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Auslaindische Gesellschaften welche ¢ von Bengalen mit ihren Publicationen beehrc dieselben entweder direct an die Adresse dv Street, Calcutta, oder an deren Agenten in 1 Paul, Trench, Tribner & Co., Ld., Paternoster 1 Road.





(Nos. I vo I1I.—1892.)


PURGEON-f{/APTAIN eye jure WaALsH, He M. p.


Ew ee a ae ae

It will flourish, if naturalists, chemists, antiquaries, philologers, and men of science in different parts of Asza, will commit their observations to writing, and send them to the Asiatic Society at Calcutta. It will languish, if such communications shall be long intermitted ; and it will die away, if they shall entirely cease.” SiR Wm. Jones.



as je



Bieot, J. M. F. ;-—Cataloque of the Diptera of the Oriental Region, SestLi PEN eters loa etniseeaiala tifa Saenca sk caesar h seeds cue wvaeaedenianees ade

Bruat, P. ;—De Ranunculaceis Indicis ee (Tab. ITI— AVL. 9) eee ;

Kine, Geores, M. Be frie De cs R. & C. i E A tered for a Flora of the Mateos Pencil NCOs, piamemteasseesionranmtsineisem toate

Nice'vitte, Lionen pe ;—WNote on the Indian Believes comprised in the subgenus Pademma of the genus Kuplea, 903

Prat, 8S. HE. ;—Zhe Communal Barracks of Primitive Races (plates 1. GREG VID). Se ccicury A COCO TEC EDC OEE OCR EeTEE aaaeee :

Prain, D.;—Novicie Indice V. An undescribed Mezoneuron LOMA MAMUETS GTOUDY 2. dcveiaveisivvnnss peor’ soi.avecayarnacesdeave



Dates of Issue. Part II, 1892.

No. I—Containing pp. 1—152, was issued on June 13th, 1892.

No. Il.—Containing pp. 133—236, was issued on July 28rd, 1892.

No. I1.—Containing pp. 257—324, with Plates I, I, IJ, IV, V and VI, was issued on January 24th, 1893.


= Communal Barracks of Primitive Races (Peal).

Ill IV

Vv Vi

Aquilegia (Brihl).

eb EX.

Names of New Genera and Species have an asterisk (*) prefixed.

ACALYPTERICTI, 207 * Alphonsea, cylindrica, 125, 127 Acanthipeza, 222 % elliptica, 125 maculifrons, 222 ay. lucida, 125, 126 Acanthoneura, 221 . Maingayi, 125 * maculipennis, 221 oe: swo-dehiscens, 125, 126, 127 Acanthonevra, 225 Alternata, 175 5 fuscipennis, 225 Aminta, 207 Acarus, 236 Anastechus, 163 Acemyia, 183 longirostris, 163 Achanthiptera, 204 Anaxagorea, 3, 67, 69 Achias, 191, 221 A fruticosa, 68 » horsfieldii, 191, 221 Po javanica, 69 » ichnewmonea, 191 se luzonensis, 68, 69 » oculatus, 191 iar Scortechinw, 68 ACHIASID#, 191 a sumatrana, 21 Acidia, 227 zeylanica, 68 » quadrincisa, 227 Ancylosyrphus, 167, 175 » soror, 227 3 salviz, 167 Acinia, 226 Andrenosoma, 149 » faciestriata, 227 7 equalis, 148 ACIPHORES, 216, 223 * crassipes, 149 Aciura, 227 5 formio, 148 Aconitum, 272 fusifera, 149 PA Napellus, 271, 272 ANEMPODIATA, 133 Acromyia, 155 Aneropsis, 191 Actia, 186 ANOMALOCERATI, 234 Acurana, 148, 149 Anona, 2 J sexfasciata, 148, 149 Anonacea, 74, 85 Adapsilidi, 219 ANONACER, i 89, 90 Adia, 204 Anthomyjia, 196, 203, 204, 205, 207 Adrama, 222 3 aliena, 205 » selecta, 222 5 bibaw, 204 Agastrodes, 223 4 bina, 204 a niveitarsis, 223 a5 bisetosa, 205 Agonosoma, 155 5 calens, 204 Agria, 189, 190 5 canicularis, 207 Agromyza, 233 3 chalcogaster, 203 os tristella, 284 5 detracta, 205 AGROMYZIDES, 232 ii exigua, 204 AGROMYZINA, 232 an flexa, 204 AGROMYZIN®, 232 3 illocata, 205 Alcimus, 142 3 indica, 205 S hospes, 142 5 indicata, 205 - rufibarbis, 143 » ° leuticeps, 205 Allocotosia, 139 e lobalis, 205 ss aurata, 189 metallica, 202 triangulum, 1389 5s nigra, 204 Allograpta, 177 Fe pera, 205 Alphonsea, 4, 124 _ quadrata, 204

rs Curtisii, 125, 127 . tonitrut, 204 42



Anthomyia, trina, 204 Anthomyza, 208, 204, 205 ANTHOMYZIDz, 192 ANTHOMYZIDG, 203 ANTHRACID, 159 ANTHRACIDES, 159 ANTHRACIENS, 159 ANTHRACII, 159 ANTHRACINI, 1538, 159 Anthraz, 159, 160

absalon, 161 albida, 161 albo-fulwa, 161 alexon, 162 aperta, 161 appendiculata, 161 argyropyga, 160 aurvplena, 161 basifascia, 162 bimacula, 162 bipunctata, 160 earbo, 162 earbonaria, 161 clara, 161 collaris, 162 combinata, 162 degenera, 162 dia, 160 distigma, 160 dives, 162 doryca, 159 duvaucelii, 161 fulvula, 161 hyalina, 160 instituta, 161 imsulata, 161 lar, 160 limpida, 161 lucens, 160 lucida, 161 manifesta, 161 pennipes, 159 purpuraria, 161 referens, 161 ruficollis, 162 satellitia, 162 satyrus, 161 semilucida, 161 semiscita, 160 sphinx, 160 tantalus, 160 troglodyta, 160

Anticheta, 208 Antipalus, 146

wieneckii, 146

Aphritis, 166

Aporomyia, 186

Apterina, 232

Aquilegia, 272, 278, 274, 275, 276, 277,

282, 283, 307, 316, 317, 318, 419, 322

Aquilegia, alpina, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279,

281, 282, 288, 284, 293, 294, 296, 314, 315, 316, 323 3 var. himalaica, 284, 294 Ay », typica, 281, 284, 294, 323 Amaliae, 282, 283, 312 arctica, 317, 318 atrata, 277, 279, 2388, 287, 288 aurea, 284, 302, 303 Bauhini, 274, 284, 296 Bernardi, 284, 287 Bertolonii, 275, 276, 277, 2/79, 281, 282, 283, 284, 290, 295, 296, 307, 318, 314, 323 brevistyla, 275, 282, 316, 317, 319, 320, 321 » var. leiocarpa, 319 . » vera, 319 caerulea, 277, 278, 282, 318, 319, 320 » var. typica, 279 canadensis, 275, 276, 278, 279, 282, 286, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322 sp var. Fendleri, 320

“0 » Skinneri, 320 +p » typica, 318, 319, 320

an » vera, 320 casca, 317 caucasica, 283, 284, 287 chrysantha, 282, 318, 319 dinarica, 275, 284, 287, 289 discolor, 283, 284 Ebneri, 275, 277, 278, 283, 284, 287, 289 ecalcarata, 316, 317, 321, 323 Einseleana, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 296 eynensis, 296 flavescens, 282, 319, 320, 321 322 formosa, 277, 279, 280, 282, 317, 318, 319, 321, 322 5, var. arcticdela, 319 » 93 caerulea, 320 » » chrysantha, 320 » » Kamtshatica, 320 » » macrantha, 320 » 9) saxicola, 320 » » truncata, 320 » vera, 319, 320, 32L » 271,. 243, 2b eZine 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 2838, 284, 304, 305, 306 Fussvi, 284, 302, 303 Gebleri, 284, 302




Agquilegia, glandulosa, 278, 274, 275, 276,

277, 2778, 279, 280, 281, 282, 2838, 284, 296, 302, 3038, 314, 316, 323 var. discolor, 302 Gebleri, 284, 303 4) » genuina, 279,284 of » jucunda, 284, 302 “p » sulphurea, 284, 303 » transsilvanica, 284, 303 Pr » typica, 279, 308, 323

» vera, 303 glauca, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284, 304 » var. nivalis, 301 glaucophylla, 287 grata, 276,277, 284, 285, 299, 315 Haenkeana, 287, 290 himalaica, 319 hybrida, 286, 317, 318 jucunda, 2'79, 280, 281, 283, 284, 302, 303, 323 Karelini, 324 Kitaibelii, 274, 276, 277, 278, 280, 284, 296 Kunaorensis, 275, 278, 288, 304, 6, 324 suaveolens, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 305 lactiflora, 283, 284, 810, 315 leptoceras, 275, 276, 280, 282, 283, 284, 309, 316 longisepala, 277, 284, 287, 288 Magellensis, 313 mandshuricis, 282 Moorcroftiana, 271, 273, 274, 276, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 291, 294, 296, 297, 304, 306, 308, 313, 315, 316, 324 » var. afghanica, 284, 307, 309 fragrans, 284, 305, 308, 314, 323 glauca, 284, 306, 309 Kunaorensis, 284, 306, 309,310, 323, 324 9 93 Swaveolens, 284, 294, 305, 309, 323, 324

* var.

Aquilegia Moorcroftiana, var.


subaphylla, 284, 307, 309 typica, 278,%279, 280, 281 Wallichiana, 284, 306, 309 Winterbottomiana, 284, 305, 309, 313 nevadensis, 284, 313 nigricans, 275, 277, 278, 279, 280, 288, 284, 287, 288, 290, 291, 296, 323 nivalis, 275, 276, 277, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 294, 299, 300, 314, 316, 323, 324 of war. paradoza, 274, 284, 301, 323 saccocentra, 284, 294, 301, 323 olympica, 282, 284, 287 Ottonis, 280, 284, 285, 312 a var. Amaliz, 285, 313, 315 typica, 285, 313, 315

» ?

» »

9 »


oxypetala, 285 oxysepala, 275, 276, 278, 279, 281, 282, 288, 284, 285, 286, 313, 317, 318, 319, 321, 322 var. kansuensis, 284, 285 x » mandshurica, 284, 285 paraplesia, 284, 287, 290 parviflora, 282, 317, 321, 323 pubifiora, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 306, 310, 314, 315, 323,


324 6: var. Cunninghami, 284, 311 = », humilior, 306 7 5, Masswriensis,

284, 311

of subnuda, 285, 311 pyrenaica, 273, 274, 275, 276,

277, 278, 279, 280,

281, 282, 283, 284,

285, 290, 294, 295

296, 299, 312, 313,

315, 316, 323, 324 decipiens, 290,



= » discolor, 284 285, 299

fe » genuina, 278 285



Aquilegia pyrenaica, var. typica, 278, 279, 280

»» vera, 299 Reuteri, 284, 295 sibirica, 275, 282, 317, 319, 321 Skinneri, 279, 282, 319, 320, 321 Sternbergii, 284, 287, 288, 290 suaveolens, 277 subalpina, 284, 287, 289 sulphurea, 284, 302 thalictrifolia, 274, 276, 277 279, 280, 282, 296, 297, 309 transsilvanica, 279, 284, 302, 303 truncata, 318, 319 viridiflora, 279, 280, 282, 306, 317, 321, 323 viscosa, 274, 275, 276, 277, 282, 283, 284, 296, 315 », var. Hinseleana, 284, 297, 323 » 9) Kitaibelii, 285, 297 9) thalictrifolia, 284, 297 » 93 typica, 297 vulgaris, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285, 286, 287, 290, 312, 313, 314, 316, 318, 819, 321, 322, 323 » var. alpina, 2938, 305 atrata, 284, 288, 293 Bernardi, 284, 287, 292, 314. caucasica, 284, 287, 292 dinarica, 284, 289, 293 Ebneri, 284, 289, » » 293 of » eynensis, 284, 290 293, 324 be » fragrans, 306 s » genuina, 278, 281 7 » grandiflora, 305 . » Karelini, 274, 275, 283, 284, 288, 293, 316, 324 3 », longisepala, 284, 288, 292 », Moorcroftiana, 271, 306

- » nigricans, 284, 290, 293 3 . goes 284, 287, 292

5 »@lowysepala, 285

4s » paraplesia, 284, 290, 293

% », pubiflora, 301

Aquilegia vulgaris, var. pyrenaica, 305


bP) 7

Argyra, 158 as spinipes, 158 Argyromeba, 160

7 ”?

Argyrospila, 159

Aricia, 203, 204, 205, 207 + argentata, 203 5 inaperta, 203 patula, 203

Arina, 208

sreaher ys, 8, 28, 30, 37, 38

* * *

* *


Aseia, 166

» brachystoma, 166


Asilus, 184, 135, 189, 141, 146, 147, 150, 154, 155 # agilis, 145, 147

+ agnitus, 142 3 albibarbis, 145 a anicius, 141 . annulatus, 144;

3 apicata, 146 a appendiculatus, 145

“3 armatipes, 145 s atratulus, 144 x aurata, 1389

recticornu, 284, 289, 298, 315, 324

typica, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279, 280, 284, 287, 289, 290, 292, 313, 316

varia, 276, 284, 289, 293, 318, 316

Wallichiana, 306

Winterbottomiana, 297

distigma, 160 melania, 160 semiseita, 160

costatus, 31, 37 crassifolius, 31, 33 gracilis, 31, 35 grandifolius, 30, 31, 38 Lowianus, 31, 34 macrophyllus, 31, 37 Maingayi, 31, 35 malayana, 121 oblongus, 31, 33 oxycarpus, 31, 34 parviflora, 37 plewrocarpus, 30, 32 plewrogynus, 34: polygynus, 32, 3d Scortechinii, 30, 32 speciosus, 31, 35 suaveolens, 31, 36 venustus, 30, 32 Wrayi, 31, 37

139 142, 143, 144,

Aszilus, barbatus, 146 7 barium, 146 “f bengalensis, 145 6 bifidus, 145 6c chinensis, 144 cc claripes, 145 os congedus, 146 " contortus, 146 » debilis, 146 >: ephippium, 145 BS flagrans, 146 3 flavicoriis, 145 5 fraternus, 14.7 3 fusiformis, 146 An garnoti, 140 os gobares, 141 Bs griseus, 147 3 aamenus, 146 3 javanus, 142 of latifascia, 146

< latro, 147 =. limbipennis, 145 Pr lineosus, 146

* loetus, 145 » longistylus, 147

3 maculatus, 142

Sy maculifemora, 145 ef melanurus, 146

35 minuseulus, 146 misao, 145

5 nigrimystaceus, 145 3 nudipes, 145

5 paterculus, 146 penultimus, 146

“n perplexus, 142 hs prefiniens, 146 ss pusio, 145 9 rujibarbis, 145 > shalwmus, 146 a sundaicus, 145 trifarius, 145 ASTHENINA, 232 Atomaria, punetiplena, 220 Atomogaster, 204 Atomosia, 148 5 halictides, 148 2 purpurata, 148 Azona, 169 He volucelloides, 170 Azelia, 204 Azelide, 203 Baccha, 166 amphithe, 166 5 gratiosa, 167 3 maculata, 166 5 pedicellata, 167 “4 sapphirina, 166 cf tripartita, 166 vittata, 166 Bactrocer a, 217 n fasciatipennis, 217

Index. 329

Bactrocera, maculipennis, 217 Baryterocera, 174 m inclusa, 174 Bengalia, 195 .; dioclea, 195 labiata, 195 3 lateralis, 195 + melanocera, 195 op pallens, 195 is testacea, 195 Besseria, 191 Bibio, 133, 154, 155, 160, 234 » satyrus, 161 » sphine, 159 Bigonicheta, 18 Blainwvillia, 203, 220 Blepharella, 186 3 lateralis, 186 Blepharipa, 181, 182 Blepharipeza, 182 5 indiea, 182 ther mophila, 182 Blephar ipoda, 182 Blondelia, 182 Bocagea, 7, 79, 124, of elliptiea, 7 » hexandra, 82 op pisocarpa, 89 oF polycarpa, 185 Boisdwvalia, 225 - rutilans, 220, 225 Bombibia, 164 BoMBYLID&, 153, 159 Bombylius, 162, 163 a ardens, 162

5 maculatus, 162 rH orientalis, 162 +5 pulchellus, 162 op socius, 162

tr icolor, 162 Bonga Cananga, 39 BORBORINA, 231, 282 Borborus, 231 » punctipennis, 232 Bothria, 182 Brachyglossum, 164 Brachyopa, 217 Byomya, 201 Calliope, 229 Calliphora, 196, 197, 198, 200 39 fulviceps, 196 3 rufipes, 196 Calliprobola, 165 Calobata, 212, 213, 214 » albimana, 212 » ‘albitarsis, 212 » basalis, 212 » cedens, 212 » confinis, 212 » contracta, 212 » cyanescens, 212


Calobata, immizta, 212 » leucopeza, 212 5 morbida, 212 » prudens, 212 » splendens, 212 strenua, 212 » stylophora, 212 » vidua, 212 CaLoBATiIps, 211 Caltha palustris, 271, 272 CALYPTERATH, 179 CaLyPrericti, 178 Camilla, 231 Campylocera, 218 rn myopina, 218 “n robusta, 218 Campylocheta, 182 Cananga, 12, 39, 40, 41 monosperma, 41, 42 5 odorata, 39, 40, 41 3 owregow, 40 » sylvestris, 39, 40 nD » var. angustifolia, 40 +) =) 5, latifolia, 40 = » trifoliata, 40 » virgata, 29, 41 Canangiwm, 3, 39, 40 > odoratum, 41, 42 * Scortechinii, 41, 42 CAPROMYZIN#, 232 Carcelia, 168 Cardiacephala, 214 ay longicollis, 214 Caricea, 205, 206 Mi leptosoma, 206 Carpomyia, 224 CaRrpomMyz®, 214, 216, 223 Cartosyrphus, 168 7 pilipes, 168 Carulia, 181 Catabomba, 175 Catapicephala, 189, 196 ‘. splendens, 189, 196 Catilia, 187 Celeripes, 236 Celyphus, 228 fuscipes, 228 levis, 228 as obtectus, 228 3 scutatus, 228 Cephalia, 214, 215 os bicolor, 214 Cephalops, 163 Cerais, 233 » Mmagnicornis, 233 Cerajocera, 224 Ceratitis, 222 + capitata, 222 + citriperda, 222 Ceria, 165 i eumenioides, 165


Index. .

Ceria, javana, 165 Ceromasia, 181 Ceyx, 212 Chalcidimorpha, 137 myops, 137 Charaa, 222

5 planidorsum, 222 Chatolyga, 182 Cheilopogon, 184 Chelisia, 205 Chelyphora, 223 3 borneana, 2238 Chetina, 182 Chetoecra, 208 Chetogena, 182 CHILIZINA, 210, 232 Chloria, 228

eS clausa, 228 CHLOROPIDE, 2382 Chlorops, 282, 233

6 confusus, 233

5 extraneus, 232 os longicornis, 233 os nicobarensis, 233

; stiolatus, 232 Cheades, 149

R awrigena, 149 Chortophila, 204 Chromatomyia, 219 Chrysomya, 197, 198

= chrysoides, 197

duvaucelii, 197, 199 s flaviceps, 197

‘5 remuria, 197

re tifata, 197 Chrysomyza, 228 Chrysosoma, 155 Chrysotoxwm, 166

An antiquum, 166 - baphyrus, 166 . indiewm, 166 Chrysotus, 157 * chinensis, 157 5 rostratus, 157 CHYLISIDE, 229 Chyliza, 229 + calida, 230 * histrionica, 229 Be maeularis, 230 CHYLIZINA, 229 Citibena, 174

- aurata, 174 Clasiopa, 232

“Fi albitarsis, 232 Clematis sikkimensis, 271 Celomyia, 207 Celopa, 229, 233

5 orientalis, 229, 288 Cenogaster, 174 Cenosia, 205, 206 » boops, 206

Ceenosia, compressiventris, 206

» falcata, 206

» grata, 206

» wmsurgens, 206

» leucospila, 206

», loeta, 206

» macularis, 206

» marginata, 206

» modesta, 206

pulla, 206

5 pumila, 206

» simplex, 206

torrida, 206

Colobea, 208 Comastes, 162

» pulchellus, 162 Comes spectabilis, 150 Compsomyia, 200

op accincta, 200

oF ceruleivirens, 200

oo dux, 199

Conicera, 234 Conopilla, 164 Conopejus, 164

Conops, 164, 165, 166, 169, 172, 178, 174, 178

3 annulosus, 164 » calopus, 164 » erythrocephala, 164 » gigas, 174 » javanica, 164 » nubeculosus, 164 » pactyas, 164 » tenellus, 164 testacea, 164 Conopsint, 164, Conopsipi1, 164 Conopts, 192 Consobrina spectabilis, 150 Coprina, 173 Copromyza, 229, 231, 232, 233 Cordyligastor, 188 * fuscifacies, 188 CorDYLURID#, 210, 229 Coriacem, 234 Cormansis, 148 oH halictides, 148 Cosmina, 194 » Mmicans, 194 » pinangiana, 194 » varia, 194, CRrEoPuHILAs, 179 Crossotocnema, 187 javana, 187 Crumomyia, 232 CRYPTOCERES, 234 CucuRBITACER, 41 Curtonevra, 196 pruinosa, 196 Cyathocalye, 2, 28, 80, 38, 41

violaceimitens, 200


Cyathocalyx, Maingayi, 28, 29 of virgatus, 28

Cyathostemma, 2, 8, 11


3 acuminatum, 8, 11 * 6 Hookeri, 8, 10 * $ Scortechinit, 8, 9, 11 a wiridiflorum, 8, 9 * Wrayi, 8,9

Cynomyia, 190, 196 eS ‘fortis, 190 pe fulviventris, 190 ee quadrivittata, 196 5 wiolacca, 190, 196 Cyrtopogon, 138 ms laphrides, 138 . scatophagoides, 138 Dactyliscus, 138

Dacus, 209, 217, 218, 221, 224, 226

» enea, 218 » caudata, 221 » crue, 224 » cylindricus, 217 », fascipennis, 217 » ferrugineus, 217 », imcisus, 217 », Klugii, 217 », Limbipennis, 217 5, longicornis, 217 » modesta, 224 » ritsemex, 217 » squalidus, 217 wumbrosus, 217 Dalmannia, 178 Damalis, 137 5 andron, 187 , felderi, 138 » fumipennis, 187 » fuscus, 187 » grossa, 188 » maculata, 137 3 major, 187 » marginata, 187 » myops, 137 » pallida, 138 » planiceps, 137 » -saigonensis, 187 » signatus, 187 tibialis, 187 DANAIN®, 241 Dasyllis, 149 » gigas, 149 DaAsYMASCHALON, 48, 111 Dasyna, 229 Dasyneura, 221


" caudata, 221 op tau, 221 A zonata, 221 Dasypogon, 134, 135, 186, 188, 189, 155 $5 albonotatus, 134, PP ambryon, 134

- aphrices, 134


Dasypogon, apicalis, 136 Bs apiformis, 1384 sb aurata, 139 “9 balbilus, 135 * bifidus, 146 a cerco, 134 , chinensis, 140 59 damias, 1384 decretus, 135 e dorsalis, 1384 5 dux, 136 x echelus, 135 + hypsaon, 134 a amberbis, 134 “F imbrex, 135 Be imbutus, 134 5 incisus, 134 55 inopinatus, 1385 an inopportunus, 185 os lanatus, 135 5S libo, 135 x nigricauda, 184 = otacilius, 135 A pekinense, 134 i polygnotus, 185 “5 proclivis, 1385 a pulverifer, 134 “) rhupe, 1385 op scatophagoides, 135 Ee sinense, 136 * sordidus, 134 3 subawratus, 184 a sura, 1385 Ef trimelas, 184 “4 virens, 134

volcatus, 184 DASYPOGONID, 133 DASYPOGONINA, 133 Degeeria, 182

x albipes, 182

Delia, 204

Delphinium, 272 os camptocarpum, 271 7 Napellus, 271

55 persicum, 271 Desmos, 43

5 chinensis, 45

5 cochin-chinensis, 44 Dewia, 187, 188, 189

‘5. _ chide, 188

» divergens, 187

» extendens, 187

» . Jjestiva, 187

» javanensis, 187

si lepida, 187

» -‘macropus, 187

» munda, 187

subcompressa, 187

DEXIDs, 187 Dewilla, 187 Dexinz, 187, 188


Dialineura, 154 Diaphorus, 158

“0 zneus, 158 5 delegatus, 158 53 mandarinus, 158

Diateina, 213 Didea Ellenziederi, 175 a macquarti, 167 Dioctria, 137 a albonotatus, 184 Diorsipa, 215 Diopsis, 215, 216 » apicalis, 216 » attenuata, 215 » belzebuth, 216 » Circularis, 215 » dalmanni, 215 » discrepans, 215 » dubia, 216 » graminicola, 216 3, %chnewmonea, 215 » wmdica, 215 » latimana, 215 » lativola, 215 » quinqueguttata, 215 » subfasciata, 215 » sykesii, 216 » villosa, 216 westwoodit, 215 Diospyros frondosa, 7 Diplogaster, 204 nigricauda, 204 DIPTERA, 133 DIPTEROCARPER, 1 DiscirLtore, 1 Discocerina, 232 Discomyza, 231 a pelagica, 231 punctipennis, 231 Disepalum, 1, 3, 69 = anomalum, 69 nays longipes, 69 Ditomogaster, 220 aanthomera, 220 Doleschalla, 189 FA nigra, 189 “i picta, 189 DoxicHocERA, 210 DoticHopopa, 155 Dolichopus, 157, 158, 229 5 alligatus, 158 n collectus, 158 4) electus, 158 os fuscipennis, 158 a nitens, 156 wiczac, 158 Dorbinaa, 186

Doria, 182

Drepananthus, 3, 38 5 pruniferus, 38, 39 ae Ay ramuliflorus, 88,39

© i ia - ¢ ae

Drepananthus, stenopetala, 119 Drosophila, 231

ae insulana, 231 A lineata, 231 nigriventris, 231

DROSOPHILIDA, 231 Dryomyza, 209 . maculipennis, 209 Dryomyzin&, 208 Dryope, 209 Dryzo, 230 5 lispoidea, 230 Duwaucelia, 179, 191 5 bicincta, 179, 191 Dyctia, 208, 211, 220 5 decora, 218 Dyseris, 148 Echinomyia, 180

oF brevipennis, 180 » flavopilosa, 180 » javana, 180

or lithanthraz, 180 on platymesa, 180

- rufo-analis, 180 of sacontala, 180 or tepens, 180 as varia, 180 Egeria, 204 Egle, 204 Elachigaster, 220 F albitarsis, 220

Elasmocera, 138 Ellipeia, 2, 24 e costata, 24, 26 re cuneifolia, 24, 25, 28 Be glabra, 24, 26 Bey leptopoda, 24, 25 i nervosa, 25, 27 “¢ parviflora, 56 | pumila, 24, 27 ee undulata, 56 Elophilus, 169, 172 Emphysomera, 139

Fp conopsoides, 1389 a5 femorata, 139

BS nigra, 139

# nigrifemorata, 139 an peregrina, 139

3 spathulata, 1389 Empipz#, 154 Empis, 155 Endoiasimyia, 168 53 indiana, 168 Enicita, 214 Eniconevra, 220 5 fenestralis, 220

Enicoptera rufiventris, 222 Emicopus, 214 Ensina, 226

es guttata, 226

er reticulata, 226




ENToMOBIZ, 179 EPHDRINID®, 230 EPHIDRINA, 230, 232 Epiceia, 155 Epidesmia, 227 Era, 134, 144


curiatius, 144 rufiventris, 144 sinensis, 144

Hrigone, 181

Eriozona, 175

Eristalinus, 169

Eristalis, 165, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 231

zsepus, 170 zesymnus, 170 albibasis, 171 amphicrates, 168 andrzemon, 170 antidotus, 170 argyrocephalus, 170 arvorum, 169 barbatus, 171 bengalensis, 169, 172 cerealis, 169 chalcopygus, 170 chrysopygus, 168 cognatus, 169 curvipes, 171 dentipes, 170 errans, 168 eaterus, 170 flavofasciatus, 168 javanus, 170 latus, 170

letus, 169 macquarti, 168 maxima, 170 multifarius, 170 niger, 169

nitidus, 171 obliquus, 169 egrotus, 175 orientalis, 169 pallinervis, 170 proserpina, 169 quadrilineatus, 169 quadristriatus, 170 quadrivittatus, 169 quinquefasciatus, 171 quinquelineatus, 171 quinquestriatus, 169 simensis, 169 singularis, 171 solitus, 170

sugens, 169 tarsalis, 170 tomentosus, 170 transpositus, 171 ursinus, 171 varipes, 168 ventralis, 171


Eristalis, vestitus, 169

vilis, 169 vinctorum, 170 violaceus, 170 zonalis, 168

Eristalomyia, 169, 171

29> Eristicus, 144

fo, Y71 orientalis, 171 paria, 171 picta, 171

Ernestia, 181 Estheria, 187 Euleia, 225, 227 » (Trypeta) mutica, 225 Eumeros, 173 Eumerosyrphus, 167 % indianus, 167 3 indicus, 167 Euwmerus, 172 », albifrons, 173 » aurifrons, 172 » indica, 173 » macrocerus, 172 » nicobarensis, 173 » splendens, 173 Eumezoneuron, 130 Euphemia, 203 Euplea, 237, 238, 240, 243, 245 » apicalis, 242, 244 » augusta, 244 » burmeisteri, 244 » crassa, 241, 244

» erichsonii, 238, 241, 248, 244, 245

» grantii, 241

» harrisii, 245

» hopet, 245

» illustris, 241, 244 » imperialis, 244

» Iimdigofera, 244

» klugii, 238, 239, 240, 243, 244,


» kollari, 237, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245

» Unni, 288

5 macclellandi, 244 » masoni, 241, 244 » midanus, 238

» pembertoni, 244 » regalis, 244

sherwillii, 244

» Sinhala, 238, 239, 240, 242, 248

» wniformis, 244

» (Pademma) erichsonii, 241 klugii, 240, 241

» »”

kollari, 241 sinhala, 240

BHuPLeina, 239 EvUPoLyaALtHia, 51 Eupteromyia, 207,

(Stictoplea) harrisii, 245


Eupteromyia, trivittata, 207 Eurhina, 234 » albovariegata, 224 Eurigaster, 185, 186 a cwprescens, 185 iF langwida, 185 = muscoides, 185 . subferrifera, 185 Eurypalpus, 218 2 testaceus, 218 Buthycera, 211 Exogaster, 191 Ezoprosopa, 159, 160

x albicincta, 159

ay audowinit, 160

oA aurantiaca, 159

_ bengalensis, 159 os binotata, 159

5 brahma, 159 chrysolampis, 159 os doryca, 159

35 flavofasciata, 159 3 fuscanipennis, 160 3 javana, 159

Re pennipes, 159

mrss sphinz, 159 Eexorista, 186 4 fasciata, 186 Fabricia, 180 Fannia, 207 Faurellia, 180 Fausta, 181 Fellza, 203, 205 Feronia, 235 ¥ spinifera, 236 Fucomyia, 229, 233 GASTRODER, 179 Gastrophilus, 178 x bengalensis, 178 equi, 178 Gastrus, 178 Gaustellia, 178 Gauzania, 209 ae devecta, 209 Geomyza, 232 . laticosta, 232 = spuria, 232 GEOMYZIDES, 231 GEOMYZINE, 231 Gomrhynchus, 178 Gonia, 179, 182 ar atra, 179 55 bicincta, 179 a5 dioclea, 195 5 dotata, 195 a indica, 180, 182 a javana, 180

5 javanica, 179 5 minuta, 180 A eestroides, 180

» Tufitibialis, 180


Gonia, thermophila, 182 5 varia, 194; Goniothalamus, 3, 70, 79, 90, 98

.. Cun tisit, 70, 75 33 fulvus, 70, 74, 79 3 giganteus, 70, 73 3 Grifithii, 71, 75 + Kunstleri, 70, 73 . os var. marcantha, 73 3 macrophyllus, 71, 76 2 malayanus, 70, '74, 79 = : Prainianus, 70, 72 * 7s var. angusti- petala, 72 = = Ridleyi, 71, 76 ES 5 Seortechinii, 71, 77 <p Slingerlandtii, 74 3 subevenius, 70, 71 5 Tapis, 71, 77 = 5 tenuifolius, 70, 71, 72 * > 3 var. aborescens, 72 = 3 uvarioides, 70, 71, 78 * Wrayi, 71, 78

9 Gonypes, 185 Grammicomyia, 213 testacea, 213 Graptomyza, 173, 174

rf Beeeouneis 174, % interrwpta, 174 5 longirostris, 174 = ornidia, 174

ventralis, 173 Guatteria, 12, 40, 41, 100 - Biglandulosa, 100

Pr canangioides, 57 oe caudata, 118

5 cinnamomea, 66 3 cordata, 17

os elliptica, 65

op fasciculata

y globosa, 124

> hypoglauea, 53

- Jenkinsit, 57 ss lateriflora, 59 s macrophylla, 96, 97

a micrantha, 21

$3 multinervis, 66 i pallida, 97

3 Parveana, 57

- pondok, 67

55 ramosissima, 92 o simiarum, 53

sumatrana, 53 GyuNotom», 179 Gymmnopa, 23

rf gutticosta, 231 infusa, 231 Gymosoma, 179 53 indica, 179


Habropogon, 138 jucundus, 138

Habzelia ferruginea, 121

FS oxyantha, 114 Hamatomyzm, 178 Harpamerus, 155 Helina, 204 Helomyza, 208, 233

FS equata, 208

y circumfusa, 208 _ exeuns, 208

oy fuscicostata, 208 op intereuns, 208

invicta, 208 Fe limbata, 208

. maura, 208 Pr orientalis, 208 provecta, 208 HELomyzINz, 208 Helophilus, 172, 173 5 bengalensis, 172 3 insignis, 172

5s notabilis, 172

4 pilipes, 172 HEMERODROMYD®, 154 Hemigaster, 220

A. albovittatus, 220 Heramya, 220 Herbina, 208, 209 Herbstia, 186 Herina, 217

‘5 calcarata, 217 7 cyanewentris, 218 Hermyjia, 186 7 alacris, 186

5 beelzebub, 186 x imbuta, 186 Hesyquillia, 220 Heteralonia, 159 Heteromyza, 233 * orientalis, 233 HETEROMYZIDH, 232 HETEROMYZIDES, 232, 234 Heterostoma, 233 Hilara, 155 » bares, 155 HIPPOBOSCIDA, 234 Hippobosca, 235, 236

» calopsis, 285 » francilloni, 235 Fr sive, 265

var iegata, 235 Hematobia, 192 Homalomyia, 207 canicularis, 207

Homalur a, 233

Fe maculipennis, 233 Hubneria, 186 Hyalostemma Rowburghiana, 124 Hybos, 155

brachialis, 155


Hybos, gagatinus, 155 Hysorip#, 154 HYDRELLIDE®, 230 Hydrochus, 157 Hypromyzip, 230 Hydrophoria, 203, 205 Hydrotza, 208

5 chalcogaster, 203

=f solennis, 203 Hylemyia, 205 Hyperalonia, 159, 160

59 audouinti, 160 5 fuscanipennis, 160 oS cenomeus, 160

53 tantalus, 160 Hyperechia, 148 5 xylecopiformis, 148 Hypocera, 234 HYpPocERIDa, 234 Hyroprermina, 178 Idia, 192, 193, 194

» bengalensis, 193 » bicolor, 194 » bdivittata, 114 » cincta, 194 » discolor, 193 » flavipennis, 193 » flavipes, 193 » fulvipes, 194 » lateralis, 194 » limbipennis, 194 » mandarina, 193 » marginata, 194 » melanostoma, 193 3, metallica, 193 » nigricauda, 194 » obsoleta, 192 » quadrimaculata, 194 » quadrinotata, 193 » simplex, 194 » tenebrosa, 194 » testacea, 193 » tripartita, 194 3 wnicolor, 194 » varia, 194 » wanthogaster, 193 », wanthogastera, 193 Imatisma, 172 # orientalis, 172 Isamia rothneyi, 242 » sinhala, 240 Ischyrosyrphus, 167, 175 x) sive, 167 _ tigerinus, 167 Isomera, 179 Isopyrum, 316 5 biternatum, 316 a grandiflorum, 316, 323 ~~ microphyllwm, 316, 323 Istocheta, 182 Itamus, 147


Itamus, dipygus, 147 » fraternus, 147 » griseus, 147 » latro, 147 » longistylus, 147 Jurinea, 179 Jurinia, 179 Indica, 179 KenrtiA, 41, 103

| Keratocera, 230

Kingstonia, 4, 128 s nervosa, 128 Lampria, 149 5 znea, 150 3 auribarbis, 149 Lamprogaster, 219, 226

35 basilutca, 219

. divisa, 219

» flavipennis, 219 a frauenfeldi, 219 Ps glabra, 219

"3 guttata, 219

- marginifera, 227 3 punctata, 219,

5 sexvittata, 227

a transversa, 219, 227 3 truncatala, 219 es vittata, 219

5 zonata, 219 Laphria, 148, 149, 150

By abscissa, 152 » zenea, 150

9 alternans, 150 a aureola, 153

$5 barbicrura, 158 7 basifera, 151

+, basigutta, 151

> bipartita, 151

a4 blumei, 153

4 chrysotelus, 152 + cingulifera, 152 a claripennis, 151 is colorata, 150

“5 completa, 152

re comptissima, 152 + congrua, 150

constricta, 152

- crassipes, 149

=) cyanea, 150

en detecta, 152

» dira, 152

1 diversa, 153

a elegans, 150 “6 elva, 152

7 fervens, 150, 153 a flavifacies, 151 + fulvicrura, 153 “5 fusifera, 149

3 futilis, 153

= gigas, 149

5 gravipes, 153

Laphria hirticornis, 148 3 histrionica, 153 ys horrida, 152 op ignobilis, 153 op imbellis, 152

2 imaurea, 151

= incivilis, 162

Fe interrupta, 152 Xt javana, 151

re kollari, 149 latere-punctata, 151 o lepida, 152 lewcoprocta, 151 luteipennis, 151 melania, 151 mulleri, 153 notabilis, 151 orcus, 151 a partita, 152 Ee plana, 151 producta, 150 radicalis, 151 reinwardti, 150 rudis, 152 seva, 153 scapularis, 150 te semifulva, 151 senomera, 151 seticrura, 153 shalumus, 152 signatipes, 153 sobria, 151 solita, 153 spectabilis, 149, 150 splendida, 149 taphius, 153 triangularis, 152 unifascia, 152 vulcanus, 151 LAPHRIDS, 147 LApPHRINA, 147 Laphyctis, 138 stigmaticalis, 138 Lasiophthieus, 175 annametes, 175 Latreillia, 181, 182 oe asamathes 181 Laweania, 229 5 eurvinevris, 229 re detereuns, 229 cf diadema, 226 : encera, 229 . nigropunctata, 229 rufiventris, 229 LAUXANIDR, 228 Laxenecera, 148 25 albibarbis, 148 Pp flavibarbis, 148 Lecanipa, 182 Lentiphora, 233 Leopoldius, 164


LEPTAPODIDA, 211 Leptogaster, 135

fn levis, 136 macilentus, 186 marion, 136 nutilus, 186

simplex, 1386 x tricolor, 136 6 varipes, 1386

vitiosus, 136 LEPTOPODITA, 211 211 Leptopus, 155 Leucophora, 204 Leucozona, 175 Limnophora, 204 .5 bengalensis, 204 macet, 204 Limosia, 204, 205 Linnemyia, 185 ss titan, 185 Lispe, 206 » assimilis, 207 » dilatata, 207 » glabra, 206 » hyalipennis, 207 » nicobarensis, 207 » orientalis, 207 » sinensis, 207 » tetrastigma, 207 vittipennis, 207 isan hychus, 159 Lochites, 135 35 testaceus, 135 Lomacantha, 186 Lonchomera leptopoda, 129 Lonchopalpus, 178 Longina, 213 Loneinipt, 211 Loxocrripa, 210, 229 Loxvonerva, 218 99 decora, 218 Lucilia, 196, 197, 198, 200 Dp abdominalis, 200 5 bengalensis, 198 p brevigaster, 198

3 ceruleifrons, 198 op chalybea, 199

6 cerulea, 199

oy cyanea, 199

5 defiwa, 199

3 devisa, 199

a dwux, 199

6 eximia, 198

+5 flavicalyptrata, 198 » fraviceps, 197, 199 4 flavidipennis, 198 PP indica, 198

5 inducta, 199

op lanta, 200

bc leonardi, 200


Lucilia, leucodes, 200

_ ligurriens, 200 a orientalis, 199 A pavonina, 200

5 phellia, 199 philippensis, 198 pinguis, 200

: polita, 199

5 porphyrina, 198 a reetinervis, 200 es ruficeps, 199

3 ruficornis, 199

op serenissima, 199 e, temperata, 199 2) trita, 199

3p virens, 200

viridiaurea, 200

vittata, 199 Lycastris, 167 ri albipes, 167 Lycia, 209 Lydella, 181, 182, 185, 186 5 lucagus, 185 Macharee, 182 Macrochira, 231 Macrosoma, 203 Macrotoma, 213 As pelleterti, 218 Magnolia, 54 Maira, 149 » «nea, 150 cambodgiensis, 150 » elegans, 150 hispidella, 150 nigrithorax, 150 nycthemera, 150 » paria, 150 » producta, 150 » scapularis, 150 » spectabilis, 149 tuberculata, 150 Matac OsomMm, 207 Marshamia, 183 potans, 183 Masicera, 181, 186 os albescens, 181 + cilipes, 181 5 elongata, 181 = incivica, 181 5 longiseta, 181 as niveiceps, 181 x rubriventris, 181 A tenwisetosa, 181 vicaria, 181 Medina, 182 MEGACEPHALI, 163 Megachetwm, 229 Megaglossa, 220 Megapollion, 1386 Megaspis, 168 5 chrysopygus, 168


Megaspis, crassus, 168 bs errans, 168 zonalis, 168

Megistogaster, 188

4 costatus, 188

- fuscipennis, 188 46 ambrasus, 188 Meigenia, 181

f ciliata, 181 5 latestriata, 181

Meiogyne, virgata, 29 Melanomya, 188 Melanophora, 188 Melanostoma, 175, 177

ie orientalis, 177 - univittata, 177 Melina, 208 Melinda, 196, 197, 198

metilia, 196

Melithr eptus, 177 MELITOBIA, 234 Melius erytropygatum, 136 Melodorum, 3, 41, 64, 70, 101, 107, 111,

112, 113

3 bancanwm, 105

= cylindricum, 102, 106

33 elegans, 108, 111, 112

Fe fulgens, 101, 102, 104, 111,


3 glaucum, 63

5 hypoglaucum, 102, 106, 107

as Kentii, 112

53 lanuginosum, 108, 108

PA latifoliwm, 102, 105, 106, 108

fr var. ovoidea, 106

55 » typica, 106 oo litseaefoliwm, 101, 103

a macranthum, 102, 104

- Maingayi, 103, 109

manubriatum, 102, 104

- mollissimum, 105

2 monospermum, 85

‘5 parviflorum, 102, 107, 108

+ pisocarpum, 103, 112

a prismaticwm, 108, 109, 111

= pyramidale, 112

= ,rubiginosum, 103

sphaerocarpum, 102, 107, 108

Meriani ia, 181 Mericia, 181 Merodon, 171

; albifasciatus, 171

f varicolor, 171 Mesogramma, 177 Mesograpta, 177 Mesorhaga, 158

torquata, 158

Metallea, 201 Metopia, 182 Metopina, 234 Mezonewron, 130

*Mezoneuron, andamanicum, 180, 131

cucullatum, 130

> enneaphyllum, 130 5 glabrum, 130 : pubescens, 130

sumatranum, 130 Mezzettia, 4, 128 - Curtisti, 129 Herveyana, 129, 130 <5 leptopoda, 129 Michogaster, 215 bambusariwm, 215 Michotamia, 148 analis, 148 annulata, 148 Micramptoma, 173 Wicrocera, 168 Microdon, 166, 173 Pe apicalis, 166 5 stilboides, 166 5 sumatranus, 166 Micropeza, 213, 214 5 fragilis, 218 Microstyliwm, 136 amoyense, 136 apicalis, 136 3 basirufum, 136 bicolor, 136 brevipennatum, 136 brunnipenne, 136

3 erytropygum, 136 os eximiwm, 137

5 flaviventre, 136

ss hemorrhoidale, 137 a incomptus, 137

fe indutum, 137

nigricauda, 134 nigrum, 137 mitidiventris, 137 sinense, 136

5 spinitarsis, 136

. vestitum, 187

_ vica, 137 Midas, 133

» ruficornis, 133 Mipasip#, 133

Milesia, 165, 166, 168, 171, 172, 173

gigas, 165 limbipensis, 165 macularis, 165 meyert, 165 reinwardtii, 165 vespoides, 165 Miliusa, 4, 123 campanulata, 124 * longipes, 123, 124 a macrocarpa, 124 macropoda, 124 mollis, 124 Roxburghiana, 123, 124 tristis, 124


Miliusa, Wallichiana, 123 Mitiusiz, 3, 90 Mimegralla, 213

birmanensis, 213

Minettia, 210


signata, 210

Mitrephora, 3, 23, 79, 86, 87, 89, 90

excelsa, 23 macrophylla, 86, 87 Maingayi, 86 var. Kurzii, 86, 87 Prainii, 86, 88 reticulata, 86, 87, 88 setosa, 81 Teysmanii, 86 Thorellii, 87 vaudeflora, 87

MITREPHORER, 3, 90 Mochterus, 147

patruelis, 147

Monoon, 50

bed ”)

canangioides, 57 lateriflorum, 59 sumatranum, 53

Morellia, 190, 196

afiva, 190, 196

Morinia, 188


chloé, 188

Mosillus, 228 Mufetia, 197 Mulio, 166, 175, 210


serratus, 175 155, 175, 188, 192, 193, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 217 abdominalis, 200 adumbrata, 202 affiva, 190 albina, 202 aucta, 202 chalybea, 199 cinerea, 183 cingalesina, 203 cluvia, 202 cerulea, 199 confiwa, 201 convexifrons, 202 corvina, 202 crux, 224

defixa, 199 determinata, 202 difidens, 201 dioclea, 195 divisa, 199 domestica, 202 dotata, 195

dus, 199 euteniata, 203 exempta, 201 ferrugineus, 217 fuscipennis, 188

bel al

Musca, hortensia, 202 hortulana, 202 humilis, 202 inducta, 199, 202 y infixa, 188 jejuna, 195 x) lauta, 200 ligurriens, 200 3 mediana, 202 metilia, 196 yy micans, 188 munda, 201 “0 nebulo, 202 niveisynamma, 202 perfiza, 201 s phellia, 199 pinguis, 200 a planiceps, 202 A) polita, 199 4 porphyrina, 198 5 refixa, 201 5 remuria, 197 1 rufifrons, 202 scapularis, 203 serenissima, 199 5 temperata, 199 “5 tifata, 197 > trita, 199 ay varia, 180 wvaricolor, 201 ventrosa, 202 virens, 200 viridiaurea, 200 wxanthomelas, 202 Muscaria, 192 Muscem®, 192 Muscina, 192, 193, 196, 205 -s quadrinotata, 193

Mya, 197 Myantha, 207 Mycetia, 231 Mycophaga, 205 Mydx, 205 Mydas, 133 Mypasip&, 133 Mypasu, 133 Mypasina, 133 Mydina, 203, 205 Myennis, 220 Myobia, 185

o nigripes, 185

ae robusta, 185 Myocera, 187 Myochrysa, 187 Myodina, 220 Myopin#, 216 Myoleja, 227 Myopa, 178

=A cincta, 178 Myopella, 178 Myophora, 190


Myophora, duvaucelii, 190} fulvicornis, 190 Myophthiria, 235 53 reduvioides, 235 Myopicte, 178 Myopina, 178 Myristica Finlaysoniana, 104 Myrmecomya, 214 Necera, 186 ~ Nectarinus, 175 Nectarius, 175 Nematoproctus, 158 Nemoreea, 181 Pa bicolor, 182 Nemorilla, 182 Nemotelus, 133, 154, 158, 160 Nerea, 231 Neria, 211 NERIADES, 211 Nerina, 204 Nerius, 211, 214 » duplicatus, 211 » fuscrpennis, 211 » fuscus, 211 »» indica, 211 » ‘wmermis, 211 lineolatus, 211 Nir momyia, 238 Nitellia, 201 Neeeta, 223 » latiuscula, 223 Nothybus, 211

a longithorax, 211 Notiphila, 230, 232

+ albiventris, 230

oy chinensis, 230

“0 ciliata, 230 ;

a dorsopunctata, 230

“5 fasiata, 230

5 immaculata, 230

“A indica, 230

*) peregrina, 230

a radiatula, 280

a sinensis, 230

Nusa, 118 » equalis, 148 5 formio, 148

Nycteribia, 236

a ferrari, 236 e hopei, 236 7) jenynsti, 236 =A minuta, 236 es roylii, 236

sykesii, 236 NycTeriviz, 234, 236 NycTERIBIDa, 234, 236 Oblicia, 210 Ochromyia, 195, 198

5 bicolor, 195 5 fasciata, 195 4 fulvescens, 195

Ochromyia, javana, 195

os jejuna, 195

5s quadrinotata, 195 Ochropleurwm, 186 a javanum, 186 Ochthera, 231

3 rotundata, 231 Ocyphro, 179 Ocyptera, 191 A bicolor, 191 fp fuscipennis, 191 np umbripennis, 191 OcyPrERATH, 176, 191 OcyYprERID#, 191 (srracipEs, 177 (strip, 177, 178 Gstrus, 178 Olfersia, 235 > longipalpis, 230 “A spinifera, 236 Olina, 282 Ommatius, 139 25 androcles, 140

op argyrochirus, 140 =p aurata, 139 » chinensis, 140

oF compeditus, 139 os conopsoides, 189, 140

coryphe, 140 op despectus, 140 ar dispar, 140

»” frauenfeldi, 140 » fulvidus, 140 oy gracilis, 140

> hecale, 140

oF impeditus, 140 of inextricatus, 140 op insularis, 141

of leucopogon, 139 a minor, 140

of nanus, 140

“5 noctifer, 140

= pennus, 140

es pictipennis, 140

“5 pinguis, 141

3 platymelas, 139 or rubicundus, 141 os rufipes, 140

“6 signinipes, 140

7 spathulata, 139

. spinibarbis, 140 “5 suffusus, 141 taeniomerus,

Onodont, 203 Oodigaster, 183 Ophira, 203

op congressa, 203

fe nigra, 204

<5 riparia, 204, Oplogaster, 205


Index. 341

Opomyza, 232 Opomyzip&, 210, 211 Orectocera, 185 3 micans, 185 Orellia, 185 Ormia, 195 Ornidia, 174 Ornithomyia, 235 3 columbex, 235 Py) javana, 235 re nigricans, 235 Ornitophila, 235 Orophea, 3,79, 87, 88, 89, 90 2 acuminata, 82 A anceps, 86 3p cuneiformis, 83, 84 of dodecandra, 80, 84 » enterocarpa, 79, 82 ie gracilis, 79, 83 * 5, hastata, 80, 88 » kexandra, 79, 81 fe hirsuéa, 79, 81 » Katschallica, 79, 80 » maculata, 79, 82, 85 » polycarpa, 80, 85 » reticulata, 87 » setosa, 79, 80 - Thorelai, 82 » undulata, 86 » wniflora, 83 ORTALIDA, 216 ORTALIDH, 214, 223 Ortalis, 214, 220, 221 » wara, 220 » rutilans, 220 OSCINIDES, 232 OSCININA, 232 Oscinis, 211, 217, 220, 232, 233 si ensifera, 233 x insignis, 233 Osmea, 186 Otites, 220 O.xycephala, 218 " pictipennis, 218 Oxigraphide, 272 Oxymitra, 3, 97, 100 FS afinis, 98 .s bassicfolia, 110 ys biglandulosa, 98, 100 I calycina, 98, 99 vf cuneiformis, 99, 100 5 filipes, 97, 98, 99 re glauca, 97, 98, 101 OXYMITRE®, 90 Oxyna, 226, Oxyphora, 223 r malaica, 223 Pademma, 237, 238, 239, 243, 244 Fe apicalis, 24.2 =r augusta, 242 . burmeisteri, 242

Pademma, crassa, 241 dharma, 242 erichsonti, 241 grantii, 241 4llustris, 241 ampcrialis, 242 indigofera, 242 klugii, 240, 241 kollari, 241 macclellandi, 242 masoni, 241 pembertoni, 242 regalis 242 sherwillii, 242 sinhala, 240 uniformis, 242

> Pales, 182 Palloptera, 209 PaLomIpG@, 208, 210, 229 Palpomyia, 220 Palpostoma, 195 Palusia, 205, 206 Ponzeria 181, Paracelyphus, 228, a hyacinthus, 228 Paragus, 175

A crenulatus, 175 54 politus, 175 yy serratus, 175

PARALIMNA, 230 sinensis, 230 Par alophosia imbuta, 186 Parartabotrys swmatrana, 115 Peckia, 189 Pegomyia, 204 Peleteria, 179, 180 » javanica, 179

Pelops doryca, 159 Peodes, 158

5, wicobarensis, 158 Pericheta, 182 Petalophora, 222 hpantha, 4,121

Sy andamanicus, 121, 122

a dioicus, 124

+ lucidus, 121, 122

oe nutans, 121, 122 Phania, 191

», %wmdica, 191 Phantasma, 213 Phaonia, 203 Phasia, 179

» indica, 179 PHAsIADa#, 179 Pherbellia, 208 Pherbina, 211 Philinta, 207 PHILLODROMYNA, 154 Philodendria, 232 Philodicus, 142, 143

af agnitus, 142


Philodicus, ceylanicus, 143 a chinensis, 143 > conjinis, 143

3 externo-testacca, 143 ny fuscus, 142

x innotabilis, 142

rf javanus, 142

5 rubritarsatus, 143

e rufibarbis, 143 3 rufo-ungulatus 143 westermanni, 143 Philonicus, 1438 nigrosetosus, 143 Phora, 232, 234 5) cleghorni, 234 5 orientalis, 234 5 sinensis, 234 Phorbia, 204 Phorella, 189 PHORIDS, 234 Phormia, 195, 197 3 dotata, 195 Phorocera, 182 3 hyalipennis, 182 “A javana, 182 5 zebina, 182 Phorosia, 178 Phrissopodia, 189 BS metallica, 189 Phryno, 185, 186 Phryze, 181, 186 Phthiria, 1638 s gracilis, 163 PHTHIRIDIUM, 234, 236 PHTHIROMYIA, 234 Phumosia, 195 5 fulvicornis, 195 Phyllis, 204 Physocephala, 164 Phytomyia, 168 < chrysopygus, 168 PHYTOMYZIDES, 234 Pictina, 178 PIoPHILIDH, 230, 231 Pipiza, 175 PIPUNCULIDA, 163 Pipunculus, 163 5 abscissus, 163 armatus, 163 Platycheirus, 175

- Platychira, 182

Platystoma, 218, 220, 226

55 albitarsis, 220- FI albovittatus, 220 ¥ cinctus, 227

4 decora, 218

a irrorata, 220

55 orientalis, 220

PH punctiplena, 220 - rigida, 220 5 swperba, 220


Platystoma, zanthomera, 220 Plazemya, 201 Plinthomyia, 198

e emimelania, 198 Pogonosoma, 149 5 beccarit, 149

stigmatica, 149 Poilopus, 155 Pollenia, 201 53 munda, 201 is reflectens, 201 Polyalthia, 3, 28, 40, 41, 49, 58, 64, 97 100, 129 5 aberrans, 51, 63, 64 ns andamanica, 50, 58, 56, 57 * argentea, 97 a Beccarvi, 52, 65 = biglandulosa, 100 ome bullata, 51, 64 5 cinnamomea, 52, 66 See ye clavigera, 51, 60 Far, congregata, 51, 55, 61 . cuneiformis, 99, 100 5 dubia, 96 ca) dumosa, 50, 52 ae elliptica, 65 ie fruticans, 21

pee ales glomerata, 51, 61 sea Hookeriana, 50, 57 aa hypogea, 51, 62

_ hypoleuca, 50, 52, 53 Jenkinsii, 50, 54, 56, 57 ie Korinti, 51 Pree Kunstleri, 50, 55 is lateriflora, 51, 58 Eee iy macrantha, 50, 54, 6 » macrophylla, 76, 96 ee macropoda, 51, 60 61 rh magnolicflora, 50, 54 an obliqua, 51, 63 cares, oblonga, 51, 65, 78 Ld ae pachyphylla, 52, 66 PS pulchra, 50, 55 - ri var. angustifolia, 55 +5 pycnantha, 52, 67 . sclerophylla, 51, 59 ae Scortechinii, 50, 56 Pe simuarum, 50, 58, 59

A var. parvifolia, 58 “e subcor data, 51, 64

5 suberosa, 52

> sumatrana, 50, 53

Teysmannii, 66 Polycheta, 182 Polyctenes, 235 3 lyre, 235 spasme, 235 Polystodes, 215 Popowia, 3, 21, 28, 88, 89, 90, 97 e afin is, 92 Pr Beddomiana, 93


ia, fetida, 91, 93

on fusca, 91, 94, 95

a Helferi, 91, 93

He Hookeri, 91, 97

Kurzii, 89, 91, 96, 97

3 nervifolia, 27, 28, 91, 95 Jae nitida, 21, 91, 92, 97 5 parvifolia, 97 - pauciflora, 91, 92 as perakensis, 91, 9A pisocarpa, 90 ij ramosissima, 90, 91, 92, 94 s rufula, 92 - tomentosa, 91, 95 7% velutina, 91, 94 Porphyr ops, 157, 158 Priomerus, 168

53 fasciatus, 168

Proctachantus, 143 Promachus, 141, 143

: albopilosus, 141 of amorges, 141 3 anicius, 141

ne bifasciatus, 142 <6 felinus, 142

gobares, 141

5 heteropterws, 141 Pr imornatus, 142

5 leucopareus, 142 5 maculatus, 142 . mare, 141

s melampygus, 142 ss micobarensis, 141 65 orientalis, 141

. paliipennis, 141 rufimistacea, 141 5 testaceipes, 141 if viridiventris, 141

vittula, 142 Pr osyr rogaster, 219

3 chelyonothus, 219 Pseudwvaria reticulata, 87 Psila, 210

» apicalis, 21U » cruciata, 222 PSILIDES, 229 PsILIn#&, 210, 229 Psilocephala, 154 es indica, 1\ 4 Psilomyda, 210 PsiLomyp#&, 210, 229 Psilomyia, 210 Psilopa, 2381 Psilopodius, 155 eneus, 155 5 allectans, 157 - alliciens, 157 3 apicalis, 1B@ i. appendiculatus, 156 rf armillatus, 156 : bislectwm, 186

oe e*


Psilopodius, celestis, 156 + clarus, 156 collwcens, 157 33 conicornis, 156 . crinicornis, 156

“a cupido, 156 delectans, 157 derelictus, 157 elegans, 156 filatus, 157 flavicornis, 156 fuscopennatus, 156 illiciens, 157 leucopogon, 156 nitens, 156 obscuratus, 157 patellatus, 157 posticus, 156 prolectans, 157 proliciens, 157 pusillus, 156 robustus, 156 setipes, 156 55 subnotatus, 156 tenebrosus, 157 55 villipes, 157 a vittatus, 156 Psilopus, 155 $5 globifer, 155 Pterogenia, 219 . dayak, 219 ‘s flavipennis, 219 Pterospylus, 155 Pr bicolor, 155 Ptilona, 227 » brevicornis, 227 dunlopi, 227 notabilis, 227 » sexmaculata, 227 PUPIPARA, 234 Purpurellia, 178 PUTRELLIDEA, 234 Pyramidanthe, 103 oy macrantha, 111 rufa, 110, 111


Pyrellia, 200

as confixa, 201

* diffidens, 201

5 exempta, 207

5 perfiwa, 201

55 refiza, 201

"A sivah, 201

5 stella, 201

_ violacea, 200 Pyrophena, 175 Ramburia, 186

RANUNCULACER, 270, 271, 273, 316

Ranunculus Shaftoanus, 272 RapuHina, 155 Raphis, 189

» elongata, 189


Raymondia, 236 a hubert, 286 m6 kollari, 236 Reawmuria, 179 Rhadinomyia, 221 os orientalis, 221 Rhaphium, 157 es dilatatum, 157 Rhedia, 179 atna 79 Rhengie, 172 Rhinia, 193 » fulvipes, 193 » testacea, 198 Rhopalocarpus, 69 35 fruticosus, 68 Rhynchomya, 192

aberrans, 192 a bicolor, 192 45 indica, 192

op obsoleta, 192

palliceps, 192 Ay plumata, 192 Rhynomya, 182 Ruysomyz@, 179, 191 Riowa, 222 » confinis, 222 » erebus, 222 » lanceolata, 222 » nox, 222 Rivellia, 221 » persice, 221 Roesellia, 185 Rohrella, 203, 205 Rutilia, 187 » angusticarinata, 187 » flavipennis, 187 » nitens, 287 Sageraea, 2, 6, 7 A elliptica, 7 + Hookeri, 7 Salpineg crassa, 241 » erichsonit, 241 » grantii, 241 » dllustris, 241 » klugii, 241 » masoni, 241 Sapromyza, 209, 210 bengalensis, 209 biguttata, 209 conferta, 209 fallenii, 209 javana, 210 levis, 209 pesila, 210 5 scutellaris, 210 SAPROMYZIDH, 229 Sarcophaga, 189, 190, 196 aliena, 190 emigrata, 190 indicata, 190


Sarcophaga, javana, 189

B lineatocollis, 189 re princeps, 189 = reciproca, 190

~ ruficornis, 189 rufipalpis, 190 . sericea, 190 . taenionota, 189 es tenuipalpis, 189 SARCOPHAGEG, 188 SARCOPHAGINA, 188 Sarcophila, 190 is alba, 190 Sargus, 229 Saropogon, 135 5 scalare, 135 Satyra, 158 Scaptomyza, 231 Scatomyzipm, 207, 208, 210, 234 ScaToMyYZIDES, 207, 208, 229 Scatophaga, 208, 210, 220, 224, 226, 227 ScaTOPHAGID, 207 SUATOPHAGINA, 207, 208 Schenomyza, 205 Scholastes, 219, 226 3 cinctus, 227 Sciapus, 155 Sciomyza, 208 ob orientalis, 208 53 propinqua, 209 a repleta, 208 oe reticulata, 209 rr terminalis, 209 Sciomyzip#, 210 Sciomyzina, 208, 210 Sceva, 175 » scutellaris, 176 Scylaticus, 138 x degener, 189 r vertebratus, 138 ScyomyzIpEs, 229 Senogaster, 172 bs lutescens, 172 Senometopia, 186 Senopterina, 218

es znea, 218

cf batavensis, 218 of flavipes, 218

rr labialis, 218

re marginata, 218

of zonalis, 218 Sepedon, 210 f znescens, 211 -f, crishna, 211

» ferruginosus, 210 49 javanensis, 210 » plombellus, 211 SEpsIDm, 211, 214 Sepsis, 214 bicolor, 215 complicata, 214

2) »

Index. 345

Sepsis, indica, 214 », lateralis, 214 » monostigma, 215 » nitens, 214 » trivittata, 214 » vidwata, 215 Servillia, 180 Sicus, 178 Silbomyia, 188 ns fumipennis, 188 5 fuscipennis, 188 33 infiaa, 188 5 micans, 188 Simosyrphus, 161, 175 is planifacies, 167 Sisyropa, 182 a thermophila, 182 Sitarea, 224 Solieria, 185 Somomya, 197, 198

- atrifacies, 198

y birmanensis, 197

+ ceruleocincta, 197 of cerulcolimbata, 198 op cyaneocincta, 198

cp dives, 198 » fuscocincta, 197 3 infumata, 197 cf melanorhina, 198 7 nebulosa, 198 nitidifacies, 198 5 obesa, 197 6 pachysoma, 198 a pagodina, 197 * pictifacies, 197 ag rubiginosa, 197 3 versicolor, 197 3 zanthomera, 198 Sophia, 187 Sophira, 222

» concinna, 222

» venusta, 223 Spallanzania, 179 Spariglossum, 164 Spathipsilopus, 155 m0 globifer, 155 Spatigaster, 175 Spazigaster, 175 Spherocera, 231 SPHHROCERIDA, 234, Sphegina, 168

5 macropoda, 168 Sphenella, 226, 227

3 indica, 227

. sinensis, 227 Sphixea, 165

» flavifacies, 165

» fulvipes, 165

» fuscicosta, 165 Sphiximorpha, 165 Sphivosoma, 164

Sphizxosoma, anchorata, 165 Spherophoria, 177

bengalensis, 177 indiana, 177

Sphryracephala, 216

hearseiana, 216

Spilogaster, 2038, 205

albiceps, 205 leucocerus, 205 pruinosus, 205

Stelechocarpus, 2,4, 5

* *

Bur ahol, 4, 5,6 nitidus, ds 5 punctatus, 4

STENOPETALON, 43 Stichopogon, 138

albicapillus, 138 nicobarensis, 188

Stictoploca, 237

harrisii, 245

Stomorhina, 193

bivittata, 193 quadrinotata, 193

Stomowis, 192


calcitrans, 192 flawipennis, 192 libatrixv, 192 plurinotatus, 192

Stratiomys, 166 STREBLIDA, 234, 236 STREBLIDI, 234, '236 Strumeta, 223

conformis, 223

Stylophor "ad, 225

zonata, 225

Suillia, 208, 209 Sylvia, 209 Synamphoneura, 201

Synoleus, 147

cwprina, 201 canthopus, 147

Syperosia, 192 Syritta, 173

orientalis, 173 rufifacies, 173

SyrpuHim, 164 SyRPHips®, 164 SYRPHIND, 164

Syrphus, 165, 166, 167, 168, 189, 171, 172,

173, 174, 175, 177, 191, 210 alternans, 175 arvorum, 169 assimilis, 176 balteatus, 175 confrater, 176 consequens, 177 consimilis, 176 corolle, 176 coromandelensis, 176 cothonea, 176 cranapes, 176


Syrphus, crassus, 168 = =

» cyathifer, 177 | s divertens, 177 » duplex, 177 9 ericetorum, 167 » erythropygus, 175 » fascipennis, 175 » heterogaster, 177 » “«nciswralis, 167 » wmfirmus, 175 » gjavanus, 176 » lunatus, 176 » macropterus, 177 * megacephalus, 168 3 mundus, 176 3 nectarinus, 175 neglectus, 176 6 cegrotus, 175 + opimius, 176 - orientalis, 177 35 orsua, 176 35 pedius, 176 » planifacies, 167 » plewralis, 177 a quadrilineatus, 169 - quinquestriatus, 169 rufofasciatus, 176 ;; salvize, 167 5 scutellaris, 176 a serarises, 176 » splendens, 177 » striatus, 176 » triligatus, 175 i: trilimbatus, 175 » wnivittata, 177 » virdawreus, 176 é, zonalis, 168 : zonatus, 168 Sytropus, 163 5 eumenoides, 163 re ophioneus, 163 mh polistoides, 163 5 tipuloides, 163 Tachina, 179, 180, 181, 186, 192 45 adusta, 184 » alacris, 186 0 alta, 184 6 atriventris, 184 Hy beelzebub, 186 - bomboides, 184 35 cilipes 181 na cinerea, 183 » “convergens, 183 a dorsalis, 184 * errans, 183 » fasciata, 184 » flavipennis, 183 » fulva, 184 at grandis, 184 as imbrasus, 188

182, 183, 185,


Tachina, imbuta, 186

» indica, 182

5 innocens, 184 javana, 180, 184 lithanthrax 180 * macularis, 183 mellea, 183 5 metallica, 183 molitor, 184 munda, 183 nigricornis, 183 nigriventris, 183 nitida, 184 ophirica, 185 orbata, 184 orientalis, 184 potans, 183 psamathe, 181 rufifrons, 183 salva, 184 sobria, 184 subcinerea, 184

sugens, 188

- thermophila, 182

s tricincta, 184.

» wmbrosa, 184

- viridiaurea, 183 TACHINARIA, 179 TACHINARIDH, 179 TACHINID#, 179 Tachydromyia, 155 TACHYDROMYNA, 154 Teniaptera, 213

a5 albimana, 213 Pr amzna, 213 cinereipennis, 213

Tairmairia, 178 Tanipoda, 212 3 caligata, 212 a cubitalis, 213 . luteilabris, 213 . strenua, 212 TANYPEZINA, 211 TANYPEZINA, 211, 214 Teleopsis, 216

" breviscopiwm, 216 a fulviventris, 216 Ss longiscopiwm, 216

-, sykesit, 216 Temnocera, 174 M3 violacea, 174; ' Tephitis fessata, 224 TEPHRITIDH, 216, 223 Tephritis, 200, 214, 217, 220, 221, 224, 226, 227. 228, 232 a asteria, 226

6 brahma, 226

3 fasciventris, 226 a paritii, 226

ss violacea, 200



Tepritis, 232 Terellia, 224 Tetanocera, 211 4 discalis, 211 TETANOCERID, 210 TETANOCERIN®, 210 Tevara, 214 » compressa, 214 Thalictrum punduanwm, 271 3 33 var rufum, 271 Thelaira, 187 THELIDOMYDS, 211, 214 Themara, 221

55 ampla, 221 : hirtipes, 221 5 maculipennis, 221

55 ypsilon, 221 THERAMYD®, 188 Thereva, 154, 173, 179

7 albina, 154

56) bigoti, 154

_ cylindrica, 154 5 indica, 154

FS lateralis, 154 FA nigella, 154

$5 nivaria, 154

3 persequa, 154

: precedens, 154 sequa, 154 a sequens, 154 THEREVIDH, 153 Therobia, 178

Fe abdominalis, 178 Thryptocera, 186 Fp setinervis, 186

Tigridemyia, 167 Tigridiamyia, 167 Tigridomyia, 167 5 pictipes, 167 Timia, 228 Tolmerus, 14:7

5 agilis, 147

2 nicobarencis, 147 Toxonevra, 209 Toxophora, 163

35 javana, 163 A zilpa, 163

Trennia, 203 Trinaria, 159 Trineura, 232, 234

33 peregrina, 232 TRINEURA, 231 TRINEURIDES, 234 Trivalvaria, 97 Trizomorpha, 182 33 indica, 180, 182 Trollius, 271

Fr lawus, 272

53 palustris, 271

> 172

5 sinensis, 172


Trwpanec, 141, 142, 148, 220, 224, 226

agnita, 144 albopilosa, 148 albopilosus, 141 amorges, 141 apicalis, 143 apivora, 144 bifasciata, 143 bifasciatus, 142 calanus, 144 confinis, 143 contracta, 144 duvaucelii, 143 externo-testacea, 143 flavibarbis, 143 fuscus, 142 heteropterus, 141 innotabilis, 142 inserens, 144 javana, 142 leucopyga, 144 maculatus, 142 maculipes, 144 marci, 141 orientalis, 141 pallipennis, 141 rubritarsata, 142 rubritarsatus, 143 rufimistacca, 141 rufo-ungulatus, 143 sagittifera, 144 telifera, 144 testaceipes, 141 univentris, 144 varipes, 143 viridiventris, 141 westermanni, 143

Trypeta, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227

a ~-, - S

acrostacta, 224 antiqua, 225 atilia, 224 basilaris, 224 capitata, 222 contraria, 225 cruw, 224 cylindrica, 225 ferruginea, 225 fessata, 224 incissa, 224, 225 melaleuca, 224 mista, 225 modesta, 224 mutica, 225 obsoleta, 224 * quadrinicisa, 227 reinhardti, 224 rudis, 224 sinensis, 225 sinica, 224 stella, 225 tubifera, 224


| Trypeta, tucia, 224

CaS inna

» vaga, 224

» violacca, 224 TRYPETIDA, 223 TRYPETIDA, 216 TRYPETINA”, 216, 223 Trypoderma, 178

3 abdominalis, 178 Tubicalyx, 180 Ulidia, 228

» ened, 228 » clausa, 228 » divergens, 228 » fulviceps, 228 » melanophila, 228 ULIpDIa, 227 Uxipina, 228 Unona, 3, 40, 42, 49, 111 » amherstiana, 45 » biglandulosa, 45 » cauliflora, 66 » chinensis, 45 » cochin-chinensis, 44 » cordifolia, 45 » crinita, 43, 48 », Dasymasehala, 48, 47


p desmantha, 43, 48 » Desmos, 43, 44 » discolor, 43, 44, 45, 47

» aie bracteata, 45

a » laevigata, 45 », latifolia, 45 9 on »» pubescens, 45 » pubiflora, 45

- dumesa, 43, 45 » Dunalii, 43, 45 » fulva, 44 » grandiflora, 17 » latifolia, 105

» leptopetala, 42

» Lessertiana, 45 ee

» longiflora, 43, 46, 47 » macrantha, 111

» macrophylla, 76

» mesnyi, 64

» odorata, 40, 42

SS pedunculosa, 44

» pycnantha, 48, 67

» Rowburghiana, 45° oe

simiarwmn, 58

5 Sspherocarpa, 10s

» stenopetala, 43, 49° ie a,

5 suaveolens, 37 >

» subcordata, 65

» undulata, 45

» virgata, 29

Wrayi, 43, 47

Unonea, 2,8, 90 we Urellia, 226

var. Blumei, 47 Wallichi, 47


Urophora, 226, 227

bP) Uvaria, *

fasciata, 226 teniata, 226 vittithoraz, 226 2, 8, 11, 28, 24, 74, 79 andamanica, 13, 21 astrosticta, 13, 23 aurita, 15 axillaris, 42 Burahol, 6 canangioides, 57 cordata, 17 Curtisti, 12, 19 dioica, 124 dulcis, 12, 14, 15 elegans, 21, 111 elliptica, 7 excelsa, 18, 22 flava, 18 fracta, 42 fulgens, 104 gigantea, 74. grandiflora, 14, 17 Hamiltoni, 12, 13, 14 3 var. Kurzit, 14 heterocarpa, 23, 26 hirsuta, 12, 18 javana, 15 Larep, 12, 18 latifolia, 105, 106 of var. ovoidea, 106 x *amica, 106


Uvaria, tripetala, 122

» velutina, 18

» Vogelii, 90

» zeylanica, 40 Uvarim, 2, 7, 8, 90 Valonia, 228

» complicata, 223 Ventrimacula doryca, 159 Vidalia, 225

» impressifrons, 225

is aurata, 174, as mutata, 174, 3 nubeculosa, 174 op obesa, 174 an opalina, 174 5 peleterit, 174 * trifarciata, 174 Voria, 188 Winthemia, 182, 186 | Xarnuta, 209 | » leucotelus, 209 Xiphandriwm, 157 Xiria, 221 » antica, 221 » obliqua, 221 Xylopia, 8, 107, 111, 112 - caudata, 118, 117

s dicarpa, 118, 114

furon~ 119 4128

* 5 Curtisii, 118, 116

si elliptica, 118, 117 o, ferruginea, 114, 120


Volucella, 163, 174, 188, 190, 196, 201

: & wiolacea, 200 - Zoosre, 179, 234

. : : : . ; re ) < « J y=, Ve 2 a5 nA | - F ae ae) fe a wy V , a, / te : | f at Sl cae ee " 4 4 A ? % : | | | : af a4" om, ae ig cect et . 2 ; : ; ; : | | a ae . ; : | . . | >







No. 1.—1892.

I1.—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula.—By Grorce Kina, M. B., LL. D., F. R. S., C. I. H., Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.

No. 4.

As explained in No. 1 of these papers, I was unable to take up the Natsral Family of Anonacez in its natural sequence. Having now been able to work it out, I present my account of it to the Society. Another of the Thalamifloral families (Dipterocarpec) still remains to be worked out before beginning the Dzsciflore. In the present paper I have followed, for the most part, the arrangement of tribes and the limitations of genera adopted by Sir J. D. Hooker in his Flora of British India; and in most of the instances where I have not done so the fact has been noted.


Trees or shrubs, often climbing and aromatic. Leaves alternate, exstipulate, simple, quite entire. Flowers 2- rarely 1-sexual. Sepals 3, free or connate, usually valvate, rarely imbricate. Petals 6, hypogynous, 2-seriate, or the inner absent. (J lowers dimerous in Disepalum). Stamens many, rarely definite, hypogynous, closely packed on the torus, filaments short or 0; anthers adnate cells extrorse or sublateral, connective pro- duced into an oblong dilated or truncate head. Ovaries 1 or more, apo-



2 G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

carpous, very rarely (Anona) syncarpous with distinct or agglutinated stigmas, style short or 0; ovules 1 or more. Fruit of 1 or more, sessile or stalked, 1- or many-seeded, usually indehiscent carpels. Seeds large; testa crustaceous or coriaceous; albumen dense, ruminate, often divided almost to the axis into several series of horizontal plates ; embryo small or minute, cotyledons divaricating.—Distrib. Tropics of the Old World chiefly ; genera about 45 with 500 or 600 species. Tribe I. Uvaria. Petals 2-seriate, one or both series imbricate in bud. Stamens many, close- packed; their anther-cells concealed by the overlapping connectives. Ovaries indefinite. Sepals imbricate ; trees or shrubs. Flowers small, globular, scarcely open- ing; often uni-sexual and from the older branches or trunk; ovules 6 to 8, or indefinite. Trees; flowers l-sexual; ovules many; torus conical or hemis- pheric ... =a ... 1. Stelechocarpus. Trees or shrubs; flowers unisexual or hermaphrodite ; ovules 6 to 8; torus flat a .. 2. Sageraea. Sepals valvate ; climbers. Flowers small, mostly hermaphrodite ; petals incurved, ovules 6 to 8; torus flat 1 ie ... & Cyathostemma. Flowers usually large and from the leafy a branches, petals spreading; torus flat. Flowers 2-sexual; ovules many ... 4. Uvaria. Flowers 1- or 2-sexual; ovules so- litary, rarely 2 “ae ... O. Hllipeia, Tribe II. Uyonex. Petals valvate or open in bud, spreading in flower, flat, or concave at the base only ; inner subsimilar or 0. Stamens many, close-packed ; their anther-cells concealed by the overlapping connectives. Ovaries indefi- nite. Flowers trimerous. Petals conniving at the concave base and covering the stamens and ovaries. Ovaries 1-3, many-ovuled ; pedun- cles not hooked .. w. 6. Cyathocalyz.


G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. Ovaries many, 2-ovuled : eat hooked . she . 7. Artabotrys. Ovaries Riis, ovules 4 or more; peduncles straight ... ..» 8. Drepananthus. Petals flat, spreading from the base. Ripe carpels indehiscent. Ovules many, 2-seriate ; petals lanceolate, stamens with acute apical appendage . 9. Canangium. Ovules 2-6, l-seriate on the ventral suture . LO. Unona. Ovules 1-2, oe or ctibbeanld . Ll. Polyalthia. Ripe carpels follicular ... 12. Anaxagorea. Flowers dimerous ... 1 .. 13. Disepalum.

Tribe III. MuitrerHores. Petals valvate in bud, outer spreading ; inner dissimilar, concave, con- nivent, arching over the stamens and pistils, (divergent in some Mitrephoras). Stamens many, (few in Orophea), closely packed; anther-cells (except in Orophea) concealed by the overlapping connectives. Pistils numerous (few in some Oro-

pheas). Inner petals clawed.

Inner petals connivent in a cone, but not vaulted ve ww. 14. Goniothalamus. Inner petals vaulted, Stamens about 6, Miliusoid ; inner petals longer than the outer... 15. Orophea. Stamens numerous, Uvarioid ; inner petals not longer or very little longer than the outer «eo. 16. Mitrephora.

Inner petals not clawed.

Flowers globose ; petals subequal «a» 17. Popowia. Flowers elongate; inner petals much shorter than the outer... 18. Oxymitra.

Tribe IV. Xyuorrux. Petals valvate in bud, thick and rigid, connivent ; the inner similar but smaller, rarely 0.

Outer petals broad; torus convex ww. 19, Melodorum. Outer petals narrow, often triquetrous ; torus flat or concave aed w. 20, Xylopia.

Tribe V. Munrusrea. Petals valvate in bud, the

A G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

outer sometimes very small like the sepals. Sta- mens often definite, loosely imbricate ; anther- cells (except in Pheeanthus) not concealed by the connectives. Ovaries solitary or indefinite. Ovaries indefinite. Sepals and outer petals similar and minute ; inner petals very large, often cohering by their edges. Ovules 1 or 2: stamens numerous, : quadrate, with broad truncate apical processes concealing the anther-cells from above .. 21, Pheanthus. Ovules 1 or 2, rarely 3 or 4; stamens few or numerous, compressed, the apical process of the connective compressed, rot broad or truncate, and not concealing the anther- cells from above... ... 22. Miliusa. Petals larger than the sepals, often saccate at the base, subequal or the inner smaller 23. Alphonsea. Ovaries solitary. Outer petals valvate, inner imbricate we 24. Kingstonia. All the petals valvate aap . 20. Mezzettia.

1. SreLrecHocarvus, Blume.

Trees. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers dicecious, fascicled, on the old wood. Sepals 3, small, elliptic or orbicular, imbricate. Torus conical. Stamens indefinite ; connective dilated, truncate. Ovaries indefinite, ovoid ; stigma sessile ; ovules 6 or more. Jtpe carpels large, berried, globose, 4—6-seeded.—Distrib. Species 3 or 4, all Malayan.

Leaves pellucid-punctate .., ses ... 1S. punctatus. Leaves not pellucid-punctate. Flowers of both sexes alike Fe .. 28. nitidus. Male flowers smaller than the female .. 38. Burahol.

1. SreLtecHocaRPuUS PuNcTATUS, King n. sp. <A tree 20 to 30 feet high: young branches slender, cinereous-puberulous, becoming glabrous. Leaves membranous, minutely pellucid-punctate, elliptic-ovate, shortly acuminate, slightly narrowed in the lower fourth to the rounded sub- oblique base: upper surface shining, glabrous except the pubescent impressed midrib ; lower surface shining, paler than the upper, sparsely puberulous or glabrous, the reticulations minute and distinct: main nerves 12 to 14 pairs, bold and prominent on the lower, slightly impres-


1892.| G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 5

sed on the upper, surface: length of blade 7 to 10 in., breadth 3 to 4 in. ; petiole ‘15 to ‘2 in., stout, pubescent. Male flowers in several-flowered fascicles from woody tubercles on the trunk, pedunculate: buds turbi- nate, nearly ‘5 in., in diam. ; peduncles | to 1°5 in. long, stout, thickened upwards, ebracteolate, puberulous. Sepals very coriaceous, rotund, concave, conjoined at the base, spreading, rugose, pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Petals very coriaceous, rotund, concave, glabrous ; the outer 3 puberulous outside; the inner three smaller than the outer, quite glabrous, otherwise like them and all of a dark brownish colour. Anthers sessile, flat, the cells elongate on the anterior surface, the back striate: apex without any appendage from the connective. Female flowers and fruit unknown.

Perak ; King’s Collector, No. 7183.

Although female flowers and fruit of this have not yet been found, I describe it asa new species of Stelechocarpus without any hesitation. Its male flowers have exactly the facies of those of S. Burahol, Bl.; but they are larger. They, however, differ as to shape of petals; the leaves of this species are distinctly pellucid-punctate (while those of §. Burahol are not) and they are broader and have slightly more nerves than those of S. Burahol. When boiled, the flowers of the two have exactly the same peculiar sweetish smell.

2. STELECHOCARPUS NITIDUS, King, n.sp. A tree 30 to 60 feet high; all parts glabrous except the inflorescence: young branches darkly cinereous, slender. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the base acute; both surfaces shining, very minutely scaly, the midrib and nerves deeply impressed on the upper, bold and promi- nent on the lower; the reticulations distinct on both: main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, curved, sub-ascending, inter-arching within the edge: length of blade 6 to 9 in., breadth 1°8 to 3:25 in., petiole °35 in. Male flowers in many-flowered fascicles from tubercles on the trunk, pedicellate ; buds turbinate ; flowers when open probably nearly 1 in. in diam.: pedicels stout, thickened upwards, 1 to 15 in. long, scurfy-puberulous, each with several sub-rotund glabrous bracteoles mostly near its base. Sepals very coriaceous, shortly oblong, obtuse, concave, spreading, con- joined at the base, puberulous or glabrescent, warted externally. Outer 3 petals much larger than the sepals and somewhat larger than the inner 3 petals, rotund, concave, very coriaceous, glabrous, with scurfy warts externally near the middle: inner 3 petals coriaceous, rotund, blunt, cucullate, glabrous. Female flowers like the males, stamens none: Ovaries very numerous, obscurely 3-angled, adpressed-sericeous. Torus hemispheric. Ripe carpels broadly ovoid, blunt, 2°5 in. long, 1°75 in. in diam., puberulous, minutely warted; pericarp thick, fleshy. Seeds about 8 in 2 rows, flattened, 1°25 in. long, and ‘5 in. thick.

6 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Perak ; in dense forest at low elevations, King’s Collector, Nos. 7629 and 8224.

This species has the flowers of both sexes alike. The carpels of this species are much larger than those of S. Burahol, Bl. ; and its leaves are more thickly coriaceous and shining, the nerves and midrib being much more depressed on the upper and prominent on the lower surface.

3. Srevecnocarpus Buranoi, H. f. and T. Fl. Ind. 94. <A tree 20 to 60 feet high: young branches slender, dark-coloured, glabrous.

Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acute or very shortly acu-

minate, the base cuneate: both surfaces glabrous, shining, the reti- culations minute and distinct, the lower with minute black dots, the upper with very minute scales; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, sub- ascending, prominent, inter-arching ‘2 in. within the margin; length of blade 5 to 8 in.; breadth 1:75 to 2°75 in.; petiole *3 to ‘9 in. Male flowers much smaller than the female (only about ‘4 in. in diam.), in fascicles of 8 to 16 from minutely bracteolate woody tubercles from the branches and trunk, pedicellate ; the pedicels slender, ebracteolate,

tomentose, from ‘5 to ‘75 in. long. Sepals coriaceous, triangular, spread-°

ing. Petals much longer than the sepals, oblong, sub-acute, warted, pubescent inside: anthers with obtuse terminal, dilated, 2-lobed apical appendages from the connective ; ovaries 0. Female flowers three times as large as the males, and on similar pedicels; calyx not persistent ; corolla as in the male. Ovaries numerous, on an ovoid-conic torus, oval or obovate, the outer surface compressed, the inner with a vertical ridge and adpressed, pale hairs; stigma sessile, minutely lobed. Fruzt on stout peduncles 2 to 3 in. long, thickened upwards. Ripe carpels few, shortly stalked, globose, obovate, about 1°5 im. long, and 1°25 in. in diam. ; when young puberulous, verrucose, afterwards nearly smooth ; pericarp pulpy, coriaceous externally. Seeds 4 to 6, large, oval, sub-compressed, sub- rugose. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. J, 47. Uvaria Burahol, Blume Bijdr. 14; Flore Jave Anon. 48, t. 23, and 25 C.; Scheff. in Nat. Tijdsch. Ned. Ind. REX, 5:

Singapore; Lobb. Distrib. Java.

There is sometimes a remarkable difference in the length of the petioles in this species, some of those on the same specimen being three times as long as others.

2. Sacrraga, Dalz.

Trees. Leaves shining, and branches glabrous. lowers small, axillary or fascicled on woody tubercles, 1-2-sexual. Sepals orbicular or ovate, imbricate. Petals 6, imbricate in 2 series, nearly equal, usually orbicular, very concave. Stamens 6-21, imbricate in 2 or more series,



; : ee

1892.] G. King—MWMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 7

broadly oblong, thick, fleshy ; anther-cells dorsal, oblong ; connective produced. Ovaries 3-6; style short, stigma obtuse or capitate; ovules 6 to 8, on the ventral suture. Ripe carpels globose or ovoid, stalked.— Disrriz. Species 6, tropical Asiatic.

A genus closely allied to Bocagea, St. Hilaire, but differing from that in having its sepals and petals much imbricate instead of valvate ; in bearing more ovules, and more seeds in its ripe carpels; in its anther-cells being more lateral and not so entirely dorsal as in Bocagea, and in the apical process of the connective being truncate. The flowers of Sageraea are small and the sepals and petals are very concave; and in these respects, as well in the comparative fewness of the seeds in their ripe carpels, they diverge from those of typical Uvarie. Hooker filius and Thomson (in their Flora Indica), Bentham and Hooker (in their Genera Plantarum), and Baillon (in his Histoire des Plantes, Vol. I, 202, 281) retain Sageraea as a genus,—an example which I would have followed without any hesitation had not Sir Joseph Hooker united it with Bocagea in his Flora of British India. The extreme imbrication both of the sepals and petals appears to me however, in spite of Sir Joseph Hooker’s more recent view, so insurmountable an argument against its reduction to a genus in which both these sets of organs are very distinctly valvate, that I adhere to the earlier view that Sageraca should remain distinct and be put in the tribe Jvarie.

1, SAGERAEA ELLIPTICA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 93. A large tree; all parts glabrous except the ciliate petals ; young branches rather stout, angled. Leaves coriaceous, narrowly oblong, acute (obtuse, when very old) ; the base narrowed, obtuse or minutely cordate, oblique: both surfaces shining; main nerves 14 to 16 pairs, spreading, faint ; length 8tol2 in., breadth 2°25 to 3°5 in.; petiole ‘15 in. very thick. Flowers monoe- cious, solitary and axillary, or fascicled on tubercles on the larcer branches, small, red: pedicels 25 in. long, with several basal and medal bracts. Sepals small, semi-orbicular, glabrous, ciliate. Petals thick ovate-orbicular, concave, tubercular outside, glabrous, the edges eiliane -25 in. long; the inner smaller than the outer. Stamens 12 to 18, the connective sub-quadrate at the apex ; anthers extrorse. Ovaries in female flower about 3, glabrous; ovules about 8. Ripe carpels sub-sessile, glo- bose, glabrous, 1 in. in diam., seeds several. Sageraea Hookeri, Pierre Flore Forest. Coch-Chine t. 15. Bocagea elliptica, H. f. and Th. Fl. Br. Ind. E, 92; Kurz F. Flora Burma, I, 50. Uvaria elliptica, A. DC. in Mem. Soe. Genev. v. 27; Wall. Cat. 6470, 7421. Duospyros ? frondosa, Wall. Cat. 4125.

Burmah to Penang.

An imperfectly known species, badly represented in collections.

8 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No.1

3. CyaTHostEMMA, Griffith.

Scandent shrubs. Flowers subglobose in di- or tri-chotomous pendu- lous cymes from the old wood (flowers dimorphous in sp. 3.) Sepals 3, connate, hirsute. Petals 6, 2-seriate, short, sub-equal, their bases fleshy, all valvate at the base, the tips imbricate. Torus flat, margin convex. Stamens many, linear; anthers sub-introrse; process of connective ob- lique, incurved. Ovaries many ; style cylindric, glabrous, notched; ovules many. tipe carpels oblong-ovoid, many-seeded.

The petals in this genus are so unmistakeably imbricate in estiva- tion, that I remove it from the tribe Unonew to Uvariev. The ripe carpels moreover much resemble those of some species of Uvaria. Of the five species described below, three are quite new. The first (C. viridiflorum) is the plant upon which Griffith founded the genus ; while the fourth has been hitherto referred to Uvaria under the specific name U. parviflora. Flowers uniform and hermaphrodite.

Flowers in more or less elongated pendent

cymes Leaves oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate ; inner petals contracted at the base... 1. C. viridiflorum. Leaves obovate-elliptic to obovate-oblong ; petals not contracted at the base .., 2. ©. Scortechinit. Flowers in stem-fascicles of 10 to 14, or in axillary pairs; leaves with pubescent midribs ie c< » oo OC. Wray, Flowers in 2- or 3-flowered extra-axillary or leaf-opposed fascicles or cymes:

leaves quite glabrous ae 4. O. Hookert. Flowers dimorphous, the females with a few sue: tive anthers ... # .. = 8. OC. acuminatum.

1. CyarnostemMMA vriripirLtoruM, Griff. Notule IV, 707: Ic. Pl. IV, t. 650. Scandent (?) the young branches thin, glabrous, dark-eol- oured when dry. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate, apiculate; the base slightly narrowed, minutely cordate: both sur- faces rather dull; the upper glabrous except the minutely tomentose midrib ; the lower darker, puberulous on the midrib and 8 to 10 pairs of rather prominent spreading main nerves; length 4°5 to 75 in., breadth 1:5 to 2 in., petiole ‘2 in. Oymes dichotomous, on peduncles several inches long from warty tubercles on the older roughly striate branches, few-flowered, corymbose, minutely rusty-tomentose, with an oblong bract at each bifurcation and another about the middle of each pedicel. Flowers ‘5 in. in diam. Sepals broadly cordate, spreading or sub-reflexed. Petals acute, the base contracted especially in those of

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 9

the inner row, coriaceous, tomentose. Ovaries tomentose. Ripe carpels stalked, 1 to 1°5 in. long, oblong-ovoid, blunt, glabrous; stalk ‘75 in. Hook, fil. Fl. Br. Ind. J, 57; Kurz For. Fl) Burm. I, 33.

Eastern Peninsula; Griffith. Penang; Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No 36.

A species known by only a few imperfect specimens. According to Griffith, the wood of this species resembles that of a Menisperm. Kurz gives this as a native of the Andamans ; but I have seen no speci- men from those islands.

2. CYATHOSTEMMA ScorTECHINH, n. sp, King. A climber 50 to 70 feet long: branches of all ages, except the very youngest, dark-coloured, glabrous; the very youngest slender and rufous-pubescent. Leaves coriaceous, obovate-elliptic to obovate-oblong, shortly apiculate, slightly narrewed to the sub-cuneate, not cordate, base ; upper surface rather dull, glabrous except the minutely pubescent midrib; lower glabrous, the midrib slightly muriculate, the reticulations fine, distinct : main nerves 8 to 11 pairs, prominent beneath: length 6 to ]0 in., breadth 2°5 to 4 in., petiole ‘25 in. Oymes di- or tri-chotomous, on pedicels 2 to 12 in. long from the older branches; minutely rufous-tomentose, bracteate in the upper half; the bracts numerous, ovate to rotund, concave. Flowers °5 in. in diam. Sepals sub-rotund, united into an obscurely 3-angled flattish cup. Petals equal, not much longer than the stamens, sub- rotund, puberulous, coriaceous. Connective of stamens produced at the apex, obliquely truncate. Ovaries numerous, cylindric, pubescent : stigmas truncate: ovulesnumerous. Iipe carpels oblong, slightly oblique, apiculate, transversly furrowed, glabrous, shortly stalked, 1:25 to 1°65 in. long; pericarp thin. Seeds 8 to 10, flattened, ovoid, smooth.

Perak; Scortechini, King’s Collector, No. 5857. Singapore: Ridley.

The specimens collected by the late Father Scortechini were referred by him to Cyathostemma viridiflorum, Griff., from which species however, this differs by its larger, more obovate, more glabrous, leaves ; flat calyx-cup formed by the entirely connate sepals ; more rotund petals, not contracted at the base; and narrower shorter-stalked fruit.

3. CyatHostemmMA Wray, King n. sp. A creeper 20 to 60 feet long: young branches rufous-puberulous, ultimately glabrous and darkly cinerous. Leaves membranous, broadly oblanceolate, shortly and rather obtusely acuminate, narrowed below the middle to the rounded base ; both surfaces finely reticulate, the upper dull when dry, glabrous ; the midrib minutely pubescent ; lower surface shining, glabrous except the sparsely puberulous midrib; main nerves 8 to 9 pairs, obliqve, forming double arches inside the margin, impressed on the upper, pro-


10 G. Kine—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

minent on the lower surface; length 7 to 9 in., breadth 2°5 to 3 in., petiole *‘2in. lowers in fascicles of 10 to 14 from tubercles on the older branches, or in pairs from the axils of the leaves, sub-globular, about °5 in. in diam.; pedicels ‘25 to ‘4 in. long, granular, sparsely pubescent and with a small ovate bracteole near the base. Sepals broad- ly ovate, spreading, rufous-puberulous and granular outside, glabrous inside, ‘lL in. long. Petals concave, cartilaginous, slightly imbricate, minutely puberulous especially towards the edges ; the outer row ovate- orbicular, sub-acute, ‘35 in. long; the inner row smaller, thicker, blunter and more imbricate than the outer. Stamens numerous; the connective with a rather thick truncate, 4- or 5-sided apical process concealing the apices of the linear dorsal anthers. Ovaries numerous, obliquely oblong, curved, glabrous, pubescent at the base, 1 to 2-ovuled, with a conical, narrow, inflexed stigma. Ripe carpels reddish, ovoid, ‘4 to ‘6 in. long, glabrous, with a single ovoid or 2 plano-convex shining pale brown seeds : stalks about as long as the carpels, slender.

Perak ; Scortechini, Wray, King’s Collector.

4, fore Hooxert, King n. sp. A climber 40 to 80 fou long; all parts, except the inflorescence, quite glabrous. Leaves mem- branous, broadly oblanceolate to oblong or ovate-elliptic, acute or very shortly and obtusely acuminate, the base rounded or sub-cuneate ; both surfaces shining, glabrous, minutely reticulate; main nerves 9 or 10 pairs, spreading or ascending, curving, inter-arching within the edge ; length 5:5 to 7 in., breadth 2°25 to 2°75 in., petiole *3 in. Flowers ‘25 in. in diam., sub-globose, in extra-axillary or leaf-opposed fascicles or cymes of 2 or 3; pedicels slender, puberulous, *3 to ‘4 1n long with | or 2 bracteoles. Sepals spreading, broadly and obliquely ovate, sub-acute, slightly thickened at the base, ‘lin. long. Petals concave; the outer row slightly longer than the sepals but narrower, obovate, contracted into a pseudo-claw at the base, sparsely puberulous outside; the inner row narrower, thicker, and more concave, oblique. Stamens numerous, short, with a thick incurved apical process from the connective; anther cells dorsal. Ovaries numerous, oblong, thickened upwards, puberulous ; the stigma large, sub-quadrate, slightly 2-lobed. Sipe carpels numer- ous, oblong to ovoid, blunt at each end, glabrescent, ‘75 to 1°75 in. long and ‘6 to ‘9 in. in diam.; stalk 1°5 to 2 in. stout. Seeds 6 in a single row, compressed, oblong, pale brown, shining. Uvaria parviflora, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Ind. 103; Fl. Br. Ind. J, 51.

Penang; Phillips, Curtis. Perak; Scortechini, Wray, King’s Col- lector.

For upwards of seventy years this plant had been known only by Phillips’ scanty specimens from Penang. In 1887 Mr. Curtis sent

1892.] G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. ll

flowering specimens of it, together with a single ripe carpel from the same island ; while copious flowering and fruiting specimens were, about the same time, received from Perak. In all its parts the plant is essen- tially a Cyathostemma.

5. CYAIHOSTEMMA ACUMINATUM, n. sp. King. A climber; branches pale brownish, the youngest slender, dark-coloured, rufous-puberulonus. Leaves membranous, oblanceolate-oblong, caudate-acuminate, the base acute; both surfaces glabrous shining and minutely reticulate; the midrib depressed above and puberulous, beneath prominent and minutely muriculate: main nerves LO to 11 pairs, spreading, curved, sub-ascending, prominent beneath, depressed above: length 8 to 9 in.; breadth 2-2 to 2°5 in.; petiole 15 in., tomentose. Cymes of hermaphrodite flowers rufous-pubescent, 4 to 6 in. long; pedicel about as long as the branches, the latter with numerous distichous, oblong, nervose bracts. lowers 4 to 5 in. in diam., on short pedicels. Sepals triangular, blunt, spread- ing. Petals as in C. Scortechinii; connective of stamens forming at tle apex a thick incurving point. Ovaries as in OC. Scortechinit but with conical stigma. Cymes of female flowers much shorter than those of tiie hermaphrodite, dichotomous, few-flowered, about 1°5 in. long (of which the peduncle is 1 in.) ; slightly rufous-pubescent; bracts few, lanceolate. Flowers about *4 in. in diam. when open, buds conical. Sepals broadly triangular, cordate, acute, spreading, pubescent. Petals coriaceous, granular-pubescent, concave; the outer broadly ovate-triangular, the apex sub-acute, incurved in bud; the inner row smaller, narrower, erect, connivent. Stamens absent. Ovaries as in the hermaphrodite, but the stigma larger, and not conical.

Upper Perak; Wray No. 3468.

A remarkable species of which I have seen only Wray’s incomplete specimens. These specimens are accompanied by some loose young carpels, ovate-globular, oblique, with persistent recurved styles, and a single or at most two seeds. If these carpels really belong to the speci- men, the definition of the genus will have to be modified. The structure of both the hermaphrodite and pistillate flowers agrees perfectly with that of the other species above described.

4. Uvarra, Linn.

Scandent or sarmentose shrubs, usually stellately pubescent. Flow- ers terminal or leaf-opposed, rarely axillary, cymose, fascicled or solitary, yellow, purple or brown. Sepals 3, often connate below, valvate. Petals 6, orbicular, oval or oblong, imbricate in 2 rows, sometimes connate at the

base. Stamens indefinite; top of connective ovoid-oblong, truncate or subfoliaceous Torus depressed, pubescent or tomentose. Ovaries in-

12 G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula.


definite, linear-oblong; style short, thick; ovules many, 2-seriate, rarely few or l-seriate. Ripe carpels many, dry or berried, few- or many- seeded.—Distris. About 110 species—many tropical Asiatic, a few African species, and some Australian.

A genus characterised by the usually large showy flowers with imbricate Rosaceous corolla :—allied to the American genus Guatteria Ruiz and Pavon (Cananga, Aubl.) and distinguished from it chiefly by its multi-ovulate ovaries.

Flowers more than °5 in. in diam. Connective of anthers slightly produced at the

apex, compressed, oblique.

Carpels stalked, oblong, rugulose sae ke my pele. Carpels ovoid to sub-globular. Carpels 15 to 2°25 in. long, not tuber- culate, very pulpy, tomentose 2. U. Hamilton. Carpels not more than 1 in. long, tuber- cular, with little pulp. Carpels ovoid, oblique ; leaves woolly- tomentose beneath, even whenold 3. JU. dulcis. Carpels globular or globular-ovoid, leaves glabrous when adult ... 4. U. Lobbiana. Connective produced beyond the apex to about half the length of the anther, flattened, ob- liquely truncace; flower 1‘5 in. in diam. .... 5. U. macrophylla. Connectives produced, those of the inner an-

thers truncate, those of the outer flattened

and oblique: flower 2 to 3 in. in diam. ;

leaves conspicuously stellate-tomentose be-

neath... bie se .. 6. U. purpurea.

Connectives of anthers slightly, or not at all,

produced at the truncate apex.

Whole plant stiffly hairy... a. ¢€ OU. harsuta.

Whole plant softly hairy... »- 8. U. Curtist, Connectives of anthers produced into a broad flattened sub-quadrate process; the outer

authers changed into staminodes .. 9. U. Ridleyt. Anthers oblong-cuneate, the connectives pro-

duced at the apex and always truncate. Leaves pubescent beneath. Flowers in terminal umbellate ra- cemes ... bat .. 10. U. pauci-ovulata.

Flowers in terminal umbels or in

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 13

many-flowered lateral narrow panicles... “fa .. ll. U. Scortechinit.

Leaves glabrous except the midrib, 2°5 to

5 in. long; flowers less than ‘5 in. in

diam. ... 12. U. micrantha. Flowers small (less teas a in. in Sais ) Leaves glabrous except the midrib .. 12. U. micrantha:

Leaves pubescent. Leaves on under-surface stellate rufous- pubescent ; young branches and flow- ers outside with scurfy rufous tomen- tum ny Re ... 13. U. andamanica. Leaves on under surface and young

branches minutely tawny-tomentose ., 14. JU. excelsa. Species of doubtful position.

Probably near U. Lobbiana ... . 15. JU. astrosticta. With axillary flowers » 16. U. sub-repanda.

1. Uvyaria Larner, Mig. FI. ey Bat. Suppl. 370. <A climber 20 to 40 feet long: youngest branches and petioles sparsely covered with minute sealy stellate hairs ; the older cinereous, lenticellate, glabrescent. Leaves membranous, elliptic or sub-obovate-elliptic, shortly acuminate, slightly narrowed in the lower fourth to the rounded sub-emarginate, not cordate, base: upper surface glabrous, shining, the midrib minutely tomentose ; lower surface with a few short spreading hairs on the midrib and some of the nerves, otherwise almost glabrous; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, spreading, interarching within the edge, bold in the lower, im- pressed on the upper, surface; length of blade 5 to 8 in., breadth 2 to 3 in., petiole ‘2 to ‘3 in. Peduncles from half-way between the leaves, ‘1 in. long, 1- to 2-flowered (one of the flowers often abortive), warted and yellowish-pubescent ; pedicels 75 in. long, with 1 or 2 reniform bracts : flowers 1°5 to 1:75 in.in diam. Sepals small, (-2 in. long) reniform, united at the base, reflexed, pubescent. Petals oblong-oblanceolate, sub- acute, about *75 in. long, sub-coriaceous, puberulous. Anthers sessile in very few rows, flattened; the connective slightly produced, flattened, oblique. Ovaries numerous, angled, puberulous, with a few long pro- jecting hairs near the apex. Torus of the fruit small, sub-globular, pubescent. Ripe carpels numerous, stalked, cylindric-oblong, oblique, curved, slightly apiculate, rugulose, minutely rufous-pubescent, 1:25 to 15 in. long, and ‘5 in. in diam. Seeds about 10, in 2 rows, compressed, shining. Stalks 1:25 to 1°5 in. long, rufous-tomentose.

Perak: King’s Collector, No. 4011, Wray No. 1826. .

2. Uvarita Hamittoni, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 96. A

14 G. King —Waterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

powerful climber: young branches slender, softly rufous-tomentose, be- coming glabrous. Leaves membranous, elliptic-oblong to elliptic, some- times slightly obovate, acuminate ; the base narrowed or rounded, some- times slightly unequal, never cordate ; upper surface adpressed-pubescent, almost glabrous when old, the midrib minutely rufous-tomentose ; lower surface softly stellate-tomentose ; main nerves 14 to 17 pairs, spreading, rather prominent beneath ; length of blade 4 to 8 in., breadth 2°25 to 3°5 in., petiole 15 to "2 in. Peduneles solitary or 2 to 3 together, °75 to 1°75 in. long, extra-axillary, 1-flowered ; flowers 1°5 to 2°5 in. in diam. : bract single, sub-orbicular, rufous-tomentose outside, shortly hispid, inside : buds turbinate, tomentose. Sepals broadly triangular, ultimately re- flexed, membranous. Petals much longer than the sepals, coriaceous, obovate, the apices obtuse and incurved, minutely tomentose on both surfaces, brick-red. Anthers sub-sessile, equal, obliquely truncate at the apex, ‘15 to 2 in. long. Ovaries slightly shorter than the stamens, compressed, pubescent. Torus hemispheric, tomentose, pitted when adult. Ripe carpels on long slender stalks, ovoid to sub-globular, about 15 in. long, and 1 in. in diam. when fresh, tomentose, scarlet; when dry slightly constricted between the seeds; stalks slender, tomentose, 1 to 15 in. long. Seeds about 6, flat, shining. Hook fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 48. U. grandiflora, Wall. Cat. 6485 E.

In the Forests at the base of the Eastern Himalaya; Madhopore Forest in E. Bengal: Assam ; Khasia; Shan Hills (Prazer).

Var. Kurzii, King. Leaves with broader bases often minutely cor- date; fewer nerves (12 to 14 pairs'; smaller flowers (1'3 in. in diam.) on shorter pedicels (1 to 1°25 in.) ; petals yellowish, ovate-oblong.

South Andaman: Kurz, Kings’ Collector.

This was referred by Kurz who first collected it, to U. macrophylla, Roxb., then to U. purpurea, Bl.: but was finally considered by him as “altogether doubtful.” The fuller materials recently received show it to be, in my opinion, a very distinct variety of U. Hamiltoni, allied no doubt to U. purpurea, Bl., but a much larger plant with smaller flowers and more globular fruit.

3. Uvaria putcis, Dunal Anon. 90, t. 13. A powerful creeper often 80 to 100 feet long; youngest branches softly cinereous-tomentose ; the older sub-glabrous or glabrous, dark-coloured, rather rough. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic or oval, sometimes unequal-sided, acute or ‘sub-acute ; the base broad, rounded, or sub-truncate, minutely cordate; upper surface sparsely adpressed-stellate-pubescent. The midrib ferruginous- tomentose ; lower surface densely sub-ferrugineous or cinereous woolly- tomentose: main nerves 8 to 10 pairs, spreading, slightly curving, pro- minent beneath: length of blade 4°5 to 7 in., breadth 2°5 to 3’5 in.,

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 15

petiole *2 in., stout. Peduncles ‘5 in. long, lateral, not axillary, 1-flowered, solitary or 2 to 3 together, each bearing a small ovate deciduous bract ; buds ovoid-globose, tomentose ; flowers 1:25 to 1°5 in. in diam. Sepals broadly triangular, sub-acute, slightly reflexed, fleshy, tomentose on both surfaces. Petals much longer than the sepals, sub-coriaceous, broadly ovate, sub-acute, sub-reflexed, minutely tomentose on the outer surface; pubescent on the inner. Stamens and pistils forming a compact hemispheric mass ; anthers sub-sessile, ‘1 in. long, the connective much produced at ‘he apex, compressed, oblique. Ovaries numerous, densely crowded, slightly shorter than the stamens, tomentose. Torus depressed- hemispheric, stellate-tomentose, pitted when adult. Ripe carpels numer- ous, stalked, ovoid, oblique, blunt, much and unequally tuberculate, densely and loosely ferruginous stellate-tomentose as are the 1 in. long stalks. DC. Prod. I, 88; Hook. fil. and Th. Fl. Ind. 98; Mig. FI. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, p. 24; Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II, 8. U. javana, Dunal Anon. 91, t. 14; Blume Bijdr. 12; Fl. Jave t. 3 and 13 B.; DC. Prod. 1, 88? U. aurita Blume FI. Jave t. 3.

Malacca, Griffith ; Maingay (Kew Destrib.), No 25. Perak, King’s Collector. Penang, Curtis, No. 1414.

As regards the size of its leaves and the colour of its flowers (which appear to vary from green though yellow to purple) this is rather a variable species. One of its forms, barely distinguishable from the type, was named U. javana by Dunal who also gave a figure of it. Blume, who again figured U. javana, distinguished it from U’ dulcis by the stellate (not simple) hairs on the upper surface of its leaves. But, as Hook. fil. and Th. point ont (FI. Ind. 98), both kinds of hairs occur on the same leaf. In all the specimens named U. javana, received from the Dutch Botanists, the leaves are much smaller and less denselly woolly below than those collected in the Malay Peninsula. Miquel suggests that U. aurita, Bl. is only a form of this. By neither figuring nor describing the fruit of what he understood as JU. dulcis, aurita and javana, Blume neglected one of the best characters in this rather per- plexing genus; and it may be that when fruit of the small-leaved Java species issued from the Herbarium of Buitenzorg shall be forthcoming, the reductions above made will have to be cancelled.

4. Uvaria Loppiana, H. f. and T. Fl. Ind. 100. A powerful clim- ber, often reaching 100 to 150 feet in length : young branches pubescent, ultimately glabrous and dark-coloured. Leaves sub-coriaceous, oblong or oblong-oblanceolate, acute or very shortly acuminate, rarely obtuse, narrowed to the rounded or sub-cordate base ; both surfaces when very young stellate furfuraceous, speedily becoming glabrous except the puber- ulous midrib; the upper (when dry) pale green, the lower brown: main

16° G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

nerves 13 to 16 pairs, curving slightly, spreading below, suberect above, thin but prominent beneath ; length of blade 4 to 7 in., breadth 1°5 to 2°25 in., petiole 25 in. Peduncles only ‘25 in. long or even less, termi- nal or leaf-opposed, 2-or 3-flowered, tomentose, each flower with a large rotund amplexicaul bract; buds depressed-globose, tomentose: flower 1 to 1:2 in. in diam. Sepals conjoined into a wavy cup, tomentose out- side, minutely pubescent inside. Petals coriaceous, often 7 or 8, slightly unequal, broadly oval, obovate, blunt; slightly warted on both sur- faces, minutely tomentose on the outer, pabescent on the inner. Anthers sessile, flattened, ‘1 in. long, the connectives produced at the apices, compressed, obliquely truncate, the outer row sterile. Ovaries 4-angled, pubescent except the truncate lobulate stigma. Ripe carpels numerous, stalked, globular or globular-ovoid, slightly oblique, boldly tubercled, pubescent, ‘5 to'75 in. in diam., and sometimes 1] in. long; pericarp thin; stalks slender, 1°5 to 2 in. long, glabrescent. Seeds 4 to 10, large, plano-convex, smooth, Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 34: Hook. fil. FI. Br. Ind. I, 49.

Malacca ; Griffith, Maingay (Kew Distrib.), Nos. 27 and 30. Singa- pore and Perak ; King’s Collector. Penang; Curtis. Sumatra; Forbes, No. 3059.

5. Uvarta macropayera, Roxb. FI. Ind. II, 663. Scandent usually to the extent of 15 to 20 feet, but sometimes reaching 50 or 60 feet; young branches and petioles rusty-tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic- oblong, rarely elliptic-rotund, sometimes slightly obovate, obtuse or shortly and abruptly acuminate, very slightly narrowed to the rounded or minutely cordate base; upper surface (when adult) glabrescent or glabrous except the tomentose midrib and nerves; lower with lax, sometimes stellate, rusty tomentum, especially along the midrib and 11 to 18 pairs of prominent spreading or oblique nerves: length of blade 4°5 to 10 in., breadth 2°5 to 4 or (in some Burmese specimens) even 6 in. ; petiole "25 in. Peduncles extra-axillary or terminal, densely rusty- tomentose, 3-to 5-flowered, each pedicel with an oval or rounded bract ; buds globose: flowers 1°5 in. in diam. Sepals connate into a cup with wavy obscurely 3-toothed edge. Petals much larger than the calyx, sub- rotund, blunt, coriaceous, purple, tomentose outside, pubescent inside ; anthers sessile, *3 in. long: the connective produced at the apex to nearly half the length ofanther, compressed, obliquely truncate. Ovaries narrow, compressed, tomentose, the stigmas truncate, Torus of fruit woody, hemispheric, 1 in. in diam. sparsely pubescent, pitted. Ripe car- pels stalked, oblong, blunt at each end, glabrous, ‘75 to 1°25 in. long, peri- carp thin; stalks 5 to 1 in. long: seeds numerous, oval, compressed, shining. Wall. Pl. As. Rar. t. 122 ; Cat. 6487 (excl. F. in fruit) Hk. f.

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 17

and Th. Fl. Ind. 97; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 49; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1 Pt. 2, p. 23; Thwaites Enum. Pt. Ceyl.6; Kurz Fl. Burm. I, p. 28; Bed- dome Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 81. U. rufescens, DC. Mem. Anon. 26. JU. cor- data, Wall. Cat, 6486. Guatteria cordata, Dunal Anon, 129 t. 30; DC. Prod. I, 93.

Silhet, Chittagong, Burmah, Malayan Peninsula, Java, Ceylon.

One of the most widely distributed species of the genus and closely allied to U. ovalifolia, Bl. I reduce to this species the Uvaria cordata of Wall. Cat., No. 6486; but not without some hesitation, as both Miquel and Kurz referred it to U. ovalifolia, BI.

6. Uvaria purpuREA, Blume Bijdr. 11: Fl. Jav. 13, t. landt.13 A. A sarmentose shrub, often climbing to 20 or 80 feet : young parts softly stellate-rufous-pubescent or tomentose. Leaves thickly membranous, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, sometimes slightly obovate, acute or acuminate, the base rounded or slightly cordate, shortly petiolate; upper surface, when adult, shining, glabrous or glabrescent, the midrib and sometimes the nerves tomentose; under surface rather sparsely but softly stellate-tomentose; main nerves 14 to 17 pairs, rather straight, prominent beneath, the lower spreading, the upper sub-erect ; length 4°5 to 9 or even J1 in., breadth 2°35 to 3:75 in.; petiole -15 to 25 in. Peduncles 1 to 1°5 in. long, extra-axillary or terminal, usually 1- sometimes 2-flowered ; flowers 2 to 3 in. diam.; bracts 2, large, un- equal, leafy; buds turbinate. Sepals broadly triangular, sub-concave, membranous, fulvous-tomentose on the outer, glabrescent on the inner surface. Petals longer than the sepals, coriaceous, oblong to obovate, obtuse, coriaceous, dark purple, the inner 3 slightly smaller. <Anthers sub-sessile, very numerous, equal, about ‘3 in. long; the connective much produced at the apex, rhomboid in the inner, compressed and oblique in the outer anthers. Ovaries numerous, densely crowded, slightly shorter than the stamens, tomentose; ovules numerous. Torus depressed-hemi- spheric, pubescent, pitted when ripe. Ripe carpels numerous, stalked, ob- long-cylindric, blunt at each end with 2, more or less obscure, ridges and grooves, minutely rufous-tomentose, sub-tuberculate, 1:5 to 2 in. long and about ‘5 in. in diam. ; stalks °5 to 1 in. long, rufous-tomentose. Seeds numerous, flat. Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 95; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 22; Ann. Mus. Lued. Bat. II, 6; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 47; Benth. Fl. Hong Kong, 9; Vidal y Soler, Revis. Fl. Filipinas, 39; Scheffer Obs. Phyt. I, 4, 26, 65; Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. II, 1. U. grandiflora, Roxb. FI. Ind. II, 665; Wall. Pl. As. Rar. II t. 121; Wall. Cat. 6485, A. to D. and H.; Wight and Arn. Prod. 9. U. platypetala, Champ. in Kew Journ. Bot. III, 257. U. rhodantha, Hance in Walp. Aun. 1II,19. Unona grandiflora, DC. Prod. I, 90.


18 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Pentnsula. [No. 1,

In all the provinces. Distrib: Malayan Archipelago, S. China, Phillipines.

Var. tuberculata ; fruits prominently tuberculate.

Perak; King’s Collector, Nos. 960, 4786.

A plant collected in the island of Bangka, closely resembling this in leaves, but with larger flowers with yellow petals, has been described by Messrs. Teysmann and Binnendyk under the name of U. flava (Nat. Tijds. Ned. Ind. XXIX, 419). It has also been figured by Miquel (Ann. Mus. Lued. Bat. II, 6, t, 1). I fear it is merely a form of U. purpurea ; but not having seen fruiting specimens, I hesitate to reduce it here.

7. Uvarta uirsuta, Jack Mal. Misc. (Hook. Bot. Mise. II, 87.) A sarmentose shrub but often climbing to the length of from 15 to 50 feet: young branches and petioles with numerous rather stiff reddish- brown hairs. Leaves thinly coriaceous, narrowly elliptic to elliptic- oblong, rarely obovate-oblong, acute or sub-acute, the base rounded or minutely cordate; upper surface with scattered sub-adpressed, stiff, mostly simple hairs, the midrib tomentose; lower surface with more numerous stellate and simple hairs: main nerves 9 to 14 pairs, spread- ing, depressed on the upper surface (wheu dry) but prominent on the lower ; length 4 to 7 in., breadth 2°25 to 3°25 in., petiole ‘2 in. Peduncles 1 to 2 in. long, lateral or terminal, not axillary, 1l- rarely 2-flowered ; flowers 1°25 to 1°5 in. in diam. ; bract solitary (rarely 2 or 3), lanceolate, deciduous: buds ovoid-globose, stiffly hairy. Sepals membranous, broad- ly ovate, acute, connate, pilose outside, reflexed. Petals red, larger than the sepals, broadly ovate, acute ; outside tomentose with stiff hairs inter- mixed, inside sub-glabrous ; anthers ‘15 in. long, sub-sessile, the connec- tive at the apex often slightly produced and obtuse. Ovaries 4-angled, truncate, rufous-tomentose, shorter than the anthers. Ripe carpels numerous, stalked, cylindric, blunt, 1°5 to 2 in. long, covered (as are the stalks and torus) with dense darkly ferruginous tomentum mixed with stiff hairs: stalks 1 to 1:25 in. long: torus hemispheric: seeds numer- ous, ovoid, plano-convex. Blume FI. Javae, Anon. 22, t. 5; Wall. Cat. 6458 (excl. C.) ; Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 99; Hook fil. Fl. Br. Ind, I, 48; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, p.24; Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. IT, 8; Scheff. in Nat. Tijdsch. XX XI, 2; Zoll. in Linnea XXTX, 304; Kurz Flora Burm. I, 28; Scheff. Observ. Phyt. I, 2. JU. trichomalla, Bl. Fl. Jay. Anon. 42, t. 18. U. velutina, Blume (not of Roxb.) Bijdr. 13. U. pilosa, Roxb. FI. Ind. II, 665.

Tn all the provinces. Distrib, Malayan Archipelago and Burmah.

There is some difference amongst individuals as to the breadth of the leaves, and on one of the forms with comparatively short but broad leaves Blume founded his species U. trichomalla.

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 19

8. Uvaria Curtisit, King n. sp. A large climber: young branches densely rusty-tomentose, slender. eaves oblong-lanceolate, sometimes slightly oblanceolate, acuminate, slightly narrowed to the rounded base ; upper surface glabrous except the strong rusty-tomentose midrib and the nerves; under surface stellate-rufous-tomentose, especially on the midrib, reticulations, and 7 to 12 pairs of ascending, curving, bold main nerves: length 4 to 9 in., breadth 1°7 to 3:25 in.; petiole ‘15 to ‘2 in, stout. Flowers 1 to 1:25 in. in diam., solitary or in pairs, axillary : pedicels 1 to 1°75 in., densely tomentose like the outer surface of the sepals, and with an ovate supra-median bracteole. Sepals broadly ovate, concave, spreading, puberulous within, °35 in. long. Petals thinly leathery, white, subequal, ovate-oblong, obtuse ; the outer rather broader than the inner, ‘5 in. long, puberulous on both surfaces but especially on the outer. Stamens numerous, all perfect; connective truncate at the apex, not prolonged into a process; the anthers linear, lateral. Ovaries numerous, crowded, elongate, 3-angled, tomentose, with 12 ovules in 2 rows: stigma sessile, large, sub-capitate, corrugated, glabrous. Ripe carpels unknown.

Perak ; on Ulu Bubong, King’s Collector, No. 8543. Penang; elev. 2,000 feet. Curtis No 1415.

9. Uvarra Rivteyi, Kingn. sp. A strong climber; young branches slender, stellate-rufous-tomentose, ultimately dark-coloured, striate ; sparsely lenticellate. Leaves sub-coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, acuminate, slightly narrowed to the rounded base; both surfaces with short, stellate, rather pale hairs, scabrid on the upper, soft on the lower surface; the midrib and 10 to 15 pairs of spreading curving slightly prominent main nerves softly rufous-stellate-tomentose on both surfaces; length 3 to 5 in., breadth 1:3 to 2 in.; petiole -15 in., stellate-tomentose. Flowers °75 to 1:2 in. in diam., 2 or 5 together in short supra-axillary cymes; pedicels stellate-tomentose like the outer surface of the calyx, ‘3 or ‘4 in. long, with a large orbicular amplexicaul bracteole. Sepals orbicular, connate into an obscurely 3-toothed spreading cup ‘4 in. in diam., glabrescent inside. Petals spreading, sub-orbicular to broadly oblong, very blunt, subequal, rather thin, minutely pubescent on both surfaces but especial- ly on the outer, dark reddish-brown. Stamens numerous (the outer row converted into sub-quadrate staminodes) compressed, broad, without fila- ments ; the apical process of the connective broad and flat: anther-cells on the edges of the connective, linear. Ovaries numerous, crowded, elongate, narrow, compressed, ridged, minutely stellate-tomentose, the ovules numerous; stigma sessile, short and broad, fleshy, obliquely truncate. Ripe carpels ovoid or obovoid, blunt at both ends, minutely pubescent, 1:2 to 1°5 in. long: stalks nearly 1 in., stellate-tomentose.

20 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Seeds numerous in two rows, horizontal, oval, compressed, pale brown shining.

Pahang: Ridley. Perak: Scortechini.

10. Uvaria pauciovunaTa, H. f. and T. in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. T, 51. A sub-scandent shrub: young branches densely stellate rufous- tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, rigid, narrowly elliptic or elliptic-oblong, obtuse or obtusely acuminate, the base rounded or cordate ; upper surface (in adult leaves) shining, quite glabrous; the lower dull, sparsely pubes- cent; main nerves 10 to 14 pairs, sub-ascending, curving, prominent beneath and impressed above: length of blade 2°5 to 6 in., breadth 1:25 to 3 in., petiole 2 in. Racemes terminal, umbellate, few-flowered, 1°5 to 2°5 in. long, scurfily rufous-tomentose ; bracts numerous and imbricate towards the apex, rotund to ovate, tomentose: buds ovoid-globose : flowers 15 in. in diam. Sepals small, (°3 in. long) orbicular, sub-acute, connate to the middle and densely tomentose outside, densely and minute- ly puberulous inside. Petals very much larger than the sepals, sub- connivent, coriaceous, ovate-rotund, obtuse, the inner 3 narrower; all scaly-tomentose externally, densely and minutely pubescent and veined internally; anthers sub-sessile, cuneate ; connective slightly produced at the apex, truncate; ovaries longer than the stamens, flattened, stellate- hairy ; stigma truncate, ovules 1 to 3. Ripe carpels numerous, stalked, sub-globose, mucronate, densely and minutely fulvous-tomentose, °35 to ‘5 in. in diam., l- to 2-seeded; stalk °5 to *75 in., rather slender. Seeds compressed, shining.

Malacca; Maingay (Kew Distrib.), No. 104. Penang: Curtis, No. 825: at elevations of 500 to 600 feet.

11. Uvarra Scorrecuinu, King n. sp. A sarmentose, flexuose shrub ; young branches and petioles densely covered with rusty, floccose, rufous tomentum. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic to elliptic-rotund, obtuse, very slightly or not at all narrowed to the rounded or minutely cordate base: upper surface shining, glabrescent or glabrous, the deeply impressed midrib and nerves tomentose, transverse veins depressed when dry ; under surface minutely and softly rufous, pubescent especially on the midrib nerves and reticulations which are all bold and prominent: main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, spreading below, sub-ascending above, forming double arches within the edge: length of blade 4 to 7 in., breadth 2°5 to 4 in., petiole "2 to4in. Flowers 1°5 in. in diam., either terminal in umbels of 2 or 3, or in many-flowered lateral panicles 4 in. in length: peduncles ‘5 to 75 in. long; bracts numerous, but chiefly towards the apices of the peduncles, ovate-orbicular, covered with short rufous floceulent tomentum as are the branches and axes of the panicles. Sepals fleshy, triangular, sub-acute, connate in the lower third, concave,


1892.) G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 21

spreading, minutely pubescent. Petals fleshy, about 1 in. long, con- nivent ; the outer 3 ovate-rotund, very obtuse, tomentose-pubescent on both surfaces, the outer surface with some small superficial scales, the inner with a round glabrous spot at the base: inner 3 petals obovate, clawed, pubescent outside, glabrous inside except a broad pubescent band near the apex. Amnthers sessile, angled, the connective projecting beyond the apex, broadly truncate, almost peltate. Ovaries (fide Seortechini) “several, with few stellate hairs, 2-3 ovuled: style cylin- dric, curved, glabrous.” Fruit unknown.

Perak: Scortechini, No. 1990.

Scortechini’s are the only specimens I have seen, and they have flowers only.

12. Uvaria micrantrHa, H.f.and Th FI. Ind. 103. A large clim- ber ; young branches slender, softly rufous-tomentose, afterwards glab- rous, striate, and dark-coloured with pale warts. Leaves thinly coriace- ous, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, the base rounded or slightly cuneate ; both surfaces glabrous except the rufous-pubescent midrib : main nerves scarcely visible (even when dry), 12 to 15 pairs, spreading; length of blade 2°5 to 5'5 in., breadth ‘8 to 1°4in., petiole ‘15 in, Peduncles ter- minal or extra-axillary, very short, 2-to 4-flowered, softly rufous-tomen- tose, bracts more or less orbicular; buds globose, slightly pointed, ‘15 in. in diam.; flowers “4in.in diam. Sepals sub-rotund, densely pubescent outside, sub-glabrous inside. Petals broadly ovate, sub-obtuse, granular and minutely tomentose outside, pubescent inside. Ripe carpels numer- ous, stalked, ovoid-globose, rounded at each end, glabrous, 2- to 4-seeded. Seeds plano-convex, smooth; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. 1, 51; Kurz FI. Burm. J, 22; Miq FI. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 26; Uvaria sumatrana, Kurz Andam. Report, 29; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. 1.51. ? Uvaria elegans, Wall. Cat. 6474 B. Guatteria micrantha, A. DC. Mem. 42; Wall. Cat. 6449. Polyalthia fruticans, A. DC. 1 c. 42; Wall. Cat. 6430. Anaxagorea sumatrana, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 382.

Burmah, Malacca, Penang. Distrib. Sumatra.

As regards leaves, this vlosely resembles Popowia nitida, King—a plant of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands; and there is reason to believe that some specimens of that Popowia from those islands have been issued from the Calcutta Herbarium as Uvaria micrantha. Iam also of opinion that Uvaria sumatrana, Kurz Andaman Report, 29, and of Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl, B. Ind. I, 51, is possibly Popowia nitida, King.

13. Uvaria anpamanica, King n. sp. Scandent: young branches rather stout, scurfily stellate-tomentose. Leaves obloug-oblanceolate, shortly acuminate, much narrowed to the rounded, unequal, or minutely

22 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No.1

cordate base; upper surface glabrous, the midrib and sometimes the nerves coarsely puberulous; under-surface reticulate, stellate-rufous- pubescent on the midrib and 18 to 22 pairs of spreading curving nerves ; length 5°5 to 9in., breadth 1:75 to 4 in.; petiole °3 in., tubercular. Flowers small, in short terminal or axillary cymes, rarely solitary : pedicels “3 in. long, densely covered like the outside of the sepals with sub-deciduous coarse, rusty, stellate tomentum; bracteole solitary, orbi- cular, ovate, close to the flower. Sepals valvate, orbicular, partly con- nate, glabrous inside. Petals imbricate, orbicular, fleshy, more or less puberulous outside, glabrous within; the inner rather smaller than the outer but both under (in the young state) ‘25 in.in diam. Stamens numerous, narrowly elongate, the apex truncate more or less obliquely ; anther-cells lateral. Ovaries absent in the staminiferous flower. Ripe carpels oblong, blunt (almost truncate) at each end, slightly tuber- culate and densely covered with loose, sub-deciduous, rusty-stellate

tomentum: pericarp rather thick. Seeds about 8 in 2 rows, plano-con-


South Andaman; King’s Collector.

This has been collected only on two occasions, once with undeve- loped male flowers and once with immature fruit. The full size attained by the flowers is not known, and the measurements of sepals and petals above given are taken from buds. By its leaves and peculiar deciduous rusty stellate tomentum, the species is however readily recognisable.

14. Uvarra excensa, Wall. Cat. 6477. A creeper 30 to 100 feet long: young parts stellate-pubescent; the branchlets tawny-tomentose, speedily becoming glabrous dark-coloured and furrowed. Leaves cori- aceous, oblanceolate, obovate-oblong to elliptic, the apex acuminate (sometimes very shortly), acute, rarely obtuse, slightly narrowed to the minutely cordate base: upper surface shining, glabrous except the puberulous depressed midrib; lower surface minutely tawny: tomentose ; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs spreading, slender; length 3°5 to 7°5 in., breadth 1:5 to 4 in. ; petiole *3 to *5 in. pubescent. Flowers white, °35 to ‘4, in. in diam., in contracted cymes from the branches below the leaves, or axillary; pedicels only about ‘2 in. long, rufous-tomentose with a large bract close to the flower. Sepals semi-orbicular, sub-acute, val- vate, concave, spreading, tomentose outside, glabrous within. Petals in bud imbricate only at their apices, sub-equal, thick, concave, densely and minutely pubescent on both surfaces: the outer broadly ovate, acute, a little larger than the sepals: inner petals ovate, about as large as the sepals. Anthers numerous, narrow, the cells linear, lateral; the apical process of the connective thick, snb-quadrate, obliquely truncate, minutely pubescent. Ovuries narrow, elongate, grooved, pubescent; the

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 23

stigma thick, sub-capitate, sub-truncate ; ovules numerous, in two rows, Ripe carpels sub-globular, slightly obovoid, blunt at each end, densely and minutely tomentose, l‘lin. long and ‘9 in. in diam. Seeds about 14 in two rows, horizontal, half-oval, flat, smooth, brown. Mitrephora ea- eelsa, H. f. and T. Fl. Ind. 114: Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 77; Mig. FI: Ind. Bat. I, Pt, 2, 31.

Penang: Wallich, Curtis. Perak: King’s Collector. Scortechini. Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.), No. 36 i part.

This plant was originally issued as a Uvaria by Wallich. His specimens of it, however, bore no mature flowers ; and Sir Joseph Hooker and Dr. Thomson referred them doubtfully to Mitrephora. The excellent specimens recently collected by Mr. Curtis and by the Calcutta Garden Collector show the petals to be sub-equal and concave, imbricate at the apex only, the sepals being quite valvate. This of course is not the typical flower of a Uvaria, in which the petals are much imbricate. But the stamens, ovaries and ripe fruit are more those of Uvaria than of any other genus.

15. Uvaria astrosticta, Miq FI. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 370. A climber ? Young branches deciduously rufous-stellate-tomentose with simple hairs intermixed, ultimately glabrous striate and dark-coloured. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, sometimes slightly oblanceolate, acuminate, the base rounded or minutely cordate ; upper surface minutely scaberul- ous, the midrib and sometimes the nerves softly rufous-pubescent ; lower surface at first densely and softly tomentose, ultimately sparsely stellate-pubescent, sub-scaberulous ; main nerves 12 to 16 pairs, spread- ing, rather prominent on the lower surface: length of blade 4 to 6 in,, breadth 1°5 to 18 in., petiole °2 in. Peduncles extra-axillary, very short (only ‘3 in.), 2-to 3-flowered, rufous-stellate-tomentose as are the 2 or 3 sub-rotund bracts; buds sub-globular ; flowers ‘6 in. in diam. Sepals reniform, sub-acute, united half way. Petals nearly three times as long as the sepals, sub-coriaceous, broadly oval, slightly obovate, sub-acute, minutely pubescent. Anthers sub-sessile, the connective produced beyond the apices, flattened and truncate, 3 outer anthers barren: torus hispidulous. Fruit unknown; Miq. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II. 8.

Perak; Scortechini, No. 121. Distrib. H. Sumatra.

The Perak specimens of this plant agree perfectly with those from Sumatra on which the species was founded. It is allied to U. heterocarpa Bl., to U. rufa Bl., and also to U. timoriensis. I have never seen the fruit, and Miquel’s entire description of it consists of the two words carpella velutina.”

Doubtful Species. 16. Uvagia sus-Repanpa, Wall. Cat. 6483. A climber: young

24 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

branches very slender, rather sparsely scurfy-pubescent. Leaves mem- branous, oblong or obovate-oblong, acute, the base rounded: upper sur- face shining, glabrous except the pubescent midrib ; under-surface pale, yellowish-brown when dry, dull, at first puberulous, ultimately quite glabrous including the midrib, the reticulations distinct; main nerves 10 to 14 pairs, spreading, thin but rather prominent beneath: length of blade 5 to 7°5 in., breadth 2 to 2°25 in.; petiole ‘15 to ‘25 in., densely scaly-pubescent. Peduncles axillary, rufous-stellate-tomentose, 1-flowered ; bracts cucullate, sub-orbicular. Petals narrowly oblong. Rzpe carpels unknown. Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 101: Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I. 50.

Singapore, Wallich.

A very imperfectly known species, the only specimens being Wal- lich’s which are not good and which are in flower only. The only other specimen which agrees with Wallich’s specimens as to leaves and branches is from Penang (Curtis No. 1408): but this has a short 2-flowered, extra-axillary peduncle, and I hesitate to identify it with U. sub-repanda.

5. Enuiper, H. f. and T.

Characters of Uvaria, but with solitary, ventral or sub-basal ovule and l-seeded carpels, the style sometimes elongate. Distrib. Malaya: species 10 or 11.

Flowers all hermaphrodite.

Flowers in groups.

Leaves oblong or narrowly obovate-oblong, acuminate, pubescent, puberulous or glaberulous beneath: flowers in short panicles hy . 1. H. cuneifolia.

Leaves obovate-oblong, obtuse, softly tomen- tose beneath, peduncles 3- or 4-flowered 2, EH. leptopoda.

Leaves oblong or elliptic-oblong, acute, gla- brous, cymes 3-to 5-flowered .. & EH. glabra.

Flowers solitary.

Leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceo- late, acuminate, minutely granular above when dry aoe ww. 4. H. costata.

Flowers unisexual or polygamous, solitary or in


Leaves shortly acuminate, both surfaces minute- ly granular when dry, not reticulate: stalks of carpels °15 in. long ses ue OO EB. pumila.

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 25

Leaves acute, rarely acuminate, not granular, reticulations transverse and very distinct; stalks of carpels ‘75 to 1 in. long .. 6. ZH. nervosa.

1. Evuipsia cunetroma, H. f. and T. Fl. Ind. 104. A climber 20 to 100 feet long: young branches at first shortly and densely rufous- tomentose, ultimately sub-glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong or narrowly obovate-oblong, the apex broadly abruptly and shortly acumi- nate, the base rounded or sub-cordate : upper surface glabrous, shining, the midrib and often the main nerves tomentose ; lower minutely rufous- tomentose to pubescent, very often glaberulous: main nerves 16 to 19 pairs, spreading to sub-ascending, prominent beneath: length of blade 4, to 7 in., breadth 1°5 to 3 in.; petiole ‘15 to °2 in., tomentose. Flowers -75 to 1 in. in diam., in short few-flowered pedunculate rufous-tomentose panicles; bracts at the bases of the pedicels ovate, that at the base of the flower rotund: pedicels ‘25 to ‘4 in. long: buds ovoid-conic. Sepals small, fleshy ; sub-orbicular, slightly united below, spreading, coriaceous, tomentose. Petals fleshy, connivent; outer 3 much larger than the sepals, rotund, densely pubescent on both surfaces; inner 3 not much larger than the sepals, rotund, pubescent externally, glabrous internally. Anthers sessile, short, the cells on the outer surface; the apex with a broad, round, oblique, truncate appendage from the connective; pistils oblong, tapering to each end, pubescent. Torus small, sub-globose. Ripe carpels numerous, on long stalks, ovoid, oblique, blunt, with a faint partial ridge and a short lateral, conical process, minutely yellowish-tomentose. Seed smooth, ovoid. Hook. Ic. Plant. t. 1025; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 52.

Malacca: Griffith, Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 31. Perak, very common.

In the Perak specimens the tomentum on the under-surface of the leaves is usually less dense than in specimens from Malacca: moreover the flowers are smallerin the Perak specimens, and the floral bract is not close to the calyx but a little way under it. In other respects, however, they agree.

2. HLLIPEIA LEPTOPODA, King, n. sp. A climber, 50 to 70 feet long: young branches and petioles densely covered with scurfy cinereous tomentum. Leaves coriaceous, obovate-oblong, rarely elliptic, obtuse, or with a very short blunt apiculus, narrowed in the lower half to the minutely cordate, rarely entire, base: upper surface pale-green when dry, sparsely and minutely stellate-pubescent when young, afterwards glabrous except the pubescent midrib: lower surface densely covered with soft, short, dense, pale brown tomentum ; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, spreading, obsolete on the upper, slightly prominent on the lower, sur- face: length of blade 3°5 to 5 in,, breadth 2°25 to 2'5 in., petiole 2 to


26 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

‘25 in. Peduncles extra-axillary, about ‘5 in. long; the flowers 3 or 4 on short pedicels, each subtended by a rotund-obovate, cucullate bract ; the whole inflorescence and calyx rather sparsely stellate-tomentose : buds depressed-globose: flower *75 in. in diam. Sepals often 4 in num- ber, semi-orbicular, very obtuse, slightly united below, spreading. Petals coriaceous, three times as long as the sepals, ovate-rotund, obtuse, recurved, minutely pubescent on both surfaces, dark crimson. Anthers sessile, very small, the connective produced beyond the apex, flattened, oblique. Ovaries about as long as the anthers; the stigmas truncate, hairy. Torus hemispheric. Carpels numerous, on long slender stalks, ovate-rotund, ‘5 in. long, slightly oblique with a slight lateral beak, minutely cinereous-pubescent. Stalks slightly thickened and ridged towards the apex, 1°5 to 2°5 in. long. Seed ovoid, flattened on one side, smooth.

Perak; at low elevations, King’s Collector. Singapore, Ridley.

A species in its leaves resembling Uvaria heterocarpa, Bl. but with different fruit: also like U. timorensis, Miq., but with much more obovate leaves.

3. ELuiperA GLABRA, H. f. and T. FI. Br. Ind. I, 52. A tree: young branches and inflorescence brown-pubescent. Leaves coriaceous, oblong or elliptic-oblong; the base rounded or acute; both surfaces glabrous, not shining, the upper rigid, the lower paler and reticulate: main nerves about 9 pairs, curved, sub-ascending, prominent beneath ; length 4 to 5°5 in., breadth 1°5 to 2 in., petiole "25 in. Cymes shortly peduncu- late, axillary, 3- to 5-flowered, 1 to 1°5 in. long. Flowers 1°5 in. in diam. ; bracteole oblong, sub-amplexicaul, recurved. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, recurved, ‘25 in. long. Outer petals obovate-lanceolate, sub-acute, flat, without claws, 1 in. long; the inner shorter, obovate, obtuse. Ovaries glabrous below, strigose above; ovule 1, erect (Maingay). Ripe carpels sub-globose, ‘65 in. long; pedicels slender, °75 to 1°25 in. long: pericarp thin. Seed oblong, pale, with a deep longitudinal furrow.

Malacca; Maingay No. 66 (Kew Distribution).

Except Maingay’s I have seen no specimens of this.

4. Entipeia costata, King. A shrub about 10 feet high: young branches pale, rusty-tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, the base cuneate: upper surface glabrous but rather rough; lower pale, softly and laxly pubescent, sub-glabrescent when old ; main nerves 8 to 9 pairs, bold, sub-ascending, rather straight : length 4 to 65 in., breadth 2 to 25 in.; petiole °25 in., tomentose. Flowers solitary, extra-axillary,*75 to 1 in. in diam.: pedicels woody, tomentose, ‘15 in. long, with 3 ovate acute bracts at their bases. Sepals ovate, obtuse, half as long as the petals and, like them, sericeous exter-

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 27

nally and glabrous or sub-glabrous internally. Petals subequal, oblong, obtuse, *35 to °45 in. long. Ripe carpels ovoid-cylindric, slightly apiculate and shortly stalked, glabrous, ‘8 in. long and ‘35 in. in diam. ; pericarp thin.

Burmah ; on Moolyet at 5,000 ft. Gallatly.

I have seen no entire fruit of this species but only some loose carpels. When ripe they are saidiby Mr. Gallatly to be red.

EviireiA PumILA, King, n. sp. A shrub 2 to 8 feet high: young branches with minute pale rufous tomentum; when older dark-coloured, glabrous and furrowed. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic- lanceolate, tapering from the middle to the shortly acuminate apex and acute base; both surfaces minutely granular when dry, the upper glabrous ; the lower sparsely adpressed-pubescent ; the midrib rufous- pubescent ; main nerves about 9 pairs, oblique, rather straight, faint on the lower surface, obsolete on the upper; length 45 to 7 in., breadth 1°5 to 2:25 in.; petiole °25 to °35 in., pubescent. Flowers solitary, or in pairs, extra-axillary, sub-sessile, *75 in. in diam, when expanded, the buds globose; pedicels *1 in. long, coarsely hirsute, bracteate. Sepals much shorter than the petals, broadly ovate, sub-acute, strigose-pubes- cent outside and sub-glabrous inside as are the petals. Petals imbricate, spreading, lanceolate or oblanceolate-oblong, the outer at first much shorter than, but ultimately sub-equal to, the inner. Male-flower: stamens numerous, with transversely elongate, truncate, heads; pistils 0. Female flower like the male but with fewer stamens; pistils about 10, pubescent, l-ovuled ; stigma short, flat, pubescent. Carpels 4 to 5, sub- cylindric, tapering to each end, °75 in. long and 25 in. diam., minutely granular and strigose ; stalks tomentose, ‘15 in. long; torus very small. Seed solitary, oblong, pale.

In leaves and in general’facies this is very like Popowia nervifolia, Maing., but its petals are distinctly imbricate.

Perak on Ulu Bubong ;*_King’s Collector, Scortechini.

6. Exuireta nervosa, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. I, 52. A tree 40 feet high; young branches glabrous, dark-coloured, slightly ridged. Leaves coriaceous with pellucid dots, elliptic-oblong, or lanceo- late-oblong, acute or rarely shortly acuminate, the base acute; upper surface glabrous; the lower sparsely strigose, the reticulations transverse and very distinct ; main nerves 10 or 11 pairs, oblique, rather straight ; lencth 8 to 11 in. breadth 2 to 35; petiole -35 to ‘5 in. glabrous. Flowers polygamous, solitary, extra-axillary, rarely in pairs, ‘75 in. in diam., globose; pedicels stout, ‘1 to ‘2 in. long, rufous: pilose, bracteate, Sepals broadly ovate, acute, pubescent, much smaller than the petals. Petals white, spreading, imbricate ; the outer broadly ovate-oblong, ob-

28 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

tuse; the inner rather shorter and narrower, oblong; all pubescent especially externally. Stamens in the male flowers numerous, with roundish flat heads. Ovaries in the female flower many, curved. Carpels rather numerous, ovoid, slightly apiculate, narrowed into the stalk, rose- red when ripe (Wray), about | in. long and ‘5 in. in diam., glabrous ; their stalks °75 to 1 in. long.

Malacca; Maingay, (Kew Distrib.), No. 47. Perak; common at low elevations. Penang; Curtis.

In the texture and nervation of its leaves this species has a strong resemblance to Popowia mnervifolia, Maing. and other species in its neighbourhood. But the petals are not those of a Popowia, both rows being distinctly imbricate. The fruit moreover is larger than that of Popowia, and the albumen is much more cellular in structure being, in this respect, like that of Hllipeia cuneifolia, H. f. & Th.

6. Cyarnocatyx, Champion.

Trees. Leaves glabrous. Flowers fascicled, terminal or leaf-opposed. Sepals free or united into a 3-lobed cup. Petals 6, 2-seriate, valvate in bud, subequal, bases concave conniving, blade flat spreading. Stamens indefinite, long-cuneate, truncate; anther-cells linear, dorsal. Ovaries solitary or 2-6, on a concave torus ; stigma large, grooved ; ovules many. Ripe carpels berried.—Disrris. Tropical India and Malaya; species 8.

Ripe carpels ovoid 7 eee 1 OC. virgatus. Ripe carpels globular... .. 2 C. Maingayt.

In its petals this genus resembles Avtobatiels to some extent, but Polyalthia still more. The ovaries in the first two species are usually soli- tary ; in the third they are 3 in number : the ripe carpels of all three being large succulent and many-seeded. Baillon admits the genus as it was established by Champion and accepted by Hooker filius & Thomson. In the above diagnosis I have however modified the definition so as to provide for the species with more than one ovary.

1. CyarHocaLyx vircatus, King. A tree 40 to 60 feet high: young branches slender, pale, glabrous, the tips alone pubescent. Leaves mem- branous, elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, shortly and obtusely acumi- nate, the base cuneate or sometimes rounded; both surfaces shining, the lower rather darker when dry; the upper glabrous, the lower pubescent on the 8 or 9 pairs of sub-ascending rather prominent nerves : length 4 to 6°5 in., breadth 1°25 to 2°75 in.; petiole °25 to ‘35 in., pu- bescent. lowers in axillary, sub-sessile fascicles of 2 or 3, about ‘75 in. long. Sepals united at the base, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, spreading, tomentose, shorter than the inner petals. Petals tomentose-sericeous ; the outer row much longer than tke inner, lanceolate, much acuminate,

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 29

about, °75 in. long.; inner row with orbicular concave base and much acuminate apex, ‘5 in. long. Connective of stamens slightly produced at apex and obliquely truncate. Ovaries 4 to 6, hirsute ; ovules many, 2-seriate ; stigma thick, discoid, sessile ; torus conic, truncate, pubescent. Ripe carpels solitary, or in pairs and divergent, oblong-ovoid, blunt at each end, minutely tomentose, 2 to 3 in. long, and 1 to 15 in. in diam,; pericarp thick; seeds 8 to 10, compressed, elongate and narrowly sub- reniform, transversely substriate. Unona virgata, Blume Bijdr. 14; FI. Jave Anon. 43 t. 19 and 25B.; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat., I. Pt. 2, p. 42. Meiogyne virgata, Miq. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. I1., 12. Cananga virgata, Hook fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. I, 57.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.), No. 92. Perak; King’s col- lection. Distrib. Java.

Blume describes the carpels as from 3 to 5; but I have never found more than two, and it is difficult to understand how more can come to perfection on the comparatively small torus. In Java this is said often to be a bush from 6 to 8 feet high: in Perak it is a tall tree.

2. Cyarnocatyx Marneayt, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 53. A tree 50 or 60 feet high: young branches rather stout, puberu- lous, speedily glabrous and dark-coloured. Leaves elliptic to oblong, thinly coriaceous, slightly obovate, shortly caudate-acuminate, the base rounded or slightly cuneate; upper surface shining, quite glabrous; the lower puberulous when young, ultimately glabrous; the main nerves 13 to 15 pairs, bold and prominent, spreading, interarching near the edge: length 5°8 to 88 in., breadth 2°75 to 3°75 in., petiole °3 in. Flowers 2 to 8 in. in diam., solitary or in short, 2- to 3-flowered racemes, axillary or extra-axillary: pedicels ‘5 to ‘75 in. long with a large stem- clasping bracteole near the apex. Sepals spreading or sub-reflexed, ovate, sub-acute, slightly connate at the base, puberulous on both sur- faces, ‘4 in. long. Petals thinly coriaceous, subequal, puberulous, obo- vate or broadly obovate-lanceolate, blunt, the base with a short claw, pale greenish with a blotch of reddish yellow at the base, all (but especially the inner row) more or less convex, the inner row slightly concave and glabrous at the base inside. Stamens numerous, cuneate, short ; the connective produced into a broad, flat, orbicular, oblique expan- sion which over-hangs the dorsal linear anthers. Ovaries 3, narrowly ovoid, pubescent, ovules about 10 in 2 rows: style short, lateral: stigma large, lobed, villous. Ripe carpels 1 or 2, globular, 1:5 to 1:75 in. in diam., slightly tubercular when dry and minutely pubescent. Seeds 10 in 2 rows, elongated, compressed.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.), No. 94. Singapore: Ridley. Perak: King’s Collector.

30 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

This species is doubtfully referred to Cyathocalyz by its authors, and chiefly on the ground that the petals, although valvate at the base, are slightly imbricate above. An examination of the large number of specimens sent from Perak by the Calcutta Botanic Garden Collector enables me to state that in bud the petals are truly valvate, but that as they develope they undoubtedly overlap. The anthers, ovaries and and ripe fruit appear to me to be those of Cyathocalyx ; and in habit and general appearance of its leaves this plant agrees with the other species above described. In addition to the species above described, there are, in the Calcutta Herbarium, fruiting specimens from Perak of asmall tree which is apparently a fourth species of Cyathocalyx. The leaves of this are oblong-lanceolate to oblong-ovate, 8- to 10-nerved, glabrous above and puberulous beneath; and the ripe carpels are in pairs, ovoid, puberulous, about 1°5 in. long. None of the specimens has any trace of flower. 4

7. Artaporrys, R. Brown.

Sarmentose or scandent shrubs. Leaves shining. Flowers solitary or fascicled, generally on woody, usually hooked, recurved branches (pe- duncles). Sepals 3, valvate. Petals 6, 2-seriate, bases concave connivent ; limb spreading, flat, sub-terete or clavate. Stamens oblong or cuneate ; connective truncate or produced; anther-cells dorsal. Torus flat or con- vex. Ovaries few or many ; style oblong or columnar; ovules 2, erect, collateral. Hipe carpels berried.—Disrris. Tropical Africa and Hastern Asia; described species about 32.

This genus is at once distinguished by the curious hooked flower- peduncles. The petals are thick and mostly narrow, concave and closely connivent at the base, while the limb is spreading. The habit of all is scandent. Besides those described below, there are in the Calcutta Herbarium imperfect materials of five undescribed species from Perak, and of one from the Andaman Islands.

Petals lanceolate to elliptic.

Flowers less than 1 in. long.

Petals very fleshy, broadly elliptic, blunt 1. A. grandifolius.

»» coriaceous, broadly lanceolate, acu-

minate ... bss . 2 A, Scortechini. » Slightly fleshy, elliptic-oblong, ob- tuse ... +8 .. 3 A. plewrocarpus

Flowers about 1 in. long, Outer petals ovate-lanceolate ; the inner lanceolate or linear ze . A. A. venusius. Flowers more than 1 in. long.

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 31

Leaves elliptic to oblong, obtuse or shortly and bluntly mucronate, coriaceous ... 0. A. crassifolius. Leaves oblong, acuminate, coriaceous... 6. A. oblongus. Leaves oblong-lanceolate. Leaves shortly caudate-acuminate, flower nearly 2 in. long .. ¢@. A, Lowianus. Leaves shortly acuminate ; flower 1°5 to 1:75 in. long; ripe carpels nar- rowly elliptic, tapering to both ends, glabrous... : 8. A. orycarpus. Limb of petals linear, sub-triquetrous, delisidiibo or sub-clavate. Petals thickly coriaceous, linear, blunt, ad-

pressed-pubescent oe .. 9. A. spectosus. Petals linear-oblong, obtuse, (glabrous?) 10. A. Maingayi. Petals fleshy, the outer 3 flattened; the inner 3 obtusely triquetrous » Ll. A. gracilis. Petals fleshy, the limb cylindric to saveate 12. A suaveolens. Imperfectly known species... ... 13. A. costatus. * é e w. 14. A. Wrayt.

1, ARTABOTRYS GRANDIFOLIUS, n. sp. King. A powerful creeper 60 to 80 feet long; young branches stout, pale, striate, glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, large, minutely pellucid-punctate, pale yellowish-green when dry, elliptic-oblong to elliptic-obovate ; the apex broad, obtuse or abruptly sub-acute ; the base cuneate: both surfaces glabrous, distinctly reticulate, the upper shining, the lower duller: main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, oblique, inter-arching boldly °25 in. from the edge; length of blade 8 to 14 in., breadth 8 to 5 in.: petiole ‘4 in., stout. Petals very fleshy, densely and minutely tomentose, unequal; the outer 3 broadly elliptic, sub-acute or blunt, slightly concave, °75 in. long and *4 in. broad : inner 3 obovoid, spreading but with incurved apices, slightly shorter than the outer. Peduncles (in fruit) nearly 3 in. long, stout: torus hemispheric, 1 in.indiam. pe carpels numerous, glabrous, lenticellate, elliptic-obovoid, the apex mammillate, narrowed at the base into a short stout pseudo-stalk nearly ‘5 in. long; length of ripe carpel about 1-5 in., diam. 1 in. : pericarp hard, about i in. thick. Seed solitary, nar cowl ellipsoid, phn, 1'1 in. long, and 6 in. in. diam.; the testa pale, rugulose. A. macrophyllus, King MSS. (not of Hook. fil).

Perak ; at Goping, elevation 500 to 800 feet, King’s Collector, No. 4477; Scortechini No. 1068.

Some specimens of this were unfortunately distributed from the Calcutta Herbarium under the MSS. name of A. macrophyllus,—a name

32 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

pre-occupied by an African species described by Sir J. D. Hooker (Niger Flora, 207).

2. ArraBorRys ScoRTECHINIT, n. sp. King. A climber. All parts except the flower and possibly the fruit glabrous: young branches slender, dark-coloured. Leaves thinly coriaceous, ovate-lauceolate, short- ly acuminate, the base cuneate; upper surface shining; the lower dull when young, very minutely scaly, afterwards glabrous ; main nerves 9 to 11 pairs, spreading, inter-arching ‘1 in. from the edge, slender but rather prominent beneath: length of blade 2°25 to 3:25 in., breadth ‘9 to 1°3 in., petiole 2 in. Peduncle rather slender, 3-to 4-flowered ; pedicels ‘5 in. long, thickened upwards, puberulous, with a small ovate bracteole at the very base. Flowers ‘6 to ‘8 in. long. Sepals very coriaceous, tri- angular, acuminate, the apices slightly reflexed, conjoined at the base only, rugulose and adpressed-pubescent externally, *25 in long. Petals coriaceous, broadly-lanceolate acuminate, tomentose on both surfaces, the inner three smaller than the outer 3. Anthers with broad connec-

tival apical appendages. Torus rather flat, sericeous: ovaries glabrous..

Fruit unknown.

Perak, Scortechini.

A species near A. polygynus, Miq., but with glabrous leaves and different flowers from that species.

3. ARTABOTRYS PLEUROCARPUS, Maingay in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 54. A large climber ; all parts except the flowers glabrous ; young branches lenticellate, striate, dark-coloured. Leaves coriaceous, oblanceolate- oblong, the apex abruptly and shortly acuminate, the base much nar- rowed: both surfaces shining and reticulate, the upper paler; main nerves about 10 pairs, spreading, slender: length of blade 4 to 6°5 in., breadth 1'5 to 2°25 in.; petiole -15 in., thick. Pedwneles flat, stout, much hooked, bearing several ebracteolate pedicels, ‘5 in. long, densely pubes- cent. Flowers 15 in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, obtuse. Petals sub- equal, flat, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, pubescent on both surfaces, the outer 1 to 1:35 in. long, the inner smaller. Anthers with apiculate connectives. Ovaries many, slender. Ripe carpels broadly elliptic, mammillate, ob- scurely grooved, narrowed into the short stout stalk,*75in. long. Seeds 2, with hard testa.

Malacca; Maingay. Perak, Scortechini, No. 331.

4, ARTABOTRYS VENUSTUS, n.sp., King. A large climber, 30 to 80 feet long; young branches at first puberulous, afterwards glabrous, dark coloured, striate. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, abruptly and shortly acuminate, the base rounded or very slightly nar- rowed: both surfaces glabrous, the upper shining, the lower dull, adult leaves pale brown (when dry): main nerves 7 to 10 pairs, spreading

zs 4 P ia ae

1892.) G. Kinge—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 33

or sub-ascending, curved, inter-arching freely ‘1 to ‘2 in. from the edge, prominent on the lower, less so on the upper, surface ; length of blade 3°5 to 6 in., breadth 2 to 3 in., petiole ‘2 to'25 in. Peduncles extra-axillary, rather slender in flower, (stout in fruit), minutely tomentose, bearing 3 or 4 flowers, ‘75 to 1 in. long.; pedicels slender, pubescent or glabrescent., from ‘5 to 1 in. long, ebracteate. Sepals coriaceous, broadly triangular, sub-acute, slightly conjoined at the base, sub-reflexed, puberulous exter- nally, glabrous within, ‘15 in. long. Petals coriaceous, minutely tomentose, subequal; the outer 3 with small claw, glabrous inside, ovate-lanceolate sub-acute; the inner 3 shorter than the outer, lanceolate or linear. Anthers short, slightly compressed; the apex orbicular, flat. Ovaries about 10, oblong, granular. Carpels about 6, sessile, narrowly obovoid, apiculate, slightly narrowed to the base, at first puberulous, ultimately glabrous, 1°5 in long and ‘8 in. in diam.; pericarp thin. Seeds 2, oblong, plano-convex, about | in. long and ‘6 in. broad, smooth.

Perak ; at elevations up to 1,000 feet, King’s Collector, Nos. 3725, 4392, 6499, 6968, King’s Collector.

5. ARTABOTRYS CRAssIFOLIUS, H. f. and T. in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 54. A large climber; young branches minutely rusty-tomentose. Leaves very coriaceous when adult, elliptic to oblong, obtuse or shortly and bluntly mucronate, the base acute or rounded : upper surface glabrous, shining: the lower dull, paler in colour when young, sparsely adpressed- pilose, afterwards glabrous; main nerves 9 or 10 pairs, oblique, when dry faintly impressed on the upper and slightly prominent on the lower surface; length of blade 6 to 6°5 in., breadth 1°75 to 2°75 in. ; petiole °3 to "4 in., stout. Peduncles flat, much hooked, stout: each with several stout rusty-tomentose pedicels 3 to ‘4 in. long; bracts few, ovate. Flowers 1°25 in. long. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, sub-obtuse, softly rusty- pubescent outside, pubescent within. Petals coriaceous, oblong-lanceo- late, sub-ovate, densely tomentose on both surfaces ; the inner 3 smaller than the outer 3. Fruiting pedicel very stout; the torus sub-globose. Ripe carpels about 8, sessile, sub-obovoid to ovoid, glabrous, slightly rugose, 1°25 to 1:65 in. long and ‘75 to 1:15 in. in diam. ; pericarp thick, pulpy. Seeds 2, collateral, oblong, compressed, grooved along the edge, ‘9 in. long and ‘6 in. broad. Kurz For. Flora Burma, I, 30.

Burmah; Martaban, King, Brandis. Perak; King’s Collector, No. 8384,

6. ARTABOTRYS OBLONGUS, n. sp., King. A climber 50 to 70 feet long, ultimately all parts except the inflorescence glabrous; young branches slender, rufous-pubescent ; the bark dark-coloured when very young, afterwards rather pale, striate. Leaves when adult coriaceous, oblong, shortly acuminate, the base acute, when adult both surfaces


34 G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

glabrous, the upper shining, the lower dull and when young sparsely pubescent along the midrib; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, inconspicuous on the upper, slightly prominent in the lower surface, spreading, form- ing 2 or 3 series of arches within the margin; length of blade 6°5 to 9 in., breadth 2°5 to 3 in., petiole “4 in. Peduncles stout, pubescent when young, bearing 3 or 4 pedicels; flowers 1:35 in. long; pedicels about 1 in., pubescent, slightly thickened upwards. Sepals coriaceous, triangular, acute, concave, spreading rufous-pilose on both surfaces, slightly conjoined at the base, °25 in. long. Petals coriaceous, the por- tion above the saccate base lanceolate, subacute, strigosely tomentose on both surfaces, the claw partly glabrous and partly covered with minute white hair. Anthers compressed, with oblong, obliquely truncate, flatten- ed heads. Ovaries few, oblong, glabrous; the stigma broad, oblique. Fruit unknown.

Perak ; King’s Collector, No. 6524.

7, Arrasorrys Lowianus, n. sp., Scortechini MSS. A_ stout climber; all parts except the flowers glabrous ; young branches slender, dark-coloured. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, shortly caudate-acuminate, the base cuneate: both surfaces shining, minutely reticulate; main nerves 8 to 10 pairs, spreading, inter-arching ‘2 in. from the margin, faint; length of blade 3°5 to 6 in., breadth 1:25 to 1:75 in., petiole °25 in. Peduneles extra-axillary, 2- to 3-flowered, glab- rous ; pedicels thickened upwards, ‘5 to 75 in. long, glabrous. Sepals triangular, acute, glabrous, *25 in. long, enlarging a little with the fruit. Petals fleshy, adpressed-puberulous, elliptic-lanceolate above the concave base, obtuse; the outer three 1°75 in. long, the inner three smaller. Anthers with a rounded apical process from the connective. Ovaries many, glabrous. Carpels (quite young) sessile, ovoid, apiculate; ripe 3 carpels unknown.

Perak; Scortechini; No. 2012.

This species is near A. plewrogynus, Miq, but is perfectly gla- brous, not sub-strigose pubescent ; its ripe fruit is unknown.

8. ARTABOTRYS OXYCARPUS, n. sp., King. A stout climber, 60 to 80 feet long; all parts except the flower glabrous; young branches slender, black when dry. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the base cuneate, both surfaces shining, reticulate; main nerves 6 to 8 pairs, spreading, slender; length of blade 3 to 5°5 in., breadth 1:25 to 1°5 in. Peduncles short (75 in. long), glabrous, bearing about 2 minutely brac- teolate pedicels ‘75 in. long. Flowers 15 to 1°75 in. long. Sepals coriaceous, small, broadly ovate, acute, ‘2 in. long, conjoined at the base, spreading. Petals coriaceous, very much longer than the sepals, lanceo- late, obtuse ; the inner 3 smaller; all adpressed-pubescent, and the

1892.] G. Kine—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 35

saccate base small in all. Torus small, sericeous. Ovaries glabrous. Ripe carpels numerous, sessile, glabrous, narrowly elliptic, tapering to each end, the apex caudate, 1 to 1:2 in. long and ‘4 in. in diam. ; pericarp thin. Seeds 2, plano-convex, compressed, blunt, ‘25 in. long.

Perak; King’s Collector, Nos. 5150 and 5605; Wray No. 3286.

This species comes near the Bornean A. polygynus, Miq. (Ann. Mus. Lued. Bat. II, 4). But this species has more pointed and perfectly smooth ripe carpels; while those of A. polygynus are more ovoid, with shorter terminal point and have many vertical ridges. <A. polygynus moreover is sub-strigosely pubescent, this is glabrous.

9. ARTABOTRYS SPECIOSUS, Kurz in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 55. A large climber: young branches slender, dark-coloured, sparsely ad- pressed-pilose, afterwards glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, oblong or oblong- lanceolate, rarely oblanceolate, shortly and obtusely acuminate, the base acute; both surfaces glabrous, shining: main nerves 7 to 10 pairs, spreading, inter-arching at some distance from the edge, slender: length of blade 6 to 8 in., breadth 2 to 2°5 in., petiole 25 in. Peduncles extra- axillary, flattened, short and not much hooked, puberulous, each bearing several short puberulous 1-flowered ebracteolate flower-pedicels: flowers from 1:25 to nearly 2 in. long, yellow. Sepals ‘2 in. long, broadly ovate, acute, pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Petals thickly coriaceous, adpressed-pubescent, linear above the concave base, rather blunt; the inner smaller than the outer; torus pilose: fruit unknown. Kurz For. Flora, Burm. I, 32.

Andaman Islands; along Middle Straits, Kurz. S. Andaman; at Caddellgunge, King’s Collector.

10. Arrapotrys Maineayi, H. f. and T. in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 55. <A powerful creeper, 40 to 80 feet long: all parts glabrous except the flowers; the young branches slender, dark-coloured. Leaves thin, elliptic, acuminate at base aud apex: both surfaces shining, finely reti- culate: main nerves 7 to 9 pairs, spreading, faint: length of blade 3°5 to 6 in., breadth 1°35 to 2 in., petiole 25 to 5 in. Peduncles flat, much curved, glabrous. Flowers 1 in. in diam., fascicled, peduncle ‘5 to 15 in, hoary-pubescent. Sepals small, obtuse, ‘2 in. long. Petals: the outer linear-oblong, obtuse, concave the saccate base small and sub- orbicular, 1 to 1:25 in. long and ‘25 to °35 broad; the inner smaller and narrower and much curved. Ovaries 3 or 4 ovoid, glabrous. Ripe carpels sessile, elliptic-globose, mammillate, yellow, glabrous, when ripe 2°5 in., long and 1'5 in. in diam. Seeds 2, plano-convex, testa stony.

Malacca; Maingay.

11. ARTABOTRYS GRACILIS, n sp. King. <A slender woody climber, 60 to 80 feet long: young branches dark-coloured: all parts quite

36 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

glabrous except the petals. Leaves thinly coriaceous, ovate-lanceo- late, shortly acuminate, the base cuneate; both surfaces glabrous and shining, the upper when dry tinged with green: main nerves 7 or 8 pairs, spreading, inter-arching inside the edge, very faint on both surfaces, reticulations rather distinct: length of blade 2°5 to 3 in., breadth 1 to 1:75 in., petiole 15 to 2 in. Peduncles extra-axillary, short, much hooked, glabrous, usually 4- to 6-flowered ; pedicels -35 in. long, thick- ened upwards, ebracteolate, glabrous: flower °*3 to ‘4in. long. Sepals very coriaceous, semi-orbicular, shghtly pointed at the apex, very little conjoined at the base, concave, spreading Petals fleshy, sub-equal, curved, spreading, densely tomentose, the outer 3 flattened; the inner obtusely 3-angled, tumid at the base, smaller than the outer 3. Anthers with broad apical connectival processes. Ovaries 3 or 4, oblong, with large discoid lobed stigmas, torus villous. Ripe carpels 3 or 4, sessile, oboyoid, with several vertical ridges, the base contracted, glabrous, °8 in. long and ‘7 in. in diam. Seeds 2, compressed-ovoid, obtuse at each end, shining.

Perak: at low elevations, King’s Colleetor, Nos. 8746, 4987 and 7543,

Allied to A. suaveolens, Bl. ; but with differently shaped petals, pistils and carpels.

12. ARTABOTRYS SUAVEOLENS, Blume Fl. Javae Anon. 62, t. 30, 3LD. A climber 20 to 30 feet long; the petals always tomentose, the other parts mostly glabrous, but sometimes the young branches, peduncles, and under surfaces of the midribs of the leaves adpressed-puberulous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong -lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, the base acute ; both surfaces shining, the reticulations rather distinct, the upper often deeply tinged with green when dry. Peduwneles extra -axillary, thin at first, but becoming stout and flat with age, glabrous or puberulous, bearing from 5 to 15 flowers ; pedicels °3 to °45 in. long, thickened upwards, sparsely adpressed-pubescent, with a small narrowly ovate bract at the base ; flowers about ‘4 in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, the apex pointed, thinly coriaceous, sparsely adpressed-pubescent ex- ternally, very slightly conjoined at the base, spreading, ‘1 in. long. Peials fleshy, adpressed-tomeutose, dilated and thin at the base, the limb cylindric to clavate, sub-erect, slightly spreading, sometimes with the apex incurved. Anthers short, with a very broad oblique flattened apical appendage from the connective; torus slightly pubescent. Ovaries broadly ovoid, sub-compressed, the stigma small. Ripe carpels few, ellip- suid, the apex blunt, the base slightly contracted, smooth, glabrous, ‘4 to ‘Od in. long and °25 in. in diam. ; pericarp thin, fleshy. Seed single, ellip- soid, blunt at each end, the testa granular. Wall. Cat. 6416; H. f. & T.

1892.) G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 37

F]. Ind., 129 ; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. T, 55; Mig. FI. Ind. Bat. I. Pt. 2, 39 Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II, 43; Kurz For. Fl. Burm. I; Artabotrys parviflora, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat, Supp., 375. Unona suaveolens, Blame Bijdr. 17.

In all the Malayan Provinces at low elevations: common. Sylhet to Malacca in British India.

This species varies somewhat as to size of flowers and texture of leaf. The form named A. parviflora by Miq. in his Sumatra Sup- plement was, by himself, subsequently reduced to a variety of this species (Ann. Mus. Lued. bat. II, 38).

13. ARTABOTRYS CosTatus, n. sp. King. A climber from 15 to 80 feet long: young branches slender, dark-coloured, scantily tawny-pu- berulous when young, afterwards glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, slightly oblanceolate, abruptly and shortly acuminate, the base cuneate ; upper surface shining, glabrous except the lower part of the midrib which is tomentose; lower surface paler, dull, sparsely puberulous towards the base when young, afterwards glabrous; main nerves 12 to 14 pairs, spreading, forming one series of very bold arches *3in. from the margin, with a series of smaller arches outside it, very stout and prominent on the lower, slightly so on the upper, surface, reticula- tions distinct on both: length of blade 7 to 9 in., breadth 2°5 to 3:25 in., petiole ‘2in. Pedwneles rather small, much hooked. Flowers unknown. Carpels (unripe) 2 to 5, sessile, ellipsoid, blunt at each end, about 1 in. long and ‘6 in. in diam, (unripe), glabrous: pericarp thin ; seeds 2, elliptic.

Perak ; on Ulu Bubong at elevations of from 500 to 800 feet, King’s Collector, Nos. 4291 and 10184.

I have ventured to describe this although its flowers are unknown, and the only fruit collected is unripe. By its oblong costate leaves it differs from every other described A/tabotrys except A. macrophyllus, mihi.

14. Artapotrys Wray, King. A climber: young branches rather stout, softly pale rusty-tomentose; ultimately glabrous pale and fur- rowed. Leaves thinly coriaceous, large, oblong-elliptic to elliptic, shortly acuminate, the base rounded ; both surfaces boldly reticulate ; the upper glabrous and shining, sub-bullate when dry; the lower shortly and rather softly cinereous-pubescent ; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, oblique, curving, inter-arching freely within the edge, depressed above and bold and prominent beneath like the midrib; length 8 to 11 in., breadth 2°75 to 5 in., petiole ‘35 in., stout, tomentose when young, glabrescent when old. Pedwncles extra-axillary, rather short, very thick in fruit, some- times straight when young and curving only when in fruit, few-flowered, glabrous; pedicels 1 in, long, stout, softly tawny-tomentose with several

38 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

bracteoles at the base. Flowers 1 in. long. Sepals broadly ovate at the base, tapering rapidly upwards, acuminate, about ‘5 in. long, densely sericeous-tomentose outside, sub-glabrous inside especially at the base. Petals thick, sub-equal, ovate-oblong, sub-acute, slightly contracted above the claw, softly adpressed-sericeous except on the glabrous con- cavity of the claw inside. Ovaries numerous. Sipe carpels obovoid, tapering much to the base, the apex mucronate, densely tawny-tomentose, sessile ; nearly 1 in long.

Perak ; Wray, King’s Collector.

Next to A. grandifolius, this has the largest leaves of any of the Asiatic species of the genus, but from that species it differs in having them pubescent beneath. Only a single flower has hitherto been col-


8. Drepanantuus, Maingay MSS.

Trees. Leaves large, pubescent beneath. Racemes very short,. fascicled on woody truncal tubercles. Sepals 3, nearly free. Petals 6, valvate, 2-seriate, subequal; bases concave, connivent; limb erect or spreading, broad or narrow. Stamens many, cuneate, truncate; anthers linear, cells lateral; connective very slightly produced. Ovaries 4-12 ; stigma sub-sessile ; ovules 4 or more, 2-seriate. Ripe carpels globose, several-seeded. Two species.

This genus differs from Artabotrys in its members being trees, not climbers; and in having 4 or more ovules in its ovaries. Dr. Scheffer (Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg II, 6) proposed to make it a section of Oyathocalya.

Petals of both rows with more or less ovate limb 1. D. pruniferus. - with narrowly eylindric limb 2. D. ramauliflorus.

1. DrepaNaNTHUS PRUNIFERUS, Maing. in Hook, fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 56. A tree 40 to 50 feet high; branches stout, rufous-pubescent at first, finally glabrescent. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse, the base rounded or sub-cordate, often unequal ; upper sur- face glabrous, except the depressed tomentose midrib and main nerves; lower surface shortly rufous-pubescent when young, glabrescent when adult; main nerves 14 to 16 pairs, prominent beneath ; intermediate nerves stout, parallel, oblique ; length 7°5 to 14 in., breadth 3 to 65 in.; petiole ‘5 to 15 in. stout, channelled. LRacemes 6- to 8-flowered, crowded; flowers ‘75 in. long, their pedicels rufous-tomentose, ‘5 to *75 in. long, each with a large oblanceolate bract. Sepals and petals subequal, very coriaceous, densely covered (except the inside of the claws of the petals) with a layer of minute whitish tomentum; sepals united by their base, ovate-oblong, spreading ; petals of outer row broadly ovate,

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 39

sub-acute, slightly constricted above the claw; those of the inner row closely connivent, much constricted above the claw, their apices broad and emarginate. Ovaries oblong, sericeous-tomentose. Ripe carpels 6 to 8, sessile, sub-globose, minutely pubescent to glabrescent, 1 to 1:25 in. in diam. Seeds numerous, oblong, flat, shining.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 90. Perak; King’s Collector, Scortechini. Penang, Curtis No. 1417.

2. DREPANANTHUS RAMULIFLORUS, Maing. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind, I, 56. A tall tree, the young branches asin D. pruniferus. Leaves as in D. pruniferus, but slightly broader at the apex and narrowed at the base. Flowers *4 to *5 in long, much crowded in very short fascicles from tubercles on the branches below the leaves: pedicels about ‘3 in. long stout, rufous-tomentose as is the single sub-orbicular bracteole. Sepals much shorter than the petals, broadly triangular, acuminate, spreading, rufous-tomentose especially outside. Petals with concave, connivent, tomentose claw and fleshy, sub-cylindric, spreading, much curved, ad- pressed-pubescent limbs. Ovaries about 5, sessile, oblong. Carpels (young) ovoid, slightly oblique, densely rufous-tomentose ; walls of peri- carp very thick: seeds few: ripe fruit unknown.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.), No. 91. Distrib. Sumatra ; Forbes, No. 2913.

9. Canancium, Baill. (Cananga, Rumph.)

Tall trees. Leaves large. Flowers large, yellow, solitary or fascicled on short axillary peduncles. Sepals 3, ovate or triangular, valvate. Petals 6, 2-seriate, subequal or inner smaller, long, flat, valvate. Stamens linear, anther-cells approximate, extrorse ; connective produced into a lanceolate acute process. Ovaries many; style oblong (or 0?) ; stigmas sub-capitate ; ovules numerous, 2-seriate. Ripe carpels many, berried, stalked or sessile. Seeds many, testa crustaceous, pitted, sending spinous processes into the albumen.—Two species.

The tree known as Canangaz odorata H. f. and T. was by Rumphius (who wrote an account of it in Herb. Amb. II, 195, published in 1750) named Cananga (Latinice) and Bonga Cananga (Malaice). Rumphius’ de- scription is of the usual pre-Linnean sort, there being no differentiation of generic and specific characters and his name of course is not binomial. In the chapter of his book following that in which Cananga proper is treated of (l. c. p. 197), Rumphius proceeds to describe the wild Canangas as distinguished from the Cananga proper, which was in his time, (as it is still) much cultivated by the Malays on account of the fragrance of its flowers. These wild—Canangas Rumphius calls Canange sylvestres and of them he distinguishes three sorts.

40 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

1. Cananga sylvestris prima sive trifoliata (Malaice Oetan).

2. Cananga sglvestris secunda sive angustifolia.

3. Cananga sylvestris tertia sive latifolia.

Of the first two Rumphius gives figures on t. 66 of the same volume ; and judging from these figures, the plants fall into the modern genus Polyalthia.

Linneus’ Species Plantarum was published in 1753, therefore Rumphius’ names are in point of time, as they are in point of form, pre- Linnean. Linnzeus does not accept Cananga as a genus and he refers to the Cananga of Rumphius only in a note under Uvaria Zeylanica. And the first botanists to adopt the Cananga of Rumphius as a genus are Hook. fil. and Thomson (in FI. Ind. 130). But in 1775 Aublet (in his Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Francaise,) published, in regular Linnzan fashion, the genus Cananga for the reception of a single species named O. owregow of which he gave a figure (t. 244). Nineteen years later (1794) Ruiz and Pavon, (in their Prodromus Flore Peruviance et Chilensis,) published under the name of Guatteria a genus with exactly the same characters as Aublet’s Cananga. Unless therefore Hook f. and Thomson are right in making a special case in establishing, as a genus in the Linnean sense, the Cananga of Rumphius, Aublet’s genus Cananga must stand, and to it must be relegated all the American species referred to Ruiz and Pavon’s genus Guatteria. Authorities vary in their treatment of the Cananga of Rumphius. Dunal (in his Mono- graphie de la famille des Anonacees) pronounces for the suppression of Aublet’s Cananga in favour of that of Rumphius who, he incorrectly says, assigned two species to it; the fact being as already shown, that Rumphius divided Cananya into (a) cultivated (with one sort) and (b) wild (sylvestres) with three sorts. Dunal (and I think wrongly) refers all the Cananga of Rumphius to Unona. In their Genera Planta- rum, Mr. Bentham and Sir J. D. Hooker retain the Cananga of Rum- phius and reduce Oananga of Aublet to Guatteria, Baillon, on the other hand, retains the Cananga of Aublet as a genus, and to it refers all the S. American species of Giuatteria. He reduces Cananga odorata H. f. and Th. to Unona and, altering the termination of its generic name, he makes it a section of Unona under the sectional title of Canangium.

The grounds for separating Cananga from Unona as a genus are thus stated by the authors of the Flora Indica. “‘ In habit and general appear- ance this genus closely resembles Unona; but the indefinite ovules pre- vent its being referred to that genus. The peculiar stamen (with a long conical apical point) and the seeds are themselves, we think, suffi- cient to justify us in distinguishing it as a genus.” The simplest solution of the synonymic knot, and one for which there is some justi-

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 41

fication on the ground of structure, appears to lie in the acceptance of Baillon’s suggested name, giving up that of the authors of the Flora Indica.

The synonymy of Cluatteria is further complicated by the fact that a large number of species with valvate wstivation were referred to it by Wallich and others. These, however, were separated by Hook fil. and Thoms. by whom the genus Polyalthia was formed for their recep- tion. Sir Joseph Hooker refers to Cananga, not only the species C. odorata, but another named OC. virgata. The latter plant appears to me, in the light of full material recently received, to be a typical Cyathocalyz, and to that genus I have ventured to remove it, A third species doubt- fully referred to the genus Cananga under the specific name monosperma, appears to me from the description (i have seen no good specimen) to be so doubtful that I exclude it altogether. The seeds both of this species and of ©. Odoratwm are peculiar; I quote the following excel- lent description of those of C. odoratum from Hooker fil. and Thomson’s Flora Indica, page 180. ‘‘ The seeds are pitted like those of the section Kentia of Melodorum, and of some Cucurbitacee ; and the inner surface of the brownish-yellow, brittle testa is covered with sharp tubercles, which penetrate into the albumen, taking the place of the flat plates which are found in the rest of the order.”

Flowers 2 or 3 in. long eae » 1 C. odoratum.

- 1 to 1:25 in. long x ww. 2 C. Scortechinit.

1. Cananaium oporatum, Baill. Ee des Plantes, I, 213 (in note). A tree 30 to 60 feet high ; young branches rather slender, sub-striate, at first puberulous, slightly lenticellate, dark ashy-coloured when dry. Leaves membranous, ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, sometimes broad- ly elliptic, acute, shortly acuminate or sub-obtuse ; the base rounded or sub-cuneate, unequal; quite glabrous, the midrib and nerves puberulous ; main nerves about 8 pairs, ascending, rather straight and slender: length 3°5 to 8 in., breadth 1°75 to 3 in., petiole 5 in. Flowers 2 to 3 in. long, drooping, in 2- to 3-flowered shortly pedunculate racemes: pedicels slender, 15 to 2 in. long, recurved, puberulous, with one median and several basal, small, often deciduous bracts. Sepals free or joined at the base only, about ‘35 in. long, triangular, tapering to a blunt point, reflexed. Petals linear-lanceolate, 3 to 3°25 in. long and ‘8 in. wide, adpressed-sericeous when young. Ovaries sessile, narrowly oblong: stigma hemispheric. Ripe carpels from 10 to 12, pedicellate, oblong- obovoid, glabrous, blunt, ‘65 to ‘9 in. long, nearly black when ripe, pulpy: stalks from ‘5 to -75 in. long. Seeds 6 to 12, flattened, sub-ovate. Cananga odorata, H. f. and Th. Fl. Ind. 130; Fl. Br. Ind. I, 56; Mig. FI. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 40. Kurz For, Fl. Burm. I, 3. Uvaria odorata,


42 G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Lamb. Ill. t. 495, f. 1; Roxb. Fl. Ind. 11. 661; Wall. Cat. 6457; W. & A. Prodr. 8; Blume Bijdr. 14, Fl. Jay. Anon. t. 9. Pierre Flore For. Coch. Chine, Anon. t. 18; Griff. Notul.iv. 712. U. fracta, Wall. Cat. 6460. U. avillaris, Roxb. Fl. Ind. ii. 667. Unona odorata and U. leptopetala, Dunal Anon. 108 and 114; DC. Prodr. i, 90 and 91; Deless. Ic. Sel. t. 88.

In all the provinces, planted. Indigenous in Tenasserim, Java, and the Philippines.

2. Cananaium Scortecuinil, King n. sp.- A tree 30 to 40 feet high : young branches puberulous but speedily glabrous, dark-coloured and lenticellate. Leaves membranous, broadly ovate, sub-acuminate, the base broad rounded, slightly oblique; both surfaces pubescent when very young, ultimately glabrescent, the midrib and 6 or 7 pairs of nerves ad- pressed-pubescent, glandular-dotted ; length 2°5 in., breadth 1°5 in. (fide Scortechini; length 3 to 7 in., breadth 2 to3 in.) Cymes short, from the axils of leaves or of fallen leaves, few-flowered, shortly pedunculate. Flowers 1 to 1°25 in. long; pedicels under 1 in., pale-pubescent with a narrow, ovate, obtuse, mesial bracteole *25 in. long. Sepals ovate, sub- acute, recurved, minutely yellowish-pubescent, °35 in. long. Petals subequal, linear-obtuse, 1°25 in. long; the claw short, thickened, pubescent on both surfaces like the sepals. Stamens numerous; the connective with an apical process, bulbous at the base, suddenly tapering into a sharp point. Ovaries numerous, oblong, glabrous except at the pubes- cent base, with 6 or 8 ovules in two rows; stigma sessile, truncate. Ripe carpels unknown.

Perak : Scortechini.

Scortechini’s specimens are in bud only and none of them has any fruit. The foregoing description has been prepared partly from his notes and partly from his specimens. The species differs from C. odoratum in having smaller leaves, a different inflorescence, with smaller, quite in- odorous, flowers. It is also a smaller tree.

Doubtful Species.

Cananga ? monosperma H. f. and Th. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 57. Of this I

have seen only leaf-specimens.

10. Uwnowna, Linn.

Trees or shrubs, erect or climbing. Flowers often solitary, axillary terminal or leaf-opposed. Sepals 3, valvate. Petals 6, valvate or open in estivation, 2-seriate ; 3 inner sometimes absent. Torus flat or slightly concave. Stamens cuneate ; anther-cells linear, extrorse, top of connec- tive sub-globose or truncate. Ovaries numerous; style ovoid or oblong, recurved, grooved; ovules 2-8, l-seriate (rarely sub-2-seriate). Ripe

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 43

carpels many, elongate and. constricted between the seeds or baccate., Seeds few or many.—Distr1B. Tropical Asia and Africa; species about 50, Sect. I. Dersmos, H.f. and T. Petals 6, in two rows, ripe carpels jointed, Flowers solitary and always axillary: leaves elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate ae (1. U. Dunalin. Flowers solitary, and extra-axillary, terminal or leaf-opposed. Flower-peduncles 4 to 6 in. long, slender 2. U. Desmos. Flower-peduncles 1 to 2 in. long. Lower surfaces of leaves glaucous ; petals glabrous or at most sparsely adpressed-sericeous.... aie) os OU. discolor, Flower-peduncles from ‘5 to 1 in. long. Leaves more or less oblong or ovate or lanceolate, rufous-pubescent or to- mentose beneath on . 4. U. dumosa. Sect. II. Dasymascuaton. Petals 3, or sometimes only 2: the inner row always absent; ripe carpels jointed. Flowers 3°5 to 6 in. long; petals linear-lanceo- late, caudate-acuminate, not constricted be- tween claw and limb don .. O. U. longiflora. Flowers 1:5 to 3°5 in. long; petals from ovate to lanceolate, more or Teas. constricted above the claw se w. 6. U. Dasymaschale Sect. III. Srenoperanon. eine 6 in ites rows, usually very narrow : carpels baccate, not jointed.

Flowers solitary 555 ee aise fen Ue ray Flowers in fascicles from the larger branches or stem.

Petals linear-oblong, 1 to 1'5 in. long; ripe carpels globose, glabrous, their stalks 1 to 1°5 in. long ... . 8. U. desmantha. Petals narrowly linear, 3 to 3 5 in, tone - ripe carpels globose, densely rufous- velvetty, shortly stalked ... . 9. U. crinita. Petals narrowly linear, 1°25 to 3 in. ieee ripe carpels sub-globular or bluntly ovate, softly tomentose, ultimately sub-glabrous, sub-sessile ade ion ... 10. U. stenopetala. 1. Unona Donan, Wall. Cat. 6425. A climber 60 to 100 feet long; young branches slender, rather pale, sub-rugose, lenticellate, glabrous. Leaves thickly membranous, pale when dry, elliptic-oblong

44, G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,,

to oblong-lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, the base rounded, the upper surface glabrous, shining, the lower slightly glaucous, some- times with a few scattered hairs on the midrib; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, spreading, not prominent; length 3 to 4 in., breadth 1:2 to 1:75 in., petiole °2in. Flowers axillary, solitary, 1°25 to 1:4 im. long; pedicels °85 to ‘5 in long, slender, pubescent, with a minute bracteole about the middle. Sepals broadly ovate, acute, puberulous, reflexed, °25 to °3 in. long. Petals narrowly oblong-lanceolate, sub-acute, puberulous to glabrous, 1 to 1:25 in. long, the inner row smaller. Ripe carpels numer- ous, stalked, glabrous, constricted between the 3 to 5 ovoid joints, 1:25 to 1°75 in. long; the stalks about 1 inch. Hook. fil. and Th. Fl. Ind. 131, (exel. the Concan plant); Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat., I. Ft. 2,41; Hook. fil. F]. Br. Ind. I, 58.

Penang; Wallich. Perak ; King’s Collector.

2. Unona Desmos, Dunal Anon., 112. <A spreading shrub, often climbing ; young branches slender, striate, adpressed, rufous-pubescent, often lanceolate. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong, acute or acuminate, the base rounded; upper surface glabrous or nearly so, the midrib sparsely pubescent; under-surface paler in colour, puberulous or pubes- cent; main nerves 12 to }4 pairs, spreading, rather prominent beneath ; length 4°8 to 88 in., breadth 1°65 to 3°25 in., petiole °35 in. Flowers solitary, extra-axillary, 1°35 to 1°75 m. long ; peduncle slender, 4 to 6 in. long, glabrous ; bracts few, lanceolate, minute, deciduous. Sepals ovate-acuminate, spreading, adpressed-pubescent, *3 in. Jong. Petals coriaceous, ovate-lanceolate, adpressed-pubescent, nerved; the outer 2 in. long by about ‘85 in. broad ; the inner smaller. Ripe carpels numerous, stalked, ‘5 to °*75 in. long, glabrous, constricted between the 2 to 3 oval joints. H.f.and T. Fl. Ind. 134; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2,42: Hook. fil. F]. Br. Ind. I, 59; Kurz For. Fl. Burm. I 34. JU. cochin-chinensis A. DC Prod. 1,91; U. pedunculosa, A. DC Mem. Anon 28; U. pedunculosa Wall. Cat. 6422. U. fulva, Wall. Cat. 6427. Desmos cochin-chinensis Lour. Fl. Coch. Ch. I, 352. U. discolor, Wall. (not of Roxb.) Cat. 6420 D and E.

From Assam to Singapore. Distrib. Cochin-China.

3. Unona piscotor, Yahl Symb. II, 63, t. 36. A spreading shrub, often also climbing ; young branches slender, sub-rugose, pubes- cent towards the tips. Leaves membranous, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acute, the base rounded ; upper surface glabrous, shining; the lower glaucous, glabrous or pubescent ; main nerves 8 to 10 pairs, sub-ascend- ing, slightly prominent beneath ; length 3 to 7'5 in., breadth 1 to 2 in., petiole about °25 in. Flowers solitary, extra-axillary, 2 to 25 in. long; peduncles 1 to 2 in. long, rather slender, pubescent, with a minute linear

1892.] G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. AS

bracteole below the middle, thickening when in fruit and lenticellate. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, spreading, nearly glabrous, ‘4 to ‘6 in. long. Petals coriaceous, narrowly lanceolate, 2 to 2°5 in. long, glabrous or sparsely adpressed-sericeous. Ovaries oblong, hairy. Stigma laterally grooved. Ripe carpels numerous, stalked, :75 to 1°5 in. long, glabrous or pubescent, the constrictions between the 2 to 5 oval joints pubescent; stalks ‘25 in. long. Dunal Anon. 111; DC. Prodr. i. 91; Wall. Cat. 6420 (partly) ; Roxb. Fl. Ind. 1. 669; W. & A. Prodr.9; H. f. & T. Fl, Ind. 133; Mig. Fl. Ind Bat. I, Pt. 2, 41; Beddome Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 51; Bl. Fl. Jave Anon. 53; A. DC. Mem. 28; W. and A. Prod. 9; Thwaites Enum. 9; Kurz For. Fl. Ind. Burm. I. 34; Hook. fil. Fl. Ind. 1, 59. Scheff. Obs. Phyt. Anon. 5. Nat. Tidsch. Ned. Ind. XXXI, 5. U. cordifolia, Roxb. Fl. Ind. II, 602? U. Dunalii, H.f. & T. Fl. Ind. 131 (the Conean plant); Dalz. & Gibs. Fl. Bomb. 3 (not of Wallich). U. Amherstiana, A. DC. Mem. 28. U. biglandulosa, Bl. Bijdr. 16. U. Roxburghiana, Wall. Cat. 6423 B. U. Lessertiana, Dunal Anon. 107. t. 26; DC. Prod. 1, 90. Desmos chinensis Lour. Fl. Coch. Ch. 1, 352.

Of this variable and abundant species, Sir Joseph Hooker distin- guishes four varieties as follows :—

Var. 1, pubiflora ; leaves 5-7 in., oblong acute, base often cordate, flowers silky.

Var. 2, laevigata; leaves 3-4 in., oblong or lanceolate, acute, base rounded, flowers almost glabrous.—JU. chinensis, DC. Prodr. i. 90. U. undulata, Wall. Pl. As. Rar. iii. and 42. JU. discolor, Dalz and Gibs, Fl. Bomb. 3. t. 265 ; Wall. Cat. 6428.—Perhaps cultivated only in India, common in the Archipelago and China.

Var. 3, pubescens ; leaves as in 1, but densely pubescent beneath.

Var. 4, latifolia ; leaves 3-5 by 2-23 in, broad-oval, acute, flowers silky. JU. discolor and var. b, bracteata Bl. Fl. Jav. Anon. 53, t. 26 and 31A.

From the base of the eastern Himalaya through the Assam range to Burmah and the Malayan Peninsula; in tropical forests. Distrib. The Malayan Archipelago, Chinese Mountains.

4. Uwnona pumosa, Roxb. FI. Ind. IJ, 670. <A large bushy climber: young branches slender, softly rufous-tomentose. Leaves membranous, broadly ovate to oblong-ovate, obovate to oblanceolate-oblong, obtuse, sub-acute or broadly mucronate, the base rounded or sub-cordate, or sub-cuneate ; when young rufous-tomentose on both surfaces ; the upper except the midrib glabrescent when old: main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, sub-ascending, rather straight; length 2 to 5:25 in., breadth 1:25 to 2°5 in.; petiole -165 in., to 3 in., rufous-tomentose. Flowers solitary, leaf- opposed or extra-axillary, 2 to 2°5 in. long; pedicels '5 to 75 in. long,

46 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

rufous-tomentose, with a single ovate bract near the base. Sepals coria- ceous, cordate or ovate, sub-acute or acute, spreading, rufous-tomentose, ‘4in.long. Petals obovate-spathulate to broadly ovate-lanceolate, taper- ing to each end, vertically nerved, densely pubescent at first, less so when old; the inner row smaller. Ripe carpels numerous, stalked, gla- brous, 75 to 1:4 in. long, much constricted between the 2 to 3 ovoid joints. Seeds shining, the albumen with transverse fibres. Wall. Cat. 6429. H.f. and Th. Fl. Ind. 131; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind, I, 59.

Malacca: Maingay, Nos. 42 and 43 (Kew Distrib.). Perak ; King’s Collector, L. Wray Junior. Sylhet; Roxburgh, Wallich. Assam ; Simons.

The form which occurs in the Malayan Peninsula has narrower petals than that which is found in Assam and Silhet, and its leaves are more oblong and less ovate.

5. Uwnona Lonairtora, Roxb. Fl. Ind. IT, 668. A glabrous shrub or small tree, the leaf-buds silky; young branches slender. Leaves

membranous, narrowly oblong or oblong-lanceolate, more or less acumi- |

nate, the base rounded or slightly cuneate ; upper surface shining, the lower glaucous: main nerves 12 to 16 pairs, oblique, rather prominent beneath: length 6°5 to 11 in., breadth 1°75 to 3:25 in,, petiole ‘4 in, Flowers solitary, pedunculate, axillary, pendulous, 3°5 to 6 in. long; the peduncles minutely bracteolate and jointed near the base, slender, from 1:25 to 8 in. long, still longer in fruit. Sepals very small, broadly tri- angular, spreading, mucronate, rufous-pubescent externally. Petals linear- lanceolate, much acuminate, cohering by their margins, the base slight- ly expanded, no constriction between the limb and claw, adpressed- sericeous when young but afterwards glabrous, yellowish; the inner row absent. Stamens with the connective produced and truncate at the apex. Ovaries 10 to 20, sessile, hairy; ovules few: stigmas large, re- curved. Ripe carpels about 10, stalked, moniliform, 3- to 4-jointed, all the joints except the lowest often falling off: individual joints elongated- ovoid, ‘5 in. long, glabrous. Seeds with thin smooth testa, the albumen intersected by numerous horizontal fibrous processes. Wall. Cat. 6419 ; Hook. fil. and Th. Fl. Ind. 184; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 61; Kurz FI. Burm. I, 35.

Perak; in forests under 3,000 feet. E Himalaya; Assam; Khasia Hills, Chittagong.

Most of the specimens which I have seen from Assam, the Khasia Hills, and Chittagong have flower-pedicels under 2 inches long, and petals quite 6 inches long. Specimens from Perak, on the other hand, have shorter flowers (3 to 4 in. long) ; and much longer (5 or 6 in.) and more slender peduncles: otherwise the two sets agree. In many of the flowers from both sets of localities there are only two petals.

1892.] G. King—Waterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 47

6. Unona DasymascHata, Blume Fl. Jav. Anon. 55, t. 27, An erect or sarmentose shrub: young branches sometimes glabrous from the beginning, but usually at first softly rufous-pubescent and sometimes permanently so. Leaves thinly coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, oblong, or oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, the base rounded or narrowed ; upper surface glabrous ; the lower sub-glaucous, glabrous or sometimes puberulous on the midrib and nerves; length 4°5 to 8°5 in., breadth 1°5 to 3 in., petiole about*l in. lowers pedunculate, solitary, axillary, pendulous, 1°5 to 3 in. long; peduncles 1°25 to 1°75 in. (longer in fruit), minutely bracteolate at the very base. Sepals fleshy, very short, broadly triangular, pubescent, reflexed. Petals fleshy, varying from ovate-acute to lanceolate-acuminate, concave and (in the narrower forms) expanded at the base, with a constriction between the claw and limb; the edges united when young, adpressed-puberulous but ultimately glabrous. Anthers with the connective expanded at the apex and oblique. Ovaries densely villous; the stigma narrow, glabrous. Ripe carpels numerous, shortly stalked, moniliform, pubescent to glabrous, the joints oval, about °35 long. Seeds oval, smooth, the albumen with fibrous processes. A. DC. Mem. Anon. 28; Wall. Cat. 6421; Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 135; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 42; Kurz Fl. Burm. I, 35; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 61. Scheff. Obs. Phyt. Anon. 6; Nat. Tidsch. Ned. Ind. XXXI, 6.

From Burmah to Singpore; the Andaman Islands. Distrib.— Sumatra, Java.

Var. Blumei, Hook. fil.; branches glabrous ; leaves pale-yellowish or grey beneath, glabrous or nearly so. Wall. Cat. 6420 B. (U. discolor.)

Var. Wallichi, Hook. fil.; branches brown-tomentose ; lower surfaces of leaves glaucous and tinged with purple.

This species, in the absence of the inner row of petais and in other respects, resembles M. longiflora, Roxb. ; but the outer petals are neither so long nor so narrow, and there appear always to be three of them, and not often only two as in M. longiflora. The peduncles are moreover shorter. The two species, however, are closely allied. In open, exposed situations this is a non-scandent bush; but under the shade of trees, it often developes into a climber,—a habit which it shares with many species of this family. Blume’s figure of this plant (quoted above) is inaccurate as respects the flowers and fruit.

7. Uyona Wray, Hemsl. in Hook. Ic. Plant t. 1553. A tree: young branches slender, tawny-tomentose. Leaves thickly membran- ous, elliptic-oblong, shortly acuminate, often obtuse (from the breaking off of the acumen), slightly narrowed to the rounded base; upper surface glabrous except the puberulous midrib; lower much reticulate,

48 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

puberulous, the midrib pubescent : main nerves 8 to 10 pairs, rather pro- minent beneath, spreading, and forming two sets of intra-marginal arches : length 5°5 to 7:5 in., breadth 2 to 2°65 in.; petiole ‘2 in., tomentose. Flowers 3 to 3'5 in. long, solitary or in fascicles from tubercles on the larger branches: pedicels 75 to ‘9 in., slender. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, sub-acute, about ‘3 in. long, puberulous. Petals white changing to deep claret, subequal, rather coriaceous, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, about 3 in. long, sparsely puberulous outside: breadth about °3 in, Ovaries numerous, pubescent, with about 4 ovules. Ripe carpels red when ripe, stalked, slightly pulpy, ovoid or oblong, obtuse, glabrous, 1 to 1:25 in. long: stalks 5 to ‘75 in. long. Seeds about 3, oval, compressed, rugu- lose, aromatic, ‘6 in. long.

Singapore; Maingay (Kew Distrib.,), No. 51. Perak; Wray, No. 560; King’s Collector. Distrib.—Java.

8. Unona pesmantHa, H. f. and T. in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 61. A small tree: youngest branches with soft yellowish-brown pubescence,. the older with smooth, shining, yellowish-brown bark. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, or elliptic-lanceolate, or oblanceolate, shortly and acutely or obtusely acuminate, the base acute; upper surface glabrous except the pubescent midrib ; under-surface paler, puberulous especially on the midrib and nerves: main nerves 8 to 1] pairs, rather prominent beneath when dry, oblique. Flowers 2'5 in. diam., pale red, densely crowded on 1 to 2 in. broad flat tubercles on the older branches: peduncles ‘75 in., puberulous, ebracteolate. Sepals ovate, acute, ‘3 in. long. Petals un- equal, linear-oblong, tapering to the apex, the base not dilated, sparsely pubescent, 1 to 15 in. long; the inner rather narrower. Torus and ovaries as in U. pycnantha, but ovules 3 to 5, superposed. Ripe carpels stalked, globose, dark-coloured, glabrous, nearly 1 in. in diam.: stalk 1 to 1:5 in.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.), No. 48.

9. Uwnona crrinita, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. J,61. A tree P young branches slender; their bark pale, rngose; the youngest densely rufous-tomentose. Leaves membranous, oblong, elliptic-oblong or oblanceolate-oblong, acute or acuminate; the base rounded; upper surface quite glabrous, the lower pubescent especially on the nerves and veins: the midrib tomentose on both surfaces ; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, slender, but slightly prominent beneath: length 3 to 8 in., breadth 1:25 to 2°5 in ; petiole 15 in., tomentose. Flowers 3 to 5 in. long, pedicellate, in dense crowded fascicles from very broad (1 to 2 in. in diam.) tubercles on the larger branches; pedicels ‘15 to ‘25 in. long, rusty-tomentose ; bracteole linear, or absent. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, much acuminate, spreading, ‘5 in. to "75 in. Petals subequal in length,

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 49

narrowly linear, unequal in breadth, *15 in. broad at the base, and at the middle, narrower between and from the middle upwards; 1-nerved ; finely pubescent; the inner slightly shorter and narrower. Torus columnar, truncate. Ovaries strigose: ovules 3 to 5, l-seriate: stigma punctiform. Ripe carpels globose, densely rufous-velvetty, shortly stalked.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.), No. 41.

10. Uwnona stenopeTata, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 136. A tree 20 to 35 feet high: young branches softly rufous-tomentose ; the older dark-coloured, glabrous, striate. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong- obovate or oblanceolate, more or less acuminate, narrowed below to the slightly cordate and oblique base: both surfaces glabrous, the midrib more or less pubescent on the lower; under-surface faintly reticulate when dry; main nerves 7 to 9 pairs, curving upwards, anastomosing doubly at some distance from the edge, thin but slightly prominent: length 4 to 7 in., breadth 1°25 to 3 in.; petiole ‘1 to ‘25 in., rufous- tomentose. Flowers 1°5 to 2 in. long, almost sessile or shortly pedicelled, in fascicles of 2 to 4 on minutely bracteate extra-axillary tubercles from both branches and stem. Sepals united at the base, lanceolate, acumi- nate, the bases broad, ribbed, spreading, pubescent externally, -4 to °5 in. long. Petals sub-equal, narrowly linear, concave, slightly wider at the base, keeled, sparsely pubescent, 1:25 to 3 in. long. Stamens numer- ous, short with broad flat apices hiding the lateral anthers. Ovaries 4 to 7, villous, 4- or 5-ovuled. Ripe carpels few, sub-globular or bluntly ovate, softly tomentose at first, ultimately sub-glabrous; the pericarp thick, °5 to ‘65 in. long and ‘5 in. in diam. Seeds 1 to 3, thickly discoid, bi-concave with grooved edge, rugulose. Hook. fil. and Th. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 60: Miquel FI. Ind. Bat. I, pt. 2,43: Kurz F. Flora Burma, I, 35.

Singapore: Lobb, Ridley. Penang: King’s Collector, Scortechini ; common. ? Burmah, (in Tenasserim) : Lobb.

This is a rare plant in Burmah, if indeed it occurs there at all. The leaves of some of the Perak specimens have petioles ‘5 in. long: but usually they are as above described.


11. . Potyatrara, Blume.

Trees or shrubs with the habit of Unona. Sepals 3, valvate or sub-imbricate. Petals 6, 2-seriate, ovate or elongated, flat or the inner slightly vaulted. Torus convex. Stamens cuneate ; anther-cells extrorse, remote. Ovaries indefinite ; style usually oblong; ovules 1-2, basal and erect, or sub-basal and ascending. Ripe carpels 1-seeded, berried.— Distris. Tropical Asiatic sp. about 45; African sp. 3; Australasian

species 2. 7

50 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. (No. 4,

Sect. I. Monoon. Ovule solitary, usually basal, erect. Flowers from the axils of the leaves or of fallen leaves, not from the trunk. Flowers solitary. Leaves under 5 in. in length (7 in. in P. Sumatrana), more or less lanceolate. Leaves not glaucous beneath ; petals ovate, acute 500 S00 Leaves very glaucous beneath ; petals linear-oblong, obtuse. Ripe carpels smooth ... 2. P. hypoleuca. Ripe carpels vertically ridged ... 3, P. swmatrana. Leaves over 5 in. in length, not glaucous. Flowers axillary.

1. P. dumosa.

Petals more or less narrowly lan- ceolate. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, gla- brous ; ripe carpels oblong, blunt at each end .. 4. P. andamanica. Leaves oblong to obovate-ob- long, more or less pubescent; ripe carpels elliptic, mu-

cronate re ... O. P.magnoliaeflora. Petals oblong-elliptic, slightly obovate, 1°3 to 2°25 in. long ... 6. P. macrantha.

Flowers terminal ; petals ovate-elliptic, 1 to 1°25 in. long - Flowers solitary or in pairs ; ripe carpels little more than °25 in. long. Flowers ‘4 in, in diam. ; petals broadly oblong-ovate, obtuse ... ww. 8. P. Kunstlers, Petals 1°5 to 2 in. long, lanceolate-ob- long; leaves narrowly lanceolate- oblong or elliptic: oblong .. 9. P. Scortechinit. Petals ‘85 to 15 in. long, broadly lanceolate or oblanceolate; leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate-elliptic... 10. P. Jenkinsit. Flowers in pairs; petals obovate-oblong, 1 in.

7. P. pulchra.

long: ripe carpels ovoid ; °65 in. long .. Ll. P. Hookeriana. Flowers always in fascicles or cymes, axillary or from the branches below the leaves w. 12. P. simiarum.

Flowers in fascicles from the young branches

1892.) G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 51

below the leaves, or from the larger branches ; never axillary. Leaves 8 to 15 in. long with 12 to 16 pairs of prominent oblique or spread- ing nerves . .. 13. P. lateriflora. Leaves 6 to 8 in. long faith 10 to 12 pairs of slender, spreading nerves... 14. P. sclerophylla. Flowers in fascicles from tubercles on the main stem, often near its base ; never axillary, and probably never from the branches. Inflorescence erial, Leaves under 8 in, in length. Leaves _ oblong-lanceolate ; nerves 8 or 9 pairs; torus of ripe fruit 1:25 in. in diam.: stalks of ripe carpels °75 in. long... w. 15. P. macropoda. Leaves oblong; nerves 7 pairs ; torus of ripe fruit ‘5 in. in diam ; stalks of ripe

carpels 1°5 in. long .. 16. P. clavigera. Leaves elliptic to oblong, slightly oblique .. 17. P. glomerata. Leaves 9 to 16 in. long; cblong- elliptic .. 18. P. congregata. Inflorescence sub- ira .. LO. P. hypogea.

Sec. II. Evponyatruia. Ovules 2 (3 in P. Korinti), superposed. Flowers solitary. Leaves under 5 in. long, nob cordate at the

base. Leaves oblong-lanceolate. Petals oblong fa ... 20. P, obligua. Petals broadly ovate or ovate- orbicular, leaves glaucous’... 21. P. aberrans. Leaves upwards of 5 in. long, cordate at the base. Petals narrowly linear ... . 22. P. bullata. Petals oblong. Flowers 1 in. diam.... vee 23. P. subcordata.

Flowers 1:25 to 1°75 in. in diam. 24. P. oblonga. Flowers in fascicles from the older branches. Petals linear-oblong, 1 to 1°5 in. long : ripe

52 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

carpels ‘35 in. long, their stalks ‘6 to ‘75 1

in. long oe 1A ... 25. P. Beccarit. Petals linear-oblong, 2 to 3 in. long; ripe

carpels ‘75 to 1 in. long, sub-sessile ... 26. P. cinnamomea. Petals oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate, ‘9

to 1°5 in. long ; ripe carpels 1°75 in. long,

their stalks ‘25 in. long... .. 27. P. pachyphylla. Petals linear, obtuse, ‘5 to '75 in. long ... 28. P. pycnantha.

1. Potyauruia DuMosa, King n. sp. A shrub; young branches slender, glabrous. eaves thinly coriaceous, lanceolate or oblong-lan- ceolate, acuminate, the base rounded; both surfaces dull, glabrous, very minutely lepidote ; main nerves 8 or 9 pairs, spreading, faint, inter-arch- ing far from the margin; length 2°5 to 3°25 in., breadth °5 to ‘9 im., petiole less than ‘lin. lowers solitary, leaf-opposed, ‘3 to ‘35 in. long ; pedicels slender, glabrous, *3 to ‘4 in, long with a small lanceolate brac- teole about the middle. Sepals thick, spreading, broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, ‘1 in. long, glabrescent outside, quite glabrous inside. Petals leathery, subequal, narrowly oblong, acuminate, not widened at the base, sub-corrugated and glabrous outside, puberulous inside, 3 in. long. Stamens numerous, short ; the apical process very broad, rhomboid, truncate, projecting much over the apices of the short dorsal anther-cells. Ovaries very few, oblong, pubescent; stigma broad, sessile, hairy. Ripe carpels one or two, ovoid-globose, glabrous, cherry-red when ripe, ‘26 to *3 in. long.

Perak ; elevat. about 1,200 feet; Wray, Scortechini.

Near P. suberosa, H. f. and Th. but with different venation, fewer carpels, and without hypertrophied bark.

2. PonyanrHia HypoLeucA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. in FI. Br. Ind. I, 63. <A tree 50 to 80 feet high; young branches slender, rather pale, striate ; all parts glabrous except the flowers. Leaves coriaceous, oblong- lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the base acute, the edges slightly recurved when dry, upper surface shining, the lower dull, pale: main nerves many pairs, invisible on either surface except in some occasional leaves when dry: length 2°5 to 5 in., breadth *75 to 1:75 in., petiole -2¢o0°3 in. Flowers sub-erect, small (only °3 to 4 in. long) pedicelled, solitary or sub-fascicled, mostly from the axils of fallen leaves: pedicel stout, about ‘15 in. long, tomentose and with about two cucullate bracts near the base. Sepals very small, triangular, pubescent, deciduous. Petals linear-oblong, obtuse, not dilated at the base, grey- pubescent on both surfaces. Ripe carpels few, often solitary, stalked, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, glabrous, ‘8 in. long: stalks *l to 25 in. Seed ovoid-elliptic, blunt, dark-coloured, transversely striate.

1892.] G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 53

Singapore: Maingay, No. 50, (Kew Distrib.) Perak; King’s Collector.

This approaches Gwatteria sumatrana, Miq. in its leaves: but that species has much larger flowers. But this is still more allied to Guatteria hypoglauca, Miq., from which it differs by its much larger fruit. The plant named P. hypoleuca by Kurz in his Forest Flora of Burmah is, as he himself informed Sir Joseph Hooker in a letter, really P. swmatrana. Neither species, however, appears to me to occur either in the Andamans or Burmah.

3. POLYALTHIA SUMATRANA, King (not of Kurz.) <A tree 30 to 60 feet high: young branches pale, the older much furrowed: all parts glabrous except the flowers. eaves coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acu- minate, the base acute; upper surface shining, the lower dull glaucous, both pale (when dry); main nerves 15 to 20 pairs, very slender and little more prominent than the secondary ; length 4°5 to 6°5 in., breadth 1:25 to 1°75 in., petiole °25 in. Flowers 1:4 to 1°75 in. long, solitary or in fascicles of 2 or 3 from the younger branches below the leaves, or axillary ; their pedicels ‘6 to 9 in. long, minutely bracteolate near the base, glabrous. Sepals very small, half-orbicular-ovate. Petals narrow- ly linear-oblong, sub-acute or obtuse, puberulous, pale green to yellowish, the outer slightly longer than the inner, 1°35 to 1'75 in. long and ‘15 to ‘2 in. broad. Ovaries glabrous, sub-cylindric, with a single ovule: stigma hairy. Carpels ovoid, tapering to each end, ridged (when dry), pubes- cent or glabrous, about 1 in. long and °6 in. in diam.; their stalks ‘5 to °6 in. long. Guatteria sumatrana, Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 380. Monoon sumatranum, Mig. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. IT, 19.

Perak ; at elevations up to 2,500 feet, common. Distrib.: Sumatra, Korthals, Beccari P. S., No. 613. Borneo, Korthals.

This is allied to P. hypoleuca, H. f. and Th.; but has larger leaves, much larger flowers, and slightly different carpels.

4, POLYALTHIA ANDAMANICA, Kurz Andam. Report (1870) p. 29. A shrub: young branches slender, tomentose. Leaves membranous, ovate-lanceolate, acute ; the base broad and rounded, slightly unequal; some of the larger nerves underneath and the midrib on both surfaces pubescent near the base, otherwise glabrous and shining; main nerves 6 or 7 pairs, distant, spreading and forming bold arches far from the margin: reticulations minute, distinct: length 4°5 to 6 in., breadth 2 to 2'4 in.; petiole ‘2 in., pubescent. lowers axillary or extra-axillary, solitary, 2 in. in diam.; the pedicel ‘4 to ‘75 in. long, sub-pubescent, minutely bracteolate. Sepals minute (‘1 in. long), broadly triangular, pubescent. Petals thinly coriaceous, sub-equal, oblong, blunt, 1 in. long. Ripe carpels 6 to 8, oblong, smooth, glabrous, slightly apiculate, *5 or 6 in.


o4 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

long and ‘15 to ‘2 in. in diam., their stalks nearly as long. P. Jenkinsii, Benth. and Hook. fil. in Hook fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 64 (én part); Kurz Flora Burm. I, 38.

S. Andaman: Kurz, Man, King’s Collector.

Allied to P. Jenkinsti, H. f. and T. ; but with much smaller flowers, and leaves with broader bases.

©. POLYALTHIA MAGNOLI@£FLORA, Maing. MSS. Hook fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 64. A tree 30 to 40 feet high; young branches rusty-tomentose. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong to obovate-oblong, obtuse or acuminate, the base rounded or minutely cordate; upper surface glabrous, the nerves and midrib minutely tomentose; under surface at first pubescent, ultimately glabrous or glabrescent: main nerves 15 to 20 pairs, rather straight, oblique, prominent beneath, the transverse veins almost straight, distinct; length 8 to 12 in., breadth 2°5 to 3°5 in.; petiole 25 in. stout, tomentose. Flowers large, shortly pedunculate, solitary, axil- | lary, 2°5 to 3 in. long; peduncle ‘3 in. long, tomentose, with 2 large ovate bracts. Sepals coriaceous, short, broadly ovate, acute, spreading, tomentose. Petuls coriaceous, white, linear-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, sub-acute, tomentose, Torus conical. Ovaries hirsute. Carpels (un- ripe) stalked, oblong-ovoid, blunt at either end, the apex mucronate, pubescent. Seed with smooth shining testa.

Malacca: Maingay. Perak; King’s Collector, No. 10039.

Evidently arare species. I have seen only Maingay’s imperfect specimens from Malacca, and two collected on Ulu Bubong by the late Mr. H. H. Kunstler, Collector for the Bot. Garden, Calcutta. Sir J. D. Hooker states (F. B. Ind. |. c.) on Maingay’s authority that the flowers have the colour and odour of those of a Magnolia.

6. POLYALTHIA MACRANTHA, King n.sp. A tree 20 to 70 feet high ; young. branches rather slender, glabrous. Leaves large, thinly coriace- ous, oblong to elliptic-oblong, acute, slightly narrowed below the middle to the rounded or minutely cordate base ; upper surface shining, glabrous except the depressed slightly puberulous midrib ; lower surface paler when dry, glabrous, very minutely lepidote ; main nerves 20 to 24 pairs, spreading, thin but prominent beneath; length 12 to 18 in, breadth 4°5 to 7°5 in., petiole ‘4 in., stout. Flowers solitary, axillary or slightly supra-axillary, 2°5 to 45 in. in diam.; pedicels 1°5 to 2 in. long (longer in fruit) glabrescent, with a sub-orbicular bracteole about the middle ; the buds conical] when young. Sepals thick, sub-orbicular, spreading, connate by their edges and forming a cup ‘75 in. in diam., puberulous on both surfaces, corrugated outside. Petals much larger than the sepals, white, thick, fleshy, flattish, oblong-elliptic, widest above the middle, blunt, puberulous on both surfaces except at the glabrescent

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 55

bases, nerved inside; the outer row 1°3 to 2’5 in. long, the inner smaller. Stamens numerous, compressed ; apical process of connective truncate. Ovaries few, oblong, puberulous ; stigmas large, capitate-truncate, pubes- cent. Ripe carpels elliptic-ovoid, sometimes oblique, blunt at each end, the apex mucronate, glabrous, 1 to 1:25 in. long, and ‘75 in. in diam. Seed ovoid, solitary, the testa corrugated.

Perak ; King’s Collector, Scortechini.

A remarkable species with handsome white flowers, allied in many ways to P. congregata ; but at once distinguished from it by its axillary, solitary flowers and glabrous ripe carpels.

7. POoLYALTHiA PULCHRA, King. A small tree, glabrous except the inflorescence. Leaves thinly coriaceous, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate, acute or acuminate, the base acute; both surfaces minutely muriculate, the lower paler and dull; length 4°5 to 6 in, breadth 2°5 in. (only 1:75 in. in var. angustifolia), petiole °25in. Flowers large, solitary, terminal, 2 in. or more in diam. when expanded (often 3°5 in. in diam. in var. angustifolia) : pedicels 1°4 to 1°75 in. long, puber- ulous, with a lanceolate foliaceous bracteole at the base. Sepals ovate, acute or sub-acute, nerved, glabrous, 6 to 75 in. long. Petals coriaceous, sub-equal, ovate-elliptic, sub-acute, the base slightly cordate (narrowly oblong-lauceolate in var. angustifolia) greenish-yellow with a triangular blotch of dark purple at the base. Stamens numerous; apical process of connective broad, truncate, sub-orbicular, projecting over the apex of the linear anther-cells, pubescent. Ovaries oblong, adpressed-pubescent, l-ovuled ; style short, cylindric, thick, crowned by the convex, terminal, pubescent stigma. Ripe carpels numerous, elliptic-ovoid, blunt, slightly contracted at the base, sparsely pubescent but becoming almost glabrous, purple when ripe; pericarp sub-succulent: stalks thick, crimson when ripe, 15 in. long. Seed solitary, elliptic.

Perak : at Weld’s Rest, Scortechini.

Var. angustifolia, King. Leaves oblong-lanceolate or oblong-vb- lanceolate, scarcely muriculate; petals lanceolate or narrowly oblong- lanceolate, often 1:75 in. long ; sepals often °75 in. long.

Perak ; on Gunong Bubu; elevat. 5,000 feet, Wray.

8. Potyauruia Kounstieri, King n. sp. A shrub or small tree ; young branches puberulous, speedily glabrous. Leaves oblong-lanceolate rarely elliptic-lanceolate, shortly and rather bluntly acuminate, the base nar- rowed and sub-acute or rounded; upper surface glabrous, shining; the lower paler, dull, puberulous on the midrib and nerves; main nerves 6 to 12 pairs, rather prominent beneath, ascending, inter-arching ‘1 to ‘2 in. from the margin; length 4°5 to 8 in., breadth 1:5 to 2°35 in.; petiole ‘2 in., pubescent. Flowers ‘4 in, in diam., axillary or extra-axillary,

56 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

solitary or in pairs ; peduncles ‘25 in. long, each with two rather large unequal, broadly ovate bracts above the base. Sepals broadly triangular- ovate, obtuse, nearly as long as the petals and, like them, minutely tomen- tose. Petals sub-equal, broadly oblong-ovate, obtuse. Ovule solitary. Fruit 2 in, in diam. ; individual carpels numerous, ovoid-globular, apicu- late, *3 in. long; stalks slender, ‘o in. long, adpressed rufous-pubescent like the carpels. Hllipeia parviflora, Scortechini MSS.

Perak: King’s Collector, Scortechini, Wray.

This much resembles P. Jenkinsii and P. andamanica in its leaves and fruit: but its flowers are totally different.

9. PoLyALTHIA SCORTECHINU, n. sp. King. A small tree 15 to 20 feet high; young branches minutely rufous-tomentose, but speedily glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong or oblong-elliptic, acute or shortly acuminate, the base rounded or sub-acute ; upper surface glab- rous, shining, the midrib pubescent ; the lower dull, very minutely dotted, the midrib and sometimes nerves puberulous; main nerves 8 to 11 pairs, bold and prominent on the lower surface, oblique, inter-arching close to the edge: length 4 to 8 in, breadth 1:15 to 2°25.; petiole ‘25 in., pubes- cent. Flowers pedicelled, solitary or in pairs, from the axils of leaves or of fallen leaves: pedicels ‘5 to ‘75 in. long, rufous-tomentose, with a rather large bract about the middle. Sepals small, triangular, pubescent. Petals fleshy, sub-equal, greenish-yellow changing into dark dull yellow, oblong-lanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate, acute or rather blunt, the edges wavy, both surfaces minutely pubescent, 15 to 2 in. long. Ovaries narrowly elongate-adpressed, pubescent, each crowned by large fleshy glabrous stigma. Ovule solitary, basal. Fruit shortly stalked; ripe carpels numerous pedicelled, ovoid, crowned by the remains of the stigma, sparsely pubescent, °3 in. long; pedicel slender, pubescent, °75 in. long. Seed with pale smooth testa. P. Jenkinsii, H. f. and T. (in part). Ellipeia undulata, Scortechini MSS.

Malacca: Griffith, No. 413. Perak, King’s Collector, Scortechini. Distrib. :—Sumatra, Beccari, Nos. 935, 976.

10. Potyarruta Jenxinsil, Benth. and Hook. fil. Gen. PI. I, 25. A tree: young shoots sparsely rufous-pubescent. Leaves membranous, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, acute or shortly acuminate, slightly narrowed to the acute or rounded sub-oblique base; both surfaces glabrous, minutely reticulate, the upper shining and the midrib puberul- ous; main nerves about 7 pairs, slender, slightly prominent beneath, inter-arching at some distance from the edge: length 4 to 7 in., breadth 1:35 to 3 in., petiole °2 to 3in. Flowers large (1°75 to 3 in. in diam.), pedicelled, solitary, rarely in pairs, axillary : pedicels “6 to ‘75 in. long, pubescent, and with several small rounded bracts near the base. Sepals

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 57

very small, sub-orbicular, puberulous. Petals sub-coriaceous, spreading, greenish changing to yellow, broadly lanceolate or oblanceolate, sub- acute or obtuse, the base much narrowed, puberulous or glabrous. fipe carpels numerous, stalked, oblong, slightly apiculate, glabrous, ‘4 in. long: stalk slender, ‘6 in. long. Seed smooth. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. Ind. I, 64 (in part); Kurz For. Fl. Burm. I, 375 (in part) ; Guatteria Jenkinsti, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 141; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, pt. 2, p.46. Guatteria Parveana Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Vol. I, Pt. 2, p. 48, and Suppl. 378. Uvaria canangioides, Reichb. fil. et Zoll. MSS. Monoon canangioides. Mig. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. I, 18.

Malacca; Griffith; Maingay, No. 46 (and 45 in part) (Kew Dis- trib.). Perak; King’s Collector, No. 3910. Assam and Silhet.

Specimens from Perak have larger flowers than those from Assam ; but otherwise they agree fairly well, and both appear to be specifically identical with the Sumatra plant named Guatteria or Monoon canangi- oides by Miquel. The Andaman plant which Kurz originally (Andam. Report (1870) p. 29) named Polyalthia andamanica, but which Sir Joseph Hooker (dealing with imperfect materials) reduced (with Kurz’s assent) to this species, I have restored to specific rank. Recently received specimens show its flowers to be different from those of true P. Jenkins (the petals being shorter and narrower), while the carpels are larger.

11. PonyatrutA Hooxeriana, King n. sp. A tree 20 to 70 feet high : young branches softly tawny-pubescent, ultimately glabrous and darkly cinereous. Leaves membranous, obovate-elliptic or oblanceolate, shortly acuminate, narrowed from above the middle to the sub-cuneate base; both surfaces reticulate, the upper glabrous except the pubescent midrib and nerves: lower glabrous, the midrib and nerves adpressed- pubescent: main nerves 10 or 11 pairs, oblique, forming imperfect arches close to the edge, prominent beneath; length 5 to 7 in., breadth 2°25 to 3°25 in. ; petiole ‘15 to -2 in., tomentose. Flowers in pairs from peduncles with several aborted flowers near their bases, extra-axillary : pedicels -5 to ‘75 in. long, lengthening in fruit, stout, pubescent, with 1 or 2 small ovate bracteoles at the middle or below it. Sepals broadly ovate, concave, free or connate only at the base, pubescent outside, glabrous within, ‘2 in. long. Petals coriaceous, yellowish, subequal, ovate or obovate-oblong, sub-acute, puberulous except at the base inside, only slightly contracted at the base, nearly 1 in. long. Stamens numer- ous, very short, cuneate ; the apical process of the connective thick with a truncate orbicular top hiding the linear dorsal anthers. Ovaries short, oblong, puberulous, with 1 ovule: stigma sessile, large, obovate with sub-truncate lobed apex. Ripe carpels numerous, ovoid, slightly apicu-


58 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. Hf

late at the top and somewhat narrowed at the base, 65 in. long, stalks 1:2 in. long. Seed solitary, ovoid, smooth, with a vertical furrow.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.). No. 96. Perak; King’s Col- lector ; Wray.

This is a common tree in Perak. In Malacca, however, it appears to be rare; for it is so very imperfectly represented in Maingay’s great Malayan collection (of which the best set is at Kew), that Sir Joseph Hooker, while recognising it as a Polyalthia, had not sufficient material to enable him to describe it in his Flora of British India.

12. PotyaLTHia stmraRuM, Benth. and Hook. fil. Gen. Pl. I, 25; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 63. A tree 50 to 80 feet high; all parts glab- rous except the puberulous leaf buds, under surface of nerves of leaves and inflorescence; young branches pale brown, striate, sparsely lenticel- late. Leaves sub-coriaceous, ovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, the base rounded or sub-acute; upper surface shining; lower dull, sometimes puberulous on the midrib and nerves ; main nerves 12 to 16 pairs, oblique, prominent beneath; length 5 to 11 in., breadth 2 to 45 in., petiole ‘25 in. Flowers pedicelled, in few-flowered sessile fascicles from the axils of fallen leaves or from tubercles on the larger branches: pedicels minutely pubescent, with a small bract below the middle, 1 to 1:25 in. long. Sepals small, bluntly triangular, recurved, pubescent outside. Petals spreading, linear, sub- acute or acute, greenish-yellow to purplish, puberulous outside, glabrous inside, 1 to 1°25 in. long, the inner rather the longer. Ripe carpels stalk- ed, ovoid-elliptic, slightly mammillate, contracted towards the base, glabrous and orange-red to bluish-black when ripe, 1°25 to 1°5 in. long: stalk from 1 to 1:75 in. Seed ovoid, grooved, transversely striate. Kurz For. FJ]. Burm. J, 37; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 63. Guatteria simiarum, Ham., Wall. Cat. 6440; Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 142. G. fasciculata, Wall. MSS. ex Voigt Hort. Sub. Calc. 16. Polyalthia laterijlora, Kurz (not of King), Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Pt. 2, (for 1874) 52. Unona simiarum, H. Bn., Pierre Fl. Forest. Coch-Chine, t. 23.

Andamans, Bot. Garden Collectors. Perak, King’s Collector. For- ests at the base of the Eastern Himalaya, the Assam range, Chittagong, Burmah.

Var. parvifolia, King: leaves smaller than in typical form (3°5 to 6 in. long and 1:25 to 2:25 in. broad) puberulous beneath.

Perak; at elevation of 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Distrib. Sumatra: on Goenong Trang, Lampongs. (Forbes, No. 1536).

13. PoLyaLTHIA LATERIFLORA, King. A tree 50 to 70 feet high: young branches lenticellate and striate; all parts except the inflores- cence quite glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, oblong to elliptic-oblong

1892.]. G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 59

abruptly acute or shortly acuminate, slightly narrowed to the rounded rarely sub-cordate and unequal base: upper surface shining, the lower paler, rather dull: main nerves 12 to J6 pairs, rather prominent, oblique spreading, evanescent at the tips: length 8 to 15 in., breadth 25 to 7 in.; petiole °3 in. stout. lowers in fascicles from tubercles on the stem and larger branches, pedicelled, 1°25 to 2 in. long ; pedicels slender, thickened upwards, pubescent, with 2 bracteoles about the middle, i-25 to i:75 in. long. Sepals coriaceous, ovate-orbicular, very short, densely and minutely tomentose outside. Petals coriaceous, greenish-yellow, dull crimson at the base, oblong-lanceolate, gradually tapering to the sub- acute apex, the outer rather shorter than the inner, minutely pubescent especially on the outer surface. Ripe carpels ovoid-elliptic, blunt, slightly narrowed to the base, glabrous, 1:25 in. long and ‘7 in. in diam.; the pericarp thin, fleshy: the stalks stout, glabrous, sub-asperulous, 1°25 to 2in.long. CGuatteria lateriflora, Bl. Bijdr. 20: Fl. Jav. p. 100, t. 50 and 52 D.: Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, pt. 2 p. 47. Monoon lateriflorum, Miq. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II, 19.

Perak; at low elevations, Wray, King’s Collector. Distrib: Java.

This is closely allied to P. simiarum, Benth. and Hook. fil. : but has smaller flowers which are often borne on the smaller branches ; smaller leaves; and shorter stalked carpels. Moreover the leaves and young branches of this are invariably glabrous. The leaves of old trees are very markedly smaller than those on young specimens. Specimens in young fruit of a plant which may belong to this species have been recently received from the Andamans from the Collectors of the Bot: Garden, Calcutta: but, until the receipt of fuller material, I hesitate to include these islands in the geographical area of the species.

14. PouLyALTHIA SCLEROPHYLLA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. 1,65. A glabrous tree: young branches pale. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, ovate or linear-oblong, acute or obtusely acuminate, the base broadly cuneate, shining on both surfaces and with the reticulations distinct ; main nerves about 10 to 12 pairs, spreading, slender: length 6 to 8in.: breadth 1'5 to 2°6 in., petiole °5 in. Flowers pedunculate, in fascicles from small tubercles on the trunk, 2 in. in diam, greenish: tubercles 5 to 1 in. in diam.: peduncles 1 to 1°5 in. long, stout, rusty- pubescent, becoming glabrous ; bracts small, orbicular, from about the middle of the peduncle. Sepals ovate, obtuse, short. Petals linear- oblong, obtuse, the base slightly concave, puberulous on both surfaces, 16 in. long, the inner rather smaller. Torus broad, flat, the edge raised. Ovaries pilose, shorter than the cylindric style. Ripe carpels elliptic-oblong, slightly narrowed at either end, 1 to 1°5 in. long, glabrous, the pericarp thin: stalks 1 to 1°5 in. long. Seed oblong, the testa shining, pale,

60 G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Malacca ; Maingay (Kew Destrib), No. 101.

I have seen only Maingay’s Malacca specimens of this plant.

15. PouyaLtaiA mMacropopa, King n. sp. A tree 50 to 60 feet high ; young branches rather pale, pubescent but speedily glabrous. Leaves membranous, obiong-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the base acute; the edge slightly revolute; upper surface shining, glabrous except the puberulous sulcate midrib; the lower paler when dry, minutely lepidote, sparsely strigose on the midrib and 8 or 9 pairs of curving rather prominent nerves; length 3:5 to 5°5 in., breadth 1:4 to 2'1 in., petiole ‘25 in. Flowers nearly 1 in. long, in fascicles on short broad rugose woody tubercles from the stem close to its base: pedicels about 1 in. long, woody in fruit and 2 in. or more in length, glabrous ; bracteoles (if any) deciduous. Sepals broadly ovate, acute, spreading, corrugated and glabrescent outside, glabrous inside, connate at the base to form a cup ‘65 in. in diam, Petals elliptic, blunt, slightly constricted about the middle, sub-equal, puberulous, coriaceous. Stamens numer- ous, compressed especially the outer rows; apical process of connec- tive transversely elongated, truncate Ovaries numerous, oblong-ovoid. Ripe fruit with large woody sub-globular torus 1°25 in. in diam. ; ripe carpels numerous, oblong-ovoid, tapering to the apex, the base gradually narrowed into a stalk, 2°5 to 3:5 in. long (including the stalk) ; pericarp rather fleshy, glabrous. Seed solitary, elongated-ovoid, grooved verti- cally.

Perak: King’s Collector, Singapore, Ridley.

A species remarkable for its large ripe carpels borne on the stem near the ground. It is possible that Mr. Ridley’s plant, collected in Singapore, may really belong to a distinct species, the only specimen of it which I have seen being very imperfect. This comes very near P. clavigera King.

16. PoLYALTHIA CLAVIGERA, King n. sp. A tree 30 to 40 feet high ; young branches slender, at first puberulous but speedily glabrous and pale. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong, tapering to each end, acuminate ; both surfaces reticulate ; the upper shining, glabrous except the puberul- ous suleate midrib; lower surface slightly puberulous at first but ulti- mately quite glabrous: main nerves 7 pairs, ascending, curved, not inter-arching, slightly prominent beneath, obsolete above; length 5°5 to 85 in., breadth 1°75 to 2°5 in. ; petiole °4 in. slightly winged above. Flowers unknown. Peduncele of ripe fruit stoat, woody, 2 in. or more in length ; the torus depressed-globular, woody, about ‘5 in. in diam.: ripe carpels ovoid-elliptic, tapering to each end, the base gradually passing into the stout puberulous slightly scabrid stalk, greenish-yellow when dry, glabrous: the pericarp succulent ; length 2°25 in., breadth nearly 1 in. ; stalk 1°5 in. puberulous ; seed solitary, ovoid.

1852.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 61

Penang: Pinara Bukit, elevat. 2000 feet. Curtis (No. 2444). Perak : Waterfall Hill, Wray. Distrib. E. Sumatra, Forbes (No. 1638).

This species is known only by a few fruiting specimens collected by Messrs. Curtis and Wray Junior. It is nearly allied to P. macropoda, King; but its leaves have different venation and texture, the torus of the ripe fruit is smaller, while the carpels themselves are larger and have longer stalks.

17. Ponyantata GLomerata, King n. sp. A tree 40 to 50 feet high : young branches glabrous, pale, rather slender. Leaves membranous, elliptic to oblong, slightly oblique, acute or shortly acuminate, the base slightly cuneate or rounded; both surfaces reticulate, glabrous; the midrib alone puberulous on the upper, adpressed-puberulous on the lower ; main nerves 7 to 8 pairs, curved, ascending, not inter-arching, thin but slightly prominent beneath; length 4 to 6 in., breadth 1°8 to 2-6 in., petiole °25 to ‘35 in. Flowers about 1 in. long, in clusters of 20 to 30 from nodulated puberulous tubercles on the stem; pedicels long (1'5 to 2°5 in.), slender, puberulous, with an ovate-lanceolate bracteole about the middle. Sepals thick, lanceolate-acuminate with broad con- nate bases, sub-erect, puberulous. Petals coriaceous, sub-erect, linear- oblong, slightly concave and glabrous at the base inside, otherwise minutely tomentose, the inner slightly smaller than the outer. Stamens numerous; the connective with an orbicular sub-convex apical expan- sion concealing the linear dorsal anther-cells, Ovaries much less nu- merous than the stamens, oblong, hirsute, apparently l-ovuled; the stigma small, oblong, slightly pubescent.

Perak; King’s Collector, Wray. Distrib. Sumatra; Forbes, No. 2804.

In all the flowers I have examined the pistils are very small (as if undeveloped) and I have not been able to find more than one ovule. In the Sumatran specimens the flowers are much longer than in those from Perak.

18. PoLyaLTHIA CONGREGATA, King n. sp. A tree 40 to 60 feet high ; young branches at first rusty-puberulous but speedily glabrous and dark-coloured. eaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-elliptic, acute, slightly narrowed to the rounded or minutely cordate base; upper surface glabrous except the depressed puberulous midrib; the lower pale when dry, glabrous, minutely lepidote; main nerves 13 to 19 pairs, oblique, curving, thin but prominent beneath ; length 9 to 16 in., breadth 3:75 to 7 in.; petiole *3 or ‘4 in. stout. Flowers large, in short, much divided, rough, tubercular, woody cymes from the stem near its base ; the pedicels 1°25 to 1:75 in. long, glabrescent ; bracteole single, sub- orbicular, clasping, infra-median, Sepals thick, broadly ovate-triangular,

62 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

spreading, slightly cuneate at the base, concave, corrugated and puberu- lous outside, glabrous inside, often reflexed, ‘5 in. long. Petals thick, white, ovate-elliptic, sub-acute, hoary-puberulous except at the base inside on both surfaces; the outer row 1°5 to 3 in. long and ‘65 to 1 in, broad, the inner row narrower. Stamens numerous, compressed; the apical process of the connective truncate, oblique, granular; anther- cells linear, dorsal. Ovaries 20 to 30, oblong, strigose, with a single basilar ovule; stigma oblong, pubescent. Ripe carpels elliptic, beaked, 1 in. or more long, hoary-pubescent, narrowed at the base into the short, thick stalk. Seed solitary, pale brown, shining, elliptic.

Perak ; Scortechini, King’s Collector.

This resembles P. macrantha, King; but is distinguished from it by its cymose, cauline inflorescence, smaller flowers and puberulous fruit. H. O. Forbes collected in the Lampongs in Eastern Sumatra a plant (No. 1642 of his Herb.) which greatly resembles this.

19. PonyanrHiA myrocaka, King, n. sp. A tree 25 to 30 feet

high ; young branches rather stout, densely but minutely rufous-tomen- tose, ultimately rather pale, striate. Leaves large, thinly coriaceous, oblong or elliptic-oblong, sometimes slightly obovate, gradually narrowed to the rounded base; both surfaces glabrous when adult, the lower puberulous when young, the veins transverse and, (like the reticulations), distinct; main nerves 18 to 22 pairs, oblique, inter-arching within the edge, thin, prominent on the lower and depressed on the upper surface when dry; length 10 to 20 in. , breadth 3 to 7 in. ; petiole ‘4 in., stout, tomentose, JFlowerina branches from the stem near its base, 1 to 8 feet long, flexuose, rufous-pubescent like the lanceolate bracteoles. Flowers ‘75 to 1 in. long, cream-coloured ; pedicels °75 to 1:5 in. long, usually with one lanceolate, tomentose bracteole near the middle and a second, sub-orbicular and acuminate, close to the flower. Sepals broadly tri- angular-ovate, acute, spreading, tomentose outside, glabrous inside, ‘25 in. long. Petals coriaceous, the inner row rather smaller than the outer, narrowly oblong, sub-acute, pubescent outside except the glabrescent base and edges, inside almost glabrous. Stamens numerous, short, com- pressed ; apical process of connective broad, slightly convex, slightly oblique, sub-granular, deeply ridged in front, the anther-cells linear dorsal. Ovaries few, oblong, villous, J-ovuled; stigma large, ovoid, granular, sessile. Immature carpels narrowly ovoid, sub-compressed, the apex beaked, the base slightly contracted, minutely tomentose. Seed solitary, elongated, ovoid, smooth.

Perak ; near Laroot, King’s Collector. Gunong Batu Puteh; elev. 3,400 feet, Wray.

A species remarkable for its hypogoeal inflorescence. ‘lhe flower-

189%.]| G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 63

ing branches, which vary from 1 to 8 feet in length, originate from the stem near its base, pass into the soil underneath the surface of which they run for some distance, and bear on their emerging tips the flowers and fruit

20. PoLyALTHIA OBLIQUA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 138. A tree: young branches minutely pubescent, lenticellate. Leaves sub- sessile, oblong-lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, the base cuneate, minutely and obliquely cordate ; shining and glabrous on both surfaces, the lower pale ; main nerves 7 or 8 pairs, slender, curving and forming bold arches ‘15 in. from the margin; length 4 to 6°5 in., breadth 1°5 to 2°2 in.; petiole lin., very stout. Flowers 4 to 5-4 in. in diam., goli- tary, pedicellate, extra-axillary ; each pedicel rising from a short conical woody tubercle, curving, "25 in. long. Sepals coriaceous, broadly tri- angular, blunt, less than half as long as the petals, pubescent. Petals coriaceous, sub-equal, oblong, obtuse, sericeous outside. Ripe carpels pisiform, with stalks ‘5 in. long, dark brown. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 67; Mig. FI. Ind. Bat. 1, Pt. 2, p. 44.

Malacca; Griffith, Maingay, No. 44 (Kew distrib.). Chittagong Hill Tracts; Lister. Distrib. Sumatra.

Lister’s plant from the Chittagong Hill Tracts agrees well with Griffith’s specimens from Malacca.

21, POLYALTHIA ABERRANS, Maing. ex Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 67. A large climber, glabrous except the flowers and fruit: young branches slender, black. Leaves membranous, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, the base slightly cuneate; both surfaces reticulate, glabrous, the lower glaucous; main nerves 14 to 18 pairs, very faint, the secondary nerves quite as well marked: length 3°5 to 5 in., breadth 1-4 to 1:8 in, petiole 2 to ‘25 in. Flowers ‘5 to ‘75 in. in diam., solitary, axillary; pedicels slender, 1°25 in. long ‘longer in fruit), with one minute bracteole below the middle and another at the base. Sepals ovate-orbicular, sub-acute, quite connate into a 3-angled glabrous cup ‘25 in. in diam. Petals leathery, ovate-orbicular, sub-acute, spreading, concave; the outer row 35 in. long and °3 in. broad, yellowish-pubescent on both surfaces except a glabrous patch near the base on the inner: inner petals half the size of the outer but more concave, hoary-puberulous outside, glabrescent inside. Stamens numerous; apical process of connective broad, discoid, depressed in the centre, quite concealing the long linear lateral anther-cells. Ovaries narrowly oblong, glabrous, 1 or 2-ovuled : style as long as the ovary, curved: stigma small. Ripe carpels ovoid, slightly apiculate, puberulous or glabrescent, °35 in. long and ‘3 in. in diam.; stalks ‘7 to ‘8 in,, slender, glabrous. Seeds solitary, rarely 2, ovoid, shining, smooth, Melodorum glaucum, Scortechini MSS.

64 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Malacca: Maingay. Perak; Scortechini, Wray.

In some carpels there are two seeds, such carpels being about twice as long as those with a single seed. Although referred by the late lamented Father Scortechini to the genus Melodorwm, this is an undoubt- ed Polyalthia in its stamens, in its ]- rarely 2-ovuled ovaries, and in its carpels with usually solitary, ovoid seeds. In externals, save and except the much smaller size of the flowers, this much resembles the plant figured by Pierre under the name of Unona Mesnyi (Flore Forest. Coch-Chine, t. 17) to which indeed Pierre reduces P. aberrans.

22. PoLyaLrHia BuLLATA, King n. sp. A shrub 6 to 8 feet high : young branches densely covered with long soft spreading golden hairs. Leaves thinly coriaceous, bullate (at least when dry), narrowly oblong, acuminate, narrowed but slightly to the deeply cordate auricled base : both surfaces boldly reticulate, the upper shining, glabrous except the sulcate puberulous midrib ; the lower glabrescent except the midrib and nerves which have sparse hairs like those on the young branches: main nerves 25 to 40 pairs, spreading towards the base, sub-ascending to- wards the apex, forming a double series of arches within the margin, bold and prominent on the lower, depressed on the upper, surface : secondary nerves and reticulations prominent; length 12 to 14 in,, breadth 275 to 3°35 in.; petiole ‘25 in, pubescent like the young branches. Flowers solitary, terminal or axillary, 1 in. long; pedicels slender, l in. long, pubescent, bracteole small, mesial. Sepals small, lanceolate, spreading, free, sparsely pubescent outside, glabrescent inside, about ‘25 in. long. Petals narrowly linear, slightly wider at the base, subequal, sub-concave, sparsely pubescent. Stamens numerous, the apical process of the connective sub-convex, orbicular, slightly granular. Ovaries much fewer than the stamens, oblong, pubescent; the stigma sub-capitate-truncate, puberulous. Ripe carpels globular-ovoid, blunt at each end, puberulous, “4 in. long; stalks slender, ‘2 in. long. Seeds 2, plano-convex, the testa rugose, pale: the albumen horny.

Singapore: Ridley. Perak; King’s Collector.

Evidently a rare shrub; readily recognisable by its elongate very bullate leaves.

23. PoLyALTHIA SUB-coRDATA, Blume FI. Javae, 71 t. 33 and 36 B. A shrub or small tree: young branches sparsely hispid-pubescent, after- wards glabrous and furrowed, not pale. Leaves membranous, sub-sessile, oblanceolate-oblong or elliptic-oblong, shortly and obtusely caudate- acuminate; the base slightly narrowed, sub-cordate, auriculate at one side; both surfaces glabrous except the sometimes puberulous midrib: main nerves 9 to 12 pairs, slender, the reticulations lax and faint: length 4°5 to 9 in., breadth 16 to 3 in.; petiole ‘05 in., pubescent. Flowers

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about 1 in. in diam., solitary, axillary or extra-axillary ; peduncles slender, °5 to ‘75 in. long, puberulous and with 1 or 2 lanceolate brac- teoles. Sepals ovate, sub-acute; united into a cup. Petals coriaceous, yellowish, oblong, sub-acute, the inner rather smaller, slightly pubescent outside. Oarpels numerous, broadly ovoid, not apiculate, furrowed, gla- brous, ‘4 in. long; stalks slender, ‘25 in. long; pericarp thin. Miq. FI, Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, p. 44; Ann. Mus. Ludg. Bat. II, 14. Unona sub- cordata, Bl. Bijdr. 15. .

Perak; elev. about 800 feet, King’s Collector, No. 2373. Distrib. Java.

24, POoOLYALTHIA oBLONGA, King, n. sp. A shrub or small tree 10 to 15 feet high: young branches at first rufous-tomentose, afterwards glabrous, pale and furrowed, Leaves thinly coriaceous, sub-sessile, oblong or oblong-oblanceolate, abruptly and shortly acuminate, narrowed to the minutely cordate, unequal base ; upper surface glabrous, except the pubescent midrib; lower puberulous, the midrib prominent as are the 14 to 20 pairs of little curving, sub-ascending, main nerves; reticulations open and distinct; length 9 to 14 in, breadth 3°5 to 5 in.; petiole “15 in., tomentose. Flowers 1:25 to 1°75 in. in diam., solitary, axillary or extra-axillary, from small tubercles: pedicels 1:25 to 2°5 in. long, pu- berulous and with 2 lanceolate bracteoles near the base. Sepals semi- orbicular, acute, very short, united into a cup, pubescent outside. Petals coriaceous, yellow, subequal, oblong, tapering to the sub-acute apex, minutely adpressed-pubescent on both surfaces but especially on the outer, length ‘75 to 1:15in. Ripe carpels 10 to 20, ovoid to orbicular, apiculate, ‘3 to 35 in. long, pubescent or sub-glabrous ; stalks slender, ‘6 to *75 in. long. Seeds usually solitary and ovoid, or sometimes two and plano-convex.

Perak: very common at elevations of from 1,000 to 2,500 feet.

This plant closely resembles Guatteria (= Polyalthia) elliptica Blume: but its leaves have more numerous nerves and its carpels are stalked, those of P elliptica (according both to Blume’s description and figure) being sessile and of larger size.

25. Ponyauraia Beccaru, King n. sp. A tree 15 to 40 feet high: young branches slender, rufous-tomentose; the older coarsely striate and lenticellate. Leaves thickly membranous, narrowly oblong or oblong- lanceolate, acuminate, slightly narrowed to the rounded base; both surfaces shining and reticulate, the midrib pubescent on the upper tomentose on the lower; main nerves 6 or 7 pairs, slender, spreading, forming bold arches far from the edge, the secondary nerves distinct ; length 3 to 45 in., breadth °75 to 1:35 in.; petiole ‘1 in., tomentose. Flowers 1 in. long, in fascicles from bracteolate tubercles on the older


66 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

branches, their pedicels slender, pubescent, minutely bracteolate near the base, about 1 in. long. Sepals ovate-obtuse, ‘15 in. long, pubescent out- side. Petals coriaceous, dark-yellow, sub-equal, linear-oblong, sub-acute, 1 in. to 15 in. long and from ‘1 to ‘2 in. broad, minutely pubescent especially outside. Ovaries pubescent, 2-ovuled. Ripe carpels numerous, broadly ovoid, apiculate, glabrous, sub-granular when ripe, ‘35 in. long ; their stalks granular, puberulous, °6 to ‘76 in long.

Perak: at low elevations. Scortechini, King’s Collector, Wray. Distrib. Sumatra; Beccari P. S., No. 401. Borneo; Motley No. 743.

The leaves of this species, although smaller, have much the same venation as those of P. Teysmannii, King. The carpels of this are, how- ever, very much smaller than those of P. Teysmanmnit.

26. PoLyaLTHiA crnNAMOMEA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Ind. 138; Hook fil. Fl. Br. Ind. J, 65. <A tree 50 to 70 feet high; young branches rusty-tomentose. Leaves thinly coriaceous, narrowly oblong to oblan- ceolate, tapering to each end, acute or shortly acuminate, the base rounded; upper surface glabrous, shining ; the lower sparsely lucid- pubescent, (glabrescent when old), the midrib tomentose; main nerves about 12 or 14 pairs, slender, curved, ascending, inter-arching freely ; length 4°5 to 75 in., breadth 1:25 to 2°25 in.; petiole °2 in., tomentose. Flowers sub-sessile, solitary, or in pairs from short woody tubercles from the young branches below the leaves, dull red, 2 to 2°25 in. long; pe- duncles very short, rusty-tomentose, bracteolate at the base. Sepals spreading, sub-orbicular, *25 in. long, tomentose. Petals sub-equal, thick, linear-oblong, sub-acute, slightly narrowed at the base, adpressed- pubescent externally, glabrous within, 2 to3in.long. Anthers numerous, short, compressed ; connective with broad, flat, apical, truncate process. Pistils oblong, pubescent; stigma large, sub-truncate. Torus convex, to- mentose. Fruit globose, 2°5 in. in diam.; the individual carpels pyriform with very short stalks, *75 to 1 in. long and ‘6 to °75 in. in diam., densely rusty-tomentose ; pericarp thick. Seeds 2, plano-convex, with scaly testa, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, p. 44. Guatteria cinnamomea, Wall. Cat. 6444. G. multinervis, Wall. Cat. 6445. Unona cauliflora, H. f. and Th. Fl. Ind., 187; Fl. Br. Ind. 2, 60. Mig, Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 43.

Singapore ; Wallich, Ridley. Penang; Wallich, Curtis No. 2470, Malacca, Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 37.

Apparently not a common species. Maingay’s specimens from Malacca have rather larger and smoother leaves than those from Singapore and Penang.

27. POoOLYALTHIA PACHYPHYLLA, King, n. sp. <A tree 50 to 100 feet high; young branches softly pubescent, afterwards glabrous and fur- rowed. Leaves rigidly coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, sub-acute; the edge

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 67

slightly recurved, the base broad and rounded, or narrowed and sub-acute; both surfaces glabrous; the lower slightly paler, the midrib tomentose at the base beneath; main nerves 11 or 12 pairs, spreading, prominent, evanescent at the tips; length 45 to 75 in., breadth 1°75 to 3°5 in., petiole °35 to ‘5 in., tomentose when young. Flowers about 1°5 in. long, in few-flowered fascicles from small tubercles on the older branches ; their pedicels 2 in. long, bracteolate about the middle, softly tawny- tomentose. Sepals broadly half-orbicular, very short, reflexed, tomen- tose. Petals coriaceous, nerved, pale green, oblong-lanceolate or ob- lanceolate, sub-acute or obtuse, pubescent on the outer, tomentose on the inner, surface; the outer slightly shorter and narrower than the inner, from ‘9 to 1‘5 in. long and ‘3 to ‘5 in. broad. Stamens numerous, compressed, the apical process of connective truncate; anthers linear, dorsal. Ovaries numerous, glabrous, vertically striate; stigma sessile, truncate, puberulous. ipe carpels numerous, crowded when young, densely covered with minute pale tomentum; when ripe narrowly obovoid, blunt, narrowed to a short stalk, sub-tomentose, 1°75 in. long and about 1 in. in diam. ; pericarp thick, fleshy ; seeds two, plano-con- vex.

In its leaves this resembles Gwatteria pondok, Miq. (FI. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 380), but that species has carpels with stalks from 2 to 3 in. long.

Perak ; at elevation under 1,000 feet, King’s Collector, Nos. 6655 and 7516.

28. PoLyaLTHIA pyconantHa, King. A tree? Young branches rather stout, covered with soft yellowish pubescence. Leaves coria- ceous, elliptic-oblong, or oblong-lanceolate, obtusely acuminate, the base obtuse or rounded : upper surface glabrous; lower paler and puberulous on the midrib; main nerves arching, prominent; length 6 to 9 in., breadth 2°5 to 35 in.; petiole ‘2 in. pubescent. Flowers *5 to °75 in. in diam., in fascicles from tubercles on the larger branches, 1 to °5 in. in diam. ; flower-peduncles ‘25 in. long, pubescent, ebracteate. Sepals ovate, acute, ‘2 in. long. Petals linear, obtuse, flat, sub-equal, the bases of the inner three concave, ‘5 to ‘75 in. long, pale sericeous outside, glabrescent inside. Torus columnar-flat-topped, glabrous: ovules 2, superposed. Unona pycnantha, Hook fil. in F]. Br. Ind. I, 60.

Malacca; Maingay.

12. AwnaxaGorea, St. Hilaire. : Trees or shrubs. Leaves with pellucid dots. Flowers small, greenish, leaf-opposed. Sepals 3, valvate, connate at the base. Petals 6 or 3, sub- equal, 2-seriate, valyate, the inner row sometimes absent. Torus convex.

68 G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Stamens indefinite ; anther-cells extrorse or sublateral ; connective with a terminal process. Ovaries few, style variable; ovules 2, sub-basal, collateral, ascending. Ripe carpels follicular; stalk clavate. Seeds 1-2, exarillate, testa shining.—Distrib. Tropical Asia and America; species about 8. Petals! Gy .ciasccnrscers 1 A. luzonensis BP ebb aan nhen aes Eee MO COREECIOUIT IS

1. ANAXAGOREA LUZONENSIS, A. Gray Bot.U.S. Expl. Exped. 27. A shrub ; all parts glabrous. Leaves membranous, oblong or elliptic- oblong, shortly acuminate, the base cuneate, the under surface pale ; main nerves 7 or 8 pairs, spreading, slightly prominent beneath, the reticulations wide, rather distinct; length 5 to 7 in., breadth 1°75 to 2°5 in., petiole 25 to 35 in. Flowers about ‘5 in. long, solitary; pedi- cels ‘25 in. long (twice as long in fruit), with 1 or 2 amplexicaul bracteoles. Sepals small, ovate-rotund, obtuse. Petals subequal, elliptic, obtuse, thin, nerved, white, Ovaries few. Ripe carpels 1 to 3, cuneate-clavate, some- what compressed, narrowed into a long stalk, 1 to 2-seeded. Seeds plano- convex, obovate, black, shining. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 68. Kurz F, Flora Burm. I, 39. A. zeylanica, H. f. and Th. Fl. Ind. 144: Thwaites Enum. 10; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2,49; Beddome Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 46. Rhopalocarpus fruticosus, Teysm. and Binn. in Miq. Ann. Mus. ° Lugd. Bat. II, 22 t. 2 fig. B. Anawxagorea fruticosa, Scheff. in Nat. Tijdsch. Ned. Ind. XXXI, 9.

Burmah; The Andaman Islands; Malacca; Ceylon. Distrib. Phi- lippines, Cambodia, Sumatra.

2. ANAXAGOREA ScorvTecuini, King, n. sp. A bush or small tree : all parts, except the flower, glabrous; the young branches sub-rugulose, 2-ridged. Leaves thinly coriaceous, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-obovate, shortly and abruptly acuminate, slightly narrowed to the rounded or sub-acute base; main nerves 7 to 9 pairs, rather prominent beneath, the reticulations open and distinct: length 6 to 8 in., breadth 2°5 to 3:5 in.; petiole 3to'4in. Flowers ‘75 in. long, solitary ; pedicels °3 in. (much longer in fruit) with 1 or 2 amplexicaul bracteoles. Sepals membranous, their edges thin, broadly ovate, acute, pubescent outside. Petals in a single row, much larger than the sepals, oblong-lanceolate, sub-aeute, scurfy-pubescent outside, glabrous within, very fleshy, slightly concave at the base. Stamens numerous, those next the pistils barren; elongate and bent over the pistils. Ovaries numerous, obovoid, pubescent: styles curved. Carpels as in A. luzonensis, but two or three times as numerous. Seeds obovoid, concavo-convex, compressed, black, shining.

Perak : at low elevations; Scortechini, King’s Collector, Wray.

I have altered the diagnosis of this genus as regards the petals to

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 69

admit this species in which the inner whorl of petals is absent. In other respects the species agrees perfectly with the original diagnosis. Teysmann and Binnindyk’s mono-specific genus Rhopalocarpus (Miq. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II, 22, t. 2 fig. B.) is an unmistakable Anaxagorea in which the inner petals are narrow and incurved. It is probably near A. luzonensis. A. Gray, and A. javanica, Bl. (See Benth. and Hook fil. Gen. Plant. I, 957).

13. Disepatum, Hook. fil.

Trees or shrubs. Sepals 2, large, concave, valvate. Petals 4, narrowly linear-spathulate, incurved, inserted remotely from each other on the margin of the very broad, sub-concave torus. Stamens numerous; the apical process of the connective broadly orbicular, sub- convex. Pistils 10 to 15 or numerous, ovoid; style short, terete; stigma small, terminal; ovule solitary. Leaves minutely pellucid-punctate. Flowers in long terminal peduncles, solitary or in pairs. Distrib. Three species, all Malayan.

1. Disrpatum LoncipEs, King, n. sp. A glabrous tree 30 to 40 feet high; young branches slender, pale brown. Leaves minutely pellucid- punctate, membranous, oblong, sometimes slightly oblanceolate, rarely oblong-elliptic, abruptly and shortly acuminate, the base cuneate ; main nerves 7 to 10 pairs, spreading, (sub-horizontal) very faint; length 4 to 7 in., breadth 1°5 to 2°25 in., petiole ‘25 in. Flowers on long pedicels, dark red, solitary or in pairs. terminal, ‘5 in. in diam. ; pedicels slender, ebracteolate, 1:25 to 2 in. long. Sepals reflexed, concave, broadly ovate, blunt. Petals remote from each other, linear-spathulate, sub-incurved, ‘2in. long. Stamens numerous; apical process of the connective orbicular, sub-convex. Ovaries numerous, stalked, slightly obovoid, glabrescent or sparsely pubescent, l-ovuled; style short, straight; stigma small, terminal. Immature curpels ovoid, sub-glabrous, slightly corrugated ; pericarp fleshy, fragrant. Seed solitary, ovoid.

Johore; on Gunong Pauti at 1,500 feet; King’s Collector, No. 231. Distrib. Borneo, Beccari (P. B. 1645).

The genus Disepalum was founded by Sir Joseph Hooker ona Bornean shrub collected by Lobb, and the only species known to its founder was that described and figured under the name of D. anomalum in the Linnean Transactions (Vol. XXIII, 156, t. 20 A.) The charac- ters which separate the genus from any other in the family are the dimer- ous symmetry of the sepals and petals, and the small size of the latter, which originate at some distance from each other from the edge of the broad sub-concave torus. The species here described differs from D. anomalum in its arboreous habit, larger leaves, and much more numerous

70 G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

ovaries, which are moreover nearly glabrous and have long stalks. Quite ripe fruit is as yet unknown.

14. GonrioTHALAMus, Blume.

Small trees or shrubs. Leaves with small nerves, forming intra- marginal loops. Flowers solitary or fascicled, axillary or extra-axillary ; peduncles with basal, scaly, distichous bracts. Sepals 3, valvate. Petals 6, valvate in 2 series; outer thick, flat or nearly so; inner smaller, shortly clawed, cohering in a vaulted cap over the stamens and ovary. Stamens many, linear-oblong; anther-cells remote, dorsal; connective produced into an oblong or truncate process. Ovaries many; style simple or 2-fid; ovules solitary or 2, superposed, sub-basal (4in G. wvari- oides.) Ripe carpels 1-seeded.—Distrib. About 47 species, natives of Eastern tropical Asia and its islands.

The plants referred to this genus are, by Baillon, treated as part of Melodorum. Ovules 1 or 2.

Style cylindric, slender; stigma subulate,

entire - nee we Ll. G. subevenius. Style very short ; stigma funnel-shaped, slit on one side, its edges toothed we 2. GL tenusfolius.

Style cylindric ; stigma truncate, entire. Flowers in fascicles from the stem only ; ripe carpels 1:25 in. long 3. G. Prainianus. Flowers solitary from the axils of ihe leaves or fallen leaves; ripe carpels ‘4 in. long “4 se we 4. G. Kunstlert. Style subulate or ‘heal ic; stigma deeply 2-cleft, petals 3 to 5 in. isha. G. giganteus. Style cylindric; stigma unequally 2- Laetlied 6. G. malayanus. Style cylindric; stigma minutely and equally 2-toothed. Flowers axillary or from the axils of fallen leaves; outer petals more than


1 in. long. Anthers with slightly convex, orbi- cular apical appendages we @. G. fulous:

Anthers with very pointed, conical apical appendages. Nerves of leaves 28 to 34 pairs 8. G. Curtisii. Nerves of leaves fewer than 20 pairs.

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 71

Leaves shining, reticulate,

glabrous; ripe carpels

oblong, ‘5 to Gin. long 9. G. Griffithit. Leaves glabrous, opaque,

dull, not reticulate ; ripe

carpels _—_ globular-obo-

void; ‘4 in. long. © 10. G. macrophyllus, Flowers in fascicles from tubercles near the base of the stem’... . ll. G. Ridleyt.

Style cylindric; stigma 3-toothed; apices of anthers acuminate. Leaves thickly coriaceous; nerves in- conspicuous ... es . 12. G. apis. Leaves strongly and prominently ened: Sepals large, orbicular-ovate, ob-

tuse, ‘65 to 1 in. long ww. 13. G. Scortechinii. Sepals small, ovate acuminate, ‘2 in, long ... non » 14. G. Wrayt. Ovules and seeds 4 EP ae . 15. G. wrarioides.

1. GONIOTHALAMUS SUBEVENIUS, King, n. sia A shrub or small tree; young branches slender, puberulous; otherwise glabrous except the flower. Leaves membranous, narrowly oblong, tapering at each end ; upper surface shining, pale-greenish when dry; the lower paler, dull; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, sub-horizontal, invisible or very faint on either side; length 3°5 to 65 in., breadth 1:25 to 1°75 in., petiole ‘2 in. Flowers solitary, axillary, ‘75 to ‘9 in. long; pedicels ‘4 to ‘6 in. long, ebracteate. Sepals broadly ovate, bluntly acuminate, 3-nerved, minutely pubescent on both surfaces, ‘3 in. long. Petals thinly coria- ceous, puberulous except towards the base inside, lanceolate, sub-acute ; the inner petals half as large as the outer, slightly clawed. Stamens with broad orbicular sub-convex apical process. Ovaries narrowly oblong, style cylindric, curved; stigma subulate, entire. Ripe carpels ovoid to oblong, obtuse, tapering very little at the base, glabrous, ‘5 to °75 in.; stalks °35 to ‘45 in.

Perak ; at low elevations, King’s Collector.

2. GONIOTHALAMUS TENUIFOLIUS, King, n. sp. A shrub 6 to 8 feet high ; glabrous except the petals ; young branches slender, dark-coloured, striate. Leaves thinly membranous, lanceolate, or oblong-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the base acute; main nerves 8 to 1] pairs, spreading, inter-arching within the minutely undulate margin, faint or both sur- faces ; length 4°5 to 7 in,, breadth 1 to 1°75 in., petiole -2 in. Flowers axillary, solitary, drooping; pedicels slender, bi-bracteolate at the base,

a ad

72 G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

‘35 to ‘45 in. long. Sepals free, large, membranous, green, many-nerved and reticulate, broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, glabrous, °75 to 1:1 in. long. Petals whitish, thinly coriaceous, faintly nerved, broadly lanceo- late, acuminate, much contracted at the base, pubescent, 1 to 1:2 in. long, (smaller in var. aborescens) ; inner petals less than half as long, ovate, acuminate, the base contracted, pubescent. Anthers numerous, compressed, the apices broad, flat, pubescent. Ovaries few, narrow, short, l rarely 2-ovuled ; the style long, straight, thickened upwards ; stigma hollowed like a funnel, the edges toothed. Ripe carpels partly enveloped by the persistent calyx, ovoid, very slightly apiculate, puberulous or glabrescent, ‘4 to'5in. Jong; stalks ‘2inlong. Seeds usually 1, rarely 2.

Perak; at a low elevations, King’s Collector, No. 3019; Wray, Nos. 3379, 3558.

Var. aborescens, King; a small tree 15 to 25 feet high; leaves 4 to 45 in. long ; petals coriaceous, adpressed-pubescent, about half as long as in the typical form ; sepals only ‘3 in. long.

Perak ; elevations from 2,000 to 3,000 feet, King’s Collector.

This possibly ought to be considered a distinct species; but as its anthers and ovaries are exactly the same as in the typical shrubby G. tenwifolius, I prefer to consider it a mountain form of that species. Both the typical form and the variety have remarkable stigmas, shaped like funnels and with toothed edges.

3. GonroTHALAMUS Prarnranus, King, n. sp. A. tree 50 to 70 feet high: young branches rather slender, pale; all parts, except the in- florescence, glabrous. Leaves membranous, oblong-oblanceolate to elliptic- oblong, abruptly shortly and bluntly acuminate, the base slightly cuneate ; main nerves 14 to 18 pairs, oblique, inter-arching within the margin, prominent beneath ; length 7 to 11 in., breadth 2°25 to 2°8 in., petiole 35 in. Flowers 1:25 to 1°5 in. in diam., on long pedicels from large, woody, puberulous tubercles at the base of the stem: pedicels 2 to 4 in. long with two minute bracteoles at the base. Sepals coriaceous, united so as to form a spreading cup with three broad sub-acute tri- angular teeth, puberulous outside, glabrous inside. Petals thickly coriaceous, pale yellow; the outer row large, obovate-rotund, concave, incurved, (ovate-oblong in var.) pubescent on both surfaces, nearly 1 in. long: inner row much smaller, clawed. Stamens numerous, the connec- tive prolonged into a blunt, conical, puberulous, apical process. Ovaries narrowly oblong, glabrous; style cylindric, not lobed, truncate. Ripe carpels obovoid, slightly apiculate, tapering to the base, glabrous, 1 to 1:25 in. long; stalks ‘25 in. long. Seed solitary, smooth.

Perak; King’s Collector, Wray ; at low elevations.

Var.: angustipetala, King; petals oblong-ovate, sub-acute.

= F

1892.]| G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 73

Perak: King’s Collector.

A species collected by Forbes in Hastern Sumatra (Herb. Forbes, No. 3172) resembles this closely. The specimens are in fruit only, and the individual carpels being a little smaller and less obovoid, it probably belongs to a distinct species. Forbes’ specimens have no flowers.

4. GontortHatamMus Kunsrieri, King. A shrub 4 to 10 feet high : young branches minntely rufous-tomentose, the older pale, glabrous and much striate. Leaves thinly membranous, oblanceolate to elliptic-ob- lanceolate, abruptly and bluntly acuminate, the base cuneate; both surfaces pale-brown when dry, minutely pellucid-punctate, glabrous ; the midrib alone puberulous on the upper; main nerves 11 to 15 pairs, spreading, curved and inter-arching boldly a little within the mar- gin, slightly prominent on the under surface: length 6 to 9 in. breadth 2 to 3°25 in.; petiole “85 in. puberulous. Flowers solitary, slightly supra-axillary ; pedicels ‘15 in. long. Sepals green, thinly membranous, puberulous, nerved and reticulate, broadly ovate, acute, spreading, very slightly cuneate at the base, 3 to “4 in. long. Petals sub-coriaceous, yellow or orange-coloured; the outer lanceolate, acumi- nate, slightly narrowed at the base, puberulous outside, °8 to 1:25 in. long: inner petals about one-third as long, ovate, acute, pubescent. Anthers many, short, compressed, the tops broad, flat, pubescent. Ovaries about as long as the stamens, narrowly cylindric; style long, straight, thick: stigma notched. Ripe carpels crowded, broadly ovoid, slightly apiculate, ‘4 in. long.

Perak ; at Goping, King’s Collector, Scortechini, Wray.

Var. marcantha, King; leaves narrowly elliptic or oblong, bluntly acuminate, puberulous beneath ; outer petals 1:25 to 1°5 in. long.

Penang and Province Wellesley: Curtis.

5. GonioTHALAMUS GIGANTEUS, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Ind., 109. A tree 30 to 70 feet high ; young branches very pale, glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, shortly acuminate, the base cuneate, the edges slightly recurved (when dry); upper surface shining, glabrous: the lower dull, puberulous, the midrib very prominent: main nerves 10 to 14 pairs, very slender, spreading, more conspicuous above than below : length 6 to 10 in., breadth 2°25 to 2°75 in. ; petiole ‘25 in., deeply chan- nelled. Flowers very large, from the axils of fallen leaves and from the younger branches ; peduncles recurved, 1 in., or more, long (elongated in the fruit), pubescent. Sepals ovate, acute, pubescent outside, spread- ing or recurved, about 5 in long. Petals very coriaceous, yellowish tinged with green; the outer broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, with a dark thick triangular spot at the base, 3 to 5 in. long, minutely pubescent ; the inner only about ‘6 in, long, ovate-acute, densely golden sericeous.


74, G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Anthers very numerous, their apices convex. Ovaries hairy, 2-ovuled: style long, slender, much curved ; stigma 2-lobed. Ripe carpels oblong, apiculate, tapering much to the stalk, minutely granular and with obscure vertical ridges when dry, 1°25 to 1°5 in. long and ‘6 in. in diam. : stalks ‘75 in., stout. Seeds 1 or 2, oblong, slightly compressed, the testa brown. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 75: Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, pt. 2, 28. Uvaria gigantea, Wall. Cat. 6469 A. B. (in part). Anonacea Griff. Icon. Plant. t. 652?

Singapore; Wallich, Ridley, Hullett. Penang; Curtis. Perak; King’s Collector.

6. GoNIOTHALAMUS MALAYANUS, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind 107. A small glabrous tree, 15 to 20 feet high; bark of branches very pale. Leaves coriaceous, oblong to elliptic-oblong, shortly and abruptly acu- minate, the base slightly cuneate, rarely rounded, the edges recurved ; upper surface shining, the lower dull, darker (when dry); main nerves 12 to 15 pairs, sub-horizontal, faint; length 5°5 to 9 in, breadth 1:5 to 275 in.; petiole °25 in., deeply channelled. Flowers slightly supra-axillary, solitary, greenish ; pedicels ‘35 to ‘5 in, pubescent, bracteolate at the base. Sepals ovate-triangvlar, acuminate, pubescent, connate at the base, persistent, ‘25 in. long. Petals co- riaceous, the outer broadly ovate, acuminate to ovate-lanceolate, minutely tomentose on both surfaces, with a triangular glabrous basal spot, keeled outside, 1 to 1°25 in. long; the inner about a third as long, ovate, acuminate, sericeous or tomentose. Anthers numerous. Pistils about 15, the ovary hairy, ovules 3 to 4; style long, slender, much bent outwards ; stigma sub-capitate, unequally 2-lobed. Ripe carpels narrowly oblong apiculate, tapering to each end, glabrous, 1°5 in. long, and 5 in. in diam ; stalks ‘1 in., thick. Seeds 2 or 3, flattened-ovoid, nearly black. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 75; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, Pi gee Goniothalamus Slingerlandtvi, Scheff. Tijdsch. Ned. Ind. XXXI, 341. Uvaria sp. Griff. Notul. IV, 710.

Malacca ; Griffith, Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 63. Perak; com- mon. Distrib. Bangka.

7. GOoNIOTHALAMUS FULVUS, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br, Ind. I, 75. A shrub: young branches slender, dark-coloured, at first rufous- pubescent, afterwards glabrous. Leaves membranous, pellucid-dotted, oblong-oblanceolate, obtuse or with a short broad point; upper surface glabrous, the lower puberulous; main nerves 14 to 16 pairs, slightly prominent beneath, spreading; length 7 to 10 in., breadth 2:5 to 3:25 in.; petiole ‘3 in., pubescent. lowers solitary, axillary, pedicels -25 aia} puberulous. Sepals broadly ovate, obtuse, pubescent, connate at the base, ‘25in. long. Petals coriaceous, densely sericeous, the outer oblong-

1892.) G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 75

lanceolate, attenuate to the apex, slightly keeled outside, 1 to 1:25 in. long ; inner about ‘3 in. long, ovate, acute. Stamens numerous, apices of anthers very convex, puberulous. Ovaries oblong, pubescent; style cylindric, glabrous: stigma bifid. Prat unknown.

Malacca ; Griffith.

Known only by Griffith’s imperfect specimens.

8. GonrioTHALAMUS CuRTIsH, King, n. sp. A shrub orsmall slender tree: young branches densely rusty-tomentose, the larger pale and glabrous. Leaves stoutly membranous, narrowly oblong to obovate- oblong, more or less abruptly and shortly acuminate, slightly narrowed to the rounded base; upper surface shining, glabrous except the pu- berulous midrib; the lower sparsely puberulous, the midrib and nerves dark rusty-tomentose ; the latter 28 to 34 pairs, sub-horizontal, inter- arching near the margin, very prominent, as is the midrib, on the lower and depressed on the upper surface: length 9 to 15 in., breadth 3 to 5°5 in.; petiole 35, channelled, pubescent. Flowers solitary, from the stem; pedicels stout, decurved, with two deciduous bracteoles at the base, "6 in long. Sepals large, green, rigidly membranous, conjoined into a cup with 5 broadly-ovate, sub-acute teeth, boldly nerved and reticu- late, minutely rufous-pubescent, persistent; length from °75 to 1 inch. Petals coriaceous, velvety-tomentose, yellowish, tinged with red: the outer broadly lanceolate, acuminate, slightly narrowed and thickened at the base, from 125 to 1:75 in. long; the inner rather more than one-third as long, ovate, acuminate. Anthers numerous, compressed, linear, with acute granular conical apices. Ovaries numerous, narrowly elongate, densely pubescent, l-ovuled; style straight; stigma oblique, minutely lobed. Ripe carpels obliquely ovoid with long pointed, slightly hooked apices, rufous-pubescent, °75 in. long: stalks only ‘1 in. long, stout.

Selangor; Curtis, Nos. 310 and 2516. Perak; King’s Collector, No. 10548: Scortechini, No. 660.

A very distinct species.

9. GonioTHALAMUS GrirFiTHt, Hook. fil. and Th. Fl. Ind.,110. A large shrub or small tree; all parts glabrous except the ovaries and carpels: young branches dark-coloured. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, sub- acute, or shortly and obtusely acuminate, the base cuneate ; both surfaces shining and reticulate; main nerves 12 to 20 pairs, faint, spreading, inter-arching within the edge: length 7 to 12 in, breadth 1°8 to 3°5 in.; petiole ‘25 to 5 in., thick. lowers solitary, axillary or extra-axillary ; pedicel °5 to 1 in. long with a few scale-like bracteoles near the base. Sepals thinly coriaceous, orbicular-ovate, blunt, connate below, nerved and reticulate, persistent, 5 to ‘75 in. long. Petals thickly coriaceous ;

76 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

the outer broadly lanceolate, acuminate, 1°5 to 2°5 in. long: the imner ovate, acute, ‘6to°8 in long. Anthers with an acute apical process. Ovaries strigose: style long, subulate; stigma slightly bifid. Ripe carpels sub-sessile, oblong, ‘5 or ‘6 in. long, glabrescent or glabrous. Hook. fil Fl. Br. Ind. I, 73; Kurz F. Flora Burma, I, 42.

Burmah: Mergui, Griffith. Moulmein, Falconer.

10. GonrorHALAMUS MACROPHYLLUS, H. f. and Th. Fl. Ind. I, 74. A glabrous shrub 5 to 15 feet high; young branches very stout, dark- coloured. Leaves coriaceous, large, oblong-lanceolate to oblong-oblance- olate, acute or shortly acuminate, slightly narrowed to the sub-acute or rounded base; main nerves 16 to 20 pairs, spreading, impressed above and slightly prominent beneath ; length 10 to 18 in., breadth 2°5 to 4°5 in.; petiole “6 to 1 in, very stout. Flowers slightly supra-axillary or from the branches below the leaves, solitary or in pairs, green; pedicels ‘°35 in. long, sub-clavate. Sepals broadly ovate, acute, connate at the base, ‘65 in., long, slightly puberulous, tinged with purple. Petals cori- aceous, the outer oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 1 to 1°5 in. long; the inner half as long, ovate, acuminate, the edges ciliate. Sta- mens numerous, linear. Ovaries 12 to 18, glabrous, l-ovuled; style slender, dilated above, stigma 2-lobed. Lipe carpels globular-obovoid, slightly apiculate, glabrous, ‘4in. long, Seed palebrown. Maiq. FI. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 28: Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. I], 38. Polyalthia macrophylla, Blume Fl. Jay. Ann. 79 t. 39. Unona macrophylla, Blame Bijdr, I, 17.

It is possible that two species may be included here, there being some difference between the specimens in the nervation of the leaves.

Malacca; Griffith, Maingay, (Kew Distrib.) No. 62. Perak, King’s Collector. Penang; Curtis. Kedah; Curtis. Distrib. Sumatra, Forbes, 1370.

11. GonrorHaLamus Ripuryi, King,n. sp. <A tree: young branches slender, puberulous. Leaves membranous, broadly elliptic, shortly and abruptly acuminate, the base sub-acute, pale when dry; both surfaces reticulate ; the upper dull, glabrous, except the puberulous midrib and nerves, the lower shining, puberulous on the midrib, nerves and reticu- lations ; main nerves about 6 pairs, curving, ascending; length about 8in.; breadth 4°5 in.; petiole 25 in., puberulous. lowers 1°75 to 2 in. long, in fascicles on long pedicels from warted, puberulous, woody tuber- cles on the stem: pedicels 2°5 to 3°5 in. long, minutely bracteolate at the base. Sepals coriaceous, broadly ovate-elliptic, obtuse, nerved, °6 in. long, free, spreading, puberulous. Petals coriaceous, pale brown; the outer elliptic-oblong to ovate, obtuse or sub-acute, with a broad thicken- ed claw, puberulous, 1°65 to 2 in. long; inner row a little longer than the sepals, obovate, apiculate, with narrow claw. Stamens numerous,

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 77

long, narrow, much compressed ; the apical process of the connective small, sub-conic. Ovaries oblong, narrow ; style cylindric, puberulous ; stigma 2-lobed. Ripe carpels obvoid-globular, tapering slightly to the short stalk, glabrous, about 1 in. long.

Singapore ; ab Sunga Murai, Ridley.

It is possible that in the above description the size of the leaves may be understated, as the only one which I have seen may not be of average size.

12. Gontormatamus Tapis, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 371. A tree 15 to 40 feet high; all parts, except the flowers, glabrous; young branches pale brown. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, abruptly shortly and bluntly acuminate, the base rounded or slightly cuneate, the edges recurved (when dry); both surfaces dull, brown when dry, the lower paler; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, thin, spreading, very indistinct, the midrib prominent beneath; length 5:5 to 9 in., breadth 2°5 to 3:25 in., petiole 3 in. Flowers solitary and supra-axillary, or in fascicles from tubercles on the branches; pedicels curved, ‘4 in. long, bracteolate at the base. Sepals free, ovate, acute, spreading, pubescent, persistent, ‘4, in. long. Petals coriaceous, puberulous ; the outer ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, contracted and thickened at the base, 1°75 in. long; the inner ovate, acute, much contracted and thickened at the base, °65 in. long. Anthers numerous and with conical apices. Ovaries narrow, hairy ; style straight; ovules solitary, Stigma sub-discoid-capitate, 2- to 3- lobed. Ripe carpels crowded, obovoid, smooth, sub-sessile, “4 to °5 in. long. Mig. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. I, 35.

Perak ; at low elevations, very common ; Scortechini, Wray, King’s Collector. Penang and Pangkore; Curtis. Distrib. Sumatra, Borneo.

13. GonrorHaLamus Scortecuinu, King, n. sp. A shrub or small tree, glabrous, except the flowers; young branches with rather pale striate bark. Leaves membranous, oblanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate, very shortly acuminate, narrowed from the above the middle to the acute or sub-acute base ; when dry the upper surface greenish, the lower pale brown ; main nerves 18 to 24 pairs, spreading and inter-arching near the edges, slender, slightly prominent beneath; length 10 to 15 in., breadth 2°75 to 4 in., petiole ‘3in. Flowers solitary, rarely in pairs, from the branches below the leaves ; pedicels clavate, decurved, bi-bracteolate at the base, ‘5in. long. Sepals rigidly membranous, large, orbicular- ovate, obtuse or sub-acute, much nerved and reticulate, connate below, persistent, from 65 to 1 in. long (according to age). Petals coriaceous, rusty-puberulous ; the outer oblong-lanceolate, sub-oblique, not much longer than the full grown sepals ; the inner broadly ovate, acute, about ‘5 in. long. Anthers numerous, narrow, with elongate, conical apical pro-

78 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

cesses. Ovaries narrow, puberulous, l-ovuled: style straight; stigma 2- or 3-lobed. Ripe carpels crowded, ovoid-oblong, apiculate, glabrous, narrowed to the short stalks, -45 in. long; stalks -2 to 25 in. Seed smooth, pale. :

Perak ; at low elevations ; Scortechini, Wray, King’s Collector.

The leaves of this species much resemble those of Polyalthia oblonga, King.

14. GonrorHaLAmMus Wrayt, King, n. sp. A shrub 3 to 12 feet high, glabrous, except the flowers: young branches slender, very pale. Leaves membranous, oblanceolate to lanceolate or oblong, shortly and bluntly acuminate, the base cuneate: both surfaces pale (when dry), obscurely reticulate: main nerves 14 to 18 pairs, spreading, straight, slender and very slightly prominent even when dry: length 4°5 to 9 in., breadth 1:25 to 2 in., petiole ‘2 to 25in. Flowers solitary, slightly supra-axillary; pedicels slender, decurved, minutely bracteolate, ‘35 in. (elongated to ‘75 in. in fruit). Sepals membranous, slightly nerved and reticulate, ovate, acuminate, spreading or recurved, puberulous outside, ‘2 in. long, persistent. Petals sub-coriaceous, greenish-yellow, puberul- ous: the outer narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, the bases thickened and not narrowed to a claw, ‘65 to °75 in. long: inner petals about half as long, ovate-acuminate. Anthers numerous, half as long as the ovaries, compressed, their apices with a long thin point from a broad base. Ovaries about 20, narrowly cylindric, hairy like the stout, straight style l- to 2-ovuled: stigma truncate. Ripe carpels narrowly obovoid to oblong, apiculate, gradually tapering to the stalk, glabrous, “6 in. long. Seeds usually 1, rarely 2, oblong.

Perak: at low elevations very common; Wray, Scortechini, King’s Collector.

15. GoNIOTHALAMUS UvarioIDEs, King, n. sp. A shrub 6 to 15 feet high: all parts glabrous except the flower and fruit; young branches pale. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong, slightly obovate, slightly narrow- ed to the minutely cordate base: both surfaces rather dull when dry, the lower pale brown, the edges slightly recurved ; main nerves 22 to 25 pairs, spreading, rather straight, inter-arching near the margin; length 10 to 15 in., breadth 3 to 6 in.; petiole -4 in., stout, channelled. Flowers on the trunk, (solitary ?); pedicels curved, stout, ‘35 in. long. Sepals coriaceous, semi-orbicular, blunt, pubescent, 2 in. long. Petals very coriaceous, yellow: the outer broadly lanceolate, thickened and truncate at the base, rufous-pubescent, 1'5 in. long: inner petals like the outer but with contracted bases and only 1 to1‘2in. long. <Anthers with conical apices. Ovaries hairy ; style cylindric; stigma small, truncate, minutely bifid. Ripe carpels oblong, tapering to each end, puberulous,

1892.] G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 79

15 in. long, and ‘65 in. in diam.; stalks ‘7 in. long. Seeds 4, com- pressed, rugose, ‘5 in. long.

Perak: Ulu Slim, King’s Collector, No. 10664. Ulu Bubong, King’s Collector, No. 10126. Distrib., Borneo; Motley, No. 960.

Motley’s Bornean specimen above-quoted is in flower only ; but it so entirely resembles in leaves and wood those of my collector in Perak which are in fruit only, that I have ventured not only to consider them as belonging to the same species, but to draw up the above description of the flowers from the Bornean and of the fruit from the Perakian specimens. The species resembles G. fulvus in leaves and flower and G. malayanus in flower. The fruit is more like that of a Uvaria than of a Goniothalamus, having 4, sub-horizontal, rugose seeds.

15. Oropuna, Blume.

Trees or shrubs. lowers usually small, axillary, solitary, fascicled or cymose. Sepals 3, valvate. Petals 6, valvate in 2 series ; outer ovate ; inner clawed, usually cohering by their margins into a mitriform cap ; sometimes oblong and slightly approximate below the middle, the apices divergent not vaulted: rarely without claws and in one species slightly imbricate. Stamens definite, 6-12, ovoid, fleshy; anther-cells dorsal, large, contiguous, the connective sometimes prolonged into a conical apical point, not truncate. Staminodes 0, or 3to&. Ovaries 3-15; style short or 0; ovules 4. Ripe carpels 1- or more-seeded, globular or oblong (very long in several species.)—Disrrir. Species about 25; all Hastern Asiatic.

Intermediate between Mitrephora and Bocagea, having the perianth of the former and stamens of the latter.

Inner petals distinctly vaulted, the limbs coherent by their edges. Stamens 12 a ae set la (Obsenosa. Stamens 6.

Leaves glabrous atall ages (see also No. 5) 2. O. Katschallica. Leaves more or less pubescent (except No. 5). Carpels globose when ripe . 3 O. hirsute. Carpels oblong when ripe. Carpels under 2 in. in length Carpels 3 to 5 in. long. Leaves quite glabrous, main


. O. hexandra.

nerves 6 or 7 pairs 5. O. enterocarpa. Leaves puberulous beneath, main nerves 10 or 12 pairs 6. O. maculata.


Inner petals slightly vaulted, trapezoid . O. gracilis.

80 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Inner petals spreading, not vaulted and not trapezoid. Stamens 10 or 12. Inner petals hastate; ripe carpels globular 8. O. hastata. Inner petals linear-oblong, the apices divergent and recurved; ripe carpels

ovoid or slightly obovoid ... 9. O. dodecandra. Stamens 6. Inner petals cuneiform or cuneiform-retuse ; ripe carpels cylindric “a 10. O. cunetformis.

Inner petals irregularly oblong, their apices broad and curved outwards, a carpels globular . Ll. O. polycarpa. 1. OnropHea sptosa, King, n. sp. AN shrub : young branches densely covered with a layer of rasta pubescence with numerous, long, brown- ish, straight bristles projecting beyond it; the older branches dark-

coloured and almost glabrous. Leaves membranous, oblong or oblong- |

oblanceolate, shortly acuminate, the base rounded: main nerves 8 to 10 pairs, oblique, inter-arching near the edge; both surfaces sparsely setose, more densely so on the midrib and nerves, the lower also with sparse, minute pubescence ; length 55 to 75 in, breadth 2 to 2°75 in., petiole ‘05 in., setose. Flowers solitary, extra-axillary, about ‘2 in. in diam. when expanded : pedicels very slender, ‘75 in. long, pubescent, with a single minute bracteole below the middle. Sepals sub-orbicular, blunt. Outer petals much larger than the sepals, broadly ovate, sub- acute, pubescent outside and glabrous inside like the sepals. Inner petals longer than the outer, vaulted, ‘22 in. long, the limb trapezoid- sagittate, pubescent on the ee and edges, glabrous in front ;-the claw narrow, shorter than the limb. Male flower stamens numerous, cuneate, the connective broadly truncate at the apex. Ovaries unknown. Ripe carpels 4 or 5, sessile, globose or oblong-globose, ‘3 in, in diam., densely and minutely pubescent and with a few long setx besides. Seeds solitary, rarely 2; the testa pale, rather rough ; the albumen very dense.

Perak: at elevations from 800 to 1,200 feet; King’s Collector, Scortechini.

2. OropHea Karscwantica, Kurz in Trimen’s Journ. Bot. 1875, p. 323. A small tree 25 to 30 feet high : young branches slightly puberu- lous at first, ultimately glabrous, black and furrowed. Leaves mem- branous, oblong-lanceolate to oblong or elliptic, shortly and bluntly acuminate, the base sub-cuneate or rounded ; upper surface glabrous, shining; the lower much reticulate, slightly adpressed- puberlous ; main nerves 3 to 10 pairs, ascending, slender ; length 4 to 7 in., breadtk

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 81

15 to 2°75 in., petiole 15 in. Peduncles extra-axillary, solitary, °5 to ‘75 in. long, with numerous ovate-acuminate, rusty-pubescent bracts. Flowers 1 to 4, rather large; their pedicels about ‘4 in. long, pubes- cent and with a single adpressed ovate-lanceolate bracteole. Sepals ovate-acuminate, adpressed-pubescent outside, sub-glabrescent inside. Outer petals much larger than the sepals, ovate-orbicular, acute, veined, pubescent on the outer surface and on the upper half of the inner, ‘4 in. long. Inner petals *75 in. long, trapezoid, acute, tomentose on both surfaces except a glabrous patch bearing a transverse callosity on the inner; the claw long, narrow and glabrous. Stamens 6 perfect, with a few imperfect in an outer row: anther-cells large,-dorsal; the connective oblique, slightly produced above their apices. Ovaries about 3, narrowly ovoid, densely sericeous, 3-ovuled ; stigmas sessile, truncate. Fruit unknown.

Nicobar Islands; Kurz, King’s Collector.

3. OROPHEA HIRSUTA, King, n.sp. A shrub 8 to 12 feet high: young branches at first densely rufous-hirsute, afterwards becoming glabrous and dark-coloured. Leaves elliptic or elliptic-oblong, often slightly obovate, shortly and bluntly acuminate, narrowed from he- low the middle to the rounded minutely cordate base: upper surface glabrous, shining, the lower pale, dull, sparsely hirsute, the midrib setose at the base: main nerves 8 to9 pairs, spreading, very faint: length 3°5 to 45 in., breadth 1°24 to 1°75 in.; petiole ‘05, setose. Peduncles extra-axillary, about °5 in. long, 1- to 3-flowered, rufous-hirsute like the pedicels: pedicels about ‘75 in. long and with several minute brac- teoles. Flowers'5in.indiam. Sepals broadly ovate, acute, coarsely hirsute outside and on the edges, glabrous inside. Outer petals much larger than the sepals, broadly obovate, blunt, sparsely pubescent outside and on the edges, glabrous inside, ‘15 in.long. Inner petals *25 in. long, vaulted : the limb trapeziform, rather thick, glabrous outside, pubescent inside ; the claw very narrow, longer than the limb, glabrous. Stamens 6, in a single row, curved : anthers broad, dorsal, the connective not produced above their apices. Ovaries about 6, ovoid, glabrous, 1- to 2-ovuled : stigma sessile, roundish. Carpels 4 to 5, globular, yellow when ripe, sparsely hirsute, ‘4 in. in diam. ; stalks ‘1 in.

Perak: King’s Collector, No. 4283.

Only once collected. In its leaves this resembles Mitrephora setosa. King.

4, OropHEA HEXANDRA, Blume Bijdr. 18. A small tree: young branches slender, minutely tomentose, soon becoming dark-coloured, glabrous and furrowed. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, rather abruptly acuminate, the base sub-cuneate or


82 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No.1,

rounded ; upper surface glabrous, shining; the lower reticulate, puberu- lous, the midrib pubescent; main nerves 7 to 9 pairs, oblique: length 4'5 to 6 in., breadth 1°5 to 2:25 in., petiole °2 in. Peduncles axillary or supra-axillary, slender, 1- to 3-flowered, pubescent; bracts several, subulate, hairy. Flowers about ‘35 in. long, greenish-white. Sepals minute, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, densely pubescent outside. Outer petals thin, ovate-cordate, acuminate, pubescent; the inner larger, trapezoid with long narrow claw, glabrous with pubescent margins. Stamens 6, in one row. Ovaries about 6, pubescent, 2-ovuled. Ripe carpels oblong, sub- sessile, acuminate, minutely adpressed-pubescent, 1-4 to 1:75 in. long. Seeds usually solitary, sometimes ‘2in. long, narrowly cylindric. Kurz For. Flora Burma, I, 49: Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, pt. 2 p. 29. O. acuminata, A. D C. in Mem, Soc. Genevy. V, 39; Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 112; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 91; Wall. Cat. 6432. Bocagea hexandra, Blume FI. Jav. Anon. 83 t. 40. ;

Burma prov. Tenasserim, Wallich. Great Coco Island; Kurz. S. Andaman ; King’s Collectors.

Pierre (Flore Forestiere Cochin-Chine t. 44) figures a species called O. Thorelii which, as he remarks, must be closely allied to this.

5. OROPHEA ENTEROCARPA, Maingay ex Hook. fil. Fl. Br. India, I, 92. A small tree 15 to 30 feet high; all parts, except the inflorescence, glabrous: young branches slender, black, striate. Leaves membranous, ovate or sometimes obovate-lanceolate to elliptic, acuminate (sometimes abruptly so); the base rounded, sometimes sub-cuneate; both surfaces shining: main nerves 6 or 7 pairs, spreading, slender: length 2°5 to 5 in., breadth 1:2 to 2 in., petiole "1 in. lowers nodding, solitary, extra- axillary: the pedicels very slender, *75 to 1°25 in. long, glabrous below, pubescent above and with several ovate-lanceolate bracteoles. Sepals small, broadly ovate, acuminate, pubescent. Outer petals much larger than the sepals, ovate, acuminate, puberulous, the inner a little longer (6 to ‘75 in. long) ; the limb elongated-trapezoid, puberulous; the claw narrow and glabrous, yellowish with a reddish band; staminodes 6. Stamens 6, with broad connective, not apiculate. Ovaries 6, cylindric, glabrous, 2- to 7-ovuled; stigma small, sessile. Carpels 4 to 6, elongate- cylindric, glabrous, moniliform when dry, 3 to 5 in. long and ‘3 in. in diam. Seeds 2 to 7, linear-oblong.

Malacca: Maingay. Perak; Scortechini, King’s Collector.

6. ORoPHEA MACULATA, Scortechini MSS. A shrub or small tree: young branches slender, rusty-tomentose at first, afterwards glabrous, black and striate. Leaves membranous, elliptic-oblanceolate, caudate- acuminate, narrowed from below the middle to the rounded or sub- cuneate slightly unequal base: upper surface glabrous, the lower

a 1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 83

glabrescent, the midrib and nerves pubescent; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, spreading, rather faint ; length 3:25 to 7 in., breadth 1:5 to 2°25 in., tomentose. Peduncles solitary, 1- to 3-flowered, extra-axillary, very slender, ‘5 tol in. long, pubescent, with numerous, distichous, sub- deciduous, linear-lanceolate, pubescent bracts. Flowers large, sub-pend- ulous. Sepals narrowly lanceolate, acuminate. Outer petals larger than the sepals, mottled red and yellow, ovate, very acuminate, veined, pubescent on both sides, °5 in. long. Inner petals 1 in. long, with lanceo- late, much acuminate, very pubescent limb; the claw long, narrow, pubescent. Stamens 6, broad, not apiculate, hairy at the base. Stam- nodes 3, orbicular. Ovaries 3 to 6, cylindric, very hirsute, 6- or 7-ovuled : stigma sessile. Carpels 4 to 6, much elongate, cylindric, puberulous, 3 to 5 in. long, and about ‘3 in, in diam., moniliform when dry. Seeds 4 to 7, linear-oblong.

Perak; Scortechini, King’s Collector.

7. OROPHEA GRACILIS, King, n. sp. A tree 20 to 30 feet high ; young branches slender, at first minutely tomentose, afterwards darkly cinereous and glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous when adult, lanceolate, much acuminate, the base cuneate or slightly rounded, both surfaces glabrous: main nerves 5 or 6 pairs, spreading, inter-arching far from the edge, very indistinct; length 2°5 to 3:5 in., breadth ‘9 to 12 in, petiole ‘05 in, Flowers solitary, ‘25 in. in diam., extra-axillary ; pedicels °75 to 1 in. long, very thin, glabrous, jointed, and with several minute, subulate bracteoles above the middle. Sepals broadly ovate, sub-acute, connate at the base, spreading or reflexed. Outer petals larger than the sepals, ovate, acute, ‘15 in. long; both surfaces glabrous, the edges alone minutely pubescent. Inner petals *25 in. long, slightly vaulted ; the limb thick, trapezoid, with pubescent edges; the claw narrow, not so long as the limb, glabrous. Stamens 6, in a single row, the connec- tive much produced above the rather small dorsal anther-cells. Ovaries 4 to 10, ovoid, glabrous, 2-ovuled: stigma large, sessile. Ripe carpels 6 to 10, globular, glabrous, ‘45 in. in diam., their stalks ‘25 in. long. Seeds solitary or two together, depressed-globose, with a transverse groove and ridge, shining, pale.

Perak: Scortechini, King’s Collector.

This is closely allied to the W. Peninsular O. uniflora, but that species has twice as many stamens.

8. OROPHEA HasTATA, King, n. sp. <A tree 20 to 40 feet high: all parts glabrous except the inflorescence : young branches rather slender, dark-coloured. eaves thinly coriaceous, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, shortly caudate-acuminate; the base cuneate, rarely rounded; both surfaces shining, the lower pale: main nerves 6 to 8 pairs, spreading,

Si G. Kine—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

inter-arching within the edge; length 3°5 to 5'5 in., breadth 1:6 to 2°4 in., petiole ‘2 in. Peduncles axillary or supra-axillary, solitary, about ‘25 in. long, bearing towards the apex 3 or 4 1-bracteolate, pubescent pedicels. Flowers ‘4 in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, acute, pubescent, outside, glabrous inside as are the outer petals. Outer petals twice as large as the sepals, broadly ovate acute. Inner petals *35 in. long ; the hmb hastate, triquetrous, thickened, the edges and the base ciliate; the claw long, narrowed to the base, glabrous. Staminodes 0. Stamens 10, in 2 rows, curved, slightly apiculate ; the anther-cells large. Ovaries about 10, obliquely oblong, curved, pubescent, 2-ovuled ; stigma small, capitate, sessile. tipe carpels 5 or 6, globular, glabrous, ‘4 in. in diam., their stalks about ‘25 in. Seeds solitary.

Perak: Wray, King’s Collector, at low elevations.

This is closely allied to O. dodecandra, Miq.

9. OROPHEA DODECANDRA, Miq. in Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II, 25. A tree 20 to 40 feet high ; young branches sparsely adpressed-pubescent, afterward glabrous dark-coloured and striate. Leaves membranous, elliptic, rarely elliptic-oblong, slightly unequilateral, shortly caudate- acuminate, the base cuneate; upper surface glabrous, shining, the lower paler with a few scattered, pale, adpressed hairs; main nerves 5 or 6 pairs, bold beneath, inter-arching ‘25 in. from the margin; length 3°5 to 5'5 in.; breadth 1°75 to 2°3 in., petiole ‘2 in. stout, channelled. Peduncles supra-axillary, longer than the pedicels, 3- to 7-flowered, glab- vous ; pedicels ‘5 in. long, clustered near the apex, bracteolate above the middle. lowers *5 in, long. Sepals smaller than the outer petals, spreading, dotted, conjoined at the base, slightly tubercular outside, glabrous inside. Outer petals broadly ovate, acuminate, narrowed at the base, ‘15 in. long. Inner petals thick, linear-oblong, blunt, puberulous outside, slightly arched below the middle, the apices divergent and recurved. Staminodes 0. Stamens 12, in 2 rows; the connective rather narrow, prolonged beyond the apices of the large, broad, dorsal anthers. Ovaries 6 to 8, oblong, curved, oblique, glabrous, 2-ovuled; stigma ob- long, sessile. J?ipe carpels ovoid or slightly obovoid, blunt, glabrous, ‘85 in. long; their stalks ‘8 to 9 in. Seed solitary, sub-rotund or oblong, with rugose, pale, scaly testa.

Perak ; Scortechini, King’s Collector ; at low elevations.

10. OROPHEA CUNEIFORMIS, King, n. sp. A tree 20 to 40 feet high ; young parts rusty-pubescent or tomentose ; the branchlets rather stout; ultimately glabrous, dark-coloured and furrowed. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong, narrowly elliptic or oblanceolate-oblong, more or less sharply acuminate, very little narrowed to the rounded or minutely cordate base ; upper surface at first with many long, thin, pale,

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 85

adpressed hairs, ultimately glabrous; lower softly but rather coarsely pubescent, the midrib and 8 to 12 pairs of oblique, rather prominent main nerves rufous-tomentose ; length 3°5 to 6 in., breadth 1:1 to 22 in.; petiole ‘05, tomentose. Peduncles 4- or 5-flowered, solitary, supra- axillary, slender, sub-glabrous below, rufous-sericeous above, longer than the pedicels; bracts numerous, linear-lanceolate ; pedicels ‘3 in. long, rufous-sericeous like the outer surface of the sepals and outer petals, bracteolate at the base. Flower buds globose. Sepals ovate, much acuminate, glabrescent inside like the outer petals. Outer petals ovate, acute, veined. Inner petals with a cuneiform, sometimes retuse, thick limb and a short, narrow claw. Staminodes 3, in an outer row, sub-orbicular, fleshy. Stamens 6, with broad flat connective, not produced at the apex, and large dorsal anthers. Ovaries about 6, oblong, oblique, densely villous, 2- or 3-ovuled, Stigma sessile, broad. Ripe carpels 2 to 4, sessile, cylindric, tapering a little at each end, puberulous, 1°5 to 1:75 in. long and about ‘35 in. in diam. Seeds 2, oblong.

Perak ; Scortechini, King’s Collector.

This is readily distinguished from the closely allied species O. maculata, by its scorpioid cymes, globular flower-buds, and by the cuneiform (not lanceolate) limbs of its petals.

11. OropHea ponycarpA, A. DC. in Mem. Soc. Genev. V, 39. A large shrub or small tree: young branches slender, pubescent at first, but speedily glabrous, furrowed and dark-coloured. Leaves membranous, ovate to ovate-oblong, obtusely and very shortly acuminate, the margins undulate, the base rounded or narrowed ; both surfaces glabrous; main nerves 6 to 8 pairs, spreading, faint; length 2 to 4 in., breadth 1 to 1°75 in., petiole ‘05 in. Deduncles axillary or supra-axillary, slender, l- to 3- flowered, pubescent ; bracteoles several. Sepals ovate, acute, very pu- bescent. Outer petals ovate, acuminate, more than twice as large as the sepals, pubescent on the outer, glabrous on the inner, surface. Inner petals twice as long as the outer, irregularly oblong, the apices broad and curved outwards, the base shghtly narrowed, puberulous outside, glabrous within, ‘4 in.long. Stamens 6 or 7 in a single row; the anther- cells quite dorsal, separate, the connective flat and very slightly prolonged above their apices. Ovaries about twice as many as the stamens, gla- brous, ovate, oblique: stigma small, sessile, sub-capitate. Ripe carpels globular, glabrous, shining, *35 in. in diam.: their stalks ‘25 in. long. Seeds 1 or 2. Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 111; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 91; Kurz F. Flora Burma, I, 49; Anonacea Griff. Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. IV, t. 654. Wall. Cat. 6431. Bocagea polycarpa, Steud. Nomen, 212. Melodorum ? monospermum Kurz in Andaman Report, App. B. p. 1. Bocagea polycarpa, Steud.

86 G. King—Waterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

S. Andaman; Kurz, King. Burmah: Martaban, Wallich.

Orophea undulata, (Pierre Fl. Forest. Coch.-Chine t. 45) must be closely allied to this, as must also the same author’s O. anceps, (1. c. t. 46).

16. MuirrerHora, Blume.

Trees. Leaves coriaceous, strongly ribbed, plaited in vernation. Flowers usually terminal or leaf-opposed, sometimes l-sexual. Sepals 3, orbicular or ovate. Petals 6, 2-seriate, valvate ; outer ovate, thin, veined ; inner clawed, vaulted and cohering. Stamens oblong-cuneate ; the anther- cells dorsal, remote, the connective broadly truncate at the apex. Ovaries oblong ; style oblong or clavate, ventrally furrowed ; ovules 4 or more, 2-seriate. Ripe carpels globose or ovoid, stalked or sub-sessile-—DIstRip. Species about 10; tropical Asiatic.

Flowers hermaphrodite... * we 1. M. Maingayi. . Flowers unisexual. Ripe carpels ovoid, apiculate, rugulose .. 2 M. reticulata. ‘5 », globular, not apiculate, notrugulose 3. M. macrophylla. ; ,, sub-globular, sub-truncate at each end, rugulose + we 4. MM. Prainiz.

1. Muirrernora MarnGayi, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. 1, 77. A tree 20 to 50 feet high: young branches softly rufous-tomentose afterwards glabrous dark-coloured and striate. Leaves coriaceous, oblong to ovate, (oblong-lanceolate in var. Kurziz), acute or shortly and bluntly acuminate, the base rounded or sub-cuneate ; upper surface shining, glabrous except the pubescent midrib; under surface glabres- cent, the midrib and nerves thinly adpressed-pubescent ; (pubescent in var. Kurzit) ; main nerves 6 to 10 pairs, oblique, curving, slightly prominent beneath: length 3 to 5°5 in., breadth 1'5 to 2 in., petiole ‘3to‘4in. Flowers lin. or more in diam., axillary or leaf-opposed, solitary or 2 or 3 in a multi-bracteolate and tomentose raceme ; pedi- cels ‘5 to 15 in. (lengthening with age), bracteolate. Sepals connate into a cup, broadly ovate, acute, (or obtuse in var.) tomentose. Petals rather thinly pale yellow mottled with red, all more or less pubescent out- side, the outer orbicular or obovate with undulate erose edges, slightly narrowed at the base, (oblong in var. Kwrzii) ; inner shorter, the outer very pubescent inside, vaulted, ovate or cordate with a long linear claw. Anthers numerous, short, with broad flat smooth tops. Ovaries gradually narrowed into the short style; ovules 4; stigma sub-capitate-discoid. Ripe carpels broadly ovoid, blunt at each end, densely tomentose, 1 in. long, and °75 in. in diam.: their stalks stout, ‘75in. Seeds 4, compressed. M. Teysmannit, Scheff. in Flora LII (1869), 302. Uvaria obtusa (not of

1892.] G. Kine—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 87

Blume), Hook. fil. and Thoms., Fl. Ind. 113; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 76; Wall. Cat. 6484.

Penang; Wallich, Curtis. Pangkore; Curtis. Malacca; Maingay, (Kew Dieta) No. 65. Perak: King’s ie allector Scortechini, Wray. Burma, Kurz. Distrib. Java.

Var. Kurz, Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate to elliptic: pe- duncles of racemes woody, lin. or more long, tomentose; outer petals narrowly oblong. WM. vandaeflora, Kurz F. Flora Burma I, 45.

Burma; Kurz, Brandis.

Allied to the Cambodian species M. Thorellti, (Pierre Fl. Forest. Cochin-Chine, t. 37).

2. MirrerHoRA RETICULATA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. I, 77. A tree 20 to 380 feet high: young branches tawny-tomentose, ultimately glabrous and dark-coloured. Leaves narrowly oblong, often slightly obovate, acuminate, the base cuneate or rounded; both surfaces shining, reticulate, glabrous; the midrib puberulous on the upper, sparsely setose on the lower, surface; main nerves 12 to 14 pairs, spreading, prominent, distinct beneath; length 5 to 14 in., breadth 2 to 4°5 in.; petiole ‘25 in., swollen. Flowers ‘2 in. in diam., axillary, solitary or in pairs, or in fae flowered, puberulous cymes ; pedicels long, slender, with many lanceolate bracteoles. Flowers as in M. macro- phylla, moncecious. Ripe carpels ovoid, apiculate, rugose, Baanye ‘8 in. long and ‘65 in diam. Seeds 2.

Kurz F. Flora Burma, I, 44. Orophea reticulata, Mig. Ann. Mus. Lued. Bat. II, 23. Uvaria reticulata, Blume Fl. Jav. Anon. 50, t. 20. Pseuduvaria reticulata, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. i. pt. 2, 30.

Burma: prov. Tenasserim; Helfer. Malacca; Maingay (Kew Dis- trib.), No. 64. Perak: Wray, King’s Collector, Scortechini; not so common as IM. macrophylla, Oliver.

This species has the inner petals rather larger than the outer and much vaulted; and in this respect it conforms to the characters of Orophea ; but its stamens are uvarioid in character and they are numer- ous; its flowers, moreover, are unisexual. The characters of Mitrephora therefore preponderate, and it is better located in the latter genus. But there is no doubt it forms a connecting link between the two genera.

3. MITREPHORA MACROPHYLLA, Oliver in Hook., Ic. Plant, t. 1562. A small tree ; young branches more or less puberulous, speedily becoming glabrous and cinereous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, elliptic-obovate or oblong-oblanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate; the base rounded, slightly oblique; both surfaces puberulous at first but speedily glabrous, shining, minutely reticulate ; main nerves 14 to 20 pairs, oblique, in- ter-arching ‘15 in. from the margin, prominent beneath ; length 7 to 13

88 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

in., breadth 1:75 to 4 in. ; petiole ‘25 in., swollen. Flowers ‘25 to ‘3 in. in diam., axillary, usually in pairs, or in cymes, | to. 2 in. long, the cymes minutely pubescent; bracts few, lanceolate ; pedicels long, with several broadly lanceolate, partly deciduous bracteoles, or ebracteolate. Sepals free, or connate below, reniform, or broadly ovate, puberulous out- side and on the edges, glabrous inside. Outer petals larger than the sepals, orbicular-ovoid, sub-acute, slightly narrowed at the base, puberu- lous on both surfaces. ‘15 in. long. Inner petals ‘3 in. long, thick, vaulted reniform-sagittate, puberulous, with a glabrous callosity on the inside near the base, the edges pubescent; the claw shorter than the limb, pubescent. Male flower: stamens very numerous, short, cuneate; the connective truncate, small and not concealing the tops of the anthers ; pistils 3, or afew rudimentary. Female flower; staminodes in two im- perfect rows. Ovaries about 12, ovoid-cylindric, oblique, pubescent, 4-ovuled; stigmas sessile, large, fleshy, truncate, often oblique. Ripe carpels globose, densely and minutely tawny-tomentose, “4 or ‘5 in diam. ; stalks ‘2 in. long. Seeds several, compressed, the testa membran- ous.

Penang; Maingay, Curtis. Perak; Scortechini, King’s Collector, Wray.

This species, although rare in Penang, is very common in Perak. Specimens of it vary considerably in several respects. In some plants the young shoots are densely puberulous, in others they are almost glabrous ; the leaves also vary in size and in amount of pubescence. In the specimen figured by Professor Oliver (Hook. Ic. Pl. 1562), the flowers are in axillary pairs ; but, in the majority of the Perak specimens, they are in cymes. The species is practically dicecious, the staminate flowers having no ovaries at all or only a few rudiments; while the pistillate flowers have rarely a few perfect stamens, and not always any staminodes. The best marks of distinction between this and M. reticulata, of which this must be a very close ally, are the smaller number of the nerves in the leaves of this and the ovoid shape of its rugose fruit. In its leaves this plant somewhat resembles some of the species of Popowia. And, inasmuch as its inner petals are larger than the outer and are vaulted, it is related to Orophea, from which how- ever its numerous uvarioid stamens and unisexual habit exclude it.

4. MuirrepHora Prantl, King, n. sp. A tree 30 to 40 feet high ; young branches tawny-pubescent, speedily becoming glabrous and dark-coloured. Leaves membranous, elliptic-oblong, rather abruptly and shortly acuminate, the base cuneate and often slightly unequal-sided ; upper surface glabrous except the depressed, strigulose midrib; lower surface much reticulate, glabrous but with a few scattered hairs on the

1892.] G. Kine—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 89

midrib and 12 to 14 pairs of rather bold, oblique, curving nerves; length 6 to 9 in. breadth 2°25 to 35 in., petiole ‘25 in., pubescent. Flowers bisexual, from the axis of the fallen leaves, solitary, ‘4 in. in diam.; pedicels about ‘5 in. long, softly tomentose, minutely bracteolate at the base. Sepals broadly ovate, acute, concave, tomentose outside, glabrous inside. Outer petals much larger than the sepals, ovate-orbicular, sub- acute ; tomentose outside, glabrous inside. Inner petals longer but nar- rower than the outer; the limb trapezoid, densely tomentose, glabrous inside at the base; the claw narrow, about as long as the limb, tomentose on both surfaces. Stamens in the male flower numerous, short, cuneate ; the apical process of the connective truncate, concealing the apices of the dorsal anthers. Pistils 0. Female flowers unknown. Ripe carpels sub-globose, rather truncate at base and apex, rugulose, minutely pub- escent, 65 in. in diam. Seeds about 5, plano-convex, the testa mem- branous, rugulose.

Andaman Islands; Prain, King’s Collector.

The inner petals of this species are undoubtedly longer than the outer; .but they are much narrower. Technically they are the petals of Ovophea rather than of Mitrephora; but the numerous Uvarioid stamens and the unisexual habit are those of the latter, to which I accordingly refer it. I have been able to examine only a few flowers of the species, and these are all tetramerous; but whether this arrange- ment is normal or only occasional I am unable to say until larger suites of specimens are obtained.

17. Popowia, Endl.

Trees. Flowers small, sub-globular, opening but slightly, usually hermaphrodite, sometimes polygamous, extra-axillary or leaf-opposed. Sepals 3, ovate, valvate. Petals 6, valvate in 2-series, (the inner series imbricate in Kwrziz), more or less orbicular ; outer like the sepals, spread- ing ; inner thick, concave, connivent, acute, the tip sometimes inflexed. Stamens indefinite or sub-definite, short, cuneate; anther-cells dorsal, remote. Carpels about 6, ovoid; style large, oblong or sub-clavate, straight or recurved; ovules 1-2 on the ventral suture, rarely 1, basal, erect. Ripe carpels berried, globose or ovoid, stalked.—Distris. About 20 Asiatic species, 12 Australian and 1 African. (The Australian and. African species may be generically separable).

There has been considerable variety of opinion as to the place of the genus Popowia amongst the genera of Anonacee. The genus was founded by Endlicher (Genus No. 4710) to accommodate the species named Bocagea pisocarpa by Blume (Flora Javae (Anonacez) 90, t. 45).


90 G. Kine—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Endlicher placed it next to Orophea from which itis distinguished by its inner row of petals being free and having their apices inflexed in esti- vation, while those of Orophea are clawed, vaulted, attached by their edges, and not inflexed in estivation. In their Flora Indica, Hooker filius and Thomson added the species P. ramosissima to the original plant of Endlicher, with a remark to the effect that Uvaria Vogelii H. f. should be included in the genus. Farther they associated Popowia with the genera Orophea, Mitrephora and Goniothalamus in the tribe Mitrephoree. In their Genera Plantarum, Mr. Bentham and Sir Joseph Hooker take a different view of the position of Popowia and, in the arrangement adopt- ed in that great work, Popowia is put amongst the Unoneae ; Orophea is relegated to the tribe Miliuseae ; while Goniothalamus and Mitrephora are retained side by side in the tribe Mitrephoreae. Now the character of the tribe Unoneae is :—“ petals flat, slightly unequal, or those of the inner row smaller than those of the outer, or absent,” while in several of the Popowias, e. g., P. pisocarpa, P. ramosissima the inner petals are longer than the outer. Baillon, whose arrangement of tribes differs from that of Messrs. Bentham and Hooker, puts Popowia into Unoneae, leaving Mitrephora and Orophea side by side in his tribe Oxymitrece

Dr. Scheffer differs from the opinion of the authors of the Genera Plantarum and of Baillon and rather inclines to that of the authors of the Flora Indica. He points out with much force that the proper place for Popowia is in the tribe characterised by its “outer petals being open, the inner connivent over the andro-gyncecium, erecto-connivent or connate ’’—that is to say in the tribe Mitrephoree of these authors. The stamens of Popowia present considerable diversity, but on the whole they have the character of those of Uvariae rather than those of Unoneae. As Scheffer remarks, there is little difference between the genera Orophea and Mitrephora except that the outer petals of Mitrephora are usually larger than those of Orophea. And if M. Baillon’s plan of re- ducing the number of the genera in Anonaceae were to be carried out, Dr. Scheffer would suggest the union of these two and of Popowia into a single genus, from which would be excluded, however, all the African species. Of this new genus Orophea would be the typical form, and the other two would form sub-genera.

There is no doubt than in externals many Popowias are like Oro- pheas, and the non-unguiculate character of the inner petals of Popowia is really the chief character which separates them.

I venture to follow Dr. Scheffer and the authors of the Flora Indica in putting Popowia, Orophea and Mitrephora together in the tribe Mi- trephoreae.

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 91

Flowers hermaphrodite. Both surfaces of leaves glabrous except the nerves. Both surfaces minutely granular; nerves 9 or 10 pairs, sparsely pilose beneath ... 1. P. pauciflora. Lower surface granular, the midrib and 6 to 8 pairs of nerves pubescent .. 2. P. ramosissiina. Both surfaces shining, reticulate, glabrous except the tomentose midrib on the upper ; nerves about 10 pairs, very faint 3. P. nitida. Upper surface of leaves glabrous, the lower minutely granular and sub-strigose; nerves AVOL TO PATS 7. cae 4, P. Helferi. Upper surface of leaves Seinen: except fe puberulous midrib, the lower yellowish-to- mentose ; nerves 11 to 13 pairs; fruit very large... « oO} LP. felida. Upper surface of eames plaltage except the tomentose midrib and 8 to 10 pairs of nerves ; lower surface pubescent and sub-granular ... 6. P. perakensis. Both surfaces minutely granular; upper short- ly puberulous, lower pubescent ; nerves 8 to 1] pairs.. 08 oaewp Moncks. ESCO. Both Soe Oo aetele granular ; upper with a few scattered hairs; lower fuscous, densely and softly pubescent; the nerves 6 or 7

pairs, tomentose or pubescent ... . 98. P. velutina. Both surfaces, but especially the lower, softly pubescent; nerves about 10 pairs we 9. P. tomentosa.

Flowers polygamous.

Upper surface of leaves glabrous except the

puberulous midrib; nerves 10 or 11 pairs;

flowers ‘5 to '75 in. in diam.; petals of inner

row larger than those of outer, valvate, their

apices inflexed in bud aa 10. P. nervifolia. Upper surface of leaves sub-granular, eenatele

and sparsely adpressed-pubescent ; nerves 9

to 12 pairs; flowers ‘4 in. in diam. ; inner

petals slightly smaller than the outer, im-

bricate ... a “: ow» Ll. P. Kurziz. Both surfaces of leaves plabeontes the lower

silvery, shining ; nerves 7 pairs ». L2. P. Hookert.

92 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. a 1. Popowra PAucIFLORA, Maingay MSS. Hook. fil. Fl. Ind. I, 69.

A tree ? Young branches slender, cinereous, strigose. Leaves membran- ous, elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, the base acute; both surfaces gla- brous, minutely granular; the midrib and 9 or 10 pairs of oblique, little curving main nerves sparsely pilose beneath; length 5 to 6 in., breadth 1:5 to 2 in,, petiole -2 in., pubescent. Flowers extra-axillary, solitary or axillary, ‘25 in. in diam.; pedicels 15 to ‘25 in. long, with a basal bracteole, rusty-strigose. Sepals minute, ovate. Petals; the outer small and like the sepals; the inner three times as large, sub-orbicular, con- cave, their apices inflexed. Stamens many. Ovaries about 6, strigose; ovule solitary, erect. Ripe carpels sub-sessile, globular, glabrous.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 56.

Known only by Maingay’s imperfect specimens; an obscure species.

2. PoprowiaA RAMOsISssimA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 105. A small spreading tree; young branches at first rufous-pubescent; the older dark-coloured and furrowed. Leaves membranous, sub-sessile, narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, sometimes slightly obovate, shortly, blunt- ly and abruptly acuminate, the base rounded or slightly narrowed ; both surfaces glabrous, the lower granular and pubescent on the midrib and 6 to 8 pairs of ascending rather straight nerves; length 2°75 to 4 in, breadth 1 to 1°75 in., petiole ‘05 in. Flowers globular in bud, leaf-op- posed, solitary or in small fascicles, *2 in. in diam.; pedicels ‘15 to 25 in. long (longer in fruit), minutely bracteolate, rufous-tomentose. Sepals broadly triangular-ovate, acute, nearly as large as the outer petals and hike them tomentose outside, and glabrous inside. Petals sub-equal, coriaceous, rotund, concave; the inner rather larger and with incurved points. Stamens short, with very broad truncate concave heads. Ova- ries 9 or 6, villous; ovules 1 or 2. Lipe carpels globose with short stalks, pubescent, ‘25 to 35 in.indiam. Mig. FI. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2,27; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 68. Guatteria ramosissima, Wall. Cat. 7294, 8006. Popowia rufula and P. affinis Miq. Aun. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II, 20.

Inall the provinces, common. Distrib. Sumatra, Borneo.

3. Porowia nitrmpa, King, n. sp. A shrub? Young branches sparsely and softly rufous-pubescent, the bark brown. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate to oblong-ovate, bluntly acuminate, the base rounded ; both surfaces reticulate, glabrous and shining, the midrib tomentose on the upper; main nerves about 12 pairs, very faint, spread- ing and forming double arches inside the edge; length 2°5 to 4in., breadth °6 to 1°25 in., petiole ‘Lin. lowers few, in short extra-axillary racemes, sub-globular, *25 in. in diam.; pedicels about as long as the flowers, each with 2 sub-orbicular, stem-clasping, pubescent bracteoles. Sepals orbicular, concave, puberulous on both surfaces, about ‘15 in, in

-1892.] G. Kinge—Waterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 93

diam. Petals sub-equal, about twice as large as the sepals, orbicular- ovate, sub-acute, cordate at the base, the edges incurved. Stamens about 27, in three rows; anther-cells linear, lateral, the apical process of the connective obliquely truncate, papillose. Pzstils numerous, forming a large mass with their stigmas agglutinated. Ovaries sub-cuneate, pubes- cent especially near the truncate apex; stigma very large and viscous, sessile; ovules 1 to 3, ascending. Ripe carpels ovoid, pointed, glabrous, ‘4to’5in. long. Seeds 1 to 3, compressed, the testa pale brown, shining.

S. Andaman: King. Nicobars: Kurz.

In its leaves this much resembles Uvaria micrantha, H. f. and T. as which I have reason to believe some specimens of this have been distributed from the Calcutta Herbarium.

4, PorpowrA Hetrert, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. I, 69. A small spreading tree; young branches coarsely hairy. Leaves mem- branous, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, the base narrowed but rounded; upper surface glabrous; the lower granular, sub-strigose, especially on the midrib; main nerves indistinct, about 4 or 5 pairs, ascending: length 2 to 4 in, breadth °8 to 1:25 in,, petiole °05 in. Flowers minute, globose, extra-axillary: peduncles ‘05 to ‘2 in., tomen- tose. Sepals ovate, strigose. Outer petals like the sepals, the inner orbicular, larger than the outer, concave, very strigose, their apices inflexed. Stamens 15. Ovule solitary. Carpels about 6, globular, stri- gose. Kurz. F. Flora Burm. I, 39.

Andamans; North of Port Mouat; Kurz. Burmah: Tenasserim, on King’s Island; Helfer.

A very little known species closely resembling P. Beddomiana, H. f. and Th.

5. Popowia r@tipa, Maingay MSS., Hook, fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 69. A large tree; young branches tawny-tomentose. Leaves sub-coriaceous, elliptic-lanceolate, shortly caudate-acuminate, the base sub-acute; upper surface glabrous except the puberulous midrib, lower densely covered with yellowish-grey tomentum as are the petioles; main nerves 11 to 18 pairs, rather prominent beneath, curved, spreading, inter-arching close to the margin; length 4°5 to 6°5 in., breadth 1°6 to 2 in., petiole ‘2in. Flowers solitary, ‘35 im. in diam.; pedicels ‘2 in., tomentose. Sepals minute, ovate, obtuse. Petals unequal, the outer ovate-elliptic, obtuse, yellow ; the inner slightly larger, apiculate, concave, the margins thick. Stamens about 80, the connective large. Ovaries about 6, stri- gose, 2-ovuled. Ripe carpels few, very large, oblong-ovoid, obtuse, sessile, densely and shortly yellowish-tomentose, 2°25 in. long, and 1°5 in. in diam. Seed solitary, oblong, the testa bony.

Malacca; Maingay, (Kew Distrib.) No. 55.

G4, G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

6. PopowiA PERAKENSIS, King, n. sp. A shrub 6 to 15 feet high ; young branches densely and minutely dull rusty-tomentose, the older dark and furrowed. Leaves elliptic to oblong-elliptic, very shortly and rather abruptly acuminate, the base slightly narrowed, sometimes sub- oblique ; upper surface glabrous, the midrib and nerves tomentose; lower pubescent, sub-granular: main nerves 8 to 10 pairs, spreading, slightly prominent beneath; length 4 to 5°5 in., breadth 2 to 2°5 in.; petiole ‘1 in., tomentose. Flowers extra-axillary, usually in pairs (but not con- temporaneous) ‘3 in. in diam.; pedicels ‘4 in. long, ferrugineous-tomen- tose, minutely bracteolate. Sepals smaller than the petals, semi-orbicu- lar, acute, coarsely tomentose outside, sub-glabrous inside. Petals thick, ovoid-orbicular, sub-acute, sub-concave, densely whitish-sericeous outside, glabrous within; the inner row slightly larger than the outer, neither their edges nor apices incurved. Stamens numerous, flattened, with truncate, corrugated heads. Ovaries about 10, thin, glabrous, except a few long hairs near the base, 2-ovuled: stigmas large, rounded. Ripe carpels few, ovoid, with sub-truncate apices, slightly narrowed to the stalks, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, with several horizontal constrictions when ripe ‘5 in. long and ‘25 in. in diam.; stalks ‘25 to ‘5 in. long. Seeds 2, superposed, plano-convex.

This resembles P. ramosissima in its leaves but has much larger flowers of which the inner petals are not inflexed and the carpels have 2 seeds.

Perak: King’s Collector, Wray ; from 200 to 2,500 feet.

7. Poprowia Fusca, King, n. sp. A tree 40 to 50 feet high ; young branches densely covered with purplish-brown tomentum; the older cinerous, sub-pubescent and much furrowed. Leaves coriaceous, oval- oblong, obtuse or sub-acute, the base rounded; both surfaces minutely granular, the upper shortly puberulous, the lower pubescent, the midrib and 8 to 11 pairs of spreading, rather prominent main nerves tomentose on both; length 2°5 to 3°5 in,, breadth 14 to 1°8 in. ; petiole ‘2 in. pur- plish-tomentose like the flower pedicels. Flowers in small extra-axillary fascicles from small bracteate tubercles, 25 in. in diam.; pedicels ‘15 to 25 in. Sepals ovate-obtuse, tomentose outside, glabrous inside. Petals sub-equal, rotund, very thick and fleshy, tomentose outside, puberulous inside. Ripe carpels few, globular, densely tomentose, ‘25 in. in diam. ; stalks ‘1 to *2 in. long, tomentose. Seeds solitary.

Perak, near Ulu Kerling, at an elevation of 500 feet, King’s Col- lector, No. 8602.

This much resembles P. velutina, King, but its leaves are more oval, have more nerves, and are not so pubescent.

8. Poprowia veturina, King, n. sp. A tree 20 to 40 feet high;

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young branches covered with minute soft deep brown tomentum. Leaves elliptic-oblong, to ovate-elliptic, acute or shortly and narrowly acumi- nate, slightly narrowed to the rounded sub-unequal base ; both surfaces minutely granular, the upper with a few scattered hairs ; the lower fuscous and more densely and softly pubescent, both the midrib and nerves tomentose or pubescent; main nerves 6 or 7 pairs, spreading, indistinct ; length 3 to 5 in., breadth 1:4 to 1°8 in., petiole ‘1 in. Flowers solitary or in pairs, extra-axillary, about *25 in. in diam., pedicels dense- ly tomentose, ‘35 in. long, bracteolate. Sepals broadly ovate, sub-acute, densely tomentose outside, olabrous inside, persistent in the fruit. Petals sub-equal, thick, sub-orbicular, very tomentose outside, glabrous inside. Ripe carpels few, sometimes solitary, ovoid, blunt, shghtly oblique at the base and slightly narrowed to the stalk, minutely velvety-pubescent, °5 in. long and ‘35 in. in diam.; stalks ‘2 in., tomentose; torus small. Seed solitary, glabrous, rugose, vertically furrowed.

Perak, at Kinta; at elevations under 1,000 feet; King’s Collector.

A species very like P. fusca, but with shorter, fewer-nerved leaves ; evidently not common. None of the collectors’ specimens have fully developed flowers, and the foregoing description of these is taken from a bud.

9. PopowiA TOMENTOSA, Maingay MSS. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 70. A tree; young branches softly rusty-tomentose, when older black and rugose. Leaves elliptic-oblong to elliptic, acute or shortly acuminate, the base rounded, slightly unequal-sided ; both surfaces, but especially the lower, softly pubescent ; main nerves about 10 pairs, slightly prominent, spreading; length 4°5 to 5°5 in., breadth 1:75 to3 in.; petiole ‘1 in., tomentose. Flowers extra-axillary, sub-sessile,°25 in. in diam. Sepals broadly ovate, connate, slightly smaller than the petals. Petals slightly unequal, villous outside, glabrous inside; the outer ovate, thick; the the inner larger, very thick and concave, oblong, connivent. Stamens about 25. Ovaries 7 to 9, oblong, pubescent; ovules 2. Ripe carpels globose, slightly pubescent, *5 to ‘74 in. in diam., 2-seeded; their stalks ‘35 in., pubescent.

Malacca; Maingay, (Kew Distrib.) No. 54. Penang: Curtis, No. 648. Perak; Scortechini.

Iam not satisfied that there are not two species involved here, the one with broader leaves and shorter pubescence.

10. PopowilA NERVIFOLIA, Maingay MSS. ex Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 60. A small tree 12 to 25 feet high: young branches at first densely rusty-tomentose, afterwards dark-coloured and furrowed. Leaves coria- ceous, from oblong-lanceolate or ob-lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, shortly abruptly and bluntly acuminate, the base acute ; upper surface shining,

96 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

glabrous except the puberulous midrib ; lower paler, sparsely rusty- pubescent; main nerves 10 or 11 pairs, oblique, rather prominent on the lower surface ; length 5:5 to 85 in., breadth 1:8 to 3 in.; petiole ‘35 to ‘5 in., rusty-pubescent. Flowers polygamous, extra-axillary, solitary or 2 or 3 together, sub-globose, from ‘5 to ‘75 in. in diam. ; pedicels, stout, tomentose, *15 to ‘25 long, with 2 bracts nearly as large as the sepals. Sepals ovate-orbicular, acute, slightly smaller than the outer petals, very thick, villous-tomentose outside and glabrous inside as are all the petals: inner petals larger than the outer, their apices much inflexed in bud. Stamens numerous, with flat, rhomboid heads. Ovaries numerous, hirsute. Carpels numerous, cylindric-ovoid, apiculate, narrowed to the stalk, sparsely strigose, ‘5 in. long and ‘25 in. in diam. ; stalks 2 to ‘3 in. long, strigose-pubescent; torus globular, ‘4 in. in diam. Seed pale, shining.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.,) No. 53. Perak: common at low elevations.

Allied to P. Kurzii, but with larger flowers which have their inner petals valvate with much inflexed edges.

11. Porowra Kurzn, King. A shrub or small tree; young branches at first tawny-pubescent, afterwards dark-coloured, glabrous and furrowed. Leaves sub-coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, or elliptic-ob- long sub-acute or shortly and bluntly acuminate, narrowed to the sub- cuneate (sometimes almost rounded) base; upper surface sub-granular, -minutely and sparsely adpressed-pubescent ; lower sparsely pubescent ; main nerves 9 to 12 pairs, oblique, inter-arching close to the edge, rather prominent beneath; length 5 to 9 in., breadth 1°5 to 3 in.; petiole ‘2 to 25 in., tomentose. Flowers polygamous, solitary, or in pairs, sub-sessile, extra-axillary, sub-globose, ‘4 in. in diam. ; pedicels tomentose, ‘1 to ‘2 in. long, bracteolate. Sepals smaller than the petals, valvate, semi-orbicular, and, like the petals, tomentose externally and glabrous internally. Petals sub-equal, concave, the outer ovate-orbicular, valvate; the inner

slightly smaller than the outer, imbricate. Stamens numerous, flattened, |

elongate, with linear, lateral anther-cells and flat, oblique, rhomboid apices. Ovaries (often absent) about 10, elongate, pubescent, the stigmas clavate. Fruit unknown. Polyalthia macrophylla, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 68. P. dubia Kurz F. Flora Burma, I, 38. Guatteria macrophylla, Blume Bijdr. 19; Fl. Javae Anon. 96. t. 97; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 47.

South Andaman; Kurz, King’s Collector. Burmah; province Tenas- serim; Falconer, Kurz.

This species appears to be practically dicecious. In its flowers the inner petals are distinctly imbricate; they are not connivent, and

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. rf

their points are not inflexed. And in these respects they do not answer to the diagnosis of Popowia as heretofore understood. I have therefore ventured to modify the generic character of Popowia in these points, and to institute a section of it to receive this and other two species. This species is closely allied to the plant originally described and figured by Blume as Guatteria macrophylla, (Fl. Jav. Anon. 96 +. 47,) and to receive which Miquel founded his genus Trivalvaria (Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II, 19). But, in Blume’s and Miquel’s plant, the inner petals are distinctly valvate, although their apices are not inflexed. And in the non-inflection of its petals it also does not conform to the character of Popowia as originally defined by its founder Endlicher.

12. PopowrA Hookert, King. A shrub; young branches dark- coloured, glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, broadly lanceolate or oblanceolate, acute or acuminate, the base acute: both surfaces glabrous, the lower silvery, shining: main nerves about 7 pairs, spreading, ascending, curving, rather prominent beneath, evanescent at the tips; length 5°5 to 7 in., breadth 1°6 to 2-4in. Flowers solitary or in fascicles of 2 or 3 from short extra-axillary, woody tubercles, polygamous, minute ; “the males as in Popowia Kurzii but smaller; the females with many, densely pubescent ovaries and a few imperfect stamens; bracts many, minute, strigose. Carpels many, °75 in. long, oblong, granulate, glabrous ; stalk °35 in.” Guatteria pallida, H. f. and Th. FI. Ind., 143 (not of Blume). Polyalthia argentea, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 67.

Assam and Sylhet; in dense forests, Hook. fil. and Thomson; Naga Hills, Masters. Khasia: Griffith.

A species of which I have seen only imperfect specimens. The description given above of the flowers is copied from Sir Joseph Hooker. In my opinion the plant is a Popowia rather than a Polyalthia and to the former genus I have ventured to remove it.

Doubtful Species. Popowia parvifolia, Kurz in Journ. of Botany for 1875, p. 324. Of this I have seen only leaf specimens with a few detached fruits. It ap- pears to have also had the MSS. name P. nitida given to it by Kurz.

18. Oxymitrra, Blume.

Climbing shrubs. Leaves parallel-nerved ; nervules transverse, not forming intra-marginal loops. lowers leaf-opposed or extra-axillary. Sepals 3, valvate, connate below. Petals 6, valvate, in 2 rows, outer large, long, flat or triquetrous and narrow, leathery, more or less spread- ing or connivent; inner much smaller, ovate-lanceolate or oblong (long and narrow in 0. filipes and O. glauca), conniving over the stamens and


98 G. Kine—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

ovaries. Stamens many, linear-oblong or cuneate, truncate ; anther-cells dorsal, remote (small and ovoid in O. glauca). Ovaries oblong, strigose ; style oblong or clavate, recurved; ovules 1-2, sub-basal, ascending. Ripe carpels 1-seeded, stalked.—Distrib. About 28 species, Asiatic and African.

A genus of which the flowers have some resemblance to those of Goniothalamus : but in this the inner petals are not contracted into a claw as in Goniothalamus and the calyx in this is smaller and not persistent.

Outer petals flat Shy Sc we 4b. 0. afimis: Outer petals concave. Pedicels slender, much longer than the flowers 2. O. filipes. Pedicels shorter than the flowers. Leaves oblong-elliptic, more or less obovate, blunt is _ ww. o O. calycina. Leaves oblong-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, not obovate, acute, or acuminate. Outer petals expanded and concave in the lower third ; the inner only one fourth as long as the outer, very acuminate ... at we 4. O. biglandulosa. Outer petals narrowly linear-lanceo- late, slightly expanded and concave at the very base os a. 9. O. glauca.

1. Oxymirra AFFINIS, Hook. fil.and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. I, 70. A spreading shrub or climber: young branches at first densely rusty to- mentose, afterwards dark-coloured and glabrous. Leaves membranous, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, sometimes slightly obovate, acute or very short- ly acuminate, rarely obtuse, the base rounded or slightly narrowed ; upper surface shining, minutely scaly, glabrous except the pubescent midrib; under surface slightly glaucous, pubescent especially on the midrib and nerves; main nerves 8 to 14 pairs, spreading, ascending, rather prominent on the lower surface; length 3°5 to 10 in., breadth 1:25 to 4°5 in. ; petiole ‘3 in., tomentose. Flowers solitary, extra-axillary ; pedicels ‘25 to ‘4in. Sepals slightly connate at the base, spreading, broadly ovate or orbicular-ovate, sub-acute, 3- to 7-nerved, adpressed- pubescent, ‘5 in. long and slightly narrower than the base of the petals, persistent in the fruit. Petals flat, very unequal; the outer thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, sub-acute, the midrib thick and with several strong sub-parallel nerves, adpressed-pubescent on both surfaces, 15 to 1:75 in. long and ‘4 to ‘6 in. broad; inner petals thickly coria-

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 99

ceous, ovate, sub-acute, *5 in. long, pubescent outside, glabrous inside. fiipe carpels cylindric, blunt at each end, pubescent, *5 to 8 in. long and ‘3 in. in diam.: stalks pubescent, ‘2 in. long. Seed solitary.

Malacca; Maingay, (Kew Distrib.) No. 39. Perak; King’s Col- lector, Scortechini. Distrib., Siam.

2. Oxymirra FILipes, H. f. and Th. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 71. A climber: young branches softly brown-tomentose, dark-coloured and lenticellate when old. Leaves membranous, oblong-lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, often slightly obovate, acute or shortly acuminate, slightly narrowed to the sub-cordate sometimes slightly oblique base; upper surface glab- rous, minutely scaly, sometimes pubescent, the midrib and nerves al- ways so; under surface paler, sub-glaucous, pubescent, the midrib tomentose ; main nerves 12 to 14 pairs, spreading, prominent beneath ; . secondary nerves obliquely transverse, prominent: length 4°5 to 7°65 in., breadth 1:4 to 2°5 in.; petiole -2 to ‘25 in., tomentose. Flowers very long and narrow, often curved, 1°75 to 2°5 in. long, solitary on slender extra-axillary pedicels 3 or 4 in. long, which are pubescent and have a subulate bract near the middle. Sepals 25 in. long, spreading, ovate, acute, pubescent. Petals very unequal; the outer fleshy, very narrow, triquetrous, expanded and concave at the base, pubescent; the inner less than one fifth of the outer in length, lanceolate with caudate-acu- minate apex, glabrous. Stamens numerous: ovaries l-ovuled. Ripe carpels numerous, ovate-cylindric, shortly apiculate, softly pubescent, ‘5 in. long and 25 in. in diam.; stalks °3in. long, pubescent. Seed solitary, pale.

A species readily distinguished in this genus by the extreme length and narrowness of the outer petals. Evidently closely allied to O. cuneiformis, Miq. (Polyalthia cuneiformis, Bl. Fl. Javae Anon. 75 t. 35, 36D, 37), which it resembles in that respect as also in its filiform, elon- gated pedicels.

Malacca; Maingay, (Kew Distrib.) No. 60. Perak: King’s Col- lector.

3. OxymiTRA caLycina, King, n. sp. A slender, woody creeper ; young branches densely rusty tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, oblong and sub-acute or cuneiform-oblong, very blunt or even emarginate, always slightly narrowed to the rounded or minutely cordate base; upper sur- face glabrous, shining, the midrib sometimes rufous-pubescent; under surface pale, glaucous, pubescent especially on the midrib and nerves : main nerves 7 to 14 pairs, prominent on the under, impressed on the upper, surface, spreading; the secondary nerves obliquely transverse, prominent : length 6 to 12 in., breadth 2°65 to 7°5 in., petiole ‘2 to ‘4 in., rufous tomentose. lowers solitary, extra-axillary ; pedicels ‘3 to 1 in.,

100 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Pentnsula. [No. 1,

rufous-tomentose, bearing two bracts, one small, the other large, cbo- vate, ribbed. Sepals free, nearly half as long as the outer petals, ellip- tic, sub-acute ; the edges undulate, rufous-tomentose on both surfaces. Petals thick, lanceolate, caudate-acuminate, the midrib prominent, the base concave, both rows glabrous inside, the outer about 1 to 1:25 in. long, tomentose outside ; the inner about ‘5 in. shorter, connate into a narrow, acute cone, puberulous outside. Ovaries l-ovuled. Ripe carpels elliptic, apiculate, pubescent, *35 in. long: stalks ‘2 in., pubescent.

This closely resembles Oxymitra cunetformis, Mig. of which Blume (under the name of Polyalthia cuneiformis) gives an excellent description and three admirable figures (Fl. Javae Anon. 75 t. 35, 86D. and 37. But in Blume’s plant the flowers are much larger, the petals are falcate, while the sepals are much smaller and have caudate apices: the pedi- cels too are much longer and have smaller bracteoles.

Perak : Ulu Bubong at elevations of 500 to 1,000 feet, King’s Col- lector, No. 10604. Singapore: Ridley. Penang; Curtis.

4, OXYMITRA BIGLANDULOSA, Scheffer in Nat. Tijdsch. Ned. Ind. XXXI, 341. A creeper 50 to 100 feet long ; young branches minutely rufous-sericeous, afterwards dark-coloured and glabrous. Leaves coria- ceous, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, acute or shortly acuminate, the edges slightly recurved when dry, the base rounded or slightly cuneate; upper surface glabrous, the midrib puberulous; the lower paler, sub- glaucous, puberulous or glabrescent ; main nerves 7 to 9 pairs, ascend- ing, prominent beneath; length 3°5 to 7:5 in., breadth 2to 3°5 in., petiole "2 to 4 in. Flowers shortly pedicelled, solitary, extra-axillary, 1 to 1:15 in. long: pedicels ‘4 in. long (elongating in fruit) angled, slender, with 1 subulate bracteole, Sepals fleshy, ovate, much acumi- nate, spreading or reflexed, adpressed, rusty-puberulous. Petals fleshy, yellow, very unequal: the outer lanceolate-oblong, obtuse, expanded. and concave in the lower third, rusty adpressed-pubescent ; the midrib prominent, sub-glabrous inside; the inner only as large as the sepals, with broad bases (cleft in the middle) and long acuminate points. Ripe carpels oblong-ovoid, blunt at each end or slightly apiculate at the apex, yellow when ripe, puberulous or glabrous, *75 in. long: stalks °5 in. Polyalthia biglandulosa, Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 65. Guatteria big- landulosa, Blume Fl. Javae Anon. 102, t. 51; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, p. 48; Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Ind. 143.

Malacca; Griffith, Maingay, (Kew Distrib.) No. 49. Selangor; Ridley. Perak, King’s Collector. Distrib.: Malayan Archipelago.

The structure of the flowers of this species appears to me to be

that of an Oxymtra rather than of a Polyalthia or Guatteria, and there- fore I have transferred it to this genus.

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 101

5. Oxymirra giavuca, H. f. and Th. Fl. Ind. 146; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 71. <A slender woody climber: young branches slightly tomen- tose, soon becoming glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, elliptic, ellip- tic-lanceolate to lanceolate, obtuse, acute or shortly acuminate; the base rounded, sometimes slightly narrowed ; upper surface glabrous, the midrib and sometimes the nerves pubescent ; the lower very pale, glauc- ous, glabrous or sparsely puberulous, the midrib pubescent ; main nerves 8 to 12 spairs, spreading, prominent beneath: length 4 to 6 in., breadth 15 to 2in.; petiole ‘2in., pubescent. lowers solitary, extra-axillary, narrow and elongate ; pedicels slender, ‘5 in. long, with a median subulate bract, longer in fruit. Sepals connate at the base, broadly ovate, much acuminate, adpressed-pubescent, ‘25 in., long. Petals very unequal: the outer thickly coriaceous, linear-lanceolate, sub-acute, slightly expanded and sub-concave at the base, outside minutely pubescent; inside glab- rous, the midrib prominent: inner petals with sub-orbicular bases (cleft in the middle), and long acuminate points, glabrous, only about one-fifth as long as the outer. Ovaries hairy; ovule solitary. Carpels many, ovoid, slightly apiculate, ‘4 in. long and ‘25 in. in diam., minutely tomentose ; stalks slender, °75 in. long. Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 50.

Penang, Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 58. Perak; com- mon at low-elevations. Distrib.: Sumatra, Beccari, No. 626.

19. Meztoporvum, Dunal.

Climbing shrubs. Flowers terminal, axillary and leaf-opposed, fasci- cled or panicled ; buds triquetrous. Sepals 3, small, valvate, connate below. Petals 6, valvate, in 2 rows; outer plano-convex or trigonous: inner triquetrous above, hollowed below on the inner face. Stamens many; anther-cells dorsal, contiguous; top of connective more or less flattened, triangular, quadrate or orbicular. Pistils many, free; style oblong; ovules 2 or more. Sipe carpels berried.—Distrib :—species about 35. Tropical Asia and Africa; Australia.

Section I. Menoporum proper. Outer petals oblong-ovate ; ovaries hairy, ovules usually more than 4. Seeds smooth (unknown in WV, litseae- folium).

Flowers not more than ‘4 in. long (often °5

in. in MW. fulgens), flower-buds broadly pyra- midal. Flowers °2 to 25 in. long, in few-flower- ed, lax, axillary racemes; leaves be- neath hoary-pubescent with a super- ficial layer of flexuose hairs: ovules4 1. WM. litseaefoliwm. Flowers ‘4 to ‘din. long; solitary, or in

102 G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

few-flowered terminal or leaf-opposed cymes; leaves beneath sparsely and minutely strigose: ovules 4 Flowers ‘5 in. or more in length (see also M. fulgens). Flower-buds broadly pyramidal.

Flowers racemose, rarely solitary. Leaves glabrous above except the midrib, beneath densely golden- brown sericeous. Ripe carpels ovoid-globose, 1°25 in. long, their stalks 2 to 5 in. long ate

Flowers in axillary or terminal panicles. Leaves minutely pubes- cent above, softly brown-tomen- tose beneath: ripe carpels glo- bose to ovoid, velvetty-tomentose, 1 to 2°25 in. long; stalks 75 to hy yy eee

Flowers always allay and ail lary. Ripe carpels cylindric, sub-tubercular, 1 to 1°75 in. long

Flower-buds narrowly pyramidal, race- mose or paniculate.

Leaves glabrous above except the midrib, beneath glaucous hoary- puberulous. Ripe carpels glo- bose or ovoid-globose, tubercled, L in. long, their stalks 1 in.

Leaves glabrescent or glabrous above, except the midrib ; beneath softly rufous-pubescent. Ripe carpels globular, densely and minutely dark brown-tomentose, ‘8 in. in diam.; their stalks slightly longer '

Leaves harshly pubescent ia uniformly and softly pubescent beneath. Ripe carpels globose, harshly and minutely pubescent, l‘l in. in diam.; stalks slender, twice as long a its

2. M. fulgens.

3. M. manubriatum.

4. M. latifoliwm.

o. MM. cylindriewm.

6. M. hypoglaucum.

7. M. parviflorum.

8. WM. sphaerocarpum.

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 103

Section II. Pyramrpantar. Outer petals very long, linear-lanceo- late, 1:2 to 5in. long. Flowers solitary or in pairs, axillary, rarely leat- opposed (cymose in MV. lanuginosum and M. rubiginoswm.)

Ovules more than 4.

Flowers 1:25 to 1°5 in. long; outer petals

rufous-lanate externally ; ripe carpels sub-

globose, *79 in. in diam. ae » 9. M. lanuginosum. Flowers 1:25 to 1°5 in. long; outer fivtals

minutely rufous-tomentose externally ; ripe

carpels oblong, tapering to both ends, 1°5

to 2 in. long fe .. LO. M. Maingayi. Flowers 1°5 to 2 in. long; outer cite minutely

rufous-tomentose outside; ripe carpels

ovoid, tuberculate, 1°4 in. long w. Ll. M. prismaticum. Ovules 4. Flowers 3 to 5 in. long; outer petals ad- pressed-puberulous externally .. 12. M. macranthum.

Section III. Kentra. Outer petals not much longer than broad, broadly ovate or sub-orbicular, with broad thick margins: flowers axillary ; ovaries glabrous, 2 to 8-ovuled : seeds pitted.

Ovules about 8: ripe carpels ovoid or ovoid- a

globose ; leaves oblong-lanceolate .. 13. M. elegans.

Ovules 2; ripe carpels globular: leaves

elliptic or ar oes sometimes ob- ovate c a ww. 14. M. pisocarpum.

1. MELODORUM LITSEAFOLIUM, Kane n. sp. A powerful climber : young branches densely but minutely rusty-tomentose, afterwards tuberculate and sub-glabrous. eaves coriaceous, oblong-ovate to ob- long, acute, the base rounded or slightly cuneate ; upper surface greenish when dry, glabrous, shining except the rufous-pubescent midrib ; lower reticulate; uniformly hoary-pubescent with a superficial layer of deci- duous yellowish or reddish flexuose hairs; main nerves 8 to 10 pairs, oblique, curving, prominent beneath ; length 2°75 to 4°25 in., breadth 1:35 to 16 in. Flowers ‘2 to ‘25 in. long, in few-flowered lax axillary rufous-tomentose racemes or in terminal panicles; pedicels ‘25 to ‘35 in. long with a single small median bracteole. Sepals broadly ovate- acute, concave, connate at the base, spreading, ‘1 in. long. Petals broadly ovate-oblong, acute, leathery ; outer “3 in. long, slightly con- cave and glabrous at the base, otherwise puberulous inside, rufous- tomentose outside; the inner petals much smaller, hoary-puberulous except the pitted glabrous concavity at the base inside. Stamens nu- merous, apical process of the connective broadly and bluntly triangular ;

104 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

filaments short. Ovaries few, oblong, oblique, rufous-pubescent, 4- ovuled; stigma lateral, oblong. Ripe carpels unknown.

Perak: King’s Collector, Nos. 4063 and 4986.

The flowers of this resemble those of M. fulgens, H. f. and Th., but they are smaller and more numerous than those of M. fulgens; the petals of this species also are thinner and the apical process of the anthers is broader and blunter. The leaves too of this are broader and, in the indumentum on their lower surface, they differ considerably from those of M. fulgens. Fruit of this species is as yet unknown. The ovaries have only 4 ovules.

2. Menoporum FutcEens, Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. 120. A large climber; young branches minutely tawny-pubescent, speedily becoming glabrous and dark-coloured. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, the base rounded or sub-acute; upper surface pale olivaceous when dry, glabrous, the midrib strigose ; under surface brown when dry, sparsely and minutely strigose, especially on the midrib ; main nerves 11 to 13 pairs, oblique, curving ; length 3 to 4°5 in., breadth 1:2 to 15 in. ; petiole ‘25 to ‘4 in. pubescent. Flowers ‘4 to 5 in. long, solitary or in terminal or leaf-opposed, few-flowered cymes: pedicels ‘3 to ‘4 in. long, adpressed tawny-pubescent with one sub-medial and one basal bracteole. Sepals broadly ovate, sub-acute, connate at the base, spreading, ‘1 in. long, pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Petals thick; the outer flat, ovate- oblong, sub-acute, tawny-pubescent outside, glabrous at the base inside, ‘5 in. long; inner petals like outer but concave at the base, only ‘3 in. long and glabrous, except near the apex outside. Stamens numerous ; apical process of connective of the outer lanceolate and as long as the anthers, that of the inner shorter. Ovaries narrowly oblong, oblique, curved, minutely pubescent, with 4 ovules in two rows: style lateral, half as long as the ovary, stigma small. Jipe carpels ovoid-globose densely and minutely silky tawny-tomentose like the stalks, 1 to 1'5 in, long, and ‘9 in. in diam. ; stalks ‘85 to 1°5 in. long, stout. Seeds oblong, plano-convex, brown, shining. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 82. Mig. Fi, Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2,35. Uvaria fulgens and Myristica Finlaysoniana, Wall. Cat. 6482 and 6793.

Malacca, Perak, Singapore. Distrib. Borneo, Philippines.

3. MeLODORUM MANUBRIATUM, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Ind. 118. A large creeper: young branches minutely rufous-pubescent. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, the base rounded or slightly narrowed; upper surface olivaceous when dry, glabrous, the midrib rufous-pubescent; lower uniformly covered with rather thin brown or golden sericeous tomentum ; main nerves 12 to 18 pairs, ob- lique, slightly curved, rather prominent beneath; length 2 to 45 in,

1892.] G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Mulay Peninsula. 105

breadth °75 to 15 in.; petiole 3 in., tomentose. Flowers ‘6 to “75 in. long, leaf-opposed or extra-axillary, in short racemes, rarely solitary ; pedicels ‘25 to 75 in., softly pale rufous-tomentose, with one broad clasping bracteole near the base. Sepals broadly ovate, shortly sub- acuminate, spreading, connate at the base, sericeous outside, glabrous inside. Petals leathery, ovate-lanceolate, sub-acuminate, concaye, the outer °6 to ‘75 in. long, outside sericeous, inside puberulous in the upper half, glabrous in the lower; the inner petals smaller, minutely pubescent in the upper half outside and near the apex inside, otherwise glabrous, the base very concave. Stamens numerous, the connective bluntly tri- angular at the apex. Ovaries numerous, oblong, densely sericeous; ovules 8 in 2 rows; stigma sessile, glabrous, bifid. Ripe carpels numer- ous, ovoid-globose, with thick pericarp, about 1-25 in. long, densely rufous- tomentose; stalks2 to 3 in. long. Seeds about 8, in two rows. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 79; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2,35. Melodorwm bancanum, Scheff. Nat. Tijds. XX XI, 343. Uvaria manubriata, Wall. Cat. 6456.

Penang, Malacca, Singapore. Perak: very common. Distrib. : Bangka.

4. Metoporum tatimottum, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind., 116. A large climber; young shoots velvety rufous-tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, oblong or narrowly elliptic, sub-acute or obtuse, the base rounded ; upper surface minutely pubescent, the midrib tomentose ; lower surface umformly covered with short, soft, brown tomentum; main nerves 16 to 24 pairs, spreading, bold, not inter-arching: length 3 to 75 in., breadth 1°75 to 2°65 in.; petiole ‘4 to °7 in., stout, channelled, to- mentose. Flowers from °6 to 1-25 in. in diam. when expanded, brown, in lax axillary or terminal racemes or panicles ; pedicels °35 to ‘5 in. with bracteole at the base. Sepals broadly ovate, blunt, connate into a flat triangular cup, ‘25 in. wide, tomentose outside, glabrous within like the outer petals. Petals thick, fleshy, ovate, acuminate, ‘4 to °7 in. long ; the inner much smaller. Stamens very numerous, the apex of the con- nective triangular, acute; anther-cells linear, lateral, Ovaries about 6, obliquely oblong, densely sericeous, 6- to 8-ovuled ; stigma small, sessile. Ripe carpels globose to ovoid, slightly apiculate and slightly tapering to the base, densely velvety and minutely tomentose, 1 to 2°25 in. long and 1 to 1:2 in. in diam.: stalks stout, velvety, °75 to 1°75 in. long; Hook, fil. Fl. Br, Ind. I, 79; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat.I, pt. 2, 35; Wall. Cat. 9471. M. mollissimum, Miquel Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 374. Ovaria latifolia, Blume Fl. Jay. Anon. t. 15. Unona latifolia, Dunal Anon. 115. Uvarig longifolia, Bl. Bijdr. 13.

Malacca; Griffith. Singapore; Maingay, Hullett. Perak: very common. Distrib. :—Sumatra, Java, Philippines.


106 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Uvaria latifolia, Blume, as described and figured by that author has larger flowers than the common Perak plant and its carpels are globular, whereas those of the Perak plant are ovoid and apiculate. The plant figured by Blume does, however, occur there, but it is not common. The forms may be characterised thus :—

Var. typica: flowers ‘7 in. long: fruit globular, not apiculate, 1 in. in diam. Uvaria latifolia, Blume l.c.t.15. Perak, Java.

Var. ovoidea: flowers ‘5 in. long: fruit ovoid, slightly apiculate, often oblique, as much as 2°25 in. long, very oblique and warted when young. WM. latifolium, H. f. and Th. Fl. Br. Ind. 79. Malacca, Perak, Singapore. The common form in the Malay Peninsula.

5. Menoporum cyiinpricum, Maingay in Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 80. A climber: young branches minutely rusty-pubescent, speedily glabrous and dark-coloured. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, brownish when dry, acute or acuminate, the base rounded or slightly narrowed ; upper surface quite glabrous, the lower paler, minutely pubescent ; main nerves 8 to 10 pairs, spreading, very faint; length 2°5 to 4°25 in., breadth 1°6 to 18 in., petiole ‘5 in. Flowers ‘5 in. long, solitary, axillary, drooping ; buds short, pyramidal, adpressed, brown-pubescent : pedicel short, stout, with minute bracteole. Sepals small, triangular, connate, forming a flat spreading cup. Outer petals triangular-ovate, triquetrous with an ex- cavated base ; the inner very small, triangular, glabrous. Stamens nu- merous, the apex of the connective orbicular. Ovaries 4 to 6, sericeous. Ripe carpels cylindric, curved, both ends obtuse, sub-tubercular, minutely brown-pubescent, 1 to 175 in. long and °35 to °75 in. in diam. ; pericarp thin; stalk *5 in. long, stout. Seeds many, horizontal, in two series, compressed, ‘65 in. long, shining, with a small cartilaginous arillus.

Malacca; Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 78. Singapore: Ridley, No. 2115.

6. Metoporum HypociaucumM, Miquel in Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. IT, 37. A strong creeper: young branches minutely rufous-pubescent, ultimately glabrous, rather pale and much tubercled. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, acute or shortly acumi- nate, the base rounded or cuneate; upper surface glabrous except the rufous-puberulous midrib ; lower minutely hoary-puberulous, the 10 or 12 pairs of bold oblique curving main nerves ultimately glabrous and darker-coloured ; length 3 to 5°5 in., breadth 1:35 to 2:2 in., petiole -25 in. Flowers *5 to ‘8 in. long, in lax, 2-to 3-flowered, axillary racemes or (by abortion of the leaves) in lax, terminal, 10- to 12-flowered panicles ; pedicels as long as the flowers, slender; bracteoles 1 or 2, minute. Sepals ovate, acute, concave, conjoined only at the base, rufous-pubes- cent outside; puberulous within. Petals leathery, linear-lanceolate,

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 107

the base expanded and concave: the outer minutely rufous-tomentose on the external surface, paler and pubescent on the internal, ‘5 to ‘8 in. long, concave for their whole length : the inner one-third shorter with a glabrous concavity at the base only, the rest triquetrous, and puberu- lous. Stamens numerous; apical process of connective large, broader than the anther-cells, sub-globular. Ovaries about 12, oblong, golden- silky : with 4 to 6-ovules in 2 rows: stigma large sub-capitate; style short. Ripe carpels globose or ovoid-globose, tubercled, puberulous or glabrescent, 1 in. long; stalks about the same length, striate. Seeds about 4 or 5, oval, compressed, smooth, brown, shining.

Perak: Scortechini, King’s Collector.

This plant agrees fairly well with the only specimens of Melodorwm hypoglaucum, Miq. which I have been ableto consult. It also agrees fairly with Miquel’s description of that species. But its petals and stamens,and its ovaries externally are rather those of Xylopia than of Melo- dorum ; although its habit, its torus and carpels are emphatically those of the latter genus In the number of ovules it agrees with the majority of the species of Melodorwm. It thus forms a connecting link between the two genera.

7. Metoporum parvirLoruM, Scheffer in Nat. Tijdsch. Ned. Ind. XXXI, 344. A powerful chmber; young shoots minutely rusty-tomen- tose, the bark dark-coloured. eaves coriaceous, more or less broadly elliptic, abruptly acute; the base broad, rounded: upper surface pale yellowish-green when dry, when young minutely stellate-pubescent, when old glabrescent or quite glabrous, the midrib always tomentose ; under surface softly rufous-pubeseent, the nervation and venation very prominent; main nerves 13 to 15 pairs, oblique, curving, inter-arching close to the edge; length 3 to 6 in., breadth 2°25 to 3:2 in., petiole °4 in. Flowers °5 in. long, in lax axillary or terminal rusty racemes often more than half as long as the leaves: pedicels ‘4 to ‘6 in. long with 1 or 2 small bracteoles, Sepals triangular, spreading, connate at the base, rusty-tomentose outside, glabrescent inside like the petals, -1 in. long. Petals thick, leathery, oblong-lanceolate with broad bases; the outer *5 in. long; the inner smaller, concave at the base, triquetrous in the upper half. Stamens numerous, the connective with compressed sub- quadrate apical appendage. Ovaries narrow, elongate, densely sericeous, 6- to 8-ovuled. Ripe carpels globular, sometimes very slightly apiculate, densely but minutely dark-brown tomentose, ‘8 in. diam. ; stalks rather longer, slender, tomentose.

Perak: King’s Collector.—Distrib.: Bangka.

A species closely allied to M. sphaerocarpuwm, Blume. The leaves of this are, however, larger, the upper surface is stellate-tomentose

108 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

when young and dries a pale yellowish-green; the flower-racemes are much longer and laxer, and the flowers larger.

8. Metoporum spHanrocarrtM, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, pt. 2, p. 35. A strong climber: young branches and all others parts more or less dark rusty-velvety tomentose. Leaves elliptic-oblong, obtuse and very slightly apiculate, slightly narrowed to the rounded base ; upper surface with harsh, short pubescence, the midrib tomentose ; lower surface uni- formly and minutely soft-pubesceut: main nerves 8 to 12 pairs, oblique not inter-arching at the tips, prominent beneath ; the connecting veins transverse oblique, rather prominent, length 2°5 to 4°5 in., breadth 1°25 to 2 in., petiole 35 in. Flowers ‘6 or °7 in. in diam., in axillary or terminal racemes or panicles ; pedicels 35 to *5 in. long with a small supra-basal bracteole. Sepals ovate-acuminate, connate at the base, spreading, minutely tomentose outside, glabrescent inside. Petals thick, leathery, brown outside, pink within, ovate, acuminate, shghtly pouched

‘at the base; the outer ‘3 to ‘35 in. long, tomentose outside, puberulous

within: the inner smaller than the outer, more concave at the base, glabrous or glabrescent, the upper part very thick. Stamens numerous, the apex of the connective thick, obliquely triangular; anther-cells linear, lateral. Ovaries about 6, elongate, oblique, pubescent, with 6 to 8 ovules: style short, glabrous: stigma small. Ripe carpels globular, harshly and minutely pubescent, 1‘1 in. in diam.: stalks rather slender, about twice as long. Unona sphaerocarpa, Blume Bijdr. 12: Fl. Javae Anon. 79 t. 16.

Perak: King’s Collector.

This is allied to M. latifolivm; but has smaller leaves with fewer nerves ; its pubescence is very dark rusty, not tawny; and the apices of the anthers are truncate, not bearing a broad triangular, acute point. It is also allied to M. parviflorum, Scheff.

9. Metoporum tanvuainosum, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 117. A strong creeper; young branches softly rufous-tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, sometimes sub-obovate-oblong, abruptly acute or shortly acuminate, rarely obtuse, the base rounded; upper surface glabrous, the midrib rufous-tomentose, olivaceous when dry ; lower sur- face densely rufous-lanate ; main nerves 12 to 20 pairs, oblique, curving, inter-arching close to the edge, prominent beneath ; length 3°5 to 9 in., breadth 1:9 to 35 in.; petiole ‘4 to ‘6 in., stout, taindeiboke. Flowers 1:25 to 1:5 in. long, aos or leaf- etc solitary, or in short 2- to 4- flowered cymes; pedicels stout, lanate, ‘5 in. long, with a single basal bracteole. Sepals ovate, spreading, slightly connate, golden or rufous- lanate outside, glabrous inside like the outer petals. Petals thick, leathery, oblong-lanceolate from a broad base, sub-acute, the outer 1 25

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 109

to 15 in. long; the inner smaller, glabrescent or glabrous, concave at the base. Stamens numerous, the connective obliquely triangular at the apex ; the anther-cells very narrow, lateral. Ovaries obovoid, oblique, curved, densely sericeous, 4- to 6-ovuled; style glabrous. Ripe carpels sessile, shortly stalked, sub-globose, narrowed to the base; densely and softly rufous-tomentose, about °75 in. in diam. when ripe ; seeds about 4. Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 35; Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 79. Uvaria tomentosa, Wall. Cat. 6454.

Penang: Wallich, Curtis. Singapore; Wallich. Pangkore: Curtis. Penang; Scortechini, Wray, King’s Collector.

At once distinguished by its large flowers, lanate leaves and sessile, or shortly stalked, rufous-tomentose fruit.

10. Metoporum Marneayr, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. I, 80. A climber: young branches pubescent, dark-coloured. Leaves coriace- ous, reddish-brown when dry, broadly elliptic or oblong, rounded at both ends, the tip sometimes minutely apiculate; upper surface glabrous except the puberulous midrib; lower glaucous and finely pubescent ; main nerves 14 to 16 pairs, spreading, slightly prominent and dark- coloured beneath; length 3 to 6 in., breadth 1:5 to 2°35 in.; petiole 6 in. Flowers 1-25 to 15 in. long, solitary, axillary ; buds swollen at the base, narrowed and triquetrous above: pedicels 25 to ‘5 in., stout; bracteoles several, small. Sepals orbicular, sub-acute, quite connate into a disk, 35 in. in diam. Petals leathery; the outer oblong-lanceolate, with broad base, flat but keeled down the middle inside, outside minutely rufous-tomentose, inside hoary-pubescent ; inner very small, triangular- ovate, glabrous. Stamens numerous, small, with a broad rounded apical process, convex. Ovaries about 6, sericeous on one side; stigma sub- sessile. tipe carpels oblong, tapering to each end, the apex shortly beaked, rusty-puberulous ; the pericarp thick, 15 to 2 in. long and °75 in. in diam. ; stalks ‘5 in. long, stout. Seeds many, in horizontal rows, ‘5 in. long testa shining, not margined.

Penang; Maingay (Kew Distrib.,) No. 108, Curtis, No. 1046. Perak : Wray, 1112.

11. Metoporum prismaticum, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. 121. A large creeper; young branches glabrous, dark-coloured. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, elliptic-oblong, rarely obovate-oblong, abruptly and shortly acuminate; the base broad, rounded: upper surface glabrous except the minutely puberulous midrib; lower surface glaucous, reticu- late, finely pubescent especially on the midrib; main nerves 12 to 18 pairs, spreading, faint especially near the tip, the secondary nerves pro- minent ; length 45 to 85 in., breadth 2°3 to 33 in., petiole -5 to ‘7 in. Flowers 15 to 2 in. long, axillary, solitary ; pedicels °3 to °6 in. long,’

110 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

rufous-tomentose, with 1 large bracteole above the middle and several smaller near the base. Sepals quite connate into a flat, obtusely 3-angled disk, ‘3 in. broad, pubescent outside, glabrous and tubercled inside. Petals very thick: the outer linear-lanceolate, 1°5 to ‘2 in. long, trique- trous, rufous-tomentose outside, puberulous inside: the inner thinner and only about ‘3 in. long, triangular, ridged outside, much excavated and glabrous at the base inside, otherwise puberulous. Stamens numer- ous, with very short filaments, anthers linear, apex of connective ob- liquely triangular. Ovaries elongate, oblong, tapering to the apex, shortly pubescent: ovules about 14, in 2 rows; style short, lateral; stigma sub-capitate, lobulate. Ripe carpels ovoid, blunt, tuberculate, puberulous, becoming sub-glabrous, 14 in. long and ‘8 in. in diam. : stalks ‘8 to 1 in., stout. Seeds in 2 rows, horizontal compressed, oval, black, shining. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 81; Mig. Fl. Ind. Baty Pt. 2, 36. Pyramidanthe rufa, Miq. Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II, 39. Uvaria rufa, Wall. Cat. 6455. Oxymitra bassiefolia, Teysm, and Binnin. in Tijdsch. Ned. Ind. XXV, (1863), 419.

Penang, Malacca, Perak, Singapore: common. Distrib. : Borneo.

Authentic specimens both of Pyramidanthe rufa and of Oxymittra bassiefolia, T. and B. shew that they unmistakably belong to this species. Specimens of the former from Bangka and from the Buitenzorg Botanic Garden have, however, their leaves rather more hairy beneath than is usual in Perak specimens and their flowers are also rather longer.

12. Metoporum MAcRANTHUM, Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 1872, Pt. II, 291; 1874, Pt. 11, 56; F. Flora Burma, I, 42. A small tree: all parts except the young leaf-buds and the flower glabrous; young branches dark-coloured, rather slender. Leaves membranous, elliptic- oblong, sometimes slightly obovate, shortly and abruptly acuminate, the base cuneate ; upper surface shining, the lower dull; main nerves 12 to 16 pairs, faint and much more prominent than the secondary, forming a double set of intra-marginal arches: length 6 to 8 in., breadth 2°5 to 3°5 in., petiole 3 to ‘4 in. Flowers solitary, axillary or from the branches below the leaves, 3 to 5 in. long, drooping; pedicels *5 to °75 in. long, obscurely bracteolate at the base only. Sepals broadly ovate, sub-acute, coriaceous, pubescent at the edges inside, glabrous outside, connate for half their length, ‘45 in. long. Petals greenish-white, becom- ing yellowish, coriaceous; narrowly linear-lanceolate, acuminate, the outer row flat, adpressed-puberulous with a glabrous patch at the base inside, 3 to 5 in. long; the inner row only 1 to 1:25 in long, cohering by their edges, vaulted at the base and with a glabrous patch; the limb keeled ‘inside, puberulous on both surfaces. Stamens numerous, the anther-cells linear, elongate; apical process of connective narrowly tri-

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. et

angular, pointed. Ovaries numerous, narrowly oblong, adpressed-rufous- pubescent, 4-ovuled: style nearly as long as the ovary, cylindric, bent outwards, glabrous; stigma small, slightly bifid. Ripe carpels oblong, blunt, tapering at the base, slightly rugose, glabrous, 1°25 to 1°5 in, long and about °5 or ‘6 in. in diam.: stalk ‘4 to'5in. Seeds 1 or 2, com- pressed, ovoid, smooth. Unona macrantha, Kurz. in Andam. Report, Ed. I, App. B. 1: Pyramidanthe macrantha, Kurz. 1. c. Ed. 2, p. 29,

S. Andaman; Kurz, King’s Collector.

In some of its characters, (e. g., the erect habit, the fewness of the ovules, and the thin texture and flatness of the much elongated outer petals) this does not quite conform to the characters of typical Melodo- rum. By its thin elongated outer petals, it approaches the Dasymasch- alon section of Unona; but the fewness of its ovules excludes it there- from. From Xylopia, which it in some respects resembles, it is chiefly excluded by the very convex torus of its flowers, and by the very pointed apical appendage of its stamens. The stamens on the other hand are those of Melodorum, and the petals resemble those of M. prismaticum (Pyramidanthe rufa, Miq.). On the whole therefore, I think, it best to leave this plant in the genus to which Kurz finally referred it.

13. Metoporum ELEGANS, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 122. A large climber: young branches slender, puberulous at first, ultimately glabrous, dark-coloured. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, slightly narrowed to the rounded base: upper surface oliva- ceous when dry, glabrous: lower paler, puberulous, minutely reticulate, the 12 or 13 pairs of main nerves spreading, faint: length 2°5 to 3°5 in., breadth 1 to 1:25 in., petiole ‘25 to 35 in. Flowers axillary, solitary or 2 or 3 in a fascicle, *35 to “65 in. long: pedicels slender, ‘35 to ‘6 in. long often deflexed, with 2 or 3 minute basal bracteoles. Sepals ovate, acute, united at the base only, spreading, outside tubercular and pubescent, inside glabrous and concave, ‘l in. long. Petals leathery, the outer broadly ovate, sometimes minutely ovate-oblong, silky, rufous-tomentose outside, hoary-puberulous within, with a perfectly glabrous patch at the concave base, 35 to °6 in long: inner petals only °25 in. long, very thick, triquetrous and puberulous above, concave and glabrous at the base, inside. Stamens numerous, with filaments half as long as the anther- cells; apical process of connective short, thick, obliquely triangular. Ovaries narrowly oblong, glabrous, with 8 ovules in 2 rows: style short, lateral. Ripe carpels ovoid or ovoid-globose, blunt at each end, glabrous, "35 to ‘5 in. long: stalks slender, *25 in. long, compressed, black, shining, pitted. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 82: Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, pt. 2, p. 36. Uvaria elegans, Wall. Cat. 64744.

This is closely allied to M. fulgens, H. f. and T.; but its flowers have


112 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

more slender and usually longer pedicels: the ovary of this is moreover glabrous, while that of M. fulgens is pubescent and the carpels of this are under half an inch in length, while those of M. fulgens are three times as long. This is also allied to M. Kentw, H. f. and Th., the ovaries of which have, however, never more than two ovules.

Penang: Wallich. Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.,) No. 75. Perak: King’s Collector, Wray, Scortechini.

14. Menoporum prsocarpuM, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 123. A powerful climber: young branches glabrous, black. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, sometimes obovate-elliptic, shortly and abrupt- ly acuminate; the base rounded or sub-cuneate: upper surface olivace- ous when dry, glabrous, shining ; the lower glaucous, slightly puberulous when young: main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, spreading, very indistinct ; length 2°5 to 4 in., breadth 1:25 to 1°8 in., petiole 385 in. Flowers ‘3 to ‘65 in. long, axillary, solitary or in pairs; pedicels rather stout, deflexed, rufous-puberulous, bi-bracteolate at the base, ‘25 to ‘35 in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, acute, concave, connate into a triangular cup, rufous-pu- berulous outside, glabrous inside, persistent. Petals thick: the outer flat, oblong-ovate, acute, minutely silky, rufous-tomentose outside, hoary pubescent inside except on the glabrous basal excavation, ‘3 to ‘65 in. long: inner petals less than half as long, with a large glabrous basal concavity and a short, thick, triquetrous point, hoary-puberulous. Sta- mens numerous, filament very short, apical process of connective orbicu- lar. Ovaries narrowly oblong, glabrous, pitted, 2-ovuled : style lateral, nearly as long as the ovary. ipe carpels globular, slightly tubercled, glabrous, *25 in. in diam.: stalks about as long. Seeds 2, plano-convex, dark-brown, shining, pitted. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. J, 82 ; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 37. M. pyramidule, Maingay MSS. Uvaria mabiformis, Griff. Notulae, [V, 709.

Malacca; Griffith, Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 77. Singapore ; Ridley. Penang; Curtis. Perak; common. Distrib. Sumatra, Forbes, No. 2182.

Only two species of Melodorwm besides this have glabrous ovaries (M. Kentii and M. elegans) ; but whereas those of this and M. Kentii are Q-ovuled, the ovaries of WM. elegans have 8, or, according to Sir Joseph Hooker, sometimes 10 ovules. This species has however different leaves from the two above mentioned, and its carpeis are much smaller and

quite globular. As in other species of Melodorwm, there is considerable

variability in the size of the flowers in this species.

20. Xyiopia, Linn. Trees or shrubs. - Leaves coriaceous. Flowers axillary, solitary od

1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 113

cymose or fascicled; buds triquetrous, conic, often slender. Sepals 3, valvate, connate. Petals 6, elongate, valvate, in 2 series; outer flat or concave ; inner nearly as long, trigonous, concave at the base only. Torus flat, or hollow and enclosing the carpels. Stamens oblong, truncate or connective produced; anther-cells remote or contiguous, often septate and with a large pollen-grain in each cellule. Ovaries 1 or more; style long, clavate; ovules 2-6 or more, 1- to 2-seriate. Ripe carpels long or short, continuous or moniliform, usually several-seeded.— Distrib. Tro- pics generally; species 60 to 70.—Closely allied to Melodorum, but very different in habit. Leaves quite glabrous. Leaves 6 or 7 in. long ae ore) Lan EAs Onyantha. Leaves between 3 and 5 in. long. Ripe carpels cylindric, boldly tubercled 2. X. dicarpa. - Bs ee smooth wv. & XX. malayana. Leaves between 2 and 3 in. long. Flowers always solitary; pedicels with 2 or 3 orbicular bracteoles, apical pro- cess of stamens rounded, anther-cells septate te oes wv. 4. X. Maingayi. Flowers solitary or in pairs, ‘5 in. long: pedicels with orbicular basal bracte- oles ; apical process of stamens round- ed ; anther-cells septate... 5. X. pustulata. Flowers in fascicles or solitary, 75 i in. long: pedicels ebracteolate; apical process of stamens oblong: anther- cells not septate he 6. X. fusca. Both surfaces of leaves glabrous, the midrib tone pubescent in its lower half on the upper sur- face ; length 5°5 to 9°5 in. i: @. X. Curtisin: ee glabrous on the upper surface ne midr a pubescent in X. caudata), the lower slightly pubescent or puberulous. Leaves more or less lanceolate, acute or acu- minate, not at all obovate. Leaves 2 or 3 in. long. Leaves not glaucous beneath. Flowers ‘5 to ‘57 in. long, soli- tary, axillary, obtuse . 8. X. elliptica. Flowers ‘2 to ‘25 in. long, axil- lary, solitary, or 2 to 3 to- gether ina 9 XX. caudata. 15

> ay a

114 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. {[Ne. 1,

Leaves glaucous beneath .. 10. X. stenopetala. Leaves 3°5 to 5°5 in. long, leaves glan- cous beneath; petals very long and narrow Ete . 10. X. stenopetala. Leaves more or less obovate or splilneenletes 4 to 7 in. long. Leaves 1°75 to 4 in. broad ; eo pedi- cels :2 to ‘25 in. jones ripe carpels broadly ovoid, blunt, sub-glabrous ... ll. X. Scortechiniv. Leaves 1:75 to 2°5 in. broad; flower pedicels ‘5 to *8 in. long; ripe carpels globular, densely and minutely yel- lowish-tomentose ane . 12. X. olivacea. Upper surfaces of leaves glabrous (the noes alone pubescent in some): under surfaces uni- formly pubescent. Under-surface of leaves adpressed-rufous- sericeous; length 2 to3in. ... wv. 13. X. obtustfolia. Under-surface of leaves deep brown, the pubescence slightly paler; length 3 to 45 in. ; ripe carpels obovoid-oblong, blunt 14. X. magna. Under-surface of leaves purplish-brown, pu- bescent ; length 3°5 to 55 in. ; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs; ripe carpels much elon- gate, cylindric, many-seeded .., .. 15. X. ferruginea. Under-surface of leaves brownish-tomen- tose; length 6°5 to 85 in.; nerves 12 to 14 pairs .. 16. X. Ridleyt. 1. Xyuopra oxyanTHaA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 85. A tree: young parts puberulous ; the branchlets rather stout, striate. Leaves coriaceous, ovate or oblong, abruptly and shortly acuminate, glabrous, glaucous on the lower surface; main nerves 12 to 15 pairs, spreading, thin; length 6 to 7 in., breadth 2°5 to 3 in., petiole ‘35 in. Pedunceles axillary, in fascicles, °35 5 ‘5 in. long, adpressed-pubescent. Sepals broadly ovate. Outer petals narrowly linear, tapering at the apex, yellowish pubescent, slightly keeled at the back, 1:25 to 15 in. glon Stamens and ovaries as in X. ferruginea. Habzelia oxyantha, Hook. fil and Th. Fl. Ind. 124; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, pt. 2,37. Uvaria oxyantha, Wall. Cat. 6478. Singapore: Wallich. 2. Xywopra picarpa, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. I, 85. A tree 20 to 25 feet high; branches glabrous, dark-coloured, minutely

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dotted. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, the base acute; both surfaces glabrous, minutely reticulate; main nerves about 10 pairs, spreading, very faint, the secondary nerves almost as distinct ; length 3 to 45 in., breadth 1°5 to 1°75 in., petiole ‘25 in. Flowers solitary or in pairs, pendent, 1°56 in. long: pedicel very short with 1 to 3 orbicular, amplexicaul, glabrous bracteoles. Sepals ovate, obtuse, tubercled, connate to the middle. Petals linear oblong, slightly expanded and concave at the base, hoary, pubescent ; the inner narrower and shorter than the outer, sub-trigonous. Stamens numerous, the inner rudimentary : apical process rounded; anthers linear, septate. Ovaries 2 to 4, pilose, multi-ovular: style short. Ripe carpels cylindric, blunt at each end, much tubercled, puberulous, 1°5 in. long and about ‘75 in. in diam. Seeds 7 or 8, compressed, the testa pale, scaly.

Singapore: Maingay (Kew Distribution in part) No. 84, King’s Collector No. 7079.

3. XyiLoria Manayana, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 125. A slender tree: young branches thin, glabrous, the buds pubescent. Leaves thinly coriaceous, shortly and bluntly acuminate, the base cuneate; both surfaces glabrous; main nerves about 8 pairs, faint, spreading ; length 3°5 to 5 in., breadth 1°5 to 2 in,, petiole 2 in. Flowers ‘6 to ‘9 in. long, solitary or in pairs, axillary; pedicels rufous-pubescent, ‘1 in. long, with several bracteoles at the base. Sepals broadly ovate, sub- acute, puberulous outside and on the edges, glabrous inside, ‘15 in. long and as broad. Petals linear-oblong, tapering to the apex, concave and glabrous at the slightly expanded base, densely pubescent elsewhere ; the inner slightly narrower and shorter than the outer and more con- cave at the base. Stamens numerous, the apices rhomboid, papillose ; the anthers long, lateral, with transverse divisions. Pistils about 6; the ovaries oblong, densely pale-hirsute, about as long as the stamens, 2-ovuled ; styles about as long as the ovaries and projecting far above the stamens, glabrous, sub-cylindric, clavate. Ripe carpels (fide Maingay) -35 to 1 in., several-seeded ; stalk short, thick. Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 85; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 38. Parartabotrys swm- atrana, Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 374; Scheffer in Nat. Tijdsch. Ned. Ind. XXXI, 15.

Malacca; Griffith, Derry, Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 81. Singa- pore, Ridley. Perak; Scortechini. Distrib., Sumatra.

4. Xystorpta Marneayi, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 85. A tree ? Young branches rusty-pubescent, afterwards glabrous and with white dots. Leaves small, coriaceous, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, subacute or obtusely acuminate, the base sub-cuneate : both surfaces glabrous and reticulate, the upper pale, the lower dark ; main nerves slender ; length 2

116 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

to 3 in., breadth 1 to 1:25 in.; petiole ‘25 to 3in. Flowers solitary, pendent, pale-orange; pedicels very short, stout, curved; bracteoles 2 or 3, orbi- cular, rusty-tomentose. Sepals broadly ovate, connate to the middle, rusty-tomentose. Petals flat, linear-oblong, sub-acute, softly tomentose except the glabrous concave base; the inner narrower, almost as long, trigonous. Stamens with rounded apiculus: the anthers narrow, sep-

tate. Ovaries about 9, with 6 ovules; style glabrate. Ripe carpels unknown.

Malacca: Maingay.

5. Xy.opra pustunaTa, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 85. A tree: young branches pale, glabrous, minutely white-dotted. Leaves coriaceous, small, elliptic, sub-obtuse, the base acute, both surfaces gla- brous, the lower reddish brown and reticulate: main nerves faint, not more prominent than the secondary. lowers solitary or in pairs, axil- lary, ‘5 in. long, pendent; pedicels very short, with orbicular, ciliate, deciduous basal bracteoles. Sepals short, ovate, sub-acute, rusty-pubes- cent, united to the middle. Petals linear, sub-acute, densely adpressed- pubescent ; the outer obtuse with a rather broad concave base, the inner shorter and much narrower with a broader concave base. Stamens linear with rounded apiculus: the anthers long, septate. Ovaries 5 to 8, hirsute ; the style slender with clavate stigma; ovules several. Rape carpels unknown.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distribution) No. 86.

6. Xynopra Frusca, Maingay ex Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 85.. A tree ; young branches rather stout, glabrous, black: buds silky. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, obtuse, the base cuneate; upper surface glabrous shining ; the lower dull, dark, reticulate ; main nerves 8 or 9 pairs, very faint; length 2 to 3 in., breadth °75 to 1 in.; petiole ‘2 in., stout. Flowers ‘75 in. long, supra-axillary, solitary, racemed, or fascicled ; peduncle °25 to ‘75 in. with several bracts ; pedicels ‘25 in., puberulous, ebracteolate. Sepals ovate, acute, connate into a cup with 3 spreading, acute teeth, puberulous outside. Petals linear-oblong, tapering to the sub-acute apex: the outer adpressed golden-sericeous outside; the inner nar.-, rower and shorter, concave at the base. Stamens with an oblong apical process ; anthers linear, lateral, not septate. Ovaries 4 or 5, cohering into a cone, golden-silky ; ovules 10 to 16, in two rows. Ripe carpels unknown.

Malacca: Maingay, (Kew Distribution) No. 86.

7. Xytopia Cortisu, King, n. sp. A tree 30 feet high: young branches stout, glabrous, striate, dark-coloured. Leaves very coriaceous, oblong, acute or shortly acuminate; the base cuneate, slightly oblique: upper surface glabrous, shining; the lower dull, darker (when dry),

1892.] G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 117

puberulous on the midrib near the base; main nerves 12 to 20 pairs, very prominent beneath and connected by straight transverse veins ; length 5:5 to 9°5 in., breadth 2 to 3 in.; petiole “35 in., stout. lowers 1 or 2, on stout woody extra-axillary peduncles; pedicels ‘2 in. long, rufous-pubescent, with a single large bracteole. Sepals thick, spread- ing, broadly ovate, sub-acute, minutely tomentose on both surfaces but especially on the outer. Petals thick, subequal, linear-oblong, obtuse, keeled outside ; the claw orbicular, vaulted over the andro-gyncecium and glabrous inside, otherwise minutely tomentose, ‘75 in. long. Stamens numerous, the heads obliquely truncate and concealing the linear, lateral anthers. Ovary solitary, cylindric, fluted, glabrous, multi-ovulate. Lipe carpel ovoid, compressed, silvery-grey, many-seeded, 3 in. long, and 2°5 in. in diam.

Penang: Curtis, No. 16569.

8. XyYLOPIA ELLIPtIcA, Maingay ex Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. IJ, 86. A tall tree: young branches dark-coloured, glabrous, the youngest pu- bescent. Leaves membranous, small, elliptic, obtusely acuminate, the base rounded or acute: upper surface glabrous, pale; the lower brown, minutely adpressed-pubescent ; both reticulate: main nerves 6 or 7 pairs, oblique, very faint; length 1°5 to 2 in, breadth 1 to 1:25 in.; petiole ‘2 in., slender. Flowers solitary, erect, axillary, ‘5 to °75 in. long: peduncle about half as long, rusty-pubescent like the calyx, bracteoles minute. Sepals ovate, sub-acute, united to the middle. Petals pale brownish-tomentose ; the outer linear-subulate with a broader con- cave base: the inner trigonous, shorter and narrower than the outer. Stamens numerous, minute, the apex rounded; anthers linear. 1 to 3, densely hairy, 4- to 6-ovuled. Ripe carpels unknown.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.,) No. 82. Perak: Wray No. 3194. Penang: Curtis, No. 2482:

9. Xynopra cAupATA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 125. A shrub or small tree: young branches very slender, minutely pubescent. Leaves thinly coriaceous, lanceolate, long and obtusely acuminate, the base cuneate; upper surface glabrous except the pubescent midrib; the lower sparsely adpressed-sericeous : main nerves about 10 pairs, spread- ing, faint; length 2 to 2°25 in., breadth ‘6 to ‘8 in,; petiole ‘1 in:, slender. Peduncles 1 to 3, axillary, very short, minutely bracteolate at base and apex. Flowers °2 to 3 in. long. Sepals ovate, sub-acute, con- nate at the base, adpressed-pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Petuls linear-oblong, obtuse, pubescent except a small glabrous concave spot at the base, the inner about as long as, but narrower than, the outer. Anthers rather numerous, compressed, the apical process narrow. Ovaries 2, elongate, sericeous, 2-ovuled: style long, pointed, glabrous, exserted.


118 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

Ripe carpels (fide Hooker) 2 or 3, sub-globose or ovoid, pubescent, °5 in. long, 2-seeded. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 85; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2,38. Guatteria (7) caudata, Wall. Cat. 6452.

Singapore: Wallich, Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 79. Malacca ; Griffith.

10. XYLOPIA STENOPETALA, Oliver in Hook. Ic. Plantar. t. 1563. A tree 50 to 60 feet high: young branches dark-coloured, glabrescent, minutely lenticellate. Leaves thinly coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, shortly and obtusely acuminate, the base sub-cuneate ; upper surface glabrous, shining; the lower glaucous or glaucescent, sparsely adpressed-pubes- cent; both reticulate; main nerves 10 or 12 pairs, spreading, inter- arching close to the edge, faint: length 2°5 to 45 in., breadth 1:] to 1°6 in., petiole *25 in. Flowers axillary, solitary or in fascicles of 2 to 5; pedicels slender, often decurved, puberulous, with one minute bracteole, ‘5 to 75 in. long. Sepals united to forma small puberulous cup with acute, spreading teeth. Petals fleshy, very narrow, slightly expanded and concave at the base, minutely tawny-pubescent, the inner slightly shorter and narrower. Stamens linear, the connective prolonged into a cylindro-conic apical appendage ; the anthers fusiform, lateral. Ovaries numerous, elongate, pubescent, 6-ovuled; style filiform: stigma sub- clavate. Ripe carpels oblong, sub-terete, narrowed to the stalk, 2 to 2°5 in. long and ‘5 in. diam.: pericarp fleshy. Seeds 1 to 4: stalks thick, 3 in. long.

Penang; on Government Hill at 600 feet: Curtis Nos. 857 and 880.

11. Xynopia Scorrecuinu, King n. sp. <A tree 50 to 60 feet high: young branches rusty-tomentose, ultimately glabrous, much striate and pale brown. Leaves coriaceous, obovate-elliptic to elliptic-obloug, very shortly and abruptly acuminate, shghtly narrowed to the sub-cuneate rounded slightly oblique base: upper surface glabrous, the midrib slightly rufous-puberulous near the base: lower surface pale, sparsely rufous-pubescent especially on the midrib and 10 to 14 pairs of oblique, rather straight, prominently raised main nerves; length 4 to 7 in., breadth 1°75 to 4 in. ; petiole °35 in., pubescent. Flowers rarely solitary, usually in fascicles of 2 to 5 on tubercles in the axils of leaves or of fallen leaves ; pedicels short, (-2 to ‘25 in.), stout, rusty-tomentose with a sub-mesial bracteole. Sepals quite free, broadly ovate, blunt, pubes- cent outside, glabrous inside. Petals thickened, linear-obtuse with an orbicular concave claw, vaulted over the stamens and pistils, 1°25 to 1°75 in. long, pubescent everywhere except on the glabrous concavity of the claw. Stamens numerous, with truncate 4- or 5-angled apices concealing the lateral anthers. Ovaries few, short, oblong, pubescent, 4- or 5-ovuled ; stigma large, oblong. Ripe carpels broadly ovoid, blunt, rufous-pubes-

1892.| G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 119

cent when young, glabrescent when old, ‘8 in. long and ‘6 in. in diam. Seeds about 4, discoid, pale brown, shining. Drepananthus stenopetala, Scortechini, MSS.

Perak: Scortechini, No. 1781; King’s Collector, No.-8241.

A species allied to X. olivacea, King; but with broader leaves, shorter flower pedicels, narrower petals and ovoid sub-glabrous fruit.

12. Xyuopra onivacea, King n sp. A shrub or small tree: young branches pubescent, ultimately brown, striate and glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, sometimes slightly obovate, shortly and abruptly acuminate, the base cuneate; both surfaces dull oliva- ceous when dry; the upper glabrous, the lower paler, slightly scurfy ; main nerves 6 to 8 pairs, oblique, curving, inter-arching boldly ‘15 in. from the margin, prominent beneath ; length 3°5 to 7 in., breadth 1°75 to 2°5 in., petiole *25 in., swollen, puberulous, black when dry. Flowers solitary or in pairs, supra-axillary; pedicels rather stout, ‘5 to ‘8 in. long, cinereous-tomentose with an ovate-lanceolate, mesial bracteole. Sepals thick, especially at the base, ovate, acute, connate below the middle, pale cinereous-puberulous on both surfaces. Petals sub-equal, fleshy, narrowly linear with a tapering limb and slightly expanded concave vaulted claw, densely and minutely cinereous-tomentose, 1 to 1°5 in. long, the inner shorter. Stamens short, cuneate, the broad oblique heads covering the apices of the linear anthers. Ovaries few, oblong, densely sericeous, 6- to 8-ovuled; style short, cylindric: stigma large, fleshy. Ripe carpels few, globular, with slightly flattened minutely apiculate apex, and an imperfect lateral ridge, densely and minutely yellowish-tomentose, ‘6 in. in diam., stalks very short. Seeds 4 or 5, discoid, smooth, pale brown, shining, separated from each other by imperfect dissepiments.

Perak: up to elevations of 3,000 or 4,000 feet, common. Scorte- chini, Wray, King’s Collector.

13. Xyiopra oprusiro“iaA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. I, 85. A tree: young branches glabrous, dark-coloured, striate: buds silky. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, obtuse or retuse, the base cuneate, upper surface glabrous, shining; the lower adpressed rufous-sericeous : main nerves 8 or 10 pairs, oblique, very faint ; length 2 to 3 in., breadth 1 to 1°5 in., petiole °25 in. Flowers °5 in. long, axillary, solitary or 2 or 3 in small sub-racemose cymes ; pedicels ‘2 to ‘25 in., rufous-pubescent with a single bracteole. Sepals thick, broadly ovate, acute, united to the middle, pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Petals linear-oblong, tapering towards the blunt apex; the outer petals adpressed-rufous- pubescent outside, puberulous within, slightly concave and glabrous at the base ; the inner smaller, more concave at the glabrous base, puberu-

120 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

lous elsewhere. Stamens numerous, elongate, narrow, with an acute apiculus; the anther-cells linear, lateral. Pistils one or two, conical, adpressed-pubescent ; the style short, thin. Ripe carpels oblong, cylin- dric, sub-oblique, blunt, 1:25 in. long ‘7 in. in diam. Seeds 3 or 4, globular.

Malacca: Gritith. Perak: King’s Collector, No. 2816.

14, Xynopra magna, Maingay ex Hook. fil. Fl. Br. ind. I, 84. A tree: young branches tomentose, becoming glabrous and darkly cine- reous. Leaves coriaceons, ovate-lanceolate to elliptic, sub-acute, the base rounded, the edges slightly revolute when dry; upper surface shining, reticulate, glabrous except the pubescent midrib; under sur- face deep brown, with rather pale pubescence ; main nerves about 10 pairs, spreading, inter-arching some way from the edge, faint: length 3 to 4°5 in., breadth 1:25 to 2 in.; petiole -25 in., pubescent. Flowers 2 to 2°5 in. long, solitary or in pairs, axillary: pedicels stout, tomentose, with a single large, ovate, acute, often bifid bract. Sepals thick, ovate acute, connate into a 3-toothed cup, adpressed-pubescent outside, glab- rous inside. Petals sub-equal, the inner narrower and shorter, narrowly linear, slightly expanded and concave at the base, tapering towards the apex, pubescent except in the basal concavity. Stamens numerous, elongate, with an oblong obtuse apical process; the anthers lateral, linear, septate. Pistils about 15, narrowly oblique, hirsute on the outer side, 4-ovuled. Style filiform, long. Ripe carpels obovoid-oblong, com- pressed, blunt, minutely tomentose, 1°4 in. long and 65 in. diam. ; stalks thick, only ‘15 in. long. Seeds about 4, in two rows, arillate, the testa bony.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 83. Singapore; Ridley. Perak ; Scortechini.

15. XyYLoprA FERRUGINEA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. IJ, 85. A tree 20 to 60 feet high; young branches brownish-pubescent. Leaves coriaceous, narrowly oblong, acute; the base slightly narrowed and oblique, rounded or minutely sub-cordate ; upper surface glabrous, shin- ing; the lower glaucous and softly purplsh-brown pubescent: most densely so on the midrib; main nerves 10 to 12 pairs, oblique, inter- arching near the edge, prominent beneath ; length 3°5 to 5°65 in., breadth 1-1 to 2 in.; petiole ‘2 in., channelled. Flowers solitary or in pairs, axillary or extra-axillary, erect or pendulous, yellow; pedicels 5 to 75 in., rusty-pubescent ; bracteoles 1 to 3, small, lanceolate. Sepals broadly ovate-acuminate, connate at the base, spreading, small, pubescent out- side, glabrous within. Petals linear, fleshy, tapering at the very apex, very long; the outer rufous-pubescent outside, cinereous-puberulous inside, concave at the very base, 1°25 to 2 in. long; inner petals much

1892.] G. King —Matertals for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 121

narrower and thinner and a little shorter than the outer, cinereous- puberulous. Stamens about 24, narrow: anthers linear, lateral, the connective end‘ng in a broadly oblong apical process. Ovaries numerous, narrowly oblong, pointed, densely rusty-hirsute, multi-ovular: style short, filiform, glabrous ; stigma minute. Ripe carpels numerous, much elongate, cylindric, glabrescent, with transverse partitions between the seeds, many-seeded, sub-moniliform when dry, 2 to 5in. long. Seeds oblong, rugose, minutely pellucid-dotted, ‘3 in long. Habzelia ferruginea, H. f. and T. Fl. Ind. 123. Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, Pt. 2, 37. Artabotrys malayana, Griff. Notul. IV, 713.

Malacca: Griffith. Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 85. Perak: Scortechini, King’s Collector, Wray: common. Selangor: Curtis.

16. Xytopria Ripteyi, King n. sp. A tree ? Young branches stout, densely rusty-tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, obovate-elliptic, abruptly and very shortly acuminate, narrowed from below the middle to the slightly cuneate base: upper surface glabrous except the rufous-puberul- ous midrib: lower softly rusty-tomentose with longer, superficial, paler hairs: main nerves 12 to 14 pairs, oblique, inter-arching boldly within the margin, prominent on the lower, depressed on the upper, surface; length 6°5 to 85 in., breadth 2°75 to 3:5 in.; petiole ‘5 to ‘6 in. stout, tomentose. lowers in extra-axillary (often leaf-opposed) fascicles of 3 t0 5: pedicels stout, rufous-tomentose, with a single bracteole, °25 to ‘3 in. long. Sepals broadly ovate, long-acuminate, rufous-pubescent outside, glabrous within, °35 in. long. Petals filiform, triquetrous, with expanded concave vaulted bases concealing the andro-gynccium, and glabrous inside, otherwise pubescent, 2°5 to 3°5 in. long. Stamens nu- merous, with truncate 4- or 5-angled heads concealing the elongate, lateral anthers. Ovaries obliquely ovoid, densely sericeous, 4- to 6- ovuled : stigmas fleshy, agglutinated. Ripe carpels unknown.

Singapore: Ridley.

21. Pua#zantuts, H. f. and T.

Trees or climbers. lowers solitary, terminal or in extra-axillary fascicles. Sepals 3, small, valvate. Petals 6, valvate in 2 rows; outer small like the sepals; inner large, flat, coriaceous. Stamens numerous, oblong or quadrate, truncate; anther-cells dorsal, distant. Carpels nu- merous ; style cylindric or clavate, sometimes grooved ventrally. Qvules 1-2, sub-basal, ascending. Ripe carpels staked, 1-seeded.—Drstrip. Species about 6; one in Southern Peninsular India, the rest Malayan,

Leaves softly pubescent... uy : UP antans: Leaves glabrous. Ovules and seeds solitary Nias » &y P. ducidus, Ovules and seeds in pairs ae we «608 PB. andamanicus.


122 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

1. Puaantuus nutans, H. f. and Th. Fl. Ind. 147. <A small tree: young branches rusty tomentose. Leaves membranous, oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate to obovate-elliptic, caudate-acuminate, the base always narrowed and sometimes acute ; upper surface glabrous, the midrib and main nerves tomentose; lower softly pubescent, the midrib tomentose : main nerves 10 to 14 pairs, spreading, prominent beneath, inter-arching near the edge: length 5 to 9in., breadth 1:3 to 4°5 in. ; petiole ‘3 in., tomentose. lowers fcetid, solitary or 2 or 3 together, drooping, extra- axillary ; pedicels ‘5 to 1:5 in. long with 1 or 2 linear bracteoles, pubes- cent. Sepals linear-lanceolate, spreading, tomentose, ‘2 in. long. Petals very unequal; the outer small like the sepals ; inner ovate-oblong, acute, yellow, pubescent, 5- to 7-ribbed, °75 to 1 in. long. ripe carpels ovoid, pubescent, beaked, °6 in. long and ‘35 in. in diam.; stalk nearly as long. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 72; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. I, pt. 2,51. Uvaria nutans, Wall. Cat. 6481. U. tripetala, Roxb. Fl. Ind. ii, 667. U. ophthal- mica, Roxb. ex Don Gen. Syst. i, 93. '

Singapore; Wallich and others. Penang; Curtis. Malacca; Main- gay, (Kew Distrib.) No. 67. Perak; at low elevations. Sugei Ujong; Ridley. Distrib. Moluccas, Sumatra.

2. PH®ANTHUS LUCcIDUS, Oliver in Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 1561. A tree 40 to 50 feet high : young branches minutely rusty pubescent or almost glabrous, dark-coloured and furrowed. Leaves thickly membranous, oblong-elliptic to lanceolate, acuminate, the base cuneate; both sur- faces shining, glabrous except occasionally the puberulous midrib; main nerves about 8 pairs, oblique, rather prominent beneath: length 4°5 to 65 in., breadth 1:25 to 2°25 in.; petiole "2 in. Flowers solitary, rarely in fascicles of 2 or 3, extra-axillary, erect, ‘6 in.to 1 in. in diam., buds triquetrous; peduncles 1 to 1°25 in. long, slender, puberulous, with 2 minute -bracteoles. Sepals ovate, acute, less than ‘1 in. long. Outer petals like the sepals but a little longer: inner petals thick, greenish-yellow, oblong-ovate, acute, about ‘5 in. long, glabrescent with puberulous edges. Anthers with square truncate heads. Ovaries numerous, l-ovulate. Ripe carpels oblong, ‘6 in. long and ‘3 in. in diam., minutely granular, sub-glabrous as are the ‘5 to ‘6 in. long stalks.

Penang: Curtis. Perak: at low elevations : King’s Collector, Nos. 7275 and 10044.

3. PH#ANTHUS ANDAMANICUS, King n. sp. A small glabrous shrub: young branches pale brown, slender. Leaves membranous, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, acute, slightly narrowed to the rounded base, both surfaces rather pale when dry ; main nerves 15 to 20 pairs, faint, slen- der, horizontal, forming double loops near the margin, the reticulations faint; length 4 to 7°5 in., breadth 1°75 to 2°5 in., petiole 35 in. Flowers



1892.] G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 123

‘5 to ‘75 in. in diam., campanulate, solitary, rarely in pairs, extra- axillary: pedicels 2 in. long, bracteolate at the base. Sepals very small, semi-orbicular. Outer petals slightly larger than the sepals and about ‘1 in. long; inner petals united at the base, oblong-ovate, sub-acute, °5 to ‘7 in. long, 4 or 5 nerved. Anthers numerous, flattened from front to back, about as broad as long with truncate not apiculate heads. Ovaries numerous, elongate, narrow, 2-ovuled: stigmas elongate. Ripe carpels sub-globular, *5 in. in diam. : stalks ‘5 to ‘7 in. Seeds two, plano-convex, pale.

South Andaman, King’s Collector.

This is a very distinct species recognisable at once by the un- usual character of having its petals united at the base and by its 2- seeded carpels.

22. Miuxtusa, Leschenault.

Trees or shrubs. lowers usually bi-sexual (dicecious or polygam- ous in No.1), green or red, axillary or extra-axillary, solitary, fascicled or cymose. Sepals 3, small, valvate. Petals 6, valvate in 2 series; outer smaller, lke the sepals; inner cohering when young by the margins, at length free. Torus elongated, cylindric. Stamens definite or indefinite ; anthers subdidymous; cells contiguous, ovoid, extrorse ; connective more or less apiculate. Ovaries indefinite, linear-oblong ; style oblong or very short; ovules 1-2, rarely 3-4. Ripe carpels globose or oblong, 1- or 2- or many-seeded.—Distrib. Species 8; all Indian.

Flowers dicecious or polygamous we Ll. M. Roxburghiana.

Flowers hermaphrodite S55 .. 2. M. longipes.

1. Mitivsa Roxpureutana, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Ind. 150. A small tree ; young branches softly pubescent, ultimately glabrous, striate and pale. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the base rounded ; upper surface glabrous, the lower sparsely adpressed, pubescent to tomentose ; main nerves about 10 pairs, spread- ing, inter-arching ‘15 in. from the base; length 2°5 to 4 in., breadth ‘85 to 1:4 in.; petiole ‘05 in., pubescent. Pedicels 1 to 3 together, axillary, slender, 5 to 15 in. long, sometimes on a short peduncle; bracteoles several, linear. Flowers dicecious or polygamous, about 5 in. long. Sepals and outer petals subequal, lanceolate or linear, rusty-tomentose. Inner petals *5 to ‘6 in. long, ovate or oblong-lanceolate, sub-acute, nerved, red. Stamens in male flower numerous, with obliquely truncate, broad apices. Ovaries (in female flower) oblong, glabrous; style oblong ovules 1 or 2. Ripe carpels ovoid or oblong, blunt, glabrous, granulate, °25 to ‘35 in. in diam.; stalk ‘4 in. long, slender. Seeds 1, rarely 2. Hook. fil. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 87; Kurz F. Flora Burma, I, 47. M. Wallich-

124. G. King—MWaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1,

dana, H. f. and T. 1. c. 149. M. tristis, Kurz F. Flora Burma, I, 47; Uvaria dioica, Roxb. Fl Ind. 11. 659. Pheanthus dioicus, Kurz in Flora LITT. (1870) 274. Guatteria globosa, A. DC. Mem. Soc. Genev. V, 43; Wall. Cat. 6448. Hyalostemma Roxburghiana, Wall. Cat. 6434; Griff. Te. Pl. Ind. Or. iv. t. 653.

Sikkim, Himalaya; Assam Hill ranges ; Chittagong Hills: Burma; Singapore up to 4,000 feet.

Kurz’s species M. tristis, (F. Flora Burma, I, 47) appears to be a form of this with larger leaves and flowers than usual. The only speei- mens of it extant are very poor and better material may shew it to be, as Kurz thought, a distinct species. According to M. Pierre, his Cam- bodian species M. mollis (Fl. Forest. Coch.-Chine, t. 40) is closely alhed to M. Roxburghiana. The same author’s species M campanulata (1. c. t. 41) is also allied to M. Roxburghiana and to M. macrocarpa.

2, Muriusa Lonarrgs, King, n. sp. A small tree 15 to 30 feet high : young branches dark-coloured; all parts glabrous except the edges of the sepals and outer petals. Leaves membranous, shining, oblong-ob- lanceolate, acuminate, the base sub-cuneate or rounded ; main nerves about 12 pairs, spreading, faint: length 55 to 7 in., breadth 1:75 to 2°75 in., petiole "1 to 'l5 in. lowers 5 to *65 in. long, axillary, solitary ; pedicels slender, °5 to 75 in. long, (larger in fruit) with 3 or 4 lanceolate bracteoles at the base. Sepals and outer petals sab-equal, minute, ovate, sub-acute, the edges ciliate. Inner petals very much larger than the outer, ovate-oblong, veined, sub-acute, greenish-yellow, *5 or ‘6 in. long. Stamens about 18, compressed, short, often bent, the apiculus broad, shallow. Ovaries numerous, elongate, glabrous ; stigma large, capitate, sessile. Ripe carpels numerous, globular-ovoid, blunt, glabrous, sub- granular, ‘25 to 3 in. long; stalks °75 to 1 in., slender. Seeds ovoid.

Perak : at low elevations, Scortechini, King’s Collector.

This species approaches MW. macropodu, Miq: but its leaves are more narrowed to the base and more acuminate.

23. AxupHonsEA, H. f. & T.

Lofty trees. Leaves more or less coriaceous, glabrous, shining. Flowers small or middle-sized, in leaf-opposed, rarely extra-axillary, peduncled fascicles ; buds conical. Sepals 3, small, valvate. Petals 6, valvate in 2 series, often saccate at the base, larger than the sepals, equal or the inner rather smaller. Torus cylindric or hemispheric. Stamens indefinite, loosely packed; anther-cells dorsal, contiguous ; connective apiculate. Ovaries 1 or more; style oblong or depressed ; ovules 4-8, in 2 series on the ventral suture. Carpels sub-sessile or stalked.—Distrib. Species 9, all Indian or Malayan.—Baillon Hist. 215 unites this genus with Bocagea.

1892.| G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Mulay Peninsula. 125

Leaves rusty-pubescent beneath at all stages .... 1. A. Maingayt.

Leaves glabrous on both surfaces (puberulous on the lower in A. elliptica). Leaves more than 3 inches long. Buds conical; ripe carpels ovoid or glo- bose. Leaves glabrous on the upper sur- face, puberulous on the lower when young, elliptic or ovate- elliptic ; main nerves 6 to 8 pairs 2. A. elliptica.

Leaves quite glabrous, broadly ellip- tic, shortly acuminate : main ner-

ves 7 to 8 pairs “eit .. o A. lucida. Buds globose ; ripe carpels cylindric ... 4. A. sub-indehiscens. Leaves 3 inches long or less: ripe carpels cylindric =e 5. A. cylindrica.

Of uncertain position (fruitunknown)... 6. A. Curtisit.

1. ApHonsea Marineayi, Hook. fil. and Thoms. FI. Br. Ind. I, 90. A tree: branches rusty-tomentose, ultimately dark-coloured and glab- rous. Jeaves coriaceous, elliptic-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, shortly, and often obtusely, acuminate, the base rounded; upper surface shining, glabrous except the midrib, puberulous near the base; lower surface rusty, conspicuously reticulate, pubescent, the midrib tomentose; main nerves 8 or 9 pairs, oblique, inter-arching far from the edge; length 5 to 7 in., breadth 1°5 to 2°7 in., petiole °25 in. Flowers °75 in. in diam., supra-axillary, solitary or in small racemes ; pedicels ‘1 in. long, rusty- tomentose, bracteole small. Sepals sub-orbicular, very small. Petuls ovate, pubescent outside, glabrous within, the outer recurved, the inner smaller. Stamens with broad short filaments; the anther-cells small, diverging below. Ovules about 20. Ripe carpels ovoid, short-stalked, 2 in. long, by 1 in. in diam. Seeds many, smooth.

Malacca, Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 98.

2. ALpHoNSsEA ELLIPTICA, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 90. A tree? Young branches rather stout, grey, glabrous. Leaves coria- ceous, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, shortly and bluntly acuminate or acute, the base abruptly cuneate ; upper surface glabrous, shining; the lower reticulate, puberulous when young, glabrous when adult, slightly paler than the upper; main nerves 6 to 8 pairs, spreading, slightly pro- minent beneath; length 3°5 to 5 in., breadth 1:25 to 1°75 in., petiole -2 in. Flowers ‘8 in. in diam., axillary, solitary or 2 to 3, in short racemes ; peduncles very short, multi-bracteate, pedicels -25 to ‘35 in. long, with 1 or 2 minute bracteoles. Sepals sub-orbicular, obtuse, recurved, con-

126 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. “[No. 1;

nate at the base. Petals adpressed-pubescent ; the outer ovate-lanceo- late, reflexed: the inner rather smaller. Stamens in several rows, apiculate. Ovaries linear-oblong, pubescent; stigma sub-sessile, sub- capitate. Ovules numerous, in two series. Ripe carpels unknown.

Malacca ; Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 99.

3. ALPHONSEA LUCIDA, King, n. sp. A shrub 6 to 8 feet high: all parts glabrous except the flower ; young branches slender, rather dark- coloured. Leaves thinly coriaceous, broadly elliptic, shortly, abruptly and rather obtusely acuminate, the base cuneate; under surface very minutely scaly ; main nerves 7 or 8 pairs, oblique, curving, depressed on the upper, bold and prominent on the lower, surface; length 4°5 to 5°5 in., breadth 1:75 to 2°5 in.; petiole ‘3 in., stout. Flowers extra-axillary, solitary or 2 or 3 in racemes: peduncle of raceme short, pedicels shorter than the peduncle, puberulous, ebracteolate, ‘3 to 4 in. long. Sepals, triangular-ovate, connate at the base, reflexed, puberulous outside, glabrous inside. Petals yellowish-white, subequal, oblong, oblique, taper- ing gradually to the sub-acute apex, the base broad, suddenly narrowed and slightly pouched, puberulous, *5 in. long, the inner slightly smaller. Stamens in 3 rows; filament very short, connective with a short apiculus. Ovaries 4 or 5, oblong, adpressed-pubescent ; ovules many, in two rows: stigma sessile, sub-capitate. Ripe carpels unknown.

Perak: elevat. 500 feet. King’s Collector, No. 5387.

4. ALPHONSEA SUB-DEHISCENS, King, n. sp. A shrub or small tree: young branches rather slender, puberulous at first but speedily becoming glabrous. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic, shortly and rather bluntly acuminate, the base rounded or sub-cuneate; upper surface glabrous except the puberulous midrib, the lower reticulate, sparsely puberulous or glabrous ; main nerves about 10 pairs, spreading, very faint; length 4 to 6 in., breadth 1°75 to 2°3 in.; petiole 25 in. Flowers globular, scarcely opening, ‘25 in. in diam., solitary or in pairs, slightly supra-axillary, on short pedicels, with several large sub-orbicu- lar pubescent bracteoles. Sepals thick, fleshy, connate into a flat cup, ‘3 in. in diam., with three broad obtuse, spreading lobes. Petals larger than the sepals, thick, hard and fleshy, valvate, orbicular, acute, concave, outside tawny-pubescent, inside glabrous except near the apex; the outer ‘2 in. in diam., the inner row rather smaller than the outer. Sta- mens numerous ; the apical process large, fleshy, conical, concealing the apices of the narrow, linear anther cells: torus conical. FPist«l solitary, clavate, minutely puberulous, many-ovuled: stigma minute. Ripe car- pels elongate-clavate, puberulous, 1 to 1°25 in. long, tapering into a stalk, 25 to 3 in. long. Seeds about 10.

Perak : King’s Collector.


1892.] G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 127

The dried fruits of this species sometimes open longitudinally by a sort of quasi-suture—hence the specific name.

5. ALPHONSEA CYLINDRICA, King, n. sp. A small tree 20 to 30 feet high ; young branches with long, soft, pale brown pubescence, ultimately glabrous, cinereous, striate, Leaves thinly coriaceous, ovate-lanceolate, sometimes oblanceolate, shortly and bluntly acuminate ; the base rounded or sub-cuneate, slightly oblique ; upper surface glabrous, shining; the midrib pubescent, the lower dull sparsely pubescent on the midrib and nerves ; main nerves 7 to 9 pairs, spreading, faint; length 2°5 to 3°5 in., breadth 1:1 in. to 1°5.in., petiole “15 in. Flowers ‘35 in. long, single or 2 or 3 from leaf-opposed or extra-axillary peduncles; peduncles ‘15 to ‘4 in. long, with deciduous, distichous, sub-orbicular bracts : pedicels 2 to “35 in. long, pubescent, with 1 bracteole near the base. Sepals semi- orbicular, blunt, connate at the base, tomentose outside, glabrous with- in, reflexed. Petals subequal, oblong-ovoid, tapering from the sub-saccate base to the sub-acute apex, tomentose outside, pubescent minutely inside except a glabrous patch at the base, 4 in. long. Stamens in 3 rows with short, broad filaments: anthers ovate, the connective very slightly apiculate. Ovaries 3, oblong,,densely pale yellowish sericeous, with many ovules in two rows: style short, stigma bifid, sub-capitate. Ripe carpels 1. or 2, elongate, terete, tapering to the apex, pubescent or puberulous, nearly 1 in. long and only °2 in. in diam.

Perak: on Ulu Bubong, elevat. 400 to 600 feet. King’s Collector, No. 10633.

A species resembling A. swb-dehiscens in its narrow cylindric fruit.

6. ALpHoNsEA Curtisi, King, n. sp. A scandent shrub: young branches yellowish-pubescent, speedily becoming glabrous and dark- coloured. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acute at base and apex ; upper surface glabrous shining, the lower minutely, sparsely adpressed- puberulous or glabrous, darker than the upper when dry, minutely reticulate ; main nerves about 12 to 15 pairs, sub-horizontal, very faint, inter-arching far from the edge; length 4 to 5°5 in., breadth 1-2 to 1-75 in., petiole -2 in. Peduncles extra-axillary, 1- or 2-flowered; flowers about *5 in long, conical in bud: pedicels about °3 in. long, tawny-to- mentose ; bracteoles 1 or 2, sub-orbicular. Sepals connate into a spread- ing cup, ‘25 in. broad, tomentose outside and glabrous inside, with 3 broad, sub-acute teeth. Petals much larger than the sepals, fleshy, ob- long, ovate, sub-acute ; the outer tomentose on both surfaces, -4 in. long ; the inner narrower, glabrous inside. Stamens numerous, with short thick filaments: apical process of connective small, not concealing the short perfectly dorsal anther-cells. Pistils about 3, oblong, tomentose, many-ovuled : stigma large, broad, sessile. Ripe carpels unknown.

Penang: Curtis, No. 1410.

128 G. King—Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. [No. 1, 25. Kuinesronia, H. f. and T.

Trees. Flowers fascicled on cauline tubercles, bisexual. Sesals 3, persistent, ovate, acute, the bases counate. Petals 6; outer valvate ; inner smaller, oblong, imbricate. Stamens about 12, the filament half the length of the extrorse anther-cells; connective obliquely truncate. Ovary 1; stigma sessile, peltate, crenate: ovules few. Ripe carpels globose. Seeds several, 2-seriate.

1. Kunastonta Nervosa, Hook. fil. and Thoms. Fl. Br. Ind. I, 93. Young branches rusty-pubescent. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong, rarely elliptic, shortly acuminate, the base rounded; both surfaces glabrous, the nerves and midrib puberulous beneath when young; main nerves 12 to 14 pairs, oblique, rather straight, depressed on the upper, strong and prominent on the lower, surface; length 4 to 8 in.,, breadth 1:5 to 3°25 in.; petiole ‘4 in., puberulous. Flowers °25 in. long, in extra-axillary fascicles of 8 or 10: pedicels ‘35 to ‘o in., slender, rusty-pubescent ; bracteoles orbicular, one close to the flower, the others basal and imbricate. Sepals ovate, connate at the base, spreading, pubescent outside, glabrous within. Outer petals oblong-elliptic, con- cave, obtuse, cinereous-tomentose outside, pubescent inside ; inner petals smaller, thick, concave and very tomentose, in the upper half. Stamens about 15, the connective with a broad truncate apex. Ovary one, oblong, angled, pubescent ; ovules 4 to 6. Ripe carpels broadly ovoid, blunt, minutely velvety pale-rusty tomentose, 1°5 in. long and 1:1 in. in diam.; pericarp woody. Seeds about 4, oblong, compressed, separated by dissepiments.

The species above described has only a single pistil. But there are, in the Caleutta Herbarium, specimens from Sumatra (Forbes No. 2713, in fruit but without flower) of what appears to be a second Kings- tonia, and in these there are two carpels. If this plant proves to be a Kingstonia, the diagnosis of the genus will have to be amended.

Malacca : Maingay, (Kew Distrib.) No. 22. Perak: Wray, No. 3376.

26. Mezzrrria, Beccari.

Trees. Flowers small, greenish, axillary or from the axils of fallen leaves, fasciculate or umbellate. Sepals 3, ovate, valvate. Petals 6, valvate, opening late and accrescent, flat, linear, the inner petals smaller than the outer. Sfamens 9 to 12, in two rows; anther-cells lateral, introrse; connectives produced beyond their apices, truncate. Torus small, slightly concave, pubescent. Ovary solitary, ovate, glabrous, con- tracted into a very short style; stigma sub-capitate; ovules 2, super- posed. Carpel coriaceous, elliptic or globose. Seeds 2, large, compressed. Five species, all Malayan.

1892.] G. King—WMaterials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula. 129

1. Mezzerria LEPToPoDA, Oliver in Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 1560. <A tree: young branches dark-coloured, glabrous, striate, rather stout. Leaves coriaceous, oblong or narrowly elliptic, obtusely acuminate or acute ; the base rounded or acute; upper surface glabrous, shining; the lower dull, obscurely reticulate ; main nerves 8 or 9 pairs, forming wide arches far from the margin, very faint; length 2°5 to 4 in., breadth 1 to 1°75 in, petiole 35 in. Flowers ‘5 in. long, on long slender pedicels in axil- lary fascicles of 2 to 6; pedicels *5 to °75 in., pubescent: bracteoles minute. Sepals broadly ovate, connate at the base, tomentose, reflexed. Petals tomentose, on both surfaces ; the outer linear, obtuse, ‘2 in, long ; the inner shorter and broader. Ovary ovoid. MLipe carpels unknown, Lonchomera leptopoda, H. f. and Th. Fl. Br. Ind. T, 94.

Malacca: Maingay (Kew Distrib.) No. 102.

This plant is very imperfectly known. The carpels associated with Maingay’s specimens do not agree with his description of them (FI. Br. Ind. I, 94) and they are evidently those of some species of Polyalthia.

2. Moezzerr1a Herveyana, Oliver Hook. Ic. Plant. t. 1560. <A tree; young branches rather stout, nodose, glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, ellip- tic-oblong, shortly acuminate, the base cuneate, both surfaces glabrous, the upper shining; main nerves about 10 pairs, spreading, inter-arching within the margin, faint; length 2°5 to 3in., breadth 1 to 1°25 in., petiole ‘25 to °35in. Flowers ‘4 in. long, rather crowded, in sessile axillary or extra-axillary fascicles of 3 to 8: pedicels ‘3 in. long, puberulous, ebracteolate. Sepals broadly ovate, obtuse, connate at the base, pubes- cent like the petals. Outer petals ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, flat, the inner smaller, broadly elliptic, obtuse, the tips incurved. Aunthers sessile, obovate-quadrate, about 12. Ovary oblong, tapering into the style: ovules 2, superposed. Ripe carpels unknown.

Malacca: Hervey. 7

3. Mezzerria Curtisi, King n.sp. A tree, 30 to 40 feet high: young branches cinereous, rugose. Leaves thinly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate or oblong, more or less acuminate, the base acute ; both surfaces gla- brous; the upper shining, the lower dull; main nerves about 10 pairs, spreading, faint; length 2°65 to 5 in., breadth °5 to 1°5 in., petiole ‘25 in. Flowers ‘25 in. long, in crowded, sessile, axillary or extra-axillary fascicles of 5 to 10; pedicels slender, ebracteolate, scurfily pubescent, 35 to °6 in. long. Sepals semi-orbicular, with reflexed tips, connate and forming a spreading, shallow cup, densely and minutely tomentose. Outer petals ligulate, acute, tomentose like the sepals but with a glabrous patch at the base inside. Inner petals like the outer, but less acute and one-third shorter. Stamens about 12, short, about as broad as long, the connec- tive very broad, truncate at the apex. Ovary solitary, broadly ovoid,


130 D. Prain—Mezoneuron from the Andaman Group. [No. 1,

tapering to the curved, truncate stigma, 2-ovuled. Ripe carpels unknown. Penang, on Government Hill at 1,200 feet; Curtis, No. 2266. A species with rather longer, thinner leaves than M. Herveyana, and a different calyx.

TI.—Noviciz Indice V. An undescribed Mezoneuron from the Andaman Group.—By D. Pratn.

When in the Andamans in 1889 and again in 1890 and 1891 the writer met with a species of Mezonewron which occurs rather frequently in the neighbourhood of Port Blair and which has not hitherto been described. During each of these visits only fruiting specimens were obtained; at length, however, the native collectors who are under the care of Mr. E. H. Man have sent flowering specimens to Calcutta. The subjoined synopsis, in which the position of the new species among the Indian Mezonewra described by Mr. Baker, in the Flora of British India, 257-259, is shown, is followed by a description of the plant.

MEZONEURON, Desr. Calyx deeply cleft, disk basal Evmezonruron) filaments hirsute :— pods one-seeded, filaments faintly ciliate ; leaflets glabrous, rigid, opposite, 8-10, large, ovate, acute; calyx glabrous... M. eucullatwm. pods several-seeded, filaments densely pilose :— leaflets glabrous :— leaflets rigid, alternate, 8-10, large, obovate, retuse ; calyx glabrous MM. andamanicum. leaflets membranous :— leaflets alternate, 14-16, small, oblong, obtuse ; calyx exter- nally puberulous ww» DM. glabrum. leaflets opposite, 18-22, small, oblong, obtuse ; calyx glabrous M. enneaphyllum. leaflets pubescent ; membranous, opposite, 12-16, oblong, obtuse; calyx externally and internally pubescent .. DM. pubescens. Calyx shallowly cleft, disk extending above the base Tusicatyx); filaments glabrous, pods several seeded ; leaflets glabrous, rigid, opposite, 8-10, large, obovate-oblong; calyx glabrous... MW. swmatranuwm

1892. ] D. Prain—Mezoneuron from the Andaman Group. 131

Baker describes the calyx of M. glabrum as glabrous, but both by his diagnosis and figure Desfontaine (Mem. Mus. iv, 246, t. 10) indi- cates that the calyx is tomentose ; the writer has not seen any flowering specimens.


A large climber, branches glabrous with a few pale, scattered prickles. Leaf rachis 1-1} ft., pinnae 4-10, long-stalked, leaflets 8-10, rigidly subcoriaceous, 3-13 in. long, alternate, obovate, slightly retuse, base cuneate, glabrous on both surfaces, dark green above, paler below. Racemes unbranched, 10-12 inches long, pedicels {-{ in. long. Calyx leathery, anterior sepal ¢ in. long, deeply cucullate, the others ¢ in. diam., orbicular, all green and delicately reticulately yellow-veined, the inter- spaces dotted with yellow glands. Petals yellow with base and veins reddish, ovate-orbicular, the lateral and anterior pairs subequal and only slightly larger than the lateral and posterior sepals, with very short claws, slightly hirsute internally, the inner and upper (vexillary) petal with a lamina less than 3 the size of the others, with a thick claw as long as the blade, channelled internally and prolonged at the base of the lamina into a ligular ridge, densely ciliate at its margin, which rests in the angle formed by the declinate filaments. Stamens declinate, in two rows, the outer row (5) with lowest stamen single, longer than the rest, curved, the lateral rather shorter, also curved ; the upper pair ab- ruptly angularly bent, with the portion of the filaments below the angle thrice as thick as the other filaments and filling up the channel in the claw of the vexillum, the upper portion not thicker than the other filaments, bent backwards over the vexillary ligule. The inner row (5) with upper vexiJlary stamen smallest of all, simply, declinately curved as are the other four; all filaments densely pilose in the lower 2/3 rds. Ovary declinate, about 6-ovuled; style long, stigma terminal, concave, tip slightly fringed. Pod thin, 5 inches long, 1 inch wide (including the posterior wing } in. wide) finely reticulated, 3-5 seeded; seed flat, orbicular, embryo exalbuminous, with flat cotyledons and straight radicle.

Sourh Anpaman; near Port Blair at Protheropur, Rangachang, etc., Prain! King’s Collectors !

Fi. January—February.

——— OSES




<< 2 aa

The Proceedings of the Asiatic Society are issued ten times a year as soon as possible after the General Meetings which are held on the first _ Wednesday in every month in the year except September and October ; _ they contain an account of the meeting with some of the shorter and a - less important papers read at it while only titles or short resumés of the longer papers which are subsequently published in the Journal are given. The Journal consists of two entirely distinct and separate volumes ; Part I, containing papers relating to Philology, Antiquities, etc.; Part II, containing papers relating to Physical Science. oe So Each Part is issued in four or five numbers and the whole forms ___ two complete volumes corresponding to the year of publication. The Journal of the Asiatic Society was commenced in the year 1.832, _ previous to which the papers read before the Society were published in a quarto periodical entitled Asiatic Researches of which twenty volumes were issued between the years 1788 and 1839, The Journal was published regularly, one volume corresponding to each year from 1832 to 1864; in that year the division into two parts above-mentioned was made and since that date two volumes have been _ issued regularly every year. The Proceedings up to the year 1864 were bound up with the Journal but since that date have been separately issued every year. The following is a list of the Asiatic Society’s publications relating sto Physical Science still in print which can be obtained at the Society’s _ House, No. 57 Park Street, Calcutta, or from the Society’s Agents in _ London, Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., 57 and 59 Ludgate _ Hill, E. C.

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; ench 1); ye Rs. 80 0 Ditto Index to Vols. [XVIII os 5 0 Procerpines of the Asiatic Society from 1865 to 1869 (incl.) @

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44 Ty

S ON RN I I NN oe ee






Vol. LXI, Part II, No. III.—1892.


PURGEON fPAPTAIN je jee jy uLL Watsu,


““The bounds of its investigation will be the geographical limits of Asia: and within these limits its inquiries will be extended to whatever is performed by man or produced by nature.’’—Sir WILLIAM JONES.

*,* Communications should be sent under cover to the Secretaries, Asiat. Soc., to whom all orders for the work are to be addressed in India; or, in Lon- don, care of Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., 57 ¥ 59, Lud- gate Hill.





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Issued January 24th, 1893. 1A |

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I.—Note on the Indian Butterflies comprised in the “subgenus. ' Pademma of the genus Fupleea. —By Licnet pe Nice’ VILLE,

FB. EL S., GME BS, Biitan snes app sects mace see ches cet eae eee Il.—The Communal Barracks of Primitive Races. ay S. E.

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Foreign Societies who favour the Asiatic Society of Bengal with their publications are informed that they may be sent either to the address of the Society at Calcutta, or to the Agents of the Society in London, Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., Ld., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road.


Des Sociétés Etrangéres qui honorent la Société Asiatique de Bengale de ses publications, sont priées de les envoyer ou directement a l’adresse de la Société, 57, Park Street, Calcutta, ou aux Agents de la Société 4 Londres, Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner et Cie, Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road.


Auslindische Gesellschaften welche die Asiatische Gesellschaft von Bengalen mit ihren Publicationen beehren, sind hierdurch ersucht dieselben entweder direct an die Adresse der Gesellschaft, 57, Park Street, Calcutta, oder an deren Agenten in London, Messrs. Kegan ie Trench, Tribner & Co., Ld., Paternoster House, Charing Cross


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No. I1I.—1892.

I.—Note on the Indian Butterflies comprised in the subgenus Pademma of

the genus Kuploea :—By Lionet pe Nice’vitiz, F. H.S., C. M. Z. 8S. [Received August 15th ;—Read November 2nd, 1892.]

In the August Proceedings of the Society, p. 158 will be found a note on the subgenus Stictoplea, mainly based on material received from the Rey. Walter A. Hamilton and collected in the Khasi Hills. The present note owes its origin to the same source, over 200 specimens of Pademma having been sent to me from that region by Mr. Hamilton. The sub- genus Pademma occurs in Ceylon, South India, Bengal as far west as Maldah, the lower slopes of the Sikkim hills, Bhutan, Assam, Burma, the Malay Peninsula, Siam, Cochin China, Nias Island, and Hainan. Its head- quarters appears to be Assam and Burma (especially the former), where it may be said to swarm; everywhere else it is comparatively rare, except perhaps in Calcutta, where H. kollari, Felder, may be met with in con- siderable numbers if looked for in the right places and at the right seasons of the year.

The subgenus as represented in Ceylon, South India, Orissa, Bengal (usually), and in parts of Burma and in the Malay Peninsula, presents the curious phenomenon that the several species are in both sexes entirely, or but slightly, on the upperside of the wings, more especially


238 LL. de Nicéville—Subgenus Pademma of the genus Hupleea, [No. 3,

the forewing, unglossed with blue; but in some parts of Bengal (Maldah), and in Sikkim, specimens are met with which are either entirely unglossed, or partly glossed with blue, towards the base of the wing, while in Assam, Arakan and Pegu the whole of the forewing is usually most richly blue-glossed. This phenomenon may be due to mimicry, as in the Khasi Hills of Assam, where Pademmas are individually most numerous, Huplea midamus, Linneeus (linneei, Moore), is also exceedingly common, and the Pademmas probably mimic it or some other blue-glossed species. The only thing to be said against this theory is that in Maldah where many specimens are most distinctly glossed with blue there are no other blue Hupleas which these Pademmas could mimic; the occur- rence of these latter in Maldah may, however, be due to immigration. The next point to be dealt with is the extraordinary variability of the subgenus. The species which is found in Ceylon (H. sinhala, Moore) appears to be quite constant, as do specimens of H. kollari, Felder, received from South India, the Eastern and Western Ghats, Orissa, and Calcutta. But directly the hills are approached, at Maldah north of the Ganges and at the foot of the Sikkim hills, the species commences to vary and to approach LH. klugii, Moore, both as regards the presence of a more or less well-marked blue gloss. aud in the acquisition of discal markings to the forewing. but for these intermediate specimens, Hi. kollari might be considered to be a good and constant species, but, as it is, in certain parts of north-eastern India it is distinctly variable. As we proceed to the eastwards, in Bhutan, Assam, and the northern and middle divisions of Burma (Arakan and Pegu), blue-glossed species mainly prevail, though occasionally specimens almost as free from the gloss as is HW. kollari are met with. Lastly, in the southernmost division of Burma (Tenasserim) the blue-glossed species have almost dis- appeared, being as rare as unglossed are in Assam, and are replaced by unglossed species which differ in the character of the markings from the continental Indian species, H. kollari. In the Malay Peninsula Pademmas are very rare, and are of the Tenasserim form. To a certain extent, therefore, we can divide up the Indian Pademmas into more or less well-defined geographical races, which, were they only constant each in its own region, might be retained as distinct species. But this is not entirely so. H. kollari gradually merges into H. klugii in Maldah and the lower slopes of the Sikkim Hills, and H. klugi equally gradually grades into H. erichsonit, Felder, in Arakan. In their respective head- quarters the two extreme forms are perfectly constant and recognisable at a glance, H. kollari from any part of India south of the Ganges, and E. erichsonii from Lower Tenasserim or the Malay Peninsula. On the border-lands between these regions the several species are no longer

1892.] L. de Nicéville—Subgenus Pademma of the genus Huploa. 259

reliably distinct, and in the Khasi Hills, which may be said to be the head-quarters of the Pademmas, as there they exist in the greatest number of individuals, a bewildering multiplicity of various forms is met with. Messrs. Butler and Moore, but especially the latter, have described a great number of these quite inconstant forms as distinct Species, and the present writer with the material at his disposal, could if desired, easily describe a dozen more such species, many of them far more distinct in superficial appearance than several of Messrs. Moore and Butler’s. It appears to him that the only way to deal satis- factorily with these puzzling species is to treat all of them (except i. sinhala which appears to be constant owing to its insular habitat) as geographical races of the earliest described H. klugii. To this end he has given below the full synonymy of the various forms and a brief description of them.

I must once more enter my protest against the erroneous views held by home naturalists on the variability of these species. Messrs. Wood-Mason, Marshall, Distant, Elwes, Adamson, Doherty, Watson, and I, all of whom know these insects in life and have lived amongst them, have written page upon page to shew how inconstant they are, yet Mr. Moore, who has never been in the Kast, in his latest work on butterflies (“‘ Lepidoptera Indica’”’), admits eight distinct species, and eight named Varieties ”’ of Pademma, all but one of the latter of which he described as good and distinct species in 1883. Whena species is obviously so extremely variable as H. klugii, it can be of no possible scientific use to have names for every possible combination and permutation of the blue-glossing of the upperside and of the disposition of the mark- ings of both sides of the wings. These variations are obviously mainly individual, and from the same batch of eggs it is almost certain that several at least of these variations would be obtained were they carefully bred. It is, however, of great scientific use to make out the range and to describe the peculiarities of geographical races when these are constant and sufficiently well-marked for definition each in its own area, but this Mr. Moore never makes the slightest attempt to do. It is hoped that what has been here written will tend to this desirable result.

I might also mention to shew the absurdity of the views expressed by Mr. Moore in his Monograph of Hupleina written in 1883, in which seven- teen distinct species of Pademma are given from India,—that I sent to him, just after the appearance of that paper, 12 very variable specimens of Pademma captured in the Arakan Hills, out of which he could only name three. The inference was that the other nine specimens represent- ed as many new species.”

240 L. de Nicéville—Subgenus Pademma of the genus Kuplea. [No. 3,

1, Eupia@a (PapemMaA) stnHALA, Moore.

Euplea sinhala, Moore, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., fourth series, vol. xx, p. 45 (1877) ; id. (part), Marshall and de Nicéville, Butt. of India, vol. i, p. 66, n. 47 (1882) ; Isamia sinhala, Moore, Lep. Cey., vol. i, p. 10, pl. v, fig. 1, male (1880); Pademma sinhala, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 1883, p. 309, n. 18; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 126, pl. xlvii, figs. 3, male; 3a, female (1890).

Hapitat: Ceylon.

Expanse: &, 9, 3'25 to 3°85 inches.

Description: Mare. Uprerside, both wings dark olive-brown. Forewing with the outer marginal area broadly much paler than the rest of the wing, bearing in the middle of the pale area a series of from six to eight small ochreous-white spots, the one in the first median interspace the largest, often two in the submedian interspace; a marginal series of dots variable in number, but usually four, com- mencing at the anal angle and never reaching the apex of the wing ; the usual oval sexual brand in the submedian interspace. Hindwing with the outer margin paler than the rest of the wing, but less markedly so than in the forewing; the usual flour-like sexual patch about the anterior area of the discoidal cell; a submarginal series of twelve ochreous-white spots, the four anterior ones round, decreasing in size towards the costa, placed one in each interspace, the posterior ones elongated into streaks, placed two in each interspace ; an almost com- plete marginal series of dots much larger than those in the forewing, not quite reaching the apex of the wing, placed in pairs in the inter- spaces. Unpersipr, both wings paler olive-brown than on the upper- side. Forewing somewhat darkerin the middle of the disc; a costal spot placed between the bases of the first and second subcostal nervules; discal spots placed beyond the cell varying from two to four, the lowermost spot in the submedian interspace the largest, all these spots bluish-white ; submarginal and marginal series of spots as on the upperside, but the latter more numerous; inner margin of the wing up to the first median nervule ciuereous; the sexual brand black and prominent. Hindwing with none, one, or two discal spots placed just beyond the cell; submarginal and marginal spots as on the upperside. Femate, rather paler than the male throughout, lacking all the second- ary sexual characters, and having the inner margin of the forewing straight, not strongly outwardly bowed. Unpersipr, forewing has the inner margin cinereous as far as the submedian fold.

E. sinhala occurs only in Ceylon, and is, for an Huplea of this group, owing to its insular position, fairly constant.

2. Evupnt@a (PapremMA) kLUvGiI, Moore. Euplea klugii, Moore, Horsfield and Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C., vol. i, p. 180,

Vey =

1892.] L. de Nicéville—-Subgenus Pademma of the genus Euplea. 241

n. 258 (1857) ; idem, id., Anderson, Anat. and Zool. Researches, p. 922 (1878) ; id., Marshall and de Nicéville, Butt. of Ind, vol. i, p. 64, n. 44 (1882) ; id , Adamson, Notes on the Danaine of Burmah, p. 8 (1889) ; idem, id., Cat. of Butt. coll. in Burmah, p. 4, n. 20 (1889) ;id., Watson, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. vi, p. 29, n. 8 (1891) ; Salpineg klugii, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zoology, vol. xiv, p. 294, n. 35 (1878) ; B. (Pademma) klugii, Wood-Mason and de Nicéville, Journ. A. S. B., vol. ly, pt. 2, p. 346, n. 10 (1886); Pademma klugw, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 117, pl. xlii, figs. 1, male; 1a, female ; 1b, female (type of E. grantii) (1890) ; Pademma klugi, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 305, n. 1, pl. xxxii, fig. 1, male; Euplea (Pademma) klugi, Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1888, p 300, n.9; Euplea erichsonii, Felder, Reise Novara, Lep., vol. ii, p. 324, n. 444 (1865); id., Marshall and de Nicéville, Butt. of India, vol. i, p. 63, n. 42 (1882); id., Watson, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. iii, p. 18, n. 13 (1888); id., Adamson, Cat. of Butt. coll. in Burmah, p. 4, n. 18 (1889) ; id., Watson, Journ. Bomb. Nat Hist. Soc., vol. vi, p. 29, n. 7 (1891) ; id., Shopland, Butt. coll. in Aracan, p. 4; Huplea (Pademma) erichsoniti,

. Wood-Mason and de Nicéville, Journ. A. S. B., vol. lv, pt. 2, p. 347, n. 11 (1886); id.,

Elwes and de Nicéville, Journ. A. S. B., vol. lv, pt. 2, p 415, n. 7 (1886) ; Salping erichsonii, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zoology, vol. xiv, p. 295, n. 39 (1878); Pademma erichsonii, Moore, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zoology, vol. xxi, p. 31 (1886) ; Pademma erizhsoni, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 307, n. 11; Euplea erich- soni, Adamson, Notes on Danaine of Burmah, p. 7 (1889) ; Huplea kollari, Felder, Reise Novara, Lep., vol. ii, p. 325, n. 445 (1865) ; Pademma kollari, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 309, n. 19, pl. xxix, fig. 9, male ; id., Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1885, p. 126, n. 8; id, Hampson, Journ. A. S. B., vol. lvii, pt. 2, p. 348, n. 8; id., Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. i, p 124, pl. xlvii, figs. 2, male; 2a, female (1890) ; E. (Pademma) kollari, de Nicéyille, Journ. A. S. B., vol. liv, pt. 2, p. 41, n. 8 (1885) ; id., Taylor, List of the Butt. of Khorda in Orissa, p. 1, n. 8 (1888) ; id., Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1888, p. 301, n. 10; id., Ferguson, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. vi, p. 435, n. 9 (1891) ; Euplea crassa, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 278, n. 31; id., Distant, Rhop. Malay., p. 29, n. 9, pl. v, fig. 8, male (1882); p. 410, n. 9 (1886) ; id., Marshall and de Nicéville, Butt. of India, vol. i, p. 63, n. 41 (1882) ; id, Watson, Journ. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. iii, p. 18, n. 12 (1888) ; id., Adamson, Cat. of Butt. coll. in Burmah, p. 4, n. 17 (1889) ; idem, id., Notes on Danaine of Burmah, p. 7 (1889) ; id., Shopland, Butt. coll. in Aracan, p. 4; Salpine crassa, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zoology, vol. xiv, p. 295, n. 38 (1878) ; id., Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, p. 822; Pademma crassa, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 307, n. 9; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 121, pl. xlv, figs. 2, male ; 2a, female (1890); Salpina illustris, Butler, Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zoology, vol. xiv, p. 294, n. 36 (1878) ; Euplea ilustris, Marshall and de Nicéville, Butt. of India, vol. i, p. 66, n. 46 (1882) ; id., Shopland, Butt. coli. in Aracan, p. 4; Pademma illustris, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 307, n. 7; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 119, pl. xliii, figs. 1, male ; 1a, female (1890) ; Salpinz masoni, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, p. 823; Euplea masoni, Marshall and de Nicéville, Butt. of India, vol. i, p. 64, n. 43 (1882) ; id., Adamson, Cat. of Butt. coll. in Burmah, p. 4, n. 19 (1889); id., Notes on Danaine of Burmah, p. 7 (1889) ; Pademma masoni, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 809, n. 17; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 123, pl. xlvi, fig. 1, male (1890) ; Salpinz grantii, Butler, Trans. Ent, Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 2; Euplwa grantii, Marshall and de Nicéville, Butt. of India, vol. i, p. 65, n. 45 (1882) ; id., Adamson, Cat. of Butt. coll. in Bur- mah, p. 4 (1889) ; id., Shopland, Butt. coll, in Aracan, p, 4; Pademma granti, Moore,

242 L. de Nicéville—Subgenus Pademma of the genus Eupleea. [No. 3,

Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 306, n. 2; Isamia rothneyi, Moore, Ent. Month. Mag., vol. xix, p. 34 (1882) ; Huplea sinhala (part, nec Moore), Marshall and de Nicéville, Butt. of India, vol. i, p. 66, n. 47, pl. vii, fig. 12, male and female (1882) ; Pademma dharma, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 306, n. 3, pl. xxxii, fig. 2, female ; Pademma augusta, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 306, n. 4; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 118, pl. xlii, figs. 2, male ; 2a, female (1890) ; Pademma indigofera, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 306, n. 5, pl. xxxii, fig. 3, male ; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 120, pl. xliv, fig. 3, male (1890) ; Pademma imperialis, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 307, n. 6; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 119, pl. xliii, figs. 2, male ; 2a, female (1890) ; Pademma regalis, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 307, n. 8; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 119, pl. xliv, figs. 1, male ; la, female (1890); Pademma pembertoni, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 308, n. 12, pl. xxxii, fig. 6, male; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 124, pl. xlvi, figs. 8, male; 3a, female (1890) ; Pademma macclellandi, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1888, p. 808, n. 13, pl. xxxii, fig. 4, female; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 120, pl. xliv, figs. 2, male ; 2a, female (1890); Pademma uniformis, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 308, n, 14; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 124, pl. xlvii, fig. 1, male (1890) ; Pademma api- calis, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 308, n. 15 ; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p- 123, pl. xlvi, figs. 2, male; 2a, female (1890) ; Euplea apicalis, Shopland, Batt. coll. in Aracan, p.4; Pademma burmeisteri, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p- 309, n. 16; idem, id., Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 123, pl. xlv, figs. 3, male; 3a, female (1890) ; Pademma sherwillii, Moore, Lep. Ind., vol. i, p. 120, pl. xlv, fig. 1, male (1890).

Geographical race FE. kollari, Felder.

Hasitat: South India, Orissa, Bengal, lower slopes of the Sikkim Hills.

Expanse: &, 33 to 41; 9, 3:7 to 41 inches.

Descrietion: Mate and Femate. Differs only from LH. sinhala, Moore, in the marginal spots of the forewing on both sides being rather larger and reaching the apex of the wing usually; the submarginal series also rather larger. In all other respects as in HL. sinhala.

It is rather stretching a point to admit L. kollari as distinct from Ei. sinhala, but as the differences noted above appear to be constant and are just recognisable, I have thought it best to separate them.

Except in Bengal, where #. kollari is found in the Sikkim terai and on the lower outer slopes of the Sikkim hills and in Maldah, it ap- pears to be confined to the littoral, the furthest point from the coast where I have any record of its occurrence being Poona, about 70 miles in a straight line from the sea, and Bhadrachalam, on the Godavari, Madras, which is about 100. Neitherisitfound inthe hills except at the lower elevations up to about 2,000 feet, save in the Nilgiris, where Mr. Hampson took it at 3,500 feet elevation. In South India, Orissa and Bengal (with some exceptions) the species is quite constant, it is only at Bholahat in the Maldah district and on the lower slopes of the Sikkim hills and in

1892.] L. de Nicéville—Subgenus Pademma of the genus Hupleea. 243

the Sikkim terai that the species begins to vary, acquiring a more or less well-marked blue gloss on the upperside of the wings, and some discal spots on the forewing, which leads us to the typical form of the species.

Typical form FH. klugi, Moore.

Hasrrat: Maldah, lower slopes of the Sikkim Hills, Bhutan, Assam, Arakan, Pegu.

Expanse: 6, 3°5 to 4:0; 9, 3:0 to 42 inches.

Description: Mane. Uppersipge. [Of all the species of Huplea known to me this is the most variable. Following the order of the Pademma group here adopted, the varieties which most nearly resemble #. kollari are first described, while the true HL. klugit, which is the most divergent form in one direction, is next described, and lastly those variations are described which lead up to the geographical race L. erich- sonti, Felder, which ends the series.] A specimen from Sikkim in my collection agrees absolutely with typical H. sinhala, Moore, from Ceylon, except that the base of the forewing on the upperside in some lights is slightly blue-glossed ; other Sikkim specimens I possess have the sub- marginal and marginal spots to both wings rather smaller than in typi- cal H. kollari, while others again are normal in this respect, both the latter forms being slightly blue-glossed. In the next gradation the dark basal area of the forewing on the upperside is less well marked, and ex- tends more towards the outer margin, while the first discal spots divided by the lower discoidal nervule have appeared ; these varieties occurring in Sikkim, Assam, and Arakan, butalways sparingly. In the next group, which includes the typical H. klugit, it is quite impossible to describe within reasonable limits all the variations which occur. The dark basal area now gradually disappears altogether, the blue-glossing becomes more and more intense till it reaches its maximum, the spots of the wings are infinitely variable—in some there are the two marginal series only, in some one or both these series are obsolete on the hindwing, in some the marginal series is confined in the forewing to a few at the anal angle, or are absent altogether, while the submarginal series are some- times reduced from the full number of nine to four mere dots towards the apex ; the discal spots vary from a complete series of four to none at all; while in some specimens there is a large spot at the end of the discoidal cell, in others a small spot, and in others again no spot at all; the colour of the spots also varies, some are pure white, others strongly glossed with blue; there is sometimes a costal spot at the base of the first and second subcostal nervules, this being frequently absent. On the hindwing some specimens are richly blue-glossed on the disc, while

244 Ti. de Nicéville—Subgenus Pademma of the genus Huploa. [No. 3, 2a

others are not glossed at all; some are rich chestnut-coloured towards the abdominal margin, this colour also being found in some examples on the bowed-out inner margin of the forewing. Unpsrsipr. The varia- tions of the spots on both wings described above as found on the upper- side of the wings are also found on the underside, though to a less extent. FEMALE varies in precisely the same way as does the male, The variations noted above are found throughout the range of the typi- cal form, but they reach their maximum development in the Khasi Hills, where I have been able to accurately match the following species figured in Moore’s Lepidoptera Indica ”—JH. klugti, H. augusta, H. il- lustris, H. imperialis, H. regalis, H. macclellandi, H. indigofera, H. sher- willu, and H. uniformis.


* .

Geographical race H, erichsonii, Felder.

Havirat: [Maldah, one female; Cachar, one female], Arakan, Pegu, Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Siam, Cochin China.

Expansp: 6,32 to 40; 2, 3:7 to 41 inches.

Description: Mate. Uppersipe. [Still continuing the same order of the Pademma group, I first take up the description of the varieties most nearly approaching the last geographical race.] The connecting link between the H7. klugii race and the one now under consideration is E. masoni, Moore, which has the basal area of the forewing on the up- perside glossed with bright violet-blue, which character typically con- nects this race with LZ. kollari, Felder, from which, however, it may be distinguished by the submarginal series of spots gradually increasing in size from the anal angle till the one in the subcostal interspace is reached, then again rapidly decreasing to the costa. But for this single character it would, I think, be quite impossible to separate some forms of #. erich- sonit from HE. kollari. This geographical race is not as variable as the last, though it is still very variable, Mr. Moore placing in it H. crassa (= 2. erichsonii), E. burmeisteri, EZ. masoni, HE. apicalis, and LH. pembertont. The spots on both wings are almost as variable as in BH. klugit, except that the discal spots of the forewing never exceed two in number and are usually absent altogether, and I have seen no specimen with a spot in the discoidal cell. Frmaue, markings throughout similar to those of the

male. The two female specimens, one each from Maldah and Cachar, men-

tioned under habitat above, quite upset the otherwise fairly well-defined geographical distribution of this local race. These two specimens both possess the submarginal series of spots on the forewing of the typical shape of Li. erichsonii, so I am reluctantly obliged to include them under that race. I have other aberrant male specimens from Arakan which 1


1892.] L. de Nicéville—Subgenus Pademma of the genus Euploea. 245

have placed under LI’. klugii, as they are very richly blue-glossed at the base of the forewing, and have a large spot in the discoidal cell, but the submarginal spots are typically those of H. erichsonii, so these specimens have two characters of H. klugii and one of LH. erichsonii. Thetwo races over-lap in Arakan and Pegu, and many specimens from thence are almost intermediate between the two local races, so that the placing them in one or the other is purely arbitrary.

IT have taken great pains to try and define the three geographical races of H. klugiit which at most can be admitted, but now that I have finished the task, I am almost of opinion that it would have been more philosophical and scientific to have dealt with the very large series of specimens I possess as one species in the way in which I treated H. (Stictoplea) harrisii, Felder. There is no doubt, however, that I’. kollari is constant in certain localities, as also is H. ericshsonii in other localities, these being the two extremes of the series, just in the same way that E. harristi and H. hopei are as distinct in their respective head-quarters, it is only when one comes to consider the intermediate forms which occur in a region geographically intermediate between the two ex- treme forms, that it is found that the constancy of all the forms immediately breaks down. To deal with species like these it is imperatively necessary to have very extensive series of specimens from all the localities in which they occur, and also to act up to the spirit of the theory of evolution which nearly all naturalists profess to believe in, but some naturalists entirely ignore in their writings when describing different species of animals. If my indi- vidual opinions and conclusions be not accepted, I bee that reference be made to the writings of the competent field-naturalists who have studied these butterflies in life. It is needless here to recapitulate what they have recorded: reference to these papers is in all cases given in the syno- nymy of H. klugit.

There is still another point I may mention. Perhaps of all the oriental butterflies, Hupleas are, where they occur at all, amongst the most commonly met with, conspicuous, and most easily captured of insects. They are so obviously protected that they float about in the air in the quietest manner and seem to court attention, and moreover are always, or nearly so, the commonest of butterflies. So well has the Indian region been explored that I should almost as soon expect to find a new Cabbage- White” in a London square as a new Huplea in any part of India; and it is to be hoped that no more “new species”’ will be des- cribed from India unless they are obviously quite different from any hitherto known species. Doubtless from unexplored regions and islands many new species yet remain to be described, but certainly there are none from India.


246 S. E. Peal—Communal Barracks of Primitive Races. [No. 3,

The Communal Barracks of Primitive Races.—By S. EH. Prat, Esq. Plates I and II. [ Received ; Read November 2].

Among the many social problems relating to the early history of our race which at the present day engage the attention of anthropolo- gists, there are probably few which surpass in interest that of the origin of ‘‘ Marriage.”

The institution of the “family,” with its attendant maternal and paternal duties, is so closely interwoven with all human history and customs that it is generally, and perhaps with some reason, taken to have been the normal form of development from the very first.

But in these days when the doctrine of evolution has taken such a firm hold of the scientific world, it is hardly necessary to point out that sooner or later, we may have to reconsider the entire question, guided by the light of recent discoveries.

In our endeavour to unravel the earlier phases of social life, we naturally look amongst the more savage races for traces of the social condition of our ancestors, piecing together slowly and carefully the relics of customs still surviving here and there, which may tend to throw light on this obscure and difficult question, drawing there- from such deductions as experience teaches may be safe and legitimate.

From a careful study of the evidence recently accumulated, there can be little doubt that very much has yet to be learnt regarding the earlier forms of sexual relation.

MacLennan, to whom we owe so much on the question of Primi- tive marriage,” has endeavoured to shew that “marriage by capture” probably arose from paucity of females, due to infanticide, and that really some form of monogamy had always existed, but more recent evidence seems to shew that Sir John Lubbock’s view is more likely to be correct, 7. e., that while marriage, or the private right to one particular woman by any man, arose by capture, this early stage of social development was possibly preceded by one of complete sexual liberty, as in a horde.

The relics of such a stage of sexual communism seem to survive far more extensively among savage and semi-civilized races in our day than is generally supposed, especially in the Indo-Pacific and Austra- lian regions, and the object of the present note is to draw attention to the large stores of information on this question already in hand, but so far unutilized.

Letourneau, in his Evolution of Marriage,” in the contemporary science series, has exhaustively traced for us the earlier stages of

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“marriage and the family” amongst the lower animals, shewing conclusively that they are by no means peculiarly human institutions.

The various and singular forms of sexual association, past and present, he has also clearly laid before us, though singularly enough entirely omitting one which is of the utmost importance, and to which it is desirable to draw attention. The omission is in regard to the peculiar institution of barracks for the unmarried, which under so many surviving forms, and endless names, extends from the Himalaya and Formosa on the north, to New Zealand and Australia on the south; from eastern Polynesia, to the west coast of Africa.

One of the first things to strike the student who is fairly well acquainted with the head-hunting and semi-savage races of the north-eastern frontier of Bengal, on reading travels in the Malayo- Pacific Archipelago, is the similarity, and at times identity, of so many singular customs over this widely scattered region.

Not only do we find, as Sir Henry Yule pointed out in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute for February 1880, that head-hunting, pile- dwelling, blackening the teeth, aversion to milk, jhuming,” and bar- racks for the unmarried, extend from India to New Guinea and other places, but that when the matter is carefully looked into, quite a large number of other singular customs come into view, and that the area over which these customs prevail, extends over a far larger part of the earth’s surface than Sir Henry Yule had suspected.

Taken by itself this institution of organized “barracks for the unmarried,” is sufficiently suggestive; but when we notice that it is only one of many peculiar social customs, which survive more or less with it, among widely scattered races, the case is doubly note- worthy ; first as a proof of former racial affinity among all these people, and secondly, as a most important and suggestive factor in social evolution generally.

Their sociological significance it is the more necessary to study as they are so obviously survivals; and under modified forms are seen amongst Indo-Mongols, Dravidians and Kols, Malays, Papuans, Polynesians, Australians, and African races.

For some years past racial affinity has been suspected among these now distant races, and in these communal barracks we seem to have a clear proof that the survival of the fittest’? among human customs may long outlast both physical and linguistic variation.

As might naturally be expected, with customs handed down from a remote antiquity, among various races, there has been a large amount of local geographical variation, and in some instances the subsidiary customs have died out entirely.

248 8. EH. Peal—Communal Barracks of Primitive Races. [No. 3,

Thus jhuming” which so strongly differentiates all these, from Aryan races, isnot found among the nomadic Australians. Canniba- lism again, which atone time was probably universal, has died out in most cases, or survives in the passion for head-hunting” in several.

The building of houses on piles is another singular habit which persists among many widely scattered groups, and that it is a sur- vival and not locally spontaneous, is beautifully demonstrated by the “araiba” or extension of the platform floor, beyond the end of the roof, which is characteristic of Indo-Mongols, Borneans, Papuans, the dwel- lers in the Phillipines, and other widely-scattered people.

The platform burial, common around Assam, is also seen in New Guinea, Borneo, Formosa, Sumatra, &c.

The vertical double cylinder bellows, seen all over our north- eastern frontier as far as the Lutze, (Anong) turns up again in Nias off Sumatra, in the Islands, North Australia, and in Madagascar in ideutically the same forms.

Our Nagas and other tribes climb trees by cutting notches for the toes, precisely as do the Australians, and use the bamboo pegged to a tree stem as a ladder, the same as the Dyaks.

The extraordinary hide cuirasses worn by the savages in the island of Nias, to keep out arrows and spears, are absolutely identical with those till lately used by our Nagas, and which are now rendered useless by fire-arms.

The large canoe war drums of Polynesia, the Lali” of Fiji, and “Tavaka” of the New Hebrides are seen all through our Naga hills, and stranger still, have the “crocodile heads” carved at the extremi- ties, though the animal is unknown locally.

The bamboo Jew’s harp of the Phillipines and New Britain, sounds in all our Naga villages. The singular perineal bandage of New Guinea is here also quite common.

These are a few of the very singular instances of survivals, which unexpectedly meet us over a wide area, among races now considered more or less distinct, and which demonstrate a common origin in the far past, among races too, wherein the communal barracks for the unmarried is a persistent feature.

As before stated, many of these subsidiary social customs have varied, or died out entirely, here and there, due no doubt to differences in the physical surroundings, and in the barracks themselves we see often variations to suit local, or recent, requirements, which indeed is one good proof of extreme antiquity:

But certain features in relation to them have so persistently

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remained, that they are probably fundamental necessities in the case.

Firstly, we see in all, except among the nomadic Australians, that there is a special and recognized building, or buildings, for the unmarried young men and lads to sleep in, and at times for the young women, also in many cases together.

Secondly, we notice that among the races having these barracks without exception, there is complete lberty between the sexes until marriage.

Thirdly, and most significant of all, these barracks are invariably tabu to the married women, whether the race, or tribe is exogamic or endogamic.

We may also note that, as a general rule, we see adult marriages where this social system is in vogue, and conjugal fidelity seems greater than among the more civilized races, by whom juvenile chastity is valued.

The crux of the entire question appears to be in the fact that from Bhutan to New Zealand from the Marquesas to the Niger, there is a distinct tabu raised against the married woman, as against a social interloper or innovation ; and among tribes and races where otherwise there was complete sexual liberty, she is, in all cases, legislated against as an inferior, or slave.

If “marriage had preceded the barrack system, it would, in many instances, have dominated it ; but there are no traces of peaceful equality even between the parties to marriages in the past; everything tends to shew that the wife was a captured slave, and hence private property, as much so as a spear or pig.

As we see (still) among some savage races, the males killed or captured in a raid were invariably eaten, and the females reserved as slaves, or as we say ‘‘ wives,” and hence marriage arose in all these cases through capture, giving the successful warrior a right to one woman.

To many persons this feature of “barracks” for the unmarried, combined as it is with juvenile sexual liberty, and strict tabu against the married women, may appear so novel, that a few references to particulars and authorities may not be out of place. Wecan at the same time note the local variations, due to the geographical surroundings, or to the social advance of the race.

For instance among the semi-civilized Buddhist Shans of eastern Assam the “chang” isa semi-temple, and boys’ school-house, where the lads at times reside for fixed periods, and which is tabu to women.

Among the Abor tribes, north-east of Assam, the Mosup” is

250 S. EH. Peal—Communal Barracks of Primitive Races. [No. 3,

seen in every village, and Mr. J. F. Needham describes them in the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Soc., May 1886, as at times 240 feet long by 30 wide, with 24 fire places. These are not only the guest and council houses, but among head-hunters are the guard-houses in which “the single men warriors reside,” and where certain warriors are told off daily, who keep a look out day and night.”

“The side walls are crammed with the heads of every description of animal, and all down the centre of it, are to be seen the bows, arrows, fishing gear, hats, spears, &c., of the warriors, on bamboo trays. The Mosup is close to the entrance to the village and would hold about 500 men.”’

“The unmarried girls have apparently any amount of latitude given to them,” and are very fond of singing and dancing. In the early dawn he was roused by yells throughout the village, and on enquiry was told it was an order from the Mosup” going round for a general holiday next day, and that every man, woman and child was to remain in, and not go to work in the jhums.”

Among the Miri these communal buildings are called ‘“ De-ri,” and there are (as among the Abors) several in each village. They are not only the guest and council houses but the recognized sleeping places for the unmarried young men and young women, boys and girls, between whom until marriage, as in all these cases, there are no restrictions.

As might naturally be expected, they are strictly tabu to the married women.

Among the Miris settled long in the plains, there is a very distinct advance in individualism, and in small communities the De-ri” is declining into a boy’s play house, though the freedom between the sexes, in the unmarried state, is not curtailed, and may be called notorious.

The great Naga communities whether savage head-hunters, or peacefully inclined, present us with various forms of these communal barracks. In some of the large eastern villages, as many as 10 or 12 for young men, and 4 or 5 for unmarried girls are found. Asa rule those for the young men, are guard houses, placed so as to cover the cntrances to the village. Each being manned by the lads and young warriors of the adjacent section of the village, or morong.”

Between the Dikhu and Disang rivers among the tribes descended from Sangloi, these barracks or guard houses are called Pah,” and as there are probably an average of 6 to each of the 60 villages; there would be about 360 Pah on an area of some 600 square miles.

In some tribes on this tract, there are no distinct houses or Pah,” for unmarried girls, who sleep at home, and in Zu, the head village

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of the Baupara tribe, those for the young unmarried men are named as follows :—

I. Raman “Pah: 72° Ko au” Pah’ *4 2. Pak 5 Sal Nok*sa, "3; Su vone tones . ie 9. Nai tong ,, 4. Ra Nok Fr 10. O hin 3 5. Ten tok a 1) Panu Gee Lotongss 15, oe 12. Pasa 13. Vang hum Pah.

The first six belong to the smaller half of the village (which is divi- ded by a deep khud, whence water is obtained from natural springs). The other seven are in the other portion of the village which includes the residence of the chief or “‘ Vang hum.” The Pah” marked thus* are large ones commanding entrances to the village and are more or less fortified. Towards the centre of the village there are several Pum Pah (3 or 4) for little boys. The others are manned by the young men who take it in turn to mount guard, day and night, 15 or 20 ata time, but who in this tribe take their meals at home.

Amonga few of these tribes, the adults as well as juveniles are habitually nude, and in all of them, until 17 or 18 years of age, both sexes are absolutely so, except when visiting the plains.

Here as among the Wild races of S. EH. India,” (by Colonel Lewin,) “great license is allowed before marriage to the youth of both sexes,” p. 193; ‘every lad before marriage has his sweet-heart and he cohabits with her whenever opportunity serves, p. 203. The inter- course between both sexes is free and unrestrained until after marriage,” p. 245.

In most cases these “‘ Pah” are obviously associated with commu- nal customs of the highest importance to the tribe, not only are they the schools in which the youths are graded and taught their duties, and use of arms, but they are the. recognized rallying centres in times of public danger. Each contributes its share in all public labor, such as repairing fortifications, clearing roads bridging rivers and in building the houses, &c.

They lie in fact at the basis of the social life as relics of a more extensive communal system, which is slowly giving way to indivi- dualism, and here, as elsewhere, the ‘‘ Pah” are tabu to the married woman.

West of the Dikhu river we find these communal barracks for young men, are called Arizu,” by the Ao” or Haimong. Besides being the guest, council, and guard-houses the Arizu has the control of all war matters, and fortification, has charge of the big village drum,

252 S. E. Peal—Communal Barracks of Primitive Races. [No. 3,

sees to the fastening of the village gates at night, and other public matters.

There are it seems three orders or grades in these Arizu:” Ist, the Scangpur ; 2nd, the Tanabanger; and srd the Tepue (or Tepoe) and those who have passed through all and are still unmarried are called Azuiner.

As an illustration of the organization of the “barracks” in one of its many phases, a little detail may here be of some use.

The Scangpur are the lowest grade; they bring wood and water and are the servants of the other grades. No parent can interfere with the discipline, and as the term of each order is for three years, the discipline of the lower order is considerable and valuable.

When the other orders come in at night, tired from labor or from being on the war path, the Scangpur has plenty to do in shampooing and manipulating the legs, arms and backs of the weary or sick.

The second order or Tanabanger have less drudgery, but they have some ; if there is wood needed for fencing or repairs of the *‘ Arizu,” the two lower grades have to do the irksome parts, and the term of service here also is for three years.

The third order, or Tepue, are the masters and instructors, and on entering it there is much rejoicing. In a war party they carry spear shield, and dao, the lower orders carrying the provisions, &c. The Ao have their kidong, or bougoh, and appoint one officer called sensong. Above allis one called “Unger.” This last order has a great feast at the end of three years when it retires ; the material is what the Arizu three orders have earned in the three years by going now and then to work on cultivation for rich men

All of these three orders eat with their parents or elder brothers and usually work for them.

The number of Arizu” houses ina village depends on circum- stances, usually at least two, located near the chief entrances, occa- sionally there are 5 or 6 so as to afford sleeping places for the boys and young men.

This tribe has been annexed by us for some years, but in most of the villages the “Arizu” houses are kept up though there is now no warfare, and the boys are all expected to work for and be subject to their parents.

In some of these Ao villages there are, or used to be, Arizu” for girls and unmarried young women, under control of elderly matrons.

Among the Mikirs (or Arleng) we again find communal barracks called Tarengs.” Boys enter them at from 8 to 10 years of age and there is generally but one to each village. Those who join the Tareng” do so for a fixed period of 5 or 6 years or longer, after which it is


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broken up, and those who wish to leave go out. When they form one they elect head men toit. The first is called Cleng sarpo and highest, the second is Cleng doon, and the third is called Sodar keta, the fourth Sodar loo.

No married man or one who is a widower ever joins a Tareng,” and there are none for girls. No girls, young women or married women may go near them, and they are used as council and guard-houses as well as being the regular sleeping barracks of the unmarried young men.

Anything happening is first reported to the Cleng sarpo, and thence to the villagers and head men. Any one visiting the village sleeps in the Tareng,” and any young man from the Tareng” can go to any house he likes and sleep with an unmarried girl; her parents can make no objection. When once a “Tareng” is formed no one can leave it until it breaks up, or he is fined.

Among the Lushais a traveller informs us that “the custom is in all these villages, that the young men on arrival at a certain age, are expelled from their father’s house at night, and sleep all together in the Zalbuk, or bachelors’ house. The Zalbuk is one large room, inside a verandah.

Colonel T. H. Lewin frequently and very clearly refers to this eustom in his Wild races of S. H. India” and to the liberty allowed between the sexes before marriage, (see pages 119, 121, 182, 193, 201, 203, 245 and 254), making it particularly clear that among the Hill tracts” therein referred to, the young unmarried men and lads are graded and governed by special communal laws, and that these domi- nate the rights of the parent, as will be gathered from the remark :— “his mother abused them much, but the father and mother could not hurt them as they were acting by the Goung’s orders.”

We constantly indeed find proofs that tke right of the parents over their children is more or less subordinate to that of the commu- nal barrack, that “the family” in fact as the social unit, is not yet emancipated, but holds a subordinate position in the body politic.

To a moral certainty, the above few instances do not represent a tenth part of the information which a systematic survey would reveal, in regard to this momentous subject, among the Indo-Mongolian races, but enough has probably been said to shew that these communal bar- racks are a social feature of importance, deserving more careful study.

Turning now to Bengal and Central India, with its mixed and aboriginal races, we find these barracks in some form or other among the Gonds, Konds, Sonthals, Kols and others. According to the Revd. 8. Hyslop, the Konds and Gonds have “in their villages bothies for bachelors.” Among the Gaiti Gonds and Koitars, “each village has a house, or gotalghar (empty bed house) for single unmarried men to sleep in, and also similar ones for unmarried girls and women.”


254 §. EH. Peal—Communal Barracks of Primitive Races. [No. 8,

The Juangs (in Keonjur) have the same, and after work and eating, the young men drum and dance, while the girls sing. The Revd. H. Petrick, who lived as a Missionary for some years at Ranchi, informs me that under the name of Damkuria” these communal barracks for the unmarried (of both sexes) are seen in all Sonthali and Oraon villages, and that before marriage there is complete liberty between the sexes.

Mr. W. H. P. Driver, who has had large experience among these races, confirms the above. Speaking of the Koroas (Journal A. S. B., Volume LX, Part I, No. II, 1891) he says :—

“Hvery large village has its “‘ Damkuria”’ or bachelors’ quarter, for boys who are too old to live with their parents,” girls stay with their parents until they are married. The dancing ground “acra,” is usually an open space in front of the Damkuria, and young people enjoy considerable freedom until they are married.

Turning now to the Archipelago and Pacific region, we find in more or less modified forms this singular social institution common all over New Guinea, and the houses conspicuous as Dubus, Dobo, Dupa, Marea,” &c.

Many of our best travellers and missionaries have given us excel- lent descriptions of them, and the customs pertaining thereto, though in many cases failing to perceive their sociological significance.

Considering the great difference between the Papuan and Indo- Mongol races, and the distance separating these areas, the similarity between the Mosup,” Pah,” Arizu,” &c., and the Papuan, Dubu,” Marea,” &c., is most extraordinary.

Not only are they in each case abnormally large and long semi- sacred communal buildings, which serve as guest and council halls, decorated with skull trophies of war, or feasting, and specially set apart as the sleeping places for the young unmarried men ; but we find the structure and arrangement of the houses almost identical, not only are they characterized by extreme length, but in all cases the floors are raised on piles 6 to 10 feet high, we even see such a detail of construc- tion as the peculiar Naga “hum tong,” Miri “tung gong,” or project- ng siesta platform which is common among all Indo-Mongol houses,

urning up in the Papuan Araiba,” identical in office and structure.

Internally we see a long hall, with fire-places and sleeping bunks

each side. Last and most significant of all we find that in all cases these houses are strictly tabu to women.

In saying that the extraordinary identity seen between these Indo-Mongol aud Papuan buildings and their objects, cannot possibly be the result of accidental coincidence we tacitly admit the existence of a far-reaching social relation between these now distinct races.

The Revd. J. Chalmers, describing Ipaivaitani’s ‘‘ Dubu,” says :-—

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** He himself led me by the hand, women and children remaining behind, men and youths preceding and following until we came to the * Dubu” itself, where I was met by a number of old men who waved their hands and bade me welcome. Inside and on each side of the long beautiful aisle were seated young men, legs crossed, and arms folded not speaking a word, while I was led down the aisle by the chief, followed by the old men until we came near the end where we stayed a few minutes, and 1 was then told to turn, on doing which all the seated ones rose, followed me out and a general conversation went on.”

This is almost precisely the etiquette pursued in our Naga hills, see Journal A. S. B. Volume XII, Part I, of 1872 pages 17 and 18.”

Further on Chalmers says :—“‘ The temple, for a native building, was really good. In front was a large platform, and immediately under the great high peak in front, was a large verandah, on which the men sat sheltered from the sun and rain. I looked down an aisle nearly 200 feet in length. Inside the whole place was divided into compartments, in each of which there were fires, where the owners spent much of their time in eating and sleeping.”

Speaking of the Maiva villages in the Papuan Gulf Mr. Lawes says :—‘‘ The sacred house, a fine building 120 feet x 24, was assigned for lodging. Inside the building was furnished with series of shelves or platforms, the upright posts were mostly carved, one at the entrance having a full length figure of a crocodile on one side, and a human figure on the other. The Dupu or sacred house has its times of more than ordinary sanctity, at such periods it is profusely decorated, and no woman’s or child’s eye is permitted to see it. The sacred house of each village generally stands at the end of the single street, and the other houses are of poor construction.”

In the Journal R. G. S. for April 1884, page 216, the Revd. W. G. Lawes refers to Mr. Chalmers’ visit to Maclalchie point. One Dubu or sacred house is described where two large posts 80 feet high sup- port the large peaked portico, which is 380 ft. wide, while the whole building is 160 feet in length, and tapers down in height from the front. A large number of skulls of men, crocodiles, cassowaries and pigs, ornamented it. The human skulls are those of victims who have been killed and eaten by them.”

These skull trophies which are imet with all over the Pacific are a peculiar and suggestive counterpart to the identically similar skull trophies seen among most of the Indo-Mongolian races. Among the head-hunting Nagas, as many as 300 skulls, of men, women, and children, may at times be seen carefully ranged, in a Pah,” like the flower pots in a hot-house, the posts and beams being hung with boar, mithan and deer skulls tier over tier.

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Sigr. D’Albertis, in several places in his travels in New Guinea, describes the ‘‘ Marea,” as guest and council houses, tabu to women, and situated at the end of a street of houses. At page 194 he refers to a corpse which was taken to the house of the unmarried young men.”

In many works of travel we see illustrations of the Marea or Dubu in New Guinea, as being situated at the end of a street, where the houses of the married people are placed end on, in two rows facing each other. At page 140 D’Albertis illustrates a ‘“ Marea” (at Para’s village) 300 ft. long x 36 to 45 wide, this being the public halland sacred house, but in this instance the huts of the married people are built (also on piles,) as a row of miniature houses along each side of the main communal building, and joined thereto by little flying bridges, across which the women dare not pass, their exit being by little doors and ladders down on the outer side.

Viewed in plan this arrangement of the large communal hall in the centre, with the married quarters all divided off along each side, is absolutely identical with the ground plan of many Indo-Mongolian houses, where there is along and wide common central apartment, at times reduced to a passage, and off which on each side, are the rooms of the married couples all partitioned off, with their own fire- places, and with ladders and doors in the outer walls.

Among the Arfak villages Sr. D’Albertis alludes to the houses built on piles, wherein the men and women live, in one, divided down the middle by a partition, the men one side the women on the other, and they eat apart.

Captain Strachan in his Hapedition to New Guinea,’ page 166, says:—Some of the houses of the Turi Turi were from 100 to 150 ft. long, the women and the men lived in separate houses, not even the married people living together. The houses are raised from the ground anda broad step ladder leads to a platform at either end. There are also platforms at the sides with several small doors or openings at intervals along the building.” Sr. D’Albertis, (pp. 319-20), referring to the Mou, Miori, and Erine villages, says that the houses are in 2 rows, while large houses called Marea” on piles, and tabu to women, contain skull trophies, and have no doors, but platforms in front called Araiba” 6 to 12 feet high. These are the young un- married men’s sleeping houses.

Dr. Holrong refers to these Marea” or ‘“ Dubus,” when he says: “The young men live together in one building which is distinguished by the figure of aman.” (Pro., R. G. 8. 1888, page 602).

Mr. J. C. Galton writing in Nature,” (page 205, 1880) of Maclay’s travels, says that the ‘“Buam ram ra,” or sacred house is strictly tabu to women and children, while the “Barum” or great drum and ail musical

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instruments are also tabu to them, but are played by the Malassi” or unmarried young men; and women eat by themselves.

Thus we see on the great island of Papua amongst races now distinct in physique and language from our Indo-Mongolians, Dravi- dians, and Kols, these singular communal barracks. Under the names of ** Dubu, Marea, or Buam ram ra,” these peculiar and conspicuous semi- sacred houses are built on piles, decorated with skull trophies, used as guest and council houses, with the projecting siesta platform, are the sleeping places of the young men, and strictly tabu to the women, the family live in subordinate huts.

In Dr. Guppy’s Solmen Islands” page 57, we find that :—‘ In the large villages, the houses are generally built (on piles) in double rows with a common thoroughfare between; the tambu house occupies usually a central position, and has a staging in front. Page 67 :— “In the the tambu houses of St. Christoval and the adjoining Islands, we have a style of building on which all the mechanical skill of which the natives are possessed has been brought to bear. These sacred buildings have many and varied uses. Women are forbidden to enter their walls, and in some coast villages as at Sapuna in the Island of S. Duna, where the tambu house overlooks the beach, women are not permitted to cross the beach in front. The interior of these houses is free to any man to lie down and sleep in.”

If we turn to the Bismark Archipelago, the Louisiades, and New Hebrides we find either recent or former traces in them of these social barracks and many of the customs which so commonly accompany them such as ‘‘jhuming,” tatooing, pile building, head-hunting, &c., and here there are canoe houses.

Mr. W. Powell, referring to the little houses of the natives on New Britain, says :—‘‘ For each village two large houses are built; one for the men the other for the women, no man is allowed in the woman’s house, nor is any woman allowed in the man’s house, the latter is generally used for a council house. They are lined with bunks made of bamboo which extend along both sides, serving as beds or seats.”

Near Port Webber he found, in a clearing, several houses, a large one in the centre, a council or reception house, with the large “oara- moot” or wooden drum before it. This house ‘‘ might have been, as in other parts of New Britain, a young man’s sleeping house.”

“When in want of women for their young men to marry (as they may not marry into their own tribe), they make a raid against the bush tribes of Byning and seize the young women, eating the bodies of the men killed or taken prisoners.”

Captain C. Bridge in the Proceedings R. G. S., September 1886, page 049, informs us that ‘at Ambrym (New Hebrides) and some

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other islands the young, unmarried men in a village always sleep in a large house specially set apart for them.” And in the Pelew Islands ‘in each village there are large club-houses to which the younger men resort, a few women from neighbouring villages also frequent them. It is not considered comme il faut fora woman to enter one in her own village. Ifshe did she would become an outcaste; going into one a mile or two off, however, in no way affects her position.”

As far off indeed as New Zealand we find the so-called bachelors’ barracks have spread from Polynesia. In a note from Mr. 8. Perey Smith, he says :—‘ The bachelors’ barrack is a Polynesian institution, known in New Zealand as the Wharee Matoro,’’ which was the sleeping place of the young men, and often of the young women too. Wharee means “house” and Matoro is the advance made by women towards the other sex (often used vice versa also). These ‘‘ wharee”’ were also the places where the village guests were entertained. Sexuat intercourse between the young and unmarried was quite uuconstrained in former times.”

Turning north to Formosa we find that Mr. G. Taylor, in the Proceedings, R. G. S. for 1889, page 231, says that in the aboriginal villages there are One or more buildings called ‘“ Palong Kans,” which are large houses built to accomodate the youths from the time they attain puberty until married. Their food is prepared by the parents and taken to the ‘‘ Palong Kan,” the lads are never allowed to reside in the paternal home. All public matters are discussed in the Palonge Kans” and it is of the nature of a caravanserai, as any visitor may enter, hang up his belongings and begin cooking at the public fire.

By day the building is watched by the youths in turn. On the

receipt of any intelligence necessitating a meeting of the villagers, the watchers attach to their waists the iron bells which always hang at the door, and run through the village, regulating their speed by the importance of the matter to be discussed.

Dr. Warbung again at page 745 refers to the Formosan skull hunts, blood money, and club houses for young men.”

In Borneo again we find a large number of savage races, many of them notorious head-hunters, and who in physique and customs are almost identical with onr Indo-Mongols of the hills round, and south of Assam. Not only among Dyaks and Nagas do we see, jhum culti- vation, building on piles, houses 200 aud 300 feet long, head-hunting, blackening the teeth, aversion to milk, and barracks for the uumarried youths; but singular details absolutely identical such as the bamboo pegged toa tree stem fora ladder, getting fire by see-sawing a long strip of dry cane under a dry branch held down by the foot, &c.

According to Sir Henry Yule:—“ In Borneo as weil as among the

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tribes of the Assam frontier, we find in each village one or more public halls used for public ceremonies, but which also form dormitories of the unmarried young men of the community and serve thus as a sort of main guard to the village, and in these halls both in Borneo and Assam is often seen suspended the treasure of trophy skulls. Hence St. John often calls them head-houses and sometimes bachelors’ houses.” Unfortunately St. John’s Life in the forests of the far Hasf” is not in our library, and I must be content with the above single quotation.

Wallace, however, in his Malay Archipelago, page 50, says, “My things were taken “up to the head-house,” a circular building attached to most Dyak villages, and serving as a lodging for strangers and the place for trade. The sleeping room of the unmarried youths, and the general council chamber.”

It may not be out of place to notice here, that in some cases the type of Chief’s house is the same as those seen in the hills round Assam, and in New Guinea.

In Mr. D. D. Daly’s note on the explorations in British North Borneo, (Proceedings R. G. S. January 1888, p. 6) he says:—‘“ At Pun- pun, the head man is Rendom, who lives in a large house, raised ten feet off the ground; there is a centre passage through the top part with many rooms containing families on either side.” This is structurally identical with our Chiefs’ houses in the Naga hills, and many other places, see ** Nature” June 19, 1884 p. 169.

The difficulty of tracing these barracks among the savage tribes in Sumatra has been considerable. So far my only source of informa- tion has been the short notice in the Illustrated London News” of September 12th, 1891, p. 335, of M. Julius Claine’s trip among the Battak Karo, in May 1890. He says :—“The town of Sirbayais divided into several “kampongs,” separated by bamboo palisade and ruled by their respective chiefs. The houses are built on piles of squared timber. In front of the house is a raised platform with a staircase of bamboo. The interior is one large room witha trench along the middle of the floor serving as a passage from end to end. This abode is occupied by the family Patriarch, with his married sons and daughters and their children, each branch of the family having its allotted place.

They pass much of their time on the outer terrace or platform, and occasionally sleep there at night. A dozen married couples with their offspring, or nearly 100 persons, may inhabit one such dwelling. Un- married young men live together ina large house sometimes of two stories, which is set apart for them.

So that here again in Sumatra we find unmistakably this singular social institution, and according to ‘‘ Nature” August 13th, 1885, p. 346, these Battaks are “head-hunters.”

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Whether the segregation of unmarried youths is seen in the island of Nias, and among the Tagal and Igorotte of Luzon, and the forest nomadics of central Sumatra I cannot say, but over the whole of Polynesia it seems to have co-existed with a stage of complete sexual liberty which now appears shocking to us.

For many years one of the greatest difficulties met with by the Missionariés over this region was the absence of terms in all the languages, denoting virtue, modesty and chastity. The attempts to ex- plain these terms to old or young alike, were met by shrieks of laughter, as they were utterly incomprehensible.

In all cases this universal and naive immodesty seems to have co- existed with the communal barracks sacred to men only, whether among exogamic or endogamic communities, and even among those as in Taipi”’ of the Marquesas, where marriage, as we understand it, had not been fully developed, or hardly begun.

In the ‘‘ Narrative of a four months’ residence in the Typee Valley of Nukuhiva, one of the Marquesas, in 1847,” Mr. Hermann Melville fully describes the ‘‘Ti” or bachelors’ hall, ‘‘at least 200 feet in length, though not more than 20 in breadth; the whole front of this structure was completely open. Its interior presented the appearance of an im- mense lounging-place, the entire floor being strewn with successive layers of mats. Thus far we had been accompanied by a troop of the natives of both sexes, but as soon as we approached its vicinity, the females gradually separated themselves from the crowd, and stand- ing aloof, permitted us to pass on. Inside, muskets, rude spears, and war clubs were ranged around.”

This is an almost exact repetition of Mr. Needham’s description of the Abors’ “bachelors’ hall”, or “Mosup” (Proceeding, R. Gt. S. May, 1886, p. 317.) ‘80 yards longand 10 yards wide,” and is entirely open along the whole of one side. aks this house all the single men warriors reside, and it is also used asa council room, and the arms are also stored in it as in the “Ti,” of the ‘“‘ Marquesas.”

The most remarkable feature in regard to Typee is that while in that instance the sexual liberty was unusually complete, and the ‘bachelors’ barracks” seen in its purest form, the institution of ‘‘mar- riage’ was yet in its infancy and from the very nature of the conditions was developing on endogamic lines.

The “capture of wives” appears in that case to have been practi- cally an impossibility, as a rule, and henceit may be one of the rare instances where monogamy or polyandry arose by endogamy. But the marriage tie, or ‘nuptial alliance” seems to have been of a very simple nature, and easily dissolved.


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In the case of Taipi,” we see a tribe confined toa valley 9 or 10 miles long by 1 or 2 wide, living on bread-fruit, plantains, cocoanuts, yams, growing spontaneously ; no cultivation, and possessing no cattle : only the pig; their houses scattered among the trees, not grouped into villages; and having perpetual feud with Happar and Nukuhiva, adjoin- ing tribes, eating these enemies when slain. The absence of marriage except in a rudimentary (endogamic) form, the complete sexual liberty, utter ignorance of modesty, and remarkable development of the Ti, or barracks tabu to women, are as singular as the general happiness and plenty, absence of sickness and crime.

For many years past an obscure relation has been observed in many ways between the Indo-Pacific region and East Africa; it crops up in several matters, and hence we need not be surprized at finding that, in variously modified forms, our communal barracks for the un- married are seen among the Massai and other races. Dr. Parkes noticed them on the Congo. In the Proceedings, R. G. S. for December, 1884, page 701, Mr. Joseph Thomson says :—“The most remarkable distinc- tions characterise the various epochs in the life-history of the Massai. The boys and girls up to a certain age live with their parents, and feed upon meat, grain, and curdled milk. Atthe age of 12 with the girls, and 12 to 14 with the boys, they are sent from the married men’s Kral, to one in which there are only unmarried young men and women. There they live in a very indiscribable manner till they are married.”

At this stage the men are warriors and their sole occupation is eattle-lifting and amusing themselves at home. The young women attend to the cattle and build the huts, and perform other necessary household duties. So pleasant does the Massai warrior find this life that he seldom marries till he has passed the prime of life and finds his strength decline. The great war spear and heavy buffalo- hide shield, the sword and the knobkerry are laid aside. For a time— a month—he dons the dress of an unmarried woman, and thereafter becomes a staid and respectable member of Massai society.” The habits ef this strange tribe are purely nomadic, they move about according to the pastures. Their houses are formed of bent boughs, plastered with dung.”

Again Mr. D. K. Cross, in the Proceedings, R. G. S. February 1891, page 87, referring to the Awamwamba of Nyassaland, thus describes the village houses of the unmarried people :—‘‘ the unmarried men or wakenja”’ as they are called, live in long-shaped houses often 50 feet or 60 in length built of bamboo. No man is allowed to marry till he is about 30, and able to buy a wife. ‘The herds are kept in separate houses which are long like those of the unmarried men.”


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Traces of the ‘bachelors’ barracks,’ young men’s clubs, and fetich houses tabu to women, are, I believe, found all across Africa, both among Bechuanas and Caffres, and the Bakalai of the Gaboon.

Thus we appear to have inthe case of the Massai, at least one instance in Africa, of organized sexual promiscuity as a social phase preceding marriage. Hitherto we have seen, this feature among more settled races, in this instance it is seen among semi-nomadics, where from the nature of the surroundings, in past times, the develop- ment of “marriage” appears to have been retarded by the ample supplies of food due to a pastoral life.

In strong contrast to this, we find among the Australian races, who are truly nomadic, and where food is procured with difficulty, that the possession of a wife (7. e., female slave) is of the utmost importance socially and early marriage the rule. A man’s wealth is measured by the number of his lubras.” Yet strange to say these races who have no settled villages or permanent buildings, exhibit the two social features so conspicuous in those having bachelors’ barrack, 7. e, com- plete sexual liberty among juveniles in the clan or horde, and isola- tion of the young men from the married families.

It has been urged by MacLennan in his Primitive Marriage,” pp. 85, 86 and 87, and by Peschel in his ‘“‘ Races of Man,” pp. 223, 224 and 5, that the cause of exogamy has been due to the horror of consanguinity, and that it is among rude and savage races that a horror of incest,is developed most strongly.” Apparently the fact has been unknown, or overlooked, that it is precisely among such races that we see the most complete, most unlimited, and socially recognized sexual liberty permitted within the tribe or clan until marriage, whether it is endog- amic or exogamic; that the ‘communal barracks” are in fact in many cases directly due to this fact, and hence are universally tabu to the married woman whether a captive or not. It is precisely in con- sequence of the sexual license attached to these barracks, that they are tabu. So that this “horror of incest” is really a fiction. It is much to be regretted that the want of a little more practical knowledge of savages and semi-civilized races, has caused MacLennan, Peschel and others, to make such a serious mistake as to suppose that exogamy and wife capture, were due to a horror of consanguinity,” a ‘terror of such alliances,” and that (MacLennan, 1. c. p. 232), “It is precisely nations in the most primitive stage which have the greatest abhorrence of incestuous marriage,” and hence practice wife stealing so as to avoid it. This view of the savages’ morality is necessarily ludicrous to all who understand the ‘‘ communal barracks,” and the sexual orgies so common among races haying this institution, and wherein they are

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viewed as harmless juvenile amusements. A view which extends from the Himalaya to New Zealand, and from the Marquesas to the Gaboon and beyond.

But to return to our (exogamic) Australians, and the traces of the barrack system among these nomadic races. Mr. Brough Smyth at page 36 of his great work says:—‘“‘ The unmarried young men have a place set apart for them in the camps, and they are not permitted to associate with the females, page 62. At the “mur rum” initiation of a girl by old women, after being painted, young men (20 or so) approach and take an oath not to assault her, but she may entertain any of them of her own free will as a lover, till married.

As marriage is only possible by capture or exchange, a man with no female relations (to barter) is an object of suspicion, and has to *“‘ share the discomforts of the bachelors’ quarters.” (page 86). A man calls a woman of the same caste (or clan) ‘‘ Wartoa,” 7. ¢., sister, and cannot marry her, yet connections of a less virtuous character which take place between them, do not appear to be considered incestuous.” *‘ Intercourse between the males and females belonging to the same class, appear to be regarded without disfavor.” ‘In arranging the “miams” (in a camp) care is taken to separate the unmarried young men from the married females and their families. It is not permitted to the young men to mix with females, but the young people of both sexes evade all precautions generally,” (p. 124).

“When one tribe visits another, huts are built for them by the hosts, and one is set apart for the young unmarried men,” (p. 135).

Again young menare taunted by the young women of their own tribe, if they marry outside by peaceful arrangement, (7. e., they object to loss of their lovers), (vol. II, p. 82).

The above are a few references out of many (in one work) to the fact that, excepting the married woman alone, there was complete sexual liberty within the horde or clan, between those calling them- selves brothers and sisters. This be it observed among races where their strict exogamy is, or has been, attributed to the dread and “horror” of risk of incestuous intercourse. There can be little doubt that as Mr. Horatio Hale aud others believe, the Australians are a degenerate race, or that they have carried with them into adverse surroundings, these two remarkable social features of complete sexual liberty within the clan, and the segregation of the unmarried youths, after exogamy arose. They exhibit one of the rare cases where among savages the increased importance of marriage and the wife ’””—as a food gatherer,—has dominated the relics of the barrack system. It is the opposite of what we have seen among the Massai, where the com-

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munal barracks appear to have survived in greater purity than elsewhere, due possibly to the absence of inducement to develope the marriage system. ;

Ht is instructive to note that while in the main perhaps, the develop- ment of social arrangements may have been from a stage of com- munism, through ‘‘ wife capture,” to endogamy, these three stages are not necessarily so incompatible as to be impossible together at one and the same time. Among many of our Indo-Mongoloid races we see all the three forms existing together in the same community. Taking the Banpara tribe as an illustration, we see in the head village Zu, as before noted, complete sexual liberty until marriage, and 13 typical bachelors’ barracks or Pah, which are also skull-houses, guard-houses, council-and guest-halls, strictly tabu to married women.

This sexual liberty before marriage, is part and parcel of the whole social organization, and has been so apparently from time imme- morial, producing no bad results, and is strenuously defended by old and young alike. If any grown girl becomes pregnant, which is a rare case until after marriage, there is very little trouble caused, as the young fellow to whom she is most partial is then allowed to marry her, with less delay and expense than usual. <A feature in the case is noteworthy, 7. e., that, as a rule, by the time a young man has reached the age of 24 or 25, and a girl 20, both settle down as quiet and sedate parties while still in the early prime of life. The stage of excitement is over, and itis exceedingly rare to find infidelity ; divorces being less frequent than among civilized races who value juvenile chastity. But side by side with this unlimited sexual liberty before marriage, we see that among the chiefs of these same tribes, who are great stick- lers for etiquette and customs, their marriages are strictly exogamous, they may not marry into their own tribes. The Chopnu (“bear’’) chief must not marry a bear,” or Chopnu girl, but he may marry a Chanu or “tiger,” or Yanu, “iron.” A Yanu chief may marry a Chopnu but not a Yanu. At the same time, when young, all those chiefs have the same liberty precisely as the other young men, have several sweethearts, and at least before marriage, one or more concubines, from their own tribe, the children of whom, if any, do not become chiefs. These concubines are called ‘“ Karsais.” Their Kuries” or true wives are arranged for with other chiefs who have marriageable daughters, often a tedious and costly matter, including political alliance. The ceremony when it comes off is largely a mock capture, the bridegroom and large number of elaborately decorated warriors, in full war paint, with guns and spears, meet the bridal party on the tribal boundary, execute their war dances and bring the bride home to

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a grand feast and general drinking bout. The Karsais”’ or concubines, meanwhile, are kept on, and as before, are practically servants, the Kuri indeed looks on them as indispensible. So that the chiefs are exogam- ic, and the marriage is a relic of wife capture, the ceremony often a mock capture or fight. But the rank and file of these head-hunting savages are now so closely packed all over these hills, and have been so for, at least 1,500 or 2,000 years that the difficulty of procuring wives, When so often at feud all round, has necessitated endogamous marriages, at first no doubt between different villages of the same tribe semi-independent. As a rule now, the common folk are endogam- ous, and the marriage is arranged by parents or relatives, at times by payment, and at others service, or both. In all cases, however, as amongst all the races having barracks, and sexual liberty, these mar- riages are adult, and not juvenile, as among Hindus and Mohamedans, and the parties themselves have the greatest say in the matter, they are not little puppets.

Of the three forms of sexual relation the oldest is probably the communal barrack system, which is so generally seen as at the basis of many tribal customs and which underlies the whole social life, a stage of exogamy, following but not superseding it, survives as a relic among the chiefs, while endogamy is apparently more recent, and in turn does not violently displace either of the others. The elastic relations existing between the villages constituting a distinct tribe, give us indeed the clue to the mode of transition from exogamy to endogamy. Occasionally a large village with one or more offshoots, will declare its independence, or two tribes (or clans) at peace agree to found a new settlement, which in time becomes distinct.

Indeed this has been the normal mode of tribal development over the entire area. Occasionally a single tribe orclan will be comprised in one large village or “chang,” and at feud with all others around it for 6 or 8 years, and this has no doubt led to endogamy, especially as so many of these ‘“changs,” are at times built on semi-detached peaks, and are practically almost distinct villages. But the transition from exogamy to endogamy among these tribes, has evidently been exceed- ingly slow, possibly not less than thousands of years, judging by their unwritten history, which goes back in some cases about 30 generations, and which unless secured at an early date, will undoubtedly be lost for ever. The remarkable feature in the case is the steady persistence of the barracks” all through, as a social survival from a period which evidently preceded the origin of these races as we now see them.

The sociological significance of these singular communal institu- tions, briefly referred to in the foregoing, it is imperatively necessary

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to study carefully if we hope to glimpse the earlier forms of social development, or settle whether man has been from the first “a pairing animal,” and the family the unit, as some suppose, or whether the unit has been the small chiefless communal clan.

A general, if somewhat cursory survey in this research, is much more likely to elucidate the truth, than a very careful study of isolat- ed instances, which vary so considerably, as to be at times probably misleading. Collectively these barracks seem to point to a communal origin, incompatible with the pre-existence of monogamy, the univer- sality of the tabu against the married woman, among races wherein there is, and has been complete sexual liberty till marriage, seems to point out the married woman or captured slave, as a social interloper ; she is not the superior or even the equal in the situation anywhere, but is universally legislated against as an inferior, the barrack domi- nates her and even her offspring. They are antagonistic.

One of the dangers of studying this subject exclusively from a fess instances only, is seen in thefact that in many cases the tabu against the “wife,” has gradually been extended to the other women and girls of the clan, a very natural development. But while there are appar- ently no cases wherein the married women can visit or sleep in these young men’s barracks (in their own tribe) there are a large number wherein the unmarried girls can do so, and nota few in which these latter are expected to do so, or even in which special barracks (Gabru morongs) are built for them. Those who know anything of these primi- tive races, among whom we fird these communal barracks and their utter disregard for juvenile chastity, must smile at the remark that “it is precisely among nations in the most primitive stage which have the greatest abhorrence of incestuous marriages,” and that this drove them all into wife capture. As ifto render this view still more ludicrous, Huth’s marriage of near kin,” amounts to a demonstration that consanguineous marriages are not at all necessarily injurious, and may at times even be beneficial, as all breeders of stock well know and the race of Ptolemies demonstrated. That in the earlier stages of human development, ere social customs arose regulating the rights of property, there may have been a time when captured women were the public property of the horde, is not impossible. But as soon as rights in captured spoils were recognized, by races wherein there was sexual communism, and hence less internal competition for females, the right of the stronger warriors to keep their female captives as wives,” would be less disputed. The more valuable such females became as slaves, the more wife capture would be developed, as in Australia. MacLennan would appear to have been under misapprehension, when

1892.] 8S. H. Peal—Communal Barracks of Prinvitive Races. 267

in arguing against the “origin of marriage” by capture, he thought it unlikely, because savages had ‘‘ women of their own whom they could marry.” It is precisely because in a communal stage, all the females of the tribe, or horde, were public property, that no male could isolate, and appropriate one, as his own eaclusively, that the right to a captive female slave (as a wife) became feasible. She was private property. The distinct private right to captured weapons, utensils or slaves, resulting from ‘“‘joint action,” is notorious among savages. Hence it is singular to see MacLennan insisting that the public right to a beautiful captive,” would stand as an argument against ‘‘ marriage by capture.’ When we examine the matter closely, in situ, we find that invariably, the property captured ina joint raid, is never scrambled for, but subject to laws or rules minutely regulating the private rights of those engaged. Whether in fishing, hunting, or in raids for much coveted heads, to secure the envied tatooing, there are strict rules as to the rights in the spoils. I have known a case where the youngest lad in a head-hunting party alone secured the head, and the honor of tatoo- ing, out of a party of 63 young warriors. Without strict and recog- nized rules in all such matters, there would be chronic social anarchy. So that when closely examined MacLennan’s argument will not hold water. Whether an exhaustive study of these singular “communal barracks”? seen among so many distinct races under such various local phases, will eventually shew us that they are the relics of a former stage of communism, itis not easy to see, but there are certain per- sistent features which appear to point in that direction, among others the universal tabu against the married women. If marriage” by capture of female slaves, arose while society was in the stage of com- munal hordes, or clans, it is very easy to see that the successful warriors would naturally object to their female captives (or wives as we now call them) associating with the unmarried young men in their communal quarters, and hence tabu them. It is what we might naturally expect under the circumstances, and also that these warriors would generally have the power as well as the inclination to enforce such a social law. If there were no other females available for the rest of the males, it might not have been so easy perhaps, but when we recollect that in all these cases there was complete sexual liberty within the horde itself, among its normal female members, the successful isolation of the captive wives was probably feasible, and hence arose both the marriage and “tabu” simultaneously. The almost univer- sal power of these communal relics, over the children, a power which, asa rule, dominates that of the parent, is another indication that marriage and the family are of more recent development. Indeed the


268 §. E. Peal—Communal Barracks of Primitive Races. [No. 8,

indications that some forms of communal association preceded the isolation of the family turn up in several unexpected ways. At page 140 of his travels D’Albertis illustrates a “Marea” at Paras village 300 ft. long by about 36 wide, this being the great communal building, or sacred house, tabu to women, and in this instance the houses of the married folk, also built on piles, are two rows of little huts, one along each side of the great building, distinct from it, yet with little flying bridges to it, across which the men alone could pass, the women’s access to them being by little doors and ladders on the outside, as in fig. B. This arrangement and isolation of the married people’s quarters, on either side of a common hall or passage, seems to underlie the construction of houses very generally all over this part of the world, asin figure A. Inthe case of the ‘“ Mou Miori,” (D’ Alberts) 1. c. pp. 319-20, these married quarters are no longer little appendages along each side of the Marea, but are really distinct houses, and set back, so as to form a wide street, in which the communal Marea is placed. And here again we see that this arrangement asa street, is very common, from Assam to the Pacific. We even see that the clear space between the rows of houses used for dancing on, has a distinct name, the Akra”’ of the Oraons, the Imrai” of new Hebrides, &c., fig C. All these houses are built on piles, 3 or 4 to 8-10 ft. long, and have the siesta platform §S, projecting in front beyond the eaves; the Airaba” of New Guinea, the “Tung gong” of Miris, and Humtong” of Nagas. In all the figures, A. B. C. Co are the com- munal and M the married quarters,

The building of houses on piles which is very common among races having communal barracks, has long been a stumbling block to anthropologists. Mr. Crawford in his History of the Archipelago,” p. 159, attributes it to the people inhabiting marshes, banks of rivers, and the sea coast. Others say asa means of security from attacks of enimies or wild animals. but as Sir Henry Yule pointed out in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, February 1880, page 296, it cannot be due to these and is really a race character.

The most likely cause for the custom seems {to be the presence of the pig, which, as a domestic, or semi-domestic animal, is kept by almost all pile building races, and which unless there were some means taken to effectually frustrate its depredations, would devour everything edible within reach, infants included, as some of the people themselves point out. They could not go out to their jhums, without leaving a guard behind them. This pile building” is one of the allied customs before alluded to; and exhibits the usual variation due to influence of physi cal surroundings.

1892.] 8S. E. Peal—Communal Barracks of Primitive Races. 269

The fact that these barracks are found over such an immense area among such distinct races, and with such marked geographical vari- ations, obviously due to the surroundings, indicates an extreme anti- quity, preceding the differentiation of physique and even language, and beirg essentially of a communal nature they seem relics of a social stage preceding monogamy, and to demonstrate more or less clearly that marriage arose by capture. The extreme, and indeed absolute freedom between the sexes before marriage, culminating in many races, in sexual orgies, and the absence of the ideas of modesty and chastity, amply demonstrate that it could not have been the dread of incest which drove them into exogamy. There appears to be absolutely no evidence that a peaceful stage of monogamy preceded the communal barrack system, certainly no evidence of peaceful endogamy, or ‘“ mar- riage” within the horde or clan. Such evidence as we have is distinctly in favor of “marriage by capture,” having arisen during a stage of communism, the relics of which we see surviving in these singular communal barracks. That they are doomed, and ere long will become extinct, is not at all doubtful to those who have watched them in some cases for 20 years. The trader and the missionary are rapidly changing the old order of things, and, even without their aid, there ap- pears to be some evidence that among many of these races, the im- portance of the family is in the ascendant. It is most desirable therefore that these social relics should be studied systematically at an early date, the information gained would be of much value to anthropologists, and not entirely useless perhaps to those interested in such questions as infant marriage, and the age of consent,

A | B : |

SS sar] (ame exe a =jiehall OE evts| ety : ee ae =a Platte = (Seal ee ae gia Ean Lets DANE 72 g jective | S. ie Place’. = ad

dl ene

270 P. Brithl—De Raminceulaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes.—Scriesiv P. Buuut. [Tab. iii, iv, v et vil. PRAEFATIO.

Ex quo tempore Hooker filius et T. Thomson de Ranunculaceis indi- cis in volumine primo Flore imperii indici conscripserunt, maximus nu- merus exemplarium stirpium exsiccatarum adlatus est a Stoliczka, An- derson, Kurz, Prain, Henderson, Scully, Giles, Aitchison, Duke, Lace, Brandis, Schlich, Gamble, Ellis, Baden-Powell, Drummond, Davidson, Tanner, Sedgewick, C. B. Clarke, Watt, Gammie, Pantling, aliisque vir- is, magnaque speciminum copia cumulata est in herbariis caleuttensi et saharanpurensi summa industria atque cura Duthiei et Doctoris King, clarissimorum virorum illorum de rebus botanicis indicis optime merito- rum. Ac peregrinationes laboresque Hancei, Henryi, Prattii, Davidi, De- lavayi, Maximowiczii, Przewalskii, Potanini, qui, fortes ad pericula, desertorum terroribus vel hostium montiumque altissimorum frigoribus indomiti, Mongoliam et Tibetiam et Chinam propriam peragraverunt, atque species novae in imperio sinensi reperte et ab Maximowiczio, Fran- chetio, Hemsleyo, aliisque accuratissime descriptae ac definitae compara- tionem stirpium indicarum cum stirpibus regionum finitimarum reddi- derunt faciliorem.

Quamobrem Ranunculaceas indicas denuo perscrutari et cum reli- quis asiaticis et europaeis comparare instituimus, quamquam regnum nipalense vix exploratum et ex partes Himalayae quae a terra sikkimensi ad orientem vergunt adhue fere ignotae nos impediunt ne quaestionem plane cumulateque perficiamus. Species autem Ranunculacearum valde variabiles sunt mirumque in modum polymorphae, ut perdifficile sit for- mas varias in species subspecies varietatesque disponere harumque fines regere. Ita fit ut genera plurima in species permultas, descriptionibus bene definitas, natura plane confusas, divulsa et quasi discerpta videa- mus. Facilius enim est apta dissolvere quam dissipata connectere.

Et quamquam in lbellis floris excursoriis dictis conficiendis parvi interest utrum more Jordaniano subvarietates ad speciei dignitatem per- ducamus, an sequentes O. Kuntze sexcentas species aliorum auctorum ad unam redigamus : maximi momenti esse censimus in plantarum distri- butione investiganda et ad doctrinam transmutationum aliasque quaes- tioues physiologicas recte intelligendas non seiungere ea quae gradatim transeuntia unum in alterum natura sint iuncta. Itaque in his disputa- tionibus speciem statuimus esse universitatem omnium stirpium quae, quamvis extremae inter se differant habitu, magnitudine, indumento, par- tium figura, aliisque notis, ita formis mediis copulatae connexeeque sunt

1892. ] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 271

ut discrimen quod in omnes partes valeat nullum reperiri possit. Sed quoniam summam alicuius speciei cognitionem non possumus consequi, nisi elus varietates scientia complectamur earumque affinitates indage- mus; cumque inyestigatio variationum multum habeat delectationis : subspecies, varietates, subvarietatesque Ranunculacearum indicarum no- bis investigandas putavimus. Vis autem et natura subspeciei et varie- tatis in eo est quod quibusdam notis satis distinctae sint, sed tamen quasi gradibus nec genere inter se differant, ita ut discrimen varietatum propinquarum saepe perdifficile sit neque sine comparatione multorum exemplarium in herbariis conservatorum instituta possit fieri.

Atque in his commentariis nobis saepe mentio facienda erit cater- varum stirpium quae, perductae ab auctoribus quibusdam ad speciei dignitatem, ad subspecies vel varietates revocandae videantur. Sed temporis spatiique compendii faciendi causa interdum licebit subspecies vel ipsas varietates tractare tamquam species, si auctores quidem iis Speciei nomen invenerint. Si autem dignitatem subspeciei vel varietatis plane praedicare volumus, hoc modo scribere liceat: si speciem ab auctore quodam definitam pro subspeciem habendam censimus virgulis utemur et scribemus exempli gratia—-Aquilegia fragrans’ Bentham; si varietatem—Aquilegia fragrans” Bentham; si autem ipse, qui nomen dedit formae quam subspeciem opinamur esse, eam pro subspecie varie- tateve habuit, hoc modo scribemus exemph causa—Clematis sikkimensis HT f.et T’ Ht cum clarissimo Doctore Drude* asterisco quidem uti licuerit, ita ut ponamus—Aquilegia * Moorcroftiana Wall., vel Delphi- nium * persicum Boiss., vel Thalictrum * rufum Lecoyer in locum Aqui- legize vulgaris Lin., subsp. Moorcroftianae ( Wall. pro specie) vel Delphinii camptocarpi, subsp. persici (Boiss. pro sp.), vel Thalictri punduani Wall., subsp. rufi (Lecoyer pro sp.) ; sed facilius videtur esse minusque tardum virgulas scribere quam asteriscos.

Atque Baillon, vir ille assiduus et in cognitione rerum indaganda sagacissimus, multa genera ad subgenera, uti in Ranunculaceis Aconitum ad Delphinium, Caltham ad Trollium revocat. Eum si sequamur, num censimus tanta nomina mutanda et Delphinium Napellus vel Trollius palustris pro Aconito Napello vel Caltha palustri scribendum esse ? Minime vero. Nam si subgeneris pro generis nomine utamur, vix unquam error nobis atque tenebrae erunt; si autem specierum per- multarum nomina in alia mutemus, quanta turba erit, quanta confusio. Sic vero nonne iis qui rebus herbariis operam dent magis magisque necessitas imposita erit in synonymis solvendis ac discendis temporis abutendi et historiae opinionum atque errorum pro cognitione atque

* Vide Schenk, Handbuch der Botanik, yol. iii, 2,

272 P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

indagatione rerum naturae substituendae P Neque Baillon, vir doctissi- mus, Aconito ad subgenus Delphinii redacto, dinumerat omnes species Aconiti sub nomine Delphinii neque nomen suum nominibus mutatis adicit. Nam satis est seribere Aconitum Napellus Lin. aut, si mavis, Aconitum’ Napellus Lin., virgula posita post nomen subgeneris. Quid? Si quis omnino tollat genus aliquod, aut si nomina prisca in libris antiquis indaget atque odoretur, nomenne suum nomini mutato affgat? Imitandine sunt viri illi illustrissimi qui ipsorum nominibus scribendis nunquam fessi laboribus levioribus aeternitatem adipisci immortalitatemque sibi parere volunt et sub titulo legum conservandarum omnia miscunt atque perturbant? Immo honorem censimus iis esse tribuendum qui in notis quibus species nova a reliquis eiusdem generis speciebus distingui possit accurate ac diligenter investigandis operam laboremque consumpserunt, neque lis qui in enumeratione stirpium quae in terra quadam crescunt conscribenda aut qui nomine generis commutato speciebus veteribus nova nomina imponunt. Itaque sufficet scribere— Ranunculus Shaftoanus Aitch. et Hemsl. (sub Oxygraphide), vel, si placet, uti nos in his disputationibus interdum scribemus,—Ranunculus! Shaf- toanus Aitch. et Hemsl. vel plane Ranunculus Shaftoanus Aitch. et Hemsl. neque Ranunculus Shaftoanus Boiss. Et scribere quidem maluissemus- —Ranuneculus Shaftoanus (A7tch. et Hemsl.), nisi Torrey et Gray in Flora civitatum boreali-americanarum nomen auctoris nominis specie inter arcus posuissent neque scripsissent exempli causa—Caltha palus- tris (Lin.) vel Trollins laxus (Salisb.).

Sed ad propositum revertamur. In disputatione prima de Aquilegia dicemus fusius, quod magna in herbariis Aquilegiarum indicarum videtur esse confusio ; in altera omnes species indicas ordinis Ranunculacearum in subspecies et varietates disponere easque accuratius definire conabi- mur, ac praecepta addemus concisa ad species in provinciis nonnullis indicis gignentes ratione ac via determinandas; in postrema denique de variatione atque polymorphismo Ranunculacearum quae in imperio, indico regionibusque finitimis nascuntur proponere instituimus.

Materiam autem ad has disputationes conscribendas praebuerunt herbaria hortorum calcuttensis et saharanpurensis, thesauri illi ditissimi stirpium indicarum exsiccatarum, quarum usum debui benignitati liberalitatique Doctorum King et Prain, ac comitati cl. Duthiei qui non solum Ranunculaceas in herbario saharanpurensi conditas mihi libentis- sime et, propter studia mea frequenter negotiis publicis longo intervallo intermissa, per longum temporis spatinum incommodo suo commodavit, sed cuius exemplaria exsiccata etiam ab ipso magna cura ac diligentia

lecta optimeque conservata investigationum labores mearum aliquanto sublevaverunt.

1892.] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 273

Nominum autem compendia quibus in his commentariis utemur inter alia haec sunt :—

F, I.= Flora indica; F. B. I. = Flora of British India; H. EH. I. C.= herbarium of the late East India Company; H. Calc.= herbarium cal- cuttense; H. Sah.=herbarium saharanpurense; A.= Dr. Anderson; Aitch. = Dr. Aitchison; B.= Dr. Brandis; B. P. = Baden-Powell; C.= General Collett; Cl.=C. B. Clarke; D.=Duthie; Dd.= Davidson; Dr. = Drummond; H.= Ellis; G.= Dr. Giles; J.= Rev. Jaeschke; K.= Dr. King; K. C.=viri qui missi sunt a doctore King stirpes legendi causa; Scez.= Dr. Stoliczka; Sy.= Dr. Scully; W.= Dr. Watt.



Inter genera variabilia Ranunculacearum ac polymorpha vix aliud genus inveniri potest de quo tam variae sint sententiae virorum rerum herbariarum peritorum tamque discrepantes quam sunt de Aquilegiis, quarum nonnulli dinumerant plus quadraginta species, quas alii ad quingue vel sex redigendas esse censent. Atque Hooker filius et T. Thomson in Flora indica et in Flora imperii indici omnes formas indicas ad Aquilegiam vulgarem revocant, et Aquilegiam pyrenaicam, Moorcroft- ianam, fragrantem, pubifloram, glandulosam, aliasque cum Aquilegia vulgari formis mediis connexas esse et ad eam reducendas affirmant, quamquam plurimi qui quidem in artis herbariae cognitione versentur illas species omnes inter se maxime distinctas et certe ab Aquilegia vulgari seiungendas esse arbitrantur. Quamobrem ad omnes formas Aquilegiarum, europaeas, sibiricas, caucasicas, americanas, praecipue autem indicas et sinenses perscrutandas nos conferre constituimus, ut reperiamus, si id fieri possit, quae notae constantes et ad species discer- nendas aptae evadant quaeque sint mutabiles neque ad species propinquas separandas valeant. Sed ne revolvamur eodem in hac quaestione tractanda, antequam formas varias denuo in species aut subspecies varie- tatesve distribuimus, species ita accipiemus uti sunt definitae in mono- graphiis Bakeri et Zimmeteri vel in Floris orientali Boissieri, rossica, altaica, dahurica, tangutica, mongolica, aliisque auctorum rossicorum, vel in germanicis, italicis, gallicis Kochii, Bertolonii, aliorumque scriptorum.

Si autem quaerimus quibus notis 11 qui de Aquilegiis scripserint ad harum species internoscendas in monographiis et floris usi sint, animad- vertimus auctores indumento, thallomatis ramificationi, foliolorumque figurae ac magnitudini, partium floralium formae et mensurae com- paratae vel per se aestimatae, denique folliculorum longitudini et fabricae, seminumque structurae vim discriminis adiudicavisse.

274 P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 8,

Primum igitur de indumento pauca dicamus. Nam species Aqui- legiae saepe ab auctoribus distingui invenimus praesentia aut absentia pilorum glandulosorum. Atque mirum quanta confusio exstiterit ex specie illa Gouani, quam auctor propter indumenti naturam Aquilegiam viscosam nominavit, quod nomen doctissimum Boissierum aliosque induxit ut stirpem Gouanianam ab Aquilegia vulgari typica nullo modo diversam, tabulam autem pictam in Illustrationibus male descriptam esse censerent; Kitaibel vero stirpem eam, cui postea Schott Aquilegiam Kitaibelii dixit nomen, eandem esse vult ac speciem Gouanianam, quam quidem Zimmeter cum dubio ad Aquilegiam Hinseleanam refert. Baker vero in monographia sua Aquilegiarum* Aquilegiam viscosam speciem bonam neque cum varietate aliqua viscosa Aquilegiae vulgaris neque cum Aq. Einseleana confundendam esse putat. At vero exemplar vidimus humile uniflorum a Requieno in monte Ventoux Provinciae lectum, cuius folia omnibus notis ita cum foliis in tabula Gouaniana pictis congruunt ut nobis persuasissimum sit hance esse formam quam Gouanius dicit humilem esse atque unifloram. Exemplar autem Re- quieni omnino cum exemplaribus quibusdam A. Hinseleanae e valle Sassina Savoyensi allatis convenit, ut nemini dubium possit esse, quin A. viscosa Gowan eadem species sit atque A. Hinseleana Schulz= A. pyrenaica Koch=A. Bauhini Schott, quae quidem transitus praebet ad Aquilegiam Kitaibelii Schott=A. viscosam Kitaibel= A. pyrenaicam Visiani et A. thalictrifoliam, quam Nyman sub-speciem censet esse A. Bauhini. De sententia Bakeri et Zimmeteri pars inferior caulis folia- que A. Kinseleanae glabra sunt, sed in exemplaribus nonnullis, neque tamen omnibus, in valle Sassina lectis caulis totus petioli petioluli foliaque basilaria manifesto glanduloso-hirta sunt, ita ut discrimen inter A. vis- cosam et A. Einseleanam reperiri possit nullum. Jam vero indumentum eaulis stirpium indicarum ita variabile est, ut nullius momenti ad species Aquilegiae seiungendas esse opinemur, utrum caulis totus sit pilosus an pars eius inferior glabrescat. Mentionem autem facere licet hoc loco exemplarium himalaicorum A. vulgaris var. Karelini, quorum para- stemones apice hirti sunt, quod in nulla alia forma Aquilegiarum invenimus. Atque in Himalaya Tibetiae occidentalis forma quaedam A. Moorcroftianae occurrit, cuius caulis infimus petioli petioluli folia dense vel densiuscule glanduloso-hirta sunt, quamquam illae partes A. Moorcroftianae plerumque sunt modice puberulae vel omnino glabrae ; et in exemplaribus A. nivalis’ var. paradoxae P. B. vidimus caulem nune basim versus glaberrimum nunc prope basim glanduloso-hirtum nune totum cum petiolis dense hirsutum. Ht foliola quidem A. vulgaris typicae

* Gardener’s Chronicle, 1878.

1892.] P. Briihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 275

interdum sat dense pubescentia sunt, ut haec nota ad Aquilegiam Ebneri et A. vulgarem discernendas non valeat. De quo concludendum esse censimus indumentum caulis foliorum parastemonum ad species Aqui- legiarum internoscendas nullam vim discriminis habere. Meliores vero notas praebet indumentum carpellorum. Nam formae plurimae, quae cum Aquilegia vulgari et A. canadensi artioribus affinitatis vinculis coniunctae sunt, ovarium habent dense hirtum, cum carpella Aquilegiae sibiricae glabrae sint; vidimus tamen pistilla Aquilegiae sibiricae secun- dum suturam ventralem pube minuta vestita, et ovaria Aquilegiae brevistylae nune pubescentia nunc glaberrima inveniuntur. Atque carpella Aquilegiae leptoceratis a Turczaninowo glaberrima dicta sunt ; sed Ledebour in Flora rossica exemplaria se vidisse ab ipso Turczaninowo missa, quorum carpella pubescenti-villosa fuerint, et stirpes in horto Schweitzingensi e seminibus sibiricis ortas ovaria pubescentia praebuisse scribit. Probabile autem, carpella iuniora hirta esse, sed cum mature- scant, pubem fundere, ut interdum fere accidit in aliis Aquilegiis, sicut in A. pubiflora.

Nune veniamus ad staturam et ramificationem caulis foliorum- que divisionem. Longitudo caulis floriferi Aquilegiae glandulosae variat inter 12 et 40 cm., Aquilegiae kunaorensis et Aquilegiae pubi- florae inter 15 et 70 cm., Aquilegiae oxysepalae inter 20 et 100 cm., Aguilegiae vulgaris typicae inter 35 et 120 ecm. Cum autem caulis ramique cuncti in floribus desinant, videamus quot flores in quarundam caule Aquilegiarum inveniantur. ._Habemus in A. vulgari typica 3-6-12, in A. nigricanti 1-5, in A. glandulosa 1-5, in A. kunaorensi 1-6, in A. oxysepala, canadensi, Hinseleana 1-10; atque exemplaria reperi- untur Aquilegiae pubiflorae alia humilia et uniflora quae stirpes simpli- ces Aquiligiae viscosae Gouanii in mentem revocant, alia procera 50-70 em. altitudine octo vel decem flores edentia Aquilegiaeque vulgari simil- lima. Ramificatio igitur caulis valde varia.

Nec foliorum divisio videtur satis constare. Nam folia basilaria ternata Aquilegiae leptoceratis Fisch. et Mey. et Aquilegiae dinaricae Beck foliis biternatis plus minus mixta sunt, et folia plerumque biter- nata Aquilegiae Bertolonii, A. viscosae, A. pyrenaicae, A. nivalis, A. nigricantis haud raro cum ternatis nonnullis sunt sociata; quin etiam folia simpliciter ternata in A. pubiflora et A. alpina, speciebus foliis insigniter biternatis vel triternatis, haud semper absunt.

Atque foliola media in formis indicis saepius plus minusve pro- funde divisa, aut in A. fragranti, A. kunaorensi, A. vulgari var. Karelini folia plane triternata sunt ; sed foliola terminalia A. vulgaris typicae et A. canadensis et A. glandulosae nunc ad basim usque trisecta, nunc ad medium tripartita, nunc vix ad quartam partem triloba. Species

276 P. Briihl—De Ranuneulaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

autem Aquilegiarum nonnullas ab auctoribus magnitudine foliolorum distinctas invenimus ; et formae inter se distantes certe foliorum men- sura interdum discerni possunt, uti A. pyrenaica ab A. grata; sed foliola plerumque magnitudine mirum in modum variant. Longitudo enim foliolorum mediorum foliorum basilarium Aquilegiae nivalis 3-16 mm., A. viscosae 5-25 mm., A. glandulosae 10-40 mm., A. alpinae 12-40 mm., A. pubiflorae 10-45 mm., A. vulgaris var. variae 25-50 mm., A. Moorcroftianae 9-50 mm., A. canadensis 12-50 mm., A. oxy- sepalae 15-60 mm.

Latitudo quoque foliolorum cum longitudine comparata nobis in discrimine specierum saepe deest, quod videre licet si, mensura acta, latitudimem folioli terminalis cum longitudine comparemus. Quam ob rem in hac tabella mensuram latitudinis tanquam fracturam longitudinis

expressimus :—

A. oxysepala ... ond 4—10, A. vulgaris typ... eo wo. 2-4, A. alpina ant = 1-5, A. Bertolonii 13, A. Einseleana ... ax $-—1, A. pyrenaica ... 1-3, A. nivalis ne 1-3, A. glandulosa $— 38, A. Moorcroftiana ahi ow +-3, A. pubiflora ce «. 3—4 (raro £).

Aquilegia Einseleana igitur os rt pyrenaica a ne Bertolonii lati- tudine foliolorum cum longitudine comparata aegre distinguitur. Men- surae autem inter se comparatae foliolorum figuram partis eorum basim spectantis afficiunt eflficiuntque ut foliola margine sese obtegant vel attingant aut intervallo plus minusve manifesto inter se distent. Ht foliola quidem terminalia foliorum basilarium basim versus conspicue cuneata sunt in A. thalictrifolia et A. Hinseleana et A. leptocerate, late cuneata in A. Kitaibelii, A. Bertolonii, A. oxysepala, aliisque; sed in A. vulgari typica nunc subanguste nunc late cuneata nunc fere rotun- data, in A. alpina basi aut obtusa subcuneata aut subtruncata, in A. pyrenaica late cuneata v. subcordata v. rotundato-truncata, in A. nivali obtusa v. subcordata, raro cuneata, in A. glandulosa et Moorcroftiana late cuneata v. obscure cordata v. truncata, in A. pubiflora late cuneata v. subtruncata. Foliola marginibus plus minusve sese obtegunt in A. alpina, A. Bertolonii, A. pyrenaica, A. nivali, A. grata; in A. glan- dulosa foliola marginibus plerumque imbricata sed etiam subdistantia, quod accidit etiam in A. Moorcroftiana, A. vulgari, A. oxysepala, A.. pubiflora ; cum foliola A. Kinseleanae et thalictrifoliae semper distantia

1892. ] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 277

sint et in A. Kitaibelii sese vix attingant. Transitus vero animadver- tuntur inter A. Hinseleanam et A. Bertolonii; neque A. thalictrifolia cum A. grata et A. pyrenaica gradibus per A. Hinseleanam et A. Kitai- beli1 non est connexa. Inter Aquilegias autem indicas A. pubiflora varietatibus foliorum insignis; folia enim nunc Aquilegiae vulgaris, nunc Aquilegiae alpinae, nunc fere Aquilegiae viscosae.

Sed haec quidem de foliis basilaribus : folia autem caulina inferiora A. Moorcroftianae, praesertim eius varietatis, quam Cambesséde suaveo- lentem appellavit, mirifice polymorpha nunc Aquilegiam vulgarem, nune A. glandulosam, nunc A. alpinam, nunc A. Bertolonii in mentem revyo- eant ; et in exemplaribus afghanicis et kashmiricis ex eodem loco allatis nune crenas breves et rotundatas A. Bertolonii vel pyrenaicae nune lineari-ablongas A. alpinae animadvertimus; neque folium caulinum infimum A. Bertolonii basilaribus semper dissimile, et stirpes Aquilegiae alpinae floribus magnis haud raro occurrunt quae foliorum caulinorum natura infericrum ab Aquilegia Bertolonii aegre discernuntur.

Mittimus vero de florum colore dicere: notissima enim mira varie- tas illa colorum quam vidimus in gregibus illis americanis Aquilegiae caeruleae et formosae; notissimae etiam varietates florum Aquilegiae glandulosae quae sepalis caeruleis petala nunc alba, nunc ochroleuca, nunc caerulea adiungit; notissimae denique in saltibus himalaicis stirpes illae Aquilegiae kunaorensis suaveolentis speciosis ornatae flori- bus ex calyce albido constantibus vel stramineo et corona, cui suffusus est color nune ochroleucus, nunc albus, nune violaceus.

Verum haec missa facimus; illud quaeramus num magnitudo flornm discrimen sit inter species Aquilegiarum. Hac enim nota aucto- res saepe usi sunt ad Aquilegiam vulgarem et A. nigricantem, A. Ber- tolonii pyrenaicamque et A. alpinam, A. Kitaibelii et A. pyrenaicam et A. Hinseleanam, A. vulgarem et A. Ebneri, A. longisepalam et A. nigri- ceantem, A. Mooreroftianam et A. fragrantem internoscendas. Longi- tudinem vero sepalorum, quae nota ad magnitudinem floris attinet, in exemplaribus herbariorum indicorum, millimetris mensam, hance reperi- mus—in :—

A. vulgari... a vw» 18-32, A. atrata is BOC wae Weer A. nigricanti xs ww» 24-34, A.alpinma... a .. 930-45 -(varissime minus 30), A. Hinseleana re we 14-27, A. Bertolonii aoe . 24-30, A. glandulosa aS . 16-45, A. nivali des Li wr 14-28,

278 P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

A. kunaorensi var. a Camb. ww. =14-24, A. kunaorensi suaveolenti w. 26-50, A. oxysepala 535 aa L430; A. pubiflora 14 «. 12-28, A. fragranti er w. 22-80, A. pyrenaica typica 435 ee Ee A. canadensi es co PZEZ2, A. caerulea oer 44. 22-40.

Distributio igitur Aquilegiarum in micranthas, mesanthas, macran- thas vix hortulanis quidem usui esse potest; neque mensura sepalorum utenda videtur in discrimine A. Ebneri et A. vulgaris, A. vulgaris genuinae et A. nigricantis. Et quamquam Zimmeter in’ tabella analy- tica scribit sepala A. Kitaibelii esse 17 mm., Aquilegiae autem Hinse- leanae et pyrenaicae 25-27 mm. longa, vidimus tamen exemplaria Aqui- legiae Hinseleanae in alpibus savoyensibus lecta quorum sepala 14-18 mm. tantum longa erant, et specimina reperimus Aquilegiae pyrenaicae e salti- bus montis pyrenaei allata sepalis vix p!us 17 mm. longis. Non est igitur vis discriminis in longitudine sepalorum. Melius autem insigne ad species discernendas mensurae sepalorum inter se comparatae prae- bere videntur; nam sepala exemplarium fere omnium Aquilegiae pubi- florae et Aquilegiae oxysepalae lanceolata et manifesto, interdum longis- sime, acuminata sunt; vidimus autem specimina A. pubiflorae sepalis aut ovato-lanceolatis longe acuminatis apice acutis aut obtusis, aut ovato-lanceolatis leviter acuminatis apice subacutis aut raro ovato- oblongis neque acuminatis apice obtusis, aut rarissime late ovatis apice obtusis. In hac tabella latitudo sepalorum tanquam fractura longitudinis

expressa est—

A. pyrenaica genuina id eae oe A. Einseleana ite _ . 2-5, A. vulgaris typica ei ave ww «2-4, A. glandulosa bee ~~ | sy 1 pi i025 A. moorcroftiana typica coe os aes A. kunaorensis suaveolens 7 . 2-3, A. oxysepala eee ove Pr A. pubiflora eee ~ .. 4-4, raro i.

Reperiuntur autem sepala Aquilegiae moorcroftianae typicae nune late ovata v. ovato-oblonga apice obtusissima aut subacuta, nunc ovato- lanceolata breviter acuminata apice obtusiuscula; sepala Aquilegiae kunaorensis var. suaveolentis nune ovato-oblonga neque acuminata sed apice acutiuscula aut breviter acuminata apiceque fere obtusa, nune ovato-lanceolata acutissima conspicueque acuminata ; sepala Aquilegiae alpinae nunc late ovata acuta nunc elliptico-oblonga subobtusa. Sunt

1892.] P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 279

igitur, quoad sepala, formae mediae inter A. pubifloram et A. vul- garem typicam, neque e sepala A. oxysepalae latiora sepalis Aquilegiae vulgaris var. indica figura dissimilha.

Alia nota quam auctores ad species seiungendas aptam existimant a longitudine sepalorum et petaloram comparata sumpta est, uti sepala A. Einseleanae dicuntur petalorum limbum superare 14 mm., A. pyre- naicae 9 mm., A. nigricantis 21 mm. ; eminere vero videmus sepala ultra petalorum marginem anteriorem 3-14 mm. in A. Hinseleana, 4-9 mm. in A. pyrenaica, 10-21 mm, in A. nigricanti; in Aquilegia porro pubiflora 6-14 mm., in A. Moorcroftiana typica 3°5-12 mm., in A. oxysepala 4-11 mm., in A. kunaorensi suaveolenti 15-22 mm., in A. nivali 7-14 mm., in A. glandulosa typica 6-22 mm., in A. viridiflora interdum 0-4 mim.

Nec mensurae comparatae limbi petalorum longiorumque staminum nobis ad species seiungendus suppetunt. Neque columnam stamineam A. atratae nunquam extra petalorum campanulam 3 mm. tantum pro- iectam vidimus, quod etiam accidit in A, vulgari typica ; in A. Hinselea- na autem et in A. alpina stamina petalis sunt 2-6 mm., in A. pyrenaica 2-4 mm., in A. glandulosa 2-11 mm. breviora, cum in aliis stamina nune sint petalis paullulo breviora nunc paullulo longiora. In Aquilegia vero caerulea var. typica stamina nectariorum limbo nune 10 mm. breviora nunc 6 mm. longiora, nunc numerosissima nunc eodem fere numero atque in A. canadensi, nunc patentissima nunc subparallela, nunc fere eadem longitudine nunc inter se valde inaequalia.

Proximum est ut de forma laminae petalorum investigemus utrum satis constet ad discrimen specierum an variabilis evadat. Margo autem exterior petalorum manifesto rotundatus reperitur in A. transsilvanica, glandulosa, incunda, Hinseleana, thalictrifolia, Bertolonii, pubiflora ; rotundato-trunicatus est in A vulgari, atrata, alpina, glauca, nivali, fragranti, Moorcroftiana, formosa, canadensi, Skinneri. Vidimus tamen exemplaria A, pyrenaicae typicae et A. Hinseleanae et A. pubiflorae quorum petala apice rotundato-truncata erant neque plane rotundata ; Aquilegia autem glandulosa genuina Fischeri petala habet apice obtusa; et petala Aquilegiae nivalis nunc fere rotundata, nunc truncata ac sinuata, nunc profunde emarginata sunt. Figura igitur limbi petalorum, quamquam satis utilis ad subspecies internoscendas, nos in specierum discrimine fallere videtur.

Maximi vero momenti auctores plurimi calcaris formam magnitudi- nemque comparatam esse putaverunt.

Primum igitur de mensura calcaris cum laminae longitudine com- parata videamus. Neque tamen de formis illis monstrosis Aquilegiae vulgaris ecalcaratis agemus, neque de varietate illa Aquilegiae formosae cui nomen truncatam dicunt disseremus cuius calcar longitudine vix

280 P. Briihl—De Ranunculacers Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

quinta decima vel vigesima pars est petalorum limbi, quae varietas vero cum forma illa calearibus lamina quadruplo longioribus praedita et a Fischero sub nomine Aquilegiae formosae definita gradibus connexa est ; cum A. formosa Fischeri sensim in stirpem illam, quae a Planchon arctica dicitur et in tabula picta* lneis descripta est, transeat. Sed formis Aquilegiae vulgari affinibus nos contineamus. Mensuram autem calcaris ad longitudinem laminae redactam ita reperimus—

i i We: A. vulgaris typica oe ove so == i Dl Suis A. pyrenaeica typica ... 20h Bote A. Hinseleana Ses wo seh i = S 1!

/ A. Mooreroftiana typica ore we 48, A. kunaorensis suaveolens oe we «68, A. glandulosa (incl. iucunda) en sce SSS

te i Y pee

A, fragrans pea on mPa i enleal

Jie pubiflora ete eee eee BUC eak)

Haec nota igitur nequaquam constat.

Sequitur ut de forma calcaris quaeramus. Calcar vero utrum rectissimum sit an modice incuryvum nihil interest ad species inter- noscendas. Nam calcar nunc rectum nunc manifesto incurvam neque tamen hamatum reperitur in A. Einseleana, Kitaibelii, thalictrifolia, Ottonis, leptocerate, Moorcroftiana, glauca, kunaorensi suaveolenti, pyrenaica. Tabula picta vero Aquilegiae viridiflorae in Iconibus Deles- sertii ab auctoribus iterum iterumque reprehensa et male descripta existimata est quippe quae calcaria exhibeat apice incurva; vidimus tamen exemplaria mongolica a Potanino lecta calcaribus vertice manifesto curvatis minimeque rectis. Haee observatio nos incitat ad quaestionem investigandam num figura calcaris tanti momenti ad species distinguendas sit quanti eam auctores, perpaucis exceptis, esse eredi- derint. Calcaria Aquilegiae Moorcroftianae in alabastro saepe un- cinatim incurva; cum stirps floreat, nunc stricta, nunc manifesto incurva ac calcaribus Aquilegiae nigricantis vix rectiora. Meliora vero exempla variationis calcarium ex Aquilegia pubiflora, fragranti, nivali ducere possamus. Nam Aquilegiae pubiflorae calcaria reperi- mus saepissime uncinatim vel circinnatim incurva; in silvis tamen provinciae Simla forma occurrit sepalis quidem lanceolatis acuminatis foliisque Aquilegiae pubiflorae genuinae sed caleare nunc manifesto uncinato nunc leniter incurvo minimeque hamato ; et in varietate, quae Cunningham ex Himalaya pentapotamica attulit, calear paullum incur- vum sepalis nunc lanceolatis acuminatis nunc late ovatis obtusis adian- ctum est. Vidimus etiam in herbario Kurzii exempla e Bavaria missa

* Flore des Serres, tab. 795.

1892.] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 281

Aquilegiae vulgaris genuinae calcaribus rectis nequaquam hamatis; et calcaria Aquilegiae alpinae, vix unquam recta, in Appennino septen- trionali fere more Aquilegiae vulgaris incurva inveniuntur, stirpes vero foliis Aquilegiae alpinae typicae instructae sunt neque cum Aquilegia Bertolonii confundendae. Sed ad species himalaicas revertamur. Sunt in terra gilgitensi et in Kashmiria stirpes caule elato insigniter folioso foliis valde divisis atque haud raro triternatis floribusque mediocribus affinitate artissima inter se iunctae; sed calcaria nunc perbrevia et circinnatim incurva Aquilegiae glandulosae, nunc lamina paullo bre- viora et manifesto incurva, uti haud raro sunt in Aquilegia Hinseleana, nune subrecta et lamina sublongiora Aquilegiae Moorcroftianae typicae. Neque forma illa, quae in montibus altissimis ad nivem deliquescentem nascitur et cui, auctore Bakero, Aquilegiam nivalem nomen dedit Fal- coner, variatione calcaris minus insignis; stirpes sunt humiles, foliis biternatis, foliolis margine sese obtegentibus reniformibus vel late rotundato-deltoideis, floribus saepius mediocribus, sepalis caeruleis vel violaceis, carpellis quinque, atque omnibus notis, calcaribus exceptis, ita inter se congruunt ut ne in varietates quidem divelli possint. Flores vero plurimi calcar habent crassiuscule conicum et vix incurvum for- marum quarundam Aquilegiae alpinae; reliquorum autem calcaria nune graciliora atque omnino Aquilegiae pyrenaicae, nunc brevia et circinnatim involuta uti in Aquilegia glandulosa; haec est forma cuius Hooker filius et Thomson in Flora imperii indici nomine Aquilegiae iucundae mentionem faciunt, neque revera ab Aquilegia iucunda Fischeri distinguenda est nisi petalorum lamina truncata vel emarginata nec rotundata staminibusque saepius hmbum subaequantibus. Quibus rebus expositis satis docuisse videmur calcarium figuram ad _ species indicas discernendas parvi momenti esse.

Jam vero parastemones propter eorum varietatem praetermittamus. Sed de carpellis pauca dicenda esse putamus. Pistilla autem stami- nibus longioribus 1-5 mm. breviora vel 4 mm. longiora in A pubiflora, 2 mm. breviora vel 3 mm. longiora in A. kunaorensi suaveolenti, 4 mm. longiora vel 1 mm. breviora in A. nivali, 1 mm. longiora breviorave in A. oxysepala, 2 mm. longiora vel 3 mm. breviora in A. Moorcroftiana, 1-5 mm. breviora vel fere 1 mm. longiora in A. alpina. Parvi igitur interest utrum stylus ultra stamina emineat an a staminibus superetur.

Styli autem primum saepissime recti, sed pollen postquam ventorum insectorumque ope dispersum est, parte stigmatosa saepissime paullum dilatata, apex styli haud raro plus minusve manifesto recurvatur. Occurrunt styli apice rectiac plus minusve recurvi nec raro fere revoluti in Aquilegia nivali, vulgari, fragranti, et stylus Aquilegiae pubiflorae et Moorcroftianae nunc rectus nunc apice circinnatim curyatus invenitur,

282 P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

Sed quoniam de carpellis, qualia sunt ante coniunctionem pollinis cum ovulis factam, insignia ad species distinguendas trahere non possu- mus, videamus num liceat notas ad discrimen utiles de carpellis maturis ducere. Et certe formae quaedam ab aliis quibusdam longitudine folli- culorum discerni possunt, uti Aquilegia Skinneri, cuius carpella matura inter Aquilegiis longissima et fere 3°5 cm. longa distinctionem huius speciel et Aquilegiae canadensis reddunt facillimam. Sed primum demus enumerationem longitudinum folliculorum, sequentes mono- graphiam Bakeri et pollicis mensuram in millimetra commutantes :—

A. Hinseleana ... ate 8-13 mm. A. viscosa zs ies “oo rao a A. thalictrifolia ... vix 13 mm. A. pyrenaica ia ave eh LS Tom. A. Bertolonii ie 13 mm. A. Amaliae ae wats fere 13 mm. A. pubiflora ae set 12-16 mm. A. vividiflora i? au 12-19 mm. A. brevistyla whe ek es 13,;mm, A. flavescens tie mee 12-19 mm. A. Moorcroftiana ~ 15-19 mm. A. glauca ne oF 19 mm. A.canadensis s+. - fere 19 mm. A. fragrans 18-25 mm. A. parviflora ae ad 25 mm. A.leptoceras’ ... case fere 25 mm. A. vulgaris aie fere 25 mm, A. sibirica fere 25 mm. A. formosa : vix 25 mm. A.chrysantha ... oes fere 25 mm. A. glandulosa ... die fere 25 mm. A. caerulea ie ose plus 24 mm, A. alpina ne rr 25-30 mm. A. Skinneri ie its ud eoain,

Verum fieri potest ut, maiore stirpium fructiferarum copia per- scrutata quam fere in herbariis inveniatur, magnitudo carpellorum magis variabilis reperiatur quam appareat ex illa tabella. Nam folliculi exemplarium quorundam sinensium Aquilegiae oxysepalae 16-18 mm. sed in mandshuricis sunt 26 mm. longi; et carpella matura A. pubi- florae et A. Moorcroftianae, illa 13-21 mm., haec 15-22 mm. longa animadvertimus.

Atque folliculi Aquilegiae pubiflorae saepissime sunt a medio valde recurvati uti in A. olympica; sed exemplaria etiam indica suppetunt,

1892. ] P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Dispututiones. 283

quorum folliculi recti et paralleli sunt, ut in A. oxysepala et A. cau- casica.

Quid igitur est? Nonne videmus omnia signa, quae ii, qui rerum herbariarum europearum periti sunt, ad discrimen specierum generis Aquilegiae adhibuerint, in stirpibus himalaicis et sinensibus fluxa esse atque omnino cadereP Nonne videmus Aquilegiam fragrantem, uti gradatim in Aquilegiam Moorcroftianam et Aquilegiam kunaorensem suaveolentem transit, ita cum Aquilegia pubiflora artissimis affinitatum vinculis coniunctam esse? Nonne videmus formam illam raram et Speciosam in iugis provinciae Garhwal ortam, quae ab Aquilegia alpina morphologice certe non seiungenda est, nihil aliud esse nisi varie- tatem Aquilegiae kunaorensis? Nonne videmus Aquilegiam nivalem quae ipsa, et recte quidem, a Bakero varietas Aquilegiae glaucae, id est Moorcroftianae existimatur, non solum Aquilegiam pyrenaicam omnibus rebus imitari, sed etiam Aquilegiae iucundae quam proxime appropinquare P Nonne verisimile est stirpes illas quae in valle Nila una cum Aquilegiae pubiflorae stirpibus crescunt, sed propter figuram calcarium indumentumque caulis atque foliorum ad varietatem Kare- lini Aquilegiae vulgaris referendae sunt, nihil aliud esse nisi formas Aquilegiae pubiflorae, quae, quasi atavismo, ut ita dicam, ad parentem Aquilegiam yulgarem spectent? Si vero folia, calcaria, fructus, reli- quae denique partes stirpium himalaicarum atque sinensium ita vari- abilia evadant, ut eandem varietatem floribus nune Aquilegiae pyre- naicae, nune Aquilegiae iucundae, nunc Aqnilegiae alpinae ornatam inveniamus, nonne notae, quibus A. Hinseleana, Bertolonii, nigricans, discolor, Ebneri, atrata, aliaeque internoscuntur, nimis viles ad species discernendas videantur? Cognitio igitur varietatum Aquilegiarum indicarum ac sinensium nos in eandem sententiam adducit, ad quam abhinc multos annos* Hooker filius et Thomson scrutatione speci- erum europaearum aliarumque perducti fuerunt: Aquilegiam vulga- rem, alpinam, glandulosam, viscosam, pyrenaicam, Moorcroftianam, pubifioram, aliasque complures speciem unam efficere, insigniter quidem variabilem et propter formas plures in propinquas sensim sensimque transeuntes aegre in subspecies ac varietates distribuendam. Sed quoniam multas species ad unam redigendas esse demonstravimus, formas cunctas quas ab Aquilegia vulgari non selungendas esse puta- mus enumerare oportet. Sunt autem haec—

A. alpina Lin. A. kunaorensis Camb. A. Amaliae Heldr. A. lactiflora Kar. et Kir. A. atrata Koch. A. leptoceras Fisch. et Mey.

* Flora Indica, p. 44, 45, (1855).


b> b> b

> > >




. dinarica Beck.

HPP > bb bb bbb

P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes.

. aurea Janka.

. Bauhini Schott.

. Bernardi Gren. Bertolonii Schott. caucasica Rupr.

. discolor Lev, et Ler. Ebneri Zimtr. Einseleana Schulz. fragrans Benth. Fussii Zimtr. Gebleri Besser.

. glandulosa Fischer. glauca Linell.

. grata Maly. iucunda Fischer.

. Kitaibelii Schott.

. oxysepala’ Trautv.

mandshurica P. B.”

. kansuensis P, B.”’

. vulgaris’ typica Lin. caucasica Ledebour.”


LX, . olympica” Boiss., Bernardi” Gren., longisepala” Zimér. atrata’’ Koch. Karelini Baker.”

. varia Maly.”

. recticornu P. B.” Ebneri”’ Zimtr. dinarica” Beck.

. eynensis P. B.”

. paraplesia” Schur. nigricans” Bawmdgt.

. alpina’ Lin.

. typica.

himalaica P. B.”

A. Bertoloni’ Schott. A. viscosa’ Gouan.

a. Einseleana’”’ Schulz. B. thalictrifolia’” Schott.



A. . Mooreroftiana Wall. . nevadensis Boiss.

. nigricans Baumgt.

PPP >>> >be bb b> bb bp

a. 4

[No. 3,

longisepala Zimétr.

nivalis Fale.

. olympica Boiss.

Ottonis Orph.

. oxysepala Traulv.

paraplesia Schur. pubiflora Wall.

. pyrenaica DO.

. Reuteri Boiss.

. Sternbergii Rchb.

. Subalpina Bor.

. sulphurea Zimtr.

. transsilvanica Schur.

. viscosa G'owan.

ae formaé ita in subspecies varielatesque disponendae videntur—

. discolor” Levier et Ler.

. nivalis’ Falconer.

paradoxa P. B.””

. saccocentra P. B.”

. glandulosa’ Fisch. iucunda” Fisch.

. genuina.

. sulphurea” Zimtr.

transsilvanica”’ Schur.

Gebleri” Besser.

. Mooreroftiana’ Wall.

fragrans” Benth.

. Winterbottomiana P. B.””

suaveolens Camb.”

glauca” Lindl.

kunaorensis” Camb.

Wallichiana”’ Herb. Cale

afghanica P. B.”

. subaphylla P. B.”

. leptoceras’ Fisch. et Mey.

. lactiflora’ Kar. Kir.

. pubiflora’ Wall. Cunninghami P. B.”

. Massuriensis Doyle.”

See 8 oP Pee OV DP BRD Ee PD

% F

rn ey

1892. ] P. Bruhl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 285

y. Kitaibelii” Schott. y. subnuda P. B.” VI. A. grata’ Maly. XIV. <A. Ottonis’ Orph. VII. A. pyrenaica’ D. O. a. typica.

a. genuina. 6B. Amaliae” Heldr.

Affinitates autem in tabula tertia exhibitae sunt.


I. Agquilegia oxysepala’ Trautv. (1847)

(Aquilegia vulgaris. var. oxysepala Regel Flor. Ussur. <A. oxypetala Franchet, Pl. Dav., Pl. Delav.),

foliis basilaribus biternatis, foliolis incisocrenatis terminali rhombeo v. cuneato-obovato, foliis caulinis sparsis, inflorescentia (1—) 2—10-flora, alabastris subcylindricis, sepalis erectopatulis lanceolatis acuminatis 17-30 mm. longis. vinosobrunneis, petalis rotundato-truncatis lamina albida calcaribus laminae subaequilongis uncinatim incurvis, stami-@ nibus petalorum apicem haud attingentibus, carpellis hirtis, folliculis cylindricis sine stylo 16-26 mm. longis.

Area geographica—Sibiria orientalis, Mandshuria, China propria borealis et occidentalis. var. a, mandshurica P. B.,

foliolis terminalibus foliorum basilarium 4-5 cm. longis, sepalis

27-30 mm. longis 10-12 mm. latis, parastemonibus acutissimis vix v.

haud undulatis, folliculis sine stylo 25-28 mm. longis. Mandshuria,

China borealis, Siberia orientalis. var. 8. kansuensis P. B.,

sepalis 15-25 mm. longis 5-7°5 mm. latis, parastemonibus ob- longo-lanceolatis acutis conspicue crispule undulatis folliculis sine stylo 12-19 mm. longis. Kansu, Hupeh, Setchwan, Yunnan.

subvar. aa. inflorescentia 3-10 flora foliolis intermediis fol. bas 4-6 cm. longis. Vidi exemplaria ex Hupeh (Henry) et Setchwan (Pratt) allata.

subvar. BB. inflorescentia 1-3 flora foliolis intermediis 16-25 mm. longis. Hupeh (Henry !).

Descriptio subspeciei. Rhizoma descendens, irregulariter cylindricum, collo reliquiis foliorum plus minusve in fibrillas solutis vestitum, atrobrunneum, caulem solitarium edens, 3-15

yam. crassitudine. Caulis erectus simplex y, superne ramosus teres leviter sulcatus fistulosus, flori-

fer (20-) 40-70 cm, altitudine basi 2-6 mm, crassitudine, plus minus puberulus.


286 P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

Folia basilaria longissime petiolata sed caule florifero multo breviora 12-80 cm, longa; petiolus basi in vaginam late Janceolatam margine membranaceam 5-85 mm. longam convergentim plurinerviam dilatatus leviter canaliculatus 2-20 cm. longus puberulus y. subglaber 08-2 mm crassitudine ; lamina biternata ; petioluli primarii graciles glabri v. puberuli, medio 15-70 mm. longo laterales 2—8 medii longitudine ; foliola membranacea viridia infra pallidiora tenuiter nervosa, terminale longe petiolulatum y. subsessile circumscriptione rhombeum vy. cuneato-obovatum interdum subrotundum 15-60 mm, longum latitudine #-%° longitudinis basi late

cuneatum rarius subrotundatum fere ad medium rarius ad duo partes trilobum, lobo medio obovato saepe late cuneato apice crenis grossis tribus inciso, lobis lateralibus

breviter oblongis inaequaliter inciso-crenatis, petiolulo 1 cm. longo v. subnullo; foliola lateralia breviter vy. saepius brevissime petiolulata y. plane sessilia tra- pezoidea asymmetrice lateque cuneata vy. obscure semicordata ad medium y. infra medium inaequaliter biloba, lobis paucicrenatis v. intermedio plus minus profunde bilobulato.

Folia caulina intermedia sparsa sursum gradatim magnitudine decrescentia breviusque petiolata basilaribus subconformia ; superiora subsessilia saepe profunde tripartita partitionibus lanceolatis, summa parva tripartita v. bracteiformia lanceo- lata integra,

Inflorescentia raro uniflora saepissime 2-10 flora laxissima. Pedunculi gracileg longitudine varia teretes apicem versus pilis patentissimis dense pubescentes. Flores mediocres v. maiusculi suberecti. Alabastri subcylindrici.

Sepala erecto-patentia membranacea lanceolata acuminata nervis ramosis tribus percursa basi longe cuneata vy. abrupte constricta apice acuta 17-30 mm. longa latitudine ?—2 longitudinis, dorso parce puberula vy. glabra, vinoso-brunnea, petala 5-11 millimetris superantia. Petalorum lamina oblonga apice rotundato-truncata 12-15 mm. longa, albida; calcar a basi conoidea sensim in apicem anguste sub- cylindricum attenuatum uncinatim incuryum (raro subrectum ?) apice nectarifero subcapitatum, in flore aperto distantia inter punctum insertionis et partem infimam calcaris quam lamina 1 mm. longiore y. paullo breviore. Stamina modice nu- merosa apicem petalorum haud attingentia; filamenta longiora 7-10 mm. longa, lanceolato-linearia; antherae oblongae, 1-2 mm, longae, flavae v. fusco-virides- centes. Parastemones scariosi ovato-lanceolati apicem versus acutati marginibus plani v. crispule undulati 6-9 mm. longi, pistillis circiter 2 mm. breviores. Pistilla 5, erecta, 9-11 mm. longa; ovaria subcylindrica, in stylum graciliter subulatum subaequilongum sensim attenuata, cum parte inferiore styli dense patentissimeque hirta. Folliculi (4-) 5 chartacei paralleli cylindrici, stylo subulato 5-6 mm. longo rostrati, venis trausversis crebris plus minus anastomosantibus conspicue reticulati, hirti, sine stylo 13-26 mm. longi crassitudine +—} longitudinis. Semina numerosa oblongo-obovoidea sectione transversa subtriangularia dorso curvata ventre cari- nata, circiter 2°5 mm. longa, nigra, nitida rarius subopaca, creberrime minuteque punctulata. ;

Aquilegia hybrida Sims, nisi revera forma hibrida ex A. canadensi et A. vulgari sit, quod dubium est quoad stirpes e seminibus sibiricis in horto dorpatensi natas, A. oxysepalae’ foliis, colore florum, forma ala- bastri, sepalorum directione valde affinis videtur, et vix dubitandum quin varietas sit huius subspecei calcaribus subrectis praedita,

1892. ] P. Brihl—De Ranwnculaceis Indicis Dispututiones. 287

II. Aquilegia vulgaris Lin. subspecies typica

(Aquilegia vulgaris subsp. I, H. f. et T. in F. B. I.; Aquilegia vulgaris Zimmeter No. 1, Baker No. 18; Aquilegia Ebneri Zimmeter ; A. nigricans Baumgt., A. Sternbergii Rchb., A. Haenkeana Koch; A. atrata Koch; A. caucasica Rupr.; A. olympica Boiss.; A. paraplesia Schur; A. longisepala Zimmeter; A. dinarica Beck; A. subalpina Boreau ; A. Bernardi Gren. ; A. glaucophylla Steud.),

foliis basilaribus biternatis, rarissime ternatis, foliolis terminalibus cuneato-obovatis v. reniformibus rarius rhombeis, foliis caulinis sparsis magnitudine varia, inflorescentia (1—) 2-15 flora, sepalis stellatim patentibus ovatis v. ovato-lanceolatis 18-38 mm. longis, calcaribus la- mina rotundato-truncata rarius obtusa paullo longioribus rarius sub- duplo brevioribus, staminibus petala 1-3 rarius 3-8 mm. superantibus, carpellis hirtis, folliculis e basi ovoidea apicem versus attenuatis sine stylis 18-24 mm. longis. Area geographica—Sibiria, Altai, Thian- Shan, Ferghana, Himalaya occidentalis, Caucasus, Armenia, Huropa fere tota, Mons Atlas.


var, a. caucasica Ledebow"’,

(A. caucasica Rupr.), caule 50-90 cm altitudine, ramoso folioso glanduloso-pubescenti, foliis basilaribus biternatis, foliolo medio longiuscule petiolato basi cuneato ad medium trilobo, lateralibus sessilibus v. breviter petiolulatis profunde bilobis, lobis rotundato- crenatis, foliis caulinis inferioribus basilaribus subconformibus sed brevius petiolatis, superioribus trifoliolatis foliolis bi v. trifidis v. integris, summis linearibus, floribus fere magnitudine var. typi- cae, sepalis cyaneis ovato-oblongis in apicem acutum acuminatis, petalorum lamina albida apice truncata, calcaribus e basi late co- noidea subulatis, hamatis staminibus stylisque limbum attingentibus, folliculis parallelis, e basi ovoidea attenuatis, sine stylo circiter 2 cm. longis, seminibus nitidis microscopice punctulatis.—Caucasus.

var. 8. olympica” Boiss.,

uti var. a, sed folliculi usque a medio divergentim recurvi et semina opaca granulata.—Armenia, Persia bor.

var. y. Bernardi” Grenier,

caule 50-70 cm. altitudine superne ramoso 3-7 floro, foliis basi- laribus magnis varietatis typicae (variae), sepalis late ovatis, peta- lorum lamina apice rotundato-truncata, calcaribus lamina sub- duplo brevioribus gracilibus hamatis, staminibus lamina multo brevioribus.—Corsica.





P. BrithlL—De Ranuneulaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3

6. longisepala”’ Zimmeter,

(A. longisepala, Zimmeter No. 4), caule folioso 40- 70 ¢ em. altitu- dine superne glanduloso-pubescenti, foliis biternatis glabris viridi- bus, foliolis magnis (ad 50 mm. longis) cuneatis divergentibns ad quartam tertiamve partem trilobis, floribus saturate caeruleis, sepalis lanceolatis fere 38 mm. longis, petalorum lamina apice truncato-rotundata fere 1 cm. longa calcaribus lamina duplo longi- oribus uncinatim inecurvis, staminibus laminam fere 5 millimetris superantibus.—Hungaria, Croatia.

e. atrata” Koch,

(A. atrata Koch, A. nigricans Rchb. et Zimmeter nec Baumgt.),

caule superne ramoso folioso 35-80 em. altitudine, foliis biternatis foliolis fol. bas. subsessilibus vy. saepius manifesto petiolulatis glabris v. saepius infra puberulis v. subdense pubescentibus inter- medio ad quartam partem y. ultra medinm 3-lobo, lobo intermedio breviter oblongo v. cuneato-obovato, floribus purpureo-violaceis rarius caeruleis, sepalis 18-32 mm. longis, petalorum lamina apice truncata raro rotundata 11-14 mm. longa, calcaribus quam lamina 2-5 mm. longioribus, staminibus in columnam_ subcylindricam petala (3-) 5-10 millimetris superantem associatis, stylo apice recto v. recurvo antheras saepe haud attingente, folliculis var. typicae.—Alpes, Jura, Silva bavarica, Transilvania ; Thian Shan in montibus Alexandrinis ?

é, Karelini Baker” (A. Sterubergii P Kar. Kir),

caule 60-80 cm. altitudine Hi bes plurifloro, uti petioli petiolu- lique, usque a basi dense glanduloso-hirto, foliis basilaribus aut biternatis foliolisque ad medium y. magis profunde tripartitis aut plane triternatis, foliolis tenuiter membranaceis puberulis, crena- turis obtusis, foliis caulinis inferioribus basilaribus subconformi- bus floralibus superioribus trifoliatis v. triseclis segmeutis lanceo- lato-oblongis et lanceolatis, floribus puberulis, sepalis 20-24 mm. longis (in sibiricis longioribus) ovato-lanceolatis versus apicem obtusum acuminatis, calcare uncinatim incurvo laminae 11-13 mm. longae apice truncatae subaequilongo, antheris hmbum vix atting- entibus, parastemonibus late linearibus apice obtusiusculo apiculato minute hirtulis, pistillis 5-7 stamina haud superantibus dense glanduloso-hirtis, stylo ovariis breviore (descriptio ad exemplaria indica refert). Floret Iunio, Iulio.

Area geographica—Altai australis, Ala-tau, Thian-shan, Fer- ghana, Yarkand (?), Himalaya occidentalis. Specimina vidi in valle Nila provinciae Garhwal alt. 8-9000’ a Duthieo lecta.

1892.] P Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 289

var. 9. Varia Maly” (Aquilegia vulgaris typica et Aquilegia subalpina

Boreau, Zimmeter No. 1),

caule 35-120 cm. altitudine basim versus glabro v. vix puberulo manifesto folioso, foliis caulinis inferioribus basilaribus subconfor- mibus, foliolis fol. bas. infra subglabris v. densiuscule pubescenti- bus, foliolo medio saepe petiolulato ad tertiam partem y. fere ad medium trilobo rarius tripartito 25-50 mm. longo lobo medio cune- ato-obovato v. transverse oblongo lateralibus saepius oblique obo- vatis, floribus caeruleis interdum albis, sepalis 22-32 mm. longis apice acutiusculo late acuminatis, petalorum lamina rotundato- truncata v. retusa, staminibus petala subaequantibus y. 1-3 milli- metris superantibus, calcaribus 4-3 laminae longitudine, stylo apice recto vy. leviter recuryvo.

Area geographica—Yarkand (?), Sibiria, Europa, mons Atlas.

var. 0. recticornu P. B.”,

caule elato folioso plurifloro, foliis caulinis fere omnibus biter- natis vel ternatis, foliolo fol. bas. medio lato trifido v. tripartito partitionibus divergentibus lineari-oblongis longe cuneatis inciso- crenatis crenis obtusis, sepalis oblongis subobtusis circiter 2 cm. longis, petalorum lamina 10-13 mm. longis apice rotundato-trun- catis, staminibus limbum attingentibus v. 3 mm. superantibus, calcaribus subulatis rectis v. vix incurvis laminam subaequantibus. Vidi exemplaria in herbario Kurzii e Bavaria missa; calcaria in formis norwegianis etiam leviter incurvata inveni.

var. ¢. Ebneri’ Zimtr. (Aquilegia Ebneri, Zimmeter No. 2),

caule basim versus glabrescente 25-40 cm. altitudine, foliis bas. biternatis, foliis caulinis inferioribus trifoliolatis v. trisectis, foliolis sessilibus v. breviter petiolulatis infra dense pubescentibus medio 19-22 mm. longo fere ad tertiam partem trilobo lobo medio cuneato- obovato, fioribus 2 v. 4 rubescenti-cacruleis, sepalis ovato-oblongis circiter 18 mm. longis, petalorum lamina rotundato-truncata a citer 9 mm. longa, calcaribus lamina circiter 6 mm. longioribus hamatis, staminibus petala paullo superantibus, stylo apice unci- nato.—Styria.

var. x. dinarica’ Beck (A. dinarica Beck in Ann. Hofmus.),

caule 1—-2-floro, ad 20 cm. altitudine, usque a basi uti petioli pilis patentibus glanduliferis obsito, foliis pubescentibus basilaribus ter- natis foliolis conspicue petiolulatis subcordatis tripartitis rariugs trisectis partionibus inciso-crenatis, floribus pilosis, sepalis ovato- oblongis 2-3 cm. longis, albis v. caerulescentibus patentibus, peta- lorum lamina caerulescenti rotundato-truncata 11-20 mm. longa


P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 8,

calcaribus graciliter conicis hamato.incurvis laminae subaequilongis, staminibus fere laminae longitudine, stylis quam ovaria paullo brevioribus.—Bosnia.

var. X. eynensis P. B.”’,

caule fere ad apicem usque simplici 2-3 floro 25-35 em. altitudine ut petioli basim versus parce hirto sub floribus glanduloso-pubes- centi; foliis bas, biternatis, petiolis 5-10 cm. longis, petiolulis pri- mariis 15-30 mm. longis foliolis breviter petiolulatis v. sessilibus aut subglabris aut utrinque dense pubescentibus basi obtusis, medio subrotundo vy. fere reniformi 15-18 mm. longo fere ad medium tri- lobo lateralibus oblique reniformibus profunde bilobis, lobis crenatis aut bi v. trilobulatis, crenis integerrimis v. paucicrenulatis obtusis v. rotundato-truncatis ; folio caulino infimo a basi remoto ternato, foliolis tripartitis partitionibus crenato-incisis ; foliis superioribus 2 v. 3, trifoliolatis, foliolis oblongo-lanceolatis pedunculari lineari, sepalis 23-26 mm. longis late ovatis acutis unguiculatis, petal- orum lamina truncata vy. retusa 10-13 mm. longa, calcaribus unci- natim incurvis quam lamina 1—4 millimetris longioribus, staminibus limbum attigentibus, parastemonibus lineari-lanceolatis ovariis paullo longioribus, stylis apice recurvis antheras vix attingentibus.

Vidi exemplaria pyrenaica in valle d’ Eynes lecta. Flos omnino A. vulgaris typicae, sed differt caule subsimplici hand conspicue folioso foliis foliolisque minoribus; ab A. Bertolonii folio caulino infimo basilaribus subconformi (et ab iis remoto), lamina petalorum plane truncata v. retusa distinguenda. An A. pyrenaica var. B. decipiens Grenier et Godron, cuius calearia dicuntur paullum cur- vata et lamina retusa; an A. vulgaris var, hirsutissima quam Lespeyres in Flora Pyrenaica nasci scribit ad Font de Comps’ P

var. p. paraplesia’” Schur (A. paraplesia Zimmeter No. 6),


caule 20-30 cm. altitudine basim versus glabrescente subnudo 2-3 floro, foliis basilaribus biternatis, foliolis sessilibus glabrig medio basi cuneato ad tertiam partem trilobo, floribus rubescenti- caeruleis (atroviolaceis), sepalis ovato-lanceolatis acutis circiter 32 mm. longis petalorum imbum rotundato-truncatum fere 18 mm, superantibus, staminibus calcaribusque lamina longioribus stylisque limbum attingentibus.—Transsilvania.

vy. nigricans” Baumgarten (A. nigricans Bmgt.=A. Sternbergii Rchb., Zimmeter No. 7,=A. Haenkeana Koch),

caule 25-40 cm. altitudine 1-5 floro basim versus glabrescente, foliis biternatis, foliolis fl. bas. saepissime subsessilibus sessilibusve glabris v. vix puberulis, medio ad quartam tertiamve partem trilobo

1892. | P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 291

basi late cuneato, lobo medio breviter oblongo v. cuneato-obovato, folio caulino infimo basilaribus saepius subconformi, superioribus subsessilibus trifoliolatis trisectisve saepe profunde incisis, floribus azureis v. dilute caeruleis v. lilacino-purpureis, sepalis 27-34 mm. longis, petalorum lamina apice rotundato-truncata v. obtusa 13-15 mm. longa, calcaribus hamato-incuryis quam lamina 3-10 mill- metris longioribus, staminibus laminam 1-3 mm. superantibus, stylis apice recurvis v. rectis.—Alpes, Transsilvania.

Sunt in herbariis indicis exemplaria in Gilgit et Kunawar lecta quae sunt valde similia A. nigricanti; sed calcaria sunt paullo minus incurva et laminam 1-8 millimetris tantum superant ; revera formae A. Moorcroftianae’ Wall.

Descriptio subspeciei.

Rhizoma descendens fusiforme irregulariter cylindricum interdum pluriceps, cortice nigra v. brunnea, collo petalorum reliquiis vestitum et 5-20 mm. crassitudine, eaules 1-3 edens. Caulis erectus superne ramosus raro simplex teres v. obscure angulatus laevis v. leviter sulcatus florifer 25-120 cm. altitudine, sparse foliosus in- terdum subnudus, aut totus pilis crispulis v. patentissimis plus minus glandulosis obsitus aut basim versus glabrescens, nunc sine viscositate nunc insigniter viscosus. Folia basilaria conferta longissime petiolata caule florifero manifesto breviora (8-) 20-35 cm. longa; petiolus basi in vaginam lanceolatam membranaceam 7-30 mm. longam et pro ratione petioli brevem convergentim plurinerviam dilatatus supra canaliculatus 5-30 mm. longus, 1-3 mm. crassitudine, glaber v. puberulus vy. glanduloso-hirtus ; lamina biternata, rarius ternata atque foliolis trisectis y. tri- partitis; petioli primarii tenuiter sulcati vy. esulci, canaliculati, terminalis (1-) 4-9 cm. longus, 08-15 mm. crassitudine, laterales 2-3 terminalis longitudine ; foliola membranacea interdum textura firmiore viridia infra pallidiora y. glauca tenuiter nervosa supra glabra v. puberula infra glabra y. puberula y. dense pubes- centia ; terminale longiuscule petiolulatum rarius sessile circumscriptione breviter cuneato-oboyatum vy. subrhombeum y. reniforme basi obtusa v. rarius acuta late vy. subanguste cuneatum y. subrotundatum, (10—) 15-50 mm. longum latitudinis 3—4 longitudinis, ad quartam vy. tertiam partem palmatim trilobum vy. ad medium y. ad tres partes tripartitum raro (in ternatis) trisectum, lobo medio cuneate lateque obovato vy. rotundo y. breviter lineari-oblongo apice grosse crenato, crenis tribus, rarius trifido, laciniis crenisve apice obtusis v. retusis integerrimis v. paucicrenu- latis; lobis lateralibus breviter oblongis v. oblique ovatis obovatisve inaequaliter bifidis v. bilobulatis v. grosse crenatis; foliola lateralia oblique abovata v. rotun- dato-trapezoidea breviter petiolulata v. sessilia inaequaliter biloba vy. bipartita, lobo interno bi v. trilobulato vy. fisso, externo semel crenato-inciso erenatove lobis crenisve crenulatis y. integerrimis.

Folia caulina inferiora, si adsunt, pauca basilaribus subconformia sed brevius petiolata, superiorum petioli brevissimi saepe ad vaginam brevem reducti, folia summa saepe trifoliolata v. trisecta foliolis mediocribus v. parvis saepe ovato- oblongis v. lanceolatis integerrimis v. parce incisis ; folia peduncularia, si adsunt, bracteiformia parva lanceolata. Inflorescentia rarius uniflora saepissime racemosa

292 P. Brithl—De Ranunculuceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3, vy. paniculato-corymbosa et 2-15 flora, ramis patentibus v. erecto-patulis; pe- dunculi 3-9 cm. longi puberuli v. pilis brevibus patentissimis densissime pub- escentes haud raro yisciduli. Flores saepius maiusculi, caerulei v. caeruleo- violacei v. purpurei, rarius albi v. atro-purpurei. Sepala ovata y. ovato-lan- ceolata basi saepe abrupte in unguem constricta apicem versus cuneato-acutata v. breviter acuminata, apice acuto, nervis ramosis 3 percursa, 22-35, rarius 18 vy. fere 40 mm. longa latitudine 3 —}4 longitudinis, petala 12-22 miliimetris excedentia raro iis vix longiora, dorso glabra vy. plus minus pubescentia. Petalorum lamina dorso pilosula v. glabra oblonga apice rotundato-truncato obtusa v. retusa raro plane rotundata 9-15 mm. longa; calcar conicum sed apicem versus sensim subcylindricum et uncinatim incuryum rarissime subrectum apice nectarifero capitatum, distantia a puncto insertionis ad partem infimam calcaris 10-19 mm. quam lamina saepissime 1-5 (-8). mm. longior raro subbrevior v. subduplo brevior. Stamina numerosa inaequilonga petala 1-3 rarius 3-10 mm. superantia v. iis vix breviora; filamenta e basi dilatata gradatim angustata; antherae oblongae muticae 1-2 mm. longae. Parastemones lanceolati v. lanceolato-lineares apice acuti apiculati ovaria 1-3 mm. superantes margine plus minus undulati, interdum antheris parvis instructi. Pistilla 5-7, erecta, 12-18 mm. longa, stamina vix superantia v. iis rarius paul- lulo breviora; ovaria cylindrica 3-6 mm. longa in stylum sensim v. subabrupte attenuata dense hirta; stylus filiformis apice rectus v. plus minus recurvus, ovariis saepissime 2-5 mm. longior raro iis fere aequalis. Folliculi saepissime 5, chartacei, erecti, parralleli rarius a medio divergentim recurvi, e basi ovoidea recurvo-at- tenuati, stylo filiformi 7-10 mm. longo rostrati, nervis obliquis creberrimis plus minus anastomosantibus conspicue reticulati, sine stylo 18-25 mm. longi. Semina numerosa oblongo-obovoidea, sectione transversa subtriangularia, dorso modice cur- vata, ventre carinata, nigra y. raro atro-brunnea, nitida y. rarius subopaca et granu- lata, 2-2°5 mm. longa, crebre minutissimeque punctulata.

Tabella ad varietates Aquilegiae vulgaris typicae determinandas.

I. Canlis saepius conspicue foliosus ramosus altitudine 35-120 cm., folia caulina inferiora basilaribus subconformia saepe fere eadem magnitudine sed breviter brevissimeve (rarius longiuscule) petiolata, flores 3 v. saepius plures.

A. Flores discolores sepalis cyaneis v. lilacinis (25-85 mm. longis ovato-acu- minatis), petalorum lamina alba, calcaria non capitata. A. Folliculi paralleli subrecti, semina nitida subtilissime punctulata. A. caucasica Ledeb”. %. Folliculi usque a medio divergentim recurvi, semina opaca granulata, A. olympica” Boiss. B. Flores concolores, calcaria plus minus distincte capitata. A. Stamina petalorum lamina multo breviora, calear lamina subduplo brevius. A. Bernardi” Grenier, | 3%3. Stamina pet. limbum fere attingentia v. eo conspicue longiora, a. Sepala pet. lamina fere triplo longiora ovato-lanceolata latitudine vix } longitudinis (circiter 38 mm. longe 12 mm. lata violaceo- caerulea, stamina limbum 5 mm. superantia). ) A. longisepala” Zimir.

1892. ] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 293

b. Sepala pet. lamina subduplo longiora latitudine 2-2 longitudinis.

a. Stamina petalorum limbum 3-10 mm, superantia in columnam subcylindricam associata et si 3mm. tantum longiora flores atro-purpurei (purpureo-violascentes), caeteroqui flores sae- pius atro-purpurei rarius caerulei.

A. atrata’”’ Koch.

%. Stamina petalorum limbum fere attingentia y. eum 3 mm. superantia, flores colore vario.

a, Caulis usque abasi, uti petioli petiolulique, dense glandu- loso-hirtus. Flores purpurei v. cinnamoneo-rubescentes. A. Karelini Baker”. 8. Caulis basim versus glaber v. vix puberulus, flores cae- rulei. ea. Calcar uncinatim incuryum. A. varia Maly’. 8B. Calecar subrectum v. leviter incurvum. A. recticornu P. B.”” TI. Canlis 20-35 raro 40 cm. altitudine, aspectum subnudum praebens propter folia caulina basilaribus saepissime manifesto minora, infimo saepe a basi remoto. Flores 1—2 rarius 3 rarissime 4. A. Sepala circiter 18 mm. longa, folia infra dense pubescentia. A. Ebneri” Zmtr. B. Sepala plus 20 mm. longa. A. Caulis a basi, uti petioli petiolulique, pilis glanduliferis obsitus, sepala alba v. caerulescentia, folia plura ternata. A. dinarica” Beck. 3%. Canulis basim versus parce hirtus v. glaber, flores violacei v. caerulei y. rubescenti-cyanei. a. Caulis basim versus parce hirtusg, foliola subtus subglabra v. utrinque dense pubescentia, sepala 23-27 mm. longa. A. eynensis P. B.” b. Caulis basim versus glaber v. puberulus, foliola glabra v. infra vix puberula, sepala (27—) 30-35 mm. longa.

a. Flores cyaneo-rubescentes, sepala petalorum limbum circiter 18 mm. superantia, stamina limbum vix attingentia.

A. paraplesia” Schur.

b. Flores caerulei rarius purpureo-lilacini, sepala petalorum lim- bum 6-15 mm. superantia, stamina limbum 1-3 mm, super-

antia. A. nigricans” Bmgi.

Ill. Agquilegia alpina’ Lin. (Aquilegia vulgaris subsp. alpina H. f. et T. in F.B. I. ex parte. Aquilegia alpina Lin.; Allionz, Flor. Ped. tab. LX VI; Reichb. Flor. Germ. tab. CXITX.),

foliis basilaribus omnibus v. pluribus biternatis, foliolis margine sese plus minus obtegentibus terminal reniformi v. suborbiculari fere ad medium trifido v. profundius tripartito, laciniis crenato-incisis, folio caulino infimo petiolato foliolis saepius in lacinias magis dis-


294, P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

tincte lineares incisis, floribus subconcoloribus caeruleis 32-45 mm. longis late ovatis, calcare crassiuscule conico subrecto v. manifesto incurvo quam lamina truncato-rotundata paullo breviore v. longiore

staminibus lamina 2-6 mm. brevioribus, carpellis 5, folliculis 25-30 mm. longis.

Area geographica— Alpes, Apennini boreales, (Pyrenaei montes?), Himalaya occidentalis.

var. a. typica, pistillis antheras vix v. haud attingentibus. var. B. himalaica P. B., pistillis antheras 2-3 mm. superantibus.

Forma affinis A. Moorcroftianae Wall. var. suaveolenti et A. nivali Fale. var. saccocentrae. Garhwal (K!).

Formae etiam occurrunt in Himalaya occidentali et in Gilgit, quae mediae sunt inter A, alpina Lin, et A. Moorcroftiana Wall.

Descriptio Subspeciei.

Rhizoma fusiforme y. subcylindricum, descendens, vaginis foliorum fusorum plus minus tectum, collo 2-6 mm. crassitudine, caulem solitarium edens.

Caulis teres erectus rectus vy. vix flexuosus simplex y. rarius superne parce ramosus manifesto sulcatus vy. esulcus, florifer 20-40 cm. altitudine, prope basim 1°5-4 mm. crassitudine, plus minus foliosum, inferne glabrescens vy. hirtulus, sub flore dense minuteque glanduloso-hirtus.

Folia basilaria longissime petiolata caule manifesto breviora (5-) 10-25 cm. longa; petiolus basi in vaginam membranaceam late v. anguste lanceolatam conver- gentim neryosam 1-2 cm. longam et pro ratione petioli perbrevem dilatatus, lamina sesquilongior v. quadruplo longior, supra sulcatus subteres, supra vaginam 1-8 mm. crassitudine, puberulus; lamina biternata, v. folii infimi ternata sed foliolis fere ad basim tripartitis; petioluli primarii tenues y. subcrassi supra tenuiter canaliculati 0.5-1 (-2) mm. crassitudine, terminalis 16-30 (-40) mm. longus, laterales 3—$ ter- minalis longitudine ; foliola membranacea viridia, infra pallidiora, elabra v. vix hirtula marginibus plus minus sese obtegentia, terminale breviter petiolulatum y. sessile circumscriptione subreniforme vy. suborbiculare, aut versus basim obtusam subcunea- tum aut basi subtruncatum, 12-40 mm. longum, latitudine }+—% longitudinis, saepius

fere ad medium trifidum y. ad tres partes tripartitum, lacinia media obovato-oblonga basim versus cuneata latitudine $-§ longitudinis, apice crenato-incisa, crenis saepe parce crenulatis, laciniis lateralibus late obliqueque obovatis v. breviter longiusculeve lineari-oblongis inaequaliter crenato-incisis raro integris, lacinula externa breviter oblonga apice subrotundata saepe crenuia instructa, lacinula interna saepe crenis tribus instructa ; foliola lateralia rarius fere symmetrica atque terminali conformia, saepius asymmetrice reniformia lateve obovata profunde bipartita, partitione externa late et oblique obovato-cunneata bifida aut bipartita, interna inaequaliter biloba lobulo interno saepius crenis 2 externo crenis tribus incisis, crenis omnibus apice obtusis yv. subacutis rarius rotundatis ; folium primarium interdum foliis basilaribus Aquilegiae pyrenaicae omnino conforme.

Folium caulinum infimum longiuscule petiolatum conspicue vaginatum, petiolo laminae saepe subaequilongo, lamina biternata v. subbiternata interdum laminis fol.

bas. conformi saepius laciniis pro ratione longitudinis angustioribus ideoque magis

1892.] P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 295

distincte linearibus; folia media 1-2, aut nulla, brevissime petiolata, petiolo ad vaginam reducto, lamina aut biternata et laminis folii infimi subconformi aut ternata et foliolis tripartitis v. trisectis, partitionibus aut integerrimis lanceolatis aut incisis lacinulis lanceolato-linearibus subacutis; folia summa 1-2 bracteiformia linearia acuta 1-2 cm. longa, interdum nulla.

Flores magni, suberecti vy. nutantes. Sepala 32-45 mm. longa (rarissime bre- viora), petalorum limbum 10-22 mm. superantia, late ovata, basi in unguem brevem constricta, apice acuta v. obtusa cuneato-acutata aut breviter acuminata, latitudine fere 2 longitudinis, caerulea rarius albida v. rubescentia apice saepissime vires- centia. Petala campanulam efficientia, lamina late obovata apice truncato-rotundata 13-20 mm. longa, sepalis magis dilute caerulea; calcar crassiuscule conicum versus apicem subcapitatum sensim attenuatum 10-25 mm. longum subrectum y. saepius incurvum rarissime fere uncinatum interdum lamina paullo brevius saepius ea 1-6 mm. longius. sub apice saepe 15-2 mm. crassitudine. Stamina numerosa (40-50) inaequilonga, longiora lamina petalorum 2-6 mm. breviora, glabra; filamenta a basi plus minus dilatata gradatim attenuata, longiora (6—-) 8-12 mm. longa; antherae oblongae muticae fere 2 mm. longae fusco-virentes. Parastomones lanceolati undulati apice acuti 7-10 mm. longi, ovaria superantes, interdum pistilla subaequantes, Pistilla 5 erecta 10-13 mm. longa, stamina superantia v aequantia interdum iis breviora ; ovaria subcylindrica 6-7 mm, longa dense hirta; styli subulati infra hirti, ovario paullo v. 8 mm. breviores, apice recti v. leviter recurvi.

Folliculi 5, subparalleli, e basi ovoidea apicem versus attenuati, 25-30 mm, longi, hirti v. pubescentes, stylo 5-8 mm. longo rostrati.

Semina nigra, nitida, obovoidea.

IV. Agquilegia Bertolonii’, Schott (Aquilegia pyrenaica Bertoloni, et Reichb., Ic. Fl. Germ. 4732; A. Bertolonii Schott; A. Reuteri Boiss.),

foliis basilaribus saepissime biternatis, foliolis margine sese ob- tegentibus, terminali late obtriangulari trilobo 12-20 mm, longo, lobis crenatis crenis mediis rotundatis v. retusis, folio caulino in- fimo (fere semper) basilaribus multo minore trifoliolato foliolis lanceolatis integris v. fissis, inflorescentia 1—4-flora, floribus congo- loribus, sepalis ovatis 24-30 mm. longis, petalis rotundatis v. sub- truncatis, calcaribus conico-subulatis hamato-incurvis, laminam subaequantibus v. ea paullo longioribus, folliculis 12-15 mm. longis,

Descriptio subspeciei.

Rhizoma fusiforme collo, reliquiis foliorum plus minus tectum. Caulis erectus simplex vy. superne modice ramosus vix sulcatus 15-50 cm. altitudine subnudus, aut basim versus glabrescens aut totus tenuiter patentimque glanduloso-pubescens.

Folia basilaria longissime petiolata; petiolus basi in vaginam late lanceolatam brevem dilatatus, 4-20 cm. longus, glaber vy. villoso-pubescens; lamina biternata, rarius ternata, foliolis reniformibus profunde trilobis v. trisectis ; petioluli primarii saepe villosuli, intermedio 8-30 mm. longo, lateralibus fere }? terminalis longitudine ; foliola sessilia v. breviter petiolata, textura subfirma, supra viridia et glabra, infra pallidiora et glabra v, puberula, margine sese obtegentia, ad marginem interdum

296 P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

ciliatula; termimale foliorum biternatorum late triangulare basi saepe obtusa late cuneatum ]2—20 mm. longum, latitudine 1+~$ longitudinis, ad tertiam partem yv. ad medium regulariter v. irregulariter trilobum, lobo medio breviter oblongo saepissi- me crenis tribus integerrimis y. vix crenulatis inciso, lobis lateralibus breviter ob- longis y. suboboyatis crenis binis inaequalibus praeditis ; foliola lateralia asymmetrice lateque obovata y. subreniformia terminali angustiora vy. latiora basi late cuneata y. obscure cordata, ad tertiam partem y. fere ad basim inaequaliter biloba, lobo interno tri- externo bicrenato, crenis foliolorum omnium intermediis apice apiculato y. mutico rotundato-truncatis v. retusis, laterahbus obtusis.

Folia caulina saepissime basilaribus dissimilia ; infimum, si est foliis bas. simile, paullum a basi caulis remotum ; folium infimum saepissime basilaribus multo minus, trifoliolatum, foliolis lanceolatis, intermedio integro vy. trifido, lateralibus interdum bifidis ; superiora simplicia lineari-lanceolata, peduncularia 8-12 mm. longa. Flos lilacinus y. caeruleus, solitarius v. inflorescentia 2-4 flora corymboso- racemosa. Pedunculi graciles, laterales interdum 15 cm. longi, visciduli.

Sepala ovata v. ovato-oblonga, apice acuta v. brevissime acuminata, basi in unguem conspicuum constricta, 24-380 mm. longa, latitudine circiter 4 longitudinis, dorso puberula, petalorum limbum 6-10 mm. superantia. Petalorum lamina apic¢ce rotundata y. subtruncata, 14-20 mm. longa; calcar e basi conica subulatum hama- tum (rarius levius incurvum), laminae aequilongum y. ea paullo longius. Stamina petalorum limbum aequantia v. saepius eo 1-7 mm. breviora; filamenta angusta, longiora circa 1 cm. longa; antherae oblongae, 15-2 mm. longae, muticae. Para- stemones lanceolati, apice apiculato obtusi vy. acuti, vix v. manifesto undulati, 7-8 mm. longi, ovariis subaequilongis. Pistilla 5; ovaria obato-oblonga, 7-8 mm. longa, hirta, in stylum subulatum leyiter recurvum ovariis fere dimidio breviorem gradatim attenuata. Folliculi 5, 12-15 mm. longi, hirti.

Area geographica—Appennini, Alpes pedemontani et maritimi, (Pyrenaei montes ?).

Haec subspecies congeries esse videtur formarum mediarnm ; nam non solum folia similia sunt foliis A. pyrenaicae,. sed transitus etiam animadverti possunt partim in stirpes appenninas A. alpinae floribus quam in formis typicis minoribus atque calcaribus multum curvatis, foliis tamen caulinis A. alpinae genuinae, partim in A. Hinseleanam, cuius calcaria haud raro fere hamata sunt. Affinitatibus minus artis etiam cum A. nigricanti’ et A eynensi” connexa. Stirpes in Afghania orientali crescentes et varietatem subspecici Meorcroftianae efficientes haud raro A. Bertolonii valde similes, sed calcaria recta vel vix cur- vata.

V. Aquilegia viscosa’ Gowan, (Aquilegia glandulosa, Gouan Illustrationes botanicae tab. 19 fig. 1, Flor. Monsp. 267;=Aquilegia Hinseleana Schulz=A. Bauhini Schott=A. pyrenaica Koch=A. Kitai- belii Nyman ex parte (=A. pyrenaica var. f decipiens G. et G. ?) ; et A. glandulosa W. et Kit.=A. Kitaibelii Scholtt=A. pyrenaica Visiani; A. thalictrifolia Schott),

foliis basilaribus saepissime biternatis, foliolis subdistantibus

1892. ] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 297

brevissime petiolulatis v. sessilibus, terminali triangulariter cuneato- obovato latitudine +}—4—4 longitudinis, folio caulino infimo (vy. altero) ternato foliolis segmentisve lanceolatis v. oblanceolatis, summis lanceolato-linearibus, floribus parvulis v. mediocribus cae- ruleis v. violaceis, sepalis oblongis v. oblongo-lanceolatis 14-27 mm. longis, petalorum lamina rotundata 9-16 mm. longa, calcaribus rectis Vv. incurvis neque uncinatis, staminibus pet. lamina 2-6 mm. brevioribus, folliculis 5-6 cylindricis patulis 8-15 mm. longis.

Area greographica—Montes Huropae centralis, In Himalaya non invenitur; sed varietas A. Moorcroftianae a nobis Winterbot- tomiana dicta quoad folia valde similis A. thalictrifoliae, et varietas altera, subaphylla, caule foliisque glanduloso-hirtis instructa, A. viscosam typicam in mentem revocat.

var.a. Binseleana’”’ Schulz,

foliolis foliorum basilarium biternatorum infra glabris vy. parce rarius subdense glanduloso-puberulis ad quartam vel tertiam partem rarius ad medium usque trilobis lobis saepissime rotundatis v. rotundato-subquadratis v. cuneate obovato-oblongis, foliis caulinis aut minimis aut conspicuis foliis basilaribus subconformibus sed segmentis magis linearibus, superioribus saepius trisectis v. simpli- cibus segmentis oblanceolatis v. linearibus, calcare laminae sub- aequilongo rarius 3 eius longitudine, folliculis subsparse glandulogo- hirtulis.—Alpes, Gallia austr. ;

var. B. thalictrifolia” Schott,

foliis glanduloso-hirtis et ciliatis, foliolis mediis fol. bas. ad medium v. tertiam partem trifidis longe et saepe subanguste cun- eatis laciniis lineari-oblongis inciso-serratis, foliis caulinis inferiori- bus nonnullis foliis basilaribus subconformibus sed laciniis magis linearibus, superioribus trifoliatis v. trisectis sezmentis rite lanceo- latis, caleare laminae aequilongo v. paullo breviore, folliculis vis- coso-hirtulis.—Alpes.

var. y. Kitaibelii” Schott, foliolis foliorum basilarium villoso-pubescentibus, foliis caulinis

nullis vel 1-2 linearibus vy. infimo trisecto, calcare lamina fere ‘duplo breviore, folliculis dense hirtis.—Croatia.

Descriptio subspeciei.

Rhizoma directione varia, subfusiforme, atrobrunneum, foliorum reliquiis plus minusve vestitum, caules 1-2 edens. Caulis erectus simplex v. superne ramosus teres laevis v. vix sulcatus, florifer altitudine 12-50 cm. prope basim 1-—2°5 mm. crassitu- dine subnudus supra basim aut glabrescens aut villoso-pubescens atque plus minus

298 P. Brthl—De Ranunculaceis Indicts Disputationes. [No. 3,

glandulosus aut parce v. densiuscule glanduloso-hirtus; rami, ubi adsunt, graciles patuli.

Folia basilaria longissime petiolata 3-20 cm. longa; petioli basi in vaginam lanceolatam membranaceam 3-7 mm. longam et pro ratione petioli brevissimam convergentim nervosam dilatati, basi breviter canaliculati subteretes, 2-14 cm. longi, 0'5-1'5 mm, crassitudine, subglabri vy. pilosuli v. parce glanduloso-hirti; lamina ternata v. biternata, foliolis biternatorum subdistantibus; petioluli primarii tenues leviter sulcati, terminalis 2-45, saepius 5-15 mm. longus, laminae aequilongus v. ea manifesto longior, laterales terminali aut aequilongi aut subduplo breviores; foliola textura firmiora, aut parte utraque glabra aut supra glabra infra puberula v. plus minus glandulosa aut utrinque glanduloso-pubescentia infra pallidiora; foliolum terminale foliorum biternatorum brevissime petiolulatum v. subsessile, triangulare cuneato-obovatum, (5—-) 9-20 (—25) mm. longum, versus basim acutam v. obtusius- culam insigniter cuneatum, latitudine }—*—+ longitudinis, apice vix ad tertiam partem v. paullo ultra medium trilobum y. trifidam, lobo medio subquadrato v. lineari-ob- longo apice crenis tribus obtusis v. rotundatis inciso, lateralibus breviter semi-ob- ovatis v. lineari-ablongis integerrimis y. crenis binis inaequaliter incisis; foliola lateralia subsessilia v. plane sessilia asymmetrice obovata rarius subtrapezoidea inaequaliter biloba v. rarius bisecta,lobo interno subobovato trifido v. saepissime crenis ternis subinaequalibus inciso, lobo externo bifido v. saepissime integerrimo bicrenatove; foliola foliorum basilarium ternatorum subreniformia yv. semiorbi- cularia, basi truncata v. subcordata, ad duas partes v. fere ad basim palmatim tri- partita partitione media cuneato-obovata lateralibus oblique obovatis, omnibus crenatis vy. crenato-lobatis.

Folinm caulinum infimum interdum foliis basilaribus conforme v. saepius ternatum foliolis segmentisve lanceolatis v. oblanceolatis interdum longissime cuneatis, aut integerrimis apice obtusis, aut incisis ; folia intermedia subsessilia, petiolo ad vagi- nam reducto, trifoliolata, foliolis breviter petiolutatis, aut integerrimis atque oblanceo- latis apice rotundatis obtusis acutisve, aut rarius basilaribus conformibus sed minori- bus, aut parce incisis; folia summa bracteiformia saepissime integra lanceolato- linearia 3-14 mm. longa.

Flores parvuli solitarii v. 2-5-10 in racemum paniculamve subcorymbosam laxissimam dispositi, nutantes v. suberecti, caerulei vy. violacei; ramis laterales in- florescentiae gracilibus infimo interdum 20 cm. longo. Pedunculi apice dense viscoso- hirti. Sepala elliptico-oblonga v. oblongo-lanceolata, apice acuto breviter acuminata, basi in unguem brevem constricta, 14-27 mm. longa, latitudine 3—$ longitudinis, glabra v. dorso vix puberula, petala 3-14 mm. superantia. Petalorum lamina obovato, apice saepissime rotundata rarissime rotundato-subtruncata; calecar subulatum apice nectarifero capitatum, rectum vy. manifesto incurvum neque tamen uncina- tum quam lamina 2 mm. longius vel 1-16 mm. brevius, 3-% laminae longitudine. Stamina numerosa inaequalia, limbo petalorum 2-6 mm. breviora, glabra; filamenta a basi modice dilatata in apicem filiformem angustata ; antherae oblongo-ellipsoideae circa 1°5 mm. longae muticae v. distincte apiculatae flavae. Parastemones lanceolati 6-7 mm. longi apice acuti, plus minus undulati, ovaria superantes. Pistilla 5-6 erecta, 7-10 mm. longa; ovaria cylindrica dense hirta; styli filiformes, apice recti v. ad ultimum recurvi, infra hirti, ovario subaequilongi.

Folliculi 5-6, cylindrici, patuli, apice rotundato obliquo, stylo persistenti filiformi 4-6 mm. longo rostrati, nervoso-reticulati, 12-15 mm. longi, pilosuli v. glanduloso-


1892.] P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 299

VI. Aquilegia grata’ Maly, (Aquilegia grata Maly in Zimmeter, Mon. Aq. No. 138).

Caule 12-25 em. altitudine, uti petioli petioluli foliola, usque a basi glanduloso-hirto, foliis basilaribus biternatis, foliolis magnis rotundato-deltoideis margine sese plus minus obtegentibus, foliis caulinis inf. basilaribus subconformibus, floribus 3-5 pallide cae- ruleis, sepalis circiter 2 cm. longis ovatis, fere 1-5 em. petala super- antibus, pet. lamina circiter 6 mm. longa, calcare recto v. paullum incurvo quam lamina subduplo longiore, staminibus limbum super- antibus, folliculis brevibus.—Croatia, Serbia.

Vil. Aquilegia pyrenaica’ DC. (Aquilegia pyrenaica DO. nec Koch neque Bertoloni nec Visiani),

caule 10-30 cm. altitudine simplici v. subsimplici subnudo v. vix folioso, foliis basilaribus ternatis v. saepius biternatis foliolis approximatis v. margine sese obtegentibus glaberrimis y. infra vix puberulis, terminali late rhombeo v. subreniformi basi late cuneato v. subcordato 3-18 mm. longo, inflorescentia uni v, pauci- flora, floribus concoloribus caeruleis rarius discoloribus, sepalis ovatis 16-26 mm. longis, petalorum lamina apice truncato-rotun- data v. plane rotundata, calcare recto v. leviter incurvo, staminibus lamina brevioribus, carpellis fere 5 hirtis, folliculis subparallelis 12-15 mm. longis.

var. a. vera, floribus concoloribus, sepalis saepius plus 2 cm. (sed etiam 16 mm.) longis.

var. B. discolor” Levier et Ler., floribus discoloribus, sepalis vix 2 cm. longis. Vidimus exemplaria rara subsp. nivalis, e Kashmiria allata, a var. a. huius subspeciei nullo modo distinguenda.

Descriptio subspeciei.

Rhizoma horizontale v. descendens, simplex, fusiforme v. cylindricum, atro- brunneum, crassitudine 2-5 mm., collo foliorum reliquiis vestitum, caulem solitarium edens.

Caulis erectus simplex y. apice vix ramosus subteres sulcatus plus minus fistulo- sus, florifer 10-25 (30) cm. altitudine, prope basim 1—2 mm. crassitudine basi foliosus, infra inflorescentiam nudus v. folio uno alterove instructus, subglaber vy. puberulus.

Folia basilaria longissime petiolata sed caule saepissime manifesto breviora raro eum aequantia 3-15 cm. longa; petiolus basiin vaginam membranaceam lanceolatam 6-15 mm. longam et pro ratione petioli brevem convergentim plurinerviam dilatatus, 2-12 cm longus, 0°7-1°5 mm. crassitudine, supra leviter canaliculatus, puberulus vy. glaber ; lamina aut ternata atque foliolis trisectis v. tripartitis, aut saepius biternata ; petioluli primarii tenuiter sulcati glabri v. subglabri, terminalis 7-15 mm. longus, laterales $-3 terminalis longitudine; foliola membranacea, valde approximata et


300 P. Brih]l—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

sese margine obtegentia supra viridia, infra pallidiora v. glauca, glaberrima v. infra, vix puberula, lobis vix distantibus v. sese attingentibus v. paullum se obtegentibus ; terminale late rhombeum y. subreniforme, basi late cuneatum v. subcordatum vy. rotun- dato-truncatum, 3-18 mm. longum, latitudine +~-$ longitudinis saepissime latiore quam longiore, ad tertiam partem v. ad medium trilobum y. ultra medium triparti- tum y. raro ad basim usque trisectum, lobo medio obovato apice subtruncato crenis tribus imstructo, lobis lateralibus breviter oblongis v. oblique obovatis saepissime inciso-lobulatis lobulis parce crenatis v. rarius integerrimis, petiolulo subnullo y. 1-5 mm. longo, uti laterales, glabro v. pilosulo; foliola lateralia brevius petiolulata vy. sessilia reniformia v. late trapezoidea vy. asymmetrice truncato-obovata profunde inaequaliterque bipartita, partitione interna oblique triangulari v. subreniformi saepe bifida vy. lobulis tribus crenato-incisa, partitione externa obovato-oblonga y. semiovata saepissime lobulis binis incisa, lobulis crenisve haud raro parce et sub- obscure crenulatis apice late obtusis v. rotundatis v. subretusis.

Folia caulina inferiora uno alterove longe y. breviter petiolata, foliis radicalibus aut conformia aut simpliciora aut plane nulla; superiora (floralia) breviter brevis- simeve petiolata, petiolo saepius ad vaginam brevem reducto, lamina aut trifoliolata aut trisecta, foliolis v. segmentis trisectis divisionibus lineari-lanceolatis apice acutis vy. subobtusis, summa v. omnia saepe integra lanceolato-linearia 7-12 mm. longa. Inflorescentia uni v. pauciflora, floribus mediocribus nutantibus v. suberectis, con- coloribus caeruleis v. petalis albis discoloribus. Pedunculi glanduloso-pubescentes. Sepala late ovata v. ovato oblonga, basi in unguem brevem contracta, apice subacuto breyviter acuminata, nervis tribus ramosissimis percursa, 16-26 mm. longa latitudine 1-8 (-2) longitudinis, petala 5-11 mm. superantia. Petalorum lamina obovato- oblonga v. plane oblonga apice truncato-rotundata vy. plane rotundata, 10-16 mm. longa; calcar e basi subangusta conico-subulatum, apice nectarifero vix capitatum rectum v. leviter incurvum, 15-20 mm. longum, 4—3 laminae longitudine, sub apice 0'5-0°8 mm. crassitudine. Stamina numerosa valde inaequalia, longiora petalorum lamina 2—4 mm. breviora, filamenta e basi modice dilatata in apicem subfiliformem gradatim attenuata, longiora 7-11 mm. longa; antherae elliptico-oblongae 1°5-2 mm. longae apice rotundato muticae. Parastemones ovato-lanceolati v. lineares acuti undulati 7-9 mm. longi, ovaria superantes. Pistilla 5 erecta 85-10 mm. longa, staminibus aequilonga v. ea paullo superantia; ovaria 4-5 mm. longa anguste ovoideo-oblonga glanduloso-hirta; styli filiformes subrecti infra hirta ovario sub- aequilongi y. subduplo longiores.

Folliculi 4-5, subparalleli, subcylindrici, apicem versus modice attenuati, sub- obliqui, nervoso-reticulati, glanduloso-pubescentes, 12-15 mm. longi.

VIII. Agquilegia nivalis’ Falconer (A. nivalis Falc. in herbario

Kewensi de sententia Bakeri),

caule 3-30 cm. altitudine l-y. rarius 2-floro, foliis basilaribus plerisque biternatis, foliolis margine sese obtegentibus 1-16 mm. longis, medio deltoideo v. reniformi basi obtuso v. subcordato fere ad medium trilobo, lobis lobulatis v. crenatis, crenis ovatis et rotun- dato-subquadratis, foliis caulinis paucis v. nullis vagina conspicua, sepalis stellatim patentibus 12-24-40 mm. longis late ovatis v. oblongis apice obtusis v. subacutis, petalis apice truncatis sinuatis retusis emarginatis, caleare uncinato vy. recto conico vy. cylindrico

1892.] P. Brihl—De Ranuneulacets Indicis Disputationes. 301

v. saccato, staminibus saepius lamina brevioribus, carpellis hirtis, folliculis circiter 5 fere 1°5 cm. longis. var.a, paradoxa P. B., saepe caespitosa, caule florifero 4-16 (—24) em. altitudine, sepalis (12-) 20-25 mm, longis, calcare aut uncinato aut recto aut incurvo et tenui v. crassiuscule cylindrico. Himalaya occidentalis, Gilgit. Lecta in Gilgit (Giles sub nominibus A. glaucae var. nivalis et A. vulgaris var. pubiflorae) ; Kashmir (herb. Fale! H. Sah! Winter- bottom!) ; Tibetia occidentalis (H. H. I. O. No. 58!); Kunawar (Sez !). var. B. saccocentra P. B., caule florifero 20-30 cm. altitudine, sepalis 35-40 mm. longis, caleare saccato medio 3-4 mm. crassitudine. In valle fluminis

Chenab alt. 11000 ped. CH. !)

Descriptio subspeciei.

Rhizoma fusiforme v. irregulariter cylindricum, descendens v. horizontale, sub- gracile v. percrassum, atro-brunneum, saepe pluriceps, collo vaginis foliorum delap- sorum dense vestitum, caules 1-3 edens.

Caulis erectus vy. ascendens, simplex v. subsimplex saepissime uniflorus interdum biflorus, nudus v. folium unum alterumve edens, 3-30 cm. altitudine, prope basim 1-2 mm. crassitudine infra aut dense glanduloso-hirtus aut pubescens aut glaberri- mus, sub flore semper dense glanduloso-hirtus.

Folia basilaria -longissime v. partim longe petiolata; petiolus basi in vaginam membranaceam brunneam 1—2 cm. longam convyergentim plurinerviam dilatatus supra basim leviter canaliculatus striatus (1—) 2-8 cm. longus, 0°5-1'3 mm. crassitudine, glaber v. hirsutus; lamina biternata y. folii unius alteriusve ternata; petioluli primarii striati glabri v. plus minus pilosi, terminalis 2-20 mm. longus; foliola marginibus sese obtegentia tenuia 3-16 mm. longa supra viridia infra pallidiora glabra vy. vix pilosula, medium reniforme v. deltoideum y. semiorbiculare basi lata obtusum v. subcordatum rarius manifesto cunneatum circiter ad medium regulariter v. subirregulariter trilobum latitudine +—2 longitudinis, lobo medio obovato plus minus cuneato raro subintegerrimo (in foliis perpaucis tantum) saepissime trilobu- lato, lobis lateralibus oblique obovatis v. late irregulariterque obtriangularibus saepius bilobulatis, lobulis integerrimis v. plus minus crenatis; foliola lateralia oblique reniformia latitudine 4-3 longitudinis, basi subcuneata v. obscure cordata, plus minus profunde (interdum ad basim usque) irregulariter biloba, lobo interno subregulariter trilobulato v. tricrenato, externo bilobulato, lobulis crenatis v. sub- integerrimis, crenis folioloruam omnium breviter ovatis vy. mediis rotundato-sub- quadratis plus minus obtusis vy. rotundatis.

Folium caulinum infimum, aut unicum, (ubi adest,) longe v. longissime petiola- tum maiusculum y. parvum, foliis basilaribus interdum omnino conforme, saepius flori approximatum, petiolo basi in vaginam conspicuam lanceolatam dilatato 1-2°5 em. longo, lamina saepissime ternata, foliolis nune tripartis sectisve et foliolis foliis bas. subsimilibus, nunc bi- v. trifidis laciniis lanceolatis nunc lanceolatis integerrimis ; folium caulinum summum (vy. unicum) saepe lineari-lanccolatum 8-12 mm, longum petiolo ad vaginam conspicuam redacto.


302 P. Brihl—De Ranuneulacess Indicis Disputationes.

Flos maiusculus magnusve v. mediocris plus minus nutans.

Sepala stellatim patentia, late ovata v. ovato-oblonga, basi in unguem brevem constricta, apice obtusa v. acutiuscula interdum brevissime acuminata, (12—) 20-40 mm. longa, latitudine (2?—) 3-3 longitudinis, petala 6-12-22 mm. superantia, caeru- lea, dorso puberula v. glabra. Petalorum lamina obovato-cuneata apice truncata plus-minusve sinuata v. retusa v. emarginata 7-12 mm. longa purpurea y. violacea ; calcaria aut e basi brevi ample conica in apicem tenuem uncinatim incurvum 4-2 laminae longitudine attenuata, aut a basi conoidea tenuiter cylindrica incurva v. subrecta aut saepius crassiuscule conica leviterque incurva laminae subaequilonga, aut tenuiter conica y. fere cylindrica lamina paullo longiora, aut saccata laminae subaequilonga v. paullo breviora, apice aut couspicue capitata aut obtusissima. Stamina longitudine inaequalia, petalorum lamina paullo breviora raro eorum limbum 1 mm. superantia; filamenta e basi paullum dilatata sensim in apicem attenuata, longiora 6-8 mm. longa; antherae elliptico-oblongae, exteriores saepius maiores, apice muticae, fere 1 mm. longae, flavae v. fusco-virescentes. Parastemones lineares v. lanceolati plus minus undulati apice acuto apiculati 5-7 mm. longi, filamen- tis longioribus breviores, ovaria superantes, unus alterve saepe anthera parva instruc- tus. Pistilla 5, staminibus breviora v. ea 5 mm. superantia, 9-14 mm. longa; ovaria subcylindrica 4-5 mm. longa dense glanduloso-hirta, in stylum subulatum ad altitudinem yvariam hirtum oyarii +—2 longitudine apice ad ultimum plus minus uncinatim recuryum subabrupte attenuata.

Folliculi 5 (v. plures ?) suberecti, e basi ovoidea in apicem oblique truncatum paullum attenuati, conspicue transversim reticulato-nervosi, sine stylo circiter 15 em, longi, hirti, stylo filiformi (fere 5 mm. longo) rostrati.

Semina oboyoidea, laevia, nigra, (subopaca), circiter 15 mm. longa.

TX. Aquilegia glandulosa’ Fisch. (Aquilegia glandulosa Fischer, Zimmeter No. 10; A. jucunda Mischer; A. Gebleri Besser; A. trans- silvanica Schur, Zimmeter No. 5; A. Fussii Zimmeter; A. sulphurea Zimmeter No. 9, A. aurea Janka. Icones: Delessert Icones vol. I tab. AS P; Sweet, Br. Fl. Gard. vol. I tab. 55; Edwards’ bot. reg. vol. X, tab. 19; Flore des Serres, vol. V, 535),

caule 12-40 em. altitudine 1—5-floro, foliis basilaribus biternatis, foliolis margine sese obtegentibus rarius subdistantibus, medio late triangulari v. reniformi rarius rhombeo vy. obovato-cuneato trilobo latitudine saepissime 1—3 longitudinis, crenis mediis rotundato- subquadratis v. breviter oblongis, folio caulino infimo saepissime brevissime petiolato subtrifoliolato, floribus magnis v. mediocribus,

sepalis stellatim patentibus late ovatis v. ellipticis 16-45 mm.

longis, petalornm lamina apice rotundata raro obtusa, calcare un-

cinato 1—+ laminae longitudine, staminibus lamina 2-11 mm. breyi- oribus, carpellis (5-) 6-12 glanduloso-hirtis, folliculis 2-3 em, longis. var. a, iucunda” Fischer ex parte (A. glandulosa var. discclor DC.), caule plus minus glanduloso-pubescenti, foliolis saepissime mar- gine sese obtegentibus terminali reniformi basi saepissime sub-

[No. 3,


1892. ] P. Brithl—De Ranunceulaceis Indicis Disputationes. 303

cordato v. subtruncato, pedunculis plus minus glandulosis, floribus discoloribus lamina alba v. ochroleuca calcare 2-1 laminae longi- tudine. Sibiria. var. 8. vera’, (A. glandulosa Fisch., Zimmeter. No. 10), caule foliisque uti in a, floribus concoloribus azureis vy. caeruleis, calcare 1-3 laminae longitudine. Variat floribus magnis v. medio- cribus. subvar. aa. lamina petalorum elliptico-oblonga apice obtusa (=A. glandulosa typica Fischeri).—Sibiria. subyar. Bf. lamina petalorum oblongo-obovata apice rotun- data v. rotundato-truncata (=A. iucunda Fischer ex parte).— Sibiria, Transsilvania. var. y. Sulphurea” Zimmeter, (A. aurea Janka, Zimmeter No. 9.), foliolis sese paullum obtegentibus inciso-crenatis, terminali rhom- beo basim versus cuneato saepius paullo longiore quam latiore, floribus magnis concoloribus sulphureis v. aureis, pedunculis glabris, calcare fere 2 laminae longitudine.— Macedonia.

var. 8 transsylvanica” Schur, (A. transsylvanica Schur, Zimmeter No. 5; A. Fussii Zimmeter), foliolis sese attingentibus v. vix distantibus, terminali late rhombeo vy. subreniformi, pedunculis puberulis v. glabris, floribus magnis concoloribus violaceo-caeruleis, calcare 3-2 laminae longi-


var. «, Gebleri” Besser (?), foliolis sese attingentibus vix se obtegentibus, terminali sub-

rhombeo versus basim obtusam late cuneato, pedunculis plus minus glanduloso-pubescentibus, floribus concoloribus caeruleis.—

Sibiria (Gebler /).

Descriptio subspeciei.

Rhizoma fusiforme descendens collo foliorum reliquiis obtectum.

Canlis erectus simplex vy. superne modice ramosus strictus v. vix flexuosnus subteres leviter sulcatus, florifer 12-40 cm. altitudine, prope basim 1-4 mm. ecrassi- tudine, aut raro totus glaber aut saepius parte inferiore glabrescente sub flore pubescens vy. glanduloso-hirtus aut basim versus hirtulus apiceque glanduloso- subtomentosus, subnudus v. parce foliosus.

Folia basilaria longissime petiolata, caule manifesto breviora, 10-30 em. longa; petiolus basi in vaginam membranaceam lanceolatam vy. ovatam 1-2 cm. longam conyergentim plurinerviam brunneam dilatatus, subteres, supra canaliculatus, 7-20 em. longus, 1-3 mm. crassitudine, glaber vy. puberulus y. glanduloso-hirtulus ; lamina biternata; petioluli primarii supra canaliculati, puberuli y. subglabri, terminalis 1-4 cm. longus, laterales $—} terminalis longitudine ; foliola membranacea tenuiter

palminervia margine sese obtegentia vy, rarius subdistantia, supra viridia infra ¢

pallidiora, aut utrinque glabra aut supra glabra et infra ad nervos praecipue et prope basim pilosula; terminale sessile v. breviter petiolulatum, rarius subrhom- beum v. obovato-cuneatum saepissime late obtriangulare v. reniforme, aut basi obtusa late cuneatum aut obscure cordatum, vix ad tertiam partem y. ad medium usque regulariter y. irregulariter trilobum, 1-3 (-4) cm. longum latitudine +-3 raro £ lJongitudinis, lobo medio obovato-cuneato v. breviter lineari-oblongo latitudine 2-4 longitudinis apice crenis tribus regulariter v. saepius irregulariter inciso, lobis lateralibus semiovatis vy. saepius transverse oblongis obovatisve bilobulatis lobulis inciso-crenatis ; foliola lateralia sessilia v. subsessilia asymmetrice reniformia ad medium vy. fere ad basim bi- vy. triloba, basi latisssime cuneata y. subsemicordata, lobis lobulatis et inciso-crenatis, crenis foliornm omnium mediis rotundato-sub- quadratis vy. transverse longitudinaliterve lineari-oblongis lateralibus breviter ob- longo-ovatis, apice obtusis v. rotundatis saepe leviter retusis ; petioluli secundarii, ubi adsunt, haud raro magis pilosi quam primarii, terminalis subnullus v. 8 mm. longus, laterales saepe nulli semper terminali breviores.

Folium caulinum infimum interdum longe petiolatum basilaribus subconforme, saepius folia caulina inferiora, ubi adsunt, brevissime petiolata petiolo ad vaginam reducto, lamina subtrifoliolata, foliolis aut trisectis aut integris sezmentis foliolisve lineari-lanceolatis ; folia summa bracteiformia sessilia trisecta v. saepe lanceolato- linearia raro ovato-lanceolata 5-9 mm. longa, in pedunculis lateralibus praesertim haud raro duo plus minus approximata vy. fere opposita.

Flores solitarii v. 2-3 (—5) in racemum subcorymbosum dispositi, nutantes v. erecti, mediocres vy. magni. Sepala stellatim patentia, nervis tribus valde ramosis percursa late ovata v. elliptica, basi in unguem perbrevem constricta, apice acuta vy. subobtusa saepe brevissime acuminata, 16-20-45 mm. longa latitudine 2—3 longitudinis, azurea vy. dilute caerulea raro aurea vy. sulphurea vy. albida, dorso glabra v. puberula, apiculo plerumque albicante v. viridi, petala 6-22 mm. superantia. Petala aut concoloria caerulea purpurea albida aurea sulphurea aut discoloria calcare azureo v. dilute cae- rulea ac lamina alba vy. ochroleuca, dorso glabra vy. puberula ; lamina ant obovato-ob- longa apice rotundata raro rotundato-truncata aut elliptico-oblonga in apicem obtu- sum attenuata, 10-27 mm. longa; calcar late conoideum apice capitato uncinatim incurvum, laminae rarius subaequilongum saepius 3-2 rarius + laminae longitudine. Stamina numerosa longitudine inaequalia lamina 2-6 raro 11 millimetris breviora glabra; filamenta longiora 8-11 mm. longa, a basi vix dilatata gradatim atte- nuata; antherae oblongae 2°5-3°5 mm. longae muticae flavae. Parastemones lineari-lanceolati v. lineares, apice acuto apiculati, undulati 7-9 mm. longi, fila- menta longiora aequantes v. iis manifesto breviores, ovaria distincte superantes interdum apicem styli attingentes, apice haud raro antheris parvis globosis instructi. Pistilla 6-12, erecta, supra stamina vix v. 1-3 mm. prominentia raro iis breviora, 8-11 mm. longa; ovaria subcylindrica, dense glanduloso-hirta ; stylus filiformis apice subrectus v. circinnatim recurvus, ovario saepissime paullo brevior.

Folliculi 6-12 patuli, a basi ovoidea sensim attenuati, apice obliquo in stylum persistentem attenuati, sine stylo 2-3 cm. longi, hirti saepe glandulosi.

Semina numerosa, cuneato-obovoidea, ventre carinata, saepe 3- v. 5-costata, nigra, nitida.

X. Aquilegia Moorcroftiana’ Wall. (Aquilegia Moorcroftiana Wall. Cat. 4713, Royle Ill. 55; Aquilegia glauca Lindl. (1840) ; A.

kunaorensis Camb. (1844) ; A. fragrans Bth., Baker ex parte ; Aquilegia

304 P. Brtthl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. ane


1892. ] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 805

vulgaris subsp. 4. alpina, subsp, 5. pyrenaica, Hook. f. et T, in F. B. L; Aquilegia vulgaris, var. pyrenaica et grandiflora H. f. et T. in F. I. Icones: Jacq. Voy. Bot. tab. V ; Bot. Mag. tab. 4493; Lindl. Bot. Reg XXVI tab. 46; Maund’s Bot. IV. tab. 151.), caule 10-80 cm. altitudine conspicue folioso raro subnudo ramoso rarius simplici, foliis basilaribus biternatis v. triternatis, foliolis parvulis vy. magnis sese obtegentibus v. subdistantibus, terminali obovato subrotundo reniformi trilobo v. trisecto, foliis caulinis infe- rioribus ternatis v. biternatis, floribus 3-9 raro solitariis medi- ocribus v. magnis concoloribus yv. discoloribus colore vario, sepalis ovatis v. oblongis 14-45 mm. longis, petalorum lamina saepissime truncata, calcare saepissime subulato recto v. modice incurvo rarius uncinato longitudine comparata vario, staminibus limbum attin- gentibus v. superantibus, carpellis 5-9 glanduloso-hirtis, folliculis 18-25 mm. longis. Floret ab Iunio ad Septembrem. Area geographica—Paropamisus, Himalaya alpina et subalpina occidentalis, Afghania orientalis, Belutchia. var.a. fragrans” Bth. (Baker ex parte), rhizomate crasso, caule 60-90 cm. altitudine, valde folioso, foliis basilaribus biternatis v. saepius plus minus triternatis, petiolulis gracillimis, foliolis tenuibus infra plus minus glaucis, terminali fol. bas. subreniformi profunde tripartito partitionibus 2—3-fidis laciniis lineari-oblongis plus minus inciso-crenatis crenis obtusis v. rotun- datis, floribus 2-5 albidis v. pallide purpureis, sepalis ovatis v. ovato-lanceolatis apice obtusiusculis 19-25 mm, longis, calcaribus lamina subduplo brevioribus v. eam subaequantibus apicem versus gracillimis, aut uncinatim incurvis aut rarius subrectis, folliculis 5-7, 16-18 mm. longis. Lecta in Kashmir (H. Fale. !) ; Gilgit ad Kala Pani 10-11000’ (G. /). var. 8. Winterbottomiana P. B., caule 25-40 em. altitudine, foliis basilaribus caulinisque inferi- oribus aut triternatis aut biternatis atque foliolis trisectis, laciniis foliorum intermediorum oblongo-lanceolatis, petiolulis plus minus glanduloso-pubescentibus, segmentis foliorum flor. inferiorum lineari-lanceolatis latitudine 4-1 longitudinis, sepalis fere 2°5 em. longis, petalorum lamina 10-12 mm. longa apice truncata, calcare subhamato circiter 15 mm. longo, carpellis 5-6. In iugo inter Kashmiria et Darawar (Winterbottom !). var. y. Suaveolens (= A. kunaorensis var. 8 suaveolens Camb.; = A. fragrans (Bth.) Baker ex parte, caule 30-70 cm. altitudine felioso, foliis caulinis saepissime con-





P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. sa

spicuis, basilaribus biternatis rarius subtriternatis, foliolis mem- branaceis infra saepissime plus minus glaucis terminali fol. bas. reniformi y. semiorbiculari v. subrotundo fere ad basim usque tripartito v. ad tertiam partem trilobo segmentis 2 vy. 8 lobis y. crenatis lobis crenisque obtusis breviter lineari-oblongis, foliis caulinis superioribus valde variis, floribus saepissime 5—12, sepalis albidis v. stramineis, petalis saepe violaceis vy. purpureis sed etiam albidis 25-50 mm. longis acutis v. acuminatis, calearibus laminam 1-10 mm. superantibus rectis vy. leviter incurvis, carpellis 6-9, folliculis sine stylo 20-25 mm. longis. Vidi allatam e Gilgit (1! Biddulph !), Kashmiria (Sedgewick ! W. 8. A. ! Levinge!), Dran- kar 17-19000' (Scz./), Lahtl (H. Calc.! J! H!), Pangi (Sez. /), valle fil. Chenab superiore (BD. P. !). 6. glauca” Lindl.,

foliis basilaribus biternatis glaucis, laciniis fol. intermediorum obovato-cunneatis v. breviter oblongis, segmentis fol. flor. inf. obovato-cuneatis v. late lanceolatis, sepalis 25-30 mm. longis strami- neis v. albo-purpureis, petalorum stramineorum calcaribus rectis conicis apice capitatis lamina truncata 2-4 mm. brevioribus, car- pellis 6 (v. pluribus ?), folliculis circiter 2 cm. longis.

Kashmiria (forma rara et vix a varietate e distinguenda). «. kunaorensis” Camb. (A. kunaorensis Camb. var. a = A. Moor- croftiana Wall. Cat. No. 4713 a Royleo in Ill. male descripta),

foliis plus minus glaucis, basilaribus aut triternatis, aut biternatis et foliolis fere ad basim usque tripartitis, petiolis petiolulisque glabris Vv. parce hirtulis, foliis flor. inf. trifoliolatis v. trisectis foliolis sub- rhombiis v. late lanceolatis, sepalis 14-23 (saepissime 17-21) mm. longis stramineis v. saeplus violaceis, petalorum violaceorum y. plus minus ochroleucorum lamina 9-17 mm. longa, calcare recto v, leviter incurvo 11-21 saepissime 14-18 mm. longo lamina saepissime 3-10 mm. longiore rarissime vix breviore, carpellis 5 rarius 6, folliculis 15-20 mm. longis. Gilgit (Giles sub nomine A. fragrantis ! et A. Moorcroftianae Wall?! et A. viridiflorae!); Baltistan, prope Kapala (Hunter-Weston !), Ladakh (Moorcroft !), in Kurang prope Rumbog (Scz./) ; Kunawar (see. Jacgem.) ; Afghanistan, in valle Kurrum (‘ A. vulgaris, var. Moorcroftiana Wall.’ Aitch.), ad Kair- was 12000 ped. (‘ Aquilegia vulgaris, var. fragrans Benth.’, Aitch.), 1 rupestribus montium Safed Koh 10-12000 ped. (‘A. pubiflora Wall., var. humilior, Aitch. et Hemsl., A. pubiflora Boiss. Fl. Or. Suppl. nec Wall.). ¢. Wallichiana” (A. Wallichiana in herb. Calc.), uti var. ¢, ‘eal foliolis viridibus nec glaucis. Kumaon (Vicary /)..

1892. ] P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 307

var. n. afghanica P. B.,

caule 10-30 em. altitudine 1—4 (-6)-floro usque a basi villoso- pubescenti plus minus glanduloso, petiolo petiolulisque plus minus villosis, foliis basilaribus biternatis, foliolulis textura firmiore sae- pissime manifesto petiolulatis glabris v. puberulis nee glaucis inter- medio plus minus profunde trilobo lobis parce crenatis crenis rotun- datis rarius breviter oblongis, foliis caulinis variis interdum subcon- spicuis, sepalis 18-28 mm. longis, lamina petalorum truncata, calcare lamina longiore subulato recto v. subincurvo, staminibus petala 1-4 mm. superantibus, carpellis 6. Floret ab Iunio ad Aug.

Afghania orientalis; in valle Kurrum—in monte Sikarém 10-14000 ped. (Aquilegia nov. sp. Attch.). Calcaribus exceptis, valde similis Aquilegiae Bertolonii.

var. 0, subaphylla P. B.,

caule 25-35 cm. altitudine simplici v. superne parce ramoso a basi usque, uti petioli petioluli pedunculi, glanduloso-hirto, foliorum basilarium biternatorum lamina 2°5-5 cm. longa, foliolis parvulis breviter petiolulatis textura subcarnosa glabris v. puberulis terminali reniformi trilobo 12-18 mm. lato, lobis parce crenatis, foliis caulinis inferioribus 1 v. 2 ternatis v. subbiternatis, sepalis circiter 2 cm. longis, petalorum lamina rotundato-truncata, calcare subulato recto lamina longiore, staminibus limbum pet. 2-5 mm. superantibus.

In valle Spiti, versus ingum Ringun 13-14.000 ped. (Sez. /), prope Thissigaong 15-16000 ped. (Sez. /).

Descriptio subspeciei.

Rhizoma descendens y. horizontale crasse fusiforme y. cylindricum, interdum pluriceps, nigricans, collo vaginis foliorum fusorum vestitum, caules 1-3 edens.

Caulis erectus v. ascendens rarissime simplex saepissime superne plus minus ramosus, teres, sulcatus, altitudine 10-80 cm., basi 15-4 mm. crassitudine, conspicue foliosus raro subnudus, puberulus v. glabrescens aut a basi villoso-pubescens v. glanduloso-hirtus.

Folia basilaria longissime petiolata caule florifero breviora 5-12-35 cm. longa; petiolus basi in vyaginam lanceolatam membranaceam 15-30 mm. longam conver- gentim neryosam dilatatus, canaliculatus 8-20 cm. longus crassitudine 1-2 mm., hirtus v. puberulus; lamina biternata raro ternata, interdum triternata; petioluli primarii tenues puberuli v. pubescentes v. glanduloso-hirti, terminalis 2-8 cm. longus 0°8-1'5 mm. crassitudine, laterales 2—* terminalis longitudine ; foliola mar- gine approximata v. sese obtegentia, membranacea raro subearnosa, supra glauca vy. viridia infra pallidiora saepius glauca, elabra vy. puberula v. densiuscule pubescentia, tenuiter nervosa ; terminale circumscriptione late obovatum y. obovato-cuneatum vy. suborbiculare v. semiorbiculare vy. reniforme, longe v. breviter petiolulatum, basi late cuneata obtusum v. truncatum vy. subcordatum, 9-50 mm longum latitudine 1-3

longitudinis, fere ad medium trilobum y. ad basim usque trisectum y. rarius tri-

es |

308 P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. _[ No. 3,

foliolatum segmentis vix vy. haud margine imbricatis, segmento lobove medio cuneato-obovato apice crenis grossis y. lobulis tribus inciso, segmentis lateralibus aut late oblongis aut oblique cuneato-obovatis inaequaliter bilobulatis lobulis plus minus grosse crenatis v. integerrimis; foliola lateralia aut trapezoidea aut terminali sub- conformia, crenis brevissime lineari-oblongis v. oblongo-ovatis apice obtusis v. rotun- datis; petioluli ultimi glabri v. villoso-pubescentes, terminalis 2-35 mm. longus, laterales multo breviores vy. nulli.

Folia caulina intermedia, uno alterove saepe longe petiolato excepto, breviter brevissimeve petiolata, inferiora saepe biternata superiora haud raro ternata, foliolis lateralibus fol. bitern. sessilibus v. vix petiolulatis folia summa subsessilia reliquis multo minora trifoliolata v. trisecta ad ultimum saepe integra bracteiformia anguste lanceolata, sezmentis integerrimis y. incisis saepissime lanceolatis, interdum ovatis acutis v. acuminatis, 1-3 cm. longis.

Inflorescentia rarissime subuniflora, saepissime 3-9 flora corymboso-paniculata, ramis valde elongatis. Pedunculi graciles teretes dense pubescentes saepe viscosi. Flores mediocres vy. magni subnutantes, concolores y. discolores. Sepala ovata v. ovato-oblonga, nervis tribus ramosissimis percursa, apice acuta v. obtusa, cuneato- attenuata vy. acuminata, basi saepe abrupte constricta, 14-45 mm. longa, lati- tudine circiter } longitudinis dorso puberula violacea v. purpurea vy. straminea v. albida, petala 4-15 mm. superantia. Petala glabra v. calcaria puberula, v. pur- purea v. violacea y. straminea v. ochroleuca vy. albida; lamina obovata, apice truncata rarius truncato-rotundata, 11-15 mm. longa; calcare basi conoidea sensim in partem apicalem tenuiter cylindricum y. subulatum attenuatum, raro uncinatim incurvum saepius rectum aut a basi aut apicem versus incurvum, laminae sub- aequale y. ea sesquilongum raro duplo longius y, duplo brevius, apice manifesto v. vix capitatum. :

Stamina longitudine inaequalia, numerosa, longiora petalorum limbum gubae- quantia y. paullo superantia, glabra, filamenta angusta e basi paullum dilatata sensim attenuata; antherae oblongae y. ellipticae muticae circiter 2 mm. longae. Para- stemones ovato-lanceolati vix v. distincte undulati acuti ovaria superantes.

Pistilla 5-9, stamina vix v. manifesto superantia, 9-14 mm. longa; ovaria cylin- drica dense hirta plus minus glanduloso-pilosa, in styluam subulatum parte inferiore hirtum apice rectum y. recurvum aequilongum y. sesquilongum attenuata.

Folliculi 5-9 patuli subcoriacei subcylindrici, e basi ovoidea sensim attenuati» apice oblique rotundato-truncati, nervis obliquis crebris prominentibus plus minus anastomosantibus reticulati, sine stylo 18-24 mm. longi, plus minus hirti, stylis filiformibus 6-10 mm. longis apice saepe circinnatim recurvis rostrati.

Semina numerosa cuneato-obovoidea ventre carinata, interdum subcostata, nigra, nitida v. subopaca, vix punctulata, 2-2°5 mm. longa.

Tabella ad varietates Aquileziae Moorcroftianae’ determinandas. I. Caulis plus minusve conspicue foliosus et saepissime (80—-) 40-90 cm. altitudine, basim versus glabrescens vy. parce hirtulus. A. Calcar petalorum lamina brevius v. eam vix aequans. @. Sepala 19-25 mm. longa; calcaria uncinata y. plus minus manifesto incurva; folia basilaria saepe triternata.]

A. fragrans”.

1892.] P. Brithl—De Ranunculacets Indicis Disputationes. 309

%. Sepala 25-30 mm. longa; calcaria recta v. vix incurva; folia basilaria biternata. (Flores albidi v. straminei.)

A. glauca”.

B. Calcar lamina paullo v. multo longius.

@. Laciniae foliorum caulinorum mediorum oblongo-lanceolatae ; segmenta foliorum floraliam inferiorum lanceolata, latitudine 1—1 longitudinis ; calcar gracillmum lamina vix longius subhamatum; (sepala fere 2°5 cm. longa; stirps aspectum A. thalictrifoliae praebens).

A. Winterbottomiana”.

43. Laciniae foliorum mediorum lineari-oblongae vy. obtuse ovatae v..rotun- dato-subquadratae. Calcar rectum vy. leviter incurvum, gracile v. crassiusculum.

a. Sepala 25-50 mm. longa. Carpella 6-9. A. suaveolens”. b. Sepala 14-23 mm. longa. Carpella 5-6. a. Foliola infra plus minus glauca. A. kunaorensis”. 6. Foliola utrinque viridia, infra pallidiora. A. Wallichiana”.

II. Caulis (saepissime) subnudus vy. foliis uno alterove vix conspicuo instructus, 10-40 cm. altitudine, a basi usque villoso-pubescens aut, uti petioli petiolulique, glanduloso-hirtus.

A. Caulis usque a basi, uti petioli petiolulique, villoso-pubescens, 10-30 cm.

altitudine. A. afghanica”.

B. Caulis usque a basi, uti petioli petiolulique, glanduloso-hirtus, 30-40 cm.

altitudine. A. subaphylla”.

XI. Aquilegia leptoceras’ Fisch. et Meyer (1837). (Aquilegia leptoceras Fisch. et Mey. Linnaea XII, Litt. 153; Bot. Reg. X, 64; Flore des Serres III, 296),

caule humili (circiter 20 cm. alt.), foliis aut biternatis, aut ter- natis atque foliolis tripartitis, glabris, terminali obovato cuneato

apice ad tertiam quartamve partem trilobo latitudine circiter 2 longitudinis, floribus compluribus, discoloribus, sepalis stellatim patentibus ovato-oblongis 18-22 mm. longis, petalorum lamina apice rotundato-truncata v. retusa, calcare conico recto v. subincuryo,

staminibus pet. limbum superantibus, carpellis 5.

Descriptio subspeciei.

Caulis humilis (circiter 20 cm.) teres pluriflorus aut basim versus glaber aut, nti petioli petiolulique, totus pubescens. Folia longiuscule petiolata, partim biter- nata, partim ternata atque foliolis profunde tripartitis ; petioli foliorum maiorum 4-8 cm. longi basi vaginantes; petioluli primarii teretes terminalis 1-2 cm. longus laterales 2— terminalis longitudine ; foliola membranacea, viridia infra pallidiora,

3 glabra, foliorum biternato um sessilia; terminale obovatum basi cuneatum apice ad


310 P. Brihl—De Ranuneulacets Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

quartam y. tertiam partem trilobum 15-20 mm. longum latitudine circiter 2 longi- tudinis ; lateralia oblique obtriangularia plus minus profunde biloba; lobis foliolorum omnium parce inciso-crenatis, crenis obtusis. Folia caulina inferiora 1-3 brevius petiolata, snbbiternata ; intermedia sessilia trifoholata v. trisecta plus minus fissa ;

petiolaria lanceolata bracteiformia.

Flores mediocres. Sepala stellatim patentia, ovato-oblonga, basi breviter con-

stricta, apice obscure producto subobtusa, 18-22 mm. longa, latitudine circiter 2

longitudinis, laete lilacino-caerulea, apicem versus albescentia, vero apice virides- centia. Petalorum lamina obovato-cuneata, apice rotundato-truncata v. retusa, 10-12 mm. longa, albida apice ochroleuca; calcar graciliter conicum, rectum v. modice incuryum, apice subcapitatum, fere 2 laminae longitudine, laete caeruleum. Stami- na petala 2-5 mm. superantia; antherae elliptico-oblongae muticae flavae. Pistilla 5, stamina paullo superantia; ovaria pubescentia (an unquam glabra ?); styl subrecti.

Folliculi recti v. apice divergentes. sine stylo 20-22 mm, longi, (glabrescentes ?).

Dauria, Sibiria transbaicalensis. Valde affinis A. Moorcroftianae’ var. kunaorensi. XII. Aquilegia lactiflora’ Kar. Kir. (Aquilegia lactiflora, Karelin et Kirilow in Mosc. Bull. 1841, vol. XIV, p. 374), caule subprocero folioso parce ramoso, foliis biternatis, foliolis sessilibus v. breviter petiolulatis maiusculis viridibus ad medium fere tripartitis segmentis inciso-crenatis crenis rotundatis v. ob- longis, inflorescentia fere triflora, sepalis oblongo-lanceolatis 15-20 mm. longis lacteis petalorum limbo fere duplo longioribus, calcari- bus gracilibus rectis v. leviter incurvis laminae aequilongis v. ea manifesto longioribus apice nectarifero vix capitatis, staminibus petalorum laminam rotundatam subaequantibus, carpellis 5 villosis. Montes Tarbagatai Asiae rossicae.

Area geographica

XIII. Aquilegia pubiflora’ Wall. (Aquilegia pubiflora Wail. Cat. 4714; Royle Ill. pag. 55.),

caule (15—) 40-70 cm. altitudine saepissime superne ramoso et

folioso, foliis basilaribus saepius biternatis, foliolis mediis sub-

rhombeis v. subreniformibus saepius ad medium trifidis latitudine

1_8 longitudinis, foliis caulinis saepissime conspicuis, inflorescentia

(1-) 2-5 (-10)-flora, floribus mediocribus, sepalis ovato-lanceolatis (12-) 20-28 mm. longis latitudine saepius 3 longitudinis, petal- orum lamina apice rotundata raro rotundato-truncata, calcare uncinato rarius modice incurvo saepissime quam lamina breviore, staminibus laminam subaequantibus, carpellis 5-6 glanduloso-hirtis, folliculis fere 2 cm. longis.

Floret a Maio ad Iulium.

Area geographica—Himalaya occidentalis temperata (frequens) et

subalpina (rara), Afghania orientalis.



1892. ] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 311

var. a, Cunninghami P. B., caule 25-40 cm. altitudine plus minus folioso paucifloro, sepalis

acutis petala paullo superantibus, calcaribus incurvis neque uncinatis. Himalaya pentapotamica (Cunningham !). var. B. Massuriensis Royle, caule 40-80, raro 12-30 em. altitudine plus minus ramoso (2—) 3-8 floro conspicue folioso, sepalis longe acuminatis petala multo superantibus, calcaribus brevibus. subvar. aa caule 40-80 cm. alt. calcare subcircinnatim in- curvo. Afghania, in valle Kurrum (A7ich!), in monte Shend- toi (Aitch.!); Kashmiria (H. Sah. !, Sedgewick !); Dalhousie (herb. Dr.!); Sirmor, in monte Chir 9-10,000’ (herb. Dr. !) ; Simla (7. T.!), in silva Mashobra (G4. /); Jaunsar Bahar, in montibus Droban (PB /), ad Pakri (B/); Baira (B/), montes Trusa (B/); Tihri-Garhwal: supra Bhowani 13-14000’ (D/), in valle Gangis 6—7000’ (D /), ad Nag Tibba 8-9000’ (Gollan !), Massuri (Royle! K!); Kumaon; prope Naini Tal (A! Dd /), in valle Nila 8-9000’ (D/). subvar. BB. caule 12-30 cm. altitudine, calcare hamato rarius levius incurvo.—In montibus prov. Simla (herb. Dr. !).

var. y. subnuda P. B., caule gracili 15-35 (-40) em. altitudine simplici v. apice 2-3- floro vix folioso, sepalis longe acuminatis petala manifesto supe- rantibus, calcaribus brevibus subcircinnatim incurvis. N. W. Him,

(Wall. Cat. 4714!) ; ad Serahan (Scz/), Dalhousie 7000’ (Clarke /) Simla (Scz /), Garhwal (herb. Fale.! K 1).

Descriptio subspeciei.

Rhizoma horizontale y. verticale, subcylindricum v. subfusiforme, cortice nigra, collo foliorum reliquiis vestitum et 3-15 mm. crassitudine, caules 1-8 edens.

Caulis erectus, superne ramosus raro simplex, teres, leviter sulcatus, fistulosus, florifer saepissime 40-70 cm. rarius 15 cm. altitudine, basi 15-3 mm. crassitudine, foliosus raro subnudus, subglaber vy. plus minus hirtellus.

Folia basilaria longissime petiolata caule florifero saltem subduplo breviora 5-30 cm. longa; petiolus basi in vaginam lanceolatam membranaceam 10-380 mm. longam convergentim nervosam dilatatus, subteres tenuiter sulcatus, basi supra Jeter canaliculatus, 2°6-20 cm. longus, 1-2 mm. crassitudine ; lamina biternata rarius triternata, raro folio uno alterove ternato atque foliolis trisectis; petioluli primarii graciles subglabri v. prope insertionem petiolorum secundariorum praesertim villoso- pubescentes, terminalis 12-50 mm. longus 0°4-0'8 crassitudine, laterales 3-2 terminalis longitudine ; foliola tenuiter membranacea, viridia infra pallidiora, terminale longi- uscule v. breviter petiolulatum v. subsessile circumscriptione subrhombeum sub- isodiametricum 1-45 cm. longum latumque et basi late cuneatum, vel semiorbi-

312 P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

culare v. subreniforme basique subtruncatum, saepissime fere ad medium palmatim trilobum rarius ad duas partes vy. fere ad basim usque tripartitum, lobo medio cuneato-obovato v. breviter oblongo, latitudine 2-1 longitudinis, symmetrice y. asymmetrice lobato-crenato crenis lateralibus duabus saepius integerrimis terminali brevioribus, lobis lateralibus breviter lineari-oblongis parce crenatis v. irregulariter *nceiso-crenatis crenis paucicrenulatis v. integerrimis; petiolulus secundarius medius

cm. longus v. subnullus, laterales terminali manifesto breviores v. sessiles; foliola lateralia trapezoidea asymmetrice lateque cuneata, ad medium v. fere ad basim inaequaliter bipartita y. tripartita lobatave partitione externa inaequaliter crenate bilobata media triloba v. tricrena, lobis crenisve integerrimis v. paucicrenulatis, crenis apice obtusis y. rotundatis, ovatis vy breviter oblongis.

Folia caulina intermedia sparsa sursum gradatim minora et brevius petiolata, basilaribus subconformia sed foliola haud raro subsessilia et lobi saepe manifestius lineari-oblongi; folia floralia inferiora brevissime petiolata, petiolo ad vaginam linearem 3-7 (-16) mm. longam reducto, ternata v. subbiternata foliolis longe petiolulatis trisectis vy. tripartitis, segmentis incisis laciniis sublinearibus crenato- serratis rarius lanceolatis; folia floralia superiora subsessilia trisecta, segmentis lateralibus integris lanceolatis, rarius trifidis, integerrimis vy. parce serratis, ter- minali integro y. trifido, summa saepe bracteiformia lanceolata.

Inflorescentia raro uniflora saepissime 2~-5 (-8)-flora, laxissima. Pedunculi graciles 2-10 cm. longi leviter suleati vy. teretes, apicem versus pilis patentissimis dense pubescentes interdum viscosi. Flores mediocres erecti v. nutantes purpurea v. lurida, concolores. Sepala membrancea ovato-lanceolata longe acuminata rarissime cuneato-acutata, basi saepe constricta, apice semper obtusiusculo herbacea, 20-28 rarius 12-16 mm. longa, latitudine saepissime circiter +, rarius + v. 4 longitudinis, nervis 3 ramosis apicem versus convergentibus percursa, petala 6-14 mm. exce dentia rarissime petala paullulo tantum superantia, dorso plus minus pubescentia. Petala dorso puberula; lamina oblongo-obovata apiceque rotundata rarius oblonga truncata 11-18 mm. longa; calear e basi ample conoidea subabrupte v. sensim in partem apicalem subcylindricam v. leniter conicam attenuatum, apice circinna- tim v. uncinatim incurvum 4—+ laminae longitudine rarius leviter incurvum, apice vix capitatum. Stamina 30-40, laminam petalorum vix superantia; filamenta inae- qualia, longiora 7-9 mm. breviora 5-6 mm. longa, e basi modice dilatata in partem superiorem angustissime linearem angustata ; antherae conformes, oblongae, 2—2'5 mm, longae. Parastemones oblongi, apice acuto apiculati, subundulati, 5-6 mm. longi, sub- persistentes. Pistilla 5-6, erecta v. subpatula, 10-13 mm. longa; ovaria cylindrica patentim pubescentia, in stylum gradatim v subabrupte attenuata; styli subulati ovario vix v. multum longiores, apice ad ultimum recurvi.

Folliculi 5-6 chartacei, subcylindrici et apicem versus paullum attenuati, in stylum filiformem 5-6 mm. longum oblique attenuati, tenuiter sed conspicue cre- breque reticulato-nervosi, subglabri, sine stylo circiter 2 cm. longi, aut paralleli aut saepissime a medio recurvi et apice late divergentes.

Semina numerosa, oblonga, sectione transversa subtriangularia dorso leviter curvata ventre carinata, testa nigra v. subbrunnea nitida laevi.

Folia et foliola A. vulgari plerumque subsimilia, sed interdum omnino sunt

Agquilegiae pyrenaicae.

XIV. Agquilegia Ottonis’ Orph. (Aquilegia Ottonis, Orphanides in Boiss. Diagn. ser. II. No. 1 pag. 14 et 15; Aquilegia Amaliae Held-

1892. ] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Dispututiones. 313

reich in Boiss. Diagn. ser. II]. No. 1 pag. 11; A. pyrenaica=A. Bertolonii =A. Magellensis Porta et Rigo exsicc.; A. nevadensis Boiss. 7), canle, uti petioli petiolulique, glanduloso-pubescenti, 35-70 cm. altitudine 1-6 floro folioso; foliis basilaribus biternatis; foliolis sessilibus v. saepius petiolulatis supra viridibus infra glaucis basi longe cuneatis, terminali ad medium usque v. ultra medium tri- partito, partitione media crenis tribus, lateralibus crenis binis in- cisis, crenis integris v. crenulatis ; foliis caulinis inferioribus duo- bus v. tribus foliis basilaribus subconformibus v. brevius petiolatis, superioribus trifoliolatis v. trisectis segmentis lineari-lanceolatis, summis lanceolatis integris, floribus paullo minoribus quam in Aquilegia vulgari typica (var. varia Maly), sepalis oblongis acutis pallide violaceis v. laete caeruleis, petalorum lamina albida apice rotundata v. rotundato-truncata, calcaribus apice subincurvis laminae subaequilongis, staminibus limbum superantibus, carpellis parallelis v. apice divergentibus, 12-15 mm. longis seminibus granulatis.—Graecia, Italia meridionalis, (Sierra Nevada ?). var. a. typica, fololis in segmenta oblonga ultra medium incisis, sepalis calcari- busque laete caeruleis obtusiusculis, petalis apice rotundato-trun- catis, (carpellis apice divergentibus), var. 8. Amaliae” Heldr., foliolis ad medium usque bi- vy. trilobis, sepalis calcaribusque pallide violaceo-caeruleis acutis, petalis apice rotundatis, (carpellis parallelis).

Tabella analytica ad subspecies Aquilegiae vulgaris Lin. determinandas.

I. Alabastri subcylindrici. Sepala in flore aperto erecto-patuli (oblongo-lanceolata. Flores bicolores. Calcaria saepissime uncinata). A. oxysepala’ Trautv. II. Alabastri, neglectis calcaribus, plus minus ovoidei v. ellipsoidei. Sepala in flore patentia v. patentissima. A. Calcaria in flore aperto uncinatim incurva. QA. Calcaria laminae subaequilonga vy. ea manifeste longiora. a. Stamina longiora lamina 1 mm. breviora v. 1-10 mm. longiora. a. Folliculi 18-25 mm. longi, e basi ovoidea attenuati. Folia caulina infima haud raro foliis basilaribus subconformia, (foliola fol. bas. 10-50 mm. longa).

a. Crenae fol. bas. breviter lineari-oblongae, mediis rotundato-sub- quadratis. (Foliola tenuia, plus minus glauca; calcaria gracil- lima gradatim hamata; flores albidi v. straminei v. pallide purpurei).

A. Moorcroftiana’ Winterbottomiana”.

314 P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

B. Crenae fol. bas. saepissime rotundatae v obtusae. (Foliola viridia ; calearia crassiuscula saepe subabrupte uncinata; flores pur- pureo-caerulei v. violacei v. caeruleo-lilacini v. rufescenti-cinna- monei.)

A. vulgaris’ Lin.

b. Folliculi 12-15 mm. longi. Folium caulinum infimum saepissime foliis basilaribus dissimile. Foliola media fol. bas. 12-20 mm. longa.

A. Bertolonii’ Schott. b. Stamina quam lamina 2-11 mm. breviora.

a. Crenae mediae fol. bas. rotundatae v. rotundato-subquadratae. Folia caulina saepius basilaribus dissimilia. Lamina petalorum saepius apice rotundata.

a. Pistilla 5. Folliculi 12-15 mm. longi subcylindri. (Sepala 24-30 mm. longa, apice acuta v. acuminata. Flores caerulei).

A. Bertolonii’ Schott.

B. Pistilla (5—) 6-12. Folliculi 20-30 mm. longi, e basi ovoidea plus minus attenuati. (Sepala 16-45 mm. longa. Flores saepe dis- colores.)

A. glandulosa’ Fischer.

b. Crenae mediae fol. bas. breviter lineari-oblongi. Folia caulina in- feriora basilaribus subconformibus, laciniis vero saepissime magis linearibus. (Sepala saepissime 32-45 raro 27 mm. longa. Flores subconcolores. Folliculi 24-30 mm. longi.)

A. alpina’ Lin. %. Calcaria ++ laminae longitudine. a. Stamina petalorum limbo 2-11 mm. breviora.

a. Calcaria e basi late conoidea in apicem uncinatum attenuata. Canlis 12-40 cm. altitudine. Petalorum lamina rotundata vy. oblonga et apice obtusa. Flores caerulei vy. discolores. Sepala saepe plus 30 (16-45) mm. longa.

A. glandulosa’ Fischer.

f. Calcaria gracilia. Caulis 50-70 cm. altitudine. Lamina rotundato-

truncata. Flores violacei. Sepala minus 30 mm. longa. A.vulgaris’ Lin. Bernardi” Gren. b. Stamina limbum fere attingentia v. superantia.

a. Petalorum lamina apice rotundato-truncata v. plane truncata.

a. Caulis 3-25 cm. altitudine, 1- (rarissme 2-) florus, saepissime uni- folius. Flores caerulei v. petala purpurea. Sepala ovata apice obtusa.

A. nivalis’ Falc.

B. Canulis 40-70 cm. altitudine, foliosus, 2- v. pluriflorus. Flores albi y. straminei v. pallide purpurei. Sepala ovato-lanceolata vy. elliptico-oblonga breviter acuminata.

A. Moorcroftiana’ fragrans”.

y. Caulis 12-80 cm. altitudine, saepius pluriflorus et foliosus. Sepala saepissime anguste oyato-lanceolata longe acuminata. Flores purpurei y. luridi,

A. pubiflora’ Wall.

1892. ] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 315

%. Petalorum lamina apice rotundata. A. pubiflora’ Wall.

B. Calcaria recta vel leviter incurva neque uncinata. A. Petalorum lamina fere 6 mm. longa. Calcar lamina plus duplo longius.

(Stirps glanduloso-pubescens pluriflora foliosa.)

A. grata’ Maly. %. Lamina 9-45 mm. longa. Calcar laminae subaequilongum vy. sesqui- longum, rarius lamina fere duplo brevius, rarissime duplo longius. a. Stamina limbo 2-6 mm. breviora. Flores caerulei. a. Petala apice saepissime rotundata. Sepala 14-27 mm. longa. Folli- culi subcylindrici, 8-15 mm. longi.

a. Foliolum medium foliorum basilarium biternatorum triangulariter cuneato-oboyatum y. cuneato-deltoideum, latitudine 4—1 longi- tudinis. Foliola distantia v. approximata. Caulis petioli petio- luli saepius hirti v. pubescentes.

A. viscosa’ Gouan.

B. Foliolum medium fol. bas. reniforme y. late rhombeum, latitudine (++) 4-3 longitudinis. Foliola sese attingentia v. saepius sese obtegentia.

A. pyrenaica’ DC. . Petala apice rotundato-truncata. Sepala 32-45 mm. longa. Folliculi e basi ovoidea attenuati 25-30 mm. longi. A. alpina’ Lin. b. Stamina petalorum limbum fere attingentia v. superantia. Flores haud raro discolores, sepala saepe albida y. straminea v. violacea. a. Petalorum lamina apice rotundata. a. Flores concolores. (Semina minutissime punctulata, fere laevia). aa. Sepala oblongo-lanceolata (15-20 mm. longa) petalaque colore lacteo. A. lactiflora’ Kar. Kir. BB. Sepala ovato-lanceolata rarissime ovata (12-28 mm. longa), Flures purpurei v. luridi. A. pubifiora’ Wall.

8. Flores discolores, sepalis ac calcaribus violaceo-caeruleis, petalis albidis. Semina granulata.

A. Ottonis’ Amaliae” Heldr. %. Petalorum lamina rotundato-truncata. a, Semina granulata. (Caulis 35-70 cm. alt., foliis bas. biternatis, sepalis calcaribusque laete caeruleis, lamina pet. albida). A. Ottonis’ typica” Orph. 8. Semina microscopice punctulata, fere laevia. aa. Latitudo folioli terminalis fol. bas. 1-3 longitudinis. Folia basilaria vix unquam simpliciter ternata.

aa. Flores saepius 3-9. Sepala apice cuneato-acutata v. acumi-

nata. Calcaria subulata. Pet. lamina apice rotundato- truncata.

aa. Flores caeruleo-violacei, concolores.

A. vulgaris Lin. recticornu P. B.”

BB. Flores concolores albidi v. straminei, v. discolores sepalis dilute violaceis petalis ochroleucis v. caeruleis vy. pur- pureis.

A. Moorcroftiana’ Wall.

316 P, Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

bb. Flores solitarii v. raro 2. Sepala apice obtusa. Calcaria crassi- uscule conoidea vy. subcylindrica v. saccata. Pet. lamina apice truncata et sinuata, v. retusa, v. emarginata.

A. nivalis’ Fale.

bb. Latitudo folioli medii fol. bas. fere 2 longitudinis. Folia saepe

simpliciter ternata. (Sepala caerulea, pet. lamina ochroleuca.) A. leptoceras’ Fisch. et Mey.

Aquilegia autem inter Ranunculacearum genera recentior videtur esse. Quae sententia non solum insigni illa mutabilitate formarum atque summa omnium inconstantia notarum quibus rerum herbariarum periti ad species discernendas uti consuerunt, sed etiam subspecierum per regiones boreales orbis terrarum distributione comprobatur. Nam varietate varia Aquilegiae vulgaris typicae excepta, nulla subspecies vel varietas montuosis Asiae communis est cum regionibus Huropae occidentalis, atque una tantum species, A. glandulosa, non solum in ingis Sibiriae sed etiam in montibus transsilvanicis nascitur. Aquilegia quidem atrata in saltibus thianshanicis gigni dicitur, sed veri simile est stirpem illam in varietate Karelini Aquilegiae vulgaris adnume- randam esse. Neque dubitandum est quin stirpes illae himalaicae, quae morphologice ab A. pyrenaica’ et A. alpina’ nullo modo diffe- runt, varietates existimandae sint Aquilegiae nivalis’ et Moorcroftianae’, nec proxime connexae cum formis illisin Alpibus et monte pyrenaeo natis.

Atque propter artissimam omnium Aquilegiarum cognationem vix difficile esse dixeris historiam generis vestigare. Ht certum quidem est nectaria formae illius priscae, ex qua omnes species Aquilegiae ortae sunt, ecalcarata fuisse, cum non solum flores monstrosas A. vulgaris ecalcaratas in hortis nasci videamus, sed etiam, quod maximi argumenti est, species una rite ecalcarata a Potanino ex Kansu allata sit. Sed inter stirpes generi Aquilegiae propinquas vix ullae sunt quae tam insignem Aquilegiae ecalcaratae vel Aquilegiae brevistylae similitudi- nem prae se ferant quam Isopyri species nonnullae asiaticae et americanae. Et petala gibba Aquilegiae ecalcaratae petalis quarundam formarum Isopyri microphylli et grandiflori simillima, sed duplo vel triplo maiora; haec interdum a vera basi aperta minimeque bilabiata, obova- to-oblonga, dorso vix minus gibba quam petala A. ecalcaratae, apice retusa v. emarginata, nervis interdum ramosis. Ht quamquam necta- ria Aquilegiae brevistylae, quae statura folicrumque figura Isopyro biternato quam proxime accedit, calcarata sunt, eorum laminae hand raro more Isopyri grandiflori v. anemonoidis apice sunt emarginatae. Carpella autem A. brevistylae interdum glabra sunt et nucleus ovulorum binis integumentis vestitus, uti sunt in grege Isopyrorum.

1892.] P. Brithl—De Rununeulaceis Indicis Disputationes. 317

Quarum rerum considerationem sequentibus nobis licitum con- cessumque sit speciem illam antiquam, cui Aquilegiam cascam nomen dicere liceat, quasi construere atque aedificare. Stirps erat altitudine mediocri, foliis biternatis, floribus parvulis, sepalis quinque, nectariis subconcavis gibberis apice emarginatis, filamentis staminum intimorum lanceolatis antheris parvis terminatis, carpellis quinque glabris, semi- nibus Jaevibus. Hane speciem terra genuit illa, qua Asia et America olim iuncta erant. Hx ea natae sunt species illae priscae asiaticae atque americanae: primum Aquilegia ecalcarata, tum, gibbere in calear producto, Aquilegia parviflora et Aquilegia brevistyla. Cum autem initio huius aevi planities Sibiriae et Huropae septentrionalis e mari glaciali emers:ssent et caelum mitius fieret, species illae priscae primum varietates tres ediderunt: unam carpellis glabris (A. sibiricam), alteram (A. viridiflorum), Aquilegiae parviflorae proximam, sepalis vix praeter nectaria eminentibus sed carpellis hirtis, tertiam sepalis petalisque valde variabilibus, carpellis autem semper hirtis. Tertia haee species parens fuit duarum gregum, quarum una, sepalis lanceolatis erecto- patulis alabastris subcylindricis, regionum illarum incola fiebat quae a mari gobiensi ad orientem solem spectabant; altera autem non solum per regiones Asiae borealis ac centralis, sed etiam per Huropam totam usque ad montem Atlantem late diffundebatur. Mirifica vero eius facultas ad varias conditiones caeli loci insectorumque se accommodandi. Nam flores mediocres stirpium in locis silvaticis demissioribus ortarum in montibus altioribus saepe maximi atque speciosissimi evadunt, ut facilius apes papilionesve procul ad se alliciant. In locis humidioribus autem caules petioli foliolaque saepe magis villosa vel hirta, atque in stillicidiis rupestribus conspicue glanduloso-pilosa.

Ab Aquilegia autem vulgari mutabilitate nequaquam superata est grex illa quae, orta, ut videtur, in Asia orientali, per Alashkam et Montes saxosos diffusa usque ad mare atlanticum et in Americam cen- tralem pervenit.

Vix dubitandum esse opinamur quin Aquilegia canadensis originem trahat a parente varietatis illae Aquilegiae formosae cuius imaginem Planchon*) in tabula nomine Aquilegiae arcticae depinxit ; verisimile autem est Aquilegiam arcticam, quae vix a varietate kamtshatica a Fischero descripta calcaribus brevioribus videtur differe, profectam esse a forma illa prisca Asiae orientalis, quae, immigrans in regiones mand- shuricas et sinenses in Aquilegiam oxysepalam commutata est. Nam utrum stirps illa, cui Aquilegiam hybridam Sims dixit nomen, hibrida fuerit an species vera nescio ; stirpes vero, quas Ledebour scribit e semi-

* Flore des Serres fig. 795.


318 P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

nibus davuricis in horto dorpatensi natas esse, vix dixeris hibridas fuisse Aquilegiae vulgaris et Aquilegiae canadensis. Folia autem et alabastri figura et sepalorum directio et color floris, uti depicta sunt in tabula Simsii, omnino sunt Aquilegiae oxysepalae, neque similitudo Aquilegiae hybridae cum Aquilegia arctica et A. canadensi minus insignis.

At vero quanta nectariorum est mutabilitas in Aquilegia formosa ! Nam varietas arctica, in tabula picta a Planchon lineis descripta et a Bongard in insula Sitcha lecta, non solum sensim sensimqne in Aqui- legiam truncatam, varietatem eximiam, transit, sed calcaria stirpium in horto kewensi cultarum gracillime evadebant atque calcaribus Aqui- legiae caeruleae simillima. At Ledebour in annotatione ad Aquilegiam formosam discrimen huius speciei et Aquilegiae canadensis partim in longitudine calcaris cum lamina comparata ponit; dicit enim de A. for- mosa :—‘ calcaribus rectis lamina truncata quadruplo longioribus genitalia subaequantibus, sepalis ovato-lanceolatis patentissimis genitalia calcaria- que superantibus,’ et de A. canadensi :—‘calcaribus rectis lamina trun- cata duplo longioribus, genitalia subaequantibus, sepalis ovatis calcari- bus genitalibusque brevioribus, stylisdemum exsertis.’? Vidimus tamen specimina A. canadensis var. typicae calcaribus lamina quintuplo longi- oribus et sepalis florum apertorum androecio sublongioribus.

Atque formae illae cultae, quae cum stirpibus kamtshaticis quoad ealcaris longitudinem cum laminae mensura comparatam congruere videntur, ab Aquilegia chrysantha non distinctae nisi notis, ut videtur, vilibus. De staminibus Aquilegiae caeruleae ante diximus. Mensura autem calcaris cum limbo nectariorum comparata vehementer variat ; lamina enim nunc vix vicesima pars calcaris nune calcare ferme sesqui longior. Forma quoque limbi petalorum vix ad species discernendas apta; nam inexemplaribus in horto kewensi cultis lamina a medio versus apicem attenuata est,* quod vidimus etiam in Aquilegia truncata ; in varietate arctica autem Planchonii et in varietate typica Fischerit nectariorum lamina est apice truncata. Aquilegiae igitur americanae idem spectaculum praebent atque Aquilegiae asiaticae et europaeae : omnes enim partes, quae quidem ad praegnationem ope insectorum factam aptae sint, eximie mutabiles esse, praesertim cum pollen etiam gine adiumentis externis et adventiciis in stigmata eiusdem floris per- venire potest. At vero cum meminimus Aquilegiam arcticam, formo- sam Fischeri, truncatam ad eandem speciem pertinere atque stirps illa in tabula 6552 Bot. Mag. depicta, non possumus non concludere Aqui- legiam caeruleam et chrysantham quoque ad eandem gregem esse redi- gendas.

* Vide etiam Bot. Mag. tab. 6552. + Ledebour, Flora rossica vol, I.


1892.] P. Briithl—De Ranunculacets Indicis Disputationes. 319

Discrimen autem Aquilegiae Skinneri et A. canadensis in magni- tudine florem positum est. Sepala vero A. canadensis typicae nunc vix 12mm, nunc fere 24mm longa, ac magnitudinem florum notam demonstravimus esse maxime dubiam in Aquilegiis himalaicis. Qua- propter credimus fore ut formas medias inter A. canadensem et A, Skinneri in Mexico boreali inveniantur.

Insigne unum etsolum quod, praeter indumentum carpellorum, magis constare reperimus in cognatione Aquilegiae vulgaris est directio sepalorum ; nam cum in plerisque subspeciebus sepala patentia vel patentissima sint, in Aquilegia oxysepala sepala saepissime erecto- patula reperiuntur, vix unquam subpatentia. Non est hoc tamen semper signum certum speciei bonae ; nam sepala A. canadensis typicae interdum magis patent quam solent in stirpibus plurimis, neque sunt, nut videtur, semper patentissima in Aquilegia chrysantha. Quodsi hane notam putemus ad species internoscendas non satis habere facultatis, ac si reliquorum inconstantiam signorum in mente agitemus, harum rerum cogitatione coactis nobis, quamvis invitis, concedendum esse videtur, formas omnes americanas ad duo species referendas esse : unam, Aquilegiam brevistylam, quae vinculis propinquitatis maxime cum Aquilegiae sibirica coniuncta est, alteram quae, magis cognata Aquilegiae oxysepalae, Aquilegiam formosam, truncatam, caeruleam, chrysantham, flavescentem, canadensem, Skinneri amplectitur. Hac sententia perducti Aquilegias americanas hoc modo disponendas esse existimamus.

(1). A. brevistyla Hook.

(2). A. canadensis Lin. subsp. I. A, formosa’ Fischer. subsp. II. A. caerulea’ James. subsp. III. A. flavescens’ Wais. subsp. IV. A. canadensis typica Lin.

subsp. V. A. Skinneri’ Hook. Si vero directioni sepalorum maiorem ad species discernendas vim

tribuamus, formas americanas hoc modo disponere licuerit. (1). A. brevistyla Hook. var. a. Vera, carpellis pubescentibus. var. 8. leiocarpa P. B., carpellis glaberrimis. Montes saxosi. (2). A. formosa Fischer.

Subsp. I. vera. var. a. arctica Planch., nectariorum lamina truncata, cal-

caribus subinfundibuliformibus lamina sesqui vy. sub- duplo longioribus.

320 P. Brihl—De Ranunculacets Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

var. 8. kamtshatica P. B., lamina truncata, calcaribus lamina subquadruplo ohepet bee } var. y. truncata I’isch., lamina truncata v. apicem versus ob- tusa calcaribus conicis vel crasse subulatis multo breviore. var. 0. saxicola P. B., lamina rotundato-ovata apice obtusa calcaribus subulatis breviore. Subsps. If. caerulea James. var.a. Macrantha Hook., floribus albidis v. plus minus caeruleis v. ochraceis. var. 8. chrysantha A. Gray, floribus aureis. (3). A. flavescens Wats. (4.) A. canadensis. Subsp. I. typica. var. a. Vera, sepalis 10-24 mm. longis, calcaribus lamina duplo v. quintuplo longioribus elongato-subinfundibuliformibus, var 8B. Fendleri, sepalis fere 9 mm. longis, calcaribus elongatis gracilibus. Subsp. II. Skinneri Hook. Aquilegiam Skinneri vero, dum formae mediae inter hane formam et A. canadensem desunt, speciem propriam sumere licebit. Adicimus tabellam analyticam ad species subspeciesque americanas


I. Calear crassiuscule subulatum manifesto incurvum laminae aequilongum y. ea paullo brevius. Sepala 12-18 mm. longa. Stamina petalorum limbo breviora.

Carpella glabra v. pubescentia. A. brevistyla Hook.

II. Calcaria aut elongato-infundibuliformia lamina paullo v. permulto longiora recta v. leviter incurva aut gracillime subulata aut conica. Stamina sae- pius ultra limbum pet. eminentia vel, si limbo breviora, sepala 2 cm. longa vy. longiora. Carpella hirta.

A. Sepala patentia v. patentissima.

@. Calearia gracillime subulata. a. Filamenta in columnam subcylindricam sociata, stamina conspicue

exserta. Flores aurei y. calcaria sepalaque plus minus lateritia y.


A. formosa Fisch., subsp. vera, ex parte.

b. Filamenta plus minus divergentes, haud raro in capitulum subglabo-

sum congesta, v. si subparallela, stamina pet. lamina breviora v. eam

fere aequantia. Petalorum lamina apice truncata. Flores albi, ochroleuci, caerulei, aurei. (Calcaria 25-70 mm. longa.)

A. caerulea James. %. Calearia elongato-infundibuliformia. Columna staminea cylindrica petala multo superans,

1892. ] P. Brithl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 321

a. Calcar lamina sesqui v. permulto longius. Sepala calcariaque lateritia v. rubra. A. formosa, Fisch. subsp. vera ex parte. b. Calcar lamina vix longius. Flores flavi. (Sepala 12-18 mm. longa.) A. flavescens, Wats. B. Sepala erecta, erecto-patula v. vix patentia. A. Calcaria 15-25 mm. longa. Folliculi fere 2 cm. longi. A. canadensis Lin. 33. Calcaria fere 4cm. longa. Folliculi 3-3°5 cm. longi. (Sepala virentia.) A. Skinneri Hook.

Nunc progrediamur ad species, quas quidem accipiamus, rite de-


Ne tamen nimia nominum ac synonymorum stirpium americanarum

confusio exstiterit, Aquilegiam formosam et flavescentem ab Aquilegia canadensi sciungemus, quae res necessitatem nobis affert, si quidem nobismet ipsis velimus constare, Aquilegiae oxysepalae ab Aquilegia vulgari separandae.

I. Aquilegia ecalcarata Mazim.,





sepalis subpatentibus 1 v. fere 1:5 cm. longis, nectariis gibbis nec calcaratis, lamina apice complanata fere # sepalorum longitu- dine, carpellis hirtis. (Vix ab A. parviflora separanda.) Agquilegia parviflora Ledebour, sepalis patentibus 1-1'4 cm. longis, nectariis breviter calcaratis, lamina apice obtusa concava sepalis subduplo breviore, carpellis hirtis. Aquilegia viridiflora Pallas, sepalis patentibus v. patulis (virescentibus) 10-18 mm. longis, nectariorum lamina subcomplanata subbrevioribus v. fere <Z eius longitudine, calcaribus rectis v. apice incurvis, carpellis hirtis. Aquilegia brevistyla Hooker, sepalis patentibus 12-15 em. longis, nectariorum lamina apice haud concava sepalis subduplo breviore, calcaribus crasse subulatis modice incuryis fere laminae longitudine, carpellis glaberrimis vy. pubescentibus. Aquilegia sibirica Lam., sepalis patentibus v. patentissimis 13-25 mm. longis, nectari- orum lamina apice non concava 3—? sepalorum longitudine, caleari- bus subulatis apice hamatis, carpellis glaberrimis vy. ad suturam ventralem minute puberulis. Aquilegia vulgaris Lin., sepalis patentibus v. patentissimis nectariorum lamina saepissi-

322 P. Briihl—De Ranwnculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

me manifesto longioribus, alabastris (calcaribus neglectis) ovoideis v. ellipsoideis, nectariorum lamina apice non concava calcaribus rectis v. uncinatis forma varia, carpellis hirtis.

VII. Agquilegia oxysepala Trautv., sepalis erecto-patulis, nectariorum calcaribus hamatis (vix un- quam rectis) subulatis lamina sepalis manifesto breviore sublongi- oribus, carpellis hirtis. Vill. Aquilegia canadensis Lin., sepalis erectis v. erecto-patulis 9-25 mm. longis, nectariorum

lamina longioribus, calcaribus lamina duplo vy, quintuplo longiori- bus elongato-subinfundibuliformibus y. gracilibus, carpellis hirtis.

TX. Aquilegia flavescens Wais., sepalis plus minus reflexis nectariorum lamina paullo longioribus, calcaribus lamina vix longioribus elongato- subinfundibuliformibus subincurvis, (floribus flavis), carpellis hirtis.

X. Aquilegia formosa Fisch., sepalis patentissimis v. subreflexis rarius patentibus nectariorum lamina manifesto longioribus, calcaribus aut crassiuscule conicis lamina multo longioribus, aut elongato-subinfundibuliformibus lamina sesqui v. subduplo longioribus aut gracillime subulatis rectis

v. modice incurvis, carpellis hirtis.

Aquilegia vero volubilis Maack mihi plane ignota.

Cognationes autem specierum generis Aquilegiae in tabula nostra prima monstrare conati sumus ; in tabula secunda affinitates gregis Aquilegiae vulgaris exhibentur ; in tertia denique propinquitates forma- rum americanarum indicavimus.

Atque ut in rerum, de quibus quaesierimus, repetitione per capita decurramus, haec nos existimamus demonstravisse :—

(1) indumentum caulis et foliorum ad species generis Aquilegiae discernendas non usui esse ;

(2) folia basilaria ac caulina quoad divisiones foliolorumque figuram et magnitudinem ita variabilia esse ut ad species setungendas non valeant, quod quidem saepe accidit in generibus, quae constant ex stirpibus, quarum folia sunt composita ;

(3) partes eas stirpium, quae in praegnatione ope insectorum facta auxilio sint, saepe mutabilitate maxima affectas esse, ut notae ab jis sumptae, uti magnitudo colorque florum, nectariorum forma, men- surae comparatae nectarii ac staminum atque carpellorum, directio partis styli stigmatosae, haud raro dubiae sint minimeque certae ;

(4) omnes Aquilegias artissima naturae colligatione consociatas esse, quod efficiat ut formae hibridae quam facillime ex formis diversis procreentur, quae res notissima est hortulanis ;


1892.] P. Brihl—De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. 323

(5) stirpes omnino similes non solum ex eadem forma sed etiam ex diversis in locis longinquis atque disiunctis nasci posse, sicuti: A. glandulosa ex varietate quadam Aquilegiae vulgaris in montuosis Sibiriae ac Transsilvaniae ; aut A. pyrenaica ex A. Bertolonii in monte pyrenaeo et ex A. nivali in terra gilgitensi ; vel A. iucunda, ut videtur, ex A. vulgari in Sibiria et ex A. nivali in Kashmiria; vel A. alpina ex A. Bertolonii vel e varietate nigricanti Aquilegiae vulgaris in Alpibus et montibus appenninis, et ex A. Moorcroftiana suaveolenti in Himalaya centrali ;

(6) varietatem eandem, cum in locis diversissimis orta sit, in uno loco saepius stabiliorem esse quam in reliquis, sicut Aquilegia pyrenaica satis constat in Pyrenaeis, sed maxime fluxa est in montuosis altissimis Himalayae occidentalis ;

(7) verisimile esse candem formam interdum in locis diversissi- mis inveniri quod varietas recentior in figuram speciei parentis trans- lata sit (atavismus), sicuti stirpes indicae Aquilegiae vulgaris verae ex Aquilegia pubiflora natae videntur esse.


1-3. Isopyrum grandiflorum, 2, Afghanistan. 4-8. Isopyrum microphyllum, 2, Himalaya bor. occ. 9. Idem, 1.

10. Aquilegia parviflora, Sibiria. 11. Isopyrum grandiflorum, *, Vallis Kurrwm. 12. A. ecalcarata, +, Kansu.

Figurae 13-74 magnitudine propria descriptae sunt.

13-18, 20, 21, 21* A. nivalis’ paradoxa’’, Gilgit, Kashmir, Tibetia occ. 19. A. nivalis’ saccocentra’’.

22-26. A. Moorcroftiana’ fragrans’”’, Kashmir, Gilgit. 27. A. alpina’, Mont Cenis. 28. eadem, Helvetia. 29. eadem, Mons appenninus. Folia caulina A. alpinae typicae. 30. eadem, himalaica’’, Garhwal. 31. A. glandulosa’ typica Fischeri, Sibiria. 32. A. glandulosa, Sibiria. 33. <A. Moorcroftiana’ suaveolens’’, Lahul. 34. eadem, Vallis flum. Chenab. 35. A. Moorcroftiana’ kunaorensis’”, Kashmir. 36. eadem, Gilgit, Ladakh. 37, 38. eadem, Kashmir.

39. A. viscosa’ Hinseleana’’, Venetia.

40-42. eadem, Val Sassina. 43. A. viridiflora, Thian Shan.

44, eadem, Mongolia. 45-50, A pubiflora’.



51. 52. 53. 54. 5D. 56-58. 59-61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67, 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. TA. 75. 76. THE

P. Brihl— De Ranunculaceis Indicis Disputationes. [No. 3,

Silva Mashobra prope Simla, 46. Massuri, 47. Garhwal, 48. Simla, 49. Simla, 50. Him. pentapotamica. Sepala florum 48 et 49 lanceolata acuminata.

A. vulgaris’ eynensis”, Valle’ d’ Hynes.

A. vulgaris’ Karelini’’, Vallis Nila.

A. vulgaris’ recticornu”’, Bavaria.

A. pyrenaica’, Montes pyr. occ.

eadem, Herb. Forestier, Mons. pyr.

A. Moorcroftiana’ suaveolens”, Ladakh.

A. Moorcroftiana’ kunaorensis’”’, Gilgit.

eadem, Ladath, eadem ac 35.

A. pubiflora’, Silva Mashobra, eadem ac 45.

eadem, Vallis Kurrwm,

eadem, Simla,

eadem, Him. occ.

eadem, Him. pentapotam., ex eodem flore; eadem ac 50.

eadem, Simla.

eadem, ex codem loco atque 67.

Carpella A. pubiflorae’.

Carpella A. kunaorensis’’,

Carpella A. nivalis’.

Apex parastemonis A. Karelini’”’.

Parastemones A. pubiflorae’.

iidem, aucti.

Parastemones A. Moorcroftianae’, aucti.

hed 2,20(

or Banpar

istinet tri

uses are 1

uw split «


Plate I. Journ, As. Soc,, Part II, No. 8, 1892,

Singpho girl’s house.

Li 1 Ww e A, | ae a. Jagon Dihing. fii ae ae . 29-1-82. yh We Aes

A SO. i a eae Ss /

Wes A 1, = t S43 ¢ 2 yeaa, a

Ss fare

Agi eee z if is ae J ae a lf ae u 42 ye Zep ve se N WW F PF fae /) *? ? >| ay ~\ ff 2 fe jt al es



SES. ei 145

Ru sa” was founded some 200 years ago, by the Hoyen (crop-haired) Khel, from Ru Nu (Zu or Banpara).

A peculiarity of the 45 or 50 villages, indirectly offshoots of “Chang nu” (now 10 or 12 distinct tribes of head hunters, often at feud) is, that the central posts of the houses project thro’ the ridge and are lowered as they decay below. The houses are irregularly placed amid Bread-fruit trees and jungle, and if attacked there is thus instant cover. There were 8 generations in Chang ru, ere Zu” split off, and founded Ru Nu, in which, since then,

there have been 12 generations, say 25 . 30 yrs. each,

Tatt 4 ? traces of Cannibalism, : vj a ten

S. E. Peal,


Plate II.

Platform Burial. Naga * Ruk tua.”

Mi ys

‘4 él Ta

Formosa, Borneo, De Solomen Is. and Aru Is., Marquesas, pts. of Africa § Australia, often as a canoe on posts.

VG $ to § size.

Quitnw aoa wid

Jews hary Naga New Britain, Phallipines, sc.


Canoe Drum, can be heard at 8 § 10 miles.

Naga 3 rk ung Kung. Tavaka of New Hebrides, Lali of Fiji.

Journ. As, Soc, Part II, No. 8, 1892. Plate IT.

Pile dwellings. Indo-Mongols.

Platform Burial. Naga *Ruk tua.”

) SANT Me ay aa NEN MY } :


Naga Pah. 200' by 30°.

Skull § Guard house, Bachelors’ barracks, Gc. ;

Formosa. Phillipines, Borneo. Sumatra, Papua. Solomon Is., Africa, Marquesas, &c., under modified forms, among all Indo-Mongols. Tabu to the married women, contains the Tung Kung or large Canoe Drum.

Hide Cuirasses.”

l Nias. Sumatra.

Hy ZINN a\y)

x 8 Formosa, Borneo, Papua, Solomen Is. and If 3 Aru Is., Marquesas. pts. of Africa §; Australia, D> Wee 5 often as a canoe on posts. D at a L Lt 8

Ne , 2 G $ to 4 size. Ly 2 ix)

Naga “Kyep.””

aw ie = BES Jews har» Naga New Britain,

Phillipines, Sc.

uh 3 zy 3 Double Cylinder bellows. \ j : 5 ia Asam, to the Anong or Lutse. sul Mletiardyr E Naga Tung Kung. Sumatra, Java, Phillipines, Discs of wood on posts of i Canoe Drum, can be heard at 8 §; 10 miles, Madagascar. : granaries tu keep out rats & mice. Tavaka of New Hebrides, Lali of Fiji.

Wie S. E Peal..


sATE Ol.




_momaay by \ pxcopound Lies i sO al V DA yOsUury Be GON VY - al / | Uy on | | WOIWNHYAd Vo WSOOSIA'V SU2Q}0eAMNs Vy | | DApuee0IIMS yy pomyoudy py pardky . | \ 7 eas = i ae N | Sisueuhe V 1 DOU y : north ; TIWAIN Vv VNId‘1V V. NO TOLYHE V | | ef DOAUDANSSUDL, FF ei | e ae oer oe Do pisqdnmdy gunmabns Bs < S > wamydms > S 2 ee aan ie : Sin a s. Oo MIO 2. Se SP SSVULOOLAATV | S >— SIMVOTNA VID 1 TN0V—Y TwaaSaxo V ce Me > _DyD.1y0 Fy | 2 ie TT - IPLIUlI G B. VUOTILOVT -V ROOT | casuonseany y oonsmyspuput ‘F : : mumybunimng FF _TUneroyy Fr (pcuso py porsvonw.2 “Pp | porday | ‘Suess VeU | SINOLLO V mp kydngns “Wy . VuO TWIaNd V | se Vv

BRUHL, Jour. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. LXI. P& Il



SNHOSHAV 1 td i abe < BsoosTA Vy woreuaaAd “V7

ae W STRAT “VV poqnaavo ‘W—voidAy WOOWHON V eurdye “vy

‘ept aqAy Ae TUO[0}19 g “VV RUBT}LJOIOLOOW VW



VIVdASAXO VW oe "V eseag00}dopy | |

STO) Wo BAOLRL W esoqgiqnd “vy

eueliesiong “VW VOINIGIS VPP lei Vv



BRUHL, Jour Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. LXI


BRUHL, Jour. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. LXI, P# II.



MONKS “WF pansana “Wy ~ pyyupsd.ryo “py






BRUHL. Journ Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol: LXI, Pell.

Figu cas lineis


desecripsit P Brtihl.

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