Publishing Committee. -*->^<* Prof. J. Sakurai ^^^^- ^-^ Iliyakuhalcuslii, Director of the College, {ex officio). Prof. I, Ijima, ^^/'- J^-i lÜyakiüiahushi. Prof. F. Omori, iUrjakuhal'ushi. Prof. S. \A/atasé, ^'/'- ^^-^ Rigaknhakmlü. All communications relating to this Journal should be addressed to the Director of the College of Science. JOURNAL OF THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO. GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUMES l.-XXV- 1887-1908. COMPILED BY THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, TOKYO. 1913. "^^-^1 Year of Publication of Vols. I.— XXV. Vol. 1., complete in 4 Parts, 188G-87 IT., in., IV., v., VI., VIL, vin., IX., X., XL, XIL, XIIL, XIV., XV., XVI., XVIL, XVITL, XIX., XX., XXL, XXIL, xxni., XXIV., XXV., „ 5 „ 1S88-89 „ 4 „ 1889-90 » 2 „ 1891 „ 4 „ 1892-93 „ 4 „ 1893-94 „ 5 „ 1891-95 „ 2 „ 1894-93 „ 3 „ 1895-98 „ 3 „ 1890-98 „ 4 „ 1898-99 „ 4 „ 1898-1900 „ 4 „ 1900-01 „ 1 „ 1904 „ 3 „ 1901 „ 15 Articles 1901-03 „12 „ 1901-04 „ 8 „ 1903-04 „20 „ 1903-04 „12 „ 1904-05 „12 „ 1906-07 „ 1 , 1906 „15 „ 1907-08 „ 1 „ 1908 „19 „ 3908 Note : Vols. I.-XV. appeared in Parts with a cousecntive paging for each volume, l)ut ] eginning with Vol. XVI. each volume appeared in the form of separate Articles witli a paging of their own. Since most of the volumes were completed in more than a single year, the years given in the ahove list do ]iot always definitely indicate those in which the several papers were puhlished. These are indicated for each paper in Part I. of this index. CONTENTS. II. Subject Index to Vols. 1.— XXV 31 I. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLS. I.— XXV. AICHI, K[eiichi], nnd TANAKADATE, T[orasliiro]. 1906. Tlieory of the rainbow due to a circular source of light. XXI., Art. 3, 1-29. AIDA, T[atsno]. 1907. Ax)pendicularia of Japanese waters. XXIII., Art. 5, 1-25. CHIKASEIGE, Masumi. 1895. Decomposition of sulphates by ammonium chloride in analysis accord- ing to Fresenius. VIL, 251-252. 1895. Ewart Johnstone's way to prepare nitric oxide. VII., 253-254. 1895. Mercury percMorates. IX., 77-84. 1897. The atomic weight of Japanese tellurium. IX., 123-128. CHO, S[hunichi], and MAJBIA, R[iko]. 1908. Ueber den Hauptbestandteil des jaiDanischen Lacks. XXV., Art. 6, 1-17. DEAN, Bashford. 1904. Notes on Japanese myxinoids. A new genus ParamyxÎTie, and a new species Homea okinoseana. Reference also to their eggs. XIX., Ai-t. 2, 1-23. ■J904. Notes on Chimœra. Two Japanese si^ecies, G. phantasnm Jordan and Snyder, and G. mitsuTcurii n. s., and their egg cases. XIX., Art. 3, 1-9. 1904. Notes on tlio long-snouted cliimaßroid of Japan, lîhinocJdmœra (Ilarri- otta) paclfica (Garman) Mitsukuri. X!X., Art. 4, 1-20, DIVEllS, Edward. 1894. The manufacture of calomel in Japan. VII., 1-14. 1895. The acid sulphate of hjdroxjlaraine. VII., 249-250. 1898. Absorption of nitric oxide in gas analysis. XI., 9. 1898. Interaction of nitric oxide witli silver nitrate. XI., 11-14. 1898. Preparation of pure alkali nitrites. XI., 15-18. 1898. Tlie reduction of an alkali nitrite by an alkali metal. XL, 19-32. 1898. Hyponitrites, their properties and their preparation by sodium or potassium. XI., 33-81. 1904. Peroxylaminesulphonic acid. XIX., Art. 16, 1-4. 1904. Constitution of nitric peroxide. XIX., Art. 17, 1-5. DIVEIIS, Edward, and HADA, Seihachi. 1899. Ethyl ammonium selenite and non-existence of amidoselenites (selenosamates). XL, 205-212. DIVEIIS, Edward, and HAGA, Tamemasa. 1886. On the reduction of nitrites to hydroxylamine by hydrogen sulphide. L, 109-112. 1889. Oxiyamidosulphonates and tlieir conversion into hyponitrites. III., 211-229. 1893. Imidosulphonates. VL, 49-113. 1894. Oximidosulphonates or snlphazotates. VIL, 15-80. 1895. Potassium nitrososulphate. IX., 85-95. 1895. Sodium nitrososulphate. IX., 97-100. 1895. The constitution of the nitrososulphates, IX., 101-110. 1897. Imidosulplionates. (2nd j)aper.) IX. , 195-217. 1897. Amidosulplionic acid. IX., 219-257. 1897. The reduction of nitrososiilpliates. IX., 277-290. 1897. Economic preparation of lijdroxylamine sulphate. IX., 291-293. 1898. Preparation of hyponitrite from nitrite througli oxyamidosulphonate. XI., 1-8. 1900. Potassium nitrito-hydroximidosulx^hates and the non-existence of dihydroxylamine derivatives. XIII., 211-224. 1900. Identification and constitution of Fremy's sulphazotised salts of potassium, his sulphazate, sulphazite, etc. XIIÏ., 225-233. 1900. The interaction between sulphites and nitrites. XIIL, 281-310. 1900. Decomposition of hydroxyamidosulphates by copper sulphate. XIIL, 497-506. 1901. Nitrilosulphates. XVIII., Art. 2, 1-9. DIVEPtS, Edward, and KAWAKITA, Michitada. 1888. On the composition of bird-Hme. II., 17-30. DIVERS, Edward, and OGAWA, Masataka. 1899. Ethyl ammoniumsulphite. XI., 197-201. 1900. Ammonium amidosulphite. XIII., 187-199. 1900. Products of heating ammonium sulphites, thiosulpliate, and tritliionate. XIIL, 201-209. 1901. Ammonium and other imidosulphites. XVII., Art. 1, 1-7. 1902. Preparation of sulphamide from ammonium amidosulphite. XVIL, Art. 8, 1-6. DIVERS, Edward, and SHIMIDZÜ, Tetsukichi. 1886. Mercury sulphites, and the constitution of oxygenous salts. L,^ 101-107. FUJISAWA, R[ikitaro]. 1888. Ueber die Darstellljarkeit willkiirllic'ier Functionen durch Reihen die nach don WuitioIii einer transcendenteu Gleiclmng fortschreiten. IL, 1-15. 1893. Researches on the multipHcation of elliptic functions. VI., 151-220. rUJITA, T[suuenobu]. 1904. On the formation of the germinal layers in Gastropoda. XX., xVrt. 1, 1-42. GOTO, Seitaro. 1891. On Diplozoon nipj^onicum, n. sp. IV., 151-192. 1894. Studies on the ectoparasitic trematodes of Japan. VIII., 1-273. 1897. Die Entwickelung der Gonophoren bei Physalia maxima. X., 175-191. 1898. The metamorphosis of Asterias 'pallida, with special reference to the fate of the body cavities, X., 239-278. 1898. Some points in the metamorphosis of Asterina gihhosa. XII., 227-242. 1900. Notes on some exotic species of ectoparasitic trematodes. XII., 263-295. HAD A, Seihachi. 1895. Mercury and bismuth hypophosxDhites. VII., 245-248. 1897. How mercurous and mercuric salts chai^ge into each other. IX., 161-194. HADA, Seihachi, and DIVERS, Edward. 1899. Ethyl ammonium selenite and non-existence of amidoseleuites (selenosamates). XI., 205-212. HAGA, Tamemasa. 1887. The effects of dilution and the presence of sodium salts and carbonic acid upon the titration of hydroxylamine by iodine. I., 369-376. 1904. Peroxylaminesulphonates and hydroxylaminetrisulphonates (sulphazi- lates and metasulphazilates, Fremy). XIX., Art. 15, 1-43. 1906. Hydroxylamine-a-^5-disulphonates (structural isomerides of hydroximino- sulphates or hydroxylamine-, 9-, 5-disulphonates). XXI., Art. 6, 1-17. 1908. A simple method of preparing the imicles of the aromatic sulplionic acids. XXV., Art. 13, 1-30. HAGA, Tamemasa, and DIVERS, Edward. 1887. On the reduction of nitrites to liydroxylamine by liydrogen sulphide. I., 109-112. 1890. Oxyamidosulphonates and their conversion into hyponitrites. III., 211-229. 1894. Imidosnlphonates. VI., 49-113. 1895. Oximidosulphonates or snlpliazotates. VII., 15-86. 1895. Potassium nitrososulphate. IX., 85-95. 1895. Sodium nitrososulphate, IX., 97-100. 1895. Tlie constitution of the nitrososulphates. XI., 101-110. 1897. Imidosnlphonates. (2nd paper.) IX., 195-217. 1897. Amidosulphonic acid. IX., 219-257. 1897. The reduction of nitrososulphates. IX., 277-290. 1897. Economic preparation of hydroxylamine sulpliate. IX., 291-293. 1898. Preparation of hyponitrite from nitrite through oxyamidosulphonate. XL, 1-8. 1900. Potassium nitrito-hydroximidosulphates and the non-existence of dihydroxylamine derivatives. XIII., 211-224. 1900. Identification and constitution of Fremy's sulphazotized salts of ])otassium, liis sulphazate, sulphazite, etc. XIII., 225-23-4. 1900. The interaction between sidpliites and nitrites. XIII., 281-310. 1900- Decomposition of hydroxyamidosnlphates by copper sulphate. XIII. 497-50Ö. 1901. Nitrilosulphates. XVII., Art. 2, 1-9. HAGA, T[amemasa], and MAJIMA, E[iko]. 1903. Ueber einige Anhydrolmsen aus Diaminen der Eettreihe. XIX., Art. 7, 1-10. HAGA, Tamemasa, and OSAKA, Yukichi. 6 1895. Tlie acidimetiy of hydrogen fluoride. VII, 255-2G7. HATTA, S[abnro]. 1892. Ou tlie formation of the germinal hiyers in Pctromyzon. V., 129-147. 1897, Contributions to the moi-phology of Cyclostomata. (I. On the formation of the heart in Petromyzon). X., 225-237, 1900. Contributions to the morphology of Cyclostomata. (H. The develop- ment of pronephros and segmental duct in Petromyzon). XIII., 311-425. 1907. On the gastrulation in Pdromyzrm. XXI.. Art. 11, 1-44. HATTOrJ, H[irotaro]. 1901. Studien neljer die Einwirkung des Kupfersulfats auf einige Pflanzen. XV., 371-394. 1908. Pflanzengeograplii-sche Studien über die Boniu-Inseln. XXIII., Art. 10, 1-G4. HAYATA, E[iuizo], 1904, Composite Formosana;. XVIII., Ai-t. 8, 1-45. 1904. Eevisio Eupliorbiacearum et Buxacearum Jaxx)nicarum. XX., Art. 3, 1-92. 1908. Flora montana Formos?e, au enumeration of the j)lants found on IMt. ]Mon-ison, the central cliain, and otlier mountainous regions of Formosa, f.t altitudes of 3,000-13,000 ft. XXV., Art. 19, 1-2G0. HAYATA, B[unzrj], and MATSUMURA, J[inzo]. 1906. Enumeratio plantamm in Insula Formosa sponte crescentium hucusque rite cognitarum adjectis descriptionibus ct figuris specierum pi-o regione novarum. XXII., 1-702. niia, Tadasu. 1895. Notes on the topaz from Mino. IX., 09-7G, HIRASÉ, S[a.kugorô]. 1895. Etudes sur la fécondation et l'embryogénie du Ginhjo hïlobn. (I). VIII.^ 307-322. 1898. Etudes sm* la fécondation et l'emln-jogénie du Ginl-go biloba (Second mémoire). XII., 103-149. HIPiATA, Tosliio. 1908. Ou the viscosity of dilute alcoholic solutions. XXV., Ait. 5, 1-15. HIPtATA, K[an], and OMOEI, F[usakichi]. 1899. Earthquake measurement at Miyako. XI., 161-195. HIBAYAMA, S[liin]. 1890. Determination of the elements of the sun's spin. HI., 2G9-2S7. 1897. On the prediction of solar eclipses. IX., 141-159. HIEOBE, H[ajime]. 1908. On the fusion sm'faces of the sj'stem naphthalene— chlorobenzene — phenol, and the molecular association of phenol. XXV., Art. 12, 1-50. HIPvOTA, S[adamori]. 1894. On the seiTHamniotic connection and the fœtal membranes in the chick. VI., 337-370. 1895. On the dentiitic appendage of the uix)genital papilla of a siluroid. YIII., 3G7-3S0. HOLLAND, Ptichard, and NEWTON, Ilichard PuUen. 1902. On some fossils from the islands of Formosa and lliu-Kiu ( = Loo- Choo). XVII., Art. G, 1-23. HOMMA {formcrhj KATO), Y[oshijiro]. 1902. Studios in atmospheric electiicity. XVI., .Vi-t. 7, 1-18. 8 HONDA, K[otaro]. 1899. Oll the mutual influence between loiigituclinal and circular magnetiza- tions in iron and nickel. XL, 2S3-314. 1900. Combined eflect of longitudinal and circular magnetizations on the dimensions of iron, steel and nickel tubes. XIII., 77-100. HONDA, K[otaro], and NAGAOKA, H[antaro]. 1998. Researches on magnetostriction. IX., 353-391. 1900. Change of vohime and of length in iron, steel, and nickel ovoids by magnetization. XIII., 57-75. 1900. Mutual relations between torsion and magnetization in iron and nickel wires. XIII., 263-280. 1902. Experiments on the magnetostriction of steel, nickel, cobalt, and nickel steels. XVI., 1-33. 1903. Magnetization and magnetostriction of nickel steels, containing different percentages of nickel. XIX., 1-13. HONDA, K[otaro], and SHIMIDZÜ, S[eizo]. 1902. Change in length of ferromaguetic wires under constant tension by magnetization. XVI., Art, 9, 1-12. 1902. Note on the vibration of ferromagnetic wires i^laced in a varying magnetizing field. XVI., Art. 10, 1-10. 1902. The Wiedemann effect in feri'omagnetic substances. XVI., Art. 11, 1-17. 1903. Change of length of ferromaguetic substances under liigh and low temperatures by magnetization. XIX., Art. 10, 1-19. 1905. On the magnetization and the magnetic cliange of length in ferro- magnetic metals and alloys at temperatures ranging from — 186° C to + 1200° C. XX., Art. 6, 1-63. HONDA, K[otaro], SHIMIDZU, 8[eizo], and KUSAKABE, S[lnrota]. 1902. Change of the modulus of elasticity in ferromagnetic substances by magnetization. XVI., Art. 12, 1-19. 9 1902. Change of the moduhis of rigidity in ferromagnetic substances by magnetization. XVI., Art. 13, 1-14. HONDA, Iv[otaro], and TERADA, T[orahiko]. 1906. On tlie change of elastic constants of ferromagnetic substances by magnetization. XXI., Art. 4, 1-70. 1906. On the effect of stress on magnetization and its reciprocal relations to the cliange of elastic constants by magnetization. XXI., Art. 7, 1-66. HONDA, K[otaro], TERADA, T[oraliiko], YOSHIDA, Y[oslii], and ISHI- TANI, D[enichiro]. 1908. An investigation on the secondary undulations of oceanic tides, carried out by the order of tlie Earthquake Investigation Committee during 1903-1906. XXIV., i-viii, 1-113. ICHIMURA, T[sutsumi]. 1903. On tlie formation of antliocyan in tlie petaloid calyx of the red Japanese Hortense. XVIII., Art. 3, 1-18. IJIMA, Isao. 1886. Notes on Distoma cndemicum Baelz. I., 17-59. 1887. Über einige Tricladen Em'opa's. I., 337-358. 1888. The source of Bothriocephalus latus in Japan. II., 49-56. 1892. Notes on a collection of birds from Tsushima. V., 105-128. 1901. Studies on the Hexactinellida (Contribution I). Euplectellida. XV., 1-299. 1902. Studies on the Hexactinellida (Contribution H). (The genera Corhitella and Heterotella). XVII., Art. 9, 1-34. 1903. Studies on the Hexactinellida (Contribution IH). Placosoma, a new Euplectellid ; Leucopsacid^e and Caulophacidae. XVIII., Art. 1, 1-124. 10 1904. Studies on the Hexactinellida (Contribution IT). (Rossellidro). XVIII., Alt. 7, 1-307. 1905. On a new ccstode larva parasitic in man {Plcrocercoidcs pi^oUftr). XX., Alt. 7, 1-21. IJIMA, I[sao], and IKEDA, S[akujiro]. 1895. Description of OpistJioteiitMs dejyressa n. sp. VIII., 323-337. IJIMA, I[sao], and IvUEIMOTO, T[oraei]. 1894. On a new human tape-worm {BothriocepTiahis sp.). VI., 371-385. IJBIA, Isao, and MURATA, Kentaro. 1888. Some new cases of tlie occurrence of Bothrioceplialus liguloides Lt. II., 149-162. IKEDA, I[waji]. 1901. Observations on the development, structure and metamorphosis of Actinotrocha. XIII., 507-592. 1904. The Geph.^Tea of Japan. XX., Art. 4, 1-87. 1907. On three new and remarkable species of echiuroids {Bonellia miyajimcd, Thdlassema tœnioidcs and T. clegans). XXI., Art. 8, 1-64. IKEDA, K[ikimae]. 1890. Capillary attraction in relation to chemical composition, on the basis of Pv. Schifif's data. III., 241-268. 1893. A simple experiment in chemical kinetics. VI., 43-48. 1908. Studies on the chemical theory of solutions. (Part I.) XXV., Art. 10, 1-80. IKEDA, Sakujiro. 1902. Contributions to the embryology of Amphibia : — The mode of blastopore closm-e and the j)osition of the embryonic liody. XVII., Art. 3, 1-90. 11 IKEDA, S[aknjiro], aucl LIBIA, I[sao]. 1895. Description of Opstltotcuthis dejjvessa n. sp. VHI., 323-337. IKENO, S[eiiclnro]. 1898. Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung der GescUeclitsorgaue und den Vorgang der Befruchtung bei Cycas revdufa. XII., 151-214. INABx\, Masamaro. 1891. Notes on the development of the suprarenal bodies in the mouse. IV., 215-237. INUI, Tamald. 1901. Untersuchungen über die niederen Organismen welche sich bei der Zubereitung des alkoholischen Getränkes " Awamori " betheiligen. XV., 465-476. ISHIKAWA, C[hiyomatsu]. 1892. Studies of reproductive elements. V., 1-34. 1894. Studies of reproductive elements. (11. Noctilucu miliaris Sur. ; its division and spore- formation.) VI., 297-334. 1897. Ueber eine in Misaki vorkommende Art von Eplwlofa und über ihre Sporenbildung. X., 119-137. 1897. Studies of reproductive elements. (III. Die Entwicklung der Pollen- körner von Allium fistiäosum L., ein Beitrag zur Chromosoraenreduk- tion im Pflanzenreiche.) X., 193-223. 1900. Further observations on the nuclear division of Noctiluca. XII., 243-262. ISHIKAWA, C[hivomatsu], and MITSUKUIlI, K[akichi]. 1887. On the formation of the germinal layers in Chelonia. I., 211-246. ISHITA:NT, D[enichiro], HONDA, K[otaro], TEKADA, T[orahiko], and YOSHIDA, Y[oshi]. 12 1908. All investigation on the secondary undulations of oceanic tides, carried out by the order of tlie R'lrtliquake Investigation Committee during 1303-1906. XXIY., i-viii, 1-113. ITO, Tokutaro, and MATSUMURA, Jinzo. 1900. Teniaraen floras lutchuensis. (Secto prima. Planta Dicotyledonese Polypetalœ.) XII., 263-541. IWASAia, C[hozo], and YOSHIWAKA, S[liigeyasu]. 1902. Notes on a new fossil mammal. XVI., Art. 6, 1-13. IZUKA, Akira. 1903. Observations on the Japanese palolo, Geratoceplicde osaivcd n. sp. XVII., Art. 11, 1-37. JACOBI, Arnold. 1898. Japanische beschalte Pulmonaten, (Anatomische Untersuchung des im Zoologischen Museum der Ivaiserlichen Universität in Tokyo enthal- tenen Materiales.) I. Pulmonaten. XII., 1-102. JIMBÖ, K[otora]. 1899. Notes on the minerals of Japan. XI., 213-281. JORDAN, David Starr, and SNYDEPv, John Otterbein. 1901. Descriptions of nine new species of fishes contained in museums of Japan. XV., 301-311. ICIMETAKA, Tokuhei. 1903. The composition of so-called elœomargaric acid. XIX., Art. 12, 1-6. 1908. On the constitution of the so-called elseomargaric acid. XXV., Ai-t. 3, 1-8. 1808. Notes on Japanese vegetable oils. XXV., Art. 4, 1-7. 13 KANDA, Masayasu. 1904. Studien über die Reizwirkung einiger Metallsalze auf das Waclisthum höherer Pflanzen. XIX., Art. 13, 1-37. KATAYAMA, M[asao]. 1908. üeber die Anomalie der starken einwertigen Elektrolyte. XXV., Art. 7, 1-42. KATO, Yoslnjiro. 1897. On the time-lag in the magnetization of iron. IX., 295-319. KAWAKITA, Micliitada, and DIVERS, Edward. 1899. On the composition of bird-lime. II., 17-30. KAWAMURA, S[eiichi]. 1907. Ueber die Flecken- und Buntbambuse. XXIII., Art. 2, 1-11. KAWAMURA, Shinichi. 1908. Coagulation of colloidal aluminium hydroxide by electrolytes. XXV., Art. 3, 1-29. KIKUCHI, Yasushi. 1888. On anorthite from Miyake-jima. II., 31-47. 1889. On i)yroxenic . components in certain volcanic rocks from Bonin Island. III., 67-89. 1890. On cordierite as contact mineral. III., 313-334. KIKUCHI, Y[asushi], and SEKIYA, S[eikei]. 1890. The eruption of Bandai-san. III., 91-172. KIMURA, S[hunkichi], and KNOTT, C[argiU] G[ilston]. 1891. On certain thermoelectric effects of stress in iron. IV., 341-356. 14 KINOSHITA, K[uin;io]. 1908. Primnoicla3 von Japan. XXIII., xVrt. 12, 1-71. KISHINOUYE, K[amaldc]ii]. 1891. On the development of Araneina. IV., 55-88. 1892. On the development of Limidits loivjisplna. V., 53-100. 1892. On the lateral eyes of spiders. V., 101-103. 1894. Note on the eyes of Gardium muticum Ileeve. VI., 279-285. 1894. Note on the cœîomic cavity of the spider. VI., 287-291. 1902. Some new Scyphomedusre of Japan. XVII., Art. 7, 1-17. laTAO, Diro. 1887. Beiträge zur Theorie der Bewegung der Erdatmospliäro und der Wirbelstürme. I., 113-209. 1889. Beiträge zur Theorie der Bewegung der Erdatmosphäre und der Wirbelstürme. (Zweite Abhandlung.) II., 329-403. 1895. Beiträge zur Tlieorie der Bewegung der Erdatmosphäre und der Wirbelstüi-me. (Dritte Abhandlung.) VII., 293-402. KNOTT, CargiU G[ilstou]. 1887. Electrical resistance of nickel at high temperatures. I., 325-328. 1887. Electrical properties of hydrogenised palladium. I., 328-332. 1887. Notes on a large crystal sphere. I., 377-379. 1889. On magnetic lagging and priming in twisted iron and nickel wires. III., 173-188. 1891. Laboratory notes. IV., 287-300. KNOTT, C[argill] G[ilston], and IvIMUBA, S[hunkichi]. 1891. On certain thermoelectric effects of stress in iron. IV., 341-356. KNOTT, Cargill G[ilston], and TANATvADATE, Aikitu. 1888. A magnetic survey of all Japan, carried out by order of the President of the Imperial university. II., 163-262. 15 KÖGA, Yosliiraasa, and YAMAGATA, Osamu. 1890. On the fineness of the one yen silver coin. III., 289-311. KOTO, Buncljiro. 1886. A note on glauco]phane. I., 84-99. 1887. Some occurrence of piedmontite in Japan. I., 303-312. 1888. On the so-called crystalline schists of Chichibu. IÏ., 77-141. 1893. The Archasan formation of the Abukuma plateau. V., 197-293. 1693. On the cause of the great Earthquake in Centi'al Japan, 1891. Y., 295-353. 1899. On the geologic structure of the Malayan archipelago. XL, 83-120. 1900. Notes on the geology of the dependent isles of Taiwan. XIII., 1-57. 1903. An orographic sketch of Korea. XIX., Art. 1, 1-61. KUHAKA, Mitsuru. 1888. Specific volume of camphor and of borneol determined with proximate accm"acy. II., 321-327. 1890. On a condensation product of acetone and aldehydammonia. III., 231-240. 1908. Molecular rearrangement of iV^-benzylbenzaldoxime. XXV., Art. 18, 1-4. KUEIMOTO, T[omei], and IJIMA, I[sao]. 1894. On a new human tape-worm {Boihriocephalus sp.). VI., 371-385. KUSAKABE, S[hirota]. 1903. Modulus of rigidity of rocks and hysteresis function. XIX., Ai't. 6, 1-40. 1905. Moddus of elasticity of rocks and some inferences relating to seismology. XX., Art. 9, 1-18. 1905. Kinetic measurements of the modulus of elasticity for 158 specimens of rocks, and a note on the relation between the static and the kinetic values of the same. XX., Art. 10, 1-29. 16 1906. Frequency of .ifter-shocks and space-distribution of seismic waves. XXI., Art. 1, 1-19. KUSAKABE, S[]iirota], HONDA, K[otaro], and SHIMIZU, S[eizo]. 1902. Change of the moduhis of elasticity in ferromagnetic substances by magnetization. XVI., Art. 12, 1-19. 1902. Change of the nioduhis of rigidity in ferromagnetic substances by magnetization. XVI., Art. 13, 1-14. KUSAKABE, S[hirota], and NAGAOKA, H[antaro]. 1904. Effect of temperature on the magnetization of steels, nickel and cobalt, measured magnetometrically. XIX., Ai-t. 9, 1-14. KÜSANO, Shunsuke. 1901. Transpiration of evergreen trees in winter. XV., 318-366. 1902. Studies on the parasitism of BucMcya quadriala B. et H., a Santalaceous parasite, and on the structure of its haustorium. XVII., Art. 10, 1-42. LOEW, Oscar. 1897. The physiological action of amidosulphonic acid. IX., 273-276. LÖNNBERG, Emar. 1908. Contributions to the ornis of Saghalin. XXIII., Art. 14, 1-69. M A.JIM A, Pt[iko], and CHO, S[hnnichi]. 1908. Ueber den Hauptbestandteil des japanischen Lacks. XXV., Art. 6, 1-17. MAJIMA, Il[iko], and HAGA, T[amemasa]. 1903. Ueber einige Anhydrobasen aus Diaminen der Fettreihe. XIX., Art. 7, 1-10. 17 MATSUBARA, Kôîclii. 1908. Formation of j'-oxycarbostyril from o-nitrobenzoylacetic acid. XXV., Ai-t. 17, 1-3. MATSÜDA, Sadahisa. 1893. On the anatomy of Magnoliacese. VI., 115-149. MATSUI, M[otooki]. 1908. Tlie complex ferri-malonates. XXV., Art. 2, 1-5. MATSUMURA, J[inzo]. 1902. lievisio alni specierum Japonicarmii. XVI., Art. 5, 1-15. MATSÜMURA, J[inzo], and HAYATA, B[mizo]. 1906. Enumeratio plantaram in Insula Formosa sponte crescentium hucusque rite cognitarum adjectis descriptiouibns et fignris specierum pro regione novarum. XXII., 1-702. MATSUMURA, Jinzo, and ITO, Tokutaro. 1900. Tentamen floraQ Lutcliuensis. (Secto prima. Planta Dicotyledon9& Polypetalœ.) X1Ï., 263-541. MATSÜMURA, S[laonen]. 1908. Neue Cicadinen aus Europa und Mittelmeergebiet. XXIII., Art. 6, 1-46. MITSUKURI, K[akiclii]. 1887. The marine biological station of the Imperial University at Misaki. I., 381-384. 1891. On the fœtal membranes of Chelonia. (Contributions to the embryology of Reptilia, II.). IV., 1-53. 1892. Further studies on tlie formation of the germinal layers in Chelonia. (Contributions to the embryology of Reptilia, III.). V., 35-52. 18 1894. On the process of gastrulation in Clielonia. (Contributions to the embryology of Reptilia, IV.). VI., 227-277. 1896. On the fate of the blastopore, the relations of the primitive streak, and the formation of the jDOsterior end of the embryo in Chelonia, together with remarks on tlie uatiu-e of merobkstic ova in vertebrates. (Contributions to the embryology of Reptilia, V.). X., 1-118. MITSUKÜRI, K[akichi], and ISHIKAWA, C[liiyomatsu]. 1887. On the formation of the germinal layers in Clielonia. I., 211-246. MIYAJIMA, M[ikinosuke]. 1900. On a specimen of a gigantic hydroid, Brancldoceriantkus impsrator (Allman), found in the Sagami Sea. XIU., 235-262. MIYOSHI, M[anabu]. 1891. Notes on the irritability of the stigma. IV., 205-213. 1897. Ueber das massenhafte Vorkommen von Eisenbacterien in den Thermen von Ikao. X., 139-142. 1897. Studien über die Schwefelrasenbildung und die Schwefelbacterien der Thermen von Yumoto bei Nikko. X., 143-173. 1901. Ueber die Sporocarpenevacuation und darauf erfolgendes Sporenaus- streuen bei einer Flechte. XV., 367-370. 1901. Untersuchungen über die Schrumpf krankheit (" Ishikubyo ") des Maulbeerbaumes. II. Bericht, XV., 459-464. MIZUNO, T[oshinojo]. 1895. Notes ou tinfoil grating as a detector for electric waves. IX., 1.5-25. 1897. The tinfoil grating detector for electric waves. IX., 111-116. MUHAOKA, H[anichi]. 188S, Uobor die Daformition der Metallplatten darcli Schleifen. I., 69-84. 1837. Das Jolianniskiifer-Licht. IX., 129-139. 19 MUKATA, Kentaro, and IJIMA, Isao. 1889. Some new cases of the occurrence of Bothriocephcdiis lujulokles Lt. II., U9-162. NAGAOKA, H[antaro]. 1888. Combined effects of torsion and longitudinal stress on the magnetiza- tion of nickel. II., 283-303. 1888. On the magnetization and retenti veness of nickel wire under combined torsional and longitudinal stresses. II., 304-320. 1889. Effect of twist on the magnetization of nickel and iron. III., 189-207. 1890. Transient electric currents produced by twisting magnetized iron, steel, and nickel wires. III., 335-384. 1891. Diffraction phenomena produced by an aperture on a curved surface. IV., 301-322. 1891. Effect of magnetization on the permanent twist of nickel wire. IV., 323-339. 1895. On a certain class of Fraunhofer's diffraction phenomena. IX., 1-G. 1898. Diffraction x)henomena in the focal plane of a telescojje with circular aperture due to a finite source of light. IX., 321-351. 1895. Lines of equal intensity about the point of intersection of Fraunhofer's diffraction bands. IX., 7-13. 1903. Note on the potential and the lines of force of a circular cuiTent. XVL, Art. 15, 1-lG. NAGAOKA, H[antaro], and HONDA, K[otaro]. 1898. Researches on magnetostriction. IX., 353-391. 1900. Change of volume and of length in iron, steel, and nickel ovoids by magnetization. XIII., 57-75. 1900. Mutual relations between torsion and magnetization in iron and nickel wires. XIII., 263-280. 1902. Experiments on the magnetostriction of steel, nickel, cobalt, and nickel steels. XVI., Ai't. 8, 1-33. 20 1903. INragnotizatioii nnd magnetostriction of nickel steels, containing diflcreut i^ercentagcs of nickel. XIX., Art. 11, 1-13. NAGAOKA, H[antaro], and KUSAKABE, S[liirota]. 1904. Effect of temperature on tlie magnetization of steels, nickel and cobalt, measured magnetometrically. XIX., Art. 9, 1-14. NAGAOKA, H[antaro], SHINJÖ, S[liinzo], and ÖTANI, Il[yokiclii]. 1902. Absolute Messung der Schwerkraft in Kyoto, Kanazawa, Tokyo und Mizusawa mit Eeversionspendeln ausgefülirt. XVI., Art. 11, 1-87. NAGAOKA, H[antaro], and TANAKADATE, A[ikitu]. 1893. The disturbance of isomagnetics attending the Mino-Owari earthquake of 1891 v., 149-192. NAKAT, T[akenoshin]. 1908. PobgonacefB Koreans. XXIII., Art. 11, 1-28. NAKAMUKA, S[eiji]. 1903. On the diffusion of hquids. XIX., Ai-t. 8, 1-21. NEWTON, Pi[ic])ard] Bullen, and HOLLAND, Bichard. 1902. On some fossils from the islands of Formosa and Riu-Kiu ( — Loo- Choo). XVII., Ai-t. 6, 1-23. NISHIWADA, Kyugaku. 1895. On some organic remains from the Tertiary limestone near Sagara, Tütömi. VII., 233-243. OGAWA, Masataka. 1908. Preliminary note on a new element in tliorianite. XXV., Art. 15, 1-11. 21 1908. Preliminary note on a new element allied to molybdenum. XXV., Art. 16, 1-13. OGAWA, Masataka, and DIVEKS, Edward. 1899. Ethyl ammoniumsulpliite. XL, 197-204. 1900. Ammonium amidosulpliite. XIU., 187-199. 1900. Products of heating ammonium sulphites, thiosulphate, and trithionate XIII., 201-209. 1901. Ammonium and other imidosulphites. XVII., Art. 1, 1-7. 1902. Preparation of sulphamide from ammonium amidosulphites. XVII., Art. 8, 1-6. OKA, Asajiro, 1891. Observations on fresh-water Polyzoa. IV., 89-150. 1895. On some new Japanese land leeches {Orobdella nov. gen.). VIII., 275-306. 1895. On the so-called excretory organ of fresh-water Polyzoa. VIII., 339- 366. ÖKUBO, Samuro. 1887. On the plants of Sulphur Island. II., 113-117. OMORI, F[usakichi]. 1894. On the after-shocks of earthquakes. VII., 111-200. 1899. Horizontal pendulums for the mechanical registration of seismic and other earth movements. XL, 121-145. 1899. Note on the preliminary tremor of earthquake motion. XL, 147-159. 1899. Notes on the Earthquake Investigation Committee catalogue of Japanese earthquakes. IL, 339-437. OMOKI, F[usakichi], and HIPtATA, K[an]. 1899. Earthquake measurement at Miyako. XL, 161-195. 22 OMOm, F[usakiclù], and SEKIYA, S[oikci]. I89i. Comparison of eaiiliquake measurements made in a pit and on the sm-face giwmd. IV., 249-28(5. 1895. The diagram of the semi-destructive earthquake of June 20th, 1894, (Tokyo). VII., 289-292. ONO, K[otaro]. 1907. Studies on some extranuptial nectaries. XXIII., Art. ?>, 1-28. ONO, N[aoe] Jebe chemische Reize. XIII., 141-186 1900, Ueber die Wachsthumsbeschleunigung einiger Algen und Pilze durch OSAKA, Yukichi. 1908. On the inversion of cane sugar. XXV., Art. 1, 1-8. OSAKA, Yukiclii, and HAGA, Tamemasa. 1895. The acidiraetrj of hydrogen fluoride. VII,, 255-567. ÖTANI, Pt[yokichi], NAGAOKA, H[antaro], and SHINJÖ, S[hinzo]. 1902. Absolute Messung der Schwerkraft in Kyoto, Kanazawa, Tokyo und Mizusawa mit Reversionspendeln ausgefiilu't. XVI., Art. 11, 1-87. POTDAR, G. N. 1908, On the partition of silver between zinc and lead. XXV., Art. 9, 1-13. SAITO, K[cndo]. 1901. Anatomische Studien über wichtige Faserpflanzen Japans mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bastzellen. XY., 395-458. 1904. Untersuchungen über die atmosphärischen Pilzkeime. (I. Mittheilung.) XVIII., Art. 5, 1-58. 1904. Ueber das Vorkommen von SaccJictromyces anomalus beim Sakebrauen. XiX., Art. 18, 1-14. 23 1904. T'iegJiemella Japonîca sp, nov. XIX., Art. 19, 1-18. 1908. Untersucliungen über die atmosphärischen Pilzkeime. (II. Mitteihing.) XXIII., Art. 15, 1-77. SAKAI, E[itaro]. 1895. Formiilre for su 10 n, eu 10 n, du 10 u in terms of su u. VIL, 285-288. SAKÜßAI, Joji. 1889. Note ou the specific vohimes of aromatic compounds. II., 405-412'. 1893. Determination of tlie temperature of steam arising from boiling sali solutions. VI., 1-19. 1893. Note on an observation bj Gerlach of the boiling point of a solution of Glauber's salt. VI., 21-22. 1893. Modification of Beckmanu's boiling method of determining molecular weights of substances in solution. VI., 23-41. 1893. Constitution of gljcocoll and its derivatives. ("Appendix: General theory and nomenclatm-e of amido-acids.) VII., 87-110. 1897. Molecular conductivity of amidosulphonic acid. IX., 259-271. SASAKI, C[hujiro]. 1886. On the life history of Ugimya sericaria, Eondani. I., 1-46. 1887. Some notes on the giant salamander of Japan {CryptobrancJius japonicus, Van der Hoeven). I., 269-274. SEKIYA, Seikei. 1886. Comparison of eai-thquake diagrams simultaneously obtained at the same station by two instruments involving the same principle, and thei-eby proving the trustworthiness of these instruments. I., 61-68. 1887. The severe Japan earthquake of the 15th of January, 1887. I., 313-324. 1887. A model showing the motion of an earth-particle during an earth- quake. I., 359-362. 24 1888. Earthquake measurements of recent years especially relating to vertical motion. II.. 57-75. 1899. The Earthquake Investigation Committee catalogue of Japanese earth- quakes. XL, 315-388. SEKIYA, S[eikei], and KIKUCHI, y[asuslii]. 1889. The eruption of Banclai-san. HI., 91-172. SEKIYA, S[eikei], and OMORI, F[usakichi]. 1891. Comparison of earthquake measurements made in a pit and on the surface ground. IV., 249-286. 1895. The diagram of the semi-destructive earthquake of June 20th, 1891, (Tokyo). VU., 289-292. SHIBATA K[eita]. 1900. Beiträge zur Wachstumsgeschichte der Bambusgewächse. Xlll., 427-196. SHIGA, Minora. 1907. On the effect of a partial removal of roots and leaves upon the development of flowers. XXIIl., Art. 4, 1-15. SHIMIDZU, Tetsukichi, and DIVEßS, Edward. 1887. Mercury sulphites, and the constitution of oxygenous salts. I., 101- 108. SHIMIZU, S[eizo], and HONDA, K[otaro]. 1902. Change in length of ferromagnetic wires under constant tension by magnetization. XVI., Art. 9, 1-12. 1902. Note on the vibration of ferromagnetic wires placed in a varying magnetizing field. XVI., Art. 14, 1-10. 1902. The Wiedemann effect in ferromagnetic substances. XVI., Art. 14, 1-17. 25 1903. Cliauge of length of ferromagnetic substances under liigli and low temperatures by magnetization. XIX., Art. 10, 1-19. 1905. On the magnetization and the magnetic change of length in ferro- magnetic metals and alloys at temperatures ranging from — 186°C to +1200°C. XX., Art. 6, 1-63. SHIMIZU, S[eizo], HONDA, K[otaro], and KUSAKABE, S[hirota]. 1902. Change of the modulus of elasticity in ferromagnetic substances by magnetization. XVI., Art. 12, 1-19. 1902. Change of the modulus of rigidity in ferromagnetic substances by magnetization. XVI., Art. 13, 1-14. 8HINJÖ, S[hinzo], NAGAOKA, H[antaro], and ÖTANI, R[yokichi]. 1902. Absolute Messung der Schwerkraft in Kyoto, Kanazawa, Tokyo und Mizusawa mit Reversionspendeln ausgeführt. XVI., Art. 11, 1-87. SNYDER, John Otterbein, .-md JORDAN, David StaiT. 1901. Descriptions of nine new species of fishes contained in museums of Japan. XV., 301-311. STEJNEGER, Leonhard. 1898. On a collection of batrachians and reptiles from Formosa and adjacent islands. XII., 215-225. SUDO, 0[nosabm'o]. 1895. Formute for sn 9u. VII., 288-284. SUZUKI, Tsuneo. 1908, The oximes and imides of benzenedisulphonic acids. XXV., Art. 14, 1-21. TABATA, S[ukesliiro]. 1907. Ueber die Früchte und Keimpflanzen von Uhus succedanea, L. XXIII., Alt. 1, 1-11. 2G TAKAGI, T[eiji]. 1903. Ucbcr die im Bereiche der rationalen coraplexen Zalilen Abel'sclien Zalilkörper. XIX., Art. 5, 1-42. TAKIZAWA, K[ensliiro]. 1892. Optical note. V., 193-196. TANAKA, N[obujiro]. 1891. A new species of Hyraenomycetous fungus injurious to the mulberry fa-ee. IV., 193-201. TANAKA, Shigeho. 1905. On two new species of Chimcera. XX., Art. 11, 1-11. 1908. Notes on some Japanese fishes, with descriptions of fourteen new species. XXIII., Art. 7, 1-51. 1908. Notes on some rare fishes of Japan, with description of two new genera and six new species. XXIII., Art. 13, 1-21. TANAKADATE, Aikitu. 1887. A x>ocket galvanometer. I., 275-302. 1887. The constants of a lens. I., 333-335. 1904. A magnetic survey of Japan. XIV., 1-180, 1-131. TANAKADATE, Aikitu, and KNOTT, Cargill G[ilston]. 1891. A magnetic survey of all Japan, carried out l\y order of the Pre- sident of the Imperial University. IL, 168-262. TANAKADATE, A[ikitu], and NAGAOKA, H[antaro]. 1892. The distm'bance of isomagnetics attending the Mino-Owari earthquake of 1891. v., 119-192. TANAKADATE, T[orasliiro], and AICHI, K[eiichi]. 27 1906. Theory of the rainbow due to a chcular source of light. XXI., Art. 3, 1-29. TERADA, T[orahiko]. 1907. Acoustical investigation of the Japanese bamboo i^ipe, syahulmti. XXI., Art. 10, 1-31. TERADA, T[orahiko], and HONDA, K[otaro]. 1606. On the change of elastic constants of ferromagnetic substances by magnetization. XXI., Art. 1, 1-70. TERADA, T[oraliiko], HONDA, K[otaro], YOSHIDA, Y[oshi], and ISHI- TANI, D[enicliiro]. 1908. An investigation on the secondary undulations of oceanic tides, carried out- by the order of the Earthquake Investigation Committee during 1903-1906. XXIV., i-viii, 1-113. TOKUNAGA (formerly Y08HIVVARA), S[higeyasu]. 1903. On the fossil echinoids of Japan. XVII., Ai't. 12, 1-27. 1906. Eossils from the environs of Tokyo. XXI., Art. 2, 1-96. TSUKAMOTO, M[ataki]. 1895. On the poisonous action of alcohols upon different organisms. VII., 269-281. TSURUTA, K[enji]. 1895. The thermo-electric effects of longitudinal stress in iron. IX., 27-52. 1895. Thermo-electric effects of longitudinal tension in different metals. IX., 53-67. WATASE, S[hozaburo]. 1887. On the caudal and anal fins of gold-fishes. I., 217-267. 28 YABE, H[isjikatsu]. 1903. Oretîiceous Cephalopocla from tlio Hokkaido. (Part I. Lytoceras, Gaudryceas and Tetragonites.) XVllI., Art. 2, 1-55. 1904. Cretaceous CeplialoiDoda from tlie Hokkaido. (Part H. TarriUlcs, Helicoceras, Heteroceras, Nipponites, Olcostephanus, Desmoceras, Hamriceras, and an undetermined genus.) XX., Art. 2, 1-14. 1905. Mesozoic plants from Korea. XX., Art. 8, 1-59. 1906. A contribution to the genus Fusulina, with notes on a fusulina- limestone from Korea. XXI., Art. 5, 1-36. 1908. On the occurrence of the genus Glgantopleris in Korea. XXIII., Art. 9, 1-8. YABE, ï[oslutada]. 1902. Revisio Umbelliferarum Japonicarum. XVI., Art. 4, 1-108. YAMAGATA, Osamu, and KÖGA, Yoshimasa. 1890. On the fineness of the one yen silver coin. HI., 289-311. YAMAGAWA, Kenjirö. 1888. Determination of the thermal conductivity of marble. II., 263-281. YAMAMOTO, T[oyoji]. 1908. The fusion ciu'ves of the system naphthalene-plienol. XX'/., Art. 11, 1-23. YAMASAKI, N[aomasa]. 1897. On the piedmontite-rhyorite from Shinano. IX., 117-122. YASUDA, A[tsushi]. 1900. Studien über die Ampassungsfäliigkeit einiger Infusorien an concen- tiierte Lösungen. XIII., 101-110. 1903. On the comparative anatomy of the Cucm'bitacefe, wild and cultivated, in Japan. XVIII., Art. 4, 1-56. 29 YATSU, Naohidé. 1902. On tlie development of Lvngula anatina. XVII., Art. 4, 1-112. 1902. Notes on histology of Lingula anatina Bnigière. XVII., Ai*t. 5 1-29. YENDO, K[icliisabm-o]. 1902. Corallinee verœ Jaxjonicpe. XVI., Art. 3, 1-36. 1904. A study of the genicula of CoraUinœ. XIX., Art. 14, 1-44. 1905. A revised list of Corallinfe. XX., Art. 12, 1-4C. 1907. The Fucace» of Japan. XXL, Art. 12, 1-174. YOKOYAMA, Matajiro. 1889. Jurassic plants from Kaga, Hida, and Ecliizen. III., 1-66. 1891. On some fossil i)lants from the coal-bearing series of Nagato. IV., 236-247. 1891. On some Cretaceous fossils from 81iikoku. IV., 357-366. 1894. Mesozoic i^lants from Közuke, Kii, Awa, and Tosa. VU., 201-231. 1904. On some Jm-assic fossils from Rikuzen. XVIII., Art. 6. 1-13. 1904. Jurassic ammonites from Echizen and Nagato. XIX., Ai*t. 20, 1-17. 1905. Mesozoic plants from Nagato and Bitchu. XX., Ai-t. 5, 1-13. 1906. Mesozoic plants from Cliina. XXL, Art. 9, 1-29. 1908. Paleozoic plants from China. XXIIL, Ai-t. 8, 1-18. YOSHIDA, Hikorokmo. 1887. On aluminium in the ashes of flowering plants. L, 363-367. YOSHIDA, Y[oshi], HONDA, E:[otaro], TERADA, T[orahiko], and ISHITANI, D[enichno]. 1908. An investigation on the secondary undulations of oceanic tides, carried out by the order of the Earthquake Livestigation Committee dming 1903-1906. XXIV., i-viii, 1-113. 30 YOSmWAIlA, S[liigeyasu]. 1901. Notes on tlie raisocT coral reefs in the island of the lliukiu curve. XVI., Art. 1, 1-U. 1901. Geologic sti'ucture of the lliukiu (Looclioo) curve, and its relation to the nortliern part of Formosa. 16., Ai't. 2, 1-C7. YOSHIWARA, S[liigeyasu], and IWASATvI, C[]iozo]. 1902. Notes on a new fossil raanmial. XVI., Art. G, 1-13. II. SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLS. I— XXV. Abel'sclie Körper, Zusammensetzung derselben, XIX., Ai-t. 5, 28-29. Absolute Messung der Schwerkraft, in Kyoto, Kanazawa, Tokyo, und Mizusawa mit Reversionspendelu ausgeführt, XVI., Ai't. 11, 1-87. Abukuma plateau, the Archeean formation of the, V., 197-291. Acetone and aldehydammonia, condensation product of, HI., 231-210. Acmaea conulus Danker, XXI., Art. 2, 30. Actinotrocha, development, structure and metamorphosis of, XIII., 507-592. Adianiites heeriamts Yok., III., 28. lanceus Yok., III., 30. TiocMheanus Yok., III., 29. naldongensis Yabe, XX., xVi-t. 8, 45. yimsensis Yok., VII., 216. Aetheuyltetramethylendiamin, XIX., Art. 7, 9. Aethenyltrimethylendiamiu, XIX., Art. 7, 3. Alter-shocks of earthquakes, VII., 111-200 ; , distribution of, VII., 138 ; , frequency of, XXI., Art. 1, 7; , periodicity in the frequency of, VII., 126. Alcohols, poisonous action of, upon different organisms, VII., 269-281. Alcoholic solution, viscosity of dilute, XXV., Art. 5, 1. Aldehydammonia and acetone, condensation product of. III., 231-210. Algen und Pilze, Wachsthumsbeschleunigung, durch chemische Reize, VIII., 141-186. Allium ßstidosum, Entwickl. der Pollenkörner von, X., 193-223. 32 Alloys, raagnetizatiou find magnetic cliauge of length in, from — 186" C to -|-1200°C., XX.,' Art. 6, 1. Alni, specierum Japonicarum, revisio, XVI., Art. 5, 1-15. Aluminium hydroxide, colloidal, coagulation of, XXV., Art. 8, 1. Aluminium in the ashes of flowering plants, I., 363. Amido-acids and their derivatives, formation and constitution of, VII., 89. Amido-group, influence of, upon the strength of organic acids, IX., 268. Amidoselenites (selenosamates), non-existence of, XL, 208. Amidosulphates, IX., 235; , action of heat upon, IX., 244; , formation of, by sodium amalgam upon hydroxylamine-«-^3-disulphonates, XXI., Art. 6, 12 ; , formation of, by reduction of nitrososul^Dhates, IX., 283. Amidosulphates, etc., formed by the decomposition of hydroxyamidosulphates by copper salt, XIII., 497. Amidosulphite, ammonium, XIII., 187-199. Amidosulphonic acid, IX., 219-257 ; , a strong acid, XI., 266 ; , forma- tion of, from acetylacetonedioxime by sulphur dioxide, XXV., Art, 13, 18; , molecular conductivity of, IX., 259; , physiological action of, XI., 273-276 ; , preparation of, from sodium nitiite, IX., 228. Ammonites hotoi Yabe, XX., Ai-t. 2, 27. Amphibia, embryology of, XVII., Art. 3, 1-90. Amphibole-gi-anite in the Archaean formation of the Abukuma plateau, V., 219, 229, 233. Amphibole-picrite in the Archreau formation of the Abukuma plateau, V., 271. Amphibolites of the Gozaisho series, Abukuma plateau, V., 260. AmjMstegina vulgaris (Orbigny), XVII., Art. 6, 16. Amplitude of seismic waves, and its velocity of propagation, XIX., Art. 6, 34. AngiopUridiura infarctwn Feist., XXI., Art. 9, 13, 16. Anhydrobasen aus Diaminen der Fettreihe, XIX., Art. 7, 1. Annularia stellata (Schloth.), XXIII., Art. 8, 9, 14. Anomalie der starken einwertigen Elektrolyte, XXV., Art. 7, 1. Anomia j)atelli/brmis Linné, XXL, Art. 2, 67. Anortliite from Miyake-jima, IL, 31-47. 33 Anpassungsfähigkeit einiger Infusorien an concentrierte Lösungen, Xlll., 101- 140. Antliocjan, fonnation of, in tlie petaloid caljx of the red Japanese Hoi-tensia, XVIII., Art. 3, 1-18. Antholites chinensis Yok., XXI., Art. 9, 19. Aoterias pallida, metamoi'phosis of, X., 239-278. Appendicularia of Japanese waters, XXIII., Art. 5, 1-24. Area (jranosa Linné, XXI., Art. 2, 59. inßata Keeve, XXI., Ai-t. 2, 57, — ^ — JcngosJiimensis Tok., XXL, Art. 2, 59. recf angularis Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 61. temns Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 58. Archœan formation of the Abukuma plateau, V., 197-291. Archsean geology of the Abukuma plateau, V. 200. Architectonics of tlie Sambagawan series, II., 110. Aromatic compounds, specific volumes of, II., 405. Ashes of flowering plants, aluminium in the, I., 363. Asparagin, constitution of, VII., 103. Asplenium argutulum Heer, III., 32. distans Heer, III., 32. roesserii (Presl.), IV., 241. lühitbiense (Brgt.), III., 31. Astarte japonica Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 54. Asterina gibbosa, some points in the metamorphosis of, XII., 227-242. Astrichjpeus integer Yosh., XVII., Art. 12, 15. Atmospheric electricity, XVI., Art. 7, 1-18. Attendant phenomena of the eruption of Bandai-san, III., 103. Augite, a gieen, in ceiiain volcanic rocks from Bonin Island, III., 82. Awa, Mesozoic plants from, VII., 201-231. "Awamori," niederen Organismen welche sich bei der Zubereitung des alko- holischen Gefaänkes, betheiligen, XV., 465-476. Baiera paîicipartifa Nath., XX., Art. 5, 9. gracilis Bunb., XXI., Art. 9, 30. 34 Bambusgewüclise, Wîichstumsgeschichte der, XIII., 427-496. Baiida group, the geologic structure of the small, XI., 88. B;uulai-san, deluge of rock and eartli caused by tlio eruption of, III., 106 ; , eruption of, III., 91-172; , linrricane whicli accompanied tlie eruption of, III., 114. Basalts, special description of individual occurrences of (in Pescadores), XIII., 33. Batracliians and reptiles from Formosa and adjacent islands, on a collection of, XII., 215-225. Beckmann's boiling point metliod, modification of, VI., 23. m-Benzenedisulpliimide, XXV., Ait. 14, 6. p-Benzenedisulpliimide, XXV., Art. 14, 13. »i-Benzenedisulpliinafces, formation of, by action of ammonia and fuming nitric acid upon w-benzenedisulplioxime, XXV., Art. 14, 16. Benzenedisulphonic acids, the oximes and imides of, XXV., Art. 14, 1-21. >/i-Benzenedisulphoxime, XXV., Art. 14, 2. ?ji-Benzenedisulp]ioxime, action of ammonia on, XXV., Art, 14, 16. />-Benzenedisulphoxime, XXV., Art. 14, 11. iV^Benzylbenzaldoxime, molecular rearrangement of, XXV., Art. 18, 1-4. Bewegung der Erdatmosphäre und der Wirbelstürme, Beiträge zur Tlieorie der, I., 113-209; II., 329-403; VII., 293-402. Bigenerina hradyi Möller sp., XXI., xArt. 5, 34. Biotite-amphibole-gneiss in tlie Archaean formation of tlie Abukuma plateau, v., 259. Biotite-gi'anite in the ArchsQan formation of tlie Abukuma plateau, V., 219, 241. Biotite-schist in the Archœan formation of the Abukuma plateau, V., 250-252. Bitchu, Mesozoic plants from Nagato and, XX., Art. 5, 10-13. Birds from Tsushima, a collection of, V., 105-128; from Saghalin, a coUection of, XXIII., Art. 14, 1-69. Bird-lime, composition of, II., 17-30. Bismuth, thei^moalectric position of, IV., 294-300. Bismuth hypophosphite, VII., 247. 35 Blastopore, fate of, in Chelonia, X., 1-118. Blastopore closure in Amphibia, XVII., Art. 3, 1-90. Body cavities, fate of the, in the metamorphosis of Aster ias jxdlida, X., 239-278. Boiling point of a solution of Glauber's salt, VII., 21. Bonellia miyajhnai, XXI., Ai-t, 8, 1-61, Bonin-Inseln, pflanzengeographische Studien über, XXIII., Ait, 10, 1-61. Bonin Island, on pyroxenic components in certain volcanic rocks from. III., 67-89. Borneo, the geologic stractiue of, XI., 99, Borneol, specific volume of, II., 323. Borodino group (Biukiu curve), geology of the, XVI., Art, 2, 54. Botel-Tobago, the island of, XIII., 46. BotJirioceplialus latus, the source of, in Ja^mn, II., 49-56, Ugidoide'i, some new cases of the occurrence of, II., 149-162, sp., a new human, VI., 371-385. BrancMocerianthus Imperator, on a specimen of, XIIL, 235-262, Brissopsis luzonica Gray, XVII,, Art. 12, 23, ^Brom-o-benzenedisulphoxime, XXV., Ait. 14, 15. Buccinum unckitum Linné, XXI., Art, 2, 8. BucJdeya quadriala, parasitism of, santalaceoas parasite, structure of its liausto- rium, XVII., Ai-t. 10, 1-42, Calamités cistii (Brong.), XXIII., Aii. 8, 13. Calomel, manufacture of, in Japan, VII., 1-14. Camphor, specific volume of, II., 322. Cancellaria nodulifera Sow., XXI., Ait. 2, 12. spengleriana Desh., XXI., Ait. 2, 11. Cane sugar, inversion of, XXV., Xi-i. 1, 1, Capillary attraction and chemical composition, III-, 241, Carbonic acid, etc., effects of, on titration of hydroxylamine, I., 369. Cardita rotunda Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 55. Cardium hraunsi Tok., XXL, Art. 2, 51. ■ — cali/orniense Desh,, XXI., Ait. 2, 50. 36 Cardhnn imdîcwn Reove, XXI., Aii. 2, 50. iol'iiocnse Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 51. mtdicum, eyes of, VI., 279-285. Carpolithes ginhgoidcs Yok., III., G5. ■ yamadai Yok., XXI., Art. 9, 14. globularis Yok., XXI., Art. 9, 20. Caulopliacida?, XVIII., Art. 1. Cause of Japan eaiikquake of lotli of January, 1887, I., 315. Cause of the great earthquake in Central Japan, 1891, V., 322. Celebes, the geologic structure of, XL, 106. Cellepœ^a formosends Newton and Holland, XVII., Art. 6, 6. Central Japan, 1891, on tlie cause of the great earthquake in, V., 295-353. Ceratocepliale osawai, XVII., Art. 11, 1-37. CerUMum JcocMi Phil., XXI., Art. 2, 24. nii'yporiense Tok., XXL, Art. 2, 24. tahatense Tok., XXL, Art. 2, 25. Cestode laiva parasitic in man {Plerœercoides j^^'olifcr), XX., Art. 7, 1-21. Change in length, of feiTomagnetic wires under constant tension hy magne- tization, XVI., Art. 9, 1-12. Change of elastic constants, by magnetization, XXL, Ait. 7, 1 ; of feno- magnetic substances by magnetization, XXL, Art. 4, 1. Change of length, in iron, steel, and nickel ovoids l)y magnetization, XIII. , 57-75; , magnetic, in ferromagnetic metals and alloys form — 186° C to +1200° C, XX., Art. 6, 1; of ferromagnetic substances under high and low temperatures by magnetization, XIX., Art. 10, 1. Change of volume, in iron, steel, and nickel ovoids by magnetization, XIII., 57-75. Chelonia, formation of the germinal layers in, I., 211-246 ; V., 35-52 ; , foetal membranes of, IV., 1-53 ; , gastrulation in, VI., 227-277 ; blas- topore, primitive sti'eak, formation of the x)Osterior end of the embryo, X., 1-118. Chemical kinetics, a simple ex^jeriment in, VL, 43. Chemical theory of solutions, XXV., Art. 10, 1. 37 Cliicliibu, on the so-called crystalline schists of, II., 77-141. Chick, sero-amniotic connection and the foetal membranes in the, VI., 337-370. CJiimœra, two new species of, XX., Art, 11, 1-11. pJiantasma and G. mitsujcurii, XIX., Art. 3, 1-9. Chimseroid, long-snouted, of Japan, XIX., Art. 1, 1-20. Cliina, Mesozoic plants fro:n, XXI., Art. 9, 1-39 ; , Pala3ozoic plants from, XXIII., Art. 8, 1-18. Chloiite-amphibolite (in the crystalline scliists of Chichibii), II., KJl, Clilorite-scliists, spotted, (in the crystalline schists of Cliicliibu), II., 96. Chromosenreduktion in Pflanzenreiche, X., 193-223. Cicadinen, neue, aus Europa und Mittelmeergebiet, XXIIL, Art. G, 1-16. Circular current, note on the potential and the lines of force, XVI., Art. 15, 1-16. Cladophlehis dunkeri (Schimper), XX., Art. 8, 37. denticulata (Brong.), XX., Art. 8, 32. Icoraiensis Yabe, XX., Art. 8, 32. nalJiorsti Yok., VII., 220. nehhensis (Brong.), XX., Art. 5, 3. yamanoiensis Yok., XX., Art. 5, 4. dementia papyracea Gray, XXI., Art. 2, 49. Clypeaster testudinarius (Gray), XVII., Art. 12, 7. Coagulation of colloidal aluminium hydi'oxide, XXV., Art. 8, 1. Coagulative power of various electrolytes, XXV., Art. 8, 15. Cobalt, electric resistance of, IV., 287-294; , thermoelectric position of, IV., 294-300. Cœloceras suhfibulatum Yok,, XIX., Art. 20, 15. Coelomic cavity of the spider, VI., 287-294. Columhella martensi Lischke, XXI., Art. 2, 10. pumilla Dmiker, XXI., Art. 2, 11. Composit£e Formosanee, XVIII., Art. 8, 1-45. Condensation product of acetone and aldehydammonia, III., 231-240. Coniopfteris heerianus (Yok.), XX., Ar-t. 8, 27. hymenophylloides (Brong.) XX., Art. 8, 29 ; XXI., Art. 9, 24, 26. nitidula Yok., XXL, xAi-t. 9, 35. 38 Constitution of gljcocoll find its clorivatives, VII., 87. Copper salts ns catalytic agent in decomposition of lij'droxyamidosulpliates, XIII., 497. Coptosoma creimlare Agassiz, XVII., Art. 12, 4. Coral reefs in the islands of tlie Rinkin curve, notes on the raised, XVI., Art. I. Corallinoß, genicula of, study of, XIX., Art. 14, 1-44. Corallinps Japonicre, verfo, XVI., Art. 3, 1-36. Corail infe, revised list of, XX., Art. 12, 1-46. CorhifeJJa and HetcroteUa, XVII., Art. 9, 1-34. Corhula venusta Gonld, XXI., Art, 2, 39. Cordaites principalis (Germ.), XXIIl., Art. 8, 13-14. Cordierite as contact mineral, III., 312-334. Cretaceous Cephalopoda from the Hokkaido, XVIII., Art. 2, 1-55 ; XX., Art. 2, 1-45. Cretiicrons fossils from Shikoku, IV., 357-366. Cryjjtohranchus japonicns, some notes on, I., 269-274. Cryptodon ßexuosus Mont., XXI., Art, 2, 52. Crystal sphere, notes on a large, I., 377-279. Crystalline schists of Chichibu, on the so-called, II., 77-141. Ctenis Txaneliarai Yok,, XXI., Art. 9, 29. Cucurliitaceœ, wild and cultivated in Japan, comparative anatony of, XVIII., Art. 4, 1-56, Gycadeosperinum japonicum GeyL, III., öQ. Cycas revoluta, Entwicklung der Geschlechtsorgane und Vorgang der Befruchtung bei, XII., 151-214. Cyclina cJdnensis Chem., XXI., Art. 2, 48. Cyclostomata, contrilnitions to tlie morphology of, X., 225-237 ; XIII., 311- 425. Cy klonen und» An ticy klonen, kreisförmige, I., 183. CylicJ/na acuta Tok., XXL, Art. 2, 32. miisasliiensis Tok,, XXI., Art. 2, 32. oUusa Tok,, XXL, Ai-t, 2, 33, 39 Cyparissidium japonicum Yok., VII., 229. Cyrena lunulata Yok., XVIII., Ai-t. 6, 10. elliptica Yok., XVIII., Art. 6, 11. Cytlierea cJdnensls Cliem., XXI., Art. 2, 46. meretrix Lmr.é, XXL, Art. 2, 47. CzehanoiosJda rigida Heer, III., 61. mnrrayana (Lindl.), XXI., Art. 9, 31. Dactylioceras helianthoides Yok., XIX., Art. 20, 16. Deformation, über die, der Metallplatteu dmcli Schleifen, I., 69-84. Dendritic appendages of tlie m'ogenital papilla of a silmoid, VIII., 367-380. Dentcdium edoense Tok., XXL, Art. 2, 34. octogonum Lam., XXL, Art. 2, 33. weinlcmiß Dunk er, XXL, Art. 2, 33. Desmoceras daiosoui Wliiteaves, XX., Art. 2, 35. poronaicum Yabe, XX., Art. 2, 39. Destructive earthquakes in Japan, annual variation of the frequency' of, XL, 403 ; , geographical distribution of, XL, 413. Detector for electric waves, tinfoil grating IX , 15-25 ; 111-116. Development of flowers, effect of, j)artial removal of roots and leaves on, XXIIL, Art. 4, 1-15. Diacetyltetramethylendiamin, XIX., Art. 7, 8. Diagram of the semi-destructive earthquake of June 20th, 1&94 (Tokyo), VIL, 289-292. Diaminen der Fettreihe, über einige Anhydi'obasen aus, XIX., Art. 7, 1-10, Diaptomus, reproductive elements of, V., 1-34. Dibenzenesulpliimide, XXV., Art. 13, 21. Dicicsonia acutiloha Heer, IlL, 24. glehniana Heer, IIL, 25. gracilis Heer, IIL, 21. nephrocarpa (Bunb.), IIL, 25. tosana Yok., VIL, 213. Dicksoniopteris naumanni Nath., VIL, 214. Dictyophyllum acutilohum (Braun), IV., 242. 40 DidyophïjUum japonicum Yok., IV., 2JL3. XX., Ai-t. 5, 5. loddbcl Yok., IV., 244; XX., Art. 5, G. nathorsfi Zeiller, XX., Art. 5, C. Dictijozamites falcaim (Morris), XX., Art. 8, 11. (jrossinervis Yok., III., 55. indiens Feist., III., 53. Diliydroxylaminesnlpîionates, non-existence of, XIII., 219. Differentialgleiclnmg, allgemeine, für die Bewegung der Atmosphäre, I., 134- 137. Diffraction phenomena, in the focal plane of a telescope with circular aperture due to a finite source of light, IX., 321-351 ; , producod by an aperture on a curved surface, IV., 301-322. Diffusion of liquids, XIX., Art. 8, 1. Dioonites kotoei Yok., III., 44. brongniarti (Mant.), XXI., Axi. 9, 33. Diorite-porphyrites in the /Vrchaean formation of the Abukuma plateau, V., 280. Diorthotoluenesulphimide, XXV., Art. 13, 26. Diorthotoluenesulphohydroxylamine, XXV., Art. 13, 25. Diparatoluenesulphimide, XXV., Art. 13, 28. Dlplozoon nipponicum, IV., 151-192. Dislocations (in the great earthquake in Central Japan, 1891), V., 301. Distoma endemicmn, notes on, I., 47-59. Division of Nodiluca miliaris, VI., 297-334 ; XII., 243-262. Ddidina, XXI., Art. 5, 3. Dolium luteostomum Küster, XXL, Art. 2, 17. Dosinia exoleta Linné, XXI., Ai-t. 2, 47, Dyke-rocks, in the Archaean formation of the Abukuma plateau, V., 275-283. Earthquakes, after-shocks of, VII., 111-200 ; , effect of, on buildings, I., 317; , effect of, on chimneys, I., 321; in Central Japan, on the cause of the great, V., 295-353 ; in Kyoto, XI., 418 ; in Tokyo, XL, 435 ; of 1891, disturbance of isomagnetics attending the Mino- Owari, v., 149-192. 41 Earthquake Investigation Committee catalogue of Japanese earthquakes, XL, 315-388 ; , notes on, XL, 389-437. Earthquake diagrams, comparison of, L, Gl-08. Earthquake measurement, at Miyako, XL, lGl-195 ; , comparison of, at Hongö and Hitotsubashi, IL, 71 ; , comparison of, in a pit and on the surface gi'oimd, IV., 249-286; • especially relating to vertical motion, 57-75. Earthquake motion, model of, L, 359-362 ; , preliminary tremor of, XL, 146-159. Earthquake sounds, VIL, 117. Ehurna japonica Sow., XXL, Art. 2, 9. Ecliinarachiius mirabilis (Barn), XVII., Art. 12, 11 ; XXL, Art. 2, 71. parma (Lam.), XVIL, Art. 12, 12. Ediinodiscus formosiis Yosh., XVIL, Art. 12, 11. Echinolampas yoshiwarai Loriol, XVIL, Art. 12, 17. Ecliiuroids, three new and remarkable species of, XXL, Art. 8, 1-64. Echizen, ammonites from, XIX., Art. 20, 1-17 ; , Jm*assic plants from, III., 1-66. Ectoparasitic trematodes of Japan, VIIL, 1-273; -, exotic species of, XIL, 263-295. Eggs of Japanese myxinoids, XIX., Art. 2, 1-23 ; of Chimœra, XIX., Art. 3, 1-9. Eisenbacterien, Vorkommen von, in den Thermen von Ikao, X., 139-142. Elaeomargaric acid, composition of the so-called, XIX., Art. 12, 1-6 ; , constitution of the so-called, XXV., Art. 3, 1-8. Elephas antiquus Vale, XIX., Art. 2, 72. Electric resistance of cobalt, IV., 287-294. Electric waves, tinfoil grating as a detector for, IX., 15-25 ; 111-116. Electrolytes, coagulative power of various, XXV., Art. 8, 15. Elliptic functions, multiplication of, VI., 151-226. Embryology of Amphibia, XVIL, Ai-t. 3, 1-90. Euphorbiacearum et Buxacearum japonicarum, revisio, XX., Art. 3, 1-92. Ephelota, eine in Misaki vorkommende Ai-t von, X., 119-137. 42 Epidote-sericito-gueiss (in tlie crystiillinc scliists of Cliicliibu), II., lOG. Equisetum usJiimarense Yolc, III., 39 ; XX., Ai-t. 8, 43. Erato callosa Adams, XXI., Art. 2, 10. ErniDtion of Bandai-san, HI., 91-172. Estlieria rectangiiia Yok., VII., 230. Etliyl ammoniiimsulplnto, XL, 197-204. Evilma levis Tolc, XIX., Art. 2, 21. (walls Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 21. EiiplectellidÊG, XV., 1-299; XVIII., Art. 1. Evergreen trees, transpiration of, in winter, XV., 313-366. Excretory organ of fresli- water Polyzoa, VIII., 339-366. Exotic species of ectoparasitic treraatodes, notes on some, XII., 263-295. Eyes of Cardium mnticum, VI., 176-285. Faserpflanzen Japans, anatomische Studien über wichtige, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bastzellen, XV., 395-458. Fault, formed in the great eartliquake in Central Japan (1891), V., 324, 330. Feni-malonates, XXV., Art. 2, 1-5. Ferromagnetic metals, magnetization and magnetic change of length in, from -1S6°C to -f 1200°C, XX., Art. 6, 1-63. Ferromagnetic substances, change of elastic constants of, by magnetization, XXI., Art. 4, 1-70 ; , change of lengtli of, under high and low tempera- tures hj magnetization, XIX., Art. 10, 1 ; -, change of the modulus of elasticity in, by magnetization, XVI., Art. 12, 1-19; , change of the moduhis of rigidity in, by magnetization, XVI., Ai-t. 13, 1-14 ; , Wiedemann effect in, XVI., Art. 14, 1-17. Ferromagnetic wires, under constant tension, change of length produced by magnetization in, XVI., Art. 9, 1-12 ; -, viliration of, ijlaced in a varying mag-netizing field, XVI., Art. 10, 1-10. Fertilization in Diaptomus, V., 1-34. Fihidaria acuta Yosh., XVII., Art. 12, 7 ; XXI., Art. 2, 71. Fineness of the one yen silver coin, III-, 289. Fins, caudal and anal, of gold-fislies, I., 247-267. 43 Fishes, nine new species of, contained in museums of Japan, XV., 301-311 ; ■ , some Japanese, with descriptions of fourteen new species, XXI IL, Art. 7, 1-54 ; , some rare, of Japan with descriptions of two new genera and sis new species, XXIII., Art. 13, 1-24. Fissurella liscJiJcei Pilsbry, XXL, Art. 2, 30. Flechte, Sporocarpenevacuation und darauf erfolgendes Sporenausstreuen, bei einer, XV., 367-370. Flecken- und Buntbambuse, XXIIL, Art. 2, 1-11. Florœ Lutchuensis, tentamen, XII., 263-541. Flowering plants, aluminium in the ashes of, I., 363. Foetal membranes, in the chick, VL, 337-370; of Chelonia, IV., 1-53. Formosa, geologic structure of the Riukiu curve and its relation to the northern x^art of, XVI., Art 2, 57 ; , in Insula, sponte crescentium hucusque rite cognitarum, enuraeratio x^hmtarura, XXII., 1-702 ; , on some fossils from the island of, XVII. , Art. 6, 1-23. Fossil echinoids of Japan, XVIL, Art, 12, 1-27. Fossil mammal, notes on a new, XVI., Art, 6, 1-23, Fossil plants from the coal-bearing series of Nagato, IV., 239-247. Fossils, from the environs of Tokyo, XXL, Art. 2, 1-96 ; , from the islands of Formosa and Riukiu (Loochoo), XVIL, Ai-t. 6, 1-23. Fraunliofer's diffraction phenomena, on a certain class of, IX., 1-6. Frequency of after-shocks and space-distril.mtion of seismic waves, XXL, 1, 1-19. Fresh-water Polyzoa, observations on, IV., 89-150 ; excretorj- organ of, VIIL, 339-366. Fucaceas of Japan, XXL, Art. 12, 1-174. Fusion curve of na^îlitlialene, XXV., Art. 11, 6 ; , of phenol, XXV., Art. 11, 9. Fusion surface of naphthalene, XXV., Art. 12, 13 ; , of i3henel, XXV., Ait. 12, 24. Fusiilina, XXL, Ai-t. 5, 2 ; , a contribution to the genus, XXL, Art. 5, 1-36. Fusulina-limestone from Korea, notes on a, XXL, Ai-t. 5, 28-36. 44 l'émus nodoso-plicatas Danker, XXL, Art. 2, 5. p37'plcxus Adams, XXI., Art. 2, 6. simplex Smith, XXL, Art. 2, 6. Gabbros, in tlie so-callod crystalline scliists of Cliicliibu, IL, 123. Galvanometer, a pocket, L, 275-302. Gari radiata Dunker, XXL, Art. 2, 45. Garnet-cliloritoid-quartz-scliist, ui tlio Arcliœan formotion of the Aljùknma plateau, V., 270. Gastropoda, formation of tlie germinal layers in, XX., Art, 1, 1-42. Gastrulation in Clielonia, VL, 227-277 ; in Petromyzon, XXL, Art. 11, 1-44. Gaudryce7Xi8 crassicostatum Yabe, XVIIL, Art. 2, 29. denseplicatum Yabe, XVIIL, Ai't. 2, 30. haioanoi Yabe, XVIIL, Art. 2, 41. limatum Yabe, XVIIL, Ai-t. 2, 34. striatum Yabe, XVIIL, Art. 2, 31. temdliraium Yabe, XVIIL, Ait. 2, 19. yamaskitai Yabe, XVIIL, Ai"t. 2, 38. yolcoyamai Yabe, XVIIL, Ai-t. 2, 36. Geology of the dependent isles of Taiwan, XIIL, 1-56. Gephyrea, of Japan, XX., Art. 4, 1-87. Germinal layers, formation of, in Chelonia, L, 211-246 ; V., 35-52 ; , formation of the, in Gastropoda, XX., Art. 2, 1-42 ; , in formation of the, in Peiromywn, V., 129-147. Gervillia trigona Yok., XVIIL, Ai-t. 6, 12. Giant salamander of Japan, some notes on the, L, 269-274. Gigantic hydrold, BrancJdoceriantJms imperator, XIIL, 235-262. Gigantopteris in Korea, on the occurrence of, XXIIL, Art. 9, 1-8. Gilolo, the geologic structure of, XL, 110. Ginhgo biloba, fécondation et l'embryogénie, VIIL, 307-322, XII., 103-149. digitaia (Brgt.), IIL, 59. flahdlata Heer, XXL, Art. 9, 27. Ginkgo lepida Heer, IIL, 60 ; XXL, Ai-t. 9, 31, 34. 45 Ginl-go sihirica Heer, III., 60. Ginlcgodmni natliorsti Yok., III., 57. Gio-o island (Pescadores), geology of, XIII., 14. Glauber's salt, loiling point of a solution of, VI., 21. Glaucopliane, a note on, I., 85-99. Glossozamites acmninatns Yok., XXI., Art. 9, 38. hoheneggeri (Sclienk), XXI., Art. 9, 36. parvifolius Yok., VII., 226. Glycocoll, constitution of the metallic derivatives of, VII., 97 ; and its derivatives, constitution of, VII., 87. Gneiss-mica-scliist, in the Ai-chasan formation of the Abukuma plateau, V., 245, 248. Gold-fishes, caudal and anal fins of, I., 247-267. Gonophoren, Entwicklung der, bei Physdlia maxima, X., 175-191. Gozaisho series, in the Ai'chœan formation of the Aliukuraa x^lateau, V., 201, 211, 260. Grammoceras oJcadai Yok., XIX., Art. 20, 14. Granite, amphibole-, in the Archsean formation of the Aliukuma plateau, V., 219, 229 ; , biotite-, in the Archaean formation of the Abukuma plateau, V., 219, 241. Granite-porphyry in (Mino), V., 310. Graphite- schist, spotted (in the crystalline schists of Chichibu), II., 96. Han Land, XIX., Art. 1, 13, Han-san Hange, XIX., Art. 1, 26. Eariotta, XIX., Ai-t. 4, 1-20. Harpoceras iManum Yok., XVIII., Art. 6, 5. Hauericeras angustimi Yabe, XX., Art. 2, 33, gardeni Yabe, XX., Art. 2, 32. Helicoceras scalare Yabe, XX., Art. 2, 9. venustum Yabe, XX., Art. 2, 11. Hemifusus ternatanvs Gmel., XXI., Art. 2, 7. Heteroceras ja2wmcum Yabe, XX., Aj-t. 2, 17. ■ — osJiimai Yabe, XX., Ai-t. 2, 12. 46 Heteroceras orientale Yîibe, XX., Art. 2, 19. otsulxcd Yabo, XX., Art. % 11. Helerotella, Corhitella aiul, XVII., Art. 9, 1-34. Hesactinellida, studies on the, coutrib. I, XV., 1-299 ; coutiib. H, XVII., Art. 9, 1-31 ; contrib. III, XVIII., Art. 1, 1-121 ; contrib. IV, XVIII., Art. 7, 1-307. Hida, Jurassic j)la,nts from, III-, 1-00. Hildoceras clirysanthemmn Yok., XIX., Ai-t. 20, 11. Hildoceras dendcostatum Yok., XIX., Art. 20, 12. inouyei Yok., XIX., Ai-t. 20, 13. Homea oJdnoseana, XIX., Art. 2, 1-23. Horizontal pendulums for the mechanical registration of seismic and other earth movements, XI., 121-145. Hokkaido, Cretaceous Cephalopoda from the, XVIII., Art. 2 ; XX., Art. 2. Hoko group (Pescadores^ geology of the, XIII., 1. Hornblende-porphyry (Mino), V., 312. Hydrogen fluoride, acidimetry of, VII., 255-267. Hydi'oxyamidosulphate (oxyamidosulphonate), decomposition of, by copper sulphate, XIII., 497-506. Hydroxylamine, acid sulphate of, VII., 249-250 ; ,formatiou of, from nitrites by hj^lrogen sulphide, I., 109 ; sulphate, economic preparation of, IX., 291-293 ; , the effects of dilution and the presence of sodium salts and carbonic acid upon the titration of, by iodine, I., 369-376. Hydrosylamine-disulphonates, see oximidosulphouates, also hydroximidosul- phates. Hydroxylamine-monosulphonates or oxyamidosulphonates. III., 211. Hydroxylamine-trisulphonate, XIX., Art. 15, 4. Hydroxylamine- «-^9-disulphonates (structural isomeride of hydroximinosul- phates or hydroxylamine-/3-y9-disulpliate3), XXI., Ait. 6, 1-17. H^'menomycetous fungus, a new species of, injurious to the mulberry tree, IV., 193-204. Hyponitrite, preparation of, from nitrite tlu'ough oxyamidosulphonate, IX., 1-8 ; , formation of, by reduction of nitrososulphate, IX., 281 ; , con- stitution of, III., 228. 47 Hyponitrites, conversion of oxyamidosulplionates into, III-, 218 ; , their properties and their preparation by sodium or potassium, XL, 33-81 ; , effect of heat upon, XL, 54. Hyponitrous acid, XL, 01. Hypopliosphites, mercury and bismuth, VIL, 245-248. Hypsospatangus japonlcus Loriol, XVIL, Art. 12, 23. Hysteresis function, XIX., Art. G, 1. Ideal sohition, general nature of, XXV., Art. 10, 5. Ilarionia yosJmuarai Loriol, XVIL, Art. 13, 16. Ilicic alcohol, in bird-lime, IL, 26. Imides of aromatic sulphonic acids, a simple method of preparing, XXV., Art. 13, 1-30. Imidosulphites, ammonium and otlier, XVIL, Art. 1, 1-7. Imidosulphonates, VL, 49-113 ; IX., 195-217 ; , compounds of, with nitrates VL, 76. Infusorien, xAnpassungsfähigkeit einiger, an concentrierte Lösungen, XIIL, 101- 140. Inô Tadayoshi, life of, the Japanese surveyor and cartographer, IL, 228-232. Inversion of cane sugar, XXV., Art. 1, 1. Iodine, molecular weight of, in solution, VL, 40. Iron and nickel, on the mutual influence between longitudinal and circular magnetizations in, XL, 283-314. Iron and nickel wires, magnetic lagging and priming in twisted. III., 173- 188 ; , mutual relations between torsion and magnetization in, XIIL, 263-280. Iron, steel, and nickel ovoids, change of volume and of length in, by mag- netization, XIIL, 57-75. Iron, steel, and nickel tubes, combined effect of longitudinal and circular magnetizations on the dimensions of, XIIL, 77-100. Iron, thermoelectric effects of longitudinal sti-ess in, IX., 27-52 ; , thermo- electric effects of stress in, IV., 341-356 ; , time lag in the magneti- sation of, IX., 295-319. "Isliikubyo," Schrumpf krankheit des Maulbeerbaumes, XV., 459-464. 48 Isodyiiamen, Wiudbalin und Wirbelaxe, allgemeine Beziehungen zwischen, L, 137. Isomagnetics, disturbance of, attending the Mino-Owari earthquake of 1891, v., 149-192. Isoxazol, dimeth}'! (3-5), formation of, from acetylacetonedioxirne by sulj^hur dioxide, XXV., Art. 13, 18. Japan earthquake of IHth of January, 1887, I., 313-323. Japanese bamboo pipe, syahulmti, acoustical investigation of, XXI., Art. 10, 1-31. Java, the geologic sti'ucture of, H., 87. Johanniskäfer-Licht, IX., 129-139. Jurassic ammonites from Echizen and Nagato, XIX., Art. 20, 1-17. Jurassic fossils from Rikuzen, XVIII., Art. 6, 1-13. Jurassic plants from Kaga, Hida and Echizen, III., 1-66. Kaga, Jurassic plants from, III., 1-66. Kagoshima earthquake, after-shocks of, VII., 126. Kai-ma Land, XIX., Art. 1, 31. Kâsho (Samasana), isle of, XIII., 55. Kii, Mesozoic plants from, VII., 201-231. Knorria Selloni, XXIII., Art. 8, 16. Korea, an orograpliic sketch of, XIX., Art, 1, 1-61 ; , journeys through, (contribution I), XXVI., Ai-t. 2, 1-207 ; (contribution II), XXVII., Ai-t. 12, 1-32 ; , Mesozoic plants from, XX., Art. 8, 1-59 ; , on the occur- rence of Gigantopterls in, XXÏII., Art. 9, 1-8 ; , notes on a fusulina- Hmstone from, XXI., Art. 5, 28-36. Korean system, XIX., Art, 1, 17, 10, Koto (Botel-Tobaga), the islands of, XIII., 46. Kozuke, Mesozoic plants from, VII., 201-231. Kumamoto earthquake, after-shocks of, VII., 121. Kupfersulfats, Einwirkung des, auf einige Pflanzen, XV., 371-394. Lacks, über den Hauptbestandteil des japanischen, XXV., Art. 6, 1-17. Laganum decagmialis (Less.) XVII., Ai-t, 12, 8 ; XXL, Art. 2, 70. fudsiyama Död,, XVII., Art. 12, 11. 49 Lamprox^hyres, augite-dioritic, in the AicLeean formation of the Abukuma plateau, V., 278. Land leeches, some new Japanese, VIII., 275-306. Lasœa striata Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 53. suhorbimäaris Mont., XXI., Art. 2, 54. Laurentian, in the Aichsean formation of the Aliuknma plateau, V., 201, 218. Leda confusa Hanley, XXI., Art. 2, 56. Leeches, some new Japanese laud, VIII., 275-306. LemniskatenköriDer, XIX., Ai^t. 5, 26. Lens, the constants of a, I., 333-336. Lepidodendron oculis-felis (Abbado.), XXIII., Ai-t. 8, 11. LeucopsacidsQ, XVIII., Art. 1. Liau-tuug Hange, XIX., Art. 1, 33. Lima haJwdatcnsis Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 64. jai^cmica Adams, XXI., Art. 2, 64. Limopsis icccdivardi Adams, XXI., Art. 2, 64. Lirmihis hngisjnna, development of, V., 53-100. Lines of equal intensity, about the point of intersection of Fraunhofer's diffraction bands, IX., 7-13. Lines of tor ce of a circular current, XVI., Art. 15, 1-16. Lingula anatina, development of, XVII., Art. 4, 1-112; , liistologj of, XVII., Ali. 5, 1-29. Mans Swains., XXI., 2, 69. Linthia nipponica Tosh., XVII., Art. 12, 18. Liquids, diffusion of, XIX., Ait. 8, 1. Liihotliamniiiiii ramcsissimum Eeuss, VII., 326 ; XVII., Art. 6, 17. Longitudinal and circular magnetizations, in iron and nickel, XL, 283-314 ; , combined effect of, on the dimensions of iion, steel, anel nickel tubes, XIII., 77-100. Longitudinal stieî^s, combined effects of torsion and, on the magnetization of nickel, II., 283-303 ; , in iron, theimoelectric effects of, IX., 27-52. Longitudinal tension, theimoelectric effects of, in chfferent metals, IX., 53-67. 50 Looclioo CuiTe, geologic strncture of the, XVI., Art. 2. Liicina horecdis Linné, XXI., Art. 2, 52. Lutrarla ovcdis Tok., XXI., Ai-t. 2, 41. Lytoceras lineatum Scliloth., XVIII., Art. 0, G. ezoense Yabe, XVIII., Ai-t. 2, 9. imperial:', Yabe, XVIII., Art. 2, 11. Maclid divaricata Lisclike, XXI., Art. 2, 36. Macona nasuta Conrad, XXL, Art. 2, 45. Macrotœniopteris richthofeni Schenk, III., 37. Macrotœniopteris marginata Nath,, VII., 221. 3Iactra crossei Dunker, XXI., Art. 2, 41. sachalinensis Desh., XXI., Ai-t. 2, 39. sulcataî'ia Desh., XXI., Ai-t. 2, 40. veneriformis Desh., XXL, Art. 2, 40. Magnetic lagging and priming in twisted iron and nickel wires, III., 173-188. Magnetic suivej^ of all Japan, IL, 163-262 ; , of Japan, XIV., 1-180. Magnetization, change in length of feiTomagnetic wire under constant tension bj, XVL, Art. 9, 1-12 ; , change of elastic constants by, XXL, Art, 4, 1-70; XXL, Art. 7, 1; , change of length of fen^omagnetic substances under high and low temperatures by, XIX., Ai-t. 10, 1 ; , change of the modulus of elasticity in feiTomagnetic substances by, XVL, Ai-t, 12, 1-19 ; ■, cliange of the modulus of rigidity in ferromagnetic substances by, XVL, Art. 13, 1-14; , effect of, on the permanent twist of nickel wire, IV., 323-839; , efifect of stress on, XXL, Ai-t. 7, 1; in fer- romagnetic metals and alloys from — 186°C to +1200-O, XX., Ait. 6, 1 ; , of iron, time lag in, IX., 295-319 ; , of nickel and iron, effect of twist on, III., 189-207 ; , of nickel, combined effects of torsion and longitudinal stress on, IL, 283-303 ; and retentiveiiess of nickel wire mider and combined torsional and longitudinal stresses, IL, 304-320. Magnetometer, a new electromagnetic, IL, 178. Magnetostriction, of nickel steels, containing different percentages of nickel, XIX., Art. 11, 1-13 ; , experiments on, of steel, nickel, cobalt, and nickel steels, XVL, Ai-t. 8, 1-33; , researches on, IX., 353-391. 51 Maguoliacesß, anatomy of, VI., 115-149. Malayan arcliipelago, on the geologic structure of the, XI. 83-120. jNIaloiiic acid, complex feni-, salts of, XXV., Art. 2, 1-5. Mammal, notes on a Jiew fossil, XVI., Ai-t. 0, 1-13. Marble, determination of tlie thermal conductivity of, II., 263-281. Marginal vibration, I., 322. Marine station at Misaki, I., 381-381. JIartensia striata Linné, XXL, Art. 2, 35, Mehi-fache Wirbelbildungen in der Erdatmosphäre, II., 316. Mercurous nitrate hypophospliite, VII., 215; sulphide, non-existence of, IX., 192-191 ; and niercaric salts, change of, into eacli other, IX., 161-194. Mercury perclilorates, IX., 77-84; • sulphites and the constitution of oxygeneous salts, I., 101-107. Meroblastic ova in vei*tebrates, remarks on the natiu'e of, X., 1-118. Mesozoic plants from China, XXI., Art. 9, 1-39; , from Kozuke, Kii, Awa and Tosa, VII., 201-231 ; , from Nagato and Bitclm, XX., Art. 5, 1-13; , from Korea, XX., Aii. 8, 1-59. Metals, thermoelectric effects of longitudinal tension in different, IX., 53-67. Metallsalze, Reizwirkimg einiger, auf das Waclistlnnn höherer Pflanzen, XIX., Ali. 13, 1-37. Metamorphosis of Actinotroclia, XIII., 507-592; of Asterias pallida, X., 239-278 ; of Asterina gibhosa, XIL, 227-242. Metasulphazates, XIII., 230, Metasulphazilat^, XIX., Art. 15, 4. Metasulphazotates, XIII., 232. Mica-schist, in the Archaean formation of the Aljukuma plateau, V., 268. Minerals of Japan, notes on the, XL, 213-281. Mino and Owari, geology and topography of, V., 305. Mino-Owari eai-thquake, after-shocks of, VIL, 118. Misaki, marine station at, L, 381-384. MochyHc alcohol, in bird-lime, u. 26. Model showing the motion of an earth-particle during an eaiiliquake, L, 52 359-B62. Modida japonica Danker, XXI., Art. 2, 63. modiolus Liuué, XXI., Art. 2, 63. Modulus of elasticity, change of, in foiTomaguetic substances by magnetiza- tion, XVI., Art. 12, 1-19 ; , kinetic measurements of, of 158 specimens of rocks, XX., Art. 10, 1 ; of rocks and some inferences relating to seismology, XX., Art. 9, 1 ; , static and kinetic values of, XX., Art. 10, 20. Modulus of rigidity, change of, in ferromagnetic substances by magnetization, XVI., Ai-t. 13, 1-14; of rocks and hysteresis function, XIX., Art. 6 1-40. Molecular conductivity of amidosulphonic acid, IX., 259. Molecular rearrangement of A^-benzyltenzaldoxime, XXV., Art. 18, 1—4. Molecular weights of substances in solution, modification of Beckmann's method of determining, VI., 23. Molybdenite, examination of, XXV., Art. 15, 7. Monison, Mt., central chain, and other mountainous regions of Formosa at altitudes of 3,000-13,000 ft., enumeration of plants, XXV., Aii. 19, 1-260. 3Iurex falcatus Sow., XXI., Art. 2, 4. longicanalis Tok., XXI., Aii. 2, 4. Myodora ßiictuosa Gould, XXI., Art. 2, 39. Mijsia pacifica Tok., XXI., Ai-t. 2, 53. semiaspsra Phil., XXL, Aii. 2, 53. Myxinoids, Jaj)anese, XIX., Art. 2, 1-23. Nagato, Mesozoic j^lants from, XX., Art. 5, 1-10; , fossil plants from the coal-bearing series of, IV., 239-247 ; , Jurassic ammonites from, XIX., Art. 20, 1-17. Naphthalene, fusion cuive of, XXV., Ait. 11, 6 ; , fusion surface of, XXV., Art. 12, 13. Nassa livescens Phillipx^i, XXI., Art. 2, 9. jajyooiica Adams, XXL, Art. 2, 9. Natica ampla Keeve, XXL, Arf. 2, 18, clausa Desh., XXL, Art. 2, 17. 53 Natica pajjyracea Bush., XXI., Ai^t. 2, 19. Neœra gouldiana Hinds, XXL, Art. 2, 39. Nectaries, extrannptical, studies on some, XXIIl., Art, 3, 1-28. Neoschioagenna, XXI., Ait. 5, 3. Neptunea despecta Linné, XXI., Xii. 2, 7. Neuropteris ßexuosa Sternb., XXIIL, Aii. 8, 9. sckertcJizeri Hoffm., XXIIL, Ai*t. 8, 10. New element, allied to molybdenum, XXV., Ait. 16, 1 ; , in tliorianite, XXV., Alt. 15, 1. Newton's ring modified by a mica film, V., 193-196. Niclitstationäre Wirbelbildungen in der Erdatmosphäre, VIL, 360. Nickel, combined effects of torsion and longitudinal stress on the magnetiza- tion of, IL, 283-303 ; , electrical resistance of, at high temperatures, L, 325-328 ; Avire, on the magnetization and retenti veness of, under combined torsional and longitudinal stresses, IL, 30J:-320. Nickel steels, magnetization and magnetostriction of, containing different per- centages of nickel, XIX., Aii. 11, 1-13. Nicobar group, the geologic structure of, XL, 81. Nihsonio, inouyei Yok., XX., Ai-t. 5, 9. johnstrupi Heer, VIL, 226. nipponensis Yok., III., 42. orientalis Heer, III., 41 ; XX., Art. 8, 13. ozoana Yok., III., 11. pterophylloides, VIL, 228. schaumhurgensis Dunker, VIL, 227. Nipponium, Np, a new element in thorianite, XXV., Ai-t. 15, 1. Nipponites inirahilis Yabe, XX., 2, 20. Nitiic oxide, absorption of, in gas analysis, IX., 9 ; , Ewart Johnstone's way to prepare, VIL, 253-254; , interaction of, with silver nitrate, IX., 11-13. Nitric peroxide, constitution of, XIX., Art. 17, 1-5. Nitrilosulphoiiates, XVIL, Art. 2, 1-9. Nitrite, compounds of, witli liydroximidosulphates, XIIL, 211. 54 Nitrites, leductiou of, to liyclroxjlaniino 1)}^ liydrogou salpliido, I., 109-112 ; (nlkfili), Todnctioii of, by lateau, v., 258-259. Todites tcilUamsoni (Brong.), XXI., Aii. 9, 18, 25, 28. Tokara gionp (Rinkiu curve), geology of the, XVI., Art. 2, 25, Tokyo earthquake of 1894, diagium of, VII., 289-292. Tokyo, fossils from the environs of, XXI., Art. 2. Topaz from Mino, notes on the, IX., C9-76. Tornatdla gigantea Dmiker, XXL, Art, 2, 31. Tornatina exilis Dunker, XXI., Art. 2, 31. Torreya venusta Yok., VII., 230. Torsion, combined effects of, and longitudinal stress on the magnetization of nickel, II., 283-303 ; and magnetization, mutual relations between, in iron and nickel wires, XIII., 263-280, Torsional and longitudinal stresses, on the magnetization and retentiveness of nickel wire under combined, II., 304-320. Tosa, Mesozoic plants from, VII., 201-231, Toxaster tosaensis Loriol, XVII., Ai-t, 12, 18. Transient current produced by twisting magnetized iron, steel, and nickel wires, III., 335-381. Trematodes, ectoparasitic, of Japan, VIII., 1-273; , exotic species of, XII., 263-295, Tresus nuttali Conrad, XXI., Art. 2, 42, TricJiotropis unicarinata Brod., XXI., Art. 2, 20. Tn'claden Europa's, über einige, I., 337-358. Trigonia hosourensis Yok., XVIII., Art, 6, 11. Jdhuchiana Yok., IV., 363. rotundata Yok., IV., 365. pocilliformis Yok., IV., 361. v-costata Lycett, XVIII., Ait. 6, 8. Triorthotoluenesulphohj^droxylamine, XXV., Art. 13, 26. Trisulphoxyazotate, XIX., Art, 15, 4, Trithionate, ammonium, iweparation of, XIII., 203; , ammonium, product of heating, XIII., 205, 65 Tritaii sauliœ liimé, XXI., Art. 2, 5. TrocMis angulatus Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 30. argyrostomus Gmeliii, XXI., Art. 2, 29. amussitatîis Gonlcl, XXI., Ai-t. 2, 29. imperialis Adams, XXI., Art. 2, 28. japonicus Adjxms, XXI., Art. 2, 29. Trochus shinagaioends Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 29. Traditions and liistor}^ (relating to the eruption of Bandai-snn), III., 99. Trophon cxiguus Tok., XXL, Art. 2, 5. Tsushima, birds from, V., 105-128. Tiirho granulatas Gmelin, XXI., Ai-t. 2, 28. mekmnîcnds Nishiwada, VII., 240. TurbonUla elegantisdma Mont., XXI., Art. 2, 22. ß(sca Adams, XXI., Art. 2, 22. 2)aucicostata Tok., XXI., Art. 2, 22. Turrilites hei'geri Brong., XX., Art. 2, 4. Tcomotai Yabe, XX., Art. 2, 7. Twist, effect of, on the magnetization of nickel and iron, III., 189-207. Twisting magnetized iron, steel, and nickel wires, transient current produced by, III-, 335-384. Ugiinya sericaria, life history of, I., 1-46. Umbelliferarum japonicarum, revisio, XVI., Art. 4, 1-108. th-ushinsäure, die Hauptbestandteil des japanischen Lacks, XXV., Art. 6 1-17. l^cdlineriiies jurassiens Heer, III.. G4. Vegetable oils, notes on Japanese, XXV., Art. 4, 1-7. Velocity of propagation and the amplitude of seismic waves, XIX., Art. (î, 34, ïmus foliacea Phill., XXI., Art. 2, 4G, — — — stimpsoni Gould, XXI., Art. 2, 46, Vertebrate meroblastic eggs, remarks on the nature of, X., 1-118. Verticale Luftströmung in der Erdatmosphäre, VII., 327. Vibration, of fen-omaguetic wires, placed in a varj^ing magnetizing field, XVI., Art. 10, 1-10. (in Viscosity of dilutx^ nlcoliolic solutions, XXV., Art, 5, 1. Volcanic products (in tlie eruption of Bandai-san), HI., 149. Volume and weight of tlio mountain d(;stroyed in the eruption of Bandai- san, III., 144. Vohdharpa pcrryi Jay, XXI., Art. 2, 8. Wcddheimia clongnki Tok., XXI., Art. 2, ()9. f/7W// Davidson, XXI., Art. 2, <)0. Wiedemann eftect, in ferromagnetic substances, XVI., Art. 14, 1-17. Willkürliche Functionen, Dar stell bar keit durch lleihen die nach den Wurzeln einer transcendenten Gleichung fortschreiten, II., 1-15. Wirljelgebiet der geradlinigen Isobaren, II., 329. Yddia lancedata 8ow„ XXI., Art. 2, 57. Zahlkörper, über die im Bereiche der rationalen complexen Zahlen Abel'schon, XIX., Art. 5, 1-42. ZamiophyUum ImcJdcmum (Ett.), VII., 223. mmmanni Na th., VII., 225. Zamites parvifdius Geyl,, III., 45. General Index to Volumes L-XXV., published March 31st, 1913. I^t'iee hi Toh'ißo, .... Yen OMO. This Journal is on sale at Z. p. MARUYA & Co., Ltd., Tori Sanchome, Nihonbashi. Tokyo. GEISER & GILBERT, Ogawamachi 40, Tokyo; Mainstreet 52, Yokohama. R. FRIEDLÄNDER & SOHN, Carlsfrasse II, Berlin N. W. M m ., m m - (Ttl ;i- /u m m rlï il ^ » m T m m ^ i& EU m m ïlT m |nq. T W rlT /.^ T ^ ÎT iE iE + + - A El 0 f} m Ä m. i^ M i^H iE ^ # illi ÊR te MBL WHOl IIBKARV UH ITKJ C