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OC 6 6 £4 F SS C4 & 4 we | os 6 1_% oe ‘ee ¥ Fs nie eetee ae*s*; é ee @ a0 6 e Were eee 8 8 ag ee) oie 0b 0 tbe ee te ht er 9 -~O— 3-5. - —- s 4 a * ©* . ~ e e- Dp Ai 7 _ “ Fit Sag tae bat bat ae 4-6-6 tba SU oe Ee eR ERE NEE ed oe #. i+ < . -. +S & «&. ate ta eta as: (ay +4 *; ~8, ¢ . . ss [= ¢ ow. 4+.@ @ © @ : ¢ c : x x ; 4. 2 ©, & 2. 0-2 a * 2 . . &- SS . : <* - SS 646 © 04% 4% % ~ ~ w+ 6S 6 b&b 4 0% _@_ 6.2 4461 8 > : ; o« - _8—@ ‘ eS « ¢ +e ee + re \. , > z ©. 6 ¢ & +i &. @_. #4. +, ©. &8~ : 0. oo -o 6-0-6 6 6 6. e+ ee 6 6 & 4 : oe . * oe bb. b~ HB. S. Od. 2-3. Fe + v4 8 6 @ os 6 4 + 8 3 4 > “ : . a : eo. 8 8_ 4 6..b— 4. 66.0 6 6+ © & 2 & ee bee ee “ 1 : & ss ¢.¢.¢ 6_@ 6.4 € + od + &é ‘ £4 6 4_U_@ ~~ & © ee © eb 6 6 4 6b Cw e 4 FE 6H 4 6 2. be S-&.. . oe eee * iat a. -6 6 @-& 6 -»<4 . 2 + 4 F @€ 6 © @ 6 ¢ « , * @ £2 8&4 & @ «a ee © ee ‘ - +e) wee wo we @2¢¢ . -_e &# i eee we * ~~ “« a . re © 3 6 we eo HGS * 64+ &@ od & e e+ . ‘ x — aa “ike hat ak ak eh été « 4-©@ ae ea * “~< eo Oa Bee 1 3545353 : e+ . «2, ~ Pe oo 2.” > Foe 88 . ns ‘ . a we 8s 6 Ws eo ey a er Me ee ee MN Me te at att hehe ea +--+. ¢-$-6-4- 4. 8-26 ¢ + 64 0 w 26 6 & + 086 6 2% + e+ O68 & eee RH BBS e+ ee ort & & 8S. 2 +s & * 6 6 oe 6 6 et 8 ee ew oP Ee fS* FS 4 & 9 8 2. © + 6-8 + 6 6.4 0.0 8.5. 6. + 6_2.6.6.0-8 - &.. 6. 8&8. CV €6O SEN ONY & HD OH Oo + 6 © + +6. 6 @ +0 6. o-t-¥ 6.4 6 60 6 6 » + & B26 tk % i “6 064 @6@ e344 % o. + @& te . .& . * a -.¢-¢ € ‘ . ew. * ee @ oe. 6 6 ¥ . #¢@eevt bbw se ves t- e-< » ‘++ -¢ + ee & ee G6 HCH & @ $ 6-6 @-G¢e OF ECHE OHH EC HE RoE Hee a *20 te @e Gees Fee E **-r' 7pee &6@eeet_ ees t&tsieteéewpeews « « +e @ @&e ov -o @ 6 e-F & erenanrtoewvwvpeeeeibvevese &-e &¢ & € ot @ we tose we bh se 6 oe @ oe es . - . oe 6s eo €Gd © & & : ® © @ eo ¢ ++ &e 6-08 @ Oo C eo d-e @ ¢-&-@ 7 “ * & -6 «. 6 eo. ¢-4¢ 40 & © 6 6 ~“ ¢ £ e @ ee ee ee ; so @ 6 @ “tete@eew# jie 6S pw € -@ + © e ew .- @ e ¢ &F fee ee seo Ce fF SH e © @ ts se * --* (0 0a Ot ee + -@' 6 . . ees 6 ewe « © € . “.e we oo os 8 8 @ Ores © es 4 we Oe . -~we Ge & « es pe ee ee * we . . ‘ . * is be oe ee oe oe oe a eo. pe + &- 4 9--&--9-.8----B- @- fee oe ha = sie - .> > “ n> a re ~—= 8 w= «8 & ra Ae he eae es * Ag EEA AS Tha Fee pe a ate rhe 8 Pet a t PAS a at ai OS BPE ESR re EL een * *? 2 & @ = 3-4-0 > ? & hee o> © -—-* °° ¢ Ste at Wt PC 4e -t 2 Ee 82 Po eS Ss 2 2-2. 2-2 > @ > 2 gta es Ca" ote Ses Bet RED fof 2k -h _8 Ob BO e,.2 BOs Pale. 2.02 oe, ‘ es J -* 2. “4 a a ee * é cy . Lae 7 ot Set ‘ 7¥ 7 ne fat 2: i r Pm Ff ote a _ 4s ey eee a oy ye JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. VOL. LXXI. ~ PART II. (NATURAL History, &c.) (Nos. I ro III.—1902.) EDITED BY THE Natura fiisTORY SECacTARY, ~_€{-T/’V"r~TrOCNEoaeeCE)e——eEEeEeaee——e—eeeeeeeeEeeEeEEESeee ‘It will flourish, if naturalists, chemists, antiquaries, philologers, and men of science in different parts of Asia, will commit their observations to writing, and send them to the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. It will languish, if such communications shall be long intermitted ; and it will die away, if they shall entirely cease.” SiR Wm. JONEs. ~—_oeerrrr Oro CW CALCUTTA: > PRINTED AT THE BAPTIST MISSION‘ PRESS, = AND PUBLISHED BY THE | ASIATIC SOCIETY, 57, PARK STREET. \S 1908. i A rd Pian ms He Fe a a8) ee ie: eoge Tired iss DUA RS ht ap Lori oie 2s re» f a 6 A Bes : " ; eG rey e a Le j At Dates of Issue. Part II, 1902. T.—Containing pp. 1-86, with Plates I, I] and III was issued on 8th May 1902. II.—Containing pp. 87-120, with Plates IV,V and VI was issued on 5th August 1902. Il!.—Containing pp. 121-184, with Plates, VII, VIII and IX was issued on 24th October 1902. <1 ili! are u eo an) a Gaels 120 Wir euisraas OEE} 13 BER saat Oe oh * i any f aad Gea wid ite aA. ou SE xb a Dat ERB ay, Geka entices =A iy SOR ago ho: Ree goat) Pa ivaue LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. =e: Burkitt, I. H. On the Variation of the Flower of Ranunculus GEVONSIG fe, 60k. 0 « os Sita Sawn Me vaks hears bce CRCuCAC OREO Doruiz, J. F. Descriptions of some new species of Orchidese from Sortis West and Central Indid.y sisi ccsecciesees eae sers Finn, F. General Notes on Variation in Birds ssccccccsesscceceecesess ——-On a pair of Abnormal Deer Horns.. ; On hybrids between the Guinea-fowl ini Connon fuk: tae On some cases of Abrupt Variation in Indian birds .. On specimens of two Mauritian Birds in the callerion of the Astatic Society. . in... eveee So eee Ee rea Oni rare ws See Wood H. and Finn F, Kine, Sir Guorce. Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula Mann, Harotp H. Note on a disputed point in the Life History of elopeltis thervordes, .\secete ees es ses nae REAP Cre Nic&vitLzE, Lionen DE. A List of Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China, and the food-plants of the larv%......+.+.5, Otpuam, R. D. On Tidal Periodicity in the Harthquakes of Assam Pratn, D. Novicise Indice x1x. A new Indian Dendrobium .... Sanyal, R. B. Notes on Animals kept in the Alipore Zoological Garden. No. 1...e..+0. sib ein «dele aioe ee esp ste aes Sept «cer sieiale ois Notes on animals observed at the Alipore Zoological Garden No. 2. A brief note on the “ Doctrine of Telegony” with refer- ence to facts observed in the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta.... Notes on Animals observed at the Alipore Zoological Gar- den No. 8. Melanic specimens of Common Palm Squirrel (Scirus palmarum, Linn.) ..ccce. sc. ee ve Suara er: Woop, H. and Finn, F. On a collection of Birds from Upper PA UNIO as alos as, a. o-n ed ary. heh ecel pial aor eel G8 apse FS af tow 02.40 Page. 132 137 121 JOURNAL OF THE AOATIC: SOCIETY: OF BENGAL, —cloe— Vol. LXXI. Part Il1.—NATURAL SCIENCE. No. I.—1902. I.—A Inst of the Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China, and the food- plants of the larve.—By Lionet ve Nictvitte, F.H.S., C.M.Z.S., &c. [Received Ist September ; Read 6th November, 1901. ] The Butterflies of Southern China appear to have been largely neglected by modern Entomologists, though a considerable number of the larger species were known to the ancients. For instance, Linneus and Fabricius described many species from “ China,” many: of these and afew others were figured by Drury, Cramer, Herbst and Donovan at the end of the eighteenth century, In 1861 Wallengren described two new species and mentioned a third obtained during the voyage of the frigate ‘‘ Eugénie” which touched at Hongkong; in 1862 Felder described four species and mentioned a fifth captured by the officers of the frigate “Novara” which visited the island; in 1886 Rober described two new species of Lycenide from Hongkong; while in 1899 Kirby recorded five species from thence. The first list of the butter- flies known to occur in Hongkong was compiled by Messrs. Sydney B. J. Skertchly and James J. Walker, and is published in a little book entitled ‘‘Our Island. A Naturalist’s- Description of Hongkong” by Mr. Sydney B. J. Skertchly, F.G.S., M.A.I. (1893). This list embraces 116 species. Of these I have omitted from the present list Ideopsis daos, Boisduval, Amathusia phidippus, Doubleday, and Pandita : ee ee 2 UL. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. I, sp., all of which are species found in the Malay Peninsula and are not likely to occur in Hongkong. But a much more important list is that by Mr. James J. Walker, R.N, F.L.S., entitled “‘ A Preliminary List of the Butterflies of Hongkong; based on Observations and Captures made during the Winter and Spring months of 1892 and 1893,” published in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London for 1895, pp. 433-477. In this list 125 species are noted. In the present list I have omitted Ideopsis daos and Amathusia phidippus for the reason noted above. Moreover, Mr. Walker records what I consider to be five species under two names each, these being 8. Huplea (Isamia) superba, Herbst, and 9. Huplea (Trepsichrois) midamus, Linneus. 16. Ypthima hibnert, Kirby, and 17. Ypthima argus, Butler. 78. Catopsilia catilla, Cramer, and 79. Catopsilia crocale, Cramer. 80. Terias hecabe, Linneus, and 81. Terias mandarina, de V’Orza. 85. Pieris (Huphina) nereisa, Fabricius, and 86. Preris (Huphina) pallida, Swinhoe. This reduces Walker’s list to 118 species. In the present list 140 species are given, of which 22 marked with an asterisk (*) have not been seen by me. The gain in number of species observed in Hongkong in the six years since Walker wrote is therefore twenty-two. Walker also mentions a specimen of Hestia lynceus, Drury, which he had seen “taken more than twenty years ago on the wharf at Kowloon—an obvious importation.” This species is omitted from his list and also the present one. My friend, Mr. E. F. Skertchly, son of Mr. Sydney B. J. Skertchly in collaboration with Mr. Kershaw, proposes to bring out an elaborate work illustrated with coloured plates on the Khopalocera of Hongkong. A specimen of these platesI have seen chromo-lithographed in Japan, and it isan excellent production. To help in the good work of pub- lishing this volume I have written this paper, as entomological books are scarce in Hongkong, and my assistance has been asked as regards identification of the various species and the necessary synonomy. My share of this work appears in the list below ; the particulars given of the food-plants of the same are closely-allied species occurring in India and elsewhere is a help to the discovery of the transformations of the various species of butterflies in Hongkong itself. A knowledge of the food-plant of any particular butterfly is more than half the battle in discovering its larva. I may note that Messrs. Skertchly and Kershaw have for the last few years sent me consignments from time to time of Hongkong butterflies for identification ; moreover, I have a superficial knowledge of them from having twice visited the colony tor short periods. The butterflies of Hongkong are on the whole remark- ably similar to those of India, not a single genus being found in the 1902.] lL. de Nicéville—Bufterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 3 island or on the adjoining mainland, which does not occur in India, while about ninety per cent. of the species are identical or extremely closely allied, the “local variation ”’ being remarkably slight. This is perhaps not so much to be wondered at, as there is continuous land connection between India and Hongkong save the narrow strait about a mile wide which separates Kowloon or the mainland from the island. Moreover, Hongkong is on the same parallel of latitude as Calcutta, and hasa very similar climate, though it is on the whole slightly cooler. The most interesting butterfly mentioned is, I think, Danais (Anosia) erippus menippe, Hiibner, the well-known ‘ Wanderer,” a pair of which was taken in Hongkong in August last. This butterfly continues to extend its range, but has not as far as I know been yet obtained on the mainland of Asia, though it has spread from its original home in North America to Europe on the east, and right round through the Pacific Islands, Australia, and the Malayan Archipelago to the Straits of Malacca.* Family NYMPHALIDA. Sub-family Danan. 1. Danats (Radena), simitis, Linneeus. Papilio similis, Linnzeus, Mus. Ulr., p. 299, n. 117 (1764) ; Radena similis, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond,, 1883, p. 223, n.1; Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 28 (1890); Fruhs- torfer, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch., vol. xliv, p. 79 (1899); Danais (Radena) similis, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., p. 445, n. 5; Danais similis, var. chinensis, Felder, Verh. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, vol. xii, n. 148 (1862); Papilio aventina, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 92, pl. lix, fig. F (1775). The larva of the subgenus Radena has two pairs only of fleshy filaments. Though species of Madena occur in Ceylon, Burma and the Nicobar Isles within Indian limits, the larva and its food-plant has escaped detection. 2. Danais (Tirumala) Limniacr, Cramer. Papilio lumniace, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 92, pl. lix, figs. D, E, male (1775) ; Lirumala limniace, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 230, n. 2; Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 33 (1890); Fruhstorfer, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch., vol. xliv, p. 115; Danais (Tirwmala) limniace, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond., 1895, p. 445, n. 3. The larva of Tirumala, like that of Radena, has two pairs only of fleshy filaments. It has been recorded in India to feed on many plants of the Natural Order Asclepiadex, such as Calotropis, Asclepias, Marsdenia, Dregea and Hoya. * Vide de Nicéville, Journal A. 8. B., vol, lxiv, pt. 2, pp, 366-367 (1895). & Lae Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. {[No. ], 3. Danais (Tirwmala) SEPTENTRIONIS, Butler. Danais septentrionis, Butler, Ent. Month, Mag., vol. xi, p. 163 (1874). New to the Hongkong list; I have an undoubted female from there captured in March. The food-plant of the larva has never been discovered. 4. Danats (Anosia) ERIPPUS MENIPPE, Hiibner. Papilio erippus Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 4, pl. iii, figs. A, B, male (1775); Anosia menippe, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 16, n. 86 (1816) ; Papilio plexippus Cramer (nec Linnzus), Pap. Ex., vol. iii, p. 24, pl. ccvi, figs. E, F, female (1779); Herbst, Pap., vol. vii, p, 19, n. 8, pl. clvi, figs. 1, 2, male (1794). A pair of this species was taken at Hongkong on the 4th August, 1901. The larva feeds on plants of the Natural Order Asclepiadex. 5. Dawnais (Limnas) curysippus, Linneeus. Papilio chrysippus, Linneeus, Syst. Nat. .Ins., ed. x., vol. i, pt. 2, p. 471, n. 81 (1758) ; Limnas chrysippus, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 237, n. 1; Danais (Limnas) chrysippus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 446, n. 7; Limnas bowringt, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 239, n.6; Fruhstorfer, Stet. Ent. Zeit., vol. lix, p. 412 (1898); Limnas bowringii [sic], Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. 1, p. 44 (1890). Dr. F. Moore in 1893 recorded L. chrysippus from South China, but described L. bowringi as a new species from Hongkong, which also is in South China. In 1890, he says that it is ‘“ doubtfully of racial value.” The larva of Limnas has three pairs of fleshy filaments; in Hongkong it has been reported to feed on Asclepias curassavica, Linn., and in India it feeds on plants of the Natural Order Asclepiadex, such as Calotropis and Asclepias. 6. Danars (Salatura) pLexippus, Linneeus. Papilio plexippus, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 471, n. 80 (1758) ; Papilio genutia, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iii, p. 23, pl. ccvi, figs. C, D, male (1779); Salatura genutia, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 240, n.1; Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 48 (1890); Danais (Salatura) genutia, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 445, n. 6. The larva of Salatura has three pairs of fleshy filaments, and in India feeds on plants of the Natural Order Asclepiadex, such as Cynanchum, Ceropegea and Passularia, in Ceylon on Raphis, Ceropegea and Raphanus. 7. * Danais (Parantica) MELANOIDES, Moore. Parantica melanoides, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 847, n. 1; Danais (Parantica) melanoides, Walker, Tran Ent. Soc, Lond., 1895, p. 445, n. 4. 1902.] L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 5 The larva of Parantica has two pairs only of fleshy filaments. The larva has never been discovered, but that of the allied species, P. aglea, Cramer, has been recorded to feed on plants of the natural order Asclepia- dex, such as Cryptolepis, Calotropis, Tylophora, in South India and Ceylon. 8. Danais (Caduga) sta, Kollar. Danais sita, Kollar, Hugel’s Kaschmir, vol. iv, pt. 5, p. 424, n. 1, pl. vi, figs. 1, 2, male (1844) ; _Danais (Caduga) sita Mackinnon and de Nicéville, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. xi, p. 213, n. 6, pl. U, figs. la, 1b, larva; 1c, 1d, pupa (1897) ; Danais (Caduga) tytia, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 444, n. 2. The larva of Caduga has two pairs only of fleshy filaments, and feeds in India on Marsdenia, natural order Asclepiadex. Hongkong specimens of D. sita agree absolutely with Indian ones. 9. Hupia@a (Crastia) Gopartit, Lucas. Euplea godartii, Lucas, Rev. et Mag. Zool., second series, vol. v, p. 319 (1853) ; Euplea (Crastia) godarti (sic), Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond., 1895, p. 447, n. 10, The larva of Crastia has four pairs of fleshy filaments. Major (now Colonel) C, H. EH. Adamson, c.1.u., in ‘ Notes on the Danaingw of Burmah,” p. 12 (1889), records that he has “bred FH. godartii from caterpillars found feeding on orange trees,” Citrus sp., natural order Riutaceze. More probable plants would, I think, be species of Holarrhena, Neriwm and Ichnocarpus of the natural order Apocynacex, or Streblus and Ficus of the Urticaceex. 10. Eupia@a (Crastia) kinBERGI, Wallengren. Euplea kinbergi, Wallengren, Wien, Ent. Monatsb., vol. iv, p. 35, n. 8 (1860) ; Kongl. Svensk. Fregatten Hugenies Resa, Zoologi, pt. v, p. 352, n. 4 (1861); Tronga kinbergi, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883. p. 269, n. 12; Crastia kinbergi, de Nicéville, Journ. A.S.B., vol. Ixx, pt. 2, pp. 20, 22 (1901), Zuplea (Crastia) kinbergi, de Nicéville, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. xiii, p. ) ae ‘ pl. , fig. , female; Euplea lorquinit, Felder, Reise Novara, Lep., vol. ii, p. 340, n. 472 (1865); Crastia lorquini (sic), Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. i, page 91 (1890) ; Euplea felderi, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 275, n. 20; Crastia felderi, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 91 (1890) ; Huplea (Crastia) frauenfeldi (sic), Walker (nec) Felder, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 447, n. 11; Crastia frauenfeldii, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 87, pl. xxviii, figs. 1, la, male (1890). This very variable and common butterfly is restricted to Southern China, and has been bred on Strophanthus divergens, Grah.—natural order Apocynacexe. The larva will probably be found to feed on Neriwm, natural order Apocynacex, or on Ficus, natural order Urticacee, 6 .L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong vm Southern.China. [No. 1, 11. Eupta@a (Jsamia) mipamus, Linneeus. Papilio midamus, Linneus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 470, n. 75 (1758) ; Isamia midamus, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 312, n. 5, pl. xxxii, fig. 5, male; Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 182 (1891); Euplea (Trepsichrois [sic !] ) midamus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 446, n.9; Papilio superbus, Herbst, Pap., vol. vi, p. 14, n. 3, pl. cxix, fig. 3, female ; pl. cxx, figs. 1, 2, male (1793)*; EHuwplea superba, Felder, Verh. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, vol. xii, p. 488, n. 147 (1862); Isamia swperba [sic], Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 311, n. 3; Lep.Ind., Vol. i. p. 182 (1891); Kirby in Hiibner’s lx. Schmett., new edition, Vol. 1, p.4, pl. xxiv, figs. 3, 4, female (Limnas Mutabilis Midamus [sic] on plate) (1894); Euplea (Isamia) superba [sic], Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 446, n. 8; Danais alopia, Godart, Enc. Meth., vol. ix, p. 177, n. 4 (1819); Isamia alopia, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 313, n. 6, pl. xxxii, fig. 7, male; Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 132 (1891) ; Isamia sinica, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1888, p, 312, n. 4, ee Ind., vol. i, p. 182 (1891). There are several mistakes in the references as usually given. Herbst calls his fig. 3 on pl. cxix a &, whileit isa 9, and his figs. 1 and 2 on pl. exxa 2, while itisa g. Dr. F. Moore sets this right in Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, page 311, n. 3, as regards the 2 ; but on page 313, n. 6, erroneously calls figs. 1 and 2 ? instead of g. He also uses superba instead of superbus as originally written, and refers to plate 102 instead of plate 122. He makes two species out of Herbst’s figures, while they represent one species only. Dr. F. Moore in 1883 and again in 1891 records and keeps distinct four species of Isamia from South China. These four species are in my opinion one and the same species, which at Hongkong, and doubt- less wherever it occurs in Southern China, is a most variable one. In Hongkong the larva has been reported to feed on Strophanthus divergens, Grah., Natural Order Apocynacee. Subfamily SATYRIN A, 12. Mycatesis (Calysisme) mineus, Linneeus. Papilio.mineus Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 471, n. 84 (1758) ; Calysisme mineus Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1880, p. 162; Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 187 (1892) ; Mycalesis mineus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 447, n. 13; Mycalesis mineus, var. confucius, Leech, Butt. China, Japan and Corea, p. 12, pl. ii, fig. 7, male (1892); Kirby, The Entomologist, vol. xxxii, p. 31 (1899). The var. confucius is the dry-season form of M. mineus found in China. The larva in India feeds on grasses. 13. Mycaresis (Calysisme) HORSFIELDII, Moore. Calysisme horsfieldii, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol., i, p. 197, pl. Ixvi, figs. 2, 2a, 2b, 1902.] L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. . 7. male, wet-season form ; 2c, male, dry-season form (1892);? Mycalesis perseus, Wallace (nec Fabricius), Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 447, n. 12. Only two species of Mycalesis have hitherto been found in Hong- kong. Walker gives mineus and perseus. The latter is stated by Dr. F. Moore in Lep. Ind., vol. i, pp. 177, 178, to have a very wide range, being found almost throughout India, Ceylon, Burma, the Malay Peninsula and many of the islands of the Malay Archipelago, and in Hainan and Formosa. It may, as Walker states, be found in Hong- kong, but it is more probable, I think, that what he identified as M. perseus is the comparatively common M. horsfieldii, which has been des- cribed since Mr. Walker wrote his paper. It has never been bred, but its larva will almost certainly be found on grasses. | 14. Letue gvropa, Fabricius. Papilio ewropa, Fabricius, Syst. Ent., p. 500, n. 247 (1775); Lethe europa, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 448, n. 14; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 256 (1892). The larva feeds on Bambusa Sp., natural order Grraminex. 15. Lerae conrusa, Aurivillius. Lethe confusa, Aurivillius, Ent. Tids., vol. xviii, p. 142, n.15 (1897); ? Lethe verma, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 448, n. 15; Lethe rohria, Kirby (nec Fabricius), The Entomologist, vol. xxxii, p. 31 (1899). Mr. James J. Walker records Lethe verma, Kollar, from a single specimen taken in the Happy Valley, Hongkong, in March. This is, I think, probably an incorrect identification, the present species being meant. L. verma is a common species in the hills of Northern India, and is found in the hills of Western China, but not I believe in Western China. As the name implies, there has been much confusion regard- ing this species. Until recently it has been always known as L. rohria Fabricius, until Dr. Aurivillius pointed out that the true rohria is an older name for the Lethe dyrta of Felder. The larva will almost cer- tainly be found to feed on the leaves of bamboo. 16. YprHima avanra, Moore. Ypthima avanta, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 567; Elwes and Edwards, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 18938, p. 33, n. 388, pl. i, fig. 27, clasp of male; Ypthima ordinata, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1880, p. 148, pl. xv, fig. 3; Ypthima hubneri, Walker, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 448, n. 16;? Ypthima argus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond., 1895, p. 448, n. 17. T. avanta i” seasonally dimorphic, avanta is the dry-season form, 8 . de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. 1, while ordinata is the wet-season form. I have ventured to put Walker’s two species hiibneri [recte huebneri] and argus under avanta, as I do not believe that either of them are found in Hongkong, and that they have been wrongly identified. J. avanta is found in the Western Himalayas, in the plains of the North-Western Provinces, at Ranchi and Bholahat in Maldah, both in the plains of Bengal, in the Eastern Himalayas, in the Ganjam district of Eastern India, throughout Burma, and on the West River in Southern China. It has not been bred, but the larva will be found on grasses. 17. Mbsvanitis IsMENE, Cramer. Papilio ismene, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 40, pl. xxvi, figs. A, B, male, dry- season form (1775) ; Melanitis determinata, Butler, Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1885, p. vi, Melanitis leda, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 449, n. 18. This species in seasonally dimorphic, the dry-season form me ismene, the wet-season form is determinata. The larva feeds on rice, Oryza sativa, Linneeus, on large, coarse grasses, all of the natural order Graminex. 18.* MeLANITIS BELA, Moore. Melanitis bela, Moore, Horsfield and Moore, Cat. Lep. E.1.C., vol. i, p. 228, n. 465 (1857); Cyllo aswa, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, p. 769; Melanitis aswa, Walker, Trans. Hnt. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 449, n. 19. This species is also seasonally dimorphic, bela being the wet-season form, aswa the dry-season form. Walker records one specimen taken at Kowloon late in 1891. I have not seen it from thence, but do not doubt the correctness of the record. It occurs in Western China, and as far westwards again as Kashmir. It has not been bred. Subfamily AMATHUSIIN A. 19. DiscopHoRA TULLIA, Cramer. Papilio tullia, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 127, pl. Ixxxi, figs. A, B, female (1775) ; Discophora tullia, Staudinger, Ex. Schmett., p. 189, pl. lxiii, female (1887) ; Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 449, n. 20; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. ii, p. 197 (1895) ; Fruhstorfer, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch., vol. xlv, p. 13 (1900). As far as is known, the larve of all the species of this genus feed on Bambusa sp., Natural Order Graminex, and are gregarious, very hairy, and are frequently mistaken for the larvee of moths. 20. CLEROME EUMEUS, Drury. Danais Festivus ewmeus, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. i, p. 4, pl. ii, figs. 3, male, upper—and underside (1770); Clerome ewmeus, Westwood, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1902.] L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 9 second series, vol. iv, p. 183, n. 2 (1858); Butler, Cat. Fab. Lep. B. M., p, 44, n. 1 (1869); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 450, n. 21; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. ii, p. 209 (1895); Kirby, The Entomologist, vol. xxxii, p. 81 (1899); Papilio eumea (sic), Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. ii, p. 132, pl. clxxxiii, figs. C, D, female (1777); Papilio gripus Fabricius, Syst. Ent., App., p. 829, n. 178-79 (1775) ; Sp. Ins., vol. ii, p. 58, n. 255 (1781); Ent. Syst., vol. iii, pt. 1, p. 149, n. 457 (1793); Herbst, Pap., vol. vi, p. 77, n. 41, pl. exxxv, figs. 3, 4, female (1793) ; Satyrus gripus, Godart, Enc. Meth., vol. ix, p. 497, n. 70 (1819); Papilio grispus (sic), Fabricius, Mant. Ins., vol. ii, p. 28, n. 294 (1787); Papilio decempunctatus Goeze, Ent. Beytr., vol. iii, pt. 1, p. 212, n. 31 (1779). No species of Clerome has, I believe, ever been bred. The larva will almost certainly be found to feed on Bambusa sp., Natural Order Graminex. It is remarkable that no species of the subfamily Hlymniine has been recorded from Hongkong. As the importation of ornaimental palms on which the larve feed is probably considerable from countries where species of the group are common, it is more than probable that species of Hlymniine: will becoize naturalised in the island and on the adjoining mainland. Subfamily NYMPHALIN A. 21.* Cuaraxes (Hulepis) aruamas, Drury. Papilio Eques achivus athamas, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. i, p. 5, pl. ii, figs. 4, male, upper and underside (1770); Papilio athamas, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 140, pl. Ixxxix, figs. C, D, male (1776); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 458, n. 52; Moore, Lep. India., vol. ii, p. 254 (1895); Hulepis athamas, Rothschild and Jordan, Nov. Zool., vol. v, pl. x, figs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, male; 4, female; pl. x1, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, male; 3, 4, 8, 9, female (1898); vol. vi, p. 245, n. 12 (1899). Mr. James J. Walker records that he once saw this butterfly in Hongkong. Messrs Rothschild and Jordan under b. HL. athamas athamas record it from South China (Hongkong), but add “‘ Authentic Chinese specimens we have not examined.” I have seen no specimen from Hongkong. The larva in Ceylon feeds on Cexsalpinia, Natural Order Leguminose ; in South India on Grewia sp. Natural Order Tiliacexe, on Cesalpinia, Paincianu, Adenanthera, Acacia, and Albizzia, Natural Order Leguminose ; and in the Western Himalayas on Acacia and Albizaia. 22. CHARAXES POLYXENA POLYXENA, Cramer. Papilio polyxena, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 85 pl. liv, figs. A, B, female (1775) ; Haridra polyxena, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol., ii, p. 247 (1896); Charaxes polyxena polyxena, Rothschild and Jordan, Nov. Zool., vol. vii, p. 334 (1900) ; Nymphalis polyxo, Godart, Enc. Meth., vol. ix, p. 399, n 169 (1819); Papilio bernardus, Fabri- cius, Ent. Syst., vol. ili, pt. i, p. 71, n. 223 (1793); Nymphalis (Charawes) bernardus, A) Fae 1 ip’ 10 L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China.. [No. 1, Donovan, Ins. China (Westwood’s edition), p. 63, pl. xxxiv, figs. 1, 2, female (1842) ; Charazes bernardus, Butler, Cat. Fab. Lep. B. M., p. 50, n. 2 (1869) ; Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 459, n. 53; Haridra bernardus, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. ii, p. 246 (1896); Doxocopa epilais, Hubner, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 50, n. 464 (1816). My material from Hongkong ean superficially be broken up into two distinct groups, one with pale tawny bands on the upper side of both wings, of which I have four males and one female, the males are dated 17th and 26th April, and 5th December, while one has no date; the female also bears no date: the other with white bands, of which I have two pairs, one male is dated 14th July, the other is undated ; one female is dated 2lst July, the other bears no date. P. polyxena was originally described from China, and my single tawny banded example of that sex agrees very well with Cramer’s figure, but that the “tail” to the binding from the third median nervule is much longer (in Cramer’s specimen it was probably broken off), and the dark and light markings of both wings on the underside are more strongly contrasted in Cramer’s figure than in my specimen. The tawny banded males are extremely constant, and differ but little from my female; the “tail” to the hindwing is of course much shorter, and the sub- marginal series of black spots on the upperside of that wing instead of being each centred with a white spot has the anteriormost spot in one instance and the two anteriormost spots in three instances so marked. Of the white banded group in one male the band consists of four portions divided by the veins, the anterior the smallest, the posterior the largest, with a minute white spot anterior to the first of these with no spots beyond it whatever; in my other male the band consists of eight spots, there being two (instead of one as in the first- described specimen) in the upper discoidal interspace, and another in the subcortal interspace, as well as the one on the sutural area. The markings of the hindwing on the upperside also differ in my two male specimens, in the first described of these the discal band is fulvous, in the latter it is anteriorly white. My two white banded females also differ the one from the other, and neither of them agree with Donavon’s | figure, as that figure shows no discal band on the upperside of the hindwing, while in my specimens this band is prominent. In my two examples one has on the upperside of the forewing three fulvous-white spots anterior to the third median nervule, which are absent in the other. My specimens agree fairly well with Dr. Moore’s description of that sex under the name of H. bernardus. Mr. J. O. Westwood remarked on Donovan’s figures that “‘This uncommonly rare Chinese butterfly has not been figured in any other work. Fabricius described it only from the drawings of Jones. I possess a specimen in which the central 1902.] L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 11 fascia is nearly white, and is continued half way across the posterior wings, aud the black spots in the latter are very broad and confluent, without white in the centre.” Dr. Moore separated H. bernardus from TZ. polyxena, and noted that “ This species [bernardus] is distinct from H. polyxena, Cramer, and is allied to the Indian H, jalinder, Butler, and H. hippanax, Felder.” Fabricius described the medial band across the forewing on the upperside in P. bernardus as “flava,” which is yellow, while Dr. Moore calls it “bluish-white.” Donovan’s figure of P. bernardus shows this band white just tinged with yellow. Fabricius’ description of P. bernardus evidently applies to Cramer’s figure of P. polyzena. In describing the male of H. bernardus Dr. Moore says that the white band on the upperside of the forewing ends “ At the lower [first] median veinlet.”” This is probably a slip for submedian nervure. Messrs. Rothschild and Jordon give seven local races of COharaxes polyzena, of which the Chinese form “ G. polyxena polyxena” is the last. They consider the white and yellow banded forms to be one and the same species, the species being dichromatic. Jt has never been bred. 23. ApaturaA (Rohana) parysatTis, Westwood. Apatura parisatis, Westwood, Gen. Diurn. Lep., vol. ii, p. 305, n. 20, note (1850) ; A. parisatis, Staudinger, Ex. Schmett., p. 156, pl. lv, male and female (1886) ; Rohuna parisatis, Moore, Lep. Cey., vol. iii, p. 17, pl. exciv, figs. 4, 2a, male ; 2b, 2e, female (1896) ; Apatura parysatis, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1894, p. 452, n. 27. The larva of A. parysatis has been bred in Hongkong on (hiatus in MS.) That of the allied A. carniba, Moore, feeds in Ceylon and South India on Celtis, Natural Order Urticacee. ; 24. PARHESTINA ASSIMILIS, Linneeus. Papilio assimilis, Linnaeus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 479, n. 129 (1758) ; Mus. Ulr., p. 300, n. 118 (1764); Clerck’s Icones Ins., vol. i, pl. xvi, fig. 1 (1759); Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. i, p. 33, pl. xvii, figs. 3, 4, male (1770) ; Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. ii, p. 90, pl. cliv, fig. A, female (1777); Herbst, Pap., vol. vi, p. 43, n. 24, pl. exxvi, figs. 4, 5, male (1793); Esper, Ausl. Schmett., p. 230, pl. lvii, fig. 1 (?1798) ; Nymphalis assimilis, Godart, Enc. Méth., val. ix, p. 393, n. 151 (1819) ; Hestina assimilis, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 452, n. 28. The larva of this species feeds in Hongkong on (hiatus in MS.) 25. PARHESTINA MENA, Moore. Hestina mena, Moore, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., third series, vol. i, p. 48, n. 3 (1858) ; Leech, Butt. from China, Japan, and Corea, vol. i, p. 143, pl. xx, figs. 3, 4 male (1892); Walker, Trans. Ent. Sos, Lond., 1895, p. 452, n. 29; Diadema 12 L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. l, mena, Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., vol. xvi, p. 398, n. 3 (1865); Parhestina mena, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. 36, pl. ccii, figs. 1, la, female (1896) ; Hestina nigrivena, Leech, The Ent., vol. xxiii, p. 31 (1890); Grose-Smith and Kirby, Rhop. Ex., pl. Hestina i, figs. 1, 2, male (1891) ; Hestina viridis, Leech, The Ent., vol. xxiii, p. 32 (1890). Mr. Leech has himself sunk H. viridis to the rank of a variety of H, mena. From his figure of it (le., fig. 3) the underside of the hind- wing has ‘the costa above the costal nervure and the abdominal fold yellow.”” Mr. Leech notes, however, that male specimens of var. viridis received subsequent to the description of the species have none of this yellow coloration. I am a Hittle doubtful if this character is not sufficient to separate H. viridis, Leech, and H. nicevillei, Moore, from P. assimilis, Linneeus, and P. mena, Moore. H. mena was originally described from ‘‘ North India,” in 1895 Mr. Walker recorded it from Hongkong, but Dr. Moore in 1896 said the habitat is unknown. I have seen but a single pair from Hongkong, the female of which agrees very closely with Dr. Moore’s figure of that sex (not a male as stated). I would draw especial attention to a series of four or five submarginal pink spots on both surfaces of the hindwing which are visible in my specimens, in Messrs Grose-Smith and Kirby’s figures and in Mr. Leech’s figure No. 4 of var. nigrivena. These spots occupy the same position exactly as the crimson spots in P. assimilis, which has led me to suspect that P. mena is not improbably a dimorphic form of that species. The genus Parhestina is evidently in a very plastic state, and it appears to me that the process of mimicry to species of Danuais is now actively going on. Typical P. assimilis with its brilliant crimson Spots is a conspicuous species, and it is evident that it would be advan- tageous to it to become less gaudily coloured and to be able to pass itself off as a nauseous Danais. Mr. James J. Walker records the breeding of a specimen in Hongkong, but does not mention the food- plant of the larva, which still remains unknown. 26. Eurnanta pHemivus, Doubleday and Hewitson. Adolias phemius, Doubleday and Hewitson, Gen. Diurn. Lep., vol. ii, p. 291, n. 13 (1850) ; Itanus phemius, pl. xl, fig. 4, male (1850); id., Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., new series, vol. v, p. 65, n. 4, pl. iii, fig. 3, male (nec female) (1859) ; Huthalia phemius Staudinger, Ex. Schmett., p. 153, pl. liv. male (mec female) (1886); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 457, n. 47; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. 123, pl. ecxxxviii, figs. 1, la, male; 1b, 1c, female (1896) ; Adolias sancara, Moore, Horsfield and Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. H.I.C., vol. i, p. 195, n. 894 (1857); Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., new series, vol. v, p. 78, n. 34, pl. ix, fig. 1, female (1859). Mr. James J. Walker having taken a pair coupled of this butterfly in Hongkong finally settles the question as to the opposite sexes of the 1902.| L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 138 insect. He also obtained a pupa attached to a twig under some litchi trees (Nephelium Ixt-cha, Camb., Natural Order Sapindacezx),\but that cannot be the food-plant of the larva in India, as it grows wild nowhere in this country, while the butterfly is common in the Kastern Himalayas, Assam, Upper Burma, and Indo-China. Its food-plant still remains unknown, 27. Limenitis (Ladaga) camiina, Linneus. Papilio camilla, Linneus, Mus. Ulr., p. 804, n, 122 (1764); Nymphalis camilla, Aurivillius, Kongl. Svenska Vet.—Akad. Hand., vol. xix, n. 5, p. 101, n. 122 (1882); Limenitis camilla, Kirby in Allan’s Nat, Hist., Batterflies, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 142, p. 145, underside of normal imago, upper and wnderside of black variety; pl. xxiii, fig. 38, wpperside of normal imago; pl. iii, fig. 7, larva (1896); Papilio prorsa, Linnzus, Mus. Ulr., p. 303, n. 121 (1764), nec Papilio prorsa, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol, i, pt. 2, p. 480, n. 184 (1758) ; Papilio sibiila, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. xii, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 781, n. 186 (1767) ; Limenitis sibylla, Leech, Butt. from China, Japan, and Corea, vol. i, p. 185 (1892) ; Limenitis sidii, var. japanica, Ménétriés, Cat. Lep. Pét., pt. 2, p. 1038, n. 566 (1855) ; Ladaga japonica, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. 174 (1896). This is a new record from Hongkong, though common in Japan, Corea, Amurland and Europe. Dr. Moore keeps the Japan form as a distinct species under the name L. japanica. Mr. Leech says that in Japan the larva feeds on Lontcera japanica, Thunberg, Natural Order Caprifoliacee. In England “The White Admiral ” feeds also on honey- suckle. 28.* ATHYMA SULPITIA, Cramer. Papilio sulpitia, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iii, p. 37, pl. cexiv, figs. KH, F (1779) ; Herbst, Pap., vol. ix., p. 95, n.19, pl. cexl, figs. 3, 4(1798); Athyma sulpitia, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 456, n. 45; Purathyma sulpitia, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. 176 (1896). Nymphalis strophia, Godart, Enc. Meth,, vol. ix, p. 431, n. 257 (1823). The larva of this butterfly has never been found. 29. ATHYMA PERIUS, Linneeus. Papilio perius, Linneeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 471, n. 79 (1758); Athyma perius, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 456, n. 43; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. 186 (1896) ; Papilio leucothoé, Linneeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 478, n. 122 (1758); Limenitis leucothoé, Donovan, Ins., China, new edition, p. 65, pl. xxxv, fig. 3 (1842) ; Papilio polyxina, Donovan, Ins., China, first edition, pl. xxxv, fig. 3 (1799). The larva has been recorded to feed in Java ona species of Phyllan- thus, Natural Order Euphorbiacex ; in South India it feeds on two species of Glochidion, Natural Order Huphorbiace. I4 Li. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. 1, 30. AtTHYMA asiTa, Moore. A. asita, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1858, p. 18, n. 8; Pantoporia asita, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. cclxiii, figs. 2, male; 2a, female (1897); Athyma nefte, Walker (nec Cramer) Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 456, n 44. This insect has never been bred. 31. ATHYMA SELBNOPHORA, Kollar. Limenitis selenophora, Kollar, Hiigel’s Kaschmir, vol, iv, pt. 2, p. 426, n. 1, pl. vii, figs. 1, 2, male (1844); Athyma selenophora, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 457, n. 46; Pantoporia selenophora, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. 205 (1897); Athyma bahula, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1858, p. 12, n. 3, pl. i, fig. 2, female. The larva in South India feeds on Adina cordifolia, Hook. f., Natural Order Rubiacex. 32.* NEPTIS ANTILOPE, Leech. Neptis antilope, Leech, The Entomologist, vol. xxiii, p. 35 (1890); Butt. from China, Japan, and Corea, vol. i, p. 197, pl. xviii, fig. 2, mule (1892). Mr. Leech records having taken two specimens of this species at Hongkong in March, 1886. It has never been bred. 33. NeEPTIS COLUMELLA, Cramer. Papilio columella, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iv, p. 15, pl. ecxcvi, figs. A, B, female (1780); Neptis columella, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 454, n. 36 ; Andrapana columella, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. 220 (1897); Neptis ophiana, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1872, p. 561; Neptis martabana, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1881, p. 310; Neptis ophiana, var. nilgirica, Hampson, Journ. A.S.B., vol. lvii, pt. 2, p. 353, n. 57 (1888); Andrapana columella singa, Fruhstorfer, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch., vol. xliv, p. 286 (1899). This butterfly has never been bred. 34. NePTIS EURYNOME, Linneus. Papilio eurynome, (? Papilio hylas, male, nec. female), Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 486, n. 173 (1758); Limenitis eurynome, Westwood’s ed. Donovan’s Ins. China, p 66, pl. xxxv, fig. 4, female (1842); Neptis ewrynome, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 570; Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. 244 (1897); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 454, n. 35; Papilio leucothoé, Clerck, Icones Ins., vol. iii, pl. v, fig. 4( ); Donovan, Ins. China, first edition, pl. xxxv, fig. 3, female (1799); Papilio aceris, Esper, Hur. Schmett., vol. i, pt. 2, pl. Ixxxii, fig. 1, female (1783); Neptis hainana, Kirby (nec Moore), The Entomologist, vol. xxxii, p. 31 (1899). The synonymy given above is mainly taken from Dr. Moore’s Lep. Ind. Linneus’ Syst. Nat. Ins., tenth edition, is not available, so I am ‘ 1902.} LL. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 15 unable to check the first entry; though apparently the name given therein on p. 486, n. 173, is hylas and not ewrynome. If this be so, eurynome cannot be ascribed to Linnzeus, but should be credited to Westwood, as was done by Dr. Moore in 1874, Donovan’s fig. 4 of pl. xxxv applies to this insect: he called it leuwcothoé, mistaking the insect for the Athyma leucothoé described by Linneeus as Papilio leuco- thoé, which itself is a synonym of the older Papilio [ Athyma] perius, Linneus. As there is an older Neptis named leucothoé of Cramer the species under consideration cannot be called Neptis leucothoé, Donovan. Mr. Kirby records Neptis hainana, Moore, originally described from Hainan Island, China, from Hongkong, but Dr. Moore considers that species to be distinct from the Hongkong one, so as I have no Hainan specimens I have followed him iu this. This group of the genus occurs almost everywhere in the Hast, and in my opinion has received far too many names. Wherever the seasons are markedly wet and dry, seasonal dimorphism is very strongly marked, particularly so in Hongkong. The insect in Hongkong has not been bred, but the trans- formations of its Indian allies are well known, N. varmana, Moore, in South India being found in the larval state on peas of various kinds, Natural Order Leguminose. 30.* PRECIS ATLITES, Linneeus. Papilio atlites, Linnzeus, Cent. Ins., p. 24, n. 72 (Amoen., vol. vi, p. 407), (1763) ; Junonia atlites, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 453, n. 31, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, p. 69 (1899). The larva in Java feeds on a species of Achyranthes, Natural Order Amarantacee, and in South India on Hygrophila and Barleria, Natural Order Acanthacee. | ° 36. Precis orgITHYA, Linneeus. Papilio orithya, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 473, n. 94 (1758) ; Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 28, pl. xix, figs. C, D, female; pl. xxxii, figs. KE, F, male (1775) ; Cynthia orithya, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 64, pl. xxxv, fig 2, female (1812); Junonia orithya, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 454, n. 34; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, p. 71 (1899); Precis orithya, Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol. viii, p. 200, n. 12 (1901). The larva has been recorded in the Himalayas to feed ou Antirrhi- num Orontium Linn., Natural Order Scrophularinese ; in South India on Hygrophila, Natural Order Acanthaceex ; and in Ceylon on acanthads. 3o7. PRECIS HIERTA, Fabricius. Papilio hierta, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Suppl., p. 424, n. 281-2 (1798); Junonia hierta, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, p. 75 (1899); Papilio enone, Cramer (nec Linnaeus), 16 L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. }, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 55, pl. xxxv, figs. A, B, female; C, male (1775) ; Cynthia enone, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins. China, new edition, p. 66, pl. xxxvi, fig. 1, male (1842) ; Junonia cnone, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 454, n. 33; Precis enone [sic], Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol. viii, p. 203, n. 22 (1901). The larva feeds in South India on Hygrophila, Natural Order Acan- thacex, also on two plants of which the vernacular namesiare “ Kolay Mooloo” and “ Byle Choolee.” 38. Precis LEMONIAS, Linneeus. Papilio lemonias, Linneus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 473, n. 93 (1758) ; Junonia lemonias, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 454, n. 32; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, p. 76 (1899) ; Papilio aonis, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, pp. 55, 56, pl. xxxv, figs. D, H, F, male (1775). In India the larva feeds on Nelsonia, Hygrophila, Strobilanthes and Barleria, all Natural Order Acanthacex. 39. Precis ALMANA, Linneeus. Papilio almana, Linneeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 472, n. 89 (1758) ; Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 90, pl. Iviii, figs. F, G, (1775); Cynthia almana, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins. China, new edition, p. 67, pl. xxxvi, fig. 2 (1842); Junonia almana, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, p. 79 (1899); Papilio asterie, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat., ed. x, vol. i, p. 472, n. 90 (1758) ; Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 90, pl. lviii, figs. D, E (1775); Junonia asterie, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 453, n. 30. The larva in Java has been found feeding on Justicia, Natural Order Acanthacex ; in South India on Hygrophila, Natural Order Acanthacee; in Calcutta on Gloxinia or Osbeckia, the latter Natural Order Melas- tomaces. 40. VANESSA CANACE, Johanssen. Papilio canace, Johanssen, Amcen. Acad., vol. vi, p. 406, n. 68 (1764) ; Linnzus, ~ Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. xii, vol. i, pt. ii, p. 779, n. 173 (1767); Vanessa canace, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 458, n. 50; Papilio charonia, Drury, Il. Ex. Ent., vol. i, p. 28, pl. xv, figs. 1, 2, female (1770) ; Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, pp. 73, 74, pl. xlvii, figs. A, B, C (1775); Herbst, Pap., vol. vii, p. 42, n. i, pl. xlx, figs. 1, 2 (1794); Vanessa charonia, Godart, Enc. Méth., vol. ix, p. 308, n. 27 (1819); Kaniska charonia, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, p. 94 (1899) ; Papilio kollina, Meerburgh, Afb. Zeldz. Gew., pl. xliii (1775). Dr. Moore records this species as Kaniska Charonia, Drury, from Hongkong, but specimens from thence are identical with Indian ex- amples of V. canace, Linneus. Mr. James J. Walker has bred it in Hongkong on a species of Smilax, Natural Order Liliacex. 41. Vanessa rnpica, Herbst. Papilio atalanta (part), Herbst, Pap., vol. vii, p. 171, n. 64, Papilio atalanta eer ~ 1902.] L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 17 indica, pl. clxxx, figs. 1, 2 (1794); Vanessa indica, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 485, n. 49; Papilio atalanta Cramer (nec Linnaeus), Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 132, pl. Ixxxiv, figs. EH, F (1775); Hamadryas decora calliroé Hiibner, Sarmul. Ex. Schmett. (1806-16); Pyrameis callirhoé [sic], Moore, Horsfield and Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C., vol. i, p. 138, n. 879 (1857); Vanessa vulcania, Godart, Enc. Méth., vol. ix, p. 320, n. 55 (1819). The larva of this butterfly in Ceylon feeds on Urtica, and in the Western Himalayas on different nettles of the Natural Order Urticacee. 42. VANESSA CARDUI, Linneus. Papilio cardui, Linneus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 475, n. 107 (1758); Vanessa cardui, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 457, n. 48; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iii, p. 107 (1899). The larva has been recorded in Ceylon to feed on Artemisia, Natur- al Order Composite ; at Kandahar on different species of thistles; at Jutogh in the Western Himalayas on the common artichoke and on mallow ; in the same region on nettles, but this is a doubtful food-plant, on thistles, on Debregeasia, Natural Order Urticacez, and on Carduus, Natural Order Compositz ; in South India on Zornia, Natural Order Leguminose, and on Blumea, Natural Order Composite ; and at Lucknow on Gnaphalium, Natural Order Composite. 43. SYMBRENTHIA LUCINA, Cramer. Papilio lucina, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iv, p. 82, pl. cccxxx, figs. HE, F, female (1780); Symbrenthia lucina, Moore Lep. Ind., vol. iv, pp. 113, 114 (1906); Symbren- thia hyppoclus lucina, Fruhstorfer, Berl. Ent, Zeitsch., vol. xlv, p. 20 (1900); Sym- brenthia khasiana, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 569 ; Symbrenthia daruka, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 570, pl. Ixvi, fig. 18, male; Symbrenthia hyppoclus [sic], Walker [nec Cramer], Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 458, n. 51. In Sikkim the larva feeds on the stinging nettle Girardinia sp., in the Western Himalayas on nettles, Debregeasia sp., Natural Order Urticacex. 44 HyYPOLIMNAS BOLINA, Linnezeas. Papilio bolina, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 479, n. 124 (1758) ; Hypolimnas bolina, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 455, n. 39; Apatura bolina, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, pp. 140, 144 (1900); Papilio iacintha, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. ii, p. 36, pl. xxi, figs. 1, 2, female, (1773) ; Nymphalis jacintha, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins. China, new edition, p. 68, pl. xxxvii, fig. 1, female (1842). Mr. Gervose F. Mathew has found the larva of H. holina feeding on Sida rhombifolia Linn., and Sida retusa Linn., Natural Order Mal- vacexe, also upon a Convoluulus, Natural Order Convolvulacex, in the Aus- tralian region; in South India it feeds on Portulaca, Natural Order Portulacex, Fleurya and Hlatostema, both Natural Order Urticacesx ; in J. 1.38 18 L. de Nicéville—Buztterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. 1, Central India it has been found on Rostellulria, Natural Order Acan- thacee. 45*, HypoLimnas MiIsippus, Linneeus. Papilio misippus, Linneus, Mus. Ulr., p. 264, n. 83 (1764) ; Hypolimnas misippus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 455, n. 40; Apatura misippus, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, pp. 146, 150 (1900). Mr. James J. Walker reports having seen a male of this species close to Kowloonin February. I have no other record of its occurrence in the colony. I do not know what form or forms of the female are found in China, three forms, diocippus, Cramer, alcippordes, Butler, and inaria, Cramer, are known from India. In India the larva feeds on Portulaca, Natural Order Portulacee. In Ceylon it feeds on Abutilon and Abel- moschus, Natural Order Malvacess. 46. CrrTHosiA BIBLIS, Drury. Papilio biblis, Drury, Ill. Hx. Ins., vol. i, p. 9, pl. iv, figs, 2, 2a, male (1770); Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. ii, p. 120, pl. clxxv, figs. A, B, male (1777); Cethosia biblis, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 451, n. 26; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, pp. 185, 186 (1900). The larva in Hongkong feeds on Passiflora fetida, Lion., Natural Order Passiflorexe. In India it feeds also on passion-flowers. 47, ATELLA PHALANTHA, Drury. Papilio phalantha, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. i, p. 41, pl. xxi, figs. 1, 2 (1770) ; Atella phalantha, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, p. 198 (1900); Atella phalanta [sic], Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 451, n. 25; Papilio columbina, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iii, p. 76, pl. cexxxviii, figs. A, B (1779); vol. iv, p. 92, pl. cccxxxvii, figs. D, E (1781). In Java the larva feeds on Izora, Natural Order Rubiacee ; in Ceylon and on Flacourtia, Natural Order Bixinee; on Saliz, Natural Order Salicineze, in India and the Isle of Réunion off the coast of Africa on the former genus of plants. 48. CUPHA ERYMANTHIS, Drury. Papilio erymanthis, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. 1, p. 29, pl. xv, figs. 3, 4 (1770); Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iii, p. 77, ccxxxviii, figs. F, G (1779); Argynnis erymanthis, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins, China, new edition, p. 64, pl. xxxv, fig. 1 (1842) ; Cupha erymanthis, Walker, Trans. Hnt. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 451, n. 24; Fruhstorfer, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch., vol. xlii, p. 325 (1897); Stet. Ent. Zeit., vol. Ix, p. 844 (1899) ; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, pp. 205, 206 (1900). Mr. James J. Walker has bred the larva in Hongkong on Glochi- dion eriocarpum, Champ., Natural Order Huphorbiacee ; in South India 1902.] LL. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 19 the larva has been found on a species of willow, and on Flacourtia, Natural Order Bizxinee. 49. CIRRHOCHROA MITHILA, Moore. Cirrochroa mithila, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1872, p. 558; Cirrhochroa mithila, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 455, n. 88; Cirrochroa rotundatu, Butler, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zoology, second series, vol. i, p. 543, n. 4 (1877). This butterfly has never been bred. 50*. CIRRHOCHROA SATELLITA, Butler. Cirrhochroa satellita, Butler, Cist. Ent., vol. i, p. 9 (1869); Walker, Trans. Ent, Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 455, n. 87; Cirrochroa satellita [sic], Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, p. 223 (1900). The transformations of this butterfly are unknown. 51*, ARGYNNIS CHILDRENI, Gray. Argynnis childreni, Gray, Zool. Misc., vol. i, p. 83 (1831); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 456, n. 42 ; Dryas childreni, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, p. 229 (1900). This fine butterfly has never been bred, 52. ARGYNNIS HYPERBIUS, Linneeus. Papilio hyperbius, Linnzeus, Cent. Ins., p. 25 (1763); Papilio niphe, Linnzus Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. xii, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 785, n. 208 (1767); Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. i, p. 12, pl. vi, figs. 1, la, female (1770) ; Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 21, pl. xlv., figs. D, EH, male; B, C, female (1775); Argynnis niphe, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 455, n. 41; Acidalia hyperbius, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. iv, pp. 234, 285 (1900) ; Papilio argynnis, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins,, vol. i, p. 18, pl. vi, figs. 2, 2a, male (1770). The larva of this interesting butterfly feeds on violets and pansies, Viola, Natural Order Violacee. 53. HRGOLIS ARIADNE, Johanssen. Papilio ariadne, Johanssen, Amcen. Acad., vol. vi, p. 407 (1764) ; Zrgolis ariadne, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 451, n. 23; Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. v, pp. 18, : 19 (1901). The larva in India feeds on Tragia, Natural Order Huphorbiacex. Family RIODINID A. Subfamily Nemnosiina, D4. ZEMEROS FLEGYAS, Cramer, Papilio flegyas, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol, iii, p. 158, pl. cclxxx, figs. E, F, male 20 L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. 1, (1780) ; Zemeros fleyyas, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 459, n. 54; Papilio allica, Fabricius, Mant. Ins., vol. ii, p. 52, n. 510 (1787); Zemeros phlegyas indicus, Fruhstorfer, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch., vol. xlii, p. 333 (1897); Zemeros confucius, Kirby (nec. Moore), The Entomologist, vol. xxxii, p. 31 (1899). Papilio flegyas was originally described from China, 7.e., Southern China, probably from the Canton region in which Hongkong is situated, as this is the region from which all the old writers received all the species from China which they described. Mr. Fruhstorfer doubts Cramer’s locality and records Z. “‘ phlegyas”’ from Hast and West Java only. He names the North Indian form Z. phlegyas indicus, but Indian specimens are identical with those from China. Mr. Kirby records Z. confucius, Moore, from Hongkong, a species originally described from the Island of Hainan off the coast of China. Whether this species is a good one or not Iam unable to say, as I possess no butterflies from Hainan. Dr. Holland says that it is a good species, In India the larva feeds on Mesa, Natural Order Myrsinex. 55. ABISARA ECHERIUS, Stoll. Papilio echerius, Stoll, Cramer’s Pap. Ex., Suppl., vol. v, p. 140, pl. xxxi, figs. 1, 1A, male; 1B, female (1790); Abisara echerius, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 459, n. 55; Papilio odin, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., vol. iii, pt. 1, p. 56," a dive (1793) ; Lyceena wenodice, Hiibner, Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 23, n. 174 (1816). I have not included in the synonymy given above the Papilio corto- lanus of Fabricius, as it was described from ‘‘ The Indies,” and is said to have a common [on both wings] ferruginous band, which does not apply to the present species. Dr. Butler says it is well figured in the unpublished “Icones” of Mr. Jones, a book not available in Calcutta. The larva of the closely-allied A. fraterna, Moore, in Southern India on Hmbelia and Ardisia, Natural Order Myrsinexe; in Ceylon A. prunosa, Moore, feeds on Ardisia of the same Natural Order. Family LYCANID A. 56. “GeRYDUS CHINENSIS, Felder. Miletus chinensis, Felder, Verh. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, vol. xii, p. 488, n. 146 (1862); Reise Nov., Lep., vol. ii, p. 284, n. 364, pl. xxxv, figs. 35, 36, female (1865); Gerydus chinensis, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1896, p. 460, n. 57. The transformations of no species of Gerydus is known. 57. NeopitHecors zALMORA, Butler. Pithecops zalmora, Butler, Cat. Fab. Lep. B. M., p. 161 (1869); Neopithecops galmora, Walker, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 460, n. 58. 1902.] L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 21 The larva of this little butterfly feeds on Glycosmis, Natural Order Rutacex in South India. 58. CHILADES LAIUS, Cramer. Papilio lajus, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iv, p. 62, pl. cccxix, figs. D, H, female (1780); Lycena laius, Butler, Cat. Fab. Lep. B. M., p. 171, n. 19 (1869) ; Chilades laius, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 461, n. 63; Hesperia cajus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., vol. iii, pt. 1, p. 296, n. 126 (1793); Lycena cajus, Wallengren, Kong}. Svenska Fregatten Eugenies, Zoologi, pt. 1, p. 356, n. 12 (1861); Plebeius leucofas- ciatus, Réber, Iris, vol. i, p. 59, pl. iv, fig. 32, male, wet-season form (1886). In India the larva feeds on Citrus, Natural Order Rutaceex. 59. ZizeRaA MAHA, Kollar. Lycena maha, Kollar, Hiigel’s Kaschmir, vol. iv, pt. 2, p. 422, n. 9 (1844); Zizera maha, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 460, n. 60; Lycena bohemanni, Wallengren, Wien, Ent. Monatsb., vol. iv, p. 37, n. 16 (1860); Kong. Svenska Fregatten Hugenies, Zoologi, pt. 1, p. 355, n.11 (1861); Lycena argia, Elwes, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 888, 1881); Plebeiws alboceruleus, Rober, Iris, vol. i, p. 59, pl. iv, fig. 7, male (1886). Dr. A. G. Butler in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1960, p. 107, n. 3, pl. xi, figs. 5, 6, male, gives Lycena opalina, Poujade, with L. marginata, Poujade, and Pledeius albocewruleus [sic], Rober, from Burma, Tibet and China as distinct from Lycena maha, Kollar, with Polyammatus chandala, Moore, and Zizera ossa, Swinhoe, from Western India, occurring in the Lower Himalayas to Madras [? Bombay]; he also keeps distinct the Lyceena diluta of Felder, with Lyceena squalida, Butler, from the Hastern Himalayas southwards to Ganjam in the Madras Presidency. The latter species was originally described from Cachar, so the province of Assam must be added to the region of Zizera diluta. I am unable to follow Dr. Butler in his division of the wide-ranging Z. maha into three geographical races. No hard and fast geographical line can be drawn between them, Z. maha occurring from Kashmir at least (and probably still further to the west) on the west to Hongkong on the east. In Calcutta the larva feeds on Oxalis, Natural Order Geraniacex. 60. Zizera otis, Fabricius. Papilio otis, Fabricius, Mant. Ins., vol. ii, p. 73, n. 689 (1787); Lycena serica, Felder, Verh. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, vol. xii, p. 487, n. 145 (1862) ; Polyammatus sangra, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, p. 772, pl. xli, fig. 8, male; Zizera sangra, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 460, n. 59. Dr. A. G. Butler in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1900, p. 111, retains Lyceena indica, Murray, described from Allahabad in the North-Western 22 L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. I, Provinces, but which Dr. Butler restricts to Central and South India and Ceylon, as distinct from Papilio otis. I have nothing to add to my note in Journ, A. S. B., vol. xlvi, pt. 2, p. 611 (1897) with regard to these two supposed distinct species. In Calcutta the larva feeds on Alysicarpus, Natural Order Leguminose; in South India on Zornia, Natural Order Leguminosex. 61. Everrs ArGiapes, Pallas. Papilio argiades, Pallas, Reise, vol. i, app., p. 472, n. 65 (1771); Lycena argiade Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 461, n. 61. The larva in South India feeds on Cylista, Natural Order Legu- mMinose. 62. Nacapusa aTrATA, Horsfield. Lycena atratus, Horsfield, Cat. Lep. HE. I. Co., p. 78, n. 18 (1828). In Ceylon the larva feeds on Vateria, Natural Order Dipterocarpee ; in South India on Wagatea, Natural Order Leguminosae; and on Hm- belia and ardisia, both Natural Order Myrsinex. 63. JAMIDES SIRAHA, Kheil. Plebetus siraha, Kheil, Rhop. Nias., p. 30, n. 91, pl. v, fig. 35, male (1884); J. bachus, var., Distant, Rhop. Malay., p. 222, n. 1,pl. xxi, figs. 19, male; 16, female (1884). The larva of this butterfly has never been found, but the allied J. bachus, Cramer, in South India feeds on Butea, Pongamia and Xylia, all of the Natural Order Leguminosex. 64*, LAMPIDES CELENO, Cramer. Papilio celeno, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 51, pl. xxxi, figs. C, D, male (1775); | Hesperia xlianus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., vol. iii, pt. 1, p. 280, n. 79 (1793); Lampides zlianus [sic], Walker, Trans, Ent, Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 461, n. 64. In Java the larva feeds on Butea, Natural Order Leguminose ; in Calcutta on Heynea, Natural Order Meliacex; and on Pongamia, Natural Order Legwminose ; in South India on Abrus, Pongaimia and Saraca, all Natural Order Leguminose. 65. CATOCHRYSOPS STRABO, Fabricius. Hesperia strabo, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., vol. iii, pt. 1, p. 287, n. 101 (1798);. Catachrysops [sic] strabo, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 462, n. 65. The larva in Orissa feeds on Dolichos, Natural Order Leguminose ; and in South India on Schleichera, Natural Order Sapindacee, and on Ougeimia and Oylista, Natural Order Leguminose. 1902.] lL. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 23 66. CatocuRysops ness, Fabricius. Hesperia cnejus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Suppl., p. 430, n. 100-101 (1798). Dr. A. G. Butler in “The Entomologist,” vol. xxxiu, p. 1 (1900), places cnejus in Enchrysops, which has the eyes smooth, and strabo in Catochrysops, as it has the eyes hairy. The larva in Calcutta feeds on Phaseolus, in Orissa on Dolichos, and in South India on Ougeinia and Cylista—all Natural Order Leguminose. 67. Potyommatus Baticus, Linneus. Papilio beticus, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. xii, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 789, n. 226 (1767); Lyczna betica, Walker, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 461, n. 62. The larva in Calcutta feeds on Crotalaria ; in South India on Butea and Cajanus; in Europe on Colutea; and in South Africa on Crotalaria ; and in the Hawaiian Islands on Melilotus—all Natural Order Legu- MinosEe, 68. Iraova TIMOLEON, Stoll. Papilio timoleon, Stoll, Suppl. Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. v, p. 146, pl. xxxii, figs. 4, 4D, female (1790); Deudoriz (Iraota) timoleon, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 463, n. 72; Hesperia mecenas, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., vol. iii, pt. 1, p. 271, n. 45 (1793); Theela mecenas, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins. China, new edition, p. 70, pl. xxxix, fig. 2, male (1842); Deudorix (Iraota) mxcenas, Walker, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 463, n. 73. The larva in South India feeds on three species of Ficus, Natural Order Urticaceze ; in Ceylon it feeds on the same plants. 69. Curetis acuta, Moore. Curetis acuta, Moore, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., fourth series, vol. xx, p. 50 (1877); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 459, n. 56. The larva of this butterfly has never been found, but closely-allied species in Calcutta feed on Heynea, Natural Order Meliacese, on Ponga- mia and Derris, Natural Order Leguminose ; and in South India on Abrus, Pongamia, Derris, Wagatea and Xylia—all Natural Order Legu- MNOS. 70. ILERDA PH@NICOPARYPHUS, Holland. Tlerda phenicoparyphus, Holland, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., vol. xiv, p. 120, n. 52, pl. ii, fig. 1, male (1877). This butterfly has never been bred. 71. Camena peva, Moore. Amblypodia deva, Moore, Horsfield and Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C., vol. i, p. 46, n. 74 (1857). The larva in India feeds on Loranthus Natural Order Loranthacez. 24 L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. 1, 72. ApHnmus Lonita, Horsfield. Amblypodia lohita, Horsfield, Cat. Lep. E. I. Co., p. 106, n. 38 (1829); Aphnzus zebrinus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 462, n. 66. In South India the larva feeds on Zizyphus, Natural Order Rhamnex, Wagatea and Xylia, Natural Order Leguminose, Terminalia, Natural Order Combretacex, Psidium, Natural Order Myrtacesx, Lagerstremia, Natural Order Lythracex, Argyreia, Natural Order Convolvulacex and Dioscorea, Natural Order Dioscoreacex ; and in Ceylon in plants of the Natural Order Convolvulacezx. 73*, Tasuria crppus, Fabricius. Hesperia cippus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Suppl., vol. v, p. 429, n. 48-44 (1798) ; Tajuria longinus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 462, n. 67. In Java and South India the larva of this butterfly feeds on Loran- thus, Natural Order Loranthacee. 74, TasuRiA JANGALA, Horsfield. Amblypodia jangala, Horsfield, Cat. Lep. EH. 1. Co., p. 118, n. 4 (1899); Sithon jangala, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 462, n. 68. This species has never been bred. 75. Lenera ERYX, Linneeus. Papilio eryx, Linnzus, Mant. Plant., p. 537 (1771); Deudoria (Lehera) eryzx, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 462, n. 69. In British Bhutan in North-Hastern India the larva of this butterfly has been found feeding on the fruit of the wild pomegranate (? Randia) Natural Order Rubiacezx). 76. DeEvDORIX EPIJARBAS, Moore. Dipsas epijarbas, Moore, Horsfield and Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. EH. I. Co., vol. i, p. 32, n. 40 (1857); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 463, n. 71. . The larva in the Western Himalayas feeds on the fruit of the pome- granate, Punica Granatum, Linn., Natural Order Lythracex, and on the fruit of the horse-chestnut, Asculus indica, Colehr., Natural Order Sapindacex ; in South India on the pods of Connarus Ritchiei, Hook. f., Natural Order Connaracee. 77. RAPALA SCHISTACEA, Moore. Deudori# schistacea, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 140. In Calcutta the larva feeds on Antidesma, Natural Order Euphor- y 1902.] i. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 25 biacex; in the Western Himalayas on Spirxa, Natural Order Rosacee ; in South India on Acacia, Natural Order Leguminose and Quisqualis, Natural Order Combretacesx. 78*, Rapata vAaRuUNA, Horsfield. Theela varuna, Horsfield, Cat. Lep. Mus. H. I. Co., p. 91, n. 24 (1829); Deudoria orseis, Hewitson, Ill. Diurn. Lep., p. 23, n. 20 (1863); Deudorts (Rapala) orseis, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 463, n. 70. The larva in South India feeds on Zizyphus, Natural Order Rham- nex, Xylia, Natural Order Leguminose and Quisqualis, Natural Order Oombretacex. Family PAPILIONID AL. Subfamily Prerina. 79. Deias HieRTs, Hubner. Deltas hierte, Hiibner, Zutr. Ex. Schmett., figs. 77, '78, male (1818); Mitis, Iris, vol. vi, p. 107, n. 38 (1893); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 464, n. 75. This species has never been bred, but the larva will almost cer- tainly be found on Loranthus, Natural Order Loranthacee. 80. Dettas acuata, Linneus. Papilio aglaia, Linneus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 465, n. 44 (1758); Delias aglaia, Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., sixth series, vol. xx, p. 162, n. 78 (1897); Papilio pasithoé, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. xii, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 755, n. 53 (1767); Pieris pasithoé, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins. China, new edition. p. 59, pl. xxx, figs. 2, 2a, male (1842); Delias pasithoé, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 463, n. 74; Papilio dione, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. ii, pl. viii, figs. 3, 4, male (1773); Papilio porsenna, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 68, pl. xliii, figs. D, E, male (1775). Larva probably feeds on Loranthus. 81. CATOPSILIA CROCALE, Cramer. Papilio crocale, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 87, pl. lv, figs. C, D, female (1775); Catopsilia crocale, Leech. Butt. from China, Japan, and Corea, p. 424 (1893); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 464, n. 79; Papilio catilla, Cramer, Pap. Kx., vol. iii, p, 63, pl. cexxix, figs. D, E, female (1779); Catopsilia catilla, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 464, n. 78.* The larva in India feeds on various species of Camz, Natural Order Leguminose. * Mr. James J. Walker keeps these two species distinct, and hag reversed the references to them ; moreover one of his dates is incorrect. J. it, 4 26 L. de Nicéville—Butterflces of Hongkong in Southern China, [No.1], 82. CATOPSILIA PYRANTHE, Linneeus. Papilio pyranthe, Linnzus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 469, n. 66 (1758); Colias phyranthe, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 61, pl. xxxi, fig. 1, male (1842); Papilio chryseis, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ent., vol. i, p. 24, pl. xii, figs. 3, 4, male (1773); Catopsilia. chryseis, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 464, n. 77. The larva of this butterfly in India feeds on Cassia, Natural Order Leguminose. 83*, TRIAS LIBYTHEA, Fabricius. Papiléo libythea, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Suppl., vol. v, p. 427, n. 598, 599 (1798); Terias libythea, Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol. i, p. 58, n. 3 (1898) ; Terias brigitta, Walker (nec Cramer), Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p, 465, n. 83. In South India the larva of this butterfly feeds on Cassia, Natural Order Leguminose. 84*, TRIAS SUBFERVENS, Butler. Terias subfervens, Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., fifth series, vol. xi, p. 278 (1883); seventh series, vol. i, p. 65, n. 24 (1898); Terias leta, Walker (nec Boisduval), Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 465, n. 82. . This species has been bred in Japan on Cassia. Natural Order Leguminose. 85. TRIAS HECABE, Linneous. Papilio hecabe, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 470, n. 74 (1758); Terias hecabe, Walker, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 464, n. 80; Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat., Hist., seventh series, vol. i, p. 69, n. 36 (1898) ; Terias anemone, Felder, Wien. Ent. Monatsb., vol. vi, p. 23, n. 7 (1862); Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol. i, p. 69, n. 36 (1898) ; Terias mandarina, de lOrza, Cat. Lép, Jap., p. 18, n. 28 (1869) ; Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 465, n. 81. Dr. A. G. Butler in his latest revision of the genus records both T. anemone, Felder, and T. hecabe, Linneeus, from Hongkong. Had he seen these common insects in life and noted the marvellous seasonal changes which takes place in them I do not think he would have wasted time in trying to make two distinct species out of them, each with wet-season, intergrade or intermediate, and dry-season forms. The larva in India has been recorded to feed on a great variety of plants of the Natural Order Leguminose, such as Sesbania, Aischynomene, Cassia and Albizzia. 86. DERCAS VERHUELLI, van der Hoeven. Colias verhuelli, van der Hoeven, Tijdsch. voor Nat. Gesch. en Phys., vol. v, 1902.] L. de Nicéville—Butierflces of Hongkong in Southern China. | 27 p. 341, n. 3, pl. vii, figs. 3a, 3b, female (1839) ; Dercas verhuelli, de Nicéville, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol. ii, p. 480, n. 1 (1898). The larva and pupa of this species are unknown. 87. Durcas skerrcHuyl, de Nicéville. Dercas skertchlyi, de Nicéville, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol, ii, p. 481, n. 2 (1898). The transformations of this genus are quite unknown. 88. Ixras pyrene, Linneeus, Papilio pyrene, Linneeus, Mus. Ulr., p. 241, n. 60 (1764) ; Ivias pyrene, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1895, p. 467, n. 89; Pieris (Thestias) pyrene, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 61, pl. xxxi, fig. 2, male (1842); Papilio enippe, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. i, p. 11, and Index (two places), pl. v, figs. 2, 2a, male (1770); Izias evippe (sic !), Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol. i, p. 186, n. 11 (1898); Papilio enippe (zenippa in one place in text), Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. ii, p. 13, pl. cv, figs. C, D, female (1777); vol. iii, p. 63, pl. cexxix, figs. B, C, female (1779). The larva in India feeds on Capparis, Natural Order Capparides:. 89. Hersomora gLAucipPe, Linneus. Papilio glaucippe, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 469, n. 65 (1758); Drury, Ill. Ex. Ins., vol. i, p. 20, pl. x, figs. 3, 4, male (1773); Hebomoia glaucippe, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 467, n. 90; Fritze, Zool. Jahr., vol. xi, p. 259 (1898); Fruhstorfer, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch., vol. xliii, p. 174 (1898) ; Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol. i, p. 290, n. 1 (1898); ° Pieris (Iphias) glaucippe, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 60, pl. xxxi, fig. 1, male (1842). The larva of the allied H. australis, Butler, in South India feeds on Crateevua and Capparis, both of the Natural Order Capparidex. 90*. Prioneris CLeMANTHE, Doubleday. Pieris clemanthe, Doubleday, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., first series, vol. xvii, p. 23 (1846); Prioneris clemanthe, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond., 1895, p. 464, n. 76. The larvee of allied species of this genus in India feed on Capparis. Natural Order Capparidex. 91*. AppiAs ALBINA, Boisduval. Pieris albina, Boisduval, Sp. Gen., vol. i, p. 480, n. 62 (1836); Tachyris (appias) albina, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 467, n. 88. The larva in South: India feeds on Hemicyclia. Natural Order EHuphorbiacex. 28 L. de Nicéville—Buiterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. 1, 92. HupHina NeRISSA, Fabricius. Papilio nerissa, Fabricius, Syst. Ent., p. 471, n. 123 (1775); Pieris (Huphina) merissa, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 466, n. 85; Huphina nerissa, Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol. iii, p. 212, n. 53 (1899); Papilio amasone, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. 1, p. 68, pl. xliv, fig. A, male (1775); Papilio coronis, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. 1, p. 69, pl. xliv, figs. B, C, female (1775) ; Huphina pallida, Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1885, p. 137, n. 103; Pieris (Huphina) pallida, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 466, n. 86. The larva in India feeds on Capparis, Natural Order Capparidex. 93*. HupHINA aspasta, Stoll. Papilio aspasia, Stoll, Suppl. Cramer, Pap. Ex., p. 148, pl. xxxiii, figs. 3, 3e, male (1790) ; Pieris (Hupina) aspasia, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 466, n, 87; Huphina olga, Butler, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., seventh series, vol. iii, p. 210, n. 43 (1899). Mr. James J. Walker records a single specimen from Hongkong in the collection of the British Museum. True H. aspasia, Stoll, appears to be confined to the Moluccas, but the variety or local race, Pontia olga, Eschscholtz, is extremely common in the Philippines, and a specimen may easily have been blown over to Hongkong from thence in a ty- phoon. It has apparently not been bred, but like all Huphinas the larva probably feeds on capers, Natural Order Capparidee. 94. PreRis canipia, Sparrman. Papilio canidia, Sparrman, Ameen. Acad., vol. vii, p. 504, note m (1768); Pieris canidia, Leech, Butt. from China, Japan, and Corea, p. 456 (1893) ; Pieris (Ganoris) canidia, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond., 1895, p. 465, n. 84. The larva of this butterfly, which is by far the commonest species in Hongkong, feeds on various species of Brassica, Natural Order Cruci- fere. Subfamily PAPILIONIN A. 95. PAaPpmLio ARISTOLOCHIA, Fabricius. Papilio aristolochiz, Fabricius, Syst. Ent., p. 443, n. 3 (1775); Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol, ii, p, 245, n. 39 (1895); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 468, n, 91. The larva in India feeds on Aristolochia, Natural Order Aristolo- chiacee. 96*, Papinio xutHus, Linneus. Papilio suthus, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins. ed. xii, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 751, n. 34 (1767); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 472, n. 104; Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 508 (1895); Papilio santhus, Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 278, n. 66 (1895). 1902.] L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 29 In China and Japan the larva of this butterfly has been recorded to feed on Zanthorylum and Agle, Natural Order Rutacex, and on Phellodendron. 97. PAPILIO DEMOLEUS, Linnzeus. Papilio demoleus, Linnzus, Syst. Nat. Ins,, ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 464, n. 35 (1758) ; Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 57, pl. xxviii, fig. 2, female (1842); Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 279, n. 67 (1895); Papilio erithonius Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iii, p. 67, pl. ccxxxii, figs. A, B, male (1782); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 470, n. 98; Papilio epius, Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 56, pl. xxviii, fig. 1, male (1842). The larva in India feeds on Ruta, Glycosmis, Murraya, Citrus and Afgle, all Natural Order Rutacexe, Psoralea, Natural Order Leguminose, while the local race P. demoleus sthenelus, Macleay, is said to feed on Salvia, Natural Order Labiatw, New Guinea. 98. PapmILIoO HELENUS, Linnzeus. Papilio helenus, Linneeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 459, n. 4 (1758); Elwes, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1881, p. 873; Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 284, n. 72 (1895); Walker, Trans. Ent, Soc. Lond., 1895, pl. 469, n. 96. The larva in India feeds on Zanthoxylum, Glycasmis and Ctztrus, Natural Order Rutacee. 99. PapILio MEMNON AGENOR, Linneeus. Papilio agenor, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 460, n. 13 (1758); Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 53, pl. xxiv, fig. 2, female, second form (1842); Walker, Trans. Ent, Soc. Lond., 1895, n. 469, n. 94; Papilio memnon agenor, Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 816 (d) (1895); Papilio memnon, Leech, Batt. from China, Japan and Corea, p. 544 (1893). The larva of this butterfly does not appear to have been found in India, but it almost certainly feeds on plants of the arangeaceous group, Natural Order Rutaceex. True P. memnon, Linneus, in Sumatra feeds on Citrus. 100. Papinio proTENoR, Cramer. Papilio protenor, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 77, pl. xlix, figs. A, B, male (1775) ; Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 56, pl. xxvii, female (1842); Elwes, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1881, p. 872, Leech, Butt. from China, Japan and Corea, p. 546 (1898) ; Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 331, n. 108 (1895); Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 469, n. 95. The larva of this butterfly in the Western Himalayas feeds on Zanthoxylum, Natural Order Rutacee. 30 L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. 1, 101. Papitro poLyTss BOREALIS, Felder. Papilio polytes, var. borealis, Felder, Wien. Ent. Monatsb., vol. vi, p. 22, n. 2 (1861); P. polytes borealis, Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 8348 (b) (1895); Papilio polytes, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 469, n. 97. Mr. James J. Walker records the larva of this species in Hongkong feeding on orange, lime, and pumilo (Citrus, Natural Order Rutacez). 102. Papilio CLYTIA PANOPE, Linneeus. Papilio panope, Linneus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 479, n. 131 (1758); Papilio satwrata, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, p. 697 ; Papilio clytia panope, Linnzeus, (g#): ab. loe. satwratus, Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 369 (1895) ; Papilio clytia, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 470, n. 99. In Hongkong the larva has been found on Morinda wmbellata, Natural Order Rubiacee ; in South India a local race of this species feeds in the larval state on Cinnamomum, Alseodaphne and Litsea, Natural Order Laurinee; in the Western Himalayas on Litsea; in Calcutta on Antiaris, Natural Order Urticacex ; and in Bombay on Tetranthera, Natural Order Lawrinee; the latter genus being appar- ently a synonym of Ltsea. 103. PaprLio BIANOR, Cramer. Papilio bianor, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. ii, p. 10, pl. ciii, fig. ¢ (1777) ; Rothschild, Nov. Zool. vol. ii, p. 378, n. 142 (1895); Walker, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 468, n. 93. The food-plant of the larva of this butterfly does not appear to have been recorded. 104. Papitio paris, Linneeus. Papilio paris, Linneeus Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 459, n. 3 (1758); Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 51, pl. xxii, figs. 1, 2, female (1842) ; Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 468, n. 92, The food-plant of the larva of this common butterfly is apparently unknown. 105. PapiLio ANTIPHATES, Cramer. Papilio antiphates, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. i, p. 113, pl. Ixxii, figs. A, B, male (1775) ; Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 410, n. 170 (1895) ; Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 471, n. 100. I cannot find that the food-plant of this species has been recorded, though Mynheer Piepers has described the transformations of the local race Alcibiades, Fabricius, in Java, 1902.] lL. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 31 106. PapriLio EURYPYLUS AXION, Felder. Papilio azion, Felder, Verh. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, vol. xiv, p. 305, n. 224, p. 350, n. 128 (1864) ; Papilio eurypylus axzion, Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 433 (h) (1895) ; Papilio ewrypilus [sie !], Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 471, n. 102. The larva at Balasore near Calcutta has been recorded to feed on Michelia, Natural Order Magnoliacexe, and Uvaria, Natural Order Ano- nace. In Calcutta I have bred it on Michelia, Natural Order Magnoliacez, and on Polyalthia, Natural Order Magnoliacex ; while the local race yasun, Esper, feeds on Unona and Saccopetalum, Natural Order anonacesx in Southern India. 107. PapmiLio SARPEDON SEMIFASCIATUS, Honrath. Papilio sarpedon, var. semifasciatus, Honrath, Ent. Nach., vol. xiv, p. 161 (1888) ; Papilio sarpedon semifasciatus, Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 442 (b) (1895); Papilio sarpedon, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 471, n. 101, The larva of different local races of P. sarpedon feed in Japan on Machilus, Natural Order Laurinexe ; in the Western Himalayas on the same plant; and in South India on Cinnamomum, Alseoduphne and Litszea, all of the same Natural Order. 108. PapriLio AGAMEMNON, Linneeus. Papilio agamemnon, Linnzus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. x, vol. i, pt. 2, Re 462, n, 21 (1758) ; Westwood, Donovan’s Ins., China, new edition, p. 55, pl. xxvi, fig, 2, female (1842) ; Rothschild, Nov. Zool., vol. ii, p. 447, n. 198 (1895); Walker, Trans. Ent Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 471, m. 101. . The larva of this butterfly in Java and Celebes has been found on Anona, Natural Order Anonacee ; in the Philippine Isles on Arctacarpus, Unona, and Michelra ; in Sumatra on Anona and Michelia; and in India on Unona, Polyalthia, Anona, and Saccopetalum—all Natural Order Anonace®. 109; Leptocircos curius, Fabricius. Papilio curius, Fabricius, Mant. Ins., vol. ii, p. 9, n. 71 (1787); Lepitocircus curius, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 472, n. 105. In October, 1892, on the Daunat Range, Central Tenasserin, Burma, I observed a female of the allied Leptocircus mages, Zinken-Sammer, ovipositing on the underside of the leaves of a creeper with compound leaves, each leaf consisting of three leaflets, the Ldligera burmannica of King, Natural Order Combretacezee. The egg is spherical, smooth, pale green, almost transparent, and of the usual papilionid form. Unfor- tunately I was not able to breed the larva. 32 L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No. ], Family HESPERIIDA. 110. Tacrapes atrices, Fabricius. Hesperia atticus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., vol. iii, pt. 1, p. 339, n. 288 (1793); Tagiades atticus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 475, n. 119. In Southern India the larva of this butterfly feeds on Dvuoscorea, Natural Order Dioscoreacesx, and Smilax, Natural Order Liliacee. 111. OpontToPrTitumM ANGULATA, Felder. Pherygospidea angulata, Felder, Verh. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, vol. xii, p. 488, n. 149 (1862); Achlyodes Sura, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, p. 786; Anti- gonus sura, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 475, n. 120. The larva in South India feeds on Allophylus Cobbe, Blune, Natural Order Sapindaceex. 112. Caprona ALIpA, de Nicéville. Caprona alida, de Nicéville, Journ. Bomb, Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. vi, p. 394, n. 37, pl. G, fig. 40, male (1891). The transformations of this butterfly are unknown. 113. Caprona ELWssII, Watson. Caprona elwesii, Watson, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. x, p. 674 (1897) ; Caprona syrichthus, var., Elwes, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1892, p. 656, pl. xliii, fig. 2. The transformations of this butterfly are unknown. 114, ASTICTOPTERUS OLIVASCENS, Moore. Astictopterus olivascens, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, p. 692 ; Asticopterus [sic!] olivascens, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 476, n. 124; Cyclopides chinensis, Leech, The Entomologist, vol. xxiii, p. 48 (1890); Steropes nubilus, Mabille, Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg., vol. xxxv, p. Ixiv {1891); Leech, Butt. from China Japan and Corea, p. 630 (18938). This obscure skipper has never been bred. 115. Svastus Gremius, Fabricius. Hesperia gremius, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., a Suppl., vol. v, p. 438, n. 282-283 (1798); Suastus gremius, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 474, n. 115. The larva in India feeds on the leaves of palms, Areca, Caryota, Pheniz, Calamus, and Cocos, Natural Order Palmee. 116. JamBrix STELLIFER, Butler. Astictopterus stellifer, Butler, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zoology, second series, 1902.] L. de Nicéville—Bulierflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 33 vol. i, p. 555, n. 7 (1877); Asticopterus [sic !] (Iambrya# sic!) salsala, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 476, n. 125. This butterfly has never been bred, but the closely-allied I. salsala, Moore, in India feeds on bamboos and grasses, Natural Order Graminex. 117. TARACTROCERA ATROPUNCTATA, Watson. Taractrocera atropunctata, Watson, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. x, p. 676, n. 275, pl. A, fig. 9, male (1897). Transformations unknown. 118. Hyaroris apRAstus, Cramer. Papilio adrastus, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iv, p. 62, pl. cccxix, figs. F, G, male - (1780); Hyatotis adrastus, Walker, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 476, n. 122. The larva in Sumatra feeds on Calamus, and in India on Pheni« and Calamus, Natural Order Palmex, and doubtless on other palms, 119. Marapa arta, Moore. Hesperia aria, Moore, Horsfield and Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E.1I.C., vol. i, p. 254, n. 587 (1857) ; Matapa aria, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 473, n. 108. The larva in India feeds on the leaves of bamboos, ae, Dendrocalamus and Ochlandra, Natural Order Graminex. 120*. Erronota THRAX, Linneus, Papilio thraz, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. xii, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 794, n, 264, (1767) ; Hrionota thrax, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond., 1895, p. 476, n. 121. Mr. James J. Walker records the breeding of this large skipper at Hongkong on banana leaves. In India also the larva feeds on species of Musa, Natural Order Scitamineex. 121. Norocrypra FEISTHAMELLI, Boisduval. Thymele feisthamelii, Boisduval, Voy l’astrolahe, Lep., p. 159, pl. iii, fig. 6 (1832); Plesioneura alysos, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, p. 789 ; Notocrypta. aiysos, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 473, n. 109. In the Western Himalayas the larva of this butterfly feeds on Hedychium, Natural Order Scitaminee ; in South India it feeds on Curcuma, Hedychiumyand Amomum, all Natural Order Scitaminee. 122. Upasprs rouus, Cramer. Papilio folus, Cramer, Pap, Ex., vol. i, p. 118, pl. Ixxiv, fig. F, female (1775) ; Udaspes folus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 476, n. 1238, Ae 6 34 L. de Nicéville—Butterflics of Hongkong in Southern China. [No.1], The larva of this species in India feeds on Curcuma, Kempferia, Hedychium, and Amomum—all Natural Order Scitaminee. 123. Texicora BamMBUs&, Moore. Pamphila bambusx, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, p. 691, pl. xlv, fig. 11, male ; 12, female ; Telicota bambusex, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 475, n. 116. The larva in India feeds on the leaves of bamboos, Bambusa and Oaytienanthera, Natural Order Graminee. 124. Terxicota aucias, Linnzeus. Papilio augias, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. Ins., ed. xii, vol. i, pt. 2, p. 794, n. 257 (1767); Telicota augias, Elwes and Edwards, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., vol. xiv, p. 251 (1897). This species does not appear to have been bred. Messrs Elwes and Edwards record it from Hongkong, but it is very difficult to say from examining the markings only whether any particular specimen of this group of the genus from Hongkong is T. bambuse or T. augias ; in mark. ings the specimens seem to be intermediate. Those gentlemen appar- ently make out differences between the two species in the form of the clasp in the males, which from the figures given by them (l.c., pl. xxv, fies. 62, 62a, augias, and 63, bambuse) seem to be sufficient to distinguish the males. 125. Papraona DARA, Kollar. Hesperia dara, Kollar, Hugel’s Kaschmir, vol. iv, pt. 2, p. 455, n. 4 (1844); Telicota dara, Elwes and Edwards, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., vol. xiv, p. 255 (1897) ; Telicota mxsoides, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 475, n. 117. The larva in South India feeds on Bumbusa, Oxytenanthera, and Ochlandra, Natural Order Gramines. 126. Haxpe ceytonica, Moore. Halpe ceyloniea, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, p. 690, pl. xlv, fig. 9, male ; Halpe moorei, Watson, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1893, p. 109; Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 475, n. 118. In South India the larva feeds on Bambusa and Ozytenanthera, Natural Order Graminex. 127. Baorts ocera, Hewitson. Hesperia oceia, Hewitson, Desc. Hesperide, p. 31, n. 22 (1868); Baoris ocera, Walker, Tzans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 473, n. 110. The larva in South India feeds on Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, and Ochlandra, Natural Order Graminez. 1902.) L. de Nicéville—Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China. 39 128, CHApRA MATHIAS, Fabricius. - Hesperia mathias, Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Suppl., p. 433, n. 289-290 (1798); Chapra mathias, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 474, n. 118. The larva in India feeds on rice Oryza sativa, Linn., and on grasses; Natural Order Graminex. 129. Parnara consunota, Herrich-Schaffer. Goniloba conjuncta, Herrich-Schaffer, Prodr. Syst. Lep., vol. iii, p. 75, n. 44 (1869); Hesperia narosa, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, p. 687, pl. xlv, fig. 4, male; Baoris naresa, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 474, n. 111. The larva in South India has been bred on Indian Corn or Maize, Zea Mays, Linn., and on coarse broad-leaved grasses, Natural Order Graminex. 130. PaARNARA ASSAMENSIS, de Nicéville. Parnara assamensis, de Nicéville, Journ. A. S. B., vol. li, pt. 2, p. 65, n. 202 (1882) ; Wood-Mason and de Nicéville, Journ A.S. B., vol. lv, pt. 2, p. 382, n. 215, pl. xviii, figs. 5, 5a, male; pl. xvii, figs. 7, 7a, female (1886); Baoris assamensis, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 474, n. 112. This species has never been bred. 131. Parnara curtatus, Bremer and Grey. Endamus guttatus, Bremer and Grey, Schmett. N. China’s, p. 10, n. 43 (1853); Parnara guttatus, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond , 1895, p. 474, n. 114. The larva in India feeds on grasses and rice, Oryza, Natural Order Graminex. 132. Parnara conticua, Mabille. Pamphila contigua, Mabille, Bull. Soc. Zool., France, vol. ii, p. 232, male (1877); Elwes and Edwards, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., vol. xiv, p. 282 (1897). This butterfly has never been bred. 133. Parnara penLuctpa, Murray. Pamphila pellucida, Murray, Ent. Month, Mag., vol. xi, p. 172 (1875). Has never been bred to my knowledge. 134. Parwnara coLtaca, Moore, Hesperia colaca, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, p, 594, pl, lvii, fig. 7, male. . In South India the larva of this butterfly feeds on soft, amall grasses, Natural Order Graminee. 36 L. de Nicéville—Butterfiies of Hongkong in Southern China. [No.1], 135. Parnara BEVANI, Moore. Hesperia bevani, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, p. 688. The larva in South India feeds on rice, Oryza, Natural Order Gramines. 136*, IsmENE ATAPHUS, Watson. Ismene ataphus, Watson, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1898, p. 126; Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 473, n. 106. The larva in Ceylon and the Western Himalayas feeds on Hiptage, Natural Order Malpighiacex. 137*. Hasora vitta, Butler. Hesperia vitta, Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 498, Lep. Ex., p. 167, n. 3, pl. lix, fig. 9 (1874); Hasara vitta, Walker, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1895, p. 4738, n. 107. Originally described from Sarawak in Borneo. The sex of the type specimen is not stated by the describer. It has never been bred. 138. Parata ALEXIS, Fabricius. Papilio alewis, Fabricius, Syst. Hnt., p. 588, un. 387 (1775); Papilio cramus, Cramer, Pap. Ex., vol. iii, p. 163, pl. cclxxxiv, fig. E, male (1780). This is probably the species Mr. J. J. Walker records from Hong- kong as Hasora vitta, Butler. The larva in Calcutta feeds on Pangamia, Natural Order Leguminose, and on Heynea, Natural Order Meliacee ; in South India it feeds on the first-named plant. 139. RHopALOCAMPTA BENJAMINII, Guérin. Thymele benjaminii, Guérin, Delessert’s Souv. voy. dans l’Inde, vol. ii, p. 79, pl. xxii, fig. 2. The larva in Sikhim in the Hastern Himalayas feeds on Sabia Natural Order Sabiacex ; and in the Western Himalayas on the same plant. 140*. Cycnopipges eturaA, Mabille. Cyclopides etura, Mabille, Soc. Ent. Belg., vol. xxxv, p. lxxv (1891). Described from a female from Hongkong. I have not been able to identify it, and Messrs. Elwes and Edwards omit it from their Revision of the Oriental Hesperiidz in Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., vol. xiv, pp. 101-324 (1897). Its food-plant is unknown. 1902. | J. F. Duthie—Some new species of Orchidee. 37 Ii.—Descriptions of some new species of Orchidew from North-West and Central India.—By J. F. Doututs, B.A., F.L.S., Director, Botanical Department, North India, [Received 25th November, 1901. Read 4th December, 1901. | Since the publication in 1898 of the four volumes on the Sikkim orchids by Sir George King and Mr. R. Pantling, I have been engaged during my spare time in the preparation of a similar work on the orchids of North-West and Central India. As, owing to more pressing work, there may be some delay in its completion, I have decided to publish at once the descriptions of some new species, which have been discovered within the period during which I have been able to make a special study of the subject. For the greater. portion of the material, on which the following des- criptions are based I am indebted to my friend, Mr. P. W. Mackinnon, who for many years has taken a keen interest in the botany, and espe- cially the orchids, of the Mussoorie district. Also, by his having carefully trained some intelligent hillmen in his service to work as collectors, some very interesting results have been obtained, I wish to express also my appreciation of Sir William Thiselton-Dyer’s kindness in allowing me to consult Mr. R. A. Rolfe, the eminent orchidologist at the Royal Herbarium at Kew, from whom I have received great assistance. 1. Microstytis Mackinnoni Duthie, n. sp. Whole plant 1-1-7 dm. high. Stem 3-4 cm., swollen below and rising from the base of the previous year’s pseudo-bulb ; lower portion enclosed within the leaf-sheaths. eaves 2 or 3, horizontal, unequal in size, the larger one about 6cm. long and 4 cm. broad, ovate, obtuse, 3-7-nerved, cordate and amplexicaul at the base, fleshy ; upper surface dark brownish-green; main nerves 3-7, prominent beneath and purple- coloured, the interspaces raised above, and giving the whole leaf a bullate appearance. Scape reddish-purple, sharply 4-angular. Raceme shorter than the scape; bracts subulate, persistent, reflexed, longer than the ovary. Flowers sessile, very small, reddish-purple, resupinate. Dorsal sepal ovate-lanceolate, subacute; lateral shorter, subfaleate, edges of all reflexed. Petals linear, shorter than the sepals, much reflexed. Basal and apical portions of lip divided by a raised rim, basal lobes falcately ovate-lanceolate, contiguous, or over- lapping at the tips; apical portion of lip deeply bifid and protruded, deep crimson-purple, Colunn with fleshy rounded arms. Anther with a truncate or emarginate lip. Ovary clavate, curved, not twisted. 38 J. F. Duthie—Some new species of Orchides. [No. 1, Western Himalaya, near Mussoorie, on the southern face of the Park Hill, up to 6,000 feet, P. W. Mackinnon ; also on the Kalanga Hill in Dehra Dun, 2-3,C00 feet, Mackinnon’s collector. Although most nearly related to M. Wallichii, the very different leaves at once distinguish this plant from any of the many forms of that species. It has also much smaller flowers and a very differently shaped lip. : ‘ 2. OrgorcHis Rotret Duthie, n. sp. Pseudo-bulb globose. Leaves two or three, about 2 dm. long by 1 to 15 cm. broad, deflexed at the tips. 3-5-nerved, plicate. Scape about as long as the leaves, rising from near the top of the pseudo-bulb. Peduncle firm, with 3 or 4 close-fitting tubular sheaths. Raceme many-flowered, about 6°7 em. long. Flowers sessile, rather crowded, about 1:4cm. across. Floral bract minute, less than half the length of the ovary. Sepals about equal, 14cm. long, lanceolate, subacute, pale yellowish-green, slightly spreading. Petals as longas the sepals, but narrower, oblan- ceolate, subacute, pure white with afew purple blotches. Lip obovate- oblong (when spread out), narrowed at the base into s short sac-like claw, side-lobes linear, fleshy, white, half the length of the mid-lobe; mid-lobe deflexed, white, and like the petals blotched with purple, apex with a shallow sinus, base of disc with a prominent fleshy oyal channelled callus. Column curved, dilated at the base, concave in front. Pollina globular, united to a short thick conical caudicle, Western Himalaya, on Nag Viba in Tehri-Garhwal, at an eleva- tion of about 8,000 feet. Mackinnon’s collector. Flowers in June. This species is‘ most nearly allied to O. micrantha, but the spike is shorter and the flowers are more crowded; it differs also by having a saccate base to the lip, and both the lip and petals are pure white spotted with purple. The callus at the base of the lip is oval and not linear. I have much pleasure in naming this orchid after Mr. R. A. Rolfe, of the Royal Herbarium at Kew. 3. CIRRHOPETALUM Hooxeri Duthie, n. sp. Cespitose. Pseudo-bulbs crowded, ovoid or nearly round, 1°5-1:7 em. long. Leaves solitary on each pseudo-bulb, 3-4 cm. long and 1-1-2 cm. broad, linear-lanceolate or falcately so, tapering to the base, hardly petioled, notched at the obliquely obtuse or acute apex, coriaceous, dark green above, paler beneath, margin narrowly hyaline. Scape equalling or exceeding the leaves, issuing from near the base of the pseudo-bulb, lower portion enclosed within sheaths. lowers 3-4, umbellate. Floral bracts 5m. long, lanceolate, acuminate, membranous, shorter than the long-stalked ovary, margins incurved. Dorsal sepal5 m. long, quite 1902. ] J. F. Duthie—Some new species of Orchider. 39 free at its base from the lateral pair, ovate, emarginate, concave and embracing the column, pale yellow with three broad reddish-purple veins ; lateral sepals 2:1 m., cohering at their base and adnate to the foot of the column, twisted and constricted above their auricled base, linear-lan- ceolate and with acuminate cucullate tips, yellow with three to four bright red veins, which become indistinct upwards. Petals alittle shorter than the dorsal sepal, broadly and obliquely ovate, rounded at the apex, yellow tinged with reddish-purple at the base. Jip deflexed from about the middle, oblong, with the margins incurved and forming a deep furrow on the upper surface, very thick and fleshy, yellow with reddish-purple blotches on the basal portion of the raised margins. Column thick, with a long incurved foot; apical processes 2, triangular, seta- ceous. Western Himalaya: in Tehri-Garhwal, east of Tehri, epiphytic on Khododendron arboreum, at elevations between 5 and 6,000 feet, Mackinnon’s collector. This species is most nearly related to C. cxspitoswm of Wallich. Tt differs by having almost globular pseudo-bulbs and much longer scapes, the lateral sepals cohere at the base only; the petals are obtuse and quite entire; the shape of the lip is different, as is also the colouring of the flower. I have dedicated the species to my friend and benefactor, Sir Joseph D. Hooker, G.C.S.IL, F.R.S. . 4. EULOPHIA CAMPANULATA Duthie, n. sp. Height of plant 9-15 dm., the leaves and scape rising from a horizontal, oblong tuber. Pseudo-stem formed by the sheaths enclosing the bases of the leaves and scape. Leaves few, linear, acuminate, 3-4°5 dm. long, and about 3 cm. broad; veins sharply prominent. Scape exceeding the leaves, with a few long tight-fitting acuminate sheaths towards the base. Flowers 6-10, in a lax raceme, appearing with the leaves, about 2°5 cm. in diam., erect in bud, drooping and campanulate when open. Floral bracts lanceolate, acuminate, less than half the length of the ovary. Sepals and petals prominently veined on the back, bright yellow outside and pale lemon-coloured within. Dorsal sepal obovate, cuspidate, 2 cm. long ; lateral, rather shorter, falcately oblong, obtuse, or mucronate, adnate to the base of the column. Petals obovate, obtuse, about as long as the lateral sepals. Lip 3-lobed, longer than the sepals, with a short subacute conical sac at the base ; side-lobes erect, large, rounded, pale yellow tinged with purple; mid-lobe bent upwards, and with reflexed undulate margin, suborbicular when flattened out; the dise with 5-8 prominent ridges terminating within the apex of the apical lobe in au oblong grooved callus, aud prolonged at the base into two sets of finger- 40 J. F. Duthie—Some new species of Orchidew. [No. 1, like projections. Column about 1 em. long, oblong, narrowly wiuged, curving into a short foot at the base, Pollinia 2, globose, attached by a cylindric caudicle to a triangular gland. NortH-West Inp1a: Dehra Dun, at Karwapani, W. Bell, and P. W. Mackinnon’s collector; N. Oudh, at Chandanpur in the Gonda district. Duthve’s collector. Amongst the Indian species this very handsome orchid appears to be most nearly related to H. Mannii, Hk. f., which is found in Sikkim and in Upper Assam. It was originally discovered in Dehra Dun in 1879 by Mr. W. Bell, formerly Head Gardener at the Saharanpur Botanical Garden, after whom I have named it. 5. HunLopaia Macxinnoni Duthie, n. sp. Rhizome composed of a series of triangular flattened tubers. Leaves few, plicate, 5 to 6°5 dm. long and 5 to 8 cm. broad, appearing with the flowers, broadly lanceolate, acuminate, tapering into long sheaths, and with a few leafless sheaths below; nerves prominent. Scape 6-4 dm., arising from the swollen base of the pseudo-stem. 'lowers, rather large, arranged in a lax raceme, spreading and afterwards deflexed. Bracts as long as, or shorter than, the ovary, linear, acuminate, persistent. Sepals and petals fleshy, yellow, tinged with reddish-brown, veins prominent outside. Dorsal sepall-7 cm. long, ovate, obtuse, subcordate at the base, 9-veined, margin inflexed at the apex; lateral, a little longer than the dorsal, unequal at the base. Petals shorter than the sepals, oblong-obovate, obtuse, overlapping and with their margins reflexed at the apex. Lip 3-lobed, with long erect rather shallow side-lobes, its body with 5-7 parallel purple-coloured ridges which extend into a carunculate area within the apical lobe ; apical lobe rounded, its margin undulate. Spur short, geniculate. Colwmn rather broad, winged, with no foot. Anther bicornute at the apex, its lip 2*toothed.* Stigma trans- verse, placed immediately under the anther. Pollinia, tranversely oval, attached by a broad caudicle to a shallow crescent-shaped gland. Norta-West Inp1a: Dehra Dun, Mackinnon ; Siwalik range, Vieary (in Herb. Calc.); Bahraich district in N. Oudh, Duthie’s collector ; Raipur district in Cent. Provinces, J. Marten. In the Saharanpur her- barium there is an old specimen named “ EH. bicolor” which is said to have been collected near Mussoorie in October 1842. This species is evidently allied to H. geniculata, King and Pantling, an extremely rare Sikkim orchid. It differs chiefly in the shape of the rhizome, the very much broader leaves, the colour of the flowers, and in the shape of the lip. 1902. ] ~ J. F. Duthie—Some new species of Orchidex. 41 6. Cymsipium Mackinnon1 Duthie, n. sp. Terrestrial, ceespitose. Pseudo-stem short, emitting many thick spongy roots, Leaves linear, acuminate, 3-4dm. long and about 1°3 cm. broad; margins not serrulate, the lowest ones sheath-like and mem- branous, Scape 1-flowered, much shorter than the leaves, clothed to the base with loose lanceolate acuminate cymbiform hyaline sheaths. Floral bract longer than the much curved ovary, pale yellow with purple veins. Flowers about 5 cm. across, nodding. Sepals and petals spreading, green. Sepals lanceolate, obtuse, a little longer than the petals. Petals elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, 5-nerved. Lip about as long -as the petals, obovate-oblong (when spread out), 3-lobed, saccate at the base, very pale yellow blotched with purple; lateral lobes narrow, erect; the terminal one abruptly deflexed, rounded at the apex and nearly entire; the disk with two raised smooth lamelle ex- tending from the base to a little beyond the side-lobes. Column short, stout, curved, concave in front, marked with purple blotches like the hp. Pollinia 4, obliquely obovoid, plano-convex, the segments of each pair unequal, attached to a hemispherical gland. Ripe capsule 1:5 dm. long (including the long pedicel), ellipsoid-clavate, prominently ribbed. Western HimAtaya: near Mussoorie, at an elevation of about 5,500 feet, growing under trees; in flower during February, P. W. Mack- imnon. Mr. Rolfe informs me that its nearest ally is 0. virescens, Lindl. a native of Japan. Of Indian species it most nearly resembles OC. cypert- folium in habit. It is, however, a much smaller plant, the scape is always 1-flowered, and the colouring of the lip and the shape of the pollinia and gland are very different ; also the margins of the leaves are entire and not serrulate as in OC. cyperifolium. The latter is also found in similar localities near Mussoorie, but always at a slightly higher eleva- tion, and it comes into flower several weeks later. 7. SLisrera Inayati Duthie, n, sp. Whole plant 1°55 to 2dm. high. Roots fibrous. Stem stout, about as long as the raceme, and bearing 3-6 loosely-fitting, bluut sheaths, the two upper ones sometimes opposite and leaflike. Flowers in dense racemes, 4m. long; rachis glandular-pubescent. Floral bract ovate or lanceolate- acuminate, a little longer than the stalk of the ovary. Sepals and petals connivent ; dorsal sepal oval, concave, about 2 m. long; lateral sepals a little longer than the dorsal, obliquely ovate, tapering to an obtuse apex. Petals about as long as the dorsal sepal, spathulate, subacute. wi. 6 2 A2 J. F. Duthie—Some new species of Orchider. [No. 1, Lip twice as long as the lateral sepals, narrowly oblong, deeply cleft at the apex, with two slightly spreading obtuse lobes, midrib thickened. Column short, stout, dilated at the base and apex. Anther suborbicular, bifid at the apex. Pollinia narrowly obovoid. Ovary oval or subglo- bose, about as long as its stalk, glandular-pubescent. Western HimAsaya; in the Kagan valley of the Hazara district. Discovered in July 1897 by Inayat Khén, head plant-collector of the Botanical Department of N. India (No. 22,596). A shorter and much stouter plant than LZ. Lindleyana, and with shorter and more densely-flowered racemes. The shape of the sepals, petals, anther and pollinia are altogether different. 8. Lisrera microciorris Duthie, n. sp. A leafless parasite, 2-33 dm. in height. Root-fibres clylindrical, brittle, pale yellowish-brown. Stem about as long as the receme, nearly white, bearing 2-4 loose-fitting obtuse pale sheaths. Rachis of raceme, pedicels and bracts glandular-pubescent. Flowers crowded, about 7 m. in diameter, pale green; pedicel a little longer than the ovary ; floral bract equalling or exceeding the pedicel, oblong, obtuse or subacute. Sepals ovate, subacute, about 4m. long ; the lateral ones somewhat oblique. Petals as long as the sepals, linear, margins reflexed. Lip linear- © spathulate, equalling the petals in length, entire at the apex, margins reflexed. Column erect, a little shorter than the petals, dilated towards its base and apex. Pollinia 2, globose, without caudicles, extremely deliquescent. Ovary with pedicel 8 m. long. Capsule turgid, its ridges thick and often bearing short, broad-based, tooth-like projections. Western Himtdaya: in Tehri-Garhwal, east of Tehri, growing under oaks and rhododendrons at elevations between 5,000 and 6,000 feet, P. W. Mackinnon’s collector; also on the wooded hillsides below Mussoorie at similar elevations. Flowers during August and September. This plant, although resembling LD. Lindleyana in general habit, differs from any known species of Listera (including Neottia) by its very re- markably restricted petal-like lip. 9. APHYLLORCHIS GoLLaNni Duthie, n. sp. A tall leafless terrestrial herb, from 4 to 5 dm. in height. Rhizome. with numerous far-extending fleshy roots, not scaly. Stem erect, stout, bearing several unequal tubular blunt sheaths. Raceme about 1 dm. long, Flowers several, 2cm.long, Floral bract a little longer than the ovary, elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, 5-7-nerved, at first deflexed, ultimately erect. Sepals 2 cm. long, erect, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, with spreading tips; their nerves, as also the ridges of the clavate ovary, dark lam 1902. ] J. F. Duthie—Some new species of Orchides. 43 reddish-brown on a pale green ground. Petals shorter than the sepals, lanceolate, acuminate, pale green with purple veins, midrib thickened on the back. Jip shorter than the petals, somewhat deflexed from a concave winged claw attached to the base of the column; apical portion ovate-acuminate, its sides towards the base erect and with a reflexed erose margin, with no convexity near the apex. Column 1:2 em, long, stout, curved, narrowed towards the base. Anther 2-celled, cells parallel. Pollinia ovate-oblong, mealy. Ovary (in flower) 1:7 cm. long, its apex with conspicuous grandular projections between the ribs; stigma with an overlapping irregularly lobulate border. Wersern Himdtaya: Tehri-Garhwal, on Nadg Tiba, at elevations between 8,000 and 10,000 feet, Gollan (No. 2,062) and Mackinnon’s collector (No. 23,000). The original specimens, discovered in 1881 by Mr. W. Gollan, after whom I have named this plant, were in too young a condition even for determining the genus. Its nearest ally is A. alpina, King and Pantling, a high-elevation Sikkim species. From the above it differs chiefly in the rhizome not being scaly, the bracts become erect as the flowers open, it has much shorter racemes, the lip is attached to the base of the column and does not form a pouch, the epichyle has no concavity at its apex, the colouring of the flowers is also very different. 10. Poconta Macktnynonr Duthie, n. sp. Tuber globose, annular and warted, about 1:2 cm. in diameter. Leaf and scape frequently fromthe same tuber, but not coutempora- neous. Leaf about 5 cm. long and broad, cordate at the base, 7-lobed, terninal lobe acute, the others rounded, principal veins terminatiug at the end of each lobe, with many less conspicuous intermediate ones ; petiole, 2°5 cm. long. Leaves from the flowering tubers much smaller. Scape 1-flowered, about 10 cm. long when in flower, elongatng till fruiting, enclosed by two or three rather loose tubular sheaths. Flower shortly pedicelled, spreading; bract erect, shorter than the cylindrical truncate ovary. Sepals spreading, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 1°6 to 1°7 em. long, light green blotched with reddish-brown outside. Petals very similar to the sepals, but a little shorter and not so acute at the apex. Ip shorter than the petals, oblong when spread out, strongly 3-nerved, white tinged with green towards the base; side-lobes erect, acute; terminal-lobe blotched with purple. Column slender, 78 m. long. Pollinia 2, narrowly clavate, connate below and without a gland. Western Himataya: near Mussoorie, at elevations between 4,500 and 6,000 feet, P. W. Mackinnon. Flowers during May and June. . Very similar in habit to P. macroglossa, King and Pantling, but the 4d J. F. Duthie—Some new species of Orchidese. [No. 1, leaves are more distinctly lobed; the flowers are much smaller, and are spreading, not drooping. Leaves and fruiting scapes are sometimes — found on the same tuber. 11. Hermintom Mackinnont Duthie, n. sp. Whole plant upwards of 2:2 dm, high. Tubers narrowly oblong. Lower portion of the stem clothed with a few close-fitting tubular subacute sheaths. Leaves two, 12-14 cm. long by 1-2 cm. broad, oblong or linear-_ lanceolate, acuminate, with loosely amplexicaul tubular bases, 3-5-veined. Spike cylindric, rather broad, about 11 cm. long, many-flowered. Flow- ers, Spreading, crowded, about 10 m. across. Floral bract, 5 m. long, broadly lanceolate, acuminate, a little shorter than the ovary. Sepals 3-4 m., ovate-oblong, acute, subterete, green. Petals as long as the sepals, linear-lanceolate, divergent, white. Lip trifid, a little longer than the petals, deflexed from near its base, white with a slight tinge of green, margins inflexed, lower portion very thick and with a small concavity at the base ; side-lobes filiform, curved inwards ; midlobe about half as long as the side-lobes, lanceolate, obtuse. Anther-cells, diverg- ing below; wollinia obovate; caudicles, very short, the glands discoid, naked ; staminodes large, spreading. Stigmas 2, transversely oblong and lying between the pollinia-glands and the concavity of the lip. Ovary about 6 m. long, ovate-oblong, beaked. Western HimAtaya: near Mussoorie, at about 6,500 feet, on oak trees, P. W. Mackinnon. Flowers in August. A very distinct species, its nearest ally being H. angustifoliwm. It differsfrom the latter by its fewer much shorter and broader leaves, its shorter and broader flowering spike, white petals and lip, and with the mid-lobe of the latter much longer; the shape of the ovary is also very different. . 12. Hapenaria ELisaBETH® Duthie, n. sp. Height of plant up to 45 dm. Bulbs ovoid. Leaves 2-3, approxi- mate towards the base of the stem, with a few lanceolate finely acumi- nate sheaths above and a few loose ones below them, 6°12 cm. long and 1 to 2 cm. broad, lanceolate, the upper acuminate, the lowest one acute or obtuse, amplexicaul at the base, midrib prominent beneath. Spvrke long and slender, sometimes up to 2°5 dm. Flowers sessiles, small, green, rather crowded, horizontal or deflexed. Bracts lanceolate, acuminate, about half as long as the ovary. Sepals erect, the dorsal one ovate, con- cave, the lateral ones obliquely ovate. Petals a little longer than the sepals, obliquely ovate, obtuse. Lip 38-cleft, fleshy, longer than the sepals, with a long concave claw; lateral lobes linear, spreading, gibbons 1902. | J. F. Duthie—Some new species of Orchider. Ad at their basal edges ; midlobe oblong, obtuse, not exceeding the lateral ones. Spur a short obovate sac, 1 the length of the ovary. Anther- cells parallel. Pollinia obovate, curved, attached by a short caudicle to an oval gland. Stigmatic processes clavate. Ovary tapering upwards and curved. Western Himataya: Song, at 8,000 ft. Brandis; near Simla, Hdge- worth, Lady E. Bubington-Smith; near Naini Tal, up to 8,000 feet, Colonel Davidson; Tehri-Garhwal, 7,000 to 10,000 feet., Duthie (524 and 22,990), P. W. Mackinnon; also at Mussoorie, between 6,000 and 7,000 feet, frequently as an epiphyte on oak trees. Of the Himalayan species of Habenaria this plant appears to be most nearly related to H. goodyeroides. It differs principally in having much narrower and thinner leaves, and they are placed much lower down on the stem. The flowering spikes are longer and narrower ; the flowers are much smaller and altogether green ; the floral bracts are shorter, and the shape of the lip is very different. I have much pleasure in dedicating this species to Lady Elizabeth Babington-Smith, whose keen and practical interest in the botany of Simla during the Viceroyalty of her father, Lord Elgin, resulted in several interesting discoveries. 46 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, L11.—Materials fora Flora of the Malayan Peninsula—By Siz Guorae Kine, K.C.I.H., M.B., LL.D., F.R.S., d&c., date Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. No. 13. The present contribution carries these Materials to the end of the Calyciflore. The orders included in it are Datiscacese, Droseracex, Passifloracese, Begoniacese, Ficoides, Umbellifere, and Cornacex. It has not been possible for me to prepare my account of the Calycifloral orders in the exact sequence followed in Hooker’s Flora of British India; .each order, however, bears the ordinal number given to it in that work. The species described in the present paper are 47 in number, and of these fourteen belonging to the genus Begonia, and two belonging to Mastizia, are new to science. I hope in future contributions to take up the orders belonging to the groups Corolliflore and Incomplete. Order LXVII. DATISCACEA. Trees or herbs. Leaves petioled, simple or pinnate; stipules 0. Flowers small, dicecious in the Indian species, clustered, racemed or panicled. Mate: calyx-tube short, teeth 3-9; petals 0; stamens 4-25, Femate: calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, lobes 3-8 short; petals 0; ovary l-celled, open or closed at the vertex ; styles lateral, alternating with as many parietal placente, simple or 2-partite; ovules very many, ascending or horizontal. Capsule coriaceous or membranous, opening at the vertex between the styles. Seeds very many, small, albuminous; embryo straight, radicle next the hiluam.—Disrris. Species 4; natives of the Mediterranean, Central Asia, Java, and North-West America. TETRAMELES, R. Br. A large tree. Leaves petioled, ovate, pubescent beneath at least on the nerves. Flowers dicecious, appearing before the leaves; males panicled, females in elongate racemes, clustered near the ends of the branchlets. Mate: calyx-lobes short; teeth 4, ovate, one or two smaller teeth sometimes added ; petals 0; stamens 4, opposite the calyx- teeth, inserted round a depressed disc; rudiment of the ovary 0 or quadrangular. FeMaLe: calyx-tube ovoid; teeth 4 short; petals 0; styles 4, short, stigmas simple somewhat club-shaped. Capsule ovoid, : with 4 lines or slight ridges, membranous, opening at the top between the styles. Seeds very many, minute, flattened, ellipsoid, testa very lax and extending much beyond the nucleus as a loose membrane. 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 47 1. TT. nupirtora, R. Br. in Benn. Pl. Jav. Rar. 79, t. 17; A.DC. Prodr, XV. pt I. 411; Bedd. Fl. Sylv. t. 212; Brand. For. Fl. 245: Kurz For. Fl. 535; Clarke in Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. II, 657. T. Graham- tania, Wight Ic. t. 1956; A.DC. lec. TT. rufinervis, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. pt. I. 726; A.DC. Le. Anictoclea Graham-iana, Nimmo in Grah. Cat. Bomb. Pl. 252.—Indeterminata, Wall. Cat. 9045. Andaman Islands; Kwrz.—Disrri. Eastern Himalaya, Burma and Java. Order LIV. DROSERACEA. Herbs with large glandular hairs, exuding a viscid fluid. Flowers hermaphrodite, regular. Petals 5 hypogynous, rarely perigynous, thin, nerved, imbricate, marcescent, free or slightly united. Stamens 4 to 20, hypogynous or slightly perigynous; filaments free or slightly monadel- phous, subulate or filiform: anthers 2-celled; disc none. Ovary free or adherent by its base to the calyx, globose or ovoid, l-celled; styles 5, sometimes 3, simple or bifid; stigmas capitate; placentas parietal, equal in number to the styles; ovules and seeds numerous. Capsule mem- branous, l-to 5-celled. Seeds with fleshy albumen; embryo cylindric or minute.—DisTrip. Species about 100; in temperate and tropical regions generally, but absent from the Pacific Islands. Drosera, Linn. Small perennial herbs. Leaves radical and rosulate, or cauline and alternate, bearing many large glandular viscid hairs, usually circinate in vernation, with scarious stipules adnate to the petiole, or exstipulate. Calyx persistent, free from the ovary, 4-to 8-partite or sepals free. Petals 4 to 8, hypogynous or very slightly perigynous, marcescent. Stamens equal in number to the petals, hypogynous or slightly perigyn- ous. Ovary 1-celled; styles 2 to 5; ovules parietal, numerous. Capsule loculicidally 2-to 5-valved. Seeds numerous, obovoid-ellipsoid (in the Indian species); testa black, smooth, reticulate.—Dtstris. Species about 90, cosmopolitan, but absent in Polynesia; Australia. Leaves cuneate-spathulate, all radical eh aw. LD. Burmanni. Leaves peltate-lunate with long narrow petioles, some radical the others cauline ma ars ... 2D. peltata. Leaves linear, all cauline ag eos 3D. indica. 1. Drosera Bormann, Vahl Cagle TIT, 50. Leaves all radical, rosulate, cuneate-spathulate, -5 to 1:5 in. long, stipules half as long as the petiole. Peduncles erect, 3 to 8 inches high, naked, glabrous. Flowers racemose, their pedicels glabrous, erect in fruit; calyx minutely papil- lose: styles 5, simple. Don, Prod. Fl. Nep. 212; DC. Prod. I, 318; Roxb. Fl. Ind., I], 113; Wall. Cat. 1242; Wight, Ill. t. 20; Wight, Ic. 48 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, 944; W. & A. Prod. Fl. Penins. Ind. 34; Planch. in Ann. Se. Nat. Ser. III. Vol. IX, 190; Mig. FI. Ind. Bat., Vol. 1, pt. II, 120; Suppl. 160; Hf. & Th. in Journ. Linn. Soc. II., 82; Dalz. & Gibs. Fl. Bomb., 12; Kurz in Journ., As. Soc., Beng., 1876, pt. II, 310; Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 424; Trimen, Fl. Ceyl. pt. II, 145. Matacca: Province Wellesley, and probably in the other provinces.— Distris. British India, Ceylon, the Malay Archipelago, China, Japan, Africa, Australia, up to elevations of 8,000 feet. 2. Drosera petTaTa, Sm. ex Willd. Sp. Pl. I, 1546. Stem erect, leafy, 3 to 12 in. high, simple or branched near the apex. Leaves sub- rosulate, also scattered and alternate on the stem, peltate-lunate, with very long glandular hairs, ‘2 to ‘25 in. broad (including the radiating hairs); the petiole much longer than the lamine, very slender. Lacemes 1 to 3in. long, terminal or sub-terminal; flower-pedicels ‘35 to °75 in. long, glabrous. Sepals ovate, glabrous, erose or fimbrirate. Styles 3, fim- briate. Seeds asin D. indica, III. DC. Prod. I, 319; Sm. Exot. Bot., I, 41; Don Prod. Fl. Nep., 212; Wight. t.,20; W. & A. Prod. Fl. Penins. Ind., I, 34; Planch. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. III, Vol. IX, 296; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng., 1876, pt. 2, 310; Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind., II, 424; Trimen, Fl. Ceyl. pt. II, 146. D. lunata, Ham.: DC. Prod. 3 old. Wall. Cat., 1243; Hook. Ic. Pl. ‘BA; Planchon l.c., 296; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat., II, Pt. 2, 120. D. lunata, pane et D. foliosa, Hook. ‘fil Journ. Linn. Soce., I, 82; 297, 298. D. Lobbiana Turez. (fide Kurz). Matacca, Singapore, and probably in some of the other provinces.— Distris. Malay Archipelago, British India, and Australia. 3. Drosera inpica, Linn. Sp. Pl. 282. Stem 2 to 12 in. long, decumbent, usually simple. Leaves alternate, scattered, 1 to 3 in. long, linear, not much broader than the glabrous petiole, very glandular- pubescent. Racemes 2 to 6 in. long, leaf-opposed; flower-pedicels *30 to ‘75 in. long, rusty-pubescent. Sepals lanceolate, minutely glandulose or sub-glabrous. Styles 3, bifid to the base. Seeds obovoid, much reti- culate not scrobiculate. DC. Prod., I, 319; Roxb. Fl. Ind., IT, 118; Wall. Cat., 1244; Wight Ill. t., 20; W. & A. Prod. Fl. Penins. Ind., 34: Planch. in Ann, Se. Nat. Ser., III, Vol. IX, 209; Mig. FI. Ind. Bat., Vol. I, Pt. 2, 120; HE...& Th. in Journ. Linn.; Soe. I, 82; Dalz: & Gibs. Fl. Bomb., 12; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc Beng., 1876, Pt. 11,310; Trimen Fl. Ceyl., Pt. IJ, 146; Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind., Il, 424. D. Finlaysoniana, Wall. Cat., 3752. D. serpens, Planch. l.c., 204.— Rheede, Hort. Malab., X, t. 20. Matacca: Province Wellesley, and probably in the other provin- ces.—Distris. British India, Ceylon, Malayan Archipelago, tropical Australia, and Africa. 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Penmsula. 49 Order LI. PASSIFLOREA). Twining herbs or shrubs, rarely erect. Leaves alternate, stipulate, entire or lobed, penni- or palmi-nerved, frequently glandular beneath. Petiole usually bearing glands. Stipules foliaceous or minute, ‘T'endrils axillary or 0. Inflorescence axillary, cymose, sometimes with one or more branches cirrhose, rarely flowers solitary. Bracteoles 3, minute and scattered, or foliaceous and forming an epivalyx, rarely 0. Flowers regular, unisexual, or bisexual. Calyx tubular at the base, fleshy, sub- coriaceous or membranous; segments imbricate, 5. Petals 0 or as many as the calyx-lobes, springing from the tube of the calyx, membranous or fleshy, imbricate, marcescent. Corona of one or more rows, filament- ous or membranous or both, arising from various portions of the calyx- tube, rarely 0; basilar corona urceolate or cup-shaped, surrounding the base of the andrecium, sometimes represented by five separate glands of the disc; rarely 0. Stamens 5, in a tube or free to the base, perigyn- ous; anthers oblong, 2-celled, basi- or dorsi-fixed, dehiscing laterally or introsely. Ovary superior, on a gynophore or subsessile, l-celled with 3 parietal placentas, rudimentary or absent in the male flowers. Styles 1 or 3; stigmas reniform, capitate or flattened. Ovules numerous, pen- dulous, anatropus; funicle expanded into a cup-shaped arillus. Hrudt baccate or capsular. Seeds numerous, ovoid or flattened, often pitted, covered with a fleshy arillus; albumen fleshy, rarely scanty; embryo straight, cotyledons flat leafy, radicle short terete.—Drstris. : Chiefly tropical; most numerous in South America. Genera about 18 ; species about 320. Erect shrubs, without tendrils... ave ... L°PAROPSIA, Scandent, with tendrils :— Fruit pulpy, indehiscent; flowers large ... ... 2 PASSIFLORA. Fruit dehiscent; flowers small ag «. 98 ADENIA, 1. Paropsta, Noronh. Shrubs. Leaves simple. Flowers in dense axillary cymes. Calyx- tube short; limb 5-parted. Petals 5, springing from the base of the calyx-tube. Corona of fine threads springing from the tube of the calyx and more or less divided into five phalanges. Gynophore short; fila- ments flat; anthers oblong. Ovary subglobose. S/yle short, dividing into three branches; stigmas reniform-capitate. Fruit capsular.—DiIs- TRIB. Species 4 or 5, natives of tropical Africa and Malaya. P. varecirorMis, Mast. in Trans. Linn. Soc., XX VII, 639. A shrub or small tree. Leaves subcoriaceous, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, the base cuneate, the edges entire or (rarely) minutely serrate ; both surfaces glabrous except the glandular puberulous es 115 6 00 G. King—Matervals for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, midrib and nerves; the lower with numerous minute adpressed scales ; main 6 or 7 pairs spreading, curved; length 2°5 to 5°25 in., breadth 1 to 1°75 in., petiole ‘1 to ‘2in. Flowers about ‘5 in. in diam., on short, rusty-tomentose pedicels ‘15 in. long. Calya campanulate, leathery, adpressed-villose outside like the pedicels, the lobes much longer than the tube, unequal, oblong, subacute. Petals oblanceolate, smaller than — the calyx-lobes. Corona single, very short, lanate, in 5 phalanges. Stamens 5. Gynophore shorter than the corona; ovary villose. Fruit ovoid or sub-globose, *5 to ‘7 in. across. Masters in Fl. Br. Ind., IT, 600. P. malayana, Planch. ex Masters lc. Trichodia vareciformis, Griff. Notul., IV, 571. Maracca: Griffith, Manigay, and others. Perak: Scortechini, King’s Collector; a common plant. I can find no constant characters to separate the two species into which this plant has been divided in the Flora of British India and therefore unite them under the oldest specific name. 2. PasstFLora, Linn. Twining shrubs. Leaves simple or palmilobed, usually with glands on the under surface and on the petiole; stipules thread-like or leafy. Flowers pedunculate; often involucrate; peduncles simple or cymose. Bracteoles 3, small, scattered. Calyx-twbe fleshy, limb 5-lobed. Petals d, springing from the throat of the calyx. Corona of one or more rows of fine threads springing from the throat of the calyx-tube and of one or more membranous folds arising lower down. Gynophore surrounded at the base by a shallow membranous cup or basilar corona; filaments 5, flat; anthers oblong, 2-celled, dorsifixed; pollen-grains reticulate on the surface. Ovary 1-celled; styles 5, stigmas reniform-capitate. Fruit baccate. Seeds arillate.—Disrais. A genus of about 250 species which are most numerous in tropical and sub-tropical America. 3 PassirLonA HorsFiELp!, Blume, Rumphia, I, 170, t. 52. A slender climber; young branches slightly quadrangular, slender, striate, al- most glabrous. Leaves membranous, oval or oblong-ovate, subacute sometimes retuse, the base rounded and minutely emarginate ; upper surface pale-brown when dry, shining, glabrous, minutely reticulate ; lower surface when young sometimes with sparse deciduous hairs, but more usually glabrous from the first, always dull and whitish and with a few flat dark-coloured glands, the transverse veins and reticulations very distinct; main-nerves about 5 pairs, ascending, faint; length 4 to 6 in.; breadth 2°5 to 3:25 in.; petiole ‘6 to ‘9 in., with two oval flat glands near its middle. Inflorescence shorter than the leaves, axillary, about 5-flowered, the flowers 1:25 to 1°5 in. in diam., on slender long pedicels, white tinged with green; corona double, the outer with long erect 1902.| G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 51 filamentous segments; the inner about one-fourth as long, its segments few, lanceolate, incurved. Stamens 5; the filaments spreading, clavate ; anthers dorsifixed, oblong. Ovary end, hirsute, the gynophore nearly as long as the outer corona; styles long, recurved. Fruit subglobular, ‘75 in. in diam. Disemma Horsfieldii, Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat., DR ng gl (079) Perak; Scortechini 655, 2,192; King’s Collector 3,078, 4,104, 5,936, DistR1s. ae ava and Madura. This is apparently the only. species really indigenous in the Malayan Peninsula. There are, however, four American species which have escaped from cultivation. These are :— P. suberosa, L. A small species with diversely shaped leaves, flowers little more than half-an-inch in diameter and ovoid fruits about the same in length. P. foetida, L. A Species with variable leaves, emarginate at the base, often 3-lobed ; recognisable at once by its foetid flowers and 3-leaved fimbriate involucre. P. edulis, Sims. With deeply 3-lobed serrate leaves, flowers more than an inch across; and globular edible fruit. This is often cultivated under the name of Granadilla. P. quadrangularis, L. A large species with boldly 4-angled stems; handsome fragrant, purple flowers banded with white, 3 to 5in. across; broadly ovate leaves and large obliqne ovate-oblong stipules. P. laurifolia, L. A more slender species than the last and with smaller flowers of similar colour, with a large 3-leaved or 3-partite involucre of broad segments, and of long filiform stipules; the leaves broadly oblong, entire and shortly apiculate. 3. ApeENtIA, Forsk. Scandent. Leaves entire or palmilobed, usually with two or more flat circular glands on the under surface and with similar glands at the apex of the petiole. Cymes axillary, few or many-flowered, on long peduncles, one or more of which is sterile and tendril-like. Mae FLower: Calyx tubular or bell-shaped; limb 5-lobed, lobes leathery, imbricate. Petals 5, free, membranous, l-nerved, springing from the calyx-tube. Corona a ring of threads arising from near the base of the calyx-tube, or wanting. (Glands of the disc 5, opposite the sepals, strap-shaped or capitate. Andreciwm cup-shaped, membranous beneath; filaments 5, linear-subulate; anthers linear-oblong, 2-celled. Ovary rudimentary or O. Fema.e ruower: Calyx and corolla as in the male. Corona a mem- branous fold, springing from near the base of the calyx-tube, or none. Glands of the disc 5, strap-shaped, capitate, opposite the sepals. Stami- nodes 5, forming a membranous cup surrounding the base of the ovary, above dividing into barren filaments. Ovary globose or elliptic, sessile or stalked; style cylindrical or none; stigmas 3, capitate or flat and dilated. Fruit capsular, 3-valved. Seeds numerous, attached by long funicles to parietal placentas.—Drstris. About 40 species, natives of the tropics of the Old World. 52 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Penmsula. [No. 1, Notre.—The name used for this genus in Hooker’s Flora of British India is Modecca, Lamk. which dates from 1797. Following Engler, I have here used Férskal’s name Adenia, which dates from 1775. Leaves always deeply 3-lobed Lin hs .. 1A, trilobata, , Leaves entire :— Leaves minutely peltate at the base; lobes of calyx long, narrow and reflexed ... Ms ... 2A, nicobarica. Leaves cordate at the base :— Base broadly and deeply cordate, main-nerves radiating from the base: flowering peduncles up to 6 in. long ay ise .. 8A. cardiophylla. Base slightly cordate: main-nerves pinnate: 4 A. populifolia var. flowering peduncles less than 2 in. long ba pentamera. Leaves not cordate at the base or only occasionally very slightly so: main-nerves usually 2 sometimes 3 pairs :— Nerves and reticulations of leaves distinct ... 5 A. acuminata, Nerves and reticulations of leaves invisible, the lower surface of the leaves whitish . ~ .. 6A. singaporeana. 1. Apenra TRILOBATA, Engl. Jahrb., XIV, 375. Many feet in length, glabrous, the bark on the old shoots cinereous, on the young smooth green. Leaves remote, membranous, broadly cordate at the base, deeply 3-lobed; the lobes lanceolate, the two outer often auriculate at the base, the sinuses wide, rounded, and each bearing a small gland; main- nerves 5, palmate; the lateral nerves and the reticulations few; length 6 to9 in.; width 4°5 to 6°5 in.; petioles from half as long to nearly as lone as the leaf-blades, terete, smooth, not enlarged at the base, the apex with two conical recurved glands. Peduncles slender, smooth, terete, axillary, longer than the petioles, umbellulately cymose; flowers few, ‘3 to ‘5 in. long, the females somewhat longer than the males. Calyx tubular, the lobes short, oblong, subacute. Petals narrowly oblong, inserted near the base of the calyx-tube. Filaments united into a tube — springing from the fundus of the calyx; anthers linear-oblong, abruptly acute, the connective produced into a minute point. Glands narrowly oblong, blunt, incurved. Staminodes in female flower united into a membranous cup. Rudimentary ovary in male flower trifid. Fruit oblong, scarlet, from 2 to 2°5 in. long when ripe, and 1'5 in. in diam. Seeds compressed, sub-obcordate or sub-rotund, scrobiculate, the arillus thin, clear. Modecca trilobata, Roxb. Hort. Beng., 49; Roxb. Corom. Plant. IIT, t.297; Fl. Ind., III, 1383; Wall. Cat., 1234; Kurz, in Journ. As. Soc., Beng., 1877, IT, 95; Masters in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind., IT, 602. ANDAMAN IsLANDsS; common.—Drstris. Northern parts of British India and Burma. 2. ADENIA wicoparica, King. Slender and_ slightly branched, glabrous Stems minutely sulcate, thin, wiry. Leaves membranous, . ry 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 53 entire, narrowly elliptic-oblong or lanceolate; the base rounded and minutely bi-glandular, slightly peltate; the apex acuminate, rarely abruptly acute; both surfaces shining; main-nerves only about 4 pairs, interarching broadly and far from the edge; intermediate nerves horizontal; reticulations wide; length 2°5 to 45 in.; width °6 to 18 in. ; petiole ‘4 to ‘8 in., compressed, not enlarged at the base. Peduwncles longer than the petioles but much shorter than the leaves, bearing a filiform tendril and only one or two flowers. Flowers rather less than "Sin. long, green. Femate FLOWER unknown. Mae FLOWER ‘4 to ‘5 in. long Calyx campanulate, deeply divided into 5 linear-oblong, subacute, much reflexed lobes. Petals shorter than the calyx and inserted into it below the middle, membranous, reticulate, oblanceolate, their apices truncate and broad. Glands short, oblong, truncate. Anthers about equal to the petals, oblong, obtuse, cordate at the base; the filaments united into a wide tube. Fruzt elliptic-oblong, tapered to each end, from 1°5 to 2:3in. long, and ‘75 in. in diam., reddish when dry, smooth. Seeds much compressed, sub-orbicular, with a few shallow pits in the centre, and a row of short depressed radiating grooves round the edge, the aril very thin. Modecca nicobarica, Kurz in Trimen’s Journ. Bot. for 1875, p. 827; Mast. in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. IT, 603. Anpaman and Nicopar Istanps; not uncommon. Maracca; Maingay (Kew Distrib.) 670. Perak; Wray 651, 2781; King’s Collector 2439 ; Scortechint 633.; Ridley 10280. Prnane; Curtis 1521. A species distinguished by its entire oblong leaves minutely peltate at the base, by its long narrow reflexed calyx-lobes, and by its rotund seeds with shallow pits in the centre and radiating grooves at the edges. 3. ADENTIA CARDIOPHYLLA, Engl. in Jahrb. XIV, 376. Rather stout, glabrous. Stems almost terete. Leaves membranous, remote, broadly ovate, rotund-ovate, sometimes almost sub-reniform, the base deeply cordate, the auricles rounded; the apex with a short triangular point ; both surfaces smooth; the lower with numerous distinct reticulations ; main-nerves about 9, radiating from the base; the secondary nerves sub-horizontal, numerous ; length 5 to9 in.; breadth 3:5 to 7°5 in. ; petiole 2 to 45 in. long, not thickened at the base but with 2 sessile glands at the apex. Peduncles 4 to 6 in. long, longer than the petioles, with several widely-spreading cymose branches and usually one tendril. Mate FLOWER narrowly ovoid, ‘2in. long. Calyx leathery, spotted inside, the mouth with blunt short teeth. Petals thin, broadly oblong-lanceolate, sub- acute, spotted, their apices level with those of the teeth of the calyx, their bases inserted about the middle of the calyx-tube. Glands short, oblong-cuneiform. Anthers linear-ovate, acute, the filaments united into a tube inserted into the fundus of the calyx. FEMALE FLOWER twice as 54 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, long as the male, tubular. Calyx as in the male, the teeth recurved. Petals as in the male, their apices entire or minutely serrulate. Ovary ovoid, on a short gynophore, the stigma peltate 3-lobed. Fruit broadly fusiform, 2 to 2°5 in. long and 1 in. in diam. at the middle, dirty-yellowish when dry. Seeds compressed, sub-rotund, keeled, with prominent sharply edged deep pits in the centre and a row of elongate pits round the edges. Modecca cardiophylla, Mast. in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 602. Modecca cordifolia, Kurz (not of Blume) in Journ. As. Soc. Beng., 1876, IT, 132: Masters in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. IT, 602. WM. heterophylla, Kurz, (not of Blume) Andam. Report Append. A., 39. ANDAMAN IsLanDs; very common. WNicopark and Great Coco Istanps; Prain.—Distris. Cambodia, Khasia Hills and Eastern Bengal, tropical Eastern Himalaya. A species well marked by its deeply cordate leaves much reticulate on the lower surface, widely-spreading cymes and sub-rotund cancellate pitted seeds. Some confusion in nomenclature has arisen from the fact that Kurz, without having seen authentic specimens of Blume’s two species Modecca cordifolia and M. heterophylla referred this plant to both of them. Dr. Masters perpetuated part of Kurz’s mistake by accepting his view as to the identity of this Andaman and Nicobar plant with M. cordifolia, Blume, whereas the whole of the Andaman material (greatly increased in bulk since he wrote) really belongs to his own species M. cardiophylla. This view was first expressed by Dr. D. Prain, Superintendent of the Calcutta Garden in a note on one of the specimens in the Herbarium there. 4. ADENIA POPULIFOLIA, Enel. in Jahrb. XIV, 376, var. PENTAMERA King. A slender and often very extensive climber (often 150 feet) Stems slender, smooth, terete. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-ovate, gradually narrowed to the acute or sub-acute apex, the base slightly cordate; both surfaces smooth, the nerves and reticulations little pro- minent when dry: main-nerves 5 to 7 pairs, curved, spreading, rather faint; length 3 to 5 in.; breadth 1°75 to 2°5 in.; petiole °75 to 1:25 in., its apex bearing 2 large cup-shaped glands conjoined by their backs. Peduncles shorter than the leaves with 2 slender spreading branches and a single rather stout tendril. Flowers not numerous, on slender unequal pedicels, some of them ‘75 in. long. Mae FLoweR ‘2 in. long, narrowly fusiform; the calyx with 5 short oblong blunt lobes. Petals springing from the calyx-tube just below its lobes, and like them but narrower. Anthers 5, broadly linear, the connective slightly produced beyond the apex, shortly sagittate at the base; filaments joined into a tube and inserted into the fundus of the calyx: rudimentay ovary linear. FEMALE FLOWER shorter than the male (only ‘15 in. long) and not so slender but with similar calyx-lobes and petals. Ovary oblong, crowned by three erect oblong rather large stigmas. Fruit double fusi- form, deep red when ripe, 2°5 to 3 in. long and from ‘75 to 1 im. in 1902.) G. King —Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 950 diam. Seeds broadly oblong, compressed, foveolate with a row of short radiating grooves round the edges. Modecca populifolia, Blume Rum- phia, 168 t. 50. MM. populifolia, Bl.: Masters in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 603 (amongst imperfectly known species). Maztacca; Maingay (K.D.) 668. Perak; Scortechint 1609; King’s Collector, many Nos. Blume describes and figures his Modecca populifolia plant as tetramerous and as this exactly agrees both with his text and figure, except in being pentamerous, I regard it as a variety. There are in Herb. Calcutta specimens from Perak without flower or fruit, of what appears to be a 3-lobed form of this. 5. AveEnra acuminaTA, King. Stems slender, striate. Leaves sub- coriaceous, ovate-oblong or rotund-ovate, the base usually narrowed but sometimes sub-cordate always bi-glandular; the apex shortly and abruptly acuminate; the secondary nerves and reticulations distinct on both surfaces when dry but especially on the lower; main-nerves 2 or sometimes 3 pairs, originating from the midrib near its base, all prominent: length 4 to 6 in.; breadth 2 to 4 in.; petiole °75 to 1:35 in. long. Peduncles usually nearly as long as the leaves but sometimes much shorter, bearing a few short many-flowered spreading branches at the apex and often a short tendril. Mate FrLower narrowly ovoid, ‘25 to ‘3 in. long. Calyx leathery with 5 short ovate-lanceolate lobes. Petals thick, oblong, acute, springing from the calyx-tube above the middle. Glands small, lanceolate. Anthers linear, sub-acute, erect, the filaments short. FemaLe FLOweR larger than the males (‘4 in. long), tubular, swollen in the lower third. Calyz-lobes very short, broad, blunt, incurved. Petals narrowly oblong, sub-acute, incurved. Ovary fusiform. Fruit fusiform, dull, reddish when dry, about 2 in. long and ‘75 in. in diam. at the middle. Seeds compressed, subrotund, boldly pitted in the centre and with a marginal row of radiating grooves on each side, slightly oblique and pointed at the base. Modecca acuminata, Blume Bijdr. 940; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 1,702. M. singaporeana, Mast. in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 601 (2 part). Perak; Scortechini 254, 459, 629; Wray 498, 1745; Ridley 9462, 9632; King’s Collector, many numbers. SELANGOR; Ridley 7288, Mataceoa; Goodrich 1340.—Disrris. ; Java, Sumatra, (Beccart P.S. 743). 6. ADENIA SINGAPOREANA, Engl. in Jahrb. XIV, 376. Stems slender, striate. Leaves subcoriaceous, oblong to ovate-obloug, cuneate and bi- glandular at the base, the apex sub-acute or shortly and bluntly acumi- nate; both surfaces smooth, opaque, the lower very pale, the secondary nerves and reticulations very indistinct on both; main-nerves 3 pairs, the lower two pairs bold and ascending, the upper pair less bold aud spreading; length 3°5 to 4°5 in.; breadth 1°75 to 2°25 in.; petiole 56 G. King—Materils for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, ‘5 to 15 in. long. Peduncles about as long as the petiole, few-flowered. Male flowers (fide Masters) “*25 in. long, elongate, fusiform. Calyx leathery, shortly 5-lobed; lobes ovate, connivent (? always). Petals thick, leathery, oblong-acute, springing from the calyx-tube just beneath the throat. Corona none (P). Glands of the disc 5, small, oblong, at the. base of the calyx-tube, opposite to its lobes. Stamens 5; anthers sub-sessile, erect, linear ; connective long, thread-like. Rudimentary ovary fusiform. Fruit 2 in. long, glabrous, fusiform.” Seeds compressed, sub- ovoid, obliquely contracted to ashort podosperm, the centre boldly tuber- cled, the edges with a row of broad grooves the tubercles between which on the extreme margin are bold and some of them black. Passiflora singaporeana, Wall. Cat. 1232. Modecca singaporeana, Masters in Hook. fil. Pe Br, dads 11,601. Singapore; Wallich. Jouore; King. Matacca; Maingay (K.D.) 667.—Disrris. Java. A species badly represented in collections and misunderstood. It is based on the plant collected by Wallich at Singapore and issued by him under his Cat. No. 1232 and named Passiflora singaporeana. With this agree absolutely a plant collected by Mr. Hullett and myself at Jaffaria (in Johore) also some specimens collected by Mr. H. O. Forbes in the Preanger in Java (Herb. Forbes 565). Maingay collected at Malacca six specimens of a Modecca all of which in Herb. Kew. are named M. singa- poreana. In my opinion five of these belong to M. acuminata, Bl. I have seen no flowers of M. singapo eana and the account of them given above is copied verbatim from Masters. The leaves are very opaque and of a dull pale colour beneath, and the nerves are very faint. The fruit is slightly shorter than that of M. acwminata, Bl. of which species this is I fear little more than a form. ’ Order LIT. BEGONIACELA. Succulent herbs or undershrubs ; stem ofteu rhizomatous or tuber- erous. Leaves alternate (sometimes falsely whorled), more or less un- equal-sided, entire, toothed or lobed; stipules 2, free, frequently deci-_ duous. Peduncles axillary, dichotomously cymose, the branches and bracts at their divisions generally opposite. Flowers white rose or yellow, showy, sometimes small, monoecious. Mate: perianth (of the only Indian genus) of 2 outer valvate opposite sepaloid segments, and 2-0 inner smaller segments ; stamens indefinite often very many, free or monadelphous, anthers narrowly obovoid. Fermatr: perianth (of the only Indian genus) of 5-2 segments. Ovary inferior (in Hildebrandia half-superior), 2-3-4-celled; placentas vertical, axile (at the time of estivation), divided or simple; styles 2-4, free or combined at the base, stigmas branched or tortuous; ovules very many. F'rwit capsular, more rarely succulent, often winged, variously dehiscing or irregularly break- ing up. Seeds very many, minute, globose or narrow-eylindric, testa —1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 57 reticulated: albumen very scanty or 0.—Duistris. Species 400 (of which 398 belong to the genus Begonia), in all tropical moist countries; not yet met with in Australia. J]. Beroonia, Linn. Characters of the Order. Grove I. Capsule 3-celled, with 3 nearly equal narrow vertically oblong wings, dehiscing by 2 oblong valves on each face between the wings :— Small acaulescent herbs, only a few inches in height : leaves rotund-ovate slightly oblique ‘ Herbs with stems 2 or 3 feet high ; leaves abtiqualy ayaa oblong or ovate-lanceolate, the base cordate and very unequal-sided :— Male flowers *2 to ‘3 in. across ... a Male flowers 1°5 in. across ; Grove II. Capsule 2-celled, triquetrous, with 3 short un- equal wings, dehiscing irregularly by the breaking up of the fragile faces between the wings; anthers obovoid, often emargiuate at the apex :— Caulescent ; rootstock tuberous :— Upper surfaces of leaves with numerous adpressed white stellate hairs; bracts of inflorescence *05 to ‘1 in. long, densely adpressed-pubescent ; male flowers ‘2 to 25 in. in diam.; capsules abont 3 in. broad Upper sarfaces of leaves svantily adpressed hairy ; bracts °35 to ‘6 in. long, glabrous; male flowers ‘5 in. and capsules ‘6 in, across Leaves glabrous... ase ose sie Acaulescent ; rhizome creeping :— Leaves rather thick (when dry), rotund-reniform, deeply cordate the basal lobes overlapping, the nerves beneath and the petioles rusty-tomentose Leaves very thin (when dry), obliquely ovate- Pomorie quite glabrous except for a few sparse hairs on the under surface of the nerves; petioles glabrous E Group III. Capsule 2-celled, triquetrous with 3 wings one of which is much elongated transversely so as greatly to exceed the other two, dehiscing by the rupture of the stout membranous faces between the wings :— Anthers cuneiform-oblong ; leaves peltate ... Anthers linear-oblong or linear; leaves not peltate :— Leaves not at all or very little oblique even at the base, not cordate; petioles very long :— Leaves with coarse hairs on both surfaces :— Leaves narrowly lanceolate Leaves ovate-lanceolate IES a 1. B. Forbesii, 2. B. tsoptera. 3. B. isopteroidea. 4. B. sinuata. 5. B. andamensis. 6. B. debilis. 7. B. thaipingensis. 8. B. guttata. 9. B. Hasskarlit. 10. B. Scortechinit. ll. B. Kunstleriana. 08 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, Leaves glabrous :— Leaves broadly elliptic-ovate,equal-sided at the base 12. B. Herveyana. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, unequal-sided especially at the base te ae asl .. 13. B. perakensis. Leaves very oblique, ovate to reniform, obliquely cor- date at the base :— Leaves glabrous even on the nerves :— Male flowers less than L in. across a .. 14. B. paupercula. Male flowers about 1°5 in. across bie .. 15. B. venusta. Leaves glabrous, but the nerves hairy ; male flower 2 in. across sa 16. B. megapteroidea. Leaves with a few coarse compressed rusty-pubescent hairs on both surfaces; nerves beneath, petioles and also peduncles rusty-pubescent; male flowers °8 in. across . ae ae “a -. 17. B. Mazwelliana. Upper surfaces of leaves papillose and bearing coarse hairs :— Acaulescent ; petiole much longer than the lamina 18, B. praeciara. Stems 3 feet high; petiole shorter than the blade 19. B. Lowiana. 1. Burconta Forsesir, King n. sp. A small plant a few inches high with densely rusty-villose rhizome. Leaves rotund-ovate shortly apiculate, sometimes blunt, the base slightly cordate, the edges subentire or remotely denticulate; upper surface glabrous: the lower with numer- ous white scales and a few.coarse hairs on the nerves near their bases: main-nerves 9, radiating from the base, inconspicuous; length 1°25 to 2°25 in.; breadth 1 to 2 in.; petiole 1°5 to 3 in.; stipules lanceolate, villous externally, °3 in. long. Peduncles as long as or longer than the leaves, slender, glabrous, bearing a solitary flower at the apex, or 2-branched and bearing 2 to 5 flowers; bracts absent on the lower part of the peduncle, in pairs in its upper part, small, obovate-oblong. Flowers pink, their pedicels red. Mate; sepals 2, oblong, blunt, ‘15 in. long; petals 2, similar but smaller; stamens numerous ; anthers obovate, with emarginate apices, filaments short. Famanus; pertanth of 4 un- equal pieces, the outermost rotund-ovate: the inner oblong. Styles 3, thick, the stigmas large, flattened, rotund. Capsule 3-celled, opening on each face; the wings subequal, spreading, triangular, blunt. Perak; Wray 2476.—Distris. Sumatra, Forbes 2666. 2. Brconta isoptera, Dry. in Smith’s Ic. 43. Caulescent: three feet high, nearly glabrous; stem and branches slender. Leaves obliquely ovate-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the base cordate, the sides very unequal; edges remotely and usually coarsely dentate ; upper surface of leaves quite glabrous, the lower minutely scaly ; main- nerves mostly radiating from the base, branched, prominent; length 3°5 to 6 in.; breadth 1'5 to 3 in.; petioles slender, varyivg from ‘5 to = 1902.| G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 59 2°25 in. in length: stipules lanceolate or oblong, °75 in. long. Inflorescence leaf-opposed, shorter than the leaves, slender; the female flowers near its base, the male on short branches on its upper half. Matus ‘2 to ‘3in. across; sepals 2, rotund; petals 0; stamens numerous, broadly oblong or obovate, minutely apiculate; filaments short. FEMALE perianth-seg- ments 5. Styles three, bifid, the arms twisted. Capsule 3-celled, about ‘*8 in. long and equally broad, dehiscing by two slits on each face, the three wings equal, narrow, oblong, ‘25 in. wide. Dry. in Trans. Linn. Soc. I, 160. B. repanda, Bl. Enum. Pl. Jav.1, 97. Diploclinium repan- dum, Klo. Begon: 72. Begonia Wrayi, Hems. in Journ. Bot. for 1887, 203. Perak; Scortechini and King’s Collector, many numbers. Matacca; Hervey. Serancor; Ridley 8589. Panana; Ridley 2246. Necrt Spmsa- LAN; Ridley 10028. Penanea; Curtis 7094.—Distris. Sumatra, Java. B. bombycina, Bl. (Enum. Pl. Jav. 97) is possibly identical with this; it has been reduced here by De Candolle and part of it is no doubt so reducible. Under B. bombycina however have been distributed specimens of an allied species with larger flowers in short spreading cymes. Which of the two plants Blume intended as his B. bombycina, it is impossible from his short description and in the absence of authentic specimens to determine. 3. BrGontA Isopreroipea, King n. sp. Caulescent, 3 feet high, glabrous. Leaves thin, very obliquely ovate-lanceolate acuminate; the base acute on one side of the petiole but with a broad round auricle on the other, the edges remotely lobulate-dentate ; lower surface with very minute white scales; main-nerves 7, radiating from the base, rather prominent beneath; length 3°5 to 4°5 in.; breadth 1:2 to 15 in. ; petioles unequal, 4 to 3°5 in long. Stipules broadly lanceolate, acute, °5 to °75 in. long. Peduncles slender, axillary, about an inch long and bearing about two flowers on long slender pedicels and one sub-sessile. Flowers pink, large. Mates; sepals 2, rotund-oblong, blunt, °75 in. long; petals 2 similar but only ‘5 in. long; stamens inserted on an elongate anthophore, the anthers quadrate, 2-groved, truncate, only about half as long as the slender filaments. Frma.es nearly as large as the males; style short, thick, divided into 3 slender, bifid spiral spread- ing branches. Capsules about °75 in. in length and breadth, 3-celled, its wings narrow oblong, thin, membranous, the posterior narrower than the lateral. Perak; on Gunong Brumban, elevation 5,000 feet; Wray 1548. A species in leaves capsules and habit resembling B. isoptera, but with much larger flowers. 4, Brconta stnvata, Wall. Cat. 3680. Shortly caulescent (from 25 to 12 inches high) the rootstock tuberous. Leaves either broadly 60 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, reniform and blunt, or sometimes with a short broad abrupt apiculus, the basal sinus deep and the edges wavy and minutely denticulate or crenate; or reniform-cordate, gradually tapered to the sub-acute apex, the margins slightly lobulate-dentate, the lobes denticulate, the basal sinus small: length of the reniform over 4 to 6 in.; breadth 5 to 8 jn., of the ovate-reniform 1°5 to 3 in.; breadth 1 to 3 in.; petioles of the radical leaves 1 to 3 in.; of the cauline ‘5 to 2°5 in.; both surfaces with numerous adpressed white stellate hairs, the lower with small oblong white scales also; main-nerves 7 to 11, radiating from the base, prominent on the lower surface; petioles unequal, °5 to 3 in. long, pube- scent. Sétpules small, oblong-lanceolate, slightly oblique, blunt, glab- rous. Inflorescence 3 to 8 inches long, sparsely stellate-puberulous ; the peduncle very slender; branches few, short, filiform, few-flowered; bracts minute (‘05 to °*l in. long) bluntly lanceolate, rather densely ad- pressed-pubescent externally, the upper in whorls of three. Flowers small, pink, glabrous. Mates about ‘2 to ‘25 in. in diam.: sepals 2, roundish; petals 2, narrower, obovate; stamens about 20, monadel- phous; anthers obovoid, connective not produced. Femaue perianth- segments 5, the inner gradually smaller. Styles 2, combined for half their length, stigmas lunate. Capsule about °3 in. broad and slightly jonger, the posterior wing the largest. Seeds ovoid, shining, brown, deeply pitted. A. DC. Prod. XV, Pt. I, 354; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc, Beng., 1877, Pt. II, 108; Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 650. Diploclhinium biloculare, Wight Ic. 1814. Begonia guttata, elongata et subrotunda, Wall. Cat. 3671 B (not A), 6291, 6293. PenanG; Wallich; Phillips; King’s Collector 2269, 4860; Curtis 390, 481, 3098; Ridley 9229. Manacca; Maingay (K.D.) 674. Perak; King’s Collector 4971.—Distris. Burma; Griffith, Parish. 5. BrGONIA ANDAMENSIS, Parish ex Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 650. Like the reniform-leaved form of B. sinuata, but the hairs on the surfaces of the leaves scanty: the inflorescence usually longer and its peduncle and branches much stouter; the bracts glabrous, longer (35 to ‘5 a1.) and blunter and the male flowers (‘5 in. across) and capsules (‘6 in. across) longer and more numerous than those of B. sinuata. AnpaMaN Istanns; Parish; King’s Collector.—Distr1B. Burma. This ought probably to be regarded as a variety of B. sinuata. Actual speci- mens of the two look more different than written descriptions lead one to suppose ; I therefore retain this as a species. 6. BeGonta DeBiLis, King n. sp. Aslender weak herb, about 6 to 8 inches high, caulescent. Leaves thin, narrowly reniform, blunt or sub- acute; the base unequal, rounded at both sides but one auriculate and 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 61 much longer ; edges sub-entire or slightly remotely and obscurely cre- nate; breadth 1:5 to 3 in.; length (from base of largest lobe to apex) 3°5 to 7 in.; upper surface glabrous, the lower minutely scaly; main- nerves 7, radiating from the base, some of them branching, rather prominent below; petioles 1 to 3 in. long. Inflorescence axillary or ter- minal, slender, longer than the leaves, with a few lax filiform dicho- tomous spreading few-flowered branches, bracts in pairs, ovate-lanceo- late, ‘1 to 15 in. long. Flowers pure white, the stamens yellow. Mate *35 in. across; sepals 2, oblong-ovate, blunt: petals 2, similar but smaller ; stamens in a globular mass; anthers obovate, short with broad emar- ginate inappendiculate apices. FrMate pertanth of 5 unequal obliquely oblong pieces; styles united into a short column, above divided into numerous crowded awns. Capsule °75 in. broad (to the end of the wings), and ‘4 in. from base to apex, glabrous, 2-celled: the 2 lateral wings triangular, acute, the posterior wing oblong, tapering a little to the blunt apex, more than twice as long as the lateral. Perak ; King’s Collector 8289. A species allied to B. varians, A. DC., but with more entire leaves. 7. BEGONIA THAIPINGENSIS, King n. sp. Rhizome long, creeping, rooting at intervals, wire-like, rusty-villous. Leaves rotund-reniform, the edges minutely and rather remotely dentate, the basal sinus mostly obliterated by the overlapping of the auricles; both surfaces scaly the lower more distinctly so and rusty tomentose on the 6 or 7 radiat- ing sub-prominent nerves; length 1°25 to 2 in.; breadth 1°5 to 2°25 in,; petioles unequal, 1 to 4 in. long, densely rusty-tomentose. Peduwnecles 4 to 9 in. long, sleuder, sparsely rusty-villous, bearing one or two remote pairs of small lanceolate bracts and near the apex 3 to 5 slen- derly pedicellate pink flowers on slender branches. Mate flowers ; sepals 2, sub-rotund, ‘15 in. long; petals 2, smaller, oblong; stamens numerous ; anthers obovate, the apex blunt and emarginate, the filaments short. FeMALe perianth of 5 unequal pieces, the largest most external: style short, thick, with 2 stout arms and short thick twisted stigmas. Cupsule 2-celled, °5 in. broad (to the ends of the wings); all the wings trian- gular, sub-equal. Perak; Scortechint 1479; Wray 1774; King’s Collector 2523, 8511. A species allied to B. sinuata, Wall., but differing by the creeping rhizome, non-apiculate leaves, rusty-tomentose petioles and peduncles. 8. Beconia currata, Wall. Cat. 3671 A. Stem succulent, short. weak, bearing about two thiu obliquely ovate-reniform glabrous nearly entire leaves with oblique cordate bases, and subacute apices; the nerves about 5, radiating from the base, prominent, sparsely hairy ; 62 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No: 1, 4 to 7 in. long and 2 to 4°5 in. broad; petioles 1°5 to 4 in. Peduneles varying in length from 1 to 2 in., slender, glabrous, bearing a few flowers near the apex. Mate flower; sepals 2, rotund; petals 2, narrowly oblong; stamens about 50, monadelphous; anthers obovoid. FeMaLe; pertanth-segments 5, gradually smaller inwards: styles 2, with two twisted branches, Oapsule *4 in. long and ‘75 in. broad to the ends of the wings, the smaller wings very narrow; the posterior one broad, descending. A.DC., Prod. XV, Pt. 1,352; Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 648. Perak; Scortechint 571. Matacca; Maingay (Kew Distrib.) 675. PenanG; Wallich. Serancor; Ridley 7289. 9. Beconta Hasskarut, Zoll. et Mor. Syst. Verz. Zoll. 31 (not of Mig.) All parts glabrous. Stem a creeping rhizome. Leaves rotund- ovate, shortly and abruptly caudate-acuminate, peltate, the edges wavy but entire; both surfaces glabrous, the upper pitted when dry, the lower with sub-rotund scales; main-nerves about ten, radiating from the insertion of the petiole, not very prominent; length 3°5 to 5°5 in.; breadth 2:25 to 3°75 in.; petiole attached to the leaf about °75 to 1:25 in. from its lower edge; stipules short, lanecolate. Peduncle usually longer than the leaves (often twice as long), about as thick as the petioles, bearing a few slender branches near the apex, ebracteate. Flowers small, white tipped with red. Mate ‘2 in. broad; sepals 2, reniform, the margins thick. Stamens numerous, cuneiform-oblong, their apices emarginate ; filaments very short, free. FEMALR, sepals 2, with vertical veins, reniform; style short, thick, with 4 short branches ; stigmas 4, much lobulate. Capsule 4-celled, °6 in. long, the lateral wings very narrow ; the posterior broad slightly narrowed to the blunt apex, ‘5 in, long : seeds minute, ovoid, tapering to one end, brown, shining, pitted. LB. peltata, Hassk, in Hoev. et De Vriese, Tijdschr. X (1843) 133. Metscherlicia coriacea, Klotzsch in Abh. Akad. Berl. (1855) 74; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, Pt. I, 696. B. coriacea, Hassk. Pl. Jav. Kar. 209 ; B. hernandiaefolia, Hook. (not of others) Bot. Mag. t. 4676. Perak; Scortechini 1607; King’s Collector 4427, 8245; Ridley 9689. Panane; Ridley 2442.—Disrris. Java, Zollinger 1613. This is one of three species to which the specific name peltata has been given. That name must however be reserved for the Brazilian species to which it was first applied by Otto & Dietr. (Allg. Gartenz. IX (1841) 58). The MSS. name B. Hasskarliana was given by Miquel to a species near B. coespitosa which he con- fused with Zollinger’s No. 1613 (the type of the species above described), and this inaccuracy was perpetuated by Miquel on p, 1091 of his Fl, Ind. Bat. I, Pt. I, where he describes Diplocliniwm Hasskarlianum. 10. Beconta Scorrecuinu, King, n. sp. Rhizomecreeping, short, scaly. 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 63 Leaves on very long glabrous petioles, narrowly lanceolate, attenuate to the acuminate apex, and to the rounded or acute nearly equal-sided base; the edges dentate-ciliate; both surfaces with numerous scattered coarse subulate spreading hairs compressed at their bases, the lower also minutely scaly ; main-nerves pinnate, 3 or 4 pairs, then ascending ; length 2°75 to 4in.; breadth ‘5 to 1 in.; petioles 5 to 7 in. Peduncles axillary, somewhat shorter than the leaves, glabrous, bearing at the apex 2 few-flowered branches and a few rather long bracts. Flowers white, tinged with pink and green. Mate: sepals ovate, obtuse, °75 in, long; petals narrower but nearly as long. Stamens numerous, in a short column; anthers linear-oblong, the apical appendage obtuse ; filaments short. Female with perianth-segments similar to the male ( fide Scortechini) but 5. Ovary glabrous, 2-celled ; styles free, 2 to 4-fid. Capsule °75 in. broad (including the wings) the lateral wings narrow, oblong, the posterior much larger (fide Scortechini). Perak; Scortechint 1845; King’s Collector 7227. I have seen no ripe capsules, and the above description of them is taken from Scortechini’s field-note. The species is readily distinguishable by its very narrow equal-sided coarsely hairy leaves. A drawing of this, sent to Herb. Kew from Penang by Mr. C. Curtis, represents the leaf-petioles as not more than one inch long. 11. Berconta Kunstueriana, King n. sp. Rhizome creeping, very scaly. eaves ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, often but not always un- equal-sided, much acuminate; the base cuneate usually oblique; edges ciliate-serrate, the teeth slightly unequal; both surfaces with coarse spreading hairs with dilated flattened bases; the lower with minute white scales also; main-nerves about 3 pairs, pinnate, densely rufescent villous like the petioles; length 5 to 75 in.; breadth 1°75 to 2°5 in.; petiole from half as long to nearly as long as the blade. Peduncles longer than the petioles and more slender, glabrous, 2- to 4-flowered at the apex. flowers large, white, tinged with red. Mate; sepals 2, elliptic, obtuse, 1 in. long and ‘5 in. broad, vertically veined; petals similar but not half so large. Stamens numerous, linear-oblong, bluntly apiculate. WemaLe perianth of 5 oblong blunt segments; styles 2, each with two short twisted branches. Capsule (to the end of the posterior wing) 1 in. broad: the lateral wings short, narrow; the posterior elon- gate not tapered to the apex, 2-celled. Seeds ellipsoid, shining, brown, pitted. Perak; King’s Collector 7194; Scortechint ; Ridley 9651. This resembles B. Scortechinii, but has larger leaves and shorter petioles which are densely villous. 12. Bsconta Hurveyana, King n. sp. Glabrous except for a few 64 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, hairs on the nerves on the lower surface of the leaves: rhizome creep- ing, thin. Leaves broadly elliptic-ovate, shortly acuminate, slightly narrowed to the rounded almost equal-sided base ; the edges slightly undulate, very indistinctly serrate; upper surface glabrous, lower very minutely scaly; nerves pinnate, about 6 pairs, ascending, branching ; length 5 to 9 in.; breadth 3 to 4°5 in.; petioles much longer than the leaves, glabrous; stipules lanceolate, inconspicuous. Peduncles 5 to 10 in. long, slender, bearing near the apex 2 or 3 branches with few shortly pedicellate flowers. Matz flowers; sepals 2, ovate-subrotund ; petals 2, much smaller, oblong, blunt; stamens numerous, arranged in a cone, linear, with a blunt apical appendage, the filaments short. FEmaLn pertanth of 5 subrotund pieces. Capsule 1 in. broad and about half as much from base to apex, imperfectly 4-celled: lateral wings narrow oblong ; the posterior wing ovate, blunt, about ‘65 in. long. Maracca; Hervey ; Derry. This is a very distinct species resembling in the shape of its leaves no Asiatic Begonia that I have seen, except on unnamed species from Tonkin (No. 3763 of Herb. Balansa). 13. Berconta PERAKENSIS, King n.sp. Rhizome slender, creeping. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, slightly unequal-sided, acuminate; the base broad, rounded or very slightly emarginate or oblique, the edges ob- scurely and remotely dentate, or sub-entire ; both surfaces glabrous, the lower minutely scaly; main-nerves pinnate, + or 5 pairs, ascending ; length 3°5 to 55 in.; breadth 1°5 to 2°25 in. ; petiole 2°5 to 5 in. ; slen- der, glabrous. Peduncles usually longer than the leaves (at least when in fruit), 4-angled, glabrous, few-flowered. Flowers whitish tinged with pink, or pink. Mate; sepals rotund-ovate, ‘4 in. long. Petals 2, oblong and much smaller. Stamens numerous, linear with short blunt apical appendages and short filaments. FamaLe perianth of 5 (?) segments. Capsule (ripe) 1*2 in. broad (to end of posterior wing), and ‘5 in. from base to apex, 2-celled ; the lateral wings oblong, narrow; the posterior . oblong, blunt, slightly oblique, *35 in. broad ; seeds small, ellipsoid, pitted, shining. Perak ; King’s Collector 10338, 10506, 10951. Specimens of a species closely resembling this, but insufficient for accurate determination, have been collected in Selangor by Mr. Ridley (Herb. Ridley 8590). 14. Beconta PAupERCcULA, King n. sp. BRhizome-creeping, acaules- cent, everywhere glabrous. Leaves ovate, very unequal-sided and very oblique at the base, or ovate-lanceolate, slightly unequal-sided and little oblique at the base; the apex always acuminate, the edges slightly sinuate-lobed, obscurely dentate; both surfaces glabrous : main-nerves 5 to 7, radiating from the base, prominent below, midrib with a few 1902.] G. King—Matertals for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 69 lateral nerves, length 3°5 to 5 in.; breadth'1-25 to 3°5 in. ; petioles vary- ing in length from 2°5 to7 in., slender, 2-to 3-flowered. Flowers white, tinged with red. Mates; sepals 2, elliptic-oblong, *4 in. long ; petals 0. Stamens linear-oblong, shortly and bluntly apiculate: filaments short. Femate; the pertanth of 5 very unequal lobes, the outermost larger than the sepals of the male. Capsules ‘6 in. Jong and 1 in. broad, 2- celled ; the 2 lateral wings sub-elliptic, oblique, ‘3 in. broad ; the posterior wing oblong, blunt, °6 to 7 in long and ‘35 in. broad. Perak ; King’s Collector 5952. This has leaves resembling those of B. borneensis, but the flowersare fewer and larger. Beccari’s Sumatra specimens (P.S. 857), in fruit only, appear to belong to this species. 15. Beconta venosta, King un. sp. Rhizome slender, creeping ; whole plant glabrous. Leaves reniformly ovate, shortly acuminate, the basal _ Sinus deep; the edges sub-entire or remotely and minutely denticulate ; both surfaces smooth, shining : main-nerves 7, radiating from the base» slender; length 3 to 5°5 in.; breadth 2 to 3°5 in.; petioles unequal, slender, from 6 to 12in. in length. Peduncles 3°5 to 6 in. long, bearing about 3 pedunculate pinkish-white flowers near the apex. Mate; sepals 2, ovate-rotund, blunt, °75 in. long. Petals 2, somewhat larger. Stamens narrowly oblong, with a large apiculas; filaments unequal, the inner ones long, the outer short. Frmatus smaller than the male, the perianth of 5 unequal broad blunt segments; styles very short, with numerous broad depressed lobules. Capsule ‘3 in, long and 1:15 in. broad (to the ends of the wings) ; lateral wings more than half as long as the posterior, broadly triangular, blunt ; posterior wing oblong, blunt, ‘7 in. long. PERAK ; at an elevation of about 6,000 ft., Wray 1598. The leaves are not unlike those of B. pawpercula and B, borneensis but the flowers are large and handsome, 16. Brconid MEGAPTEROIDEA, King u. sp. Rhizome as thick as a swan-quill, creeping on rocks. Leaves broadly and very obliquely ovate, acuminate; both sides of the base rounded but very unequal, the sinus between them wide, the edges remotely and minutely dentate, upper surface glabrous; the lower also glabrous except the rusty-pubescent nerves which are also scaly near the base: main-nerves about 8, radiat- ing from the base, the larger branched and all rather prominent ; length (from apex of petiole to apex of blade) 4 to 5 in.; breadth 4 to 5 in.; petiole 12 to 16 in. long, glabrous. Peduncles from half as long tc nearly as long as the leaves, glabrous, ebracteate below the flowers, Matz flowers : sepals rotund-ovate, very obtuse, 1 in. long and ‘6 to ‘7 in, broad ; petals much smaller, elliptic: stamens numerous, in a conical J. il, 9 66. G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, mass on a short thick anthophore ; anthers oblong, bluntly apiculate, filaments varying in length (the inner the longest). FrmaLe perianth of 5 unequal pieces: styles 2, rather long, combined at the base. Cap- sule not seen. Perak ; collected at an elevation of 5,000 ft., Wray 1450, 1573. Specimens of this plant are rather scanty. They resemble B. megaptera, but are not caulescent like that species. In the Calcutta Herbarium there is, under the name Dipiocliniwm tuberosum, Miq., a specimen collected by Kurz in Western Java which apparently belongs to this species. There are also two plants from Sumatra collected by Forbes (Herb. Forbes 2333a and 2255) which appear to belong to this. The genus Diploclinium is inseparable from Begonia and the specific name tuberosa is‘pre-occupied in the latter by a species described by Lamack from the Moluccas which has a rounded tuberous root. 17. Braonta Maxweuiiana, King n. sp. Rhizome as thick as a swan-quill, bearing many broadly lanceolate scales. Leaves broadly and obliquely ovate to ovate-rotund, more or less acuminate, the edges minutely ciliate-denticulate, the base very oblique, one side of it rounded the other rounded-auriculate, the sinus wide; both surfaces with a few coarse compressed rusty hairs, most numerous on the nerves near the base; the lower surface with minute white scales; main-nerves 7 to 9, radiat- ing from the base, prominent; length 5 to 6 in.; breadth 4 to 7 in. ; petioles 4 to 10 in. long, compresed (when dry) like the peduncles and like them rusty-pubescent. Pedwncles unequal, those bearing only male flowers often shorter than the petioles; those bearing female and male, or females only often longer than the petioles; all ebracteate below the inflorescence, dichotomously branched and few-flowered at the apex ; the bracts short, broad. Mate flowers densely clustered ; sepals 2, oblong-ovate, blunt, ‘4 in. long, puberulous outside ; petals 2, similar, but much smaller. Stamens numerous, without anthophore ; anthers lin- ear, bluntly apiculate, slightly shorter than the filaments. FEMALE peri- anth of 5 unequal nieces diminishing in size inwards ; styles 2, short, much lobulate. Capsule 2-celled, 1°4 in. broad (to the ends of the wings) and °6 in from base to apex ; the 2 lateral wings sub-quadrate, obtuse; the posterior oblong, blunt, more than three times as long as the lateral. Perak; Maxwell’s Hill, at elevation of 3,000 feet, Wray 119, 2199; Scortechint 1607, 1798 ; King’s Collector 2038.—Distriz. Sumatra, Forbes 31194. The flowers of this are white tinged with pink and the leaves green, the nerves beneath being red. This resembles B. megapteroidea, King, but the flowers are smaller, and the leaves and inflorescence are not glabrous as in that species. 18. Bnoonia pRaCLARA, King n. sp. Rhizome creeping, very scaly. Leaves obliquely ovate, acuminate, the base rounded on one side of the 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 67 petiole and on the other expanding into a broad rounded auricle, the edges minutely dentate, rarely with small lobes besides: upper surface with numerous conical papillze each bearing a coarse curved hair flattened at the base; under surface with a few scattered flattened hairs especially on the nerves ; main-nerves 7, radiating from the base, promi- nent beneath; length 3°5 to 5°5 in.; breadth 2°5 to 3'5 in.; petioles unequal 3 to 6 in. long, with a few flexuose hairs near the apex. Peduncles longer than the petioles, slender, glabrous, 1- to 3-flowered. Flowers on rather long slender pedicels, pink. Mates; sepals 2, narrowly oblong-ovate, obtuse, °8 in. long; petals 2, narrowly oblong, blunt, ‘5 in. long; stamens linear-oblong, apiculate, the filaments un- equal the central the largest. Femane perianth unknown; siyles 2, short, 2-branched, branches divided into many flat twisted lobes. Cap- sule *5 in. long and about 1°5 in. broad (to the ends of the wings); the lateral wings quadrate-ovate, obtuse, about ‘4 in. long; the posterior oblong, blunt, 1 in. long and °4 in. broad. Perak; at elevations of from 3,000 to 6,700 feet, Wray 318, 349, 427 ; King’s Collector 8077. The upper surface of the leaves is dark green, the nerves being coloured ; the under surface is red of various tints and the flower-stalks are pale crimson. 19. Breaonra Lowrana, King n. sp. Caulescent; 3 feet high ; stems and branches covered with coarse flexuose glandular hairs. Leaves mostly very obliquely reniform; but some of the cauline ovate and nearly equal-sided acute, the basal sinus deep, the edges with a few very shallow lobes closely and rather minutely dentate-serrate and shortly ciliate ; both surfaces coarsely rusty-pubescent, the hairs flexuose compressed and with dilated bases, the lower also with small white scales; main-nerves about 9, radiating from the base, prominent and densely villous; length 3 to 4°5 in.; breadth 4 to 7 in.; petioles un- equal, stout, villous like the under surface of the ribs and midrib, from ‘4 in. long in the upper leaves, to 4 in. long in the lower. Cymes few- flowered, leaf-opposed and terminal, shorter than the leaves when in flower, much larger when in fruit; bractsjovate-lanceolate, opposite, ciliate, Flowers pink or white, pedicellate. Mae about *75 in. across ; sepals 2, ovate-oblong, sub-acute, ‘5 in, long; petals 2, oblong, much smaller. Stamens uumerous, oblong, blunt, without apical appendages ; filaments short. Frmaue, the perianth of 5 pieces decreasing in size inwards ; styles 2, deeply bifid and spiral. Capsules ‘65 in. long and twice as broad to the end of the wings; lateral wings very narrow (about °15 in. broad), the posterior oblique, broadly ovate, blunt, ‘9 in. long and ‘8 in. broad. 68 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, Prrax ; at an elevation of 7,000 feet on Gunong Brumber Pahang, Wray 1567; also on Gunong Batu Puleh, Wray 316. This resembles the Indian species B. Thomsonii, DC., but differs in being caulescent, in having shorter hairs on leaves and petioles, and in the posterior wing of the capsule being much larger. I have named the species after Sir Hugh Low, late British resident at Malacca, to commemorate his many services towards the botanical exploration of the Province of Perak. Order LIV. FICOIDEA. Herbs. Leaves simple, often fleshy, usually opposite or whorled; stipules O or scarious. J'lowers usually in cymes or clusters, rarely solitary, regular, hermaphrodite rarely polygamous. Calyx of 4-5 seg- ments, united into a tube or nearly distinct, free from the ovary in the Indian genera, often persistent. Petals usually wanting, when present small. Stamens perigynous or hypogynous, definite or indefinite; sta- minodes sometimes present. Ovary free (exceptin Mesembryanthemum), 2-5-celled, syncarpous (except in Gisekia) ; styles as many as the car- pels: ovules numerous in each carpel and axile or solitary and basal. Fruit usually capsular, splitting dorsally or circumsciss, more rarely the carpels separate into cocci. Seeds many or 1 in each carpel, usually reniform, compressed ; embryo curved or annular, surrounding the fari- naceous albumen, radicle next the hilam.—Distr1s. Species 450, chiefly African, a few are scattered through most tropical and subtropical regions. Capsule with circumscissile dehiscence oh .. 1, SEsuvium. Capsule with dorsal dehiscence ai .. 2. MoLiugo. 1. Ssrsvviom, Linn. Succulent branching herbs. Leaves opposite, fleshy ; stipules 0. Flowers axillary, sessile or peduncled, solitary, rarely in cymes. Calyz- tube short; lobes 5, triangular-lanceolate, persistent, often coloured. Petals 0. Stamens many or 5, inserted round the summit of the calyx- tube. Ovary free, 3-5-celled; styles 3-5; ovules many, axile. Capsule ovate-oblong, membranous, 3-5-celled, circumsciss. Seeds many in each cell, reniform; embryo annular.—Distr1s, Species 4, littoral in warm climates. Sesuvium Portutacastrum, Linn. Syst. ed. 10, 1058. Creeping and rooting inthe sand, glabrous. Leaves linear-spathulate almost cylindric, sometimes sub-obovate: gradually narrowed into a short petiole with dilated scariously margined base. Flowers solitary, axillary, their pedicels ‘25 in. long. Calya rose-coloured inside. Stamens 15 to 40, free or almost free. Styles 3 to 5. Capsule °2 in. across. Seeds black, shining, smooth, not numerous. Roxb, Fl. Ind. IT, 509; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb, 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 69 Fl. 15; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng.'1877, Pt. II, 110: Clarke in- Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. IT, 659. S. repens, Willd. Enum. p. 511; DC. Prod. III, 453: W. & A. Prod. Fl. Pen. Ind. 361; Wight in Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. II, 71, t. 23; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. I, 1060, Psammanthe marina, Hance in Walp. Ann. II, 660. Crithmum indicum, Rumph. Herb. Amb. VI, t. 72, fig. 1. On the sea shores in the Andamans and the other Provinces.— Distris. B. India, Malayan Archipelago. 2. Mo.tveo, Linn. Herbs, branched, often dichotomous. Leaves often falsely whorled, or alternate, or all radical, from linear to obovate, entire ; stipules fugacious. Flowers axillary, sessile or pedicelled, clustered or in pani- cles or racemes, small, greenish ; bracts inconspicuous. Sepals 5, per- sistent. Petals 0; staminodes O or small in the same species. Stamens 5-3, rarely many. Ovary free, globose or ellipsoid, 3-5-celled ; styles 3-5, linear or very small; ovules many, axile. Capsule membranous, sheathed by the sepals, 3-5-celled, dehiscing dorsally, Seeds several in each cell, rarely 1, reniform, appendaged or not at the hilum; embryo annular.—Distris. Species 12, tropical and subtropical. Mo..uGo PENTAPHYLLA, Linn. Spec. Plantar. ed. 1 (1753), 89. A few inches high, glabrous; stems much-branched, leafy, varying from oblong-lanceolate, lanceolate-acute to obovate-obtuse, contracted at the base, subsessile or sessile, from less than ‘5 in. to more than 2 in. in length. Panicles compound, terminal, many times longer than the leaves. Sepals elliptic or rotund, blunt. Stamens 3 to 5, short; fila- ments rather broad, compressed. Capsule globose, as long’as the sepals, thin-walled, many seeded. Seeds dark-brown, tubercled ; embryo curved. W. & A. Prodr. 44; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 16; Kurz in Journ, As. Soc. 1877, Part II, 111. M. triphylla, Lour. Fl. Cochine. 79; DC. Prodr. I, 392; Roxb. Hort. Beng. 9, Fl. Ind. I, 360; Wall. Cat. 651; W. & A. Prodr. 44. M. Linkii, Seringein DC. 1c. WM. stricta, Linn, Sp. Pl. ed. IJ, 131; DC. Prodr. I, 391; Roxb. lc.; Wall. Cat. 650; W. & A. Prodr, 44; Dalz. & Gibs. l.c.; Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. Il, 663: Pharnaceum strictum, triphyllum and pentaphyilum, Spreng. Syst. I, 949.—Rheede Hort. Mal. x. t. 26. In all the Provinces, near cultivated places.—Duistris. General throughout S. EK. Asia, Order LV. UMBELLIFERA. Herbs (rarely in non-Indian species shrubs or trees). Leaves alter- nate, usually divided or dissected, sometimes simple, petiole generally 70 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No. 1, sheathing at the base; stipules 0. Flowers hermaphrodite or polyga- mous, in compound umbels (simple in Hydrocotyle and Bupleurum), exterior of the umbel sometimes radiant; umbels with involucriform bracts at the base of the general one and bracteoles at the base of the partial ones (umbellules). Calya-tube adnate to the ovary, limb 0 or 5-toothed. Petals 5, epigynous, often unequal, and with a median fold on the face, plane or emarginate or 2-lobed with the apex inflexed ; imbricated in bud, in Hydrocotyle sometimes valvate. Stamens 9, epigy- nous. Ovary inferior, 2-celled, disc 2-lobed; styles 2, stigmas capi- tellate; ovules 1 in each cell, pendulous. fFrwit of 2 indehiscent dorsally or laterally compressed carpels, separated by a commissure ; carpels each attached to and often pendulous from a slender often forked axis (carpophore), with 5 primary ridges (1 dorsal, 2 marginal and 2 intermediate) and often 4 secondary ones intercalated between these; pericarp often traversed by oil-canals (vitte). Seed 1 in each carpel, pendulous, albumen cartilaginous; embryo small, next the hilum, radicle superior.—Distris. Species about 1,500, mainly in Europe, North Africa, West Central and North Asia; a few are North American, tropical, and natives of the Southern Hemisphere. Creeping unarmed herbs ons ae we, L. HypRocOoTY Ee: Erect spinous herbs... et wes «. a2 ERYNGIUM, 1. Hyprocoryre, Linn. Prostrate herbs, rooting at the nodes. Leaves (in the Indian species) cordate or hastate, not peltate, round or 5-9-gonal, subentire or palmately lobed, palmate-nerved, long-petioled ; stipules small, scarious. Umbels (in the Indian species) simple, small; bracts small or 0; flowers white, sometimes unisexual. Calyz-teeth O or minute. Petals entire, valvate or imbricate. Fruit laterally compressed, commissure narrow ; carpels laterally compressed or sub-pentagonal ; lateral primary ridges concealed within the commissure, or distant therefrom and prominent; vitte 0, or most slender, obscure; carpophore 0. Seed laterally com- pressed.—Distris. Species 70; in wet places in tropical and temperate regions, more numerous in the Southern Hemisphere. Petals acute, valvate; fruit with no secondary ridges; pericarp thin eae be ae 1. H. javanica. Petals obtuse, imbricate; fruit with prominent secondary ridges, the pericarp thickened ... he .. 2 H. asiatica. 1. Hyprocotyte gavanica, Thunb. Dissert. Hydrocot. n. 17, t. 2: ed. Pers, II, 415, t. 2. Leaves reniform, 5-6-lobed, the lobes irregularly crenate, sometimes sub-entire, 1 to 3 in. broad. Peduncles long, slender, often clustered. Petals acute, valvate. Fruit much compressed, the e 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 71 secondary ridges absent; pericarp thin, blackish. DC. Prodr. IV. 67; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. Pt. I, 734; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. 1877, Pt. IT. 113; Clarke in Hook fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 667. H. hispida, Don Prodr. 183. H. nepalensis, Hook. Exot. Fl. t. 30; Wall. Cat. 561; DC. le. 65; Miq. le. 735. H. zeylanica, DC. lic. 67; W. & A. Prodr. 366; Mig. lc. 734. H. hirsuta, Blume Bijd. 884. H. polycephala, W. & A. Prodr, 366; Wight. Ic. t. 1003. 4H. hirta, R. Br. var. acutiloba, F. Muell. ; Benth. Fl. Austral. ILI. 340. H. Heyneana, Wall. Cat. 563. H. strigosa, Ham. in Wall. Cat. 7219. Perak; and probably in all the other provinces except the Anda- man and Nicobar Islands.—Distris. The Malay Archipelago, Australia, Philippines. 2. Hyprocoryie astatica, Linn. Sp. Pl, 234. Leaves rotund-reni- form, the margins not lobed but uniformly crenate or dentate, ‘some- times sub-entire, *5 to 2 in. broad. Peduncles short, often 2 or 3 together. Petals obtuse, imbricate. Fruit compressed, secondary ridges prominent, pericarp thickened. Roxb. Hort. Beng. 31: Fl. Ind. II, 88; Wall. Cat. 560; DC. Prodr. IV, 62; W. & A. Prodr. 366; Wight Ic. t. 565; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. FI. 105; Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. 1877, Pt. II, 113 ; Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 669. H. Wightiana, Wall. Cat. 7220. H. lurida, Hance in Walp. Ann. II, 690.—Rheede Hort. Mal. X. t. 46. AnpDAMAN IsuAnps ; Perax.—Distris. Tropical and sub-tropical re- gions. 2. Erynaium, Linn. Spinescent, glabrous, erect, perennial herbs (the Indian species). Leaves spinous-toothed, entire lobed or dissected. Flowers in simple heads, each bracteolate; bracts whorled, spinulose (in Indian species). Calyx-tube covered with ascending hyaline scales; teeth rigid, acute. Petals whitish, narrow, erect, emarginate, scarcely imbricate. Fruit ellipsoid, nearly cylindric: carpels dorsally subcompressed, subconcave on the inner face; primary ridges obtuse not prominent, secondary 0; vitte in the primary ridges inconspicuous or 0, with some very slender scattered in the endocarp: carpophore 0. Seed semi-terete, dorsally subcompressed, subconcave on the inner face.—Distris. Species 100, temperate and tropical; plentiful in Western Asia. ERYNGIUM FeTiIpuM, Linn. Sp. Pl. 232, (in part.) Erect, unbranched below, dichotomously branched above. Leaves radical, oblong-oblan- ceolate, coarsely serrate, glabrous, 4 to 9 in. long and not more than 1 in. broad. Bracts of inflorescence all spinous-toothed; the lower deeply lobed; the upper smaller (about 1 in. long), lanceolate, not 72 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. No. 1, lobed, whorled. Flowers in dense cylindric spikes, less than 1 in. long DC. Prodr. IV, 94. SinGapore: King’s Collector 338. Order LVII. CORNACEA. Shrubs or trees. Leaves opposite or alternate, more or less coria- ceous, usually petiolate, entire, rarely serrate or lobed, often unequal at the base, exstipulate. lowers usually small, regular, hermaphrodite or unisexual, in axillary or terminal cymes, panicles or capitules. Calyz-tube adherent to the ovary; the limb truncate or 4—5-toothed or lobed, valvate or imbricate, persistent at the apex of the fruit. Petals 4-5, sometimes as many as 20, or none, valvate or imbricate. Stamens inserted with the petals and equal to them in number, rarely 2 or 3times as many. Ovary inferior, 1-4-celled, crowned by a large fleshy or rarely small disc. Style single, long or short; stigma trun- cate, capitate or pyramidal, sometimes lobed. Ovules solitary in each cell (rarely 2), pendulous from the apex. fruit baccate, (the pulp often scanty), usually 1-celled, sometimes as many as 4-celled. Seed oblong, pendulous, with copious fleshy albumen; embryo axile minute or often large with flat leafy cotyledons,—Distris. Species about 90, widely scattered but most abundant in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Flowers hermaphrodite :— Petals not larger than the lobes of the calyx; anthers short, ovate and cordate ; style short aa cos , MEASTIX EA, Petals much longer than the lobes of the calyx ; anthers long, linear; style elongate ... ove «. 2. ALANGIUM. Flowers unisexual she ite aii .. oo NyYSsA, 1. Mastixia, Blume. Trees, young parts more or less pubescent. Leaves alternate or opposite, petioled, entire. Flowers hermaphrodite, often 2-bracteolate, small, in terminal many-flowered cymose panicles; bracts small or lengthened, pedicels short or 0, jointed under the flower. Calya-tube — campanulate, pubescent or silky ; limb 5-4-toothed. Petals 5-4, ovate, leathery, valvate, pubescent, silky. Stamens 5-4; anthers cordate-ob- long. Ovary 1-celled; dise fleshy; style cylindric, simple; ovule I, pendulous from one side of the cell very near its summit. Drupe ellip- soid or ovoid, crowned by the calyx-teeth or a scar; putamen grooved down one face ; endocarp protruded inwards down one side. Seed ellip- soid ; albumen fleshy; embryo small, radicle elongate, cotyledons thin, elliptic—Disrris. Species 18; S, India and Malaya, 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 73 Leaves alternate ; bracts of the inflorescence dimorphous 1. M, bracteata. Leaves alternate or opposite :— Bracts of the inflorescence all small, triangular, con- cave, puberulous, not in whorls ... 2, M. Scortechinis. Bracts of inflorescence in whorls at the hee of the flower-pedicels, broad if ae .. 3& M. gracilis. Leaves opposite :— Flowers 5-merous ... ie sae oo. 4 M. Maingayi. Flowers 4—merous ... “fe Ape e. O. M. Clarkeana. 1. Mastrxra Bracteata, Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 746. A tree 40 or 50 feet high: young branches slender, glabrous. Leaves alternate, thinly coriaceous, olivaceous-green when dry, abruptly bluntly and shortly acuminate, the base cuneate; both surfaces glabrous, the lower faintly reticulate; main-nerves 5 or 6 pairs, ascending, curved , impressed on the upper but prominent on the lower surface: length 1:75 to 3 in.; breadth ‘75 to 1°35 in. ; petiole ‘25 to ‘5 in. Oymes ter- ~ minal, °75 is 15 in. long, beanetiioes many-flowered, bracteate; the bracts of two sorts; those at the bases of the branches linear-oblong, blunt, l-nerved, glabrous, longer than the flowers; those at the bases of the flowers much smaller, lanceolate, puberulous. Flowers a little over ‘lin. long. Calyx funnel-shaped, the tube adpressed-silky outside ; the mouth expanded, glabrous, wavy but scarcely distinctly toothed, Corolla hemispheric in bud: petals adnate by their edges, broadly ovate, silky externally. Anthers 5, broadly ovate, cordate at the base; fila- ments short. Disc large, fleshy, 5-toothed, each tooth with an oblong depression in the middle. Style short, grooved. Frutt unknown. Maracca: Maingay (K.D.) 710. Perak: Kunstler 6830, 2. Mastixia Scortecuinu, King n. sp. A small tree; young bran- ches slender, angled, glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic-oblong or oblanceolate, much attenuate to the base, the apex shortly and bluntly acuminate; both surfaces glabrous, pale olivaceous when dry, the lower the palest; main-nerves 4 or 5 pairs, ascending, slender ; length 1°75 to 2°5 in.; breadth °85 to 1°25 in.; petiole °25 to °5 in. COymes corymbose, eAaninal, several together, 1-25 to 1:75 in. long, puberulous; the branches short, angled; bracts at the bases of the branches and of the flowers similar, small, triangular, concave, puberulous, lowers sessile ; calyx-tube narrowly campanulate, the mouth with 5 distinct triangular teeth. Corolla depressed-globose in bud. Petals 5, puberulous outside, ovate, acute. Stamens 5: anthers broadly ovate, cordate at the base: filaments short. Dvsc fleshy, cushion-like, with 5 short lobes. Ovary 1-celled ; style short, grooved, stigma peltate. Fruitunknown. WM. brac- teata Scortechini MSS. (not of Clarke). Perak: Scortechint 1971. J. u. 10 74 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. No. 1, This much resembles a leaf specimen issued by Koorders and Valeton (No. 914) from Herb. Buitenzorg as M. trichotoma, Bl. I have not seen Blume’s type of this species. But in his Bijdragen he describes its flowers as tetramerous. A Sumatra specimen collected by Beccari (P.S. 956) which has ripe fruit but no flowers probably belong to this. These fruits are narrowly oblong, tapering to each end, smooth, slightly over an inch in length and about ‘35 in. in diam. (when dry). M. Scortechinit much resembles M. bracteata, Clarke; but differs in having bold acute calyx-teeth, and only one kind of bracts on the inflorescence. 3. MASsTIxia GRaciuis, King n. sp. A small tree; young branches slender, angled, smooth, yellowish. Leaves thinly coriaceous, lanceolate, tapering much to the base and still more to the much acuminate apex ; both surfaces pale olivaceous-green when dry, glabrous; the upper shining, the lower somewhat dull; main-nerves 8 to 14 pairs, ascend- ing, very little curved, faint on both surfaces; length 2:25 to 4°5 in.; breadth °8 to 1°5 in.; petioles varying from ‘2 to ‘25 in. Cymes in threes, terminal, about a third ora fourth the length of the leaves, on short angled peduncles, the branches short and crowded at their apices, many-flowered, with a whorl of minute broad bracts at the base of flower pedicels. Flowers about ‘1 in. long, their pedicels about as long, ovoid. Calyx campanulate; the tube puberulous, slightly fur- rowed; the mouth wavy, indistinctly 5-toothed. Petals 5, oblong-ovate, adherent by their edges, concave, leathery. Stamens 5; anthers oblong, bifid: filaments short. Disc small. Style short, conical: stigma con- cave. Fruit unknown. Perak: at an elevation of about 5,000 feet ; Wray 1528. 4, Mastixta Marneayi, Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. II, 746. A tall tree ; young branches, petioles, under surfaces of leaves, branches and bracts of the inflorescence and the outer surfaces of the calyx and petals densely and softly rusty-tomentose. Leaves opposite, coria+ ceous, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, the apex shortly and abruptly acumi- nate, the base cuneate; upper surface glabrous, greenish when dry, the midrib and nerves impressed; the tomentum on the lower surface pale brown; main-nerves 6 to 8 pairs, ascending, curved, very pro- minent on the lower surface and connecting nerves transverse; length 4 to 6 in.; breadth 1:5 to3in.; petioles unequal, °75 to lin. Oymes branched, on peduncles 1'5 to 2 in. long, terminal, longer than the leaves ; the bracts at the bases of the branches small, oblong. Flowers numerous, ‘15 in. long. Calyx campanulate, deeply 4-lobed; the lobes broadly ovate, obtuse. Petals 4, similar in shape to the sepals but smaller, concave, adnate by their edges. Stamens 4, inserted on a thick fleshy cushion-like circular disc by short filaments ; anthers short, broadly ovate, cordate, introrse, Ovary one-celled, crowned by the fleshy disc. Srwit ellipsaid, not compressed, attenuate towards the apex, smooth, 1:2 in, long and °6 in. in diam. 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of ‘the Malayan Peninsula. 75 Matacea: ‘Maingay (K.D.) 711. Sincarorr: ZL. Anderson, Kurz. Var. sub-tomentosa, King. The tomentum minute, the panicles some- what shorter, otherwise as in the typical form. M. Junghuhniana, Clarke not of Miq. in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 746. Stncapore: Ridley 6293, 6310. Prnana: Curtis 1564. Matacca: Maingay (K.D.) 709. | 5. Mastrxia Ciarkeana, King n. sp. A tree 40 to 60 feet high ; young branches slender, striate, glabrous. Leaves opposite, thinly coriaceous, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, narrowed to the rounded or sub-acute base; the apex rather abruptly and somewhat bluntly acu- minate; both surfaces glabrous, the upper pale olivaceous-green, the lower dull, pale brownish when dry; main-nerves 5 to 6 or 7 pairs, ascending, slightly curved, impressed on the upper surface, prominent on the lower; length 3 to 4in.; breadth 1 to 1°35 in.; petiole °3 to °35 in. Oymes terminal, nearly as long as (or sometimes longer than) the leaves, pedunculate, with rather numerous many-flowered angular puberulous branches: bracteoles minute, opposite in pairs, lanceolate or ovate, concave. Jlowers ‘1 in. long, sessile. Calyx funnel-shaped, pubescent outside, the month with 4 deep broadly ovate teeth. Corolla depressed-globular in bud. Petals 4, nearly as long as the calyx-teeth, ovate-rotund, concave. Stamens 4: anthers short, ovate-rotund, fila- ments short. Disc fleshy, 4-lobed. Style short, compressed. Stigma concave. Fruit uiknown. Psrak: Scortechini 98, 625, 869; King’s Collector 10861. Var. macrophylla, King. Leaves ovate-elliptic, shortly acuminate ; main nerves 7 pairs: flowers as in the typical form. PERAK: Scortechini 10575. » There are in Herb. Cal. specimens belonging to four distinct species of Mastixa which are too imperfect to be named, and which I have been unable to match with any already described species. These are as follows :— (a). Two gatherings (Wray 1234 and King’s Collector 2907) of a plant collected atan elevation of from 3000 to 3400 feet in Perak which is evidently a Mastiria. -In their leaves these resemble M. Maingayi, Clarke, var. swb-tomentosa, King; but the under surfaces are more glabrous and the main-nerves are rather more oblique than in that plant; the young branches are moreover of a dark colour and almost glabrous, while those of M. Maingayi are paleand rufescently tomentose. These specimens are in fruit, and none of them has a single flower. The fruit is narrowly ellipsoid, attenuate gradually to the apex, smooth, 1:2 in. long, and *4in. in diam. While the leaves suggest a relationship to M. Maingayi, the remains of the calyx- lobes at the apex of the fruit, which are 4-lobed, suggest perhaps a still closer affinity to the tetramerous species M. Clarkeana, King. (6). A specimen from Penang (Herb. Curtis 919) which is in fruit only. _ (c). Specimens of a tetramerous species (in fruit only) from the Andamans with leaves otherwise like those of WM. pentandra, Bl., but obscurely serrate. 76 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. [No 1, (dq). Twospecimens collected by Mr. Wray at an elevation of 6,700 feet in Perak, These are in fruit; their leaves resemble those of M. gracilis, ne: but have the main-nerves fewer but bolder. 2. Avancium, Lamk. Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, petiolate, entire, persistent. Flowers in axillary fascicles or short cymes, hermaphrodite, hairy, jointed on their pedicels; bracts small or 0. Calywz-tube adnate to the ovary, the limb toothed or truncate. Petals 5 or 6 (rarely more), linear-oblong, valvate, sometimes becoming reflexed. Stamens equal in number to or twice as many as the petals or more; the anthers, long, linear; the filaments short compressed, often hairy. Ovary inferior, 1- to 3-celled, or 1l-celled at the apex and 2- to 3-celled at the base, surmounted by a fleshy disc: style very long often clavate; stigma large, capitate or pyramidal; ovule pendulous. Fruit a berry, often with very scanty pulp, crowned by the slightly enlarged calyx. Seed oblong, compressed ; albumen fleshy, sometimes ruminate; cotyledons leafy, flat or crumpled: radicle long or short.—Distris. About 16 species, in tropical and sub-tropical Asia and Africa, Australia, Poly- nesia. Stamens (in Malayan specimens) more than 6 (usually 15 to 20): fruit only slightly compressed __.., we 1, A. Lamarckii. Stamens 5 or 6; fruit much compressed :— Leaves oblique, membranous :— Cymes on comparatively long peduncles, much-branch- ed, many-flowered te Tr .. 2, A. wniloculare. Leaves not oblique, coriaceous : — Cymes on short peduncles; flowers 6 to 12, shortly pedicelled and ‘1 in. in diam.; leaves glabrous above £ and minutely scaly antlonnGatt ai . 8. A. ebenaceum. Cymes sessile, 3- to 5-flowered; flowers ‘25 in. in diam.; leaves glabrous on both surfaces . 4. A. Ridleyt. . Cymes on very short peduncles, 4- to 8-flowered : flowers ‘1 in, in diam. ; leaves tomentose or pubescent on lower surface ... | ie ate we 5. A. nobile. 1. Axvancium Lamarcku, Thwaites Enum, Pl. Ceyl. 133. A shrub or small tree. eaves variable in form and size, those of the Malayan specimens oblong-elliptic, elliptic to elliptic-ovate or ovate-rotund, the base rounded or slightly cordate, the apex with a short blunt apiculus ; upper surface glabrous or nearly so, the lower with a few scattered hairs ; main-nerves 4 or 5 pairs, reticulations distinct; length 3 to 6 in.; breadth 2 to 3°5 in.; petiole ‘2 to "3 in. Flowers in short dense fascicles of 4 to 8, about :75 in. long; peduncles, pedicels and outside of calyx rusty-tomentose. Calyx cupular, slightly 6-toothed. Petals lanceolate, 1902.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula. 77 sub-acute, externally hairy, inside glabrous but with a hairy mesial line. Stamens about 18, two opposite each petal and one opposite each sepal, free ; filaments slender pilose; anthers linear reaching almost to the apices of the petals. Disc annular, wavy. Style as long as the stamens, 6-grooved; stigma 3-lobed. Fruit ellipsoid, slightly com- pressed, contracted below the disc-bearing mouth, densely and minutely tomentose, ‘75 to 1 in. long and ‘65 in. in diam. Dalz. & Gibs. Fl. Bombay 109; Brandis For. Fl. N.-W. India 250; Clarke in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. If, 741; Trimen Fl, Ceylon I, 285. A. decapetalum, Lamk. Dict. I, t. 174; DC. Prodr. III, 203; Wall. Cat, 6884; W. & A. Prodr. 325; Wight Ic. t. 194 Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. I, 774; Kurz For. Fl. I, 548. A. hexapetalum, Lamk. and DC. ll. c.; Roxb. Hort. Beng. 38, Fl. Ind. II, 502 ; Wall. Cat. 6883; W. & A. Prodr. 326 ; Wight Ill. t. 96. ohh 2 . j y ‘ Pata (* ie Al y ‘a : fi - F 7 { yy - 2 ; ’ ’ j ul y a ns , €%% ‘ Vag : * ‘yy * oe: ° i PA pia, 7?) “i . pf _ ‘ ¢ ry fee rile tise uo Pb ae : ae {* “ « Rv A if Des ¥ fi ; witht pee ae / ' ‘ , 4 , i i " 4 no ,4* 4 ‘ re rd iv 2 U t we? ps Te a HRRATA. 92 head line and line 8 from top for K. read R. 106 kne 6 from bottom for “‘ overleaf” read ” opposite. 118 line 14 for “‘ page 106” read ‘‘ page 107.” 119 line 1 for 102 read 103. Pee 9 9? 99 99 a JOURNAL OF THE _ ASTATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, cloe= Vol. LXXI. Part IIL.—NATURAL SCIENCE. © No. [I.—1902. VI.—On specimens of two Mauritian Birds in the collection of the Asiatic Society.— By F. Finn, B.A. F.Z.8., Deputy Superintendent of the Indian Museum. [ Received March 26th; Read April 2nd, 1902. ] I. ON A SPECIMEN OF THE Moorwen FROM MADRITIUS. In Blyth’s catalogue of the Birds in the Museum of the Asiatic Society, p. 286, one of the specimens of Gallinula chloropus is noted as follows:—G. Var.? From the Mauritius. Presented by Willis Earle, Esq. | This specimen is still in existence, but as it is in poor condition, having lost many feathers, and the remainder being loose in places, I have deemed it well to have it figured, as it presents certain points of interest which make its appearance worthy of record, (See Plate IV). Being a stuffed specimen itis not easy to measure exactly with regard to length, but with a tape I make it out to be 1 ft.$ inches from tip of bill to end of tail, a fair average length judging from the measurements given by Dr. Sharpe in the British Museum Catalogue of Birds. The wing, however, is only about 6°1 inches, and although its feathers are much abraded, it could never have been more than about 65 inches long, whereas Dr. Sharpe gives 7'3 inches as the length of wing for a bird measuring only a foot and half an inch in length, 2.e., about the size of this one, The tail of the Mauritius birds is 2°5 inches in length, whereas the British Museum specimen alluded to has the tail 2°9. The most remarkable point about the present bird however is its powerful bill and feet. The beak, with frontal shield, measures 1°65 inches ; in thickness, at the proximal end of the nostril, it is ‘45 of an inch, whereas the biggest-billed Old World bird in the Indian Museum J. 11, 12 88 F. Finn—On specimens of two Mauritian Birds. [No. 2, Collection, a Kashmir specimen, has a bill and frontal shield of 1°6 inches, with the depth of bill measured in the same place, of ‘4 only. The wing of this bird measures 6°3. The left shank of the Mauritius bird, measured from the upper end of the tarso-metatarse to the setting-on of the front-toes, is 2°2 inches, as against the 1°8 of the Kashmir bird; but the thickness of the shank across the front, midway down its length, is ‘2 in the former as against ‘15 in the latter. I have not measured the shanks from front to back, so as to avoid any-error from the insertion of wires into the legs of the Asiatic Society’s specimen. The middle toe and claw of the Mauritius bird only exceed those of the Kashmir specimen by about ‘1 of an inch, so that in the insular specimen the toes have decreased in relative length. Another remarkable point about the Mauritius bird is that it has the frontal shield, which is very large, trun- cate behind even more markedly than in the American Gallinula galeata ; that is to say, judging from our two specimens of the latter, which show so much variation in this character as to suggest that those authors who only allow the New World birds the rank of a subspecies are correct. The differences in the frontal shields will be easily be apparent from the full-sized figures given in Plate V. It will be seen that the Mauritius bird has as long a bill as the Lake St. Clair ae of G. galeata, whose wing measures 7°4 inches. To sum up, the present specimen of G. chloropus from Mauritius, when compared with normal specimens, exhibits an increase of the size of the bill and feet, and a shortening of the wings, tail, and toes, which show that it has progressed some way in the direction of the flightless forms of Gallinula separated in the British Museum Catalogue as Por- phyriornis. In colouration it does not differ from G. chloropus ; it is true that the under-tail coverts are cream-colour instead of white, but this is probably due to the age of the specimen. Professor A. Newton’s G. pyrrhorhoa, described from Mauritius, has these ochreous under-tail- coverts; but the tinge has been shown by Dr. R. B. Sharpe (Cat. Birds, B.M., Vol. XIII, p. 173), to exist in English specimens, and one in the Indian Museum collected by Colonel C. T. Bingham in the Shan States also exhibits it. Another character given by Professor Newton is the yellowness of the legs of G. pyrrhorhoa; but from an old specimen like the present one it is quite impossible now to say of what colour the legs originally were. It seems to me, therefore, that the Moorhens of Mauritius need re-examination; if they normally present the stoutness of build and brevity of wing and tail characteristic of the present specimen, they certainly constitute a recognizable race, which might well bear the name 1902.7. F, Finn—On specimens of two Mauritian Birds. 89. bestowed by Professor Newton, since that ornithologist expressly mentions a large frontal shield as one of the characteristics of G. pyrrhorhoa. II. ON TWO SPECIMENS OF A TROPIC-BIRD FROM MAvRITIUS. In Blyth’s Catalogue, under the number 1736, we find the entry, “ A.B., Adults, from the Mauritius. Willis Earle, Ksq.,” in reference to two specimens of a Tropic-bird which he there designates Ph. candidus. This isthe P. lepturus of the British Museum Catalogue, Vol. XXVI, p. 454. I find, however, that while specimen A of Blyth’s Catalogue agrees with the British Museum Catalogue description in most particulars, specimen B is distinct, and resembles Phaéthon americanus in having shorter white tips to the first four primaries, and in having the outer web of the fifth entirely black to within a short distance of the extremity. Both birds also have evidently had the bill almost entirely yellow, unlike that of P. leptwrus as described. (See figures belew). 90. F. Finn—On specimens of two Mauritian Birds, Except for this bill and for the slightly shorter white tips to the quills, 1736A is true P. lepturus, which, from the British Museum Catalogue list of. specimens, occurs at Mauritius, and it may therefore, I think, be referred to that species, although not entirely agreeing there- with. The other specimen, B, however, is not so nearly in agreement with P. americanus, for while it has a nearly completely yellow bill, the white tips of the first four primaries are never so little as half an inch long, and the third quill is not nearly all black, but marked like the rest, although the fifth has a good deal of black along the outer web as in P. americanus. Thus these two specimens do not agree with the description of any species of Phaéthon; and yet they differ far too much from each other to be referred to a separate form. Iam therefore disposed to think © that they are both Phaéthon lepturus; and this must be a variable Species, since it can produce, in the Old World, one individual showing a considerable approximation to the American P. americanus, in the a 1902.] F. Finn—Hybrids between the Guinea-fowl and Common fowl. 91. colouration of the bill and: quills; and another which approaches the American form in the colouration of the bill only. It is, of course, just conceivable that a specimen of P. americanus strayed at one time to. Mauritius and interbred with the local birds ; but the distribution of the form renders this unlikely, and I should be rather inclined to put down the peculiarities of these birds to simple variation. | VIl—On hybrids between the Guinea-fowl and Common fowl.—By F, Finn, B.A., F.Z.S., Deputy Superintendent of the Indian Museum. [ Received March 26th; Read April 2nd, 1902. ] A good account of this cross, which is not by any means common, has been given by Dr. Juan Vilaro, in the Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. TX. (1897), p. 225. The hybrid, as represented in the plates accompanying Dr. Vilaro’s papers has a very characteristic appearance, its general form: and carriage being intermediate between the Fowl and Guinea-fow], and its head devoid of the comb and gular wattles of the one and _ rictal wattles and casque of .the other. I was thus easily enabled to recognize as Guinea-fowl hybrids three curious fowls received by the Calcutta Zoological Garden from Mr. A. T. Blewitt, of Kalka, early in 1899. They had been caught in a wild state, but this is not surprising as the tame-bred hybrid between the domestic Muscovy Duck and Common Duck is known to become feral at times. These birds all resembled Common fowls in colour, the largest being splashed with white and red-brown, and the other two (one of which is figured on Plate V1) being red-brown with black necks and fine black pencilling on many of the feathers. The characteristic spotting of the Guinea-fowl was altogether absent. All had bare flesh- coloured faces, and a pendulous dewlap, most marked in the large white- spotted specimen. There was no comb, although a bare median area at the base of the bill above seemed to indicate a rudiment; and the rictal. wattles of the Guinea-fowl were just indicated at the gape; of the horn of the Guinea-fowl and gular wattles of the fowl there was no trace at all. The specimen figured was a male, the testes being about. the size of haricot beans ; of the others, which have also died and been transferred to the Museum, the brown specimen has been preserved. entire in spirits, and the other made into a skeleton. The taxidermist who prepared it states that it was a female, which I should certainly not have suspected from seeing the three birds alive. All were larger than a Guinea-fowl or ordinary Indian fowl, and had particularly strong 92 Rai K. B. Sanyal Bahadur—Animals kept in the Alipore. [No. 2, bills and legs, the latter of a black colour. Their behaviour was quiet; but they were never placed with other birds, so I do not know how they would have treated these. Like Dr. Vilaro’s specimens, they seemed to be very sensible to heat, panting more than other birds, and their only cry was a piping, chirping sound, very different from the harsh note of the birds which came under Dr. Vilaro’s observation. VIII.—Notes on Animals kept in the Alipore Zoological Garden. No. I.— By Rar K. B. Sanyat Banapur, Superintendent of the Garden. [Received March 26th; Read April 2nd, 1902.] OBSERVATIONS ON THE HABITS OF ORANG OUTANG IN CAPTIVITY. Orang Outang thinks and acts with a view to accomplishing an object. An Orang Outang and a Proboscis Monkey (Semnopithecus [Nasalis] larvatus), lived in two contiguous cages separated by iron gra- tings. Although of different temperaments—the Orang Outang lively, vivacious and prone to mischief, and the monkey phlegmatic and indo- lent—they were best of friends; and enjoyed each other’s company as much as the intervening partition would allow. The Orang’s friend- ship for the monkey was, however, not altogether disinterested. They. were usually fed about the same time upon the same kind of food, and as the Orang Outang was blessed with a keen appetite, he had no scruple to help himself, to as much of his friend’s share as chance brought within his reach. One morning he was found making despe- rate attempts to annex the remnants of the monkey’s breakfast by repeatedly thrusting his arms through the gratings. But all his tricks and trouble availed him not, as the light tin vessel containing the tempting morsel lay beyond the reach of his long arms. Having failed in his attempt to get at the food, he sat still for a few seconds as. if to collect his thoughts, and to devise means for the accomplishment of his object, and presently made a rush into his sleeping apartment, fetched a quantity of straw, and twisted it into a sort of rough rope, and with it began striking the tin vessel containing the food, and ultimately succeeded in bringing it within the reach of his arms. Orang Outang imitating human action. It is well known that in their wild state Orang Outangs indulge in the habit of building platforms of twigs and branches on large trees, Given opportunities they would do the same in captivity also. The Orang Outang whose habits are here chronicled, was a remark- ably docile animal, and was, therefore, allowed to enjoy as much free- 1902. ] I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. 93 dom as it was deemed safe. The first use that he made of his liberty was to build himself a platform on one of the trees that stood close to his habitation. One cloudy August morning, while seated on his arbo- real perch, he noticed some early visitors open out their umbrellas to protect themselves from a passing shower of rain, and straightway he broke off a leafy branch and held it umbrella-fashion over his own head in immitation of the human folks! It was amusing to see him following visitors who happened to have anything tied in their cloth, or who carried a bundle on their head. Quick to observe, he had noticed some of them untying a bundle to give him a feed, and by a simple process of ratiocination he came to connect all bundles with food and feeding ! PHYSIOLOGICAL ECONOMY OF ANIMALS AFFECTED BY ACCIDENTS. A Large White Egret (Herodias alba) having lived happily in the Garden for many years managed to break one of its legs by sustaining a fracture of its left tarsus. The fracture was set up and the wound healed nicely, butthe shock of the accident must have materially affected the phy- siological economy of the bird’s system; as during the next two years it did not assume the full breeding plumage, or the bright green of the facial skin which it usually did in summer and which was such a characteristic feature of the bird Although in about three years after the accident it began putting on the summer dress again, there was a marked deterioration in the character of the plumes and the colour of tlie facial skin, This might have been due to old age also. IX.—On the Variation of the Flower of Ranunculus arvensis.—By I. H. Bourkitu, M.A. There is a regular sequence of organs in the Phanerogamic flower,— sepals, petals, stamens, carpels;—which is never departed from, and which may be said to be due to the passing of moods over the axis,—a mood for the formation of sepals, a mood for the formation of petals, a mood for the formation of stamens, and a mood for the formation of earpels. Hach mood is preclusive in its time of the others and definite ; and the flower axis runs through them as a matter of course. In the flower, mood follows mood very closely ; yet the tendency _ so widely manifest, for the floral organs to be formed in whorls is a separating of the moods each from its neighbours by concentrating on itself. 94 I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. _—s[No. 2, The symmetry of the flower depends firstly on this régular sequence and separation of the moods; it depends secondly on the way in which successive rings of organs,—sepals, petals, etc.—are commonly isomerous. Ihave been driven to a conviction that the separation of these moods has not yet obtained the attention it deserves. We need to know much about them ; chiefly as to the conditions which lead to their separation: for the whole Phanerogamic subkingdom shows us that the more specialised a flower is the more distinctly are its moods separ- ated; and the isolation of the moods is undeniably of far-reaching importance in the growth of perfect floral symmetry. It may be said that there are questions of four kinds to be asked regardiug the moods, (i) why the moods exist, (ii) as to the reason of their sequence, (i111) as to the requirements which have made them as distinct as they are, and (iv) as to the causes leading to a determination of the number of lateral organs which belong to each of them severally, They are questions in organography, as Goebel terms the causative morphology of the new school, in order to distinguish it from the descriptive morphology which is subservient to the systematist. The foundation of organography is in the Darwinian theory of evolution. The present paper concerns questions of the fourth kind; but in preface I wish to make some brief remarks regarding the second and the third kind of question. Regarding the second: the sepals are formed outermost to protect; the petals are formed second to attract ; and we have these reasons for the position of both; but why the mood for the formation of stamens should invariably precede that for the formation of carpels is a question which must remain a subject for speculation almost as long as the origin of the Phanerogams is unsolved. This only can be said, that somehow the formation of female organs puts a period to the forward growth of the axis, whereas the forming stamens have divided with the axis the available nutrition passing beyond the growing sepals and petals. This perhaps means some advantage in the matter of food to one or the other. Ido not say which: but itis to be confessed that there are strong reasons for assuming that, in nature generally, conditions of good nourishment tend more to the formation of female than of male organs: for experiments on the lower plants— Alge, Fungi and Vascular Cryptogams—have shown that there is a tendency for female reproductive organs to be formed when the plants are well nourished, male organs when they are starved: and extensive observations on animals indicate the same thing. 6 No. of 6 | 6 S Sie ie Ba 6 RPh ce organs. Bee. Ne eine oN eee eee ee fae hy Se 7 le | yee © w ® oe oO S © 2 © @ © o oo toa | tos F OO | we, se oc’ | O07 | SC a) eee See bee Pes eet reuse S|. 2 Se re 6 fea) Sey tees ei) fn | oa | Coe 7% | a < < a ee | et eee 8 tise ae ] O| 3:00; 1:00} 400 9 Ase 0 se 10 2, ove das a2 aes a3 1 | 2:00 | 3:00; 4°00 | 1°00 1l ip 4 | 4:25 | 1°75 } 2°50 | 2°50 0 wid she wer hicks 12 es 2/1 4:00 | 8:00 | 350} 1°50 5 | 340] 3°00 | 340) 2°20 13 Me 14 | 407 | 286] 3°07 | 3:00 17.\.-3°77 | 2:77 | 341 3.06 14, oa. 32 | 4°72 ( 291 | 341 | 2°97 20 | 450] 2°85 | 3°70| 2°95 15 aS 66 | 4°70 | 3:15.) 4°03 | 3:12 28 | 429] 336 | 414) 321 16 .. | 80] 4°81 | 3°26] 4°34 | 3°59 55 | 471 | 318 | 442 | 3°69 a7 ae 115 | 4°92 | 3°72 | 454 | 3°82 61 | 4°70 | 3°33 | 4°67) 413 18 : 127 | 495 | 399 | 499 | 4°06 93 {| 459 | 367 | 497 | 447 19 ae 173 | 4°98 | 4:26 | 5:27 | 4:49 81 | 498 | 412] 5°07 | 483 20 ...| 2381 4991 460] 5:47 | 4:93 || 154] 5-00] 4°52 | 5°34] 5:14 21 13 256 | 4°98 | 482 | 6°00 | 521 146 | 498 | 4°72 | 5°83 | 5°47 22 ee 236 | 4°99 | 4°86 | 6°55 | 560 157 | 500] 481 | 6°37 | 5°81 23 a 188 | 4:99 | 496 | 7:32 | 5°72 127 | 498 | 487 | 713 | 6°02 24 ‘ath 172 | 5:00 | 4°91 | 7°91 | 6°14 119 | 499 | 492 , 7°68 | 6°40 25 wit 128 | 499 | 493 | 863 | 6°45 109 | 500 | 490 | 838] 6°72 26 wat 105 | 5°00 | 4°98 } 9°54 | 6°52 104 | 499 | 499 | 9°07 | 695 7h | oa 84} 4°99 | 4°98 |10°29 | 6°75 76 | 500 | 4°96 | 9°84 | 7°20 28 sie 93 | 5°00 | 5:00 {11°08 | 6:97 68 | 5°10 | 4°99 {1078 | 7-2 29 a 64 | 5:00 | 4°99 |12°09 | 6:92 48 | 5°00 | 500 |11°54 | 7 45 30 ah 54} 5°00 | 5°00 | 12°78 | 7:22 49 | 5:00 | 496 |12°29 | 775 31 is 29 | 5°00 | 4°97 | 13°45 | 7°58 42 | 5°02 | 498 |13°21 | 7°79 32 aa 14 | 5°00 | 5°00 | 14°86 | 7°64 16} 500 | 494 11412 | 7:94 33 ci 15 | 5:00 | 5°00 | 15:13 | 7°87 7 | 5:00] 4°86 |15°14 | 800 34 mae 4 (| 5:00 | 5°00 | 15°75 | 8°25 3] 467 | 4°67 | 16°33 | 833 _ 35 aN 3 | 5°00 | 5°00 | 16°00 | 9°00 1 | 5°00 | 5:00 {16°00 } 9:00 36 aes a as se ; m 1; 5:00 | 5°00 {16°00 | 10-00 1902. | 1. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. 109 Table XVI.—Apportionment in flowers of the German races with the number of total organs varying from 4 to 47, ————— —— —— —S Snes Bonn. | HEIDELBERG. ee ee ae Pee Z iis No. of @ oO organs. 3 . 5 a : e wa a : FE B oe wa wn © o te a a o wr) Ba Serta) |S Sere pie hy tina cee Nie OTS bce Pe Pier] eet ies phe HE ez | ee | be ap eat os —_——_—_——— 00 nnn ae _ 4 LE }.-2:00.| F00} .1°00 : ves “ 5-7 0 ne a os . 8 2 | 300 | 2°50; 2°50 es ° 9 1 | 3°00 | 3:00, 2°00 eee 10 ° 2} 3°50 | 2°00 | 400 se kal au aR ote 11 ove 2| 500 | 3:00; 250 1 | 3:00 | 4:00 | 100} 3:00 12 0 o3 3 | 400] 2°66 | 3°66 | 1°66 13 ; 3 | 3°66 | 2°67 | 333 4 | 450 | 2°75 | 2°75 | 3:00 14 4 4:00] 3°00 | 4°25 12} 458 | 2°50 | 3°50 | 3°42 15 7 414 | 3:14] 5:00 23 | 4:87 | 3:09 | 3°96 | 3:09 16 15 460 | 3:13} 5°07 45 | 4°73 | 3°00 | 4°51 | 3°75 17 es 37 | 4:90 | 3°22 | 5°00 73 | 479 | 3:34] 518 | 368 18 eee 44,( 4°73 | 344 | 5°75 97 | 487°) 330] 572) 411 19 88 | 4°98 | 3:29 | 6:21 162 | 497 | 3:33 | 627 | 4°48 20 ; 153 | 4°92 | 3°55 | 6°73 174 | 497 | 3°44 | 6°75 | 4°84 21 147 | 4°94 | 3°74 | 7°28 221 | 4°99 | 3°69 | 7:13 | 5°19 22 173 | 497 | 380 | 7°80 155 | 4°96 | 3°77 | 7°85 | 5°43 23 162 | 4°98.| 3°96 | 8°34 132 | 496 | 405 | 820 | 579 24, 150 | 4°96 | 4:12 | 8°80 112 | 499 | 4°33 | 860 | 6:08 25 88 | 5:00 | 435 | 9:09 69 | 5:02 | 439 | 918 | 6-42 26 : 47 | 5:00 | 440) 981 46 | 5°04 | 4°22 | 9°91 | 6°83 27 . 34 | 5:00 | 4°71 | 10°28 27 | 5:00 | 4°55 | 10°15 | 7°30 28 13 | 508 | 4°69 | 10°77 10 | 5:10 | 4°70 | 10°50 | 7°70 29 ° 9 | 4°89 | 467 |12-1] 5; 5°40 | 5:40 | 11°60 | 660 30 1 | 5°00 | 5:00 | 1100 4 |) 4°75 | 5-00 {11°50 | 8°75 31 4| 5°00 | 5:00 | 13°50 2) 5:00 | 5:00 | 1450 | 680 32 2 | 5:00 | 5:00 | 14°00 1 | 5°00 | 5:00 | 15°00 | 7:00 33 ° 1 | 5°00 | 5:00 | 14°00 1 | 5:00 | 5:00 |16°00 | 7:00 34 1 | 5:00 | 5:0 | 17-00 1} 5°00 | 4°00 | 10°00 | 15°00 35 1 | 5:00 | 5:00 | 16:00 Onl dex eae oe oe 36 0} +. tas 1 | 9:00 | 5:00 | 15:00 | 7:00 37-40 Ou) ose “Bs 0 : eae eee we 41 BE} 8:00' | -'7-00:, 16°66 0 ne ; 42-46 oes He 0 me EE ae 47 vs 1 | 7:00 | 7:00 |17°00 |16-00 Apportionment in the German races.—I give in table XVI the figures for the German races. As in the Kew race so here, in poor flowers the sepals are most numerous and in rich flowers the stamens are most numerous. But in these German races the petals do not claim their full number until the flower is rich enough to have 29 or 30 organs and on the part of the carpels no tendency to be satisfied can be detected. 110 I. H, Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. (No. 2. Mathematical expression of the curves in formule seems to be by no means impossible although they are complicated. There is no fiat which says “this will be a flower of Ranunculus arvensis, the organs may vary in number a little from the ideal.” But the fiat says “this will be a flower and must run throughout all its moods. So long as all are present let them jostle for their compliment.” So they jostle and the older win as far as they may by being already established at the time when the younger begin to compete; the sepals . take what they want only being forbidden from getting the whole five when that would leave too little for the other moods; and the petals following claim their portion in the same way but a little less strongly. There is left a residue for the stamens and carpels, and the larger it is, the more organs do the moods of both sets, but especially the stamens, obtain. Nutrition—If seeding be prevented, Ranunculus arvensis dies flowering in utter depletion. Therefore I could get from this little proletarian flowers formed under the best conditions and under the worst possible conditions of nutrition, and so seek the effect of star- vation on the moods spoken of. My earlier paper (Journ. Linn. Soc., Botany, Vol. XX XI, p. 235) contained a note on this plant to show that in it, as in several other plants, the first formed flowers are richest in stamens and carpels; I can now give fuller statistics, and shall show distinctly that the flower is pauperised with the ageing of the plant. I have divided the flowering period of the plants grown in 1895 into three periods and of those grown in 1898 into four periods. The de- crease with age in the number of parts inthe flower is shown by the following averages :— Table XVII.—Kew, Old. Average number of organs in flowers at different periods. Period 1. Period 2. Period 3. oe zs t 6th July to |18th July to |30th July to |“) 53.8" 17th July. 29th July. |10th SABA Angust. Sepals = ey 4°99 4°98 4°99 4°89 Petals ar a age 4°95 4°85 466 .. .3'9d Stamens He ine 11°58 7°81 6°17 4:93 Carpels We ey bee 6°78 5°97 5°28 4°15 1902. ] | I, H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. WL Table XVIII.— Kew, New. Average number of organs in flowers at different periods; periods as in Table XVII. Period 1. | Period 2. | Period 3. se = ‘ 6th July to {18th July to} 380th July to to aoa 17th July. | 29th July. {10th Angust. z August. Sepals | 4:99 4:99 | 5:00 4:77 Petals i ee 4:97 4°84 |. 4°67 : 3°81 Stamens oe eS | 11°63 7°95 - “614 ’ ‘5:07. ~ Carpels : | 7:22 6°51 B74 | 4°36 Table XTX.—Bonn. Average number of organs in flowers at different periods. . Period 3. August 380th to middle of Period 1. Period 2. June 6th to | July 11th to July 10th. | August 29th. September. . Bepalss 2 =. x 4 4:96 4:92 - 4:98 | Petals Eo hee a 4°22 3°43 3°69 Stamens om ara e. 8°80 7:74 6°85 Carpels ses ne 4: 5°71 5°58 4°75 Table XX.—Heidelberg, Average number of organs in flowers at different periods; pertods as in Table XIX. ; ; Period 3. Period 1. Period 2. August 80th June 6th to | July 11th to : to middle of July 10th. | August 29th September. | ; Sepals Ee = A 500 | 4:94, 4:98 Petals eae se ae 3:92 370°" 3°49 Stamens ‘isis “ibe nell 8:24 | 6°99 7:07 | 5°16 5°01 Carpels - Serer ea. 34 5:21 _.. With this reduction in number of parts there is a reduction in the size of the flower and there is also a loss of fertility in the anthers. This loss of fertility is shown in the following tables. J. u. Lo 112 I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis, [No. 2, Table XXI.-—Staminodes in Kew plants at different periods ; the periods the same as in Tubles XVII aud XVIII. Period 4. Period 1. Period 2. Period 3. 1EK Amenee 6th July to | 18th July to | 80th July to] “" 4) Pa 17th July. | 29th July. |lOth August. Anguse Total number 91 1360 1572 1777 Percentage of stamens re Bey Od on Vagead e3 2°58 21°31 47-49 56°48 Average per flower mt 0:30 1°66 2°91 | 2°78 Total namber 23 1072 1534 1178 Percentage of . YY stamens re Bem NEW 9G xqudad a) 5; 0-78 25°88 64°73 54:09 | yee per flower pe 0°09 2°06 3°98 2°74 re Table X XII.—Staminodes in the German races at different periods; periods as in Tables XLX and XX. : : Period 3. | Period 1. Period 2. Aneust 30th June 6th to} July 11th to July 10th, | August 29th. ho lee Total number as 24 ae 33 Boga Percentage of stamens | posh TS reduced sat 2°04. 1°13 4°01 Average per flower ... | 0°18 0°09 0°27 dé Total number as 37 75 | 36 ¢ Percentage of stamens / Heidelberg” + 4 reduced a 1:86 113 | 2'61 Average per flower.... | 015 008 | 0°19 | ‘ I think it will be conceded that poverty of organs and sterility of stamens are alike marks of the plants becoming worn out. Different organs are unequally reduced in numbers, the stamens most of all and before the others. Tables XVII to XX show how the different organs are differently affected by the reduction: but to make this quite evident the following tables are given :— fa 1902.) I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis.’ 113 peble XXIII.—Rate of reduction of organs in the Kew plants fio om per tod to period ; periods as before. ' Periods 1 to 2.|Periods 2 to3.|Periods 8 to 4: (Sepals... s, Practically nil. | 0-10 ~ Petals’ ... ae 0°10 0°19 071 Kew, Old ‘* 2 Stamens ... at 3°17 1°64 1:24, Carpels ... eae 081 0°69 113 Sepals... bs Practically nil. 0°23 Petals. «.. de 013 0°17 0°86 ( AG Sew | y Stamens ... -* 3°68 1°81 1:07 Carpels ... tg 0-71 0°77 1:38 Table XXIV. —Rate of reduction of organs in the German races from: period to period ; periods as ee Periods 1 to 2. Periods 2 to 3. Sepals “ .. | Practically nil. | Very small in- . crease Bonn | .. § Petals vhs a. 0°79 slight increase Stamens eae aes 1:06 0°89 Carpels site ae 0°13 0°83 Sepals ae ne 0:06 increase of 0°04 ‘ Petals ba ai 0°22 0:21 eS eeMRONB. «+: Stamens ne 1:20 imerease of 0°08 Carpels Sak tee 0:05 0°15 It is easily seen that at the beginning of the flowering period a. large reduction is made in the male organs; but that the reduction in: other organs is chiefly at the end. The following table shows this: excess of masculinity, which occurs at the beginning of the flowering period and is soon done away with after flowering has commenced. Table X XV.—The percentage which the Stamens ( fertile and infertile) make out the total of organs in the flowers, at different periods ; periods as before. | First period.| 2nd_ period. | 3rd period. | last period. Kew, Old sk one 68°52 56°68 53°89 54°29 Kew, New... ie 61°16 54-98 51°68 53°77 gee eA =o Bonn oe vat 60°68 58°11 53°76 Heidelberg ae see 61°13 60:93 | 58°55 a os il4 I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. (No. 2, It is impossible to dissociate the lack of nutrition felt, it must be believed, by the flowers of the worn out plants and the right of primo- geniture spoken of. The power to satisfy the sepaline mood and the petaline mood and to form abundant stamens and carpels is in the nutrition of the flower. | On page 110, it was said that the moods jostle for their compliment of organs and that the older win by being already established when the younger begin to compete. There is a reservation to make in regard to this statement, to demonstrate which table XV has been recast in table XXVI. The latter table shows that in well and fairly well fed flowers — say with 20 organs and more—the proportion falling to the carpellary mood is nearly constant, and that, as already made more or less evident, the staminal mood is residuary legatee for the extra vigour. Therefore for the richer flowers the vigour may be said to be roughly apportioned between on the one hand the sepaline, petaline and staminal moods which three jostle each other, and on the other hand the carpellary mood. In flowers poorer in organs than 20, the carpellary mood seems less prepared for and is subject in like degree to the staminal mood to the jostling for space. Thus do the richer flowers appear more pre-apportioned than the poorer ones and therefore more knit together into an unit in the direction in which the flowers of most Phanerogams are knit together. We may easily believe that, given a flower with its moods so knit to- gether that they vary together, the force of pressure of organ on organ in the bud may finish the shaping of the whole. We can see that the flowers of the Kew race are a little more knitted into an unit than those of the German races. Thus the petals and sepals are much more often equal in number, and (as is shown on p. 103) when we get a flower of the Kew race departing in the sepals from normal by losing one, then the other organs are more likely to lose’ in proportion than in the German races. In short there is more see-sawing of mood on mood in tle German races than in the Kew race. : However there are irregularities in the curves with which I have been dealing which cannot clearly be attributed to the struggling of the moods for satiety and their relative advantages from primogeniture. These are made obvious in the recast table XV which we now have in XXVI. The chief irregularities of the Kew race are :—= | (i)—Between 15 and 20 the stamens are above what would seem reasonable, rather more so at 15, 16, 18 and 19 than at 17 and 20, 3 1902.) I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. 115. (iiJ—At 23 the stamens are a little above what would seem reasonable, the carpels below. 7 I do not intend to attempt any explanation of these facts, but I must observe that if we cut out of our figures all flowers which have both their sepals and their petals other than five in number, the irregulari- ties just noted almost disappear: and they do not disappear if we cut out only those flowers with sepals other than five: and this indicates that between 15 and 20 the stamens are able to add to their number from the petals. This is done in table XXVII. Table XXVI—Percentuges of organs in the Kew race falling to the different moods in flowers of various numbers of parts. Kew, OLD. Kew, New. No. of eee ee ee Se ey di oc Organs. |‘ . dha eae Sepals. | Petals. |Stamens.|Carpels.’|| Sepals. | Petals. |Stamens.| Carpels. | ¥ | 8 205 wan ae vee vee eva 37°50 12°50 | 50°00 9 eee eee eee eoe | eee eee eee | @eoe eee 10 we oF Bass =e 20°00 3000. 4000 10:00 11 Ke 38 64 15°91 22°73 | 22°73 500 St see 505 12 d 33°33 25°00 29:17 | 12°50 28°33 25°60:, 28°32 18°33 13 31°32 21°98 23°62 | 23°08 28:96 21°26 | 26:24 23°53 14 ...| 3370! 2076| 2433 21:20 | 3214] 2036 2643] 21-07 15 Ps 31°31 21:01 26°87 | 20°80 28 57 22°38 27°62 21°43 16 - 30°08 26°39 27°11 |: 22°42 29°43 1988 2761 23°07 Wd 28°95 21°89 26°70 | 22°45 28 64 19°57 | 27-48 24°30 is... | 2751 | 2218] 2773 | 22°57 || 2718 | 20°37) 2759) 24-85 19 ...| 2622| 29242] 27-72 23-63) 2619] 21:70 2670| 25-40 20 ba 24°96 23°00 27:36 | 24°66 25 00 22°59 | 26°72 25 68 Z1 oh 23°73 22°93 28°53 24 79 23°74 22°47 2075 26 02 22 bi: 22°69 22°08 29°78 | 25°46 DONO > 21-89 28°95 26°45 23 a 2-72 21°58 31°85 24°86 | 21:64 21:15 3102 26:9 24, ie 20°83 20°61 32°97 25°58 || 2079 20°52 32-00 26°68 25 re 19-96 19°71 34°53 25°78 |; 20°€0 19°59 33°50 26°89 26 Ee 19:23 18:97 36°70 25°09 || 19°19 19°19 34 87 26°76 2 5 18°47 18°43 38 09 25°00 || 18°52 18°37 36 45 26°65 28 ‘ 17°81 17-81 39°47 24,88 17 85 17:80 38°49 25 84, 29 Am 17:24 17:18 41 70 23°87 17:24 17°24, 39 79 25:72 30 oo 16°66 16 66 42 59 24°C7 |i 16°66 16 53, 40°95 25 85 31 eee 16°13 16°01 43 39 24°47 16°20 16°05 42 62 2011 32 wee 15°63 15 63 44°86 23°88 15:62 15°43 44°14 2480 33 15°16 15°16 45 87 23°84 15:15 14°72 45°89 24°24 34 aie 14°70 14°70 46°32 24°26 13°73 13°73 48°04: 24°51 35 mae 14°28 14:28 45 71 25°71 14:29 14°29 | 45°71 25°71 oes vee ae nee 13°89 13 89 44°44 27°77 eh 6 Zi ea I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. 116 ee ee al “PP.1Te | SF-08| PF-8Z| LG-96| OT-GZ| 08-86 | 23-66] TL FT| ~~ ps eo eS). St WaT Pe | Z6-1E1 86.08] $6-82|19-43 | SL-9B| $9-9B| L8-48| OT-L6 | 79-96 | FE-42| 09-9 | °° Cy UII StoMOLT f eg bye MON ‘MOS 00.28 | 20-18} $6-82| S422] 34-92] 04-92] 69-28] SF-LB| 19-48, G9-LB| SP-92 ee s10MOH ITV oe * ee Se. See ee ee FA Se 29.98| 98.Te eal 91-12| 99-22| $9-72| 19-8¢| 48-12] 00-82] e&-eL} “| $0 Sot UaTM sfoMOUL | 66-28 | F8.1E BL.62 98.92 | 62-L2| 89-22 | $9-L6| 99-92 | 89-96] 24-S6| IP-Fe gs CM ITAA StOMOT HT f ae oT PIO ‘Moy 16-28 os.te| 84.62! 29.84] 98-22] 22-26 | SL-L6| 01-98) IT-4G| 28.92] &-Fe i sxomoy ITV) |e eS ee ‘suBvs10 [BIO], FG &G GG [Ic | 06 or 81 LI oT cI Fl *c sppjad pun spodas 4709 YIU pun “saquuenu hun syojad pup @ spodas yun ‘uaqunu fun synjad pun sppdas yzrm suomoyf ue guasasd suaungs fo abnzwa01ag—TTAXX 9199D - 1902.]. I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. 117 Now it comes about from this tendency of stamens to gain below 20 in percentage at the expense of the petals, and from the tendency of the carpels above 20 to show satiety, that the excess of stamens over carpels is likely to be least at 20 and greater both above and below that number. Thus is the sex-proportion continually shifting along our curves. - Half staminodal petals were found j in flowers of the Kew race as follows; it will be noticed that towards the end of the flowering pened oe appeared but one at a time in the flowers. Table XX VIII.— Half Staminodal petals. Period 1 2 3 4 Number es 7 30 20 19 Kew, Old In flowers ... aoe 3 23 18 19 Percentage ... 33 °A7 “76 LOE at eG Number ale am 9 16 11 14 Kew, New In flowers .., ad 5 63 11 14 Percentage ... 72 63 | 61 85 Lastly I have an abnormality to notice; it consists of a lobing of the petals, one lobe being larger than the other. I found this abnor- mality.in the Kew race to be fairly frequent and further I found it to be most abundant when the number of staminodes was highest. Table XXIX.—Lobed petals. Period 1 2 3 4 Number ae sis 10 30 21 19 Kew, Old EE: In flowers... shh 2 ily 16 9 Percentage ... ae 605 °756 | *839 | -753 Number see es 53h ay 13 Zi Kew, New Ss flowers |... wel 3 16 12 6 — Percentage ... nes 399 | °674 | °721/|° -427 118 I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. [No. 2; Summary. I have shown first of all (Tables I-IV ) how the flowers of Bene culus arvensis in the races studied, vary ; and how each set of organs, varies in a different way; so that the curves which may be plotted for sepals, for petals, for stamens, and for carpels are unlike, most of them neither perfect Quetelet-Galton nor perfect half Galton curves. I have shown secondly (Tables V-XIV) that a correlative in- crease and decrease occurs between the different sets of organs; so that when the stamens or any other set of organs depart from normal, it is probable that all other sets of organs will depart from normal, but chiefly those which follow. This is important as it indicates a division of vigour among the various sets, to be distinguished from an increase of the one at the expense of another. In Tables XV-XVI and in the graphic representation of them on page 106 I have followed this up by showing how if we take the total number of organs in the flower as a measure of the vigour in the bud, we find that the ring of sepals, being the first-formed of the sets of organs, has the. first pull on the vigour and is most likely to get a full complement, the ring of the petals being the next in order, is the next to be satisfied, and that stamens and carpels obtain the surplus the stamens chiefly so. T consider that the curves might with some little trouble be translated into formulae by a mathematician. In Tables XVII-XX, I show that the power to produce organs diminishes as the plant grows weaker towards its death. Sometimes a slight recovery occurred at the very end: I do not feel justified in suggesting a cause for it. In Tables XXI and XXII, I show that sterility of the stamens increases towards the death of the plant. . In Tables XXIJI-XXV, I show that the stamens—the organs which profit chiefly as we have seen by the extreme of vigour—lose by its loss; and consequently the flowers are most male when blossoming begins. In Table XX VI, I have represented Table XV in a different way, so as to bring out sharply the division of vigour (7.e., number of organs) between the different sets (moods), I can show i it that the flowers with more than 20 organs, there apparently is a setting aside ab initio of.so much vigour for the carpellary mood, the staminal mood becoming residuary legatee; while in flowers with fewer than 20 organs the carpellary mood has to jostle with the preceding ones for its place. I :show also by it and by the Table which follows it (XXVII), that there are certain irregularities which seem to be due to a borrowing of organs by the staminal set from the petals, which 1902. ] I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. 119 borrowing as may be noticed in Table XII, (see p. 102) probably is a more common occurrence in the German races than in the Kew race. The last two Tables (Nos. XXVIII and XXIX) show the relative abundance of abnormal petals and staminodal pets at different biases in the plants flowering. The net result of the investigation is that we have in Ranunculus arvensis just a little of what (for want of a better term) may be. called foresight in the formation of the flower. We find the ftower com- pleted however scanty the nutrition for it may be; and, when the nutrition is adequate, provision is, it seems, made in good time for the carpellary mood. The next problem will be to show how far in such a flower as that of Parnassia or of any Phanerogam, the cons- tancy of the carpels is due to provision made for them when the bud first begins to be formed. Can the sepaline mood lead the carpellary by the nose, or is the carpellary not too important to the race to be without an assertiveness of its own ? It is interesting to observe that the staminal mood forms a sort of residuary legatee to the three early moods of the flower; interesting because we not uncommonly find that mood to disappear under condi- _tions which have generally been ascribed to something disadvantageous to the plant (see Willis, On Gynodicecism, 3rd paper, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc,, viii., 1893, p. 129). We have sought in passing for any indication in the flower which might suggest that pressure of organ on organ exercises an influence in shaping the flower ; and we found that flowers of 20 organs did come near to having the formula K,C,A,G;: and in Table V we saw K,C, and K,0, to be commoner combinations than K,C, or , (especially 5) and K, CO, or indeed any other number, and in Tables VI and VIII ten. stamens to be commoner than nine or eleven in association with five sepals or with five petals. These observations do not suffice for building up any very definite statement. It is equally advisable at present from these tabulutions to make no statement regarding the possibility of female organs demanding per unit for their inception more nutriment than male organs. One notices in regard to the variation of the flower of Ranuncu- lus arvensis that itis always hungry, 2.e., always capable to taking in more organs; the hungriest of its moods is that for the formation of stamens, next that for the formation of carpels, thirdly that for petals and least hungry that for sepals. Just as we find sepals to tend to be constant in number fieeheas our larger groups such as the Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons; petals to be constant in number in lesser groups; carpels to serve by their 120 I. H. Burkill—Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. [No. 2, constancy for the defining of orders, and stamens to be by number the least serviceable in the making of a classification of Phanerogams, so do we find sepals to have the greatest tendency to be constant in Ranunculus arvensis, petals next so, carpels in the third place and stamens last, 7 e., what we.see in a broad view of the whole Phanero- gamic. Sub-Kingdom, we see again in the variation of the flower of this little weed. I had intended to deal with variation in Nigella sativa and Delphi- nium Ajacis, when writing on Ranunculus arvensis but my facts, are insufficient. They may, however, be said to be indicative of a reduction in number of all parts with age. For the present I withhold them. My thanks are cordially given to the Cambridge Botanic Garden Syndicate for the facilities afforded to me in the University Garden, and to all who have helped me. The tedious operation of casting my figures into tables has in Calcutta occupied the time for several months of a clerk, Babu Kanai Lall Das. SIO DE OO OEE OS OO PLATE IV. ype GALLINULA PYRRHORHOA (Slyth's Mauritius Spectmen). PLATE V. *SAdONOTH,) i a re ) (4207. ‘75 ayv7) VLIVAIVS) ‘4D “VLVATVS) “5 ie ‘SNAH xOOW AO SAISIHS ‘IVLNOYY ANV STIg (sz2jLanvpy) VOHYOHAIAd SE » ) Peat Ee. WE. "IMOA NOW WO) GNV TMOd-VANINS) NAAMLAG GINGA ERRATA IN LAST NUMBER, Page 102 column headed 6 for 67 read 167 > 17 ” 117 » 116 ,, 36 » 33 » 3 Page 104 four lines from bottom column headed 5, where figure has dropped out, supply 5°88. Page 104 eight lines from bottom for 7°81 read 7°87, » 855 ,, 5°55. = JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, —2cfoe— Vol. LXXI. Part Il.—NATURAL SCIENCE. a a i No. IITI.—1902. a i i i X.—On a collection of Birds from Upper Burmah.—By Linut, H. Woop, R.E., and F,. Finn, B.A., F.Z.8., Deputy Superintendent of . the Indian Museum. (With Plate VII.) [Received 30th April. Read 7th May, 1902. | In the following paper Lieut. Wood is responsible for the general introduction and remarks on localities where the birds were collect- ed; while the birds have been identified and annotated at the Indian Museum by the Deputy Superintendent. Almost all of the specimens have been generously presented to that institution by Lieut. Wood, and the accession is a particularly welcome one, as several rare species are represented, such as Trochalopterwm erythrolaema. The collection is also noteworthy as containing examples of two species new to the Indian fauna, Pére David’s Babbler (Babaz lanceolatus ) and the Marsh Tit (Parus palustris). It has been deemed worth while to have these figured, on account of their interest from a distributional point of view. (See Plate VII). The collection was made in that part of Burmah which is bounded on the west by the high range which divides the Pakokku and Minbu districts from the Chin Hills, and on the east by a parallel range which runs more or less due north and south, distant about 30 miles, and known locally under different names as the Pontaung 7 1.16 122 H. Wood and F. Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. [No. 3, Nwamataung, Dudwataung, &c. Latitude 22° formed approximately the northern boundary and 20°15’ the southern, A few specimens were however procured outside this tract while marching from Pakokku, the headquarters of the district of that name and situated on the River Irrawaddy. The country within the boundaries described above is hilly, the average height of the eastern range being about 1,500 feet while some © of the peaks are higher. From this range the country is broken up by a number of smaller ranges, each slightly lower till the foot of the western range is reached. Along the foot of the eastern slopes of this range there is nearly always a large river which breaks through the range and then turns imme- diately due north or south and flows in this direction for some distance till it finds a low place in the eastern range through which it can pass. The Maw, Man, Salin and Mon Rivers are all met in this way. The western range is much higher than those to the east. The average height being about 5,000 to 6,000 feet, while Mount Victoria (the highest peak in Burmah, 10,300 feet) is one of the peaks on the range within the limits. The country is heavily forested except in the valleys of the main streams, where rice is principally grown. Pakokku, Long. 95°10’, Lat. 21°18’, height 300 feet. The head- quarters of the district of that name. It is situated on the west bank of the Irrawaddy River and is inthe dry zone of Upper Burmah. Outside the cultivation which surrounds the town, the country is covered with scrub jungle. Kanhlu, Long. 95°2’, Lat. 21°17’, height 400 feet. A small village on the Pakokku-Pauk Road ; surrounding country scrub jungle. Pauk, Long. 94°30’, Lat. 21°29’, height about 900 feet. A large village on the Pakokku-Tilin cart-road, situated just to the east of the first high range met with while marching west from the Irrawaddy River. The Yaw River flows about a mile to the east of the village. Outside the cultivation there is scrub jungle which gradually changes to forest as the hills are approached. It is on the west edge of the “dry zone” Kyin, Long. 94°18’, Lat. 21°37’, height about 2,000 feet. A small village on the Pauk-Tilin cart-road, situated to the westward of the first high range which is met with while marching westward from the Irrawaddy River. A small area of cultivation surrounds the village ; beyond this is dense forest. Ta-hnyin-taung, Long. 94°15’, Lat. 21°37’, height about , 2,500 feet. A spur running westwards from the first high range met with while going west from the Irrawaddy. This high range is known locally 1902.] H. Wood and F. Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. 123 under a number of different names but it runs more or less along meridian of 94°20’. It is covered with dense forest. Tilin, Long. 94°8’, Lat. 20°13’, height about 1,500 feet. A large village at the foot of the Chin Hills on the right bank of the Maw River. The cart-road to Gangaw from Pakokku passes through the village. Outside the cultivation the country is covered with dense jungle. Man, Long. 94°17’, Lat. 21°18’, height about 1,500 feet. A small village on the Pauk-Pasok cart-road, situated to the west of the first high range met with while going west from the Irrawaddy. The village is surrounded by dense jungle outside the small patch of cultivation. Pontaung, Long, 94°18’, Lat, 21°20’, height 1,900 feet. The first high range met with while going west from the Irrawaddy ; on the lower slopes the forest is principally bamboo, which gradually changes into timber trees (teak, etc.), as the range rises in height. Laungshé, Long. 94°10’, Lat. 21°0’, height about 1,000 feet. A large village situated at the foot of the Chin Hills just where the Salin River breaks through. A good deal of rice is cultivated in the valley and it was on the cultivation that most of the birds were shot here. Kanpetlet, Long. 94°0’, Lat. 21°14’, height 7,000 feet. At this place on the slopes of Mount Victoria the headquarters of the Pakokku Chin Hills are being built. It at present consists of two or three houses, while barracks for about 60 sepoys are being built. Mount Victoria, the summit of which is 10,300 feet, is the highest hill in Burmah and is the culminating point of tiie high range which runs from Manipur southwards more or less along the meridian of 94°, A long spur emanates from the summit running in an easterly direction, and it is on this spur that Kanpetlet is situated. In the valleys the forest is very dense, while on the spurs there are large open spots covered with grass alternating with tracts of fairly open fir forest. Birds labelled Mount Victoria were shot on the way up to Kanpetlet from Saw, the village at the foot of the spur. Dudawtaung, Long. 94°18’, Lat. 21°5’, height about 2,000 feet. A range of hills about 2,000 feet high running north and south, the first high one that is met while marching west from the Irrawaddy River. It is covered with fairly dense forest. Yinkwetaung, Long. 93°58’, Lat. 20°44’, height 5,500 feet. The local name of one of the spurs which run eastward from the high range which forms the boundary between Pakokku district and the Chin Hills. Near the summit the spurs are bare of trees and covered with grass. In the valleys and on spurs below about 5,000 feet there is dense jungle. 124 H. Wood and F. Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. [No.3 Nwamataung, Loug. 94°18’, Lat. 20°4’, height about 2,500 feet. A local name of the same range which to the north is known as Dudawtaung. Salin, Long. 94°44’, Lat. 20°35’, height 250 feet. A large village on the Salin River about 10 miles on the west of the Irrawaddy River. It is in the dry zone and outside the cultivation is scrub jungle. Sidoktaya, Long. 94°15’, Lat. 20°25’, height 2,000 feet. A large village situated at the foot of the Chin Hills on the bank of the river Mon. A large area of cultivation lies to the east of the village, while to the westward dense jungle comes very close. Dalet Choung, Long. 94°0’, Lat. 20°10’, height 300 feet. A river which rises in the Arakan Yomas and flows due south reaching the sea between Akyab and Kyaukpyu. The surrounding hills are all densely covered with bamboo jungle. Family Corvide. Urocissa ocoipiraLis. Led-billed Blue Magpie. Two, Laungshé, January 11th, 1902; one, Kyin ee November 30th, 1901. Denprocitra gura. Indian T'ree-pie. One, Laungshé, January 12th, 1902; one, Man, December 25th, 1901. CRYPSIRHINA CUCULLATA. Hooded Racket-tailed Magne. . One, Sidéktaya, February 14th, 1902. GARRULUS OATESI. Indo-Chinese Jay. One, Kanpetilet, January 5rd, 1902. Panus patustris. Marsh-Tit. One, Kanpetlet, January 14th, 1902. This specimen undoubtedly belongs to one of the races of P. palustris. The dimensions are rather large, the length bemg 4°9 inches, wing 2°5, tail 2:1, bill from gape ‘4, and shank nearly °6. The colour above is olive grey, or drab; below a dirty drab-white. The cap and nape are glossy black, and thesides of head and neck pure white ; the throat black with white tips to the feathers. The bill and feet are greyish black in the skin. [he specimen agrees perfectly with some Chinese specimens of P. palustris, recently procured by Captain Walton, I.M.S. ] Family Crateropodide. GARRULAX LEUCOLOPHUS, Himalayan White-Crested Laughing-Thrush. Two, Laungshé, January 12th, 1902. GARRULAX PEcTORALIS. Black-gorgeted- Laughing-Thrush. 1902.] H. Wood and F, Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. 125 One, Dudawtaung, December 26th, 1901; one, Laungshe, January llth, 1902. The latter has the under-surface buff throughout up to the chin. Both have the light tips to the tail-feathers pure white. GaRRULAX MONILIGER. Necklaced Laughing-Thrush. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 10th, 1901. The ear-coverts of this bird are entirely black; tips of tail pure white. | BaBax LANCEOLATUS. Peére David's Streaked Babbler. One, Kanpetlet, January 4th, 1902. As this bird does not seem to be well known, I give a description of the specimen. Length about 11; inches ; wing 38; tail 5; bill from gape 1'1; shank at front 1:2. Plumage striated, with the exception of the visible parts of the wings and tail, which are plain olive, as also the upper tail-coverts. Centres of the feathers above blackish, shading into chestnut on each side, with the outsides edged on the neck with creamy white and on the back with olive. ores, ear-coverts, and eye-brow, white slightly mixed with black; a strong black moustache running into a mottled black-and-white patch behind the ear-coverts. Under-surface creamy white streaked with black, the black streaks getting finer upwards and tading out on the throat, and becoming bordered with chestnut on the flanks ; lower tail-coverts plain buff. From the descriptions and figures of David and Oustalet (Oiseaux de Chine) J. Verreaux (Nouv. Arch. du Museum, Bull. VII, 1871) and Dr. R. b. Sharpe (B.M. Cat. Birds, Vol. VII.), Bubazx lancevlatus would appear to have a uniformly chestnut head, the dorsal plumage edged with grey, not olive, and the ventral surface less striated than in our bird, in which also the tarsi seem considerably shorter. At the same time, without specimens for comparison, I do not like to regard the present bird as deserving of specific distinction ; if it be so I would propose the name of Babax woodi for it. TROCHALOPTERUM ERYTHROLEMA. Hume's Laughing-Thrush. Two, Yinkwetaung, January 19th, 1902; oue, same locality, January 20th, 1902. TROCHALOPIERUM VIRGATUM. Manipur Striated Laughing-Thrush. One, Kanpetlet, January 3rd, 1902; one, Kanpetlet, January 4th, 1902. ARGYA GULARIS. White-throated Babbler. Two, Pakokku, November 19th, 1901. MYIOPHONEUS TEMMINCKIL. Himalayan Whistling-Thrush. One, Yinkwétaung, January 27th, 1902. Lioprita GRAaciLis. Grey Sibia. . 126 H. Wood and F. Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. [No. 3, One, Yinkwetaung, January 18th, 1902; two, January 27th, 1902 ; one without date or locality. AEGITHINA TIPHIA. Common Tora. One, Pakokku, November 21st, 1901 ; one, Pauk, November 27th, 1901; one no date or locality. CHLOROPSIS AURIFRONS. Gold-fronted Chloropsis. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, November 8th, 1901; one, same locality, December 2nd, 1901; one, same locality, December 10th; one, Man, December 14th; one, same locality, December 20th; one, same locality, December 24th ; one, Dudawtaung, January 7th, 1902. CHLOROPSIS CHLOROCEPHALA. Buzmese Chloropstis. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, no date; one, same locality, December 3rd, 1901. HYPSIPETES PSAROIDES. Himalayan Black Bulbul. One, Yinkwetaung, January 29th, 1902. HEMIXUS MACLELLANDI. Rufous-bellied Bulbul. One, Yinkwetaung, November 2nd, 1901; two, same _ locality, January 18th, 1902; one, same locality, January 19th; one, same locality, January 27th ; one, same locality, no date available. ALCURUS stRiAtUS. Striated Green Bulbul. One, Yinkwetaung, January 20th, 1902. MoLPASTES BURMANICUS. Burmese Red-crested Bulbul. One, Tilin, December 12th, 1901. XANTHIXUS FLAVuSCENS. Blyth’s Bulbul. One Kanpetlet, January 4th, 1901. OTOCOMPSA FLAVIVENTRIS. Black-crested Yellow Bulbul. One, no data; one, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 3rd, 1901; one, same locality, December 6th. + Family Sittide. SItTA HIMALAYENSIS. White-tailed Nuthatch. One, Yinkwetaung, January 20th, 1902. SiTra NAGAENSIS. Austen’s Nuthatch. One, Kanpetlet, January 4th, 1902. Sirra FRoNTALIS. Velvet-fronted Blue Nuthatch. Two, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 7th, 1901; one, Man, December 25th. Family Dicruride. Dicrurus ATER. Black Drongo. One, Pakokku, November 28rd, 1901 ; a decidedly small specimen. DICRURUS CINERACEUS. Grey Drongo. 1902. ] H. Wood and F. Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. 127 One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 8th, 1901. BHRINGA REMIFER. Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo. One, ‘Ta-hnyin-taung, December 8th; one, same _ locality, December 10th. DISSEMURUS PARADISEUS. Larger Racket-tailed Drengo. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 5th, 1901; one, no locality. Family Lanide. LANIUS COLLURIOIDES. Burmese Shrike. One, Pakokku, November 19th, 1901; one, Yinkwetaung, February 2nd, 1902. The first specimen has the two outer pairs of tail-feathers white with black shafts, and the next pair white with a long black patch on the inner web, the rest being black tipped with white; the under- parts are also very pale, creamy white in fact. The dimensions are also smaller than those given in the Fauna of British India, Vol. I, p. 463. The crown and nape are dark ashy, and the forehead and lores black. The second has the tail normally coloured, and pale fulvous under-parts. TEPHRODORNIS PELVICUS. Nepal Woud-shrike. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December, 1901. PERICROCOTUS FRATERCULUS. Burmese Scarlet Minivet. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, November 4th, 1901; two, same locality December 4th; one, Pank, November 27th, 1901; one, Mt. Victoria, December 30th; one, Kanpetlet, January 4th, 1902. PERICROCOTUS BREVIROSTRIS. Short-billed Minivet . One, no locality or date; one, Kanpetlet, January 4th, 1902. PERICROCOTUS PEREGRINUS. Small Minivet. Three, Man, December 22nd, 1901 ; one, Pauk-Tilin Road, November 29th, 1901. Family Oriolide. ORIOLUS TENUIROSTRIS. Burmese Black-naped Oriole. One, Pauk, November 27th, 1901. ORIOLUS MELANOCEPHALUS. Indian Black-headed Oriole. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 4th, 1901; one, same locality, December 8th ; one, Pakokku, 22nd November; one, Tanksoh, February 9th, 1902; one, Man, December 22nd, 1901; one, Dudawtaung, January 7th, 1901. Family Sturnide. GRACULIPICA BURMANICA, Jerdon’s Mynah. One, Pakokku, November 20th, 1901; one, no date. 128 H. Wood and F. Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. | No. 3, The birds referred to Sturnia nemoricola in J. A. S. B. 1900, pt. IT. p. 116 are, I find, of this species; at least the four specimens kindly presented by Colonel Bingham to the Museum belong to it. Family Muscicapide. CYORNIS RUBECULOIDES. Blue-throated Flycatcher. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 2nd, 1901; one, Pontaung, February 2nd, 1902. CULICICAPA CEYLONENSIS. Grey-headed Flycatcher. One, T'a-hnyin-taung, December 8th, 1901, RHIPIDURA ALBIFRONTATA. White-browed Fantail Flycatcher. One, Pakokku, November 20th, 1901. Family Turdide. PRATINCOLA CAPRATA. Common Pied Bush-chat. | Three, Pakokku, November 19th, 20th and 21st, respectively ; one, Laungshé, January 12th, 1902. All have the black plumage fringed throughout with fale except the bird killed on November 21st, which shows no such edgings at all except a few barely perceptible specks on the belly. CopsycHus sauLaris. Magpie-Robin. One, Pakokku, November 21st, 1991. This is by plumage a female, and has the fulvous parts of the under-surface finely cross-barred with a lighter shade. PETROPHILA ERYTHROGASTRA. Blue-headed Rock-Thrush. One, Kanpetlet, January 3rd, 1902; two, same locality, following day. : PETROPHILA SOLITARIA. Eastern Blue Rock-Thrush. One, Pakokku, November 1Ith, 1901. Not typical, but only showing a little chestnut on the under- tail coverts. PETROPHILA CYANUS, Western Blue Rock-Thrush. One, Dudawtaung, January 7th, 1902; one, Laungshé, January llth; one, Nwamataung, February 2nd, 1902. The last shows one red under-tail covert. OreoctncLa DAUMA. Small-billed Mountain-Thrush. One, Dudawtaung, January 8th, 1902. Family Fringillide. PassER FLAVEOLUS. Pegu House-Sparrow. One, Pakokku, November 2lst, 1901; one, same locality, Novem- ber 23rd. 1902.] H, Wood & F. Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. 129 Family Nectariniide. ARACHNECHTHRA ASIATICA. - Purple Sun- bird. One, Salin, February 4th, 1902. ° Family Picide. Gucinvs occiriranis. Black- naped Green Woodpecker. One, Pakokku, November ]9th, 1901; one, Man, December 24th. HypopPicus HYPERYTHROUS. Rufous-bellied Pied Dene One, Kanpetlet, January 4th, 1902. IYNGIPICUS CANICAPILLUS. Freee Pigmy Woodpecker. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 4th, 1901; one, same locality, December 7th; one, Dudawtaung, January 7th, 1902. Tiga SHOREI. Himalayan Golden-backed Three-toed Woodpecker. Two, Ta-hnyin-taung, killed on December 5th and 7th, respectively. Both have the rudimentary hallux previously described by me as characteristic of this species. (J. A. S. B. 1899, pt. II. p. 242). CHRYSOCOLAPTES GUTTICRISTATUS. Tickell’s Golden-backed A a One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 11th, 1901. This specimen, a male by plumage, has the red of the rump running right up to the shoulders, but shows none on the wings or scapulars. Family Capitonide. THEREICERYX LINEATUS. © Inneated Barbet. Three, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 2nd, 4th and Sere respectively ; : one, Pontaung, December ‘O1st. | Cyanops astatica. DBlue-throated Barbet. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 4th, 1901. Family Coraciide. - CoRACIAS AFFINIS. Burmese Roller. One, Pakokku, November 20th, 1901; two, Laungshé, January 12th, 1902; one, Man, December 26th, 1901. Family Meropide. Merops viripis. Common Indian Bee-eater. One, Pakokku, November 20th, 1901; one, no date. _ Both very rufous on head, nape and upper back. _ Family Alcedinide. CeryLe varia. Indian Pied Kingfisher. One, Pakokku—Pagan Road, November 25th, 1901. J. u. 17 130 H. Wood & F. Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. [No. 3, HALCYON SMYRNENSIS. White-breasted Kingfisher. One, Pakokku, November 20th, 1901; one, Kanhla, November 21st ; one, Laungshé, January 12th, 1902. — Family Bucerotide. ANTHRACOCEROS ALBIROSTRIS. Indo-Burmese Pied Hornbill. One, Dalet Choung, February 27th, 1902. A small specimen, but rather over the measurements given in the Fauna of British India for the smaller race of this species. Family Upupide. Upupa inpica. Indian Hoopoe. One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 6th, 1901. Family Cuculide. RuoOpopyTEs TRISTIS. Large Green-billed Malkoha. _ « Two, Kyin Village, November 30th, 1901; two, of which the data are illegible, all the specimens being very greasy, and mostly unfit to keep. All possess eyelashes, although the genus is stated (F.B.I. Birds, Vol. III, p. 280), to want these. CENTROPUS SINENSIS. Common Coucal or Crow-Pheasant. One, Man, December 6th, 1901. Family Psittacide. PALZORNIS TORQUATUS. osesringed Paroquet. One, Pakokku, November 22nd, 1901; one, Pauk-Tilin Road, November 29th. | PALZORNIS FASCIATUS. ed-breasted Paroquet. One, Pakokku, November 21st, 1901. Family Asionide. - ATHENE BRAMA. Spotted Owlet. One, Pakokku, November 19th, 1901. Family Falconide. SPILORNIS CHEELA. ‘Crested Serpent-Hagle. A pair of feet with a few feathers attached clearly belong to this species. : BuTasTur TEESA. White-eyed Buzzard-Hagle. One, Pakokku-Pauk, November 24th, 1901. Hawiastur inpus. Brahminy Kite. One, Pakokku, November 22nd, 1901. 1902.] H. Wood & F. Finn—Birds from Upper Burmah. . 131 Fatco suaarr. The Laggar Falcon. One, Pakokku, November 22nd, 1901. A. beautiful adult example of this species. TINNUNCULUS ALAUDARIUS. Kestrel. One specimen without data. MICROHIERAX EUTOLMUS. Red-legged eign One, Ta-hnyin-taung, December 9th, 1901. Family Phagianide. PHASIANUS HUMIZ, Mrs. Hume’s Pheasant. One specimen obtained at Kanpetlet, January 2nd, 1902, This i 18 by plumage a male, and is of the typical Manipur form with steel-blue rump-feathers narrowly edged and barred with white. Only the front of the neck, however, is steely-black, the sides and back of the neck being steely-grey, contrasting with the colour of the throat and breast. GENNZUS sp. P One female specimen obtained at Yinkwétaung on February 2nd 1902, most closely agrees with Mr. Oates’ description of what he calls (Manual of the Game-Birds of India, Vol. I, p. 365,) the North-Arrakan Silver Pheasant; but it has the two centre pairs of tail feathers chest- nut with dark browm pencillings, the rest being black with chestnut — pencillings progressively diminishing to the outermost feathers. ARBORICOLA INTERMEDIA. Arrakan Hill Partridge. One, Yinkwétaung, January 27th, 1901. Family Charadriide. HOopPLOPTERUS VENTRALIS. Indian Spur-winged Lapwing. One, Kanhla, November 24th, 1901. AEGIALITIS DUBIA. Little Ringed Plover. One, Pakokku, November 11th, 1901. 132 R. B. Sanyal—A brief note on the Doctrine of Telegony. [No. 3, XI.—Notes on Animals observed at the Alipore Zoological Garden, No. 2. A brief note on the “ Doctrine of Telegony” with reference to facts observed in the Zoological Gardens, Caicuttax—By Rai R. B. Sanyat, Bawavur, Superintendent. [Received April 29th. Read May 7th, 1902.] The doctrine of telegony as it is understood in Europe and Australia is practically unknown in India. There is a vague notion among some of the cattle-breeders, espe- cially in parts of Bengal and Behar, that when first covered, a heifer ought to have a high-class bull for its mate. Be that as it may, no scientific experiments, as far as I am aware have ever been undertaken in India to test the correctness or otherwise of the doctrine to which I have alluded. | I have ventured to bring the following facts to the notice of the Society, not so much for the sake of throwing any light on the subject, especially as Professor Cossar Ewart has already, after a series of careful experiments, proved that there is no equine telegony, but as they were the results of experiments in which a most interesting species of wild cattle was concerned. ~* In 1898 the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta, came in possession of a small herd of Bantengs (Bos sondaicus Muller and Schleg.) a species of wild cattle which mostly inhabit the plains of Burma and the Malay Peninsula and the islands of Borneo, Java, and Bali. One of the heifers was covered by an ordinary country male, which, though not a Brahmin bull as it is ordinarily understood in India, was a sturdy young bull of a very superior character. The offspring of this pairing was a healthy brindled male calf, which already promises to be a fine bull. The opportunity which this occurrence presented of examining the theory of telegony by futher experiments was duly taken advantage of, and the dam of the brindled calf was mated, in proper time, with a healthy bull of its own species. The offspring of this union was a pure bred Banteng calf without any traces of the previous strain. The same cow has had a second pure-bred calf lately. 6 i i a ete ~ ] ae H. H. cra ia mill of Helopeltis theivora. 133 XIL. —Noteon a disputed point in the Life-History of Hlopsleis theivora. -—By Haroutp H. Mann, B.Sc. [Received April 80th ; Read May 7th, 1902. ] As is well known, Helopeltis theivora,—the ‘‘ Tea Bug of Assam”? as was called by Mr. Wood-Mason, the ‘‘ Mosquito Blight” as it is gen- erilly termed—is the most alarming pest which has yet appeared on tea cultivated in India. It causes the more disquietude as it tends to increase as years go by,—fluctuating according to season, but generally increasing, and invading new areas. During 1901, which was a parti- cularly bad year in almost all districts subject to the pest, a very moderate estimate gives seven lakhs of rupees as the nett loss to the Indian Tea Industry from this cause alone. though we have a knowledge, thanks to Peal,* Wood-Mason,+ Dud- geon,f Watt§ and Green,{ of the general life-history of the insect from the egg to the adult stage, yet there remain several points which have been very obscure. Of these the most important is the question as to what becomes of the insect during the time when it apparently dis- appears from the tea bush. So complete is this disappearance, as a rule, that most planters living in affected districts in North-East India have hardly ever seen a single insect during January, February and March. Mr. Dudgeon has suggested that it hibernates in the ground, but offers no evidence for his position, and declares frankly that he had not been able to verify his conjecture. It has also been supposed that hiber- nation takes place in water and swamps, but again, not a scrap of ‘ evidence in favour of the view exists, and the same may be said of the very general idea among tea planters that in the cold weather the Helopeltis goes on to various jungle trees. With a view of acquiring information on this point, I have spent a considerable time in January, February and March of the present year in two of the districts most affected by the pest—the Darjeeling-Terai, and Cachar—at a period when the insect was supposed to be hibernating. As a result I have come to conclusions of which the following is a summary. The Helopeltis theivora can be found on the tea bush in every stage of development during every period of the year. The cold weather 1h * Tea Cyclopedia, 1881. + The Tea Bug of Assam, 1884. { Indian Museum Notes. Vol. III pp. 33-38. § The Pests and Blights of the Tea Plant 1898. {| Royal Botanic Gardens, Ceylon. Circular, No, 21 (Ist Series), 1901. 184 H. H. Mann—Life-History of Helopeltis theivora. [No. 3, kills off the bulk of the mature insects and practically all the larva, but at all times sufficient remain to carry on the pest to the next season, and in addition the bushes are full of eggs. These latter were found not only in the usual position on the young shoot, but also at a much lower part of the bush than has previously been noticed, embedded in the usual fashion in the midrib of the large mature leaves. The larvee were found on 11th January in small numbers on unpruned and sheltered bushes, then forming about 22 per cent. of the total number of insects caught. By 12th February, however, a very different pro- portion of adults and larve were obtained, and now instead of 2} per cent. the larve formed 80 per cent. of the total catch. This proportion was approximately kept up during several weeks from that date. The difficulty in obtaining evidence of their presence at this time is due to their attacking almost entirely the slightly shaded young leaves, the sur- face growth being rarely injured in the early part of the year. o The insect could, further, not be found on any jungle plant at this time. Though jungle of very miscellaneous character was system atically searched both by myself and by the children who are regularly catching the insect, and who are extremely expert at the work, not a single one was discovered in any form. It appears, therefore, evident that there is, from present knowledge, no need to assume a hibernating stage at all for Helopeltis theivora, and that the insects remain and can be found in every stage of growth from the egg to the mature female full of eggs, in the tea-bush, at all times of the year. Whether the egg found low down in the bush, as described above, can be considered as a special hibernating egg, I can hardly say, but there certainly was no difference in structure or in method of deposition from that usual during the regular season. Inasmuch, then, as there is absolutely no evidence of the cold weather being passed by the insect in the soil, in water, or on other trees, and furthermore, as careful ‘observation can always detect the insects and their eggs on tea bushes ‘in affected districts, there is no need to imagine any hibernation stage at all in India, and beyond a certain retardation in development due to ‘the reduced temperature, the reproduction of the insect may be con- sidered to take place in a similar manner throughout the year, and to be carried out on the tea bush itself during the whole period. These observations have a practical interest, and may lead toa sound method of attempting to deal with the pest, and experiments in this direction are now in progress. a te ae i i r «1902.] F. Finn— On a pair of Abnormal Deer Horns. 135 XIIT.—On a pair of Abnormal Deer Horns.—By F. Finn, B.A., F.Z.S., Deputy Superintendent, Indian Museum. [Received May 28th; Read June 5th, 1902,] © I am indebted to His Highness the Maharajah of Cooch Behar, _and to Mr. David Ezra (who procured me the loan of them) for the opportunity of exhibiting the very remarkable pair of antlers figured below. As will be seen they resemble those of the Sambhar (Cervus unicolor) in general appearance and in their rough and deeply furrowed surface; but the terminations are much more branched than is usual in this species, which has only two terminal tines. In the present specimen there are no less than five terminal points, and the two horns are not at all alike, the branch representing the longer terminal tine in the normal horn being palmate or flattened in the left horn of this pair. (See figure on page 135.) The number of points in this specimen no doubt accounts for the statement that was made to me by Mr. Ezra, that the animal which bore the horns was a hybrid between the Sambhar and the Barasingh (Cervus duvaucelt). But in the absence of any information as to the appearance of the rest of this stag’s body, I am inclined to put the specimen down as an abnormal Sambhar, some Sambhar horns in the collection exhibited in the Mammal Gallery also showing supernu- merary points, though not to this extent. A very fine head in the Asiatic Society’s collection, alluded to by Mr. W. L. Sclater in his pamphlet ‘‘Notes on Indian Horned Game,” has nine points, both terminal tines of the right horn and the anterior or outer terminal tine of the left, being bifurcated. Another has a third terminal tine on the right horn, directed down- wards and backwards. A third has a snag to the brow tine of the right horn, the terminal tines of the beam of which are very small. A fourth has three small snags at the base of the beam of the right horn, and a small accessory snag on the large outer terminal tine of the left. It is noteworthy that in all these cases the excess of points affects the right horn; but in one specimen, the single extra point, a very small one, is on the inner terminal tine of the left. No. 3, of Abnormal Deer Horns. inn—On a pair F. F 136 ‘UVHANVG 30 SNYOW TVMUONTY 1902. | R. B. Sanyal Bahadur—Common Palm Squirrel, 137 Mr. Ezra informs me that the present animal was killed in the Maharajah’s territories six years ago. XIV.—Notes on Animals observed at the Alipore Zoological Garden. No. III. Melanic specimens of Common Palm Squirrel (Sciurus palmarum, Linn.) —By Rat R. B. Sanydn Banapur, Superintendent, Alipore Zoological Garden. [Read June 4th, 1902.] Squirrels, it is well known, are subject- to great diversity in size, form and colour. The upper surface of the body of the large Indian Squirrel (Sciwrus indicus, Erxl.) is usually of a maroon red colour, but darker, almost black individuals with thicker coats are not uncommon. Apart from their seasonal dimorphism, no two specimens of the Sciurus bicolor of Sparrmann are alike; and it is no wonder that the species proved a puzzle to Desmarest, Horsfield, Is. Geoff. St. Hilaire, and other naturalists of classic repute, each of whom described it under a differ- ent name. Palm Squirrels (Sciwrus palmarum, Linn.) so common and abundant in Bengal, North-Western Provinces, the Punjab, and Central India, are also remarkable for great diversity of form and colour, and this tendency to variation in colour, which is so characteristic of the genus, has led, in the case of the Palm squirrels, to an increase in the deposition of pigment, resulting in the production of a definite melanic form. Melanism as a common colour phenomenon is well known to naturalists, but as far as I remember, I have seen no case of complete melanism in squirrels recorded in the literature of the genus, and I have therefore ventured to exhibit to the Society a melanic specimen of a Palm squirrel which lately came under my observation. The following notes sent to me by Haji Mahammud Mustapha Khan of Aligarh, the donor of the animals, will, I hope, be found interesting : “Some time in December last [1901], so far as I can recollect, my bearer came to me in Aligarh and said he had seen four or five black squirrels in the jungle at Burhegaon. SBurhegaon is the headquar- ter village of my estate, in Tahsil Atrauli in this district, and lies about 25 miles east from Aligarh. I told him to try and catch them, and explained to him how best to do it by the usual basket snare. About a fortnight later, when I had gone to stay for a time at Burhe- gaon, he brought one of the squirrels to me. A couple of weeks after that he brought a second one. So far as I can judge they seem to be J. 1. 18 138 R. B. Sanyal Bahadur—Common Palm Squirrel. [No. 3, a male and a female. There was a third, he told me, which eluded capture on the second occasion. They seemed to me uncommon, and remembering to have heard, at a District Board Meeting, that the Secretary of the Zoological Gardens at Alipur would be glad of help in procuring interesting additions to his family, I mentioned the matter to Mr. Brownrigg, then Collector of the District. I have always taken an interest in animals, but had never seen any black squirrels like these before. I am told that there are still, perhaps, three or four more at large in the jungle where this pair came from, but they are now very wild, and do not allow any one to approach them. Iam also informed, by those who have seen them, that these black squirrels live apart by themselves on separate trees, and do not associate with their less distin- guished grey-mantled brethren, The boycott is probably mutual. I have no reason to think that they came to Burhegaon from any outside source. So faras I can see they are a freak of nature.” It would be interesting to observe other forms cf animal life in the jungle in which these melanic squirrels were found, and to note whether there is any preponderance of black in them also. The fact, if proved in the affirmative, will give additional support to the theory of colour change induced by environmental causes. This is, however, not the first time that melanic squirrels are exhibited in the Calcutta Zoological Garden. In 1877, a couple of them were obtained from Assam, and lived for about a year. SOS 1902.] R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Earthquakes of Assam. 139 On Tidal Periodicity in the Earthquakes of Assam.—By R. D. OpHaM, Superintendent, Geological Survey of India. (Communicated by permission of the Director of the Geological survey, of ae [Received July 21st, Read August 6th, 1902. | J.—InTRODUCTORY. Ever since earthquakes were first studied there have been repeated and persistent attempts to trace the action of the sun, the moon, and the planets in producing them, or at the least in influencing their rela- tive frequency. Mallet, from the discussion of his great earthquake catalogue !, found that there was a marked periodicity, which caused earthquakes to have a maximum frequency towards the end of each century, with a minor, but nearly as great, maximum a little before the middle ; and, more recently, Dr. A. Cancani has remarked a similar pecu- liarity in the earthquakes of Italy. Periods of this length, however, have no direct and obvious connection with the movements of the heavenly bodies, and more interest attaches to variations of shorter periods. Perrey, and following him Mallet,’ believed that they had de- tected such variations, and that the frequency of earthquakes showed ‘a relation to the distance of the sun and the moon from the earth, and to their relative positions in the heavens, at the syzygies and quadratures. As a result of this careful investigation it had been generally accepted that earthquakes were more frequent during winter than in summer and during the night than during the day. In 1889 the subject was again attacked by M. F. deMontessus de Ballore,* who started by preparing a catalogue of 45,000 earthquakes. From this he proceeded to discuss the diurnal periodicity, and found that though each individual list and record showed a distinct periodicity, there was no agreement among them and that the larger the number of shocks taken the more uniform became the resulting distribution of earthquakes throughout the day and night. In a subsequent paper ® he applied the same treatment to the seasonal periodicity with a similar result and came to the conclusion that there was no real variation in the frequency of earthquakes, which he regarded asa purely geolog- ical phenomenon, unaffected by either astronomical or meteorological influences, About the same time Dr. Davison began his investigation of t Rep. Brit. Ass., xxviiii, (1858). 2 Boll. Soc. Sismol. Ital. vii, 205-209 (1901). 8 Brit. Ass. Rep., xxviii, (1858). 4 Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, 3. Ser., xxii, 409, (1889). 6 Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, 3, Ser., xxv, 504, (1891). 140 BR. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Farthquakes of Assam. *[No. 3, earthquake frequency, and in a laborious paper,' on the annual and semi- annual periodicity of earthquakes, came to the conclusion that, treating each region separately, there was a distinct variation in frequency, which was in excess of that which might be expected if the occurrence of earthquakes was in no way connected with the seasons. From this brief review it will be seen that the question, of whether earthquakes are at all affected by extra-terrestrial influences, is at present an open one, and for this reason I made every effort, after the great earthquake of 1897, to obtain the fullest possible record of the extreme- ly numerous after-shocks, thinking that if there was any external cause at work it should be especially easy to trace at a time when, and ina region where, the earth’s crust was evidently in an extremely unstable condition. The discussion of these records is not complete but in the case of one of them it has been completed, so far as one particular phase of the frequency is concerned, and the results obtained appear to be of sufficient interest to justify some notice of them. In July of 1897, Mr. T. D. LaTouche, who was then in Shillong reporting on the results of the earthquake, constructed a seismograph op the duplex pendulum system, which was set up by the Executive Engineer, and from which continuous records have been taken ever since. The instrument, like all seismographs, is far from a perfect one, it does not record many shocks which can be distinctly felt, and it does not record the time, yet the records are of great value. In the first place we know that every shock recorded attained a certain standard of range of motion of the wave particle and of violence, if such a word may be applied to what in many cases are merely slight shocks, and that all the shocks exceeding this standard are recorded. The absence of automatic time record is more serious, but as the time of the shock was, in every case, recorded by the observer we may take it that there is no very serious error or omission in this respect. Every shock recorded represents one at approximately the time given, and the only cause likely to affect the periodicity is a possible error in the case of the night shocks: it is possible that the instrument may at times have registered a shock while the observer was asleep, and the record afterwards referred to one, felt when he was awake, which did not affect the instrument. The uncertainty due to this cause is, however, slight, as the gentlest shock registered by the instrument is sufficiently strong to usually awake a sleeper. From this instrument we have received records from August 1897, but those discussed as yet only extend to the end of 1901; so far they have only been examined with a view to the hourly variation in 1 Phil. Trans. clxxxiv, A, 1107 (1893). 1902.] R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Barthquakes of Assam. 141 frequency, and instead of contenting myself with a mere record of the relative frequency of the earthquakes, as has usually been done in the past, I have made an attempt to see whether there is any trace of extra- terrestrial influence in this frequency. As pointed out by me in a short note ee in 1901! any effect which the attraction of the sun and the moon may have, will be most effectively, if not solely, exerted by the Tide-producing forces they set up, and that, to trace the effect of these, it is not sufficient to merely tabu- late earthquakes by the hours in which they occur. The time at which the tide-producing forces reach their maximum depends on the declination of the sun and the moon, that is to say it is subject to seasonal vari- ations, and to determine whether these forces have any influence it 1s ‘necessary to classify the records, according to the position of the sun or moon with reference to the equator, and then examine the frequency to see whether there is any variation which can be correlated with the tidal forces. . II.—StatEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. There is neither space nor occasion to recapitulate what is known of the theory of the tides, but a brief account of the form of the tide- producing influence of the attraction of the sun and the moon is desirable, that the nature of the effect to be looked for may be clearly understood, and the review will be simplified by the fact that we need not consider the theory of the tides themselves, but merely of the stresses to which they owe their origin. Omitting all reference to the why, it will be sufficient to point out that the effect of the attraction of a satellite—and in this connection the sun is regarded as a satellite equally with the moon—is to produce a stress equivalent to an upward force at the spot which is at any moment directly under the satellite, and at the antipodes of that spot. Along the great circle half way between these two spots, separated from each by 90° of arc, there is a force acting downwards towards the centre of the earth, and equal in amount to one half of the upward force. At spots between these two points and the great circle just referred to, the stresses produced are equivalent to forces acting in directions away from the vertical, and along a circle which is distant about 54° 44’ LA!’ from the spots where the satellite is in the zenith or nadir the force acts horizontally. Now if we suppose the force exerted at any point to be resolved into two separate forces, one acting vertically and the other horizontally, then the vertical force attains its upward maximum where the satellite is in the zenith or nadir, and its downward maximum along the great circle intersecting the line joining these two points and lying at right OIG ON Acs Oe eee es cee Ae lL Geol. Mag. 4. Decade, viii, 449, (1901). 142 R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Earthquakes of Assam. [No. 8, angles to it. The horizontal forcé attains its maximum. along two circles distant about 54° 44’ from the zenith and nadir respectively, the direction being towards the satellite in the former case and away from it in the latter. If then the tidal stresses have any influence in deter- mining the time of origin of earthquakes we should look for the effect in connection with these circles. Both sun and moon, as is well known, vary their position in the heavens, travelling alternately north and south of the equator, the sun moving to about 23°, and the moon to about 26°, from it. From this it follows that neither can ever be in the zenith of any spot distant more than 26° from the earth’s equator, that is in more than 26° of latitude either north or south, and no spot situated outside those limits can ever experience the maximum upward force. Within those limits, at either one or two periods in each year, when the declination of the sun and the latitude of any given place are the same in amount and sign, the maximum upward force, due to the sun, will be experienced at midday and midnight; and similarly in each lunar month there will be either one or two periods at which the maximum upward force will be ex- perienced, when the moon is either overhead, mid-moon-day, or under- foot, mid-moon-night. Outside the limits of the two 26° parallels, and within them at all times when the declination of the sun or moon is different in amount or sign from the latitude, the maximum upward force will not be experienced, but, as the earth revolves on its axis, the . circles of maximum horizontal and downward force sweep over its sur- face, and pass any given place at an interval, before and after the meri- dian passage of the satellite, which depends on the declination of the satellite at the time and the latitude of the place. From these considerations it will be seen that, before discussing the frequency of earthquakes with reference to the tidal stresses, it is necessary to group them according to their place of origin, and then see whether, for any one district, there is a connection between the relative frequency of earthquakes and the times of passage, over the epicentre, of the circles of maximum tidal force. One method of discovering whether there is any such connection would be to calculate for each earthquake the exact time which separated the time of its origin from that of the passage of each of the circles of maximum tidal force, and then to classify the records accord- ing to these intervals, and see whether there was any preponderance of earthquakes at or about these times. The process would be a laborious one, and, in view of the want of exact accuracy in the times, did not seem worth going through, as a result within the limits of accuracy of the records can be obtained ina simpler manner. 1902.] R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Harthquakes of Assam. 143 We may assume that the epicentres of the earthquakes now under consideration all lie in 26°N. Lat., without introducing any material error, and, calculating for that latitude the time intervals, which elapse between the meridian passage of the satellite and the passage of the tidal circles, we obtain, for extreme and mean values of declination the “intervals given in the tabular statement below, ! where 0h represents the lower, and 12 h. the upper, meridian passage, or midnight and mid- day in the case of the sun. f I. —Table showing the times of passage of circles of maximum horizontal and vertical Tide-producing force ; calculated for Lat. -26° N. Decl Hor. force, Vert. force, Hor. force, : Direct. Downward. Indirect, 12h. + Oh. + Oh. + h. m, hem. h, m. 26° N. 4-15 4-38 — 9° N. 3-31 5-34 2-14 0° 2-59 6-0 2-59 9° S, 2-14 6-26 3-31 26° S. —= 7-22 4-15 From this table it is obvious that, if the total number of shocks is divided into three groups, according to the position of the sun, the first comprising those which occurred when the sun was more than 9° N., the second when its declination did not exceed 9° N. or S. and the third when the declination was more than 9° §., then in the first group the effect of the horizontal force must be looked for between 3% and 4 hours before and after midday, and within two hours on each side of midnight; in the second group the effect is to be looked for between 3 and 34 hours on either side of midnight and midday; while in the third the condition will be the same as in the first, with the substitu- tion of midnight and midday. Moreover, as the effect may be due rather to the rapidity of changes in the amount, than to the actual amount, of the force exerted, the horizontal force may have but small influence when the passage of the circles takes place at less than two hours on either side of the meridian passage, that is to say, when the intersection of the circles is oblique, and the rate and range of change in the amount of force is less than when the passage takes place ata greater time-interval than 2 hours from the meridian passage. This, combined with the much greater length of time during 1 The intervals are not exactly the same on either side of the meridian passage op account of the motion of the sun and moon in the heavens, but the inequality is not sufficient to be of importance in this connection, 144. R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodocity in Earthquakes of Assam, [No. 3, which the interval exceeds three hours, shows that in a general list of all the shocks the effect must be looked for between 3 and 4 hours on either side of midday and midnight. Further, as it is a common pheno- menon in nature that the maximum of effect lags behind the maximum of cause, it may be that the effect will not be found between 3 and 4 hours on either side of the meridian passages, but at some time after that epoch, Another effect which may be looked for, which follows from the consideration of the greater efficiency of the force when its rate of variation is greater, is that we may expect the number of shocks recorded during the day to be proportionately greater when the sun is more than 9° N., that is during the summer, and the night shocks to be proportionately more numerous during the winter, when the sun is more than 9° South of the equator. There is another supposition which must also be tested, that the effect, if any, of the tidal forces is not to be looked for in connection with the times when they attain their maximum, but with the times at which the rate of change, of amount and direction of the forces, is at its maximum. For any particular place the rate of change always reaches its maximum at 35 hours before and after the meridian passage, but along a great circle, passing through the place of observation and the place where the satellite is in the zenith, the maximum rate of ~ change is at 45° from the latter, and it will be useful to see what is the time interval for different declinations at which a circle 45° distant from this spot passes the place of observation. The result is given in the following table. II.—Times of passage of circles of maximum rate of change of the Tide- producing forces calculated for Lat. 26° N. Decl. Direct. Indirect. 12h + Oh + h. m. h. m. 26°N 3-22 —— 9°N 2-56 1-56 0° 2-33 2-33 9°S 1-56 2-56 26°S —— 3-22 It must be distinctly understood that the times given in this table are not those at which the rate of change is actually greatest, but those at which the rate is greatest, as measured along a different circle to the east and west one, along which the place of observation travels. In the solitary case where this place and the satellite are both on the equator the two agree, and in no other; but the table is useful, for the closer the 1902.] R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Rarthquakes of Assam, 145 value in the table approximates to 3 hours the greater is that rate of change, and the closer it lies to 0 h. or 12 h. the less is the rate of variation of the tide-producing forces. The passage of the circles of maximum vertical force is not subject to the same changes as that of the other circles, and never varies more than 1 h. 22 m. from six o’clock ; the effect of this force must therefore be looked for about that time in the morning and evening or somewhat later. Finally, it is necessary to notice one objection, which might be raised to the preceding passages, that the effect is not necessarily to be looked for at any fixed time before or after the meridian passage of the satellite, but that, for each place, there will be something equivalent to what is known as the “establishment” of a port in the case of marine tides, The objection, however, is not valid, for in this case we have not to do with free travelling waves, like that of the tides, which take a greater or less time to travel from the place where they originate to the place where they are felt, but with the direct effect of the stresses which produce the waves. These depend solely on the latitude of the place and the declination of the satellite, and for them there is nothing in any way analagous to the ‘“ establishment ” to be considered. III. Discussion or THE Data. After this preliminary exposition of what is to be looked for, we may pass on toa consideration of the results obtained. In the record discussed there are contained 1274 distinct shocks, and, on counting these, it was found that, in each hour of the twenty-four, the number of shocks recorded was as given in the tabular statement No. III, where all shocks recorded from 0 h. to 0 h. 59 m. are placed under 0, those between 1 h. and 1 h. 59 m. under J and so on. The most casual inspection of this table shows that the shocks are not at all uniformly distributed during the twenty-four hours, and that there is a great preponderance during the hours preceding mid- night, with a lesser increase towards 6 a.m. It may also be noted that the night shocks seem more numerous when the sun is more that 9° § and the day shocks when it is more than 9° N, but no proper compari- son is possible on account of the difference in the total number of shocks in each line. For comparison they must be brought all to the same ratio, and this may be done, either by calculating the percentage of the total number of shocks recorded in each hour, or more simply by dividing each figure by the mean value for the line; this gives a result showing the proportion of the number of shocks recorded in each hour to the average number for one hour. In this way we get the result shown in the next tabular statement. J. u. 19 146 R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Earthquakes of Assam. [No. 3, —_—_—_——— TIT 29-1 |2& -T}PT-T ¢0-4\06-1 |00-T LB.T |UL-T [46-1 PS.1)S9-T JOLT F6- |68- | 98. | S8-T/E6 - | 68. | Fg. 108. 130-1] $8. |O8- | LL- 22. |O8-1|L0-1 | 61-1) ZO-T |60-T | O8- | 09- 00-T jOT-1 |G6- | OT-T) S9- | G8. | 09. |O8- | S6- | OF | SZ. | OG. | O08. | OS-T] S6- | OL-1| SP-T| SF-T/S0.1 |¢8. L8- |(8 |PL- |Lh-1 |\LP-1] 09. | 12-TiPL. (66. | Z8. |L0-1| 09- | 20-1! L0-1/F6- | F1-1| 6. | F6- |S. | SE. 68-1 | 14. | 99- | 88- | €8. | 19. €6- | LL. |88- \6F-1 |99- |1G-1) Sg. |88. |9T-T/1Z-T |99. |IZ-1 | PP. | ZS-1 | 505 ee | eee ee Set ele lee | eek: Pel.) alee ‘¢ §y00ys ITV ee : s.6< “> S6°No6 . N.6 < ae -UOLYBULpIOG, oe sino ee ee ae ‘sunoy fig syvoyg fo uorngrysup agnu004.00d04g—' AT nae. | PLL |8S (06 |TZ j09 |OS |sh jOF TL |4h |Sh lsh jem leo jep lee ltr lop | oz | z¢ 119 | S¢ | 6¢ | oF] ge | c TeLOF, O8F |6U Ih |Fe [OS 03 [2G [6t jes jet |4t [@t [oT [ot |8 jst lot jot | og | Bt | 22 | 62 | 6s] Ia] Zt] S.6< gos j6l 12 |4t \6L |et |et |It |2e |2e |6 |st Itt [et ‘et let Ie lot | ot] etl] ozlerierigs |¢ fl So6-No6 98% log |se jog |IZ {Zt |FL |ot is @I (ef lef |9T {12 |@e (et lee Is ee | Fe | St-| 2B )-9T-| St tr] N.6< | | TN _ sONvUIlIEGg "IVLOL| ez | go | 12 | 02 | 6t | ST {| Zt | 9t | St | FT| et PBL) TE nOte 6: 8k Os ley Se Beeler 10 oN 8 uA sro. a | ~ "syooyg fo uoungrasip fyunoy— TT] "S.6 usyy e10w Be “DOgenIOSp OY} WoOYs GUIINIO SAOOS 10¥ OAIND OY} SI OUT] pezj0p ONY, "N.G WEY} CLOW SVAA TOI}VUI[OIp 8,UNS O43 TOTA Suraan090 BHROIOYS JO UOTgNQIIAsIp oq4 *Juopeador OUI] USROIG OY, *SAOOYS [|W WOIJ poulyzqo eaand | ¥19UET OY} BI OUT] BNONUIZUOD OU, ‘soqenby4a80 JO UOI4NQIIZSIP [VUIRIP JO BOAIND *T “SI Be BEVAUGAPS ath co aa 4 a ka D3 mile Bi ffi Bt us WX. UX XX XK IX WAX WX AX AX OW BW XK TILA ‘singy € JO suvew Aq payroows Aguanbesy yo eaina AjinoH 1O6I-ZERl UdesZowsies Bugs E 148 R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Earthquakes of Assam. [No. 3, Here we again see that the day shocks are proportionately more numerous when the sun has declination of more than 9°N. than when the sun is more than 9°S. of the equator, and that in the latter case the night shocks are proportionately more numerous than in the former. It is also evident, from the irregularity of distribution from hour to hour, that the number of shocks is not enough to give a near approach to the true curve, when plotted directly, and a process of smoothing has to be adopted. This has been done by adding together the number of shocks recorded during each group of three successive hours and, by re- garding them as grouped round the centre of the middle hour, obtain- ing a fresh series of hourly means, from which a great deal of the irregu- larity of the curve has disappeared. The result is represented graphi- cally in Fig. 1, so far as the shocks which occurred when the sun was more than 9° north and south of the equator respectively. From this curve it will be seen that as regards the shocks occurring about two hours before midnight there is little difference, but that for the rest of the twenty-four hours the curve for south declination is steadily above that for north declination throughout the twelve hours of the night, and below it for the day. Moreover there is a distinct maxi- mum in the earthquakes recorded round three hours after and two hours before midnight, while the earthquakes recorded near midnight are much more frequent than when the sun was more than 9° north of the equator. Turning to the shocks recorded when the sun was north of the equator, not only are they proportionately more numerous, than when it was south but there is again a distinct pair of maxima, shortly before and three hours after midday. Among the shocks recorded when the sun was within 9° of the equator we have maxima distinctly marked at about 5 hours after midnight and midday, another at about 2 hours before midnight and a less marked one at about 2 hours before midday. ' There is consequently an approach to what might be expected if the tide-producing forces caused by the attraction of the sun had their effect in determining the time of origin of earthquakes, but it is also evident that, if these forces have any effect, it is so small and so complicated by other causes, giving rise to a greater variation in frequency than they do, that it is necessary to adopt some method of discussion, which will more or less completely eliminate the effects of variation, other than those due to the tide-producing forces. The most obvious of these would be the conversion of the solar into lunar times. The moon moves through the heavens at a rate which brings it on the average about 50 minutes in advance of the sun for each day. If, then, we consider the interval between the two 1902.] R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Hurthquakes of Assam. 149 successive similar meridian passages of the moon as representing 24 lunar hours, and convert the recorded times into lunar times, it is obvious that, in a long series of observations, any irregularity of frequency, at any particular hour of solar time, will get spread over the whole of the lunar day, and in its place will be introduced any fresh irregularity due to the position of the moon. Now as the moon has twice the eflici- ency of the sun, as a tide producer, any irregularities due to the tide producing forces should be double as great as in the case of the sun. Unfortunately the test cannot be applied in this case as, on trial, it was found that the series of observations was not sufficiently long to eliminate the effect of the diurnal irregularities. This method of elimination failing, we must fall back on the recorded times, to see whether there is no other method of eliminat- ing the non-tidal diurnal variation, and a method appears which depends on the fact that, taking the year as a whole, the tidal effect is on the average the same all through, since the times of passage of the tidal circles during the six hours on either side of midnight are the same for a south declination as the times on either side of midday in the case of the same amount of north declination. If, then, we take the recorded frequency of shocks for each hour, write them down in two lines, placing those for the hour after midday under those for the hour after midnight and so on, and then add the two lines, we obtain a series of numbers representing the semi-diurnal curve of frequency. In this curve any diurnal periodicity, which is of a harmonic nature, is completely eliminated, aud any non-harmonic periodicity largely reduced in amount. On the other hand any semi- diurnal periodicity which is harmonic in character, or which, if not harmonic, has its irregularities similarly distributed with regard to midnight and midday, will be exaggerated ; that is to say the effect we are looking for will be increased, while that which we wish to elim- inate will be reduced, in amount. In the next tabular statement the process is illustrated as regards the total number of shocks, and four more lines given, showing the results obtained in the case of certain combinations of pie which will be referred to further on. 150 R. D. Oldham—Tidai Periodicity in Earthquakes of Assam. [No. 8, V.—Semidiurnal distribution of Shocks. 9 lo} 11 21 22 23 7 19 3 15 0 1 Hours. 12 13 2 14 4 16 5 17 6 18 8 20 All shocks 0 h. to 11 h. 33| 44) 59 55| 61) 57 79 40} 41) 42) 43) 54 Do. 12h.to23h. | 43} 43) 48 47; 71| 46) 48! 50} 60) 71; 90) 58 Sum | 76) 87 a 102; 132} 103 “e 90} 101) 113} 133) 112 Sum -~+ Mean | ‘72| *81)/ 1:01] °96) 1:26} °97/1:1)} °85) °95) 1°06] 1°25) 1°05 Day shocks >9° N. d | . a| | : ; : , Night shocke>9*s. §| & si l a 99/118) °84 1°11) °67/1°01| *87/1°52) 96. All shocks 9° N. to 9° S. 53) “87| °77) 1 20 161 84) °94) °97) °94 1:08] 1°14) 1-11 Day shocks>9° N. All shocks 9° N. 9° S. °69) °84/ 1°04) 1°08} 1°36] °84) 1°04) -80) -98| °95) 1°36) 1:02 Night shocks>9° S. Night shocks >9° N. Day shocks>9° §S. wr7| -77| -g4) +71 |1-00| f23) 1-26] -94) -94) 1°29! 1-08] 1-12 Here we see two very marked maxima, in the distribution of the shocks, one during the fifth hour after, the other during the second hour before, the meridian passage, and these maxima may be taken as grouped around 43 hours and 10} hours of the morning and afternoon. That is to say they both follow by 1; hours the epoch corresponding to three hours before and after the meridian passage, a time which corres- ponds more closely to the passage of the maximum rate of change of tidal force, than to that of the circle of maximum horizontal stress. If we turn to the next line in the table, representing the distribu- tion when the tide producing forces may be expected to be most effect- ive, we find the same features, except that the maximum following the meridian passage is less marked than that which precedes it, and that though the latter is proportionately greater than in the case of the whole number of shocks the former is less. The next line shows the distribution when the sun is within 9° of the Equator, when on the average the conditions—so far as the tide generating forces are concerned—are the same during the day as the night. Here we find the two maxima again, but it is that follow- ing the meridian passage which is most conspicuous, the other being small and ill defined. 1902.] R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Barthquakes of Assam. 151 The fact is that in both these cases the total number of shocks considered is too small to get an approach to a true average, and, in this small number of shocks, accidental variations of distribution may pro- duce an irregularity of the curve which exceeds its normal variation. To some extent this difficulty may be overcome. If we refer to the tables I and II, we will see that when the sun is within 9° of the equator, there is not a very great variation in the times of passage of the tidal circles as compared with the times of passage during the day when the sun is north, and during the night when it is south, of the equator. On the other hand the night when the sun is north, and the day when the sun is south, of the equator, show a much greater range of time in the passage of the circles and not only is the range of time greater and the effect consequently less conspicuous, but during part of the time the maximum of horizontal force is not felt at all, and during the rest of the time the passage is so oblique that the rate of change is slow and the tidal forces probably less effective. Excluding these shocks we may add together the two groups of shocks already considered and so obtain a larger one, in which the tidal effect is tolerably uniform. The résult is given in the table, and shown graphically in Fig. 2. Here it will be seen that the two maxima. preced- ing and following the meridian passage are both distinct, and exceed those obtained from the total number of shocks. Shillong Seismograph 1897-1901. Semidiurnal curve of frequency, al! | il il mt Vo. RW WM. ) ee mM Sun 33: N. Day All Shocks Kn oa oe nxn 9 N. 9 Ss aN eesesneneg {Sun SB mn Sun>9 5S. Night Sun 9 SDay Fig. 2. Semidiurnal curves of frequency. 152 R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Farthquakes of Assam. [No. 3, We have consequently the effect which was to be looked for if the frequency of earthquakes is influenced, either by the amount of the horizontal tide generating force, or by the rate of change of the tide generating forces, and the fact that this effect becomes more marked the larger the number of shocks—suitably distributed as regards time of occurrence— which are taken into consideration, lends support to the supposition that the apparent relation between cause and effect is a real one, Passing on to the last line, representing the night shocks when the declination is north and the day shocks when it is south, that is to say a time when the rate of variation of the tidal stresses is at its lowest and less effect to be looked for, we find that the marked maxima have disappeared, and that there is an almost equally distinct increase in frequency about six o’clock, that is at a time corresponding to the passage of the circles of maximum vertical force. This has the appearance of indicating that the purely vertical stresses have less influence than those which have a large element of horizontal stress, and that the effect of the former only becomes apparent when that of the latter becomes small. Too much stress must not, however, be attached to this conjecture, as the number of shocks dealt with is smaller than in any of the other combinations, and the possibility of fortuitous irregularities in the curve more probable in a corresponding degree, and besides this the effect here only lags half an hour behind the presumed cause, while in the case of the 45 and 10; hour maxima | it lags 1} hours behind the presumed cause. It appears then that the tidal stresses have a distinct effect in determining the time of origin of earthquakes, though their influence is small in proportion to other causes, but at the same time it is necessary to enter a caution that, though the facts in this case seem to support the conclusion, they are far from proving it. For proof a more extended series of observations are required, not only from Assam, but from other stations also, and even inthe record discussed in this paper there is reason to doubt the correctness of the conclusion, inasmuch as the effect found appears to be out of proportion to the cause invoked. When we consider that the maximum upward tidal force exerted by the moon is only 1/8, 450,000 of gravity, that this corresponds very closely to the difference in downward strain which would be produced by the removal or replacement of half a grain on a one-ton weight, that the maximum horizontal tide generating force is only three quarters of this, and finally that the tide generating forces set up by the sun are a little less than half of those set up by the moon, it is surprising that they should have any effect at all. On the other hand when we consider that these 1902.] R. D. Oldham—Tidal Periodicity in Earthquakes of Assam. 153 forces are sufficient to give rise to the tides, and that the difference between the spring tides and the neaps is due to the forces whose effect has been searched for in this paper, it is quite conceivable that they should not be without effect in determining the moment at which a gradually increasing strain becomes too great for the resistance, and the fracture is produced which gives rise to an earthquake. TV.—ConcLusions. From what has gone before we may draw the following conclusions. 1. That there was a very large variation in the diurnal distribu- tion of earthquakes in Assam during the years 1897-1901, shocks being most frequent between 10 and 1] p.M., and again between 6 and 7 A.M. This greater frequency is a real one and not merely due to a larger number of shocks happening to be recorded at those times. No satisfactory cause can be assigned for this irregularity of distribution, which must for the present be accepted as a fact true for a limited period and area. 2. Superimposed on this large and unexplained variation in frequency, there is a smaller variation which has the appearance of being due to the tidal stresses set up by the attraction of the sun. 5. If this smaller variation is really due to tidal stress, then the horizontal stress is much more efficient than the vertical stress, and the effect is less due to the amount of the stress than to the rate and range of its variation. 4, That these conclusions must be taken as purely provisional and require verification from a more extended series of observations. For their verification we require an instrumental record from some station within or near the tropics, where earthquakes are fairly frequent, and extending over 19 or 20 years. —TSeroEerro_r eS J. 11. 20 154 EF. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, XVI.—General Notes on Variation in Birdsx—By F. Fiyn, B.A., F.Z.8., Deputy Superintendent of the Indian Museum. cy Some STRIKING CASES OF VARIATION IN STRUCTURAL CHARACTERS. I have occasionally been able to note marked deviations instructure, which might conceivably have been useful in some cases. Thus I saw at a Pigeon show in Oxford, on October 23rd, 1891], a white Fantail Pigeon with the two inner front toes on each foot webbed, The abnormality is not common, but has been recorded by Darwin. (Animals and Plants under Domestication, Vol. I. p., 160). I obtained in Port Said in 1894 the feet of a common fowl with a long hallux like a Curassow’s but not apparently capable of flexion at the terminal joint, being more like the supernumerary hallux so often present in these birds—especially in Port Said specimens, where every gradation between this and the normal hallux may be seen. In Zanzibar, where the fowls are usually of the long-legged Malay type, I occasionally saw a very short-legged specimen with the usual long neck. As there are some breeds of fowls, e.g., the Japanese Bantam, wherein the legs are always very short, this is probably an easily per- petuated and abrupt variation. At a meeting of the British Ornithologists’ Club last year, Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier showed the head of a wild Rook (Corvus frugilequs) with a remarkably elongated beak approaching in form that of a Chough. The Chough itself (Graculus graculus) in confinement is liable to an elongation of the bill which is often very regular, and makes the beak resemble that of an Ibis. This might well occur in the wild state—as overgrowth of the upper chap is known todo in some birds—and be of service. The subjacent tissues may also penetrate the overgrowth of horn, for Mr. Rutledge found on attempting to cut back the overgrown bills of some Choughs that this could not be done, as blood was drawn in cutting off the first half inch. Recently I procured in the Calcutta Bazaar a common Quail (Coturniz communis), possessing on each foot five toes like a Dorking fowl. In each case, as so often happens in five-toed fowls, the true hallux was higher up the shank than usual. The upper supernumerary hallux was quite distinct, but shorter than the normal one, whereas in five-toed fowls it is usually longer. One only of these extra toes had a claw, but as it was loose on the other, and ultimately came off, it had 1992.] F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. 155 evidently become accidentally detached from one toe. An enlarged drawing of these fect is given below. (re) = ©, TL) wa a, O9, EAS & Wy 1S od fA Ga “i y LY 2 Five-rorp Freer or Common QUAIL. As five-toed birds do not occur as natural species, this instance may seem off the point, but it has its interest from the point of view of Analogous Variation. In the London Zoological Garden last year there was a male Curassow with the yellow nasal knob on the bill double, the extra part being somewhat out of line with the normal lump, and extending behind it. B. Some Conour-Variations In WILD Birps. The Garganey or Blue-winged Teal (Querquedula circia) is very liable to produce a pallid variation, in which the usual brown markings ave reproduced in a pale dun shade. These pale forms vary in pallor, but do not grade into the normal typé. Males and females are about equally affected. The irides of such birds are normal, but their bills and feet are flesh-coloured instead of slaty. A white Garganey I once saw as a skin seemed, however to have had dark bill and feet. Mr. E. C. S. Baker records (J.B.N.H.S., Vol. XII., p. 446), a Garganey with orange 156 F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, feet, with, I presume (as he says nothing to the contrary) normal plumage. After examining hundreds of both this species and the Common Teal - (Nettiwm crecca), I have never seen any variation in the latter. Snipe (Gallinago celestis and G. stenwra) frequently present pallid -forms, which, as in the Garganey, vary inter se but do not grade into the type. I was fortunate last winter in procuring, in addition to a pallid specimen of the Fantailed species, a Pintail Snipe, which was.a pied bird of remarkable aspect. The general plumage was normal, but the dark- streaked buff plumage of the fore-neck and breast was interrupted by a longitudinal white patch, and there was a great deal of white in both wings. The right wing had the first three primaries white, together with nearly all the wing-coverts of the outer part of the wing, forming a conspicuous patch. On the left wing all the primaries were white, and a still greater extent of the wing-coverts. The irides, bill and feet were normal, except that the toes were fleshy orange instead of olive- green like the shanks. (Ind, Mus. Reg. 24155, ¢.) I have thought it worthwhile to have this specimen figured (Plate VIII, fig. A), together with two pallid specimens of this species (G. stenura) (Plate VIII, figs. B, C) of different shades. Pallid forms of the Indian House-Crow (Corvus splendens) are not rare ; one of a pale fawn, with the face and wings darker, lived 15 years in the Calcutta Zoological Garden ; this had fleshy white bill and feet. Some rather similar specimens in the Indian Museum have, however, evidently had dark bills and feet. The white specimens we have have had fleshy white bills and feet, and this has been the case with all the white Jackdaws (Corvus monedula) I have seen in England; about half-a-dozen in all. (J believe, however, these white Jackdaws are a domesticated race). I have thrice in seven years secured pallid varieties of the Rain-Quail (Coturniz coromandelica), once only of the common Quail (C. communis), though this is more abundant in the Calcutta Market. These birds have always been hens, I have now got another hen Rain- Quail with all the primaries and their coverts, with the two outer feathers of bastard-wing, pure white in the left wing; on the right side, all the primaries but the fourth, ninth and tenth, with the distal primary coverts, were white, but bastard-wing normal. The centre of the throat and a patch on the fore-neck, were also white. (Reg. No. 24229). The irides, bill, and feet were normal. Grey or slate-coloured varieties are not common, but I have seen two such in the Jackdaw (Corvus monedula), one in the King-crow or Black Drongo (Dicrurus ater) and one in the Bengal Bulbul (Molpastes bengalensis). In the last-named bird the red under-tail-coverts persisted. 1902. ] F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. 157 Recently Mr. Rutledge obtained a pale ash-coloured House-crow (Corvus splendens), a young bird, with dark-lead-coloured bill and feet, and wings and taii faintly barred with darker grey than the ground-colour. White varieties are so well known as to need little comment; they are seldom pink-eyed like albino mammals. Red often persists in such ; I have seen an albino red-whiskered Bulbul (Otocompsa emeria) retain- ing the red “ whiskers ” and under-tail-coverts, and an albino Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) retaining the red face and yellow wing-bars. In India I have seen: two pale varieties of the crimson-breasted “Barbet or Coppersmith (Xantholema hematocephala), one in the Indian Museum, and one now alive at the Alipore Zoological Garden. In the former (Reg. No. B5031) the plumage is yellowish white except the primary-coverts and several quills from the sixth onwards, which are normal. The stiff glossy frontal feathers and breast patch are pale yellow instead of scarlet. The beak is yellowish white in the skin. In the latter, captured adult, the red of forehead, breast, and feet persists. The bill is flesh-coloured instead of black. The plumage is pale yellow, irregularly marked with green. It has not changed in moulting. The common Ring-Parroquet (Palxornis torquatus) frequently produces a yellow variety, in which the red bill in both sexes and red collar of the male persists, I have also seen, besides numerous green birds splashed with yellow, a bird of an even intermediate tint between yellow and green, Specimens shaded with green ona yellow ground are not uncommon. Mr. W. Rutledge knows of a case where two nor- mally coloured wild birds constantly produced a yellow brood. The large Ring-Parroquet and its races (Palzwornis nepalensis, §c.), is very rarely lutinistic; we have, however, in the Indian Museum a green-tinted lutino of the large-billed Andaman race still showing the red wing-patch. (Reg. No. 22071). The Rose-headed Parroquet (P. cyanocephala) is not infrequently yellow, when the head is pink (as in specimen 23981, Ind. Mus. Reg.). In the Indian Museum there is a specimen of the Blue-crowned Hanging Parroquet (Loriculus galgulus) with primaries nearly all yellow and many other yellow feathers. The bill is black as in the normal birds, but the blue patch on the head is replaced by a faint red one. (Reg. No. B. 342). I once, in England, saw a wild Song-Thrush (Tardus musicus) with the tip of the tail regularly white; but it had an abnormal-look- ing patch of white on one wing also. The Calcutta Zoological Garden once possessed a Cotical or Crow- Pheasant (Centropus sinensis) with bill and feet normally black, normal 158 F. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, red irides and chestnut wings, and all the rest of the plumage white, where it should have been black. In the Museum is a pale dun bird of this species with pale chestnut wings, and the two central tail feathers decidedly fibrous and loose in texture. (Reg. No. B. 7220 procured in Purneah 1871). Mr. Rutledge recently had a dun-coloured male Koél (Hudynamis honorata) with fleshy-white bill and feet, but normal eyes. Its plumage faded before moulting, to cream-colour, like a dun pigeon’s, the new feathers being strikingly darker. I have discussed the question of the white-headed form of the Ruff (Pavoncella pugnax leucoprora) in J.A.S.B., Pt. II, 1902, p. 82. Both the living Ruffs mentioned there assumed pure white ruffs and ear-tufts this year ; but one had a rufous-marked back, and the other— with the white tertiaries—a grizzled one. C. Reversion to Norman Contour 1n ABNORMAL VARIETIES. A much-prized albino or lutino specimen, taken in that condition, often disappoints its owner by moulting out into the normal colour. Mr. W. Rutledge tells me that this is always liable to happen unless the individual has pink eyes or an abnormally white bill or feet. I have seen entire or partial resumption of the normal colour in two House-Mynahs (Acridotheres tristis), and a Babbler (Crateropus canorus) in his possession. (See paper on Variation above quoted, J.A.S.B. 1902, also Bateson, Materials for the Study of Variation, p. 43, foot note 2). Pallid specimens are also liable to revert in this way. A male cream-coloured sparrow I recently obtained put out new feathers of a nearly normal colour, and I have seen a skin of the House-Mynah in the same condition. The grey Bengal Bulbul above alluded to, however, has never reverted ; its bill and feet are normally black, as were those of the two grey Jackdaws mentioned with it. The same phenomenon has occurred in the case of melanism. A Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) found as a black nestling in an otherwise normal brood, attained on moulting ordinary female plumage (Howard Saunders, Manual of British Birds, p. 188, ed. 1889). It seems to me that such facts as these furnish a simple explana- tion of the case of those Herons which are white only in youth. VARIATIONS IN RELATION OF ImMaTURE TO ADULT PLUMAGE. Darwin gives several cases of this on Blyth’s authority, and I can add a few myself. The skin of a young Crow-Pheasant (Centropus sinensis) in the Indian Museum (Reg. No. 11265 from Bhowra) already shows in per- 1902. ] F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. 159 fection the rich blue-black body and chestnut wings of the adult, instead of the usual barred plumage of immaturity. Birds resembling the adult in everything except in being duller are quite common. The young of the King-crow (Dicrurus ater) and the small -Indian Cormorant (Phalacrocorax javanicus) are supposed to be mottled with white beneath, but all the nestlings I have seen in Calcutta have been black like adults. Yet the Dicruwrws does undoubtedly have a white- spotted immature plumage, and some young Cormorants I reared after- wards moulted out mottled below, so that apparently a reversion may take place at the moult. Similarly, the young Pied Hornbills (Anthracoceros albirostris) fre- quently sold here are always coloured like the adult; but one I knew of moulted out in confinement with white tips and bars to the feathers; a white-barred feathering being given as the young plumage of the closely-allied A..coronatus by Parker (Blanford, F.B.I. Birds, Vol. IIL, p. 145). The young of the common Mynah (deridotheres tristis), normally resemble the adult except in being duller, but I have seen two with brown heads instead of black; this is much more common in the young of the allied Bank Mynah (4. ginginianus). The young females of the Golden-backed Woodpecker (Brachypternus aurantius), are described as having a black forehead, whereas that of the old bird is spotted with white. Often, however, young hens occur in which the forehead is spotted, sometimes as clearly as an adalt’s. D. VARIATION IN PREPOTENCY. The silver-grey gander mentioned in the note on the variations of the Gray Goose was an example of spontaneous prepotency. Such a variation in the wild state might easily have produced the white and partially white males in the sexually dimorphic species of the genus Chloéphaga ; C. hybrida—the Rock-Goose of Darwin—and C. magellanica, the fami- liar Magellan Goose of waterfowl fanciers, the Upland Goose of the Origin of Species, and a third species barely distinct specifically from CO. magellanica—C. dispar, in which the male is barred beneath like the female. The species C. rubidiceps, which is extremely like a small female of C magellanica, may be taken as one in which no variation in the direc- tion of gray-and-white ganders has appeared, or if it did occur, has not been perpetuated by natural or sexual selection. I have come upon some curious instances of the opposite attribute to prepotency in pigeons. In 1894°'I crossed a well-developed and fully- adult Black Fantail Cock with a young and hitherto unmated Homer 160 F. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, hen. The Fantail had 33 tail-feathers, the Homer of course only the usual twelve. Yet the pair of mongrel squabs which resulted from their union had only 14 and 15 tail-feathers respectively. I may mention that the Homer hen’s subsequent offspring by a cock of her own breed showed no trace of the Fantail; indeed, were telegony better established than it is, so weak a sire could hardly be expected to produce any telegonic phenomena. A similar case was the failure of the Silver chequer Homer hen, paired to a Blue chequer, to reproduce any offspring of her own colour, either directly or in the second generation, as recorded in Nature, June 12th, 1902, p. 157. 7 E. PROGRESSIVE VARIATION, Cases of a variation carrying on the line of development of a species are probably much commoner than is supposed, the attention of natura- lists having hitherto been fixed rather on reversionary types than progressive ones. (Of. Bateson; Materials for the Study of Variation, p. 307). Such a case is the tendency to extension of the green ocellated spots in a skin of a male Polyplectron bicalcaratwm (Malay Peacock- Pheasant) described by me recently from a skin (unfortunately a poor specimen) in the Indian Museum. (Reg. No. 21344), In this the black speckling on the upper back is in groups of spots in certain feathers, richly glossed with green, forming rudimentary ocelli in a non-ocellated region; and the black patches of the outer webs of the lower tail coverts are green-glossed to some extent, thus approaching ocelli in quite another way. (Nature, Vol. LXV., p, 367). Another example is afforded by the Gold-backed Woodpecker (Brachypternus aurantius), whose orange-yellow back frequently shows a strong admixture of red, as I have often observed in young birds at all events. (See also Blanford, #.B.I. Birds, Vol. ITI, p. 50). The Bronze-Cap Teal (Hunetta falcata), which has of late years been invading India in unusual numbers, was so common last winter 1901-1902 in the Bazaar that I secured no less than a dozen specimens, most of them females. Among these I noticed one with a strong green gloss on the head; one with a tail as purely grey as a male’s, and one with a tail as distinctly barred as a female Gadwall’s, there being thus two cases of progressive as against one of reversionary variation. The dull male of the Gadwall (Chaulelasmus streperus) closely allied to this species, sometimes shows a green gloss on the head (see Hume ; Game-birds of India, Vol. IIT, p. 186): I have never seen this myself, but have seen one with a plum-coloured gloss. 1902.) F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. 161 The peculiar Teal of the Andamans (Nettiwm albigulare) is now frequently white all over the face, whereas in Hume’s time it was exceptional for the white eye-ring and white loral patch to join, and nothing is said by Count Salvadori in the British Musewm Catalogue (Vol. XXVII., p. 257) about any extension of the white. The heads of a normal (Reg. No, 18671) and a white-faced (Reg. No. 18671) bird are figured, from a photograph, in Plate IX. The white-faced specimen was one procured as many as twelve years ago, so that the variety existed then; but it is now quite frequent, though not always so white in face as the bird figured; this specimen is a male, as also is the normal bird shown with it. F. VARIATION DIRECTLY INDUCED BY CONFINEMENT. This is not nearly so common as currently believed among ornitho- logists, and most of the variations which do occur among birds kept in captivity are well-known and recorded. In‘ male birds of the Finch family which have a carmine or pink colour in their plumage, this hue is not stable, but usually disappears after the first moult in a cage, as I have often seen. In the Linnet (Acanthis cannabina) the red on head and breast leaves no trace at all; the same is the case with the Hastern race when kept in India (A. cannabina fringilltrostris). The Redpoll (A. rufescens) loses the red on the breast and rump entirely ; that on the crown changes to greenish-gold. The Rose-finch (Carpodacus erythrinus) changes the general carmine hue of its plumage to dull ochreous yellow. The Sepoy-finch (Haematospiza sipahi) offers a curious case; it is allied to the Rose-finch, but is a brilliant scarlet, not carmine at all; yet a bird which died half through the moult in Calcutta, had changed, where the feathers had come out newly, to bright yellow. The Bull-finch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) is very liable to become dull in the red colour; and sometimes turns completely black, usually owing to a too free use of hemp-seed. But this may occur without the bird having tasted any, and also in a wild bird (see above p. 158). Melanism is also common in captive Bulbuls; I have seen it in the Bengal Red-vented species (Molpastes bengalensis) the white-cheeked (Otocompsa leucogenys) and the white-eared (Molpustes leucotis) in which last I have seen it combined with albinism in the same individual. The Gold-finch (Carduelis carduelis) kept under unfavourable conditions, is liable to have its red face become dull orange. The Red Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) becomes dull red if not kept out of doors in a good light; this has happened in Caleutta. J. u. 2) 162 ¥. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, The common Troupial (Icterus vulgaris) becomes yellow from amber in confinement if the conditions are unfavourable. The Pekin Robin ( Liothrix luteus) is apt to fade as to its orange, yellow, and green tones in confinement; it is also liable, in the plains of India at all events, to melanism, becoming either irregularly splashed with jet-black, or regularly washed or clouded with a dark smoky hue, as if it had bathed in ink. Both these variations occurred in two birds out of about a couple of dozen kept under exactly the same conditions in Calcutta. Their companions manifested no dislike to them. The Rosy Starling (Pastor roseus) in confinement in Europe fades to a dirty cream-colour; in India it gets clouded with black, black edgings appearing on the feathers. A bird of mine, deposited at the Calcutta Zoological Gardens, and treated in the same way as about a dozen others, became almost completely black. The bird was in good condi- tion, with the plumage glossy and sleek, and the colour looked quite natural. As these birds are always quarrelling, it was not easy to make out how its companions regarded it. A pair of Striated Finches (Uroloncha striata) kept by a friend of mine in England in an out-door aviary many years ago became during one season heavily mottled with black all over the white belly ; but they afterwards reverted to the normal colour. Conversely, a Biack-backed Porphyrio (Porphyrio calvus) at present in the Caleutta Zoological Garden has on one occasion moulted out with — all the black parts mottled with white; but it has since become, and remained, black again. A male Red Dove (Turtur tranquebaricus) in the same garden, living under the same conditions as many others of the same species and sex, became nearly all white over the normally vinous red part of the plumage. One of many specimens of Turtur damarensis brought by me to the London Zoological Garden in 1892, had last year (1901) when I saw them become very largely white in big patches.* The male Golden Oriole (Oriolus galbula) of Europe, according to Bechstein, never retains its full yellow hue in confinement, but reverts to the streaky green plumage of the female. The red summer plumage of the barred-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) is not always assumed in confinement, for of a pair in the London Zoological Gardens last year (1901) the male was in red colour, but the female showed no sign of it. * By some accident these birds have never been registered in the Zoological Society’ s list, but I am quite certain about the species; I took specimens of the live Pigeons ! brought home, to Count T. Salvadori who kindly identified them, being then at work on the group for the British Museum Catalogue of Birds. 1902. F. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. 163 Similarly, the adult female Scarlet Ibises (Hudocimus ruber) in the Calcutta Zoological Gardens always remain of a rich salmon-pink, while the male shows stains of scarlet in places in the spring. A young female bred in these gardens moulted out white feathers at first from her brown immature dress, whereas a young male’s first adult plumage came out pink. Some of the hens kept in Calcutta, on the other hand, assume in the _ breeding season a goitre-like enlargement of the throat; this never occurs in the cock. The fact that the species here remains red at all is noteworthy, as in Europe it becomes very pale, getting more so at each moult, whereas our adult birds here have remained equally bright for years. The legs of Finches which in the wild state are black, become usually fleshy white after moulting in confinement, as is well known to fanciers in the common Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis). 1 find the same thing happens with the Himalayan Goldfinch (C. caniceps) when kept in Calcutta, also with the Eastern race of the Linnet (Acanthis hinaria fringillirostris). The toes are first affected. G. PATHOLOGICAL VARIATION. In the cases above-mentioned, the birds seem to be healthy, but when a bird is in poor health, certain variations present themselves which are more or less constant and definable. They may occur under domestication or in the wild state, but are naturally more frequently observed in the former case, since a sickly bird cannot survive long in nature. Baldness in certain places is very common; the lores, and in bad cases the whole space round the eye, are apt to become bald in the domestic Duck and its ancestor the Mallard, in unhealthy surroundings, as when confined in a coop. The nearly allied Spotted-bill (Anas pecilorhyncha) does not suffer in this way, nor does any other Duck so far as I know. Baldness round the eyes also occurs in the Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and sometimes in the Rosy Starling (Pastor roseus). In the latter species I have seen one or two birds affected while the rest, treated in exactly the same way, were exempt. The head of a tamed specimen of the Jungle Mynah (thsiopsar fuscus), which has become bald-faced while living at perfect liberty, is figured below. The resemblance to the normal state of affairs in the adult Rook (Corvus frugtlegus), is obvious, and suggests a hereditary incapacity to retain the facial plumage in that species. 164 F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. (No. 3, Heap or JUNGLE Mynau, ABNORMALLY BARE IN FACE. The rump becomes bald in many birds, and the tail-coverts and lesser wing-coverts drop out. Baldness over the whole head frequently occurs in caged birds ; and I have seen it in a wild House Mynah (Acridotheres tristis) more than once. In this case the whole bare skin of the head was bright yellow like the skin round the eye, which is normally bare in this species. In caged House-Mynahs in England (but not in India) I have seen this circum-ocular skin faded to white, while the bill and feet remained yellow. The white facial skin characterizes the young bird naturally. A Cassowary (Casuarius galeatus) at the London Zoological Gardens last year (1901) showed a large amount of irregular naked skin on the back, which was coloured pink and blue, in faint imitation of the hues of the bare-head and neck, In a Cassowary which recently died at the Calcutta Zoological Garden I found to my surprise that the skin on the body was dull white like human skin. ; The overgrowth of the bill, claws, and scales of the shank is patho- logical, and is not necessarily due to old age or absence of wear, which caunot affect the scales of the shank. I have seen a Canary become very scaly-legged in its second year, while another, ten years old, had feet and legs as smooth as a bird of the year. The feathers frequently become more or less reverted, as in frizzled fowls, in wild gallinaceous birds kept entirely under cover; this I have seen in India in several species of Pheasants and Quails. In one case a single hen Pheasant (the species was Phasianus torquatus) was affected, while a cock and several other hens, kept under the same conditions, were not. H. Sponraneous VARIATION UNDER DOMESTICATION. While Darwin has very fully and completely gone into the question of the extent of the modifications which can be effected by selective breeding, little attention seems to have been paid to the range of spon- taneous variation in birds under domestication, the material, in fact, on 1902,] F. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. 165 which breeders have had to work. I shall therefore take a number of domestic or protected species in detail, and discuss the colour-variations to which each appears to be subject without the intervention of selection. Tue Canary (Serinus serinus canaria). Dr. Bowdler Sharpe in The British Museum Catalogue of Birds, treats the Wild Canary of the Atlantic islands as an insular form of the European Serinfinch (Serinus serinus); it differs from this continental bird in darker colouration and longer tail. It varies much when not bred systematically. Birds of the wild colour, called green in the fancy, are common ; they are often mistaken by people not well-acquainted with Canaries for Mules or hybrids. They are the strongest in constitution. Yellow birds or lutinos are, as is well known, the commonest. They may be either “ buff,” z.e., pale whitish yellow, or “ yellow,” which is bright yellow. If “ yellow”’ birds are continually paired, the offspring is scanty in feather. A pallid form is not rare, in which the plumage is pale brown with slightly darker streaks; this is the “cinnamon” of the fancy. Once I have seen specimens of a dark brown form among common singing Canaries in England, These birds, although undoubtedly pure-bred Canaries, showed in one or two instances no trace of green or yellow, being simply warm brown with dark streaks, and looking rather like hen linnets. - White canaries have. recently been bred. (Feathered World, June 1L3th, 1902, p. 10389.) . I have read of grey forms, but have never seen any such. Pied birds are very common; the marking is commonly asymmetrical. The parts most prone to exhibit dark feathers in light-pied birds are the secondary quills, feathers round the eye, and two outer tail- feathers. Dark-pied birds run to white in the tail. Cinnamons may be pied, but no gradation seems to occur between-cinnamon and green, I have once or twice seen green birds among Chinese specimens with the central part of the quills and tail marked with yellow as in the Greenfinch. A male Green Canary I once knew for several years began to show yellow about the head with advancing age. The bills and feet, of Canaries are horny in the green, and fleshy- white in the light-coloured types. The-retention of the dark colour in the legs is noteworthy, considering the evanescence of this in wild- caught captive Finches of other species. In view of the variability of the tame Canary, the nealleweng opposite instances in allied Finches are interesting :— Mr. G. C. Swailes (Avicultwral Magazine, Vol. I., 1894-95, p. 118) gives his experience with the Twite in confinement (Aaninthis flavirostris). A pied cock, about half-white, and a pure white hen, being paired, produced five young ; the only two reared were both normally coloured. 166 F. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, “This”’ says Mr. Swailes, “‘ I expected, as I have reared a large number during the past few years from both white, pied, and cinnamon Lesser Red-polls, and have in-bred them, but have never had one vary in the least from the normal colour.” Tue Java Spakrow (Munia oryzivora) of the Kast-Indian Archipel- ago has long been domesticated in Japan, and tame and wild specimens are now both commonly kept as cage-birds. It is not a variable bird in its wild state; 1 have never seen any variation in wild birds of the species, nor has Mr. W. Rutledge in his very large experience. The tame-bred Japanese birds may either be pure white or pied with the normal colour. The dark colouring in this case is confined to the upper plumage as a rule, but is not very regular. The head is almost always pure white, and the tail also. The bill, feet, and eyelids are normal. Dr. A.G. Butler, who has bred the white variety, found that a young bird he reared was grey above till its first moult; paired with a normally coloured cock (which it did not desert for white ones) it produced two young like its own first plumage, one like a young wild bird, and two intermediate, allin the same brood. (Foreign Finches in captivity, p. 262). Mr. F. Groser, who has also bred both forms in Calcutta, tells me that they kept distinct whenever they could find mates of their own colour. The tame white birds are larger and stronger than the wild type. They are more phlegmatic, but also more spiteful; the small sexual distinction, in the stouter and larger head and bill of the male, is more marked. The song of the white birds is quite different, according to Dr. Butler. Tue SuHare-Taitep. Fincw (Uroloncha acuticauda) of Hastern Asia has also long been domesticated in Japan, and its tame forms are the ‘“* Bengalee ” of English fanciers. Dr. A.G. Butler, who in his Foreign Finches in Captivily beautifully figures the three tame varieties, con- siders with the late J. Abrahams that this little domestic Finch origi- nated in a cross between the Striated Finch (Uvroloncha striatu) and the Indian Silver-bill (Aidemosyne malaharica). I cannot agree with this, as my observation of these birds leads me to conclude they are simply derivatives of the Sharp-tailed Finch (Urolonchu acuticauda) ; I have never seen one resembling the Silver-bill or the Striated Finch, and all three species are well known to me in life as well as in the skin. The late Dr. K. Russ, the greatest authority on small birds in captivity, gave Uroloncha acuticauda asthe ancestor of the domestic bird. Some tame forms resemble the type, but they are generally pied with white, the amount of this colour varying from a few white feathers to complete 1902. ] F, Finn--General Notes on Variation in Birds. 167 whiteness. The pied markings are irregular and unnatural-looking. There is a cinnamon form, showing the markings of the dark-brown type on a fawn-coloured ground. This is generally pied with white, grading, as the dark-pied birds do, into complete whiteness, and pied irregularly like them. Pure white birds are less common than pied ones, but more so than dark-brown typical or pure cinnamon birds. There is no intergradation between the brown and cinnamon forms. The bill and legs vary as in the Canary; they are normally coloured in normal or nearly normal types, fleshy white in cinnamon, white, and light-pied forms The upper chap may be black and the lower fleshy white, in correspondence with the head-marking., The cinnamon and white forms are smaller than the dark-brown ones. THe ConnareD Dove (Turtur risorius). The exact origin of the domestic Turtle-dove is unknown ; its varieties are of three types. The ordinary form is creamy-fawn with drab primaries and white tips to the tail-feathers except the central pair; a half-collar on the nape and the proximal half of all the tail-feathers below are black. The bill is black, the iris red, the feet purple-red, and the eyelids creamy- white. The sexes are similar, though the cocks are almost impercep- tibly lighter about the head. The young have no distinct collar, have fleshy-coloured bills and paler red feet. This form does not vary more than a wild bird, and English- and Indian-bred specimens are alike, There is also a white form with a flesh-coloured bill and paler red eyes; the pupil is often red (non-pigmented) in these. This may have a dark collar, but is generally without it. There is an intermediate form, coloured generally as in the common type, but with the primaries white, collar drab, all tail feathers white but the two central, which are buff, and grey at base of tail below instead of black. The bill in this form is flesh-coloured and the irides light red as in the white birds, I have only seen this in India. . Mr. D. Ezra, to whom I showed birds of this intermediate form tells me he got somewhat similar birds by crossing the white and black- collared fawn types. He is sure they were not pied or splashed as Pigeons often are, I have seen in cages of these Doves specimens of a drab colour with with dark ring, identical in plumage with the wild T. dowraca of India, but in the absence of opportunities of studying these individuals I cannot say whether they were tame or wild specimens ; I think the latter. THe Rock-Piaron (Columba livia and intermedia) has been so long bred selectively that it is nota good species on which to study 168 F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. (No. 3, spontaneous variation, since it is hard to find it ina really unselected state. Both the Western and Eastern forms produce chequered indivi- duals when wild. By studying Pigeons not selected for colour, or living in a semi- feral state, asin towns where they pick up their living in the streets, the following leading types are evideut :— (a) Asin wild type; common, but not the most numerous. -(b) Silver, a pallid form, greyish cream-colour with the wing-bars and tail-tip dark drab; bill flesh-colour. Not uncommon. Correct for many breeds. (c) Blue-chequer, with the back and wing-coverts mottled with black ; very common; in fact the most numerous in semi-feral pigeons, and also oceurring frequently among birds in a perfectly wild state. (d) Silver-chequer, the corresponding marking in cream and drab, — (e) A sandy-red form with grayish white primaries, ramp and tail ; very common. Often the wings are chequered with whitish, when the bird is a red chequer, (f) Silver-dun; a sort of ashy-grey, with dark-reddish-brown neck and wing-bars ; no tail-bar ; very common, (g) Black, of a dull slaty shade, very common. (h) Pure white ; rare. Intermediate sisal and splashed fe are numerous, generally asymmetrical ; the quills and tail are often more or less white, or again may be markedly darker than the body when ‘this is or white. In this case the marking is symmetrical, but ill-defined. Blue and black, blue and blue chequer, and blue chequer and black, grade into each other commonly; but not, asa rule at all events, any of the blue shades with red or silver ; nor do these last grade into black as a rule. The beak is fleshy-white in lght forms, the feet and eyes remain- ing normal, except in whites, where the eyes are dark Sy bull” of the fancy). The pigeon certainly shows convincingly what can be done by careful selection of structural variations, for in its feral state it is not by any means a structurally variable bird. In form a lot of feral pigeons are as uniform as most wild birds, and much more so than some species. THE BupcGericar (Melopsitiacus undulatus). This little Australian Parrakeet, known in books as the Undulated Grass-Parrakeet, has been exported only during the last half-century, and many are still brought over ; but it is largely bred in captivity. In domestication the usual colour is the typical one, but three varie- tal forms occur, 1902. ] F. Finn— General Notes on Variation in Birds, 169 One isa pallid form, of a general greenish-yellow tint with the dark markings faintly indicated ; the blue cheek spots are present in full development. I have seen at least five of this form. Another is a pure lutino, clear uniform yellow throughout, with pink eyes. I have seen two of this type. Two blue specimens, in each case the offspring of pollo Poe have been known. (J. Abrahams, vide Mr. R. Phillipps, Avicultural Magazine, Vol. VIIL., 1902, p. 75.) One or other of the first two is being fixed by breeders, but I eee say to which form the “Yellow Budgerigars” so often advertised belong. _I have seen no pied, splashed, or otherwise intermediate forms. Tue Buur Mountatn Lortxeet (Trichoglossus swainsont) was bred yearly for about four years previous to 1890, at the Blackpool Aqua- rium and Menagerie, according to Mr. W. Osbaldeston (Avicultural Magazine, Vol. VIII., p. 167, 1902). Mr. Osbaldeston, after giving an account of the conditions under which the birds were kept, says “One year a very curious, handsome, ‘sportively’ plumaged bird was reared. The head was red with lacings of white, and the shonlders were tinted with green. The greater portions of all other parts of wings, body, and tail were of a bright chrome yellow, intermixed with green feathers here and there; and the tail feathers were tipped with red ; making a really handsome, showy, and rare bird. It was a young bird in, May 1891, and was alive some three years afterwads_ to my knowledge. I went many times to look at and admire this rare-feath- ered Lorikeet. . . On one occasion, I noticed that its claws had grown very long. It was always kept in the same cage with the others.” : Tae Parasant (Phasianus colchicus) has been more or less artificial- ly cared for ever since the time of the Romans, and so may be fairly reckoned a protected bird. Its variations fall into two main types :— The pallid ‘“ Bohemian” form, in which the cock’s ground-colour is a lustreless buff, with the usual dark edgings to the feathers and dark neck almost devoid of gloss. f can find no account of the hen. The white form, which is found in both sexes. Intermediates between Bohemian and. normal seem not to occur. White-pied birds: are common; the white marking is irregular and mostly confined to the upper surface. Pied birds will produce their like if paired, and will give some pied offspring with normal birds ; but a white and a normal bird will not usually produce pieds, though some whites may be bred from such a mating. (Tegetmeier, Pheasants for Coverts and Aviaries, 3rd edition, 1897, p. 150), White specimens are weaker than normal. J. 1, 22 170 F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, THe Gotpen Pareasant (Chrysolophus pictus) of China has been bred in confinement over a century. It is generally true to the type, but a variety, the Black- throated Gold Pheasant, is known (C. pictus obscurus of Schlegel) in which the cock’s cheeks and throat are dark brown instead of buff, and the scapulars blackish instead of bright red, while all the tail-feathers are barred, the central ones with the rest. The hen of this.form is darker than that of the type, as also are the chicks. It is believed to bea variation which has arisen in captivity, as it is only known in that state. As the Amherst Pheasant (0. amherstiz) the only near relative of the Golden species, has a dark throat and barred central tail-feathers, the peculiarities of this form seem to be more probably due to a ‘reversion to the ancestral type of the genus than to an approach to melanism. _ Mr. P. Castang, the well-known wild-fowl dealer of Leadenhall market, tells me that this variety used to be more common, but was not liked, on account of its dull appearance. Tur. Sirver PHEasant (Gennaeus nycthemerus) has given no varia- tions in captivity. _ Tur Fowt (Gallus gallus) is obviously excessively variable in colour- — ation. As I showed some time ago (Nature, Jan. 30, 1902, p. 297) the characteristic colours of all except the highly specialized pencilled, laced and spangled breeds occur in common Indian Bazaar fowls. I stated on this occasion that the colouration of rufous with a black tail was not recognized as correct for any breed in hens, but in making this statement I overlooked the Nankeen Bantam breed, in which both sexes are thus coloured. This colouration is perhaps the commonest met with in domestic poultry allowed to interbreed freely. _A few more details may here be added :— The colour of the legs and feet in unselected fowls varies much, being fleshy-white, blue-grey, black, yellow, or olive-green (‘‘ willow ” of the fancy). The only intermediate form which occurs is the black- mottled white or yellow accepted for Hondans and Anconas respectively The ear-lobe, as in the wild bird, varies from red to white; it may present a combination of the two colours. Creamy-yellow ear-lobes also occur. The ear-lobe is blue in the dark-skinned “ Silky ” breed. The bill is dark as in the wild bird except in birds which have white or yellow legs, in which case the bill is of the same colour, some- times marked along the ridge with black. The naked skin of the comb and face, &c., is unifermly red as a rule, whereas the wild-bird’s face is flesh-coloured. A dark purple face may occur, as in the Brown-Red Game, which is hence called 1902.] F, Finn— General Notes on Variation in Birds. 171 _ “ gipsy-faced.” The whole skin, as is well-known, is dark in the Silky breed, as is also in this case the periosteum of the bones. This breed has white plumage, but usually dark-faced fowls are dark-feathered also. I have never seen a dark-faced cock in India except, of course, a ** Silley.” . The comb in mongrel fowls is usually single; but rose-combs often occur, and pea-combs less commonly. The single comb is always larger than inthe Jungle-fow], and higher and more arched in outline in the cocks. The wattles are also larger, and are developed in the hens, which is not usually the case in the wild bird. Small crests and a muff of feathers on the throat occur in mongrel fowls of both sexes, but not together asa rule. Tame hens are also often spurred, which is rarely the case in the Jungle-fowl, though Blyth obtained such a specimen. The legs and feet are always larger and coarser in tame fowls than in wild, and the tail is carried more erect. The wattles may be occasionally aborted, and a median dewlap take their place. This tends to be the case in the Indian Aseel or fight- ing-cock ; and in two fighting-cocks of a larger breed, from Saigon, I saw at Mr. Rutledge’s establishment some time back, not only were the wattles absent and replaced by a dewlap, but there were no earlobes either. ‘Their combs were small and non-serrated, and as the neck and head were all bare and red, the general appearance strikingly recalled that of a Condor (Sarcorhamphus gryphus). Tue Puacock (Pavo cristatus) varies at times in its wild state in India. Mr. Hume (Game-birds and Wild-fowl of India, Vol. I., p. 89) records, on Sanderson’s authority, two hens of a dirty yellow. Mr. W. Rutledge once received a cock of the colour of a new copper coin, - as he described it. Most tame Peafowl conform to the ordinary wild type. White specimens are not rare, with fleshy-white bills and feet. Pied specimens are also not uncommon ; the colouration, though not quite regular, and unlike a natural marking, follows certain rules, the neck, pri- mary quills and belly being white, and the rest of the plumage coloured. Most important of all is the Japan or Black-winged form (Pave nigripennis of Sclater) in which the male has all the wing, except the primaries, black, glossed at the edges with blue and green; the primaries are chestnut with clouding of black along the shaft and edge. The thighs are also black in this form, and the train more glossed with copper than in the type. The hen in this variety is white with the upper surface grizzled with black, and longitudinal central black splashes on the rump- feathers ; the tail is black, and the primaries chestnut as in the male. The feet are fleshy-white in both sexes. 172 F. Finn—General: Notes on Variation in. Birds. [No. 8, - The young are all white-in the down and first feather, with a pink fush. en the. wings ; but the youug cocks soon become: dark. The. variety hag been. abundantly shown: ‘by Darwin to arise in either sex as a sport from. the type in domestication; it seems in one-instance. to have occur- red wild. It is smaller and weaker than typical birds, and not a match for them.; yet, when tly are allowed to interbreed indiscriminately the black-winged: form: swamps the other. Mr. Castang tells me. that black- winged birds will throw back to the type, but generally speaking the variety breeds true. , ‘Tue Guines-row. (Numida meleagris), although so recently domes- ticated, varies a. great deal. I have. discussed the colour-variations in Nature (June 5th, 1902, p. 126). Since then I have seen two or three of a type L had only previously seen in one pied bird, i.c., lavender without spots. I find self-coloured birds of this type have barred primaries like the dark-purplish self-coloured birds. Mr. L. Wright (loc. cit. infra) says that pied birds are the result of crossing white and coloured specimens. There is also a form with white ground-colour and dark spots, but this Ihave never seen. (L. Wright’s Illustrated Book of Poultry, Cassell & Co., 1890, p- 011). In all the forms the white of the lower cheeks invades most of the sides. of the head and neck; and in most birds, even the normally coloured ones, the toes and more or less of the shanks are orange yellow. The white of the face also often invades the wattles, and both these and the face may be stained. with blue. The loose naked skin of the throat is much more developed in Indian than in English Guinea-fowls, often forming a dewlap an inch deep, and frequently coloured a bright sky-blue instead of dull purple. i I procured some time ago a normally-coloured male specimen with a pendulous throat-tuft of feathers coloured like the adjacent feathered part of the neck, of a plain purplish-slate. Tue Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) of Mexico was found domesticated when the Spaniards invaded America, and very soon was kept in Europe. It has not been bred selectively till lately. The colour-variations in domestication are few and well-defined. The typical bronze form is not very common in Europe; and in India I have only seen it once in seven years’ residence. This bird in colour exactly. resembled the plate of this species in Elliot’s Monograph of the Phasianide. The commonest: type is one in which the bronze part of the plumage is replaced by black, bronze only in certain lights, the brown and white markings being retained. The pure black form is also not uncommon, 1902. ] F.. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds, 173 A. white form with the body and tail-feathers. subterminally barred with, black in a very regular manner is not infrequent; the primaries in this are smoky-black on the inner and white on the outer web, not barred as one would expect. Pure white, fawn, and: grey varieties occur in. Hurope, but apparently not in India. | The legs of dark forms of domestic birds are horn-colour, nob pink as in the wild bird ; in light forms they are. pinky-white. _ The occurrence of a downy crest in tame Turkeys has. been discussed by Darwin ; [ have-never come across an instance. The tame Turkey shows a distinct increase in the size of the naked head. processes. and carunculations as compared with the wild bird; and the tame Turkeys of India, as Blyth long ago remarked, similarly show a marked increase of development of these parts as compared with European domestic specimens. The feet are also coarser than in the wild bird. Tue Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) of Central Europe and Asia has been tame for many centuries in Hurope, but has practically lived the life of a wild. bird, largely shifting for itself, and often, when left unpinioned, reverting to the wild state, so that its exact natural range is doubtful. The species has continued true to type except for the production of one. well-marked. variety :— The Polish Swan (Cygnus tmmutabilis of Vivwtighh. In this the plumage is white at all ages; and the nestling-down is white. The feet are flesh- or clay-coloured instead of black, and the frontal knob is smaller. Sometimes the cygnets are fawn-coloured in this form. The variety is known to be propagated truly for at least one genera- tion. It has occurred in a wild or feral] condition, and has been bred from the ordinary type both in England and of late years on the continent. Intermediate forms occur, for the characters are not sufficiently constant to allow of this type ranking as a species, to say nothing of its origin. Those few specimens which I have seen were, however, all readily recognizable and typical. The variation is not recorded to be at all sexually limited. THe Muscovy Duck (Catrina moschata) of Tropical America, was, like the Turkey, found in a domesticated state by the Spaniards, but it also exists wild. Domestic birds are often nearly true to the wild type, but seldom completely so, as they usually show a few white feathers about the head. The head. and upper neck are often grizzled throughout with black and white, ending very definitely, while the rest of the body remains normal. Pied birds are common, the black being usually mostly restricted to the crest, back, and tail, but the marking is not very regular. The 174 F. Finn—General Notes on Vuriation in Birds. [No. 3, primaries are always white in pied birds. A variety with white body and black crest occurs, and has been fixed as the “ Peruvian ”’ breed. A slate-grey variety occurs, but is rare. Pure black and pure white specimens are not uncommon. The bill and feet in the latter are pale sickly yellow, and the irides light blue, instead of the usual orange-brown. The bill and feet remain normal in most birds, but the terminal portion of the toes and webs are often pale yellow in pied birds, the rest of the hmb remaining normal. The bare face of the drake varies much in extent and development, being either moderate and smooth, or excessively carunculated. It is sometimes nearly all black instead of red, even in white birds. The duck has the bare face and carunculations like the drake, but on a smaller scale, and the development varies similarly. | The form is often heavy and clumsy, but the birds can generally fly, and often display a strong perching instinct. Tue Grey-Lac Goose (Anser ferus) of the temperate parts of the Old World is the oldest of all domesticated birds, a white tame variety having been known in the days of Homer. Itis unusually variable in the wild state, according to Mr. Hume (Game Birds of India, Vol. III, pp. 68, 64). Ihave not noticed the variations he mentions, the com- paratively few birds I have seen having been very uniform, but I have several times seen a slight difference of colour which he does not appear to have found, viz., the nail of the bill being horn-coloured instead of white. . Mr. J. G. Millais (Wild-fowler in Scotland, p. 31) records a white Grey-lag which for four winters frequented the Tay Valley with others of its species—thison the authority of a Mr. C. M. Innes, who ultimately wounded but lost it. This goose has varied very little in colour, presenting only the following types :— (a) Resembling the wild form ; correct for Toulouse breed. (bv) Silver-grey ; only known as a sport in Toulouse ganders. The case, a8 reported by a well-known water-fowl breeder, Mr. J. K. Fowler, in Mr. L. Wright’s Illustrated Book of Poultry (Cassell & Co., 1890), p. 559, is so important that it may be given in full :—“ Some time ago I bought for a change of blood a fine gander from a celebrated fancier, which differed from my own strain in colour, being of a beautiful silver- grey instead of dark like my own, though otherwise the markings were exactly similar. I bred from him that year some splendid stock, which all took after their maternal relatives in colour with one exception, consisting of a gander, which came of exactly the same hue as his sire. Since that time, in each succeeding year, I find one or two—seldom a ae a Ss ae ee a os | _ 1902.) F. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. 175 more—come silver-grey ; and strange to say, they are always ganders, and generally remarkably fine, and superior to their brothers. I have never yet bred a single goose of this lighter shade.” (c) Pure white, correct for Embden and Sebastopol breeds. (ad) Sandy-coloured ; never seen by me. ‘“ Sandy-coloured (common) geese are not infrequent in some parts.” (Rev. Dr. Goodacre on The Question of the Identity of Species of the Common Domestic and the Chinese Goose, P.Z.S., 1879, p. 711.) The bill and feet in all tame birds are usually orange, but still a ‘good many have flesh-coloured feet. The irides are dark except in white or light-pied birds, wherein they are blue. Pied intermediates are common, ranging from white-quilled birds to the more common type of white body with grey neck and head, patch on back, and one on each flank. Ganders are almost always white in rough-bred geese ; seldom grey, and still more seldom pied. Mr. Hewitt found that in crossing the Embden and Toulouse, for which he preferred females of the latter and a male of the former, that the goslings came “ ‘saddle-backed’ in the feather, with the head and upper portion of the neck grey, and a patch of the same colour on the thighs, the whole of the remainder of the plumage being white. Sin- gularly enough, the majority of the young ganders and a fair proportion of the geese thus bred are slightly crested, though this pecnliarity is not possessed by either parent.” (Cassell’s Illustrated Book of Poultry, p. 562.) Tame geese are much heavier in build than wild, but can fly. THe Ping-rooteD Goose (Anser brachyrhynchus) produces a variety with the feet and band across the bill orange instead of pink in the wild state (see Sir R, Payne-Gallwey, Letters to Young Shooters, p. 69, foot-note). The same variation occurs in semi-domestication. Mr. Cecil Smith, in Mr. H. HE. Dresser’s Birds of Europe (pp. 71, 72, published i878), writes :— “My original pair were perfectly true Pink-footed Geese, there being no suspicion of orange about the bill or legs and feet of either ; the colour on these parts, however, became very pale and faded after the breeding-season, and continued so long into the autumn, but to- wards the end of autumn it got much brighter, the colour being most intense at the beginning of the breeding-season ; it is the same with those of their young which have orange legs and bills. This pair hatched three young in 1872; of these only one reached maturity, The leg, and bills of the young were all alike, very dark olive-green, showing no trace of pink as long as they were in the down; bunt soon after they began to.assume their feathers the colour on the legs and bills began to disclose itself, and those parts in the only survivor of this brood were 176 F,. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, and still are orange. Since. then the old ones have bred every year, some of the young having orange legs and bills, and some pink like their parents. This year the first orange-legged one, a female, had a brood, some of which had orange and some pink bills and legs. I have never seen any mixture of the colours, the legs and bill being either bright orange or bright pink ; there seems to be no gradation between the two. As to the bills, the dark portion (that is, the nail and the base) rethains the same whether the other part is orange or pink; in fact, the only part of the bill that shows any change is the part which in the Pink- footed Goose is usually pink.” | THE CHINESE Goose (Cyqnopsis cygnoides) of Kastern Asia has long been domesticated in China and has been known as a tame bird in Europe for more than a century. This Goose as usually seen in England shows two varieties. One in which the colour of the wild type is preserved throughout, and a pure white type, with bill as well as feet orange. I do not remember seeing intermediate pied forms, which no doubt occur. The bill is shorter than in the wild type, and at the base there is a fleshy knob, level with the forehead above, and noticeably better- developed in the male. The form is of course heavier than would be the case in a wild bird. | The species can be modified to a greater extent, for the large Swa- tow breed, while typical in colour, has a very large knob, a pendulons feathered dewlap and abdominal fold. A smaller lighter breed is imported to India from China, inferior in size to the type and much darker and greyer in colour, with the feet as well as the bill black, only just tinged with orange. There is no gular or abdominal flap, but the frontal knob is well developed, and the beak short. The geese kept in India were considered by Blyth to be hybrids between the Chinese and the common goose, but so far as I have seen they show, in colour at all events, no trace of the latter. Their colour is not very often completely normal, as they frequently show some orange at the base of the beak, a white band of feathers round the base of the upper mandible, and a more or less perfect white belt across the breast. White birds are as described above. Pied birds are common, and usnally have the dark colour on the back, flanks, and head. They are just as often ganders as geese, so that white is not sexually limited in this race. | | er, | aa The nasal knob is never very large, and grades into complete absence. Two young specimens imported direct from China, and normally coloured, had each a small round tuft at the back of the head. 1902. ] F, Finn— General Notes on Variation in Birds. 177 The Manuarp (Anas boschas) of the Northern Hemisphere has been domesticated since the beginning of the Christian era, and has given rise to several distinct breeds. It varies to some extent when wild, and a great deal in an unselected condition, as when kept in India; the varieties are best considered separately as to sex. The leading variations in drakes are as follows :— (a) As in wild type; rare ; correct for Rouen breed. (b) As above, but no bay breast or white collar, the pencilled-grey of the under-surface running up to the green neck; common; said to supervene with old age in domesticated birds of recent wild stock. (c) As in wild type, but bay of breast running clondily along flanks ; common, (d) Black with a white patch on breast. (e) Blue grey but with the usual markings ; breast warm brown. (f) Pure white; correct for Aylesbury, White Call, and Pekin breeds, the last-named being tinged with yellow. Intermediate types are very common, generally irregularly mark- ed ; the breast is the first part to show abnormal white feathering, then the wings. I have never seen a pure black duck among mongrel Indian birds. | One pied type recurs so frequently, in various colours, that it deserves special mention. In this the head, breast and shoulders, and hinder part of body are coloured, the rest white. This is the correct marking for the new Indian Runner breed, in which the coloured part of the plumage must be fawn in tint. As in the fowl, the female varies more than the male :— (a) As in wild type; rare. | (b) As above, but light and dark head-markings obsolete, all head being uniformly speckled ; speculum often whitish or brown like rest of wing. (c) As in wild type, but lighter; throat and eyebrows white, belly shading into white ; speculum normal ; common. | (d) As in wild type, but ground-colour much darker, rich warm brown, correct for female of Rouen breed; common, (e) Black with white patch on breast; speculum often whitish ; common, (f) Blue-grey, often with dark edgings to the feather; not uncommon, (g) Pure white ; correct for Aylesbury and other white breeds. (h) White, with coloured speculum and some dark colour on rest of wings. Drakes are never marked like this. The intermediate types are very numerous; the markings in pied J. u. 23 178 F. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, ducks are the same as in pied drakes, which is remarkable when the great natural difference between the sexes is considered. For instance, the type with white neck, wings, and belly, and coloured head, breast and stern, corresponds closely with the drake so marked, and is correct for the female of Indian Runners. The colour of the bill varies much; the iris, however, is not noticeably variable, being always dark as in the wild form. The legs and feet are always orange except in black and dark black-pied birds, where they are black or black with orange toes respectively ; I have also seen some light brown types with dark olive feet, in females. The female’s beak is extremely variable, usually a mixture of orange and black in varying proportions; but it may be black-and-slate in the — darker and some of the lighter types. In white birds it is generally orange, but should be fleshy white in the Aylesbury, a colour not seen in Indian mongrels. The drake’s bill varies much as the duck’s, being most commonly yellow or orange, often pied with black at the ridge and base. I never saw dark olive legs in a drake ; except in black or black-pied birds they are always orange. The legs and general form are always coarse. The Ostricn (Struthio camelus) has been domesticated for thirty years in Cape Colony (Mr. C. Schreiner, Zoologist, 4th series, Vol. L., 1897, pp. 99, 100). An abrupt variation occurs in the colour of the naked skin, which is fleshy in some individuals, and grey of a dark or light shade in others. This difference of skin colouration is the main point relied upon to distinguish the various wild races now ranked as species. The plumage of the cocks varies from jet-black to rusty brown, the latter hue predominating in the moister coast districts. They may . be more or less spotted with white, and in some the body feathers are curled. The hens vary from dark rich brown to light brown, grey, or ash; they may have wing and tail-plumes white, or be barred with white; and a male-plumaged specimen was in Mr. Schreiner’s possession. TI. Moran VARIABILITY. Variation in disposition is very familiar to bird fanciers, and as examples I may perhaps be allowed to detail some observations I made recently on two members of the Babbler group (Timeliidae or Cratero- podidae) the Red-billed Liothrix (Liothria luteus) and the striated Reed- Babbler (Argya earliz). IT hada couple of dozen of the former and one of the latter in a large cage together. Before the Babbler had been many days in the cage I began to notice the Liothrix often tickling and scratching its head, as 4 "4 ae > Le Sa ey FS — eo 1902. ] F. Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. 179 they habitually do to each other, but the recipient of this kind attention did not try to return it. After a little time I introduced eight more Reed-Babblers into the cage, six adults and two young birds. They fraternized with each other and the other member of their species, but before long I had to remove one bird, a young one, for bullying the Liothrix. Twice I caught it holding a Liothrix by the nape and keeping it suspended in thé air as it perched, in one case the victim losing many of its feathers on escap- ing. It also drove tke Liothrix from the food in sheer wantonness, whereas the other Babblers displayed no such selfish spirit. The bird was amicable enough with members of its own species. The Liothrix bore no grudge against these for the bad behaviour of their compatriot, for after its removal I saw one of them caressing one of the remaining Reed-Babblers in the usual way. But I never saw these take any trouble to return the compliment, any more than did the solitary indi- vidual. However, I did not long keep them in the company of smaller birds. The Liothrix itself varies in temperament, although usually to be described as tame though nervous, harmless and good-natured; of the two dozen birds alluded to, one, a fine male with a large stout bill and somewhat clouded with black below (4) was inquisitive, always coming near me when I approach the cage; but he would not usually take food from my fingers. He was fonder of seed than any of the rest, and was not mischievous, though well able to hold his own. The others did not dislike him on account of his colour variation, unsightly as it was. Very likely his fondness for seed was responsible for the change. | Another bird (B) also a male, witha very short bill, was tame, would feed from the fingers, and was slightly inclined to be mischievous. When I put in an unfledged Paradise Flycatcher (T'erpsiphone paradisz), this specimen made several attempts to pull it off the perch by the tail. B was not spiteful, but A, in spite of his bigger beak, was afraid of him. A third male (C) normally coloured, with largish bill, was very tame, alighted on a food tray while I had it in my hand, and would peck from my fingers. It pecked several times at the head of the young Flycatcher above alluded to, and also bullied a young Tailorbird (Ortho- tomus sutorius) I put in experimentally. The second bird mentioned made no attempt to molest this little creature, in spite of his inhospitable behaviour towards the Flycatcher a few days previously. Nor did most of the other specimens touch either young bird, so that the interference was unusual in this species. On one occasion I saw C mischievously jerking and pulling B by the tail, while another was combing B’s feathers. 180 F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, Here, then, we have in two species of the same natural group con- siderable variation in disposition, both individual and specific. J. VARIATION IN Mentat PoweErs. Tt is familiar to bird-fanciers that some individuals of a species learn to speak or sing with greater facility than others. In talking Hill-Mynahs (Hulabes intermedia) and Parrots of vari- ous species everyone must have noticed how few specimens can clearly enunciate words. I have only seen two of the above Mynahs which I should call good talkers, and one of these was more perfect than the -other. Sex may be supposed to make some difference, but two out of the only three clearly-speaking Parrots I have known were females; these were a red-and-yellow Macaw (Ara macao) and a common Ring-necked Indian Parrakeet (Palxornis torquatus). The other was an African grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) whose sex I do not know. | I also noticed in a brood of young Cormorants (Phalacrocorax javanicus) I reared some years ago, that one was so tame that I could carry it about on my hand, while another was so wild and vicious that it was difficult to handle it at all. Two young Bayas or Weavers (Ploceus atrigula) which I recently reared varied exceedingly in intellectual powers. Both were confiding, but one was also nervous and stupid, dashing off in aimless flights, and when coming to me settling some- times on my nose; while the other’s excursions were much more purposeful, and it would freely alight on my head or shoulder, or on those of others, hardly ever trying to settle on the face. K. VARIATION IN TASTE. A few instances of special preferences or the reverse in diet seem worth recording. Mr. Meldrum of this city tells me that a Bhimraj (Dissemurus paradiseus) in his possession will not eat cockroaches; the specimens I have kept have usually done so readily, although supplied, as his bird is, with other insects. I have noted above (p. 179) inone Liothrix (Z. luteus) out of two dozen kept under the same conditions, a strong appetite for canary-seed. I have heard of a pair which ultimately killed themselves by too much indulgence in this article of food, although they had a choice. Sexual variations in taste have been fully dealt with by Darwin, and it is plain that individual inclination to breed outside the species frequently occurs. (Descent of Man, 2nd edition, 1899, pp. 414, 415). The aversion to particular males, however, often alluded to, is very 1902. ] F, Finn—General Notes on Variation in Birds. 181 probably due in many cases to the male in question not being strong enough to coerce a refractory female. Darwin mentions this (Descent of Man, second edition, 1899, p. 417) with regard to the fowl ; and in ' the case of the Pigeon and Canary, the more frequent occurrence of the phenomenon seems to be connected with the greater equality of the sexes. I once witnessed a case in which a male domestic collared dove (Turtur risorvus) confined in a hutch with a recently wild caught Turtle- dove (T. auritus) female, bullied the unfortunate bird till she was nearly scalped, with the result that ultimately she laid, although no young were hatched from the eggs, Had she been the stronger bird, this would certainly not have happened ; I have seen a female Muscovy duck repulse ignominiously a male common drake which tried to pair with her. The converse case, of a cock strongly objecting to a particular hen, has been recently recorded with the fowl by (Bateson, Royal Society Reports to the Evolution Committee, I., 1902, p. 100). L. VARIATION IN HABITs. Some habits of birds, such as the method of showing off to the female, of manipulating food—with or without the use of the feet—seem remarkably constant, but the ordinary way of living is subject to considerable variation. Darwin and Wallace have given a good deal of evidence on this head, and perhaps it will not be considered out of place if a little more be added. The Pariah-kite of India (Milvus govinda), habitually takes cooked vegetable food in default of meat, such as boiled rice, bread, &e. The White-breasted Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis), a bird of varied general feeding-habits, as it takes both fish and land-animals such as earthworms, occasionally practises piracy ; one which haunts the tank in the Museum grounds has taken to robbing the Dabchicks (Podicipes albipennis) living there of their fish ; I have seen it make several attempts, one at least successfully. The King-crow (Dicrurus ater) of India, although usually preying for itself, also practises piracy at times; and though normally insect- ivorous, it will also attack small birds and fish. The Indian House-crow (Corvus splendens), though usually carrying objects with its beak like Passerine birds generally, may be occasionally seen carrying something in its feet hike a bird of prey. As the object is always according to my experience, valueless, a leaf, bit of dry cow- dung, or a stick, it would seem that the prudence of the crow prevents the bird from experimenting on articles of food in this way, lest they be lost. 182 F. Finn— General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, This crow certainly does learn new habits; those at the Museum are afraid to fish things out of the tank, but down by the Hooghly they take objects off water readily. At the Grand Hotel in Calcutta they have learnt to catch food on the nies owing to being fed by residents © in this way. Mr. A. L. Butler observed in the Andamans one indivaeaae of the Chestnut-headed Bee-eater (Melittophagus swinhott) capturing small beetles while clinging to a bank, while others of the species were hawking insects on the wing in the ordinary way. (Journ. B.N.HLS., Vol. XII, p. 561). I had a common domestic drake which learned to fly up and perch on a seat in company with two Muscovy ducks kept with him. His general power of flight also improved much by his association with these birds, which, as usual with the species, were much more powerful and ready with their wings than common ducks. Rai R. B. Sanyal Bahadur records that some Wigeons (Mareca penelope) and White-eyed Pochards (Nyroca africana) kept in an aviary with many other birds learned in this way to fly up to the perches and sit there. (Hand-book to the Munagement of Animals in Captivity im Lower Bengal, p. 309, Calcutta, 1892).* I observed that some common Teal (Nettiwm crecca) sonia in an- other aviary at the same garden (Calcutta) used to perch on the narrow ridges of nest-boxes. This was also in all probability an acquired habit, as this Teal seems never to perch when wild. No other non-perching ducks in the same aviary acquired the habit, not even the Garganeys (Querquedula circia), nor the Wigeons or White-eyed Pochards, though perching ducks were confined with them. CONCLUSIONS. In most of this paper I have merely tried to record some facts which may be useful to students of variation, but with regard to the facts concerning the range of variation in domesticated birds given in Section H. (p. 164), the following conclusions seem justifiable :— Domestication seems not to induce variation directly ; it merely gives varietal individuals a better chance of surviving and multiplying, and of producing secondary varieties by crossing with each other or with the type. The frequent occurrence of varieties in the wild state shows that the tendency to produce them is there just as strongly. Were domestication to act in inducing variability by the change of conditions, we should expect to find our protected species varying more * The writer includes the Mandarin Duck (A. galericulata) as one of the species that acquired the perching habit; but this bird is natarally a percher. 1902. | EF. Finn— General Notes on Variation in Birds. 183 in proportion as they were more unnaturally treated. But this is not the case; the Java Sparrow and Collared Dove, bred for generations in small cages, do not vary more than wild birds ; whereas the Pheasant, which lives almost a completely natural life, is more variable than these. Climate does not directly induce colour-variation. The same colours constantly. recur in domestic birds in Europe and in India, without variation in intensity. But some types of colouration may be absent altogether in one or the other country. Here an indirect action of climate, weeding out colours which are correlated with an unsuitable constitution, may be reasonably suspected. For so soon as a correlation between colour and some.constitutional quality is detected, it will probably be found that selection steps in even in domesticated birds not bred for colour. Fighting cocks are very variable in colour, being judged solely by courage and prowess in the pit, and hence not selected deliberately for colour-points. Yet the quasi-natural selection to which they are exposed seems to act in sup- pressing some few colours; cuckoo-coloured (barred-grey) birds—so common among unselected fowls—were rare in English fighting game, and I have never seen a cuckoo-coloured Aseel or Indian game-cock. In this breed, which is even more courageous than the English game, and has to fight under more trying conditions, the range of colour is alto- gether more limited than among English birds; the hen, for instance, is never of the wild “ partridge”’ colour, and very rarely shows any approach to it, though the cock usually has some likeness to the male of Gallus gallus, the Red-Jungle Cock, his ancestor. On the other hand, the duck, domesticated in so unnatural a climate as that of India, shows much the same variations as it does in England, Kvery species we have taken under our protection varies in its own way; the two tame geese, Grey and Chinese, so nearly allied that they produce a fertile hybrid, have not an identical range of variation. The variations of domestic birds have mostly an abnormal and unnatural appearance, like casual variations among wild forms; this may in some cases be explained. For instance, most domestic species produce a white variety, and albinoes are common among wild birds; yet these are usually unfitted for the struggle for existence on account of their colour, and accordingly we find few white species. Those we do find may reasonably be supposed to have originated as albinistic sports ; in the family where white species are commonest—the Herons— we still find yet other species which commonly produce temporary or permanent albinoes. A bird with the primary quills only white at once looks unnatural, and yet it is an extremely common variation among both tame and wild birds. Examination of the white quills, either in 184 F, Finn— General Notes on Variation in Birds. [No. 3, 190%. pied or pure white varieties, will very commonly show them soft and abraded at the tips, a serious matter for a wild bird. Accordingly we find that white-quilled species, like white ones, are almost alvrs large and strong, and well able to defend themselves. Why no species is mottled or splashed or irregularly pied, as tame forms and varieties commonly are, is less easy to understand. But the fact that constitutional disturbance seems to cause a bird to become temporarily so marked, may afford a clue. Such birds may be weak in constitution, and unfitted to live in a wild state. The hens do not appear to object to them, witness the case given by Darwin of Sir R. Heron’s pied. Peacock, and that of the pied Black bird recorded by Mr. Bucknill in his Birds of Surrey. This latter was evidently weakly , his whiteness increased with age, and he died from natural causes. At the same time, some species seem incapable of producing mot- tled or irregularly pied varieties; I have never seen such in the Turkey or Collared Dove, and the Guinea-fowl is never mottled or splashed, although its pied markings are not quite as regular as a wild bird’s, The Canary, on the other hand, is particularly prone to be asymmetrical and irregular in its markings, as also is the Pigeon. The tendency of so many domestic birds to become coarse ‘and heavy. looking, especially marked in the Water-fowl, is probably due to the adding up of small variations in that direction ; these would, especially on birds performing long and perilous migrations, be weeded out in each generation ; but if allowed to breed, would, in accordance with a tendency well-known to fanciers, produce offspring coarser and heavier even than themselves, till a conspicuous difference in appearance resulted. It is possible that the tendency to the increased production of fleshy ‘out-growths, like the combs and wattles of poultry, is connected with this assumption of a coarse habit of body; but it must be remembered that such processes are peculiarly susceptible to external influences and constitutional changes, and, hence, if the environment is ever proved to produce an inherited effect on any bird, might be expected to show this effect early and conspicuously. NS PLATE Vit. BABAX LANCEOLATUS, PARUS PALUSTRIS. PLATE VIII. VARIATIONS OF PINTAIL SNIPE (Gallinago stenura), Awe. - |X. NETTIUM ALBIGULARE. A. Normal form. B. White faced variety, ‘ x a ct ee ee ee INDEX. Names of New Genera and Species have an Asterisk (*) prefixed, Abelmoschus, 18 Abisara echerius, 20 », fraterna, 20 » prunosa, 20 Abrus, 22, 23 Abutilon, 18 Acacia, 9, 25 AcaANTHACES, 15, 16, 18 Acanthis cannabina, 161 vs by fringillirostris, 161 » flavirostris, 165 » linaria fringillirostris, 168 » rufescens, 161 Achlyodes Sura, 32 Achyranthes, 15 Acidalia hyperbius, 19 Acridotheres ginginianus, 159 a tristis, 81, 158, 159, 164 Adenanthera, 9 Adenia, 49, 51, 52 » acuminata, 52, 55 » cardiophylla, 52, 53 » nicobarica, 52 » populifolia var. pentamera, 52, 54 » singaporeana, 62, 55 trilobata, 52 Adina cordifolia, 14 Adolias phemius, 12 » sancara, 12 Aegialitis dubia, 131 Aegithina tiphia, 126 Aegle, 29 Aeschynomene, 26 Aisculus indica, 24 Aethiopsar fuscus, 81, 163 Agathisanthes javanica, 80 Aidemosyne malabarica, 166 Ai galericulata, 182 Alangium, 72, 76 oa costata, 78 a decapetalum, 77 5 ebenaceum, 76, 78 rd glandulosa, 77 a hevapetalum, 77 - Lamarckii, 76 rs » var. glandulosa, 77 - latifolium, '77 49 nobile, 76, 79 | Antiaris, 30 | Antidesma, 24 Alangium Ridleyi, 76, 78 5 sundanum, 77 a tomentosum, 77 a uniloculare, 76, 77 Albizzia, 9, 26 ALCEDINIDAE, 129 Alcibiades, 30 Alcurus striatus, 126 Allophylus Cobbe, 32 Alseodaphne, 80, 31 Alysicarpus, 22 AMARANTACEA, 15 Amathusia phidippus, 1, 2 AMATHUSIINAE, 8 Amblypodia deva, 23 s jangala, 24 . lohita, 24 Amomum, 38, 34 Anas boschas, 177 » pecilorhyncha, 163 Andrapana columella, 14 - singa, 14 Anictoclea Grahamiana, 47 Anona, 31 ANONACEA, 31 Anosia erippus menippe, 3, 4 » menippe, 4 | Anser brachyrhynchus, 175 », ferus, 174 | Anthracoceros albirostris, 130, 159 coronatus, 159 Antigonus sura, 32 Antirrhinwm Orontiwm, 15 Apatura bolina, 17 » carniba, 11 » misippus, 18 » parisatis, 11 » parysatis, 11 » (Rohana) parysatis, 11 Aphnzus lohita, 24 95 zebrinus, 24 = BE oclis alpina, 43 a Gollani, 42 pe aes 5, 6, Appias albina, 27 Ara macao, 180 128 Arachnechthra asiatica, 129 Arboricola intermedia, 131 Arctocarpus, 31 Ardisia, 20,22 Areca, 82 Argya earlii, 178 » gularis, 125 Argynnis childrenr, 19 = erymanthis, 18 3 hyperbius, 19 Ae ntphe, 19 Argyreia, 24 Aristolochia, 28 ARISTOLOCHIACES, 28 Artemisia, 17 ASCLEPIADES, 3, 4, 5 Asclepias, 3,4 - curassavica, 4 ASIONIDA, 130 Asticopterus olivascens, 32 ¥s salsala, 33 ss (Iambryz) salsala, 33 Astictopterus olivascens, 32 stellifer, 32 Atella ’phalanta, 18 » phalantha, 18 Athene brama, 130 Athyma asita, 14 » bahula, 14 » leucothoé, 15 » nefte, 14 » perius, 138,15 », selenophora, 14 sulpitia, 13 Babaw lanceolatus, 121, 125 * 4, Woods, 125 Bambusa, 33, 34 ” Sp.; 7, 8, 9 Baoris assamensis, 35 » narosa, 35 » oceia, 34 Barleria, 15, 16 Begonia, 46, 57,64, 66 RA andamensis, 57, 60 » bombycina, 59 » borneensis, 65 »» cespitosa, 62 » coriacea, 62 * ,, debilis, 57, 60 » elongata, 60 * 4, Forbesii, 57, 58 » guttata, 57, 60, 61 » Hasskarliana, 62 » Hasskarlii, 57, 62 » hernandizfolia, 62 * ,, Herveyana, 58, 63 » wsoptera, 57, 58, 59 » isopteroidea, 57, 59 », Kunstleriana, 57, 63 5, Lowiana, 58, 67 » Masxwelliana, 58, 66 * ke * Index. a Ns megaptera, 66 » megapteroidea, 58,65, 66 * 4, paupercula, 58, 64, 65 » peltata, 62 * 5 perakensis, 58, 64 * 4, praeclara, 58, 66 » vrepanda, 59 * 5 Scortechinii, 57, 62, 63 » sinuata, 57, 59, 60, 61 » subrotunda, 60 * 4, thaipingensis, 57, 61 1, Thomsonit, 68 », tuberosa, 66 » varians, 61 * ,, venusta, 58, 65 » Wrayi, 59 BEGONIACE, 46, 56 Bhringa remifer, 127 BIXINE®, 18, 19 Blumea, 17 Bos sondaicus, 132 Brachypternus aurantius, 159, 160 Brassica, 28 BucEROTID, 1380 Bupleurum, 70 Butastur teesa, 130 Butea, 22, 23 Caduga, 5 » stta, 5 » tytia, 5 Cesalpinia, 9 Cairina moschata, 173 Cajanus, 23 Calamus, 32, 33 Calotropis, 3, 4, 5 CALYCIFLORA, 46 Calysisme horsfieldii, 6 5 mineus, 6 Camena deva, 23 Cami, 25 CAPITONIDA, 129 CAPPARIDE, 27, 28 Capparis, 27, 28 CAPRIFOLIACES, 13 Caprona alida, 32 A elwesit, 32 a syrichthus var., 32 Cardinalis cardinalis, 161 Carduelis caniceps, 163 © carduelis, 157 161, 163 Carduus, 17 Carpodacus erythrinus, 161 Caryota, 32 Cassia, 26 Casuarius galeatus, 164 Catachrysops strabo, 22 Catochrysops cnejus, 23 os strabo, 22, 23 Catopsilia catilla, 2 “ chryseis, 26 + crocale, 2, 25 Index. 129 Catopsilia pyranthe, 26 Carvus splendens, 156, 157, 181 Celtis, 11 Coturnia communis, 154, 156 Centropus sinensis, 180, 157, 158 » ~ coromandelica, 156 Ceratostachya arborea, 80 Orastia, 5 Ceropegea, 4 Cervus Duvauceli, 135 » wnicolor, 185 » feldert, 5 » frauenfeldi, 5 » frauenfeldi, 5 Ceryle varia, 129 » godartii, 5 Cethosia biblis, 18 9 kinbergi, 5 Chapra mathias, 35 » lorquint, 5 CHARADRIID, 131 Crataeva, 27 Charazes athamas, 9 | CRATEROPODIDA, 124, 178 “5 bernardus, 9, 10 Crateropus canorus, 158 » polyxena, 11 Crithmum indicum, 69 (Iraota) mexcenas, 23 » ( 4, )tsmoleon, 23 = (Lehera) Eryn, 24 (Rapala) orseis, 25 Diadema mena, 11 DicruRIDs&, 126 Dicrurus ater, 126, 156, 159, 181 » cineracess, 126 Dioscorea, 24, 32 DIoscoREACER, 24, 32 Diploclinium, 66 ns biloculare, 60 PS Hasskarlianwm, 62 x5 repandum, 59 “ tuberosum, 66 Dipsas epijarbas, 24 DIPTEROCARPEX, 22 Discophora tullia, 8 Disemma Horsfieldii, 51 Dissemurus alcocki, 81 . paradiseus, 81, 127, 180 Dolichos, 22, 23 Doxocopa epilais, 10 Dregea, 3 Drosera, 47 » Burmanni, 47 » Linlaysomana, 48 5», Joliosa, 48 » gracilis, 48 » «@wndica, 47, 48 » Lobbiana, 48 » lunata, 48 » peltata, 47, 48 serpens, 48 DROSERACER, 46,47 Indez. Dryas childrens, 19 Elatostema, 17 ELYMNIINA, 9 Embelia, 20, 22 ; Enchrysops cnejus, 23 Endamus guttatus, 35 Ergolis ariadne, 19 Erionota thraz, 33 Eryngium, 70, 71 3 fetidum, 71. Eudocinus ruber, 163 Eudynamis honorata, 158 Eulabes intermedia, 180 Eulepis athamas, 9 athamas, 9 Eulophia bicolor, 40 * campanulata, 39 » geniculata, 40 > ae Mackinnoni, 40 a Mannii, 40 Eunetta falcata, 83, 160 EUPHORBIACER, 13, 18, 19, 24, 27 EuPLocomt!, 85 Euplocomus albocristatus, 85 Euplea felderi, 5 » frauenfeldi, 5 », Kinbergi, 5 » godartit, 5 » lorquinit, 5 » midamus, 2, 6 » superba, 2, 6 » (Crastia) frauenfeldi, 5 » Co git! jegodertdt, & » ( 4 ) Kinbergi, 5 » (Isamia) midamus, 6 » (9 +) seperba, 2,6 (Trepsichrois) midamus, 2,6 Buthalia phemius, 12 Everes argiades, 22 Falco jugger, 131 FALCONID2, 1380 FIcoIDE&, 46, 68 Ficus, 5, 23 Flacourtia, 18, 19 Fleurya, 17 FRINGILLIDA, 128 Gallinago celestis, 156 Be stenura, 156 | Gallinula, 88 $ chloropus, 87, 88 i. galeata, 88 < a pyrrhorhoa, 88, 89 Gallus Bankivus, 85 » gallus, ¥70, 183 » pseudhermaphroditus, 84, 85 Ganoris canidia, 28 Garrulaz leucolophus, 124 oa moniliger, 125 a pectoralis, 124 Garrulus oatesi, 124 Gecinus occipttalis, 129 "= Gennzus nycthemerus, 170 sp., 131 GERANIACEA, 21 Gerydus, 20 » chinensis, 20 Girardinia, sp., 17 Gisekia, 68 Glochidion, 13 ‘s eriocarpum, 18 Gloxinia, 16, 97 Glycosmis, 21, 29 Gnaphalium, 17 Goniloba conjuncta, 35 “Graculipica burmanica, 127 a melanoptera, 81 Graculus graculus, 154 GRAMINE, 7, 8, 9, 33, 34, 35, 86 Granadilla, 51 Grewia, sp., 9 E oonaria, 45 és Elisabethx, 44 ” goodyeroides, 45 Hezmatospiza sipahi, 161 Halcyon smyrnensis, 1380, 181 Haliastur indus, 130 Halpe ceylonica, 34 » mooret, 34 Hamadryas decora calliroé, 17 Haridra bernardus, 10, 11 » hippanaw, 11 » galinder, 11 » polyxena, 9, 11 Hasara vitta, 36 Hasora ,, 36 Hebomoia australis, 27 ‘i glaucippe, 27 Hedychium, 33, 34 Helopeltis theivora, 133, 134 Hemicyclia, 27 Hemizus maclellandi, 126 Herminium angustifolium, 44 bd i, Mackinnoni, 44 Herodias alba, 93 Hesperia selianus, 22 - aria, 33 » atticus, 32 a bevani, 36 » cajus, 21 » Cippus, 24 » = Cnejus, 23 a colaca, 35 Re dara, 34 » gremius, 32 ‘a mecenas, 23 a mathias, 35 » narosa, 35 ” oceta, 34 3 Strabo, 2 vitta, 36 Husperiipa, 32, 36 Hestia lynceus, 2 Index. Hestina assimilis, 11 » mena, 11, 12 ” » var. viridis, 12 » nicevillet, 12 » nigrivena, 12 » viridis, 12 Heynea, 22, 23, 36 Hildebrandia, 56 Hiptage, 36 Holarrhena, 5 Hoplopterus ventralis, 131 Hoya, 3 Huphina, 28 » aspasia, 28 ae nereisa, 2 ‘5 nerissa, 28 - olga, 28 pallida, 2, 28 Hyar otis adrastus, 33 Hydrocotyle, 70 3 asiatica, 70, 7) a5 Heyneana, 71 - hirsuta, 71 . hirta var. acutiloba, 71 Ef hispida, 71 me javanica, 70 » bwrida, 71 ‘ nepalensis, 71 As polycephala, 71 BY strigosa, 71 . Wightiana, 71 zeylanica, 71 Hygrophila, 15, 16 Hypolimnas alcippoides, 18 as bolina, 17 - diocippus, 18 9 maria, 18 misippus, 18 Hypopicus hyperythrus, 129 Hypsipetes psaroides, 126 Iambrin stellifer, 32 Iambry# salsala, 33 Ichnocarpus, 5 Icterus vulgaris, 162 Ideopsis daos, 1, 2 Ilerda pheénicoparyphus, 23 Ilex daphniphylloides, 80 Illigera burmannica, 31 INCOMPLETH, 46 Iphias glaucippe, 27 Iraota mexcenas, 23 » timoleon, 23 Isamia, 6 » alopia, 6 » midamus, 6 » sinica, 6 » superba, 2, 6 Ismene ataphus, 36 Itanus phemius, 12 Iyngipicus canicapillus, 129 Ivias evippe, 27 131 132 Ivias pyrene, 27 Izora, 18 Jamides bachus, 22 ” ” var., 22 » straha, 22 Junonia almana, 16 », asterie, 16 ‘5 » atlites; 15 » hierta, 15 » lemonias, 16 » cenone, 16 orithya, 15 aliecea, 16 Kempferia, 34 Kaniska charonia, 16 LABIATH, 29 Ladaga camilla, 13 » japonica, 13 Lagerstremia, 24 Lampides zlianus, 22 = celeno, 22 LANIDa, 127 Lanius collurioides, 127 LAURINEA, 380, 31 LEGUMINOS™, 9, 15, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 36 Lehera eryx, 24 Leptocircus curius, 31 os mages, 31 Lethe confusa, 7 9) dyrta, 7 » europa, 7 » rohria, 7 » verma, 7 LILIAcEa, 16, 32 Limenitis camilla, 13 ” eurynome, 14 9 japanica, 13 a leucothoe, 13 ” selenophora, 14 a sibylla, 13 “A sidit var. japanica, 13 os (Ladaga) camilla, 13 LIMICOLA, 84, Limnas, 4 » bowrings, 4 » chrysippus, 4 » Mutabilis Midamus, 6 Limosa lapponica, 162 Lioptila gracilis, 125 Liothriz luteus, 162, 178, 180 he seat 42 » Inayati, 41 » Lindleyana, 42 » microglottis, 42 Intsea, 30, 31 Lonicera japanica, 13 LORANTHACEA, 238, 24, 25 Loranthus, 28, 24, 25 Loriculus galgulus, 157 Lycena argia, 21 Index. Lgcena argiade, 22 » atratus, 22 | » betica, 23 » bohemanni, 21 » cajus, 21 » diluta, 21 » indica, 21 », latus, 21 » maha, 21 » marginata, 21 » opalina, 21 » serica, 21 » squalida, 21 wxenodice, 20 LycENIDR, 1, 20 LYTHRACES, 24 Machilus, 31 Mesa, 20 MAGNOLIACES, 31 MALPIGHIACER, 36 MALVACES, 17, 18 Mareca penelope, 182 Marlea ebenacea, 78 » Grifithii, 77 » nobilis, 79 5 wnilocularis, 77 Marsdenia, 3, 5 Mastizia, 46, "72, 75 s bracteata, 73, 74 aun Clarkeana, 73, 75 i. var. macrophylla, 75 — gracilis, 73, 74, 76 i Junghuhniana, 75 ss Maingayt, 73, 74, 75 “ »» War. swbtomentosa, 75 »» pentandra, 75 ae Scortechinii, 73, 74 trichotoma, 74 Matapa aria, 33 Melanitis aswa, 8 3 bela, 8 A determinata, 8 x ismene, 8 _ leda, 8 MELASTOMACES, 16 Meleagris gallopavo, 172 MELIACEA, 22, 23, 36 Melilotus, 23 Melittophagus swinhott, 182 Melopsittacus undulatus, 168 MERoPIDa&, 129 Merops viridis, 129 Mesembryanthemum, 68 Metscherlicia coriacea, 62 Michelia, 31 Microhierax eutolmus, 131 *Microstylis Mackinnon, 37 . Wallichii, 38 Miletus chinensis, 20 Milvus govinda, 181 Modecca, 52, 56 Modecea acuminata, 55, 56 “ cardiophylla, 54 a cordifolia, 54 heterophylla, 54 nicobarica, 53 s populifolia, 55 = singaporeana, 55, 66 is trilobata, 52 Mollugo, 68, 69 $s Linkii, 69 » pentaphylla, 69 eS stricta, 69 3 triphylla, 69 Molpastes bengalensis, 156, 161 o burmanicus, 126 eA leucotis, 161 Morinda wmbellata, 30 Munia oryzivora, 166 -Murraya, 29 Musa, 33 MuscicaPID&, 128 Mycalesis, 7 » horsfieldit, 6, 7 3 mineus, 6, 7 ” +B) BS perseus, 7 a (Calysisme) horsfieldit, 6 ra » J mineus, 6 Myiophoneus temminckii, 125 MYRSINEA, 20, 22 MyYRtTacE#, 24 Nacaduba atrata, 22 Nasalis larvatus, 92 NEcTARINIIDA, 129 Nelsonia, 16 NEMEOBIIN», 19 Neopithecops zalmora, 20 Neottia, 42 Nephelium litchi, 13 Neptis antilope, 14 » columella, 14 » eurynome, 14 » hainana, 14, 15 », leucothoé, 15 » martabana, 14 » ophiana, 14 a F var. nilgirica, 14 » varmana, 15 Nerium, 5 Nettium albigulare, 161 » crecca, 156, 182 » formosum, 83 Nigella sativa, 120 Notocrypta alysos, 33 - feisthamellit, 33 Numida meleagris, 172 NYMPHALIDS, 3 NYMPHALINA, 9 Nymphalis assimilis, 11 as bernardus, 9 “A camilla, 13 var. confucius, 6 Index. Nymphalis jacintha, 17 9 ” ” polyso, 9 strophia, 13 (Charares) bernardus, 9 Nyroca africana, 182 ) Nyssa, 99 baeri, 83 72, 79 sessiliflora, 79 Ochlandra, 33, 34 Odontoptilum angulata, 32 Oreocincla dauma, 128 Oreorchis micrantha, 38 * ” Rolfei, 38 ORIOLID, 127 Oriolus galbula, 162 ” 9 melanocephalus, 127 tenuirostris, 127 Orthotomus sutorius, 179 Oryza, 35, 36 sativa, 8, 35 Osbeckia, 16 Otocompsa emeria, 157 ” 9 flaviventris, 126 leucogenys, 161 Ougeinia 22, 23 Owalis, 21 Oxytenanthera, 34 Padraona dara, 34 Palzornis cyanocephala, 157 ” ”? ” fasciatus, 130 nepalensis, 157 torquatus, 130, 157, 180 PALMER, 32 Pamphila pellucida, 35 ” 99 contigua, 35 bambusex, 34 Pandita sp., 1 Pantoporia asita, 14 39 selenophora, 14 Papilio aceris, 14 adrastus, 33 znippe, 27 agamemnon, 31 agenor, 29 aglaia, 25 alexis, 36 allica, 20 almana, 16 amasone, 28 antipathes, 30 aonis, 16 argiades, 22 argynnis, 19 ariadne, 19 aristolochiz, 28 aspasia, 28 assimilis, 11 asterie, 16 atalanta, 16, 17 By indica, 16 athamas, 9 133 134 Papilio atlites, 15 augias, 34 aventina, 3 avion, 31 bernardus, 9, 11 bianor, 30 biblis, 18 beticus, 23 bolina, 17 camilla, 13 canace, 16 canidia, 28 cardui, 17 catilla, 25 celeno, 22 charonia, 16 chryseis, 26 chrysippus, 4 clytia, 30 » panope, 30 columbina, 18 columella, 14 coriolanus, 20 coronis, 28 cramus, 36 crocale, 25 curius, 31 decempunctatus, 9 demoleus, 29 3 sthenelus, 29 dione, 25 echerius, 20 enippe, 27 epius, 29 Eques achivus athamas, 9 erippus, 4 erithonius, 29 erymanthis, 18 erys, 24 eumea, 9 europa, 7 eurynome, 14, 15 eurypilus, 31 eurypylus awion, 31 flegyas, 19, 20 folus, 33 genutia, 4 glaucippe, 27 gripus, 9 grispus, 9 hecabe, 26 helenus, 29 hierta, 15 hylas, 14, 15 hyperbius, 19 iacintha, 17 asmene, 8 kollina, 16 lajus, 21 lemonias, 16 leucothoé, 18, 14, 15 Index. Papilio libythea, 26 » limniace, 3 » lucina, 17 » memnon, 29 a »» agenor, 29 » midamus 6 » mineus, 6 » Misippus, 18 » mnerissa, 28 » nivphe, 19 » odin, 20 9 @none, 15 » orithya, 15 ». Ottis; 21;.22 » panope, 30 » paris, 30 » pasithoé, 25 » perius, 13, 15 » phalantha, 18 » plexippus, 4 » polytes, 30 “5 » borealis, 30 9 9 » polyxena, 9,10, 11 » polyxina, 13 » porsenna, 25 » prorsa, 13 » protenor, 29 » pyranthe, 26 » pyrene, 27 » sarpedon, 31 99 33 ” x9 var. ” » saturata, 30 » stballa, 13 » similis, 3 » sulpitia, 13 » superbus, 6 » thras, 33 » timoleon, 23 °, tullia,8 » yasan, 31 » wanthus, 28 » wuthus, 28 5» (Athyma) perius, 15 PAPILIONIDS!, 25 PAPILIONINS, 28 Parantica, 5 a aglea, 5 is melanoides, 4 Parata alexis, 36 Parathyma sulpitia, 13 Parhestina, 12 o assimilis, 11, 12 mena, 11, 12 Parnara assamensis, 35 bevant, 36 a colaca, 35 3 conjuncta, 35 contigua, 35 i guttatus, 35 var. borealis, 30 semifasciatus, 31 Parnara pellucida, 35 Parnassia, 97 Bs palustris, 96 Paropsia, 49 » malayana, 50 » vareciformis, 49 Parus palustris, 121, 124 Passer flaveolus 128 Passiflora, 49, 50, a edulis, 51 3 fetida, 18, 51 e Horsfieldi, 50 ” laurtfolia, 51 % quadrangularis, 51 3 singaporeana, 56 suberosa, 51 PASSIFLORACER, 46 PASSIFLORE, 18, 49 Passularia, 4, Pastor roseus, 162, 163 Pavo cristatus, 171 » nigripennis, 171 Pavoncella pugnaz, 81, 82 f leucoprora, 84, 158 Pericrocotus brevirostris, 127 . fraterculus, 127 peregrinus, 127 Petr ophila cyanus, 128 ” erythrogastra, 128 “ solitaria, 128 Phaéthon 90 a, americanus, 89, 90, 91 _ candidus, 89 2 lepturus, 89, 90 Phalacrocoraz javanicus, 159, 180 Pharnaceum pentaphyllum, 69 < strictum, 69 a triphyllum, 69 Phaseolus, 23 PHASIANIDA, 131 Phasianus colchicus, 169 + humiz, 131 = torquatus, 164 Phellodendron, 29 Pherygospidea angulata, 32 Phem», 32, 33 Phyllanthus, 13 Picip#, 129 PIERIN®, 25 Pieris albina, 27 » aspasia, 28 » canidia, 28 », clemanthe, 27 », glaucippe, 27 » neretsa, 2 » nerissa, 28 » pallida, 2, 28 », pasithoé, 25 » pyrene, 27 » (Ganoris) cawidia, 28 », (Huphina) aspasia, 28 Index. 135 Pieris (Huphina) nereisa, 2 Pe " ) nerissa, 28 4 2 ) pallida, 2, 28 ne area glaucippe, 27 » (Thestias) pyrene, 27 Pithecops zalmora, 20 Plebeius alboceruleus, 21 s lewcofasciatus, 21 s siraha, 22 Plesioneura alysos, 33 Ploceus atrigula, 180 Podicipes albipennis, 181 *Pogonia Mackinnon, 43 » macroglossa, 43 Poinciana, 9 Polyalthia, 31 Polyammatus chandala, 21 as sangra, 21 Polyommatus beticus, 23 Polyplectron bicalcaratum, 160 Pongamia, 22, 23, 36 Pontia olga, 28 Porphyrio calvus, 162 Porphyriornis, 88 Portulaca, 17, 18 PoRTULACER, 17, 18 Pratincola caprata, 128 Precis almana, 16 » atlites, 15 », Merta, 15 », lemonias, 16 » enone, 16 » orithya, 15 Prioneris clemanthe, 27 Psammanthe marina, 69 Psidium, 24 PsITTACIDA, 130 Psittacus erithacus, 180 Psoralea, 29 Punica Granatum, 24 Pyrameis callirhoé, 17 Pyrrhula pyrrhula, 158, 161 Querquedula circia, 155, 182 Quisqualis, 25 Radena, 3 » similis, 3 Randia, 24 [120 Ranunculus arvensis, 96, 97, 110, 118, 119, Rapala orseis, 25 » schistacea, 24 » varuna, 25 Raphanus, 4 Raphis, 4 RHAMNEA, 24, 25 Rhipidura albifrontata, 128 Rhododendron arboreum, 39 Rhopalocampta benjaminii, 36 Rhopodytes tristis, 180 RIODINIDA, 19 Rohana parisatis, 11 » parysatis, 11 136 ROSACEs, 25 Rostellularia, 18 Rusiaczs, 14, 18, 24, 30 Ruta, 29 Rutacea, 5, 21, 29, 30 Sabia, 36 SABIACER, 36 Saccopetalum, 31 Salatura, 4 ts genutia, 4 9 plexippus, 4 SALICINEA, 18 Saliz, 18 Salvia, 29 SAPINDACER, 13, 22, 24, 32 Saraca, 22 Sarcorhamphus gryphus, 171 SATYRINA, 6 Satyrus gripus, 9 Schleichera, 22 ScITAMINER, 33, 34 Sciurus bicolor, 187 » imdicus, 137 » palmarum, 137 ScROPHULARINEA, 15 Semnopithecus larvatus, 92 » (Nasalisy A 92 Serinus serinus, 165 os » canaria, 165 Sesbania, 26 Sesuvium, 68 > Portulacastrum, 68 5 repens, 69 Sida retusa, 17 » rhombifolia, 17 Sithon jangala, 24 Sitta frontalis, 126 » himalayensis, 126 » nagaensis, 126 SirtTipz, 126 Smilax, 16, 32 Spilornis cheela, 130 Spirexa, 25 Steropes nubilus, 32 Streblus, 5 Strobilanthes, 16 Strophanthus divergens, 5, 6 Struthio camelus, 178 Sturnia nemoricola, 128 STuRNID2, 127 Sturnus vulgaris, 163 Suastus gremius, 32 Symbrenthia daruka, 17 ; hyppoclus, 17 - a lucina, 17 “a khasiana, 17 lucina, 17 3 Tachyris albina, 27 »» (Appias) albina, 27 Tagiades atticus, 32 Tajuria cippus, 24 Index. | Tajuria jangala, 24 » longinus, 24 Taractrocera atropunctata, 33 Telicota augias, 34 » bambuse, 34 » dara, 34 » mesoides, 34 Tephrodornis pelvicus, 127 Terias anemone, 26 » brigitta, 26 » hecabe, 2, 26 5 txeta, 26 » libythea, 26 » mandarina, 2, 26 », subfervens, 26 Terminalia, 24 i Terpsiphone paradisi, 179 Tetrameles, 46 ne Grahamiana, 47 = nudiflora, 47 . rufinervis, 47 Tetranthera, 30 Theela mzcenas, 23 » varuna, 25 Thereicerys lineatus, 129 Thestias pyrene, 27 Thymele benjaminit, 36 » fjeisthamellit, 33 Tiga shoret, 129 TILIACES, 9 TIMELUDA, 178 Tinnunculus alaudarius, 131 Tirumala, 3 ne limniace, 3 ee septentrionis, 4 Tragia, 19 Trepsichrois midamus, 2, 6 Trichodia vareciformis, 50 Trichoglossus swainsoni, 169 Trochalopterum erythrolema, 121, 125 = virgatum, 125 Tronga kinbergi, 5 TURDIDmH, 128 Turdus musicus, 157 Turtur auritus, 181 5 damarensis, 162 », douraca, 167 » risorius, 167, 181 » tranquebaricus, 162 Tylophora, 5 Udaspes folus, 33 UMBELLIFERS, 46, 69 Unona, 31 Upupa indica, 130 UpuPip&, 130 Urocissa occipitalis, 124 Uroloncha acuticauda, 166 ~ striata, 162, 166 Urtica, 17 Urticacea, 5, 11, 17, 23, 30 Uvaria, 31 = | ew ee Vanessa canace, 16 ~ cardui, 17 » charonia, 16 1, » ‘indica, 17 » vulcania, 17 Vateria, 22 Viola, 19 VIOLACER, 19 Wagatea, 22, 23, 24 Xanthivus flavescens, 126 _Xantholema hematocephala, 157 Xylia, 22, 23, 24, 25 Ypthima argus, 2, 7, 8 a avanta, 7, 8 . hibneri, 2, 7, 8 = Index. 137 Ypthima huebneri, 8 5, ordinata, 7, 8 Zanthoxylum, 29 Zea Mays, 35 Zemeros confucius, 20 » flegyas, 19, 20 » phlegyas, 20 = aS i indicus, 20 Zizera diluta, 21 », maha, 21 3 Osea, 2 99 O08, 21 » sangra, 21 Zizyphus, 24, 25 Zornia, 17, 22 NON IN ION NI NINA NII I A NS oe NII SR aes ectecs iss Nek'y te Nao eae we Db gag th Ney tay ee ny oa : a ’ California Academy of Sciences Presented by ASiatic Society of Bengal. April 2 , 1902. : INDEX SLIPS. ZOOLOGY. — Nic&vitie, Lionen pe.—A List of Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern China, and the food-plants of the larve. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc, Bengal, LXXI, Pt. IT, 1902 (1-36). Nymphalide, food-plants of larve .» pp. 3-19 Erycinide (errore Riodinide in Journal)... pp. 19-20 Lycenide, fvod-plants of larve ... pp. 20-25 Papilionide, 3 = ie we pp. 25-31 Hesperiidae, is .. pp. 32-36 Hongkong, list of Batteries and oad plants of the larve, pp. 1-36. BOTANY. Doras, J. F.—Descriptions of some new species of Orchidez from North-West and Central India. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXI, Pt. II, 1902 (37-45). Orchidex, new from North-West and Central India. Micros- tylis Mackinnoni, Western Himalayas, p. 37. Oreorchis Rolfed and Cirrhopetalum Hookeri, from W. Himalayas, p. 38. Hulophia campanulata, N.-W. India, p. 39. EH. Mackinnoni N.-W. India, p. 40 ‘ con 1, SPP! Cymbidium Mackinnont and Femere hee W. Himalayas, p- 41. L. microglottis and Aphyllorchis Gollani, W. Himalayas, p. 42. Pogonia Mackinnont, W. Himalayas, p. 43. Herminiwm Mackinnoni and Habenaria Hlisabethe, W. Himalayas, p. 44 n. spp. N.-W. and Central India new Orchidee from. BOTANY. Kixe, Sir Greorce.—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Penin- sula. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LX XI, Pt. IT, 1902 (46-80). Begoniacex, new from Malayan Peninsula— Begonia Forbesit, p. 58 and B. isopteroidea, p. 59, Perak. B. debilis, Perak, p. 60. B. thaipingensis, p. 61, Perak. B. Scortechinii, p. 62, Perak. B. Kunstleriana, Perak and B. Herveyana, Malacca, p 63. B.perakensis and B. paupercula, Perak, p. 64. B. venusta and B. megapteroidea, Perak, p. 65. B. Mazwelliana and B. preclara, Perak, p. 66 a Sos Index Slips. Cornacee, new, from Malayan Peninsula. Mastiaia Scortechinii, Perak, p. 73. M4. gracilis, Perak, p. 74. M. Clarkeana, Perak, p. 75 ... = .«, TD. spp. Malayan Peninsula, new plants from. BOTANY. Prax, D.—A new Indian Dendrobium. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXI, Part II, 1902 (80). Orchides, new, from Calcutta. Dendrobium regium, p. 80, Calcutta aoe stag De SPs Calcutta, a new orchid from. ZOOLOGY. » Finn, F.—On some cases of Abrupt Variation in Indian Birds. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LX XI, Part II, 1902 (81-85, with 3 pls.) Variation. Examples of albinistic variation in Indian Birds Pavoncella pugnax leucoproa,p. 84 ... «. new subsp. INDEX SLIPS. ZOOLOGY. Finn, F.—On specimens of two Mauritian Birds in the collection of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXI, Pt. IT, 1902 (87-91 with Plates IV and V), Gallinula chloropus, description .., aes ... pp. 87-89 Phaéthon lepturus, notes... nae Son .. pp. 89-91 Mauritius, specimens of Birds from ZOOLOGY... Finn, F.—On hybrids between the Guinea-fowl and Common fowl. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXI, Pt. II, 1902 (91-92, Plate VI). Hybrid (Guinea-fowl x Common fowl) notes .... pp. 91-92 Kalka (N.-W. Himalayas), hybrid fowls from ZOOLOGY, SanyaL, R. B.—Notes on animals kept in the Alipore Zoological Gardens. No.1. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LX XT, Pt. IT, 1902 (92-93), Orang Outang, habits in captivity a8 ... pp. 92-93 Herodias alba, physiological economy (in captivity) p. 93 BOTANY. Burkitt, I. H.—On the Variation of the Flower of Ranunculus arvensis. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXI, Pt. II, 1902 (93-120 with diagram and 29 tables). Ranunculus arvensis (flower) variation in the number of organs in the flower ( tables i-iv ) pp. 98-99 correlation between the different sets of organs (_,, V-X1V ) ,, 100-106 apportionment of vigour between the sets of or- FANS. sex re Rie ee Xv-xvi and diagram) pp. 107-109 power of producing organs according to the age of the plant aa oe ale XVli-xxv ) pp. 110-114 irregularities in the appor- tionment of vigour ...( ,, Xxvi-xxvii ) pp. 114-117 abundance of malformed petals at different ages of the plant... Soule ae oe XXVtll— OKT ellateg Summary ... ae Ses Bs a ... pp. 118-120 ZOOLOGY. Woop, H. and Finn, F. Onacollection of Birds from Upper Burmah. Z Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LX XI, Pt. ii, 1902 (121-131). 3 a? INDEX SLIP. Geographical notes.. we pp. 121-124. List of species of the following families found in Upper Burmah. Corvidae (p. 124) Crateropodide (pp. 124-126) Sittide (p. 126) Dicruridae (pp. 126-127) Laniide and Oriolide (p. 127) Sturnidxe . (pp. 127-128) Muscicapide, Turdidxw, Fringillide (p. 128, Nect- arintidse, Picidse, Capitonidw, Coractide, Meropi:le (p. 129) : Alcedinide (pp. 129-130) Bucerotidw, Upupide, Cuculidse, Psit- 4g tacidse, Asionide (p. 130) Falconide @n. 7130. 131) Phasianide, 3 Charadriide (p. 131). Birds, new to Indian Fauna, found in Upper Burmah. Babaz lanceolatus, and Parus palustris (p. 121). Rare birds from Upper Burmah. Trochalopterum erythrolaema (p. 121) Phasianus humiae (p. 181). Sanya, R. B. Notes on animals observed at the Alipore Zoological Garden, No. 2. A brief note on the “ Doctrine of Telegony ” with reference to facts observed in the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LX XI, Pt. 11, 1902 (132) Telegony in Bos sondaicus, p. 132. Mann, Harotp H. Notes on a disputed! point in the Life-History of Helopeltis thewora. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXI., Pt, ii, 1902 (133-134). Non-hibernation of Helopeltis theivora, pp. 133-134, cold weather habits of 5 7 Pp. d4, Finn, F. Ona pair of abnormal Deer Horns. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXI, Pt. ii, 1902 (135-137, with 2 figs.) Cervus unicolor, abnormal horns, p. 135. Sanyal, R. B. Notes on Animals observed at the Alipore Zoological Garden, No. III. Melanic specimens of Common Palm Squirrel ( Sciurus palmarum, Linn.) Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LX XI, Pt. 11, 1902 (137-138). Melanic variation of Sciwrus palmarum, pp. 137-138. GEOLOGY. OtpHamM, R.S. On Tidal periodicity in the Harthquakes of Assam. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LXXI, Pt. ii, 1902, 139-153 (tables and curves of frequency). Earthquakes. Assam aes er we 139-153 diurnal periodicity ... ov. 146-148 periodicity due to tide— producing stresses ae ww» 150-152 Tide producing forces, effect on frequency of earthquakes se Soe we 141-152 ZOOLOGY. Finn, F. General notes on variation in Birds. Calcutta, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, LX XI, Pt, ii, 1902 (154-184), Variation in structural characters nee 6 pp. 154-155 Colour variation in wild birds sae 155-158 Reversion to normal colour in abnormal varieties wcq spelos Variation in relation of immature to adult plumage .. 158-159 Variation in prepotency bof tes wee 159-160 Progressive variation 560 160-161 Variation directly induced by confinement ces 161-163 Pathological variation oe 163-164 Spontaneous variation under domestication So 164-178 Moral variability see As cre 178-180 Variation in mental powers ... Ao fe p. 180 Variation in taste sae sie .. pp. 180-181 Variation in habits A So ». pp. 181-182 Conclusions Hc ne sae «. pp. 182-184 * ee ee Te aa “ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, = ©] VLE PAGE AND INDEX © 1 ee | FOR ipapehe Seas ; — 1902. rc acas : CCCXCIX. JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, ‘ Vol. LX XI. Part II, No. 1.1902. a Ro WAY Mas ; AS 42 BS y HE Naturar ftisToORY PECRETARY, EDITED BY Se = F - MUSEUM ABIATIC SOCINTY CALCUTTA: > == “The bonnds of its investigation will be the geographical limits of Asia: and within these limits its inquiries will be extended to whatever ia performed by man or produced by nature.”—Sin WiLLIAM JONGS. *.* Communications should be sent under cover to the Secretaries, Asiat. Soc., to whom ail orders for the work are to be addressed in India; or care of Messrs. Luzac & Co., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W. C., or Mr. Otto Harrassowits, Leipzig, Germany. ie CALCUTTA: PRINTED aT THE PapTist MissiON PRaEsBs, AND PUBLISHED BY THE fASIATIC SOCIETY, 57, FARK PTReeT, 1902. Price (exclusive of postage) to Members, Re. 1-8.—To Non-Members, Zs, = Price in England, 3 Shillings, Issued May 8th, 1902. CONTENTS. Page I.—A Inst of Butterflies of Hongkong in Southern 'China, and the food-plants of the larvee—By the late LIoNEL DE NIc&VILLE, F.E.S., C.M.Z.S., &e. Ss I1.—Descriptions of some new species of Orchidew fin North-West and Central India.—By J. F. Duras, B,A., F.L.S., Direc- tor, Botanical Department, North India i snk Ul.—Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula.—By Sir Grorce Kine, K.C.1.E., M.B., LL.D., F.R.S., &c., late Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. [Pub- lished with the assistance of His Excellency the Governor of the Straits Settlements | ap ome IV.—Novicis Indice XIX. Bb) EN lia ‘ ata a> oF See ws I a ie ee NEW SERIES. VOL. LAXI, CCCC. - JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, Mol. xt, Part Il, Now 2.—1902. EDITED BY ° HE Naturav fiisTORY SECRETARY. “The bounds of its investigation will be the geographical limits of Asia: and within these limits its inquiries will be extended to whatever is performed by man or produced by nature.”—Sirn WILLIAM JONES. #.9 Communications should be sent under cover to the Secretaries, Asiat. Soc., to whom all orders for the work are to be addressed in India; or care of Messrs. Luzac § Co., 46, Great Russell Sirect, London, W. C., or Mr. Otto Harrassowits, Leipzig, Germany. CALCUTTA: PRINTED AT THE PaPTisT MISSION PRESS, AND PUBLISHED BY THE psiaTic Society, 57, FARE PTRBET. 1902. Price (exclusive of postage) to Members, Re. 1-8.~To Non-Members, Rs, $ Price in England, 3 Shillings. Issued 5th August, 1902. LES: OE Pg OOO ag IP GP IPO a I OO IO Ot gO IO ‘se CONTENTS. Page _ VI.—On specimens of two Mauritian Birds in the collection of the Asiatic Society.—By ¥. Finn, B.A., F.Z.S8., Deputy Superin- tendent of the Indian Museum (With plates IV and V) ... 87. - VIL—On hybrids between the Guinea-fowl and Oommon font bie By F. Fiyy, B.A., F.Z.S. Deputy Superintendent of the Indian Museum (With plate VI)... - Bo. ae VIII.—WNotes on Animals kept in the Alipore Zoological Garden. No. I—By Rat R. B. SANYAL Banapur, Superintendent of the Garden se He ea ase OD ~1X.—On the Variation of the Flower of Ranunculus arvensis.—By in ~~ TH Burkill As ar Me a) NOTE ON THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIEHTY. - ay a The Proceedings of the Asiatic Society are issued ten times a year as soon as possible after the General Meetings which are held on the first Wednesday in every month in the year except September and October ; _ they contain an account of the meeting with some of the shorter and less important papers read at it, while only titles or short resumés of the longer papers, which are subsequently published in the Journal, are given. The Journal consists of three entirely distinct and separate volumes : Part I, containing papers relating to Philology, Antiquities, etc.; Part II, containing papers relating to Physical Science; and Part III devoted to Anthropology, Ethnology, etc. Hach Part is issued in four or five numbers, and the whole forms three complete volumes corresponding to the year of publication. The Journal of the Asiatic Society was commenced in the year 1832, previous to which the papers read before the Society were. published in a quarto periodical, entitled Asiatic Researches, of which twenty volumes were issued between the years 1788 and 1839. The Journal was published regularly, one volume corresponding to each year from 1832 to 1864; in that year the division into two parts above-mentioned was made, and since that date two volumes have been issued regularly every year. From1894 an additional volume, Part III, - has been issued. The Proceedings up to the year 1864, were bound up with the Journal, but since that date have been separately issued every year. The following is a list of the Asiatic Society’s publications relating to Physical Science, still in print, which can be obtained at the Society’s House, No. 57, Park Street, Calcutta, or from the Society’s Agents in London, Messrs. Luzac & Co., 46, Great Russell Street, W. C.; and from Mr. Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig, Germany. Asiatic Rusearcues. Vols. VII, Vols. XI and XVII, and Vols. XIX and XX @10/ each Rs. 50 O ProcrEDINGs of the Asiatic Society from 1865 to 1869 (incl.) @ /6/ per No.; and from 1870 to date @ /8/ per No. Journat of the Asiatic Society for 1843 (12), 1844 (12), 1845 (12), 1846 (5), 1847(12), 1848 (12), 1850(7), 1851(7), 1857 (6), 1858 (5), 1861 (4), 1862 (5), 1864 (5), 1866 (7), 1867 (6), 1868 (6), 1869 (8), 1870 (8), 1871 (7), 1872 (8), 1878 (8), 1874 (8), 1875 (7), 1876 (7), 1877 (8), 1878 (8), 1879 (7), 1880 (8), 1881 (7), 1882 (6), 1883 (5), 1884 (6), 1885 (6), 1886 (8), 1887 (7), 1888 (7), 1889 (10), 1890 (9 and 2 Sup- plts.), 1891 (7), 1892 (7 and Supplt.), 1893 (11), 1894 (8), 1895 (7), 1896 (8), 1897 (8), 1898 (8), 1899 (7), 1900 (7), @ 1/8 per No. to Members and @ 2/ per No. to Non- Members. N.B.—The figures enclosed im brackets gwe the number of Nos. in each Volume. Centenary Review of the Researches of the Society from 1784 to 1883 ene eve vos 3 ave eve _ Theobald’s Catalogue-of Reptiles in the Museum of the Asiatic Society (Hixtra No., J.A.S.B., 1868) cur Catalogue of the Mammals and Birds of Bick, by K. Blyth | (Extra No,, J.A.S.B., 1875) aoe ans Pe Catalogue of Fossil Worn = E a Catalogue of the Library of the Asiatic Society, Begeal i Moore and Hewitson’s Descriptions of New Indian Lepidoptera, Parts I-III, with 8 coloured Plates, 4to. @ 6/ each ox CO > 18_ = <> NEW SERIES. VOL. LXXI. CCCCIIL. Ae ~ JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, Vol. LXXI. Part II, No. 3.—1902. EDITED BY ye Naturav fiistory PECRETARY. “ The bounds of its investigation will be the geographical limita of Asia: and within these limits its inquiries will be extended to whatever is performed by man or produced by nature.”—Sik WILLIAM JONgs. *,* Communications should be sent under cover to the Secretaries, Asiat. Soc., to' whom all orders for the work are to be addressed in India; or eare of Messrs. Luzac & Co., 46, Great Russell Street, London, W. C., or Mr. Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig, Germany. CALCUTTA: PRINTED AT THE PapTist MISSION PRESS, AND PUBLISHED BY THE Asiatic Society, 57, PARK STRBET. 1902. id Price (exciusive of postage) to Mombers, Ra. 1-3.—To Non-Members, Ra, 3. Prise in Engiand, 3 Shillings, Teanan NMatnhav ODAth TANS CONTENTS. X.—On a collection of Birds from Upper Burmah.—By Linvr. ~H. Woop, R.E., and F. Finn, B.A., F.Z.8., Deputy Superin- tendent of the Indian Museum. (With Plate VII.) is XI.—Notes on Animals observed at the Alipore Zoological Garden, No. 2. A brief note on the “ Doctrine of Telegony” with — reference to facts observed in the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta. Wf ie : —By Rar R. B. Sanyat, Banapur, Superintendent wo) 13 @ eee XIT.—Note on a disputed point in the Life-History of pelopeltis vita ; theivora.—By Haro.p H. Mayn, B.Sc. hae x Sah XII.—On a pair of Abnormal Deer-Horns.—By F. Fixy, B.A., ¥.Z.S8., Deputy Superintendent, Indian Museum ee XIV.—Notes on Animals observed at the Alipore Zoological Garden, No. 3. Melanic specimens of Common Palin Squirrel — (Sciurus palmarum, Linn.)—By Rai R. B. Sanyar, Bana- © pur, Superintendent, Alipore Zoological Garden sa XV.—On Tidal Periodicity in the Earthquakes of Assam.—By R. D. Onpuam, Superintendent, Geological Survey of India... aad oie es + gle XVI.—General Notes on Variation in Birds.—By F. Finn, B.A, F.Z.S., Deputy Superintendent of the Indian Museum. (With Plates VIII and IX)... ar et NOTE ON THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE: ASIATIC SOCIETY. we & The Proceedings of the Asiatic Society are issued ten times a year as soon as possible after the General Meetings which are held on the first Wednesday in every month in the year except September and October ; they contain an account of the meeting with some of the shorter and less important papers read at it, while only titles or short resumés of the longer papers, which are subsequently published in the Journal, are given. The Journal consists of three entirely distinct and separate volumes : Part I, containing papers relating to Philology, Antiquities, etc.; Part II containing papers relating to Physical Science; and Part ITI devoted to Anthropology, Ethnology, ete. Each Part is issued in four or five numbers, and the whole form three complete volumes corresponding to the year of publication. - The Journal of the Asiatic Society was commenced in the year 1832, previous to which the papers read before the Society were published in a quarto periodical, entitled Asiatic Researches, of which twenty volumes were issued between the years 1788 and 1839. The Journal was published regularly, one volume corresponding to each year from 1832 to 1864; in that year the division into two parts above-mentioned was made, and since that date two volumes have been issued regularly every year. From 1894 an additional volume, Part ITI, has been issued. The Proceedings up to the year 1864, were bound up with the Journal, but since that date have been separately issued every year. The following is a list of the Asiatic Society’s publications relating to Physical Science, still in print, which can be obtained at the Society’s House, No. 57, Park Street, Calcutta, or from the Society’s Agents in London, Messrs. Luzac & Co., 46, Great Russell Street, W. C.; and from Mr. Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig, Germany. Asiatic Resxarcuys. Vols. VII, Vols. XI and XVII, and Vols. XIX and XX @10/ each sae OAs DORA ProceEpines of the Asiatic Society from 1865 to 1869 (incl.) @ /6/ per No.; and from 1870 to date @ /8/ per No. JouRrNaL of the Asiatic Society for 1843 (12), 1844 (12), 1845 (12), 1846 (5),1847(12), 1848 (12), 1850(7), 1851(7), 1857 (6), 1858 (5), 1861 (4), 1862 (5), 1864 (5), 1866 (7), 1867 (6), 1868 (6), 1869 (8), 1870 (8), 1871 (7), 1872 (8), 1873 (8), 1874 (8), 1875 (7), 1876 (7), 1877 (8), 1878 (8), 1879 (7), 1880 (8), 1881 (7), 1882 (6), 1883 (5), 1884 (6), 1885 (6), — 1886 (8), 1887 (7), 1888 (7), 1889 (10), 1890 (9 and 2 Sup- plts.), 1891 (7), 1892 (7 and Supplt.), 1893 (11), 1894 (8), 1895 (7), 1896 (8), 1897 (8), 1898 (8), 1899 (7), 1900 — (7), 1901 (7), @ 1/8 per No. to Members and @ 2/ Pes No. ~ to Non-Members. N.B.—The figures enclosed in brackets give ‘the number of Nos. in each Volume. Centenary Review of the Researches of the Society from 1784 to 1883 eee ooe eee eee Theobald’s Catalogue of Reptiles in the Museum of the heiatie Society (Extra No., J.A.8.B.,1868) ie Catalogue of the Mammals and Birds of Biciaah; ies Ki. Blyth (Hixtra No.,, J.A.S.B., 1875) ad aa Catalogue of Fossil Vertebrata igs i es Catalogue of the Library of the Asiatic Society, Penal ie Moore and Hewitson’s Descriptions of New Indian Lepidoptera, — Parts I-III, with 8 coloured Plates, 4to. @ 6/ each se ET ee pte ete p- ee = een tm alee ys nth 8s a cn a Rd — Or ee ea? > CALIF ACAD OF SCIENCES LIBR | i = 3 1853 10006 4554 [ ae eS PL . * - * s-s-« 7