Berl, Heise and Winnacker8, 568° C. Apparently, then, one might consider a systematic catalytic vapor phase oxidation of aniline using air at temperatures somewhat below 500° C. In this work, air was mixed with aniline vapor and the mixture was passed over a thallium oxide catalyst at certain temperatures between 250° C. and 500° C. The alkaline products were absorbed in 1 N sulfuric acid. The neutral products (i.e., not amines) are condensed in a glass tube. The sulfuric acid is then neutralized and subjected to steam distilla¬ tion to recover the amine products. At the optimum conditions, phenazine (which is a weak tertiary amine) is practically the only compound re¬ moved by the steam distillation. At optimum conditions the aniline is com¬ pletely reacted and hence does not appear in the scrubbing solution. Phena¬ zine is produced in yields equal to 15% of the theoretical amount. Azo¬ benzene is produced in yields equal to 30% of the theoretical amount. 1 Bernthsen, Berichte ig 3257 (1886) 2 Brown, et al, Indiana University (unpublished) 3 Hofmann, Jahresber. fur Chem 335 (1862) 4 Moore, J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 36 109 (1917) 5 Tausz and Schultz, Mitt. Chem. Tech. Inst. Technol. Hochschule Karlsruhe 2 1, (1924) 6 Egerton and Gates, J. Soc. Petr. Techn. 13 256 (1927) 7 Masson and Hamilton, Ind. & Eng. Chem. 21 544 (1929) 8 Berl, Heise and Winnacker, Chaleur et Ind. iO 181 (1929) 30 THE ATTACHMENT OF SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS — Charles M. Goss, University of Alabama. The controversy concerning the manner in which muscles are attached to tendons has resolved itself into two views which receive about equal acceptance. One is that the muscle fibrillae are continuous with the tendon fibrillae. The other is that a sheath, the sarcolemma, covers the end of the fibers, completely separating the two tissues. Microscopic sections of muscle from all parts of the body of rhesus monkeys were stained by the Bielschowshy silver technique which blackens the finest connective tissue fibrillae. The latter are called the reticular con¬ nective tissue or argyrophil fibers. The endings of the muscle fibers in this material were all distinct, that is, there was no continuity between muscular and tendinous substance. Between the end of the fiber and the tendon a layer of delicate argyophil fibrillae was present in most instances and frequently it sent dove-tailed projections into the end of the fiber. A wide variation was found in the morphology of the muscle endings and the associated argyrophil net and the peculiarities of individual cases have been used to explain the contro¬ versial views. PRAIRIE VEGETATION OF ALABAMA — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. At the time of the discovery of America probably about 1,000 square miles of what is now Alabama was covered with prairie vegetation, con¬ sisting of grasses and other herbs. Most of it was on the Selma Chalk, in what is known as the black belt but there were many small scattered prairies farther north and a few farther south, all on more or less cal¬ careous soils. On account of the fertile soil most of our prairie was long ago plowed up and cultivated ; but there are still enough scattered remnants to give a pretty good idea of what the original vegetation was. And the native vegetation comes back to some extent on prairie land after it is cultivated and abandoned. A large proportion of our prairie plants are common to the better known prairies of the upper Mississippi valley, and some are not found elsewhere in Alabama than in the prairies. But others are equally at home in sandy open pine woods, as if sunlight was more important to them than soil. The mid-west prairies were originally subject to frequent fires, but there is little or no evidence of that in the Alabama prairies. In fact the commonest tree in and around our prairies is the cedar, which is very sensitive to fire. MITOTIC ACTIVITY IN THE ANTERIOR HYPOPHYSIS OF RATS DURING PREGNANCY AND LACTATION — Thomas E. Hunt, University of Alabama. Mitotic activity in the hypophysis of the rat is increased during the first three days of pregnancy. This period is about twice as long as that during which mitoses occur in the post-ovulatory phase of the estrous cycle. On the other days of pregnancy the mitotic activity is at a low level comparable to that found at diestrus. Animals killed on the first and 31 second days after a litter is born again show an increased mitotic activ¬ ity, During lactation this falls to a low, diestrous, level arid is not in¬ creased until the post-ovulatory phase of the first cycle after weaning. There is some evidence that the post-parturient and post-lactational mitotic activity is greater than that found in the post-ovulatory phase of virgin rats of comparable age. Furthermore, since the period of mitotic activity at the beginning of pregnancy is prolonged, there is probably a greater increase in the total number of dividing cells than occurs during an estrous cycle. The fact that increased mitotic activity is found only after ovulation lends support to the idea that an ovarian hormone is a factor which induces cell division. STUDIES CONCERNING THE ELEMENT, COLUMBIUM — J. E. Land, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The discovery, development, certain properties and uses of the ele¬ ment, Cb, are briefly discussed. Studies have been conducted on the various methods reported in the chemical literature for the separation of Cb and Ta for the purpose of determining whether one of the methods might be used to provide a supply of purified Cb compounds for further studies. The advantages, limitations and conclusions regarding these methods are outlined. The attempt to form in non-aqueous solvents complex compounds of Cb which would have properties different enough from those of Ta to allow more complete separation has been undertaken and the progress reported. / GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATIONS — A. R. Macormac, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Government specifications are at present of two types: 1. Standard 2. Tentative The Standard Specifications are : (a) Federal: issued by the Federal Bureau of Specifications. They cover non-military material purchased by many different branches of the government. (b) U. S. Army: issued by the War Department. They include ma¬ terial purchased by more than one branch of the army. (c) Army-Navy Aeronautical: issued by a Joint Board. They cover material used by the Army and Navy Air Forces exclusively. All Standard Specifications have been correlated with the industry and with all interested branches of the government. Tentative Specifications are issued by. a large number of branches of the service and by different purchasing depots. They are intended pri¬ marily to cover material purchased by a single department or depot and are not in general correlated with other purchasing agencies. They are drawn up after consultation with suppliers and with manufacturers. All government specifications have a system of letters and numbers which indicate their sources and the nature of the material. The form of each specification is standardized. Further information may be obtained in the latest issue of “Army Specification Guide,” “Federal Specification Index,” and “Army Purchase Information Bulletin.” 32 THE COMPLETE INHIBITION OF THE HYPOGLYCEMIC AC¬ TION OF INSULIN DURING ETHER ANESTHESIA — S. A. Peoples, University of Alabama. Dogs were anesthetized with ether, using a closed system in order to maintain a constant level of anesthesia for 2 hours. In series A 4 units per kilo of insulin were given subcutaneously one minute before the anesthesia was begun. In series B no insulin was given. Blood samples were taken every 30 minutes during and for 3 hours after the anesthesia and analyzed for glucose, CO2 combining power and lactic acid. The blood sugar curves during anesthesia were essentially the same in both A and B, rising quickly to 175-225 mgm. per cent and leveling off there. During recovery in B there was a gradual return to normal values over a period of 2-3 hours, but in A there was a rapid fall to convulsive levels in \-lV2 hours. The fall in CO= combining power and the propor¬ tional rise in lactic acid during anesthesia were the same in both A and B, but during recovery their return to normal was delayed. Ether apparently has the property of completely inhibiting the hypo¬ glycemic action of insulin. That this is an inhibition and not destruction or increased elimination is shown by the fact that dogs regularly developed convulsions I-IV2 hours after anesthesia or 3-3i^ hours after the insulin was given. BLOOD STUDIES BEFORE AND AFTER DELIVERY IN FIFTY- SEVEN NORMAL WHITE WOMEN —Grady W. Phillips and Louise R. Cason, University of Alabama. A series of observations of the blood picture in normal pregnancies of patients in the Druid City Hospital was made over a period of four months, November to February inclusive. The following rules were adopt¬ ed for selecting the normal cases : 1. There shall be no abnormal physical findings such as heart mur¬ murs, pedal edema, or abnormal blood pressure, (diastolic 100-130; systolic 65-80). 2. The onset of labor must be spontaneous and shall not excede fifty hours. 3. The gestation period must not last under two hundred and forty days and not over three hundred and twenty days after the begin¬ ning of the last menstrual period. 4. There shall be no history of previous complications of pregnancy nor complication during the present gestation period. 5. The leukocyte count shall not exceed 35,000, and the erythrocyte count must be at least three million per cu. mm. with at least 10.3 grams or 60% hemoglobin, (100% equals 17 grams). Following the above rules, fifty-seven patients were chosen ranging from 17 years of age to 42 years of age. Nineteen of the fifty-seven pa¬ tients were primigravidas, twenty-one had delivered one child, six had de¬ livered two, six had delivered three, and five had delivered four or more normal infants. Two blood smears were made at the bedside on new, cleaned, glass slides from a finger puncture of each patient. At the same time blood was obtained for blood cell counts and hemoglobin estimation by the 33 Sahli technique. The time of obtaining the blood samples was recorded in each instance. The blood counts were made as usual and the smears were allowed to dry in air and were then stained for four minutes with Wright’s stain. A minimum of three hundred cells were counted and the cell percentages calculated and recorded according to the Schilling Hemogram. The pro¬ portion of immature cells to the total number of neutrophilic leukocytes represents the percentage of the so-called “shift to the left.” This was calculated and recorded for each hemogram. There were 28 patients whose blood was obtained before delivery and 29 patients whose blood was obtained after delivery. Those patients whose blood was obtained before delivery were arbitrarily divided into two groups: (1) blood taken 0.25 to 9 hours before delivery (averaging 3.4 hours), and (2) blood taken 10.75 to 237 hours before delivery (averaging 44.2 hours). There were twenty patients in the first group and eight pa¬ tients in the second group. The first group had an average erythrocyte count of 4,000,000 with 78% hemoglobin. The leukocyte count showed an average of 13,742 (rang¬ ing from 8,750 to 19,750) with an average shift to the left of 24.9% (ranging from 7.8% to 35.5%). The second group had an average erythrocyte count of 3,881,000 with 74% hemoglobin. The white cell count averaged 10,275 (ranging from 7,500 to 14,250) with an average shift to the left of 12.6% (ranging from 8.4% to 17.7%). The averages for all twenty-eight patients were 3,964,000 R.B.C. per cu. mm., 77.1% hemoglobin, 12,858 W.B.C. and a shift to the left of 21.4%. The average time of taking the smear before delivery was 15.2 hours. Those patients whose blood was obtained after delivery were likewise arbitrarily divided into two groups: (1) blood taken 1 to 8.8 hours after delivery (averaging 4.3 hours), and '2) blood taken 9.1 to 39.1 hours after delivery (averaging 16.6 hours). There were 22 patients in the first group and seven patients in the last group. The first group averaged 3,852,000 R.B.C. with 75% hemoglobin. This group had an average of 17,800 W.B.C. (ranging from 8,750 to 34,400) with an average shift to the left of 29.8% (ranging from 12.2 to 50.9%). The second group averaged 4,056,000 R.B.C. with 80% hemoglobin. There was an average of 13,807 W.B.C. (ranging from 6,800 to 21,300) with an average shift to the left of 19.1% (ranging from 10.1 to 32.3%). The averages of the 29 patients whose blood was obtained after de¬ livery were R.B.C. 3,916,000 with 76% hemoglobin, 16,840 W.B.C. and a shift to the left of 27.2%. The average time of obtaining the smear after delivery was 7.2 hours. The above studies seem to indicate that the “shift to the left” increases remarkably about ten hours before delivery and continues upward to the maximum point near the time of delivery and then gradually subsides. 34 THE INFLUENCE OF LIVER DAMAGE, BY CHLOROFORM, ON PENTOTHAL SODIUM IN GUINEA PIGS — Grady W. Phillips, Mark C. Wheelock (by invitation), and Emmett B. Carmichael with technical assistance of Irene Satter¬ field Bush, University of Alabama. A 26.66% solution of chloroform in olive oil, in varying doses from 0.3 cc./kgm. to 0.90 cc./kgm., was injected intraperitoneally into 37 normal well fed adult guinea pigs at intervals of 3 to 4 days until 2 to 4 doses had been injected. Food was provided at all times to prevent inanition. Pentothal in doses of either 45 mgm./kgm. or 50 mgm./kgm. was injected intraperitoneally 2 to 4 days after the last injection of chloroform. The animals were kept warm and those that died were autopsied at once and those that survived the barbiturate were allowed to eat and then were terminated. Histologic studies gave evidence of liver damage for all ani¬ mals that received chloroform. Five of the 23 animals died after receiving the pentothal. The duration of hypnosis in control animals was about 500 minutes (ranging from 225 to 731 minutes) for the above doses, whereas the chloroform injected animals had an average hypnoiss of about 725 minutes (ranging from 571 to 1282 minutes). This shows an increase in the duration of hypnosis of about 45% above the normal duration of hypnosis for these doses of pentothal. A DEMONSTRATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKELE¬ TON IN THE MOUSE-LIKE RODENTS PEROMYSCUS MA- NICULATUS RUFINUS and BAIOMYS TAYLORI SUBATOR — E. Carl Sensenig, University of Alabama. The sectioned embryos are stained in a modified Mallory’s triple stain in which alum cochineal is substituted for fuchsin. The in toto trans¬ parencies are stained with alizarin, cleared in 1 % aqueous potassium hydroxide, and stored in glycerine. The demonstrations consist of : A. Sectioned material 1. Formation of the sclerotomes ( vertebral primordia). 2. Mesodermal skeletal rudiments. 3. Onset of chondrification. 4. Advanced stage of chondrification. 5. Decomposition of cartilage prior to ossification. 6. Onset of ossification. B. In toto transparencies 7. These consist of a closely graded series which follow the ad¬ vance of ossification from the original ossification centers to the completely ossified skeletal parts of the adult animal. 35 INDEX OF AUTHORS Page Brame, J. Y . 28 Carmichael, Emmett B. . 28, 34 Cason, Louise R . 32 Coulliette, J. Horace . 13 Farmer, C. M . 16, 17 Frishe, W. C..... . 29 Goss, Charles M . 30 Harper, Roland M . 30 Hunt, Thomas E . 30 Land, J. E . 31 Lloyd, Stewart J . 19 Macormic, A. R . 31 Oliver, Margaret . 22 Peoples, Stuart A . 32 Phillips, Grady W . 32, 34 Sensenig, E. Carl . 34 Wheelock, Mark C . 34 \ 36 ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Officers for 1943-44 President, Claudia Dunn . : . Ensley High School Vice-President, Spiro Greenwood. . . . St. Bernard High School Secretary, Willie Mantner . Ramsey High School Treasurer, Rosemary Watters . Hueytown High School Councilors : Dr. H. E. Wilcox, Chm., (1 yr.) Howard College . Birmingham, Ala. Miss Kathryn M. Boehmer (2 yrs.) . Birmingham, Ala. Dr. A. V. E. Beatty (3 yrs.), University of Alabama. ...University, Ala. CHAPTERS OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Billingsley High School . Billingsley, Ala. Bishop Toolen High School . Mobile, Ala. Blessed Sacrament Academy . Birmingham, Ala. Coffee High School . Enterprise, Ala. Convent of Mercy Academy . Mobile, Ala. DeKalb County High School . . . Fort Payne, Ala. Ensley High School . Ensley, Ala. Greensboro High School . Greensboro, Ala. Hueytown High School . Bessemer, Ala. Jones Valley High School . Birmingham, Ala. Minor High School . , . Ensley, Ala. Montgomery County High School . Ramer, Ala. Murphy High School . Mobile, Ala. Opp High School . Opp, Ala. Phillips High School . Birmingham, Ala. Ramsey High School . Birmingham, Ala. Sacred Heart Academy . Cullman, Ala. Saint Bernard High, School . St. Bernard, Ala. Saint Paul’s High School . Birmingham, Ala. Shades-Cahaba High School . Homewood, Ala. Sidney Lanier High School . Montgomery, Ala. Tallassee High School . Tallassee, Ala. West Jefferson High School . Quinton, Ala. Woodlawn High School . Birmingham, Ala. Visitation Academy . Mobile, Ala. 37 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR 1942 - 1943 INCOME Balance turned over to Clustie McTyeire by P. P. Brooks . $119.92 Chapter dues . 14.00 Membership cards . 1.46 $135.38 EXPENDITURES Birmingham Engraving Company . $ 11.23 Jones Publishing Company . 3.50 Expense of President . 2.00 Expense of Treasurer . 1.00 Expense of Councilors . 6.52 $ 24.25 Balance in First National Bank of Bessemer . $111.13 Auditing Committee : Miss Clustie McTyeire, Chairman Miss Agnes Hunt Dr. H. E. Wilcox 38 MEMBERS OF THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Honorary Members Gardner, Wright A. (A) . Auburn §*Graham, John Y. (A) . Tuscaloosa Reinke, E. E. (A) . Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Sustaining Members Alabama By-Products Corporation . Birmingham Alabama College . Montevallo Alabama Dept, of Archives and History . Montgomery Alabama Polytechnic Institute . Auburn Alabama Power Company . Birmingham Alabama State Chamber of Commerce . Montgomery American Cast Iron Pipe Company . Birmingham Birmingham Slag Company, 2019 Sixth Ave. N . Birmingham Birmingham-Southern College . Birmingham Birmingham Trust & Savings . Birmingham DeBardeleben Coal Corporation, 2201 First Ave . Birmingham Howard College . Birmingham Huntingdon College . Montgomery Jacksonville State Teachers College . Jacksonville Judson College . Marion McKesson & Robbins, Inc . Birmingham Portland Cement Association, Watts Building . Birmingham Birmingham Ice & Cold Storage . Birmingham Southern Natural Gas Co., Watts Building . Birmingham Stockham Pipe & Fittings Co . Birmingham Troy State Teachers College. . Troy University of Alabama . University Woodward Iron Company . Birmingham Active Members fAbercrombie, Lt. W. D. (A) . 8216 2nd Ave. S., Birmingham Allen, Roger W. (B) . Chemistry Department, Auburn §*Allison, Fred (G) . Physics Department, Auburn Almon Lois . Judson College, Marion Anderson, Harold J. (C) . Box 29-C, Rt. 1, Birmingham Andrews, T. G. (C) . Geology Department, University Arant, Frank S. (A) . : . Zoology Department, Auburn fArcher, Allan F. (A) . U. S. Army, Fourth Service Command Lab., Ft. McPherson, Ga. *Charter members of the Academy. fMembers of the A.A.A.S. §Fellows of the A.A.A.S. and of the Alabama Academy of Science. The letters in parentheses after the names indicate the chief field of interest of the members. (A) Biology, (B) Chemistry, (C) Geology and Anthropology, (D) Geography and Conservation, (E) Mathematics, (F) Medicine, (G) Physics, (H) Industry and Economics, (I) Teaching of Science. 39 Arnold, Paul J. (A) . Jacksonville Ayrs, O. L. (B) . 1001 28th Place, South, Birmingham §Bales, Paul D. (G) . Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. fBarnes, G. F. (B) . Judson College, Marion *Basore, C. A. (D) . . . Chemistry Department, Auburn Beatty, Alvin C. (A) . Botany Department, University Bell, Frances . U.S.N. (W), Navy Hospital Lab., Brooklyn, N.Y. Black, Mrs. Zoe (A) . Alabama College, Montevallo Blair, C. S. (C) . Black Diamond Coal Mining Co., Comer Bldg., Birmingham Boehmer, Kathryn . : . Birmingham Bowles, Edgar . Tuscaloosa §Brakefield, J. L. (A) . 853-77 th Way So., Birmingham Brame, J. L. (C) . Montgomery *Brannon, Peter A. (C) . Dept, of Archives & History, Montgomery Brooks, P. P. B. (G) . Montgomery Brower, Walter Jordan . University Brown, Robert D. (B) . . . State Teachers College, Livingston Bruhn, John M. (A) . School of Medicine, University fBunton, Paul B . Box 4208, Atlanta, Ga. Bush, J. D. (F) . School of Medicine, University Butler, Robert L . Auburn Capouya, Miss Mildred . 1207 Madison Ave., Montgomery Carlson, J. Gordon (A) . Zoology Department, University §Carmichael, E. B. (B) . School of Medicine, University Cason, Mrs. Clarence E . School of Medicine, University Chauvin, Viola, RN (A) . U. S. Marine Hospital, Mobile Christenson, Reed O. (A) . Zoology Department, API, Auburn §Coghill, Will H. (C) . U. S. Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa Cole, Frank T. (G) . Weather Bureau Office, Mobile Coons, Kenneth W. (B) . University Corley, Miss Nora (A) . State Teachers College, Livingston Cornell, B. M . Southern Aviation Training School, Inc., Decatur §Cotton, William E. (A) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Cotter, H. F. (B) . School of Chemistry, University §Coulliette, J. H. (G) . American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham Crawley, Clyde B. (G) . University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Creel, Hubert H . . 318 South Gay Street, Auburn Culmer, Orpha Ann (E) . State Teachers College, Florence Cunningham, Floyd F. (D) . State Teachers College, Florence Damon, S. R. (F) . State Board of Health, Montgomery Dejarnette, David (C) . University Denaro, Salvatore A . University DeWilton, Edward L. (A) . . . 1616-13th Ave., North, Birmingham Dowdey, Perry Frank . West Jefferson High School, Rt. 1, Quinton Dowling Herndon, Jr . 1426 Brown Street, Tuscaloosa Dugger, J. F., Sr. (A) . Biology Department, Auburn Dugger, J. F., Jr. (A) . Hope Hull East, Isaac Young . Moss Point, Miss. Eisele, Louis (G) . Spring Hill College, Mobile fEmigh, Eugene D. (D) . Weather Bureau, Montgomery Englebrecht, Mildred A. (A) . School of Chemistry, University Evans, G. Harlowe (B) . 209 Woodley Road, Montgomery Fair, Baxter B. IF) . 72 Virginia Avenue, Montgomery f*Farmer, C. M. (A) . State Teachers College, Troy Faxon, F. W . 83-91 Frances Street, Buck Bay, Boston, Mass. 40 Ferguson, Hal (F) . T.C.I. Hospital, Fairfield Fies, Milton H. (D) . 3236 Salisbury Road, Birmingham Foley, James O. (F) . School of Medicine, University Frishe, W. C . Dept, of Chemistry, Alabama Polytechnic. Inst. Auburn Gandrud, B. W. (C) . U. S. Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa Garren, Kenneth H. (A) . . . State Teachers College, Jacksonville Gary, C. M . State Teachers College, Jacksonville Gattman, Lambert C. (A) . St. Bernard College, St. Bernard Geisler, Miss Edith (A) . Adger Gerhardt, Henry (E) . 1215 Elmira Street, Mobile Gibson, J. Sullivan (D) . State Teachers College, Livingston Gillis, Ewen (B) . School of Pharmacy, U. of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. fGlazner, J. F. (D) . State Teachers College, Jacksonville Glenn, W. E. (E) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham Goff, John Hedges . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Goss, C. M. (F) . School of Medicine, University §Graves, 'Stuart (F) . School of Medicine, University Greenwood, Frances A . Tuscaloosa fGrover, M. A . . . Box 590, Birmingham Gurren, Kenneth H . State Teachers College, Jacksonville Hackworth, L. E . Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Mass. Haeberle, Fred R . 1016-8th Avenue, Tuscaloosa fHargis, E. H. (F) . 28th Street and 12th Avenue, North, Birmingham §Harper, Roland M. (C) . Alabama Geological Survey, University Hart, Kermit T . Administration, Spring Hill College, Mobile §Heath, H. C. (A) . 21 Agnew Street, Montgomery Herring, Mrs. Glora Mitchell . Central Heights, Florence Hertzog, Ellis S. (B) . .. . 505 18th Street, Tuscaloosa Hess, A. D. (F) . .*. . Dept. Health and Safety, Wilson Dam Hess, George W . . . Howard College, Birmingham §Hinman, E. Harold (A) . Health and Safety Dept., Wilson Dam Hobbs, Mrs. Lindsey M . Chemistry Department, University Horton, Edgar C. (C) . 1221 N. 13th Street, Birmingham Howse, B. C . 333-38th Street, Fairfield Hunt, Agnes . 148 The Highlands, Tuscaloosa Hunt, T. E. (F) . School of Medicine, University Jennings, Henry L . Title Guarantee Bldg., Birmingham Jones, A. W . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn §Jones, E. V. (B) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham §Jones, Herman D. (B) . Oglethorpe University, Georgia §Jones, W. B. (C) . . . U. S. Army, Australia §Jones W. C. (F) . T.C.I. Hospital, Fairfield Kassner. J. L. (B) . School of Chemistry, University Kendrick, L. D . Phipps & Bird Co., Richmond, Va. fKennedy, A. M. (B) . School of Chemistry, University Kennedy, J. J . University Klingbeil, Jerome . 720-14th Avenue S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Koch, Leonard . 1224i/i 8th Street, Tuscaloosa Kraxberger, W. W. (C) . 4535 E. 16th Ave., Denver, Colo. Land, James E. (B) . Chemistry Department, API, Auburn fLang, George . Box 2021, University fLeach, Charles N. (F) . State Board of Health, Montgomery Littlejohn, Jeanette (B) . Huntingdon College, Montgomery *Llovd, ’S. J. (B) . ....School of Chemistry, University Loding, S. P . . . 166 Houston St., Mobile Long, A. R . Weather Bureau Office, Atlanta, Ga. 41 Lord, James (C) . McCaffrey, Joseph E . McFarland, Robert W . McGlamery, Winnie (C) McTyeire, Clusti^ Evelyn. McVay, Thomas (B) . fMacormac, A. R. (D) . MacDonald, Margaret B.. MacKenzie, J. T. (B) . Malone, J. M. (E) . Marie, Sister Virgil . Martin, H. M. (B) . Mayfield, Sara . Medlock, Olin C . Mobley, W. M. (H) . Monroe, Watson H . Moore, Mildred (A) . Moore, Omar C. (B) . Moore W. A. (F) . . Morgan, Sam R. J. (D)... Mullahy, John H. (A) . Munro, W. M . . Nettles, Lou Ellen . Nixon, H. W . Olive, Alfred H. (B) . Oliver, Robert B . §Ott, W. P. (E) . . fOverton, A. Guy (D) . Page, Rufus H., Jr . §Palmer, George D., Jr . Parks, Miss Helen C . Patty, John R . Pennington, Elsie . §Peoples, Stuart A. (F) . Pepinsky, Raymond (G).. Phillips. Grady W. (F).... fPole, G. R. (B) . Pomerat, C. M. (A) . . Pool, R. M. (F) . Poor, R. S. (C) . Pressley, W. S . §Pritchett, C. O. (A) . Rasor, Frank W. (D) . Reed, Clyde T . Reeves, W. P., Jr. (A).... Reynolds, J. Paul (A) . Richards, Leon W. (B)... *Robinson, Mary E. (A)... §*Robinson, J. M. (A) . Rushton, E. R. (B) . Ruston, Allen . Rutledge, A. W. (A) . Sensenig, E. Carl . Sharman, J. R . § Sharp. C. G . . . Sherrill, Richard Byrd . . Russellville . Southern Kraft Corporation, Mobile . Box 685, Fairhope . Paleontologist, University . . . 1804 Arlington Ave., Bessemer . ..School of Chemistry, University . .....U. S. Army . Citronelle . 4300 Glenwood Avenue, Birmingham . ....1102 - 7th Ave. W., Birmingham . 1413 Old Shell Road, Mobile . Chemistry Department, Auburn . Idlewyld, Tuscaloosa . . . 368 Payne Street, Auburn . Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant . U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. . Auburn . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham . Soil Conservation Service, Montgomery . Spring Hill College, Mobile . 210 Woodley Road, Montgomery . Arlington . Auburn . Springville . Mooreland Apts., Houghton, Mich. . Dept, of Mathematics, University . . Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant . Auburn . School of Chemistry, University . Montevallo . . . 7815 5th Ave. South, Birmingham . 1204 Watauga St., Kingsport, Tenn. . School of Medicine, University . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn . 1118 Colquitt Ave., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. . House 87, Village 1. Sheffield . Zoology Department, University . 652 Ridgeway Road, Fairfield . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham . 271 S. Gay St., Auburn . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn . Box 40, Montgomery . . . Marion Institute, Marion . Union Springs . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham . 8802 Second Court North, Birmingham . 536 Princeton Avenue, Birmingham . Biology Department, Auburn . P. O. Box 556, Florence Birmingham Ice & Cold Storage, Birmingham . State Teachers College, Florence . Oglethorpe University, Ga. . . . University . Alabama College, Montevallo . Cahaba Road, Birmingham 42 Silvia, Mr. E. R. De . U. S. Forest Service, Montgomery Sledd, Arthur (B) . Judson College, Marion Smith, Ralph Jackson . 1401 Brown St., Tuscaloosa §Smith, Septima C. (A) . Zoology Department, University *Smyth, P. H. (G) . U. S. Weather Bureau, Montgomery §Sommer, Anna (B) . .—Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Spies, Tom D. (MD) . Hillman Hospital, Birmingham fSpieth, Alda May (A) . . State Teachers College, Livingston 'Stabler, Carey V . Alabama College, Montevallo §Starr, L. E. (A) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Sullivan, Edmund B. (B) . Spring Hill College, Mobile Suter, L. S. (A) . Ala. State Dept, of Public Health, Montgomery Tarzwell, Clarence M. (A) . T.V.A. No. 3, Lafayette Apts., Decatur Tellier, A. J. (E) . 153 S. Monterey St., Mobile Thompson, Davis Hunt (B) . 917 Valley Road Place, Birmingham Thompson, W. D . Altoona Tilson, W. L. (D) . Weather Bureau, Airport Station, Mobile Todhunter, E. Neige . Box 1051, University Toffel, G. M. (B) . Marion Institute, Marion Toler, Brooks (D) . Division of Forestry, Montgomery Toulmin, Lyman, Jr . Alabama Geological Survey, University Tourtelot, Harry A. (C) . New Albany, Miss. §Tower, James Allen (D) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham Van Aller, T. S. IF) . 902 Charleston Street, Mobile Wager, Alan T. (G) . 865-8th Street West, Birmingham Walsh, Groesbeck F. (F) . T.C.I. Hospital, Fairfield Walsh, Sister Mary Vincent (B) . Visitation Academy, Mobile Ward, John M . Alabama State Chamber of Commerce, Montgomery fWeishaupt, Clara G. (A) . State Teachers College, Jacksonville fWestland, A. J. Rev. (C) . Spring Hill College, Mobile White, Rev. Urban (B) . St. Bernard College, Cullman §*Whiting, W. A. (A) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham fWilcox, H. E. (B) . . . Howard College, Birmingham Wilson, Mrs. Pauline Park . University of Alabama Wimberly, Mrs. Steve B. (C) . T.C.I. Co., Box 29 E, Rt. 1, Birmingham Wimberly, Steve B . T.C.I. Co., Box 29 E, Rt. 1, Birmingham Wingard, Mrs. R. E. (B) . Auburn Wood, C. R. (E) . State Teachers College, Jacksonville Wood, Thomas A. (A) . Marion Institute, Marion Woodall, Percy T. . 1101 27th Place South, Birmingham Woolf, Frank P. (F) . Auburn Woolley, Miss Mary . Murphy High School, Mobile Worley, Lillian (D) . Alabama College, Montevallo §Xan, John (B) . Howard College, Birmingham §Yancey, Patrick H. (A) . Spring Hill College, Mobile Young, Monroe . Greensboro 43 ^ttembers deceased Edgar Allen February 3, 1943 Thomas S. Van Aller March 19, 1943 THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A.A.A.S.) SEPTEMBER, 1944 VOLUME 16 Proceedings, Papers and Abstracts of THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING TUTWILER HOTEL BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA • APRIL 14, 1944 Office of the Editor University or Alabama University, Alabama THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A.A.A.S.) SEPTEMBER, 1944 VOLUME 16 Proceedings, Papers and Abstracts of THE TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING TUTWILER HOTEL BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA APRIL 14, 1944 Office of the Editor University of Alabama University, Alabama TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officers and Standing Committees of the Academy . 3 General Program of the Birmingham Meeting . 4 Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting . . 5 Minutes of the Preliminary Business Meeting . 10 Minutes of the Final Business Meeting . 12 Reports of Officers and Committees: The Treasurer’s Report . 13 The Councilors of the A. A. A. S . 10 The Editor of the Journal . 14 The Statistician’s Report . 14 The Committee on Research . 15 The Resolutions Committee . 18 Presidential Address . 19 Original Papers Presented at Twenty-first Annual Meeting at Birmingham . 25 Abstract of Papers Presented at the Twenty-first Annual Meeting at Birmingham . 43 Index of Authors for Howard College Meeting . . . 66 The Alabama Junior Academy of Science: Junior Academy Officers for 1944-45 . 67 High Schools with Delegates at the Tenth Annual Meeting . 67 Senior Academy Certificates of Award . 67 Junior Academy Financial Statement . 68 Members of the Alabama Academy of Science: Honorary . 69 Sustaining . 69 Active . 69 Associate . 69 ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OFFICERS FOR 1944-45 President , James T. Mackenzie.. ..Amer. Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham President-Elect, J. M. Robinson . . . Auburn Vice-Presidents and Section Chairmen: J. P. Reynolds, Biology and Medical Sciences . . . . Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham G. H. Evans, Chemistry . Huntingdon College, Montgomery E. C. Horton, Geology and Anthropology . . - . U. S. Weather Bureau, Birmingham J. M. Stauffer, Geography and Conservation . . . Dept, of Conservation,. Montgomery A. T. Wager, Physics and Mathematics . . Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham W. M. Mobley, Industry and Economics . . . . Alabama By-Products Corporation, Tarrant W. D. Thompson, The Teaching of Science . . Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham Secretary, Winnie McGlamery . . . .University Treasurer, John Xan . Howard College, Birmingham Councilor of A.A.A.S., Septima C. Smith . . . . ..University Editor of the Journal, Emmett B. Carmichael . . . University C ouncilors for Junior Academy: Kathryn M. Boehmer (1 yr.) . Ensley High School, Birmingham A. V. Beatty (2 yrs.) . . University Lillian Worley (3 yrs.) . Alabama College, Montevallo Committee on Promoting Membership and Activities : E. D. Emigh, Chair¬ man; Peter A. Brannon, E. B. Carmichael, Floyd F. Cunningham, S. R. Damon, J. F. Dugger, C. M. Farmer, Milton H. Fies, Thomas Ford, J. F. Glazner, H. C. Heath, E. V. Jones, Clustie E. Mc- Tyeire, W. M. Mobley, R. S. Poor, Frank Rasor, J. M. Robinson, J. M. Stauffer, T. K. Sish, E. N. Todhunter, Clara G. Weis- haupt, A. J. Westland, H. E. Wilcox, Thos. A. Wood, Lillian Worley, P. H. Yancey. Committee on Research: J. F. Duggar, Chairman ; S. J. Lloyd, S. S. Heide, E. V. Jones, A. J. Westland. Committee on Publication : J. H. Coulliette, Chairman ; J. P. Reynolds, G. Harlowe Evans, E. C. Horton, J. M. Stauffer, Alan T. Wager, W. M. Mobley, Wynelle D. Thompson, E. B. Carmichael (Ex- Officio). Committee on Long Range Planning: Dr. C. M. Farmer, Section I ; George D. Palmer, Section II ; S. J. Lloyd, Section III ; E. D. Emigh, Section IV ; W. A. Moore, Section V ; W. M. Mobley, Section VI ; Clustie E. McTyeire, Section VII. Committee on Finance: Milton H. Fies, Chairman; W. M. Mobley, S. J. Lloyd, A. J. Westland, John Xan, R. S. Poor, E. V. Jones. GENERAL PROGRAM All addresses and Section Meetings are open to the public. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944 9 :00 A.M. Registration, Lobby Tutwiler Hotel. 9:30 A.M. Meeting of Executive Committee, Room 242, Tutwiler. 11 :00 A.M. Business Meeting of the Academy, Colonial Room, Mezzanine Floor, Tutwiler. Address of Welcome — Honorable Cooper Green, President City Commission, Birmingham. Response to Address of Welcome — Professor J. F. Duggar, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. 12:20 P.M. Photograph of group. 12:30 P.M. Luncheon, Compliments of McKesson and Robbins, Inc., to members, on the Terrace. Presidential Address, “Challenges Facing the Alabama Acad¬ emy of Science” — Dr. E. V. Jones, President of the Academy. 2 :00 P.M. Section Meetings for Papers 4:30 P.M. Biology and Medical Science — Colonial Room. Chemistry — Room 242. Geology and Anthropology — Room to be assigned. Geography, Conservation and Allied Subjects- — Room to be assigned. Physics and Mathematics — Room to be assigned. Industry and Economics — Room to be assigned. The Teaching of Science — Room to be assigned. Final Business Session of the Academy — Colonial Room. - ;o ; - ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE APRIL 14 and 15th, 1944 9:00 A.M. Registration, Phillips High School, Friday, April 14th. 3 :00 P.M. Exhibits, Phillips High School. 4:15 P.M. Business Meeting. Phillips High School. 9:00 A.M. Program featuring Talent Search Winners from Alabama, April 15, Phillips High School. 5 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Birmingham-Southern College, Feb. 12, 1944 Members of the Executive Committee : As you know, interest in research is growing rapidly in Alabama. To further stimulate that interest, we have arranged a gift of $200 a year from a Mr. and Mrs. Goethe of Sacramento, Califoria, if we will provide another $200 to give us an annual research fund of $400. (They have had such an arrangement with the Virginia Academy for some years.) We need to get this fund ready for use in 1944-45. When we have our $200 pledged or provided for, Mr. Goethe will begin to send his $200 in quar¬ terly checks of $50. As “Item No. I” of this letter I respectfully urge you to approve the above plan for one year — further approval to be left to the Academy at the April meeting. Item No. II. The Academy Research Committee at a meeting at the Molton Hotel February 11, 1944, recommended that the Executive Com¬ mittee approve, for this year, of the use of $200 from the funds paid in by our sustaining members to match the $200 offered by Mr. and Mrs. Goethe. I respectfully urge your approval of Item No. II. Item No. III. Last year we had two good projects presented for the A.A.A.S. Research Grant. But the grant of only $31.50 was too small to be divided and only one award was made. After casting her vote in the award Miss Worley of Montevallo suggested we ought to “find funds” for an award to the other applicant. It was too late to act last year. This suggestion was presented to the Research Committee and that Committee recommended to the Executive that for this year a sum equal to the A.A.A.S. Research Grant (about $30) be taken from our regular funds to make a second research grant if two worthy projects are presented. I respectfully urge your approval of Item No. III. Item No. IV. Our meeting this year will mark the twentieth anni¬ versary of the founding of the Alabama Academy of Science on April 4, 1924, in Montgomery. We should recognize this anniversary in some way. I recommend that we inaugurate a cash prize of Fifty Dollars for the best research paper presented at the annual meeting by a member of the Academy, if in the judgment of the Publications Committee, a worthy paper is presented. This prize might or might not be awarded at our meet¬ ing this year. I do not urge your approval of this item, but I am strongly in favor of it. I hope you will approve it. May I add further that after this year some of these items would be carried by our hoped-for $400 research fund. It is also hoped that after this year we would not need to take the $200 out of our- present sources of funds. That is, other sources of this $200 have been under discussion. Please send your votes to Miss McGlamery promptly. Thank you. Yours sincerely, E. V. JONES, President P.S. : Our balance May 14, 1943, was $672.97. We received last year $597.75. 6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, APRIL 14, 1944 At 9:30 A.M., April 14, 1944, the Executive Committee was called to order by President E. V. Jones, with the following members in attend¬ ance: Dr. E. V. Jones, Dr. John Xan, Dr. Septima Smith, Mr. E. D. Emigh, Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael, Mr. J. H. Coulliette, Dr. Geo. D. Palmer, Dr. J. M. Robinson, Dr. C. M. Farmer, Mr. W. C. Frishe, Dr. James L. Kassner, Mr. Peter A. Brannon, Miss Lillian Worley, Dr. W. C. Jones, and Miss Winnie McGlamery. 1. Minutes of former meetings: Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael moved, seconded by Dr. C. M. Farmer, that the reading of the minutes of the previous meetings be dispensed with because they have already been pub- lishd in the Journals for 1942 and 1943. Motion carried. Dr. E. V. Jones reported briefly on our cooperation with the Science Clubs of America through the Junior Academy, with Dr. H. E. Wilcox designated as official representative of the Academy and recommended that the cooperation be continued. Moved and seconded that this recom¬ mendation be approved. Motion carried. A.A.A.S. Azvard: Dr. E. V. Jones reported some confusion in claim¬ ing the A.A.A.S. Grant and recommended that the responsibility for claiming this grant be placed with the Secretary. Mr. J. H. Coulliette moved, seconded by Dr. Xan, the approval of this recommendation. Motion carried. Out of State Membership : Mr. Emigh reported that the Committee appointed to take up this matter had not yet done anything about it. Dr. Carmichael moved, seconded by Dr. Palmer, that it shall be the policy of the Academy not to accept members residing outside of the State. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded that the four items recommended in President E. V. Jones’ letter of February 12, 1944, to members of the Executive Committee, and approved by them, be reaffirmed at this time. Motion carried. There was some discussion led by Dr. Carmichael relative to a sec¬ ond prize of $25.00. Report of the Treasurer: Dr. Xan reported that the books were closed on April 10, 1944, with a balance of $849.10, that after all bills are paid there will be a balance of about $600.00. The income of the Academy has been reduced somewhat on account of suspended dues for members in Military Service. After deducting the $200.00 voted for Research to match the funds contributed by Mr. and Mrs. Goethe, there will still be a good balance, and Dr. Xan recommends that $100.00 be set aside as a nucleus for research or other uses. It was moved and seconded that this report be approved. Motion carried. Dr. Xan moved, seconded by Dr. Kassner, that a Finance Committee composed of five members be appointed to promote the financial welfare of the Academy, with an industrial man as Chairman. Motion carried. Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S.: Dr. Septima Smith had no report since the A.A.A.S. did not meet last year. Dr. Smith reported that there was a possibility that a A.A.A.S. meeting would be held next Sep¬ tember. 7 Report of the Councilor of the Junior Academy: Dr. Xan reported for Dr. Wilcox, requesting that the councilors of the Junior Academy be authorized to appoint an advisory committee of 10 to 12 persons scattered throughout the State to organize clubs and chapters and to assist other¬ wise with the work of the Junior Academy and S.C.A. It was moved and seconded that this request be granted. Motion carried. Report of the Editor of the Journal: Dr. Carmichael read this report. It was moved and seconded that it be accepted. Motion carried. Reports of the Standing Committees: a. Committee on Membership and Activities : Mr. Emigh recommend¬ ed that the membership of the Committee be thoroughly revised for the coming year. Dr. J. M. Robinson moved, seconded by Dr. W. C. Jones, that Mr. Emigh’s report be accepted. Motion carried. b. Committee on Research: In the absence of Mr. Fred Allison, Chair¬ man, this report was read by Dr. Xan. Dr. J. M. Robinson moved, second¬ ed by Mr. E. D. Emigh, that the report be accepted. Motion adopted. c. Publications Committee : Mr. Coulliette, Chairman, reported that all papers that came in for last year had been published, and that the Com¬ mittee would be glad to have the abstracts and papers turned in promptly after the meeting. Dr. J. M. Robinson moved, seconded by Dr. Xan, that this report be accepted. Motion carried. d. Long Range Planning Committee : Dr. C. M. Farmer recommended that each year the Secretary notify the member who will be chairman for the coming year. Dr. E. V. Jones recommended that we start next year with Dr. Farmer serving as chairman of this committee. Dr. Septima Smith moved, seconded by Dr. Xan, that these recommendations be ap¬ proved. Motion carried. Dr. E. V. Jones presented a letter in regard to cooperation with the International Ofr:ce of Education. New York City. Moved and seconded that this be referred to the Long Range Planning Committee. Motion carried. The subject of Organization of a Social Science section was brought up by Mr. Emigh. It was moved and seconded that this be referred to the Long Range Planning Committee with power to act. Motion carried. Place of Meeting : Dr. Farmer moved, seconded by Mr. Emigh, that the Academy meet in Birmingham again next year. Motion carried by a large majority. Naming our “Best Paper Prize’’ to be considered. Dr. Farmer requested some action with regard to the matter of teach¬ ing hours of a professor, that they be estimated at 15 in conformity with the action of other Academies, and that laboratory hours be regarded as teaching hours. This was referred to the Long Range Planning Com¬ mittee. Dr. Farmer moved and it was seconded that the administration of the $400.00 Research fund be in the hands of the Research Committee. Motion carried. At the conclusion of business the meeting adjourned. WINNIE McGLAMERY, Secretary 8 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT TO THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Official notification was given me, August 20, 1943, by my worthy predecessor, Willard M. Mobley, that he was turning over to me the duties of the President. The first official business was to consider whether or not we would cooperate with the Science Clubs of America under Science Service in Washington, directed by Watson Davis. If our cooperation was to begin this year, the decision had to be made within a few days. Your President has to confess that he acted without full legal authorization. But the commitment was definitely for this year only and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and the Academy at this annual meeting. Furthermore, the temporary commitment was made only after getting the approval, without a dissenting voice, from nearly all the Executive Committee members in the Birmingham area. Dr. Wilcox, Chairman of the Junior Academy Counselors, had approved the idea and consented to be our official representative in the cooperation. By this decision the Ala¬ bama Academy of Science cooperated in the Third National Science Tal¬ ent Search, sponsored by Westinghouse. We may be justly proud that Alabama headed the list of the winning states with two winners who got a week’s visit to Washington, D. C., and at least a $100.00 scholarship. These winners were Rodman Jenkins, An¬ niston High School and Cyril Stelzenmuller, West End High School, Bir¬ mingham. Rodman Jenkins won a $400.00 scholarship, which was among the second highest honors, in the final competition in Washington, D. C. I recommend that this cooperation, which is still in the experimental stage be continued. Early in the year there were three changes in our official family. Junior Academy Counselor, Miss Agnes Hunt, joined -the WACS and Miss Kathryn Boehmer consented to take her place. Professor J. S. Gibson, Vice-President and Section Chairman for Geography and Conservation, left the state and Miss Lillian Worley, who was chairman of this section last year, kindly accepted the responsibility again for this year. Also Dr. G. F. Barnes, Vice-President and Chairman of the Section of Physics and Mathematics left the state and Dr. J. H. Coulliette again assumed this responsibility. It became known rather late in the year that the A.A.A.S. Research Grant awarded to Dr. A. J. Westland had not been claimed for him. With the help of the Secretary and Treasurer this oversight was corrected. I should like to recommend that the responsibility for claiming this grant and passing it on be placed with the Secretary. During the year we had two out-of-state applications for member¬ ship in the Academy. Mr. Emigh was asked to confer with Miss Worley and Dr. Carmichael and bring a recommendation to the Executive Com¬ mittee on out-of-state applications for membership. As the time for our meeting approached, it seemed wise to have the help of a representative Committee on Promotion and Arrangements for the meeting. The following were asked to serve: Messrs. Emigh, Farmer, MacKenzie, Palmer, Poor, Robinson, Wilcox and Xan. 9 During past years as Librarian for the Academy, I have corresponded at times with Dr. E. C. L. Aliller, secretary of the Virginia Academy, and through him I have learned much about the activities of that Academy which is just a year older than ours. In a letter last fall I learned of the possibility of getting a research fund of $200.00 per year on a dollar-for- dollar matching basis from Mr. and Airs. C. M. Goethe of Sacramento, California. (They have had such a cooperation with the Virginia Academy for two or three years.) Through the help of Dr. O. W. Caldwell, Secre¬ tary of the A.A.A.S. the same offer was made to the Alabama Academy. Just after receiving this offer I was asked by Dr. Allison to meet with his Research Committee in Birmingham. The Research Committee made certain recommendations to the Executive Committee which are set forth in the attached letter which the secretary of the Academy sent out to all members of the Executive Committee. All these recommendations were approved without a dissenting vote. Two members did not vote on item IV ; one qualified his approval. One important item of unfinished business is discussions now going on with some possible donors of best paper prizes for our annual meetings. 10 MINUTES OF THE PRELIMINARY BUSINESS MEETING, APRIL 14, 1944 The meeting was called to order by President E. V. Jones at 11 A.M. 1. Minutes: It was moved and seconded that the reading of the Min¬ utes of the last meeting be dispensed with since they have been published in the Journal. Motion carried. The Honorable Cooper Green, President of the City Commission, Bir¬ mingham, gave the address of welcome, with the response by Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael, in the absence of Professor J. F. Duggar, Sr. 2. Report of the Treasurer: Dr. John Xan read his report for the year ending April 10, 1944. It was moved and seconded that the report be ac¬ cepted, and referred to the Auditing Committee. Motion carried. 3. Report of the Editor of the Journal: Dr. Carmichael read his re¬ port. Dr. C. M. Farmer moved, seconded by Dr. J. M. Robinson that the report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Report appended. Father A. J. Westland suggested that it be printed on the blanks used to submit titles of papers that abstracts are required in advance of the meeting. Mr. E. D. Emigh suggested that section chairmen recommend papers that should be printed in full. 4. Reports of the Standing Committees : a. Committee on the A.A.A.S. Award : In the absence of the Chair¬ man of the Committee the Chairman of Section I will assume the respon¬ sibility of getting together the applications that have come in for that award and be ready to make a report at the final business session this afternoon. Provision has been made for two awards, conditioned only on whether or not there are two worthy projects. b. Committee on Membership and Activities: Mr. E. D. Emigh as Chairman gave his report, recommending that the membership of the committee be thoroughly revised for next year. It was moved and sec¬ onded that the report be accepted. Motion carried. 5. Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S.: Dr. Septima Smith had no report since the A.A.A.S. has not been holding its meetings. 6. Long Range Planning Committee : In 1941 there was a resolution passed setting up a long range planning committee consisting of a member from each section. In 1943 this committee was set up with Dr. Poor as Chairman. At the Executive Committee Meeting a motion was made that we start over again with Dr. Farmer as Chairman. Dr. J. M. Robinson moved, seconded by Dr. Xan, that we proceed from this point following the plan set up two or three years ago, and that Dr. Farmer as a member of Section I be continued as Chairman of the Long Range Planning Com¬ mittee for the coming year. Members of this committee are to be replaced by the action of each section. The membership is as follows : Dr. C. M. Farmer, Section I ; Dr. Geo. D. Palmer, Section II ; Walter B. Jones, Section III in Military Service; E. D. Emigh, Section IV; W. A. Moore, Section V; Dr. John Goff, Section VI, away; Miss Clustie McTyeire, Section 7. Motion carried. 7. Research Committee: In the absence of Mr. Fred Allison, Chair¬ man, report was read by Mr. Coulliette. It was moved and seconded that the report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Report appended. 11 The Executive Committee approved the four points recommended in President E. V. Jones’ letter of February 12, 1944, to members of the Executive Committee, point No. 1, recommending that we shall take from the funds of the Academy for this next year $200.00 to match the $200.00 being sent by Mr. and Mrs. Goethe. This vote was reaffirmed by the Executive Committee. It was moved and seconded that these recommenda¬ tions be approved. Motion carried. A.A.A.S. Award: Father A. J. Westland was awarded the Research Grant for 1943-44. It was moved and seconded that the report from Dr. R. Pepinsky on the progress of Crystal-growth investigation for which the grant was made in 1942 be accepted. Dr. Pepinsky reports that the work will be con¬ tinued as soon as possible, and that a more complete report will be sub¬ mitted later. Motion carried. Report of the Chairman of the Councilors of the Junior Academy: Mr. J. H. Coulliette acting for the chairman moved the approval of the plan for cooperation of the Junior Academy with the Science Clubs of America. The motion was seconded and carried. Publications Committee: Report was read by Mr. J. H. Coulliette. It was moved and seconded that it be approved. Motion carried. Report appended. Dr C. M. Farmer moved, and it was seconded that the Academy put itself on record as favoring the following: that the load of a teacher be estimated at 15 hours and that laboratory hours be regarded as teaching hours. Motion carried. Announcements: Each section should have a Nominating Committee to nominate a chairman and secretary and put their report in the hands of the Nomi¬ nating Committee. Appointment of Committees to report at the Final Business Meeting: a. Auditing Committee :(a) for Senior Academy: Dr. C. M. Farmer, Miss Lillian Worley, Dr. John Xan. (b) for the Junior Academy: Dr. James L. Kassner, Mr. W. M. Mobley. b. Resolutions Committee: Father A. J. Wesltand, E. D. Emigh. c. Committee on Nominations: Dr. J. M. Robinson, Dr. Geo. D. Palm¬ er, Mr. J. H. Coulliette. Adjournment: After announcements were made by Dr. R. S. Poor, chairman of the Committee on Local Arrangements, the meeting ad¬ journed until 4:30 P.M. WINNIE McGLAMERY, Secretary. 12 MINUTES OF THE FINAL BUSINESS MEETING APRIL 14, 1944 The final business meeting was called to order by President E. V. Jones at 4:30 P.M. It was moved and seconded that the reading of the minutes of the former meeting be dispensed with and approved as pub¬ lished in the Journal for 1942. Reports of the Committees : 1. Auditing Committee for the Senior Academy: Dr. C. M. Farmer, Chairman, reported that the Committee had examined the books and so far as they could tell they were correct. Moved and seconded that the report of the Auditing Committee be accepted. Motion carried. Audited report appended. 2. Auditing Committee for the Junior Academy: Dr. James L. Kass- ner. Chairman, announced that this report was not yet ready. Moved and seconded that the report be sent directly to the Auditing Committee. Mo¬ tion carried. 3. Resolutions Committee : Father A. J. Westland read this report. Dr. Septima Smith moved, and it was seconded, that the report of the com¬ mittee be accepted. Motion carried. Report appended. 4. Charter Members: Dr. John Xan moved, seconded by Miss Mary E. Robinson, that we have a committee on Charter Membership to look into the matter of additional Charter Members and bring in a report at the next meeting. Motion carried. 5. Report of the Statistician: Dr. Roland M. Harper, Statistician, presented his report. Dr. John Xan moved, and it was seconded that we accept the report of the Statistician. Motion carried. Report appended. 6. Committee for the Nomination of Officers s Dr. J. M. Robinson, Chairman; Dr. Geo. D. Palmer and Mr. J. H. Coulliette, members, pre¬ sented the following report: President (President-Elect of last year) — Dr. James T. MacKenzie, American Cast Iron Pipe Company, Birmingham. President-Elect: Dr. J. M. Robinson, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. 1st Vice-President — Dr. J. P. Reynolds, Birmingham-Southern Col¬ lege ; Secretary, Dr. Alvin V. Beatty, University. 2nd Vice-President — Dr. G. Harlowe Evans, Huntingdon College ; Secretary, Mr. Davis H. Thompson, Birmingham. 3rd Vice-President — Mr. E. C. Horton, U. S. Weather Bureau, Bir¬ mingham ; Secretary, Mr. Peter A. Brannon, Dept, of Archives and History, Montgomery. 4th Vice-President — Mr. J. M. Stauffer, Dept, of Conservation; Sec¬ retary, Mr. Thomas A. Ford, Dept, of Conservation, Montgomery. 5th Vice-President— Mr. Alan T. Wager, Birmingham-Southern College. 6th Vice-President— Mr. W. M. Mobley, Alabama By-Products Cor¬ poration, Tarrant. 7th Vice-President — Mrs. Wynelle D. Thompson, Birmingham-South¬ ern College. Treasurer — Dr. John Xan, Howard College. 13 Councilor, A.A.A.S. — Dr. Septima C. Smith, University. Long Range Planning Committee, Section III — Dr. S. J. Lloyd, Uni¬ versity. Councilor for the Junior Academy (3 years) — Miss Lillian Worley. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Secretary cast a unani¬ mous vote for the officers nominated by the Nominating Committee, which she did. Miss Lillian Worley presented the following recommendations of the Educational Committee of S.A.S.I. to the Academy : That the Academy, along with the S.A.S.I., and Mr. Thomas Martin and Mr. Milton Fies, of the Alabama Research Institute, be approached for appropriations for a fellowship or fellowships for compiling and editing materials for use in the schoolroom for teaching Alabama resources, — human and natural. Moved and seconded that the suggestion of the S.A.S.I. be turned over to the Research Committee for study and action in accordance with the suggestion of the Educational Committee of the S.A.S.I. Motion carried. Dr. E. V. Jones, President, expressed appreciation of the cooperation of all those with whom he has been associated, to the members of the various committees and especially to Dr. Poor, Chairman of the Commit¬ tee on Local Arrangements, after which the meeting was adjourned. Registration of members and visitors was over 100. WINNIE McGLAMERY, Secretary. REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 10, 1944 RECEIPTS Balance on hand May 14, 1943 . $ 672.97 Received Membership dues and Sustaining Memberships . 429.50 Total Receipts . $1,102.47 DISBURSEMENTS Expenses of Secretary for Election . $ 7.20 Weatherford Printing Co. (blanks, ballots, etc.) . 19.47 Exchange check charge . 70 Treasurer’s expenses . 4.50 Weatherford Printing Co. (Journal) . 190.00 A.A.A.S. Award to A. J. Westland . 31.50 Total Disbursements . $253.37 $ 253.37 Balance April 10, 1944 . $ 849.10 JOHN XAN, Treasurer. Auditing Committee : C. M. FARMER LILLIAN E. WORLEY JOHN XAN 14 REPORT OF THE EDITOR OF THE JOURNAL The Editor was not present at the final business meeting at Howard College, on March 20, 1942, when he was elected to replace our president. The plan for the vice-presidents of the Academy to arrange their own programs has worked very well this year even though we all are being subjected to greater pressure because of the war. However, the members have not cooperated or followed instructions to send in two copies of their abstracts when they sent in their titles. It is hoped that this point will be noted in the future since the publication of our Journal is de¬ layed when abstracts are not furnished according to schedule. The Editor received abstracts of papers for the last two years, only after writing sev¬ eral requests to many of the authors. Since we are all so busy, why not send the abstracts with the blank which carries the title of the abstract and information for the preparation of the annual program? This is the procedure that is followed by national organizations. Your Committee on Publications has approved all complete papers that have been submitted and they have appeared in the last two volumes of the Journal. It is hoped that complete papers of a high order will con¬ tinue to be submitted to our Committee on Publication for their approval. EMMETT B. CARMICHAEL, Editor. REPORT OF THE STATISTICIAN (Prepared for the 1943 meeting, which was not held) GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama The 1942 membership list of the Academy contains 251 names, not counting Associates and Juniors. Of these 14 lived outside the state and the address of one was “unknown.” Within the state the greatest aggregation of members is naturally in the largest city, Birmingham. Its representation (including Tarrant City and Powderly but not Fairfield or Bessemer) is 46. Next are Tuscaloosa (including University) with 44, Auburn 35, Montgomery 22, Mobile (in¬ cluding Spring Hill and Toulminville) 18, Fairfield 9, Marion 8, Jackson¬ ville 6, Sheffield (including Wilson Dam) 6, Florence 5, Montevallo 5, Livingston 4, Troy 3, and Cullman (St. Bernard) 2. Twenty-three others, including Decatur, Bessemer and Selma, have only one each. Such large cities (taking them in order of 1940 population) as Gadsden, Anniston, Dothan, Phenix City, Huntsville, Talladega, and Andalusia, with over 5,000 white inhabitants each, had no Academy members in 1942. Of the total, 39, or 15.6 per cent, are women. Of these 8 are in Tus¬ caloosa (including University), 4 in Birmingham, 4 in Montevallo, 3 each in Fairfield, Auburn and Mobile, 2 in Florence, Marion and Livingston, one each in eight other places, and none outside the state. The center of population of all members residing in Alabama is in Chilton County, about ten miles south of Montevallo and five miles north¬ east of Randolph. This is probably not far from the center of aggregate white population of the state, but that does not seem to have been cal¬ culated yet. 15 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON RESEARCH The Committee has held three meetings since the last annual session of the Academy. Meeting in January, 1943, in the office of Dr. J. T. MacKenzie. The Committee agreed to cooperate, through certain of its members, with Dr. John Xan in gathering data for the Alabama Research Institute. Service of this character to some extent was rendered. Meeting of February 11, 1944, at the Molton Hotel, Birmingham. The following resolutions were passed : 1. To recommend to the Academy that appropriate publicity be given the several Research Programs of the State. 2. To recommend to the Executive Committee that the proposed California donation of $200 be matched from the sustaining mem¬ bership dues, these to be augmented, if possible, through solicita¬ tion of additional sustaining memberships, or from other sources. 3. To recommend that the donation from the A.A.A.S. be matched from Academy funds; and that the supports of research projects already underway be continued from these funds for at least an¬ other year. 4. To invite Mr. Thomas W. Martin to sit with the Committee at a special meeting to be called some time in March at his convenience. 5. To give further discussion at the next meeting to Professor Dug- gar’s suggestion to make a study of the Wisconsin Alumni Re¬ search Foundation plan. Meeting of March 20, 1944, with Mr. Thomas W. Martin in the Board Room of Alabama Power Company Building. Mr. Martin gave an informal discussion of the origin, development, and aims of the Alabama Research Institute, a discussion which was quite interesting and profitable to the Committee. The Committee in turn made known to Mr. Martin its desire and readiness to render to the Institute any service that may be possible. It was agreed that the Committee should proffer such services to the Director of the Institute at an appropriate time after his appointment. FRED ALLISON, Chairman J. F. DUGGAR S. S. HEIDE S. J. LLOYD J. T. MacKENZIE Committee on Research REPORT OF THE PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Since no meeting was held in 1943, by action of the Executive Com¬ mittee invitation was made that authors submit papers that had been pre¬ pared for publication in the Journal. Five papers and twelve abstracts were submitted. These were edited by the Committee and will be found published in October 1943 issue of the Journal. The publication of these papers is the concrete evidence of the work of the Committee. Respectfully submitted, J. H. COULLIETTE, Chairman. 16 REPORT TO THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE CRYSTAL GROWTH PROJECT AT ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE As part of a general investigation of the develpoment of the crystalline state, a study of crystal formation in gels was started at Auburn in Feb¬ ruary, 1942. The study was aided by a grant from the Alabama Academy of Science, and the writer wishes to express his gratitude to the Acad¬ emy, and to report the intent and progress of the project in the four months before he was forced to lay it aside to engage in other work, on leave of absence from the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, during the war. Formation of crystals in gels occurs in some geological depositions, but is of much greater significance in biological precipitations. The writ¬ er’s interest in gels as media for crystallization arose through investiga¬ tion of the calcium salts in gall-stones. It has been held that the banded coloration frequently observed in gall-stones is due to Liesegang-ring formation, suggesting that the stones existed at some stage as a choles¬ terol-complex gel, possibly, into which other material diffused and precipi¬ tated. X-ray diffraction diagrams of over fifty cases of gall-stones ex¬ amined by the writer, in collaboration with Dr. D. B. Phemister and Dr. H. Aronson, some years ago at the University of Chicago, revealed the existence of a rare form of calcium carbonte in many of them. The form, known as ^-CaCO or Vaterite-B, is a polymorph of calcite and aragonite, and is obtained in the laboratory with some difficulty and never in crys¬ tals above microscopic size. It was suspected that the stabilization of this rare material was due to its deposition in gels in the gall-bladder (in association with bile pig¬ ments), this hypothesis receiving strength from the previous evidence for the presence of and deposition in gels in the bladder. One of the first aims of the present study was to examine the forms of calcium carbonate de¬ posited under various conditions in a variety of gels. Several results of such an investigation could be anticipated : controlled retardation of CaCO prepicitation rates would permit more complete knowledge of precipitation and stability conditions for all three of the polymorphic forms ; applica¬ tion of such knowledge could be made to deductions of the conditions re¬ sponsible for precipitation in the gall-bladder; and the possibility existed for the preparation of crystals of /u-CaCCh large enough for single-crystal X-ray-diffraction analysis. It might be remarked here that the M-CaCO crystal structure is of much interest to crystal chemists, and it has not yet been possible to de¬ termine that structure from X-ray powder-diffraction diagrams of the microscopic crystals available. up to the present time. In the 1942 meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science the writer discussed the anomaly between the distinct positive optical character of the micro-crytals of the material, and the crystal symmetry proposed on the basis of powder- diffraction diagrams— the latter requiring one to expect strongly negative optical character. If it should be possible to prepare single crystals of the M-form, the structure could be determined and the anomaly resolved. Preparations of the carbonate precipitates have been made, and some microscopic and X-ray observations carried out. The time required for most of the crystallizations did not permit completion of the studies in the few months before their enforced postponement. They will be continued after the war. 17 It was feasible to prepare precipitates of a good number of other rather insoluble salts in gels while awaiting the CaCO depositions. Good crystals of a size suitable for crystallographic and single-crystal X-ray measurements were obtained of the following: Arsenates of calcium and magnesium ; Borates of calcium and lead ; Copper citrate ; Dichromates of barium, copper, lead and silver; Ferrocyanides of lead and manganese; Oxalates of barium, cadmium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, mangan¬ ese, strontium and zince ; Phosphates of barium, calcium, cadmium, lead, magnesium, and zinc; Fluoro-phosphates of barium and copper; Tartrates of barium, calcium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, mercury, silver, and zinc. Among the pleasant aspects of the crystal-growth project has been the participation of Institute students in the work. The growth-in-gel proce¬ dures are relatively simples, but do require care and control in measure¬ ments and observation, and provide useful experience to undergraduates with scientific predilections; at the same time, there are few subjects more fascinating to students than observations of the developing crystals under the microscope and later their examination on the optical goniometer. Microscopic recognition of chemical species by means of their optical and crystallographic characteristics is one of the most valuable techniques available to chemists and technologists in general (albeit one of the most neglected of subjects in most curricula), and the present work illustrates the recognition-procedures beautifully. Mr. Charles Searcy and Mr. Alvin Stratigos, both students in the Department of Chemistry at Auburn, aided in many of the preparations and observations, and the writer expresses his thanks to them. In the last few weeks of the program, attention was given, in collabora¬ tion with Mr. Paul Weiss of the Bartol Research Foundation, Swarthmore, Pa., to a procedure for recording the submicroscopic development of the precipitates. The method, involving a Geiger-Mueller counter set to re¬ ceive an expected diffraction maximum, which appeared when the micro¬ crystals reached a certain size, was described at the 1943 meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, and appears in abstract in the Physical Review 63 :457 (1943). The grant afforded the investigation by the Alabama Academy of Science was utilized in the purchase of chemicals and crystallizing appa¬ ratus, and the writer again wishes to thank the Academy for this aid. R. PEPINSKY, Radiation Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 18 REPORT OF RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the annual meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, despite the necessity of a streamlined program, has had a successful meet¬ ing at the Tutwiler Hotel, Birmingham, be it hereby resolved: First, that the Academy membership extend its thanks and sincere appreciation to Dr. R. Poor, Chairman on Arrangements, the hotel man¬ agement and those who aided to make the meeting a success. Second, that the membership likewise extends sincere thanks to McKesson & Robbins, Inc. for the complimentary luncheon. Third, whereas the 1944 meeting of the Academy marks the twentieth anniversary of its beginning; therefore be it resolved that surviving charter members be congratulated on their participation in the outstanding success and growth of the organization, that they be warmly felicitated, and that an engraved certificate of charter membership be prepared for each. Fourth ; WHEREAS, the Alabama Research Institute has been fi¬ nanced through the generosity and vision of industry within the State of Alabama, and WHEREAS, the sum of approximately Three Hundred Fifty Thous¬ and Dollars has been thus raised for a minimum three-year program, and WHEREAS, approximately one-half of this amount was contributed by an anonymous industrial institution in the City of Mobile and by the Alabama Power Company through Dr. Thos. W. Martin, its President ; TPIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Alabama Academy of Science express its felicitations to those men of vision within industry who have sponsored and made effective this Research organization; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alabama Academy of Science thus express to the President and Trustees of the Alabama Re¬ search Institute the earnest desire of the Alabama Academy of Science to cooperate and further the high aims of the Institute which will redound not only to the material benefit of the State but to the furtherance of the cause of Science throughout the South, be spread up on the minutes of this meeting, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to Dr. Thos. W. Martin, President of the Alabama Research Institute and to each of the Trustees of the Institute in various sections of this State. FATHER A. J. WESTLAND, S.J. E. D. EMIGH 19 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS “SOME CHALLENGES FACING THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE” E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College It is a trite statement but nonetheless true that we are facing the greatest crisis in the history of our country. This crisis will not end with the defeat of Hitler and Tojo. In fact the major crisis is not in the win¬ ning of this war but in the building of a just and durable peace. I have never doubted for one minute since Pearl Harbor that Germany and Japan would be defeated. But I have not been equally optimistic about the building of a durable peace. We, as a nation, are doing our full share in the winning of the war. The future of the world for hundreds of years may depend largely on whether or not we also do our full share in estab¬ lishing a stable world order. Surely cheap partisan politics must not be allowed to cause us to repeat our tragic blunders following the last world war. Horrible as this war is, most of us rejoice that our scientists and technologists have contributed so ably and willingly to our successes. But winning this war will still leave us facing our major problem. What contributions can science and scientists make in solving that problem? As Isaiah Bowman, recent President of the A.A.A.S., said in a radio address, science is not going to help humanity solve its basic problems merely by substituting aluminum for steel or plastics for metals ; nor even by conquering disease to lengthen human life. Neither of these desirable objectives “enlarges the already accepted ends of life or points a way toward better cooperative living.” All the practical resources “known to science will be required in quickly setting up the new order that will fol¬ low this war.” But the most difficult problems lie outside the fields of the sciences. “They are not going to be solved by spectacular discoveries in physics and chemistry but by firm moral decisions.” The science of geogra¬ phy must be applied under the guidance of ethics and morality. “We have now reached the point where the world must suddenly get its international procedures advanced,” if we are to prevent future world wars. To quote from Dr. Caldwell, Secretary of the A.A.A.S., “Scientific knowledge has improved far more rapidly than have the motives which guide its uses, — The spirit of scientific rightness and truth in human relations evolves slowly in a non-scientific society, not rapidly even among scientists. It is imperative that there be a new age of science and society in which those who cause science to grow accept their full part of the responsibility for the proper uses of knowledge.” — There must be an unprecedented increase in the understanding of, and loyalty to, the enduring principles and methods of human betterment. This is our first and most urgent chal¬ lenge that we shall not only make our full contribution in our fields of science but that we shall also lend our full support as citizens in our home communities, in our state and nation— lend our full support to bringing in a just and stable world order. In these days of high pressure propaganda in the press, on the air, and from the screen and platform, there is need as never before for a scientific attitude of mind. Our training should have prepared us not only to face the facts but also to seek for all the evidence and to attempt to properly evaluate it. This will be no easy task for the evidence and values involved cannot be measured with the chemical balance or the 20 microscope. However, the values are nonetheless real and the issues are of supreme importance. The origins of this war were rooted mainly in the economic world order. In the thirties we heard much about the have- and the have-not- nations. When the aggressors had grabbed about all they wanted the em¬ phasis changed to the opposing political and social ideologies. As the war in the Pacific and the Orient has increased in magnitude and importance the problem of race and color has loomed larger in the world picture. It is today a factor of primary importance and must be reckoned with in the establishment of a new world order. There are definite signs that the race problem is becoming more acute in America. A young Chinese college woman, an American citizen, was recently denied the right to travel from Buffalo to Ann Arbor through Canada because of her race. No part of the country seems to want the young Japanese Americans evacuated from California. The Negro, once exclusively the problem of the South, has now become an even more critical problem in the North and East. An editor of the Christian Century for December 1, 1943, said, “Already there are half a dozen northern cities in which Negroes come close to holding the political balance of power. They came within a hairs breadth of win¬ ning it in Detroit last month. In Cincinnati a Negro running as a Re¬ publican stood next to the top of the list in a city-wide poll for the municipal council. By this victory he gave Republicans a five to four majority in the council over the Charter (reform) Party which has ad¬ ministered Cincinnati’s government so long and with such distinguished success.’’ In New York — the recent election witnessed the elevation of a Negro Communist to that governing body (the City Council). The Chris¬ tian Century of March 8, 1944, quotes the Pittsburgh Courier’s report on a speech by M. W. Johnson, President of Howard University in Wash¬ ington, a conservative leader of his race, before the Ford Hall Forum in Boston as follows : — “many colored people are praying that the whites will have to keep fighting for many years so that maybe at last they will let our people go free.” Continuing, President Johnson is quoted as say¬ ing, “the emotional contempt of one-fourth of America, the working population, against the Negro is the most important crow-bar to prevent the solidarity of the country.” The same speaker is quoted as saying that the treatment of the Negro has been “nastier in the past five years than ever before in history and that as a result the morale of the Negro is at its worst stage since emancipation.” This is an ominous picture. No intelligent white man, especially in the South, should view it without serious concern. It is true the crisis is mainly in the North and East. But most of the Negroes are with us in the South, and the problems vitally concern us. We are all familiar with the statement that “after all the Southern white man is the Negro’s best friend.” There is much truth in that statement and steady progress is being made toward the solution of the race problem in the South. Colored and white men have met together frequently in Birmingham in Defense Training Programs during the present emergency. Negro pastors met recently with the Birmingham Pastors Union. In another large southern city a Boy Scout Council meeting brought together in January 100 colored and 300 white people for an evening program. One of the chief factors in this progress has been the education of the Negro. Dr. Frank P. Graham, President of the University of North Carolina, said recently in a Founder’s Day Address at Tuskegee that illiteracy among negroes has declined from 70% in 1880 to 10% in 1940. Dr. Graham said also that in the last decade more negroes graduated from 21 American colleges than in all the previous history of the race. About 650 negroes graduate each year from the Parker High School in Birmingham and Miles Memorial College graduates about 60 annually. Three or four per cent of the Parker High School graduates go north for their college training while about 10% attend Negro colleges in the South. Educated negroes in the South are presenting many new problems. The problem of negro scientist in Alabama has been before our Academy for several years and is a challenge to us and to other similar organizations. This is an opportune time to give it serious consideration. I have no favored solu¬ tion. Three possibilities have occurred to me. (1) Encourage and assist negro scientists to organize their own state or regional scientific society. (2) Establish one or more sections of our Academy for colored scien¬ tists, (3) Admit to the Academy as regular members the outstanding negro scientists in the state who wish to join. You will be surprised, as I was, to learn that one of the strongest of our Southern Academies has no color line and has frequent papers before the Academy by colored members. The Secretary of that Academy does not even know which members on the roll are colored and which are white. The ever present and increasingly insistent challenge of a lack of research development in Alabama and in the South is beginning to bear fruit. The Alabama Research Institute under the able leadership of Mr. Thomas W. Martin, President of the Alabama Power Company, gives definite promise of becoming an oasis in this “veritable desert in the field of applied research.” The Southern Association of Science and Industry with a distinguished member of our Academy, Mr. Milton Fies, Vice- President of the DeBardeleben Coal Corporation, as President and leader is wielding a strong influence in stimulating research throughout the South. The leadership of our Academy is keenly interested in both these organizations. There is a feeling of pardonable pride in the fact that one of the roots from which they sprang was the Presidential Address on “Scientific Research, The Hope of The South,” before our Academy in 1940 by Dr. George D. Palmer of the University of Alabama. The Acad¬ emy sponsored the organization of the S.A.S.I. and Dr. Palmer has from the beginning been its Secretary. But our situation is still most deplorable. In a survey of “Chemical Research in The South” presented by Sampey and Southern at the organization meeting of the S.A.S.I. at Mobile in 1941, Alabama has the following ranks among southern states : Third in number of industrial research laboratories with nineteen laboratories. Tied for eighth place for number of articles in I.E.C. with twelve articles in ten years. Tied for third place in number of articles in Jr. Chem. Ed. with twenty-seven articles in seventeen years. Fifth in number of pages in Jr. Amer. Chem. Soc. with sixty- two pages in twelve years. Fifth in per cent increase in A.C.S. membership in five years. Alabama did not even score a first in any single year in this study. And the per cent of publication from the South, as a whole, was never over six. This is indeed a deplorable situation and, with the progress that is going on in other parts of our country, it will become even more tragic if we do not do something about it. We need to restudy our goals as an Academy. We should look upon the Academy not simply as an organiza¬ tion to keep us alive professionally and scientifically but as a channel through which we may serve our communities and the state. We should 22 ' get beyond scrambling around a few weeks in February and March “to get up something” for the program. Our program in former years was seriously cramped by a lack of funds but that situation has improved. With a larger membership and a loyal group of sustaining members we are able to expand our program. We have also been able with the cooperation of the General Secretary of the A.A.A.S. and the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Goethe of Sac¬ ramento, California, to provide a small fund to be used to stimulate research activities in the Academy. We should have a fund two or three times as large as the one that has been provided. But the primary need is a more vital interest in research on the part of our members. On this Twentieth Anniversary we should celebrate not the end of twenty years of life for the Academy but the beginning of a new era when the Acad¬ emy shall wield a powerful influence in the scientific developments and the science education of the entire state. We have all been greatly thrilled by the establishment of the Alabama Research Institute. But if the Institute is to make its full contribution to the industrial and scientific developments in Alabama our entire educa¬ tional program from the primary to the graduate school must take a definite step forward. I believe Dr. George Boyd of the University of Georgia, former President of the S.A.S.I., was entirely correct when he said, “If applied research and industrialization are to make their rightful contribution to the progress of the South they must be built upon a strong educational system.” I would not go as far as Paul Mallon in his recent scathing criticisms of our educational system but the attitudes and the atmosphere of the average American college campus during the past decade have certainly not been conducive to serious intellectual effort. For a large section of our students, activities and social life have been the primary occupations, interrupted for a couple of weeks only at ex¬ amination time. Many of our graduates from the colleges and universities have never become students of any field of learning. Mr. Mallon is not the only critic of our educational system. James Trusslow Adams, writer and historian, expressed himself some years ago as follows ' “We refuse to take the trouble to think seriously, to face the truth, to think critically, . . . we are equally at the mercy of emotional appeals in our domestic politics and in economic affairs. We have largely ruined our minds with headlines, tabloids and moving pictures.” The hope lies mainly in the next generation. “At any cost I would sweep out whole wheelbarrow loads of junk from the curricula of our schools. ... I would aim education first and foremost at inculcating in the child the wish and the power to think. I would have done with the whloe pedagogical philosophy of the easy and the agreeable, the smattering of the all inclusive, the creation of the ignorantly omniscient. I would come back to the training of the mind as mind, as an instrument of thinking instead of a scrapbasket of half- forgotten facts.” All college teachers of the physical sciences are painfully aware of the woeful lack of training of our students in simple arithmetic and loga¬ rithms. Many of them are little better prepared in English composition and spelling. One of the fundamental causes — if not the chief cause— of this situation is the lack of preparation of their teachers. (Let me insert here parenthetically the frank admission that in my opinion, some of the poorest teaching in our whole educational system is done at the college level). The average citizen and the college and university teacher must accept a large share of the blame for our poorly trained high school and elementary school teachers. In spite of the fact that the traditional rare bird — “the natural born teacher” — has now become almost wholly extinct, 23 many college and university teachers belittle and thus undermine the ef¬ forts of the State to train its teachers. And the average citizen refuses to pay the teacher who has spent six or eight years in preparation as much as an illiterate man gets for digging a ditch. Alabama stands almost at the bottom of the list in this deplorable situation. A recent editorial in the Birmingham News stated that, “Alabama is exceeded only by Mississippi in the percentage of poorly paid teachers. For the current year, it is esti¬ mated, 34 per cent of Alabama’s school teachers will receive less than $600, and 73 per cent will get less than $1200. Factory workers in Ala¬ bama average about twice as much as the average school teacher.” I do not want to end on this gloomy note. Alabama has stood at the head of the list. In a paper on “The History of Science in The South” at a Mobile organization meeting of the S.A.S.I., by Dr. S. M. Christian of Agnes Scott College, it was pointed out that very significant work in chemical research was done by J. W. Mallet, F.R.S. at the University of Alabama before the war between the States. His determination of the atomic weights of Li, Ag and Au was cited by Dr. Christian as “the first atomic weight measurements in America.” It is very regrettable that we have dropped back from that exalted position. The facilities and oppor¬ tunities for graduate research in the state should be expanded. The qual¬ ity of that which is being done should be improved. The spirit of research should permeate the work of the senior year of our colleges especially in the fields of science. And we should do no work for which we should need to apologize in any company. That better days are ahead is indicated by appropriations from the State Legislature of $100,000 a year to the University of Alabama for 1944 and 1945 for the development of a re¬ search program and by the fact that the Alabama Polytechnic Institute has a projected research program of similar giagnitude. The effects of the manpower shortage are clearly evident in our meeting. Many who formerly participated in our meetings are in various parts of the world serving their country. We honor them for their devo¬ tion and are proud that through them the Academy is contributing to the welfare of the nation in this crisis. Their absence brings a challenge to the women workers in the various fields of science in Alabama for a larger participation in the activities of the Academy. As Editor of the Journal of the Academy for a dozen years it was my privilege to know pretty well the character of the papers presented each year. Some of our very best papers have been presented by women scientists. However, we should have dozens of such participants in our programs, instead of three or four. Many of us who saw the film depicting the life of Madame Curie felt there the presence of a quality of mind that is coming to be recognized as playing a very important part in expanding the frontiers of knowledge. Intuition has long been regarded as a peculiar quality of the feminine mind. But no less an authority than Dr. Irving Langmuir, Nobel Prize winner and research wizard of The General Electric Co., has re¬ cently declared that, in wide areas of human experience, intuition no less than reason may play a vital role. According to Mr. Langmuir science now recognizes “convergent phenomena” and “divergent phenomena.” Rea¬ soning based on the cause and effect relationship is valid in the former area but not in the latter. Divergent phenomena are unpredictable and un¬ predictable events may alter human history. Mr. Langmuir continued, “An idea that develops in a human brain seems to have all the characteristics of divergent phenomena.” In fact he implies that intuition has contributed in no small degree to his own success by saying, “In almost every scien¬ tific problem which I have succeeded in solving, even those that have 24 involved days or months of work, the final solution has come to my mind in a fraction of a second by a process which is not consciously one of reasoning.” At any rate, referring again to the Curie family, the very fact that the women of two generations of that family have won or shared in three Nobel Prizes should challenge the women scientists of the world for generations to come. Finally, I return to my main thesis of “greater things for Alabama through the Academy by increased emphasis on research.” The Academy has made real progress in the last five years largely due to the fact that we have more than doubled the number of working members of the organization by setting up four rather large standing committees. It is true that some of these committees have done little but stand : at least one has been rather active, and all are now beginning to function and we are beginning to see results. The Research Committee has been especially active this past year. It seems to me the Research Committee and the Long Range Planning Committee should collaborate in setting up a broad long-range research program of vital significance to the State that would challenge students and workers in every field of science. A broad pro¬ gram of research should be formulated for the Alabama Academy with the same spirit and many of the characteristics of the James River Proj¬ ect of the Virginia Academy of Science. (See Virginia Journal of Science 3,183 [1942] ). This project is an exhaustive study of the James River Basin of Virginia. All branches of science are represented in this area and nearly all the universities, colleges, and research institutions of Vir¬ ginia are located in this basin. This program is broken down into twenty sections and detailed plans have been set up to prepare a monograph of about twenty chapters on “The James River — Past, Present, and Future.” The Virginia Legislature has appropriated $5,000 for its publication. I should like to close by quoting from the Virginia Journal of Sci¬ ence a part of the Report of the Sub-committee on the James River Project. “In this great river we have our unifying idea around which can be correlated scientific, sociological and historical research. The project is enormous; the results are of inestimable value. The methods of approach are essentially two-fold — first a survey and compilation of information on what is known about existing conditions within the area of investiga¬ tion — What is the present land-use? What is the present status of con¬ servation of mineral resources, of wild life, of forests? What is the present status of education, of public health, agriculture, industry? The second phase of the project would be toward a scientific improvement of existing conditions. For the success of the work, it must be emphasized that the object is not A REFORM MOVEMENT! The Academy would NOT attempt to put trout in all the mountain streams of the State, but by scientific study would attempt to determine conditions under which trout would thrive in the streams. The Academy would NOT undertake a direct campaign denouncing stream pollution, rather it would undertake a scientific study to determine exactly what constitutes pollution and a study of means whereby pollution can be avoided, to the mutual advan¬ tage of all. It is proposed that the work on the James River Project be kept on the highest plane of careful scientific research ; it should not become involved with the vagaries of politics nor in crusades against vested interests. It should study the James River Basin as human habitat and should indicate wherever possible practical means for improving this human habitat.” The Alabama Academy of Science needs a similar challenging re¬ search program. 25 ORIGINAL PAPERS PRESENTED at the TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 19 44 THE TICKS OF CENTRAL TENNESSEE — Allan F. Archer While engaged in entomological research in the summer of 1943, I collected ticks in central Tennessee. Tick-borne diseases affecting human beings have recently assumed some importance in this area. These dis¬ eases are tularaemia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The former has been known for 17 years in one locality, Baird’s Mills, Wilson County. The following species of ticks, Ixodidae and Argasidae, occur in central Tennessee: Amblyomma americanum (Linnaeus). The “lone star” tick. Over 90% of all specimens of ticks taken belong to this species, and it is the one chiefly responsible for the transmission of tularaemia and Rocky Moun¬ tain spotted fever. Hosts : Cattle, dogs, sheep, man. Baird’s Mills, Wilson County (over 3,000 specimens); Silver Hill; Little Hope, Rutherford County; Murfreesboro. Adult males and females active from April to July 22. Dermacentor variabilis (Say). This species is far less abundant than A. americanum. However, it is more widely spread. Hosts: Dog, man. Shelbyville (most abundant here); Murfreesboro; Baird’s Mills; Mont- eagle. Active from April to July 22. Haemaphysalis leporis-palustris (Packard). Host: Rabbit only. Baird’s Mills, Wilson County. June. Argas persicus (Oken). Larvae observed under loose bark of red cedars used by roosting chickens. Wilson County ; Davidson County. ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE — Peter A. Brannon. Several learned papers have lately been prepared on the question of the influence of environment on the civilization of pre-historic people. One very interesting paper has recently appeared to show, for the better inter¬ pretation of the scientists and for the enlightment of the laymen, just how local environment affects the population in the adjacent territory* While this treatise is concerned primarly with the Northern United States and Southern Canada, it can be made to fit excellently our own State of Alabama, wherein we have the Tennessee Valley Culture, the Tallapoosa and Upper Alabama regional evidence, and the Gulf of Mexico influ¬ ence. They are distinct in the main, in so far as these stratified evidences of civilization effects are concerned. During the entire life of the State Archaeological Surveys Commit- * Canada's Indian Problems, By Diamond Jenness Smithsonian Report, 1942, Page 367. 26 tee of the National Research Council, from 1921 to 1937, I argued that we must interpret pre-historic civilization by a study of the historic culture first exposed to these pre-historic people and then make comparisons. Dur¬ ing most of the life of the Committee my fellow members opposed me in the procedure, but I lived to see that my idea did prevail and that we must study these primitive cultures by a comparison of the things found illustrating the contacts of the two. That is through a study of the trade relations of these people, then we arrive at the folk-customs in a much better manner than if we attempted to study them altogether through dis-associated cultural suggestions. It is quite well known to the average student that the pioneer any¬ where in contact with the native did not compare culturally. That is to say that the average pioneer was not of the advanced or highest type of educated, polished, specimen of his race or creed, whereas in most cases those with whom he dealt were the leaders of the family or group. This obviously is not applicable to missionaries as these were not generally the advance guard. From the date of the arrival of the English Colonists in Virginia and Massachusetts, and considering the contacts in the Central Valley of the Gulf States, it is an historical fact that the white man first seen by the native, as a permanent resident, was not, culturally speaking, his equal. It might be argued that the members of the earliest Spanish Expedition here were in the majority, “Gentlemen,” but the use of that word does not mean what we today interpret the designation to be. In his case he had property and influence in the old country, but here they were primarily adventurers, more specifically, soldiers-of-fortune, rather than military men. However, -only a few members of these expeditions had any individual long standing contact and they perhaps did not influence the culture of our native people to one bit of extent. They may have influenced temperament, disposition and subsequent character of existence of our na¬ tives, as from then on it was a matter of the “survival of the fittest,” but the manner of living was influenced more by the contact of the native with the physical things which made the economical life of these incomers rather than the incomers themselves. I merely review the facts for you when I call your attention to one of the outstanding evidences of environment along the Tennessee River as demonstrated by bone picks, (tools to facilitate food production) and the very prominent heaps of discarded shells showing the source material whence these people derived their main food supply. A characteristic (or evident) middle of the State indication of folklore is the cooking vessel, which would seem to suggest that these people were more agricultural. The great shell mounds on the Gulf Coast would prove that their people were fishermen. These three evidences prove the different characters of pre-historic people and divide the State of Alabama into three distinct sections at a pre-historic time, and histroically and politically as all of you know, such conditions exist now. Temperamentally, culturally, spiritually, and other¬ wise, Alabama character is decidedly stratified'. The Tennessee Valley Region is different from the Central Black Belt and entirely unlike the Mobile Territory. Thirty years ago the politicians spoke of Northeast Alabama as the “State of High Jackson.” When the Constitution of this State was adopted in 1901 the Black Belt dominated politically and as¬ sumed to dominate culturally the State Government, and through forty years neither North Alabama or South Alabama have been able to get representation changed, so that they can have a comparable voice in the affairs of the State. Of course the automobile, the telephone and the radio 27 have made the fact of only a few minutes difference between North and South Alabama, and the politician may now go from Montgomery into Franklin County or Jackson County in less time than he could forty years ago, go to the County-seat next from his own. Our pre-historic population who lived on the Tennessee River sur¬ vived, if the physical evidences may be taken for granted, on the fresh water mussels and fish, though they perhaps raised some corn, and the natives in the lower country, that is adjacent to the Delta of our great river system (and on Mobile Bay and the Gulf Coast) through salt water fishing and swamp hunting. It was necessary for the native along the Tallapoosa and the Lower Coosa and the Tombigee and Alabama rivers to produce agricultural crops and life must of a necessity, through this environment have affected his culture. There are those Alabama archaeologists who feel that the old sand- tempered crude earthen-ware of the Tennessee Valley proves that primi¬ tive people were there one thousand years before or longer than were those settled below that latitude in the State, but when we study the arti¬ facts of the pre-historic people it is rather dangerous to interpret one sec¬ tion as inhabited much prior to the other. For example, the winged- serpent figure so recently illustrated on the Tennessee River. The Frog concept, both in effigy and in “Flat Relief,” is at Moundville on the Lower Tallapoosa and on the Gulf Coast, and not incidentally, but suf¬ ficiently evident to prove that it was basically a part of the art of the people. The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is in the Upper Valley of the Ala¬ bama and at Moundville. The finding of the Swastika, hand, eye, Ivory- Billed Woodpecker design in Northern Mississippi, West Alabama, Moundville, and in the Norris Basin, might indicate a kinship of racial groups in those geographical regions. Again, compare the ethnological evidences of Coosada Town on an island in the northeast corner of the State, and a town of the same people at the headwaters of the Alabama River.' The coiled rattlesnake on shell gorgets of the Upper Tennessee Valley and even into the Cumberland Region, is quite a part of the art around Montgomery, Alabama and Columbus, Georgia, though I never saw the evidence from South Alabama. It is a scientific fact and bears out this historical fact that archaeological evidences at the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa rivers which make the Alabama, are very similar to those in Northeast Tennessee Valley, so there was of course a pre-historic re¬ lationship. The art of the Moundville and the Tallapoosa peoples surpasses that of the Tennessee River people in so far as the development of the physical things which have come out of these regions must be accepted, but it is possible that existence along the Tennessee River was harder than in the more productive regions of the central part of the State. There are no outstanding art productions of those people on the Gulf Coast (unless we accept the figurines and effigies on their earthenware as expressive of this character), where hunting and fishing made life easy, and it is pos¬ sible that the people of the Gulf Country did not find it as necessary to work to live as they did on the Tennessee River. Historical determinations lead to the conclusion that there was a larg¬ er population through the middle section of the State at the dawn of his¬ tory than in any other region. Certainly, there were more inhabited places between the Talladega County region and the region of Claiborne in Monroe, than there were north or south of this latitude. Climate and soil had something to do with this. If one makes -a study of the DeSoto 28 Route narratives he finds that practically all of the towns visited by him were on productive ground and in that case near water courses which would grow corn and similar food products, and in the central part of the State they were not in prairie regions. The present accepted route of this first foreign expedition is now conceded to have been from Stevenson in Jackson County, down the Tennessee River to Guntersville, across to the Coosa at Greensport, and down that stream to the Southwestern cor¬ ner of Talladega County, thence across to the Tallapoosa and across to Montgomery and down as far as Claiborne, to reach the Mississippi River by Old Ackia in Monroe County, Mississippi. Those explorers found a region of three different strata, theoretically, three cultures, Cosa, Talasi, Maubila, and as said in the beginning we still today have that Mobile, Montgomery and Decatur cultural feeling in Alabama. Even though one feels that atmosphere, and assumes those evidences, and knows those many facts to prove it, the archaeological evidences in the State are so complicated that no one is able to positively fix the Moundville Culture, or Tallapoosa Culture, or Guntersville Culture, or Mobile Culture. These same archaeological evidences show Missouri and Arkansas type pottery at Moundville, and at Montgomery, and on the Chattahoochee River at Old Coweta Town, (historically said to be the oldest point in North America as definitely fixed). There are locally made objects which were not hardly brought there from other regions, even though they are identically of the same type, so culture may be influ¬ enced by environment, but it is not made by it. RECENT RAINFALL DEFICIENCIES IN ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI — E. D. Emigh, Montgomery. During the years 1941, ’42 and ’43 unsually persistent dry weather prevailed over an area embracing sixteen counties in northwestern and western Alabama, and also over northeastern Mississippi. Over this en¬ tire area the total amount of rainfall for the three-year period was only about 70 per cent of the normal amount, and over most of the area ac¬ cumulated deficiencies in rainfall, i.e., departures below normal, exceeded 40 inches. At Moulton, in Lawrence County, the total amount was 58 per cent of normal, and the deficiency for the three-year period approximately 66 inches. This was the driest spot. At near-by Muscle Shoals, in Colbert County, a deficiency of 55.64 inches accumulated, and the percentage of normal was 65 per cent. At a large majority of the stations located over the region deficiencies exceeded 40 inches, although some points had less than 40 inches defi¬ ciency, and Haleyville, in Winston County, not very far from Moulton had only 28.03 inches of deficiency. It is interesting to note that this extremely dry weather persisted during the three years under discussion only in the area described above, although deficiencies in rainfall of between 14 and 20 inches were re¬ corded at numerous points in middle and northern Alabama. In a study of this nature it is of course important to give considera¬ tion to the seasonal distribution of the rainfall or, as in this case, the rainfall deficiencies. For. this purpose progressive overlapping three-month sums of rainfall deficiency averages for all of Alabama north of latitude 29 33° are used. The January-February-March sum of deficiencies was the greatest, being 12.61 inches. It is important to note that this is the portion of the year during which moisture from rainfall is most effectively stored in the soil for the use of vegetation. The three-month period ending in April shows a deficiency of 10.34; that ending in May, 9.32, and that in June 12.57 inches. Although July is ordinarily one of the wettest months of the year in point of total amount of rainfall, this was not true during the years 1941, '42 and ’43, the deficiency for the three months May-June- July being only 7.86 inches. It must therefore be concluded that not only were deficiencies in moisture large but that the distribution of ranifall in point of time was such as to be least beneficial. The figures for the entire year are fur¬ nished below : Accumulated Departures, Three Years (Three month progressive sums) Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May June — 2.56 — 8.86 —12.61 —10.34 — 9.32 —12.57 July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. — 7.86 — .03 + 3.03 + 1.44 — 4.30 — 2.33 The object of thus describing this situation is to lay the ground work for discussions which follow on the program. Mr. J. C. Garrett, Agricultural Statistician, United States Department of Agriculture, who was requested to contribute a paper, but was unable to do so, has furnished some interesting information. He states : “I am enclosing yield data for northwest Alabama counties for corn, cotton, and hay for the years of 1941, 1942, and 1943, compared to the ten year average (1931-40). For each of the three years I am showing the actual estimated yield and the per cent that the yield is of the ten year average. “In the case of corn, and particularly of hay, the data show a decided falling off of yields in this area compared to the average. In the case of cotton, however, it is quite a different story. Cotton is a hot dry weather plant and does not need as much rain as corn and hay. Another point to remember is that we could have a difference of the actual rainfall, and still have sufficient rain during the growing season to produce crops.” It is not possible to reproduce the tables furnished by Mr. Garrett in their entirety, and this is not necessary in any case because the averages for the counties in the area concerned show clearly that his conclusions are correct. For hay, the 1941 yield was 102 per cent of the ten year average ; 1942, 88 per cent; 1943, 83 per cent, showing a significant falling off in the production of hay as a result of the droughty weather. In the case of corri there appear as Mr. Garrett suggests to have been opportune showers which tended to reduce the effect of the drought. It is well known that corn can withstand a great deal of dry weather if it receives showers, even though only moderate showers, during the tasselling period, and this may have occurred. In 1941 the corn yield was 124 per cent of the ten year average; 1942, 108 per cent; 1943, 108 per cent, both 1942 and 1943 showing a marked decrease from 1941. In 1941 the cotton field was 109 per cent of the ten year average; 1942, 137 per cent; 1943, 135 per cent. Cotton loves dry weather. 30 TEACHING PUPILS TO DEVELOP THE SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDE OF MIND — W. W. Hill, Jefferson County Schools, Birmingham. Science in itself is method: a method of inquiry, discovery, and test¬ ing. In its application, science has had a revolutionary effect on daily life, but as a method of observation and reasoning, of investigation and verifi¬ cation, it remains the possession of a comparatively small number of spe¬ cialists. It has not become the organ of everyday ways of thinking in for¬ mations of beliefs. It is not a part of the popular mind. The ways of thought of the average person remain much as they were before the rise of science. This fact is evident to one dealing with pupils and teachers in our public schools. One of our science teachers in the Schools of Jefferson County is now conducting a study of superstitions prevalent in her community. She has collected more than one hundred superstitious beliefs which affect the daily lives of the pupils and is making a critical analysis of these tra¬ ditional ideas for the purpose of developing a scientific attitude toward thinking. The following is a sample of such beliefs : 1. Never kill hogs on the full of the moon — the meat will not be good. 2. Never let a tree or post come between friends when walking together. 3. Never move on Friday — unlucky. 4. If you give a knife to a friend, it will cut your love. 5. If you cut off a baby’s finger nails, it will die before it is six months’ old. 6. To cure a bone felon, catch a live frog, split open its back, taking care not to inflict instant death, and place the space over the affected part. The inflammation is said to pass into the frog’s body. 7. If your children wear a little bag of asafetida around their necks, they will not catch whooping cough. 8. To cure sore throat, take off your stocking and wrap the foot of it around your neck. 9. If you boast of something, immediately knock on wood — it will prevent bad luck. In talking to a group of high school science pupils, one teacher found that the majority of the group believed the vestigial remains of a toe which appears on the inside of a horse’s foreleg just above the knee, to be a “night eye” and that this short bone on the leg of the horse had always existed in this same position. The cause for this enduring remoteness of science as a universal method of observation is a matter for most searching thought. It should be a matter of surprise that the idea of the possibility and desirability of impartial and cooperative methods of inquiry should hardly have made an impression on the public mind. It should be a matter of surprise that while it assumed as a matter of course, problems regarding physical things such as the manufacture of automobiles, radios, refrigerators and air¬ planes should be approached through a skilled technique of investigation and testing, that the great mass of people, even scientific men eminent in 31 their special fields should rest content with their day by day actions which express tradition, dogma, prejudice, and emotional appeal which are not in keeping with the scientific method of approach. The differences of attitudes points to some deep-seated source of re¬ sistance on the social side. The dead inertia of custom and habituation counts for much, but I am afraid much of the lag is due to a failure on our part as teachers to grasp a clear conception of the outcomes which we are striving to attain in the teaching of science in the public schools. You learn by doing. This is most true in learning to think. A child who is always told what to do never learns to think for himself because he never has to. The classes in our schools should give the pupils a chance to do their own thinking, and to solve some of their problems. This ma¬ jor objective which is to teach children to develop the scientific attitude of mind should run through all activities in our public schools like a great thorofare runs through a city. There is a great need for opportunities to practice thinking in and out of classes. This is one reason for having school clubs. A club may harness pupils’ interests in science, photography, social service, or sports. But a characteristic of good school clubs is that they are run by the pupils themselves. Pupils of different ages and backgrounds and talents learn to work together. They learn to direct themselves under a teacher who should be a skilled leader. Pupils should become partners in running the school, not because the school is run better thereby, but so that ex¬ perience in school may really be an education. The school environment is a stimulant to sound thinking. Opportu¬ nities to see how good thinking is done are abundant. Thinking is one of the major components of the first-hand learning which goes on in the classroom. Every teacher in every classroom should be essentially con¬ cerned with developing the scientific attitude among his pupils. The pu¬ pils should lead in discussions on pertinent topics of the times. They should analyze articles to expose propaganda techniques. They should learn to subject magazines, newspapers, books, pamphlets and motion pic¬ tures to critical interpretation. Another teacher in the Jefferson County Schools is now conducting a study on how to handle controversial issues in the classrooms. She has found from a study of opinions of parents in several localities in Jeffer¬ son County, that it is evident that they are agreed on the fact that if children are old enough to be interested in controversial issues, they are old enough to hear both sides fairly and only so can they be taught to be intelligent, fair, and responsible citizens. She found that the parents seem to agree to this even when some parents and teachers condemn one side or the other. This teacher, in order to get over the prejudices already developed in the minds of pupils, has clipped the statements of candidates for public office in Jefferson County and Alabama from the newspapers and mixed the statements of all candidates together. By analyzing each statement independently of the name of the candidate who made it, she has been able to get a critical interpretation of these statements over to the pupils. Another interesting technique she used to discover her own influence on the opinions of pupils was the way she responded to members of her class who immediately after the discussion of statements of the candidates would ask, “Whom are you far?” She responded to this question by asking the class to vote on the question, “Whom do you think I am for?” The results of a vote on this question gave the teacher a chance to see if her personal bias had greatly 32 influenced the opinions of the pupils regarding the statements made by the candidates. The classrooms of our public schools must contain many activities in which pupils will have a chance to apply the scientific method. We have found out from a firsthand study of the actual patterns of thought that thinking and activity are organically related, that whenever thinking is more than idle day-dreaming, it is engaged in the work of constructing possible lines of action. We hold that an idea is precisely a plan of action. Hence, it is only in the classroom which consciously aims at providing pur¬ poseful activity for the pupils that the thinking of the pupils will reach a level above that of idle day-dreaming. The best way for pupils to see how useful the scientific method can be is to try it out as a tool on defi¬ nite problems connected with school studies and with activities outside of school. Ideas stick in pupils’ heads and are not forgotten when pupils un¬ derstand why they should be learned well. We in the teaching profession are willing to accept a great deal of the blame for the failure to make the scientific method of inquiry a uni¬ versal organ of observation and thinking, but the signs seem to indicate an active and aggressive resistance on the part of certain groups in our society which fear the free play of critical inquiry. These interests seem to welcome science as long as it produces discoveries which can be utilized in ways that will show on the credit side of the financial ledger or to support some personal prejudice, but the publicity, the cooperativeness, the common good and sharing which are so inherent in the scientific method of inquiry are not accepted by some groups of our society. There is an intimate connection between democracy, free intelligence and the scientific method of inquiry. The effort to unite the peoples of the earth about these great conceptions of democracy which are distilled from human experience, may hold more ultimate promise than any attempt to unite them around a body of doctrines which are based on dogma, emotional appeal, tradition, and the vested interests of classes. If we can effect the use of intelligence as a method of control in the physical and mechanical field such as in the manufacture of automobiles, radios, refrigerators and airplanes, why should we not strive to develop it in our day by day actions in the field of human relations? If we can¬ not, the split between mere drift in human affairs and mastery in the material things is bound to widen, and possibly to result in a breakdown of our civilization. 33 THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE — Charles W. Hoffman, DuPont Co. The electron microscope as a research instrument is rapidly making a name for itself in industry. One of these microscopes is now in use at the Dow Chemical Company. The instrument is not portable, rather com¬ plicated, and requires a very high vacuum as well as a very high voltage. The basic optical system of the electron microscope parallels that of the light microscope. Here is a comparison of the two : Light Microscope Electron Microscope Beam . Light Electrons Condenser Lens . Substage-Lens-Glass Magnetic Coil Specimen . Slide mounted-Glass. Collodion or mesh mounted-approx. 10 millimicrons thick Objective . Glass lens Magnetic Coil Eyepiece . Glass lens Magnetic Coil Image..... . In eye, on film, or Fluorescent screen projected on screen and film The focusing action of the magnetic lens in the electron microscope is accomplished by varying the current in the coils. The electron, diverging from the specimen, meets the magnetic field produced by each coil. Then the electron is deflected from its original course and spirals to a point on the axis of the coil. In this way, a short magnetic field acts like a thin glass lens. The author’s magnetic lens electron microscope is patterned after that of Knoll and Ruska. The cathode ray tube from a Du Mont Oscilloscope is cut so that the bell screen end is separated from the sleeve containing the electron source, anode and deflecting plates. The sleeve end is placed at one end of a 3" diameter brass tube one meter long with the bell screen at the other end. The power supply for this crude microscope is supplied from the original oscilloscope (housing) supply. An opening at the side of the brass tube is connected to the high vacuum system. The high vacuum needed is produced by a mercury diffusion pump, a liquid air trap and a Cenco Hyvac Pump, and is measured with a McLeod Gage. The magnetic lenses are two iron “doughnuts” that encase a coil of wire of 1000 turns and have a small portal opening %" around the edge on the inside perimeter of each coil. Current is supplied to the magnetic coils by batteries. This microscope does not produce high magnifications but serves to demonstrate the basic principles of the research one. The modern research microscope is one built by the RCA Manufac¬ turing Company of Camden, New Jersey. This microscope has many re¬ finements and produces high magnifications. Research pictures of metal surfaces, of bacteria, of powders, of most anything suitable for analysis, are being shown in many scientific journals such as the Journal of Ap¬ plied Physics, the Journal of Bacteriology, or Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. The high voltage terminal or anode is encased at the top, as well as the electron source. Directly below the anode lies the first magnetic coil which acts as a condenser, concentrating the electron beam on the speci¬ men. The specimen, depending on thickness and composition, is inserted into the microscope below the condenser lens by an air lock device that 34 prevents the breaking of the high vacuum. This specimen may be collodion mounted or mounted on 800 mesh, the mesh serving as fiduciary marks for focusing the first magnetic lens below it. Here the diverging electrons from the specimen (which is any degree of transparency or opacity to the electrons) are focused so that the second magnetic lens (below the speci¬ men) can form the final image on the screen. The final image is viewed through portal windows arranged around the screen holder. If a photo¬ graph is desired, a film holder, or casette is placed under the screen. The system for generating the high vacuum is encased at the bottom, with tubes connecting various sections of the microscope. The electron microscope is finding wide application to metallurgy. Since the surface of a metal cannot be put directly into the microscope, replicas are being made. Polystyrene serves this function well in that it can be molded to the polished or etched surface and then stripped from it, retaining the surface contours. This one-step replica can then be viewed in the microscope. Sometimes silica is evaporated onto the polystyrene replica, giving rise to a second replica or two step replica. Silica will fill in any recesses or depressions of the surface over 1" thick. Etched stainless steel pro¬ duces many fine studies with these techniques. A comparison of a picture taken by photomicrography with that made by electron microscopy (at the same magnification) shows the greater detail of surface contour due to the fact that the wave lengths associated with the electron are shorter than the wave lengths of visible light. Contour studies are being made at Dow Chemical Company by meas¬ uring the intensities of the surfaces shown by the electron microscope. The pictures are calibrated by using a surface of known thickness. The re¬ sulting “line structure” for the pictures taken with the electron micro¬ scope shows greater detail than those by light microscope photography. Then, too, the electron microscope can be converted for electron diffraction studies of powders and the resulting diffraction rings are in close agreement with those taken by X-ray. In this way electron micro¬ scopy is being correlated with electron diffraction and X-ray diffraction. The most recent application is an electron microscope used as a “micro¬ analyser, developed by Dr. Hillier and Dr. Zworykin at the RCA labora¬ tories. I he specimen is needled with an intense beam of electrons and absorbs a certain amount of the energy per element composing it. Each element is identified by the number of electron-volts that it absorbs. In this way the chemical composition of the specimen may be known by the “sorting out” of its elements with the electron microscope. Attention is called to this fact in a recent article in Time Magazine, December 20 1943 by Dr. Hillier. 35 SOME ASPECTS OF THE CHEMISTRY OF THE SEPARATION OF COLUMBIUM AND TANTALUM — James E. Land, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The comments and facts which are to be presented in this paper do not for the most part represent original investigations on our part, but are mainly observations and improvements that we have made in certain preparatory work dealing with the preparation of a supply of pure colum- bium compounds. It should be mentioned at this time that columbium is also known as niobium. The latter name is more prevalent in Europe. Some time ago in our department we became interested in the study of certain complex compounds of the element columbium and their possi¬ ble behavior and reaction in non-aqueous solvents. The high cost of this element as well as its compounds because of their scarcity led us to under¬ take its separation and purification from one of its mineral sources, namely columbite, which is an iron columbate with impurities of tantalum, tin, zinc, titanium, and zirconium. The element columbium occurs in the “A” family of the fifth group of the periodic table lying between vanadium above and tantalum below. Naturally, it would be expected that this element would show properties in common with those of both tantalum and vanadium. However, because of the phenomenon of Lanthanide Contraction, it is found that it agrees in properties with, or is more similar to tantalum, being always found in * conjunction with this element regardless of the mineral source. In fact, since the discovery of columbium in 1801 by Hatchett (1) and the discovery of tantalum in 1802 by Eckebert (2), these two elements have been constantly confused. It was not until 1866 following the brilliant and painstaking work of Marignac that these two elements were definitely shown not to be one and the same element. Because of this great similarity in chemical behavior, great difficulty has been and still is experienced in their analytical separation and purification. It is our opinion that many of the claims and chemical characteristics that have been published in the literature concerning these two elements are open to question, because the presence of one element will materially influence the behavior of the other. A supply of the columbite ore was obtained from Mitchell County, North Carolina, and, reasoning from the determined specific gravity, the columbium content was estimated at about 55-60 per cent, expressed as the pentoxide. Regardless of the final method of separation, the mineral first must be opened by fusion. Sodium or potassium pyrosulfate are excellent fusion agents for this purpose, and both can be prepared by heating the respective acid salts. After fusion the cold melt is transferred to hot 3 normal hydrochloric acid where it is allowed to stand overnight. This operation serves to remove such impurities as iron, titanium, tin, zinc, etc. that are soluble in the hydrochloric acid, while the columbium and tan¬ talum are removed as the insoluble columbic and tantalic acids. The pro¬ cedure then is to separate these precipitated acids by filtration and ignite them to the corresponding pentoxides. If tests indicate that the pentoxides are still contaminated by any impurities, th.e same procedure of fusing and leaching in hydrochloric acid must be carried out again, or as many times as it is found necessary to free them of impurities. Now with a supply of the pure columbium and tantalum pentoxides a search of the literature was made to determine what methods offered a suitable means of separation. Of those we found, three methods seemed feasible. 36 The first of these was the one originally used by Marignac (3) and consisted of dissolving the mixed oxides in hydrofluoric acid. If then potassium fluoride be added to the resulting solution, advantage can be taken of the fact that K^TaF? is of lower solubility than K*CbOF« thereby permitting these two to be separated by fractional crystalization. This method did not prove to be successful for our needs because, first, the necessity for special apparatus that would withstand the action of the hydrofluoric acid, and secondly, this method will never give absolutely pure columbium because, with the higher solubility, it remains in solution last and thereby always contains a trace of tantalum. The next method tried was one introduced by Sears (4) of the Uni¬ versity of Nevada in 1926. He employed the same pyrosulfate fusion, but by working at a higher temperature (over 875 degrees C.) he found that the tantalates formed undergo decomposition to the oxide form in the melt, while the columbate precipitates as such while the tantalum precipi¬ tates as a hydrated oxide. Advantage is then taken of the fact that colum- bates are soluble in a 1 :1 sulfuric acid solution while the tantalum oxides are not. We did not find this method too successful in furnishing a supply of columbium as the solubility of the columbate in the sulfuric acid solu¬ tion is low. A variation of this method was the addition of the selenium oxychloride to the sulfuric acid solution. Again we found, although this method may be applicable to quantitative estimations, it could not serve as * a means of isolating larger quantities. The third method, and probably the only reasonably successful method yet employed, is the tannin separation method developed by Powell and Schoeller (5) in England. It has long been known that tantalum and columbium could form soluble complexes with oxalates and tartrates. These complexes seem to be relatively unstable in the presence of tannic acid, and are thereby precipitated through the formation of an adsorption complex. As the tantalum appears to be less stable than the columbium it is possible to bring about a more or less complete separation. The mech¬ anism of this process is as follows: After fusion the sodium pyrosulfate melt is allowed to stand in a hot saturated solution of ammonium oxalate until it is completely dissolved. These two reactions take place : (TaOO- + 5 (HGO«)-r — > Ta(HC2(»5 (CbCh)- + 3 (HGO0- — > CbO (HGCM)3 The tantalum complex is only stable in the presence of free oxalic acid. In our work we have found that the resulting solution had a pH value of between four and five. This solution was then brought almost to the boiling point and a freshly prepared 2 to 5% tannic acid solution slowly added. An adsorption complex is produced by the reciprocal flocculation of the two colloids of opposite sign, namely, the negative tannin and the positive earth acid sol. The tannin complex of tantalum is lemon yellow while the columbium complex is a bright red. The tantalum is precipitated first, then comes an orange coloration which indicates that both tantalum and columbium are being pi ecipitated together. This is followed by the bright red columbium precipitate. The procedure here is to stop the precipitation at the distinct points of color change. The orange portion is fused again with pyrosulfate, dissolved in ammonium oxylate, and the same procedure carried out. Each time reduces the amount of the elements precipitated together. The colum¬ bium precipitation is aided by making the solution just neutral with am- ML. TAN NIC ACID 37 emf FIGURE 1 38 monium hydroxide. Ammonium chloride solid is usually added to aid flocculation. Great difficulty is always experienced in following the different parts of this reaction by noting the color changes. The latter are often rather indistinct and tend to grade gradually one into the other. We have made a great deal of effort to correct this by following this process with electro¬ chemical measurements. An inert electrode, such as platinum, coupled with a calomel half cell gave absolutely no variation, but we did find that by working at a lower temperature the glass electrode gave some promise of being able to indicate more closely the changes taking place. Plotting ml s of tannic acid against E.M.F. a curve as shown in Figure 1 is obtained. From A to B pure tantalum is precipitated. The BC portion represents the fraction where the columbium and tantalum are precipitated simultaneously. Between C and D pure columbium. Such measurements indicate more exactly where to cut the precipitation fractions. It must be pointed out though that we have not yet been able to ac¬ curately stabilize all the variables involved in this method and it is not at the present time entirely pool proof, but we believe it warrants more study. At least the glass electrode is an excellent means of controlling the pH of these solutions, a factor that is most important in this separation. From our experience the tannin separation is by far the best means at the present time of obtaining a supply of relatively pure columbium or its compounds. Pure columbium has been prepared by the electrolysis of fused IGCbOFs or by the following reaction (6) : 5 CbC + Cb=0 — > 7 Cb + 5 CO In closing it is to be noted that this metal has not been prepared yet m sufficient quantity to know whether it has any wide commercial value. Our interest is mainly in the preparation of new complex compounds and their possible use in the electro-deposition of this metal or its separation more efficiently from tantalum. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Phil. Thans. 1802, 92, 44 (2) Ann. Chim. 1802, 43, 276 (3) Ann. Chim. Phys. 1866, 8, 5 and 1866, 9, 244 (4) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 48, 343 (26) (5) “The Analytical Chemistry of Tantalum and Niobium.” Schoeller Chapman and Hall publishers, London, 1937 (6) Pure Columbium, Blake— (preprint) Trans. Elec. Chem. Soc. 39 THE EFFECT OF RAINFALL DEFICIENCIES IN NORTHWEST ALABAMA ON FOREST CONDITIONS — J. M. Stauffer, State Forester, Dept, of Conservation, Montgomery. A deficiency in the amount of precipitation is of serious concern to the grower of timber and producer of forest products. Not only is the forest fire problem accentuated but the annual increment or growth of woody material is substantially reduced. The northwestern portion of Alabama embracing sixteen counties, ex¬ tending in a general southwesterly direction from Madison County to in¬ clude Choctaw County, and certain bordering counties in Mississippi have suffered from a marked deficiency in rainfall during the past three years. For the purposes of this paper, comments and observations are confined to Alabama, The average annual departure from the normal rainfall over the three year period has varied considerably between reporting stations, ranging from —6.58 inches for Fayette County to — 18.49 inches for Law¬ rence County. Sumter County with a deficiency of — 1.57 inches appears to have been an oasis in the dry belt of counties, as the surrounding coun¬ ties all showed fairly high departures from the normal. The effect of inadequate moisture is well illustrated by the forest fire statistics for five counties in the dry area that have been under organized forest fire control by the Division of Forestry of the Department of Con¬ servation. Not all of the sixteen counties are under organized protection, otherwise it would have been possible to make a more comprehensive comparison. However, it is believed that the fire records for Madison, Lauderdale, Colbert, Franklin, and Jefferson Counties are representative and will reflect the general situation in the others. Using the 1940 records as a normal, the number of fires or ignitions increased 37% in 1941, 54% in 1942 and 41% in 1943; while the area burned increased 7.54% in 1941, 93.6% in 1942 and 66.24% in 1943. However, not all the factors were constant from year to year, hence any conclusion that is drawn should be relative rather than absolute. Loss of manpower, and lack of equipment and trained personnel as a result of the war, contributed to the increase in the number of fires and area burned, but the deficiency in moisture appears to have been the most important element in the fire problem equation. This is substantiated in part' by the considered opinions of the men in charge of the local fire control organizations. Moisture is the limiting factor in tree growth. Without adequate mois¬ ture desert conditions develop even though soils may be fertile and other climatic factors favorable. The presence or absence of moisture, other factors being equal, determines the volume of the annual tree growth. To estimate the effect on growth as a result of three years of deficient rainfall, 112 trees, selected in five counties in the dry belt, were sampled with an increment borer. The cores were removed and the growth per cent determined by the application of Schneider’s formula. The trees used as samples comprised the important timber species of the area and in¬ cluded loblolly pine, Virginia pine, shortleaf pine, red cedar, red oak, white oak, scarlet oak and yellow poplar. The annual increment per cent for 1943, as determined by Schneider’s formula, was compared with the an¬ nual increment per cent for 1940. It was found from the 112 borings or increment cores that growth had decreased .55% for all species. The pines, as a group, showed a greater loss in growth than the hardwoods, being .87% compared to .50% for sweet gum, .41% for white oak and .36% for black oak. From the limited data it was impossible to develop a clearly defined proportion between the amount of the rainfall deficiency and the 40 per cent loss in growth. For instance, the average annual rainfall defi¬ ciency for Limestone County during the three year period was recorded at — 13.43 inches, while the loss in growth amounted to .76% per year contrasted to a recorded deficiency of — 16.68 inches for Lauderdale County and a loss in growth of .41% per year. The dry area or belt covering sixteen Alabama counties has a gross area of 7,829,120 acres of which 62%, or 4,855,282 acres are classed as forest land. The normal annual timber growth for this section of Alabama is estimated at 200 bd. ft. per acre per year. The total annual growth for the area, therefore, amounts to 971.056,400 bd. ft. Since growth in 1943 declined .55% due largely to the lack of sufficient rainfall, the total loss in growth for the area from this cause is computed at 5,340,000 bd ft. Assuming an average stumpage value of $8.00 per thousand board ft., the net loss for the 16 counties in 1943 due to dry weather is placed at $42,720. If 1944 is characterized by a deficiency in precipitation, although present indications are to the contrary, it can be expected that timber growth will continue to decline at least in an equal amount. It is quite common to estimate the damage to agricultural crops as a result of dry weather. Since the tree crop is harvested periodically, little concern is expressed because the loss is not readily apparent, although the forests of Alabama are producing a crop that after cutting, processing and transporting is contributing annually in excess of $150,000,000 to the State’s economy. A deficiency in rainfall, therefore, is responsible for two elements of damage to the forest lands of the State, namely, a depreciation in current annual growth and an increase in the amount of loss from forest fires. Some wit has said “everybody talks about the weather but no one is able to do anything about it.’’ While it is true that we cannot exercise control over the amount of rainfall in order to sustain tree growth, we can at least make a strong effort to improve the forest fire situation. To accomplish the desired results and bring the annual fire loss within acceptable limits requires the full understanding and cooperation of the people associated directly or indirectly with the woodlands of the State. Although weather and fire danger are predictable, people are not and for that reason a fire control organization must of necessity carry on an un¬ relenting and persistent fire prevention program. 41 THE MIDWAY-WILCOX CONTACT IN ALABAMA — Lyman Toulmin, Jr., University. Bauxite, the ore of aluminum, has been mined in small quantities in Alabama for many years. Production has risen tremendously in recent years owing to war demands. In one year, 1941, production rose 593 per cent over that of the previous year and Alabama became the second state in point of production. In 1942 the production was almost double that of 1941. Most of the Alabama bauxite comes from Barbour and Henry Coun¬ ties in southeast Alabama from beds near the contact between the Midway and Wilcox groups. Limonite, brown iron ore, is another mineral of economic importance that occurs in upper Midway strata near the contact with the overlying Wilcox giTiup. The brown iron ore occurs in weathered beds near the surface of the ground in a large area in Butler, Crenshaw, Pike, and Bar¬ bour Counties. The Geological Survey of Alabama sponsored a Work Progress Administration project in 1942 to prospect these brown ores. A total of more than a million and a quarter tons of brown iron ore re¬ serves in parts of Butler, Crenshaw, and Pike Counties were prospected, sampled, and mapped before the project was brought to a close on Feb¬ ruary 1, 1943. Strip-mining operations are being carried on at several places in the area. A field study of the Midway and Wilcox beds was made in the sum¬ mer of 1941 and in February, 1942, in order to facilitate the search for new bauxite and limonite deposits. Special study was made of the beds near the contact of the Midway and Wilcox groups. The contact is easily located in the exposures on the Chattahoochee River at Ft. Gaines, Georgia, where fossiliferous Wilcox (Nanafalia) beds lie on the irregular surface of the Midway limestone. The Midway lime¬ stone exposed on the river has a total thickness of about 140 feet, but west of the river in the bauxite area it has been largely removed by solu¬ tion. Bauxite and bauxitic clay occur in lenses in lower Wilcox sand which overlies the Midway limestone, or which overlies Cretaceous beds where the limestone has been completely removed. The stratigraphic position of the Midway-Wilcox contact in central and western Alabama has heretofore been indefinite. A stratigraphic in¬ terval consisting of 200 feet or more of beds of uncertain age separates the uppermost fossiliferous Midway bed and the lowermost fossiliferous Wilcox bed. These beds consist of laminated clay and sand, lignite, green¬ sand, and cross-bedded coarse sand. Heretofore, paleontological evidence has been insufficient for determining whether these beds should be as¬ signed to the Midway or to the Wilcox group. A fossiliferous greensand marl within this sequence of beds was discovered in February, 1942, near Caledonia in Wilcox County. Micro¬ fossils, including diagnostic Midway species, occur in this bed and it is assigned to the Midway group. The Midway-Wilcox contact is therefore placed above the sequence of greensand beds at the erosional unconformity beneath the cross-bedded coarse sand that underlies the fossiliferous Nana¬ falia beds of the Wilcox group. The cross-bedded sand is absent in places and the fossiliferous Nanafalia beds lie directly on the irregular surface of the Midway. The following list of formations of the Midway and Wilcox groups indicates the position of the contact and the subdivisions of the Naheola and Nanafalia formations. 42 Wilcox group Hatchetigbee formation Bashi marl (restricted) Tuscahoma formation (including beds below the Bashi marl formerly assigned to the Bashi formation) Nanafalia formation “Gullette Bluff beds” “Nanafalia Landing ( Ostrea thirsae ) marl” “Basal sand” Disconformity Midway group Naheola formation “Coal Bluff beds” “Oak Hill beds” “Matthews Landing marl” Porters Creek formation (Sucarnoochee) Clayton formation The character of the Midway and Wilcox beds in central and western Alabama indicates that the essential conditions of weathering for the formation of bauxite did not prevail in those areas in early Wilcox time. It is unlikely that deposits of bauxite will be found in those areas. 43 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PREPARED for the TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 1944 THE PRODUCTION OF LUMP CPIARCOAL FROM PINE SAWDUST WITHOUT A BINDER ' — C. A. Basore, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The utilization of wood wastes from lumber operations has been discussed at length.1- 2 A method is described wherein the sawdust may be charred and made to cohere in the form of briquets without a binder being added. The pilot plant stage of the experimental work is described and the economic bal¬ ance for large scale operation is discussed. MITOTIC PERIODICITY IN THE ROOTS AND LEAVES OF THE RADISH — Alvin V. Beatty, University of Alabama. In determining the number of mitotic divisions in the roots and leaves of the radish, material was collected on the hour for twenty-four consecutive hours. Three roots were collected at each hour for germinating seeds, and root tips, one millimeter in length, were removed. Three leaves were also gathered from which a millimeter disc of tissue, located between specific veins, was obtained. In both the roots and leaves, the tissue was killed, fixed and stored in Carnoy’s fluid (6:3:1). In preparation of the slides for study, the material was placed in a solution of concentrated HCL and 95% alcohol (1:1) for five minutes, washed in Carnoy’s for two minutes and stained for five hours in aceto-carmine. The material was mascerated under a cover slip by means of a plunger and sealed with Asphaltum. In determining the number of divisions in each slide, the sampling method was used. Ten areas, 1/100 of a square millimeter, were counted for divisions, and the average number was used. From this fig¬ ure the total number of divisions per millimeter piece of tissue was cal¬ culated and plotted on an hourly basis. The roots exhibited an hourly rhythmic mitotic curve with the most active periods occurring a few hours before midnight and noon and with the inactive periods between four and seven in the morning and after¬ noon. The active periods had twelve times as many divisions as the low periods. The leaves exhibited a similar mitotic curve but did not show any period with outstanding activity or inactivity. A plateau of increased activ¬ ity was noted a few hours before noon and a lesser plateau was shown a few hours before midnight. 1 Hatley: “Use of Producer Gas for Motor Transport” Gas Jour. 229,351,353 (1940) 2 Basore: Engineering Bulletin Nos. 1 and 14, Engineering Experiment Station, Ala¬ bama Polytechnic Institute. 44 THE TEACHING OF SCIENCE — A. S. Benham, Erskine Ramsay Technical High School. Reciting some of the joys and woes of the science teacher, his lim¬ ited laboratory equipment and time, and his attitude towards demonstra¬ tion experiments. Exhibit of some home-made apparatus useful in demonstrations. Also the value of learning to visualize phenomena we can never hope to see with our eyes, and cultivating a devout attitude towards the origin of things in nature. THE ADSORPTION OF ANIONS ON BASE-EXCHANGE RESINS — John A. Bishop, Birmingham-Southern College. In 1935 Adams and Holmes published a paper dealing with adsorption of salts on Phenolic resins, and amino resins. By exchanging the cations in the salt for hydrogen of the phenolic resin, a solution of an acid was formed, which could then be adsorbed on the amino resin. This led to a large amount of commercial research on improving the exchange capacities of resinous materials, most of which emerged in the patent literature. Aside from a series of papers by Bhatnager in the Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, little has been published on the removal of anions other than Chloride and Sulfate. In the present work the removal of Chlorides, Phosphates, Oxalates, Arsenates, Mono-chloracetates, Dichloracetates, Tar¬ trates, and Acetates, has been studied. The adsorbing resin was Amberlite IR* 3, produced by The Resinous Products & Chemical Co. As a result of the equilibrium studies, a relationship was derived relating the ion prod¬ uct of the ions of the acids to the adsorption. Log x/m = Log K -f Z Log Ch.Ca, where x/m— moles adsorbed per gram, Ch- = concentration of Hydrogen ion, and Ca- = concentration of the Anion in the particular acid. Using this equation the monobasic acids were shown to fall on a straight line. The rate studies brought out the fact that the main factor in causing a separation of the anions in a column should be the mobilities of the anions, rather than the intrinsic acidity. ( The laboratory zvork was per¬ formed in the Chemistry Laboratory at the University of Delaware.) 45 THE CHRISTIANSEN FILTER AND ITS APPLICATION TO COLORIMETRIC DETERMINATIONS IN THE LABORATORY — John A. Bishop, Birmingham-Southern College. In 1884, Christiansen discovered the optical effect which now bears his name, and which is the basis of the determination of refractive indices by use of immersion liquids. The fact that for a given mixture of glass and liquid one wave length will have the same refractive index for both glass and liquid can be made use of in making a light filter. This is the Christiansen Filter, details of which were published by Weigert in 1927. In contrast to ordinary light filters the Christiansen filter operates by refraction of light. White light is passed through a mixture of ground glass having' a low dispersion, and a liquid having a high dispersion. The wave length which has the same refractive index for both liquid and glass passes through without refraction or reflection. Other wave lengths are dispersed either by refraction or by reflection. The transmitted wave length may be varied by changing the temperature. The purity of the transmitted light depends upon the optical system and the degree of tem¬ perature control. The reproduceability is determined by the purity of the liquid used. In the present work, a Christiansen Filter was prepared and used in conjunction with a photo-tube amplifier, as a colorimeter. Curves were prepared showing the types of absorption curves produced, using the filter as a source of “monochromatic” light. Beers Law curves for Phenol Red and Copper Sulfate showed the possibility of using such a filter as a light source for colorimetric work. This work was done at the University of Delaware. ANION ADSORPTION BY BASE-EXCHANGE RESINS —John A. Bishop, Birmingham-Southern College. Since the work of Adams and Holmes on base-exchange in synthetic resins there have appeared many publications on the application of resin¬ ous materials to cation removal in water purification. However, published work on anion adsorption has been confined almost entirely to hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. The present work attempts to relate the acid strengths of several acids to their rates of adsorption and to the equilibria involved. The possibility of a separation of different anions due to differential adsorption is dis¬ cussed. The acids used are hydrochloric, acetic, monochloroacetic, dichloro- acetic, tartaric, oxalic, phosphoric and arsenic. The removal of arsenic as an anion instead of a cation is also commented on. 46 THE USE OF LOCAL INDUSTRIES IN THE TEACHING OF HIGH SCHOOL CHEMISTRY — Kathryn M. Boehmer, Ensley High School. Well conducted trips through industrial plants make high school chem¬ istry more interesting. To be successful', one must choose the industry wisely, make proper arrangements, carefully explain the process and give instructions concerning dangers. The industries found to be most worth¬ while were the T.C.I. Merchant mill, Rail mill and the By-product plant. Others of value to high school students were the cement plant, ice plant and the Wire and Sheet mills of the T.C.I. Those of little value were the Tin-plate mill of the T.C.I. and the sulfuric acid plant. A STUDY OF CHANGES IN PROTOPLASMIC VISCOSITY OF THE GRASSHOPPER NEUROBLAST DURING MITOSIS — J. Gordon Carlson, University of Alabama. The viscosity of a substance is inversely related to the rapidity of Brownian movement of the small particles it contains. The lower the viscosity the more rapid their movement and the higher the viscosity the slower their movement, other factors being constant. Observations of the Brownian movement of the mitochondria of the living grasshopper neuroblast growing in artificial culture medium show that the viscosity of the cytoplasm changes during mitosis. It is highest during interphase and most of prophase. A few minutes before dissolution of the nuclear membrane it begins to fall, reaching a minimum in anaphase and early telophase, and then increases, attaining the interphase level during late telophase. » WATER LEVEL TRENDS IN AN OBSERVATION WELL NEAR EUTAW, ALABAMA, SEPT., 1941 TO MARCH, 1944 Charles W. Carlston, U. S. Geological Survey, University. Comparison is made between graphs of month-end water level meas¬ urements for well U. S. 71, Clanton, Alabama and well U. S. 72, Eutaw, Alabama for the period September, 1941 to March, 1944. Effects of de¬ ficiency of precipitation on the Eutaw well are discussed. EARLY HISTORY OF WATER WELL DRILLING IN THE BLACK BELT OF ALABAMA — Charles W. Carlston, U. S. Geological Survey, University. Between 1821 and 1833 auger boring of artesian wells was introduced in the Black Belt of Alabama. The technique was apparently brought into Alabama from London, England by way of Charleston, South Carolina. By 1854 there were more than 500 auger-bored artesian wells in Alabama. 1 he present widely used and common method of drilling small artesian wells, jetting, was invented in 1884 and by the end of the century had be¬ come the chief method of sinking tubular wells of small diameter in the Gulf Coastal Plain. 47 HISTOLOGIC STUDIES ON LIVER GLYCOGEN FOLLOWING INTRAPERITONEAL INJECTIONS OF CHLOROFORM AND PENTOTHAL SODIUM — Emmett B. Carmichael, Mark C. Wheelock and Grady W. Phillips, University of Alabama Histologic studies were made on the livers of 37 guinea pigs for the presence of glycogen, following treatment with either chloroform or chloroform and pentothal sodium. The chloroform was dissolved in olive oil and injected intraperitoneally in doses which varied from 0.3 cc. to 0.9 cc. of chloroform per kilo. Fourteen «of the animals died from the effects of the chloroform within 72 hours. The livers were weighed and were fixed and stained with Best’s carmin. Twelve of the livers gave a negative histologic test for glycogen while only two showed a trace of glycogen. The 23 animals that survived the injections of chloroform were al¬ lowed to eat for either two or four days and then were injected intra¬ peritoneally with pentothal soduim, either 45 or 50 mg. per kilo. Five of these guinea pigs died during the pentothal anesthesia while the other 18 were terminated 24 hours after they received the barbiturate. The livers of the five animals that died during pentothal anesthesia gave a positive histologic test for glycogen while four of the remaining eighteen animals gave a negative test for glycogen. A SIMPLE* ZONING MEDIUM FOR DIFFERENTIATING EN- TEROTOXIC FROM NON-ENTEROTOXIC STRAINS OF STAPHYLOCOCCI — Louise Cason, University of Alabama. A milk agar medium has been used to advantage in isolating and dif¬ ferentiating strains of staphylococci. This medium is prepared by asepti- cally adding sterile skim milk to sterile 2% nutrient agar in the propor¬ tion of 40 cc. of milk to 60 cc. of nutrient agar. Plates are poured to a thickness of about 6 mm. and streaked in the usual manner with a small amount of inoculum so that well isolated colonies result. All known enterotoxic strains develop clear zones surrounding the colonies. Certain aureus and albus strains of a non-enterotoxic origin de¬ velop zones whereas others do not. Stone has reported that gelatin extract agar when inoculated with enterotoxic strains of staphylococci produced a zone surrounding the col¬ ony on addition of a developer to the surface of the medium. All strains studied which were Stone zone positive likewise proved zone positive on milk agar. Inasmuch as Stone has used this criterion as preliminary identification of enterotoxic staphylococci, milk agar can be similarly used. Milk agar has the advantage of use without a developer. Picking col¬ onies is simplified since cursory observation identifies a strain as zone negative or zone positive. There is no danger of contamination from other colonies as may result after the developer is added in the Stone procedure. Preservation and later examination of the milk agar plates are possible since the z’one is permanent and even increases with age. 48 SULFA DRUGS, ETC., AND THE SERVICE MEN — Viola M. Chauvin, U. S. Marine Hospital, Mobile. Sulfonamides have been used successfully in the armed forces in the treatment of venereal infections, burns, and traumatic wounds. External local application of the powder and the cream was used in the injuries and burns in conjunction with internal use. Sulfa resistance was found in two of 45 cases of gonorrhea. Penicillin — discovered about 1929 by Alexander Fleming in England. Found to be potent against gram-positive organisms, pneumococcic, and gonococcic infections. Spectacular results from use in sulfa resistant cases where favorable results were obtained in 125 of 129 cases. Penicillin may be administered locally (250 u./cc.), intravenously, 1000 u./cc. 5% glucose), or intramuscularly — dosage not yet determined but usually 10000 u./cc. to 25000 u./cc. THE SPECTROGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF LEAD IN CAST IRON — J. H. Coulliette, American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham. A small percentage of lead exercises a marked influence on the strength of cast iron. The presence of lead is most readily detected quali¬ tatively by means of arc excitation of a briquetted chip sample. For the quantitative determination a rod sample is preferable to the briquet since the lead is volatilized at a more uniform rate into the radiating vapor. The rod sample is burned for thirty seconds at a current of 2.5 amperes before beginning the photographic exposure in order to stabilize the rate of vaporization of sample. The determination of the lead content is made by extrapolating the intensity ratio of the lines : Pb 2833.069 and Fe 2833.40 on a curve plotted between intensity ratios and concentrations determined from a set of standard samples. SOME PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF NOMOGRAMS — C. K. Donoho, American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham. The principles of the construction of rapid calculating charts on nomo¬ graphic axes are given and briefly discussed. Scales must be chosen so that the equation to be solved becomes linear. The following examples were shown and discussed: (1) Nomogram for iron foundry ladle capacity relating weight of metal to diameter of ladle and height in the ladle. (2) Nomogram for weight of cast iron pipe relating weight to thickhess and outside diameter. (3) Nomogram for centrifugal force calculation relating centrifugal force to diameter and spinning speed. (4) Nomogram for hardenability of steel relating hardenability to alloy content and grain size. (5) Nomogram for thickness of pipe under combined tension and com¬ pression stresses. 49 It was emphasized that the examples given are cases where the nomo¬ gram is in constant use. These were shown in the hope that they may sug¬ gest additional applications of this useful graphical method for rapid and accurate solution of routine mathematical problems. EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION OF PEPSIN AND THE DIFFER¬ ENTIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY OF JEJUNAL SEGMENTS IN EXPERIMENTAL JEJUNAL ULCERS IN THE DOG — Robert L. Driver, Robert H. Chappel and Emmett B. Carmichael, University of Alabama. Since the concentration of gastric pepsin varies in both normal indi¬ viduals and in those with disease, the following experiments were per¬ formed in order to determine the effect of concentration of pepsin on ulcer formation. Different regions of the jejunum of dogs were cannulated and pepsin solutions in N/10 HC1 were run through these loops for about twelve hours, after which the loops were examined microscopically and grossly. The different concentrations of pepsin used were 0.1%, 1.0% and 2.0%. It was also desired to determine if there is a differential susceptibility to ulcer formation in different parts of the jejunum. The percentage of pepsin in the range employed was not a factor in the degree of digestion of the mucosa, since 0.1% pepsin caused as great a necrosis as 2.0%. The important factor is the position in the jejunum, the distal loops being much more susceptible to necrosis than more proximal regions. It is suggested that the high incidence of marginal ulcers following gastrojejunostomy may be reduced by making the anastomosis as near the ligament of Treitz as possible. ONE METHOD OF DOUBLING CORN YIELDS BY THE USE OF CROTALARIA — J. F. Duggar, A.P.I. Agricultural Experiment Station. The early variety of the annual legume Crotalaria spectabilis has been found at Auburn especially valuable for increasing the yield of sub¬ sequent crops of corn. Among its advantages are these: It lends itself to being grown as an inter-crop between corn rows. It provides abundant seed, and many of these hard seeds remain sound in the soil for months or years, for later germination. Hence the unique suitability of crotalaria for growing in fields where corn is grown continuously or in alternate years. In one experiment at Auburn on sandy upland soil, crotalaria was thus grown between corn rows for nine years continuously. Each year its plowed-under residues increased the corn yields above those on the no¬ legume plots by substantial amounts. These annual increases in corn pro¬ duction began with about 6 bushels of corn per acre, rose to nearly 23 bushels in the fifth year and to a gain of nearly 25 bushels in the eighth year. The increased corn yields averaged 7.5 bushels per acre in the first three years and 23 bushels annually or 300 per cent for the last three years of an 8-year period. 50 Shallow coverings of seed has proved essential and methods of prep¬ aration have been devised for effecting this, and yet permitting deep plowing for corn. The crotalaria plant has not proved seriously competitive with the corn plant ; for this legume makes its main demands on soil moisture after corn has almost finished its active growth. Crotalaria is superior to most other soil improving legumes in that it is immune to our most common legume disease, namely, nematode root- knot. Crotalaria has not perceptibly increased pests of itself or of other crops after having been grown for nine years continuously on the same land. The refusal of livestock or poultry to eat any part of the bitter plant largely obviates any danger from its poisonous alkaloid. Weed control. — Ordinary routine cultivation easily destroys the young seedlings and all roots die each winter. Other control means consist in mowing the young plants and deeply plowing under any shattered seed that are not wanted. AN EFFECTIVE METHOD OF TEACHING BIOLOGY — C. M. Farmer, State Teachers College, Troy. Owing to the poor results obtained in freshman biology classes, in 1935 I decided to write a text which would be more simple and direct than any available. The course, as set out in the book, which was lithoprinted, centers around the life processes — oxidation, nutrition, elimination, irritability, and reproduction— and the textual matter is supplemented by “lectures, illus¬ trative pictures by projection, reading of current biological articles in scientific journals, and laboratory exercises correlated with the class work” — Preface. Starting with the nature of protoplasm and its organization into cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems, it is shown how everything is related to the carrying on of the five life processes. The similarity of function of organs in the widely varying types of organisms is brought out so as to develop the concept of evolution. After a survey of the plant and animal kingdoms is made there follow chapters on Chemical Correlation, Adaptation, Duration of Life — Death and Decomposition, Heredity and Eugenics, Classification of Organisms, and Evolution. The excellent results obtained, I believe, may be attributed to the following : 1. Simplification of the work, bringing the subject down to the level of the students’ training and ability. 2. Building the whole course around the central idea of the five life processes. 3. Condensing to a small compass, thus reducing the likelihood of confusion and bewilderment. 4. Leaving out as far as possible technical terms and intricate theories. 5. Building up gradually important concepts throughout the course. 6. Leading students to think in terms of the biological concepts ac¬ quired and see their application in the world about them. 7. Reading and reporting orally in class on news of scientific research. 51 A STUDY IN LONGEVITY — C. M. Farmer, Troy State Teachers College. The longest lived vertebrates are reptiles, and the oldest life among mammals is man. Stories of longevity are usually discredited by scientists because of unreliability of the evidence. There are, however, some authenticated cases of people living well beyond the century mark. J. Mortimer Sheppard, director of the Pan-American Society for Tropical Research, reports a community of mixed breeds near Quito, Ecuador, with remarkably long lives. One whose christening on April 20, 1798, making her now 146, had a living son 121 years old. Physiologist G. Schlesinger found many 105 to one 157 among the people of the Caucasus Mountains. In an effor to determine whether the age of Mrs. Hettie Floyd, upon whose tombstone in a cemetery not far from Elba, Alabama, is inscribed 130 years, could be verified, Dr. A. S. Rudolph, Mr. M. L. Beck, of Glen- wood, and I made a visit to the community and cemetery. As there was no record of her birth, we found no definite proof of her age. Many citizens whom we interviewed were convinced that “whether 130 was her exact age or not, she certainly was well over 100 when she died.’’ There seem to be many authenticated cases of people living beyond 100 years. Is this longevity attributable to a single hereditary factor, en¬ vironmental influences, or a combination of both? In the answer to this question some writers think may be found the possibility of greatly ex¬ tending the life span of members of the human race. THE MOTOR AND SENSORY AXONS OF THE GREAT SPLANCHNIC NERVES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE DECUSSATION OF MOTOR FIBERS — James O. Foley, University of Alabama. The motor fibers were removed from the great splanchnic nerves of three cats by cutting the roots of the first nine thoracic spinal nerves. In two other cats the motor and sensory fibers were deleted by removing the dorsal root ganglia of the first nine thoracic nerves. Histological examination of sections of the silvered nerves of these two types of preparations showed that; (1) most of the axons in the great splanchnic nerves are sensory and (2) that occasionally the motor fibers decussate across the vertebral column to enter the great splanchnic nerve of the opposite side. These observations do not support the belief that the splanchnics are composed largely of motor fibers from the white rami and it can no longer be assumed that the motor fibers are ipsilateral in all cases. 52 THE TERMINATION AND ATTACHMENT OF MUSCLE FIBERS WITHIN HUMAN MUSCLES — Charles M. Goss, University of Alabama. The individual muscle fibers were dissected from fasciculi or bun¬ dles of the human sartorius, brachioradialis and pectoralis major muscles, the material was obtained from the dissecting room. The cadavers had ’Tc.eived a preliminary embalming with formalin and a later one with fluid containing equal parts of phenol, glycerine and alcohol. The latter fluid was diluted with water to provide a medium for the muscle while tne fibers were being dissected. The separation of the fibers was carried out under a dissecting microscope with fine pointed forceps and iridectomy scissors. No chemical treatment for maceration was employed. Final ob¬ servations were made with high magnifications of a compound micro¬ scope to establish beyond doubt the individuality of the fibers. The majority of fibers terminating within fasciculi, that is, not reaching the tendon, have long very gradually tapering ends. Most of these pointed ends are securely attached by a blending of their connective tissue sheaths with the sheaths of adjacent fibers of full thickness. In a few instances the connective tissue sheath is prolonged beyond the end of the fiber into a minute tendon approximately one millimeter long which attaches to the end of another fiber. This rerpesents the smallest possible two-bellied muscle. The fibers, which are connected with these minute tendinous inscriptions may end in very gradual points like those described above or in blunt terminations like those which are characteristic for at¬ tachment to the principal tendon. These incomplete and preliminary observations indicate that human muscle fibers reach an average length of approximately 10 cm. if the length of the fasciculi permits. In fasciculi less than 10 cm. long, prac¬ tically all fibers extend the full length, both ends attaching to tendon. In longer fasciculi one or both ends may terminate within the bundle, as described above. TEACHING CHEMISTRY TO THE ARMY John E. Gran, University of Alabama. • u K°me °f th,e edVcatio?al programs of the Army have been character¬ ful^ an acceleration which has caused new problems to develop in the • t of many college courses. This has been particularly true in chem- i -f-j specialized Training and Re-assignment (S.T.A.R.) unit which classified men according to their aptitudes and abilities, required a very brief refresher course in general chemistry which was supposed to re- acquaint students with the material to such an extent that they could pass a government examination in the subject. Many of the soldiers had taken chemistry five or six years previously and felt inadequately prepared, and occasionally a student who had never taken chemistry at all was put in the section The refresher course was eventually replaced by a supervised study period The basic engineering phase of the Army Specialized Train¬ ing (A.S.I.; program called for the completion of an elementary chemistrv course in twenty-four weeks. The first half of this period was devoted to class-room instruction on fundamental principles (without laboratory w,°Y5A r.he ciass met three times a week. The second half took up a study of the elements according to their arrangement in the periodic system. 53 Two hours of class-room instruction and four of laboratory work con¬ stituted the week’s schedule. It was rather difficult for the instructors to decide what to emphasize and what to omit, especially during the second half of the course. A comparison of Army trainees with civilian students in the laboratory showed that although the trainees broke more glassware they were far less wasteful of chemicals, especially when told that certain chemicals were hard to get. The soldiers, moreover, paid greater attention to precautions in experiments that might prove dangerous if the precautions were not followed, they were not so apt to dawdle over their tasks, and they showed a greater tendency to do independent work without close super¬ vision. They were generally bored by a discussion of the use of chemistry in combat. Graduates of the A.S.T. program have been assigned to chemical work with the Army Engineers, the Chemical Warfare Service, and the Ord¬ nance Department. Considerable attention should be given at the present time to setting up satisfactory rehabilitation programs for returned veterans. WOMEN PER FAMILY AS AN INDEX OF CULTURE — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama, University. If every one married at the age of 21, there would be just about one man and one woman (over 21) per family. But where marriage is post¬ poned beyond 21, as it usually is among educated people, the number of adults per family increases. Women who remain single for a few or many years are the main source of our teachers, authoresses, etc. So, whatever the cause of their celibacy, a large ratio of women to families is generally an index of culture. Statistics of families for states and counties in the United States go back to 1850 (free population only), and statistics for a few cities which covered all or nearly all of their counties at that time can be approximated from the county figures. In the United States as a whole the number of women per white family has been not far from 1.2 ever since 1850. Some of the New England states led in 1850, as now, while some of the newer and cruder western states have come up from far below 1 to about 1.1. In 1850 Boston led all large American cities, with a ratio of 1.70, but it declined to 1.45 in 1930 and 1.40 in 1940. College towns rank rather high, as would be expected. The number of women per white family in the United States, urban and rural, in 1930 and 1940, is as follows : Rural Rural Total Urban non-farm farm 1930 . 1.20 1.28 1.12 1.08 1940 . 1.19 1.25 1.11 1.10 Marriage is generally later in Europe than here, and some European countries surpass the United States in this respect. The states with the largest ratio of women to families have produced the largest number of noted persons; and it is rather significant that most such persons seem to have one or more unmarried aunts, sisters or daughters. 54 THE EFFECT OF ESTROGENS ON THE MITOTIC ACTIVITY OF THE RAT HYPOPHYSIS — Thomas E. Hunt, University of Alabama. An increased mitotic activity occurred in the hypophysis of ovariec- tomized rats 50 to 70 hours after single injections of alpha estradiol or tneelin. Equal amounts by weight of the two estrogens gave comparable results. In animals 80 to 150 days of age there was only a slightly in¬ creased activity after injection of 15 to 20 gammas (average of 9 animals, j.b mitoses per sq. mm. of section). In order to obtain mitotic activity comparable to that found in the late estrous stage of the normal rat of this age it was necessary to inject 150 to 200 gammas (average of 11 ani¬ mals, 26.7 mitoses per sq. mm.). In older rats from 300 to 600 days of age injections ot 150 to 400 gammas did not cause a significant rise in the mitotic activity (average of 10 animals, 1.14 mitoses per sq. mm.). The tact that injections of estrogens result in increased mitotic activity of the genital epithelium 24 to 36 hours earlier than in the hypophysis, suggests that the eifect on the latter may be indirect. The unresponsiveness of the cells in the older hypophyses confirms the conclusion made previously that they become increasingly refractory to mitotic stimulating factors as the animals become older. VALENCE IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY — E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College. Valence is one of the most fruitful topics of study in the compara¬ tively new undergraduate field of advanced inorganic chemistry. 1 wo common elementary approaches to valence are (i) the combining advent115 °f fth^, ele,ments and (”) the structure of the atoms. Certain advantages of the former approach were pointed out. Using valence in the broad sense of the term suggested by Pauling, eight types of valence bonds were considered. In a brief discussion of the coordinate bond ref¬ erence was made to the various extensions of Werner’s idea of “auxiliary valences to cover a wide variety of complexes including water of hydra¬ tion and the iso-po y and hetero-poly acids. Two theories of bonding in metals were stated briefly. 5 The two main types of hydrogen bonds were defined and illustrated. "°me of the theoretical difficulties as to the mechanism of these bonds were presented. The practical significance of the hydrogen bond in the association of water and hydroxylic compounds and in the high mobility of the hydrogen ion was discussed briefly. Mention was made of resonance and resonance energy as means of bonding and of stabilizing certain molecular forms. Brief references were made to odd electron bonds including the singlet bond in the hydrogen molecule ion, H* + , and in diborane and the triple electron bond in NO, CIO* and NO*. Finally the molecular orbital theory of molecular structure was out- med. I he wave function or orbital of an electron is the equivalent in terkn!S ,?i 9uaftum mechanics of what has generally been called an electron or lit. A molecular orbital is defined as _the wave function of an electron as it moves in the field of all the other electrons and nuclei constituting 55 the molecule and is generally expressed as a linear combination of the atomic orbitals.” By the molecular orbital theory all the electrons are in¬ volved in the formation of a molecule but no electrons are specifically involved in the bonds. In other words, the molecular orbital theory regards the molecule as a single unit made up of nuclei and electrons and not of atoms or ions held together by valence bonds. RECENT OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENTS IN ALABAMA — Stewart J. Lloyd, University of Alabama, The title of my ten minute talk is “Recent Oil and Gas Developments in Alabama,” and I shall confine myself strictly to that subject. About the middle of February the Hunt Oil Company brought in near Gilbertown in Choctaw County a flowing 60-70 barrel well at 2550 feet, from the top of the Selma, or bottom of the Ripley, whichever you like to call it. The oil had a low gravity, 17 A.P.I. A little later a second well, one-fourth mile to the east, came in from the same horizon, which had to be pumped, but produced 100 barrels per day. A third well, one-fourth mile away, which will probably be a producer, has found oil in the Eutaw sand, well below the horizon of the first two. Results obtained in a fourth well close by are not yet known. The company has permits to drill two more wells in this neighbor¬ hood. A well near Toxey, drilled by the E. C. Johnston Company, six miles north of Gilbertown, was dry. So that we have, in Choctaw County, three producing wells, with others being drilled. The Humble Oil Company is drilling in Washington County, west of Choctaw, the Stanolind Company near Jasper in North Alabama, and a permit has been issued for a well northwest of Linden in Marengo County. A well is also going down near Falkville in Morgan County. No one can say now whether the Gilbertown area will turn into a good oil field or not. It is conveniently located, almost on the A. T. & N. railroad, and within 15 miles of the Tombigbee River. It is on the north side of the Hatchetigbee structure, long believed to be a likely source of oil, and the wells are probably close to a minor fault, of which there are several in the whole structure. I believe the company geologists expect their main production to come not from the Selma Chalk, but from the underlying Eutaw, or even Tuscaloosa. Although these wells are not heavy producers, they should be none the less profitable. They cost little to drill, as they are quite shallow, and transportation is easy. According to recent reports, a 1000 barrel well has recently been brought in near Heidelberg, across the Mississippi line, and" in general Southeast Mississippi seems to be developing into a large field like Tinsley. There is every reason to believe many wells will be drilled this year, in Southwest Alabama, and it will be surprising if a major field is not brought in. There is plenty of interest also in northwest Alabama, though not much actual drilling. The border line between Fayette and Tuscaloosa counties will probably be well tested in the near future. 56 LONGEVITY AND VIABILITY STUDIES OF CERTAIN PATHO¬ GENIC BACTERIA ON A NEW CULTURE MEDIUM — Ralph McBurney and Louise Cason, University of Alabama. Studies of the growth of some of the more fastidious organisms which are encountered in bacteriological diagnoses have been undertaken using a splenic infusion in place of beef infusion base for the growth medium. An attempt has been made to determine the longevity and via¬ bility of organisms on this medium. Eleven different strains of pathogenic bacteria, consisting of strepto¬ cocci, pneumococci, meningococci, gonococci, B. pertussis, C. diphtheriae, and B. influenzae were used in the experiment. Inoculations were made on various types of media consisting of splenic infusion agar with and without Vitamin Bi and splenic infusion gelatin with and without Vitamin Bi. At the same time inoculations on beef infu¬ sion agar with Vitamin Bi and beef infusion gelatin with varying amounts of gelatin both with and without Vitamin Bi were made. Monthly transfers from the original inoculations were made over a period of a year. Hemolytic and anhemolytic streptococci, pneumococci and C. diphther’ae on splenic media were found to be alive for six months up to a year, which was considerably longer than on beef infusion media. Splenic medium was not conducive to the growth of B. pertussis or B. influenzae. However growth of meningococci and gonococci was most luxuriant on the splenic medium and both strains remained alive six weeks on this. Streptococcus viridans did not survive as long on the splenic medium as on the beef infusion medium. In as much as the growth of all strains, with the exception of the two mentioned above, was so profuse, it is deemed advisable to use splenic infusion media for carrying stock cultures over long periods. A QUICK AND RELIABLE BIOLOGIC METHOD FOR DETER¬ MINING THE PRESENCE OF MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCU¬ LOSIS — Ralph McBurney and Louise Cason, University of Alabama. At present the most reliable method for determining the presence of the tubercle bacillus in clinical specimens such as spinal fluid from tuber¬ culous meningitis, fluid aspirated from tuberculous joint lesions, urine specimens in tuberculous infection of the kidney and in some instances sputum specimens from pulmonary infections, when the organisms are very few in number, is guinea pig inoculation of concentrated material and/or isolation upon a suitable culture medium. The reliability of the former procedure lies in the death of the inocu¬ lated animal, with resultant pathology, which usually takes from six to twelve weeks or longer. The latter procedure is not entirely reliable and results in a high percentage of negative results, where a check by animal inoculation may result in positive findings over the prolonged period men¬ tioned. Results, obtained by these methods, while useful, are not as rapid or reliable as desired for clinical use. More rapid and desirable methods are constantly being sought. 57 Preliminary trials with a technic developed in this laboratory show that guinea pigs inoculated with 0.0005 mg. of a culture of the tubercle bacillus gave positive evidence of infection in 47.3 per cent of the animals within one week and in 100 per cent two weeks following inoculation. EFFECT OF ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF THYMOL ON EX¬ PERIMENTALLY INDUCED TUBERCULOSIS —Ralph McBurney, Louise Cason and Harvey B. Searcy, University of Alabama. A group of twenty fully grown healthy guinea pigs was used in this experiment. Fifteen were inoculated with 0.0005 mg. of a virulent strain of M. tuberculosis. Five were not inoculated, but were used for medication control. One week following inoculation ten animals received daily oral doses of thymol dissolved in olive oil equivalent to 15 grains per 100 lbs. of body weight. Five infected animals received no medication and the remaining five, which were not inoculated, received daily doses of thymol similar to the ten infected animals. Results were obtained as follows: Oral administration of 15 grains of thymol per 100 lbs. of body weight was found to exert a marked inhibi¬ tory action on infected animals as indicated by prolonging the average life of animals so treated, nearly fifty days longer than those untreated. When infected and non-infected animals were given similar oral doses of thymol on alternate days, their average weight gain was greater and more constant than when similar doses were given daily. There was very little difference in the gross lesions, produced by the organisms, between the treated and untreated animals. However, fourteen weeks following inoculation when all control untreated animals had died from generalized tuberculosis, seventy per cent of the treated animals were living and apparently well. The daily oral dose employed, when given concurrently to a like group of normal guinea pigs, showed no observable evidence of toxicity throughout twenty-six weeks of treatment, since one hundred per cent were living and apparently well at that time. Fifty per cent died during the twenty-seventh week, the remainder being terminated at the end of the twenty-eighth week. There was no gross pathology observed in post mortem examination of this group, but histological sections gave evidence of damage in a moder¬ ate degree. It appears that thymol or thymol combinations administered orally as therapeutic agents, in tuberculosis experimentally induced in animals and in early recognized human pulmonary forms where medication is ade¬ quately controlled, are worthy of further investigation and clinical trial. 58 MEETING OUR SCIENCE TEACHER SITUATION — Eoline Wallace Moore, Birmingham-Southern College. We face the greatest scientific sunrise which mankind has known, with promise of a noonday of abundant, astonishing adventure and rich reward. Out of the world’s cruel struggle and great need will come in¬ spiration for scientific contributions beyond measure. Materials are await¬ ing in generous supply, and challenges to creative effort are limitless. But the world will hold back its progress while it waits for scientific ad¬ vancing, because the laborers are few. The lack of workers and students in the field of science is a symbol of the futility of much of our educational effort. We have not recognized clearly the importance of holding in the profession teachers of vision and ability. We have not tra:ned adequately and inspired a large enough group of science teachers ; nor have we recognized the work that true science teachers have done. We have allowed industry to take our teachers with¬ out reah'zing that we are cutting off the source of supply of trained work¬ ers. For without excellent high school teaching we cannot expect a suf- Pcient number of high school students to enter college for further study in science, or even to desire to enter science apprenticeship in industry. We must, then, recruit promising science teachers through making real the call to training for service in this field. We must revise our tech¬ niques, enrich our offerings, inspire our youth. We must somehow remove the public attitude which turns college students away from the teaching profession and offers so pitiful a stipend to fine teachers. Industry must cease to rob itself through competition for the services of teachers. RESULTS OF A THREE YEAR FARM GAME HABITAT RESTO¬ RATION PROGRAM —George C. Moore, A.P.I. Coordinator, Pittman-Robertson Projects. The Pittman-Robertson Projects, the results of an act passed by Con¬ gress in 1937 earmarking the 10% Federal Excise on sporting arms and ammunition for wildlife restoration purposes, were initiated in Alabama in 1939. The purpose of the first project was a program to determine the status and the limiting factors of the game and principal fur bearers in the State. The Farm Game Habitat Restoration Project is the result of one phase of the above mentioned study. The purpose of this project is to improve the farm game habitat by the following methods : (1) Increase food and cover and create a more diversified condition which is the ultimate aim of a wildlife management planner. (2) Increase the fertility of the soil, which should automatically im¬ prove condit'ons mentioned above, and control erosion, a serious condition affecting all types of wild-life. (3) Create demonstration areas which should, after a reasonable period of education, be adopted by surrounding farmers. This project was conceived with the intention of cooperating with the Soil Conservation Districts, whereby the Districts would plan the farm according to good agricultural practices, including a wild-life program and the State Game Division of the Conservation Department furnishing 59 seed, plants, shrubs and other materials mutually agreed upon by all par¬ ties. The Districts would see that the materials were used according to the plans. To date 21,000 pounds of Lespedeza sericea seed and 7,000 pounds of Lespedeza bicolor seed have been given to approximately 1800 cooperators. This is sufficient seed to plant 1050 acres of sericea or 550 miles of bor¬ ders and 350 acres of bicolor or 200 miles of borders. These seeds were planted in the unproductive, usually eroded, area between woods and pro¬ ductive crop lands. By planting this area into a permanent crop, a large area was added to* game range as well as extending the range farther into open fields which were heretofore out of the range of quail, due to the lack of cover. This work is beneficial in many respects and the landowners and sportsmen are extremely interested in the work. It not only adds to the game environment but increases the fertility of the soil by adding nitro¬ gen, it controls erosion, it furnishes food and cover for wild-life and creates an attractive field border. A RESEARCH PROJECT ON ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF SULFUR — George D. Palmer and S. J. Lloyd, University of Alabama. During the past seventeen years work has been done at the University in the field of reactions of sulfur with vapors of organic compounds. An account of the work done and the procedures involved in the processes of production is given along with data indicating the constitu¬ tion of some of the sulfur compounds. DISCUSSION OF PAPER PRESENTED BY MR. E. D. EMIGH ON RAINFALL DEFICIENCIES WITH COMMENTS ON EFFECT OF SUCH DEFICIENCIES ON STREAM RUN-OFF — Edward B. Rice, Acting District Engineer, U. S. Geological Survey, Discussion of relation between rainfall and stream run-off in the hydrologic cycle with particular emphasis on importance of soil moisture and ground-water storage on this relation. Factual data on stream run-off compared with rainfall data demonstrate adverse effect on low-water flow following protracted periods of deficient rainfall and resultant depletion of ground- water storage. CONSTRUCTION OF A POWER SUPPLY FOR AN X-RAY DIF¬ FRACTION UNIT — Eric Rodgers, University of Alabama. The construction of an inexpensive power supply -giving full wave rectification for an X-Ray diffraction unit is described. 60 ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF VEGETABLE PRODUCTION IN THE NORTHERN EVERGLADES — L. LeMar Stephan, State Teachers College, Troy. Flanking the south shore of Lake Okeechobee from Moore Haven to Canal Point are some 30,000 acres of winter-grown vegetables. The prin¬ cipal vegetables, snap beans, cabbage, tomatoes, celery and English peas yield well and abundantly on well-drained fertile muck and peat soils. Much sunshine and mild winter temperatures (averaging 65 degrees) both favor quick growth of plants. Vegetables are profitably marketed by truck and rail to numerous northeastern and central urban centers. Sum¬ mer land use is conspicuously absent — an economic gap which obviously needs adjustment. Several vital economic considerations, of necessity, present to truck farmers a rather difficult situation. To begin farming operations here on a virgin, optimum-sized tract of 640 acres, it requires no less than $70,000. Costs of installing water-control devices, purchasing machinery, handling labor, not to underestimate costs of land, production, fertilization and tax, constitute critical factors inherent in the seasonal round of intensive- specialized farm economy. Net farm incomes vary considerably from year to year, chiefly attributable to fluctuating market prices and variable weather. Large-scale truck farming operations are, however, closely asso¬ ciated with much profit and some stability. Economic and human res¬ ponses to the flat, treeless marsh environment of the northern Everglades could, moreover, provide for increased financial stability through diversi¬ fication of land use and conservation of the subsiding muck and peat. This manuscript, based upon several field studies made in the Ever¬ glades, will soon be presented for publication in the quarterly Economic Geography, edited by Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts. THE CLASS EXPERIMENT AS A METHOD OF TEACHING SCIENCE — Wynelle D. Thompson, Birmingham-Southern. In this paper there is presented a discussion of the method of teach¬ ing science by the class experiment. A clear distinction is made between the lecture-demonstration method and the class-experiment method, the former being teacher-dominated and the latter involving individual participation. The setting for these two methods is identical, but the procedure is far different. In lecture-demon¬ stration, the teacher manipulates the apparatus, points out all observations to be made, explains all phenomena, and draws the conclusions. In direct contrast, by proper use of the class experiment method, each pupil may participate in the experiment and make his own observations of data. 1 hen he is led to draw his own conclusions and arrive at the general prin¬ ciple involved. It may be necessary for the teacher to aid in the interpre¬ tations not by his stating them, but by raising thought-provoking ques¬ tions for the student to answer by reflective thinking. Thus, if used according to proper techniques, the class experiment guides the pupil in his thinking, and- so leads him to the scientific approach towards all prob¬ lems of life. 61 It is believed that this method is adaptable for use in teaching general sciences and courses on general principles of biology, physics, and chem¬ istry in both high school and college. PHYSICS TEACHING IN THE ARMY AIR FORCES TRAINING PROGRAM — Alan T. Wager, Birmingham-Southern College. The program of studies for Aviation Students assigned to college training has been built around Mathematics and Physics. As a result there has been a considerable expansion in both equipment and personnel in the Physics Department at Birmingham-Southern College to care for the greatly increased load. One variation in the presentation of subject matter has been to teach Heat, Sound, and Light before Mechanics. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on the principles of Physics which apply particularly to the airplane, and on the importance of vectors and graphs. Problem solving, class demonstrations, and educational films all play lead¬ ing roles in this program. Mention is made of the use of flashlight bulbs in Electricity and Magnetism to show the presence of electrical currents in order to conserve meters. A discussion of the conversion of a free-fall tuning fork ap¬ paratus for determining ‘g’ to a spark-recording type is given. A vibra¬ tor from an automobile radio, operating on 60 cycle A.C., drives a spark coil whose primary is also connected to the 60 cycle source. 120 distinct sparks per second pass from the falling weight to the proper wire mounted behind the waxed paper strip. Measurements made on traces chosen at random from several prepared for class use gave results within 2% of the calculated value of ‘g’ for the laboratory. THE PARICUTIN VOLCANO AND ASSOCIATED ACTIVITY — A. J. Westland, S.J., Seismological Observatory, Spring Hill College. What brought misery and anguish to Dionisio Pulido, an Indian farmer of Michoacan, brought joy and an unprecedented opportunity to students of Earth Sciences. Metal for war and peace conies largely from deposits in molten magma associated with volcanic action ; food from the soil, product of the decomposition and disintegration of the fresh rocks ejected in volcanic eruption and lava flows. The Birth of a Volcano, in an easily accessible location, should consequently yield new, important and very practical information. In 1759 a like opportunity was presented in the beginning and growth of Jorullo, only a few miles from Paricutin but history tells us no one with geological training visited the scene until 1803. This time the war prevents the thorough research that would normally be carried on, never¬ theless Physisists, Engineers, Geologists, Volcanologists and Seismologists alike are at work. During the last 30 years much progress has been made particularly on the Hawaiian Islands in the investigation of volcanic action and associ¬ ated seismic activity as evidenced by the report on the 1942 eruption of Mauna Loa and the recent “uneasiness” of November, 1943. 62 A careful study by Luis Flores Corrubias of the seismograms of the many earth shocks recorded by the stations of the Red Sismologica Mexi- cana, before, during, and after the birth of Paricutin, yielded the following results as summarized in the Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria y Arquitec- tura : All the earthquakes recorded were of the same type, tectonic, or diastrophic origin, with focal depth ranging from 36km to 50km. They were different and distinct from the local ones, which were volcanic in nature. No casual connection was discovered. Finally the volcanic activity of Paricutin despite appearances, was quite shallow, failed to put much energy into the earth and affected a very limited area. This was borne out by the fact that short-period seismo¬ graphs operated for a time at a distance of 16 miles from the cone, failed to register any disturbances. AMMONIUM THIOCYANATE AS AN INDICATOR IN VOLU¬ METRIC ANALYSIS — H. E. Wilcox and Thomas Franklin, Howard College. Ammonium thiocyanate was used as an external indicator in the titra¬ tion of cobaltous and ferric ions. An aqueous solution of the sample was first adjusted to the optimum pH by adding ammonium hydroxide until a precipitate appeared. Then one drop of hydrochloric acid was added which just dissolved the precipitate. The external indicator for iron was 5 grams of ammonium thiocyanate in 250 ml. of 95% ethyl alcohol with one drop of 0.1 N ferric chloride added to give it a pink color. The re¬ agent for cobalt was the same except that one drop of a 1 N cobaltous nitrate solution was added instead of the ferric chloride. The iron was titrated with sodium potassium tartrate, sodium arsen¬ ate, sodium pyrophosphate, and ammonium fluoride. Ammonium fluoride gave the best results and sodium potassium tartrate the poorest. The co¬ balt was titrated with approximately 0.2 N sodium cyanide which was previously standardized against known solutions of cobalt. The color change in the iron titration was from pink to colorless, while in the cobalt titration it was from blue to yellow. Both titrations gave consistent re¬ sults and seemed to be adaptable, with a few modifications, to analytical work. Further investigations of these modifications are being carried out. 63 FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE KRAFT PAPER INDUSTRY — Martin Williams, University of Alabama. About 43% of all paper and paperboard made in the United States is now produced by the kraft, or sulfate, process. Since 1935 the kraft paper industry has experienced a marked expansion, particularly in the South, where its growth was perhaps the major economic development of the recent business depression. Possible future developments in the kraft industry are: greater ex¬ ploitation of by-products, reduction through electrical precipitation of salt cake stack losses, the utilization of more different varieties of wood, a more extensive and intensive program of conservation of forest resources, the continued growth in consumption of all types of paper and the use of kraft pulp in the manufacture of different varieties of paper, and the necessity for greater cooperation among producers in controlling produc¬ tion and stabilizing prices. A REVIEW OF ALABAMA ARCHAEOLOGY — Steve B. Wimberly, T.C.I., Birmingham. The archaeological picture of Alabama is by no means complete. Enough material has been unearthed, however, to provide a rather clear concept of Alabama prehistory. * Following is a brief summary of Alabama’s prehistory as indicated by archaeological findings and studies. I. The Early Era As would be generally assumed, the early prehistoric chapter dis¬ closes a people little versed in methods, and depending, for suste¬ nance, upon food-gathering, fishing and hunting. Of necessity they lived in small groups made up perhaps of a single family stock. No artistic inclinations are evidenced. Handiwork seemingly was limited to manufacturing projectile points, the atlatl (spear-thrower), crude stone axes or hammers, stone vessels, bone drills, and tubular tobacco pipes. II. The Middle Era The advent of agriculture introduced this era. Along with agri¬ culture came a more sedentary life and the swelling of the commu¬ nity from a family unit to a sizable group. The art of pottery¬ making was developed or acculturated at this time. Increasing im¬ portance was attached to the disposal of the dead, and elaborate ceremonial burials replaced simple interment. Ceremonial objects dis¬ playing definite artistic attributes were fashioned from copper and stone. The elbow pipe appeared. III. The Late Era With agriculture developed to a high degree communities grew much larger, even to great size, as indicated by sites like Mound- ville. Huge earth platforms were erected in connection with complex rituals. Attention was devoted to the construction of well built log structures laid out in predetermined arrangement. Artistic endeavor found its outlet in the decoration of pottery, stone and bone objects, in delicate shell carving and in copper cutting and embossing. 64 THE MOBILITY OF ALABAMA’S POPULATION DURING THE CURRENT WAR — Lillian E. Worley, Alabama College, Montevallo. For the first time in the 125 years of its history, Alabama is losing population. In 1940 Alabama had a population of 2,832.961, a gain of 7.1% over 1930. Of this number 65.4% were white and 34.6% were non-white, mostly negro. By November, 1943 the population decreased to 2,718,273 or a loss of 3.9% compared to 3.1% for the nation. Alabama conformed to the national picture both in the decrease of its civilian population and in its redistribution. Eleven of her counties had net gains in population varying from 1.8% in Madison to 60.9% in Mobile County. The other 56 counties had losses ranging from — 1.0% in Lauderdale to — 23.7% in Marengo County. Forty-six of these counties had a loss of more than 10% while 9 of the 46 suffered losses greater than 20%. The counties showing population gains are those in which or near which large industries engaged in war production or in which large mili¬ tary camps are located or both. These were for the most part among the most populous counties in 1940; thus it is obvious that, in general, the most populous counties have become more populous and the population density in them is growing. The census of 1940 showed that the State’s urban population was on the increase, the urban areas then comprising 30.2% of the population, an increase of 2.1% over 1930, while the rural population included 69.8% of the total population, a loss of 2.1%. Fifteen counties reported 30% or more of their population as urban, while five counties had an urban population of 50% or over. Only one county (Baldwin) showing popula¬ tion gains in 1943 was classified by the census bureau in 1940 as complete¬ ly rural. Of the 26 counties having no urban population in 1940 all save one (Baldwin) show considerable population losses in 1943. Thus it is seen that the rural counties have been losing population, and it is probably true that the urban sections of the populous counties have been gaining at the expense of the rural areas. That Alabama’s population is far from static is shown by a study of population in the eight-months interval, March 1 to November 1, 1943. During that time nine counties gained in population. The others lost. Are war workers no longer employed on construction jobs moving back to their original counties to help account for the increases? Can the con¬ tinued decreases be explained by selective service alone? A METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIOL ACIDS — John Xan and Harry Charles, Howard College. In the course of determining the rates of oxidation of the thiol acids in the presence of molecular oxygen, it has been necessary to find a method for the preparation of the pure thiol acids. The first thiol acids syn¬ thesized are thiol benzoic acid and 3, 5-dinitrothiol-benzoic acid. 3, 5-dinitrothiol-benzoic acid was prepared as follows : Enough water, benzene, acetone and ether for the synthesis are boiled to remove any dissolved oxygen and are then cooled below room temperature. Twenty grams of sodium sulfide is dissolved in approximately 150 milliliters of the water prepared as described above. Ten grams of 3, 5-dinitrobenzoyl 65 chloride is dissolved in about 150 milliliters of acetone. The two solutions are cooled to five degrees Centigrade and then the acetone solution is poured into the water solution. The resulting solution, which is dark red to almost black, is acidified with hydrochloric acid. The 3, 5-dinitrothiol- benzoic acid is fairly insoluble in water but soluble in acetone. It is pre¬ cipitated by the addition of an excess of ice water. The thiol acid thus obtained is filtered from the reaction mixture and dried in a vacuum desiccator. Partial purification can be obtained by first extracting the 3, 5-dini- trobenzoic acid from the mixture by using ether and then extracting the thiol acid from most of the other impurities with acetone. The acetone solution is poured into a small amount of water and the colloid thus formed is broken by the addition of just enough sodium hydroxide to make a clear solution. The free thiol acid can then be precipitated by the addition of a small amount of hydrochloric acid and filtered from the solution. The main disadvantage of this method is that 3, 5-dinitrothiol-benzoic acid tends to become a thick creeping red syrup in ether and alcohol and this form of the acid hampers purification. THE PREPARATION OF THE ESTERS OF N-DECYL AND N-OCTYL ALCOHOLS WITH N-CAPROIC AND N-CAPRYLIC ACIDS — John Xan and Norman Lovegren, Howard College. The preparation of these esters was undertaken in order to add to the series of known esters of these alcohols. Three esters were prepared: decyl caproate, octyl caprylate and decyl caprylate. The procedure used in their preparation is briefly as follows : The acid chloride is prepared, with a 75% yield, by the action of the excess thionyl chloride with the desired acid. The excess thionyl chloride is dis¬ tilled off and residue is allowed to react with a slight excess of the desired alcohol to form the ester, which is purified by vacuum distilla¬ tion. In all manipulations and in the preservation of the products, an¬ hydrous conditions should be maintained. Ester Boiling Point at Press. S.P. Gr. 25c Decyl caproate . 120° C. at 1.0 mm. 0.8544 Octyl caprylate . 136° C. at 2.6 mm. 0.8569 Decyl caprylate . 134° C. at 0.8 mm. 0.8550 Index of refraction 1.4352 1.4352 1.4394 BOTANY AND THE WAR EFFORT — P. H. Yancey, Spring Hill College. The history of quinine, rubber and fiber production throughout the world is discussed and the part played by botanists in finding new sources and improving old ones is described. Our short-sighted policy in not developing or maintaining adequate growths of these plants in the United States or other American countries is decried, since our enemies now control the greater part of the existing supplies. 66 INDEX OF AUTHORS Archer, A. F . 25 Basore, C. A . 43 Beatty, A. V . 43 Benham, A. S . 44 Bishop, J. A . 44, 45 Boehmer, K. M . 46 Brannon, P. A . 25 Carlson, J. G . 46 Carlston, C. W . 46 Carmichael, E. B . 47, 49 Cason, L. C . 47, 56, 57 Chappell, R. L . 49 Charles, H . 64 Chauvin, Viola M . 48 Coulliette, J. H..... . 48 Donoho, C. K . 48 Driver, R. L . 49 Duggar, J. F . 49 Emigh, E. D . 28 Farmer, C. M . 50, 51 Foley, J. 0 . 51 Franklin, T . 62 Goss, C. M . 52 Gran, J. E . 52 Harper, R. M . 53 Hill, W. W . 30 Hoffman,.. C. W . 33 Hunt, T. E . 54 Jones, E. V . 19, 54 Land, J. E . 35 Lovegren, M . 65 Lloyd, S. J . 55. 59 McBurney, R . 56, 57 Moore, E. W . 58 Moore, G. C . 58 Palmer, G. D . . . 59 Phillips, G. W . 47 Rice, E. B . 59 Rodgers, E . 59 Searcy, H. B . . 57 Stauffer, J. M . 39 Stephan, L. L . 60 Thompson, W. D . 60 Toulmin, L . 41 Wager, A. T . 61 Westland, A. J . 61 Wheelock, M. C . 47 Wilcox, H. E . 62 Williams, M . 63 Wimberly, S. B . 63 Worley, L. E . 64 Xan, J . 64, 65 Yancey, P. H . 65 67 ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Officers for 1944-45 President, Sidney Holder . Shades-Cahaba High School Vice-President, Floyd Batchelder . Woodlawn High School Secretary, Carla Jean Jones . Ensley High School Treasurer, Joe Naughton . . . St. Bernard High School Councilors : Miss Kathryn M. Boehmer, Chm., (1 yr.) Ensley High School . Birmingham 8, Ala. Dr. A. V. Beatty (2 yrs.) University of Alabama . University, Ala. Miss Lillian Worley (3 yrs.) Alabama College . Montevallo, Ala. CHAPTERS OF THE ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Ensley High School . Birmingham Hueytown High School . Bessemer Minor High School . Birmingham Phillips High School . Birmingham Ramsey High School...- . Birmingham Sacred Heart Academy . Cullman Saint Bernard High School . St. Bernard Shades-Cahaba High School . Homewood Sidney Lanier High School . Montgomery Woodlawn High School . Birmingham AWARDS FOR 1944 Best Paper — Ensley High School. Chemistry Exhibit Award — St. Bernard High School. Physics Exhibit Award — Hueytown High School. Biology Exhibit Award — Phillips High School. Chemistry in Industry Exhibit Award — Ensley High School. 68 FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE JUNIOR ACADEMY INCOME Balance in First National Bank of Bessemer . . . $111.13 Chapter dues . 28.00 Membership cards . 2.23 Banquet tickets . 67.15 Registration fees . . 13.50 $222.01 EXPENDITURES Mrs. Ruth H. Hale (Banquet) . . . . . $ 72.00 Ensley High School (Expense of President) . 7T3 Paul Haynes School (Printing) . 8.67 McKesson and Robbins (Chemical) . . . P55 Clustie McTyeire (Expense of Treasurer) . 4.00 H. E. Wilcox (Expense of Counselors) . 1.51 Frank Chambers Engraving Co. (Certificates) . 875 $103.61 Balance in First National Bank of Bessemer . $118.40 * 69 MEMBERS OF THE ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Honorary Members Gardner, Wright A. (A) . Auburn §*Graham, John Y. (A) . . Tuscaloosa Reinke, E. E. (A) . Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Sustaining Members Alabama By-Products Corporation . . Alabama College . Alabama Dept, of Archives and History . . . Alabama Polytechnic Institute . Alabama Poywer Company . . Alabama State Chamber of Commerce . American Cast Iron Pipe Company . Birmingham Slag Company, 2019 Sixth Ave. N. • Birmingham-Southern College . Birmingham Trust & Savings . DeBardeleben Coal Corporation, 2201 First Ave... Florence State Teachers College . Howard College . Huntingdon College . Jacksonville State Teachers College . Judson College . Livingston State Teachers College . McKesson & Robbins, Inc . . . Portland Cement Association, Watts Building.. .. Southern Natural Gas Co., Watts Building . Stockham Pipe & Fittings Co . - . Troy State Teachers College . University of Alabama . Woodward Iron Company . Active Members t Abercrombie, Lt. W. F. (A) . 8216 2nd Ave. S., Birmingham Adcock, Julia C . Rt. 1, Box 29C, Birmingham Allen, Roger W. (B) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn §*Allison, Fred (G) . Physics Department, Auburn St. Amont, Lyle S . . Livingston Andrews, T. G. (C) . Geology Department, Unversity Arant, Frank S. (A) . Zoology Department, Auburn ^Charter members of the Academy. fMembers of the A.A.A.S. §Fellows of the A.A.A.S. and of the Alabama Academy of Science. The letters in parentheses after the names indicate the chief field of interest of the members. (A) Biology, (B) Chemistry, (C) Geology and Anthropology, (D) Geography and Conservation, (E) Mathematics, (F) Medicine, (G) Physics, (H) Industry and Economics, (I) Teaching of Science. .Birmingham ...Montevallo Montgomery . Auburn .Birmingham Montgomery .Birmingham .Birmingham .Birmingham .Birmingham .Birmingham . Florence .Birmingham Montgomery ..Jacksonville . Marion . Livingston .Birmingham .Birmingham .Birmingham .Birmingham . Troy . University .Birmingham 70 fArcher, Allan F. (A) . U. S. Army, Fourth Service Command Lab., . . , _ , T Ft. McPherson, Ga. Arnold, Paul J. (A) . Jacksonville Ayrs, O. H. (B) . 1001 28th Place, South, Birmingham §Bales, Paul D. (G) - Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. fBarnes, G. F*. (B) . Judson College, Marion Basore, C. A... . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Bator, G. T. (B) . . . 1513 3rd Ave., Tuscaloosa Beatty, Alvin C. (A) . Botany Department, University Black, Mrs. Zoe (A) . Alabama College, Montevallo Boehmer Kathryn (I) . Birmingham §Brakefield, J. L. (A) . 853-77th Way So., Birmingham Brame, J. Y. (C) . 604 1st Nat’l Bldg., Montgomery Brannon, Peter A. (C) . Dept, of Archives & History, Montgomery Brier, H. C. (Mrs.) . Troy Brooks, P. P. B. (G) . Montgomery Bruhn, John M. (A) . School of Medicine, University TBunton Paul B . Box 4208, Atlanta, Ga. Bush, J. D. (F) . School of Medicine, University Burke, Alonzo A . 1012 E. Main, Albertville Carlson, J. Gordon (A) . Zoology Department, University § Carmichael, E. B. (A) . School of Medicine, University* Casey, Albert E. (A) . 1907 Wellington Rd, Birmingham Cason, Mrs. Clarence E . School of Medicine, University Chauvin, Viola, RN (A) . U. S. Marine Hospital, Mobile Christenson, Reed O. (A) . Zoology Department, API, Auburn §Coghill, Will H. (C) . U. S. Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa Cole, Frank T. (G) . . . ....Weather Bureau Office, Mobile Coons, Kenneth W. (B) . University Corley, Miss Nora (A) . State Teachers College, Livingston Cornell, B. M . Southern Aviation Training School, Inc., Decatur §Cotton, William E. (A) . r . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn §Coulliette, J. H. (G) . American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham Crawley, Clyde B. (G) . University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Cudworth, J. R. (C) . University Culmer, Orpha Ann (E) . . . State Teachers College, Florence Cunningham, Floyd F. (D) . State Teachers College, Florence Dejarnette, David (C) . University Dowling, Herndon, Jr. (A) . 1426 Brown Street, Tuscaloosa Dugger, J. F., Sr. (A) . Biology Department, Auburn Dugger J. F., Jr. (A) . Hope Hull fEmigh, Eugene D. (D) . Weather Burea, ■ Montgomery Englebrecht, Mildred A. (A) . School of Chemistry, University Evans, G. Harlowe (B).._ . 209 Woodley Road, Montgomery Fair, Baxter B. (F) . 72 Virginia Avenue, Montgomery f*Farmer, C. M. (A) . State Teachers College, Troy Ferguson, Hal (F) . . . T.C.I. Hospital, Fairfield Fies, Milton H. (D) . 3236 Salisbury Road, Birmingham Foley, James O. (F) . School of Medicine, University Ford, Tom (D) . Department of Conservation, Montgomery Frishe, W. C. (B) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Gandrud, B. W. (C) . U. S. Bureau of Mines, Tuscaloosa Gary, C. M . State Teachers College, Jacksonville Gattman, Lambert C. (A) . St. Bernard College, St. Bernard 71 Geisler, Miss Edith (A) . Adger Gerhardt, Henry (E) . . . 1215 Elmira Street, Mobile Glass, Franklin . Marion Institute, Marion fGlazner, J. F. (D) . State Teachers College, Jacksonville Glenn, W. E. (E) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham Goff, John Hedges (H) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Goss, C. M. (F) . School of Medicine, University §Graves, Stuart (F) . School of Medicine, University fGrover, M. A . . . Box 590, Birmingham Hadley W. J . .7718 8th Ave. So., Birmingham fHargis, E. H. (F) . 28th Street and 12th Avenue, North, Birmingham §Harper, Roland M. (C) . Alabama Geological Survey, University Hart, Kermit T . .Administration, Spring Hill College, Mobile §Heath, H. C. (A) . 21 Agnew Street, Montgomery "Herring, Airs. Glora Mitchell . Birmingham Hertzog, Ellis S. (B) . 505 18th Street, Tuscaloosa Hess, A. D. (F) . Dept. Health and Safety, Wilson Dam Hess’ George W. (E) . Howard College, Birmingham Higgs, Wm. R. (C) . . . 1050 So. 24th St., Apt. 4, Birmingham Hill, W. W. (I) . 4305 Cliff Rd., Birmingham §Hinman, E. Harold (A) . Health and Safety Dept., Wilson Dam "Hoffman, Charles W . Birmingham Horton, Edgar C. (C) . 1221 N. 13th Street, Birmingham Howse, B. C . 333-38th Street, Fairfield Hunt T. E. (F) . School of Medicine, University Jennings, Henry L. (H) . Title Guarantee Bldg., Birmingham §Tones, E. V. (B) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham § Jones, W. B. (C) . U. S. Army, Australia § Jones W. C. (F) . T.C.I. Hospital, Fairfield Kassner, J. L. (B) . School of Chemistry, University Kennedy, J. J. (A) . University Kennerley, W. J . Alabama College, Montevallo Land, James E. (B) . Chemistry Department, API, Auburn fLang, George . Box 2021, University Long, Margaret E. (A) . - . University *Lloyd, S. J. (B) . School of Chemistry, University Long, A. R . Weather Bureau Office, Atlanta, Ga. Lord,’ James "(C) . Rockwood McCaffrey, Joseph E . Southern Kraft Corporation, Mobile AIcFarland, Robert W . Box 685, Fairhope McGlamery, Winnie (C) . Paleontologist, University McTyeire, Clustie Evelyn . 1804 Arlington Ave., Bessemer McVay, Thomas (B) . School of Chemistry, University MacDonald, Margaret B . Citronelle MacKenzie, J. T. (B) . 4300 Glenwood Avenue, Birmingham Marie, Sister Virgil . 1413 Old Shell Road, Mobile Martin, H. M. (B) . Chemistry Department, Auburn Alobley, W. AI. (H) . Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant Monroe, Watson H . U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Moore, W. A. (F) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham Alunro, W. M . 210 Woodley Road, Montgomery Olive, Alfred H. (B) . . . . . Springville §Ott, W. P. (E) . Dept, of Mathematics, University fOverton, A. Guy (D) . Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant §Palmer, George D., Jr. (B) . School of Chemistry, University Patterson, T. Haygood (D) . 808 Forest Ave., Montgomery 72 Patty, John R . 7815 5th Ave. South, Birmingham §Peoples, Stuart A. (F) . Baylor University, Houston, Texas Pepinsky, Raymond (G) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Phillips, Grady W. (F) . 6628 1st Ave. South, Birmingham tPole, G. R. (B) . House 87, Village 1, Sheffield Pomerat, C. M. (A) . Anatomy Dept., Texas University, Galveston Pool, R. M. (F) . 652 Ridgeway Road, Fairfield Poor, R. S. (C) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Pressley, W. S . 271 S. Gay St, Auburn Rasor, Frank W. (D) . Box 40, Montgomery Reed, Clyde T . Marion Institute, Marion Reynolds, J. Paul (A) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham Richards, Leon W. (B): . 8802 Second Court North, Birmingham *Robinson, Mary E. (A) . 536 Princeton Avenue, Birmingham §*Robinson, J. M. (A) . Biology Department, Auburn Rodgers, Eric (G) . University Roy, Wm. D . Uniontown Rudolph, A. S . Troy Rushton, E. R. (B) . P. O. Box 556, Florence Rust, Henry B. (D) . Birmingham Sechrest, E. E . . . 3404 17th Ave, Birmingham Sensenig, E. Carl . School of Medicine, Tulane Univ, New Orleans, La. §Sharp, C. G . Alabama College, Montevallo Sherrill, Richard Byrd . Cahaba Road, Birmingham Shotts, Reynolds B . 707 10th St, Tuscaloosa §Smith, Septima C. (A) . Zoology Department, University *Smyth, P. H. (G) . U. S. Weather Bureau, Montgomery §Sommer, Anna (B) . Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn Spies, Tom D. (F) . Hillman Hospital, Birmingham fSpieth, Alda May (A) . . . State Teachers College, Livingston Stabler, Carey C . Alabama College, Montevallo Stauffer, Jacob M. (D) . 8 Arlington Road, Montgomery Stephen, LeMar . State Teachers College, Troy Stevens, Russell B. (F) . 3754 Bush Blvd, Birmingham Sullivan, Edmund B. (B) . Spring Hill College, Mobile Suter, L. S. (A) . Ala. State Dept, of Public Health, Montgomery Tarzwell, Clarence M. (A) . T.V.A. No. 3, Lafayette Apts, Decatur Teague, Robert S. (F) . School of Medicine, University Tellier, A. J. (E) . 153 S. Monterey St, Mobile Thompson, Wynelle D. (B) . 2655 20th St, Birmingham Tipton, Samuel (A) . University Todhunter, E. Neige (A) . Box 1051, University Toff el, G. M. (B) . . . Marion Institute, Marion Toler, .Brooks (D) . Division of Forestry, Montgomery Toulmin, Lyman, Jr . Alabama Geological Survey, University §Tower, James Allen (D) . -Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham Wager, Alan J. (G) . 865-8th Street West, Birmingham Walsh, Sister Mary Vincent (B) . Visitation Academy, Mobile Ward, John M . Alabama State Chamber of Commerce, Montgomery tWeishaupt Clara G. (A) . State Teachers College, Jacksonville tWestbnd, A J Rev . (C) . . Spring Hill College, Mobile ^ Whitmg VV A (A) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham ^4,"^' • /'AV . Howard College, Birmingham Williams Martin (B) . . . . Box 429, University W,.Jks’ V;; r— . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham Wilson, Mrs. Pauline Park (A) . University of Alabama 73 Wimberly, Mrs. Steve B. (C) . T.C.I. Co., Box 29 E., Rt. 1, Birmingham Wimberly, Steve B . T. C. I. Co., Box 29 E, Rt 1, Birmingham Wingard, Mrs. R. E. (B) . Auburn Woodall, Percy H . 1101 27th Place South, Birmingham Woolf, Frank P. (F) . . . , . Auburn Woolley, Miss Mary . Murphy High School, Mobile Worley, Lillian (D) . Alabama College, Montevallo §Xan, John (B) . Howard College, Birmingham - ■ ' ■ 75 5ttemb(tr$ ~2>e.c«.ase6 Groesbeck Francis Walsh Sept. 1, 1944 F. W. Faxon r . Ji THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) OCTOBER, 1945 VOLUME 17 Papers, Abstracts, and Proceedings of the Executive Committee Prepared for the 1945 Meeting Office of the Editor University of Alabama University, Alabama ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OFFICERS FOR 1945-46 President, J. M. Robinson . President-Elect, James L. Kassner . Auburn University Vice-Presidents and Section Chairmen: J. P. Reynolds, Biology and Medical Sciences . . . v— - . . Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham H. E. Wilcox . Howard College, Birmingham E. C. Horton, Geology and Anthropology . . U. S. Weather Bureau, Birmingham J. M. Stauffer, Geography and Conservation . . Dept, of Conservation, Montgomery A. T. Wager, Physics and Mathematics . - . . Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham W. M. Mobley, Industry and Economics . . Alabama By-Products Corporation, Tarrant W. D. Thompson, The Teaching of Science . - . - . . Birmingham-Southern, Birmingham •Katherine Vickery, The Social Sciences . - . Montevallo Secretary, Winnie McGlamery . .University Treasurer , John Xan . Howard College, Birmingham Councilor of A.A.A.S., Septima C. Smith . University Editor of the Journal, Emmett B. Carmichael . University Councilors for Junior Academy: A. V. Beatty (1 yr.) . University Lillian Worley (2 yrs.) . Alabama College, Montevallo Father Charles Reiner (3 yrs.) . St. Bernard College, St. Bernard Committee on Promoting Membership and Activities: E. D. Emigh, Chair¬ man; Peter A. Brannon, E. B. Carmichael, Floyd F. Cunningham, 'S R. Damon, J. F. Dugger, C. M. Farmer, Milton H. Fies, Thomas Ford, J. F. Glazner, H. C. Heath, E. V. Jones, Clustie E. Mc- Tyeire, W. M. Mobley, R. S. Poor, Frank Rasor, J. M. Robinson, J. M. Stauffer, T. K. Sisk, E. N. Todhunter, Clara G. Weis- haupt, A. J. Westland, H. E. Wilcox, Thos. A. Wood, Lillian Worley, P. H. Yancey. Committee on Research: J. F. Duggar, Chairman; S. J. Lloyd, S. S. Heide, E. V. Jones, A. J. Westland. Committee on Publication: J. H. Coulliette, Chairman; J: P. Reynolds, G. Harlowe Evans, E. C. Horton, J. M. Stauffer, Alan T. Wager, W. M. Mobley, Wynelle D. Thompson, E. B. Carmichael, (Ex- Officio). Committee on Long Range Planning: Dr. Septima C. Smith, Section I, George D. Palmer, Section II; S. J. Lloyd, 'Section III; E. D. Emigh, Section IV; W. A. Moore, Section V ; W. M. Mobley, Section VI; Clustie E. McTyeire, Section VII ; G. A. Douglas, Section VIII. Committee on Finance: Milton H. Fies, Chairman; W. M. Mobley, S. J. Lloyd, A. J. Westland, John Xan, R. S. Poor, E. V. Jones. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Page Officers and Standing Committees of the Academy . 1 Original Papers Presented at Twenty-second Annual Meeting at Birmingham . 3 Abstract of Papers Presented at Twenty-second Annual Meeting at Birmingham . 22 Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting . 27-28 Reports of Officers and Committees: The Treasurer’s Report . 30 The Alabama Junior Academy of Science: Junior Academy Officers for 1944-45 . 31 High Schools with Delegates at the Tenth Annual Meeting . 31 Members of the Alabama Academy of Science : Honorary . 33 Sustaining . 33 Active . 33 3 ORIGINAL PAPERS PREPARED for TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 19 4 5 THE RELATION BETWEEN PARTIAL PRESSURE OF CARBON DIOXIDE AND HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION IN WATER AND IN CORBONATE AND ACID SOLUTIONS* — R. L. Driver, Dept, of Physiological Chemistry, University of Alabama, University. Several empirical and semiempirical formulae have been given for the relation between the hydrogen ion concentration in aqueous solution and the amount of carbon dioxide in solution. This relation is not only of general interest but is of considerable importance in several biological problems. It has, perhaps, had its greatest utility in connection with the physiology of respiration. The problem has been attacked by several inves¬ tigators some of whom are Henderson (4), Hasselbalch (3), Greenfield and Baker (2), Shelford (8), Powers (6), Byck (1), Saunders (7), Joos and Rohlin (5), and others. In general the suggested formulae express pH as a linear function of the logarithm of the partial pressure of CO with which the solution is (or may be considered to be) in equilibrium. The purpose of this work is to treat the problem by solving the equilibrium equations for individual salts and acids. It has already been treated in such a manner by Byck (1) for pure water. In this paper the solution of the problem for calcium carbonate, sodium carbonate and bicarbonate, and hydrochloric acid solutions is given. I. Calcium Carbonate The equations of equilibrium between CaCO solutions and an atmos¬ phere containing CO at partial pressure P and the equilibrium constants, K, are : (a) H20 = H+ + 0H- (b) H2C03 = H+ + HCO3- (c) HCO3- = H+ + C03= (d) CaC03 = Ca++ + CO3— (e) CaC03 + H20 = Ca++ + OH together with (H2C03) = kP All data are given for 25° C. Ka = 9.88 X 10-15 Kb = 3.5 X 10-7 Kc = 3.85 X 10— U (1) Kd = 5.25 X 10-9 + HCO3- Ke = 1.24 X Id-12 k = 0.0338 (2) Letting n represent the molal concentration of total calcium (i.e. molt, of CaC03 divided by sum of number of moles of all constituents) in the solution, we obtain from these equations (H + ) zz (HC03- ) + 2(C03=) + (OH-) — 2(Ca+ + ) (3) nzz (CaC03) + (Ca + + ) (4) ♦These data were obtained while the author was a graduate student. Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. 4 Introducing the equilibrium constants of Eqs. 1 into Eq. 3 and using (4) we obtain kKbP Ka 2kKbKeP 2n (H + ) = - + - + - (5) (H + ) (H+) (H + )-2 1 + kK« KbP/Ke (H+)2 This equation can be solved by a method of successive approximation to obtain the value of (H + ) satisfying the equation. The results are shown in table 1. TABLE 1 Values of log n and log p. [1/H + ) ] = pH satisfying Eq. 5 for various values of - n= 10-7 10-6 10-5 KM log P = — 5 6.56 7.14 7.69 8.06 —4 6.00 6.29 6.97 7.37 —3 5.48 5.59 6.16 6.70 —2 4.97 5.01 5.31 5.97 —1 4.47 4.47 4.59 5.16 II. Sodium Carbonate and Bicarbonate In solving the problem for sodium carbonate and bicarbonate activities were used instead of concentrations. The concentration of (H + ) at equilibrium may be regarded as deter¬ mined by Eq. 1(c) as (H+) = Kc(HC03-)/(C03=) (8) Walker, Bray, and Johnston (9) have defined and measured the following quantities in an equilibrium solution of carbonate and bicarbonate. a = (HC03-)/(NaHC03) J3 = (C03=)/(Na2C03) (9) 0 = (NaHC03)2/(Na2C03)P These quantities are given as functions of the ionic strength li= (NaHC03) + 3(Na2C03). We let X = molality of total bicarbonate, Y = molality of total carbonate, and n = molality of total sodium (all in moles per 1000 g. of H20). Then combining Eqs. 9 with Eq. 8, we have 1/H+ = /3Y/K >X (10) 0 = X2/YP (11) It = X + 3Y (12) Solving (11) and (12) simultaneously for X and Y we obtain X = 0P (VI +2Y — l)/6 Y = 0P (Y — VI +2Y+ 1)/18 where Y = 6/0P. Substituting in (10) we obtain 1/(H + ) = £(V1 + 2Y — l)/6Kca (13) The concentration of total sodium is n = X -f- 2Y = 0P (2Y + VI + 2Y — 1)/18 (14) 5 The experimental values of a, P, and 0 are given in the second, third and fourth columns of table 2. The remaining columns give values (except for those in the first row) of 6 /i/0 = YP, £/6Kc“, and 0/18 calculated from these. In the first row, the values in the last three columns were extrapo¬ lated as follows. The function of (a/P — l)2 plotted against M gave a nearly straight line which was used to get P/a at M = .001. It was found that log 6m/0 is quite accurately a linear function of log M so that the relation 6 /i/0 = 0.0428m113 is quite good over the measured range. This was used to extrapolate to m = .001. All data are for 25° C as before. TABLE 2 Values of the constants appearing in Eqs. 9, 13, and 14 M a P 0 P/6Kca 6m/0 0/18 .001 3.93 x 10° .178 x 1(H 18.7 .01 .904 .663 251 3.18 2.39 13.9 .04 .844 .502 216 2.57 11.2 11.9 .10 .785 .388 185 2.14 32.4 10.3 .20 .746 .308 156 1.79 76.9 8.67 For each of several values of P a curve for log [1/(H + )] = pH as a function of log m and for log n as a function of log m was made. These were obtained by substituting the values in table 2 in Eqs. 13 and 14. For any desired l n, the corresponding value of M at given P can be read off one set and the value of pH found from the other. The values given in table 3 were obtained in this way. TABLE 3 Values of pH as a function 1 of log P for different molatilities of total sodium in carbonate-bicarbonate equilibrium. V Log P v = .001 .01 .04 .10 .20 -5.00 9.65 10.28 10.56 10.73 10.85 -4.00 8.81 9.65 9.99 10.18 10.31 -4.48 8.36 9.29 9.69 9.90 10.05 -4.78 8.06 9.03 9.48 9.72 9.87 -3.00 7.84 8.84 9.31 9.57 9.74 -3.70 7.15 8.17 8.72 9.04 9.26 -2.00 6.84 7.86 8.44 8.78 9.03 -1.00 5.84 6.88 7.46 7.83 8.12 III. Hydrochloric Acid: HC1 was chosen because it was the simplest to work with. Other acids would give results differing only in degree since the only ion or radical common to the other equations added by the acid is H+. The equilibrium equations are 1(a), 1(b), 1(c), and 2 together with HC1 = H+ + Cl- For the concentrations of HC1 which we shall be concerned with here, we may assume it to be completely dissociated. We then have in place of Eq. 3 (H + ) = (HCO3- + 2(COa=) + (OH~) -f (C1-) 6 and in place of (4) simply n =z ( Cl — ) where n is the molal concentration of HC1. Again introducing the equilibrium constants, we obtain the equation kKbP Ka 2kKbKcP (H+ ) = - 1 - 1 - b n (15) (H + ) (H + ) (H + )2 from which we get the cubic (H + )3 — n(H + )* 1 2— (kKbP + Ka) (H+) — 2kKbKcP = 0 (16) which can be solved by methods already referred to. For all but very small values of n the solution of this equation takes the simple form kKbP + Ka 2kKbKcP r^.'V (H+)=n + - + - (17) n n2 Values of pH which satisfy Eq. 16 for various n and P are given in table 4. TABLE 4 Values of pH as a function of log P obtained from Eq. 16 for various concentrations of HC1. log P n 0 10-7 l(>-o 3 x 10-6 10-5 3 x 10-5 10-4 5 6 7 8 9 10-3 —5 6.45 6.39 5.95 5.52 5.00 4.52 4.00 3.00 —4 5.96 5.94 5.77 5.47 5.00 4.52 4.00 3.00 —3 5.46 5.46 5.40 5.30 4.95 4.52 4.00 3.00 —2 4.96 4.96 4.94 4.90 4.77 4.47 4.00 3.00 —1 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.44 4.40 4.30 3.95 3.00 When n = 0, Eq. 15 reduces to the one used by Byck (1). In the range of P considered here the solution is particularly simple, being (H + ) = %/kKbP + Ka or pH = — Yz log (kKbP + Ka) (18) Values of pH satisfying this equation are given in the first column of table 4. An experimental check of these curves was made on Na3CC>3 at a con¬ centration of 1.8xl0-3, on pure water and on HC1 at a concentration of IO-3 by aerating samples with carbon dioxide at different partial pressures and determining pH with a Hellige pH Meter. The agreement with the theoretical curves was excellent provided aeration was continued long enough for equi¬ librium to be reached. The time required varied inversely with the partial pressure of CO2, being one hour for a 9% mixture of CO2, twenty-four hours for a 3% mixture and even longer for smaller partial pressures. REFERENCES 1. Byck, H. T., Science: 75. 224, (1932). 2. Greenfield, R. E. and Baker, G. C., Jour. Ind., Eng. Chem.: 12, 989. (1920). 3. Hasselbalch, K. A., Biochem. Zeits. : 78, 112, (1916). 4. Henderson. L. J., Amer. Tour. Physiol.: 21, 427. (1908). 5. Joos, C. E. and Rohlin, V. A., Heating, Piping, and Air Conditioning: 4, S37, (1.932). 6. Powers. E. B . Ecology: 9, 364, (1928.) 7. Saunders, T. T., Brit. Jour. Expt. Biol.: 4, 46, (1927). 8. Shelford, V. E., Bull. HI., State Nat. Hist. Sur.: 14, 379, (1923). 9. Walker, A. C., Bray, U. B. and Johnston, J., Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc.: 49, 1235, (1927). 7 THE HALOGENOIDS — W. Joe Frierson, Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham. The term halogenoid, meaning halogen-like, has been applied to certain univalent aggregates of electro-negative atoms capable of forming insoluble silver salts. In many respects the halogenoids are very similar to the halogens, however, the analogy cannot be too closely drawn as each of the halogenoids shows specific properties due to the decomposition products of the radicals. The following groups have been classed as halogenoids: fulminate, cyanate, azide, cyanide, thiocyanate, azido-dithiocarbonate, selenocyanate, and tellurocyanate. The relative activity of these halogenoids to the halogens has been determined from a study of the electrical conductivity of some of their salts in aqueous solution. The following order E given : flouride, fulminate, cyanate, chloride, azide, bromide, cyanide, thiocyanate, azio-dithiocarbonate, iodide, selenocyanate, and tellurocyanate. Just as the halogens have been isolated in the free state it may be assumed that the halogenoid radicals can also be isolated. As a result several of the halogenoids have been prepared and are now well known substances. In spite of many efforts to isolate the others they are still known only in the form of ions. According to Lidov1 the halogenoid corresponding to the cyanate, which he called Oxane, may be prepared either (1) by the oxidation of potassium cyanate with hydrogen peroxide in neutral solution: 2KCNO + HO — > KiCNO + CNO + H2O or (2) by heating potassium cyanate in an atmosphere of dry nitrogen with copper oxide to 350° C: 2KCNO + CuO — > K»CNO* + CNO + Cu Several methods are known for the preparation of cyanogen, (CN)*, the halogenoid corresponding to the cyanide. Some of the methods are: (1) electrolysis of cyanides, (2) distillation of cyanides in the presence of manganese dioxide and sulfuric acid, (3) dry distillation of zinc cyanide in the presence of cupric chloride, and (4) heating of the cyanides of the noble metals. Cyanogen is a colorless, poisonous gas and has an odor similar to that of hydrocyanic acid. It hydrolyses to give hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. Thiocyanogen, (CNS).*, was prepared by Soderback2 by treating metal thiocyanates with bromine in ether and freezing out at -70° C. Birkenback and Kellerman prepared selenocyanogen, (SeCN)*, by electrolysing a solution of potassium selenocyanide in methyl alcohol. This substance is an unstable yellow powder. Azido-dithiocarbonate, (SCSNaJa, was prepared by treating a solution of potassium azio-dithiocarbonate with free iodine until the precipitation of the white crystalline solid is complete. This halogenoid is very unstable, explosive decomposition resulting from impact or heat. , . The many efforts made in the last fifty years to isolate the halogenoid azine, (Ns):, have met with little success although in some cases it is assumed to have been formed in small amounts. It was first thought that since was inert then (Na)* would be even more inert. Consequently an effort was made to identify this form of nitrogen with some of the inert gases which had just been discovered. Ramsay, 3 in an attempt to explain the difference in the densities of atmospheric and chemical nitrogen, first assumed the existence of the Nj 8 molecule in the atmosphere. “The atmospheric nitrogen might contain some molecules of greater complexity than two-atom molecules, say Ns molecules. Now it is known that when oxygen is electrified by the passage of a rain of sparks through it, it acquires new properties . . . and this product ozone, has been shown to consist of three-atom molecules of oxygen. It is not inconceivable that if such a silent electric discharge were to be passed through atmospheric nitrogen, it might increase the number of such three-atom molecules.” After his experiment on passing air over hot copper oxide, copper and magnesium Ramsay still thought the N3 molecul was the inert gas which he had obtained. Many other attempts have been made by the electrical discharge method to prepare azine. In one case4 a persistent luminescence was obtained when an induction charge was passed through rarefied nitrogen. Further investi¬ gation gave evidence that this was a mon-atomic form referred to as activated nitrogen. A number of attempts have also been made by the use of electrolysis A. W Browne and G. E. F. Lundell electrolysed solutions of sodium azide m anhydrous hydrogen azide. At 0°C the electrolysis proceeded in a normal manner, liberating nitrogen and hydrogen. When, however, the electrolysis was conducted at —80 C. two unusual phenomena were noticed: (1) when the anode tube was refilled with hydrazoic acid a sudden evolution of a gas took place; (2) In several cases, after the electrolysis has proceeded for some time, violent explosions occurred, these results were accounted for by assuming that at this low tempera¬ ture azine is formed but explodes without apparent cause. Chemical reactions have been used in efforts to isolate this substance Bromine was passed over sodium azide with the hope that this reaction would take place : 2NaNa + Bn — > 2NaBR -f (N*)* However, the near colorless gas formed proved to be BrNs. RaschigS tried to liberate azine by the interaction of chlorine azide and hvdrazoic acid according to the equation : HNs + CINs — > HC1 + (NO* but only nitrogen was obtained. Similar results action of iodine azide and silver azide.® were obtained by the inter- In recent years further efforts have been made by A. W. Browne and, W/ J°S Frierson t° liberate azine from chlorine azide by chemical methods.' Chlorine azide is an exceedingly sensitive and highly explosive compound making it very difficult to bring into chemical reactions without resulting in violent explosions. However, certain solvents w'ere found to dissolve the gas m appreciable amounts thus making it possible to carry out various reactions with it in safety. Also under very carefully con¬ trolled conditions it was found that pure chlorine azide might be used instead of solutions. When the pure compound, however, was used many attempts had to be made before a reaction could be successfully carried to completion without resulting in an explosion Since chlorine is above azine in activity the attempt was made to remove the chlorine by causing it to react with some metallic or non- metallic element. A number of the active metals were used but sodium gave typical results. In such solvents as carbon tetrachloride or pentane chlorine azide reacted with sodium to liberate nitrogen and percipitate a mixture of sodium chloride and sodium azide. Since about 90 per cent of 9 the salt mixture was found to be sodium azide it would seem that azine is more strongly electronegative than chlorine. When chlorine azide was condensed on yellow phosphorus at -78° C. a violent explosion occurred in every case. The violence of the explosion was such that it could scarcely be attributed to chlorine azide alone. If the phosphorus is added to a carbon tetrachloride solution of chlorine azide and the solution stirred a reaction is noticed around the phosphorus and a succession of slight explosions take place beneath the liquid. If the stirring be omitted for a few minutes the slightest agitation will cause an explosion which will demolish the apparatus. It is possible that phosphorus is liberating azine but conditions are not such as to render it stable. Chlorine azide was condensed on silver azide at —78° C. with the hope that the following reaction would take place : AgNa + CINa — > (Ns) 2 + AgCl A dark blue, highly explosive product was formed which on analysis proved to be a bi-valent silver salt with the formula AgCINs. It is thought that under the proper conditions it should be possible to isolate azine and that if isolated it would be a most valuable azinating agent for both inorganic and organic compounds. REFERENCES 1. Chem. Abs., 6, 2368, 2369, 3093. 2. Ann., 419, 217, (1919). 3. The Gases of the Atmosphere, Sir William Ramsay. Fourth Ed. pages 1S7 and 162. 4. Min. Soc. Marseille, 1, 141, 1861. 5. Ber., 41, 4194, (1908). 6. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 26, 577, (1904). 7. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 65, 1.698, (1943). J. Am. Chem. Soc., 65, 1696, (1943). 10 \ SOME INDEXES OF SELF-RELIANCE — Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama, University. Generally speaking, man is a gregarious animal. Most people like to live near neighbors that they can visit with, or call on for help in time of need. Most people also are inclined to follow able leaders. But history is not made by leaners and followers, but by self-reliant individuals who like to think and act independently. Now that self-reliance seems to be on the wane in all civilized countries, it is worth while to seek some statis¬ tical measures of it, to indicate trends with some exactness. Perhaps the simplest index of self-reliance, or rather the lack of it, is density of population. People who live in thickly settled countries like most of those in Europe and Asia have to constantly consider the interests of their neighbors, while those who live in the “wide open spaces” and have no near neighbors to help them are thrown on their own resources to a large extent. But the mere number of inhabitants per square mile is not as im¬ portant as the average distance between neighbors. That is not easily meas¬ ured statistically, but the percent of population living in cities and other incorporated places is a pretty fair index. When Columbus discovered America the aboriginal population of what is now the United States averaged about one per square mile; but early explorers found the Indians, like most Europeans, living in villages, where they took orders from their chiefs. Mexico today is sparsely populated as compared with the United 'States, but most of its inhabitants are either Indian or part Indian, and a recent census found only 33 isolated homes in the whole country (as compared with perhaps a few million in the United States). Although city and village life had characterized most of Europe for centuries, there must have been always a few bold and independent individuals there who chafed at the restrictions imposed on them by monarchs and minor officials; and the discovery of America gave them an opportunity to seek homes in a new and uncrowded land where they could work out their own destiny. In the early days of the United States it differed from nearly all other countries in that most of the people lived on farms, at some distance from each other. They produced nearly everything they used, and were under practically no obligation to the government, except to pay taxes, and those were very light. The rising tide of invention caused the building of factories, which made many articles that the farmers used to make themselves, and many new kinds besides, and much more economically than the farmers could make them. The factories were nearly all located in towns and cities, and such places grew rapidly. By the middle of the 19th centurv only about half the families in the United States were engaged in farming. By 1920 slightly more than half our population lived in cities with over 2,500 inhabitants, and something like one-fourth in smaller towns, mining and logging camps, etc. Our “urban” population increased from 5.1% in 1790 to 56.5% in 1940. And all town people depend more or less on corpora¬ tions or the municipality for services that farmers commonly provide for themselves, or do without, such as water, gas, electricity, telephones, and police and fire protection; all of which weakens their self-reliance. So one of the best indexes of self-reliance, or the lack of it, is the receipts and expenditures of the government, per capita. For taxes pay for many kinds of public services, as just indicated, and city people always pay a larger proportion of their income for taxes than country 11 people, besides depending more on corporations for such things as water and lights. > Some taxes of course go to pay for wars and pensions instead of services, but we always have the least freedom during wars, when taxes are highest, for a considerable degree of centralization and regimentation is necessary for the successful prosecution of a war. And a war seems to strengthen the bureaucratic habit, so that we are likely to have more taxes and less freedom afterward than we did before. In the United States the per capita cost of government from the beginning to 1860 was less than $2 a year. After the Civil War it never got below $6 a year; and a magazine writer in 1897 said among other things: — “The centrali¬ zation of the federal government, which set in so irresistibly with the Civil War, has spread like a pest to the state and municipal governments, which wield an authority over the individual far in excess of the fears of the fathers.’’ After the first World War the receipts of the United States govern¬ ment never got below $30 a year, except during the worst of the recent depression, when they were about $16 for a short time. But the expendi¬ tures, which previously had been just about on a par with receipts most of the time, kept mounting pretty steadily through the depression, and in 1941, the last year before the present war, the government was taking in $57.29 per capita, and spending $96.21 ; much of it for salaries to officials of high and low degree who gave orders to the people. State and municipal taxes have increased in somewhat similar fashion, but those need not be discussed here. The same tendency can be shown in a different way by the ratio of the population of the District of Columbia to that of the whole United States. From 1846, when that part south of the Potomac River was given back to Virginia, to the Civil War, the ratio was 0.23%. From the Civil War to the first World War it did not vary much from 0.36%. That war brought it up to 0.42% in 1920, and then it fell off a little to 0.40% in 1930. Since then the increase has been very rapid, but that does not tell the whole story, for governmental agencies were overflowing the boundar¬ ies of the District even before the first World War, and the number of government employees at present is several times the total population of the District. State capitals have shown a similar growth, but that cannot be ascribed wholly to governmental agencies, for many or most of them are industrial centers, which is hardly true of Washington. Not only are city dwellers relieved of much responsibility by having many kinds of services furnished them, but most adults in cities work for some one else, and therefore they do not have to make as many decisions as farmers, merchants and professional men do. Responsibility is reduced to a minimum in apartment houses, where the children (if any) do not have much opportunity to learn self-reliance, because there are no chores for them to do. Another good index of self-reliance is home tenure. Savages own their homes, because they build them themselves, and the same was true of our pioneer settlers, who got the land for little or nothing, and built their houses and fences from the trees they cut from the land. At the other extreme are the city apartment dwellers, who cannot own their homes, unless in the case of one who owns the whole building. And the uncertainty of employment in cities is a deterrent to home ownership. Although home ownership is now on the decline, it is generally more prevalent in the country than in the city, for reasons just indicated. The percentage of owned homes for white people in the United States 12 decreased from 51.5 in 1890 (the earliest date for which we have census figures) to 45.5 in 1940; while among negroes it increased from probably almost nothing in 1865 to 18.7 (17.5 for blacks and 25.2 for mulattoes) in 1890 and 22.7 in 1940. In our urban population in 1940 the percentages of owned homes were 38.8 for whites and 19.7 for negroes, and in the rural farm population 58.4 for whites and 21.0 for negroes. For farmers only, a pretty good index of self-reliance is size of farms, for the proprietor — whether owner or tenant — of a large farm naturally has more responsibility than a small farmer. Farms in the United States have long averaged much larger than in Europe and Asia ; and the tendency for them to decrease in size with increasing density of population has been offset by increasing use of machinery, especially since the first World War. The average size of farm in the United States decreased from 202.6 acres in 1850 to 138.1 in 1910, and then increased to 174.0 in 1940. For race and tenure classes in 1940 the figures were : — white owners 188.1, managers 1859.5, tenants 157.8; colored (mostly negro) owners 121.7, managers 373.1, tenants 40.6. Another index, though an indirect one, and not easy to explain, is the ratio of the sexes, either at birth or in the adult population. In the old “Wild West” men were several times as numerous as women, and they often took the law into their own hands, without waiting for courts to function. The average American genealogy begins with a bold and resource¬ ful immigrant ancestor who had about twice as many sons as daughters. Until the present century we had no birth statistics for the United States, except for a few states, but the ratio of boys to girls under ten years old gives a fair approximation to the ratio at birth. In 1800 that ratio for the white population was 1.068. It came down to 1,032 by 1850, and has not changed much since. It has always been less for negroes than for whites, and the 1940 figures were 1.036 for whites and .991 for negroes. The sex ratio, both of children and of adults, seems to be always lower in the urban than in the rural population in the United States, though perhaps not in all other countries. It is a curious fact that some of our cities that have been notoriously afflicted with political bosses are below the urban average in the ratio of boys to girls. And some interesting comparisons of this sort can be made between different states and counties. The ratio of sons to daughters in the families of European monarchs for several centuries prior to the first World War was about 1.25, but it has declined considerably since, and many kings have lost their thrones. The 31 presidents of the United States up to this year have had 1.522 times as many sons as daughters. According to a count made a few years ago, the ratio for American governors at that time was 1.341, for United States senators 1.226, and for congressmen 1.029. Jews, who seem to be pretty well able to take care of themselves (though the great majority of them have been city dwellers for centuries past) have been found in countries that keep such records to have from 10 to 20 percent more sons than daughters. Divorced people, on the other hand, whose main characteristic might be said to be shirking of responsi¬ bility, seem to have about twice as many daughters as sons, on the average. Of course none of the indexes here mentioned is perfect, for there are many factors involved, and exceptions are easily found, especially if individuals are considered. But all of them taken together ought to show the ranking of different countries, states, etc., pretty well. 13 SOME ELEMENTARY OBSERVATIONS ON VALENCE BONDS E. V. Jones, Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham. The character and strength of the various types of valence bonds is an important topic for students of physical and advanced inorganic chemistry. One finds in the literature two conflicting points of view. One view presented by Sidgwick in “The Covalent Link in Chemistry” (1933) assumes that in general only three types of bonding forces are necessary to account for the properties of solids, liquids and gases, that is, electro¬ valence, covalence and the van der Waals force. Substances are then classified as salts (with electrovalent bonds), metals (with metallic — probably covalent — bonds) and covalent compounds whose molecules are held together in liquids and solids by van der Waals forces. From this point of view there is an essential difference between electrovalent and covalent bonds. All valence bonds are regarded as definitely of one type or the other and bonds which are both electrovalent and covalent “rarely if ever occur.” In support of this point of view the melting points of the fluorides of the elements of the second period have been cited as showing an abrupt change from extreme electrovalent bonds to the extreme covalent type. Fluorides . NaF MgF2 AIF3 SiF< PFs SF« Melting points . 980 1400 1040 —77 —83 —55° C. In marked contrast with the above very simple picture is the view set forth in great detail by Pauling in “The Nature of the Chemical Bond” (1939). The chief differences between the two points of view are (1) the part played by resonance* in valence bonds and (2) the question as to whether electrovalent and covalent bonds are essentially different with an abrupt, discontinuous change from one type to the other — or are not essentially different and one extreme type may change gradually and continuously into the other type. In the Pauling picture many — perhaps most — bonds are neither extreme electrovalent nor extreme covalent bonds but are of the intermediate type, partially electrovalent and partially cova¬ lent with resonance playing an important part in the bond. It is maintained that one type of bond may change continuously into the other type in a series of similar compounds although such continuous changes cannot take place in all types of molecules, e.g., the continuous transitions are limited to structures having the same number of unpaired electrons. If the two structures have different numbers of unpaired electrons there must be a discontinuity associated with the change in the number of unpaired electrons. Pauling disagrees entirely with the above interpretation of the abrupt change in the melting points of the fluorides of the second period. He attributes the great difference between the melting points of AIF3 and SiF4 not to an abrupt change from electrovalent bonds to covalent bonds but to a change in atomic arrangement or crystal structure. From his point of view the bonds in AIF3 differ only slightly from those in SiFq both being about seventy percent ionic in character. In crystals of NaF, MgFz and AlFs the coordination number of the metal is six and they are giant polymers like the NaCl crystal, while in SiF4 the coordination number is four and the crystal consists of molecules of SiF4 held together by van der Waals forces only. In other words, in melting AIF3 we are *No attempt will be made in this paper to discuss the relation of resonance to valence bonds. 14 rupturing Al-F bonds while in melting SiFi we are not breaking Si-F bonds but only the weak van der Waals forces between molecules of SiF«. A general method of evaluating bond strengths or bonding energies ls by measuring interatomic distances. But Pauling points out that the equilibrium mterionic distance for two ions is determined not only by the e ectron distributions of the ions but also ,by the structure of the crystal and the ratio of the radii of the ions involved. Much data is available rom X ray study of crystals and from electron diffraction and spectros¬ copic studies of gas molecules. i ^ he values of the atomic radii were found by Goldschmidt to be clearly different in electrovalent and covalent compounds. The most striking evidence is given by the two forms of silver iodide where the inter-atomic distance in the ionic alpha-form is 3.05 A° and in the covalent beta-form 2.81 A0, a difference of nearly nine percent This was interpreted as showing that covalent bonds are stronger— represent more bonding energy-than electrovalent bonds. It is interesting to note that the inter-atomic distance is practically constant in an isoelectronic sequence with covalent bonds such as the following where the sum of the atomic numbers is sixty-four. Ge — Ge Ge — As 2.44 2.44 Zn — Se Cu — Br 2.45 2.46 A ° The decrease in the A.N. for one atom is offset by the increase in the A N. of the other atom. But in an ionic isoelectronic sequence there is a decrease of about ten percent in the inter-atomic distance for a change from univalent to bivalent ions as shown by Na+ — Cl— , 2.81; Mg++ — S - 2 54 A0 This change is attributed chiefly to the doubling of the charges on the ions' The magnitude of the electrovalent attraction Na+ and Cl- at anv given distance was estimated by DeBye to be 1033 times as great as the eravitational attraction between these masses. ^ Sih°kWSin a veryJ convincing manner that the general impression that chemical bonds may be divided rather sharply into covalent and electrovalent bonds with a limited number of coordinate bonds is grossly n^mprl°rThS 1S a S° V’ew that bond strengths decrease in the order named. Three general extreme types of bonds are recognized in the newer viewpoint, namely, electrostatic bonds, covalent bonds and metallic bonds are oTse^em^tvne6 °f a.n.intermediate character and electrostatic bonds are of several types involving various combinations of ions dipoles and induced dipoles. The coordinate bond is regarded as actually consisting of a single covalent bond plus an ionic bond of unit strength Pauling rites the fol owing sequence showing a gradual transition from eftreml va fnt t(? extreme metallic bonding and suggests that a similar sequence bonding UP f°r tHe transitlon from extreme ionic to extreme covalent Extreme covalent C— C Si— C Si — Si Total A.N . 12 20 28 I.A.D . . 1.54 A0 1.94 2 34 Energy . . 58.6§ 57.6 42.5 Extreme metallic Ge — Ge Sn — Sn 64 100 2.44 2.80 42.5 ? §Kilo-calories per mole. 15 Another series is of interest as showing the relative strengths of ionic and covalent bonds. H— F H— Cl H— Br H— I I— I C— C F— F C-C % ionic 60 17 11 5 0 0 0(?) 44 Energy 147.5 102.7 87.3 71.4 36.2 58.6 63.5 107 The intermediate ionic- -covalent bond is stronger than either the normal covalent or the normal ionic bond. The single electron bond and the three electron bond are now well established though not of great practical importance. The former in the hydrogen molecule ion, H2+ has a bond-energy of 58.0 kcal./mole. The hydrogen bond, O— H • * O, F— H— F, etc., is a relatively weak bond, largely ionic in character, with an energy of only about 5 kcal./mole. But it is regarded as playing a very important role in determining the properties of systems involving water and other hydroxylic compounds in both liquid and solid states. The high melting points and striking hard¬ ness of certain crystals is attributed in part to the hydrogen bonds between the molecules. Because of its low bond energy and small activation energy it is thought to play a significant part in many reactions at room temperatures. BOILING POINT STUDIES OF PURE ORGANIC LIQUIDS UNDER VARYING PRESSURES — E. V. Jones, W. Joe Frierson, and Jimmie Holmquist,* Birmingham- Southern College, Birmingham. This work was undertaken at the suggestion of Dr. E. Emmet Reid, who pointed out that the literature contains little reliable data on the true boiling points of organic liquids of a high degree of purity. He suggested also that a knowledge of the boiling points of such liquids under reduced pressures would be valuable information. In order to determine the type of boiling point apparatus to use and to develop the technique in the use of it several readily available com¬ pounds of C.P. grade, such as ethanol, isopropanol, acetone, and benzene were selected for trial runs. These compounds were further purified by methods suggested in the literature and the boiling points determined at different pressures. The results, however, were unsatisfactory and indicated a lack of purity in the compound. This suggested the following questions : (1) How pure are these C.P. grade compounds? (2) What are the best methods of purification? (3) What is the best test for near absolute purity of organic liquids? An approximate answer to the first question may usually be obtained from the label on the bottle. In nearly all cases, however, this gives neither the boiling point nor even a distillation temperature but a fractionation range which might not even include the true boiling point of the pure compound. *The holder of an Alabama Academy of Science Research Assistantship in Chemistry. 16 The a.nswer to the third question seems clearly to be the differential boiling point methods using some form of Swietoslawski’s apparatus for simultaneous determination of liquid and vapor temperatures. Beckmann thermometers are placed in the two mercury wells which are spiraled outside to give better contact with the condensing vapors. The 10ml flask, with sintered glass bottom to provide even boiling, is more than filled with the liquid which is vigorously boiled. The liquid is pumped through the upright tube onto the first thermometer well. The or -IT-5 1 ^ sec?nd thermometer well, excess returning from the sec'ond^the ^ “<* is les^han^^013551^^5^^-^ aS Yery pure when the AT value whe^it is 002no°,rS'% y purue when A is °-040' relatively pure when it is 0.200, and technically pure when 0.200 to 1.00. For example he of OOr r ^romercial grade of thiophene-free benzene gave a AT^alue 0.0.0 C. After distillation a fraction, which gave a constant boiling 17 point within 0.001° limit, gave a AT value of 0.007°. On further purifica¬ tion he obtained a value of 0.001°. A search of the literature reveals a number of methods for the puri¬ fication of common organic liquids but very meager information as to the degree of purity attained. In attempting to purify several C.P. grade compounds as methanol, isopropanol, and ethyl acetate by methods found in the literature the differential boiling points showed the re-purified product to be inferior to the original sample. As a check on apparatus and technique a sample of C.P. thiophene- free benzene gave a AT value of 0.006°, which conformed with results of Swietoslawski. The boiling points of this sample were determined by means of the same apparatus by replacing the Beckmann thermometer in the first well with a .1° Centigrade thermometer. The following results were obtained : Temperatures Vapor Pressures 36.1° C. 44.78 53.42 61.32 67.58 73.54 79.56 80. 10f 158.90 mm. 224.14 310.74 411.77 509.62 619.12 746.80 760.00 fExtrapolated from straight line relation for log vapor pressure versus reciprocal of absolute temperature. As a result of this preliminary investigation it is evident that methods of purification must be found which will give compounds of sufficient purity for consistent boiling point values. 1. W. Swietoslawski, C. A., 26, 3745, (1932). 18 THE PROGRAM OF GUIDANCE USED BY THE METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME, SELMA, ALABAMA — Virgil McCain, Selma. Guidance in its broadest terms may include any influence touching the growth and development of a human being. It includes myriad activi- !LCS lu ^re a ready ^eing. carried on in the many Homes operated by e Methodist Church in this country. Such phases of the work as an a h etic program, music instruction in its various forms, religious training, c ass room instruction, training in etiquette and the social amenities, a work shop, a beauty parlor, a print shop, a dairy, a farm, a truck garden, a itchen, an infirmary, a swimming pool, social affairs, the plant (especial¬ ly the cottage plan), the staff itself— all of these— could be classified as parts of a guidance program. • i ^°W Tenn.). 2. How to Counsel Students -Williamson (McGraw-Hill Co., New York, N. Y.). 3. Counselling and Psychotherapy— Rogers (McGraw-Hill Co., New York N Y) Tests should be given by someone on the staff who has had previous experience in testing The tests listed in this discussion are group tests. These are recommended, since they require less expert administrators in the giving. An excellent resource for test-administrators is found in the school of sociology or psychology of a state college or university. Denominational colleges and universities are usually glad to cooperate with Childrens’ Homes in this work. The foundation of any organized program of guidance is the test of abstract intelligence. This should be given to all the children in the insti¬ tution. It is recommended that at least two different intelligence tests be given so that a sounder basic of comparison might be made (the outline below gives suggested I.Q. tests). A new intelligence test should be given at least once every three years to the same child. This is especially necessary with institutional children, since an emotional block, or physical handicap progrTm^1"13 y a^CCt t^le score- Below is given the set-up for a guidance I. Tests (abstract, social, mechanical, preference aptitude, achievement, etc.). A catalog of Tests may be obtained from the Psychological Corporation, 522 5th Avenue, New York, N. Y. A. Intelligence Tests L Otis Self-Administering Test of Mental Ability a. Higher Examination ( grade 10 through freshman college) b. Intermediate Examination (grades 4 through 9) 2. Binet-Simon (especially for children of low mentality) 3. Pintner-Durost Elementary Test (grades 2-4) 5. Detroit Advanced First-Grade Intelligence Test 6. Detroit Beginning First-Grade Intelligence Test 19 B. Mechanical Aptitude (or Intelligence) 1. Revised Minnesota Paper Form Board Test, Series AA (linear perception — especially good for predicting designing and engi¬ neering ability) — 9th through 12th grades 2. Stenquist Mechanical Aptitude Tests (knowledge of tools and function of tools) — 9th through 12th grades C. Art Aptitude (15-18 yrs. of age) 1. Revised Meier-Seashore D. Vocational Preference (or Interest) Tests 1. Kuder Preference Record, Form BB, (Published by Science Research Associates, 228 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illi.) — 9th grade through college 2. Vocational Interest Blank for Men (Edward K. Strong, Jr., Stanford University Press)— 7th grade through college 3. Vocational Interest Blank for Women (Edward K. Strong, Jr., Stanford University Press)— 7th grade through college E. Social Intelligence or Personality Tests 1. California Test of Personality — Secondary, Form B, (grades 9-14) 2. California Test of Personality — Intermediate, Form B, (grades 7-1°) 3. Inventory of Activities and Interests — H. C. Link, (For Girls and Young Women, Ages 14-20) 4. Inventory of Activities and Interests — H. C. Link, (For Boys and Young Men, Ages 14-20) F. Special Aptitudes— Iowa Placement Series (Mathematics, Chem¬ istry, Physics and the Foreign Languages) — Grades 9-12 II. Blood Tests for Personality Disturbances (Local clinics or Medical Doctors can run these tests) 1. Calcium — Should be brought up to 12 Mg. for institutional children Melancholia, extreme sensitivity, excessive crying, etc., are signs of calcium deficiency. Give Abbot’s vitamin D (or mixed vitamin) as a remedy — 1 or 2 after each meal 2. Basal Metabolism (should be at least 0 to +8 to +10 for insti¬ tutional children) There are two symptoms of low metabolism (low mentality, and hypo-thyroid — extremely sensitive). Give thyroid pills — 1/10 grain, one after each meal. 3. A nemia — Emotionalism and low vitality are the usual signs. The red corpuscle count for institutional children should be exceedingly high. For boys the minimum should be Ay2 to 5 million. For girls it should be 4 to 4^4 million. Give extracts of liver as a remedy. III. Cumulative School Record (especially recommended is the cumulative record card printed by the American Council on Education, 744 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C.). No cumulative record card has been produced which exactly fits the situation of a Children’s Home. The best plan is to accumulate several and then make your own to fit your needs. IV. Medical Records (The nurse is responsible for this information). Physical examinations for admittance furnish important data. Light on physical handicaps, maladies, etc., may be secured from these records. They have an important place in planning for the child’s future. 20 VI. VII. ^ ' uas/u History (This accumulation of a family and a personal history by the Case Worker is very important in helping plan for a boy or girl). Teacher Opinion (This may be easily secured by visits to the local schools, if the children are in public school, or through personal interviews with teachers on the Home Staff, if the institution has its own school. A record should be kept of these). Cottage Mother or Group Matron Opinion (This is perhaps the ^rhTHPOrtant-0,b-SerVattl0u t0 gather’ as the cottage mother knows her child more intimately than any one else in the institution. These opinions should be recorded briefly). VIIL CJ%lSdAn9 Girl: After a11 of the ab°ve information is gathered and studied, the counsellor is ready to interview the child fv7ICWS Can,-be inf,ormal or by appointment. The more in¬ formal the surroundings, the better. It is best for the counsellor to who does notr have to deal too directly with discipline. Jf* L C°"?,renCeS °/ten, necerssary before effective decisions can be made or a definite plan of action carried out. A “den” or ilving .r,°°,1?1 sufgested as a proper place for counselling. A skilled Xt?oPna1hetlh taCtfU ?erS<^ 1S needed for this job. Vocational, edu¬ cational and personal guidance are all included in the counsellor’s IX. The Follow-up: A sheet should be made for each “graduate.” Ad¬ dress, higher education, present job, marital status, and any other data considered pertinent, is kept up to date. This may be kept for the life time of the individual. A follow-up is practically the only che?bing the results of guidance. An alumni association might be considered as another method of follow-up. foluCf f.or.each cbHd is suggested. It should contain all tests results (Tsychologmd and Chemical), the cumulative school record .eacher opinions cottage mother opinions, notes on counselling interviews’ and (eventually) ? the follow-up sheet. The case history may remain in fde.]°Cia WOrker s flle’ The medical record should remain in the nurse’s FUTURE ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDIES IN ALABAMA Steve B. Wimberly, T.C.I., Birmingham. the {°a fUtUre arcb?eoI°gical Pursuits in Alabama are tbe findings of the decade just preceding World War II. These findings thnl£eC ■ 1 "■> 1 < .♦ . \ . y .. y . :.'.r M j v. ' - 1.. > ■ ■ -■ ... , ■ V ' ■, >■ - 'S' ■ \ : s.' . , \ f V THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) DECEMBER, 1946 VOLUME 18 Papers, Abstracts, and Proceedings Prepared for the 1946 Meeting Birmingham, Alabama Office of the Editor Medical College of Alabama Birmingham, Alabama THE JOURNAL of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE (Affiliated with A. A. A. S.) DECEMBER, 1946 VOLUME 18 Papers, Abstracts, and Proceedings Prepared for the 1946 Meeting Birmingham, Alabama Office of the Editor Medical College of Alabama Birmingham, Alabama 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Original Papers Presented at Twenty-Third Annual Meeting at Birmingham . 3 Abstracts of Papers Presented at Twenty-Third Annual Meeting at Birmingham . 65 Index of Authors . 7g Officers and Standing Committees of the Academy . 79 Presidential Address by J. M. Robinson . . . 81 Minutes of the Executive Committee . 84 Minutes of the Business Sessions . 85 87 Reports of Officers and Committees . . . 88 Membership Roll . 9 g Alabama Junior Academy of Science . 102 Officers . 202 Rotating Sector Bands by Carl O. Hitchcock and Floyd E. Batchelder . 103 Twelfth Meeting . jqo Treasurer’s Report . U0 Suggestions for Authors . 1H 3 ORIGINAL PAPERS PREPARED for TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 19 4 6 COMMENTS ON URN BURIAL CULTURE — J. Y. Brame. The practice of disposing of the dead by depositing the remains, cre¬ mated or uncremated, in receptacles was employed in widely varying form in particular areas almost from coast to coast, but nowhere has it been found to be the exclusive form of burial. Although there is a disposition in some quarters to include in the category of urn burials the examples of cremated human remains in large seashells and turtleshells as found in Illinois, and even the custom of placing an inverted bowl over a lone skull as found in other sections of the country, these are merely variations of the true urn burial. It was principally in the Southern States that the custom of interring the noncremated skeletal remains in covered earthenware vessels was practiced on an extensive scale. Investigations made thus far indicate con¬ clusively that this method of paying the last duty and respect to the deceased reached its peak within the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers in central Alabama from which point the distribution extended in a constantly diminishing degree for some miles toward the west and south¬ west in the valley of the Alabama. On high ground, safely above flood stage, at a point where the Coosa and Tallapoosa approach within four hundred yards of each other before converging to form the Alabama, is the site of Taskigi Town, an ideal dwelling place for primitive man. This village site, comprising not more than three acres, has yielded to investigators close to a thousand of these mortuary urns. But as the urn burial people were neither the first nor the last occupants of the place, urn burial here as elsewhere was not the exclusive method of interment. The preliminary step in the urn burial procedure was to place the body on a scaffold outside the village and when complete dissolution of the body through natural processes had occurred the bones were assembled, carefully cleaned and deposited in a large pottery vessel, together with the personal ornaments of the deceased. Generally, a suitable vessel, usually a shallow bowl, was inverted over it, forming a fairly durable ossuary, which was then consigned to the earth. The urn is invariably a vessel of shell-tempered ware, and while they vary widely in dimensions they generally adhere to the common pat¬ tern of a smooth, globular body with a rounded base, a sharply constricted neck with a definite collar, which is buttressed by strap handles or rein¬ forced by simple palisades. Contrary to popular opinion, these large vessels were not made pri¬ marily for mortuary purposes and set aside for future use but were em¬ ployed in their domestic economy until the demand arose for its conversion into an ossuary. 4 Probably the majority of the urns recovered are found to be caked with soot on the outside and quite frequently reveal grease film, or grease rings, on the interior walls, attesting previous use for culinary purposes and confirming the conclusion that the final use was a secondary exped¬ ient. For one important domestic purpose, vessels of large capacity were needful for brewing the black drink, a highly emetic concoction, which was consumed in copious quantities during their festivals. The cover vessel, inverted over the mouth of the urn for the obvious purpose of excluding the soil and moisture, is most frequently a strong sand-tempered vessel of the shallow bowl type, often decorated with curvilinear incised designs, but occasionally a polychrome bowl with a brilliantly painted interior was employed for the purpose. The position of the cover vessel, inverted as they are over the urn, afforded a degree of protection to the interior surfaces that leaves the colors of the polychromes very little, if any, impaired from its long inhumation in the soil. From the examples of highly developed ceramic art connoted by specimens of this type, of ware, tbe quality of the covering bowls ranged downward through mediocre pottery to a variety of nondescript substitutes according to the resources at hand. In some instances a misfitting fragment of some other large vessel was utilized as a cover. In one case I found that a large flat stone answered the purpose. There are instances where urns have been found entirely devoid of a protective lid, but it is highly probable that in such cases, due to the lack of a more durable cover, tree bark, hide, basketry, or some other perishable material was substituted, affording only a temporary exclusion of the soil. . The smaller urns usually contain the skeletal remains of a single child or infant, while those of large capacity often contain the remains of two or more persons, together with their personal ornaments. The Taskigi Town site has produced urns measuring up to 74 inches in circumference. A few miles west of this site one was discovered which has a circumference of 81inches and contained the skeletal remains of eight humans — five adults and three adolescents — all with skulls showing definite frontal cranial deformation characteristic of the urn burial culture. It is significant that plural urn burials (meaning the remains of two or more humans in a single urn), is a custom peculiar to Alabama. There is no record of it having been discovered elsewhere. In cases where both urn and cover are found intact, preventing the entrance of soil and moisture, the skeletal matter and associated artifacts are in an excellent state of preservation. Unfortunately, the majority of them, especially the larger urns, have been cracked, often crushed, by the pressure exerted from the surrounding earth over a long period of time, allowing the interior to fill with soil. Many others deposited at compara¬ tively shallow depths have fallen victims to the white man’s plow during cultivation of the fields in modern times, leaving perhaps a few scattered fragments of the cover vessel and little or nothing of the upper section of the urn. When breakage occurs the urn becomes a receptacle for moisture and thus actually accelerates the decay of the osteological mater¬ ial and precludes obtaining any data of value. The paucity of post-Columbian material found in these urns with human remains denotes the abandonment of this burial custom during the early stages of the historic period, or else European material would be much more in evidence than is the case. It is probable that the impact of European intervention influenced alterations in the traditional rites of the aborigines. Although it was my intention to confine my comments to a simple description of a peculiar cultural manifestation, without any pretentions 5 to theoretical speculations, the question naturally presents itself: Who were the people that grotesquely distorted the shape of their heads and habit¬ ually buried the bones of their dead in earthenware pots? Fortunately, in the case of Taskigi Town a combination of historic data and archaeolo¬ gical research enables us to determine who they were. As early as 1714 the French from their base at Mobile established a fortified trading post at the strategic location adjoining the Indian village under review. The French establishment was designated officially as Fort Toulouse but was known colloquially as the Alibamo Fort. The French maintained a gar¬ rison here for 49 years, withdrawing in 1763 when the whole territory was ceded to the English. As late as 1777, William Bartram, a botanist collect¬ ing plants for Forthergill’s Gardens of London, visited the town and reported it to be still occupied by the Alibamos, but 22 years later Benjamin Hawkins, U. S. Indian Agent, traveled this way and found by that time that the Taskigi Indians had moved in to displace the Alibamos. Thus, history gave to the site the name of its last inhabitants, the Taskigi. As archaeological research has established beyond doubt the fact that the urn burial custom projected but slightly into the historic period before being discarded and since historic data confirms the occupation of the site by the Alibamos at the time of contact with the whites and for many years thereafter, we can with complete confidence designate the Alibamos as the people who consigned the mortuary urns to the soil of Taskigi Town. In order to give you a visual, as well as an oral, impression I have on display at this meeting a typical burial urn, with its polychrome cover, from Taskigi Town. This urn was the receptacle for a plural burial, con¬ taining as it did, the skeletal remains of an adult female and those of an infant, presumably mother and child. You are invited to examine it at your opportunity. 6 AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE PROBLEM OF POST¬ GANGLIONIC NEURONES IN THE GENICULATE GANGLION —James O. Foley, Department of Anatomy, Medical College of Alabama. Introduction and methods. Attention has been directed once more to the problem of postganglionic neurones in the sensory ganglia of cranial nerves by Kure and Sano1 who report that the geniculate ganglion con¬ tains intercalary cells for preganglionic visceral efferent neurones. If this concept be true, and if every sensory cell in the geniculate ganglion sends an axon proximally to the brain, then there should be more cells in the geniculate ganglion than sensory axons in the facial nerve proximal to the ganglion; for, any postganglionic neurones in the ganglion would direct their axons only in a peripheral direction. This hypothesis has been tested for the geniculate ganglion of the cat by the following procedures. The motor axons in the facial nerve were destroyed by severing them in the right facial nerves of seven cats. This operation produced a nerve proximal to the ganglion which is devoid of all intrinsic facial nerve fibers except those which originate from sensory cells, in the geniculate ganglion. Following an appropriate postoperative survival period2 the deefferented facial nerves were secured and prepared for numerical analysis by staining the axons with silver2, 4 and the cells with azocarmine-light green-orange G5 or basic fuchsin-fast green-orange G.6 Complete counts were made of the sensory axons which remained in the degenerated nerves proximal to the geniculate ganglion and the cells of the geniculate ganglion were estimated by the method proposed by Jones7 for determining the number of nerve cells in ganglia. The Cells of the Geniculate Ganglion and Axons in the Facial Nerve Proximal to the Ganglion Cat No. Proximal Excess + or Deficit — Axons Proximal Ganglion Cells Geniculate Ganglion 2 . . 21 (1.0%) 1951 1972 161... . . 66+ (3.5%) 1965 1899 127 . . 70+ (4.3%) 1709 1639 5 . . 101 (5.4%) 1765 1866 162 . . 14 — (1.0% ) 1688 1702 163 . . 78+ (4.0%) 2076 1998 164 . . 41 + (2.5%) 1703 1662 Averages . 1837 1819 + = Excess Axons. — = Excess Cells. Results. The right geniculate ganglia of the seven cats contained an average of 1819 cells (table 1). Counts of the axons in the facial nerves r icvv?e anima]®> proximal to the geniculate ganglion, showed an average of 1837 nerve fibers In some cases (cats 2, 5, 162; table 1) there are a tew more cells in the geniculate ganglion than there are axons in the proximal part of the facial nerve while in others (cats 161, 127 163 164 * table 1) the situation is reversed. Although the excess or deficit of axons versus cells may be as low as 1% it is never much greater than 5%. 7 Deviations of such magnitudes, from an absolute check between nerye fibers and nerve cells, are well within the limits of error involved in counting neural elements.8 There is a close agreement, therefore, between the number of cells in the geniculate ganglion and the number of nerve fibers which occur in the proximal segment of the deefferented facial nerve. Conclusions. The geniculate ganglia of seven cats contained an average of 1819 cells and the proximal portion of the deefferented facial nerve held an average of 1837 sensory axons. This essential equality between the number of cells in the geniculate ganglion and the number of sensory axons in the proximal part of the facial nerve argues against the theory that typical multipolar postganglionic neurones occur in the geniculate ganglion. LITERATURE CITED 1. Kure, K., and Sano. T., Z. f. Zellforsch. u. mikr. Anat., 23, 495, (1935). 2. Foley, J. O., and DuBois, F. S., J. Comp. Neur., 79, 79, (1943). 3. Bodian, D., Anat. Rec., 69, 153, (1937). 4. Foley, J. O., Anat. Rec., 73, 465, (1939). 5. Foley, J. O., Stain Tech., 11, 3, (1936). 6. Foley, J. O., Anat. Rec., 71, 134, (1938). 7. Jones, R. L., Stain Tech., 12, 91, (1937). 8. Foley, J. O., and DuBois, F. S., J. Comp. Neur., 67, 49, (1937). 8 SOME RECENT STATISTICS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN ALABAMA Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. In 1944 and 1945 the United States Census Bureau published three quarto bulletins, of 289, 419 and 274 pages respectively, on “differential fertility. They treat oi the number of children born to women of dif¬ ferent races, ages, location, education, etc., and analyze the data in many )naJ,STlhe, ages treated range from 15 to 75. Most of the data are for 194U, but there are also many for 1910, never published before, which show some very interesting changes in thirty years.l Together these bulletins must contain at least half a million numbers, and hundreds if not thousands of significant graphs could be constructed from them. . addition to very detailed figures for the whole United States, some- what less detailed ones are given for four sections of the country and a considerable number for each state. The statistics are all based on “sam¬ ples, in some cases as small as 2yi%, and are therefore not absolutely accuiate, especially where small groups are involved, but they are much better than none at all. The present paper shows some of the results of this inquiry as they 1 The census of 1890 is said to have included a similar inquiry, but the results were never published, probably for lack of time and money. It is greatly to be hoped that these figuies can be dug out and tabulated some time, as those for 1910 were for they would bring out some very significant facts, which now can only be guessed at. The oldest women covered by the 1910 inquiry were born in 1835, and the 1890 figures should carry them back to 1815. 9 apply to Alabama, with additional data for the whole Southeast (Delaware to Texas), where corresponding details for states are not given, and a few for the whole United States for comparison. The material is presented mostly in graphs. To save space, the graphs published are for Alabama only; but some significant statistics of other kinds, not given for single states, for the Southeast and the whole United States, are presented in tables. The Alabama figures, where available, of course would not be expected to differ greatly from those for the whole southeastern division, but there are some perceptible differences, on ac¬ count of the inclusion of such diverse states as Delaware, West Virginia, Florida and Texas. Most of the graphs show in addition to state averages the contrasts between the urban and the rural farm population. The “rural non-farm” element (suburbs, small towns, etc.) is omitted here because the statistics for it are usually intermediate between the urban and rural farm, and too close to the average to be easily distinguished on the graphs. Some of the graphs deal only with women over 45 years old, whose families may be assumed to be completed, while others show contrasts between different ages. The oldest women interrogated in 1910 were born in 1835, which takes us pretty well back into history. But unfortunately the statistics for single states lump together all between 50 and 75 years old, and thus obscure the effects of the Civil War, which should other¬ wise be quite perceptible in Alabama and other southern states. We may very well begin with two graphs showing at a glance the changes of thirty years (just about one generation). Fig. 1 shows the percentage of women 45 to 75 years old, who had ever been married, who reported that they had never had any children, for different race 7 - CHILDREN PER WOMAN 45 TO 75 TEARS OLD 2 - mo - 2 1940 Fig. 2. Average number of children ever born to Alabama women 45 to 75 years old, who had ever beert married. 1910 and 1940 compared. White and colored and urban and rural pouulation separated. Lines for United States white and colored added. 10 and residence groups in Alabama, with lines for United States white and colored added for comparison. It seems to have long been a common impression, among those who have given the matter any attention, that about one marriage in six is childless. This graph presents some definite figures on the subject, and shows that such a sweeping statement is un¬ warranted, for there are great variations at different times and places. . Childlessness is evidently much less prevalent in Alabama than in the nation as a whole, and conversely there must be other states that have much more of it. It is decidedly on the increase nearly everywhere, but curiously enough, it seems to have decreased slightly in the white rural farm population of Alabama since 1910. I have found a similar approach to stability in the same population group in a few other southern states, and am inclined to attribute the high ratio in 1910 mainly to the Civil War.’ Fig. 2 differs from Fig. 1 in showing the average number of children reported by the same groups of women in 1910 and 1940. In both cases, in the absence of any data for intermediate years, the 1910 and 1940 points have been connected by straight lines, projected backward and forward a little to show probable trends a few years earlier and later. But of course we cannot assume that the same trends will continue uniformly m the future. If they did, there would be no more children in a few more generations, especially in the urban population. As before, Alabama women are shown to be more prolific than the national average, and those of some other states must be much less so. The third graph is a double one. The left half shows the average number of children ever born to Alabama women of different ages, white and colored, urban and rural farm, as of 1910; and the right half corres¬ ponding data for 1940. Curves for United States white and colored are •Fig. j. Average number of children ever born to Alabama women of different ages, who had ever been married. One section for 1910 and one for 1940. White and colored and urban and rural population separated. Curves for United States white and colored added for comparison. 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ,vho tc.) om- for 11 1,900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 \ dren, in 1910. Two curves for United States whites added for c< ison. Similar graphs could be constructed for colored women, and 0, and for every state. 12 added to both. The older women of course have had more children than the younger ones, who have not been married long, and that would always be true, even if the birth rate never changed. But with a constant birth rate, the women 75 years old should have had no more children than those of 45, and the curves would be flat at the top. However, the birth rate in the United States has been declining pretty steadily for over 100 years, so that normally the oldest women should have had the most children. But in the South (and to a lesser extent in the North) the Civil War interfered seriously with the family life of women born around 1840, so that they had fewer children than those born a decade or two later. On account of the lumping of all ages from 50 to 75 in the statistics of this sort for single states, this cannot be shown very well in the Alabama graph for 1910, but it has been approximated with the aid of more detailed figures for the whole United States. And the graph shows that the whites were affected in this way by the war more than the negroes, which is what we should expect. The 1940 curves are all lower than the corresponding ones for 1910, and the Civil War influence is practically lacking, for the oldest women included were born in 1865. However, genealogies and other sources give some grounds for believing that children born in the South in the few years following the war were a little -weaker than those born in the next decade, and the women of that age might have been a little less prolific than their younger sisters, for that reason. The fourth graph shows the per cent of white married women, widows, etc., of different ages in Alabama in 1910 who had had one or more children, two or more, and so on up to ten. Curves for United 'States average have been inserted for the uppermost and lowermost. The distance between the uppermost curve and the top of the graph, or 100% line, is of course the per cent childless at the respective ages, which in the case’ of the older women is about 6%. (The national averages for women over 45 years old on that date were all whites 8.80, urban whites 10.13, rural non-farm 9.13, rural farm 6.15. Some of the extreme states — still consid¬ ering whites only— were South Dakota 4.21, Oklahoma 4.25, Vermont 15.13, New Hampshire 17.88. In the next thirty years the childless percentages more than doubled in these two low states, and a few others, and increased less than 15% in the two high ones.) Similar graphs could be constructed for Alabama negroes, and for 1940, but it is hardly worth while to take up space with them here, for the contrasts have already been indicated in other graphs. This 1910 graph shows all the curves flattened at the top, presumably on account of the Civil War, as already explained; a condition of course less marked in 1940. _ The fifth graph is in three sections, based on three different sets of figures, all for 1940, from different publications, but giving remarkably similar curves. The upper section, computed from the population census, shows the per cent married and single at every age from 15 to 55. (It could have been continued up to 85 if space had permitted.) The distance from any point on any curve to the left margin indicates the percentage of women of that age who are married, widowed or divorced, and to the right margin the per cent single. There are curves for white ’and colored women in Alabama, and one for United States whites and one for Massa¬ chusetts (near the other extreme, but races not separable in the 1940 statistics) for comparison. Looking at the 50% or median line, and making allowance for those who never marry, it would seem that the median a^e of marriage for white and negro women in Alabama is about 20 years for United States whites about 22, and for Massachusetts women (98 6%’ 13 Fig. 5. Changes in condition of Alabama white and colored women with age. Three sections, based on three independent sets of statistics, all for 1940. The distance from any point on any curve to the left-hand margin corresponds to the percentage of women of the age indicated and group specified who have experienced marriage or motherhood, as the case may be. (Of the vertical percentage lines, only the middle one is numbered, for the percentages can be counted either from left to right or from right to left.) Three curves for United States whites and two for Massachusetts added for comparison. See additional explanation in text. 14 white) about 24. (The averages would be a little higher than the medians as usual.)* ’ The middle section, based on one of the Differential Fertility bulletins devut°nly wjth,. women 45 to 75 years old in 1940, married only once and with husbands living, and shows the average ages of marriage as reported by them, lhe distance from any point on any curve to the right and left margins indicates the per cent who married above and below that age As before, there are two curves for Alabama, one for United States whites, and one for Massachusetts (whites only this time). The lower section, based on the U. S. Vital Statistics report for 1940 part 2, shows the ages of mothers who had their first child in that year’ constructed on the same principle as the middle section. There are curves for Alabama white and colored women and United States whites as before, but not for Massachusetts, because similar data are not available for that state s However, it is quite evident that a Massachusetts curve, if available, would be above the other three. The curves in the lower section are naturally similar to those of the middle section, but if one compares them closely some significant dif¬ ferences can be found, which need not be dwelt on here. Incidentally the smoothness of all these curves, and of those in Fig. 4, makes absurd the contention of some physicists and other “exact” scientists that the social sciences can hardly be regarded as sciences at all, on the ground that human behavior is governed by so many complex factors that it is im¬ possible to predict it accurately. But it appears from these curves that in the matter of marriage at least, women— and men too, for that matter— to^ether6™^ ^y pretty definite laws, when large numbers are taken Although the statistics in Fig. 5 are all for 1940, those for a genera¬ tion or two earlier, if available, probably would not differ much. For the average age at marriage seems to change very little from one generation o another, while the birth-rate and size of families have declined rapidly in the last 150 years or so. J °ther very interesting kinds of statistics found in the Differen- tial Fertility bulletins, that are available for the whole United States rndrt'tS jr?er seStl0ns’ but. not for single states, will now be presented in condensed form m tables instead of graphs. These are all for the south¬ eastern section (Delaware to Texas), with some U. S. statistics for com¬ parison, and are for 1940 only, no such inquiries having been made ”t earlier censuses. & c dL They are based on age at marriage and years of schooling, and show the influence of education on marriage and number of children; matters 2 Very few graphs of this sort have been published, though the requisite data have steTs !nSCo °^-7h^eaSL^^V^r1u^t^e Fo^a “X PF“r ?f birth, as other states now do. For a set of curves of this sort based on Mississippi" aSd °hthe- Umted St?teS 'T 1921 (exce»t Massachusetts, inT PP anci Khode Island), showing ages of mothers at births of successive CNhoSnber!^9205,thpagi?47.See (C°'d Spring Harbor,' V Y?)^ 15 that had been widely discussed and speculated on for many years before we had nation-wide statistics on the subject.4 Table 1 is based on all native white and negro women 45 to 75 years old in the United States and the South, married once, with husbands living, and reporting on children, grades them by age at marriage, and shows the average number of children born to each marriage-age group. There are three sections of the table, for U. S. native whites, southern native whites, and southern negroes ; and each is further divided into total, urban, and rural-farm, like the first three graphs. Marriage-age groups above 35 are lumped together in the regional tables for whites, and for negroes there are only two age groups above 25, probably because the numbers who married at advanced ages were too small to warrant finer subdivisions. But it seems unfortunate that all ages under 18 are lumped together in all the tables of this sort, for the number of children in relation to age at marriage decreases so rapidly around 18 that it would be extremely interesting to know just what hap¬ pens in the case of very early marriages. These figures if plotted would give curves not differing too much from straight lines, except that the negro curves tend to flatten out a little toward the end (which is shown here only indistinctly on account of lump¬ ing the upper age groups, and might be explained in two or more ways), and there is an irregularity in the negro urban column, which might be due to some error in tabulation. Table /. Age at Marriage and Number of Children. (Women 45-75.) Ages U.S. native white Southern native white Southern negro Total Urban Farm Total Urban Farm Total Urban Farm Under 18 . . 5.45 4.61 6.38 6.14 4.99 6.87 5.98 4.85 6.60 18-20 . . 4.28 3.56 5.17 4.95 3.88 5.32 5.26 3.96 5.96 20-22 . . 3.44 2.85 4.35 4.02 3.04 4.87 4.37 2.76 5.24 22-25 . . 2.92 2.50 3.89 3.44 2.66 4.32 4.10 2.92 4.84 25-27 . . 2.40 2.06 3.26 2.81 2.18 3.60) V l 3.24 2.08 4.40 27-30 . . 2.10 1.85 2.84 2.42 1.94 3.13 J 30-35 . . 1.52 1.30 2.22 1.77 1.29 2.4<\ 35-40 . . 0.79 0.66 1.19) l 2.21 1.46 2.93 /■ 0.65 0.46 0.90/ Over 40 . . 0.23 0.17 0.44 ! The differences between North and South and city and farm are about what we should expect from what has been shown by other kinds of statistics. But the rapid decline of fertility with age at marriage was more than one might have expected. It seems that a girl who marries under 18 is likely to have about twice as many children as one who waits until 25, especially in the case of whites in cities; though one might suppose that there would be plenty of time for half a dozen children after the latter age. Some reasons for this difference can be imagined, but it would take too much space to speculate on them here. 4 There was a great deal of discussion of this subject in American newspapers and magazines at the time of the “race suicide” scare, early in the present century. Some of the best articles were in the Popular Science Monthly (New York), and those by “An Alumna” and “Another Alumna,” in the issues for May and July, 1904, are typical enough. 16 Table 2 shows the influence of education on chances of marriage, in the United States and the South in 1940, with nine columns corresponding to those of the preceding table. It is based on the percentage of all women 45 to 75 years old, with the amount of schooling indicated, who had ever been married, according to the education tables in one of the Differential Fertility bulletins. For some unexplained reason, in the regional tables those who had no education are combined with those who had only a primary school education. Table 2. Education and Percent Married. (Women 45-75.) Years of schooling U.S. native wh ite Southern native white Southern negro Total Urban Farm Total Urban Farm Total Urban Farm None . 93.0 88.9 90.0) } 94.9 94.4 95.1 95.9 95.5 96.3 1 to 4 years . 95.0 93.6 96.1 • 5 or 6 years . 94.0 93.0 95.3 95.5 94.5 96.0 96.1 95.5 98.0 7 or 8 years . 91.5 89.6 94.7 93.9 91.8 94.5 96.3 95.4 97.5 High school 1 to 3 years. 90.2 88.3 95.0 92.5 90.4 95.2 96.9 96.3 98.3 4 years . 86.0 84.6 92.9 88.9 87.8 92.4 92.8 91.7 98.0 College 1 to 3 years. 82.7 80.4 89.0 87.3 86.7 87.9 92.4 92.6 95.0 4 years or more.... 69.7 67.0 81.1 78.0 75.7 81.5 87.5 85.3 94.2 This shows the result, which may have been more or less unexpected, that a girl who has been to school a few years has a little better chance of marrying than one with no education. One possible explanation of this may be that in these days of compulsory education a girl (or boy either) who escapes schooling entirely may be mentally defective, and thus not a desirable candidate for matrimony. Another very interesting point is that a girl who has spent a few years in college is almost as likely to marry as one who is only a high school graduate, but her chances diminish rapidly on graduation from college, especially if she is white and a city dweller. Forty years or more ago it was genei ally believed that only about half the women who were college graduates ever married. But that was based on records from only a few noithern colleges, and may not have been typical of the whole country.^ Nation-wide figures, now available for the first time, show that over two-thirds of the white women over 45 years old in the whole United Mates in 1940 who are college graduates have been married, and over three-fourths in the South. But, as usual, the proportion married is larger on the farms than in the cities, for every education-grade group. The statistics of this sort formerly published were naturally based almost entirely if not entirely on white women. Those now available for negroes show that over 85% of the college graduates in southern cities, and over 94% of those on farms, have been married. (And corresponding figures for the whole United States should not differ much, for most of the negroes are in the South.) Of course the number of negro women 5 ?ubllsbed a study of the matrimonial prospects of southern college women Heredftv *7° coIleF 3 in Georgia and one in Florida (W the tim?Vhiv“h9'H3K Wh'C^ Srhow,?d tha‘ about two-thirds of them were married by tne time they had been out of college 15 years. 1 17 college graduates is very small, but the curves based on these figures are as smooth as one could wish, suggesting that they are accurate enough. It is quite likely that a larger proportion of college women marry now than those of a generation or two ago, on account of a difference in the class of women who go to college. Formerly it was mainly a select few, who aimed to be “career women,” and had little thought of romance. But now the number who go to college is very much larger, and therefore includes more of the domestically-minded girls. Finally we may consider the influence of education on number of children. Table 3 is based on married native white and negro women, 45 to 75 years old in 1940, who reported on education and on number of children. The nine columns of figures correspond to those of the two preceding tables, and the figures are the average number of children for the groups indicated. Tabic 3 . Education and Number of Children. (Women 45-75.) Years of schooling U.S. native white Southern native white Southern negro Total Urban Farm Total Urban Farm Total Urban Farm Total . 3.16 2.62 4.30 3.95 3.05 4.95 4.28 3.34 5.25 None . 5.11 4.40 5.98 ) V f 5.28 4.45 5.72 4.52 3.66 5.26 1 to 4 years . 4.65 3.84 5.45 j 5 or 6 years.... 4.09 3.39 5.04 4.73 3.78 5.35 4.28 3.28 5.46 7 or 8 years.... 3.19 2.71 4.09 3.96 3.18 4.74 3.82 3.03 5.09 High school 1 to 3 years. 2.70 2.33 3.72 3.38 2.76 4.33 3.48 2.60 4.87 4 years . . 2.16 1.97 2.97 2.56 2.28 3.39 2.98 2.70 3.93 College 1 to 3 years. 2.18 1.99 2.84 2.41 2.19 3.13 2.57 2.45 3.18 4 years or more... 1.92 1.79 2.34 2.15 2.02 2.49 1.94 1.66 2.44 If these figures were plotted the curves would descend rather steeply, but not regularly. The smaller number of children for college graduates than for women with little or no education is doubtless due partly to the fact that the college women tend to marry later. But there are other fac¬ tors involved, too complex to be discussed here. Any girl of normal men¬ tality should have time enough to go through high school before she is ready to marry, but if she does she is likely to have only about half as many children as she would if she had not gone beyond the first grade, especially if she is white and lives in a city. Several other kinds of graphs and tables could be constructed from the statistics for Alabama alone; but these will serve to illustrate the great wealth of information now available in this field. 18 SIGNIFICANCE OF HOME OWNERSHIP IN ALABAMA AND ELSEWHERE Roland M. Harper, Geological Survey of Alabama. In an article published in the Academy’s Journal for 1945, home ownership was mentioned as one of the best indexes of self-reliance. The pioneer farmers of America were practically all home owners, for they got the land for little or nothing, and built their homes of logs cut on the spot. And they took care of themselves pretty well, getting little assistance from the government, except at first when soldiers were needed to fight off the Indians, and later when the counties built roads and the govern¬ ment brought mail to the nearest post-offices. At the other extreme are city dwellers, most of whom work for some one else, and may be deterred from buying homes by the uncertainty of employment. If they live in apartments, they cannot very well own their homes, unless they own the whole building. They have their heat water Lgu’ telephone service, mail, papers, groceries, etc., brought to them by the building owners, corporations, the municipality, or the federal govern¬ ment, and have no responsibility except to pay the bills. If their income is small or their family large they may pay no direct taxes, but a much larger proportion . of their income than that of the farmers goes for indirect taxes, which pay for police and fire protection, garbage removal and many other services. Although tenancy is commonly looked upon with disfavor it is not necessarily a disadvantage economically. In some of the corn-belt states rented fauns are larger and more valuable than owned farms, and their occupants presumably have standards of living in proportion. In cities it is much more economical to supply heat, water, sewer connections, etc. to apartments than to an equal number of separate houses, so that the apartment dwellers benefit accordingly, and may be more prosperous than those who own single houses with the same number of rooms. _ But the great drawback of tenancy is the lack of responsibility that it involves. Ihis is especially true of renters of small farms who move every few years, and particularly of share-croppers. But they are not necessarily victims of exploitation, as is often charged, for freedom from responsibility is quite agreeable to many people who have little education or ambition. A boy raised in a city apartment has no chores to do and thus little opportunity to learn self-reliance. Consequently home owners are likely to be better citizens than ten- 0nnthe averaSe’ though of course it is easy to find individual excep¬ tions) They are not likely to commit crimes calling for imprisonment, or -they- haver t0° much at stake- So is reasonable to assume that the deterioration of government and increase of crime in recent years is due at least partly to the decrease of home ownership, which will ie i lustiated presently by statistics. For this reason anything that fosters the growth of cities (which is ardently desired by boosters) is detrimental than inetheS?ountry°r ' °Wnership is PracticaI1y always less in cities 1RQnStatiStiwu°! u°me owners.hiP in the United States go back only to If0’ forP1R80a StatlS-\CS, °f farm tenure, without separation of races, tor 1880 It has been widely believed that there were no tenant derhifrrSTTin- the-?°kth before $he Civil War- But some historians at Van- derbilt Lmversity have recently dug out some unpublished census figures tor a few Tennessee counties in 1860, and found that there were a few 19 tenant farmers then. It is estimated that about 21% of the white farmers in Alabama in 1880 were tenants. The statistics of home tenure, especially in the case of farms, are complicated by the fact that the number of farms and farm homes is not quite the same, the percentages published are based sometimes on all homes and sometimes on those of known tenure, some farmers rent considerable land in addition to that they own, and farm managers (who usually operate larger farms than owners) may or may not be counted with owners. Then too, some home owners are out of debt, while some have their homes or farrps so heavily mortgaged that they are on the verge of losing them. Some of the statistics for colored are for negroes only, and some include Indians, etc. But in spite of these uncertainties, the trends of the last fifty years (illustrated by a graph which was exhibited but is not pub¬ lished here) are plain enough. The proportion of farm owners in the United States (all races) decreased from about 75% in 1880 to 53% in 1930, and then increased slightly to 53.4% in 1940; perhaps on account of strenuous efforts of the United States government during the depression years to help tenant farm¬ ers become owners, which however may be only temporary, and not a reversal of previous trends. There was more home ownership in cities in 1930 than in 1920, but it has slumped considerably since 1930. There is naturally a larger proportion of home owners among whites than among negroes, and statistics available for 1890 only, showed more among mulattoes than among blacks. In the white population Alabama was above the United States average in home ownership until about 1910, but since then it has been below. The New England 'States have always led in proportion of owner farms, but their large urban population brings the average down, until the aggregate white home ownership percentages for Massachusetts and Rhode Island, as well as New York and New Jersey, are now below that for Alabama, and that for Connecticut is only slightly above. Home ownership of course also varies with age. Some farm tenure statistics for 1920 (apparently the latest of that sort available) show that the proportion of farm owners among men over 65, for either white or colored, in the whole United States and in Alabama, was approximately four times what it was for those under 25. 1 There are of course considerable variations in home ownership within each state. The following table gives 1940 statistics for each region in Alabama, separating the white and colored, and the urban, rural non-farm and farm population. The “rural non-farm” element consists mostly of small towns, unincorporated suburbs, and mining and lumbering settle¬ ments. Generally speaking, it is intermediate in characteristics between the urban and the farm population. But for reasons not easily explained in a few words, but having to do with mining and manufacturing, it ranks a little below the urban element in white home ownership in Alabama, and above in the colored group, in some regions at least. The few blank spaces in the table represent numbers too small for accurate averages. 1 A graph showing this was exhibited. In a study of about 12S Sand Mountain farmers in 1933 I found that all under 25 were tenants, and all over 65 were owners. 20 Percentage of Home Ownership in Alabama, 1940, by Regions, Etc. White Colored Total Urban R.n.f. Farm Total Urban R.n.f. Farm Whole state . 40.7 37.0 36.3 45.9 20.3 20.8 25.5 17.4 Tennessee Valley . 34.7 35.3 27.8 37.2 24.6 28.4 33.9 18.9 Plateau region . 47.1 42 2 36 8 49 8 Coal basin . 40.5 37.0 28.1 57.5 20.4 20.4 16.4 26.4 Coosa Valley . 34.5 29.1 32.4 41.9 26.0 24.3 29.9 24.8 Piedmont region . 37.8 27.7 24.8 49.0 17.3 26.6 19.4 13.4 Central pine belt . 42.3 36.0 34.4 47.8 21.6 20.0 16.8 25.6 Eutaw belt . 44.3 33.8 43.1 49.9 17.4 25.9 28.0 14.3 Black belt . 36.7 33.2 35.3 52.0 13.8 19.2 13.6 9.7 Blue marl region . 40.2 33.9 49.8 43.5 15.3 25,9 ' 19.9 10.7 Southwestern red hills.. 50.2 40.5 57.0 23.8 18.2 25.2 Southeastern red hills... 36.5 41.5 38.6 35.4 13.0 19.7 10.6 Lime-sink region . 35.8 39.6 40.5 33.0 18.8 22.5 11.2 Southwestern pine hills Without Mobile Co... 55.7 45.7 66.9 39.1 32.7 47.5 With Mobile Co . 48.5 38.4 48.1 67.5 33.4 25.8 40.9 49.3 MobileCo. alone . 44.5 38.0 50.0 69.3 30.8 23.7 46.8 21 OIL PROSPECTING WITH A GRAVITY METER — William R. Higgs. Published by permission of The Carter Oil Co. The application of the science of geophysics to the search for minerals in the earth’s crust comes under the heading of Geophysical Prospecting. There are many methods used in this search, but only four are outstand¬ ing. These four methods and their respective measuring instruments are : seismic (the seismograph), electrical (the searching electrode), magnetic (the magnetometer), and gravitational (the gravity meter). The first two methods measure the effects of forces artificially applied to the earth, while the latter two methods measure the natural earth forces : magnetism and gravity. This paper deals with the gravity meter and its use in the search for oil. The treatment of the subject matter is general, with all mathematical analysis omitted. All opinions are those of the writer and are the result of personal investigation and experience in the field. The gravity meter is used by oil companies and contract crews em¬ ployed by oil companies as a rapid means of reconnaisance in order to obtain information toward further exploration such as core drilling and seismic. Some meters are constructed by the company that uses them, for example; The Carter Oil Company, and the Humble Oil and Refining Company. Other meters are made by independent geophysical surveying companies such as: Mott-Smith, Atlas Exploration Company, and North American Geophysical Company, who use their own instruments and also rent them to other crews doing contract work. The gravity meter, formerly only applied to the location of ore bodies, has proved its value in the field of oil exploration. It was about 1935 that the gravity meter was first used by a major oil company. It is a compact, highly sensitive instrument, capable of measuring the change in gravity on the earth’s surface to within one ten-millionth of the total force of gravity. The principles of the gravity meter have been known for many years, but it has been only recently that an instrument was constructed which could be operated in the field under almost any conditions. Its strength, light weight, ease of handling, and speed of operation soon helped it to replace the torsion balance and the pendulum. Previously, two to five hours were required to make a single ovservation; now only three, and at the most five minutes is sufficient. Besides speed, other advantages of the meter are: portability, negligible terrain effect, and cheapness of operation. The one disadvantage is lack of depth control. The working parts of all meters are made of the highest grade alloy steels, precision tooled, and assembled by specially trained personnel. The total time required for the construction and calibration of an instrument may vary from Six months to a year. The approximate cost of a gravity meter is about $15,000.00. Its shape is either rectangular or cylindrical, measuring about ten inches in width or diameter, about eighteen inches high, and averaging thirty-five pounds in weight. Most meters utilize a small constant mass attached to a beam, which is supported at the fulcrum, usually on a knife edge or a series of thin metallic wires, or strips of metal on quartz. The beam is held horizontally by means of a spring. Any change in the earth’s gravitational field causes a change in the position of the mass. This change is observed through a telescope and recorded. The earth is considered a “Spheroid of equilibrium,” and the effect on gravity is to cause it to increase toward the poles, gravity thus increasing 22 with latitude. The centrifugal force due to rotation increases toward the equator. The combination of both is to decrease the effect of gravity at the equator. Above the earth s surface the effect of gravity decreases proportionally with height. If this spheroid consisted of concentric layers, or shells of material of varying density, there would not be any horizontal variation in gravity. It is only when these same layers are disturbed and materials of different densities are brought into horizontal contact that gravity variations or anomalies occur. Above any mass of higher density than its surrounding material, the value of gravity is increased and a positive anomaly, or “gravity high” occurs, and vice versa. This might also be explained by stating that a gravity anomaly is produced when the normal value of gravity of a point, calculated for its latitude and elevation above sea-level, differs from that value due. to the non-homogeneous nature of the earth’s crust at the same point. It is these variations which are measured by the gravity meter. As a general rule, rock densities run in the following descending order ; 1 — crystalline and volcanic; 2 — older sedimentary; 3 — recent sedimentary and alluvium. .A salt dome produces a low gravity anomaly. The salt has been pushed up into fractures in the overlying sediments which have higher densities This makes an area of minimum gravity with steep gradients around the £ygc. Anticlines, important structures sssocisted with the production of oil produce high gravity anomalies. This is due to the fact that the older geologic beds, having a higher density than the younger beds, are placed next to the younger beds, or are closer to the surface. Salt domes and anticlines are not the only structures associated with the accumulation of oil, but they are those which show up best in a gravity survey In all probability most large anomalies can be considered as being a combination of some basement structure and compression of the sedi¬ mentary rocks. In no two localities have the same conditions been found to exist. The interpretation of all gravity maps depends upon a knowledge of the characteristics of maximum and minimum gravity anomalies. Con¬ fusion may easily result if not enough information on the geologic con-di- tion is available. For example; a salt dome and an anticline are both structural highs, but the salt gives a gravity minimum, and the anticline a gravity maximum. In making most gravity surveys the prime object is to cover as much territory in as little time as possible, without sacrificing accuracy. Some- times the survey is begun over a known producing area in order to see what kind of gravity anomaly is present which can be looked for in other areas where the geologic structure might be similar. Gravity varies with latitude and elevation. The most common method used to locate gravity stations is by stadia alidade and plane table, where both the elevation and the position are obtained at the same time Survey¬ ing methods are recommended whether or not aerial or topographic maps are available. Present practice is to keep elevations accurate to within a foot and a half and traverse closure to within two hundred feet. Increased accuracy has been obtained with transit and level, but the method is slower and does not entirely justify itself. It has been proved that there is very ittle difference in the final gravity calculations in comparison of the two 7he allowabl,es ™ error for elevation and closure have been established as the result of experimentation and experience gained from innumerable gravity surveys. It has been found that the gravity change 23 for a difference of one foot of elecation at a given point varies between 0.06 and 0.09 milligals, and 0.01 milligals within an area of approximately 50 feet north-south and 200 feet east-west. Contrary to what one might believe this seemingly large amount of error does not encourage careless¬ ness on the part of the surveyor. It is a known fact that traverse loops as long as ten miles or more have been closed to within a half foot for elevation and fifty feet or less for closure. The term “milligal,” not yet included in our dictionaries, was derived from “gal” after Galileo. The “gal,” first used in German fieophysical literature about 1926, is the name used by all geophysicists for the unit of acceleration. One gal equals 1 cm/sec/sec. This value is too large to work with so the milligal is used. One milligal equals 0.001 cm/sec/sec. The normal gravitational acceleration on the earth’s surface is about 980 gals; therefore one gal is about one part in a million of the earth’s normal gravity. A good gravity meter can measure to one part in ten million. Transportation of the meter is by automobile. The meter rides on a sponge rubber lined container, slung from metal springs attached to a specifically built framework. This protects it from being “bumped” in rough terrain. There are apertures in the car floor which are opened when the car is stopped at a station, so that a tripod can be lowered to the ground to hold the meter. Tbe support usually has a leveling device attached as the meter must be level before an observation can be made. Prior to the actual metering of an area, a series of base stations, or control points have to be established in the area. These are set at con¬ venient places, preferably at road intersections. All base stations are set from other known bases previously set by crews of the same company who have worked areas adjacent to the new area. If this plan cannot be carried out, then U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey pendulum and torsion balance stations are located and used. It is necessary to have at least two such bases from which the new bases can be set. The metering procedure follows a pattern of loops, each loop con¬ sisting of a group of stations set either on one road or on several roads. The first observation is always made at the base; next, all the stations of a predetermined loop are observed, then the meter is returned to the base for another reading. This second reading is necessary because of what is known as “drift.” Drift is caused by a combination of the fol¬ lowing factors : temperature change, effects of the sun and moon, and disturbance of sensitivity due to handling. If a meter is set up on one point and read continually for a period of twenty-four hours, a graphical rep¬ resentation of the observations plotted against time would give a curve. This curve which corresponds roughly to the shape of the well known “sine” curve, is known as the “drift” curve. Inspection of this curve will show that to obtain the most accurate results the second reading of the base should not be made much later than three and one-half hours after the first reading. On good country roads a loop of thirty stations can easily be read in the required time limit. The pattern for locating stations does not need to follow any set rule, except that they be located approximately every half mile, with from one to four stations in each land section. The large anomaly — usually found in most areas of oil production — is beginning to be a thing of the past, so it is the smaller irregularities in the gravity picture which must receive further investigation. This can be done only by a more detailed survey, which means increasing the number of stations per mile. The locating of these stations will require leaving the good roads behind and taking to the settlement roads, logging trails, streams, and if necessary 24 walking into the areas not accessible by automobile. This, of course, has always been the case in the lower Gulf Coast where “marsh buggies’’ and other such vehicles are the main type of transportation. It might be of interest to mention here that there are in operation “underwater gravity meters,” and also meters set up inside submersiable containers with room for the operator, which are being used to explore the shallower areas of the continental shelf. . Those oil companies who manufacture their own meters usually make their own gravity surveys, the independent geophysical companies doing likewise. The usual number of men on a crew is seven; they are: party chief, computer, meter operator, two surveyors, and two rodmen. The number of stations surveyed each month will average about 400, condi¬ tions permitting. These surveyed stations are later transferred to a composite map, or master copy. This map is made on tracing cloth and has on it : latitude and longitude lines (modified polyconic), township and section lines, unit gravity lines, and the station locations. The map scale generally used is two inches to the mile. Horizontal control of the survey on this map is maintained by first plotting the latitude and longitude position of all government triangulation stations and then fitting in each traverse loop to the nearest two stations encountered in the traverse or an adjacent traverse. Vertical control is maintained on the actual survey by tying into all established bench marks when found. An important factor to be considered in computing gravity data is the elevation correction. First, an arbitrary datum is selected instead of sea-level. For example; if a large area being worked has elevations rang¬ ing from 1000 feet to 1500 feet, the greatest difference between stations would be 500 feet. Here a datum of 1000 feet is used instead of the usual sea-level. This helps to cut down the magnitude of any small error that might be in the elevation correction. Next, a measurement of the surface densities is made. A fairly satisfactory method is to run a “density profile” with the gravity meter. This consists of making observations on a series of stations set over a local topographic irregularity, preferably a hill and valley. The value of the density finally used in the calculations is that which gives the smoothest gravity profile. It is probably too early to determine the full value of any extensive detailed gravity survey, as many of the major and minor anomalies are difficult to interpret. All these data, however, will be available at some future date when the true significance of the various types of anomalies will be understood. Neither the meter nor the technique of its use needs further improvement. The difficulties encountered are in the interpretation. 25 SAMPLE-TESTING A LARGE POPULATION GROUP — Paul Irvine, Director, Research Interpretation Council, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Alabama. The Alabama Educational Survey of 19441 included Study D: Mastery of the Fundamental Learning Skills in the Public Schools.2 Since there were 685,000 pupils enrolled, it was necessary to apply sampling techniques to bring the problem of testing within the scope of feasibility. Procedures in Sampling 1. The 67 counties of the state were scored and ranked according to ten objective criteria, including such facors as: density of school popula¬ tion. valuation and cost per pupil, attendance, balance of enrollments, quali¬ fications of teachers, etc. The counties were ranked on their total scores. 2. Economic factors were measured by ranking the counties on the basis of : production of corn, cotton, and value added by manufacture. 3. Differential factors to be equated were : location of cities, location of colleges, employment of white and negro supervisors, elective and ap¬ pointive superintendents, proportion of negro enrollment, and population shifts. 4. Geographical location of counties in relation to agricultural adjust¬ ment areas provided a distribution pattern. 5. From this composite ranking and distribution of counties, eleven different sets of nine counties were submitted with complete data to a jury of experts. Selection was made so as to provide: two counties from the lowest quartile, two from the highest quartile, and five from the middle half. 6. The distribution of pupils to be tested within each selected county had to conform to the proportions of the entire state on the following factors : type and size of schools ; enrollment by grades, race and school system; rating of school as best, average and below average. 7. Grades five and eight were selected as most representative points for measuring mastery of the learning skills within the schools. There were 68,261 fifth grade and 45,869 eighth grade pupils in the state.3 The 5,000 tests available were allocated in correct proportion to each grade according to factors listed in paragraph 6. Pupils were tested in 222 representative schools. Accuracy of the Samples Usable scores were obtained from 97.5 per cent of the planned quotas. These provided a 4.5 per cent sample of the state. The reliability of the results from the four groups tested is indicated by the following results of statistical computation :4 The standard error of the mean of each group, varying from .0229 to .0416, is evidence of the high reliability of the samples. For instance, Table i. Reliability of the Samples Fifth Grade, White . Fifth Grade, Negro..... Eighth Grade, White Eighth Grade, Negro No. tested Mean S.D. SEm . 1961 5.048 1.0165 .0229 ..... 963 3.992 .8735 .028 . 1457 7.6725 1.1985 .0314 . 494 6.137 .923 .0416 26 we know that, if the entire fifth grade enrollment in white schools of the state were tested, the chances are two out of three that the mean achieve- ment would be found to be 5.048 +/- .0229. And, similarly, for the means ot the other three groups. Certain Findings All papers were scored and tabulated on I.B.M. machines, after having been read for legibility. s Results have been summarized in the published survey, “Public Edu- laba™a.” Certain results of special interest, including some not published, are included here. It should be kept in mind that this study proposed to measure only those products of the schools which are termed basic learning skills (reading, arithmetic and language skills). 1. As representative of Alabama’s elementary school pupils, white fifth giaders (5.05) are only slightly below the national norm (5.08). By con- trast children, in the negro schools (4.0) are over one year below the norm 77 u . time th(T 1?ave attamed the e>ghth grade, white pupils average 7.7 or about .4 year below the norm. Negro pupils showed a median of 0.14, or nearly two years below the norm. 3. Achievement is highest in full-graded and larger schools, and tends to decrease as the size of the school decreases. Fifth graders in white one-teacher schools average % year below the state median. 4. Eighth grade pupils in schools organized on the 7-9 and 7-12 plans ^achievement nearly one-half year higher than pupils in 1-12 grade . , 5- Girls excel boys in achievement in the basic skills. White fifth grade gmlh are two months higher than boys : in the eighth grade they excel bv one-half year. 3 ., 6AC°,ntra:yl° p?p,uIar opinion, arithmetic is the best-learned skill in the schools At the eighth grade level the applied, or reasoning, skills are better developed than the fundamental computational skills. Analysis of specific skills shows the following results! Table 2 Reading Arithmetic Language Vocab. Comp’n. Reas’g. Fund’ls. Total Spelling Total Fifth Grade : (Norm *5.08) White . ... 4.22 5.13 5.0 5.29 5.28 4 98 5 05 N egro . ... 2.75 4.18 3.98 4.72 4.46 4.67 3.98 Eighth Grade : (Norm 8.08) White . ... 7.49 7.31 8.11 7.58 8.08 7.46 7 69 Negro . .. 5.63 5.91 6.83 6.10 6.27 6.32 6.14 R will be noted that reading skills are relatively low: at the fifth grade level this is due largely to vocabulary deficiency. 7. A study of the range of achievement 'in the fifth grade showed that approximately half of the pupils were within one-half year above or below the norm. The upper fourth of the pupils ranged up to 7.0; the lower fourth ranged downward to 2.0. At the eighth grade level in white schools years^ffom f10 5et^4d5 6 5° ^ Cent 1S tW° years ’ the totaI range is six 27 Table 3. Percentile Distribution — Fifth Grade Percentile: 1 10 25 50 75 90 99 Norm . . . 2.7 3.6 4.4 5.1 6.0 6.7 8.0 White . . 3.1 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.1 6.8 Negro . 2.1 2.8 3.4 4.0 4.6 5.1 6.5 This table indicates that the lower 25 per cent of Alabama white children stand considerably higher than the nation’s. However, the upper 25 per cent fall rather remarkably below the national norms, the 99th per¬ centile being more than a year below the standard for brightest children in the nation. This seems to indicate that the best effort of the schools has been expended to overcome the deficiencies of children of limited ability or opportunity, and that, conversely, the brightest children are neglected. For those who are concerned with the future leadership of the state, this fact is significant. The figures for the eighth grade show the same tendency, though to a smaller degree. 8. Correlation of Achievement with Certain Factors of School Effi¬ ciency. Achievement in local (county and city) school systems was correlated with twelve factors which relate to school efficiency. The purpose was to discover, for example, whether the length of school terms over a period of years would influence achievement. Although shift of school population would tend to wipe out the influence of longer terms in any one school system, did the evidence still remain? Similarly, with other factors, com¬ plexity of other known and unknown influences would tend to wipe out differences. However, four of the twelve factors were shown to have sig¬ nificant correlation with achievement. Table 5. Correlation Between Certain Factors of School Efficiency and Achievement5 Coefficient of Correlation (r) Factors relating to School Term: 1. No. school days provided during school-life of grade . +.764 2. Length of term last year . +.63 Factors relating to Costs : 3. School Plant Valuation . +.647 4. Cost per Pupil in A.D.A . +.32 Factor relating to Type of School: 5. Per cent of small schools . — .64 Factors relating to Teaching Personnel: 6. Teachers, 3 or more years College . +.504 7. Per cent Emergency Teachers . — .384 8. Teacher Load . — .29 Factors relating to Enrollment: 9. Per cent of Enrollment in A.D.A . +.716 (white) — .41 (negro) 10. Per cent Negro Enrollment is of White . +.206 (white) — .48 (negro) 11. Per cent H.S. Enrollment is of Total . : . +.244 12. Per cent Enrollment js of School Census . — <.055 28 Interpretation: Significant positive correlation exists between achieve¬ ment and factors 1, 2, 3, and 9(a). There is significant negative correla¬ tion between achievement and factor 5. None of the other factors are shown to be significantly related to achievement, although the correlations in the case of factors 6, 9(b), and 10(b) may be interpreted as substantial but not reliable for prediction. Thus, achievement tends to be relatively high in school systems that have: (a) maintained full school terms; (b) provided good school build¬ ings and equipment; (c) organized their schools into larger units; and (d) maintained a high percentage of attendance. There is some evidence, though not conclusive, that achievement is related to the employment of better-trained teachers. There is similar in¬ conclusive evidence that high. average daily attendance in negro schools is not accompanied by high achievement ; similarly, those systems with the highest proportions of negro enrollment tend to show lower achievement m negro schools. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. REFERENCES Public Education in Alabama,” American Council on Education, 1946 pp. 174-82. ’ Alabama Education Survey, Study D: Fundamentals in the Public Schools, Ms., 1944. “Annual Report, 1943,” Department of Education, State of Alabama. Guilford, J P “Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education,” McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1942, pp. 125-29. Idem., pp. 227-30; and McCall, William A., “How to Measure in Education,” p. 393. 29 RECENT ATTACKS ON THE PATENT SYSTEM — Henry L. Jennings, Patent Attorney, Birmingham, Alabama. The Constitution of the United States, Article I, Section VIII, Clause 8, states: “(The Congress shall have power) to promote the progress of science and the useful arts, by securing for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.” Pursuant to that authority granted by th eConstitution, Congress has enacted our patent statutes and established our patent system. Since its establishment, 2,398,340 patents have been issued up to the week ending April 9, 1946, which is fairly good evidence that the system is successful and is popular. Since the war has ended and released scientists and manu¬ facturers from their efforts at winning the war, around 10,000 applications for patents are filed each month in the United States Patent Office. Each patent is granted by the government in return for a full and complete disclosure of the invention to which it relates. When a patent is issued it is published and copies may be obtained by any interested member of the public for ten cents (10c) each. Each patent when published adds its part, however great, or however small, to the sum of human knowledge available to the public. This published record of progress in the various arts is of incalculable importance in acquainting the scientist and manufacturer not only of what must be avoided, but what may be done in any particular field without trespassing on the rights of others. The primary purpose of the patent system, as set forth in the Con¬ stitution, is the benefit to the public in promoting the progress of science . and the useful arts. This benefit to the public is derived in a number of ways. First, as pointed out recently by Commissioner of Patents Ooms, each patent when published, gives the public prompt knowledge of the inven¬ tion. Before there was a patent system, the only way by which an inven¬ tion could be protected was to maintain it in secrecy. The patent system wiped away this veil of secrecy and brought inventions out into the light of day where the details were at once made known to the public. The patent system is also of benefit to the public in that if a patent is worth¬ while, the protection afforded by it insures that the invention will be com¬ mercialized and made available to the public. It further benefits the public in that after the limited time has expired for which the patent is granted, the public will have free use of the invention. A still further advantage in the patent system is that when a patent issues for an improved device, process, or compound, it immediately incites competitors to produce some¬ thing still better. Ingenious minds at once set about the task of devising something which will accomplish the same purpose in a better way or to achieve an improved result. Thus science and the useful arts progress. In the words of Lincoln “The patent system added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius.” Patents are of value to inventors and patent holders generally in that each patent purports to give to the owner the exclusive right to make, use and vend the invention to which the patent relates. While the wide owner¬ ship of patents by our large manufacturing companies is a matter of public knowledge, patents are of more and particular value to the individ¬ ual inventor and small manufacturer. Patents enable them to start new businesses secure from danger of serious competition. Esp'ecially is the small manufacturer with a patented product secure from being gobbled up or run out of business by competition from an unscrupulous large competitor. Inquiry reveals that around eighty five per cent (85%) of all • • 30 patents issued are granted to individuals and small corporations. The need for relatively large amounts of capital with which to finance research and to exploit inventions has led to the ownership of a large number of patents hntn°nPr °"f’ lar*e "!? ^aI1’ but this is not an unhealthy condition 1 contrary is a healthy one, for otherwise such research and the resulting inventions would never have become available to the public. tt.' u-1 SPlte °f * • b.eneflj;s of the patent system which are obvious to all thinking persons, , it is suffering from attacks by reason of the economic theories of certain individuals who have attained positions of prominence m our government and who appear to be of the opinion that our patent system, as constituted is inmical to the public welfare. These individuals unable posi.tlons *hat they w>eld a mighty influence, and while weakened system they have greatly undermined and of the nr;i;,nThl f \ ^aCks resuIted in Pronounced changes in .some pnncipRs of Iaw whlcb were heretofore considered fundamental d have caused great loss, anxiety and uncertainty in the minds of patent owners. In addition there is now considerable agitation for legislation W' further. hamstring and lessen the value of patents, he attacks appear to spring from a weakening of the historical con¬ cept of a patent as property. Early in the history of our patent system Howard!™, 674)* ^ State$ dedared (Wils0n y’ Roussea“ 4 .. "T,heiaw has.th.us impressed upon it (a patent) all the quali¬ ties and characteristics of property, for the specified period ; and as in rf1 nfhim ( 1 patAentee) to hold and deal with it the same as in case of any other description of property belonging to him, tn hi?niph'Si dCath !t passes’ Wlth the rest of his personal estate, to his legal representative, and becomes part of the assets.” lain H™lUaKnt 1° COnCep^ thus exPressed, and following the authority laid down by the Supreme Court at that time, it has been repeatedly held Supreme Court and inferior courts that a patent is property and within his domain, a patent owner is czar. He may use his patent or not as he sees fit He may manufacture and sell his invention himself or he may license others to use his patent and he may impose various restric- t.onS on h,s licensees. He may grant an exclusive license to one person only under his patent or he may grant non exclusive licenses toPmany persons. He may restrict his licensees to certain defined territory or he patent iTin foI^V^6 t0 e^ent of the territory wherein the fore have been imposed ^ ^ reStric,ions hereto- This concept however, is now seriously challenged. While it is still held, apparently, by a majority of the Supreme Court of the United States t , "?0" > tbere°f appear to question it. The extreme opposite view is stated by Professor Hamilton of Yale University in the report of the erT!iaib NatlonaI Economic. Committee in what is known as “Mono- SSS ?s£tnoS^A Free En,erprise'’ The a »-»t“ .he°r"?„ Slrnce !t 1S. accorded for a public purpose and limited to a span of years^ it can hardly— without confusion of thought— be regarded as a property’. If established terms must be used, it is rather a lease, terminating at a fixed date, and not subject to renewal. Since the machine or process may be widely used, yet a single person is authorized to control its employment, the term franchise is even more exact.” 31 Having gotten away from the idea that a patent is property, the opponents of the patent system have readily adopted the view that in order to promote progress, the patent owner must use his patent; he must manu¬ facture and sell whatever is covered by the patent, or practice the process covered by the patent, or find a licensee who will do so or else the public will not be benefited. This theory is entirely at variance with the historical concept that science and the useful arts are benefitted by the publication of a description of the patented invention. It ignores the fact that prac¬ tically all technical progress in the world dates from the invention of the printing press, by means of which knowledge was first made generally available to the public. Knowledge of an invention made available by its publication is of far more importance to the public than the opportunity to buy the embodiment of that invention. While the opportunity to buy a patented gadget may promote commerce and may increase the comfort or frustration of the buyer, it can do nothing more than add the benefit of seeing the patented thing to the printed description thereof contained in the patent, insofar as promoting the progress of science and the useful arts is concerned. Ignoring the fact that the publication of a patent gives to the public that knowledge from which it may progress, the opponents of the patent system look with horror upon the nonuse of patents which they are pleased to term “suppression” of patents. Those of us who have been in the patent business for any length of time know that by far the large majority of patents which are issued never benefit the inventor because something better is at hand by the time they are issued, and many others, while con¬ taining sufficient novelty and utility to warrant the grant of a patent, are not favored with sufficient commercial appeal to warrant their exploi¬ tation. The view that science and the useful arts do not progress when a patent is not used, and that a patent is not entitled to the “private per¬ quisites engrafted on it” by the courts was recently expressed by Mr. Justice Douglas of the United States Supreme Court in a dissenting opinion concurred in by Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Murphy as follows : “Can the suppression of patents which arrests the progress • of technology be said to promote that progress? It is likewise dif¬ ficult to see how suppression of patents can be reconciled with the provision of the statute which authorizes a grant of the ‘exclusive right to make, use, and vend the invention or discovery’. Rev. Stat. 4884, 35 U.S.C. 40. How may the words ‘to make, use and vend’ be read to mean ‘not to make, not to use, and not to vend’? Take the case of an invention or discovery which unlocks the doors of science and reveals the secrets of a dread disease. Is it possible that a patentee could be permitted to suppress that invention for seventeen years (the term of the letters patent) and withhold from humanity the benefits of the cure? But there is no difference in principle between that case and any case where a patent is suppressed because of some immediate advantage to the patentee. “I think it is time to return to the earlier, and I think the true, philosophy of the patent system. We should not pass on to Congress the duty to remove the private perquisites which we have engrafted on the patent laws. This court was responsible for their creation. This court should take the responsibility for their re¬ moval.” 'Special Equipment Co. v. Coe, 64 U.S.P.Q. 531. 32 While this extreme view expressed by Justice Douglas has not yet been adopted by the majority of the Supreme Court, nevertheless the exclusive property heretofore existant in a patent is being gradually worn away by attrition. This wearing away of the property right in a patent is evidenced in several ways. For example, for many years it was the practice in many cases to grant a license to use a patented machine or process conditioned upon the licensee purchasing some unpatented pro¬ duct from the licensor. The American Lecithin Company owned a patent on a chocolate coating for candy in which there was incorporated in the chocolate a small percentage of lecithin which would prevent graying of the chocolate. It was the custom of that company to grant a license under its patent free to all candy manufacturers who would buy lecithin from it When the owner of the patent sued a chocolate manufacturer for mfringment who bought his lecithin from some other manufacturer, the Court held that the patent owner would be denied relief because it had used its patent to control the sale of a material which was not covered by the patent. American Lecithin Company v. Warfield Company, 105 F2nd 207. To similar effect are a number of Supreme Court decisions such as Leitch v. Barber 302 U.S. 458. A further limitation upon the property in patents has been brought about by the practical abolition of the doctrine of contributory infring- ment. Since early in the history of our patent system, it has been the practice of the courts to not only hold the direct infringer of a patent, but also to hold anyone as an infringer who furnished unpatented parts of a combination patent to an infringer with the knowledge that such parts would be used to produce an infringing article. This doctrine was greatly limited, if not entirely repudiated in a recent decision by the Supreme Court (Mercoid v. Mid-Continent 320 U.S. 661) in which it was held “The result of this decision, together with those which have preceded it, is to limit substantially the doctrine of contributory mfringment, what residuum may be left we need not stop to con sider.” By far the greatest reduction in the value of a patent as property has been brought about by the change in the attitude of the courts toward the question of invention. In the language of the patent statute, any person who has invented or discovered” an invention may obtain a patent there- or. In the beginning of the administration of the patent system, when a patent was brought before a court for adjudication, the court was content to consider only if the thing was new and useful. If novelty and utility were found, the patent would be held valid. Then, in 1851, in the case of Hotchkiss v. Greenwood, the court held that any new device to be patent- able must require “more ingenuity than the work of a mechanic skilled in the art Since that time, the courts have been struggling with the word invention and the more they have struggled with it, the less frequently do they iind it present in any structure brought before them. In one of the late cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States; Cuno v. Automatic 62 S. CT 37, the court held That is to say the new device, however useful it may be, must reveal the flash of creative genius, not merely the skill of the calling. r Jn. st'|l an(Jtber case decided by the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia; Potts v. Coe, 140 F2nd, 470, that Court held that “Patents 33 are not intended as a reward for a highly skilled scientist who completes the final step in a technique, standing on the shoulders of others who have gone before him.” The question before the court dealt with an invention made by a worker in the laboratories of the Bell Telephone Company and the court went on to say that under such circumstances an -employee who was a member of a large group of scientists working on problems of communication, must necessarily be combining his knowledge with those of many who had gone on before him and who were working with him in order to make the invention, and that therefore it was not an invention by the individual. This decision led to some wag publishing the following jingle: % “Lay them test tubes down boys Your company’s much too large Our Country only favors Them as works in their garage.” The result of all this straining at the definition of invention is that our Circuit Courts of Appeal have held around seventy-five per cent (75%) of the patents coming before them the last several years invalid for lack of invention. The Supreme Court has held more than ninety per cent (90%) of the patents considered by it invalid. A few months ago the Supreme Court in the case of Halliburton v. Walker held a patent relating to means for measuring obstructions in oil wells valid and infringed by an equally divided court, due to the absence of Mr. Justice Jackson attend¬ ing the War Crimes trials in Germany. Halliburton v. Walker 68 U.S.P.Q. 83.* . Now if a patent is to continue to serve as an incentive to the inventor and is to continue to promote the progress of science and the useful arts for the benefit of the public, there must be more assurance that, once issued, it will be respected. In my opinion there can be no degree of cer¬ tainty of respect for a patent unless and until Congress defines the status of a patent as property and lays down a definition of invention for the guidance of the courts. The Patent Office has always had the policy of granting a patent unless it finds in the prior art the same thing for which a patent is sought, or its equivalent. In my opinion that is the correct standard because if the patent contains little of novelty, there is little incentive to infringe it, and the public has lost little or nothing by its grant. If the patent marks a real improvement, or a real advance over the prior art, the inventor should be rewarded accordingly. It must be remem¬ bered that patents are granted only for things which never existed before and the public loses nothing when a patent is granted. It is significant that while the courts have been extremely concerned over the question of invention in patents no such concern has been shown in the matter of couprights which stem from the same clause of the Con¬ stitution. A copyright covers only the novelty in the published matter and it is difficult to see why a patent should not be governed by the same principle. No question of genius enters into the consideration of a copy¬ right, but the novelty in every arrangement is protected. In addition to the weakening of the concept of property in patents that has already taken place, the opponents of the patent system propose further to limit the property of a patentee by forcing him to grant licenses to others under his patent if he does not manufacture and sell the patented article himself. If we consider a patent as private property it is difficult *Upon rehearing the involved claims of the patent were held invalid. 34 to see how that species of property may be singled out for sharing by others under our constitutional guarantee against the taking of property except by due process of law and by paying just compensation. If a patent owner is to be compelled to share his patent with others, why not a farmer, or merchant,- or any other property owner? Speaking on this subject recently Commissioner of Patents Ooms stated: ‘I have no hesitation in saying that any system of general compulsory licensing cannot help the patent system. It would elimi¬ nate the value of a patent as a competitive weapon of the small business man. It would destroy the value of a patent as a com- pulsion to diversification. It would place the man' who has no willingness to experiment in a position where he can share the developments and efforts of his bold competitors with none of their risks. It would make every inventor merely the hireling of his ‘'^Pet’tors. It would be deadening to experiment and develop¬ ment. Z8 J.P.O.S. 16. Other serious attacks have been made on the patent system recently which cannot be covered in the brief space of this paper. I have called attention to those which I consider most dangerous not only to the patent 2e®’ bu.t *? our economic system, a great part of which is based on patent protection. The patent system has always been the chief support of :ftnh,SA,’ab"S;neeArS’,and Sm/c manufacturers> and I urge the membership of the Alania A^derny of Science to guard that system jealously. Right now it is needed more here in the South than ever before to provide p?o- tection and support for the industrial expansion and the research activities Sene. ve reCently been in*iated' 1 ur^e therefore to use you? n- fluence in every way possible to preserve this system which has meant so much to American industry. meant 35 ALABAMA COTTON AND ITS FUTURE — J. Allen Tower, Birmingham-Southern College. The sickest crop in American agriculture is cotton, and cotton is the chief crop of Alabama farms. The present problems and future changes affecting cotton culture are therefore of vital importance to every citizen of Alabama. From a production of 0.3 million bales in 1839, output of cotton in Alabama slowly increased to a peak in 1914 of 1.7 million bales, but the arrival of the boll weevil cut this to a low of 0.5 million in 1917. Gradually recovery brought it back to 1.4 million in 1930, but the A. A. A. attempt to solve the problem of low prices cut it back again to three-quarters of a million in 1939-1941. Cotton acreage in 1879 was two and a third million, rose gradually to a peak of 3.8 million in 1911, and then under the A.A.A. program slowly dropped to 1.5 million acres in 1944, the least acreage since Reconstruction days. From a peak of 22.8 per cent of the national crop in 1849, Alabama’s share steadily decreased throughout the 19th century as a result of the westward shift of cotton culture, being only 10 per cent in 1910. The boll weevil attacks cut this to a low of 4.6 per cent in 1917, but recovery brought it back to 10.5 per cent in 1930. Recently it has varied between 6 and 8 per cent. Cotton acreage in Alabama declined from 16.3 per cent of the national total in 1884 to 6.3 per cent in 1917; recently it has been about 8 per cent of the national acreage. Present evidence indicates a possible sharp decline in the Alabama crop in the next decade, of which more later. A better evaluation of the importance of cotton to Alabama is shown by the fact that in 1942 cotton was grown on 25 per cent of the harvested acreage of the state, and provided 49 per cent of the income from crops.1 In 1944 cotton provided 45.6 per cent of all farm income from both crops and livestock.2 And the 1940 census showed 47 per cent of Alabama’s people lived on farms. Add to these the ginners, warehousemen and others handling cotton on its way to market, and it is clear that any change in cotton vitally affects the majority of our population. The international situation of cotton is not favorable for .the United States. Before World War I the United States normally produced 60 per cent of the world crop and exported two-thirds of its crop. The peak in United States cotton acreage, production and exports came in 1926 ; from then to 1945 there was a decrease of 60 per cent in acreage and' of 48 per cent in production. Our exports in the last prewar year (1939) were down 42 per cent from our 1926 peak. Foreign cotton production first exceeded United States output in the crop year 1933-34, and showed steady expansion until just before the start of World War II. The A.A.A. was established in 1933 to solve the problem of the low price of cotton. By acreage Restriction and other measures, cotton farm income in this country was raised, but at the expense of much of our export market. Since by law government loans on cotton will be made at 92.5 per cent of parity for two years after the war, prices currently are above 20 cents per pound, and the government subsidizes exports at the rate of four cents per pound.3 This subsidy policy has already led to diplomatic protest as contrary to the Atlantic Charter, and its continuance can and will lead to trouble abroad. With the decline in our export market there has been emphasis upon expansion of our domestic use of cotton in the hope that by so doing we could make up for our lost exports. Considerable effort has been expended 36 upon research for new uses and improvement of old uses, as well as upon advertising. Partly as a result, domestic mill consumption has increased from 4.9 million bales in 1920 to 11.17 million in 1941, an increase of 126 per cent.4 In 1943, for example, cotton supplied 72.4 per cent of the total fibers consumed in the United States, while wool contributed 8.5 per cent, jute 3.2, hemp 1.9, rayon 9.4, and all others 4.6 per cent. 5 Synthetic fibers, however, are offering considerable competition for cotton, a competition promising to become increasingly serious. Most im- portant of these are rayon and nylon. Rayon, a product of cellulose, pri- madily from woodpulp, began production in this country in 1911 when the irst null was established; in 1920 it supplied 10 million pounds or 0.3 per cent of U. S. fiber consumption, in 1943, 724 million pounds or 9.5 per cent. In the latter year half of all women’s dresses were made of rayon. 6 As the cheapest chemical fiber rayon is definitely competitive with cotton * yarn prices last year were $0.66 per pound for cotton (combed 40’s) and $0.55 for rayon (150 denier) In 1935, for example, rayon was not used for tire cord, but in 1943 supplied 15.6 per cent of all tire cord.7 At present its lower price puts rayon in an excellent competitive condition. Among the newer synthetics nylon is the most popular, as witness the long lines of women before certain store counters. Nylon, a product of coal, air and water, was first patented by DuPont in 1938, and is the first real synthetic. Further development occurred during the war, and it is rumored that there are today ten different nylons, with one fireproof and °?e uS ! a9c'C rubber‘ Present plant capacity is an annual production oi about -5 million pounds, while hosiery alone seeks 50 million pounds per year, let alone the demand for other uses. 8 There are a number of other chemical fibers since the molecules of most proteins apparently lend themselves to use as textiles. Aralac from milk casein, supplies up to 15 per cent of the fibre in some felt hats. Saran, a Dow Chemical Co. product starting as chlorine gas, is marketed as Velon fabric whose stainproof features make it excellent for upholstery Vinyon a vinyl resin product of Union Carbide and Carbon Corp., is resistant to water and chemicals, is tough and elastic, yet soft to the touch; it is repoited to have unusual strength in sheer fabrics. There are rumored other synthetics as well, including fiberglas.9 Paper is also a competitor in bagging napkins, towels, facial tissues and handkerchiefs; for these peTc\mt4i'n°i4tyearriore USed 1929’ U17’000 in 1943> an increase of 113 Since these new fibers compete with cotton either on a price basis or on a special quality basis, research on chemical finishes for cotton may help solve the quality problem. Most of these seem to derive from the me amine^resins, which first became commercially available in this country m rn •7v>0rtS are, th^ by forcing 0Ae of these resins into the heart of fi;vihlVl^CqmeS-Shni?k'Pr00f; if non-saturated, the fiber stays soft and • CXlb i ,Wltb lts onginal appearance. It likewise wears longer, tailors better is wi inkle-resistant, and can be given a permanent crease. American Cynaa- mid calls this process Lanaset* while Monsanto and DuPont have processes for coating thread with a resin so that the fabric made from the thread will be both water and wear resistant but will also permit air circulation. Resistance to mildew and moths is provided by other coatings. DuPont’s ammonia sulfamate treatment flameproofs fabrics to such a degree that a blowtorch only scorches cloth and paper, but the material must be re¬ treated after each washing. Coating with Plexon, available in 17 different yields fabrics that are transparent, of different textures, and of UU different colors; they are likewise moisture resistant, whether in the 37 form of water, perspiration, grease or oil. A new process of coating threads with submicroscopic grains of sand (under 1:400,000 inch in diameter) stops fiber slipping, and so will prevent runs in sheer stockings. Most of these new treated materials are not yet on the market, but we should be able to buy them in the near future.11 These new processes may enable cotton to compete with the synthetics in both the general and special purpose fields, but the problem of competi¬ tive price remains. Apparently the only solution for this problem is com¬ plete abolition of the present A.A.A. policy of price-pegging and a sub¬ stitution for it of a policy of reducing the production costs of cotton so that its price can fall to a competitive level. Fortunately, new machinery is now becoming available which not only makes this program possible but also inevitable. The necessity for mechanization is shown by comparison with wheat production. Just before World War I it required 12.7 hours of labor per acre to grow wheat, but by the mid-30’s this had been cut to 6.1 hours, a decrease of 52 per cent. During the same period the labor required per acre for cotton was cut from 105 to 88 hours, a decrease of only 16 per cent.12 Cotton got its real start in this country in 1793 when Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, thus ending the labor and cost bottleneck in sep¬ arating the fiber from the seed. As a result cotton boomed across the South. Of recent years tractors have become available for use in plowing and cultivating, but they are little used in Alabama. The chief bottlenecks now lie in weeding, thinning and picking, and today solutions for most of these are available. The effect of the new equipment on labor demand is illustrated by experience in the Mississippi Delta. There cotton cultivated by a mule with 1-row cultivator and piqked by hand requires 160 hours of labor per acre to make a crop. Cultivated by a 4-row tractor with flame cultivator and picked by a mechanical picker, cotton requires only 28 hours of labor per acre.13 This is a decrease in labor demand of 82.5 per cent. This tremendous decrease is the result of using the new flame weeder and the new mechanical cotton picker. The idea of the flame weeder was originated just before the war by an Alabama planter in the Black Belt near Montgomery ; in February 1946, the exclusive rights to manufacture it in this country were bought by the New Holland Machine Co. of New Holland, Penna., and production is now in process.14 Using a cheap oil fuel, this device kills weeds by controlled jets of flame which do not injure the tough cotton stalks. It is reported that where hoeing costs over $1.00 per acre, a 2-row flame cultivator works at a cost of 15 to 35 cents per acre. And cotton is normally weeded several times per season. Experi¬ mental work is now in process to adapt this device for thinning cotton as well.15 In 1850 the first patent was taken out on a mechanical cotton picker, and in the years since then there have been over 900 patents. Today there is one successful picker, although Allis-Chalmers hopes soon to be ready with the Rust Bros, picker and John Deere with its Hiram Berry model. The one successful picker is that developed by the International Harvester Co. after 40 years of work; it retails for $3,900 (with tractor), and over 100 were in use last year. The final experimental work on it was done on the 4,000 acre Hopson plantation in the Delta near Greenville, Miss., so their experience is a useful guide to its effects. The Hopson Bros, estimate that it requires 150 acres of cotton to support a picker. Formerly it required 160 man-hours of labor to produce one bale of cotton, now only 28 hours, a decrease of 82.5 per cent. Where 38 °n^ mfnmn pickan average of 15 pounds of cotton per hour, the machine picks l.UUU pounds; it requires only one man to operate the tractor and the machine can work 24 hours per day. Picking cotton by hand cost’s $40 per bale; by machine it costs $7.50, but the increased amount of trash included cuts the value of a bale by about $10. The Hopson Bros estimate the net savings per bale at $16.02 with complete mechanization, in addition to which there is faster picking and freedom from dependence on an un- C^ntn17noab°r s.uPPly- Where the Hopson’s formerly kept 130 tenant families (600-700 people), they now have 40 skilled hands, a decrease of at least 69 per cent m farm families. We all know the miserable living conditions of our cotton tenant families. These skilled hands on the Hopson plantation get base pay of $20 per month, plus 40 cents per hour for farm work. In addition each is furnished a good house (concrete foundations, screened, painted, with a good roof), plus a garden plot and pasturage for a cow.16 , , The implications of the complete mechanization of cotton are unmis¬ takable. Completely mechanized cotton should be able to compete on the world market without Government subsidy. There will be fewer and larger cotton farms, although it may be feasible for one machine to pick the cron on several farms. There will probably be a considerable decrease in cotton production in the Southeast since the land used must be adaptable for machine cultivation. And about two-thirds of the families now on cotton , be, J^okmg for a job. According to the 1940 census 200,000 of Alabama s 1,000 farms grew cotton. An agricultural revolution in the South has now started. While its ettects will be to the long-run advantage of Alabama, the South, and the nation, its short-term effects will bring such misery and difficulty as to challenge to the utmost our capacity for sane thinking and wise action. Congress has appointed the Pace Committee to investigate the cotton problem It is rumored that its report will be to continue the present AAA isar,^SUabSly,r0gram- Let U- h°pe this rUm°r is false’ for such a solution is like a doctor using aspirin to treat a patient with an acute case of toPPd?e oflh^ sickness6 P ^ ^ ^ ^ moment’ but the Patient is Kkely Fortunately, a definite surgical treatment of the cause has been pro¬ posed by the U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, a treatment which is not just a palliative for the symptoms but which attacks the basic cause This proposal involves an expenditure of $4 billion plus loans of $2 billion over a ten year period Ss follows: * Dimon 1. Restrict the cotton crop to about 13.5 millions bales 1pw, • .L? th« Pnce of our cotton drop to the world competitive price cushl°n the price drop by paying the farmer the first year the full difference between the sales price and the parity price, the7 second year 80 per cent of the difference, the third year 60 per cent, etc untiHn the sixth year no subsidy would be paid. ’ 3. Have the Government aid in shifting 1.5 million people from cotton farm to non-farm employment. couon 4. Use Government aid in converting high cost cotton nrndnrprc other types of farming. This shift would be aided by paying farmers for work actually done in the changeover and by providing both technical oS(ffn“m7t^Smef„°,rsen'arging fa™S’ bUyi”g “I J1 1S l?^at^,that it,.would squire $1.33 billion to cushion the price drop, $2,654 billion to finance the shift away from cotton, and about $2 billion in loans. At the end of ten years the cost would drop to about $50 39 million per year. The alternative is to continue the present subsidy of a fourth to a half billion dollars annually, on a permanent basis, with no solution to the problem.17 Cotton production, handling and processing is the source of livelihood for the majority of Alabama’s population. This revolution in cotton pro¬ duction has started. Neither oratory nor politics will stop it and its result¬ ant misery, but its long-term effects will raise the standard of living of our people. The problem before the people of Alabama is — Shall we bravely and intelligently face it, or shall we dodge the issue and continue to administer political pills? FOOTNOTES 1 U. S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Statistics, 1944. 2 University of Alabama Business News, March, 1946. 3 Facts About Cotton (U.S.D.A. Misc. Pub. 594, Feb., 1946), 20, 24. 4 Ibid., 14; Agricultural Statistics, 1944, 77. 5 Facts About Cotton, 54. 6 A. E. Parkins: The South, 433; Frances Brentano: “Coming Battle of the Fibres,” Nation’s Business, June 1944 (quoted in Science Digest, Sept. 1944, 35-38). 7 Facts About Cotton, 31-32. 8 Sydney B. Self: “New Rivals for Nylon,” The Wall Street Journal, April 23, 1945 (quoted in Science Digest, July 1945, 5-7). 9 Ibid.; Brentano: op. cit.; Lloyd Stouffer: “New Things Coming in Textiles,” Forbes, Oct. 15, 1945 (quoted in the Reader’s Digest, Nov. 1945, 55-58). 10 Facts Abaut Cotton, 34. 11 Martha G. Morrow: “New Tricks for Textiles,” Chemistry, Jan. 1945, 18-20. 12 U.S.D.A. Interbureau Committee on Technology: Technology on the Farm, 63. 13 Facts About Cotton, 55. 14 Birmingham News, Feb. 2, 1946. 15 J. D. Ratcliff: “Revolution in Cotton,” Collier’s, July 21, 1945 (quoted in the Reader’s Digest, Oct. 1945, 84-86. 16 “Machine Era in the Cotton Belt,” United States News, Sept. 28, 1945, 52-60; Ratcliff: op. cit. 17 “Postwar Plan No. 1: Reform of Cotton Economy,” United States News, June 1, 1945, 13-14. 40 PRESENT STATUS AND FUTURE OF THE WILD TURKEY IN ALABAMA Robert J. Wheeler, Jr., Alabama Department of Conservation Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen: The discussion of the present status and future of the wild turkey ( Meleagris gallopavo silvcstris ) in Alabama will present a brief account of the history of the turkey in this state, its present status, and pros¬ pective plans of the Department of Conservation for a state-wide wild turkey and deer rehabilitation and management program. A concise descrip¬ tion of the Salt Springs Game Sanctuary, which is excellent range for both deer and turkey, will also be included. The “Inventory of Wildlife Resources of Alabama,” the initial Pitt- man-Robertson project, established the status of this species. Four field biologists collected relative data by means of a personally-administered questionnaire and by field observation. As there is a paucity of information in the literature pertaining to former abundance, these data were acquired by interviewing many elderly sportsmen. It was learned that this largest of North America's unland game birds was plentiful throughout the state until about 1880. However, even at that early date, they were extant only in restricted areas in a number of the counties that are located principally in the fertile Black Belt and in south- east Alabama. In 1890, a general decline in the population was noted and a decade later, it had reached a critical stage. A few far-sighted land owners either closed their holdings to hunting or restricted the kill, thus this valuable bird was rescued from inevitable extinction. In 1907, the Alabama State Legislature creased a State Game and Fish Commission for the purpose of administering and enforcing the first game laws that were enacted in that year. One of these initial regulations was a “gobbler law,” the first of its kind to be enacted in the United States. The open season was declared from December 1 to March 1, fol¬ lowing. A bag limit of two males per day was stipulated. The above mentioned inventory revealed that there were approxi¬ mately 14,000 wild turkeys in the state during the winter of 1941-42, and that 77 per cent of the population was in 12 counties in southwest Alabama. Ihe investigation also disclosed the necessity of establishing a com¬ prehensive rehabilitation and management program in the near future if this bronze giant was to maintain its place as a principal game species. However, since virtually no research had been undertaken in the South¬ east concerning wild turkey management, it was both necessary and ex¬ pedient first to determine what to do before entering upon a state-wide work of this nature. On July l, 1942, the “Wild, Turkey Investigation and Management” project was initiated on the Salt Spring Game Sanctuary. The intent of the work was to determine through scientific channels, management tech¬ niques which when applied, would effect an increase in the wild turkev population. J This sanctuary, which is composed of 5,500 acres that lie along the east back of the Tombigbee River, is situated some thirteen miles south¬ east ot Jackson in southern Clarke County. Twenty-two hundred acres of this tract are enclosed by a four-foot, net-wire fence topped by two strands of barbed wire. The remaining 3,300 acres are unmanaged but closed to hunting and serve as a buffer to the north, east and south. Because of the diversified topography and soil types — ihence a multi- 41 formity of cover-types — this area is excellent habitat for wild turkeys. A rather high density was maintained on this territory after the decline in the population was noted throughout most of the state. This fact attests to the quality of the range. The topography in the main is steeply rolling, deep hollows alternat¬ ing with ridges. Elevation varies from IS to 327 feet above sea level ; the changes in elevation are in some cases abrupt and in others gradual. The soil is also quite diversified. The river-bottom soil is a rich black loam and includes some 500 acres. Silt deposits from the backwater of the Tombigbee River average an inch or more in depth each year. The soil in the upland and hollows, that are growing to hardwoods or a mixed stand of hardwoods and pines, is a gravelly-loam that has been enriched by decaying duff. In the eastern portion of the area the soil is very thin and poor ; metamorphic-sandstone-outcrops protrude where the top-soil has been eroded. Two spring-fed creeks, Limestone and Leatherwood, have their origin on the sanctuary, and smaller streams, most of which flow throughout the year, meander through the majority of the hollows. Salt Lake, once a large body of water and into which empty several salt springs, has been reduced to a small, shallow pond by the influx of sand. Due to said variety of soil types and topography, vegetation is very diverse. An open stand of loblolly and long-leaf pine ( Pinus taeda and palustris ) is present on the rolling hills in the eastern portion of the sanctuary unit. Scattered young oaks ( Qucrcus spp.), sweetgum ( Liquid - ambar styraciflua) , and black gum ( Nyssa sylvatica) dominate the under¬ story in the drier areas while dense growths of wax myrtle ( Myrica sp.) and bay ( Magnolia glanca ) grow along the streams. Various vines, shrubs, legumes and broom-sedge ( Andropogon sp.) compose the principal ground cover. This type represents about 13 per cent of the tract. Pine Hardwood type accounts for approximately 43 per cent and is found on the dry uplands. Oaks and loblolly pine predominate in the overstory; dogwood ( Cornus florida ), winter huckleberry ( Vaccinium arboreum), dwarf sumach ( Rhus copallina), yellow jessamine {Gelsemium sempervirens), and green brier ( Smilax spp.) are in the majority in the understory. The ground cover is very sparse due to the denseness of the canopy. The Oak-Hickory type comprises 39 per cent, the majority of which is located in the southwest portion of the area and it extends along the various streams and their tributaries where the soil is rich and moist. Oaks, gums and cypress {Tax odium distichum ) dominate the dense stand in the lowland while oaks and hickories ( Hicoria spp.) are paramount in the upland. Heavy stands of magnolia ( Magnolia grandifolia) , beech ( Fagus grandifolia) , ironwood {Car pinus caroliniana) , ironwood ( Ostrya vir- giniana), yellow poplar {Liriodendron tulipifera) and holly {Ilex opaca) are found on the protected hillsides and in the hollows where the soil is very rich and perpetually damp. In the understory, which is quite dense, especially in the unland, are found redbud {Cercis canadensis), dogwood, ironwood, buckeye {Aesculus sp), leatherwood {Dirca palustris), hawthorn {Crataegus sp.), muscadine {Vi His rotundifolia), wild grape {Vitis spp.), green brier, cross-vine {Bignonia capreolata) , and rattan {Bcrchemia scandens). The ground cover is thin or virtually non-existent. Open land comprises approximately six per cent of the sanctuary. The broad Cherry Field in the fertile river bottom contains 100 acres of which 60 per cent is open land over which a rank sod of native grass grows and 40 per cent is semi-open grassland with isolated copses consisting of 42 svveetgum and °aks, cottonwood ( Populus deltoides), or deciduous holly beirv _1\awo1?0.rn and ash (Praxinus sp.) and tangles of black- nZ lJf P-)' forest cleann&s- that range from 12 acres to one-half acre, are widely dispersed throughout the woodland. ™ n;be above mentioned wild turkey project will be terminated on Tune next. The final, technical report is in process of being written and a publication of acquired data will be issued in the near future. _nr, Jilt115 Tnw formu!ated to institute a comprehensive wild turkey and deer rehabilitation project. The proposed method of procedure calls for the establishment of a system of wildlife refuges within large forested nteCnS.ive1 ^ / dlstributed in the state. These sanctuaries will be ntensively managed so as to expedite the annual increment to the game population and thus hasten the development of a sufficient density of§deer minim™ yof*meg surrou"di"« territory to permit hunting in the Those areas which possess the required prerequisites as regards ramre qualities .but that lack seed-stock of a sufficient supply thereof will be toat 48 of fheT,drfP,ied fr°ma ,shTSalt ?pri"gs Wnary™^ ce tally, 48 oi the 116 turkeys and 55 deer that were captured on this area “SIS years' J°y "d C°lb'rt C°Unty Gam' Tlie biitial sanctuary units will be selected with this goal in prospect- to gain a better distribution of the game within the state; and to improve hunting condi ions for the greatest possible number of sportsmen As the creased" " ^ ^ nUmber °f traCtS under management wS be im Most of you are familiar with one of these initial project areas Oak Mountain State Park Tins state-owned territory is located just south of Birmingham in Shelby County and contains some 9,000 forest-covered acres It is surrounded by a vast timbered area that extends in an unbroken StaieT3t-kk°r'gb°U- .Sbelby County and into Jefferson Tuscaloosa and Bibb Counties. 1 he wild turkey exists in portions of this territory at present but deer are absent. territory at The idea of providing excellent hunting for all of Alabama’s snorts- men is not the product of fanciful thinking; it is founded on solid possi¬ bility which has objective existence. The necessity of such an undertaking was demonstrated by the game survey; the tools are being provided b? scientific research, adequate building material is on hand in the form of extensive forests; the blue print of procedure is being drawn to s£le- the sportsmen are. hopefully waiting; your Department is ready to act 43 THE WEATHER BUREAU’S METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE TO AVIATION — T. L. Long, U. S. Weather Bureau, Montgomery The progress made by the aviation industry in the past forty years has surpassed the most fanciful dreams of our first flyers. Aeronautical meteorology has kept pace with, and, is partially responsible for the remarkable advancement of flying. These accomplishments are the results of years of study, experience and research carried on by those individuals engaged in this work. The United States Weather Bureau is charged with the responsibility of furnishing an adequate meteorological service to aviation in order to promote the safety and efficiency of air navigation in the United States and above the high seas, by authority of the Air Commerce Act of 1926, and the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938. A successful solution to aviation’s weather problems requires, first of all, a dense network of surface and upper-air observation stations, manned by trained personnel, and the rapid transmission of reports from these stations. Secondly, it requires a technical staff of employees at terminal airports to prepare frequent maps, upper-air charts, and diagrams, from which a picture of the changing weather situations may be presented ; and, thirdly, it requires competent meteorologists to analyze the correct weather conditions, anticipate the development of new situations, compute the movement of pressure systems, and to issue, on the basis of these, short period forecasts for the routes to be flown. The network of stations is well organized and uniformly designed to cover all areas. The most expedient means , of communication is employed in the collection and dissemination of meteorological data from each of the stations in the network. Service from practically all of these stations is continuous on a 24 hour-day basis. Observations are taken every half hour, or more often if necessary, giving the height and amount of clouds, horizontal visibility, current weather, obstruction of vision, barometric pressure, temperature, dew-point, wind direction and velocity, altimeter setting, and other perti¬ nent remarks. Wind direction and velocity at the various flight levels, from the surface to 50,000 ft. is determined every six hours. The radio¬ sonde, a type of free balloon carrying specially designed instruments which transmit weather information by radio telegraphy, is used at a number of stations to determine pressure, temperature, and humidity of the atmos¬ phere as high as 50,000 feet above the earth’s surface. The forecast service covers every major terminal and airline route in the United States and in many foreign countries. While this service is considered a current endeavor, the observations and records compiled in this work are most valuable assets in future planning, investigation and research. Airports and air routes can be more successfully designed and expanded when meteorological factors are under¬ stood and given proper consideration. Weather statistics are most helpful in preparing flight schedules and setting operational limits. Records are constantly being consulted by meteorologists and other technicians in their investigations and experiments dealing with atomic energy, radio activity, and electronics. The age of meteorological research is in its infancy. We are inspired by the progress made in establishing meteorology as a definite science. We are gratified by the enthusiastic reception of the service rendered by our organization. Recent discoveries in other fields of 44 science, and future trends in industrial development, challenge our ability to satisfy the needs for expansion and improvement in specialized weather service. Our main objective is the dissemination of observations, forecasts, and findings, in a manner which will contribute most to the welfare and happiness of everyone. POWER DAMS AND RIVER FLOW — Eugene D. Emigh, Montgomery. Small, run of the river power reservoirs, such as Lay Dam, Mitchell Dam and Jordan Dam, on the Coosa River between Childersburg and Wetumpka, Alabama, have no significance in the flood control picture. Each of these three Alabama Power Company Coosa River lakes has a capacity of only two billion cubic feet of water, which is essentially negligible. The potentialities of such a storage capacity as exists at Martin Dam, the great Alabama Power Company reservoir on the Tallapoosa River, above Tallassee, however, may be of interest as the basis of a brief dis¬ cussion. Martin Dam, when full, holds sixty billion cubic feet of water, ten times as much as all three of the Coosa River dams combined. Obviously, when the reservoir is full, it can have no important effect upon flood flow. When the dam is full, the rate of flow of flood water is somewhat accelerated, as compared with former natural runoff conditions, but the cresting of floods at Milstead, the Weather Bureau River Station a short distance below, is not significantly affected. Flood heights at Milstead, rainfall considered, are about the same as occurred prior to the completion of Martin Dam by the Alabama Power Company in August 1929. The release of excess water at Martin Dam by the operation of gate's and through the turbines, holds the water level at 490 feet m.s.l., the height of the dam, and the discharge represents natural flow from rainfall over the drainage area above, 2970 square miles. Needless to say, however, this huge reservoir is seldom full. When it is not full, all water from rains above is impounded. This obviously diminishes the drainage area at Milstead by 2970 square miles (the area above Martin Dam), and reduces it from 3763 square miles to only 973 square miles, which is about 21 % of the total area. Experience tables necessarily show that, with Martin Dam not full, substantial rises in the Tallapoosa at Milstead seldom occur. The reduction in height of crest stages at Milstead is very considerable. A 3.00 inch rain on a 5 foot Milstead stage, with dam not full, will produce a crest of about 24 feet, whereas if the reservoir were full, a 3.00 inch rain would result in a 38 foo-t crest stage, a difference of 14 feet. At higher stages the difference in results from heavy rains is 10 feet on the Milstead river gauge. Putting it another way, it requires an average of 7.00 inches of rain to cause a 40 foot crest at Milstead, with the reservoir not filled against an average of about 3.50 inches and a full reservoir, with the base stage in both cases 5 feet on the gauge. Wide stretches of lowland formerly subjected to frequent inundation are now subject to the effects of overflow on only infrequent occasions A rather confusing situation has, however, arisen. It is due to the fact that farmers have extended their pastures and cultivated fields riverward It is, therefore, true that on lands on which overflows formerly did little 45 harm considerable damage can and does now result from the same volume of river flow. With these facts in mind it is evident that a large power dam, even when the objective is solely the production of electrical energy, exercises a considerable amount of beneficial influence in the modification and con¬ trol of floods. This certainly is true of minor and moderately large over¬ flows. There should not, however, be too much complacency leading to over- confidence in the effect of so-called flood control through the manipula¬ tion of water in reservoirs, even in those of large storage capacity. Most such projects are operated primarily for power production and are on that account only partially effective in flood control, as in the case of Martin Dam. Even if such reservoirs were operated solely for the purpose of flood prevention, and however effective they might be under ordinary conditions in the reduction and modification of flood flow, there is reason to believe that a major flood would still be 'possible. This refers to the once in a hundred years or so variety. Such floods normally develop from a series of storms which follow closely one after another, and which fill up all available storage, both natural and artificial. Then comes the ultimate deluge and, lo, a major flood! 46 “°S S!,T (The scien“ “«* » '"e new John Xan, Howard College, Birmingham troriv 'S ,Ty dlff!cuIt to outline or describe a course which cuts across size hTspedf ”c held ThlT'dV” the pHme PUrpOSe is to emPha' !l et specitic held. The traditional courses are primarily designed for those students who expect to take further study in specialized fields Tn the Sal method earfCSt-y endejn;orinS to teach all students to appreciate :S?s r„ 2A: riJS! thingVin othe?awo?ds1Stheltll ^ fclassification of man and other living innigs, in other words, the place of man among plants and animals It ,'c Old Civilizations and "tE* hby .archaeolo^sts and geologists in unearthing i appearance on earth to the present 'modern man.™ H‘S f‘rSt kn°Wn imwmmm ZEh,?0pian,rpProduj? S o^n’ Too'! ‘he ^ £2“, r\th* PrF'“ S invXe0dTref0dPacuSd. plant aynd\nLa" Whal'hayenfto'theJ? Thef°a°dS Jaken int° th<= food n H liClC Tin rK ageI?ts u.sed ln digestion are clarified. How is this h« “f olh/ iSS a"W^ osmosis, and blood circulation. Wha, do the celll do wh^this foid > The “d breafhi„ngrHP„w T’ ?"d the differ™« between oxiiaSn a breathing How does the body eliminate its waste products and wW are the parts involved in this elimination? TheTungs, Se skin ?he kid- neys, and their function in elimination are considered In addition the relationship between elimination, osmosis and diffusion is explained So in this way, we cover man's metabolism, digestion, nutrition, and eUminadon 47 The third part has to do with the place of man on the earth, in relation to the rest of the universe. The student is led to see that the earth on which he lives is but a speck in a very large universe consisting of stars, nebulae, and constellations. He learns about the laws which govern the motions of these bodies. He learns that the sun is the center of his little system of planets and the sun. Sun spots are taken up, and their connection to our ordinary life is explained. Planets, moons, harnessing solar radiation, and seasons are included in the study. Our galaxy and its relationship to our solar system is considered. Here is the chance to introduce the scientific method and its development, starting with the work of Ptolemy, and coming up to the work of Galileo, Copernicus, and Kepler. The discovery of the telescope gives an opportunity to show that some sort of telescope was used by the ancients in Babylon. The modern instruments used in the study of the stare are shown, and the principles in their uses are explained. In this, refraction and reflection are studied. Spectra and spectroscopic analysis are illustrated. Demonstrations are given to show how these instruments are used, and how results are obtained. The most general principles in the construction of the instru¬ ments are included. The concept of time is considered here — how the ancients measured time is described. The evolution of the calendars is developed, the zones and standard time, international date line, etc., are connected with the development of calendars and the concept of time in general. The fourth part brings man to the realization of the things around about him — the atmosphere, the surface of the earth, the elements found in that surface, and also the elements found in the stars. The structure of the atom is studied in some detail, and correlated with the solar system. The instruments which helped scientists in the study of the atom are explained. The work of Madame Curie, Becquerel and others, in the dis¬ covery of radium, and the study of radioactivity offers an inspiring account of how man can control his environment. The atom bomb, of course, is explained with details enough so that the student may realize the enormity of the discovery and the possibilities of its constructive use in the future. As the student looks around about him, he sees materials in different states — gases, liquids and solids. The gases obey certain laws, such as Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law. Liquids have certain characteristic proper¬ ties such as surface tension and visocity. Such properties have significant uses in medicine and industry. A consideration of liquids also shows certain laws of hydrostatics, hydraulic pressure, and the contributions of Archimedes to the principles of buoyancy. Then the question arises as to the interconversion of the different states of matter, the conversion of solids into liquids, the principles involved in such changes, the conversion of liquids into gases, and the reverse process of gases to liquids to solids. Here, there is an opportunity for the study of molecules, molecular weights, and chemical changes as they are related to the metabolism and the nutri¬ tion of the body. Examples are used directly from metabolism and nutrition. The type of linkages which hold molecules and atoms together, chemical reactions such as neutralization, metathesis, oxidation, and reduc¬ tion are correlated with living processes and are shown to be the processes by which life maintains itself. All these four parts are correlated and based on the life processes, and man is the center of the whole discussion. In the laboratory experiments are carried out which demonstrate to the students that scientists work with precision, and that they observe their results and draw conclusions from the facts they obtain. The first 48 experiment in this course was to show the students that man, animals and plants are interdependent, and that they supply each other with the materials needed for life processes. The second experiment was to show them that the products of metabolism can be studied precisely and scien- t i f i cal ly. It is commonly known that a person breathes off carbon dioxide and water. .An experiment is carried out by the students in which they prove chemically that carbon dioxide is the material which man breathes out. In this same way they prove that water is also exhaled. To illustrate this point, let us take the experiment by which the student proved that water is one of the things he exhaled. He was shown that a certain substance called copper sulfate has the property of losing water and gaming water as it is treated in a certain way. In its crystalline form, it is blue m color as it has this water and it is a perfectly white powderv material when it has lost this water. When water is added to the white copper sulfate, it will turn blue. The student carries out this experiment and finds for himself this property of copper sulfate and draws his con¬ clusions. Then, if we breathe off water into this white copper sulfate, it certainly will turn blue, and the student carries out that experiment and proves to himself that actually water is breather off, because the white coppei sulfate turns blue. To show you how the students were thinking while this experiment was carried out, let me relate this incident. One student asked the question as to whether other liquids could change the color of the white copper sulfate. So I went to the laboratory shelf and took two or three different liquids, and asked him to carry out his idea to see whether other liquids have any effect on this white copper sulfate and to tell me his results. A little later the student came and said that he had concluded that only water changes the color of the copper sulfate. He was perfectly satisfied that the experiment was being carried out scientifically and that his conclusions were correct. The rest of the class watched him eagerly to see the results. A third experiment showed that plants, as well as animals, give off carbon dioxide and water. They took a microscopic plant, fed it with food it could utilize, and built up an apparatus which collected the carbon dioxide in a sodium hydroxide solution, thus preventing it from escaping I he students carried out a regular chemical test for the presence of carbon dioxide If a white precipitate was formed, it proved the presence ot carbon dioxide. This statement was substantiated by a parallel experi¬ ment with carbon dioxide and lime water. If the two experiments coincided then the plant did give off carbon dioxide. It was a real shock to the students to find out that plants could give off carbon dioxide as well as oxygen, it was emphasized that plants metabolize food materials the same as animals do, and one of the products of metabolism is carbon dioxide whether it is the plant that metabolizes .the material, or the animal Of course, there is no question that oxygen is given off by plants and that animals give off no oxygen but always carbon dioxide, but plants do give ott carbon dioxide as a waste product of metabolism. During this quarter we took up around ten experiments, each one illustrating the principles covered in the lecture. For example, when we were studying the methods and instruments which the scientists use in studying the stars, the students saw the instruments used in determining the sun s spectra, the neon spectra, and the absorption spectra. Then at the same time, they learned by experience what the scientists mean by ’the magnifying power of a telescope. They saw it. In another experiment they saw a telescope and used it in looking at the moon and stars. They saw how it was constructed and the principles were explained right there as they used the instrument. In another experiment, they studied Archimedes 49 principl. They actually carried out an experiment and calculated the den¬ sity and specific gravity of a material. These are typical experiments which the students performed. They are the same experiments that college students perform in the different college courses in chemistry, physics, and biology. I forgot to mention that in biology the student actually saw under the microscope the different types of cells — muscle cells, plant cells, the chloroplast, bone cells, and liver cells. These were used to illustrate the structure of the different tissues in the body and how they vary. They also saw cell division, and the different stages thereof. All these topics were taken up in lecture, and then the students went to the laboratory and saw these things and drew them in their notebooks. Explanations were given as the student studied the different cells — thus relating the experi¬ ment to the lecture material. I have given you a brief summary of what we have been doing during this past quarter. I suppose you are wondering how the work in teaching this course is divided. At the beginning the science professors got together and decided that one person should head the course, and the other pro¬ fessors in the different departments should contribute their specialties to the course. So, the biology professor lectured on biological principles and the make-up of man, his classification, and all the things pertaining to living things. Then the coordinator took up the process of digestion, and all the parts involved in that process. He also took up the process of metabolism, elimination, breathing, oxidation, the nutrition of the body, the different types of foods and how they were prepared for living things. When the part came where man had to look around and see the universe about him, a person was brought in to discuss the stars, the planets, the moon, nebulae and galaxies. Then when the instruments were studied, the physics professor came and explained the principles involved, and showed the instruments themselves, and how they were used for the study of the things that the astronomer learns about the stars and the universe as a whole. He showed that the material out of which the stars are made is the same material which we find on the earth, and that we can study this material on the earth with similar instruments. Naturally, here is the place where our study of the earth, its beginning and its origin are expanded. The elements were studied. The structure of the atom was discussed. A professor who had had experience with the cyclotron was brought in to show how it looks and works. Radioactivity and construction of the atom bomb were explained by one who had been studying this subject and had something to do with the Oak Ridge plant. The coordinator of this course then connected these different lectures and showed to the students how all these different subjects are parts of three or four sciences in such a way that some of the students did not catch on that they were studying physics, chemistry, or biology. Some of them wanted to know when they were going to study this or that science. So you see we have achieved the real object of the course — not the emphasis of one particular science, but science as a whole as it is related to man, and the principles which influence his life in this world. 50 THE RATE CONSTANT FOR THE REACTION OF PHENYL ISOCYANATE AND ANILINE IN DRY ETHER — rjohn Xan^ Nash Collier, Jr., Dan Lowery’and Sylvia Pincus, Howard College. The reaction was thought to be bimolecular in character, as it gave a constant by the application of the integrated form of the expression for a second order reaction : 2.303 B(A-X) k - log - t(A-B) A(B-X) Since phenyl isocyanate is destroyed by alcohol and water, special precautions were taken to remove traces of these in the solvent. Pfr°CedUf C fonsi.st.ed of measuring definite quantities of standard ether solutions of phenyl isocyanate and aniline into an Erlenmeyer flask and after definite time intervals halting the reaction by passing in dry fhfnHHp ^dro^en. ^blonde. The aniline was thus precipitated as its hydro^ rpart/rvn Th g Wlth Wel?.y U,rea whlch PreciPhates in the course of the reaction. The unreacted phenyl isocyanate and ether were evaporated by a stream of dry air. The aniline hydrochloride was separated from the diphenyl urea by dissolving the aniline hydrochloride in water. The quan- nnT °\ the a"! ine hydrochloride (indicating the amount of unreacted aniline) was determined by brommating with excess standard potassium bromate and potassium bromide solution in hydrochloric acid. The excess nLr^meaWaS det£rmined by addinS Potassium iodide and titrating the liberated iodine with standard sodium thiosulfate solution g obtataed werelffoltows? experimental »r°“d”re "<« P“"ted out. Data Run 7 ime T emperature 1 10 min. 26.3 C. *2 10 min. 26.5 C. 3 15 min. 26.5 C. 4 20 min. 26.9 C. 5 30 min. 26.7 C. **6 20 min. 26.5 C. 7 25 min. 26.5 C. 8 30 min. 26.5 C. 9 35 min. 26.5 C. 10 40 min. 26.5 C. 11 45 min. 26.5 C. 12 50 min. 26.3 C. Average K = 0.00279. A B k 0.13807 0.13807 0.13798 0.13807 0.13798 0.13790 0.13788 0.13785 0.13782 0.13779 0.13775 0.13775 0.07235 0.07235 0.09205 0.07235 0.09205 0.07232 0.07230 0.07227 0.07224 0.07221 0.07219 0.07219 0.00327 0.00353* 0.00289 0.00283 0.00294 0.00285 0.00281 0.00278 0.00275 0.00272 0.00269 0.00269 *This value of K was excluded. *TohrtL7n fr°m 6 through 12 was made with a freshly prepared set of 51 “FUELS OF THE FUTURE” — (Stewart J. Lloyd, University of Alabama, University Introduction Alabama’s summer weather is about to begin, and the subject of fuels to keep us warm is not perhaps so interesting, but we shall still need them for cooking, Tor hot water, and for industrial purposes. This short paper is little more than a list of the fuels available in the future, with some comments on recent interesting developments. Wood The ancient fuel, beloved of all prospectors, explorers, and Boy Scouts. Like other fuels, it is finding so many new uses, that the time is approach¬ ing when it will be almost criminal to burn a log of wood. Cellulose fibre on the one hand, for paper and numberless other things, lignin and its multiform derivatives on the other, decomposition products of the wood sugars, all are finding applications in many ways. Wood turpentine, alco¬ hol, yeast, vanillin are all wood products. A large plant, paid for by the Federal Government, has been built on the west coast for making alcohol from sawdust. Also, a three-hundred page book by Egon Glesinger, entitled “Nazis in the Woodpile,” is devoted to showing that one of Hitler’s pri¬ mary objectives in extending his control over Europe was to secure poten¬ tial possession of its wood resources, which he considered the most essential raw material. Surely only u'aste wood, and wood found where no other fuel can be obtained will hereafter be used for the ignoble purpose of producing heat. Coal There is not and will not be any permanent shortage of coal;> for many long years to come, but the continued raising of coal miners’ pay will gradually restrict its use in domestic heating. I am not saying that these wages are too high, but even mechanization to the limit will not bring coal down again to its former favorable competitive position. It has plenty of disadvantages, anyway, for domestic use, and I doubt that many houses of moderate size in cities will in the future burn coal as a fuel. Central steam plants, where the dirt and ashes can be taken care of all in one place, will supplant the individual furnace. We must have metallurgical coke, of course, so there will be plenty of coal mined, plenty of coal will be hydrogenated to produce artificial petroleum, and we may need coke oven gas to supplement our natural gas supply, but coal as a domestic fuel is undoubtedly on the way out, regardless of the mechanical stokers and other devices intended to delay its passing. One of the ways of evading high mining costs may be to burn the coal in situ in the mine, with a limited amount of air, and then to use the combustible gases, mainly carbon monoxide; at the mine mouth, to produce power. This is being done in at least two places in Russia, and ought to be particularly adapted to high ash, sharply pitching seams, like some of those in our Coosa coal field. Oil Fuel oil is a convenient and concentrated source of heat, and will hold its own against almost all comers, no doubt. No one need be afraid that our supply of natural petroleum will fail at all soon, and even if it does, the technique of producing oil from bituminous coal, by at least two methods, is well known. Seventy per cent of the coal can be converted into a crude petroleum. 52 Nor is the cost prohibitive. I do not have the figures for fuel oil but for gasoline the data are at hand. A gallon of gasoline costs about 4-5 cents at the refinery. The difference between this figure and the 24 cents it costs us at the filling station is made up of transportation, handling, profits taxes, and other charges, but mainly of taxes. Synthetic gasoline c?sts, oo P ant ^bi°-ut 10 Cents a gallon, and should therefore cost us about 29-30 cents. This cost will probably be reduced as American engi¬ neers get their hands on the process. Don’t hesitate to buy an automobile or to install an oil fuel furnace for fear that the gasoline or oil will run out on you shortly. Gas, Especially Natural Gas F°r convenience and cleanliness, there are few fuels to compare with this material. Natural gas, of course, has a heat value nearly twice that of coke oven gas, and naturally would be preferred when obtainable, but oth are fine fuels. Every now and then someone threatens us with the exhaustion of our natural gas supplies, but the reserves seem to grow larger year by year. They are now measured in trillions of cubic feet. Here again a fight is looming up between those who want to use natural gas (methane) for a domestic fuel, and those who would look upon it as a chemical raw material. Plastics, many of them, start from acetylene, and acetylene can be readily made from natural gas as well as from coke and lime. Some of the natural gas states, Louisiana for exam- Tw tryinf Puroh1lb^.,the exP°rt of natural gas, especially into states ^ AlhLVC coal, 1 .should hke very much to see a large gas field show up west par ts^/the’sfate.3’6 g ProsPects’ both in ‘he northwest and south- Propane and Butane These fal! between gas and oil, inasmuch as they are liquids when stored, but gases when burned. Their use is increasing rapidly, as the technique of handling them is improved. They are, of course, by-products of the gas and oil industry, and should have the same length of life. Acetylene TpLi!1 may bC news-j° sJome .of the younger generation that acetylene, ™ hj > was once considered an important fuel, and many predictions were made that it instead of electricity, would dominate the lighting field. This ™as, tb? decade. of the last century. Now, of course, acetylene is tiid ,f°r, bghtinf onI^ In mmers; lamps, and is really a chemical, perhaps the most important basic material for synthetic organic chemistry. Electric Power .. oiWf do not usually think of electricity as a fuel, but in many places it surely does the same work. Electric ranges, electric water heaters and e ectric heaters for bath-rooms afford common uses for electrical power Several large homes in Alabama are heated only by electricity l V?® advance of the insulating art will undoubtedly increase this num- b,J\ 0Iie 5°u d, ,affo[d to heat a loose-jointed uninsulated house by nl !uty 111 . tbe °,d .orthodox way» but modern methods of construction plus thorough insulation may tell a different story. lore interesting still is the possibility, in our climate, of using the famous two-way cycle whereby electrical power cools a house in summer 'the rnh\S Itm,wl.nter\ In effect, the motor pumps heat into the house Tom he Chtd°T£ m tT-61"’ lnd in.™er Pumps it out of the house into the hot outside air. This scheme is already in operation in southern Cali- 53 fornia, and it is no secret that the Southern Research Institute here in Birmingham is making a careful and detailed study of this system, to adapt it to local conditions. I-f it finally attains wide use, the smoke nuisance in the valley will be greatly lessened. The theoretical efficiency, to use that much abused word, of this heat pumping process is sometimes as much as seven times as great as that of direct resistance heating. We could properly regard electricity as a fuel when used in this way. The Sun If we are allowed to call electricity a fuel, we ought not to hesitate to give the same name to sunlight. Solar heaters and solar engines are well known in both Florida and California, and Dr. Abbott at the Smith¬ sonian Institution in Washington has been experimenting with them for many years. Of course," they have obvious disadvantages; they won’t run at night, and in cloudy weather, and there is difficulty in reaching high temperatures with them, but they should not be lightly dismissed. Dis¬ coveries which will make them generally useful and common are surely not so unlikely as the events that led up to the atomic bomb. What would happen if we concentrated the efforts of our ablest scientists on this subject, the use of sun heat, and spent two billion dollars on it in four years ? Atomic Heat And that brings us to the last item on our list, heat from atomic (better nuclear) reactions. The public does not always realize that the catastrophic effect of the atomic bomb is really due to the production of heat. The incredible tem¬ perature produced by the bomb expands the air close to it so greatly and so rapidly that a tremendous force is exerted outwards in all directions. It is this wave of compressed air that levels buildings and does most of the property damage. Of course, the heat generated also melts everything near it, sets fire to whatever will burn, and kills animals and men nearby. But, as someone has said, if the atomic bomb exploded in a vacuum it would do comparatively little damage. How can this incredible production of heat be tamed, and subdued, and used for heating and power purposes? The work done at Chicago and later at Hanford, Washington, showed one way. By removing or inserting certain extraneous materials in the “pile” where the nuclear reaction was going on, they were able to speed it up, or slow it down at will. A well known engineer has said publicly that he is ready today to design a power plant, a steam power plant, for the city of Washington, D. C., using nuclear power, but he did not say how much the power would cost. There is not much point in figuring out now how much Uranium 235 is going to cost, and how much there is of it in the world. New deposits of this element (uranium) will undoubtedly be found, and new ways of separating the isotopes. Everyone tells us now that they cannot be sep¬ arated chemically, and will no doubt continue to tell us this until some one does separate them in that way. It is hard to believe, too, that Uranium is the only key to useful nuclear fission. The whole history of atomic structure study is full of surprises, of the doing of impossible things. The two ends of what the chemist calls the “Periodic Table,” the very heavy elements like lead and thallium and bismuth, and the very light ones like hydrogen and helium are good prospects. No doubt the first commercial use of nuclear power will be found in 54 large central power houses, where safety precautions can be enforced However, it is unsafe to prophesy even here. No one knows what modifi- iactions and improvements may turn up. ' Conclusion • u The yhole hjstory of fuels and of power sources illustrates the fool- ishness of worrying much about the exhaustion of our natural resources When the forests of Great Britain showed signs of exhaustion the cry went up that disaster was around the corner, no wood to heat the homes, no charcoal for the iron furnaces. The editor of the American Journal of Science in 1831 viewed with alarm the vast consumption of wood by steamboats. So coal and coke came into use. Later falling water was harnessed to make electrical energy, and oil and gas in the earth were discovered two other useful fuels. Now that the oil and gas fields are being heavily taxed, we learn to manufacture these two from coal and probably from vegetable wastes. ’ An^*L0W heat is coming in to supplement or even replace ?T.e °f older sources and if necessary sun heat will sooner or later be concentrated so as to make it industrially useful. Nuclear fission may also very likely provide us some day with sup¬ plies of scarce metals like beryllium and hafnium, and replace our waning supphes of tin, tungsten and vanadium. Altogether, I think we may well follow the advice of the chorus in the ancient drama, which when invked to worry about future disasters said, invited “These things are of the future, present tasks demand our care ihe ordering of the future rests where it should rest.” 55 RECENT OIL DEVELOPMENTS IN ALABAMA — 'Stewart J. Lloyd, Alabama Geological Survey, University The following note is intended merely to bring up to date the infor¬ mation already presented to the Academy on Alabama oil affairs. Oil production in Alabama is growing slowly, but surely. Since the first well came in on February 15, 1944, near Gilbertown in Choctaw County, there have been drilled 74 wells, 26 of them productive, the others dry. The producers have been confined to Choctaw County, and occur in three groups, one near the Mississippi line, another, the largest, just west of Gilbertown, and the third just southeast of Gilbertown. From northwest to southeast they extend, with two breaks, for about eleven or twelve miles. The present width of the field is not over three-fourths of a mile. Two oil companies share the production, the Hunt Oil Company, and: the Carter Company, a subsidiary of the Standard. The oil from all these wells is much the same, low gravity (17-19), and fairly free from gas. 'Salt water is encountered in some of them, and a separating plant has been installed. So far, the output of the field has gone to various places, with one large tanker load leaving Mobile recently for the Standard Refinery near New York City. Just now the Hunt Company, under the name of a sub¬ sidiary, the Placid Oil Company, is building a small refinery at Tuscaloosa, especially to handle the oil from this field and from adjacent Mississippi. One of the chief products of this plant will be asphalt, which ought to find wide use in the road paving programs of the southeastern states. _ None of the wells have been heavy producers, the average running about 50 barrels per day, but on the other hand none of them have gone dry. Somewhat to everyone’s surprise, production in this field was obtained at shallow depths, from 2800 to 3300 feet. A fractured zone at the base of the Selma and a sand in the Eutaw have supplied all the oil to date. Drilling to 5000 feet in some of these wells has not found oil below the Eutaw. Production up to the end of February, 1944, totalled roughly 300,000 barrels, not an imposing figure, but difficulties in collecting and marketing the oil have held production far below the capacity of the wells. Present production is running about 1000 barrels per day. (A barrel of oil contains 42 gallons.) Drilling in counties other than Choctaw has so far been unsuccessful. Mobile, Washington, Clarke, Escambia, Wilcox, and Marengo in the south have all had trials. An 8500 foot well in Mobile County was recently completed as a dry hole. In northwest Alabama, Walker and Winston counties have been explored with several shallow holes, and what appears to be a promising gas field has been located, not far from Jasper. In Madison County shallow exploration wells have disclosed shows of oil, but no commercial production. It is remarkable that the Gilbertown discovery did not create the usual frenzied rush to the field. Perhaps the reason is that one company had under lease most of the neighboring area. Also, there have been no bonanza wells so far, but other fields in other states have had a similar history. Relatively light production has continued for a year or two, and then a bonanza discovery turned up which attracted wide attention. All in all, Alabama has had little drilling, and it is surprising how small an area is needed to produce a flood of oil. Spindletop at Beau¬ mont, Texas, and even the famous East Texas field covered little terri¬ tory. There is plenty of opportunity both in south and north Alabama for 56 courageous exploration and if there is one quality that the American oil man has it is financial courage. can 011 a 1 1 The lies a.lon§' the most striking structure of South Alabama, the Hatchetigbee anticline, which was first observed almost a century ago. The field is on the north flank of this great s^ucturT and re necessary closure apparently is effected by a minor fault, or faults hahsC com? from U t h p "t W ,theTHeic|elbeiT area across the line in Mississippi ™ th thlC,k Tuscaloosa sands, well below the Gilbertown Tnsna^ g an,d ,lt: 1S, hlghly improbable that this “massive” Tuscaloosa will be found altogether barren in Alabama. As more well lo°-s are obtained in the field, both from producers and dry holes, the structure more^nTenfgently6 apparent’ and future wildcat drilling can be directed 57 ECOLOGICAL FACTORS IN THE PIKE COUNTY POCOSIN — C: M. Farmer, Troy State Teachers College, Troy. The pocosin is a peculiar geological formation about six miles east of Troy in Pike County. It consists of deep narrow ravines with steep sides and streams of water in the bottom. How it was formed is as yet a matter of conjecture, as no studies have been made to find an answer to that question. The striking feature is the dense wilderness of green in the ravines at all seasons of the year. A number of plants not common in that area are found there. Among the plants found there are : Magnolia, bay, beech, black and sweet gum, birch, several species of oaks, maple, tea olive, rhododendron, huckleberry, granny graybeard, squaw, or cancer root, Spanish moss, wild plums, witch hazel, dogwood, swamp honeysuckle, misletoe, and many others. To determine the difference in the temperature, humidity and baro¬ metric pressure at the top of the hill above and at the bottom of one of the ravines and the probable influence these factors have on the striking difference in the winter foliage, I made thirteen trips at irregular inter¬ vals between October 4, 1945, and March 24, 1946. At these visits I took the temperature, humidity and barometric pressure at both the top and bottom of the ravine. The following results were obtained : At the Top of the Ravine Average M edian Range Temperature . 64 degrees F. 61.81 degrees 35 to 80 degrees Humidity . . 59 59.44 48 to 70 Air Pressure . . 29.75 in. 29.65 in. 29.46 to 29.98 in. At the Bottom of the Ravine Average Median Range Temperature.... 62 degrees F. 60.61 degrees 36 to 78 degrees Humidity . . 68 73.57 60 to 95 Air Pressure.... . 29.75 in. 29.69 in. 29.50 to 30.03 in. An examination of these figures shows what was to be expected. The median temperature at the top is 64 degrees while that at the bottom is 62 degrees, but what is of much greater significance is that the range at the top was greater, being 35 degrees to 80 degrees, while at the bottom the range was from 36 to 78 degrees. The humidity was always greater at the bottom, the median at the top being 59 and at the bottom 68. These differences, however, were not as great as I had expected. Two things may have influenced this. First, my visits were in the middle or late afternoon, the warmest part of the day, which would tend to make the temperature more nearly equal. Second, the winter was a comparatively mild one with not much hard freezing, which would also tend to equalize the temperatures at the top and bottom. In spite of these facts, I believe there is enough difference in the temperature and humidity, as shown in the table, to be significant in accounting for the difference in the plant life at the top and bottom of the ravine. 58 THE CONVERSION OF HARDWOOD TO PINE STANDS IN ALABAMA —Rudolph Stahelin, Associate forester, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Auburn. . natu.ral forest in central and northern Alabama consists of a mixture of pines and hardwoods. Often the cutting of pines, as well as frequent fires, has practically eliminated the pines and left hardwoods of interior quality and badly damaged by fires in possession of thousands of acres. Since pines produce more wood of higher value per acre than hardwoods, the reestablishment of pines on such lands is of great economic importance. There are economic as well as ecological factors that make the rein- troduction of pines into hardwood stands difficult. Wood is relatively a cheap product, considering the long time it takes to grow it. The wood- and manager, therefore, is limited in the amount of money he can expend to grow it. Agricultural crops are highly artificial plant communities that require much attention, such as seeding, cultivating, fertilizing, watering and dusting. A forest crop, on the other hand, even if established by plant- ing or seeding, is still essentially a natural plant community, which has to stand and thrive with as little artificial help as possible. Changing an undesirable forest cover to a more desirable one means work and money, unless this change conforms to the natural development of the tree community In the case of the pine-hardwood stand, pines have some disadvantages and some advantages over hardwoods. Of most prac- wnnlflm?°rttnC-e 1S .thKe,-fuCt that r pines need more light than most hard- W?n f vw,!r establishment If they can Set established on an equal footing with the hardwoods, then their height growth, which is generally greater than the growth of the hardwoods, will soon give them a secure anleVen JommancLe over the competing hardwoods. The practical problem then is, how much artificial help must be given the pines to assure their establishment and dominance over the hardwoods. The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station has conducted two test.me^h°ds of reestablishing pines in hardwood stands. On the first area located at the Mam Station, Auburn, slash, loblolly shortleaf andlongleaf pine were planted in 1933 at regular intervals under hardwoods. The hardwoods consisted of oaks and hickories, that developed from underbrush and sprouts after the original stand of longleaf p^ne had been cut off in 1924. On a portion of this area the hardwoods were cut down four years after planting. The success of this planting waTin proportion to the ability of each species to get established and mfke satis¬ factory growth under shade. Longleaf pine was a complete failure Short- leaf was successful only when released. Slash and loblolly did fairly well even where not released. The growth however, was about three times greater on the released part than on the unreleased portion of the area ,1 he second experiment was done near Talladega on an area cimilar to the one at Auburn. Only slash and loblolly pinf trees were used foJ under plantings. Several treatments of releasing the pines from hardwood corapetmon varymg in degree and time of release were employed Me f bo.th species was in general very satisfactory. The height growth of the trees was related to the amount of hardwood competition . r anflysis °f the effect of the release cuttings made four years after planting shows the following results of ecological significance. The cut¬ ting treatments may be grouped into two types— clear-cutting and partial “"If. Sf hai;dwoods. In clear-cutting, all hardwoods were c?t down, and partial cutting, only the more severe hardwood competition was removed. 59 The height growth of the planted trees during 1945 was then studied in its relation to the remaining hardwood competition. For this purpose the degree of hardwood competition remaining after cutting was classified in four groups : 0 = No Competition — distance to nearest hardwood stem at least equal to its height. 1 = Light competition — competition from one side only and distance to nearest hardwood not less than one-half its height. 2 = Moderate competition — no overhead cover and no competition from two sides. 3 = Severe competition — no or very light overhead cover, but competition from three or four sides. 4 = Very severe competition — complete overhead cover. On the clear-cut plots all competition classes were, of course, reduced to 0. Competition changed at an average from class 3 to class 1 on the plots with partial release. Clear-cutting involved about twice as much labor as partial cutting. The average height growth of the planted trees in relation to treat¬ ment as well as in relation to hardwood competition remaining after treatment is shown in the following table. » Average Height Growth in Feet, 1945 Cutting Hardwood competition class treatment 0 1 2 3 4 Average Clear cutting . 2.4 2.4 Partial cutting . 2.4 1.8 1.7 1.0 1.9 No cutting . 2.2 2.2 1.4 1.0 .4 1.4 Average . . 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.0 .4 The growth of loblolly pines was in each case a little better than that of slash pines. This experiment shows that underplanting of pines, where hardwoods are not too dense or too tall, can be successful. The pines should be re¬ leased within a few years after planting to obtain satisfactory growth. It is too early to draw definite conclusions about the most desirable method of release. Where the hardwoods can be used for firewood and where a good pulpwood market is available, clear-cutting may be justified. If saw- timber is the only or main objective and if labor is scarce, partial release may be the best method. 60 CONDITIONS OF'ALABAMA WOODLANDS AND A SUGGESTED PROGRAM OF ACTION FOR FARM WOODS — L. M. Ware, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. Economic Problem Number One’” is a title which some have applied to the oouth. I his questionable honor is not due primarily to a lack of assets, resources, or opportunities; it is largely by default. It is ours because we have refused to accept the responsibility of caring for, develop- mg, and using properly the resources and assets that belong to the South the bouth can become what others have claimed for it, “Economic Op¬ portunity Number One.” To do this will require that the South develop the resources,, human and natural, that belong to it. Forestry is one of the South’s greatest natural resources, a renewable one and one that may be altered by the efforts of man. No. other forest area of the nation has the natural advantages of the bouth in acreage, adapted species, and rapid growth. With 44 per cent of the commercial timber area, the South is growing 58 per cent of the nations wood and 64 per cent of the nation’s saw timber. This record is made in spite of neglect, abuse, and ruthless exploitation of our forests ihe casual observer however, has not failed to notice, and students of the woods know full well, that the forests of the South are in bad shape Our forests are making only a fraction of the growth they are capable of making and providing only a fraction of the income they might produce. Large areas are deteriorating in quality with the passing of time ihe purpose of this report is to describe the conditions that have been found by investigations in Alabama woodlands, to relate these conditions to certain casual factors, to outline what experiments indicate might be done to improve conditions and to suggest a broad program of action that will systematically set about getting a job done. The suggested pro- gram may be considered by some to be radical and the remedy too drastic but the situation demands drastic measures if Alabama woodlands are to be made productive without undue loss of time. Condition of Alabama Woodlands th„ Al^eraAtlVe Sndy ,bj^the Southern Forest Experiment Station and the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station was conducted in 1938-40 Ibe fPrT7i, purpose.s of ^he study were to determine the condition of t e stands, the quantity and quality of pine reproduction, and the factors responsible for or associated with pine reproduction. The study included ThU„r coupes of A abama : each county was in a different soil province th! tPain’ *he Upper Coastal Plain, the Piedmont, and 16,bAPfaIaChian ,Plateau regions were represented. The results will apply to the larger part of central and northern Alabama. P1 X A few of the results are given: 1J- pCir Cent i°f the stands examined was adequately stocked Of the stands inadequately stocked, only 22 per cent had satisfactory pine reproduction; 62 per cent had unsatisfactory reproduction; 17 per cent had no pine reproduction. ’ 1 c 1 Causes of Unsatisfactory Pine Reproduction Inadequate seed trees were responsible for or were associated with poor pine reproduction on 43 per cent o£ the stands; fires were associated 29 7 37 r Cent °f the sta,,ds’ ’'^wood brS on 7,, P , cent of the stands, and overstory competition on 23 per cent of the stands. Grazing and erosion were responsible for or associated with poor pine reproduction on 14 per cent of the stands. d ™ 61 Fire Control Necessary But Only Part of the Program Probably no single organized program of man could accomplish so much on so large an area in so short a time with as little cost and effort per acre as a State-wide fire-control program. Alabama is to be con¬ gratulated on providing means for a State-wide fire-control program. We should, however, not consider the job done when we obtain control of fires. Although fire control assures reestablishment of pine on thousands of acres of Alabama timber land, it is known that there is a large acreage of forest land in Alabama that will not restock satisfactorily to pines, even though fires are controlled for the next 50 to 100 years. Remember that 43 per cent or almost one-half of the woodland areas examined in the Alabama study had poor pine reproduction because of an inadequate number of seed trees. Fire protection will not bring back seed trees that have been cut, and the Alabama study reveals that there are only four chances in a hundred of satisfactory pine reproduction without adequate seed trees. Remember also that on 29 per cent of the stands, hardwood brush was responsible for poor pine reproduction. These studies reveal that there are only 20 chances in 100 of satisfactory pine reproduction on areas having more than 20 per cent of the local ground area covered with hardwood brush. Fire prevention will not help the hardwood brush sit¬ uation. The combined presence of hardwood brush and overstory, also largely hardwoods, was responsible for poor pine reproduction on 52 per cent of the stands. These facts are evidence that something more than fire protection is needed to keep our woods coming back to pine, and pines must remain a dominant part of the composition of our stands if the greatest value is to be derived from our forest areas. This is not to condemn hardwoods, but most of the hardwoods are of low quality and low commercial value. In comparison, pines grow faster, are of better quality, have a more varied use, and return more per acre within a given period of time than the hardwoods that are referred to here. Conditions Necessary for Satisfactory Pine Reproduction Certain combinations of factors must be present for satisfactory pine reproduction. For satisfactory pine reproduction, there must be presence of seed trees, absence of fires during the first five years after seeding or planting, absence or only a limited amount of hardwood brush competi¬ tion, openings in the canopy of sufficient size to permit pine reproduction and growth, and protection from excessive grazing. Conditions of Woodlands as Shown by Other Studies The forest survey made in 1935-36 showed that the average acre of second-growth pine in Alabama supported about 45 per cent of the volume it was able to support and that 55 per cent was rough and limby. This is evidence of inadequate stocking of stands. The forest survey data also showed that, while pines constituted 55 per cent of the volume of sound material in saw timber, the volume of sound material in cull trees of hardwood species was eight times the volume of softwoods. Furthermore, hardwoods constituted 63 per cent of the total volume of sound material below saw-timber size. These facts indicate that conditions found in Alabama woods are far from satisfactory. One other major factor that is an essential part of the over-all situation is the presence in Alabama of 1.5 million acres of idle and abandoned farm land. There is reason to believe that a con¬ siderable amount of this idle land will go into kudzu or lespedeza sericea. 62 {°Lth'1S area,wl11 seed-in” to Pine naturally, but a conservative estimate of the acres that will require planting, if these idle acres are to be made productive, is 500,000 to 700,000 acres. What Alabama Experiments Have Shown Can Be Done to Increase Growth and Improve Woodland Conditions Experiments by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station at Auburn and at six outlying experimental forest units have shown: 1) that growth of artificially established pines on abandoned land where competition is largely absent may be two, three, four, or even six or s®YeiI^imes the average growth of the woodlands of the State. , £). , 1 hat cut-over areas restocked to hardwoods can be artificially re- r?,tHnlSh?d t(VTeS bY pIant'ng pmes and by giving them one or two release cuttings 2 and 4, or 3 and 5 years after planting 3) That maximum growth is the result of the use of the right kind and right number of trees on the land. 4) That a farmer using his own labor to harvest and deliver the iorest products from his own woods may receive as much as $8 to $10 ?etuSseoPfer$iy5eatn f6nm weIUtocked standsf of slash or loblolly pines, or unusually Yood sT.ef ^ ^ ^ ^ for StUmpage and labor from ^hat tkY Ya[ue after the fifteenth year of the wood grown and to the cost oTplInttag g ^ dehvermS be «><* year A Proposed Program of Action thefse, backg[ound facts, it is proposed that a coordinated pro¬ gram supported by all agencies of the State concerned with woodland improvement be formulated. wuoaiana The program would include four phases of work, three within the woods and one on abandoned land : Phase 1 Phase one of the program would consist of planting on every partici¬ pating farm i 2 to 4 acres of idle or abandoned farm land to pines each - ear until all unused acres not going into forage crops are planted. Those areas that will naturally restock to pines obviously need not be planted. Phase Z , tP^aS1 1^° w0 jld ,appIy to those wooded areas consisting of the poorest stocked stands and the poorest species, and having the least chance of rrama^irSe?Pr0dUCtl0n by This phase of ““p™- • ^ Systematic clearing and planting on every participating farm hav¬ ing woods in this class of 1, 2, or 3 acres each year of forest land. at a cho!e?timehe nght nUmber °f the right kind of trees on the land 3) Releasing pines in 2 or 3 years and following by a second release 1 n4Cwj!7 2 °r n fCarS /ter sb°uId hardwoods offer serious competition , 4) Usmg cull trees from the cleared land as firewood and the few better trees for lumber, crossties, and poles. Phase 3 Phase three would apply to areas of forests much understocked but fte w^lTtocS: rees,ablishi"S P™ »*”*■ This phase of 1) Removal of competing hardwood brush after a good seed crop in 63 order to permit pine to survive the first year, or release of seedlings if present but suppressed by hardwood brush. 2) Removal of poor quality hardwoods or cull softwoods in the over¬ story to provide sufficient openings to assure survival and growth of pines. 3) Release cuttings in later years to assure that the pines will become established and will dominate the stand. Phase 4 Phase four would apply to the better stocked stands. It would consist of the use of good forest practices on the better-stocked stands to improve quality, to build up growing stcok, and to provide a continuous, source of wood for harvest and sale. Concluding Remarks This is a long-time job, but we have been at the job of destroying and exploiting our forest resources for a very long time. The immensity of this program cannot be overlooked. If a 20-year program is undertaken looking to the planting during this period of one million acres, the State and nursery output each year would necessarily be stepped up from two million seedlings per year to 50 million seedlings per year. In 20 years, only one million acres of the eight million acres of farm woodlands or its 1.5 million acres of idle, abandoned land would be planted. An additional two million acres or more of the woodede area should have been adequately restocked by natural reseeding with artificial conditioning of the site and release of the pines. Another 2 to 4 million should by odds consist of well-stocked stands. Probably one-half million acres of abandoned land, likewise, should have restocked naturally. The ultimate hope of such a program would be to put the right num¬ ber of the right kind of trees on the 8 million acres of farm woodland to replace the inadequately stocked stands that now occupy the land and produce a relatively small income. By this improvement, the average rate of growth should be increased from the present level .4 of a cord per acre per year to 1 or cords per acre per year or the growth should be increased from the present level of 110 board feet per acre per year to 400 or 500 board feet per acre per year. The value to Alabama farmers of 6 to 8 million acres producing from $6 to $10 per acre per year or even $15 to $18 per acre per year under unusual conditions from the products grown and the labor provided by the harvesting and delivering of this wood would be immense. The value to the average farm having 30 acres of wood should be equivalent to about one-third to one-half the value of agricultural crops. It is now about ten per cent. These values are worth whatever effort is required to see that they materialize. The program is admittedly bold ; the procedures are drastic. The situation, however, demands a drastic remedy. Experiments have shown that the measures suggested will go a long way towards making farm woods productive and profitable. The results in due course of time will justify the efforts many times over. The opinion is expressed that a vigorous program requiring vigorous action with results immediately apparent has a much better chance of succeeding than a passive program requiring little effort with results not apparent for years. 65 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PREPARED for the TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING of the ALABAMA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 19 4 6 TICKS AND MITES OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE IN FORREST COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI — Allan F. Archer, University. The following list of ticks and mites is based on collections made by the author and others in Forrest County, Mississippi, in 1945 and 1946. The list of ticks is probably quite complete, and represents species of medical importance. The list of mites is incomplete, but includes some species of economic importance. Ticks Ambylomma anievicanuni. Found on man, cattle, horses, mules, dogs, rabbits. Dermacentor variabilis. Man, dogs. Haemaphysalis leporis- palustris. Rabbits. Ixodes scapularis. Man, dogs. Rhipicephalus san¬ guineus. Dogs. Mites Dermanyssus hifundinis. Chickens, pigeons. Echidnolaelaps echidnitius. Rats. Eutrombicula alfreddugesi. The redbug. Man, chickens. Eiponys- sus bacoti. The tropical rat mite. Rats. Otodcctcs cynotis. Dogs, cats. Parafetranychus ilicis. Pin aks, sycamore, myrtle laurel. Tetranychus bimaculatus. Honeysuckle. THE EFFECT OF REPEATED PRUNING ON HEIGHT AND DIAMETER GROWTH OF PLANTED SLASH PINE —William R. Boggess, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. An experiment to test the effect of repeated pruning on planted slash pine was initiated in 1941 on the Barbour County Experimental Forest Area of the Alabama Experiment Station. Trees, in a five year old slash pine plantation were pruned in 1941, 1942, 1943 and 1945 to one-fourth, one-half and three-fourths of their total height. Measurements were made during the same years and growth was compared with trees which had not been pruned. Total diameter growth (breast height) for the five year period has been reduced 31 per cent for yA pruned trees, 22 per cent for J4 pruned trees, and 9 per cent for the ^ pruned trees. Height growth for the same period was 20 per cent less for the pruned trees and 12 per cent less for the J4 pruned trees. There was no difference in the height growth of the pruned and unpruned trees. 66 INFANTILE AND ADULT TYPES OF HEMOGLOBIN -J. K. Cline, Biochemistry Department, Medical College of Alabama “ wafnoTu*" » 1 Si " wl nese is produced in the embryo and is present at birth TliP t der oTlife^D, TT °f lgC,and aPParently persists throughout the remain 3.^w^,iss^ai33 :&2S£l£sI:*£3iSM,»£ S&’Srt'Sfft^ST# a^TMsriraa-SaSSS CYCLIZATION OF SYNTHETIC RUBBER* —Fred W. Cox, Southern Research Institute, Birmingham natura^or'isopren^ rubber ^an^be'^ade^ to1 'Vh>ile reaC‘iV' 'han temperatures to form ^ products A. , 8° cyc!'2?,tlon « elevated cyclized natural rubber CoadmT on Z/r h QU’te ?lmiIar t0 those of mission rates comparable to those of ^cbze^ru^e'5*^ TpP°r tran?' compatible with GRS so that it mav ^ ™°ber and the resm is lar to rubber- Pliolite mixtures Thirh H ° f°rm compositions simi- ‘*b°ra*°ri « •* «* Goodyear 67 FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS OF SPIRAL HEAT EXCHANGERS — K. W. Coons, University of Alabama, University. Spiral heat exchangers introduced in Sweden by Rosenblad about 1910 were being produced in Birmingham before the war. During the war they met with wide use in cooling acids in T.N.T. plants, cooling oils in shell and machine shops, and in other industries. New markets are being found in the citrus and distilling industries. Study of the flow characteristics shows that turbulence occurs at lower velocities in these machines than in tubular units, while pressure drop is not increased. Heat transfer characteristics follow the conventional Dittus-Boelter equation for turbulent flow. Under viscous flow the heat transfer coefficients are from 50 to 100 per cent greater than for tubular units. TALLOL— POST WAR DEVELOPMENTS — Kenneth W. Coons, University of Alabama, University. Tallol — a vegetable oil obtained as a by-product from the sulphate (Kraft) paper mills, found widespread use during the war in the paint and varnish, soap, textile and other industries. The efforts of the industry to transfer into postwar fields are described. Present production of 144,000 tons annually is inadequate to meet present demands and will probably be expanded during 1946. CENTRIFUGAL CASTING AS A METHOD OF FORMING STEEL — C. K. Donoho, American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham. The direct forming of useful parts from liquid steel by centrifugal casting is not new but there was a remarkable expansion in this field during the war years. By use of centrifugal methods foundries were able to produce steel parts more uniform in properties and consistently more free from defects. Centrifugal casting also enabled foundries to produce successfully parts which were formerly available with suitable quality only in the form of forgings or rolled products. To evaluate centrifugal cast¬ ing, then, we may compare it as a method with static casting and with forging or rolling. Compared to static casting, centrifugal casting gives generally, (1) better soundness and cleanliness, (2) higher yield of useful parts in rela¬ tion to metal poured, and (3) better adaptability to mass production. Com¬ pared to forging the centrifugal casting method, (1*) produces parts nearer to finished dimensions, (2) gives freedom from directional properties, and (3) has lower equipment cost than for forging dies and presses. Of course, there are disadvantages. Compared to static casting there are limitations of size and shape and the expense of maintaining spinning equipment. Compared to forging or rolling there is the lack of opportunity to test the steel before forming the part, and somewhat lower ductility in the longitudinal direction. One of the most interesting examples of a centrifugally cast part which replaced a forging is the aircraft engine cylinder barrel for the 2200 horse-power Pratt and Whitney engine. Ford Motor Company de¬ veloped the process and proved the performance. 68 At the American Cast Iron Pipe Company we worked very closely with Ford on the centrifugally cast steel program and produced many hundreds of thousands of similar parts. Another valuable type of centrifugally cast steel part is the long tube, these castings are made in the same machines used for cast iron pipe. the vertical°ajds ^ Cylindrical are cast centrifugally by spinning about Conclusion : By centrifugal economically produced which produced by any other method. casting methods, many steel parts can be are physically equal or superior to parts THE BUFFER CAPACITY OF SALIVA AS A MEASURE OF DENTAL CARIES ACTIVITY -Samuel Dreizen, Arvin W. Mann, J. K. Cline, and Tom D Spies Birmingham. H ’ Fifty patients with varying amounts of dental caries were selected for ar medlc^’ dent.al: and dietary history supplemented bv 7 teSiS - j0! • Cf rieu actlvlty’ Following these observations the patients were divided into three groups, the criteria being nutritional status defiriVn?^ i-0f iCrneiS actfvlt^ GrouP 1 contained sixteen nutritionally deficient, but relatively caries free patients. Group 2, twenty well nourished ed nT H Tderate canes activity, and Group 3, fourteen well nourish- eel patients with rampant caries. Paraffin stimulated saliva collected from each of the fifty patients was tested for dental caries activity by the chemical method of Fosdick Hansen and Epple, the bacteriological method of Hadley, and a method developed by the authors which measured the buffer capacity of the saliva. The latter method consisted of taking the pH reading of a five cc sample of saliva with a Beckman pH meter. Then from a burette calibrated to deliver 0.04 cc per drop, 0.1 N lactic acid was added a drop at a time and a pH reading taken after the addition of each drop. Buffer curves were prepared by plotting pH against cc of acid used. The amount °Ha,clIC acid reQu>red to lower the pH of the saliva sample from pH 7 0 to pH 6.0 was regarded as the measure of the buffer capacity of the saliva. < . A dfuinkterrand readdy discernible difference was found to exist between the buffer capacity of the saliva of a caries immune and a caries susceptible individual. The results achieved with the buffer capacity method correlated well with the chemical and bacteriological tests for caHes acti- with °tlieh mmi'tlf SampleS °f ,sahva’ as wel1 as with the findings obtained hC+ TU h m'rror exploring time and dental x-ray. The buffer capacity test also offered an explanation for the few instances of non¬ correlation between the chemical and bacteriological tests. Malnoumhed patients relatively free from dental caries had the high- arir1nnhTr m th Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael, Father P. H Yancey, Dr. J. P. Reynolds, Mr. E. D. Emigh, Mr. Edgar C. Horton, Mr. J. H. Coulliette, Mrs. Wynelle D. Thompson, Mr J M Stauffer, Dr. John Xan, Mr. Alan T. Wager, Miss Kathryn M. Boehmer' Dr- J- A. Tower, Miss Clara Weishaupt, Miss Sue Keller and Miss Winnie McGIamery. . F Minutes : It was moved and seconded that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with, as they have been published in the Journal, October, 1945. 2. Report of the Treasurer : Dr. John Xan, Treasurer, read his report, showing the finances of the Academy to be in good condition, with a 1946, of $646.87. Dr. George D. Palmer moved, seconded by Mr. E. C. Horton, that the report be accepted and referred to the Audit¬ ing Committee. Motion carried. 3. Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S.: This report was read by Dr. Septima C. Smith. Dr. J. A. Tower moved, seconded by Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael, that the report be accepted as read. Motion carried. 4. Report of ■ the Coordinator of the Alabama Junior Academy of ocience _ with Science Clubs of America : Miss Kathryn M Boehmer in presenting her report of progress for the year, stated that Alabama had this year 100 white schools with science clubs affiliated with Science Clubs ot America, and eight with the Alabama Junior Academy of Science. Miss Boehmer made a request for $50.00 to carry on next year’s work $25 00 from the Senior Academy, and $25.00 from the Junior Academy ’Dr E V. Jones moved, seconded by Dr. Walter B. Jones, that the report be accepted, and that the request for .funds from the Senior Academy be doubled that the amount granted be $50.00 instead of $25.00. Motion carried. Report appended. 5 . Report of the Editor: This report was read by Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael. Dr. Walter B. Jones moved, seconded by Dr. C. M. Farmer that the report be accepted. Motion carried. Dr. John Xan moved, and it was seconded, that the Secretary should be informed when Academy members become members or Fellows of the A.A.A.S. Motion carried. 6. Report of the Standing Committees : a . Committee on Membership and Activities: Mr. Emigh reported this activity to be in a sholesome state, that the Section Chairmen are continuing to bring in new members. b. Committee on Research : In the absence of Dr. Poor, Chairman the report will be carried over until Saturday. c. Publications Committee : Mr. J. H. Coulliette, Chairman, re¬ ported that the papers published in the last Journal were approved by this Committee, as well as the abstracts of other papers. Dr Emmett B. Carmichael moved, seconded by Dr. James L. Kassner! that the President-Elect be the publicity agent for the Academy Motion carried. J 85 Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael moved, seconded by Dr. J. P. Rey¬ nolds, that members may present complete papers for the Journal that have not been presented at the Academy meeting, subject to the action of the Publications Committee. Motion carried. d. Long Range Planning Committee : Dr. George D. Palmer, Chair¬ man, reported that at a meeting of this committee on May 2, the following motion was passed unanimously : “That the Long Range Planning Committee endorses the program (see ‘State Science Needs’ published elsewhere in Journal ) in principle; that the Long Range Planning .Committee be placed on a more permanent basis and representative of all interests; that a committee of six be appointed by President Robinson to study the matter and report back to the Executive Committee ; and that the Executive Com¬ mittee be given the power to act.” Dr. Palmer moved, seconded by Mr. Emigh, the acceptance of this report. Motion carried. e. Report of the Committee on Revision of the Constitution and By-Laws : Mr, Emigh, Chairman, reported that this work is not yet completed, and recommends that the matter stand as it is for the present. 7. Place of Meeting for 1947: Dr. E. V. Jones moved, seconded by Dr. Walter B. Jones, that the next meeting be held in Birmingham. Motion carried. Air. J. H. Coulliette moved, and it was seconded that “Suggestions for Authors” be officially adopted by the Academy and printed in the Journal. Motion carried. Mrs. Wynelle D. Thompson moved, seconded by Dr. James L. Kass- ner, that the name of Section 7 be changed from The Teaching of Science to Science Education. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. WINNIE McGLAAlERY, Secretary MINUTES OF THE PRELIMINARY BUSINESS MEETING, MAY 3, 1946 The meeting was called to order by President J. M. Robinson at 1:00 P.AL, North Terrace, Tutwiler Hotel. 1. Minutes: It was moved and seconded that the reading of the Min¬ utes of the last meeting be dispensed with, and that they be accepted as published in the Journal. Motion carried. 2. Report of the Editor of the Journal: This report was read by Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael. Dr. J. P. Reynolds moved, seconded by Dr. George D. Palmer, that it be accepted. Motion carried. Report appended. 3. Reports of the Standing Committees : a. Committee on Membership and Activities’. Mr. E. D. Emigh, Chairman, reported that the number of new members for the year testifies to the activity of the Section Chairmen as well as Academy members. It was moved and seconded that this report be accepted. Motion carried. b. Publications Committee : Mr. J. H. Coulliette, Chairman, re¬ ported that the seven complete papers on which were published in the last Journal, and abstracts of other papers were approved by the Committee. He added that emphasis should be placed on more and better papers. 'Section Chairmen should send to Mr. Couliette 86 papen5 J ?ue c?nsidered for printing in full. It was moved and seconded that the report be accepted. Motion carried. An;hn??>1Kette/,Tji,Kan(lit ^seconded, that “Suggestions for Motion carrieadd°Pted ^ the Academy and Prmted in the Journal. c Long Range Planning Committee : Dr. George D. Palmer read Mavr?7r^nrrnteM-i0ihe, L°2g Range Plannin& Committee on May 2 (report published elsewhere in Journal). Dr. Xan moved and it was seconded that the recommendation of the Executive Committee be accepted, that is, that a Committee of six be chosen mittee^Motion3 carried. CapacRy ‘he Long Range Planning Com- BvRlLZ ?■ °LrierCOmulitru 0,1 Revision °f the Constitution and completed M Emigh’ Chairman, reported this work not yet ending RAm\\ 29 Dr„JoTbn Xan read his report for the year Tnnl/fw ll,29’ 1946. Dr. Walter B. Jones moved, seconded by Dr E V Motion hcarrihed.rePOrt ^ aCCepted’ and referred to the Auditing Committee.’ 5 Report of the Councilor of the A.A.A.S.: This report was read hv Dr. Septima C. Smith. Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael moved and ft was seconded, the acceptance of this report. Motion carried. ft, off/ aCC Mating: Dr. J. P. Reynolds moved, and it was seconded : , tthiE,ep-reC°rn?,endut10? °f, the Executive Committee be accepted that is, that Birmingham be the place of meeting for next year. Motion carried ■Committee for the A.A.A.S. Award announced: Dr. James L Kass- ner, Chairman, with the eight Vice-Presidents. J fW /S;-Wy?eiIe D' Thompson moved, seconded by Dr. Walter B Tones T^JiTof Ca"ed Sdm“ ^ Announcements : Rooms for the meeting places of the various sections are assigned ing.8' Appointment of Committees to Report at the Final Business Meet- Auditing Committee: ^ Mcjo^g" Academy: Mr- J- H. Coulliette, Chairman; Dr. W. A. ? Museum of Comparative Zo„7o^ g,a.7ar.d College, and the Scientific Library, Bureau of Science Manila fit TP-KmeS’ m brary’, V; S- DePartment of Agriculture, Washington, DC’ f[fipplbrary Murse,?m of Natural History, Paris, France. We have f fteen complete files of the Journal available and there are sufficient o her volumes (excepting volumes 11 and 12) to make twenty more com- plete files H members, who are located at institutions where we have ri l?' eS °f thed0unWl’ ,would send the Editor their copies of Volume libraries of The worid. *° P'aCe COn,p'"e files in ““V taportam It is hoped that in the future that exphasis will be placed on complete 3er,Sp in , tbe Journal instead of abstracts. The Committee on Publication Hin S consider your paper for the Journal. Authors, however should continue to submit abstracts along with complete papers so that the Jounial will not be delayed. The Academy is financially able to print a Journal with twice the number of papers that we have been printing r f' ( u J°nes male a strong effort over several years to complete he list of charter members of the Academy. If other names should be Editor^ th6 pnnted Ilst in Volume 5, page 8, please furnish them to the The Journal carries a list of deceased members. If other names have been omitted, please inform the Editor. EMMETT B. CARMICHAEL, Editor 91 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES, 1946 MEETING The Chairman reports that the Constitution of the Academy is in course of revision, but not yet in shape to submit for approval. It has been examined, article by article, by a sub-committee of the Long Range Planning Committee, and desirable changes suggested. War restrictions have prevented the Chairman of the Committee on Membership and Activities from making his customary trips over the state, but Chairmen of Sections and many others have brought about a substantial increase in membership and interest in the Academy. Respectfully submitted, E. D. EMIGH, Chairman, Committee on Membership and Activities REPORT OF COORDINATOR OF ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY WITH SCIENCE CLUBS OF AMERICA In October a bulletin was sent to the 300 white senior high schools of the state, giving information concerning the work of the A.J.A.S. and the S.C.A. — also application blanks for both organizations. This resulted in increased membership in S.C.A. and some inquiries concerning the A.J.A.S. This was financed by the A.A.A.S. In March, the science club at Ensley High School assisted in the first issue of Alabama 'Science News which was sent to all members of A.J.A.S and S.C.A. in the state and to cooperators in other states. This year Alabama had 100 white schools with science clubs affiliated with S.C.A., and eight with A.J.A.S. The work of the cooperator, in trying to increase the number of science clubs cannot be carried on successfully without funds. Since other states with rapidly progressing Junior Academies are allotted finances from 75 to 500 dollars a year, I would like to ask the Senior and Junior Acade¬ mies to each set aside 25 dollars for this work next year. With this fund we hope to rebuild the A.J.A.S. and surpass the record of 27 clubs rep¬ resented at the annual meeting some years ago. KATHRYN M. BOEHMER, Cooperator 92 REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 29, 1946 RECEIPT'S Balance on hand, May 25, 1945 . $1,168.36 Received Membership dues, Sustaining Memberships and Research Fund established by Mr. and Mrs. Geothe . 581.00 Total Receipts . . . . $1,749.36 DISBURSEMENTS Alabama Junior Academv for prizes . $ 20 00 E. D. Emigh (Postage) . . . 5 86 Check exchange charge . 30 Secretary’s expenses . 945 Printing of Journal . . . 262.24 A.A.A.S. Award (A. J, Westland) . 28 00 Weatherford Printing Co. (Stationery) . 6*25 J. F. Duggar (Expenses) . 6.54 W. H. Taylor (Shingles) . 11.50 Katheryn Boehmer . ’ . ”**”’"* J 15 30 Emmett B. Carmichael (Editor’s expenses) . 16.35 Weatherford Printing Co . 19 69 A. T. Wager (Stamps) . . . , 1 00 Total Disbursements . . 402.49 402.49 Balance on hand, April 29, 1946 . $1,346.87 RESEARCH FUND Balance in Fund, May 25, 1945 . $500 00 Received this year . . Added from Academy fund . 100.00 Total in Fund . 700.OO 700.00 Balance in Academy fund, April 29, 1946 . $ 646.87 Auditing Committee : W. A. MOORE J. H. COULLIETTE JOHN XAN REPORT OF THE RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Last Business Meeting, Alabama Academy of Science, May 4, 1946. _ Whereas, the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science had a successful meeting in Birmingham, Ala., be it resolved,* hirst : That the Academy membership extend its thanks to’ Drs. Emmett Carmichael, E. V. Jones, and John Xan, in appreciation of their excellent work as the local committee on arrangements for this meeting. ^ Second: we extend our thanks and sincere appreciation to McKesson & Robins, Inc., Mr. Lunceford, Manager, for the compli¬ mentary dinner extended to members of the Academy at the Tutwiler Hotel, hriday evening, May 3rd. Third : That we extend our sincere thanks to the Birmingham Cham¬ ber of Commerce, through Mr. William B. Smith, who handled the mat- 93 ter, for secretarial and other assistance at the registration desk in the Tutwiler Hotel. Fourth : That we extend our appreciation to Mr. Baxter, of the First Methodist Church, for its use for section meetings. Fifth : That we extend our thanks to the Tutwiler Hotel and its management for their graciousness in the use of facilities for the business meeting and the banquet. Sixth : Whereas, our respected and beloved fellow scientist and mem¬ ber, Dr. J. F. Duggar, Sr., was called to his Maker December 25, 1945, and Whereas, Dr. Duggar was outstanding in his chosen scientific field of Agriculture, particularly in Agronomy and Botany, Whereas, he possessed those sterling qualities of absolute scientific honesty and unimpeachable character and integrity, and Whereas, he was always ready and willing to help his fellow scient¬ ists, professional or amateur, old or young, imparting to many of us some measure of his knowledge, and Whereas : His passing was a heavy blow to our group, to our state, and to the field of science generally ; Now, therefore, be it resolved that this expression of regret be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and that a copy be sent to his bereaved family. Respectfully submitted, E. D. EMIGH KENNETH COONS SEPTIMA C. SMITH, Chairman LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE (Pre-Academy Meeting) Tutwiler Hotel, Emerald Room 2 :00 P.M., TUTWILER— THURS., MAY, 1946 Dr. George Palmer, presiding. S. C. Smith appointed Secretary. The Pre-Academy meeting of the Long Range Planning Committee met at the time and place indicated above. The following members were present : 1. J. M. Robinson — President of the Academy 2. Eugene D. Emigh— Weather Bureau, Montgomery 3. W. W. Mobley 4. George Palmer, Chairman 5. Clustie McTyeire 6. George A. Douglas, Montevallo 7. W. A. Moore, Birmingham-Southern 8. James T. Kassner — President-Elect 9. Septima C. Smith — Councilor of the Academy Dr. Palmer read the plans of the Virginia Academy of Science — which appears to be the ideal Academy in its long-range planning — and gave his ideas on: 1. The State science needs; and on 2. The Function of the Alabama Academy of Science. Dr. Palmer’s main theme was for Alabama to develop a Long-Range Planning Committee such as Virginia has, with all of its subcommittees, to boost the Alabama Academy of Science and to make it worth while! He feels the Academy should do something for the community, and then the community will support the Academy projects. He feels we should interest the business men of the state in our work, and then let them con¬ tribute the money for its continuance. 94 The time is now ripe, stated Dr. Palmer, for enlarging the Academy \ lrginia has twenty men and women on their Long Range Planning- Com¬ mittee — all people of influence in the state ^ Dr Douglas moved that “Resolved that it is the consensus of this committee that the Long Range Planning Committee be put on a perma- nent basis. This motion was lost for want of a second. Mr. Emigh moved that we endorse Dr. Palmers program for the L.R.P.C. in principle Dr motion Attached)!'' 85 m0t'0n- '* ad°pted “nani™“*- (The OUTLINE MINUTES AND NOTES ON L.R P C MEETING AT TUTWILER, JUNE 22, 1946 B Tones fofllo^inf)a7embers the LJCP.C.-E. V. Jones, Chairman; W. at lO fS) ’ AGM°V avd R' S' P,°,0r'~met at the Tutwiler June 22, at 1U .00 A.M. (Nan and \ancey unable to attend). The Chairman pre¬ sented for consideration the following agenda and compiled from ?the statement on “State Science Needs” by G. D. Palmer and refer redTy the Academy to this special committee and from numerous suggestions from committee members and from various other sources. Agenda 1. The assignment, duties or functions of this committee. 2. Plans for the reorganization of the L.R.P.C.— (a) Its personnel fhT The manner of setting it up, (c) Its organization and place in the ma¬ chinery of the Academy, (d) Its functions. 3‘ ?twrmatterS °lfirst importance for the Academy (a) Money for financing the program of the Academy. I\e r‘?ht Chairman for the L.R.P.C. and how to secure him fHt and diversifying our membership and putting it to work ( ^peopl? UP 3 Pr°gram °f real significance toPthe slate and Its 4' ^tUg^sted 3?ng range Project for the Academy. A?abama°™tl0n °f Better Scientific and Technological Training in 5. Specific sub-projects contributing to the major goal: (a) Agitation for approved” science training programs in our colleges work, and in program^ (b) Promotion of associate memberships among college students and XrxUzs™ !or ,hem at th~> (c) Cooperation with the Committee for the Junior Academy and Science Clubs in conducting a Science Talent Search in Alabama to outeof the°srtatae.dOZen WmnCrS °f scholarshiPs at colleges in and (d) vperAB) . Howard College, Birmingham Hill, W. W. (J). . . . 4305 Cliff Rd„ Birmingham §Hmman E. Harold (A) . Apartado 23 Bis Mexico, D. F. Iisey, Alan (B).. . . . .School. of Chemistry. University Hof fman, Charles Wesley (G)— Apt. 5, 2312 Highland Ave., B irmingham Horton, Edgar C. (C) . 1221 N. 13th St., Birmingham Hunt, E (F) . Medical College of Alabama, Birmingham James, Mary Frances . 812 So. 20th St., Birmingham Jennings Henry L. (H) . Title Guarantee Bldg., Birmingham Jenkins, Russell L . . Monsanto Chemical Co., Anniston STn^f P ve0rgm LeC A . W . : . : . P- O. Box 664, Tuscaloosa ’ w p . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham llnnp ’ w' r . . . Alabama Geological Survey, University §W ’ w v (F) . 4 . T-CL Hospital, Fairfield Kassner, J. L. (B) . School of Chemistry, University, 1620 2nd Ave., Kennedy, W. R. (G) . Keller, Miss Sue . Kennerly, W. J. (B) . . Kilgore, W. Elbert (D) Kracke, Roy R. (F) . . LaMoreaux, Phillip E.... Land, James E. (B) . . fLang, George . Leach, Charles N. (F)... Tuscaloosa . 2411 Park Lane, Birmingham . . Box 47, Jacksonville . Alabama College, Montevallo -•-i~ . . . Box 247, Jasper Medical College of Alabama, Birmingham . -—35 Eastwood, Tuscaloosa . Chemistry Dept., A.P.I., Auburn . - . Box 282, Tuscaloosa . (In Service) State Board of Health, Montgomery 99 Lewis, F. A . Box 1444, University *Lloyd, S. J. (B) . School of Chemistry, University Long, A. R . Weather Bureau, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Long, Margaret E . Washington Square College, New York 3 Lord, James (C) . Russellville McCaffrey, J. E . Southern Kraft Corporation, Mobile McCain, Virgil Bower, Jr. (K) . Methodist Children’s Home, Selma McFarland, Robert W . (In Service) Box 685, Fairhope McGlamery, Winnie (C) . Alabama Geological Survey, University McTyeire, Clustie E. (G) . 1804 Arlington Ave., Bessemer McVay, Thomas N. (B) . School of Chemistry, University MacDonald, Margaret B . Citronelle MacKenzie, James T. (B) . 4300 Glenwood Ave., Birmingham Maggio, A. J. (B) . 200 Terrace Ave., Montgomery 6 Marshall, Ethyl L . Box 193, Montevallo Martin, H. M. (B) . . . . A. P. I., Auburn Matthews, David E. (G) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham Aliles, R. V., Jr . 1025 Myrtlewood Drive, Tuscaloosa Mobley, Willard M. (H) . . ..Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant Moore, W. A. (F)..; . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham Mullane, Miss Drucilla . . . 1532 N. 33rd St., Birmingham 4 Munro, W. M. (Associate) . 210 Woodley Road, Montgomery Murchison, E. A., Jr . P.O. Box 1512, Mobile Murray, Wm. M . 917 So. 20th St., Birmingham Nixon, Willard L . . 816 So. 20th St., Birmingham Noojin, Ray O . Medical College of Alabama, Birmingham Obenchain, Mrs. Louise F. (K) . Howard College, Birmingham O’Leary, W. D„ S. J. (K) . . Spring Hill College, Mobile Olive, Alfred H. (B) . . . Howard College, Birmingham fOverton, A. G. (D) . Alabama By-Products Corp., Tarrant §Palmer, George D., Jr. (B) . School of Chemistry, University Paterson, T. Haygood (D) . 28 Myrtlewood Drive, Montgomery Patty, J. IT . 7815 5th Ave., S., Birmingham Pepmsky, Raymond (G) . Radiation Lab., M.I.T., Cambridge, M Phillips, Grady W . 34th Station Hospital, APO 794, c/o P M NY ^P^kington, A. J . (In Service) 106 Bush Ave., Mobile fPoole, G. R. (B) . Bellaire, White Bear Lake, St. Paul 10, Minn. Pool, Robert M. (F) . 652 Ridgeway Rd„ Fairfield Poor, R. S. (C) . . . A. P. I., Auburn Porter, Mrs. Elizabeth S . 1800 Broad St., Tuscaloosa Posey, L. C . 803 Medical Arts Bldg., Birmingham 5 Pressley, W. L . 271 S. Gay St, Auburn Pnester, Harold . 419 9th St. W., Birmingham Rason, Frank W. (D) . Box 40, Montgomery Reiner, Charles (B) . . . . . St. Bernard College, St. Bernard Reynolds, J. Paul (A) . Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham *Robinson, Mary E. (A) . 536 Princeton Ave., Birmingham §*Robinson, J. M. (A) . A. P. I., Auburn Rodgers, Eric (G) . University Rudolph, A. S. (A) . State Teachers College, Troy Rushton, E. R. (B) . P. O. Box 556, Florence Rust, Henry B. (D) . Libertv Life Bldg., Birmingham 3 Sechrest, E. E . . . 3404 17th Ave., Birmingham §Sharp, G. G . Alabama College, Montevallo Shotts, Reynold Q . 707 10th St., Tuscaloosa Smith, C. B. (K) . State Teachers College, Troy 100 Smith, Homer A. (D) . §Smith, Septima C. (A) . Smith, Genevieve (B) . ♦Smyth, Patrick H. (G) . §Sommer, Anna L. (B) . Spies, Tom D. (F) . fSpieth, Alda May (A) . Stabler, Carey V . Stahlein, R. 'S . ; . Stauffer, Jacob M. (D) . Stephan, L. LeMar (D) . . Stevens, Russell B. (F) . Sullivan, E. B. (B) . Tarzwell, Clarence M. (A).. Teague, Robert S. (F) . Tellier, Albert Julius (E) . Thompson, Davis H . Thompson, Mrs. Wynelle D.. Tipton, Samuel R. (A) . Toffel, Maj. G. M. (B) . Todhunter, E. Neige (A) . Toler, Brooks . Toulmin, Lyman, Jr. (C) . §Tower, James Allen (D) . Vickery, Katherine (K) . Wager, Alan T. (G) . Walsh, Sister Mary Vincent Ward, John M . Alabama Ware, Lamar M. (D) . Watson, J . fWeishaupt, Clara G. (A) . fWestland, Rev. A. J. (C) . §*Whiting, W. A. (A) . fWilcox, Harold E. (B) . Wingard, R. E . Woodall, Percy H . Woolf, Frank P. (F) . Wooley, Mary . Worley, Lillian (D) . . §Xan, John (B) . §Yancey, Patrick H. (A) . . 1009 Dunlop Ave., Guntersville . Zoology Dept., Box 1446, University .....University, Alabama, Apt. A-9, Tuscaloosa . 806 Winona Ave., Montgomery . - . 18 Nelocco Dr., Auburn . Hillman Hospital, Birmingham . 1704 Springhill Ave., Mobile 17 . Alabama College, Montevallo . 232 Genada, Auburn . 8 Arlington Road, Montgomery . State Teachers College, Troy -(In Service) 2754 Bush Blvd., Birmingham . (In Service) Spring Hill College, Mobile . (In Service) 3 LaFayette Apt., Decatur . edical College of Alabama, Birmingham . (In Service ( 153 S. Monterey St., Mobile . 917 Valley Road Place, Birmingham . ...917 Valley Road Place, Birmingham . Medical College of Alabama, Birmingham . Marion Institute, Marion . ; . Box 1051, University . Masonite Corp., Laurel, Mississippi ..Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham . (In Service) Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham . Alabama College, Montevallo . 938 9th Court W., Birmingham (B).... Visitation Academy, Spring Hill Ave., Mobile 17 State Chamber of Commerce, Montgomery . A. P. I., Auburn . - . - . Box 311 E., Rt. 3, Birmingham . State eachers College, Jacksonville . Spring Hill College, Mobile . 900 8th Ave. West, Birmingham 4 ■ . Howard College, Birmingham . (In Service) Box 177, Auburn . HOI 27th Place S., Birmingham . Box 143, Auburn . Murphy High School, Mobile . Alabama College, Montevallo . Howard College, Birmingham 6 ■ . Spring Hill College, Mobile ♦Charter members of the Academy. fMembers of the A.A.A.S. §Fellows of the A.A.A.S. and of the Alabama Academy of Science. The letters in parentheses after the names indicate the chief field of interest of the members. (A) Biology, (B) Chemistry, (C) Geology and Anthropology (D) Geography and Conservation, (E) Mathematics, (F) Medicine (G) Physics (H) Industry and Economics, (J) Teaching of Science, (K) Social Science. 101 Umaspii Mmhrrs Edgar Allen, February 3, 1943 Thomas S. Van Aller, March 19, 1943 Herbert B. Battle, July 3, 1929 Andrew Richard Bliss, Jr., August 12, 1941 John Frederick Dugger, December 25, 1945 Theophilus R. Eagles, June 7, 1936 F. W. Faxon, August 31, 1936 Sumner Albert Ives, December 18, 1944 Bradford Knapp, June 11, 1938 Henry Peter Loding, February 26, 1942 Emerson R. Miller, December, 1949 William Pinkerton Ott, December 25, 1944 Edwin Eustace Reinke, January 25, 1945 Bennett Battle Ross, April 4, 1930 Eugene Allen Smith, September 7, 1927 Groesbeck Francis Walsh, September 1, 1944 102 ALABAMA JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE 1945-1946 -Louise Klein OFFICERS— 1945-1946 President . Sacred Heart Academy, Cullman Vice President . . Law) DeKalb County High School, Fort Payne Secrelar y . - . Irene Gueledge West End High School, Birmingham T reasurer . Hueytown High School, Bessemer Permanent Counselor . Dr a y Beatty University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Counselor to President . Sister Maureen Hughes, O.S.B. Sacred Heart Academy, Cullman .Eric Pitts OFFICERS— 1946-1947 President, Josephine Gregory . West End High School, Birmingham Vice-President, Dorothy Barriger . St. Paul's High School, Birmingham Secretary, Louise Watkins . ! . Hueytown High School, Bessemer Treasurer, Dolores Madison . Sacred Heart Academy, Cullman COUNSELORS— 1946-1947 Edith Geisler (1 yr.) . Father Charles Reiner (2 yrs.) Mary Woolley (3 yrs.) . Hueytown High School, Bessemer —St. Bernard College, St. Bernard . Murphy High School, Mobile 103 ROTATING SECTOR BANDS* Carl O. Hitchcock and Floyd E. Batchelder, Woodlawn High School, Birmingham. The old proverb “Seeing is believing,” like many other old proverbs, has been proven false by scientific investigation. In fact, since what we see most of the time is not the true spatial relationships of bodies but rather distortions or illusions, we may modify the proverb to read “Seeing deceiving, ’ and in such a proverb have one that is better than the old. On all sides we are besieged by these illusions : The diameter of a tall column appears to be diminished in the middle; the source of a strong light appears to grow in physical dimension as its intensity is increased ; in the frame of a doorway, if the grain of the wood runs inward and downward at an angle of forty-five degrees with the floor, the top of the doorway appears wider than the bottom. These illusions have one fact in common: a distortion in the shape or size of the object has taken place, and in no instance has there been a distortion in the color of the objects in question. However, there are cases where the color of the body under¬ goes an apparent change, and a technicolored optical illusion, so to speak, is created. One of the most interesting of these color illusions is the Ben- ham disk phenomenon. Professor Benham, an English physicist, discovered in 1895 that if a pattern of black sectors superimposed upon a white disk is rotated, the illusions of varying color bands would be produced. Benham offered several faulty theories on the subject, and to this date no satisfactory explanation has been given. From experiments conducted with the Benham disk, following Ben- ham’s general pattern, but changing the specific design as the occasion demanded, we have arrived at a plausible theory which explains the major issue in question. The disks used were painted half black and half white. On the white semi-circle, we drew black sector bands one-eighth of an inch m width and separated from each other by one-eighth inch and placed in different sectors with varying distances from the center. The general result is not affected by varying the width of the bands so long as enough white remains between them to give the required contrast. We found that TABLE I Sector Speed High Low 0°- 45° light blue dark blue 45°- 90° light green-brown light blue-brown 90°-135° light chocolate green-brown 135°-180° red red-brown Note: Table I illustrates the manner in which the colors progress from sector to sector through the entire color spectrum with the change in speed of rotation. With counter-clockwise rotation the chain begins in the 0-45° sector with the color of the shortest wave length and progresses through the ^spectrum to the color of the longest wave-length exhibited in the 135°- 180° sector. If the rotation is clockwise the results appear in diametric order. *Received Junior Academy Award as best paper at 1946 meeting. 104 black bands located in the first zero to thirty or zero to sixty degrees of white with the disk rotating in a counter-clockwise directed, produced the illusion of deep blue when rotated slowly and light blue to lavender when the speed was increased. In the bands located in the forty-five to ninety degree sector the color changed from light blue to pale green. In the bands from ninety to one-hundred and thirty-five degrees the color changed from green to chocolate. The bands from one-hundred and thirty-five to one-hundred and eighty changed from chocolate to red. If the rotation is clockwise, the color bands are exactly reversed. We tried different sectors such as twenty-five to seventy-five degrees but found they only produced different shades of the above mentioned colors. At first glance there appear two possible solutions to this problem Either the actual frequency of the light is changed and the illusion is no illusion at all, or due to some defect in the eye a technicolor optical illusion is created. Color photographs of the rotating disks show no trace of color. Therefore, we concluded that the illusion is due entirely to the eye. Our explanation is based upon the fact that different colors have different rates of growth and decay upon the retina. For example, if a i ed boar d is observed for a length of time and then the eyes are closed, an after-image of red will exist which takes a definite time to fade. If a blue board is observed the after-image of blue will require a shorter time to fade than the red. This rate of decay, which is usually less than a second, can, so far as we have observed, explain the phenomenon of the disk. When the eye looks at the disk, it first sees a long white band. I nis excites all the color sensations in the retina. The disk, by its rotation shifts the vision into the black field which offers no color sensation. Dur¬ ing the time the eye gazes at the black field, the color sensations of the white _ fade. This fading is interrupted by the reappearance of the white I he time required for the black section to pass out of the field of vision m the case of the blue band, is exactly equal to the decay rate of blue’ 1 herefore, the mind is fooled into thinking that blue has been observed and the sensation of blue is perceived. As the speed of rotation increases’ the blue becomes lighter because the shortened time of the fade-out period has decreased the apparent decay rate so that it matches the decay rate of ight blue. Therefore, light blue is perceived. In the second sector the color as the speed increases, changes from light blue to green. This shows Tat the tirst band rotated at high speed produces the same color as the next band at lower speed and so on for all consecutive bands This fact can be explained according to our theory if we consider for a moment the circular bands formed when each black sector band is extended through- out ooO . Aow each circular band of the zero to forty-five degree section is composed of 225° of black and 135° of white, or five parts black to three parts white. Exaggerating the time element, we might say that a certain angular velocity the three parts of white were in the field of vision for three seconds and the five parts of black for five seconds. We might further assume that three seconds of growth and five seconds of decay is equal to the growth and decay rate which produced the color blue. Now let us rotate the disk twice as fast so that we have a growth pei iod ot 1.5 seconds and a decay period of 2.5 seconds. Let us assume t lat this is the growth and decay rate of light blue. Now considering the circular bands of the second section, we see that the numerical ratio of the degrees of white to black is the same as in the first section The dif- SncV?,01!e °J arrangement of number. In the second section there is T’o blade then 45 of white, followed by 45° of black, and finally M oi white. Apparently, this sandwiching of the growth period decreases 105 deep blue to liqht blue. light blue "to pa-le green greentochocolite chocolate to red Note, : Not Ea : Notb, : Upon reversing the direttion of rotation the results appear^ reverse orber, i.e. 'R'appeor5 as’D", ’8'm'C', 'C'as*8 ' and ‘D'aa 'A”. The effect of in increase mthe speed op notatrion is shown by the two noted colors - the First: beino observed at minimum speed of rota.tr ion ahd the J Second at speeds approach-! na the maximum. At excessive speeds alltlie colors' tw«r^e into gray. The width of the arcs is of Sficondary importance so Iona 4.3 sufficient white area is left between them to promote contrast. ■Rotating Sectob "Bands By* Fuoro batchelder fi carl witcwcock. Plate- I I2i9|46 nap* 106 Typical experiment ail Disk Demonstr ating Possible CombihLtions d - e. - f - 3~ Cloc k wise dlhli to light red jjrey'ish - green deep to light blue chocola.te -red to red-qre