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CD z 52 Z CD 2 5“’s3l8V8an^LIBRARIEs‘”sMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOliniliSNI NVIN0SHilWs‘”s3 I a Vd CD 5 CD 2 ^ ^ ^ ^ == ^ q: :^) <>> q: _ ^“^INSTITUTION N0lini!lSNl”^NVIN0SHillNS^S3 I dVd 8 11*^11 B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN”"lNSTITUT r* 2 r*, 2 r- 2 CD 3J > 33 5 S3 I dVd an “"libraries SMITHSONjAN^INSTITUTION^NOlinillSNI^NVINOSHillAIS S3ldVd ^ ^ Z > CD ^ ^ 2 ^ CD 2 CD X RS O 3 3 > 2 • 2 >' 2 J INSTITUTION ‘^NOliniliSNI NVlN0SHill^s‘^S3 I d Vd 8 IT^LI B RAR 1 ES^^SMlTHSONlAN INSTITUT CD ^ Z \ ^ ^ ^ 5 LJ CD fn y<^a V??S. CJ „ 2 J Z Ij Z 5 S3ldVdan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOliniliSNI NVINOSHillMS S3ldVd 2 r* 2 r- Z ^ S /Sipm £ e f I 4 The Journal of ARACHNOLOGY VOLUME 21 1993 NUMBER 1 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY EDITOR: James W. Berry, Butler University ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Gary L. Miller, The University of Mississippi EDITORIAL BOARD: A. Cady, Miami (Ohio) Univ. at Middletown; J. E. Carrel, Univ. Missouri; J. A. Coddington, National Mus. Natural Hist.; J. C. Cokendolpher, Lubbock, Texas; F. A. Coyle, Western Carolina Univ.; C. D. Don- dale, Agriculture Canada; W. G. Eberhard, Univ. Costa Rica; M. E. Galiano, Mus. Argentine de Ciencias Naturales; M. H. Greenstone, BCIRL, Columbia, Missouri; N. V. Horner, Midwestern State Univ.; D. T. Jennings, Garland, Maine; V. F. Lee, California Acad. Sci.; H. W. Levi, Harvard Univ.; E. A. Maury, Mus. Argentine de Ciencias Naturales; N. 1. Platnick, American Mus. Natural Hist.; G. A. Polis, Vanderbilt Univ.; S. E. Riechert, Univ. Tennessee; A. L. Rypstra, Miami Univ., Ohio; M. H. Robinson, U.S. National Zool. Park; W. A. Shear, Hampden-Sydney Coll.; G. W. Uetz, Univ. Cincinnati; C. E. Valerio, Univ. Costa Rica. The Journal of Arachnology (ISSN 0160-8202), a publication devoted to the study of Arachnida, is published three times each year by The American Arach- nological Society. Memberships (yearly): Membership is open to all those inter- ested in Arachnida. Subscriptions to The Journal of Arachnology and American Arachnology (the newsletter), and annual meeting notices, are included with mem- bership in the Society. Regular, $30; Students, $20; Institutional, $80 (USA) or $90 (all other countries). Inquiries should be directed to the Membership Secretary (see below). Back Issues: Susan E. Riechert, Department of Zoology, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37916 USA. Undelivered Issues: Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire Street, P.O. Box 368, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 USA. THE AMERICAN ARACHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRESIDENT: Allen R. Brady (1991-1993), Biology Department, Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423 USA. PRESIDENT-ELECT: James E. Carico (1991-1993), Department of Biology, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Virginia 24501 USA. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Norman 1. Platnick (appointed), American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, New York 10024 USA. TREASURER: Gail E. Stratton (1991-1993), Department of Biology, Albion College, Albion, Michigan 49224 USA. SECRETARY: Brent Opell (1991-1993), Department of Biology, Virginia Poly- technic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 USA. ARCHIVIST: Vincent D. Roth, Box 136, Portal, Arizona 85632 USA. DIRECTORS: George W. Uetz (1991-1993), Charles E. Griswold (1991-1993), Jackie Palmer (1992-1994). HONORARY MEMBERS: C. D. Dondale, W. J. Gertsch, H. Homann, H. W. Levi, A. F. Millidge, M. Vachon, T. Yaginuma. Cover illustration: A male Tetragnatha extensa from Carlisle, Massachusetts. Original color photo by Joe Warfel of Arlington, Mass. Photograph made with a handheld Olympus OM-1 35mm camera, macro lens, telescoping extension tube and manual flash. Publication date: 4 June 1993 THIS PUBLICATION IS PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:1-5 VISUAL BRIGHTNESS DISCRIMINATION OF THE JUMPING SPIDER MENEMERUS BIVITTATUS (ARANEAE, SALTICIDAE) Klaus Tiedemann: Departamento de Psicologia Experimental, Institute de Psicologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 05508 Sao Paulo SP Brazil. ABSTRACT, It was observed that the jumping spider Menemerus bivittatus lives on light surfaces as well as on dark surfaces, hunting prey which is lighter or darker than the surface the spider is on. From these observations arises the question about the brightness or contrast discrimination abilities of this spider. The orientation response was recorded for 14 spiders to a moving circular prey-stimulus varying from white, through grey, to black, against a white, grey or black background. When the stimulus was darker than the background, there was a rapid increase in response as the stimulus gets darker. This rapid change in response with stimulus brightness did not occur when the stimulus was lighter than the background. These results reveal a high contrast discrimination ability and also a dependence of the response on the overall stimulation conditions. The visual system of jumping spiders (Salti- cidae) is highly developed when compared to other families of spiders. Like most spiders, jumping spiders have four pairs of eyes. The most specialized are the anterior median eyes (AM), that are used in prey pursuit (Land 1971). It has been suggested by Land that the AM are capable of color vision. The other eyes function primarily to detect prey movement and to elicit orientation toward prey (bringing the prey into the visual field of the AM eyes). The jumping spider Menemerus bivittatus (Dufour) is common in Southern Brazil and can be found throughout the year in almost all homes of Sao Paulo. Retreats are generally located in the highest part of doors or window frames or under an outside overhang. Preliminary observations of the habitat pref- erences of M. bivittatus revealed that (1) spiders hunted on either a dark surface (e.g., black paint- ed poles) or a light surface (e.g., wall of buildings) and (2) on both of these surfaces both light col- ored prey (e.g., small Diptera) and darkly colored prey (e.g.. Mused) were taken. There appeared to be no difference in prey catching efficiency between the different backgrounds. Since M. bi- vittatus has a light appearance (greyish brown with black stripes) the spider is very conspicuous on a black ground and almost invisible on light colored walls. These observations raised the question of whether jumping spiders are capable of discrim- inating differences in contrast between stimulus and background. Since single visual receptor cells are known to react with graded potentials to light intensity, the physiological capability for con- trast discrimination appears available. The most likely mechanism is a neural circuit that en- hances brightness differences and contrast in the same way as is known for many vertebrates and invertebrates. However, the question remains on how contrast discrimination is integrated into specific behaviors, such as prey catching and mate recognition. The reflexive behavior of jumping spiders to orient themselves and the AM eyes toward the prey after its detection by the sec- ondary eyes (Land 1972) is a very simple be- havioral response that can be easily observed and recorded in the laboratory. The purpose of this experiment was to estab- lish the psychophysical brightness discrimina- tion function measured by this orientation re- sponse for different levels of ground brightness. Another question was to find if the function for the discrimination of a light stimulus against a dark background is symmetrical to a dark stim- ulus against a light background. Lack of sym- metry between the functions would indicate an increased ability at prey detection in one of the situations and might suggest that the spider would have a preference for one of the hunting condi- tions. METHODS Subjects.— Ten adult female and four adult male jumping spiders, Menemerus bivittatus, were collected on the campus of Sao Paulo University and taken to the laboratory where they were held individually in petri dishes in 12/12 h light/dark illumination. Individuals ranged from 6-12 mm 2 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY • L Figure 1.— Apparatus used in the experiment. The spider (S) after being anesthetized was glued to the head of the insect needle (I) that was inserted into the rod (R) that was adjusted so that the spider touched lightly the styrofoam ball (B). Around the spider the painted cylinder (C) with the stimulus (St) that could be easily interchanged, was positioned on the revolving turntable (T) driven by the motor (Mt). Observation was made through the mirror (M). The lamp (L) provided constant and uniform light of 155 lux measured at 90° on the surface of the styrofoam ball in total length. Live Musca were offered to each spider once a week. The spiders survived for several months under these conditions making it possible, if necessary, to divide the whole ex- perimental procedure into several experimental sessions on different days. Experimental procedure. — Prior to an exper- imental session the spider was lightly anesthe- tized with carbon dioxide so that the head of an insect needle could be glued with wax to the rear part of the prosoma. Care was taken to avoid covering the eyes with wax. After the spider com- pletely recovered from anesthesia, the animal was placed into the experimental apparatus (Fig. 1). The experimental apparatus was basically a mo- tor driven turntable on which three different cyl- inders, constituting the background for the visual stimuli presented to the spider, could be made to turn in either direction. On the axis of the cylinder a styrofoam ball (25 mm in diameter) lay loosely in a Teflon cup. The spider, held by the needle glued to its prosoma and an adjustable rod, could walk on the styrofoam ball in any direction, turning or rolling the styrofoam ball. The slightest turning or walking movement of the spider (and consequently of the styrofoam ball) could be observed through a mirror at- tached over the apparatus. Observation through a mirror was preferred to direct observation in order to reduce disturbances of the spider. Over- all illumination was provided by a daylight ring light (Toshiba, Japan ) producing an illumination of 1 55 lux at the top of the styrofoam ball at 90°. White, grey and black glass cylinders (250 mm diameter, 300 mm height) were used for the background against which the spider could see the stimulus. The white cylinder had a reflection density of d = 0. 1 1 , the grey 0.56, and the black of 2.08. Density was measured with a reflection densitometer (X-Rite Inc., Grand ville, Michi- gan, USA, Model B318) calibrated for d = 0.00 with a standard calibration card (Ti02 coated). The glass cylinders were painted from outside (so that the inner glare was the same) except for an 8 mm diameter “hole” left transparent, co- planar to the spider, where the stimuli could be TIEDEMANN-BRIGHTNESS DISCRIMINATION OF JUMPING SPIDERS 3 Table l.—Mean and SD of the response probability for the white, grey and black backgrounds for each presented stimulus, n = 1 4 for all cases. Stim- ulus den- , sity Background White Grey Black mean SD mean SD mean SD 0.11 0.01 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.52 0.09 0.27 0.13 0.05 0.15 0.12 0.31 0.29 0.09 0.15 0.12 0.59 0.08 0.36 0.39 0.15 0.14 0.09 0.50 0.78 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.10 0.56 0.80 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.86 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.11 0.76 0.90 0.09 0.85 0.05 0.86 0.94 0.06 0.93 0.03 0.38 0.07 0.91 0.98 0.02 0.96 0.02 1.01 0.99 0.01 0.33 0.08 1.15 0.25 0.07 1.52 0.18 0.07 2.08 0.08 0.03 applied from outside without producing any shadow or border. The stimulus thus subtended an angle of about 4° at the spider’s eyes. With the white background, stimuli of the following reflection densities were used: 0.11, 0.27, 0.31, 0.36, 0.50, 0.56, 0.58, 0.76, 0.86 and 0.91. With the grey background the same stimuli were used, and also a darker one of 1.01 reflection density. For the black background, stimuli of the follow- ing reflection densities were used: 0. 1 1 , 0.3 1 , 0.50, 0.58,0.86, 1.01, 1.15, 1.52 and 2.08. The stimuli were produced by painting white paper with the same paint used for the glass cylinders, mixing from the white and black paint in different quan- tities. Each animal was tested for the white, grey and black backgrounds but in different orders. For each background the stimuli were presented in random order. Five trials were run on each stim- ulus/background combination. Each trial con- sisted of five complete turns of the cylinder (al- ternating left and right turns). Each turn was started with the stimulus exactly behind the spi- der’s back, out of its visual field (this could be verified by the fact that the spider never respond- ed to a moving stimulus at that position) and took around 20 seconds to be completed, re- sulting in a mean angular velocity of the stimulus of 1 8 deg/s. For every turn of the cylinder it was manually recorded if the spider made a response toward the stimulus or not. For each density val- ue of the stimulus the overall response proba- bility was calculated by dividing the number of cylinder turns that elicited a response by the total cylinder turns. With few exceptions, there was no doubt that a movement of the spider was directed to the moving dark or light spot. When, for some reason the spider entered spontaneous walking activity, the experiment was interrupted until the spider assumed its typical alert posture. After finishing the stimuli presentations for one background density, the same procedure was re- peated for a different cylinder. The spiders stayed responsive for up to 3 or 4 hours. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The mean and the standard deviation (SD) for the response probabilities for each background and stimulus are given in Table 1. The SDs cal- culated among animals are fairly small, suggest- ing that the recorded orientation response is rath- er reflexive. The response probability curves for the white, grey and black backgrounds are given in Fig. 2. The response curve for the white background varies from almost zero for a white stimulus (zero contrast with the background) to almost 100% for a 0.9 1 stimulus density (maximum contrast). This experimental condition would conform to a situation were the spider hunts for dark prey on a light background, which seems to be the situation to which the spider is best adapted, since the spider itself has a light color and most of the prey like Musca are dark in color. The response curve for the black background has a quite different shape, not being just the mirror image of the first curve as might have been expected. Response probability declines very slowly with increasing stimulus darkness. The highest response probability is somewhat lower than 60% for a light grey stimulus (reflection den- sity of 0.27). For a lighter stimulus (0.11) that produces a higher contrast with the black back- ground, the response rate is even lower. The dif- ference is statistically significant (Student, df = 13, r = 2.57, P < 0.05). Of the 14 spiders tested, 1 2 presented a lower response rate for the bright- er stimulus. This suggests that the spider is not responding just to the contrast value between stimulus and background. The spider might be responding in part to the appearance of the stim- ulus disregarding the background, or some other unknown factors are influencing its behavior. The response curve for the grey background shows, as expected, the lowest response proba- 4 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY CO 0.05). These results favor the idea that the response is not only guided by the contrast between prey and background, but also by the absolute lightness of the prey. The lower response maximum of 60% for the stimuli against the black background could sug- gest that the spiders are visually less alert or aroused in this situation since the overall light level within the black cylinder must be lower, due to less reflection of the constant illumination provided by the lamp on the top of the cylinder. If this were the case, visual alertness would also be lowered with the grey cylinder. Since in the grey cylinder a response rate of 100% was achieved for darker stimuli, visual alertness dif- ferences, if any, caused by different illumination levels, do not explain the results. These overall results could be compared to the description of Land (1972) who, in an experi- ment where jumping spiders responded to black or white stripes, found that the pursuit response to black stripes was given to the leading edge, while the response to white stripes to the trailing edge. Land concluded that the stimulus must al- ways move in such a way as to cause sequential darkening of adjacent photoreceptors. The re- sults of the present experiment could be ex- plained in the same way, since the spider could be responding to an edge of the stimulus, al- though the stimulus was small. For the light stim- ulus on the dark background, the spider would be responding to the trailing edge of the stimulus or, what would be exactly the same, to the leading edge of the dark background. This would mean, that the stimulus is now the “huge” background which of course had lost its “prey characteristics” to the spider, explaining the lower response rate TIEDEMANN^BRIGHTNESS DISCRIMINATION OF JUMPING SPIDERS 5 for this condition. An alternative interpretation would be that the spider in this experiment is reacting to the small stimulus as a whole, as long as it has enough contrast with the background, but with a clear preference for dark stimuli on lighter backgrounds. Drees (1952) showed that the courtship behavior of Epiblemum scenicum (Salticidae) reveals well-developed visual acuity. Such acuity might also be important in prey cap- ture. However, Blest (1985) found that the prey capture sequence could be elicited by stimulus shapes quite different from normal prey, as in the study reported here. Therefore, it seems that the orientation response which initiates both prey capture and courtship is mainly guided by the contrast of the stimulus against the background. LITERATURE CITED Blest, A. D. 1985. Retinal mosaics of the principal eyes of jumping spiders (Salticidae) in some neo- tropical habitats: optical trade-offs between sizes and habitat illuminances. J. Comp. Physiol., 157:391- 404. Drees, 0. 1952. Untersuchungen uber Bewegungsse- hen und Optomotorik bei Springspinnen (Saltici- dae). Z. TierpsychoL, 9:169-207. Land, M. F. 1971. Orientation by jumping spiders in the absence of visual feedback. J. Exp. Biol., 51: 471-493. Land, M. F. 1972. Mechanisms of orientation and pattern recognition by jumping spiders (Salticidae). In Information processing in the visual systems of arthropods, (R. Wehner, ed.). Springer- Verlag, Ber- lin. Manuscript received 15 October 1990, revised 3 No- vember 1992. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:6-22 CIRCADIAN RHYTHMICITY AND OTHER PATTERNS OF SPONTANEOUS MOTOR ACTIVITY IN FRONTINELLA PYRAMITELA (LINYPHIIDAE) AND ARGYRODES TRIGONUM (THERIDIIDAE) Robert B. Suter: Department of Biology, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 USA ABSTRACT. Endogenous biological rhythms are apparently found in all eukaryotic organisms. The most ubiquitous of these, the circadian rhythm, functions to synchronize physiology and behavior with diel changes in the environment. Data presented here demonstrate that, in the linyphiid spider Frontinella pyramitela (Wal- ckenaer) and in the theridiid spidQV Argyrodes trigonum (Hentz), a circadian rhythm modulates locomotor activity in some individuals but not in others. The data also show (a) that higher-frequency endogenous rhythms play a part in determining the patterns of motor activity, and (b) that intervals between bouts of activity are influenced by aperiodic processes that appear to be stochastic. Much of the behavior of animals in the held is closely correlated with environmental stimuli: the detection of predators or prey stimulates flight or pursuit, the presence of a rival results in agon- ism, the arrival of a mate elicits courtship or bonding rituals, and changes in the thermal en- vironment lead to altered postures or positions. The internal state of an animal (e.g., the time since its last meal, the size of its gonads, or the presents of parasites and pathogens) also influ- ences behavior, sometimes profoundly. Among the most ubiquitous of internal state variables is the endogenous circadian clock, which has been particularly well studied since the pi- oneering work of Aschoflf (1954) and Biinning (1963). Although the cellular and molecular bas- es of biological clocks remain obscure, their util- ity is well documented: they facilitate prediction of periodic environmental events, make celestial navigation possible, and enable the temporal or- ganization of internal events. Because the overt manifestations of these clocks are often subtle, they are most easily and profitably studied in animals isolated from confounding environmen- tal stimuli, including conspeciflcs and such Zeit- gebers as light cycles. Under those conditions of isolation, an animal’s behavior is said to be fre- erunning (i.e., showing the natural period of the circadian clock). In spiders, endogenous rhythmicity has been suggested by data on diel rhythms under natural conditions (e.g., in Amaurobius, Cloudsley- Thompson 1957), and has been confirmed in a very few species under constant conditions (e.g., in Cupiennius salei, Seyfarth 1980; for other ref- erences, see Cloudsley-Thompson 1987). More- over, in work with the linyphiid spider, Fronti- nella pyramitela (Walckenaer), my laboratory has found that internal programs quite distinct from circadian clocks appear to govern the timing of certain spontaneous (i.e., internally driven) be- haviors related to courtship (Suter 1990) and co- habitation (Suter & Walberer 1989). The present study constitutes the beginning of an elucidation of the programs, both circadian and other, that underlie the onset and cessation of spontaneous behaviors in F. pyramitela. METHODS I captured adult females of both F. pyramitela andzl. trigonum in Dutchess County, New York, during June, 1992, and immediately installed each in an open-ended glass cylinder. I placed the cylinder in an aluminum trough and inserted that into a plexiglass holder which could house eight such troughs. One end of each cylinder was partially occluded by an infrared sensitive pho- totransistor (Radio Shack SDP8403-301) and the other end was sealed by a circular microscope coverslip behind which was mounted an IR light- emitting diode (Radio Shack SEP8703). The as- sembled apparatus, with the simple electronic circuits used to drive it, is shown in Fig. 1. I enclosed the apparatus in a light-tight chamber (20 cm X 24 cm X 18 cm) in which the relative humidity was maintained at 1 00% and temper- 6 SUTER-PATTERNS OF SPONTANEOUS MOTOR ACTIVITY 7 +12V Figure 1. — Schematic diagram of the apparatus used to house spiders and detect their motion. IR emitters (E) and detectors (D), coupled to a computer, formed the motion-detection system. The spiders themselves were enclosed in glass cylinders 1 cm in diameter and 4.5 cm long. ature was constant at 24 ±1 ®C. The electronic driving circuits, which generate some heat, were mounted outside the chamber. Output from each IR phototransistor was digitized and recorded by computer (hardware: Macintosh Ilci with Na- tional Instruments NB-MIO-16 I/O board; soft- ware: a customized data-logging program written in Lab VIEW 2). At each of the eight channels, amplitude was measured at 2 ms intervals (500 Hz) and the standard deviation of the amplitudes collected during 1.6 s was the datum recorded as an index of activity during that period. (Prelim- inary tests had shown that, because of the mul- tiple paths the IR light could take in a chamber, grooming motions and other movements of ap- pendages did not cause fluctuations in photo- transistor output. Thus high-frequency fluctua- tions were unlikely. Moreover, power spectra of phototransistor outputs from chambers contain- ing rapidly moving spiders recorded at 500 Hz with no averaging revealed that there was no significant energy at frequencies > 1.0 Hz). The activity of 14 K pyramitela and 5 A. tri- gonum was recorded during the study. The max- imum continuous length of time in the chambers was 1 1 days for a group of 7 F. pyramitela. While in the chambers, the spiders were neither fed nor watered. Because of the high relative humidity, desiccation was not a problem for the spiders, and fasting for periods longer than 1 1 days can be tolerated by F. pyramitela (Suter 1985) and by other species (Anderson 1974). Two separate experiments involving F. pyramitela were run: in one the spiders were maintained in constant darkness (DD) throughout their 8 -day isolation, and in the other the chamber enclosing the spi- ders was lit for 8 hours each day for 1 1 days (LD, onset of light daily at 1100 h; illumination by orange, green, and red LEDs provided 7.7 lux at each chamber). The single experiment that in- volved A. trigonum was carried out in DD. The digitized activity records of individual spiders were analyzed in two ways. (1) Spectral Analysis I: A Hamming window (to minimize the artifacts caused by truncation of a signal) was applied to the recorded string of activity /inac- tivity periods which was then analyzed by fast Fourier transform (FFT) and displayed as a pow- er spectrum showing the proportion of explained variance in activity as a function of frequency. Significant peaks were identified by a chi-square method described elsewhere (Suter & Forrest, in press) which could reveal time-based periodici- ties such as a circadian rhythm. For the detection 8 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Frequency (cycles/clay) 0 6 12 18 24 /"Aa/A aaA ^_^A_ aa/V.a-j>\.aW\ /VA\ .aA^AA\ AjVWyv A A^__^^>A_wW\A^^UlA/V_AJwlrwlwWv^^ ^Ay^MAA^A/'^MAA^y' ^ajVIAvAAa-vWv/V.^^ _V\A/WS.lVyiA_^.A_A._A 12 18 24 Frequency (cycles/day) Figures 2-8.— Activity of F. pyramitela under conditions of constant darkness (DD). Graphs on the left show activity as a function of time, with days shown sequentially from top to bottom. FFT analysis of these data resulted in the power spectra shown on the right in each figure. The power spectra are shown at two scales to elucidate both the overall pattern (lower panel) and the peaks between 0 and 1 0 cycles/d (upper panel). In each of these power spectra (as in all others in this study), the first component (furthest to the left) should be ignored because it reflects the entire data set and not oscillations within the data set. Much of the explained variance is concentrated near 1.0 cycle/d, but significant peaks are also found at higher frequencies. Peaks at or above the horizontal lines are significant at a = 0.0 1 . SUTER-PATTERNS OF SPONTANEOUS MOTOR ACTIVITY 9 jI/lUIX u — I ill 1_1^ J jl JlU. lJI YJ U 0 6 12 18 24 La/\aAj^iwAjAJ' a M a. aIk .Aj^AjAJ' AJ\y\Ao^JJU_JLA__^/^V_A^M_AJ^^ AjAA^hL.^jJ\rK. .A/Vl.i4_A.iyL 12 18 24 Frequency (cycles/day) , 008 - — — 1 ).004 - !.002 - 1 ,000 ^AhaW ill 0 ,23456789 1i 8 8 8 g o ro 0 k 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 Frequency (cycles/day) Figures 2--8 . — Continued. 0 6 12 18 24 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Frequency (cycles/day) 0 6 12 18 24 Figures 2-8.— Continued. SUTER- PATTERNS OF SPONTANEOUS MOTOR ACTIVITY 11 /'A .jUla^aaIja L hAi\ 40 60 80 Frequency (cycles/day) 12 24 Figures 2-8. — Continued. Aaa-M™<\.-Ca — Aa AvWvwv AMMiJiLhll MIiMJa iIamAIwwii^JxlJ A_jj__7vk^ vuvAaAal IU^_J — Jt_JU_vvAJAAI A / jvL-kjJi fWJL-_l\ ^ iLlikl t T 12 18 24 Figures 9-15.— Activity of F. pyramitela under conditions of a 24-h photoperiod (LD) in which lights were on between 1 1 00 and 1 900 h (arrows). See the legend for Figs. 2-8 for an explanation of the layout. 12 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY A>VxA_A JwnAla/^-xA^ jAh^jAjn /UMyA/V^vjWV^^ wv_n lmva-aj^'^A^xA /lj\a aA^IATV^ /VJ\^ui/L-JU hJJ^^J\AAAJ\K ^A_Av^^_/■''^/^AA__ ± L 6 12 18 24 10 Frequency (cycles/day) ^1\J\}\kJ^ Aa_^^/v^ AjiAA fHj uvA_n /''''\ J[aw^ ..jvwJl AiyfN w\UVaJ'A^vv-jv_jv_,^^ wVVWjJVa aAaMMaa^L I M aa aA JW lAWwLjiji JXXAM^ K^^v~a,v^,-^AaA/IA l\j\^ AVlL_-AmA awJA^|1w,_A. t T 12 18 24 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 t. 0.008 13 Pi 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.000 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 Frequency (cycles/day) Figures 9-15. “Continued. SUTER=== PATTERNS OF SPONTANEOUS MOTOR ACTIVITY 13 0.007 1 00 Frequency (cycles/day) 0 6 12 18 24 0.012-1 0.010- 0.008 - 0.006 - 0.004 " 4> ^ 0.002 - © ft. J[. 0.000 4 > 1 1 2 3 4 56 7 8911 cq 0.012- ^ 0.010- 0.008 - 0.006 • 0.004 - 0.002 -1 0.000 -1 0 20 40 60 80 100 Frequency (cycles/day) Figures 9- 1 5 . — Continued. 14 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY vJ Aj'aJ^ aa/V/u jv^ IHJ\fh\}v^ AjVi A V_Uv.^Aaa,->UaAlJu_^ /’'^'VkaTWH jVL_UWJ\i ^ . T 0 6 12 18 24 0.006 14 Frequency (cycles/day) 0 6 12 18 24 Frequency (cycles/day) Figures 9-=- 1 5 . Continued. SUTER^PATTERNS OF SPONTANEOUS MOTOR ACTIVITY 15 JLILJUTWI "irM /itfi. nn prYsy-vv^Mv^ ... „ ^■ . AftAlto/U, n Pin A n n» , 12 18 24 Frequency (cycles/day) iVjuAvWiliA# -J\ /\_J\JlAJU\i\jVAA A_ _jx/uM.nA Ai A A A fl 0 6 12 18 24 Frequency (cycles/day) Figures 16-20.— Activity of trigonum under conditions of constant darkness (DD). See the legend for Figs. 2-8 for an explanation of the layout. 16 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY J . ii JjJkl llii .iikbi'Ui AkiiAriuiii .JiiUik JUlyAhA>^ A 0.010' 0.008 0.006 0.004 : hJ • 1 ' 1 18 0.006 liliidA Frequency (cycles/day) 12 18 24 ll -'ll *1 _Jjjl liilll 1 IjUI 1 aJl a1 Aj JiLi illLjllllliL 0 6 12 18 24 Frequency (cycles/day) Figures 1 6-20. — Continued. SUTER^PATTERNS OF SPONTANEOUS MOTOR ACTIVITY 17 ► Frequency (cycles/day) 0 6 12 18 24 Figures 16-20. —Continued. of slow rhythms (fewer than 24 cycles per day) activity in each 3 -min period was summed and the string of 3-min sums was analyzed by FFT. For the detection of more rapidly cycling rhythms, subsets of the full data string were analyzed with- out summing (i.e., at 0.625 Hz, one sample every 1.6 s). The two procedures were required because the FFT algorithm could accommodate no more than 4096 data points in a single analysis. (2) Spectral Analysis II: the inactivity periods alone but in order, abstracted from the time-based string above, were analyzed in the same way by FFT and displayed as a power spectrum as described above; this procedure could reveal periodicities in a program which controlled the durations of inactivity periods. For each of the spectral anal- ysis protocols, a was set at 0.01 to decrease the probability of type II errors. RESULTS The activity of both species of spiders in the isolation chambers consisted of bouts of nearly continuous activity alternating with periods dur- ing which no activity was detectable. Complete activity records for all tested spiders are shown in Figs. 2-20. Presented with each of the activity records in Figs. 2-20 are graphs of explained vari- ance as a function of frequency [power spectra, from Spectral Analysis (I)]. In all but one of the graphs that represent spider activity in constant darkness {F. pyramitela. Figs. 2-8; A. trigonum, Figs. 16-20), significant {P < 0.01) peaks occur near 1/day (1.15 x 10-5 Hz), an indication that both species should be added to the long list of taxa in which the presence of endogenous cir- cadian rhythms is confirmed. Some of the F. pyramiteia under LD conditions (Figs. 9-1 5) were relatively inactive during the light phase of the cycle (Figs. 9-11), but others appeared to be un- influenced by the dim lighting. The suppression of activity levels in some spiders by relatively dim light suggests that the animals are function- ally nocturnal in the field. Figures 2-20 also show that higher frequency periodicities participate in generating the ob- served activity patterns. In all of the power spec- tra, power is concentrated in significant peaks at frequencies between 1 cycle/day and 1 00 cycles/ day: in Fig. 2 1 , which shows cumulative power as a function of frequency for two F. pyramiteia activity records, 50% of total power is at fre- quencies below 40 cycles/day and at least 75% is at frequencies below 1 00 cycles/day. Some of the significant high frequency (i.e., higher fre- quency than 1/day) periodicities are prominent enough to be easily seen in the activity records themselves. Perhaps the most prominent occurs in Fig. 18 in which a periodicity at about 40 18 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Frequency (cycles/day) Figure 21. —Cumulative explained variance in the spectral analyses of the activity records of two F. pyr- amitela. The heavy line corresponds to the analysis of the data shown in Fig. 2 and the light line corresponds to the analysis of the data shown in Fig. 7. The most rapid rise in explained variance occurs very near the origin, indicating that high frequencies (> 75 cycles/ day) are of minor importance (see text). cycles/day is evident during the 24 h beginning at 2100 h on day 1, and during day 6. That 24-h period and all of day 6 for the same trigonurn are shown with the corresponding power spectra in Fig. 22. The intervals between activity bouts for all spiders in DD are shown and analyzed in Figs. 23-34. Spectral Analysis (II) of these intervals alone, kept in order but abstracted from a time- based activity series indicates that in F. pyr- amitela there is no indication of significant pe- riodicity in the patterning of inter-activity inter- vals: the variance explained by periodicities is distributed relatively evenly across each spec- trum of harmonics and is below the 0.01 level of significance for any particular peak above the first harmonic. DISCUSSION The behavior of an organism at a particular instant is a function of the interaction between its internal state and information the organism possesses about its surroundings. These two el- ements are not entirely distinct from each other, however: first, the internal state is in part an evolutionary construct, a consequence of histor- ical responses to the organism’s surroundings; and second, the organism’s current information about its surroundings is available to it only after filtration through systems of sensation and per- Frequency (cycles/day) 1 -iwu 0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Jjji 0 100 200 300 400 Frequency (cycles/day) Figure 22.— Power spectra of subsets of the activity data shown in Fig. 18. In that data set, a periodicity at about 40 cycles/day is evident during the 24 h be- ginning at 2100 h on day 1, and during day 6. The corresponding power spectra are shown here in panels a and b, respectively. As in other power spectra in this study, peaks above the horizontal lines are significant at a = 0.01. In panel b, the peak at 36 cycles/day is significant at a = 0.05. ception that are sensitive to (and part of) the internal state. In this context, the endogenous rhythms and other behavioral programs of an organism should be seen as parts of the internal SUTER-PATTERNS OF SPONTANEOUS MOTOR ACTIVITY 19 H 1 C .2 u Q u 0) o “S 05 0 100 200 300 400 50 Sequence 0 600 700 800 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Harmonic Harmonic 20 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 Sequence 60 80 1 00 120 140 1 60 1 80 200 Harmonic 00 200 300 400 500 600 Sequence 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Harmonic Figures 2 3“=2 9.— Patterns in the durations of intervals between bouts of activity by F. pyramitela in constant darkness (DD). The durations of the intervals themselves, in each figure, are shown (in min) in the top panel, and the power spectrum for that sequence of intervals is shown in the bottom panel. Peaks above the horizontal lines are significant at a = 0.01. In none of the analyses was there significant power at harmonics above DC, an indication that the sequences of durations were not different from random. state that are evolutionary responses to the pe- riodic or probabilistic structure of the environ- ment. Endogenous rhythms.^ The best known en- dogenous rhythms in nature are those that ap- proximate geophysical rhythms with respect to period length. Their original function was prob- ably to provide a means by which organisms remain synchronized with their environments, and they now function, in addition, in photo- period measurement and in navigation. Circa- dian rhythms and other low frequency endoge- nous rhythms (e.g., circumlunar, circannual) are nearly ubiquitous organizers of activity in or- ganisms. Among spiders, circadian rhythms have been identified (reviewed in Cloudsley-Thomp- son 1987) but neither higher nor lower frequency rhythms have been implicated in spider behav- ior. Because most spider species are short-lived, one would not expect to discover among them endogenous rhythms with very long periods (e.g., the lunar month or the solar year). Nor would one necessarily expect to discover endogenous rhythms with very short periods because the en- vironment does not contain biologically impor- tant geophysical cycles shorter than the 12.25 h tidal period. Because of the relatively brief durations of the studies described herein, I could not have dem- onstrated rhythms with periods longer than about two days. The data do make clear, however, that circadian and higher frequency rhythms in F. pyramitela and A. trigonum participate in or- ganizing spontaneous motor activity (Figs. 2-20). 20 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Harmonic 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Harmonic Harmonic Figures 23-29.— Continued. The evidence for an endogenous circadian clock is neither surprising nor particularly interesting given the ubiquity of these clocks in biological systems and their obvious efficacy in maintaining synchrony between the organism and its envi- ronment. The presence, and in some instances the predominance, of higher frequency rhythms, in contrast, is quite interesting. Because of the absence of biologically impor- tant geophysical cycles with frequencies from 3- 100 cycles/day, the significant periodicities in spider motor activity uncovered in that range cannot be of use to the spiders as environmental synchronizers. Moreover, because the spiders in these studies were given neither food nor water, the most likely physiological rhythms (those as- sociated with the filling and emptying of the nu- trient and water pools) must be discounted. I am left without a strong hypothesis with which to explain the function(s) of the high frequency pe- riodicities demonstrated in the spontaneous mo- tor activity of these isolated spiders. Of particular interest are the relatively stable oscillations that persist for many cycles and appear to be stable after several days (e.g., Figs. 18, 22): these are likely to be both important in the lives of the spiders and amenable to experimental investi- gation. Other behavioral programs.— The periodici- ties described above are time-based; that is, they are detected as peaks of activity which are re- peated at regular intervals in the time domain. Quite a distinct type of behavioral program would be one that obeyed the following algorithm: when behavior x begins, continue x until t seconds have elapsed, then begin behavior y ; assign t a new value based on some specified trigonometric function; repeat. The resulting periodicity in the durations of x would be undetectable if there were uncorrelated variability in the durations of Relative Power Duration (min) Relative Power Duration (min) Relative Power Duration (min) SUTER^PATTERNS OF SPONTANEOUS MOTOR ACTIVITY 21 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Harmonic 200 300 400 500 600 Sequence O) p 0.02 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Harmonic 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Harmonic nAiyiiiiiiiiiilLiiiiJ 32 .s ^ 20 - i : T ' 1 « 1 r 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' i ’ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 7( Sequence 30 ® 0 ! 1 i 1 . j ^=^-1 1 1 1— 5 — 1 M 100 200 300 400 500 600 Sequence - Relative Power § 1 2 1 ^ 1 ~ i ^ 33 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Harmonic Figures 30““34.-- Patterns in the durations of intervals between bouts of activity by A. trigonum in constant darkness (DD). See the legend to Figs, 23-29 for details of the layout. In none of the analyses was there significant power at harmonics above DC, an indication that the sequences of durations were not different from random. 22 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY V. For example: suppose y is motor activity and X is inactivity; if activity occurs in bouts that vary in duration according to some non-periodic function, then peaks in the durations of inactivity bouts would appear nonperiodic; if, in contrast, inactivity bouts were extracted in order from the time series, the periodicity of peaks in the du- rations of inactivity bouts would become appar- ent. This is the reasoning behind Spectral Anal- ysis IT In the linyphiid spider, F. pymmitela, and in the theridiid spider, A. trigonum, the du- rations of inactivity bouts show no evidence of periodicity (Figs. 23-34) which leads to the con- clusion that these bouts are not generated by the sort of behavioral program outlined above. Thus there is no evidence from the data pre- sented here that the inactivity bouts of F. pyr- amitela and A. trigonum are regulated by any sort of non-random program. What, then, de- termines the duration of a particular period of inactivity in these spiders? The possibility that they are coupled to, or driven by, some process the output of which is itself random is intriguing but well outside the scope of this study. Conclusion,— My analysis of the motor activ- ity patterns of F. pyramitela and A, trigonum reveals that endogenous oscillators participate in determining the timing of activity but not the durations of inter-activity intervals. Some non- periodic processes, which may be the equivalent of random-number generators, are also impor- tant in determining the durations of inter-activ- ity intervals. Both the nonperiodic processes and the endogenous oscillators with periods much shorter than 24 h are particularly interesting be- cause they constitute an unexplored set of be- havioral programs that may influence much of the behavior of these spiders. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Steve Clark (at Vassar Col- lege) and Jeff Cynx (at The Rockefeller Univer- sity) for several of the conversations that led to this study, to Thomas Getty (at Michigan State University) for his helpful comments on the analysis of apparent noise, and to Tim Forrest (at the National Center for Physical Acoustics) for his guidance in the use of the discrete Fourier transform. LITERATURE CITED Aschoff, J. 1954. Zeitgeber der tierischen Tagesper- iodik. Naturwiss., 41:49-56. Anderson, J. F. 1974. Responses to starvation in the spiders Lycosa lenta (Hentz) and Filistata hibernalis (Hentz). Ecology, 55:576-585. Biinning, E. 1963. Die physiologische Uhr. Springer, Berlin. Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L. 1957. Studies in diurnal rhythms. V. Nocturnal ecology and water-relations of the British cribellate spiders of the genus Ciniflo (BL). J. Linn. Soc. (ZooL), 43:134-152. Cloudsley-Thompson, J, L. 1987. The biorhythms of spiders, Pp.371-379 In Ecophysiology of Spiders (W. Nentwig, ed.). Springer- Verlag, Berlin. Seyfarth, E-A. 1980. Daily patterns of locomotor ac- tivity in a wandering spider. Physiol. EntomoL, 5:199-206. Suter, R. B. 1985. Intersexual competition for food in the bowl and doily spider, Front inel la pyramitela (Linyphiidae). J. ArachnoL, 13: 61-70. Suter, R. B. 1990. Courtship and the assessment of virginity by male bowl and doily spiders. Anim. Behav., 39:307-313. Suter, R. B. & T. G. Forrest, in press Vigilance in the Interpretation of spectral analyses. Anim. Be- hav.,00:000-000. Suter, R, B. & L. Walberer. 1989. Enigmatic cohab- itation in bowl and doily spiders, Frontinella pyr- amitela (Araneae, Linyphiidae). Anim. Behav., 37: 402-409. Manuscript received 5 March 1991, revised 13 Novem- ber 1992. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:23--28 PREDATION BY SPIDERS ON GROUND-RELEASED SCREWWORM FLIES, COCHLIOMYIA HOMINIVORAX (DIPTERA: CALLIPHORIDAE) IN A MOUNTAINOUS AREA OF SOUTHERN MEXICO' John B. Welch^: Screwworm Research, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico ABSTRACT. Predation by spiders on ground-released adult screwworms, Cochliomyia hominivomx (Co- querel), was studied near Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, during 13 August 1984-23 January 1985. Obser- vations of predatory behavior and manual collections of spiders during September provided the majority of the data. Species in 1 2 genera of spiders were confirmed as predators of screwworm flies. Nephila clavipes, Eriophora ravilla, Neoscona oaxacensis and Leucauge spp. were the most important predators. Spiders caused an estimated 4.5% mortality to flies in a 2250 m^ area during September. Capture of screwworm flies in webs up to 10 m above ground suggests the need to investigate the importance of forest canopies in screwworm ecology. The screwworm fly, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel), native to the western hemisphere, is an obligate parasite of warmblooded animals. Studies of the ecology of screwworms in the trop- ics have been conducted since the late 1970’s (e.g., Krafsur et al. 1979; Spencer et al. 1981; Brenner 1985; Mangan & Thomas 1989). How- ever, information on predation of screwworms is generally lacking. My interest in predation of screwworms began during an unpublished study of dispersal of ground-released adult screwworm flies in a mountainous area of southern Mexico. On the occasions of the first two releases of flies (22 May and 6 July 1984), spider populations were ap- parently low because few spiders and webs were seen during the collection of the fly samples. Nu- merous spiders and webs were encountered dur- ing trips to the study area the week before the planned third release (14 August). Spiders con- tinued to be numerous prior to the fourth release (25 September). Spider populations appeared to decline after this release, as few spiders and webs were observed while collecting fly samples during the fifth and sixth releases (13 November 1984 and 22 January 1985). The results of an investigation into predation ‘ Mention of a proprietary product does not imply an endorsement or a recommendation for its use by USDA. ^ Current address: USDA-ARS Screwworm Research, Center for Space Research, WRW 402, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712-1085 USA on adult screwworm flies during the third and fourth releases are presented herein. Additional data concerning spider predation during the fifth and sixth releases and other screwworm fly dis- persal studies are included. Information on the predatory behavior of spiders is also presented. METHODS The study was conducted in the Sumidero Canyon National Park located ca. 15 km north of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico. Spiders were also collected from Finca San Rafael, a study site ca. 32 km south of Tuxtla Gutierrez during another trapping study of C. hominivorax (Welch 1988). The study site in the Sumidero Canyon Na- tional Park was located on the southern face of the mountain at an elevation of ca. 1 040 m above mean sea level. The habitat was a low deciduous forest (Miranda 1 975) comprised predominantly of trees ca. 3-8 m tall, with scattered, emergent trees above the canopy. The study site at Finca San Rafael was also situated in a low deciduous forest, although the trees were taller (ca. 4-10 m) and the vegetation was more dense. Sterile screwworm pupae of the A- 8 2 strain obtained from the sterile-fly production plant of the Joint Mexico-U. S. Commission for the Erad- ication of Screwworms were placed in the field on 25 September (and the other release dates) and allowed to emerge. Pupae were marked with 20 g/liter of fluorescent powder (Dayglo Color, Cleveland, Ohio) and distributed in open card- 23 24 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY board cartons (1.45 x 18 x 4 cm; 0.5 liter/car- ton) stacked inside a wooden crate (26.5 x 36 X 49.5 cm). The crate was covered with a cor- rugated tar-paper roof for protection and sus- pended 1.5 m above ground by wire from a tree limb. This is termed “ground-released” as op- posed to being released from an airplane. Per- centage of emergence was determined from con- trols (0.5 liter carton of marked pupae enclosed within a screen bag inside the release crate) (W elch 1988). All flies were examined under longwave ultraviolet light for fluorescent markings on the frontal suture (Brenner 1984). Predation data were obtained by direct obser- vation and by collection of spider and fly sam- ples. Spider and fly activities were monitored visually at the Sumidero release site 5 from 0630 to 1600 h (time period due to park hours) on 26 and 27 September. Three pitfall traps filled with 70% ethyl alcohol were operated from 25-29 September, 13-17 November, and 22-26 Janu- ary. Fly emergence ended and manual collections of spiders and sweep samples of the vegetation in the vicinity of release site 5 were conducted on 28 September. Spiders with screwworm flies in their webs were also collected from other re- lease and trap sites within the Sumidero Canyon National Park and Finca San Rafael throughout the remainder of the study period. A search for screwworm fly cadavers and spi- ders was made along a transect (1 50 m) heading south of release site 5 on 28 September. The transect was located along an existing trail de- scending the mountain because cutting of new trails or paths within the park was prohibited. Specimens were sent to William B. Peck for identification. Voucher specimens are main- tained in a collection at the United States De- partment of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Screwworm Research Laboratory at El Alto de Ochomogo near San Jose, Costa Rica (as is typical in Costa Rica, the actual laboratory site has no street or mailing address; requests for information concerning the voucher specimens should be directed to the author at his listed mailing address). RESULTS A total of 1 26 spiders representing 1 2 families and ca. 26 species were collected during this study. Most (78.6%) of the spiders belonged to the fam- ilies Tetragnathidae and Araneidae, with Nephila clavipes L., Leucauge spp., Neoscona oaxacensis (Keyserling) and Eriophora ravilla (C. L. Koch) accounting for 19.0, 19.0, 14.3, and 13.5%ofthe total spiders collected, respectively. Other ara- neid genera included Micrathena, Verrucosa, and Mangora. Spiders belonging to the families Fil- istatidae, Tengellidae {Zorocrates), Plectreuridae (Plectreurys), Theridiidae (Argyrodes), Lycosidae (Lycosa), Oxyopidae (Peucetia), Clubionidae, Sparassidae, Selenopidae (Selenops), Thomisi- dae {Misumenoides, Misumenops) and Salticidae {Phidippus) were also collected. The majority (103 specimens, 7 families) of the spiders collected were captured manually, while 5 specimens rep- resenting 4 families were collected by pitfall trap, and 18 specimens representing 3 families were collected by sweep sample. Predation by spiders on screwworms was ev- idenced by dead flies in the webs of spiders (Table 1) and by direct observation of flies being cap- tured. Species of Misumenops sp. and Misume- noides sp. were collected, each with one screw- worm fly. Additionally, a Peucetia viridans (Hentz) was discovered with two dead flies on one occasion. Species of 11 genera of spiders captured screwworm flies in webs during the study. The four most commonly collected groups of spiders listed above also accounted for the most (91.5%) webs containing screwworm flies (Table 1). Webs of N. clavipes accounted for 43.9% of those with ensnared flies. Eriophora ravilla, N. oaxacensis, and Leucauge spp. webs accounted for 19.0, 17.8 and 9.5%, respectively, of the webs with flies. All webs of N, clavipes and 88.9 and 93.7% of webs of E. ravilla and N. oaxacensis, respectively, contained screwworm fly cadavers. Only 40.0% of the webs of Leucauge spp. contained dead flies. A rough estimate of percent predation of screwworms may be obtained from the collec- tions of data along the transect heading south of the release crate at release site 5. A total of 389 screwworm flies were observed in webs along the transect within 75 m of the release crate. Webs were located within ca. 3 m of the transect and up to 10 m above the ground. Based on emer- gence of controls, an estimated 8710 flies were released from the site, thus resulting in a calcu- lation of 4,5% mortality of flies by spiders within the 2250 m^ area of the transect. Inspection of the surrounding area resulted in few additional webs being located and no screwworms were seen in the webs. Therefore, the estimate would only be valid for the area of the transect; and it is still imprecise because flies killed and removed from the webs, and flies that were bitten and escaped WELCH-- ADULT SCREWWORM PREDATION BY SPIDERS 25 from the web, but then died, etc. were not count- ed. Although not along the transect, a fly released from site 1 got caught in a web of N. oaxacensis located 1 50 m to the south, the record distance between release site and point of entanglement in a spider web during this study. Due to the small sample size, fly capture data were pooled for all spider species. Generally, more flies per web were ensnared from 1-10 m from the release crate than from 1 1-20+ m for most species of spiders (Fig. 1). Most webs of all spe- cies (64.6%) along the transect were 1-3 m above ground and accounted for the most screwworm flies ensnared. More webs (27.7%) were 7-10 m than 3. 5-6. 5 m above ground (7.7%), and more flies were caught in the higher webs than those located within the 3. 5-6. 5 m range (Fig. 2). This pattern was exhibited by N, clavipes and E. rav- illa webs. Entanglement in webs of Neoscona oaxacensis occurred 1-3 m above ground, and the webs of the unidentified species were mostly 1-3 m above ground. Observations of fly activity at the release site indicated that flies began leaving the release crate at 0800 h on 26 September and continued until observations were stopped at 1 600 h. Fly activity began at0637hon27 September and continued until 1437 h, at which time dispersal from the release crate was complete. On both days, fly activity increased when direct sunlight reached the release crate, and slowly decreased when di- rect sunlight was blocked by clouds. No flies left the release crate while it rained, and flies outside of the release crate moved to the undersides of leaves and rocks during the rain. Observations on the predatory activity of spi- ders in webs within three m of the release crate were made in relation to screwworm flies emerg- ing from the release crate at release site 5. In- dividuals of N. clavipes (five females) began feed- ing on the flies immediately as the flies became trapped in the webs on the morning of 26 Sep- tember. This activity continued from 0800 h un- til ca. 1020 h, when the spiders began repairing the webs. Predation and web repair continued throughout the afternoon while the flies were ac- tive. However, spiders began ignoring some of the new flies caught in the webs ca. midday (e.g., one spider with 29 flies in its web began ignoring the flies at 1148 h and another spider with 14 flies in its web began ignoring other flies at 1151 h). Flies that were ignored and not killed im- mediately had time to make a possible escape. Table L— Species of spiders and number of webs containing at least one cadaver of Cochliomyia hom- inivorax after field release. Cadavers also were found in the webs of an unidentified theridiid and other un- identified species. Number of webs With Without Species prey prey Plectreurys sp. 1 0 Argyrodes sp. 1 3 Araneus sp. 1 0 Eriophora ravilla 16 2 Nephila clavipes 36 0 Micrathena spp. 2 2 Verrucosa arenata 2 0 Neoscona oaxacensis 15 1 Leucauge spp. 8 12 Total 82 20 Approximately 27.5% (19 of the 69) of the flies caught in the webs of N. clavipes escaped during the study period on 26 September. At 1420 h, a female E. ravilla climbed onto a web of a female N. clavipes, and the N. clavipes rapidly retreated to the vegetation to which the web was anchored. The E. ravilla began exam- ining the dead flies (1 1) in the web and initiated repairs to the web. After repairs were completed, the spider began preying on newly captured flies and maintained the web for the remainder of the afternoon. Upon my arrival at the study site on the morning of 27 September, the female E. rav- illa had vacated the web, and what appeared to be the original N. clavipes owner (based on size and appearance) had returned and was repairing the web. This specimen continued predation in the web and the E. ravilla did not return. The web of the largest female N. clavipes had not been repaired by the morning of 27 Septem- ber, had several large holes and was cluttered with the corpses of flies. This individual made no attempt to repair the web and did not react to any new flies hitting her web during the day. All of the flies that were caught in her web on 27 September escaped. The percentage of flies escaping the webs of N. clavipes on 21 September could not be estimated because the numbers of flies that were hitting the webs and escaping were too numerous to count. At one point during the morning (0745 h), during peak dispersal of the flies, it was estimated that ca. 40 flies per minute were hitting the webs. 26 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 25 8 Q CL Z) H- CL < O if) y o 50 O Nephila clavipes # Eriophora ravilla A Neoscona oaxacensis o 8 o 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 DISTANCE (m) Figure L— Number of screwworm fly cadavers found in webs of three species of spiders located from 1-75 m from the release box. Nineteen screwworm flies were observed being preyed upon during the hours of 0655-1 130 by N. clavipes. Observations on the predation activity of eight female E. ravilla were made in relation to the release crate at release site 5. Predation activity of E. ravilla also began on the morning of 26 September when the dispersing screwworm flies began hitting the webs. At first, webs were re- paired immediately after the flies were killed and removed. However, beginning around 1020 h, the spiders ceased repairing the webs. Then at 1108 h some individuals of this species began ignoring live flies entangled in their webs. Flies were ensnared and killed throughout the day un- til observations were stopped at 1600 h. A total of 88 screwworm flies was ensnared in webs of E. ravilla on 26 September. Seventeen flies escaped from the webs, resulting in an es- timated 19.3% escape. Although more flies were dispersing on 27 Sep- tember, E. ravilla began ignoring the flies hitting the webs after 0848 h. Three of seven screwworm flies ensnared before 0848 h escaped, resulting in an estimated 42.9% escape for that time pe- riod. Predation of screwworm flies dispersing from the release crate at release site 5 by three female N. oaxacensis showed the same pattern as that by N. clavipes and E. ravilla. Predation on 26 September began immediately when the flies be- gan hitting the webs and continued until 1 530 h. Hies began escaping from the webs at 1035 h with an overall 12.7% escape (7 of 55). Spiders also began repairing their webs around 1020 h. Most of the flies caught in the webs of N. oax- acensis on 26 September had been removed by 0630 h on 27 September. Ensnarement of flies on 27 September began at 0654 h and continued until 1000 h. Two flies escaped during that time period, resulting in 1 1.8% escape. DISCUSSION Predation of screwworm flies by species of 1 2 genera of spiders was observed in this study. Specimens of E. ravilla, N. clavipes, N. oaxa- censis, V. arenata and P. viridans were the only spiders within these genera identified to species, with the first three being the most important predators. Nephila clavipes apparently build their webs in areas within the forests which are probable flight paths of insects (Robinson & Mirick 1971), Collections of flies in webs up to 10m above the WELCH -ADULT SCREW WORM PREDATION BY SPIDERS O Nephila clavipes # Erlophora ravilla ANeoscono ooxocensis 27 25- o* 20- Q LlJ cr ? 15- Cl < o Li_ 5- 0-^ 0 O# 2 4 6 HEIGHT (m) O O O • 8 — I — 8 O o 8 o o 10 Figure 2.— Number of screwworm fly cadavers found in webs of three species of spiders from 0.5-10 m above the ground. ground, in the area of the forest canopy, suggest that the forest canopy may be important to the ecology of screwworms. More screwworm flies have been collected in forest habitats than in pastures (Mangan & Thomas 1989). Studies of screwworms have been confined to ground level, so further investigations of the vertical distri- bution of screwworms in relation to habitat are needed. The predatory behavior exhibited by the N. clavipes under observation agrees with the de- scriptions in the literature with one major dif- ference. It was reported that N. clavipes always transported its prey to the hub of the web after immobilization (Robinson et al. 1 969; Robinson & Mirick 1971). None of the five female N. cla- vipes that were monitored at release site 5 in my study exhibited this behavior: flies were never moved from the site of capture. Initially, when prey numbers were low, an immobilization bite was given and wrapping occurred at the capture site followed by apparent feeding on the prey in situ. When large numbers of flies were hitting the webs or when the spiders apparently became sa- tiated, post-immobilization wrapping was omit- ted. The latter is in agreement with Robinson et al. (1969) and Robinson & Mirick (1971). This apparent feeding may have been what was re- ferred to as a ‘Tong bite” by Robinson & Mirick (1971); however, because considerable time was spent by the spiders with the prey and later prey were ignored (suggesting the spiders’ hunger was satiated), it appeared that the spiders were feed- ing. Upon my return to release site 5 on 27 Sep- tember, corpses of flies were still present at the site of capture in the webs and none were present at the hub where the spiders were resting. Also, the bite and back-oflfbehavior described by Rob- inson & Mirick (1971) was not exhibited by N. clavipes during my study, but this was probably due to the smaller size of the prey (i. e., flies vs. crickets) between the two studies. Differences in percentages of prey escaping from N. clavipes webs between earlier studies and mine were probably due primarily to the unusu- ally high density of screwworm flies in the area. An estimated 27.5% of the screwworm flies es- caped from the webs on 26 September. Robinson et al. (1969) reported that 46% of the stingless bees {Trigona sp.) ensnared, escaped from the webs, primarily while N. clavipes was occupied at the hub of the web. However, no estimation was calculated for 27 September because too many flies to be counted were hitting the webs and were being ignored because the spiders were apparently satiated. 28 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The technical assistance of Eliseo Broca E., Alfredo Matias E., Carlos Moises E., Carlos Oje- da E. and Ramiro Penagos R. is greatly appre- ciated. Sterile flies used in this study were pro- vided by the Joint Mexico-U. S. Commission for the Eradication of Screwworms. Permission to work in the Sumidero Canyon National Park was granted by Felipe Barbosa Rivera of the Se- cretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecologia. I am especially grateful to William B. Peck for iden- tification of spiders collected during this inves- tigation. I also thank Frank D. Parker and David A. Dean for their reviews of an earlier version of this manuscript, and Matthew H. Greenstone, David Wise and an anonymous reviewer for sug- gesting changes incorporated in the revision. LITERATURE CITED Brenner, R. J. 1984. Dispersal, mating, and ovipo- sition of the screwworm (Diptera; Calliphoridae) in southern Mexico. Ann. Entomol. Soc. America, 77: 779=-788. Brenner, R. J. 1985. Distribution of screwworms (Diptera: Calliphoridae) relative to land use and to- pography in the humid tropics of southern Mexico. Ann. Entomol Soc. America, 78:433-439. Krafsur, E. S., B. G. Hightower, & L, Leira. 1979. A longitudinal study of screwworm populations, Cochiiomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in northern Veracruz, Mexico. J. Med. Entomol, 16:470-481. Mangan, R. L. & D. B. Thomas. 1989. Habitat pref- erence and dispersal patterns in native female screw- worms (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Ann. Entomol Soc. America, 82:332-339. Miranda, F. 1975. La vegetacion de Chiapas, primera parte. Ediciones del Gobiemo del Estado, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico. Robinson, M. H., & H. Mirick. 1971. The predatory behavior of the golden-web spider Nephila clavipes (Araneae: Araneidae). Psyche, 78:123-139. Robinson, M. H., H, Mirick & O. Turner. 1969. The predatory behavior of some araneid spiders and the origin of immobilization wrapping. Psyche, 76:487- 501. Spencer, J. P., J. W. Snow, J. R. Coppedge & C. J. Whitten. 1981. Seasonal occurrence of the primary and secondary screwworm (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in the Pacific coastal area of Chiapas, Mexico during 1978-1979. J. Med. Entomol, 18:240-243. Welch, J. B. 1988. Effect of trap placement for de- tection of Cochiiomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Cal- liphoridae). J. Econ. Entomol, 81:241-245. Manuscript received 7 December 1990, revised 10 Feb- ruary 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:29-39 THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE CALIFORNIA TURRET SPIDER ATYPOIDES RIVERSI (ARANEAE, ANTRODIAETIDAE): DEMOGRAPHICS, GROWTH RATES, SURVIVORSHIP, AND LONGEVITY Leonard S. Vincent: Division of Biological Sciences, Fullerton College, 321 E. Chapman Avenue; Fullerton, California 92632 USA ABSTRACT. A large and dense population of over 500 burrows of Atypoides riversi in a 2.0 x 3,2 m area was monitored for two years to indirectly determine demographics, growth rates, survivorship and longevity of the spiders. Twelve size classes of spiders were designated by correlating spider size to burrow size. All size classes were present simultaneously throughout the year. Variable gro\vth rates were recorded for spiders in each size class, and survivorship was lowest for spiders in the smallest size classes. It is estimated, based in large part on growth rates, that A. riversi can live at least 16 years in the field. The only long term comprehensive study of the genealogy and demography of a large popu- lation of mygalomorph spiders concerns the Aus- tralian citnizidAnidiops villosus (Rainbow) (Main 1978). In another study, Marples & Marples (1972) observed a population of several species of New Zealand ctenizids for six years. The dem- ographics of burrowing wolf spiders have been examined in detail by McQueen (1978, 1983), Humphreys (1976) and Miller & Miller (1991). Herein I describe the natural history of the fossorial mygalomorph spider Atypoides riversi O. P- Cambridge, the California turret building spider (Rivers 1892). Unlike the long term field studies of Main and the Marples, my objectives were to determine, in a two-year period, the dem- ographics, growth rate, survivorship, and lon- gevity of^, riversi. Unlike Main (1978) and Mar- ples & Marples (1972), who measured burrow and door diameters but did not correlate these measurements to spider size, I measured and cor- related burrow entrance size to spider size. McQueen (1978), Humphreys (1976) and Miller & Miller (1984) found positive correlations for certain burrowing wolf spiders. Decae et al. (1982), studying the burrow structure of a cten- izid, also found a positive correlation between carapace length and burrow diameter but did not associate this with longevity. Using the correla- tion and following all burrow size changes through the two year period, I derived life history infor- mation comparable to following a single cohort of riversi through its long life. Miller & Miller (1991) used a similar approach to study Geoly- cosa turricola. Additional natural history information on var- ious antrodiaetids can be found in Atkinson (1886a, 1886b), Coyle (1971, 1986), Rivers (1891), Smith (1908), Vincent (1980, 1985, 1986), and Vincent & Rack (1982). METHODS Study sites.— Two study sites at the University of California’s Blodgett Forest Research Station, located in the American River watershed on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada in El Dorado County, approximately 10 miles west of George- town and at an elevation 1275 m were chosen for their high density of burrows and uniform ground cover. The population dynamics of spi- ders in both areas were similar; therefore, this paper reports on only one. Population data for the other study area and vegetation descriptions for both are in Vincent (1980). The study site measured 2.0 x 3.2 m and con- sisted of 1 60 20 cm square quadrats formed by a grid system composed of nylon string and wooden stakes. The stakes were placed at 20 cm increments around the perimeter of the plot, and string was placed on or slightly above the ground connecting facing stakes. Ground cover was mostly pine and cedar needles with occasional pine seedlings present during the spring and sum- mer months. A barbed-wire fence enclosed the study area to exclude deer and other large ani- mals. 29 30 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Correlation of spider size and burrow entrance size,— A series of 15 non-metric ball bearings ranging in diameter from 2/32 inch (1.59 mm) to 16/32 inch (12.7 mm) in increments of 1/32 inch (0.79 mm) were hard-soldered to thin single fiber wire “handles”. These ball bearings were then used to measure the internal diameter of spider burrow entrances. The internal diameter was considered equivalent to the diameter of the ball bearing that fit (or came the closest to fitting) the narrowest section of the tapered burrow en- trance. For convenience, burrow size classes were designated by the numerators that fit the entranc- es (sizes 2-“16). Attempts to measure burrow en- trances accurately with a caliper or ruler proved to be difficult and damaging to the flexible and fragile entrance. Six to 14 burrows {n = 128) representing each size class were arbitrarily chosen near the study site for measurement (Vincent 1980). After each burrow was measured, the resident spider was dug from its burrow, anesthetized by cooling with crushed ice (large spiders) or CO2 (small spiders), and measured. Spiders were measured with a stereomicroscope fitted with an ocular microm- eter accurate to 0.039 mm. Measurements of maximum width of both the carapace and ster- num were correlated to the internal diameter of the burrow entrance. Observation platform,— A portable observa- tion platform consisting of a 2 x 1.33 m sheet of plywood was supported approximately 1 2 cm over the plot by planks and blocks. The leading edge of the platform coincided with the trailing edge of the row being examined to allow a de- tailed view of one 20 cm square quadrat. After examining all quadrats in a row, I advanced the platform to the trailing edge of the next row, etc. Since A, riversi, like some other fossorial my- galomorphs, is sensitive to vibrations, successful observations necessitated moving slowly on the platform. Adjusting the platform caused some spiders to retreat temporarily down their bur- rows. Burrow observations.— The position of each burrow was noted and its entrance diameter was measured. Burrows with flexible and freshly silked turrets were measured for size class designation. The following burrow conditions were recorded: (1) occupied [spider was seen in its burrow]; (2) abandoned [burrow appeared in use, but no spi- der was detected during the immediate obser- vation period, approximately five minutes]; (3) closed [entrance was folded closed and sealed with silk]; (4) missing [burrow could not be found]; (5) old [burrow was in a state of disrepair, the turret was stiff and/or tom or non-existent]. These and other relatively rare burrow condi- tions are discussed in detail in Vincent (1980). Data collection dates.— Burrows were initially censused 5-23 September 1976. On 22-24 April 1977 new burrows and burrow conditions for a random sample (n= 1 53) of previously censused burrows of sizes 3 through 1 1 were recorded. Also, burrow conditions for all burrows of sizes 12, 13, and 14 were recorded {n = 13). The ran- dom-sample size for each size class was deter- mined so that the standard deviation of the es- timated proportion would be no greater than 0.30. Confidence intervals for the tme proportions were calculated by a formula given in Bickel & Daksun (1977, formula 5.1.13), and modified to account for sampling without replacement (Cochran 1977, sec. 2. 1 5). During 28-3 1 July 1 977, new burrows were mapped and recorded, and previously re- corded burrows were measured again. On 20 Au- gust 1977 a random sample of burrows present on 28“3 1 July, 1977 was censused to confirm the presence of spiders in the burrows previously sized. Sample size and confidence intervals were determined as above for the April 1977 random sample. All burrows present on 28-31 July 1977 were recensused 19-20 May 1978 to see if they contained spiders. Burrows that contained spi- ders on 19-20 May 1978 were recensused and remeasured 3-6 August 1978, and all burrows in odd-numbered rows were observed at night with a dim unfiltered flashlight as a further check on spider presence. If a spider was not immediately visible in its burrow, I waited several minutes for it to appear; if it still did not appear, I con- sidered the burrow abandoned. Again, all new burrows were recorded and mapped. Survivorship calculations.— Survivorship of A. riversi was indirectly determined by subtracting from the initial number of burrows censused the number of burrows missing or considered “old” during each consecutive census. Survivorship of eggs and emerging spiderlings is unknown. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Correlation of spider size and burrow entrance size.— Burrow entrances ranged from 3/32 inch (2.38 mm) through 14/32 inch (11.06 mm). A regression of spider size (carapace widths) against burrow entrance size was highly significant {P < 0.001) (Fig. 1). Assumptions.— In estimating the following VINCENT=NATURAL HISTORY 0¥ ATYPOIDES RIVERSI 31 Figure 1.— Regression of ball bearing size on carapace width (Y = 8.3X -3.1, R^ = 0.934, P < 0.001). demographics, survivorship, growth rates and longevity for A. riversi, I assume each burrow has had only one occupant who had enlarged and maintained it over time, that burrows present and in good shape contain a living spider, and that missing burrows are a measure of spider mortality. Various field observations support the as- sumption of “burrow fidelity”. Throughout most of the year I have measured increases in burrow width for all size classes and have often observed excavated soil adjacent to burrows. Further, dur- ing hundreds of hours of observing A. river si in the field, only on one occasion was a spider seen totally outside its burrow. (This spider was later found to be parasitized by a nematode). Indeed, the reluctance of river si to leave their burrows was evident by the difficulty encountered in coaxing them completely out even with tethered prey; once outside, they rapidly find their way back to their burrow. Additionally, I excavated hundreds of burrows but never found more than one spider in a burrow. Lastly, pitfall traps placed adjacent to or within 25 m of the study sites, during most of 1977, recovered only adult male spiders and only during the fall mating season. The above observations suggest that A. riversi does not leave its burrow to enter another burrow to evict its resident in a competitive interaction (as in Riechert 1978), to search out larger vacated burrows, or to establish new burrows in better areas. Other antrodiaetids (F. A. Coyle & W. Icenogle pers. comm.), all door-building cteni- zids (B. Y. Main pers. comm.; Decae et al. 1982), and a burrow-dwelling theraphosid (Kotzman 1990) apparently maintain the same burrow throughout life. The assumption that burrows which were maintained contained spiders (deteriorated bur- rows rarely did) was based in part on a 5 August 1978 evening census in which 97.3% of the main- tained burrows {n = 263) were occupied by spi- ders. Those burrows in which a spider was not observed at the entrance may still have contained a spider at the bottom, perhaps feeding or re- pelled by my dim flashlight. The last assumption equating missing burrows with spider mortality may not be entirely accu- 32 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY *D Q> W O 3 n E Burrow size classes and closed burrows Figure 2.— The number of occupied and closed burrows found for each size class September 1976, July 1977, and August 1978. rate. In all censuses a few previously unrecorded larger burrows were found. This is most likely indicative of overlooked burrows in the previous census or, less likely, immigration of spiders which had somehow been evicted from their for- mer burrow into the plot. (Some unrecorded new burrows may have been excavated over smaller burrows thus accounting for some of the extreme jumps in size class, as discussed earlier.) If there is some immigration, there may also be come emigration of spiders not detected by pitfall traps or observation. In any case, however, the number of new, larger burrows was small. Demographics.— Many species of araneo- morphs experience a marked seasonality, with certain size classes restricted to specific times of year. All size classes of^. riversi, however, occur simultaneously throughout the year. Remark- ably high numbers (538, 635, 596) were present for the three years censused (Fig. 2) in densities as high as ten burrows per 20 cm square. Most of the burrows belonged to sub-adult spiders. (Adult females belonged to size classes 1 1 and above, the only size classes found with eggs or spiderlings; most adult males emerged from size 10 burrows (Vincent 1980)). The July 1977 fre- quency of burrows in size classes 4-11, 13 and 1 4 was similar to the September 1976 population (x" = 16.92, df= 9,P < 0.05), yet close to half the September 1976 burrows increased or de- creased in size, and 99 (1 8.4%) were missing (Ta- ble 1). Size classes 5-11, 13 and 14 in August 1978 were similar in frequency (x^ = 26.30, df = \6,P < 0.05) to the September 1976 and July 1977 censuses (Fig. 2). Notably there were fewer size class 3 burrows than size class 4 burrows and fewer size class 9 burrows than size class 1 0 burrows in 1976 and 1978 (Fig. 2). The large number of size class 3 and/or 4 spiders relative to the smaller number of spiders in the larger size classes indicates heavy early instar mortal- ity, typical of arthropods, for all three years. The VINCENT = NATURAL HISTORY OF ATYPOIDES RIVERSI 33 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 C Burrow Size Classes and Closed Burrows Figure 3. —The number of burrows for each size class occupied by spiders and the number of closed burrows during the May 1978 census. total numbers of individuals for size classes 3 and 4 varied with time of year, as well as year to year (compare Figs. 2 and 3). However, the large number of new size class 3 and 4 burrows found in April 1977 and May 1978, 205 and 124 respectively, indicate a late fall and/or early spring emergence for spiderlings. This finding is con- sistent with Coyle’s (1971) data. Fewer new bur- rows of size classes 3 and 4 combined were found July 1977 and August 1978 (40 each) (Vincent 1980). The drastic decrease in number of size class 3 burrows, the increase in number of size class 4 burrows from May 1978 (Fig. 3) to August 1978 (Fig. 2), and the relatively low number of indi- viduals in size class 3 found in September 1976 (Fig. 2) suggest mortality for size class 3 and/or a transition from size class 3 to a larger size class from the spring to fall. Indeed, of the 187 size class 3 burrows first found April 1 977, 59 (3 1 .6%) were missing and 23 (12.3%) grew one size class by July 1977. Of the 87 size class 3 burrows first found May 1978, 10 (11.5%) were missing by August 1978 and 46 (52.9%) grew one size class. The relatively large number of size class 3 bur- rows found July 1977 compared to August 1978 was a result of the larger number of new size class 3 burrows (187) found April 1977 com- pared to 87 found May 1978. The number of new spiderlings can be expected to vary exten- sively, however, as indicated by the range (21-- 74; X = 46) in number of eggs produced by nine females adjacent to the study site (Vincent 1980) and a range of 43-80 {n = 1) found by Coyle (1971) for a coastal population. Unfortunately, the number and size of clutches within the study site could not be determined. The drop off in numbers of individuals larger than size class 4 (Fig. 2) is due to relatively high mortality (Fig. 4) and growth of size 4 spiders to larger size classes (Tables 1, 2, 3). The more stable distri- bution of size classes 5 and above appears to have 34 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Table 1.— The total number {n and percent (%) of burrows decreasing, not changing, and increasing in size, and those burrows recorded closed or missing in the July 1977 census of burrows first recorded September 1976. “Change” column reflects current burrow status. Other = old, abandoned, or destroyed. Size classes as of September 1976 Change n % 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -3 1 0.2 1 -2 3 0.6 1 1 1 -1 30 5.6 1 6 6 6 4 2 2 1 1 1 0 160 29.7 8 57 37 18 13 5 5 8 3 4 2 1 137 25.5 29 32 18 18 13 9 8 4 6 2 56 10.4 3 3 3 10 7 12 8 8 2 3 15 2.8 1 5 6 2 1 4 3 0.6 1 1 1 6 1 0.2 1 Closed 20 3.7 3 5 1 5 6 Missing 99 18.4 16 29 16 12 7 4 5 7 1 1 1 Other 13 2.4 4 4 1 2 1 1 Total 538 60 124 84 69 57 45 30 38 20 6 2 3 been maintained by a complex combination of spiders growing at different rates over the same time period and varying mortality rates for spi- ders in each size class (Tables 1, 2, 3). Growth rates.— Tables 1 and 2 list changes in burrow sizes and conditions over time for the population of burrows censused September 1976 and recensused July 1977 and the population of burrows as of July 1977 and recensused August 1978. Considering all size classes combined (Fig. 5), the 1976 population had a higher proportion of burrows that did not change size (30%), es- pecially size classes 4 and 5 (Table 1), than the 1977 population (12%). Most burrows increased one or two size classes in the two year period from September 1976 through August 1978; however a few increased as many as five size classes and some decreased as many as four size classes (Table 3). Feeding studies in the laboratory (Vincent Table 2. —The total number {n) and percent (%) of burrows decreasing, not changing, and increasing in size, and those burrows recorded closed or missing in the August 1978 census of all occupied burrows as of July 1977; * = other minor changes. “Change” column reflects current burrow status. Other = old, abandoned, or destroyed. Size classes as of July 1977 Change n % 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -5 2 0.3 1 1 -3 2 0.3 1 1 -2 6 1.0 3 1 1 1 -1 24 3.9 4 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 0 74 12.5 4 25 13 7 3 3 2 5 7 2 1 2 1 157 25.6 51 39 20 14 5 2 5 7 7 6 1 2 67 10.9 7 10 16 8 5 9 2 7 3 3 27 4.4 3 5 5 5 6 1 2 4 6 1.0 1 3 1 1 8 1 0.2 1 Closed 17 2.8 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 Missing 203 33.1 74 51 23 12 16 5 9 7 1 5 Other 28 4.5 2 4 4 5 2 4 3 3 1 Total 614 141 137 92 54 41 32 26 37 22 24 5 3 VINCENT^NATURAL HISTORY OF ATYPOIDES RIVERSI 35 Table 3.— The total number («) and percent (%) of burrows decreasing, not changing, and increasing in size, and those burrows recorded closed or missing in the August 1978 census of all occupied burrows first recorded September 1976; “Change” column reflects current burrow status. Other = old, abandoned, or destroyed. Change n % Size classes as of September 1976 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -4 2 0.4 2 -2 6 1.1 3 3 -1 13 2.4 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 0 21 3.9 1 5 5 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 87 16.2 13 35 12 9 2 4 5 4 2 2 71 13.2 9 11 16 8 6 6 5 6 3 1 3 48 8.9 4 8 4 7 8 9 5 2 1 4 19 3.5 1 2 5 5 5 1 5 4 0.7 1 1 1 1 Closed 15 2.8 2 3 4 3 1 1 1 Missing 229 42.6 33 58 37 24 21 15 10 20 8 1 2 Other 23 4.3 2 2 6 3 3 3 2 2 Total 538 100.0 60 124 84 69 57 45 30 38 20 6 2 3 1980) revealed that A. riversi do molt to smaller or larger sizes depending on food intake. Assum- ing similar abiotic conditions, the non-uniform growth rate in the field suggests that prey avail- ability or prey capture rates may not always be optimum for some members of this densely packed (up to 635 burrows ina2.0 x 3.2m area) population. Perhaps ^4. riversi, like other spiders, molts to a smaller size in the field as a response to starvation to maintain abdominal hydrostatic pressure (Anderson 1974), which is important for locomotion and prey capture (Wilson, 1970). A non-uniform growth rate may be advanta- geous to a long-lived species such as A. riversi living in dense aggregations. Assuming that mat- uration of the same clutch is asynchronous, early maturing males would be conducive to outbreed- ing, especially since adult males appear to die shortly after the mating season (Vincent pers. obs.), whereas adult females live several years in the laboratory and field (presumably with the potential to mate). In this regard, B. Y. Main (pers. comm.) has unpublished data which in- dicate that males of the long-lived ctenizid An- idiops mature a year earlier than females of the same cohort and brood. Compared to adult females, which continue to molt after maturity (Coyle 1968, 1971), some- times to larger size class, adult males of riversi {n = 27) had little variability in sternum (2.00- 2.36 mm X = 2.16, 1 SD = 0.1 1) and carapace (3.60-4.16 mm, X = 3.92, 1 SD = 0.15) mea- surements, but a wide range of abdominal sizes (as determined by casual observation) both in the field and laboratory. It may be more advan- tageous for a small penultimate male to sacrifice some abdominal food reserve, which it could have attained by growing another year, to be- come sexually active sooner (perhaps for a short- er period of time due to a smaller food reserve), than to delay maturation and suffer more ex- posure to mortality factors. Survivorship. —Survivorship of^. riversi within this study site varied from year to year and within each size class (Fig. 4). Burrows found September 1976 and recensused July 1977 show a gradual increase in survivorship from size class 3 through size class 8 and for size classes 11 and 14. A similar trend for the ctenizid Anidiops has been recorded (B. Y. Main pers. comm.). The drop off in survivors for burrows in size classes 9 and 1 0 probably reflects both male emergence in search of mates, (see “abandoned” burrows (Vincent 1980)), as well as mortality within the burrow (see “missing” burrows. Tables 1, 2, 3). Size class 1 0 burrows often contained males or were vacant during and just after the mating season (pers. obs.). Laboratory reared spiders of size 9, 10, and occasionally, 11 often molted to mature males. The emerged males probably die during or shortly after the mating season. Adult males were never found in the field after the mating season (July-September) in this study or in Coyle’s (1971). Unfortunately, size classes 12, 13, and 36 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 1977 141 137 92 54 41 32 26 37 22 24 5 3 Burrow size classes and initial frequencies Figure 4.— Survivorship curves, based on burrow censuses, for spiders in initial size classes 3-14 for two one- year periods and one two-year period. 14 had too few members to suggest any trends, yet it should be noted that none of the size class 14 individuals died during this study. Survivorship was lower for spiders in most size classes, especially size class 3, from July 1977 to August 1978 than from September 1976 to July 1977 (Fig. 4). In the two year interval, 1976- 1978, over 50% of the spiders survived for all size classes except 3, 10 and 13. The curve for 1976-1978 resembles the 1976-1977 survivor- ship curve but is proportionally lower. Several mortality agents (fungi, nematodes, and acrocerid and tachinid flies) of A. rivers i were reared in the laboratory from egg sacs or spiders of the larger size classes (Vincent 1983, 1985). Unfortunately, I was unable to rear all the par- asites and parasitoids to maturity for complete identification. In most cases the final size class of the dead spider (presumably killed by the ac- tion of the agent) was determined. Those mor- tality agents isolated in the laboratory and the pompilid Priocnemis oregona in the field are probably responsible for some of the mortality recorded in the study site. Pathogens or parasit- oids were not isolated from spider sizes 3-8 (al- though one egg sac did contain some dead eggs contaminated with a fungus). This suggests that the more mature spiders are the usual victims of these mortality agents. It is not known at what stage in the spider’s development it is first at- tacked by the agent (except for those parasitized by P. oregona). VINCENT=NATURAL HISTORY 0¥ ATYPOIDES RIVERSI 37 O' .£ O' c o o m TJ ^1 M- O O' c/5 O cn c ° 05 O ^ 05 CL *cn Type of change in burrow size or state Figure 5.™ Change in burrow size or state for all burrows present September 1976 and recensused July 1977 and all burrows present July 1977 and recensused August 1978, For the present, I suspect desiccation, canni- balism, and starvation to be the most significant mortality factors for spiderlings. On several oc- casions spiderlings placed in non-moistened con- tainers for transport to the laboratory from the field were found dead and shriveled a few hours later. Larger specimens of A. riversi kept under similar conditions did not desiccate. Coyle (1971) also noted that second instar spiderlings, the dis- persal stage, desiccated quickly unless kept in high humidity. If desiccation is a factor, it most likely occurs during the dry summer months (see July 1977 and August 1978 demographics for burrows found in the previous spring); there was 1 cm precipitation from June through August both in 1977 and 1978. Cannibalism may be significant, especially in dense populations, since positive geotropism might influence spiderlings dispersing in search of burrow sites to enter oc- cupied spider burrows. The proportionally large number of missing burrows in the smaller size classes during the April 1977 random sample and the May 1978 census suggests that starvation during the winter, when food is limited due to snow cover and cold temperatures, may be a significant mortality factor for spiderlings. Longevity,— Mygalomorph spiders have been known to live a long time. Baerg (1963) kept certain theraphosids alive for at least 20 years in the laboratory and believed that one specimen lived 26 years (Baerg 1970). B. Y. Main (pers. comm.) estimates that a ctenized, Anidiops vil- losus (Rainbow), can live at least 23 years in the field. In estimating longevity of A. riversi, it is necessary to approximate several factors: date of oviposition and eclosion, date of emergence and burrow establishment, number of years to reach a size 14 (the largest size class), and the tenure of this size class. Since oviposition and eclosion occur in the summer and early fall respectively, and emergence in the following spring, the spi- ders in the size 3 burrows in September were about a year old. Based on extrapolations from the growth rates observed for all size classes from September 1976 to August 1978 (Table 3), the time it could take a size 3 burrow to become a 38 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY size 1 4 varied considerably. Size classes 3 and 4 most frequently grew one size class in two years, size class five most frequently grew two size class- es in two years, size class seven commonly grew three size classes in two years, and sizes classes 10 and 12 could grow two size classes in two years. Using these growth rates as an estimate, it would take some burrows 13 years to reach size 14. Other extrapolations, from Table 3, could reasonably be used to estimate minimum to maximum time to size class 14. Finally, in Sep- tember of 1976 there were three size 14 spiders; on 22 September 1979, three years later, one was still alive. I estimate, therefore, that under sim- ilar environmental conditions and growth rates A. riversi can live in the field at least 16 years. Most spiders (araneomorphs) live one to three years depending on the species (Bonnet 1935). Why do mygalomorphs live so long? Main (1976), referring to arid adapted trapdoor spiders, sug- gests it is advantageous for an adult female to be able to wait out several continuous years of un- favorable weather conditions that may disrupt the emergence of reproductively active males. In the fall, at Blodgett Forest, few females with eggs or brood were collected, yet during the spring many gravid females were collected. Lack of egg deposition could be due to insufficient acquisi- tion of food during the summer for complete egg development by fall. Living several years would increase the chances of obtaining enough food. Unlike some araneomorphs (Turnbull 1964, Riechert 1976), A. riversi does not appear to change initial burrow locations to take advantage of potentially more productive areas. In addition to biotic mechanisms, A. riversi may achieve a relatively long life because of its sheltered microhabitat. It has been suggested that the burrowing desert scorpion Paruroctonus me- saensis (Vaejovidae) achieved its long life (ca. five years ) as one result of its stable and pre- dictable subterranean microhabitat (Polis & Far- ley 1 980). The burrows of riversi protect them from wind, to some extent rain and runoff, and some potential predators. Additionally, an influx of moisture from surrounding soil (Vogel 1978) and regulating the turret entrance opening (Vin- cent pers. obs.) may help prevent desiccation during the dry California summers. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was completed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Entomology of the University of California at Berkeley. I thank Drs. F. A. Coyle, O. F. Francke, M. H. Green- stone, A. Kronk, B. Y. Main, J. M. Pound, and E. 1. Schlinger for their helpful suggestions on earlier versions of this manuscript. I am grateful to Dr. 1. A. Boussey for his field assistance, Dr. P. Rauch for his help with data management, and Mr. K. Lindahl for statistical analyses. I also thank Mr, R. Heald and the School of Forestry of the University of California, Berkeley for their cooperation and the use of the Blodgett Forest Research Station. LITERATURE CITED Anderson, J. F. 1 974. Responses to starvation in Ly- cosa lenta Hentz and Filistata hibernalis (Hentz). Ecology, 55:576-585. Atkinson, G. F, 1886a. A family of young trap-door spiders. Ent. Americana, 2:87-92. Atkinson, G. F. 1886b. Descriptions of some new trap-door spiders; their notes (sic) and food habitats. Ent. Americana, 2:109-117, 128-137. Baerg, W. J. 1963. Tarantula life history records. J. New York Ent. Soc., 71:233-238. Baerg, W. J. 1970. A note of the longevity and molt cycle of two tropical theraphosids. Bull. British Ar~ achnol. Soc., 1: 107-108. Bickel, P. J. & K. A. Daksun. 1977. Mathematical Statistics: Basic ideas and selected topics. Holden- Day, Inc., San Francisco, California. Bonnet, P. 1935. 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The time of emergence of the spiderlings after oviposition was between 23 and 27 days. The reproduction period occurred between April and October and was apparently related to rain and relative humidity. The spiders have little parental care of the eggs and spiderlings. RESUMEN. De los 50 ejemplares de Linothele megatheloides (Raven), creciendo bajo condiciones de labo- ratorio, solamente 22 llegaron a la madurez sexual, luego de entre 10 y 1 1 mudas. Las aranas se monitoriaron en el laboratorio para determinar el incremento entre un instar y el proximo. Los huevos incluidos en parafina liquida y en carboximetil celulosa, solamente llegaron a gastrula. Bajo condiciones de laboratorio, las aranas no construyeron la ooteca completa y sus huevos eran normalmente comidos por ella. Varios sacos de huevos fueron parasitados y destruidos por hongos y parasitoides. El tiempo de emergencia de las aranitas luego de ser puesta la ooteca estuvo entre 23 y 27 dias. El periodo de reproduccion estuvo entre abril y octubre, situacion aparentemente relacionada con el incremento en humedad relativa. Las aranitas no mostraron inversion parental alta con sus huevos y crias. En concordancia con los resultados obtenidos por Paz (1988), al estudiar por primera vez en el neotropico aspectos de la biologia de L. me- gatheloides en bosques primarios de Panama y Colombia relacionado con algunos patrones de su conducta, se considero que otras situaciones deberian ser investigadas y de manera especial su biologia reproductiva. Asi, se diseno esta se- gunda fase con los objetivos siguientes: verificar si las aranas se reproducen a traves de todo el ano, y si existe alguna relacion con las condicio- nes climaticas reinantes en el area de estudio; determinar el tiempo promedio de incubacion; establecer la posible relacion entre el tamano de la caparazon y algunos apendices (tarso uno; lar- go quelicero y palpo) con la madurez sexual; el peso y tamano de la ooteca y el numero promedio de huevos por ooteca, numero posible de mudas necesarias para alcanzar su madurez sexual; tiempo y mecanismo de dispersion de las ara- nitas y hasta donde fuese posible seguir los pri- meros estadios embrionarios dentro del huevo y la conducta maternal de la arana frente a su oo- teca y aranitas. METODOS El area de estudio correspondio a la misma descrita por Paz (1988). Alii se seleccionaron al- gunos nidos al azar, se marcaron con tiras de telas de color, con el objeto de hacer mas facil su posterior localizacion, especialmente en boras noctumas. En el area se capturaron 50 aranas al azar desde puber hasta adultas, segun metodo descrito por Paz (1988). A las mismas se les midio largo y ancho de la caparazon; largo del palpo, quelicero (no incluida la una) y del tarso uno, con el fin de establecer posibles correlaciones de su creci- miento y la madurez sexual. A las aranas nor- malmente se les regresaba a su nido luego de medirlas o bien se seleccionaban algunas con ab- domen muy redondeado (consideradas gravidas) para traerlas al laboratorio en donde se les co- locaban en cajas separadas de plexiglas. Tambien en caso de encontrar nidos con ara- nas gravidas o con ootecas, se les marcaba para hacerles futuros seguimientos, o se colectaban sus ootecas las que traidas al laboratorio se les 40 PAZ-REPRODUCCION DE LINOTHELE MEGATHELOIDES 41 media su diametro, se pesaban en una balanza digital Quantum-Q-800, se abrian para contar sus huevos, medirles su diametro e incluirlos en un recipiente de plastico de 24 depresiones de 1 cm; 12 de los cuales contenian CMC y 12 con parafina Hquida, para observar posibles cambios embrionarios. Otras ootecas, se colocaban direc- tamente en cajas de petri con algodon en una incubadora de ICOPOR, con una fuente termica de 60 W, temperatura entre 26-28 ®C y humedad relativa entre 80-90%. Con las ootecas producidas en el laboratorio, se trabajo en igual forma y sirvieron para deter- minar el tiempo de permanencia de las crias den- tro de ellas, desde la oviposicion, hasta su eclo- sion. Aranitas inmaduras de pocos dias de haber salido de la ooteca pero aiin asociadas con ella, fueron coleccionadas, lo mismo que algunas que ya la habian abandonado. A las primeras se les colocaba en pequenos recipientes plasticos den- tro de la incubadora, para hacerles seguimiento post-embrionario de muda y de interaccion entre ellas, para completar las observaciones de las nacidas en el laboratorio. El seguimiento de muda y de correlacion de las estructuras somaticas a traves del crecimiento, se inicio con ejemplares de segundo instar, correspondiente a aquellas aranitas recien salidas de su ooteca al romperla. Se tomaban de 6-8 ejemplares por cohors, se pesaban cada una y luego se mataban en alcohol al 20% para medirles las estructuras menciona- das. A partir de este estadio, las sucesivas medi- ciones se hicieron sobre las respectivas exuvias cada vez que mudaban y se pesaban 2 6 3 dias despues de mudar. La pesada se hizo en una balanza analitica hasta el instar 8, y a partir de este estadio, en la digital Quantum en pequenos recipientes de plastico. Los valores obtenidos para ocho ejemplares de tres camadas diferentes para cada instar se registraban y se determinaba el tiempo entre una muda y la siguiente. A las aranitas se les alimentd cada dos dias inicialmente con Drosophila melanogaster y otras especies de las cepas existentes en el laboratorio de genetica y a partir del segundo instar con mos- cas domesticas y pequenos hombpteros, cole6p- teros, ort6pteros, hemipteros e is6podos, cuyos tamanos se incrementaban en concordancia con los instar. A medida que las aranitas crecian se separanan en grupos menores para evitar pre- dacidn entre ellas. Con las adultas se hicieron observaciones, de Tabla I.™ Valores promedios mensuales y anuales de la humedad relativa (HR) con sus promedios, max- imos y minimos, precipitacidn y el numero de dias que llovid por mes en el area de estudio. Tornado del “Cal- endario” Meteoroldgico del Himat, (Inst. Hidrologico, Meteorologico y adecuacidn de tierras) para Colombia 1988. °C °C Dias Mes HR % °C (X) (X) max- imo (X) min- imo Precip. (mm) de Iluvia/ M Enero 88 26 30 23 561 23 Febrero 86 26 30 23 480 20 Marzo 87 27 31 23 513 21 Abril 87 27 31 24 569 23 Mayo 87 27 31 23 705 26 Junio 87 27 32 23 760 24 Julio 86 27 31 23 784 26 Agosto 86 26 31 23 899 27 Septiembre 87 26 31 23 700 25 Octubre 88 26 31 23 611 26 Noviembre 87 26 30 23 692 25 Diciembre 88 26 30 23 667 25 X anual 87 26 31 23.1 661.7 24.25 fase precopulatoria, copulatoria y post-copula- toria. Para la nominacidn de los instares se siguio la nomenclatura de Vachon (Foelix 1982). Los cambios meterol6gicos a traves del ano con los registros promedios de humedad relativa, temperatura y aquellas precipitacidn pluvial mensual se obtuvieron del boletin mensual de la estacidn del HIMAT para esta area del Choc6 (1988). Desde febrero 1988 hasta julio 1989 se visit6 cada mes y medio el area de estudio, con un periodo de permanencia entre ocho y cinco dias. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSION De los valores de factores ambientales la pre- cipitacibn suele incrementar manifiestamente a partir del mes de abril hasta septiembre, alcan- zando su maximo durante el mes de agosto. Exis- te aparentemente una relaci6n entre la epoca en que se reproducen estas aranas y el incremento de los periodos de humedad ambiental. S61o a partir de los liltimos dias del mes de abril del primer semestre del 1988 y 1989, al incrementar las Iluvias, se encontraron las primeras ootecas sin reventar (tres en el 1988 y dos en el 1989). Caparazon, ooteca y numero de huevos.— El numero de huevos promedio de siete ootecas abiertas al azar fue de 161.5 (cuatro procedentes 42 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Tabla 2.— Aqui se representan las ootecas, con sus correspondientes valores para ancho, largo, peso de cada una y su numero correspondiente de huevos. Los asteriscos representan las ootecas abiertas para contar su contenido. N° ooteca Ancho caparazbn (cm) Largo ooteca (cm) Peso ooteca (g) N° de huevos 1 .8 2.4 1.5 No abiertos (incubacidn) 2 .9 2.1 No fue reiterada (oofagia) _ 3 .9 2.8 1.7 97 4 1.0 2.9 1.8 132 5 1.2 3.0 1.7 No abiertos (incubacidn) 6 1.2 3.0 No fue reiterada (oofagia) — 7 1.2 2.9 1.6 184 8 1.1 2.8 No fue reiterada (oofagia) 9 1.1 2.8 No fue reiterada (oofagia) — *10 1.1 2.9 1.9 209 *11 1.0 2.1 1.9 183 12 .9 2.1 No fue reiterada (oofagia) __ *13 1.3 2.8 1.9 207 *14 1.3 2.9 2.0 219 15 1.3 2.6 3.0 No abiertos (incubacion) 16 1.3 2.8 2.0 No abiertos (incubacidn) del campo y tres del laboratorio), no se abrieron para evitar alta perdida de aranitas. El numero de estos por saco tendio a incrementar con los mayores valores del ancho de la caparazon, largo y peso de la ooteca, tabla 2. El diametro pro- medio de los mismos para 100 tornados al azar de cinco sacos (5 x 20) fue de 2.2 mm (rango de 1.72-2.45). Miyashita (1987) informa que Valerio (1976), al trabajar con Achaearanea tepidariorum (Koch) en Centro America (Costa Rica) encontro que el potencial promedio de huevos puestos por una hembra al ano es de 321 1.9 y 14.1 ootecas, po- siblemente debido a una mayor presion de se- leccion de predacion. Peaslee (1983) reporto para Octonoba octonarius (Muna), un numero pro- medio de huevos por ootecas de 78 (rango 45~ 107). Galiano (1972, 1973) estudiando el desa- rrollo post-embrionario de aranas de Therap- hosidae y Dipluridae en la Argentina, encuentra para Acanthoscurria sternalis (Pocock) un pro- medio de huevos de 1 050-1 130 con diametros de 1.3-1. 6 mm, para Avicularia avicularia (Lin- naeus) de 70-1 12 huevos con diametros de 3.86- 4.06 mm, y para Ischonothele siemensi (Cam- bridge) de 80-150 huevos con diametro de los 0.9-1 mm. En cinco sacos (2, 6, 8, 9 y 10) puestos bajo condiciones de laboratorio no retirados del re- cipiente con la arana, fueron consumidos por esta. Estos casos de oofagia estarian relacionados con factores ad versos que bajo condiciones de laboratorio, inducirian a no colocar las tres capas de seda con las que suelen proteger y aislar sus huevos, facilitando su consumo luego de ovi- positardos. Oviposicion vs. incubacion: Aranas gravidas tejen en un area de su red una especie de tela cuyo tejido es mucho mas fino y fusionado que el resto de ella, semejando una verdadera “man- ta”, de color bianco, en parte similar a la que construye cuando va a mudar. Alii, la arana de- posita primero un liquido claro bastante gelati- noso, e inicia la deposicion de sus huevos alter- nadamente, y luego comienza el tejido de las capas de seda para aislar la ooteca a manera de camara (Fig. 1). Bajo condiciones de cautiverio, la colocacion de la ultima capa, no se observo, quedando asi los huevos expuestos. Esta capa poco elastica y altamente resistente, ademas de aislar y proteger los huevos, servira por su puesto para mantener la humedad en el interior del saco, proveida por el liquido siruposo. El numero de ootecas por epoca de reproduccion fue de una en condiciones de laboratorio. El tiempo de permanencia dentro del saco, se estimo con tres ootecas (1, 5, y 16) las cuales no se abrieron. La uno procedia del campo con fecha de oviposicion junio 4, 1988 y las dos restantes del laboratorio puestas en julio 26, 1988, agosto PAZ=~REPRODUCdON DE LINOTHELE MEGATHELOIDES 43 Figura 1 .—Linothele megatheloides, al fina 1 izar una oviposicion. Observese la tupida red del saco y su abdomen muy contraido. 6, 1988. La emergencia de las aranitas fue en su orden a los 22, 27, y 23 dias, por lo cual el tiempo promedio de permanencia se estimo en 24.5 dias, con ranges de 22-27. El verdadero tiempo de incubacion (periodo entre la oviposicion y la prelarva intracorionica), no fue determinado, ya que los huevos transfe- ridos a CMC y parafina liquida no alcanzaron a pasar de la fase de gastrula (la que se caracterizo en ambos medios por el recogimiento de blas- todermo alcanzado entre las 48-72 h). Durante el desarrollo embrionario, observe que buen nmero de huevos se ennegrecen o endu- recen prontamente, lo que se puede atribuir a que no estaban fecundados o haber side para- sitados (Fig. 2). De las ootecas abiertas, no fue posible deter- minar con seguridad el nmero de huevos fecun- dados, ya que al ser la oviposicion secuenciada es normal esperar diferencias en el desarrollo em- brionario y post-embrionario entre los huevos fecundados, lo que se refleja en las aranitas al emerger del saco. Galiano (1972) encontro que la dipluridae Ischnothele siemensi (Cambridge) tiene un pe- riodo de incubacion de los 10-12 dias en Argen- tina; Eason (1969), reporta que el periodo para Pardosa lapidicina (Emerton), es de 23.4 dias con rangos de 1 7-30, dependiendo de las condiciones ambientales; para Cyrtophora moiuccensis (Do- leschall), el tiempo estimado por Berry (1987) fue de 24.4 dias con rangos de 24-28; Moore (1977) reporta para Nephila clavipes (Linnaeus) un periodo aproximado de un mes para el sur de Norte America, siendo menor a nivel tropical, posiblemente por las condiciones ambientales mas favorables. Estas aranas, de acuerdo a lo observado en el campo y laboratorio, no suelen cuidar sus oo- tecas, lo que fue normal encontrar en algunas especies de Lycosidae, Pisauridae, Sparassidae (Heteropodidae), Clubionidae, Araneidae, The- ridiidae y otras familias que permanecian vigi- lantes frente a ellos. Emergencia desde la ooteca y dispersion: Las aranitas al emerger del saco, no suelen abando- narlo, sino que permanecen sobre el, en una pe- quena red comunal. Alii permanecen hasta la segunda muda (1-2) y a partir de este instar, co- mienzan a tratar de construir pequenas redes in- dividuates cada vez mas separadas, hasta alcan- zar su tercer instar. En este estadio comienzan a perseguirse y mantener una mayor distancia in- dividual, conducta de agresion que se incrementa 44 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figura 2.— Ooteca puesta en cauterio, con sus huevos no protegidos. Algunos han comenzado a ennegrecerse y corresponden normalmente a no fecundados o haber sido parasitados. con los sucesivos estadios. Fue necesario en este estadio separarlas en grupos mas pequenos y en recipientes de mayor espacio, para evitar el ca- nibalismo. For esta razon, a partir del quinto instar, cada recipiente solo contenia dos ejern- plares 1-7. En el campo, es bastante posible que a partir del 1-3 es cuando las aranitas comienzan a dispersarse cada vez mas. Relacion sexual. — Fue notorio el desfase ob- servado entre hembras y machos, en los am- bientes naturales y en cautiverio. Es asi que du- rante los seis meses de trabajo en el Parque de la Soberania de Panama, solo encontraron dos machos sexualmente maduros y en casi dos anos de salidas de campo al area del Choco, cinco. De las aranas levantadas en condiciones de labora- torio, hasta su madurez sexual {n = 1 9), solo una emergida de una ooteca colocada en mayo 1988, luego de la 10° muda, el extreme distal de sus palpos evidencio transformacion en gonopidos. Esta diferencia en la relacion de sexos se podria explicar sobre el hecho que al llegar a su madurez sexual (entre la 9-10 mudas), los machos aban- donan sus redes (mas pequenas) e inician la fase deambulatoria en busca de hembras receptivas para copular, con lo cual se expondrian mas a los depredadores. Desarrollo embrionario y post-embrionario.— Con los huevos colocados en parafina Hquida, para seguir su desarrollo embrionario de acuerdo al metodo de Holm/Galiano (1972, 1973a, 1973b) y los incluidos en CMC, con igual objeto, no fue posible hacer este seguimiento. A pesar que la membrana corionica era lisada y la ger- minal o embrionaria permanecia normal, el de- sarrollo del embrion solo alcanzo a llegar a “gas- trula”. Su detencion en CMC, posiblemente se debe a que esta sustancia se endurece poco a poco y a las 72 h, estaba practicamente semisolificado. En la parafina a pesar que esta permanecio nor- mal, los estadios tampoco continuaron, ignoran- dose su causa. Entre las 8-2 horas despues dela oviposicion, se podia observar al microscopio y al stereo, las primeras etapas de division del disco germinal blanquesino, y a las 24 h, este ya habia dado origen al blastodermo, con aparatentes celulas poligonales (Fig. 3-6). La “prelarva”, se obtuvo de ootecas abiertas, cuyos huevos contenian la aranita protegida por la cuticula embrionaria transparente, sobre la cual no fue facil detectar el area donde estarian los dientes de eclosion y responsables de la ruptura de la membrana del corion. Esta etapa se carac- PAZ-~REPRODUCdON DE LINOTHELE MEGATHELOIDES 45 3 4 5 6 Figuras 3-6.~Primeras etapas del desarrollo embrionario de huevos de L. megatheloides. 3, huevo con corion reventado y el germoplasma con su disco germinal dentro de la membrana; 4, capa de blastodermo con sus celulas poligonales; 5, 6, contraccion del blastodermo y exposicion del espacio perivitelino. teriza porque el cefalotorax esta manifiestamente inclinado hacia abajo, las patas plegadas sobre los flancos pleurales, las espinneretas posteriores son mas desarrolladas que las anteriores y no hay cerdas, ni tricobotrias ni pigmentacion somatica (Fig. 7, 8). La “larva” (deutovium), equivale al primer instar postembrionario (I-l). Aqui la pre-larva se ha liberado de la membrana embrionaria o cuticula (primera exuvia), al mudar por primera vez; sus miembros y cuerpos presentan cerdillas, se evidencia podomerizacion pero no tricobotria en sus patas, las que aparecen no plegados al abdomen; queliceros separados, unas visibles, pigmentacion foliar y mancha ocular solo lige- ramente perceptibles. Esta fase es dentro de la ooteca. El tercer estadio (1-2) post-embrionario co- rresponde a la “ninfa”, en donde los procesos dentarios de las unas tarsales y queliceros son bien detectables, lo mismo que los ojos, el patron de pigmentacion del folium y cefalotorax, espin- nereta posterior muy elongada, placas epigastri- cas y cerdas de sus miembros y cuerpo visibles. En este estado salen de la ooteca y son excelentes constructoras de redes adyacentes al saco (Fig. 9). El tiempo entre el I-l y el 1-2 estuvo de los 20-26 dias, para n= \9 ejemplares. A partir del I-l, se procedio a determinar el posible factor de progresion de crecimiento (FPC) relacionado con el incremento promedio en el tamano de algunas de sus partes y peso entre un instar y el proximo. Los valores promedios tornados de las medicio- nes directas de cada estructura utilizada y del peso somatico, su respectivo estadio y FPC, se representan en las tablas 3 y 4, lo mismo que el tiempo entre una muda y la siguiente. Notese 46 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY T abla 3 . — Relacion de valores promedio de las variables utilizadas y sus respect! vos estadios post-embrionarios de Linothele megotheloides, luego de emerger de su ooteca y alcanzar su madurez sexual, n = 22; PS = Peso somatico; LQ = Largo queliceros; LP = Largo palpal; AC = Ancho caparazon (cm); Tj = Largo tarso uno (cm); xFPC = FPC de las medias; I = Instar; DTFPC = Desviacion tipica del FPC; FPC = Factor de progresion de crecimiento; T = Tiempo promedio intermuda en dias. PS Instar (g) FPC AC FPC T, FPC LP FPC LQ FPC Tiempo Muda-2 0.02 0.19 0.14 0.31 0.08 LI Muda-3 0.05 2.23 0.23 1.28 0.20 1.44 0.61 1.99 0.11 1.23 23 L3 Muda-4 0.07 1.38 0.23 1.07 0.23 1.12 0.71 1.16 0.14 1.33 29 L4 Muda-5 0.15 2.27 0.31 1.23 0.27 1.17 0.92 1.30 0.19 1.36 35 L5 Muda-6 0.38 2.48 0.39 1.26 0.31 1.15 1.14 1.23 0.23 1.19 42 L6 Muda-7 0.67 1.76 0.48 1.24 0.39 1.29 1.42 1.25 0.28 1.22 47 L7 Muda-8 1.25 1.86 0.58 1.22 0.46 1.17 1.66 1.17 0.32 1.16 49 L8 Muda-9 2.23 1.79 0.78 1.34 0.59 1.27 2.04 1.23 0.39 1.20 72 L9 Muda- 1 0 2.86 1.28 1.08 1.37 0.76 1.28 2.35 1.15 0.43 1.12 91 LIO Mudaril 3.56 1.24 1.28 1.19 1.04 1.37 3.43 1.46 0.54 1.26 109 XFPC 1.81 1.25 1.25 1.33 1.24 DTFPC 0.44 0.10 0.08 0.12 0.17 Tabla 4.— Valores de la x, su DT y el respective factor de progresion de crecimiento (FPC) para cada uno de los instares obtenido en condiciones de laboratorio hasta llegar a su madurez sexual, n = 22; PS = Peso somatico; AC = Ancho caparazon; LP = Largo palpal; T, = Largo tarsal uno; LQ = Largo quelicero. Instar PS AC LP T, LQ X 0.02 ± 0.0 0.2 ± 0.0 0.3 ± 0.0 0.1 ± 0.0 0.1 ± 0.0 L2 FPC 1.0 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 0.9 ± 0.1 1.0 + 0.2 0.9 ± 0.1 X 0.1 ± 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.6 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.0 0.1 ± 0.1 L3 FPC 1.4 ± 0.1 1.1 + 0.1 1.1 ± 0.3 1.1 ± 0.3 1.0 ± 0.5 X 0.1 ± 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.7 ± 0.0 0.2 ± 0.0 0.1 ± 0.0 L4 FPC 1.1 ± 0.0 1.1 ± 0.2 1.0 ± 0.2 1.0 + 0.13 1.1 ± 0.4 X 0.2 ± 0.2 0.3 ± 0.0 0.9 ± 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 ± 0.0 1-5 FPC 0.7 ± 0.2 0.9 + 0.2 1.0 ± 0.0 1.0 ± 0.2 0.9 ± 0.1 X 0.4 ± 0.2 0.4 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.1 0.3 + 0.0 0.2 ± 0.0 L6 FPC 1.6 ± 0.7 1.2 ± 0.2 1.0 ± 0.2 1.0 + 0.1 1.1 ± 0.2 X 0.7 ± 0.2 0.5 ± 0.0 1.4 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.1 0.3 ± 0.0 L7 FPC 0.7 ± 0.0 0.9 ± 0.0 1.0 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 0.9 ± 0.1 X 1.3 ± 0.1 0.6 ± 0.0 1.7 ± 0.0 0.5 + 0.0 0.3 ± 0.0 L8 FPC 1.1 ± 0.2 1.0 ± 0.0 1.0 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 X 2.2 ± 0.1 0.8 ± 0.0 2.0 ± 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.4 ± 0.0 1-9 FPC 0.7 ± 0.5 0.8 ± 0.3 1.0 ± 0.0 1.0 + 0.0 0.9 ± 0.0 X 2.9 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.1 2.3 ± 0.0 0.8 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.1 1-10 FPC 0.9 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.4 1.0 ± 0.1 1.1 ± 0.2 PAZ^REPRODUCCION DE LINOTHELE MEGATHELOIDES 47 8 Figuras 7, S.—Estadio de la “pre-larva” dentro de la membrana embrionaria. 7, vista lateral; 8, vista fron- tal. que el valor del FPC suele normalmente decrecer en concordancia con el incremento en muda al irse alcanzando la madurez sexual. Estos valores asi obtenidos, se utilizaron con la formula del metodo teorico de correlacion de crecimiento de Franke & Sisson (1984). Cuatro aranas que ovipositaron en cautiverio, mudaron entre los 45-57 dias despues eviden- ciando que siguen mudando luego de llegar a su madurez sexual. A las 50 aranitas tomadas al azar en el campo desde joven hasta adultas se les determine los valores correspondientes al tar- so uno (Ti), largo palpo (LP); largo quelicero (LQ); ancho caparazon (AC) y largo caparazon (LC), para establecer su posible correlacion. Encon- trandose que el mayor valor correspondio al val- Tabla 5,— Valores en cm de las variables anatomicas para « = 50 y un nivel de confidencia del 95% (0.05). LC;^. = Limites de confianza de la x. Maximo Minimo X DT LC^ LC 1.5 0.5 1.1 0.3 1.2 1.0 AC 1.3 0.4 1.0 0.2 o o T, 1.0 0.3 0.7 0.2 1.0 0.9 LQ 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.5 LP 3.6 1.0 3.0 0.6 3.0 2.7 or entre el ancho y el largo de caparazon (r = 0.935) y el menor a la relacion entre el largo del quelicero y el tarso uno (r = 0.065). Los valores maximos, minimos, su media, d.t. y limites de confianza de las medidas se dan en la tabla 5. Stratton & Lowrie (1984) encuentran que estas relaciones son mas positivas en hembras que en machos de Schizocosa mccooki (Montgomery); Austin (1984) reporta que el valor de la corre- lacion entre tamano de la caparazon y el numero de huevos para Clubiona robusta (Koch) fue de r = 0.81 y el numero de mudas requeridas para la madurez sexual de 9-10 a para hembras y 1- 9 para machos. Baerg (1928) encontro que machos de Eury- pelma californica (Ausserer) (tarantula), llegaron a su madurez sexual leugo de 10-11 anos, con un numero de mudas de 22 y una longitud ce- falotoraxica de 47.3 mm y que eran poco abun- dantes. Parasitismo.— Se encontraron acaros asocia- dos extemamente con las ootecas, las que al pa- recer no se comportan como verdaderos para- sitos, al no ver ninguno de ellos romperla o devorar sus huevos. Cuatro ootecas tomadas en el campo, presentaban huevos posiblemente de Hymenoptera o Diptera. Tres aranas se encon- traron en el campo dentro de la cueva, muertas y cubiertas de un hongo filamentoso. Igual cosa sucedio con dos en cuativerio. El hongo corres- pondio a un deuteromicete, de acuerdo a su pa- tron de crecimiento. Algunos investigadores han reportado que buen numero de muertes de aranas son debidas a var- ias fuentes de parasitos o parasitoides, tal es el caso de Poinar & Thomas (1985), McQueen (1978), Raymond (1984), y Nentwig (1985). 48 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figura 9.— Tercer estadio post-embrionario (ninfa), correspondiente al segundo instar (U2), luego de emerger de la ooteca. Conducta pre-copulatoria^—Una hembra que habia ovipositado en julio, se le agrego un macho capturado en el campo en septiembre 1988 el que carecia de espermatoforos en sus gonopo- dios. Al hacer contacto con la hembra, la toco sigilosamente con los extremos de sus patas de- lanteras, ante lo cual esta se retiraba varios cen- timetros; esta conducta se repitio por tres oca- siones, pero en la cuarta la hembra reacciono persiguiendolo hasta una distancia de unos 12 cm. En el sexto encuentro ambos se enfrentan inicialmente tocandose con los extremos del tar- so. Esta actitud al parecer de reconocimiento, se repitio con un acercamiento mayor entre las pa- rejas, sin que la hembra tratara de perseguir o lesionar al macho. El enfrentamiento fue de du- racion variable en cuanto a tiempo desde 2.5 hasta los 13 min. El macho en ocasiones trato de tocar el area ventral de la hembra con sus palpos, sin obtener reacciones negativas por par- te de esta. Las observaciones de esta actividad precopulatoria fueron realizadas en tres ocasio- nes con periodos de dos horas. Hembras recep- tivas al introducirle el macho no mostraron con- ducta agonistica, lo que si se evidencio con hembras gravidas (no receptivas). AGRADECIMIENTOS Deseo dejar expreso mi gran reconocimiento al ICFES, al Centro de Investigaciones de nuestra PAZ==-REPRODUCCION DE LINOTHELE MEGATHELOIDES 49 Facultad, y al Comite del Centro de Investiga- ciones por su gran colaboracion tanto en lo eco- nomico como en lo administrative, sin lo cual no se hubiese realizado satisfactoriamente este trabajo, al no tener inconveniente en ninguna de las salidas de campo y de compra de material. Tambien la colaboracion del profesor Abel Diaz del Centro de Asesoria Estadistica del Departa- mento de Matematicas por su oportuna orien- tacion en el proceso de los datos. Al senor Victor Garrido Paz por su invaluable asistencia en el trabajo de campo, aun bajo tiempos muy ad- versos. BIBLIOCRAFIA CITADA Austin, A. D. 1984. Life history of Clubiona robusta (L. Koch) and related species (Araneae, Clubioni- dae) in south Australia. J. Arachno!., 12:87-104. Baerg, W. J. 1928. The life cycle and mating habits of the male tarantula. Quart. Rev. Biol, 3:109-1 16. Berry, J. W. 1987. Notes on the life history and be- havior of the communal spider Cyrtophora moluc- censis (Doleschall) (Araneae, Araneidae) in Yap, Caroline Islands. J. Arachnol., 15:309-319. Eason, R. R. 1969. Life history and behaviour of Pardosa lapidicina Emerton (Araneae: Lycosidae). J. Kansas Ent. Soc., 42:339-360. Foelix, R. F. 1982. Biology of spiders. Harvard Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, 306 pp. Francke, O. F. & W. D. Sisson. 1984. Comparative review of the methods used to determine the num- ber of molts to maturity in scorpions (Arachnida), with analysis of the post-birth development of Vae- jovis coahuiiae Williams (Vaejovidae), J. Arachnol., 12:1-20. Galiano, M. E. 1972. El desarrollo postembrionario larval de Ischnothele siemensi Cambridge, (Araneae; Diplur- idae). Physis (Buenos Aires), 31:169-177. Galiano, M. E. 1973a. El desarrollo postembrionario larval en Theraphosidae (Araneae). Physis (Buenos Aires), 32:37-46. Galiano, M. E. 1973b. El desarrollo postembrionario larval de Avicuiaria avicularia (Linnaeus) (Araneae; Theraphosidae). Physis (Buenos Aires), 32:315-327. McQueen, D. J. 1978. Field studies of growth, re- production and mortality in the burrowing wolf spi- ders Geoiycosa domifex (Hancock). Canadian J. ZooL, 56:2037-2049. Miyashita, K. 1987. Development and egg sac pro- duction of Achaearanea tepidariorum (C.L. Koch) (Araneae; Theridiidae) under long and short pho- toperiods. J. Arachnol, 15:51-58. Moore, C. W. 1977. The life cycle, habitat and vari- ation in selected web parameters in the spider, Ne- phila clavipes Koch (Araneidae). American Midi Nat., 98:95-106. Nentwig, W. 1985. Parasitic fungi as a mortality fac- tor of spiders. J. Arachnol, 13:272. Paz, S. N. 1988. Ecologia y aspectos del comporta- miento en Linothele sp. (Araneae; Dipluridae). J. Arachnol, 16:5-22. Peaslee, J. E. & W. B. Peck. 1983. The biology of Octonoba octonarius (Muma) (Araneae; Ulobori- dae). J. Arachnol, 11:51-67. Poinar, O. G. Jr. & G. M. Thomas. 1985. Laboratory infection of spiders and harvestmen (Arachnida: Araneae and Opiliones) with Neoaplectana and HeP erorhabditis Nematodes (Rhabditoidea). J. Arach- nol., 13:297-302. Raymond, L. M. 1984. The egg sac of Pityohyphantes costatus (Hentz) (Araneae, Linyphiidae) and its phorid parasite. J. Arachnol, 12:371-372. Stratton, G. E. & D. C. Lowrie. 1984. Courtship be- havior and life cycle of the wolf spider Schizocosa mccooki (Araneae; Lycosidae). J. Arachnol., 12:223- 228. Manuscript received 9 October 1990, revised 31 July 1992, 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:50-54 SURVIVABILITY OF OVERWINTERING ARGIOPE AURANTIA (ARANEIDAE) EGG CASES, WITH AN ANNOTATED LIST OE ASSOCIATED ARTHROPODS T. C. Lockley' and O. P. Young^: Southern Field Crop Insect Management Laboratory, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, P.O. Box 346; Stoneville, Mississippi 38776 USA ABSTRACT. Overwintering egg cases of the black and yellow garden spider, Argiope aurantia Lucas (Araneae: Araneidae), were observed during the late winter and early spring of 1985, 1986, and 1987 in Washington County, Mississippi. Of 120 egg cases monitored in the field in 1985, only three remained undamaged by the period of peak spiderling emergence in May. An additional 1 1 5 field-collected egg cases were observed in the laboratory in 1985. A total of 23,840 A. aurantia spiderlings emerged from the lab egg cases (mean = 341), with 1212 spiderlings emerging from one undamaged egg case. Adults or pupae of either the parasitic ichneumonid wasp, Tromatopia rufopectus (Cr.), or the parasitic chloropid fly, Pseudogaurax signatus (Loew), emerged from 56% of the field-collected egg cases. Nineteen species of insects, representing 19 genera, 15 families and 5 orders were collected from lab-reared egg cases in 1985. In addition, 11 species of spiders were recovered from A. aurantia egg cases. In 1985, 97% of the egg cases observed in the field showed evidence of bird damage. In both 1986 and 1987, 100% of the egg cases were damaged by birds. The black and yellow garden spider, Argiope aurantia Lucas, is a common orb-weaving spider found throughout the eastern part of the United States and along the west coast of North America into Central America (Levi 1968). It has been reported from a variety of habitats, including dense perennial vegetation, dry grassy hillsides, vegetable gardens, roadside and deciduous woods margins, and areas adjacent to streams, ponds, and swamps (Gertsch 1979). Observations on the general life habits, systematics, and distribution of A. aurantia and related species were sum- marized by Levi (1968). Other workers have re- ported on the biology of this species, including overwintering behavior and ecology (Enders 1974, 1977; Riddle & Markezich 1981; Howell & Ellender 1984; Heiber 1985). Minimal infor- mation is available, however, concerning the na- ture and degree of overwintering mortality. Adults and juveniles of^. aurantia do not typically sur- vive the winter, even in the southern United States. Adult females of this species produce egg cases containing many hundreds of eggs in late summer and fall. The eggs hatch during winter 'Present address: USDA-APHIS-S&T-IFAS, 3505 25th Avenue, Gulfport, Mississippi 39501. ^Present address: USDA-APHIS-BBEP-EAD, 6505 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782. and the spiderlings remain in the egg case until spring (Tolbert 1976). The present study exam- ines the overwintering survivability of auran- tia egg cases in old fields and roadside margins of Washington County, Mississippi. METHODS In January of 1985, nine sites were selected within the Delta Experimental Forest (DEE) lo- cated 3.0 km north of Stoneville, Washington County, Mississippi. Four of the sites (Sites 1, 6, 8 and 9) were roadside margins that averaged 1. 0=2.0 m in width and had varied plant com- munities. Sites 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 were old field successional habitats that ranged from a rela- tively small field (10 x 100 m, site 4) to an area 2.0 km long and 100 m wide (site 7). Mixed tall forbs (e.g., Solidago sp. and Aster pilosus) pre- dominated, All sites were within an area (3.5 km X 1.0 km) of the DEE bounded on three sides by soybean, cotton, or fallow fields. At each site, egg cases of A. aurantia were de- tected by walking parallel linear routes and vi- sually searching the vegetation. Each egg-case lo- cation was marked by a 0.5 m strip of red and white flagging tape, with a unique alpha-numeric code written on the tape in indelible ink. To minimize attraction of birds to the colored tape and its associated egg case, the tape was attached 50 LOCKLEY & YOUNG-OVERWINTERING ARGIOPE 51 to vegetation O.S-l .0 m distant from the egg case. Data were recorded for each egg case and in- cluded condition, height above ground, vegeta- tion substrate, degree of exposure, and number of adjacent egg cases within 2.0 m. Marked egg cases were monitored at 30-day intervals in Feb- ruary and March and at 1 5 -day intervals in April and May. At each monitoring, the condition and possible mortality cause(s) were deter- mined. Tolbert (1976) concluded that damage exceeding 1 0% of the surface area or subsequent disappearance of the Argiope egg case was at- tributable to bird predation. The same criterion was used in our field evaluations. There is no indication, from a search of the literature or from our own observations, that mammal predation is a significant mortality factor in this type of situation. Damage that involved less than 10% of the egg case surface was attributed to insects. This category also was designated when insect emergence holes were detected. In January 1985, 235 egg cases of A. aurantia were located; 120 were marked for future field observations and 1 1 5 were removed for labo- ratory observation. Each collected egg case was placed in a plastic 8 oz.(235 ml) cup with an organdy screen cover held in place by lids from which a 5.0 cm diameter circle had been re- moved. Cups were then placed outside the lab- oratory in a screened enclosure with a rain cover. These conditions approximated the temperature and humidity regimens experienced by egg cases that remained in the field. In January 1986 and 1987, field surveys for egg cases were conducted at the same sites as in 1985; however, egg cases were not collected. RESULTS Field Observations: —Eighteen percent of the 120 egg cases marked in January 1985 showed previous damage, apparently caused by birds. By mid-February, the percent of damage caused by birds to these egg cases had increased to 64%. In late May, 97% of the egg cases either had been extensively damaged by birds or had disappeared altogether. The remaining 3% of field egg cases in 1985 showed evidence of either insect para- sitization or predation. On one occasion in 1985, we observed actual bird damage to an egg case. During the morning of 19 February, a male House Sparrow, Passer domesticus domesticus, was seen removing the contents of a previously undamaged egg case. The bird was startled by our approach and took flight with the eviscerated egg case clasped in its beak and strings of material trailing behind as it disappeared from view. In mid- January 1986, 27% of the 143 detected egg cases showed evidence of bird damage. In mid-January 1987, all of the 1 3 detected egg cases showed evidence of bird damage. Over all sites, egg case density also declined during the three survey years. In 1985, density averaged > 5 egg cases per 30 square m. In 1986, this had de- creased to slightly > 1.0 egg case per 30 sq. m. In 1987, only 13 egg cases were located within all 9 sites and averaged <0.1 egg case per 30 sq. m. Laboratory Observations.—^, aurantia spi- derlings emerged from all but one of 115 egg cases retained in enclosures from January to June of 1985. Total emerged spiderlings from egg cases (« = 114) was 23,840; range per egg case: 1 (ex- tensively damaged egg case) to 1212 (completely undamaged egg case). The mean emergence from the 114 egg cases was 341 (±81 SE) spiderlings. Thirty-five of the 115 field-collected egg cases were initially damaged by birds. Eventual emer- gence of spiderlings from these egg cases (x = 55 ± 1 7 SE) was considerably less than from insect- damaged egg cases (x = 134 ±32 SE) and from undamaged egg cases (x = 456 ± 148 SE). During enclosure observations, more than 4700 non-host arthropods also emerged from the 115 egg cases (Table 1). Two species of wasps (Hy- menoptera) comprised 83.7% of all emerging non- host arthropods, and one species of fly (Diptera) comprised an additional 14.5%. These three spe- cies were: the ichneumonid wasp, Tromatobia rufopectus (Say), the eulophid wasp, Pediobius brachycerus (Thomson), and the chloropid fly, Pseudogaurax signatus (Loew). Thirty-eight (33%) of the 115 egg cases reared in enclosures were parasitized by T. rufopectus (x = 6.8 ±1.9 SE T. rufopectus pupae per egg case). Only one adult of this species emerged, however, because 258 of the 259 T. rufopectus pupae were parasitized by P. brachycerus. This hyperparasite produced more than 3700 indi- viduals from the 258 host pupae (x = 14.4 ±5.1 SE per pupa). Seven additional species of Hy- menoptera also were found in the examined egg cases (Table 1). Of these, only the eupelmid, Ar- achnophaga scutata Gahan, and the eulophid, Tetrastichus sp., are known parasites of spider eggs (Eason et al. 1967). The chloropid fly, P. signatus, is an obligate 52 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Table 1.— Arthropods associated with 115 egg cases of Argiope aurantia in 1985 in Washington County, Mississippi. * Less than 1%. Taxon Percent occur- rence in egg sacs Number of indivi- duals Psocoptera * 1 Coleoptera Carabidae Calleida decora Fab. * 1 Stenolophus dissimilis DeJ. * 1 Hydrophilidae Cercyon sp. 2 2 Lathridiidae Corticaria sp. 3 3 Mycetophagidae Litargus sp. ♦ 1 Rhyncophoridae Lixus concavus Say * 1 Diptera Chloropidae Pseudogaurax signatus (Loew) 43 687 Lepidoptera Arctiidae Lithosiinae 2 2 Noctuidae Palthis asopialis Guenee * 1 Hymenoptera Braconidae A gat his sp. * 1 Eulophidae Pediobius brachycerus (Thomson) 30 3713 Pnigalio sp. * 1 Tetrastichus sp. * 1 Eupelmidae Arachnophaga scut at a Gahan * 1 Formicidae Tapinoma sessile (Say) * 20 Ichneumonidae Itoplectus conquistor (Say) 2 2 Tromatobia rufopectus Cr. 33 259 Pteromalidae Pteromalus sp. * 1 Araneae Araneidae Eustala cepina (Walck) * 1 Dictynidae Dictyna sp. * 1 Table 1.— Continued. Taxon Percent occur- rence in egg sacs Number of indivi- duals Dictyna hentzi Kaston 2 2 Philodromidae Philodromus sp. * 1 Salticidae Eris marginata (Walck) ♦ 1 Hentzia sp. 2 2 Maevia sp. * 1 Metaphidippus sp. 5 6 Metaphidippus galathea (Walck) 4 4 Phidippus audax Hentz * 1 Phidippus clarus Keys 6 27 Tutelina sp. * 1 Total 4746 predator of spider eggs (Heiber 1984). In 1985, 43% of the enclosure egg cases produced adult F. signatus flies. However, only 26 egg cases were attacked singly by this fly; an additional 23 egg cases were attacked by both P. signatus and T. rufopectus. Other workers have indicated possible pre- dation of A. aurantia eggs by lepidopterous lar- vae (Heiber 1984, Austin 1985), In our study, two arctiid larvae (subfamily Lithosiinae) were found within the confines of damaged egg cases (Table 1). This subfamily is known to feed only on lichens (Holland 1968). One noctuid moth, Palthis asopialis Guenee, emerged from an ex- tensively damaged egg case. Its pupal case and numerous fecal pellets were recovered from within the egg case, suggesting that spider eggs or egg case material had served as food for the larva. Six species of Coleoptera were found in association withy4. aurantia egg cases. Only one, the carabid beetle Calleida decora Fab,, is a known predator; however, it was not observed feeding on spider eggs or spiderlings. Eleven species of spiders, representing nine genera and four families, were obtained from field-collected A. aurantia egg cases in the lab- oratory. These spiders probably were secondary invaders that entered holes made by insects or birds. In one instance, an egg case and dead fe- male of the salticid, Phidippus clarus Keyserling, LOCKLEY & YOUNG --OVER WINTERING ARGIOPE 53 were found in a damaged A. aurantia egg case. Subsequently, 20 P. dams spiderlings emerged on 2 April, followed on 3 May by 4 1 2 aurantia spiderlings. Other spiders have been observed feeding on aurantia spiderlings in the egg case (Tolbert 1976). We, however, observed no such interspecific predation by spiders. DISCUSSION Sources of mortality to overwintering spider eggs can be partitioned into abiotic and biotic parameters. In the southeastern United States, abiotic factors (e.g., weather) are considered of minor importance to winter survival of A. au- rantia spiderlings inside egg cases (Tolbert 1979; Riddle 1980). Biotic factors (e.g., predation and parasitization) are postulated to have a more pro- found affect on survival (Auten 1925; Eason et al. 1967). Birds have been recorded as a major group of predators of orb-weaving spiders on their webs (Marples 1969; Robinson & Robinson 1970; Blanke 1 972; Waide & Mailman 1 977), including A. aurantia (Horton 1983). Birds have also been implicated as a major source of mortality for overwintering arboreal spiders (Gunnarson 1983). Bird predation on spider egg cases and their contents, however, has been mostly docu- mented by anecdotal or circumstantial evidence. Several studies estimated rates of bird predation on orb-weaving spider egg cases that ranged from 7-42%(Enders 1974; Tolbert 1976; Heiber 1984). These studies, however, were conducted only in the fall of each observation year; continued ob- servations into the spring probably would have produced higher incidences of bird predation, perhaps approximating the 100% values ob- served during our study. During the January to May period of our investigation, birds were for- aging both for food and for nesting materials. The local bird density was also increasing during this period, as summer residents were returning and migrants were passing through on the way north. These factors suggest that the level of bird predation on egg cases that we observed may be both typical for such situations and comparable with the results of other investigations. Egg cases of^. aurantia that are damaged by birds provide nesting sites and sheltered habitats for many arthropod species, including other spi- ders. Many of these associated species are pred- ators or scavengers and may consume host spider eggs or spiderlings. Conversely, they also may consume other predators or parasites of spiders and consequently reduce the overall impact of such organisms on A. aurantia eggs and spider- lings. Our data does not allow a determination of the net effect of predator/scavenger arthropods associated with egg cases on the population dy- namics of A. aurantia. The level of egg-case parasitization demon- stated by r. rufopectus in 1 985 3 3% —is in gen- eral agreement with values found in previous studies (e.g., 21.5%, Enders 1974; 26.3%, Tolbert 1976; 36.1%, Heiber 1984). T. rufopectus is a well known parasitoid of spider eggs and was first described by Cresson (1870) from A. aurantia egg cases. It attacks y4. aurantia eggs by inserting its long ovipositor through the outer cover of the egg case into the flocculent layer. Wasp eggs are deposited on or near the host egg mass and the emerging wasp larvae make their way to the host eggs and burrow into the mass to feed. P. bra- chycerus, a parasitoid of T. rufopectus, does no known damage to spider eggs or spiderlings (Peck 1985). Previous studies have shown the chloropid fly, P. signatus, to be a fairly common parasitoid of A. aurantia eggs (Enders 1974; Tolbert 1976; Heiber 1984, 1985). However, parasitization values observed during our study were 3-4 times greater than those found previously (Tolbert 1976; Heiber 1984). P. signatus oviposits on egg case surfaces, whereupon after fly egg hatch the larvae force their way through the outer covering into the host egg mass (Kessel & Kessel 1937; Hickman 1970). Heiber (1984) found that the level of successful parasitization of P. signatus increased significantly when it attacked egg cases already damaged by other parasitoids or preda- tors. These data suggest that prior egg case dam- age may be an important factor in successful par- asitization by this chloropid fly. The egg cases of A. aurantia are assumed to have evolved to protect their contents from one or more mortality factors. It is apparent from our study, however, that these structures have not prevented considerable mortality to their contents caused by bird damage or by parasit- ization. These two mortality factors, when added to subsequent mortality of spiderlings in the egg case caused by other agents, may be the major determinants of A. aurantia population density in old field and margin habitats. On the other hand, bird predation or parasitization typically 54 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY does not cause complete mortality in affected egg cases. The number of survivors from such egg cases, combined with those from unaffected egg cases, may be sufficient to maintain population levels of A. aurantia in a particular area. Because of the large-scale removal of egg cases from our field sites for laboratory study, the subsequent decline in A. aurantia populations cannot be de- finitively ascribed to either natural or investi- gator-associated parameters. Determining the relative importance of various mortality factors associated with A. aurantia egg cases awaits fur- ther experimentation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Identification of insects was provided by the following members of the USD A Systematic En- tomology Laboratory, Beltsville, MD: R. W. Carlson, E. E. Grissell, P. M. Marsh, R. W. Poole, C. W. Sabrosky, M. E. Schauff, and D. R. Smith. Spiders were identified by G. B. Edwards, Div. Plant Industry, Florida Dept. Agric. & Cons. Serv., Gainesville, FL. Voucher specimens are located at these institutions and in the personal collection of the senior author. An exceptionally thorough manuscript review was provided by D. T. Jennings, with additional review by M. H. Greenstone. LITERATURE CITED Austin, A. D. 1985. The function of spider egg sacs in relation to parasitoids and predators, with special reference to the Australian fauna. J. Nat. Hist., 19: 359-376. Auten, M. 1 925. Insects associated with spider nests. Ann. Entomol. Soc. America, 18:240-250. Blanke, B. 1972. Untersuchungen zur Oekophsiolo- gie und Oekethologic von Cyrtophora citricola For- skal (Araneae: Araneidae) in Andulusien. Forma et Functio., 5:125-160. Cresson, E. T. 1870. Trans. American Ent. Soc., 3:145-148. Eason, R. R., W. B. Peck & W. H. Whitcomb. 1967. Notes on spider parasites including a reference list. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc., 40:422-434. Enders, F. 1974. Vertical stratification in orb- web spiders (Araneidae, Araneae) and a consideration of other methods of coexistence. Ecology, 55:31 7-328. Enders, F. 1977. Web-site selection by orb- web spi- ders, particularly Argiope aurantia Lucas. Anim. Be- hav., 25:694-712. Gertsch, W. J. 1 979. American Spiders, 2nd Ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Gunnarson, B. 1983. Winter mortality of spruce-liv- ing spiders: effect of spider interactions and bird predation. Oikos, 40:226-233. Heiber, C, S. 1984. The role of the cocoons of orb- weaving spiders. Ph.D, Dissertation, Univ. of Flor- ida, Gainesville. Heiber, C. S. 1985. The “insulation” layer in the cocoons of Argiope aurantia (Araneae: Araneidae), J. Therm. Biol, 10:171-175. Hickman, V. V. 1970. The biology of Tasmanian Chloropidae (Diptera) whose larvae feed on spider’s eggs. J. Entomol Soc. Australia (N. S. W.), 7:8-33. Holland, W. J, 1968. The Moth Book. Dover Publ, New York. Horton, C. C. 1983. Predators of two orb-web spiders (Araneae, Araneidae). J. Arachnol, 11:447.^48. Howell, F. G. & R. D. Ellender. 1984. Observations on growth and diet of Argiope aurantia Lucas (Ar- aneidae) in a successional habitat. J. Arachnol, 12: 29-36. Kessel, E. L. & B. B. Kessel. 1937. The life history of Gaurax araneae Coq., an egg predator of the black widow spider, Latrodectus mactans (Fabr.). Pan-Pa- cific Entomol, 13:58-60. Levi, H. 1968. The spider genera Gea and Argiope in America (Araneae: Araneidae), Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool, 136:319-352. Marples, B. J. 1 969. Observations on decorated webs. Bull. British Arachnol. Soc., 1:13-18. Peck, O. 1985. The taxonomy of the Nearctic species of Pediobius (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), especially Canadian and Alaskan forms. Canadian Ent., 1 17: 647-704. Riddle, W. A. 1 980. Cold survival of Argiope auran- tia spiderlings (Araneae, Araneidae). J. Arachnol, 9:343-345. Riddle, W. A. & A. L. Markezich. 1981. Thermal regulation of respiration in the garden spider, Ar- giope aurantia, during early development and over- wintering. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, 69(A):759-765. Robinson, M. H. & B. Robinson. 1970. The stabi- limentum of the orb web spider, Argiope argent at a: an improbable defense against predators. Canadian Entomol, 102:641-655. Tolbert, W. W. 1976. Population dynamics of the orb- weaving spiders Argiope trifasciata and Argiope aurantia (Araneae: Araneidae): density changes as- sociated with mortality, natality and migration. Ph.D. Dissertation., Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. T olbert, W. W. 1979. Thermal stress of the orb-weav- ing spider Argiope aurantia (Araneae). Oikos, 32: 386-392. Waide, R. B. & J. P. Hailman. 1977. Birds of five families feeding from spider webs. Wilson Bull, 89: 345-346. Manuscript received 28 July 1992, revised 8 January 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:55-59 THE EFFECT OF THE COPULATORY PLUG IN THE FUNNEL- WEB SPIDER, AGELENA LI MB AT A (ARANEAE: AGELENIDAE) Toshiya Masumoto: Laboratory of Ecology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University 6-10-1; Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 812 Japan. ABSTRACT. Some females of the funnel-web spider, Agelena limbata multiply mate. After copulation, males make a visible copulatory plug which covers the female’s genital opening. I assessed the effect of copulatory plugs on the fertilization success of second males, by conducting double mating experiments, using fertile and sterilized males in sequence. When females copulated with only one fertile male, more than 90% of their eggs were fertilized. Some males deposited complete plugs and others incomplete plugs. The relative size of the males to females and absolute male size affected the completeness of plugs. Complete plugs prevented another male’s insemination completely, but incomplete plugs allowed insemination by second males. In general, first males had higher fertilization success than second or later males, and copulatory plugs enhanced the first male’s advantage. In many taxa, after mating, the male deposits a copulatory plug that is thought to prevent in- tromission by other males. This is known in in- sects (Drummond 1984; Matsumoto & Suzuki 1992), mammals (Martan & Shepherd 1976), snakes (Devine 1975), ticks (Oliver 1974) and spiders (Levi 1959; Jackson 1980; Robinson 1982) . In spiders, there are several reports on the pres- ence of an amorphous secretion-like material blocking the epigynum of just-mated females functioning to prevent intromission by a second male. Other mechanisms for preventing fertil- ization by second males include the breaking off of the embolus tip in the female’s genitalia (Tr- giope, Nephila), or the sticking of the cap that normally cloaks the virgin male’s embolus tip in some Araneidae (Lopez 1987). Copulatory plugs are considered an adaptive strategy in relation to paternity assurance in spiders (Austad 1982). However, plugs are generally not 100% effective in preventing further mating (Eberhard 1985). Jackson (1980) presented evidence that some secondary mates of females could remove the plug deposited by the first mate. The funnel-web spider Agelena limbata is an annual species with a conduit spermatheca in which there are two separate genital openings: one for copulation and one for oviposition. Some females o^A. limbata are polyandrous, and males secrete an amorphous material blocking the epi- gynum of just-mated females. To understand the evolution of copulatory plugs, their effects must be assessed. In this pa- per, the effect of copulatory plugs on fertilization success in the funnel-web spider, A. limbata was examined by conducting double fertilization ex- periments, in which one male was sterilized by exposure to 7-rays of C06O. METHODS The spiders.— The funnel web spider A. lim- bata is an annual spider commonly distributed in Japan. Females deposit one or two egg sacs under their webs in September after the males disappear, and they protect the sacs for a few weeks before death. The web of this species con- sists of a flat sheet with an attached funnel ex- tending into twigs of the surrounding vegetation. The sheet has no adhesive properties. After the final molt, the male spider leaves his web and starts his search for mates. Courtship behavior and copulation are performed in the daytime; the duration of copulation is about thee hours (193 ±63 min; mean ±S.D.) (Masumoto 1991). Field observations.— Observation of the mat- ing behavior of A. limbata was conducted from July to September, 1988 and 1989 at the Kyushu University campus, located east of Fukuoka city, Japan. Webs in the study area, located on trees less than 2 m above the ground, were marked and observed daily. In 1988, each web was vis- ited daily in a predetermined order at 3 h inter- vals from 0900 to 2100 h. In 1989, each web 55 56 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY was visited daily at 1 h intervals from 0900 to 1500 h. Unmarked spiders found in the study area were captured whenever possible. Each spi- der was brought to the laboratory, anesthetized with CO2 gas, and individually marked on the dorsal surface of the abdomen with a color mark- ing pen. Within the day, the marked spiders were brought back to the entrance of their original web after another anesthetization. Spiders cohabiting with mates were not disturbed so as not to dis- rupt their mating behaviors. After the mating season from 1 988 to 1 992, females were collected to determine the condition of any copulatory plugs. Laboratory experiments* -Sub-adult spiders were collected in June and July in “Aburayama Observation Park of Nature”, Fukuoka, Japan. They were reared in plastic boxes (32 cm x 19 cm or 1 9 cm X 11 cm). Day length and tem- perature were almost similar to field conditions. Bees were given to females as a food every four days, a mealworm was supplied to males every week, and water was sprayed on both sexes every four days. After spiders matured, I measured the ceph- alothorax width of individuals. Mating experi- ments were conducted in the morning because in this species mating is diurnal (Masumoto 1991). All experiments were started at between 0800-1000 h and lasted for at least six hours. Each individual was used only one time a day. Individual males chosen at random were re- leased into a box containing a virgin female. Af- ter copulation, the genitalia of the females were examined to determine the condition of the cop- ulatory plug. For some females, new males were introduced every day until a secondary copula- tion occurred. To determine the fertilization success of sec- ondary mates, double fertilization experiments were conducted using sequential matings of ster- ilized and fertile (non-treated) males. Males were collected in the field while immature and, after maturation, sterilized by exposure to 7 krad 7-ray of C06O. The behavior of sterile males did not seem to differ from that of unsterile males. Ster- lized males were allowed to mate with virgin females, and after copulation occurred, the shape of copulatory plug was recorded. In some cases, after successful mating with a sterile male, a fer- tile (untreated) male randomly chosen was al- lowed to mate with the same female. In these cases, males were replaced everyday until the 0 1 2 3 4 5 No. of copulations Figure L— The distribution of the total number of copulations of marked females through the mating sea- son in 1989 and 1990. second copulation occurred. The reverse exper- iment was also conducted with sequential mat- ings of fertile (non-treated) and sterilized males. Females started to deposit their eggs in late Au- gust. In late September, the number of eggs and juveniles was counted. Values are represented as means ± SE. RESULTS Field observations.— To assess the number of males which courted or copulated with a female, I used data on 4 1 females which were monitored from virginity to the end of mating season in each year. The end of mating season means the date when the last copulation in field was ob- served in each year (23 August in 1988 and 21 August in 1989). Females were courted an av- erage of 3.76 ± 2.12 times [4.10 ±0.37 {n = 29) in 1988, 2.92 ±0.66 {n = 12) in 1989] and cop- ulated an average of 1.34 ±0.73 times [1.24 ±0.13 {n = 29) in 1988, 1.58 ±0.23 in 1989 (n = 12)]. Of 39 females which copulated, 12 (30.8%) copulated with an additional male (Fig. 1). Variation of copulatory plugs. -= During the first half of copulation, the male used only one of the palps for insemination. After this, he changed the position of the female which was laying on the web, and he used another palp to inseminate during the last half of copulation. After copula- tion, all males made a copulatory plug which was secreted from the palps. Some plugs were clas- sified as complete; these covered the female gen- ital opening completely. Others were classified as incomplete; these covered only a portion of MASUMOTO-EFFECT OF THE COPULATORY PLUG 57 Table L— Mean cephalothorax width of males and females, mean ratio of male cephalothorax width to female cephalothorax width, and mean age of males when he first copulated with a virgin female according to condition of copulatory plugs. Values are means ± SE, * Mann- Whitney U test. Complete plug Incomplete plug z* P* n 31 19 % 62.0% 38.0% Mean cephalothorax width of males (mm) Mean cephalothorax width of 4,87 ± 0.06 4.67 ± 0.09 2.08 0.038 females (mm) Mean ratio of male cephalothorax width/ 4.79 ± 0.08 4.91 ± 0.09 1.02 0.307 female cephalothorax width 1.02 ± 0.02 0.96 ± 0.02 2.06 0.039 Mean age of males (days) 15.4 ±0.7 14.0 ± 1.1 1.53 0.126 the female genital opening. Among 50 untreated virgin males, 31 (62.0%) made complete plugs and 19 (38.0%) of them made incomplete plugs on the first copulation with virgin females. To assess the cause of variation of the copu- latory plugs, I analyzed the relation between the classification of copulatory plugs and relative male size to female size (male cephalothorax width/female cephalothorax width), maximum cephalothorax width of males and females, and male age (Table 1). The mean cephalothorax width of males, and the ratio of male to female cephalothorax width, was greater in males that made complete plugs than in males that made incomplete plugs. To evaluate the variation of plugs in field, I collected 20 females who were protecting their egg sacs at the end of the mating season. Of 20 females collected, 13 (65%) had complete cop- ulatory plugs in their genitalia and the other 7 (35%) had incomplete plugs. Sperm usage pattern.— Most eggs of singly- mated female hatched, and the proportion of eggs hatched was not different between females with complete and incomplete plugs. Most sperm were sterilized by the radiation treatment because no eggs hatched when females copulated with sterile males. I could not obtain data about fertile male/ sterile male double copulations. When plugs were complete, only the first male’s sperm were used in fertilizing eggs. But when plugs were incom- plete, the second male’s sperm were used for fer- tilizing 62.9 % of eggs (Table 2). From the observation of 1 9 cases of pre-cop- ulatory behavior with non-virgin females (in 1 0 cases, complete plugs; in 9 cases, incomplete plugs), I found that before insemination of fe- males with incomplete plugs, five second males removed the copulatory plug deposited by pre- vious males, but that four second males did not remove the copulatory plug which was too small to cover the epyginum. Males hooked incom- plete plugs with the palp and pulled the plug out. But no male could pull out any complete plug. After removal of an incomplete copulatory plug, males started insemination and covered the gen- ital opening of the female with a new plug after insemination. In seven females which initially had incomplete plugs and then copulated with another male, five of them received complete Table 2.— Proportion of hatched eggs per female in the experiments with sequential mating of sterilized and fertile males in the spider Agelena limbata. Sample number is indicated in parentheses. Values are means ± SE. * Mann-Whitney U test. Mating regime Proportion hatched male male Complete plug Incomplete plug U* P* Fertile — 94.0 ± 5.3% (14) 90.0 ± 9.1% (5) 37 ns Sterile — 0.0 ± 0.0% (3) 0.0 ± 0.0% (3) Fertile fertile 88.1 ± 11.9% (4) 93.0 ± 7.1% (4) 8.5 ns Sterile fertile 0.0 ± 0.0% (4) 62.9 ± 11.4% (6) 24 <0.01 Fertile sterile 100.0 ± 0.0% (4) — 58 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY plugs in their genitalia after the second mating. Plugs did not come out by themselves even after oviposition. DISCUSSION From data obtained in field, about 70% of fe- males copulated with a male only once. So first males had a mating advantage compared to the second or later males. But 30.8% of females re- mated with the next courting male in the field. The reason why some females copulate more than once is unknown in^. limbata. Watson (1991b) hypothesized that in the sierra dome spider, Lin- yphia litigiosa, the second mating is important for females as bet-hedging against a cryptic or unexpressed deleterious character present in the first male’s genes. Re-mating with another male may be advantageous for some females in A. limbata. There are no externally visible plugs in Liny- phia litigiosa (Watson 1991a) and in Fwntinella pyramitela (Austad 1982). In L. litigiosa, Wat- son (1991a) suggested that internal plugs would have to be quite subtle and sections of epigyna have not revealed any plugs, and that fertiliza- tion success of some secondary mates is high, although on average first mate sperm priority exists. Females of A. limbata have a conduit sper- matheca in which there are separate openings for entry and departure of sperm on opposite sites of the spermatheca. A conduit system has been thought to encourage a ’first-in/first-out’ bias in sperm precedence favoring first males (Austad 1984; Watson 1991a). But when second copu- lations of females with incomplete plugs were successful, the proportion of eggs fertilized by the first male was reduced: second mates were able to fertilize 62.9% of eggs in the double fer- tilization experiments. Thus in^. limbata, though the mechanism of sperm competition of this spi- der is unknown, first male sperm precedence does not occur despite females having a conduit sper- matheca; and gross spermathecal morphology is inadequate to explain sperm priority patterns as Watson (1991a) suggested. When first mates do not make a complete cop- ulatory plug, their fertilization success is re- duced. Thus in A. limbata, the copulatory plug is very important in assuring first male sperm advantage. Incomplete plugs tended to be made by relatively small males, though the statistic was marginally significant. Smaller males may be un- able to fill the genital opening of females with a plug secretion, but the precise cause of incom- pleteness of the copulatory plug in A. limbata is unclear. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to M. Murai, F. Singer and par- ticularly W. G. Eberhard for constructive criti- cisms on an earlier draft of this manuscript. Thanks are also due to Y. Ono for giving advice and encouragement. Members of the Laboratory of Ecology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University helped in the field survey and gave valuable advice. The irradiation was carried out in the Co60 irradiation labora- tory, Kyushu University. LITERATURE CITED Austad, S. N. 1982. First male sperm priority in the bowl and doily spider, Fwntinella pyramitela. Evo- lution, 36:777-785. Austad, S. N. 1984. Evolution of sperm priority pat- terns in spiders. Pp. 223-249, In Sperm competition and the evolution of animal mating systems (R. L. Smith, ed.). Academic Press, London and New York. Devine, M. C. 1975. Copulatory plug in snakes: en- forced chastity. Science, 187:844-845. Drummond III, B. A. 1984. Multiple mating and sperm competition in the Lepidoptera. Pp. 291- 370, In Sperm competition and the evolution of animal mating systems (R. L. Smith, ed.). Academic Press, London and New York. Eberhard, W. G. 1985. Sexual selection and animal genitalia. Harvard Univ. Press, Cam- bridge,Massachusetts. Jackson, R. R. 1980. The mating strategy of Phidip- pus johnsoni (Araneae, Salticidae), II: Sperm com- petition and the function of copulation. J. Arach- nol., 8:217-240. Levi, H. W. 1959. The spider genera Achaearanea, Theridion and Sphyrotinus from Mexico, Central America and the West Indies (Araneae, Theridi- idae). Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, 121:57-163. Lopez, A. 1987. Glandular aspects of sexual biology. Pp. 121-132, In Ecophysiology of spiders (N. Nen- twig, ed.). Springer- Verlag. Marten, J. & B. A. Shepherd. 1976. The role of the copulatory plug in reproduction of the guinea pig. J. Exp. Zook, 196:79-84. Masumoto, T. 1991. Male’s visits to females’ webs and female mating receptivity in the spider, Agelena limbata (Araneae: Agelenidae). J. EthoL, 9:1-7, Matsumoto, K. & N. Suzuki. 1992. Effectiveness of the mating plug in Atrophaneura alcinous (Lepi- doptera: Papilonidae). Behav. EcoL SociobioL, 30: 157-163. MASUMOTO- EFFECT OF THE COPULATORY PLUG 59 Oliver, J. H. 1974. Reproduction in ticks. 3. copu- lation in Dermacenter occidentalis and Haema- physalis leporispalustris. J. ParasitoL, 60:499”-506. Robinson, M. H. 1982. Courtship and mating be- havior in spiders. Ann. Rev. Entomol., 27:l--20. Watson, P. J. 1991 a. Multiple paternity and first mate sperm precedence in the sierra dome spider, Liny- phia litigiosa (Linyphiidae). Anim. Behav., 41:135- 148. Watson, P. J. 1991b. Multiple paternity as genetic bet-hedging in female sierra dome spiders, Linyphia litigiosa (Linyphiidae). Anim. Behav., 41:343-360. Manuscript received 17 September 1992, revised 11 No- vember 1992. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:60-63 STING USE IN TWO SPECIES OF PARABUTHUS SCORPIONS (BUTHIDAE) Jan Ove Rein: Dept, of Zoology, University of Trondheim, N-7055 Dragvoll, Norway ABSTRACT. Scorpions sometimes capture and crush prey with their pedipalps and do not use their sting to inject venom. Experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that sting use is selective, resulting in conser- vation of venom. Sting use in relation to prey size and activity was studied in two African scorpions, Parabuthus liosoma and P. pallidus. Restrictive use of the sting was observed in both species. Decreased use of the sting occurred with decreasing size/resistance of the prey. Also, prey were not stung immediately after being seized, but only after resisting capture. The scorpions did not sting non-resistant prey. These results support the notion that sting use depends upon the size, morphology and resistance of the prey as determined during initial interactions with the scorpion. Scorpions are notorious for their stinging be- havior and powerful venoms. Sting use plays an important role in prey capture and defense (Va- chon 1953; Cloudsley-Thompson 1958; Stahnke 1966). As yet, there have been no controlled and quantitative studies of sting use, but investiga- tors have suggested a variety of factors that may be correlated with sting use. It appears that scor- pions with large, powerful pedipalps seldom use the sting, while species with small, slender pedi- palps readily sting their prey (Stahnke 1 966; Baerg 1961; McCormick & Polls 1990). Casper (1985) proposed an ontogenetic change in sting use by Pandinus imperator Koch. Young individuals stung prey readily, while older and adult indi- viduals were never observed to employ the sting. Similar results were reported by Cushing & Matheme (1980) for Paruroctonus boreus Gi- rard. Le Berre (1979) noted decreased sting use with smaller prey in Buthus occitanus Amor., and similar observations were reported for other spe- cies (Pocock 1893; Vachon 1953; Cloudsley- Thompson 1958; Baerg 1961; Bucherl 1971; Po- lls 1979). The purpose of this study is to examine sting use during prey capture by two East African buthids, Parabuthus liosoma Hemprich & Eh- renberg and Parabuthus pallidus Pocock. Both species used their stings selectively, depending upon the size, morphology and resisting behavior of the prey. Results are discussed in terms of the costs and benefits of venom injection during prey capture. METHODS Natural history.-- Parabuthus liosoma and P. pallidus are found in several countries in East Africa (Probst 1973). Adults of the former spe- cies are of medium size for scorpions and have a yellow to yellowish-red body, except for part of the cauda and telson which are dark red/brown. They have small, slender pedipalps and a thick, powerful cauda. Similar coloration and mor- phology is present in P. pallidus, but these are slightly smaller and lack the darkened distal part of the cauda. There are no previous reports on the life history or behavior of these species. Materials. —Individuals of P. liosoma and P. pallidus were collected in the vicinity of Isiolo, Kenya in May and June, 1988. The animals were found in the same semi-arid area under stones along roadsides, but no more than one scorpion was ever found beneath a single stone. The sub- strate consisted of compacted sand with occa- sional grass and bushes. The scorpions were taken to Norway, where 1 1 individuals of P. liosoma and 1 2 individuals of P. pallidus were used in the experiments. The specimens were of unknown age and ranged in length (pro- and mesosoma) from 1 8-32 mm (x = 25.1 mm, P. liosoma) and 13-31 mm (x = 21.3 mm, P. pallidus). Specimens were kept individually in terraria (32 X 20 cm), with a substrate of sand and some stones. The temperature was held at 24-30 °C, and the light/dark period was 10:14 hr. Water was provided weekly by misting. Animals were 60 REIN===STING USE IN SCORPIONS 61 (16-18 mm) (24-28 mm) (30« mm) Figure 1 . -- Sting use against three different prey types in Parabuthus liosoma. The whole columns represent total sting use, whereas the dark shaded areas show the percentage successful sting use (see text for further ex- planations). “N” denotes the number of trials. not fed except when tested. Only animals active on the surface in the dark period were selected for experiments. This appeared to be a useful indication of hunger, since they usually respond- ed rapidly when prey were offered. For testing, the scorpions were transferred to an observation terrarium (25 x 25 cm) with a sand floor. They were given one hr for accli- mation before prey was introduced. Data on all activities were collected by direct observations under low intensity red light that is apparently not visible to scorpions (Machan 1968). All ob- servations were made during the fall 1988 and spring 1989. Results were tested using a sign test (Lehner 1979). Experiment 1,— Sting use was compared after presentation of three different types of prey which differed in size and morphology. These were small (10-1 8 mm.) and large (24-32 mm) larvae of Te- nebrio moiitor Linne and a centipede, Lithobius forfkatus Verhoeff* (26-35 mm). Insect larvae and centipedes were seen in the scorpions’ habitat in Kenya, and thus are probably natural prey for the two Parabuthus species. After the acclimation period, a live prey was introduced to the test scorpion, and if accepted, observations were continued until ingestion was started. The scorpions were allowed to complete ingestion before they were transferred back to their terrarium. If the prey was not accepted by a scorpion, the test was discontinued, and the animal was returned to its terrarium. Experiment 2. — Sting use against non-resistant (10-15 mm) (24-28 mm) (2&30 mm) Figure 2. — Sting use against three different prey types in Parabuthus paliidus. The whole columns represent total sting use, whereas the dark shaded areas show the percentage successful sting use (see text for further ex- planations). “N” denotes the number of trials. prey was investigated by introducing freshly killed Tenebrio larvae (29-35 mm) to the scorpions. The larvae were presented by moving them with forceps on the substrate near the scorpion ped- ipalps. RESULTS Prey were subdued in two ways. In 43.3% of the trials {n = 138), scorpions grasped the prey with one or both pedipalps and then pulled the prey to the chelicera and began ingestion without use of the sting. In the remaining trials, the scor- pions used the sting to subdue the prey. In some of the latter trials, scorpions did not succeed in penetrating the prey integument; these scorpions either attempted to sting again or stopped sting- ing and devoured the prey alive. These cases were recorded as sting use, whereas cases with pene- tration of the integument were recorded as suc- cessful sting use. Sting use in P. liosoma. --In this species, the sting was used significantly less (P < 0.001) against small larvae than with the two prey of larger size (Fig. 1). There were no significant dif- ferences in sting use against the large larvae and the centipedes. Attempts were made to sting both of the large prey types in about 85% of the trials, and the sting use was successful in 58.8% (larvae) and 69.6% (centipedes) of the trials. Sting use in P. Individuals of this species attempted to sting the small larvae sig- nificantly less {P < 0.005) than the two large prey types (Fig. 2). Small prey were stung in 20. 1% of 62 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY the trials, whereas the use of the sting against large larvae and centipedes was observed in all trials. Sting use was successful in 13.8% of the trials with small larvae, 95.7% with large larvae and 78.6% with centipedes. Assessment of prey. —Prey were usually not stung immediately after being seized by the pedi- palps. Immediate sting occurred in 14.7% (P. liosoma) and 26.3% (P. pallidus) of the trials in which the sting was used. In most trials, the sting was used only after the prey struggled and re- sisted capture. In several trials, the scorpions at- tempted to subdue the prey with the pedipalps for several minutes before finally using the sting. Sting use against non-resistant prey.— The scorpions quickly grasped large, dead Tenebrio larvae which were moved on the substrate near the pedipalps. Sting use were never observed in any of these cases. This is significantly different from sting use with live prey of the same size (P. liosoma, P < Q. 0^5, n = 9\P. pallidus, P < 0.001, n = 13). DISCUSSION The results provide evidence that scorpions restrict use of the sting and thereby conserve ven- om. This is supported by the observations that they displayed decreasing sting use with decreas- ing size/resistance of prey (Figs. 1, 2). In most trials when the prey were stung, scorpions did not sting the prey immediately after seizing it (a period of prey assessment occurred before use of the sting). Moreover, no scorpion stung non-re- sistant prey (dead larvae), even though they were large in size. This also supports the notion that the scorpion evaluates the struggle and resistance activity of the prey before stinging it. The possibility of restrictive sting use was sug- gested from earlier observations of several scor- pion species (Pocock 1893; Rosin & Shulov 1963; Le Berre 1979; Polls 1979; Cushing & Matheme 1980), but experimental evidence was lacking before the present investigation. Williams (1 987) suggested that scorpions more commonly eat their prey alive or crush them by pedipalps than inject venom. A similar pattern of restrictive venom use was reported for some other predators. The ant, Camponotus maculatus, uses the venom spray differently for large and small prey (Dejan 1988), and some snakes reportedly vary the quantity of venom used for different prey (Gen- naro et al. 1961; Allon & Kochva 1974). Sting use in P. liosoma and P. pallidus prob- ably depends upon the size, morphology and re- sistance of the prey. Large prey (large larvae) and prey with powerful mouthparts (centipedes) were stung frequently by both Parabuthus species, whereas small prey (small larvae) and non-resis- tant prey (dead larvae) were seldom stung. The size and resistance activity of the prey was eval- uated by the Parabuthus in an assessment period shortly after capture. A restrictive sting use in P. liosoma and P. pallidus is probably advantageous because the use of the sting and the following venom renewal is expensive from an energetic point of view. This was not examined, but it is a reasonable hy- pothesis since the venom contains a mixture of water, salt, proteins and other complex mole- cules (Simard & Watt 1990). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express appreciation to my thesis supervisors, Yngve Espmark and Karl Erik Za- chariassen. I’m also grateful to Roger Farley, Dieter Mahsberg, David Sissom, and Gary Polis for valuable comments and criticism of various drafts of the manuscript. I thank Inger Andresen for assistance with the figures. LITERATURE CITED Allon, N. & E. Kochva. 1974. The quantities of ven- om injected into prey of different size by Viper a palaestinae in a single bite. J. Exp. ZooL, 188:71- 76. Baerg, W. J. 1961. A survey of the biology of scor- pions of South Africa. African Wildl., 13:99=-! 06. Bucherl, W. 1971, Classification, biology, and venom extraction of scorpions, Pp. 317-347, In Venomous animals and their venoms. (W. Bucherl & E. Buck- ley, eds.). Academic Press, New York. Casper, C. S. 1985. Prey capture and stinging behav- ior in the emperor scorpion, Pandinus imperator (Koch) (Scorpiones, Scorpionidae). J. Arachnol., 1 3: 277-283. Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L. 1958. Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes and Mites. Pergamon Press, London. Cushing, B. S. & A. Matheme. 1980. Stinger utili- zation and predation in the scorpion Paruroctonus boreus. Great Basin Nat., 40:193-195. Dejean, A. 1988. Prey capture by Camponotus ma- culatus (Formicidae - Formicinae). Biol. Behav., 13: 97-115. Gennaro, J. F., R, S. Leopold & T. W. Merriam. 1961. Observations on the actual quantities of venom in- troduced by several species of crotalid snakes in their bite. Anatom. Rec., 139:303. REIN -STING USE IN SCORPIONS 63 Le Berre, M. 1979. Analyse sequentielle du com- portement alimentaire du scorpion Buthus occitan- us (Amor.) (Arach. Scorp. Buth.). Biol. Behav., 4:97- 122. Lehner, P. N. 1979. Handbook of Ethological Meth- ods. Garland STPM Press, New York. Machan, L. 1968. Spectral sensitivity of scorpion eyes as possible roles of shielding pigment effect. J. Exp. Biol., 49:95--105. McCormick, S. J. & G. A. Polis. 1990. Prey, pred- ators, and parasites, Pp. 294-320, In The Biology of Scorpions. (G. A. Polis, ed.). Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, California. Pocock, R. I. 1893. Notes upon the habits of some living scorpions. Nature, 48:104-107. Polis, G. A. 1 979. Prey and feeding phenology of the desert sand scorpion Paruwctonus mesaensis (Scor- pionidae: Vaejovidae). J. Zool. London, 188:33-346. Probst, P. J. 1973. A review of the scorpions of East Africa with special regard to Kenya and Tanzania. Acta Tropica, 30:312-335. Rosin, R. & A. Shulov. 1 963. Studies on the scorpion Nebo hierochonticus. Proc. Soc. London, 140:547- 575. Simard, J. M. & D. D. Watt. 1990 Venoms and tox- ins, Pp. 414-444, In The Biology of Scorpions. (G. A. Polis, ed.). Stanford Univ. Press, Palo Alto, Cal- ifornia. Stahnke, H. L. 1966. Some aspects of scorpion be- havior. Bull. South. California Acad, Sci., 65:65- 80. Vachon, M. 1953. The biology of scorpions. En- deavour, 12:80-89. Williams, S. C. 1987. Scorpion bionomics. Ann. Rev. EntomoL, 32:275-295. Manuscript received 1 December 1991, revised 16 July 1992. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:64-68 A NEW SPECIES OE VAEJOVIS (SCORPIONES, VAEJOVIDAE) FROM WESTERN ARIZONA, WITH SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES ON THE MALE OF VAEJOVIS SPICATUS HARADON W. David Sissom: Department of Biology and Geosciences, West Texas State University, Box 808 WT Station, Canyon, Texas 79016 USA ABSTRACT. A new species of Vaejovis is described from two localities along the Colorado River in western Arizona. The species is related to Vaejovis spicatus Haradon, to which it is compared. The first known male specimen of V. spicatus is briefly described, and comments on its hemispermatophore are provided. Hemi- spermatophore morphology of V. spicatus suggests a close phylogenetic relationship of these two species with members of the genus Sermdigitus, although they lack several features considered diagnostic for that genus. In 1974 a peculiar species of Vaejovis was de- scribed from the Little San Bernadino Mountains in southern California. Haradon (1974) named this species Vaejovis spicatus because it was the only vaejovid known to possess a distinct, spi- noid subaculear tubercle. In the early 1980s, Dr. Oscar Francke brought several interesting spec- imens to my attention that were collected along the Colorado River in western Arizona. Like V. spicatus, these specimens bore the strong, spi- noid subaculear tubercle. After studying them, however, it became apparent that they differed from V. spicatus in some significant features. It is part of the purpose here to describe the Arizona specimens as a new species. More recently, the first known male specimen of V. spicatus was made available for study. Be- cause males of both forms were unknown, it seems appropriate to provide some brief descriptive notes on its morphology. Although the specimen was in very poor condition, dissection of the hemispermatophore revealed some interesting characters that shed new light on the relation- ships of these two species to other members of the family. Vaejovis mumai, new species (Figs. 1-7) Type data.— Adult holotype female from Gold Road, Black Mountain, Mohave Co., Arizona on 17 May 1969 (M. A. Cazier, et al.). Deposited in the American Museum of Natural History (0. F. Francke Collection). Etymology.— This species is dedicated to Dr. Martin Muma for his many contributions to American arachnology. Distribution.— Known from several localities in western Arizona. Dmgnosis.— Vaejovis mumai is most similar to V. spicatus. Vaejovis mumai and V. spicatus are the only two vaejovid species possessing a distinct, spinoid subaculear tooth on the telson vesicle {Sermdigitus joshuaensis has a conspic- uous tubercle, but not a spinoid tooth). Vaejovis mumai may be easily distinguished from V. spi- catus because the pedipalp chela fixed finger has only five subrows of denticles along the cutting margin (in V. spicatus, the fixed finger has six subrows). The lateral inframedian carinae are more highly developed in V. mumai, being more or less complete on both I and II and extending over the posterior Vi of segment III. The ventro- lateral and ventral submedian carinae in V. mu- mai are also stronger and more coarsely dentic- ulate than in V. spicatus. The carinae of the pedipalp chelae are somewhat stronger in V. mu- mai. There are also some distinct morphometric differences, as V. mumai is a larger species (fe- males 24.5 mm V5. 16-17.5 mm) and has more robust pedipalps and metasomal segments. The following ratios demonstrate the differences in the latter features (values for the holotype and paratype females of V. spicatus given in paren- theses; based on Haradon’s measurements): Pedipalp femur length/width, 3.16 (3.33-3.45); pedipalp patella length/width, 2.95 (3.29-3.31); pedipalp chela length/width, 3.45 (3.50-3.61); pedipalp chela fixed finger length/carapace length, 0.70 (0.76-0.77); metasoma III length/width, 0.86 (0.96-1.0); and metasoma V length/width, 1.27 (1.65-1.67). Vaejovis mumai may be easily distinguished 64 SISSOM-NEW VAEJOVIS ¥KOM ARIZONA 65 from V, jonesi Stahnke, another small yellowish Vaejovis in northern and western Arizona that it superficially resembles, by possessing the sub- aculear tooth on the telson, by having metasomal segments I-III wider than or as wide as long (not with II-III distinctly longer than wide), and by having trichobothria ib and it of the chela fixed finger subbasal (rather than at the extreme base of the fixed finger). Vaejovis mumai also has only five subrows on the pedipalp chela fingers, whereas V. jonesi always has six subrows. Description. —Adult (female) 24.5 mm in length. Base color yellow to golden brown, with- out contrasting dusky markings; metasoma and pedipalps with orange tinge. Carapace moder- ately coarsely granular. Tergites more finely granular. Stemite VII with pair of weak, crenu- late lateral keels. Pectinal tooth count 1 3 in males, 1 1 in females. Proximal pectinal tooth on each side ovoid in shape and lacking sensilla. Metasoma: segments I-III distinctly wider than long; V 1.27 times longer than wide. Seg- ments I-IV: Dorsolateral carinae strong, crenu- late; terminal denticles enlarged, spinoid. Lateral supramedian carinae strong, crenulate; terminal denticles on I-III enlarged spinoid, on IV widely flared. Lateral inframedian carina on I complete, strong, irregularly crenulate; on II almost com- plete, weak and granular anteriorly, moderate and crenulate posteriorly; on III present on pos- terior one-half, moderate, crenulate; on IV ab- sent. Ventrolateral carinae moderate to strong, serratocrenulate; ventral submedian carinae on I weak, granular; on II-IV moderate, serrato- crenulate. Setation of dorsolateral carinae 0:1:1: 2; ventral submedian carinae 3:3:3:3. Dorsal and lateral intercarinal spaces with scattered coarse granules. Segment V (Fig. 1): Dorsolateral cari- nae strong, irregularly crenulate; lateromedian carinae moderate, granulose; ventrolateral and ventromedian carinae strong, crenulate to ser- ratocrenulate; all surfaces moderately, coarsely granular. Telson vesicle slightly granular with distinct, pointed, subaculear tooth (Fig. 1). Pedipalps: Trichobothrial pattern (Figs. 2-7) Type C, orthobothriotaxic (Vachon 1974). Fe- mur (Fig. 2) tetracarinate, with dorsal surface lightly granular. Patella (Figs. 3-4) dorsointemal, internal, and ventrointemal carina strong, cren- ulate; dorsoextemal and ventroextemal carinae moderate, unevenly granular. Chela (Figs. 5-7) with dorsal marginal carina strong, granulose; dorsointemal carina strong, crenulate; dorsal secondary, digital, and ventroextemal carinae moderate, smooth; fixed finger (Fig. 7) with pri- mary denticle row divided into five subrows, movable finger with six such subrows; tricho- bothria ib and it of fixed finger situated between base of finger and the sixth inner accessory gran- ule. Ratio of pedipalp chela length/width 3.45; of fixed finger length/carapace 0.70; of movable finger length/metasoma V length 1.21. Measurements of Holotype (in mm to nearest 0.05 mm): Total length, 24.5; carapace length, 3.50; mesosoma length, 8.50; metasoma length, 9.15 (I length/width, 1.35/1.80; II length/width, 1.50/1.80; III length/width, 1.60/1.85; IV length/ width, 2.20/2. 10; V length/width, 2.60/2.05); tel- son length, 3.35 (vesicle length/width/depth, 2.55/ I. 85/1.30; aculeus length, 0.80); pedipalp length II. 60 (femur length/width, 3.00/0.95; patella length/width, 3.25/1.10; chela length/width/ depth, 5.35/1.55/1.65; fixed finger length, 2.45; movable finger length, 3.15). Variation. —Only a single adult, the holotype female, was available for study. The juvenile specimens (middle instars) differ primarily in coloration, being very pale yellow, and in having the cuticle more weakly sclerotized. Comments.— Several attempts to re-collect this species by myself and colleagues at “P” Moun- tain have met with failure. The species is prob- ably very uncommon and/or exhibits infrequent surface activity during the year. Specimens examined.— U.S. A.: Arizona: Mojave Co.: Gold Road, Black Mountain, 17 May 1969 (M. A. Cazier, et. al.), 1 holotype female, 2 juvenile paratypes (AMNH-OFF); Gold Road (under rock), 15 March 1976 (M. A. Cazier, O. F. Francke), 1 juvenile paratype (AMNH-OFF); “P” Mountain, near Parker, 14 March 1976 (M. A. Cazier, O. F. Francke), 1 juvenile paratype (AMNH-OFF). COMMENTS ON THE MALE OF FTE'/OF/5'*SP/C^rC/5'HARADON, 1974 The original description of Vaejovis spicatus Haradon was based on five specimens (two of which were adult females) collected from Berdoo Canyon in the Little San Bemadino Mountains of Riverside Co., California. In sorting through material on loan from the California State Uni- versity at Long Beach, I found a male specimen of V. spicatus from Pleasant Valley, Joshua Tree National Monument, Riverside Co., California, collected in a pitfall trap on August 27, 1966 by E. L. Sleeper and S. L. Jenkins. Because the male of this species is previously unknown and its 66 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 1-7.— Morphology of holotype female of Vaejovis mumai, new species: 1, left lateral aspect of meta- somal segments IV and V and telson; 2, dorsal aspect of pedipalp femur; 3, dorsal aspect of pedipalp patella; 4, external aspect of pedipalp patella; 5, external aspect of pedipalp chela; 6, ventral aspect of pedipalp chela; 7, cutting margin of pedipalp chela fixed finger, showing dentition and placement of trichobothria ib and it. morphology proved quite interesting, it is im- portant to add some descriptive notes here. The male compares to the female as follows: granulation of the carapace, tergites, and meta- soma as well as the carination of the pedipalps and metasoma are similar to that of the female. A few morphometric differences are as follows: metasoma V is considerably wider than in fe- males (V length/width = 1 .44); the pedipalp fe- mur (Fig. 8) and patella (Fig. 9) are slightly more slender than in the female (femur length/width = 3.53 V5. 3.33-3.45; patella length/ width = 3.50 V5. 3.29-3.31); but the pedipalp chela (Fig. 10) is slightly more robust, with a chela length/width ratio of 3.36 rather than 3.50-3.65. The pectinal tooth count of the male is 12-12. The pedipalp SISSOM--NEW VAEJOVIS ¥KOM ARIZONA 67 Figures 8- 14,— Morphology of male of Vaejovis spicatus Haradon: 8, dorsal aspect of pedipalp femur; 9, dorsal aspect of pedipalp patella; 10, external aspect of pedipalp chela (note subtle scallop at base of fixed finger); 1 1 , cutting margin of pedipalp chela fixed finger, showing dentition and placement of trichobothria ib and it, 12, dorsal aspect of right hemispermatophore; 13, ental aspect of lamellar flange; 14, ventral aspect of “sperm plug” of hemispermatophoric capsule (note the smooth margin at the arrow), lam = distal lamina; fl = flange; tr = trunk; dtr = dorsal trough of distal lamina. chela fixed finger has a slight basal scallop (Fig. 10), but there is no corresponding lobe on the movable finger; this leaves a space between the fingers when they are closed. The fixed finger, with its six subrows of denticles, is shown in Fig. 11. Measurements of the specimen are as follows (in mm, to nearest 0.05 mm): Total length, 1 5.90; carapace length, 2.20; mesosoma length, 4.95; metasoma length, 6.65 (I length/width, 0.95/1.10; II length/width, 1.05/1.10; III length/width, 1.10/ 1.15; IV length/width, 1.50/?; V length/width, 2.05/1.40); telson length, 2.10 (vesicle length/ width/depth, 1.50/1.05/0.75; aculeus length, 0.55); pedipalp length, 6.95 (femur length/width, 1,95/0.55; patella length/width, 2.15/0.60; chela length/ width/depth, 2,85/0.85/0.95; fixed finger length, 1.60; movable finger length, 2.05). The hemispermatophore is illustrated in Figs. 12-14. The specimen and its hemispermato- phores were in very poor condition, so both hemispermatophores were prepared for study as 68 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY described by Sissom et al. (1990) in order to obtain a composite drawing. Once the entire hemispermatophore was drawn, attempts were made to dissect the capsular region to discern its fine structure. These attempts proved futile, as the capsular structures fragmented. However, it was still possible to make some important ob- servations. The hemispermatophore is very slen- der, with the distal lamina noticeably longer than the trunk (Fig. 12; the ental margin of the distal lamina bears a broad flange that terminates some distance away from the base of the distal lamina (Fig. 1 2); the flange (Fig. 1 3) is distally bilobed; and the ental process of the inner lobe of the capsule does not bear booklets (Fig. 14). In light of the structure of the hemispermato- phore, the earlier interpretation of V. spicatus as a member of the Vaejovis nitidulus group (Sissom &Francke 1985) now seems inappropriate. Vae- jovis spicatus and V. mumai seem more properly allied to Serradigitus (but not included therein) based on the following evidence. First, the pres- ence of the flange along the ental margin of the distal lamina bearing a distally-positioned bi- lobed termination is shared between V. spicatus and Serradigitus, as well as with several other vaejovid groups {Syntropis macrura and species of the Vaejovis eusthenura, punctipalpi, and in- trepidus groups; Sissom 1991). The presence of the flange, the distal position of the bilobed ter- mination, and the shape of that termination are all hypothesized to be apomorphic. This con- dition does not occur in other vaejovids. Second, the proximal pectinal tooth on each side in the female (of V. mumai, at least) is ovoid and lacks peg sensilla, a feature previously thought to occur only in Serradigitus (Sissom & Stockwell 1991). And third, although fixed finger trichobothria ib and it are not positioned at the sixth inner ac- cessory denticle or beyond (a character uniting all Serradigitus spp.), they occupy a subbasal po- sition midway between the extreme base of the finger and the sixth inner accessory denticle. In this respect, they diflTer from members of the V. nitidulus and mexicanus groups, in which the trichobothria are at the extreme base of the fin- ger. Lastly, it should be noted that placement of V. spicatus and V. mumai within the genus Ser- radigitus does not seem appropriate because the terminal denticles on the pedipalp chela fingers in these species are not enlarged and clawlike and the primary denticle row is not conspicu- ously serrate. Both of these features are regarded as diagnostic of Serradigitus. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to Dr. Oscar Francke for allowing me to examine the type specimens of Vaejovis mumai and to Dr. Wojciech J. Pulawski of the California Academy of Sciences for allowing me to examine a paratype specimen of V. spicatus. Dr. E. L. Sleeper kindly loaned me a large num- ber of scorpion specimens from collection of the California State University at Long Beach, one of which turned out to be the male specimen of V. spicatus described herein. Marshall Hedin and T. Yamashita attempted to collect this species at “P” Mountain at my request, and I am grateful for their eflbrts. Page charges for this article were paid by the Department of Biology and Geosci- ences at West Texas State University. Finally, I wish to thank Drs. Victor Fet and John T. Hjelle for their reviews of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Haradon, R. M. 1 974. Vaejovis spicatus: A new scor- pion from California (Scorpionida: Vaejovidae). Pan- Pacific Entomol., 50:23-27. Sissom, W. D. 1991. Systematic studies on the ni- tidulus group of the genus Vaejovis, with descrip- tions of seven new species (Scorpiones, Vaejovidae). J. ArachnoL, 19:4-28. Sissom, W. D. & O. F Francke. 1985. Redescriptions of some poorly known species of the nitidulus group of the genus Vaejovis (Scorpiones, Vaejovidae). J. Arachnol. 13:243-266. Sissom, W.D.,G. A. Polis,&D.D. Watt. 1990. Field and laboratory methods. In The Biology of Scor- pions. (G. A. Polis, ed.). Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. Sissom, W. D. & S. A. Stockwell. 1991 [1992]. The genus Serradigitus in Sonora, Mexico, with descrip- tion of four new species (Scorpiones, Vaejovidae). Insecta Mundi, 5:197-214. Vachon, M. 1974. Etude des caracteres utilises pour classer les families et les genres de scorpions. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat., Paris, Ser. 3, No. 140, ZooL, 104:857-958. Manuscript received 10 January 1993, revised 2 March 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:69“72 ON THE IDENTITY OF IDEOBISIUM TIBIALE BANKS (NEOBISIIDAE: PSEUDOSCORPIONES: ARACHNIDA) Bondar P. M. Curcic: Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Science (Biology), University of Belgrade, Studentski Trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia. ABSTRACT. The holotype of Ideobisium tibiale Banks, from Colorado, USA, is redescribed. This species is transferred from Microcreagris Balzan to Cryptocreagris Curcic (Neobisiidae). The diagnosis of the genus Cryp- tocreagris is emended. The pseudoscorpions originally assigned to the genus Microcreagris Balzan 1892 and inhabiting North America north of Mexico have been par- tially revised by Curcic (1984, 1989). While un- dertaking a further revision of this genus, it be- came clear that Ideobisium tibiale Banks, 1909, was erroneously assigned to the genus Micro- creagris by subsequent researchers (Hoff 1958; Harvey 1991). The results of the study of the unique holotype of M. tibialis are presented here. In addition, this study should further stimulate an analysis of the taxonomic rank of all other North American pseudoscorpions currently as- signed to ""Microcreagris"'. METHODS The holotype specimen was borrowed from the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The specimen, mounted on a slide, was thoroughly examined. Terminology basically fol- lows that used by Curcic (1984, 1989). Family Neobisiidae Chamberlin, 1930 GQnm Cryptocreagris Cnrcit, 1984 Diagnosis (emendations italicized). — Galea with apical branchlets. Abdominal stemites VI and VII each with 2 anterior discal setae. Sternite VIII with 2 median setae only slightly anterior to other marginal setae (not typical discal setae!). Male genital area: sternite II with a group of median and posterior setae, sternite III with a group of anterior, some intermediate, and a se- ries of posterior setae. Female genital area: ster- nite II with a group of small setae on each side of the midline, sternite III with a row of posterior setae. Manducatory process with A or 5 {occasionally 3 or 6) setae. Femur and chelal palm of pedipalps smooth or with inconspicuous granulations. Tri- chobothriotaxy: esb distal to et, ist-isb-ib clus- tered on finger base; it and et located distally on finger tip; esb nearer to it than to ist\ st slightly closer to t than to sb {or equidistant from these); sb slightly closer to b than to st {or equidistant from these). Leg IV: tibia, basitarsus, and telotarsus with 1 tactile seta each. Type Microcreagris laudabilis Hoff. Subordinate Cryptocreagris laudabilis (Hoff), C. magna (Banks), and C. tibialis (Banks). Cryptocreagris tibialis (Banks), new combination (Figures 1-6) Ideobisium tibiale Banks, 1909:306 Microcreagris tibialis (Banks): Harvey, 1991:345 (full synonymy) Description.— Epistome low and rounded api- cally, carapace with 4 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 6 = 24 setae. Anterior eyes with ffattened lenses, pos- teriors spot-like (Fig. 3). Galea with terminal branchlets (Fig. 5). Flagellum with 8 anteriorly pinnate blades. Tergites I-X with 6-»9-9-12-13-?-=?--12--12-l 1 setae. Male genital area: unknown. Female gen- ital area (Fig. 4): sternite II with a group of 6 or 7 setae on either side of midline, sternite III with 23 posterior setae and 5-1 setae along each stig- ma. Sternite IV with 1 9 marginal setae and 4-6 setae along each stigma, sternite V with 14 setae. Stemites VI and VII each with 16 or 17 setae and 2 anterior discal setae each. Sternite VIII with 15 setae and 2 setae only slightly anterior to other marginal setae (these two setae are not the typical discal setae!). Pedipalps (Fig. 2): manducatory process with 4 long setae. Fixed chelal finger with asymmet- rical distal teeth, gradually becoming square- 69 70 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures \~2>.—Cryptocreagris tibialis, holotype female. 1, pedipalpal chela (trichobothrial pattern); 2, pedipalp (trichobothria omitted); 3, carapace. Scale in mm. topped and eventually slightly asymmetrical. Movable chelal finger with teeth similar in form and size to those on the fixed finger; only a few distal teeth asymmetrical. Trichobothriotaxy as illustrated (Fig. 1). Leg IV: tibia, basitarsus, and telotarsus with 1 tactile seta each (Fig. 6). Measurements (mm). “Body length 4.80. Car- apace 1.41/1.365. Chelicera 0.84/0.41, movable finger length 0.53, galea 0.13. Pedipalps: coxa 1.04, trochanter 0.88, femur 1.71/0.38, tibia 1.60/ 0.43, chela 2.98/0.69, chelal palm 1 .44, fixed fin- ger 1.54. Leg IV: total length 5.515, coxa 0.78, trochanter 0.60/0.29, femur 1.495/0.35, tibia 1.47/0.185, basitarsus 0.49/0.14, telotarsus 0.68/ 0.14. Figure A. — Cryptocreagris tibialis, holotype female. Genital area. Scale in mm. CURCIC- IDENTITY OF IDEOBISIUM TIBI ALE 71 Figures 5, 6. — Cryptocreagris tibialis, holotype female. 5, cheliceral fingers; 6, leg IV. Scales in mm. Tactile seta position/podomere length ratios: tibia IV 0.345, basitarsus IV 0.20, telotarsus IV 0.29. Distribution. “Colorado, USA. Remarks.— Hoff (1956) found that the type specimens of C. laudabilis showed “considerable agreement with the original description” of C. tibialis, which favored his assignment of these two species to the same genus. Interestingly, Hoff (1961) studied three more nymphs (two proto- nymphs and one deutonymph) from Florissant and from near Gothic, Colorado, USA, respec- tively. He found that they resembled both C. laudabilis and C. tibialis, and he pointed out that the similarity “may be only in generic charac- teristics”. Both conclusions of Hoff (1956, 1961) support the assumption that C. laudabilis and C. tibialis are congeneric. The material of C. laudabilis (Hoff) and C. magna (Banks) has been described elsewhere (Curcic 1984, 1989). Specimen examined.— Holotype female (WM 1213.01001), from USA: Colorado: Florissant; 8,000 ft., July- August (year and collector lacking on label). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to H. W. Levi (Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Harvard University, Cam- bridge) for the loan of the type specimen consid- ered herein. My gratitude is also due to C. W. Aitchison-Benell (University of Manitoba, Win- nipeg), M. S. Harvey (Western Australian Mu- seum, Perth), V. F. Lee (California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco), and S. Nelson, Jr. (State University of New York, College at Oswego, Os- wego) for constructive comments on the manu- script; their help is greatly appreciated. This work was supported by the “Beobanka”- Belgrade, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology grant 0324. LITERATURE CITED Banks, N. 1909. New Pseudoscorpionida. Canadian Ent., 41:303-307. Curcic, B. P. M. 1984. A revision of some North American species of Microcreagris Balzan, 1892 (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae). Bull. British Arachnol. Soc., 6:149-166. 72 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Curcic, B. P. M. 1 989. Further revision of some North American false scorpions originally assigned to Mi- crocreagris Balzan (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisi- idae). J. ArachnoL, 17:351-362. Harvey, M. S. 1991. Catalogue of the Pseudoscor- pionida. Manchester Univ. Press, Manchester & New York, vi + 726 p. Hoff, C. C. 1956. Diplosphyronid pseudoscorpions from New Mexico. American Mus. Novit, 1780:1- 49. Hoff, C. C. 1958. List of the pseudoscorpions of North America north of Mexico. American Mus. Novit., 1875:1-50. Hoff, C. C. 1961. Pseudoscorpions from Colorado. Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist, 122:409-464. Manuscript received 1 April 1992, revised 26 October 1992. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:73“78 THE GENUS CHILEOGOVEA (OPILIONES, CYPHOPHTHALMI, PETALLIDAE) William A. Shear: Department of Biology, Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden- Sydney, Virginia 23943 USA ABSTRACT. The opilionid genus Chileogovea is reviewed and a new species, Chileogovea jocasta, from Malleco Province, Chile, described. Some supplementary illustrations and new records from mainland Chile of the type species, C oedipus Roewer, are provided. The opilionid genus Chileogovea was estab- lished by Roewer in 1961 for a new species, Chi- leogovea oedipus, from Chepu, Isla de Chiloe, Chile. Roewer’s description was sufficient to es- tablish the validity of the new genus, which he placed in the Family Sironidae (the only named family of cyphophthalmids at the time), but omitted important details, such as the form of the male genitalia. In 1970, Juberthie and Mu- noz-Cuevas produced a new description and new illustrations, providing information on these characters, and giving a new record from a main- land locality, Nahuelbuta. They noted the resem- blance of Chileogovea to the New Zealand genus Rakaia Forster, and assigned both to the Family Sironidae Simon. In 1980, in a study of the high- er classification of cyphophthalmids, I placed the genus Chileogovea in the new Family Pettalidae, together with Rakaia and the other southern hemisphere cyphophthalmids previously in Si- roninae (Pettalus Thorell, Purcellia Hansen and Sorensen, Speleosiro Lawrence, Parapurcellia Rosas Costa, and Neopurcellia Forster; Juberthie [1988] has named a new genus, Austropurcellia, which also belongs in this family). The family is distibuted in South Africa, Sri Lanka, New Zea- land and Australia, and Chile. In 1981, 1985-86, and 1992, Norman Plat- nick, Oscar Francke and Randall Schuh of the American Museum of Natural History made col- lecting trips to Chile, as did A. Newton and M. Thayer in 1982. Among their material were ex- amples of Chileogovea, including specimens of a new species, and near topotypes and several new mainland records of C. oedipus. I thank Dr. Plat- nick for the opportunity to study these speci- mens, all of which have been deposited in the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). James Cokendolpher and Emilio Maury provid- ed helpful reviews of the manuscript. Specimens were observed, measured, and drawn using a dissecting microscope. The right chelicera, pedipalp, first and fourth legs, and pe- nis were then mounted in glycerine on a micro- scope slide and examined with a compound mi- croscope outfitted with Nomarski Interference Contrast optics, and measured with an ocular micrometer. All measurements are in millime- ters; in the description, measurements of ap- pendage segments are given in order from basal to distal (beginning with trochanter for pedi- palps, femora for legs), lengths first, separated from widths by a diagonal stroke, and L/W ra- tios, if significant, follow in parentheses. Family Petallidae Shear Genus Chileogovea Roewer Chileogovea Roewer, 1961:99; type species C. oedipus Roewer. Juberthie & Munoz-Cuevas, 1970:109. Shear, 1980:25. Cekalovic, 1985:8. Cekalovic (1985) evidently was unaware of the Family Pettalidae, and repeated Roewer’s original assignment of the genus to the Family Sironidae, Subfamily Stylocellinae, already recognized as incorrect by Juberthie & Munoz-Cuevas in 1 970. A redescription of the genus was given in 1970 by Juberthie & Munoz-Cuevas, based entirely upon the characters of C. oedipus, the only spe- cies known at that time. The discovery of a sec- ond species, C. jocasta, requires further emen- dation of the generic diagnosis as follows. Coxae 1, 2 free, 3, 4 fused. Eyes absent. Ozop- hores type 3. Chelicerae (Fig. 3) robust, dorsally crested. Cheliceral fingers with both large and small teeth (Figs. 4, 12). Abdominal stemites 8, 73 74 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 9 free, tergite 9 free. Tarsus 4 entire. Male sec- ondary sexual modifications: adenostyle lamel- lar, sharply curved (Figs. 8, 14); stemites 5-8 shallowly depressed in midline, or stemites 7, 8 each with pair of paramedian tubercles (mistak- enly stated by Shear [1980] to be on 6, 7); anal operculum with or without prominent median ridge; tergite 9 evenly rounded posteriorly or shallowly excavate. Penis (Figs. 9, 10, 15, 16) of Siro type. Distribution.— Central Chile, Concepcion south to Chiloe. Notes. —I cleared the posterior ends of males of both species of Chileogovea in trypsin, mount- ed the cleared parts on microscope slides, and examined them under high magnification for gland pores. Sternal gland pores occur in the males of the genera Huitaca and Ogovea (Family Ogov- eidae), and Troglosiro (family unknown), while anal gland pores are found in tergite 9 of male Sironidae. Because of the modifications of the sterna I expected to find glands, but none could be detected in either species, and anal glands were likewise missing. Thus the function of the sternal modifications in male Chileogovea re- mains unclear. The two species of the genus can be separated by means of the diagnosis given below under the description of C.jocasta. Chileogovea Jocasta, new species Figs. 1-10 Type data. — Holotype male, paratype female, seven additional paratype males, and nine ad- ditional paratype females (AMNH) from Berlese sample of forest litter and moss, montane forest zone, 300 m elevation, Monumento Nacional Contulmo, Malleco Prov., Region IX (de la Ar- aucafiia), Chile, collected 31 January 1986 by N. I. Platnick and R. T. Schuh. Additional paratype female (AMNH) from the same locality, but from 425 m elevation, collected 23 January 1985 by N. I. Platnick and O. F. Francke; 32 male and 25 female paratypes (AMNH) from litter Berlese, 560 m elevation, Pata de Gallina, Arauco Prov., Region VIII (Bio Bio), collected 1 1 February 1992 by N. I. Platnick, P. Golobolf, and M. Ramirez. Etymology.— Roewer was probably referring to the well known Greek myth in naming his species oedipus, though he did not explain his reasons for doing so. I follow suit by naming this new species for another figure from the same myth (the name used as a noun in apposition). Distribution.— Known only from the type lo- calities. Diagnosis.— Distinct in numerous characters from C. oedipus, the only other known species of the genus. Chileogovea jocasta males and fe- males are less than 2 mm long, the males lack conspicuous secondary sexual modifications of the posterior stemites, the adenostyles of males are markedly more slender (Fig. 8), the fourth tibia (Fig. 7) has a L/W ratio of 1.77, and the setation of the penis is reduced (Figs. 9, 10); C. oedipus ranges from 2.5 to 3.28 mm long, the males have strongly modified posterior stemites, broad adenostyles (Fig. 14), the fourth tibia (Fig. 1 3) has a L/W ratio of 1 .58, and the penial setae are more numerous (Figs. 15, 16). Description.— Total length, 1.7, greatest width, 1.05, L/W = 1.62. Body (Fig. 1) generally egg-shaped, widest at posterior part of cephalo- thorax, not dorsoventrally arched as in C. oed- ipus. Dorsum shining, with heavily pebbled mi- crosculpture. Ozophores well removed from cephalothorax margin, directed straight up- wards; seen laterally, paler in color than rest of dorsum. Cephalothoracic sulcus distinct later- ally, less so near midline; abdominal sulci pro- nounced. Posterior end of body evenly rounded. Ventral thoracic complex as in C. oedipus. Ab- dominal stemites without conspicious modifi- cations, stemites 6-8 somewhat depressed in midline. Anal operculum without crest. First cheliceral segment (Fig. 3) 0.83 long, 0.26 wide, strong dorsal crest present, heavily pebbled. Sec- ond cheliceral segment 0.77 long, 0.14 wide, straight, evenly tapered, fixed finger 0.29 long, 38% length of second cheliceral segment. Chel- iceral teeth (Fig. 4) irregular, large and small teeth mixed. Palpal segments (Fig. 5) 0.22, 0.31/0.08, 0.18, 0.20/0.08, 0.25. Legs robust, with heavily pebbled ornamentation. Leg 1 (Fig. 6) segments 0.48/0. 1 5 (3.2), 0.24/0. 1 6, 0.36/0. 1 6 (2.25), 0. 1 6/ 0.14, 0.39/0.19. Leg 4 (Fig. 7) segments 0.41/ 0.15 (2.73), 0.22/0.19, 0.32/0.18 (1.77), 0.17/ 0.17, 0.37/0.18. Adenostyle (Fig. 8) sharply curved, with long, acute tip reflexed to nearly touch dorsal surface of tarsus. Penis in ventral view (Fig. 9) with four ventral setae closely grouped on distinct tubercle; in dorsal view (Fig. 1 0) with five apical setae slightly removed ven- trally from apical margin of dorsal plate, lateral setae single, well separated from dorsal plate, four dorsal setae closely grouped, with bulbous bases; gonopore margins with two long, acute. SHEAR --OPILIONID GENUS CHILEOGOVEA 75 Figures 1-12.=(1-=10, Chileogovea jocasta, n. sp.), 1, dorsum of male; 2, dorsum of female; 3, chelicera of male; 4, cheliceral teeth of male; 5, palpus of male; 6, leg 1 of male; 7, leg 4 of male; 8, adenostyle, 9, penis, ventral view; 10, penis, dorsal view. (11, 12, male Chileogovea oedipus Roewer), 11, dorsum; 12, cheliceral teeth. Scales = 1.85 mm for Figs. 1, 2, 1 1; 0.5 mm for Figs. 3, 5, 6, 7; 0.25 mm for Fig. 4; 0.13 mm for Figs. 8--10, 12. 76 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 13-16. —Male Chileogovea oedipus: 13, leg 4; 14, adenostyle; 15, penis, ventral view; 16, penis, dorsal view. Scales = 0.5 mm for Fig. 13; 0.13 mm for Figs. 14-16. curved fingers with lateral lobes at bases. Color dark blackish brown, dorsally with irregular black streaks in older specimens; legs bright orange- brown. Female: (Fig. 2). Total length, 1.85 mm. Close- ly resembling male in all nonsexual characters. Notes.— One additional male whose penis was dissected had four, rather than five, apical setae. SHEAR^OPILIONID GENUS CHILEOGOVEA At all three known localities, this species is syn- topic with C. oedipus, taken in the same Berlese sample. Chileogovea oedipus Roewer Figs. 11--16 Chileogovea oedipus Roewer, 1961:100 (male holo- type, male paratype, two female paratypes from Che- pu, Isla Chiloe, 850 ft. elevation, mixed evergreen forest; in Senckenberg Museum, Hamburg, not ex- amined); Juberthie & Munoz-Cuevas, 1970:1 10. The excellent and detailed description by Jub- erthie & Munoz-Cuevas needs little supplement. However, they did not emphasize the distinc- tiveness of the posterior paramedian sternal tu- bercles, which, in most populations, on their me- dian faces are nearly perpendicular to the stemite surface. This face is bordered by a semicircle of small, regular tubercles about one-third the size of the tubercles ornamenting the body. They did not mention at all a single, very much enlarged tubercle situated in the midline of the fourth ster- nite. This tubercle is in the form of an equilateral triangle with its apex pointing posterior; each side of the triangle is about five times as long as an ordinary body tubercle. A figure of the dorsum (Fig. 1 1) of a specimen from a new locality (Rio Negro), and of the chel- iceral teeth (Fig. 12), leg 4 (Fig. 13), and aden- ostyle (Fig. 14) are presented here for compar- ative purposes. The illustrations of the penises of males from two localities given by these au- thors were reproduced at small size, and I pro- vide larger figures of the penis of a male from Rio Negro (Figs. 15, 16). The important differences between this species and the foregoing new one are enumerated above. Probably due to its rather wide distribution (about 750 north-south km), C. oedipus shows some variation in both size and penial setation. Both Roewer (1961) and Juberthie & Munoz-Cuevas (1970) give the length of a male specimen from Chepu as 2.5 mm and the latter gave the length of a female from Chepu as 3.0 mm; I measured a single Chepu male as 2.65 mm long; two fe- males were 2.75 and 2.8 mm long. Juberthie & Munoz-Cuevas (1970) had a male from Na- huelbuta available but did not give its length; a male from Nahuelbuta examined by me was 3.28 mm long, and males from the Rio Negro region averaged 2.88 mm long. Juberthie and Munoz- Cuevas (1970) illustrated the penises of males from Chepu and from Nahuelbuta; the Chepu 77 male had three ventral and six apical setae, while the Nahuelbuta male had four ventral and four apical setae. A male from Rio Negro (Figs. 15, 1 6) shows either five ventral or four (rather than the usual three) lateral setae on one side, and six apical setae. The Estero Nonquen population seems the most divergent. Males differ from those in other populations in having the sternal lobes and the crest on the anal plate reduced; the legs of both sexes are somewhat more slender than in individuals of the same body length from Rio Negro. The penis has four ventral and six apical setae, and the ventral plate has an irregular distal margin. It is possible this population represents a third species, but for now I consider it within the range of variation of oedipus. The penises illustrated by Juberthie & Munoz- Cuevas, together with the size differences I ob- served, led me at first to suspect that the Na- huelbuta and Estero Nonquen populations were distinct species, but more careful examination of these and other specimens, as well as compari- sons with the new species C. jocasta, caused me to conclude that the differences were simply vari- ations in a geographically widespread species. Specimens examined.— CHILE: Region VIII (Bio Bio) Amuco Prov., Pata de Gallina, 560 m elevation, litter in forest, 11 February 1992, N. I. Platnick (NIP), P. Goloboff, M. Ramirez, 1 1 males, 4 females; Region IX (de la Araucania), Concepcion Prov., Estero Nonquen, 90 m elevation, litter berlese in modified forest, 16 November 1981, N. 1. Platnick, R. T. Schuh (RTS), 4 males, 5 females; Malleco Prov., Parque Nacional Na- huelbuta, 1250 m elevation, mossy forest floor litter {Nothofagus, Auracaria), 1 9 November 1981, NIP, RTS, male; Monumento Nacional Contulmo, 300 m, wet forest, 31 January 1986, NIP, RTS, 6 males; Region X (de los Lagos), Llanquihue Prov., 1 3 km west of Rio Negro, 20 m elevation, Berlese of litter from edge of disturbed forest, 24 January 1986, NIP, RTS, 1 0 males, 9 females; 35 km northwest of Rio Negro, 240 m el- evation, Berlese of litter from edge of disturbed forest, 24 January 1986, NIP, RTS, 9 males, 7 females; Lago Chapo, 1 1.7 km east of Correntoso (site 657), berlese of forest leaf and log litter, 320 m elevation, 16-27 December 1982, A. Newton (AN), M. Thayer (MT), mate; 13.5 km east of Correntoso (site 656), window trap in Valdivian rainforest, 310m elevation, AN, MT, male; berlese of forest leaf and log litter, male, female. Osorno Prov., hills south of Maicolpue, 75 m elevation, wet disturbed forest, 26 January 1986, NIP, RTS, 2 males, 4 females; 1 0 km east of Bahia Mansa ,15m elevation, disturbed forest, 30 January 1985, NIP, O. F. Francke (OFF), male, female; Volcan Osorno, 610 m elevation, mature forest, 12 February 1985, NIP, 78 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY OFF, male, female; Chincay, 10 km east of Bahia Men- sa, 50 m elevation, berlese forest leaf and log litter in secondary Valdivian forest, AN, MT, 3 males, female. Chiloe Prov., Isla de Chiloe, Chepu, elev. 15 m, wet forest, 2 February 1985, NIP, OFF, male, 2 females. LITERATURE CITED Cekalovic K., T. 1985. Catalogo de los Opiliones de Chile (Arachnida). Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepcion, 56: 7-29. Juberthie, C. 1988. Un nouvel opilion cypho- phthalme aveugle d'Australie: Austropurcellia gen. no\.,scoparian. sp. Mem. BiospeleoL, 15:133-140. Juberthie, C. & A, Munoz-Cuevas. 1970. Revision de Chileogovea oedipus Roewer (Opiliones: Cypho- phthalmi: Sironinae). Senckenb. biol., 51:109-1 18. Roewer, C. F. 1961. Opiliones aus Sud-Chile. Senck- enb. biol., 42:99-105. Shear, W. A. 1980. A review of the Cyphophthalmi of the United States and Mexico, with a proposed reclassification of the suborder (Arachnida, Opi- liones). American Mus. Nov., 2705:1-34. Manuscript received 28 July 1 992, revised 10 December 1992. i993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:79-80 RESEARCH NOTE ON THE FEMALE OF CRYPTOCELLUS GOODNIGHTI (ARACHNIDA: RICINULEI) The New World ricinuleid fauna includes two genera, Cryptocellus and Pseudoceilus, occurring in South and North America, respectively, but showing broad sympatry within Central Amer- ica. The 1 1 known Central American species of Cryptocellus, reviewed by Platnick & Shadab (1981a, b), belong to the centralis group, which also extends into Colombia. Of the 1 1 Central American species, four have been known only from males. Among a shipment of ricinuleids collected in Costa Rica by Dr. Allen M. Young and recently sent to me for study by Dr. Joan P. Jass of the Milwaukee Public Museum (MPW) were adults of two species. One male of C. fagei Cooke & Shadab was taken in a rotten banana stem in cacao at Finca La Lola, near Siquirres (10®06'N, 83®22'W), Limon, Costa Rica on August 9, 1 984, and is the first record of that species from Limon Province. Three other males, belonging to C. goodnighti Platnick & Shadab, were taken in rot- ten banana stem slices at Finca La Tigra, near La Virgen (10°24'N, 84^07' W), Heredia, Costa Rica from September 26-28, 1979 and on Sep- tember 3, 1 989. A single female taken at the same locality on September 15, 1978 appears to be the first known female of the latter species, and is described below. I thank Dr. Mohammad U. Shadab of the American Museum of Natural History for providing the illustrations. Cryptocellus goodnighti Platnick & Shadab Figs. 1, 2 Cryptocellus goodnighti Platnick & Shadab, 1981a: 10. Diagnosis. —Females can easily be distin- guished from those of the other known centralis group species by their elongated, tripartite sper- mathecae (compare Figs. 1, 2 with the illustra- tions in Platnick & Shadab 1981a, b). Female.— Total length, excluding pygidium, 5.36 mm. Carapace 1.97 mm long, 2.14 wide near middle of coxae III, where widest, dark red, lateral margins darkest, with small yellow trans- lucent areas at margins opposite front of coxae II; surface coated with strong white setae, rela- tively uniform in length, with relatively few tu- bercles largely confined to longitudinal median depression, pair of oblique paramedian depres- sions occupying about one-fifth of carapace length, and posterior margin. Cucullus 0.94 mm long, 1.17 mm wide, dark red medially with slightly paler margins, bearing long white setae sparsest proximally, with tubercles largely re- stricted to distal margin; lateral lobes only very slightly protuberant. Left chelicera: movable fin- ger concave posteriorly, not widened transverse- ly, armed with 1 3 teeth, of which most proximal three, fifth, and tenth reduced to denticles, distal three slightly enlarged; fixed finger armed with five teeth of which most distal is much enlarged, three most proximal reduced to denticles. Sternal region with coxae I not meeting tritostemum; coxae II meeting for almost their entire length, their suture line almost three times as long as that of coxae III; coxae IV meeting along their median surfaces. Abdomen 3.81 mm long, 1.39 wide near front of tergite 12, where widest, coloration as in car- apace except for light orange articular mem- branes, white setae shorter than on carapace; tu- bercles restricted to transverse band on tergite 9, anterolateral depressions of median plates, cor- responding depressions of stemites 11-13, pos- teromedian surface of median plate of tergite 1 1 , and throughout length of median one-third of median plate of tergite 12; median plates of ter- gites 11-13 much wider than long. Pygidium with notch in posterior dorsal margin of basal seg- ment, without notch in ventral margin. 79 80 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 1, 2.~Cryptocellus goodnighti Platnick and Shadab, female, posterior genital lip and spermathecae: 1 , anterior view; 2, posterior view. Palp orange, with first trochanter and tibia lightest; few tubercles on coxae and trochanters, base of femora with cluster of tubercles at base on retromargin; coxae each with two thick white setae posteriorly along inner margin. Leg formula 243 1 . Legs dark reddish brown with tarsi lightest, coated with thin, long, white setae, with few tu- bercles concentrated on ventral ridges of tibiae and dorsal ridges of metatarsi and tarsi. Leg mea- surements are given in Table 1. Second legs Table 1.— Leg measurements. Leg I II III IV Palp Coxa 0.66 1.13 0.96 0.90 0.40 Trochanter I 0.53 0.85 0.62 0.75 0.49 Trochanter II — 0.57 0.56 0.41 Femur 1.20 1.98 1.39 1.53 1.01 Patella 0.75 1.21 0.90 0.87 — Tibia 0.97 1.61 0.85 1.00 1.54 Metatarsus 1.09 1.73 1.09 1.18 — Tarsus 0.49 1.60 0.77 0.90 0.23 Total 5.69 10.11 7.15 7.69 4.08 slightly widened; femur I about twice, femur II about three times as long as wide. Tarsal claws large, evenly curved. Posterior genital lip and spermathecae as in Figs. 1, 2. Material Examined.— Only specimens men- tioned above (MPW). Distribution.— Known only from northeastern Costa Rica. LITERATURE CITED Platnick, N. L & M. U. Shadab. 1981a. On Central American Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei). American Mus. Novit., 2711:1-13. Platnick, N. 1. & M. U. Shadab. 1981b. On the Cryp- tocellus centralis group (Arachnida, Ricinulei). Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist., 170:18-22. Norman I. Platnick: Department of Entomol- ogy, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, New York 10024 USA. Manuscript received 19 January 1993, revised 1 March 1993. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Manuscripts are preferred in English but may be accepted in Spanish, French or Portuguese subject to availability of appropriate reviewers. Authors whose primary language is not English, may consult the Associate Editor for assistance in obtaining help with English manuscript preparation. 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The significance and complexity of com- munication in spiders. Pp. 1 5-66, In Spider Communica- tions: Mechanisms and Ecological Significance. (P. N. Witt & J. S. Rovner, eds.). PrincetonUniversity Press, Princeton. Footnotes.— Footnotes are only permitted on the first printed page to indicate current address or other information con- cerning the author(s). All footnotes are placed together on a separate manuscript page. Running head.— Author sumame(s) and an abbreviated title must be typed all in caps and must not exceed 60 characters and spaces. The running head is placed by itself on a separate manuscript page. Taxonomic articles.— Consult a recent taxonomic article in the Journal of Arachnology for style or contact the Associate Editor. Tables.— Each table, with the legend above, should be placed on a separate manuscript page. Only the appropriate horizontal lines should be included. Use no footnotes; instead, include all information in the legend. 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Assemble manuscript for mailing.— Assemble the separate sections or pages in the following sequence; title page, abstract, text, figure legends, footnotes, running head, tables with leg- ends, figures. Page charges and reprints.— The current charge per journal page will be assessed as follows: $50— nonmembers, $45 — members with grant, institutional, or other support for page costs; $25 —regular members who do not have support for page costs; $20— student members who do not author with full members and who do not have support. Reprints are available only from the printer at current costs. Waiver of Page Charges.- The Editor will consider requests for a waiver of page charges for manuscripts which have been accepted for publication. Requests should be made in writing and should be submitted to the Associate Editor along with the final revision of the manuscript. The author must certify that neither grant nor institutional funds are available to cover all of the publication costs. The Society will normally agree to waive up to a maximum of 80% of the page charges, contingent on the availability of funds; the author is expected to find alternative sources for the remainder. RESEARCH NOTES Instructions above pertaining to feature articles apply also to research notes except that abstracts and most headings are not used and the byline follows the Literature Cited section. CONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY VOLUME 21 Feature Articles NUMBER 1 Visual brightness discrimination of the jumping Menemerus bivittatus (Araneae, Salticidae), Klaus Tiedemann 1 Circadian rhythmicity and other patterns of spontaneous motor activity in Frontinella pyramitela (Linyphiidae) and Argyrodes trigonum (Theri- diidae), Robert B. Suter 6 Predation by spiders on ground-released screwworm flies, Cochliomyia ho- minivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in a mountainous area of southern Mexico, John B. Welch 23 The natural history of the California turret %yi\dtr Atypoides riversi (Araneae, Antrodiaetidae): demographics, growth rates, survivorship, and longev- ity, Leonard S. Vincent 29 Aspectos de la biologia reproductiva de Linothele megatheloides (Araneae: Dipluridae), Nicolas Paz S 40 Survivability of overwintering Argiope aurantia (Araneidae) egg cases, with an annotated list of associated arthropods, T. C. Lockley and O. P. Young 50 The effect of the copulatory plug in the funnel-web spider, Agelena limbata (Araneae: Agelenidae), Toshiya Masumoto 55 Sting use in two species of Parabuthus scorpions (Buthidae), Jan Ove Rein 60 A new species of Vaejovis (Scorpiones, Vaejovidae) from western Arizona, with supplemental notes on the male of Vaejovis spicatus Haradon, W. David Sissom 64 On the identity of Ideobisium tibiale Banks (Neobisiidae: Pseudoscorpiones: Arachnida), Bozidar P. M. Curdc 69 The genus Chileogovea (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi, Petallidae), William A. Shear 73 Research Note On the female of Cryptocellus goodnighti (Arachnida: Ricinulei), Norman L Plat nick 79 q>L The Journal of ARACHNOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AMERICAN ARACHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 21 1993 NUMBER 2 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY EDITOR: James W. Berry, Butler University ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Gary L. Miller, The University of Mississippi EDITORIAL BOARD: A. Cady, Miami (Ohio) Univ. at Middletown; J. E. Carrel, Univ. Missouri; J. A. Coddington, National Mus. Natural Hist.; J. C. Cokendolpher, Lubbock, Texas; F. A. Coyle, Western Carolina Univ.; C. D. Don- dale, Agriculture Canada; W. G. Eberhard, Univ. Costa Rica; M. E. Galiano, Mus. Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; M. H. Greenstone, BCIRL, Columbia, Missouri; C. Griswold, Calif. Acad. Sci.; N. V. Horner, Midwestern State Univ.; D. T. Jennings, Garland, Maine; V. F. Lee, California Acad. Sci.; H. W. Levi, Harvard Univ.; E. A. Maury, Mus. Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; N. I. Plat- nick, American Mus. Natural Hist.; G. A. Polis, Vanderbilt Univ.; S. E. Riechert, Univ. Tennessee; A. L. Rypstra, Miami Univ., Ohio; M. H. Robinson, U.S. National Zool. Park; W. A. Shear, Hampden-Sydney Coll.; G. W. Uetz, Univ. Cincinnati; C. E. Valerio, Univ. Costa Rica. The Journal of Arachnology (ISSN 0160-8202), a publication devoted to the study of Arachnida, is published three times each year by The American Arach- nological Society. Memberships (yearly): Membership is open to all those inter- ested in Arachnida. Subscriptions to The Journal of Arachnology and American Arachnology (the newsletter), and annual meeting notices, are included with mem- bership in the Society. Regular, $30; Students, $20; Institutional, $80 (USA) or $90 (all other countries). Inquiries should be directed to the Membership Secretary (see below). Back Issues: Susan E. Riechert, Department of Zoology, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37916 USA. Undelivered Issues: Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire Street, P.O. Box 368, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 USA. THE AMERICAN ARACHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRESIDENT: James E. Carico (1993-1995), Dept, of Biology, Lynchburg, Vir- ginia, 24501 USA. PRESIDENT-ELECT: Matthew H. Greenstone (1993-1995), USDA-BCIRL, Columbia, Missouri 65203 USA. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Norman I. Platnick (appointed), American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, New York 10024 USA. TREASURER: Gail E. Stratton (1993-1995), Department of Biology, Albion College, Albion, Michigan 49224 USA. BUSINESS MANAGER: Robert Suter, Dept, of Biology, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, New York 12601 USA. SECRETARY: Alan Cady (1993-1995), Dept, of Zoology, Miami Univ., Mid- dleton, Ohio 45042 USA. ARCHIVIST: Vincent D. Roth, Box 136, Portal, Arizona 85632 USA. DIRECTORS: Allen R. Brady (1993-1995), Jackie Palmer (1992-1994), Ann Rypstra (1993-1995). HONORARY MEMBERS: C. D. Dondale, W. J. Gertsch, H. Homann, H. W. Levi, A. F. Millidge, T. Yaginuma. Cover illustration: A male Tetragnatha extensa from Carlisle, Massachusetts. Original color photo by Joe Warfel of Arlington, Mass. Photograph made with a handheld Olympus OM-1 35mm camera, macro lens, telescoping extension tube and manual flash. Publication date: 17 September 1993 THIS PUBLICATION IS PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:81-90 THE GENUS TROGLOSIRO AND THE NEW FAMILY TROGLOSIRONIDAE (OPILIONES, CYPHOPHTHALMI) William A. Shear: Department of Biology, Hampden-Sydney College; Hampden- Sydney, Virginia 23943 USA ABSTRACT. The cyphophthalmid genus Troglosiro Juberthie, known only from New Caledonia, is made the type of a monobasic new family Troglosironidae, the plesiomorphic sister group of [Pettalidae + Sironidae]. Five new species, raveni, juberthei, ninqua, tillierorum and platnicki, are described. Juberthie (1979) described Troglosiro as a new genus of cyphophthalmid based on the single spe- cies Troglosiro aelleni Juberthie, from d’Adio Cave (also known as Grotte de Ninrin-Reu) on the island of New Caledonia. Despite its generic name and the characterization of the species as “cave-dwelling” in the paper’s title, T. aelleni has no detectable morphological adaptations for a troglobitic existance. Juberthie (1979, 1989) and Shear (1980, 1985) were unable to place the genus in the classification of cyphophthalmids but agreed that it was related to the clade Siron- idae + Pettalidae, and while zoogeographically allied to the latter, had more characters in com- mon with the former. In addition, T. aelleni has at least three autapomorphies: some of the male abdominal sterna have small, median exocrine gland orifices, the apical setae of the penis are greatly enlarged and basally fused, and the mov- able fingers of the penis are very large, rough- ened, and have fimbriate outer margins. Recent collecting for soil animals on New Cal- edonia by A. and S. Tillier, and by Norman Plat- nick and Robert Raven, resulted in the discovery of five new species sharing these apomorphies. Study of this new material has convinced me that Troglosiro constitutes the sister-group of Siron- idae + Pettalidae, and thus should be placed in its own family, named and diagnosed below. I am grateful to Drs. Platnick and Tillier for allowing me to study their material, and to Dr. B. Hauser, Natural History Museum, Geneva, Switzerland, for the loan of type material of Tro- golosiro aelleni. All primary types have been de- posited in the Musee National d’Histoire Na- turelle (MNHN), Paris. Secondary types, where available, have been deposited in the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York. Specimens were observed, measured, and drawn using a dissecting microscope. The right chelicera, pedipalp, first and fourth legs, and pe- nis were then mounted in glycerine on a micro- scope slide and examined with a compound mi- croscope outfitted with Nomarski Interference Contrast optics, and measured with an ocular micrometer. All measurements are in millime- ters; in the descriptions, measurements of ap- pendage segments are given in order from basal to distal (beginning with trochanter for pedi- palps, femora for legs), lengths first, separated from widths by a diagonal stroke. Length/Width ratios, if significant, follow in parentheses. Family Troglosironidae, new Diagnosis.— Distinct from all other cypho- phthalmids in the following combination of characters. Penis with apical setae enlarged and fused, movable fingers of penis enlarged and with dentate/fimbriate lateral margins (Figs. 15, 16, 24-28, 43), and sterna of males with 2-4 median exocrine gland pores (Fig. 30). Type gQnm,~Troglosiro Juberthie 1979, by present designation and monotypy. Distribution.— New Caledonia. Remarks.— The new family is named because the genus it contains cannot be placed in any of the existing monophyletic families of cypho- phthalmids, and because an integration of the characters of its type genus into the cladistic anal- ysis by Shear (1980) causes it to appear in the cladogram as the sister group of the two families Pettalidae and Sironidae, thus indicating at least a family-level rank for the taxon. The new family is supported by the autapomorphies given in the diagnosis. 81 82 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Genus Troglosiro Juberthie Juberthie, 1979:222; type species T. aelleni Juberthie. Description.— Coxae 1, 2 free, 3, 4 fused. Eyes absent. Ozophores type 2. Chelicerae (Figs. 2, 10, 18, 31) robust, basal article with (Fig. 18) or without (Fig. 10) dorsal crest. Cheliceral fingers with regular or irregular teeth (Figs. 18, 38). Ab- dominal stemites 8 and 9, and tergite 9 fused as corona analis. Tarsus 4 entire. Tarsal claws 1, 3, 4 smooth, 2 toothed (Fig. 34). Male secondary sexual modifications: adenostyle lamellar, not curved, acute-triangular, at base of tarsus 4 (Figs. 5, 6, 37, 42). Stemites with 2, 3, or 4 small, median exocrine gland pores (Fig. 30) variously located; anteriormost pore often bilaterally paired; stemites sometimes deeply depressed in midline. Anal opercula of males unmodified, anal glands absent, tergite 9 not modified. Penis (Figs. 7, 8, 15, 16, 24-28, 43) distinctive, with four apical setae fused in pairs and their bases much thickened, movable fingers enlarged, middle pair of dorsal setae sometimes reduced or absent. Key to Species la. Dorsum with a distinct color pattern of black and brown (Fig.l); males with 4 sternal pores raveni, n. sp. lb. Dorsum uniformly colored 2. 2a. Body length about 2.5 mm 3. 2b. Body length about 2.0 mm, usually less 4. 3a. Males with 4 sternal pores; penis (Fig. 16) with 4 ventral setae, their bases contiguous . tillierorum, n. sp. 3b. Males with 2 sternal pores; penis (Fig. 26) with 2 ventral setae, their bases widely separated aelleni Juberthie. 4a. Body length about 1.75 mm; males with 2 sternal pores (a third pore present in a minority of specimens from one locale), stemites deeply depressed; penis (Fig. 24) with 1 ventral seta, median dorsal setae (Fig. 25) as large as other dorsal setae juberthiei, n. sp. 4b. Body length 2-2.15 mm; males with 3 sternal pores, stemites deeply depressed (Fig. 30) or not, penis with more than 1 ventral seta, median dorsal setae reduced in size or absent 5. 5a. Male stemites deeply depressed (Fig. 30); penis (Fig. 28) with 6 dorsal setae, the median pair reduced platnkki, n. sp. 5b. Male stemites not depressed; penis (Fig. 43) with 4 dorsal setae, the median pair absent . . . ninqua, n. sp. Troglosiro raveni, new species Figs. 1-8 Type data.” Holotype male and paratype fe- male (MNHN) from Berlese sample of dry forest litter. Col des Rousettes, 490 m elevation. New Caledonia, collected 29 May 1987 by Robert Ra- ven and Norman Platnick. Etymology.— The name honors one of the col- lectors, a noted Australian arachnologist. Distribution.— Known only from the type lo- cality. Diagnosis.— Distinct from its congeners in the color pattern. Description.— Mafe- Total length 2.03, width across ozophores 1.13, greatest width (gW) 1.2, L/gW = 1 .69. Body (Fig. 1) generally egg-shaped, widest at posterior part of cephalothorax. Dor- sum shining, with pebbled microsculpture. Ozophores close to cephalothorax margin, di- rected laterally. Cephalothoracic sulcus indis- tinct; abdominal sulci scarcely visible. Posterior end of body evenly rounded. Abdominal ster- nites with 4 gland pores in midline; anteriormost in posterior margin of stemite 2 + 3, appears as pair of pores at high magnification; following 3 pores single, at anterior margins of stemites 4, 5,6. Pebbled ornamentation absent from sternal midline, sterna not depressed. First cheliceral segment (Fig. 2) 0.83 long, 0.19 wide, low dorsal crest present. Second cheliceral segment 0.7 1 long, 0.14 wide, straight, evenly tapered, fixed finger 0.23 long, 32% length of second cheliceral seg- ment. Cheliceral teeth regular. Palpal segments (Fig. 3) 0.21, 0.33/0.08 (4.13), 0.22, 0.26/0.08 (3.25), 0.26. Legs robust, with heavily pebbled ornamentation. Leg 1 (Fig. 4) segments 0.5 5/0. 19 (2.9), 0.34/0. 1 7, 0.32/0. 19(1 .68), 0. 1 4/0.23, 0.49/ 0.18. Leg 4 (Fig. 5) segments 0.45/0.19 (2.37), 0.31/0.19, 0.32/0.21 (1.52), 0.26/0.16,0.38/0.14. Adenostyle (Fig. 6) slightly curved, acutely tri- SHEAR --OPILIONID GENUS TROGLOSIRO 83 Figures \-%. — Troglosiro raveni, new species, male: 1, dorsum; 2, chelicera; 3, pedipalp; 4, first leg; 5, fourth leg; 6, adenostyle; 7, penis, ventral view, tip of ventral plate broken off; 8, penis, dorsal view, tip of ventral plate broken off. Scale line: 1.5 mm for 1; 0.6 mm for 2--5; 0.3 mm for 6; 0.15 mm for 7, 8. angular. Penis in ventral view (Fig. 7) with three ventral setae; in dorsal view (Fig. 8) with three lateral setae on each side and three pairs of dorsal setae, median dorsal setae much reduced, lateral two bladelike. Apical setae broken off in holotype (and only) male, probably typical for genus. Gon- opore structures: ventral plate large, with toothed semicircular margin; movable fingers with very large basal lobes, fingers with toothed lateral margins; gonopore lip with fine teeth. Color pat- tern as illustated (Fig. 1). Female: Total length, 2.00 mm. Closely re- sembling male in all nonsexual characters. Remarks. —Though the characteristic large apical setae are broken off in the only male, they were clearly present at one time, and the other characters of this species argue for its inclusion in Troglosiro. Color patterns are rare in cypho- phthalmids; usually the dorsum is evenly colored black to light yellowish tan, with differences in surface texture marking segmental limits. Often the legs are a lighter color than the dorsum, or 84 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 9~\lf.~-Troglosiro tilUerorum, new species, male: 9, dorsum; 10, chelicera; 11, cheliceral teeth; 12, pedipalp; 13, first leg; 14, fourth leg. Scale line: 1.5 mm for 9; 0.6 mm for 10, 12, 13, 14; 0.15 for 11. have light-colored distal segments. Forster (1 948), however, described several species of the New Zealand genus Rakaia Forster with distinctive color patterns not unlike that of Troglosiro rav- eni. All the known species of Rakaia lack sternal glands in the males and have very well-devel- oped modifications of the anal plate and poste- rior tergites. Troglosiro tilUerorum, new species Figs. 9-16 Type data.— Flolotype male (MNHN) from Berlese sample from humid forest, Bobeitio (Til- lier station 16a; 165°01'01"E, 20"57'13"S), 350 m elevation. New Caledonia, collected 17 No- vember 1988 by A. and S. Tillier. Etymology.— The name honors the collectors, diligent students of the New Caledonian fauna. Distribution.— Known only from the type lo- cality. Diagnosis.— Closest in size and appendage proportions to T. aelleni, but with 4, rather than 2, ventral penial setae, and 4, rather than 2, ster- nal pores. Distinct from the other species of the genus in its larger size. Description.— Total length 2.5, width across ozophores 1.33, greatest width (gW) 1.33, L/gW = 1.88. Body (Fig. 9) generally egg-shaped, widest at posterior part of cephalothorax. Dor- sum shining, with pebbled microsculpture. Ozophores close to cephalothorax margin, di- rected laterally, slightly constricted apically. Ce- phalothoracic sulcus distinct; abdominal sulci less so. Posterior end of body evenly rounded. Ab- dominal stemites with 4 gland pores in midline; anteriormost in posterior margin of stemite 2 + 3, SHEAR --OPILIONID GENUS TROGLOSIRO Figures 15, \6.~Troglosim tillieromm, new species, Scale line: 0. 1 5 mm. second near midlength of stemite 4, third near midlength of stemite 5, fourth in sulcus between stemites 6 and 7. Pebbled ornamentation absent from sternal midline, sterna not depressed. First cheliceral segment (Fig. 10) 1.08 long, 0.21 wide, dorsal crest absent. Second cheliceral segment 0.99 long, 0.13 wide, straight, evenly tapered, fixed finger 0.2 1 long, 21% length of second chel- iceral segment. Cheliceral teeth (Fig. 11) some- what irregular, perhaps due to wear. Palpal seg- ments (Fig. 12) 0.26, 0.48/0.07 (6.8), 0.26, 0.32/ 0.07 (4.5), 0.30. Legs robust, with heavily peb- bled ornamentation. Leg 1 (Fig. 13) segments 0.63/0.19 (3.1), 0.37/0.18, 0.40/0.19 (2.1), 0.32/ 0.17, 0.48/0.19. Leg 4 (Fig. 14) segments 0.53/ 0.19 (2.8), 0.37/0.20, 0.34/0.20 (1.7), 0.31/0.21, 0.41/0.17. Adenostyle not curved, acutely tri- angular, Penis in ventral view (Fig. 15) with 4 ventral setae; in dorsal view (Fig. 1 6) with 3 lat- eral setae on each side and 6 dorsal setae, median dorsal setae much reduced. Apical setae typical for genus. Gonopore stmctures: ventral plate large, with toothed semicircular margin; mov- able fingers with very large, laterally protmding basal lobes, fingers with toothed lateral margins; gonopore lip with small, blunt teeth. 85 male: 15, penis, ventral view; 16, penis, dorsal view. Female: not collected. Remarks.— This species is nearly identical in size and appendage measurements to the type specimen of T. aelleni, but the penis and the sternal pores are quite different. With only the single male of T. tillieromm available, and only two males of T. aelleni known, it is difficult to assess the range of variation in either population. However, previous experience in other genera suggests that differences of this magnitude con- stitute species distinctions. Troglosiro aelleni Juberthie Fig. 26 Troglosiro aelleni Juberthie, 1979:222 (male holotype and male paratype from Grotte d’Adio (Ninrin-Reu), near Poya, Mt. Adio, 200 m altitude, collected by Aellen and Strinati, 2 April 1977; in Museum d’His- toire naturelle de Geneve, Switzerland, examined). I examined the holotype slides and specimens and found Juberthie’s 1979 description entirely accurate. Juberthie did not illustrate a ventral view of the penis, supplied here as Fig. 26. There are 2 ventral setae. Surprisingly, no additional specimens of this species turned up in the Tillier and Platnick- 86 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 11-25. — Twglosiw juberthiei, new species, male: 17, dorsum; 18, chelicera; 19, cheliceral teeth; 20, pedipalp; 21, first leg; 22, fourth leg; 23, adenostyle; 24, penis, ventral view; 25, penis, dorsal view. Scale line: 1.5 mm for 17; 0.6 mm for 18, 20-22; 0.3 mm for 23; 0.15 mm for 19, 14, 25. Raven collections. It is possible that the species is limited to the cave at the type locality. Troglosiro juberthiei, new species Figs. 17-25 Type data.—Holotype male, paratype female (MNHN) and six additional male and one ad- ditonal female paratypes (AMNH) from Berlese sample of montane forest litter, Riviere Bleue, 280 m elevation, collected 21 May 1987, by N. L Platnick and R. J. Raven. Etymology. —The name honors Dr. C. Juber- thie, Laboratoire souterrain du C. N. R. S., Mou- lis, St. Girons, France, who described the genus Troglosiro, and who has contributed more than anyone else to our understanding of cypho- phthalmid Opiliones. Distribution.— In addition to the type locality: NEW CALEDONIA: Plot VI I, Station 250 d. Riviere Bleue (166®39T6''E, 22°06'13"S), moist forest Berlese, 4 December 1986, A. and S. Til- lier, 1 male. Diagnosis.— Closest in size and appendage proportions to T. platnicki and T. ninqua, but with 1 , rather than 3 or 4, ventral penial setae, and usually with 2, rather than 3, sternal pores. The median dorsal penial setae are of normal SHEAR --OPILIONID GENUS TROGLOSIRO 87 Figures 26“"28.--- Penes “26, Troglosiroaelleni Juberthie, ventral view; 27, 28, Twglosiro platnicki, new species: 27, ventral view; 28, dorsal view. Scale line: 0.15 mm. size, rather than reduced. Distinct from the other species of the genus in its smaller size. Description. —Affl/e.' Total length 1.77, width across ozophores 1 .00, greatest width (gW) 1.10, L/gW =1.61. Body (Fig. 1 7) generally egg-shaped, widest at posterior part of cephalothorax. Dor- sum shining, with pebbled microsculpture. Ozophores close to cephalothorax margin, di- rected laterally, slightly constricted apically. Ce- phalothoracic sulcus rather indistinct; abdomi- nal sulci even less so. Posterior end of body evenly rounded. Abdominal stemites with 2 gland pores in midline; anteriormost in posterior margin of stemite 2 + 3, second near midlength of stemite 4; in two of seven males from the type series a third near midlength of stemite 5. Pebbled or- namentation absent from sternal midline, sterna 4 and 5 depressed. First cheliceral segment (Fig. 1 8) 0.82 long, 0. 1 8 wide, with pronounced dorsal crest. Second cheliceral segment 0.75 long, 0.12 wide, straight, scarcely tapered, fixed finger 0.24 long, 32% length of second cheliceral segment. Cheliceral teeth (Fig. 19) irregular. Palpal seg- ments (Fig. 20) 0.22, 0.36/0.07 (5. 1 4), 0. 1 9, 0.25/ 0.06 (4.2), 0.23. Legs robust, with heavily peb- bled ornamentation. Leg 1 (Fig. 21) segments 0.50/0.16 (3.1), 0.28/0.15, 0.30/0.15 (2.0), 0.24/ 0.13, 0.40/0.17. Leg 4 (Fig. 22) segments 0.40/ 0.15 (2.7), 0.29/0.17, 0.28/0.17 (1.65), 0.23/0.15, 0,34/0.15. Adenostyle (Fig. 23) curved, acumi- nate. Penis in ventral view (Fig. 24) with 1 ven- tral setae, 3 lateral setae on each side; in dorsal view (Fig. 25) with 6 dorsal setae, median dorsal setae not reduced. Apical setae somewhat more gracile than typical for genus. Gonopore struc- tures: ventral plate large, with toothed semicir- cular margin; movable fingers with very large, laterally protruding basal lobes, fingers with toothed lateral margins; gonopore lip with small, blunt teeth. Female: Slightly larger (length of paratype 1.83), otherwise similar to male in nonsexual charac- ters. Troglosiro platnicki, new species Figs. 27-35 Type data.— Holotype male (MNHN) from Berlese sample from humid forest. Riviere Bleue 88 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 29-35. — Tmglosim piatnicki, new species^ male: 29, dorsum; 30, ventral view of anterior abdominal segments; 31, chelicera; 32, pedipalp; 33, first leg; 34, claw of second leg; 35, fourth leg. Scale line: 1.5 mm for 29; 0.75 mm for 30; 0.6 mm for 31-33, 35; 0,15 mm for 34. (Tillier station 250k, plot VI X; 1 66*^39' 16"E, 22°06'13"S), 160 m elevation, New Caledonia, collected 7 July 1987 by A. Tillier. Etymology.— The name honors Dr. Norman I. Platnick, internationally known authority on arachnids. Distribution.— In addition to the type locality, NEW CALEDONIA: from the following Berlese samples of moist forest litter along Riviere Bleue, same coordinates and altitude as type collection. Tillier Sta. 250c, plot VI 0, A. & S. Tillier, 3 November 1986, 2 males, female (MNHN); Sta. 250h, plot VI 0, A. & S. Tillier, 6 April 1987, 4 males, 2 females (MNHN). Riviere Bleue, Berlese sample from humid forest (Tillier station 25 Id, plot VII 0; 166°40'01"E, 22®05'59"S), 170 m eh evation, A. & S. Tillier, 1 1 December 1986, male, female (MNHN); wet forest along Riviere Bleue, 280 m elevation, N, Platnick & R. Raven, 21 May 1987, male (AMNH); Berlese of rainforest litter, Mt. Dzumac, N. Platnick & R. Raven, 28 May 1987, male (AMNH). Diagnosis. —Distinct from others species in having 4 ventral setae on the penis, with their SHEAR --OPILIONID GENUS TROGLOSIRO 89 Figures — Twglosiro ninqua, new species, male: 36, dorsum; 37, chelicera; 38, cheliceral teeth; 39, pedipalp; 40, first leg; 41, fourth leg; 42, adeonstyle; 43, penis, dorsal view. Scale line: 1.5 mm for 36; 0.6 mm for 37, 39-41; 0.3 mm for 42; 0.15 mm for 38, 43. bases strongly toothed (Fig. 27); the sterna of males are deeply depressed, the depression with pronounced lateral rims (Fig. 30). Description. Total length 2.0, width across ozophores 1.08, greatest width (gW) 1.23, L/gW =1.63. Body (Fig. 29) generally egg-shaped, widest at posterior part of cephalothorax. Dor- sum shining, with pebbled microsculpture. Ozophores close to cephalothorax margin, di- rected laterally, slightly constricted apically. Ce- phalothoracic sulcus indistinct; abdominal sulci less so. Posterior end of body evenly rounded. Abdominal stemites with 3 gland pores in mid- lines of stemites 2, 3, and 4 (Fig. 30); these ster- nites deeply depressed, with few scattered setae, depression with distinct lateral rims. First chel- iceral segment (Fig. 31) 0.97 long, 0.19 wide, dorsal crest very low. Second cheliceral segment 0.92 long, 0.13 wide, straight, scarcely tapered, fixed finger 0.30 long, 33% length of second chel- iceral segment; cheliceral teeth regular. Palpal segments (Fig. 32) 0.23, 0.43/0.075 (6.14), 0.23, 0.33/0.06 (5.5), 0.29. Legs robust, with heavily pebbled ornamentation. Leg 1 (Fig. 33) segments 0.60/0. 1 5 (4.0), 0.32/0. 1 6, 0.39/0. 1 6 (2.4), 0.24/ 0.14, 0.55/0.21. Leg 4 (Fig. 35) segments 0.52/ 0.16 (3.3), 0.32/0.19, 0.33/0.20 (1.7), 0.26/0.13, 0.43/0.15. Adenostyle slightly curved, acutely 90 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY triangular. Penis in ventral view (Fig. 27) with 4 ventral setae, each toothed at base; in dorsal view (Fig. 28) with 3 lateral setae on each side and 6 dorsal setae, median dorsal setae much reduced. Apical setae typical for genus, but with more coarse teeth basally. Gonopore structures: ven- tral plate large, with toothed semicircular mar- gin; movable fingers with very large, laterally protruding basal lobes, fingers with lateral mar- gins bearing small rounded teeth; gonopore lip with small, acute teeth. Females: Somewhat larger (paratype 2. 14 long), similar to males in nonsexual characters. Remarks.— This species is nearly identical in size and appendage measurements to T. ninqua, but the toothed ventral setae of the penis and the deeply depressed male sterna of the present spe- cies distinguish the two. Troglosiro ninqua, new species Figs. 36-43 Type data.— Holotype male and female para- type (MNHN) from Berlese sample from humid forest, Mt. Ninqua (Tillier station 288, 166°09'03"E, 21°44'24"S), 1000 m elevation. New Caledonia, collected 28 October 1986 by A. and S. Tillier. Etymology.— The name, a noun in apposition, is after the type locality. Distribution.— Known only from the type lo- cality. Diagnosis.— Closely related to T. platnicki, but differing in lacking median dorsal setae of the penis, and having smooth, not toothed, ventral setae; the sterna of males are only slightly de- pressed rather than having a deep, rimmed de- pression as in T. platnicki. Description.— Total length 2.12, width across ozophores 1.13, greatest width (gW) 1.3, L/gW =1.6. Body (Fig. 36) generally egg-shaped, widest at posterior part of cephalothorax. Dor- sum shining, with pebbled microsculpture. Ozophores close to cephalothorax margin, di- rected laterally, slightly constricted apically. Ce- phalothoracic and abdominal sulci nearly ob- solete. Posterior end of body evenly rounded. Abdominal stemites with 3 gland pores in mid- lines of stemites 2, 3, and 4; these stemites slight- ly depressed, lacking usual pebbled microsculp- ture. First cheliceral segment (Fig. 37) 1.02 long, 0.19 wide, dorsal crest very low. Second cheli- ceral segment 0.91 long, 0.14 wide, straight, scarcely tapered, fixed finger 0.23 long, 25% length of second cheliceral segment; cheliceral teeth complex but regular, each consisting of a main blade and two smaller points (Fig. 38). Palpal segments (Fig. 39) 0.23, 0.46/0.08 (6.13), 0.24, 0.31/0.05 (6.2), 0.33. Legs robust, with heavily pebbled ornamentation. Leg 1 (Fig. 40) segments 0.66/0.14 (4.71), 0.32/0.15, 0.41/0.16 (2.6), 0.29/ 0.14, 0.50/0.19. Leg 4 (Fig. 41) segments 0.50/ 0.17 (2.9), 0.26/0.17, 0.38/0.18 (2.1), 0.29/0.14, 0.42/0.15. Adenostyle (Fig. 42) slightly curved, acutely triangular. Penis in ventral view with 4 ventral setae, basally bladelike, set on raised sockets; in dorsal view (Fig. 43) with 2 lateral setae on each side and 4 dorsal setae, median dorsal setae absent. Apical setae typical for ge- nus, bases somewhat more elongate, smoother. Gonopore structures: ventral plate large, with vaguely toothed semicircular margin; movable fingers with moderate, laterally protmding basal lobes, fingers with lateral margins bearing small rounded teeth; gonopore lip narrow, with small, acute teeth. Female: Somewhat larger (paratype 2.13 long), similar to males in nonsexual characters. LITERATURE CITED Forster, R. R. 1948. The Sub-order Cyphophthalmi Simon in New Zealand. Dom, Mus. Rec. Entomol., 1:79-119. J uberthie, C. 1979. Un cyphophthalme nouveau d’une grotte de Novelle-Caledonie: Troglosiro aelleni n. gen., n. sp. (Opilion Sironinae). Rev. Suisse Zool., 86:221-231. Juberthie, C. 1989. Rakaia daviesi sp. nov. (Opi- hones, Cyphophthalmi, Pettalidae) from Australia. Mem. Queensland Mus., 27:499-507. Shear, W. A. 1980. A review of the Cyphophthalmi of the United States and Mexico, with a proposed reclassification of the suborder (Arachnida, Opi- liones). American Mus. Nov., 2705:1-34, Shear, W. A. 1985. Marwe coarctata, a remarkable new cyphophthalmid from a limestone cave in Ke- nya. American Mus. Nov., 2830:1-6. Manuscript received 25 January 1993. revised 5 March 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:91-106 THE INFLUENCE OF PREY AVAILABILITY AND HABITAT ON ACTIVITY PATTERNS AND ABUNDANCE OF ARGIOPE KEYSERLINGI (ARANEAE: ARANEIDAE) Richard A. Bradley': School of Biological Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW, Australia. ABSTRACT. I examined habitat relationships and prey abundance to determine which (if either) of these factors was more important in determining the local density patterns of the Saint Andrew’s Cross spider, Argiope keyserlingi Karsch. Focusing on the relationship between a predator and its prey distribution presupposes that prey capture rate is crucial to the biology of the predator. I also studied the influence of prey capture on survival, reproduction and behavior of A. keyserlingi as a test of this assumption. Reproduction of females was influenced by food availability under laboratory conditions. Survival was higher among individual females provided with supplemental food in a field experiment. Adult female A. keyserlingi moved less frequently when they were provided with supplemental food. Features of vegetation were correlated with patterns of spatial distribution of this spider. There was a highly significant correlation between spider density on the study plots and the density of the understory shrubs that were favored as web sites. On a broad scale, seasonal phenology of activity in A. keyserlingi was positively correlated with potential prey abundance. At the scale of individual study plots, there is evidence that prey distribution was unpredictable in both time and space and that neither the activity patterns nor local density of Argiope keyserlingi tracked these fluctuations. Recent experimental studies of arachnid ecol- ogy have examined the influence of prey avail- ability and the presence of competitors on the distribution and abundance of these predators (Wise 1979; Greenstone 1978; Schaefer 1978; Horton & Wise 1983; Janetos 1983; Rypstra 1 983; Riechert& Cady 1983; Spiller 1984, 1986; Miyashita 1986; Bradley 1989). Of these studies the experimental work of Spiller (1984) provides the only direct evidence of exploitation compe- tition acting on unrestrained spiders in the field. Riechert & Cady (1983) suggest that interfer- ence and intraspecific exploitation competition are more important than interspecific exploita- tion competition among spiders. For a variety of arachnids interference competition and/or cannibalism influences the number and distri- bution of individuals (Riechert 1974; Turner & Polis 1979; Riechert & Cady 1983; Wise 1983, 1984; Polis & McCormick 1986a, 1986b; Rub- enstein 1987). Despite the paucity of evidence for exploitation competition, several studies have shown that individual arachnids experience shortages of food that limit reproduction (Wise 1975, 1979; Gillespie & Caraco 1987; Morse & Fritz 1982; Fritz & Morse 1985; Suter 1985). ‘Current Address: Ohio State University, 1465 Mt. Vernon Ave., Marion, Ohio 43302 USA These apparently contradictory results may be reconciled if there is no clear density-dependent relationship between arachnids and their prey (Riechert & Lockley 1984). This situation has also been demonstrated in the predatory beetle Hyphydrus ovatus L. (Juliano & Lawton 1990). Wise ( 1 984) suggests that food-limitation does not necessarily imply competition when re- sources can neither be predicted nor dominated. This situation is possible because individual spi- ders may encounter insufficient numbers of prey even though prey populations are not regulated by spider density. In contrast, two studies of agroecosystems indicate that spiders do regulate prey populations in these relatively simple en- vironments (Graze & Gigarick 1989, Riechert & Bishop 1990). Most arachnids are generalist predators and because prey populations vary unpredictably in both space and time, the foraging success of an individual spider may have little impact on its neighbors. Spiders which capture insufficient prey suffer a “relative shortage of food” (Andrewartha & Birch 1954). Relative shortage occurs when some individuals do not obtain sufficient food yet food is available in the environment. This is often the result of the inability of the predator to locate food, rather than its absence (Andre- wartha & Birch 1984). Because polyphagous spi- 91 92 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY ders probably do not regulate populations of their prey and live among many other insectivores, Andrewartha & Birch (1984, p. 49) would refer to this situation as a case of extrinsic relative food shortage. Relationships in which the prey (donor) controls predator (recipient) density but not the reverse are referred to as donor-con- trolled systems (Pimm 1982). I will examine this idea in the context of the omnivorous predator Argiope keyserlingi. It has been shown that habitat structure strong- ly influences distribution and abundance of orb- web building spiders (Coleboum 1974; Schaefer 1978; Rypstra 1983, 1986) and other arachnids (Riechert 1977, 1979, 1981; Bradley 1986). There is some evidence that suitable foraging or retreat sites may even limit population density and de- termine the pattern of dispersion of individuals among ground foraging spiders (Riechert 1976) and scorpions (Bradley 1986). Riechert & Gil- lespie (1986) provided a summary table of the evidence for habitat choice by spiders which in- dicated that both vegetation structure and prey were important factors, but that very few studies compared these factors. Janetos (1 986) suggested that prey encounter rates have a direct impact on web-site occupancy because spiders abandon unproductive sites but also stated that variability of prey encounter at a particular site had been little studied. The question thus arises, are spider abundance and activity responsive to prey variability, to habitat characteristics, or to some combination of both factors? I examined this question in an empirical study of temporal and spatial relation- ships between a generalist predator, the orb- weaving spider Argiope keyserlingi Karsch, and its habitat and arthropod prey. My study had two primary goals: 1) to assess the importance of variation in prey availability on activity pat- terns of A. keyserlingi and 2) to compare the relative influence of prey abundance and habitat features on the pattern of local distribution of A. keyserlingi individuals. A central assumption of community ecology has been that the abundance of food resources is crucial in determining pat- terns of predator distribution and abundance (Wiens 1989, p. 16). In this study I tested the assumption that food availability is important to A. keyserlingi by assessing the influence of foraging success on survival and reproduction in female A. keyserlingi. Argiope keyserlingi is common in a variety of habitats along the east coast of Australia from NE Queensland south to NE Victoria. In Aus- tralia this spider is commonly but incorrectly known as A. aetheria (Levi 1983). It builds orb webs in low vegetation in open habitats, includ- ing heathland and salt marsh, as well as the un- derstory of evergreen sclerophyl woodlands and forests. In the Hawkesbury Sandstone plateau of New South Wales they seem most abundant in the understory of dry open forest (Benson & Fallding 1981). This study focused on one open forest population of this species. After emergence from the egg case, second-instar A. keyserlingi disperse (often by ballooning). Fresh egg cases collected in the field and kept in the laboratory hatched 14-25 days after they were laid (x = 19, SEM = 1.4, « = 9). Juveniles build their first webs in late summer (February and March). They over-winter as immatures and emerge in spring (November). Data from spider censuses on the study area indicate a brief synchronous activity period (Fig. 1 A). In addition to these census data, qualitative observations for the previous (1983/ 84) and subsequent (1986/87) summers conform to the same restricted activity period. Individ- uals found in other habitats of the Sydney region are active for much longer periods during the year. Adult female^, keyserlingi usually die after laying eggs, and I often found their carcasses hanging in or lying on the ground below the web in January and February. A few A. keyserlingi females survive the winter and become active again during the following spring. These females may either represent late-maturing or truly bi- ennial individuals. METHODS General methods. —The study site was located in Brisbane Water National Park, near the Uni- versity of Sydney’s Crommelin Biological Re- search Station at Pearl Beach NSW (33° 33' S, 151° 18' E). The habitat is dominated by Casu- arina torulosa Ait. (70% of trees), Angophora costata (Gaertn.) J. Britt, Eucalyptus spp. and Syncarpia glomulifera (Sm.) Niedenzu. The un- derstory is relatively open, with many shrubs, principally Xanthorrhoea resinosa Pers., Dodon- aea triquetra Wendl., Livistona australis (R. Br.) Mart., and Lasiopetalum ferrugineum Sm. The site is on a north-facing hillside with a few ex- posed rock outcrops and a dense mat of Casu- arina litter (5-20 cm deep). Sixteen 0.023 ha (1 5 m X 15 m) square sampling plots were estab- lished and marked with wooden stakes. The plots were separated by a minimum of 5 m. BRADLEY --PREY, HABITAT AND ARGIOPE 93 P UJ tL 3 < OC m a. UJ E 400 E 200 - Mi ‘ A S O N d' J F ^ A M J ' J A. S 'o'n' dI J ' F 'm‘ a' ' 1 984 1985 1986 Figure I.— Activity phenology and weather statistics for Argiope keyserlingi during the 1984/85 and 1985/86 seasons. A. Argiope activity in mean number of spiders per plot {n = 16) for each sampling date. The vertical bars indicate the 95% confidence limits on this mean. B. Mean monthly temperature at the study area (°C). The solid dots are the mean high temperatures for the sampling month, and the open dots are the mean low temperatures for the sampling month. The lines connect the normal mean high temperature and normal mean low temperature patterns based on the previous 10 years of weather records {n = 3647 sample dates). Stars indicate monthly averages that differ from the 10-year average (z-test, P < 0.05). C. Monthly rainfall in mm, the solid bars are means based on the previous 1 0 years of weather records, the open bars are the actual rainfall totals for the sampling month. Stars indicate rainfall values that differ from the 10-year average (z-test, P < 0.05). The number, DBH (diameter at breast height) and identity of all trees and the number of pe- rennial shrubs were counted for each study plot. Twelve summary habitat variables (Table 1) were subjected to principal components analysis. The principal component scores for each plot along the first three axes were compared to measures of spider density using the Pearson product-mo- ment correlation (r^). Mean elevation was cal- culated for each plot. Features of the perennial vegetation changed little during this study and were measured only once (spring 1986). Three descriptive variables (top thread length, sticky orb diameter, and height above ground at orb 94 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Table l.—Argiope keyserlingi density and habitat features on the 16 study plots. Variables: Argiope = x no. spiders/plot, Ang# = no. of Angophom costata and A. floribunda, Euc# = no. of trees in genus Eucalyptus (8 species), Cas# = no. of Casuarina torulosa, Bank# = no. of Banksia serrata, Syn# = no. of Syncarpia glomulifera, Totlg = total no. of trees, Diam = x diameter of trees (breast height), Totar = cross-sectional area of trees at breast height (m^), Xanth = no. of Xanthorrhoea resinosa, Macz = no. of Macrozamia communis, Palm = no. of Livistona australis, Totsm = total no. of small shrubs, Totvg = Totlg + Totsm, Elev = x elevation of plot (m). Argiope numbers (x spiders/plot) # 84/85 85/86 Habitat features Elev Trees & large shrubs Small shrubs Ang- # Euc- # Cas- Bank- # # Syn- # Totlg Diam Totar Xanth Macz Palm Tot- sm Totvg 1 7.5 3.7 0 2 11 9 0 22 18.2 0.85 7 3 31 41 63 35.1 2 10.8 8.3 0 3 32 0 0 35 19.0 1.61 25 4 30 59 94 35.1 3 4.0 0.3 1 1 24 3 0 30 17.0 1.13 2 0 24 26 56 36.3 4 4.0 5.0 2 2 26 3 0 32 15.6 1.47 6 2 9 17 49 36.3 5 4.3 3.7 1 7 3 5 0 11 21.0 1.37 4 1 6 11 22 37.5 6 2.3 1.3 6 0 5 2 0 21 12.1 0.31 3 0 0 3 24 37.5 7 1.0 0.0 0 8 29 1 2 32 11.0 0.40 3 0 1 4 36 41.5 8 1.5 2.0 0 3 12 2 7 29 16.7 0.95 1 0 0 1 30 37.5 9 1.5 2.0 0 4 24 0 0 27 18.8 1.03 0 0 17 17 44 37.5 10 2.0 0.7 0 4 37 1 5 47 14.0 1.03 0 1 4 5 52 37.8 11 2.3 1.3 0 0 35 0 3 38 13.7 0.68 2 0 2 4 42 38.7 12 5.3 1.7 0 6 41 0 5 52 13.8 1.04 4 1 6 11 63 37.5 13 3.0 1.7 1 2 27 1 9 40 15.3 1.39 0 7 46 53 93 37.2 14 3.3 1.7 2 8 15 3 8 36 14.3 0.81 1 4 9 14 50 36.9 15 1.0 0.3 1 17 14 0 0 32 13.8 0.67 0 0 1 1 27 38.4 16 1.5 2.0 0 4 21 1 0 26 13.2 0.47 0 2 13 15 47 36.3 center) were measured on 1 18 webs of A. key- serlingi mature females and 57 webs of immature females (total body length [tbl] < 7 mm). Total body length [tbl] was measured from the anterior end of the median ocular area to the tip of the opisthosoma. Mature male Argiope keyserlingi often inhabit the webs of females, and may act as kleptoparasites as they do in other species (Robinson & Robinson 1978; Suter 1985). Oc- casionally males are found in small webs alone; 1 5 such webs were measured and attributed to males. A sample of 26 A. keyserlingi egg cases was collected from areas adjacent to the main study area during early February 1985. These cases were weighed to the nearest 0. 1 mg (Mettler balance), dissected and the number of eggs count- ed. A second sample of 1 9 egg cases collected in late February 1985 was weighed and maintained in the laboratory until the spiderlings emerged, and these were counted. Spider censuses. —Visual censuses were con- ducted early in the morning on each of 1 4 dates between August and March 1984/85 and 9 dates between July and March 1985/86. Each plot was censused by walking slowly and looking in and under vegetation to detect Argiope webs. Repeat censuses were conducted by a second observer for the first two dates to verify the efficacy of the method. Each spider found was classified into one of 3 length categories (0-5 mm tbl, > 5-7 mm tbl, > 7 mm tbl). Prey abundance.— Potential prey abundance was assessed using sticky-boards. Brown Mason- ite© boards 25.5 cm x 30.0 cm were placed on wood posts with the center of the board 1.2 m above the ground surface. The size of a sticky- board is similar to that of an adult Argiope web. Prey samples were collected once per month for each month when spiders were active (Septem- ber—February). The sample for October 1985 was lost. On each sampling date a clear tight- fitting plastic bag was slipped over the board and both sides of the bag were coated with Tangle- foot© insect trapping adhesive. The plastic bag covered with Tanglefoot refiected the colors of the surrounding vegetation. Four boards were used on each of the 1 6 plots, with two oriented in a N-S direction and two oriented in an E-W BRADLEY PREY, HABITAT AND ARGIOPE 95 direction. On each sampling date the bags were left out for 24 h. To collect the bags, a larger plastic bag was inverted over the sticky-bag and both were removed. This left a clear plastic coat- ing over the specimens, and all subsequent iden- tifications and measurements were made through the plastic. These traps were used because they were successful in pre-sampling tests at capturing examples of the known prey items in the diet of Argiope keyserlingi (see below). Because sticky traps do not behave like spiders (Robinson & Robinson 1973; Rypstra 1982; Castillo & Eber- hard 1983), I treated these data as an index of prey abundance rather than a measure of actual prey availability. Each arthropod captured on the sticky-boards was measured to the nearest 1 mm (body length). Dry-weight biomass was estimated using regres- sion equations appropriate for each taxon (Rog- ers et al. 1976, 1977). In cases where no appro- priate regression equation was available, I calculated one from specimens captured in the study area. Any arthropods that were captured on the sticky traps which were not taken by Ar- giope keyserlingi when fed to spiders in the lab- oratory were eliminated from the sample. Most insects were identified to the ordinal level; large insects (> 10 mm body length) were identified to the family level. Three summary variables were tabulated for each sample of potential prey; 1) total number (NUMB), 2) number of large prey [> 5 mm body length, NBIGS], and 3) total biomass (BIOM). Analysis of spatial and tem- poral patterns of these potential prey variables were analyzed using a randomization test (Sokal & Rohlf 1981). A randomization test (repeated- measures ANOVA) was used because these data violated assumptions of traditional ANOVA (normality, heteroscedasticity) even after trans- formation. The randomization test (T’-ratio used as test statistic) provided a robust, ANOVA-based way to examine variation among dates and across plots. A model that incorporated the repeated measures (boards on plots, dates) was used in the randomization-ANOVA. The SAS GLM (SAS 1988) procedure was used to calculate the SSQ values. A SAS data statement procedure was written to conduct the random re-assignments. Actual values were compared to 1000 random- ized trials for estimation of significance. Para- metric ANOVA (SAS GLM) was applied to web-characteristic data because these data met requisite assumptions. Correlation analyses were conducted to compare both temporal and spatial variation in the prey variables to spider census data. All data were tested for normality using the SAS univariate procedure. Pearson’s product- moment correlation coefficient (r^) was used when data met parametric assumptions. Spearman Rank correlation {R,) was applied where data were not normally distributed. Autocorrelation with a lag of 1 was used to assess temporal vari- ation in the spatial patterns of prey distribution. For this test the data for all four sticky boards were combined to produce one mean value of each prey variable for each date/plot combina- tion. Prey captured by A. keyserlingi in the field were also identified and measured. The frequency dis- tribution of insects taken from Argiope webs was compared to that collected on the sticky-boards for both size and taxonomic grouping using a goodness-of-fit test. Stepwise multiple regression.— I compared the relative importance of vegetation and prey as independent variables for their ability to explain variation in A. keyserlingi density. The mean val- ues of six habitat variables (number of Xanthor- rhoea, number of Macrozamia, number of Liv- istona, number of large shrubs, plot elevation and the first Principal Component Score for each plot) and mean values of three prey variables from the sticky board sampling (NUMB, BIOM, NBIGS) were compared to the dependent vari- able A. keyserlingi density across the 1 6 sampling plots. The analysis was done separately for each of the two years of this study. While the distri- bution of individual variates for these variables was skewed (see above), the mean values used in this analysis were approximately normally dis- tributed (Shapiro-Wilk statistic, P > 0.05), and their variances were homogenous (Bartlett-Box F and Cochran’s C tests P > 0.05). I used SAS REG procedure for these analyses, with the for- ward selection option (SAS 1988). Laboratory experiment.— I captured 29 female A. keyserlingi (penultimate instar) near the Crommelin Biological Research Station on 10 November 1984. These spiders were weighed to the nearest 0. 1 mg on a Mettler balance and in- troduced into individual (30 x 30 x 7 cm) clear perspex (Plexiglass) containers. Two wood dow- els were fixed vertically in each container with a piece of cotton thread strung between them about 2 cm from the top of the container. The spiders readily built orb webs parallel to the long axis of the containers, usually within hours of installa- tion. A ball of moist cotton (re-wetted daily) was 96 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY placed in each container to maintain humidity. Each container had a 10 x 10 cm door on the center of one side for feeding. After the spider had constructed a web, this door could be opened and potential prey placed in the web. Any prey that was not consumed was removed after 24 h. The spiders were randomly divided into two groups. One group (low food) was fed 1 adult D. tryoni once every other day (x = 1 2 mg/feeding, SEM = 0.1 mg, n = 19). The second group (high food) was fed 4 adult Queensland fruit flies {Da~ cus tryoni (Froggatt)) once every other day (x = 48 mg/feeding). For comparison, the median biomass of prey captured on one sticky-board is 1 1,6 mg/day (no comparative data for captures in the natural webs of A. keyserlingi are avail- able). After a female molted into the final instar, a freshly-captured adult male A. keyserlingi with fully expanded palps was introduced to the con- tainer, Any egg sacs were removed and weighed, and the number of eggs counted. Females that died during the experiment were removed and weighed as soon as they were discovered (usually within 12 h). At the end of the experiment (25 February 1985) the surviving females were re- moved and weighed. Field experiment.— A food manipulation ex- periment was conducted to investigate the influ- ence of supplemental prey on the behavior, sur- vival and reproduction of adult female A. keyserlingi. On 10 December 1985, 80 adult fe- male A. keyserlingi were located and their webs were mapped and marked in a comer with in- conspicuous paper tags. The spiders were ran- domly divided into four groups: fed and marked {n = 30), fed and unmarked {n = 10), unfed and marked {n = 30), and unfed and unmarked {n = 10). The unmarked spiders in both treatment groups were included as a control for the marking procedure. Spiders in the fed group were supplied with one meal worm {Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus) lar- va (x = 0.16 g, SEM = 0.01 g, « = 19) twice per day for four days. The web was watched until the spider had captured and wrapped the sup- plemental prey to confirm that prey did not es- cape. Spiders that were to be marked were cap- tured in a plastic vial and anesthetized with CO^ gas. They were then marked with four colored non-toxic paint dots in a unique combination. I judged that the small paint dots did not increase the conspicuousness of these brightly colored spi- ders. The spider was then released back onto its web. All spiders were found each day and if they had moved their new position was mapped and marked. A team of four observers was used to search for spiders. Spiders that disappeared were scored as missing. Any marked spiders that molt- ed (but remained in the same web) were re- marked. Freshly molted A. keyserlingi were eas- ily recognizable. Female A. keyserlingi are qui- escent at the time of molting and marked exuviae were found below the freshly molted individuals. Nevertheless, some individuals may have moved and molted, and these would have been scored as missing. Such movement was relatively rare in Argiope trifasciata Forskal and A. aurantia Lucas and the rate increased after molting (En- ders 1975). Although web-invasion was possible (Riechert & Gillespie 1986; Hofimaster 1986), many web movements of marked spiders were observed and no marked spiders were ever re- located in a web site that was previously occupied by another marked individual. The experiment was divided into three periods: pre-treatment pe- riod (4 d; 10-13 December), treatment period (4 d; 14™ 17 December), post-treatment (5 d; 18-22 December), G-tests of independence (2 x 2; Model II) were used to evaluate movement/mor- tality data from this experiment (Sokal & Rohlf 1981). Individuals were checked on seven sub- sequent dates (4 Jan to 10 March) and any egg cases that were found in marked webs were col- lected. These cases were maintained in the lab- oratory and the number of spiderlings which emerged from these cases was counted. RESULTS Natural reproduction.— I detected significant variation in reproductive output among individ- ual female Argiope in the field. This was ex- pressed by increasing the clutch size rather than egg size. Egg cases from 26 natural (no food sup- plementation) female A. keyserlingi had a mean mass of 0.095 g (SEM = 0.01 g), equivalent to 44% of a female’s mass before laying (x = 0.21 g, SEM = 0.02 g, n = 29). These egg cases con- tained 4-750 (x = 298, SEM = 46, ^ = 26) eggs. For a second sample of 1 9 egg-cases, mass was strongly correlated with the number of juveniles that emerged (r^ = 0.99, P < 0.001). Thus the variation in egg case mass is almost completely explained by variation in numbers of eggs; vari- ation in egg size is relatively unimportant. Fe- males laid from 1-4 egg cases; the maximum reproductive output for any single unmanipu- BRADLEY-PREY, HABITAT AND ARGIOPE 97 Table 2.— Web characteristics of Argiope keyserlingi. Mean (x), standard error of the mean (SEM), 95% confidence interval about the mean (conf int.). Age/sex class n Top thread length (mm) and X (SEM, conf int.) Orb diameter (mm) and X (SEM, conf int.) Orb height (mm) and X (SEM, conf int.) Immature female 57 201 (14, 173-229) 118 (8, 101-134) 737 (40, 656-818) Mature female 118 278 (12, 255-301) 185 (7, 172-199) 809 (34, 741-876) Mature male 15 129 (29, 66-192) 65 (21, 20-111) 793 (101, 576-1009) Classes combined 190 243 (8, 225-261) 155 (11, 143-167) 786 (25, 736-836) lated female was 850 spiderlings (from 3 cases; 207, 258, 385). Natural webs and prey. —Some web charac- teristics differed among the age/sex classes of A. keyserlingi (Table 2). Webs of mature females were significantly larger than those of immature females (top thread length ANOVA P < 0.001, orb diameter ANOVA P < 0.001). Webs of ma- ture males were significantly smaller than either class of females (ANOVA P < 0.001). This is not surprising considering the fact that males of this species are tiny (mean mass = 0.005 g, SEM 0.001 g, « = 15) and rarely feed. The sticky orbs of all classes were at similar heights (ANOVA, ns). The mean mass of 3 1 natural prey items was 0.04 g (SEM = 0.01 g), ranging from small gnats and mosquitos (<0.001 g) to a large predatory fly (Diptera: Asilidae, 0.12 g). The size distri- ^ bution (six categories) of these prey was com- gc pared to that of potential prey captured on the u. sticky boards {n = 1783, Fig. 2). The spiders ^ captured significantly more large prey (x^ = 365; o df = 5; P < 0.001). Large prey (>0.05 g) con- P stituted 26% of Argiope prey but only 0.9% of O potentially available insects. Prey were also com- q pared to taxonomic assignment (by order, 1 0 cat- egories); significantly fewer flies (all Diptera com- bined) and more wasps (Hymenoptera combined) were captured by the Argiope than the sticky boards (x^ = 254; df= 9;P < 0.001). Flies made up 19% of A. keyserlingi prey but 81% of poten- tial prey. Hymenoptera made up 29% of Argiope prey but only 4% of potential insect prey. Spider density. —I calculated density for both 1984/85 and 1985/86 on each of the 16 study plots. This estimate is based on the mean number of spiders/plot for all censuses when spiders were active. The mean density in 1984/85 was 150 spiders/ha (SEM = 29, « = 16) and in 1985/86 it was 97 spiders/ha (SEM = 24, « = 16). There was considerable variation across the 16 study plots; 1984/85 coefficient of variation (CV) = 76%, 1985/86 CV 94% (Table 1). Density pat- terns across plots were consistent between years (r, = +0.81; P < 0.01). Argiope keyserlingi density was not related to any of the tree or large shrub variables, although it was significantly correlated with total numbers of small shrubs (1984 = +0.74, P < 0.001; 1985 Tp = +0.62, P < 0.01). This relationship is primarily due to a strong correlation with Xan- thorrhoea resinosa numbers (1984 r^ = +0.88, P < 0.001; 1985 r^ = +0.86, P < 0.001). Xan~ thorrhoea plants are a favored web site for Ar- giope. Principal component analysis generally SIZE CATEGORY OF PREY Figure 2. — Relative proportions of prey in six bio- mass categories. The vertical scale is the percentage of the sample which belongs in the size category. The six categories (horizontal scale) are: 1 . 0-0.00 1 g; 2. >0.00 1- 0.005 g; 3. >0.005-0.01 g; 4. >0.01-0.05 g; 5. >0.05- 0. 1 g; 6. > 0. 1 g. The open bars represent the propor- tions of potential prey in the sticky-board samples {n = 1783), the solid bars represent the proportions of prey captured and consumed by Argiope keyserlingi observed in the field {n = 31). 98 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Table 3.— Results of autocorrelation analysis for prey sampling variables. The values in the body of the table are the mean correlation for lag = 1 among all dates (1984/1985 n = 5, 1985/1986 n = 4). None of the individual correlation or mean correlation values are statistically significant. Large prey have a total body length >5 mm. Number Year Numbers large prey Biomass 1984/1985 -0.04 +0.002 +0.08 1985/1986 + 0.07 +0.08 +0.04 failed to clarify the relationship between vege- tation and spider density. A. keyserlingi density was correlated with principal component axis 3 of the vegetation analysis (1984 = +0.69, P < 0.01; 1985 Tp = +0.71, P < 0.01). This axis was positively weighted on numbers of larger broadleaf trees (higher canopy) and Macrozamia density, both factors are indicative of a mesic microenvironment. This axis, however, explains only about 1 2% of the variation in the vegetation data. Neither the first nor second principal com- ponent axis was significantly correlated to spider density. Spider density was negatively correlated with plot elevation (1984 = -0.67, P < 0.01; 1985 Tp = -0.65, P < 0.01). This feature cov- aried with vegetation characteristics, probably because the lower plots were nearer a small creek and supported lush shrub growth. Relationship to prey.— Temporal patterns: Appearance of foraging spiders on the study area was slightly delayed during the spring of 1985/ 86, possibly due to an unusually cool fall (Fig. I B) . Despite this, the date of first appearance and general phenology of Argiope during the four summers from 1983/84 through 1986/87 were all quite similar despite unusual patterns of rain- fall. There was a drought prior to the summer of 1983/84 and unusually heavy rains during the spring (November and December) of 1984 (Fig. IC) . Seasonal abundance patterns of potential prey, as revealed by the sticky board samples (NUMB, NBIGS), exhibited significant variation among sampling dates (Repeated-measures ANOVA randomization test P < 0.001). This seasonal pattern of variation was consistent for corre- sponding sampling dates during the activity pe- riod of A keyserlingi between years (NUMB R, = +0.90, NBIGS R, = +0.80). Although the pattern of seasonal variation in potential prey biomass (BIOM) was also significant (Repeated- measures ANOVA randomization test P < 0.00 1), it was not consistent between years (BIOM R^ = -0.40, Fig. 3). The pattern of A keyserlingi seasonal abundance (averaged across plots) was positively correlated with all three prey variables for 1984/85 (NUMB R, = +0.90, BIOM R, = +0.60, NBIGS R3 = +0.50). This comparison for the 1985/86 season revealed a positive cor- relation between spider and prey numbers (NUMB R3 = +0.90, NBIGS R, = +1.0), but not between spider numbers and prey biomass (BIOM R3 = -0.10). Overall, the general sea- sonal phenology of A. keyserlingi was related to the seasonal pattern of abundance of potential prey. Relationship to Spatial patterns: Spa- tial patterns of distribution of potential prey numbers (NUMB, NBIGS) across the 16 study plots exhibited significant variation (Repeated- measures ANOVA randomization test P < 0.05). Spatial variation in biomass (BIOM) across plots was not significant (Repeated-measures ANOVA randomization test P = 0.08). The spatial pat- terns were not consistent between years (NUMB R3 = +0.26, BIOM R3 = -0.26, NBIGS R^ = +0.16; all ns). Autocorrelation of the three prey variables using a lag of 1 (comparing a month with the preceding month) with the 16 plots as replicates, detected no significant correlations (Table 3). Thus the spatial patterns of variation in prey across plots were not even consistent from month to month (Fig. 3). As concluded above A. keyserlingi density on the plots was very consis- tent, and it is therefore not surprising that there was no relationship between A. keyserlingi on the plots and any of the potential prey variables when all dates are combined. A correlation ma- Figure 3. — Summary of biomass of potential prey captured on sticky boards during the two sampling years (1984/1985, 1985/1986). Each dot represents the mean biomass captured on the four sticky boards on that plot for that sampling date (horizontal scale). The vertical scale is biomass in mg plotted on a log scale. The 16 graphs correspond to the 16 field sampling plots. Note that there is no consistent pattern across dates or plots, and that no plot had consistently high or low potential prey captures. Biomass captured (mg) Sampling Date 100 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Table 4. —Results of stepwise multiple correlation analysis of habitat and prey variables against the den- sity of Argiope keyserlingi for the two study years. Variable entering model Partial r2 Cu- mu- lative Signifi- cance P < 1984/1985 season Xanthorrhoea density 0.77 0.77 0.0001 Plot elevation 0.10 0.87 0.01 Prey biomass 0.05 0.92 0.05 Macrozamia density 0.02 0.94 ns 1985/1986 season Xanthorrhoea density 0.75 0.75 0.0001 Plot elevation 0.08 0.83 0.05 Total large shrub density 0.01 0.84 ns Macrozamia density 0.01 0.85 ns trix between spider density and potential prey variables for all date and plot samples (data not combined for rows or columns, thus all combi- nations calculated separately) revealed no sig- nificant correlations. Stepwise regression analysis. —This analysis simultaneously compares the relationships be- tween habitat and potential prey patterns and their correlation with variation in A. keyserlingi numbers on the study plots. The analysis re- vealed that habitat features were far more im- portant predictors of spider distribution (Table 4). For both years the number of Xanthorrhoea entered the model first, this factor alone ex- plained 77% and 75% of the variation in spider density for 1984/85 and 1985/86. Again for both years plot elevation was the next factor to enter explaining an additional 10% and 8% of the vari- ation in spider numbers. All three of the potential prey measures combined explained only 6.7% of the variation in spider density in 1984/85 and <1% in 1985/86. The clear conclusion from this analysis is that habitat characteristics were a bet- ter predictor of spider density than measures of potential prey on the same plots. Laboratory experiment. —All laboratory fe- males mated with the males presented to them. Females maintained under the high-food treat- ment increased by an average of 49% of their initial mass, while those maintained under the low-food treatment did not significantly change in mass (Table 5). Of the 1 5 high-food treatment females, 12 produced egg cases; these females had a total reproductive output similar to that measured in the field (Table 5; /-test, ns). Only 7 of 1 4 females maintained under the low-food treatment produced egg cases. These females had a reproductive output significantly lower than the high-food treatment group (Table 5; /-test, P < 0.05). Field experiment.— There were no differences in web-site movement or disappearance of marked and unmarked females, so these two cat- egories were combined for subsequent analyses. There were no differences in the proportion of females moving between the fed and unfed groups during the pre-feeding (control) period. Signifi- cantly fewer females supplied with supplemen- tary food moved during the feeding and post- feeding periods (G-test, P < 0.001; Fig. 4). Of those females that moved, there was no differ- ence in distance moved between treatment groups (combined x = 1.3 m, SEM = 0.2 m, « = 65). There was no significant difference between survival (as estimated by the disappearance of individuals) of the fed and unfed groups during the pre-feeding (control) period. There was a dif- ference in the proportion missing during the feeding period: more unfed individuals van- Table 5. —Reproduction of Argiope keyserlingi in the laboratory and field. The “high food” treatment averaged 48 mg/feeding and the “low food” group averaged 12 mg/feeding. A sample of females observed in the field is included for comparison. For these females the number of juveniles was estimated (=number eggs counted). Treatment group n X change in mass (SEM) X number of egg cases per female Total number of juveniles emerged per female (SEM) High food 15 + 0.103 (0.04) 1.2 293 (57) Low food 14 -0.031 (0.01) 0.6 120 (39) Field 26 no data 1.4 367 (46) BRADLEY~PREY, HABITAT AND ARGIOPE 101 P m > o 2 H O o 0.40 0.20 0.00 PRE-FEEDING FEEDING POST FEEDING Figure 4. — Influence of the field food-supplementation experiment on Argiope keyserlingi movement. The data are partitioned into three periods: 1 . the pre-feeding control period of four days, spiders were marked and observed but not manipulated; 2. the feeding period of four days where V2 of the individuals (all adult females) were provided with supplementary food; 3. the post-feeding period of five days where the manipulation ceased but the spiders were monitored. Data are the totals at the end of each period. The solid bars represent the spiders that were provided with supplemental food, the open bars represent control spiders. Each treatment group began with 40 spiders; sample sizes declined between periods because of spider mortality (Fig. 5). ished, but this difference was not statistically sig- nificant (G-test, ns; Fig. 5). This difference was more apparent during the post-feeding period (Fig, 5) and it was statistically significant (G-test, P < 0.001). Of the spiders surviving at the end of the sea- son, 41% of the fed group produced at least one egg case whereas only 25% of the unfed group did so (Table 6), There was no significant differ- ence between treatment groups in either the number of spiderlings per egg case or the total number of spiderlings per female (Table 6). Sev- eral of the females from each treatment group captured large prey items (in addition to the sup- plemental food). One of the no-supplementation females captured an unusually large prey item (large Asilid fly). This fly represents the largest single prey item recorded during this study (0.12 g), and this spider also had the highest repro- ductive output recorded from a female A. key- seriingi during this study (850 spiderlings from three egg cases). If this exceptional female is re- moved from the analysis, the reproductive out- put per female among the experimental females that were provided with supplementary food is greater than the reproductive output of those which were not fed (Table 6). DISCUSSION Three lines of evidence indicate that relative foraging success largely determines differences in survival and reproduction patterns among fe- male A. keyserlingi. First, individual females kept in the laboratory showed a direct response to feeding treatment. The high food treatment fe- males grew larger and were more fecund than those females maintained on the low food diet. Second, twice as many females provided with supplementary food in the field experiment suc- ceeded in completing at least one egg case. In addition, if the single unfed female which hap- pened to capture a very large prey item is dis- counted, there would have also been a signifi- cantly greater reproduction among fed females. In one sense, the exception proves the rule; this individual captured the largest prey item ob- served in the study and exhibited the record high- est reproductive output. Foraging success is un- predictable but crucial to female A. keyserlingi. Another conclusion from the field experiment is that mere survival is not sufficient to insure suc- cessful production of eggs or juveniles. Only 25% of the surviving females that were exposed to natural prey abundance actually produced egg 102 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY O 2 £ < m Z o H O Pm O pe^ Pm 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 PRE-FEEDING FEEDING POST FEEDING Figure 5. --Influence of the field food-supplementation experiment on Argiope keyserlingi survival. The data are partitioned into three periods: 1. the pre-feeding control period of four days, spiders were marked and observed but not manipulated; 2. the feeding period of 4 days where Vi of the individuals (all adult females) were provided with supplementary food; 3. the post-feeding period of five days where the manipulation ceased but the spiders were monitored. Data are the totals at the end of each period. The solid bars represent the spiders that were provided with supplemental food, the open bars represent control spiders. Each treatment group began with 40 spiders. Because of the intensive search effort by five observers and the relatively small area of suitable habitat, disappearance is probably a good measure of survivorship. Individuals classified as “absent” were assumed to be dead. cases. Third, the mortality rate among Argiope keyserlingi was lower for individuals provided with supplementary prey in the field. Mortality was assessed by disappearance; it is possible that if some spiders moved and were not re-located they would have been misclassified as dead. Be- cause there were four observers searching a lim- ited patch of relatively sparse habitat, I believe that few individuals of this conspicuous spider were missed. What could cause increased mortality? It is possible that individuals with poor foraging suc- cess starved to death, but this seems unlikely. Individuals maintained in the laboratory sur- vived on low food for a period well beyond the scope of this experiment. When individual Ar- giope die from starvation, they are found hanging from their webs or in the vegetation below. Dead spiders were rarely found. It seems much more likely that they suffered increased risk of pre- dation. Visually hunting predators, including di- urnal birds and wasps {e.g., Cryptocheilus sp.), are more likely to notice moving spiders. Voll- rath (1985) suggested that movement to a new Table 6. —Fecundity of Argiope keyserlingi females from field manipulation experiment. Figures based on the number of females that remained and produced at least one egg case (number that laid any eggs). The number of juveniles was based on a total count of active juveniles that emerged (all cases combined). Unfed (subset) treatment group recalculated excluding the single female that captured the record largest natural prey item. Treatment group Original n Number at end of experiment Number that laid any eggs Number of egg cases per fecund female (x) Number of spiderlings per case X (SEM) Number of juveniles per female X (SEM) Food added 40 22 9 1.2 293 (34) 147 (66) Unfed 40 16 4 2.0 290 (43) 145 (137) Unfed (subset) 39 15 3 0.6 294(122) 98(118) BRADLEY --PREY, HABITAT AND ARGIOPE web site increased the risk of predation for Ne~ phila clavipes (Linnaeus), and that individuals provided with supplementary prey moved less and suffered a lower rate of mortality. As adult female Argiope keyserlingi become sated with food their behavior changed; they ceased re- building the sticky-orb each morning and they moved to a retreat in a curled leaf near the upper attachment point of the web. This shift probably made them far less obvious to a predator hunting for spiders in a web. Several of the adult females that were in the food supplementation treatment group quit foraging after only two days of extra food. These spiders remained in their retreat un- til they laid eggs. Increased foraging success would thus reduce the apparent exposure of a female to predators which search webs, and might account for the lower mortality in the fed group that was evident only towards the end of the experiment because the mortality effect would be cumulative (Fig. 5). Do patterns of activity and habitat selection in A. keyserlingi reflect prey abundance or hab- itat, or both? There is some evidence from this study that the annual phenology of Argiope key- serlingi is related to seasonal variation in prey abundance. Spatial distribution of spider density was, however, not related to prey abundance pat- terns. If the data are analyzed treating each date and plot as a separate sample, there seems to be little relationship between A. keyserlingi and po- tential prey. Argiope are most active when prey are most abundant, but not necessarily in sites with highest prey numbers. There was no serial- autocorrelation in the sticky-board insect sam- ples in this study, suggesting that prey were un- predictable in time and space. The inconsistency in prey numbers between years across plots apparently obscures any more general seasonal relationship between spider density and prey abundance. In a comparison of Argiope aurantia Lucas and A. trifasciata (Forskal), McReynolds & Polis (1987) concluded that differences in hab- itat and prey handling abilities explained the small dietary differences between these two species. Dif- ferences in diet reflected both seasonal change in the prey available as well as the size relationships between growing spiders and the prey that they were capable of handling (McReynolds & Polis 1987). Few of the measured web characteristics were correlated with the taxa of prey which were captured (McReynolds & Polis 1987). My results with A. keyserlingi appear consistent with those of McReynolds and Polis insofar as the fact that 103 prey captured seem to reflect seasonal prey avail- ability. I do not have any comparable informa- tion on individual prey capture rates, or the re- lationship between spider size and prey captured. Although^, keyserlingi reproduction seems to be closely tied to the biomass of prey captured, there was no evidence indicating that A. keyser- lingi exerted control over prey density. This sit- uation resembles a donor-controlled system (Pimm 1982). Pimm (1982) suggested that this sort of relationship should be rare (with the ex- ception of detritivores). The fact that A. keyser- lingi abundance appeared to have had little effect on prey density might be because this orb-weav- ing spider was only one of many predators that influenced insect abundance in the study area. Alternatively, this may be related to the fact that the density of Argiope keyserlingi was low com- pared to estimates for oXhQx Argiope species which average 40 to 50 times higher than those mea- sured in this study (Olive 1980; Brown 1981; Horton & Wise 1983). Thus there may be too few Argiope keyserlingi present to have exerted control over insect abundance. Argiope keyserlingi density was related to gen- eral habitat features, especially those associated with web-site availability {e.g., Xanthorrhoea density). The importance of Xanthorrhoea shrubs as web sites may be related to the fact their struc- ture, with a brush of long (1 m) narrow (1-6 mm) leaf blades spreading radially from a central trunk, provides an infinite gradation of gap sizes which can accommodate webs of many sizes and ori- entations. There was no correlation between these preferred sites and potential insect prey abun- dance. If prey are not predictable and there is high mortality among adult females in their webs, it is possible that Argiope choose web-sites as much to avoid predation as to maximize prey capture rate. In light of this, it would be inter- esting to investigate the influence of web position on the risk of predation. Overall, these data support the idea that veg- etation structure is the chief determinant of web- site choice for orb-weavers, rather than prey availability (Enders 1973; Coleboum 1974). Three of four orb-weaver species studied by Pas- quet (1984) exhibited a clear relationship be- tween density and habitat structure, while only two species built webs where prey abundance was highest. Furthermore, vegetation structure but not prey availability was found to be a very im- portant predictor of spider community structure (Greenstone 1984). In a study comparing the 104 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY spider assemblages on three continents, Rypstra (1986) found that vegetation structure was the best predictor of spider activity. Prey abundance was also significantly correlated with spider ac- tivity at each locality (Rypstra 1986). Riechert & Gillespie (1986) reviewed the basis for web- site selection taken from the literature including data from 14 species of araneids. Vegetation was a web-site selection criterion for 12 of these 14, while prey abundance was important for only 5 of the 1 4 species. In the sheet-web building age- lenid Agelenopsis aperta (Gertsch), web sites are the subject of intense intraspecific competition; and there was a clear positive correlation of fa- vorable web sites with both physical and prey- capture criteria (Riechert 1974, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1981). It is clear that in cases where vegetation and potential prey covary, inference about their relative importance is difficult. Rypstra (1983) demonstrated that both web-substrate complex- ity and prey abundance are important to equi- librium spider density within enclosures. In this case, prey appear to be a more important deter- minant, but this result is partially explicable by reduced interspecific predation and cannibalism among the spiders in the enclosures maintained under the high food regimes. My results reinforce the general conclusion that vegetation structure is an important predictor of orb-weaving spider abundance. Prey abundance appears to be of lesser significance in relation to spider density, but this may not indicate that it is less important to the spiders. As Rypstra (1986) points out, vegetation is easier to quantify; and I would add that it is probably less variable in space and time than insect abundance. Perhaps the difficulties involved in precise quantification of prey availability are an important confound- ing factor in broad-scale community analyses. Prey variability is real and it is possible that spiders are constrained to use a more reliable factor (vegetation) in their efforts to select prof- itable foraging sites. An indication that prey en- counters influence A. keyserlingi behavior is that web-site movement was related to success in capturing prey. Individuals provided with sup- plementary prey were more sedentary (Fig. 4). Similar results have been observed in other orb- weaving spiders in the field (Olive 1982; Janetos 1982; Vollrath 1985). In contrast, there was no relationship between dietary experience and movement in laboratory experiments on Nephila clavipes (Vollrath & Houston 1986). Gillespie & Caraco (1987) found that individ- uals of Tetragnatha elongata Walckenaer in a prey-rich environment actually moved more than those inhabiting a relatively depauperate area. Their results appear consistent with the predic- tions of a risk-sensitive foraging model where movement will increase as prey availability ex- ceeds an appropriate physiological requirement. The behavior of Tetragnatha elongata appar- ently does not match a second model described in their paper, which predicts that spider mo- bility would be inversely related to prey avail- ability. The key difference between these two models was whether a foraging spider used cap- ture success information to predict the best strat- egy. According to these authors the first model assumes that temporal variation in prey abun- dance makes it difficult for a forager to predict spatial prey distribution. Hence if prey avail- ability is high, spiders will benefit by sampling several localities. Results for A. keyserlingi ap- pear to conflict with Gillespie and Caraco’s re- sult. Temporal variation in prey abundance ap- peared to mask spatial predictability, and prey abundance was limiting to female Argiope, Nev- ertheless, individual female^, keyserlingi moved more often when their foraging success was poor. Interpretation of the present study depends upon the scale of observation. On a broad scale, there was a positive relationship between keyserlingi seasonal phenology to temporal prey- abundance patterns. On a finer scale, there was little relationship between prey abundance and the number of active foraging spiders on indi- vidual sampling plots. At this scale, spider den- sity seems to be related to the availability of preferred sites for the construction of webs. At the scale of individuals, the history of foraging success predicted both survival and reproduc- tion, and had a dramatic infiuence on behavior. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank John Clark, Greg Wallis, Rebecca Bla- don and Jill Smith for their assistance with field data collection and laboratory analysis. I thank Jessica Yuille, Merilyn Lean, Ann Parsons, and Peter Higgins for assistance with the field exper- iment. I thank Eva Odlander for conducting field observations. I thank Basil Panayotakos and Sam Ruggeri for construction of lab enclosures. I thank Dave Bradley for writing the program for the randomization test and advice on statistical anal- yses. Aub Bartlett, Sat and Rabia Murphy pro- vided excellent facilities and hospitality at the Crommelin Biological Station. Roger Carolyn and Belinda Pellow of the School of Biological Sci- BRADLEY^PREY, HABITAT AND ARGIOPE 105 ences at Sydney University made these facilities available for my use. I thank the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service for permission to conduct research on lands under their care. I thank Paul Adam, Charles Birch, Lynn Day, Barry and Marylin Fox, Graham Pyke, Mark Westoby for valuable discussions of re- source ecology. I thank Alan Cady, Matthew Greenstone, Susan Riechert, David Spiller, Amy Tovar, David Wise and John Wiens for reading an earlier draft of this manuscript and providing many helpful suggestions. Amy Tovar assisted in the field and provided much needed encour- agement during the long gestation of this paper. This research was supported by a University of Sydney Special Projects Grant. This paper is Syd- ney University LU.S. contribution #2. LITERATURE CITED Andrewartha, H. G. & L. C. Birch. 1954. The Dis- tribution and Abundance of Animals. Univ. Chi- cago Press, Chicago. Andrewartha, H. G. & L. C. Birch. 1984. The Eco- logical Web. Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago. Benson, J. S. & H. Fallding. 1981. Vegetation survey of Brisbane Water National Park and environs. Cunninghamia, 1 : 7 9™ 1 1 3 . Bradley, R. A. 1986. 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The Journal of Arachnology 21:107-1 19 CONSTRAINTS AND PLASTICITY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF JUVENILE NEPHILA CLAVIPES IN MEXICO Linden Higgins': Centro de Ecologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apartado Postal 70-275, Ciudad Universitaria, C. P. 01450, Mexico ABSTRACT: The large, orb- weaving spider Nephila clavipes is found in a diversity of habitats within a narrow latitudinal range in Mexico. This allowed nearly simultaneous study of post-embryonic development of six disjunct populations in dissimilar environments. A common-garden laboratory study utilizing juveniles collected in four sites reinforced the conclusions from the field. The developmental parameters influencing growth in size at ecdysis did not vary within or among populations and may be genetically determined. Although very small juveniles exhibit variation in the growth per ecdysis, larger juveniles exhibit very little variation. These data, compared to data from field and laboratory studies of other tropical populations of N. clavipes, indicate that growth per ecdysis is highly constrained. Thus, this developmental parameter establishes a developmental trajectory that may be genetically determined and therefore subject to natural selection. RESUMEN: La arana Nephila clavipes, tejedora de telas orbiculares, se encueritra en habitats diversos en Mexico dentro de un limite angusto de latitud. Eso permitio estudios casi simultaneos de ontogenia de juveniles en seis poblaciones desunidos en ambientes distintos. Un estudio del laboratorio utilizando juveniles colectados en cuatro sitios fortalece las conclusiones del campo. Los parametros ontogeneticos determinando el crecimiento por muda no vario dentro ni entre poblaciones, y posiblemente son geneticamente determinados. Aunque juveniles muy pequenos mostraron variacion en el crecimiento por muda, juveniles mas grandes no mostraron variacion en este parametro. Estos datos, combinados con datos de estudios de otras poblaciones en el laboratorio y en el campo, indican que el crecimiento por muda esta muy coiistrenido. Asi, este parametro establece una trayectoria ontogenetica que posiblemente sea geneticamente determinado y sujeto a seleccion natural. Determining how environmental factors influ- ence life history requires determination of the developmental parameters at each life-history stage and examination of whether the parameters are phenotypically plastic, responding to the en- vironment, or are genetically determined (Ca- swell 1983, Via & Lande 1985, Pease & Bull 1988). The development of the large orb-weav- ing spider Nephila clavipes (Linnaeus) (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) can be expressed as a group of interdependent parameters with varying degrees of phenotypic plasticity (Higgins 1992a). Exper- imental trials showed that weight gain and in- termolt interval duration responded to shifts in food availability, but growth per ecdysis did not (Higgins pers. obs.). The duration of the inter- molt interval was found to be correlated with the size of the spider and apparently reflected the length of time the individual required to achieve the minimum weight necessary to molt to the next instar. In field studies, whereas the rate of ' Current address: Dept, of Zoology, University of Tex- as at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712 USA weight gain and the number of juvenile molts varied with habitat within and among popula- tions, the growth per ecdysis did not vary within a population or between two populations in the tropics (Higgins 1992a). The constraints im- posed upon development by the constant growth per ecdysis were countered by phenotypic plas- ticity in other developmental parameters, par- ticularly the number of instars, generating vari- ation in size and age at maturity (Higgins 1992a; Higgins pers. obs.). The previous studies utilized a range of sites with widely differing physical and biological con- ditions including photoperiod, making it difficult to distinguish the relative influence of different ecological factors on post-embryonic develop- ment. In order to better understand the environ- mental influence on development, a second field Study was undertaken, utilizing the diversity of habitats in which N. clavipes is found in Mexico. Choosing sites within a U latitude range elimi- nated variation in photoperiod among sites and allowed nearly simultaneous study of popula- tions experiencing very different environments. 107 108 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY In order to more fully explore the plasticity and constraints of development, juveniles from the four most distinct habitats were brought into the laboratory in a common-garden experiment. Common-garden experiments, where individ- uals from different environments are held in a common environment, allow preliminary differ- entiation between those parameters that are ap- parently genetically determined and those that are phenotypically plastic (Wise 1987). Param- eters that are genetically determined and vary among populations will express similar variation in the laboratory among individuals from those populations. In contrast, parameters that are phenotypically plastic and vary among popula- tions will not vary in the laboratory among in- dividuals from different populations. The com- bination of laboratory and field observations thus allows distinction between constrained, poten- tially genetically determined, parameters and phenotypically plastic parameters. METHODS Populations studied.— Spiders were observed in six sites spanning Mexico from the Veracruz coast to the Jalisco coast. Three sites were in Veracruz: Playa Escondida, Nanciyaga, and For- tin de las Flores. One site was in the high altitude desert valley of Tehuacan, Puebla. Two sites were west of the central plateau: Arroyo Frio, Mi- choacan, and Chamela, Jalisco. In 1989 I trav- eled to Playa Escondida, Nanciyaga, Fortin de las Flores, Arroyo Frio, and Chamela. In 1990, I studied spiders in Playa Escondida, Nanciyaga, Fortin de las Flores, Tehuacan, and Chamela. Because these sites varied only 1® latitude, there was no significant difference in photoperiod among them. However, the sites varied in many environmental parameters including type and degree of seasonality, and prey capture rates (Ta- ble 1). Playa Escondida and Nanciyaga are privately owned forest preserves about 13,5 km apart on the Veracruz coast, separated by cattle ranches. Both have wet climates with relatively cool win- ters. Playa Escondida is approximately 1 km from a previous study site, the biological station “Los Tuxtlas” (Higgins 1992a, b). The N. davipes pop- ulation at the latter site disappeared shortly after dispersal of juveniles early in 1 989, and the study was continued at Playa Escondida. The third Ve- racruz site, Fortin de las Flores, is a mid-altitude area of coffee plantations (Benton & Uetz 1986). This site is cooler and experiences stronger win- ters with minimum temperatures as low as 0 °C. On the western, dry side of the Sierra Madre Oriental in the valley of Tehuacan, I studied the spiders at the Secretaria de Ecologia y Desarrollo Urbano cactus garden near Zapotitlan Salinas, Puebla. Annual rainfall in Tehuacan is very low and there is a relatively cold winter. Climato- logical data are not available for Arroyo Frio, located near Perdenales in southwestern Mi- choacan. The area is seasonally dry and, due to the altitude, seasonally cool. However, there is a permanent stream through the site that main- tains high relative humidity within the arroyo where the spiders are found. On the Pacific coast of Jalisco, the spiders were studied at Chamela field station, owned and run by the Institute de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). This site is seasonally dry but never cool. Spiders were found during the rainy season at all sites, but are facultatively bivoltine at both coastal Veracruz sites (Higgins in press). There was no second generation at these sites in 1989 and 1990, so data are presented from only the rainy season. Rates of prey capture were estimated through trap-line surveys (Turnbull 1960). The spiders in Playa Escondida captured fewer prey than the spiders at other sites (Table 1) (Higgins pers. obs.). Predation load, estimated as the proportion of juveniles less than 0.5 cm leg I tibia + patella length that abandoned intact orb webs following predator attack (as in Higgins 1 992b), was higher in Tehuacan, Arroyo Frio, and Chamela, but the differences were not significant (Higgins pers. obs.). I traveled alternately east and west from Mex- ico City, visiting inland sites both on my way to and returning from the coastal sites. The visits at the coastal sites were slightly longer than visits to the inland sites. The combination of longer visits at the end points and repeated visits at intermediate sites enhanced the probability of observing molts by marked individuals. Field ol)ser¥ations*~ Field observations of in- dividuals utilized the methodology previously described in detail (Higgins 1992a). At each site, censuses of spider abundance and size were made and web sites were flagged. Measurements, made with Helios needle-tipped calipers, included spi- der leg I tibia + patella length (TPF, cm), ab- domen length, and abdomen width. Individuals larger than 0. 5 cm TPL were marked with enamel paint on their legs. From abdomen length and width, the abdominal volume was estimated as HIGGINS-- DEVELOPMENT OF JUVENILE NEPHILA CLAVIPES 109 Table L— Location, climate and relative prey capture rates at each site. Annual rainfall and mean temperature were taken from the nearest weather station reported by Garcia (1973) for all sites except Chamela. Data from Chamela come from Bullock (1986 and pers. commun.). Temperatures are for the growing season. No weather data are available for Arroyo Frio. (§ Mean prey capture per 1 2 diurnal hours per spider (Higgins, pers. obs.), determined as in Higgins & Buskirk 1992.) Site Coordinates Altitude (m) Annual rainfall (m) Mean temp, °C Prey capture § Playa Escondida 18°35'N, 95°W 0 4.5 26 low Nanciyaga 18°35'N, 95°W 100 4.5 26 high Fortin de las Flores 18°50'N, 97°W 1000 2.5 22 high Tehuacan 18°20'N, 97°30'W 1200 0.3 20 high Arroyo Frio 19°10'N, 101°30'W 1200 Chamela 19°30'N, 105°W 50 0.7 — high a cylinder. For a given TPL, abdomen volume is highly correlated with spider weight (Higgins 1992a). Each individual found on a non-viscid silk platform was assumed to be pre- or post- ecdysis (Higgins 1990). The size of the abdomen relative to the legs distinguished between these conditions: pre-ecdysis individuals have large, distended abdomens whereas post-ecdysis indi- viduals have much smaller abdomens relative to leg length and carapace width. Collection of ex- uviae provided additional data for the analysis of growth per ecdysis. Post-ecdysis spiders often hang the exuvium in the barrier webs near the hub connection, and TPL of an exuvium is not significantly different from the spider size in the previous instar (Higgins 1992a). When several exuviae were present, I only measured the larg- est, from the most recent molt. These data are used to compare the relation- ships among abdomen volume, premolt TPL, and postmolt TPL within and among the pop- ulations over the entire life-cycle of the spiders. These parameters all describe the growth per molt, and as such are not strictly independent. How- ever, because there was a chance that spiders gain weight beyond that required to successfully com- plete ecdysis (particularly relevant for penulti- mate-instar individuals), premolt abdomen vol- ume was compared as well as premolt and postmolt TPL. To describe growth patterns of the species in North America, data from previous studies in Texas, USA, “Los Tuxtlas”, Veracruz Mexico, and Panama (Higgins 1 992a) were com- pared to those presented here. Common garden experiment. —In 1990, juve- nile spiders from two wet and two dry sites were brought into the laboratory. The populations se- lected for laboratory study were Nanciyaga, For- tin de las Flores, Tehuacan and Chamela. The spiders were maintained on three dimensional frames made of two intersecting 30 cm circles made of fiberglass strips, and were free to move about the laboratory. From each site, spiders of 0.2-0. 4 cm TPL were collected. Twenty-three spiders were used in the experiment, as follows: Nanciyaga (3 females, 1 male), Fortin (3 females, 3 males), Tehuacan (2 females, 4 males), Cha- mela (2 females, 5 males). The ratio of juvenile males to females depended upon the exact dates of collection. Later in the season, small spiders are more likely to be males (pers. obs.). In ad- dition, three spiders escaped prior to being marked during a trip to Fortin and Tehuacan. These animals were included in the description of weight gain during the intermolt interval. The spiders were maintained 3-4 days with only water to increase the probability of spinning when released, and were offered food immedi- ately after a web was spun. Any spider that did not spin an orb within three days of release in the laboratory was not included in the experi- ment. Throughout the experiment, each spider was offered three Drosophila virens each day. For a period of one week, only D. melanogaster was available; two of these were substituted for each of the larger D. virens (for a total of six flies). At the initiation of the experiment, the spiders were measured (TPL, abdomen length, abdomen width), and these measures were repeated with each molting. Abdomen volume was measured every other day during the intermolt interval to monitor weight gain. The majority of the spiders were held for two molts; one individual from Fortin failed to molt a second time in the lab- 110 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY □ 0.5 0.0 □ o Playa Escondida □ Nanciyaga A Fortin ▲ Tehuacan ■ Arroyo Frio • Chamela 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 premolt abdomen volume, cc 1.0 Figure 1.— Postmolt size (leg I tibia + patella length, TPL) as a function of premolt abdomen volume at all sites. Only data from juveniles and females molting to maturity are included in the graph. The curve represents a fit to the entire data set, y = 1.66 x (R2 = 0.99). oratory. Observations also distinguished those days when the spiders were foraging and had partially or wholly renewed orbs from the days immediately pre- or post-molt, when the spiders were not actively foraging. Data presented here concern the growth per ecdysis, length of the in- termolt, days spent foraging during the intermolt and pattern of abdomen volume gain during the intermolt period. Statistical analyses* —The developmental pa- rameters examined in this study are dependent upon the size, TPL, of the individual. Therefore, all analyses tested for a significant regression be- tween TPL and the measurement in question. If the regression analysis was significant for each population, further analysis tested for significant variation in the slope of the regression lines among populations. If there was a significant interaction of population and TPL, indicating difference in slope, then the analysis was halted (Sokal & Rohlf 1981). If the interaction terms were not signifi- cant, a final analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with TPL as covariate tested for variation in the altitude of the line (y intercept). Lastly, if no difference was found due to population or treat- ment in a biologically important variable, a pos- teriori power tests were calculated to determine the minimum percent difference in the slope or intercept that could have been detected with these data. RESULTS Field observations. volume and molting: The relationships among premolt ab- domen volume, premolt TPL and postmolt TPL vary little within or among the six populations studied. Postmolt TPL is related to the abdomen volume by a concave function, approximately a function of the cube root of abdomen volume (Fig. 1). The data are insufficient to allow com- parison among the sites because recording pre- molt abdomen volume and postmolt TPL for the same individual was unlikely in the field. The premolt abdomen volume is a function of premolt TPL, and males and females molting to sexual maturity do so at a lower abdomen vol- ume compared to juveniles molting to juvenile instars. The data from Fortin included the great- est number of observations of molts to sexual maturity (Fig. 2). Penultimate instar males and females were identified as follows: almost all fe- males of TPL greater than 1 .0 cm are molting to sexual maturity (pers. obs.) and penultimate males have swollen palpi. After correcting for heter- oscedasticity by taking the square-root of the de- pendent variable (cube root of abdomen vol- ume), ANCOVA of the data from Fortin revealed that the differences among juveniles, penultimate instar males, and penultimate instar females were significant (TPL: F(,_52) = 1475.6, P < 0.001; sex/ HIGGINS-== DEVELOPMENT OF JUVENILE NEPHILA CLAVIPES 111 Figure 2.— The cube root of premolt abdomen volume as a function of premolt TPL (leg I tibia + patella length) for spiders in Fortin. These data include males molting to sexual maturity (= A) and juveniles and females (= o). The points above premolt TPL = 1.0 cm are females molting to sexual maturity. age: F(2,52) = 8.85, P < 0.001; interaction: F(2, 52) = 13.75, P < 0.001). Separate comparison of males and females molting to sexual maturity indicated that the function of premolt abdomen volume on premolt TPL have the same slope (F(i, 15) = 2.28, ns, power test: 4.1% detectable difference in slope). Data from the remaining populations included few observations of spiders molting to maturity, so the comparison of the function of premolt abdomen volume on premolt TPL among sites utilized only data from juvenile molts. Arroyo Frio data were excluded from the final analysis because few spiders were observed in the size range of 0.5 cm-1.0 cm TPL. ANCOVA of pre- molt abdomen volume (to the 0. 1 5 power) with TPL as covariate revealed that there was no dif- ference in slope among all five sites (F(4^ 107) == 1.75, ns, power test: 1.8% detectable difference). The interaction term was dropped from the final ANCOVA, and this test showed that spiders in Chamela molted at a slightly but significantly lower premolt abdomen volume for their size [ANCOVA. TPL: F^,, ,„) = 4283.4, P < 0.001; site: F(4, = 7.63, P < 0.001; regressions: Cha- mela: y = 0,30 + 0,54 (TPL); remaining sites: y = 0.32 + 0.55 (TPL)]. Growth per ecdysis: Growth per ecdysis was compared within and among populations using regression analysis of postmolt TPL on premolt TPL. The slope of the regression line is an in- dication of the rate of size-specific growth. Molt- ing to sexual maturity was presumed to affect the rate of growth at ecdysis because postmolt TPL is correlated with premolt abdomen volume, and whether the spiders were molting to maturity influenced the premolt abdomen volume. There- fore, the observations of molting juveniles, males molting to maturity, and molting females larger than LO cm TPL were considered separately. Within sites, preliminary regression analyses showed that premolt and postmolt TPL were sig- nificantly correlated for juvenile molts at all sites (all P < 0.003) (Fig. 3). Individual ANCOVA were run to check for differences in growth during juvenile molts between years at the sites studied in both years: Nanciyaga, Playa Escondida, For- tin de las Flores, and Chamela. No significant differences were found (all P > 0.12); therefore, data from 1989 and 1990 were combined for the remaining tests. Due to small numbers of ob- servations, the data from both years were pooled for the analyses of growth during molts to sexual maturity. Preliminary regression analyses of 112 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 2.0 1 1.5 - 1.0 0.5- 0.0 2.0' 1.5 1.0 Tehuacan Arroyo Frio Chamela O O Tehuacan □ Arroyo Frio AO 0.5 - A / O 1989 A 1990 0.0 Nanciyaga OO A A o / 0 1989 A 1990 ■ males 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Playa Escondida <9 GD _| 0 1989 A 1990 ■ males 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 premolt TPL, cm premolt TPL, cm Figure 3.— Growth per ecdysis, determined as the relationship between premolt TPL (leg I tibia + patella length) and postmolt TPL for all populations observed. Arroyo Frio (1989) and Tehuacan (1990) are plotted together, all other plots contain data from two years. Males molting to maturity are indicated by solid squares (■). postmolt TPL on premolt TPL were significant for males from Playa Escondida, Nanciyaga, and Fortin, and for females from Nanciyaga {P < 0.02). Travel precluded collecting complete data sets for all populations, therefore comparison be- Table 2.~ ANCOVA of growth per molt of juveniles and males molting to maturity in Playa Escondida, Nanciyaga, and Fortin de las Flores. (* P < 0.01, ** P < 0.001) Factor df F ratio Premolt TPL 1 419.3** Site 2 1.26 Maturity 1 3.28 Site X premolt TPL 2 2.98 Maturity x premolt TPL 1 7.81* Site X maturity 2 0.26 Error 133 tween age and size classes Ouvenile, male or fe- male) were restricted to a few sites. Data from Nanciyaga indicated that there was no difference in growth per ecdysis between juveniles and fe- males molting to maturity (no interaction effect = 0.01, ns; ANCOVA. TPL: F„.58) = 1567.1, P < 0.001; maturity: F,, jg) = 2.01, ns). In all three Veracruz sites, males were observed molt- ing to maturity. ANCOVA showed significantly lower growth per ecdysis (slope of the line) in males molting to maturity than in molting ju- veniles less than 1.0 cm premolt TPL (Table 2). Comparisons made among sites for juvenile molts revealed no difference among sites in growth per ecdysis either in slope or in intercept (slope: F(5 208) = 1-98, ns, power test 0.9% de- tectable difference; intercept: 213) = 1-48, ns, power test 1.9% detectable difference) (Table 3). However, these regression analyses obscure a slight non-linearity of the data. Closer exami- HIGGINS-DEVELOPMENT OF JUVENILE NEPHILA CLAVIPES 113 1.0- A 0.8- CL ^•i • o ■ •m oA O 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 premolt TPL, cm 0.4n 0.3 0.1 > • ■ • • 4*0 * □ ® ° ° 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 premolt TPL, cm 0.6 Figure 5,— Growth in the laboratory by spiders from four populations. Data from two molts are plotted, with the first molt indicated by open symbols and the second indicated by closed symbols. Squares = Chamela; diamonds = Tehuacan; triangles = Fortin; circles = Nanciyaga. The arrows indicate values for the male from Nanciyaga that delayed molting. Graph a = Growth per ecdysis in the laboratory, plotted as postmolt TPL (leg I tibia + patella length) vs. premolt TPL. Graph b = Premolt abdomen volume as a function of premolt TPL. Common garden experiment.— Twenty-three spiders with TPL of 0. 2-0.4 cm were brought to the laboratory from Nanciyaga, Fortin, Tehu- acan, and Chamela and held for one complete intermolt cycle (two molts). The entire study last- ed from June to October, and while all changes in TPL were verified by myself, variation caused by different persons making measurements pro- duced increased error in the estimations of ab- domen volume. In particular, data from two dates had to be excluded from the analysis of increas- ing abdomen volume, resulting in removal of five observations. A total of 1 3 males were included in the study and five of them molted to maturity in the second molt in the laboratory: one from Nanciyaga, two from Fortin and two from Tehuacan. Therefore, analyses included the parameter of juvenile vy. maturation molt where appropriate. Utilizing both observed molts for each indi- vidual, regression analysis of growth per ecdysis was significant for each population (all P < 0.003) (Fig. 5a). ANCOVA of growth per ecdysis showed no significant difference among these popula- tions or between juvenile and maturation molts (no interaction effects, P > 0. 1 ; ANCOVA. TPL: F(, 38) = 230.9, P < 0.001; population: 33) = 0.55, ns; maturation: F(, 33) = 0.004, ns). These data were compared to 37 observations of molts in the field from the same sites and the same premolt TPL (0.2-0. 5 cm). Preliminary analysis revealed no significant difference in slope among sites or between conditions (field or laboratory), nor a significant interaction of site and condition (ANCOVA: site x TPL: F(3 gg) = 0.43, ns; con- dition X TPL: F(, 68) = 0.10, ns; site x condition: F(3. 68) = 0-14, ns). Final ANCOVA testing for primary effects showed no significant variation due to site or condition (TPL: F(, 75) = 450.9, P < 0.001; site: F(3 75) = 1.52, ns; condition: F(, 75) = 0.65, ns). Several parameters describing the intermolt interval were collected from the laboratory ani- mals (Table 4). ANOVA showed no significant difference among populations in mean TPL fol- lowing the first molt in the laboratory, although Nanciyaga and Fortin individuals were slightly larger. The total intermolt interval and the num- ber of days foraging between molts were not af- fected by these slight differences in size (regres- sion of total intermolt duration: TPL: F(, ,5) = 1.35, ns; regression of days foraging: TPL: F(, ,4) = 3.43, ns). The total intermolt interval and days foraging in the laboratory varied among sites but was not affected by whether the individual molt- ed to sexual maturity (ANOVA of intermolt in- terval. site: F(3 ,6) = 3.69, P = 0.03; maturity: F(, ,6) = 1.64, ns; ANOVA of days foraging, site: F(3, 15) = 4.69, P = 0.02; maturity: F(, ,5) = 0.002, ns). Differences between Nanciyaga and the re- HIGGINS-DEVELOPMENT OF JUVENILE NEPHILA CLAVIPES 115 Table 4. — Intermolt duration in the laboratory for spiders from four populations. The TPL (leg 1 tibia + patella length) reported is the measurement following the first molt in the laboratory. Letters refer to statistically similar values among sites. Site n TPL ± 1 SD Total days ± 1 SD Days foraging ± 1 SD Nanciyaga 4 0.48 ± 0.08 26.8 ± 8.0 (a) 24.3 ± 9.0 (c) Fortin de las Flores 6 0.47 ± 0.04 18.8 ± 4.0 (b) 15.4 ± 2.5 (d) Tehuacan 6 0.40 ±0.13 17.3 ± 4.3 (b) 14.8 ± 3.9 (d) Chamela 7 0.40 ± 0.04 18.7 ± 3.1 (b) 13.2 ± 1.7 (d) maining sites appear due to one male from Nan- ciyaga that took over 30 days to complete the intermolt interval and molt to maturity, twice the usual intermolt duration for spiders of this size. The abdomen volume gain in the laboratory was independent of site. In the first molt, spiders from Tehuacan molted at a significantly higher premolt abdomen volume (no interaction affects; ANCOVA. site: F^, ,3) = 5.42, P = 0.01). All spiders molted at the same relative abdomen vol- ume in the second molt (no interaction affects; ANCOVA. TPL: F„, ,6) = 43.4, P < 0.001; site: F(3, ,6) = 2.61, ns; maturity: F(, ,6) = 1-3; ns) (Fig. 5b). Because there was no difference in the sec- ond molt in premolt abdomen volume among sites or between molts to maturity and juvenile molts, data from all individuals held for a com- plete intermolt cycle (including three of unknown origin) were combined to describe the pattern of abdomen volume increase over the intermolt. The relative change in abdomen volume [ln(av(d)/ av (0)], where d = day and 0 = day of molt, was plotted against time for spiders molting within 20 days, for spiders molting in 20-26 days, and for the individual from Nanciyaga requiring 36 days (Fig. 6). The general trend was for the rate of abdomen volume increase to slow as the spi- ders approached the next molt. The individual from Nanciyaga that took longer between molts did achieve a greater premolt abdomen volume and grew slightly more at ecdysis than the other spiders, as indicated in Figs. 5a and 5b by arrows. DISCUSSION In order to interpret variation in phenology and size at maturity, the proximal developmen- tal causes of the variation must be identified. In arthropods, variation in two developmental pa- rameters can lead to differences in size at ma- turity: there may be variation in the change in size at each molt, or there may be variation in the number of juvenile molts. Variation in either parameter can result in the same adult size, but the conditions under which each varies may be distinct. Genetic variation or phenotypic plas- ticity can lead to differences in development within and among populations, but the evolu- tionary consequences of each source of variation are distinct (Pease & Bull 1988). Longitudinal observations of juvenile growth are a first step towards determining how environmental factors generate differences in adult size, and whether these differences are the result of phenotypic re- sponse to the environment or genetic variation among individuals within or among habitats. The results of the studies of N. davipes imply that some developmental parameters are highly plas- tic while growth per ecdysis is constrained and may be genetically determined (Higgins 1992a, present study). Such information is not available from the census data presented in past arach- nological studies without making basic assump- tions concerning developmental processes. Traditionally, field measures of growth uti- lized either frequency distributions of a single measure, such as carapace width, or the regres- sion of two allometric body parts of individuals. The difficulties of determining growth and instar number from the former measure have been rec- ognized (Polis & Sisson 1990); however, the lat- ter analysis also presents incomplete information (Teissier 1960). In his formulation dx/dt = aGx, Huxley assumes constant growth per unit time if the environmental factors represented by G are constant (1972, p. 6). In order to determine the rate of growth or the growth per ecdysis (/ = 1 instar), one must assume that the individuals are moving along the trajectory described by the allometric relationships at a constant rate of growth per ecdysis, an assumption that may be invalid if the growth per ecdysis responds to en- vironmental factors (G). This assumption is in- valid for the linyphiid Linyphia triangularis Clerck and may be invalid for the lycosid Lycosa helluo (Turnbull 1962, Uetz et al. 1992). Turn- In (abdomen volume / abdomen volumeO) 116 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 0 5 ° 15 20 25 T — — T— — r I T —I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Day Figure 6, —Mean and SD of abdomen volume gain in the laboratory over time. Spiders from all sites were grouped according to the duration of the intermolt. HIGGINS-- DEVELOPMENT OF JUVENILE NEPHILA CLAVIPES 117 bull (1962) found that juvenile L. triangularis raised on quantitatively different diets molted at distinct, diet-dependent premolt weights. Im- plicit in his data is that the spiders grew different amounts in ecdysis, and due to this variation achieved different sizes at sexual maturity. He apparently did not observe variation in the num- ber of juvenile instars. Uetz et al. (1992) found that sibling groups of L. helluo reared to maturity on qualitatively different diets varied in age and size at maturity as well as in juvenile mortality. It is unknown what developmental parameter varied with diet. Variation in the number of ju- venile instars has been found for spiders in di- verse families (Levi 1970), but the relative im- portance of variation in growth per ecdysis and variation in the number of juvenile instars in determining final adult size is unclear in previous studies of spiders (Levi 1970, Edgar 1971, Mi- yashita 1986, Wise 1987). Strikingly, despite the temporal variation in food levels experienced by many spiders (Riechert & Luczak 1982, Higgins & Buskirk 1992), there is as yet no evidence in spiders of the retrogressive or supemumary molts characteristic of many holometabolous insects subjected to poor diets or starvation (e. g., Beck 1972, Nijhout & Williams 1974). However, al- lometric data collected without longitudinal studies would not detect such molts if they did occur. In N. clavipes, there is surprisingly little vari- ation in the developmental trajectory described by growth per ecdysis. The data from field and laboratory reinforce the previous data, revealing stronger constraints in growth per ecdysis than previously reported (Higgins 1992a). Only the smallest individuals showed variation in growth per ecdysis, whereas larger juveniles and pen- ultimate-instar individuals molt at the minimum premolt weight. I postulate that this shift from variable to constant growth per ecdysis may re- flect either the reduction in predation pressure with increased size of the spiders or changes in the benefit of delayed ecdysis. Growth per ecdysis in this spider is highly cor- related with the premolt abdomen volume, and the premolt abdomen volume is size-specific and does not vary among the Mexican populations. Spiders from the isolated, desert population at Tehuacan might be expected to differ in their development, as they experience a short growing season and low rainfall (Higgins pers. obs.). In fact, the slope of growth per ecdysis appears to be lower in Tehuacan (Table 3) and is the same as that reported for the Texas, USA, population (Higgins 1992a). However, perhaps due to the small sample size from Tehuacan, the slope of growth per ecdysis did not differ statistically from the other five Mexican sites. Among these five sites, there is no apparent or statistical difference in growth per ecdysis, and these developmental trajectories are equal to those observed in Pan- ama and in another coastal Veracruz site, Los Tuxtlas. Although I previously predicted that the spiders under good conditions (such as warm, moist coastal Veracruz) might accelerate devel- opment by delaying each molt, surpassing the minimum premolt abdomen volume and grow- ing more at the next ecdysis (Higgins 1 992a), this was observed only for spiders in the earliest in- stars. These small spiders are in the most heavily predated size class (Higgins 1992b) and may be seeking to escape predation by rapidly increasing their size (Wilbur & Collins 1973). Growth per ecdysis declines and is less variable after the spi- ders reach 0.3 cm TPL. The shifts from variable to constant growth per ecdysis could also reflect the allometric re- lationship of postmolt TPL and premolt abdo- men volume, described by a concave curve. For very small spiders, slight changes in premolt ab- domen volume greatly alter postmolt TPL, so small delays in molting accompanied by weight gain will have a large effect on growth. For larger juveniles, small changes in abdomen volume have little effect on postmolt TPL, so much longer delays in molting are required for a significant change in growth in ecdysis. This is seen in the very slight increase in growth per molt for the individual from Nanciyaga that delayed molting during the common-garden experiment. This re- duced benefit of delayed ecdysis could also ex- plain the patterns seen in animals molting to maturity, which are of sizes found on the as- ymptote of the curve. Spiders in the penultimate instar have partially developed external genitalia and are committed to becoming sexually mature in the next instar. Therefore, delaying maturity through additional juvenile molts is not an option. Males and fe- males molting to sexual maturity molt at lower relative premolt abdomen volumes than juve- niles molting to a juvenile instar. This is pre- sumably due to the high benefit of reaching sex- ual maturity early compared to the slight increase in size that may be achieved by delayed ecdysis in the last instar. Both male and female repro- ductive success increase with increased adult size 118 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY (Christenson & Goist 1979, Vollrath 1980, Hig- gins 1992a), but the importance of early matu- ration is known only for females. Females ma- turing earlier in seasonal environments have greater likelihood of reproducing and greater likelihood of producing several egg sacs than do females maturing later (Higgins pers. obs.). There is an increase in fecundity per egg sac with in- creased TPL (Higgins 1992a), but increasing the number of egg sacs is proportionally more im- portant as each egg sac may contain over 1000 eggs. Although N. clavipes exhibits wide variation in size at sexual maturity, the developmental tra- jectory of this species described by growth per ecdysis is apparently highly constrained within a population and may be genetically determined. The spiders must achieve a given minimum pre- molt weight (here presented as premolt abdomen volume) prior to molting, and most spiders molt soon after reaching this weight. Premolt weight is size-dependent and independent of diet either in the field (current study) or in the laboratory (Higgins pers. obs.). That it is possible for the spiders to surpass the minimum premolt weight is apparent from the growth patterns of the small- est juveniles, and from occasional observations of spiders in the laboratory that surpass the min- imum weight and grow more in the subsequent molt (present study; Higgins pers. obs.). This may reflect either phenotypic plasticity or genetic variability in minimum premolt weight. If phe- notypic plasticity exists for premolt weight, it is rarely expressed after the fourth instar. If we as- sume that the selection has operated to optimize the developmental trajectory, these data indicate that, during the later juvenile instars, the costs of delayed molting outweigh the benefits of in- creased growth per ecdysis. This may be partic- ularly true if, as implied by the concave rela- tionship between premolt weight and postmolt size, increasingly long delays are required for sig- nificant differences in growth. However, the physiological and ecological costs of molting are not well enough understood to describe this op- timization function, and the presence of specific constraints in premolt conditions must be de- termined first. Only future studies of the physi- ological and genetic controls of ecdysis in spiders will clarify this optimization function. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study would not have been possible with- out the voluntary laboratory and field assistance of H. Macias C. and L. Martinez. Discussions with R. Buskirk, C. Pease and E. Escurra, and the researchers of the Centro de Ecologia, UN AM, provided insight during collection and analysis of the data. G. Uetz and A. Cady made many helpful suggestions on the manuscript. Many of the sites were privately owned, and access was graciously granted by L. Forbes and S. Ayala (Fortin), C. Rodriguez (Nanciyaga), F. Aguilar (Arroyo Frio), and the management of Hotel Pla- ya Escondida. Permission to work at Chamela was granted by the Instituto de Biologia, UNAM, and permission to work at Tehuacan cactus gar- den was granted by the Secretaria de Ecologia y Desarrollo Urbano. The staff of the Centro de Ecologia, UNAM, provided logistical aid, and financial support was provided through the Or- ganization of American States and a Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico postdoctoral grant. LITERATURE CITED Beck, S. D. 1 972. Growth and retrogression in larvae of Trogoderma glabrum (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). 3. Ecdysis and form determination. Ann, Entomol. Soc. America, 65:1319-1324. Benton, M. J. & G. W. Uetz. 1986. Variation in life- history characteristics over a clinal gradient in three populations of a communal orb-weaving spider. Oecologia 68:395-399. Bullock, S. 1986. Climate of Chamela, Jalisco, and trends in the south coastal region of Mexico. Ar- chives for Meteorology, Geophysics and Biocli- matology, Series B 36:297-316. Caswell, H. 1983. 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Manuscript received 22 October 1992, revised 29 Jan- uary 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:120-146 PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES (ARTHROPODA: ARACHNIDA) James C. Cokendolpher': Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 USA. ABSTRACT. This is the first paper to review the literature records on all pathogens and parasites of Opiliones on a global level. These organisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoans, cestodes, trematodes, nematodes, arthropods) are listed in phylogenetic order along with available information on hosts, collection localities, life history, and taxonomic history. The opilion hosts are also listed (by their currently accepted names) along with the names of their known pathogens and parasites. Diagnostic characters and some taxonomic keys are provided for taxa which are relatively well know. Citations to other available keys are provided. Many new host and distribution records are provided. Two fungi [Engyodontium aranearum (Cavara), Torrubiella pulvinata Mains] are removed from the list of pathogens of opilions and it is suggested that the original hosts were misidentified spiders. Two new combinations are recorded in the Mermithidae: Agamomermis phalangii (Haldeman 1851), Aga- momermis truncatula (Rudolphi 1819). Agamermis incerta Steiner in Stipperger 1928 is regarded as a nomen nudum. The type locality of the mite Leptus lomani (Oudemans 1903b) is restricted to Corral (39°53'S, 73°25'W), Valdivia, Chile. Unlike many arachnids, Opiliones or harvest- men lack a pumping stomach and therefore they chew their food and often consume oocysts and spores. Examination of their feces reveals a va- riety of chitinous fragments from their arthropod prey as well as plant pieces. Some saprophytic fungi and yeast spores can be observed as well as gametocytes of internal parasites. The fre- quent grooming of the legs by the harvestmen may also lead to the ingestion of oocysts and spores. While ingestion is the common entrance pathway for some opilion pathogens, fungi infect their host through penetration of the cuticle. Al- though gregarines and mites are frequently en- countered when observing harvestmen, relative- ly few researchers have documented their occurrences. Harvestmen are unique among arthropods by possessing bilateral exocrine glands which open onto the dorsal surface of the cephalothorax near the base of the second pair of legs. These glands produce a variety of volatile secretions (Ekpa et al 1984, 1985) that have been generally consid- ered to be defensive in nature. The glands have also been proposed to function in a variety of other behaviors including protection from ex- 'Home address: 2007 29th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79411 USA. temal pathogens and parasites (see Holmberg 1986, and citations therein). To date, only de- fense against predators and harvestman aggre- gation formation have been demonstrated. While working with a South America har- vestman, Estable et al. (1955) discovered that the exocrine gland secretion was a remarkably effective antibiotic, in vitro, against 18 genera of bacteria (Gram positive and negative) and pro- tozoa. Their work revealed that the secretion was also active when given orally to mice infected with intestinal parasites. The substance was tol- erated perfectly by the mice but destroyed giar- dias, trichomonas and hexamites. The compo- nents of the secretion were later determined to be a composed of a variety of quinones (Fieser & Ardao 1956). The major components of the exocrine secre- tions of harvestmen differ between the two sub- orders, Laniatores and Cyphopalpatores. Minor components and ratios of components differ among congeneric species (Ekpa et al. 1985). The few chemical analyses thus far reported (see Ekpa et al. 1984, and citations therein) from Lania- tores reveal a variety of alkylated benzoqui- nones, phenols, N,N-dimethyl-i(?-phenylethyl- amine and bomyl esters. Only the Palpatores section of the suborder Cyphopalpatores has been chemically investigated. Those analyses reveal 120 COKENDOLPHER^PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 121 members of this group secrete short-chained acy- clic ketones, alcohols and naphthoquinones (see Ekpa et al. 1985, and citations therein). Even though harvestmen are abundant in warm moist situations, few records are available of fun- gi infecting these animals. Because the major components of harvestman exocrine secretions are members of chemical classes known to be fungicides (see Torgeson 1969; Cole et al. 1975), it is likely these secretions are used to protect harvestmen from infection. The use of these se- cretions in defense and grooming needs further study. While there are several world-wide taxonomic revisions of harvestmen, no similar treatment for their parasites has been undertaken. This is in part due to the incorrect view that harvestmen are not of economic importance. Mounting ev- idence demonstrates that harvestmen are bene- ficial and that they consume considerable quan- tities of pest insects and mites. Because of this beneficial status, no one has investigated para- sites for controlling opilions. Experiments in- volving insect pathogens on harvestmen reveal opilions are susceptible. Like conventional in- secticides, insect pathogens and parasites could have a severe impact on the beneficial harvest- men. Many of the records of parasites from har- vestmen are incomplete. In some cases the host, but not the parasite, is identified to species. In other cases, the parasite but not the host is iden- tified to species. The purpose of this contribution is to bring together the limited information on this topic so that a foundation can be built for future research. Because of the lack of good characters in some groups (/. e., Microsporida and juveniles of Mer- mithidae) collective groups have been named. Such groups or genera often include species which probably are not related. This group name is used simply for “taxonomic convenience” and in- cludes species not readily placed in known genera (possibly because a particular life stage is un- known) and species incertae sedis. Some taxo- nomically convenient groups also occur at higher levels in fungi. In fungi, the sexual stage (teleo- morph of ascomycetes and basidiomycetes) and their asexual stages (anamorphs or conidial stages) are sometimes placed in separate genera and classes. In some cases, two or more ascomycetes may be identified as having the same form spe- cies for an anamorph. When one discusses parasites of opilions, the topic of phoresy arises. Phoresy is not parasitism but rather a form of symbiotic relationship in which the smaller organism associates with the harvestman in order to obtain transportation. Phoresy as well as passive transport of fungal and plant spores will not be examined here. Superkingdom Prokaryotae Kingdom Monera Division Gracilicutes Family Enterobacteriaceae Xenorhabdus Thomas & Poinar contains five described species and other undescribed species (Akhurst & Boemare 1990). They typically in- habit nematodes and their host arthropods (in- sects and arachnids). See under Nematoda (Rhabditoidea) for further details on this rela- tionship. Pertinent taxonomic papers are cited with a review of the taxonomic problems in Ak- hurst & Boemare (1990). Xenorhabdus luminescens Thomas & Poinar (1979) is introduced into the arthropod host by a Heterorhabditidae [Heterorhabditis bacterio- phora Poinar]. Poinar & Thomas (1985) dem- onstrated this bacterium could kill a Phalangi- idae {Phalangium opilio Linn., reported as P. sp.) if introduced by the correct nematode. Xenorhabdus nematophilus (Poinar & Thomas 1965) was originally described in combination with Achromobacter Bergey, Breed & Murray. This bacterium is introduced into the arthropod host by a Steinemematidae [Steinernema car- pocapsae (Weiser)]. Poinar & Thomas (1985) demonstrated that this bacterium could kill a Phalangiidae, Phalangium opilio (reported as P. sp.), if introduced by the proper nematode. Superkingdom Eukaryotae Kingdom Fungi Division Eumycota At least one species of fungus successfully kills a Gonyleptidae (see under Torrubiella gonylep- ticida and unidentified fungi). Gonyleptoidea are known to have phenols which are antagonistic to fungal growth in their exocrine secretions. Ei- ther T. gonylepticida and another unidentified fungus from Panama are not retarded by phenols, or the hosts were unable to produce phenols in sufficient quantity. The extent of phenol pro- duction in various gonyleptid genera and its use in controlling fungi have not been investigated. Likewise, the effects of age and health of the har- 122 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY vestman on phenol production have not been examined. Unidentified Fungi Griffiths (1978) illustrated a harvestman [not identified, but almost certainly Nelima paessleri (Roewer)] covered by mycelia of soil microfungi. The fungi are reported not to be pathogenic, but simply use the harvestman corpse as a substrate. Mora (1987, fig. 8) reported mortality in adult males of a Gonyleptidae {Zygopachylus aibom- arginis Chamberlin) by an unidentified fungus on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Males of this nest-building harvestman eat all fungus appear- ing in the nest, thus preventing the proliferation of mycelia. Mora (1987) suggested the males in- gested the fungi (spores) which eventually killed them. This is probably incorrect because nearly all other fungal pathogens of invertebrates infect their host through the cuticle (Samson et al. 1988). Ten fatalities were observed from 199 nest- guarding males examined by Mora. Subdivision Ascomycotina Class Pyrenomycetes Order Clavicipitales Family Clavicitaceae Torrubiella Boudier is a genus with primary host affinities for spiders (Araneae), although several species are also known from insects, es- pecially Coccidae (Kobayasi & Shimizu 1982; Humber & Rombach 1987). Two species have been reported from harvestmen, but only one report appears to be valid. Torrubiella gonylepticida (Moller 1901) was originally described in combination with Cor- dyceps Fries. Fetch (1937) transferred the species to its present combination and redescribed the species. Moller (1901), when describing the host, referred to it as a spider (‘Die Spinnen’, not ‘We- berknechte’). Subsequent authors (Fetch 1937; Koval 1974; Kobayasi & Shimizu 1982) have continued to list the only host as a spider. For- tunately, the specific name refers to the true type host, a Gonyleptidae harvestman. Moller (1901, taf. 6, fig. 89) clearly illustrated the gonyleptid host, but not in sufficient detail to determine to which genus it belongs. Kobayasi & Shimizu (1982) reprinted MolleCs illustration and stated the type locality was Brazil. Fetch (1937) described the conidial stage as Spicaria longipes; which is now recognized as Paecilomyces farinosus (Holm ex S. F. Gray) (Brown & Smith 1957), Fetch recorded T. gon- yleptidda and the conidial stage from various spiders from Trinidad. KovaF (1974) listed the conidial stage from spiders collected on Mag- nolia Linne leaves in Russia (formerly Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, USSR). In the key to Torrubiella spp. by KovaF, two va- rieties of r. gonylepticida are differentiated on the basis of perithecia and ascus lengths. How- ever, the two taxa should be attributed to another species: the third taxa in the key should be T. arachnophila var. pleiopus Mains and the fourth should be T. arachnophila var. pulchra Mains. Torrubiella pulvinata Mains (1949) was de- scribed from “Opilionoidea” collected on Oahu, Hawaii. Paecilomyces (reported as Spicaria) pul- vinata (Mains 1949) was the name given to the conidial stage. Samson (1974) listed S. pulvinata as a synonym of P, farinosus, thus regarding the anamorph for both T. gonylepticida and T, pul- vinata to be the same species. Mains (1949, p. 303) stated “The hosts of this collection are so severely parasitized that accurate determination is difficult. They appear to be arachnids belong- ing to the Opilionoidea.” Because opilions ap- pear to be absent from the Hawaiian Islands (F. G. Howarth pers. commun.), the host is more likely a long-legged, pholcid spider. The setae- spines on the legs illustrated by Mains (1949, fig. lA) are long and unlike those on harvestmen. They are similar to those found on spiders. There are five adventive cosmopolitan Fholcidae (Ara- neae) established in the islands that could be confused as opilions by non-specialists. The op- ilion host records are considered here to be in- correct. Subdivision Deuteromycotina Class Hyphomycetes The Hyphomycetes is an artificial class rep- resenting the asexual states of Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, or fungi for which sexual states are unknown. Orders and families do not exist in current classifications of these fungi. Hymenostilbe Fetch is comprised of seven de- scribed species. Species are known to infect a variety of insect hosts, spiders (Mains 1950; Evans & Samson 1987) and harvestmen. Mains (1950) stated members of this genus are the conidial (anamorph) state of Cordyceps spp.; whereas COKENDOLPHER-™ PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 123 Evans & Samson (1987) reported the teleomorph connection remains unproven. Specific identifi- cations are best made by consulting the diagnoses provided by Mains (1950). Hymenostilbe ver- rucosa Mains (1950) was originally described from spiders collected in Maine, USA. Other re- cords are from spiders in England and a “Phal- angiidae” in England (Leatherdale 1970). Engyodontium de Hoog is comprised of seven species, two of which are reported to infect spi- ders and one on '‘opilionids”. A key to the spe- cies is provided by Gams et ah 1984. Engyo- dontium aranearum (Cavara) was originally described in the genus Sporotrichum Link ex Fries and was transferred to its present combination by Gams et al. (1984). A redescription and syn- onymy are provided by Gams et al. (1984). The teleomorph state is unknown, but other members of the genus have a Torruhiella teleomorph. Those same authors reported hosts as a fly, spiders and opilions. The specimen in their photograph (fig. 3), as well as those of Samson et al. (1988, pi. 68a,b), superficially resembles opilions, but judg- ing from the dense placement and morphology of the setae on the host legs (figs. 3, 68b) they are not harvestmen. They are more likely pholcid spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae). The opilion host record for this species of fungus is considered herein incorrect. Nomuraea Maublanc is composed of three de- scribed species (Ignoffb et al. 1989; Greenstone et al. 1988). Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson is a well-known pathogen of insects. Nomuraea atypicola (Yasudo) Samson is reported to infect spiders, harvestmen and insects. Nomuraea ane- monoides Hocking was originally isolated from soil and, in high doses in the laboratory, can cause mortality in insects. Nomuraea atypicola (Yasuda 1915) was orig- inally described as a member of the genus Isaria J. Hill ex E. M. Fries. It was found on an Atyp- idae spider in Japan. It was transferred to its present combination by Samson (1974). The te- leomorph or sexual state is Cordyceps cylindrica Fetch (1937). Greenstone et al. (1988) reported the infection of a harvestmen by this fungus un- der laboratory conditions. The infected Sclero- somatidae, Leiobunum vittatum (Say), was col- lected in Missouri, USA. This species of fungus is commonly found infecting spiders (Green- stone et al. 1988) and under laboratory condi- tions was also found to be infective to Lepidop- tera larvae (Ignoffb et al. 1989). Subdivision Zygomycotina Class Zygomycetes Order Entomophthorales Family Entomophthoraceae Pandora Humber (1989) is comprised of 16 species of obligately pathogenic fungi. Hosts in- clude members of insects and arachnids. A single species is recorded from opilions. Pandora phal- angicida (Lagerheim 1898) was originally de- scribed from Phalangiidae collected in Sweden as a species of Empusa Cohn (Entomophthora). Batko (1966) transferred the species to Zoo- phthora Batko 1964, and placed it in the sub- genus Pandora Batko 1966. Humber (1989) placed it in his new genus Pandora. Ellis (1956) and Leatherdale (1958, 1970) recorded this fun- gus from a Phalangiidae, Phalangium opilio, in England. Entomophaga Batko includes 10 described species (Humber 1989). All are obligate patho- gens of insects and arachnids. A single species is recorded from opilions. A key for identification of members of this genus is provided by Keller (1987). Comparisons to original descriptions (species and citations are listed in Humber 1989) are required for positive identifications. Ento- mophaga batkoi (Balazy 1 978) was originally de- scribed in the genus Entomophthora Fresenius. Later, Remaudiere & Keller (1980) transferred the species to Conidiobolus Brefeld (Family An- cylistaceae), but the current combination with Entomophaga was made by Keller (1987). BaJ- azy (1978) described this fungus from harvest- men collected near Poznan, Poland. Phalangi- idae [Oligolophus tridens (C. L. Koch)] and rarely Sclerosomatidae {Leiobunum rotundum Latreille and Leiobunum blackwalli Meade) were infected. An epizootic (temporary increase in the inci- dence of infections) was observed during late summer. Keller (1987) reported this species of fungus was rather common and often caused epizootics in open woods, along the borders of forests and hedges. From late July to the middle of Septem- ber it was collected from Oligolophus tridens in Switzerland. Kingdom Animalia Subkingdom Protozoa Although seldom reported. Protozoa are com- mon parasites of Opiliones. To date, all records of Protozoan parasites of Opiliones are from USA, 124 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Europe and India. Their reported absence from other localities is likely due to lack of study. While dissecting gonads for anatomical and chromo- somal studies, I have often observed gregarines from North and Middle America species (es- pecially from Phalangiidae and Cosmetidae). El- lis (1913, p. 280) reported that he was unable to locate gregarines in the “alimentary canal of per- haps two hundred Phalangidea” from Michigan and Colorado. His failure to locate parasites may have been caused by the time of year he exam- ined the opilions or possibly the taxa he exam- ined do not harbor gregarines (these taxa are un- known, but probably are members of the Sclerosomatidae: Leiobuninae as they are the dominate forms in the two mentioned areas). Only two studies have been published on opilion hematocytes, one of which resulted in the dis- covery of a blood parasite. Phylum Microspora Class Microsporea Order Microsporida Collective Group Microsporidium Species that cannot be readily placed to genus, as well as species incertae sedis, are lumped into Microsporidium sensu Sprague (1977). Micro- sporidium weiseri (Silhavy 1960) was originally described in the genus Stempellia Leger & Hesse (Family Thelohaniidae). Sprague (1977) trans- ferred this species to its present combination with Microsporidium because the species did not fit any of the known genera. This parasite was found in smear-preparations of hemolymph of a Phal- angiidae, Opilio parietinus (De Geer). The har- vestmen was collected in Treble, Czechoslova- kia. The plasmodium have 2, 4, 8 and 16 spores and are found in the hemolymph and hemocytes (plasmatocytes) of its host. Phylum Apicomplexa All known Apicomplexa parasites of opilions are septate eugregarines and as such have several features in common. Both sexual and asexual stages occur (gametogony and sporogony), but merogony is absent. The mode of infection is ingestion of oocysts. The trophozoites attach to the lining of the gut and divide to form mero- zoites and gamonts. Gametocytes are passed in the feces, and no intermediate host or vector is needed. Because most species are believed to at- tach to intestinal epithelial cells, gregarines in opilions probably are not pathogenic. The gregarine genera and some species known from harvestmen can be identified by the follow- ing taxonomical key. Because some species are inadequately described (some life-stages un- known) identifications to species are difficult. Useful keys or tables of characters are mentioned under specific genera in the following account. Class Sporozoasida Subclass Gregarinasina Tsurusaki (1986) found gregarines in Sclero- somatidae harvestmen, Leiobunum manubria- turn Karsch and Leiobunum globosum Suzuki, from numerous localities in Japan. He also pro- vided data on parasitism rates as related to spe- cies, locality and season. His gregarines have not been identified. Hunt (1 979) found numerous gregarines in the midgut diverticula of Triaenonychidae harvest- men, Equitius doriae Simon, from southeastern Australia. His gregarines were never identified. Mitov reported (pers. commun.) that he had discovered gregarines in preserved material of the following harvestmen from Vitosha Moun- tain and West Rodopy, Bulgaria: Nemastoma- tidae [Carinostoma ornatum (Hadzi), Parane- mastoma radewi (Roewer), Pyza bosnica (Roewer)]; Sclerosomatidae [Leiobunum rume- licum Silhavy]; Phalangiidae [Lacinius ephippia- tus (C. L. Koch), L. horridus (Panzer), L. dentiger (C. L. Koch), Lophopilio palpinalis (Herbst), Mitopus morio (Fabricius), Odiellus lendli (So- rensen), Opilio dinaricus Silhavy, O. ruzickai Silhavy, O. saxatilis (C. L. Koch), Phalangium opilio, Zacheus anatolicus (Kulczynski), Z. crista (Brulle)]. Other new records include unidentified greg- arines from a Phalangiidae, Odiellus pictus Wood, collected in the West Virginia University Forest, Chestnut Ridge, Preston County, West Virginia, USA and an unidentified gregarine from a Scle- rosomatidae, Leiobunum politum Weed, collect- ed in Columbus, Ohio, USA. This latter series is remarkable as the parasites were only discov- ered after a hundred years of storage. Key For Identification Of Gregarines Found In Harvestmen 1 a. Oocysts without spines or thickening at poles 2 1 b. Oocysts with spines or thickenings at poles, sometimes at equator and also along edges (Family Actinocephalidae) 5 COKENDOLPHER-PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 125 Subfamily Acanthosporinae 2a. Epimerite simple, spherical; oocysts biconical, with truncate ends, released unchained by simple de- hiscense of the gametocyst Family Hirmocystidae Arachnocystis arachnoidea (Devdhar & Gourishankar) 2b. Epimerite complex and varied; oocysts biconical orcylindroconical, united as a string of beads Family Actinocephalidae 3 Subfamily Actinocephalinae 3a. Epimerite sessile, with short neck having 8-10 simple digitform processes at apex; neck persists more or less in sporont, but digitform processes (tentacles) disappear; gametocysts dehisce by formation of hole in wall through which oocysts are extruded in a single thread; oocysts biconical or lemon- shaped Actinocephalus megabuni Ormieres & Baudoin 3b. Epimerite without digitform process at apex, gametocysts rupture by simple dehiscence 4 4a. Epimerite a large, flattened and fluted disk, oocysts ovoid to biconical, in lateral chains. . . Anthorhynchus Anthorhynchus longispora Ormieres & Baudoin Anthorhynchus sophiae (Schneider) 4b. Epimerite a large flattened centrally indented papilla with crenulate border, lost early. Protomerite with numerous vertical laminations, broadening to an umbrella in the mature sporont, each costule curved to form a spine pointing backward; oocysts biconical or ovoid, united as a string of beads . . . Sciadiophora Sciadiophora caudata (Rossler) Sciadiophora fissidens (Rossler) Sciadiophora gagrellula Devdhar & Amoji Sciadiophora geronowitschi (Johansen) Sciadiophora phalangii (Leger) Sciadiophora claviformis Ormieres & Baudoin 5a. Epimerite a conical knob, dentated at the base with a series (about 20) of vertical lamelle. Oocysts cylindrical with pointed ends, a tuft of spines at each pole Contospora opalniae Devdhar & Amoji 5b. Epimerite simple, globular, without ornamentation 6 6a. Oocysts barrel-shaped, asymmetrical, without terminal tufts, with two equatorial (lateral) thickenings on longitudinal cordons Doliospora Doliospora repelini (Leger) Doliospora troguli (Geus) 6b. Oocysts biconical and symmetrical ... 7 7a. Oocysts with 8 to 10 slender spines at each pole and released in chains of 2 to 3 or more from the gametocyst Echinoocysta phalangii (Amoji & Devdhar) 7b. Oocysts with slender spines on poles and sides; released unattached from the gametocyst Cosmetophilus vonones Cokendolpher Order Eugregarinorida Suborder Septatorina Superfamily Gregarinicae Family Hirmocystidae Arachnocystis Levine is restricted to Oribatei mite and opilion hosts. Four species are known, of which one (the type species) occurs in opilions (Levine 1979, \9%5). Arachnocystis arachnoidea (Devdhar & Gourishankar 1971) was originally described in the genus Sycia Leger (Family Le- cudinidae). Levine (1979) transferred the species to his new genus Arachnocystis, where it was designated the type species. This species was found in the intestinal ceca of an Assamidae, Oppalnia sp. (reported as Opalnia sp., see Cok- endolpher 1991), from Someshwar near Dhar- war, Karnataka State, India (Devdhar 1 962). Superfamily Stenophoricae Family Actinocephalidae Subfamily Actinocephalinae Actinocephalus Stein is a relatively large genus with about 40 described species in insects and one in an opilion (Levine 1985). Actinocephalus megabuni Ormieres & Baudoin (1973) was dis- covered in the intestine of a Phalangiidae, Me- gabunus diadema (Fabricius). It was collected in Besse, France. Anthorhynchus Labbe are found in a termite (Kalavati & Narasimhamurti 1978) and opilion hosts. Two species are described from harvest- men. The type species, by monotypy, is Anthor- hynchus sophiae Schneider; an opilion parasite. Anthorhynchus longispora Ormieres & Bau- doin (1973) was described from the guts of two 126 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY families of harvestmen: Sclerosomatidae [Leiob- unum (reported as Liobunum) rotundum] and Phalangiidae [Mitopus morio, Opilio parietinus, Platybunus bucephalus (C. L. Koch)]. All har- vestmen were collected near Besse-en-Chan- desse, France. Anthorhynchus sophiae (Schneider 1887) was originally described in the genus Anthocephalus Schneider. Because that generic name is preoc- cupied, Labbe (1899) provided the replacement name and transferred the species to its present combination. The original collection of this par- asite was from the intestine of a Phalangiidae, Phalangium opilio, captured in Poitiers, France. This species is also reported by Pfeifer (1956, from Germany) and Ormieres & Baudoin (1973, from France) from the Sclerosomatidae [Leiob- unum blackwalli (reported as L. hassiae Muller), Leiobunum {=Liobunum) rotundum] and the Phalangiidae [Lacinius ephippiatus, Mitopus morio, Oligolophus tridens, Phalangium opilio, Rilaena (reported as Platybunus) triangularis (Herbst)]. Sciadiophora Labbe are restricted to opilion hosts. There are five described species. Devdhar & Amoji (1978a) provided a table of characters which is useful in making identifications. Sciadiophora caudata (Rossler 1882) was orig- inally described in the genus Stylorhynchus Stein. Because that name was preoccupied, Ellis (1912) provided the new generic name Stylocephalus . Watson Kamm (1922) transferred the species to its present combination with Sciadiophora, This species was originally found in the intestines of Phalangiidae [Mitopus morio, Odiellus (reported as Odius) spinosus (Bose), Phalangium opilio, Phalangiidae gen. sp.] from Germany. Ormieres & Baudoin (1973) reported collections from the same three hosts from Besse and Tamarissiere, France. Sciadiophora fissidens (Rossler 1882) was first described in the genus Actinocephalus and was later transferred by Labbe (1899) to Sciadi- ophora. This species was found in intestines of Phalangiidae [Lophopilio (reported as Odiellus) palpinalis, Phalangium opilio, Phalangiidae gen. sp.] from Germany. Sciadiophora gagrellula Devdhar & Amoji (1978b) was described from a Sclerosomatidae, Gagrellula saddlana (Roewer), which were col- lected in Dharwar and Kumta, Karnataka State, India (Devdhar 1962), This gregarine is found in the intestine and intestinal ceca. Unlike most described opilion parasites, this species is known (and illustrated) by all life stages. Sciadiophora geronowitschi (Johansen 1894) was described in the genus Actinocephalus and was transferred to its present combination by Labbe (1899). This protozoa was discovered in the intestines of a Phalangiidae, Phalangium op- ilio, from Russia (formerly Russian Soviet Fed- erative Socialist Republic, USSR). Sciadiophora phalangii (Leger 1897) was first described in combination with Lycosella Leger. It was the type and only species in the genus. Because Lycosella was preoccupied, Labbe (1899) proposed the new name Sciadiophora, with S. phalangiihtm% the type-species. This species has been recorded, redescribed and illustrated by nu- merous authors (Minchin 1903; Wellmer 1911; Ellis 1913; Watson Kamm 1922; Stipperger 1928; Pfeifer 1956; Silhavy 1961; Geus 1969; Kudo 1971; Ormieres & Baudoin 1973). Two families of harvestmen have been reported as hosts (all European): Sclerosomatidae [Leiobunum rotun- dum] and Phalangiidae [Lacinius dentiger, Mi- topus morio (reported as Opilio grossipes), Opilio parietinus, Phalangium sp., Phalangium opilio (reported as Phalangium cornutum), Platybunus bucephalus, Platybunus pinetorum (C. L. Koch), Rileana Platybunus) triangularis]. The origi- nal collection of this species was recorded from two hosts, Phalangium crassum Dufour and P. cornutum from Vallee de la Loire (where it was rare) and Provence (where it was common), France, As noted above, the latter species is now known as P. opilio but the identification of the former species is uncertain (Roewer 1923), Re- cords of this parasite are from France, Austria, Germany and Czechoslovakia. Sciadiophora claviformis Ormieres & Baudoin (1973) was found in the intestine of a Phalan- giidae, Mitopus sp. (based on the collection lo- cality the species is probably M. morio). The collection locality was Vallee de Chaudefour, France. Subfamily Acanthosporinae Contospora Devdhar & Amoji are known only from opilions. The single species, Contospora opalniae Devdhar & Amoji (1978a), was de- scribed from the midgut and cecum of an As- samidae, Oppalnia sp. (reported as Opalnia sp., see Cokendolpher 1991). It is known from So- meshwar and Kalghatgi, Dharwar District, India (Devdhar 1962). COKENDOLPHER-= PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 127 Cosmetophilus Cokendolpher is a monotypic genus restricted to an opilion host. It is the only genus of gregarines positively identified from harvestmen in the New World. Cosmetophilus vonones Cokendolpher (1991) was described from the intestine and intestinal ceca of the cosmetid harvestman Vonones sayi (Simon) from Texas, USA. Other samples presumably of this species were recorded from the same host collected in Tennessee, USA. Unlike most described opilion gregarines, this species is known (and illustrated) by all life stages. Doliospora Ormieres & Baudoin ( 1 969) are re- stricted to opilion hosts. There are two described species. Doliospora repelini (Leger 1897) was originally described in the genus Acanthospora Leger (1892). It was designated the type-species of the new genus, Doliospora, by Ormieres & Baudoin (1969), This species has been reported by Leger (1897) and Ormieres & Baudoin (1973) from France from the intestines of the Sclero- somatidae [Leiobunum {=^Liobunum) rotundum] and the Phalangiidae [Oligolophus tridens, Opilio parietinus, Megabunus diadema, Mitopus morio {=0. grossipes), Phalangium opilio {=P. cornu- turn - type host), Platybunus bucephalus]. Doliospora troguli (Geus 1969) was originally described in the genus Acanthospora and trans- ferred to its current combination by Levine (1980). It was found in the intestine of a Tro- guloidae, Trogulus tricarinatus (Linne), in Raths- berg, Germany. Neither its gametocysts nor its oocysts are described. Echinoocysta Levine (1984) is composed of a single species that is restricted to an opilion host. Echinoocysta phalangii (Amoji & Devdhar 1979) was originally described in the genus E chinos- pora Amoji & Devdhar (1979). Because that ge- nus was preoccupied, Levine (1984) proposed the new name Echinoocysta and transferred the species to its current combination. This protozoa is found in the intestine and intestinal ceca of an Assamidae, Oppalnia sp. (reported as Opalnia sp., see Cokendolpher 1991) from Someshwar, near Dharwad, Karnataka State, India. Subkingdom Eumetazoa Phylum Platyhelminthes Class Cestoda (Cestoidea) Order Cyclophyllidea Subclass Eucestoda Family Hymenolepididae Pseudhymenolepis Joyeux & Baer (1935) is monotypic. Pseudhymenolepis redonica Joyeux & Baer (1935) was described from the shrew Cro- cidura russula Herm. (Insectivora: Soricidae). A flea, Ctenophtalmus arvernus (Hystrichopsylli- dae), is known to be an intermediate host of this cestode. Gabrion (1977) reported finding cysti- cercoides in a Phalangiidae, Phalangium opilio, collected during early July. The harvestman was found in a shrew nest (previously named species). Shrews in the general area of the nest revealed proglotids of this cestode as well. It has been proposed that P. opilio will serve as the inter- mediate host when fleas are absent. Class Trematoda Order Digenea Creplin (1846, p. 156) reported finding an un- identified larval fluke in a Phalangiidae {Phal- angium opilio). The fluke was listed as ''Disto- mum Cystidicola Cr. sp. n.” As no illustration or description was provided this name must be considered a nomen nudum. Family Dicrocoeliidae Brachylecithum Strom was originally de- scribed as a subgenus of Lypersomum Looss. Adult flukes of this genus are found in the liver and gall bladder of birds and rarely in mammals. Data are available on the life cycles of six (in- complete data for five species) Brachylecithum spp. (see Carney 1970, 1972). In a typical life- cycle the eggs are passed in the feces of the de- finitive host, a bird or mammal. The eggs are eaten by a terrestrial snail, the intermediate mol- luscan host, where they develop into miracidia and sporocysts. The cecariae emerge from the snail as a slime ball and are eaten by a second intermediate host (usually an arthropod). The cecariae encyst in the arthropod hemocoel and infect the vertebrate host upon eating the inter- mediate host. In some arthropod hosts, the me- tacercariae lodge in or near the host brain causing behavioral and morphological changes (Hohorst & Graefe 1961; Carney 1969). These changes appear to increase the chances of predation upon the arthropod host (Carney 1969). Brachylecithum sp. cysts and metacercaires were reported from a Phalangiidae, Phalangium opilio, by Gabrion & Ormieres (1973). The trem- atodes were found in the muscles and adipose tissue of the body. The infected harvestman was collected in Sete and Montpellier, France. Bra- chylecithum adults are known from Passeri- formes birds in the south of France. Because Brachlecithum spp. appear to be relatively host- 128 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY specific in the arthropod stage of development (Carney 1970), the record in Phalangium is prob- ably of an undescribed species. Phylum Nematoda (Nemata) Unidentified Class Laniatores (Triaenonychidae and/or Synthe- tonychidae) from New Zealand are reported by Forster (1 954) to be infested by unspecified nem- atodes. Dr. V. Tood (in Sankey 1949a) recorded nematodes from Rilaena {=Platybunus) trian- gularis. Class Secementia Subclass Rhabditia Order Rhabditida Suborder Rhabditin Superfamily Rhabditoidea Family unidentified Pfeifer (1956) reported “rhabditid” nematodes from Phalangiidae {Lacinius horridus and Phal- angium opilio) that were captured in Berlin, Ger- many. Family Steinemematidae Steinernema Travassos is comprised of nine distinct species (Poinar 1990). Until recently, most species were referred to Neoaplectana Steiner. Others referred to Neoaplectana are ei- ther synonyms, misidentified or insufficiently de- scribed (Poinar & Welch 1981). Keys and other descriptive data needed for identification of the various species can be located in Poinar (1990). Only one species is known from a phalangid host. All species thus far discovered carry a single spe- cies of symbiotic bacterium in the alimentary tract of the third-stage juvenile. The infective stage nematodes occur on soil and have the abil- ity to locate and enter arthropod hosts. To reach the hemolymph of the host, the nematodes enter via a natural opening and then penetrate through the gut or tracheal walls. Once inside the host, the nematode releases its associated bacterium which kills the host within 48 hours. The nem- atodes mature into males and females inside the arthropod and the females release eggs within the cadaver (Poinar 1983). Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser 1955) was originally described in combination with Neo- aplectana from codling moth larvae collected in Czechoslovakia. Poinar & Thomas (1985) dem- onstrated this nematode could infect and suc- cessfully reproduce in a Phalangiidae, Phalan- gium opilio (reported as P. sp.). Its symbiotic bacterium Xenorhabdus nematophilus (Poinar & Thomas) killed the above mentioned arthropod host. This nematode has a wide host range of insects and arachnids (Poinar 1979; Poinar & Thomas 1985; Poinar et al. 1985). A thorough description and review of this nematode and its relationship with X. nematophilus are provided by Poinar (1979). Family Heterorhabditidae Heterorhabditis Poinar is the only genus in the family. It is known by three described species (Poinar & Welch 1981; Poinar 1990), one of which is known to infect harvestmen. Keys to the infective juveniles of the three species is found in Poinar (1990). Adults are identified by elec- trophoretic analysis of enzymes (Akhurst 1987), DNA fingerprinting and morphology (Poinar et al. 1987). The mode of entry into the host and general life cycle follow that listed under Stei- nernema, except that Heterorhabditis have a het- erogenic life cycle. Maturing females can either be hermaphroditic or amphimictic. The first her- maphroditic generation is usually followed by one or more amphimictic generations in a single cadaver. Juveniles of Heterorhabditis can enter host via natural openings, or in smaller, more fragile host by breaking the cuticle with a dorsal (and sometimes ventral) hook. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar 1975, is a well-known insect parasite. Considerable lit- erature on this species is listed under a synonym Heterorhabditis heliothidis (Khan et al. 1976); which was originally described in combination with the new genus Chromonema (Khan et al. 1976). Poinar & Thomas (1985) demonstrated this nematode could infect and successfully re- produce in the Phalangiidae Phalangium opilio (reported as P. sp.). Its symbiotic bacterium Xe- norhabdus luminescens killed the above men- tioned host. This nematode has a wide host range of insects and arachnids (Poinar 1979; Poinar & Thomas 1985; Poinar et al. 1985). A thorough review of this nematode is provided by Poinar (1979). Class Adenophorea Subclass Enoplia Order Mermithida Superfamily Mermithoidea Family Mermithidae All known mermithid records from harvest- men are based on juvenile nematodes. Conse- quently, none can be accurately assigned to a COKENDOLPHER~= PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 129 genus (see below under Agamomermis). Re- searchers fortunate enough to obtain adult ma- terial should consult the key provided by Poinar (1977). Matthiesen (1974) reported the discovery of a Gonyleptidae {Gonyleptes fragilis Mello-Leitao) which was infested by a internal parasite. Pre- liminary observations through the harvestman’s body (the parasite was apparently not dissected from the host) suggested the parasite to be either a Nematomorpha or mermithid. Because there are no other recorded cases of the former at- tacking Opiliones, I assume the parasite was a juvenile mermithid. Unknown species were reported by Poinar (1985) from a Sclerosomatidae [Togwoteeus (re- ported as Homolophus) biceps (Thorell) from western Canada], a Cosmetidae [Paecilaemana quadripuncta Goodnight & Goodnight from Costa Rica] and a Protolophidae [Protolophus sp. from the southwestern USA]. Pfeifer (1956) also reported an unknown species from a Phalangi- idae, Phalangium opilio, from Berlin, Germany. Tsurusaki (1986) found unidentified mermi- thids in two species of Sclerosomatidae {Leiob- unum globosum, Leiobunum manubriatum) in Japan. Mitov reported (pers. commun.) that he had discovered larval mermithids in preserved ma- terial of the following harvestmen from Vitosha Mountain and West Rodopy, Bulgaria: Nemas- tomatidae {Paranemastoma radewi), Phalangi- idae {Lacinius ephippiatus, L. horridus, L. den- tiger, Lophopilio palpinalis, Mitopus morio, Phalangium opilio, Zacheus crista). Agamomermis Stiles is a collective group erected to receive species which were described from larvae (which lack meaningful taxonomic characters) [see Poinar & Welch (1981)]. When diagnosing Agamomermis, Stiles (1903) stated the group was artificial and therefore should have no type species. All of the mermithids thus far recorded from harvestmen are considered incer- tae sedis and therefore those species that were originally described from harvestmen should be transferred to Agamomermis. This action was indicated but not formally performed by Poinar (1985). Agamomermis phaiangii (Haldeman 1851), new combination, was originally described in combination with Filaria Mueller from a Phal- angiidae, Phalangium opilio (reported as P. cor- nutum). Agamomermis truncatula Rudolphi (1819), new combination, was originally de- scribed in combination with Filaria. Steiner (1922) transferred the species to Mermis. The original specimens were from the abdomens of Phalangiidae, Phalangium opilio and Opilio (re- ported as Phaiangii cornuti and Opilionis). Dies- ing (1851) listed the species as ""Gordius trunc- tulus Diesing,” but it is unclear if he had additional material Agamermis incerta was reported by Stipperger (1928) from Mitopus morio collected in Tirol, Austria. Stipperger (1928, p. 60) stated that he had sent the specimen to Dr. G. Steiner for iden- tification and that he had received an identifi- cation as ""Agamermis incerta n. sp.” Pfeifer (1956) and Poinar (1985) referred to this species as Agamermis incerta (Steiner), indicating that it had been described in some other genus. I have been unable to locate the description of this spe- cies (in combination with Agamermis Cobb, Steiner & Christie; Hexamermis Steiner, or Mer- mis Dujardin) in Zoological Record (191 8-1940) and presume it is a nomen nudum. Apparently, Poinar (1985) also was unable to locate Steiner’s description of incerta (in combination with Aga- mermis or otherwise) from a spider, as this spe- cies of mermithid does not occur in his table except associated with Stipperger’s 1928 paper. Hexamermis sp., incertae sedis, juveniles were reported (Unzicker & Rotramel 1970) from an immature Phalangiidae harvestman {Opilio sp.- only species in region is O. parietinus) from Il- linois, USA. Because of the uncertainty of the identification, this species is best retained as Aga- momermis sp. Mermis sp. was reported by Kastner (1928). He stated Julius Riihm of Nemberg saw a “Mer- mis” emerge from a “Phalangiidaen.” This rec- ord was later cited as Phalangiidae, Opilio sp., by Poinar (1985). The only paper by Riihm cited by Kastner was published in 1926 and contained no mention of a Mermis. Apparently, there has been some miscommunication regarding this record. Probably, Ruhm verbally communicated this observation to Kastner and used “Mermis” as a general term for a mermithid nematode. Furthermore, because the record is of a post- parasitic juvenile, the record is correctly attrib- uted to Agamomermis sp. Phylum Nematomorpha Hairworms are free-living as adults and par- asitic as juveniles in insects, spiders and crus- taceans. Some early records of mermithid nem- 130 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY atodes were incorrectly assigned to two genera {Filaria and Gordius Linne) belonging to this phylum. Those species are listed herein as Aga~ momermis spp. (see this group under the Nem- atoda). Phylum Arthropoda Class Insecta Order Diptera Suborder Cyclorrhapha The Cyclorrhapha is comprised of many fam- ilies of flies, each having a different life cycle - most are not parasitoides. Without knowing the identification of the fly, little can be written other than a notice of the single reported occurrence. Soares (1945) reported the discovery of a fly pupa inside an adult of a Gonyleptidae {Disco- cyrtus invalidus Piza). The gonyleptid was col- lected at Porto Cabral, Estado de Sao Paulo, Bra- zil. Suborder Nematocera Family Ceratopogonidae Tsurusaki (pers. commun.) reported finding adult flies of this family, subfamily Forcipomyi- inae, settled on the leg femora of Nelima nigri- coxa and Gagrellula ferruginea in Japan. When he disturbed the flies they would hover around the host. He suspected they were sucking blood from the harvestmen. Order Hymenoptera Family Chalcidae Laniatores (Triaenonychidae and/or Synthe- tonychidae) from New Zealand are reported by Forster (1954) to be infested by chalcid wasps. No specific identifications were provided. Family Pompilidae Anoplius Dufour is a large, diverse group of wasps which prey almost exclusively upon spi- ders (Evans & Yoshimoto 1962). The female wasps sting and paralyze spiders which are in- dividually entombed with a wasp egg. The wasp young will then devour the spider as it grows. Some of the species permanently paralyze their prey while others only paralyze them temporar- ily. Some adult wasps feed upon spiders while others feed upon nectar of flowers. Only a single species has been recorded to prey upon a har- vestman. Anoplius (Pompilinus) marginatus (Say 1824) is found over most of temperate North America east of the Rocky Mountains. It is often common and unlike other pompilids is not very selective as to the prey it takes. Prey items include at least 22 species of spiders from seven different fami- lies (Evans & Yoshimoto 1962). Evans (1948) recorded a female wasp taking a Phalangiidae {Odiellus pictus) in East Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Because the harvestman was taken away from the wasp before it dug a nest it is uncertain if it would use the O. pictus to provision the nest. Evans (pers. commun.) recalled that the wasp was captured while it was dragging the opilion across the ground but he could not determine whether the opilion was used in provisioning the wasp nest. Pompilids often take prey and then abandon it, sometimes after feeding on it. Class Arachnida Order Acarina Suborder Prostigmata Mites known to be parasitic on harvestmen belong to the families Thrombidiidae and Ery- thraeidae. Only the larval forms are parasitic (protelean parasites) while the nymphs and adults are predaceous on small insects. Because the lar- val and post-larval stages of these two families are heteromorphic, systematists have long used different scientific names for each (Southcott 1961). Only after the larval and post-larval stages are associated by rearings can any meaningful classifications be constructed. Laniatores (Triaenonychidae and/or Synthe- tonychidae) from New Zealand are reported by Forster (1954) to be often heavily infested by mites. Hunt (1979) found a species of parasitic mite on Triaenonychidae harvestman, Equitius doriae Simon, from southeastern Australia. Bur- ton & Burton (1984, pp. 218 and 226) published a color photograph of a harvestman with nu- merous parasitic red mites. The harvestman is clearly Mitopus morio. The mites are probably members of the genus Leptus, although this can not be stated for certain. Elliott & Reddell (1987) reported that many of the Leiobunum townsendi occurring in caves in central Texas carried red chiggers on their legs. The mites are probably not chiggers but more likely the larvae of Leptus. Eaton (1985) stated in a report on some har- vestmen from a cave in southeastern. New Mex- ico that the “The [harvestmen] spiders all had one or more small, shiny, bright red, oval bumps on their legs which appeared to be some kind of parasite.” These parasites are likewise probably Leptus sp. and the hosts are almost certainly L. townsendi. COKENDOLPHER== PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 131 Other unidentified mites from my collection include: Cosmetidae {Vonones sayi) from Sam Houston National Forest, Lake Stubblefield, Walker County, and Lake Kirby, Taylor County, Texas, USA (mites found on dorsa of abdomens); Phalangiidae [Zacheus hebraicus (Simon)] from Beith Shemesh, Israel (mite from tibia I); Scle- rosomatidae: Leiobuninae {Leiobunum townsen- di Weed) from near Cloudcroft, New Mexico, USA; [Leiobunum ventricosum (Wood)], West Virginia University Forest, Chestnut Ridge, Monongalia County, West Virginia, USA.; {Neb ima paessleri Roewer) from Moose Creek Re- search Station, Idaho, USA; Sclerosomatidae: Gagrellinae {Gagreiiopsis nodulifera Sato & Su- zuki) from Mt. Daisen, Tottori Prefi, Japan (mite found on dorsum of abdomen); {Trachyrhinus rectipalpus Cokendolpher) from 2 km W. of Cue vitas, Starr County and Buffalo Gap, Taylor County, Texas, USA; {Prionostemma panama Goodnight & Goodnight) from Orillas de Rio Mata Ahogado el Vallo de Anton, Prov. Code, Panama (mite was found on the abdomen); Scle- rosomatidae: Metopilio Group {Globipes sp.) from near Cloudcroft, New Mexico, USA. Family Thrombidiidae Known as the velvet mites, adults of this fam- ily are among the largest and most conspicuous families of mites. Allothrombium Berlese is a small genus with seven described species. Its members are para- sitic on harvestmen, spiders, several orders of insects and isopods (Welboum 1983). Megnin (1876) described the larva of a mite reared from opilions. He identified the mite as either Trom~ bidium fuliginosum Herman or Trombidium gymnopterorum Berlese. Based on the structure of the tarsal claws, Southcott (1961) identified Megnin’s specimen (which was illustrated) as an Allothrombium sp. Allothrombium chanaanense Feider (1 977) was described from an “Opilionida” from Jerusalem, Israel. This species of mite is only known from the larval forms. Host records also include in- sects: an Acrididae [Prionsosthenus galericulatus (Stal)] and an unidentified Aphidae from Israel (Feider 1977). Allothrombium neapolitum Oudemans (1910a) was described from a Phalangidae {Phalangium sp.) from Portici, Campania, southern Italy. Oudemans (1913) redescribed and illustrated this species. Specimens identified from my collection were found attached to the edges of the abdom- inal spiracles of a Phalangiidae, Zacheus crista Brulle. The collections were from Lindos, Rho- dos. Trombidium Fabricius is a relatively large ge- nus of conspicuous mites with about 20 species. Member species have been observed and re- corded since the first record in about 300 B.C. by Apollodorus. About half of the described spe- cies are known only by adults. Juveniles are known to feed on numerous orders of insects as well as spiders, a pseudoscorpion and harvest- men (Welboum 1983). Yokogawa (1940) described and illustrated a Sclerosomatidae {Nelima sp.) parasitized by a mite from Japan. The mite was identified as a "^Trombidinium'^ [5/c]. Trombidium hungarium Kobulej (1957) is recorded from a Phalangiidae {Egaenus convexus Koch) from Matraszentimre, Hungary. Both the larva and the nymph of this species were described by Kobulej (1957). Family Erythraeidae The first record of a harvestman parasite was probably an erythraeid mite. Lister (1678) re- ported scarlet-colored “bugs” attached and feed- ing from what is now known to be Phalangiidae Phalangium opilio in England. Sankey (1949b) reported mites of this family from numerous spe- cies of harvestmen collected in England. Specif- ically, he recorded hosts as: Sclerosomatidae [Leiobunum blackwalli, L. rotundum, Nelima silvatica (Simon)] and Phalangiidae [Mitopus morio, Oligolophus hansenii (Kraepelin), O. tri- dens, Opilio parietinus. Par oligolophus agrestis (Meade), Phalangium opilio, Rilaena triangu- laris {^Platybunus triangularis)]. Sankey (1 949a) stated that he had records of 10 species of har- vestmen (presumably those listed above) being used as carriers by the larvae of Erythraeus phal- angioides (De Geer 1778). This identification is probably incorrect as this species is not otherwise known to feed on harvestmen and there is some question regarding the true identity of larval E. phalangiodes (see Southcott 1961). Possibly, Sankey confused the names phalangii and phal- angiodes’, both of which were described by De Geer. Martinez Crespo & Morales Soto (1979) reported that mites of the family Erythraeidae were parasitic on Opiliones from Mexico. There are over 50 species of Charletonia Oudemans described as larvae and 22 species described originally as adults. Species are re- corded from every continent except Antarctica (Southcott 1991). Larvae of two species are par- 132 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY asitic on harvestmen (Kawashima 1961; South- cott 1961, 1965, 1991). The other species are common parasites as juveniles on locusts (Acrid- idae) and less commonly encountered on jump- ing plant lice (Psyllidae: Homoptera), true bugs (Lygaeidae and Miridae: Hemiptera), wasps (Braconidae: Hymenoptera), Lepidoptera, drag- onflies (Libellulidae: Odonata), flies (Tabanidae, Dolichopodidae and Bombylidae: Diptera), mantis (Mantidae: Mantodea), walking sticks (Phasmatidae: Phasmida), katydids (Tettigoni- idae: Orthoptera), beetles (Curculionidae, Me- lyridae, Tenebrionidae: Coleoptera), mites (Er- ythraeidae: Acarina) and spiders (Theridiidae, Philodromidae: Araneae). Keys to the species are provided by Southcott (1991). Charletonia enghoffi Southcott ( 1 99 1 ) is known by four larvae recovered from the dorsum and femora of the Phalangiidae, Bunochelis canar- iana (Strand). The species were obtained in Feb- ruary in Teno Barranco de las Cuevas, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Charletonia southcotti Kawashima (1961) is recorded from a Sclerosomatidae, Metagagrella tenuipes (L. Koch) (reported as Gagrella japonica Roewer), that was collected at the seashore of Kasumigaoka, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka-Prefec- ture, Kyushu, Japan. This species of mite is only known from the single collection on 12 July. Thirty-five mites were recovered from 20 opi- lions. It is known only by the larval stage, which was redescribed by Southcott (1965). Leptus Latreille is a large genus and its mem- bers are widespread. Over 60 Leptus spp. have been described from larvae. Many adults have also been described, but only in a few cases have correlations been made between larval and post- larval forms. Only in a single case is a species described from larval and all post-larval stages (Welboum & Jennings 1991). Many species re- main undescribed. Member species are generally parasitic on spiders, scorpions, harvestmen, dip- lopods, Collembola, and insects. Many of the early reports and even some more recent are sus- pect as the true identity of the mites identified is uncertain. Southcott (1961, 1991, 1992) re- viewed some of the problems regarding the Eu- ropean mites (phalangii, ignotus, nemorum, coc- cineus) which had been referred to various genera. Southcott (1989) provided a key to the parasitic larval forms that were recognizable (most early descriptions are inadequate to recognize the spe- cies) in the New World. Welboum & Jennings (1991) added a new species (from Lepidoptera host) from the USA and provided some addi- tional comments on members of the genus. Southcott (1992) described numerous new spe- cies and provided a key to the taxa from North America and Europe. He also resolved the iden- tity of L. ignotus and found the type species, Acarus phalangii, to be an illegitimate name. Ka- washima (1958) and Haitlinger (1990) provided keys to the parasitic larval forms from Japan and northern Africa, respectively. Leptus spp. have been reported from a variety of hosts and localities. The mode of attachment was described in Leptus sp, on two species of Phalangiidae {Mitopus naorio, Phalangium opi- Ho) by Abro (1988). Abro (1991) described un- successful parasitic attachments of larval Leptus spp. to the ocular tubercle of Phalangium. Evans et al. (1961, fig. 211) illustrated a Phalangiidae {Mitopus morio) infested with Leptus sp. larvae from the British Isles. Welboum (1983) reported Leptus spp. from unidentified Opiliones collect- ed in Ohio and Arkansas. Robert G. Holmberg reported (pers. com- mun.) that he had found 39 vials of harvestmen infested with 78 mites, all of which have been identified as Leptus spp. by 1. M. Smith (Bio- systematic Research Center, Ottawa, Canada). Dr. Holmberg’s collections were from: ^^Tog- woteeus biceps from Canada and the USA, Mi- topus morio from England, Odiellus pictus from Canada, Oligolophus tridens from Canada, Par- oligolophus agrestis from Wales, Phalangium op- ilio from Canada and England, and Leiobunum townsendi from U.S.A.” Mullen (1988) reported “opilionids” com- monly serve as the host to Leptus mites. Savory (1938) recorded Belaustium [sic] (Ritteria) ne- morum (Koch) from harvestmen in England. This observation was later cited on several oc- casions in general works about arachnids by Sa- vory and Cloudsley-Thompson. The original ob- servations were most likely based on a misidentification and probably were represen- tatives of the genus Leptus. Not only is Leptus widely known as a harvestman parasite, but members of the Balaustiinae are generally con- sidered not to be parasitic on arthropods (South- cott 1961). Cox et al. (1921) found an immature Ery- thaeus [sic] sp. on a “phalangid” in California, USA. This mite is probably a Leptus sp. Mites from almost every genus of the Erythraeidae have been misidentified as Erythraeus Latreille (see Southcott 1961). COKENDOLPHER-PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 133 Leptus phalangii (De Geer 1778) was origi- nally described in combination with Acarus Linne. When erecting the genus Leptus, Latreille (1796) designated (by monotypy) Acarus phaL angii as the type species. The type specimens were from a Phalangiidae {Phalangium sp.) col- lected in Sweden. Apparently, none of De Geer’s specimens were presented. There has been con- siderable confusion over the identity of this spe- cies. Furthermore, as noted by Southcott (1992) the specific name is not available under the In- ternational Code of Zoological Nomenclature as De Geer did not treat it consistently as a bino- men. Only in a few cases can specimens that have been previously referred to in the literature as Leptus phalangii be assigned currently recog- nized names. Leptus ignotus (Oudemans 1903a) was origi- nally described in combination with Erythraeus. The type locality is Borkum, Holland. Southcott (1991) redescribed the species and limited the species diagnosis to specimens which had not been recorded from opilion hosts. Therefore all records of this species from opilion host can be assumed to be misidentified and are referred to in Table 1 as Leptus sp. Evans et aL (1961) re- corded a mite (identified as L. ignotus) parasitic on Opilio parietinus in the British Isles. Other records are also from the Phalangiidae: Mitopus morio from Tirol, Austria (Stipperger 1928) and Bulgaria (Beron 1975); Opilio ruzickai from Bul- garia (Beron 1975); and Phalangium opilio, R. triangularis, Lophopilio (reported as Odiellus) palpinalis fmm Poland (Haitlinger 1987). South- cott (1992) suggested that some of the specimens identified by Beron and Haitlinger were Leptus holmiae Southcott. Mites reported as Leptus phalangii have been reported by Pfeifer (1956) and Evans (1910) on Phalangiidae (Phalangium opilio) in Berlin, Ger- many, and Midlothian, Scotland, respectively. Spoek (1964) also recorded this mite to be par- asitic on harvestmen from the Netherlands. None of these mites can be accurately identified at pres- ent and are best referred in Table 1 as Leptus sp. Meade (1855) reported “harvest-men” from En- gland were frequently infested by a bright red parasitic mite, which he identified as TrombL dium phalangii {^Leptus phalangii). He further specified that the mite occurred on Leiohunum rotundum. Sellnick (1940) recorded both Achorolophus ignotus and Leptus (reported elsewhere in the paper as Erythraeus) phalangioides (De Geer) from Phalangiidae (M. morio) on Iceland. He not only recorded both mites from a single species of harvestmen, but in two cases he recorded what he felt were these species from individual har- vestmen. Although these cannot be identified with certainty at this time, they are probably L. hoP miae. Until specimens can be studied I am re- ferring to them in Table 1 as Leptus sp. Numerous mites from opilions in my collec- tion represent new records and include: Sdero- somatidae: Eumesosoma roeweri (Goodnight & Goodnight) from Alma, Nebraska, USA.; Krusa sp. from 10 mi. W. Aquismon, San Luis Potosi, Mexico; Leiohunum aldrichi Weed from Tish- omingo State Park, Tishomingo County, Missis- sippi, USA; Leiohunum flavum Banks from Beaver’s Bend State Park, McCurtain County, Oklahoma; Merrymount Campground, 1 8 miles SW Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA; Leiohunum montanum montanum Suzuki from Mt. Ischizuchi, 1 490- 1 745 m., Ehime Prefecture, Japan; Leiohunum sp. from 2 km. N. Tasquillo, Rio Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico; Leiohunum sp. nr. depressum Davis from 7.5 miles S. George West, Live Oak County, Texas, USA,; Leiohunum townsendi from East Turkey Creek, Chiracahua Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona; outside Hidden Cave (reared to deutonymph) and Her- mit Cave, Eddy County, New Mexico, USA.; Leiohunum vittatum (Say) from Homesville, Nebraska, USA.; Trachyrhinus marmoratus Banks from Pecos River, east of Pecos, Pecos County, and Indio Mountains, 25 km S Van Horn, Hudspeth County, Texas, USA. Phalan- giidae: Odiellus pictus from Garland, Penobscot County, Maine, USA.; Phalangium opilio from Bowdoinham, near Cathance River, Sagahahoc County, Maine, USA. Additional mites from my collection have been identified by W. Calvin Welboum as Leptus spp. 1-11. They are as follows: Leptus sp. 1 is known from a Sclerosomatidae (Leiohunum townsendi) and a Protolophidae (Protolophus singularis Banks) from Fort Bayard, Grant County, New Mexico, USA. Leptus sp. 2 is known from several species of Sclerosomatidae: Eumesosoma roew- eri from 14 miles E. Burnet, Bumet County, Tex- as; 7.5 miles ESE Bandera, Bandera County, Tex- as; Texas Tech University Center, Junction, Kimble County, Texas, USA; Leiohunum flavum Banks from Graham Creek, 5 miles SSE Zavalla, Angelina County, Texas, USA; Leiohunum townsendi from Montague County, Texas, USA. Leptus sp. 3 is known from two species of Scle- 134 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY rosomatidae {Leiobunum aldrichi, L. nigripes Weed) from the W, Bank of J. Percy Priest Lake, Elm Hills Park, Davidson County, Tennessee, USA. Leptus sp. 4 is known from a Phalangiidae {Egaenus convexus) from Biirgenland, Ruster Hugelland, Austria. Leptus sp. 5 is known from a Sclerosomatidae {Trachyrhinus marmoratus Banks) from 39.6 miles SW Marfa, Presidio County, Texas, USA. Leptus sp. 6 is known from a Sclerosomatidae [Marthana nigerrima (Mull- er)] from Tuba Mountains, S. Palawan Cabar, Palawan, Philippines. Leptus sp. 7 is known from a Sclerosomatidae {Eumesosomal sp.) from Joya de Juan Mesa (outside), near La Laguna, Ta- maulipas, Mexico. Leptus sp. 8 is known from a Sclerosomatidae {Leiobunum sp.) from km 1 20 marker on Highway 70, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Leptus sp. 9 is known from a Sclerosomatidae {Leiobunum sp.) from roadcut at Gomez Farias, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Leptus sp. 10 is known from a Sclerosomatidae {Lacinius ephippiatus) from Wr. Wald, Latisberg (Cobenze) E-Mg ca. 380-“ 400 m, Wien XIX, Austria. Leptus sp. 1 1 is known from a Phalangiidae {Mitopus morio) from Wr. Wald, Rekawiokel, near Bldf., N. G., Austria. Leptus bicristatus Fain & Elsen (1987) was de- scribed from a larva on an “Opilion” from Cho- wo Rocks, Plateau de Nyika, Malawi (6-8 De- cember 1981). The host has now been identified as a Phalangiidae, Cristina lettowi (Roewer) (Kauri, pers. commun.). Leptus gagreilae (Oudemans 1 9 1 Ob) was orig- inally described in combination with Achorolo- phus Berlese. It was described from a Scleroso- matidae {Gagrella sp.) from Tjibodas, West Java Prov., Indonesia. This species was redescribed and illustrated by Oudemans (1913). Leptus hidakai Kawashima (1958) was de- scribed from larvae collected on a Clubionidae spider {Chiracanthium sp.) and a Phalangiidae {Opilio pentaspinulatus Suzuki). All specimens were obtained on 24 June at Tachibana-yama, Kasuya-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. A har- vestmen is illustrated in the original description with eight mites attached to its legs and abdo- men. Leptus holmiae Southcott ( 1 992) is a wide-rang- ing species in the Holarctic region. It is recorded (Southcott 1992) from a free living-example col- lected in the Burzyanskij region, Bashkir ASSR; and as ectoparasites on Phalangiidae: Mitopus morio from Denmark, Iceland, Poland, Sweden; Opilio sp. from Sweden; Opilio canestrinii (Tho- rell) from Denmark; Phalangium opilio from En- gland; Rileana (reported as Platybunus) trian- gularis from England. Southcott (1992) stated that he felt some additional specimens reported in the literature might be this species but that he could not be certain because he had not studied any samples of the series reported. These ques- tionable records are Phalangiidae: Mitopus mo- rio and Opilio ruzickai from Bulgaria (Beron 1975); and Phalangium opilio, R. triangularis, Lophopilio (reported as Odiellus) palpinalis from Poland (Haitlinger 1987). Leptus indianensis Fain et al. (1987) was de- scribed from larvae collected on several species of Sclerosomatidae: Leiobunum aldrichi (report- ed as L. longipes) and Leiobunum calcar (Wood) from 2 miles northwest Brazil, Clay County, In- diana, USA.; Leiobunum sp,, L. nigripes, L. spe- ciosum Banks and L. ventricosum from 9 miles southwest of Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, USA. New records from my collection include L. nigripes Weed from 4 miles ESE Morris on Pine Bluff Road, Grundy County, Illinois, USA.; L. formosum (Wood) from Po- tomac River and Chesapeake Bay junction, Wakefield, Virginia, USA. Leptus jocquei Fain & Elsen (1987) was de- scribed from nine larvae taken from “Opilions” collected in Dembo, Plateau Nyika, Malawi (5- 20 December 1981). The host has now been iden- tified as a Phalangiidae, Cristina lettowi (Kauri, pers. commun.), Leptus kalaallus Southcott (1992) is thus far known only from the Phalangiidae, Mitopus mo- rio, collected in Greenland. The larval mites were found attached to the opilion abdomens. Leptus lomani (Oudemans 1903b) was de- scribed from a Gonyleptidae, Lycomedicus (re- ported Discocyrtus) funestus (Butler), from Chile. This species was redescribed and illustrated by Oudemans (1913). The original series of 1 0 mites was reported to have been collected by J. C. C. Loman in 1900. Other sources indicate that Jan C. C. Loman, of Amsterdam, did not collect the specimens himself. The harvestmen were prob- ably collected by Prof. Dr. Ludwig Plate and for- warded to Oudemans by Loman. The only ex- amples of this harvestman reported in the literature from Chile during the same time period was by Loman (Cekalovic K. 1985). Loman (1899) stated that there were several specimens of L. funestus from Corral that were in the Plate collection. Therefore, I am herein restricting the type locality of L. lomani to Corral (39®53'S, 73"25'W), Valdivia, Chile. Leptus nearcticus Fain et al. (1987) was de- scribed from larvae collected off three species of COKENDOLPHER-PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 135 Sclerosomatidae: Leiobunum aldrichi (reported as L. longipes), L. nigripes and L. vittatum from 2 miles northwest Brazil, Clay Co., Indiana (1™ 18 September 1986). Fain et ai. (1987) reported other samples from the type locality from Leiob- unum sp. (females). These have now been iden- tified as L. aldrichi. Leptus oudemansi (Karppinen 1958) was orig- inal proposed as a replacement name in the genus Achorolophus. This name was provided because Achorolophus gracilipes Oudemans 1910a, was preoccupied by Rhyncholophus gracilipes Kra- mer 1897; both were considered by Karppinen (1958) to belong to Achorolophus. Both are now considered by Southcott (1 992) to belong to Lep- tus and are thus still homonyms. Oudemans’ (1910a) original specimens were found on a Cos- metidae {Cynorta sp.) from Surinam. This spe- cies was redescribed and illustrated by Oude- mans (1913). Leptus puylaerti Fain & Elsen (1987) is known by five larvae found attached to “Opilions” col- lected at Chowo Rocks, Nyika Plateau, Malawi (6-18 Dec. 1981). The host has now been iden- tified as a Phalangiidae, Cristina lettowi (Kauri, pers. commun.). Leptus polythrix Fain & Elsen ( 1 987) is known by eight larvae found attached to “Opilions” col- lected at Dembo, Nyika Plateau, Malawi (5-20 December 1981). The host has now been iden- tified as a Phalangiidae, Cristina lettowi (Kauri, pers. commun.). Leptus stieglmayri (Oudemans 1905) was de- scribed from Opiliones collected in Santa Cruz, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Oudemans (1913) redescribed this species and recorded a specimen that was collected from a beetle (Cleridae) col- lected in Brazil. A probable new genus (near Leptus) is under study by W. Calvin Welboum. Thus far, mem- bers are only known from harvestmen from my collection obtained in Chile. The new specimens are known from two species of Neopilionidae {Thrasychirus modestus Simon, Thrasychirus denticheiis Simon) from Isla Deceit Caleta To- leda, archipielago Cabo de Homos, Magallanes, Chile. This is the southern most record for a harvestman parasite. Other host records include species of Gonyleptidae: Eubalta meridionalis (Sorensen) from Reserva Forestal Magallanes, 8 km west Punta Arenas, Magallanes, Chile; Metagyndes pulchella (Loman); Niebla, near Valdivia, Chile; Acanthoprocta pustulata Loman from Cerro Nielol, Temuco, Chile. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Like any project which is world-wide in scope, many individuals were called upon for their as- sistance. My colleagues who sent reprints of their publications are gratefully acknowledged. Dr. Jan Buchar (University Karlovy, Praha), Dr. Ashok A. Hooli (Kamatak Science College, Dharwad), Dr. Plamen G. Mitov (University of Sofia “Kli- ment Ohridski”, Sofia), Mr. Sergio Sanchez-Pena (Texas Tech University, Lubbock), and Mr. Lou- is M. Sorkin (American Museum of Natural His- tory, New York) kindly supplied additional use- ful literature. Dr. Howard E. Evans (Colorado State University, Fort Collins) is thanked for his useful comments on pompilid wasps. Dr. Robert G. Holmberg (Athabasca University, Athabasca) kindly provided me data on the numerous spec- imens of Leptus spp. obtained from harvestmen in his collection. Dr. Francis G. Howarth (Bishop Museum, Honolulu) is thanked for his com- ments on harvestmen-like spiders of Hawaii. Dr. Richard A. Humber (USDA-ARS, Ithaca) is thanked for his useful comments on the manu- script (especially the fungi section) and for send- ing copies of several difficult to obtain papers. Dr. Hans Kauri (Museum of Zoology, University of Bergen, Bergen) is thanked for his identifica- tions of the opilion hosts of Leptus spp. from Malawi. These harvestmen were loaned to Dr. Kauri by the Musee Royal de FAfrique Centrale, Tervuren, I thank Dr. Plamen G. Mitov for his comments on parasites of harvestmen in Bul- garia and for his permission to publish his many new records. Dr. Nobuo Tsurasaki (Tottori Uni- versity, Tottori) is thanked for his comments on gregarine and fly parasites in Japan, his aid in providing difficult to obtain literature and for translating some papers in Japanese. Mr. W. Cal- vin Welboum (Acarology Laboratory, The Ohio State University, Columbus) is thanked for his many identifications of mites. Dr. George O. Poinar, Jr. (University of California, Berkeley) is thanked for his useful suggestions during the preparation of this manuscript and for his com- ments on the manuscript. I thank Dr. Norman V. Homer (Midwestern State University) for his many kindnesses shown me during the prepa- ration of the manuscript. He helped me obtain some literature and assisted with the adminis- trative details in obtaining funds for publication. More importantly, almost two decades ago Dr. Homer served as my professor of bacteriology, parasitology and arachnology. 136 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Table l.—List of pathogens and parasites grouped by opilion host. Host Family? incertae sedis harvestmen, England harvestmen, Netherlands Opliones, Brazil Opiliones, Mexico Opiliones, U.S.A Opilionide, Israel opilionids phalangid, U.S.A Phalangium crassum, France Suborder Laniatores Family Triaenonychidae and/or Synthetonychidae gen. sp., New Zealand Family Triaenonychidae Equitius doriae Family Assamidae Oppainia sp., India Family Gonyleptidae gen. sp. Brazil Acanthoprocta pustulata Discocyrtus invalidus Eubalta meridionaiis Gonyleptes fragilis Lycomedicus funestus Metagyndes pukhella Zygopachylus albomarginis Family Cosmetidae Cynorta sp. Paeciiaemana guadripuncta Vonones sayi Suborder Cyphopalpatores Superfamily Troguloidea Family Troguloidae Trogulus tricarinatus Family Nemastomatidae Carinostoma ornatum Paranemastoma radewi Parasite ILeptus sp. Leptus sp. Leptus stieglmayri Erythraeidae Leptus spp. Allothrombium chanaanense Leptus sp. ILeptus sp. Sciadiophora phalangii Acarina, gen. sp. Chalcidae, gen. sp. Nematoda, gen. sp. Acarina, gen. sp. Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Arachnocystis amchnoidea Contospora opalniae Echinoocysta phalangii Torrubiella gonylepticida N. gn. nr. Leptus sp. Cydorrhapha, gen. sp. N. gn. nr. Leptus sp. Agamomermis sp. Leptus lomani N. gn. nr. Leptus sp. Eumycota, gen. sp. Leptus oudemansi Agamomermis sp. Acarina, gen. sp. Cosmetophilus vonones Doliospora troguli Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Source Evans 1910; Savory 1938 Spoek 1964 Oudemans 1905 Martinez Crespo and Morales Soto 1979 Welboum 1983 Feider 1977 Mullen 1988 Cox et al. 1921 Leger 1897 Forster 1954 Forster 1954 Forster 1954 Hunt 1979 Hunt 1979 Devdhar 1962; Devdhar and Gourishankar 1971 Devdhar 1962; Devdhar and Amoji 1978a Amoji and Devdhar 1979 Moller 1901 herein Soares 1945 herein Mattheisen 1974 Oudemans 1903b herein Mora 1987 Oudemans 1910a Poinar 1985 herein Cokendolpher 1991 Geus 1969 herein herein COKENDOLPHER-PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 137 Table L— Continued. Host Parasite Source Agamomermis sp. herein Pyza bosnica Gregarinasina, gen. sp. herein Superfamily Phalangioidea Family Neopilionidae Thrasychirus dentichelis N. gn. nr. Leptus sp. herein Thrasychirus modestus N. gn. nr. Leptus sp. herein Family Protolophidae Protolophus sp., U.S.A. Agamomermis sp. Poinar 1985 Protolophus singular is Leptus sp. # 1 herein Family Sclerosomatidae Metopilio group Globipes sp. Acarina, gen. sp. herein Subfamily Leiobuninae Eumesosomal sp. Leptus sp. #7 herein Eumesosoma roeweri Leptus sp. herein Leptus sp. #2 herein Leiobunum sp., U.S.A. Leptus indianensis Fain et al. 1987 Leiobunum sp. near Leptus sp. herein depressum, U.S.A. Leiobunum sp., Hidalgo, Leptus sp. herein Mexico Leiobunum sp,, San Luis Leptus sp. #8 herein Potosi, Mexico Leiobunum sp., Leptus sp. #9 herein Tamaulipas, Mexico Leiobunum aldrichi Leptus sp. herein {=Leiobunum longipes) Leptus sp. #3 herein Leptus indianensis Fain et al. 1987 Leptus nearcticus Fain et al. 1987 Leiobunum blackwalli Anthorhynchus Pfeifer 1956 (=L. hassiae) sophiae Entomophaga batkoi Balazy 1978 Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Sankey 1949b Leiobunum calcar Leptus indianensis Fain et al. 1987 Leiobunum globosum Agamomermis sp. Tsurusaki 1986 Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Tsurusaki 1986 Leiobunum flavum Leptus sp. herein Leptus sp. #2 herein Leiobunum formosum Leptus indianensis herein Leiobunum manubriatum Agamomermis sp. Tsurusaki 1986 Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Tsurusaki 1986 Leiobunum montanum Leptus sp. herein montanum Leiobunum nigripes Leptus sp. #3 herein Leptus indianensis Fain et al. 1987; herein Leptus nearcticus Fain et al. 1987 Leiobunum politum Gregarinasina, gen. sp. herein Leiobunum rotundum Anthorhynchus Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 longispora Anthorhynchus Pfeifer 1956 sophiae Doliospora repelini Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 138 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Table l.~ Continued. Host Parasite Source Leiobunum rumelicum Leiobunum speciosum Leiobunum townsendi Leiobunum ventricosum Leiobunum vittatum Nelima sp., Japan Nelima nigricoxa Nelima paessleri Nelima silvatica Togwoteeus biceps Subfamily Gagrellinae Gagrella sp., Indonesia Gagrellopsis nodulifera Gagrellula ferruginea Gagrellula saddlana Krusa sp., Mexico Marthana nigerrima Metagagrella tenuipes Prionostemma panama Trachyrhinus marmoratus Trachyrhinus rectipalpus Family Phalangiidae gen. sp., England gen. sp., Germany gen. sp., Sweden Subfamily Phalangiinae Bunochelis canariana Cristina lettowi Phalangium sp,, Italy Entomophaga batkoi Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Leptus sp. Sciadiophora phalangii Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Leptus indianensis Acarina, gen. sp. Leptus sp. Leptus sp. # 1 Leptus sp. #2 Acarina, gen. sp. Leptus indianensis Leptus sp. Leptus nearcticus Nomuraea atypicola Trombidium sp. Forcipomyiinae, gen. sp. Acarina, gen. sp. Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Agamomermis sp. Leptus sp. Leptus gagrellae Acarina, gen. sp. Forcipomyiinae, gen. sp. Sciadiophora gagrellula Leptus sp. Leptus sp. #6 Charletonia southcotti Acarina, gen. sp, Leptus sp. Leptus sp. #5 Acarina, gen. sp. Hymenostilbe verrucosa Pandora phalangicida Sciadiophora caudata Sciadiophora fissidens Pandora phalangicida Charletonia enghoffi Leptus bicristatus Leptus jocquei Leptus polythrix Leptus puylaerti Allothrombium neapolitum Batazy 1978 Sankey 1949b Meade 1855 Pfeifer 1956 herein Fain et al. 1987 Elliott and Reddell 1987; herein herein herein herein herein Fain et al. 1987 herein Fain et al. 1987 Greenstone et al. 1988 Yokogawa 1940 herein herein Sankey 1949b Poinar 1985 herein Oudemans 1910b herein herein Devdhar 1962; Devdhar and Amoji 1978b herein herein Kawashima 1961 herein herein herein herein Leatherdale 1970 Leatherdale 1970 Rossler 1882 Rossler 1882 Lagerheim 1898 Southcott 1991 Fain & Elsen 1987 Fain & Elsen 1987 Fain & Elsen 1987 Fain and Elsen 1987 Oudemans 1910a COKENDOLPHER-- PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 139 Table L— Continued. Host Parasite Source Phalangium sp., Sweden Leptus sp. De Geer 1778 Phalangium sp., Europe Sciadiophora phalangii Geus 1969 Phalangium opilio Agamomermis sp. Pfeifer 1956; herein {^Phalangium cornutum) Agamomermis phalangii Haldeman 1851 Agamomermis truncatula Rudolph! 1819 Anthorhynchus Schneider 1887; Ormieres sophiae and Baudoin 1973 Brachylecithum sp. Gabrion and Ormieres 1973 Digenea, gen. sp. Creplin 1846 Doliospora repelini Leger 1897; Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Sankey 1949b Gregarinasina, gen. sp. herein Heterorhabditis heliothidis Poinar and Thomas 1985 Leptus sp. Evans 1910; Pfeifer 1956; Abro 1988, 1991; herein Leptus holmiae Southcott 1992 Leptus holmiael Haitlinger 1987 Pandora phalangicida Ellis 1956; Leatherdale 1958, 1970 Pseudhymenolepis redonica Gabrion 1977 Rhabditida, gen. sp. Pfeifer 1956 Sciadiophora caudata Rossler 1882; Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Sciadiophora fissidens Rossler 1882 Sciadiophora geronowitschi Johansen 1894 Sciadiophora phalangii Leger 1897; Geus 1969 Steinernema carpocapsae Poinar and Thomas 1985 Xenorhabdus luminescens Poinar and Thomas 1985 Xenorhabdus nematophilus Poinar and Thomas 1985 Rilaena triangularis Anthorhynchus Pfeifer 1956 (=Platybunus triangularis) sophiae Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Sankey 1949b Leptus holmiae Southcott 1992 Leptus holmiael Haitlinger 1987 Nematoda, gen. sp. Sankey 1949a Sciadiophora phalangii Pfeifer 1956 Zacheus anatolicus Gregarinasina, gen. sp. herein Zacheus crista Agamomermis sp. herein Allothrombium neapolitum herein Gregarinasina, gen. sp. herein Zacheus hebraicus Acarina, gen. sp. herein Subfamily Oligolophinae Lacinius ephippiatus Agamomermis sp. herein 140 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Table 1.— Continued. Host Parasite Source Lacinius dentiger Lacinius horridus Mitopus morio (^Opilio gwssipes) Mitopus sp., France Odieilus lendli Odiellus pictus Odieilus spinosus i^Odius spinosus) Oligolophus hansenii Oligolophus tridens Paroligolophus agrestis Subfamily Opilioninae Egaenus convexus Opilio sp,, Europe Anthorhynchus sophiae Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Leptus sp. #10 Agamomermis sp. Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Sciadiophora phalangii Agamomermis sp. Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Rhabditida, gen. sp. Acarina, gen. sp. Agamomermis sp. Anthorhynchus longispora Anthorhynchus sophiae Doliospora repelini Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Leptus sp. Leptus sp. #11 Leptus holmiae Leptus holmiae? Leptus kalaallus Sciadiophora caudata Sciadiophora phalangii Sciadiophora claviformis Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Anoplius marginatus Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Leptus sp. Sciadiophora caudata Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Anthorhynchus sophiae Doliospora repelini Entomophaga batkoi Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Leptus sp. Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Leptus sp. Leptus sp. #4 Trombidium hungarium Agamomermis sp. Agamomermis truncatula Pfeifer 1956 herein herein herein herein Silhavy 1961 herein herein Pfeifer 1956 Burton and Burton 1984 Stipperger 1928; herein Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Pfeifer 1956 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Sankey 1949b herein Stipperger 1928; Evans et al. 1961; Abro 1988; herein herein Southcott 1992 Sellnick 1940; Beron 1975 Southcott 1992 Rossler 1882; Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Stipperger 1928; Pfeifer 1956; Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 herein Evans 1948 herein herein Rossler 1882; Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Sankey 1949b Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Batazy 1978; Keller 1987 Sankey 1949b herein Sankey 1949b herein herein Kobulej 1957 Kastner 1928 Rudolphi 1819 COKENDOLPHER--^ PATHOGENS AND PARASITES OF OPILIONES 141 Table 1.™ Continued. Host Parasite Source Opilio canestrinii Opilio dinaricus Opilio parietinus Opilio pentaspinulatus Opilio ruzickai Opilio saxatilis Subfamily Platybuninae Lophopilio palpinalis i=Odiellus palpinalis) Megabunus diadema Platybunus bucephalus Platybunus pinetorum Leptus holmiae Leptm holmiae Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Agamomermis sp. Anthorhynchus longispora Doiiospora repelini Erythraeidae, gen. sp. Leptus sp. Microsporidium weiseri Sciadiophora phalangii Leptus hidakai Gregarinasina^ gen. sp. Leptus holmiael Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Agamomermis sp. Gregarinasina, gen. sp. Leptus sp. Leptus holmiael Sciadiophora fissidens Actinocephalus megabuni Doiiospora repelini Anthorhynchus longispora Doiiospora repelini Sciadiophora phalangii Sciadiophora phalangii Southcott 1992 Southcott 1992 herein Unzicker and Rotramel 1970 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Sankey 1949b Evans et al. 1961 Silhavy 1960 Pfeifer 1956 Kawashima 1958 herein Beron 1975 herein herein herein Haitlinger 1987 Haitlinger 1987 Rossler 1882 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Ormieres and Baudoin 1973 Pfeifer 1956 LITERATURE CITED Abro, A, 1988. The mode of attachment of mite lar= vae {Leptus spp.) to harvestmen (Opiliones). J. Nat, Hist, 22:123-130. Abro, A. 1991. Unsuccessful parasitic association of mite larvae {Leptus spp.) to harvestmen (Opiliones). Fauna Norvegica, Ser. B, 38:43. (not seen) Akhurst, R. J . 1987. 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The Journal of Arachnology 21:147-151 RESEARCH NOTES FIRST SCORPION (BUTHIDAE: CENTRUROIDES) FROM MEXICAN AMBER (LOWER MIOCENE TO UPPER OLIGOCENE) A juvenile scorpion, moderately well-pre- served in Chiapas (Mexico) amber collected in February 1992 came to our attention (Figs. 1, 2). The relatively elongated metasomal segments suggest that the specimen is a male, probably a Centruroides (Marx 1890) (Buthidae). The spec- imen, which lacks most of its right pedipalp, is the first scorpion reported from Chiapas amber. Centruroides beynai Schawaller 1979 (see also Schlee 1980), Microtityus ambarensis (Scha- waller 1982) (see also Santiago-Blay, Schawaller & Poinar 1990; Schawaller 1984), and Tityus geratus (Santiago-Blay & Poinar 1988) are known from Dominican amber. The piece containing the fossil is believed to have originated from mines near the village of Simojovel (State of Chiapas). The amber in the Simojovel mines is located in a sequence of pri- marily marine calcareous sandstones and silt with beds of lignite. The amber-bearing strata extend from the Balumtun Sandstone of the lower Mio- cene to the La Quinta formation of the upper Oligocene. These deposits have been assigned to the planktonic foraminiferal zones N3 and N4 Figures 1, 2. — Centruroidesl sp. from Chiapas (Mexico) amber: 1. dorsal, overall; 2. ventral, overall. 147 148 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 3-S.~Centruroidesl from Chiapas (Mexico) amber: 3, chelicera (see also Fig. 9), dorsal; 4, chelicera of C. gracilis nymph, right, dorsal; 5, chelicera of C. gracilis nymph, left, ventral; 6, left pedipalp patella of C nitidus nymph, ventral. Note microsetae (m); 7, Centruroidesl sp. from Chiapas (Mexico) amber. Mesosomal RESEARCH NOTES 149 Figures 9, \0.—Centruroides? sp, from Chiapas (Mexico) amber. 9, chelicera; 10, pedipalp patella venter, dots indicate possible microsetal (m) insertions. Scale lines = 1 mm. in the Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminiferal Zonal Sequence and radiometrically dated from 22.5- 26 million years (Berggren & Van Couvering 1 974). It should be noted that the amber deposits are secondary; thus, the above dates provide a minimum age. Owing to the scarcity of published data on the systematics and ontogeny of extant, juvenile Centruroides and to the problems of interpreting several important structures, which are con- founded by imperfect preservation of this spec- imen, the authors prefer to document the find Figures 1 1~14.— 1 1, distal end of fixed pedipalp finger of Rhopalurus princeps (Karsch 1879) nymph. (The distal most fixed finger trichobothria are dt, db, et, and est). Note rows of denticles on movable finger and suggestion of supernumerary granules, sg); 1 2, Centruroides! sp. from Chiapas (Mexico) amber, left pedipalp chela, dorsal; 1 3, Centruroides! sp. from Chiapas (Mexico) amber, retrolateral; 14, Centruroides! sp. from Chiapas (Mexico) amber, fifth metasomal segment and telson. keel-like structures (arrow head), dorsal; 8, Centruroides! sp. from Chiapas (Mexico) amber. Stemopectinal area. Note apodeme-like structure (arrow head) of problematic interpretation— -an artifact? 150 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY rather than describing this scorpion as a new taxon, pending acquisition of additional speci- mens from Chiapas. Centruroidesl sp. (Figs. 1--3, 7-10, 12-14) Possibly a fourth instar juvenile male, 17.1 mm long, pale-yellowish brown, with pedipalp chela and V metasomal segment dark brown, suggestion of two longitudinal bands on meso- somal tergites 2-3; possibly 8 primary rows of denticles on pedipalp fingers, supernumerary granules obsolete (Figs. 1 2, 1 3); pectines with 1 8™ 1 9 teeth (Fig. 8); metasomal segments I-V with 10, 8, 8, 8, and 5 complete, crenulated keels; very well-developed subaculear tooth (Fig. 14). Mea- surements as in Table 1. The chelicerae (Fig. 3), typical of the Buthidae, are also depicted on Fig. 9. They resemble those of similar-sized nymphs of the widespread Neo- tropical scorpion, C gracilis (Gervais 1841) (Figs. 4, 5). The pedipalp patella venter shows several pits that are interpreted as sites of microsetae (Figs. 6, 10). Examination of these two structures definitely eliminated the possibility that the scor- pion was a vaejovid. Centruroides beynai has similar pits on the pedipalp patella dorsum whose interpretation has varied (Armas 1982; Armas & Marcano Fondeur 1987; Schawaller 1979; Santiago-Blay 1990). However, the presence of what appears to be submedial mesosomal keels (Fig. 7) and an apo- deme-like structure on the prosomal sternum (Fig. 8) is puzzling. Some buthids mature at relatively earlier instars, therefore the possibility that this specimen is a small adult, although unlikely, can- not be disregarded (Williams 1987). This Centruroides from Chiapas can be distin- guished from C. beynai by the pectine teeth num- ber and metasomal ventral keel sculpturation: the latter has 21-24 pectine teeth and smooth ventral keels on metasomal segments II-IV. Rhopalurus, another common Neotropical buth- id genus with supernumerary pedipalp finger granules, has a different arrangement of tricho- bothria db and et (Fig. 11), relatively longer metasomal segments, and lacks a definite A-shaped (= inverted V) sulcus flanking a slightly raised portion of mesosomal stemite III. The current knowledge of the Centruroides fauna of the region precludes us from distinguishing this specimen from many of its extant congenerics. Since 1987, the authors have been accumu- lating morphometric data on fossil scorpions Table 1. — Measurements of fossil Centruroides! sp. from Chiapas (Mexico) amber. All measurements in mm. Some measurements could not be obtained be- cause of positioning of the specimen in the piece. Character Measurements (mm) Prosoma Carapace Anterior, median, posterior widths 1.0, 1.5, 2.3 Diad width 0.4 Median, diad-front margin length 2.0, 0.8 Chelicera Basal piece width, fixed finger lengths 1.4, 0.2 Pedipalp Femur length, width 1.9, 0.5 Patella length, width 2.5, 0.6 Palm length, width 1.1, 0.5, 2.3 Palm underhand, movable finger lengths 0.9, 2.2 Sternum Length, anterior. posterior widths 0.6, 0.2, 0.5 Mesosoma Terga I length, width 0.3, 2.0 II length, width 0.4, 1.9 III length, width 0.5, 2.2 IV length, width 0.6, 2.4 V length, width 0.7, 2.3 VI length, width 0.6, 2.0 VII length, anterior. posterior widths 1.0, 2.1, 1.0 Overall length 3.7 Metasoma Segments I length, width 1.5, 1.0 II length, width 1.8, 1.0 III length, width 1.9, 1.0 IV length, width 2.3, 1.0 V length, width, depth 1.9, 0.7, 0.8 Telson Vesicle length, depth 0.9, 0.4 Aculeus length 0.1 Total length 17.1 preserved in amber and hope to create a data base that will ease identifications, particularly when only parts of specimens have been pre- served. The present specimen is maintained in the private collection of Dr. Rodolfo Molina. RESEARCH NOTES 151 Author GOP can be contacted for further infor- mation on the piece. We thank Stanley C. Williams and Vince F. Lee (Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco) for offering suggestions on an earlier version of the typescript and for helpful discussions with author JASB. Grateful appreciation is extended to Dr. R. Mo- lina who brought the specimen to Berkeley for study. LITERATURE CITED Armas, L. F. de. 1982. Adiciones a las escorpiofaunas (Arachnida: Scorpiones) de Puerto Rico y de la Re- publica Dominicana. Poeyana, 237:1-25. Armas, L. F. de & E. J. Marcano Fondeur. 1987. Nuevos escorpiones de Republica Dominicana. Poeyana, 356:1-24. Berggren, W. A. & J. A. Van Couvering. 1974. The late Neogene. Paleogeogr. Paleoclimat. PaleoecoL, 16:1-216. Marx, G. 1890. Arachnida. In The scientific results of explorations by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. (L. O. Howard, ed.). No. V. Annotated catalogue of the insects collected in 1887-88. Proc. United States Natl. Mus., 12:185-216. Santiago-Blay, J. A. 1990. Systematics and some as- pects of the biology of the scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones) of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti), West Indies. Ph.D. Dissertation. Univ. Cal- ifornia, Berkeley. 277 pp. Santiago-Blay, J. A. & G. O. Poinar, Jr. 1 988. A fossil scorpion, Tityus geratus new species (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Dominican amber. Hist. Biol., 1:345-354. Santiago-Blay, J. A., W. Schawaller & G. O. Poinar, Jr. 1990. A new specimen of Microtityus ambar- ensis (Schawaller 1982) (Scorpiones: Buthidae), fos- sil scorpion from Hispaniola: evidence of the tax- onomic status and possible biogeographic implications. J. ArachnoL, 18:115-117. Schawaller, W. 1979. Ersnachweis eines Skorpions in Dominikanischem Bernstein (Stuttgarter Bem- steinsammlung: Arachnida; Scorpionida). Stutt- garter Beitr. Naturkd. Ser. B (Geol. Palaontol.), 45: 1-15. Schawaller, W. 1982. Zwei weitere Skorpione in Dominikanischem Bernstein (Stuttgarter Bemstein- sammlung: Arachnida; Scorpionida). Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturkd. Ser. B (Geol. Palaontol.), 82:1-14. Schawaller, W. 1984. Spinnentiere (Arachnida) im Dominiskanischen Bernstein. Pp. 72-78, In Bern- stein-Neuigkeiten. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturkd. Ser. C, Nr. 18. 100 pp. Schlee, D. 1980. Bemstein-Raritaten. Farben. Struk- turen. Fossilen. Handwerk. Bernstein. Staat. Mus. Naturk. Stutt. 88 pp. Williams, S. C. 1987. Scorpion Bionomics. Ann. Rev. Entomol., 32:275-295. Jorge A. Santiago-Blay and George O. Poinar, Jr.: Department of Entomological Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-0001 USA. Manuscript received 24 September 1992, revised 1 April 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:152 THE FEMALE OF GALLIENIELLA BETROKA (ARANEAE, GALLIENIELLIDAE) The spider genus Gallieniella is known only 0.05, ALE-PLE 0.07; MOQ length 0.20, front from Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. Four species have been described (Platnick 1984), but two of them, G. bland and G. betroka, have been known only from males. Through the courtesy of Dr. Hubert Hofer of the Landessammlungen fiir Naturkunde de Karlsruhe, Germany (LNK), I’ve recently been able to examine a fine series of G. betroka that includes the first known fe- males of the species, described below (in the for- mat used in the revision). I thank Dr. Moham- mad U. Shadab of the American Museum of Natural History for providing the illustrations. Gallieniella betroka Platnick Figs. 1, 2 Gallieniella betroka Flatnick, 1984: 10. Diagnosis. —Females can easily be distin- guished from those of G, mygaloides Millot and G. jocquei Platnick by having epigynal ducts sit- uated anteriorly of the spermathecae (Figs. 1 , 2). Male. —Described by Platnick (1984). Female.— As in male, except for the following. Total length, not including chelicerae, 4.91 mm. Carapace 2.06 long, 1.69 wide. Femur II 1.49 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.07, ALE 0.07, PME 0.06, PLE 0.06; AME- AME 0.09, AME-ALE 0.02, PME-PME 0.15, PME-PLE Figures 1, 2. — Gallieniella betroka Platnick, width 0.23, back width 0.28. Clypeal height at AME only slightly greater than their diameter. Chelicerae extending forward distance about three-fifths of carapace length, without ventral tubercle on fang; white scales restricted to pars thoracica. Leg spination: tibia IV v2-3-2. Femur I with lateral stripes more obvious than on femur IT Epigynal ducts relatively long (Figs. 1 , 2). Material Examined.-MADAGASCAR: Tulear: Foret de Kirindy, Morondava, March 5-19, 1990 (LNK), 23, 29; Trockenwald, Morondava, March 7~15, 1991, pit- fall trap (Butterweck, Petzold, LNK), 23, 29. Distribution. — Known only from southern Madagascar. LITERATURE CITED Platnick, N. 1. 1984. Studies on Malagasy spiders, I. The family Gallieniellidae (Araneae, Gnaphoso- idea). American Mus. Novit., 2801:1-17. Norman I. Platnick: Department of Entomol- ogy, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, New York 10024 USA. Manuscript received 19 January 1993, revised 1 March 1993. !, epigynum: 1, ventral view; 2, dorsal view. 152 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:153-155 NATURAL HISTORY NOTES ON THE HUNTSMAN SPIDER HOLCONIA IMMANIS (ARANEAE, HETEROPODIDAE) Our ecological knowledge of huntsman spiders of the family Heteropodidae is very limited. Even the taxonomy of this family has been worked out poorly. The last complete revision dates back to Hogg ( 1 903). The recently resurrected genus Hol- conia ranges over most of mainland Australia (Hirst 1990), and Holconia immanis (Koch) is found in eastern Australia from Queensland to Victoria. H. immanis is a large spider: males attain a body length of 30 mm, and females one of 47 mm (Mascord 1970). New observations of this species were made during a population ecological study of the ar- boreal gecko Gehyra variegata (Dumeril & Bi- bron) (Henle 1990) in Kinchega National Park (32°28'S, 142®20'E), western New South Wales, Australia, from September 1985 to May 1987. Voucher specimens are deposited in the National Insect Collection, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Canberra. I thank R. Moran and D. Russell for identification of the spiders. Gehyra variegata and H. immanis were found primarily in black box {Eucalyptus largiflorens) riverine woodland on heavy textured cracking clay and in low numbers on a red sand dune covered by hopbush {Dodonaea attenuata). In contrast to the abundant gecko, three adult H. immanis lived at the huts of Kinchega station in 1986-87. However, several specimens were found on an old brick building at Mt. Wood Station, Sturt National Park. H. immanis was not found on river red gum {E. camaldulensis) in Kinchega nor at Mt. Wood Station. Detailed observations on adult females (adults usually determined by size alone: body length > 30 mm) were made in a 1 50 x 100 m study plot in riverine woodland with 4 1 widely spaced black box trees. H. immanis and C. variegata use the same microhabitat. They were found primarily on the trunks of trees or on large branches. The correlation of the number of adult females seen per tree with eight microhabitat variables (height, diameter, number of trunks, leaf area index, number of potential retreat sides, distance to the next tree, food availability, and number of G. variegata seen - see Henle [1990] for details of methods) was tested. None of the product-mo- ment-correlations (-0.16 < r < 0.40) was sig- nificant (all a > 0.05). However, in another more elevated study site of black box riverine wood- land, Henle (1990) found a significant correlation of the number of adult female spiders with tree diameter and a marginally significant correlation with tree height and leaf area index. Thus, in this study site, larger trees tend to harbor more spec- imens. Both species are typical sit-and-wait foragers. Adult H. immanis seem to have 1--2 preferred ambush sites where most individuals were ob- served on many consecutive nights up to a period of 6 months. The capture of ten food items was witnessed: 1 Pauropoda, 1 Chilopoda (Fig. 1), 2 Lycosidae, 1 subadult H. immanis, 1 Phasmida, 1 Heteroptera, 2 Coleoptera, and 1 Lepidoptera. The size of the prey ranged from approximately 0.75 cm to > 10 cm. One unsuccesful predation attempt on a juvenile Gehyra variegata was ob- served. The gecko was not pursued for more than 2-3 cm. Active specimens were found in all months between September and May. They were inactive in July and August. The recapture of marked specimens showed that H. immanis overwinters as adults as is the case in Clubiona robusta (Koch) of South Australia (Austin 1984) but contrasts to spiders of colder climates in the Northern Hemisphere which overwinter mainly as eggs (Turnbull 1973). In September and November 1986 and Jan- uary 1987, a mark-recapture study was under- taken in the 150 x 100 m study plot. Adult females (body length >30 mm) were marked on different legs with two colors of nail paint. The marking was visible at least for three weeks, sometimes for two months, and lasted through hibernation (four months). The mark-recapture data of 10 consecutive days were fitted to the geometric and the Poisson distributions (Caugh- ley 1980). The fit to the Poisson distribution was 153 154 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figure \.—Holconia immanis preying upon a large centipede. poor in all three cases (x^ > 1 .949; a < 0.2) while the geometric distribution fitted the data well (x^ < 0.218; a > 0.5). Thus, the geometric distri- bution was used to estimate population size. Confidence intervals (Cl) were calculated ac- cording to Henle (1983). The estimated number of adult female H. immanis was 35 (95%“CI: 26-45), 22 (95%-CI: 14-30), and 19 (95%-CI: 11-27) for September 1986, November 1986, and January 1987, respectively. Thus, there ap- pears to have been considerable mortality of adult females between September and November 1986. The mortality of approximately 50% during four months suggests that adult females live for ap- proximately 4-16 months. Miller & Miller (1 99 1) found a similar yearly survivorship of Geolycosa turricola (Treat). Only two of the 47 marked in- dividuals with a size of > 3 cm changed the tree of original capture and moved 30 m and 15 m within two and three days, respectively. LITERATURE CITED Austin, A. D. 1984. Life history of Clubiona robusta L. Koch and related species (Araneae, Clubionidae) in South Australia. J. ArachnoL, 12:87-104. Caughley, G. 1980. Analysis of Vertebrate Popula- tions. Wiley, New York. Henle, K. 1983. Populationsbiologische und -dy- namische Untersuchungen am Wiesenpieper {An- thus pratensis) auf der Insel Mellum. Vogel warte, 32:57-76. Henle, K. 1990. Population ecology and life history of the arboreal gecko Gehyra variegata in arid Aus- tralia. Herpetol. Monog., 4:30-60. Hirst, D. B. 1990. A review of the genus Isopeda L. Koch (Heteropodidae: Araneae) in Australasia, with RESEARCH NOTES 155 descriptions of two new genera. Rec. South Austra- lian Mus. (Adelaide), 24:11-26. Hogg, H. R. 1903. On Australasian spiders of the subfamily Sparassinae. Proc. ZooL Soc. London, 1902:414-466. Mascord, R. 1970. Australian Spiders in Colour. Reed, Wellington. Miller, P. R. & G. L. Miller. 1991. Dispersal and survivorship in a population of Geolycosa turrkola (Araneae, Lycosidae), J. Arachnol., 19:49-54. Turnbull, A. L. 1973. The ecology of true spiders (Araneomorphae). Ann. Rev. EntomoL, 18:305-348. Klaus Henle: Projektbereich Natumahe Land- schaften, Umweltforschungszentram Leipzig- Halle GmbH, Permosertstr. 15, I>-(0) 7050 Leipzig, Germany Manuscript received 6 March 1992, revised 20 January 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:156-158 MATING BIOLOGY RESOLVES TRICHOTOMY FOR CHELIFEROID PSEUDOSCORPIONS (PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA, CHELIFEROIDEA) Mating behavior and spermatophore mor- phology have provided phylogenetically useful information for both vertebrate and invertebrate taxa (e. g,, Proctor 1992a; Alberti et al. 1991; Prum 1990). However, because they are transi- tory phenomena that cannot be observed in pre- served specimens, behavior and fragile ejaculates are seldom employed in phylogenetic studies. This is unfortunate because they often contain characters potentially helpful for resolving po- Table 1 . —Spermatophore morphology, mating behavior and male morphology in cheliferoid pseudoscorpions. (+) = character present; (-) = character absent. Characters Family Species 6 pulls 9 Sperma- over tophore sperma- droplet tophore Ram's horn organs 6 pushes sperm in 9'S genital opening Reference Chemetidae Epactiochernes tumidus (Banks) + + Weygoldt 1966a Cherries cimicoides (Fabricius) + + _ _ Weygoldt 1966b Dendrochernes morosus (Banks) + + Weygoldt 1970 Lustrochernes pennsylvanicus (Ellingsen) T + Weygoldt 1970 Americhernes oblongus (Say) + + Weygoldt 1970 Parachernes litoralis Muchmore & Alteri + — — Weygoldt 1970 Cheliferidae Dactylochelifer latreillei (Leach) + - + + Weygoldt 1966b Chelifer cancroides (Linnaeus) 4- - + 4- Weygoldt 1966b Rhacocheiifer disjunctus (Koch) + 4- 4- Weygoldt 1970 Hysterochelifer meridianus (Koch) + - 4- 4- Weygoldt 1970 Hysterochelifer tuberculatus (Lucas) + - 4- + Weygoldt 1970 Paracheiifer superbus Hoff + - 4- 4- Weygoldt 1970 Atemnidae Paratemnoides braunsi (Tullgren) + Weygoldt 1970 Atemnus politus (Simon) - + — — Weygoldt 1969a Withiidae Withius subpiger Simon - + Weygoldt 1969b 156 RESEARCH NOTES 157 lychotomies that have proven intractable to tra- ditional morphological approaches. As well, un- like the usual alternatives of electrophoretic or DNA analyses, characters resulting from studies of mating biology are evolutionarily interesting in themselves. Because of the diversity of sperm transfer be- havior and spermatophore morphology present in pseudoscorpions (Weygoldt 1 969a), this group is likely to respond well to phylogenetic resolu- tion using mating characters. In his recent cla- distic study, Harvey (1992) ascribed two repro- ductive synapomorphies to the superfamily Cheliferoidea: production of spermatophores with complex rather than simple sperm masses and transfer of sperm during mating dances rather than without pairing between the sexes. Within the Cheliferoidea, the families Cheliferidae, Chemetidae and Atemnidae were differentiated from the Withiidae by synapomorphies of leg morphology; however, Harvey found no char- acters to resolve the trichotomy formed by the first three families. In recent literature reviews (Proctor 1992b) I turned up several features of cheliferoid mating biology that both help to re- solve this trichotomy and suggest adaptive sce- narios for the evolution of mating behavior in this superfamily. Table 1 lists characteristics of spermatophore morphology, male anatomy and mating behavior for species in the four families of the Chelifer- oidea. Spermatophore stalks of the Chemetidae and Cheliferidae apomorphically possess a large droplet of apparently hypotonic liquid that caus- es the sperm packet to swell and expel its con- tents into the female genital atrium (Weygoldt 1975). This synapomorphy allows the Chelifer- oidea to be resolved from Harvey’s (1992) ar- rangement of [Withiidae (Cheliferidae + Cher- netidae + Atemnidae)] to [Withiidae (Atemnidae (Cheliferidae + Chemetidae))]. Other aspects of mating biology provide phylogenetic and evo- lutionary insight. Males of the Cheliferidae apo- morphically possess genital sacs (ram’s horn or- gans) that are everted after spermatophore deposition to attract the females, presumably through pheromones on their surface (Weygoldt 1 969a). Concomitant with the evolution of ram’s horn organs is loss of the male behavior of pulling females over spermatophores, which is present in the other three cheliferoid families (Table 1), This suggests that pheromonal attraction of the female replaced physical manipulation in the Cheliferidae and raises the possibility that chem- ical guidance has some advantage over physical contact for these males {e. g. , reduced likelihood of palp damage, greater guarantee of female in- terest in mating). Another apotypic behavior in the Cheliferidae is the male’s use of his forelegs to push sperm into the female genital opening after she has mounted the spermatophore (Table 1); no other cheliferoids do this, although there is often extended contact between male and fe- male after the female takes up sperm {e. g., Wey- goldt 1970). Adaptive explanations for these and other reproductive characters will be possible only after studying their effects on male fitness. This project was supported by a Natural Sci- ences and Engineering Research Council of Can- ada Postdoctoral Fellowship. I am grateful to Mark Harvey for his encouragement and gen- erosity with his unpublished phylogeny. The manuscript was improved by comments from M. Harvey and V. F. Lee. LITERATURE CITED Alberti, G., N. A. Fernandez & G. Kummel. 1991. Spermatophores and spermatozoa of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida). Part II: Functional and syste- matical considerations. Acarologia, 32:435-449. Harvey, M. S. 1 992. The phylogeny and classification of the Pseudoscorpionida (Chelicerata: Arachnida). Invert. Taxonomy, 6:1373-1435. Proctor, H. C. 1992a. Sensory exploitation and the evolution of male mating behaviour: a cladistic test using water mites (Acari: Parasitengona). Anim. Be- hav., 44:745-752. Proctor, H. C. 1992b. The evolution of sperm transfer behaviour in water mites (Acari: Parasitengona). Ph. D. dissertation; University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Prum, R. O. 1990. Phylogenetic analysis of the evo- lution of display behavior in the Neotropical man- akins (Aves: Pipridae). Ethology, 84:202-231. Weygoldt, P. 1966a. Mating behaviour and sper- matophore morphology in the pseudoscorpion Din- ocheirus tumidus Banks (Cheliferinea, Chemetidae). Biol. Bull., 130:462-467. Weygoldt, P. 1966b. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Pseudoskorpione. Beobachtungen iiber das Verhalten, die Sameniiber- tragungsweisen und die Spermatophoren einiger einheimischen Arten. Z, Morph. Okol. Tiere, 56: 39-92. Weygoldt, P. 1969a, The Biology of Pseudoscor- pions. Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Weygoldt, P. 1969b. Paamngsverhalten und Samen- iibertragung beim Pseudoskorpion Withius subruber Simon (Cheliferidae). Z. Tierpsychol., 26:230-235. Weygoldt, P. 1970. Vergleichende Untersuchungen 158 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Pseudoskorpione IF Z. ZooL Syst. Evolutionsforsch., 8:241--259. Weygoldt, P. 1975. Die indirekte Spermatophoren- iibertragung bei Arachniden. Verb. Deutschland, Zool. Ges., 1974:308-313. Heather C. Proctor: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Al- berta T2N 1N4, Canada. Manuscript received 20 November 1 992, revised 5 March 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:159-160 BOOK REVIEW Harvey, M. S. 1991. Catalogue of the Pseu- doscorpionida. (edited by V. Mahnert). Man- chester University Press, Manchester Ml 3 9 PL UK (distributed exclusively in the USA and Can- ada by St. Martin’s Press Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010 USA), vi + 726 pages. Price $200.00. It is a pleasure to write about a book which I use almost every day, an indispensable tool for the pseudoscorpion taxonomist. Both the author and the editor deserve many thanks for a job well done. Harvey’s Catalogue is the first comprehensive work on the pseudoscorpions of the world since the monographs of Beier (1932a, b) and the lists of Roewer (1937, 1940). Only its Bibliography has a modern counterpart in the bibliography of Scha waller (1980). An Introduction in three languages (English, French, and German) explains the organization of the book, the systematic treatment of the in- cluded taxa, and the limited number of taxo- nomic changes that have been introduced. It is revealed that 22 families, 434 genera, 3064 spe- cies and 169 subspecies of pseudoscorpions are recognized. The first working section of the book is the Bibliography of nearly 2700 entries. Most ref- erences deal with systematic matters, but other aspects of pseudoscorpion biology are included as well, such as behavior, biogeography, ecology, histology, morphology, reproduction, develop- ment and life history. The list of publications covers the years from 1758-1988, with a few references to papers published in 1989-90. As far as I have found, very few references to specific pseudoscorpions have been omitted, none of great importance. A valuable feature of the entries is the citation of the names of journals in full - none of the tricky abbreviations which often prove difficult to track down. The catalogue itself is in the form of a list of all valid species (including fossils) through 1988 (plus a few later ones). The taxonomic arrange- ment follows a recommendation by me (1982) to forego subordinal groupings and treat only superfamilies. The arrangement of the superfam- ilies is essentially that of Chamberlin (1931) and Beier (1932a, b), except that the Feaelloidea are placed near the Chthonioidea because of per- ceived relationships. Within each superfamily the families are listed alphabetically, as are the gen- era in each family and the species and subspecies in each genus. Each taxon is documented by a complete syn- onymy, including reference to papers cited in the Bibliography, with relevant pages and (for spe- cies) figures. As the bibliography is essentially complete, so the synonymies are essentially com- plete. These synonymies can serve to change the shape of papers on pseudoscorpion taxonomy from this time on. No longer will long synony- mies be needed for each known species treated when a simple “for synonymy see Harvey 1991” will do. For each genus, the type species is noted; and for each species, the type locality and reported distribution are given. In a future edition, valu- able additions would be the mention, where pos- sible, of the depository of the type specimen(s) of each species and the sex(es) known for each. Some of this information will be difficult or im- possible to obtain, but it would be good to begin accumulating such data. Following the list of those he considered valid species, Harvey presents a list of nomina dubia and nomina nuda. Included here are two genus- group names and 45 species-group names. In ad- dition, two forms and one variety are mentioned. Then follows a summary of taxonomic changes introduced in the body of the catalogue, includ- ing five replacement names, six new type species, five new synonymies, and 101 new combina- tions. The Index includes all names appearing in the text. Family-group names and junior synonyms, junior homonyms, nomina dubia, and nomina nuda are distinguished by differences in type- face, The genus in which a species was originally described is clearly indicated. Altogether, this is a very valuable book, com- prehensive in content and easy to use. It is ab- solutely required for the pseudoscorpion taxon- omist and should be consulted by anyone dealing with any aspect of the biology of these animals. The price of $200 is a bit steep, but for one (or 159 160 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY a group) who is seriously interested in pseudo- scorpions, this catalogue will be worth every penny. Unfortunately, the Catalogue will not remain current for long. Already, Harvey (1992, 1993) has introduced changes in the systematics of the Pseudoscorpionida which will necessitate major rearrangement of some families and genera. Oth- er workers will, undoubtedly, be stimulated into action by Harvey’s ideas, and amendment of this edition will soon be required. LITERATURE CITED Beier, M. 1932a. Pseudoscorpionidea 1. Subord. Chthoniinea et Neobisiinea. Tierreich, 57:1-258. Beier, M. 1932b. Pseudoscorpionidea 11. Subord. C. Cheliferinea. Tierreich, 58:1-294. Chamberlin, J. C. 1931. The arachnid order Chelo- nethida. Stanford Univ. Publ. Biol. Sci., 7:1-284. Harvey, M. S. 1 992. The phylogeny and classification of the Pseudoscorpionida (Chelicerata: Arachnida). Invertebr. Taxon., 6:1373-1435. Harvey, M. S. 1993. The systematics of the Hyidae (Pseudoscorpionida: Neobisioidea). Invertebr. Tax- on., 7:1-32. Muchmore, W. B. 1982. Pseudoscorpionida, Vol. 2, pp. 96-102, In Synopsis and classification of liv- ing organisms (S. P. Parker, ed.). McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York. Roewer, C. F. 1937, 1940. Chelonethi oder Pseu- doskorpione. 5 (4) (6) (2, 3): 16 1-354, In Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs (H. G. Bronns, ed.), Leipzig. Schawaller, W. 1980. Bibliographie der rezenten und fossilen Pseudoscorpionidea 1890-1979 (Arachni- da). Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. (A), 338:1-61. William B. Muchmore: Department of Biolo- gy, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627 USA. Manuscript received 26 April 1993. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Manuscripts are preferred in English but may be ac- cepted in Spanish, French or Portuguese subject to avail- ability of appropriate reviewers. Authors whose primary language is not English may consult the Associate Editor for assistance in obtaining help with English manuscript preparation. All manuscripts should be prepared in general accordance with the current edition of the Council of Bi- ological Editors Style Manual unless instructed otherwise below. Authors are advised to consult a recent issue of the Journal of Arachnology for additional points of style. Manuscripts longer than 1500 words should be prepared as Feature Articles, shorter papers as Research Notes. Send three identical copies of the typed material together with copies of illustrations to the Associate Editor of the Journal of Arachnology: Gary L. Miller, Associate Editor Dept, of Biology The University of Mississippi University, Mississippi 38677 USA [Telephone: (601)-232-7495; FAX: (601)-232-5144; Electronic mail: BYMILLER@UM.CC.OLEMISS.EDU]. Correspondence relating to manuscripts should also be directed to the Associate Editor. After the manuscript has been accepted, the author will be asked to submit the manuscript on a computer disc in MS DOS WordPerfect (preferably) or ASCII text file. FEATURE ARTICLES Title page.— The title page will include the complete name, address, and telephone number of the author with whom proofs and correspondence should be exchanged, a FAX number and electronic mail address if available, the title in capital letters, and each author’s name and address, and the running head (see below). Abstract.— The heading in capital letters should be placed at the the beginning of the first paragraph set off by a period. In articles written in English, a second abstract in an acceptable language may be included pertinent to the nationality of the author(s) or geographic region(s) em- phasized in the article. A second abstract in English must be included in articles not written in the latter language. Text,— Double-space text, tables, legends, etc. through- out. Three levels of heads are used. The first level (METH- ODS), RESULTS, etc.) is typed in capitals and on a sep- arate line. The second level head begins a paragraph with an indent and is separated from the text by a period and a dash. The third level may or may not begin a paragraph but is underlined and separated from the text by a colon. Use only the metric system unless quoting text or refer- encing collection data. All decimal fractions are indicated by the period regardless of language of the text. Citation of references in the text: Cite only papers already published or in press. Include within parentheses the sur- name of the author followed by the date of publication. A comma separates multiple citations by the same author(s) and a semicolon separates citations by different authors, e.g., (Smith 1970), (Jones 1988; Smith 1993), (Smith 1986, 1987; Smith & Jones 1989; Jones et al. 1990). Literature cited section.— Use the following style: Lombardi, S. J. & D. L. Kaplan. 1990. The amino acid composition of major ampullate gland silk (dragline) of Nephila clavipes (Araneae, Tetragnathidae). J. Arach- nol., 18:297-306. Krafft, B. 1 982. The significance and complexity of com- munication in spiders. Pp. 15-66, In Spider Commu- nications: Mechanisms and Ecological Significance. (P. N. Witt & J. S. Rovner, eds.). Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. Footnotes.— Footnotes are permitted only on the first printed page to indicate current address or other infor- mation concerning the author. All footnotes are placed together on a separate manuscript page. Running head.— The author’s surname(s) and an abbre- viated title should be typed all in capital letters and must not exceed 60 characters and spaces. The running head should be placed near the top of the title page. Taxonomic articles.— Consult a recent taxonomic article in the Journal of Arachnology for style or contact the As- sociate Editor. Tables.— Each table, with the legend above, should be placed on a separate manuscript page. Only horizontal lines (usually three) should be included. Use no footnotes; instead, include all information in the legend. Make no- tations in the text margins to indicate the preferred loca- tion of tables in the printed text. Illustrations.— Address all questions concerning illus- trations to the Editor of the Journal of Arachnology: James W. Berry, Editor Dept, of Biological Sciences Butler University Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 USA [Telephone (317)-283-9344; FAX (317)-283-9519; Electronic mail: BERRY@BUTLERU] All art work must be camera-ready for reproduction. In line drawings, pay particular attention to width of lines and size of lettering when reductions are to be made by the printer. Multiple photos assembled on a single plate should be mounted with only a minimum of space sepa- rating them. In the case of multiple illustrations mounted together, each illustration must be numbered sequentially rather than given an alphabetic sequence. Written on the back should be the name(s) of author(s) and an indication of top edge. 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Assemble manuscript for mailing.— Assemble the sep- arate sections or pages in the following sequence; title page, abstract, text, figure legends, footnotes, tables with legends, figures. Page charges and reprints.— The current charge per journal page will be assessed as follows: Manuscripts in the appropriate word processing program $ 20/page; others $3 5/page. Reprints are available only from the printer and should be ordered when the author receives the galley proof pages. Waiver of page charges: In exceptional cases, the Editor will consider requests for a waiver of page charg- es for manuscripts which have been accepted for publi- cation. Requests should be made in writing to the Editor. The author must certify that neither grant nor institutional funds are available to cover all of the publication costs. The Society will normally waive no more than 80% of the page charges. RESEARCH NOTES Instructions above pertaining to feature articles apply also to research notes, except that abstracts and most head- ings are not used and the author’s name and address follow the Literature Cited section. CONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY VOLUME 21 Feature Articles NUMBER 2 The genus Troglosiro and the new family Troglosironidae (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi), William A. Shear 81 The influence of prey availability and habitat on activity patterns and abun- dance of Argiope keyserlingi (Araneae: Araneidae), Richard A. Bradley 9 1 Constraints and plasticity in the development of juvenile Nephila clavipes in Mexico, Linden Higgins 107 Review Article Pathogens and parasites of Opiliones (Arthropoda: Arachnida), James C. Cokendolpher 120 Research Notes First scorpion (Buthidae: Centruroides) from Mexican amber (Lower Mio- cene to Upper Oligocene), Jorge A. Santiago- Blay and George O. Poinar, Jr, 147 The female of Gallieniella betroka (Araneae, Gallieniellidae), Norman L Platnick 152 Natural history notes on the huntsman spider Holconia immanis (Araneae, Heteropodidae), Klaus Henle 153 Mating biology resolves trichotomy for cheliferoid pseudoscorpions (Pseu- doscorpionida, Cheliferoidea), Heather C. Proctor 156 Book Review Catalogue of the Pseudoscorpionida, William B. Muchmore 159 The Journal of ARACHNOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AMERICAN ARACHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 21 1993 NUMBER 3 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY EDITOR: James W. Berry, Butler University ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Gary L. Miller, The University of Mississippi EDITORIAL BOARD: A. Cady, Miami (Ohio) Univ. at Middletown; J. E. Carrel, Univ. Missouri; J. A. Coddington, National Mus. Natural Hist.; J. C. Cokendolpher, Lubbock, Texas; F. A. Coyle, Western Carolina Univ.; C. D. Don- dale, Agriculture Canada; W. G. Eberhard, Univ. Costa Rica; M. E. Galiano, Mus. Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; M. H. Greenstone, BCIRL, Columbia, Missouri; C. Griswold, Calif. Acad. Sci.; N. V. Horner, Midwestern State Univ.; D. T. Jennings, Garland, Maine; V. F. Lee, California Acad. Sci.; H. W. Levi, Harvard Univ.; E. A. Maury, Mus. Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; N. I. Plat- nick, American Mus. Natural Hist.; G. A. Polis, Vanderbilt Univ.; S. E. Riechert, Univ. Tennessee; A. L. Rypstra, Miami Univ., Ohio; M. H. Robinson, U.S. National Zool. Park; W. A. Shear, Hampden-Sydney Coll.; G. W. Uetz, Univ. Cincinnati; C. E. Valerio, Univ. Costa Rica. The Journal of Arachnology (ISSN 0160-8202), a publication devoted to the study of Arachnida, is published three times each year by The American Arach- nological Society. Memberships (yearly): Membership is open to all those inter- ested in Arachnida. Subscriptions to The Journal of Arachnology and American Arachnology (the newsletter), and annual meeting notices, are included with mem- bership in the Society. Regular, $30; Students, $20; Institutional, $80 (USA) or $90 (all other countries). Inquiries should be directed to the Membership Secretary (see below). Back Issues: Susan E. Riechert, Department of Zoology, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37916 USA. Undelivered Issues: Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire Street, P.O. Box 368, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 USA. THE AMERICAN ARACHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRESIDENT: James E. Carico (1993-1995), Dept, of Biology, Lynchburg, Vir- ginia, 24501 USA. PRESIDENT-ELECT: Matthew H. Greenstone (1993-1995), USDA-BCIRL, Columbia, Missouri 65203 USA. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Norman I. Platnick (appointed), American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, New York 10024 USA. TREASURER: Gail E. Stratton (1993-1995), Department of Biology, Albion College, Albion, Michigan 49224 USA. BUSINESS MANAGER: Robert Suter, Dept, of Biology, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, New York 12601 USA. SECRETARY: Alan Cady (1993-1995), Dept, of Zoology, Miami Univ., Mid- dleton, Ohio 45042 USA. ARCHIVIST: Vincent D. Roth, Box 136, Portal, Arizona 85632 USA. DIRECTORS: Allen R. Brady (1993-1995), Jackie Palmer (1992-1994), Ann Rypstra (1993-1995). HONORARY MEMBERS: C. D. Dondale, W. J. Gertsch, H. Homann, H. W. Levi, A. F. Millidge, T. Yaginuma. Cover illustration: A male Tetragnatha extensa from Carlisle, Massachusetts. Original color photo by Joe Warfel of Arlington, Mass. Photograph made with a handheld Olympus OM-1 35mm camera, macro lens, telescoping extension tube and manual flash. Publication date: 29 December 1993 @ This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:161-174 ULTRASTRUCTURE OF CRIBELLATE SILK OF NINE SPECIES IN EIGHT FAMILIES AND POSSIBLE TAXONOMIC IMPLICATIONS (ARANEAE: AMAUROBIIDAE, DEINOPIDAE, DESIDAE, DICTYNIDAE, FILISTATIDAE, HYPOCHILIDAE, STIPHIDIIDAE, TENGELLIDAE) William Eberhard: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and Escuela de Biologia, Universidad de Costa Rica; Cuidad Universitaria, Costa Rica Flory Pereira: Escuela de Biologia, Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede del Atlantico, Costa Rica ABSTRACT. The ultrastructure of cribellum silk and associated fibers is described for nine species in eight families, and data from studies of 22 other species are summarized. Possible synapomorphies for filistatids (flattened cribellum fibers), for all cribellates other than hypochilids + filistatids (nodules on cribellum fibers), for deinopids + uloborids + dictynids, and for uloborids + dictynids (loss of reserve warp fibers) are described. Filistatid silk is distinctive and especially complex, and the spatial arrangement of different components is described for the first time. RESUMEN. Se describe la ultraestmctura de la seda del cribelo y las fibras asociadas con ella de nueve especies en ocho familias, y se resumen ademas los datos de 22 otras especies. Se destacan posibles sinapomorfias para filistatidos, para todos los cribelados menos hypochilidos y filistatidos, para dinopidos + uloboridos + dictynidos, y para uloboridos + dictynidos. La seda de los filistatidos es especialmente distinctiva, y la ubicacion espacial de los diferentes componentes de ella se describe por primera vez. Nonviscous adhesive silk is produced by cri- bellate and some sicariid spiders. The ultrastruc- ture of this silk and the lines associated with it have been described in six different families (Fil- istatidae, Uloboridae, Deinopidae, Eresidae, Oecobiidae, and Amaurobiidae), using both the light microscope and the scanning and trans- mission electron microscopes (Comstock 1948; Lehmensick & Kullmann 1957; Friedrich & Langer 1969; Kullmann 1970, 1975; Zimmer- mann 1975; Opell 1979, 1989a; Peters 1987, 1992a-c). This paper describes the cribellum silk and associated lines of species in five additional families, Desidae, Dictynidae, Hypochilidae, Stiphidiidae, and Tengellidae, and from addi- tional species of Amaurobiidae, Deinopidae, Fil- istatidae and Uloboridae. We review data on the distribution of several characteristics of cribel- lum fibers and associated lines. Some characters are apparently consistent within taxonomic groups, and may be useful in systematic studies. METHODS No single technique is adequate for studying the complex arrays of fine fibers and lines in cribellate adhesive threads. The light microscope is incapable of resolving finer fibers, while the harsh preparation techniques and observation conditions of both the transmission electron mi- croscope (TEM) and the scanning electron mi- croscope can seriously distort arrays of silk (Pe- ters 1987, 1992a). Both light microscope and TEM were used in the present study. Silk was collected in the field from webs of mature or nearly mature females, using micro- scope slides to which three or four square plex- iglass rods had been glued (Opell 1989b). The upper surface of each rod was covered with dou- ble-sided sticky tape. The web was pressed against the tape, taking care to minimize stress on threads between the rods, and scissors were used to cut the threads connecting the sample to the rest of 161 162 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 1-4.— Mature female Hypochilus thorelli: 1, Mass of cribellum fibrils (barely visible) and highly coiled primary reserve warp (RWl) laid on a foundation line (F) (light microscope); 2, same, with arrow showing edge of cloud of cribellum fibrils (light microscope); 3, one pair of straight axial lines (AX) and two highly curled reserve warp lines of different diameters (RWl, RW2), with fibrils in the background (TEM); 4, cylindrical cribellum fibrils lacking nodules (TEM). Note that fibril diameters do not vary along their lengths (compare with Fig. 9 of Kukulcania). Scale lines are, respectively, 50p, lOp, 2.6)u., and 0.5 p. the web. Most observations with the light mi- croscope were made on these slides. Samples of silk for TEM study were carefully placed on untreated grids under a dissecting mi- croscope, taking care to avoid stressing threads. None of the silk samples were coated or treated in any way before being examined. The silk of Hyptiotes thorelli Marx had been stored in sealed containers for 2-3 years; that of the other species was fresher (less than about six weeks old). The terms “fiber” and “fibril” are used for the smallest units of silk (single cylinders); “line” refers to a combination of fibers of the same type running in parallel; “thread” and “band” refer to combinations of fibers and lines of different types. “Cribellum fibers” are presumed to emerge from the cribellum, while “cribellate” lines and threads (“calamistrated strands” of Peters 1987) contain cribellum fibers as well as other lines that presumably emerge from other spinnerets. Terminology for different types of fibers and lines follows that of Peters (1987), with the ex- ception that we have used the earlier, function- ally descriptive term “reserve warp fibers” of Kullmann (1975) for the highly curled or un- dulating thicker fibers often associated with cri- bellum fibrils (“undulating fibers” and “U-fi- bers” of Peters 1987, 1992a). Identifications of different lines were based only on the morphol- ogy and location of the lines, so homologies are thus tentative. A straight or nearly straight fiber running in a pair (except when two separate cri- bellate threads were laid by a spider with a di- vided cribellum) in the midst of a mat of cri- bellum fibers was termed an axial fiber; curled fibers always in the midst of cribellum fibers, also generally in pairs, were termed reserve warp. In- formation on the glandular origins of different fibers, the spigots from which they emerge (e. g., Peters 1984, 1992a), and their chemical prop- erties will be needed to establish more certain homologies. Voucher specimens of the spiders are depos- ited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, EBERHARD & PEREIRA^FINE STRUCTURE CRIBELLUM SILK 163 Figures 5“9.— Mature female Kukulcania hibernalis: 5, a pair of highly coiled primary reserve warp lines (RWl) and cribellum silk (barely visible) near a foundation line (F) to which they were attached (light microscope); 6, scalloped edge of mass of cribellum silk (arrow), primary reserve warp (RWl) and foundation line (F) composed of multiple fibers (light microscope); 7, “crinkled” axial line (AX) and primary reserve warp (RWl) in mass of cribellum fibrils (barely visible) (light microscope); 8, flattened primary reserve warp line (RWl) (note variation in diameter) and thinner secondary reserve warp lines (RW2) in mass of cribellum fibrils (TEM); 9, flattened cribellum fibrils (note that apparent diameters change where lines are folded (TEM). Scale lines are, respectively, 200^5 100|i, lOju , Six , and O.Sju. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. Collection sites for different genera were the following: Hy- pochilus - near Cullowhee, North Carolina, USA; Kulkania, Tengella, and Dictyna - near San An- tonio de Escazu, Costa Rica; Badumna and Par- amatachia - Lamington National Park, SW of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Avella and Ma- hura ” Cape Tribulation, N of Cairns, Queens- land, Australia; and Stiphidium - Gilles Highway W of Cairns near maximum elevation on way to Atherton, Queensland, Australia. RESULTS Table 1 summarizes our observations and those of other authors. More detailed descriptions of the species we studied follow. Hypochilus thorelli Marx (Hypochilidae)— Observations with the light microscope revealed a more or less cylindrical mass of cribellum silk associated with a pair of linear axial fibers plus a pair of moderately coiled reserve-warp fibers (Figs. 1, 2). Additional, thinner secondary re- serve warp fibers were revealed with the TEM (Fig. 3). The fibrils of cribellum silk were ap- parently cylindrical, and lacked nodules (Fig. 4). Kukulcania hibernalis (Hentz) (Filistatidae) The band of cribellate silk was laid along a thick foundation line (Figs. 5, 6), to which it was at- tached periodically. The foundation line had multiple grooves (Fig. 6), suggesting it was com- posed of many different strands. The silk of the foundation line was unusual in being relatively rigid: when cut, the line did not sag or fold. The Table l.~ Characteristics of cribdlum silk and associated lines in 31 species of spider, (a) Type of microscope; LM = light microscope; TEM = transmission electron microscope; SEM = scanning electron microscope, (b) Fibrils: C = cylindrical ibril; R = iattened, ribbonlike fibril; N = nodules along fibril, (c) Number of pairs of lines, (cc) C = cylindrical lines; R = fiatteeed fibers, (d) Thick lines of two different diameters present in photo, but their arrangement (coiled, straight, etc.) unknown, (e) Opell 1979. (f) Eberhard 1972 for building behavior, (h) Eberhard 1982 for building behavior, (i) No direct observations, but builds typical 164 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY e 0 1 o U 0© 2 6 r 6 t ° O S I B o « t-i a r® s 1 a .s o 8 a s 3 2 2 I t -2 ^ I o 3 a ■'g b ° ‘-o S o g P: e 1 § os 00 oj .2 ..D .£3 .S o 2 c .S ”3 o cd S ^ s a ^ ■^5 OO 3 (N a On fi — < 3 II j I I EJJ o S s c-- •S u « o ^ 1 ^ & « ed d .2 'a e a p £ cd o a a 8 ^ S u VO vs a\ d g 3 ^ t- 6® o 'fc« Oi 60 2 a 11 a $ X ov 3 VO 5 OV W S 3 ao ^ j - s| § s ^ s •C O « 'C O J td U u E Al Al § s 0 .N •S S 1 s « m d X o •c £ » ^ s ON ^ Ov as -a ^ M _ Q>5 ■<-» M Srt ” 60 « « a 2* a ^ O Pm « VO ^ O Os 0^ — Ov d S ^ I -s p p ^ u >=^ X 5 O ^ Ov ■ O <» e ^ Os W3 « „ B 3 § 3 3 ■g G, 'g a a. £ O J O O 2 ^ S ^ 2 »9C^O0C«»9tfl60«9t«Q06O C«QOaO«960«9t«696O« flj4s4>4s4i4>JW4)aw c- O O c- O O O O O O e-- C-" 3' O z z z z z + + A + + u u u u u s s S s s w w w w W H w H H H H E H W S w ^ w nJ H hJ H J J a e d + + A U U U S S w w m c/3 s s s s s J J J J J w w i § •5 ^ c .1 ^ »i2 a S K & S to a ’V Ci, S tO •C Q ■8-8 i ^ a. S W9 5 _ ^ 60 F s o ^ S .h Ci, S •- S O g ^ g . ^ s ^ a ? ^ ^ ^ 3 I si ■2 ^ O 6, S S “s -a s ~C) I § 53 s: > 53 ^ c 2 Table 1.— Continued. EBERHARD & PEREIRA- FINE STRUCTURE CRIBELLUM SILK 165 < I w o ^ 3 ^ o os fs| OS e 2 S 2 S3 , >. U o o o c c e ^ 3 a^l o m cn Vi o o o see U eN O —' + + u u •S ^ ^ q q X Co S “I 5 CS Vi s I Co Co ^ Co Oo w D c« .3 3 o o (U O 3 ■S' 3 c c S a a S d^ 3 so f-t So a 3 PJ PJ '3 ^ ^ f*s H CO 2 8 s s s s s s s S 0* Vi S w u UJ pp UP UP UP ^ o CO H H CO H H H H ^ 2 S u s s S s S UP UP s' S S CO J J 3 J H 3 H 3 o H a, o 3 '3 'O c 'c -b 3 Q Q Stiphidiidae Stiphidium sp. LM, TEM C + N no 1 C yes no/yes this study Desidae Badumna sp. LM, TEM C + N no 1 yes no this study Paramatachia decorata LM, TEM C + N yes 0 no “yes” this study 166 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures lO™! L— Mature female Tengella radiata: 10, flat mass of cribellum fibrils (barely visible), with a pair of straight axial lines (AX) and a pair of folded reserve warp lines (RW) (light microscope); 1 1 , cylindrical cribellum fibrils with nodules (TEM). Scale lines are, respectively, IGOju, and O.S/x. foundation line was laid as the spider moved away from its retreat, and the cribellum silk and associated fibers were laid during the return trip (Eberhard 1988). In some places the band of cri- bellate silk was more or less linear (Fig. 5), but more often it was piled up or coiled on itself, forming irregular loops. The internal structure of the band was com- plex. Under the light microscope a more or less looped and folded pair of helical fibers was seen (the helix is relatively extended in Fig. 5), with the mass of cribellum fibrils visible as a faint cloud (Figs. 5~1). Within each helix, a relatively thick, smooth primary reserve warp fiber was curled in a highly regular fashion that included a series of short, more or less straight basal por- tions alternating with longer loops (Figs. 5, 7). Each loop was oriented in nearly the same di- rection as the previous one. The axial line, which was thinner and apparently somewhat crinkled, ran near and approximately parallel to the straight basal portions of the loops of the primary reserve warp fiber (Fig. 7). Under the TEM, the primary reserve warp proved to be flattened and ribbon-like, rather than cylindrical (Fig. 8). The axial line was seen to consist of a pair of lines, with the “crinkles” consisting of portions where one fiber was curled helically around the other. Additional, finer sec- ondary reserve warp fibers (number uncertain) were folded loosely and irregularly in the area of the loops of primary reserve warp (Fig. 8). The cribellum fibrils were smooth and ribbon-like, rather than cylindrical (Fig. 9). They lacked the nodules seen in the silk of many other species (Table 1). Tengella radiata (Kulczynski) (Tengellidae)— A more or less flat mat of cribellum silk lay on or around a pair of axial fibers plus a pair of kinked or somewhat curled reserve-warp fibers (Fig. 1 0) which were produced at the same time as the cribellum silk. The edges of the mat were not regularly scalloped, and the reserve warp fi- bers appeared to be cylindrical. The mat twisted from side to side as a relatively rigid unit in weak air currents under the light microscope. The fi- brils of cribellate silk were apparently cylindrical, with many small nodules scattered along their lengths (Fig. 11). Dictyna sp. (Dictynidae)“The cribellum silk formed a relatively flat mat with regularly scal- loped edges (Fig. 12). In some cases the mat was EBERHARD & PEREIRA-FINE STRUCTURE CRIBELLUM SILK 167 Figures 12-14.— Mature female Dictyna sp.: 12, mat of cribellum silk with scalloped edges (arrow) laid along a foundation line (light microscope); 13, cribellum fibrils clumped together in places to form cables (arrow) (TEM); 14, cylindrical cribellum fibrils with nodules (TEM). Scale lines are, respectively, lOO/z, 1^, and lju. laid on a relatively thick foundation line (Fig. 1 2), while in others there was no foundation line. Careful searches using the TEM showed that there were neither axial nor reserve warp lines. Under the light microscope a pair of darker lines were sometimes visible in the central portion of the mat of cribellum fibers, but these presumably corresponded to cables composed of accumula- tions of cribellum fibrils (Fig. 1 3). Cribellum fi- brils were cylindrical, with nodules along their length (Fig. 14). Stiphidium sp. (Stiphidiidae)— The non-pla- nar mass of cribellum fibrils was not laid along a foundation line (Fig. 1 5), and did not have a regularly scalloped outline (Fig. 1 6). Associated with the cribellum silk were a pair of straight, apparently cylindrical axial fibers and a pair of curled, cylindrical reserve warp fibers (Figs. 15, 16). The cylindrical reserve warp was curled tightly for short stretches which alternated with stretches of similar lengths in which it was rel- atively uncurled (Figs. 15-17). The cribellum fi- brils were cylindrical, with nodules (Fig. 1 8). Badumna sp, (Desidae)— In places two mats of cribellate silk ran in close parallel, presumably the product of the divided cribellum; in other places they were farther apart. The lateral out- lines of mats were not regularly scalloped (Fig. 1 9). Each mat had a straight, relatively thin axial fiber, and a cylindrical reserve warp fiber in which the degree of coiling varied (Figs. 19-21). The cribellum fibrils were cylindrical, with nodules (Fig. 22). Paramatachia decorata (Dalmas) (Desidae) — The lateral outlines of mats of cribellum silk were often regularly scalloped, although the thicken- ings (“puffs”) often did not occur at the same point on either side of the mat (Fig. 23). Mats of cribellate silk were usually but not always as- sociated with foundation lines (Figs. 24, 25). When viewed with the light microscope a pair of straight axial fibers seemed to be present (Fig. 23), but no reserve warp fibers were seen. In some places the mat of cribellum fibrils was coiled on the axial line. Neither axial nor reserve warp fibers were found using the TEM, however. Over short stretches, cribellum fibrils came together to form cables which gave the false impression of thicker fibers (Fig. 25), but these differed from the axial fibers seen in the light microscope in being only relatively short. It appears that axial fibers were absent from some samples, but it is 168 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 15“1 8. -“Mature female Stiphidium sp.: 15, straight axial line (AX) and reserve warp line (RW) with alternating highly curled and straighter regions (light microscope); 16, same, showing non=scalloped edge of mat of cribellum fibrils (arrow) (light microscope); 17, curled cylindrical reserve warp line (RW) with cribellum fibrils, some of which clump together to form cables (arrow) (TEM); 1 8, cylindrical cribellum fibrils with nodules (TEM). Scale lines are, respectively, 100^, IGOju, Sju, and 0.5^. uncertain whether they were present in others. The cribellum fibrils were cylindrical, with nod- ules (Fig. 26), Mahura sp. (AmaErobiidae)-“Many mats of cribellate silk in the sheet of this spider’s web were composed of parallel double bands, pre- sumably due to the divided cribellum. In con- trast, mats of cribellate silk in the mesh above the sheet were usually single. Each cribellate mat collected from the sheet had a single cylindrical reserve warp fiber, which was alternately tightly coiled and relatively uncoiled (Fig. 27). Axial fibers were not clearly visible in the light micro- scope (appearing to be present only in short stretches), and no axial lines were seen with the TEM. In places cribellum fibrils came together to form cables, and presumably these were the “axial fibers” seen in the light microscope, Cri- bellum fibrils were cylindrical, with nodules (Fig. 28). Avella sp. (Deinopidae)— The lateral margins of each mat of cribellum silk were strongly scal- loped (Fig. 29). A pair of linear axial fibers and a pair of loosely coiled, cylindrical reserve warp fibers ran through the central portion of the mass (Figs. 29, 30), Cribellum fibrils were cylindrical, with nodules (Fig. 31). DISCUSSION The data available to date suggest that some ultrastmctural characteristics of cribellate cap- ture silk are relatively constant within and be- tween taxa (Table 1). The consistency is es- pecially clear in the cylinder plus nodule structure of cribellum fibrils, and the lack of reserve warp fibers in the best studied family, Uloboridae, It should be bom in mind that the changes in cri- bellum fibril morphology in the TEM (electron bombardment in a vacuum) are not known. Thus the morphology of fibrils described here may dif- fer from that of fibers under normal conditions. The tentative nature of homologies of the lines EBERHARD & PEREIRA-FINE STRUCTURE CRIBELLUM SILK 169 Figures 19-22.— Mature female Badumna sp.: 19, mat of cribellum fibrils with irregularly scalloped edges, axial lines (AX), and curled reserve warp line (light microscope); 20, pair of axial lines (AX) and pair of alternately curled and uncurled reserve warp lines (RW), with a more regularly scalloped mat of cribellum fibrils (light microscope); 21, curled cylindrical reserve warp line (RW) and straight axial line (AX) with cribellum fibrils (TEM); 22, cylindrical cribellum fibrils with nodules (TEM). Scale lines are, respectively, ISO/x, 100/u, 2ix, and 0.5m. associated with cribellum silk should also be kept in mind. While much more data need to be gathered to determine whether the patterns of distribution will hold up, it may be useful to attempt a ten- tative comparative analysis. If one superimposes the data on silk ultrastructure on a recently pro- posed pylogeny of cribellate spiders (Coddington & Levi 1991), several hypotheses result (Fig. 32): 1. Ribbon-like cribellum fibrils are a derived character of filistatids {Filistata, Kukulcania). 2. Nodules on cribellum fibrils are a synapomorphy linking all cribellates other than filistatids and hypochilids; 3. Lack of ‘"reserve-warp” lines is a derived character, present in the single dictynid, one of the two desids, and all of the 1 2 uloborids. Since several details of web construction behav- ior link Uloboridae and Deinopidae (which has reserve warp fibers), the loss either occurred in- dependently in Uloboridae and Dictynidae (Fig. 32) (with subsequent reacquisition of both axial and reserve warp lines in Badumna and loss of axial fibers in Mahura), or dictynoids are the sister group of uloborids + deinopids, and dei- nopids and Badumna secondarily re-acquired re- serve warp lines (with a loss of axial lines in dictynoids and Mahura). An additional character, noted by other au- thors, is the scalloped outline of the mass of cri- bellate silk (“puffs”), which may unite Ulobor- idae, Deinopidae, Dictynidae and the desid Paramatachia (in at least some uloborids, a puff is actually shaped more nearly like a twisted to- rus). This character may be somewhat less useful, however, since: 1) intermediate degrees of “scal- loping” occur (e. g., Figs. 12, 20, 23), and it is not clear how regular scalloping must be to be condsidered a puff; and 2) some uloborid mats are only barely scalloped (Peters 1 984, 1987). We were unable to confirm the presence of paracri- bellar fibrils (Peters 1984, 1987) in any of our species (unless they correspond to the “cables” of cribellum fibrils seen in Dictyna, Paramata- chia, and Mahura). 170 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 23-26. —Mature female Paramatachia decorata: 23, mat of cribellum silk with scalloped edges (arrow) (apparent axial lines are slightly out of focus except at right and left margens) (light microscope); 24, foundation line (F) to which cribellum silk was attached (note multiple fibers) (TEM); 25, foundation line with cables formed by multiple cribellum fibrils (arrow) (TEM); 26, cylindrical cribellum fibrils with nodules (TEM). Scale lines are, respectively, lOO/u, 5^, Sju, and 0.5)u. The positions of the fibers associated with cri- bellum silk help clarify some details of combing behavior. Assuming that spider silk is polymer- ized by being pulled (e. g., Foelix 1982), the pres- ence of highly curled reserve warp fibers, which are presumably pulled out by strokes of the cal- amistrum and then fold or coil upon themselves, suggests that cribellum silk perse is piled on itself in the sticky threads of all species with curled reserve warp fibers. In some cases the tendency of reserve warp fibers to curl up may even cause clumping to occur. For instance, the secondary helices of Filistata and Kukuicania may result from curling of the axial fibers and/or the pri- mary reserve warp lines. In species such as Ten- gella radiata, where the reserve warp fibers curl less, they appear to have little influence on the shape of the mass of cribellum fibrils. In both these groups (as well as in Stegodyphus - see Eber- hard 1988), the spiders do not pull the cribellate silk threads taut in their webs. Rather, silk ac- cumulates and sags free behind the spider as it is combed from the cribellum with the calam- istrum. The thread is under no tension other than that resulting from its own weight and friction with air currents, and is actually often piled on itself in Kukuicania and Stegodyphus webs. Pre- sumably when cribellum fibrils accumulate in this way, the force of adhesion is increased by bringing more silk surface into contact with the prey (Opell 1990). The effective length of the silk is probably also increased, making escape more difficult when the prey attempts to pull away. Many authors have thought that each of the puffs in a mass of cribellum fibrils is produced by a single combing movement of the calamis- trum (Eberhard & Langer 1969; Friedrich & Langer 1969; Opell 1979; Peters 1992c), but Pe- ters (1984) attributed puffs to rhythmic clamping movements of the posterior spinnerets. The pres- ence of many helical turns of reserve warp fibers between each pair of puffs in the sticky threads of Deinopus sp. and Deinopus subrufus (Kull- mann 1975; Peters 1992c), and Avella sp. (this study) indicates that the second hypothesis is more likely. The combing movement necessary to produce a puff would be too short to pull out such lengths of reserve warp fiber. EBERHARD & PEREIRA^ FINE STRUCTURE CRIBELLUM SILK 171 Figures 27-28. —Mature female Mahura sp.: 27, reserve warp line (RW) which is more tightly curled in some places than others (TEM); 28, cylindrical cribellum fibrils with nodules (TEM). Scale lines are, respectively, 2tx and 0.5/u. Similar reasoning indicates that combing movements of the calamistrum in many species are not responsible for pulling out axial fibers. The looped and tangled cribellar fibrils (presum- ably pulled by the calamistrum) are substantially longer than the axial fibers. Probably many axial fibers are pulled out as the spider moves away from the last attachment point. This mechanism is not possible, however, in spiders such as K. hibernalis and Stegodyphus gregalis, which do Figures 29-31.— Mature female Avella sp.: 29, highly scalloped mat of cribellum silk with pair of axial lines (AX) and reserve warp lines (RW) (light microscope); 30, axial line (AX) with pair of reserve warp lines (RW) and cribellum fibrils (TEM); 3 1 , cylindrical cribellum fibrils with nodules (TEM). Scale lines are, respectively, lOOju, 5fx, and O.Sjti. 172 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY been studied (after Coddington & Levi 1991), with data on silk morphology (Table 1) superimposed to show possible transitions. not move forward during most of the time cri- bellum silk is being combed (Eberhard 1988; see also Opell 1990 on Miagrammopes). It is not clear how axial fibers are pulled from the spin- nerets in these species. Comstock (1948) speculated that the helix of threads (he saw them as loops) of Kukulcania hibernalis (under the name Filistata) result from movements of the spinnerets, while the very reg- ular loops of the primary reserve warp are made by combing movements of the calamistrum. Given the much longer length of the secondary reserve warp fibers, however, it seems more like- ly that their irregular folding may be associated with the combing movements of the calamis- trum. The highly ordered folding of the primary reserve warp and the helical coiling of the swath itself is presumably due to their intrinsic curli- ness (but see below), and the fact that spider moves forward very little as it combs out silk, so that cribellate silk “piles up” between attach- ments to the foundation line. Comstock also thought that the axial fibers of K. hibernalis are highly elastic, stretching “to fifty times their first length”. We were unable to con- firm this. Instead, when a swath was pulled under the light microscope, a process of sequential breaking occurred (possibly of the axial fibers), bringing the reserve warp fibers under tension as described by Kullmann (1975) for Stegodyphus. As the swath was slowly pulled, it extended: the primary reserve warp began to unfold, but did so unevenly, in little starts. It became completely unfolded in some places before others. Eventu- ally the primary reserve warp became completely extended. If the tension was then relaxed, the reserve warp remained extended, and did not recoil to its original position (thus failing to show the intrinsic curliness postulated above). Further extension caused the primary reserve warp fiber to break, and with that the entire thread usually broke. Thus the finer, secondary reserve warp fibers of K. hibernalis apparently serve in ad- hesion (of the cribellum silk to the primary re- serve warp? to the prey?) rather than to increase the tensile strength and elongation of the array of lines as do the secondary reserve warp fibers of Stegodyphus (Kullmann 1975). Presumably the extension Comstock observed was the exten- sion of the entire array of cribellum silk and as- sociated fibers. The most complex and distinctive arrays of cribellum silk and associated fibers are those of filistatids. These may show intergeneric differ- EBERHARD & PEREIRA FINE STRUCTURE CRIBELLUM SILK 173 ences. Lehmensick & Kullmann (1956) describe a two-part mass of adhesive silk in Filistata in- sidiatrix, laid in small accumulations on a pre- viously built foundation line, just as in K. Mb- ernalis. Although they did not mention that each of the two parts has a helical form, this seems to be the case in the light microscope photo of Pe- ters (1987) of the same species. Lehmensick & Kullmann also noted a pair of axial fibers, which seem (in their light microscope photo, plate 2, fig. 3) to be thicker and straighter than those of K. Mbernalis. The fiber labelled axial line in their TEM micrograph (plate 2, fig. 4) may, however, may not correspond to the light microscope axial fiber: it does not run through the mass of cri- bellum fibers and curled reserve-warp fibers; and a thinner fiber, which is more appropiately lo- cated and which resembles the axial fiber of K. Mbernalis, is unlabelled. Perhaps the line they labelled as an axial line in their TEM micrograph was a foundation line. Also unique to filistatids is the non-cylindrical, ribbon-like form of the primary reserve warp fiber. Judging by the flattened tips of the para- cribellar spigots on the posterior median spin- nerets of K. Mbernalis (figs. 56-"58 in Platnick et al. 1991), these spigots may be the source of pri- mary reserve warp fibers. This speculation is sup- ported by the existence of a somewhat similar, slit-shaped opening of the “major ampullate gland spigot” on the anterior lateral spinneret of Lox- osceles rufescens and L. reclusa (Platnick et al. 1991), and the fact that L. rufescens also makes a wide, ribbon-like band of silk (Lehmensick & Kullmann 1956; Kullmann 1975). It is in ap- parent conflict with the lack of paracribellar spig- ots in hypochilids, eresids, and Tengella (Plat- nick et al. 1991). Peters (1992a) has established that reserve warp fibers are secreted from spigots on the posterior median spinnerets in Stegody- phus. Further work is needed to establish which spigots produce these and other fibers. The band-like cribellum fibrils of K. Mbernalis may be associated with their bladder-shaped “claviform” cribellar spigots (fig. 52 of Platnick et al. 1991), which are quite different from the more sharply-tipped “strobilate” spigots known for other cribellates (Kullmann 1975;Opell 1979; Peters 1984, 1987, 1992; Platnick et al. 1991). A second possible silk-spigot association, be- tween the presence of nodules on cribellum fibrils and nodule-like expansions on the cribellum spigots, is apparently ruled out, however, by the presence of expansions on the spigots of Hypo- cMlus pococki (Platnick et al. 1991), and the ab- sence of nodules on the fibrils of H. thorelli. Homologies of the filistatid fibers with those of other species are somewhat uncertain. Com- stock (1948) apparently also noted the axial fi- bers, and both primary and secondary reserve warp fibers in K. Mbernalis (calling them, re- spectively, primary looped threads, secondary looped threads, and irregular threads). We have designated as “axial lines” the least folded lines within the helices, but the double nature of these lines is unique. If, instead, the wider, regularly looped “primary reserve warp” fibers are ho- mologous to the axial fibers of other species, the characteristics of Kukulcania in Table 1 and the position of filistatids in Fig. 32 would be little altered. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Fred Coyle kindly sent carefully packed sam- ples of HypocMlus silk. Herb Levi helped with identifications. Robert Raven facilitated work in Australia. Brent Opell, M. J. West-Eberhard and especially Charles Griswold made helpful com- ments on preliminary drafts of the manuscript. The Vicerrectoria de Investigacion of the Univ- ersidad de Costa Rica provided financial sup- port. We thank all for their help. LITERATURE CITED Coddington, J. A. 1 986. 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Tiere, 11:115-151. Zimmerman, W. 1975. Biologische und rasterelek- tronenmikroskopische Festellungen an Oecobiinae, Uroecobiinae und Urocteinae (Araneae: Oecobi- idae) als Beitrag zum “Cribellaten-Ecribellaten- Problem”, Thesis, Univ. Bonn. Manuscript received 7 May 1993, revised 19 July 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnoiogy 21:175-183 STUDIES ON SPECIES OF HOLARCTIC PARDOSA GROUPS (ARANEAE, LYCOSIDAE). V. REDESCRIPTION OF PARDOSA WASATCHENSIS GERTSCH AND DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES FROM UTAH Torbjorn Kronestedt; Department of Entomology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden ABSTRACT. Two North American Pardosa species assigned to the modica group are treated and illustrated. Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch (Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washington; with Pardosa subra Chamberlin & I vie from Oregon placed as junior synonym) is redescribed, and the male is described for the first time. Pardosa vogelae, new species, is described on material from Leidy Peak and vicinity in the Uintah Mountains (Utah). Species of the modica group within the wolf spider genus Pardosa have previously been treat- ed by Kronestedt (1975, 1981, 1986, 1988) and Dondale & Redner (1 990). This paper deals with another two species assigned to this group of species. Pardosa wasatchensis was described from the female by Gertsch (1933) and since then little has been added to the knowledge of this species, which seems to be restricted to western U. S. (Fig. 22). P. subra, described by Chamberlin & Ivie (1942), regrettably also from the female sex only, seems to be conspecific with P. wasatch- ensis. The male of P. wasatchensis is described here for the first time. The new species Pardosa vogelae has so far been found only in the eastern parts of the Uintah Mountains of Utah, Whether or not it has a re- stricted distribution remains to be explored. [This discovery is parallelled by the find at a single locality in Colorado of a high altitude species in the nigra group, P. gothicana Lowrie & Dondale (1981), calling for more intense studies of Cor- dilleran Pardosa.] METHODS Material is deposited in the following collec- tions: AMNH-— American Museum of Natural History, New York; BRV— private collection of B. R. Vogel; CNC— Canadian National Collec- tion of Insects and Arachnids, Ottawa; MCZ— Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; NRS-- Swedish Museum of Nat- ural History, Stockholm (material gratefully do- nated by D. C. Lowrie and B. R. Vogel). Terminology and methods of study follow Kronestedt (1975, 1986). Measurements refer to specified individuals. Eyepiece micrometer units (as given for eyes) can be converted to mm by dividing by 80. Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch Figs. 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21a, 22; Table 1 Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch, 1933: 25, fig. 37 (female holotype from United States: Utah, Sevier County, Fish Lake, in AMNH, examined). Roewer 1954: 195. Bonnet 1958: 3431. Pardosa subra Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942: 30, fig. 71 (female holotype from United States: Oregon, Har- ney County, Malheur Lake, in AMNH, examined). Roewer 1954: 194. Syn. n. Diagnosis. —Males may be distinguished by the short, only slightly curved embolus, somewhat widened toward its tip, the latter with a small incision on its inner side (Fig. 5), as well as by the configuration of the conductor (Fig. 3) and the retrolateral grooved process of the terminal apophysis (Fig. 10); females by the proportions of the flask-shaped epigyne, with a narrow sep- tum widened posteriorly like an inverted “T”, and with anterior transverse pockets well sepa- rated and extending more or less laterad (Figs. 14, 15). Male. “(Utah, Sevier County, Fish Lake). To- tal length 7.4 mm; carapace 3.60 mm long, 2.65 mm wide. Carapace: Dusky brown, median band in tho- racic part yellowish, lateral bands light brownish to yellowish. Lateral bands broken into (2-)3 parts 175 1 2 Figures 1, 2. —Right male palp, ventral view. 1. Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch from Fish Lake, Utah; 2. P. vogelae sp, n. from Leidy Peak, Utah. Scale: 0.5 mm. Figures 3, 4.— Terminal part of left palp with conductor {cond) and terminal apophysis {tl.ap). 3. Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch from 8 mi. N Fish Lake, Utah; 4. P. vogelae sp. n. from Leidy Peak, Utah. Scale: 0.5 mm. KRONESTEDT-HOLARCTIC PARDOSA 177 5 6 7 8 Figures 5-8.— Embolus seen in frontal (5, 7) and ventral (6, 8) views. 5-6. Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch from 8 mi. N Fish Lake, Utah; 7~8. P. vogelae sp. n. from Leidy Peak, Utah. Scale: 0.5 mm. Table 1. — Leg I~IV measurements (mm) of Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch and Pardosa vogelae sp. n. Fe = femur, Pa = patella, Ti = tibia, Mt = metatarsus, Ta = tarsus. Fe Pt Ti Mt Ta Total Pardosa wasatchensis Male I 2.80 1.30 2.35 2.40 1.65 10.50 II 2.70 1.25 2.15 2.40 1.60 10.10 III 2.65 1.20 2.10 2.80 1.55 10.30 IV 3.40 1.40 2.90 4.20 2.00 13.90 Female I 2.70 1.30 2.05 2.05 1.45 9.55 II 2.65 1.30 1.90 2.10 1.45 9.40 III 2.55 1.20 1.90 2.55 1.40 9.60 IV 3.50 Pardosa vogelae 1.40 2.90 4.35 2.00 14.15 Male I 2.30 1.10 1.85 2.10 1.55 8.90 II 2.30 1.10 1.75 2.05 1.50 8.70 III 2.25 1.00 1.70 2.45 1.45 8.85 IV 2.95 1.20 2.40 3.70 1.90 12.15 Female I 2.25 l.iO 1.75 1.75 1.30 8.15 II 2.25 1.05 1.60 1.75 1.30 7.95 III 2.20 1.00 1.65 2.15 1.25 8.25 IV 2.95 1.20 2.45 3.55 1.75 11.90 by transverse brownish streaks. Postocular spots in cephalic part brownish. Sides of thoracic part with numerous short dark and recumbent gray- ish hairs. Median band with whitish hairs, in preserved specimens usually remaining behind fovea; around fovea in addition with short dark (and at midline with few long dark) erect hairs. Lateral bands with dark and light hairs. Clypeus yellowish, with long forwardly directed dark hairs medially. Chelicerae yellowish to brownish with grayish brown streaks, furnished with dark hairs. Sternum dark brown, furnished with erect dark and recumbent grayish hairs. Eyes: Width of row 152 (slightly procurved as seen from front), row II 7 1 , row III 94, row II- III 70. Diameter of AME 12, ALE 10, PME 26, PLE 2 1 . Distance between AME 8, between AME and ALE 2. Abdomen: Dorsally grayish brown, with light brownish to yellowish, dark-bordered lanceolate stripe in front. Posteriorly on each side of median part a dark irregular line interrupted at intervals by light dots (with white hair tufts). Median part with two separate spots at end of lanceolate stripe, rearwards followed by two close spots and more posteriorly by a few bars, all brownish to yellow- ish (pattern sometimes hardly discernible), each spot with one dark dot, bars with two dark dots, each carrying long dark hair. Dorsum and sides with long erect and short dark as well as recum- bent light hairs, venter brownish to yellowish with recumbent white pubescence and numerous 178 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 9-1 3. “-Terminal part (9, 1 1 in ventral view; 10 in retrolateral view) and tegulum with tegular apophysis (12, 13 in ventral view), left male palp (for arrows see text). 9-10, 12. Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch from 8 mi. N Fish Lake, Utah; 11, 13. P. vogelae sp. n. from Leidy Peak, Utah. Scale: 200/im. longer erect grayish to light hairs (latter seen only in some males examined). Legs: (Table 1) Yellowish. Femora with darker blotches dorsally (“pseudoannulation”), outer segments with very faint grayish tinge, on tibiae and metatarsi arranged like the more distinct annulation in female. Tibia I with two or only distal retrolateral spine(s) present. Hairiness of leg I as in rest of legs. Palp: Patella 0.70 mm, tibia 0.65 mm, cym- bium 1.35 mm. Femur, patella and tibia yellow- ish; femur with dark markings, patella and tibia less so, sometimes even unicolorous. Cymbium brown to blackish brown, lighter apically. Fe- mur, patella and tibia with dark and whitish hairs, latter dominating on tibia; cymbium with dark hairs except distally. Tegulum comparatively protruding. Tegular apophysis as seen in ventral view (Figs. 1,12) with subtriangular basal part (including anteriorly directed branch); lateral process basally almost as wide as length of basal part and tapering toward ventrally directed slightly hook-shaped tip; posterior (lower in fig- ures) rim of lateral process with more or less distinct denticle-like projection at some distance from tip {arrow in Fig. 12). Terminal apophysis (as seen in ventral view: Figs. 3, 9) with heavily sclerotized tooth-like process protruding for- ward, and with small, grooved retrolateral pro- cess {arrow in Fig. 1 0; hidden below conductor in ventral view). Conductor with distal part curved dorsad (Fig. 1 0); its posterior rim folded towards rounded tip, forming groove (Figs. 3, 9); anterior rim more or less incised before rounded tip. Embolus (Figs. 5, 6) short, in frontal view slightly widening distally, incised at tip. Female.— (Utah, Sevier County, Fish Lake). Total length 6.7 mm (carried egg sac); carapace 3.70 mm long, 2.70 mm wide. Similar to male in color pattern and hairiness. KRONESTEDT-HOLARCTIC PARDOSA 179 14 15 16 Figures 14-16.— Epigyne, ventral view. 14. Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch, holotype; 15. holotype of P. subra Chamberlin & Ivie; 16. P. vogelae sp. n. from Leidy Peak, Utah. Scale: 0.5 mm. Carapace lighter brownish than in male, and with yellowish, sometimes unbroken, lateral bands with more light hairs. Chelicerae usually lighter than in male and furnished with light hairs in addition to dark ones. Legs: (Table 1) Femora yellowish to light brownish with darker brownish “pseudoannu- lation,” tibiae and metatarsi brownish, often with very indistinct lighter brown to yellowish an- nulation. Tibia I with two, only distal, or no retrolateral spine(s) present. Flask-shaped (Figs. 14, 15, 17; cleared Fig. 19). Anterior transverse pockets well sepa- rated, extending laterad. Septal ridge as wide as or slightly wider than narrow septum. Septum posteriorly widened. Lateral elevations some- times sloping smoothly into anterior part of cav- ities (i. e., without distinct rim). Receptacles comparatively inflated (Fig. 1 9). One female (carapace length 3.40 mm) carried an egg sac with diameter of 4.7 mm and height of 3.7 mm, containing 67 pulli (larvae). Size variation.-— Carapace lengths of material measured: males 3.00-3.60 mm {n = 1 5), females 2.75-3.70 mm {n = 1 5); tibia I length vs. carapace length in Fig. 21a. Figures 17, 18. — Epigyne. 17. Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch from 8 mi. N Fish Lake, Utah; 18. P. vogelae sp. n. from Leidy Peak, Utah (for arrow see text). Scale: 200Atni. Figures 19, 20.--Epigyne (cleared), ventral view. 19. Utah; 20. P. vogelae sp. n. from Leidy Peak, Utah. Material examined.— UNITED STATES. Colorado. Eagle County: 2 mi. S Bums, 27 June 1963 (B. Vogel, AMNH), 1(3 29. Grand County: S Granby, 26 June 1940 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 23 39; 5 mi. S Parshall, 20 June 1963 (B. Vogel, AMNH), 13. Idaho. Bear Lake County: Nounan, 9 August 1931 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH), 19. Payette County: Payette, 1956 (Evadina Ivie, AMNH), 33 19. Teton County: Victor, 15 August 1940 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 29. Valley County: Cascade, 5 July 1943 (W. Ivie, CNC), 23 29; S Donnelly, 5 July 1943 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 19. Montana. Horse Prairie (not located), 1 1 July 1935 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 29. Jef- ferson County: S Butte, Toll Mt. Campground, 6 Au- gust 1964 (D. C. Lowrie, AMNH), l9. Oregon. Harney County: Malheur Lake, 18 June 1940 (L. W. Saylor, AMNH), 19 (holotype of P. subra). Utah. Rich County: Bear Lake (S end), 26 June 1962 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 19. Salt Lake County: Salt Lake City, September 1930 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH), l9. Sevier County: Fish Lake, 4 September 1929 (Chamberlin & Gertsch, AMNH), 19, 22-23 June 1930 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH), 39 (incl. holotype), 13 July 1931 (W. J. Gertsch, AMNH), 13, 1 July 1940 (Gertsch & Hook, AMNH), 23 49; Seven- mile Creek 8 mi. N Fish Lake, 9400 ft, 14 July 1973 (B. R. Vogel, BRV, NRS), 33 189. Summit County: W Wasatch Station, 3 June 1933 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 13 19. Washington. Douglas County: 5-10 mi, E Bridge- port, prairie community, in wet area, amongst Arte- misia, 1 July 1964 (D. C. Lowrie, AMNH), 19. Wyo- ming. Teton County: Grand Teton National Park, S Jackson, 24 June 1938 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 13; Grand Teton National Park, Moran area (Jackson Hole Bio- logical Research Station, Uhl Hill &c.), July-August 1961-69 (D, C. Lowrie, AMNH), 23 179; Grand Teton Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch from 8 mi. N Fish Lake, National Park, Lake Solitude, moist meadow, 3 August 1962 (D. C. Lowrie, NRS), 13; Teton National Forest (all near Gros Ventre R.), Bridge Creek, in moist sedge- grass field, 30 August 1964 (D. C. Lowrie, CNC), 39; same, Lafferty Creek, in moist willows, 30 August 1964 (D. C. Lowrie, NRS), 19; same, nr Soda Lake, 30 Au- gust 1964 (D. C. Lowrie, AMNH), 59. Uinta County: 10 mi. E Evanston, 18 July 1935 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 1 9; Yellowstone National Park: Bridge Bay, 9 July 1935 (W. Ivie, AMNH) 13 29, 20 June 1938 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 213 169; Yellowstone Lake, 21 June 1938 (W. Ivie, AMNH), 19. One 3 from Canada, Ontario, St. Thomas, 1928 (McBride, AMNH) is believed to be incorrectly re- corded (cf. Dondale & Redner 1986:818 concerning material of other Pardosa species incorrectly recorded from St. Thomas). Habitat.— According to Lowrie (1973:1 10) “a moist meadow form. . .[but] further characterization of its microhabitat is needed.” Pardosa vogelae, new species Figs. 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21b, 22; Table 1 Type.— Male holotype from United States: Utah, Daggett County, Leidy Peak, 1 1 ,500 ft (Be- atrice R. Vogel & C. Durden), deposited in AMNH. Etymology.— Named for Dr, Beatrice R. Vo- gel, one of the collectors, who has contributed substantially to the exploration of the North American lycosid fauna. KRONESTEDT-HOLARCTIC PARDOSA 181 2.0 wasatchensis 2.5 • • o CD O O b) 2.0- o o CD 1.5 vogelae m • • o • O •CDO 3.0 3.5 3.0 3.5 Figure 21.-— Tibia I length (TiIL)/carapace length in adult males (closed circles) and females (open circles), a) Pardosa wasatchensis Gertsch; b) P. vogelae sp. n. Diagnosis.— Males may be distinguished by the very prominent, curved and pointed tooth of the terminal apophysis, and by the configuration of the conductor (Fig. 4); females by the propor- tions of the flask-shaped epigyne, with a very wide septum and the rims of lateral elevations characteristically curved (Fig. 16). M^ailQ.—Holotype: Total length 6.6 mm; car- apace 3.40 mm long, 2.45 mm wide. Carapace: Dusky brownish; median band in thoracic part yellowish; lateral bands light brownish, uneven in width and with darker breaks, not continuous to clypeus. Postocular spots in cephalic part brownish. Sides of thoracic part with numerous short dark hairs, fewer re- cumbent grayish ones, and some longer erect, somewhat wavy hairs. Median band with recum- bent whitish hairs, around fovea additionally with short and few long erect dark hairs. Clypeus yel- lowish, in apparently old specimens now avail- able devoid of hairs except long forwardly di- rected dark ones. Chelicerae brownish with darker streaks, distally yellowish on inner side, fur- nished with dark hairs. Sternum blackish brown with small light median stripe in front, furnished with recumbent light and more erect dark hairs. Eyes: Width of row I 48 (slightly procurved as seen from front), row II 65, row III 85, row II™ III 62. Diameter of AME 10, ALE 10, PME 24, PEE 19. Distance between AME 7, between AME and ALE 2. Abdomen: Dorsally grayish brown; posteriorly on each side of median area a row of darker patches with light dots between patches. Light grayish brown, dark-bordered lanceolate stripe in front. Dorsum with long erect and short dark hairs as well as light hairs (latter numerous in lanceolate stripe). Sides of abdomen mottled with yellowish brown spots on grayish background. Venter brownish with recumbent white pubes- cence and scattered erect dark hairs. Legs: (Table 1) Femora yellowish with sooty brown dorsal markings, less sooty ventrally. Out- er segments yellowish to light brownish. Hairi- ness of leg I as in rest of legs. Tibia I with two, only distal or no retrolateral spine(s). Palp: Patella 0.65 mm, tibia 0.65 mm, cym- bium 1.35 mm. Femur, patella, tibia and cym- bium dusky brownish; femur with darker mark- ings, cymbium lighter distally. Patella with dark hairs, tibia with numerous long and short dark hairs, cymbium with dark hairs except distally. Tegular apophysis in ventral view (Figs. 2, 13) shaped like bird’s head, with bulky, rounded bas- al part (including anteriorly directed branch); lat- eral process shorter than width of basal part, not considerably narrowing before slightly hook- shaped tip. Terminal apophysis (in ventral view; Figs. 4, 1 1) with curved, heavily sclerotized tooth- like process protruding forwards, tip acute; scler- otized retrolateral process, end pointed; heavily sclerotized rounded portion protruding posteri- ad. Conductor (as seen in Figs. 4, 11) distally bifurcate, upper branch longest, evenly tapering to pointed tip; lower branch short, unsclerotized. Embolus as in Figs. 7, 8. Allotype: Total length 6.5 mm (car- ried egg sac); carapace 3,35 mm long, 2.45 mm wide. Similar to male in color pattern and hairiness. 182 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figure 22.— Collection localities of Pardosa was- atchensis Gertsch (circles) and P. vogelae sp. n. (tri- angle). Type localities of P. wasatchensis (1) and P. subra Chamberlin & Ivie (2). Large circle refers to more than three close localities. Carapace with more distinct yellowish median and broken lateral bands, latter with whitish hairs. Lanceolate stripe on abdomen more clear yel- lowish. Legs: (Table 1) Brownish; femora laterally yel- lowish, at least in distal half, sometimes with traces of darker pseudoannulation; tibia I with no or only distal retrolateral spine. Epigyne: Flask-shaped (Figs. 16, 18; cleared Fig. 20). Narrow indistinct (unsclerotized) septal ridge continuing into very wide septum, evenly rounded posteriorly. Sclerotized rim of lateral elevations characteristically curved (Fig. 18, ar- row). Lateral elevations coming close posteriorly, separated by narrow slit. Two deep pockets cov- ered by septum in front of extensive cavity scle- rites. Receptacles comparatively narrow (Fig. 20). Size variation. —Carapace lengths of material measured: males 3.25-3.50 mm {n = 1 6), females 3.20-3.80 mm {n = 8); tibia I length vs. carapace length in Fig. 21b. Material examined. — UNITED STATES. Utah. Daggett County: Uintah Mountains, Spirit Lake, Au- gust 1935 (D. Cottam, AMNH), l9. Daggett & Uintah Counties: Leidy Peak, 11,500 ft, 5-6 August 1964 (B. R. Vogel & C. Durden, AMNH, BRV, CNC, MCZ, NRS), 16(3 79 (inch holo- and allotype from 5 August). ACKNOV^LEDGMENTS I am indebted to the following persons for loan and/or donation of material: Dr. C. D. Dondale and Mr. J. H. Redner, Biosystematics Research Centre, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (including tranference of material on loan to them); Prof. D. C. Lowrie, Santa Fe (New Mexico); Dr. N. 1. Platnick and Mr. L. Sorkin, American Museum of Natural History, New York; and Dr. Beatrice R. Vogel, Helena (Montana). I thank Dr. Don- dale and Mr. Redner for reviewing the manu- script. LITERATURE CITED Bonnet, P. 1958. Bibliographia araneorum, 2(4). Toulouse. Chamberlin, R. V, & W. Ivie. 1942. A hundred new species of American spiders. Bull. Univ. Utah, 32(1 3) (Biol, ser., 7(1)): 1-1 17. Dondale, C. D. & J. H. Redner. 1986. The colora- densis, xerampelina, lapponica, and tesquorum groups of the genus Pardosa (Araneae: Lycosidae) in North America. Canadian Entomol., 118:815- 835. Dondale, C. D. & J. H. Redner. 1990. The insects and arachnids of Canada. Part 1 7. The wolf spiders, nurseryweb spiders, and lynx spiders of Canada and Alaska (Araneae: Lycosidae, Pisauridae, and Oxy- opidae). Publ. Dept. Agric. Canada, 1856:1-383. Gertsch, W. J. 1933. New genera and species of North American spiders. American Mus. Novitates, 636: 1-28. Kronestedt, T. 1975. Studies on species of Holarctic Pardosa groups (Araneae, Lycosidae). 1. Redescrip- tion of Pardosa albomaculata Emerton and descrip- tion of two new species from North America, with comments on some taxonomic characters. Zool. Scr., 4:217-228. Kronestedt, T. 1981. Studies on species of Holarctic Pardosa groups (Araneae, Lycosidae), 11. Redes- criptions of Pardosa modica (Blackwall), Pardosa labradorensis (Thorell), and Pardosa sinistra (Tho- rell). Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist., 170:1 1 1-124. Kronestedt, T. 1986. Studies on species of Holarctic Pardosa groups (Araneae, Lycosidae). III. Redes- criptions of Pardosa algens (Kulczyhski), P. septen- trionalis (Westring), and P. sodalis Holm. Entomol. Scandinavica, 17:215-234. Kronestedt, T. 1988. Studies on species of Holarctic Pardosa groups (Araneae, Lycosidae). IV. Rede- scription of Pardosa tetonensis Gertsch and descrip- KRONESTEDT-HOLARCTIC PARDOSA 183 tion of two new species from the western United States. Entomol. Scandinavica, 18:409--424. Lowrie, D. C. 1973. The microhabitats of western wolf spiders of the genus Pardosa. Entomol. News, 84:103==! 16. Lowrie, D. C. & C. D. Dondale. 1981. A revision of the nigra group of the genus Pardosa in North Amer- ica (Araneae, Lycosidae). Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist, 170:125-139. Roewer, C. F. 1954. Katalog der Araneae 2a. Bru- xelles. Manuscript received 18 May 1993, revised 20 July 1 993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:184-193 NEWLY-DISCOVERED SOCIALITY IN THE NEOTROPICAL SPIDER AEBUTINA BINOTATA SIMON (DICTYNIDAE?) Leticia Aviles': Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 USA. ABSTRACT. The neotropical spider Aebutina binotata Simon (Dictynidae?), previously known from a few museum specimens, was discovered to live in colonies and to exhibit highly cooperative behaviors that would classify it as non-territorial, permanently social. Colonies of this species, that contained from 14-106 adult females plus their offspring, were observed in a tropical rainforest site in Eastern Ecuador. The spiders occupied communal nests in which they cooperated in prey capture and fed communally on the prey. Large prey items were moved to the feeding site by the coordinated effort of two or three individuals. The spiders periodically carried out web maintenance activities; but when widespread damage to the nest occurred, they moved as a group to a new location. Care of the brood appeared to be communal since the offspring from different mothers intermixed in the colonies and were all cared for by a decreasing number of surviving females. Adult females participated most heavily in all the activities of the colonies, with no apparent division of labor among them. In particular, no reproductive division of labor was observed: all adult females in colonies observed throughout the egg-laying period apparently laid a single egg sac each. The most advanced form of social behavior known for spiders involves cooperation among members of a colony in building and maintaining a communal nest, capturing prey on which to feed communally, and taking care of the offspring (Buskirk 1981; D’ Andrea 1987). These tasks are performed by members of the same generation without any apparent division of labor among them (Darchen & Delange-Darchen 1986). In particular, unlike what occurs in the most highly social insects (Wilson 1971), no specialized re- productive castes are present in social spiders: most, if not all (Vollrath 1986), individuals in a social spider colony apparently bear offspring. This form of social behavior, labeled as non- territorial permanently social (D’ Andrea 1987) or quasisocial (Wilson 1971), has arisen inde- pendently in at least six spider families. To date, a total of 14 species in eight genera have been described as possessing the traits that would de- fine them as having attained this level of sociality (for partial lists see Buskirk 1981; and D’ Andrea 1987; for species not included in these partial lists, see Main 1988, Rypstra & Tirey 1989; Avi- les in press 1, in press 2). Ten of these species have been described or their sociality discovered in the last 30 years, indicating that highly co- ' Present address: Dept, of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 USA operative behavior in spiders, although rare rel- ative to the total number of spider species (about 40,000 described species), is perhaps more wide- spread than previously believed. Here, I report on newly discovered sociality in the neotropical cribellate spider Aebutina bi- notata Simon (Simon 1 892). This species was de- scribed by Simon at the end of the last century from a few female specimens collected in the Brazilian Amazonas Province (Simon 1892). From a systematic point of view, Aebutina bi- notata has proven to be an enigmatic species whose placement in any of the currently de- scribed spider families is not fully resolved (Leh- tinen 1967). The genus Aebutina, of which A. binotata is the type species, is temporarily as- signed to the Dictynidae (Petrunkevitch 1928; Millot 1933), after having been originally placed by Simon (1892) in the Uloboridae. Previous to the present study, no information on the life his- tory or behavior of A. binotata was available. The observations that I report here indicate that this species is colonial and that it exhibits the strongly cooperative behaviors common to non- territorial permanently social spiders. In this paper I describe the structure of the nests and colonies and report on behavioral as- pects of the sociality of this species: observations involving cooperation on web maintenance and repair, colony relocation, prey capture and trans- port, food sharing, communal brood care, and 184 AVILES~=SOCIALITY IN AEBUTINA BINOTATA SIMON 185 Figures 1, 2.~Aebutina binotata genitalia: 1. Male; 2 W. Maddison. Scale bars correspond to 0. 1 mm. tolerance to members of other colonies. Even though not directly related to sociality, I also present observations on courtship and mating. METHODS The spider. — Live adult females of binotata, which measure about 5 mm in length {x = 4.7, n = 7), have a diamond-shaped, bright yellow abdomen with a black spot on each side (there- from the name binotata). The males (3.4 mm when adult, n = 2) and early-instar individuals are also yellow, of less intense coloration and with somewhat less clearly marked spots. Males are adult in the 1‘^ instar while females are adult in the 8'^ instar (Aviles 1992). The egg sacs are spherical and measure around 3.5 mm in di- ameter. They consist of a mesh of white silk that surrounds the yellow-colored embryos. One of the reasons for the uncertainty in the systematic placement of A. binotata has been the lack of male specimens (Lehtinen 1967). In con- nection with the present study I collected males which have been deposited in the collections of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. In this study I do not address the systematic placement of A. binotata. However, I provide drawings of male and female genitalia for future reference (Figs. 1, 2). Initial determi- nation of the female specimens was done by J. Hunter of the MCZ and later confirmed by com- parison with the types by H. W. Levi. The observations.— I studied colonies of A. 2 Female. Drawings from computer digitized images by binotata in a tropical rainforest site by the Tar- apuy River in Eastern Ecuador, Sucumbios (for- merly Napo) Province (0° 08' S, 76° 16' W, 210 m above sea level). I first discovered two colonies in January 1983 and then an additional one in February 1984. From this date to September 1984, I visited the area on six occasions and identified a total of 44 colonies (24 up to a July visit and 20, either new or previously recorded colonies that had relocated themselves, in the September visit). For each colony observed, I recorded its po- sition, distance from the ground, and structure of the nest, including the size of the leaf (or leaves) supporting the colony and the percent of the leaf (or leaves) occupied. I counted the total number of adult females, egg sacs, and males present in the colonies, and estimated the number of ju- veniles of different size classes (i.e., instars). I conducted behavioral observations on an op- portunistic basis. Observations were conducted during the day, usually between 900 and 1800 h, on one occasion from 700 h. Activities in- volving nest maintenance and repair were ob- served regularly in the colonies. I observed one complete short-distance colony relocation event, a portion of another, and a 1 3 -hour period ( 1 200- 1800 h and 700-1400 h of the day after) of one long-distance relocation event. I also obtained indirect evidence of six other relocation events. I recorded complete sequences of prey capture, including prey transportation and initiation of 186 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY feeding, on 1 3 occasions, and on five others after feeding had been initiated. Four cases of prey rejection were observed. Other prey capture or feeding events were observed on a more casual basis. I observed courtship and mating for a pe- riod of 1 00 min (1215-1 400, August 4, 1 984) in one colony containing four adult males and 106 females. I observed a total of four copulations and 1 6 unsuccessful mounting attempts. One ad- ditional copulation was observed at an earlier date in a different colony (colony 5, May 20, 1155 h). A pilot test of tolerance to conspecihcs in- volved the introduction of one adult female into a foreign nest. Additionally, for ten weeks I maintained in the laboratory two colonies on which I conducted casual behavioral observa- tions. RESULTS The nest and colonies.— The nests of A. bi- notata are basically two-dimensional structures consisting of one or a few contiguous leaves and their connecting branches covered on both sur- faces by a continuous layer of silk (Fig. 3). The outer surface of the web is covered by cribellate silk that cause insects to get entangled when land- ing on it. The sheet of silk on the underside of the leaves (the lower web) is not attached to the leaf blade, but separated by an open space that is used by the spiders as refuge. Egg sacs and spiderlings occupy this space, sitting on the inner surface of this lower web and congregated to- wards the center. Openings allow spiders to move freely from one surface of the web to the other. Adult spiders sit on the outer surface of the lower web, lined up along the edges of the leaf (Fig. 4) in a position that allows them rapid access to the top of the leaf where insects usually get entangled. Major perturbations to the nest, such as exper- imental shaking, cause the larger individuals in a colony to drop to the ground on silk draglines along which they return once the disturbance has stopped. The size of the colonies, measured as the num- ber of adult females present in a colony around the time the eggs were being laid, ranged from 14-106 {n = 19, median = 40, mean = 46.7 ± 1 1 .8, 95% conf int., Fig. 5). Colonies with young spiderlings could contain up to eight hundred individuals; but, because of the smaller size of the young, the total biomass was probably within a similar range. The area occupied by a nest was found to be proportional to the number of adult females present (Fig. 6); it ranged from 74-200 cm^ and included either a portion of a large leaf or several small leaves. Nests were found be- tween 0.5 m and 4,5 m from the ground, although nests occurring higher than this would have probably been missed. The nests appeared in- visible when seen from above and could only be located by looking for the spiders underneath leaves. From below, the appearance of the col- onies was striking because of the bright yellow coloration of the adult females and spiderlings and the whiteness of the egg sacs. Web construction and repair.— The nests were constructed and maintained cooperatively. Web maintenance activities involved: (a) periodically adding cribellate silk to maintain the stickiness of the web, (b) removing and replacing damaged web following destruction by the rain, (c) re- pairing holes left by ensnared prey, and (d) throwing out debris. All these activities could be simultaneously performed by several individuals in different areas of the nest. For instance, in a nest of 13 adults and around 190 juveniles, web repair after a rain storm required about two hours during which 16-26 spiders working at a time removed the damaged silk, added new silk lines across the surface of the leaves, and added a final layer of cribellate silk. Unlike other social spiders where regular web reinforcement activities take place exclusively at sunset (e. g., in Anelosimus eximius, Tapia & De Vries 1980), A. binotata spiders added cribellate silk periodically throughout the day. The spiders were inactive in colonies seen early in the morn- ing (around 700-730 h) and all activity seemed to have ceased in two colonies observed at 1 800 h. At this time the spiders retreated to the un- derside of the leaves and presumably carried out only prey capture activities until the following day. Colony relocation.— Extensive destruction of the web resulted in colonies abandoning their original nest. One of the colonies, for instance, moved to a leaf 1 2 cm from its original location after the leaf that supported its nest dried out. At later dates, this and three other colonies moved from 0.3-4. 5 m after a heavy rain destroyed their nests. Colony relocation involving much greater distances (> > 5 m), independent of web destruc- tion, apparently took place prior to mating and egg laying (Aviles 1992). Just prior to colony relocation, a fraction of the spiders in a colony could be seen initiating the production of airborne silk lines by hanging down 2-5 cm from their nest (see Eberhard 1987 AVILES -SOCIALITY IN AEBUTINA BINOTATA SIMON 187 Figures 3, 4.-~Aebutina binotata colonies in Tarapuy, Ecuador: 3. Whole nest; 4. Adult females lined up along the edge of their nest. 188 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY number of adult females Figures 5, 6.— -5. Number of adult females (and/or egg sacs, whichever is larger) present in Aebutina binotata colonies seen sometime immediately before or during the egg laying period; 6. Correlation between the number of adult females in a colony and the surface occupied by their nest (measured in cm^). for method of airborne line production). Once a dragline became attached to the nearby vegeta- tion it was first followed by the spider that orig- inated it and then by other spiders. Even if there were draglines attaching in different directions, all spiders eventually moved along a single drag- line since the spiders following an isolated route returned to join the majority. This method was repeated from one stop to the next until the even- tual settlement of the colony. In the cases ob- served, all individuals in a nest moved to the new location. The relocation of a colony could be completed in a few hours or in consecutive days. For in- stance, a colony with eight adult females and more than 200 juveniles (mostly 4th-instar) moved to a location 30 cm away in the span of 5-”6 hours. Another colony that contained eight adult females and approximately 350 3rd-"5th instar juveniles moved first to an intermediate stop 1.8 m from its original location, remained there for a period of a day and then continued on for an additional meter. Colonies migrating previous to mating and egg laying appear to mi- grate for longer periods. For instance, a colony with adult males and females that I followed for AVILES-SOCIALITY IN AEBUTINA BINOTATA SIMON 189 1 3 hours had not settled when I stopped the ob- servations after a day and a half and 50 m of group migration (Aviles 1992). Prey capture and feeding, —Prey capture in- volved the simultaneous participation of 1-6 in- dividuals, apparently depending on the size of the prey and the efforts it made to free itself. If present in sufficient numbers, only the adult fe- males participated in prey capture, though later- instar spiderlings would participate when there were relatively few adult females in the nest or the prey were small. The females placed along the edge of the nest closest to an struggling insect would rush towards it and attack it by hrst biting its appendages and then other parts of the body. Once completely overcome, prey items were moved to the underside of the leaves where feed- ing took place. Adult spiders initiated prey di- gestion (Fig. 7) and later left the prey to the ju- veniles. Prey trapped and consumed included wasps, mosquitoes, cockroaches, one large ant, some beetles. A small coccinelid and another small beetle were rejected. Very large insects, such as a 4 cm long moth and a 2 cm cetonine beetle, were ignored. Group transport. —Transportation of items around the nest, either prey to be consumed or debris to be thrown out, were also among the activities regularly carried out by the spiders. Small items were handled by individual spiders. The transportation of large objects, on the other hand, required a group effort that was particu- larly challenging given the sticky nature of the entire surface of the web. Complete group trans- port events were observed on three occasions. A large ant moved from the upper to the lower surface of the nest, for instance, involved the participation of three individuals. While one in- dividual cut pieces of web to release the ant, the second one pulled and the third pushed the ant in a given direction. Once released, the ant was transported toward the edge of the nest. One in- dividual lifted the ant from below so as to main- tain it at a distance from the surface of the web. As this individual walked towards the edge, the other two individuals, one in front and one in the back, helped by pulling and pushing in the required direction. Once at the edge, the ant was successfully moved to the other side by having one spider hold it from above as it walked to- wards the edge while the other two supported the item and pulled it from below. It took the spiders four minutes to disentangle and bring the ant to the edge, three more minutes to bring it over the edge and onto the other side of the nest, and another three minutes to move it one cm into its final position where feeding was initiated. Two other group transport events observed required two and three individuals to transport an ho- mopteran and a fly, respectively. Communal brood care.— While most of the adult females lined up along the edges of the nest ready to participate in prey capture, a number of them mounted guard by the egg sacs and spi- derlings. Besides sac guarding, parental care in- cluded catching prey for the spiderlings and ini- tiating the enzymatic digestion of the prey. Regurgitation feeding was not observed during the study period, though specific studies would be required to confirm its absence. Two lines of evidence suggest that parental care is communal: (1) the spiderlings in a nest intermix freely, in a way that it does not seem possible for a mother to discriminate between her own and other mother’s offspring; and, (2) the number of adult females present in the col- onies drops continuously (most likely due to mortality) during the incubation and emergence periods, while all the egg sacs and offspring pres- ent in the colonies continue to be cared for. For instance, half the adult females of one of the colonies observed throughout most of its life cy- cle were already gone by the time their offspring had only reached their third or fourth instar. All the offspring, however, continued to be cared for by the remaining females whose number contin- ued to decrease until none were left by the time the offspring had reached their sixth instar. This indicates that a large majority of the offspring were raised by females other than their mother. Division of labor.— Adult females tended to participate disproportionately in all the activities of the colony, though later-instar juveniles par- ticipated to varying degrees. Later instar juve- niles, for instance, handled small prey or partic- ipated in group efforts when the relative number of adults in the nest was low. Juveniles were relatively more active in web maintenance ac- tivities, particularly in laying down cribellate silk, though the numbers in which they participated were not representative of the proportion in which they occurred in the colonies. For instance, after a storm had destroyed the upper web of one of the colonies under study, all adult females (a total of eight) and 20% of the juveniles (out of a total of 200) were seen removing the damaged web and laying down new strands of silk. In a different colony, which contained 13 adult females and 190 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 7, S.—Aebutina binotata. 1. Group of adult females feeding on a prey; 8. Mating couple in Tarapuy, Ecuador, AVILES^-SOCIALITY IN AEBUTINA BINOTATA SIMON 191 around 190 juveniles, 30-100% of the females were active at different times during a two-hour period following a storm, while only 4-7% of the juveniles were. The youngest juveniles that ap- peared able to participate in activities such as laying cribellate silk belonged to the 4th-instar. Immature males in the colonies kept in the lab- oratory were seen laying silk during web rein- forcement, while it was not possible to determine whether adult males participate in this or any other activity since they were seen in the colonies for only a short period of time. There was no evidence of division of labor among spiders of a given age group: a task started by one individual was often completed by an- other and the same individual could be seen car- rying out different tasks. Marking experiments, however, are needed to confirm these observa- tions. Regarding reproductive division of labor, in all the colonies observed throughout the egg laying period the total number of eggs cases pres- ent was the same as the number of adult females in the nest (Table 1). Since all the egg sacs in a colony were laid within a short time span (Aviles 1992); and thus it is unlikely that some fe- males may have laid more than one case, it fol- lows that all females in the colonies observed reproduced. Reproductive division of labor, therefore, appears absent in Aebutina binotata. Social interactions and tolerance to conspecif- ics.—The 14 adults and 74 juveniles kept in the laboratory in a 40 x 30 x 30 cm terrarium re- mained aggregated throughout a 1 0-week obser- vation period. When they relocated their nest within the terrarium, all the spiders moved to- gether. Encounters between spiders, which were common during the course of their daily activ- ities, involved touching each other with the legs and pedipalps. Spiders in the field did not appear to discrim- inate against members of other colonies. One spider experimentally introduced into a foreign nest was initially approached by other spiders, probably in response to the vibrations produced, but was soon treated as a member of the colony. After its introduction, the spider resumed the activity (adding cribellate silk) it had been per- forming when removed from its native nest. A month later, the spider was still in the colony, and, aside from the experimental mark, was in- distinguishable from other spiders in the nest. Courtship and mating.— I observed courtship and mating in a colony that contained 106 fe- males, 4 males, and 1 egg sac. During the 100 min of observations, three of the males attempt- Table 1 .—Number of females and egg sacs laid in A. binotata colonies periodically observed throughout the egg laying period. In addition to the 45 egg sacs shown, colony 14 contained newly eclosed juveniles from around four egg sacs. Colony 9 22 23 14 25 Adult females 102 44 30 48-49 52 Egg sacs present 102 44 29 45 + 54 ed insistently to mount females. Most of the at- tempts observed (16 out of 18) were rejected by the females who either moved away or resisted. Two resulted in copulations. Two additional copulations had already been initiated when the observations started. Copulations took place with the male over the back of the female and both facing in opposite directions (fig. 8; position “c” in Foelix 1982, p. 195). In one of the matings observed the female remained motionless all through the mounting. In a second mating ob- served, the male seemed to exert force over the female. The two complete copulations observed lasted around 4 min. Given the disparity in the numbers of males and females, and the obser- vation that most or all the females in a colony lay eggs (see above), it follows that each male is able to fertilize a large number of females. DISCUSSION The social behavior here described for A. bi- notata has strong similarities with that of other non-territorial permanently social spiders pres- ent in the genera Achaearanea (Theridiidae), Agelena (Agelenidae), Anelosimus (Theridiidae), Diaea (Thomisidae), Mallos (Dictynidae), Ste- godyphus (Eresidae) , Tapinillus (Oxyopidae), and Theridion (Theridiidae) (Buskirk 1981; D’ An- drea 1987; Aviles pers. obs.). These similarities, which include cooperative web building and maintenance, cooperative prey capture, com- munal feeding, communal brood care, tolerance to members of other colonies, and a lack of castes, are particularly striking given the phylogeneti- cally diverse set of species in which they have evolved. One feature common to this diverse set of spe- cies, which might be to a large extent responsible for these similarities is an irregular type of web, present in all but the social thomisid (Main 1988; Evans & Main 1 993), but absent in other colonial but non-cooperative species such as Metabus 192 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY gravidus or Philoponella republicana (Buskirk 1981; D’ Andrea 1987). An irregular web is thought to constitute a preadaptation for coop- erative behavior in spiders because it allows communal habitation and the simultaneous in- volvement of more than one individual in web construction and repair as well as in prey capture (Buskirk 1981). Cooperative web building, be- cause it allows the construction of a relatively large area or volume of entangling web, leads to the capture of relatively large prey items, which, in turn, require the concurrence of several in- dividuals for their subjugation. Large prey items can then be shared by several individuals in a nest, leading to communal feeding, a trait com- mon again to the non-territorial permanently- social species studied (Buskirk 1981; see also Main 1988; Rypstra & Tirey 1989), but absent in the colonial orb weavers. A communal nest also facilitates communal care of the brood be- cause it renders discrimination among spider- lings intermixed in a common space impractical. A. binotata is typical among the non-territorial permanently social spiders in having an irregular type of web and in having developed cooperative prey capture, communal feeding, and communal brood care. As in these other species (Buskirk 1981), cooperation allows A, binotata spiders the capture of prey items larger than those single individuals could handle and facilitates the shar- ing of prey among a larger proportion of colony members than those participating in their cap- ture. The advantages of cooperation in the care of the brood become specially evident in A. bi- notata, where the survival of orphaned offspring is only possible because surviving females in- discriminately care for all the young in a nest (see also Christenson 1984; D’ Andrea 1987). The ways in which the architecture of the nests of A. binotata differs from that of other non- territorial permanently social species may be re- sponsible for some of the features that appear unique to this species. One such feature is the cooperative transport of prey items from the site of their capture to their consumption site, a trait that in this species is developed to a greater ex- tent than in any other social spider. Three aspects of the structure of the nests of A. binotata pose a special challenge to prey transport in this spe- cies: ( 1 ) the sticky nature of the web surface; (2) the relatively small capture area; and, (3) the fact that prey items need to be brought over the edge of the leaf with the consequent danger of acci- dentally dropping them out of the nest. In other cooperative spiders, webbing usually surrounds the prey in all directions during its transport and the nests are considerably larger than the prey being transported, so that their overall efficiency is not critically affected by damage to a portion of the web caused by dragging a prey item. The instances of group transport that I ob- served in A. binotata required a degree of coor- dination among the individuals involved that can only be explained if some sort of commu- nication was taking place among them. Prey transport in other species usually involves a number of individuals pulling in the same gen- eral direction or some form of, apparently un- coordinated, relay activity (e.g., Ward & Enders 1985). In the genus Agelena the prey is either carried by a single individual (Krafft 1971) or eaten on the site of its capture when it is too large for individual transport (Darchen 1967; Krafft 1971). In Achaearanea disparata (Darchen 1967) some individuals pull while others aid in cutting the threads that hinder the movement of the item, suggesting, in this case, some degree of coordi- nation. It must be noted that group transport is an extraordinary task to be performed by an in- vertebrate. Even among vertebrates, group trans- port is only known among humans, dolphins, whales, and some canids (Moffett in press). Among invertebrates, the only other reported case of group transport is represented by the ants (Mof- fett in press). Another feature apparently unique to A. bi- notata which may also result from the special ar- chitecture of its nests is its nomadic habit that leads to the periodic relocation of its colonies. The nests of other non-territorial permanently social species, which are usually expanded and occupied by more than one generation of spiders, are three-dimensional structures that are prob- ably expensive to build and whose prey capture efficiency does not appear to depend on their invisibility. The two-dimensional nests of A. bi- notata, on the other hand, may be less expensive to rebuild and, most importantly, they appear to critically depend on their invisibility to trap prey. Such invisibility can best be achieved by rebuild- ing the nest in a new and debris-free locality. The observation that egg laying is universal in A. binotata (Table 1) illustrates perhaps to an extreme a feature common to non-territorial, permanently social spiders which critically dif- ferentiates them from the most highly social in- sects: a lack of reproductive castes (Buskirk 1981; Darchen & Delange-Darchen 1986). Even though competition over resources leading to differences in reproductive success are not entirely absent AVILES SOCIALITY IN AEBUTINA BINOTATA SIMON 193 in social spiders (Riechert 1985; Seibt & Wickler 1988; Vollrath 1986; Rypstra in press), social spider colonies critically contain multiple re- productives of both sexes that can mate among themselves to produce subsequent generations. This leads to mating within colonies and to the highly subdivided population structure that characterize non-territorial permanently social species (Lubin & Crozier 1985; Smith 1986; Main 1988; Roelolfs & Riechert 1988; Aviles 1992). In contrast, perpetual inbreeding is rare or absent among the eusocial insects in which nuptial flights result in the crossing of individuals from different nests (Wilson 1971). Evidence that A. binotata has followed the route of other non-territorial permanently social spiders in developing strong population subdivision leading to intercolony se- lection and female-biased sex ratios will appear elsewhere. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful for the logistic support of City Production Company (CEPCO), the hospitality of Roberto and Maruja Aguirre, and the com- ments on the manuscript by W. Maddison and G. Uetz. LITERATURE CITED Aviles, L. 1992. Metapopulation biology, levels of selection and sex ratio evolution in social spiders. Ph. D. Thesis, Harvard University. Aviles, L. in press 1 . Social behaviour in a web build- ing lynx spider, Tapinillus sp. (Araneae, Oxyopi- dae). Biol. J. Linnean Soc. Aviles, L. in press 2. 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Mitochondrial DNA fragments comprising more than 400 bases of the 16S rDNA from nine spider species have been sequenced: Cupiennius salei, C. getazi, C. coccineus and Phoneutria boliviensis (Ctenidae), Pisaura mirabilis, Dolomedes fimbriatus (Pisauridae), Pardosa agrestis (Lycosidae), Clubiona pallidula (Clubi- onidae) and Ryuthela nishihirai (syn. Heptathela nishihirai\ Heptathelidae: Mesothelae). Sequence divergence ranges from 3-4% among Cupiennius species and up to 36% in pairwise comparisons of the more distantly related spider DNAs. Maximally parsimonious gene trees based on these sequences indicate that Phoneutria and Cupiennius are the most distantly related species of the examined Lycosoidea. The monophyly of the family Ctenidae is therefore doubted; and a revision of the family, which should include DNA-data, is needed. Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae) is one of the most extensively studied species of spiders (see Lach- muth et al. 1985). The phylogeny of the Ctenidae, a mainly South and Central American family, is poorly understood; and systematists propose highly contradicting views on its classification and phylogenetic placement (see e. g., Lehtinen 1967; Bucherl 1969). Coddington & Levi (1991) have recently questioned the monophyly of the Ctenidae, showing that the available information about taxonomically useful characters is still meager and fragmentary. In recent years the value of DNA sequence data for taxonomic and phylogenetic research has become increasingly clear. DNA sequences contain a nearly inexhaustable quantity of in- formation and may provide valuable insight al- lowing the evaluation of groups whose phylogeny is largely unresolved by morphological and other data (Kocher et al. 1989; Gatesy et al. 1992; Cunningham et al. 1992; review: Femholm et al, 1989). Moreover, sequencing DNA—above all mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA; mainly maternal inheritance, lack of recombination) —has specific advantages over other techniques of genetic com- parisons such as DNA/DNA hybridization or isoenzyme analysis: e. g., greater resolving power over a hierarchical range of intraspecific to in- tergeneric comparison and easy comparability with sequences from other species (see also Wil- son et al. 1985). The polymerase chain reaction (PCR, Mullis & Faloona 1987; Saiki et al. 1988) is a fast alternative to conventional cloning to get a high copy number of the DNA segment of interest. The PCR depends on the availability of oligonucleotides that specifically bind to the flanking sequences of this DNA segment. These oligonucleotides serve as primers for a polymer- ization reaction that copies the segment in vitro. The PCR-product obtained is suitable for direct sequencing. The principal aim of the present study was to elucidate the phylogenetic position of the family Ctenidae within the Lycosoidea sensu Homann (1971), using four ctenids, two pisaurids, one ly- cosid, one clubionid and one liphistiomorph spi- der. Specific PCR-products were obtained by us- ing primers for the mitochondrial 1 6S ribosomal DNA, designed according to those used by Cun- ningham et al. (1992). The molecular data largely agree with the conclusions drawn from morpho- logical taxonomy. The most intriguing and sur- prising result of our study is the indication of a considerable phylogenetic distance between Cu- piennius and Phoneutria. METHODS Animals and DNA extraction.— Table 1 lists the animals investigated in this study. In the big- ger spiders, muscle tissue was dissected out of the femora; for the smaller ones, the complete prosoma and legs were used to extract DNA. Tissues were put into a digestive solution (70 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 25 mM EDTA pH 8.0, 0.9% SDS, 6 p,g/m\ Proteinase K), and incubated for 2-8 h in a water bath at 194 HUBER ET AL.-DNA SEQUENCE DATA INDICATES CTENID POLYPHYLY 195 Table L— Systematic position and geographical ori- gin of the spiders investigated. The number of indi- viduals that were sequenced is given in parentheses. Spider classification Geograph- ical origin Mesothelae (1) Ryuthela nishihirai (Haupt 1979) Japan Opisthothelae Clubionidae (1) Clubiona pallidula (Clerck 1757) Austria Lycosoidea Ctenidae (1) Cupiennius salei (Keyserling 1876) Mexico (2) Cupiennius getazi Simon 1891 Costa Rica (1) Cupiennius coccineus F. Pickard-Cambridge 1901 Costa Rica (2) Phoneutria boliviensis (F. Pickard-Cambridge 1897) Costa Rica Lycosidae (2) Pardosa agrestis (Westring 1862) Austria Pisauridae (2) Dolomedes fimbriatus (Clerck 1757) Austria (1) Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck 1757) Austria M 1 2 3 4 1632 bp 517bp__ 506 bp— 396 bp 344 bp- m Figure 1.™ Products of a radioactively labelled PCR amplification of a mt 1 6S rDNA fragment. M = marker; 1 = Cupiennius getazv, 2 = Pardosa agrestis\ 3 = Clu- biona pallidula; 4 = Dolomedes fimbriatus. Arrow in- dicates the main products. 50 °C. Proteins were then precipitated with 5 M potassium acetate and RNA was digested by RNAse A (125 jug/ml; 15 min, 37 °C). DNA was precipitated with 60% v/v isopropanol ( 1 0 min, -20 ®C), pelleted by centrifugation at 1 5,000 rpm for 20 min at 4 ®C, washed with 400 pi of 70% ethanol, dried at 45 and resuspended in 20- 40 Ml TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA pH 8.0). The DNA preparation was stored at -20 ®C. Amplification and sequencing of rDNA. —The mtl 6S rDNA fragment was amplified using PCR with mtl6S rDNA primers as designed by Cun- ningham et al. (1992), but with terminal exten- sions for Sac I restriction endonuclease (16sar: 5'-ATAGAGCTCCCATGGCGCCTGTTTAT CAAAAACAT-3' and 16sbr: 5'-ATAGAGCT CCCATGGCCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCACG T-3'). For the amplification assay 90-700 ng DNA and 2.5 units of DNA polymerase from Thermus aquaticus (Taq, Stratagene) were incubated in 100 m1 of PCR buffer (Stratagene) with each of the four deoxynucleoside triphosphates (50 pM) and the primers (0.4 pM). For radioactive PCR 2-2.5 MCi alpha-^2p_^AXp ^^s added. The thermal profile for 40 cycles was as follows: (1) DNA melting for 1.5 min at 94 °C, (2) annealing for 2 min at 56 °C and (3) polymerization for 2 min at 72 ®C. The product was electrophoresed on a 5% polyacrylamide gel (bisacrylamid : acrylamid 1:30; 8 M urea). Upon autoradiography of the gels the band of expected size was excised and a small piece was used for reamplification in 200 m1 of buffer (concentration as above, without al- pha-^^p^ATP). DNA was purified by the Gene- clean Il-kit (Bio 101) procedure according to the manufacturer’s instruction. The template was then sequenced by the dideoxy chain termination 196 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 60 Ryuthela GTTGGTAATA AAAAATCTTA CCTGCTCCCT GCTATAAGTT AATAGCCGCA GTATTATGAC Dolomedes AGAAA.T.*T ..T.G.AAA. T AA. .AA.ATT-.A -ATA-^ — Pisaura AGAAA.T..T ..T.G.AAA. T AA. .A..A.T-.C .......... -AT.^ — Pardosa AGAAT....T ..T...AAAT AA. .A-.A.T-.A -.T. — C.salel AGAAA....T ..T.G.AAA. T. , . . , .AA. .A.T..T-.A -.TA^ C.getazl AGAAA....T ..T.G.AAA. T......AA. .A.T..T-.A -.T.-^ C,coccineus AGAAA....T ..T.G.AAA. T AA. .A.T..T-.A -.T. — Phoneutria A-AAA.T.AT ..T.G.AAG. T .AA. .A-.A.T-.A .......... -ACA— ^ — — Clublona AGATT.T.AT ..T.G.A.A. T AA. .AAT.-T~.A ........ .G A. T. Psalmopoeus A.GCT.C.C. TTT.G.AAG. . . . . .A.AA. .A..C-T-.A T CAT-^ — 120 Ryuthela TGTGCTAAGG TAGCATAATC ATTTGTCTTT TAAATGAGGT CTGGAATGAA GGGTTTGATC Dolomedes T.A.A.A .,A...CA.. A. A... A.-. Pisaura T. . .A.A ..A...CA.. A. A... A.-. Pardosa A T.A.A.A ..A...CA.. A A.-. C.salel A T.A.A.A ..A...CA.. A. A... A.-. C.getazl A T.A.A.A . .A. . . .A. . A. A... A.-. C . cocclneus A T.A.A.A ..A...CA.. A.A. ..A.-. Phoneutria C T A .C T.A.A.A .--AA..CA.. A. A... A.-. Clublona A.... ...C T..,A.A ..A...CA.. A.A..AA.-. Psalmopoeus C. . .A .A.A.C..A. ...T..TA.G A...C A...C.A.-. 180 Ryuthela GAAGAAAGTC CTGTCTCTTT ATTATTTGGT -GAATTAAAT TAGCTAGTAA AAAGGCTAGT Dol omedes ATTT ...T.A A.T.T. TAAA TC . . A . . AT . TA TT . . . AA . - AA . ATT . Pisaura TTTT...T.A A.A. T. TAAA T. . . .AATT. TA TC. ..AA...... . . , .A.ATT. Pardosa ATCTC. . T. A A. A. T. TA. A .GA.AC.TT. TA TT. ..AT.- AA.A.T. C.salel ATCTT..T.T A. T... TAAA T. . . .C.AT. TA TC. ..AA.- A.ATT. C.getazl ATTTT..T.T A.T.T. TAAA T....A.AT. CA TC. ..AA...... ....A.ATT. C. cocclneus ATCTT..T.T A.T.T. TAAA T....C.AT. TA TC. ..AA...... ....A.ATT. Phoneutria ATTTT. . .A. A. . .AA-ACA ....CA.AT. TA..C..TT. ...T.TT.C. ...AAAA.C. Clublona ATTTT.. T.A T.T.A.T..A .A.. A.. AT. AA. . . .TTCC ..AA.-..,. ....A.ATT. Psalmopoeus ATGA.GCT.T ..T.A.TA.A .AA. .GAAT. GA. . .T.GCA .GAAA- A..TTA 240 Ryuthela ATAGGCCTGA AAGACGATAA GACCCTATTA AGCTTAATTT TTAAAATTTT ACTGGGGCGG Dolomedes ...TTATA CG .A...TTAC. . . .G — ^..AA .TA. Pisaura . , .ATTAA G .A...T-AC. ...G--...A TA. Pardosa T.TAAAAA CG .A...T-AC. ...G— ...A AA. C.salel ..CTAATA C. .A...T-AC. . . .G — . .AA A. C.getazl ..CTAATA C. .A...T-AC. ...G— ..AA .... A. C. cocclneus ...TAATA.. C. .A,..T-AC. . . .G— . .AA ....... .A. Phoneutria ...CAAAAA C .G .A.... -AC. . . .G — ..CA A. Clublona .C.ATATA C G .A -AC. A.TG— ..AA A. Psalmopoeus Figure 2.— Multiple alignment of the mtl6S rDNA sequences of the nine spider species investigated. Periods represent nucleotide identity with the reference sequence Ryuthela nishihirai. Dashes indicate positions where gaps were introduced to obtain maximal alignment. Highly conserved sequences in mtl6S rDNA (as marked in Fig. 3) are underlined. Psalmopoeus sp., a theraphosid spider is included in this figure but was only partially sequenced and not taken into further consideration in this paper. method of Sanger etal. (197 7) using a Sequenase used for the PCR. Sequencing reactions were kit (U. S. Biochemical) as described in the pro- electrophoresed on 7.5% polyacrylamide gels for tocol of the manufacturer. Sequencing was per- 2-7 h (Sambrook et al. 1989). formed in both directions with the primers also Data analysis. —Sequence data were aligned HUBER ET AL.--DNA SEQUENCE DATA INDICATES CTENID POLYPHYLY 197 300 Ryuthela TAGGATAAGA TTATAATCTT ATCCATAATG GTTGATATTT ATTGACCCAA TTTTATTGAG Dolomedes « TAAT . . , ATTTA- . AT AAAATCT . AA TAA T. . .A. A. . .A.T Plsaura * TAAT , . .ATA.A-.AT AA.TT. .AAA T.C. . . .T. . Pardoma . TAAT . . .AT-. . . . .T AAAT . . . CAA T .T, . .AC A.C C.salei .TAAT. . . . . . . .CT. . . ATT . . T . . T AAATTC. .AA -.A. . . .T. . .A. A. . .A.T C.getazl . TAAT . . . .T. . . ATT ..T.AT AAATT.GAAA T.A. . . .T. . .A. A. . .A.T C »cocaineu3 .T.AT. . . .T. . GATT ..T.AT .AATT.CAAA C.A T. . .A. A. . .A.T Phoneutria .T.AT. . AA. . - . . . . . . ATT . C . T . T TAA — C.AAA TA T. . .CCA. . .A.T Clublona .TAA. . . . . .AT . .T. . . . TT , CT . . T AA.T.ATAAA T .T.T. . .A A.T PsalmopoeuB TTTA.C. .C. .CGATTA 360 Ryuthela GGTAAGATAA AGCTACTATA GGGATAACAG CTTAATTTTC CTTTGAAGAT CTTATTTATT Dolomedes TTC . TA . .C. .T. .CG. . .G AAAA T.C.T. .... Plsaura TAA.TA. T . . . TT . . . , ...... .GAA Pardosa AA. .TA. T. .CT. .... C.salei TA . TTA . T. . .A. . . . . C.getazl TACTTA. T. . .A. . . . . C .coccineus TAATTA . .C. .T. .G. . .G AAAA T. . .A Phoneutria TAA. .A. A. C.A. . .C. Clublona AAA— — A. . .A AC.AA Psalmopoeus TAAT . C . < cc. • .T. • .CGC. .AC. . .C. .T T . CAAG . . . C CC.AA 420 Ryuthela GGAAAGTTTG AGACCTCGAT GTTGAATTAA AGTACCTTAT AGGCGCAGTA GGCTA-TAAA Dolomedes AT A TAA-. . .A. . TCA A. . .TAA. . .T. . Plsaura ATTT. .A C T TT.-. . .A. . TTA. . . .A. . . TT . . . . T . . Pardosa AT A TAA-. . .A. . TAA A. . .TTA. . .T. . C.salei AT A C . . . . .T TT.T. . .A. . TAA. . . .A. . .AAA. . .T. . C . getazl AT .... A C T. . . . TT .T. . .A. . TTT . . . . A. . . AAA C .coccineus AT A TT.T. . . A. . TAA A. . .AGA. . .T. . Phoneutria AA.T. .A TAAT. -.A. . TT A. . .CAA. .A. . . Clublona TAT . . TA . .A T TAA-. . .ATA TTAT. . .A. . ATTAT . A . . . Psalmopoeus AA A . .A T -.ATT. .CC. TAAA. . .AAG CTTA.GA. . . 446 Ryuthela GGAAGTCTGT TCGACTTTTA AATCTT Dolomedes Plsaura Pardosa C.salei C.getazl C .coccineus . , .AA. Phoneutria .A . .AAA. Cl ublona . .AAA. Psalmopoeus .A by CLUSTAL V (Higgins et al. 1991). Pairwise alignment and calculation of percent differences was carried out by MICROGENIE (Queen & Kom 1983). The data was subjected to DNA- PARS and DNABOOT of PHYLIP 3.4 (Felsen^ stein 1991). Gaps comprising more than one site were treated as missing data, and thus played no role in phylogenetic reconstruction. Aligned sequences were fitted into available secondary-structure models from Gutell & Fox (1988). RESULTS Initially we tried to use the conserved primers of Kocher et al. (1989) to amplify a fragment of the cytochrome b gene of spiders. These primers 198 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Table 2. — Percentage of base identities of the mtl6S rDNA between the investigated spiders. The values are rounded off. Ryu. Phon. Club. Pard. Pisa. Dolo. C.coc. C.get. Cupiennius salei 66 79 80 87 86 90 91 96 Cupiennius getazi 67 79 80 86 88 90 96 Cupiennius coccineus 65 79 80 87 88 89 Dolomedes 67 81 82 88 90 Pisaura 68 78 81 87 Pardosa 67 79 79 Clubiona 65 77 Phoneutria 64 proved to be unsuitable for our experimental an- imals, however. In a second attempt we used primers designed according to those used by Cunningham et al. (1992) to amplify and study mtl6S rDNA in crabs. This approach led to the amplification of some fragments but suffered from the poor reproducibility of the results. We there- fore chose to apply a two step amplification pro- cedure. In a first step, PCR amplification was performed with simultaneous radioactive label- ling of the polymerized DNA. The products were separated on polyacrylamide gels and autoradio- graphed (Fig. 1). In a second step DNA material of the major amplification product (about 500 bp, see Fig.l) was gel-extracted and subjected to a non-radioactive PCR amplification. A unique distinct band was obtained which was subjected to dideoxy sequencing after gel-extraction (see Methods). Some bands of the expected size were also elut- ed from the first experiment. The DNA obtained from them was partially sequenced after ream- plification and the identity of its main band with mtl6S rDNA confirmed. The DNA sequences of the nine spider species investigated in this study are shown in Fig. 2. The length of the sequenced fragment varies be- tween 421 {Clubiona pallidula) and 444 bases {Ryuthela nishihirai). The percentage of identi- ties in sequence is 64% or higher in all pairwise comparisons (Table 2); and a full alignment was reached, assuming a few small deletions only (Fig. 2). This clearly indicates the homology of the sequences determined. In four cases, two individuals of the same spe- cies were examined {cf. Table 1) and as expected from previous work on tetragnathid spiders (Croom et al. 1 99 1 ) no intraspecific variation was found. Interspecific variation between the three Cupiennius species is low (3-4%), whereas in- tergeneric differences vary conspicuously, rang- ing from 10-36% (Table 2). The percentage of A and T along the sequenced DNA fragment is high (75.0-78.6%) in all species investigated except the “primitive” liphistio- morph spider Ryuthela nishihirai (66.7%). Similar results were obtained by Cunningham et al. ( 1 992) for Crustacea (the “primitive” Artemia salina: 63% AT; the highly evolved king crabs Pagurus spp.: about 73% AT). In insects data is only avail- able for highly evolved species such as Drosoph- ila yakuba (Clary & Wolstenholme 1985) and Aedes albopictus (HsuChen et al. 1984). Both of these insects have a very high percentage of AT (about 76%), too. Possibly, an increase in the percentage of A and T is a general trend in ar- thropod phylogeny {cf. Clary & Wolstenholme 1985). Figure 3 presents an attempt to fit the partial sequence of Cupiennius salei rDNA into a gen- erally accepted secondary structure model for an- imal mtl6S rRNA (Gutell & Fox 1988). The resulting secondary structure is very similar to that of the mtl6S rRNA of both Drosophila ya- kuba and Aedes albopictus which are the only arthropods studied in this regard. In C. salei gen- erally well conserved sequences (marked in Fig. 3) take the same positions relative to the overall secondary structure of mtl 6S rRNA. In addition these sequences show no variation among the nine spiders examined {cf Fig. 2). Thus we con- clude that a fragment of mtl6S rDNA indeed has been sequenced. One of the several most parsimonious trees constructed by DNAPARS is shown in Fig. 4. When changing the order of the DNA sequences in the input file the same result was obtained in most cases. Other trees varied slightly regarding the relationships between Cupiennius, Pardosa and the pisaurids. In no case was Phoneutria HUBER ET AL.--DNA SEQUENCE DATA INDICATES CTENID POLYPHYLY 199 aA-t/ ^actt/ T A~T AyA 290 A ® " A A CGTAATA 1 1 • n I • GCGTTAG AaA 340 I I I I I I I c TAAAA^TTatT 360 400 440' - A a-t I "'tcctaa TT^^CGC* G 1 1 n t I I I • * T - A C-G w Figure 3.— Mitochondrial DNA of Cupiennius salei folded to show the secondary structure of the sequenced 16S ribosomal RNA for which it codes. Dashes represent Watson-Crick pairings, dots represent the weaker hydrogen bonds between T and G or A and G. Grey beams indicate the supposed secondary structure of the adjacent sequences, based on the model for Drosophila yakuba in Gutell & Fox (1988). 16sar, 16sbr (white beams): priming sites. Black lines indicate extremely conserved regions known to be almost identical in verte- brates as well as in Escherichia coli. Numbering as in Fig. 2. interpreted as a sister group of Cupiennius. How- ever, in a bootstrap analysis with 1 000 replicates the three Cupiennius species were regarded monophyletic in 94% of the bootstrap estimates. This occurred only 19-54% in the other groups. DISCUSSION This communication presents the first extend- ed analysis of spider mtl6S rDNAs for phylo- genetic studies. It is based on the PCR amplifi- cation of this gene fragment in nine spider species representing five families. The similarity {6A-91% identity) of the 421- 444 bp long sequences in all cases indicates that homologous sequences have been determined from all nine species. Furthermore, the derived RNA sequences fit well into the conserved sec- ondary structure of other animal mtl6S rRNAs 200 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Phoneutria b. Clubiona p. Pardosa a. Dolomedes f. Pisaura m. C. getazi C. coccinem C. salei Ryuthela n. "Ctenidae" Clubionidae Lycosidae I Hsauridae "Ctenidae" Heptathelidae Figure 4.— Mtl6S rDNA gene-tree based on the most parsimonious tree obtained in most cases when apply- ing the DNAPARS program of PHYLIP 3.4 (Felsen- stein 1991). Note the position of Phoneutria in relation to Cupiennius. and highly conserved signature sequences of mtl6S rRNA can be identified unambiguously. Finally, short sequences of this mtl6S rDNA fragment and of a previously determined mt 1 2S rDNA fragment (Groom et al. 1991) are suc- cessfully used as primers for the PCR amplifi- cation of large, adjacent parts of both rDNAs (R. J. Felber, pers. comm.). Sequence variation is low when the three spe- cies of Cupiennius are compared (3-4%) whereas it varies between 10-23% among the Opistho- thelae studied here (Table 2). This indicates that sequences of the mtl6S rDNA may be useful for studies of spider phylogeny at the family and higher taxonomic levels. Although limited, the data presented here re- veal an intriguing result: In all of the maximum parsimonious gene trees Phoneutria was more distantly related to Cupiennius than Pardosa and the two pisaurids. This sheds doubt on the avail- able classification of both gtnQm— Phoneutria and Cupiennius— within the Ctenidae and indeed on the monophyly of this family, which was estab- lished by Keyserling in 1877. The monophyly of the included genera has mainly been based on the following morphological characters: (1) ecri- bellate spiders with (2) an eye-formula quite pe- culiar to them among (3) the two-clawed spiders (Pickard-Cambridge 1897; Bucherl et al. 1964). These are all characters which also occur in other families and therefore cannot be considered as strong synapomorphies. Depending on the po- sition of the nominal genus Ctenus— which could not be investigated in this project —either a new family for Cupiennius {Ctenus closely related to Phoneutria) or for Phoneutria {Ctenus closely re- lated to Cupiennius) may well be appropriate. One obvious next step is therefore the exami- nation of the nominal species of the Ctenidae. Clubiona p. Pardosa a. Dolomedes f. Pisaura m. Phoneutria b. Cupiennius spp. Ryuthela n. Clubionidae Lycosidae I Hsauridae I "Ctenidae" Heptathelidae Figure 5. —Current view on phylogenetic relation- ships of the examined taxa, based on the cladistic hy- pothesis of Coddington & Levi (1991). The critical evaluation of this far-reaching im- plication of our study asks for answers to several questions. One of these concerns the identifica- tion of Phoneutria species, which is still a prob- lem. Many Neotropical taxa are still undescribed (Coddington «fe Levi 1991) and there is no recent revision of the genus. The two female individuals studied by us were identified using the key of Bucherl (1969). Their genitalia were dissected, treated with KOH and then compared with il- lustrations provided by Schiapelli & Gerschman (1973) and by Valerio (1983). Given the species specificity of spider genitalia, our morphological study makes it highly probable that the spiders in question belong to the species Phoneutria bo- liviensis. Another question is the possibility of contaminations. However, DNA was extracted from both individuals independently. Separate amplification and up to threefold sequencing of some segments led to absolutely identical results. Contaminations are therefore considered a very unlikely reason for the surprising position of Phoneutria in the gene tree derived from our DNA analysis. Except for the apparent polyphyly of the Cten- idae, the maximum parsimony tree proposed in Fig. 4 does not allow any further conclusions on spider phylogeny. Details such as the relation- ships between the three Cupiennius species or between Pisaura and Dolomedes should not be given too much weight. According to the low values obtained by bootstrap analysis these re- lationships are not significant (there is significant evidence for the monophyly of a group if it occurs in at least 95% of the bootstrap replicates: Fel- senstein 1991). From a morphological point of view Phoneutria belongs to the monophylum of spiders characterized by at least one pair of sec- ondary eyes with a grate-type tapetum (Homann 1971). Clubiona (with a canoe-shaped tapetum) on the other hand does not belong to this mono- phylum and should therefore branch off deeper HUBER ET AL.-DNA SEQUENCE DATA INDICATES CTENID POLYPHYLY 201 in the tree (Fig. 5). There is not sufficient data to resolve this discrepancy, however. We now rather need a comprehensive examination of ad- ditional genera, including both molecular and morphological information. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF; P7896 B) to F. G. B. is highly acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED Biicherl, W., S. Lucas & V. Dessimoni. 1964. Ar- anhas da familia Ctenidae, Subfamilia Ctenidae. 1. Redescricao dos generos Ctenus Walckenaer 1805 e Phoneutria Perty 1833. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 31: 95-102. Biicherl, W. 1969. Aranhas da familia Ctenidae. II Phoneutriinae subfamilia nova. Mem. Inst. Butan- tan, 34:25-31. Clary, D. O. & D. R. Wolstenholme. 1985. The mi- tochondrial DNA molecule of Drosophila yakuba: Nucleotide sequence, gene organization, and genetic code. J. Mol. Evol., 22:252-271. Coddington, J. A. & H. W. Levi. 1991. Systematics and evolution of spiders (Araneae). Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst., 22:565-592. Croom, H. B., R. G. Gillespie & S. R. Palumbi. 1991. Mitochondrial DNA sequences coding for a portion of the RNA of the small ribosomal subunits of Te- tragnatha mandibulata and Tetragnatha hawaiensis (Araneae, Tetragnathidae). J. 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Diagnosis de Phoneutria reidyi (F. O. Pickard-Cam- bridge, 1 897) y de Phoneutria boliviensis (F. O. Pick- ard-Cambridge, 1897) (Araneae, Ctenidae). Rev. Soc. Ent. Argentina, 34:31-38. Valerio, C. E. 1983. Sobre la presencia de Phoneutria boliviensis (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge) (Araneae, Ctenidae) en Costa Rica. J. Arachnol., 1 1:101-102. Wilson, A. C., R. L. Cann, S. M. Carr, M. George, U. B. Gyllensten, K. M. Helm-Bychowski, R. G. Hig- uchi, S. R. Palumbi, E. M. Prager, R. D. Sage & M. Stoneking. 1985, Mitochondrial DNA and two perspectives on evolutionary genetics. Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 26:375-400. Manuscript received 11 January 1993, revised 2 June 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:202--204 TAXONOMIC NOTES ON THE GENUS ARCHITIS (ARANEAE, PISAURIDAE) AND STATUS OF THE GENUS SISENNA SIMON James E. Carico: Biology Department, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Virginia 24501 USA ABSTRACT. Dyrines tenuipes (Simon) is a senior synonym of Architis vilhena Carico. Thanatidius proximatus Mello-Leitao {=Thanatidius parahybensis Mello-Leitao) is a junior synonym of Architis tenuis Simon. Sisenna Simon is a junior synonym of the genus Architis. Sisenna helveola Simon, the only species placed in Sisenna, is redescribed and figured as Architis helveola (Simon), a previous publication are noted. During a survey of types of some lesser known pisaurid genera in the New World, three mis- placed species were found to belong to the pi- saurid genus Architis. This paper reports on the taxonomic status of these species. Dyrines tenuipes (Simon).— Dyrines tenuipes (Simon 1898*^:18) (transferred from Drances by Petrunkevith 191 1:543) is a senior synonym of Architis vilhena Carico (1981:150, figs. 1,10, 22, 23) based on the examination of six male syn- types, #5408, deposited in the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, collected from Ca- meta, Para, Brazil by Mathan. The female was described by Carico (1989:224, figs. 6, 7). The correct name of this species is, therefore, Architis tenuipes (Simon). NEW SYNONYMY. Thanatidius proximatus Mello-Leitaao.—The holotype of Thanatidius parahybensis Mello- Leitao (1924) from Campino Grande, Paraiba, Brazil, collected by Tranquilino Mello-Leitao (specimen #88, labelled Pisaurina parahybensis Mello-Leitaao), in the Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, is a penultimate female collected just prior to ecdysis. The adult epigynum is clearly visible through the old cuticle, and close exam- ination reveals the characteristic features of Ar- chitis tenuis Simon. Mello-Leitao described this specimen first (1920) as T proximatus and later (1924) as T. parahybensis. Roewer (1954) first reported the objective synonymy. Bonnet (1959) lists only T. parahybensis. Both are junior synonyms of Ar- chitis tenuis Simon. NEW SYNONYMY. Errata in previous publication,™ In my revi- sion of the genus Architis (Carico 1981), labels for epigyna of two species were interchanged. lectotype of the latter species is designated. Errata in Figures 26, 27 should be labelled^, nitidopilosa, and figs. 32, 33 should be labelled A. tenuis as was reported by Sierwald (1989). Additionally, fig. 6 should be labelled A. cymatilis. Sisenna helveola.— type of the monotypic genus, Sisenna, S. helveola Simon, is congeneric with the genus Architis. Therefore, the genus Sis- enna is a junior synonym (NEW SYNONYMY) of the pisaurid genus Architis. This conclusion differs from that of Sierwald (1990) who placed Sisenna tentatively in her ''Trechalea genus- group,” which I regard as the family Trechalei- dae. Below is the redescription of A. helveola, which becomes the tenth known species in the Neo- tropical genus Architis, four of which were de- scribed by Simon. It is interesting to note that Simon originally placed his four species into three different pisaurid genera which he also described: Architis (two species), Drances (one species) and Sisenna (one species). The male genitalia of all Architis species are quite similar while the eyes and body shape show a greater range of vari- ability. Apparently Simon placed more emphasis on these non-genitalic characters in his generic definitions. Architis helveola (Simon) Figures 1-4 Sisenna helveola Simon, 1 898'’: 1 2 (n. sp.). Simon, 1898^: 292, figs. 290, 291 (n. gen.). Sisenna helvola, Roewer, 1954:123. Bonnet, 1955- 1959:4065. Type, —Male syntype from Sao Paulo Oliven- ga, Amazonas, Brazil, designated herein as lec- totype. Female paralectotype from same locality. 202 CARICO-TAXONOMIC NOTES ON ARCHITIS 203 Figures 1-4.— Genitalia of Architis helveola: 1, 2, right male palpus; 1, ventral view; 2, retrolateral view; 3, 4, epigynum; 3, ventral view; 4, dorsal view. Scales are in mm. This part of the Mathan Collection identified as #6895 in the Museum National d’Histoire Na- turelle, Paris. Examined. Diagnosis.— This species resembles Architis tenuis and A. nitidopilosa in the AE row config- uration (see Carico 1981, fig. 9). It differs from the latter two species in details of the genitalia, particularly the tibial apophysis of the male and the ventral view of the female epigynum, and by the lack of short, stout spines on the ventral sur- face of coxae I and II. Description.— (Measurements in mm) Male lectotype: Carapace low, no pattern on cream ground color; each eye individually ringed in black; length 2.9, width 2.4. Sternum length 1 .45, width 1.50, unmarked; labium length 0.46, width 0.42, unmarked, rounded anteriorly. Eye mea- surements: AE row 0.83, PE row 0.80; ocular quadrangle height 0.42, width posterior 0.40, width anterior 0.34; diameters PLE 0.16, PME 0.16, ALE 0.12, AME 0.14; interdistances PLE- PME 0.18, PME-PME 0.12, ALE- AME 0.24, AME-AME 0.08. Clypeus height 0.05 (ALE) or 0.22 (AME), width 1.02. Legs WI-IV-III, un- marked with numerous long, dark macrosetae. Measurements are given in Table 1. Abdomen narrow, mostly covered with irreg- ular white pattern on cream ground color except for midventral area; patch of dark hairs on an- terodorsal margin, length 5.1. Palpus (Figs. 1, 2) with two tibial apophyses: ventral one curved and pointed apically, retrolateral one ffat, curved towards cymbium with small point at base ven- trally. Female paralectotype: Carapace color and pat- tern as in male; length 3.0, width 2.5. Sternum Table 1. — Leg measurements (in mm) for the male lectotype and the female paralectotype of Architis hel- veola (Simon). I II Ill IV Male Femur 5.45 5.2 3.5 4.4 Tibia-patella lA 7.0 4.25 4.65 Metatarsus 6.6 6.1 3.5 4.45 Tarsus 2.1 1.95 1.1 1.6 Total 21.55 20.25 12.6 15.1 Female Femur 4.9 3.4 4.1 Tibia-patella 6.75 4.0 4.55 Metatarsus 6.0 — 3.55 4.1 Tarsus 1.85 - 1.35 1.6 Total 19.5 - 12.3 14.35 204 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY and labium as in male. Abdomen pattern and hairs as in male, length 5,35. Sternum length 1.60, width 1.55, unmarked; labium length 0.55, width 0.50, unmarked, rounded anteriorly. Eye measurements: AE row 0.92, PE row 0.86; ocular quadrangle height 0.40, width posterior 0.45, width anterior 0.36; diameters PLE 0.17, PME 0. 1 7, ALE 0. 1 2, AME 0. 1 3; interdistances PLE- PME 0.22, PME-PME 0.16, ALE- AME 0.33, AME- AME 0.11. Legs (II missing), color and macrosetae as in male, and the measurements are in Table 1. Epigynum with openings medially, each under longitudinal ridge (Figs. 3, 4), pale and soft ex- ternally. Natural history.— Unknown. Distribution and material examined.— These male and female are the only known specimens. Notes. — Bonnet (1955-1959:77) changed the spelling of this species as well as other “helveola” species of Simon to “helvola”, because the latter is a more frequently used form. The “helveola” spelling does indeed seem to be a rare form (H. D. Cameron pers. comm.), but the spelling change is not justified according to the current Inter- national Code of Zoological Nomenclature. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Help in obtaining specimens was through the efforts of H. W. Levi and C. Rollard. Advice on Latin was provided by H. D. Cameron. Appre- ciation is extended to R. G. Bennett, N. L Plat- nick and P. Sierwald for their reviews of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Bonnet, P. 1955-1959, Bibliographia Araneorum. Vol. 2, Toulouse, 5058 pp. Carico, J. E. 1981. The Neotropical spider genera Architis and Staberius (Pisauridae). Bull. American Mus. Natur. Hist., 170(1):140-153. Carico, J. E. 1986. Trechaleidae: A “new” American spider family (Abstract). P. 305, In Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Arachnology. (W. G. Eberhard, Y. D. Lubin & B. C. Robinson, eds.). Smithsonian Inst. Press, 333 pp. Carico, J. E. 1989. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Architis (Araneae, Pisauridae) and the female of vilhena. J. ArachnoL, 17:221-224. Mello-Leitao, C. 1920. Um genero e quatro especies novas de aranhas do Brasil. Rev. Sci. Soc. Brasileira Sci., 4:179,180. Mello-Leitao, C. 1924. Algumas aranhas novas do Brasil. Bolet. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, 1(4):275- 281. Petrunkevitch, A, 1911. An index-catalogue of spi- ders. Bull. American Mus. Natur. Hist., 29:1-790. Roewer, C. F. 1954. Katalog der Araneae. 2a, 923 pp. Sierwald, P. 1989. Morphology and ontogeny of fe- male copulatory organs in American Pisauridae, with special reference to homologous features (Arachni- da: Araneae). Smithsonian Contrib. Zool. no. 484, 24 pp. Sierwald, P. 1 990. Morphology and homologous fea- tures in the male palpal organ in Pisauridae and other spider families, with notes on the taxonomy of Pisauridae (Arachnida: Araneae). Occ. Pap. Del- aware Mus. Natur. Hist., 35:1-59. Simon, E. 1898^ Histoire Naturelle des Araignees. Tome 2, Fascicule 2, Paris, Pp. 193-380. Simon, E. 1898^ Descriptions d’Arachnides nou- veaux des families des Agelenidae, Pisauridae, Ly- cosidae et Oxyopidae. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Beige, 42:5-34. Manuscript received 23 April 1 992, revised 7 May 1 993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:205-208 TWO NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS LYSSOMANES (HENTZ) FROM THE CAPE REGION, B.C.S., MEXICO Maria Luisa Jimenez and Armando Tejas: Division de Biologia Terrestre, Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas de Baja California. Sur, Apdo. Postal 128, La Paz, B.C.S., 23000 Mexico. ABSTRACT. Two new species of the genus Lyssomanes Hentz from the Cape Region, Baja California Sur, are described and illustrated. Lyssomanes burrera n. sp. is similar to Lyssomanes jemineus Peckham, Peckham & Wheeler, and Lyssomanes pescadem n. sp. is similar to Lyssomanes mandibulatus F. O. P. Cambridge. Sixty-one species of spiders from the Americas are included in the genus Lyssomanes Hentz (Ga- liano 1980, 1984) and ten of these species are present in Mexico: L, jemineus Peckham, Peck- ham & Wheeler 1889, L. temperatus Galiano 1 980, L. diversus Galiano 1980, L. malinche Ga- liano 1980, L. placidus Peckham, Peckham & Wheeler 1889, L. (Taczanowski 1872), L. deinognathus Cambridge 1900, L. mandibu- latus F. O. P.-Cambridge 1900, L. elegans F. O. Pickard-Cambridge 1901 and L. spiralis F. O. Pickard-Cambridge 1901 (Richman & Cutler 1988). The genus Lyssomanes is primarily tropical with a high concentration of species in Brazil, but it has not been well studied in Mexico; and the possibility exists that there are many new species there (Galiano 1980). Mexico, from a biogeographical point of view, is considered to be as a transitional zone occupied by elements of a hybrid fauna of both Neotropical and Ne- arctic origin. There are strong endemic charac- teristics, but there are also affinities with the fau- nas of both South America and temperate North America (Halffter 1976). This is the first record of the genus Lyssomanes from the peninsula of Baja California. We de- scribe two new species: Lyssomanes burrera n. sp. is included in the jemineus group because of fringes of black setae on the tibia and tarsus and the long and divergent chelicerae of the males. The bulb of the palp has a cylindrical embolus ending in a sharp tip and its base has an apoph- ysis. Lyssomanes pescadero n. sp. is included in the viridis group because it has very long and divergent chelicerae. The bulb of the palp is rel- atively simple, with its basal part of the embolus covered partial or wholly by a membranous sheath. Lyssomanes burrera, new species (Figs. 1-8) Type. —Male holotype from low deciduous forest, 600 m elev.. Canon de la Burrera, Sierra de la Laguna, Baja California Sur (25 June 1 992), A. Tejas and G. Navarrete. Two male and one female paratypes are from the type locality (25 June 1992, A. Tejas and M. Jimenez). One fe- male paratype is from low deciduous forest, 753 m elev., Canon de la Zorra, Sierra de La Laguna, (29 October 1987, M. Jimenez). The holotype and a female paratype will be deposited in the collection of the Instituto de Biologia, Univer- sidad Autonoma de Mexico, and three paratypes will be deposited in the arachnological collection of the Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas de Baja California Sur, A.C. Etymology. —The specific name is derived from the type locality. Diagnosis.— Members of Lyssomanes burrera n. sp. resemble L. jemineus Peckham, Peckham, & Wheeler in coloration and body shape, but can be separated from the other known similar spe- cies by the shape of the embolus, the number of teeth of the female chelicerae, leg spination, and the shape of the epigynum. Males.— (a2 = 2). Total length 5.58-8.33 mm; prosoma 2 . 5 5-2 . 7 0 mm long, 1 . 9 5-2 .15mm wide and 1.25-1.75 mm high (Fig. 1, 2). Clypeus0.20 high. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.55, ALE 0.26-0.29, PLE 0.23-0.26, ALE-PME 0. 1 8- 0.20, PME-PLE 0.34-0.36, ALE-PLE 0.52-0.58. Eye row widths: first 1.08-1.14, second 1.00- 1.06, third 0.60-0.64, fourth 0.82-0.84. Chelic- 205 206 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY Figures X-^.—Lyssomanes burrera n. sp. holotype male from Cape Region of Mexico: 1. dorsal view of the carapace; 2. lateral view of the carapace; 3. right chelicera; 4. ventral view of palp; 5. retrolateral view of palp; 6. prolateral view of palp; 7. ventral view of epigynum; 8. female dorsal view of epigynum. erae moderately long and divergent from the base. Anterior surface with 2-3 median spines and 4- 7 dorsal spines. Promargin with four teeth, re- tromargin with six teeth and a small apophysis near the the fang (Fig. 3). Leg spination: Femora 1- III d 1-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1; IV d 1-1-1, p 0-0- 1 , r 0- 1 - 1 ; Patella I-I V d 0-0- 1 ; Tibia I p 0- 1 - 1, r 0-1-1, V 2-2-2; II d 0-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, V 2-2-2; III d 1-0-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, v 0-2-2; IV d 1-0-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, V 0-1-0; Metatarsi I-II p 0-0-1, r 0-0-1, V 2-2-2; III p 0-0-1, r 0-0-1, v 2- 2- 1 ; Palpi: Femur 1 . 1 4- 1 . 8 5 , d 0- 1 - 1 , p 0-0- 1 , r 0-0- 1 ; Patella 0.40-0.66, d 0-0- 1 , r 0-0- 1 ; Tibia 0.56-0.64, d 0-0-8, p 0- 1 - 1 ; Cymbium 1.50-1.76 (Figs. 4, 6). Color in alcohol: Carapace light yellow with a longitudinal dark band. Ocular quadrangle light with the ALE, PME and PLE in black tubercles and rounded with white setae, clypeus yellow with lower edge orange red, setae on each side; anterior surface of the chelicerae dark yellow, inner side darker, sternum light yellow. Opis- thosoma dorsally yellow with two green, longi- tudinal dark brown bands; venter yellow, spin- nerets darker. Legs yellow without marks and stripes. First metatarsus curved and flattened on the sides and a little dilated dorsoventrally, blackish with iridescent shine and fringes of black setae above and below. Tibia I with fringe of black setae distally above and below. Palps yel- low with distal part of the tibia orange yellow. Living specimens are green in color, with white and orange-red ocular setae. Female.— (/t = 3). Total length 6.50-8.00 mm. Carapace 2.50-2.60 long, 1.80-2.15 mm wide, 1.50-1.75 high. Clypeus 0.25. Eye sizes and in- terdistances: AME 0.50-0.55, ALE 0.26-0.28, PLE 0. 1 4-0.23, ALE-PME 0. 1 6-0.29, PME-PLE 0. 34-0.59, ALE-PLE 0.42-0.95. Eye row widths: first 1.08-1.10, second 1.00, third 0.60-0.64, fourth 0.82. Leg spination: Femora I-III d 1-1- 1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1; IV d 1-1-1, r 0-0-1; Patella II-IV d 0-0-1; Tibia I p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, v 2-2-2; II d 0-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, V 2-2-2; III d 0-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, V 0-2-2; IV d 1-0-1, p 1-0-1, r 0-1-1, V 0-0-1; Metatarsi I-II p 0-0-1, r 0-0-1, v 2-2-2; III p 1-1-1, r 0-0-1, v 1-1-1; IV p 0-M, r 0-1-1, V 0-1-1. Epigynum (Fig.7, 8). Color in alcohol: Light yellow, ocular quad- rangle with lateral white and dorsal red setae, and long whitish setae around AME and ALE. Clypeus with iridescent setae and red orange se- tae on the sides. Chelicerae with three promar- ginal and five retrolateral teeth. Opisthosoma long JIMENEZ AND TEJAS-NEW SPECIES OF LYSSOMANES 207 Figures 9-1 5. —Lyssomanes pescadero n. sp. holotype male from Cape Region of Mexico: 9. dorsal view of the carapace; 10. lateral view of the carapace; 1 1. right chelicera; 12. ventral view of palp; 13. retrolateral view of palp; 14. dorsal view of female epigynum; 15. ventral view of epigynum. and slender, with two longitudinal marks as in the males. Habitat: Specimens were collected under leaves of mango and underside of wide leaves of ripar- ian shrubs. Range. —Known only from the type locality. Lyssomanes pescadero, new species (Figs. 9-15) Types.— Male holotype from Rancho San Si- mon, Pescadero, Baja California Sur. (9 June 1992; A. Tejas, M. Jimenez and F. Cota). Eleven paratypes are from the same type locality. The holotype and a female paratype will be deposited in the collection of Instituto de Biologia, Univ- ersidad Autonoma de Mexico, and ten paratypes which will be deposited in the arachnological col- lection of the Centro de Investigaciones Biolo- gicas de Baja California Sur. Etymology. —The specific name is derived from the type locality. Diagnosis. —Male specimens of Lyssomanes pescadero n. sp. resemble L. mandibulatus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge in shape and coloration, but can be separated from the other known similar species by the shapes of the bulb in lateral view, the median apophysis, and the embolus and by the number of cheliceral teeth and leg spination. Males.— (« = 6). Total length 6.07-8.52 mm prosoma 2.94-3.62 mm long, 2.35-3. 1 3 mm wide and 1.50-2.00 high (Figs. 9, 10). Clypeus 0.20- 0.25 high. Eye size and interdistances: AME 0.50- 0.60, ALE 0.23-0.26, PLE 0. 1 9-0.23, ALE-PME 0.14-0.20, PME-PLE 0.28-0.36, ALE-PLE 0.44- 0. 60. Eye row widths: first 1.04-1.22, second 1.04-1.18, third 0.64-0.76, fourth 0.78-0.96. Chelicerae strong, very long and divergent from the base. Anterior surface with three basal spines and 19 distal spines. Promargin with one distal apical tooth and three small teeth and retro- margin with five teeth, the apical tooth bifur- cated and a small apophysis near the base of the fang (Fig. 1 1). Leg spination: Femora I-III d 1-1- 1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1; IV d 1-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-0-1; Patella II-IV d 0-1-1; Tibia I p 0-1-1, r 0-0-1, v 2-2-2; II d 0-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, v 2-2-2; III d 0-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, V 0-2-0; IV d 0-1-1, p 0- 1 - 1 , r 0- 1 - 1 ; Metatarsi I p 0-0- 1 , r 0-0- 1 , v 2-2- 2; II p 0-0-1, r 0-0-1, v 2-2-2; III p 0-0-1, r 0-0- 1, V 2-2-1; IV p 1-1-1, r 0-1-1, v 0-0-1; Palps: Femur 1.62-2.08, d 0-1-1, p 0-0-1, r 0-0-1; Pa- tella 0.56-0.76, d 0-0-1; Tibia 0.69-0.89, d 0-0- 1, p 0-1-1. Cymbium 1.32-1.55 (Figs. 12,13). Color in alcohol: Carapace robust and sides prominent at the ocular area, dark yellow, with a longitudinal dark band. The carapace is bor- dered with a black line in darker specimens and with white setae around the eyes; ALE, PME and PLE on black tubercles, ocular quadrangle with white dorsal and lateral setae and an inner curved band of orange-red hairs; clypeus yellow with orange-red hairs on each side and a dark line under the median anterior eyes, border darker; anterior surface of the chelicerae darker yellow, fangs dark yellow, sternum and mouthparts shiny yellow. Opisthosoma light yellow with two dor- 208 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY sal longitudinal dark bands broken at the middle and two pairs of median black spots. In light specimens there are three pairs of black spots only. Spinnerets darker, venter yellow without marks. Legs yellow with gray lateral bands. First metatarsus and tibia with small fringes of black setae above and below. Palps yellow with the cymbium darker. Living specimens are green or yellow with shining orange red setae in the ocular area. Female.— (« = 6). Total length 5.58“9.01 mm. Carapace 2.94-3.62 long, 2.35-3.13 wide and 1.30-1.75 high. Clypeus 0.2-0.25 high. Eye size and interdistances: AME 0.55, ALE 0.23-0.26, PLE 0. 1 9-0.23; ALE-PME 0.20-0. 1 4, PME-PLE 0.30-0.34, ALE-PLE 0.48-0.56. Eye row widths: first 0.96-1 . 1 8, second 0.98-1 . 1 2, third 0.68-0.74 and fourth 0.76-0.90. Leg spination: Femora I-III d Ul-1, p OG-1, r 0-1-1; IV d 1-1-1, r 0-0-1; Patella II-IV d 0-0-1; Tibia I p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, v 2-2-2; II d 0-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, v 2-2-2; III d O-Ul, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1, V 0-0-2; IV d 0-1-1, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1; Metatarsus I-III p 0-0-1, r 0-0-1, V 2-2-2; IV p 1-1-1, r 0-1-1, v 0-0-1. Epigynum (Fig. 14, 15 ). Color in alcohol: Light yellow with orange-red setae between the eyes, dorsal and lateral sides of the ocular area with white setae, eyes sur- rounded by white setae. Clypeus with a band of white setae and red setae on each side. Cheliceral promargin with three teeth and retromargin with five teeth and two dorsal inner spines. Opistho- soma white with three pairs of green spots. Legs yellow, the metatarsi and tarsi darker. Living specimens are green or yellow, the ocular quad- rangle with yellow setae. Range. —Known from the type locality and from Canon de la Burrera, Sierra de La Laguna, B. C. S. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are very grateful to Dr. B. Cutler of the University of Kansas and Dr. D. Richman of New Mexico State University for their valuable comments on the manuscript, and to Mr. Franco Cota and Mr. Gabriel Navarrete for help in the collection of the specimens. This work was sup- ported by grants from the Centro de Investiga- ciones Biologicas de Baja California Sur, A. C., the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT), and the Secretaiia de Programa- cion y Presupuesto (SPP). LITERATURE CITED Galiano, M. E. 1980. Revisi6n del genero Lysso- manes Hentz, 1845 (Araneae, Salticidae). Op. lil- loana 30:1--104. Galiano, M. E. 1984. New species of Lyssomanes Hentz, 1845 (Araneae, Salticidae). Bull. British Ar- achnol. Soc. 6:268-276. Halffter, G. 1976. Distribucidn de los insectos en la zona de transicidn Mexicana. Relaciones con la En- tomofauna de Norteamerica. Fol. Entomol. Mexi- cana 35:1-65. Richman, D. B. & B. Cutler. 1 988. A list of the jump- ing spiders of Mexico. Peckhamia 2:63-90. Manuscript received 27 October 1992, revised 18 June 1993. 1993. The Journal of Arachnology 21:209-225 THE ORB- WEAVER GENUS KAIRA (ARANEAE: ARANEIDAE) Herbert W. Levi: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 USA ABSTRACT. Adult specimens of Kaira are rarely collected and the females are difficult to separate. The few specimens in collections represent 14 species, all American. Five species are new: Kaira cobimcha from southern Brazil; K. dianae from southeastern Peru; K. erwini from Peru; K. shinguito from northern Peru; K. tulua from Depto. Valle, Colombia. The female of K. hiteae is described and Araneus sexta is transferred to Kaira. Haliger is a new synonym of Kaira, with H. corniferus a synonym of K. altiventer. Kaira obtusa and Wagneriana minutissima are synonyms of K. gibberosa. Doubtful synonyms are Caira capra of K. altiventer, and Macpos monstrosus of K. gibberosa. In the past many authors named spiders with- out adequately illustrating them, and without comparison to other species in the same genus. The current approach is to name new species only as one aspect of a comprehensive revision of the entire genus, including the examination and comparison of old holotypes (vouchers for species names), and adequate illustrations of both sexes. While such revisions are required to make it possible to determine spiders, only a few re- visions of Neotropical spiders are available. Kaira specimens are uncommon in collections. According to Stowe (1986), the spiders spin small webs, hanging upside down below the web and attracting male moths that fly into a basket formed by their legs (see below). The attractant, appar- ently a moth pheromone, resembles that of the Bolas spiders Mastophora. Mastophora and Kaira both belong to the same orb-weaver family, Ar- aneidae, but are not closely related within the family. METHODS This revision is one of a series for American orb weavers (Levi 1993). The procedures used are similar to those described in previous revi- sions (Levi 1993). Eye measurements, as in previous papers, are expressed as ratios of the diameter (with cornea in profile) to those of the anterior median eyes (Levi 1993, figs. 27, 28). Distances between eyes of the anterior row are expressed as diameters of the anterior median eyes (in profile); distances between eyes of the posterior row are given as diameters of the posterior median eyes (in pro- file). The height of the clypeus, the distance be- tween anterior median eyes and the edge of the carapace, is given in diameters of an anterior median eye and is measured below the eye (Levi 1993, fig. 28f). These measurements are approx- imate. The maximum length of the abdomen was measured. In this revision “humps” refers to paired protrusions on the abdomen, and “tuber- cles” refers to small projections on the abdomen. The collections used for this study came from the following institutions: (AMNH)— American Museum of Natural History, New York, United States; N. Platnick, L. Sorkin. (BMNH)^The Natural History Museum, London, England; P. Hillyard, F. Wanless. (CAS)— California Acad- emy of Sciences, San Francisco, United States; W. J. Pulawski, D. Ubick. (MACN)-Museo Ar- gentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Ar- gentina; E. A. Maury. (MCN)— Museu de Cien- cias Naturais, Fundagao Zoobot^nica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; E. H. Buckup. (MCP)— Museu de Cien- cias, Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; A. A. Lise. (MCZ) — Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. (MLP)— Museo de Universidad Nacional, La Plata, Argentina; R. F. Arrozpide. (MNHN)— Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; J. Heurtault, J, Kovoor, C. Rollard. (MNRJ)— Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Bra- zil; A. Timotheo da Costa. (MUSM)— Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru; D. Silva D. (MZSP)— Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; P. Vanzolini, L. Neme, J. L. 209 210 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY M. Leme. (USNM)— National Museum of Nat- ural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washing- ton, D.C., United States; J. Coddington. I thank the curators of these collections for loaning spec- imens. The revision of Kaira was started with National Science Foundation support grant no. DEB 76-115568. I thank M. Stowe for infor- mation. I am obliged to several readers, especial- ly L. Leibensperger, L. R. Levi and E. H. Buckup for finding many errors. I thank J. C. Coken- dolpher and C. D. Dondale for reviewing the manuscript and suggesting many improvements. KAIRA SPECIES Kaira O. P.-Cambridge Kaira O. P.-Cambridge, 1889:56. Type species K. gib- berosa O. P.-Cambridge, 1889, designated by F. P.- Cambridge, 1904:522. Caira Simon, 1895:894. Changed spelling for Kaira, an invalid emendation. Pronarachne Mello-Leitao, 1937:9. Type species by monotypy P. aries Mello-Leitao, 1937 {=Kaira al- tiventerO. P.-Cambridge). First synonymized by Levi, 1977. Macpos Mello-Leitao, 1 940:59. Type species by mono- typy M. monstrosus Mello-Leitao, 1 940 {= Kaira gib- berosa O. P.-Cambridge). First synonymized by Levi, 1977. Haliger Mello-Leitao, 1943:180. Type species by monotypy H. corniferus Mello-Leitao, 1 943 {=Kaira altiventer O. P.-Cambridge). NEW SYNONYMY. Note on synonymy: Haliger corniferus is an early- instar immature described as a theridiosomatid. Diagnosis.— differs from other araneids in having the abdomen attached close to the mid- dle of its venter, rather than at its anterior end, with the axis of the abdomen almost at a right angle to the cephalothorax (Figs. 13, 56), except in K hiteae (Fig. 85), K. cobimcha (Fig. 89), and K. sexta. The female has tubercles on the surface of the abdomen (Figs. 40, 55, 65, 78) or just on the anterior humps (Figs. 12, 14), except in K hiteae (Fig. 85), K cobimcha (Fig. 89), and K sexta. The distal ends of the first to third tibiae and the metatarsi and tarsi of females are armed with many setae and macrosetae (Figs. 13, 18, 56, 60), indistinct in males. All species have dwarf males (Figs. 12, 22, 47), Unlike other araneids, Kaira females have a small and lightly sclerotized epigynum, often with a fiat keel-like scape (Figs. 3-5, 23-25, 48-50); the epigynum is difficult to study. Males lack macrosetae on the palpal patella. (Males of other araneid genera have 1-3 such setae.) The median apophysis (M in Fig. 27) bears two fiagella, originating from the middle of the apophysis, behind a row of teeth on its distal end (Figs. 27, 28, 41, 42), in K sexta only one fia- gellum. The median apophysis of K sexta ap- pears turned on its long axis, having the single flagellum pointed “down” (Levi 1991, fig. 342). The distal articles of the anterior legs have only an indistinct row of setae, most of one size. Kaira females and immatures can be confused with species of Pozonia (Levi, 1993). The geni- talia separate Kaira species from species of Ocre- peira and Pozonia, which may have a similarly shaped abdomen and have setae on distal articles of the first legs, but are not closely related (judg- ing by the structure of the genitalia). Description. “Pale yellow- white with scat- tered, small, white, brown and black spots form- ing no distinct pattern (Figs. 12, 38, 40, 60), or transverse bands in K hiteae, K cobimcha and K sexta (Figs. 85, 89). Carapace low, almost as wide as long, with eye region about half the width of the carapace (Figs. 1, 18, 1 9). Height of clypeus about equal to diameter of an anterior median eye. Eyes small and subequal in size; median ocular quadrangle usually narrower behind than in front; lateral eyes on a slight tubercle (Fig. 19). Median ocular quadrangle square or narrower behind than in front. Tibiae slightly sinuous; tar- si, metatarsi, and distal portions of tibiae armed with many setae (Figs. 13, 18, 22). Abdomen, because of its relatively posterior attachment, al- most perpendicular to carapace. Abdomen dif- fers in shape in different species, usually having tubercles, often having dorsal humps (Figs. 26, 36, 51, 60, 85). Epigynum small, lightly sclerotized, often with median keel and posterior median plate (Figs. 3- 5). Posterior median plate variable in shape in different species (Figs. 24, 49, 58, 67). Tip of keel perhaps tom by male when mating. Shape of sternum may differ among species (not illustrated) and among individuals of same species. Male Kaira less than half total length of females and with less pigment (Fig. 1 2). Presumably due to dwarf size, Kaira males lack the usual modi- fications of male araneids: they lack patellar mac- roseta, the endites are without teeth, the first coxae without hook, and second tibiae not modified. In males, the humps on the abdomen are smaller than those of females, and usually without tuber- cles (Figs. 22, 47). Unlike the epigynum, the pal- pus is well developed. Median apophysis (M in LEVI-THE ORB^WEAVER GENUS KAIRA 211 Map 1.— Distribution of Kaira altiventer and K. gibberosa. Circles = female records, squares = male records, open circles = immature records. Fig. 27) has two flagella and a distal row of teeth; distal hematodocha is present; embolus tip is hid- den between terminal apophysis (A) and conduc- tor (C in Figs. 27, 28). Shape of conductor sepa- rates males of Kaira species (C in Fig. 28). Relationship.— The two flagella of the male me- dian apophysis (M in Fig. 27) are believed ho- mologous to those found in Aculepeira, Amazo- nepeira and Metepeira; the distal row of teeth on the median apophysis is also found in some spe- cies of Metepeira, Aculepeira and Amazonepeira. While in these genera the presence of two median apophysis flagellae in males usually correlates with a tapering, pointed scape on a lightly sclerotized (except Aculepeira) epigynum in females, the scape is often flattened in Kaira. Natural history. —Although a Kaira species was known to Hentz (1850), nothing was known of their habits until recently. In response to my 1977 paper, Karl T. Stone (5 March 1978) sent his re- port of observations made on a Kaira alba female in a wide-mouth jar. The spider remained on the underside of the lid, without a web, until a fly was introduced. The spider dropped on what seemed a single thread, one-half (12 mm) inch long, and hung there until the fly blundered into her, and she clamped her legs around it, killing it. More recently Mark Stowe (1986) reported on Kaira alba. They do not make an orb and spe- cialize in catching male moths. The spider builds a small trapezoidal web, remade every 20 min, containing two triangular zigzags of threads. The spider hangs upside-down by the fourth leg on the lower and shorter parallel edge of the trapezoid spread by the other legs (Stowe 1986, fig. 5.7b). When a moth flies into the basket formed by the spider’s legs, the spider drops on a short line while clasping and biting the moth. After the moth stops struggling it is wrapped in the usual araneid fash- ion. The wrapped moth is placed on a trapeze line between the spider’s fourth legs and the hunting posture is resumed. As many as eight moths are wrapped together before the spider feeds on the package. The moths caught are listed by Stowe (1986). Since all moths caught are male, and these present only a small proportion of the available moth species, Stowe assumes that the spider uses a pheromone as an attractant. Two young ob- served had the same hunting posture as the adult. Although the zigzag lines are minimally viscid, they may be homologous to the viscid spiral in the araneid orb; here they play no part in food capture. The Kaira diurnal resting posture with legs I and II extended forward resembles that of tetragnathids. I agree with Stowe that the moth catching behavior must be independently evolved from that of Mastophora. The egg sacs have an outside covering of fluffy silk and are made on top of each other (Stowe 1986, fig. 5.9). (This Stowe illustration also shows the top of the white spider, above a hanging moth.) Matching sexes.— Immature specimens can be determined with uncertainty by the shape of the abdomen. Males have never been collected with 212 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY females. When revising the North American spe- cies (Levi 1977), I found males labeled K. alba by W. Gertsch and A. Archer in the collections. This appears to be correct because the male of K. alba has the same distribution {e. g., Florida) as the female and does not fit with any other female araneid. Kaira alba is one of the two species whose sexes are matched with some confidence. The oth- ers are K. hiteae and K. sexta, in which the ab- domen of the male is similar to that of the female. Distribution.— species are known only from the Americas (Maps 1, 2). Kaira sabino and the male of K. hiteae are illustrated in Levi ( 1 977), K. sexta in Levi (1991, figs. 339-342), Misplaced species.— A'pe/ra electa Keyserling, 1883, placed in Kaira by Levi, 1991, is probably an Araneus. Kaira dromedaria O. P.-Cambridge, 1893, is a Pozonia {IjQYi 1993). Kaira granadensis Mello-Leitao, 1 94 1 a, is a Po~ zonia (Levi 1993). KEY TO KAIRA FEMALES 1. Abdomen with pair of humps, without tubercles, shield-shaped (Figs. 85, 89) 2 Abdomen otherwise (Figs. 12, 36, 51, 78) 4 2(1). Abdomen wider than long (Fig. 89) 3 Abdomen longer than wide (Fig. 85); south-central United States hiteae 3(2). Epigynum in ventral view with two transverse bars (Fig. 86); southern Brazil (Map 2) .... cobimcha Epigynum in ventral view with only comers of anterior bar showing (Levi 1991, fig. 339); Guatemala to Amazon area (Map 2) sexta 4(1). Epigynum with a median notch in a posterior transverse bar (Levi 1977, fig. 141); Arizona (Map 2) sabino Epigynum otherwise; not in Arizona 5 5(4). Abdomen with a long median anterodorsal projection (Figs. 69, 73, 74) 6 Abdomen with a pair or more of humps or slight median projections (Figs. 12, 36, 60) 7 6(5). Abdomen drop-shaped (Fig. 69); northern Argentina (Map 2) candidissima Abdomen a long cone (Figs. 73, 74); southeastern Brazil to northern Argentina (Map 2) conica 7(5). Posterior of abdomen without tubercles (Figs. 12-18, 26, rarely one pair of small humps, Levi 1977, fig. 134) 8 Posterior of abdomen with humps or tubercles (Figs. 40, 51, 65, 78) 9 8(7). Epigynum with longitudinal projection (Figs, 23-25); southeastern United States to northern Mex- ico (Map 2) alba Epigynum with transverse projection (Figs. 3-1 1); Texas to southern Brazil (Map 1) altiventer 9(7). Abdomen much longer (or higher) than wide (Fig. 35) 10 Abdomen as wide or wider than long (Figs. 65, 78) 11 10(9). Abdomen rounded anteriorly (Fig. 51); Colombia (Map 2) tulua Abdomen with a pair of dorsal humps (Figs. 35-40); Mexico to southern Brazil (Map 1) . . .gibberosa 1 1(9). Abdomen rectangular (Figs. 55, 78) 12 Abdomen subcircular (Figs. 60, 65); Peruvian Amazon region 13 12(1 1), Epigynum with extended scape (Fig. 75-77); southeastern Brazil (Map 2) echinus Epigynum with a short scape (Figs. 52-54); Peruvian Amazon region (Map 2) erwini 13(1 1). Epigynum as in Figures 61-64; Map 2 dianae Epigynum as in Figures 57-59; Map 2 shinquito KEY TO KAIRA MALES (Males of K candidissima, K. conica, K dianae, K. erwini, K. sabino, K shinguito, K tulua are unknown.) 1. Median apophysis twisted, with only one flagellum (Levi 1991, fig. 342); Guatemala to Amazon area (Map 2) sexta Median apophysis not twisted, with two flagella (Figs. 20, 21, 79, 80, 90, 91) 2 2(1), Abdomen wider than long (Fig. 81); conductor of palpus as in Figure 80; from Bahia State, Brazil to northern Argentina (Map 2) echinus Abdomen longer than wide (Figs. 22, 47, 92); conductor of palpus otherwise 3 LEVI -THE ORB- WEAVER GENUS KAIRA 213 3(2). Abdomen dorsum with an anterior dorsal shield (Fig. 92); terminal apophysis with “transverse” sclerotized edge (Fig. 91); Mato Grosso, Brazil (Map 2) cobimcha Abdomen without dorsal shield (Figs, 22, 47) 4 4(3). Conductor with a distal tooth on side of terminal apophysis (Figs. 42, 44, 46); Mexico to southern Brazil (Map 1) gibberosa Conductor without distal tooth on conductor (Figs. 21, C in 28) 5 5(4). Median apophysis of palpus with only 3 or 4 large teeth (Figs. 20, 21); Texas to southern Brazil (Map 1) altiventer Median apophysis with more than 6 teeth (M in Figs. 27, 28) 6 6(5). Conductor with dark distal swelling overhanging subdivided lateral pockets (Levi 1977, fig. 140); terminal apophysis bluntly pointed (Levi 1977, fig. 139); south-central United States (Map 2) ... hiteae Tip of conductor facing flagella (C in Fig. 28); terminal apophysis sharply pointed (A in Fig. 27); southeastern United States to northern Mexico (Map 2) alba Kaira altiventer O. P. -Cambridge Figures 3--22; Map 1 Kaira altiventer O. P.-Cambridge, 1889:56, pi. 3, fig. 13, $. Female holotype from Veragua [Veraguas Prov.], Panama, in BMNH, examined. Keyserling, 1892: 62, pi. 3, fig. 48, 9. F. P.-Cambridge, 1904: 522, pi. 51, fig. 10, 9 Levi, 1977:218, figs. 130-137, 9, 6. ? Caira spinosa Simon, 1897:478. Female lectotype designated by Levi, 1977 and imm. paralectotype from Sao Paulo de Olivenga, Amazonas State, Brazil, and Pebas, Depto. Loreto, Peru in MNHN, exam- ined. First synonymized by Levi, 1977. Map 2.— Distribution of Kaira species. Circles of K. echinus and K. hiteae = female records, squares = male records. 214 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY ? Caira capra Simon, 1897:479. Immature holotype from Paraguay in the MNHN, examined. NEW DOUBTFUL SYNONYMY. Pronarachne aries Mello-Leitao, 1937:9, fig. 10, 9, Fe- male holotype from Itatiaia, Rio Grande do Sul in MNRJ, examined. First synonymized by Levi, 1 977. Haliger corniferus Mello-Leitao, 1 943: 1 80, fig. 1 8, imm. Immature holotype from Rio Grande do Sul in MNRJ, lost. Brignoli, 1983:239. NEW SYNONY- MY. Synonymy.— The holotype of Caira spinosa is a large, mature individual, 13.5 mm total length, abdomen 10.3 mm high, with only one pair of tubercular humps and tubercles between (Figs. 14, 15). The Caira capra holotype is immature (5.8 mm total length) and lacks some of the tu- bercles on the humps of the abdomen (Fig. 1 8). The holotype of Pronarachne aries has a flat tri- angular scape (Figs. 9--1 1) as in K. altiventer but the abdominal humps are much thinner than in other females (Figs. 16, 17, 19). The holotype of Haliger coniferus, originally placed in Theridio- somatidae, is only 2.5 mm total length, lacks tubercles on the humps and on the posterior of the abdomen, and has a thin white line going from the tip of one hump to the tip of the other, as do other specimens from this area (Fig. 12). Coddington (1986), in his study of theridioso- matids, considered Haliger unrecognizable, but it had been misplaced in that family. None of these specimens has posterior tubercles on the abdomen. Description. — from Parana State, Brazil: Carapace yellowish, cephalic region with tiny, irregular black spots. Chelicerae, labium, endites spotted orange. Sternum orange with brown line all around. Coxae orange, with dark brown spots; legs orange with tiny black spots. Dorsum of abdomen with posterior part darker than anterior and with minute stipples, a light transverse line between humps (Fig. 12), and larger black spots on tubercles; sides and venter spotted. Eyes subequal in size. Anterior median eyes 1.5 diameters apart. Posterior median eyes 1 .2 diameters apart. Height of clypeus equals 1 .4 diameters of the anterior median eyes. Sternum elongate, extending between fourth coxae. Ab- domen with two humps, bearing asymetrical tu- bercles (Figs. 12, 13). Total length 10 mm. Car- apace 4,2 mm long, 3.8 wide, behind lateral eyes 1.8 wide. First femur 5.4 mm, patella and tibia 6.7, metatarsus 3.3, tarsus 1.2, Second patella and tibia 5.4 mm, third 2.9, fourth 3.5. Abdomen 9.4 mm high. Male from Hidalgo, Mexico: Color as in female but legs with wide, dark rings, and sides of the abdomen with irregular dusky spots having a col- orless center (Fig. 22). Posterior median eyes 1 .2 diameters of anterior medians, laterals 1 diam- eter. Anterior median eyes 1.2 diameters apart, 1 diameter from laterals. Posterior median eyes their diameter apart, 2. 1 diameters from laterals. Height of clypeus equals 0.9 diameter of the an- terior median eyes. Abdomen with a pair of an- terior humps (Fig. 22). Total length 2.0 mm. Car- apace 1.00 mm long, 0.84 wide, behind lateral eyes 0.53 wide. First femur 1 .06 mm, patella and tibia 1.30, metatarsus 0.71, tarsus 0.47. Second patella and tibia 1.00 mm, third 0.58, fourth 0.76. Abdomen 1.58 mm high. Note: Males and females have not been col- lected together but were matched by Levi, 1977, because they have physical similarities and were collected in Mexico and Central America. Variation: Total length of females 7.0 to 13.5 mm, males 1.9 to 2.2. Illustrations (Figs. 3-5, 12, 13) were made from a female from Parana State, Brazil and a male (Figs. 20-22) from Hi- dalgo State, Mexico. Some females have the humps curved, with their tips approaching and almost touching, forming an “O”. The illustra- tion (Levi 1977) fig. 134, was made of a female from Edinburg, Texas; unlike all others, it had a pair of posterior tubercles. The immature holo- types of C. capra, H. corniferus and the immature specimen from Montenegro, Rio Grande do Sul, all lack tubercles on the humps of the abdomen (Fig. 18). Diagnosis. —The epigynum of the female, un- like that of K. alba, has a flat, triangular, curved scape, the tip projecting anteriorly (Figs. 3, 6) and, like K. alba but unlike others, no humps or tubercles on the posterior of the abdomen (Figs. 12-18). The tiny male can be separated from others by having a palpus with only three or four long, black teeth on the distal end of the median apophysis and by the shape of the conductor, pointed and longest on the side of the dark ter- minal apophysis (center and 1 100 h of Fig. 21). Natural History. —A male from Texas was col- lected in low shrubs; another was the prey of a Trypargilum nitidum wasp in Costa Rica. One female in Peru was found hanging on a thread, another was obtained at the same location by fogging the canopy. Distribution.— Southern Texas to southern Brazil (Map 1). Additional specimens examined. — MEXICO. Hi- dalgo: El Salto, 22-23 April 1967, 3 (W. Peck, CAS). LEVI -THE ORB- WEAVER GENUS KAIRA 215 Figures \~22.—Kaim species: K. alba carapace and chelicerae (1,2); 1, frontal; 2, lateral. K. altiventer (3-22); 3-17, 19, female; 3-1 1, epigynum; 3, 6, ventral; 9, anterior; 4, 7, 10, posterior; 5, 8, 11, lateral; 12, dorsal with small male, same scale; 13, 15, 17, lateral; 14, 16, posterior; 19, carapace; 20-22, male; 20, 21, left palpus; 20, mesal; 21, ventral; 22, lateral; 3-5, 12, 13, from Parana State, Brazil; 6-8, 14, 15, holotype of Caira spinosa; 9-11, 16, 17, 19, holotype of Pronarachne aries; 18, immature holotype of Caira capra\ 20-22, from Hidalgo State, Mexico, Scale lines = 1.0 mm, of genitalia = 0.1 mm. 216 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY EL SALVADOR. San Salvador: Un\x2iry, March 1 954, <5 (J. B. Boursol, AMNH). COSTA RICA. San Jose: San Antonio de Escazu, 1400 m, 9 October 1982, 9 (W. Eberhard SAI-73, MCZ), November 1988, 9 (W. Eberhard, USNM). PERU. Loreto: Rio Samiria, 29 May 1990, 9 (D. Silva D, MUSM), 20 May 1990, imm. (T. Erwin, D. Silva D, MUSM). BRAZIL. Sao Paulo: Ilha Sao Sebastiao, 28 Jan. 1951, 9 (MZSP 6608). Pa- rana: Rolandia, 1948, 9 (A. Mailer, AMNH); Almi- rante Tamandare, 8 Aug. 1984, $ (C. C. Costa, MCN 12,500). R/o Grande do Sul: MontQnQgro, 1 September 1979, imm. (H. BischofF, MCN 6431); Ponta Grossa, Porto Alegre, 7 May 1976, imm. (A. A. Lise, MCN 4241); Triunfo, 15 September 1977, imm. (A. A. Lise, MCN 6492); Viamao, 22 October 1988, S (A. B. Bon- aldo, MCN 17953). PARAGUAY. Concepcion: Apa, Aug. 1909, 9 (AMNH). Kaira alba (Hentz) Figures 1,2, 2 3-2 8; Map 2 Epeira alba Hentz, 1850:20, pi. 3, fig. 7. Female from North Carolina, destroyed. Kaira alba: -LqVi, 1977:216, figs. 117-129,9,6. Stowe, 1986: 115, fig. 5, 7 (web). Description. /r<9W Virginia: Cepha- lothorax yellow-white with brown spots and streaks; sternum spotted, legs with rings and spots. Abdomen white with a dark patch between humps; venter dusky, spotted. Eyes subequal in size. Anterior median eyes 1.3 diameters apart, 1 .4 diameters from laterals. Posterior median eyes 1 diameter apart, 1.5 diameters from laterals. Height of clypeus equals 0.7 diameter of anterior median eye. Abdomen with a pair of dorsal humps with tubercles (Fig. 26). Total length 4.8 mm. Carapace 2.1 mm long, 1.8 wide, behind lateral eyes 0.9 wide. First femur 2.5 mm, patella and tibia 3.1, metatarsus 1.7, tarsus 0.7. Second patella and tibia 2.3 mm, third 1.2, fourth 1.8. Abdomen 4. 1 mm high. Male from North Carolina: Carapace yellow- ish, with eye area dusky, with a median dusky band, and with thoracic region having dusky margin, Chelicerae yellowish with dusky patch. Sternum with black marks. Legs with dusky rings and spots. Dorsum of abdomen white with a black patch between humps and scattered black spots of various sizes; venter dusky. Posterior median eyes 1.2 diameters of anterior medians, laterals 1 diameter. Anterior median eyes their diameter apart, their diameter from laterals. Pos- terior median eyes 0.5 diameter apart, 1 diam- eter from laterals. Height of clypeus equals 0.8 diameter of anterior median eye. Abdomen wid- est in middle, humps slightly tubercular. Total length 2.6 mm. Carapace 1.38 mm long, 1.11 wide, 0.65 wide behind lateral eyes. First femur 1.61 mm, patella and tibia 1 .96, metatarsus 1 .47, tarsus 0.36. Second patella and tibia 1.54 mm, third 0.87, fourth 1.01. Abdomen 1.87 mm high. Note: Males and females were matched be- cause of similarly shaped abdomens and because both were collected in the same areas of the Unit- ed States (Map 2). Variation: ToX2i\ length of females 4. 8-7. 2 mm, males 2. 6-2. 9. Female abdomens 4. 1-8.2 mm high. Illustrations were made from a female from Virginia and a male from North Carolina. Diagnosis.— As in K. altiventer, females of K. alba lack posterior humps or tubercles on the abdomen (Fig. 26) but differ by the vertical keel of the epigynum (Figs. 23-25). The median apophysis of the male palpus differs from that of K. alba in having six or more teeth (Figs. 27, 28), and the conductor differs from that of K. altiventer in being longest on the side closest to the median apophysis (C in Fig. 28). Natural History.— Observations are given in the introduction to the genus. Distribution.— Virginia to Mexico (Map 2). Additional specimen examined . — UNITED STATES. Virginia: Black Pond [?], 14 Sept. 1913, 9 (USNM). Kaira gibberosa O. P.-Cambridge Figures 29-47; Map 1 Kaira gibberosa O. P.-Cambridge, 1890:57, pi. 3, fig. 12, 9. Female holotype from Veragua [Veraguas Prov,;], Panama, in BMNH, examined. Keyserling, 1892:63, pi. 3, fig. 49, 9. F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1904: 522, pi. 51, fig. 9, 9. Roewer, 1942: 904. Kaira obtusa Keyserling, 1892:66, pl.3, fig. 51, imm. Immature holotype from Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, in BMNH, examined. Roewer, 1942:904. NEW SYNONYMY. ? Macpos monstrosus Mello-Leitao, 1940:59, fig. 6, 9. Female holotype from Jardim Botanico, Rio de Ja- neiro, Brazil in MNRJ, lost. DOUBTFUL NEW SYNONYMY. Wagneriana minutissima Mello-Leitao, 19416:250. Male holotype from Rio Negro, Parana State, Brazil, in MNRJ, no. 58298, examined. Brignoli, 1983:28 1 . NEW SYNONYMY. Caira gibberosa: - Bonnet, 1956:925. Caira obtusa: - Bonnet, 1956:925. Kaira monstrosa: - Brignoli, 1983:271. Note: The type locality of K. gibberosa is Ver- agua, Panama. Veragua refers to Veraguas Prov- LEVI~THE ORB-WEAVER GENUS KAIRA 111 Figures 23=47.— Kaira species: K. alba (23-28); 23-26, female; 23-25, epigynum; 23, ventral; 24, posterior; 25, lateral; 26, abdomen, dorsal; 27, 28, left male palpus; 27, mesal; 28, ventral. K. gibberosa (29-47); 29-36, 39, female; 29-34, epigynum; 29, 32, ventral; 30, 33, posterior; 31, 34, lateral; 35, 36, 39, abdomen; 37, 38, 40, immature abdomen; 35, 37, lateral; 36, 38-40, posterior; 41-47, male; 41-46, palpus; 41, 43, 45, mesal; 42, 44, 46, ventral; 47, dorsolateral; 29-31, 35, 36, holotype o^K. gibberosa; 39, holotype of Macpos monstrosus (after Mello-Leitao); 37, 38, immature holotype of K. obtusa; 40, penultimate female from Parana State, Brazil; 45, 46, holotype of K. minutissima; 41, 42, from Michoacan State, Mexico; 43, 44, from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Abbreviations: A, terminal apophysis; C, conductor; M, median apophysis; T, tegulum. Scale lines = 1.0 mm, of genitalia = 0.1 mm. 218 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY ince, Panama (Selander & Vaurie, 1962). The fragmented holotype has insect-pin holes. It is larger (total length 6.0 mm, abdomen 7. 0 mm high) than the specimen from Paranaa State, Bra- zil, but the measurements of the carapace and legs are similar. The holotype of Kaira obtusa, although im- mature, has anterior and posterior humps on the abdomen (Figs. 37, 38), as does K. gibberosa. This species seems relatively common in south- ern Brazil, the type locality of K. obtusa. The specimen has a total length of 3.0 mm. Carapace 1.40 mm long, 1.35 wide, behind lateral eyes 0.70 wide. First femur 1.59 mm, patella and tibia 1.95, metatarsus 1.01, tarsus 0.48. Second pa- tella and tibia 1.49 mm, third 0.87, fourth 1.09. Abdomen (shrivelled) 3.0 mm high. The name Kaira obtusa was erroneously synonymized with K. altiventer hy Levi, 1977. The holotype of Macpos monstrosus has a total length of 6 mm, the first patella and tibia 5.5 mm (measurements from Mello-Leito 1 940) al- most twice the length of the female of K. gib- berosa illustrated. Mello-Leitao’s illustration of the female from the side and the abdomen from posterior (Fig. 39) suggest that it may be this species, but the abdomen does not narrow dor- sally and the anterior humps are almost as long as the abdomen below (Fig. 39). According to Mello-Leitao (1941 b), Wagner- iana minutissima is described from a female, but the holotype and description are of a male. The holotype resembles the male illustrated (Figs. 45, 46) but is poorly preserved and the median apophysis flagellae of the left palpus are broken off. Description.— from Parana State, Brazil: The animal is heavily pigmented with brown spots, some black and white streaks, ce- phalic region darkest. Sternum dusky orange. Legs spotted and streaked, distal ends of femora and patellae dark brownish black with white streaks. Dorsum of abdomen dark between humps and posteriorly with a black chevron pointing ante- riorly (Figs. 35, 36). Eyes subequal in size. An- terior median eyes 1.3 diameters apart, 1.8 di- ameters from laterals. Posterior median eyes 1.2 diameters apart, 2.5 diameters from laterals. Height of clypeus 0.7 diameter of anterior me- dian eye. Abdomen with two pairs of humps and tubercles on sides of abdomen (Fig. 35--40). Total length 5.2 mm. Carapace 2.5 mm long, 2, 1 wide, behind lateral eyes 1 .2 wide. First femur 2.8 mm. patella and tibia 3.6, metatarsus 1.7, tarsus 0.7. Second patella and tibia 2.6 mm, third 1.5, fourth 2.1. Abdomen (shrivelled) 4.6 mm high. Male from Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul State: Carapace pale yellowish white with white streaks, a dusky patch covering cephalic region (Fig. 47). Sternum pale light yellowish, appearing spotted. Legs pale yellowish with distal halves of femora and patellae dark dusky. Abdomen with white line behind and around anterior protrusions, darker patches on paired posterior swellings with white mark behind; sides darker; venter pale (Fig. 47). Eyes subequal in size. Anterior median eyes 0.8 diameter apart, 0.7 diameter from laterals. Posterior median eyes 0.9 diameter apart, 1.5 diameters from laterals. Height of clypeus equal to 0.5 diameter of anterior median eye. Abdo- men with a pair of diagonal, dorsal humps and pair of smaller posterior humps (Fig. 47). Total length 2.0 mm. Carapace 0.91 mm long, 0.83 wide, behind lateral eyes 0.47 wide. First femur 0.88 mm, patella and tibia 1.53, metatarsus 0.58, tarsus 0.41. Second patella and tibia 0.87 mm, third 0.52, fourth 0.69. Abdomen 1.46 mm high. Note: Males and females were matched be- cause they were collected in the same area and both have a posterior pair of humps on the ab- domen (Figs. 35-40, 47). Variation: Total length of females 5.2 to 8.0 mm, abdomen 4.6 to 8.0 mm high. Illustrations were made from a female from Parana State and male from Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul. In the male from Michoacan State, Mexico, the con- ductor of the palpus (Fig. 42) is shorter than in males from southern Brazil (Figs. 43-46). I as- sume they belong to one species. Diagnosis. “The female differs from other species of Kaira by having a longitudinal, keel- shaped scape in the epigynum (Figs. 23-25, 29- 34) and by having a second pair of dorsal tu- berculate humps on the abdomen, and tubercles on the posterior humps and on the sides (Figs. 35-40). The male is separated from others by having a distal black tooth on the conductor of the palpus (Figs. 41-46). Distribution. —Mexico to southern Brazil (Map 1). Specimens examined. — MEXICO. Michoacan: 78 km SE Aquila, 13 July 1984, 2 / >* 2 > XjVASt^^ 2 R I ES’ SMITHSONIAN_INSTITUTION “N0tinilXSNI_NVIN0SHilWs‘^S3 I W Va 8 n“LI B RAR I ES”'SMI'^ iisNi NvmosHims S3idvyan libraries Smithsonian institution NoiiniiiSNi nvin ^ . 2 r- ^ 5 C 2 r- o ;;; 2 ..m 2 s^rvcu, & R I Es‘”sMITHSONiAN~INSTlTUTION NOtJ.niliSNl”NVINOSHillAIS S3 1 MVa 8 n“LI B RAR I ES*”sMn 2 .V'. ^ ^ ^ .cr.*'.- ^ C/) _ , . _ ^ I i I I I I I Vc liSNI NVIN0SHilWs“’s3iavaan^LIBRARIEs”sMITHS0NIAN INSTITUTION'^NOliniliSNI NVI^ ^ Z ^ ^ ~ LiJ > m _ IISNI NVIN0SH1IIMS^S3 I B VB 9 n"“L 1 B R AR 1 ES SMITHSONIAN~INSTITUTION^NOIinillSNl“NVII C/> . 2 V, W 2 V :o R I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION^ NOliniliSNl NVIN0SHilWS^S3 I H V9 9 n*"!! 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