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The Journal is intended chiefly for original contributions to AnaTomMy (Human and Comparative), PuysioLocy, and PATHOLOGY; it contains also CRITICAL and HISToRIcAL ANALYSES, Extracts, Reviews and Notices oF Books, &c. It appears Quarterly in October, January, April, and July. Price 6s. each part, or 20s. a year, post free 21s. paid in advance. Authors will receive 25 copies of their communications gratis. THE JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL. CONDUCTED BY G. M. HUMPHRY, M.D., F.RS., PROFESSOR OF SURGERY, LATE PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE } SIR WILLIAM TURNER, M.B., LL.D., F.R.S., PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH } AND J. G. MSKENDRICK, M.D., F.R.S., PROFESSOR OF THE INSTITUTES OF MEDICINE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. VOL. XX. va q “4h WITH TWENTY-ONE PLATES AND SEVERAL WOODCUTS, WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, 14 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON; anp 20 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. 1886. EDINBURGH : PRINTED BY NEILL AND COMPANY. | gE | nes 6 y V. 20 4 CONTENTS. FIRST PART—OCTOBER 1885. PAGE THE ANATOMY OF THE MusciEs, LIGAMENTS, AND FAscL# OF THE ORBIT, INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT OF THE CAPSULE OF TENON, THE CHECK LIGAMENTS OF THE RECTI, AND THE SuSPENSORY LIGAMENTS OF fone. (by CB: Loc woon:. (Plate T:),...207.....-.. po ecnias stn fase os 1 Two CASsgs OF AN ABNORMAL CORONARY ARTERY OF THE HEART ARISING FROM THE PULMONARY ARTERY: WITH SOME REMARKS UPON THE EFFECT OF THIS ANOMALY IN PRODUCING CirsoID DILATATION OF THE VESSELS. By H. St Jonn Brooxs, M.B. (Plate II.)................ 26 A SECOND BuRSA CONNECTED WITH THE INSERTION OF THE BICEPS, AND ON SOME RARE ABNORMALITIES. By A. Warp Couns, M.R.C.S., ral OP LON die: sievose «xed Bit SAB AS acti an saat MRiSee S bhw o seid aaene tartan aes 30 ABNORMALITIES OF THE LOBES OF THE HuMAN LuNc. By A. ERNEsT CRT PE IO Eyeed 8 LOOK aca cceceadantine s telledddccdeees Mchebeddoce shee carinestaeert ts. 34 THE NATURE oF LIGAMENTS. (Part IV.) By J. Buanp Sutton, F.R.C.S. BLS yie0 ITS eget elle eet il es Remer is Rieee Meo Please a ber atta Rete 39 uJ Virat Revations oF Micro-OrGANIsMs To TissUE ELEMENTS. By G. Sims WooDHEAD, M.D., and A. W. Haars, M.B............... se setansna eae 76 TuE BLoop-FoRMING ORGANS AND BLoop-FORMATION : AN EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH. By JoHN LockHAr?r Gipson, M.D. (Part L.)................ 100 THE RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION: AN Ex- PERIMENTAL RESEARCH. By D. No&t-Paton, M.D., B.Sc. (Part I.).. 114 THe INDEX OF THE PELVIC BRIM AS A Basis OF CLASSIFICATION. By Professor Sir WM. TurNER, M.B., LL.D., F.R.S. ....... Seaitt ses denecuce tee 125 lv CONTENTS. PAGE Anatomy oF Sowrrsy’s Wuate. By Professor Sir WM. TURNER. PRLS EV. ) 2, yweas gese.ceasansen Sanvdswornie nchauabaesecseos' va cape case ese eee anaes 144 INODIGES OF INEW BOOKS ....ccccestsctassens cceiwacee ve euesiecdieeend shee sean eee mnae eae 189 SECOND PART—JANUARY 1886. MorrHOLoGy OF THE ARTERIAL Syst—EM IN Man. (Part I.) By Professor MiaGATITSMmR. ISAC MOD! WARN. c-. ccc ckecs+ ss: sssenencroereses sete eemeane 193 ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND Upper ARM oF THE MoE (Talpa europea). By R. AusSTIN FREEMAN. - (Plate V.) ........0.cc0ceseeseeneeeees 201 REPRODUCTION OF THE CARAPAX IN TorTOISES. By Hans Gapow, Ph.D., PAPAS OHMUAN,) § (EUBUC Vi lo).ns sth on sieves conaGtebeseunreduare:=.cheten eres 220 DEVELOPMENT AND DrcAy OF THE PIGMENT LAYER IN Brrps’ Eces. By AE CAN DRI IM. MCAT IO WEES MDs conn tccusen eee stes tos: ceee eer en eee 225 CONNECTION OF THE Os ODONTOIDEUM WITH THE Bopy oF THE AXIS VERTEBRA. By Professor D. J. CUNNINGHAM, M.D. ............ceesees0eees 238 SKELETON IN Grococcyx. By R. W. Suurenpr. (Plates VII., VIIL., Ba aia yeduendenk ts eb Ree Soe abi bes oh cetacean edn ee ge .. 244 THE RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FoRMATION TO BILE SECRETION: AN Ex- PERIMENTAL REsEARcH. By D. Noiit-Paron, M.D., B.Sc. (Part II.) 267 ReEcENT HisroLocicAL Mernops. By WitiiAM Hunter M.B. (Edin.), IME RGSS Sean bd ts eee en eed etl) SO, a or 307 SacRAL INDEX IN VARrous Races oF MANKIND. By Professor Sir Wm. MORNER, MM. B., BBS, soccer pee a seeo. soph one xe eee sivas 0 ee 317 BLoop-FoRMING ORGANS AND BLoop-FoRMATION: AN EXPERIMENTAL REsEARCH. (Part II.) By Joun LockHartr Gipson, M.D................ 342 MALFORMATIONS OF PELVIS AND PELVIC ORGANS IN A Fatus. By Joun Patmes, L,R.C.P. Lond., MR.C.S. Eng, ..... Ass csasesessocose seen Ps ain! ANOMALOUS MUSCLE IN THE FRONT oF THE NECK IN A HuMAN SuBJECT— A STERNO-PETROSOPHARYNGEUS. By G. E. REnnip, B.A.,.............- 356 CasE oF CoNGreNITAL Hyprrrrorpuy or THE Lac. (Diffuse Venous Neyus.) / By GriBerT BARDING, ML. B......s.5..stisescsccevnseadeteecouess tees 358 MANDIBULAR DENTITION OF THE SuHREWws. By G. E. Dopson, M.A. Mena Dssscice set SUG ledeasonoues kere nents Marietta Meee Ee OSee A AES Bex 359 oa CONTENTS. Vv THIRD PART—APRIL 1886. PAGE Action oF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON Peptic Digestion. By JAmeEs W. WRASER: MD Clee Big) MRC: Senos. oo srk. nscasn ext sasarcreimacacsss « 361 Some VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON. By W. Arsuranor LANE, UN MRLEER aoe 00 oie adi bv'Ge on cles « Svs gatas tins gay bed othe weve tavonsgesteanioen 388 Norte on A CAsE oF Bicrpirat Ris. By R. L. MAcDonne tt, M.D. ...... 405 OsTEOLOGY oF CoNURUS CAROLINENSIS. By R. W. Susuretpt, M.D. MEM LES EN rena NS Me hecho stn cac taba ooh ns Seater Meats it ONG ott daly vane ost ohE Copieete asncna dae Se 407 A Navaso Sxutt. By R. W. Sauretpt, M.D. (Plate XII.) ............... 426 NorE oN THE Navaso InpIAN Skutt. By Professor Sir WtiiramM SURES OG Bier 6 ORS ie ie en rae aris a SAE iA a er ee 430 ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CysTS—OVARIAN, VAGINAL, SACRAL, LINGUAL, AND TRACHEAL. By J. BLaAnp Surron, F.R.C.S. (Plate XIII.)............. 432 THE Bioop-FoRMING ORGANS AND Btioop-ForMATION: AN EXPERI- MENTAL ResearcH. By Joun Lockuart Gipson, M.D. (Plate XIV.) 456 INVESTIGATIONS IN THE RELATION BETWEEN CONVERGENCE AND AC- COMMODATION OF THE Eyrs. By Ernest E. Mappox, M.B. Edin.... 475 A CoNTRIBUTION TO SPLENIC HistoLtocy. By Roperr Ropertson, M.D. FWieneTaerG (EXILE GO MAO) ocr sanice de ste vaisbianic Soeubecash tebe used ct code Ra aian eae ere eee 509 SUPERNUMERARY LEG 1N A MALE F Roc (Rane palustris). By FREDERICK ReER MANNED). (PIAteeX WI.) cacnscsnssteas comncsnceacseteeeeenetemee. <3: 516 THE NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN UREA FORMATION AND Bite SEcRETION. By D. No&u-Paron, M.D., B.Sc., F.R.S.E. ......... 520 Hinp Limp or IcHTHYOSAURUS, AND ON THE MorpHoLOGY oF VERTE- BRATE Limps. By Professor D'Arcy W. THompson, B.A. ............... 532 THE LUMBAR CURVE OF THE SPINAL COLUMN IN SEVERAL RACES OF Men. By Professor Sir Witt1AmM Turner, M.B., LL.D., F.R.S...... 536 PREM ITOLNMT COATT IN ODIO Set sea c as cornca encore icciccda es sti Och econuaba sooneesinesooeeseseceus 544 CONTENTS. FOURTH PART—JULY 1886. PAGE PuysloLocy oF THE HEART OF THE ALLIGATOR. By T. WrEsLEY MILLS, IASC DS cats sescnice cen siianieins Hodiiraaeedebue one Sara: soaeae venteaee oe eeEEED FUNCTIONS OF THE TonsiLs. By R. Hinasron Fox, M.D., M.R.C. P. sone INVESTIGATIONS IN THE RELATION BETWEEN CONVERGENCE AND AC- COMMODATION OF THE Evers. By Ernest E. Mappox, M.B., C.M. HOAs oe BOS eeepc Fe gsehe abe ae ap sea op BEE Tp oeitaeeoeree sphere tedmepieeve tne 565 Srx Sprcrmens oF SpINA BIFIDA WITH Bony PROJECTIONS FROM THE BopiEs OF THE VERTEBRE® INTO THE VERTEBRAL CANAL. By Pro- fessor Humenry, F.R.S. (Plates XVII., XVIII.)............00-0cs00s its.) PENTADACTYLUS PES IN THE DorkKING FOWL, A VARIETY OF THE Gallus domesticus, WITH EsPpEcIAL REFERENCE '0 THE HALLUX. By JoHN ChON i240) A Pe? <8 OR SOS PERSE 3 a SM Wa 3 SOROS Since Jia ogbes eee 593 VITALITY OF WILD ANIMALS UNDER Fire. By Brigade-Surgeon WILLIAM (CURRAN, ASML D): (Plate xu Xe) con. .cccessescaree op mene een SS peetee vseseee OOO ALIMENTARY CANAL AND PANCREAS OF Acipenser, Amia, AND Lepi- dosteus. By A. B; Macauztum, B.A. (Plate XX.) .4....,.80..gonueee . 604 NEURAL SPINES OF THE CERVICAL VERTEBR& AS A RAcE-CHARACTER. By Professor D. J. CUNNINGHAM ..........056 sis apo s.ARIETY » coies scien pede en VARIATIONS IN THE NERVE SUPPLY OF THE FLEXOR Brevis POLLIcIS Muscitz. By H. St Joun Brooks, B.A. and M.B, (Dub.).............. 641 MorrnHo.ioey oF THE INTRINSIC MUSCLES OF THE LITTLE FINGER, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE ULNAR HEAD OF THE SHORT FLEXOR or THE Tuump. By H. Sr Joun Brooxs, B.A. and M.B. (Dub.) MEAD SRONUL, ) a,c; ocesivaaisceaseas Eteonear een sich e ac aaeeeantts ceed sasieces arse see beeen NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF UrvA Formation To BILE SECRETION, By D. Nozu-Paron, M.D., B.Sc. FURG.E.. ...cc.ccicvesecectes «se ahe eeeee Gow Bioop-ForMING ORGANS AND BiLoop-FoRMATION: AN EXPERIMENTAL Researcu. By Jonn Lockuartr Gipson, M.D. ..... diese sas ea eeaeae soqnen OMe ANATOMICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL NOTICES..........00.-+008 Reaieasticins ee chats eais soe eee Eee 692 Hi ee gee - Ree ne ee A Meeecamnet 3 Fb Teg ie CS oka souadeasbhcspeyes cee tee Fournal of Anatomy and Phystologyp. THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM IN MAN. (Partl.) By A. Macarister, M.A., M.D., F.BS., Professor of Anatomy, University of Cambridge. THE arrangement of the blood-vessels in the adult forms of the lowest, and in the embryos of the higher vertebrates, indicates that the history of the complicated vascular system of higher forms has been one of development from a simple and regular ancestral condition of metameric and inter-metameric vessels, through easily defined stages, to the more confused and irregular condition of the arterial system in the adults of higher forms. The blood-vessels participate in the metamerism of the vertebrate body, however that metamerism may have arisen; but as the vascular system arises in the course of the increasing division of labour of the organism for the transport of nutriment from one part to another, the chief stems are those which are dia- or inter-metameric. The simplest vertebrate vascular system probably consisted of a tubular arcade or half ring on the splanchnic wall of each segment on each side, joined to the corresponding arch in the preceding and succeeding segment by a dorsal and ventral inter-metameric trunk on each side of the median line. In the whole organism the vessels would thus form a double series, two long ventral trunks, two corresponding dorsal trunks, and the lateral uniting arches in each segment. One of the earliest changes which took place in this primitive system, was the fusion into single trunks of the longitudinal vessels. There are two primitive dorsal vessels in vertebrate embryos, and their fusion can be traced in the chick, beginning at the forty-second hour of incubation. This union commences behind the head and travels backwards rapidly, so that after the VOL. XX. N 194 DR A. MACALISTER. fifth day there is but a single dorsal vessel for the middle and hinder part of the body—the dorsal aorta. In the region of the head and neck in mammals, the foremost euds of the two vessels remain permanently separate as the internal carotid arteries, while the part intervening on each side, between the united vessels forming the aorta and the separated parts forming the carotids, called on cach side Ductus Botali, becomes obliterated, except in cases, like those described by Harrison, Quain, and Flood, in which the persistence of the ductus and the obliteration of the transverse part of the third aortic arch causes the internal carotid to arise independently from the aorta. I sawone unilateral instance of thissome years since, in Dublin, which, like the other described case, was on the right side. There were also originally two ventral longitudinal vessels, but their union probably occurred even earlier than that of the- dorsal. This embryonic doubleness of the ventral stem has been regarded as a secondary cleavage, due to the presence of food yolk, but, I think, on insufficient evidence. The setting apart of one portion of the single ventral vessel to form the heart differentiates the pre- from the post-cardiac portions of the ventral vessel. The latter becomes venous, and we shall not at present trace its history farther. The former becomes the ventral aorta. The adult arterial system consists of the modified pre-cardiac ventral vessel, the dorsal trunk, the pre-cardiac lateral arcades, and the dorsal portions of the metameric vessels in the post- cardiac segments, together with new branches arising from these. As a consequence of the cardiac differentiation, the only places where complete metameric arcades remain are the pre-cardiac segments, where the ventral aorta is joined to the dorsal by vessels which become the lateral aortic or branchial arches. Behind the heart in higher vertebrates, a series of vessels extend from the dorsal aorta through the mesogastric fold, and end in the splanchnopleure; these correspond to the dorsal extremities of the post-cardiac lateral metameric arcades, but just as the pre-cardiac lateral vessels have become specialised by the development of the branchial clefts into respiratory arches, so these, very early in the phylum, have participated in the specialisation of the post-cardiac splanchnopleure and become THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM IN MAN. 195 visceral arteries. Like their anterior representatives, they become broken into a rete in the middle of their course, forming a capillary plexus, and from this their ventral continuation has become venous, ending in the sub-intestinal ventral vein, the specialised derivative of the post-cardiac ventral vessel. The modified remains of these vessels we know in human anatomy as bronchial, cesophageal, coeliac, mesenteric, and vitelline arteries, which, originally paired, have for the most part undergone, like the longitudinal trunk, a fusion into single median vessels. If these were completed they would stretch from the dorsal to the ventral vessel, but the causes of their displacement and of their being cut short are easily seen. On the development of the muscle plates, a parietal branch from the dorsal aorta arises in each metamere for its supply, and when the muscular wall of the somatopleure differentiates into dorso-lateral and ventro-lateral muscles, this vessel gives off corresponding dorso-lateral, and ventro-lateral branches. The former of these extends into the tissues arising from and below the laminze dorsales on each side, the latter extends ventrally into the somatopleure. These metameric parietal branches from the dorsal aorta are not necessarily similar in size and distribution, although serially homologous in origin, for, like all smaller vessels, they arise, for the convenience of the segment, to supply the needs of the developing parts; they also are not necessarily regular, their evolution being proportional to the sizes of the territories to be supplied, and to the activity of the metabolism therein. The metameric parietal branches are least modified in the region of the thorax, where they form the inter-costal arteries, also in the loins, where they form the lumbar vessels, each single trunk on each side giving off dorsal and ventral branches. The terminal branches of the dorso-lateral vessels form a continuous series of inter-segmental anastomoses along the closed edge of the dorsal fissure on each side, which becomes in the adult the posterior spinal artery, receiving supplies from the entire series of segmental vessels. A similar but late-forming and single median anastomosis forms along the floor of the dorsal groove, the anterior spinal artery. Free anastomosis along this region is necessary, as the spinal cord requires a constant, 196 DR A. MACALISTER. uniform, and uninterrupted blood supply. The ventro-lateral branches likewise form along the medio-ventral line on each side a chain of medio-ventral anastomoses; these become, in the adult, the epigastric and internal mammary arteries. Coincidently with the development and consolidation of the separate parts and processes of the axial skeleton different systems of inter-metameric anastomoses arise. These vary in position and size according to the general principle which regulates all such anastomoses, viz., that whenever a primitive blood channel is so placed that its blood stream is liable to be interrupted, com- munications form between its branches and those of neighbour- ing trunks at the nearest spot where there is the minimum of pressure or displacement. In the dorsal region, owing to the development of the rib-basket and the consequent interseg- mental immobility, the parietal trunks are not lable to much compression, so, except at their ventral terminations, the anastomoses are small. Watching the development of bluod-vessels, we learn with what facility vessels form in mesoblast, and although I cannot speak positively, yet from what I have seen I think it probable that vessels have proceeded in development from the compound lacunar system to the tube; itis also probable that, historically, vascular space has at first arisen in the excavation of single plastides by diacelosis ; and when, in the course of descent, a trunk has become established, the process is then abbreviated as we find it in the chick, where in the formation of large trunk vessels the space arises by the liquefaction of the central cells of primitively solid cords. The largest inter-metameric anastomoses of the parietal vessels take place close to their primary divisions, the dorso-lateral trunks communicate by smaller or larger branches on the dorsal surface of the rib, between the rib-neck and the front of the transverse process; these ante-neural junctions are the chief regular communications, but others occur more irregularly and opistho-neurally. The chief radical anastomoses of the ventro- lateral branches is precostal. Each ventro-lateral artery gives off also a larger or smaller lateral branch close to the exit of the lateral spinal nerve, which is superficial in its distribution. Each dorso-lateral artery in the thoracic and lumbar region having communicated, although by very niinute vessels, with its THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM IN MAN. 197 preceding and succeeding segmental representative, divides into internal and external branches, the former being the lateral spinal, which ends in the inter-metameric anterior and posterior spinal anastomoses ; the latter ends in the dorso-lateral muscles. Each ventro-lateral branch in the thoracic and anterior four lumbar segments of man, pursues also a uniform course, having a very small precostal anastomosis and a fairly uniform segmental distribution. The parietal branch belonging to the lower cervical, lower lumbar, and upper sacral segments are much disturbed in their simplicity by the development of the limbs. As these arise by the consolidation of ventro-lateral appendages derived from several segments, so each limb primarily receives vessels as it receives nerves from several metameric trunks ; but, coincidently with the reduction of the basipterygium to a single rod we have a corresponding reduction of the main arteries to a single or at most a double trunk, which, in accordance with a well- known law of vascular distribution, runs along that side of the limb which is the least exposed to pressure, and least liable to alteration in length in the course of accustomed movement. The vessels which become enlarged to supply the limbs are the lateral branches of the ventro-lateral trunks; we have seen that there are such branches, although extremely minute in all segments, but they are specially large in such segments as have contributed to the formation of the limbs. The parietal branch of the last cervical segment is the trunk subclavian, arising from the dorsal aorta, above the point where fusion into a single trunk ceases, and as these constitute the chief blood supply of the fore-limbs they are commensurately large. Tach gives off as its postero-lateral branch the cervicalis profunda, and these, like their serial homologues, pass backwards and give off lateral spinal branches inwards, and muscular branches outward. Owing to the alteration in the dorsal aorta consequent on the retrocession of the heart, the trunk parietal artery for the first thoracic segment is obsolete at its root, but this is compensated for by the development of a large precostal anastomosis from the preceding trunk, which, on the principle that “to him that hath shall be given,” not only thus supplies the appended limb, 198 DR A. MACALISTER. but by this channel forms the functional root of the first, sometimes also (by the enlarging of the second precostal intermetameric anastomosis), of the second intercostal arteries, the whole distributional system arising from this anastomotic root being named the superior intercostal artery. It is rare to find a direct union of this vessel with the aorta, but I have twice seen it to arise therefrom on the left side, and once from the bifurcation of the arteria innominata, that is from the right aorta. Tracing the subclavian trunk a little further forward, it terminates at the inner edge of the scalenus anticus muscle. Its posterior medio-ventral anastomotic branch passes backwards as the internal mammary, its lateral branch pierces the scaleni, the cervical equivalents of the intercostal muscles as the so-called second stage of the subclavian artery, which is thus morphologically differentiable from the first stage. In the more anterior cervical region, the vascular system of the component segments is necessarily much modified. The metameric arches are displaced backwards, and the portion of the dorsal aorta from which the parietal vessels should arise, the Ductus Botalii, is obliterated, hence the blood supply must be provided for by anastomosis. To this end a large retro-costal intersegmental anastomosis ascends from the root of the parietal vessel of the last cervical segment; this enters the interspace between the sixth and seventh cervical segment, and is, in the young foetus, placed at its origin at this level; but as the heart recedes and pulls all the cervical vessels downwards, its root becomes displaced ventrad of the seventh cervical rib (anterior root of the seventh cervical transverse process). This large anastomotic trunk ascends retro-costally but ante-neurally, giving off at each segment lateral spinal, and muscular branches pre- cisely in series with those of the trunk segments. This trunk vessel is the vertebral artery, the first stage of which is the portion due to cardiac displacement, the second stage being the regular intersegmental union. On reaching the first cervical segment, the continuous anasto- mosis is interrupted, so the whole vessel here divides into the two proper to the segment, a muscular outgoing, and a large lateral spinal ingoing, which, like its predecessors, turns inwards to the spinal cord, ventrad of the spinal nerve, which, owing to THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM IN MAN. 199 its large size, it overlaps; here it joins the two longitudinal anastomoses, the posterior or posterior spinal, which, from its disproportionate size, looks like a branch of this lateral spinal stem, and the anterior or median or basilar, which is the con- tinuation forwards of the anterior spinal system, the lozenge- shaped space from between the basilar and the anterior spinal being an island, similar to which I have thirteen times seen similar islands bounded by divisions and reunions of the basilar trunk. It is thus interesting to see how, in the course of the vertebral artery, we have so diverse morphological elements represented, the retrocostal, intersegmental anastomosis constituting its first and second stages, and the large lateral spinal branch of the first cervical segment constituting its third and fourth stages. Thus we have the complete system of durso-lateral branches for the cervical segments provided in the absence of a dorsal aorta. When we take into consideration the varieties of position and course of the vertebral artery in man, and its apparently discrepant relations in elasmobranch, teleost, reptile, and bird, we find that this view of its nature enables us, in the simplest manuer, to explain all its variations, and makes us understand why this system should be so prolific in varieties, The ventro-lateral parietal branches of the cervical segments are also united by a continuous precostal anastomosis, not far from where their origins had originally been from the now obliterated aortic trunk; this anastomosis constitutes the thyroid axis and cervicalis ascendens, from which the modified ventro- parietal branches start. These are chiefly remarkable as giving off lateral branches, which contribute their quota to the nutrition of the limbs, as the suprascapular and posterior scapular ; their parietal branches are small; the posterior branch of the former and the superficial cervical branch of the latter are the continued parietal branches of these two trunks. With the condensation of the anterior segments which takes place in the formation of the skull, all distinct vascular meta- merism is lost, and the anterior segmental arches become dis- placed backwards or obliterated. The common and external carotids are the continuations of the ventral aorta, while the root of the internal carotid is the altered relic of the third arch, and the ascending continuation of that vessel is the upper part 200 THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM IN MAN, of the dorsal aorta. The length of the carotids is secondary, as is the length of the neck upon which it depends. : In the region of the oral and pre-oral visceral clefts, the branches of the stem arteries are distributed in superficial and deep branches to the ventral parts of each inter-fissural tract of tissue; thus to the infra-hyoidean region we have, as superficial and deep branches, the superior thyroid and superior laryngeal arteries; to the supra-hyoidean we have the hyoidean artery, and more deeply the lingual; to the mandibular region we have superficially the facial, deeply the ascending palatine artery; to the maxillary lobe we have externally the transverse facial, inter- nally the internal maxillary, to the fronto-basal lobe we have the temporal. None of these branches are the vessels of visceral arches ; they are secondary medio-ventral anastomoses, uniting the widely separated representatives of the ventral aortic trunks. The only carotid branches which in any measure represent rudimental arcades are the occipital and posterior auricular arteries. The cervical dorsal aortic (internal carotid) has only rudi- mental branches in the neck, represented by the intercarotid ramuli. Its intracranial continuation gives off three lateral neural branches, the posterior, middle, and anterior cerebrals (the first originally being a carotid branch, its root being the so- called posterior communicating, but its anastomotic internal branch, which joins the median anastomosis, dilates so as to form its functional root). The ventro-lateral branches are reduced and modified as tympanic, vidian, receptacular, and ophthalmic branches. Upon all these branches the characters of the secondary alterations which the cranial segments have under- gone have thus impressed themselves, so as to obliterate all traces of primitive segmentation. THE ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE (Talpa Europea). By R. Austin FREEMAN. (PLATE V.) THE increasing interest in Morphological Science which has of late years become manifest among scientific men has led to the careful examination of the structure of a large number of individual forms, and to the publication of detailed descriptions of their anatomy. These contributions to Anatomical Science frequently contain matter which in itself is of considerable interest, and which, in the hands of the morphologist, forms the material for important generalisations. It is somewhat curious that amidst this great activity of anatomical research, one of the most specialised and aberrant, although at the same time most archaic, of our British mammals should have been passed over in comparative silence, and the more so as the difficulty of obtaining specimens for examination is so very slight. It is true that notices of the anatomy of the mole have from time to time appeared, but, as none of them have dealt in a detailed manner with the subject of this paper, it is unnecessary to enumerate them here.! The most obvious peculiarities in the anatomy of this animal are those which have relation to the immense development and singular displacement of the anterior limbs, and it is to the dis- cussion of these that I propose to devote the present paper; the forearm has already been treated at some length in the pages of this Jowrnal by Mr D’Arcy W. Thompson (vol. xviii. p. 406), and I shall therefore confine my remarks to the proximal portion of the limb. Following the usual order of anatomical description we first proceed to the consideration of the bones. Osteology.—The shoulder-girdle of the adult mole is composed of two bones, the scapula and the so-called clavicle. 1 In Mr Dobson’s beautiful Monograph of the Insectivora a very excellent description is given of the nearly related form Condylura cristata, together with some notes upon Talpa ewropea. 202 MR R. AUSTIN FREEMAN, The Scapula.—This is extremely narrow, and somewhat pris- matic in shape, its vertebral border being only one-sixth of the length of the axillary border; the mesoscapular spine, at no part prominent, is in its middle third almost obliterated; at its vertebral extremity a blunt, somewhat conical process (a) (fig. 1) is produced, the principal purpose of which appears to be to afford a surface for the attachment of the posterior division of the trapezius. At its glenoid extremity the spine expands into a broad and thick, but stunted acromion (0), at the extremity of which may be seen two well marked facets for the strong acromio clavicular ligament and acromial portion of the sub- clavius respectively. The supraspinous fossa, in the glenoid half of the bone, appears merely as a shallow groove on the anterior surface of the acromion, but in the vertebral half (c) it is of fair extent. The infraspinous fossa, of much less extent than the preceding, is almost absent in the middle third of the bone, being continuous with and almost indistinguishable from the axillary border. It exists as a broad but shallow grovve behind the acromion; and at its vertebral extremity it forms a deep fissure (d) which is overhung by the spine. The axillary border presents near the angle a large triangular somewhat rough surface limited internally by a sharp ridge; the surface affords origin to the large and powerful teres major. At the glenoid extremity of this border is a wide concave surface, on the inner or vertebral margin of which is a small tubercle (fig. 2, a) supporting a facet for the origin of the biceps. The outer or dorsal margin of this surface is formed by a slight ridge which, proceeding upwards, crosses obliquely the infra- spinous fossa and intersects the spine about its middle. This ridge limits anteriorly the extensive origin of the long head of the triceps, which occupies the whole of the surface above described. The anterior border at its glenoid extremity is almost indis- tinguishable from the supraspinous fossa with which it blends, but above it is thin and sharp excepting near the angle, where it widens out to form a somewhat oval concave surface for the insertion of the levator anguli scapule. The vertebral or suprascapular border is, in its anterior two- thirds, comparatively thin, and bears on its ventral aspect two ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE. 203 small facets, the more anterior (fig. 2, b) of which, narrow and elongated, gives attachment to the anterior trapezius, whilst the posterior (fig. 2, c), which is oval and concave, marks the insertion of the serratus magnus. In its posterior third the vertebral border widens out greatly, forming a wide surface which affords attachment to the teres major, posterior trapezius, serratus magnus, and rhomboideus. The subscapular fossa is as such confined to the vertebral half of the bone, the ventral aspect of the glenoid half being occupied by a prominent ridge; this ridge (fig. 2, 2) supports the bicipital impression and extends to the margin of the glenoid cavity. The glenoid cavity is elongated and deeply concave, its long diameter being placed obliquely to the vertical plane of the bone, an arrangement which is rendered necessary by the position in which the humerus is carried. There is a smal] facet on what would be, if the glenoid cavity had its usual direction, the anterior margin ; this marks the scapular attachment of the glenohumeral ligament. There is no coracoid process, a fact which is suffi- ciently explained by the composite nature which Professor Parker ascribes to the so-called clavicle. The clavicle, or more properly speaking the coraco-clavicle, is a curious irregular little bone which articulates with the humerus and the presternum but not with the scapula. On its outer aspect is an oval or saddle-shaped surface (fig. 3, 2) for articulation with a corresponding surface on the humerus, and its inner aspect is occupied by a narrower concave, somewhat reniform surface (fig. 4, a) for articulation with the presternum. The anterior surface is deeply concave from side to side but convex vertically, especially at its upper part, where it turns over and merges into the posterior surface. The sides of the concavity are produced into ridges which afford attachment to muscles and the external ridge widens out below into a triangu- lar surface (fig. 4, 6) which gives origin to a portion of the deltoid. The posterior surface is limited above by an obliquely transverse, rounded ridge produced by the folding over, so to speak, of the superior margin; below this is a concave surface of quadrilateral form (fig. 3, b), in which some fibres of pectoralis minor are inserted. 204 MR R. AUSTIN FREEMAN. The ventral surface is mainly occupied by a prominent obliquely truncated conical process (figs. 3 and 4, c), which is directed ventrally and inwards; on its inner aspect, near the free extremity, is a rough surface which gives attachment to the pectoralis minor, and at its base, at the junction of the anterior and ventral surfaces, is a minute foramen (fig 4, d), which Professor Parker believes to represent the coracoid fenestra, The Sternum.—The manubrium is of very large size and greatly produced anteriorly, its length being nearly equal to that of the mesosternum and xiphisternum together. It is considerably expanded, especially at its middle part, and onits ventral aspect is produced a very prominent ridge or keel, which when viewed in profile is seen to have somewhat the form of the lateral half of a coffin lid. The free edge of that portion of the keel which lies behind the angle or promontory is thin and sharp, excepting where it widens out to form part of the articular surface for the mesosternum ; in front of the promontory the edge is thick and rounded and expands anteriorly to support the articular surfaces for the coraco-clavicies. The promontory itself supports a tubercle which gives origin to a portion of the pectoralis major. The anterior surface, which looks somewhat dorsally, is triangular in shape, the apex pointing upwards and backwards ; it is convex both from side to side and from above downwards, and is traversed by a median longitudinal ridge. The convex surfaces on either side of this ridge form the articular surfaces for the coraco-clavicles, and the ridge itself gives attachment to some of the fibres of the anterior sternoclavicular ligament. Viewed from the dorsal aspect the manubrium is seen to be produced laterally into a pair of somewhat triangular ale (fig. 6, a) behind which the bone is rather narrow; at the posterior end is a thickened mass (d) which carries the surface for articu- lation with the mesosternum. The space between the ale (that is, the anterior three-fifths of the dorsal surface) is occupied by a deep groove (c), which, com- mencing anteriorly in the middle line, deviates considerably, as it proceeds backwards, to the right side. In the floor of this groove, at about its middle, is a small foramen (d), which pierces the root of the left ala. ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE. 209 The first rib articulates with the presternum, but there is no discernible facet for its reception. The mesosternum consists of four pieces, of which the two posterior are, in the adult, immovably ankylosed. The xiphisternum is narrow and pointed, and supports at its extremity a broad leaf-like cartilaginous expansion. The sternum is directly connected with eight ribs, of which the two posterior unite at their sternal ends and together are received into the space between the meso- and xiphisternum. The Humerus——This bone is extremely short, broad, and flattened, and the muscular impressions on it are mostly very pronounced. The upper part of the anterior! surface is occupied by a large concave rhomboidal surface (fig 7, a), which marks the insertion of the deltoid. At its lower angle is a rough triangular surface (fig. 7, b) for the insertion of a part of the complex pectoralis major, and at its inner angle is a deep notch (c) continued down- wards for a short distance into a shallow groove (d); this is the lower portion of the bicipital groove, The upper external border of this space is formed by a slight groove which separates it from a broad, smooth, convex surface which articulates with the coraco-clavicle. Below the bicipital notch is a very prominent outstanding process (fiy. 7, e) bearing two distinct impressions, for the teres major and latissimus dorsi respectively. At the base of the internal condyle jis a deep circular pit (/) which gives origin to the powerful ligamentous flexor sublimis digitorum ; the pronator ridge is thin, sharp and very prominent, and is produced above into a pointed process (g). There is a large supra-condylar canal, the lower opening of which (/) is on the anterior aspect of the bone. The external condyle is drawn out into a styliform process (7) of considerable length, which points upwards and slightly out- wards, and at its base is seen the almost hemispherical capitellum (j). At the summit of the bone is the superior opening of the bicipital canal (4). 1 For the sake of convenience in description the bone is supposed to be placed as in the figures, although this is by no means its natural position in the animal (see movements of the limb). 206 MR R. AUSTIN FREEMAN. Turning now to the posterior aspect of the bone we notice that the head (fig. 8, a) is very prominent and vertically elongated, that it looks directly backward, and that it is not placed at the superior extremity of the bone, but that, projecting considerably above it on its inner side, is a ridge (fig. 8, b) which represents the inner tuberosity. External to the head is the smooth articular surface for the coraco-clavicle (fig. 7,/, and fig. 8, ¢), upon which and close to the head is a small, shallow depression which marks the insertion of the supraspinatus ; this surface is limited inferiorly by a jagged irregular ridge (d@), at the outer end of which is a hook-like proress (e) bearing a facet for the infraspinatus. The articular surface above described represents the outer tuberosity. Close to the outer side of the head is a shallow groove which lodges the gleno-humeral ligament, and internal to the head is a deeper groove for the attachment of a thickened band of the capsular ligament. Internal to and somewhat above the head is a ridge (f) which overhangs the bicipital groove, and upon which is an impression for a part of the pectoralis major. The bicipital groove is very curiously modified, being, in its upper part, converted into a complete bony canal which com- mences at the summit of the bone (g), and passing downwards and inwards for about } in. opens out into a groove (fig. 8, h) which terminates at the notch before spoken of. Another very curious condition, which occurs in the upper part of the bone, is a large cavity (2), somewhat similar to that found in the humeri of birds. This cavity is conical in shape and excavates the upper portion of the bone so extensively as to convert it into a mere shell, the walls of which are comparatively thin and in some places quite translucent. The inner tuberosity bears two very distinct facets, which mark the insertions of the subscapularis. The olecranon fossa is very deep, but there is no intercondylar foramen ; at the apex of the fossa is a foramen (7) large enough to admit a very coarse bristle (in some bones there are two somewhat smaller ones), which opens directly into the medullary cavity. The trochlear surface (/) is placed mainly upon the posterior aspect of the bone. ’ ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE. 207 Ligaments.—lf Professor Parker’s views concerning the nature of the bone usually called clavicle be correct, we must regard the articulation between that bone and the humerus as part of the true shoulder-joint. It is, however to be observed that there are two separate synovial cavities, that the articular surfaces on the humerus are not continuous, and that the cavities of the joints are separated by ligamentous partitions. The ligaments of the scapulo-humeral articulation are—(1) Capsular, and (2) Gleno-humeral. 1. The Capsular ligament presents nothing worthy of remark with the exception of a thickening of its substance on the inner side of the joint. 2. The Gleno-humeral ligament is a stout, cord-like structure which passes from a small facet above the glenoid cavity to a small, shallow depression at the lower and posterior portion of the articular surface for the coraco-clavicle close to the head. In its course it lies within the capsule and is separated from the cavity of the joint by the synovial membrane only. In addition to these structures the tendons of the supra- spinatus and biceps exercise ligamentous functions. The tendon of the supraspinatus is broad and thick and is inserted into a smallimpression between the articular surfaces for the scapula and coraco-clavicle; it thus, becoming intimately adherent to the capsules of both joints, forms a strong partition between them. The influence of the tendon of the biceps upon the movements of the limb is fully discussed in the section of this paper which is devoted to the actions of the muscles, but it may be here stated that when the muscle is at rest, the tendon will pro- bably function as a ligament, steadying the humerus, holding it in apposition with the scapula and limiting its external rotation. The claviculo-humeral joint possesses a capsular ligament, the anterior portion of which becomes considerably thickened, being converted intv a broad sheet of strong vertical fibres, which are inserted into a groove at the anterior margin of the articular surface on the humerus. The acromio-clavicular ligament.—This very thick and strong band of fibres proceeds from the anterior of the two facets 208 MR R. AUSTIN FREEMAN, on the acromion to a small flat surface on the posterior margin of the outer surface of the coraco-clavicle. At about its middle it receives the insertion of a part of the subclavius. The sterno-clavicular articulation.—The coraco-clavicle is bound to the presternum by two ligaments, one of which, placed on the anterior and dorsal aspect of the joint, is of considerable strength. Its fibres, which arise from the anterior margin of the internal surface of the coraco-clavicle, proceed, some of them to the head of the presteraum, others to the bone of the opposite side. It therefore agrees closely with the interclavicular liga- ment of human anatomy. The posterior sterno-clavicular ligament is a comparatively thin sheet of fibres which extends from the posterior margin of the articular surface of the coraco-clavicle to the corresponding margin of the articular surface of the presternum. There is no interarticular fibro-cartilage in this joint, but that structure is probably represented by the plate of cartilage which covers the articular surface of the coraco-clavicle, this being what remains of the so-called “fourth coracoid segment” of Parker, who regards it as constituting with its fellow “the moieties of a highly modified omosternum.”? The interscapular ligament.—This unique and extremely interesting structure consists of a thick tendinous cord passing from the base of one scapula to that of the other, its attachment being nearly opposite to the spine: it is continuous anteriorly with the ligamentum nuche; and some of the muscles which arise from that structure, as ¢.g., splenius, have also an origin from it. From its posterior surface in the middle line, a band of connective tissue passes backwards to the spine of the third or fourth dorsal vertebra, and appears to be a backward continua- tion of the nuchal ligament. The interscapular ligament affords attachment to several muscles—trapezius, teres major, serratus posticus superior and dorso-interscapularis, some of which it appears to have considerably modified. It becomes a matter of some difficulty to dotedivine what is the nature of this ligament, for, that it represents some structure which exists in other animals there can be little doubt. Some light seems to be thrown upon the subject by the following facts: 1 Monograph on the Shoulder-girdle and Sternum, Ray Soc., 1868. ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE. 209 —(a) the vertebral spines are almost completely absent from the third cervical to the tenth dorsal; (0) the interscapular ligament is in intimate relation with the lgamentum * nuche, as well as with some of the muscles which arise from it; (c) an ossification has long been known to exist in the latter structure in the cervical region; (d) certain muscles are pro- foundly modified by their relation to the interscapular ligament. These facts appear to bear upon the subject in the following manner: the abortion of the dorsal spines explains the existence of the ligamentam nuche, or rather its backward continuation, in the dorsal region, and the intimate relation of the ligamentum nuche, with the interscapular ligament, implicates the latter in the changes which have occurred. The abortion of the vertebral spines, together with the ossification in the nuchal ligament, seems to indicate that the latter structure may possibly consist, not merely of separated interspinous ligament, but also of the detached spinous elements of some of the vertebra, and this conjecture is rendered more probable by the circumstance that the so-called “nuchal style” commences abruptly immediately behind the prominent spine of the axis. The most important of the museular modilications above referred to occurs in con- nection with the serratus posticus superior. This muscle arises from the anterior surface of the interscapular ligament and proceeds to its usual insertion, whilst, arising from the rudi- mentary spines of the fourth and fifth dorsal vertebre, and from the backward prolongation of the ligamentum nuchz is a small triangular muscle, which I have called dorso-interscapularis,’ which is inserted into the outer two-thirds of the posterior surface of the interscapular ligament, and which is separated from its fellow near its insertion by a small triangular interspace which is filled by the ligamentum nuche. If it be assumed that the interscapular ligament has been produced by the metamorphosis of the spinous elements of some of the vertebre, or by an outgrowth of the ligamentum nuche, it would seem that the region in which the changes have occurred corresponds with the origin of the serratus posticus superior, and ‘1 This muscle is called rhomboideus posticus by Dr Dobson, whose views con- cerning its morphological nature are somewhat different from those above given. Vide A Monograph of the Insectivora, part ii. VOL. XX. Oo 210 MR R. AUSTIN FREEMAN. that the mass of changed tissue, extending outwards through the substance of the muscle, has cut off, so to speak, its postero- internal angle, which has persisted as a separate muscle in the position which it now occupies. Myo.tocy.—The muscles of the anterior limb are, as would be anticipated, extremely well developed, and present several interesting deviations from the conditions most commonly found in mammals. We shall first consider the muscles which pass from the trunk to the limb and limb girdle. Pectoralis Major.—This muscle is not only of very sit size, but is split up into a number of remarkably distinct fasciculi which may be conveniently distinguished by attaching numbers to them. The posterior superficial mass (P.M. 1, fig. 9) is of large size, and evidently corresponds with the sternal portion of human anatomy ; it arises the whole length of the sternum, behind the promontory of the manubrium, including the expanded xiphoid cartilage and from all the sternal ribs. From this origin its fibres converge towards the crest (fig. 8, b.) above the bicipital groove, where they are inserted without having become tendinous. As it approaches its insertion, however, this portion of the muscle becomes covered with a layer of glistening tendinous fibres. At its anterior border is placed a flattish, fusiform fasciculus (P.M. 2, fig. 9), which arises from the promontory of the presternum, and is inserted into the same portion of the humerus. Anterior to this, and separated from it by a small interspace, is a narrow fasciculus (P.M. 3) arising from the head of the manubrium and passing outwards to be inserted into the angle above the bicipital notch. In front of this is a somewhat large quadrilateral piece (P.M. 4), which has no sternal or costal origin but arises from a median sheet of connective tissue which is interposed between it and its fellow of the opposite side! It is inserted into the whole length of the outer bicipital ridge and into the triangular surface at the lower angle of the rhomboidal 1 This condition of the pectoral muscles is of considerable interest in con- nection with the opinion expressed by Miss Lindsay in a paper read at the Zoological Society on June 16, 1885, that the sternal keel of carinate birds ‘‘is an outgrowth of the sternum of comparatively late phylogenetic date, and created for and by the attachment of the pectoral muscles,” ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE. 211 space. The two muscles, when in action, must pull against one another, since they have no central bony attachment. They are probably homologous with the “clavicular portion” of human anatomy. Upon reflecting the sternal portion of the muscle (P. 1) there is seen, underlying it, a very distinct fasciculus (P. 5) which arises from the posterior three-fourths of the crest of the manu- brium and from the second rib. It is inserted into the posterior surface of the inner tuberosity, becoming covered, as it approaches its insertion, with a layer of tendinous fibres. Behind this is a somewhat larger mass (P. 6), which arises from the second and third sternal ribs and blends more or less with the first part (P. 1) at its insertion. A seventh fasciculus, small and narrow (P. 7), takes origin from the promontory of the presternum and is inserted into the angle above the bicipital notch a little above the insertion of the third fasciculus. Pectoralis minor is of medium size and arises from the anterior half of the keel of the presternum and by a small tendinous slip from the first sternal rib. It is inserted into the ventral surface of the coraco-clavicle. Subclavius.—This muscle, which is of large size, arises from the whole length of the dorsal surface of the presternum on either side of the median groove, as well as from the greater part of the anterior surface of the first rib; it fills up to a great extent the large space which intervenes between the first rib and the coraco-clavicle. Arriving at the anterior portion of this space, the muscle separates into two parts, each of which ends in a tendon. The more internal of these divisions proceeds to the outer third of the dorsal margin of the coraco-clavicle as well as to the adjacent part of the anterior surface, whilst the more internal of the two is inserted into the anterior surface of the short acromion and into the acromio-clavicular ligament. Trapezius—This consists of two thin and slender muscles which are entirely separate both in their origin and insertions ; the anterior arises from the outer two-thirds of the superior curved line of the occipital bone and is inserted into the dorsal lip of the vertebral border of the scapula in the supraspinous region. It lies at the side of the neck, separated from its fellow by the rhomboid, which overlaps it at its posterior end. The Aa bee MR R, AUSTIN FREEMAN. posterior segment, which is a thin ligulate muscle, arises from the last dorsal and all the lumbar spines, by tendinous fibres, | and is inserted into the conical process on the spine of the scapula. In close relation, externally, with this portion of the trapezius is a very thin and narrow ribbon of muscle, the dorso- orbicularis, which passes forwards to be inserted into the skin of the dorsal region just behind the posterior border of the orbicu- laris panniculi. Rhomboideus.—There is only one rhomboid muscle, and this is probably the representative of rhomboideus minor of man. It is a somewhat large muscle, arising from the ligamentum nuchee and from the curious little styliform bone which exists in this region. From this origin it passes backwards and outwards, and becoming somewhat twisted upon itself, is inserted into the vertebral border of the scapula in the supraspinous region. In the posterior part of its course it lies superficial to the trapezius, a circumstance which is due to the entire absence of the central portion of the latter muscle and the abnormal position of the scapula, to which allusion has been already made. Latissimus dorsi is of rather large size and consists of two portions, which are separated by a cellular interspace. The anterior portion, which is the smaller, arises from the lower five dorsal and first lumbar spines, and passing forwards soon comes to lie under cover of the posterior portion, with which it blends near its insertion. The posterior portion arises from the remaining lumbar spines, from the lumbar fascia, and from the fascia covering the external oblique; it is aponeurotic at its origin, but soon becomes fleshy, at the same time becoming rapidly narrower, as it winds round the thorax to reach the axilla. It terminates in a broad flat tendon, which unites to a great extent with that of teres major, and the united tendons are inserted into the prominent ridge below the bicipital groove. Although the tendons are almost entirely blended the facets on the bone for their insertion are quite distinct, the more anterior belonging to latissimus dorsi. Serratus magnus arises by seven fleshy digitations from seven ribs,—the second to the eighth—near their angles, and is inserted into the oval facet on the ventral lip of the vertebral border of ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE. 213 the scapula, the posterior part of the border und the interscapular ligament. Levator anguli scapule, which is nearly as large as the serratus magnus, from which it is separated by a cellular interspace, arises from the transverse processes of the cervical vertebre from the third to the seventh inclusive, and is inserted into the oval sur- face at the vertebral end of the anterior border of the scapula. As the serratus posticus superior has, in the mole, an attach- ment to the shoulder girdle, it may, together with its concomitant, the dorso-interscapularis, be properly described here. Serratus posticus superior is a small narrow muscle which arises from the central portion of the ventral aspect of the inter- scapular ligament, and passes outwards to be inserted by two digi- tations into the third and fourth ribs near their vertebral ends. Dorso-interscapularis, the nature of which has been fully discussed under the heading of ligaments, is a small triangular muscle which arises from the spines of the fourth and fifth dorsal vertebre, and from the backward prolongation of the ligamentum nuche, and is inserted into the outer two-thirds of the posterior surface of the interscapular ligament. We now proceed to consider the muscles which pass from the shoulder girdle to the brachium. Deltoid.—This is of comparatively small size, and owing to this fact, to the large size of the great pectoral, and particularly to the singular position of the limb, lies entirely under cover of the quadrilateral fasciculus of the pectoralis major; it arises from the outer half of the anterior surface of the coraco-clavicle, and is inserted by fleshy fibres into the whole of the rhomboidal space on the front of the humerus and by tendinous fibres at its margins. It is thus seen that the deltoid has no scapular attachment. Teres major.—This muscle is of enormous proportions, being perhaps more hypertrophied than any of the arm muscles; it arises from the triangular rough surface at the posterior angle of the scapula, from the upper two-thirds of the axillary border, from the broad surface on the vertebral border by tendinous fibres, by a small additional slip from the anterior portion of the vertebral border and, lastly, from tke interscapular ligament. From this somewhat complicated origin, its fibres pass forwards, 214 MR R. AUSTIN FREEMAN. forming a large fleshy belly, which tends to become more or less blended with surrounding muscles, and terminate in a strong, ” flat tendon, which unites largely with that of latissimus dorsi, and is with that tendon inserted into the ridge below the bicipital groove, the moiety of the tendon which belongs to teres major being inserted into the posterior of the two facets. Subscapularis is a somewhat small muscle, compared with the ereat teres major; it arises, as usual, from the whole of the subscapular fossa, as well as from the ridge on the ventral surface of the neck. The substance of the muscle is penetrated by two tendons upon which the fibres are, so to speak, gathered up, and which are inserted into two round concave facets at the summit of the inner tuberosity, immediately internal to the superior opening of the bicipital canal. Into the surface of bone which intervenes between the two facets, the muscle has a fleshy insertion. Supraspinatus is a somewhat small penniform muscle, which arises from the whole of the supraspinous fossa up to the margin of the glenoid cavity ; its fibres converge upon a strong flat tendon, the size of which is, in relation to the muscle to which it belongs, somewhat disproporticnately large, which, uniting to some extent with, and piercing, the capsule of the claviculo-humeral joint is inserted upon the surface of the humerus which articulates with the coraco-clavicle, lying in the cavity of the joint, and covered with the synovial membrane. This tendon also becomes adherent to the capsule of the true shoulder joint, forming, as already stated, a partition between that joint and the claviculo-humeral articulation. Infra-spinatus, of small size arises from the greater part of the infraspinous fossa, and also from the truncated, conical process at the vertebral end of the spine. It is inserted by a small tendon into a facet at the base of the uncinate process on the outer tuberosity of the humerus. Teres minor appears to be entirely absent. We now pass on to the consideration of those muscles which extend from the shoulder girdle to the forearm. Biceps brachii.—This muscle is perhaps more remarkably modified than any other in this region; it arises by a thin cord- like tendon from a small tubercle on the ventral surface of the ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE. 215 scapula about +); of an inch from the margin of the glenoid cavity ; from this point the tendon passes forward and downward to reach the superior opening of the bicipital canal. The axis of this canal being as nearly as possible at right angles with the portion of tendon intervening between it and the scapula, the tendon becomes bent up, playing over a small trochlear surface at the posterior edge of the superior opening. Emerging from the canal, but lying in the deep bicipital groove, the tendon follows the same course until it reaches the bicipital notch on the inner side of the humerus, where it again changes its course, twisting sharply round the polished pulley-like margin of the bone and coming now to have a direction at right angles to the last. It now swells out into a fleshy belly of considerable size, and this becomes contracted into a strong flat tendon which is inserted in its normal position on the radius. It is thus seen that the tendon of the biceps lies in three different planes, each forming a right angle with either of the others. Triceps is of large size and has the following characters :—A large quadrilateral mass divided into two portions by a cellular interspace arises from the rough surface at the glenoid end of the axillary border of the scapula, and from the infraspinous fossa for about # of the length of the bone; another distinct mass arises from the posterior surface of the humerus below the bicipital groove, and a third arises from the outer and posterior surface of the humerus and from the conical cavity at its upper part. The muscle is inserted, mainly by fieshy fibres, into the enormous expansion of the olecranon. Brachialis anticus arises from the upper portion of the outer surface of the humerus below the rhomboidal space, and from the hooklike process on the outer tuberosity; its strong, flat tendon is inserted into a small depression in front of the coronoid process of the ulna. Anconevs.—This muscle consists of two parts separated by a small cellular interspace; the posterior portion is a round fusiform fasciculus arising from the tip of the styliform external condyle and inserted into the outer projection of the olecranon. The anterior portion, thin and fan-shaped, arises in common with the preceding and becoming somewhat aponeurotic as it passes 216 MR R. AUSTIN FREEMAN. over the extensor muscles of the forearm, is inserted into blip prominent crest of the ulna. Epitrochleo-anconeus or anconeus internus, a comparatively large muscle of a triangular shape, arises from the posterior surface of the pronator ridge, and passing almost horizontally backwards, is inserted into a prominent process on the inner side of the olecranon. It lies superficial to the ulnar nerve. The present paper would be incomplete without a brief notice of the parts which are played in the economy of the mole by the numerous and important modifications of anatomical structure . which have been described. The movements of which the pectoral limb of the mole is capable, present extremely little variety, being almost entirely confined to a backward and forward movement like the oar of a boat or the arm of aswimmer, which latter it closely resembles, and consisting, like it, of a “stroke” in which the outspread hand is driven forcibly through a more or less dense and resisting medium, and a “ recovery” in which comparatively little resistance has to be overcome and therefore comparatively little force used. To the execution of the former of these movements the limb is specially adapted, and it is to the hypertrophy of the muscles by whose agency it is performed, that the structural modifica- tions are mainly due. This will be seen more clearly if we examine the movements in detail, and observe the manner in which the several muscles contribute to their production. Thus upon analyzing the first movement, the backward “stroke” of limb, we find that it is made up of the following parts: (a) flexion of the humerus upon the scapula; (6) extension of the forearm ; (c) rotation of the humerus around its longitudinal axis, and as a result of this; (d) flexion of the digits. (a) Flexion of the humerus upon the scapula is mainly effected by the long head of the Triceps, which, by virtue of its very extensive attachment to the scapula and the great development of the olecranon, acts at a great mechanical advantage, and its action is probably largely supplemented by the infraspinatus as well as by the teres major and the latissimus dorsi. (b) The principal action, however, of the two latter muscles is that of rotation of the humerus around its long axis, in which ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE. 217 action they are powerfully assisted by the posterior segment of the great pectoral. This movement is of a twofold character, consisting of (1) a rotation of the humerus around a line drawn through the middle of the trochlear surface and the scapular head, and (2) a backward movement of the entire bone, carrying with it the scapula, upon the coraco-clavicle. The latter movement is obviously brought about entirely by the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi, whilst the former is in a great measure due to the teres major. (c) The rotation of the humerus results in flexion of the digits in the manner described by Mr D’Arcy W. Thompson in his admirable paper on the subject (Jowrnal of Anatomy, vol. xxiii. p. 406). The teres major and latissimus dorsi have been above described as rotating the humerus outwards; it must be borne in mind that as this bone is inverted, these muscles come to lie on the outer aspect of the limb, a circumstance which, no doubt, led Professor Owen into the error of confuunding the teres major with the deltoid? : (d) Extension of the forearm is of course effected by the action of the triceps, In the forward movement of the limb the resistance to be overcome is very much less, whence the muscles which are called - into action are of less robust proportions. The movement is, of course, merely a reversal of the preceding, viz., extension of the humerus upon the scapula; flexion of the forearm; internal rotation of the humerus and extension of the digits. Extension of the humerus upon ‘the scapula is effected chiefly by the anterior segment of the great pectoral, the deltoid and the supraspinatus, which muscles, assisted by the biceps, as explained below, rotate the humerus inwards. The digits are extended by the strong extensor communis and the elbow is flexed by the brachialis anticus and biceps, the latter functioning also as a rotator of the humerus in a very curious and interesting manner. It has been pointed out (p. 215) that the long proximal tendon of 1 “The deltoid, coextensive with the scapula, acts through its length with great power upon the well-developed humeral ridge.” —Anatomy of Vertebrates, vol. iii. pp. 17, 18. 218 MR R. AUSTIN FREEMAN. this muscle runs a zigzag course somewhat like a capital Z, and that the middle portion lies in a bony canal in the upper part of the humerus, the canal passing almost horizontally through the bone in its transverse diameter. From this it clearly follows that when, by the contraction of the muscle, the tendon is put upon the stretch, it will tend to become straight, and the result of this will be an external (or in the inverted position of the humerus an internal) rotation of the bone and consequent relaxation of the flexor sublimis ligament perinitting of extension of the digits, Thus it will be seen that the singular condition of the biceps — comes to be of material use in the curiously modified muscular movements. EXPLANATION OF PLATE V Fig. 1, Left scapula, dorsal’aspect. a, mammillary process at vertebral end of spine; 0, acromion; ¢, supra-spinous fossa; d, infra-spinous fossa. Fig. 2. Left scapula, ventral aspect. «a, bicipital impression ; 8, facet for trapezius ; c, facet for serratus magnus; d, ventral ridge. Fig. 3. Left coraco-clavicle, posterior aspect. a, articular surface for humerus; 0, posterior surface; c, conical process on ventral surface. Fig. 4. Left coraco-clavicle, anterior aspect. a, articular surface for presternum; 6, surface for deltoid; c, conoid process; d, foramen (coracoid foramen, Parker.) Fig. 5. Presternum and coraco-clavicles, ventral aspect. a, alar expansion; 0, thickening at posterior extremity; c, carina; d, promontory. Fig. 6. Presternum and coraco-clavicles, dorsal aspect. a, ala; b, posterior end ; c, groove; d, foramen. Fig. 7. Left humerus, anterior aspect. a, rhomboidal space occupied by deltoid ; 6, surface for part of great pectoral; ¢, bicipital notch ; d, termination of bicipital groove; e, ridge for teres major and Jatissimus dorsi ; /, pit marking origin of flexor sublimis digitorum ; g, pronator ridge ; h, lower opening of supra-condylar canal ; 7, external condyle; 7, capitellum; %, superior opening of bicipital canal; 7, articular surface for coraco-clavicle, Fig. 8. Left humerus, posterior aspect. a, head; 0, inner tuberosity ; c, outer tuberosity (articular surface for coraco-clavicle) ; d, ridge on tuberosity ; e, uncinate process ; f, ridge for part of great pectoral ; g, superior opening of bicipital canal ; h, bicipital groove leading down . ANATOMY OF THE SHOULDER AND UPPER ARM OF THE MOLE. 219 to bicipital notch; 7, cavity in outer tuberosity; 7, nutrient foramen; k, trochlear surface. Fig. 9. Dissection of the muscles of the pectoral and axillary regions. On the right side the superficial, on the left the deep musclesareshown. P.M. 1-5, pectoralis major; the sixth and seventh fasciculi have been removed, the former in order to show the sub- scapularis, and the latter to show the pectoralis minor. P.Mi., pectoralis minor ; 8, subscapularis ; T.M., teres major; Bi., biceps; P.R.T., prona- tor radii teres; F.C.R., flexor carpi radialis; D., deltoid; E.O., external oblique ; F.S.D., flexor sublimis digitorum (converted into a ligament) ; E.C.D., extensor communis digitorum ; Ra., radius, Fig. 10. Dissection of the brachium and fore-arm from the inner side. Sc., Scapula (the axillary border and subscapular fossa shown). Tr. 1., scapular head of biceps ; Tr. 2, outer head; Tr. 3, inner head ; C.L. capsular ligament; Bi. 1, tendon of biceps above bicipital canal. Bi. 2, tendon of biceps emerging from canal; Bi. 3, belly of biceps ; LT., inner tuberosity ; A.I., anconeus internus ; P.R.T., pronator radii teres ; F.C.R., flexor ‘carpi radialis; P.L., palmaris longus; F.C.U., flexor carpi ulnaris, F.S.D., flexor sublimus digitorum. ON THE REPRODUCTION OF THE CARAPAX IN TORTOISES. By Hans Gapow, Ph.D., M.A. Cantab., Strickland Curator and Lecturer on Advanced Morphology of Vertebrates, University, Cambridge. (PLATE VI.) AMONGST a number of land tortoises (Testudo graca) kept here were many specimens which, owing to the rough mode of packing generally gone through by these hardy reptiles, arrived in a very injured condition. In some cases the greater part of the carapax was broken through, most of the plates having been so much cracked or crushed that they were dislodged from their neighbouring parts, and were rendered easily movable. This refers not only to the epidermal scutes, the so-called tortoise- shell, but likewise to the underlying ossified dermal plates. All the tortoises have since been kept under the most favour- able natural conditions, whereupon the maimed specimens showed the following interesting changes :— The epidermal scutes fell off, followed, after some three to ten months, by the thick osseous plates, which were completely atrophied and then raised above the old surface, until the greater portion of the old carapax was bodily lifted up and was kept in connexion with the animal merely by the overlapping margins of some of the neighbouring uninjured scutes. Underneath this old armour, and separated from it by a space partly filled with decaying matter, comes a layer of new tortoise-shell. This layer is of typical structure, and even contains the usual patches of black and yellow pigment. In bad cases the whole renewed area is covered with a mass of horny large tubercles without any regular arrangement. Underneath this shell comes a soft, vascu- lair, and apparently sensitive layer, resembling the malpighian normally found between the tortoise-shell and the ossified cutis. Underneath this soft layer lies a more or less well ossified armour. In one of the most injured specimens about four neural and six costal plates of the dermal armour were bodily lifted off (fig. 1). The animal was then protected only by the remaining subcutaneous connective tissue, which although already considerably changed and thickened, was still so soft THE REPRODUCTION OF THE CARAPAX IN TORTOISES, 22ak that it was bulging in and out according to the expiration and inspiration of the lungs. On this soft cover there was already pro- duced some irregular and imperfect tortvise-shell. Microscopic examination in transverse stained sections shows the following structure (fig. 2A):—s.c., stratum corneum, partly peeling off; the lower layers are composed of more flattened cornified cells, followed by high cylindrical cells (M), which, like the typical malpighian cells of Chelonians, show granulous contents with a large nucleus and nucleolus; P, black, star-shaped pigment clusters ; 0.c., ossified cutis, z.¢., new dermal armour. Sections through less advanced portions show the thick cutis (fig. 2B, ¢) composed of the normal horizontal connective fibres and full of osteoblasts. Towards the peritoneal or inner side these are by far less numerous and the fibres are still irregularly felted, as in ordinary subcutaneous connective tissue. In another case the epiplastron had been severed from the neighbouring entoplastral and hyoplastral plates. The opposite margins are now quite smoothly rounded off, and the epiplastron is now connected with the rest of the plastron by a belt of skin of 0°5 em. in width, consequently quite movable, but of course attached to the skin of the neck and the M. claviculo-plastro-humeralis. When this animal withdraws its head into the shell, the new jointed epiplastron shuts part of the opening and thus bears a close resemblance to the mechanism of the genus Pyvis. The belt of skin cannot in its structure be distinguished from that of the neck and legs. In order to investigate this process, I made the following experiments on TZestudo greca. The specimens are now in the museum of comparative anatomy and zoology in Cambridge. In November 1884 a ring of three-quarters of an inch in diameter was cut through the whole carapax into the soft subcutaneous tissue. The central disk, which had thus become a movable plug, remained intact. The walls of the ring and disk were cauterised in order to destroy the margins of the malpighian layer. The wound was for the first fortnight dressed antiseptically, but afterwards left to itself. The plug showed the inspiration and expiration for several weeks, and remained movable for at least three months. Now, in September 1885, examination shows the following result (fig. 3) :-— 29 DR HANS GADOW. The walls of the ring R looked as if the wound had not been mended, but after slight pressure a ring of necrotic dermal bone, D, came off and showed the continuation of the malpighian layer M. Dead tortoise-shell, together with a disk of dermal armour could easily be removed from the top of the disk. The dermal part D was only half its original thickness, resorbed and necrotic on its deep surface. Below it, a layer of newly formed tortoise-shell, followed by malpighian stratum and then by dermal bone. On another part of the tortoise a portion of the horny layer, together with the malpighian stratum, was completely removed to the extent of 0°3 inch square (fig. 4). This area reached across the natural suture of two neighbouring dermal plates. The injured place kept its appearance, apparently without change, for ten months. Now, with some force a thin layer of dermal plate could be removed; it was quite necrotic, and separated from the rest by a stratum of horny epiderm, which latter was continuous with the uninjured tortoise-shell. It must, however, be noted that this regenerated shell does not reproduce the peculiar pattern of concentric squares and rings visible on the uninjured scales, because this pattern is intimately connected with the growth of the whole animal. To sum up, the injury done to the armour of tortoises is mended in this way that from the healthy margins of the malpighian layer the latter grows centripetally towards the injured area right into the osseous plate and thus causes the latter’s partial destruction, whereupon the superimposed shell and osseous plates to the extent of the area to be mended are cast off. Lastly, the remaining deep portions of the dermis make up for the loss by thickening, If the injury is very severe, as in the tortoise figured, where the dermal armour was cast off down to the soft cutaneous layers, the bulk of these produces cutis, which then undergoes the normal process of ossification, until at last a uew complete armour is formed. A superficial centripetal growth of the epiderm over the defect, as in mammals, does not take place in tortoises. The reason for this rather roundabout process seems to be that the epider- mal products (the tortoise-shell) are not only the phylogenetically older but also a more important protection than the much later THE REPRODUCTION OF THE CARAPAX IN TORTOISES. 225 established dermal armour. However, we do not know of any non-pathological cases where bony or dermal structure lies superficially without being covered by epidermal products, with the single exception of the horns of deer, but these have to be periodically renewed. Considering the enormous extent to which our tortoises have mended their shells, there may be after all some truth in the often ridiculed story related of Malayan turtle-fishers, who, after the living creature has been slightly roasted over a coalfire, to render the tortoise-shell easily removable, set the tortured turtle free so that it may recover and yield them a new coating. I confess that at first sight the process of regeneration described above seemed to afford at last an instance of epidermal products being developed from the surface of cutaneous layers. One might suggest that through the development of the various skin-glands epiblastic elements had been conveyed deeply into the cutis and that these latent or dormant cells might under certain circumstances establish a malpighian layer. Such an assumption might, perhaps, hold in mammals, but Chelonians are, like most other reptiles, almost devoid of skin-glands. Or, if the mesvblast of the amniota is derived from both germinal layers, the upper portion of the mesoderm then being a descend- ant from, or perhaps a differentiation of, the eztoderm, we might assume, that the cutaneous layer retains in itself the potentiality for developing structures which normally are produced only by the ectoderm specialised in that direction. Such cases seem to occur. Professor Humphry kindly informs me that in cases of burns or other injuries, causing the destruction of large portions of the skin, the whole often considerable defect of epidermis and cutis will be mended by a regeneration from the cutis per swper- jiciem, provided there be any of the deeper layers of the cutis left. An analogous case is the reproduction of bark from the whole surface of the cambium laid open after the destruction of the old cortex. periipk THE REPRODUCTION OF THE CARAPAX IN TORTOISES. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VI. Fig. 1. Transverse section through carapax; #., epiderm; O.C, ossified cutis; D., cast off portion of old dermal armour; M., newly formed malpighian layer and new tortoise-shell ; «, see fig. 2. Fig. 2. Section through regenerated portion of carapax at point a, fic. 1. A. s.¢., stratum corneum; JZ, cylindrical cells; P., pigment clusters ; O.C., ossified cutis. B. c., thick cutis. Fig. 3. Transverse section; £&., the ring cut out; D., cast off portion of dermal armour on disk; D,, cast off portion of wall of ring; O.C., ossified cutis or dermal armour, partly renewed at 7; Z., cast off por- tion of old epiderm ; M., malpighian layer, newly formed. Fig. 4. Transverse section; D., cast off disk of dermal armour, below which the newly-formed tortoise-shell. OBSERVATIONS ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND THE DECAY OF THE PIGMENT LAYER ON BIRDS’ EGGS. By AexanpEr M. M‘Atpowr, M.D., Vice- President, North Staffordshire Naturalists’ Field Club. Many and various are the theories which have been brought forward by ornithologists to account for the coloration of birds’ eggs, but all have failed to explain why the majority are so richly and beautifully ornamentec. White eggs, deposited in dark situations, are accounted for, as also are those which simulate the colour of the soil or other material on which they are laid. All others, comprising by far the largest proportion of egos, have proved an enigma as yet unsolved. Theorising on this interesting subject, it occurred to my mind that if we were to reverse the usual order of study, examine first the pigmenta- tion of those eggs whose colours apparently bear no relation to their surroundings, and afterwards investigate the causes which might have brought about the loss of pigment in white eggs, and also the method by which protective mimicry had been produced, we might arrive at a more satisfactory and scientific conclusion. A review of other organic objects gave abundant reason for this order of investigation. White is one of the rarest hues in the organic world. When it occurs it is for some specific purpose, and its presence can always be easily accounted for. Thus, animals which live within the arctic circle are white like the snow of these regions, the perianth of many flowers is white to attract insects and ensure cross fertilisation, and most sea birds are white, with blue on the back, resembling the colours of the clouds, and rendering them less likely to frighten the fish upon which they prey. Much has been written about the variety of colours observed on eggs, but a glance at the solar spectrum will at once show the fallacy of this opinion. The only portions of the spectrum represented on the whole range of colours of birds’ eggs are a small band on the red (forty to forty-five), and another on the green (eighty-five to ninety-two). This seems the more striking when we consider the number of VOL. XX. P 226 DR ALEXANDER M. M‘ALDOWIE. colours exhibited by the birds themselves, where every part of the spectrum is represented, as well as by other organic objects, as insects, flowers, &c. Only two colours of pigment are found on eggs, green and red—together with black, which is not a colour in the scientific sense of the term. It is a remarkable fact, and one which I have never seen noticed by writers on the subject, that all the rich hues and shades with which eggs are so lavishly ornamented, are merely intermediates between these three. ? I have arranged the following scale by an expansion of these three according to chromatic rules, and it will be seen that it embraces every shade of colour found in birds’ eggs. BLUE-GREEN Russe? or Orange Brown Green — _ Brown Olive-Green Grey-Brown Olive Brown-Grey Olive-Brown BLACK or Grey. The hematin of the red blood-corpuscles is the source of these pigments. It is taken up by the pigment cells where it under- goes metamorphosis into the green, brown, and black shades, and is then secreted by the particular follicles at the lower part of the uterus. “To understand how yellow, green, brown, and black pigments may be derived from the colouring matter of the blood,” writes Rindfleisch, “we must first glance at the physio- logical metamorphoses to which this substance is liable. The most important of these, and in some sense typical of all the rest, is its transformation into bile-pigment. The red corpuscles, as they grow old, part with their colouring matter to the serum; from this it is taken up by the liver-cells, which transform it into bile-pigment; as such it is ultimately excreted in the feces. Before it is thus removed, when retained in the gall bladder for any length of time, it undergoes further changes, passing through shades of yellow, green, brown, and black, which Shadeler terms respectively bilifuscin (C,,H,)N,O,), biliverdin (C;,H,)N,0,,), biliprasin (C,,H,,N,O,,) and bilihumin ; bilifuscin differing from bilirubin in containing two atoms more HO, biliverdin from bilifuscin in containing two atoms more O, > DEVELOPMENT AND DECAY OF PIGMENT LAYER ON BIRDS’ EGGS, 227 biliprasin from biliverdin, again, by an access of 2HO, while bilihumin is a black, insoluble, very highly oxidised substance.” “The scale of colours enumerated above serves, as already stated, as a standard for the course of all other chromatases, whether physiological or pathological.” A careful study of these pigments will show the reason for this limited range of colour. If we examine the characteristics of the pigment layer on eggs, it is impossible to resist the con- clusion that its presence has reference to the sun’s rays. All organic objects which are liable to be exposed to the sun’s rays are protected by pigment of one colour or another. This is the chief use of pigment in the animal world. In many animals the colours are adapted or moditied for concealment, but their primary use is for protection from the glare of the sun. The delicate and tender ovum in particular requires protection. Professor Yung has shown the generating power of the sun’s rays on the ova of frogs. In 1881, I read a paper showing that the pigment of frog’s spawn was placed in the ovum itself to absorb the sun’s rays as well as to protect the organism.’ But the ovum of the more highly organised warm-blooded animals does not derive the stimulus required for its development from the rays of the sun but from the body of the parent. I think that this affords us sufficient reason for assuming that the use of the pigmented covering of the shell is to protect the sensitive ovum from being acted on by the sun’s rays. If we make two perforations in a piece of cardboard, cover one with a piece of pigmented egg shell (eg., a rook’s or blackbird’s), and the other with a white one (¢g., a pigeon’s or a woodpecker’s), and hold the cardboard up to the light, we see the great amount of pro- tection afforded by the pigmented shell. True, the same end might be gained by thickening the shell, but it would have to be increased several fold to afford an equal amount of protec- tion, and nature is never wasteful in material. Moreover, owing to the peculiar way in which the yolk is suspended by the chalazz, the germinal spot is always uppermost, and consequently exposed to the sun’s rays striking from above. Mr Salvin noticed in Guatemala that humming-birds were much more unwilling to leave their nests during very hot 1 North Staffordshire Natural History Reports. 228 DR ALEXANDER M. M‘ALDOWIE. weather, when the sun was shining brightly, than during cool, cloudy, or rainy weather.' I shall afterwards show that there is a direct relation between the amount of light to which the egg is exposed and the intensity of its pigmentation ; that direct exposure to the sun’s rays is necessary for pigment to acquire its full development ; and that eges deposited in sites protected from the sun’s rays gradually lose their pigment layer. If we examine these three shades from a purely chromatic standpoint, apart from any physiological views of their development, we shall see how admirably adapted they are for the purposes of protection and concealment. 1, Green is the colour we would naturally expect to find used as a protection for eggs. We know by experience that it has a peculiar softening influence on light. When it is present, it is always as a ground tint, uniformly spread over the surface of the ego. Most eggs are more or less covered with spots, blotches, or streaks, but these markings are never formed of green pig- ment. Many markings appear green to the eye, but this appearance is produced by the green ground tint being seen through a thin layer of black or brown. The spots in that case are of a darker green than the ground, but never deeper or richer. The most common tint is a bluish-green. 2. Red. If we see a reason for the use of green pigment as a protective layer on eggs, we can find an equally good one why red should be employed as the second or supplementary colour. In the chromatic circle all colours are arranged in pairs, and the colours in every pair are complementary to each other. When two colours are seen in juxtaposition, they mutually affect each other, both in colour and tone. A yellow object, for example, placed close to a blue one, will appear as if inclined to orange, while the blue object will seem to incline towards violet. But two complementary colours, such as red and green, do not modify one another’s contiguity. They merely enhance each other's characteristics. Further, Professor Church remarks that green and red have a relation to each other which is different from that of any other pair of colours. “That there is something very peculiar in the relation of green to red,” he adds, “may also be 1 Ibis, 1864, p. 875. DEVELOPMENT AND DECAY OF PIGMENT LAYER ON BIRDS’ EGGS. 229 concluded from the frequency with which these two colours are confounded by persons who suffer from colour blindness.” The exact tint, which seems to be the basis of all the reds and browns found on eggs is a russet or orange-brown, and, if we examine the chromatic circle of Maxwell, this tint will be seen to be the complementary colour of the bluish-green, which I have just remarked is the usual ground tint. Red pigment is usually arranged in the form of spots, streaks, or blotches. Occasionally it is used as a ground tint—as in the grouse tribe—but then it is usually more or less speckled. It rarely if ever exhibits the smoothness or evenness of the green. 3. Black seems to be employed mostly as a tone giving neutral to enhance these two colours. Orange or red seen in juxtaposition with black is rendered rather lighter in tone and more luminous; green with black becomes more brilliant, but the black suffers in purity, and appears slightly tinged with a ruddy hue. The grey marking seen on many eggs, eg., the sparrow tribe, are produced by a light layer of black pigment. Next to their limited range the variation of the colours of egos in the same species is the most striking characteristic. In the egos of several species, as gulls, terns, and guillemots, the range of lives extends almost from one end of the scale to the other. Whata contrast with the colours of the birds themselves, where the colour of a few feathers in some instances constitute the difference between the species, or with lepidoptera where the pigmentation of a few scales determines the name of the insect. And not only do the eggs of birds of the same species differ, but those of the same individual vary almost to the same extent. Thus in a tern’s nest, containing four eggs, I found one of a pale green colour and another of a deep reddish-brown. The other two were of intermediate tints. In this case the green egg had been the first laid and the brown one last. Basing our theories on the development of pigments referred to above, which is generally accepted by physiologists, we would infer that green was the first colour which was developed in the egos of the early species of birds. The eggs of the species extant support this conclusion. Green is the most common and most widely distributed colour. Schmidt states: “The more stubbornly a character is transmitted, or, what amounts to the 230 DR ALEXANDER M. M‘ALDOWIE. same, the greater the number of families, genera, and species over which a character is extended, the earlier did it appear in the ancestral stock.” It is also,as has been shown previously, the colour best adapted for protection from the stimulating influence of the sun’s rays, and there can be no doubt but that this is the primary use of pigment. Almost every egg which is laid in a situation where there is no need for concealment, but which is exposed to the sun’s rays-—e.y., rooks, herons—is of a green colour. Red or russet, and all the intermediate tints, appear to be developed chiefly for concealment, the different shades of brown showing in many instances perfect adaptation of the colour of the egg with that of its surroundings. This colour is chiefly ' exhibited on eggs which are deposited on or near the ground, as the waders’, gallinaceous birds’, larks’, &c. Hewitson states: “We should scarcely expect to find the eggs of the crane so entirely different from those of all the other species which are most nearly allied to it in habit and in form. Whilst the eggs of all these species, with the exception of those of the spoon- bill, are either pure white or slightly tinted with colour, but always spotless, those of the crane are, on the contrary, richly coloured.” This difference may be completely accounted for by the above theory, as the crane habitually breeds on the ground, whilst the others choose elevated sites, Compare also the eggs of the three species of divers, laid on the margin of the freshwater lochs in the north, with those of their congeners the guillemots, deposited on cliffs. The coloration of the eggs of the Falconide are in some respects exceptional, depending on the nature of the food and other causes, which lie beyond the scope of the present paper. When I examined eges with reference to the amount of light to which they were exposed, I found that the ratio between the intensity of the pigmentation and the degree of exposure was very marked, and, indeed, almost startling. For example, the eggs of birds which breed early—as the thrush tribe, hedge- sparrow, &c.—have well-developed ground tints; whilst those of the later breeders—as the green finch, linnet, &c.—laid after the leaves are out, and therefore screened from direct sunlight are more faintly coloured. My own experience is that exposure or DEVELOPMENT AND DECAY OF PIGMENT LAYER ON BIRDS’ EGGS. 231 shelter from the sun’s rays plays an important part in the selection of a site for nidification, by the parent bird. It may be laid down asan almost universal law in ornithology, that eggs which are deposited in situations exposed to the sun’s rays are much darker in colour than those laid in nests protected from direct sunlight. They almost invariably possess a well- developed ground tint. Some, eg., the heron and the hedge- sparrow, are spotless, but most show markings of some kind. Eggs laid in shaded nests, e.g., the yellow-hammer and the green finch, possess a faint ground tint, and the markings are usually smaller and lighter than in the preceding. Eggs laid in covered nests, as the tits’ and wrens’, usually present faint spots in a white ground. Eggs which are wholly excluded from light, as woodpeckers’ and kingfishers’, are almost invariably pure white. Not only does direct sunlight seem necessary for the pigment layer to acquire its full development, but there is also strong evidence that all white and faintly coloured eggs have undergone or are undergoing a process of decolorisation when the protec- tion afforded by the pigment layer is no longer required. This is in accordance with the laws of physiology. If any tissue or organ loses its function it will gradually waste, and finally disappear Moreover, it has been shown by evolutionists that the lost organ is apt to appear as a variation, or as a rudimentary and useless appendage: many eggs, therefore, show rudimentary pigmentation, and colour appears sometimes as a variation in eggs which are normally white. Eggs have been divided by Wallace into white and coloured, spotted and un- spotted ; there is, however, an unbroken series between white eggs and those which are highly pigmented and _ spotted. Further, the eggs of several species would have to be included at one time under the former category, and at another under the latter. For instance, the egg of the white-tailed eagle is usually white, but occasionally it presents well-defined markings. The egg of the puffin is as often colourless as it is pigmented. That of the whinchat is of a bright blue-green, sometimes spot- less, sometimes faintly speckled at the large end with rust colour. It has been stated that white and light coloured eggs are found Van DR ALEXANDER M. M‘ALDOWIE. in dark and sheltered situations because colour is not necessary to conceal them from observation. The fact has, however, been overlooked, that eggs laid in elevated sites, as gulls’, rooks’, herons’, &c., have well-developed colours, although they can be of no use for concealment. Want of the stimulus of the sun’s rays alone causes the colour to fade or disappear. When one (or one or two) species in a family, where the majority lay deeply pigmented eggs, lays either a white egg or one faintly coloured, we invariably find that it differs from the others in its mode of nidification, depositing its eggs in some place protected from the light, whilst its relations lay in exposed situations. In this case there is what may be termed a specific decolorisation, the loss of pigment affecting the individual species alone, and not extending to the other members of the family. When the whole of a genus or family lay white eggs, we find that either all, or the majority of the species, deposit their eggs in places protected from the light. In this case there appears to have been a generic decolorisation affecting the group as a whole, the pigment having become obsolete at a much earlier period than in the preceding case, probably before the differentia- tion of the family into the existing number of species. SPECIFIC DECOLORISATION, In examining the evidence of decolorisation of eggs, it will be necessary to enter somewhat into the details of the modifica- tion of several groups of birds to show the various ways in which the eggs are protected from the stimulating influence of sunlight. With reference to this, eggs may be divided into three classes viz. :—(1) those laid in holes or covered nests, (2) those which are covered by the parent bird with leaves, weeds, &c., and (3) those covered by an incrustation of calcareous matter. The eggs of nocturnal birds are white or faintly coloured but are included in the above. 1. Eggs deposited in holes or covered nests. The egg of a woodpecker, or any bird where the whole of the family lay white eggs and are identical in their mode of nesting, affords no evidence of decolorisation. But when we find one species only in a family laying in a covered nest, and DEVELOPMENT AND DECAY OF PIGMENT LAYER ON BIRDS’ EGGS. 233 its eges white or faintly coloured, whilst those of the other members are laid in open sites and are highly pigmented, we may fairly argue that the pigment covering has degenerated or vanished. Thus all the thrush family lay richly coloured eggs in open sites, whilst the dipper, a closely allied species, lays a white egg in a domed edifice. The egg of the black redstart, one of a genus where all the other members lay coloured eggs, is exceptionally pure and white. Again, the auk tribe is notable for laying bright coloured eggs on bare ledges on the cliffs ; whilst the puffin, one of the family which breeds in rabbit holes, lays an egg, described by Hewitson as “sometimes spotless, but more frequently marked with various tints of colour, but so very faint and indeterminate as to appear as though they were seen through the shell.” The wheatear is a good example of an egg which has undergone almost complete decolorisation. One of the most interesting cases is that of the Virginian quail. This is the only one of our gallinaceous birds which builds a dome- shaped nest, or, indeed, may be said to build any nest at all. Yarrell states that the eggs are white, although Hewitson figures one of a faint buffy tint, with minute spots. All the rest of this order lays eggs with a well-developed ground tint, and usually richly covered with dark-coloured markings. 2. Eyys covered by the parent bird with leaves or other vegetable matter. There is no doubt but that a loss of pigment has resulted from this mode of concealment. It is interesting to speculate on the reasons which have led certain birds which breed on the ground to adopt this method of protection, whilst others trust to the colour of the eggs. Inthe grebe tribe it seems the only method possible. Protective coloration of the eggs would be a much less effective mode when they are deposited on the top of a large and prominent heap of decaying water plants; and it would be impossible for them, on account of their peculiar wings and legs, to escape from the nest unless it were close to the water’s edge. “It would seem that whatever they do must be done in the water,” writes Naumann; “they cannot even rise upon the wing without a preliminary rush over the surface of the lake; from dry land they cannot commence their flight.” The loss of pigment is complete in the grebes, as it is probable 284 DR ALEXANDER M. M‘ALDOWIE. that the wet decaying vegetation shuts out the light more com- pletely than the loose dry materials employed by the ducks, pheasants, &c. In the duck tribe this method has probabiy been adopted because of the size and large number of eggs laid. Protective coloration could not have afforded sufficient concealment for eight or ten or even more largeeges. The amount of decoiorisa- tion varies in this tribe. In some instances, as the eider duck, the egg is of a pale asparagus green, in others it has only a very faint greenish hue, whilst in the shieldrake, which breeds in holes, the loss of pigment is complete; the egg being of a “ smooth shining white.” . In both the above groups the whole of the family adopt the same mode of concealment, but why should the eggs of the pheasants and partridge be correct, whilst those of the grouse are laid openly? The two former birds breed in sheltered woods and hedgerows, the latter on bleak and exposed moors. If the grouse covered its eggs with dead vegetable material it would soon be carried away by the strong winds which sweep over the moors. 3. Hogs covered by an incrustation of calcareous matter. Only three British birds’ eggs are coated with this peculiar chalky substance, viz., the cormorant, the shag, and the gannet. The hard shell beneath is of a faint bluish-green colour in the two first-mentioned species ; in the last it is usually pure white, but sometimes tinged with blue-green. GENERIC DECOLORISATION. The fact that certain birds deposit white eggs in fully exposed situations has been pointed out as proofs that the coloration could have no reference to the exposure to light. But no notice has been taken, as far as I am aware, of the fact that all these instances occur in families where the majority of the species breed in holes or dark places. In this case decolorisation must have taken place at a much earlier period in the life-history of the family or genus than in the preceding instances. They are probably descended from some ancestor which bred in holes; and the change to open nests in a few members of the family taking place long after the colouring matter had disappeared DEVELOPMENT AND DECAY OF PIGMENT LAYER ON BIRDS’ EGGS, 235 has not been followed by a restoration of the pigmentary cover- ing. For proofs that pigment had at one time existed in these groups, we must look to the eggs of allied species. They occur in the owls, the pigeons, and the petrels. “There is a strong and perfect similarity amongst the eggs of the different species of owls,” writes Hewitson, “ which we could scarcely expect to find in the eggs of birds which differ so much from each other in their mode of breeding. The eggs of those species which are deposited in the hollows of old trees and deserted ruins, and those which are found on the bare sod, and exposed to the broad light of day and the pelting storm, are alike without colour.” But the large majority of the species breed in dark places, and, being nocturnal in their habits, all have a tendency to avoid light. Now their nearest congeners, the harriers, which link their family with the Falconide, bear a close resemblance to them in many points, ¢.g., the loose and flocculent character of the feathers, and the circular arrange- ment of those about the face ; and the affinity on comparing the skeletons of each is most decided. In the coloration of the eggs also the resemblance exists, the eggs of the harriers being white, or sometimes a pale skim-milk colour, more rarely spotted and smeared with brown. All the Columbide, or pigeon tribe, lay two pure white oval egos. All, however, lay in crevices in rocks, hollow trees, deserted rabbit burrows, or dense thick trees or bushes. This, together with the fact that the nests of the arboreal members are crude platform-like structures, quite unlike those of any other bird, show that they are descended from an ancestor which bred in holes. One of the Australian ground pigeons is said to lay buff-coloured eggs. The nearest ally to this order, Pallas’ sand grouse, lays three oval eggs, similar to a pigeon’s, but coloured like a plover’s. The petrels are all more or less nocturnal in their habits, and all lay white eggs! The fulmar deposits its egg openly, on ledges on the cliffs, but the other members of the group lay in crevices in the rocks, under stones, or form burrows to the depth 1 Since this was written Mr Bladen has called my attention to a mass or ring of very faint markings near the large end of the eggs of some of the petrels. These, which appear to have been hitherto overlooked by writers on the subject, are the best examples I have yet seen of rudimentary pigmentation. 236 DR ALEXANDER M. M‘ALDOWIE. of two or three feet. Ali the rest of the Laride lay richly coloured eggs. ; It will be seen from the above that the decolorisation takes place in three ways. In some—swallows, wrens, tits, &c:-—the ground tint disappears first, leaving the egg more or less thickly marked with small light coloured spots; in others—starlings, little auks, &ec.—the markings vanish first; while in a third class—puffin, hen-harrier, &e.—both ground tint and spots appear in a rudimentary degree. In this paper reference has only been made to the eggs of British birds, not only because the fauna of these isles form a very complete and typical group, but because the views adduced are based solely on the study of thousands of specimens of British eggs in my own and other collections, and upon observa- tions made on the moors, in the woods, and by the seaside. Evidence has been brought forward to show that the pig- mentary coat on birds’ egys came into existence at a very early period in their life-history, and existed in the eggs of the progenitors of all the extant species. It has also been shown that the range of colours on birds’ eggs is very limited, but follows the usual course of pigmentary changes; that the pig- ment is unstable and variable, making the process of change and decolorisation a simple one; and that its primary use is for protection from the solar rays, but that it afterwards became modified for concealment. Lastly, it has been shown that eggs acquire a highly developed pigmentary layer, or lose their pigment entirely, according to whether they are exposed to the full glare of the sun or laid in situations inaccessible to its rays, and that the intermediate degrees of coloration are in direct ratio to the amount of light to which the eggs are exposed. The two causes which determine the coloration of eggs— protection from the sun’s rays and concealment from observation —act conjointly ; they are not antagonistic like natural selection and sexual selection. The limited range of colours shows that natural selection alone operates. Darwin states that, in regard to structures acquired through ordinary or natural selection, there is a limit to the amount of advantageous modification in relation to special ends; but in regard to structures acquired * _ DEVELOPMENT AND DECAY OF PIGMENT LAYER ON BIRDS’ EGGS. 237 through sexual selection there is no definite limit; so that, as long as the proper variations arise, the work of sexual selection will go on. That the causes are different from those which produce the colours of the birds themselves, is shown by the fact that eggs from tropical regions do not surpass in brilliancy of tint those of more temperate climes. THE CONNECTION OF THE OS ODONTOIDEUM WITH THE BODY OF THE AXIS VERTEBRA. By D. J. Cunntncuam, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Chirurgery in the University of Dublin. (This paper was read before the Biological Section of the British Association in Aberdeen, September 1885. ) THE point in connection with the os odontoideum which I have to bring under the notice of this section is a small one, but still it is not without some interest and also morphological significance. For some time past I have been engaged in an investigation into the curves of the spinal column of man and the apes, and in carrying out this work I have made mesial sections of a large number of {frozen human spines. Very soon my attention was attracted to a small lenticular-shaped plate of cartilage, which seemed in almost every case to be interposed between the os odontoideum and the body of the axis vertebra. On all sides it was surrounded by bone, so that it could only be brought into view by means of section. To obtain a proper conception of the significance of this cartilaginous plate, it will be necessary that we review some points in connection with the development of the axis vertebra, and its tooth-like process. The identity of the os odontoideum with the absent body of the atlas is, so fully and satisfactorily established, that it is unnecessary for me to do more than merely allude to it. Whilst this is the case, however, in man, the os odontoideum and the body of the axis in their early condition form one continuous cartilaginous mass, with no external marking by means of which the one can be distinguished from the other. Both are traversed by the notochord and the only evidence of their separate nature is to be found in a notochordal swelling or dilatation at their point of junction. The manner in which this cartilaginous mass is ossified is ! Robin, Lvolution de la Notocorde, Paris, 1868. Miiller, Veber das vorkommen von esten der chorda dorsalis beim Menschen. nach} der Geburt, &c., &e. Zeitschrift fiir rat. med., N.F¥., Band_11. ° CONNECTION OF OS ODONTOIDEUM WITH BODY OF AXIS VERTEBRA, 25 very instructive. The body of the axis is converted into bone by one primary centre and an epiphysary lamina, which is formed upon its lower surface. The os odontoideum ossifies by two lateral primary centres, which soon fuse, and an apical epiphysary centre for the summit. The last undoubtedly represents the upper epiphysary plate of the atlas vertebra. The apparent differences, then, between the ossification of the os odontoideum and the centrum of the axis on the one hand, and that of the corresponding parts of the vertebree lower down on the other, resolve themselves into two. 1. The absence of an epiphysary centre for the lower surface of the os odontoideum, and for the upper surface of the body of the axis vertebra. 2. The double primary centre which appears for the ossifica- tion of the odontoid. Both of these discrepancies can be more or less easily explained. With regard to the first, Macalister! has described both of the absent epiphysary plates as being present in the axis vertebra uf the Balwnoptera rostrata, and he likewise states that in some cases they can also be detected in man. Further, Humphry has observed and figured one of the absent nuclei in the rabbit.? The second point of difference is more difficult to understand. It is true that many anatomists deny the double character of the odontoid centre; they see no material difference between this centre and that of the other vertebral bodies. Thus Gegenbaur, Henle; and Blandin give expression to this view, and Robin * insists strongly upon it. It is a conclusion, however, which we cannot adopt. On the other side we range Meckel, Luschka, Sappey, Cruveilhier, Quain, Macalister,* and several 1 Macalister, Jour. Anat. and Physiology, vol. iii. p. 54. ? Humphry, The Human Skeleton. 3 Gegenbaur, Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen, 1883. Henle, Hand- buch der Anatomie des Menschen; Erste -Abtheilung, Knochenlehre, 1871. _ Blandin, Nouveaux Elements d’ Anatomie, 1838, vol. i. p. 39. Robin, ‘‘Sur le développment de vertébres,” Jour. d Anat. et Phys., Paris, 1864. 4 Meckel, Descriptive and Pathological Anatomy (translated by A. S. Doane), 1839. Luschka, Die Anatomie des Menschen. Erster Band, p. 32, 1863. Sappey, Traité @ Anatomie, Tome premier, p. 312, 1876. Cruveilhier, Anatomie descriptive, 1871, vol. i. p. 78. Quain’s Anatomy, 9th edition. Macalister, loc. cit. 240 PROFESSOR D. J. CUNNINGHAM. others, all of whom believe in the originally double condition of the odontoid ossific centre. In support of this I may bring under the notice of the section an extremely interesting specimen of an axis vertebra, from the Pathological Museum in Trinity College, Dublin, in which the os odontoideum is double. In other words there are two distinct odontoid processes springing from the upper surface of the body of the axis vertebra. Such a con- dition could only have been produced by the presence of two ossific centres which have failed to unite. Granting, then, the double centre for the odontoid, how can this deviation from what is generally considered to be the typical mode of ossification of a vertebral body be accounted for. Humphry has offered the best solution of the question. It is not uncommon to find one or more vertebral centra cleft into two lateral parts, clearly showing that they have been ossified from two centres. The very specimen to which I have alluded is an example in point, because not only is the odontoid bone cleft into two, but so also is the body of the axis. In view of abnormalities of this kind, Humphry has been led to suppose it possible for the ossification of a vertebral body to take place by two twin centres which fuse almost immediately after their appearance. For a considerable time the os odontoideum is separated from the body and pedicles of the axis vertebra by a layer of cartilage. It is essential that we should study the changes which this plate of cartilage undergoes. The accounts given of these by different authors are at utter variance with each other According to Henle,? Cruveilhier,? and Quain,? we are led to believe that the cartilage disappears at the third year, and that the osseous union of the odontoid and axis vertebra is then complete ; according to Sappey? and Robin? the union is accom- plished more slowly, and is not perfected uatil the sixth or seventh year; Humphry, on the other hand, delays the consoli- dation until puberty. The observations which I have made on this point would seem to indicate that it is not until old age is attained that ' This specimen has been figured and described in its pathological aspects by Prof. Bennett in the Zrans. Path. Soc. Dublin, vol. vii. p. 117. 2 Loc. cit. M - CONNECTION OF OS ODONTOIDEUM WITH BODY OF AXIS VERTEBRA. 241 complete osseous union between the os odontoideum and the body of the axis takes place. In sixteen out of eighteen axis vertebrae which were obtained in the Trinity College practical anatomy room, without reference to age or sex, a small disk of cartilage was found on section, mark- ing the line of separation between the odontoid and the second vertebra. In dealing with dissecting room subjects, it is ex- tremely difficult in Dublin to obtain reliable information regard- ing the age of any particular individual. Three of the specimens examined I have been obliged to eliminate, as I was quite unable to arrive at any knowledge of the age of the subjects from which they were taken. Of the remaining fifteen (which include the two bones in which the cartilage is absent) I was only able to ascertain the precise age of two; whilst in the case of the others notes were made of the probable age of the subjects as they came in. The fifteen vertebree which remain may be divided into three groups according to their age. Group I.-—Axis vertebre obtained from subjects varying from twenty-four to fifty years of age——This group comprises six vertebree—two from females and four from males. The youngest specimen was taken from a girl of about twenty-four years old ; the others were obtained from subjects varying in age from forty to fifty. In all the members of this group the cartilaginous plate was present. In sagittal section its average length was 4 mm., and its average thickness 2 mm. Group II.—Azis vertebra obtained frum subjects varying in age from fifty to sixty years——In this group there are only three specimens—all from females. In each the plate of cartilage is present, and its average dimensions are the same as in Group I. Group III.—Age ranging from sixty to seventy years—Six specimens—two males and four females. In four members of this group the cartilaginous dise was present, and in sagittal section its average dimensions were: length, 3 mm.; thickness, 1} mm. In two it was absent; one of these is marked as being taken from a subject seventy years old, whilst in the case of the other the age was put down as sixty-five. They were the oldest specimens examined. But how can these facts be reconciled with the statement VOL, XX. Q 249 PROFESSOR D. J. CUNNINGHAM. made by some that the os odontoideum unites to the axis at the third year, and by others that the two bones are consolidated at the seventh year. Both of these assertions are, from one point of view, more or less correct. From the third to the fifth year the base of the odontoid joins on each side with the pedicles and the body of the axis, obliterating at these points the inter- vening cartilage. The middle portion of the cartilaginous plate, however, still remains and extends from the anterior to the posterior face of the bone. At the seventh year (often much later) consolidation takes place, first in front and afterwards behind, and the cartilage is thus entirely cut off from the surface. But the ossific union is restricted to the periphery ; the further process is extremely slow, and is apparently not completed until an advanced age is attained. Robin, therefore, is in error, in so far as he has mistaken peripheral consolidation for complete union. Cruveilhier, Henle, and Quain, with much less reason, mistake lateral consolidation for complete union. Humphry’s account of the ossification of this bone is more accurate. He defers complete consolidation until puberty, and he speaks of a space which remains in tke centre, which resembles the intervertebral spaces seen in section of the sacrum. If a dry bone be cut with a fine saw, this space can, as a rule, be made out; it is the cavity which contained the cartilaginous plate. In order to determine the nature of the disk of cartilage which persists so obstinately in the interior of the axis vertebra, I decalcified the specimen I obtained from the girl of twenty-four, and cut the odontoid process and the body of the axis in the longitudinal direction for microscopical examination. The cartilage was then seen to be of the hyaline type throughout its entire extent. In some of the sections faint traces of a feeble and sluggish ossific process might be detected around the margins of the cartilage. Not a vestige of the notochord could be discerned. Robin states that the notochordal swelling, at this point, disappears when ossification sets in, and that it is replaced by a small mass of fibro-cartilage which shades off on all sides into hyaline cartilage. Henle also refers to a fibro-cartilaginous layer in the very young bone. There is not the slightest appearance of this in the sections which I have > CONNECTION OF OS ODONTOIDEUM WITH BODY OF AXIS VERTEBRA. 243 made of the adult bone. This is strange, seeing that fibro- cartilage is generally looked upon as the descendant of hyaline cartilage, and it is difficult to conceive a reverse development. The morphological significance attached to the obstinate persistence of this cartilaginous plate in the axis vertebra of man is very apparent :— 1. The foreign character of the odontoid bone as an element of the axis vertebra is more forcibly insisted upon. 2. It establishes a condition of the axis vertebra which is not so far removed from that of the Monotreme and Thylacine,! in which the union between the odontoid and axoid body is exceedingly late—if indeed it ever occurs at all. 3. It establishes a more obvious basis for comparison with those reptiles in which the odontoid persists as a separate bone. wy 1 Report on The Marsupials, by D. J. Cunningham, in the Reports of H.M.S. ‘**Challenger,” Zoology, part xvi., 1881. THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. By R. W. SHuvFELpr, Med. Dept. U.S. Army ; Membr. Am. Ornithologists’ Union ; The Am. Soc. for Psychical Research ; Philosophical Soe. of Washington ; Cor. Membr. Soc. Italiana di Antropologia Etnologia e Psicologia Comparata, Florence, Italy. (PLATES VAG VITL; LX;) Wuen I came to North-Western New Mexico, early in the autumn of 1884, I expected to enter the very heart of the home of Geovoccyx californianus. Much to my surprise, however, after a residence of seven and more months in tbe country, not a single individual of this species has rewarded my many moun- tain and prairie excursions. Not to be foiled in securing specimens of its skeleton to complete my papers upon the osteology of the birds of this country, and more especially those peculiar to it, I sent a considerable number of letters to collectors in Texas, Arizona, and California. Many weeks of patient waiting brought me answers to only three of these, and all from the last named state. One said the bird was no longer to be found in his neighbourhood, while from my other two correspondents I secured each a skeleton, but both informed me that owing to the great demand on the part of collectors for the “Road Runner,” it was rapidly becoming a rare bird in localities where formerly it was very abundant. My last specimen, an old male, afforded me a perfect skeleton, and from it I made the drawings which illustrate this account, while the second bird, though not meeting my expectations so fully, still gave a skeleton, which has proved of great service to me, in the way of comparison and verifying points present in my type. The aim of this memoir is simply to give a full description of the skeleton of Geococcyx, and in it I will undertake but few comparisons. Some day in the future it is my hope to enter more extensively upon the entire anatomy of this form, so full of interest to all biologists. Of the Skull (Plate VIL. figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4).—In Geococcya we find the osseous superior mandible with a gently curved and rounded culmen, the curve increasing very modestly as it . a THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 245 approaches the apex. This part of the skull has a broad base, being both deep and wide in the rhinal region, while on all aspects it tapers gradually to the slightly decurved tip. Its buccal surface is flat, with cultrate edges some- what raised above the general plane behind. Posteriorly, this face is encroached upon by the palatines and maxillo- palatines. Turning to the lateral surfaces of this mandible (fig. 1) we find them for the most part to be slightly convex throughout their extent; the only exception to this being seen in the depressions which are found, one over each of the scale- like projections that close the hinder two-thirds of either nostril. These last mentioned openings are of a sub-elliptical outline, placed longitudinally nearer to the edge of the beak than its culmen, and just posterior to its middle. They do not directly, communicate with each other, but are external apertures, in this bird, of osseous tubes, one on either side, which are produced backwards nearly to the rhinal chamber, being encased in the loose osseous spongy mass that almost fills the otherwise hollow superior mandible of Geococcyzx. The cranio-facial hinge enjoys considerable mobility, and its position is clearly indicated by a transverse track. Mesially, this region is depressed, and may show the last sutural traces of the nasal processes of the premaxillary therein. Each nasal bone has been so completely met by the various surrounding elements, that, save its hinder margin, its boundaries are hard to define in the adult bird (figs. 1, 3). To the inner side of each, and just beyond the cranio-facial track, we observe on either side a small circular foramen, which is constant, and is to be found in like locality in Ceryle.1 All three sides of this osseous superior mandible is more or less marked by anastomosing vena- tions, and a few perforating foramina are always seen near its apex. A lacrymal in Geococeyx is an unusually large bone, though a light one, due to its very open cancellous structure within, and its being, perhaps, pneumatic besides. Superiorly, it articulates with the frontal and nasal, principally with the last on the lateral aspect, though it departs from it some time before reaching its 1 “ Osteology of Ceryle Alcyon,” by the author, Jour. of Anat. and Physiology, April 1884, Plate XIV. figs. 1 and 2, nf. 246 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. lowest point, where a slit-like interval is seen between the two bones. Below, its broad rounded margin is placed obliquely, its outer and at the same time posterior end, resting upon the upper side of the maxillary, while its inner and anterior end being elevated just above the superior surface of the corresponding palatine. The posterior aspect of the lacrymal is concave from above downwards, in conformity with the somewhat globular concavity of the orbit, while anteriorly it is correspondingly convex in the same direction. It lies in front of the broad, quadrilateral ethmoidal wing which overlaps it, the two forming a very complete partition between the orbit and rhinal chamber; the bone under consideration closing the outer third of the space. The ethmoidal wing, the form of which I have just given, is pierced above, immediately beneath the frontal bone, by two elliptical foramina, the inner one being the larger, and both being placed vertically. They probably transmit the olfactory nerve and vessels to the rhinal space. This “pars plana” has, like the lacrymal, also a somewhat cancellous internal structure, the plate being moderately thick. Its lower and outer margins are concave and smoothly rounded off. The expanded anterior extremity of a mazillary is immov- ably sandwiched in between the nasal above, and the posterior dentary process of the premaxillary beneath. Its rod-like extension behind forms about the anterior third of the very straight quadrato-jugal bar. The horizontally expanded end alluded to is quite ample, and may be perforated by numerous foramina. Its maxillo-palatine development will be described when speaking of the under side of the skull. The remainder of the quadrato-jugal bar becomes gradually larger and club-shaped as it nears the quadrate bone, to rather abruptly turn inwards as it reaches it, and is inserted in a vertical notch in the usual apophysis of that element, which projects directly outwards to meet it (fig. 3). With respect to the guadrate, we find that its orbital process is very broad and flat, being at the same time very short. The body of the bone is also broad, while its mastoidal apophysis is twisted in a way common to many other birds, and supports at its summit two articular heads with a distinct valley between ° THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 247 them, At the inferior aspect of the mandibular foot, there are two condyles for articulation with the lower jaw. The inner and smaller of these is hemi-ellipsoidal in form, with its major axis in the same straight line that constitutes the longitudinal axis of the corresponding pterygoid. If this axis be produced the other way, itis found to be at right angles to the long axis of the other and larger facet of the mandibular foot of the quadrate. Rather a broad notch separates these two condyles from each other. The quadrate is a thoroughly pneumatic bone, and a large foramen is always found upon its posterior aspect half-way between the mastoidal head and the mandibular foot. Both the sphenotic and mastoid processes are well developed in this bird; they are of about an equal size, the first being directed downwards, and the last downwards and forwards. Between them, and carried well to the rear, is a sharply defined and rather deep crotaphyte fossa. It is separated from a like depression of the opposite side, by an interval of one and a half centimetres. These crotaphyte fosse are fully as well marked in (reococcyz as they are in many of the Laridea, and better than they are in some members of that group of birds, better for instance than they are in Chroicocephalus philadelphia. Owing to the great breadth of the frontals, the orbit is com- pletely sheltered above by an arching roof; the outer periphery of which is concave inwards, and bounded by a sharp edge. This orbital vault usually shows posteriorly a few perforating foramina. The rostrum of the sphenoid is pneumatic and rounded for its entire length beneath. It barely extends beyond the broad ethmoidal wings in front, and ascends but little as it proceeds in that direction. The inter-orbital septum is a thin partition of bone, which always possesses a considerable quadrilateral vacuity near its centre. This usually merges with the foramen for the exit of the optic nerves (fig. 1), while the small foramen for the exit of the oculi-motor remains distinct. As might be expected from what has already been said about the orbit, we find its hinder wall also very broad, and generally concave forwards. At its usual site a distinct, irregular foramen 248 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. of some size is found for the exit of the olfactory nerve, and this branch passes forwards in the living bird in a shallow channel on the inter-orbital septum beneath the frontal, for its entire length, where these two elements are united. It leads to the inner and larger of the two foramina that were described above, as occurring over the pars plana. Before leaving this side view of the skull, it will be as well to notice the large, luniform sesamoid that occurs in the ligament that passes from the quadrato-jugal to the hinder border of the articular cup of the mandible. This sesamoid is present on both sides, and in all the skulls of Geococcyx that I have ever had the opportunity of examining. On the superior view of the skull we are to note the form of bony lamina that partially close in the external narial openings from behind; the position of the two small circular foramina beyond the cranio-facial hinge; and this fronto-lacrymal region generally. From this aspect, we also see the small foramina that pierce on either side the orbital roofs behind. Mesially, and between these latter, a shallow, longitudinal groove marks the cranial vault. Posterior to this again we find a smooth, globular, and ample parietal region. The crotaphyte fossze may likewise be discerned from this upper aspect, and a glimpse obtained of the supra-occipital prominence. It isalsouseful inshowing the manner in which the quadrato-jugals articulate with the quadrates. Viewing the skull of Geococcyx from beneath, we find, an- teriorly, the broad, flat surface, already spoken of, which forms the lower face of the superior mandible ( fig. 4). Following this back we come to an elongated median vacuity, that separates the anterior terminations of the maxillo-palatines. This aperture has irregular, jagged edges, and through it we may see some of the open, spongy bone tissue that partially fills the hinder portion of the core of the superior mandible. At the sides, the posterior processes of the dentary parts of the pre- maxillary overlap the maxillaries. They are long and triangular, with their apices to the rear. Returning to the mawillo-palatines we find them to be, upon this aspect of the skull, two very sizeable, elongated, subcylindri- cal masses, composed of an internal spongy tissue, but encased in an outer covering of an extremely thin layer of compact - THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 249 tissues. They lie parallel to each other, and to the median plane, nearly filling the interpalatine space. Anteriorly, they are separated by the vacuity already described, while behind their free and rounded extremities slightly diverge from each other, they being in contact in the median line for the middle thirds of their lengths (fig. 4). From their upper sides is developed a mass of open, spongy tissue; this is continuous with a similar structure that is found within the superior mandible; it reaches out on either side, to abut against the inner surfaces of the nasals; it joins the horizontal plates of the maxillaries, and finally supports a median vertical plate of bone that stands just beyond the rhinal chamber proper, this latter space being free from its encroachment, as it is from any development of the ethmoid behind, beyond its lateral wings. The anterior half of either palatine is quite a broad, flat, horizontal plate, the distal end of which indistinguishably fuses, and is directly continuous with the horizontal portion of the premaxillary. To its inner side alsv, in this locality, it com- pletely anchyloses with the corresponding maxillo-palatine (fig. 4). For the most part, however, its inner and outer edges are free, not coming in contact by the inner one with the maxillo- palatine, though it is parallel to it, and separated by an ex- tremely narrow interval, while its outer one neither touches the lacrymal nor the maxillary, but occupies a plane inferior to both. The posterior half of a palatine also lies mainly in the horizontal plane, but its under surface is a concave one, and its upper correspondingly convex. Its outer free edge, directly continuous with the outer edge of the anterior half of the bone, sweeps by a gentle curve round the “ postero-external angle” of the palatine to its head.? 1 Professor Huxley, in his ‘‘ Classification of Birds”’ (Proc. Zool. Soc., April 11, 1867, p- 444) says:—‘‘ In Geococcyx the principle of construction is quite the same [as it is in Cuculus canorus], but the postero-external angles of the palatines are distinctly indicated.” In the two excellent skulls of adult specimens of this bird before me, as well as those I examined in the collection of the Army Medical Museum at Washington, the postero-external angles are rounded off in the manner above described, and the presence of a process is in no way indicated whatever, and I must believe Professor Huxley had in hand, the time he penned the words I have quoted, an imperfect and perhaps broken skull of Geococcyx. (See also my remarks upon this point in my ‘‘ Osteology of Ceryle aleyon,” Jowr. of Anat. and Phys., April 1884, p. 289). 250 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. The inner free edge of the bone extends from the head to the apex of a small pointed process in front. For nearly its entire length it is parallel to the corresponding edge of the palatine of the opposite side, from which it is separated by an interval of something like a millimetre or rather more. From this edge the surface curves outwards and back, forming the “ascending process” of the palatine. This terminates in another longitudinal straight margin, which is applied to the corresponding one of the opposite palatine, and both unite to form the usual groove at their upper aspects for the rostrum of the sphenoid. These latter opposed edges also extend from the palatine heads, likewise in contact mesially, to a common anterior process. This latter is nearly opposite the anterior end of the rostrum, and from its extremity in front projects a free, needle-like, and rudimentary vomer, of some four millimetres in length. It does not come in contact with the maxillo-palatines, but lies above the interval formed by their slightiy diverging posterior extremities, and is freely articulated with the palatines at the point from which it springs, and in the manner described. This diminutive vomer is equally well developed in both my specimens of Geococcyz. A pterygoid is a nearly straight and slender bone, and shows not the slightest evidence of the development on its shaft of an apopbysis, and indeed there is no necessity for such, as the basi- pterygoidal processes are entirely absent in this bird; and the pterygoids when im sitw oceupy a lower plane than the basi- temporal region, as well as being at some distance in front of it. These bones articulate with each other anteriorly and with the opposed palatines ; from this point they diverge at an angle of about 85°, each to meet the usual facet upon the correspond- ing quadrate at the base of the inner and smaller condyle ou that bone. The basi-temporal region is elevated above the prominent and raised boundaries of the auricular apertures; it is narrow and smooth and lies for the most part in the horizontal plane. In front it presents for our examination a thin tip of bone, arching over the common aperture of the Eustachian tubes. Beyond this it contracts to form the sphenoidal rostrum, a considerable portion of which is unoccupied before we reach the pterygoidal heads. This allows these bones not a little e THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 251 backward play in the recent specimen, an action which is quite possible from the more than ordinary mobility enjoyed on the part of the cranio-facial hinge. Either external auricular conch is a capacious fossa, well- defined by a raised and bounding thin wall of bone, with its free edge curled inall around. At the base of either of these fosse, we see strong osseous trabeculz converging to a point near the centre, to support the double concave facet for the mastoidal head of the quadrate. These stand between the Eustachian entrance and the passage to the middle ear. If the plane of the basis cranii be produced posteriorly, and the plane of the occiput and foramen magnum extended to meet it, we find the latter makes an angle with the first mentioned plane of about 48°, while the long axis of the fairly well- developed supraoccipital prominence would be perpendicular to it. Inform the foramen magnum is broadly cordate with its apex above; the occipital condyle at its lower margin is small, sessile, and hemispherical in outline, being so placed as to encroach upon the foraminal periphery for about one-third of the condylar arc. Points of interest within the brain-case are seen in the presence of a strongly marked longitudinal sinus, and the unusual thickness of the walls of the sella turcica; its fossa, though deep, being quite small, while at its base we find a double entrance for the carotids. As a whole, the skull of Geococeyx is a delicate and a very light structure for its size, air gaining thorough access to most of its parts. The mandible (figs. 1 and 2), seen from superior aspect, has the typical V-shaped form, with an extensive symphysis, which is scooped out longitudinally above. Either ramus is not deep in the vertical direction, while its upper and lower margins are prominent and rounded, the former, however, becoming sharp as it approaches the symphysis, which condition is sustained to the mandibular apex. The ramal vacuity is large and occupies its most usual site ; in outline it is an elongated ellipse, but its anterior third is encroached upon by a thin plate developed on the part of thie dentary element. An articular end is considerably concave 252 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. above, and presents two facets for the condyles of the quadrate ; its inturned process is much tipped up, while the usual pneu- matie foramen is seen near its apex. Below, its convexity con- forms with the concavity of the articular excavation at its upper side, and its angle behind is obliquely truncate from above downwards in the forward direction. Beyond an articular end, on the superior ramal border, we find, on either side, the coronoid process but feebly developed, and single. When the osseous mandible is articulated im sitw with the remainder of the skull, its tip does not extend quite so far for- wards as does the apex of the superior osseous beak, a condition present in the skulls of most Coracomorphe and other groups. In the hyoidean apparatus (fig. 8) we find fully the anterior two-thirds of the glosso-hyal represented by a thin stripe of cartilage; while behind, where it ossifies in front, the usual median foramen is seen, having an elliptical outline. Posterior to this, on either side, the strongly marked cerato-hyals project outwards and backwards. First and second basi-branchials do not anchylose with each other, the former being short and thick, the latter about half as long again, and tipped off behind with cartilage. The elements of the thyro-hyals are long and slender, they likewise terminate in cartilaginous tips, and curve up Lehind the skull in the manner most usual among birds. Of the remainder of the Axial Skeleton-—The Vertebral Column. —This column presents us with eighteen movable vertebree before we arrive at the consolidated pelvic sacrum. This latter contains eleven more segments, thoroughly united together and firmly Joined to the iliac bones. Finally, we find five vertebrae and a large pygostyle in the skeleton of the tail of Geococcyz. In the cervical region we pass twelve vertebree before we come to the first one of the series that bears a pair of free ribs; the thirteenth and fourteenth both possessing these appendages, and in both they are well developed, though not reaching the sternum, through the intervention of costal ribs. The pair on the four- teenth vertebre has the epipleural processes fully as large as they are in the dorsal series; they are absent entirely, however, on the first pair of free ribs. THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 253 Returning to the atlas we find this segment rather delicately constructed, though assuming the form the bone usually offers among Passerine birds. Its neural arch is narrow antero-pos- teriorly, though the canal is capacious. A perforation is seen at the base of the articular cup for the occipital condyle, which cuts through the superior margin of this little concavity. The centrum is small and does not develop anything that might be called an hypapophysis. On the ais vertebra we note the presence of a low, tuberous, neural spine, occupying the entire central portion of the arch, while posteriorly on the under side of the centrum a feebly pronounced hypapophysis is seen. The odontoid apophysis is small and short as compared with other features of this vertebra, a fact no doubt due to the lack of depth in the atlas. At either side of the centrum we observe a delicate and vertical spicula of bone, which completely arches over the vertebral vessels, constituting the last remnants of the lateral canal at this extremity of the column. This condition is often met with among the Anatide in the axis vertebra of those birds. The postzygapophyses are directed backwards and outwards, and are very powerfully developed, more so than in any of the first nine or ten vertebre of this portion of the column. The facets they bear for articulation with the extremities of the prezygapophyses of the third segment are at their under side about the middle. On the third and fourth vertebre we also find a low neural spine placed at the centre of either bone, while the hypapophysis is becoming reduced in these segments, to disappear entirely in the fifth vertebra. These vertebre, as in so many of the class, have their zygapophysial processes joined by a spanning lamina of bone, which in either case, and on either side, is pierced near its middle by a small elliptical foramen, of the greater size in the fourth vertebra. The lateral canals occupy rather more than the anterior halves of the sides of the centra, and the processes that project from the under aspects of their free margins behind are short, and each is separated by a considerable interval from its fellow of the opposite side. This great inferior width of the cervical vertebra is a characteristic feature of these segments in Geococcyz, 254 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. and is well-sustained throughout the series, until we come to the free rib-bearing ones, when a gradual contraction takes place as we pass into the dorsal region. But even here the segments are comparatively broader in their transverse diameters than we often find them. In the fifth vertebra the neural spine is placed further forwards on the bone, but is very small; it is absent in the sixth, or only faintly indicated, and it does not appear in the series again until we find it as a pronounced crest on the fifteenth segment. Some- times, however, a low, tuberous elevation marks its site in the few ultimate cervicals. Prezygapopbyses in the fifth vertebra stand almost directly outwards, while the postzygapophyses very prominently point to the rear. Little modification takes place in the former of these processes as we examine the succeeding vertebre, their general direction remaining about the same, but the articular facets they bear face more and more towards the median plane as we proceed backwards. With the postzygapophyses, however, the case is otherwise, for as we descend the cervical series we find these become gradually shorter and stouter, with a wider divergence, while their facets, from facing downwards and outwards, come to look almost directly downwards. We find strongly marked metapophyses surmounting the bases of the postzygapophyses in the sixth to the ninth cervical vertebree inclusive; after that they disappear, and are but feebly reproduced in the dorsals, where they occur on the superior aspects of the ends of the transverse processes. On the fifth cervical vertebra the lateral canal is at its forward part, appropriating about the anterior moiety of the entire centrum. Its outer wall may show a slight perforation, while the parapophyses which project from it behind are on either side a short and needle-like spine. As we pass down the series this perforation becomes larger and larger, until in the tenth vertebra it has broken through the hinder free margin of the lateral canal and disappeared, leaving in the segment only a shorter passage, and a deep concave notch indicating its site. Pari passu with this change, the parapophyses and pleura- pophyses pass through the usual evolution in that direction, to result in the perfect and free pair of ribs found in the thirteenth . THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX, 255 vertebra. Faint beginnings of a carotid canal are also seen in the fifth vertebra, in the presence of a shallow excavation at the anterior end of the under side of segment. This becomes better and better marked to include the teuth vertebra, where this canal is moderately well protected by lateral walls, but in none of the series does it become a closed passage as in some other birds, In the eleventh vertebra its place is taken by a strong, single, and median hypapophysis. This latter feature becomes faintly tricornuate in the twelfth vertebra ; markedly so in the next segment; the three prongs springing from a common pedicle in the fourteenth ; which pedicle is lengthened in the fifteenth ; still longer but without terminal prongs in the sixteenth vertebra; to be entirely absent in the succeeding segment, and the rest of the column. In the atlas the neural canal is capacious and transversely elliptical. From this vertebra it gradually changes its form and contracts in calibre, until in the fifth vertebra we tind it nearly cylindrical in shape, and much reduced in capacity. Passing down the series it gradually changes for a second time, so that in the eleventh vertebra it is again found to be large and transversely elliptical. This form it retains through the dorsal series, though once more reduced in calibre, In the tail vertebre it is at first triangular with apex above, to become a vertical slit as it enters the pygostyle. The fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth vertebrae of the column in Geococcyx support ribs that meet to articulate with costal ribs below (Plate VIII. fig. 7). These ribs are broad above, but become more and more rod-like as they near their hemapophysial articulations. The first three pair of the series bear large epipleural processes, which are always anchylosed to the rib upon which they appear. These three also have costal ribs connecting them with the sternum ; this I believe to be the smallest number of the latter present in any living bird, «e., only three heemapophyses articulating with either costal border of the sternum. The last pair of ribs, or those coming from the eighteenth vertebra, never have epipleural processes, and their costal ribs do not reach the sternum (fig. 7). With respect to the four vertebrz that own these ribs, we find that they present all the characters of the dorsals as found 256 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. among Aves generally. The neural spines are lofty and quadri- lateral in outline, each having its superior rim capped off with a vertically flattened tablet of bone. The diapophyses are rather broad, and project directly outwards from the sides of the vertebrae, having the ribs articulating with them and the centra in the usual way. Very close interlocking is evidenced among these four dorsal segments, and the post- and prezygapophyses are no longer than is necessary to afford the proper amount of surface for their respective articular facets. Anteriorly, these face upwards and inwards, precisely the reverse being the case with those found on the postzygapophyses. So far as we have examined the vertebral column, the articula- tion which obtains among the centra is upon the heterocelous plan, i.c., the anterior facet is concave from side to side, convex from above, downward, precisely the reverse condition being present in the posterior facet. All these vertebree, as well as both kinds of ribs, are eminently pneumatic, groups of foramina occurring at the usual sites in these bones. The Pelvis (Plate VIII. figs. 9, 10 and 11).—From its sagan unique form the pelvis of Geococcyxz has attracted the attention of a number of anatomists. Owen speaks of the ilium as forming behind “a prominent ridge in most birds, which generally overhangs the outer surface; in Geococcyx, to a remark- able extent, like a wide pent-house, producing a deep concavity in the outer and back part of the ilium, where it coalesces with the ischium.”! Marsh, in his classical work upon the Odontornithes, again calls attention to the same thing, and points out other particulars in connection with it, making admirable comparisons with the pelves of Reptilia, Tinamus, and other forms.” Strange to relate, the only other living American bird, so far as I have examined, that possesses a pelvis anything like the one we find in Geococcyx, is the common sorn rail (Porzana carolina). 1 Anat. of Verts., vol. ii. p. 84, Lond. 1866. 2 Marsh, O. C., Odontornithes, pp. 70-73, figs. 16-20, Washington Government Printing Office, 1880. There certainly can be nothing that advances our know- ledge of the exact origin of birds more certainly than the constant comparison of recent forms with the material paleontology has thus far been enabled to supply us,—not a great deal as yet. Professor Marsh never seems to allow such an opportunity to escape him. o THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 257 This bird not only has the ilia forming the peculiar outward- curling crests behind, but has also the propubis well marked, _ and identically the same style assumed by the anterior portions of the ilia, z.2.,a deeply concave inner margin, with the sacral crista mounting above it, and not coming in contact with the same. Viewing the pelvis of Geococcyx from above, we are to notice the condition just alluded to (fig. 10), as well as the raised, anterior emarginations of these ilia, with the processes that project from their middle points. As already hinted, the ilio- neural canals are here open grooves, and the neural crest of the sacrum stands between them as a lofty dividing wall, with much thickened superior border. This latter is distinctly marked for the entire length of the sacrum, otherwise the individualisation of the vertebre composing this part of tbe bone is not very distinct, as few foramina are to be found between their diapophyses, until we reach the last one, where regularly occurs a large pair, throwing the ultimate uro-sacral into bold relief (fig. 10). Owing to the spreading of the ilia, both laterally and behind, the superficies of the postacetabular, far exceeds the preacetabular, and these iliac bones are much tilted up posteriorly. Upon the lateral aspect of this pelvis (fig. 9) we not only gain a better view of the largely developed propubis, and the strangely formed hinder portion of the ilium, but we are also enabled to get a glimpse of the rather small subcircular ischiac foramen, with the reniform antitrochanter in front of it. This latter faces almost directly forwards, and only slightly downwards, and less so outwards. Beyond this again is the acetabulum, with the circular perforation at its base, the postero-superior are of which "merges with the periphery of the outer cotyloid ring at the base of the antitrochanter, while directly opposite this pvint the arcs of these two circles are far apart, and an excavation occupies the intervening space. This grows less, of course, as we proceed either way towards the base of the antitrochanter, where, as I have said, the inner and outer rings are tangent to each other. The elliptical obtwrator foramen occupies its usual position, and so close together are the post pubis and ischium that an exceedingly narrow strait leads from this vacuity into the VOL. XX. R 258 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. obturator space, a long narrow interval between the last two mentioned bones. At the centre of the triangular area among these three apertures at the side of this pelvis, is found a group of small pneumatic foramina which assist in admitting the air into the substance of this light and thoroughly aerated bone. The Caudal Vertebre and Pygostyle-—As already stated above, the caudal vertebree are five in number (Plate IX. fig. 17). They are chiefly noted for their high and prominent neural spines ; the two loftiest being seen in the third and fourth vertebre. The diapophyses grow longer and more spreading as we proceed in the direction of the pygostyle, the last segment possessing them longer than any of the others. We find in the third caudal vertebra a small anchylosed chevron bone, which slightly over- laps the bone in front of it. This apophysis is very strongly developed in the last two vertebre, where it is also anchylosed to the centra, is bifid, and hooks well forward to overlap the preceding centrum in either case. Each one of these bones is pierced by pneumatic foramina in a number of places, as is also the terminal coccygeal vomer. This latter bone has an irregular oblong figure, with its posterior margin considerably thickened, the others being cultrate. The neural canal is continued into it for some little distance, its passage being denoted on the sides of the bone by a longi- tudinal smooth elevation, which gradually tapers away to the postero-superior angle. Of the Sternum and Pectoral Arch.—The sternum of Geococcya is a thoroughly pneumatic bone, but air does not gain access to any of the shoulder-girdle elements. In the case of the former, foramina are chiefly found in the concavities among the heemapophysial facets on the costal borders. A few scattered ones may be seen in the median line upon the dorsal surface. The number of these latter vary in different specimens. The “Road Runner” has a two-notched sternum, which gives rise to a pair of flaring xiphoidal processes on either side (figs. 7, 16), Its carina is fairly well developed and moderately deep only. It extends the entire length of the bone, and is marked upon the upper side of its projecting carinal angle by a roughened facet for articulation with the hypocleidium of the furculum. - THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 259 Osseous welts are raised upon its sides to facilitate muscular attachment, and these in some specimens, extend on to the ventral aspect of the body (fig. 16). The inferior border of the keel is somewhat thickened. In front of the sternum a peg-like manubrium projects out, the lower margin of which is longitudinally marked by a sharpened crest (fig. 7). Below this, the perpendicular anterior border of the keel is vertically concave, and this inferior manubrial crest is carried into the excavation as a median raised line. Either costal border is very short, having but three facets upon it, and these are usually close together. In front of them, on either side, a prominent costal process is reared, constituting one of the most striking features in this part of the skeleton of Geococeys: (fig. 7). The thoracic aspect of the sternum is very much concave, the ventral side being correspondingly convex. Here on this latter we notice well-marked muscular lines, one on either side, com- mencing at the outer termination of a coracoidal groove, and run- ning backwards to a point about opposite the middle of the keel. The coracoidal grooves do not meet at the manubrial base in the median line, and each one is characterised as being a deep transverse notch, with upper and lower lips of projecting bone and extending laterally only so far as the inner or anterior limit of the base of the corresponding costal process. With respect to the pectoral arch, I find a coracoid to be, comparatively speaking, an unusually long bone ; its sternal or lower border extends beyond the facet proper, in order to fit into the coracoidal groove of the sternum. This end of the coracoid is not as much expanded as we find it in some birds, but, on the other hand, like many of the class, its outer angle is produced and bent upwards as a projecting process. The shaft is long and cylindrical, being marked down its posterior and lateral aspects by musculatr lines. At the superior, or really anterior extremity of this bone, we find several noteworthy and interesting characters (fig. 5). Its scapular process is very long, and compressed from side to side. This apophysis reaches forwards, and by its slightly dilated extremity articulates with a vertically concave notch in the lower part of the head of the corresponding clavicle. 260 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. Another meeting between these two bones takes place above, and this is affected by the summit of the coracoid curving inwards towards the median plane, to articulate with a considerable facet found at the highest point of the clavicular head. These two articulations between the furculum and the coracoid completely close the tendinal canal, even without the assistance of the scapular behind, though this latter bone materially aids in increasing the actual length of this tendinal passage, by closing up the posterior gap. If we turn to the dotted outline of the es furculum, shown in figure 6, it will be noticed that it has a form about intermediate between the usual U and V shapes of the bone. Regarding it from a lateral aspect, as shown in the preceding figure, the actual form of one of its transversely compressed heads can be better appreciated, as well as its method of articulation with the other bones of the girdle (fig. 5). Below it is flattened in the antero-posterior dineatiagat and terminates in an elongated hypocleidium. This latter articulates when the arch is im situ with the carinal angle of the sternum, in the manner described in a foregoing paragraph. A scapula assists to form the glenoid cavity in the usual way, contributing about half the surface to that humeral socket. Its clavicular process reaches far forwards, to make an extensive articulation with the head of the furculum, when the bones are in the position they assume in life. It also rests further forwards upon the scapular process of the coracoid than is usually seen wmong birds (fig. 5). Sometimes we find the posterior third of the long, narrow blade of this bone bent down more abruptly than in the specimen I have figured, and its end is always rounded off, rather than being truncated, as is commonly the condition in Aves, At the outer and back part of the shoulder-joint in the adult Geococcyx, occurs usually a very minute sesamoid, known as the os humero scapulare, and I am led to believe that small sesamoids may yet be found in other of the tendons of the pectoral extremity in this region. Of the epenitiondin Skeleton— The Pectoral Limb (J late VIII. figs. 12-15).—Pneumaticity is extended only to the bone of the > THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 261 brachium in this limb, the hollow shafts of the other long bones being charged with medullary substance. The humeral shaft is much bowed, and in such a manner as to be convex along its radial border and concave upon the opposite side, which concavity is more apparent owing to the prominence of the ulnar crest, and the peculiar projection of the distal extremity in the continuity of this curve (figs. 12, 14). In form the shaft is nearly cylindrical, and almost entirely devoid of muscular lines. At the proximal end, a well-marked valley occurs between the ulnar crest and the spindleform humeral head. The former has barely any pneumatic fossa at its base, the circular foramen there found being nearly flush with the general surface of the bone. On the opposite aspect we find a short though prominent radial crest, which makes no pretence to extend its lamelliform plate down the shaft, as we often find to be the case in birds. The distal extremity of this bone presents for examination the usual oblique and ulnar tubercle, while, as already alluded to, the ulnar condyle of this end is much produced and very prominent (figs. 12, 14). The ancoueal aspect immediately above the trochlea is flat and smooth, the opposite side showing a broad, shallow groove for the guidance of tendons to the antibrachium. A fairly well-developed “ectocondyloid tubercle” is seen at its usual site, on the radial border of the shaft just above the oblique trochlea. Following the example of the humerus, we find the compara- tively short radius and ulna very much bowed along the continuity of their shafts. This gives rise to a broad spindle- shaped interosseous space, the two bones only coming in contact at their distal and proximal extremities, when articulated (fig. 13). The radius is not nearly so much bent as the otber bone of the antibrachium, and presents nothing peculiar about it. On the other hand, the wlna, with its greatly curved shaft, its prominent row of secondary papille, and its well-developed olecranon, is quite a striking bone beside it. Composing the elements of the carpus, the two usual free segments are seen; of these the radiale has pretty much the 262 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. same form as it assumes among birds generally, while the wnare takes on an entirely different shape. It does not develop the two limbs or processes that straddle the proximal extremity of the carpo-metacarpus, when the bones are in situ, as in the vast majority of the class, but is simply a bar of bone, with one end enlarged, and bearing at its summit an articular facet for the ulna. The carpo-metacarpus is chiefly interesting for its peculiarly formed mid-metacarpal. This is uncommonly broad at its proximal end, and curiously twisted, as it descends to anchylose with the lower end of the index metacarpal, or main shaft of this compound bone. So far as I have been enabled to discover, the phalanx of pollex-digit does not bear a terminal claw, and the bone has the usual form as seen in most Aves. Nothing of note distinguishes the two phalanges of the index digit, while the small phalanx of the last finger develops, at the middle point of its hinder margin, a curious little upturned spur (Plate VIII. fig. 13). Of the Pelvic Limb (Plate IX. figs. 18-27).—As in the pectoral extremity, the proximal long bone of this limb, the femur, is the only one in it that enjoys a pneumatic condition. The site of the foramen that admits the air to its hollow shaft is, however, quite unique, being upon the posterior aspect of the bone, between the trochanter and head, instead of on the anterior side, as usual, below the trochanter. This latter feature is not elevated above the articular surface at the summit, and the semi-globular head is, comparatively speakiny, rather small. A shallow excavation upon its upper side marks the usual point for the insertion of the round ligament. The sub-cylindrical shaft faintly showing the muscular lines, is considerably bent to the front, as shown in fig. 19. At its distal extremity in front, the rotular channel is well marked, the condylar ridges bounding it being about parallel to each other (fig. 18). The outer and larger condyle of the two is at the same time the lower, and the fibular cleft that marks its posterior aspect, is very wide and deeply sculpt, being rather more to the outer side than is usual (fig. 20). » THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 263 Above these condyles, behind, the popliteal fossa is but moderately excavated, and a straight transverse line bounding it below divides it from the general trochlear surface. We find in the next segment of this limb, the tibio-tarsus with a subcylindrical shaft below its fibular ridge, that is slightly bent so as to be in the vertical line, somewhat convex anteriorly (fig. 22). The bending here though is not nearly so great as we found it to be in the humerus and femur, or, to make the com- parison more exact, in the ulna. The cnemial crest of this leg-bone is but little raised above the undulating articular surface of its summit, while the pro- and ectocnemial ridges, that develop below it, are not peculiar (figs. 21-23). Their planes are at right angles to each other, that of the latter having its surface facing directly to the front. Neither is produced for any distance down the shaft of the bone, but terminates rather abruptly upon it; the pro-cnemial ridge at a point about opposite the superior end of the fibular ridge on the other side of the shaft (fig. 21). At the distal extremity of the tibio-tarsus the planes of the condyles are nearly parallel to each other, and these trochlear eminences are strikingly close together in Geococcyz. The intercondyloid fossa is deeply excavated in front, to become suddenly much shallower behind, as well as somewhat narrower. Upon lateral view, it will be seen that the general outline of either of the condyles is more circular than we usually find it in others of the class, where a reniform pattern prevails (fig. 22). Just above the condyles, on the anterior aspect, the vertical tendinal channel is spanned by the usual little, oblique bridge of bone, and this is supplemented in life by a longer ligamentous one placed in front of it. The fibula has a large head, which is produced backwards beyond its shaft. This latter makes a close ligamentous articu- lation with the fibular ridge of the tibio-tarsus, and at some little distance below it merges into its shaft, to become almost indistinguishably fused with it (figs. 21-23). A well-developed, subcordate patella, with its apex directed below, is found in the usual tendon in Geococcyx. It will be seen by referring to figures 24 and 26 that the 264 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. tarso-metatarsus of the Road Runner is a longer bone perhaps, than we would be led to expect from the other long bones of this limb. . Its summit presents for examination the two concavities for the condyles of the tibio-tarsus, separated by the mid-tubercle. Behind this we find a short hypo-tarsus, showing two vertical grooves at its back, and two vertical perforations through it, as shown in fig. 26. The sides and front of this bone are flat, the latter for its proximal half being longitudinally grooved, deepest above, gradually becoming shallower as it descends. — Posteriorly it is likewise grooved in a somewhat similar way; but here the outer wall of the groove is raised as a sharp longitudinal crest, best marked at the middle third of the shaft, and gradually subsiding towards the extremities. At the distal end we note the three usual trochlee for the basal joints of the toes; figure 27, however, shows how, in this zygodactyle bird, the outer one of these is extended to the rear, in such a manner as to allow the fourth toe to articulate in that direction (figs. 26 and 27). Of these trochlez the middle one is much the largest and is placed the lowest down; it is the only one of the three that shows the distinct median groove. The trochlea for the fourth toe is much elevated, while the inner one holds about a mid- position in this respect. A well-developed accessory metatarsal, slung by ligament in the usual way, is found between the shaft and the basal joint of the hallux (fig. 26). The perforating foramen for the passage of the anterior tibial artery is small and inconspicuous, being at the same time quite low down on the shaft. The joints of these podal digits are harmoniously proportioned, both as regards size and comparative length, and beyond what can be easily studied in my drawing of them, and their typical zygodactylism, they offer nothing of particular note. Before reducing my specimens to skeletons, I failed to make any special examinations as to the condition of the ossifications of the columella auris in the adult Geococeyx ; I find, however, among other normal ossifications in this type, some twelve or thirteen sclerotal plates in either eye, overlapping each other in cee nda nihiar a gmeeblibaalipe aie a i | : } f THE SKELETON IN GEOCOCCYX. 265 a somewhat irregular manner. The rings of the trachea also ossify as in other birds, as well as the plate of the superior larynx. Some of the tendons of the pelvic limb in old birds are also converted into bone, and small sesamoids may be found about the proximal extremities of the basal joints in the soles of the feet. During the preparation of this memoir several more Pacitic Coast specimens of this form have come into my hands; among others I am indebted to Mr W. Otto Emerson of Haywards, California, for the present of a very fine male bird. I also have a young one, just leaving the nest, but my further examination of this material reveals to me nothing in the skeleton of the adult tou be added to the above detailed description of my type specimen from Santa Barbara, California, from which I made all the drawings in the accompanying illustrations in the Plates. EXPLANATION OF PLATES VIL, VIII, IX. [The figures are all life size and from the same specimen. | Fig. 1. Left lateral view of skull and mandible of Geococcyx _ californianus, ad. ¢. Fig. 2. The mandible seen from above. Fig. 3. The skull from superior aspect ; mandible rernoved. Fig. 4. The skull seen upon under view ; mandible removed. Fig. 5. Right half of the pectoral arch seen from the inner side ; the coracoid, furculum, and scapula 7 situ. Fig. 6. Os furculum in dotted outline ; viewed from behind. Fig. 7. Left lateral view of dorsal vertebree, ribs and sternum; the bones all in their natural positions. Fig. 8. The hyoid arches seen upon superior view ; the thin glosso- hyal is dotted to represent cartilage. Fig. 9. Left lateral view of pelvis. Fig. 10. Superior aspect of pelvis. Fig. 11. Pelvis seen upon direct posterior view. Fig. 12. Right humerus, palmar aspect. Fig. 13. Palmar aspect of radius and ulna, and the bones of the carpus and manus; same limb. Fig. 14. Right humerus, anconeal aspect. Fig. 15. Right humerus, radial aspect. 266 Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. THE SKELETON IN GEOQCOCCYX. The sternum seen upon its pectoral aspect. . Caudal vertebrae and pygostyle, seen from the right side. . Anterior view of left femur. - . Inner view of left femur. Posterior view of left femur. . Left tibio-tarsus and fibula, seen from in front. . Left tibio-tarsus and fibula, their outer aspects. . The summits of the left fibula and tibio-tarsus. Anterior view of the left tarso-metatarsus. . The summit of the left tarso-metatarsus. . Right lateral view of the skeleton of the left foot of Geococcyx, including the tarso-metatarsus. Fig. 27. The distal extremity of the left tarso-metatarsus, showing the trochlez as seen directly from beneath. ON THE RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION: AN EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH. By D. Noé&t-Paton, M.D., BSc., Biol. Fellow of the Univ. of Edin. (From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Edinburgh. ) (Continued from page 124.) Part Il.—EXPERIMENTAL. No direct series of experiments upon this subject has been made, but many well-known physiological facts strongly indicate the existence of such a relationship. In the first place, in the starving animal, the excretion of urea and of bile (Bidder and Schmidt) falls, and to the last days of life persists in small amounts. In the second place, after a meal both urea excre- tion and bile secretion rise, and reach their maximum some hours after food is taken. Lastly, the influence of different diets on the urea excretion on the one hand, and the bile formation on the other, is of interest: while proteids cause a marked increase in both, fats have no stimulating effect upon either process. Instead of following the lines suggested by these past observations, I have employed, as before mentioned, another, and I believe more satisfactory method—that of studying the influence on the urea excretion in dogs in a state of nitrogenous balance (stickstoffgleichgewicht) of certain drugs, which power- fully stimulate bile secretion. My earlier experiments were made upon men, but the results obtained, owing to the many disturbing causes which could not be excluded, were so unsatisfactory, that after two months’ work, this mode of experiment was abandoned, and the observations were repeated in dogs. For all the experiments here recorded, with the exception of two, dogs were employed. And I believe that the use of these 268 DR D. NOEL-PATON. animals renders my results of more value, as it was upon dogs that Professor Rutherford conducted his series of experi- ments upon bile secretion; so that we may in every case safely conclude that under the administration of the drug the secre- tion of bile really was stimulated. Mode of Expervment. Large female dogs were selected, weighing about 13 kilos. Female dogs were chosen, because from their mode of micturition there is less chance of a loss of urine occurring; and, when catheterisation is required, it is more easily and safely performed than upon the male. The dog was kept in a cage of 40 inches square by 38 inches in height. - The floor was of smooth zinc, and sloped from all sides to a hole in the centre, under which was placed the vessel in which the urine was collected. Across one side of the cage was stretched a narrow board, on which the dog slept and fed, but upon which it rarely micturated. The floor of the cage was kept scrupulously clean, and was frequently washed with a solution of permanganate of potash. The feeces were always cleared away as soon after they were passed as possible. I am well aware that my method of collecting the urine allows of a certain loss, but that this is a fixed percentage quantity is shown by the very uniform daily excretion of urea which my analyses indicate. Using this method, I have been able, by carefully regulating the diet, to approach almost as near to a daily uniform excretion of urea as Salkowski, Virchow, Wolfsohn, or other observers who have employed catheterisation, or who have educated their dogs to micturate into a vessel held beneath them (Wolfsohn). In some of my experiments I have observed a tendency to a bi-diurnal type of urinary excretion : (see Exp. 1V.), a small amount of urine being passed on one day, followed next day by a more copious quantity. But if a mean — be taken for these two days, it corresponds very exactly with the normal daily excretion. _ RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 269 _ The urine was collected at ten o’clock each morning ; the cage __ was then cleaned, and the dog fed. ‘ The urine was measured, and set to filter. The specific gravity _ was taken, and the urea and uric acid at once estimated. Diet. The diet consisted of oatmeal porridge with milk. On this food the dogs remained healthy for long periods, even when confined to the circumscribed limits of their cage. This dict caused a firm well-formed fzecal dejection daily, a matter of no small importance, as the urine was thus kept free for admixture with feeces. The urine too was large in amount and of low specific gravity, so that the dilution usually required in observations on dogs’ urine was thus rendered unnecessary. Methods of Analysis. _ IL. Urea.—For the quantitative estimation of the urea I have _ employed the hypobromite method of Hiifner. In preferring this process to the more commonly adopted method of Liebig, I feel that I have exposed myself to adverse criticism. But a careful perusal of the very extensive and scattered literature upon the subject, and a series of experiments undertaken by myself, has fully convinced me that,’for such a research, this method has advantages over all others. It may be rendered more accurate than Liebig’s method, and it has this great advantage, that the presence in the urine of the drugs administered does not interfere with the results. The solutions employed were the following :— 1st, Solution of sodic hydrate prepared by dissolving 230 germs, of caustic soda in 500 c.cs. of water. 2nd, Bromine. These were mixed in the propcrtion of 1 in 10, and the hypobromite solution was freshly prepared each morning. The apparatus of Dupré was adopted, and was first carefully tested with standard solution of urea, in order to determine the percentage loss of nitrogen. This was found to correspond Corrections were made for temperature and pressure accord 270 DR D. NOEL-PATON. very closely to that observed by Leconte, Mehu, Foster, and Russel and West. ing to the formula given by Hiifner (Jowrnal of Prakt. Chemie, N. F., Bd. 1IL p. 11, 1871). V = volume of gas at 0° C. and 760 mm. V’ = the volume read off. B = barometric pressure in mms. W = tension of aqueous vapour at temp. at which decomposition occurs. T = temp. in °C, V'(B-W) The formula is V = 760 (1 x 0-00366 7). Great care was taken to carry out the decomposition at a low temperature, and time was always allowed for the gas throughout the apparatus to become of a uniform temperature before and after the decomposition occurred. Il. Uric Acid.—For the estimation of the uric acid I have selected the method recently devised by Professor Haycraft, because it appears to me to combine, more than any other, the two qualities of accuracy and rapidity. I have tried Heintz’s, Cook’s, and Pavy’s, and have failed to get results so nearly accurate ; while Salkowski’s very admirable method is much too tedious for every day analysis. Through the kindness of Prof. Haycraft I have been enabled to use this process throughout all my experiments, although his paper on the subject has only recently appeared (Brit. Med. Journ., vol. ii. 1885, p. 1100). EXPERIMENTS. I. SALICYLATE OF SODA. According to Professor Rutherford’s experiments 62, 66, 67, 69, 70a and 73a and 74a, salicylate of soda occupies perhaps the first position among the cholagogues in its influence on the bile secretion. Professor Rutherford says of it—“ Indeed this substance is a certain hepatic stimulant, never failing when b es RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 271 placed in the duodenum to excite the liver within half an hour.” Only a few observations on the influence of salicylate of soda on the urinary constituents have as yet been recorded. In 1876 two papers on the subject appeared, one by Chr. Bohr bei Panum in Hospitals Tidende, 2, iii. p. 129, and the other by Solomon Wolfsohn (Ueber die Wirkuwng der Salicyl- stiure and des Salicylsawren Natron auf den Stoffwechsel). Bohr’s paper I have been unable to procure. But, from the account of his results given at p. 173 of vol. vi. of Hermann’s Handbuch der Physiologie, it appears that the dogs upon which his observations were made were allowed to drink what water they pleased, and he connects the rise in the urea with the increased imbibition of water, which is supposed to have increased the tissue metabolism. His results cannot therefore be considered of any value. Wolfsohn gives six experiments, two upon salicylic acid and four upon salicylate of soda. In five of his experiments, the drug was given by the mouth, and in one the salicylate of soda _ was hypodermically administered. In all his experiments he was able to demonstrate a well-marked increase in the total nitrogen and in the urea excreted, and this increase in his experiments was best marked on the days following the adminis- tration of the drug. Since he does not state the weight of the dog employed, and since the diets used by him differ from that employed by me, itis impossible to compare our results in detail. Carl Virchow (Ztsch. f. Physiol. Chem., vol. vi. p. 78) gives an experiment on the influence of salicylate of soda on the total nitrogen of the urine. This was performed in Professor Salkowski’s laboratory on a female dog, weighing between 22 and 24 kilos., and fed upon 500 grms. of flesh, 75 germs. of bacon, and 200 grms. of water daily. The urine was collected by catheterisation. The nitrogenous excretion before the experi- ment was anything but constant; nevertheless his general results correspond closely with my own. Although the action of the benzoates upon the excretion of uric acid has, on account of their connection with the production of hippuric acid, attracted considerable attention, I am not aware Pi? DR D. NOEL-PATON, of any observations upon the influence of their allies, the salicylates, upon the urinary constituents. Sée, indeed, in a paper published in the Bul. de Acad. Med., 1877, p. 704, states that in gravel and gout the uric acid excreted is increased under the administration of salicylate of soda, while in health these drugs have no influence whatever either upon the urea or the uric acid. He states that in acute gout he has seen the uric acid rise from 0°30 grms. per 1000 c.es. to 3°10 grms. per 1000 ces. But, as Garrod has shown, a similar rise occurs in all cases of acute gout towards the termination of the attack ; so little value can be placed on Sée’s observations. All the more are they unworthy of attention, as he does not record the experiments upon which they are founded. The action of this drug, which is now so largely used in the treatment of rheumatism and gout, and which promises to become one of our most valuable remedies in diabetes, appeared to me to deserve special attention. I have accordingly devoted six experiments to its investigation, four of which I now record. Exp. 1. and II. For these two experiments a man, aged 56, was employed; his daily exercise was fixed, and his diet was daily, without any variation, the following :— Breakfast.—Bread, 4 oz; tea, 1 pint. Dinner.—Broth, 14 pints; beef, 4 oz. Supper.—Porridge, 14 pints; milk, 4 pint. He took little or no water—never more than a tea-cupful in the twenty-four hours. The daily excretion of urea never became very constant, but the influence of salicylate of soda is seen in the accompanying table and abstract, and in fig. 1 (p. 274.) (Exe, I. and IL. © RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION, 273 . I. and II! Remarks. 0°968| Weight of man=62°1 kilos. 1°037 Diet — (as above). 0-811 | 0°837 6 grms. sod salicylatis in 24 1012 | 32°205 | 0°823 gh eat ‘106 grm. per kilo. of body weight. 1018 | 34°901 | 0°874 Reaction with FeCl, 1016 | 34°572 | 0°663 1018 | 41°521 | 0°567 1019 | 34°335 ” » 1016 | 35°096 1017 | 34°156 |0°720| Faint rr ” 1013 | 33°398 | 0°701 1013 |} 33°171 |0 800 | 1014 vie 0-350 | ( 66 grms. sod salicyl. in 24 2? 9) ”? 1016 | 34-489 | |. iy | hours=0°106 grm. per kilo. ; 921) of body weight. MOIS YN SA/982: | 0281 | | Reaction with FeCl, 1016 | § 32°349 | 0-321 | es a 1014 | ( 32°349 | 0° 441 | on fe | 1013 | §30°590 | 0-257 | i ‘3 ) 1015 | ( 30°590 | 0-206 ~~ = 1013 | ( 27°860 | 17119 | 1015 | 28°351 | 0°679 | 1013 | 28922 1014 | | 28-870 | 0-984. 1016 | | 27-860 | 1-001 | | 1013 | { 28°870 | 0°894 1012 | 24°742 re | Average daily Excretion of Water and Urea under Salicylate of Soda:— | Before Exp. I 30°62 During administration of drug, 2012 34°72 Between Exp. I. and II., 2108 33°77 During second administration of drug ug 2016 31°30 After Exp. II., ‘ é : 2027 28°40 — and after Exp. I. and II., i i 2003 29°51 uring Saunas of drug in Exp. I. an Il. eee ee . | 2014 33-01 Percentage ae im Water, .. -. : . practically unaltered. ay Bp Urea, . : : . +11°89e. 1Jn this and all subsequent tables, the date refers to the day upon which the greater part of the urine was passed—not to the day on which it was collected. Thus the urine of 3°7°84, is the urine collected at 10 A.M. on the 4th July. VOL. XX. 8 A “A119 "102d UIA UOTJOVAA BAVS OULM ‘a 4v WOATS “SULIS : 1090 UIA worjover saves our ‘ . : Y 1 yo poe ue if 4 TM ‘p 4v WAAIS “SUIS 9.9 “Bpog Jo a9e[AOITVg Jopun ploy 94 Jo pue Baty JO WOTJOIOXY— ‘TT pue “I ‘dxq OT Ane OF suis RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FURMATION TO BILE SECRETION 275 . Average daily Excretion of Uric Acid in grms. under Salicylate 0°868 0°732 of Soda :-— Exp. I. Before. | With. | After. | Before and After. | With. 0895 0-732 | 0-842 | Percentage change= —15%. Exp. II. Before. | With. | After. Before and After. | With. | = Aer a el i rend 0-767 | | | 0-303 | 0-303 | 0-981 | 0-849 . Percentage change = — 64°3%. Haycraft’s method was used in these, as in all future experi- ments, for the determination of the uric acid; and, as the presence of this drug in the urine might have interfered with the accuracy of the process, this possible source of error was excluded by the following experiment :— Exp. A. The uric acid in a specimen of urine was by this method found to be 0:0221%. A large quantity of salicylate of soda was then added to another portion of the same urine, and upon testing the percentage of uric acid was found to be 0:°02287. Therefore, salicylate of soda has no effect in the accuracy of this process. Exp. IIT. On the 27th January, salicylate of soda was given in 2 grm. doses, made into pills with alittle mucilage, at 1 p.m, at 4 p.M., and at 6 P.M. There was no sickness, but next morning the dog appeared dull, though it took food greedily. 2 grms. were administered at 11 a.m. on the 28th, but the dog appeared so ill that the drug was discontinue l. The effect of such large doses of salicylate of soda is shown in the table, abstract, and in fig. 2. The effect on the kidneys was marked. On the 29th the urine passed was of very high sp. gr., and contained a large amount of albumin, but no blood. ‘he albuminuria persisted for three days. The drug had absolutely no influence upon the bowels. 276 DR D. NOKL-PATON. Ezp. Il. Urine | Uric matecnt hin sp. G.| Ure@in | acidin| Bowels. Remarks. grms. | c.cs. grms. 20°1°85 |} 530 | 1013 7°260 0143 moved Weight of dog=13°6 kilos. 21 550 | 1012 7°370 0°126 a8 Diet. : 22 600 | 1013 7°380 0°132 ey Oatmeal as porridge 113 grms. 23 610 | 1013 7°320 0°140 - Milk 320 c.cs. 24 470 | 1011 7°442 0°126 | not moved 26 | 600 | 1014 7°442 Rei moved 26 465 | 1014 7°394 0125 | not moved ; ay 27 240 | 1017 4°100 0°064 6 6 grms.) 8 een. sodee salicyl. in 22 ours. 28 OU | Seens ae na moved 2 grms.( =0°6 Fe. per kilo. weight of dog. 29 1130 | 1026} 382°192 0:265 | not moved | Reaction of salicyl. with FeCls, marked albuminuria. 30 340 | 1019 9°860 07102 A Reaction of salicyl. with FeCl trace of albuminuria. | 31 800 | 1010 9°168 0°203 moved Reaction of salicyl. with FeCl; trace of albuminuria. 1'2°85| 745 | 1009 8-418 0°223 | not moved 2 urine lost or aa “4 3 570 | 1010 7°353 aun moved 4 550 | 1010 Tee 0°154 - | 5 750 | 1013 8°222 0'192 an | Average Daily Exeretion of various Constituents under Salicylate of Soda :— | | Before | With After pipe | With Percentage Drug. | Drug. | Drug. After * || Change in. | Water, in c.cs. |) 546 502 653 599 502 - 161% Urea, in grms. |} 7°372 | 11°012 | 8-053 7°710 | 11:012 +42°77 Uric Acid, ,, 0°132 0°126 0°189 0°160 0°126 — 21°37 Exp. IV. This is in every way a satisfactory experiment, and fully confirms all the results obtained in Experiment III. The dose was more moderate, and the kidneys were not so markedly affected. The diminution in the amount of uric acid is very well shown. During this experiment the amount of urine daily passed varied considerably ; but on taking two days together and striking an average an almost constant daily excretion of urea was obtained. This bi- diurnal habit in regard to micturition was frequently well marked in this dog, but in no way interfered with the results of the experi- ments. RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. Fic. 2 grms. 16 =-j-- ® | Jan. 20 28 3U Exp. III,—Excretion of Urea and Uric Acid under Salicylate of Soda. ee given at a, and 2 grms. at e. bo “I io) DR D. NOEL-PATON. Exp. IV. Dat | Urine |. G Urea "eh ‘Sp. G.} 2 yn e.cs. [>P | orms. 14°3°85 | (563 | | 8150 15 -, 563 8-150 16 | (563 | | 87150 17 (735 8°540 18 1735 | 8°540 19 $30 8-200 20 (595 | 87538 21 1 595 8°538 | 2 440 | | 12-320 23 500 | 11°400 24 (725 10-927 25 Y725— 10°927 26 830 8°300 27 28 (570 67945 29 570 6°945 30 645 9-550 31 645 97550 Uric Acid in grms. 07136 07136 07136 0°196 0°196 07166 0°129 07129 0°075 0-085 07145 07145 0°107 0°153 Bowels. moved ” not moved moved not moved ” > moved not moved 9) moved ” not moved 2 grms. » 0°16 grm. | per kilo. 3 gTms. = > . O' 232m. Reaction with FeCl,. Slight “4 ) 4 - { Average daily excretion of urea { J Remarks. Weight of dog=12°7 kilos. Diet—Porridge of 113 grms. oatmeal Milk, 320 c.cms. 2 grms. salicylate of soda=0°16 grm. | per kilo. =8°247 germs. The brackets indicate that the figures given represent the average for period grms. 12 11 March 15 Exp IV,—Excretion of Urea and Uric Acid under Salicylate of Soda. 2 er given at a, 2 grms. at e, and 3 grms. at c. 20 indicated, Fig. 3. Uric Acid germs. 0°15 0°05 25 30 RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 279 Average Daily Excretion of various Constituents under Salicylate of Soda. | : Before Before | With | After , | eames | Drug. | Drug. | Drug. | jet With. | Change in. oe | Water, in c.cs. |} 691 482 | 695 693 482 — 80°47 | Urea, in grms, 8353 | 11393 | 8-258 | 8305 | 11398 | +3717 | } 97 | Uric Acid, 4 0161 | 0082 | 0137 | 0149 | 0-082 | -44: Results— With moderate doses of the drug, such as were given in Exp. I. and IL, no influence on the amount of water excreted could be determined ; with larger doses a well marked dimina- tion in the amount of water occurred, and in Exp. III. distinct albuminuria was induced, showing that this drug has really an irritating action upon the kidneys. This observation fully bears out the results of clinical experience of its use, especially in scarlet fever, where it is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous remedy. The urea was very markedly increased in spite of the diminu- tion in the water. The uric acid was very much diminished. This last is a point of great practical interest and importance, as it throws very direct light on the benefit derived from the use of the drug in goat. In the practice of M. Germain Sée it has entirely replaced the use of colchicum (Year Book of Treatment for 1884, p. 81). How this diminution in the uric acid excretion is brought about it is difficult to understand. Obviously it is a diminished production and not merely a diminished excretion; for we have no great rise in the excretion upon discontinuing the drug. Either salicylate of soda must cause a more complete meta- bolism of those bodies which yield both uric acid and urea, whereby they are entirely converted into the latter substance, or what is more probable, the production of salicyluric acid must interfere with the formation of uric acid. To decide this point a quantitative examination of the uric acid and salicyluric acid under the influence of the drug would be necessary. Unfortunately, there is at present no method for 280 DR D. NOEL-PATON. the accurate quantitative determination of the latter of these substances. Bertagnini (Annal. der Chem. und Pharmac., Feb. 1856) has - shown that this salicyluric acid is produced by the synthesis of salicylic acid with glycocol; while Horbaczewski states (Wiener Akad. Sitzb., II. Abth., 1885, Mai) that he has prepared uric acid synthetically from glycocol and urea, It is there- fore highly probable that salicylic acid, by uniting with glycocol to form salicyluric acid, prevents the production of uric acid. Dr Latham of Cambridge has already developed this view of the formation of uric acid in relationship to the treatment of gout by benzoates. IT. BENZOATE OF Sopa, Dr Rutherford, in Exp. 68 and 72a of his series, has demonstrated that benzoate of soda is a powerful hepatic stimulant. From the connection of benzoic acid and the benzoates with the production of hippuric acid, the influence of these drugs upon the urine has received a considerable amount of attention, though only two really careful scientific experiments have hitherto been made upon the action of the benzoates upon the nitrogen of the urine. Klitzinsky (Gist. Zitsch. f. pract. Heilk., Ba. iv. 8. 41, 1858) comes to the conclusion that no alteration in the nitrogenous matter of the urine oceurs. I have been unable to procure the original paper, which is referred to in Hermann’s Handbuch der Physiologie, vol. vi. p. 172. Meissner and Shepard, in their admirable paper “ Ueber das Enstehen der Hippursaiive im thier. Organismus,’ Hanover, 1866, show that when hippuric acid appears in the urine after the administration of benzoic acid, the urea is not diminished, Salkowski (Zésch. f. Physiol. Chem., Bd. i. S. 45, 1877) has recorded two very careful experiments on the influence of benzoate of soda. The diet of the dog upon which these observations were conducted was carefully regulated, and a nitrogenous balance (stickstoffgleichgewicht) established. RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 281 The following results were obtained :— |W. of Dog | Urine to Sp. G N. Bunsen’s | H.SO, as Date. Jin Kilos.| — c.cs. Method. | BaSo,. Remarks. 16.7.75 19°62 400 1014°5 3°377 0°866 17 : 1014°5 3°480 0°880 18 19°65 ~ 1013°5 3°208 0-842 *19 400 1028°5 4°865 1°332 5°12 grms. benzoic acid as soda salt. *20 19°62 400 1035°0 5°648 1°344 7°323 grms. benzoic acid as 21 19°55 400 1014°5 3°976 0°736 soda salt. 22 19°47 400 1014°5 3°132 0°884 23 19°25 400 1015 3°440 0°840 24 19°03 400 1015 3°568 0°850 *25 19°05 425 1037 5°372 1°512 7°588 grms. benzoic acid as soda salt. *26 19°00 400 1038 5°652 1°206 7°527 grms. benzoic acid as 27 18°83 - 400 1015 4°024 0°524 soda salt. 28 18°73 410 ? 3°328 Bunge and Schmiedeberg, in their paper on hippuric acid (Arch. f. Exp. Pathol., Bd. vi.), do not consider the influence of benzoates upon the nitrogen excreted. C. Virchow (loc. cit.) has made two experiments, under Salkowski’s direction, and finds a well-marked rise in the daily excretion of nitrogen under the influence of benzoic acid given as the soda salt. His results agree so entirely with those of Salkowski that it is unnecessary to reproduce them here. In regard to the action of benzoates upon the uric acid, it was long ago stated by Wohler and Keller (Ann. der Chem. u. Pharmac., xliii. 8. 108) that no decrease in the uric acid occurred. More recently, Garrod has investigated the subject, and has come to the conclusion that benzoates do very decidedly diminish the amount of uric acid excreted (“Lettsomian Lecture,” Brit. Med. Jour., 1883, vol. i.). His method of experiment was not altogether satisfactory. The urine of the 24 hours was not dealt with, and apparently no attempt was made to fix the diet. I here quote his last experiment (Exp. IV.), which gives results exactly similar to the other three, and will serve as an illustration of his method of procedure. I. Urine from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., after 60 grs. of benzoate of soda: Urine = 5? oz. Uric acid = 0:17 grs. II. Urine from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., after 120 grs. of benzoate of soda : Urine = 94 oz. Uric acid = 0°57 grs. III. Urine as above. No benzoate for 27 hours: Urine — 6 GZ Uric acid = 1:00 grs. 282 DR D. NOEL-PATON. IV. Urine as above. No benzoate for 51 hours: Urine = 12.02. Uric acid = 1:25 grs. V. Urine as above. No benzoate for 75 hours : Urine = 10 oz Uric acid = 1-00 grs. Cook (Brit. Med. Jour., 1883, vol. ii. p. 9) opposes these con- clusions, and contends that the diminution observed by Garrod was due to the presence of benzoic acid in the urine preventing the crystallisation of the uric acid. Using the method of uric acid determination devised by himself, he gets the following results. The experiment was made upon a man with fixed diet :-— Date. Uric Acid. Remarks. May 14 13:0 grs. 15 12°3 ,, 16 13:0;,,4 is ae 18 13-2 ,, 19 13°0 20 on 500 21 254 ae. 30 grs. benzoate of soda. 22 13°7 9 60 9 ” 29 23 14°0 9 40 ” ” By 24 132 ;, 60 ,, 7 25 A | The question of the influence of benzoates upon the uric acid must therefore be regarded as undecided, and as requiring further elucidation, Exp. V. The influence of benzoate of soda in the water, urea, and uric acid is shown in the accompanying table and abstract, and in fig. 4. The production of hippuric acid has already been so fully studied, that it was considered unnecessary to make any estimation of the amount produced. Its disturbing influence on the accuracy of the hypobromite method for the estimation of urea need not be considered, since Knop (Ber. d. konig. Sdchs, Gesell. d. Wissen., 1870, p. 17), and Hiifner (J. f. pract. Chemie N. F., Bad. iii. 1871, p. 18), have shown that none of the nitrogen of hippuric acid is evolved. The possible disturbing influence of hippuric and benzoic acid in the urine upon Haycraft’s method for uric acid had, however, to be investigated. > RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 283 Hap. VA. Does the presence of benzoates in the urine influence the accuracy of Haycraft’s method of uric acid estimation ? Using Haycraft’s process, the urine of the 15th Feb. yielded 0-047 of uric acid. To 25 c.cs. of this urine 0-2 grms. of benzoate of soda were added. The uric acid was again determined by the same method, and was found to amount to 0°039%. Exp. V8. Does the presence of hippuric acid vitiate the accuracy of Haycraft’s method ? To 25 c.cs. of the same urine, 0:2 grms, of hippuric acid was added, and the uric acid, determined as before, was found to be 0:041%. Therefore the presence of benzoates and of hippuric acid do not interfere with the accuracy of this process. On the 16th the urine contained a faint trace of albumin, and reduced Fehling’s solution very remarkably, giving on boiling a copious orange-coloured precipitate. So marked was this reduction, that I felt convinced that sugar was present and endeavoured to make a quantitative analysis. The amount of Fehling’s solution reduced indicated the presence of 4% of sugar. With Béttcher’s test the bismuth was only slightly reduced, giving a greyish colour. The fermentation test was also tried, and after several days gave no evolution of gas, although a check experiment with the same yeast yielded an abundance of carbonic acid. The reduction is due to the presence of a substance described by Salkowski in a short note in the Zeitsch. f. Physiol. Chem., Bd. iv. S. 135. Its exact composition has not been determined. The urine of the 17th gave a still more marked reduction of the cupric salt, but no evolution of carbonic acid occurred on the addition of yeast. On the 18th the reduction was decidedly less. Exp. V. { Dates “apes 3p. G. Ureain | Urie acid Bowels. Remarks. cs, |°P- grms. | in grms. 11.2.85| §745 | 1009] 6°910 0-230 |notmoved| Weight of dog=13°6 kilos. 12 (745 | 1009 | 6°910 0-230 | moved | Diet—Oatmeal 113 grms. | 13 $625 1011 6700 | 0°247 | not moved | Milk, 320 c.c. } 14 (625 1010 | 6700 | 0°268 moved | | 15 530 | 1013 | 6°095 0-212 not moved | 16 650 | 1017 | 7°540 | 07130 moved 7-0 grms. benzoate of soda=0°51 erm. per kilo. 17 800 | 1023 | 11°680 0-216 | not moved| 7°5 grms. benzoate of soda=0°55 | grm. per kilo. | 18 b> 210 1011 | 8°236 0-232 99 19 / 700 | 1010! 7-140 | 0-210 ed 20 | Urin'e lost | | moved | 21 | 500 | 1012| 5°600 | 0-263 | uvt moved | | 22 760 1010 , 6°080 a ae 284 DR D, NOEL-PATON. germs 11 {Urie Acid ‘rms. 10 0°25 9 0°20 ! A I 8 1 0°15 Feb. ne lo iT) Exp, V.—Excretion of,Urea and Uric Acidjund »1 jBen- zoate of Soda. 7 grms. given at a, and 7°5 germs. at e, Average Daily Excretion of various Constituents under Benzoate of Soda. 3efore Percentage || Before. | With. After. and With. CGhanae’ | After. ae | | | Water, in c.cs. |} 654 720 653 653°5 720 +10°00% | Urea, in grms. || 6°663 9°152 5840 6°251 9°152 + 46°47 Uric Acid, ,, . 0236 0°195 0°236 0°236 0°195 —17°87 | | Exp, V1. During the administration of the drug, which was given in the form of a pill made up with a little mucilage, the reducing power of the urine on Fehling’s solution was well marked. The influence of the drug is shown in the table and abstract, and in fig. 5, RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 285 Exp. V1. ro, . and Uric Date. | Urine 10) Sp. G, Urea mM Acidin| by | | grms. germs, —_ a os ——_ ae ae ee 23. 2.85, 900 | 1009, 87550 | 24 (800 1010 | 8°550 | 25 /(800 | 1011 | 8-335 | 26 | | 675 1010 | 8-482 | 0°218 27 |) 675 1011 | 8-482 | 0°218 | 28 650 | 1022 | 11-700 | 0-186 | }7 | | 1.3. | 700 | 1015} 6160 | 0-132 | } = 2 700 | 1024 | 13-020 | 0-132 ad = 590 1010 | 6°303 | 0°142 4 590 1013 | 6°303 | 07142 5 675 1012 | 8°140 | 07152 6 675 1012 | 8°140 | 0-164 7 710 1010 | 7°550 | 0°164 8 710 1011 | 7°550 | 0:164 Ig ie 1010 | 7:717 | 0°190 | 10 742 1011 | 7°717 | 07190 Wie, & ll 10 Feb. 23 zZ3 Exp. VI.—Excretion of Urea and Uri at a, 8 grms. Weight of dog=13'154 kilos. Diet as in previous experiments. ‘5 grms. benzoate of soda=0°57 Fs) 1U c Acid under Benzoate of Soda. 7 grms. given at b, and 7°5 grms, at c. Remarks. ee | | grms. benzoate of seda=0'53 grm. per kilo. grms. benzoate of soda=0°6 grm. per kilo. grm. per kilo. 0.10 286 DR D. NOEL-PATON. Average Daily Excretion of various Constituents under Benzoate of Soda. Before. | With. | After. | Before | With. | Percentage | and After. Change. i Water, inccs. . | 798 683| 664. 728 683 || -6°3% Urea, in grms. . || 8°425 | 10°293 | 7596 || 8-010 10'293 || +28°5% Uric Acid, ,, | 0-237 | 0133/0159 || 0-198 | 0-133|) —32°8% | | fesults.—My experiments merely confirm the observations of Salkowski and Virchow in regard to the urea excreted. They also show that in the dose given benzoate of soda has practically no influence upon the amount of water excreted. The point of chief interest is the clear demonstration afforded that benzoate of soda really dues diminish the uric acid excretion. At present [ cannot discuss the relationship of the hippuric acid produced to this diminution in the uric acid. It is a matter of great importance which I hope further to investigate. III. CoLcHicum. On the cholagogue action of colchicum Rutherford gives two experiments (Exp. 17 and 18), which show that this drug is undoubtedly an hepatic stimulant and a powerful hydrocathartic. The dose of the aqueous extract used in these experiments was large—60 grs. being given.? The influence of colchicum upcn the urinary secretion, and upon the urinary constituents has, from the connection of this drug with the treatment of gout, been much studied clinically. All the earlier observations on the subject, as those of Chelius (Lewins, Hd. Med. and Surgical Jour., 1841, p. 200), of Christison and Maclagan (Hd. Month. Jour. of Med. Sc., 3d series, vol, xvi. p. 24), are valueless, as the daily amount of urine is not taken into consideration. Boecker (Beitrage zur Heilkunde, Crefeld, 1849) concludes that colchicum has practically no effect on the renal secretion, but his experiments show too many fallacies to allow of his conclusion being accepted. Krahmer (Jour. f. Pract. Chemie, Dd. +1) gives the following 1 In all probability the sample used was not freshly prepared. RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 287 table, showing the effect of the administration of colchicam on the various ue Y the urine in grms :-— | | Dey. | Combus- 'Amount.| Resi- rata Ash. Urea. | yar | : | > £ . due. nents. | | Mean of 62 observations | without the drug in usual | | condition, ‘ 2084°6 | 74°008 | 39°654 | 35°242 | 19°640 | 0'364 Meanof 5 obser vations lur- | ing the use of tinct. col- _ chici seminum in doses of lto5drachms, . . | 1756°5 | 71°987 | 42°259 | 29°728 | 22°843 | 0°684 Hammond (Proc. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sc., Dec. 1858, p. 18) gives a series of experiments upon the vegetable diuretics. He finds that, while digitalis, juniper, and squills increase the water excreted, colchicum alone increases the solid constituents. His experiments were conducted upon a healthy man, with slight precautions in regard to diet and exercise. The following table gives his results :— Urine. |Sp.G. | Total Solids. sabia Organic. Normal standard, . «|, 1280) | 1025 63°12 29°83 — 33°29 Under colchicum, . ‘| 1556 | 1023 77°28 35°23 | 42-04 S. R. Percy’s paper on the subject of the influence of colechicum upon the uric acid excretion (Amer. Med. Times, 1862) is absol- utely valueless, as the method adopted for estimating the uric acid—by observing the amount of precipitate—is exceedingly crude and fallacious. Garrod, in his admirable “Treatise on Gout and Rheumatic Gout,” has given the results of a tolerably full investigation into the action of colehicum upon the uric acid, and of one or two observations on its influence upon the urea. Two experiments upon healthy patients are given. In his first experiment the average amounts of water and of uric acid were as follows :-— For four days before administration of any drug— Water averaged 68°5 fl. oz. per diem. Uric acid 99 | 8°24 grays jy. 1155 288 DR D. NOEL-PATON. For five days under colchicum the average was— Water 55°6 fl. oz. per diem. Uric acid Oe ie ae In his second experiment the averages for three days before the drug was given were— Water Uric acid 37°7 fl. oz. 5:03 grs. Averages for five days while drug was given-— Water = 25:2 fi. oz. Uric acid = 529 grs. From a more careful study of the details of these experiments we see that nothing can be deduced from them. The daily variations in the uric acid excreted were very great, and com- pletely vitiated the results. Garrod also gives six observations on the urine of gouty patients. Observations on the action of a drug in disease are of little value, and we therefore refrain from quoting these experiments. From his observations he is led to the following conclusions :— “1. There is no evidence that colchicum produces any of its effects upon the system by causing the kidneys to eliminate an increased quantity of uric acid; in fact, when the drug is continued for any length of time it appears to exert a contrary effect. “2, We cannot assert that colchicum has any effeet upon the excretion of urea or the other solid ingredients of the urine. “3. Colchicum does not act as a diuretic in all eases; on the contrary it often diminishes the quantity of urine, more especially when it produces a marked effect on the alimentary canal.” Certainly, in respect to the action of colchicum upon the urea and uric acid, Garrod has little ground upon which to base his conclusions. Painstaking and careful as are his experi- ments they are open to all the many fallacies of clinical obser- vation; while his use of the old method of Heintz for the estimation of uric acid renders even his analysis open to objection. ’ Obviously the question of the action of colchicum on the urea and uric acid of the urine must be regarded as totally unsettled and requiring careful experimental study. RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 289 Exp. VII. In this experiment very large doses of the drug were given, and as is seen in the abstract a much smaller percentage increase of the urea occurred than in the next experiment. The marked purgation which was induced may have prevented a greater increase in the urea excretion. The influence of colchicum on the uric acid is not well illustrated in this experiment—though on the second day of the administration of the drug a well-marked rise occurred. In all probability the diarrhoea induced had something to do with the great fall which occurred on the third day. Exp. VII. | : : Urine eer Uric |. Date. | in Sp.G ae an | Acid in Bowels. Remarks. c.cs. erm: grms. | 15.12.84; 620 | 1010 | 6°262 | 071041 moved Weight of dog=12°68 kilos. 16 460 | 10J1 | 5°520 | 071381 Ac Diet as in previous experiment. 17 565 | 1012 | 6°780 | 0°1911 not moved 18 520 | 1013 | 7°800 | 0°1394 moved 0°5 grm. acetic extract of col- chicum=0°039 grm. per kilo. 19 540 | 1014 | 8262 | 0°2106 | copioussoft semi-| 1°0 grm. acetic extract of col- fluid evacuation chicum=0'078 grm. per kilo. 20 425 | 1016 | 8062 | 00858 copious soft 11 grm. acetic extract of col- evacuation chicum=0'086 grm. per kilo. 21 ( 492 7-718 | 0:0800 | several watery evacuations 22 | (492 7-718 not moved 23 400 | 1013 | 6°560 moved Average daily Excretion of the various Constituents under the influence of Colchicum. | | Before | With | After | pe | With Percentage | Drug. | Drug. | Drug. | Renn Change in. ae te pee | | Water, in c.cs. || 548 495 461 Sees | = 1°67 Urea, in grms. | 6187 8041 7332 6°759 8041 +1817 The uric acid is not given in this table, as it was not erage on P the two days succeeding those on which colchicum was given. Exp. VIII. The influence of moderately large doses of the acetic extract of colchicum on the water, urea, and uric acid daily excreted is shown in the accompanying table ‘and abstract, and in fig. 6. In this experiment the chief point of interest, apart from the special VOL, XX. dt 290 DR D. NOEL-PATON. action of colchicum, is the illustration it affords of the influence of purgation. On the 12th and 14th a copious soft motion followed the administration of the drug, and the urea was only slightly increased, while upon the 13th, when the bowels were not moved, a greater rise occurred. Exp. VIII. ‘) Urine in | Urea in| Uric Acid | Date. | ¢cs, |5P-&) gyms. | in grms. | Bowels. Remarks. e 1.85} § 375 1013 | 5°045 0°095 moved Weight of dog=13'6 kilos. 1 375 1013 | 5:045 0-095 59 Diet as in previous experi- 0 (470 | 1012] 57140 0°124 not moved ment. 11 1470 1011 | 57140 0°124 : = 12 520 1014 | 7°644 0°122 . copious soft motion | 0°5 grm. acetic ext. col- chici = 0°037 per kilo. 13 | 620 1015 | 10°726 0°167 not moved | 0-3 grm. acetic ext. col- | chici = 0:02 per kilo. 14 | 610 1016 } 8°834 0°142 ~=copious re are 0°4 grm. acetic ext. col- 15 | 475 1014 | 6°692 0°132 moved | chici = 0°029 per kilo. | 16 | $498 | 1013} 6°040 0-070 not moved | 17 | (498 | 1012] 6°040 0°107 moved | 118 | 550 | 1011} 5°940 0°107 not moved grms, 10 grms. . 0°15 Uric 8 Acid. 0°10 d 0°05 6 Urea 5 Jan. 10 15 Exp. VIII.—Excretion of Urea and Uric Acid under Colchicum, 0°5 grm. of acetic extract given at a, 0°3 grm, at e, and 0°4 grm, atc, RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 291 Average daily Excretion of various Constituents under Colchicum. | : | Before } Before | With | After rr With. || Percentage Drug. | Drug. | Drug. After. Change in. | | | | ; * 1] | | ; Water, in c.cs. | 422 583 | 505 463 583 +25°9% Urea, in grms. | 5092 | 9°068 | 6178 5°635 | 9068 +60°9% Uric Acid, ,, 0109 | 0-143 | 0-102 || 0-105 | 0-143 +3614 Exp. 1X. In this experiment a recently prepared sample of acetic extract of colchicum was used. This probably accounts for the great purgation induced by small doses. - Urea | Uric | Date. | ,Utine isp.a.| in | Acidin| Bowels. | Remarks, “peak | | grms.} grms. | | 19.7.85 } 640 1009 6528 | 0-083 moved | Weight of dog=13-37 kilos. } | 20 580 | 1009 | 5916} 0-097 “P Diet as in former experiments. 2 640 | 1009} 6-016 | 0-083 | not moved | | 92 700 1008 | 5°600 | 0°119 | moved—copi-! 0:2 grm. acet. ext. colchici (fresh), | ous soft i =0°014 grms. per kilo. 1 23 740 1010 | 8314 | 0126 | moved—soft, | 0°2 grm. acet. ext. colchici (fresh)| | mucous i =0°014 germs. per kilo, evacuation | 24 (645 1008 | 6°342 | 0°074 |moved—loose! 25 1645 1009 | 6°342 | 0°077 | moved 2 .# 480 1010 | 6°490 | 0-070 “; 27! 480 1010 | 6-490 | 0-096 | af i=. z ~» e germs. 8 r ' July 20 25 Exp. IX.—Excretion of Urea and Uric Acid under Colchicum. 0°2 grm. acetic extract given at a, again at e, Very free purga- tion induced. 292 DR D. NOEL-PATON. Average daily Excretion of various Constituents under Colchicum. ; Befo Before | With | After - 4 i With Percentage Drug. | Drug. | Drug. After Change in. Water, in c.cs. | 620 720 562 591 720 +21°8% Urea, in grms. 6 °225 6°957 6°417 6°321 6°957 +10% Uric Acid, ,, || 0°087 0°122 0°079 0°083 0°122 aS 47%, Exp. X. nine Urea | Uric Date. lated Sp. G in Acid in Bowels. Remarks, ger. grms. | germs. 24.97.85 { 645 1008 | 6°342 | 0°074 moved Weight of dog=13'15 kilos. 25 645 1009 | 6°342 | 0°077 7, Diet as in previous experiments. 26 § 480 1010 | 6°490 0:070 24 27 ( 480 1010 | 6°490 0°096 es 28 Age ar ioe ” 29 520 1010 | 5°772 0°087 ” | 30 580 1009 | 5°563 | 07128 not moved | 0°15 grm. acet. ext. colchici=0°0114 | grm. per kilo. 31 620 1009 | 4:960 | 07104 | moved—very | 0°20 grm. acet. ext. colchici=0°0147 loose grm. per kilo. 1 605 1011 | 6°836 | 0°109 | moved—very | 0°20 grm. acet. ext. colchici=0°0147 loose grm. per kilo. 2 530 1013 | 5°500 | 0°057 moved 3 530 1007 |? 5°500 0°075 cs 4 620 1009 | 5°300 0°091 “4 5 620 1009 | 5°456 0°085 9 Fig. 8 Urea grms. 6 5 July 25 30 grms 0°10 Uric Acid. 0°05 5 Exp. X.—Excretion of Urea and Uric Acid under Colchicum. at c. 0°15 grm. of acetic extract given at a, 0:2 erm. at e,and again | RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 293 Average Daily Excretion of the various Constituents under Colchicum. | ae ae || Before | With | After || Before With | Drug. | Drug. Drug. |jand After. Pa 1] Le | ee a ae | be 2 asd as bas | Water, in c.cs. : 548 | 571 606 557 5/1! | Urea, ingrms. . : 6°204 | 5°786 | 5°453 5828 5°786 Uric Acid, ,, : . 0°081 | 01138 0°077 0°079 0°113 Percentage change in Water, . ; ; . practically unaltered Urea, .. < . : 23 He Uric acid, ‘ ; . +43% Exp. XI | Urine s Uric | Date. | in [Sp.G yeaa Acidin| Bowels. Remarks. c.cs. > = “| grms. | 26.7.85 | § 550 | 1009 | 67182 aaa moved Weight of dog=13°'25 kilos 27 (550 | 1009 | 67182 aot - Diet as in previous experiments. 28 { 620 | 1009 5°816 | 0°0621 = 29 ( 620 | 1008 5°816 | 0°0621 30 620 | 1010 5°332 | 0°0682 31 ee 1010 5°454 | 0°0526 ; 1.8 562 | 1010 5°454 | 0°0606 » 2 620 | 1009 | 5-564 | 0-0806 x +s 3 780 | 1009 | 7176 | 0°141 moved— | 02 grm. acet. ext. colchici=0°015 rather loose | grm. per kilo. | 4 720 | 1009 | 6°523 | 07106 moved— 0°2 grm. acet. ext. colchici=0°015 | | very loose grm. per kilo. | 5 } 700 | 1009 6°720 | 0°091 | notmoved Fig. 9 grms. erms. 7 0°10 Uric Acid. Urea 6 0°05 July 26 30 5 Exp. XI.—Excretion of Urea and Uric Acid under CoJchicum. 0'2 grm. of acetic extract given at a, and again ate. 294 DR D. NOEL-PATON. Average Daily Excretion of various Constituents under Colchicum. | | Before. With. | Percentage | Drug. Drug. | Change in. Water, inecs, , © «|| 577 735 «| «| 4878 ; Urea,ingrms. . ; : 5°7438 6°784 +18 | Uric Acid, . : | 0°0646 0°112 | +73°3 | Results—The above five experiments clearly show that in medium doses colchicum increases the water and urea excretion to a moderate amount, and the uric acid excretion to a much greater extent. Indeed the most striking feature of these experi- ments is the very marked increase in the uric acid production indicated by them, an increase which renders it difficult to explain the well-known beneficial action of this drug in gout. For, that an increased production and not merely an augmented excretion is indicated by these experiments is proved by the fact that after the administration of the drug is discontinued no great fall below the normal daily excretion occurs. LV. PERCHLORIDE OF MERCURY. Experiments 784, 788, 78c, and 78D of Professor Rutherford’s series clearly show that perchloride of mercury is a cholagogue of considerable power. In spite of the length of time during which mercury has, in different forms, been largely employed in medicine, I can only find one or two experiments on its action on the tissue meta- bolism (stofwechsel), as estimated by the amount of nitrogen excreted, Harvey (Brit. and For. Medico-Chir. Rev., vol. xxix. p. 515) records a series of experiments on the action of blue pill mass and perchloride of mercury upon the urea excretion in dogs, The dogs were kept in a cage, the urine being collected much as inmy own experiments. The diet consisted of “ paunch,” This is a form of dog’s meat sold in London, and consists, I believe, in the intestine, stomach, liver, &c., of sheep and oxen. In Exp. I. the dog got 6 oz. of “ paunch ” and 4 pint of water RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 295 daily. For seven days before the administration of the drug the urine was daily collected and the urea estimated. During the next fourteen days the pil. hydrarg. was given in doses, commencing at 2} grs. and increased to 15 grs., so that in the fourteen days 100 grs. of the drug were taken. The following table gives the average excretion of water and urea before and under the administration of the drug. Before With Water ; 203°187 grms._. 212°39 grms. Sp. G. 1041 ; 1043 Urea : 13 grms. 12°9 grms. In Exp. II. the dog got 12 oz. of “paunoch” and 4 pint of milk. For nine days no drug was given, then for nine days the liquor hydrargyri perchloridi of the pharmacopeeia in doses of one or two drachms. The larger dose produced diarrhcea. Average daily excretion before and with the drug :— Before With Water ; 393°687 grms._. 315°7 grms. Sp. G. ‘ 1026 : 1031 Urea : 8515 grms. , 8:580 grms. During this experiment the water and urea excreted varied much from day to day. Exp. III. was similar to Exp. IL, but the dog was kept for twelve days without the drug, and for twenty-one days it had daily the liquor hydrargyri perchloridi in doses of from one to two drachms. The following results were obtained :-— Average daily excretion before and with the drug :— Before. With. Water ; 339°06 grms. : 342°77 grms. Sp. G. ; 1030 : 1024 Urea : 15°9 grms. : 14°323 grms. During these experiments the dogs are said to have enjoyed perfect health. Unfortunately these experiments are not satisfactory. The diet given was much too liberal, and we find in consequence very large daily variations in the amounts of water and of urea excreted. Besides such a substance as “paunch” is not of sufticiently fixed a composition to render it suitable for such experiments, The only other observation of any value which I have been able 296 DR D. NOEL-PATON. to find is by Hermann v. Boeck (Zeitsch. f. Biol., vol. v. p. 393). It is to be regretted that this most careful observation was not made upon a healthy man. Unfortunately a syphilitic case was selected, so that the results obtained must be accepted with great caution. The method of experiment was ingenious and admirable. The nitrogen contained in the diet was estimated and compared before and under the administration of the drug with the nitrogen excreted by the kidneys and in the feces. The diet was liberal, consisting of eggs, bread, milk, beef extract or soup, beer, butter, and salt. The patient was a man aged 44, who had been infected with syphilis three months before, and who suffered at the time from secondary syphilis, condylomata, &c. On the 10th of Oct. he was put upon a fixed diet, and from the 12th to the 15th the urea excretion was nearly constant. On the 15th mercurial inunctions were commenced. On the 20th salivation occurred, and on the 22nd the eighth and last inunction was given. Boeck gives a full table of the nitrogen in the diet, the amount of urine, the sp. gr., the urea, the nitrogen in the urine, and the nitrogen in the feces. The following table shows his results, so far as they concern the present question :— Date. Remarks. Nit. of Diet. | N. Excreted. Urea. 10 16°1 12°4 26°7 11 16°7 17°4 30°7 12 ilyfal | 16°3 3l°3 | 13 i (ay | 18°6 34°5 14 173 17°5 32°0 15 | Inunction daily till 22nd. 1/333 18°6 34°9 | 16 175 | 18°8 35°0 ita Rg 175%. | es 33-9 18 Sone Diarrhea. 17°8 19°2 33°1 19 17°5 18°5 35°4 20 174 | ~~ 192 370 21 17°8 18:0 35°5 / 22 Diarrhea. 17°5 19°0 | 33'1 23 17h 18°0 32°3 24 177 17°9 33'3 25 var. 179 32°8 RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 297 Before the inunctions—from the 12th to the 15th 52°1 grms. of nitrogen were taken in | _ i) 524 F- ‘a x ate ante OY, During the application period— 193:2 grms. of nitrogen taken in | _ + 56% 204°0 grms. of nitrogen excreted f ~ s I cannot agree with Boeck’s conclusion that, “Dieses Plus ist ganz unwesentlich und beruht zum Theil auf Fehlern der Methode, zum Theil vielleicht auf den Diarrhoén, die mehr stickstoffhaltige stoffe den Korper entfiihrten.” Exp. XI. The perchloride of mercury was given in pills made up with starch. Even with the dose given, 0°037 grms., which was large, absolutely no physiological effects were produced, and it is extremely probable that the drug was never absorbed, but that the pills passed through undigested. Eup. XI. The results of Experiment XI. were negative, probably, as before stated, on account of the form in which the drug was given. Experiment XII. was made on another dog weighing 13°14 kilos, which had been kept for more than a month upon a diet similar to that used in the former experiments. Before the drug was given it had been for more than a week excreting an almost equal amount of urea each day. The drug was given in the form of a pill, made up with a very small quantity of oatmeal and gum. During and follow- ing the administration of the drug no constitutional symptom could be detected. Kup. XII, Urine in| Urea in | Uric Acid Date. en ese G. grms, | in grms. Bowels. Remarks. | 18.4.85 580 | 1010 | 67148 0°075 moved Weight of dog=13'14 kilos. +5 19 650 | 1010 | 6°500 0084 - Diet as in previous experiments. | 20 635 | 1010 | 6°500 “He aA 21 635 | 1011 | 67500 0°102 o 22 685 | 1009 | 6773 0-084 a 23 685 | 1010 | 6°773 0°108 ~ 24 605 | 1011 6°715 0°138 =" 25 740 | 1010 | 7-400 07148 f 0°02 grm. perchloride of mercury | | in pill=0°0015 grm. per kilo. 26 780 | 1009 | 6°552 07101 Pe | 27 655 | 1011 | 7°598 0°085 P 0°04 grm. perchloride of mercury in pill=0°0030 grm. per kilo. 28 810 | 1015 | 14°580 0°137 3 0°05 grm. perchloride of mercury 29 745 | 1009 | 7:003 0°097 iy in pill=0°0038 grm. per kilo. 30 630 | 1011 | 6°300 0°082 ” 298 DR D. NOEL-PATON. Average Daily Excretion of the various Constituents under Perchloride of Mercury. Before | With | After Before |yw34),_ || Percentage Drug. | Drug. | Drug. || and After. * | Change in. Water, in c.cs. , 639 745 | 630 634 745 +17% Urea, in grms, 6534 | 7°978 | 6300 6°408 |7°978 +24% Uric Acid, ,, - 0°098 0°107 | 0:082 0°090 |0°107 +18°8% Hap, XIII. rine : Uric Date. in (|Sp. G. Uisein Acid in} Bowels. Remarks. C.C8. o | grms, 22.5.85 oy 1010 | 5°457 | 0°078 | moved | Weight of dog=13°37 kilos. 23 517 | 1010} 65:457 | 0°073 4S Diet, as in previous experiment. 24 550 | 1010 | 5170 0-088 ” 25 560 | 1010} 6°600 0:089 _ 26 700 | 1009 | 6°020 0-091 + 27 690 | 1008 | 6°072 0°116 3 28 620 | 1008 | 5:454 me :, 29 705 | 1007 | 6°768 | 07118 s 0°0166 grm. HgCl, in iodide of potassium ; solution=0-'0012 grm. per kilo. 30 600 { 1010 | 7°320 | 0088 A 0°033 grm. HgCl, in iodide of potassium solution = 0°0022 grm. per kilo. 31 670 | 1010 | 7:236 | 0:088 0°066 grm. HgCl, in iodide of potassium 1°6 600 | 1010} 5160 0°078 2 solution =0°0049 grm. per kilo. i 2 ee 1008 | 6°310 0°073 + 3 622 | 1009 | 6°310 0-094 a 4 {605 | 1009 | 6°310 0°092 i 5 1605 | 1008} 6310 | 0-092 x Fig. 10 grms. 6 5 ) | | May 22 25 30 5 Exp. XII.—Excretion of Urea under Perchloride‘of Mercury in Potassic Iodide. 0°066 grm. atc. 00166 grm perchloride given at a, 0°083 grm. ate, and ° | RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 299 Average Daily Excretion of the various Constituents under Perchloride of Mercury. Water, in c.cs. Urea, in grms. Uric Acid, ,, Eup. XIV. Urine Date. ino.cs. Sp. G. 13.65.85} 670 | 1011 14 630 } 1010 15 640 | 1010 16 510 | 1010 17 560 | 1010 18 590 | 1009 19 560 | 1011 20 675 | 1011 21 420 | 1010 22 { 517 | 1009 23 517 | 1010 24 550 | 1010 25 560 | 1010 Urea in grms. 6°099 67114 6°144 5°814 5°936 4°720 6°216 8100 5°156 5°457 5°457 5°170 5°600 | Before | Drug. | Drug. | Drug. 5°604 0°091 Uric Acid in grms. 0°0957 0°0819 0°0832 0°0856 0°0784 0°099 0°112 0°087 0°0705 0°053 0°094 0°088 0°089 May io of Mercury. grm. atc. With | After | te) ” ” moved (soft) moved Pa) Exp. XIV.—Excretion of Urea and Uric Acid under Perchloride Diet of Oatmeal, 113°6 grms, Milk, 320 c.cs. 0°05 grm. HgCl, in pills of 0°025 grm. each=0-0037 grm. per kilo. 0°10 grm. HgCl, in pills of 0°050 grm. each=0°0074 grm. per kilo. 0°10 grm. HgClein pills of 0°050 grm. each=0'0074 grm. per kilo. Before : Percentage | and After. With. Change in. 649 609 | 606 649 +7°09% 7°103 | 5°735 5°699 6°694 +21°5% 0'098 | 0°084 || 0:°087 0°098 +12°6% | Bowels. Remarks. moved Weight of dog=13°37 kilos. orms. 0°10 Uric Acid, 0°05 005 grm. given at c, 0°10 grm. at e, and C10 300 DR D. NOEL-PATON. Average Daily Excretion of the various Constituents under Perchloride of Mercury. Before | With} After Before With Percentage Drug. | Drug. | Drug. || and After. * || Change in. Water, in c.cs. . 582 608 | 513 547 608 || +11°15% Urea, in grms. . || 6°021 |6°345 | 5°346 5683 6°345 || +11°6% Uric Acid, ,, . || 0°085 |0°099 | 0:079 0°082 0-099 || +11% | Eup. XV. . Urea Uric Date. |.Utine Ign Gg] in |Acidin| Bowels. Remarks. TRICE grms. | grms. 2.6.85 | (622 1008 | 6°310 0°088 moved Weight of dog=13'37 kilos. 3 (622 1009 | 6°310 0°088 % Diet of Oatmeal, 113°4 grms. + (605 1008 | 6.310 0°092 +S Milk, 320 c.c. 5 1605 | 1009] 6310 | 0-092 = 5 640 1008 | 6°016 0-083 op 7 $652 1008 | 5°660 0°090 == 8 (652 1009 5*660 a8 s 9 670 1010 | 7°303 | 0170 5 0°06 grm. HgCl, in 0°5 c.c. satur- | ated solution of potass. iodidi in gelatine capsule 00044 grm. | per kilo. 10 605 1013 | 7381 0°085 |moved—loose| 10°087 grm. HgCl, in 05 c.c. saturated solution of potass. | iodidi in gelatine capsule 0°0065 grm. per kilo. 11 710 | 1007} 6319 | 0:205 ¥ 0075 grm. HgCl, in 0°5 c.c. satur- ated solution of potass. iodidi | in gelatine capsule 0°0056 grm. per kilo. 12 560 1010 | 6°720 ee moved 13 575 1007 5°750 ae AA 14 (552 1007 5°847 52 4 15 552 1007 5847 0095 £0 1 Urine contains a distinct trace of albumen, and the fermentation test shows the presence of a small quantity of sugar. 25, grms. germs 0°15 Uric Acid, 0°10 0°05 June 2 5 : 10 15 Exp. XV.—Excretion of Urea and Uric Acid under Perchloride of Mercury in Solution of Potassic Iodide. 0°06 grm. given at a, 0°087 grm. at e, and 0°075 grm. atc. RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 301 Average Daily Excretion of various Constituents under Perchloride of Mercury. | I | Before | With) After || Before | wii, | Pereentagel | Drug. | Drug. | Drug. || and After. * | Change in Water, ine.cs. I, 619 | 636 | 568|| 593 636 || +7:2% Urea, in grms. . || 59995 |6°930 | 5°798 || 5°896 6°930 | +17°5% Uric Acid, ,, . | 0-088 |0-158 | 0-095) 0-091 | 0158 | +687 | | | | Results—Both the perchloride of mercury and the iodide cause a distinct rise in the water, urea, and uric acid excre- tion. My reason for using the iodide will be explained in a future paper, while considering the nature of the relationship between the urea and bile-forming functions. V. EUVONYMIN. Experiments 27 and 28 of Professor Rutherford’s series show that euonymin is a powerful hepatic stimulant. In regard to its action on the composition of the urine I can find only one observation, by Cook (Brit. Med. Journal, vol. i. 1883, p. 1060). To a man kept on fixed diet, one grain of the drug was administered on an empty stomach on the days marked with an asterisk. j | Date. | Urine. | Sp. G. | Urea. Uric Acid. | Si oscee ita | | | | : Noy. 1* | 38 oz. | 1020 | 360 grs. 11°7 grs. oF ee $4, 1022 Lo. eee 14:3 ,, get eget es b> 1020. <4. sae: 17°4 ,, 4 Ms 1020 |= OS Bay ae 1253. 5; 5 43 ,, 1020 340 ,; 12°5 He concludes from this very insufficient experiment that while ecuonymin exerts no influence upon the urea excretion it increases the excretion of uric acid. Practically nothing is known of the action of the drug upon the urinary constituents. 302 DR D. NOEL-PATON. Exp. XVI. The dog had been upon a fixed diet from October 8, and had lost — 3:17 kilos weight. It was, however, healthy and strong. Before November 3 the variations in the daily urea excretion were considerable, but the average from October 28 to November 3 was 5:4 grms. per diem. From November 3 the daily excretion became more constant, and on the 7th 0°5 grms. of green euonymin, procured through Duncan & Flockhart from Kieth & Co., was administered in the form of a pill made up with a drop or two of alcohol, and next day 0°75 grms. were given. The accompanying table, abstract, and fig. 13 show the influence of the drug upon the urine. Exp. XVI. and XVII. | Urine Fane oe | UEC, ; Date. in (Sp. G. peice | Acid in Bowels. Remarks. } ¢.cS. eetilos) grms. 4.11.84] 450] 1011 | 5°535 | 0°042 | notmoved | Weight of dog=12-23 kilos. 5 550 | 1011 | 4:840 | 0-100 re Diet, Oatmeal=85 grms. 6 550 } 1011 5650 07110 moved Milk, 300 c.c. | 7 575 | 1013} 7977 | 07132 7 Euonymin 0°5 grm.=0-041 grm. per | kilo, ; 8 | 500} 1015 | 7°358 0°083 3 Euonymin 0°75 grm.=0'06 grm. per | kilo. | 9 | 465} 1014} 5°580 | 0109 | not moved 10 470 | 1013 | 5°000 | 0-047 moved } 11 | 450} 1013 { 5°265 0°060 a | 12 | 455 | 1015 | 6°998 | 0°042 | copious soft | Eunoymin 1°5 grm.=0°1 grm. per | evacuation kilo. | 13 500 | 1010} 4800] ... copious soft | Euonymin 2°0 grm.=0°16 grm, per | evacuation kilo. | Fig. 13 germs. 0°15 0°10 0°05 Uric Acid. Exps. XVI. and XVII.—Excretion of Urea and Uric Acid under Ruonymin. 0°*5 grm. given ata; 0°75 grm. at; 1°5 grm. at a’ and 2°0 grms. at 0’. RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 303 Average Daily Excretion of the various Constituents under Euonymin. aA Before | With | After Before | wi) |} Percentage Drug. | Drug. | Drug. |jand After. * || Change in ——— = | Water, in c.cs. 56 537 461 488 537 || +10°0% Urea, in grms. || 5°341 7°667 5°432 5'386 7°667 +42°3% Urie Acid, ,, || 0°084 | 0-107 | 0-072 0078 | 0-107 || +37-14% Exp. XVII. This is simply a continuation of Experiment XVL., larger doses of the drug being given, 1°5 grms. on the 12th, and 2°0 grms. on the 13th. On the second day the purgative action of the drug was very marked, while even on the 12th the motions were soft and unusually copious. It will be seen that, in this experiment, the urea was not so markedly increased as in the previous one, in fact that on the 13th, when the purgative action of euonymin was so manifest, a fall below the mean took place. At the end of this experiment the dog was thin and looked ill. The diet was consequently increased and the uniform excretion of urea per diem was disturbed. Exp, XVIII. The dog had been upon the usual diet since November 14, and in spite of considerable daily variations, the average excretion of urea, from November 25 to December 1, was 7:02 grms. per diem. The experiment was commenced on December 1. Unfortunately the urines of the 2nd and 3rd were lost. On December 6, 1 grm. of green euonymin, made into a pill with absolute alcohol, was adminis- tered. Next day asimilar dose was given ; and on the 8th 1°5 grm. in the same form. It is of interest to observe that upon the 7th, when a loose copious motion was produced by the drug, the urea was not nearly so mani- festly increased as on the two other days. The uric acid participated in the irregularity of the urea in its rate of elimination, and it appeared in this case to be uninfluenced by the drug, unless indeed the rise on the 8th, 9th, and 10th are to be con- sidered as due to the euonymin. Exp. XVIII. ; «| Uric Date. ied Sp. G. Urea in Acid in Rowels. Remarks. n¢.cs. grms. grms ee SSS OS eee 1.12.84 | 650] 1008 | 6°240 0°154 moved Weight of dog=13'16 kilos. 4 720 |} 1012 | 7°421 = not moved | Diet, Oatmeal, 113 grms. 5 680 | 1010 | 7°820 | 0190 moved Milk, 320 c.cs, 6 750 | 1018 | 8800 | 0150 | not moved | 1:0grm. Euonymin=0°08 grm. per kilo. 7 750 | 1010 | 7°725 0°165 | soft motion | 1°0 + =0°08 ar 8 750 | 1013 | 8-795 | 0-202 moved | 1°5 a =010 Ss 9 650 | 1009 | 5°499 0°204 39 | | ” 505 | 1014] 7-777 | 07156 , id Ko oO a on _ o ms o on nr ive) we o is] So = 304 DR D. NOEL-PATON, Fig. 14 grms. 9 8 grms 0°20 Uric = Acid. ‘ 0°15 Urea 6 0°10 Exp. X VIII.—Excretion of Ureaand Uric Acid under Euonymin. 1°0grm. given at a, and at e, and 1°5 grm. atc. Average Daily Excretion of the various Constituents under Euonymin. , : as | Before | w; Percentage Before. | With. After. and After. | With. | Change Ba | | | Water, in'c:es. aie 683 | 750 573 628 750 | +19% Urea, in grms. . , 77160 | 8°440 6°286 6°723 8°440 | +20°37 | | | The uric acid is not given in this table, as a marked increase took place in the three days immediately following the administration of the drug. Results——1st. The water is slightly though distinctly increased under the action of euonymin. This is just what one would expect from the digitalis-like action of the drug. 2nd. The urea is very markedly increased, especially when purgation is not induced. Experiments 18 and 19 show well the influence of purgation in preventing the full action of the drug upon the urea and uric acid. . 3rd. An increase in the uric acid is also indicated in Experi- ment XVII. concomitantly with, andin Experiment XIX. follow- ing, the administration of the drug. Summary of Results. 1. Salicylate of Soda—(A) In man. In dose of 0106 grms. per kilo, salicylate of soda causes no change in the amount of water passed, a slight increase in the urea and a very marked RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. 305 diminution in the uric acid excreted. This last change is by far the most manifest; in one experiment the diminution was as great as 64 per cent. (B) Jn dogs. In doses of from 0°45 grm. to 0°6 grm. per kilo, salicylate of soda caused a marked diminution in the water passed, a rise in the urea, and a very great diminution in the uric acid excreted. 2. Benzoate of Soda, in doses of from 0°51 to 0°58 grm. per kilo, causes little or no change in the amount of water. The urea is greatly increased and the uric acid is diminished, though not so markedly as with salicylate of soda. 3. Colchicum, in doses of 0:02 to 0:037 grm. per kilo of the acetic extract (B.P.) causes a very marked increase in the urea and uric acid. When the doses are small the water is also increased, but with large doses the water secreted may actually fall, while neither the urea nor the uric acid are so markedly increased as with smaller doses. 4. Perchloride of Mercury, in doses of from 0:0015 to 00075 grm. per kilo, causes an increase in the excretion of water, urea, and uric acid. 5. Huonymin, in doses of from 0:04 to 0°10 grm. per kilo, causes a slight increase in the water excreted, and a very marked increase in the urea and uric acid. In larger doses, 0:16 grms. per kilo, it causes purging, with no diminution in the water passed by the kidneys, but without the marked rise in the urea excreted. We thus see that in dogs, ina condition of nitrogenous balance, stimulation of the flow of bile by means of these drugs is accompanied by an increased urea production. That an increased production and not merely an increased excretion of urea occurred is clearly shown by the fact that, after the administration of the dtug was stopped, the amount of urea merely returned.to the normal and did not manifest a fall corresponding to the initial rise. I would therefore conclude that the formation of urea in the liver bears a very direct relationship to the secretion of bile by that organ. On the nature of this relationship I have not touched in the present paper, but at an early date I hope VOL. XX. U 306 RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. to give the results of a series of experiments upon this sub- ject. considerable interest, especially of those which, dealing’ with the influence of salicylates and benzoates upon the uric acid excretion, afford a key to their mode of action in gout. No less interesting is the demonstration of the fact that colehicum increases and does not diminish the production of uric acid. In conclusion, I have to tender my thanks to Professor Rutherford, who, by suggesting to me as a subject for research the influence of the action of the hepatic stimulants on the composition of the urine, induced me to undertake the present series of experiments. Ihave also to thank him for encour- agement and advice during the prosecution of the work in the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Edinburgh, To the physician the results of these observations must have EEO OOOO RECENT HISTOLOGICAL METHODS. By Wu114m Hunter, M.B. (Edin.), M.R.C.S., Late Assistant to the Professor of Physiology, Edinburgh University ; former President of the Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh. WHILE engaged recently in working in the Pathological Institute in Leipsic, several methods employed in histology for hardening, embedding, cutting, and staining tissues, there in use, com- mended themselves so strongly for adoption, on account of their simplicity and effectiveness, that a short consideration of them at the present time may not be altogether without interest, perhaps value, to the many workers engaged in the same field of labour at home. Owing to the cheapness of alcohol in Germany, most of the hardening of tissues is done by means of this agent; a method, however, even if it were always the better one, which can only have a very limited application with us; but under this heading, I would desire, in passing, to refer to a rapid method of hardening in Miiller’s fluid, first recommended by Weigert, which, so far as my experience goes, is worthy of a more extended trial. Weigert. showed that, if the Miiller’s fluid be kept at a tempera- ture of about 30° to 40° C., the hardening process is considerably accelerated, the tissues being ready for use in the course of ten days or a fortnight, instead of six weeks. This method is specially applicable to nervous tissues, ey., brain or spinal cord, and, from what I have seen of it, I can strongly recommend it as both speedy and effective. The jar containing the tissues is placed in a brood-oven (hatching-oven), maintained at the above temperature for the above length of time, the fluid being changed on the second, fourth, and seventh days, if necessary also on the tenthday. Another method of hardening, I would merely note in passing, is one which is made great use of by Gaule, of the Physiological Institute, Leipsic, viz., placing the fresh tissue for twenty minutes or half an hour in a saturated solution of corrosive sublimate, and then hardening as usual in alcohol. The living tissues are in this way, as it were, fixed, and the method is specially suitable in carrying out minute histological observations. 308 MR W. HUNTER. The chief purpose of this paper, however, is to direct attention to the method of embedding in celloidin. Since its introduction, | some two years ago now, into use in histology as an embed- ding agent, this substance has come to be very extensively employed, recommending itself, as it does, not only on account of its firmness, pliability, and its transparency when in thin sections, but also its cleanliness and the comparative ease with which it can be manipulated. It is obtainable either in the form of cakes, or as a fluid dissolved in ether. It is readily soluble in ether, slightly also in absolute alcohol. Although in mass it presents an opalescent appearance, in thin sections, clarified in the ordinary way by origanum oil or xylol, it is quite trans- parent, sometimes scarcely visible; and, at the same time that it firmly supports the tissue which is embedded in it, its presence in no way interferes with any of the necessary manipulations of the tissue, e.g., staining, &c. It thus combines in itself several very striking advantages. The method of embedding tissues in celloidin is the following:— The tissue, after having been hardened in alcohol, or, at least, immersed a sufficient length of time in alcohol to free it from water, is placed for twenty-four hours in a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and ether. If the tissue be of any size, it must be left in this mixture for twenty-four hours longer. It is then transferred into a thin solution of celloidin, made by dissolving a small piece of celloidin in an excess of ether, or better still in a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and ether, in which it is allowed to lie for twenty-four hours, after which it is thrown into a thicker solution of celloidin. In the latter it may be left for twenty-four hours, or even longer if-necessary, the time vary- ing with the size and thickness of the tissue. Asa general rule, three days suffice to complete the process ; twenty-four hours in alcohol and ether, twenty-four hours in thin celloidin, and twenty-four hours in the thicker celloidin. At the end of this time, the tissue has become thoroughly permeated with the celloidin, and our subsequent proceedings are directed towards enclosing it in a small solid block of this substance. This naturally can be effected by simply withdrawing the stopper from the bottle, and allowing the ether to evaporate till the whole of the celloidin solution has become solid, and we can o RECENT HISTOLOGICAL METHODS. 309 then cut our tissue out of this mass in a small square block. But a more convenient way, and one which involves Jess waste of ether, is to pour some of the thicker celloidin solution into a small cardboard box,—the lid of an ordinary cover-glass box serves the purpose admirably, place the tissue in this, and cover over with more celloidin. It is now allowed to stand exposed to the air for a few minutes till the celloidin becomes somewhat firm, when it can be thrown into a mixture of alcohol and water, equal parts, or of the strength of 60 per cent. alcohol. When the celloidin has become quite firm round the tissue, the block can be cut out or turned out of the box, and for further use can be kept in alcohol of a similar strength. The rationale of the above proceedings will be at once apparent. It is necessary to have the tissue free from water, and, at the same time soaked in ether, before it is placed in the celloidin solution; hence the preliminary proceeding of soaking the tissue previously in alcohol and ether. Then, by placing it first in a thinner solution and afterwards in a thicker, we ensure that the celloidin reaches all parts of the tissue. a matter of importance when the tissue is delicate and all its parts require support. It is not only, however, for delicate tissues that this method of embedding recommends itself. Sometimes the tissue to be cut is so small or so thin that it becomes a matter of the greatest possible advantage to embed it in celloidin, by means of which each section is surrounded by a zone of celloidin which helps greatly in the after mani- pulation required. In cutting the tissues so prepared, the so-called “ dry ” method of cutting sections must be employed, if we wish to obtain the full advantages of this method of embedding. Acquaintance with this method—comparatively speaking so seldom employed in this ccuntry—so impresses one with the advantages which in many cases it offers over the ordinary method by freezing so much in use at home, that one cannot but feel a certain sense of astonishment at the tenacity with which we in this country have retained our old methods long after they have been rejected by our friends abroad. The instrument which has been recently turned out by the Cambridge Scientific Company will, therefore, supply a want long felt by histologists in this 810 MR W. HUNTER. country. In Germany, the microtomes most in use are those made by Schanze, mechaniker, of the Pathological Institute in _ Leipzic, and by Jung, mechaniker, in Heidelberg. The latter often goes by the name of the “ Heidelberg” instrument or the “Thoma” microtome. The principle of these instruments is sufficiently well known as to preclude any necessity on my part for a detailed description of their working. In boto the | _ tissue is made fast within a clamp, which moves, in the ease of the Heidelberg instrument, along a finely inclined plane, in the Schanze microtome up a vertical plane, the movement in these planes being effected by a fine screw adjustment with millimetre scale, so that the thickness of each section can be accurately judged of and regulated. The knife, fixed on a heavy piece of steel, moves smocthly along a horizontal plane. In the Heidelberg instrument the screw adjustment is particularly fine, enabling one to cut sections of extreme thinness. In other respects, it is the instrument most suitable for cutting embryos an apparatus existing in it by means of which almost auto- matically all the sections can be made exactly of the same thickness. On the other hand, for general use the Schanze microtome will, in my opinion, be found the preferable one, especially if large sections be required, as of pons, medulla, &c., and it has the advantage of having a freezing apparatus in connection with it, worked by means of ether.! The tissue to be cut must as usual be well hardened. If it be of sufficiently firm consistence, ¢.g., liver or kidney, sections may readily be obtained from it by simply fixing it in the clamp, wedged in between two pieces of hard waxy liver to give support. This is, however, at best but a rough method, and is not applicable to tissues of any delicacy. Much the better plan is, first of all, to fix the tissue to the top of a cork by means of a drop of gum; on throwing the cork into spirit, the gum soon becomes perfectly hard, and thus the tissue is securely held. In doing this, it is convenient to stick a small leaden pin into the under surface of the cork, the weight of which sinks the cork, and at the same time keeps the tissue uppermost. For cutting, then, the cork is made fast within the clamp, with the tissue 1 The price of these instruments varies from £4 to £10, according to size and completeness, 4 Te MS ee ee eee °° RECENT HISTOLOGICAL METHODS. 311 securely attached to its uppersurface. The surface of the tissue, as it is cut, is kept moist with spirit, this being applied by means of a camel’s-hair brush, and the blade of the knife must also be kept wet; both objects being attainable by simply wetting the upper surface of the knife from time to time, the fluid passing from this on to the tissue each time the knife crosses it. The sections are transferred from the knife at once into methylated spirit, and after the desired number have been made, the cork with the tissue attached is thrown back into spirit till again required. No waste of tissue is involved by this method, a matter of no little importance, when,as occasionally happens, only a small piece is at our disposal ; and its convenience in private working, where only a few sections at a time are required, is extremely great. The result stands in marked contrast with that obtained by the freezing method, where, each time that a few sections are required, the tissue must be steeped in water for a period of twelve to twenty-four hours to free it from spirit, and where, as a rule, the tissue must be cut completely at the time, as its subsequent use after being frozen is generally out of the question. The tissue embedded in celloidin is also made fast to cork, but with celloidin instead of gum. This is done by placing it in some fluid celloidin on the top of the cork, and then pouring more celloidin over it. It is then allowed to stand exposed to the air till the celloidin solidifies, after which it is thrown back into a mixture of alchohol and water of the strength before mentioned. As the central portion of the celloidin remains longest fluid, air bubbles from the cork sometimes rise into it, and may interfere with the firmness of attachment. To prevent this occurrence it is advisable to have the corks previously steeped in alcohol and water. Sections can now be made of the tissue in the same way as before described. It now remains to say something of the method of handling the sections so obtained. The celloidin cuts very easily and smoothly. For staining, the sections can be treated in the ordinary way. Each section of tissue is surrounded by a somewhat stiffish zone of celloidin, which renders the after manipulation of delicate tissues very easy. After being stained, the sections are washed out first in spirit, or water if required, 312 MR W. HUNTER, then transferred to alcohol. As previously mentioned, celloidin dissolves slowly in absolute alcohol, but for purposes of dehydra- tion this action is too slow to be taken into consideration. They ~ are then clarified—not in oi of cloves, which rapidly dissolves the celloidin but in origanum oil or xylol. The former is to be preferred ; its odour is more pleasant than that of xylol, but more important is the fact that xylol is liable to cause the tissues to shrink up into folds which are difficult of removal. Origanum oil has no such effect. The celloidin now becomes perfectly transparent, almost invisible, and the section is mounted in Canada balsam. We must be very careful to have the section free from water before placing it in origanum oil, as the slightest trace of water makes the celloidin opaque, and some time is required in the origanum oil for this opacity to clear up. I have sometimes, however, made use of clove oil for clarifying the tissues; under circumstances, viz., where the tissue has been embedded in celloidin to keep different portions of it together, rather than to give support to the individual tissues. In this way one has been enabled to keep the section intact during all the manipulations, and, then, at the last stage, after the section has been placed on the slide, by clarifying with oil of cloves, to remove at once all the celloidin and leave the tissue quite natural. In certain cases this method is convenient. Such is the method of embedding in celloidin. After considerable experience now in its use, I can strongly recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to our resources in Histology. At the same time, it is far from my intention to advocate any one method of embedding or cutting to the exclusion of all others. No one can be blind to the advantages which the method by freezing offers in most cases. Where large numbers of sections have to be made, and where the amount of material at our disposal is great, the method of freezing will always recommend itself for its simplicity, its cheapness, and the rapidity with which sections can be made. Hence, for class-teaching purposes this method is by far the best. But where an exact study is to be made of some delicate organ or tissue, or where it is desirable to obtain sections of the whole tissue, the method of embedding in celloidin and the use of the a a ee RECENT HISTOLOGICAL METHODS. 313 “dry method” of cutting sections, are greatly to be preferred, the advantages which they offer being readily appreciable on even a brief acquaintance. Great as these advantages are, in suitable cases, they are even surpassed by those offered by another method of embedding, with which we have been long acquainted, viz. embedding in parafin. Owing to the general use of the method of freezing for cutting sections, and its inapplicability to the cutting of tissues embedded in paraffin, this latter method has hitherte not been so extensively adopted as it really deserves to be, for it is certain that by no method yet known to us can such delicate sections of tissues be obtained as after embedding in parafiin, a fact evidently of the greatest importance to histologists, but whose importance has hitherto not been fully recognised. To be successful, however, in embedding in paraffin, a definite procedure must be followed, the object of which, briefly stated, is to free the piece of tissue from all traces of water before placing it in the paraffin itself. The following method will be found to give very good results :—To effect this dehydration, the tissue must lie for a certain time in absolute alcohol, from which it is transferred to clove oil, where it is allowed to remain till it becomes saturated with the oil, a stage generally indicated by the sinking of the tissue in the oil. To remove this oil, and at the same time to have the tissue soaked in some fluid in which paraffin is soluble, the tissue is next placed for 4-5 hrs. (a much shorter time will suffice if small pieces of tissue are to be embedded, viz., 4-1 hr. in xylol or turpentine) in xylol, at the end of which time it is ready to be placed in paraffin. But here, as with celloidin, we first use a weak solution, viz., equal parts of xylol and paraffin, maintained at the melting point over a water bath; in this the tissue is allowed to lie for 3 hour, the dish being covered over during this time to prevent the evapora- tion of the xylol. It is then transferred to pure paraffin, maintained ina similar way at the melting point, where it is kept for 1-14 hrs., according to the size of the tissue, the dish now being left uncovered to allow all the xylol to evaporate. The tissue is then placed in a small paper boat, some of the fluid paraffin is poured over it, and the whole immediately floated on water to allow of rapid cooling. On cutting into the solidified 314 MR W. HUNTER. paraffin, the tissue will be found completely incorporated with it, and of a dark translucent colour, and in this encasing it can be preserved an indefinite length of time. For purposes of cutting, the paraffin is made fast to a cork with the aid of a gentle heat, the surface of the cork being previously dipped in fluid paraffin, and sections are obtainable in the way already described. Sections of extreme delicacy can in this manner be obtained ; if desired, not thicker than a single layer of celis, a result, when obtainable, which fully compensates for any labour expended in suitably preparing the tissue for section. Each section as it is made tends to roll up, an occurrence to be avoided, since otherwise the section is as good as lost. To prevent this, it is only necessary to touch the edge of the section with a fine brush immediately the knife enters the paraffin ; the section then retains the “bent” thus given to it. If sections in series have to be obtained, they can be kept attached to each other in lines, like the segments of a tapeworm ; hence this method of embedding and cutting is invaluable in embryology. In such cases, the rows of sections are transferred directly to a large slide capable of holding 20, 50, or even more sections, and are permanently fixed on the slide by gently pressing with the finger the sections against the slide, or merely touching them with alcohol. The sections are thoroughly clarified, at the same time that the paraffin is removed from them, by throwing the slide over night into xylol, after which they are covered with Canada balsam, and a large cover-glass is placed over the whole series. In this way, in the course of a very short time, we can obtain the 2000 or 3000 sections of an entire embryo in complete linear series, without trouble and without any risk to the sections, a result obtainable in no other way yet known to us. The great advantage of the method is, that all the necessary manipulation is carried ont with the tissue as a whoie, so that the process is in reality an extremely simple one, and any trouble which it involves is amply compensated for by the ease of manipulation of the sections afterwards. Oil of turpentine can be used instead of xylol in embedding the tissue, as also in removing the paraffin afterwards, but the latter, when obtainable, is in my opinion to be preferred, as its solvent action on paraffin is almost instantaneous. en (oe . ol ee Eh) es +e ae * are - i tn: et * RECENT HISTOLOGICAL METHODS. 315 As to the staining of tissues embedded in paraffin, two plans may be followed. In embryology, our procedure is much simpli- fied by staining the embryo entire before it is embedded. An extremely good staining agent for this purpose is alum carmine. This is made by adding 1 gramme pure carmine to 100 cc. of a warm 5 per cent. solution of alum, then boiling for twenty minutes, and filtering the solution after cooling. This isa very pretty stain- ing agent. It stains quickly, but has the great advantage of not readily overstaining. Sections can be left in it from ten minutes up to twenty-four hours without becoming overstained. It is generally convenient to leave the sections in the fluid over night, but if necessary ten to twenty minutes will usually suffice. An embryo must be left in for twelve to twenty-four hours. In the second place, it is very clean to work with; the tissue seems not to take up any excess of the stain, and hence the washing out in water can be completed in a few minutes, in which respect it stands in marked contrast with gentian violet, which stains very deeply. If an embryo has been stained in alum carmine, it is necessary to allow it to lie in water for about twelve hoars, changing the water two or three times daring this period. The resulting staining is limited for the most part to the nuclei, the colour partaking more of the purplish tint of hematoxylin than the reddish of carmine. It is necessary to have the embryo free from alcohol before placing it in the alum carmine, but, after it has been stained and washed in water, it can be placed in aleohol and embedded in the usual way in paraffin. The sections, therefore, on being cut are ready at once for mounting without further manipulation, and this is dene in the way already described. If the tissue cannot be stained en masse, the second of the two plans must be adopted. The sections, as made, are either fixed directly on the slide in the way already mentioned, or they are placed at once in xylol or turpentine. In the former case, the sections being permanently fixed to the slide are freed from paraffin by pouring some xylol over them. Before staining them, we wash out the xylol by passing a few drops of alcohol over them, and then, after dipping the slide in water, we stain the sections by placing a few drops of the staining fluid on the slide and allowing it to remain for a sufficient length of time. 316 RECENT HISTOLOGICAL METHODS. The slide is then dipped in water, the sections dehydrated in alcohol, clarified in oil of cloves or xylol, and finally mounted in Canada balsam. The ease with which all this, apparently com- plicated, procedure can be carried out is very great. It is to be remembered that our sections are probably extremely thin, con- sisting perhaps of a single layer of cells; but they are perman- ently fixed to the slide, a number of them being on one slide, and hence they run no risk of being torn during all the subse- quent procedure, and we are dealing, not with one, but with a number of sections at the same time. If the sections have been placed in xylol or turpentine, and completely freed from all remains of paraffin, they ean be kept in alcohol, and used in the ordinary way for purposes of staining, &e. In conclusion, if one were to institute a comparison between the relative merits of these two embedding agents, celloidin and paraffin, one could only remark, that for general parposes, the celloidin will be found more generally useful than the paraffin, and especially in the study of the spinal cord, medulla and pons, and nervous tissues generally; but that for fine histological observation, as well as for embryological purposes, the method of embedding in paraflin is by far our best in histology, and gives results which can in no way be equalled by any other method yet known to us. THE SACRAL INDEX IN VARIOUS RACES OF MAN- KIND. By Professor WILLIAM TurNER, M.B., F.RS. IN my paper on “The Index of the Pelvic Brim as a basis of Classification,” published in the October number of this Jowrnal (1885), I briefly referred to variations in the relative length and breadth of the sacrum in different races of men, and pointed out that in some races the length exceeded the breadth, and that in others an opposite relation prevailed. These differences may be expressed numerically by computing a sacral index by multiplying the breadth of the sacrum by 100 and dividing by the length. When the sacral index is above 100 the breadth of the bone is greater than its length; when the index is below 100 the sacrum is longer than broad. The following descriptive terms may conveniently express these differences in the relative length and breadth of the sacrum. As the Greek word ‘vepor is the equiva- lent of the Latin sacrum ; the term dolichohieric would signify a sacrum in which the length exceeded the breadth, whilst platy- hieric would signify a sacrum in which the breadth exceeded the length. In considering the modifications in the sacral index, as in the index of the pelvic brim, it is important to bear in mind that sex modifies the relative proportions, and that in women the sacrum as a rule is broader in proportion to its length than in men. In working out the results at which I have arrived, I have measured a number of original skeletons, a few of which were brought home by H.M.S. Challenger, but the greater number of which are in the Anatomical Museum of the University of Edinburgh. The detailed measurements of these skeletons are given in the Tables in Part II. of my Report on the Human Skeletons now in type for the Challenger Reports. I have also examined the literature of the subject, so far as I have had access to it, and have analysed the observations on the length and breadth of the sacrum recorded by previous observers. Amongst Europeans M. Verneau has given, in sixty-three men, the mean length of the sacrum as 105 mm. and the mean breadth at the base as 118 mm., and in thirty-five women the mean length as 101 318 PROFESSOR TURNER. mm. and the mean breadth as 116 mm. If an index be computed from these figures the males will be found to possess a sacral index of 112-4 and the females one of 114°8. From Gértz’s measurements of the length and breadth of the sacrum in European women I have caleu- lated an index of 118°9. Dr Garson gives 101 mm. as the mean length of the sacrum in fourteen European women, and the mean breadth as 118-3, which yield an index of 116'8, slightly higher than that furnished by M. Verneau’s measurements, but not so high as those of Gértz. But from Carl Martin’s measurements of sixteen pelves, presumably German, the sacral length was 100 mm., the breadth 105 mm., and the index therefore only 105. In Europeans, therefore, both males and females, the sacrum had a decidedly greater diameter at its base than in its long axis, or, in other words, it was platyhieric. In the Australians, again, an opposite relation prevails. In only one of the six adult males measured in Table I. was the breadth of the sacrum at the base greater than its length, in two these diameters were equal, and in the remaining three the length exceeded the breadth. The mean sacral index, therefore, of the males was only 98, and in the single adult female this index was only 101. Ina male measured by Keferstein the index was 88, in one by Barnard Davis 90, and in five males measured by Spengel it was 111, 106, 97, 89, and 111 respectively. In the single male Australian measured by Verneau the sacral breadth at the base is stated to be 105 mm. and the length only 87 mm. ; but the latter diameter is so small for an adult male of this race, that one is disposed to think there must be either some error in the table or that the sacrum could not have been normal: the index furnished by these measurements, 120, is therefore exceptionally high. The sacral index of a female measured by Barnard Davis was 89, and the mean index computed from the two females measured by Verneau was 105°9, and the mean sacral index of the five women measured by Garson was 114. Excluding, there- fore, M. Verneau’s male pelvis for the reason given above, it is clear that in the Australian men the breadth of the sacrum was small in relation to its length, so that in a considerable proportion the index did not exceed 100, and the mean of the thirteen males was 98°5, 7.e., they were dolichohieric. In the women, again, the sacrum was relatively broader than long, though it did not attain the proportions reached in the European, for if we take the mean of the nine female pelves measured by B. Davis, Verneau, Garson, and myself, the sacral index was only 102°5. The proportions of the sacrum have been recorded in two Bushmen by G. Fritsch ; in the one the length was 95 mm. and the breadth 91 mm., the sacral index being 95:8, in the other! the length was 94 mm. and the breadth 83 mm.,, the sacral index being 88. These two specimens, conjoined with the male measured in Table VL in my Challenger Report, give the mean sacral index of three males as 94. 1This Bushman pelvis has had some of its characters described by Johannes Miiller. SACRAL INDEX IN RACES OF MANKIND. 319 Verneau’s two Bushwomen had a mean sacral index 100; Girtz’s Bushwoman, Afandy, had a sacrum 87 mm. long and 90 mm. broad, the index being 103 ; whilst in an adult female recorded by G. Fritsch the sacral length was 97 mm. and the breadth 79 mm., the index being only 81. The mean of these four specimens was 94:7. There can, I think, be little doubt that it is the rule in the Bush race for the male sacrum to be longer than broad, z.¢., dolichohieric. It is not, however, quite so clear as to the relative proportion in the female, for although the mean of the four specimens is only 94°7, yet it will be observed that this low index is due to one of the specimens being only 81. G. Fritsch has also recorded the sacral length and breadth in the pelves of some Hottentots and Kaffirs from which indices may be computed. In a Hottentot woman the length of the sacrum was 95 mm., its breadth at the base 81 mm., and its index was 85. In one male Korana Hottentot the sacral length was 95 mm., the breadth 90 mm., and the index 94°7 ; in another the length was 105 mm., the breadth 79 mm., and the index only 75. In Wyman’s male Hottentot the sacral index was only 82. In all these specimens, therefore, the length of the sacrum exceeded the breadth, and the mean index of three males was 83:9. In the six male Kaffirs measured by Fritsch the highest sacral index was computed to be 106 and the lowest 82, the mean of the series being 92°8. In the single female the sacral length was 86 mm., the breadth 92 mm., and the index 107. In the male Kaffirs, therefore, the sacrum is as a rule longer than broad, and both in them and in the Hottentots it is dolichohieric. In all the Negro pelves measured in my Table III. the breadth of the sacrum exceeded the length, and the mean sacral index of the four males was 114; but though in one of the Negresses the sacrum was longer than broad, in the other the relation was reversed, and the mean index in the two specimens was only 99. In one of Spengel’s male Negros the sacral index was 114, in the other 97; whilst in a Negro from the Gaboon measured by Barnard Davis it was only 87. If we take, however, the series of twenty-two males described by M. Verneau from Guadeloupe, Mozambique, Nubia, or of unknown locality, the proportions are such as to give a mean sacral index of 97, whilst the seven females either from Guadeloupe or an unknown locality had a mean sacral index 105-5. In the Negress measured by G. Fritsch the sacral length was 93 mm., the breadth 86 mm., and the index 92. The mean of the twenty-nine males measured by Verneau, Spengel, B. Davis, and myself gave a sacral index 106, z.e., they were platyhieric. The mean of the ten females measured by Verneau, Fritsch, and myself was only 98°8 ; so far, therefore, as these specimens show, in the Negro race the sacrum presents the exceptional arrangement of being in the female not so broad in proportion to its length as in the male. In the only male adult Andaman Islander, as well as in the three adult females in my Table IV., the breadth of the sacrum exceeded the length ; the sacral index of the adult male was 114, that of a young male was 106; the mean index of the three adult females was 111, 320 PROFESSOR TURNER. and the index of a young female was 96°5. In the series of eight male Andamanese measured by Professor Flower the mean sacral. length was 9771 mm. and the mean width was 91°3 mm., the index being 94, and in the series of nine females the mean length of this bone was 89°7 mm. and the mean breadth was 95:2 mm., the index being 106. In the single male specimen described by Barnard Davis the sacral breadth was so much less than the length that the index was only 77. It is clear, therefore, that the high sacral index in my male pelvis was an individual peculiarity, and that it is the rule in the male Andamanese for the length to exceed the breadth, so that the sacrum is dolichohieric. In Fritsch’s Nikobar Islander the sacral length was 101 mm. and the breadth was 90 mm., the index therefore being 89, or dolichohierie. The three male Tasmanians measured by Barnard Davis had a sacral index respectively 92, 86, 114, giving a mean of 97, so that the sacrum was dolichohieric ; but in the single female the index was 104. In each of my five female pelves from Oahu, Sandwich Islands, the sacral breadth exceeded the length, and the mean index was 113, and in the Tongan Islander the index was 115. In M. Verneau’s two Sandwich Island men the mean sacral index was also 113, and in his male Tongan it was 100. In his male Mangarevan the sacral index was 100°9, and in his Noukahivan it was 99. In Barnard Davis’s male Tannese this index was 100. In each of my two male New Zealanders the sacral index was 96. In Verneau’s Loyalty Islander the sacral index was 107°7, and in Barnard Davis’s male it was 103. In Verneau’s series of New Caledonians the mean sacral index in the — males was 102 and in the females 120, and in his single male New Guinea specimen it was 111°6. It is clear, therefore, that in the pelvis of these Pacific Islanders, of both sexes, whether we regard them as pure Melanesians or pure Polynesians, or as a inixture of the two races, the sacral breadth is as a rule greater than the length and the proportions of that bone are platyhieric. In my two male Guanche pelves the mean sacral index was 1085, and in M. Verneau’s male this index was 102. In my male Esquimaux the sacrum had the abnormal index 139, whilst this index in the female was 106. In my male Laplander the sacral index was 106, in the female 112; but the mean index in M. Verneau’s two male Lapps was only 92°6. The number of pelves in the Guanche, Esquimaux, and Laplanders is too small to form an average, but | think it not unlikely it will be found, both in the Guanche and the Esquimaux, that it is the rule for the sacrum to be broader than long. Of the natives of India the sacral index of the male Hindoo in my Table V. was 109. The dimensions of the sacrum in a male Hindoo presented to the museum by Dr. Anderson were- length 110 mm, breadth 122 mm., the index being 111; in the female Hindoo the index was 127. In all, therefore, the sacrum was platyhieric. In my Sikh the sacral index was 124:5, but in a male Sikh measured by Barnard Davis this index was only 91. In a male Bhutea, also measured by B. Davis, the sacral index was 93:6. SACRAL INDEX IN RACES OF MANKIND. 321 The Chinese measured in my Table V. had a sacral index 98. In von Franque’s female specimen the length and breadth of the sacrum were equal at 111 mm., and the index was therefore 100. In Verneau’s female pelvis the sacral index was 120, but in his male, owing to the great length of the sacrum, 134 mm.,! this index was only 78. In Spengel’s male the sacrum had a still greater length, 139 mm., and its breadth was 108 mm., the index being 77:7. Owing to the paucity of the specimens, and the wide diversity in the relative proportions of this bone in the pelves measured, it would be difficult to state, even approximately, the mean sacral index; but from the information at present before one it would seem as if in the male Chinese the length of the sacrum may exceed the breadth, though the possibility of Verneau having included the sixth vertebra in his measurements is not to be lost sight of. Im Verneau’s male Annamite also the sacral index was only 87°5. The female Aino in the Barnard Davis collection had a sacral index 91; whilst in the male Aino, measured by Scheube, the length and breadth of this bone were equal at 115 mm. and the sacral index was 100. In my male Malay the sacral index was 95. In von Franque’s female the sacral length was 102 mm. and the breadth 100 mm., the index being therefore 98. In Barnard Davis’s two male Javanese the sacral index was respectively 96 and 88, but in Verneau’s female, owing to the remarkable shortness of the sacrum, 72 mm., this index rose to 145. Of the twenty-six Javanese female pelves measured in Zaaijer’s Table I., the length of the sacrum exceeded the breadth in eleven specimens, it was less than the breadth in fourteen specimens, and in one of these the two dimensions were equal. As in the female pelvis it is the rule for the sacrum to be relatively broader than in the male, there can, I think, be little doubt that, in the Malay race, the male sacrum is longer than it is broad, and that this bone is dolichohieric. Of the North American Indians von Franque gives the length of the sacrum in the male Flathead at 112 mm. and the breadth at 114 mm., the index being 101°8; whilst in the female the length was 107 mm. and the breadth 108 mm., the index being 100°9. In Barnard Davis’s male Illinois Indian the sacral index was 115°8, and in Verneau’s female Mexican it was 108. Probably, therefore, in the North American aborigines the average breadth of the sacrum is more than the average length. The dimensions of the sacrum have been recorded in a few more specimens of South than of North American Indians. In a male Puelche measured by Barnard Davis the sacral index was 95°8, and in a male ancient Peruvian it was 92. From Verneau’s table of sacral 1 Verneau states that in the Annamite and male and female Chinese pelves the sacrum consists of six pieces. The Chinese woman, notwithstanding this, has a relatively broad sacrum ; but if he has included the sixth piece in his measure- ments of the Chinese man and of the Annamite the low sacral index is accounted for It is not unlikely that Spengel’s specimen may have had a similar arrange- ment. VOL. XX. x 322 PROFESSOR TURNER. measurements I have computed the sacral index in a male Charruan at 108, in a male Botocudon 117, in a male Bolivian 93, the mean of two male Peruvians 128, in a male Goytacazen 119; whilst the mean- of three female Peruvians was 121-7, and in a female Goytacazen it was 110°5. Of the eight males three had a sacral index below 100, but the others were so much above 100 that the mean sacral index of the series was 107°5, and the mean of the four females was 116. The measurements recorded by J. G. Garson, of four male Yahgans from Tierra del Fuego, gave a mean sacral length 103°2 mm., and a mean sacral breadth 112°2 mm., the mean index being 109, and in each specimen the index was above 100. In the South American Indians, therefore, I have little doubt that the mean breadth of the sacrum exceeds the mean length, so that the aborigines in both the north and south of that continent are platyhieric. From this analysis of my own measurements and of those of other anatomists it is clear that the proportion of the length to the breadth of the sacrum varies in different races of mankind. In some it is the rule to find it longer than broad, in others broader than long. Although additional observations are still greatly needed, especially on some of the races, yet it seems possible to make a provisional arrange- ment of the races of men into two groups, according as the sacral index is below or above 100, and in this Table, as in the one given in my previous paper, “On the Index of the Pelvic Brim,” the propor- tions are estimated on the measurements in the male sex, DoLIcCHOHIERIC, PLATYHIERIC. Sacral Index below 100. Sacral Index above 100, Australians Europeans Bushmen Negros Hottentots Melanesians Kaflirs Polynesians Andamanese Hindoos Tasmanians Guanclhie ? Chinese ? Esquimaux ? Aino ? North American Indians Malays South American Indians A comparison of this Table with that framed on the index of the pelvic brim will show that in many instances a dolichopellic brim is conjoined with a dolichohieric sacrum. For example, this is the case in the Australians, Bushmen, Kaffirs, Andamanese, Ainos, and Malays. Again a platypellic brim is conjoined with a platyhieric sacrum in the Europeans, American Indians, and probably the Guanches and the Esquimaux. The pelves which I have arranged in the mesatipellic, or intermediate division, partly belong, as regards the proportions of the sacrum, as in the Negros and Melanesians, to the platyhieric group, and partly, as in the Tasmanians, to the dolichohierie group. As the width of the pelvic brim is materially influenced by the breadth of the sacrum, it was to be expected that a platypellic pelvis would have a SACRAL INDEX IN RACES OF MANKIND. 323 a relatively wide sacrum, and that a dolichopellic pelvis would have a relatively long sacrum. There are two races which, however, have an anomalous position in these two tables, viz., the Chinese and the Poly- nesians. The Chinese with a platypellic brim, it will be observed, are placed with pelves in which the sacrum is longer than broad. The position, however, which the Chinese occupy in this table can only be regarded as provisional, and when a larger series is examined, on the basis of only five sacral vertebrae being measured, it is not unlikely that their position in the table of sacral proportions will have to be altered. The position of the Polynesians in the table in the preceding paper is also provisional, as a wider series of observations may require them to be transferred to another column in that table. In connection with the relative dimensious of the conjugate and transverse diameters of the pelvic brim, and those of the length and breadth of the sacrum in the different races of men, a few words may appropriately be written on the corresponding relations in the pelvis in other mammals, at least in those which possess five vertebree in the sacrum. In the Anthropoid Apes the length of the sacrum is consider- ably greater than its breadth. In two orangs, which I have measured, the mean sacral index was 87 ; in two chimpanzees the mean was 77, and in a gorilla the index was 72; in an ox the sacral index was 87, and the sacrum in all these was markedly dolichohieric. The mean index of the pelvic brim in two chimpanzees was 133; and in an ox the pelvic index was 110. In these animals the conjugate diameter of the pelvic brim was materially greater than the transverse, z.e., the index was dolichopellic. When a human pelvis therefore is dolichopellic, and has also a dolichohieric sacrum, it corresponds in both characters with the more usual type of mammalian pelvis; and, as compared with the relations of parts met with in the Europeans, it possesses a degraded or animalised arrangement. THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORM A- TION: AN EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH. By JOHN LOCKHART Gipson, M.D., formerly Senior Demonstrator of Physiology, University of Edinburgh. (Continued from p. 113, vol. xx.) Part II1.—ONn THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS. HAVING reviewed the different elements found in the blood, I now pass on to ascertain, if possible, the function of the so- called blood-forming organs. In considering blood-formation, I restrict myself entirely to blood-formation in extra-uterine life. The organs called “ blood-forming” are the spleen, lymph- glands, bone-marrow, and thyroid gland. I have endeavoured experimentally to discover if all of these organs produce red blood-corpuscles in extra-uterine life, and which of them are most active. That they all, with the exception of the thyroid, produce white blood-corpuscles, I think nobody will doubt. With regard to the formation of red corpuscles in extra- uterine life, the greater number of recent authors (Neumann, Bizzozero, &c.) have given the bone-marrow the first place as a producer of red corpuscles in extra-uterine life; though some authors deny that it has any blood-forming action. A smaller number (Rindfleisch, &c.) have given the spleen the first place ; a much larger number giving it a second place, and a few (Neumann and Ehrlich) giving it no place at all. A still smaller number (Zesas and Credé) look on the spleen and thyroid together as the chief producers of red corpuscles ; others denying to the thyroid any blood-forming action. The lymphatic glands receive, here and there, a little irregular and indetinite support. The points which seemed to me most doubtful, because differed about by men generally recognised as the most competent author- ities on the blood and on blood-formation, were :—1s¢, how the red corpuscles are produced in extra-uterine life ; 2nd, whether the spleen has any activity as a red-corpuscle-forming gland in THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 325 extra-uterine life; 3rd, whether the lymphatic glands have any activity as producers of red blood-corpuscles ; and 4¢h, whether the thyroid gland has any blood-forming function. I shall consider—/irstly, the results of excision of the human spleen, and what can be learnt from the recorded cases, with regard to its blood-forming function; secondly, the experiments and results of the principal observers who have excised the spleen from animals and watched the effect; and thirdly, my own experiments on the function of the spleen, as also on the function of the lymphatic glands. The function of the bone- marrow will be considered together with the function of the spleen. The consideration of the thyroid gland will be more conven- iently left until the consideration of the spleen is completed, as I have been unable to find any grounds for supporting a blood- forming action of the thyroid. It has very recently been said that we do not know much more about the spleen than Aristotle did when he said: “The spleen is not an organ which is indispensably necessary to the body ;” and that we may still call it, as Galen did, the “organ full of mystery.” This, however, is hardly true. For although there is still but little uniformity of opinion as to the function of the spleen, yet much light has of late been thrown on the subject, more especially by the very able researches of Bizzozero. And I think that if it can here be shown that the spleen is an organ with an important action in the regeneration of the blood after heemorrhage, a function will be given it not unworthy even of an organ of its considerable size. As early as 1549 the spleen was successfully removed from a human subject;+ and previous to that date it had been ascer- tained that spleenless dogs not only lived after the operation, bat even seemed to thrive and grow fatter. Chronological lists of excisions of the spleen in man are given by Credé? and Zesas.2 Credé’s paper gives a list of thirty 1 Fioravanti, Del tesoro della vita humana, libr. ii. cap. 8. (Fioravanti was the physician of the case, Zaccarelli the surgeon. ) 2 B. Credé, ‘‘ Ueber die Exstirpation der kranken Milz beim Menschen,” Arch. J. klin. Chir. (v. Langenbeck’s), Bd. xxviii. (1882), pp. 401-410. 3 Zesas, ‘‘ Ueber Exstirpation der Milz am Menschen und Thiere,” Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bd. xxviii. (1882), pp. 157-178. 326 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. excisions of the diseased spleen, and also considers what has been learnt from the cases with regard to the blood-forming function of the spleen. Zesas, besides considering those cases where excision was performed for enlargement of the spleen, gives the results of twenty cases collected by him of excision of the spleen after penetrating wounds of the abdomen with injury to the spleen. Among these twenty cases Zesas could not find a single fatal result. Of the thirty cases quoted by Credé, sixteen were in leukemic patients, all of whom died during or shortly after the operation. From these sixteen nothing can be learnt regarding the function of the spleen, as the patients did not live long enough. Nor from them can we even conclude that excision of the spleen in leukemia is in itself necessarily fatal. For the patients were presumably not operated on till after all other remedies had been found powerless, and therefore not till the disease was far advanced, and their vital resistance reduced to a minimun. Of the fourteen other cases, five resulted fatally and nine were successful. Of the five unsuccessful cases two may be excluded. In one, where death occurred six hours after the operation, the ligature was found compressing the tail of the pancreas. The patient, who before the operation was in a very feeble condition, died of shock. In another, where death occurred two hours after the operation, 14 lbs. of blood was found in the abdomen. Neither of these cases can, in my opinion, have their fatal termination ascribed to the absence, or, in- deed, even to the removal, of the spleen. We have left, then, three fatal cases out of twelve ; which cannot be called a large mortality for such an operation, especially as so many of the operations were performed before attention was drawn to the immense importance of antiseptic precautions during operations on the abdomen. The information which can be gathered from these recorded cases with regard to the blood-forming action of the spleen is not very definite, but is still of value. The blood seems to have been examined after the operation in only five of the cases :— 1. and 2. Two cases of Péan,! where some weeks after the operation there was a slight increase in the relative number of white corpuscles as compared with the red. 3. Czerny records a case in which up to five weeks after the opera- tion there was apparently no change in the blood. The blood was not examined later. In this case the cervical and inguinal glands were painful for several weeks after the operation. 4, Martin records a successful case where examination of the blood yielded negative results. 5. By far the most carefully recorded case, however, is by Credé, in the above-mentioned paper. In it the changes in the blood seem to have been of a marked character. Two months after the operation (which was for a cyst of the spleen) the alteration of the blood was at its height, and the proportion of white to red corpuscles was 1Péan, Tuimeurs de Vabdomen. THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 327 1: 3o0r4. “There were also a great number of small red corpuscles (Mikrozyten), some of them nucleated.” The blood gradually changed back to normal again, and was quite normal 44} months after the operation. Four weeks after the operation a painful swelling of the whole thyroid gland appeared, which lasted for four months, dis- appearing soon after the blood resumed its normal condition. There was “neither swelling of the lymph-glands nor pain in the bone- marrow.” The patient was a man of 44 years, and he recovered his health entirely, so that he was able to continue his work, that of a mason. I was fortunate enough to hear Dr Credé’s son speak of the case at the Berlin Surgical Congress this year. The man was quite well, three years after the operation; and the white corpuscles had sunk below the normal number. Credé mentions particularly that the marked changes in the blood of his patient were not seen for some weeks after the operation, and that he did not find a return to a normal condition until four months after it; and says that the four other cases were not examined after they left their respective hosp1- tals, four or five weeks after the operation, whereas he watched the blood of his patiert for ten months. He thinks it possible that in the blood of the other patients, more especially of those of Péan, there may have been changes which were not marked until after the patients left the hospital, and therefore until observations on the blood had ceased to be taken. From these five cases, Credé gathers that the spleen has an important action in turning white into red corpuscles; that when the spleen is removed the retrogressive metamorphosis of the red corpuscles diminishes; and that the white corpuscles increase in number until another organ takes on itself the function of turning them into red ones. And this other organ may, he says, “possibly be the thyroid gland.” He believes that the lymph-glands carry on their function as before, and sees no reason why they should increase in size. ‘‘ The bone-marrow,” he says, “which in normal conditions produces only a very moderate number of small red corpuscles, appears to increase its function after the spleen is removed.” He gives his conclusions in the following tabulated form, and supports them by his own case and the two cases of Péan, and also by Zesas’ observations on animals, to be afterwards mentioned :— 1. “The adult human subject bears the removal of the spleen without injurious effect. 2. “The removal of the spleen causes changes in the condition of the blood, which afterwards pass off. 3. “These changes are overcome by increased activity of the thyroid gland and the bone-marrow. 4, “The spleen changes white corpuscles into red.” I have given these conclusions of Credé’s before going further, because they are the results of observations on the human subject, which of course are of much more value than similar observations on animals. Credé’s own case is, however, the 328 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. only one which has been at all satisfactorily observed; and if we wish to know anything more definite with regard to the function of the spleen, we must pass to experiments on animals. From the time when Kolliker? found nucleated red cells in the spleen during intra-uterine life and after a year of extra-uterine life, and therefore stated that the spleen is a blood-forming organ, blood-formation was pretty generally believed to be at least one of its functions, until Neumann? in 1869 cast diseredit on this belief by saying that the blood- forming function of the spleen could not be demonstrated. In his paper Neumann supports and extends the observations he made on the bone-marrow in 1868°, when he found that the red marrow contained nucleated red corpuscles at all periods of life. He considers that the red bone-marrow is throughout the whole of extra- uterine life the only producer of nucleated red corpuscles, and there- fore of non-nucleated red corpuscles, and that after birth the spleen has no blood-forming function whatever ; and he even expresses doubt about the spleen having a blood-forming function in the foetus. He says that the nucleated red corpuscles found in the spleen were just caught there as they were flowing through it in the circulating blood.* Freyer,* a pupil of Neumann, found that the blood of the aorta was not poorer in nucleated red corpuscles than the blood in the spleen. He next attempted, by producing artificial anzemia in rabbits, to see if more such cells could be found in the spleen ; and obtained a negative result. In 1877 some valuable observations on the hone mnie were made by Litten and Orth.° These observations were rather in favour of Neumann’s views, and at any rate gave further proof cf the important part the bone-marrow plays in the formation of red blood-corpuscles. They found that the marrow in the shafts of the long bones was fatty, and that only the marrow in the spongy parts of the bones was fune- tional in the direction of producing nucleated red corpuscles. They tried, by producing artificial anemia in animals, to ascertain whether the fatty marrow also then became functional, to meet the increased * Kolliker, Handbuch der Gewebelehre. [In the statement about Kdlliker on page 101 of this volume (page 4 of reprint), the reader will please to put ‘*spleen” instead of “liver,” and in the footnote put “Handb. d. Gewebelehre,” instead of “‘ Mikrosk. Anat., Bd. ii. p. 590.” The need for this correction is the fault, not of Dr Gibson, but of a reviser in his absence. ] * Neumann, ‘‘ Ueber die Bedeutung des Knochenmarkes fur die Blutbildung,” Arch, d. Heilk., x. (1869), p. 68. 8 Neumann, Centralblatt f. d. med. Wiss., 1868, No. 44. 4 Freyer, Ueber die Betheiligung der Milz bei der Entwickelung der rothen Blutkirperchen, Konigsberg, 1872. 5 Litten and Orth, Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1877, No. 51. 4 ° THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 329 requirements ; and they found that the fatty marrow in the shafts of the long bones became red marrow, and was crowded with nucleated red corpuscles. Professor Bizzozero and Dr G. Salvioli of Turin then set themselves the question :—Does the spleen, which is at any rate said to produce nucleated red corpuscles at the beginning of extra-uterine life, renew its former function, and, like the fatty marrow, again produce nucleated red corpuscles, when artificial anemia is produced, and when therefore the reserve blood-forming capabilities of an animal are called into play? After elaborate researches, they found themselves able to give an affirmative answer to this question.! Their first step was to examine the spleens of healthy animals (they used dogs, guinea-pigs, and rabbits), in order to see whether they already contained nucleated red corpuscles. They found, like Kélliker, nucleated red corpuscles in the spleens of new-born dogs ; and even found them in one dog which was cer- tainly more than a year old. In the spleens of adult dogs, such corpuscles were, as a rule, not to be found; although single examples could be found by diligent search. In young guinea-pigs, numerous nucleated red corpuscles were found in the spleen. In adults, few were to be found; but they were very seldom entirely wanting. In rabbits, they found these cells only very seldom after birth ; while in the later period of youth and in adults they never found them. They therefore considered that the spleens of rabbits were peculiar after birth, in not containing any of these nucleated red cells. Their second step was to produce artificial anemia in animals and notice the effect on the spleen. For the purpose of estimating the amount of anemia, they employed the chromocytometer described by Bizzozero.2. They obtained positive results only in dogs and guinea-pigs. Finding their results from rabbits negative, they decided to discontinue their observations on these animals. Their first series of experiments was on guinea-pigs. They produced artificial anemia in five guinea-pigs, by removing 1 to 2 per cent. (once 3 per cent.) of the body-weight of blood at a time. They never drew blood more than twice from the same animal ; and the second blood-letting was always after an interval of three days from the first. Three days after the second blood-letting, 7.¢., six days after the first, they killed the animal, and examined the spleen. In all cases the hemoglobin of the blood on the day of death was between 50 and 60 per cent. of its original amount. In all cases the spleen was found swollen and rich in blood, some- times very much so, and always soft. It always contained “ very numerous ” nucleated red corpuscles. 1 Bizzozero and Salvioli, ‘‘ Beitrage zur Himatologie,” Moleschott’s Untersuch- ungen, Bd. xii. (1881). * Bizzozero, ‘‘11 cromocitometro, nuovo instrumento per dosare l’emoglobina del sangue,” Accademia delle scienze de Torino, 1879. 330 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. The marrow of the ribs and long bones also contained very numerous nucleated red corpuscles, sometimes more than the spleen, Having obtained such distinct results with guinea-pigs, they next treated a series of ten dogs in exactly the same way. They sometimes drew blood as often as four times from a dog, the amount of blood drawn at each time varying from 1} to 3} per cent. of the body-weight. About three days after the last blood- letting the animal was killed. The percentage of hemoglobin contained in the blood of the different animals on the day of death varied between 45 and 55 per cent. of its original amount. They constantly found the marrow of the ribs very rich in nucleated red corpuscles, the marrow of the long bones being less rich in them. In only one case (where there was only one blood-letting, and where the heemoglobin was reduced only to 62 per cent.) did they “fail to find nucleated red corpuscles in the spleen. In two cases they found a few, in three cases moderate numbers, and in four cases a great number, The spleen as a rule was slightly swollen; and in those cases where it contained numerous nucleated red corpuscles it was very much swollen, and very soft. Asa rule the marrow of the ribs contained more nucleated red corpuscles than the spleen: only in one case is it remarked that it contained a similar number, viz., in a dog which had been rendered more anemic than the others, the hemoglobin having been reduced to 25 per cent. They describe the naked- -eye appearances of the spleen as very characteristic: in fact, as so much so, that by simply looking at it they could say, “ there will be nucleated red cells here.” They describe it as “rose coloured and very much swollen,” and as contrasting very distinctly with the spleens of normal dogs, which are generally very poor in pulp. Their next step was to examine the blood of the splenic artery and the blood of the splenic vein :— lst, To ascertain whether the vein contained more red corpuscles than the artery. 2nd, To ascertain the number of white corpuscles in the splenic vein relatively to the number of red corpuscles, and to contrast this relationship with the relationship in the splenic artery. For this purpose they chose animals which had been rendered anemic by blood-letting, and whose spleens were therefore in a state of activity. {Im two cases they used very young dogs without producing anzmia, as they knew from previous observations that the spleens of such dogs are still active. The results they obtained were: that the blood in the splenic vein is richer in hemoglobin than the blood in the splenic artery, and that the relative number of white corpuscles, as compared with the red, is greater in the splenic vein than in the splenic artery. From these data, Bizzozero and Salvioli come to the conclusion that, as the ouly way in which the blood of the splenic vein can be richer in haemoglobin than the blood in the splenic artery is by its containing a larger number of red corpuscles, therefore the blood of the splenic vein contains more red corpuscles than the blood of the splenic artery ; and as they found the number of white corpuscles greater in proportion to the red corpuscles in the splenic vein than in THE} BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 331 the splenic artery, they concluded that the addition of white corpuscles to the blood in its passage through the spleen is relatively still greater than the addition of red corpuscles. They did not count the absolute number either of red or of white corpuscles in a given quantity of blood, but used the old, and, accor- ding to them, most accurate method of ascertaining the relative number of red and white corpuscles, viz., that of mixing a drop of blood with a drop of a ‘75 per cent. solution of common salt, so putting on a cover-glass as to obtain only one layer of corpuscles, and then through an eye-piece micrometer divided into squares counting all the red and all the white corpuscles in a square, and so obtaining their relative numbers. They base their assumption that the hemoglobin of the blood can be increased only by the presence of an increased number of red corpuscles on the observations of Welcker, Vierordt, Heidenhain, Panum, and others, who demonstrated that after blood-letting the hemoglobin of the blood falls in percentage amount in consequence of the absorption of fluid plasma from the tissues; and on confirma- tory observations conducted by themselves, and published in Mole- schot?s Untersuchungen. By the observations last referred to, Bizzozero and Salvioli show that the fluid is not absorbed from the tissues at once, but that a time vary- ing from six to forty-eight hours is required, before the amount of fluid necessary to replace the®lost volume of blood has been absorbed, and accordingly before the hemoglobin in the blood has reached its mini- mum. They further show that the diminution of hemoglobin has a direct and constant relation to the amount of blood lost. For every per cent. of body-weight lost, there was a diminution of 11:14 per cent. of the hemoglobin of the blood. This proportion they estab- lished after experiments on a great number of animals. If these results of Bizzozero and Salvioli are compared with the results of J. F. Lyon,? who produced artificial anzemia in animals and counted the number of red corpuscles in the blood on the subsequent days until regeneration had occurred, it will be seen that the time when the number of red corpuscles suffered its greatest diminution coincides pretty closely with the time when Bizzozero found the blood poorest in hemoglobin. From their observations on anemic guinea-pigs and dogs, Bizzozero and Salvioli conclude that for these animals they have, in opposition to Neumann and Freyer, not only proved “the real production of colour- less blood-corpuscles in the spleen, but also placed beyond doubt its true hematopoiétic function, and the part it takes in the formation of coloured blood-corpuscles.” And they further, in support of their observations, and in opposition to those of Neumann and Freyer, bring forward the 1 Bizzozero and Salvioli, ‘‘ Ueber die Aenderungen, welche der Hiimoglobin- gehalt des Blutes in Folge von Blutentziehungen erfihrt,” Moleschott’s Unter- suchungen, Bd. xii. * Lyon, ‘ Blutkérperzihlungen bei traumatischer Animie,” Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. lxxxiv. pp. 207-247. Son DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. observations of Foa and Salvioli! on the embryo, which they think have placed beyond all doubt the fact that the spleen produces red _ blood-corpuscles in intra-uterine life. Bizzozero was, however, not satisfied with observations on dogs and guinea-pigs, but also made researches to ascertain the function of the spleen in other animals. Having found, as already stated, that the spleens of rabbits appeared to be inactive after birth, so far as the formation of red corpuscles was concerned, he turned his attention to birds; and a paper by Bizzozero and Torre? giving the results of observations on birds is published in Moleschott’s Untersuchungen. Their observations were chiefly on the pigeon, fowl, and finch; and they could find no indication of the formation of red blood-corpuscles in the spleens of these animals. These conclusions are directly contrary to those which Rindfleisch ® came to, after observations on birds. Rindfleisch particularly men- tioned birds as animals in which the spleen was “by far the most important producer of red blood-corpuscles.” Bizzozero and Torre found in birds, that after the production of artificial anzemia the fatty marrow became red, and actively produced red blood-corpuscles. They were able to trace all stages between the white corpuscles, which they believe are likewise formed in the bone- marrow, and the fully developed red corpuscles. These observations are in accordance with those of Theo. Korn, who found that the removal of the spleen was very well borne by birds (pigeons), and did not in any way affect regeneration of the blood after the production of artificial anzemia. Neumann considers that the experiments of Theo. Korn support the view he takes of the function of the spleen. But the error into which Neumann seems to have fallen is that, finding in rabbits that the spleen did not, at least in extra-uterine life, form red blood- corpuscles, he thence argued that the spleens of other animals, includ- ing man, were equally inactive. Bizzozero remarks, “if Neumann and Freyer had used dogs instead of rabbits, they would have come to the same conclusion as we did.” This is, however, not strictly correct, as will further on be seen. For in a later paper Neumann also denies the heematopoiétic function of the dog’s spleen. Bizzozero and Torre® also made observations on reptiles, amphibians, and fishes, the results of which were published in 1884, and are as follows :— 1. In reptiles and tailless amphibians, the bone-marrow forms red blood-corpuscles, which divide and multiply in it ; but the spleen has Foa and Salvioli, ‘‘Sull’ origine del globule rossi del sangue,” Archivio per le scienze mediche, vol. iv. p. 1. * Bizzozero and Torre, ‘‘ Ueber die Entstehung und Entwickelung der rothen Blutkorperchen bei Vigeln,” AMoleschott’s Untersuchungen, Bad. xii. 3 Rindfleisch, Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. xvii. pp. 21-42. 4 Theo. Korn, Centralblatt f. d. med. Wiss., 1880, No. 41. ° Bizzozero and Torre, Virchow’s Arch. f. Path. Anat. und Physiol., Bd. xev Heft 1. _— THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 333 no function in the production of red blood-corpuscles, and is rather to be considered as a lymphatic gland. 2. In tailed amphibians, the bone-marrow appears to lose altogether its blood-forming function ; and the spleen is the chief blood-forming organ. 3. In fishes, the formation and regeneration of the blood-corpuscles takes place very slowly, and occurs chiefly in the spleen and in blood- forming parts of the kidney. Picard and Malassez,! from observations on dogs, came to the covelusion, that after loss of blood in spleenless animals the blood returns to its normal condition (as far as the number of corpuscles is concerned) as quickly as in animals still possessing a spleen. And they further found that extirpation of the spleen lessened the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, but that there was an increase rather than a decrease in the number of red corpuscles. Here again is seen the importance of distinguishing between the microcytes, which we have already considered, and the red blood- corpuscles. It seems to me that Picard and Malassez have counted the microcytes as coloured corpuscles, believing them to be young coloured corpuscles ; and that it is in this way they have found an increase rather than a decrease in the number of red corpuscles. Bizzozero attempted to ascertain the effect on the blood produced by removal of the spleen, using dogs for this purpose. He found that after spleen extirpation the hemoglobin of the blood diminished until it reached a certain degree, and that it then began gradually to rise again. He found, however, that it never reached its former percentage while the animal remained under observation. The experiments of Bizzozero and Salvioli to see whether after blood-letting in spleenless animals the blood returns to its original condition as quickly as in animals possessing a spleen, gave them results quite different from those of Picard and Malassez, inasmuch as they found that while the animals remained under observation the blood did not return to its former condition. They experimented on three spleenless guinea-pigs and four spleenless dogs ; but say that their experiments were not extensive enough to let them come to a perfectly definite conclusion, because in the case of one dog the blood seemed to return to its previous condition as quickly as in animals possessing a spleen. In 1869 Neumann? published a paper in which he showed that chronic diseases leading to general marasmus not only cause the red blood-forming marrow to extend itself very much, but also cause it to become very rich in nucleated red blood-corpuscles. Moreover, his observations have since received great support from those of Litten and Orth, already referred to. But, while making experiments to prove the active blood-forming function of the bone-marrow,? he also vame to the conclusion, already mentioned, that the spleen is “not a blood- 1 Picard and Malassez, Gazette méd. de Paris, 1878, No. 15. ? Neumann, Centralblatt f. d. med. Wiss., 1869, No. 19. 3 Neumann, Arch. d, Heilk., xii. (1871), p. 187; xv. (1874), p. 470. 334 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. forming organ,” at any rate “in extra-uterine life,” and that even in the foetus its action in this respect “is a very subordinate one.” In fact, he grants a blood-forming action to the spleen only in a very grudging manner. He says, ‘‘ in the embryo and for a short time after birth, nucleated red cells are found in the spleen ; and it is possible that some of them may arise in the spleen, as there are more of them in the spleen than in the heart blood.” These conclusions of Neumann are based on his own and Freyer’s researches on rabbits, already referred to; but, in the Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin' for 1881, he has, along with some observations on a case of anemia due to prolonged and frequent loss of blood, published the results of experiments on two dogs, which he considers further to support them. He drew large quantities of blood at a time, and repeated the blood-letting six and seven times in the course of six and five-and-a-half weeks respectively. The blood drawn from the first dog in the course of six weeks amounted to one-sixth of its body-weight, and the blood drawn from the second dog in five-and-a- half weeks amounted to one-eighth of its body-weight. The second dog was reduced to a state of such profound anemia that it died. The first dog was killed with cyanide of potassium; and the spleen was found to be very dry, and to contain “isolated nucleated coloured blood-corpuscles, which could only with difficulty be found amongst the colourless cells of the pulp.” In the second dog, being the one that died of anzmia, no nucleated red corpuscles were found in the spleen. In both dogs, the red marrow had extended itself into the yellow marrow, and contained a very large number of nucleated red corpuscles. The chief reason for objecting to the results of these experiments, as against the more numerous experiments of Bizzozero, seems to me to be the very high degree of anzmia produced. Under anzmia so great and so suddenly produced, an organ whose function had for a considerable time been laid aside or very little employed would very likely not be in sufficiently favourable circumstances for the resump- tion of that function. This reason, however, while applying to the spleen, would not in the same way apply to the bone-marrow. For at the very first loss of blood the bone-marrow, already in full activity, would have its activity enormously increased; although it is quite possible that its further action would be more or less paralysed by the profound state of aneemia ultimately produced. Neumann in this paper gives the history and post-mortem examina- tion of a very interesting case of anzemia from loss of blood in the human subject. The case was that of a woman, aged 38 years, who had suffered, at intervals, for three years, from great loss of blood from the uterine mucosa. She came frequently under treatment in hospital ; and left improved, only to return, after some months, with similar symptoms. She died during one of the attacks; and the examination of the blood-forming organs, conducted by Neumann, yielded the following :— 1 Neumann, ‘‘ Ueber Blutregeneration und Biutbildung,” Zeitschrift fiir klin. Med., Ba. iii. Heft 3. OEE OEE — ————— THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 335 The spleen was neither enlarged nor succulent, but rather hard and dry. Liver was of normal size. Retro-peritoneal, mesenteric, and pelvic glands were distinguished by their flesh-red colour; parts being lighter, parts darker. They were not markedly swollen, and were of a hard consistence ; and their cut surface was dry. The bone-marrow of the ribs, vertebrae, and humerus was of a dark raspberry-red colour. Microscopic Examination.—F¥atty degeneration was very wide- spread. In the bone-marrow, from which the fat had almost disappeared, were an “astonishing number” of nucleated red blood-corpuscles, The number of these was so great that they were at least as numerous as the white corpuscles and colourless marrow-cells. There were more nucleated red corpuscles in the marrow than non-nucleated ones. “In contrast,” says Neumann, ‘‘ with the very distinct appearances in the bone-marrow, the results of the examination of the spleen and lymphatic glands were essentially negative.” In the spleen, he found nucleated red corpuscles; but so few of them that it was impossible to say that they were more numerous than in the aortic blood. In the lymphatic glands, he found chiefly leucocytes, “ but also, together with non-nucleated red cells, a few scattered nucleated red cells.” Some of the sinuses of the glands were filled with red blood- corpuscles, having among them large blood-corpuscle-holding cells (of 0°015 to 0°02 millimetres in diameter). This case Neumann considers very much against the blood-forming function of the spleen. But it will be noticed that some nucleated red corpuscles were found in the spleen, and that Neumann’s explanation that they were only caught there is as yet only a conjecture. Also that under this conjecture their absence from the spleen of one of his dogs (the one that died of anemia) cannot be explained. Regarding the interesting appearances found in the lymphatic glands, Neumann can hardly believe that either the nucleated or the non-nucleated red corpuscles were formed there; and is much more inclined to think that they found their way into the lymph-sinuses of the glands in consequence of a diseased condition of the arterial walls. I shall refer more particularly to the lymphatic glands of this case when I speak of the blood-forming function of the lymphatic glands. Neumann says that the post-mortem appearances in this case were so entirely like those of progressive pernicious anemia that the uterus alone prevented the case from being concluded to be one of that disease. And he considers that it supports the view of idiopathic anzmia which he published in 1877,! viz, that that disease is due, not to a diminished production, but to an increased waste or consump- tion of red cells, arising from unknown causes. In 1882-83 Dr D. G. Zesas? published two papers on the function 1 Neumann, Berlin. klin. Wochenschrift, 1877, No. 47. * Zesas, ‘‘ Ueber Exstirpation der Milz am Menschen und Thiere.” Zesas, “‘Beitrage zur Kentniss der Blutveranderungen bei entmilzten Menschen und Thieren.”—Arch. f. klin. Chirurgie (v. Langenbeck’s), Bd. xxviii. 336 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. of the spleen. He considers that the function of the spleen is to convert white into red blood-corpuscles. He experimented on rabbits, which, it will be remembered, were the animals used by Freyer when he obtained negative results as to a blood-forming action of the spleen, and which were also the animals laid aside by Bizzozero and Salvioli, because the results obtained from them were negative. He found that four to five weeks after excision of the spleen there was a decided increase in the number of the white corpuscles in the blood, and a decrease in the number of red corpuscles. These changes increased until the tenth week, ‘‘ when the blood was richest in white corpuscles, and very poor in red corpuscles.” He does not give any figures ; so it is impossible to say what he considers a great increase of white corpuscles, or to what extent the red corpuscles would have to be diminished before the blood could be considered ‘‘ very poor in them.” In the second of those papers, as a result of an experiment on a dog from which he removed, with a lethal result, both thyroid gland and spleen at the same time, Zesas argues that after removal of the spleen alone the thyroid takes on an increased activity, and in fact replaces it ; and that accordingly the removal of the spleen is borne only by an animal which still possesses a thyroid. When I consider more particularly the supposed blood-forming function of the thyroid, I shall attempt to show how precipitate and inaccurate Zesas was in coming to any such conclusion, without first ascertaining whether an animal survived the removal of the thyroid alone. He does not seem to have examined the blood-forming organs microscopically ; and in this paper he gives the bone-marrow credit for no blood-forming function whatever. His results are in favour of the blood-forming action of the spleen, though the experiments appear to me to have been too inexact to be of very much value. In his further experiments, which I shall mention under the observations on the thyroid gland, he advances further proof of the blood-forming function of the spleen (in cats and dogs). Having thus considered the more important views of others as to the blood-forming function of the spleen, and the experi- ments which seem to bear most directly on the subject, I shall now proceed to detail experiments made by myself, before attempting to draw and give my own conclusions. My experiments, though fewer and less complete than those of some of the authors mentioned, have yet, especially when taken in connection with those of Bizzozero, enabled me to come to definite conclusions regarding the action of the spleen in the production of red blood-corpuscles during extra-uterine life, And they have further enabled me to come to definite conclu- sions regarding the action of the bone-marrow and lymphatic glands. THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 337 I removed the spleen from three dogs ; and the method I employed for observing the effect on the blood was the enumeration of the red and white blood-corpuscles by means of Gower’s “ hemocytometer.” I should have liked also to estimate the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood, but time would not permit me to do so. According, how- ever, to the observations and opinions of Bizzozero, already quoted, the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood has a direct relation to the number of red corpuscles; and all my observations have gone to sup- port this view, viz., that all the red corpuscles in the circulating blood have a similar quantity of hemoglobin, and that diminution or increase of hemoglobin ia the blood is due to diminution or increase of the number of red blood-corpuscles, and not to a smaller or greater amount of hemoglobin in any individual corpuscles. This I know is contrary to the opinion of most physicians, and of most French authors, who believe that the hemoglobin in the blood may be diminished even while there are a greater number of red blood-corpuscles than normal. I think, however, that this opinion has been due to including among the red corpuscles the bodies called by different writers “ globules of Donné,” “Koérnchenbildungen,” “ haemotoblasts,” or ‘‘microcytes.” If the view I have taken of these bodies in the first part of this paper be the correct one, the enumeration of them among the red corpuscles would quite account for a normal or increased number of red corpuscles being found along with a diminution in the percentage of hemoglobin. In freshly-drawn blood which is quickly examined, the red corpuscles have, to my mind, all the same colour. The hemoglobin, however, begins to diffuse out of the corpuscles very soon after the blood is drawn, and diffuses out of some more rapidly than out of others; so that if the examination of the preparation of blood be delayed, some corpuscles will appear to be less deeply coloured by hzmoglobin than others. The effect which slight pressure or slight capillary attraction has in causing the hemoglobin to diffuse out of the corpuscles is very marked, In speaking, at the end of this second part of my paper, of the development of the red corpuscles, I shall give further reasons for the view of the direct relation between percentage of hemoglobin and number of red corpuscles; and shall endeavour to show that the assumption of hemoglobin by the corpuscles takes place under the influence of their nuclei, at the same time giving reasons for thinking that after the nucleus disappears the corpuscle has no longer the power of adding to the quantity of hemoglobin it contains. I kept my dogs in as good hygienic conditions as possible, in a good-sized well-lighted room. They had a full and mixed diet, and their movements in the room were little or not at all restricted. In the excision of the spleen (and the same applies to excision of the thyroid) the animal was put under the influence of ether, which in such experiments should always be used. The animal takes the ether well, and it apparently has no bad after-effects. Antiseptic precau- tions were used during the operation ; but as these could not have been carried out thoroughly after the operation, I did not continue them, VOL. XX, Vi 338 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. and used no dressing at all. I sewed up the wound with chromic-acid catgut, and latterly with horse-hair; and in every case of excision of. the spleen union by first intention was obtained. For excision of the spleen, after tying the animal out on its back and putting it under the influence of ether, I made an incision in the linea alba, immediately above the umbilicus, and about two inches long, into the abdominal cavity ; and I then put my fingers (previously thoroughly washed in 1-to-20 carbolic lotion) into the left hypochon- drium, where I quickly found the spleen, loosely attached to the great curvature of the stomach by the gastro-splenic omentum. I drew the spleen gently out through the wound, and secured the vessels passing to it in from four to six catgut ligatures, the tissues in which the vessels lay being included with them in the ligatures. The ligatures were then cut short, and the vessels entering the hilum were divided on the splenic side of the ligatures, The lips of the wound in the linea alba were then brought together with stitches of chromic catgut, and I was specially careful to bring the peritoneal surfaces into contact, in order that union of the peritoneal wound might at once take place, and the abdominal cavity be shut off, in case of the superficial part of the wound not healing by first intention. The dogs all recovered very quickly from the effects of the opera- tion. After coming out of the ether, they shivered for about a quarter of an hour; and two of them vomited once within the first half hour. But in all cases a few hours after the operation, 7.e., on the afternoon of the same day, the dogs were so well that no one going into the room would have supposed that they had been operated on that morning. At no time after the operation did the wound appear to give any pain. For the first day after the operation they got only milk as food ; on the second day they were given also a little meat ; and after that, their ordinary diet. Before operating I always kept a dog for a week, sometimes longer, to watch whether it would lose or gain weight under its new conditions of life, and also to obtain the average number of red and white corpuscles. In the tables here given, the averages of the different estimations of the number of corpuscles before the operation are placed at the head of the corresponding columns. The results of the examination of the blood after simple excision of the spleen were the following :’— ELaperiment I. A female dog, with short shaggy hair, somewhat of the Scotch terrier type. About three months old, and weighing 2 kilogrammes. 1 Compare with enumerations of the blood in normal animals given by Lyon in Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. Ixxxiv. p. 207. The slight irregular variations in the number of the corpuscles in my estimations were due, I believe, to the attempts the remaining blood-forming organs were making to assert themselves. pers . THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 339 The operation was performed on 26 September 1884, and the results of the estimations of the blood may be tabulated as follows :— Proportion of Leucocytes. | Leucocytes to Hemocytes. Hemocytes. Before Operation, . ‘ : 6,410,000 16,000 1: 400°6 Operation on 26 September. 26 September, 6 hours after, ; 5,940,000 28,000 5 a 1 27 “ 1st day after, P 5,535,000 34,000 1:133°3 28 i Qnd ,, . .| 5,400,000 25,000 1: 216 29 ES Bede ck Ye ive W- B.480,000 22,000 1 : 248-8 2October, 6th ,, . .| 5,530,000 30,000 1:184°3 4 br Rules Ty . | 5,540,000 31,000 1:1787 9 :, 1S) ee me . | 6,000,000 24,000 1: 250 a." :, 29nd ,, . «| 4,900,000 23,000 1:213 re 30th ,, . «| 5,520,000 17,000 1: 308°8 8 November, 43rd ,, . : 5,860,000 13,000 1 :450°7 17 si 52nd ,, . «| 5,280,000 22,000 1 :236°3 *25 i 606R 45) «3 . | 4,470,000 13,000 1 : 343°8 3 December, 68th ,, . .| 5,290,000 14,000 1 :377°8 ee > *,, S4th ,, .« ~ |) 5,580,000 18,000 1 :310 2January, 98th ,, . .| 6,080,000 17,000 1:357°6 RE ‘ichhs. .. - . | 5,610,000 11,000 1: 510 29 7 UPA eerie . | 6,100,000 9,000 ioc rat 26 February, 153rd,,_ . : 5,730,000 11,000 1 : 520°9 13 March, WG6Sthies. 1): . | 6,500,000 10,000 1 : 650 Experiment II. A female dog of the English terrier type, short black-and-tan hair, ears and tail clipped short. Weight about 5 kilogrammes. At least one year, probably two years old. Proportion of Hemocytes. Leucocytes. | Leucocytes to Hemocytes. Before Operation, . ‘ . | 7,520,000 16,000 1: 470°6 Operation on 3 November. 5 November, 2nd day after, . 7,280,000 21,000 1 : 346°6 eee Hove eax hat. DO \O00 15,000 1:473°3 1 ee eT, 6-4, fe 8}480, 000 16,000 | 1:528°1 ne 1th, A. 4 vib 8,810,000 8,000 1 : 1076-2 [ — 15th ,, . «|. 8,450,000 20,000 1: 422°5 gen. 4, OR yet. = 8,870,000 9,000 | 1:930 5 December, 32nd ,, . . | 8,980,000 10,090 1: 890 meee deur a ©" 8 880000 9,000 | 1:98171 1January, 59th ,, . «| 7,760,000 8,000 | 1:970 *5 A 63rd. 55. : ; 6,590,000 17,000 1: 387°6 340 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. Experiment ILI, A female dog, probably about eight months old, but seemingly full grown ; with short thick black-and-white hair. Weight slightly over 5 kilogrammes. , Proportion of Hemocytes. Leucocytes. | Leucocytes to Hemocytes. Before Operation, : : : 7,000,000 6,000 1 :1168°2 Operation on 15 November. 19 November, 4th day after, . | 6,700,000 16,000 1: 418°7 23 i 8th ney be : 7,220,000 12,000 1:601°6 27 . Oth Se ee : 7,500,000 8,000 1 : 987°5 2 December, 17th ,, -: : 6,850,000 6,000 1466 9 7 4th ,, - Gee Je tle 6130, 000 22,000 1 :276°6 22 fe Stun ek : 5,800,000 8,000 1: 728 3 January, 49th ,, . ; 5,270,000 18,000 be 29257, Aes ie G0thy fe. 2 3 5,720,000 12,000 1: 478°5 PAE | jord 2.8 D : 5,770,000 10,000 1 Dae “18 Hebruary, 90th 5.) © ‘ 4,810,000 10,000 1 : 481 2 March, Ocoee = t 6,050,000 7,000 1: 864 Be ae HOSths,. 97% : 6,590,000 6,000 1:1098 In the dog of Huperiment J, the changes seem to have occurred quickly, chiefly within the first two months. They consisted in a decrease of the number of red corpuscles and a relative and absolute increase in the number of white corpuscles in the blood. The greatest decrease in the number of red corpuscles, as will be seen from the tables, was found two months after the opera- tion. After reaching a minimum, the red corpuscles then increased again in numbers, though not very regularly ; and the relation of the white corpuscles to the red gradually approached that which had existed before the operation. The increase in the number of white corpuscles, though it corresponded to a certain extent with the decrease in the number of red, did not correspond very regularly. The great increase for the first day or two was due, in part at least, to the operation. For the white corpuscles always rise in number, and the red corpuscles always fall in number, for a day or two after an operation; and that without any regular proportion to the amount of blood lost. Such changes due to an operation are always recovered from in about two days. 1 Marked by *. ee Cn THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 341 On the 15th of March, the day of the last estimation, and five-and-a-half months after the operation, the red corpuscles were slightly more than their original number. The fact, too, that the white corpuscles had then sunk below their original number seems to me to be likewise of significance, as indicating that the gland removed had for one of its functions the produc- tion of white blood-corpuscles. The important result of the blood estimations, however, is the distinct change observed in the number of ved blood-corpuscles. From this change it would appear that ‘the gland, if not taking a great part, must at any rate have taken some part in the formation of the red blood- corpuscles; and that although the other blood-forming organs had increased their activity, they had yet failed to bring the red corpuscles up to their normal number again until nearly six months after the operation. That the removal of the spleen had little or no effect on the growth of the animal, will be pretty evident when I state that the weight of the animal was 2 kilogrammes before the opera- tion; that it began to gain in weight almost immediately after the operation, and to increase in size; and that its weight on the 26th of February (five months after the operation) was 4 kilo- grammes and 34 decagrammes. The dog was then in as good condition as on the day of operation, and, as will be seen, had doubled its weight (owing to increase in size), From the day of the operation to the day of its death, it was the picture of a healthy animal; and certainly there was not the slightest sign interference with digestion, which would be expected if Schifi’s } view of the relation of the spleen to pancreatic digestion were admitted. It took its food even more greedily after the operation than previously. In fact the behaviour of my dogs would rather support the statement that after the removal of the spleen the appetite is increased. In Experiment IJ., the results obtained were at first sight a little confusing: still they may, I think, be taken as likewise in favour of a blood-forming action of the spleen. It will be noticed that there wasa distinct fall in the number of corpuscles in the blood two months after the operation: the confusing point is that just after an initial slight fall, and apparently as the 1 Schiff, Schweizer. Zeitschrift f. Heilkunde, Bd. i. (1862). 342 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. immediate result of the extirpation, there was an increase rather than a decrease in the number of red corpuscles. Taking - all the facts together, I think the results obtained from the experiment (in which the animal, it will be remembered, was about two years old) still support the blood-forming function of the spleen, but point to that function being in adult life almost in abeyance. I think they show that even in adult life the spleen has some activity; and it seems to me that even the increase in the number of red blood-corpuscles after the operation, instead of being against this view, is rather in favour of it. For the increase might be explained by considering the spleen as a blood-forming organ, and supposing that on its removal the other blood-forming organs, which had previously been doing most of the work, were thereby stimulated to a greater activity that more than compensated for itsabsence. The explana- tion of the subsequent fall might be either that the bone-marrow and other blood-forming organs had been unable to maintain this high state of activity, or that the fall was merely part of an oscillation about the normal point. It will be noticed that the white corpuscles were diminished in number both relatively and absolutely, and that afterwards there was a slight increase in their number, concomitant with the decrease in the number of red corpuscles. An interesting point with regard to the animal is that it had an unusually well developed thyroid gland, which, however, did not enlarge after removal of the spleen. I shall subsequently consider the question of this dog’s thyroid under the effects of excision of the thyroid, in the third part of this paper. In Haperiment III, where a positive result was again obtained, we were dealing with a dog within the first year of extra-uterine life, though having already the appearance of being full-grown. In the case of this animal, the number of red corpuscles gradually decreased for the first six or seven weeks; next there was a hardly perceptible rise; and then they sank to their lowest point, reaching it three months after the excision. The white corpuscles increased both absolutely and relatively in number, though not in a very regular manner. Towards the middle of the fourth month they had begun to sink in number, THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 343 and if the dog had been allowed to live longer they would probably have sunk even below their original number. The diminution of the red corpuscles in this dog was really a decided one, amounting to quite 2,000,000 out of every 7,000,000. The time of the greatest diminution of the red corpuscles corresponds pretty well in all three dogs, being between eight and twelve weeks; and it also corresponds with the time given by Zesas (ten weeks), as well as, interestingly enough, with the time given by Credé (two months), The last dog, like both the others, recover2d very quickly after the operation ; took its food very well; and after losing weight for the first day or two, increased again until it reached its former weight, at which it remained, weighing on the 3rd of March exactly the same as on the day of operation. Here also there were no signs of interference with digestion, and the dog would have been taken by any one for a perfectly healthy animal. During the examination of the blood of the dogs, I was never able to convince myself of the presence of any nucleated red corpuscles in it. Post-mortem Appearances.—Of the three dogs from which I excised the spleen, only one was allowed to live without further operation, viz., the dog of Experiment I. In the dog of Experiment III. I afterwards produced artificial anzemia, in order to see the condition of the blood-forming organs in a spleenless animal during the process of blood-regeneration. The dog of Experiment IT. was used also for excision of the thyroid, and its further history will be given under the head of that gland. The dog of Huperiment I. (on which no further operation was per- formed), on being killed after the expiry of five-and-a-half months, showed the following appearances :— Body well nourished ; neither more nor less fat than usual. No naked-eye abnormal appearances, with the exception of the absence of the spleen. There was not the least sign of there having been any irritation in the abdomen, either in the region from which the spleen had been removed or elsewhere. The liver, which has been noticed by Zesas to be larger in animals after removal of the spleen, was not distinctly enlarged, nor more than usually rich in blood. The tissues to which I paid particular attention were the bone- marrow, the lymphatic glands, and the thyroid gland. In the bone-marrow and lymphatic glands I found evidence of blood- formation, but not in the thyroid gland. As to the bone-marrow, I found evidence of blood-formation 344 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. chiefly in the ved marrow of the ribs, the vertebral bodies, and the heads of the long bones; in short, in marrow of spongy bone. _ But I also found that the usually fatty marrow of the shafts of the humerus and femur had to some extent been transformed into red marrow, @.¢., was much redder than fatty marrow, though not so red as red marrow, and, further, presented microscopic appear- ances intermediate between red and yellow marrow. This change of the fatty marrow supports in an interesting way the blood-forming function of the spleen, especially if compared with the observations of Litten and Orth already referred to.—The marrow in the shafts of the other long bones had remained fatty. The marrow was examined fresh, and either undiluted or diluted with a neutral fluid. I preferred the latter method; because the only semi-fluid marrow could not be satisfactorily examined without dilution. For diluting fluid, a solution of sul- phate of soda, of sp. gr. 1022, was used; and as it was difficult to get an idea of the number of nucleated red cells in the marrow when the nuclei were uncoloured, the faintest trace of methyl- violet was added to the solution. It is impossible to say how much methyl-violet should be used: the amount needed is so small. It is best to use enough, but no more than enough, to colour the nuclei of the red and white cells. The addition of such a trace of methyl-violet to the “artificial serum” appears also to have the advantage of rendering it even less liable to alter the shape of the red corpuscles. This has been remarked by various observers. For the examination of the marrow, I first placed a drop of the diluting solution on a slide; then mixed the marrow with the drop, at the same time to some extent teazing it out; and, lastly, put on a cover-glass, pressing it gently down on the preparation so as to leave only a single layer of cells. In the case of spongy bone, I squeezed out the marrow by means of a pair of bone-forceps, and so obtained a semi-fluid marrow free from bony spicules. : The red marrow of a normal dog, when thus treated, with or without staining, shows numerous nucleated colourless cells of different. sizes, varying from about 8 micros. to as much as 16 micros. in diameter. The nuclei are almost always relatively + THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 345 large; and they are more or less coarsely granular, this being due partly at least to an intranuclear net-work. The perinuclear protoplasm is faintly granular. Among the cells there are always a very considerable number of ordinary red blood- corpuscles. In addition, however, there are cells which can be distinctly recognised as nucleated red blood-corpuscles. These cells, as has already been said, are best seen when a trace of methyl-violet is added to the artificial serum in which they are examined. The methyl-violet has the effect of staining their nuclei, as well as the nuclei of the colourless cells of the marrow, and also of staining to a slight extent the perinuclear protoplasm of the colourless cells. Various stages may be seen in the development of the nucleated red cells in the bone-marrow, but the stage which is most characteristic, and which it would be difficult to mistake for anything but a nucleated red blood- corpuscle, is that where the cell is rather larger than a non- nucleated red blood-corpuscle, and has a nucleus which is not large as compared with the cell, and perinuclear substance which is as darkly hemoglobin-tinted as a non-nucleated red corpuscle (fig. 1, d).! Of this variety of cell, only a few can be seen in the red marrow of a normal dog. But there are numbers of what I consider to be earlier stages in the development of these cells from the ordinary cells of the marrow (fig. 1, d and c). Many of them, especially those of from 10 to 12 or even 14 micros. in diameter, have a relatively very large nucleus with a very well defined outline (fig. 1, a). Filling up the interval between the nucleus and the capsule of some of these cells can be seen a thin yellow band, which I take to be the first appear- ance of hemoglobin in them (fig. 1, 6). So thin is the earliest yellow band, that it could be taken as significant of nothing, were it not for the fact that what must be later conditions of such cells can be seen, where it has become broader (fig. 1, c). And, indeed, all stages of transition can be seen, between the large cells, with their large nuclei and very thin band of hemoglobin-coloured perinuclear substance, and the typical nucleated red corpuscle, which is much smaller, and has a much smaller nucleus and a broad coloured band. As a rule, the band of hzmoglobin-coloured substance occupies the whole space 1 The figure will be given in the next number of the Jowrnal. 346 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. between the cell-envelope and the nucleus; but occasionally there can be seen a small amount of colourless substance immediately surrounding the nucleus, and still taking on the methyl-violet colouring. I have seen this remnant of the perinuclear finely granular substance of the cell only in the younger stages of development, never in a typical nucleated red cell. To return to the post-mortem appearances of the dog (Expt. I.) :-— The bone-marrow of the ribs, squeezed out, as stated, and mixed with the methyl-violet-tinted sodium-sulphate solution, showed great numbers of very young nucleated red cells; and here and there could be found nucleated red cells of the more typical variety. Nucleated red cells crenate very easily, thus giving an additional proof of their relation to the non-nucleated red cells. . The marrow from the heads of the femur and humerus showed enormous numbers of nucleated cells in the early stage of de- velopment: a greater number even than was found in the ribs. Also a few of the more typical variety. The partially reddened marrow of the shafts of the humerus and femur contained a few examples of developing red cells, In the lymphatic glands, very interesting and unexpected appearances were found. The glands of the mesentery were distinctly enlarged, when compared with those of normal dogs ; and they were distinctly succulent, though not decidedly redder than usual, A scraping from the cut surface of these glands, mixed with the methyl-violet-tinted sodium-sulphate solution, showed numbers of nucleated red cells, in earlier and later stages of development. There could be no doubt about them: for there were a few in every field; and quite as many of the later stages could be found as in the marrow of the ribs. This observation will be more interesting when it is compared with what I shall afterwards describe as having been found by me in the lymphatiz glands of an animal whose thoracic duct I had tied some time previously. The thyroid gland, when similarly examined, showed no signs of a blood-forming function. - THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 347 I now pass to the dog on which Kuperiment III. was per- formed, and which I subsequently bled for the purpose of producing artificial anemia. On referring back, we see that on the 3rd of March, nearly four months after the operation of excision of the spleen, this animal had a number of red corpuscles per cubic millimeter of blood almost a great as the original number, and that the white corpuscles had almost their original relation to the red. Experiment IV. Dog previously used for Experiment III. On the 3rd of March I drew from the left carotid 20 e.c. of blood, being scarcely 4 per cent. of the body-weight ; and on the following days I estimated the blood, to notice the effect. In cases of drawing blood, as well as in my other experiments, I always put the animal under the influence of ether. Proportion of -Hemocytes. Leucocytes. | Leucocytes to Hemocytes. Before Operation, : : . | 6,599,000 6,000 1:1098°3 Operation on 3 March. 4 March, Ist day after, . . | 5,690,000 13,000 1 : 437°6 a Indi, 5; : , | 6,060,000 10,000 1: 606 Ot4 5; SED |! 43, P . | 6,250,000 8,000 1: 781°2 wee? Ga . . | 6,270,000 5,000 1 :1254 Six days after the loss of blood, which must be taken as an ex- tremely small one, the corpuscles had not quite returned to their previous numbers ; showing that blood-formation was not so rapid as usual.? As a proof, however, that in spleenless animals the blood is not so rapidly regenerated, the experiment cannot alone be considered of much value. On the 9th of March, I drew from the same carotid artery (the previous wound having in the meantime healed) a considerably larger quantity of blood, viz., 75 c.c., being about 1°8 per cent. of the body- weight. The dog recovered quickly from the operation, and was well next day, though not so lively as usual, being more inclined to sleep, and 1 Compare with results of Lyon’s experiments, Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. lxxxiv. 348 DR J. LOCKHART. GIBSON. less active in its movements. The amount of anemia produced will be evident from the following table :— Proportion of Heemocytes. Leucocytes. | Leucocytes to Heemocytes. Before Operation, : , : 6,270,000 | 5,000 1:1254 Operation on 9 March. 11 March, 2nd day after, . . | 4,400,000 7,000 1 :628°5 Tai eee eno. tes . . | 4,490,000 9,000 1: 498°8 The loss of blood had produced a very considerable degree of anzmia; and in this instance sufficient time did not elapse before I killed the aniutal to enable me to see to what extent the remaining blood-forming organs would be able to regenerate the blood, and how long it would take them to do so. Post-mortem appearances, after killing with ether, on the 14th of March :— Bone-marrow.—The marrow of the ribs contained a great many nucleated red cells, some of which had very small nuclei (fig. 1, e). The marrow in the whole length of the shafts of the humerus and femur was red, and contained great numbers of the early stages of nucleated red cells, as well as a fair number of the more typical nucleated red cells. The marrow in the heads of the long bones and the marrow of the bodies of the vertebrae contained a greater number of developing red cells than the marrow in the shafts of the long bones, but not so many as the marrow of the ribs. Most of the cells were in the earlier stages. The comparative rarity of the later stages of the developing red corpuscles, except in the marrow of the ribs, and the great numbers of the earlier stages, correspond entirely with the blood enumerations. For according to these the regeneration of the blood had even on the day of death hardly yet begun. Lymphatic Glands.-—Those of the abdomen were large and rather succulent, and if anything somewhat redder in the centre than usual. Some nucleated red cells were found, but not very many. There were, however, a considerable number of white cells with peculiarly clear perinuclear substance, which looked THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 349 as if they needed nothing but hemoglobin to convert them into nucleated red cells. Thyroid Gland—Of usual size, most unusually pale, and presenting no appearance of a blood-forming function. In the abdomen there were not the faintest appearances of any irritation having followed the removal of the spleen. Up to this time I have been dealing with animals from which I had excised the spleen; and I think that my experiments furnish pretty conclusive proof that the spleen has in ordinary conditions a blood-forming action, if perhaps a subordinate one, throughout extra-uterine life, its activity being, however, pro- bably greater during the first year of life. The facts in favour of this action are :— 1. The changes in the blood, consisting in a primary decrease in the number of red corpuscles and increase in the number of white, and in one case (Expt. I.) a secondary decrease of the white corpuscles below their original number after the red corpuscles had already returned to their original number. The secondary decrease in the number of white corpuscles, which corresponds with the observations on the blood of Credé’s patient three years after the extirpation of the spleen, points to the probable reason for the primary increase, viz., that an organ had been removed having, on the one hand, the function of transforming white corpuscles into red, and on the other hand the function of itself producing white corpussles. 2. The partial transformation of the yellow marrow of the shafts of the humerus and femur into red marrow. 3. The appearance of a considerable number of nucleated red cells in the lymphatic glands, only very few nucleated red cells being found in the lymphatic glands under ordinary conditions. I next tried to ascertain the truth of Bizzozero’s assertion that the spleen is brought into fresh activity by the production of artificial anemia. Experiment IV., already described, had given some evidence of a negative character in favour of Bizzozero’s view: for in it, after blood-letting in the spleenless animal, the regeneration of the blood did not take place as rapidly as, according to Lyon, it would in animals possessing spleens have done. The post-mortem appearances were similar to those found in the dog of Experiment I., being merely somewhat exaggerated, 350 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. owing to the efforts of the remaining organs to overcome the artificial anzemia which had been produced. I was only able to perform one experiment for the purpose of ascertaining whether I could get any positive evidence in favour of Bizzozero’s conclusion, but from it fortunately got very decided evidence of the kind. - Experiment V. A very healthy female dog, about two years old, a mixture of pug and terrier. Weight 6 kilogrammes 20 decagrammes. . On the 10th of March I drew from the right carotid 140 cubic centimetres of blood, being about 2°6 per cent. of the body-weight. Then I left the animal for three days, feeding it as usual, and finding that during this time it did not lose weight. And then I killed it with ether, and examined the blood-forming organs. Spleen.—Unusually large, soft, and succulent, and of the rose-red colour which Bizzozero describes as so characteristic of a spleen containing many nucleated red cells. A scraping, examined in the usual way, showed very numerous nucleated red cells, many of which were in process of division. Many of the cells were in the earlier stages of nucleated red cells, but there were also a very large number in the later and more typical stages. There could be no doubt about these cells having been formed here. For their number, although smaller than the number found in the marrow of the ribs, was yet far above what could be accounted for by the supposition of nucle- ated red cells having been entangled in the spleen from the circulating blood. Moreover, the occurrence of the red cells in their different stages of development and the occurrence of the dividing red cells are very much against any such supposition. Lymphatic Glands.—Were perhaps a little larger than usual, but were no redder. A scraping from the the cut surface of a mesenteric gland showed many nucleated red cells, with very faintly coloured perinuclear substance, as well as a fair number of non-nucleated red cells. The bronchial glands showed the same appearances. Bone-Marrow.—The marrow of the ribs was of a very rich brown colour. In it were found enormous numbers of nucleated red cells, in all stages of development. These cells were more deeply heemoglobin-tinted than those found in the lymph glands, ; ‘ THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 351 but were otherwise the same cells. The shafts of the femur and humerus were filled with a very rich red marrow, which contained numerous nucleated red cells, though not so many as the marrow in the heads of the bones. The marrow in the heads of the bones contained fewer than that of the ribs. There was a complication in this experiment, inasmuch as I had previously (three weeks before the blood-letting) removed from the animal one lobe of the thyroid gland. The case might therefore be interpreted as supporting the views of those who believe that the spleen and thyroid have a mutual compensatory function; and unfortunately I cannot altogether deny that such an interpretation is possible. But all my observations on the thyroid are greatly against its having a function similar to that of the spleen. I have, in fact, found no evidence of its having any blood-forming function. The dog in this experiment had suffered in no way from the removal of one lobe; and I shall further on, under the head of the thyroid gland, give other cases, both in animals and in the human subject, where removal of one lobe had no effect whatever. The examination of the remaining lobe of the thyroid gland, which was not distinctly enlarged, revealed no signs of a blood-forming function. I next, in order to be able to look at the question from as many sides as possible, estimated in two animals the numbers of red and white corpuscles in the splenic artery and vein, to see whether Bizzozero’s observations on this point could be confirmed. It will be remembered that he found, or concluded that he found, an increase in the number of red corpuscles, and a relatively still greater increase in the number of white corpuscles, in the splenic vein, over the numbers in the splenic artery. The results of my two observations were not very marked, but they pointed in the same direction as the results of Bizzozero’s experiments. Experiment VI. The first enumeration was taken from the blood of the splenic artery and splenic vein of a dog whose thoracic duct I had tied some time previously (with a result to be afterwards described). When about to kill the animal, I put it under ether, and cut directly down upon the spleen, on the outer border of the left rectus 352 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. abdominis, just below the ribs. A good free incision was made, so that I could draw the spleen out of the abdomen without in any way ~ squeezing it, and without drawing on its blood-vessels. After clear- ing its vessels as carefully as possible, I made with a needle a puncture in the splenic vein sufficiently large to let the blood flow very freely. I made the puncture in the vein first, because a permanent wound in the vein would not affect the number of corpuscles in the blood of the artery, while if I had first taken blood from the artery and had happened to stop the flow in it, I should probably have found little or no blood in the vein when it was opened. After the required quantity of blood had been got from the vein, the gentlest pressure of a sponge for a minute sufficed to stop the flow from the wound in its walls ; and this seemed to have become closed, as the circulation went on as before. I then made a puncture in the artery, and took the required quantity of blood while it came freely spurting out. The enumeration of the red and white corpuscles gave the following :— Splenic Vein. Hemocytes 9,600,000, Leucocytes 11,000. Relative number of Leucocytes to Hemocytes 1 : 872°7. Splenic Artery. Hemocytes 9,410,000. Leucocytes 9,000. Relative number of Leucocytes to Hemocytes 1 : 1045-5. These figures support the results of Bizzozero, though not in a very pronounced manner, especially as the spleen in this experiment contained (as will later more particularly be stated) a moderate number of developing red blood-corpuscles, and was therefore more active than the spleen of a normal animal. And here, indeed, it must be remembered that Bizzozero’s own observations, made as they were on animals which had been rendered anzemic, were likewise made under conditions in which the spleen was actively producing red blood-corpuscles. We cannot expect that a very decided number of fresh red corpuscles should be added to every cubic millimeter of blood which passes through the spleen; and we must, I think, be content to allow that if the blood of the splenic vein contains at all a greater number of red corpuscles than the blood of the artery, then the spleen has really a blood-forming function. Moreover, the function of the spleen as a producer of white corpuscles is likewise supported, if indeed it needed any other than a histological support. I found no nucleated red corpuscles in the blood of either vein or artery. 1 ee ie~ ewe +) st a oy Ae. THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 353 ELeperiment VII, The second dog from which I got such an enumeration was the one I made artificially anemic (Experiment V.) tosee if the activity of the spleen would be increased. The steps taken for the enumeration were the same as in Experiment VI. The results, although in favour of the same conclusion as those of that experiment, were still less decided. This is remarkable, as the spleen was very rich in develop- ing red cells. Splenic Vein. Hemocytes 6,310,000. Leucocytes 9,000. Relative number of Leucocytes to Hemocytes 1 : 701-1. Splenic Artery. Hemocytes 6,250,000. Leucocytes 8,000. Relative number of Leucocytes to Hemocytes 1 : 781°2. These slight differences between the numbers of corpuscles in the vein and artery are quite in accordance with the observations of those writers who could find no difference between the con- tents of the vein and the contents of the artery in normal conditions. For if the difference is so slight when the spleen is actively forming red cells, it must be still slighter when the spleen is comparatively inactive. In other words, the addition of red corpuscles to a cubic millimetre of blood in passing through the spleen must in normal conditions be so small as to make it practically impossible to observe any numerical difference between the corpuscles in the artery and the corpuscles in the vein. But here another point must not be lost sight of, viz., what is stated by many authors to be one of the functions of the spleen, the breaking down of red blood-corpuscles. Later in my paper I shall speak of reasons for supporting this as one of the functions of the spleen. [f the spleen possesses any such function, the increase in the number of red corpuscles in the splenic vein over the number in the splenic artery would be no index of the number of fresh corpuscles added to the blood in its passage through the spleen. (Zo be continued in the next number.) VOL. XX. Z. Anatomical Notices. MALFORMATIONS OF PELVIS AND PELVIC ORGANS IN A FETUS. By Joun Patmer, L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S. Eng. Mrs J. was delivered of twins on the Ist of June 1884 (a month earlier than she expected). The first child was a girl, living and looking like a foetus of between 7 and 8 months, the second child was small and looked like a foetus at about the 6th month, this child lived five hours ; the first child is living now and is a very fine girl, the mother says as large as any of her children have been at the same age (14 months). On superficial examination of the second child, the pelvis was found to be extremely small, and no external opening could be found ; in the middle line, a little below the lower end of sacrum, was a very small projection of skin with a small depression extending round it ; farther forward, a little below the symphysis pubis in the middle line, was a small nipple-like projection of skin, but no opening in or as it ; the appearance is represented in fig. 1. On post-mortem examination of chest, heart and lungs were found to be normal; and on opening abdomen, liver, spleen, suprarenal bodies, small and large intestines as far as sigmoid flexure were normal, cecum in right iliac fossa; in left iliac fossa the descending colon ended in a large closed dilatation measuring in length 2 inches, in width 1} inches; no trace of rectum either as a fibrous cord or other- wise could be found. The cavity of pelvis, which was very shallow and small, measured transversely ? of an inch, antero-posteriorly =, of an inch; in it was the lower part of a closed sac which measured in length from above downward 1} inches and transversely 14 inches. This sac on being opened was found to contain about two teaspoonfuls of milky-looking fluid, which under the microscope showed epithelial and fat cells and debris, the pouch at end of descending colon was attached to the upper and left side of this by connective tissue (their cavities did not communicate). Into the sides of this closed sac at its upper part were seen to be inserted two thickened cords which suddenly became fine tubes (Fallopian tubes), and were contained in the broad ligaments, the ovaries lying immediately below the fine tubes, the thickened portions apparently represented the two halves ANATOMICAL NOTICES. 355 of an undeveloped uterus; the round ligaments were large, normal in position and destination. Reaching rather higher up than this sac, and somewhat to the left side, and extending downward behind to its base, being closely adherent to its posterior wall, was another sac, oblong in shape, the upper extremity pointed and continued into a tube which passed upward and was attached to the left kidney, higher than the hilus; this sac, on being opened, was found to contain clear urine, the walls of the sac were thin, into its base the right and left ureters entered. These two sacs, which represented the vagina and bladder, were almost entirely situated in the false pelvis and lower part of abdomen, the bladder being quite posterior. The left kidney measured 12 inches in length and 55, of an inch across, was wholly composed of cysts, and from it two tubes passed to the bladder, one the ureter, which was attached at the hilus, the other attached above the hilus and ending in the apex of bladder as before mentioned. The right kidney was very small, also cystic; it measured ;‘5 of an inch im length and } of an inch in width; the kidneys were in the normal positions, except that the right ureter being short, the corre- sponding kidney was somewhat lower down than usual. Fig. 2 shows the relative positions of the internal parts. On examining the pelvis the symphysis pubis was found continued downward and backward to the posterior part of the tubera ischia ; the rami of ischia and pubes being close together and held in apposi- tion by fibrous tissue, so that there was slight mobility; the only outlet to pelvis was behind this and in front of sacrum, a space only large enough to admit the tip of the little finger; the two internal obturator muscles covered the cartilages and formed the floor of pelvis. At the umbilicus only one hypogastric artery was found and no urachus. Fic. 1.—The external appearance of perinzeum of fetus, legs acutely flexed on the abdomen. 356 ANATOMICAL NOTICES. Fic. 2.—The relative position of genito-urinary organs; R.K., L.K., right and left kidney; B., bladder ending above in a fine tube attached - to upper part of left kidney; V., closed vaginal sac; B.L., B.L., broad Fig. 2. ligaments with halves of uterus internally and Fallopian tubes and ovaries in outer part; D.C., descending colon ending in large closed pouch ; R.L., round ligaments of uterus. ON AN ANOMALOUS MUSCLE IN THE FRONT OF THE NECK IN A HUMAN SUBJECT—A STERNO-PETROSO- PHARYNGEUS. By G. E. Rennin, B.A. (Sydney), Student of Medicine, University College, London. Tus peculiar muscle was met with in the cours? of a dissection of the anterior triangle of the neck, in a well-developed muscular male subject, which was brought into the dissecting room of University College, London, during the month of October 1884; and acting upon the suggestion of Professor Thane, I have prepared the following account of it for publication :— _— ee ee ee ee ee ee a ANATOMICAL NOTICES. 357 The muscle took its origin from the anterior surface of the manu- brium, immediately internal to the sternal head of the right sterno- mastoid, by a thin flat tendon, nearly half an inch wide, and about half an inch long, extending higher on the posterior than on the anterior aspect of the muscle. The tendon gave rise to muscular fibres which formed a somewhat rounded bundle, some two or three lines in diameter, The muscle then passed up the right side of the neck, superficial to the sterno-hyoid, sterno-thyroid, and omo-hyoid muscles, then over the hypoglossal nerve, and then passing between the internal and external carotid arteries, disappeared beneath the digastric and stylo-hyoid muscles. On being traced subsequently to its termination, the muscle was seen to split up, at about two inches from its insertion, into three sets of fibres, the disposition of which was as follows:—(1) One set of fibres passed directly upwards, and was inserted into the vaginal process of the temporal bone, the inner fibres of insertion being in immediate contact with those of origin of the levator palati. (2) Another smaller set, turned slightly inwards, and passing beneath the lower border of the superior constructor, blended with the pharyngeal aponeurosis, under cover of that muscle. (3) A third set, much shorter than the preceding, turned a little outward and forward, and blended with the lower fibres of the superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx. The muscle was completely surrounded by the deep cervical fascia, as that structure passed forwards from the anterior border of the sterno-mastoid, and had the following relations to surrounding structures :— (a) To Muscles.—It rested upon the sterno-hyoid, sterno-thyroid, and anterior belly of omo-hyoid ; then upon the middle constrictor of the pharynx. It was crossed by the posterior belly of the digastric and the stylo-hyoid, and higher up by the stylo-pharyngeus; and in this case by an accessory slip from that muscle to the great cornur of the hyoid bone. To its outer border, for about half its length, and at a distance of half an inch from it, was the sterno-mastoid. (b) To Vessels.—It was crossed superficially at its lower part by the anterior jugular vein, and higher up by a communicating branch between the external and anterior jugular veins. It passed over the facial vein, and then sinking inwards between the two carotid arteries, lay to the inner side of the external carotid. A small vein from the substance of the muscle entered the internal jugular vein. (ec) To Nerves.—It was supplied by a small twig from the glosso- pharyngeal nerve which entered it on its outer surface. The muscle in its upward course crossed over the branch of the descendens noni to the anterior belly of the omo-hyoid, the hypoglossal, and the glosso- pharyngeal nerves. I have not been able to find any account of a similar muscle on record. Macalister, in Z'ransactions of Royal Irish Academy, 1871, refers to one case in which a slip from the anterior margin of the sterno-mastoid was inserted into the tympanic ring; and this is the only record I can find of an insertion of any part of the 358 ANATOMICAL NOTICES. sterno-mastoid into the petrous part of the temporal. I have also consulted Testut’s Anomalie Musculaire, Gruber’s Anatomische Notizen - in Virchow’s Archiv., and also Meckel’s Vergleichende Anatomie, but have failed to gain from them any information bearing upon this peculiar abnormality. In conclusion, I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor Thane for kindly advice, and for lending me works of reference. NOTE ON A CASE OF CONGENITAL HYPERTROPHY OF THE LEG. (Diffuse Venous Nevus.) By GILBERT Baruine, M.B. THE specimen which I had the opportunity of dissecting was the left leg of a man, aged fifty years, who stated that at his birth the left leg was larger round than the right, and that the left foot was deformed, but, except for the weight of the limb, he had not suffered much in- convenience, and had until recently been able to get about quite actively. I had no opportunity of making comparative measurements of the two legs, but, roughly speaking, the left leg, from a little above the knee downwards, was about three times the size of the right. The enlargement was not quite uniform,. affecting chiefly the posterior surface, and not extending further on the foot than the base of the metatarsus. There was varicosity of the smaller skin veins, but there was no ulceration of the skin, nor had there been any. To the feel, the soft tissues of the leg gave the sensation of a lipoma with many dense fibrous septa. The foot was in a condition of calcareo- valgus. When the skin was removed, the subcutaneous tissue was found greatly thickened, partly from an increase of fat, but mainly from an abundance of fibrous tissue, in which were imbedded a large number of small, thin-walled and tortuous veins; from this thick layer, septa passed to the deep parts of the leg, ensheathing the muscles, &c. The posterior muscles appeared to have retained their shape and size, but the muscular fibres were almost replaced by fat, without, however, any nzvus condition. The tendo Achillis and its sheath were so blended with the surrounding fatty and fibrous tissues as to be indistinguish- able from them, but the other posterior tendons and their sheaths were healthy, except that the sheaths were thickened by the nevus tissue. The anterior muscles, though small, appeared to have healthy fibres, but all of them, except the tibialis anticus, were shortened, and their sheaths were generally thickened with nevus tissue. ANATOMICAL NOTICES. 359 The peroneus, longus, and brevis, though of good size, had under- gone fatty change to a considerable extent, and they were shortened. On division of the tendons of the extenscr longus digitorum, the extensor proprius pollicis, and all three peronei, the foot was easily brought down to a right angle with the leg, but there still remained a considerable amount of outward rotation of the anterior part of the foot at the transverse tarsal joint. The posterior tibial vein was single and much enlarged, so much so as to admit of ones little finger being passed into it. The principal nerves were all thickened, but the posterior tibial was especially so, its circumference being quite as great as that of an ordinary sciatic. Microscopically, this enlargement was seen to be due to an increase of the epineurium and perineurium. The bones of the leg were fairly developed as regards size, but they were deficient in weight, and their surfaces presented numerous irre- gular outgrowths, such as are sometimes seen at the insertion of tendons in the lower extremity, though here quite independent of those attachments. The bones of the foot were in marked contrast to those of the leg, being small, feeble, and much distorted, the deformity falling chiefly upon the os calcis, which was hardly recognisable, as it was mostly represented by a thin vertical plate supporting a small horizontal plate projecting from its side. NOTE ON THE MANDIBULAR DENTITION OF THE SHREWS. By G. E. Donsoy, M.A., F.R.S. Tae Shrews (Sorictde) form a very compact family of Insectivora, the species of which, among other points of close resemblance one to another, are believed to possess the remarkable peculiarity of having, whatever may be the number of the upper teeth, invariably six pairs of mandibular teeth, of which the first on each side is considered an incisor, the second a canine, the third a premolar, and the remaining three molars. It was, therefore, with much interest that I lately dis- covered a rudimentary seventh pair of mandibular teeth in the other- wise also remarkable species Myosorex varius, Smuts., of South Africa. The very small additional tooth exists (in every specimen examined) on each side between the second and third teeth; it is quite invisible to the naked eye, but may be readily made out, by the aid of an ordinary lens lying between the upper surface of the hinder part of the base of the second tooth and the under surface of the overlapping fore part of the base of the third tooth, which leave its small extremity alone uncovered. The direction of the cusp of this tooth is such that, 360 ANATOMICAL NOTICES. if produced, it would come in front of the first maxillary tooth, and therefore should, according to the system of dental notation now in use, be considered the lower canine, whence it would naturally appear to follow that no lower canine exists in any other species of the family. This and other interesting questions connected with the dentition of the Shrews I hope to deal with fully in Part ILI. of my Monograph of the Insectivora, which will be ready for publication in a few months. Journ. of Anat.& Phys, Jan® 1886. Vol. XX PL. fig. 74 F. Huth, loth? Edint Vol KX, Pl.V. F Huth, Lith" Edin? CrAD BR ADE ALK. Jourm.obtnatl.é Phys. Jan! 7886 Vol. XX, PLN. RW. Shufeldt del F. Huth Inth* Eainé GE OC OCCY xX. are’, . 7 aint Paes i ¥ z 7 i if A i ere! f “y i] mT ry + ein Lee we ve = y ; ’ ‘ , ' 4 = an ; ~ = ‘ ry ‘ i OF Journ: of Anat.d Phys. Jan? 1686. Vol. XX PL. 1 fig. 8. RW. Shufeldt del GE70'C 0° Coy X- Sourte ot Anad.é Phys, Jan? 188. VOlL.XX, PU. IX. } RW Shufelat del F Huth Lith’ Edin* GEOG 0 CC Y xX. e- Fournal of Anatomy and Phystology. ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. By James W. Fraser, M.D., C.M. Ed, M.R.C.S. Eng. THIS paper is a continuation of that which appeared in the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology (vol. xviii. p. 13 et seq), and is based on the results of the same experiments, the difference being that the amount of peptones dialysed, instead of being estimated as the total organic matter, as was done in that paper, is here estimated by the amount of organic nitrogen. It will be found by reference to the earlier paper that, after the various meats had been digested by a peptic fluid in presence of the various beverages, a measured quantity of the filtered solution of peptones was placed in a Graham’s parchment paper dialyser, and this suspended in a measured quantity of distilled water fora fixed time. The dialysed matters in solution were then evaporated to dryness in a water bath, a weighed quantity of common salt having first been added to them to make the residue a more manageable substance. Many of these residues had been preserved, the entire quantity not having been used in the former experiments, and it was on these that the experiments to be described were performed. Some of the residues had been entirely used or destroyed, and hence, in comparing the tables appended to this paper with those in the former one, gaps will be found. A process of estimating the nitrogen, sufficiently accurate to deal with the small quantities available, was much desired from the first, but it was only after many experiments that the following method was arranged and improved until it was satisfactory :— VOL, XX. 2A a 362 DR JAMES W. FRASER. Small Bohemian glass combustion tubing, about j-inch diameter, was taken, and tubes about 4 inches long, drawn out and sealed at one end, were made of it. Into such a tube about 1°5 gram. of the residue was weighed, the tube itself being weighed first and then again after the substance had been placed init. To this was added four or five times its bulk of powdered recently ignited soda lime, and the tube was plugged with a small piece of recently ignited asbestos. It was then possible by shaking or lightly knocking the tube against a table to thoroughly mix its contents, without the smallest possibility of losing any part of them. The mixed matters should only about two-thirds fill the tube, and when mixed the asbestos should be pressed down the tube until it touches the surface of its contents, and, if necessary, the plug should be pierced with a coarse needle to prevent undue pressure behind it during the combustion, which would burst the tube. The ammonia given off in the combustion was so small in quantity that no alkalimetric process was sufficiently accurate to estimate the differences between that derived from various samples. A modified Nessler process of estimating the ammonia was therefore employed, and the apparatus used and the method followed were the following :— The combustion tube was united by a short piece of india-rubber tube to a right-angled glass tube. This was passed through one hole in an india-rubber stopper of size suitable to fit in one of the ordinary Nessler test glasses, The other hole in the stopper was occupied by a large glass tube drawn out below to fit the hole in the stopper, and having its upper part filled with broken glass. The Nessler test glass was filled up to the 50 c.c. mark with distilled water, and the stopper having been inserted, 1 c.c. of the normal volumetric solution of sulphuric acid was poured over the broken glass in the tube above mentioned. As the apparatus behind this tube was air-tight, the acid was retained in the tube. Before heating the combustion tube the india-rubber connection between it and the right-angled tube was pro- tected from the effects of the heat by wrapping a narrow piece of wet linen round it. The upper end of the large tube containing the broken glass and sulphuric acid was connected to a Bunsen filtering pump, which caused a negative pressure of about 4 inches of mercury to be kept up in the whole apparatus, and at once showed if any leakage had occurred, and prevented any loss of ammonia through the © leakage. The apparatus having been thus arranged, heat was applied to the combustion tube, and continued until the whole tube was red- hot and the water began to rise in the right-angled leading tube ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 363 through absorption of the ammonia. Then a clamp was placed on the tube leading to the filter pump, and the end of the combustion tube was broken off with wet crucible tongs, when the negative pressure existing in the Nessler tube caused a rush of air through the com- bustion tube, sweeping the last traces of ammonia with it into the water. ‘The combustion tube was then broken off with the wet tongs, between the asbestos plug and the india-rubber connection, and a current of air aspirated through the apparatus by the filter pump to carry any traces of ammonia, not caught by the water, into the broken- glass tube, there to be fixed by the sulphuric acid. The substances operated on not being quite dry, a few drops of condensed moisture were usually found in the horizontal arm of the leading tube, and were washed down into the Nessler glass with a little distilled water. The broken-glass tube, the under surface of the india-rubber stopper, the leading tube, and the walls of the Nessler glass, were then washed with distilled water, and the washings, mixed with the original 50 c.c. of water, were made up to 100c.c. In the greater number of these experiments the solution thus obtained, though too weak for alkali- metric estimation, was too strong to estimate by Nessler’s process, the colour given being too dark for small variations to be easily appreciated. Therefore 25 ¢c.c. were measured out, with a pipette washed with the solution, into another Nessler glass, and this having been made up to 100 c.c. with distilled water, was Nesslerised, and the amount of ammonia estimated in the usual manner. The process of digestion was described in the earlier paper, and the only reference to it required here is to notice that, when the 75 cc. of mixed digestive fluid and beverage containing peptones in solution had been filtered, 25 c.c., or one-third of the solution, was used for dialysis. ‘The mixture of salt and dialysed matters obtained by the evaporation mentioned above was weighed, and its weight was called T. The weight of the quantity of the mixed substances taken for combustion was called a, and the amount of ammonia found £. aL Xo Xa a “peed Then aa ammonia in JT, and 7 aor ammonia in the whole 3T 14, : of the 75 c.c. of liquid, and ae x pz =uitrogen in the same amount of liquid, and by this formula the calculations of the experiments were worked out. When, as described above, one-fourth of the solution of ammonia alone was Nesslerised, 8 was of course obtained by multiplying the amount of ammonia found by 4. The object of thus re-testing the results of former experiments 364 DR JAMES W. FRASER. was twofold—firstly, to put the conclusions drawn from the total organic solid estimations to the proof, and secondly, to form a link between those experiments and a new series now in course of performance, and for which the old process was found unsuitable. The conclusions drawn from the experiments on which the first paper is founded may be summarised here, it being premised that they must be taken as applying to experiments performed under the conditions stated in that paper, viz., invariable amounts of meat, digestive fluid, and beverage, and invariable temperature and time of digestion; and that all actions on vital processes of secretion, movement, &c., are eliminated. The conclusions, as stated in the former paper, were the following :— (1) All infused beverages retard the peptic digestion of albu- menoid food-stuffs, with the four exceptions mentioned above, viz., ham and white of egg with coffee, and fish with cocoatina and with cocoa. (2) The digestion of the meats ordinarily used at breakfast, viz., ham, egg, and salt beef, is less retarded by the action of tea or coffee than that of other meats, and the same is true of roast beef; with cocoatina a somewhat similar grouping occurs, but with regard to the other beverages of the cocoa class no such division into a group of breakfast meats, and a group of those less suitable for breakfast use, has been observed. (3) That this retarding action is less as a rule with coffee than with tea, and less with either than with the beverages of the cocoa order. “(4) That the retardation is caused (a) in the case of ‘teas,’ by the tannic acid assisted by the volatile oil, the former precipitating the uncoagulated albumenoids of the food, and the syntonin and peptones as formed, tanning the gelatinous constituents of the meats, and removing some of the pepsin by entangling it with these precipitates, and the latter retarding the action of the pepsin. The alkaloid of tea appears to assist digestion, but its action is masked by that of the tannic acid and volatile oil. () In the case of ‘ coffee,’ the caffeo- tannic acid and volatile oil retard digestion, and the alkaloid assists it; and, therefore, in the cases where this beverage assists digestion, the alkaloid must be the active agent in producing the result, and in the cases where digestion is retarded, the caffeo-tannic acid and the volatile oil. (c) In the case of the cocoas, the tannic acid, volatile oil, and ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 365 alkaloid all assist in retarding digestion, but under the conditions of the Standard Process, the clogging action of the suspended matters is the most potent factor. “(5) In retarding the consumption of acid during digestion tea has the greatest effect, coffee has no more effect than water, and cocoa increases the cousumption. “(6) Coffee and cocoa cause the peptic digestion of albumenoids to pass on through the stage of peptones to the formation of leucine and tyrosine. “(7) Tea acts on the digestion of fresh meat so as to increase the production of flatus, but has no such effect with salt meat, and coffee has no more effect than water. (8) The addition of cream and sugar to the beverages reduces the retarding action of tea on digestion, but increases that of cocoa; and coffee appears to have its action reversed by these additions, but this result is doubtful.” Experiments had been performed (1) on the digestion of beverages alone, these being known as “ Factor” experiments, because the result obtained had to be subtracted from the result of the digestion of each meat in presence of that beverage; (2) on the digestion of meats in presence of the beverages called, for the sake of a name, “ Peptone” experiments; (3) “Time” experiments, in which the time taken for complete solution of a given quantity of white of egg was the variable on which the conclusions were based ; and (4) experiments to ascertain the causes of the effects, noted under the second and third heads. Of the first class, fifteen experiments were performed, but only in nine of these had the mixture of salt and peptones been preserved ; tea and cocoatina being among the absentees, new experiments, but made by exactly the old process, were performed, and therefore eleven results are presented in Table B. Of the second class, fifty-seven experiments had been performed, but of these the residues had only been preserved in thirty-five cases, and no new ones were prepared. Of the third class naturally there was no residue to preserve, and of the fourth class, forty experiments had been performed, but only sixteen residues were preserved, and no new ones were prepared. Of the above quoted conclusions the first, second, and third were re-tested in these new experiments. Some of the conclusions under the fourth head were also examined, while those under the fifth, sixth, and seventh heads were not meddled with. ‘The eighth set of conclusions were also examined. 366 DR JAMES W. FRASER. Turning now to these new experiments, Table B (Appendix, page 381) is the first to be noted, and consists of three columns, - A, B,and C. Column A contains the “ Factors” obtained from the digestion of 25 cc. of each beverage, with 50 c.c. of diges- tive fluid, the results being estimated by the old process ; column B contains the factors expressed as the weight of nitrogen derived from the dialysable organic matter; and column C shows what percentage of this dialysable organic matter consists of nitrogen. The figures in A and B will be found, as a rule, confirmatory of one another. It is true that three teas, Chinese, Indian, and green, appear to give too small results as compared with the mixed tea, but in most of the others the mutual relations be- tween various sets of figures is maintained in the two columns. In all cases more nitrogen is found where the beverages have been digested than where the digestive fluid has only had water added to it, a result naturally depending on the highly nitro- venised nature of their alkaloids, which more than compensates for any loss of nitrogenous matter from the digestive fluid, by precipitation of albumenoids by the tannic acid or its homologue of the beverages, or by delay produced in digestion by their action. Turning to the percentage of nitrogen found in the dialysed matter, this is found in the cases of six beverages to fall below that when water is used as the beverage, viz., Chinese, Indian, and green tea, coffee with chicory, cocoatina, and cocoa. In the case of the three last the explanation is simple, the sugar, dialysed with the peptones, being free from nitrogen, naturally reduces the percentage of the latter in the total organic solids. And this is an argument in favour of the nitrogen process in the estimation of peptones, which are thus dissociated from all non- nitrogenised admixture. - In the case of the three teas, however, this want of uniformity in their percentages of nitrogen is un- explained by any reason which does not apply to other teas in which the ratio is much higher, and this adds to the suspicion with which these three factors must be regarded. Infusing tea with alkaline water is seen to extract a rather larger quantity of nitrogenous matter than when plain water is used for infusing the beverage, but the percentage of nitrogen is lower, showing that more hydro-carbonaceous matter (probably sa si _ ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION, 367 tannic acid uniting with the soda) is extracted in proportion. The nitrogen percentages of mixed tea and of cocoa nibs are both high, showing that these infusions, when properly made, contain much alkaloid and little non-nitrogenised matter. The percentage of nitrogen in the case of coffee is much higher than when chicory is added to it, this, of course, depending on the sugar contained in the latter. The largeness of these “ factors” and their differences among themselves show the necessity of subtracting them from the amounts obtained, when meats are digested in presence of the beverages, in order that serious errors may be avoided. Leaving now the factors, and turning our attention to the second series of experiments, in which 5 gram. of meat were digested by 50 ec. of digestive fluid, in the presence of 25 c.c. of each of the beverages; the results of these experiments are embodied in Tables D to G inclusive. Table D consists of the results obtained by the estimation of the peptones, obtained by the dialysis of the products of digestion, as organic matter; while Table D, is comparable with it, and contains the results of their Da ailicn by the amount of nitrogen they contain, and Table D, shows the ratio between the two sets of figures thus obtained, i.e, the percentage of nitrogen contained in the dialysable matters. Table E, extracted like Table D from the former paper, shows the percentage digestive power of each mixture of beverage and peptic fluid, that of water and digestive fluid being taken as 100, and the figures therein contained were obtained by multiplying the result for each beverage by 100, and dividing by the result for that meat digested in presence of water. It is evident that if at the end of the experiment some meat was left undigested, these figures will give the percentage digestive powers of the various mixtures. Table E, is one similarly ob- tained from the nitrogen estimations. Some irregular results in these experiments were noted in the former paper, and are to be found in Table D. These consisted of the two minus results—egg digested in presence of chocolate, and bread in presence of the same bever- age—but, as these two residues were not among the number preserved, they do not appear in Table D,, and call for no notice here. The other irregular results were four in number, and 368 DR JAMES W. FRASER. were more noticeable in Table E, where four figures, egg in presence of coffee, ham in presence of coffee, and fish in presence. of cocoatina and of cocoa, were found above 100 per cent. The residues of the ham experiments are not among those preserved, nor is that of fish in presence of cocoatina. Therefore, the only two to notice are (1) that of egg in presence of coffee, which receives remarkable confirmation from these new experiments.? This result will be seen to have been further confirmed by the “Time” experiments above referred to; and the new series of experiments, of which mention has been made as now progress- ing, also have the same result. Also, it was noted by Herzen (Revue Médicale de la Suisse romande, Janvier 1884) that, in a case of gastric fistula in a man named Band, on whom he made various experiments, café noir assisted the digestion of albumen, though he says tea is without action; a result not in consonance with the experiments here detailed. (2) The other irregular result, fish in presence of cocoa, is not confirmed by these new experiments, which make it appear that cocoa delays, not assists, the digestion of fish. It was said that the result making it appear to assist the digestion of fish was probably fallacious, and these new estimations confirm that view. But in Table E, five more irregular results appear, which were regular in Table E, viz., roast beef in presence of tea, cocoatina, and cocoa, fowl in presence of coffee, and bread in presence of cocoa. As to the first four, nothing can be said except that, possibly the residues not being thoroughly dry, and having been preserved nearly three years in tubes corked securely but only with ordinary corks, some loss of water may have taken place, and thus have caused the rise in the amount of nitrogen. The results in the case of beef were large in the former experiments, but kept below the 100 per cent. In the case of bread digested in presence of cocoa the error is enormous—so great as to bring the percentage digestive power of that mixture up to 464-0 per ceut., aresult perfectly impossible. The explanation is found in the note appended in Table D to this experiment, which note, though only attached to the cases of chocolate and coffee, really applies more or less to all the bread experiments, and which states that, in the evaporation of the residues some charring occurred. 1 See Table E,. ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 369 This charring would naturally drive off much nitrogen, and leave a proportionately large percentage of carbon in the residue. Now the bread-cocoa experiment was the least affected by the char- ring, and hence contained most nitrogen; while the nitrogen in the other cases being reduced to a very small amount, the large result in the case of the least harmed specimen naturally followed. This result, from its obvious falsity, is left out in ealculating the average digestive power of a mixture of cocoa and digestive fluid. Again, though no more experiments show such obvious irregularities, yet, on comparing Table E and K,, the percentages in several cases are found to differ widely in the two tables, though the conclusions to be drawn from the results would be similar in both; that is to say, the results agree in direction, but differ in degree. Some of these differences are probably improvements in the nitrogen estimation, on the results obtained by estimating the total organic solids. Thus the result tea with soda in the Table E gave a high percentage digestive power to the mixture of this beverage and digestive fluid—a result for which no reason could be given, and which is in all probability properly altered in Table E;. Egg digested in presence of ordinary mixed tea is also considerably altered in position, in the direction of reducing the percentage digestive power of the mixture of beverage and peptic fluid. Again, the smaller per- centage in Table E, than in Table E in the case of bread-coffee has already been explained. ‘The other differences between Tables E and E, are not very enormous, and in all respects, except in the above noted cases, the two tables may be taken as confirming one another. Table D, shows the relation between the total organic solid experiments and the nitrogen experi- ments expressed as the percentage of nitrogen present in the organic matter. This table shows a set of figures acting as a sort of check on the others, for it cannot be conceived that any action of the beverage can split up the nitrogenous matters of the meats so as to cause more or less of the nitrogen to pass through the dialysis paper. Therefore, when any great varia- tion in the percentage of nitrogen is found from that found when water is the beverage, error may be assumed to have occurred either in estimating the nitrogen or the organic matter in the beverage residue or in the water residue. Such very 370 DR JAMES W. FRASER. irregular percentages are found chiefly in the experiments which have been discussed above, such as the case of bread-cocoa,~ where the percentage of nitrogen is stated to be 28:8, while in the case of bread-water it is only 4°64. Again, egg-water, the percentage is 16°57, while egg-mixed tea gives a percentage of only 9°65, showing that in all probability the amount of organic matter in this case was stated too high, owing to accidents the nature of which was discussed in the former paper. However, in all the more reliable results the nitrogen percentage keeps within limits of variation quite compatible with a fair degree of accuracy in both determinations. Examining next the average results for digestion in presence of the five principal beverages, which results are found in Tables E and E,, it is found that by the total organic solids process the beverages in order of action on digestion ran thus:—Water, 100; cocoatina, 89°96; tea, 89:06; coffee, 88°79; Epps’ cocoa, 76°05, In the organie nitrogen experiments the order is rather different, being—Water, 100; coffee, 87°32; cocoatina, 87:03; tea, 85°35; cocoa, 80°71. Coffee heads the list of infused beverages, and cocoatina and tea each go down one place. But if the same experiments are selected in both pro- cesses for drawing the average, several experiments with each beverage will have to be left out in the total organic solids experiments, and the averages under this head will now stand— Water, 100; tea, 92°06; coffee, 87°56; cocoatina, 81°68; and cocoa, 75°8. Cocoa stands lowest in all three; but while cocoa- tina heads the list of averages in the first set, it sinks to the second place in the nitrogen experiments, and to the third in the last set of averages. Coffee heads the list in the nitrogen averages, is second in the last list, and third in the first list. Now, as was remarked in the former paper, cocoatina headed the list of averages owing to the persistently moderate results it gave; while tea and coffee, though they had various very high results, were brought down by others which were very low. Now it happens in the case of tea that those residues which were preserved were chiefly those giving high results; and hence in the nitrogen averages and the total organic solid average of the same experiments, tea takes a higher place. Coffee in this latter set of averages is reduced to the third place, because some oe. fe . ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 371 of its highest results, ham, salt beef, and fish have to be omitted, and it is brought to the head of the nitrogen averages by the irregular result with roast fowl. The less important beverages take the following order in the total organic solids experiments— Tea with soda, 97; cocoa nibs, 78°8; Chinese tea, 72°8; coffee with chicory, 62°9; green tea, 51:6; and Indian tea, 45:4. In the nitrogen experiments the order is—Chinese tea, 74:27; coffee with chicory, 69°35; cocoa nibs, 66°69; green tea, 66:14; Indian tea and tea with soda, 62°98. Tea with soda has in the nitrogen experiments to leave the head of the list and join Indian tea at the foot, while cocoa nibs infusion has to yield two places. The rest of the beverages follow the same order in both sets. Examining individual results in the cases of the principal beverages, it was found in the former paper that the meats grouped themselves, as regards the effect of the beverages on their digestion, into a set less injuriously affected, called break- fast meats, and a set more injuriously affected. In the case of tea, the less affected meats were—roast beef, 96:4 per cent.; salt beef, 94:8 per cent.; ham, 95:98 per cent.; and white of egg, 91°7 per cent.; and the more affected—fowl, 66°73 per cent. ; lamb, 88°4 per cent. ; fish, 88:26 per cent.; and bread, 89°23 per cent. In the nitrogen experiments the higher set contains— roast beef, 125°71 per cent.; salt beef, 84:24 per cent.; and bread, 89°68 per cent.; and the lower—fish, 72°35 per cent.; and egg, 54°8 per cent.; while lamb, ham, and fowl are wanting. Here roast beef and salt beef on the one hand, and fish on the other, remain in the same sets in both estimations, while ege and bread have changed places. But bread is in both cases a doubtful experiment, especially in the nitrogen estimations, for reasons above alluded to. For coffee the total organic solid results gave a higher division, consisting of—ege, 106°45 per cent. ; ham, 100-44 per cent. ; roast beef, 98°8 per cent.; fish, 96°33 per cent.; and salt beef, 93-4 per cent.; and a lower—bread, 58:27 per cent.; lamb, 69:95 per cent.; and fowl, 86°74 per cent. The nitrogen results are, in the higher set—egeg, 109-1 per cent.; roast beef, 97°18 per cent.; and fowl, 10474 per cent.; and the lower set only contains the suspicious bread, 38°28 per cent., here agreeing with 372 DR JAMES W. FRASER. the organic solid result; salt beef, lamb, ham, and fish are wanting, and fowl] has passed from the lower into the higher set. With cocoatina the division into two classes is less evident, the higher class containing, in the former experiments—fish, 139°7 per cent.; egg, 85°25 per cent.; roast beef, 88°09 per cent.; salt beef, 86°88 per cent.; ham, 88:96 per cent.; and bread, 87:22 per cent.; and the lower—lamb, 77:04 per cent.; and fowl, 66°52 per cent. In the nitrogen experiments the higher set contains—egg, 96°10 per cent.; roast beef, 110-42 per cent. ; salt beef, 83°81 per cent; and the lower—fowl, 57°82 per cent. ; lamb, ham, and fish being wanting, but all those which remain occupying the same places in both estimations. In the case of cocoa, no order or arrangement could be detected in the former experiments, and the same is the case here. The higher set-— roast beef, 110°9 per cent.; fish, 82°65 per cent.; bread, 464:0 per cent.; and the lower-—egg, 59°79 per cent.; salt beef, 69°52 per cent.; lamb, ham, and fowl do not appear. Examining the figures in the case of tea, coffee, and cocoatina, the notable differences produced by the two methods of estimation are—(1) white of egg having passed in the lower set in the case of tea, and fowl into the higher in the case of coffee. The results with roast beef in the cases of tea and cocoatina are much larger in the nitrogen than in the other estimations, but remain in the same division, Summing up these results, it may be stated that the meats least acted on in digestion by tea, coffee, and cocoa are roast beef and salt beef; that if ham were not want- ing in the nitrogen results it would probably come into the list; and that egg is little acted on by cocoatina, and its digestion positively assisted by coffee, while tea retards its digestion, The positions of bread and fowl in the higher list in the nitro- gen estimations, and of fish in the same list in the organic solid estimations, are doubtfully correct. Thus these new estimations confirm the remarks made about the older set, that the common use of salt beef, ham, and egg, as well as of roast beef, as break- fast dishes—that is at the only meal at which custom sanctions the mixture of infused beverages and meats—is founded, pro- bably unwittingly, on scientific principles. Experiments called “Time” experiments have been men- tioned above, and were described in the former paper. In these ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 373 the percentage digestive powers of the mixtures of beverages and digestive fluid were calculated from the time required for complete solution of a fixed quantity of white of egg. In Table G, column A, the percentage digestive powers thus calculated are shown; in column B the percentage digestive powers are caleulated from the “ Peptone” experiments with white of egg, see Table E; in column C from the averages of the peptone experiments ; in column D from the same experiments as in B, but calculated from the nitrogen estimations; and in column E as in O, but also calculated from the nitrogen estimations. Here in the case of tea the difference between the total organic solid and the nitrogen estimation of its action with white of egg is seen, while the average results with this beverage agree pretty well with each other and with the “Time” result. In the case of coffee this is reversed, the averages agreeing with each other but disagreeing with the Time experiment, which comes nearer to the estimations with white of egg only. This, of course, depends on the fact that coffee assists the digestion of white of egg, but retards more or less that of otlier meats. In the cases of cocoatina and cocoa the figures in each of the columns agree pretty well one with another, and as no nitrogen estimations were made with chocolate no notice need be taken of it. Summing up the results, very similar words may be used to those used in the former paper: (1) that all infused beverages retard the digestion of all meats, with five exceptions, these being white of egg with coffee, and perhaps fowl with coffee, and roast beef with tea, cocoa, and cocoatina; (2) under this general rule some subdivisions must be noticed ; thus tea has less action on roast beef and salt beef and doubtfully on bread; and coffee has less action on roast beef and assists the digestion of white of egg, and perhaps of fowl; and again, cocoatina has less action on the digestion of egg and of salt beef, and appears to assist the digestion of roast beef; while with cocoa no subdivision into two classes can be traced. * The results obtained in the former estimations, and which have been, as a rule, confirmed by the later detailed here, having been examined, some attempts were made to arrive at their causes by the performance of various special experiments. 374 DR JAMES W. FRASER. The results of the “Cause” experiments were re-tested, in the suitable cases which remained, by the nitrogen process, One of the theoretical causes which might assist in producing the retardation of digestion by various of the beverages was the fact that precipitates formed in the digestive fluids by tea and cocoa (coffee gave no such precipitate) would carry down pepsin entangled with them (according to a well-known property of this ferment), and this pepsin would not be entirely re- dissolved during digestion. This theoretical consideration was put to the practical test by the experiments, the results of which appear in Tables H, I and I,. In Table H factors are shown obtained by digesting mixtures of beverages and digestive fluid (mixed in the proper proportions), but which mixtures had been filtered before digestion, thus preventing any resolution of the pepsin. The removal of the pepsin in the case of tea is equivalent to a loss ‘001 grm. of organic matter, or ‘0022 erm. of organic nitrogen, the loss of nitrogen being slightly greater in proportion than that of organic matter, as will be seen by comparing the percentage of nitrogen in this table with that in Table B. In the case of coffee, where no precipitate formed, the deviations are trifling and irregular, and depend on experimental errors. In the case of cocoa, the re- moval of the suspended matters of the beverage from the action of the digestive juice reduced the factor in column A from ‘53 erm, to ‘412, while the nitrogen factor in column B is practically the same in both cases, the difference being only ‘0004 grm. of nitrogen, and this in favour of the filtered solution, showing that little if any pepsin is removed by the cocoa precipitate, and also that the substances extracted by digestion from the suspended solids must chiefly consist of non-nitrogenous matter, such as tannic acid, sugar, &c., this being shown by the nitrogen percentage being higher in the case of the filtered than of the unfiltered beverage. When white of egg is digested in presence of these beverages, filtered after mixing with the digestive fluid, it is found,.as might be expected, that but little different effect is produced in the case of coffee, whether filtered or not, the percentage digestive power in the former case being 108°33, in the latter 109'10. In the case of cocoa a wide difference is observed ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 375 between the results with the filtered and unfiltered beverage, the digestive power in presence of the former being 209-45 per cent., of the latter 59°79.1_ The former large result in the estimation by the nitrogen process is similar in direction, but widely different in degree, from that in the total organic solid estimation, viz., 12603 per cent., but both of these depend, not on any action of the infusion itself, but on the removal of the suspended matters, which, falling to the bottom of the beaker used in the digestive operations, coated over the white of egg, and prevented the digestive fluid from acting on it. No nitrogen estimation in the case of white of egg, digested in presence of a mixture of tea and digestive fluid, filtered after mixing, was made, but from the agreement between the organic solid and the nitrogen “ Factors” for this mixture it may be assumed that the organic solid experiment, in the case of exg, would have been confirmed by the nitrogen experiment. The second theoretical cause, viz., the contraction by the gelatinous matters of the meat by the tanning action of tea and cocoa; and the third, viz., coagulation of any albumenoids of the meat by the action of any of the beverage, rest sulely on the total organic solid estimations, no new estimations having been made. The same is true of the fourth possible cause, viz., the retard- ing action of the volatile oils on digestion; and of the fifth cause, viz., the action of the alkaloids, which was shown in the case of theine or caffeine to be favourable to digestion. The sixth possible cause, viz., the precipitation of syntonin and peptones as formed,' by the tannic acid or its homologue present in the beverage, was re-tested as far as the syntonin is concerned, the results of both estimations being shown in Tables N and N,; the process, detailed in the former paper, consisted in mixing 25 cc. of a solution of syntonin with 25 cc. of a digestive fluid of double strength, thus giving an unknown but invariable quantity of syntonin, dissolved in a digestive fluid of the normal strength; to this 25 ce. of the beverage was added, and digestion and the remainder of the process carried out. The total organic solid estimations show a great reduction of the amount of syntonin converted into dialysable peptones in the 1 See Table Ej. 376 Dk JAMES W. FRASER. case of tea and coffee, the amounts dialysed being only 146 and 17:4 per cent. respectively, of what passed through when water was the beverage, but with cocoa the reduction is only — to 50°9 per cent. The nitrogen estimations, though all agreeing in kind with these, vary much in degree; thus the result for tea is a minus quantity, that is to say, not enough nitrogen was dialysed to supply the whole nitrogen factor in tea. With coffee, again, the percentage of nitrogen dialysed was 76°54 per cent. of that dialysed in presence of water as the beverage. This agrees better with what has already been shown of the action of coffee on digestion, and may probably be more correct than the organic solid estimation. With cocoa the percentage is only 19°34, which may or may not be more correct than the organic solid percentage. The seventh possible cause applies only to beverages contain- ing much albumenoid matter, and is that the accumulation of peptones from this albumenoid matter may arrest the digestive power of the pepsin. No special experiment on this was performed, but as confirming the principle, attention may be called to the figures for digestion of white of egg and beef in undiluted digestive fluid, Tables D to E,. The superiority in accuracy of the nitrogen process over the organic solid process of estimation is well shown in the case of these two results in Table E,, where, instead of disagreeing by more than 12 per cent., as they do in Table E, they agree within -2 per cent., a result which is evidently correct, as they depend on a property of the digestive fluid. They show that reducing the amount of water in the digestive fluid by one-third reduces its peptonising property by almost exactly the same amount. The eighth and last possible cause has already been referred to, and is that the suspended matter of beverages like cocoa clogs the action of the digestive fluid) As an example of this the action of cocoa on digestion before and after filtering may be referred to. Summing up the causes of the action of the beverages on digestion, so far as they have been re-tested by the nitrogen process of estimation, it is found— (1) That tea, as a type of all the “teas,” retards digestion as a rule, and acts by causing precipitates which entangle and carry down the pepsin, and by precipitating the syntonin as = 5 ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 377 formed in digestion. It was shown further in the former experiments that it was chiefly the tannic acid which had these properties, and that it also acted by precipitating the peptones as formed and by tanning the gelatine and albumenoids of the meats; that the volatile oil also had some action in reducing digestion ; and that the action of the alkaloid, if any, was favourable to digestion. (2) The action of coffee, taken as a type of the “coffees,” depends on the action of its caffeo-tannic acid in retarding digestion by various of the above actions. It has been seen from the nitrogen results that coffee does not act by precipitating pepsin, and that it has less action than the other beverages in pre- cipitating syntonin. When coffee assists digestion it appears from the former estimations that the alkaloid is the active ingredient. (3) Cocoa has been shown by the nitrogen experiments to precipitate syntonin as formed, and also, by the clogging action of its suspended matter, to reduce the activity of digestion. This latter action would in all probability not occur in the stomach, the active movements of which would prevent this stagnation. In respect of the other actions, the results of which were not re-tested by the nitrogen process,it is intermediate in activity between tea and coffee; and further, its alkaloid appears slightly to retard digestion. The first, second, third, and fourth of the conclusions quoted above have been reviewed, and as the fifth, sixth, and seventh left no results to re-test, there only remains the eighth and last, viz., that relating to the effects, on the actions of beverages on digestion, of the addition to these beverages of milk and sugar, in proper proportions. To the 25 c.c. of beverage, 5 e.c. of milk and 2°15 grain. of sugar were added. Factor experiments were performed without meat, their results being found in Table R, where column A contains the total organic solid estimations, B the nitrogen estimations, and C the percentage of nitrogen in the former results. It was found by the organic solids process that tea slightly reduced the amount of dialysable matter produced in the digestion of the milk as compared with the results where water was the beverage, coffee somewhat increased the amount, and cocoa increased it considerably. In the nitrogen results it is VOL, XX. 2B 378 DR JAMES W. FRASER. found that the result with tea is slightly greater than that with water, and that the percentage of nitrogen is also greater, point- ing to the fact that the nitrogen of the alkaloid is more than sufficient in this to make up for any loss of albumenoids from the milk or the digestive fluid. In the case of coffee, the nitrogen result, though considerably greater than that with water as the beverage, still has the nitrogen percentage some- what smaller than with tea, though very slightly. In the case of cocoa the percentage of nitrogen, more than one per cent. higher than in any other case, is suspicious for the accuracy of this result. The smallness of these percentages of course depends on the large quantity of sugar in the dialysed matters. The results of digestion of white of egg with peptic fluid, in presence of water alone, and of the three typical beverages, with milk and sugar, are shown in Tables S and §,. The nitrogen estimations all agree in direction with those obtained by the organic solids process, but differ greatly in decree. The result with coffee confirms what was said in the former paper, that the addition of milk and sugar to this beverage reverses its action on the digestion of white of egg. In the case of cocoa the addition of milk increases its action on digestion by increasing the amount of suspended matter, which covers over the meat, and by increasing the amount of albumenoid matter in the beverage, which, by becoming peptonised, reduces the action of the peptic fluid on the meat. Therefore the minus result in this case is not without proba- bility. But tea was believed from the former experiments to have its retarding action on digestion lessened by the mixture with it of milk and sugar. This is not confirmed by the nitrogen results, and therefore the real effect of milk and sugar on the action of tea on digestion remains for the present doubtful. teverting to the conclusions of the former paper, it is found that the first conclusion, viz., that all beverages retard the peptic digestion of all albumenoid food-stuffs, is confirmed, but the exceptions are rather different, being in the new estimations white of egg with coffee; roast beef with tea, cocoatina, and cocoa; and fowl with coffee. Fish with cocoa ceases to be an exception to the rule; and ham with coffee, and fish with cocoatina, were not examined. ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 379 (2) The grouping into breakfast meats is more or less retained in the cases of tea, coffee, and cocoatina, but white of egg is removed from this group in the case of tea. Cocoa, as before, shows no such grouping. (8) This retarding action is less with coffee than with tea as a rale, and less with either of these than with the cocoas. (4) As to the causes, the only ones examined in these new estimations were the precipitation of syntonin by the tea and the precipitation of pepsin by the precipitates caused by the tea; the occurrence of these causes of retardation being con- firmed. The action of caffeo-tannin in these directions was shown to be slight, and the same was shown to be true with regard to the tannic acid of cocoa. The principal cause of the action of cocoa on digestion was shown to be the clogging action of its suspended matters. Therefore the causes of the actions of the beverages, as shown by the organic solids process, are confirmed by the nitrogen process in the cases in which they were re-tested. (8) The addition of milk and sugar to cocoa was shown to increase its retarding action on digestion, and the reversal of the action of the coffee by these additions was confirmed. But no confirmation was given of the result with regard to tea obtained in the former estimations. In the former paper certain practical deductions from the experimental results were drawn, but as these remain the same under the new estimations it is unnecessary to recapitulate them here. One conclusion, however, deserves reference, viz., the large loss which results from eating meat and drinking infused beverages at the same time. Sir L. Playfair quotes as a mere “subsistence” diet that of a London sempstress, and states that it consists of— Nitrogenous matter, F . 2:33 oz. or 65:95 grm. Fat, : : ; : . 0°84 oz. or 23°83 grm. Carbohydrates, ; ; . 11°69 oz, or 331°4 grm. the food being reckoned as dry solids. This diet, excluding fats, would be represented by— Bread, . i : ; . 19°83 oz. or 550 grm. Meat, ; : ; . 10°5 oz. or 300 grm. reckoned as they appeal as food and containing water. It 380 DR JAMES W. FRASER. was calculated that in the United Kingdom, in the year end- ing March 31, 1882, the infused beverages consumed amounted to 35°3 gallons per head, or ‘75 pint per diem. This London sempstress would drink at any rate her share of tea, even if she did not greatly exceed it. But assuming that she only consumed this “75 pint per diem. It was seen by the former experiments that this quantity of tea, if drunk along with meat or bread, would have the effect of reduc- ing the peptones derived from 85 grms. of bread to what they would have been if only 75°8 grms. had been eaten; and those derived from 85 grms. of beef to what they would have been had only 81:9 grms. been eaten, or if fish were the meat, from 85 to 75 grms. These calculations are based on the percentage results in Table E. If the results in Table E,, derived from the nitrogen experiments, be used in the same way, it is found that if bread be digested in presence of °75 pint of tea 85 grms. only yield the same amount of peptones as if 76°22 grms. were digested in presence of water. If fish be the meat, 85 grms. only yield the peptones of 61:40 grms. If beef be used, accord- ing to these latter experiments the same amount of digestive fluid which will in the presence of water only digest 85 grms. of beef, will in the presence of °75 pints of tea digest 106°85 grms. In the other two cases it is evident that loss occurs in eating the meat and drinking the tea at the same time, and even if by the use of tea tissue waste is prevented and food saved, yet it would be much more economical to take the tea on an empty stomach, and then when the meal time came less food would be needed and no waste occur. Coffees have in some cases an action like that of tea on roast beef, but usually they retard digestion, though less than tea. Cocoas retard digestion, but chiefly by the clogging action of their suspended solids, and this clogging action will probably not occur in the stomach, owing to its active mixing movements. These actions are harmful to the very poor by wasting their food, and can only be beneficial in the case of those who habitually eat too much nitrogenous matter, which, if absorbed, might overstrain the kidneys and perhaps cause gout or kidney disease. For such, tea would probably be the best beverage. The beverages, as shown by their factors, and especially when > ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES CN PEPTIC DIGESTION. 381 taken, as they usually are, with milk and sugar, are the means of conveying some considerable amount of nourishment into the body. The breakfast meats above mentioned should be those eaten when infused beverages are drunk, and this rule appears generally carried out, whether by some instinct or by experience cannot be said. The best time of the day for drinking these infused beverages is undoubtedly about 5 p.m. when the lunch has been digested, and the cup of tea or coffee carries the energies on till dinner time. APPENDIX. The Tables are similarly lettered to those which appeared in the former paper. TABLE B. Results of digestion of 50 c.c. of digestive fluid alone, with 25 c.c. of water, and with 25 c.c. of each beverage. ‘A. Total organic solid estimations. B. Organic nitrogen estimations. C. Percentaze of | nitrogen in organic solids. jai) eal Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. Digestive fluid undiluted, 5 : : "192 0146 76 is »» with water, . : , "192 0146 76 a » With tea(mixed) . . 26 0243 10°8 FS » With tea (Chinese), . : 272 "0199 731 ; » with tea (Indian), . . 318 0187 5°88 PS », With tea (green), . ; "413 0217 5°25 5 » with tea with soda . ; "259 0248 9°57 4 », With coffee, . 269 0258 9°59 os » with coffee with chicory, . ; 336 0226 6°72 3 » With cocoatina, . ; i 237 0174 7°33 35 » With cocoa, E . : 530 0297 5°60 », With cocoa nibs, ' : 297 0320 10°77 [Tape D. 382 DR JAMES W. FRASER. TABLE D. Results of the peptone experiments. Ey 3 cele = I = a sa/8 [32/8 ]/e}/e 2] me atele| Ms 3 So a S43 a = a oO =] Rx s As ES rst 3 = a g = cf ce mM >) [S) S S = [=] (=a) a Q Grms.| Grms.| Grms.| Grms.] Grms.| Grms.| Grms.| Grms. Digestive fluid undiluted, . 9 . | °376a] *771b) .. ae e ae as ee 50 with water, . - . | *4£34a} 1°0426] 1°121 | -649 | °897 | *920 | °792 | °446 ee with mixed tea, . . | 7398 | 170056) 1°063 | -574 | *861 | *614 | *699 | °398 aa with Chinese tea, . “B17 = ao oe aa = By with Indian tea, . anima 4 with green tea, . . | °224 with tea with soda, Sl eral es with maté, . . | *359 ah oe a8 Ae ste x with coffee, : -462a| 1-03c | 1-047 | -454 | -901 | -798 | -763 | -26d “3 with coffee and chicory. 273 ae ae oe Bo a = with Arab coffee, . 2 | °295 55 3- ee ze % “5 with cocoatina, . . | -390 | -918c] -974] -500 | -798 | -612 |4-107 | -389 SS with cocoa, . . | 164] *815c} -973) -542 | -628] .. 812 | -330 ‘ with chocolate, . . |-"005] .. *588 | -407 | °648 | -795 | *700 |-"05: na with cocoa nibs, . Sil) $248 te ore ae és oe = oe 30 ny with guarana, “ . | °224 | Results marked (a) belong to a different set from the rest of the experiments with white of egg. Results marked (0) belong to a different set from those marked (c) in the experiments with roast beef. (@) Charring took place in the evaporation of the dialysiate in these cases. TABLE D,. Results of peptone experiments estimated as organic nitrogen. bo : a j a ; S13 |oa) | 2 | Siege ~- |@& |22| 8 \)8 |e) ee ; | ¢ |ee| 2 | 2 2 | 8 |93) 2 2 |G |e Ce) eo ee Siry p F Grms.| Grms.| Grms.| Grms.| Grms.| Grms.| Grms.| Grms. Digestive fluid undiluted,. . . .| -0519|-1084 = af with water, . «| 0719 | +1497 | -2101 ». | +1305 | -1306 | -0206 9 with mixed tea, . | ‘0394 | -1882 | -177 of aa .. | 70945 | -0185 7 with Chinese tea, . .|°0534| .. - ca Bi ne ale .; with Indian tea, - | 0453 F > with green tea, - «| "0476 ov is with tea with soda, . | 0453 ee Es ee ‘3 oi a s with coffee, . 0785 | "1455 | .. |.0999| -. | *E405)" cS 0079 5 with coffee with chicory, 70499 | .. $5 x ae 49 with cocoatina, , “0691 | 1653 | °176 | *1146] .. | :0780 +5 with cocoa, + + «| 70430 | 1660 |°1461 | 0965] .. 2 ‘1079 0958 as with cocoa ‘nibs, - «| 0480 4 . ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 383 TaBiE D,. Percentage of nitrogen in the total organic solids results. White of Egg. Roast Beef Boiled Salt Beef. Roast Lamb. Boiled Ham. Roast Fowl. Boiled Fish. Bread Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per cent. | cent. | cent.| cent. | cent.| cent.| cent. | cent. Digestive fluid undiluted, . . ./13°81/14:05| .. Be ae es - 9 with water, . . . | 16°57|14:36|18°75| .. .. | 14°67] 16-48] 4-64 a with mixedtea, . . | 9°65 | 17°17 | 16°65 ‘S a re 13°5 4°65 ee with Chinese tea, . . | 16°84) .. at ne = oe a Pe % with Indian tea, . . | 23°00 s with green tea, . . | 21°20 be with tea with soda, a ROs@Gs| ae 7" Be Se “8 me ts & with coffee, . 16:99) TAT) Pe 2099. cy APB 3°03 a with coffee with chicory, 18:31} 2. ne a2 oe ee op .. a with cocoatina, . 17°71 | 18°00 | 18-05 | 22:92} .. |12°75] .. ae — with cocoa, . e - | 26°24 | 20°07 | 15:00 | 17°80 ae 3c 13°29 | 28°8 % with cocoa hibs, i ee L957E || 2. a is Ss ag es ¥ TaBLe EF. Percentage results of the peptone experiments. i ee a aad ce 0 ee i ee a ee So | a Se tas & a 3 BR 5) a=) 2 = nl 3 a 3 S = is) 4 = & f=} fea} & ==) Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per Per Per cent. | cent. | cent.| cent.| cent.| cent. | cent. cent. cent. Digestive fluid undiluted, . Fie TOTO et iis as “3 + - of 80°3 < with water, . : .|100 {100 |100 |100 |100 {100 100 100 100 a with mixed tea, . - | 91°7 | 96°4 | 94:8 | 884 | 95°98} 66°73] 88:26} 89:23 | 89-06 ey with Chinese tea, . . | 72°8 Bs ar Ae i 5 ae ne 72°8 re with Indian tea, . - | 45°4 a os “ic a = a ae 45°4 5 with green tea, . . | 51°6 es a ve an os fa aE 51°6 a with tea with soda, - | 97 oe ae Ap 32 “ ae ce 97 = with maté, . F - | 82°7 =f Se oF fs a a 82°7 a with coffee, . : » 106-45 | 98°8 | 934 | 69°95 |100-44| 86-74 | 96-33 58°27 | 88°79 a with coffee and chicory, | 62:9 Pi ¥ ee Sq Be - r 62°9 = with Arab coffee, . = SOG | es “E ae aie 4 ae be 67:97 +e with cocoatina, . . | 85°25 | 88:09 | 86°88 | 77°04 | 88°96 | 66°52 13977] 87-22 | 89:96 “ with cocoa, . - .| 87°78] 78°2 | 86:8 | 83:35) 70 -- {102°5 73°76 | 76-05 = with chocolate, minuelt .. | 52-45| 62-71) 72-25] 86-41| 88:38 mae 72-44 x with cocoa nibs, . - | 78°8 et a ea Je Yc ae oe 78'S As with guarana, : Pa oeoy G3 * 3 ae fs Ee a BF os Be 57:14 $n 384 DR JAMES W. FRASER. TABLE E,. Percentage results of peptone experiments estimated by nitrogen process. o ) ~ o eSsina ~ = fais ol > Hw] Ba (Pad! Se | Sh | ee | se] = | s Go of = 6S = ae 2 nd E Blea |g@o|e5| en | ee | see eee Per |-Per | Per | Per | Per | Per |-Per | Per | Ber cent. | cent. | cent. | cent, | cent.} cent. | cent, | cent. | cent. Digestive fluid undiluted 12°24 | 72:42). an eS < a oe 72°31 ‘i with water, > =» 200) 1400 ROOF .. {100 {100 {100 {100 “ with mixed tea, : 54°80 |125°71 | 84:24 | .. Br ed 72°35 | §9'°68 | 85°35 ; with Chinese tea, . TAT ee eS oF ae Le ce oe, | S42e ay with Indian tea, . 62°98} .. Ae xe sc ac “5 a 62°98 59 with green tea, : 6614} .. #0 Woe Be ae a8 ae 66:14 ss with tea with soda, 62°93) .. AG a He aye ts eo 62°98 “1 with coffee, Ste 2 I LOOTO} ESTES 55) .. |10474) .. | 38:28 | 87-32 Be with coffee and chicory,| 69°35) .. 3 é sf #s Re 69°35 7 with cocoatina, a 96°10 |110:42] 83:S1 | ..a BTs82i\ eee .. | 87:03 = with cocoa, . . 59°79 1109 |6952 | ..a 82°65 |464:0b) 80°71 of With cocoanibs, . | 6669] .. Se : ae .. | 66°69 a, Absent because there is no water experiment for comparison. 6. Omitted in calculating average. TABLE G. Percentage digestive powers of mixtures of digestive fluid and beverages deduced—A, from time experiments; Bb, from peptone experiments with white of egg; C, from average of peptone experi- ments; D, from nitrogen experiments with white of egg; and HE, from average of nitrogen experiments. A. B. C. D. E. Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. Digestive fluid with water, . . 100 100 100 100 100 7 with mixed tea, . 89°26 91:7 89°06 54°80 85°35 < with coffee, ,. . 115-02 106°45 88°79 109-10 87°32 ap with cocoatina, . 72°04 85°26 89°96 96°10 87°03 35 with cocoa, . . 89°26 37°78 76°05 59°79 80°71 3 with chocolate, . 76°33 ate 72°44 Av aie [Tanie H. - ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 385 TABLE H. Results of digestion of 50 c.c. of digestive fluid with 25 c.c. of the three principal beverages, filtered after mixing. A, Total organic solid estimations; B, Organic nitrogen estimations; C, Percentage of nitrogen in organic solids. Tne B. C. Grms. Grms. Per cent. Mixed tea, . : : “225 ‘0221 10 Coffee, P : 5 "263 0263 10 Cocoa, , : , "412 ‘0301 73 TABLE I, Results of digestion of 5 grms. white of egg with 50 c.c. of digestive fluid, and 25 c.c. of beverage, filtered after mixing. Actual Weights. | Percentages. Grms. Per cent. Water, . : ‘ : : 434 100 Mixed tea, . : : : ‘34 78°34 Coffee, . : ‘ : : 462 10645 Cocoa, . : : : - 547 126°03 TaBLe I. Results of digestion of 5 grms. of white of egg with 50 c.c. diges- tive fluid and 25 c.c. of beverage, filtered after mixing. Results estimated by nitrogen process. Actual Weights. Percentages. Grms. Per cent. ‘07195 100 vane T: 07795 108°33 z F z 5 f "1506 209°45 TABLE N. Digestion of syntonin in presence of water, and of the three principal beverages. Actual Weights. Percentages. Grms. Per cent. Water, . E F : d "1206 100 Mixed tea, . ; 5 3 ‘0176 14°6 Coffee, . : F “ ’ 021 17°4 Cocoa, . : : ; ‘ 0615 50°9 386 DR JAMES W. FRASER. Tas.e N,. Digestion of syntonin in presence of water and of three principal beverages. Estimated by nitrogen process, Actual Weights. Percentages, Grms. Per cent. Water, . 2 ; : 4 0162 100 Mixed tea, . . : : — 00649 “ae Coffee, . . ; , 5 0124 76°54 Cocoa, . ; E : : 0031 19°34 TABLE R. Results of digestion of 25 ¢.c. of beverage, with 5 c.c. of milk and 1:25 erm. of sugar, in presence of 5 c.c. of digestive fluid. A, total organic solid estimations; B, organic nitrogen estimations; C, per- centage of nitrogen in organic solids. A. C. Gris. Per cent. Water, : : : 1345 2°29 Mixed tea, Bee 1-275 2:54 Coffee, : : . 1:413 2°52 Cocoa, : : 1677 3°69 TABLE S. Results of digestion of 5 grms. of white of egg in presence of water, and of the beverages with milk and sugar. Actual Weights. Percentages. Grms. Per cent. Water without milk, . 4 "434 100 Tea with milk and sugar, . "426 98°15 Coffee with milk and sugar, . ‘237 54°6 Cocoa with milk and sugar, . 04 9:2 ey = Pee def al - ACTION OF INFUSED BEVERAGES ON PEPTIC DIGESTION. 387 TABLE §). Results of digestion of white of egg in presence of water, and of the beverages with milk and sugar. Estimated by nitrogen process. Actual Weights. Percentages. Grms. Per cent. Water without milk, &., 07195 100 Tea with milk, &., : 0189 26°31 Coffee with milk, &., . . 0154 21:37 Cocoa with milk, &e., . : — 00546 SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON. By W. Arputunot Lane, M.S., F.R.C.S., Senior Demonstrator of Anatomy, Guy’s Hospital, Assistant Surgeon to the Hospital for Sick Children. Asymmetry of the Spinal Column, Chest, and Skull; Bifid Ribs and Cartilages ; Extent of Lower Limit of Pleura, &e. I WILL give a detailed account of these cases, and note the varia- tions from the normal as they occur, discussing any points of interest in connection with them. The first case was a man about 5 feet and 8 inches in height, with a chest of average size. His sternum was abnormally thick and broad. The greatest breadth of the manubrium was 3} inches, and the least 2} inches. The greatest breadth of the gladiolus was 1? inches. The length of the manubrium was 22 inches, that of the gladiolus 4 inches. They were united to one another by a thin layer of dense fibrous tissue, the joint so formed allowing of very slight movement. The first ribs were almost exactly symmetrical in size and in posi- tion. The span of each was 34 inches. The first cartilage was placed a little more horizontally than usual ; its antero-posterior diameter was unusually great, and it was more than normally flattened on its upper surface. It was ossified in almost the whole of its thickness. In each an amphiarthrodial articulation was present. On the right side it was situated in its usual position, namely, half an inch from the extremity of the rib; and on the left side it was placed in the centre of the ossified cartilage. The other costal cartilages were quite free from any ossific change. Owing to a slight obliquity of the articulation between the two pieces of the sternum, the left second costal cartilage was attached to the sternum at a slightly higher level than the right. The third right costal cartilage was nearly normal in depth at its attachment to the sternum. As it passed outwards it rapidly increased in vertical measurement, and just before its junction with the corre- spondingly enlarged extremity of the third rib it was perforated by a pemen 2 inch in diameter. At this point the cartilage was 14 inches deep. The third left costal cartilage was about # inch deep, and was attached to the sternum a little above its fellow. The right fourth cartilage was normal throughout, The left fourth cartilage was 14 inches deep at its inner end, where it was perforated by a foramen half an inch in diameter. Its depth diminished as it passed outwards, though it had not reached its normal measurement where it joined the enlarged extremity of the fourth rib. = A aa - aitiiealaedaai SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON. 389 The right fifth cartilage was nearly an inch deep in the greater part of its length, though at its inner end it was somewhat narrower. The left fifth cartilage was 3 inch deep, and attached to the sternum above its fellow. The right sixth and seventh cartilages were normal, and articulated with the sternum. The left sixth cartilage was 14 inches deep at its inner end. It increased considerably in breadth as it passed outwards, and at a point 1} inches from the sternum it split into two cartilages, which enclosed a foramen measuring 34 inches in its transverse diameter. These two rods of cartilage united with the bifurcated broad extremity of the sixth rib, which itself bounded the foramen. The seventh left cartilage was broader than usual and articulated with the sternum. A point of some clinical interest was the very narrow interval in the front side of the chest between the left sixth rib and cartilage and the adjoining ribs and cartilages, especially the seventh. This circumstance would have caused some inconvenience in the event of the ordinary operation for an empyema being per- formed here, as it would have been impossible to drain the cavity through such a narrow interspace without resecting a portion of the rib. The left costal cartilages articulating with the sternum were, with the exception of the first, at least a quarter of an inch longer than those of the right side. The bones forming the spinal column were dense and strong. They presented no lateral curve or extensive pressure change. The upper dorsal vertebree were thrown slightly forwards. There were no old pleuritic adhesion or chronic lung affection. There was the same con- dition of the vertebra which was present in a case I described in the last volume of the Jour. of Anat. and Phys., “ Vertebral Asymmetry,” &c. Up to the present time that case was the only instance of verte- bral asymmetry I have seen in the dissecting room which was not due to pressure cr costalleverage, In this case the left transverse processes were directed in a more upward and backward direction than usual, so that on this side there was a narrower groove between the transverse processes and spines than on the opposite side. The difference on the left side, on an average, was about half an inch in the middle eight dorsal vertebra, and about an eighth of an inch in the upper two dorsal vertebre. The left were also on a higher level than the right. This difference in level in the upper and central part of the dorsal spine yaried from about half an inch to about a quarter or an eighth of an inch in the lower dorsal vertebre. Chiefly on account of the alteration in the direction of the left transverse processes, but slightly also owing to a diminution in the length of the ribs between the angles and heads, their angles of the ribs on the right side were more distant from the middle line than those on the opposite side. This difference amounted in some to half an inch, and in others to three-quarters of an inch. In this chest we have, besides a certain amount of asymmetry in the attach- 390 MR W. ARBUTHNOT LANE. ment of the costal cartilages to the sternum, asymmetry in the form and length of the cartilages and ribs, and of the laminz and trans- verse processes of the dorsal vertebre. One would have expected the cartilages on the left side to be the shorter, as they are attached to the sternum at points higher than their fellows. This asymmetry of the two sides of the chest is very interesting, both from a clinical as well as from an anatomical point of view ; and, as I have already shown in previous papers, it is by no means an uncommon condition. I would here protest strongly against the clinical habit of gauging too accurately the size of the heart by the relation borne by the apex-beat to the nipple and to the interspace. The chest wall is frequently so variable in its bony framework that, in a doubtful case, its constituent parts should be carefully defined and measured, and a broad margin allowed for the posi- tion of the healthy apex, should the framework of the chest deviate to any great extent from what is regarded as the normal, or to speak more accurately, the more common type. The more I examine the bodies of subjects in the dissecting room, the more am I convinced of the importance of this fact, and | do not think it is sufficiently recognised, if it is so at all, by clinical observers. It is also by no means uncommon to find considerable asymmetry of the skull. In the case that I have just described the skull was nearly symmetrical, the left half being slightly the larger of the two. It is curious that the cavity of the skull should be so frequently asymmetrical, and yet it is not so difficult to attempt an explanation in the case of the skull as it is in the case of the framework of the chest. I have examined and measured a number of skulls, and in the large majority I have found the left half to be larger than the right. I measured them by stretching a string from the skull immediately above the crista galli to a point immediately above the centre of the longitudinal sinus at the internal occipital protuberance, the skull cap having been removed in the usual way. At right angles to this, other cords were stretched, and the distances from the middle line measured As a rule, the increase was tolerably general on one side, but in many cases it was limited to the front or back of the skull. Given that one half of the cavity is larger than the other, I think we may assume that the half Se. é eatin Tore Om od lens z SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON. 391 of the cerebrum contained in it is also larger than the other half. As the right limbs have for generations been used much more extensively than the left, not only in obedience to very com- plicated efferent impulses, but also, in the hand especially, for the purpose of gathering afferent impulses of a very complex nature, it is I think fair to suppose that, as the result of this, the left half of the brain has become larger than the right. I hope soon to have more accurate data as to the relative frequency of the side and portion of the side enlarged. In torticollis occurring at an early period of life, we see what appears to be an atrophic ora less developed condition of the head and face on the affected side. This does not seem to be explicable on the same physical basis as are the curves and changes produced in the spinal column, and the consequent alterations in the form of the chest. I have not yet been able to examine the skeleton of a subject affected by torticollis accompanied by asymmetry of the skull and face, though I was fortunate in being able to examine the bodies of two adults in whom the cranial changes were not present. One is described in the Zvansactions of the Pathological Society, 1885. During four years I have seen three other bodies in which bifid ribs or cartilages were present. In two of these the left fourth cartilage and rib were affected, but of the third I have lost the notes, and only remember that one rib, or one rib and cartilage were affected. Professor Struthers, in his paper! in the Jour. of Anat. and Phys., describes five cases of this condition. In three of these the abnormality was ascertained to be of the fourth rib, another probably of the fourth, the other two probably either of the fourth or fifth. In three it occurred on the left side only, in one on the right, in one on both sides. I have also seen two subjects in which the costal cartilages were bifid, but the upper limb of the divided cartilage ended in a free rounded extremity, and did not, as in the previously described cases, in- clude a foramen. The fourth costal cartilage was the one affected in both cases. In the first, which was a female subject, the manubrium was 21 inches long, and the gladiolus 3} inches. They articulated with one another by an amphiarthrodial joint. The right fourth costal cartilage was 3 inch broad at its attachment to the sternum. At abcut 1 “Variations of the Vertebre and Ribs in Man,” vol. ix. 392 MR W. ARBUTHNOT LANE. half an inch from its inner extremity it split into two, the lower division taking on the functions of the normal fourth cartilage; the upper division, which was 1 inch long, ending in a free rounded extremity. The breadth of the fourth rib was increased abruptly at a point about 1 inch from its anterior extremity, showing a tendency to bifurcation of the rib also. In the second case, which was a male subject, the manubrium was 12 inches long and the gladiolus about 4 inches. These bones articu- lated by an amphiarthrodial joint. The left fourth costal cartilage was more than # inch deep at its inner extremity. It bifurcated in a simi- lar manner to the last, the rib being, however, normal in form and outline. The free end of the upper division terminated abruptly in the intercostal muscles as in the preceding case. Another point I would call attention to is the relative lengths of the clavicles on both sides. I find it stated in Gray's Anatomy that the right clavicle is frequently shorter than the left. I have measured a great many, and have not been able to verify this statement, either in people who had or who had not led laborious lives, nor do I see for what reason the right clavicle should be shorter than the left. Long before the clavicle would yield and alter its form under the influence of pressure, the first rib would have yielded to a relatively greater extent, and in it even a slight depression is rare. I have described fully the manner in which force is transmitted from the arm and shoulder to the chest wall in papers contained in the Zvransactions of the Pathological Society, 1884-1885, “ Case of Costo-Chondral Dislocation,” “ One Mode of Fracture of the Sternum,” and “Mode of Fracture of First Rib alone,” so will not do more than refer to them here. Whenever I have found the first costal arch equal on both sides, as is usually the case, the clavicles have also been symmetrical, but when the span of one arch was larger than its fellow, the clavicle on the same side was correspondingly so also. Asa very marked instance of this, I would refer again to the cases already mentioned as having been described in the paper on ‘“‘Supernumerary Cervico-Dorsal Bearing Ribs,” in which the span of the costal arch on which the right clavicle rested was 32 inches, while that crossed by the left clavicle was only 3 inches. The right clavicle was 6 inches long, and the left 51 inches. ‘This is a considerable and an unusual difference, but the difference between the costal spans was also great. Returning to the ease I was describing, the clavicles were equal in length. ‘Their inner extremities were peculiar in that they were much flattened on their under surfaces, the articular surfaces on their inner aspect being continuous, with large flat facets on the under surface. Se SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON, 393 This last articulated with a correspondingly well marked depression on the upper surface of the first cartilage. The ligaments connecting the clavicles to the sternum and first costal cartilage were very well developed, and this was particularly the case with the interclavicular ligament, which was very thick and strong, and had hardly any con- nection with the sternal notch. There was no rheumatoid change in this or in any other articulation in the body. In the resting position, the clavicle lay on the first cartilage at a point half an inch internal to the attachment of the first rib, being much within the normal point of crossing. Also, on pressing back the shoulder, the clavicle could not be made to press on the rib where it received the insertion of the scalerius medius. This was due in part to the remarkable change in the form of the sterno-clavicular articulation, and in part to the short- ness and great strength of the rhomboid ligament, and to the slight difference in the direction of the ossified cartilage. On the left side the subclavius muscle was entirely absent, and the costo-coracoid membrane was ill developed. On the right side both were fairly well marked. In this case I did not see this part of the body till this region had been partly dissected, so cannot testify with absolute certainty to the complete absence of the left subclavius muscle, I was then unable to find any relic of it, and was quite satis- fied that, if it had been present, it must have been very small indeed. The coraco-humeral ligament on the right side was replaced by the tendon of the pectoralis minor. The left was normally attached. The right coraco-brachialis arose by a large fleshy belly from the whole length of the coracoid process as well as by the tendon common to it and the biceps. I mention these abnormalities as I have frequently noticed that, when you get an abnormal condition of the thoracic wall, you not uncommonly get other parts varying also, especially structures about the clavicles and shoulders. I would refer again to a case I described in which there were thirteen cervico-dorsal vertebra bearing ribs. In that there were on both sides chondro-epitrochlearis and three headed biceps muscles, besides several other muscular abnormalities. In the ease which I have already referred to twice, in which there were appa- rently eight cervical vertebra, the omohyoids had each only one fleshy belly, the anterior, and this arose by an aponeurosis from the clavicle. The subclavius muscle was also absent on both sides, Simple costal and sternal asymmetry may be regarded as a condition of retrocession to the arrangement found normally in the orang-utans, and Professor Turner has demonstrated the fact that in Cetacea cervical ribs also exist not unfrequently, that they may fuse with the first thoracic rib, and that the upper two thoracic ribs may also unite, though not with the same frequency. Similar variations in the number of the ribs and in their degree of development have been described by Pro- VOL. XX. 2¢ 394 MR W. ARBUTHNOT LANE. fessor Struthers among other animals. I have not succeeded in finding instances of bifid ribs or cartilages in any animal except man, but my experience is limited to museum specimens alone. . The next important point I will allude to is a very remark- able change in the outline of the shoulder-joint, and consists in an alteration in the relation of the head of the humerus to the acromion process. I need not do more than refer to the normal form of the shoulder as seen in people who do not lead very laborious lives. Its rounded shape is unbroken by any pro- minence of the acromion on its posterior aspect, or of the humeral head on its anterior aspect. The head of the humerus is sheltered by the acromion above, the small interval being filled in by the deltoid. In some subjects, who have-led hard laborious existences, I have found that the head of the humerus did not occupy the normal relative position to the acromion, and that the direction of the glenoid cavity was more anterior than usual. This modification in the form of the shoulder-joint does not appear to be limited to subjects whose spinal columns presented any par- ticular labour curve. The alteration consists in a forward displacement of the head of the humerus, so that it is no longer covered by the acromion to the same extent as before, and in the variation of the direction of the glenoid cavity from the normal, which I have just described. I was inclined to regard these changes as the product of strain thrown upon the articulation in certain employments. The shoulder-joint of this subject displayed the above con- ditions in an extreme degree, so much so, that before the removal of the skin the appearance presented was that of double subcoracoid dislocation, in which a new socket had formed for the head of the humerus, and this socket had trenched considerably on the glenoid cavity. The anterior extremity of the acromion projected outwards behind the centre of the head of the bone, and the posterior part of the acromion projected back some way beyond the humeral head, so as to produce a considerable interval between these points. This was even more marked on the left side. The direction of the glenoid cavity was altered very distinctly. o SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON. 395 The man was powerfully built, and his muscles were well developed, especially the deltoid and trapezius. The question now arises as to the mode of origin of this condition, Is it the result of the occupation of the individual or of some fault in deportment, and produced in the same way as pressure changes elsewhere? In a subsequent paper * I hope to show that the shape of the bead of the femur and the form and extent of the acetabular cavity is modified very considerably by the mode of labour of the individual, and that there can be no reasonable doubt in that case as to the manner of its pro- duction. In it the result produced by pressure is similar to that present in this shoulder-joint. I might also refer to changes in the direction of other joints as the result of pressure, which I have described in a paper in the last number of the G's Hospital Reports, “ Senile Changes,” &c. Or is this condition of the shoulder-joint one that is peculiar to the individual and congenital, as are his bifid ribs, &., and due to some cause of which we have no knowledge ? Though the vertebrze were strong and dense, this man’s spinal column presented no pressure curve, except a slight forward curve of the upper dorsal vertebree and an increase in the size of the lumbar and sacral spinous processes. His first ribs, as well as their ossified costal cartilages, were particularly strong, The sternal articulation was broad and firm. As I said before, the ligaments in connection with the clavicle were very strong, the interclavicular having but slight connection to the sternum. The clavicles also rested on the first cartilages and not on the ribs, and the line of direction of the cartilage and rib was altered from the normal. Each of these circumstances taken separately does not prove much, but all taken together suggest strongly that the man had been engaged in some occupation in which he was in the habit of carrying heavy weights simultaneously in both hands, and that the conditions present resulted from the long-continued pursuit of this form of labour. Observing the different classes of labourers, one sees that there are but few whose function it is to 1 «« Pressure changes in the joints of the extremities, including senile changes,” Transactions of the Pathological Society, vol. xxxvii., and ‘‘Dupuytren’s con- traction,” &c., Guy's Hospital Reports, vol. xliii. 396 MR W. ARBUTHNOT LANE. carry weights for any long time in this way, though of course many combine this largely with others. Perhaps milkmen more - than others would seem to supply the necessary requisites for the conditions present in this skeleton. Fusion of the First and Second Costal Cartilages on the Left Side. I am describing this specimen as it is a good instance of an unusual condition, and also because its characters will be seen to deviate slightly from those usually present in these cases, in regard to the span of the upper ribs, and the relative measurements of the manubrium and gladiolus. In a paper in the Guy’s Hospital Reports, vol. xlii., “ Cervical and Bicipital Ribs in Man,” I gave descriptions of three instances of this form of abnormality, and the chests of these subjects were characterised by the relative diminution in the capacity of their upper part, including the manubrium, and by the relative increase in that of the lower part, including the gladiolus, and in the number of ribs articulating with that bone. In the first case (fig. 6) the manubrium was 1? inches long, the gladiolus 43 inches, and eight cartilages articulated with the sternum on the side opposite to that on which fusion was present, namely, the left. The cartilages articulated symmetrically with the sternum, except below, where the sternum itself deviated to the right. The first and second cartilages were fused through at least an inch of their extent. In the second case (fig. 8) the right first and second costal cartil- ages were fused along 2-inch of their length. The span of the first rib was 2,3, inch, the manubrium was under 2 inches, and the gladiolus over 4 inches. On either side eight ribs articulated symmetrically with the sternum. In the third case both first and second costal cartilages were fused in half an inch of their extent. The manubrium was ik inches, and the gladiolus 4} inches long. There were on either side eight costal cartilages articulating asymmetrically with the sternum. As one would expect, the first and second alone of the upper costal cartilages ever unite. This new specimen existed in the body of a well-built male subject with a good large chest. The greatest span of the right first rib was 32 inches. That of the left was 3} inches, The span of the right second rib was a third of an inch greater than that of the left. The manubrium was 2 inches long, the gladiolus 41 inches. cy YP ny Pade eine tc SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON, 397 There were seven ribs articulating symmetrically with the sternum. The twelfth rib was 6 inches long. The first and second right costal cartilages were normal in their form and arrangement. The first was ossified nearly throughout, and presented an arthrodial articulation in the normal situation. The two upper left cartilages were fused in the inner inch of their extent, five-eighths of the first being free and half an inch of the second. The fused cartilage, as in fig. 6 referred to above, only articulated by a small surface with the gladiolus. I would call attention to the extent to which this fused cartilage has undergone ossification. That part of it formed by the first costal cartilage was completely ossified, and presented an arthrodial joint at its outer extremity, that portion which was not fused articulating with the fused part. The line of ossified cartilage crossed obliquely downwards and inwards that part of the fused cartilage corresponding to the second costal cartilage, the remainder of it being free from any osseous change. There was no ossification of the other costal cartilages. Though the whole of the fused cartilage was subject to the same influence in respiration as was the first costal cartilage on the right side, yet, as we have seen, only that portion of the fused cartilage cor- responding to the jirst costal cartilage underwent any osseous change, and the process of ossification was so far advanced as to necessitate the presence of a loose arthrodrial articulation. In previous papers! in the Zrans. Path. Soc. I have de- scribed the mode of formation of this joint in the ossified cartilage, first in the sternum, and in the articulations con- nected with it, also the joint formation in the less frequently ossified lower cartilages. I ascribed the joint formation in the first cartilage as being due to two factors, the movements of re- spiration and the leverage action of the clavicle on the manubrium and first costal arch. I considered that the ossification of the first cartilages, at a period long antecedent to that of the other cartilages, was due almost entirely to the strain exerted on it by force transmitted through the clavicle. I then supposed that the leverage action of the clavicle and the movements of the sternum in respiration were the causes which determined the joint-formation in the ossified cartilage, and that of these two the former was the most important factor in its production. I think the conditions presented by this fused first cartilage go far to prove the truth of that hypothesis. Against it, how- ever, there is the fact that where other cartilages besides the 1 “* Gase of Costo-chondral Dislocation,” vol. xxxiv.; ‘‘ Mode of Fracture of the Sternum,” vol. xxxv. ; ‘‘ Mode of Fracture of First Rib alone,” vol. xxxvi. 398 MR W. ARBUTHNOT LANE. first ossify, they also develop an articulation. For further details I would refer to the papers already mentioned. This man had been a labourer, and his spinal column showed extensive pressure changes. Two Subjects with Six Lumbar Vertebre, the First Lumbar Vertebra in one possessing Lumbar Ribs. Bifid Spinous Processes in Lower Dorsal Region. Separation of the First Piece of the Sacrum. Fusion of the Sacrum and First Lumbar, &e, Before commencing the description of these cases, I will refer for the third time to the case in which there were thirteen cervico-dorsal vertebra bearing ribs,’ besides seven cervical and five lumbar vertebra. In that paper I entered into what now appears to me to have been rather a barren discussion, namely, as to whether the extra vertebra was a dorsal vertebra with ribs deficiently developed, or an eighth cervical with cervical ribs, and I then concluded in favour of the last supposition. The question would now appear to be a less obscure and a more general one. There was one point I did not mention in that paper and which will bear on the question. It is one that must be of great obstetric interest. That is, that the oval facet on the upper surface of the sacrum occupied a lower position than usual, and that the line prolonging its direction forwards cut the symphysis just below its upper margin. The reason I did not describe this at that time was because I had not then succeeded in separating very distinctly the various modifications in form which the lower part of the spinal column undergoes under the influence of continued and exaggerated superjacent pressure, or of ordinary pressure acting on an enfeebled subject, and I then thought that the condition of the sacrum present in this subject was produced in a like manner, especially as there were marked pressure changes in the whole column. Thinking it had no bearing on the subject under discussion, I left it out of the paper. Since that time I have been able to separate and classify the 1 «* Supernumerary Cervico-Dorsal Bearing Ribs,” Journal of Anat. and Phys., 1885. SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON. 399 pressure changes in the lower part of the spinal column, and I have described them fully in a paper! in the Z’ransactions of the Pathological Society. 1 then found that the conditions pre- sented by this sacrum were quite distinct from those produced by pressure, though resembling them superficially. I was also able to show in that paper that the larger number of the numerous modifications in form of the lumbar and sacral spinous processes, and in the form and direction of the articular processes, were due to pressure, and were not instances of congenital deviations from the normal, as supposed up to the present time by those who have observed them. On examining other specimens, in which there were six lumbar vertebree, I found the same condition of the sacrum present. In the normal sacrum, if the direction of the plane of the oval articular surface be continued forwards, it will be seen to pass about an inch and a half above the symphysis, and the upper limit of the sacral body is found to be considerably above the level of the brim of the true pelvis. With these facts before me, I examined the two following cases very thoroughly with the view of clearing up the difficulty. The first subject was a well-formed male, above the average height. His bones were dense and strong, and he still retained most of his teeth. The spinal column showed no marked pressure change. The lumbar convexity was very prominent, and much longer than usual. The direction of the oval facet on the upper surface of the sacrum cut the symphysis immediately below its upper limit, and the facet was seen to be on the same level as the ileo-pectineal line, therefore con- siderably below its normal position. As a result of this, the upper aperture of the true pelvis was heart- shaped, the apex of the heart corresponding to the back and of the sym- physis, and being therefore flattened. The true pelvis was small, and its antero-posterior diameter at the inlet particularly so. I have unfor- tunately mislaid the measurements. There were six lumbar vertebra, the uppermost having on either side ribs one inch long, and articulating with either side of the body by a small facet with a synovial membrane, and posteriorly with the small transverse process. The transverse process of the third lumbar vertebra was longer than any of the others. The first lumbar nerve gave off the ilio-hypogastric and the ilio-inguinal, the second gave off 1 <«* Pressure Changes in the Lower Part of the Spinal Column,” vol xxxvi. 400 MR W. ARBUTHNOF LANE. the genito-crural, and the obturator and anterior crural nerves came off from the second, third, and fourth lumbar nerves. The fifth lumbar passed down over the upper surface of the sacrum, and gave. off the’ superior gluteal. The sixth lumbar nerve passed down to form part of the sacral plexus. The first sacral nerve joined with the two last. The second sacral nerve was small compared to the first, and was no larger than the normal third sacral. There was a very small third sacral, and it took the normal distribution of the fourth. The fourth resembled in distribution the normal fifth ; it did not enter into the formation of the sacral plexus. On making a vertical median section of the lumbar spine and sacrum, the latter bone was seen to consist of five parts, the limits of the bodies of the first three being still indicated by layers of fibrous tissue. On comparing with this section another obtained from a normal column, it was then seen that the first piece of the sacrum had become separated so as to form the sixth lumbar vertebra, which the first coccygeal had united with the sacrum, so that it still consisted of five pieces. As we have already seen, the mode of distribution of the sixth lumbar was that of the normal first sacral. On removing the fibro-cartilage between the sixth lumbar vertebra and sacrum, and then making these two bones articulate directly, the appearance given by the normal sacrum is obtained. This shows that at least in this case and in similar ones an extra vertebra is not interposed between the occiput and attachment of the iliac bones to the spine, but that the first sacral vertebra, which does not seem to form a necessary part of the sacro-iliac articulation, is separated from the rest of the bones, the sacrum having joined to it the first coceygeal vertebra. Modifications in the form of the thorax are also present in these cases of dissociated first sacral vertebrae, and they consist in an increase in the size of the lower part of the chest, and a corresponding decrease in the capacity of the upper part. In this subject the manubrium was one and a half incheslong. The span of the first rib was two and three-quarter inches. Light cartilages articulated symmetrically with the sternum, and the twelfth ribs were more than 7 inches long. The costal cartilages were shorter than usual, but they were equal on both sides. The pleura extended for an inch and a half below the lower margin of the last rib. The LOWER LIMIT OF THE PLEURA is a point that deserves much attention, especially now that the kidney is so frequently re- moved or explored from the loin, since opening of the pleural cavity at this point has caused both immediate and subsequent danger. This I have alluded to in describing the operation.! The lower limit of the cavity behind can be determined clinically by measuring the lower ribs, and especially the twelfth. 1 “Nephrectomy :” Manual of Operative Surgery. cain geal winsome on Sane eee Cee . SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON. 401 It will be found that if the twelfth ribs are under two inches in length, the pleura may not even reach its upper margin, or, at the most, it may extend but a little way over the inner half of its anterior surface. As the length of this rib increases, the pleura extends still lower down, and in some instances, as in that just described, it may reach a point an inch and a half below the lower border of the rib. If the last rib be over two inches in length, the lower limit of pleura crosses it obliquely at its centre, so that it bears a direct relation to the length of the rib. This relationship of the pleura to the length of the last rib shows that there need be no risk of opening this cavity in the ordinary operation of lumbar nephrectomy. In the description of the extent of the pleura in Quain, vol. ii., the following somewhat vague reference 1s made :—* Behind, the lower extent of the pleura is as far down as the vertebral end of the twelfth rib, or even in some cases as far as the transverse process of the first lumbar vertebra.” The great and frequent variations in the length of the lower ribs, not always on both sides, and the consequent modifications in the form of the thorax, are not considered by anatomists in their description of the pleural limits. For instance, Luschka says that in the axillary line the right pleura extends down to the lower edge of the ninth rib, while the left pleura reaches to the upper edge of the tenth. In the many bodies I have examined for this purpose, I have been unable to verify this greater down- wards extent of the pleura on the left side ; in fact I have found the reverse more frequently true. Taking the average of a number of cases, the lower limit of the pleura crossed the seventh costal cartilage obliquely about three-quarters of an inch below its articulation with the rib, then the end of the eighth rib, or the cartilage immediately below it, the ninth rib a quarter of an inch above its extremity, the tenth rib three- quarters of an inch, and the eleventh one and a quarter inches from its outer end. In the axillary line, which is at least some- times defined as a line passing vertically down from the head of the humerus, I found that in the large majority of cases the lower limit crossed the tenth space or the eleventh rib, not unfrequently lower on one side than on the other, but not much 402 MR W. ARBUTHNOT LANE. more frequently on one side. Luschka probably used the term in a different acceptation, yet that fact would not modify the~ relative extent of the limit on both sides, The second case, in which there were six lumbar vertebre, resembled the last pretty closely. It was also a male subject. The lower part of the chest was relatively large and the upper part small. The sternum had been removed before the subject came into the room. The subclavius muscle was abnormal on both sides, the tendon splitting into two divisions, of which each had a muscular belly, one being attached to the upper margin of the scapula, and the other to the normal attachment of the muscle to the clavicle. ‘The sacrum consisted of five pieces, but on making a vertical median section of the pelvis it was seen that the last piece was the first coccygeal, which had become fused to the sacrum. The pelvis presented the same changes as those described in the last case. It was small, considering that the man was much above the average in size and build. The upper aperture of the true pelvis was typically heart-shaped. Its antero-posterior diameter was only three and a half inches, while its greatest transverse diameter measured five and a quarter inches. In the average male pelvis these diameters are four inches and four and a half inches respectively, so in this case the conjugate was considerably decreased, while the transverse diameter was increased. The interval between the anterior superior spines was ten inches, the normal being seven and three-quarter to eight and three- quarter inches. The sacro-vertebral angle measured 130°, this angle averaging usually from 110° to 125°. The breadth of the sacrum was about normal, namely, four and a half inches. The separated first sacral vertebra resembled the last lumbar in appearance, except that the right transverse process was very large and articulated with the surface of the ilium by an ex- panded flat facet. The left transverse process was longer than that of the normal fifth lumbar. The formation of the lumbar and sacral plexuses was identical with that described in the last case. The lumbar curve was very prominent indeed, producing well marked lordosis, and consequent backward protrusion of the buttock and an increased obliquity of the position of the pelvis. This condition of sacral dissociation is probably the ee we SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON. 403 reason of the lordosis and considerable gluteal prominence which one sees occasionally, and which dates back in these cases to early life. It may be very easily overlooked, as the superficial deviations from the normal are very slight indeed. The spinous processes of the lower two dorsal vertebre and the upper three lumbar vertebrae were very peculiar. The spine of the tenth dorsal vertebrae was very broad and expanded at its posterior extremity, where it presented a vertical groove in its centre. The spine of the eleventh dorsal was also very thick and strong. It was completely bifid at its extremity, the divisions also being thick and strong. That of the twelfth was similar in form, except that both the spine and its bifurcation was even stronger. The spine of the first lumbar vertebra was very thick, and terminated in a great flat end, measuring trans- versely three-quarters of an inch, and five-sixths of an inch in the vertical diameter. The spine of the second lumbar was similar in form and structure, and ended in a smaller plate than the last. The spine of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth were like those of the ordinary lumbar vertebra in form. They were very strong, but their depth was not exaggerated, so that they did not articulate directly with one another. On the lower margin of the second, third, and fourth lumbar spines there were on either side, at a point half an inch from the apex, large prominent nodules receiving the insertion of tendons of the multifidus spine. Between the bifid extremities of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dorsal spines and the spines of the adjacent vertebre there were pairs of interspinous muscles covered by a strong layer of supraspinous ligament. Between the spines of the first and second lumbar vertebre there was a single layer of inter- spinous muscle, beneath a very dense supraspinous ligament, and between the spines of the lower lumbar vertebree and the sacral spinous process there was an extremely thick and dense liga- mentous tissue. The erector spine and multifidus spine muscles in the lumbar region were remarkably large, and the aponeurosis covering them particularly strong and dense. The reason of all this increase in the size of the spinous pro- 404 SOME VARIATIONS IN THE HUMAN SKELETON. cesses, and in the bulk and strength of the ligaments and muscle, was to compensate for the great concavity and length of - the lumbar region, and the consequent greater force required to raise the flexed upper part of the trunk upon the sacrum. I have never before seen this splitting and enlargement of the lumbar and dorsal spines which were present in this specimen, nor have I read of it anywhere. The necks of the thigh-bones joined the shaft at an extremely oblique angle. I mention this fact as I see that the same remarkable obliquity of the neck was present in a specimen of what appears to have been dissociated first sacral vertebra, which is described by Professor Struthers in page 83, “ Variations of the Vertebra and Ribs in Man.” This man also had a remarkably large head, whose increase in size was most marked in its antero-posterior diameter. The left side was the larger throughout. The increase in the transverse diameter and the decrease in the conjugate diameter of the brain are in a direction the reverse of retrocession to a lower type, as is also the increased capacity of the cranial cavity. With this case we might compare an example of fusion of the sacrum with the fifth lumbar vertebra. This is distinctly a condition of retro- cession, as the last lumbar vertebra not unfrequently joins with the sacrum in the gorilla, orang, and chimpanzee. It was a male subject, whose chest was of an average size; the manubrium and gladiolus having their average relative size. The last ribs were about 8 inches long, consequently there was but a narrow interval between it and the iliac crest. The margin of the fifth lumbar was united to the first sacral by bone, the intervening fibro-cartilage being mueh diminished in depth. The lumbar vertebre formed with the sacrum an angle of 145°. The conjugate of the brain measured 44 inches, and the transverse diameter 8} inches. The neck of the femur joined the shaft at an angle slightly less than normal. This was not a very typical case of fusion of the sacral and last lumbar vertebrae, as the union of these two bones was not complete. After the bone connect- ing their margins had been cut through with the contained fibro-carti- lage, the laminz and spinous processes were found to be quite free, the articular surfaces of the last lumbar vertebra looking directly for- wards. Probably on this account the pelvis does not deviate very markedly from the normal. NOTE ON A CASE OF BICIPITAL RIB. By R. L. Mac- DonNnELL, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy in M Gill University, Montreal. THE recent article of Professor Turner on “Cervical Ribs and the so-called Bicipital Ribs in Man,” in the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. xvii., as well as his previous contribution on the subject of the so-called two-headed ribs in whales and in man, vol. v., leaves very little to be said upon the subject of fused ribs; but inasmuch as the occurrence of this abnormality is rare, it may be well to place upon record a description of a case of bicipital rib which came under my notice in the dis- secting-room of M‘Gill University in the winter session of 1884-85. In a male subject the first and second ribs on the right side were joined up to a distance of an inch from their cartilages. The first rib has a normal head articulating in the usual manner with the first dorsal vertebra. The neck of the rib is rather more bent upon the shaft than is usually the case, and its width from before backwards, at the tubercle is beyond the normal. The junction with the second rib takes place at a distance of five-eighths of an inch from the tip of its tubercle, the fusion being apparently from above downwards, as if the ribs were laid one on the top of another. For a little more than one-half the distance between the tubercle and the sternal extremity, the first rib in outline is distinct from the second, there being a shallow groove between the two bones, but after this point the junction of the two ribs takes place more by their bor- ders than by their surfaces, so that they form a large flat plate of bone gradually spreading out to a maximum width of two inches. On holding the specimen up to the light the two ribs are seen to be separated from one another by a very thin transparent plate of bone for a distance of half an inch from their point of fusion. On the outer surface of the fused body there is the usual rough surface on the second rib for the attachment of the serratus magnus muscle. The rough line commonly seen on the upper surface of the first rib, 406 NOTE ON A CASE OF BICIPITAL RIB. which gives attachment te the scalenus medius is not dis- tinctly marked upon the first rib, but is plainly seen extend- - ing from its usual site over that portion of the fused body which belongs to the second rib. The scalene tubercle is not distinct. The bifurcation takes place anteriorly, at a distance of 3 inches from the tubercle of the first rib, The upper branch of it ends abruptly in the cartilage of the first mb, while the lower branch, the continuation of the second rib, is one and a half inches long, three-quarters of an inch wide at its outer, and one-third of an inch wide at its sternal end. The costal cartilage to which this lower branch is attached ends in the usual position of the second costal cartilage. On the under surface the fused body presents a smooth surface for the protection of the upper part of the pleural cavity. Owing to an unfortunate occurrence,—the removal of the ribs soon after their peculiarity had been observed,—I am unable to give any account of the dissection of the soft parts. In this same subject it was found on cleaning the skeleton that the first dorsal vertebra presented a remarkable abnor- mality. The laminz of the neural arches of each side do not run on the same plane, the one with the other; but one, that of the left side, is higher than that of the right, so that the spine of the vertebra is formed by the placing cf one lamina over the other. i f a y OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. By R. W. SHUFELD?, M.D., Medical Corps U.S. Army; Membr. A.0.U. ; Membr. Soc. Nat. E.US.; Membr. Philosoph. Biol. Socs. of Washington, &c, (PLATES X., XI.) WE learn from the best authorities on the subject, and those who have given special attention to the Pszttact, that we may reckon something over three hundred and fifty well determined species of Parrots in the world’s fauna, so far as it is at present known. The strongly marked characters and the unmistakable external appearance of any of the forms that go to make up this wonderfully interesting group of birds, have long served to clearly distinguish them from other, and perhaps not so well defined, orders of the class. Fortunate as ornithologists have been in this respect, the matter of drawing the lines for the minor divisions used in classification has, since the earliest days of the science, owing to the perplexing interrelation of the majority of the forms, proved a far more difficult task. The several schemes proposing as many arrangements into families were all more or less unsatisfactory, until the subject came under the master-hand of Garrod, who, through his able and well-directed investigations into the structure of the leading types of the order, showed how the entire group could first be divided into two primary series, viz., the PALHORNITHID, and the Psirracipé.! The former of these (excepting Cacatua) having two carotids, the left one being normal, and no ambiens muscle; while, on the other hand, the remaining series have the two carotids present, the left one being superficial, and the am- biens, present in some of its genera, is found to be missing in others. Fourth among the divisions of the second series, or in the Psitiacide, we find the Avine, characterised by the presence of the ambiens muscle, tufted oil-gland, and union of the clavicles at their lowest and median point, into a complete os furculum. 1 Garrod, A. H., ‘On some Points in the Anatomy of the Parrots, which bear on the Classification of the Sub-order,” (P. B. S., 1874, pp. 586-98). 408 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. To this sub-family Avine belongs the sole representative of the Order in the avifauna of the United States, the Carolina ~ parrot, and it is to the description of the skeleton of this form that the present memoir is devoted. Formerly the geographical distribution of this bird spread over a much larger area, but of late years, between the interests of feather-dealers, and its general wanton destruction, the com- plete extermination of the species seems to be as certain as it is no less a much to be regretted fact. My first attempts to secure a skeleton of this bird, for the purpose of description, failed, and it was not until Mr James Bell of Gainesville, Florida, cheerfully came to my assistance that success at last was met. This gentleman, always ready with his aid in the interests of science, forwarded me two very complete skeletons, a male and a female of this species, to meet the end I had in view. This very acceptable gift came to my hands in March 1885, at a time when every moment of my spare hours was being devoted to a large mass of material, chiefly osteological, illus- trating the American sub-polar avifauna, and belonging to the Smithsonian Institution, so that it was not possible until the present month, August 1885, when my labours in that direction ceased, that I could at last give my attention to placing on record an account of the skeleton of our little Carolina parroquet. Of the two skeletons in question, I chose the male to make my drawings from in the plates, and I found it to be somewhat larger than the female specimen. Notwithstanding, both were evidently adults. Of the Skull (Pl. X. figs. 1-4).—In Conuwrus the culmen of the superior mandible or its middle line lies in the are of a circle extending from the cranio-facial axis to the tip of this part of the beak. Posterior to the subcircular osseous nares this culmenar surface is broad and nearly flat, but beyond these apertures it is convex, both transversely, and as has been said, along its middle line. The dentary margins of this mandible are cultrate and deeply notched at their middle points, as shown in figure 1, where the skull is represented upon lateral aspect. Complete absorption of the nasal bones has taken place, so OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. 409 that in the adult their existence would never be suspected, and their exact limits can only be guessed at, as no sutural traces remain. The under side of this mandible is bounded behind by a straight, transverse line, beneath which the palatines are in- serted. Its general surface, otherwise, is unbroken, and evenly concave throughout (fig. 4). The interior of this part of the skull is more or less filled up with an osseous, spongy tissue, that presents a more compact nature where it forms the anterior wall to the rhinal chamber. One cannot very well judge as to how much, if any, of this structure can be claimed as representing the maxillo-palatines in this parrot. Speaking in general terms, Professor Huxley says of the Psitiaci that “the maxillo-palatines are very large and spongy in texture, and unite with one another and with the ossified nasal septum so as to fill up almost the whole base of the beak. Above, however, a nasal passage is left on each side; and, below the maxillo-palatines stop short, so that, in the dry skull, a passage, leading into the cavity of the rostrum, is left on each side of the septum.”! These remarks are illustrated by the under view of the skull of Cacatua galerita, which bird, I think, from the drawing, must have its nasal septum as well as this spongy mass which sur- rounds, produced much further backwards than it is in the subject we have in hand. However, the parts no doubt are homologous in both of these forms, though one would hardly have suspected the mass in question to have represented a part of the skull deserving of a special name, had the Carolina parrot been the only bird examined. Among the points that have always attracted the most attention in the skeleton of the Psittaci, the cranio-facial hinge is here in Conwrus as perfect in its mechanism as we perhaps will find it in any of the order. Its structure is too well known to enter upon its details here ; I find, however, that neither in this parrot nor any other of the group that I have ever examined is this feature one whit better developed than it is in Sula bassana. 1 Huxley, T. H., ‘‘ On the Classification of Birds,” P, Z, S., 1867, p. 442. VOL. XX. 20 410 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. Passing now to other parts, we find the union between the sphenotic process and the descending portion of the la-. chrymal bone to be complete, forming an external orbital periphery or ring, which is very nearly circular (figs. 1, 4, o7.). According to Parker, this is through the intervention of the os wneinatwm, which in some parrots, by union with the zeyomatic process of the squamosal, bridges over the temporal fossa.t The lachrymal itself has indistinguishably, so far as a suture is concerned, merged above with the frontal bone, while its union with the sphenotic process, just alluded to, is equally well obliterated. Internally it unites in a similar manner with the small pars plana, a circular foramen for the olfactory nerve passing between it and the ethmoid, while externally the antero-inferior arc of the orbital ring is marked by a longitudinal concave notch. As for the orbital cavity itself, its walls are but fairly entire, the pars plana being small, and the exit from the brain-case for the first nerve being far larger than this branch demands. Moreover, the palatines being vertical plates in this situation, and the pterygoids slender, the floor of the cavity is necessarily badly provided for in this regard. In both these specimens the foramina for the exit of the optic and the third, fourth, and sixth nerves are distinct, and scarcely any greater in size than the structures they are designed to transmit are in calibre. The interorbital system is without vacuities, and directly throughout merges with the rostrum of the sphenoid beneath it, the lower margin of the whole plate being sharp, both inferiorly and in front, Anteriorly the ethmoid bone proper is very broad, being spread out as an abutment against, and bordering for all its width, the posterior line of the cranio-facial hinge, The body of the bone is thickened and filled in with diploic tissue. That portion of the skull which lies behind and below the orbital ring presents for examination, above the lateral aspect of the evenly-convex vault of the cranium, and below, the long 1 Parker, W. K., Morphology of the Skull, p. 264. se OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. 411 squamosal process separated from the sphenotic by a well- defined valley. The bony ear conch is circumscribed by sharp margins, while to its under side a vertical plate is thrown down the temporal wing of the exoccipital. As is well known, the characteristic feature of a parrot’s quadrate bone is, that its mandibular facet is single, and placed in such a way that its long axis is in the same straight line with the longitudinal axis of the pterygoid; to the possession of this narrow, convex, and long facet Conwrus forms no exception, Above it, the body of the quadrate is flattened from side to side, with a conical projection on its outer aspect, posterior to its middle point, that has a pit as its apex to accommodate the apophysis on the inner side of the hinder extremity of the quadrato-jugal. The orbital process of the quadrate is spiculaform and well developed, while the mastoidal limb of the bone rises as a stout subeylindrical rod, with two convex articular facets at its summit. These are divided by a notch, and the inner one of the two is very small, not presenting more than one-tenth of the amount of articular surface the outer one does. The pneu- matic foramen is found near its most usual place, on the inner and back part of the mastoidal shaft. Viewing the skull now from above as shown in fig. 3, we observe that the narial apertures can also be seen upon this aspect surrounded above by a few minute vascular foramina. The cranio-facial hinge bordering the superior mandible behind, is found to be a transverse and depressed line extending all the way across. Between the superior orbital peripheries the frontal region of the skull is smooth and nearly flat; as we proceed backwards it gradually becomes convex, to form the beautifully rounded vault of the cranium. A few perforating foramina are found just within the two edges of the orbits in the frontal bones. Turning to the under side of the skull (fig. 4), the most remarkable feature that confronts us is the extraordinarily fashioned palatines. These bones, as they occur in the Psittaci, have been described by a number of anatomists, so their pecu- liar conformation is well known. Conurus, like most true 412 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. parrots, has either of these bones horizontally flattened in front, where it is inserted above the hinder portion of the superior- mandible to meet the lower part of the nasal septum, but not the palatine of the opposite side. Proceeding backwards from this horizontal extremity, the palatine is seen to contract, then immediately afterwards to form a broad, oblong, and vertical plate. This plate has a certain limited portion of its antero-superior part curled towards the median line, where it meets a corresponding edge of the fellow of the opposite side; and the two here form, by the assistance of the palato-pterygoidal articulation, the usual longi- tudinal groove for the under edge of the rostrum. Behind this the superior margin of the palatine plate is sharp, and has the anterior two-thirds of the corresponding pterygoid resting upon it; the posterior margin shows a deep notch, while the inferior margin of this part of the bone is rounded, becoming in front continuous with the dilated anterior end. Both the internal and external surfaces of these palatine plates may develop processes and ridges for the better insertion of muscles, which in life are thereto attached. A broad, spindle- shaped vacuity exists between these palatines in front, while posteriorly the angle separating their plates is somewhat less than the angle of divergence of the pterygoid bones (fig. 4). These latter elements are long, nearly straight and cylindrical rods articulating as shown in the figures in the Plate (pt.). They are at some distance below the basis cranii; and in no parrot, so far as is at present known, do they develop basiptery- goid processes. The maxillary portion of either of the infraorbital bars (ms.) is inserted by a somewhat horizontally-flattened end, just within the posterior edge of the beak, on a higher plane than the inser- tion of the palatines, and at a point where I take the foot of the nasal to be. The remainder of the bar almost immediately becomes of a uniform calibre, and at first being concave out- wards, passes just beneath the orbital wing, directly downwards and backwards to its articulation with the quadrate (fig. 4, ML., JU). At the cranial base we find a basitemporal area of small or ——_—-~S—i‘ ie OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. 413 extent, triangular in outline, bounded on all its sides by raised lines, and having its apex directed anteriorly, terminating at the point where occurs the naked and external double-tubed entrance of the Eustachian canals. On either side of these apertures are seen from three to four, or sometimes only two, minute foramina. Well to the outer sides of these are the conspicuous foramina ovalia. As has already been said in a former paragraph, the temporal wings of the exoccipitals are very prominently produced ; and, as usual, to their inner sides at the basal angles of the basi- temporal triangle are found the ordinary group of foramina for the entrance and exit of vessels and nerves. The foramen magnum is of a subcircular outline, and the plane of its periphery makes an angle of some 20° with the backwardly-produced plane of the basis cranii. The condyle is comparatively large, hemispherical in form, and sessile. Rising almost perpendicular to the basitemporal triangular, the occipital area is well defined by an elliptical bounding are, which sweeps round on either hand to the apices of the temporal wings. In the middle of this space a moderately prominent, unpierced, supraoccipital elevation is to be seen. In removing the cranial vault I find that the tables are very closely juxta- opposed, and, of a consequence, but a little diploic tissue present. The several cerebral fossee are sharply defined by out-jutting lamelliform ledges of bone. At the base of the sella turcica there seems to be but one carotid opening, and the posterior clinoid wall to this fossa is very thin, and usually exhibits one or two perforations. The mandible (figs. 1 and 2) of Conwrus is somewhat horse- shoe shaped, with very deep and smooth ramal sides, which are deficient anteriorly, leaving a semicircular opening with cutting edge all round. When the horny mandibular sheath is care- fully removed in the fresh specimen, this edge has filiform prolongations of soft tissue standing out from its middle third below, which, after they have dried and become more or less shrunken, look something like a row of delicate teeth. The ramal sides of this bone slope away as we proceed back- wards, and the mandibular ends are truncated at about the same angle. 414 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. To the inner sides of these articular ends a ledge is thrown out to support the facet for either quadrate. Behind these- longitudinal articular grooves single pits are found, at the bases of which the pneumatic foramina occur. The under borders of the mandible are smooth and rounded (fig. 2). | Of the Hyoid Arches (Pl. X. fig. 5)—Notwithstanding the fact that the glossohyal which supports the thick, short, and fleshy tongue of this parrot remains in cartilage throughout life, the ceratohyals (ch.) are very completely developed, meet in the median line, and ossify up to the very hinder body of this element anterior to them. Where they unite at the mesial point behind, an articular surface is formed for the first basi- branchial (bh.). This last-named element is unusually long, and anchyloses with the second basibranchial (0.b2.), the point of mergence being enlarged to accommodate the heads of 4 eeratobranchials (c.br.), and anteriorly to support a peculiar | osseous outgrowth (0/.), that, so far as I am at present informed, is restricted to the Psittaci; indeed, this is the only form in 4 which I have observed this latter feature. ; The ceratobranchials (¢.b7.) are very long, subeylindrical, and rather stout rods of bone; while, on the other hand, the epibranchials (c.br.) are notably short and but feebly developed, As thus constituted, the thyrohyal elements show but little curvature along their continuities, and still less disposition to curl up behind the cranium. Of the Remainder of the Aaial Skeleton (Pl. XI. figs. 8, 9, 10, 18, 15, 17, and 18).—Conurus carolinensis has thirty-five ; vertebree in its spinal column, and a large pygostyle at its terminal extremity, The atlas is characterised by a broad neural arch above, : an unperforated cup for the occipital condyle, and a prominent | process extending backwards from the pseudo-centrum behind. J Axis vertebra has a very inconspicuous odontoid process, j strongly developed neural and hypapophysial spines, and : tuberous postzygapophyses. This segment, like the rest of the column and the pelvis, is pneumatic; to this statement, however, the last five caudal vertebree and pygostyle prove an exception. OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. 415 Both third and fourth vertebree have strong hypapophysial spines, and neural ones scarcely less marked. In these, too, the lateral canal are seen, but the processes at their hinder margins are, as yet, but feebly produced. The zygapophysial arms are short, and their being joined from before backwards in each case by bone extension lend to these two segments a width upon their dorsal aspects and a solid appearance not possessed by any of the other vertebrae below. In the fifth vertebra the dorsal and ventral spines have lost not a little of their prominence, while the parapophyses are much longer. This segment has the postzygapophyses mani- festly lengthened, whereas but little change has taken place in the anterior pair. The sixth vertebra loses the neural and hypapophysial spines altogether ; the parapophyses gradually diminish in size from this segment down the chain, until they, with the pleurapophyses, again become prominent as free ribs. Like- wise the neural and lateral canals, which are here quite small, also increase in calibre as we proceed in the same direction. This vertebra has also a short carotid canal present in place of the hypapophysis. And this last feature is still better marked in the seventh vertebra, though it remains open below. These are the only two which have it in this parrot, in the eighth its site being again occupied by a low, median hypapophysial spine. In all these segments, as well as in the few succeeding ones that we find before coming to the true dorsals, the pre- and postzygapophyses are diverging limbs of the most usual form in aves. The articulations among the centra are heteroccelous. Ninth vertebra has the neural spine commencing to make its appearance again, and is here a low tubercle, more promi- nent in the tenth, and thus on till it assumes the dorsal form of this spine. The hypapophysial plates in both the ninth and tenth vertebre are deep, long, and of a quadrate form, and from the lateral masses being low on the sides of the centra, they appear sunken between these protuberances. We find that the twelfth vertebra has much the general aspect of one of the dorsals, and moreover, its pleurapophyses have become freed as a tiny pair of ribs. These attain quite 416 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. a respectable length in the thirteenth vertebre, while in the fourteenth, where they are still unconnected with the sternum, they possess small unciform processes. We may term the fifteenth to the eighteenth vertebre in- clusive true dorsals, for they all have ribs connecting them in the usual way with the sternum. They also have inter- locking neural spines, and their transverse processes are strengthened by each one developing a single spiculaform interlacing metapophysis at its outer extremity. Prominent hypapophyses are found upon the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth, and a small one sometimes on the seventeenth vertebra. The ribs have broad unciform processes anchylosed to them, but there are still two other pairs that come from beneath the pelvis, belonging as they do to the sacrum, that also meet costal ribs below, which do not have these appendages. Sometimes abortive ribs are found anchylosed to the twenty-first and twenty-second vertebra; these being the third and fourth segments appropriated by the sacrum. Now, in my male specimen of this parroquet, I find the nineteenth to the twenty-ninth vertebra, inclusive, form the pelvic sacrum, while in the female an additional segment, which in the male remains a free caudal, has become firmly attached behind. This circumstance gives the male six free tail vertebra, whereas the other specimen has but five. Such a freak as this, however, not unfrequently happens among birds, where the count for the entire number of vertebre in the column remains wonderfully constant for the species. The caudal vertebre (fig. 13) have spreading transverse pro- cesses, and stumpy neural spines; the ultimate two having strong bifid hypapophyses, Of an irregular quadrilateral outline,the pygostylehasthickened hinder and lower margins, while the remaining two are cultrate. Giving our attention now to the pelvis, we find this com- pound bone in Conwrus (figs. 9,10) devoid of any very striking features, it having all the general characteristics of this part of the avian skeleton, without any to particularly distinguish it beyond the general facies of its kind. OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. 417 Viewed from above, it will be seen that the pre- and postacetabular areas are about equal in extent, the ilium being concave where it forms the first, and the reverse where it constitutes the latter. For the entire length of the sacrum these bones are firmly sealed to its outer margins, forming the most complete “ilio-neural canals” anteriorly, which do not even open posteriorly as in some birds; while behind it lends to the postacetabular area a very unbroken aspect, that is rendered even more so from the absence of all but a few small foramina among the sacral diapophyses. Upon the lateral aspect of the pelvis we note that the propubis is not developed, and that the inner periphery of the cotyloid ring is nearly as large as the outer one. The small obturator foramen is rendered complete by a pretty thorough meeting between the ischium and the somewhat slender postpubis immediately be- hind it. The obturator space is long and spindle-shaped, but the lower angle of the ischium does not need the postpubic shaft beneath it, as it does in so many birds. The antitrochanter and the elliptical ischial foramen are both of comparatively moderate size, and these several features, con- stituting as they do a group of notable occurrence on the lateral aspect in nearly all avian pelves, are here in harmony, both as to size and position, with the same as they are found in the class’s majority. On the under side we find that the lateral processes of the leading four sacral vertebree are thrown out as abutments against the nether sides of the ilia; beyond, or rather behind these, the usual cavity of the pelvic basin occurs, and the succeeding di- apophyses of these consolidated vertebree are less manifest than common, being all elevated and having their extremities in the roof above. The foramina for the exit of the sacral nerves are double, in each case one being placed above another, and the swell to accommodate the myelonic enlargement in this part of the cord’s track is here well pronounced. Conurus, in common with many other parrots, has for its general size comparatively a large sternwm (figs. 8 and 18). Seen from above we observe that the costal processes are but 418 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. scarcely produced above the lateral borders, which latter rise cradually to their summits. These costal borders each support six facets for the hemapophyses, the concavities among them being pierced by small groups of pneumatic foramina. The space occupied by one of these costal borders is equal to about half the whole length of the lateral sternal margin. Posterior to them, on either side, the margins are sharp all the way round the xiphoidal extremity, this part of the bone having a shield-shaped outline, being concave above, though not nearly so much so as that part of the sternal body lying between the costal borders in front. In this latter section we sometimes find a few scattered pneu- matic foramina down the median line; the most constant, and a large one of these, however, is close up to the anterior border of the bone, which curls backwards over it, and the fossa thus fo-med is always spanned over by a median longitudinal bridge of bone. The anterior sternal body is thickened, and directly over its sharpened edge in front we find a continuous coracoidal groove ; beyond this there rears directly up a broad quadrate manubrium, which is continuous with, and has its lateral surfaces in the same plane with, the carina below. Extending the entire length of the body of the bone the keel of this sternum is comparatively a very deep one. Both its lower and anterior borders are convex, the latter being quite sharp. ‘The carinal angle formed by the meeting of these edges is rounded off, so that the lines form really one common curved line (fig. 8). That anterior vertical and thickened column of bone which is present in the keel of nearly all avian sterna is here well developed, but situated at some little distance back from the anterior margin. Moreover, it does not descend so far as is usually seen, being apparently interrupted by the muscular line which longitudinally marks the bone. The muscular lines of the pectoral aspect are roughly parallel to the costal borders, and remain quite distinct as we proceed towards the xiphoidal extremity, nearly as far as the elliptical fenestra that there occur, one on either side. In the shoulder-girdle (figs. 15 and 17) we find a scapula with OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. 419 rather a short blade though a stout one, having the usual sabre- hike form with obliquely truncated extremity posteriorly. It contributes the usual amount of articular surface to the glenoid cavity (g.), but when im situ does not occupy the entire length of the superior line of the scapular process of the coracoid, nor have any connection with the furculum except through a slight ligamentous attachment. I have represented in the Plate the right coracoid (c., fig. 17) as seen from a posterior view. It will be at once observed that in Conwrus this element of the girdle has a form that partakes much of the pattern it assumes among birds generally. ' Its tuberous summit is inclined slightly forwards and towards the median line, when articulated im situ, and has resting against it the frail clavicular head of that side. The scapular process already alluded to is well developed, but here chiefly given over to quite extensive ligamentous attachment. The coracoidal shaft is strong, comparatively of good length, and subcompressed in the antero-posterior direction, being faintly marked at the usual sites by muscular lines. At the sternal extremity of the bone we find the expanded portion, the form of which can best be seen in fig. 17, where we note that the lateral process at its externo-inferior angle is well marked. Many parrots are notorious for having incomplete furecula, in others the union at their medio-inferior points is very feeble. In this particular they resemble the Strigidw, a group they undoubtedly have some remote affinity with, in structure. Our Carolina parroquet has a complete os furculum, as shown in fig. 17 (cl.); it is, however, a very weak bone, and functionally accomplishes little more than an ossified ligament in the same position. Indeed, it reminds one very much of such a structure, for when duly articulated it is but little in advance of the imaginary plane that is tangent to the anterior surfaces of the coracoidal shafts, and consequently but little dissociated from the ligaments that descend from the coracoidal summits to meet for attachment on the top of the sternal manubrium. It is in form of the U-shaped pattern, and without a hypocleidium at the clavicular junction below. As already intimated above, and so far as the light I have on 420 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. * the subject will at present permit me to judge, I believe that the shoulder-girdle of Conwrus more nearly resembles these parts in some of the owls than it does the corresponding lines in any other class of birds with which I am acquainted. Of the Appendicular Skeleton (Plates X., XI., figs. 6, 7, 11, 12,13, and 16).—A glance at the drawing in the Plate of the pectoral limb of this parrot will be sufficient to convince us that it presents no very striking deviations from the average skeleton of the wing as found in existing birds. The bones are all harmoniously balanced both as regards their relative lengths and calibres. Pneumaticity is enjoyed by the hwmerus alone (h.), and this bone is here characterised by a short, though not inconspicuous, radial crest, an ulnar crest devoted, as usual, to forming a canopy over the pneumatic fossa, in which are found the air- holes leading to the interior of the humeral shaft: This latter is but little curved in any direction, being subcylindrical and smooth. At the distal extremity of the bone we find the trochleze for articulation with the antibrachial elements prom- inently produced, while on the obverse aspect a broad and a narrow gutter are seen, which guide the passing tendons in life. The radius is nearly straight for its entire length, differing from the w/na in this particular, it having a considerable curve along its shaft, the concavity of which is on the radial side, and gives rise to quite a wide interosseous space. This curvature of the ulna is not well seen in the drawing, because the bone is rotated there to a position that brings it on the side towards the observer, and consequently makes the shaft appear nearly straight. The carpal elements (re., we.) are two in number as usual, and they have the form most commonly presented by these bones throughout the majority of the class. In the manus we find a carpo-metacarpus of the ordinary form for birds generally. Its rather large pollex phalanx is without a claw, this feature being likewise absent from the tip of the distal digit. My drawing presents all these bones of the size they attain in an adult male parrot, with every important detail brought out, and held in such a position that their greatest lengths are OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. 431 represented, and can be easily measured and appreciated from the Plate itself. None of the bones of the pelvic extremity in Conwrus have air admitted to their interiors, and they ail become dark and greasy in the ordinarily prepared skeleton. The femur has a large, semiglobular head, with a shallow, though quite extensive excavation upon it, for the round liga- ment. A broad articular surface is found at the summit of the bone for the antitrochanter of the pelvis, and the suppressed trochanterian ridge does not rise above this. The shaft of the bone is but little bent in any direction, and it has the usual cylindrical form. At the distal extremity the condyles are fairly well developed, not strikingly large, the outer one being the lower when the bone is held in the vertical position, In front the rotular channel does not extend upon the shaft above them, while behind the popliteal depression is shallow also. The cleft for the fibular head marks the posterior aspect of the external condyle, dividing it, as usual, into two parts. Our subject possesses a small patella of a subcordate form, maintaining its usual relations with the bones of the leg and thigh (fig. 12, P.). Tibio-tarsus (fig. 12, 7%.) has its cnemial crest but very slightly produced above the articulating surface at the summit of the bone, while below it the pro- and ectocnemial ridges are but feebly manifested, and very soon merge into the shaft. This latter is quite straight and smooth, being slightly com- pressed in the antero-posterior direction. At the distal extremity the inner condylar protuberance is decidedly the more prominent, both upon front and rear aspects. The valley between these two eminences is quite wide and well defined, even to the posterior side of the bone. The osseous bridge for the extensor tendons is present. Marked feebleness in development is displayed on the part of the fibula of the Carolina parrot, for this bone is found not to extend below the ridge it articulates with on the side of the shaft of the greater leg-bone. Below this point the inferior apex of the fibular shaft is produced and replaced by a ligament of hair-like dimensions. 4293 DR. Rk. W. SHUFELDT. What there is of the fibula in this bird, however, is fully as well developed as we usually find it in the class; simply its apparently useless prolongation, as seen in many birds, has never ossified. In the skeleton of the foot we find a short, thick-set tarso- metatarsus, with spreading trochlear extremity. Three views are presented in the Plate of this bone, besides the one where it is shown on a lateral view with the foot as a whole (figs. 13 and 16). Its shaft is short and straight, being much compressed from before backwards, On the anterior aspect it is convex from side to side, while behind it is longitudinally excavated. The hypotarsus is a narrow, projecting ledge with one vertical, cylindrical perforation (fig. 13, st.) near its centre, and scarcely erooved for the other tendons behind. At the summit of this bone we note the two condylar depressions for the trochles of the tibio-tarsus. The usual arterial foramen pierces the shaft at its ordinary site at the distal end. As is well known, Psittaci are permanently zygodactyle birds by reversion of the fourth toe, while they not only possess a well developed and free accessory metatarsal, but the usual number of joints to the digits. Conwrus carolinensis agrees in all these particulars. Whenever I can I make it a rule to fully illustrate in the figures the tibio-tarsus and skeleton of the pes, as the points pre- sented by these parts stand among the most important in this all-important system of the bird’s anatomy, for when sufficient data of this kind become available they will be not only valuable as an aid in classification, but help to determine the affinities of existing birds with such fossil forms as may from time to time be discovered. It will be seen that I have not overlooked this fact in the present instance. Synopsis of the Skeletal Characters of Conwrus earolinensis. 1. Superior mandible arched as in Raptores; osseous nares small, subcircular, separated by nasal septum. Dentary margins of mandible cultrate, and notched. OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. 493 2. Orbital ring complete. 3. Cranio-facial hinge as in other Psiétacz. 4, Lower margin of rostrum cultrate. 5. Quadrate has a large and small facet on mastoidal head, a well-developed orbital process, and a single, longitudinal mandi- bular facet, which is laterally compressed and convex in both directions. 6. Pterygoids long and slender rods, anterioriy articulating with each other and with the palatines. 7. Major portion of either palatine—a large vertical plate, directed downwards and backwards. These bones curl towards each other and form a limited articulation in the median line; anteriorly they are horizontally flattened, and are hinged to the mandible beneath the spongy mass, which constitutes the maxillo-palatine and nasal septum. 8. Mandible truncated in front; rami and symphysis deep and gradually round into each other.* 9. Hyoid apparatus with large, united ceratohyals, and a peculiar bony outgrowth on either side of the first basibranchial, extending forwards. 10. Manubrium of sternum erect, large, and continuous with the deep carina. Xiphoidal extremity of this bone has an ~ elliptical fenestra on either side. Costal processes low, and usually six hamapophysial facets on each costal border. Coracoidal grooves unite in front. 11. Furculum of shoulder-girdle firmly united below. 12. The humerus only is pneumatic in the pectoral limb. 13. A well-developed patella present. Fibula short, extend- ing only so far as the lower end of fibular ridge of tibio- tarsus. 14, The tendinal bridge at antero-distal end of tibio-tarsus at right angles to long axis of shaft. The inner condyle the larger and more elevated. 15, General skeletal characters of pes agree with other Psitiaci. Negatwe Characters, 1. Vomer absent. 2. Basipterygoid processes not developed. 424 DR R. W. SHUFELDT. 3. No hypocleidium on os furculum, and this bone does not meet the scapular process of coracoid. 4, Propubis of pelvis absent. 5. Pelvic limb non-pneumatic. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES X., XI. Reference Letters. b. Basal view of left tarso- ju. Jugal. metatarsus. m’, m'', Middle metacarpal and its bf. Bony outgrowth from basi- phalanx. branchial. me. Maxillary. b.bh. Second basibranchial of or. Orbital ring. hyoid apparatus. P. Patella. bh. First basibranchial. p. Pollex phalanx. . Coracoid, pl. Palatine. c.br. Ceratobranchial of hyoid pt. Pterygoid. apparatus. q. Quadrate. ch. Ceratohyals. rd. Radius. cl. Os furculum. re. Radiale. e.br. Epibranchial of hyoid ap- st. Summitof tarso-metatarsus. paratus. Tt. Tibio-tarsus. Fb. Fibula. ue, Ulnare, . Glenoid cavity. ul, Ulna. . Humerus. i,t’, v. Second metacarpal and index digit. Fig. 1. Left lateral view of skull, and detached mandible of Co- nurus carolinensis, . Life size from the specimen. Fig. 2. Mandible of Conwrus carolinensis; seen from above. size, same subject. Fig. 3. Skull of Conurus carolinensis. Life size from the same specimen. Fig. 4. Under view of the skull of Conurus carolinensis ; mandible removed. from below, same specimen, x 2. Fig. 6. Anconeal aspect of left pectoral limb of Conurus carolinensis. Life size, same subject. show them to best advantage. Fig. 7. Palmar aspect of left humerus of Conurus carolinensis. Life size, same specimen. Fig. 8. Right lateral view of sternum of Conurus carolinensis. Life size, from the same specimen as before. Life Seen upon superior aspect. The mandible has-been removed. Life size, same specimen as before. Fig. 5. The hyoidean apparatus of Conuwrus carolinensis. Seen Bones somewhat dislodged, and moved to OSTEOLOGY OF CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. 425 Fig. 9. Right lateral view of the pelvis of Conurus carolinensis. Life size, same specimen as in the former figures. Fig. 10. Superior aspect of pelvis of Conurus carolinensis. Life size, same bone as shown in fig. 9. Fig. 11. Anterior aspect of left femur of Conurus carolinensis. Life size. Fig. 12. Anterior aspect of left tibio-tarsus, fibula, and patella of Conurus carolinensis. Life size. Fig. 13. Anterior aspect of left tarso-metatarsus of Conuris caro- linensis, showing also basal and summit views of the same bone. All these bones, including the foot (fig. 16), are taken from the same specimen used for the former figures. Life size. Fig. 14. Right lateral view of the five vertebra and pygostyle con- stituting the skeleton of the tail of Conuwrus carolinensis, Life size, same specimen. Fig. 15. Superior aspect of left scapula of Conurus carolinensis. Life size, same specimen as in former figures. Fig. 16. Inner aspect of left pes of Conurus carolinensis. Life size, same specimen. Fig. 17. Right coracoid and os furculum of Conurus carolinensis, seen from behind. Life size, same specimen. Fig. 18. Sternum of Conurus carolinensis. Pectoral aspect. Life size, same bone shown in fig. 8. . VOL. XX, 2k A NAVAJO SKULL. By R. W. Suuretpr, M.D., Captain Med, Corps, U.S. Army, Membr. A.O.U., Membr. Soe. Nat. E.U.S., Memb. Scientif. Socs. of Washington ; Cor. Memb. Soc. Ital. Antropologia, Etnologia, e Psicologia Comp., Florence. (PLATE XII.) Ir is a well-known fact that for many years past the majority of descriptive anthropotomists, in describing the skull, have divided the bones composing it into those of the face and those of the skull. So that if we adopt the nomen- clature of Dr J. Barnard Davis, the valuable and interesting specimen which forms the subject of this paper would be considered a calvaria, as it lacks the lower maxilla. Accord- ing to this authority, too, a craniwm was regarded as being composed of the entire number of bones of the head and face, while the calvaria was made up of the bones of the skull alone. In these days, when the knowledge of the general structure and physiology of vertebrates has become absolutely indispensable to the anatomist, be his particular line of research what it may, such artificial landmarks are eradually becoming obsolete. At the best of times Navajo Indian skulls are difficult objects to obtain, so I considered myself particularly fortunate when some time during the early autumn of 1885 the present specimen came into my possession. It was collected by a young man on one of their burial grounds upon the hills in the vicinity of Fort Wingate, New Mexico, and handed to me immediately afterwards to make such use of it as I saw fit. This skull is from a male subject of about forty years of age, who came to his death by a gun-shot wound of the head. The results of this fatal injury are not far to seek in the specimen, and they may be seen in part in my illustrations of it in the Plate. We find the large wound of entrance has pierced the left outer angle of the supraoccipital bone, and destroyed the adja- cent mastoidal process of the pars mastoidea of the temporal, resulting in a magnificent example of that rare condition, a = -~ ON A NAVAJO SKULL. 427 fracture by contre coup, the external appearance of which may be seen upon the right frontal bone in three of the figures. Five years ago, when Otis published the list of the human crania contained in the Anatomical Section of the United States Army Medical Museum, this extensive and unrivalled collection of several thousand specimens had in it but twenty- two, perfect or imperfect, Navajo Indian skulls, At present this collection is not available to me, but from the excellent catalogue in question, I am enabled to select cer- tain data of the highest value for comparison with similar observations made by myself upon the specimen in hand. Of the twenty-two skulls alluded to I have chosen eight as nearly perfect ones as possible, and of the same sex as ‘our subject, with a slight variation in age. From the data afforded by these in the catalogue, the averages exhibited in the sub- joined table, for comparison with corresponding ones in our specimen, have been computed. Very wisely, Dr Otis adopted the metric system in all of his measurements, and the same is employed here. At the headings of the several columns of the table I have used certain abbreviations; among these, where an explanation seems necessary, ‘“ Cran: cap. c.c.,” stands for cranial capacity in cubic centimetres ; C is the circumference taken (in my case) with a steel metric tape measure, upon the periphery of the figure formed by the plane which passes through the glabella, the occiput, and outstanding lateral points ; F is facial angle; L is longitudinal diameter, from glabella to highest point of occipital prominence ; H refers to the height, measured from the middle of the anterior margin of the foramen magnum to the highest point on the cranial vault; ZD, is the zygomatic diameter; and finally, B, the greatest transverse , parietal diameter, or the breadth. During the time Dr Otis lived (and it was my good fortune to see many of the human crania there measured while he had charge of that part of the Museum) No. 8 shot was the medium by which the internal capacity of the specimens was ascer- tained; but since then methods involving greater accuracy have been adopted. As I have already stated, circumferential measurements were obtained from the specimen in my hands by a flexible steel * %, : 428 DR R. W. SHUFELDT tape measure, while diameters were taken with an accurate pair of calipers. In computing the cranial capacity, I filled all the foramina leading into the brain case so carefully that the fillings were made flush in every instance with the internal cranial wall. After this was done the skull would contain water without leaking, but instead of using that vehicle, I employed the shot known to collectors as “ dust Table of Averages. Museum No. |Age and| Cran. C. L. 156 Zia: B. of Specimen. Sex. |Cap. cc.} mm. f mm |mm.| mm, mm. 2 788 35, 6. | 1480 OT Tie 180 137 142 148 97 30,6. | 1190 479) | 9° 164 124 127 140 130 45, 3 1335 AOD | Wits 168 133 129 144 18 30, 6 1480 511 ssl 183 142 137 633 30, 3 1325 499 | 76° 175 138 125 130 784 40, 3 1550 5138 | 74 182 144 139 136 785 55, 3 1435 490 | 77° 163 140 138 148 1086 45, 3 1560 521 | 82° 187 138 143 142 Averages. 39+ 1419+) 503+] 77°+}) 175+) 187 134+} 140+ Data from the present 40+ x 1520 527 80° 169 151 150 160 Specimen. shot” (smaller than No. 12). It will at once be seen that this gives a higher figure, yet at the same time a more accurate re- sult than No, 8 shot can do, as used by Dr Otis. Quicksilver would come still nearer the mark, as it would perfectly accom- modate itself to all the surfaces of the walls bounding the cranial casket within. In consulting the above “ Table of Averages,” the fact that I used smaller-sized shot in taking the cranial capacity must be borne in mind. Next, with an excellent camera, which I possess and employ to do work very similar to the present, I photographed this cal- varia in four different positions, and from these photographs, by a process in which inaccuracy is reduced to a minimum, I made the four drawings presented in the Plate. So far as any single specimen of a skull can be, this one, no doubt, is typical of the skull as found in the Navajo Indians at least for the adult male portion of them. In past times the field of study in human craniology was - ON A NAVAJO SKULL. 429 rather an unsatisfactory and discouraging one, owing to the fact that the greatest diversity was found to exist among skulls re- presenting individuals of the same race; but now, thanks to composite photography, the vista which opens before us is far more hopeful. Especially is this true of Galton’s methods of comparing the components with the composite. After the ideal composite has been formed by the proper employment of the eight types of components, we then have the starting point from which generalised data may be deduced, and subjects such as the present can be advantageously compared. By comparing the figures with the data in the table, and the latter for the several specimens introduced, much may be brought out of a very suggestive nature, even in such a brief sketch as I here offer—indeed, a great deal which falls without its proper scope, as originally intended, which was simply to illustrate by mea- surements and drawings the leading characteristics of an adult male skull of a representative of one of the most prominent tribes of existing North American Indians. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XII. Fig. 1. Calvaria of Navajo Indian, ad. ¢, nearly direct anterior aspect, considerably reduced from the original. Fig. 2. The same specimen seen from above. Fig. 3. A rear view of the same upon a somewhat larger scale than employed in figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 4. The same specimen, lateral view, the scale being the same as in fig. 3. ADDITIONAL NOTE ON THE NAVAJO INDIAN SKULL. By Professor Sir WILLIAM TurRNER, M.B., F.R.S. As Dr Shufeldt has very kindly sent me the Navajo skull, described in his paper, for presentation to the Anatomical Museum of the University of Edinburgh, I have had the oppor- tunity of examining this interesting specimen, and wish to supplement his description with a few additional particulars. The skull presented a well-marked parieto-occipital flattening, obviously due to artificial pressure, which had been applied so as to cause the suprasquamous part of the occipital bone and the posterior ?ths of the parietal to slope upwards and forwards. The frontal region did not exhibit any flattening, so that in this individual, and it may be in his tribe of Indians, the pressure applied in infancy was apparently limited to the back of the head. Owing to this artificial distortion, the longitudinal diameter of the head was diminished, and the cephalic index, 94°6, computed from Dr Shufeldt’s measurements of the length and breadth, was therefore higher than it would have been in an undeformed skull. The cranium was hyperbrachycephalic. The height of the skull was also very considerable, and reached, as may be seen from the table, 151 mm.; the vertical index was © 89, so that the skull was hyperakrocephalic. In all probability the pressure during infancy, which shortened the skull in its antero-posterior direction, forced the vertex upwards and added to the height of the cranium, so that the high vertical index was occasioned both by diminished length and increased height. The skull was cryptozygous, for not only was the breadth in the parietal region great, but the stephanic diameter was 137 mm. The glabella was not very prominent, but the supraciliary ridges were thick and strong. The bridge of the nose was concave forward, so that the tip projected to the front. The basi-nasal diameter was 105 mm.; the basi-alveolar 98 mm.; the gnathic index was 93, and the skull was orthognathic. The nasal spine of the superior maxilla was moderate. Where the side walls of the anterior nares joined the floor, the margin of the opening - ADDITIONAL NOTE ON THE NAVAJO INDIAN SKULL. 431 was rounded. The transverse diameter of the orbit was 40 mm.; the vertical diameter 36 mm.; the orbital index was 90, and the orbit was megaseme. The nasal height was 48 mm.; the nasal width 25 mm.; the nasal index was 52, and the nose was meso- rhine, The palato-maxillary length was 56, the palato-maxillary width was 72 mm.; the palato-maxillary index was 128, and the roof of the mouth was brachyuranic.!. The teeth were all erupted and not much worn, The cranial sutures were all un- ossified. The parieto-sphenoid suture in the pterion was 19 mm. in antero-posterior diameter. There were no Wormian bones. The anterior end of the inferior turbinated bone was almost in the same plane as the anterior nares. 1 See my Report on Human Crania in Reports of ‘‘ Challenger” Expedition, part xxix., 1884, for the introduction of this term. ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS—OVARIAN, VAGINAL, SACRAL, LINGUAL, AND TRACHEAL. By J. Buanp SurTon, F.R.CS., Hrasmus Wilson Lecturer on Pathology, Royal College of Surgeons, England. (PLATE XTi In the present communication the mode of origin of certain forms of ovarian cysts will be considered, also the relation of Gartner’s ducts to vaginal cysts, and the part played by the post-anal gut in producing congenital sacral cystic tumours. Some remarks will also be made on lingual and tracheal cysts. The material which has supplied me with the facts to be recorded in this communication concerning the ovaries and Gartner’s ducts consisted of the uterus and its appendages taken from seventy cows, varying in age from nine months to ten years. Many of these were virgins or heifers, others had borne several calves, and many of the specimens were pregnant at the time of dissection, These uteri were obtained from animals slaughtered for the purposes of food; all the specimens were taken consecutively, so as to represent as far as possible average conditions. At the same time, and under precisely similar conditions, the uterus and appendages were examined from fifty sows. Also the generative organs of twenty aged mares, in addition to fifty reported upon last year. | These specimens are supplementary to the great number of animals which come under my observation at the gardens of the Zoological Society. The dissection of these specimens was undertaken for the purpose to trace, if possible, the mode of origin of ovarian cysts, and the relation of Gartner’s ducts to cysts of the broad ligament, and the upper part of the vagina. Ovarian Cysts. [ do not propose to spend time in discussing the various theories that have been raised to explain the mode of origin of ovarian cysts. Nearly everything that enters into the com- ae a ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 433 position of this wonderful organ has been pressed into the service. Briefly, my aim is to show in no uncertain way the mode of origin of some of the cysts. In this Journal (vol. xix. p. 139) I drew attention to the fact that two-thirds of all mares that attain the age of eight years present cystic ovaries, the cysts varying in size from a grape to an orange: it was also stated that some of these cysts probably arise in Graafian follicles, and that others are of parovarian origin. After the publication of the paper referred to, I still pursued the investigation, and was fortunate enough to encounter in the ovary of a mare, a cyst of the size of a nut occupying the centre of a large corpus luteum. This specimen is figured and described in the Zrans. Path. Soc., vol. xxxvi. This case seemed to support the view that there is reason to believe in the origin of some ovarian cysts in degenerate corpora lutea, that I resolved to pursue the ques- tion in the ovaries of cows, for, of all domestic animals, they seem to be the most liable to ovarian cysts. Accordingly, seventy sets of generative organs were obtained from these animals. The result of the investigation was eminently satisfactory, for it goes to show in a most conclusive manner that ovarian cysts do arise in corpora. lutea. In fig. 1 (p. 434) the various stages are represented as follows :— A.—A section through a normal] ovary from a heifer; the small cysts are immature Graafian follicles. B.—A corpus luteum of pregnancy. The uterus contained a calf about two months old in the corresponding uterine cornu. C.—The centre of the corpus luteum in this case is occupied by two distinct cavities, lined by a delicate membrane, and con- taining fluid. Two distinct cavities are only occasionally present in one corpus luteum. D.—In this stage the cavity has attained the size of a nut; two old cysts of similar organ are also seen in the ovary. E.—The cyst here represented was of the size of an orange, and filled with fluid. Its relation to the preceding cysts is de- monstrated indubitably by the circumstance that the same yellow-coloured material forms a lining to the cyst immedi- ately beneath the peritoneal investment. 434 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. In addition to the principal cyst, a number of smaller ones may be seen on its sides. It is important to draw attention to this, for they may be mistaken to represent secondary cysts, whereas in reality they are cysts similarly developed in old Fic. 1.—A series of drawings to show the origin of ovarian cysts in corpora lutea. Figs. A to E are from the ovaries of cows. F represents a cyst which ot- curred in the ovary of a tiger. corpora lutea, but quite independent of the larger one; they form part of the cyst wall because they, with the ovary, became flattened out and incorporated with the cyst walls, due to the pressure of the abnormal mass. I have been able thus to account for similar multiple cysts in the human female. ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 435 This series supplies evidence beyond all dispute of the gradual formation of a cyst from a corpus luteum. Evidence is not wanting to show that if two or more corpora lutea in the same ovary become cystic, and this is far from being uncommon, a multilocular cystoma may arise. To me, the most satisfactory feature of the investigation is this,—anyone with a little patience may obtain twenty-five cows’ ovaries and demonstrate all the stages represented in fig. 1 with the greatest of ease, and without any other assistance than that afforded by a sharp knife. Besides in cows, the process may be traced in mares and in pigs, but not so readily as in cows. Cysts also occur after the same fashion in tigers, and one of fair proportions from this animal is shown in woodcut 1, F. Other observers have suggested that the same process holds good for human females, and I have seen specimens which support these observations in women and in monkeys. One other question suggests itself. In the specimens figured the cysts occurred for the most part in animals which had borne young. Do the same statements hold good for virgins ? It may be mentioned that old animals or those which had borne young were selected, because the corpora lutea were larger, and illustrated the condition more clearly, but virgins are also liable to precisely the same changes in all the species dissected. It is now essential that we should endeavour to explain why these bodies should soften in the centre and form cysts. For- tunately a very satisfactory explanation is forthcoming. In the ripe ovarian follicle we can distinguish a distinct wall derived from, and continuous with, the stroma of the ovary. The inner aspect of the boundary wall is lined by layers of epithelial cells forming the membrana granulosa. Similar cells surround the ovum, but are polyhedral or columnar in shape; a collection of cells usually forms at one part known as the discus proligerus. When the ovum escapes from the follicle the cavity becomes filled with effused blood. After a time (about fourteen days) the blood clot is in a great measure replaced by a material of a distinct yellow colour, forming the well-known corpus luteum, This tissue is present in corpora lutea of menstruation and of pregnancy, the only difference being one of quantity. 436 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. It is by no means a decided question as to the source of the yellow material. Under the microscope it presents cells of various shapes and sizes intersected by capillary blood-vessels derived from the wall of the follicle, the tissue according to one observer resembling the cortical substance of the supra-renal capsules. ‘There are three possible sources of this tissue :— (1) It may arise from proliferation of the cells of the mem- brana granulosa, or (2) be derived from the follicular wall; (3) it may result from the organisation of the blood-clot. For my own part I think it is due to the two last causes combined. Certainly the clot is in an exceedingly favourable condition for organisation. Whichever view is the true one the following fact’ remains inviolate, viz.; the centre of a corpus luteum is usually occupied by the débris of the original clot, which is in a gelatinous condition, the material becomes sur- rounded by a delicate membrane formed by the coalescence of some of the cells composing the yellow tissue. J¢ is by sub- sequent distension of the space thus formed that cysts arise so Srequently wn these bodies. With regard to the ovaries of the sows it is unnecessary to enter into details. The origin of cysts from degenerate corpora lutea could be traced as easily in them as in the cows; with the exception that the cysts do not attain so large a size relatively. Fig. 2 represents the ovary of a sow, showing numerous cysts Fic, 2.—Ovary and Fallopian tube Fie, 3.—An ovary and Fallopian tube of of a sow. a sow, showing hydrosalpinx. which have arisen in corpora lutea, for in the case of these animals six or seven ova escape from each ovary at the time of heat, producing as many corpora lutea. In fig. 3 is repre- sented also a sow’s ovary studded with cysts, and at one end of ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 437 the organ the Fallopian tube has become firmly attached by strong adhesions, and in such » way that its ostium abdominale is completely occluded. As a result of this, the tube has be- come dilated so that the little finger could easily be accommo- dated in its interior. The natural dimensions of the tube are represented in fig. 2. On carefully examining the Fallopian tubes of all the sows (fifty in number) three well-marked cases of distention of the tube were found, constituting veritable cases of hydrosalpinx. In all cases the abdominal end was firmly adherent to the ovary, and completely occluded. In my previous paper a case of pyosalpinx was described which occurred in a kangaroo; a second specimen has since come to hand. Now that the affec- tion has been found also in pigs and in the cow, there can be little doubt that, if carefully looked for in other mammals, by those who have opportunities, other cases will doubtless come to light. Before leaving the ovary it will be of interest to consider further certain details connected with the “tissue of the hilum.” For several months I have systematically examined the ovaries of every female human fetus, from the eighth to ninth month of intra-uterine life, which has come into my room for dissection. The ovaries were preserved entire in Miiller’s fluid in the usual way, and when properly hardened were cut into sections for the microscope. In this work I was fortunate enough to have the assistance of three of my pupils—Messrs Sibley, Nash, and Marris—in cutting and mounting many of the specimens. The results of this work will be briefly stated. In all cases the “ tissue of the hilum” was very conspicuous, but varied con- siderably in amount. It consists chiefly of connective tissue, containing a very large number of veins. These veins, later in life, may undergo abnormal dilatation, constituting varicocele in the female, which is in every respect analogous to the same con- dition occurring in relation with the testicle. In the majority of the ovaries exainined, the tubules consti- tuting the parovarium could be traced with ease into the sub- stance of the ovary, but they were in the majority of cases entirely confined to the hilum of the organ. Associated with the tissue of the hilum are relics of the mesonephros (Wolffian 438 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. body), named by Waldeyer “the paroophoron.” The paroophoron agrees histologically as well as in the matter of development with the paradidymis (organ of Giraldés.) Critical examination of the “tissue of the hilum” has served to convince me, not merely that it contains remains of the mesonephros, but that the connective tissue composing it is derived directly from the degeneration of that organ. It occasionally happens that at birth an ovary will be found divided by a deep longitudinal furrow. In some of these speci- mens the furrow actually divides the ovary into two histologi- cally distinct parts—parenchyma, and mesonephritic remains. This is very well seen on Plate XIII. fig. 1, where the part P represents true ovarian stroma, and O a very large paroophoron : the section being carried across the two edges of the longitudinal furrow before referred to, In one case in which the ovary was found to be cystic, some of the cysts being as large as a pea, the remains of the meso- nephros exceeded the bulk of the true ovarian stroma three times. The transverse section (that is, in the direction of the minor axis) of the foetal ovary on Plate XIII. fig. 2, represents another example of an excessive amount of mesonephritic tissue. In this instance the foetus was anencephalic. In this ovary, as well as in the one represented in fig. 1, the distinction between the two parts was so obvious that it was easy to determine the parenchyma from the “tissue of the hilum,” when the sections were made transparent and fixed upon a slide. The relation of the various parts of the ovary to each other, and to cystic formations occurring in that organ, are represented in Plate XIII. fig. 3. This figure has been compounded from a series of sections of a human ovary at the ninth month. It is intended to show the parenchyma, with a ripe ovum lying in a follicle, also a corpus luteum. Running into the hilum are several parovarian tubules, and lying among them is an incipient papillary cyst, which is prone to occur in this part of the ovary. Seeing that the “ tissue of the hilum” really has its origin in, and often contains the remains of part of the mesonephros, and is really equivalent to the structure named by Waldeyer “ paroophoron,” it seems unnecessary to employ the term “ tissue ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 439 of the hilum,” but to regard the ovary as being compounded of two parts, oophoron and paroophoron. The investigation has not only been interesting concerning the relation of the tissue of the hilum to the paroophoron, but it surprised me in the very large proportion of foetal ovaries which present a cystic condition at birth. I have already seen seven examples, out of a total of more than forty foetuses, which have been specially examined in regard to this point. After birth, doubtless, many of these cysts disappear, or cause no trouble ; nevertheless, there can be little doubt that many ovarian cysto- mata which later in life give trouble, had already commenced their growth in the ovary at the time the unfortunate individuals who possess them commenced their extra-uterine existence. Broap LicamMent Cysts.—In a criticism on my previous communication regarding cysts in connection with the repro- ductive organs of animals, in this Journal, vol. xix. p. 121, Mr Doran suggested that in all probability some of the cysts described as parovarian in origin might really be simple broad ligament cysts, unconnected with the parovarian tubules. An examination of some fresh ovaries of mares has convinced me that some of the cysts found in the mesosalpinx are uncon- nected with the parovarium. On Plate XIIL fig. 4,is shown the Fallopian tube of a mare with three of these cysts in situ: they were situated between the layers of the mesosalpinx, possessed thin walls, and were filled with fluid. Running among the cysts and in relation with one of them are large dilated lymphatic vessels. These lymphatic vessels in cases of obstruction caused by cysts are easy of detection, for imme- diately after death the lymph coagulates, and they become dis- tended as by a natural injection. Probably many, but not all, simple broad ligament cysts arise from dilatation of lymphatic channels. Gartner’s or Gaeriner’s Ducts. Whilst engaged in examining the generative organs of cows, I seized the opportunity of further testing the question as to the probability of cysts of the broad ligaments and of the upper part of the vagina arising in these ducts or their rudiments, The material was exceedingly favourable for the investigation, 440 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. because in cows these ducts attain, so far as female mammals are concerned, a very high development. Among the seventy specimens the following variations in the condition of Giirtner’s duct were met with. In all young animals both ducts were present as pale streaks on the ventral wall of the uterus, immediately beneath the peri- toneum. In the majority of the specimens they became gradu- ally incorporated with the tissue of the cervix uteri, their lumen gradually suffering obliteration at this point; in some cases, but quite exceptionally, they opened on the mucous surface of the vagina, midway between the os uteri externum and the meatus urinarius. Anteriorly these tubes were continuous with the longitudinal tube of the parovarium. In older cows the ducts in some cases disappear in various parts of their course, in a few instances completely. The persistent portions of the tube, how- ever, dilate, especially in the neighbourhood of the cervix. and vagina, forming tubulo-cysts, which in some cases are as large as an orange, and bulge intothe vagina. In cows which have borne several calves, the ducts in relation with the cervix exhibit extreme thickening of the walls, as though from chronic inflam- mation. If the ducts remain pervious throughout their whole length they increase in dimensions with the uterus, often attain the size of a quill pen, and are filled with fluid resembling serum. There is yet one other point of some interest to be considered in relation to the mode of termination of these ducts in the vagina. Anatomists had long been of opinion that two minute openings in the human vagina, near the opening of the urethra, represented the terminal orifices of Gartner’s ducts, which have become familiar as Skene’s tubes. Further attention was centred upon them when it was found that they are liable to inflame and lead to trouble in the human subject. Recently, however, the relation of the orifices to Girtner’s ducts has been questioned by Dr Schiiller? and others, and the openings have been described as belonging to two glands lying in the wall of the vagina, near the termination of Girtner’s ducts. A knowledge of these opinions induced me to write cautiously on the mode of termi- nation of the ducts in my previous papers on the subject, until 1 See Doran, Tumours of the Ovary, page 43. ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 441 leisure and opportunity should enable me to inquire into the matter afresh. It is a fact thoroughly established that the vasa deferentia of the testicles are the male representatives of the ducts of Gart- ner in the female. Immediately before the vasa terminate on the floor of the urethra two diverticula are found, the vesiculz seminales. In virgin cows a similar but very much smaller diverticulum arises from the end of Gartner’s duct, and is situated in the wall of the vagina. In very many cases the duct, im- mediately above the glandular diverticulum, often becomes obsolete as mentioned before. Under such conditions a thin probe passed into the orifice of the duct when existing would lead into the gland, but not into the duct above, and thus give rise to the fallacy of the independence of the gland in question from Giartner’s duct. See woodcut +. In this diagram (1) represents the vas deferens in its relation to the vesicula seminalis. (2) Shows the duct of Gartner and the glandular diverticulum I have described, the diverticulum bear- ing the same relation to the duct as the vesicula seminalis does to the vas in the male. (38) This is intended to represent a not un- Fic. 4. common condition of the glands 1. The Vas deferens and vesicula semi- in question; the tube becoming lis. 2. Gartner's duct and its : : : xe diverticulum. 3, The terminal ee yun immediately above the orifice and diverticulum of Girt- spot where the gland-duct joins ner’s duct in its most common thetube. Thisarrangementclearly condition. explains the apparent independence of the gland and Girtner’s duct. Judging from the number of specimens I have dissected, it is easy to understand, from the frequent amount of mucoid fluid they contain, that they could easily become involved in local catarrhal inflammation, and lead to considerable annoyance. But that they are independent of the ducts of Gartner is erroneous. From the foregoing statements the following are the chief in- ferences which may be drawn :— 1. In cows, mares, pigs, tigers, goats, and human beings, some VOL. XX, 2 F 442 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. cysts of the ovaries arise in corpora lutea either of pregnancy or of menstruation. Waldeyer, Beigel, and De Sinéty have pointed out that even before birth the ova ripen, atrophy, and form a kind of corpus luteum. I have had ample opportunities of confirming these statements, and have convinced myself that the process goes on throughout childhood, and gives rise to cysts. 2. Pigs and cows, as well as kangaroos, are occasionally liable to dilatation of the Fallopian tubes due to adhesion of the fimbriated end to the ovary, Hydrosalpinz. 3. Giirtner’s ducts are potential sources of vaginal cysts. 4, Skene’s tubes (so-called) are diverticula of Gartner’s ducts, and represent in the female the vesiculze seminales of the male. Sacral Cystic Tumours. A vast number of tumours, varying in character from a simple cyst to a more or less fully formed individual, have been placed on record as occurring in connection with the sacral and coccy- geal regions of human beings. The term sacral tumour has been used by pathologists in a generic sense to include all the varieties of these singular formations. Within the last few years some observations have been recorded which tend to throw some definite light on these cases and recent advances in the science of embryology, especially in connection with the caudal extremity of the embryo, offer clear explanations of the cystic varieties of sacral tumours. In the first place it must be pointed out that it is necessary to separate the various tumours into classes. Braune, who has collected a vast number of these cases (95 in all) in his admirable monograph, Die Doppelbildungen und angeborenen Geschwiilste der Kreuzbeingegend, 1862, divides them thus :—(1) Parasitic, or attached foetuses; (2) Hygromata, or cysts; (3) Lipomata. The first of these three groups I do not propose to consider, but the cystic formations and lipomata will claim especial attention. Braune clearly recognised that among the sacral hygromata we have to deal with two distinct varieties, one form arising as a dilatation of the caudal extremity of the spinal meninges, the other he endeavoured to account for rather fancifully, as arising from the degeneration of Luschka’s coccygeal gland. ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 445 The first type case is from a preparation preserved in the Meckelian Museum at Halle. The tumour was attached to the lower sacral region, and measured 10 c.m. in length, 6 cm. in breadth, and hung pendulant by a pedicle 1 c.m. in thickness. The details of its relation to the vertebral column are shown in fig. 5. An accurate dissection of the relation of the coverings Fic. 5.—A congenital sacral cystic Fic. 6. — Congenital cystic sacral tumour due to dilatation of the tumour lying anterior to the sa- terminal portion of the spinal crum. (After Braune.) 7.2., inno- meninges. (After Braune.) s.c., minate bone; s.c., spinal canal ; spinal canal ; p.m., dura mater. L.A., levator ani; G, gut. of the tumour to the fascia, &c., of the trunk was not possible on account of the long soaking of the specimen in spirit. The following points, however, could be made out with certainty. The central cavity of the tumour was in relation with the spinal canal, as in the case of a spina bifida, but with this difference, the communication occurred through the normal Aiatus sacralis. The walls of the cyst were made up of skin, fascia, connective 444 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. tissue, muscle fibre, and a fibrous lining to the cyst resembling the dura mater. : The second type case was also preserved in the Meckelian collection at Halle. It was a seven months’ female fcetus, which had long been preserved in alcohol. The anatomical details are shown in woodcut 6. In this instance the tumour is unconnected with the spinal canal, which is completely closed, and lies on the anterior (ventral) aspect of the coccyx. Between it and the rectum is the levator ani muscle, and a fibrous envelope which surrounds it is directly continuous with the coccygeal periosteum. The centre of the mass is traversed by trabecule giving rise to a cystic condition. It is this form of sacral congenital tumour that is often described as sarcomatous. In this case Braune considers the tumour to have arisen as a result of the degeneration of Luschka’s coccygeal gland; in this opinion he is followed by others. This view, however, is rendered somewhat untenable by the investigations of embry- ologists in relation to the post-anal gut. In adult animal forms it is the normal condition that the rectum should terminate by an external opening called the anus. In 1871 Kowalevsky! drew attention to the remarkable circum- stance that the alimentary canal is brought into direct communi- cation with the central canal of the spinal cord by means of a passage known as the neurenteric canal, which turns round the posterior end of the notochord. He? also pointed out the interesting fact that primarily the gut is continued posteriorly beyond the anus, this prolonged portion being named by Balfour the “post-anal gut.” The general relation of the anus, post- anal gut, neurenteric, and neural canals to one another are repre- sented in fig. 7. Subsequent researches show that this arrangement of the primary intestinal canal probably holds good for all Chordata from amphioxus up to man. Since the announcement of its discovery by the great Russian researcher it has been found in Acipenser, Axolotl, Bombinator, Plagiostomi, Teleostei, the hen, rabbit, and in the human embryo. These later observations are of great interest, for on the first dis- 1 Archiv fiir Mikr. Anat., Bd. vii. S. 114. 2 Tbid., Bd. xiii. S. 194, 195. ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 445 covery of the neurenteric canal it was thought to be a peculiar Ichthyopsidian character. Careful observations on various forms of the higher vertebrata go to show that a neurenteric passage Fic. 7.—Longitudinal section of an embryo Bombinator igneus. A, anus; B, brain ; N, notochord ; M, mouth; 1, liver; N.c., neurenteric canal ; M.c., medullary canal (after Goette). and a post-anal gut are characters perhaps as constant as a notochord. For a general review of the literature of this interesting subject, and a detailed account of the embryology and structural characters of the part, the reader should consult Balfour’s Embryology, vol. 11. pp. 267 and 634.1 The points most import- ant for our present purpose are the following :— The post-anal gut is always better developed in the lower than in the higher forms of vertebrate life. In Elasmobranchs it is very well developed, and persists during a considerable portion of embryonic life, and at one period presents itself as a terminal vesicle at the end of the tail, but communicates by a narrow neck with the neurenteric canal. These curious relations of parts have led embryologists into some very interesting speculations regarding the original position of the anus, but interesting as they are, we cannot further follow them in connection with this subject. The first attempt to asso- ciate the origin of sacral cysts with post-anal gut was that by Middeldorpf,? who, in reporting a case of congenital sacral cyst, consulted Wiedersheim in relation to the development of the parts in animals. This induced him, in the paper mentioned, to connect the cyst with developmental conditions, and he further 1 Balfour's Development of Elasmobranch Fishes, p. 91 and 218, may‘be con- sulted with advantage. ? Virchow Arch., Bd. 101, p. 37. 446 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. points out that abnormal dilatations of this section of the gut belong to the same category as cases of abnormal persistence, and in many cases, undue dilatation of a vitelline duct. The lining tissue of the cyst was also confirmatory of the opinion of Middledorpf as to the origin of the cyst, for it not only presented a similar structure to gut under the microscope, but solitary follicles were also present in great quantity. This case is an eminently satisfactory one, but it only disposes of a part of the question; nevertheless it proves that certain cystic sacral tumours may arise in connection with the post-anal section of the alimentary canal. We must now con- sider some of the arguments which associate a few of these cystic tumours with the medullary canal. Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. c. s. 571, contains an article written by the great pathologist who edits the Archiv, entitled “ Ueber einen Fall von Hygroma cysticum glutaeale congenitum.” In this instance Virchow received from Dr Ludwig Wolff a tumour, apparently a lipoma, which had been extirpated from the gluteal region of a new-born negro child. Its appearance and situation is represented in the accompanying drawing (fig. 8), modified from the original figure. It is in shape Fic, 8 . — Congeni- tal sacral cystic tumour, in a new- born negro-child. (Modified from Virchow. ) Fie. 9. like a large fig, and measures 7:3 c.m.in length and in width 3°7 cm. On section the interior was found to be occupied by two cysts. The walls of the tumour were thick, and composed of skin externally, fibrous tissue, transversely striated muscle fibre, nerve fasciculi, and arteries with thick walls. The inner wall of the cyst was lined with flat granular epithelium, From ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 447 a careful consideration of the case Virchow comes to the con- clusion that we have to deal, notwithstanding its lateral situation, with a derivative from the spinal sheath. As in the variety of these cysts previously considered, we have positive evidence that hygromata may be clerived from the hernial protrusions of spinal membranes, as in spinee bifida; the sac may become peduncu- lated, the pedicle finally close, and the sac become separated from the spinal sheath, as is shown in the specimen represented in the diagram (fig. 9). The case from which this diagram has been constructed was the remarkable one described by Mr Solly (Med. and Chir. Soc. Trans., vol. xl. p. 19). The tumour was noticed at birth, but on account of its connection with the spinal canal its removal was deferred until the patient was twenty-nine years old. It was satisfactorily removed by Mr Solly. It was united by a ligamentous pedicle to the spine, but no communication existed with the spinal canal. The section of the tumour exactly re- sembled the pedunculated lipomata occurring in connection with the sacrum. Three figures illustrate the case in the original paper, but the details are represented diagramatically in fig. 9. This second variety of sacral cyst arises in connection with the structures on the dorsal aspect of the neurenteric canal. These two cases, Middledorpf and Virchow’s, confirm Braune’s views, that one form of these cysts lie anterior to the coccyx, and the other posterior, exactly as represented in figs. 5 and 6, and testify to the correctness of the view that the first variety arises as a distension of the spinal meninges» Whether, in as- cribing the second variety to a degeneration of Luschka’s gland, Braune is in keeping with facts must now be discussed. The arguments against this view of their origin are the following :— (1) Luschka’s gland is composed chiefly of a coil of blood- vessels and connective tissue. Congenital sacral tumours contain few blood-vessels. (2) In carefully-examined specimens of the congenital sacral tumours of the cystic variety, the cysts and duct-like passages are lined for the most part with cubical epithelium, and are held together by young connective tissue. The epithelium is usually columnar. These two circumstances alone are sufficient to exclude the coccygeal gland as the germ which gives rise to 448 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. these tumours. On the other hand, the structure of the post- anal gut eminently accords with the histological details of the cystic masses in question. (3) When we remember the tendency functionless ducts and tubules have to become cystic, and consider the position and often pedunculated but usually impervious connection these tumours have with the rectum, and the close agreement of the epithelial lining in the two cases, it seems to me that the evidence as to the origin of these cysts in the post-anal gut is beyond doubt, and it is a more satisfactory explanation than calling in the aid of Luschka’s gland. We must now consider the third group—lipomata. Several instances have been collected by Braune and others of the occur- rence of congenital lipomata in the sacral region, and, as we saw in Virchow’s case, the growth was thought to be a lipoma by the operator who removed it. From a careful consideration of many recorded cases of fatty tumours occurring in unusual situations, and of several of which I have had opportunity of examining, I ventured to publish a paper in the 7rans. Med. and Chir. Soc., vol. Ixviii., dealing with the subject, and endeavoured to show that many of these uncommon lipomata are really to be regarded as being originally composed of higher tissues, such as muscle, nerve, &c., which, in consequence of having no function, have retrograded into fat. So in these examples of sacral lipomata; doubtless they originated as diverticula from the spinal meninges or post-anal gut, as the case may be, and the tissues covering them, muscles, nerves, &c., have degenerated into fat. Careful consideration of the anatomical and _ histological characters of these tumours seems clearly to indicate that one variety arises from a dilatation of the meninges of the spinal cord; the second variety is associated with the post-anal gut, and the third group or lipomata may arise in connection with either, but seems to be more frequently associated with the spinal variety. REFERENCES. In addition to the eighty-six cases of sacral tumours (hygromata, lipomata, spinal diverticula and coccygeal gland ? tumours) recotded by Braune in his classical work already referred to, the following cases may be mentioned :— ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 449 Hurcurnson, Illustrations of Clinical Surgery, fas. xiii. This paper also contains several references. Saattock, Trans. Path. Soc., vol. xxxii. p. 197. Maonamara, Trans. Path. Soc., vol. xxxii. p. 199. Treves, Trans. Path. Soc., vol. xxxiii. p. 285. Wacstarre, St Zhomas’ Hosp. Rep., vol. iv. p. 213. Vircnow, Archiv, Bd. 100, p. 571. Mippteporrr, Virchow’s Archives, Bd. 101, p. 37. Hotmrs, System of Surgery, vol. iii. p. 780. 3rd edition. The standard works of Gurlt, Forster, Ahlfeld, and of Geoffrey St Hilaire contain numerous cases of this nature. Dermoid Cysts of the Tongue. In the preceding account of sacral congenital tumours it seems fairly evident that we have to deal with cystic formations arising in connection with “obsolete” canals—obsolete in the sense of being disused. There are many examples of these disused canals and passages in the body, eg., the pouch of Rathke, at the top of the pharynx; the infundibulum; the branchial arches; the central canal of the spinal cord; the neurenteric passage; the post-anal gut; the tubules of the Wolffian duct, &. In nearly all these passages we have a striking arrangement of parts, for these canals served during some period of embry- onic life to bring the three blastodermic layers, epi-, hypo-, and mesoblast, into intimate relation. In this section I shall confine my remarks particularly to dermoids of the tongue, for in this situation the relation of teratomata to obsolete canals is illustrated in a very striking and remarkable manner. The best account of lingual dermoid cysts, and one easy of access, is by Mr Barker, Trans. Clin. Soc., vol. xvi. p. 215. Mr Barker not only gives an interesting description of a case occur- ring in his practice, but has collected and analysed sixteen other recorded examples, and furnishes the following rules concerning them :— 1. They may be unilateral, lying between the genio-hyo-glossi and the mylo-hyoid muscles, on one side or the other. 450 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. 2. They may be central, lying between the genio-hyo-glossi muscles. ; 3. They may be bilateral, lying between the mylo-hyoid and genio-hyo-glossi muscles. Histologically they consist of tough fibrous walls, with a thin, smooth lining membrane. They contain sebaceous matter and embedded hairs, and perhaps teeth. Mr Butlin’ says of these cysts :—“ Cases in which their actual existence has been noticed soon after birth have been very few, and the very large majority of dermoid cysts of the mouth have been observed in adults, or at upwards of thirty years of age. One case has been described in which the patient was more than sixty years old.” I shall now proceed to show that dermoids in the tongue receive an explanation on anatomical grounds. Professor Wilhelm His, in a recent work, Anatomie mensch- lichen Embryonen, Heft. iii. p. 100, 1885, gives an account of a narrow duct lined with epithelium, which runs from the foramen cecum on the dorsum of the tongue downwards, between the genio-hyo-glossi muscles, to end blindly in the hollow of the basi-byoid. This is termed by His the lingual canal. Asso- ciated and often in connection with the duct, is a third or middle lobe to the thyroid gland. This, too, is in connection with a duct known as the thyroid canal. In embryonic life the two ducts are continuous, and constitute a canal known as the ductus thyreo-glossus. | The existence of these ducts admits of no doubt whatever. In the tongue of the human fcetus at birth a thin bristle may often be passed from the foramen cecum to the hollow of the basi- hyoid. In the adult it is best demonstrated by carefully remov- ing the body of the hyoid bone, as shown in Plate XIIL fig. 6, then carefully dissecting the cellular tissue lying between the genio-hyo-glossi, the duct, if present, is easily found. Up to the present I have searched for the lingual duct fourteen times, and found it present in a complete form thrice; in other speci- mens it could only be distinguished in parts of its course; but in the majority of cases no trace of it could be detected except the foramen cecum, and in some specimens even this recess was wanting. 1 Diseases of the Tongue. ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 451 The morphology of this duct I do not propose to consider at, present, for it will be essential to work out its leading features as far as possible in a variety of mammals. The interest it has for us in this paper is that, as in the case of sacral cungenital tumours and pituitary teratomata, dermoids of the tongue occur in the immediate neighbourhood of, if not in some way con- nected with, an obsolete canal, which traverses a large mass of mesoblastic tissue and brings the buccal epiblast and the hypo- blast of the branchial clefts into intimate relation. It is of course possible that these cysts arise in the same way as cutaneous proliferous cysts, occurring at the angle of the orbit, between the dura mater and the skull, and on the bodies of animals (see Plate XIII. fig. 5), viz., that they are in- voluted islands of superficial epiblast, which play the part of tumour germs. In the case of the skull we know that the skin and dura mater are in embryonic life in contact, an association which becomes disturbed when osseous material is deposited to form the skull. It is easy to see, as in a case reported by Pro- fessor Turner and more especially one by Dr Ogle,” that the eyst may have had its origin in small islands of skin left on the dura mater abnormally. In Professor Turner’s specimen, although there was no visible defect in the occipital bone, as in Dr Ogle’s specimen, nevertheless the cyst occurred at a spot where for a long period of intra-uterine life a defect or cleft exists in the squamo-occipital bone, and where skin and dura mater were in close relation. Tracheal Cysts. An interesting cyst came under my observation in an Emu, Dromeus nove-hollandie. Before entering into the details of the case it will be necessary to give a brief account of the normal anatomy of the trachea of this singular bird. If the integument be carefully dissected from the neck of an emu, a curious deficiency in the anterior wall of the trachea will be exposed, usuaily corresponding to a variable space be- tween the fiftieth and sixtieth rings. The general aspect of this singular opening may be fairly inferred from Plate XIII. fig. 7. Although the number of tracheal rings which are defective vary, l Barth. Hosp. Rept., vol. ii. 2 Path. Soc. Trans., vol. vi. p. 12. 452 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. yet for the most part the gap rarely exceeds seven rings in longi- tudinal extent. The opening is about two and a half inches in ~ length. In connection with this aperture is a sac, varying in dimen- sions with different birds, according to age and sex. In an emu five weeks old I failed to find any evidence of a sac, the defect in the trachea being a mere slit; in the young emu the sac is of insignificant size, but exact observations are yet required to decide whether it differs in capacity in the male and female; but there is some probability that this is so. In adult birds of this species the sac attains considerable dimensions ; in one case, according to Knox, the cyst was as large as a man’s head. In Dr Murie’s case the sac measured fourteen inches in its greatest length. The walls of the sac are composed of white fibrous tissue, its exterior being overlaid in parts with striped muscle fibre in very thin layers; the inner layer is continuous with the mucous membrane of the trachea, and they become continuous with each other through the tracheal opening, indeed the sac could well be described as a “hernia of the tracheal mucous membrane through a deficiency in the anterior walls of the wind- pipe,’ for such it seems to be. As far as could be made out in my specimen, the epithelium was flattened on the surface, but spheroidal in the deeper layers. There were small glands (mucous) dotted over the membrane. During the pairing season the bird distends this sac with air, and it is due to the chamber thus formed that these birds are able to make the curious drumming noise so characteristic of them. For all that concerns the normal anatomy of this remarkable structure the reader must refer to Dr Murie’s admirable account in Proc. Zool. Soc., 1867, p. 405. Mr Bartlett invited me to examine an emu which had a large swelling in the neck, and as the bird refused food and seemed to be dying, it was deemed expedient to attempt its removal. After a severe tussle the bird was thrown; manipulation quickly informed one that it was a cyst with fluid contents, and an incision was promptly made, and the contents, which con- sisted entirely of mucus, evacuated. On attempting to arouse the bird, to our astonishment it was dead. Dissection made clear the cause of the fatality. The tracheal cyst, which has been described above, had inflamed and led to such an abundant ee ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 453 secretion of mucus that the sac had become so distended as to measure in length 18 inches and in width 14 inches, When the bird was thrown for the purpose of laying open the cavity the dependent position had caused the mucus to flow into the trachea and obstruct the bird’s respiration; in fact it was drowned in its own mucus. The cyst in the emu’s neck is to be regarded as a hernia of the tracheal mucous membrane through a deficiency in the rings of that tube on its anterior aspect; in this sense it is very remarkable. Tracheal cysts in the human subject occasionally occur, but are usually found protruding through the muscular and fibrous tissue which fill up the deficient space on the posterior aspect of the trachea, and often form cavities of considerable size; in rare instances they become so large as to require surgical interfer- ence. Virchow quotes Textor as having operated in one of these cases with success.! That the mucous membrane of the trachea should become herniated in this way is not at all remarkable; every other similarly constructed tube is liable to the same abnormality. In the intestines false diverticula may be found. As many as two hundred have been seen in the same subject. In the bladder the corresponding condition is known as sacculation. The cesophagus is the seat of similar lesions often. In this Journal, vol. ix. p. 134, Dr Morrison Watson described a large diverticulum which was connected with the pharynx, due in all probability to the same cause. Indeed, any tubular structure may become so affected, be it intestine, artery, vein, ventricle of the brain, or even the spinal cord. The cyst of the, emu has other points of interest, for it is doubtless an example of a pathological condition which has been perpetuated, so as at length to become a specific character. That this cyst is the direct result of the imperfection of some portion of the tracheal rings cannot be doubted. In the young bird the cyst does not exist, but as life advances the hernial pro- trusion occurs. The defect in the trachea is inherited; the escape of the mucous membrane through the opening is the necessary result. Among all species of birds no example is known of a similar 1 Tumours, French edit., vol. i, p. 263. 454 MR J. BLAND SUTTON. arrangement of the trachea such as pertains in the Emu, but the Bustard (Otis tarda) affords valuable testimony in support of the - view here advocated regarding its origin. At certain times of the year the Australian Bustard (Hupo- dotis australis), and the Bustard (Otis tarda) exhibit the peculiar phenomenon termed “showing off” In both birds during the “show off” there is a distension of the neck with air. In the case of the Australian Bustard this tube is simply the dilated cesophagus, but in the case of Otis tarda, according to some observers, it is due to a special sac opening under the tongue. According to the evidence it appears that this gular pouch of the bustard is present in the adult male only, but is not a constant character. Garrod points out, however, that in the young bird there is a singular arrangement of the frenum lingue. In the young bustard this structure, instead of being median and single, consists of two slight lateral vertical folds, with a median interval a quarter of an inch across. This arrangement is exceedingly well adapted for permitting the development of a pouch during the sexual season; when the air passages are inflated during the showing-off, the fold of mucous membrane is very weak, and the continued pressure causes it to stretch. The statement concerning the pressure is not a gratuitous assumption, as the following case will show. When dissecting a young specimen of Otis tarda Garrod was surprised to find what appeared to him to be a crop projecting from the posterior aspect of the cesophagus. Further investigation revealed to him the fact that this was really an abnormal diverticulum of the cesophagus, probably produced by the same mechanism that was responsible for the gular pouch. In 1882 Mr W. A. Forbes rendered Garrod’s opinion more probable by finding in an Australian Duck (Siziwra lobata) a similar arrangement of the frenum lingue and a gular pouch in two specimens of the male, such as is found in the adult male of Otis tarda. Taking into consideration the anatomical arrangement of the freenum, the non-existence of the gular pouch in the young bird, its absence in the female, and its inconstancy in the male bird, as well as the evidence afforded by the two Australian birds (Eupodotis and Bizivra), it will not be inconsistent to regard the ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN CYSTS. 455 gular pouch as a pathological phenomenon brought about by the habit of “showing off,’ the tendency to cystic dilatation, or rather hernia, of this part of the buccal mucous membrane being inherited. Further details concerning the gular pouch of the bustard will be found on reference to the following papers :— Morte, Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1868. Garrop, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1874, p. 471, and Collected Papers, p. 242. Forses, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1882, p. 455, and Collected Papers, p. 354. Dr Murie’s paper contains several other references of value. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIII Fig 1. Longitudinal section of the ovary of an anencephalic human foetus at the eighth month. P., paroophoron; O., oophoron. The two parts were separated by a distinct furrow. [ x 10. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the ovary of a human feetus at birth. P., paroophoron, or remains of the mesonephros, unusually large; Q., oophoron, or true ovarian parenchyma. [ x 10.] Fig. 3. Diagrammatic section of an ovary. /., parovarian tubules, the seat of simple (parovarian) cysts ; Pa., paroophoron, the seat of papillary cysts, P.C.; O., oophoron, the seat of cysts arising in corpora lutea, C.LZ. A ripe follicle is shown at RF. Fig. 4. Simple cysts of the broad ligament ina mare. J, a dilated lymphatic. Fig. 5. Piliferous cyst from the back of a cow. Fig. 6. The root of the tongue and hyoid bone, to show the lingual duct. G., genio-hyo-glossus ; H.G.1., hyo-glossus muscle ; H., hyoid bone; 7.H.M., the thyro-hyoid membrane; 7.C., the thyroid carti- lage. Duct, the lingual duct. Fig. 7. Tracheal cyst of the Emu. The figure shows the tracheal window. THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND _ BLOOD-- FORMATION: AN EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH. By Joun Locknart Gipson, M.D., Formerly Semor Demonstrator of Physiology, University of Edinburgh. (PLATE XIV.) (Continued from p. 353, vol. xx.) Function of Lymphatic Glands,—The function of the lym- phatic glands as regards the formation of red blood-corpuscles has in this paper already been alluded to; but it will now be necessary to consider an experiment which has a more direct bearing on this function. After thinking over what I wished to do on the blood and drawing up a plan of work, I consulted Professor Rutherford as to whether this plan would be likely to yield results. He was good enough to draw my attention more particularly to the possible action the lymphatic glands might take in the forma- tion of red blood-corpuscles, an action I had been inclined to doubt. He suggested that in this relation a lymphatic gland should be excised from one animal and planted under the skin of another animal, so that it might be nourished by the lymph of its host, while its own lymph would probably be confined in its interior; and that by this means one might be able to dis- cover whether the lymph corpuscles when confined in a lymph gland for a longer time than usual would show stages of transi- tion towards red corpuscles. On considering this suggestion, I thought its advantages might be obtained by another method of procedure, which, although much more difficult, would probably be more certain, and would allow of other observations being made at the same time. This other method was to tie the thoracic duct at its opening into the veins at the root of the neck, and first watch the effect on the blood before the death of the animal, and then observe the condition of the lymphatic glands after the death. I say, “after the death,” because I expected the animal to die within a short time of the operation, from interference with the absorption of fat. THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 457 Experiment VILLI. A male dog of the English terrier type, weighing 5 kilogrammes 70 decagrammes. Apart from being rather thin, the animal was per- fectly healthy. Must have been at least three years old. On the 2nd of February 1885, four hours before the time proposed for the operation, the dog was given as much milk as it would drink, in order that the thoracic duct might be full of chyle at the time of operation, and so, by its white colour, help one to find it. The animal having been put under ether, a V-shaped incision was made at the lower part of the neck, one of the limbs of the incision being parallel to and just above the clavicle, and the other parallel to the posterior border of the sterno-mastoid muscle. Then I reflected back the triangular flap of skin so marked out, divided the platysma, and dissected downwards with the finger, following the course of the external jugular vein, as far as its junction with the internal jugular. To give a little more room, some of the clavicular fibres of the sterno-mastoid muscle were divided. In this way one got deep down behind the clavicle; and after separating the structures as gently as possible, one noticed what appeared to be a white vessel passing towards the angle of junction between the jugular vein and the subclavian vein. By very gentle tracing this vessel was found to join the jugular at the angle of junc- tion with the subclavian vein. A chromic acid catgut ligature was then tied round it, about a quarter of an inch from the vein ; and it at once seemed to become somewhat distended behind the lgature. After a second thread of catgut had been laid round the vessel at a greater distance from the vein, in order that the vessel might, when necessary, be ligatured again, a pretty considerable opening was made in the vessel, and immediately a white fluid poured out so freely as to fill the wound. Then the other ligature was tied to stop the flow of the chyle ; but instead of being tied behind the wound in the vessel, it was accidentally tied over it, so that there was still an escape of the white fluid. A third catgut ligature was therefore put round the vessel, distinctly behind the wound in its walls, and about three- quarters of an inch from the junction with the vein; and this was firmly tied. That the vessel tied was actually the thoracic duct, the chyle which flowed out of it proved. The dog did not seem to suffer in the least from the operation. It was ordered lean meat that it might not be troubled with unabsorbed fat. It ate its food well, and had regular stools which did not show an unusual quantity of fat. Its weight varied slightly, but at no time showed any decided diminution. On the 4th of March, we, a month after the operation, its weight was 6 kilogrammes 10 deca- grammes, or 40 decagrammes more than on the day of operation. It was killed on the 11th of March, and then weighed 5 kilogrammes 75 decagrammes. As in the previous tables, the corpuscles of the blood are enumerated in columns. In another column is the weight of the animal at different dates after the operation. VOL, XX. 2G 458 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. Relation of Hemocytes. | Leucocytes. | Leucocytes to Weight. Hemocytes. Before Operation, . § | 8,726,900 14,000 1 :622°8 | 5 kilos. 70 decas. Operation on. 2 February. 3 Feb., Ist day after,| 8,590,000 24,090 | 1:316°2 | 5 kilos. 61 decas. Be oi and 5 8,690,000 19,000 1:452'1 | 5 kilos. 45 decas. Dr ees 3rd » | 8,420,000 17,000 1:495°2 5kilos. 67 decas. Si 5 6th > | 7,830,000 14,000 1+ 523°5 | 5 kilos. 60 decas. 10 ts, 8th 9 7,470,000 12,000 1:€22%5 | 5 kilos. 65 decas. LCS: 16th » | 7,890,000 10,000 1: 782 | 5 kilos. 35 decas. 3 Fl ee 23rd =s,,_~—=s |_—s« 7,620,000 10,000 1: 762 | 5 kilos. 95 decas. 4 March, 30th ein Ni 5,000,000 9,000 1: 841-1 | 6 kilos. 10 decas. ib eae 37th 5 8,630,000 12,000 1: 7194 | 3 kilos. 75 decas. The examination of the blood-forming organs yieldel the following :— The spleen was not remarkable either for size or for softness, If anything, it was rather larger and softer than usual. A scraping, treated as usual, showed very large numbers of “)lood-corpuscle-holding cells.” These cells, which are pretty constantly found in the spleen and bone-marrow, will be con- sidered later. Only a few nucleated red cells were found in each preparation. Still there were many more than in the spleen of a normal dog, where they either are not found at all or are found only after very diligent search (Bizzozero and others, and confirmed by myself). Bone-marrow.—The whole length of the shafts of the humerus and femur contained nearly fully reddened marrow, in which a few nucleated red cells were found, most of which were in the earlier stages, some, however, being in the more typical later stages. Numbers of “ blood-corpuscle-holding cells” were found in the marrow of all the bones examined. I found more of these cells in the spleen and bone-marrow of this dog than in any other dog. The marrow of the heads of the bones contained less fat than that in the shafts of the bones, and showed numbers of young nucleated red cells and of nucleated red cells intermedi- ate between the very young ones and the more typical, as well as a fair number of the really typical. The marrow of the ribs con- tained a fair number of nucleated red cells. There was quite as much fat as usual in the red marrow of all the bones, and the marrow in the shafts of the long bones other than the humerus THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 459 and femur had its usual fatty appearance. To summarise the naked-eye and microscopic appearances of the marrow: those parts of the bones which always contain red marrow contained marrow richer than usual in nucleated red corpuscles, while in the humerus and femur the usually fatty marrow of the shafts had been replaced by red marrow. Lymphatic Glands.—In the left axilla there was an unusually large and succulent lymphatic gland, which was redder than usual; and in the right axilla a gland larger than usual, though not so large as that in the left axilla. A scraping from the cut surface of the gland in the left axilla, treated in the usual way with artificial serum and methyl-violet, showed some distinctly nucleated red cells of the later and more typical variety. There were also an unusual number of non-nucleated red corpuscles. In the gland of the right axilla, careful searching gave one or two nucleated red cells in each preparation. The most distinct appearances, however, were found in the glands of the mesentery. These glands were much larger than usual, very soft and succu- lent, and somewhat red on section. In scrapings from them were large numbers of nucleated red cells, of whose nature there could not be the slightest doubt. Most of these were of the later and more typical variety, and there were comparatively few belonging to the earlier stages. There were also large numbers of non-nucleated red corpuscles. No “ blood-corpuscle- holding cells” were found in any of the lymph glands examined. The inguinal glands were very decidedly enlarged. Thyroid gland of usual size. No evidence of blood-formation could be found in it. From this case, then, it would appear that the lymph glands even in normal conditions change a certain number of colourless into coloured corpuscles. This is supported not only by the microscopic appearances in the glands, where the nucleated red cells were almost as numerous as the colourless cells, and were more numerous than the nucleated red cells in the marrow of the ribs, but also by the enumeration of the blood-corpuscles during the life of the animal. For the table given shows that a very few days after the operation the red corpuscles showed a decided decrease, and that they remained very distinctly below their original number for fully a month after the operation. 460 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. Soon after the fall in the number of red corpuscles, the colour- less corpuscles likewise suffered a diminution in their number, ~ the diminution being both absolute and relative, and remaining until the end of the observations on the animal. Between five and six weeks after the operation, the red corpuscles had prac- tically returned to their former number, the red-corpuscle-form- ing function of the lymphatic glands having been taken up by the marrow of the shafts of the humerus and femur. This, at least, is the only explanation I can find for the transformation of the originally fatty marrow of the shafts of these bones into red marrow. Very interesting was the condition of the thoracic duct. Its dissec- tion was very easy, as it was rather dilated. The contents, however, which must have been the cause of the dilatation, had disappeared, the duct being empty. The duct had a clear semitransparent pink appearance, which seemed to be due to the colour of its coats. I followed it upwards to its opening into the vein, dissecting very care- fully, to avoid destroying any branch. At three-quarters of an inch from the opening into the vein, the distinct tube became suddenly replaced by a white opaque cord. The junction of this apparently obliterated part with the rest of the duct exactly corresponded with the position of the most external of the ligatures ; and in this part of the duct one could with perfect distinctness feel three hard nodules, each about the size of a pin’s head, in the positions where the three ligatures had been placed. To make certain as to the condition of the duct, I opened it a short distance before the apparent obliteration ; and easily passed a fine thread of catgut along it as far as the begin- ning of the constriction, where it was stopped. And I then tried a horse-hair, but it also failed to pass into the obliterated part of the duct. There can, therefore, be no doubt that the thoracic duct had been tied, and that the result of the tying had been complete oblitera- tion. As to the possible existence of an important branch of the duct, with a corresponding persistence of the circulation of the chyle, it may be stated that I searched very carefully along the whole length of the duct, but could find no branch passing off from it, nor any second duct passing upwards from the receptaculum chyli. I have been unable to find a good description of the lymphatic system in dogs ; and from one case, and without careful injection of the thoracic duct, it would, of course, be absurd positively to conclude that the chyle had been altogether prevented from reaching the blood by a collateral channel: still, the facts are in favour of such a conclusion. Apart from what was found in the lymph glands, the case is extremely interesting from the number of possibilities it suggests. If the passage of the chyle into the blood by the thoracie duct THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 461 be prevented, is there any other way by which it can enter the circulation? And if there is no other way, how was it that this dog did not suffer from fat starvation? In answer to this last question, it may be said that dogs can obtain fats from proteids more easily than a human being can, and that in them the con- version of proteids into fats can take place to such an extent as to render the absorption of fat from the intestine superfluous. Amyloids cannot in the case of this dog be supposed to have been a sufficient source of fat, as the animal was fed almost en- tirely on lean meat. The meat was, however, of course, not carefully deprived of its fat. In this connection, it is important to mention an interesting paper of William Turner’s! on obstruction of the thoracic duct in the human subject. He in two cases found the thoracic duct entirely obliterated by a thoracic aneurism without emaciation having resulted. He thinks that in all cases where obstruc- tion of the duct comes on gradually collateral channels are established, and that there is no sufficient proof of the state- ment that obstruction of the duct by an intrathoracic growth leads to emaciation. He also mentions cases where collateral branches have been found, as well as communications between the lymphatics and veins elsewhere than at the root of the neck. Turner’s idea of the gradual establishment of collateral circulation will not apply in my case, because there the oblitera- tion of the duct was sudden. There may, however, previous to the operation, have been unusual communications between the abdominal lymphatics and the venous system. Anyhow, the obliteration of the duct must have caused some obstruction to the flow of lymph, or I should not have found so many develop- ing red cells in the lymph glands. To return to the light thrown by this case on the function of the lymphatic glands: it seems to me that there is no link wanting in the chain of evidence in favour of the lymphatic glands having and exerting in normal conditions the power of producing red blood-corpuscles. (1) The enumeration of the blood-corpuscles during life showed, for at least a month after the operation, a distinct diminution in the number of red corpuscles, while a diminution in the number of white cor- 1 Turner, Ed. Med. Journal, 1859. 462 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. puscles occurred only after the fall in the number of red. (2) Nucleated red corpuscles were found in great numbers in _ the abdominal lymphatic glands. (3) It was found that the red blood-forming marrow had extended into the shafts of the humerus and femur. The nucleated red cells found in the lymphatic glands of the spleenless animals point to the same conclusion. And some other recorded observations, when taken together with this case, put, in my opinion, this function of the lymphatic glands entirely beyond the region of doubt. The first of these observations is the case recorded by Neumann, already alluded to. It will be remembered that he had recourse to the hypothesis that owing to some disease of the vascular walls the red corpuscles had found their way into the terminal lymphatics and lymph sinuses. It seems to me much more likely that he found nucleated and non-nucleated red cells in the lymphatic glands because they were formed there. Secondly, Weigert! found at the post-mortem of a case of pernicious anemia that the lymph glands were large, soft, and red; that their lymph sinuses were filled with lymph uncommonly rich in red blood- corpuscles; and that the large lymph vessels had similar contents. He gives as the explanation of this that first struck him the possibility of there having been some abnormal condition of the vascular walls, which had allowed the red corpuscles to pass out more easily than in normal conditions. But he remarks that, on reading Rindfleisch’s paper,” he began to think that it might have been a case of blood-for- mation in the lymphatic glands, and regrets that he had not examined the glands in the fresh condition with special reference to the presence of nucleated red cells, adding that on hardened preparations he had failed to satisfy himself. The paper of Rindfleisch quoted by Weigert contains the account of a case where there was general sclerosis of the bones, as the result of rachitis, and where the marrow cavities were practically obliterated. Rindfleisch found the spleen enlarged and soft, and the lymph glands enlarged and resembling the spleen in consistence and appearance. In the lymph glands he found numerous ordinary red cells and numerous nucleated ones. He looked on this as a case of vicarious function of the lymphatic glands. Having thus, on the subject of blood-formation, given all my own experiments except those performed in connection with the ' Weigert, ‘‘ Perniciése Animie mit ausgedehnter Lymphangiectasie. Erfiil- lung der Lymphbahnen mit blutéhnlicher Lymphe,” Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. 1xxix. p- 390. * Rindfleisch, Archiv f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. xvii. (1879). . THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 463 thyroid gland, and also given what seem to me the more im- portant experiments and opinions of other writers, I shall now proceed to review the facts on which my own conclusions are _based. The conclusions themselves are more or less embodied in what has already been said, but a more categorical statement will not be amiss. In this paper it has already been assumed that the nucleated red cells found in the bone-marrow and elsewhere are the forerunners of the non-nucleated red blood-corpuscles, and it will perhaps seem curious I should only now begin to give my reasons for holding them to be so. In explanation, I would point out, on the one hand, that the function of the blood-forming organs could not have been treated without the assumption, and, on the other hand, that the life-history of the red cells could not have been thoroughly treated without a pre- vious consideration of the blood-forming organs. Under these circum- stances, I have chosen simply to indicate at the beginning of the paper what the nucleated red cells are, and then, for the time being, assume that they develop into non-nucleated red cells. It will here be convenient first to dismiss the hematoblasts of Hayem. In the first part of this paper I have pretty clearly indicated my own opinions as to these elements; as also the opinions of Neumann and Bizzozero. It seems to me that Bizzozero finishes the discussion very well, when he expresses the hope that Hayem may “one day see the nucleated red cells in the bone-marrow ;” for he thinks that if he does so, and compares them with the nucleated red cells of the embryo, his allegiance to his hematoblasts will vanish. And Neumann remarks on Pouchet’s explanation of the nucleated red cells found in the bone-marrow (for Pouchet does not deny that they exist), that if Pouchet had compared them with the nucleated red cells of the blood of the embryo “ he would not have fallen into the unfortunate fabrication, ‘ déyénérescence hémoglobinique,’ which leads to the absurd conclusion that the nucleated red cells in the blood of the embryo are nothing else than hemoglobin-degenerated cells.” Neumann, in his paper in the Zeitschrift fiir klin. Medicin, already mentioned, gives a very good criticism of all the views as to the origin of the non-nucleated red blood-corpuscles, and refuses to accept Schiafer’s and Ranvier’s view that they may arise endogenously as non-nucleated bodies in the. protoplasm of cells, for instance in the subcutaneous tissue of the embryo. And he also refuses to accept the intermediate position taken up by Rollet, viz., that they arise in two ways, either as nucleated daughter-cells or as non-nucleated offspring of pre-existing cells. Rollet thinks with Ranvier that the former mode of development occurs only in the embryo. Merkel, in Virchow’s Jahresbericht, says of this paper of Neumann’s that its “‘ very well deserved destructive criticism of the views of Hayem, Pouchet, Schafer, and Ranvier,” is worthy of very special attention. 464 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. Neumann considers that there is at all periods of life only one way in which non-nucleated red corpuscles originate, viz., as nucleated red _ cells, like those of the embryo. Rindfleisch, too, in his paper already quoted, says that ‘“‘we must entirely banish the idea of their arising in any other way than as nucleated red cells, throughout life as well as in the embryo.” And Bizzozero is equally certain on the point. In fact, in opposition to Hayem and Pouchet, the opinion that the nucleated red cells in the bone-marrow and other blood-forming organs are the only forerunners of the non-nucleated red corpuscles is almost universal, And it will be evident that my own observations, so far as they go, support it very strongly. While agreeing that the nucleated red cells are the forerunners of the non-nucleated ones, the different observers on the blood disagree both as to the details of the transition and as to the origin of the nucleated red cells themselves. To consider first what becomes of the nucleus :— Kélliker and Neumann say that it disappears from the cell by breaking down, Neumann evidently thinking that in breaking down it becomes absorbed in the general cell substance. K@lliker’s observa- tions were made on the nucleated red cells of the embryo, and Neumann’s on the nucleated red cells found in the embryonal liver, and in the marrow throughout the whole of life. Neumann gives drawings showing the last remains of the nucleus as a small body of the size of a colourless microcyte, and Kélliker says that it breaks up into two, three, or four fragments. Rindfleisch, in opposition to Neumann and Kolliker, says that the nucleus, surrounded by a small amount of undifferentiated protoplasm, passes bodily out of the cell. The further history of the nucleus ‘“may,” says Rindfleisch, ‘‘be a matter for discussion.” Bizzozero, without giving any distinct opinion, is rather in favour of Rindfleisch’s view. From what I have myself seen, I should prefer to support Neumann’s view. For I have seen in the bone-marrow nucleated red cells in which there was apparently only a small remnant of the nucleus, and have, like Neumann, entirely failed to find a ring of undifferentiated proto- plasm surrounding the nucleus of a typical nucleated red cell. To the view of Obrastzow! and Arndt,? viz., that the nucleus in the nucleated red cells has not the character of a real cell nucleus, but is a post-mortem appearance, analogous to the precipitation of fibrin, Neumann returns the best answer, when he calls attention to the researches of Fleming on the indirect division of cells. Of the different stages of such indirect division (‘“ Kariokinesis”) in the nucleus of a nucleated red cell, elaborate drawings are given by Lavdowsky * and Bizzozero.* The question of the origin of the nucleated red cells is still more Obrastzow, Centralbl. f.d. Med. Wiss., 1880, No. 24. Arndt, Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. lxxxiii. p. 18. Lavdowsky, Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. xevi. (1884). 4 Bizzozero, Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. xcv. (1884). 1 2 3 THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 465 undecided. Neumann, from observations on the bone-marrow, thought that they arose from the leucocytes; but his faith in that idea has evidently been shaken by his observations on the embryonal liver,’ where he finds that the red cells arise from nuclei which appear in the protoplasm of large cells like the proper cells of the liver; that these nuclei first come to possess a very thin ring of hemoglobin- coloured perinuclear substance ; that this thin ring gradually increases in breadth until typical nucleated red cells are produced ; and that these nucleated red cells then pass out of the mother-cell, to multiply by division in the liver and in the circulating blood. The “ mother- cells” were first discovered by Gerlach,? and were called by him * blood-corpuscle-holding cells,” because he thought they contained young red blood-corpuscles. Gerlach, however, changed his opinion of them when Kélliker* and Ecker® pointed out that they did not con- tain young red blood-corpuscles, but were probably cells which had taken up extravasated blood-corpuscles. In spite of the very strong testimony of such an authority on the blood as Neumann, I think that the view taken by Kolliker and Ecker, or a modification of it, will turn out to be the right one ; and that even the nucleated red cells found by Neumann in the “ blood-corpuscle- holding cells ” had been taken up from the tissues. I shall return to these “blood-corpuscle-holding cells” when I consider similar cells found in the spleen and bone-marrow. In his last work on the blood, Neumann says : “ As to the origin of the early stages of the nucleated red blood-corpuscles, which, as is known, is still very little under- stood, I need here say no more.” Not only Neumann, but also Rindfleisch, Bizzozero, and many others, affirm that the nucleated red cells increase in number by indirect division ; and Bizzozero, in his last paper,® states that they increase only by indirect division, and that all the other views which have been advanced as to their origin (for example from the leucocytes) are mere hypotheses. In making this statement, however, which he applies to all classes of vertebrates, Bizzozero seems to forget that he very strongly incriminates himself. For in his paper on the development of blood-corpuscles in birds,’ he not only speaks of the nucleated red cells as arising from the colour- less cells of the marrow, but gives diagrams of the different steps of development, and says that the colourless cells pass out of the marrow pulp into the veins of the marrow before assuming hemoglobin. In his last paper, he urges that the nucleated red cells cannot arise from the white cells, because they are never found in the lymph glands or lymph follicles, where white corpuscles are most numerous. This objec- tion, however, as my experiments have already shown, may be got over. 1 Nenmann, Archiv der Heilkunde, Bd. xv. 2 Gerlach, Zeitschr. fiir rat. Med., vii. (1849), p. 79. 3 Gerlach, Handbuch der Gewebelehre, 2. Aufl. (1860), p. 56, 58. 4 K6lliker, Zeitschr. fiir wiss. Zool., ii. (1850), p. 117. 5 Keker, Zeitschr. fiir wiss. Zool., ii. (1850), p. 276. 6 Bizzozero, Virchow’s Archiv, Bd. xev. (1884). 7 Bizzozero, Moleschott’s Untersuchungen, Bd. xii. 466 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. As will have been seen from my descriptions of the appearances in the bone-marrow and other blood-forming organs of the animals on which I experimented, I have come to definite views as to the origin and development of the nucleated red cells. And it will also have been noticed that my conclusions agree with those of Kolliker and Fahrner?! and others, who hold that the nucleated red cells are derived from the colourless corpuscles. My description of the origin of the nucleated coloured cells in the marrow corresponds almost exactly with that given hy Malassez ;? but as to their further history differs very much from that of Malassez, and agrees with that given by Neumann and Bizzozero. Malassez says :—‘‘ They arise in the bone-marrow from cells which have a large nucleus which nearly fills the whole cell. The next stage is shown by the presence of a trace of hemoglobin in the cell, the cell still having a large nucleus, which is granular, and is not so strongly coloured by staining agents as the nucleus of the earlier stages of the cells. The protoplasm becomes more and more hyaline, the heemoglobin-stained contents at the same time increasing in quantity, and the nucleus becoming still less easily affected by staining agents.” The last stage in this process he calls that of “cellules hémoglo- biques.” Up to this point, z.e., to the production of the ‘“ cellules hémo- globiques,” I can quite agree with Malassez’s description; but here my description diverges very much from it, and agrees with those of Neumann, Bizzozero, and others, According to Malassez, buds appear on the side of his hzmoglobin- coloured cell, in some animals (young goat) many buds appearing, in other animals (rabbit, calf, cat, and ox) only one bud being evident ; and these buds, according to him, enlarge and become non-nucleated red blood-corpuscles, the cell remaining and enlarging to produce more buds. Bizzozero’s explanation of the presence of these buds is, that as he could never see them in preparations treated with neutral fluids, there- fore they must have been produced by the action of the osmic acid with which Malassez prepared his specimens. And this explanation receives great support when we remember that by means of reagents, such as tannic acid, buds can be produced on the ordinary red blood- corpuscles. I do not at all deny that one of the methods by which the nucleated red cells increase in number is indirect division. That they can and do increase in that manner, has been put beyond all doubt by the researches of Bizzozero, Neumann, and others. I do, however, say that there is also a fresh production of the nucleated red cells throughout the whole of life ; and that in the blood-forming organs of the animals observed by me there were not a sufficient number of dividing nucleated red cells present to account for the numerous nucleated red cells found, while there were always numerous examples — 1 Kolliker, Zeitschr. fiir rat. Med., Bd. iv. (1845), p. 112. 2 Malassez, Gaz. méd. de Paris, 1881, No. 49. THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 467 of the intermediate stages between the colourless marrow cells and nucleated red cells. To describe the transition stages more particularly :— The condition of one of the colourless marrow cells before beginning to assume hemoglobin is that of a cell of from 10 to 12, or sometimes even 14, micros. in diameter, with a relatively very large nucleus, almost filling the cell, and finely-granular perinuclear protoplasm (fig. 1, a). The first appearance of hemoglobin in this cell is in the form of a thin ring at the periphery of the cell; and between this ring and the nucleus a small amount of the finely-granular perinuclear protoplasm can often still be observed. More frequently, however, the band of hemoglobin-tinted substance seems to fill the whole space between the cell-envelope and the nucleus, and the perinuclear substance has the same clear appearance as the substance of the non-nucleated red corpuscles (fig. 1, 0). As this hzmoglobin-tinted perinuclear substance increases in amount, the nucleus appears to become smaller and to retreat towards the centre of the cell, the cell as a whole at the same time becoming smaller (fig. 1, ¢). I have, in my preparations, been able to see all stages of transition, between the comparatively large young nucleated red cells and the much smaller typical nucleated red cell, measuring about 9 micros. in diameter, where the nucleus, too, is much smaller, and the perinuclear coloured substance is much broader (fig. 1, d). My conception has been, that previous to the assump- tion ef hemoglobin the nucleus of the colourless marrow cells en- larges and comes to occupy almost the entire cell, and that under the influence of the nucleus the peripheral part of the cell assumes hemoglobin, the nucleus at the same time becoming smaller. That the nucleus enlarges previous to the assumption of hemoglobin, I infer from the fact that there are in the bone- marrow and other blood-forming organs many large colourless cells which contain nuclei not so very large as compared with the cells and yet in other respects resemble the cells of fig. 1, a, supposed by me to be marrow cells in the condition immediately preceding the assumption of hemoglobin. These large colour- less cells, with nuclei not so disproportionately large, are the 468 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. cells in the blood-forming organs that seem to me to divide most actively. In particular, they seem to divide much more actively than the nucleated red cells, of whose division, however, I have seen indubitable examples. It would accordingly appear that the nucleus takes an active part in enabling the cell to assume hemoglobin, and then, as being of no further use, disappéars from the cell; and my belief in this function of the nucleus is one of my reasons for thinking it unlikely that the non-nucleated red corpuscles, while circulat- ing in the blood, possess different amounts of hemoglobin. For I cannot think that without the presence of a nucleus the red corpuscles have it in their power to add to the hemoglobin they contain. Perhaps, however, it would be premature to deny that the amount of hemoglobin assumed under the influence of the nuclei may in some diseases be abnormally small. I could not obtain evidence of small nucleated red cells increasing in size: the small nucleated red cells which were seen in my preparations could, I thought, always be accounted for by the effect of the diluting fluid. The young nucleated red cells show a still greater tendency to creuate and contract into small globular bodies than the non-nucleated red céllsdo. Those nucleated red cells which were dividing were always large enough to produce two daughter-cells of nearly the same size as the ordinary red cells. The developing red cells in the lymph glands were in the younger stages not so large as those found in the marrow, but in other respects tle development seemed to be the same. In the spleen, the development of red cells is the same as it is in the bone-marrow. Those white cells which are transformed into nucleated red cells in the bone-marrow are not necessarily all produced there: it may be that many of them are produced in the lymphatic glands, and carried to the bone-marrow, there to enlarge and pass through the variotis stages of the transformation. The white blood-corpuscles, whether produced in the lymph- glands, spleen, or bone-marrow, seem to me to be the fore- runners of the nucleated red blood-corpuscles :— (1) Because those cells in the bone-marrow which belong to the stage in the development of the nucleated red cells previous to the appearance of hemoglobin are exactly similar to enlarged THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 469 white corpuscles, while the bone-marrow contains besides such cells also many white corpuscles of ordinary size. (2) Because in the lymphatic glands nucleated red cells were found which had evidently been developed there, and also white cells with pecu- liarly clear perinuclear substance, which looked as if they needed nothing but hemoglobin to convert them into nucleated red cells. (3) Because when the lymph is prevented from entering the blood the number of red corpuscles in the blood falls. (4) Because after excision of the spleen, which is an organ for forming white blood corpuscles, the white corpuscles in the blood on the one hand increase in number while the red cor- puscles decrease, and on the other hand may sink even below their original number as the red corpuscles rise again to theirs. (5) Because a leucocyte is typically an embryonic cell capable of further differentiation. I entirely agree with Neumann, Rindfleisch, and Bizzozero, in thinking that the only forerunners of the non-nucleated red corpuscles, during the whole of extra-uterine life as well as during intra-uterine life, are the nucleated red cells found in the blood-forming organs. Now that it can be shown that these cells exist in the blood-forming organs throughout the whole of life, there is really no necessity for having recourse to micro- cytes, and endogenous cell-formation, in order to explain the blood-forming process. For why should the origin of the blood- corpuscles in extra-uterine life be different from their origin in intra-uterine life 2 And, on the other hand, it has been abund- antly shown that the nucleated red cells increase in number in the blood-forming organs in direct proportion to the neces- sity for the formation of blood, and accordingly increase most when the blood is being most actively regenerated. So that we cannot have any stronger proof that they are young red blood- corpuscles. These cells, then, being accepted as young red blood-corpuscles, the question arises, “ Which is the organ most active in their formation in extra-uterine life?” In answering it, I must, as the result of my own experiments, agree with Neumann and Bizzozero that the bone-marrow is the most active producer of red blood-corpuscles during extra-uterine life: that is, in the generality of animals; Bizzozero having found that in tailed 470 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. amphibians and in fishes the chief blood-forming organ is the spleen. i From personal experience, I can, of course, speak only of the blood-forming organs of dogs. In these animals, the red marrow appeared to be the chief organ; though the spleen, too, at any rate within the first year of extra-uterine life, produces red blood-corpuscles, and does so even under normal conditions. I should say that the spleen probably throughout life forms a certain number of red blood-corpuscles. Experiment V., where the dog was at least two years old, gave the strongest possible evidence in favour of Bizzozero’s view that the spleen actively produces red corpuscles when the blood-forming capabilities of an animal are called into play by loss of blood. As to the function of the lymphatic glands in the formation of red blood-corpuscles, Experiment VIII. proved—as it seems to me, conclusively—that the lymphatic glands do, during the whole of extra-uterine life, take part in the formation of the red blood-corpuscles. But, from the cases of excision of the spleen, it appears that their activity in this respect is at any rate less than that of the bone-marrow; and I think it very probable that it is also less than that of the spleen. As to how the young red blood-corpuscles formed in the bone-marrow pass into the circulation, there are two opinions—that of Rindfleisch, which.is adopted by Neumann, and that of Bizzozero, Rindfleisch supports the view which Hoyer! and Riidinger? took in 1869, viz., that the greater part of the capillary system in the bone-marrow pos- sesses no special wall, but that the thin-walled arteries open into tunnels in the marrow-substance (i.e, into the interstices of the marrow-pulp), and that the veins take origin from these tunnels. He argues that it would be quite superfluous for the capillaries of the marrow to possess walls, because the circulation in the marrow must be a restricted one, from the hard bony surroundings making the inflow and outflow of blood always correspond. Bizzozero,® on the other hand, considers that the capillaries of the marrow are real capillaries, and have distinct thin walls, and that the veins arise as very wide channels, also with very thin walls. He further considers, or rather considered,* that the colourless marrow- 1 Hoyer, Centralbl. f. d. med. Wiss., 1869. 2 Riidinger, Centralbl. f. d. med. Wiss., 1869. 3 Bizzozero, Morgagni, 1869. + Bizzozero, Moleschott’s Untersuchungen, Bd. xii. THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION, 471 cells, before assuming hemoglobin, pass through the thin walls of the veins into their lumen, there to assume hemoglobin ; and that they never contain hemoglobin until they enter the veins, no hemoglobin- containing cells being visible outside the vessels. As, however, in the same paper, he talks of its being a doubtful question whether the blood-channels in the spleen have or have not distinct walls, we may take his view of the condition of the circulation in the bone- marrow with some reserve. The question is, of course, a very difficult one to settle ; for it is difficult to get the marrow so hardened as to allow of satisfactory sections being made. I think it, however, more likely that Rindfleisch’s opinion will turn out the correct one. A word must be said about the so-called “ blood-corpuscle- holding cells ” :— As has already been mentioned, these cells were discovered, in the liver of the embryo, by Gerlach, and were at first thought by him to contain developing red blood-corpuscles. Gerlach, however, afterwards gave up this view, and accepted that of Kélliker and Ecker, who con- sidered them to be cells which had taken up extravasated blood-cor- puscles. Neumann rediscovered these cells, and recognised them to be the same as those described by Gerlach, but considered Gerlach’s original opinion about them to be correct. Gerlach’s original opinion and description were as follows:1— He said he found “coloured blood-corpuscles in large numbers lying as cell-contents inside large colourless cells ;” and ‘said, pds that ‘these enclosed bubble- like, reddish-yellow nuclei (viz., the ‘coloured blood-corpuscles’), become free, and, perhaps by the formation of an envelope (Hiille) and the shar- ing of the colouring matter with this envelope, become transformed into coloured blood-corpuscles.” This description of Gerlach’s exactly applies to ‘‘ bluod-corpuscle-holding cells” which I have found in the spleen and bone-marrow, and supports the view taken by KGlliker and Ecker. Neumann objects to this view chiefly because he found nucleated red corpuscles in these large mother-cells and found, as he thought, stages of transition between “free nuclei” contained in the cells (but differing from the proper nucleus of the cell) and the typical nucleated red corpuscles. To turn Neumann’s explanation of Hayem’s hematoblasts against himself, one may ask, Is it not possible that in embryonal life some of the nucleated red corpuscles are, as easily as the non-nucleated ones, extravasated and taken up by the large cells, and that the transition-stages in the “‘ development ” of the nucleated red corpuscles observed by Neumann in “mother-cells” are simply stages of breaking-down of such corpuscles in cells which had taken them up? I have no personal knowledge of the “ blood-corpuscle-holding cells” in the embryonal liver, but can speak of similar cells in the spleen and bone-marrow—cells whose function seems to be to take up breaking-down red blood-corpuscles, complete their break- 1 Gerlach, Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medicin, vii. (1849), p. 79. 472 DR J. LOCKHART GIBSON. ing-down, and perhaps in some way prepare their hemoglobin for being again made use of. In the accompanying drawings my reasons for supposing this function will be seen (fig. 2). The cells vary from about 8 or 10 micros. to perhaps 40 micros. in diameter. The nucleus is, as a rule, pushed to one side, and often flattened, like the nucleus of a fat cell. In some cells, however, I was, like Neumann, unable to distinguish a nucleus. The peculiar contents of these cells are well described in Gerlach’s words, as “ bubble-like reddish-yellow nuclei” ; except that they cannot be called “ nuclei,” having, in fact, none of the characters of nuclei. They are perfectly clear, show no granula- tion, and are darkly coloured with hemoglobin. Of course, Gerlach’s after-admission that they are breaking-down coloured corpuscles shows that he gave up the idea of their being nuclei. These “ blood-corpuscle-holding cells” contain, generally ac- cording to their size, one or several “ bubble-like reddish-yellow ” bodies, which vary very markedly in size, and vary in colour directly with their size. In some of the cells there can be seen, in the centre, a round or irregular coloured body, often many times larger than a normal red corpuscle; which at first may appear single, but when carefully focussed is seen to be composed of a number of smaller bodies closely packed together (fig. 2, 6). As a rule, around this darkly-coloured mass there are many small straw-coloured fragments, which have exactly the same appearance as the fragments of a broken-down red corpuscle. The general finely granular protoplasm of the cell has, as a rule, a faint hemoglobin tint. Different examples of these cells are shown in fig. 2. It would appear that under the influence of these cells the hemoglobin-substance of the broken-down red corpuscles is fused into a common mass; but whether their function is to prepare hemoglobin to be again made use of as hemoglobin or to prepare it for being carried to the liver to be there made use of, it would be difficult to say. Before giving a summary of my conclusions, I should like again to draw attention to the excellent advice of Neumann and Bizzozero, who urge that the substance of the blood-forming organs should, like the blood itself, always be examined fresh, and either undiluted or diluted with newtral fluids. THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 473 The conclusions are :— 1. Nucleated red cells, derived from white corpuscles and colourless marrow cells, are the only forerunners of the non- nucleated red blood-corpuscle, throughout the whole of life. 2. The transformation of the colourless cells into nucleated red cells takes place in the bone-marrow,spleen,and lymphatic glands, 3. The colourless cells and the nucleated red cells multiply in the blood-forming organs by division. 4. The red bone-marrow plays the most important part in the production of red blood-corpuscles during extra-uterine life. 5. After the production of anzemia, some of the fatty marrow becomes red marrow, and joins in the formation of red blood- corpuscles. 6. The blood-forming action of the spleen is in extra-uterine life a subordinate one, but when the reserve blood-forming capabili- ties of an animal are called on its activity is greatly increased. 7. After excision of the spleen, a portion of the formerly fatty marrow becomes red marrow, and the lymphatic glands increase their activity as regards the production of red blood-corpuscles. 8. After excision of the spleen, the red corpuscles in the blood decrease in number, and there is a consequent increase in the number of white corpuscles. The red corpuscles return to their normal number within six months, after which there may be a decrease in the number of white corpuscles. 9. The chief function of the lymphatic glands is the pro- duction of white corpuscles, but they also, even in normal conditions, produce a certain number of red corpuscles. Their activity in the latter respect increases with the necessity for the production of red corpuscles. 10. The spleen and bone-marrow, and possibly also the lym- phatic glands, contain cells whose function appears to be to break down red blood-corpuscles. 1 With reference to Dr Gibson’s thesis, Dr Creighton has called the Editors’ attention to a paper by himself (Dr C.), ‘‘ Illustrations of the Pathology of Sar- coma,” published in 1880, in the April number of this Jowrnal, claiming that it contains an important contribution to the study of blood-formation, and that he has developed his hematoblastic doctrine further in the article ‘‘ Pathology” in the Encyclopedia Britannica. As Dr Gibson sailed for Queensland some months ago, it has not been possible to bring Dr Creighton’s papers under his notice, but the Editors take this opportunity of referring to them. VOL, XX. 2H 474 THE BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIV. Fig. 1. a, Colourless marrow-cells, that is, marrow-cells before the appearance of hemoglobin in them. 0, First appearance of hemo- globin in marrow-cells. c, A later stage of the marrow-cells. d, Typi- cal nucleated red cell. e, Probably shows the remains of a nucleus in a red cell. #, Ordinary non-nucleated red corpuscles, to serve as a scale. Fig. 2. a, Small “blood-corpuscle-holding cell,” containing one pretty large “ bubble-like reddish-yellow” body. 0, Large blood-cor- puscle-holding cell, containing many broken-down and partially fused red corpuscles (bubble-like reddish-yellow bodies). c, The same as 3, but with fragments more completely fused together in centre. Many small isolated fragments of red corpuscles in the periphery of the cell d, Shows small nucleus (unstained), pushed into a corner. Various bubble-like bodies: some very faintly hemoglobin-tinted, one very deeply tinted. e, Large “ blood-corpuscle-holding cell,” with nucleus (unstained) pushed to one side and flattened. Many bubble-like bodies. The larger the bodies, the more darkly are they tinted with ne eee ont. f and g, Other examples of “ blood-corpuscle-holding cells,” (Zo be completed in the next number.) INVESTIGATIONS IN THE RELATION BETWEEN CON- VERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES. By Ernest E. Mappox, M.B. Edin, Syme Surgical Fellow in the University of Edinburgh? I. Introductory Sketch. Wuy, if we see separately with each eye, do we not see double when both are used? This problem has taxed the ingenuity of many busy minds in past ages, and its history is by no means one of uniform progress. Euclid, two or three centuries B.c., had advanced so far beyond some at a far later date as to recognise that both eyes were employed in unison, and that their dissimilar pictures were in some way united. Galen surmised that the union of the optic nerves at the commissure supplied a clue. Both he and Herophilus assumed that the two nerves were there united by mysterious pores; doubtless to permit the free passage and intercourse of the little spirits of both sides, whose remarkable unanimity in fitting the pictures together was evidenced by single vision. Later on Gassendus, Tacquet, and Joan Baptista Porta, the inventor of the camera obscura, escaped the difficulty altogether by assuming that one eye only at a time was engaged in vision. In 1613, Francis Aguillon (Aguilonius), a learned Jesuit, called in the aid of what he termed a “ common sense,” which “imparts its aid equally to each eye, exerting its own power equally in the same manner as the eyes are converged by means of their optical axes.” This was an advance, for the two pictures, we may truly say, are mentally united by a “common sense,”? of the real nature of which we probably know little more than Aguilonius, though we may notice more of its effects. Dr Briggs appears to have been the first to have suggested “ cor- responding ” or “identical” points in the two retine, that is, that each point on the inner side of one retina has a corresponding point on the outer side of the other, so that when images are thrown by an object upon these identical points, they are mentally united. This was a great advance, though the theory of “identical points in the field of vision” is now considered more correct. But he explained it in a 1 The original of this memoir was the successful essay submitted in com- petition for the Syme Surgical Fellowship in April 1884. Before publication it has been revised and enlarged. ? It is now located in a theoretical ‘‘ fusion centre.” 476 MR ERNEST E. MADDOX. curious way, by ascribing to each jibre of the optic nerve a different degree of tension, like the strings of a violin or piano, each vibrating in unison with its own retinal area,—‘“‘a tension,” argued Porterfield, ‘‘impossible in the soft and pulpy structure of the nerve fibres.” From the fact that ‘in animals which look the same way with both eyes, the optic nerves meet before they enter the brain, while this union does not occur in those which do not, such as fishes and the chameleon,” Sir Isaac Newton suggested au arrangement of the optic fibres at the commissure, which exactly tallies with that now generally received—“ the fibres on the right side of both (optick) nerves uniting there at the commissure, and, after union, going thence into the brain in the nerve which is on the right side of the head, and the fibres on the left side of both nerves uniting in the same place, and, after union, going into the brain in the nerve which is on the left side of the head.” I quote from the 13th Query at the end of his “ Treatise on Opticks” (1718), the more remarkable because it was the belief of anatomists, like Vesalius, that no decussation occurred at the commissure, and that it consisted of fibrous tissue. Dr William Porterfield of Edinburgh is believed to have first enunciated the correct, though still very partial theory of binocular vision. In his “Treatise on the Eye” (1759)! he showed that when the eyes are accommodated for any object their two visual axes are also exactly converged upon the same point, and “since each eye possesses the power, either intuitively or by acquisition, of localising points in space, the object must appear single, it being impossible for us to conceive two objects existing in the same place at the same time. Single binocular vision therefore requires a perfect concert between the efforts of accommodation and convergence. The former secures distinct vision; the latter single vision. Accommodation affects the nature of the images thrown on the retin ; convergence affects their position on the retin, so that they still fall on the same portions whether the object looked at is near or distant. If distant, both accommodation and convergence are 7i/. With every approach or recession of the object, they increase or decrease simultaneously. The two efforts are not only associated in their daily exercise, but the nervous centres which govern them are linked in the brain by strong nervous ties, so that the slightest action of one affects the other. This is shown by Donders’ experiments, for, though they demonstrate that the desire for single vision has power to overcome the nervous ties within limits, when lenses or prisms are used, yet they show also that the slightest alteration in 1 To which I am indebted for most of what precedes. } | | CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES. 477 convergence shifts both limits of the possible play of accommo- dation in the same direction. Further evidence was given by Dr Loring, who, while look- ing at an object through concave lenses, reduced the desire for fusion by placing coloured glass before one eye, and thus pro- duced diplopia. The distance between the two images varied with the strength of the lenses worn, showing that “for every degree of tension of the ciliary muscle there is a corresponding degree of tension of the interni.” Convergence, like accommodation, is brought about by a single effort. Hering’s theory may well be mentioned here, since it receives striking and repeated confirmation in the following pages. It is that “each eye is supplied by two innervations— one directed to the turning of both eyes to the right or left, the other to turning both eyes inward or outward.” “Both eyes are used in the service of the sense of sight as a single organ con- sisting of two separate limbs.” The movements of both eyes to the right or left may for con- venience be called “ranging” movements. They depend on two distinct mechanisms, which have no known connection with each other. Of these, one supplies the external rectus of the right eye and the internal rectus of the left, and turns both eyes to the right; the other supplies the remaining lateral recti, and turns both eyes to the left. When both ranging centres evolve an equal quantity of nervous energy the result is simply in- creased tension of all four lateral recti, since each internus antagonises its fellow externus. If one centre predominates, both eyes are deviated to the right or left as the case may be.! Stimulation of Ferrier’s area 12 in the frontal lobe causes among other movements turning of both eyes to the opposite side. It is clear, therefore, that “convergence” or intersection of the visual axes is not provided for by this innervation. It is brought about by a separate and superadded effort, and is provided for by a mechanism which affects both eyes equally. 1JIn the nates Adamuk finds a common centre for both eyes, stimulation of the right side producing movements of both eyes to the left, of the left side move- ments to the right, while stimulation in the middle line behind causes a down- ward movement of both eyes with convergence of the axis, and in the front an upward movement with return to parallelism, both accompanied by the naturally associated movements of the pupil.—Michael Foster. 478 MR ERNEST E. MADDOX. When an object is viewed in the mesial plane the effort of convergence causes the two visual axes to intersect at the point of fixation, and no effort is needed on the part of either ranging centre. But if the point of fixation is carried ever so little to the right or left of the mesial plane, convergence must be sup- plemented by an effort. of one of the ranging centres to carry the point of intersection into the required plane. Is the central connection between the efforts of convergence and accommodation complete? Though the nervous association can be partly overcome when necessary by prisms or lenses, it does not follow that it should be naturally incomplete, and it has generally been supposed that a normal eye when excluded from vision would remain im statu quo. Consistently with this, since the demand for accommodation is relatively greater in a hypermetrope and less in a myope than in normal eyes, it has been supposed that under the same conditions the eye of every myope would deviate outwards, and that of every hyper- metrope inwards. We shall find this is far from being the case. Il. The Blind-spot Method of employing the “Viswal Camera.” The object of this method is to ascertain the behaviour of an eye placed subjectively in the dark when the other eye is employed in vision. The blind spot, or “punctum cecum,” is a nearly circular gap in the field of vision of each eye dis- covered by Mariotte, and shown by Donders to be due to the fact that the entire surface of the “ optic disc” (the extremity of the optic nerve at its entrance into the eye) is wholly insensible to light. When one eye is closed, therefore, there is an area in the outer part of the field of vision of the other entirely devoid of visual impressions, and large enough, according to Helmholtz, for eleven full moons to stand in a row in it (Handbuch der Physiologik Optik, 1867). The method of its employment for our purpose is illustrated in fig. 1, which represents a dark box or camera of a flattened pyramidal shape, measuring about a foot from side to side and nine inches from before backwards.!_ The narrow end contains two visual apertures, pierced through slides (a, a), which permit their mutual distance to be regulated as the eyes of different observers require. To be obtained from Messrs Pickard & Curry,£Gt. Portland St., London. CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES. 479 The curved border of the box is built up of two arcs (d, d) united by a straight line nearly 2} inches long, and therefore equal to the average distance between the centres of the two eyes, while each arc is part of a circle drawn from the centre of motion’ of the eye of the same side. This end of the box is provided with three luminous points, one fixed (e) and two 22: line ye lines. Fic. 1.—View of the visual camera with the roof removed. (Erratum.—The dotted lines should cross iz the crystalline lens instead of behind it; 224 lines should be 284 lines. ) movable (7,7). They are tiny apertures, which become luminous when the box is held up to the light. The central one (e) is stationary, and since it is used as the point of fixation, should be provided with a piece of ground glass, a letter, or cross wires, to fix attention.? The lateral points (7, /) are preferably coloured, 1 This point is about 13 mm. (Donders) behind the anterior surface of the cornea. Nearly half an inch is allowed for the distance of the corner from the visual apertures, so that since the box is 9°2 inches from before backwards, points on its further border are 10 inches from the dioptric centres, and therefore when looked at require 4 dioptres of accommodation to be in exercise. A dioptre is the chosen unit of refractive power ; it is that possessed by a spherical lens of the focal length of a metre (nearly 40 inches). Fowr such lenses would represent the inerease in the refractive power of the crystalline lens required to focus on the retina distinct images of points 10 inches distant. ? In default of these it suffices to moisten a piece of printed paper and apply it to the outside of the aperture. 480 MR ERNEST E. MADDOX, and are pierced through brass slides (s, s) which travel in grooves, so that each aperture can be moved at pleasure along its own half of the curved end independently of the other and of the central one, and without the admission of any additional light. This is brought about by a system of long slits so cut in the brasswork that the two slides and the side of the box against which they are apposed mutually overlap each other's slits, and yet permit the points of light to be seen through. A graduated scale of degrees (made by taking as a radius the centre of the eye of the same side) is attached to the outer surface of the arcs, and indicates the angular interval between each of the movable points and the central one. The camera is nearly divided into two lateral compartments by a median vertical partition (>), which runs forward to within an inch or two of the central luminous point. It is interrupted by a small cross-piece of wood called the “ stop” or “ obstructive ” (c), which is let in through a slit in the roof, and can be made to travel shortly from side to side so as to intercept at pleasure the view of the central point (e) by either the right or left eye. This is shown to the right in dotted outline (g), but the central point (e) is perfectly visible by both eyes, so lony as the “ stop” is in the middle of its slit, as represented by the shaded portion of the figure (c). Since the optic nerve enters the eye to the inner side of the visual axis, and since all projections are reversed in position, there is an area on each side of the curved end of the box (repre- sented by a shaded circle) which corresponds to the projection of the blind spot of the eye of the same side, and which may be called the “blind area.” Tach is about an inch in diameter at this distance from the eye. It may be observed that vision of the movable points is always monocular, since the medium partition (b) cuts off the view of each from the opposite eye; whereas vision of the central point is either monocular or bin- ocular at pleasure according to the position of the “stop,” the motion of which is too short to interfere with the view of either of the movable apertures, though wide enough to interfere (when desired) with the view of the central one by either eye. Exp. 1.—As a preliminary, push the deft brass slide inwards until the point it bears is overlapped by the brass work ‘and thus CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES, 481 disposed of. It is not needed in the observation. Put the stop in the middle of its slit, and leave the ight movable point within the usual limits of the right blind area. Now let the subject of the experiment hold the camera up to the light and look steadily with both eyes at the central fixation point. The right luminous point, being in the blind area, is then out of sight so long as the stop is in the middle. Now push the stop to the right, and it will be found that though the observer does not know what has happened, and still thinks he sees as before with both eyes, yet in most cases, after the lapse of a moment or two, the hitherto hidden point springs into view, showing that the eye has deviated from its former position, and has allowed the image of the luminous point to fall on a sensitive portion of the retina, as in fig. 2. The only effect of which the observer is conscious when the stop is pushed to the right is that the fixation aper- ture appears less bright,! yet by so doing the right eye is excluded from vision entirely, and placed subjectively in the dark, since of the two apertures the fixation one is cut off by the stop and the other throws its image on the blind spot where it produces no im- pression. He is aware neither of the exclusion of the eye nor of its devia- tion. If now, after the eye has deviated, the right brass slide is drawn out- Fic. 2.—The vision of the central : ” aperture (¢) being cut off by the wards, the movable point it bears stop from the right eye, its axis again becomes lost to view in the has deviated frome to 7, and its blind area, showing that the devia- blind area (b') has moved to ex- ti herent Wikadech extent actly the same extent, so that it 10n was outwards. S exact exten no longer conceals the point of may be measured in degrees by read- _licht (f). The Jeft blind area (5) ing off from the graduated scale, the does not move, showing that only position of the inner border of the ® eye deviates. blind area before and after the eye has deviated, that is, first with the stop in the middle and then to the right. The difference between the two records gives the angular deviation of the visual axis. In my own eyes it is about 5° as a rule, though it varies from 3° to 7° or even 8°, according to the time of day, the temporary comparative anemia or congestion of the brain, the previous occupation of the eyes, and doubtless many other conditions. It appears to be greater in the morning than in the evening, and less after much reading, or with con- gestion of the eyes from close work or hot rooms. That there should be any outward deviation at all in my case was an unexpected result, owing to the presence of at least 2 D of hypermetropia, for it has hitherto been supposed that when excluded from vision a hyperme- 1 The central aperture sometimes also appears to move slowly to the right, but this is not generally noticed unless attention is called to the fact. 482 MR ERNEST E, MADDOX. tropic one deviated inwards.! I believe, however, that a great many eyes with minor degrees of hypermetropia would be found to devi- ate outwards, and that if this were duly estimated some of those difficult cases might be more readily relieved which are so sensitive to any disturbance of the requisite relation between convergence and accommodation. The psychical factor furnishes an occasional difficulty in the observa- tions when there is a constant expectation of seeing the hidden point appear. It may be guarded against by registering the position of the outer as well as the inner border of the blind area in both records, which thus mutually correct each other, since the same mental effort which might prematurely bring the hidden point into view when one border is being tested would do the very reverse when the other is under trial. Moreover, if the re- corded breadth of the blind area be found equal in the two observations, before the deviation and after it, the coincidence is reassuring as to the exactness of the records. Variations in the shape and size of the “disc” in no wise affect the experiments, since the same definite point in each border is taken as the index of deviation. The shape Fic. 3.—AcB was the optic angle be- Of the curved end of the box is fore the right eye deviated. AdB,is such that each movable aperture in the optic angle after deviation; it any part of its range still throws a is less than before, by the angle pet tiny and distinct image upon the deviation cBd. Wait : : Pe retina instead of a diffused one ; for, as Donders has said, “in the emmetropic eye the whole curvature of the retina lies in the focal surface of the dioptric system.” The image is about ;',th the size of the aperture, so that the latter being half a line wide its image is about ;4,th of an inch in width 400 * T am indebted to Mr Brudenell Carter’s ‘‘ Defects of Vision” for the fact that Hansen has recorded a few instances of ‘‘ central defect,” though Mr Carter had not identified them (1877, p. 141), and says: ‘‘ In every case of myopia the tendency of the visual axes would be towards divergence, and in every case of hypermetropia the tendency would be towards convergence as soon as the con- trol exercised by the demand for fusion was withdrawn” (p. 138). To Hansen then belongs the first notification of the fact that in ‘‘a few persons” an excluded eye diverges with the ordinary tests at reading distance. I think, however, the camera will show that instead of being a rare exception, this is the normal con- dition, though not the invariable one. Doubtless Hansen’s cases were, in one sense, really exceptions to the normal, in that the degree of deviation was large enough to be detected by the ordinary methods. CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES. 483 It may be stated as a simple geometrical necessity! that the angular deviation of either eye alters the “optic angle” (or “angle of con- vergence ” contained between the two visual axes), by the same number of degrees (fig. 3). When both eyes fix the central aperture the optic angle is 14°. A deviation therefore of the excluded eye to the extent of 5°, reduces the optic angle from 14° to 9°. From this it is easy to calculate that, while accommodation still remains in both eyes for a distance of 10 inches, the visual axes intersect at a distance more than half as much again (15°7 in.), and which, if it in turn became the point of fixation, would need 14 dioptres less of accommodation to be in exercise (24 D instead of 4 D).? I have tried a sufficient number of cases to assure myself that owtward deviation of the excluded eye is the rule where refraction is apparently normal or only slightly hypermetropic, though here and there an exception is found. Of ten recorded cases the average deviation was 44°, as shown in the follow- ing table, which also gives the angular interval between each border of the blind area and the visual axis before deviation—the difference between them gives angular dimensions of the blind spot. Table I. | | N Inner border of | Outer border of | Breadth of blind | ae “ nes | blind area. blind area. area. DEVIATION. a!) ae ee) ee oe eevee S Peer oe es he | | | Tey 123° 18}° 53° 0° 2. | 123° 183° 6° 1° or 3° 3. 124° 19° 64° 91° 5. ll’ 17° 6° “2 5. 123° 183° 6° 44° | 6. 125° 183° 6° 5° ae 13° 19° 6° 63° 8. 13° 185° bse HS 9. 113° Wis 5s° (si 10. 123° 183° 6° 77 | Average, ? 44° If this table is at all representative (and I expect it is fairly so), it shows that, while deviation occurs in nearly all, its amount varies greatly in different individuals; in No. 10 only 63° of convergence is left, as attached centrally to the accommodative effort—less than one half, A more extensive set of observations is much to be desired to arrive at a more reliable average, and to seek, if possible, to note some of the causes of these variations, but for taking records the “ direct method,” to be described presently, is far to be preferred. 1 Eue., bk. i. prop. 32. ” See the footnote on page 479. 484 MR ERNEST E. MADDOX. It has been considered by Donders, a fact at present un- accountable, that only a small proportion of hypermetropes - should develop strabismus, and that the same refractive anomaly should lead to squint in some cases and not in others. No doubt an explanation is afforded by these great variations which exist in the amount of convergence naturally attached to the effort of accommodation. So long as every hypermetropic eye was supposed to deviate inwards when excluded there was no reason why all hypermetropes should not squint. The minor degrees of deviation which the camera detects come thus to have importance. The advantages of angular measurements over linear ones are obvious. The latter would vary with camerze of different sizes, and would not permit of direct com- parison, whereas the former are invariable. It is evident from the results obtained that the central con- nection between the efforts of convergence and accommodation is still considerable, though not complete. If there were xo central connection the excluded eye would deviate outwards nearly 14° instead of only 43°. If the connection were com- plete it would not deviate at all. In ordinary vision there is perfect concert between the two efforts, since the two visual axes meet exactly at whatever point is accommodated for. To bring this about a “supplementary” effort must be in exercise whenever central connection is insufficient. This effort is con- nected with the instinctive desire for single vision, of which the seat is yet unknown, so that we may say the relatively complete convergence of ordinary vision is maintained partly by central connection with accommodation and partly by this additional effort, which is fist roused into activity by the sensible presence of double images, and then maintained in exercise by the fact, of which the nervous centre is every moment kept sensible, that were the effort abated the mental image would immediately resolve itself visually into two. To keep it from doing so the joint sensations from the retinee must all the while be bearing between them the message of continually impending (yet as quickly averted) double vision, by threats of double images so slight and frequent that they produce the required effect with- out our being conscious of their existence. It is difficult to conceive the exquisite mechanism at work so assiduously when CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES. 485 we remember that, if double images are produced artificially or by disease, it is impossible for the mind to tell to which eye each image belongs—whether, therefore, the visual axes are crossed or not, and whether convergence needs to be increased or relaxed to bring the images together. By Hering’s theory, convergence is a single effort, exerted in equal amount in each eye. It is also clear that impressions from both eyes are neces- sary to maintain the supplementary factor in convergence con- nected with the abhorrence of double images. When, therefore, the obstructive in the experiment is placed before the right eye, and vision is confined to the left only, this common effort ceases, and both internal recti receive correspondingly diminished im- pulses from the converging centre. Were this all that hap- pened, ¢.g., in my own case, each eye would deviate outwards 24° as represented by the dotted lines in fig. 2. As a matter of fact, however, the active one remains stationary, fixing the rye, 3.4.—Convergence of the visual central aperture, while the uncon- — rst ae Sse sera nese 2 ellected by the coliverging innerva trolled one moves outwards 5°. tion; but they are jointly deflected This can be proved by com- {0H "ght hand cross by the rang: mencing the experiment with both Hering’s theory. lateral apertures in their respective blind areas, when it will be found that if the stop is pushed to the right, although the right lateral aperture comes into view, the left one remains hidden the whole time; if the stop be pushed to the left the left aper- ture appears while the right one continues hidden, showing clearly that in each case it is the seeing eye which continues stationary, and the excluded one which deviates, Another innervation, therefore, distinct from that of convergence, must come into play to keep both the eyes from deviating equally. This is found in that centre whose ordinary function it is to turn both eyes to the right, and which, therefore, presides over the internal 486 MR ERNEST E. MADDOX. rectus of the left eye, and the external of the right eye. Jt compensates by a slight effort for those impulses which the left: internal rectus has lost from the converging centre ; but since it governs both eyes equally, while it maintains the convergence of the left eye, which would otherwise fall back 24°, it moves the right eye through an additional 24° (sce fig. 3 A). The effort put forth by this fresh innervation is determined entirely by the requirements of the seeing eye; it only affects the deviating eye because it cannot help influencing one as much as the other. Its intervention is proved by the next two experiments. The result is that exactly half the deviation of the right eye is due to relaxation of the internal rectus, and the other half is due to contraction of the external rectus; but since in the left eye the diminishing converging effort and the in- creasing ranging effort have each to do with the internal rectus, it remains stationary. Exp. 2.—With the stop in the middle, fix the central aperture with both eyes, and try to place the right forefinger exactly upon the central aperture from outside. The attempt will succeed in proportion to the perfectness of the observer's muscular sense. Now push the stop to the right, and repeat the attempt. The finger will be found to have missed its mark, and to be actually on the right side of it; and similarly to the left side of it if the stop is pushed to the left. The miscalculation will be slight if the attempt is made directly after the exclusion of the eye, and greater with every increase in the interval which elapses till the maximum miscalculation is reached, which in my case is about a distance which corresponds to 23° on the gradu- ated scale. The right eye, we have seen, has meanwhile moved 5°, It may therefore be accredited as a rule that the angle of miscalcula- tion is half that of the deviation of the excluded eye; it is slight at first, because the deviation is slight, and they increase together in the proportion of 1 to 2. It has long been known that when one eye is closed, and a finger is pushed forward from under a book, it misses its mark to the side of the closed eye; but I believe this phenomenon will be absent in those with whom deviation of an excluded eye does not occur at the distance of the test; and that the extent of miscalculation will be found to depend entirely on the amount of the deviation, and to be half as great. Expr. 3.—If the central aperture is very closely watched its apparent position may be observed to move slowly to the right as soon as the stop is pushed to the right. Now, it is remarkable that the point of view should seem to be moving when not only is the point really stationary but also the image it throws on the retina, and the retina itself. Since only one eye is in this case engaged in vision, and that CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES, 487 (as may be shown by the immobility of its blind area) keeps quite still the whole time, there cannot be the slightest change in the comparative tension of its recti, to account for the apparent movement of the image. Moreover, though the excluded eye deviates, we shall see later that the oculomotor muscular sense is purely central and not peripheral, since the same degree of tension in a muscle is mentally estimated or mentally ignored, according to the central source of the impulses which cause the tension. The stillness of the seeing eye therefore proves that the illusion is due to some alteration in central nerve effort of which the mind takes (what is now) unnecessary cog- nizance, and thus forms a false estimate. The new effort is also shown by the nature of the apparent move- ment to be the one which the mind has been accustomed to associate with lateral displacement of the point of fixation, and with the joint movement of both eyes to the right, which such displacement makes necessary in the ordinary vision of nature. The illusion cannot be due to the diminution of converging effort, because that, as we shall see, is mentally associated only with the idea of distance, not at all with the angular departure of the object from the median plane, or its position in the field of vision. The slowness of the apparent move- ment is a striking feature ; it shows how gradually the ranging effort is put forth, consistently with the gradual diminution of the converg- ing effort for which it exactly compensates. It is a fact which affords some food for thought, that although the stumulus which causes the “supplementary ” converging effort ceases suddenly when the stop is pushed to the right, yet the effort itself continues for some time decreasing only gradually. This is in strik- ing contrast to the speed with which full convergence is again effected when the stimulus is restored. The gradual relaxation of the con- verging effort when the stimulus is withdrawn, causes loth internal recti to receive growingly feebler impulses from the converging centre, so that each eye has a constant and momentary tendency to deviate outwards, which is only prevented in the left one by the wonderful vigilance of the nervous mechanism which every instant appreciates this tendency, and as quickly compensates for it, not by again stimu- lating the flagging convergence, but by causing a strictly propor- tionate and gradual increase of that effort whose output causes in the mind the impression that the point of view (really stationary) is moving to the right. It need hardly be said that all this naturally accords with and establishes Hering’s theories mentioned on p. 477. The apparent movement of the central aperture is through half the angle and at half the rate of the real movement of the deviating eye. A little reflection on the preceding experiment will show the truth of this, as nearly as it can be determined, and also that when an object is fixed not far from the middle line its position is mentally referred to the vertical plane which bisects the angle of convergence, and which, as we shall see, runs through a point midway between and a3) behind the centres of the two eyes. (See the line yp in g. 3. After a few attempts to touch the point thus miscalculated, the 488 MR ERNEST E. MADDOX. mind allows for the error, and the attempts begin to succeed. It has already been suggested that thousands of such attempts in childhood contribute to the wonderful correlation between the muscular sense of the eye and the hand. How perfectly they may by practice be made to co-operate is seen in a good cricketer or marksman. The senses are there to begin with, but the mental apprehension of their import, both singly and jointly, seems to be largely left to be perfected by education. Indeed, it is known how any sense itself may be quickened by receiving a larger share of psychical attention, or dulled by its prolonged abstraction. The human body is thus made capable of adapting itself within limits to adventitious circumstances ; it is not made, like an ordinary loom, capable only when once set cf turning out material of one tex- ture,—but it is like a loom, if one can be conceived, made with such wonderful skill and forethought that it can automatically adapt itself to the requirement of any new material and other altered circum- stances. I find, on trying to touch the central aperture with my left hand, that when the stop is to the right, instead of missing its mark to the right side of the central aperture aimed at, it misses it to the left side, and when the stop is in the middle it misses it still more to the left side, though its miscalculation is not very precise. Its muscular sense is therefore less perfect. Exp, 4. On first opening the eyes in the morning the divergence is greater than during the day; it falls just after the mid-day meal and perhaps after the others. Exp. 5.—When vision is directed through either the central aper- ture or the left lateral one at an object placed at different distances, accommodation is, of course, diminished in proportion. It will be found that the excluded eye moves outwards with each removal, and inwards with each approach of the point of fixation. This shows how delicate is the connection between the two efforts, since the slightest difference in accommodation causes an alteration in the degree of convergence. Exp. 6.—If convex glasses of increasing strength be placed in turn before the active eye, the blind area of the obstructed eye moves out- wards with each increase in the refractive power of the lens employed. With concave glasses, on the other hand, it moves inwards with every increase. This experiment, of course, differs only from the last in the method employed ; which, indeed, is far less satisfactory, owing to the- fallacy introduced by prismatic action of the lenses, if their optical centres are not placed exactly in the line of vision—a pre- caution of great difficulty. Exp. 7.—When the box is sloped downwards from the eyes, I have records which show that the deviation of the obstructed eye is reduced by 2° or 3°. I am not quite satisfied, however, with the observations—the bridge of the nose almost obliges the box to be held at a greater distance. The way to get over the difficulty would be to use prisms with their bases upwards, which would permit the CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION. OF THE EYES. 489 box to be held horizontally, and yet record the effect of a downward direction of the visual axes. The ordinary circular prisms used in practice are not available for this purpose, owing to the difficulty of placing the centre of the base exactly in the vertical line which bisects the prism. A slight shift to either side not only reduces the vertical deflection of the line of vision, but introduces a still greater /ateral deflection, which vitiates the result. Small prisms fixed 7m the visual apertures would be most satisfactory. Exe. 8.—If the central aperture be fixed by the left eye, with the obstructive to the right, it is possible to place the right lateral aperture so precisely upon the inner border of the right blind area that the point of light alternately appears and disappears, showing an evident tendency in the nerve centre to rhythmic, or at least irregular action. ‘This irregularity furnishes a striking contrast to the fixed- ness of gaze and precision of movement in ordinary binocular vision. It devolves upon the supplementary effort in single binocular vision to fill in these irregularities in the fluctuating basis, besides meeting the new and changeful requirements constantly introduced in glancing from point to point. It is interesting to notice that this fluctuating effect in the converging centre is connected with the evolution of a stewly stream of nervous energy from the accommodating centres. It may perhaps bear some comparison with the rhythmic automatism which manifests itself in the vasomotor centre under the uniform stimulation of venous blood, as evidenced by Traube’s curves. Exe. 9.—With both eyes fixing the central aperture, and with the obstructive in the middle, place the right lateral aperture in the outer part of the blind area at a definite number of degrees from its inner border. Push the obstructive to the right, and note how long a time elapses before the hidden point comes into view, by listening to a clock pendulum beating half-seconds. As might be expected from Exp. 8, the interval is a variable one. Thus, at one sitting, my right eye was engaged from 124 to 22 seconds in rotating outwards 33°. Exp. 10,—After wearing convex spectacles for some hours, I find that for a’time the relative divergence is diminished (by the training the converging centre has undergone in the increased relative demand made upon its energies). How long this effect lasts I have not been able to observe. Exe. 11.—Measurement of the Blind Spot.—I have found the angular dimensions of the blind spot in its horizontal meridian, as far as the box measures it, very uniform. In nearly all cases it was approximately 6°. So far as the observations are worth, they go therefore to confirm Landolt’s estimate of 6°, rather than Helmholtz’s of nearly 7° (6° 56’).1 The method they both employed was that of moving a pencil on a piece of paper till the point became lost to view. With one who has thoroughly practised indirect vision this suffices, but for others it is very uncertain. Thus Helmholtz says: ‘I have even seen men of education and information—doctors, e.g.—not able 1It must be remembered, however, that any error of the box from not measuring the exact horizontal meridian tends to give too small a result. VOL, XX. 21 490 MR ERNEST E, MADDOX. to prove the disappearance of small objects on the blind spot.” Hanover and Thomson, in 22 eyes (quoted by Helmholtz), found the breadth to vary from 3° 39’ to 9° 47’. I believe cases of less than 5° or more than 7° will be found exceedingly rare. In taking measurements, the stop should be either in the middle or to the opposite side of the eye under examination. I believe it is better to start with the point hidden, and let the observer exclaim at its first appearance at either border, rather than to note its disappearance, though the two may check each other. A point of light is peculiarly fitted for the purpose, owing to the comparatively great susceptibility of the peripheral parts of the retina to light. Brewster? stated that astronomers, when they cannot see a minute star by looking directly at it, may often bring it into view by looking somewhat away from it. Landolt,® however, finds “ the per- ception of light remains almost exactly the same throughout the whole extent of the retina.” He instances that in his right eye the percep- tion of light at a part 30° from the centre remains the same, while the visual acuteness is reduced to 4; but certainly, in my own eyes, the point of light appears to be more easily discerned on its emergence from the znne (macular) border of the blind area than from the outer border—it may not be so with others. Clinically, the measurement of the blind spot may be useful, both to determine the increase of the posterior staphyloma of progressive myopia and to trace the progress and decline of such affections as optic neuritis, in which the adjacent retina loses its perception awhile by infiltration. A disadvantage is, that in the original instrument the two lateral apertures are not upon the same level, and therefore one of them (the highest) measures the blind spot above its horizontal diameter, and gives a uniformly smaller and fallacious record. ‘This may be rectified by using, instead of slides, two flexible ribbons arranged circularly, so as to have the lateral apertures on the same level. It is well to have the point coloured due, since the peripheral parts of the retina perceive this colour most readily. If we assume that an angle of 4°, with its apex at the optical centre of a normal eye, subtends 1 mm. of the retina, then 6° would subtend 1} mm.; showing the close coincidence between the anatomical and physio- logical dimensions of the disc. The angular distance between the visual axis and the border of the blind area I have not found so uniform as the breadth of the blind spot. Landolt and Dobrowolsky found the interval greater in hypermetropes and smaller in myopes.? It would be well to confirm this by the camera. ! Optique Physiologique, p. 735. * Brewster on Stercoscope, 1856, p. 44. 3 Landolt, on Examination of the Eyes (translated by Dr Burnett, 1879, Philadelphia), p. 214. 4 Examination of the Eyes, Landolt, 1879, p. 216. —— ' CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES. 491 Ill. Zhe Direct Method. This method is far more useful clinically, and not less inter- esting physiologically. The eye is not placed in the dark, nor is the blind spot made use of. It depends upon the fact, that when each eye receives a single image upon its median vertical meridian, from whatever points they are thrown, the two are mentally referred to the same vertical line. Exp. 12.—Place the /efé aperture out of sight and the obstructive to the right ; the observer then sees the central and the right lateral apertures. As he looks, they ap- pear to approach. The right slide is then pushed inwards till they seem to lie in the same vertical line. The process is now com- plete; it will be found that a real interval separates the ap- parently superimposed apertures. This interval expresses in de- grees the relative divergence of yye.3p,—Illustratesthe “direct method.” the eyes, for one visual axis The apertures appear superimposed passes through one aperture, while — though really separated by the deviat- the second lies either above or 8 angle of the eye. below the other. I have found this method quite easy in a child of six.! In comparing its results with those obtained by the blind spot method, I found that they coincided, showing that the mere addi- tional presence of an image upon the retina does not affect the con- vergence and accommodation, so long as the desire to unite double images is eliminated. In the blind spot method there is an image in one eye, in the macular method in both. Its explanation is simple. Since the view of the right point by the left eye is intercepted by the median partition, and that of the central aperture by the right eye is cut off by the obstructive, each eye sees only one point, and that a different one, as shown in fig. 3B. From the nature of the curve at the base of the camera, accommodation is required from each eye in equal amount (or practically so). If now the brain relationship were complete, when attention is directed to one aperture, say the central one, both visual axes would converge toward it, while the image of the right point would fall to the znner side of the macula of the right eye, and would be correctly referred outwards to its real position in space. This, in fact, does continue momentarily, when first the points are looked at. As soon, however, as relative divergence commences, and the right eye deviates outwards, the image of the right point approaches ' It is convenient for children to remove altogether the little wooden slides bearing the visual apertures. 492 MR ERNEST E. MADDOX. the macula, or, more correctly, the macula approaches the image, for it is the eye which moves and not the point. While this is going on, | ————— the two stationary apertures appear to be getting nearer to each other, for the cerebral centres are unconscious of the divergence, and make no allowance for it. The images do not appear to meet com- pletely until each falls upon the median vertical meridian of its eye. It is well to begin the experiment with the aper- tures at some distance from each other, and after allow- ing a short time for them to approach naturally as far as they will, to push the right slide inwards, and let the observer say when they come into the same vertical line. In this part of the process the Fie. 4.—The direct method. Each lum:n- : : . ous point throws an image on the fovea of @/@ remains stationary while the eye on the same side, so that both the 7mage ts moved, on to its images are mentally referred to. the plane median vertical meridian. which bisects the angle of convergence. The dialocue would be C o something like this :-— Q. What do you see!—A. Two bits of light. Q. How far apart?—A. An inch or two. (. What happens? (pushing on the right slide slowly).—d. The right one is moving to the left. @. Say when they are quite together, that is, when the right point comes to be exactly below the left.—A. Now! This concludes the observation. The real interval between the two points, automatically recorded by the graduated scale at the base of the box, has only to be read off to give in degrees the relative diverg- ence of the eyes. This method dispenses with the use of prisms and the fallacies which attend them; it saves the trouble of special measurement, and gives an angular instead of a linear record, which is therefore always ready for comparison. It is equally available by daylight or artificial light. But the best practical evidence of its efficiency is afforded by the ease with which it reveals the physiological prevalence of relative divergence in near vision, while the ordinary methods have only hitherto detected the grosser pathological exceptions. I may not be acquainted with all of them, and therefore cannot indicate the reasons of their failure, but I think I can suggest CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES, 493 what they are in Von Graefe’s well-known test, which when carried out as usually directed, does not reveal the slightest relative divergence in my own eyes, though, as we have seen, 5° really exists on exclusion. I have not had access to Von Graefe’s own directions. I may quote those in Mr Carter's valuable treatise on Defects of Vision, az [ followed them :— “Tn this more delicate test the object of vision is a small black dot, bisected by a vertical line. A card thus marked is fixed in the median line at a distance of 8 or 10 inches from the eyes, and the patient is directed to look at it steadily. A prism of ten or twelve degrees, with its base either upwards or downwards, is then placed before the eye ; and as the power of the superior or inferior rectus to overcome double vision is very limited, this prism necessarily produces a vertical diplopia. The patient will therefore see two dots, one above the other. If the original convergence for the object is accurately maintained, the duplication of the vertical line will only cause it to appear elongated, and the two dots will be seen one above the other on the same line. If, on the contrary, the convergence be not main- tained, the patient will see two lines with a dot upon each ; and when the diplopia is a consequence of relative divergence of the optic axes, the double images will be crossed, and the extent of the divergence will determine the distance between them.” On carrying out these instructions the dot truly duplicates and the line elongates, but thatisall. The line still continues single. The reason of this becomes evident when the further step is taken of covering one eye for a short time ; on again uncovering it, two lines appear, separated by a considerable interval, but they quickly run together again. This shows that the desire for fusion, though doubtless weakened, is not removed altogether, for the overlapping portions of the two linear images are sufficient to excite it. We shall see that images need not be similar in shape to excite an effort to unite them. Indeed, in ordinary vision the two pictures, as illustrated by the stereoscope, are slightly dissimilar except when the objects viewed are at a practically infinite distance. But I find if the upper part of the line be drawn very wavy, and the lower part straight, so that in the experiment the wavy portion overlaps the straight portion, there appears to be no attempt to unite them, though even then would not be quite sure that there is not a faint effort to keep them nearer to each other than they would otherwise be. The fallacy may also be demonstrated in another way without temporary exclusion of either eye, by simply holding the line at 494 MR ERNEST E, MADDOX, first horizontally (with the prism as before) and then quickly returning it to the vertical position; the two images for a - moment or longer are quite separate, and hesitate a little before they run together. “Why then,” it may be asked, “ if the test does not eliminate the fusion effort, does it ever reveal relative divergence?” It does so because, though it does not, like the camera, remove the desire for single vision, yet it lessens it to such an extent that it becomes inadequate to the demands made upon it in certain pathological conditions. The test weakens the desire for single vision, not only by the effect on one of the images of the slight light-absorbing (especially when the prism is not perfectly clean and free from moisture) and chromatic properties of the prism, but also by shortening the linear extent of the overlapping por- tions of the two images of the line. It would therefore detect relative divergence in such conditions as (1) those probably very rare cases in which the normal desire for fusion is defective. By lessening the desire still further it might be rendered incap- able of rousing a sufficient “supplementary ” converging effort. (2) Where the mechanical difficulties which attend convergence are so great that no effort can overcome them unless prompted by a strong fusion stimulus, as in some extreme cases of myopia, or where there is weakness of the internal recti or functional disability in their innervation. (3) Where almost the whole of the required convergence devolves on the fusion effort. In all cases of myopia a larger share falls to the fusion effort than in the normal eye, because there is less demand for the effort of accommodation in looking at any point, and therefore the degree of convergence due to central association is correspond- ingly small. The smaller it is, the more work it leaves for the fusion effort, so that, “ ceeteris paribus,” the greater the refractive anomaly the larger is the required proportion of supplementary or fusion effort. A great effort needs a great stimulus. The latter is so weak- ened by the prism that, while still adequate for the requirements of normal refraction, it may be inadequate for those of high myopia, in which, moreover, mechanical difficulties almost always exist as well from the altered shape of the globe. To make the test of any relative value even in these cases, CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES, 495 care must be taken to make the line of always the same length, or if not, to adjust its distance from the eyes in proportion; so that the reduplicated portion of the line may always be of the same length, and thus ensure wniform diminution of the desire for fusion, otherwise the test might at one time detect an insuffi- ciency and at another time not. Moreover, the line which joins the apex and base of the prism must be exactly at right angles to the line uniting the centres of the two eyes (intercentral line) ; otherwise, though the lines continue parallel, their very opposi- tion would only prove that convergence is not complete—if it were so, the lines would be separated by an interval determined by the strength and degree of rotation of the prism. Even when the prism is held correctly, if the dine looked at is not also held exactly at right angles to the intercentral line another fallacy ensues, for the linear images, though still parallel are oblique, so that coincidence of their overlapping portions, instead of show- ing convergence to be complete, can only take place when it is incomplete, for were it complete an interval would separate them, varying as before with the degree of rotation of the card. These difficulties, 1 would suggest, may be overcome by the use of a double prism composed of two prisms, each of 2°, fused together by their bases! (see fig. 5). The patient, shutting the left eye, holds this prism before the right one, and looks through it at a card marked with a single dot or short line. Two false images appear, one 2° above and the other 2° below the real position of the dot, and both are seen by the right eye. It is easy for the patient to hold the prism so that the two images appear in the same vertical line, and then when the left eye is opened as well to say whether the veal image of the dot lies to the right or left of this line. Even if the first two are not held vertically, if all three images are in one straight line it shows that convergence is complete. If the central one lies to the right of th2 line, uniting the other two, there is relative divergence ; if to the left, there is relative convergence. Simple as this expedient is, and though it yields the same result as the camera, it is inferior to the use of the latter by the 1 In reality, of course, it is a single prism of 176° though double in its use, since three faces are used instead of two. The large face (or base) should be towards the eye, the two smaller faces towards the object. 496 MR ERNEST E, MADDOX. direct method. The camera ensures uniformity in the distance of the object from the eyes without the trouble of measurement ; it needs less intelligence in the patient, and gives an automatic angular record. The double prism, however, would I think be found useful for rough analysis at greater distances. The Fic. 5.—Side view of the right eye and the double prism. The false images seen by the right eye are dotted. The central one is seen by the left eye. radical difference between Von Graefe’s test and the camera is that in the latter a separate object is used for each eye, while in the former the same object is reduplicated by a prism. The camera also not only reduces the desire for single vision, but abolishes it altogether when the lower of the two lateral apertures 7° 6° 5° ye 3° 2° 19» 90% Be: 1:20 568-2 7° B, A 5e 40. go-go. f0 jo." 20° 30 he “Ge 6? 7° Ul 79 © §°. 49 39 2° yo 2° 839 4e 5? 6°. 7° CG C, Fic. 6.—To illustrate how relative divergence is measured by the double prism. A is the only device on the card, and is seen by the left eye; B and C are false images of it, and are seen by the right eye. In this instance 5° of deviation are seen recorded. If the two lowest arrows are made continuous by rotating the prism, the middle one points to twice the divergence, for as C moved to the right, B moves equally to the left, A of course remaining stationary. The arrows would all but touch the lines above them when the card is held at the appropriate distance of 10 inches. is used in conjunction with the central one, so that the eye takes a position determined solely by the converging effort which is associated with the accommodation. CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES. 497 If when, in the “direct method,” the two images are in the same vertical line, as in fig. 3 B, an effort be made from outside to place the finger on them, it will miss both, for it will be just half-way between the two actual apertures, which, though they appear superimposed, are, as we have seen, really separated by an interval of nearly an inch, so that the vertical plane in which the two images appear to lie is that which bisects the angle of convergence, as represented in fig. 4. At present we have only to do with movements of the eye in the horizontal plane, and with the head stationary. The converging apparatus appears to be solely connected with the union of double images and the estimation of distance. With the relative position of points along the horizontal meridian of the field of vision it has nothing todo. This must be determined entirely by— (1) The part of the retina on which images fall. (2) The innervation which turns both eyes to the right or left. As regards the first indication, since eack image falls on the median vertical meridian of its eye, the effect is the same as though they were both thrown from one vertical line, for which convergence were complete; and, since the relaxation of the converging effort is not taken into account, there is no reason why the images should not be referred to the median plane, for there is nothing so far to give any preponderance in favour of either side. As regards the second indication, however, as seen in fig. 3, while convergence occurs to the left-hand cross, both axes are directed to the right-hand cross by the ranging innervation of which the mind does take cognisance, Now, the inclination of the plane which bisects the angle of convergence, to the median plane, exactly represents the angular effect of the ranging energy which is in exercise—hence the images are referred to this line. It is now easy to observe the fluctuations in the stream of nervous energy noticed with the blind spot method on p. 487, for one point continues to make tiny excursions to the right and left of the other, though without any regular rhythm. This makes it useless to take very exact records in minutes and seconds. It is also clear that a more accurate method is scarcely to be desired, since it would only magnify 498 MR ERNEST E. MADDOX. these irregularities. Care must be taken that the difference in level of the two apertures is enough to avoid continued effort to - unite them. It is remarkable that, when their vertical separa- tion is only slightly more than enough to prevent optical union, a tendency may be noticed for them to keep near the same vertical line. Even when one is pushed a little way to the right or left the other is apt to follow it, and this in spite of their dissimilar shape. It is even noticeable when the apertures are coloured differently ; but disappears very rapidly with increasing vertical separation of the two points, and is not in my own eyes detected in the slightest degree when the Jowest of the two lateral apertures is the one employed, in conjunction with the central one, which is, of course, the highest of the three, being separated from the Jowest movable point by an angle of 2° (from the eyes), and from the highest point by slightly less than 1°,in the camera with which I experimented. This latter interval is one which can be overcome at times by the superior or inferior rectus in order to satisfy the desire for fusion, especially when the eye has succeeded a few times, and acquired the facility. After allowing it to do this for a time, the following experiment may be made :— Exp. 13.—Place the stop to the deft. Let the left aperture be as before entirely occluded, and the right one be placed 3° or 4° away from the central aperture. Look through the camera thus for about a minute, during which interval the right eye sees both the images, and the left neither, so that the latter is deviating outwards. Now, push the stop from the left to the right. This proceeding transfers the view of the central aperture from the right eye to the left one, which, being deviated 5°, miscalculates its position, and refers it to the right of the other point still seen by the right eye. The two points thus separated now by a small interval run together, though to do so it is clear the relative divergence is diminished by a slight converging effort. If to start with the right lateral point is placed 6° away from the central one instead of 4° when the experi- ment is repeated, though the points appear separated by the same interval as before yet their position is of course reversed ; yet they still run together. In this case the relative divergence is increased to meet the desire for fusion, instead of being diminished. Whether this is brought about by inhibition of the centres for the internal recti, or by antagonism of the external, remains yet to be found out. Exp. 14.—Were the right lateral aperture, to start with, placed 5° away from the centre, and the last experiment repeated with the stop to the left, the two points would appear separated by nearly an CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES. 499 inch, and with the stop to the right they would appear in the same vertical line. This enables the observation of a patient by the “ direct method” to be easily confirmed, for all that is needed after taking the observation to ensure that fusion effort is eliminated, is to push the stop back to the right, and again to the left, to see whether the point at its first reappearance occupies the same position as before. Exp. 15.—Use the highest lateral aperture on the right side, and with the stop to the right, move it till it meets and appears to fuse with the image of the central aperture. After fusion, push the right brass slide inwards slowly and steadily, and it will be found that the two blended images move to the left together, for the one which really moves carries the other with it to preserve fusion, and this goes on until the moving aperture travels right up to the central one, or at least as near to it as the construction of the box will permit, so that even this fw/se fusion has sufficient power to undo the whole of the relative divergence, If on the other hand the brass slide with the movable point it bears is drawn outwards, resolution of the two images does not occur till the points themselves are really separated by 10°. The desire to continue the false fusion is thus strong enough to double the previous divergence. Albeit the experiment makes the eyes water and feel un- comfortable. Whether this discomfort is due to per/pheral antagonism of two sets of muscles, the external recti and the internal, I cannot tell; or whether it is due to a central struggle to overcome by inhibi- tion a nervous connection probably never before invaded to that extent. Perhaps if the two points were on the same level the attain- able divergence might be still greater. As it is, the deviation of 10° brings the eyes to within 4° of parallelism. This false fusion is of the same nature as that described by Sir D. Brewster, when, in looking at a patterned wall it is possible to converge the eyes for a point so far behind, or in front of the wall, that fusion of the laterally adjacent patterns takes place. The strength of the effort put forth to maintain accomplished fusion is much greater than that instigated by the desire to unite the two images when they are separated to begin with. The relative divergence attainable by the present experiment is much ereater than, and must not be confused with, that attainable by the effort to overcome a prism, for in the latter case the two images are separated to begin with by the act of placing the prism before the eye. It may be deduced from what has preceded that, when the brass slide bearing the right luminous point is drawn outwards or pushed inwards, the fused images appear to follow at half the rate. But if they are not fused only one of them appears to move, and that at a rate equal to that at which the slide travels; the difference being that in the latter case both eyes are stationary, whereas in the former, while the left eye remains fixed the right one moves at the same rate as does the brass slide which bears the point of light it perceives. If the slide is moved jerkily slight momentary separations of the images result. If the effort to maintain false fusion be so strong, probably that to maintain ¢rue fusion is greater still. ‘To measure it a camera should be used with two apertures at the same level, or else with a prism let 500 MR ERNEST FE. MADDOX. into one of the small wooden slides before the eyes to just rectify the difference in level. It is the effort to maintain existing fusion which is tested by the common practice of approaching a finger to the eyes till one of them rolls out, though in this test accommodation increases at the same time, while in the camera accommodation is unchanged. I may note in passing that in my own eyes the nearest point of single vision by the finger test is closer to them than that of distinct vision, which illustrates a fact almost self-evident, that the relative divergence which occurs on the exclusion of one eye does not indicate deficiency in the converging function itself, but only in the dink which connects it with accommodation. Accommodation assists convergence, and convergence accommodation, but they do so only through the central link which connects the two efforts, and enables one to influence the other. The slighter the link the less the effect one has on the other—but that has nothing tu do with the individual strength of either, Donders has shown that hypermetropes fix more easily when they look through prisms which make them converge more strongly. Is this because the converging effort assists that of accommodation by means of the central link between them? Apart from any pathological affection of either centre it is reasonable to suppose, since the sympathy is mutual, that if accommodation exerts only a weak influence on con- vergence, convergence will have a correspondingly weak influence on accommodation ; a unit of either will contribute less than usual to the other. If this be so, relative divergence, as revealed by the camera, since it indicates imperfection in the channel of mutual assistance, would lessen the advantage of the prisms above mentioned—though it would remove in their use all fear of their causing squint. But this is theory and needs practical confirmation. A little confusion has arisen from the incorrect supposition that the s'rength of the internal recti is tested by prisms base outwards, and the ability to overcome them ; whereas it is the conditions of the con- verging reflex as a whole which are thus estimated, including the existing intensity and activity of the desire for single vision. This is clear from the fact that when both eyes are directed to the right or left the contraction of the internal rectus may be greater than can possibly be attained by converging effort, the innervation called into play being a different one. Inability to overcome such prisms of high power might of course be due only to weakness of muscles, but in that case the ranging and converging movements would be equally impaired. Moreover, since accommodation remains unchanged, such prisms only indicate the limits of attainable relative divergence or convergence, which depend largely on the strength of the central nervous connection between convergence and accommodation. Approaching the finger to the eyes till one rolls outward is another method of testing the strength of converging effort, though sf it is not the efficiency of the internal recti only that is indicated, but of the whole converging sensory-motor apparatus—afferent, central efferent, muscular, and mechanical. Strength of fusion effort is also influenced CONVERGENCE AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE EYES. 501 by the nature and doubtless by the size and number of the images to be fused, as well as by the amount of attention directed to them. Expr. 16.—There are some cases of strabismus, especially of the divergent kind, in which, as Donders has pointed out, the mind be- comes conscious of the direction of each eye. , Such a person can cor- rectly calculate the position of any object seen by either eye, and, indeed, employs one or the other just as convenience requires, being able to distinguish very readily which he is using for observation. In testing a case of slight external strabismus with the camera, one would rightly expect to find that when the two images by the direct method are in the same vertical line there would be a very great interval between the actual apertures. This would be so in recent cases, or any in which one eye is disused in ordinary vision, for however much deviation might really exist, the images on both maculze would still be mentally referred to the same vertical line. But in cases like those mentioned by Donders the fact is that the eyes correctly estimate the distance between the two apertures, so that the images do not appear superimposed at all, unless the apertures themselves are made so, which the construction of the camera does not quite admit. The axis of the deviated eye does not follow the moving point of light, but correctly estimates its position as its image travels along the retina. An instance of this rather puzzling anomaly was tested with a camera by Dr Joseph Bolton. The “direct method” is useless for such cases, and will not detect even any deviation, being like the usual prismatic ones too subjective ; but the “blind spot method ” enables the exact position of either eye to be noted. ) That it is the division of the flexor brevis digitorum manus to the little finger. (a) In favour of the first view, it may be urged that the origin of the corresponding muscle on the radial side (abductor pollicis) has a great tendency to travel ulnarwards along the annular ligament, even passing the middle line in some cases. On the other hand, the nerve relation is a strong argument against this view. In Cynocephalus, where a second slip of the abductor takes origin from the annular ligament (fig. 5), the normal nerve relation is still preserved. The absolute continuity of origin of the “flexor brevis” (aa) with the normal adductor, which has 1 Op. cit., pp. 90, 91. 660 MR H. ST JOHN BROOKS. been shown in Virginian Opossum, Vulpine Phalanger, and even in so high a form as the Chimpanzee, is another reason against regarding “flexor brevis” as part of the abductor. (bh) In favour of the second view, the fact may be noticed that in the foot the tendons of the short flexor are not always perforated. In the Chimpanzee I found the tendon to the little fincer inserted into the floor of the flexor sheath, on the fibular side of the base of the prowimal phalanx of the little toe, and I have seen the same condition in Man. . In the toes of Ornitho- rhynchus, Cunningham has shown that none of the tendons of the short flexor are perforated. A strong argument against this view, however, is the presence of a flexor brevis digitorum manus to the little finger in the Opossum (fbdm, fig 2), coexisting with aa. Inthe foot of the Opossum there is a perforated tendon for the fifth toe coexisting with the muscle (a%a, fig. 4), and it appears probable that tue latier is the homologue of the “ flexor brevis” minimi digiti of the hand. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXI. Fig. 1. Manus of Cat. jf! to /*, flexores breves,—/f! has only the radial head ; 2, deep branch of ulnar nerve passing under pisi-uncinate ligament, and then under two of the adductores, a and a”; a!, addue- tor pollicis ; abd®, abductor minimi digiti. Fig. 2. Manus of Virginian Opossum. a}, a?, at, a°, adductores; a°a and aba’, parts of adductor minimi digiti whose insertion has wandered to ulnar side of fifth digit; «, ulnar nerve, its deep branch passing under the adductores ; fbdm, flexor brevis digitorum manus reflected ; f'r, radial head of flexor brevis pollicis ; abd!, abductor pollicis. Fig. 3. Deeper dissection of manus of Opossum. jf! to 7°, flexores breves. The deep branch of ulnar nerve is shown passing superficial to all of these. Fig. 4. Pes of Virginian Opossum. epn, deep branch of external plantar nerve; f'¢ and ff, tibial and fibular heads of flexor brevis pollicis. Fig. 5. Manus of Cynocephalus anubis. f°r, radial head of flexor brevis minimi (“third palmar interosseous”) ; f°op, opponens minimi derived from true flexor brevis ; a°op opponens from layer of adduc- tores; aa, “ flexor brevis” minimi digiti ; op!, opponens pollicis ; a'a, part of adductor pollicis inserted into radial sesamoid ; ¢, tendon of flexor longus pollicis, Fig. 6. Thumb of Orang. /'7 and fw, radial and ulnar heads of MORPHOLOGY OF THE INTRINSIC MUSCLES. 661 flexor brevis pollicis, having a common origin, but separated at their insertion by ¢, the slender tendon of flexor longus pollicis. Fig. 7. Diagram of the adductores of the manus of a Chimpanzee. d*, fourth dorsal interosseous ; a!o), adductor obliquus; a'tr, adductor transversus ; other letters as before. Observe that the origins of a and a@op are absolutely continuous for a short distance, and that a°op and a°a are united by half their length. Fig. 8. Short muscles of the little finger in Man, showing an unusually large part of the opponens minimi digiti derived from the true flexor brevis ; f°, “‘third palmar interosseous.” The “flexor brevis” minimi digiti (of human anatomy) was absent in this case. bo rs VOL. XX. ON THE NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF UREA FORMATION TO BILE SECRETION. By D. NoéL- Patron, M.D., B.Se., F.R.S.E., Biological Fellow of the University of Edinburgh. (From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Edinburgh. ) (Continued from p. 531.) In confirmation of the conclusion that urea formation and bile secretion are related to one another through their inter-depend- ence upon destruction of blood-corpuscles, I here give a further experiment, in which toluylendiamin was used as the hemolytic agent. This experiment is especially valuable, because the disturbing influence of increased production of heemorytes does not appear to have obscured the extent of destruction. It was only some days after the destruction of corpuscles had reached its greatest extent that increased production fairly established itself. This is probably to be accounted for by the fact that a dog considerably older than those used in my previous experi- ments was employed. Exp. V1. For this experiment an old black retriever bitch, weighing 15°876 kilos., was used. The subjoined table and fig. 5 show the influence of toluylendiamin on the urea production and on the number of blood- corpuscles. On the sixth day of the experiment 0-4 grm. of the drug was administered, while 0°3 grm. was given on the following day. On the seventh day the dog was distinctly jaundiced, and the urine was of a dark port wine colour and contained bile acids and pigments. On the eighth day the jaundice was more marked and general, but by the ninth day it had somewhat diminished. Throughout the experiment the dog seemed perfectly well and took its food greedily. Calculating as in the former experiments we find that a dog of this weight has 1221 erms. of blood and 168 grms. of hemoglobin. Between the fifth and the eleventh day the corpuscles fell from 8,390,000 to 5,060,000—a fall of 39°69 per cent. Thus throughout the body 66-7 grms. of haemoglobin must have been set free, and, supposing this to be entirely broken up into urea, bilirubin, &c., we should expect to find a formation of 20:2 erms. of urea above the normal. 3efore the administration of the drug 6645 grms. of urea were daily excreted, and during the six days following its administration the production of urea in excess of the normal was 18°588. On the seventh day 1:251 erm. of urea in excess of the normal were excreted, making in all 19°839—only 0°361 grm. less than the amount calculated from the disintegration of heemocy tes. © ie 2) ~~ a UREA FORMATION |Dayof' Urine Sp. G Exp. | in ¢.cs. { 525 1013 { 525 1013 520 1013 j 460 1014 ) 460 1014 6 500 1015 7 | $490 | 1018 8 ( 490 1018 9 400 1018 Oe |) 580 1015 11 620 1014 12, 470 1016 Sue 520 1013 i: ae 480 1015 16° | 580 1013 17 400 1015 18 § 500 1014 19 {500 1014 20 600 | 1012 Urea in Grms. OMNTIH MH DN « Leo) — bt pt 10 ago™ DAO. Dd ns sroe : t SONNaY SADROH | Hemocytes | ‘741 “741 “D54 596 *596 ‘O70 "156 "156 280 “600 626 7°896 "635 566 AND BILE SECRETION. 663 temarks. per ec.mm,. | | Weight on 5th=15°87 kilos. Xf | Diet—Oatmeal=170 grms. ,500,000 | Milk, . 320c.c. 320,000 | 0:4 grm. Toluylendiamin. 85,000 | 0°3 grm. Toluylendiamin. On En D> OD NICO CO bo On as S oO 5,060,000 5,510,000 | 5,410,000 5, 280,000 6,030,000 6,525,000 6,690,000 7,170,000 Hzemocytes per c.wim. 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6, 000,000 ’ 5,000,000 Exp. VI. —Infiuence of tolmyglendiamin on urea production and on number of hemocytes per c.mm, 0°4 grms. given at a, and 0°3 grms. at e. 664 DR D. NOEL-PATON. Even if we refuse to accept the hypothetical decomposition of the hemoglobin molecule given above, the very close relation’ ship between the extent of the destruction of blood-corpuscles and the increase in the urea excretion shown by these experi- ments clearly indicates the existence of a definite connection between these two processes. Direct ACTION ON THE HA&MOCYTES OF DRUGS INCREASING UREA PRODUCTION AND BILE SECRETION. As before stated, Afanassiew has connected the cholagogue action of toluylendiamin with its direct destructive influence upon the blood-corpuscles, while Paschkis has demonstrated that these most powerful hemolytic agents—the salts of the bile acids—stimulate bile secretion in a very marked degree. By observing the action of salicylate of soda, of benzoate of soda, of colchicine, and of mercury on the hemocytes, I have endeavoured to ascertain whether or not their double action on bile secretion and urea production can to any extent be explained by their primary direct influence on the blood- corpuscles. For this purpose the action of these substances outside the body, and in some cases in the living animal, has been studied. | Observations outside the body of the action of these drugs are absolutely essential, since changes produced in the cor- puscles after their introduction into the living body are not necessarily due to the direct action of the agents. Specially important is the demonstration of these changes in such a research as the present, when from the increased secretion of bile induced the possible action of bile acids and their salts must be carefully excluded. My object has been merely to ascertain if the drugs above mentioned have any hemolytic action, and I have not considered it expedient to describe at length the various changes which occur in the course of the disintegration of hzemocytes—a line of histological research which would, I believe, throw some important light on the minute structure of the red blood-corpuscle. In such a research various precautions are necessary. In the first place, the solution employed must have a neutral reaction, o UREA FORMATION AND BILE SECRETION. 665 since any degree of acidity or alkalinity tends to destroy the corpuscles. Secondly, it is necessary to employ solution of the same specific gravity as the blood-serum—1025—or to use such a solvent as a 0°75 per cent. salt solution in which corpuscles remain unchanged. This salt solution is especially useful where dilute solutions of the reagent have to be employed. The action of these substances has been studied not only on the mammalian, but also on the amphibian blood ; but since their action on the latter is precisely similar to their influence on the former, I have not deemed it necessary here to describe it in detail, and have confined myself entirely to the changes ob- served in the human blood. The mode of experiment was as follows :—A drop of the solu- tion was placed on the finger, which was pricked through this. The blood was mixed with the solution, and the mixture was transferred to a shallow cell, covered and at once examined, usually under a Zeiss F lens. SALICYLATE OF SODA. On the action of salicylic acid and salicylate of soda on the red blood-corpuscles outsicle the body several observations are already recorded. Chirone, in a paper entitled “Acido Salicilico e. Salicilate” (Z/ Movemento med. e. chir., 11-12 maggio, quoted in Jahresb. for 1878, p. 408,) states that the toxic action of this drug depends upon its destruc- tive action upon the hemocytes. Cotton, “‘ Act. de l’acide salicylique sur le Sang et en particulier sur les globules rouges” (Lyon Méd., t. }. p. 557, quoted by Prudden) shows that with a 3 per cent. solution the red corpuscles become globular and that the hemoglobin is decomposed. Prideaux (Practitioner, Sept. 1878, p. 171) states that it has no influence upon the hemocytes, but that the movements of the leuco- cytes are diminished. Thiersch (Volkmann’s Klin. Vortrdge, Nos. 84 and 85, p. 657) finds that salicylic acid destroys the red blood-corpuscles. Prudden (American Medical Journal for 1882, p. 64) describes very carefully the influence of salicylic acid dissolved in a 0°5 per cent. salt solution upon the hemocytes. He finds that a solution contain- ing 1 part in 500 causes a rapid disintegration of the corpuscles, but that in more dilute sclutions it acts merely like other diluteacids. He also notices that it acts more rapidly upon the corpuscles of the frog than upon the mammalian corpuscle. 666 DR D. NOEL-PATON. A. Outside the body. Solutions of different strengths were employed, but with the stronger solutions disintegration of the corpuscles occurred so rapidly that it was impossible to study the various changes. A 1 per cent, solution in 0°75 per cent. salt solution may be employed with advantage. On allowing a drop of this solution to mix with a drop of blood the following changes occur:— 1. Large blunt crenations appear round the periphery of the disc. . These crenations become sharper and longer, and the corpuscles shrink in size and assume a spherical form. The spines next become more numerous, entirely covering the surface of the corpuscle, at the same time they become shorter. 4. The spines finally disappear, leaving a small highly refract- ing deeply pigmented sphere. 5. The heemocyte now slowly increases in size, becomes paler, and on close examination it is seen to be granular—the cranules appearing to be in an active state of motion within the heemocyte. 6. The granules become more and more apparent, and grow larger and larger and seem to collect the pigment around them, so that we have a colourless cell with a thin layer of pigment under the membrane and masses of pigment throughout the cell. 7. The pigment is gradually dissolved out—colouring the blood-serum, and leaves within the cell colourless masses of the intracellular stroma. 8. These masses become less and less distinct, and finally an almost homogeneous, colourless, transparent, spherical shadow is left, which requires for its detection very careful focusing. bo os Different corpuscles are seen to have a very different resisting power in regard to the action of salicylate of soda. Some corpuscles break down at once, while others hold out for long after the majority have been reduced to shadows. B. In the living body. Deiat alt as fate mis. ? Cpe AG ND parte me? s UREA FORMATION AND BILE SECRETION. 667 Exp. I. A female, aged 15 years, and weighing 40°8 kilos, who was suffering from favus but who was otherwise healthy, was employed in this and in the next experiment. The diet was as nearly as possible uniform, and at 12.30 each day the number of hemocytes per c.mm. were estimated with Gower’s hemocytometer. Between 2 p.m. on April 7th and 10 p.m. on April 8th, 13 grms. of salicylate of soda were administered in 20-grain doses. On the morning of the 8th well-marked symptoms were induced. The accompanying table shows, that under the influence of salicyate of soda a fall of 300,000 per c.mm. occurred in the number of corpuscles :— | Date. He of Hiemocyts Remarks. | 1885. | April 5th 4,825,000 » 6th 4,900,000 He eee 13 grms. salicylate of soda. » _9th 4,570,000 ;, 10th 4,650,000 | oe a Lith 4,720,000 jae a PAA »» 18th 4,740,000 ES ee ee oc | Exp. II. The same individual was used as in Exp. I, and the experiment was in every way, with the exception of the doses given, exactly the same as the last. The administration of the drug was commenced at 12 noon on the 28th. On the evening of the 29th well-marked symptoms were induced. The following results were obtained :— Date. No. Esc ne Remarks. April 27th 4,850,000 oP gth,.t*7) 4,850,000 eat 29th | 4,695,000 | 7:2 grms. of sod. sal. in 24 hrs. », 30th nee 7°2 grms. of sod. sal. in 24 hrs. May Ist | 4,625,000 «Sed 4,060,000 51) ord 4,720,000 | Faint traces of salic. in urine. » bth 4,750,000 Exp. II. A setter bitch, weighing 11°80 kilos. and recovering from the anemia induced by the administration of pyrogallic acid, was used. The diet was fixed. 668 DR D. NOEL-PATON. er No. of Heemocytes Pa: Date. per e.mm. Remarks. May 14th 5,400,000 ») Lbthi 5,820,000 6 grms. salicylate of soda. se lGthi 5,000,000 6 gris. salicylate of soda. liabi 4,555,000 5. 18th 5,105,000 These three experiments, yielding results so entirely uniform, clearly show that in the mammalian body the administration of even comparatively moderate doses of salicylate of soda is followed by a considerable destruction of blood-corpuscles. BENZOATE OF SODA. The benzoates like the salicylates belong to the carbolic acid vroup of pharmacological substances, most of which, as indicated by Harnack (Arzneimittellehre, s. 288), exert a destructive influence on the blood-corpuscles. I have been unable, however, to find any experiments on the direct action of the benzoates in the blood. When a 5°5 per cent. solution of benzoate of soda (sp gr. 1025) is mixed with a drop of human blood, the following changes occur in the corpuscles:— 1. Some assume a globular form, and become larger and paler. A great number are enlarged and paler with a faintish more or less crenated outline. Their form becomes irregular, varying from almost spherical to fusiform. The largest number become somewhat reduced in size, lose their biconcave form, appear bounded by a strong dark border, and are markedly crenated. When a number of these are together a curious oscillatory movement may be seen, closely resembling Brownian movement. If such a preparation be placed for some time in a warm moist chamber a large number of the corpuscles are converted into shadows, while all stages between such shadows and the small crenated corpuscles may be studied. Under the cover-glass these changes go on much more slowly than without it. In this respect bo ae) UREA FORMATION AND BILE SECRETION, 669 benzoate of soda appears to resemble toluylendiamin, which according to Afanassiew (Joc. cit.) requires the free ingress of air to the preparation to enable it to exert its destructive influence upon the hemocytes. In all these observations check experiments, with blood mixed with 0°75 per cent. salt solution, showed no destruction of cor- puscles. Benzoate of soda is therefore undoubtedly a hemolytic agent, but not of such power as the salicylate. COLCHICINE. I can find no observations on the direct action of colchicine on the blood-corpuscles. Schroff (Lehrbuch der Pharmacologie, p. 615) describes the condition of animals poisoned with colchicine as follows :-— “Am constanten fand sich Enteritis bisweilen Gastritis und immer ein dickes, peschwarzes, theerartiges, schmieriges Blut, das die Hohlen des linken Herzens und die obere und untere Hohlader bis in ihre Verzweigungen, die dem Hirn, der Leber und der Niere angehoren erfiillte.’ All subsequent writers have merely quoted this observation of Schroff. A. Outside the body. A 5 per cent. solution of perfectly neutral colchicine dissolved in 0°75 per cent. salt solution was used. The following changes were observed :— 1. The corpuscles become cupped, a convexity taking the place of the concavity on one side. The lips of the cup approach one another and become irregular. The corpuscles become spherical, some small and dark, others larger and paler. 4, The large pale hemocytes become shadows simply by losing their colouring matter. Some of the smaller ones enlarge and throw out processes: these processes are either (1) long transparent filiform vibrating tails, sometimes markedly articulated, almost moniliform at other times with no apparent joints, but always with a somewhat club-shaped head ; or (2) round, bo Os 670 DR D. NOEL-PATON. clear, and spherical. Both forms are to be seen in the one corpuscle. These processes often break off and cause. a granular appearance of the serum in which the cor- puscles float, at other times they remain attached. 5. The pigment slowly dissolves out till only a layer inside the cell membrane is left. . This in turn, too, disappears, and nothing is left but a shadow, often with processes attached. B. Within the body. The method of enumerating the corpuscles per c.mm., em- ployed in my experiments on the action of salicylate of soda upon the blood in the living mammal, was unsuited for the investigation of the blood-changes induced by such a drug as colchicine, which by its well-known cathartic action causes a concentration of the blood as shown by Malassez. Another method of experiment had to be adopted :— Exp. I. A large male cat received no food for twenty-four hours. At 11 o'clock on May 5th 01 grm. of colchicine, procured from Messrs Hopkin & Williams, London, dissolved in about 20 c.cs. of water was administered. During the afternoon the cat had several mucous evacuations of the bowels, and vomitted some glairy matter. In the evening it was dull ; it died on the morning of the 6th. The thorax was opened, and some blood taken from the right auricle was at once examined ; this contained a very large number of shadow corpuscles arranged in groups. Blood taken from the femoral vein, and from the lower part of the vena cava, also showed the presence of these shadows, but not in such large numbers as in the heart. The right side of the heart was full of fluid blood of a very dark colour, which coagulated on being placed in a glass vessel. This experiment clearly shows that colchicine within the animal body destroys the red blood-corpuscles. for) PERCHLORIDE OF MERCURY, On the action of the salts of mercury on the hemocytes outside the body, I can find only one investigation. This is by Polotebnow (Virchow’s “ex -¥ydgo;000 19,000 1: 393°6 During the last three days of life no enumeration was made, ‘as the animal was taking no food and was very miserable. Its condition, too, was such that any changes that might then have been found in the number of corpuscles could not have been ascribed to cessation of a blood-forming action of the thyroid. The results of the enumerations in this. case give no real support to the theory of Zesas; for the red corpuscles, after a decrease in number immediately following the operation, again increased, and, with slight irregularities, remained, until the last estimation, at any rate at their former number. The further IY Op: Cit. 682 DR JOHN LOCKHART GIBSON. increase towards the end, I can ascribe to nothing unless to a diminution of the fluid contents of the vessels; but such a diminution may really have occurred, as the animal not only refused food, but also for the last few days would take neither — water nor any other liquid. The number of the white corpuscles cannot be said to have been influenced ; for, after the initial rise always observable after an operation, they resumed practically their former number and numerical relation to the red corpuscles. Of the exceptional number found one day, namely, 38,000 per e.m., I can give no explanation. On the whole case, then, it must be allowed that there was no change in the number of corpuscles sufficient to account for any of the symptoms, and that death must have been due to causes quite apart from the changes found in the blood. The changes in the blood of B seem to point to the same conclusion. Experiment X. (B). Proportion of Hemocytes. Leucocytes. Leucocytes to Hzemocytes. Before operation, ‘ 5 F 8,750,000 19,000 1: 460°5 Operation on 18 October 1884. 19 Oct., lst day after, . : 7,720,000 28,000 132757 Ol eee ard = ; : 7,240,000 10,000 1: 724 PR Sony Soetidn i : : 7,510,000 14,000 1:586°4 2B hy Bhd re : 3 7,390,000 14,000 125248 26 eee oul oe , ; 7,310,000 33,000 1 S225 280 ees) el OGhines, E : 7,820,000 32,000 1: 22872 SOs 12thee se, E 3 6,800,000 29,000 1:234°4 In this experiment the usual fall in the number of corpuscles after the operation was never recovered from. But this cannot, I think, be ascribed to the removal of a blood-forming organ. It seems really to have been due to starvation, with consequent depression of the blood-forming functions. For the symptoms I have described set in very early, and continued without inter- mission ; and from the day after the operation the animal took hardly any food. And the same explanation will serve for the increase in the number of white corpuscles, and the further de- crease in the number of red corpuscles, towards the end of life. In other words, any changes observed in the blood, either in this BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 683 experiment or in Experiment IX., could with perfect justice be ascribed to the effect of the removal of the thyroid on the general system; and there is nothing in them to support the idea of a direct blood-forming function of the organ. The case of the third animal, C, gives, likewise, no evidence in favour of a blood-forming function, and also otherwise gives very strong evidence against the supposition that the spleen and thyroid are related in function. The animal was the second one from which the spleen was excised (see Experi- ment II.). As may be remembered, it, after recovering from a slight ordinary initial fall in the number of red corpuscles, failed to show any other decrease in it until two months after the operation, when there was a distinct and pretty sudden one. It would have been interesting to watch the animal further without submitting it to another operation; but I wished to remove the thyroid from a spleenless animal, in order to watch the effect on the blood, and thought it an unusually good subject for such an experiment, as it had a very well developed thyroid. I decided to remove first one lobe, and then, after a month’s interval, the other. I should have liked to make the interval still longer, in hopes of keeping the animal alive after removal of both spleen and thyroid, as Schiff kept animals after removal of the thyroid alone ; but the time at my disposal did not allow me to do so. Experiment XT. (C). Proportion of Hemocytes. | Leucocytes. Leucocytes to | Hemocytes. Before operation, ‘ : : 6,590,000 17,000 1 :387°6 One lobe excised on 6 January 1885. 8 Jan., 2nd day after, . . | 5,590,000 19,000 1 : 294°5 eee ath el, |.*. 6.210000 17,000 1 : 365-2 1 ee 6th Ae : . | 6,210,000 16,000 1: 388-1 Pie Oth -|,, Sebel We) 6;,190;060 22,000 1: 280-4 eee 18th. \\,; . . | 7,230,000 13,000 1 :556°1 oe) 20th sy, 7,330,000 13,000 1: 563°8 eet 4th!) 5, 6,840,000 12,000 1 : 570 6 Feb., 31st _,, 7,490,000 10,000 1:749 Second lobe excised on 7 February. ee Dss? ¢ : : - : 6,910,000 | 15,000 1: 460°6 ers 5 : ; - : 3 6,930,000 17,000 Ee 407-6 Ge S : ; : : - 7,240,000 7,000 1': 1034°2 ne) re a, 6,300,000 12,000 1: 525 ts 684 DR JOHN LOCKHART GIBSON. The results of the blood-enumerations will be found in the preceding table. The removal of the first lobe was followed by no symptom, and it will be noticed that the blood did not suffer. The irregu- larity in the number of red corpuscles, always, on the average, in the direction of increase, is such as I had already found in my animals after excision of the spleen; and must have been due to irregularity in the blood-forming activity of the bone- marrow and lymph-glands, in their attempts to make up for the loss of the spleen. Andit may here further be noticed, as against the supposition of a blood-forming action of the thyroid, that the loss of one lobe did not prevent the blood from being brought up to about the condition in which it was previous to the exci- sion of the spleen (7,520,000 red corpuscles per c.m.) three months before. Exactly a month after the removal of the first lobe the remaining one was removed, and it was found apparently not increased in size, its weight being the same as that of the first. Both after this opera- tion and after the first one the wound healed by first intention. For the first few days I hoped the animal would survive. It was quite lively, took its food well, and ran about as usual. Two days after, indeed, there seemed to be a little stiffness in putting down the feet; but one could not be sure, and next day none could be seen. Decided symptoms appeared only on the fourth day after the removal, viz, on the 11th of February. When trying to rise from its bed it at first failed, the hind legs, which had been under it, appearing to be quite stiff; and after it got up it fell once or twice in running across the room. It seemed, however, to recover, and then ran about as usual. But when taken up it trembled a good deal, and fibrillar muscular contractions were likewise evident. On running down stairs it had a slight convulsive attack, like a short epileptic fit. Krom this day the nervous symptoms gradually developed, although it took its food well until three or four days before its death, and consequently did not lose very much in weight. The nervous symptoms were very pronounced, and consisted, as in A and B, of almost constant trembling and fibrillar mus-- cular contractions and clonic and tonic convulsions. I saw it in at least two typical epileptic fits, each of which lasted some minutes, BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 685 It had also attacks like those of tetanus, with well-marked opis- thotonus. The itching of the skin was not very marked. During the last few days of life the animal could hardly be got to come out of its bed, and slept most of the day. When it was disturbed, almost all the muscles became _ tonically contracted, the head being fixed and the eyes fixed and staring. It did not seem to suffer pain, except during some of the more severe tetanic convulsions, when it cried out. After the fourth or fifth day it had a constant and well-marked expres- sion of hebetude. On the 21st of February, fourteen days after the removal of the second lobe, having made a solution of fresh thyroid gland in a mixture of neutral salts, with the intention of now and then injecting a little into a vein of the animal, to see whether any evidence could be got in support of Schiff’s idea that when the substance of the thyroid is absorbed into the blood the animal is preserved in life, I was just preparing to make the first injection, when the animal died, in a strong con- vulsion. The animal, as has already been said, took its food well until three or four days before its death ; and accordingly the general condition was not reduced to the same extent as in A and P. Its weight on the day of death was 4 kilogrammes 10 deca- srammes, the original weight having been 5 kilogrammes. Post-mortem.—In A and B, from which the thyroid alone had been removed, the post-mortem appearances were entirely negative. Distinct anemia of the brain or spinal cord was not found. The vagi and recurrent laryngeal nerves were perfectly intact. Instead of the spleen showing any sign of blood-formation, it seemed smaller and drier than usual. Unfortunately, I did not notice whether the red bone-marrow had extended into the fatty marrow, In C, from which both spleen and thyroid had been removed, the post-mortem appearances were exactly the same as those in the dog of Experiment I., from which only the spleen had been removed ; with this exception, that the lymphatic glands were not enlarged. ‘The red marrow had extended into the shafts of the humerus and femur, and contained a considerable number of nucleated red cells, the marrow in the ribs and in the heads of the long bones being richest in them. Neither in this case nor in the two others could any increase in the size of the liver or excess in its vascularity be observed. : These experiments, taken together with the absence of any sign of haematopoiésis in the thyroid gland of the dogs of my other experiments, or in the second half of the thyroid of the 686 DR JOHN LOCKHART GIBSON. dogs of Experiments V. and XI., warrant the assertion that the thyroid has apparently no blood-forming function, and that any such function it may really have can only be one extremely subordinate to some other and far more important function. Of any relationship between the spleen and the thyroid gland I have found no sign. Although the further consideration of the results of excision of the thyroid will be beyond the proposed object of this paper, yet I cannot here refrain from comparing with the observations on animals those which have recently been made on human subjects from whom the whole gland has been removed. For when the two sets of observa- tions are taken together they teach us a very important and most practical lesson, namely, that in the human subject the thyroid should never be removed entirely ; but that at any rate a small piece should always be left, if we are to prevent the appearance of symptoms which render the prolongation of life hardly desirable. Until within the last three or four years surgeons took no particular notice of the isolated cases of tetany which appeared after total excision of the thyroid ; and it was only when Weiss,! Wolfler,? and Falkson* showed that a considerable number of the cases of such excision in the cliniques of Professor Billroth, in Vienna, and Professor Schénborn, in Konigsberg, exhibited symptoms of tetany within a few weeks after the operation, that special attention was drawn to the connection between such symptoms and the particular operation they followed. Some of the patients, after having for days been kept under the influ- ence of narcotics, recovered ; and others died. Falkson supposed the tetany to be due to the division of the recurrent laryngeal nerves; but this cannot be the explanation, as the tetany symptoms are very like the convulsive symptoms in dogs after excision of the thyroid, where the recurrent nerves are quite intact. Weiss’s paper gives a good account of tetany, and graphically describes two cases of it after excision of the thyroid. Falkson, too, describes the symptoms observed by him, which are very like those in dogs. The tetany, however, which showed itself soon after the operation, as a rule soon passed off; and it was not until Kocher and Reverdin wrote on cachexia strumipriva that the really serious effect produced by the removal of the whole of the thyroid was pointed out. And even in spite of these writings surgeons are still excising the whole of the thyroid, as if in operating on the gland they need care merely for recovery from the surgical wound. Kocher took the trouble to ask all his cases of excision (total) of the thyroid to come back and report themselves, and has published the 1 Weiss, “Ueber Tetanie,” Volkmann's Sammlung klinischer Vortrdge, No. 189, (1881.) ? Wilfler, “‘ Die Kropfexstirpationen an Hofrath Billroth’s Klinik von 1877- 1881,” Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1882, No. 1. ’ Falkson, ‘‘Zwei Fille von Tetanie nach Kropfexstirpation,” Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1881, No. 12. * BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 687 result.1_ He excised the whole gland thirty-four times. Five patients died, viz., three of the operation, and two from unknown causes after healing. Of the others, eighteen presented themselves in person, and six more wrote or were written about. The written accounts do not give evidence of much value. Four of the patients wrote that they were well. The husband of another wrote that his wife’s body was swollen and her limbs insensible, that she never felt warm, and that her menstrua- tion was irregular. And the husband of the last of the six wrote that his wife could not write herself, from nervous pain in the hands and feet, which, he said, were almost paralysed. Of the eighteen who presented themselves in person, only two showed no evil effects ; and even these two might be said to be only the exceptions which proved the rule. For in one of them there was a small accessory thyroid, which had become enlarged ; and in the other there was what Kocher calls a “ Strumarecidiv ” (relapse of goitre), a small piece of the gland having been left, and having enlarged to about the size of a pigeon’s egg. The others all showed more or less interference with the general health, and their symptoms were so much alike that Kocher describes them collectively under the name of “cachexia strumipriva.” The symptoms were as follows :—The patients, as a rule soon after leaving the hospital, but in some cases only four or five months after the operation (Reverdin quotes a case where the time was a year, and Martin one where it was six months), began to complain of tiredness, and especially of weakness and heaviness of the limbs. In many eases the feeling in the limbs amounted to pain. Also, pains in the neck, shoulder, and body were complained of. Then followed a feel- ing of cold in the extremities, with swelling of the hands and feet, which became of a bluish-red colour, and in winter were very cold and generally frost-bitten. Further, the intellectual activity became diminished, this being especially noticed in children at school, who went down in their class, and in whom their teachers found a constant decrease of mental capacity, even where they had before been the best pupils. Cerebration became very much delayed, a consequent slowness of speech became evident, and even the general movements of the body became slower. In some patients who were servants, the general increase of these symptoms made it necessary for them to leave their places, as they could not get through their work quickly enough. Some patients did not trouble themselves about the symptoms, while others complained of them very much, or had become very retired, because they were conscious of their slowness of cerebration, and that they were not like other people. Moreover, swellings appeared, affecting the face, hands, and feet, and being at first transient, lasting only a few hours, and then disappearing. In one case they appeared only after long pauses ; and in that case, while they lasted, the patient suffered from great breathlessness. In many patients the swelling re- mained, giving their faces a heavy, stupid look, and so making their acquaintances think they had become idiots. The whole face became thicker: the eyelids swollen and transparent, the nose thick, and the lips 1 Kocher, ‘‘ Ueber Kropfexstirpation und ihre Folgen,” Arch. f. klin. Chir. ; Bd, xxix, 688 DR JOHN LOCKHART GIBSON. likewise swollen. The hands and feet, too, and even the body, became permanently swollen ; and in two cases there was ascites. The skin over _ the swollen parts was thick and infiltrated and had lost its elasticity, the surface was dry, and the hair fell out. In advanced cases there was marked anemia, with a distinct decrease in the number of red corpuscles, and without, in the cases ‘ counted,” any distinct increase in the number of white. The minimum number of red corpuscles was 2,168,000, four cases had 2,800,000, five had fewer than 3,500,000, three had fewer than 4,200,000, and two had fewer than 4,500,000. Two cases with slighter symptoms had a pretty normal number, viz., 4,940,000 and 5,520,000. Only one patient with the symptoms at all marked had as many as 4,476,000. Where Kocher made enumerations in cases of partial excision, the number of red corpuscles was found normal. Where at the time of total excision the patient was still grow- ing, the growth was very much retarded. Kocher records that one case had distinct attacks of tetany, and, later, attacks of epilepsy; and, in connexion with this, remarks that many of the other cases had, in addition to the tired feeling already mentioned, also a stiffness of the limbs. The muscles were always well developed ; in fact, resembled those of pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis. Fibrillar and localised con- tractions of the muscles were observed. Kocher says that although the patients looked stupid they were not really idiots, but were capable of recognising and feeling the change in themselves. Kocher then proceeds to consider whether these symptoms could not be accounted for by the anzemia present, and thinks that the anemia perhaps gives some support to the idea of a blood-forming function of the thyroid. It seems to me, however, far more likely that the changes in the nervous system were caused directly by the removal of the thyroid, and instead of being mere consequences of the angemia were the causes of it, though it in turn, once developed, would of course intensify them. This explanation is quite borne out by my observa- tions on dogs, where the nervous symptoms made their appearance as the direct result of the excision, and could not be ascribed to anemia, which did not exist. Moreover, Kocher’s own blood-estimations show that in his cases the anemia made its appearance only after the other symptoms had become developed. And, indeed, Kocher admits that he cannot find proof of the thyroid being a blood-forming organ. If, he says, the thyroid replaces the spleen, why does not the spleen replace the thyroid? In none of his cases could he observe an increase in the size of the spleen. In his last case of total excision of the thyroid he estimated the blood for the first few weeks after the opera- tion, and found no change. And in cases of one-sided excision of the thyroid he was never able to find any subsequent swelling of the remaining lobe. Further, he tries to account for the anemia by changes in the trachea. He supposes that the trachea, receiving most of its blood-supply from the thyroideal vessels, is after excision of the thyroid not well nourished ; that consequently its walls become softer and its lumen narrower ; and that in this way the patients are prevented from getting enough of oxygen—in fact, suffer from an increasing deprivation of it. BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 689 This explanation, however, cannot be accepted. In my dogs the trachea was examined particularly, and there was neither softening nor narrowing, and it seemed very fairly supplied with blood. Moreover, both in my dogs and in the animals experimented on by other ob- servers, the shortness of the time the animals survived is against the symptoms having been dependent on narrowing of the trachea. And, to return to human beings, many people go about with the larynx con- stricted by cicatrices, &c., to a much greater extent than in Kocher’s cases the trachea can have been constricted, and yet are able, by a slightly quicker respiration, to make up for the narrowness of the channel. Other explanations are: (a) the earlier one advanced by Schiff and Liebermeister, that the thyroid regulates the circulation in the brain (a function apparently first suggested by Maignien’) ; (4) the explana- tion more recently advanced by Schiff, that the thyroid produces some substance whose absorption into the blood is essential to life; and (c) the explanation that the thyroid secretes and excretes a substance injurious to the organism, an explanation which has received some support from the experiments of Victor Horsley (see next page). As to the last of these explanations, a great difficulty in the way of its acceptance is the fact that the thyroid has no excretory duct. And this difficulty does not seem got over by reference to the lymphatics, and their position in close relation to the gland vesicles. For to suppose that the injurious substance is taken up by the lymphatics would involve the improbable-looking further supposition of a passage from these back again into the blood, with a subsequent re-excretion by some other organ. Of Schiff’s two explanations the second seems much the more tenable, as being in accordance both with Schiff’s own experiments and with the observations of Sanquirico and Canalis, where only a very small piece of the thyroid was left. His earlier explanation, that the thyroid regulates the circulation in the brain, seems very insufficient. ‘The theory of sucha function is that during great muscular exertion, and consequent violent action of the heart, the pressure of contracted muscles on the jugular and thyr- oideal veins makes the thyroid become engorged with blood and swell up and thus press on the carotid arteries and prevent overfilling of the cerebral arteries. According to Guyon,? the pressure of the thyroid may even render the branches of the external carotid pulseless. Against this explanation, Schiff’s grafting-experiments, where placing the freshly-excised thyroid of a dog in the abdomen of another dog seemed in the case of subsequent excision of the thyroid of this dog to prevent the appearance of symptoms after such excision, would, if confirmed, be conclusive evidence. Moreover, the partial excisions of 1 Quoted, in 1842, by Longet, in “Anatomie et Physiologie du Systéme Nerveux,” tome i. p. 807. 2 Guyon, “ Note sur l’arrét de la circulation carotidienne pendant l’effort pro- longeé,” Arch. de Physiologie, t. 1. (1868).—Quoted by Nothnagel, in Ziemssen’s Handb. d. spec. Path. u. Ther., Bd. xi. 1, p. 6. 699 DR JOHN LOCKHART GIBSON. Sanquirico and Canalis, where the leaving of one-third of one lobe sufficed for the preservation of life, are greatly against it. And here. it may be pointed out that a crucial experiment might be made on dogs. In these animals the vertebral arteries are so large that both carotids may be tied without material injury to the animal, and the experiment would consist in tying both carotids of a dog suffering from the effects of excision of the thyroid. If the symptoms following excision are really due to relief of the carotids from compression by the thyroid, then the ligature of the carotids ought at once to put a stop to them. I regret not having had time to make the experi- ment, but am very sure that no such effect would have been produced. In December 1884, in the ‘Brown Lectures,” Victor Horsley+ described some experiments on monkeys which yielded interesting results. By excising the whole thyroid he produced a condition and symptoms closely resembling those observed by Kocher in human beings, but in some respects intermediate between them and those observed in dogs. He found, moreover, an increased production of mucin in the body generally ; and in the case of the salivary glands found not only that those other than the parotid secreted far more than their normal amount of mucin, but also that even the parotid secreted it. He looks on the condition produced by his excisions as being that called myxoedema by Ord,? who applied the term to the general swelling in the cretinoid condition that occurs idiopathically in adult women; and he holds that myxoedema, cachexia strumipriva, and cretinism are processes identical in nature. As in cases of excision in human beings, so here too there was anzmia, which Horsley, con- sidering blood-formation one of the functions of the thyroid, attributed to its removal. The animals all died, usually in from five to seven weeks. Horsley’s conclusions are: that myxoedema and its allies are due to virtual or actual loss of the thyroid gland; that, however, the immediate cause of the changes may be vaso-motor and trophic lesions due to the loss; that the thyroid probably excretes a substance injuri- ous to the organism, and that this substance is of the nature of mucin ; that removal of one lobe causes enlargement of the other; and that subsequent removal of the other entails death, after production of the condition and symptoms described by him. Against the no doubt pretty strong arguments brought forward by Horsley in favour of an excretory function of the thyroid, I may here, besides referring back to the objection already made, of the absence of an excretory duct, also again refer to the apparent success of Schiff in securing dogs against a fatal result of excision of the thyroid by placing the freshly excised thyroid of another dog in the abdominal cavity some weeks before the operation. With reference to the surgical treatment of diseases of the thyroid, Horsley is reported (Lancet) to have condemned total removal of the thyroid, and to have done so on the ground that good results may be obtained by removal of a portion of it. 1 Report of ‘ Brown Lectures,” Lancet, 27th Dec. 1884. 2 Lancet, 27th Oct. 1877. BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS AND BLOOD-FORMATION. 691 The conclusions to which my experiments and the observa- tions of others have led me are :— 1. That the thyroid has, properly speaking, no blood-forming function. 2. That any blood-forming action it may in some animals seem to have is due only to the presence of lymph-follicle- tissue in the thyroids of such animals. 3. That its function is in no way compensatory to that of the spleen. 4. That in dogs the total removal of the thyroid is always followed by death, after a definite train of nervous symptoms. 5. That in dogs the presence of unusually well developed aortic thyroid glands may prevent the onset of the symptoms. 6. That the removal of the whole thyroid from the human subject is unjustifiable, such removal being always, after a vary- ing interval, followed by the development of the very serious definite condition called “ cachexia strumipriva.” 7, That in all excisions of the thyroid from the human sub- ject at least a small piece should be left, a small piece appearing to be sufficient for the carrying on of the essential function of the gland. 8. That the function of the thyroid has special relation to the central nervous system, though what the true nature of such relation may be has yet to be definitely determined. 9. That myxcedema, cachexia strumipriva, and cretinism are probably one and the same disease, and are due to virtual or actual absence of the thyroid. Anatomico-Pbysiological Jlotices. PLEXIFORM ARRANGEMENT OF THE CUTANEOUS NERVES IN THE GROIN. By Davin Hersurn, M.B., Senior Demon- strator of Anatomy, University of Edinburgh. Tue following notes were taken from a dissection performed by Mr R. J. Pope in the Practical Anatomy Rooms of the University of Edinburgh :— The external cutaneous nerve entered the thigh in its usual position, but soon gave off a branch, which, dividing into two portions, formed communications with the middle cutaneous nerve and the crural branch of the genito-crural nerve. The genito-crural nerve, in addition to the communication just mentioned, formed two junctions with the middle cutaneous nerve, and these were both found after the latter had pierced the sartorius muscle. The middle cutaneous nerve had the communications already men- tioned, namely, with the external cutaneous and crural branch of the genito-crural. When fully traced to its ultimate distribution, both its inner and outer divisions were seen to pierce the sartorius muscle and thereafter to form junctions with each other. The internal cutaneous nerve gave off the nerve to the pectineus muscle. In addition, it had three branches of some size distributed in the following manner :—one to the inner side of the thigh at its upper part ; another to the inner side of the thigh at its lower part ; and the third along the inner edge of the sartorius muscle. When Scarpa’s triangle was fully worked out, the presence of an accessory obturator nerve was revealed. It passed outwards over the brim of the pelvis, beneath Poupart’s ligament and the pectineus muscle, the latter receiving filaments of supply from the nerve in this position. Small twigs were also supplied to the hip-joint, and in addition it gave off a communicating branch which joined the super- ficial division of the obturator nerve, and thereafter, emerging from between the pectineus and adductor longus muscles, it passed upwards and outwards beneath the femoral artery and vein, and terminated by joining the internal saphenous nerve about 4 inches from Poupart’s ligament. As the dissection of the front of the thigh proceeded, a thin filament from the external cutaneous nerve was traced downwards over the surface of the sartorius muscle. It entered Hunter’s canal, and lay in the connective tissue surrounding the femoral artery. When dissected ANATOMICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL NOTICES. 693 from this position it appeared to end in two fine filaments, which were traced into the substance of the vastus internus muscle. In the popliteal space the obturator nerve was carefully looked for, and it was found lying on the popliteal artery, by which it was carried to the posterior aspect of the knee-joint, which it entered by passing through the ligament of Winslow. From the popliteal space this nerve was traced upwards through the fibres of the adductor magnus muscle, and on the anterior surface of this muscle it was found to be continuous with the deep division of the obturator nerve. NOTE OF A CASE OF ABSENCE OF VAGINA, WITH UN- DEVELOPED UTERUS AND OVARIES. By J. A. Camp- BELL M.D., F.R.S.E. S. W., zt. 27, was admitted into the Carlisle Asylum in January 1877. She was stated to have been insane for seven years, and at intervals to have taken epileptic fits. She had never menstruated. Her mental state had alternated between excitement and depression, and she was said to have shown erotic tendencies during the periods of excitement, and to have been in the habit of exposing her person at such times. The doctor who attended her wrote to me to say that he thought she had an abdominal tumour, due to retained menses from imperfect hymen, and that I should look to this at once as a possible cause of her state. On admission, a full examination of her mental condition and phy- sical state was made and recorded. I quote the following :—“ She was undersized, had a low type of face, her lungs and heart were normal, and nothing abnormal was detected as regards abdominal viscera ; her mamme were well developed. She had much hair over pues ; her external genital organs were well developed, but no vagina could be found.” Owing to the expressed opinion of her former medical attend- ant, I asked Mr Page of Carlisle to examine her with me a few days after her admission. We agreed that no abdominal tumour existed ; that though the external genital organs were normal, there was an absence or occlusion of the vagina, a white glistening structure form- ing an impervious cul-de-sac where the opening of the vagina should have been. A catheter passed into the bladder could, by rectal examination, be distinctly felt without the intervention of anything corresponding to a uterus. The patient lived in the asylum for nine years, never menstruated, was examined on one or two occasions without anything further being made out. She had epileptic fits of a severe character at considerable intervals, and had attacks of excitement at short intervals of three, four, or five weeks, and at such periods she exhibited erotic tendencies, stripped off her clothes, and exposed her person. She ultimately de- veloped phthisis, and died of this disease. VOL. XX, 22 694 ANATOMICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL NOTICES. Autopsy.—The viscera occupying the different cavities were care- fully examined and their state recorded. I need only mention that tubercular deposit of lungs and ulcers of intestines caused death. The external genital organs showed the appearances noted in the case. The internal organs of reproduction were almost undeveloped. The ovaries—very small, shrivelled, and indurated—occupied a normal position. The Fallopian tubes communicated with a rudimentary uterus about seven-eighths of an inch in length. So far as could be made out, it was devoid of an os, and lay very low in the pelvis. Examination failed to show any communication between uterus and external genital organs. Remarks.—Though I am quite aware such cases are not unknown, yet they are of sufficient rarity to make it worth while putting such a case on record. It is, I think, highly probable that the attacks of excitement occurred at what would, under other circumstances, have been monthly periods. A degree of sexual excitement was distinctly present in the case. If the ovaries shed ova, what became of them ? NOTES ON AN ABNORMAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE LARGE INTESTINE. By B. C. A. Winpuz, M.A, M.D.,, Professor of Anatomy in the Queen’s College, Birmingham. Tue following unusual arrangement of the large intestine was observed in a male subject recently examined in my dissecting room, and may be of interest when taken in conjunction with the papers which have appeared in the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, and with Mr Treves’ recent lectures on the Anatomy of the Human Intestinal Canal and Peritoneum. The cecum was large and placed entirely above the margin of the ilium. It did not come into contact at all in its attachments with the posterior wall of the abdomen. The vermiform appendix lay on the iliacus muscle, and was directed downwards and outwards. The colon passed at first directly backward to reach the posterior wall, whieh it did just above the crest of the ilium. From this point it pursued its ordinary course until it arrived at the crest of the left ilium. Here it seemed to sink into a kind of peritoneal pocket, formed by a process passing from the anterior lateral wall to the anterior and inferior surface of the colon, which turned upon itself here, and ascended along the posterior wall of the abdomen on the right side of the descending colon. It was included in the same fold of peritoneum, and into the neck of the fold passed the sigmoid artery, which broke up into two sets of branches to supply the two tubes. Arrived at the splenic flexure, the ascending tube was held firmly in position by a process of peritoneum passing from the sustentaculum lienis, which was exceptionally strong, including the splenic flexure of the trans- ae ANATOMICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL NOTICES. 695 verse and descending colon, and passing on to the second tube. The free edge of this process formed the margin of a deep and capacious pouch, whose concavity was directed to the right side of the abdomen. From this point the colon again descended, and was again, but to a much smaller extent, looped up by a band of peritoneum passing to it from in front of the left side of the vertebral column close to the duo- deno-jejunal fold. The free margin of this band also marked off a pouch of less dimension than the first mentioned, the direction of whose concavity was similar to that of the larger, in which it was included. The colon after this small loop passed down in a nearly straight line to the rectum. In this course it was bound to the posterior wall close to the vertebral column by a fold of peritoneum, the line of reflection of which on either side was nearly straight. There were thus three tubes of large intestine throughout the entire length of the left side of the abdomen, two descending and one ascending. The peritoneum on the posterior wall was somewhat roughened, and there were a few evidently morbid adhesions between the coils of intestine. These were, however, quite different from the true process, in which the first mentioned two tubes were included. A NEW METHOD FOR THE QUANTITATIVE ESTIMATION OF URIC ACID. By Joun B. Haycrart, M.B., B.Sc, E.R.S.E., Professor of Physioloyy, Mason and Queen’s Colleges, Birmingham. Wisuine to continue a research upon albuminoid metabolism, and having been much disheartened by the unsatisfactory nature of the processes used for the estimation of uric acid, I determined, if possible, to introduce one which should be at the same time exact and easy of application. The method of Heintz is certainly not very reliable, and is not applicable when small quantities of the acid are present in the urine. Salkowski’s modification, although certainly more reliable, is far too laborious, and is not free from other objections. The same may be said of a somewhat similar process introduced by Fokker. Other methods, depending on the power which the acid has of reducing certain metallic salts, or upon the decomposition of the uric acid, and the collection of its decomposition products, I tried, but soon had to give them up. Inasmuch as uric acid forms some salts more in- soluble than itself, and as some of these are with metals easy of estima- tion, it occurred to me that it might be possible to precipitate it as a salt, say of lead, barium, or silver; and then, by estimating the metal in the precipitate, to calculate the uric acid in combination with it. Many experiments were undertaken with the uric acid salts of barium, mercury, and lead; their solubilities in various acids, &c., were tested; and endeavours were made to separate (in these forms) 696 ANATOMICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL NOTICES. the acid from solutions of mixed salts and other compounds found in urine, and likely to interfere with the process. One or two rough methods were devised, but were soon discarded from their want of accuracy. An attempt to separate out uric acid asa silver salt was more successful. Urate of silver is, as is well known, very insoluble in water. I find it to be very soluble in 20 per cent. nitric acid, and in somewhat stronger sulphuric acid. It is insoluble in ammonia, and almost in- soluble in strong acetic acid. After a futile attempt to separate out the uric acid from the phos- phates of the urine, after acidulation with acetic acid, I succeeded in elaborating the following process :— The fact that urate of silver is insoluble in ammonia. water is a very curious one, inasmuch as this is a solvent for nearly all the silver salts —-for example, the chlorides, phosphates, and oxalates. On adding a solution of silver nitrate to a solution of acid urate of sodium, I found that, instead of a precipitation of silver urate, an immediate reduction occurred, the black precipitate not re-dissolving in ammonia water. If, however, the solutions be previously rendered ammoniacal, a white gelatinous precipitate of the urate at once forms. The silver, however, becomes partially reduced before it is possible to collect and wash it. I find, however, that the previous addition of bicarbonate of sodium prevents this reduction. The same obtains with the acid urate of sodium normally present in urine, the chlorides and phosphates re- maining in solution, the urate of silver alone falling on the addition of the ammoniacal nitrate. In order to estimate the silver in this precipitate of the urate, the latter was collected in a filter, and washed with distilled water, and taking advantage of its ready solubility im nitric acid, it was dissolved in that reagent. A method not long introduced by Volhard,! and one which is avail- able for the estimation of silver in an acid medium, was used as the final step of the process. The only difficulty that occurs is in filtering and washing the pre- cipitate of urate of silver. It is gelatinous, and clogs up the filter. It is imperative to use a Sprengel’s pump, and a properly made asbestos filter is advisable. In this case, the whole process may be completed in little more than half an hour. The filter should be prepared in the following way :—A small funnel is half filled with broken glass. A sufficient quantity of asbestos is shaken in a flask with water until all the fibres have separated, forming an uniform pulp. This is poured on the glass, and should form an uniform felt, one quarter of an inch thick. The filter can be used again and again for several analyses. Description oF MeEtHop. Solutions Required.—1. Centinormal ammonic sulphocyanate. Dis- solve about 8 grammes of crystals in a litre of water, and adjust it to ' “Die Anwendung des Schwefeleyammoniums in der Maasanalyse,” Liebig’s Annalen, Band exe. p. 1. See also Sutton’s Volumetric Analysis. ANATOMICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL NOTICES. 697 decinormal silver solution. Dilute with 9 volumes of water. One cubic centimetre is equivalent to 0-00168 of uric acid. 2. A saturated solution of iron alum. 3. Pure nitric acid (20-30 per cent.). Dilute the commercial acid, boil and preserve from light in a blackened flask. 4, Strong ammonia. 5. Ammoniacal silver solution. Dissolve 5 grammes of nitrate in 100 cubic centimetres water, and add ammonia, until the solution be- comes clear. Process.—Measure off 25 cubic centimetres of urine in a pipette, and place it in a small beaker, with about 1 gramme of bicarbonate of sodium. Add 2 or 3 cubic centimetres of ammonia, which will pro- duce a precipitate of ammonia-magnesium phosphate. On adding 1 to 2 cubic centimetres of the ammoniacal silver solution, the uric acid falls as a white gelatinous precipitate of urate of silver. This is collected on the asbestos filter, and carefully washed, until the washings give no trace of silver, with a drop of salt solution. The urate is then washed through the filter by the aid of a few cubic centimetres of the nitric acid, and the silver in this solution estimated by Volhard’s method, Add a few drops of the saturated solution of iron alum, which is the indicator, and drop in the centinormal solution of ammonic sulpho- cyanate. A white precipitate will form, together with a transient reddish coloration, which latter becomes permanent when the process is at an end. It is easy to calculate the uric acid, which will be the number of cubic centimetres of the sulphocyanate used multiplied by 0:00168. If the urine contain albumen, this should previously be removed. If uric acid or urates be present in such quantity as to cause turbidity, the secretion should be warmed and diluted. In order to test the accuracy of the process, I prepared several solu- tions of acid urate of sodium of known strength. To these I added various quantities of common salt, sulphate of magnesia, and phos- phate of soda, in order to imitate, as far as possible, the urinary secretion. On estimating the uric acid in these solutions, I obtained wonderfully correct results, as the subjoined tables will show. In all cases a quantity not much more than a milligramme was lost during the process, and may be simply accounted for by the fact that no salt of uric acid is absolutely insoluble. Experiment 1. Experiment 2. Experiment 3. Uric acid present as urate, . 0°0486 0°0459 0°0211 Uric acid found, ; , 0°0470 0°0437 0:0198 Loss during process, . : 0°0016 00022 0:0013 3 percent. 5 percent. 6 per cent. loss. In order further to test its accuracy, 50 cubic centimetres of urine were divided into two equal portions; to the first, 25 cubic centimetres of a solution of acid urate of sodium of known strength were added; to the second, 25 cubic centimetres of water were added. When estimated, the two fluids should show a difference equal to the quantity of the salt added, 698 ANATOMICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL NOTICES. Experiment 1. Experiment 2. Experiment 3. Uric acid found (a), . : 0°034 0026 0°041 Uric acid found (0), . : 0°0144 0°0105 0°0254 Difference, : : 3 0°0196 0°0155 0°0156 Uric acid added, : ; 0021 0°016 0°0160 The above figures show how delicate the process is, and what accurate results may be obtained from its use. This depends, in the first case, on the great insolubility of the silver urate; and secondly, on the great delicacy of the final estimation of the silver by the ammonic sulphocyanate. It may be objected to this process that there may be other substances present in the urine which may form com- pounds with the silver nitrate, thus vitiating the result. Xanthin, as is well known, combines with silver. This substance may be present in small quantities, but its silver compound is, I find, insoluble in nitric acid. I am aware of no substance present in urine normally, or likely to appear as an abnormality, which forms a combination with silver both insoluble in ammonia and soluble in nitric acid. I should probably have tried much sooner the separation of the urie acid as a silver-salt, but for a statement of Salkowski’s.! This distinguished chemist analysed the precipitate which forms after adding ammoniacal nitrate of silver to urine. He found a variable quantity of both silver and magnesia, and concluded from this that the uric acid precipitates out, both as an urate of magnesium and an urate of silver. In this case, I could not, of course, use the silver process for its estimation. His facts may otherwise be explained. As is well known, ammonio-magnesium phosphate separates out slowly. Salkowski, immediately after the addition of ammonia, filtered off the ammonio-magnesium phosphate, and then added silver-nitrate. Pro- bably, with the urate of silver, a small and variable quantity of the double phosphate came down, for this would probably be not yet entirely precipitated. As to the variable quantity of silver, this is easy to account for. In my own investigations, I attempted at one time to estimate the uric acid by its reducing action on silver (a method which was quite unsatisfactory), and I found that the same quantity of urate reduced a very variable quantity of silver, depend- ing upon two factors—time and temperature. With prolonged boiling, as many as four parts of silver are reduced by one of the urate. Now, in Salkowski’s investigations, the reduction of the silver was disre- garded (for he speaks of the black precipitate on the filter-paper). The amount of the reduction would not be the same in any two ex- periments. In my own method, all reduction is prevented by the addition of the bicarbonate of sodium. I have since added to urine large quantities of magnesium-sulphate, without interfering with the accuracy of the results. This method was elaborated during the year 1883. I have much pleasure in expressing my indebtedness to the Scientific Grants Com- mittee of the British Medical Association for assistance in the shape of a grant to cover my expenses. 1 Pfliiger’s Archiv., B. 5, p. 210. INDEX. Abnormal Arteries, 26. Accommodation of Eyes, 475, 563. Alimentary Canal in Ganoids, 602. Alligator, Heart of, 547. Animals, Wild, Vitality of, 594. Arterial System, Morphology of, 193. Arteries, Abnormalities of, 26, 31, 32. Axis and Os Odontoideum, 238. Berling, Gilbert, on Hypertrophy of Leg, 58. Biceps, Bursa connected with, 30. Bicipital Rib, 405. Bile Secretion and Urea Formation, 114, 267, 520, 562. Birds’ Eggs, Pigment of, 225. Blood-Forming Organs, 100, 324, 456, 674. Brooks, St John, Abnormal Coronary Ar- tery, 26; Variations in Nerve Supply of Thumb Muscle, 641; Muscles of Hand, 645. Bursa connected with Biceps, 30. Campbell, J. A.,on Absence of Vagina, 693. Carapax of Tortoises, 220. Collins, A. W., on Rare Abnormalities, 30. Conurus carolinensis, Skeleton of, 407. Coronary Artery, Abnormal, 26. pel John, on Pentadactylous Pes, Cunningham, Professor, Axis and Os Odon- toideum, 238; on Spines of Cervical Vertebre, 637. Curran, William, Vitality of Wild Ani- mals, 594. Cysts, Origin of, 432. Dentition of Shrews, 359. Die Chirurgische Anatomie, You Pro- fessor Max Schiiller, 548. Dobson, G. E., on Dentition of Shrews, 359. Dwight, Thomas, Frozen Sections of a Child, 192. Eggs of Birds, Pigment of, 225. Eye, Convergence and Accommodation of, 475, 563. Eye, Suspensory Ligaments of, 1. Floating Kidney, 544. Fowl, Dorking, Pes in, 591. Fox, R. H., on Function of Tonsils, 557. Fraser, J. W., on Infused Beverages and Peptic Digestion, 361. Freeman, R. A., on Anatomy of Mole, 201. Frog, Supernumerary Leg in, 516. | Gadow, Hans, on Reproduction of Cara- pax, 220. Ganoids, Alimentary Canal in, 602; Pancreas in, 629. | Geococcyx, Skeleton of, 244. Gibson, J. Lockhart, on Blood-Forming Organs, 100, 324, 456, 674. Hand, Nerves and Muscles of, 641, 645. Hare, A. W., on Micro-organisms, 76. Hay craft, Professor, Estimation of Uric Acid, 6 Heart of ” Alligator, 547. Hepburn, David, Plexiform Arrangement of Nerves, 692. Histological Methods, 307. Humphry, Prof., on Old Age and Changes Incidental to it, 191; on Spina Bifida, 546, 583. Hunter, Wm., on Histological Methods, 307. Hypertrophy of Leg, 358. Ichthyosaurus, Hind Limb of, 532. Index of Pelvic Brim as Basis of Classifi- cation, 125. Infused Beverages, 361. Inter-clavicular Muscle, 544, Intestine, Abnormal Arrangement of, 694. Kidney, Floating, 544. Lane, W. Arbuthnot, on Variations in Skeleton, 388; on Floating Kidney, 544; on Inter-clavicular Muscle, 544. Leg, Hypertrophy of, 358; supernumer- ary, 516. Ligaments, Nature of, 39. Limb of Ichthyosaurus, 532. Lumbar Curve in Man, 536. Lung, Abnormal Lobe, 32, 35. Lockwood, C. B., on Anatomy of Orbit, 1. Macalister, Professor, on Morphology of Arterial System, 193. Macallum, A. B., on Alimentary Canal in Ganoids, 602. Macdonnell, R. L., on Bicipital Rib, 405. Maddox, U. E., on Convergence and Ac- commodation, 475, 563. 770 Maylard, A. E., on Abnormalities of Lung, 34. M‘Aldowie, Alex., on Pigment of Birds Eggs, 225. Micro-organisms, 76. Mills, T. ”W., on Heart of Alligator, 547. Mole, Anatomy of, 201. Morphology of Arterial System, 193. Muscles, Abnormalities of, 356, 544. Muscles’ of Hand, Nerve Supply, 641; Morphology of, 645. Nevus, Diffuse Venous, 358. Navajo Skull, 426, 430. Neural Spines of Cervical Vertebree, 637. Nerves, Plexiform Arrangement of, 692. Noél-Paton, D., on Urea For mation and Bile Secretion, 114, 267, 520, 662. Orbit, Muscles, Ligaments, and Fascia of, 1. Os Odontoideum and Axis, 238. Palmer, John, Abnormalities of Pelvis, 354. Pancreas in Ganoids, 629. Pelvic Index, 125. Pelvis, Abnormalities of, 354. Pentadactylous Pes, 591. Peptic Digestion, 361. Pes, Pentadactylous, 591. Pigment of Birds’ Eggs, 225. Rana palustris, Supernumerary Leg in, 616. Rennie, G. E., on Sterno- Petrosoph ar- yngeus Muscle, 356. repr of Committee on Spina Bifida, 546. Reproduction of Carapax, 220. Revye 2 Anthropologie, 546. Rib, Bicipital, 405. Robertson, Robert, on Splenic Histology, 509, Sacral Index, 317. : Shrews, Dentition of, 359. PRINTED BY INDEX. Shufeldt, R. W., on Geococcyx, 244; on Conurus carolinensis, 407; on Navajo Skull, 426. Skeleton, Geococcyx, 244; Conurus curo- linensis, 407; Variations in Human, 244. Skull, Navajo, 426, 430. Sowerby’s Whale, 144. Spina Bifida, 546, 583. Splenic Histology, 509. Sterno-Petrosopharyngeus Muscle, 356. Sutton, J. Bland, on Ligaments, 39; on Origin of Cysts, 432. Talpa Europea, Anatomy of, 201. _Tenon, Capsule of, 1. Thompson, Professor D’Arcy, on Limb of Ichthyosaurus, 532. Tonsils, Function of, 557. Tortoises, Carapax of, 220. Treves, K., Anatomy of Intestine and Peritoneum in Man, 189 Tuckerman, Fred.,7on Supernumerary Leg in a Frog, 516, | Turner, Sir W., on Pelvic Index, 125; on Sowerby’s Whale, 144 ; on Sacral Index, 317; on Navajo Skull, 430; Note on Supernumerary Limb, 519; on Lumbar Curve in Man, 536. Urea Formation and Bile Secretion, 114, 267, 520, 662. Uric Acid, Estimation of, 695. Uterus and Ovaries, Undeveloped, 693. Vagina, Absence of, 693. Vertebrze, Cervical, Neural Spines of, 637. | Vitality under Fire, 594. Vital Relations of Micro-Organisms, 76, Windle, Professor B., Abnormal Large NEILL AND COMPANY, Intestine, 694. Whale, Sowerby’s, 144. Woodhead, G. 5., on Micro-Organisms, 76 EDINBURGH, Journ. of Anat Phys,, July 1886 Vol_XX, PL.AVH. F. Huth, Lith’ Edin? SiPvENGAy BOGe IDEAS ¥. — Journ.of Anat. dé Phys, Judy 1886 Vol.XX, PL.XVIL YP. Huth, Lath* Edint Journ, of Anat. Phys, july 1886 Vol.XX, PL XL. F. Huth, Lith Edin® WO U N°D-E D FR ESATEO ee Me > any a A . “i —— Sa a LLM | pS a} iS, ‘Alok Journ. ot Anat. & Phys, Judy 1886: SOTCO PCF =>. * ah [3b & oe) Sy enna “Ss f < ta 3) ER ey Ss \\ \ YY Bata \Wagadadmoa”” F Huth, Lith® Edin® Vol. XX, PU. XX. OE: O 9 OK Journ. of Anat.d Phys., july 1886. M U $°¢(Dee ee Vol.XX, PU. XXL. ~ abi? Si a ae HAND. ¥. Huth, Lith® Edin™ q A) : i dé — h fy <_ ; ‘ — + -, ¢ 5:°4 ‘ i" 4 7 a4 yo ie on Je ig ‘ee , ee ee p ve Wl oe vg 9 » Ls > | PON BINDE.G = T_MAY 2.4 988 Hy Journal of anatomy J6 v.20 _ iological & Medical Serials PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY obs spe aeyy {votes aS pears: pes telnet CLO Perel ‘ wag oa ced Seat PSS Can St oe etter Se - Sor St + Oat: yieeig rer zs SEeSas tate. pase mas os (ee : Nigied eth ay "7 ‘ toa rh ‘ ay ay (ordit ee iy 5 a trees! cote Ads Teta eae tes ett moi wee Wh Se) Ter