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Sete ah ey ‘es z are . oat”. tne COND ates we mal> gy retehoe + + ae <3 ” 2% etee fate s or ota Setetetat Teteh ett, BX Se ne 2 co nea % a a . DOCS) . dese eee Ss AS +. oy Ags “e AAA. , ec? at i “S > ‘ i iA) My) (i Nit ‘ Vir Ay 441/00) ANY THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY EDITORIAL BOARD Henry H. Donaupson ApoLF MEYER The Wistar Institute Johns Hopkins University J. 3. JoHNSTON OuiverR S. STRONG University of Minnesota Columbia University C. JuDsoNn HERRICK, University of Chicago Managing Editor VOLUME 27 1916-1917 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY COMPOSED AND PRINTED AT THE WAVERLY PRESS By tHe Witiiams & WILKINS CoMPANY BaAvtTimorE, Mp., U.S. A. CONTENTS 1916-1917 No. 1. DECEMBER, 1916 De DUCATI ON Pane eee teehee nse Vn NARS oer \cldcire Oat Week ay yeep Ss HUNG GSC Suontieee ace ouctea® One SURARISA 1Bssonigs (CVAGin Sleiselbn IGE NGG ogo ooo bce roe ooo eae maoG oo eso gC F. L. Lanpacre. The cerebral ganglia and early nerves of Squalus acanthias. Thirteen W.M. Smatutwoop Aanp Ruru L. Puinuirs. Nuclear size in the nerve cells of the bee dunmeethemliteccy.clets (One siourees ee. tree ats sc dtens sree aia ahs of ai Sea) “Roe 49 Soe ECONG pL NtetGucm DD PAMGNsaNIG SRAMee ee. 2 oc. cters, Jlerde clase eine cel aipereia\s ore cit = ERR 49 19 THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, No. 1 20 F. L. LANDACRE 34. Third truncus'branchitahis ext. 4-eeeeeee ee oe oe oe ee eee 50 35. Hourthitruncusibranchia lis exer ea eee eee eee 50 36. “The ‘ganglion visceralle Xs. at seer ac Gee Aarne sonic «nate eee See BS 50 37; Ramis svisceralis ac ttle eee a eee ea ee ee eee 51 Sunimary fang discussioncstnd. rose. c us See So ee nee oe ee 51 iteratureiciteden tere. sect. Sees oe Pea EEE eee eee 55 1. INTRODUCTION Up to the present time no detailed analysis of the cerebral nerves of the shark has been published. A voluminous litera- ture covering almost every other phase of the anatomy and em- bryology exists, but for some reason an analysis of the cerebral nerves of the shark such as we now have for a number of fishes and amphibians and reptiles does not exist. The present study of the embryonic ganglia and early nerves is not offered, as, in any sense, a substitute for such an analysis of specimens old enough to show complete medullation of the nerves. The author has attempted an analysis similar to those made on Ameiurus (10), Lepidosteus (712), and Rana (12), m which it was found that there was a particularly favorable condition of the ganglia in that they were well isolated, and a development of the chief nerves sufficient to enable one to identify them with certainty when their composition was known in detail in the adult. The present study has the disadvantage of not being preceded by a careful analysis of older specimens but, like the previous studies mentioned, has the advantage of presenting a very simple condition of the various ganglia and, in cases where the nerves are pure or contain only one component, the morphological rela- tions of the ganglia and nerves make their identification a simple matier. On the other hand, mixed nerves and very immature nerves present greater difficulties and in these cases where the various components could not be traced definitely to their dis- tribution they have been identified provisionally. The amount of attention given to the description of nerves in a paper devoted ostensibly to the description of ganglia would be unwarranted if the exact composition of the nerves were known. In the absence of this information the nerves had to be followed with the greatest care and their description is in- GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 21 cluded in the body ot the paper. The general morphological relations of ganglia are fairly safe criteria for their identifica- tion provided one is sure of their presence; otherwise, the dis- tribution of the fibers must be known to identify a ganglion with certainty. The differences in size in the cells of different ganglionic com- ponents sometimes found in other types and particularly in mature types do not seem to exist in the material studied; such differences as exist are those between older and younger gan- glion cells rather than between different components. How- ever, I do not believe any serious oversight has been made unless it is in the failure to find a general cutaneous component in the seventh and ninth nerves. The number of nerves described is small compared with the adult, of course, but those present in the stage described are the chief nerves. While this study should have followed and not preceded that of older material, it is hoped that it will help to fill the gap in our knowledge of our most generalized vertebrate and it will certainly serve as a foundation for the study of the origin of the cerebral] ganglia on a component basis. The effort to describe the origin of these ganglia, en masse, is entirely futile in the author’s opinion. It must be done with a thorough knowledge of all the ganglia involved. This is true whether they arise as discrete ganglia having different sources of origin or whether they differentiate out of a common primordium. The author is under obligation to Dr. H. V. Neal for most of the material, which was fixed in vom Rath’s fluid and mounted unstained. This material was supplemented by younger ma- terial stained in Delafield’s haematoxylin and orange G. The embryos ranged in length from 18 to 30 mm. after fixation and several specimens of each length, except the 30 mm. embryo, were examined. The plot and drawings were made from a 22 mm. embryo. The terms anterior, posterior, dorsal ,and ven- tral are used in the body of the paper to indicate the relative positions of structures on the plot and not their true position in the adult which is sometimes quite different. 22 F. L. LANDACRE 2. THE NERVUS OLFACTORIUS AND NERVUS TERMINALIS The connection between the olfactory pit and forebrain, which has no olfactory bulb at this time, consists of a thick cellular and fibrous mass which probably represents both the above mentioned nerves. The main portion of this connection, that lying more dorsal in position in the plot (fig. 1, n.olf.), consists of a dense mass of medium sized cells extending from the brain wall back to the epithelium of the olfactory capsule, where, just before coming into contact with the brain, it breaks up into three or four masses of cells where it is connected with the brain. The anterior end of this mass is solid and does not show the loose character of the posterior end. There are iso- lated strands of fibers in this mass aside from those mentioned below but their connec‘ion with neither the brain wall nor the olfactory epithelium could be made out with certainty. These strands of fibers are identified as olfactory fibers. In addition to the main dorsal portion described above, there are two strands of cells on the anterior end of the nerve lying ventral 1o the main strand containing definite fiber bundles (fig. 1, N.Ter.). The entrance of these fibers into the brain wall at a point more ventral and median than the main mass of cells is easily made out and the fiber bundles can also be traced through the connecting cellular mass to the olfactory epithe- lum. These two strands in the specimen plotted are repre- sented by only one strand in four other specimens of about the same age and there is only one strand of cells and fibers on the opposite side of the same specimen. Both strands are accom- panied by a limited number of round cells lying in the position indicated by Locy (’99, ’05) as the location of the ganglion of the nervus terminalis, namely near its entrance into the brain wall. In the 30 mm. embryo the ganglion of the n. terminalis while small is well defined and well isolated. There can be no doubt as to the identification of these as the nervus terminalis on account of the point of entrance into the brain wall and the greater degree of development. lLocy (’99, ’05) gives a rather full account of the history of this nerve, but his account shows GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 29 both the olfactory and terminalis nerves to be much more de- veloped and better isolated at 25 mm. than in my specimen of the same age. In fact, one would infer from his description that at 16 mm. the connections of the olfactory and terminalis nerves were more definite than in the 22 mm. embryo plotted in this paper. At the posterior end of the connecting mass in all specimens examined there are two strands of cells which detach them- selves trom the main mass and come into contact with the olfac- tory epithelium ai a point more ventral and posterior to the chief mass. These masses in none of my earlier specimens con- tain fibers and the strands are absent in a 30 mm. specimen. This connecting mass appears to be, on first examination, in a rather undifferentiated condition as indicated by the small proportion of fibers, and the very large number of cells. An- other interpretation however is possible, namely, that the large mass of cells represents the beginning of the close fusion be- tween. the olfactory capsule and olfactory bulb characteristic of Squalus in addition to early sheath cells of the n. terminalis and n. olfactorius The olfactory capsule contains at all points ex- cept the anterior border a well defined basement membrane. At the anterior border this membrane is lacking and the cells of the capsule mingle with those of the mass of cells connecting the capsule with the brain wall. Younger embryos, in which the connecting mass is not so large, present the appearance of a migration of cells from the capsule to what I have designated the connecting mass. However, my series of embryos is not suffi- ciently large to determine definitely the origin and fate of this mass of cells. It seems from a comparison with the conditions in Amia, Ameiurus, and Lepidosteus (Brookover, 1908, 1910, 1911) entirely too large to be the ganglion of the nervus termi- nalis and I am inclined to interpret it as the beginning of the fusion of the capsule with the bulb plus early sheath cells, as indicated above. The connecting mass is much smaller in younger embryos and shows a decided increase in size in a 23 mm. embryo as compared with the 22 mm. embryo plotted. 24. F, L. LANDACRE 3. THE PROFUNDUS GANGLION The profundus or mesocephalic ganglion (figs. 1 and 2, G.Pro.) lies Just posterior to the mid-dorsal border of the eye. It is slightly crescent-shaped with the convexity on the dorsal sur- face. The root of the ganglion extends dorsally and slightly caudad until it comes into contact with the anterior surface of the Gasserian ganglion. The root from the ganglion to the point of contact with the Gasserian contains a rather large amount of cells and the relations of the fiber bundles are not easy to determine definitely. There seems to be little doubt, however, that the fibers from the profundus ganglion run on the anterior surface of the Gasserian ganglion, curve forward and upward and enter the brain wall through the most anterior of the three roots shown in figure 1 (Rt.Pro.). The point of entrance is just opposite the dorsal border of the spinal V column, which they enter. The relations of the remaining two divisions of the portio minor are not so clear. The second division does not enter the descending V tract but enters slightly mesial to that tract and as a well isolated bundle of fibers passes to a more mesial position. This root in the specimen plotted is evidently a visceral motor root and presumably comes from the motor com- ponent of the ramus mandibularis V after running through the Gasserian ganglion. The third root in the portio minor is sen- . sory and enters the spinal V tract. An examination of a number of other specimens ranging from 18 mm. to 23 mm. shows that there are in the older specimens several more small roots in the portio minor, all of which seem to be sensory, since they enter the spinal V tract. In all of the specimens there are two roots constantly present, the most anterior (the one identified as the root of the profundus), and the second of the three plotted in figure 1, which is identified as the visceral motor root of V. In the younger specimens these two roots are the only ones pres- ent, so that the remaining roots of the older specimens and the third root of my plot are in all probability accessory sensory roots of either the profundis or of the Gasserian, but from which ganglion they come I am unable to determine. GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 25 Neal (’98, p. 233) has discussed the relation of the various divisions of the portio minor and my results agree substan- tially with his rather than with those of Mitrophanow, ’93. The mode of entrance of the profundus root in Lepidosteus (Land- acre, 12) reinforces the identification of the most anterior root as that of the profundus since in Lepidosteus the root of the profundus enters well forward and entirely distinct from that of the Gasserian. There can be little doubt in my opinion that the second root is visceral motor. In Neal’s paper he does not describe three roots in detail but figures them (Neal, ’98, p. 234, fig. K.). From the anterior end of the ganglion in the specimen plotted extends a mass of cells from which no fibers pass out, the ramus ophthalmicus profundus leaving the ganglion near its mid-ven- tral border. This forward extension of the ganglion is evidently the remains of the structure which Neal identifies as a persistent connection of the ganglion with the ectoderm (Neal, ’98, p. 234, fig. K.) and which Scammon (’11, pp. 54, 55, figs. 11 and 12) identifies as the utrochlea process, i.e., the remains of the connection of this ganglion with the neural crest. This process gives the profundus ganglion a curious shape in contrast with nearly all other ganglia, in which the nerves practically always arise from the free end of the ganglion. In this case, as men- tioned above, the profundus nerve arises near the mid-ventral border of the ganglion. The proximal portion of the profundus wnerve is difficult to follow in the 22 mm. embryo on account of its being compressed between the mesial wall of the orbit and the primordia of the eye muscles and adjacent blood vessels. After it reaches a point at the level of the dorsal border of the lens its course 1s easily followed. It forms a gentle curve ceph- alad and ventral, more than half of its course being mesial to the eye. In a 30 mm. specimen the whole course of the nerve is well isolated. The profundus nerve, aside from its large size and length as compared with the r. oph. sup. V, has the relation usual in elas- mobranchs and ganoids. Only two small twigs (figs. 1, Pro. 1, Pro. 2) seem to be given off before the nerve reaches its most 26 F. L. LANDACRE peripheral point of distribution, which is to the skin at a point ventral to the point of entrance of the olfactory nerve into the brain wall. All these run to the ectoderm. The size of this nerve in the specimen plotted as compared with the r. oph. sup. V is much more like the 18 mm. embryo plotted by Seammon (11) than the 20 mm. embryo plotted by the same author. In the 20 mm. embryo plotted by Scammon the r. oph. sup. V is much longer than the r. oph. prof. V. 4. THE GASSERIAN GANGLION The Gasserian ganglion (figs. 1 and 3, G.Gass.) is very large and lies just posterior to the dorsal half of the eye. It is placed diagonally in the head with its long axis nearly in the trans- verse plane but with its proximal end slightly anterior to its distal end. It extends ventrally and slightly caudad from its proximal end so that its distal end lies at the level of the dorsal border of the lens. It comes into contact on its dorsal and an- terior surface with the root of the profundus ganglion and on its ventral and lateral surface with the dorsal lateralis ganglon of VII. On its mesial surface it comes into contact with the m. rectus externus of the eye. Viewed from the lateral surface the ganglion is partly concealed by the dorsal lateralis ganglion of VII and by the r. oph. sup. VII and r. buccalis VII. The ganglion is forked at its distal extremity where the two chief rami arise, but its form is not modified by the exit of the r. oph. sup. V. It is of nearly uniform thickness throughout’ | its length. Excepting the two small roots entering with the portio minor mentioned above, the fibers passing proximally from this ganglion form a single compact and relatively massive root whose fibers pass into the spinal V tract. 5. RAMUS OPHTHALMICUS SUPERFICIALIS V Of the three rami arising from the Gasserian ganglion at this stage, the most anterior one, the r. oph. sup. V (figs. 1 and 2, R.O.S.V.), is much the smallest. It arises on the anterior sur- face of the proximal end of the ganglion slightly dorsal and GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 27 lateral to the point of contact of the root of the profundus with the Gasserian. From its point of exit it pursues a course ceph- alad parallel to the longitudinal axis of the body and slightly ventral and mesial to the r. oph. sup. VII and parallel with that nerve to a point approximately over the anterior end of the lens, where it comes into-contact with the superior oblique muscle of the eye. This contact is at the point of entrance of the trochlear nerve into this muscle and the sensory nerve could not be traced beyond this point in the specimen plotted, conse- quently no mass of cells at the growing point of the nerve could be identified such as Neal (14, plate 7, figs. 55 and 56) figures. © There is, however, a mass of cells apparently not belonging to the muscle but slightly detached from it and containing a few large cells which may be the mass figured by Neal but seems rather to be the primordium of the sympathetic ganglion. This nerve is evidently in a much less mature condition than in the 25 mm. specimen figured by Neal. It may be mentioned incidentally that in my specimen the trochlearis does not show the two well defined rami which he figures in plate 7, figures 54 and 55. These two terminal rami in the specimen plotted are quite small. Otherwise my findings agree with those of Neal and I have nothing to add to his very thorough descrip- tion of the eye muscle nerves. Ther. oph. sup. V gives off one small twig about the middle of its course which runs close to the ectoderm but could not be traced into it with certainty. There is, of course, owing to the small size of this ramus no anasto- mosis with r. oph. sup. VII, as in the adult. The small size of the r. oph. sup. V in Squalus as compared with the large r. oph. prof. at this stage furnishes a basis for an interesting phylogenetic comparison of these nerves, in embryos of different types. In Lepidosteus at approximately the same stage (Landacre, ’12, fig. 1) the two nerves are equal in size. In embryos of urodeles (Coghill, ’16, figs. 1 to 4), the ophthal- mic ramus comes from the profundus ganglion and is identified by him as r. oph. prof. In Anura (Landacre and McLellan, 12) only one ophthalmic ramus comes from V and this comes from the profundus portion of the fused profundus and Gasseri- 28 F. L. LANDACRE an ganglion. Apparently the ophthalmicus profundus has sup- planted largely the r. oph. sup. V in Amphibia. In higher forms the ophthalmic nerve seems to come from the Gasserian ganglion, in which case the r. oph. sup. V. has supplanted the r. oph. profundus. 6. RAMUS MAXILLARIS V The ramus maxillaris V (figs. 1 and 4, R.Mz.V) arises from the ventral end of the Gasserian ganglion and pursues a course directly ventral to the position of the third lateral line organ innervated by the r. bucecalis VII, where it gives off a number of twigs to the ectoderm. From this point it turns slightly cephalad and before reaching its most distal point of distribu- tion gives off several small twigs (fig. 1, S./—4), all of which run to the ectoderm. The extreme end of this nerve breaks up into a number of twigs which could not in some cases be traced to the ectoderm and present the appearance of the tip of a growing nerve. The r. maxillaris is accompanied throughout its whole course by the r. buccalis which lies more lateral in position, but the two nerves are quite separate except at the level of the third lateral line primordium mentioned above where there are two fibrous connections between the two nerves (not shown in fig. 1) in which the fibers seem to pass from the r. maxillaris to the r. bucealis. The R. Mx. V. seems to be purely general somatic sensory. It has no connection at any point with the ganglion or nerves of visceral VII. There is a possibility that lateral line fibers enter it through the two anastomoses mentioned above, in which case it would contain a few lateral line or special somatic fibers. The appearance of the anastomoses do not favor this view and there are no lateral line primordia on the course of the r. maxillaris beyond the anastomoses. There is, further, an anastomosis (fig. 1, R.Com.) between the r. mandib- ularis V and the r. maxillaris V which will be described under the r. mandibularis V. GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 29 7. RAMUS MANDIBULARIS V The r. mandibularis V (figs. 1 and 4, R.Md.V) arises from the distal and ventral end of the Gasserian ganglion slightly pos- terior to the origin of the r. maxillaris V. Its general course is ventral and posterior. This nerve, like the r. maxillaris, is large and easily followed at this stage. The first twig given off (fig. 1, Mo.1) runs dorsal and mesial to enter the primordium of the mandibular muscles. This primordium lies on the mesial side of the nerve throughout its whole course and all the motor twigs run mesially to enter it, while the sensory twigs have a lateral direction. The second twig (fig. 1, S./) runs dorsally and laterally to the ectoderm and is general somatic sensory. The third twig (fig. 1, R.Com.) runs ventrally and slightly laterally and joins the r. maxillaris V, as mentioned above. There can be little doubt from the character of the connec- ‘tion of this anastomosing branch that its fibers run from the mandibularis to the maxillaris and that, since the maxillaris supplies neither lateral line organs nor muscles, the fibers are somatic sensory and destined for the ectoderm, although they could not be followed after entering the r. maxillaris. The fourth (fig. 1, Mo.2) and fifth (fig. 1, Mo.3) twigs are motor and enter the primordium of the mandibular muscles. Their course after leaving the main nerve is ventral and mesial. The sixth twig (fig. 1, S.2) is sensory and runs to the ectoderm. The seventh (fig. 1, Mo.4) is motor and arises nearly opposite the sixth. It runs medially and enters the primordium of the mandibular muscle. The remaining four twigs (fig. 1, S.3-6) seem to be sensory; at leas: they do not enter the primordium of the muscle, since they extend beyond the distal extremity of the muscle. Neither do they enter the ectoderm but disap- pear near the ectoderm and, like the terminal twigs of the r. maxillaris, have the appearance of growing nerves. ‘There can- not be much doubt that they are somatic sensory fibers. 30 F. L. LANDACRE 8. THE DORSAL LATERALIS GANGLION OF VII This large ganglion (figs. 1 and 4, G.L.VIID.) is triangular in form with the r. oph. sup. VII arising from its anterior angle, the r. bucealis arising from its ventral angle and the root of the ganglion representing the third somewhat truncated angle. It lies lateral to the Gasserian ganglion, which it conceals in part from the lateral view and comes into contact with the distal and ventral end of it where the r. max. V andr. mand. V. arise. There is, however, no fusion at this stage. On its posterior and dorsal border it comes into contact with the anterior end of the VIII ganglion. This point of contact consists of a rather close fusion in the specimen plotted, but in a 20 mm. embryo the line separating the two masses of cells is quite distinet and the two roots can be identified up to the point where they enter the brain wall. The root of the dorsal lateral line ganglion of VI! (fig. 1, Rt.L.VIID.) is massive and enters the brain as the most ante- rior division of the large root, of which the root of the auditory ganglion and those of the remaining ganglia of VII compose the posterior division. ‘These relations are not so evident in the specimen plotted as in a 20 mm.’ embryo where there is less fusion. However they can be made out after seeing them in the younger specimen. 9. RAMUS OPHTHALMICUS SUPERFICIALIS VII The r. oph. sup. VII (figs. 1, 2 and 3, R.O.S.VIZ) runs from the anterior angle of the dorsal lateralis VII ganglion and forms a great semicircle curving around the anterior border of the eye and terminating at a point nearly ventral to the middle ot the eye and near the olfactory capsule. Its position is always quite near the ectoderm. It is a pure lateral line nerve and supplies fibers to two large primordia of lateral line organs (fig. 1, L.1 and 1.2). The first of these lies dorsal to the eye and the nerve gives off three well defined twigs, the most posterior of which divides as it enters the primordium. This primordium evi- dently represents the most posterior organs of the supraorbital GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 31 line. The second primordium lies ventral to the anterior border of the eye and just anterior to the nasal capsule. There are six or seven twigs given off to this primordium which represents the anterior supraorbital lateral line organs. 10. RAMUS BUCCALIS VII The ramus buccalis VII (figs. 1 and 4, R.B.VII), a pure lat- eral line nerve, arises from the ventral angle of the dorsal later- alis VII ganglion. It pursues a course directly ventral and slightly posterior to that of the r. max. VII, which it conceals partially from the lateral view. At the point of exit of this ramus from the ganglion and in the angle formed by the r. buccalis and r. oph. sup. VII on the anterior. border of the gan- glion arise two short twigs which run laterally to a primordium of a lateral line organ (fig. 1, Z.1). This is apparently the -primordium of the most posterior organs of the infraorbital line. When the r. buccalis reaches the level of the ventral border of the lens it gives off a twig to a primordium of lateral line organs (fig. 1, 1.3), after which it runs slightly cephalad and ventral to end under the posterior border of the eye. Near its termina- tion it gives off a twig to a second primordium of lateral line organs (fig. 1, £.4). Beyond this point it becomes an extremely delicate twig and disappears while in contact with the ecto- derm. While there are no primordia of lateral line organs be- yond this point, the relation of the terminal ramus to the ecto- derm leaves no doubt that it is lateralis in type. At the opposite posterior border of the ganglion and at a slightly more dorsal level near the point of contact between the dorsal lateralis ganglion with the auditory ganglion arises a second twig (fig. 1, R.O.), the first three divisions of which in- nervate a lateral line primordium (fig. 1, L.2) which is located where the supraorbital and infraorbital lines will probably join. This cannot be stated definitely, of course, since the lateral line organ primordia are discontinuous at this stage, as in Amelurus (Landacre, ’10). It would be interesting to follow the history of these primofdia in a close series in view of the author’s hypo- thesis based on a study of Lepidosteus (Landacre and Conger, a2 F. L. LANDACRE 13) that lateral line primordia arise from discontinuous areas rather than from a continuous area on the ectoderm. After supplying three twigs to the lateral line primordium mentioned above, the ramus continues beyond this point and disappears near the anterior border of the spiracular gill cleft. The nature of this terminal twig could not be determined. This nerve is identified provisionally as the r. oticus VII. 11. THE ACUSTICO-FACIALIS GANGLIONIC COMPLEX These ganglia are rather closely fused, especially at their proximal ends, in the specimen plotted, but with the aid of a 20 mm. embryo the relations seem to be intelligible. The genic- ulate (fig. 1, G.Gen.) and ventral lateralis VII (fig. 1, G.L.VII V) form the ventral portion of a V-shaped mass, of which the auditory ganglion (fig. 1, G.Aw.) forms the dorsal arm. The apex of the V projects cephalad and is formed by the point of union of these two masses near their roots. The apex of the V is In contact with the dorsal lateralis VII ganglion on its posterior surface. The ventral arm of the V extends caudad and slightly ventral, while the dorsal arm formed by the auditory is approxi- mately horizontal. The most anterior member of the group is the geniculate, which lies on the ventral and anterior border of the ventral arm of the V. The ventral lateralis VII les slightly dorsal and lateral to the geniculate partly concealing the geniculate from a lateral view. The VIII ganglion is partly concealed by the auditory vesicle. The root of this complex enters the brain along with that of the dorsal lateralis VII ganglion and occupies a position posterior and mesial to the root of that gariglion. Reading from posterior to anterior the first root encountered, that of the auditory (fig. 1, Rt.Aud.), lies lateral to the two succeeding roots and enters in conjunction with that of dorsal lateralis VII. The next root (fig. 1, Rt.Gen.) encountered is that of the geniculate accom- panied by the motor fibers of the r. hyomandibularis. The third root (fig. 1, Rt..VII V) encountered is that of the ventral lateralis VII. These last two roots mentioned leave the proxi- mal end of the combined ventral lateralis VII and geniculate GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 33 ganglia in the reverse order, 1.e., the root of theventral lateralis is lateral and somewhat posterior in position and in their course from the ganglion to the brain wall they cross so that the root of the ventral lateralis ganglion enters more anterior than that of the geniculate and motor portion of the r. hyomandibularis. The sensory and motor fibers of the combined geniculate and motor root could not be followed separately, since they form a compact bundle. 12. THE AUDITORY GANGLION AND RAMI The auditory ganglion (figs. 1 and 5, G.Auw.) will be treated first, since its relations are much simpler than those of the re- mainder of the complex. The ganglion is well isolated through- out most of its extent, especially in the 20 mm. stage, and its ventral and anterior boundary, which is the one in contact with the remainder of the complex, can be recognized up to the point where it comes into contact with the posterior border of the dorsal lateralis VII; from this point the two masses of enter- ing fibers are distinct but their accompanying cells cannot be distinguished. The most anterior ramus arising from the audi- tory ganglion, enters the auditory vesicle on its ventral and lateral border, while the more posterior rami enter the vesicle on the posterior and mesial border. The undeveloped condi- tion of the auditory vesicle makes it difficult to identify these rami definitely, since the sensory areas of the auditory vesicle are not differentiated. The more anterior ramus seems to be connected with the saccular portion and thetwo posterior rami with the utricular portion. 13. THE GENICULATE GANGLION The geniculate ganglion (figs. 1 and 5, G.Gen.), the most an- terior ganglion of the VII and VIII complex, as mentioned above under the general discussion of the VII and VIII com- plex, lies ventral and slightly mesial tothe ventral lateralis VII. The ganglion can be identified throughout its whole extent, although it is in contact with the ventral lateralis VII. At the 34 F. L. LANDACRE point of exit of the ramus hyomandibularis, however, the fibers from the geniculate and from the ventral lateralis VII fuse into a compact trunk in which the different components cannot be identified. The roots of these two ganglia, as mentioned above can be distinguished. In form the geniculate ganglion is roughly triangular with the root representing the dorsal angle, the origin of the ramus -palatinus and the ramus pretrematicus representing the ven- tral angle and the r. hyomandibularis representing the posterior angle. In the specimen plotted no distinction could be made out between general visceral cells and special visceral cells derived from the epibranchial placode. In a 20 mm. embryo, however, Reed (716) was able to identify these cells and there is, further, in the specimen plotted a slight contact between the genicu- late ganglion and the ectoderm at the point at which the pla- code proliferated cells which were added to the ganglion. 14. RAMUS PALATINUS AND RAMUS PRETREMATICUS These two nerves arise from the ventral angle of the genicu- late ganglion where it rests on the anterior face of the spiracular gill cleft. Just at the point of emergence of the larger r. pala- tinus, a small twig, the ramus pretrematicus (fig. 1, R.Pr.VIJ) or ramus prespiracularis VII, arises and immediately divides running caudad along the anterior wall of the spiracular cleft. Beyond this point the r. palatinus (figs. 1 and 5, R.Pal.VIT) passes nearly ventral in direction, dividing into two twigs neither of which reaches the endoderm of the pharynx. Both, however, pass in a mesial and ventral direction and come into close rela- tion with the endoderm. While several of the finer divisions of these twigs can be identified last in the loose mesenchyme near the pharyngeal endoderm, there is every reason, from the behavior of these nerves in other types and the absence of muscle primordia in their vicinity, for identifying them all as visceral sensory nerves. At the posterior angle of the ganglion there is given off, at the point where the geniculate ganglion joins the ventral lateral line ganglion, a ramus which immediately fuses so closely with GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 30 fibers from the lateral line ganglion forming the ramus hyo- mandibularis that the two components are indistinguishable. Consequently the ramus hyomandibularis willbe described sepa- rately, since it contains not only visceral sensory fibers from the geniculate but lateral line fibers and motor fibers as well. 15. THE VENTRAL LATERALIS VII GANGLION The ganglion identified as ventral lateralis VII (figs. 1 and 5, G.L.VII V.) occupies the position with reference to the geniculate and auditory usually held in the embryos of fishes and amphibians (Landacre, ’14) but is surprisingly large in pro- portion to the single lateral line primordium innervated by the r. hyomandibularis into which all the fibers from this ganglion pass. This disproportion may be explained on the basis that, while the r. hyomandibularis innervates in the adult at least five lateral line organs in the hyomandibular line, only one has appeared at this stage. The ventral lateralis VII is approxi- mately as large as the geniculate and rather closely fused with it, although, as stated in discussing the geniculate, it can at all points in the contact be distinguished from it except in the r. hyomandibularis, and further the root of the lateral line ganglion can be traced into the brain where it enters with that of the dorsal lateralis VII. The ventral lateralis ganglion is crescent-shaped with the convexity on the ventral side and no pure lateral line rami leave it at this time so that the evidence for its identity except as presented above is not so definite as for the other members of the acustico-facial complex of ganglia. 16. TRUNCUS HYOMANDIBULARIS The truncus hyomandibularis (fig. 1, R.Hyo.VII) is a mixed nerve quite compact in structure and easy to follow but some- what difficult to analyze. It arises from the posterior fused ends of the geniculate and ventral lateralis VII. It pursues a course slightly ventro-caudad to a point where it gives off a motor twig (fig. 1, Mo.1) to the primordium of the hyoid muscu- lature, then turns directly ventral. I+ gives off next three twigs THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 1 36 F. L. LANDACRE (figs. 1, S.1, 2 and 3) which run toward but do not reach the endoderm. ‘They are certainly not motor and are apparently visceral sensory. Beyond this point there is given off a twig which runs slightly cephalad and dorsal to end on a primordium of a lateral line organ (fig. 1, L.1). Opposite the lateral line twig is given off a long motor twig (fig. 1, Mo.2) which runs ventral and caudad and after giving off several motor twigs enters the extreme end of the primordium of the hyoid muscles. Between the lateral lme and the motor twigs arise two large twigs (figs. 1, S.4 and 5) which run directly to the ectoderm. The ectoderm at this point is slightly thickened but not sufficiently differentiated to enable one to determine positively whether the thickening is that of a lateral line primordium or of gustatory organs. It has more the appearance of early gusta- tory organs and I have identified these twigs as visceral sensory, although so far as their appearance and mode of termination is concerned, aside from the slight thickening of the ectoderm, they might be general somatic sensory. ‘The evidence against this view rests on the absence of any recognizable somatic sen- sory ganglion on this nerve at this time and the absence of any connecting ramus from the Gasserian ganglion. This is said to be present in the adult. In view of the fact that there are said to be not only general somatic fibers in the VII which may come from the Gasserian ganglion but that in certain types such as Amblystoma (Land- acre, 714, note on p. 603) there are fibers of this character in the VII and, further, that Norris (’13) has deseribed a general cu- taneous ganglion on the VII, a careful search was made in the type plotted for such a ganglion, especially in view of the diffi- culty of determining ‘the character of the fibers mentioned above. No isolated ganglionic mass aside from those already described could be identified either on the 22 mm. or on older specimens. However, the late differentiation of the general cutaneous ganglia and the small size of their cells, making them hard to distinguish from the indifferent cells found on the roots of all nerves, render it unsafe to say that there are no such cells or fibers in the VII nerve. This interesting point must be GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS BE settled on older material than that at my disposal. From the material at hand the evidence seems to be against such a view. If they are found in other vertebrate types they should certainly be expected in such a generalized type as the shark. 17. THE GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL GANGLION AND ROOT The glossopharyngeal ganglion is elongated in its dorso- ventral axis, extending from the middle of the medulla ventrally and slightly caudad nearly to the level of the roof of the pharynx. It contains two easily recognizable divisions; the proximal is the lateralis IX ganglion (figs. 1 and 6, G.L.JX) and the distal and ventral division is the visceral division or ganglion petro- sum (figs. 1 and 6, G.V.JX). The proximal division extends from the point of contact with the medulla to the point of ori- gin of the ramus supratemporalis IX (figs. 1 and 6, R.St.1X). The two ganglionic masses are in contact at this point and can- not be distinguished with certainty but throughout the re- mainder of the extent of the lateralis ganglion the visceral gan- glion is represented by a fibrous root apparently not accom- panied by ganglion cells. A short distance ventral to the origin of the ramus supratemporalis the lateral line ganglion cells cease and it could not be determined with certainty that no lateral line fibers entered the truncus glossopharyngeus. No lateral line primordia are innervated, however, by that nerve beyond those mentioned below and presumably no lateral line fibers enter it at this stage. The root of the lateral line IX (fig. 1, Rt.L.7X+X) passes dorsally, mesial to the posterior end of the auditory capsule, along with visceral sensory and motor fibers of the. truncus glossopharyngeus. In that part of their course between the proximal end of the ganglion and the medulla both the lateral line root and the visceral sensory and motor roots are fibrous and form a compact bundle. Unless, however, the lateral line fibers change their position in this region of the root, the vis- ceral fibers, both motor and sensory, enter at a somewhat more ventral level where they join a more mesial column than the 38 F, L. LANDACRE lateral line fibers. The lateral line fibers join those of the lateral line root of X and enter at a somewhat more dorsal level, passing into a well defined column in contact with the limiting membrane of the lateral wall of the medulla. The ganglion petrosum or visceral IX (figs. 1 and 6, G.V.LX), » as mentioned above, begins at the point of origin of the ramus supratemporalis IX and extends ventrally and caudally to the dorsal border of the gill pocket. Its distal end is still in con- tact with the epibranchial placode (fig. 7, G.V.IX-+ Pl) and cells are evidently being added to the ganglion in the specimen plotted. From the distal end of the ganglion extends cau- dally a large mass of cells (fig. 1, G.P.JX) closely in contact with the ectoderm, which is apparently not yet fully incorporated into the ganglion giving it a curious form. ‘The same appear- ance is presented by the visceral portion of the VII ganglion in a 26 mm. embryo. This mass will probably be incorporated with the remaining cells to give the slender spindle-shaped gan- glion of the adult. Throughout the whole extent of the petro- sal ganglion the visceral motor component of the truncus glosso- pharyngeus can be followed, but in the root of the ganglion, motor and sensory fibers are so closely fused that they cannot be separated. They enter the medulla somewhat more ventral than the lateral line root but at the same anterior-posterior level (fig. 1, Rt.Vis.IX). 18. RAMUS SUPRATEMPORALIS IX The ramus supratemporalis IX (figs. 1 and 6, R.St.LX) arises from the distal end of the lateralis IX ganglion, from which point jt runs directly lateral then curves slightly posterior and then runs dorsal and slightly anterior. The first twig is given off a short distance from its exit from the ganglion and ends on a small primordium of a lateral line organ (fig. 1, L.1). A sec- ond small twig (not named on figure 1), arises at the same point runs slightly more dorsal and comes quite close to the ectoderm but does not enter it. The ectoderm is not modified at this point and the nature of this twig could not be identified. It re- GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 39 sembles a general cutaneous nerve but the absence of any iso- lated general somatic ganglion argues against this view. It is more probable that it is a special visceral sensory nerve such as accompanies the ramus supratemporal IX in Menidia (Herrick, 99). The visceral sensory ganglion on IX is so situated that fibers from that ganglion could readily enter the ramus supra- temporalis. From the point of origin of these two twigs the ramus supratemporalis curves dorsal and cephalad to end on the primordium of a lateral line organ (fig. 1, L.2) situated almost directly lateral to the proximal end of the ductus endolymphat- icus. 19. RAMUS PHARYNGEUS AND RAMUS PRETREMATICUS Ix These two rami arise together as one nerve from the middle of the anterior border of the ganglion petrosum. The first twigs to be given off are the pretrematic rami (figs. 1 and 6, R.Pr.IX) which curve caudad and end on the epithelium of the gill bar. The second ramus or ramus pharyngeus (figs. 1 and 6, R.Ph.IX) turns ventral and mesial and after pursuing a much longer course comes into direct contact with the endoderm of the roof of the pharynx. All these rami are evidently visceral sensory. 20. TRUNCUS GLOSSOPHARYNGEUS The truncus glossopharyngeus (figs. 1 and 7, R.PO.LX) arises from the distal end of the ganglion petrosum and is a combined sensory and motor root containing visceral sensory and visceral motor fibers so closely combined that they cannot be distin- guished. This nerve runs ventral and slightly caudad to the level of the floor of the pharynx. The first twig given off is sensory, arises quite close to the ganglion and runs to the endo- derm of the gill bar. The third twig (fig. 1, Mo.1) is motor entering the primordium of the branchial musculature as do all the motor twigs of this nerve. The second, fourth and fifth (figs. 1, S.2, 3 and 4) are sensory and run to the epithelium of the gill bar. The sixth twig (fig. 1, Mo.2) seems to be motor, as does also the seventh and terminal twig. However, the muscle 40 F, L. LANDACRE primordia are at this time poorly developed and one or more of these twigs may be visceral sensory. No lateral line organ primordia are present at any point innervated by the truncus glossopharyngeus and all its sensory fibers seem to be visceral sensory. 21. THE VAGUS GANGLIA The vagus ganglion is irregular in form. It extends in the longitudinal axis from the point of entrance of the IX caudad to the level of the third spinal ganglion. Its dorsal portion is thin from mesial to lateral but is continuous from the point of en- trance of the IX to a point directly over the dorsal border of the second true gill slit, from which point it extends caudally as a narrow strand of cells which is continuous with the first spinal ganglion. This proximal portion of the ganglion, which con- tains root fibers and the primordium of the somatic sensory or jugular X ganglion, is continued ventrally by five branchial ganglia. The anterior branchial ganglia are well isolated but the posterior ones are somewhat more fused. The proximal portion of each of the first three branchial ganglia is chiefly lateral line plus root fibers and will be designated as lateralis ganglia X,, X., X;. The distal portion of all five is visceral sensory and will be designated as visceral ganglia X,, Xs, X3, Xu, Xs. The lateral line rami arise from the dorsal and lateral borders of the proximal or lateral line portions, while from the distal or visceral portions arise the pretrematic, posttrematic and motor rami. All the branchial ganglia extend from their proximal ends in a ventral and caudal direction and all the visceral sen- sory ganglia of X are still in contact with their respective epi- branchial placodes and are still receiving cells from these sources as in the 20 mm. embryo (Reed 716). The proximal portion of the first’ two branchial ganglia (including the lateralis ganglion X, and the jugular ganglion associated with branchial X, and X,) and nearly all of the lateralis ganglion X. (including of course all roots of X) lie mesial to the primordium of the somatic musculature. The distal portiens of visceral X, and X, and X, lie lateral to the muscle primordium while the lateral line ganglion X; and the remainder of visceral X, and X; lie ven- GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 41 tral to this muscle primordium. The epibranchial portions of X, and X; which are still attached to the ectoderm are more lateral in position and not directly under the muscle primordium. The muscle primordium is pierced by the proximal end of the visceral ganglion of branchial Xo». 22. THE VAGUS ROOTS The analysis of the vagus roots in detail beyond the number and point of attachment is very difficult and sometimes impos- sible in a 22 mm. embryo. The first root of X (fig. 1, Rt.L.IJX-+X) is a lateral line root and enters along with the lateral line root of LX just dorsal to the visceral sensory and motor roots of IX. Posterior to this most anterior root are three roots much alike in appearance. These three roots arise anterior to the level of the point of origin of the r. supratemporalis X. The second, third and fourth roots arise from the thicker anterior portion of the X ganglion, while the first or lateralis root, joins the brain wall only after a rather long course cephalad as is usually the case with the lateral line root of X which connects the X ganglion with the IX. Each of the second, third and fourth roots is round in trans- verse section, contains a rather large number of cells on the anterior face of the root, and as it enters the brain wall, divides into two divisions one of which turns slightly dorsally and the other ventrally and mesially. Owing to the very minute size of the general cutaneous rami of X the dorsal division is identi- fied provisionally as visceral sensory and the more ventral divi- sion as visceral motor. The more dorsal fibers do not enter the tract which the lateral line fibers of IX and X from the first root enter, but do enter the same column entered by the more ventral or visceral root of IX. Caudally of the first four roots there are twelve to fifteen roots (not named on figure 1) arising from the more attenuated caudal portion of the ganglion, all of which show the same composition as the second, third and fourth. They are slightly smaller and each root on entering the medulla divides into a dorsal and a ventral branch. The dorsal division becomes progressively smaller in the more posterior roots, and 42 F, L. LANDACRE some of the posterior roots on the opposite side from that plotted, are made up exclusively of the ventrally directed roots. These roots are identified provisionally, for reasons given above, the dorsal as visceral sensory, and the ventral as visceral motor. 23. THE JUGULAR XTH GANGLION The mass of cells identified as the jugular or general cutaneous ganglion of X (figs. 1 and 7, G.J.X.) is situated in the proximal portion of the X complex. It les lateral to the proximal at- tenuated fibrous root and extends from the level of the anterior end of the lateralis ganglion on branchial X,, to the middle of the lateralis ganglion on X,. It lies dorsal to both these ganglia where it comes into contact with them and, except for the fibrous bundle running between X, and X,, it forms the ventral bound- ary of the Xth complex in this region. This ganglion is com- posed of small cells and is apparently in a very immature con- dition, as is the same ganglion in Amelurus and Lepidosteus (Landacre, ’10 and 712) in approximately the same stage of development. No root fibers from this ganglion could be identified. The mass of cells described above as the jugular ganglion is found in a 20 mm. embryo, but is better defined in a 25 mm. embryo, where it is well isolated from the ganglia lateralis Xy and X, with which it is in contact on its posterior and ventral surface. In a 30 mm. embryo this mass of cells is not isolated but seems to be fused with lateralis X;. If this interpretation is correct, it has migrated, between the 25 mm. stage and the 30 mm. stage, from a position mesial to the somatic muscle pri- mordium to a position lateral to this primordium. This is equivalent to a migration from an intracranial to an extra- cranial position. 24, RAMUS AURICULARIS The ramus auricularis (figs. 1, 9, 10 and 11, R.Aur.) or ramus cutaneous dorsalis vagi has not been identified with certainty. There are certainly no well defined nerves of this character arising from the dorsal and proximal portion of the Xth gan- GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 43 glionic complex which is the usual place of origin of this nerve in embryos. All the embryos at my disposal from 20 mm. to 30 mm. have been examined repeatedly with the greatest care and no nerves pass dorsally to the ectoderm from the proximal portion of the ganglion. ‘This is true of the 25 mm. embryo, where the mass of cells identified above as the jugular ganglion is best isolated. There are, however, in the 22 mm. and 25 mm. embryos sev- eral minute processes arising from the posterior and dorsal bor- der of the root of X which could not be followed farther than the width of one ganglion cell but present the appearance of very immature nerves. They are constant in neither number nor position and vary in both on opposite side of the same embryo and are not included in the reconstruction in figure 1. In the 30 mm. embryo a nerve arises apparently from the root of X near the first spinal ganglion but not from it and runs, cephalad passing along the ventral border of the anterior end of the primordium of the somatic musculature then runs to the ectoderm of the mid-dorsal region of the head where it ends just posterior to the area supplied by the most dorsal rami of supratemporalis IX and X. ‘This nerve is very small and could not be located on the opposite side of the same specimen. It has the usual distribution of a r. auricularis In embryos except that it arises too far posterior. There is in addition in all embryos from 22 mm. to 30 mm. in length a nerve (figs. 1, 9, 10 and 11, R.Aur.) running out with the lateral line ramus arising from the ganglion lateralis X»._ It arises with the lateral line nerve but soon separates from it and pursues a course caudad parallel to it but slightly more ventral in position than the lateral line nerve to a point near the third spinal ganglion, when it turns dorsal and is distributed to the ectoderm. Its relation to the lateral line nerve is not entirely clear since it seems to form anastomoses with it but some of the fibers of this nerve are distributed to the ectoderm at points where there are no lateral line primordia at the stages studied. The fibers seem to pursue a course from the distal end of the jugular ganglion proximally along the dorsal border of lateralis 44 F, L. LANDACRE X;. This nerve is identified provisionally as the ramus auricu- laris. Both the jugular ganglion and its nerve are surprisingly small and there seems to be a large amount of ectoderm on the posterior portion of the head devoid of general cutaneous in- nervation at the stages studied. Both the nerves identified as supratemporal rami were carefully examined for general cu- taneous fibers without success. The morphology of the r. au- ricularis X has been treated fully by Herrick (99, p. 267-273). A more detailed description of this nerve requires older. material than that at my disposal. 25. THE GANGLION LATERALE Xi There are three lateral line ganglia on the Xth nerve occupy- ing the proximal portions of the first four branchial ganglia which will be designated in the description as Laterale X4, X», “and X; respectively. The most anterior or laterale X, (figs. 1 and 7, G.L.X,) is situated on the proximal portion of branchial X,. It extends from the anterior end of the jugular ganglion ventrally and caudally along the root fibers of branchial X, almost to the proximal end of the ganglion viscerale X,. It does not at this stage come into contact with that ganglion, there being a short fibrous root of viscerale X; containing no cells. On its proximal end it is in contact with the jugular ganglion to which it is ventral in position. Throughout the whole length of the lateralis X, ganglion the root of the ganglion viscerale X, and motor X le mesial to it. This ganglion is compact and nearly round in transverse sec- tion except at the origin of two lateral line rami, where a large mass of cells projects laterally toward the ectoderm making the ganglion triangular in form. Its cells are large and readily distinguished from those of the jugular X, with which it is in contact dorsally. The cells of this lateral line ganglion are not readily distinguished from those of the visceral ganglion, but this produces no confusion here since these two ganglia are not in contact. GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 45 26. RAMUS SUPRATEMPORALIS VAGI The ramus supratemporalis X (figs. 1 and 7, R.St.X) arises near the middle of the lateral surface of the ganglion laterale X, from a prominent mass of cells that extends from the ganglion nearly to the ectoderm. Immediately after its origin the ramus divides into two twigs, posterior and anterior, the posterior nerve running nearly directly caudad and the anterior larger twig curving dorsal and cephalad. The anterior twig innervates the primordia of two lateral line organs, of which the proximal one (fig. 1, L.2) lies directly over the point of origin of the com- bined ramus and at the dorso-ventral level of the attachment of the roots of X to the medulla. The other organ (fig. 1, L.1) lies farther dorsal and anterior at the level of the entrance of the second root of X and at a dorso-ventral level of the dorsal border of the auditory vesicle. The posterior twig supplies a long primordium of lateral line organs (fig. 1, 1.3), to which it gives off two twigs, indicating that there will be at least two organs derived from this primordium in the adult. This lat- eral line primordium lies directly over the visceral ganglion of branchialis X, and just ventral to the level of the posterior roots of X. It is placed diagonally to the long axis of the body with the anterior end more dorsal. . In a 20 mm. embryo this primordium and the more posterior of the two innervated by the anterior twig are continuous, while the most anterior lateral line primordium is not present. The rapid appearance of these primordia at this time renders diffi- cult the exact identification of the organs as belonging to the main head lateral line or as being accessory. The occipital lateral line commissure is not yet formed and these organs, in- cluding the one innervated by supratemporalis IX, are identi- fied as the last four organs of the head posterior to the junction of infraorbital and supraorbital lines, the primordium inner- vated by the most proximal and posterior twig of dorsal lateralis VII being considered as the point of future junction of supra- orbital and infraorbital lines. The primordium innervated by 46 F. L. LANDACRE the posterior twig of lateralis X, may belong to the main body line. It les much more ventral in position than those inner- vated by the anterior twig. 27. THE GANGLION LATERALE X, The lateralis ganglion (figs. 1 and 8, G.L.X,) associated with the second branchial ganglion of X resembles that on the first branchial ganglion of X in its relations to other members of the complex. It is, however, longer and placed parallel to the long axis of the body. It is not so definitely confined to its branchial ganglion as that on X,, since its posterior end is con- tinuous with lateralis X;. Its proximal and anterior end is mesial to the somatic muscle primordium and is in contact with jugular X, to which it hes ventral. Throughout its whole course it lies lateral to the fibrous motor and sensory root of the remaining visceral ganglia of X. Its posterior and distal end lies lateral to the somatic muscle primordium. On its extreme distal and posterior end its cells are continuous with those of lateralis X; and throughout the posterior half of its extent it is in contact with the visceral ganglion of branchial X;, to which it lies dorsal. Throughout the proximal portion of this contact the two ganglia are closely fused and, owing to the similarity in size of their cells, indistinguishable. However, throughout the greater portion of the contact the combined ganglia are indented both on the mesial and on their lateral surfaces, indicating the line of separation between them. Near its posterior end this ganglion gives rise to the first ramus lateralis X. 28. FIRST RAMUS LATERALIS X Owing to the position of the lateral line primordium inner- vated by the lateral line ramus arising from this ganglion, it is identified as the first primordium of the main body line and its nerve as the first lateral line ramus of X, rather than as a homo- logue of the more anterior ramus supratemporalis X. The study of this nerve in much older material, however, may show it to be homologous to a supratemporal ramus. GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 47 This nerve (figs. 1, 9, 10 and 11, R.L.X.1) arises near the posterior end of ganglion laterale X, accompanied by the nerve identified as ramus auricularis. Immediately after its exit from the ganglion it gives off a small twig to the lateral line primor- dium. Posterior to this twig at least two more twigs are given off to the same primordium which extends caudad to the level of the first spinal ganglion. Posterior to this point the ter- minal twig of this nerve can be followed, but it does not end on a lateral line primordium. There is nothing in its relation to the ectoderm, other than the absence of lateral line primordia posterior to this point, by which to identify it. The extremely immature condition of the general cutaneous rami of X make it difficult to be certain of its identity. The only other possi- bility apparently is that it might be a visceral sensory twig destined for terminal buds on the ectoderm. This can be de- termined, however, only on older material and it is indicated on the plot as a lateral line nerve. 29 THE GANGLION LATERALE X; This ganglion (figs. 1, 9, 10 and 11, G.L.X;) shows many of the characteristics of lateralis X,. It is longer and placed slightly more diagonally in the body with its anterior end more dorsal than its posterior end. The ganglion is round in trans- verse section and lies throughout its whole extent lateral to the primordium of the somatic musculature. At its anterior and proximal end it is in contact and con- tinuous with lateralis X» on its dorsal surface, while on its ven- tral surface it is contact for a short distance with the visceral ganglion of X». The remainder of its dorsal surface is free, but on its ventral surface it is in contact first with the visceral ganglion of X;, and at its posterior end for a short distance with the visceral ganglion of X,. Its ganglion cells are much larger than the visceral ganglion cells and their identification is easy. The fibrous motor and sensory roots of the complex posterior to this point lie on the ventral portion of lateralis X; instead of on the mesial surface, as in the case of the two preceding lateral line ganglia. AS F, L. LANDACRE 30. SECOND AND THIRD RAMI LATERALES X The lateral line trunk (figs. 1, 12 and 13, R.L.X.2) for the body lateral line organs arises by two rami from the dorsal and lateral surface, near the posterior end of lateralis X;, the gan- glion cells continuing caudad for a short distance beyond the second of the two twigs which make up this ramus. They arise near together and on the side plotted remain distinct but on the opposite side of the same embryo after a short course as separate twigs combine into a single ramus which retains nearly its origi- nal size back to the level of the middle of the yolk stalk, where my series ends. From the anterior twig several small branches run to thicken- ings of the skin which were identified as primordia of lateral line organs. 31. THE GANGLIA VISCERALIA X; TO X, The visceral sensory portions of the branchial ganglia of X (fig. 1, G.V.X-. to X;; figs. 8 to 12, G.V.X, to X; + Fl) are all similar in form with the exception that the first three are much better isolated than the remaining two. All give rise to pharyn- geal and pretrematic and posttrematic rami. All these visceral ganglia are still attached to the epibranchial placodes of their respective gills and all are still receiving cells from the ecto- derm. The attachment of the last three is much more inti- mate and more extensive in proportion to the size of the gan- glion than that of the first two. The last two ganglia are much more poorly defined with more uneven borders than the anterior ones which are sharply isolated from the surrounding mesen- chyme. The first three ganglia are spindle-shaped, round in transverse section, placed diagonally in the body with the proxi- mal end slightly anterior, and end distally in the enlargement formed by their fusion with their epibranchial placodes. The posterior extremities of the last two are similarly attached, but these two ganglia are fused in their proximal portions. From the point of attachment of each ganglion to its placode there is a large cellular mass which extends caudad from the main body of the ganglion. This mass presumably will be GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 49 incorporated into the main body of the ganglion, as in the vis- ceral ganglion of VII. There are at this stage five of the true gill slits open, but there is posterior to the last gill slit an epi- branchial ganglion. This is interpreted as a vestigial fifth branchial ganglion of X. 32. FIRST TRUNCUS BRANCHIALIS X There are three rami arising from the distal and ventral end of the first ganglion branchialis vagi. The first nerve is the ramus pharyngeus (fig. 1, R.Ph.X,) which runs mesially and ventrally to the roof of the pharynx. The second ramus is the ramus pretrematicus (figs. 1 and 8, R.Pr.X,) which is sensory and comes into contact with the anterior border of the gill slit. Both these rami arise from the ganglion where it is still in con- tact with the epibranchial placode and will doubtless contain gustatory fibers. The posttrematic nerve (figs. 1 and 9, R.Po.X,) is large and arises from the extreme distal end of the ganglion. It pursues a course ventral and slightly caudal in the gill bar. The first two rami (fig. 1, Mo.1 and Mo.2) given off are motor, the third (fig. 1, S.1) sensory, and the fourth and fifth or terminal are again motor (fig. 1, Mo.3 and Mo.4). No posttrematic sensory ramus similar to that on IX could be detected. 33. SECOND TRUNCUS BRANCHIALIS X The second branchial trunk is quite like the first, possessing a ramus pharyngeus (figs. 1, R.Ph.X2) and ramus pretrematicus (fig. 1, R.Pr.X.), both sensory and arising from that portion of the visceral ganglion fused to the epibranchial placode. The posttrematic nerve (figs. 1 and 10, R.Po.X,) arises from the dis- tal and ventral end of the ganglion and runs ventrally from this point. The first twig given off is motor, the second sensory, while the third and terminal twig is motor. All sensory twigs from the first and second pretrematic nerves turn laterally toward the ectoderm, while the motor twigs turn mesially to the primordium of the branchial musculature. 50 F, L. LANDACRE 34. THIRD TRUNCUS,BRANCHIALIS X The third branchialis ramus repeats the pattern of the sec- ond, having a ramus pharyngeus (fig. 1, R.Ph.X;) and ramus pretrematicus (figs. 1, 11, R.Pr.X;) with the same relation to the epibranchial ganglion. The posttrematic ramus (figs. 1, 12, R.PoX;) seems to lack sensory fibers; at least none could be detected. The terminal ramus of the third posttrematic nerve curves forward to end on the primordium of the branchial mus- culature, and, in fact, the whole ramus forms a gentle curve cephalad. The rami of the fourth branchial nerve are small, particularly the ramus pharyngeus and the ramus pretrematicus. 35. FOURTH TRUNCUS BRANCHIALIS X The first division of the fourth branchial nerve arises as two minute twigs in the position occupied by the ramus pharyngeus and ramus pretrematicus on the more anterior branchial gan- glia. They (fig. 1, R.Ph.X,and R.Pr.X,) are identified as these nerves although their minute size prevents their being followed to their terminations. The ramus posttrematicus (figs. 1, 13, R.PoX:) is much easier to follow and pursues a course behind the last gill slit ventrally, then curves slightly forward to pass to the heart, where it can be identified last near the wall of the pericardium. It is identified provisionally as the ramus Car- diacus X. 36. THE GANGLION VISCERALE X; The fifth branchial ganglion (figs. 1, 12, 13, G.V.X;) extends caudad from the fourth as a large mass of cells fully as large as any of the preceding branchial ganglia. At its posterior end it is fused with an indertation of the ectoderm, as are the more anterior branchial ganglia at their attachment to the placodes (fig. 1, G.P.X;). The attachment is small and there is no cor- responding pharyngeal evagination. The large bundle of fibers that has accompanied all the remaining branchial ganglia lying on their ventral or mesial surfaces, disappears in this ganglion. GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 51 37. RAMUS VISCERALIS X There is in the specimen plotted no ramus visceralis arising from the posterior end of the ganglion visceralis X; such as Neal (14, plate 7, fig. 36) plots in a 25 mm. embryo. Neither is there in my 25 mm. embryo any well defined ramus visceralis or vagus nerve, although the posterior end of this ganglion is ragged and seems to give rise to a very immature nerve trunk. This is rather surprising in view of the condition of the first two spinal nerves and the anterior sympathetic ganglia and rami communicantes, all of which are well formed in the 22 mm. . embryo. There are several minute twigs arising from the ven- tral and mesial surfaces of this ganglion but their destination could not be determined. Their general course is mesial but they are quite short. In a 30 mm. embryo, however, the ramus visceralis X (fig. 1, R.Vis. X) is well formed and runs directly ventrad and caudad and has the usual distribution of the vagus nerve. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION Squalus acanthias possesses at the stage of 22 mm. eighteen separate cerebral ganglia. Of these eighteen ganglia the gan- glia profundus, Gasserian, lateralis VII dorsalis, and acusticus, are isolated so that the nerves arising from them are pure and readily identified. The remaining ganglia are in contact with and sometimes fused with other ganglia so that, while they can be identified, they are not separate as are those mentioned above. The nerves arising from these ganglia which are in contact are mixed with motor fibers only except in the follow- ing cases. The nervus terminalis is combined with the olfac- tory, the ramus auricularis X seems to be fused with the ramus lateralis X,, and the hyomandibularis contains both lateralis and visceral sensory fibers. The following table gives schemati- cally the ganglia and rami as identified. The nervus terminalis is placed provisionally under the general cutaneous component where it is classified by Johnston (’06, p. 106). Brookover (’10), however, presents strong evidence for THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 1 52 F. L. LANDACRE TABLE I Showing the ganglia and rami of a 22 mm. embryo of Squalus acanthias COMPONENT GANGLIA LATERAL LINE NERVES NERVES No ganglion......... Olfactory ‘Rernainvalliisiapeerieere Terminalis? Prokundtsseeree ase: R. Oph. Prof. R. Oph. Sup. V (Gasseriane oso" oe R. Max. V j R. Mand. V R. Oph. Sup. VII hate Villidorse. se eee By Gerae. iil ve Otamy aul Lat. VIL vents...04.- \ R. Hyom, Vil Re Ralsavalil Geniculate.......... a Prett. VII R. Hyom. VII ACUSUICUSS-Eeeen eee Acusticus . Watery 6 ie ccd R. Supt. IX : 18, 12m, ID ae or Viscer- i Deee tine BASE Gk: sa BR ePospehie IUPILATGe ss 4 ee R. Auricularis IDEN Ket! Giegeoosen soni! Leto tsb atts WatenalXG-ceec eel Meola tem Nel ibyaemall SGocgesse sooo! Jats. bakes UC, 2 R. Phar. Xy WViscenralexa.. eee B Prett. Xy 1RY. Postt. XG R. Phar. Xe WiASCeraliXG: 2... 2058 R Prett. Xe R. Postt. X» R. Phar. X3 Wiscerall XG. 26 24: i Prett. X3 R. Postt. X3 (R. Phar. X4 ; i Rie enetoaeses Waiscerall Xie pete: ‘5 Poet \ or R. Car WViscerdllents-. ee R. Visceralis GENERAL CUTANEOUS VISCERAL NERVES classifying this nerve as a sympathetic nerve rather than as a general cutaneous nerve. The roots of these ganglia, in sharp contrast with the nerves, are all complex and enter the brain, aside from the nervus ter- GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 53 minalis, in three chief divisions: the Gasserian and the profun- dus root complex, the VII—VIII root complex, and the [IX—-X root complex. The most striking features of the embryonic ganglia of Squalus in comparison with Ameiurus and Lepidosteus (Landacre, ’10 and 712) are, first, the presence of three distinct lateral line ganglia on X and, second, the immature condition of the gen- eral cutaneous ganglia on X and the absence of a separate ramus auricularis, this nerve being fused with the ramus lateralis X.1. The presence on IX of a general cutaneous ganglion in several vertebrate types including apparently man, and, particularly, the presence of general cutaneous ganglia and fibers in both VII and IX in Petromyzon (Johnston, ’05) would lead one to_ expect them in Squalus. A careful search failed to demon- strate them. However, since the general cutaneous compo- nent on X matures very late and the jugular ganglion is always small and ill defined, a study of older material may show cu- taneous ganglia and fibers in both VII and IX. The special visceral or gustatory cells on VII, IX and X cannot in a 22 mm. embryo be distinguished sharply from the general visceral or branchial cells, although all of the bran- chial ganglia on X are still in contact with their respective epi- branchial placodes. In a 20 mm. embryo (Reed, ’16) the proc- ess of contribution of cells by the epibranchial placodes and their metamorphosis into ganglion cells can be observed. The terminal buds or gustatory organs seem to be late in appearance. They are present in the 30 mm. embryo but material fixed in vom Rath is not particularly favorable for their identification and their number and position are not described in this paper. Taste buds could not be identified with certainty in the embryo plotted. The branchial ganglia of Squalus are well isolated in compari- son with Ameiurus and Lepidosteus at similar stages. All of the visceral ganglia on IX and X and most of the lateral line gan- glia are in finger-like processes extending ventrally above their respective gill slits. In Ameiurus and Lepidosteus and particu- larly in Rana there is a large mass of cells from which the suc- 54 F, L. LANDACRE cessive branchial ganglia extend ventrally. In Squalus this mass of cells is replaced by the fibrous roots of IX and X and contains no cells except those of the jugular ganglion which are situated here up to the 25 mm. stage. The very small size of the r. oph. sup. V in comparison with the large r. oph. prof. is worthy of note. The disappearance of the profundus nerve in higher forms is certainly not fore- shadowed in Squalus. If we compare with these conditions the condition in Amphibia (Coghill, ’01, 02, ’06), where the oph- thalmic nerve is treated as an ophthalmicus profundus, it raises an interesting question concerning the relationship of these forms with the higher vertebrates which have apparently lost both the ophthalmicus profundus ganglion and nerve. How- ever, the ophthalmicus profundus ganglion is said to be present in the cat between the stages of 10 and 21 somites but its fate is not described (Shulte and Tilney, 15). The usual conception of the sharks as generalized verte- brates is borne out by the condition of the ganglia and nerves with the possible exception of the general cutaneous component. GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 55 LITERATURE CITED Brooxover, Cuas. 1908 Pinkus’ nerve in Amia and Lepidosteus. Science, N.S., vol. 27, p. 913. 1910 The olfactory nerve and nervus terminalis and the preoptic sympathetic system in Amia. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 20. Brookover, Cuas. AND Jackson, T. S. 1911 The olfactory nerve and the nervus terminalis in Ameiurus. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 21, no. 3. Cocuitt, G. E. 1901 The rami of the fifth nerve in Amphibia. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 11, no. 1. 1902 The cranial nerves of Amblystoma tigrinum. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 12, no. 3. 1906 The cranial nerves of Triton taeniatus. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 16, no. 4. 1916 Correlated anatomical and physiological studies of the growth of the nervous system of Amphibia. II. The afferent system of Amblystoma. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 26, no. 3. Herrick, C. Jupson 1899 The cranial and first spinal nerves of Menidia. A contribution upon the nerve components of bony fishes. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 9, nos. 3 and 4. Jounston, J. B. 1905 The cranial nerves of Petromyzon. Morph. Jahr., Bd. 34, Heft 2. 1906 The nervous system of the vertebrates. P. Blakiston’s Son and Co., Phila. Lanpacre, F. L. 1907 On the place of origin and method of distribution of taste buds in Ameiurus. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 17. 1910 The origin of the cranial ganglia in Ameiurus. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 20. 1912 The epibranchial placodes of Lepidosteus osseus and their rela- tion to the cerebral ganglia. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 22, no. 1. 1914 Embryonic cerebral ganglia and the doctrine of nerve compo- nents. Folia Neurobiologica, Band. 8, Nr. 6. Lanpacre, F. L. anp McLetian, Marie 1912 The cerebral ganglia of the embryo of Rana pipiens. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 22. Lanpacre, F. L. anp Conamr, A. C. 1913 The origin of the lateral line pri- mordia in Lepidosteus osseus. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 23, no. 6. Locy, Wiitttam A. 1899 New facts regarding the development of the olfactory nerve. Anat. Anz., Band 16, Nr. 12. 1905 On a newly recognized nerve connected with the forebrain of Selachians. Anat. Anz., Band 26, Nr. 2 and 3, p. 33-63; Nr. 4 and 5, epi 123. MirropuHanow, P. 1893 Etude embryogénique sur les Sélaciens. Arch. Zool. Exp., Sér. 3, tome 1. Neat, H. V. 1898 The segmentation of the nervous system in Squalus acan- thias. A contribution to the morphology of the vertebrate head. Bull. Mus. Com. Zool. at Harvard, vol. 21, no. 7. 1914 The morphology of the eye-muscle nerves. Jour. Morph., vol. _ 25, no. 1; reprinted in Tuft’s College Studies, Sci. series, vol. 3, no. 4. 56 F. L. LANDACRE Norris, H. W. 1913 The cranial nerves of Siren lacertina. Jour. Morph. vol. 24, no. 2. ReEep, Cartos J. 1916 The epibranchial placodes of Squalus acanthias. The Ohio Journal of Science, vol. 16, no. 8. Scammon, Ricnarp E. 1911 Normal plates of the development of Squalus acanthias. In Keibel’s Normentafeln, Zwélftes Heft. Suuutr, H. von W. anv TiLney, FrepEeRiIcK. 1915 Development of the neu- raxis in the domestic cat to the stage of 21 somites. Annals of the N. Y. Acad. of Sci., vol. 24, pp. 319-346. GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS 57 ABBREVIATIONS At., Atrium Au.Ves., Auditory vesicle B., Base of brain B.V., Blood vessel B.A., Bulbus arteriosus Dien., Diencephalon D.End., Ductus endolymphaticus Epiph., Epiphysis G.Au., Auditory ganglion G.Gass., Gasserian ganglion G.Gen., Geniculate ganglion G.J.X., Jugular ganglion of X Gl. 1-6, Gill slits G.L.VII.D., Dorsal lateral line gan- glion of VII G.L.VII.V., Ventral lateral line gan- glion of VIT G.L.IX, Lateral line ganglion of IX G.L.X,, First lateral line ganglion of X G.L.X»2, Second lateral line ganglion of X G.L.X3, Third lateral line ganglion of x G.P.IX Epibranchial ganglion of IX G.P.X,-X;, Epibranchial ganglia of X G.Pro., Profundus ganglion G.V.IX, Visceral ganglion of IX G.V.X,-X;, Visceral or branchial gan- glia of X G.V.X,to X;+ Pl., Visceral ganglia of X plus the placodal ganglia on X G.Sp. 1-3, The first three spinal ganglia Hyp., Hypophysis H.C., Head cavity L. 1-6, Lateral line primordia M., Muscle primordia Mo. 1-6, Motor rami of cerebral nerves No., Notochord N. ITJ-IV-VI, Nerves III, IV and VI N.Au., Auditory nerve N.Olf., Olfactory nerve N.Ter., Nervus terminalis Par., Paraphysis Ph., Pharynx Pro. 1, 2, 3, Twigs of the profundus nerve R.Aur., Ramus auricularis R.Com., Ramus communicans R.B.VIT, Ramus buccalis VIL R.Hyo.VII, Ramus hyomandibularis VII R:.L.X.1, First lateral line nerve of X R.L.X.2, Second lateral line nerve of X R.Md.V, Ramus mandibularis V R.Mz.V, Ramus maxillaris V R.O., Ramus oticus R.O.S.V, Ramus ophthalmicus super- ficialis V R.O.S.VIT, Ramus ophthalmicus su- perficialis VII R.Pal.VII, Ramus palatinus VII R.PhIX, Ramus pharyngeus [X R.Ph.X,-X;, Pharyngeal rami of X R.PotIX, Ramus posttrematicus [X R.Po.X,-X;, Posttrematic rami of X R.Pr.IX, Ramus pretrematicus [X R.Pr.X,-X;, Pretrematic rami of X R.St.IX, Ramus supratemporalis [IX R.St.X, Ramus supratemporalis X Rt.Aud., Root of auditory ganglion Rt.Gass., Root of Gasserian ganglion Rt.Gen., Root of geniculate ganglion Rt.L.VII.D., Root of dorsal lateral line ganglion of VII Rt.L.VIT.V., Root of ventral lateral line ganglion of VII Rt.L.IX+X, Lateralis root of IX and X Rt.Vis.[X, Visceralis root of [IX Rt.X-2-3-4-6, Visceral sensory and motor roots of the second, third, fourth and fifth branchial ganglia of X Rt.X-3-4-6, Visceral sensory and mo- tor roots of the third, fourth and fifth branchial ganglia of X Rt.4-5, Visceral sensory and motor roots of the fourth and fifth bran- chial ganglia of X PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1 A reconstruction of the cerebral ganglia and early nerves of a 22 mm. embryo of Squalus acanthias. The embryo was fixed in vom Rath’s fluid and mounted unstained. The length of all specimens was determined after fixation. The plot was made from the left side of the specimen at a magnification of 50 and reduced to 40 for publication and gives true proportions in the anterior- posterior and dorso-ventral diameters. The sections were 10 microns thick. The ramus visceralis X has been added to the plot from a 30 mm. specimen. The epibranchial ganglia on IX and X, which are presumably special visceral or gustatory, are indicated by vertical lines, as are the general visceral ganglia, since the exact limits of the cells contributed by the epibranchial placodes could not be determined. The posterior cone-shaped projections on IX and X are in each case in contact with the ectoderm. The nervus terminalis in the specimen plotted contained two peripheral rami, while only one was found on other specimens. The r. lateralis X. 1 is double on the side plotted but single on the opposite side of the same specimen. The motor twigs are indicated at their separation from the chief ramus only, the whole course of the motor fibers not being shown in order to simplify the plot. GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS F, L. LANDACRE | | Ol 700 680 660 640 G.Sp.3 G.Sp.2 G.Sp.1 Loy haga 620 600 580 Lateralis ganglia Cutaneous ganglia Visceral ganglia Brain wall + 60 Le alee 120 100 80 PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 2 to 13 Camera drawings of transverse sections of the same specimen plotted in figure 1. The drawings are made at a magnification of 38 and reduced to 25 for publication. The sections were 10 microns thick for all figures. The section numbers are to be identified on figure 1. 2 Camera drawing of section 249, which lies just anterior to the root of the profundus ganglion and near the middle of that ganglion. 3 Taken from section 290 at the level of the root of the Gasserian ganglion. 4 Taken from section 321 at the level of the root of the dorsal lateralis gan- glion of VIT. 5 Taken from section 360 at the level cf the origin of r. palatinus VIT from the geniculate ganglion. GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS PLATE 2 F,. L. LANDACRE L. R. B. VII R. Mx. V 63 PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 6 Taken from section 455, is at the level of the origin of the r. supra- temporalis IX from the lateralis IX ganglion. It also passes through the an- terior end of the ganglion petrosum, or visceral IX. 7 Taken from section 482, is at the level of the origin of the r. supra- temporalis X from the ganglion laterale X; and also passes through the point of origin of the r. posttrematicus IX from the ganglion viscerale IX which is attached to the epibranchial placode at this point. 8 Taken from section 526, is at the level of the origin of the r. pretre- maticus X,; from the ganglion viscerale X; and passes through the placodal at- tachment of that ganglion. 9 Taken from section 546, lies just posterior to the point of origin of r. lateralis X-1, which arises from the ganglion laterale X2, and of the nerve iden- tified as r. auricularis X. This section passes through the anterior end of g. laterale Xs. 64 GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS PLATE 3 F. L. LANDACRE G. V. IX + Pl. Ry Pos LX 65 PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 10 Taken from section 569, is at the level of the origin of the r. post- trematicus X». It also passes through the middle of the ganglion laterale X; and through the extreme anterior end of the ganglion viscerale X3. 11 Taken from section 596, is at the level of the origin of the r. pretre- maticus X3; from the ganglion viscerale X;. This is just posterior to the point of fusion of this ganglion with its epibranchial placode. This section passes through the posterior end of the ganglion laterale X3. 12 Taken from section 628, passes through the fusion of ganglion viscer- ale X, with the ectoderm which is contributing cells to the ganglion at this point. This section also passes through the anterior end of the ganglion viscerale X;. The division between ganglia visceralia X, and X; is shown better in this section than in the reconstruction in figure 1. 13 Taken from section 647, passes through the posterior end of the ganglion viscerale X; but anterior to its attachment to its epibranchial placode. 66 GANGLIA AND NERVES OF SQUALUS F, L, LANDACRE 67 PLATE 4 Fig. 11 Oo’ | : 3 be eam ART F feats 7 Nt ¢ P NUCLEAR SIZE IN THE NERVE CELLS OF THE BEE DURING THE LIFE CYCLE W. M. SMALLWOOD anv RUTH L. PHILLIPS (From the Zoological Laboratory of Syracuse University, C. W. Hargitt, Director.) ONE FIGURE The following study of nuclear size in the nerve cells of the antennal lobe of the bee was undertaken for the purpose of learning what are the normal conditions and what, if any, changes they undergo during the life cycle. Bees afford exceptionally good material for such work because all members of a given swarm are of identical parentage; all spend an inactive larval existence, and the life cycle of individu- als varies according to type and season. Drones live through the summer, queens may live for seven years, and the workers, with which we are concerned in this paper, have a life cycle varying from about six weeks in the summer to about six months for the insects hatched from an autumn brood. Hodge? (’92) published his observations on daily fatigue in the bee, the sparrow and the cat. In this work he chose the cells of the antennal lobes because they are easily located. We have limited our study to the cells of this region for the same reason. It is usually considered that excessive stimuli in the form of an immense amount of normal daily work, electrical stimulation, or surgical shock result in a decrease of nuclear size among the nerve cells. That such assumptions are commonly held, the work of Crile? and Hodge shows. Conklin’ (12) has shown that there is a normal relation be- tween the size of a cell and its nucleus, and Kocher‘ (’16) has 1 Journal of Morphology, vol. 7, 1892, p. 153. 2 Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 57, no. 23, 1911, p. 1812. 3 Journal of Experimental Zodélogy, vol. 12, 1912, p. 1. 4 Journal of Comparative Neurology, vol. 26, no. 3, 1916. 69 70 W. M. SMALLWOOD AND RUTH L. PHILLIPS questioned the results obtained by Hodge and Crile. Our work was begun in 1910-11, but the opportunity for completing it did not present itself until this summer. We have re-examined our earlier work and supplemented it with additional material collected and prepared in the same way as that obtained previously. This material consists of the following stages covering the life cycle of the honey bee. 1. Recently hatched larvae. . Half-grown larvae. . Fully-grown larvae. . Early pupae. Mid-pupae. . Late pupae. . Newly hatched adults. . Young adults taken at 6.30 a.m. . Young adults taken at 6.30 p.m. 10. Old adults taken at 6.30 a.m. 11. Old adults taken at 6.30 p.m. 12. Adults taken at close of the winter season. Several different fixatives were tried, but the only ones found successful were osmic sublimate, 1 per cent osmic acid, 1 per: cent glacial acetic, and sublimate to saturation, Carnoy’s and OhlImacher’s fluids. Only one individual, that one of stage (8), included in our study was fixed with osmic sublimate. No attempt was made to dissect out the brains of the larvae, which were embedded entire. The brains of pupae and adults were excised. Sections were cut from four to seven micra thick in paraffin of 54°, and stained in iron haematoxylin with Bordeaux red as a counter stain. The Zeiss and Leitz eyepiece micrometers were used, readings being computed in micra. We tried to use the planimeter in our work this summer, but found it impracticable in measuring such small nuclei. There are according to Kenyon,® four general regions in the brain of the bee; the dorso-cerebron, the ventro-cerebron, and COM D TP wd No) ® Journal of Comparative Neurology, vol. 6, 1896. NUCLEAR SIZE OF NERVE CELLS 71 the deuto-cerebron or antennal lobes. These latter arise from the ventro-anterior side of the dorso-cerebron by two stalks of fibrillar substance. Each stalk expands into a convoluted spheri- cal mass of fibers from which the nerves of the antennae arise. This fibrillar core is surrounded by nerve cells. In the adult these cells are of three types as far as nuclear size is concerned, which conform to the types described by Kenyon. These are, multipolar giant cells, large and small ganglion cells. In the larva and pupa we find large neuroblasts which give rise to the cells of the last two types by mitosis and finally themselves transform into the giant cells of the adult. It is manifestly impossible to measure all the nuclei in any . ganglion in such a study as this. We must be content to choose and select with as much care as possible, such cells as appear to belong in the same general group and from a study of their measurements attempt to gain some insight into the problems which concern the whole mass of cells. Such cells in each class were chosen as appeared to be fair representatives of the respec- tive groups. It is probable that others in going over the same material would select and measure other cells and so arrive at average measurements somewhat different from those given in our tables. Our experience leads us to believe, however, that the general form of the curves derived from a study of the data would not be materially altered. Usually we have found no difficulty in making a decision as to the group in which any particular cell belongs. There have been a few instances, however, where the mere matter of size seemed to be insufficient to control the matter of classification. In such cases we have taken into consideration the general appearance of the cells, both as to nucleus and cytoplasm, before placing the cell in one or another group. In the case of the giant cells care was taken to choose those in which the plane of section passed approximately through the center of the nucleus. Each nucleus was measured in its longest and shortest. diame- ter and the average of these taken as the mean diameter. The results of these measurements are summed up in the following table which gives the average nuclear diameter for the three THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, No. 1 PHILLIPS M. SMALLWOOD AND RUTH L. Wie 72 ‘s[J@0 avjodrun [eurs ay} TIT pus {s]jao avpodrun oSae, oy} ‘TT {sT]}eo yuRIs oyy Suruesordes ‘J ‘pounsvour s[jeo jo sodAy oy} 0} Jojor s[eroUNU UvUIOY ‘SUIIOJUIM J04je [Udy Ul Uoyey sy_Npy (ZI) /wr'd Ogg 4B USyey syNpe PIO (IT) :"we Os'g YB UExVy sz[Npe PIO (OT) ‘urd O¢-g 48 udyBy s}Npv Sunox (6) {Ure OE'g 4% UsyVy sy[Nps BunoxX (g) ‘sy[npe poqoqywy AyTMeN (2) -ovdnd oyeyT (9) tovdnd-pryy (¢) ‘ovdnd Ayavy (fF) {ovary oye] (g) fowarep-pryy (Z)’ fovarey poyoyvy Apyuoooy (]) ‘orv spe1ouNU oIqeIy oy} Aq poyBoTpUT sedvqs oy, 1 9 04 8°% Iv ra ol 9 0} 7 OF 62° Gc 8 049 If 90° 2 a 0162 Iv 926 Or 9 G09 9 z'9 z0'9 orp jorge | Ff | 04 7'e [02 go'e raid OF SF og GP 88°P 8 ¥ 90°¢ 10'S L163 8 e.g | seg | g'8 e°8 ore | 9 | 99 | 99 | 99 OF 6g OF OF eG 69°9 G89 G6 9 66°9 90° 2 66 IT cI | 80ST «| SL IT §1 Iv 6€ GP 8& SY FG 6 96 °6 92 °6 &F 6 GL 6 aaq fiawoy 03 GPL | 09 G°L (99 SPL | OF 22 [99 29°2 [09 SPL (07 SP Z 04 €°€ |9F 89'€ OFF gS /9} oP Z'9 9 017 | F 0g “OF es'¢ | 80°F G26 8 039 | 9 7°¢ og OF 662 | 62°9 Goin | Gen CF 9g 168 | $°6 t € “U0 ee jo osuBy "***S]]Je0 JO IaqUINN >} TI] “+ +s sss -J9qQureIp Ivajonu = ssBIBAYV 0K on jo osueyy “*""s]ya0 JO TaqUINN >} J] aa tet qoyourerp Ivaponu ssvIVAYV —, \-BlvA jo o3uvy ‘*""s]Ja0 JO IaqUMN } J “sess sss 7gq9urerp Ivaponu sSvIVAV TOVIS ay) fo aaa afy ay fo abvjs yooa sof uoynriva fo abuvs puv painsnaw s7ja9 fo waqunu ‘iajaupyp Lpajonu aboiaan burnoys 2]907, NUCLEAR SIZE OF NERVE CELLS 13 types of cells in each stage, the number of cells measured and the range of variation for each. The results are shown graphi- cally in the curves which follow the table. A study of these results together with the plotted curves in- dicates a number of fundamental conditions. In all of the stages in each of the three groups of cells measured, there is a wide range of variation in the size of the nucleus. This cannot be charged to the normal swelling of the nucleus just before mitosis, for the same variation is present in the cells of the bee that had lived through the winter and in the queens studied. That variation is an ever-present condition in all living things is a truism, but when we attempt to indicate which organ or tissue 1s responsible for the variation most of the observations have been simply a record of the organic fact of variation. This study claims that the cells and their parts such as the nuclei are the variable factors that are responsible for the variation in the tissue or organ. Any explanation of the cause of such vari- ations has to recognize the part played by cells. It seems to the writers that this natural’‘and normal variation plays an important part in explaining such conclusions as Crile comes to in regard to the effects of shock. Before we can accept his conclusions, we must determine what is the normal range of variation for the group of. cells that he studied. It would have been a relatively easy problem to indicate a definite tendency beginning with young adults and passing to the winter bee by simply taking some of the large cells in the young adult with nuclear diameter of 12 micra and comparing them with those that measure 7.9 micra. This would give a definite shrinkage with age; but when the average of some forty cells is taken, the total is 9.26 micra for the young adult, and 9.45 for the winter bee. We interpret the difference to be due to the normal variation present in these cells and do not regard the larger average for the winter bee in nerve cells of type I as a measure of the extent of change that as come with fatigue or age. The second inference to be drawn from these measurements is the independent sequence of growth changes in these three types of nerve cells. There is a more or less rhythmic variation 74 W. M. SMALLWOOD AND RUTH L. PHILLIPS in the series of measurements made when the plotted curves are viewed as a whole. Take the large multipolar cells which start in with an average diameter of 9.05 micra; then increase to 9.89 during the mid-larva period, to be followed by a marked decline to the mid-pupa period. This is followed by an increase which is almost the same as the newly hatched adult and the old adult taken at 6.30 a.m. The average nuclear diameter of the winter bee is larger than the recently hatched larvae, late larvae, early pupae and young adults taken early in the morning. A similar study of the variations in nerve cells of Type II indicates a different series of growth sequences. Here the largest nuclear diameter is during the early pupa stage with no marked variation in the average until the old adults are reached. The averages for these three types of cells seems to us to indicate that there is a definite series of growth sequences that follow through the life cycle in the worker bee and that they are not dependent on each other. Beginning with the old adults taken at 6.30 a.m., there is a noticeable decrease in nuclear size in cells of Types I and III in the two following stages studied (11 and 12 of table) that is sim- ilar to Hodge’s results. But there is a more marked decrease in nuclear size in Type I from mid-larva to early pupa. oo 105+110 PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 81 TABLE 1—Continued MALES FEMALES Percentage of water Percentage of water || No. of Cases! |aaa eee I Gases Observed | Corrected | In table Observed | Corrected In table 110-115] 24 78.59 78.53 78.44 115-120 tl 78.53 78.43 78.40 6 78.58 78.37 78.45 120-125 | 10 78 .49 78.53 78.36 3 78.24 78.08 78.42 125-130] 10 78.30 78.16 78.33 13 78.39 78.21 78.39 130-135 4 78.28 78.12 78.35 135-140 7 78.68 78.59 78 32 140-145 | 27 78.48 78.35 78.23 13 78.57 78.39 78.29 145-150 | 22 78.48 78.24 78.20 10 78.45 78.21 78.26 150-155 8 78.25 78.09 78.18 155-160 | 22 78 .34 78 .23 78.15 14 78 .23 78 .09 78.21 160-165 | 11 78.40 78.34 78.13 c 78 .43 78 .32 78.19 165-170 9 78.22 78 .09 78.12 10 78.24 78.15 78.18 170-175 2 78.78 78 .44 78.12 f 78 .63 78.46 78.18 175-180 5 78.29 78 .02 78.11 14 78.28 78.13 78.7 180-185 7 78.29 78.13 78.11 185-190 4 78.19 78.18 78.11 2 78.58 78.56 (SAF 190-195 5 78.14 78.01 Ufsvea 195-200 9 78.14 78.08 78.10 6 78.14 78.12 78.17 200-205 7 78 .24 78.10 78.10 8 78 34 78.16 78.16 205-210 8 78.11 te ot 78.10 t 78.09 78 .02 78.16 210-215 8 78.34 78.26 78.09 3 78.40 78.30 78.16 215-220 3 78.06 CEO 78.08 220-225 2 78.28 78.04 78.07 12 78 .23 TOE 78.14 225-230 8 78.31 78.28 78.06 4 78.35 78.16 78.13 230-235 8 78.16 78.20 78.05 2 78.70 78.39 78.12 235-240 | . 4 78.29 78.59 78.04 8 78 .26 78.20 78.11 240-245 9 78.36 78.25 78.10 245-250 6 78.29 78.21 78.02 2 78.16 78.09 78.09 250-255 t 78.03 77.85 78.00 255-260 2 78.08 77.81 46299 6 78.30 78.25 78.06 260-265 2 78.05 77.75 77.98 2 78.14 77.99 78.05 265-270 2 78.45 78.13 77.96 5 77 .86 77.84 78.03 270-275 6 77.85 77 47 77.94 275-280 280-285 285-290 290-295 3 77.88 78.15 77.95 295-300 4 78.09 77.90 77.85 a 78.31 78.58 77.93 300-305 305-310 4 77.42 77.54 77.89 82 HENRY H. DONALDSON TABLE 1—Concluded MALES FEMALES Percentage of water Percentage of water a Cc ———. —]— KK — Observed | Corrected | In table Observed | Corrected | In table 310-315 2 78.04 78 .06 Chee) 315-320 4 77.59 77.53 77.84 320-325 4 78 .24 77.99 77.74 5 77.92 77.81 17.82 325-330 330-335 2 77.95 77.90 CRE (H 330-340 of 78.09 77.89 77.74 340-345 3 reel 77.62 rian 345-350 300-355 300-360 5 77.83 77.62 77.62 360-365 6 77.64 77.49 77.59 may be considered as in agreement. Where one is making com- parisons within a litter or within a homogeneous series, less deviation is to be expected and agreement may be limited to values that fall within +0.1 per cent of the standard which is used. Where data from test animals are contrasted with those from controls of the same litter deviations of 0.05 per cent, if constant or nearly so, may be regarded as significant. Thus far nothing has been said of the way in which the factors for correction were obtained or how they have been applied. These questions will now be considered. Sources of variations in the percentage of water If identical in other respects, two brains of the same age should have the same water content. Two brains are, however, never found to be exactly alike even in the terms of our rather crude measurements, and the differences, which we can at present appreciate, fall into two classes, those which are gross, and those which depend on histological structures. 1. Variations due to gross differences. ‘There are at least two possible causes of variation in the water content dependent on gross characters. PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 83 a. The amount of fluid in the ventricles. This is, as a rule, negligible in brains more than 25 days old; but in younger brains and especially during the first 10 days, when the ven- tricles are relatively large, it may be a modifying factor of importance. b. Variations in the relative weights of the several parts of the brain. If the brain is divided into the stem, the cerebellum, the cerebral hemispheres, and the olfactory bulbs, it is found that the most variable part of the brain is that formed by the olfac- tory bulbs. At times these may differ from one another by 50 per cent, in two brains of nearly the same total weight, ranging therefore from 4 per cent to 2 per cent of the weight of the entire brain. The water content of the mature bulbs is high, 82 per cent. If, as an example, we take the water content of the entire brain as 78 per cent, a reduction of the relative weights of the bulbs from 4 per cent to 2 per cent would cause a loss of 0.1 per cent in the water content of the entire brain, thus reducing it to 77.9 per cent. Variations in the density of the meninges or in the quantities of blood do not appear to have any significant influence. 2. Variations in the water content of the brain due to histologi- cal differences. At the same age large rats have absolutely heavier, and small rats absolutely lighter brains. As there is reason to think that in a given mammalian species, the Norway rat for instance, the number of neurons composing the brain is approximately constant, the difference in the size of the entire brain must therefore mean a difference in the size of its constituent neurons and not a change in their number. How- ever, under the usual conditions of growth, shortly after birth myelin begins to appear on the axons. It has been shown that myelin is the constituent mainly responsible for the progressive loss of water from the brain (Donaldson, 716), and although its formation is closely correlated with age, it must be considered probable that slight fluctuations in the relative amount of myelin may occur. These fluctuations would produce in turn small changes in the percentage of water observed. 84 HENRY H. DONALDSON Inspection of the data at hand suggests that size differences of the brain may depend either on a mere magnification or re- duction of the neurons in a strictly proportional manner or on a disproportional growth caused by a relative excess of white sub- stance, in the heavier brain and vice-versa. As will be pointed out further on, the least variability in the water content of the brain is found within the same litter, and it seems probable that here the differences in the brain size which occur are mainly due to a strictly proportional growth of the neurons. On the other hand, it appears that the brain which is large at a given age has commonly anticipated some of the growth changes whch belong to a later period, and this means that the relative abundance of the myelinated axons has been increased—a change necessarily accompanied by a lowering of the water content. This, the more common relation found be- tween two unrelated rat brains of the same sex at like age, where the larger brain usually has the smaller percentage of water, is considered therefore to be due to the relative excess of myelinated fiber substance in the larger brain. As will be seen, this statement constitutes a reversal of the opmion which I formerly held (Donaldson, 710). If this corrected opinion is accepted, the next step is to de- termine the factors to be used for reducing any observation on the percentage of water. On the relation of the percentage of water to the absolute brain weight According to our hypothesis the relatively small brain is likely to be retarded in development, i.e., to be a trifle behind the stage characteristic for its age and so to have a less pro- portion of myelin and therefore a higher percentage of water, while on the other hand the relatively large brain is likely to be precocious and to show as a consequence a lower percentage of water. The test of this assumption. was therefore made by averaging for the first and last thirds or halves of each age group, ar- PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 89 ranged, according to increasing brain weight, the observed per- centages of water. The corresponding weights for the relatively light and for the relatively heavy brains were also averaged. If it turned out that on the average the higher percentage of - water went with the light brain lot, and the lower percentage with the heavy brain lot, the determination was considered ‘accordant.’ The opposite relation was designated as ‘reverse.’ As it seems probable that the myelin is the principal cause of the differences for which correction should be made, it is not advisable to introduce corrections for brains from rats less than 20 days of age, since previous to that age myelination is quite incomplete. On looking at table 1, it will be found that begin- ning with the 20 day records there are observations for the percentage of water on a number of age groups, which com- prise five or more individuals. Of such groups we have used 38 from the male, and 32 from the female records. Each of these groups has been treated as indicated in the sample table which follows. The details of this entire operation are here given. The data for each individual were arranged according to in- creasing body weight. After the body weight of each rat was entered the observed brain weight, and after this the brain weight to be expected for the body weight (not the age) was also entered, using table 68 (Donaldson 715) for the expected brain weight values. If the observed brain weight is found to be greater than that to be expected from the body weight then the brain is large, and vice-versa. Using the brain weight values taken from table 68 as the standards, the percentage value of each difference was deter- mined, and this was entered opposite the brain weight to which it applied. These percentage differences were next arranged in regular order from the most minus to the most plus, and of the series thus formed either the first third or first half Gn this in- stance the first three) of the cases was used for comparison with the ‘ast third or half. The three minus cases give an average deficiency in brain weight of 6.2 per cent and show 78.57 per cent of water ob- 86 HENRY H. DONALDSON Sample table, to illustrate the procedure for obtaining a correction factor for the percentage of water as modified by the brain weight. Albinoralt. Male. Brain. Age growp 210-215 days. DIFFERENCE IN PER CENT OF OBSERVED TABLE 74 DIFFERENCE, GRAMS TABLE VALUE VALUES BRAIN tt it ais? aa Brain Weight | W=!GHT = ce = ae grams grams grams 160 iL gala 1.807 0.096 DES 171 ike aU 1.824 0.117 6.5 216 1.982 1.886 0.096 HO) 224 1.765 1.895 0.130 6.9 251 1.911 1.925 0.014 0.7 273 Pale 1.947 0.250 12.8 276 2.215 1.948 0.267 13SEC Ave. 1.890 ARRANGEMENT OF PERCENTAGE DIFFERENCES IN CORRESPONDING PERCENTAGES OF WATER BRAIN WEIGHT FROM MINUS TO PLUS OBSERVED ~ - ~ + £ 6.9 77.9 ra | 6:5 78.7 [5.3 79.1 Ave. 6.2 Ave. 78.57 13).0) 78.1 rene 12.8 78.0 : 130, 78.4 Ave. 10.5 Ave. 78.17 served. Similarly the three plus cases give an excess of brain weight of 10.5 per cent and show 78.17 per cent of water ob- served. The relatively heavier brain group has, therefore, the less percentage of water and the relation is ‘accordant.’ If we use the mean of the table values for brain weight— 1.890—as the standard and calculate the absolute difference for the brain weights, between the minus group (= —6.2 per cent) and the plus group (= +10.5 per cent) we find this to be 315 mgm. This difference 315 mgm. corresponds to a difference in the percentage of water of (78.57 per cent —78 17) =0.40 PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN .AND CORD 87 per cent so that a difference of 1 mgm. of brain in this group corresponds to a difference of 0.0012 in the percentage of water. Factors for correcting the percentage of water according to brain weight The result of treating the data in this manner was to show that of 38 male groups 64 per cent, and of 32 female groups 66 per cent were accordant. In the case of each age group further calculations were made. Taking as the standard the average of all the tabular brain weight values entered, the absolute dif- ference between the average weights of the light and the heavy brains was computed and expressed in milligrams. The differ- ence between the mean percentage of water for the light and for the heavy groups was also found. Then, by dividing this difference in the percentage of water by the difference in weight, expressed in milligrams, the difference for 1 mgm. was found. The number thus found I designate the ‘correction factor.’ The preceding paragraphs give an example of the foregoing procedure. Of course, such a factor was obtained for each age group in each sex and was found to be accordant, as stated, in 64 per cent of the male, and 66 per cent female groups, but reverse in the remaining groups. In the case of each sex the sum of the reverse factors was deducted from the sum of the accordant factors and the remainder divided by the number of accordant cases. This gave the correction factor for each sex. The results are as follows: Correction Factors Male brain: 0.0013 per cent water for a difference of 0.001 gram Female brain: 0.0012 per cent water for a difference of 0.001 gram The correction factor selected for both sexes was 0.0013 and this has been used in correcting the observed percentages of water as given in table 1. The object of this treatment of the crude data was to reduce the deviations in the percentage of water which depended on THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 1 88 HENRY H. DONALDSON differences in the absolute size (weight) of the brain Therefore by getting the difference in milligrams between the observed brain weight and the brain weight for body weight, as given in table 74, and multiplying this by 0.0013, a correction was ob- tained which could be applied to the crude values for the per- centage of water, which appear in table 1. From this table there have been omitted, however, both the body weights and the observed brain weights for the several age groups, so that the final results there given cannot be con- trolled except by reference to the original records which are on file at The Wistar Institute. Application of the correction factor in the case of new data To obtain the corrected value for the percentage of water in the brain in the case of a new observation, the necessary data are the body length, the body weight, the observed brain weight, the percentage of water in the brain, and the age and sex of the rat. It is necessary also to have access to reference tables which give the body weight normal to the body length, and also the brain weight and percentage of water (for that brain weight) normal to the age. With these data it is possible in a given case first to deter- mine what correction should be made in the observed percentage of water in order to make that value comparable with the per- centage of water to be expected when the brain weight was normal to the body length. This may be illustrated by an example taken from a recent investigation. The data for the rat selected are as follows: Body weight, 133.5 grams Body length, 179 mm. Age, 173 days—female Brain weight, 1.581 grams Percentage of water in brain, 78.61 per cent If we turn to table 68 in ‘The Rat’ (Donaldson, 715), it ap- pears that for a female rat 179 mm. long a body weight of 144.4 grams is to be expected. Therefore this rat is under weight. PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 89 Moreover a brain of 1.750 grams should be found with the above body length, but the observed brain weight was only 1.681 grams. It is therefore deficient by 0.069 grams. The observed percentage of water in the brain was 78.61 per cent. The percentage of water to be expected for a female having a body weight of 144.4 grams was 78.62 per cent (table 74, here appended). As the observed brain weight was 69 mgms. too low and the correction factor is 0.0013 per milligram, the total correction amounts to 0.09 which is to be subtracted from the observed value 78.61 per cent, thus giving 78.52 per cent as the corrected value for the percentage of water. This result may be interpreted as follows: The growth of the brain was retarded in this animal so that although the animal was 173 days old, it had nearly but not quite the water content of a younger rat, the age of which was normal to the body weight. In view of the fact that we have a series of computed values for the percentage of water found in brains of the standard size at various ages, it is possible in this case to determine the prob- able percentage of water in the brain under examination, if it had reached the size characteristic for its age—173 days. At this age the brain, according to table 74, should weigh 1.835 grams and have 78.18 per cent of water. This tabular brain weight is 154 mgm. above the observed weight 1.681 grams, with a water content of 78.61 per cent. The difference 154 mgm. multiplied by the correction factor 0.0013 gives a cor- rection of 0.2 which is to be subtracted from the water content observed, 78.61 per cent, giving as the corrected value 78.41 per cent against the tabular value of 78.18 per cent. This shows a deviation from the tabular value of about 0.23 per cent or an amount just outside the range of +0.2 for random sam- pling. This somewhat elaborate process seems necessary to re- duce the crude data to a form in which they may be compared with each other. Percentage of water according to sex When the values given in table 74—here appended—are ex- amined, we note that from the age of 60 days on the body 90 HENRY H. DONALDSON weights and brain weights of the female are regularly less than those for the male. It we determine for a series of cases the difference in the percentage of water between the male and female brains of like age, we find that a difference of 1 mgm. in brain weight corresponds to a water difference of about 0.001 per cent, thus giving an amount which is a trifle below the cor- rection factor for the brain within each sex. It seems prob- able that the perikarya of the neurons in the male are relatively somewhat larger than in the female, and this would account for the slightly lower value found by this method of comparison. Measures of variability in the percentage of water The material represented by the data in table 1 makes it possible for the first time to determine the variability of the percentage of water in brains of like age, not only when the brains are taken by random sampling, but also when they be- long to a single litter. The measures of variability determined for each sex were the standard deviation (c) and the coefficient of variability (C). For the determination of the standard deviation o we used the formula | MEGS) n and for the probable error of the standard deviation oO EL, = + 0.6745 Wa n For the coefficients of variability, C, the formula = 7 x 100 and for the probable error of the coefficient of variability E, = + 0.6745 a ; V 2n (Davenport 04). PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 91 The uncorrected values for the percentage of water were used in this series, as well as in all of the other series examined. The differences between the results based on the corrected, and those based on the uncorrected values are however negl gible. In the case of the males, as will be seen from table 1, we have from birth to 163 days of age, 19 groups containing 10 or more entries and averaging 18 observations in a group. From the treatment of this material we obtained the following: Standard Deviation—Males Range in 19 groups _—_0.21+0.028 to 0.50+0.080. Average of 19 groups 0.320.035 Coefficient of variabiliiy—Males Range in 19 groups 0.26+0.034 to 0.640.090 Average of 19 groups 0.40+0.047 In the case of the females we have 11 groups averaging 14 individuals in a group and ranging from 48 to 223 days of age. From the treatment of this material we obtained the following: Standard deviation—Females Range in1l groups 0.22+0.030 to 0.45+0.016 Average of 11 groups 0.310.040 Coefficient of variability—Females Rangein 11 groups 0.280.038 to 0.57+0.077 Average of 11 groups 0.40+0.050 It appears from the foregoing that the variability in the per- centage of water is nearly alike in the two sexes, and that it is remarkable small (¢ = 0.31 and C = 0.40 per cent), thus sup- porting the conclusion that normally the water content in the brain is highly constant when taken in relat’on to age. A num- ber of age groups, used for the preceding determinations, contain records that belong to one or to several litters. It seemed probable that the variability would be less within a given litter than in the mixed population, or in a group composed of al] the members of the several litters. Among the 19 male groups, just examined, 9 contained from one to four litters each com- posed of three or more individuals. In all there were 21 litters 92 HENRY H. DONALDSON available for examination. The average variability in the 9 groups from which the 21 litters are taken was o = 0.26 + 0.029 and C = 0.32 = 0.035, ; while the average of the variabilities of the 21 litters, within these 9 groups, was o = 0.14 + 0.033 and C = 0.17 = 0.041. Thus the variability of the male litters is only about one-half that of the age groups in which they are found. Among the 11 female age groups, there were 7 which con- tained 11 litters of sufficient size for study. Here we find much the same relations as appeared among the males. The average variability of the 7 female groups from which the 11 litters were taken was as follows: o = 0.25 +0.032 and C = 0.32 +0.041 while the average of the variabilities of the 11 female litters was: o = 0.13 +0.30 and C = 0.17 +0.043 Again the litter variability is about half that of the groups from which the litters were taken. It appears from the foregoing that the variability of the per- centage of water in brains belonging to the same age group is small—and that it is about the same for both sexes—but that within a given litter it tends to be much less than in the age group formed by a combination of the litters THE SPINAL CORD Although the number of records for the spinal cord is a trifle less than the number for the brain, yet all the spinal cords which were used are from rats that also furnished brains for the brain series. What has been said already (p. 78) in connection with the brain, concerning the material and the general character of the data, applies therefore to the spinal cord series also. In PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 93 discussing the data we shall follow the same order of presenta- tion as was followed for the brain. The records for the spinal cord run from birth to 365 days of age and may be grouped as follows: 569 male spinal cords comprised in 61 age groups 363 female spinal cords comprised in 56 age groups Thus in the case of the females there are five age groups less for the spinal cord than for the brain. For the graph representing the course of the loss of water in the cord and the relation of the corrected (observed) male values to those computed, the reader is referred to chart 1, p. 79. If we take the mean of the deviations of all of the corrected values for the percentage of water from the corresponding formula values for the several age groups as given in table 2, and shown in chart 1 (males only), we obtain the following: Mean of deviations — males =+0.61 per cent Mean of deviations — females +0.55 per cent Thus it appears that the corrected observed values for the water in the spinal cord deviate on the average approximately + (.6 per cent from the corresponding formula values. This deviation is about three times that found for the brain. As a consequence new observations on random samples which after correction fall within + 0.6 per cent of the formula values may be considered as in agreement. Where one is dealing with very uniform material less deviation is to be expected and agreement may be limited to values that fall within + 0.3 per cent of the standard which is used. Where data from test animals are con- trasted with those from controls of the same litter deviations of 0.1 of a per cent, if constant or nearly so, may be regarded as significant. Sources of variation in the percentage of water—spinai cord The gross differences already noted as modifying the per- centage of water in the brain do not apply to the cord, because of the dissimilarity in its architecture; but so far as the differ- 94 HENRY H. DONALDSON TABLE 2 Giving daia for the percentage of water in the spinal cord used for the making of table 74 (Donaidson 715), which is appended to this article. The records are entered by age groups, male and female records being given separately. For any age group of either sex the table gives the age to a day, or within a range of fwe days, followed by the number of cases—and then by the percentage of water. This datum appears first, as observed, second, as corrected for the spinal cord weight, and third, as given in table 74, where the values have been computed by formulas (Hata), these formulas, in turn, being based on the corrected values as here en- tered. When the age is given within a range of five days the interval 5-10 is taken as 8, and 0-6 as 3, %.e., 25 — 80 = 28 days, 30 — 35 — 33 days. MALES " FEMALES ee, Novant Percentage of water No. of Percentage of water Cases Cases) |---27272727YN- Observed | Corrected | In table Observed | Corrected In table 0 20 86.85 86.75 2 84.80 86.75 1 5) 84.71 86.42 3 84.83 86.42 5 3 84.98 85.07 4 85.40 85.07 6 3 85.51 84.73 4 86.31 84.73 9 5 85.46 83.73 2 83.50 83.73 10 21 82.95 82.33 83.40 11 5 84.14 83.97 82.98 14 2 81.15 80.78 81.77 15 4 80.61 80.26 81.39 19 5 79.70 79.57 79.90 20 13 79.39 78.81 79.55 3 78.59 78.24 79.47 21 9 79.84 79.51 79.21 3 78.74 78.39 79 .02 22 5 79.58 79.43 78.87 25-30 25 75.96 76.88 77.00 5 76.02 75.78 76.76 30-35 9 75.37 76.21 75.64 3 74.00 74.04 75.40 35-40 27 73.98 74.36 74.46 3 74.93 74.43 74.26 40-45 11 73.83 73.13 73.74 4 74.08 73.44 73.60 45-50 23 73.95 73.33 73.17 20 73.60 72.72 73.12 50-55 27 73.21 73.03 72.69 22 73.96 73.08 72.69 55-60 24 73.02 72.86 72.27 8 73.49 73.21 72.27 60-65 2 72.69 71.92 TLE 65-70 2 72.35 69 .90 71.60 4 73.50 71.73 71.61 70-75 9 72.61 (plsrar 71.32 7 72.21 71.65 71.36 75-80 12 73.17 71.27 71.09 12 73.20 71.31 71.15 80-85 10 72.36 71.30 70.89 9 72.43 71.56 70.96 85-90 8 72.63 69.63 70.71 5 73.52 71.05 70.80 90-95 4 72.46 69.06 70.56 4 72.80 71.16 70.67 €5-100| 14 73.00 69.70 70.43 14 73.02 71.66 70.55 100-105 105-110 5 70.72 70.56 70.23 3 70.16 69.04 70.38 AGE IN PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD TABLE 2—Continued MALES 95 FEMALES Percentage of water Percentage of water BESS No. of No. of Cases Cases - Observed | Corrected | In table Observed | Corrected | In table 110-115] 24 71.68 70.71 70.15 115-120 Uf 70.88 70.59 70.09 6 G23 70.50 70.27 120-125; 10 ales (al 70.68 70.05 2 a4. 70.61 70.24 125-130} 11 71.36 69.40 70.02 13 71.68 70.15 70.22 130-135 4 Tale 68.96 70.22 135-140 140-145 | 27 71.62 70.30 70.00 20 CAP 70.64 70.22 145-150] 22 72,.20 69.95 70.00 10 72.26 70.39 70.22 150-155 8 70.99 69.35 70.00 155-160] 22 71.32 69.95 70.00 14 71.28 69.62 70.22 160-165 | 10 TAL Bil 70.27 70.00 7 aleo5 70.73 70.22 165-170 9 71.16 70.12 70.00 10 lve ZA: 70.10 70.22 170-175 2 42.32 70.70 70.00 4 72.01 70.70 70.22 175-180 5 71.19 68.63 69.99 14 71.35 70.26 70.22 180-185 7 71.14 69.65 69.99 185-190 4 leaky) 70.77 69.99 2 lsat 70.26 70.22 190-195 5 70.96 70.01 69.98 195-200 8 (A225 70.49 69.97 6 71.25 76.39 LO)s2ik 200-205 7 ALOT 70.30 69.96 8 71.39 70.31 70.20 205-210 8 70.48 69.72 69.95 4 70.59 69.56 70.19 210-215 8 11.33 70.63 69.93 3 70.76 69.76 70.18 215-220 3 70.34 69.12 69.92 220-225 2 71.35 70.45 69.90 12 Giese 70.21 70.15 225-230 8 71.45 70.60 69.88 4 72.20 70.70 70.14 230-235 8 70.06 70.42 69.87 2 71.09 69.54 70.12 235-240 2 70.67 71.30 69.85 8 71.138 70.04 70.11 240-245 9 71.49 70.36 70.09 245-250 6 71.31 70.10 69.80 2 70.63 69.81 70.06 250-255 +f 71.46 69.26 69.75 255-260 2 70.92 69.08 69.75 6 71.68 71.07 70.01 260-265 2 70.07 69.45 69.73 2 Gla 69.47 69.99 265-270 2 71.50 69.99 69.71 5 70.89 69.67 69.97 270-275 6 71.23 68.93 69.68 275-280 280-285 285-290 290-295 3 70.56 70.72 69.85 295-360 4 wales; 69.49 69.55 4 71.50 69.89 69.83 300-3805 305-310 310-315 2 70.04 70.00 69.46 96 HENRY H. DONALDSON TABLE 2—Concluded MALES FEMALES ay res Noee Percentage of water NaWGE Percentage of water Cases Cases Observed | Corrected | In table Observed | Corrected | In table 320-325 4 71.02 69.36 69.40 5 70.83 70.14 69.70 325-330 330-335 2 71.18 71.05 69.64 335-340 i 70.67 69.68 69.61 340-345 345-350 350-355 355-360 5 70.12 68.96 69.48 360-365 3 71.01 69.93 69.45 ences depend on histological composition, the sources of variation for the spinal cord are similar to those for the brain (p. 83). On the other hand, we have the condition of adaptation by enlargement emphasized in the cord, and represented there par- ticularly by the passive lengthening, whereby the cord adapts itself to the varying lengths of the vertebral canal: an adapta- tion which seems to be accomplished mainly by changes in the quantity of the white substance. Factors for the correction of the percentage of water according to the spinal cord weight Theoretically there can be little question that the conditions represented by the relative weight (i.e., relative to the body weight) act as in the case of the brain to produce a high per- centage of water in the cord which is relatively small, and vice versa. But the cord data cannot be used in the same way as we used the data for the brain, because the absolute weight of the cord is the dominating factor, owing to the fact that the increase in the weight of the spinal cord is so largely due to the addition of myelinated fibers. ‘To obtain correction factors for the cord it has been necessary therefore, to deal with the data from the standpoint of absolute weight. Our assumption is that at the same age the absolutely heavier spinal cord will PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 97 have the smaller percentage of water, and vice versa. ‘There were tested 50 male and 37 female age groups. Each of these groups has been treated as follows: The data were arranged ac- cording to the increasing spinal cord weights and after each cord weight the percentage of water found in it was set down. Then the averages of the spinal cord weights and of the cor- responding percentages of water for the first third or half of the groups were compared with respective averages for the last third or half. Where the lighter cord was associated with the greater per- centage of water, the data were considered as ‘accordant,’ but where the opposite relation was obtained as ‘reverse.’ When treated in this way it was found that of 50 male age groups, 84 per cent, and of 37 female age groups, 70 per cent, were accord- ant. Thus in the cord a heavier weight was associated with a less percentage of water somewhat more frequently than in the case of the brain (p. 87). To obtain the correction factors the difference between the averages for the percentage of water was divided by the number of milligrams by which the correspond- ing average cord weights differed, and the value for one milli- gram of cord weight was thus obtained. This gave the cor- rection factor for a single age group. The correction factors to be applied at the different phases of growth were determined arbitrarily by taking the average of the accordant correction factor values in the several age groups within each phase. ‘Two such phases were recognized, as given in table 3. By the use of the factors thus obtained the corrected percent- ages of water in table 2 were determined. ‘To obtain these the observed weight of the cord in each age group was subtracted from the cord weights characteristic for that age and this dif- ference in milligrams multiplied by the appropriate correction factor. The observed percentage of water was then corrected by the amount of this product. — It is to be noted that in the case of the cord, in which the myelination process begins during the first or second day after birth, corrections can be applied as early as the tenth day of life. 98 HENRY H. DONALDSON TABLE 3 Albino rat. Change in the percentage of water for each 0.001 gram of spinal cord weight as obtained from the comparison of the light and heavy cords in the same age group CORRECTION FACTORS PHASE AGE IN DAYS Males Females 1 10-58 0.010 0.008 2 58-365 0.009 0.007 As noted in the case of the brain, neither the body weight nor the observed cord weight for the several age groups are given. These data, however, have been placed on file at The Wistar Institute. Application of the correction factors in the case of new data To obtain the corrected value for the percentage of water in the case of a new observation on the spinal cord, the same data are required as in the case of the brain (p. 88). The details are presented in following paragraphs: Body length is a more reliable guide than body weight. If we continue the illustration of procedure with the same case as that which was used for the brain (see p. 88) we have as data: body length 179 mm., age 173 days, female, cord weight 0.458 gram, percentage of water 72.00 per cent. If we compare the observed value with that in table 74 for this age—173 days—it appears that the cord weight expected was 0.580 gram, or 0.122 gram in excess of the observed weight.. Using 0.007 as the correction factor for 1 mgm., the total correction amounts to 0.854 to be subtracted from 72 per cent, the observed water content, thus giving the final percent- age as 71.15 per cent. ‘Table 74 gives 70.22 per cent for this age, so that when tested in this manner the corrected value is about 1 per cent too high. We conclude in this instance, as we did previously, in the case of the brain, that the growth changes in the spinal cord of this rat had been somewhat retarded. PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 99 When the factors for correction in the case of the spinal cord are compared with the single factor for the brain, it is at once evident that those for the cord are much larger. Although it is not possible to explain this difference in detail or with precision, nevertheless the fact that there should be a difference and one of about the amount found, can be shown readily. In the first place it must be remembered that the correction factors, both for the cord and the brain, have been computed for an absolute weight—0.001 gram. The cord, however, weighs on an average only one-fourth as much as the brain. The relative value of 0.001 gram in the case of the cord is therefore four times that for the brain, and consequently the equivalent factor for correction would be some four times as large as that for the brain. Further, a study of the formation of the lipoids (Koch, W. and Koch, M. L. 713) shows that the myelination process in the cord is accompanied by the formation of about twice as much lipoid substance as in the brain, and because the lipoid formation is a rough indicator of the formation of myelin sheaths—and these in turn mean a less percentage of water— it follows that the change of 0.001 gram of absolute weight in the cord involving as it does a larger change in the lipoids will for this reason have a greater effect in terms of the percentage of water than does the corresponding change in the case of the brain. This would again increase the correction factor for the spinal cord. Thus, although we cannot justify the factors for the cord in detail, the foregoing considerations indicate that values are to be expected similar to those which have been ac- cepted and used. Further, since the weight of the cord is so largely a matter of white substance the fact that for the female cord—which is typically lighter than that of the male at the like age—the correction factor is smaller, is in accord with the general relation of the white substance as here described. 100 HENRY H. DONALDSON Percentage of water according to sex After 60 days of age, a comparison can be made, by the use of the data in table 74, of the weights and water content of the spinal cords in the males and females at like ages. Such a com- parison shows the correction factor between the sexes to be about 0.008 per cent of water per milligram. This lies roughly between the correction factor values for the two sexes, as pre- viously determined. Measures of variability in the percentage of water—spinal cord As in the case of the brain, it has been possible to obtain for the spinal cord, in a number of age groups of both sexes, the measures of variability as represented by the standard devia- - tion and the coefficient of variability. The formulas used have been given on p. 90. In the case of the males, as will be seen from table 2, we have from birth to 163 days of age 19 groups containing 10 or more entries, and averaging 18 obser- vations per group. Using the uncorrected values we obtained the following: Standard deviation Range in 19 groups’ = 0.74+0.07 to 1.86+0.26 Average of 19 groups 1.06+0.12 Coefficient of variability Range in 19 groups _0.96+0.09 to 2.64+0.37 Average of 19 groups 1.46+0.17 In the case of the females we have 11 groups, averaging 14 individuals in a group, and ranging from 48-223 days of age. We obtained the following: Standard deviation Range in 11 groups __0.60+0.08 to 1.13+0.12 Average of 11 groups 0.81+0.10 Coefficient of variability Range in 11 groups 0.85+0.11 to 1.56+0.17 Average of 11 groups 1.13+0.14 PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 101 It is evident from the foregoing that the variability in the per- centage of water is somewhat greater in the case of the males than in the case of the females. When the corresponding mean values for the variability of the brain are compared with those for that of the cord we find that the values for the male cord are about 3.4 times that for the brain and the values for the female cord about 2.6 times. Among the 19 male groups examined there were 9 which con- tained from 1 to 4 litters, composed of three or more individ- uals. In all there were 21 litters. The average variability in the 9 age groups in which the 21 litters occurred was ¢ = 0.80 + 0.091 C=h0s == 05120 while the average of the variabilities of the 21 litters taken from these 9 age groups was Ge — sor = 10.04 C— 0.46 = 0.11 Thus among the males the variability within the litters was only about one half of that found for the age groups. It seems not improbable that myelin formation, which is so much more active in the cord than in the brain, may also be relatively more variable in the cord and thus contribute to the higher variability of this organ in general, and of the cord of the male, in particular. Among the females there were 7 age groups which contained from 1 to 3 litters composed of three or more individuals. In all there were 12 litters. The average variability of the 7 age groups in which the 12 litters occurred was ¢ = 0.72 + 0.094 Creve aks While the average of the variabilities of the 12 litters was ¢ = 0.31 = 0.08 C042 —= 0:01 Again the litter variability is less than one half of that for the groups from which the litters were taken. 102 HENRY H. DONALDSON SUMMARY Evidence has been adduced for the view that both the rela- tive and the absolute weight of the brain and the absolute weight of the spinal cord, at a given age, are factors tending to modify the percentage of water present, in the sense that the heavier brain or cord usually shows the smaller percentage of water. A presentation has been made also of the data which were used as a basis for the formulas by which the percentages of water in table 74—here appended—have been determined, and of the manner in which the observed values for the percentages of water in the brain and in the spinal cord have been corrected for the weights of the respective organs. Factors for correction have also been given for reducing the observed values for the percentage of water in the brain or cord to a form in which they may be fairly compared with one another or with the values in table 74, when it is desired to use such a table for reference. The factors for correction are given on p. 87 for the brain, and in table 3 on p. 98 for the spinal cord. It is understood, of course, that when an investigator has homogeneous data, a comparison of these data with one an- other can be perfectly well made without cross reference to a table such as that here given. On the other hand, where the series of data are from different researches or from different strains of rats they should be referred to such a table before they are compared with each other. The measures of variability have also been found for the percentage of water both in the brain and in the spinal cord, and it has been pointed out that in both organs the variability is small, but that the variability for the cord is about three times that for the brain. Further, it appears that the variability within litters is only about half that found in the age groups to which these litters belong, a relation similar to that already found for the body weight by Jackson (713) and by King (’15). The measures of variability are given on pages 91-92 for the brain and on pages 100-101 for the spinal cord. In the appendix are reprinted the formulas for the determina- tion of the percentage of water in the brain and in the spinal PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 103 cord, as well as table 74 (Donaldson 715) giving the percent- age of water in the brain and spinal cord for the first 365 days of life. LITERATURE CITED DaveEnrort, C. B. 1904 Statistical methods with special reference to bio- logical variation. 2d ed., 1904, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Donatpson, H. H. 1910 On the percentage of water in the brain and in the spinal cord of the albino rat. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 119-144. 1911 On the influence of exercise on the weight of the central nerv- ous system of the albino rat. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 129-1387. 191la The effect of underfeeding on the percentage of water, on the ether-aleohol extract, and on medullation in the central nervous system of the albino rat. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 139- 145. 1911b An interpretation of some differences in the percentage of water found in the central nervous system of the albino rat and due to con- ditions other than age. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 161- 176. 1915 The Rat. Reference tables and data for the albino rat (Mus norvegicus albinus) and the Norway rat (Mus norvegicus). Memoirs of The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, no. 6, pp. 1-278. 1916 A preliminary determination of the part played by myelin in reducing the water content of the mammalian nervous system (albino rat). Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 443-451. Harar, 8. 1915 In ‘The Rat.’ (Ed. by Donaldson.) Memoirs of The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, no. 6, pp. 1-278. Jackson, C. M. 1913 Postnatal growth and variability of the body and of the various organs in the albino rat. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 15, pp. 1-68. Kane, Heten D. 1915 On the weight of the albino rat at birth and the factors that influence it. Anat. Rec., vol. 9, pp. 213-231. Kocu, W. anp Kocn, M. L. 1913 Contributions to the chemical differentia- tion of the central nervoussystem. III. The chemical differentiation of the brain of the albino rat during growth. J. Biol. Chemistry, vol. 15, pp. 423-448. THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 1 104 HENRY H. DONALDSON APPENDIX Formulas for the percentage of water in the central nervous system (Hatai, in The Rat, Donaldson 715, p. 170-172). PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN The formulas do not apply to rats under 10 days of age. The data for the first 10 days are from direct observations. Percentage of water in brain—(male) = 92.122 —0.614 Age +0.00739 Age? (Phase 1) (40) [10 79.23 0.322 72'.97 0.323 72.88 60.9 1.520 79.21 0.3827 72.88 0.329 72.79 62.6 1.528 79.19 0.3382 72.79 0.334 72.69 64.3 1.535 79.18 0.3388 72.69 0.340 72.60 66.1 1.548 79.16 0.348 72.60 0.346 72.51 67.9 1.551 79.14 0.348 72.51 0.352 72.43 69.7 1.558 79.12 0.8538 72.48 0.358 72.35 (126 12565" 79.11 02359) 72235 0.363 72.27 73.4 1.573 79.09 0.364 72.27 0.369 72.19 75.3 1.580 79.08 0.3870 72.19 0.375 72.11 tied) Meb8e W906 0-375) 72.11 0.380 72.04 79.2 1.594 79.04 0.380 72.04 0.386 71.97 81.2 1.601 79.02 0.385 71.97 0.391 71.91 8322) 12607) 79201 08389) 71291 0.397 71.84 85.2 1.614 78.99 0.394 71.84 OF402 aleid 87.3 1.621 (78.98 0-399 71.77 0.407 71.71 89.4 1.627 78.97 0.404 71.72 0.413 71.65 91.5 1.633 78.96 0.409 71.66 0.418 71.60 93.6 1.639 78.94 0.414 71.61 0.424 71.54 95.8 1.645 78.93 0.419 71.54 0.429 71.48 98.0 1.651 78.92 0.424 71.50 0.434 71.43 100.2) 1.657 -78.91 0.429 71:45 0.489 71.38 102.4 1.663 78.89 0.433 71.41 0.445 71.32 ~ 104.7 1.669 78.88 0.488 71.36 0.450 71.27 107.0 1.675 78.86 0.442 71.32 108 HENRY H. DONALDSON TABLE 74—Continued MALES Body weight gms. 118. 121. 124. 126. 129 132 134. 136. 138. 140. 142. 143 145. 147 148 150. 152. 153 155 156 158. 160. 16k. 162. 164 165. 167. 168. Lie 171 172 174 175. 176.6 eed 179. 180. 181. nnmnoor nAonmantonruan Oowororh OWN wontwoaw 3 HOD a > Brain weight ee i = ee a ee ee eee gms. 029 735 741 746 752 758 762 765 .769 072 776 eS) 782 785 788 791 794 Oe. 799 .802 805 .807 .810 .812 815 817 .819 821 824 .826 .828 .830 .832 .833 .835 837 839 841 FEMALES Per cent Per cent - |Per cent obwater! wetant [LMa4e"| weight | weight |T3te 18.81 (OF 455) Wile 22 109.3 1.681 78.85 78.80 0.460 71.18 111.6 1.687 78.84 78.79 0.465 71.13 114.0 1.692 78.83 78.77 0.470 71.09 116.4 1.698 78.82 78.76 0.475 71.04 118.8 1.703 78.81 78.75 04800 71000) 1211.3) 11709" 78.80 78.74 0,488 70.96 12276 eZ S eo 78.73 0.486 70.92 124.0 1.715 78.7 78.72 0.488 70.89 12D AS Leon’ 78.71 0.491 70.85 126.8 1.720 78.76 78.70 0.494 70.81 128.1 12723) 18S 78.69 0.497 70.78 129.5 1.726 78.74 78.68 0.499 70.74 130.8 1.728 78.73 IK WEA WeAl 132 AME T3leGs ere 78.66 0.504 70.67 138324) Iles Sac 78.65 0.507 70.64 184.6 1.786 78.70 78.64 0.509 70.61 135.8 1.738 78.69 78.63 0.511 70.58 137.1 1.740 78.68 78.62 0.514 70.56 138.3 1.748 78.67 78.61 0.516 70-53 139.4 1.745 78.66 78.60 0.518 70.50 140.6 1.747 78.65 78.59 0.520 70.48 141.8 1.749 78.64 78.58 0.522 70.45 142.9 1.751 78.638 78.57 0.525 70.438 144.0) 1.752 78.62 78.56 0.527 70.40 145.1 1.754 78.61 78.55 0.529 70.38 146.2 1.756 78.60 78.54 0.531 70.36 i fy Aes uel Wn 32 ks EAL) 78.53 0.533 70.34 148.3 1.760 78.58 78.53 0.534 70.32 149.4 1.762 78.58 78.52 0.5386 70.30 150.4 1.764 78.57 78.51. 0.538 70.28 151.4 1.766 78.56 78.50 0.540 70.26 152.4 1.768 78.55 78.49 0.541 70.25 1538.4 1.770 78.54 78.48 0.548 70.23 154.4 1.772 -78.53 78.47 0.544 70.22 155.3 1.774 78.52 78.46 0.546 70.20 156.3% Lib) 78750 78.45 0.547 70.19 WV (ag?) Narehay 7s f510) 78.44 0.549 70.17 158.2 1.778 78.49 Cord weight gms. 0.447 0.451 0.456 0.460 0.465 0.469 0.471 0.474 0.476 0.479 0.481 0.483 0.485 0.488 0.490 0.492 0.494 0.496 0.497 0.499 0.501 0.503 0.505 0.506 0.508 0.510 0.512 0.514 0.515 0.517 0.519 0.520 0.522 0.523 0.525 0.526 0.527 0.528 | Per cent of water cord 71.27 71.23 VL AS 71.15 gL 71.07 71.03 71.00 70.96 70.93 70.89 70.86 70.83 70.80 70.77 70.74 70.72 70.69 70.67 70.64 70.62 70.60 70.58 70.55 70.53 70.51 70.49 70.47 70.46 70.44 70.42 60.41 70.40 70.38 70.37 70.36 70.35 70.34 PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 109 Body weight gms. 182 184. 185 186. 187 188. 189. 190 OWTIMKM EW O 192. 193 194 195 196. ee 198 199 200 201 WDwwwwnNnnerese 202 203 204. 205. 206. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. NAOntnwnooorenn 211. 212. 213. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. bo — NI co 218.7 eBewonwroonht w Brain weight gms. ee i ee Se sO er ee ee 842 844 846 848 849 851 852 854 899 857 808 .860 861 862 863 .865 .866 867 868 .870 Park 873 874 875 876 STT. 878 879 .880 881 .882 883 884 885 886 887 887 .888 MALES Per cent of water brain 78 .44 78 .43 78 .42 78.41 78 .40 78 .40 78 .39 78 .38 78.37 78 .24 78 .23 78 .23 78 .22 78 .22 78.21 78.21 78 .20 78.20 78.19 TABLE 74—Continued Per cent weit [Eg] weet 0.550 70.15 159.1 0.552 70.14 160.0 OF553) 7013 160.9 0.555 70.12 161.8 0.556 70.11 162.6 0.558 70.09 163.5 0.559 70.08 164.3 0.561 70.07 165.2 0.562 70.06 166.0 0.563 70.06 166.8 0.564 70.05 167.6 0.565 70.05 168 .4 0.566 70.04 169 .2 0.567 70.03 170.0 0.569 70.03 170.7 0.570 70.02 ib7(Taeeay 0.572 70.02 We 0.573 70.01 173.0 FEMALES Per cent of water cord Per cent of water brair Cord weight gms. Brain weight gms. 779 78.49 °0.5380. 70.32 781 78.48 0.5381 70.31 .782 78.47 0.532 70.30 783 78.46 0.533 70.29 .785 78.46 0 786 78.45 0.536 70.27 .788 78.45 0 789 78.44 0 a a aaron .790 78.43 791 78.43 .793 78.42 794 78.42 795 78.41 196 78.4 798 78 RN) Ther. .801 78 .802 78 pe ye a .803 78.36 0.549 70.22 .804 78.36 0.550 70.22 .804 78.35 0.551 70.22 .805 78.35 0.552 70.22 .806 78.34 0.553 70.22 .807 78.33 0.554 70.22 .808 78.32 0.555 70. .809 78.32 0.555 7 .810 78.31 0.556 70. Olt; 78230) O:55% 70. a bo bo to by wy wwpy .812 78.30 .813 78.29 .813 78.29 .814 78.28 .815 78.2 .816 78.2 201% 18: ZO Alor .818 78. soils) fe). On > o pa | iw) ~] er a a SS eae) Soy Sy Sy . ae os > — =I oO bo bo Dw Ww bw Or HENRY H. MALES Per cent TABLE 74—Continued Per cent mre bees t Ee ae ht os eet eae pe a ee gms gms. gms gms. 151 219.5. 1.889 78.19 0.591 70.00 186.7 152 220.2 1.890 78.18 0.592 70.00 187.2 153 221.0 1.891 78.18 0.592 70.00 187.8 154 221.7 1.892 78.17 0.593 70.00 188 .4 155 222.5 1.893 78.17 0.594 70.00 188.9 156 223.2 1.894 78.16 0.595 70.09 189.5 157 223.9 1.895 78.16 0.586 70.00 190.0 158 224.7 1.896 78.15 0.596 70.00 190.6 150) 225noie LCoS mOn aoe lO L00) 191.1 160 226.0 1.898 78.14 0.598 70.00 191.6 161 226.7 1.899 78.14 0.599 70.00 192.1 162 227.4 1.900 78:13 0.600 - 70.00 192.6 163 228.1 1.901 78.13 0.600 70.00 193.2 164 228.8 1.902 78.12 0.601 70.00 193.6 165 229.4 1.902 78.12 0.602 70.00 194.2 166 230.1 1.903 78.12 0.603 70.00 194.6 167 230.7 1.903 78.12 0.603 70.00 195.1 168 231.4 1.904 78.12 0.604 70.00 195.6 169 232.0'1.904 78.12 0.604 70.00 196.1 170 232.6 1.905 78.12 0.605 70.00 196.5 tiie 623320 12906) 7812 02605: 70200 197.0 172 233.9 1.906 78.12 0.606 70.00 197.5 178° 2345 1-907 78.12 0-606" 70200 197.9 WAL 8235-0 12907 78el2) 0607 70200 198 .4 175 235.7 1.908 78.12 0.608 70.00 198.8 176 236.3 1.909 78.12 0.608 70.00 199.3 177 =. 236.9 1.909 78.12 0.609 70.00 199.7 178 237.4 1.910 78.11 0.609 69.99 200.1 179 238.0 1.910 78.11 0.610 69.99 200 .6 180 238.6 1.911 78.11 0.610 69.99 201.0 181 239.1 1.912 78.11 0.611 69.99 201.4 182 239.7 1.912 78.11 0.612 69.99 201.8 183) 24052) A213 78a (0.612 69299 202 .2 184 240.8 1.913 78.11 0.618 69.99 202.6 185 241.3 1.914 78.11 0.613 69.99 203 .0 186 241.8 1.915- 78.11 0.814 69.99 203 . 4 187 242.3 1.915 78.11 0.614 69.99 203.8 188 24%.9 1.916 78.11 0.615 69.99 204 .2 DONALDSON FEMALES Brain weight gms. .820 821 821 822 823 824 825 .825 826 827 pear a a a — a — Gt — a — at .828 .829 .829 830 831 832 .832 833 .833 .834 a ee a a 834 835 835 836 837 837 .838 .838 .839 839 re ee .840 841 841 .842 842 843 843 844 ee ee ee ee ee Per cent of water brain 78 .25 78.24 78 .24 78 .23 78 .23 78 .22 78 .22 78.21 78.21 Cord weight gms. 0 oo Soy fey ee) Soro te Soe SSJ(oQey ey Se (=|) =) Sis ens ererey(S) .065 0. 0. 0. 0. 566 567 568 568 569 570 571 571 572 73 574 .ot4 O75 .076 576 O17 .Ol7 578 578 O19 O79 Per cent of water cord 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 40.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.2 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 70.22 ~1 oS No bh bo bo bw bo lo bo PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 111 TABLE 74—Continued AGB IN DAYS 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 . 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 bo rs a Onmwawnoro fk bo on S ome NwWoh OSS bo or ns ORrFNTWOONN > Brain weight gms. 1.916 LOIy mo 918 .918 .919 .919 .920 .920 921 921 .922 pee ee .922 .923 .923 . 924 .924 .925 .925 .926 .926 927 — Ot 927 .928 928 929 929 .929 .930 .930 .930 931 — ee ot 931 931 .932 .932 .932 1.933 = = — MALES Per cent of water brain 78 .09 78 .09 78.09 78.09 78.09 78 .09 78.09 78 .08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78.08 78 .07 78 .07 78.07 78 .07 FEMALES Per cent - |Per cent Per weight | ° lay oa eae went etamater Ww ae ne ; a es ms gms. gms. gms. cord 0.615 69.99 204.6 1.844 78.17 0.588 70.22 0.616 69.99 204.9 1.845 78.17 0.588 70.22 0.616 69.99 ZO5RS ME S4oN Sle OkOSSs O22 0.617 69.99 205.7 1.846 78.17 0.589 70.22 0.617 69.98 206.0 1.846 78.17 0.589 70.22 0.618 69.98 206.4 1.847 78.17 0.589 70.22 0.618 69.98 206.7 1.847 78.17 0.590 70.21 0.618 69.98 ZO SA eon lt OK oFOn iO m2 0.619 69.97 ZU ARIE SS Sond 0.591.) fOP2I 0.619 69.97 207.8 1.848 ‘78.17 0.591 70.21 0.620 69.97 208.1 1.849 78.17 0.591 70.21 0.620 69.97 208.4 1.849 78.17 0.592 70.20 0.620 69.96 208.8 1.849 78.17 0.592 70.20 0.621 69.96 PRY) LW tse PAS LU) TAD AD 0.621 69.96 209.4 1.850 78.16 0.5938 70.2 0.622 69.96 ZOORSMIE S51 ariel 6) Ono ome Oe2 0.622 69.95 Zl OR ie Shilly 7S al 6m Oko9a 0e20 0.622 69.95 210.4 1.851 78.16 0.594 70.19 0.623 69.95 DNOR Me S52) 968. 16 025945 019 0.623 69.95 211.0 1.852 78.16 0.594 70.19 0.624 69.94 PALS 18a 7G Oss 70) 108) 0.624 69.94 FALL. Isis 7G OLE 7O.Iy) 0.624 69.94 PAUL) eS} Asia) WSS 70a 0.625 69.94 212.2 1.854 78.16 0.596 70.18 0.625 69.938 212.5 1.854 78.16 0.596 70.18 0.626 69.938 ZI2ES e855 18-16 ON59T 70E18 0.626 69.93 ZIM SODNe Sn OM ORO a (Os 0.626 69.93 213.4 1.855 78.16 0.597 70.18 0.627 69.92 ZA ler SOOM On OMmOL OT me On ll 0.627 69.92 PASSO ILS) Asai) (OAs ss 7(eal/ 0.627 69.92 QIAP 2 e856 oeloenOLo98) Ons 0.628 69.91 214.4 1.857 78.15 0.598 70.16 0.628 69.91 214.7 1.857 78.15 0.598 70.16 0.628 69.90 ZISROMM ESS Selon OOO a ORLG 0.629 69.90 215.2 1.858 78.14 0.599 70.15 0.629 69.90 215.5 1.858 78.14 0.599 70.15 0.629 69.89 215.8 1.858 78.14 0.599 70.15 0.630 69.89 216.0 1.859 78.14 0.600 70.14 112 Body weight gms. 259. 259 259 260. 260. 260. 261. 261. 261. 262. 262 262. 263. 263 263. 263. 264 264. 264 265. 265. 265 265. 266. 266. 266 266. 267. 267 . 267. 267. 268. 268 .¢ 268 .! 268 . 269. 269. 269. Nw oan WoOomMDRHOANOD HK ORMWOAMNOD NMWwOMDAWH DOOD w HENRY H. DONALDSON TABLE 74—Continued MALES FEMALES Bosin [Der cent] con Per cert] Body | Brain [BES] Cora foont of weight |°hrain | WEIGH | cord || WeMgE® | weight |°hruin'| weight | wate 1.933 78.07 0.630 69.89 216.2 1.859 78.14 0.600 70.14 1.938 78.06 0.630 69.88 216.5 1.859 78.138 0.600 70.14 1.933 78.06 0.6380 69.88 216.7 +1 .859' 78.13 OF 600" 7014 1.934 78.06 0.631 69.88 27 301 S60! (78213) Or60 lee 0RlS 1.9384 78.06 0.631 69.87 2 eo TE SHOT 7S: 13 ORG OOS 1.9384 78.06 0.631 69.87 Zio) 860) °78).13;) OL601 70ers 12935087805 JORGS2GOEST PARC AUER Tash. OO 170) 1 1.935 78.05 0.6382 69.86 2729) MES6l 78-12) OL 602 ne Omie 1.985 78.05 0.632 69.86 ZS VAL S61 78212 OF 602 70mi2 1.936 78.05 0.633 69.85 218-8 “12862 778.12 10602 70RnT 1.986 78.05 0.633 69.85 218.6 1.862 (78.12 (07602) 70 1.936 78.04 0.633 69.85 218.8 1.862 78.11 0.603 70.11 1.937 78.04 0.634 69.84 219.0 1.868 78.11 0.603 70.10 1.937. 78.04 0.634 69.84 2192) 863) 782 Ll ORCS a0 RO 1.9387 78.04 0.6384 69.84 219.4 1.868 78.11 0.603 - 70.10 1.9388 78.03 0.634 69.838 219.6 1.868 78.10 0.608 70.09 1.988 78.03 0.685 69.83 219.8 1.868 78.10 0.604 70.09 1.988 78.03 0.685 69.82 220.0 1.864 78.10 0.604 70.08 1.988 78.03 0.685 69.82 220.3 1.864 78.10 0.604 70.08 1.9389 78.02 0.6385 69.81 220.4 1.864 78.09 0.604 70.07 1.939 78.02 0.636 69.81 220.6 1.864 78.09 0.604 70.07 1.9389 78.02 0.636 69.80 220.8 1.864 78.09 0.605 70.06 1.940 78.01 0.636 69.80 221.0 1.864 78.08 0.605 70.06 1.940 78.01 0.6386 69.79 221 2 1.865 78.08 (026055) 70805 1.940 78.01, 0.637 69.79 221.4 1.865 78.08 0.605 70.05 1.940 78.01 0.637 69.78 221.6 1.865 78.08 0:605 70.04 1.941 78.00 0.637 69.78 221.7 1.865 78.07 0.606 70.04 1.941 78.00 0.637 69.77 221.9 1.865 78.07 0.606 70.08 1.941 78.00 0.638 69.77 222.1 1.865 78.07 0.606 70.03 1.941 78.00 0.688 69.76 222.3 1.866 78.07 0.606 70.02 1.942 77.99 0.6388 69.76 222.4 1.866 78.06 0.606 70.02 1.942 77.99 0.6388 69.75 222.6 1.866 78.06 0.607 70.01 1.942 77.99 0.639 69.75 222.8 1.866 78.06 0.607 70.01 1.943 77.98 0.639 69.74 223.0 1.866 78.05 0.607 70.00 1.948 .77.98 0.639 69.74 223.1 1.866 78.05 0.607 70.00 1.943 77.98 0.6389 69.73 223.3 1.867 78.05 0.607 69.99 1.9438 77.98 0.640 69.73 223.4 1.867 78.05 0.608 69.99 1.944 77.97 0.640 69.72 223.6 1.867 78.04 0.608 69.98 PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD 113 oP) Nw dD Ww SSS ST on ooo oo © NON © OD bo TABLE 74—Continued MALES d FEMALES Brain [Percent Cora [Per eent!| Body | Bein [Pet cert] Cord feont of weight |main| WeiDt |°cord || weight | woight [cin | weight | water 1.944 77.97 0.640 69.72 223.7 1.867 78.04 0.608 69.98 1.944 77.97 0.640 69.72 223.9 1.867 78.04 0.608 69.98 1.944 77.96 0.640 69.71 224.0 1.867 78.03 0.608 69.97 1.944 77.96 0.640 69.71 224.2 1.867 78.03 0.608 69.97 1.945 77.96 0.640 69.70 224.3 1.867 78.03 0.608 69.96 1.945 77.95 0.641 69.70 224.5 1.868 78.02 0.609 69.96 1.945 77.95 0.641 69.69 224.6 1.868 78.02 0.609 69.95 1.945 77.94 0.641 69.69 224.8 1.868 78.02 0.609 69.95 1.945 77.94 0.641 69.68 224.9 1.868 78.01 0.609 69.94 1.945 77.94 0.641 69.68 225.0 1.868 78.01 0.609 69.94 1.946 77.93 0.641 69.67 225.1 1.868 78.01 0.609 69.94 1.946 77.93 0.641 69.67 225.3 1.868 78.00 0.609 69.93 1.946 77.93 0.641 69.66 225.4 1.868 78.00 0.609 69.93 1.946 77.92 0.642. 69.66 225.5 1.869 78.00 0.610 69.92 1.946 77.92 0.642 69.65 225.7 1.869 78.00 0.610 69.92 1.946 77.92 0.642 69.65 225.8 1.869 77.99 0.610 69.91 1.947 77.91 0.642 69.64 225.9 1.869 77.99 0.610 69.91 1.947 77.91 0.642 69.64 226.0 1.869 77.99 0.610 69.91 1.947 77.91 0.642 69.63 226.1 1.869 77.98 0.610 69.90 1.947 77.90 0.642 69.63 226.2 1.869 77.98 0.610 69.90 1.947 77.90 0.642 69.62 226.4 1.869 77.98 0.610 69.89 1.947 77.89 0.643 69.62 226.5 1.870 77.97 0.611 69.89 1.948 77.89 0.643 69.61 226.6 1.870 77.97 0.611 69.88 1.948 77.89 0.643 69.61 226.7 1.870 77.97 0.611 69.88 1.948 77.88 0.643 69.60 226.8 1.870 77.96 0.611 69.87 1.948 77.88 0.643 69.60 226.9 1.870 77.96 0.611 69.87 1.948 77.88 0.648 69.59 227.0 1.870 77.96 0.611 69.86 1.948 77.87 0.648 69.59 227.1 .1.870 77.95 0.611 69.86 1.948 77.87 0.6438 69.58 224-2) 1870) 77395) (OF611 69.85 1.948 77.86 0.643 69.58 227.3 1.870 77.94 0.611 69.85 1.948 77.86 0.644 69.57 227.4 1.870 77.94 0.611 69.84 1.948 77.86 0.644 69.56 227.5 1.870 77.94 0.611 69.84 1.949 77.85 0.644 69.56 227.6 1.871 77.93 0.612 69.83 1.949 77.85 0.644 69.55 22M RSs ait 9S) 10,612 69E83 1.949 77.84 0.644 69.55 22780 Vesdl ms92), 0.612) s69Es2 1.949 77.84 0.644 69.54 227.9 1:87) 77.92. 0.612) 69-82 1.949 77.84 0.644 69.53 228-0" TES Te i792) OLGI2 OOrSl 1.949 77.83 0.644 69.53 228.0) 187L 77-91, OF612) GSest 114 HENRY H. DONALDSON TABL 74—Continued MALES FEMALES AGE é vs Body Brain Per SOEs d Per cent Body Brain Per cent Cord eeneteE ReeNe MSM prmin | TSE |Teora || meant | Malet paca ae lees 303 275.9 1.949 77.83 0.645 69.52 223-1 VEST WOU ORG G9es0 304 276.1 1.949 77.82 0.645 69.52 228.2 1.871 77.90 0.612 69.80 305 276.2 1.949 77.82 0.645 69.51 228.3 1.871 77.90 0.612 69.79 306 276.3 1.949 77.82 0.645 69.50 228.3 187i 77290 7 OnGI2 69 R79 307 276.4 1.949 77.81 0.645 69.50 228.4 1.871 77.89 0.612 69.78 308 276.5 1.949 77.81 0.645 69.49 Z2SeON MeSil ilas9) (ORGl2mOOmiS 309 276.6 1.950 77.80 0.645 69.49 228.6 1.872 77.88 0.613 69.77 310 276.7 1.950 77.80 0.645 69.48 223) MeSi2) Wiha so) VOROlomOo aia 311 276.9 1.950 77.80 0.646 69.47 228 NESi2) VWie88, OLGlsn ole76 312 «277.0 1.950 77.79 0.646 69.47 228.8 1.872 77.87 0.613 69.76 313 277.0 1.950 77.79 0.646 69.46 228.8 1.872 77.87. 0.618 69.75 314 277.1 1:950 77.78 0.646 69.46 228.9 1.872 77.86 0.6138 69.75 315 9277-2) 1.950 77.78 0-646 69745 229.0 1.872 77.86 0.613 69.74 316) 238 15950) “Wiad (O2G46) 469r44" = 229.07 1872 7285, OL Olonmoo mie 317 277.5 -1.950 77.77 0.646 69.44 2297, Le Si2) Tie 8a. Oko Sa Como 318 277.5 1.950 77.76 0.646 69.43 22971 1.872 77.84 0.618 69.72 319 277.6 1.950 77.76 0.646 69.43 229.2 1.872 77.84 0.613 69°72 320 277.7 1.950 77.75 0.646 69.42 229.3 1.872 77.83 0.6138 69:71 321 277.8 1.950 77.75 0.646 69.41 229.3 W872) 77-83 “O2613 ooe7Tt SID) Le9oll ide OFG47, SCOR 229.4 1.873 77.82 0.614 69.70 323 278.0 1.951 77.74 0.647 69.40 229.4 1.873 77.82 0.614 69.70. 324 - 278.0 1.951 77.73 0.647 69.40 229.5 1.873 77.81 0.614 69.69 BoD eon TOSI Mien ONGATeI69R39 229.5 1.873 77.81 0.614 69.68 S20R iors 951 Mite 2004s 169738 229.6 1.873 77.80 0.614 69.68 327 278.3 1.951 77.72 0.647 69.38 229.6 1.873 77.80 0.614 69.67 328 278.4 1.951 77.71 0.647 69.37 229.7 1.873 77.79 0.614 69.67 329 278.4 1.951 77.71 0.647 69.37 229.7 1.873 77.79 0.614 69.66 330 278.5 1.951 77.70 0.647 69.36 229.8 1.873 77.78 0.614 69.66 Sol eee On ool Wii 0) JORGATaGO R35 229.8 1.873 77.78 0.614 69.65 332 278.6 1.951 77.69 0.647 69.35 229.8 1.873 77.77 0.614 69.64 333 278.7 1.951 77.69 0.647 69.34 229.9 1.873 77.77 0.614 69.64 334 278.7 1.952 77.68 0.648 69.34 229.9 1.874 77.76 0.615 69.63 335 278.8 1.952 77.68 0.648 69.33 229.9 1.874 77.76 0.615 69.63 336 6278.9 1.952 77.67 0.648 69.32 230.0 1.874 77.75 0.615 69.62 337 278.9 1.952 77.67 0.648 69.32 230.0 1.874 77.75 0.615. 69.62 338 279.0 1.952 77.66 0.648 69.31 230.0 1.874 77.74 0.615 69.61 339 279.0 1.952 77.66 0.648 69.31 230.1 1.874 77.74 0.615 69.61 340 279.1 1.952 77.65 0.648 69.30 230.1 1.874 77.73 0.615 69.60 PERCENTAGE OF WATER IN BRAIN AND CORD TABLE 74—Concluded AGE IN DAYS Body Brain weight | weight gms gms. 341 279:2 1.952 342 «27922 1.952 S40, 2/983) 1.952 344 279.3 1.952 345 «279.3 1.952 O40) ee (9RA 952 347 9279.4 1.953 348 279.5 1.953 349 9279.5 1.953 350 279.6 1.9538 351 279.6 1.953 oo2, 2/96 1.953 353 ©40279.7 + 1.9538 Dotee29eG 1953 355 279.7 1.953 356 279.8 1.9538 357 «279.8 1.953 358 279.8 1.953 359 279.8 1.954 360 279.8 1.954 361 279.8 1.954 362 279.9 1.954 954 .954 954 w for) (JX) bo ~] oO oOo See ee MALES Per cent of water brain 77.64 77 .64 77 .63 77.63 77.62 77.61 77.61 77 .60 77 .60 77.59 67 .58 77.58 Ghat 77.57 77.56 77.55 77.55 77 .54 77 .54 77.53 77.52 77.52 77.51 77.51 77.50 FEMALES Per cent of water cord 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 69. 29 29 28 20 27 .26 25 25 69. 69. Per cent of water brain Brain weight gms. 874 7 874 7 874 7 ane 00: 874 77. 874 77.69 874 77.69 874 77.68 .874 77.68 .874 77.67 ert eel oe .874 77.66 .874 77. .875 77.65 .875 77.65 .875 77.64 .875 77.63 875 77.63 875 77.62 .875 77.62 875 77.61 el ee -815 77.60 .875 77.60 .875 77.59 875 77.59 1.875 77.58 —_ ft et Cord weight gms. 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.615 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 115 Per cent of water cord 69. 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69. 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69. 69 69 69 69. 69 69. 59 9 .08 mY | OT 06 .06 00 54 54 53 02 .52 ol .00 .50 49 48 48 AT AT 46 45 45 44 Le bal ean i] 3 4 al _ ni , r i i vane ; F * tone 1 SOME EXPERIMENTS ON THE NATURE AND FUNC- TION OF REISSNER’S FIBER GEORGE E. NICHOLLS Beit Memorial Fellow Zoological Department, King’s College, London THIRTY-FIVE FIGURES CONTENTS ea linbrocduetyonmsy src eee RENO oir ois cok ie ores eR ete te os 119 A. A review of the suggestions which have been made concerning the nature and function of Reissner’s fiber and the sub-com- TESTS OH RTH UO BTN Cie Ot On a ee 5 > co eR Oe eee ae 119 B. Earlier attempts to determine the function of Reissner’s fiber by. expernimentalbmethods.: ..; . ister sces cs oan Blane oes 125 C. An account of the present state of our knowledge of Reissner’s LT OVE Noha Big RG es ONES RS ok Uc eae ae Pe 128 bi he scone of the present investigation. «conc... c.:-s6seds bass ome = 133 PbeViaternalvand Methods. 5... i0h 8 ce. vo sae ee Me ieee Ona cede ees 136 iY “Observations upon the living animals: . 2220432. 00.. eee ces dee ee 145 V. A summary of the record of the experiments and an account of the MctecistUponyWeIssner SrHlO Or... 5.2.2 acs eae tata nel nee as Ciccks 149 VI. The relation between the condition of Reissner’s fiber and the reac- POET ACY OVS(ey EV ot0 Nee REA Ais OI SERRE SB SRE oe >. RRP anaes a PR Reg ee Ae 166 NM DS CHAS TOMm ree nt Piney remorse tnt corsga eet Moves exe rs- oeu ach CO hes BS inate vas 175 1. The function and mode of action of the Reissner’s fiber ap- FOPN EG DES parece trie eh bs oh ann te Rent MRA AeA oie ag ka, Nk nena nn Raa 175 2. The spiral winding of the fiber and the occurrence of ‘snarls’... 180 3. The duration of the reaction and the problem of regeneration... 183 ISD Pan SCLIN ATS AS ny ese eke eo ye Send 2 teas Wee Tee ns Satta a at 188 Pe MMIMIGE TNLINGE CELLO Gs crane sad oe the ctre os kscheete ORE aK Ree ER os 190 It is probable that concerning no part of the vertebrate ner- vous system have there been held views more widely divergent than those which have been entertained concerning Reissner’s fiber. In 1907, when I took up the study of this structure, Sargent’s ‘optic reflex’ theory had met with very general acceptance. At an early stage in my work, however, I obiained proof that the 117 THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 2 FEBRUARY, 1917 118 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS - fiber, although undoubtedly a preformed structure, was certainly not a nerve fiber and, therefore, could not have the function ascribed to it by Sargent. In 1909, I published a statement to that effect and in the following summer, following my discovery of the practical accessibility of the fiber in the tail region, I carried out some experiments upon elasmobranchs, in an en- deavour to ascertain the function of the fiber. The results of these experiments, which were performed upon less than a dozen dogfish and rays, were hardly sufficient to give a conclusive answer to the question of the function of the fiber but were, nevertheless, extremely suggestive. An account of these experiments was published, therefore, in a short prelimi- nary paper which did not, however, appear until 1912. In the meanwhile, a much more extensive series of experiments had been carried out but there had been no opportunity to ex- amine this material microscopically before the paper in question was published. The completion of the investigation has been very considerably delayed, for these further experiments were scarcely completed when I left England to take up an appointment in India. I had purposed however, to carry on, there, the work of preparing the necessary serial sections. The material is, unfortunately, ex- ceedingly refractory, so that under the best of circumstances the preparation. of ‘serial sections demands much time and patience. In India, there were added difficulties, due to the climate, and the preparation of the sections went on very slowly, it being possible to attempt this work only during the cold weather. An attempt to get some of the material sectionized in England was unsuccessful, essential portions of some of the specimens being ruined in the attempt to prepare the sections and the remaining tails were returned to me as being too refractory to yield satis- factory sections by ordinary methods. In the end I was com- pelled to postpone the preparation of my remaining material for microscopic study until my return to England. Only recently has this part of the task been completed. In the interval, I have published a paper (12 a) dealing with the subject of Reissner’s fiber and its relation to the central THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 119 nervous system. Accordingly, there will be need, at this time, only for a brief review of the various suggestions which have been put forward as to the nature and function of the fiber and a short account of the present state of our knowledge of the fiber and its connections, the reader being referred to the above men- tioned work for further details. I gladly avail myself of this opportunity to express my nee to Professor Dendy for valuable advice and criticism throughout the progress of the work: also, to the Government Grant Commit- tee of the Royal Society, for Grants in Aid; to the British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science and the Senate of the University of London for placing at my disposal their tables at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and to Dr. Allen, Director of the Laboratory, for the facilities afforded me in the prosecution of the research. I. INTRODUCTION A. A review of the suggestions which have been made concerning the nature and function of Reissner’s fiber and the sub-commissural organ 1. Reissner (’60), by whom the fiber which now bears his name was discovered, believed that this ‘Centralfaden’ was simply a nerve fiber and to him, therefore, it was remarkable principally on account of its peculiar situation. He found it, as is well known, lying freely as an axial thread in the central canal of the spinal cord of the lamprey. Since the diameter of the fiber in this animal (in which alone he had observed it) is, approxi- mately, that of a moderately coarse nerve fiber, it is scarcely surprising that, its unusual situation notwithstanding, Reissner came to this conclusion. Kutschin (’63) who confirmed Reiss- ner’s discovery, accepted that author’s view of its nature. Neither of these observers was able to trace the fiber into the brain ventricles and they believed it to be confined to the cen- tral canal of the spinal cord. 2. That a nerve fiber should occur in such a situation seemed to Stieda (’68, ’73) altogether improbable and he decided that Reissner’s fiber (‘jenen riithselhaften Strang’) must be an arti- 120 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS fact. He suggested that the alleged fiber was produced by the coagulation of the cerebro-spinal fluid under the action of the fixing reagent, pointing out that there was no evidence of its being related to any nerve cell. For thirty years this view passed almost unquestioned, Viault (76), Rohon (77), Sanders (’78, 794) and Gadow (’91) all ac- cepting it. More recently Kalberlah (’00), Streeter (03) and Edinger (08) have expressed themselves in agreement with Stieda’s view. That this view was so widely held is, doubtless, the explanation of the fact that during this period there are found, in the literature, so few references to the occurrence of the fiber. 3. Interest in this structure revived, however, when Stud- ni¢ka (’99) reasserted the preformed nature of the fiber. This author suggested that it was to be regarded as an epithelial se- cretion, comparable to that which has produced the crystalline style of the lamellibranch gut. He believed that it is produced by the cells lining the central canal of the spinal cord and that it is capable of growing forward, to end freely in the brain ven- tricles but he made no suggestion as to its function. Kolmer (05) appears to be the only author who has endorsed this view and Studniéka has, himself, since abandoned it (713). 4. It is a very surprising fact that the extraordinary and quite conspicuous development of the epithelium beneath the posterior commissure, should have remained for so long unnoticed. A brief mention of it, indeed, appears to have been made by Fulli- quet (86) but not until 1892 was it figured (very diagrammati- cally) by Edinger (’92) who conjectured that it might be a glandular body producing some secretion to be discharged into the cerebro-spinal fluid. Its histology was first carefully de- scribed by Studni¢ka (’00) who gave figures of its finer anatomy in dogfish and lamprey but did not, apparently, realize its con- nection with Reissner’s fiber. 5. A little later the sub-commissural organ of the Ammocoete was described and figured by Dendy (’02) who noted the exist- ence of close-set cilia clothing its ventricular surface and sug- gested that, in conjunction with certain folds of the choroid plexus THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 121 of the midbrain, it served to establish currents which promoted the circulation of the encephalic fluid. 6. In the meanwhile Sargent had also asserted the preformed nature of Reissner’s fiber but had denied that Studni¢ka was cor- rect in interpreting it as a secretion. In Sargent’s view the fiber was a nervous structure. In several subsequent papers (’01, ’03, ’04) Sargent endeay- ored to establish this view stating that Reissner’s fiber consists of ‘‘numerous axis cylinders closely applied to each other and surrounded by a single thin medullary sheath of myelin.” These axis cylinders were supposed to be derived in part from the nu- merous large cells of the ‘Dachkern’ and from alleged multi- polar cells in the habenular ganglion as well as from other mul- tipolar cells said to be situated actually within the lumen of the central canal, towards the hinder end of the spinal cord. In teleosts, in which group Sargent overlooked the remnants of the ‘Dachkern,’ he claimed that the alleged midbrain constituent “axons” of Reissner’s fiber were derived from the myriad cells of the torus longitudinalis. Reissner’s fiber was, therefore, according to this author, built up of two sets of axons running in opposite directions and a comparison was made between this structure and the giant fibers of Amphioxus and Annelida. Concerning the destination of the forwardly running axons there is nothing stated, but those which were said to arise in the brain were regarded as motor axons having a very great length, each being supposed to stretch from the midbrain roof direct to one of the trunk muscles. Sargent stated that he had seen such fibers leaving the main Reissner’s fiber in the region of the spinal cord and that these passed out directly to the musculature, probably by way of the ventral spinal roots. In the midbrain roof the related nerve cells were described as in direct connection with the proximal ending of the retinal neurons so that there was said to be interposed but a single nerve element between the sensory (retinal) nerve cell and the muscle-fiber in the trunk. Sargent suggested that, by this means, the delay in the transmission of motor stimuli along 12, GEORGE E. NICHOLLS the ordinary (tecto-spinal) conduction paths through a number of neurons could be lessened in cases of urgency. Houser (’01) claimed that he had been able to confirm Sar- gent’s observations, while numerous observers seem to have ac- cepted Sargent’s theory concerning the function of the fiber. That, notwithstanding many weighty objections, this theory met with such general acceptance is doubtless to be attributed very largely to the fact that Sargent claimed (04) that his ob- servations had been fully confirmed by actual experiments upon living animals (vide infra). 7. Although Sargent (03) was the first to describe the con- nection between Reissner’s fiber and the sub-commissural organ (his ‘ependymal groove’) he attributed comparatively little importance to this latter structure, asserting that it served merely as a support and anchorage for Reissner’s fiber. In this view he has been followed recently by Tretjakoff (13). K6lliker (02) recording the occurrence of Reissner’s fiber in the blind Proteus and other Amphibia, admitted that he had become convinced of the preformed nature of the fiber. He appears, however, to have been unable to choose between the conflicting views advanced by Studnicka, Sargent and Kalberlah. 8. The work of Ayers upon ‘Ventricular Fibers in Myxinoids’ is of interest in that it contains the first suggestion that Reiss- ner’s fibers might be composed of numerous united delicate fibrillae springing from ependymal epithelial cells. Whether, however, he considers these fibrillae as of the same nature as the ependymal fibers which serve as supporting structures within the central nervous system, or not, Ayers does not make clear, and his work unfortunately contains a number of erroneous statements. He does not, indeed, refer to the fiber by name and appears to have been wholly unaware of previous work upon the subject. Thus, in Bdellostoma, he figures numerous more or less parallel ventricular fibers which, while they may perhaps represent several lengths of a much folded and snarled fiber, may equally well represent some artifact. It certainly is not the normal condition in this animal. Moreover, it would appear that THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 123 Ayers never saw Reissner’s fiber in the lamprey, since his de- scription of the ‘ventricular fibers’ in that animal as ‘‘a fine- meshed network of fibrils which . . . . in life practically fills the ventricular cavity”’ certainly can not apply to Reissner’s fibers. It is extremely probable, therefore, that Ayers failed to distinguish clearly between coagulum and the fibrillae of Reissner’s fiber. His conclusion that the fiber was certainly “an organ of relation bringing all parts of the ventricular cavity into. intimate connection”? (my italics) is likewise mistaken, for Ayers did not correctly identify the brain cavities in this animal, in which of the iter little remains but the sub-commissural canal. Accordingly he failed to recognize the distinction which exists between the tract of modified epithelium which constitutes the sub-commissural organ and the flattened epithelium which lines other parts of the ventricular cavity. Concerning the function of the fiber he conjectured that it might be ‘‘ connected with the control of the ventricular lymph supply by vaso-motor control.” 9. Horsley (08) describing the occurrence of Reissner’s fiber in certain apes stated that, in these forms at least, the fiber had not the structure of a tract of nerve fibers nor, when cut, did it exhibit Wallerian degeneration. While not denying the accuracy of Sargent’s statements in so far as they relate to this structure in the lower vertebrates, Horsley expressed the opinion that, in its resiliency, the fiber resembled a chitinous or skeletal structure and suggested that, in the higher vertebrates, it had become nothing more, perhaps, than a residual structure. 10. In 1909 I gave an account (’09) of the behavior of the fiber in recoil and stated that, in my opinion, the fiber was cer- tainly non-nervous. At the same time Dendy (’09) put for- ward an entirely novel suggestion concerning the function of the fiber. His suggestion was that the fiber itself was a strand of connective tissue which played a merely mechanical part, variations in its tension being produced by the flexure of the body and every such variation might be supposed to result in a stimulus being transmitted to the cells of the sub-commissural organ This latter structure was interpreted as a sensory 124 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS organ, controlling automatically the flexure of the body. He concluded by expressing the hope that some way would be found of overcoming the apparently insuperable obstacles which stood in the way of satisfactory experiments upon the fiber by which alone could the hypothesis be tested. 11. A study of the development of Reissner’s fiber in Cyclo- stomes (and Amphibia) led me to the conclusion (712, ’12a, 713) that this structure was formed by the coalescence of cilia-like processes springing from cells which, while largely collected upon the sub-commissural organ, are not limited to that organ, other cells occurring scattered in the ependymal lining of the central canal contributing to the fiber. In my opinion, the fiber is to be regarded as a thread of protoplasm. This view is supported by the staining reactions of the fiber, while its high refractivity, its power of regeneration and the rapidity with which it apparently disintegrates after death are facts easily explicable upon this hypothesis. Further, its mode of contraction is paralleled, only, so far as I am aware, in the searcely modified protoplasm which forms the stalk of certain Protozoa. This view that the fiber is, in fact, a protoplasmic thread has since been accepted by Dendy (’12), Studnicka (713) and by Tretjakoff (13). The latter author, however, appears to have misread Sargent’s papers, for he attributes this view to that investigator, saying (’13, p. 110) “Sargent zeigte namlich, dass der Faden noch in embryonalen oder larvalen Leben als ein Bundel von feinen, cilienahnlichen Fortsatzen der Zellen der Sub-kommissuralen Grube ensteht.”’ 12. Tretjakoff (’13), however, while accepting this view of the nature and function of the fiber suggests that we are mis- taken (‘“‘ich glaube deswegen, dass in diesem Punkt die ‘Theorie von Dendy und Nicholls falsch ist’”’) in attributing any sensory function to the sub-commissural organ. He believes that the sensory cells connected with Reissner’s fiber are found only in the epithelium which lines the central canal and holds, with Sargent, that the sub-commissural organ serves merely for the support or anchorage of the fiber. These sensory cells are THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 125 described by Tretjakoff as projecting into the lumen of the central canal where each is said to end in a small knobbed proc- ess, which Tretjakoff compares to the bellpush of an electric bell. He supposes that the stimulation of these cells is effected by the pressure of the fiber upon these processes whenever the body is flexed. That Tretjakoff’s investigations were made upon material in which the fiber had been broken and had retracted is suggested by his figures. Two only of these depict the central canal. In one (fig. 20) the fiber (which is invariably very fine in the Ammo- coete) is seen indistinct and vastly swollen. In the other (fig. 19) the fiber is absent and the lumen of the central canal is occupied by nuclear bodies, the remains probably of epithelial cells dislodged from the ependymal epithelium by the fiber in its withdrawal. Under these circumstances it is not surprising that Tretjakoff failed to find the delicate filaments which seem to join the fiber at frequent intervals as I have described (12 a) and the occurrence of which has been confirmed by Studincka (435 py 585) The little knobs (Tretjakoff’s bell-pushes) are almost certainly the retracted remnants of the fibrillae of those cells which, in my view contribute to the formation of the fiber and which, torn free by the dislocation of the fiber, have shrunk back upon the sensory process of the parent cell. B. Earlier attempts to determine the function of Reissner’s fiber by experimental methods The first reference to experiment in connection with the ques- tion of the function of Reissner’s fiber occurs in a preliminary paper by Sargent (01). These experiments were subsequently described in greater detail in 1904. In these experiments an attempt was made to break the fiber by a means of incision made through the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle of certain elasmobranchs. Such experiments, involving, as they necessarily did, the risk of serious disturbance to the central nervous system or even actual injury to the brain 126 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS itself, were of little value, for it could not be established that any of the reactions observed were the results simply of the interruption of the ‘optic reflex short-circuit’ alleged to be pro- vided by Reissner’s fiber. I gather, moreover, that Sargent relied upon observations made from dissections to determine whether or not the experi- mental incision had really broken the fiber, which appears to me as an altogether unsatisfactory method. Whether there was a subsequent microscopical examination of the material is not clear nor does Sargent state what precautions were taken to prevent a disturbance of the fiber during the dissection. The statement that ‘“‘the cord and medulla of each individual was preserved for microscopical examination” suggests that a part only of the nervous system was subsequently cut out. If this were the case, it is practically certain that, whatever the result of the experiment upon the fiber, it. would be found retracted in the preserved material. It is, therefore, a little difficult to ascertain the grounds for his remark (’01, p. 450) that ‘“‘animals on which the equivalent operation was performed without breaking the fiber are nearly or quite normal.”’ Otber experiments were made by Sargent (’01) to determine the effect of artificial extirpation of the eye upon the fiber but the results obtained were never recorded. Several years later, experiments were made upon Reissner’s fiber by Horsley (08). In this case the subjects of the experiments were individuals of two species of Macacus. Minute electrolytic lesions were made in the spinal cord, at the level of the fifth cervical segment, in order to break the fiber. No observations are recorded, how- ever, upon the behavior of the living animals nor are details given as to the duration of the experiments. Concerning the appearance of the fiber under the microscope, Horsley remarked that Wallerian degeneration was not observed in the broken fiber. I find, however, some little difficulty in interpreting the ap- pearance of Reissner’s fiber in the sections figured by Horsley. THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 127 In his figure 10, Reissner’s fiber is seen in transverse section, occupying quite an appreciable part of the lumen of the central eanal. As it is traced backwards from this level (the first cervi- cal segment) through the third cervical segment (fig. 9) towards the point of lesion in the fifth cervical segment (fig. 8), it is seen to constantly diminish in size. Behind the point of lesion this diminution in size continues as will be seen in figures 11 and 12 but, more caudally, the diameter of the fiber is again seen to increase (fig. 13), this latter figure representing a section through the spinal cord in the lumbar region. Now this is not at all what one would expect to find where Reissner’s fiber had been broken experimentally. Usually it would be found that on either side of the lesion there was a stretch of canal devoid of fiber. Still further from the lesion the severed ends of the fiber might be found swollen and perhaps knotted if the material were killed and fixed soon after the lesion had been made. ‘Tracing the fiber distally, in either direction, from these knotted or swollen ends one would expect to find that the fiber diminishes in diameter until the normal size is reached. If, however, the killing of the material were postponed for a considerable time after the experimental operation the swollen end and the spiral twisting would have disappeared and the fiber-would have straightened out backwards, extending practi- cally to the point of lesion, nearly normal except that it might not have regained its taut condition. The piece lying posterior to the lesion might have retracted wholly backwards to the end of the cord. If the material were not killed until several weeks after the operation it is probable that regeneration would have largely re-established the normal condition throughout. The condition figured by Horsley, in which the fiber is most swollen anteriorly, regularly diminishes in diameter towards and past the lesion (and probably becomes normal in the thoracic region) but shows a renewed swelling very far back, suggests that the condition of the fiber may have had nothing to do with the actual experiment. I should judge that sufficient time had elapsed after the experiment to permit of regeneration, and the 128 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS actual condition of the fiber figured was due to its rupture in removing the central nervous system from the body for pres- ervation. The appearances are those which would be observed if the fiber were broken accidentally in the hindbrain and in the region of the filum terminale by section of the nervous system in those regions, or by handling during dissection. From the figures it would appear that there may have been a somewhat considerable local disturbance of the central nervous system in consequence of the experiment. While this might have obscured, to some extent, the reaction consequent upon the breaking of the fiber (especially as a point’very far forward was selected for the operation) it is nevertheless much to be regretted that nothing is recorded as to the behavior of the living animals as the result of the experiments. C. An account of the present state of our knowledge of Reissner’s fiber Reissner’s fiber is an extremely delicate. protoplasmic thread, having, in general, a diameter of more than 1y and less than 3un. It possesses a high refractivity and, in the normal tense con- dition, appears to be absolutely structureless. It is normally present in the central nervous system of practi- cally all vertebrates and may be seen, most readily, in longi- tudinal (sagittal) sections of the spinal cord. It is necessary, however, that the nervous system shall have been preserved entire and immediately after the death of the animal; even then, carelessness in handling during the dissection may cause the fiber to snap, or it may chance that the fiber was broken prior to the death of the animal. Generally, however, if the central nervous system has escaped damage, Reissner’s fiber will be found everywhere in the central canal stretched taut and lying centrally in the canal. It maintains a uniform thickness and shows no trace of spiral winding. At frequent intervals it appears to be connected with the ependymal epithelial cells by delicate cilia-like protoplasmic filaments (figs. 29, 30). THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 129 In this undisturbed state the fiber issues (in the lower verte- brates at least) from the posterior end of the central canal through a terminal opening (the ‘terminal neural pore’) into the peri- neural space, where it ends in an elongated conical expansion (the ‘terminal plug’). There is, in these forms, a widening of the lumen of the central canal at its posterior end to form a chamber (the ‘terminal sinus’) which is only incompletely enclosed by the walls of the filum terminale, this being, in this region, reduced to a simple epithelial tube. The posterior wall of the terminal sinus is formed by the meningeal sheath into which the terminal plug is inserted (text-figs. 1, 3). ——— = = Mane ge boaecesmees -- aM TNT Niel! ae a Halfuittbey Uy sitot Za SSH woh Vivant PaWR0-509 ede Gernieea.e. Text-fig. 1 Slightly diagrammatic median sagittal section through the end of the filum terminale to show the normal (undisturbed) arrangement of the sinus terminalis and the insertion of Reissner’s fiber. c.c., central canal of the spinal cord (and terminal filament); f.t., filum terminale; mn., meninges, form- ing the hinder wall of the sinus terminalis; R.f., Reissner’s fiber; s.t., sinus ter- minalis; ¢.p., terminal plug. Traced forward, the normal fiber is found to pass from the central canal of the spinal cord into the fourth ventricle. It maintains its position in the middle line and appears, in this part of its course, to lie absolutely freely at the level of the middle of the height of the ventricle. At the anterior part of the hindbrain, however, the fiber stretches in contact with the lower surface of the cerebellum. There is frequently, upon the lower surface of the rhombo- mesencephalic fold, a narrow groove (the ‘isthmic canal’) which may show traces of a paired character and which serves for the 130 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS reception of the fiber. Emerging from the anterior end of this groove, sometimes as a paired structure (12a, figs. 10, 11), Reissner’s fiber stretches freely through the midbrain ventricle to the neighborhood of the posterior commissure. The ventricular surface of the posterior commissure is clothed by a band of highly developed epithelium which is often folded in both the longitudinal and the transverse planes. It is to this remarkable tract of epithelium that the name ‘sub-commissural organ’ has been given. Owing to its longitudinal folding it has usually, in transverse sections, a horseshoe shape and partly encloses a median dorsal groove (the ‘sub-commissural canal’). Reissner’s fiber, if it has continued as an unpaired structure so far forward, breaks up at the hinder end of the posterior com- missure into two or more strands which subdivide within this median groove into numerous delicate fibrillae which are con- nected with the cells of the sub-commissural organ. A study of the development of the fiber indicates that it arises by the confluence of numerous filaments springing from sub-commissural organ and that the composite thread so formed extends backwards into the central canal of the spinal cord. Within the central canal it probably receives numerous additional components from scattered cells in the epithelium which lines the central canal. Perhaps the most remarkable characteristic of the fiber is its extreme elasticity. In life it appears to exist under quite con- siderable tension and to be somewhat prone to accidental break- age. In that event, or following artificial section, the free ends may recoil sharply to form tangled knots or ‘snarls.’ The re- traction is accompanied by a marked increase in the diameter of the fiber. This elasticity usually disappears very rapidly during the process of fixation and the preserved fiber may become distinctly brittle (fig. 21). If, however, the fiber be severed before fix- ation is completed a retraction will still take place, but much more gradually, and it will then be found that the fiber has become wound in a more or less open spiral. Even where the recoil has been an abrupt one, resulting in the formation of the THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER a characteristic knot, a careful examination of this mass will, almost invariably, reveal the fact that the retraction was ac- complished by a spiral winding of the fiber. Such a knot of retracted fiber has, indeed, the form of a con- torted mass similar to that which may be produced in any thin stretched elastic thread of which one end is held fast and the other end twisted continuously in one direction. I have been able to obtain practically all stages intermediate between such complicated knots and the simplest spiral (text-fig. 2). Unlike D. a eee ac | E. f G. Meee UT ORIRS — SASHECKERR, Text-fig. 2 Stages in the twisting of Reissner’s fiber in its withdrawal from the point of breakage. A, B, D from Scyllium eanicula (9); C, from Petro- myzon fluviatilis; HZ, F, G, H, from Raia blanda (3). the simple twisted elastic thread, however, the spiral winding may appear interruptedly in Reissner’s fiber, spiral stretches alternating with swollen but untwisted lengths. Moreover, the twisting does not always make its appearance at the free end but may arise at a greater or less distance from the point where the fiber has been broken. If, therefore, the spinal cord has been cut prior to fixation, Reissner’s fiber may be found to have withdrawn for a relatively considerable distance from the point of section and a great stretch of the central canal may be found devoid of fiber. The extent of such retraction apparently varies with the region in which the NS 4 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS fiber has been broken and depends, possibly, upon the size of the central canal in that particular region for, in the case of a sud- den recoil, the spiral winding may produce at or near the severed end a mass of coiled fiber which apparently checks further re- traction. With the retreating end of the fiber may be dragged numerous epithelial cells and, around it, will collect a quantity of coagulum (fig. 17) which may render it difficult to distinguish exactly the condition of the knotted end. On the side of the tangle remote from the point of section, the fiber usually emerges as a coiled thread and thence passes gradu- ally into a more open spiral. If the fiber has been cut at a sufficient distance from its attachment, this open spiral may pass into a swollen but straight stretch and ultimately be found to pass almost or quite into the normal condition. Broken, how- ever, near to one of its attachments, the fiber will almost cer- tainly withdraw violently and completely to that attachment, from which it may even tear itself free, dragging with it many of the epithelial cells. While this retraction which is so characteristic of Reissner’s fiber is, as I have pointed out (’09), altogether unlike anything known in a nerve, neither does it altogether resemble the recoil of a simple (homogeneous) elastic thread. It is, therefore, of especial interest that I have been able, recently, to detect in a greatly swollen and retracted fiber what appears to be a fine deeply staining central axis (fig. 17); the resemblance of the fiber to the stalk of a Vorticella (with which I have already compared it, 712 a, p. 25) is thereby greatly enhanced. ‘This appearance is somewhat inconstant and never to be made out in the unrelaxed condition. I have been unable to decide whether the numerous delicate fibrillae (fig. 29) seen in the central canal of the spinal cord are in organic continuity with Reissner’s fiber or whether they are merely unusually long cilia which have been cemented to the fiber after death by the coagulated cerebro-spinal fluid. That the former view is probably correct is indicated, I believe, by the fact that in the cases in which some retraction of the fiber has occurred it is very rare to find any of these fibrillae apparently THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 133 related to the swollen and retracted portion of the fiber. In- stead, in the region in which there has been a dislocation of the fiber, minute spherules of some highly refracting substance are found plentifully, close to or in contact with the free surface of the ependymal cells. That these are the contracted remains of such connecting fibrillae, which were, indeed, component fila- ments of Reissner’s fiber is therefore extremely probable. The withdrawal of the fiber would inevitably snap such connecting filaments in the region affected and these broken protoplasmic strands would naturally shrink backwards towards the surface of the parent cells. The view that Reissner’s fiber is a thread of modified proto- plasm, formed by the complete coalescence of numerous delicate filaments (or hypertrophied cilia) is indicated by its origin and is confirmed by its staining reactions. Moreover, it is an inter- pretation which renders comprehensible its singular elastic recoil notwithstanding its apparent structureless condition. Such spiral retraction is met with only, so far as I. am aware, in the little differentiated protoplasm of the Protozoa, among which gr ou the fusion of cilia is also no uncommon feature. II. THE SCOPE OF THE PRESENT INVESTIGATION From what has been stated above it will be seen that, while there has been a great variety in the suggestions made as to the nature of Reissner’s fiber, there have been put forward but three theories as to its function. The disproof of Sargent’s statements as to the nature of the fiber disposed, at the same time, of his ‘optic reflex theory.’ Ayer’s suggestion was based, as I have shown, almost entirely upon an erroneous idea of the nature and normal condition of — the fiber and its relation to the ventricles; in any case his view is not one which could easily be tested experimentally. There remained Dendy’s theory which might readily be put to the test of experiment if a way could be devised of breaking the fiber without damage to the central nervous system. Such an operation became possible with my discovery (’10, p. 527) of the actual condition of the hinder end of the filum THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 2 134 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS terminale in the Ichthyopsida. Elsewhere completely enveloped by the brain and spinal cord, Reissner’s fiber is peculiarly accessible at the extremity of the tail, the more so that there is practically an absence of nervous tissue in the hinder part of the filum terminale. This structure is, indeed, little more than a simple tube of columnar epithelium. At the actual hinder end, Reissner’s fiber may be said to be protected only by the Text-fig. 3 A sagittal section through the extremity of the tail of Raia blanda (III—experiment 3) to show the position of the sinus terminalis. c.c., cen- tral canal of the spinal cord (and terminal filament); f.t., filum terminale; mn., meninges, forming the hinder wall of the sinus terminalis; nch., notochord; R-f., Reissner’s fiber; s.t., sinus terminalis; t.p., terminal plug; v.c., vertebral column. skin and the delicate meninges, between which there lies but a film of connective tissue (text-fig. 3). A cut made in the vicinity of the end of the terminal filament would break the continuity of the fiber, therefore, but would be quite unlikely to produce physiological results such as to mask or interfere with the reactions resulting from the disorganization of the mechanism of which Reissner’s fiber forms a part. My experiments, then, were intended primarily as an attempt to determine the function of Reissner’s fiber and its related ’ THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 135 structures by means of observations made upon the living ani- mals in which the continuity of the fiber had been intentionally destroyed, but I had other objects, also, in view. At the time when the experiments were undertaken practically nothing was known concerning the mode of recoil of the fiber. Sargent had stated that when cut before fixation the free ends of the fiber retracted into a knotted mass or ‘snarl’ but he had not observed that this snarl was spirally wound. I had myself seen such snarls in several cases in material which had not been specially preserved for the study of this structure and in which the spinal cord had been cut previous to fixation (712 a, figs. 17, 18, 19). In most of such material the fiber was ill preserved and, in the main, my own attention had been confined to a determination of the normal anatomical relations of the fiber. Accordingly, I had taken special precautions to thoroughly fix and harden my material before severing the spinal cord. Never- theless, I had come, in the previous year, upon a few examples of this spirally wound condition which had been obtained unin- tentionally by a premature cutting of the spinal cord (12 a, figs. 12, 16). These accidents, however, had yielded no in- formation concerning the behavior of the fiber cut in life. It was naturally supposed that a breaking of the fiber in the living animal would be followed by a sharp recoil of the severed ends similar to that which was known to occur when the fiber was cut in freshly killed material. It was desirable, however, to ascertain if this were so. It was anticipated, moreover, that the results of the experi- ments would throw light upon the question of the natural limits of this recoil. It must be remembered that beyond the mere fact of the occurrence of a recoil nothing had been recorded, and it was not even known whether the recoil started by the section of the living fiber would continue until both free ends had re- tracted to their respective points of attachment or whether, on the contrary, there would be formed speedily, in the living animal, a tangle (or tangles) which might (on reaching a size sufficient to block the lumen of the canalis centralis) automatically check further recoil in one or both directions. 136 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS In the latter event the tangled end (or ends) might perhaps afford a temporary hold and so prevent the fiber from being put completely out of action. And, finally, there was the problem of regeneration. It was uncertain whether a tangle, if it were formed, would remain as a permanent record of the breaking of the fiber, or, if it were a transient feature, whether it would simply uncoil or whether the whole fiber, or the tangled part of it, simply disappeared to be replaced by a new growth. Upon some of these points a certain amount of light was shed by the results of the few preliminary experiments carried out in 1910 but upon others the information was too meager to supply a decisive answer. Upon many of these points much additional knowledge has been gained from the more extended investi- gation carried out in the following year. Ill. MATERIAL AND METHODS The curiously exposed condition of the filum terminale in fishes, coupled with the fact that in both elasmobranchs and teleosts, Reissner’s fiber is particularly well developed, largely influenced my choice of material. My final preference for elas- mobranchs was determined by the idea that the absence of bony tissue in the vertebral column would facilitate the prep- aration of the inevitable large number of series of sections. I planned, originally, to experiment principally upon the common dogfish (Seyllium canicula) and to use rays only in the event of dogfish of suitable size being unobtainable. Knowing nothing certainly as to the probable extent of the recoil of the fiber, I was anxious to make use of comparatively small speci- mens, for it was possible that serial sections of the entire length of the central nervous system of all of the specimens might have to be prepared—a task of no little magnitude. As it happened, only a couple of reasonably small dogfish were obtained during my stay in Plymouth in July, 1910; relatively small rays were, however, moderately plentiful, and for the most part the preliminary experiments were performed upon these animals. THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 137 Subsequent examination of this material under the microscope indicated that in most cases it would be necessary to examine only an inch or so of the spinal cord in front of the place where the incision was made. This point was almost always within a third of an inch of the extremity of the tail. The size of the specimen thus appeared to be of no great importance but this fact was only ascertained when the material had been prepared for microscopic examination nearly a year subsequently to the completion of these preliminary experiments. Accordingly in the summer (August) of 1911 I was less care- ful to restrict my experiments to specimens of small size. I was thus enabled to obtain, more readily, the many specimens which I required. In all, a dozen comparatively small dogfish, ranging from 14 to 20 inches in length, were secured, and, upon these were performed experiments varying in duration from a few (three) hours in some cases to more than eighteen days in others. _ Of the rays, three species were employed, but of one of these, Raia microcellata, I had but a single specimen and, as in the previous year, the greater number of the experiments were made upon specimens of R. clavata and R. blanda. These included rays which were barely 6 inches in length and which were, pre- sumably, just escaped from the egg case, while others ranged up to 16 inches. The duration of the experiments, in the case of the rays varied from a few (ten) minutes to as much as thirteen days. The actual operation consisted in severing Reissner’s fiber at a point quite near to the hinder end of the terminal filament and was practically nothing but a simple prick which rarely drew a drop of blood although, in some cases, the sections showed that there had been some effusion of blood into the canalis centralis. Notwithstanding its trivial character, however, I was obliged by the conditions under which the vivisection license was issued, to perform the operation only upon anaesthetized specimens. Some trial experiments with the anaesthetic indicated that dogfish were curiously susceptible to chloroform and, despite 138 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS my precautions, two of the subjects of the experimentis subse- quently failed to recover from the anaesthetic. Finally it was found that a short immersion of the specimen in. sea-water in which had been shaken up a small quantity of a mixture of chloroform and ether would induce a sufficient de- eree of insensibility, and this method was adopted throughout my series of experiments in 1911. Under this treatment, none of the specimens died. The operation was quite easily pertormed, the subject being removed from the chloroform water and placed upon the table with its tail turned upon the side. The necessary prick was inflicted with the point of a very fine scalpel (which had pre- viously been sterilized by passing through a gas flame) at a point usually considerably less than a third of an inch in front of the sinus terminalis. In the dogfish, therefore, the incision perforated the caudal fin near its hinder border while in the rays the cut was generally made behind the last dorsal fin (figs. 2, 8). The animal was at once returned to its tank, having been out of water for, perhaps, thirty seconds. Recovery was usually rapid and, as might be expected, there was no evidence of shock. None of the specimens died from the effect of the operation, nor in the subsequent examination of the tissues in serial sec- tions, was there found any indication that morbid or sepiic conditions had been set up. Indeed, apart from certain pecu- liarities of behavior about to be described, and which I attribute to the breaking of Reissner’s fiber, the animals suffered no ap- parent ill-effects. Nevertheless, two or three specimens were lost during the progress of the experiments from causes indirectly connected with the experiments. In the second series of experiments a number of photographs were taken, of normal specimens as well as of the subjects of the experiments. I could find no record of previous attempts to photograph living fish, and had accord- ingly to make a number of trial exposures. At first, attempts were made to obtain the photographs out of doors by daylight. Numerous difficulties cropped up however, for none of the out- THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 139 side tanks were glass fronted, and the only available glass- fronted tank, of a size to be readily transported, held but a comparatively small quantity of water and there were no facili- ties for connecting this tank with the aerating apparatus. A prolonged sojourn of the fish in this tank was not possible so that attempts to photograph under these conditions involved disturbing the specimens, transferring them in a bucket to the small tank and then waiting for them not only to settle down. but to settle in a position in which it would be possible to photo- graph them. One or two lucky snapshots were obtained but the method was, in general, a failure. An attempt to photograph the fish in their proper tanks in the laboratory encountered other difficulties. Of these the chief was connected with the light. With subdued daylight a com- paratively long exposure was needed and it was found in practice that the head region was always blurred by the respiratory movements even if the fish did not elect to move bodily during the process. In the end flash-light photographs were taken. The camera was fixed up opposite the tank in which was the specimen of which a photograph was desired and by the hght of an incan- descent gas lamp it was focussed upon a part of the tank a little within the glass front. Above the camera was stretched a piece of string upon which were placed a number of bent strips of magnesium ribbon. Usually some twenty inches of the ribbon were required, divided into four or more pieces. The gas lamp was then extinguished, and the aerating tube and bulb removed from the tank to do away with movement in the water. As soon as the specimen settled in a suitable position the strips of magnesium were lit, as nearly as possible, simultaneously. The reflection from the glass front of the tank was considerable, but in some of the later photographs this was diminished by igniting other strips of magnesium suspended immediately above the tank, care being taken to shield the lens from the direct rays from this source of illumination. Most of the photographs reproduced here were taken in this way. 140 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS In all, experiments were performed upon sixty-seven elasmo- branchs, of which twelve were dogfish and the remaining fifty- five were rays. Two only, as already mentioned, died from the effect of the anaesthetic, while two others died from suffocation consequent upon my omission to replace the aerating tube in the tank after the specimens had been photographed. They were killed by being plunged into a mixture of spirit and chloroform and, after a brief stay in this fluid, were evis- cerated. In this way the blood vessels were practically drained, which greatly facilitated the rapid dissection necessary to expose brein and spinal cord, there being no troublesome effusion of blood from cut vessels within the brain case. The partially dissected specimens were immersed in a large vessel of fixing fluid (Tellyesnicky’s bichromate-acetic mixture) and the further dissection required to expose the greater part of the spinal cord wes completed under the fluid. To dissect away the vertebral column from the hinder part of the spinal cord and the filum terminale is, however, a very delicate operation, which involves considerable risk of damaging the nervous system. The exposure of the spinal cord was, therefore, carried only to within a couple of inches of the end of the tail. Behind this point I was con- tent to strip away most of the skin and muscles, about half an inch at the actual extremity being left quite untouched. In the case of the dogfish the last inch (or even more) of the tail was left intact. The preparation of the series of sections proved unexpectedly difficult. In general, a piece of the tail, about an inch in length, was removed—this piece including the point of experimental lesion—and prepared for sectioning. My intention was to cut this terminal piece sagittally in order that the point of experimental incision and a_ considerable length of the filum terminale before and behind this point might be seen in one and the same section. To avoid risk of damage to the sinus terminalis it was found expedient to retain undisturbed the skin upon the last half inch or so of the tail and the terminal piece, therefore, contained the bases of numerous spines embedded in the skin, and separated from the axis of THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 141 partly calcified cartilage by particularly tough connective tissue with contained fin-rays. These several structures became greatly indurated during the prolonged paraffin embedding which was found to be necessary. Moreover, the various tis- sues contracted unequally during this process with the result that despite many precautions a very troublesome crumpling was often produced. This was most in evidence near the actual extremity of the tail and thus affected, principally, the region behind the incision so that, while it was usually easy to determine if the fiber had retracted backwards from the lesion it was sometimes extremely difficult to certainly recognize the contracted piece of fiber. Especially was this the case when a considerable infiltration of blood into the sinus terminalis had accompanied or followed the recoil of the fiber. In such sections, the filum terminale appears as a number of isolated pieces, often cut quite obliquely and a diagrammatic sagittal section through the sinus terminalis, such as that seen in text-figure 3, was but rarely obtained. Apart from this crumpling the tail usually becomes bent at the place where the incision was made, so that the lengths of filum terminale before and behind the incision rarely lay in the same plane, notwithstanding that weights were used during the process of embedding to keep the tissue as nearly flat as might be. In front of the experimental incision the crumpling was less noticeable, the vertebral axis being more rigid, and the muscular and other soft tissues liable to contraction having been, for the greater part, removed. Nevertheless, even here, a certain cur- vature almost invariably occurred. Further, the greater hard- ness of the cartilage in this region often caused the sections to cut very unevenly. This irregularity could be largely avoided, it was found, by cutting rather thick sections (not less than 30 1). The lumen of the central canal, however, in the hinder part of the spinal cord of the rays examined has a diameter which rarely exceeds 30 4 and in such sections, therefore, the whole of the central canal may be included within the thickness of a single section or a relatively thick layer of overlying tissue may seri- 142 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS ously obscure the lumen, and a structure so slight as is Reissner’s fiber normally can scarcely be distinguished with certainty, if viewed through the thickness of the epithelial wall of the filum terminale. In the swollen or spirally twisted condition the fiber becomes much more conspicuous, it is true, but even so there is still considerable difficulty in making out details. In order, therefore, to make reasonably sure of recognizing the fiber, the sections ought not to have a thickness greater than 20 nu. In such sections the fiber, if present, would be likely to appear as a well defined thread in an open canal and even if the sections should chance to include also an underlying or overlying layer of epithelium, this would almost certainly be quite thin. Accordingly, the attempt was made to cut the tails in sagittal sections of 20 u in thickness, the resulting series consisting gen- erally of comparatively thin sections alternating with others considerably thicker, the latter often permitting the presence (and extent) or the absence of the fiber to be ascertained, details being filled in from the thinner sections. As already observed, the almost invariable distortion ae ae material led, very generally, to parts of the filum terminale being cut very obliquely (fig. 26). Thus it happened sometimes, even where all the sections of a series were thick, that parts of the lumen of the central canal were exposed clearly to view. On the other hand, even where moderately thin sections had been ob- tained, there was occasionally some difficulty in deciding whether or no Reissner’s fiber was present. In experimental material in which the fiber has been broken, the relaxed fiber may frequently be found lying closely against the surface of the cells which line the central canal. This epithelium has a clear and highly re- fractive internal border which stains, with borax carmine, a delicate pink, precisely like a lightly stained Reissner’s fiber. A very slight alteration of the focus of the microscope produces, along the cut edge, the effect of a double line and gives rise to an appearance which may readily be mistaken for the fiber lying in juxtaposition, optically or actually, with the epithelial surface. It has been found impossible, in some cases, to be absolutely certain whether one is viewing the cut internal edge of this epi- THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 143 thelium, or Reissner’s fiber lying against it or beyond it. Usu- ally, however, the relaxed fiber does not lie, everywhere, in a perfectly straight line and, if one is actually dealing with the fiber, a careful tracing of the central canal will almost always show the fiber, sooner or later, turning centrally away from the wall of the central canal (fig. 27) and standing for a longer or shorter stretch as a distinct and free central thread. There would be less difficulty, perhaps, in certainly recogniz- ing the fiber if it invariably maintained its normal thickness (2 to 3 w in the rays) or swelled, as it may do after being cut, to as much as 8 uw or 10 w in diameter. Not altogether infrequently, however, the fiber appears extremely fine, of a thickness which I estimate to be less than 0.3 u. Of such a diameter is the fiber in early development in larval cyclostomes and amphibians, and I can only conjecture that the occasional occurrence in these small rays of this delicate fiber is an indication that there has taken place a retraction of the fiber so extensive that repair has taken on the character of a completely new growth which is at first much thinner than in the adult state. In yet other cases the fiber may be wanting in the region ex- amined but there may be found, lying centrally, a shadowy structure which seems to be a hollow cylinder (fig. 18) whose diameter is considerably greater than that of a much swollen fiber. Were it not that a swollen and displaced length of fiber often lies nearby, I should have been disposed to regard this structure as the product of the disintegration of the fiber. Pos- sibly it represents a film of coagulated cerebro-spinal fluid which has formed around a swollen and gradually withdrawing fiber. The tissues were stained (in bulk) with borax carmine. Double staining was soon. abandoned as it was found that parts of thick sections were at times imperfectly fastened to the slide and were liable to be lost in the staining or decolorizing fluids and it was most important that no parts of Reissner’s fiber should be lost in this way. In the few cases in which double staining was resorted to, the second stian was invariably picro- indigo-carmine. 144 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS One other point must be mentioned here. In the ray the ac- tual position of the terminal sinus varies slightly, it was found, in different individuals. In the case of the specimen of Raia blanda figured (text-fig. 3) this terminal chamber extended downwards behind the extremity of the notochord, which is, I believe, the strictly primitive condition. It occurs, however, less frequently in this position than might be expected, and in many cases it lies altogether dorsal to the notochord, not always extending even to the posterior extremity of that structure. Whether there has been some mutilation in these cases or whether on the contrary there takes place, normally, a certain amount of resorption of the tissue of the terminal filament, I can not decide. In some teleosts I have found what are, almost certainly, stages in the disappearance of the postero-ventral (post-chordal) part of the neural tube. I find, moreover, that the corrugation of the hinder end of the filum terminale in small rays which I have described (12, p. 423) as so strongly suggestive of neuro- meric constriction, is likewise frequently met with in the vanish- ing vestiges of the filum terminale in the region of the disappear- ing tail in the recently metamorphosed anuran. While these facts suggest that the variation in position of the sinus terminalis of the ray may be due to some extent to the ab- sorption of tissue in this region,! the possibility of mutilation must not be ignored. The actual end of the tail of the ray is soft and not protected by spines, and specimens which have suf- fered quite considerable mutilation are by no means rare. The terminal sinus, too, in those specimens in which it lies wholly dorsal to the notochord (fig. 19) rarely shows that bulbous ex- pansion which is seen in examples in which the sinus terminalis has the postero-ventral position (fig. 20) but has quite a marked resemblance, in shape, to the secondary terminal sinus which I ‘That an absorption of tissue in this region does occur in rays is suggested by Beard’s statements (’96, p. 55, footnote 2), that the young (Raia radiata) immediately prior to escape from the egg case are shorter by a centimeter or so than embryos a month younger. Some of my own specimens which were six inches or less in length must, almost certainly, have been quite newly escaped and the process of resorption was possibly incompleted. THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 145 have found produced as the result of my experiments (12, text-fig). Be the reason for this variation in position what it may, it has a certain importance in this investigation, for in one or two cases where the sinus terminalis lay unexpectedly far forward, the incision (which was made in the postero-ventral region of the tail, being planned to break the fiber actually in the sinus ter- minalis) missed the terminal filament altogether. Of young dogfish, only recently emerged from the egg-case, I have had no material but in the adult there appears to be little variation in the position of the terminal sinus. In several cases, both dogfish and rays, the cut was made in the region of the terminal filament but just a trifle too far dor- sally, and the sections show that, although the cut penetrated the neural canal, the filum terminale and surrounding pia mater escaped damage. Such specimens in which the experimental incision failed to break the fiber served well as control specimens. Other control specimens were simply anaesthetized without undergoing the usual operation. These latter on recovery behaved in perfectly normal manner. IV. OBSERVATIONS UPON THE LIVING ANIMAL 1. Upon normal material The experiment carried out in 1910 had almost immediately directed my attention to the fact that a frequent, if not an invari- able, consequence of the operation was the assumption by the subject of the experiment of a very distinct attitude while at rest. Accordingly, during the time spent at Plymouth both in 1910 and 1911, while the experiments were going on in the Jaboratory, very constant and careful attention was given to the numerous normal specimens which were kept in confinement in the adjoming aquarium. Control specimens, too, were kept under observation in small tanks in the laboratory under condi- tions precisely similar to those in which the subjects of the experiments were maintained. 146 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS It was found that the normal dogfish would, after a period of activity, settle indifferently upon any part of the aquarium floor apparently neither shunning nor choosing the well lighted parts of the tank. Whether, however, they came torest upon the floor of the tank or upon a rocky ledge in the aquarium, it was observed that they almost invariably settled in some position which gave room for the body to stretch out freely with the tail extended horizontally in the line of the long axis of the body. In such a position (figs. 1, 6) the wedge-shaped head lies with its ventral surface lifted from the floor, but the long axis of the brain has an approximately horizontal position. The trunk, from the branchial region almost to the end of the pelvic fins, lies slightly flattened ventrally against the supporting sur- face. The pectoral fins are disposed nearly horizontally out- wards and backwards. The anal fin is bent over, near its base, sharply to one side so that the actual ventral surface of the ani- mal, behind the pelvic region, is supported just clear of the bottom. Behind the anal fin, however, in which region the trunk tapers off into the tail, the ventral surface no longer touches the bottom but is supported well clear of the tank floor. The caudal fin rests upon the bottom so lightly that its flexible ven- tral border is searcely bent. In this attitude, which was found to be invariably assumed by fish confined in the small tanks, the long axis of the central nervous system (which coincides with the position of Reissner’s fiber) is maintained, practically, in the hori- zontal plane. Only at its hinder end, in the heterocercal tail, is this axis slightly upturned. In the aquarium, in which an attempt is made to reproduce more nearly the natural condition, the bottom is frequently uneven. Whether, however, the fish settles upon the roughly level floor or perches itself upon some jutting rocky shelf, it will be found to maintain the posture described. Upon an uneven supporting surface it will be seen that the body bridges stiffly the gaps between inequalities of the surface and the tail maintains its nearly horizontal position even if there be no contactual surface beneath the caudal region. It is not unusual to see a dogfish resting with the trunk supported upon a rocky THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 147 ledge and the tail projecting out stiffly. This is not to be attrib- uted to a natural rigidity of the tail, for this region of the body is peculiarly flexible, and it must be assumed that the posture is maintained by muscular effort. At times, however, dogfish will wedge themselves into crevices between the rockwork in a nearly vertical position, but even then they maintain a posture in which the long axis is approximately straight. As will appear, a quite different attitude is assumed by speci- mens in which the fiber of Reissner has been accidentally or otherwise injured. Indeed, specimens which have received in- jury resulting in the breaking of the fiber can be easily recog- nized by the attitude in which they rest. The normal attitude of the rays is strictly comparable to that just described for dogfish. These animals will, in confinement, settle, apparently indifferently, either upon a horizontal or a smooth vertical surface. While, however, the rays may often be seen adhering to the smooth surface of the wall of the tank, or the glass front of the tank, they appear unable to maintain themselves for long in this position. In the larger tanks and aquaria they seem to exhibit a preference for smooth and level horizontal surfaces. In either case the whole ventral surface (including that of the head and flattened tail) is applied to the supporting surface (fig. 7). The snout, it is true, may be very slightly lifted from that surface (fig. 10). The flexible tail stretches backwards, its long axis being a continuation of that of the trunk. 2. Upon experimental material I propose, here, to give a general outline of the reaction ob- served in the subjects of the experiments in order that the sig- nificance of the various experiments, a detailed account of which is given in the succeeding section, may be more readily appre- ciated. In the subject of the experiments, recovery from the anaes- thetic occurred usually within a very few minutes and was fre- 148 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS quently followed by a period of marked activity. In this case the animal would dash about the tank, commonly blundering heavily into the confining walls. This phase rarely endured for long, but gave place to a quiescent stage in which the animal apparently exhibited a preference for the darker part of its tank. Settling down, it might remain inactive for comparatively long periods, moving only when disturbed. In other cases the speci- men, recovering from the anaesthetic, passed directly into this lethargic condition. I imagine that this difference in behavior was due to the varying degree in which the animal had been affected by the anaesthetic, a slight degree of insensibility being marked by the erratic activity when volition was recovered. Be this as it may, the assumption of some posture of the body unlike that which I have described above as normal, was fre- quently manifested very soon after the quiescent stage was reached. In some cases it appeared within ten minutes of the operation. Both the head and tail would be gradually lifted until the long axis of the body, from being a straight line would become markedly curved (figs. 2-5). The tail was, in general, sharply upturned from its base, while the trunk region was up- lifted upon the pectoral fins from a region just behind the head. In the rays, owing to the great development of the pectorals, this appears to give rise to a transverse curvature of the anterior part of the body, as seen from in front (figs. 9, 13, 14). There may be also a distortion of the long axis in the hori- zontal plane, the trunk and tail being bent several times from side to side (in some of the dogfishes) or with a single sharp bend of the hinder part to one side (rays and dogfish). It is probable that a disturbance of the poise of the body exists, ikewise, while the animal is in motion. It is, however, very difficult to be sure of this. In some of the dogfish, certainly, uniform undulation of the body in swimming seemed to be re- placed by a less even movement which is perhaps best described as a wriggling action. These reactions did not always make an appearance quickly after the operation. In some cases their advent was delayed for days even, and in yet others, as will be seen from the detailed THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 149 record given below, they never appeared at all. The explanation of these apparent exceptions must be deferred until after the account of the microscopical examination of the experimental material. The duration of the reaction also varied considerably, persist- ing in some cases for a few hours only, while in others it endured for several days. In a few cases it appeared to be intermittent. Vv. A SUMMARY OF THE RECORD OF THE EXPERIMENTS AND AN ACCOUNT OF THE EFFECTS UPON REISSNER’S FIBER A. Scyllium canicula 2. The experimental incision was made at noon on July 7, 1910. The specimen quickly recovered and, although somewhat sluggish, appeared to swim normally. At rest, its body was bent slightly but otherwise the posture seemed normal. No change was observed until July 11, when the ventral border of the caudal fin was seen to be lifted slightly (about half an inch) from the tank floor. The ani- mal became more sluggish and, if disturbed, soon returned to rest, exhibiting an apparent preference for the darkest corner of its tank, which rendered observation more difficult. The tail rested, more- over, against a sloping part of the tank where wall and floor met. It was impossible, therefore, to be sure whether the tail was really slightly lifted by muscular effort or merely upraised on account of the elevation of its support. The whole body, however, was seen to be considerably curved. On July 13 and 14 the fish was more restless and upon the 15th, when seen at rest, the long axis of the body was dis- posed in a straight line (for the first time since July 8). During the following day it was noticed that the body of the fish was once more bent from side to side in long wavy curves, but with the tail, as be- fore, supported upon the sloping part of the tank. Next day, however, it was found resting well away from the back of the tank and the tail was uplifted, a clear two inches, from the floor. By midday on the 18th this reaction was still more marked and the hinder part of the trunk and tail were bent sharply to one side. Throughout the two succeeding days this reaction was pronounced. On July 21 the fish had reverted to an earlier posture, with the tail supported against the sloping part of the floor, but by midday it was once again well out in the tank with the tail held well off the floor. On the next day the reaction was less marked though the body was still bent. During July 23 the reaction was scarcely discernible and later in the day, when it was decided to kill the specimen, the fish appeared normal. It showed very marked activity in its attempts to avoid the net, swimming with a wriggling movement (the head and forepart of the body being twisted quickly from side to side). This action in swimming had been THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 2 150 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS noticed on several previous occasions. This specimen, then, gave a marked reaction lasting for 13 days. Duration of the experiment 16 days +. The sections showed that, in front of the incision, a secondary sinus terminalis had been produced into which Reissner’s fiber is seen to ex- tend and, in contact with the hinder (meningeal) wall of which, it flares. Apparently it has just become attached thereto (fig. 31). Behind the incision the fiber has apparently entirely disappeared. 9. This specimen, for nearly a week after the operation (performed on July 12), showed a curious restlessness, not once being observed at rest until the morning (10 a.m.) of July 18. This activity was fol- lowed by an equally marked lethargy. The specimen took up a posi- tion in the darkest corner of the tank, where it lay with the body bent upon itself at-a sharp angle and the tail supported against the sloping part of the tank. Not until July 22 was the specimen seen, in repose, away from the wall of the tank when it was found resting with the end of the tail slightly lifted: the flexure of the body was nearly — straightened out. It was killed on July 23 the experiment having lasted 11 days. In the sections the fiber (in front of the lesion) is found to extend backwards nearly to the place where the filum terminale was severed. It is probable, therefore, that the fiber had nearly recovered from the effect of the operation but the experiment was ruined by an accidental cut made, far forward in the trunk region, when exposing the spinal cord. The fiber in the piece examined is much swollen and continu- ously twisted (text-fig. 2), undoubtedly due to a (backward) re- traction from this distant cut. 20. The incision was made at 11.15 a.m. on August 3, 1911, and, by noon, the tail was lifted slightly so that the lower border of the caudal fin no longer rested upon the tank floor. When disturbed, the fish swam with a quick wriggling action (cf. 2) and came to rest in a curi- ous attitude in a corner of the tank, the anterior part of the trunk being poised vertically, supported by the adjacent walls of the tank, while the posterior part lay out horizontally upon the tank floor (cf. the ray, fig. 11). After being again disturbed, it once more came to rest in this peculiar attitude and so remained until 3 p.m. at which time it was again compelled to move. It was observed to swim in quick rushes, even leaping partly out of the water, and the wriggling move- ment was very noticeable. Ten minutes later it had settled down with the end of the tail slightly lifted but resting lightly against the tank wall. It was disturbed yet again and was subsequently induced to settle well away from the walls of the tank and the tail was then seen to be held at least an inch and a half from the floor, and it con- tinued in this attitude until 4.15 p.m. when it was accidentally dis- turbed. During the next half hour it was repeatedly set in motion by the movements of another dogfish which shared the tank. It settled down six several times in the same attitude (with head and tail lifted) once or twice essaying the half vertical position which it had THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 151 assuméd earlier. By 4.45 p.m. the tail was lifted more than two inches from the floor. The specimen was then driven about the tankand compelled to swim actively for several minutes and then removed and killed. There was in this case a well marked reaction which endured for the entire period of the experiment—53 hours. In front of the lesion the fiber has completely withdrawn from the piece of terminal filament and spinal cord examined. 21. The incision was made at 11.40 a.m. August 3. Upon recovery from the anaesthetic the specimen adopted the normal attitude. It was killed at 10.30 a.m. August 6, having given no apparent reaction during the three days of the experiment. The sections are poor but show that the incision missed the terminal filament and thus failed to break the continuity of the fiber which is seen to be of normal diameter and to lie tautly stretched. 22. Within 10 minutes of the operation (performed at 10 a.m., August 4) a marked reaction appeared, the lower border of the caudal fin being lifted a clear two inches from the tank floor. The animal was sluggish and, after being disturbed, reverted always to this atti- tude. It was twice photographed later in the afternoon but the reac- tion had then become less marked (figs. 2, 3) but continued as shown until the specimen was killed at 5 p.m. Duration of the experiment 7 hours. The fiber has apparently been withdrawn forward from the lesion completely beyond the anterior limit of the piece of spinal cord sectioned. 23. The incision was made at 10.10 a.m. August 4, but was followed by no apparent reaction and the specimen continued normal until it was killed on August 22. It was photographed on August 7 (fig. 6). Duration of the experiment 18 days 8 hours. The sections show that the cut failed to penetrate the neural canal and the normal Reissner’s fiber may be seen lying tautly stretched in the central canal of the undamaged terminal filament. 24. The incision was made at 4 p.m., August 4, and the usual reac- tion was noticed within half an hour of the operation, the caudal fin being lifted two inches or more. It was, however, less sluggish than the subject of the preceding experiment and frustrated all attempts to obtain a photograph during the early days of the experiment. The reaction continued uninterruptedly until the evening of August 8, the photograph (fig. 5) being obtained about midday on August 6. From the 9th onwards the reaction appeared intermittently and during the whole of the 10th the caudal fin was observed to be resting lightly upon the floor of the tank though the head was still somewhat raised. Late in the evening of the 15th and again at noon on the 18th the tail appeared slightly lifted for a while, but for the most part the reaction rarely appeared for any length of time after the morning of the 14th August (the eleventh day of the experiment). The specimen was notably sluggish during the later stage of the experiment and passed most of the time in a corner of the tank, with the tail supported upon 152 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS the sloping surface there. It was killed at 6.30 p.m., August 22. Duration of experiment 18 days 23 hours. The severed (hinder) portion of the terminal filament had not markedly disintegrated but the short length of Reissner’s fiber sepa- rated by the incision has altogether disappeared. There is visible some disorganization of the terminal filament in front of the lesion, but a little in front of the point where the cut was made the lumen of the central canal seems to have been widened somewhat, perhaps, to form a secondary sinus terminalis. Stretching backwards to this point, there is seen a flimsy wrinkled and fibrillate structure which is, I be- lieve, the expanded hinder end of Reissner’s fiber. 34. The incision, which was made at noon, August 14, was followed within a quarter of an hour, by a distinct reaction (fig. 4). This con- tinued and was well marked at 3 p.m. when the specimen was killed. Duration of experiment 3 hours. In front of the region where the experimental incision was made, the fiber is found retracted and swollen with some spiral twisting. Behind the point of injury the fiber is markedly swollen and appears fibrillar. 33. The incision was made at 12.05 p.m., August 14, and by 1 p.m. a slight reaction had appeared, but for the greater part of the day, the animal rested with the tail turned over upon its side. The whole body was strongly curved. During the following day this same atti- tude was largely maintained but at times the tail was seen to be lifted considerably. The specimen was killed at 8.45 p.m., August 15, the duration of the experiment thus being 1 day 82 hours. Reissner’s fiber is found swollen, retracted forward from the region of the experimental incision and, at the free end, is slightly spirally wound. ‘Traced forwardly this spiral becomes a very open one and the fiber passes into a comparatively straight course. It probably repre- sents a stage in unwinding. 43. The incision was made at 11.20 a.m., August 18, and was quickly followed by the usual reaction, the head being well raised. By noon the tail, also, was well lifted and the head still further raised. At 7.15 p.m. when the specimen was killed, the reaction appeared less pronounced. Duration of experiment 8 hours. In front of the lesion, Reissner’s fiber had disappeared entirely from the length of tail examined. Behind the incision also, the fiber has evidently contracted, the canal being devoid of fiber nor can the con- tracted piece be certainly recognized. 44, The incision was made at 11.45 a.m., August 18, but no reaction appeared either upon this or the following day. The specimen was killed at 8 p.m., August 19. Duration of experiment 1 day 81 hours. The fiber though severed has apparently been gripped by the ad- pression of the walls of the terminal filament and there has been no retraction of the fiber in either direction (fig. 30). THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 153 B. Raia blanda 3. This specimen was one which failed to recover from the anaes- thetic. Some 2 to 3 hours after the operation it appeared to be dead, the central nervous system, therefore, was partially exposed and preserved. The sections show that the incision severed the fiber but at the same time apparently pinched together the walls of the terminal fila- ment sufficiently to hold the cut ends. Behind the incision, therefore, the fiber is found, stretching backward from the region of the lesion to the sinus terminalis. It is somewhat swollen, the swelling becom- ing more marked as the terminal sinus is neared and, actually within the terminal chamber, it becomes greatly swollen and coiled. The terminal plug is obscured by this retraction and cannot be certainly identified (text-fig. 4). In front of the lesion Reissner’s fiber is found, everywhere in the length of the terminal filament examined, much swollen and most remarkably coiled, all the later stages of spiral winding (short of the production of actual tangles) being found in this short extent of cen- tral canal (text-fig. 2). Regions in which the fiber is simply twisted alternate with others in which the coiling is quite complicated and it is probable that the original (uncontracted) length of the fiber included in the piece examined was many times that of the length (about # inch) of the containing central canal. The evidence suggests, there- fore, that there must have been in progress, at the time the incision was made, a very definite retraction of the fiber in a backward direc- tion from a point well in advance of the experimental cut. This cut clearly checked further retraction behind the lesion, but in front the retraction probably continued until it was stopped by the hardening action of the fixing fluid several hours subsequent to the operation. 4. The incision was made at 10 a.m., July 8, and was followed by a quick recovery. Thereafter, the fish swam about with its tail turned dorsally. Six hours later, when seen at rest, it was noted that its tail was turned sharply to one side and that the extremity was raised at least an inch. The tail was still lifted at 9.30 a.m. next day but later this peculiarity was less pronounced. The specimen was killed at 3 p.m. Duration of experiment 1 day 5 hours. The sections are poor and very obliquely cut. A considerable clot occupies the central canal for some distance in either direction from the experimental lesion. Behind the region of the incision I have failed to recognize Reissner’s fiber but in front it can be made out vaguely, apparently lying somewhat slackly against the epithelial lining of the central canal and with some trace of irregular swelling and coiling (fig. 16). 7. The incision was made at 10.30 a.m., July 9, and was quickly followed by an elevation of the end of the tail, the whole tail being turned slightly to one side (the left). By July 11 the fish appeared to have become normal, excepting that it continued to exhibit a prefer- ‘UOISIOUL oY} jO WOISL OY} OYBOTPUT ‘,, [ST[BUIUIIO} SNUIS “7's ‘ogy S 1OUSsTOY “far fapeututiey unypy “pf {(quewR[y [euruIIe, puw) pioo yeurds ay} jo jwuvo [eajuad “9°90 «‘aouTd UayBy pvYy LoqYy oy} JO [1001 YOIYM UL UOTPITP OY} OFVOIPUT SMOLIG OY], “UOISI] ]ejuoultsadxe ay} Jo “gqF ‘JuOI; ul puv ‘yp ‘puryoq (¢g) BpuBlq Brey Jo o[vUTUIIE} UM]Y oY} Ysnoiy} WOoTZOeS [e7}1SVs UBIpoM oIVwVUIUTvISVIP ATJYSIYS YW fF “SY-}xX9L, q ORUILEPPRPRLUERIEELSERATIRRRL ETE RITETT 7 r ne 4 bn ALOU ETA > se nity! THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER ans ence for the dark corner of its tank and adopted the somewhat un- usual action in swimming noted in no. 5 (Raia clavata). During the 11 succeeding days, it was observed at frequent intervals but was apparently normal throughout this period. On July 22 it was killed Duration of experiment 13 days +. This tail was examined by means of sections cut transversely which proved to be quite unsuitable for the purpose of this investigation. The fiber is found in the more anterior sections, where it appears not markedly swollen and has apparently nearly made good any retraction which may have taken place after the operation. 8. The incision was made at 10 a.m., July 13. By 10.30 a.m. the specimen had completely recovered from the anaesthetic and had at- tached itself to the (vertical) glass plate forming the front of the tank, the tail being lifted slightly and turned to the left. This con- dition persisted for an hour or so but by midday the ray appeared nor- mal. It was killed at 11 a.m., July 14. Duration of the experiment 25 hours. There was no considerable retraction of the severed ends of the fiber, in either direction from the lesion, these being entangled appar-: ently, in the clot which occupies the central canal for some distance. From this clot the fiber may be traced tautly stretched and:of normal diameter. 10. The incision was made at 11.30 a.m., July 13, and was followed very quickly by a marked uplifting of the tail. An hour after the operation the ray was found adhering to the wall of the tank with the tail swung out dorsally and to the left. The reaction continued to be marked during the three following days. By the morning of July 17, however, the ray was seen with the tail carried normally and, there- after, the specimen appeared normal until July 23 when it was killed. Duration of experiment 10 days. ' For some distance in front of the experimental lesion, the central canal is found empty of fiber. The free end of the fiber is found, about half an inch in front of the lesion, swollen and thrown into a loose tangle (fig. 26), from the anterior end of which the fiber emerges much less swollen and fairly straight. No part of the fiber shows any trace of spiral twisting. 11. The incision was made at 10a.m., July 20, with a fine knife from the right side, care being taken not to penetrate completely through the tail. The usual reaction did not appear, but there was some dis- placement of the right pectoral fin which was brought up sharply dorsally. Next morning the ray appeared entirely normal. Itwas killed at 4 p.m., July 22. Duration of experiment 2 days 6 hours. The sections show that the incision missed the filum terminale and the fiber, therefore, remained unbroken. 19. The incision was made at 4.10 p.m., August 2. The specimen was kept under observation until it was killed on August 9 but during the whole of this time nothing unusual in its behavior was noted. Duration of experiment 6 days 20 hours. 156 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS The filum terminale behind the lesion appears empty of fiber but an indistinct mass, which is apparently a tangled heap of fiber is seen in the sinus terminalis. In front of the lesion the fiber is slightly with- drawn, the end being swollen and somewhat spirally coiled. 29. The incision was made at 4.20 p.m., August 7, and the ray was killed at 7.15 p.m. on August 10, no reaction having appeared in the meanwhile. Duration of experiment 3 days 3 hours. The sections establish that the incision failed to sever the filum terminale and the fiber which is unbroken maintains its normal diameter and is seen tautly stretched. 41. The incision, made at 5.55 p.m., August 17, was followed, very quickly, by a reaction. The snout was lifted markedly and the whole body was arched up. The ray was disturbed several times but in- variably returned to rest in the same attitude. By 8.30 p.m. the reaction had become less pronounced and by noon next day, when the specimen was killed, it was much less marked. Duration of ex- periment 18 hours. In the terminal piece of the tail, Reissner’s fiber is found slack, swollen and retracted for some distance from the region of the experi- mental lesion. Another piece of the spinal cord, taken some consider- able distance in advance, showed the fiber very slightly slack and little swollen. 49. The incision was made at 11.15 a.m., August 21. A marked reaction very quickly appeared, affecting the pose, both in swimming and at rest. At noon, the snout and tail were down but the body remained curiously humped up. The specimen maintained this atti- rude until it was killed at 1245 pm. Duration of experiment 14 houcs. A conspicuous clot has formed in the region of the lesion and extends into the central canal both before and behind this point. Reissner’s fiber is seen extending backwards from this spot as a swollen, loose and slightly knotted thread. In front of the incision, the fiber emerges from the clot (fig. 22) markedly swollen and coiled interruptedly, in which condition it continues throughout the entire length of the piece of spinal cord examined. The penultimate piece reveals the fiber still more swollen and more markedly twisted. It is clear, therefore, that although there has been no withdrawal, in either direction from the region of the experimental incision, the fiber was, nevertheless, under- going a marked contraction. The only possible explanation was that the fiber had been broken farther forward and that a backward recoil had been set up, that having begun probably at or about the time of the operation. To test this point, another piece of spinal cord was taken from a place well forward in the trunk. The sections showed that, here, the central canal was perfectly devoid of fiber, a flimsy hollow cylinder of coagulum (?) occupying the center of the canal (fig. 18). 51. The incision which was made at 11.30 a.m., August 21, was not apparently productive of any reaction. The specimen was killed at 5 p.m. on the same day. Duration of experiment 53 hours. THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER Laz The tail had clearly been truncated earlier in life but had com- pletely healed and a secondary sinus terminalis had been formed. The experimental cut failed to break the fiber which is seen of normal size and tautly stretched. 52.°The incision was made at noon and was followed by a scarcely perceptible reaction. The ray was killed at 3.30 p.m. Duration of experiment 33 hours. The fiber was severed by the incision but the free ends, which are slightly knobbed and swollen are entangled in a clot and thus, presum- ably, retraction has been prevented. 53. The incision was made at 12.05 p.m. and was quickly followed by a fairly definite reaction which, however, was not evident at 2.30 p.m. when the specimen was killed. Duration of experiment 25 hours. The fiber is seen cut and slightly slackened but the free ends have been withdrawn only for a short distance from the lesion. 62. The incision was made at 8.30 p.m., August 21, and was seen to be followed by a marked swimming reaction but the specimen was not seen in repose, after the operation. It was killed at 10.30 p.m. Duration of experiment 2 hours. The sections are poor but serve to show that the filum terminale was cut. No fiber can be made out in such parts of the central canal as I have been able to examine. It is probable that the fiber has re- tracted forward, beyond the anterior limit of the piece of tissue sectioned. 63. The incision was made at 11.10 a.m., August 22, and was fol- lowed by a marked swimming reaction. At 11.40 a.m. it settled down but the tail was not displaced. It was killed immediately. Duration of experiment 30 minutes. The fiber had been cut and had, apparently, retracted forwardly, completely from the filum terminale in the piece of tail examined. 66. The incision was made at 11.35 a.m. and was followed by a marked reaction. The ray was killed at 12.20 pm. Duration of experiment 45 minutes. The fiber was cut and had retracted some distance forward. In the sections it may be seen lying slackly in an undulating course but is not appreciably swollen. C. Raia clavata 5. The incision was made at 10 a.m., July 8. By 5 p.m. the hinder part of the tail was seen to be lifted and this reaction was manifested throughout the evening and became still more marked next day. On July 11, the specimen appeared very lethargic and, on every occasion after being disturbed, returned to rest in the darkest part of its tank. In swimming, the specimen would remain poised nearly vertically, with a curious hovering movement, for 10 minutes or more at a time, its tail being turned sharply dorsally. At rest, so far as could be seen, the tail was disposed normally, but next day it was held uplifted for 158 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS several hours. On July 13, the tail was seen turned to one side and supported upon the side of the tank, the animal being very sluggish. Next morning, appearing normal, it was killed. In this case, then, the reaction appeared about 6 hours after the operation, was exhibited continuously for 24 hours and intermittently during the three following days. Duration of experiment 6 days. In this case the tail piece was cut transversely, which sections it was found are quite unsuitable. Behind the incision, the fiber seems to have largely withdrawn into the sinus terminalis in which a coiled mass can be recognized. In front of the lesion, the fiber, somewhat swollen and lying unevenly (fig. 24), appears to extend backwards almost to the point where it had been broken. 6. The incision made at 9 a.m., July 9, was followed very quickly by an uplifting of the tail which amounted to as much as 23 inches or even 3 inches from the tank floor (the specimen being only 9 inches in length). The head was also raised, the tip of the snout being lifted at least 1 inch, so that the long axis was very markedly curved. In addition, there was a transverse flexure of the body, the lateral borders of both pectoral fins being sharply upturned, also. By 2.30 p.m., the trunk had become flattened and the ray had settled down normally excepting that the tail was still raised and at a sharp angle to one side. Next day the tail had resumed its normal (horizontal) position. In its marked lethargy and in adopting an unusual attitude in swim- ming (when disturbed) it resembled the preceding specimen (5). On July 12, at 10 a.m., the tail was again seen to be well raised: disturbed, the specimen would rise to the surface and float in a nearly vertical position for-as many as 20 minutes at a time. On each occasion, it returned to a vertical position of rest. On July 13, it was observed at rest upon the floor of the tank with its tail displaced to one side (the right) but horizontal. Next day it appeared normal and, dur- ing the morning, was killed. In this instance, there was a well marked reaction manifested almost immediately after the operation and con- tinuing for 24 hours or so but thereafter only appearing intermit- tently. Duration of experiment 5 days +. The sections are quite unsatisfactory. Behind the lesion, the fiber appears to have been caught by the pinching together of the walls of the filum terminale and has not retracted. In front of the region of the incision, however, the fiber has been withdrawn forward out of the terminal piece sectioned. Sections were prepared of the penultimate piece and these revealed a very delicate filament lying slackly near the anterior end of this piece. 15. The incision was made on August 2, at noon, the needle being thrust into the very extremity of the tail. There was no reaction and. the ray was killed at 7.30 p.m. Duration of experiment 75 hours. In this specimen the sinus terminalis does not extend downward behind the notochord but lies wholly dorsal to that structure. The cut, therefore, failed to penetrate the sinus terminalis and the fiber was undamaged. THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 159 16. The incision was made at 12.15 p.m. When the ray was re- turned to its tank, the tail was seen to float slightly off the floor but with the visible return to consciousness, the ray took up the normal position. The specimen appeared very inert and, upon examination made next day, it was found that the vertebral column had been com- pletely broken at a point some distance from the end of the tail. The specimen was killed at 10.30 a.m., August 23, some 22 hours after the operation. Sections through the end of the tail showed that the hinder end of the spinal cord had already largely degenerated, obviously as the re- sult of the accident which had broken the tail. 17. The incision which was made at 2.30 p.m., August 2, was fol- lowed very quickly by a curving up, lengthwise, of the body and snout. This reaction persisted throughout the remainder of the day. Next morning the specimen was found in the normal attitude. It was killed at noon. Duration of experiment 215 hours. The sections show that the fiber had withdrawn wholly from the terminal piece. The penultimate piece of the tail was subsequently sectioned but the fiber was absent from the length of spinal cord in- cluded in these sections, also. 18. The incision was made at 2.40 p.m., August 2, but no reaction was apparent. The specimen was kept under observation until noon, August 9, when it was killed. Duration of experiment nearly 7 days. The sections showed that the fiber was broken by the operation and has, in the small severed portion of the terminal filament, entirely disappeared, while this piece of the terminal filament itself appears to have largely degenerated. In front of the lesion, the fiber stretches backwards practically to the point where it had been cut. Near its free end it is, however, slightly swollen and a little slack and its actual extremity is distinctly fibrillated (fig. 28), the flaring of the extremity suggesting that a terminal plug was in process of formation. There was, when the specimen was killed, no new terminal sinus formed. A little in front of the actual end the fiber is little swollen and runs nearly truly in the center of the canal, surrounded by an extensive blood clot which doubtless prevented the retraction of the fiber. 26. The incision was made at 4 p.m., August 7, but no reaction ap- peared during this or the three following days. The specimen was killed on August 10, at 6.30 p.m. Duration of experiment 3 days 25 hours. Reissner’s fiber is seen in the sections as an extremely fine thread stretching forward tautly from the point of experimental incision and there has, apparently, been no retraction. 28. The incision was made at 4.20 p.m., August 7,and produced no apparent reaction. The ray was killed on August 10, at 6.15 p.m. Duration of the experiment 3 days 2 hours. The fiber has evidently not retracted, in either direction from the point of incision being held, apparently, by the adpressed walls of the terminal filament. 160 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS 32. The incision was made at 7 p.m. on August 10. Upon recovery, the specimen showed an unusual swimming reaction, then settled down with the tail lifted dorsally. It was killed at 7.40 p.m. Duration of experiment 40 minutes. The sections are practically worthless, merely establishing the fact that the incision had severed the terminal filament. 36. The incision was made at 6.15 p.m., August 15, and was followed by a very slight uplifting of the snout. The left pectoral fin was also raised. Presently the fish settled normally but later the right pectoral was lifted. The specimen attempted to settle upon the tank walls but failed to maintain this position. At 7 p.m. the ray appeared in no way abnormal and at 7.45 p.m., it was killed. Duration of ex- periment 23 hours. The fiber was cut, but both free ends seem to be entangled in a large clot and there is no evidence that any retraction took place. 37. The incision was made at 7 p.m. and was followed, almost at once, by an elevation of the snout. Like the ray just described, it appeared to prefer a vertical position but was unable to maintain itself upon the tank walls for any length of time, invariably sliding downwards until it was supported by the outwardly (dorsally) bent tail (fig. 11). Any reaction affecting the tail, therefore, was masked, if it occurred. The ray was killed at 6 p.m. on August 16. Duration of experiment 1 day 23 hours. In front of the place of the lesion a somewhat limited retraction occurred, but the fiber appears to have become caught in an elongated clot which extends for some distance*forward along the lumen of the central canal. From the anterior end of this clot the fiber emerges as a swollen and indistinctly spirally wound thread (fig. 23). 38. The incision was made at 11 a.m., August 16, but was not fol- lowed by any visible reaction. The specimen was killed at 11.45 a.m. Duration of experiment 45 minutes. The tail of this specimen had, at some time, suffered mutilation but the wound had completely healed and a secondary sinus terminalis had been produced. The experimental incision had severed the fiber but the cut ends had not retracted, being held, apparently, by the pinching together of the walls of the filum terminale. 39. The incision was made at 11.15 a.m., August 16 but produced no evident reaction. The ray was killed at 5.30 p.m., next day. Duration of experiment 1 day 6} hours. There was no forward recoil of the fiber from the point where it was cut experimentally. During the dissection made to expose the spinal cord, however, an accidental cut was made far forward in the spinal cord which evidently broke the fiber in that region and it appears slack and swollen even as far back as this terminal piece. 40. The cut, made at 12.15 p.m., August 16, accidentally removed the end of the tail (a piece about one-sixteenth of an inch in length). The fish took up a vertical position, with the body supported by the out-turned tail (cf. no. 30) which, as already pointed out, masks the THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 161 tail reaction, if that were produced. The ray was killed at 1 p.m. next day. Duration of experiment 1 day ? hours. The fiber had apparently retracted forward, completely beyond the anterior limit of the terminal piece sectioned. 42. In this experiment, also, the cut (made at 6.05 p.m., August 17) accidentally severed the tail, a piece scarcely one-sixteenth of an inch in length being removed. The specimen assumed the vertical posi- tion, both in swimming and at rest. Induced to settle upon the floor of the tank, it remained in a nearly normal attitude, the snout only being somewhat raised. It was killed at 4.30 p.m. on August 19. Duration of experiment 1 day 225 hours. The sections are poor and very oblique near the hinder end. Reiss- ner’s fiber cannot certainly be made out near the point where it was cut. Further forward it is seen here and there and then appears of normal diameter, lies centrally and is apparently tautly stretched. Probably no retraction took place, but the cut end was gripped by the walls of the filum terminale. 45. The incision was made at noon, August 18. The ray rested in a vertical position but the tail was not deflected from the line of the long axis of the body. It maintained this attitude and was killed next day, no reaction being noted. Duration of experiment 1 day 35 hours. In this specimen, the fiber seems to have been prevented from re- tracting forward by the grip of the adpressed walls of the filum ter- minale, while behind the point of injury a clot has formed in the cen- tral canal and apparently the free end of the severed portion was held by this clot. 46. The incision was made at 12.10 p.m., August 18, and at 2.30 p.m. the end of the tail was seen to be slightly raised. This reaction wore off during the afternoon and the ray seemed perfectly normal next day. It was killed at 3 p.m. Duration of the experiment 1 day 2? hours. In this ray, Reissner’s fiber is remarkably delicate. It les a little slackly, apparently, but otherwise shows no sign of retraction. For some distance it lies embedded in an elongated blood clot. 47. The incision was made at 3.30 p.m., August 19. On recovery from the anaesthetic, the fish settled in a corner of the tank with its tail raised several inches and resting against the wall of the tank. Later it was gently moved away from the vicinity of the wall and it then brought down the tail to the tank floor. It was killed at 4.45 p.m. Duration of experiment 1} hours. The short, severed portion of Reissner’s fiber has not retracted backwardly. In front of the injury, however, the fiber has with- drawn forward completely out of the length of filum terminale exam- ined. Sections of a piece of spinal cord, taken from a region well forward in the trunk, reveal the fiber practically normal in size but lying slightly slackly and undulating. 48. The incision was made at 4.45 p.m., August 19, and was fol- lowed by a very slight uplifting of the end of the tail, the lateral bor- 162 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS der of the pectoral fins being also slightly upturned. By 7 p.m., the reaction had apparently passed; at 7.30 p.m. the ray was killed. Dura- tion of the experiment 2? hours. The sections are very thick and, excepting that they show that the filum terminale (and, therefore, Reissner’s fiber) was severed, are practically useless, affording no information as to the effect of the cut upon the fiber. 54. The incision was made at 12.10 p.m., August 21. There fol- lowed a marked reaction which was still pronounced at 12.55 when the ray was killed. Duration of experiment 45 minutes. The fiber had retracted wholly beyond the anterior limit of that piece of the tail which was sectioned. 55. The incision was made at 2.40 p.m., August 21. The whole body of the specimen became slightly lifted, being supported upon the bases of the pectoral fins. The tail was held out stiffly, unsupported, in a nearly normal position,its end, however, drooping slightly. This attitude was maintained until 4.30 p.m. when the specimen was killed. Duration of experiment 1 hour 50 minutes. The fiber, in this example, is extremely slight in the tail region. It was evidently broken by the experimental incision but there seems to have resulted very slight displacement of the free end; traced forward from the region of the incision the fiber is seen to lie somewhat slackly against the wall of the central canal. 56. The incision, made at 2.45 p.m., August 21, was quickly followed by a very marked reaction. The ray lifted itself well up from the floor until it was supported only by the lateral border of the pectoral fins (fig. 14). The tail was turned up sharply dorsally. The specimen was photographed in this attitude at 3.15 p.m. and was killed at 3.30 p.m. Duration of experiment 45 minutes. ; Behind the injury the fiber is seen swollen and, in the terminal sinus, it is spirally wound but complete retraction was apparently prevented by the formation of a clot which has entangled the severed end. In front of the lesion four pieces of vertebral column (including more than 3 inches of the spinal cord, or half of its entire length) were sectionized but the fiber had withdrawn forward beyond the most anterior point examined. 57. The incision was made at 4 p.m. but the reaction was not no- ticed until 7.15 p.m. when both snout and tail were well lifted. The ray was killed at 7.25 p.m. Duration of experiment 35 hours. In front of the point of injury, the fiber was absent in the length of spinal cord sectioned. 58. The incision, which was also made at 4 p.m., was quickly followed by a well marked reaction, the whole body being lifted upon the pec- toral as well as both snout and tail upturned. The ray was killed at 4.50 p.m. Duration of experiment 50 minutes. The fiber had retracted completely beyond the forward limit of the piece of the filum terminale examined. THE FUNCTION OF. REISSNER’S FIBER 163 59. The incision, made at 5.20 p.m., was followed by a reaction as pronounced as that seen in the subject of experiment 56 (fig. 14). The ray was still in this attitude at 7.15, when it was killed. Duration of experiment, a little over 2 hours. In this example, also, there had been considerable retraction, the fiber not being found in the stretch of spinal cord examined. 60. The incision was made at 5.15 p.m. Within a quarter of an hour there appeared a marked reaction which continued until 10.30 p.m. when the specimen was killed. Duration of experiment 3% hours. Here again, the sections showed the central canal, in the length of spinal cord sectioned, completely empty of Reissner’s fiber which must, therefore, have retracted forward out of this region. 64. The incision was made at 11.05 a.m., August 22. There followed a marked swimming reaction and, when the specimen settled down, the tail was well raised. The ray was killed at 11.15 a.m. and the partly dissected specimen was in fixing fluid within 14 minutes of the begin- ning of the experiment. Duration of experiment 10 minutes. Behind the region of the incision, Reissner’s fiber is found lying slackly in the central canal. In front of the injury, there has been some retraction, the fiber lying in loose wavy curves (fig. 27). 67. An incision was made at 10.45 a.m., August 24, and was very quickly followed by a marked reaction which persisted until the speci- men was killed at 12.20 p.m. Duration of experiment 1 hour 35 minutes. The fiber had withdrawn completely beyond the anterior limit of the piece of filum terminale examined. 68. The incision was made at 10.45 a.m., August 24. A marked reaction quickly appeared, the whole body being arched up and sup- ported only upon the lateral borders of the pectoral fins while the tail was sharply uplifted. Two photographs (figs. 13, 9) were taken at ape 11.30 a.m. and noon, respectively. Duration of experiment 13 ours. In this specimen, also, the fiber has been withdrawn completely beyond the anterior end of the piece of spinal cord sectioned. 70. The incision was made at 12.30 p.m. A distinct elevation of the snout appeared when the specimen had recovered from the anaesthetic but the tail was unaffected. Photographed at 12.45 p.m. (fig. 12), the specimen was killed at 1.10 p.m. Duration of experiment 40 minutes. The sections are poor, being thick and oblique. They establish however, that the incision just failed to break the filum terminale and, in the one or two sections, in which Reissner’s fiber can be made out, near the place of the incision, it appears to lie centrally in a fairly even course. But in a moderately thin section which shows the sinus terminalis quite clearly there are signs of recent disorganization and Reissner’s fiber is not present. Much of the lumen of this terminal chamber is occupied by a clot which is certainly not due to an effusion of blood resulting from the experimental cut. 164 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS D. Raia microcellata 61. The incision was made at 7.15 p.m., August 21. At 10.30 p.m the tail was distinctly raised and remained so until the specimen was killed at 11 p.m. Duration of experiment 3% hours. Sections prepared through the tail were useless. The brain was sectioned, sagittally, and showed the fiber lying in normal position, of usual size and apparently tautly stretched, so that if retraction of the fiber took place in the tail region, it had not extended forward to the head. In all, serial sections were prepared of sixty-two specimens.’ Of these, the microscopical examinacion showed that in one case (16) the hinder part of the spinal cord was in an advanced stage of degeneration due to an accident which must have occurred at some time prior to the experiment. The sections through the region including the point of injury were, in five cases (30, 50, 61, 63, 69), absolutely worthless and two others (82, 48) were somewhat fragmentary and of value only in establishing that the experimental incision had severed the filum terminale (and therefore Reissner’s fiber), while in another instance (70) the sections are, for the most part, very thick and Reissner’s fiber can be but doubtfully distinguished. In this case the experimental incision did not penetrate the filum terminale. Sufficiently satisfactory sections were obtained, therefore, in fifty-three examples. Of these Reissner’s fiber shows a most remarkable coiling in two cases (3, 49) which must be attributed to the breaking of the fiber very shortly before the experiment. In the former of these, moreover, the specimen never recovered from the anaesthetic and afforded, therefore, no reaction. Two experiments (9, 39) were vitiated by an accidental cutting of the spinal cord very far forward, while the fixation was incomplete and in both of these cases, also, an interesting spirally wound condition of the fiber was produced. Apart from these four experiments, in which there was definite evidence of an interfer- ence with the condition of the fiber before or after the experi- 2 Four specimens (1, 25, 27, 31) which died during the progress of the experi- ment had been so long dead, apparently, as to be worthless for the purpose of this investigation. A fifth specimen (33) was unaccountably mislaid. THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 165 ment, there are three cases (19, 46, 55) concerning which I am in some doubt as to the correct interpretation of the sections. Excluding for the present these seven experiments which, for one reason or another, are inconclusive, I have, I believe, very definite evidence concerning the condition of Reissner’s fiber in no fewer than forty-six specimens. The conclusions at which I have arrived are based solely upon the reactions in these speci- mens, about which there appears to be no question. The subjects of these forty-six experiments may be classified, according to the effect of the experiment upon Reissner’s fiber, in four groups. * 1. Six specimens (nos. 11, 15, 21, 23, 29, 51) in which it was found that the experimental incision missed the filum terminale and thus failed to break the fiber. 2. Nine specimens (nos. 8, 18, 26, 28, 36, 38, 42, 44, 45) in which the fiber, although broken by the incision, failed to re- tract forward, or in either direction. The severed end (or ends) were held, apparently, by the adpressed walls of the filum ter- minale or, in some cases, secured from subsequent slipping by the clotting of blood which had escaped into the central canal from the cut meningeal vessels. 3. This, the largest group, includes thirty specimens in which a more or less extensive retraction of the fiber had followed upon the experimental incision. While in some individuals (37, 52, 53, 64, 66) this retraction was not very great, in others (10, 17. 20, 22, 34, 35, 40, 41, 48, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65, 67, 68) it was very considerable. In at least five (4, 5, 6, 7, 24) it may have been very extensive, also; but, if so, it had been largely repaired before the termination of the experiment. 4. A single specimen (2) in which the process of regeneration was apparently almost completed. THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 2 166 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS VI. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE CONDITION OF REISSNER’S FIBER AND THE REACTION OBSERVED 1. In the subjects of the experiments 1. Of the six specimens included in the first group two were dogfish. The duration of the experiment varied from a little less than 6 hours (51) to nearly 19 days (23). In not one of these specimens, in which the experimental incision failed to break the fiber was there any reaction. 2. In the second class come nine specimens in which, although the experimental incision was successful in breaking the fiber, this did not undergo retraction forward from the lesion. All but one of these specimens were rays and the duration of the experiment varied from three-quarters of an hour (38) to nearly 7 days (18). For the most part, however, the specimens were killed in the first or second day. Six specimens were not visibly affected by the operation, while the remaining three exhibited a scarcely perceptible re- action. This took the form either of a very slight uplifting of the tail for a quite brief period (8) or of a trifling elevation of the snout (36, 42). It would appear, therefore, that a mere breaking of the fiber which is, for any reason, not followed by retraction is unlikely to evoke a reaction and, presumably, does not disorganize the mechanism of which Reissner’s fiber forms part. 3. A comparison, however, of the records of the experiments with the evidence afforded by the microscopical examination of the preserved material in the case of the thirty individuals composing the third group, suggests that there exists a distinct connection between the reaction manifested and the retraction of the fiber. Thus in certain cases (e.g., 37, 52, 53, 64, 66) in which the reaction had not been particularly pronounced or prolonged, there was found to have occurred a comparatively slight retrac- tion. On the other hand, in a number of experiments (10, 20, 22, 24, 35, 438, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 67, 68) in which the reac- tion had been particularly marked there was found to have THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER Ta occurred an extensive withdrawal of the fiber, forward, from the region of the experimental lesion. In a couple of instances (47, 64) this relation is less evident, there having been a somewhat pronounced reaction although the fiber had not been very greatly retracted. Both of these speci- mens were the subjects of experiments of quite short duration (11 hours and 10 minutes respectively) and it is probable that the fiber would have continued to retract had the experiments been allowed to proceed for a longer period. Reissner’s fiber, in three specimens (5, 7, 24), all of which were the subjects of experiments of prolonged duration, is found to extend backwards nearly or quite to the region of the experi- mental incision. A secondary sinus terminalis is seen in the process of forma- tion in the last of these and in this case Reissner’s fiber has become of almost normal diameter but lies freely with a some- what fibrillated ending in this new terminal enlargement of the central canal. The sections through the tails of two other specimens were cut transversely and the condition of the end of the fiber can not be certainly determined. In one (7) the fiber has a diameter but slightly greater than the normal, while in the second (5) it is quite distinctly swollen. Another specimen (6) is apparently a normal case in which there has been a considerable retraction. ‘The terminal piece sectioned shows that the fiber had withdrawn wholly from that region. The penultimate piece, however, contains the free end of the fiber lying slackly and of quite notable slenderness. I suspect that this may be an early phase of regeneration in which a delicate new growth of fiber is stretching backward, the usual simple straightening out of the original thread having, for some reason, been prevented. 4. Regeneration is seen ina well advanced condition in but a single specimen (2), a dogfish, of which the condition of the end of Reissner’s fiber is seen in figure 31. In front of the in- cision, a secondary sinus terminalis has arisen, the pia mater having grown around the end of the filum terminale where it 168 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS was severed to form the delicate hinder wall to this new terminal chamber. The fiber seems to have flared out into a terminal plug in which several strands, one somewhat thicker than the normal fiber, can be distinguished. This les in contact with the menin- geal wall of this secondary sinus terminalis and was either just about to become attached to the meninges when the specimen was killed or, more probably, had actually made its new terminal attachment. 5. It will now be convenient to consider more fully the con- dition of Reissher’s fiber in the subjects of eight experiments (3, 9, 19, 39, 46, 49, 55 and 70) which I have refrained from in- cluding in either of the four groups, although concerning most of them I have but little doubt as to which category they really belong. Thus in the case of no. 39 which was an experiment of. quite short duration, the sections show that, although broken by the experimental incision, the fiber has not retracted forward from the incision. Since the ray exhibited no reaction after the opera- tion, it is clear that we have a specimen which should be placed in the second of my four groups. During the dissection, however, a slip of the knife inflicted a cut far forward in the spinal cord. As the result of this post-mortem injury, a retraction of the fiber took place from before backwards and a simple spiral twisting has been produced which has affected the fiber back to the region of the incision. A similar accident occurred to no. 9 with a similar effect upon the fiber. In this case, however, the experiment had been one of considerable duration (11 days) and there had been manifested a well marked reaction. It is extremely probable, therefore, that in this specimen there had resulted the usual considerable retraction of the fiber which had, however, become straightened out before the specimen was killed. Reissner’s fiber is found in the sections extending fully to the point where the filum ter- minale had been severed and, in this resembling the condition of the fiber in no. 39, it is found twisted into a nearly continu- ous simple spiral (text-fig. 2). There can be little doubt that, but for the accidental breaking of the fiber after the death of the THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 169 animal, the experiment would have been found to belong to the third of my four classes. The case of no. 19 is of a different kind. In this specimen no reaction appeared as the result of the operation yet, in the sections, the severed end of the fiber in front of the lesion was found to be retracted for a short distance, swollen and, near its free end, spirally coiled. The latter detail probably affords the clue to what might, in view of the absence of any reaction, ap- pear as a distinct anomaly. The experiment had continued for 6 days and, therefore, if there had taken place a retraction of the fiber so extensive that the fiber had not straightened out in that time, a well marked reaction should have been evident. Spiral coiling, however, in every other instance known to me, is asso- ciated, as I shall show, with recent retraction. In this in- stance, then, there can be little doubt, I think, that the specimen was one which would in the ordinary way have been included in the second group—i.e., among those in which the fiber was sev- ered but failed to retract—the severed end being gripped, prob- ably, by the compression of the walls of the filum terminale. During the handling which is unavoidable where a rapid dis- section is desired, the fiber may have been released and then have commenced to withdraw. Careless handling of the specimens might be equally responsible for the snapping of the fiber. It is possible, therefore, that the apparent absence of the fiber from the spinal cord of specimens which have been some time dead before fixation may not be due (as I have supposed) simply to the degeneration of the fiber having already occurred, but may be owing rather to its having been broken and retracted entirely beyond the limits of the piece or pieces of tissue examined. In two rays which, although not the subjects of experiments, manifested a well marked reaction a spirally coiled condition was discovered in the broken fiber. One (Raia XIX) is known cer- tainly to have been taken some 24 hours before the material was preserved and it is probable that a similar interval had elapsed between the capture and preservation of the material in the case of the second (XXXIX) also. The former bore signs of recent damage in the tail region evidently caused by the trawl but the other appeared externally to be undamaged. If, there- fore, the fiber had been broken at the time of capture, in conse- quence of the violence of the animal’s struggles to escape, the fiber might be expected to have become straightened out or to be in the process of unwinding. In one (XX XIX) the free end of the fiber is loosely curled (fig. 20) and in the other (XIX) a tangle remains as evidence of a sharp recoil, but the spiral wind- ing is found only in the vicinity of the tangle (fig. 25) and has, elsewhere, disappeared. That the fiber was liable, in its recoil, to form intricately tangled knots or ‘snarls’ was first noticed by Sargent (’04, fig. 8). His figure does not suggest the spiral winding which I be- lieve to be associated with the recent contraction of the fiber and which is seen in the photomicrograph which I published in 1912 (’12, fig. 3). 5 The breaking of the fiber, prior to the experiment, in nos. 3 and 49 is prob- ably to be attributed to this cause. THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 183 At the commencement of this investigation I inclined to the idea that such a knot would be invariably produced when the broken fiber retracted, and supposed that the spiral winding, extending more or Jess uniformly along a great length, would be found only in those cases where a gradual process of fixation prevented the more sudden recoil. The results obtained from a large number of experiments indicate, however, that this sud- den contraction may be of much less general occurrence than was supposed and that the withdrawal of the fiber is brought about usually, by the simple spiral twisting of the fiber. The tightly knotted tangle of fiber present in Raia XIX, just above mentioned, is the only example of this condition which I have encountered in the course of this investigation. There is reason to believe that in this case the fiber may have broken some 24 hours before the material was preserved. In another specimen (10) in which the fiber was broken by the experi- mental incision made some 10 days before the fixation of the material, there is found a loosely twisted skein of fiber, a small part of which is represented in figure 26. That this condition had been preceded by the tightly knotted condition is very prob- able, this knot having doubtless served to hold the broken end and thus prevent more extensive retraction, for the tangle is found at no great distance (about half an inch) from the point of injury. It must be supposed, therefore, that during the 10 days of the experiment the spiral torsion had disappeared and the process of disentangling the snarl had been proceeding. The fiber, except at its immediate hinder end, had become nearly normal in size, but whether the tangle would have been smoothed out eventually, if the experiment had been prolonged, or whether a new delicate growth from the hinder free end would ~ have followed, I have no evidence to decide. 8. The duration of the reaction and the problem of regeneration It is not quite obvious why the reaction appears to be so variable in its duration. If the assumption of an abnormal atti- tude in repose is, as I believe, a consequence of the disorganiza- tion of the mechanism of which Reissner’s fiber forms part, we 184 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS should expect that the reaction would continue until the fiber had reéstablished its attachment to the walls of the sinus terminalis and had once more attained to its normal tension. The reaction did persist, indeed, in some specimens until the attachment was practically made good (2) or until the termi- nation of the experiment (9). Occasionally the reaction was manifested intermittently for several days (5, 6) while in one case (24) it reappeared after several days of apparent normality. On the other hand, a reaction was sometimes marked during the early hours of an experiment but was not noticed subsequently (7) although the sections showed that the fiber had been broken but gave no indication that the new terminal attachment was completed. While, then, it is quite possible that in some specimens (in which the reaction had seemingly disappeared and which were killed very soon after the operation) the reaction might have reappeared at intervals had the experiment been prolonged, it is probable that in many the reaction would have apparently completely vanished (as in 7). Nevertheless, it seems unlikely that the effect produced by the breaking and retraction of the fiber can really altogether disappear until the tension of the fiber has been restored. The more obvious irregularities of the pose are possibly soon corrected, to a large extent, by the aid of the other senses, no- tably that of touch, and these corrections would be likely to become more exact as time passed, thus accounting, In some measure, for the gradual diminution in the magnitude of the reaction. It is, however, extremely probable that there may have been other reactions which persisted long after the speci- mens seemed to me to be normal. Especially may this have been the case with minute irregularities in action, in swimming, for whilst in motion the correcting influence of the sense of touch, at least, would almost certainly be eliminated. The motion of the animal is particularly difficult to observe closely and defied my attempts at analysis so that, although at times I felt convinced that the action was not exactly that which is THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 185 usual, yet it was extremely difficult to decide wherein the difference lay. There is yet another possible explanation. It has been seen that, where retraction did not follow the breakage of the fiber, there was no obvious reaction. It has been assumed that this was due to the maintenance of the tension of the fiber by the firm grip of the adpressed walls of the filum terminale upon the severed end of the fiber. Not only, however, might the tension be maintained but the connections with the numerous sensory cells in the central canal, whose filamentous processes con- tribute to the substance of the fiber, are preserved intact. The absence of the reaction may be partly or wholly attributable to this latter fact for, although the terminal plug at the hinder end of the fiber is clearly to be regarded as the principal insertion of the fiber, yet there can be little doubt that the attachmenis of the fiber by the component fibrillae throughout the length of the spinal cord must afford a very considerable support. Such evidence as these experiments have afforded suggests that the greater the extent of the retraction forward the greater is the degree of the reaction. It may well be, then, that as soon as the forward retraction is checked and the repairing process has brought about the unwinding and siraightening out of the fiber, the component fibrillae may forthwith begin to renew their attachment to the fiber. In this way while they may assist in restoring the tense condition of the whole fiber a constantly increasing number of sensory cells may be coming into action again, the diminution of the visible reaction being attributable to the restoration of these connections. Sargent has stated (04, p. 230) that “sharks have shown almost no capacity to heal wounds or regenerate skin.”” During the progress of this investigation several rays were taken in which there was evidence of the loss of part. of the tail but the stump had healed perfectly. While it may be that, as regards this power of regeneration, rays differ from sharks and dogfish, it must be remembered that my rays were, in general, quite small specimens and it is exceedingly likely that the injury had been inflicted when the specimens were very small, indeed. 186 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS In young animals the recuperative powers are frequen ‘ly much greater than in aged specimens and it may prove that the restoration of the normal (functional) condition of Reissner’s fiber after injury may be effected much more quickly in some specimens than in others. In this connection the condition of Reissner’s fiber in the dogfish (F) is of interest. This specimen, it will be remembered, was one which was seen in the large aquarium tank exhibiting, very markedly, the reaction which is associated with the broken and retracted fiber. The fish had certainly been in confine- ment for some time and there was reason for connecting the injury to the hinder border of the caudal fin with damage in- flicted by the trawl. The injury was, therefore, probably of long standing and the reaction had almost certainly persisted for a considerable time. In the sections the fiber was found to be somewhat slack, lying near its free end in loose undulations and there were no indications that regenerative processes were at work. The specimen was unusually large and presumably an old individual. There seems, therefore, to be in this case a connection between the size (age) of the specimen, the lack of regenerative powers and the continuance of the reaction. As already noted, I have but one example of undoubted re- pair of the mechanism (fig. 31) after the experiment. This is seen in a dogfish (2) which was killed sixteen days after the operation. In several cases, however, the fiber had clearly undergone a considerable retraction but had straightened out again before the specimens were killed. In the sections, therefore, it is seen to extend almost or quite to the spot where it had been broken by the experimental incision. Examples of this phase of repair are to be seen in nos. 5, 7, 8 and 24. The disentanglement of the snarl (10) and the unwinding of the spirally twisted fiber (37, 41) must be regarded as preliminary stages in the proc- ess of repair. In no. 18, where there had been no retraction, it would seem as though the end of the fiber was flaring out in preparation for a new terminal plug (fig. 28). THE FUNCTION OF. REISSNER’S FIBER 187 Whether the delicate fiber found extending backward slackly in some specimens (46, 55) almost to the region of the incision, is to be regarded as yet another early stage in regeneration is less certain. Possibly it is a backward growth from the free end of the fiber in a snarl which has altogether failed to become dis- entangled. On the other hand the fineness of the fiber may be nothing but an individual peculiarity. It is noteworthy that, where this abnormally fine fiber was found, it had retracted but little when cut and the oe reaction had proved to be but slight. In view of the fact that a case of complete repair had been obtained in but a single experiment (2), it has not been possible to determine the period within which regeneration might nor- mally be expected to take place. If the incision has completely divided the filum terminale (in practice an inevitable conse- quence of any attempt to cut the fiber) even though this be very far posteriorly, it is almost certain that regeneration cannot be effected until a new (secondary) sinus terminalis has been formed. It is unlikely that this comes into existence earlier than the end of the second week, although the exact time would depend upon the regenerative powers of the tissue of the individual and would be likely to take place more quickly in young and rapidly grow- ing specimens. The new attachment of the fiber may, however, be even then delayed if the retraction has been very consider- able, has resulted in a tangled knot, or if the fiber has broken very far forward. In several of my experiments the fiber had returned nearly to its normal diameter and had pushed backwards to the region of the incision within a week of the operation, while the spiral twist appears to be straightened out during the second day under ordinary circumstances. A complicated tangle evidently re- quires a considerable period in which to become resolved and in such a knot it is probable that the spiral twisting may per- sist rather longer. In my experiments, however, only a short length of the fiber was actually separated and consequently no great length of new growth, if any, was required to enable the fiber to extend to the newly formed sinus terminalis. Where, 188 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS however, the fiber may have been broken by an accident at a point very far forward it may be supposed that a relatively ‘long period may elapse before the new growth has pushed back to the terminal sinus. But regeneration might, under such circumstances, take place much more quickly when (unlike the condition after the experi- ment) the walls of the central nervous system had remained intact and there was no need for the production of a new terminal sinus. Specimens 38 and 41 are instances in which regeneration must certainly have occurred, both of these rays having suffered the loss of the hinder part of the tail (and therefore of the sinus terminalis) earlier in life. | VIII. SUMMARY 1. Reissner’s fiber, if severed, will generally be withdrawn in both directions from the lesion, the retraction being apparently effected by a spiral winding of the fiber which attains a greatly increased thickness as the withdrawal proceeds. 2. In dead or dying material, this retraction may continue, if not checked by prompt fixation, until the whole of the fiber has withdrawn to its points of attachments; in living specimens there may be produced at the broken ends a tangle or snarl which doubtless serves to prevent such extensive retraction. 3. In individual rays or dogfish in which such retraction of the fiber has taken place there is manifested a distinctive re- action; the specimen assumes an abnormal posture while at rest and probably, also, exhibits an unusual action while in motion. 4. This reaction becomes apparent very shortly after the return to consciousness (of the animal anaesthetized for the operation), may be intermittent, and is manifested by different specimens for widely different periods. Probably there is a connection between the degree of the reaction and the extent of the retraction of Reissner’s fiber. 5. This reaction is not observed in those individuals in which the fiber has been broken but has, for any reason, failed to retract. THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 189 6. The time required for regeneration is probably not less than a week, even when the retraction has not been extensive and the filum terminale and sinus terminalis are undamaged; in the case of the experimental material probably several weeks are required. Regeneration commences with the uncoiling of the fiber, which may be complete in a couple of days. The fiber extends backwards more or less slackly, becomes less swollen and probably by further growth, comes once more into contact with the hinder wall of the sinus terminalis (original or second- ary) into which 1t becomes inserted. 7. It would appear, therefore, that, as suggested by Dendy, the fiber serves to control automatically the flexure and pose of the body. While it is probable that the related sensory cells are largely concentrated in the sub-commissural organ, it is equally probable that many other such sensory cells are scattered in the ependymal epithelium of the canalis centralis throughout the length of the spinal cord. 190 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS IX. LITERATURE CITED ALLEN, W. F. 1916 Studies on the spinal cord and medulla of cyclostomes with special reference to the formation and expansion of the roof plate and the flattening of the spinal cord. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 26. Ayers, H. 1908 The ventricular fibers in the brain of myxinoids. Anat. Anz., Bd. 32. Bearp, J. 1896 The history of a transient nervous apparatus in certain Ich- thyopsida. Zool. Jahrb., Bd. 9. Denpy, A. 1902 On a pair of ciliated grooves in the brain of the ammocoete, apparently serving to promote the circulation of the fluid in the brain cavity. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. 69. ‘ 1909 The function of Reissner’s fiber and the ependymal groove. Nature, vol. 82. 1912 Reissner’s fiber and the sub-commissural organ in the verte- brate brain. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sce., 1912. Denby AND Nicuouis 1910 On the occurrence of a mesocoelic recess in the human brain and its relation to the sub-commissural organ of lower vertebrates, with special reference to the distribution of Reissner’s fiber in the vertebrate series and its possible function. Proc. Roy. Soe., Lond., vol. 82. Epincer, L. 1892 Untersuchungen iiber die vergleichende Anatomie des Gehirnes. Abhandl. Senck. Naturf. Gesells. Frankt., Bd. 18. 1908 Vorlesungen tiber den Bau der nervésen Centralorgane des Menschen und der Tiere. Vergl. Anat. des. Gehirnes, Bd. 2, 7 Aufl., Leipzig, 1908. Gapvow, H. 1891 Végel., Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, Bd. 6, Abth. 4. Horstey, V. 1908 Note on the existence of Reissner’s fiber in higher verte- brates. Brain, vol. 31. : Houser, G. L. 1901 The neurons and supporting elements of the brain of a selachian. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 11. Karperuan, F. 1900 Uber das Riickenmark der Plagiostomen. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Centralnervensystems. Zeitschr. f. ges. Naturwiss., Bd. 73. Kouurker, A. 1902 Uber die oberfliichlichen Nervenkerne im Marke der Vogel und Reptilien. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. 72. Koutmer, W. 1905 Zur Kenntniss des Riickenmarkes von Ammocoetes. Anat. Hit;, ba..29) Abth. 1. Kurtscain, O. 1863 Uber den Bau des Riickenmarks von Neunauges. Kasan, 1863. Abstract by Stieda, Arch. mikr. Anat., Bd. 2, 1866. Nicuouts, G. E. 1909 The function of Reissner’s fiber and the ependymal groove. Nature, vol. 82. 1910 See Dmenpy AND NICHOLLS. 1912 An experimental investigation on the function of Reissner’s fiber. Anat. Anz., Bd. 40. 1912 a The structure and development of Reissner’s fiber and the sub-commissural organ. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sc., vol. 58. THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER 191 Nicuoutts, G. E. 1913 An experimental investigation on the function of Reissner’s fiber. Jour. Marine Biol. Assoc., vol. 9. Retssner, E. 1860 Beitrage zur Kenntniss vom Bau des Riickenmarks von Petromyzon fluviatilis. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Jahrg. 1860. Rowon, J. V. 1877 Das Centralorgan des Nervensystems der Selachier. Denks. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Math. naturw. K1., Bd. 38. SanpeErs, A. 1878 Contributions to the anatomy of the central nervous sys- tem in vertebrate animals. Ichthyopsida. Pisces. Teleostei. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Lond., vol. 169. 1894. Researches in the nervous system of Myxine glutinosa. London. Sarcent, P. E. 1900 Reissner’s fiber in the canalis centralis of vertebrates. Anat. Anz., Bd. 17. 1901 The development and function of Reissner’s fiber and its cellu- lar connections: a preliminary paper. Proc. Amer. Acad. Artsand Sc., vol. 36. 1903 The ependymal grooves in the roof of the diencephalon of verte- brates. Science, n.s., vol. 17. 1904 The optic reflex apparatus for short-circuit transmission of motor reflexes through Reissner’s fiber; its morphology, ontogeny, phylogeny and function. Part I, The fish-like vertebrates. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard. Srizpa, L. 1868 Studien tiber das centrale Nervensystem der Wirbelthiere. Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. 19. 1873 Uber den Bau des Riickenmarkes der Rochen und der Haie. Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. 23. Streeter, G. L. 1902 The structure of the spinal cord of the ostrich. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 3. SrupniéKa, F. K. 1899 Der Reissner’schen Faden aus dem Centralkanal des Rickenmarks und sein Verhalten in dem Ventriculus (Sinus) ter- minalis. Sitzb. k. bohm. Ges. Wiss. math. nat. Kl., Prag. 1900 Untersuchungen itiber den Bau des Dadi der nervosen Centralorgane. Anat. Hft., Abth. I, Bd. 15. 1913 Das Extracellulare Protoplasma. Anat. Anz., Bd. 44. Tretsaxorr, D. 1909 Das Nervensystem von Ammocoetes. I. Das Riicken- ' mark. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 73. ; 1913 Die zentralen Sinnesorgane bei Pétromyzon. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 83. ViauLT, F. 1876 Recherches histologiques sur la Structure des Centres ner- veux des Plagiostomes. Arch. Zool. expér. gen., Tom. 5. PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1 Seyllium ecanicula. A photograph of a normal specimen upon which no experiment had been performed. The lower border of the caudal fin is seen lightly resting upon the floor of the tank. 2 240. 17 Part of a transverse section through the spinal cord of the cat, showing a much swollen Reissner’s fiber, nearly 10 in diameter, embedded in a mass of coagulum which almost blocks the central canal. In the center of the fiber ean be seen the cut end of what appears as an axial thread or core. X 240. 18 Raia blanda (49). Part of a sagittal section through a piece of the spinal eord from the anterior part of the trunk, from which region Reissner’s fiber had wholly retracted (caudally). The middle of the canal is occupied by a filmy strueture (x) which is probably coagulum. XX 240. 19 Raia clavata (XIX, not experimental). Part of a sagittal section through the end of the tail showing the broken end of Reissner’s fiber in the (secondary) sinus terminalis. The terminal neural pore is almost choked by a mass of débris and coagulum. X 240. 20 Raia clavata (XXXIX, not experimental). The broken end of Reiss- ner’s fiber is seen loosely coiled near the end of the central canal, the anterior piece of fiber depicted having been added from an adjacent section. The (pri- mary) sinus terminalis is fairly typical and extends downwards, in normal fashion, behind the end of the notochord. 240. 21 Raia blanda (11). A length of Reissner’s fiber from the fourth ven- tricle, to show the brittle condition of the preserved fiber, which has splintered upon the microtome knife. X 240. 22 Raia blanda (49). Part of a sagittal section through the filum terminale, immediately in front of the lesion. Reissner’s fiber is seen entangled in a clot from whick there has been no apparent retraction forward. Nevertheless, the whole length of fiber in the piece examined is spirally coiled, this being the re- sult of a backward recoil from some point in the spinal cord. X 45. 23 Raia clavata (37). Part of a sagittal section through the filum ter- minale, in front of the lesion. MReissner’s fiber is seen swollen and irregularly coiled. 240. ABBREVIATIONS c.c., central canal of the spinal cord nch., notochord (and terminal filament) R.f., Reissner’s fiber cg., coagulum, practically filling the s.t., sinus terminalis central canal (fig. 17) i.n.p., terminal neural pore cl., blood clot, in the central canal v.c., vertebral column e., epithelium lining the central canal ** indicate the region of the incision f.t., filum terminale 196 THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER PLATE 3 GEORGE E. NICHOLLS ae pine. e, i a THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 2 PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 24 Raia clavata (5). A transverse section (shghtly obliquely cut) through the filum terminale, at a point a little in front of the sinus terminalis. Several fibrillae are seen which have apparently broken free from the displaced and slack Reissner’s fiber. X 320. 25 Raia clavata (XIX, not experimental). Part of a sagittal section through the filum terminale. Posteriorly the fiber is seen swollen but fairly regular. It passes into a tightly tangled knot, from the anterior end of which it emerges, loosely coiled. (Posterior end to the left, in the figure.) > 240. 26 Raia blanda (10). Part of a sagittal section of the hinder end of the spinal cord, some half inch in front of the lesion. The posterior end of an ex- tensive but loosely tangled skein of Reissner’s fiber (of nearly normal diameter) is seen in the central canal which is cut obliquely. (Posterior end to the left in the figure.) X 320. 27 Raia clavata (64). Part of a sagittal Section through the filum ter- minale in front of the lesion. Reissner’s fiber is very fine and, to the left (ante- rior) of the figure is seen in apparent contact with the wall of the central canal. Behind this point it lies slackly, well away from the wall of the canal. X 320. 28 Raia clavata (18). Part of a sagittal section through the filum ter- minale, immediately in front of the lesion. Retraction of the fiber was pre- vented by the formation of an extensive clot (lying more anteriorly and not shown in the-figure). The severed end of the fiber is seen fibrillated and flaring as though to produce a new terminal plug. X 240. 29. Salamandra maculosa. Part of a transverse section through the spinal cord. Reissner’s fiber apparently receiving three or four constituent fibrillae. Near the dorsal line there projects a conical process which is probably the apex of a sensory cell. X 340. 30 Seyllium canicula (44). Part of a sagittal section through the filum terminale showing the unretracted fiber, with what are apparently constituent fibrillae in situ. > 340. 31 Seyllium ecanicula (2). Part of a sagittal section through the filum ter- minale at the point where this was severed by the experimental incision. The cut end has become rounded off and the meninges have grown around it to com- pletely enclose the secondary sinus terminalis. The end of Reissner’s fiber is seen flaring somewhat and has, apparently, made good its new attachment. x 340. ABBREVIATIONS c.c., central canal of the spinal cord mn., meninges, forming the hinder (and terminal filament) wall of the sinus terminalis’ d.b.v., dorsal blood vessel R.f., Reissner’s fiber e., epithelium lining the central canal s.p., sensory process (?) fb., fibrillae of Reissner’s fiber in the s s.l., secondary sinus terminalis central canal ** indicate the region of the incision {.t., filam terminale LYS THE FUNCTION OF REISSNER’S FIBER PLATE 4 * GEORGE E. NICHOLLS er goty INC C068, soa Sesdabg 5 “ig Ke wee eT is ha Poy oh so Pee NTI a ; roe Play nite), , dade \ Kio 6 so), 2 Se ee / \ “soe * oa ep SR Gara, SS Cc = 6 ~ Zi ~ - eo 6 e i A &e"od e 0, %, o ELaxtep 4°06 . FIN eee Le We ee sow to. ° 68 2 PPro a ee eee ques ‘ silty ie ant te nek RS o° } 28 STUDIES ON THE OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT—IN TWO PARTS I. EFFECT OF A DEFECTIVE DIET AND OF EXERCISE II. NUMBER OF CELLS IN BULB CAROLINE M. HOLT From The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology! FOUR PLATES PARTI. EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE THE EFFECT OF A DEFECTIVE DIET AND OF EXERCISE UPON THE WEIGHT OF THE OLFACTORY BULBS CONTENTS Pp nO GUC lO Mess cet ae Clk alee Aussi S's 2, ws GROMER AM GAIA eg oc dolteh rene ees 202 PE Wetectuve diet experimenter ti. 4.2.2... eames sae ee AO. os 204 1. Previous experiments on the effect of starvation upon the central NELV OUR SV Scena OF “Ghe Tats es. cen. Ae oe tate eee 204 2. Series A: Aj, rats on defective diet from time of weaning at eighteen to twenty days, and Az, at thirty to thirty-two days........ 205 Bite WECTHOGNG sien Sood tte ehh: CS TRG ERS See SRR AEE A tM te, 205 Dae sUled sate ays the Ai eeace ee. cts sk dt ee ee eee ean en ee 207 General morphological, and physiological modifications. ... . 207 Effect on brain and olfactory bulbs......................-. 209 3. Series B. Rats on defective diet from birth...................... 210 ce UC t NO Gieie cnn RO Say dh pe eo An, Rebel wera eave Mn hers 210 peeve Slts Oitn GF teesd | aan Wiese See emert tsb. se beksenmen. ay t,t edie: 214 ih PSETRISS ( CISUIS TIC. Uh 7: SR ae eR de me eR ge, E(t ae 215 SUMINE SUGGES Sere ei gaw a cae AL ae ne ee occ er ey cate ereiels eee. t, 215 5. Summary and conclusions: Defective diet experiments........... 217 Ty xe reise ex peninentses td smi ee BoM ON eae Ly 219 1. Previous experiments on the effect of exercise upon the albino rat.. 219 2. Description of experiments: Series D and E...................... 220 3. Series D: Rats in revolving cages for thirty days................ 221 Be RESIS PINS soo, 2 ine sch Awe ARM Se Ln SO SS 221 ‘Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of University of Pennsylvania in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 201 THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 2 202 CAROLINE M. HOLT 4. Series E: Rats in revolving cages for ninety-eight to one hundred and three vdavs hss ts2G doa ee eee ie tenet ie eee 222 De SRESIILGS ey. 8. ais ee Serkan Ae ask the Le AER etn 212 Se ORO rea 223 Generalsbody growth: ...c-m-ceack. cckeaeeee (soe tee ere 223 Activaty ofexercised animals::.:5..cdassee ee ie aoe 224 Possible effect: oni fertility. 222: .ehGk sete ee one eee 225 Effect on brain and olfactory bulbs........................ 226 Eph SUUDAAIND TM pee eee oc ss. 3) co nay eM cee Re EI REE ene i es ae 233 IV. (‘Conclusiongtateers.|.. : os .. ee ee Gee er eh ee ee oe 233 Vi. Mbiterature wetted .). !. 62.08 oh eee Oe CE eer Cee oe eee 234 I. INTRODUCTION The various members of the mammalian series show con- siderable variation in the relative development of all parts of the central nervous system, but probably no part of the encepha- lon shows so great a degree of variability as does the rhinencepha- lon. Of this portion of the brain, the olfactory bulbs are, with- out doubt, the most variable in size. Thus we have the very large bulbs of the opossum and the ant-eater; the almost rudi- mentary bulbs of the ape and of man; extreme reduction of these organs in the Cetacea, with their complete disappearance in the dolphin. Not only do we find variation in size of the olfactory bulbs among the different orders of mammals, but we find that there is a considerable degree of variability within each order and even among the members of the same species. This variation in size and weight of the olfactory bulbs within a species is well illustrated by observations upon the rats in the colony of The Wistar Institute. The domesticated albino rats exhibit a considerable range in the development of this part of the brain. But while we find an appreciable difference in the bulb size of rats of different litters even under like environ- mental conditions, the individuals of a given litter usually show a more uniform development of the olfactory system. Some wild Norway rats examined at The Wistar Institute a few years ago had olfactory bulbs heavier in proportion to total brain weight than the bulbs of the albino. In the course of the present study, observations made upon some thirty wild Norway rats caught at different places in Philadelphia suggested that this difference between the two strains is not a constant one, for, OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 203 while the olfactory bulbs of these animals were much heavier than those of the albinos, the ratio between bulb weight and brain weight in this series was about the same in the two forms. Inequality in the size of the two bulbs in the same individual appears not infrequently in the albino and when it occurs it will often be found in several, and occasionally in all, members of the same litter. For this reason, in selecting material for these experiments, we discarded all litters in which cases of asymmetry were observed among the initial controls. Observations made from time to time by Dr. Donaldson, indicated that rats born in the early summer differ from winter- born rats in the relative size of the olfactory bulbs; also that there might be a difference between rats reared on a restricted diet, such as is frequently used in colonies, and those fed on the table-scrap diet adopted for the Wistar colony. Moreover, cases had appeared in which the bulbs of sick rats were appar- ently smaller than those of healthy individuals. All these facts suggested that there might be factors in, the living conditions of the rats which would account for the varia- bility of this portion of the nervous system, the growth of the bulbs being retarded or arrested in rats reared under unfavor- able conditions, such as the intense heat of the summer, or a monotonous diet, or in those suffering from the various infections which may attack the rats from time to time. It was, therefore, with the hope of throwing some light upon the question of the effect of environmental conditions upon the olfactory bulb of the growing albino rat, that, at the suggestion of Dr. Donaldson, the present experiments were undertaken. The problem resolved itself into two questions—Can the growth of the olfactory bulbs of the stock albino be modified (1) by underfeeding or (2) by exercise? The writer wishes here to express her deep gratitude to Dr. Donaldson for his unfailing helpfulness and encouragement, and her appreciation to Dr. Stotsenburg and Dr. Heuser, and to the other members of The Wistar Institute who did much to aid in the course of the experiments which have extended over the past two years. 204. CAROLINE M. HOLT Il. DEFECTIVE DIET EXPERIMENTS 1. Previous experiments on the effect of starvation upon the central nervous system of the rat There have been several previous studies upon the effect of underfeeding and of starvation upon the central nervous system of the albino rat. In 1904, Hatai reported experiments on ‘partial starvation’ for twenty-one days. He fed large quantities of starch with some fat but no proteids of any kind. He obtained a deficiency in body weight of 27 per cent in females and 32 per cent in males. Taking the values from the initial controls for a standard, the brains of the test rats showed, at the end of twenty-one days, a deficiency of 2.8 per cent for the females and 5.8 per cent for the males. Thus the treatment produced not only an arrest of brain growth but a loss in absolute brain weight. This experiment was followed by a series in which the animals, after a defective diet (Oswego starch), were returned to a normal diet. Here Hatai (07) found that the effect of twenty-one days of partial starvation was eventually compen- sated for, so far as brain weight was concerned, but the central nervous system had suffered some change in its chemical com- position. The following year (08), Hatai published the results of further experiments, this time in quantitative underfeeding with an adequate ration, in which he concludes that growth in the stunted rats is just as normal as in the controls; 1.e., all parts are proportionately stunted. In 1911, Donaldson published an account of the effect of underfeeding, with a quantitatively deficient, but adequate ration, on the percentage of water, on the ether-alcohol extrac- tives and on medullation in the central nervous system of albino rats, showing a slight diminution of percentage of water, slight increase in percentage of ether-alcohol extractives, and no not- able difference in medullation. Jackson (715) found, in young rats maintained at a constant weight on a diet of bread and milk, that the relation between body weight and brain weight remained unchanged. The brain OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 205 ceased to grow simultaneously with the body, while the cord increased somewhat in weight during underfeeding. Although there are, at present, no data by which it is possible to make a definite comparison between the effect of a defective diet and that of an adequate, but quantitatively insufficient diet, it is important to bear in mind in each case the method by which growth has been retarded or arrested. Two series of experiments upon the effect of underfeeding were undertaken—one upon rats which had been reared to the time of weaning (at three or at four weeks of age) by well-fed mothers, Series A; the other, upon rats reared to the time of weaning by underfed mothers, which meant rats underfed practically from birth, Series B. Observations were also made upon a few sick animals, Series C. 2. Series A. Ax, rats underfed from time of weaning at eighteen to twenty days, and A», at thirty to thirty-two days a. Method. As has been previously stated, while there is a considerable range of variation between litters in the matter of the relative size of the olfactory bulbs, yet within a given litter the size is fairly uniform. For this reason, so far as possible, control and test animals were taken from the same litter. This, of course, made it necessary to select fairly large litters in order to have several animals for initial and final controls, and also for experiment. The litters were always taken from healthy stock animals. For the first few individuals experimented upon, no initial controls were examined, but the results of these experiments made the advisability of such controls apparent and subsequently each litter was weighed and divided into three groups; so far as possible, equivalent in sex, weight, and bodily condition. All these rats were ear marked and a card filed for the data upon each animal. The first or initial control animals were at once etherized, weighed, measured, eviscerated, and the brains removed. One olfactory bulb was cut off from each brain, in the following man- 206 CAROLINE M. HOLT ner. The brain was placed, ventral side down, on the dissect- ing board. Then with a thin, sharp scalpel held in a position perpendicular to the plane of the board and at right angles to the plane of the median longitudinal fissure, the bulb wassevered just below the anterior limit of the cerebrum.? The bulb, with the remainder of the brain was then placed in a covered weighing bottle and the weight of both the entire brain and of the severed bulb ascertained. The final controls were weighed and placed under the normal living conditions of the colony: 1.e., housed, in long wooden cages with wire fronts, thick shaving-covered floors, and paper nests, and given plenty of fresh water with a carefully super- vised scrap diet. The test rats were weighed and placed in adjoining cages under exactly the same conditions as the final controls, save for the diet. The food given the test rats con- sisted of an unlimited amount of whole corn, usually fed on the cob, save in case of very young animals, or those weak from a long period of underfeeding. In such cases, the corn was shelled as the animals were not able to remove a sufficient amount for themselves. Both control and test animals were weighed from time to time and the weights recorded. Note was also made of any irregularities, such as a temporary change in diet, etc. At maturity, a certain number of test and of control animals were mated in order to find out whether underfeeding affected the fertility of albino rats. In the case of relatively small litters in which the members were usually well grown and in good physical condition when weaned—and especially if weaning was delayed until the rats were four weeks old—it was possible to keep the test animal on a corn diet for a month or more with practically no difficulty. 2 Small bulbs tend to differ characteristically in shape from large ones. On section it is seen that the cap of gray substance extends somewhat further caudad on the ventral surface of the small bulb than it does in the case of the large bulb. The weight of gray substance thus lost in the case of the small bulb is a very small fraction of the total weight of the bulb but a much larger fraction of the gray cap. Care must, therefore, be taken to include this portion when the number of cells of the gray substance is to be detérmined. OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 207 With the rats weaned at three weeks or in case of small rats from very large litters, there was a good deal of trouble in keep- ing the animals on the corn diet for so long a time, and of course the difficulty increased as the period of underfeeding was prolonged. ) At first an attempt was made to keep animals from several litters in one cage with the result that after a short time, the less well grown rats were killed and eaten by the stronger indi- viduals. Then the plan was adopted of having members of only one litter in a cage. This worked successfully up to the time when the animals began to weaken. Then the males frequently killed and ate the females. So finally, for prolonged experiments, it was found safer to place only animals of the same sex, approximate weight and physical condition together, but even this precaution was not always sufficient. In most cases, for the first few weeks, there was a very slow gain in weight or the weight was just maintained. But in every case when an animal began to lose or became very feeble, a dose of condensed milk was fed. One or two doses were usually sufficient to restore the animal to equilibrium and there was not infrequently a sudden temporary gain in weight, doubtless due to increased appetite and the consequent gorging of the ali- mentary tract with corn. In a few cases where the underfeeding had gone on for several months, it became necessary to administer small doses of con- densed milk more frequently—in two cases, practically every day—in order to keep the animals from losing weight. At the end of the experiment, both test and final control ani- mals were killed, weighed, measured, eviscerated, and brains and bulbs weighed as in the case of the initial controls. One bulb with a part of the cerebrum was preserved for histological study. A record was kept of any signs of disease or other abnormality. The weighing was done in closed bottles and all weights of brain and of olfactory bulbs were made to 0.1 mgm., but recorded here in milligrams only. b. Results. General morphological and physiological modi- fications. A summary of the data from observations upon 108 208 CAROLINE M. HOLT individuals of Series A is given in tables 1 to 8. The complete tables with the records for each individual rat of this, as well as of the other series, are deposited at The Wistar Institute. Of the two litters weaned at eighteen and twenty days, only three individuals survived to be killed; the others died in the cages and the brains were not weighed. The records for the three rats Just named have been included in tables 3 and 7, and their controls, with the corresponding controls. The size and body weight of rats weaned at the end of the third week and placed on a corn diet indicated clearly that under like conditions, rats weaned at three weeks are considerably more sensitive to adverse conditions than are those weaned at four weeks. For every individual of Series A; and A, (tables 1 to 8), the stunting effect of the corn diet was apparent almost from the first. During the early weeks of underfeeding the test rats appeared rather more lively than the controls. Later this activity decreased, the gait became unsteady, and the animals appeared stupid. They were often unable to find the dish of condensed milk by themselves, whereas control rats would go to it immediately. This suggests that the underfed animals lacked an acute sense of smell and perhaps did not see clearly. In every one of the test animals of which there are complete records, the general bodily growth was arrested by a diet of corn. This agrees with the observations of Osborne and Men- del (13). These rats remained like young animals in appearance as well as in size. The earlier weaning took place and the corn diet was begun, the more complete the stunting. The skeleton became modified and somewhat distorted owing to imperfect calcification. The growth of the long bones was not quite so completely arrested’as that of the rest of the skele- ton. The skull, sternum, and sometimes the ribs, became like parchment. In two cases the pressure of the heart upon the sternum had formed a sort of pocket out of that structure, which appeared like a tumor on the ventral side of the rat. The vertebral column became somewhat bowed, giving to the rat a ‘humped’ appearance and making it necessary to stretch the animals when measuring body length. One to four months of OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 209 underfeeding, following the first month under normal con- ditions, left the rats but slightly longer (4 to 10 mm.) than the initial controls measured at thirty days. The average increase in weight was in about the same proportion. Compare tables 2 to 8, for body weight and body length. All the rats showed extreme emaciation but this condition was largely masked by the condition of the coats. The hair re- mained short and soft, with a fluffiness which gave even to mature rats the appearance of plump young animals. Such emaciation was, of course, accompanied by great muscular weakness. Rats kept for long periods on the defective diet became unable to remove corn from the cobs. They walked with a tottering gait and moved about but little. The cyanosed condition of these animals was clearly indicated by the blue color of all exposed parts of the body—nose, ears, feet and tail. In protracted cases of underfeeding, a chronic palpitation of the heart developed which increased in violence as time went on. As a result of this, the whole body shook constantly. : All animals kept on corn up to maturity failed to breed or to show any sexual instinct whatever. Effect on brain and olfactory bulbs (compare tables 1 to 8). In Series A, both A; and A, show a slight increase in brain weight during the period of underfeeding. Under normal conditions, as the rat grows, the brain becomes relatively lighter in pro- portion to body weight. In the underfed rats the brain forms practically the same proportion of the total body weight as in the initial control rats (agreeing with Jackson’s results (’15)), which of course indicates in the cases where growth has taken place that the brain has not been as much arrested in its develop- ment as has the rest of the body. After four to eight weeks of underfeeding, the rats of Series A, and A; had olfactory bulbs which, taken together, formed about the same proportion of the total brain weights as did the bulbs of the initial controls of the same series, showing that the relation of these parts of the brains had not been changed during the experiment. But normally the olfactory bulbs grow faster 210 CAROLINE M. HOLT during this period than the rest of the brain so that at eight weeks, for example, the bulbs should form a considerably greater percentage of the total brain weight than at thirty days. The average absolute weight of the bulbs of the test animals was equal to but 70 to 81 per cent of the average weight of the bulbs in the control animals of the same series. It is therefore evi- dent that the retarding effect of underfeeding has been greater upon the olfactory bulbs than upon the other parts of the brain, which had 85 to 90 per cent of the weight of the brains in the control series. If the relative weight of the bulbs in Series A; and A, is de- termined for the test group as contrasted with the final control group, we obtain the following relations: TABLE 1 PERCENTAGE GROUP AGE WEIGHT OF OLFACTORY BULBS days Table 3..........] Test rats, defective diet 60 Beg Mails raver cis Final controls 60 3.99 ab lesa sere i Test rats, defective diet 79 3.39 MOEN yaeocweee Final controls 79 4.16 Rablewereter cs... Test rats, defective diet 118 3.83 Mahler Sw wees Final controls 128 4.30 This arrangement of the results shows clearly that in each of the three sets, grouped according to age, the olfactory bulbs of the underfed rats are significantly lighter in proportional weight than those of the controls. We may, therefore, conclude that the relative weight of the olfactory bulbs is reduced by the form of defective feeding employed in this experiment. The details are given in tables 2 to 8, which follow. 8. Series B. Rats on deficient diet from birth a. Method. Since it was evident that the earlier the animals were weaned, the greater the stunting effect of a qualitatively inadequate diet, it occurred to the writer that it would be inter- esting to try underfeeding from birth, by underfeeding the TABLE 2. SERIES A Initial control animals In all of the tables the averages are weighted for the number of animals in each entry OLFAC- pet PALS aan een CaNere SanreHe Gee anne se eae WEIGHT WEIGHT days gm. mm. gm. gm. Asmmale sae cere ae oak 30 44.1 118 | 1.4389} 0.051) 3.52 3.01-3 .97 iiefemales sta eats cae oe 30 | 43.5 | 116 | 1.409} 0.050) 3.53 | 2.41-4.19 Averages for males and females'..0 eee eee: 43.8 | 117 | 1.426] 0.050) 3.53 | 2.41-4.19 TABLE 3. SERIES A Test animals Stock albinos kept on corn diet for twenty-nine to forty-two days after weaning at three to four weeks OLFAC- peer bars naz |,20P%,|, BOD | BRAIN, | TORE loon or] ANGE DOYS GEELE | eee days gm. mm. gm. gm. SPIN ALES eerie taseeedoe ee vie 60 99).9 126 | 1.505) 0.052) 3.45 2.38-4.53 i Pferiall Osirapcpdecs: Pe sets es 60 53.9 126 | 1.502) 0.054) 3.62 2.68-4.21 Averages for males and femalesec qacoct ey see vor 54.8 | “126 | 1.504] 0.053] 3.52 2.38-4.53 TABLE 4. SERIES A Final control animals Stock albinos kept on normal diet for twenty-nine to forty-two days after weaning at four weeks OLFAC- res EONS sNGHS emus ‘aie mreHt eens aac ER WEIGHT WEIGHT days gm. mm. gm. gm. LOimalestee ee aan Ol 127.4| 167 | 1.668) 0.066] 3.95 2.76-4.62 females) eee eee 60 95.1} 154 | 1.606} 0.065) 4.04 3.66—-4.53 Averages for males and females: =. ass eee ee 118.8} 164 | 1.651] 0.066) 3.99 2.76-4.62 Summary sae a, Vee a wh) 91 81 Control AP CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 5. SERIES A Test animals - Stock albinos kept on corn diet for forty-nine days after weaning at four weeks OLFAC- se RATS Aas) | crea |eunere Warare| unas |CoNT OF] | aaNGal WEIGHT Babee ci days gm mm gm gm PRIN ALES sa) eed |e 47.8 126 | 1.502) 0.055} 3.63 3.31-3.93 I sfemale sree regen setae oi. chav ons 78 37.8 116 | 1.458} 0.042} 2.89 Averages for males and FEMALES SE EEE cis t:- sick 124 | 1.487) 0.050} 3.39 2.89-3 .63 TABLE 6. SERIES A Final control animals Stock albinos kept on normal diet for forty-nine days after weaning at four weeks OLFAC- gd es as nas no | Ropy,| pope | PRawn| TORY loewroe| RANE WEIGHT WEIGHT days gm. mm. gm. gm. Dimnalesaeee eo. nic haere ee ell oO 155.0} 178 | 1.727) 0.068) 3.93 3.72-4.14 iGremalettees a) hee ies 78 151.2} 183 | 1.703] 0.079) 4.63 Averages for males and FeIMalesiate swie ss cae eae ae 153.8} 180 | 1.719) 0.072) 4.16 3.72-4.63 Test 7 Summary ae es ee nooo oes Ie 69% 78% 70% Control TABLE 7. SERIES A Test animals Stock albinos kept on corn diet for fifty-nine days or more, after weaning at four weeks. (One rat weaned at eighteen days) OLFAC- giclee BopY | Bopy | BRAIN| TORY EBT AGE |wricHt|LENGTH|WEIGHT| BULBS |CENT OF TLS Ket weiqaut| BRAIN WEIGHT days gm. mm, gm. gm. A TOALES: na. oa ss Ce 120 | 47.1 118 | 1.463} 0.057} 3.86 3.47-4.19 6 females.>) reys*.. eee 115 | 54.3 | 126 | 1.594) 0.060) 3.79 | 3.55-4.29 Averages for males and females:;: : acc... Ree 50.5 | 122 | 1.524) 0.058) 3.88 | 3.47-4.29 OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT Zils TABLE 8. SERIES A Final control animals Stock albinos kept on normal diet for fifty-nine days or more, after weaning at four weeks OLFAC- eee nas non | BOBE,| BORE, | Beare | TORE, loss or] RANGE Vrnikenste WEIGHT days gm. mm. gm. gm. Grmiales.-... cease. cae. | 2 200 4 199) FA s80602078| 4:29. (381-4773 AREMB eB... Bete see 1361| 157.0] 181 | 1.706) 0.074) 4.32 | 4.03-4.62 Averages for males and Git Las AMER by BHC oe 186.7| 193 | 1.772} 0.076) 4.30 | 3.81-4.73 Test Summary = es oss de. 63% | 85% | 77% Control 1 This higher average age for the female controls is due to the fact that one female was kept for breeding purposes until two hundred and thirteen days old. As all her measurements were practically identical with those of another female of same litter, one hundred and fifteen days old, the record was included in the table. mothers which were bearing or nursing the young to be tested. Consequently nine pregnant females were selected. A few were put on a corn diet several days before the birth of the young, but most of them began the corn feeding on the day of the birth of the litter. The young rats were weaned at three weeks and fed exclusively on corn. It is intended to carry out this experiment more extensively at some future time but enough amimals were tested to give significant results. It was found very difficult to raise such litters, for two reasons. In the first place, after the young reached an age to leave the nest, the mother was very apt to kill the entire litter. This, apparently, was not because of hunger, for in all but two cases in which the young rats were partially eaten, the animals were mutilated only to the extent of a bite through the cerebellum, and sometimes through the front of the throat. It has been suggested that the increasing demands of the young, coupled with an inadequate milk supply, may have been the cause of this unnatural behavior of the mothers. 214 CAROLINE M. HOLT But the chief reason for the difficulty in raising these rats was their lack of vitality. Although very active and playful, these animals were extremely frail little creatures, so weak that the slightest disturbance was likely to prove fatal. For example, an unusually active and promising test rat of fifty-three days, was carried from the colony to the laboratory for examination. As he appeared much excited, the carrier cage was set aside for an hour. The rat was heard running about for a time but at the end of the hour was found dead. The body weight of this rat was that of an animal fifteen days old and the brain weight was scarcely more. Young rats might appear lively and in every way normal in a late afternoon and be found dead in the cage next morning, for no reason to be discovered even after careful examination. Of nine such litters only two survived to the time of weaning, and these were kept with much difficulty. A litter of ‘runts’ was also included in this series. This was a litter of rats, all of which failed to grow normally, presumably because the mother had an insufficient supply of milk. They appeared in every way like the rats which had been stunted by underfeeding the mothers. b. Results. The general results of underfeeding in Series B were essentially the same in character as in Series A but they were considerably more marked (tables 9,10 and 11). The body length and general appearance of seventy-seven day rats, under- fed from birth, were practically the same as in normal three- weeks-old rats, save for the extreme cyanosed condition. From a comparison of Series Ai, As, and B, it becomes evident that it is easier to retard the growth of an eighteen day rat than of a rat thirty days old, and still easier to stop the growth of a rat at about the size of an eighteen day individual if the under- feeding is begun at birth. Moreover, it is obviously far more difficult to rear these animals underfed from birth than rats which have been allowed to get a good start of thirty days under favorable conditions and are therefore much more resistant to the deleterious effects of partial starvation. Effect on brain and olfactory bulbs. Series B shows brains actually lighter in weight at twenty-four to fifty-three days of OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 215 age than normal brains of seventeen days (The Rat, table 74). Rats seventy-seven days old had brains weighing practically the same as those of normal female rats of forty-two days. Bulbs of rats twenty-four to fifty-three days old, actually weighed only 70 per cent as much as those of normal rats of thirty days (table 2) and only 52 per cent as much as bulbs of normal rats eight weeks old (table 4). Rats eleven weeks old (table 11) gave bulbs of the same abso- lute weight as those of control rats of thirty days (table 2). In both cases the olfactory bulbs formed a smaller per cent of the total brain weight than appeared among the controls of like age in Series A, as the following arrangement of the data shows: TABLE 9 PERCENTAGE GROUP AGE WEIGHT OF OLFACTORY BULBS days Maile Ose. sana. Test rats, defective diet- Series B. 24-53 33, 11a Mable as4. 028s: Control. 30 3) 4 Ho) Kee [Ree Test rats, defective diet- Series B 77 3.48 May lewa ne Fo. - Control 60 3.99 Meatblen Gienasecie.. Control 79 4.16 The details for these series are given in tables 10 and 11 which follow. 4. Series C. Sick rats In the course of the experiments a number of sick rats came under observation. Eleven of these were examined to determine whether the brain, and especially the olfactory bulbs, showed any effects of the diseased condition. Three of these rats were the sole survivors from a group of twelve attacked by a serious bowel trouble which killed the other nine occupants of the cages. At the time of the onset of the illness, the rats were about eighty days old. After about ten days, these three seemed to recover and were kept until they were about a hundred and thirty-five 216 CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 10. SERIES B Test animals Stock albinos underfed from birth. Under two months old RATS AGE CENT OF RANGE WEIGHT WEIGHT days gm. mm. gm. gm. Grmaless es eee | cael eee 86 1.114} 0.036} 3.19 | 3.06-3.38 ASTemaAles: toe eee ae 24-53] 15.6 79 1.062} 0.033} 3.08 2.11-3.82 Averages for males and fomiBlosaserss cet ese fake 18.1 |; 83 | 1.091) 0.034) 3.14 TABLE 11. SERIES B 1. Test animals Stock albinos underfed from birth. Over two months old BODY BODY BRAIN TORY tas NER WEIGHT|LENGTH| WEIGHT! BULBS pe ei BENGE WEIGHT WEIGHT days gm. mm, gm. gm. SMOMBLER =. 2 tks 6h ohare sizes 77 | 31.2 | 102 | 1.437) 0.050) 3.48 | 3.15-3.93 days old when they were killed and examined. The other eight sick rats of this Series C were individuals showing a con- siderable infection of the lungs, and one of these (No. 20) had, in addition, a large abscess of the liver. All of these rats were examined in the same way as those of Series A. a. Results. In the group of sick animals, those with the intestinal infection had, at one hundred and thirty-four days, bulbs which averaged 0.050 gram or 3.02 per cent of the total brain weight (table 12, group 1) while a set of normal individuals of practically the same age gave an average of 0.073 gram or 4.32 per cent of the total brain weight (see table 20, group of females). These results seem especially interesting because here the adverse conditions appeared only after the rats were well grown—eighty days old—and lasted only about ten days. The remaining two groups of sick rats all had infected lungs and were very old when killed. The two males had bulbs OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT vi LP averaging 0.037 gram, or 2.08 per cent of the total brain weight (table 12, group 2); while for the four females, the bulbs averaged 0.033 gram, 1.89 per cent of the total brain weight (table 12, group 3). For these last two groups there are no data of normal individuals for comparison but the percentage for the bulbs is strikingly low. Some unpublished data in Dr. Donaldson’s hands show, however, that while the relative weight of the olfactory bulbs tends to increase up to about one hundred and fifty days of age, in older rats there is a tendency to decrease so that some of this decrease observed in the old sick rats (groups 2 and 3) may be due to normal age changes. But the remark- ably small proportional weight of the bulbs here examined is probably due chiefly to the effect of disease. In this connection may be mentioned two young rats of litter PR (group 2), killed at seventy days. Each had infected lungs. These rats came from parents with infected lungs and had lived since birth in a dark damp cage. One had very small unequal bulbs which were not weighed. The other had bulbs weighing only 0.019 gram or 1.30 per cent of the entire brain weight. This pair of bulbs were the smallest observed in the whole series of experiments. It seems quite evident that the bulbs are abnormal and quite probable that this abnormality is due to disease. 5. Summary and conclusions. Defective diet experiments 1. General bodily growth in the albino rat is arrested by an exclusive ration of corn which constitutes a defective diet (Os- borne and Mendel). a. The skeleton is poorly calcified and somewhat distorted. b. The muscular system is greatly reduced. The coat has the appearance of that of a young animal. . Functional disturbances follow the arrested development. . There is increasing muscular weakness. . An increasing palpitation of the heart. The animals appear cyanosed. Sos wa THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 2 218 CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 12. SERIES C Sick animals Females Group 1. Three albino rats from a lot of twelve controls for revolving cage experiment. At about eighty days all contracted a severe bowel trouble from which these three recovered. BULBS ANIMALS AGE BODY BODY BRAIN pagent 2 PER CENT WEIGHT LENGTH WEIGHT WEIGHT packer) days gm mm gm gm Digs NAS EOC 135 128.5 165 1.607 0.033 2.03 Vise Ome cea: 135 150.5 180 1.534 0.034 2.24 bets ss ae em ee 134 157.9 182 1.803 0.082 4.55 Average females....|.........| 145.6 176 1.648 0.050 3.02 Males Group 2. Two, old, with infected lungs. PR eee er teins, os get 70 88 148 1.489 0.019 1.30 Dal Sota ose A a Ba 70 90 155 1.538 | unequal NGS ARIE. es. h tele old 213 202 1.759 | 0.050 2.81 INGO OS 2 is: Seed es 365 214 195 1.791 0.024 1.35 Average Numbers DE G9) eer! Flin D0 SS 21825 198 1.775 0.037 2.08 Females Group 3. Infected lungs, old age, and in case of No. 20, bad abscesses on liver. INO eee ic atch cas ie 340 143.0 173 1.673 0.027 1.63 Fei ke eee 340 146.1 187 Lol 0.032 1.79 DUO. lee tia ee hs ass 370 186.0 186 1.687 0.051 3.01 DO: fees oa ho 240 218.3 ig) 1.794 0.021 1.16 Average females.... 173.4 186 1.726 0.033 1.89 d. The sense organs become dulled after prolonged defective feeding—the animals respond but slowly to stimulations of sound, or light or smell. e. Defectively fed animals fail to breed. 3. The effect of defective feeding on the brain and olfactory bulbs is less than upon the rest of the body, but is, nevertheless, very marked. The olfactory bulbs are stunted and to a con- OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 219 siderably greater degree than is the entire brain. When de- fective feeding is begun in rats about thirty days of age, the bulbs of rats thus experimentally stunted form about the same percentage of the total brain weight as do the bulbs of rats of the same litters killed at the beginning of the experiment. Whereas, under normal conditions, the bulbs of older rats (up to one hundred and fifty days) are considerably heavier in proportion than those of the young animals. With prolonged defective feeding the proportional weight of the bulbs tends to. become slightly greater. 4. Sick animals, especially those with lung infection, show a marked diminution in the relative weight of the olfactory bulbs, accompanied by a certain amount of loss in total brain weight. Ill. EXERCISE EXPERIMENTS 1. Previous experiments on the effect of exercise upon the albino rat Several investigators have worked upon problems connected with the changes in the albino rat occasioned by an increased amount of exercise. J. R. Slonaker in 1907 published observa- tions upon four rats of different ages kept in revolving cages for a short period. In 1912, the same author published an ac- count of further experiments along the same line, and although this time, also, the work was with a small group of rats, yet the experiment was continued during the natural life of the animals. Slonaker was working chiefly upon the problem of normal activity in its relation to age and sex but, incidentally, he made some few observations upon the comparative development of ‘exercised’ and normal rats. He found that “exercised rats are more active, more alert, and brighter in appearance than the control ones,” but that “the control males reach their maximum weight at an earlier age than exercised males, and also greatly excel them”’ and that “control rats live longer than exercised rats.” No observations were made on the effect of exercise upon any of the internal organs. Donaldson, in 1911, conducted a series of experiments to ascertain the effect of exercise upon the central nervous system 220 CAROLINE M. HOLT of the albino rat, using the same sort of apparatus—a revolving cage with cyclometer attachment—employed by Slonaker. He found that there was a slight increase in brain weight (2.4 to 2.7 per cent) to be attributed to the effect of exercise. This was what was to be expected in view of the heavier brain to be found in the wild Norway rat. The cord showed no effect. The olfactory bulbs were not weighed separately. Hatai (15) published a series of observations based upon his own experiments and upon those of the present writer, showing the rather marked effect of the same exercise conditions upon the weight of the internal organs. In these experiments, the brains of the test animals showed an excess of 4 per cent over the controls with no effect upon the cord. 2. Description of Experiments. Series D and E As it had thus been demonstrated that the brain of the albino rat could be modified by exercise in the revolving cage, it re- mained to determine whether, under such conditions, the ol- factory bulbs would show a more marked variation than the brain as a whole. For this work, also, large litters of stock albinos, were chosen. Each litter was weaned and divided into three groups when about thirty-five days old. One group constituted the ‘Initial Controls,’ and these were killed and examined as in the previous experiments. The second lot, the ‘Final Controls,’ was set aside in cages under the normal living conditions of the colony. The third group was used for the experiment. Each of these test animals was placed by itself in a wire revolving cage such as had been used by Slonaker, and later by Donaldson and Hatai. Each cage was 5 feet in circumference with an open nest box fastened to the central fixed axis. From this axis the food was suspended so that, theoretically, the rat must descend to the floor of the cage to eat. Practically, some rats soon learned to avoid this and so escaped a considerable amount of enforced exercise. Each cage was provided with a cyclometer. Readings were made and recorded six times a week. These cyclometer read- OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 221 ings showed only the activity of the rats when the cage revolved and were therefore incomplete, since some rats learned to play from side to side of the cage and keep it from revolving, while others learned to run up the middle of the sides in such a way as to hold the cage at rest. But most of the rats soon learned to run the cages and appeared to enjoy it. The rats were fed on the same diet as the controls and all the animals were weighed at intervals of about two weeks. 3. Series D. Rats in revolving cages for thirty days There were but two litters in this series. One litter was weaned and set aside at thirty-five days of age and the other at forty days. Both litters were subjected to exercise in the revolving cages for a period of only thirty days. All were killed at the end of the thirty days of exercise. a. Results. The exercised males of these two litters gained more rapidly in both weight and body length than did the controls, while the females fell behind. The superior growth of the test males was sufficient to bring the averages for both males and females up to 113 per cent of the weight of the con- trols and to 104 per cent of the length (tables 13 and 14). The records of the activity of Series D were accidentally destroyed, but as these were for a period of but thirty days, they would be of little value save in adding further evidence that the female rat becomes active sooner than the male. While, on the average, there is no difference in the absolute brain weight of the test rats in Series D from that of the controls, when both are compared with the reference table values in The Rat (Donaldson, 15), according to the method there suggested (pp. 4 and 5), yet I believe the bulbs do show, even after this short period, some effect of the unusal activity (tables 13 and 14). In the females, the bulbs make up 4.46 per cent of the brain weight in test rats as compared with 4.36 per cent in the controls. With the males, the difference was more marked—4.55 per cent in tests to 4.20 per cent in controls, making a joint average for males and females of 4.51 per cent in tests against 4.32 per cent 222, CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 13. SERIES D Test animals Albino rats kept in revolving cages for thirty-three days after weaning Males OLFACTORY OLFACTORY BULBS: ANIMALS sce | werent | canara | werner | BULBS | PER CENT WEIGHT days grams mm. grams grams PRG tee ee ee 70 88 148 1.489 0.0191 1.30 We Pam eh ce, St 68 eH 7 170 1.871 0.079 4.21 Teak os 1 Sat iteah oO ey 68 140.9 176 1.831 0.085 4.63 PR; 70 alee 185 1.784 0.085 4.79 Average males....... 148.6 LTE 1.829 0.083 4.55 Females hey EE ere 68 102.9 158 1.744 0.079 4.53 Le ade ne) ean Sick 70 116.0 162 1.653 0.073 4.39 Average females...... 109.5 160 1.698 0.076 4.46 Average males and femaleseys [nen yee 132.9 170 1.776 0.080 4.51 1Tungs infected. Rat undersized in every way, therefore not included in averages (Series C, Sick rats, p. 218). in controls, the olfactory bulbs of the former being, therefore, 7 per cent heavier than those of the latter. 4. Series E. Rats in revolving cages for ninety-eight to one hundred and three days The test animals of this group were kept in the revolving cages for fifteen weeks. At the end of that time, three pairs of test animals and one pair of controls were mated (brother to sister in each case). Some digestive trouble appeared in the cages of control rats rather early in the experiment and most of the rats died, while the remaining animals failed to attain a normal growth, so that satisfactory final controls were lacking for this group. But the rest of the test animals and the surviving con- trols were killed at the end of the fifteen weeks, measured, OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT pepe TABLE 14.. SERIES D Final controls Males OLFACTORY OLFACTORY BULBS: soars non | mor, | zope, | pean | Sous | eae con WEIGHT SP i taage Dl) gram) | me lprams.” | grame ARG eens Gis Rear cessed 70 100.7 154 1.636 0.061 3.72 eerie ete ti ckvotane cis 70 90.0 155 1.5388 Bulbs unequal! MAM ore od cc Sareayaktate 68 132.4 170 1.802 0.084 4.64 Average males....... 116.6 162 1.719 0.072 4.20 Females aU 3 A Rls A NR ee ae 68 110.8 159 1.780 0.081 4.52 Meena Se use. ac gece cs Shs 68 115.6 165 1.774 0.077 4.32 ARR hee hs ve ae iy soll) oy 70 130.5 170 1.704 0.074 4.32 Average females...... 119.0 165 1.753 0.077 4.39 Average males and femalesn. 945 nyt 118.0 164 1.739 0.075 4.32 Test Bs Cet ea ee 103.7%} 102.1%| 106.8% 1 Lungs slightly infected. Not included in average. weighed, examined, and bulbs preserved exactly as in the under- feeding experiments. The mated animals were kept about one hundred days longer to see whether the exercise of the previous weeks would show any effect upon fertility. a. Results. General body growth. We find by examination of the records of body weight taken at two-week intervals during the experiment, that up to the time the larger set of control rats fell sick, the exercised animals were gaining less rapidly in weight than were the controls. From the time of the illness, some five weeks after the beginning of the experiment, the control rats fell off in weight, and with a single exception, they never recovered. Litter W escaped the infection and the weight records for the six rats composing it are as follows: 224 CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 15 Record for Litter W, Series E, showing gain in weight for individuals in revolving cages and for centrols TEST RATS CONTROL RATS We (m) Ws (f) Wi (f) We (m) Wz (m) Ws (f) Initial weight........| 44.0g.} 40.5¢.|] 50.5¢.| 438.5¢.| 50.0¢g.| 40.5¢. 2 weeks weight...... 60.4 62.0 65.6 63.2 68.7 69.2 4 weeks weight...... 97.0 82.0 103.0 107.0 120.0 89.0 6 weeks weight....... 139.0 124.0 142.2 139.0 148.8 119.0 9 weeks weight...... 186.0 142.0 170.5 194.0 212.0 148.0 30 weeks weight...... 210.0 148.0 187.0 205.0 224.0 150.0 inal genet neers et: 209 mm.| 182 mm.} 198 mm.} 207 mm.| 200 mm.} 190 mm. The test rats from Litter W were, on the whole, slightly longer and lighter in weight than the control animals. The majority of individuals in Litter W proved to have abnormal brains— one or both olfactory bulbs being very much undersized. The brains, therefore, could not be used for comparison and the litter was excluded from the tables. For comparison with the rest of the litters of Series E, it was necessary to use other stock litters, as will be described later (tables 18 to 25). The compari- sons are not, therefore, of as much value as they would be were the controls from the same litter. On the average we find body length slightly more, and body weight slightly less, in test ani- mals (table 25). I think we may conclude that these results agree in general with those of previous investigators indicating that exercise has but a slight effect, if any, upon either body weight or body length. The size of the viscera was considerably modified. These results have been incorporated in the report by Hatai (15). Activity of exercised animals. These rats showed great individual difference in the amount of activity and in the age at which they became most active (tables 16, 19, 21, 25). In these respects, there was also a considerable difference in litters as shown by the following record. If we take the record of these same rats for ninety-three days we get an average of 5.76 miles per day for males, and 5.96 miles OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 225 TABLE 16 Activity record of rats in revolving cages. for one hundred and three days. Series E A Ces Lata ints sine canes 914.5 8.9 aI is. a ees os. 559.7 5.4 Vise eee ee i ei GD Z3M... 476.3 4.6 OLY et eres Oe ee es Pa" oS 0 XeM.. 470.8 4.6 BY Gear care nats ofl ODES 6.8 XoF... 458.7 4.5 A ana oe: 2 a ee 689.0 Gerd Lig Rab Need Oe 457.1 4.4 1, | ROC, «SOS 577.8 5.6 Tighe. # Mic ede ke 446.6 4.3 Average for males...| 614.7 5.96 Average for females} 593.7 5.76 for females, and if we go back still further we get a still higher average for the females and lower for the males. The males were slow to begin to run the cages. An extreme example, Y, of the present series, ran less than 2 miles during the first five weeks in the cage, but became extremely active during the last four or five weeks making a final average of 5.4 miles per day, a record almost equal to the average for the entire lot of males. The females soon learned to run the cages and became very active at an early age. During the last weeks of the experiment, the activity of practically every female in the series was on the decline. I think from a study of all the records it may be con- cluded that while, in the revolving-cages, the females reach the period of greatest activity earlier than do the males, yet in the long run, the records of a large number of males and females would average about the same. Possible effect on fertility. There is some indication that the fertility of the albino rat is increased by exercise. In the cases of the three pairs of exercised rats which were mated, the fol- lowing record of offspring was obtained, together with the record of one control pair. The average size of litter for normal stock albinos has been found to be between 6 and 7 individuals (Donaldson 715). This is about the average for the control pair, while the averages for the three test pairs is considerably higher—13, 10.5, and 9. 226 CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 17 TEST PAIRS CONTROL PAIR W, 21st day after mating, 12 young Ws 24 days after mating, 3 young and 61st day after mating, 11 young |and 50 days after mating, 12 young W. 102d day after mating, 16 young W. 102 days after mating, 0 young pregnant not pregnant Y, 22d day after mating, 9 young and 67th day after mating, 9 young Y; 102d day after mating, 0 young not pregnant Zs 22d day after mating, 12 young and 88th day after mating, 9 young Z; 102d day after mating, 0 young not pregnant It is significant also that the pair making the record of an average of 13 per litter for three successive litters, and the control pair are from the same original litter. Of course the numbers here are too few to enable one to draw conclusions but it would not be surprising to find some correlation between the greater weight of the sex organs in the exercised rats (Hatai 715) and the fertil- ity of these animals. Effect on brain and olfactory bulbs. It has already been noted that most of the control rats of this series were lost through disease. For comparison with the exercised rats, a set of con- trols used in Series A of the defective feeding experiment was chosen (table 20). These rats seemed better suited for the purpose than any others because they had been born at the same season as the test animals and reared in the same laboratory, so the food from day to day was the same for the two sets of rats. Among these, it was possible to find records of eight rats of almost the same body length and weight and of approxi- mately the same age as the exercised rats killed at the end of the experiment. For the four which were mated and not killed until they were two hundred and thirty-eight days old, it was not possible to get controls of the same age, the four oldest of the controls (table 22) averaging only one hundred and sixty- nine days and the body length being 6 per cent less than that of the test animals. But as these are beyond the one hundred and fifty day limit, up to which time the bulbs increase in rel- OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT pipet ative weight, the difference is not so serious a matter as it would be were the rats younger. The set of test animals killed at the end of one hundred and three days of exercise, gave bulbs averaging for the males 4.28 per cent of the entire brain weight, and 4.60 per cent for the females—an average of 4.41 per cent for the entire set (table 19). When these results are compared with the controls (table 20) we find that while the test animals were 1 per cent shorter than the controls and had brains 2 per cent lighter in weight, the olfactory bulbs were 3 per cent heavier. These results seem to indicate that the olfactory bulbs of the test animals have been affected by exercise. An examination of the records for the initial controls of the litters concerned seems to give additional weight to this supposi- tion. See table 23 below. ‘TABLE 18. SERIES E Initial control animals Males OLFACTORY OLFACTORY BULBS: ANIMALS sce | werent | umnata | weronr | BOERS | PER cENT WEIGHT days grams mm. grams grams Wi 30 26 99 1.338 0.052 3.89 Yenils Sees ae teeta 30 36 104 1.254 0.052 4.18 Wire teet ce cuatiey csthowsnte chs 30 Al 109 1.472 0.056 3.83 ate ies: St es ops ty | bt 30 41 112 1.444 0.050 3.46 Tpit os Ste IO A a A 30 46 12 1.452 0.056 3.87 Average males....... 38 109 1.392 0.053 3.84 Females Vie ee eee a inate ae ah Ree 30 29 96 al 0.043 3.57 BCs OA ee 30 24 96 1.280 0.045 3.52 RP occs aiclosnhans 30 28 101 1.338 0.034 2.51 Wiser oro eka ees 30 34 107 12335 0.043 See Wish ae Fe one eels 2 30 43 114 1.432 0.048 3.34 Average females...... 31 103 1.319 0.043 3.27) Average males and femalesteeeenes ...- 35 106 1.356 0.048 3.54 228 CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 19. SERIES E Test animals Albino rats kept in revolving cages for one hundred and three days after weaning Males : OLFAC- OLFAC- TORY AVERAGE ANIMALS acu | weionr | canara | waren | uum |rmsomne| amas WEIGHT BRAIN PER DAY WEIGHT days ‘ grams mm. grams grams Xe 134 233 193 1.927 | 0.079 | 4.12 4.6 Vit asec cn aR eo 135 188 195 1.693 | 0.070) 4.16 5.4 ET RN penta 135 226 198 1.849 | 0.080) 4.30 5.6 Y7 135 237 205 1.875 | 0.085 | 4.54 8.9 Average males....... 221 198 1.836 | 0.079 | 4.28 6.1 Females XEN al RPI 10s testo oeeve 134 151 177 1.661 |unequal 4.5 BY cot ene Pee ere is sccke pee 135 157 181 1.655 | 0.081 | 4.80 aD Lge tee oto ME 135 162 180 1.796 | 0.078 | 4.32 4.4 WG 135 169 191 1.693 | 0.079 | 4.64 6.8 Averages females.... 162 184 1.715 | 0,079) 4-60 5.8 Average males and females. seas ce- 196 192 1.784 | 0.078 | 4.41 5.95 As we see, the brains of the initial controls for the test animals (X, Y, Z) averaged but 91 per cent of the weight of the initial controls for the final controls (L, N, O, T, U, V); the olfactory bulbs but 89 per cent. Since it has been found that brain and olfactory bulb weight are pretty uniform for any given litter, and that when we find light or heavy brains or bulbs in the initial controls, we are fairly sure of finding the same relative develop- ment in the adult animals of the same litters, it seems fair to assume that normal adult individuals of litters X, Y, Z, would have had relatively lighter brains and bulbs than were found in adults of litters L, N, O, T, U, and V._ If this assumed relation were true, then the results given in tables 19 and 20 doubtless would fall into line with those of previous experiments in which exercised rats showed an increase in brain weight over the OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 229 TABLE 20. SERIES E Final control animals! Males OLFACTORY OLFACTORY BULBS: ANIMALS sce | werenr | uenorm | wercnr | 2UEBS | PeR cer WEIGHT days grams mm. grams grams Ming eeeeperse le cc eae EN 8 160 223 202 1.890 0.085 4.51 Wie aici ara tise: 146 228 202 1.987 0.081 4.06 1 ee eee ee es 121 203 205 1.825 0.072 3.93 Dia Sache arte Hetceeela 157 274 218 2.021 0.077 3.81 Average males....... 232 206 1.931 0.079 4.08 Females lige noticed Sa ae 93 1 172 1.559 0.063 4.03 Rirtrrticra conic e ty: 124 144 Wee 1.672 0.067 4.03 Meee cs SOM Saarinen 213 183 187 1.801 0.082 4.56 Oe ae eee 115 175 188 1.792 0.083 4.62 Average females...... 157 181 1.706 |. 0.074 4.32 Average males and femalesi.ic: 3.) es 195 194 1.818 0.076 4.20 Test Series A see 99% 98% 103% Control ° 1 Data from stock Albinos used for controls in Defective Feeding Series A and again used for comparison here, since the original controls died early in the experiment. ~ controls, and would indicate an even greater gain in bulb weight for the test animals than is indicated in the tables. In the same way, we may compare the initial controls for the mated test animals and those for Series A used for a standard (tables 21 and 22). We find the initial relations practically the same as for the group just discusesd. In the final results (tables 21 and 22) we see that although the test rats were older, with bodies 6 per cent longer, the brains were actually 5 per cent lighter in weight. Here again, examina- tion of the initial controls suggests that in all probability there was not an actual loss of brain weight in the exercised animals. 230 CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 21. SERIES E Test animals Albino rats kept in revolving cage for one hundred and three days after weaning. At end of that time mated and allowed to rear 2-3 litters. Age, when killed, about eight months. Males OLFAC- OLFAC- TORY AVERAGE soos Roe ea, |e Rees eS eee ys WEIGHT BRAIN PER DAY WEIGHT days grams mm. grams grams Dine scrva anne cto Be 238 299 P| 2.018 | 0.092 | 4.54 4.6 Wats dnc h tere se 238 311 228 1.842 | 0.094) 5.10 6.7 Average males....... 305 PAS) 1.930 | 0.093 | 4.81 5.7 Females 7 cs Oa ences A et 238 216 202 1.777 | 0.080 | 4.58 4.3 Ye 238 156 203 1.654 | 0.080} 4.81 a0 Average females..... 186 203 1.716 | 0.080 | 4.66 Od Average males and femaless-eeec ack 246 214 1.823 | 0.086} 4.74 on TABLE 22. SERIES E Control animals Stock albinos used for control in defective feeding experiment, Series A. The four oldest of this set chosen for present tests since original controls died early in the experiment. OLFACTORY OLFACTORY | BULBS PER ayant sce | werour | uexora | werenr | BULBS | CENT oF WEIGHT | Or tr) eee 146 228 202 1.987 0.081 4.06 | DS 2 db aie 157 274 218 2.021 0.077 3.81 yses 24: oe eee 160 223 202 1.890 0.085 4.51 fb ee Pm Pais, 9 213 183 187 1.801 0.082 4.56 AV CTAZC....0 cae Papal 202 1925 0.081 4.23 ehat Test : Series A 106% 95% 106% Control |" OLFACTORY BULBS OF TABLE 23 INITIAL CONTROLS FOR TEST ANIMALS THE ALBINO RAT INITIAL CONTROLS FOR CONTROL ANIMALS. (DEFECTIVE FEEDING EXPERIMENT) Average Average Average Per cent Average Per cent Litters brain BlRaEry of brain Litters brain pliantory: of brain weight weight | weight weight weight weight grams grams grams grams DN A AC e se 1.3805 | 0.047 3.60) |L,.N; O}) 1.431 0.058 3.69 405 Wh, We Test ———............ ss 91% 89% Control 2 g TABLE 24 INITIAL CONTROLS FOR CONTROL ANIMALS HSER (CONIA O} ES IAC alsin! Lengel cues, (DEFECTIVE FEEDING EXPERIMENT) Average ay oto Per cent Average pvereee Per cent Litters brain cenibe of brain | Litters brain Opelika Y! of brain weight weight weight weight woicht weight grams grams grams grams XGA) Vereen asa eek 1.340 0.051 Bie eb, WU 1.458 0.055 3.76 and T Test ———_............... 92 92 Control 7 7 But, be this as it may, we find the bulbs of these test animals actually 6 per cent heavier than those of the controls, the bulbs making 4.74 per cent of the total brain weight, while those of Series A controls were only 4.23 per cent of the total weight of the brain. Since we have no true control series for comparison, we can not, of course, draw conclusions as to the absolute gain in brain weight after exercise. But of the gain in olfactory bulb weight in exercised animals, there seems to be no doubt. When we turn to table 25 and note that the average percent- age weight for the bulbs in case of 29 normal rats (59 to 88 days old) is 4 per cent, while a study of table 13 shows there was no rat there recorded (save one sick one) in which the per cent fell below 4.21 per cent, while the average was 4.51 per cent, we must be convinced, I believe, of the reality of the effect of exercise. For the older rats, likewise, when we compare tables 19 and 25, HOLT CAROLINE M. 232 (691 “A®B) €2'F |T80'O |Sz6°T | ZOS’ | Lee S1Z-OFT SLOIIMOON Dwr aan HG.@. | Surly eur c9°¢ | 901 | &6 901 | FL’ F |980'0 |E%8' 1 | FIG | 20% 18% | | puw skep gol o8vo Surajoaoy fp fo Tex (IFT ‘A®) 02°F |920°0 |SI8S°T | FET | S6T $1Z-86 GAOGG SO} B[OT] TOO) IN sce aes xx G6'S | SOT | 86 66 | If F |620°0 |FSL'T | Z6I | 96T GST-FE1 sABp GOT 9980 Burajoaoy |g | XX Ze |¢20'0 |682°T | POT | SIT 01-89 BAOGV OF SJOIJWOD JQ ft AIX 8'901 |T ZOT 12° SOT | TSF |080'O |9Z2Z°T | OLT | S&T 01-89 skeup 0g oBvo durapoaody |g | PLEX Salas aSLadax yy 6°T |PE0'O \2hZ T | OGT | Z8T 028-02 ssun] pozoojuy jg po TIX I spun youy 9 G O€ F \920°0 |cL2° LL g8 9 | 6° |890 0 |Feg 9L'F |220 0 \61L" S61 | L8T 091-6 GAOQB IOF S]OLPWMOLT) [ZT | ILIA Gol | IS 09T-€6 SABp OSI-6E Pestopuy [et jn ITA O8T | .vST 68-82 GA0GE LOf S[OTJUOT) 1G “| eas! I I I OL 18 69 | -6€°€ |0S0'0 |Z8P'T | Fol | HH €8-8Z shep 6F pajtepuy jg jo A 66°€ |990°0 |TS9°T | POT 6IT 69-6¢ DAOGB LOF S[OLZUOD 9G | Al 18 16 LL. | 6&2 €& |§S0°0. |70S°T | 9eT | 2g 69-69 skep Ze-6Z Potopuy) j9Z J [Il 8F'€ |0S0'°0 |Zer'T | COL Ig LL YHIq Wolf pojtopuy) |g po Ix FIs |F€0'0 {160 T | €8 8T 9-16 YqIg Woy pojtopuy |g jt X Fe-6z2 Se quourttodxny oSto1eXx Ty vS'€ |0S0°O OOF T | TIT | OF OZ-8I +8 puve poflopuy) “[OL}UO9 [VIPLUT IgE jo °°” THITAX P¥e TT quaa sad\quao sad\quao wad swmni6 |} sunib UU suips6 shop VySIoM | JYSIOM | YASUO ' cranaa| anna | weet | "APOE | oraal MEE [aos amore ane INDO | Gaqng | “od Rata | AGE adv XAUOLSIH ‘ON Q1avi -ugay | Nl IOWLNOD GOSVUGAV uad SaDV ) OL LSHL ADVUGAV OILVA | SATOE -UGAV é; $a1das payUunyy qing fisojanfjo ay) fo yuaumdojaaap aayvindwuod Burinoyg (hunwung) 9c WTA OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 233 we see that the average for 12 controls (90 to 160 days old) was 4.26 per cent while only two test animals fell as low as this , (one of these was of abnormally light body and brain), and the averages were 4.41 per cent and 4.74 per cent for four and one- half months and eight months respectively. 5. Summary 1. The results of the present experiments agree with those of previous investigators in that they show no marked effect of exercise either upon body length or body weight in the albino rat. 2. The female albino becomes very active earlier than does the male but the activity of the male later increases to such an extent that the total activity for the two sexes for long periods is probably about equal. 3. These experiments suggest that there is an increase in fertility correlated with increase in the size of the reproductive organs. 4. The brain weight is slightly increased by exercise. 5. The weight of the olfactory bulbs of albino rats exercised in revolving-cages for periods of from thirty to one hundred days, is considerably increased. The bulbs of such rats form from 4.41 to 4.74 per cent of the total brain weight as compared with 4.20 to 4.32 per cent in rats reared under normal colony conditions. These bulbs show an increase of 5 to 11 per cent over and above the increase in weight manifested by the entire brain. 1V. CONCLUSIONS From the preceding observations we may conclude that we are able to modify the olfactory bulbs of the rat by changing the conditions under which it lives and to modify them to a con- siderably greater degree than we can change the rest of the brain. In eases of stunting, the bulbs tend to overcome the effect, to a certain extent, as time goes on. With exercise the effect seems to increase with age. Yet the bulbs respond more markedly to the stunting effect of defective feeding or sickness than to the stimulating effect of exercise. A histological study of these modified bulbs will be presented in the second part of this paper. THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 2 234 CAROLINE M. HOLT V. LITERATURE CITED Donatpson, H. H. 1911 On the influence of exercise on the weight of the central nervous system of the albino rat. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 21, pp 129-137. 1911a The effect of underfeeding on the percentage of water, on the ether-alcohol extractives, and on medullation in the central nerv- ous system of the albino rat. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 21, pp. 189-145. 1915 The Rat. Memoirs of the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, No. 6. Harat, 8S. 1904 The effect of partial starvation on the brain of the white rat. Am. Jour. Physiol., vol. 12, pp. 116-127. 1907 Effect of partial starvation followed by a return to normal diet, on the growth of the body and central nervous system of albino rats. Am. Jour. Physiol., vol. 18, pp. 309-320. 1908 Preliminary note on the size and condition of the central nerv- ous system in albino rats experimentally stunted. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 18, pp. 151-155. 1915 On the influence of exercise on the growth of organs in the albino rat. Anat. Rec., vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 647-665. Jackson, C. M. 1915 Changes in young albino rats held at constant body weight by underfeeding for various periods. Anat. Rec., vol. 9, pp. 91-92. 1915 a Changes in the relative weights of the various parts, systems, and organs of young albino rats held at constant body weight by underfeeding for various periods. Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 19, pp. 99- 1565 Osporne, T. B. anp Menpet, L. B. 1911 Feeding experiments with isolated food substances, Part 2. SLonakeER, J. R. 1907 The normal activity of the white rat at different ages. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 17, pp. 342-359. 1912 The normal activity of the albino rat from birth to natural death, the rate of growth, and the duration of life. Jour. Animal Behavior, vol. 2, pp. 20-42. PART II. ON THE NUMBER OF NERVE CELLS IN LARGE AND SMALL OLFACTORY BULBS CONTENTS 1. Introduction. Preliminary experiments on the effect of certain fixa- DIVERSION Ger Tat eOEa Us Sao. kos! soe) eae ee ee Sea ese ee ke 235 lieeihe problem, Of size diterences2y5 2: H..¢4). Lag eet eis th oak 236 iieehechniqte-and methods or study... 2j5..5. bck eter eee ela bate 237 IPE Te pArablONyOlSCCMOMS 2:2... asa ae Te ear es Ate cata 237 Dee Net hodstormscudiynn cue eee he ae ee tees aes cre ee entree 238 iiVerGeneral differences in sizes) ts 7.4. 425.02 ee ih See Ath Ate Ry Sa 238 Vie Comparison: of .cells:of ray layer n...cosee eee ee gees es 240 1. Size and number of small cells in molecular layer................ 240 Je Size and miimper or misral cells. scat te oo se ee ee ce oe t,o 243 3. Study of the small cells in the gray layer............ Pod Cs aE te 248 Nile (Conclusions soe a ed. |. UR Re: WR DR ott Sete dees 250 Welle mlihervuire Cubed ee cat et ee hoe 5 5,3 \< 54 oN a os ae oe oad 251 I. INTRODUCTION The foregoing studies have shown that it is possible to change the relative weight of the olfactory bulbs in the albino rat (Holt, ’17). This relative weight is decreased by a defective diet and increased by exercise. Such being the case, it seemed very desirable to make a histological comparison of the bulbs which had been stunted by a defective diet or enlarged by exercise, with those of rats reared under normal colony conditions. For this purpose it was of course essential to find a method of fixation and treatment which would give uniform results. Fixation in Ohl- macher’s solution as recommended by King (’10) for the study of cortex cells, gave very satisfactory results, but her statement that “various individuals react differently although subjected to the same course of treatment,” and her tables (loc. cit., p. 231) showing a variation in shrinkage ranging from 2 to 18 per cent in brains so fixed, suggested that it would be best to examine this method a little more in detail. Unless uniform results could be obtained by it, this method would, of course, be un- 235 236 CAROLINE M. HOLT suited to comparative study of the size of bulb elements. Ac- cordingly, the method was further tested, and at the same time an examination was made of the effect of Miiller’s fluid and of Orth’s Formol-Miiller solution upon the various parts of the brain. A long series of experiments demonstrated quite conclusively the following points which have an important pean ae upon the present investigation. 1. Of the three fixing fluids tested, Ohlmacher’s solution causes the least change in weight in brain tissue. 2. Orth’s solution (cold) causes a slight increase in weight. 3. Miiller’s solution causes a very considerable increase in the weight of brain tissue as has already been noted (Donaldson, ’94). 4. Olfactory bulbs, fixed in Ohlmacher’s solution, reach a state of equilibrium at the end of twenty-four hours; fixed in Formol-Miiller, they reach this state at about the end of one week; fixed in Miiller’s solution alone, changes continue from six weeks to two months. 5. There seems to be no appreciable individual variation in the reactions of albino rat brains of like age to Ohlmacher’s solution, to Miiller’s fluid, or to the Formol-Miiller solution. The results obtained by Dr. King are due apparently to the fact that the brains which were weighed in her experiments had been fixed for varying short lengths of time and the initial changes in weight were so rapid that there appeared to be a considerable difference in the way the various brains reacted to the fixative, when in reality, had all the brains been fixed for exactly the same length of time, no such large disagreement would have been found. ll. THE PROBLEM OF SIZE DIFFERENCES Although under normal conditions, there is a good deal of variation in the size of the olfactory bulb of the albino rat, we have found that it is possible, experimentally, to increase this range of variation to a very considerable degree. The question next arises as to the structural cause of the difference OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 237 in size. Is it one of size of elements or of their number? Have we more cells and fibers in the heavier bulb or are the cells and fibers merely of a larger size? The present paper deals only with the question of cells. The fibers have yet to be examined. Ill. TECHNIQUE AND METHODS OF STUDY Since experiments on the effect upon the rat brain, of Ohl- macher’s, Miiller’s, and the Formol-Miiller solutions have demon- strated that for brains of like ages there is a definite, practically unvaried, swelling or shrinking reaction for any given fluid, the brains of the rats used in the defective diet and exercise experiments were fixed in these several solutions for histological comparison. For the present cell study the method adopted was that recommended by King (’10) for study of the cortex, namely fixation in Ohlmacher’s solution for twenty-four hours, followed by one hour in 85 per cent alcohol, three to four days in iodized 70 per cent alcohol, double embedding in celloidin and paraffin, and staining in carbol-thionin and eosin. However, after the first trials, this method was varied in the matter of embedding. For such small objects as the olfactory bulbs, paraffin proved more satisfactory when used alone. Sections were cut 8yu thick and mounted serially. A rather deep thionin stain gave the best results for cell enumeration. 1. Preparation of sections At first, some bulbs were cut sagittally and the largest sections compared. In the study of these sections the number of cells in the gray layer of the different bulbs was found to be so nearly identical that it was decided to attempt a thorough study of cell number. In dissecting a rat brain into its parts, the bulbs are cut from the brain in such a way as to leave an appreciable portion of the bulb attached to the cerebrum. The method followed was to place the brain, ventral side down, on a flat surface and with a knife held in a plane perpendicular to the table, to sever the bulb at the point where it disappears beneath the cerebrum (plate 1). 238 CAROLINE M. HOLT This is the part of the bulb which is weighed, and since all bulbs are removed in the same way, it has been assumed that we have corresponding portions for comparison. Because the recorded weights represented only this portion of the bulbs, it seemed advisable at first to compare the cell elements of these parts only. Accordingly cross sections of the bulbs were made but unfortu- nately, as appeared later,most of the test series were not complete for the portion of the gray substance beneath the hemispheres. The method of meeting this difficulty will be described later. 2. Methods of study The study of sections was made largely with the aid of the Edinger projection apparatus. Cell counts were made by pro- jecting the sections onto white wrapping paper, outlining the area, and punching the image of each cell nucleus with a tally- ing register fitted with a sharp prong in place of the usual blunt register arm (Hardesty ’99). The hole punched by this prong insured against counting the same cell twice. It also left a permanent record of any particular region which could be re- examined later. In some cases the count for each section was. recorded; in others, the whole number of sections to be counted were registered consecutively and no record made until the end. Occasionally a section was recounted—to serve as a check on the work. IV. GENERAL DIFFERENCES IN SIZE Most of the comparisons of size and the determinations of cell number have been made on bulbs stunted by a defective diet, and on their respective controls. Only two bulbs of the exercise series have yet been examined. The general differences in size between young and mature, stunted and normal olfactory bulbs are very well illustrated by the sections shown in Plates 1, 2, and 3. Figure 1 of plate 1 is a camera drawing of a median sagittal section through the bulb of a rat stunted by feeding for thirty-one days on a corn diet. The body length was 138 mm.; brain weight, 1.547 grams and the weight of the corresponding bulb which was removed and OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 239 weighed, was 0.020 gram—the approximate weight then of the bulb shown in the drawing. Figure 2, plate 1, is a median sagittal sec- tion through the control bulb. The rat from which this was taken was 166 mm. long, with brain weight of 1.698 grams, and the weight of the corresponding bulb was 0.032 gram. Like the bulbs of very young rats, the gray layer of the stunted bulbs extends somewhat further, in proportion, beneath the cerebrum than in the case of normal older individuals. When the stunted bulb is compared with its control, there appears to be a rather uniform size difference involving all parts of the bulb. It is hard to compare the outer fiber layers owing to the difficulty in removing the bulbs perfectly from the skull. The anterior end of the fiber layer is very likely to be entirely torn away and sometimes the ventral side also suffers. However, it is plain that the glomeruli of the larger bulb are much larger and more open; the granular cells are not so closely packed to- gether; and the gray layer is usually broader in the larger bulb and the inner granular area considerably more extensive. These differences between the peripheral portions are illustrated by the more highly magnified mid-dorsal areas S and S of figures 1 and 2, shown in figures 3 and 4 of plate 2. Plate 3 shows three cross sections; through Q;, a thirty-day control bulb (fig. 5); M,, a sixty-two-day stunted bulb (fig. 6); and M;, the sixty-two-day normal control (fig. 7), for M,. These sections were made through the region where the bulbs are usually cut from the brain. The figures illustrate another typical difference. The normal bulb (figs. 5 and 7), as it grows, elongates more rapidly than it increases in thickness and it tends to grow faster dorso-ventrally rather than laterally. In these figures, the outer fiber layer is probably complete at the sides. Ventrally it has doubtless been torn away to some extent in all three bulbs. The difference in size of the glomeruli is well shown here, but while there is a greater area of gray matter in figure 7 than in the other two, the gray layer seems narrower than in M, (fig. 6). The companion bulb of Q,;, (fig. 5) weighed 0.024 gram, that of Mg, (fig. 6), 0.025 gram while M; weighed 0.037 gram (fig. 7). The portion of Q; anterior to the section 240 CAROLINE M. HOLT illustrated, was about 1350. long, while M, had 1500, anterior to the section, and M;, 2000u. The differences in size are confined to no one region but are distributed somewhat pro- portionally through the different layers. V. COMPARISON OF CELLS OF GRAY LAYER 1. Size and number of small cells in molecular layer It has been the general impression that, within certain limits, the size and weight of the brain are indices to its functional capacity. In the phylogenetic series, of course, it is, with one or two exceptions, true that increase in intelligence is accom- panied by increase in the relative size of the brain. So within any given species of mammals, it has been assumed that the more efficient brain is the larger and heavier. The question as to whether, within such a group, increase in size of the brain means an increase in the number of nerve ‘elements or in the size of the elements themselves, becomes an “important one. For an increase in the number of elements should give increased functional possibilities. ‘So, if we find in comparing large and small brains or divisions of brains from closely related animals, that the larger structure contains a greater number of cells and fibers, then we have reason to expect from the larger and more complex structure the greater degree of efficiency. If, on the other hand, the number of elements is found to be uniform for the part under consideration, then we must conclude that the large and the small brains have potentially the same ability to function, save as their efficiency may be affected by the size or degree of development of the individual elements. The small cells of the molecular layer (mo, fig. 2) show more cytoplasm; or perhaps we may say that it is possible to distin- guish more cells with cytoplasm in the molecular layer of large bulbs than of small ones. For example, the section of F; shown in figure 1 shows 68 cells between mitral layer and glomeruli, in which cytoplasm may be distinguished, while the control, F;, shows 158 such cells. Corresponding sections through M,, OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 241 a thirty-day control, and Cs, a sixty-day underfed bulb, show 108 and 103 cells with cytoplasm. Although a difference in cell size appeared, there seemed to be little difference in numbers of cell elements in the gray layer. Although it is not always possible to distinguish between the nuclei of very small cells and possible cross sections of fibers under the conditions used for counting—yet the error due to this difficulty is probably negligible. A preliminary count was made of all elements, having the appearance of nuclei in the largest sections of the bulbs F,, C;, F;, Fs, and M:, with the following results. TABLE 1 INITIAL CONTROL TEST FINAL CONTROL Bulb | Num- Bulb | Num- Bulb | Num- Bulb Age weight |ber cells} Bulb Age weight |ber cells Bulb Age weight |ber cells days grams days grams days grams Mie ees oO) | "0029) 2172)" By 62 | 0.020} 2569] F; 61 0.032) 2569 C; 59 | 0.021} 2604] Fe 61 0.033} 2693 These counts for the test and final control bulbs suggested so strongly that the number of cells is the same for bulbs of different sizes that attention was turned entirely to the investigation of this point. At first longitudinal sections were used, but these were soon abandoned for two reasons. First, it seemed desirable to be able to count the cells of just that portion of the bulbs corresponding to the part weighed; and second, the longitudinal sections presented so many irregularities that 1t was necessary to count many more sections to approximate the true average than in the case of the cross sections. Counts were made of all elements in the gray layer outside the mitral layer between the tip of the bulb and the point at the proximal end where the gray layer is first interrupted on the dorsal aspect of the bulb (see figs. 5, 6, 7). These counts consumed a vast amount of time and when completed seemed to disagree with the observations already made upon the longitudinal sections (table 2). A first glance at the table would indicate that the small bulb has fewer cells and would suggest that this difference in cell 242 CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 2 BULB AGE HISTORY BRAIN WEIGHT |WEIGHT 1 BULB Ae eae days grams grams Dla Abe 30 | Control 1.338 0.017 636,656 NERS: 62 | Underfed 31 days 1.461 0.025 662,982 Gi... 62 | Underfed 31 days 1.543 0.027 601,982 Gerace 61 | Normal control 1.630 0.031 675,305 Mcgee 62 | Normal control Peale 0.037 716,582 X,5....| 184 | Revolving cage 104 days 1.927 0.040 789,680 number is one of the factors in bulb size. But corresponding sagittal sections had given fairly close agreement in numbers and the study of sagittal sections made it more and more evident that these counts of cross sections could be taken only to compare the parts commonly considered the bulb and not for an enumera- tion of the cells in the whole bulb. The difference in shape in the large and small bulbs made it apparent that a true count must be made either from sagittal sections or from cross sections cut through the entire length of the gray matter covering the bulb. Comparison of such sections as figures 1 and 2 made it clear that if we had, in reality, a constant number of cells in the gray layer, the numbers in the regions here designated as the ‘bulb’ could scarcely be expected to show any closer agreement than we find in this table, and would probably have the relations there given. For the larger and better developed the bulb, the greater the proportion. of it lying anterior to the cerebrum, while the young or the stunted bulb runs somewhat further back beneath the hemisphere and so some of the cells escaped enumera- tion. For example, M;, a bulb of 0.037 gram, has 271 sections containing mitral cells in the portion of the bulb beneath the cerebrum. Mg, the test bulb of this litter, which weighed but 0.025 gram had 336 sections in this region. Taking these facts into consideration, the table in question pointed to a uniformity rather than variation in numbers corresponding to size. Later we shall see how, in the light of the study of the mitral layer, a part of this table can be shown to closely conform to this supposition that the number of cells in the entire gray layer is approximately constant for olfactory bulbs of different sizes. OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 243 2. Size and number of mitral cells The cells of the mitral layer show a good deal of variation in size and shape and there is much difference in these respects in different regions of the same bulb. This makes the comparison of the size of the mitral cells in large and small bulbs rather difficult. But if all the mitral cells of a section from a small bulb are drawn with a high magnification by means of camera lucida or projection apparatus and those cells arranged side by side with a series from a corresponding section of a large bulb, drawn to the same scale, it is possible to make a general comparison. In this way the mitral cells have been compared, and there is no doubt I think that the mitral cells of large bulbs are larger and better developed than those of small bulbs. Details of technique and examination. It was sometimes quite difficult to determine whether a cell should be counted or not. For instance, when counting mitral cells it was hard to know at times whether a cell was a mitral cell or a brush cell, as many cells occur in the mitral layer which are exactly like those large cells occurring in the molecular layer but which lack the typical mitral form. On the other hand, typical mitral cells occur not infrequently out in the molecular layer or even among the granules on the inner edge of the glomerular layer. For this reason and in order that there might not be any unconscious influence in deciding whether cells should be counted, an at- tempt was made to vary the order of procedure for each successive count. A rather complete count was made of the mitral cells of four- teen bulbs and of the small cells of the gray layer in four bulbs. Eight of these were cut longitudinally and six cut transversely. The first series counted were those of X,, Initial control, Series E and X,, Test, Revolving Cage Series. In both series every other section was counted for the region anterior to the cerebrum—corresponding to the portions of these same bulbs in which the small cells of the gray layer had been counted. The result was 64,470 cells for X,, a 0.017 gram. thirty-day control 244 CAROLINE M. HOLT bulb. The number for X.s, whose weight was 0.040 gram, was 73,950. ‘To see whether there were any virtue in making so thorough a count of cross sections, the total number was computed from a recount of every 10th section, excepting at the most anterior end where every cell was counted in every section, until the sections showed a single layer of mitral cells. By this method the number obtained for X, was 64,775 cells, making a difference of only 0.4 per cent. For X, the count was 73,324, which was 0.8 per cent smaller than the more exact count obtained by counting half the sections. These differences were so small as to make the more exhaustive count seem un- necessary. X, gave an almost complete series through the entire gray layer so the count was completed, giving for the entire bulb 80,114 cells. The count of the mitral cells in X; could not be completed as the series had been cut, unfortunately, with the idea of comparing only the parts of the bulbs whose weights we knew, and which, therefore, extended back but a short distance under the cerebrum. ‘The cells of these few sections were, how- ever, counted, giving a total of 71,914. The number of mitral cells in Gs was computed from absolute counts of anterior and posterior ends of the series and by count- ing every tenth section through the rest of the series. M,, M; and @; ran so evenly that here in the middle portion of each series, only every twentieth section was counted; on either side of this portion, every tenth section, and all cells of all sections at either end. With the sagittal sections, the task was more difficult and the results, I believe, less reliable for this reason: toward the sides of the bulbs, especially the median side, the sagittal series may give tangential sections of the mitral layer so that a single section may yield a count of 1500 cells whereas a section two or three removed on either side might have but 300 or so mitral cells. It can be easily seen that if the section to be counted, happened to fall in such a region, or entirely skipped such a region, the count would be considerably modified. Some of the bulbs gave no trouble of this kind while others were hard to count for this reason. G,; was an interesting example of the way this OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 245 may work out. A count was first made of all cells at either end of the series and those in every tenth section through the middle portion. The result when computed was 95,993 mitral cells. Then the middle section of every ten was counted with a total result of 83,974 cells. Two other series were attempted but abandoned as the bulbs were so irregular that an accurate count would have required the enumeration of the cells of at least every alternate section. The other bulbs, except Cs for which every fifth section was counted, were fairly regular so that the mitral layer offered no such complications. For these, the method of counting all cells at either end of the series and those of every tenth section through the median portion was followed. The sequence of counts was varied with each bulb, and the records kept in various ways and not infrequent recounts made. The recounts were surprisingly close to the original, for, as has been stated, it is not always easy to decide whether or not a cell should be counted, and in focusing as one counts, a granule lying below or above a portion of a mitral cell sometimes looks very like a nucleus, but the error due to this cause is probably too small to be considered. Details of counts of the different bulbs, arranged in the order fol- lowed in table 3. Bulb X,, thirty day, initial control. Cross sections. Mitral cells counted in every section of anterior end back to the first section in which the mitral cells appeared in a single layer. From this point, counts were made for every tenth section back to the cerebrum. By computation, the total number of mitral cells was 64,775. By a recount in which the mitral cells of every other section were enumer- ated the computed number was 64,470 making a difference of only 0.4 per cent in the two counts. The series of sections for the region beneath the cerebrum was incomplete, the posterior portion not having been preserved. A count was made, however, of the sections which were present. This number added to the number already counted by the second method, brought the total up to 71,914 cells. Bulb E,, Test, defective diet series. Sixty-two days. Sagittal sections. Mitral cells counted in all sections at either end of the series and for every tenth section between. Bulb C; Test, defective diet series. Fifty-nine days. Sagittal sections. Counts made as in F;. Bulb Q;, thirty day, initial control. Defective diet series. Cross sections. Mitral cells counted in allsections at both ends of the series. 246 CAROLINE M. HOLT TABLE 3 Giving number of mitral cells*in one olfactory bulb of the albino rat Arranged according to bulb weight RAT AGE BODY BRAIN | WEIGHT! NO. MITRAL LENGTH|WEIGHT| 1 BULB CELLS LEER NESS days mm. grams | grams X; Control.....) 30] 101 | 1.338] 0.017} 71,914 | Very incomplete. Up to point of union with cere- bellum 64,470 cells, cross section By Mest. cee 62 | 138 | 1.547) 0.020) 71,527 | Sagittal section Gerlest sete 59 | 142 | 1.482) 0.022) 79,165 | Sagittal section Q; Control 30 97 | 1.316] 0.024) 82,192 | Probably about 300 more cells. Cross section C@emlestveca. oe 59 | 150 | 1.578) 0.024) 70,625 | Sagittal section M, Test... 62 | 109 | 1.461} 0.025) 76,611 | Cross section Ger Testes). 759 61 | 136 | 1.456) 0.027) 83,974 | Sagittal section Op Restidn aa: 115 | 121 | 1.556} 0.029} 71,663 | Sagittal section Gs Control..... 61 | 166 | 1.630) 0.031] 81,638 | Cross section BeiControle ss. 61 166 | 1.698} 0.032) 71,468 | Sagittal section C; Control..... 62 | 174 | 1.709) 0.036) 79,839 | Sagittal section M; Control.... 62 | 169 | 1.711] 0.037] 76,596 | Cross section X- R. C. Test..! 134] 193 | 1.927] 0.040} 80,114 | Up to point of union with cerebrum 73,950 cells, cross section O; Control.....; 115 | 175 | 1.792] 0.041] 72,333 | Sagittal section(X, omitted from average) Average..... 76,749 Standard deviation ¢ = 4564 Probable error of the mean +855 Through the middle region only every twentieth section was counted as the sections were extremely uniform. Through the two regions between this middle portion and the ends in which all cells were counted the mitral cells for every tenth section were counted. Bulb Cs, test, defective diet series. Fifty-nine days. Sagittal sections. Mitral cells counted for all sections at both ends of the series and every fifth section of the rest of the series. Bulb Mg, test, defective diet series. Sixty-two days. Cross sections. Mitral cells were counted as in Q;. Count was made also of all cell elements in every alternate section in the gray layer back to the anterior end of the cerebrum. Computation was made for entire series. Bulb G3, test, defective diet series. Sixty-one days. Sagittal sections. Mitral cells were counted for all sections at ends of series and for every tenth between. The computed result was 95,993. The middle sections between every tenth were then counted, giving a OLFACTORY BULBS OF THE ALBINO RAT 2AT TABLE 4 Giving number of mitral cells in one olfactory bulb of the albino rat Arranged by litters PERCENTAGE WEIGHT NUMBER AGE RAT lee | GoRDAD, GEINC DIFFERENCE OF REMARKS TEST days grams 62 | Fi Test 0.020) 71,527 (S.) |+ 0.08 62 | F; Control | 0.032] 71,468 (S.) 115 '| O; Test 0.029] 71,663 (S.) |— 0.9 115 | O, Control | 0.041] 72,333 (S.) 62 | M, Test 0.025] 76,611 (C.) |+ 0.2 62 | M; Control] 0.037| 76,596 (C.) 59 | Cs Test 0.022| 79,165 (S.) |— 0.9 ee 59 | C; Test 0.024) 70,625 (S.) |—12.0 62 | C7 Control | 0.036} 79,839 (S.) 30 | X, 30d. T.| 0.017] 71,914 (C.) Very incomplete 134 | X.-R.C.T. | 0.040] 80,114 (C.) Slightly incomplete (not in average) 61 | G3; Test 0.027| 83,974 (S.) |+ 2.9 61 | Gs Control | 0.031] 81,638 (C.) 30 | Qs 30d. C. 0.024] 82,192 (C.) Probably 300 more cells Average per cent difference of test....]|— 1.8 (S.) = Sagittal section. -(C.) = Cross section. count for every fifth section of this region. The computation then gave a total of 83,974. Two other bulbs of this litter were also cut in sagittal sections and an attempt was made to count the mitral cells but the bulbs were so irregular that it would have been necessary to count practically every section, so these counts were abandoned. Bulb O;, Test, defective diet series. One hundred and fifteen days. Sagittal section. Counts made as in FE). Bulb Gs, control, defective diet series. Sixty-one days. Cross section. Counts made as in &}. Bulb F;, control, defective diet series. Sixty-one days. Cross section. Counts made as in FE}. Bulb C;, control, defective diet series. Sixty-two days. Sagittal sections. Counts as in F}. Bulb Ms, control, defective diet series. Sixty-two days. Cross sections. Counts as in M, and computation of all cell elements in gray layer made for entire series. Bulb X., test, revolving-cage series. One hundred and thirty-four days. Cross sections. Mitral cells counted by both methods de- scribed for X;. Also all cell elements of the gray layer computed for the entire series as in My, and Ms. Bulb O,, control, defective diet series. One hundred and fifteen days. Sagittal section. Mitral cells counted as in Ej. 248 CAROLINE M. HOLT Table 3 gives the results of the counts of the mitral cells of fourteen olfactory bulbs, arranged according to bulb weight. It is obvious that there is no correlation between bulb size and the number of the mitral cells or between age—within the limits taken—and number of cells. The numbers range from 70,625 to 83,974 with an average of 76,750 cells for 13 bulbs, X, being omitted from the average. I am inclined to think 83,974 cells is too high a count for G; and that still closer enumeration might yield a lower number. Obenchain,é Bok, Van der Horst? and others. . I observed, however, on an increase of afferent stimuli in a given center, that not all the neighboring cells approach this center, but that only certain cells proceed to that center which apparently had a certain relation to it, while other cells (even lying nearer by) did not migrate into the direction of the increased sensory field, because evidently they had nothing to do with it and did not stand in relation to it. Further researches convinced me that the functional relation which appeared to be the condition for the approach was shown to be a correlation depending on simultaneity of function—of stimulation. So the abducens nucleus shifts from one center of visual co- ordination fibers (the f.l.p.) to another set of visual co-ordination fibers (the tr. tecto-bulbaris) if the latter increase; but an increase of the taste fibers for instance, does not have any effect upon it. * Later I found that a similar observation had been already made by Strasser (92) and by Cajal (99). Compare: Strasser, Alte und neue Probleme der Ent- wicklungsgeschichtlichen Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Nervensystems. Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte, Bd. 1, 1892, p. 721. Cajal, Textura del sistema nerviosa del hombre y de los vertebrados, vol. I, 1899, p. 560. See also Cajal, Algunas observacionas favorables a la teoria neuro- tropica. Trabajos, vol. 7, 1908, p. 63. Both, however, failed to see the corre- lative character in this process, and Cajal ascribes a great influence to the spon- gioblasts (ependyma and glia) in the secretion of attracting chemicals for the axones, in which I do not at all agree with him. > 'Tretjakoff. Das Nervensystem von Ammococtes, I]. Das Gehirn. Archiv f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. 75, 1909. * Herrick. The morphology of the forebrain in Amphibia and Reptilia. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 20, 1910. ° Bartelmez. Mauthner’s cell and the nucleus motorius tegmenti. Jour. Comp. Neur. vol. 25, 1915. *Obenchain (with Herrick). Notes on the anatomy of a cyclostome brain, Ichthyomyzon concolor. Jour. Comp. Neur. vol. 23, 1913. 7 Van der Horst. De motorise¢he kernen en banen in de hersenen der visschen, hare taxonomische waarde en neurobiotactische beteekenis. See also: Tijd- schrift der Ned. Dierk. Vereen, 1917. NEUROBIOTAXIS 265 Then I found—though not starting my work with a psychologi- cal secope—that the anatomical relations of the dendrites and the cells in the nervous system were regulated in accordance with the law which, in psychology, is known as the law of association, in which law (in all the different forms’ in which it may appear) the simultaneity of stimulations or residua of stimulations is the essential part. Fig. 2. Tetrodon, showing the ventral position of the abducens nucleus. f.l.p., fasciculus longitudinalis posterior; Nuc.VI, abducens nucleus; N.VJ, abducens nerve; r.V/7,m., motor facialis root; tr.t.b.v., tractus tecto-bulbaris ventralis. After Van der Horst. This anatomical observation, first made on motor cells, led me to study more carefully the courses of several axon-tracts, sensory tracts, as well as the so-called ‘‘central motor tracts,” such as the pyramids, and it soon appeared to me that a criti- 8 Those forms are simultaneity, successivity, similarity and contrast. In the three first named forms the presence of one stimulus, or remains of a stimulus, while the other is added, is obvious. The association by contrast is also due in the first place to simultaneity of impression since the simultaneous or successive contrast makes us discriminate things: black and white, father and mother, etc. 266 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS cal study of their relation showed most clearly that the same law of neurobiotaxis, the simultaneous relationship in their stimulative function, had been the cause of their final arrange- ment.® So I was able to formulate the phenomena of neuro- biotaxis in the following words: I. If in the nervous system several stimulation-charges occur, the growth of the chief dendrite, and eventually the displace- Centre Whence the sti- mult proceed Axiscylinder B Fig. 3 Showing that, while the axis-eylinder runs with the direction of the nervous current, the dendritic outgrowth and the final shifting of the cell body occur against the nervous current. A, giant dendrites grown out towards the center cf stimulation. B, the cell body (perikaryon) has shifted toward the center of stimulation; the axis-cylinder is consequently elongated. ment of the cell-body itself, takes place in the direction, whence the majority of stimuli proceed to the cell. II. Only between correlated centers does this outgrowth or shifting take place. III]. The growth of the axis-cylinder (.e., its final connec- tion) is not primarily regulated by motor centers,!? but also here synchronic or successive stimulation (correlation) acts a part." "Folia Neurobiologica, Bd. 1, 1908. 10 Not by some undefined transcendental willing (teleologically). 11 That is, it is defined by correlation. NEUROBIOTAXIS 267 While, however, it was evident that the approach of the dendrites and nerve cells to a territory (fig. 3) took place towards the center of the stimulation (as a stimulopetal or centripetal tropism), that is, against the nervous current of stimulation pro- ceeding from this center, the problem became much more diffi- cult to explain how the connection between correlated centers was effected by the axis-cylinder, since it was obvious that the axis-cylinder does not grow towards the stimulation (stimulo- petal) to meet it, but moves in the same direction as the stimu- lus-irradiation (stimulo-fugal or centri-fugal). BOK’S RESEARCHES: THE STIMULOGENOUS FORMATION OF THE AXON That the axis-cylinder. really grows with the current and that the irradiation of this current plays an important part in its growth has been proved and very carefuliy examined in this Institute by S. T. Bok, who got highly important results. Bok” found that when an axis-cylinder or a bundle of amye- linated nerve-fibers grows out and passes nerve cells on its way, these nerve cells can be activated to send out an axis- cylinder of themselves in a region perpendicular to the activat- ing axon or bundle (fig. 4). This fact was found with the fasciculus longitudinalis posterior in such a form as left no doubt, since it appeared that the motor nuclei which undergo the influence of this bundle were only activated according to the degree in which the fasciculus longi- tudinalis posterior had grown out. So the axons of the tri- geminal" cells first grow out, then follow the axons of the faci- alis cells, then those of the glossopharyngeus and vagus. The same was seen in the activation of the oculomotorius, abducens and hypoglossus nuclei which are activated by another influence of the same character. . 2 Bok. Die Entwicklung der Hirnnerven und ihrer Zentralen Bahnen. Dei Stimulogene Fibrillation. Folia Neurobiologica. Bd. 9, 1915. See also Bok, Stimulogeneous Fibrillation. The cause of the structure in the nervous system. Psych. en Neurologische Bladen, Amsterdam, 1915. 13 Concerning the Trochlearis. See the first-named original. 268 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS Bok, considering the fact that the formation of the axis- cylinders in those cells took place under the influence of the current irradiating from the primary activating axis-cylinder, ealled this stimulogenous fibrillation, following the direction of that current in contrast to the outgrowth of the dendrites and Activated neuroblasts cells Activating primary jascicle Fig. 4 The activation of adjacent neuroblasts by an amyelinated (growing) fascicle. The vertical arrow indicates the direction of growth of the activating bundle and the direction of its nerve current, which starts at A. The horizontal arrow indicates the course of the irradiating influence (current) perpendicularly . to the activating bundle. Notice that the proximal cells are sooner activated (and have moved further) than the more distant ones. After Bok. NEUROBIOTAXIS 269 the shifting of the cell body, both of which also only occur later and which move towards the center, 1.e., poe the current of the stimulus that proceeds to them. This observation and Bok’s interpretation of it are very 1m- portant, and no doubt correct. It is evident, however, that the final end-point of the growing axis-cylinder can not be deter- mined by this process alone, as was also realised by Bok, who came to the conclusion that the final connection was deter- mined by the principal law of neurobiotaxis, viz., by the stimu- lative (simultaneous) correlation of the growing axis-cylinder and its end-point, i.e., the cell or dendrites with which it is going to be connected. Bok thought that this could be effected by the fact that if two centers are in simultaneous stimulation the ideal line be- tween the two is the path where the plasmodesms undergo the greatest influence of this relation. He called this the principle of the ‘doppelte Bahnung,’ and thought that Einstein’s (physi- cal) law of attraction between synchronic energies also had some influence on it. It seems to me, however, that the principle of ‘doppelte Bahn- ung,’ as laid down in this theory, can not explain from which of two simultaneously stimulated cells the axis-cylinders grow out, and that,even the adaptation of the protoplasm to the forma- tion of the axis-cylinder, eventually a fibrillation of the neuro- desms, then might begin in the middle between two cells which, as we know, it never does. Moreover, the expression “‘adapta- tion of protoplasm to its biological function” is too general an expression to explain anything. It has appeared to me that the literature of recent years con- cerning the microchemistry of the neurones and the phenomena of tropism and taxis known and experimentally examined in other organisms, together with Bok’s discovery, concerning the 14 Tf the normal stimulation of the cell body is of little importance or eventually absent, the cell may also shift in the same direction in which the axon grows out. (See my paper on the autonomic nervous system. Journal of Physiology, 1908, vol. 37, p. 139.) 270 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS stimulogenous outgrowth of the axis-cylinders from the acti- vated cell by and with the irradiating current from a primary or activating axis-cylinder in its neighborhood, gives us a key of exceptional importance to comprehend the phenomena of neuro- biotaxes in general, and the contrasting behavior in outgrowth direction between dendrites and axons and allows us to consider, perhaps to explain, how it is possible that a unit such as the neu- rone is may exhibit two opposite directions of growth. EXPERIMENTS CONCERNING PHENOMENA OF TROPISM AND TAXIS IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS. KATAPHORETIC PHENOMENA It is evident that, in any attempt to explain the neurobiotac- tic phenomena, these must be compared with other phenomena which are better adapted to experimental investigation. As such we may mention the galvano-tropic phenomena in the growth of plant-roots and the orientation of animals in the constant current, about which we have obtained many data during the last decennia. As is known, the phenomenon of galvanotropy in plant-roots was discovered in Hermann’s laboratory by Miiller-Hettlingen,” who found that, if the sprouting seed of the bean (Vicia faba) be exposed to a constant current, the tips of the root turn and grow towards the negative pole (kathode). An analogy" of this galvano-tropic phenomenon is found in the galvano-tactie phenomenon described by Bancroft,’ viz., that the tentacles and the manubrium cf a medusa, Polyorchis, during the transmission of a constant current turn towards the kathode. In the experiments with the latter this peculiar phenomenon was observed, viz., that with a long-continued current the side turned to the anode extended, becoming thinner and weaker; this last phenom- enon being a symptom of decay, according to this author (vide infra). 16 Miiller-Hettlingen. Ueber galvanische Erscheinungen an Keimenden Samer. Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 31, 1883, p. 192. 16 Not a homology, probably. 17 Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 1, 1904, p. 289. NEUROBIOTAXIS Ze Al As third example of galvano-taxis the phenomenon discovered by Verworn'’ in one-celled creatures must be mentioned here, viz., that these (ameba, for instance) on the transmission of a constant current through the surrounding medium, send out enlargements and finally shift in the direction of the kathode. Verworn at first held the opinion that there were also Pro- tozoa which shift under normal circumstances to the anode, and he therefore made a distinction between kathodic and anodic galvano-taxis. Later investigations revealed that the anodic galvano-taxis must be considered as being something diffe:ent from the kathodic, and that the direction and shifting of the bodies observable in Protozoa under normal circumstances is invariably a kathodic galvano-taxis. Also Boruttau (personal communication) holds the opinion that every real galvano-tropism is a kathodic stimulation phe- nomenon. ‘This usual kathodic galvano-tropism can be brought into correlation with Pfliiger’s law, as has been pointed out by Loeb and Maxwell.” As far as the anodic tropism is concerned, Loeb and Budgett?’ and after then Coehn and Barratt?! found that when a proto- zoan, Paramecium, in pure water or in a weak solution of common 18 Verworn. Die polare Erregung durch den galvanischen Strom. Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 45, 1889. Verworn. Die polare Erregung der Protisten durch den galvanischen Strom (Fortsetzung). Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 46, 1890. Verworn. Untersuchingen tiber die polare Erregung der lebendigen Substanz. 3te Mittei- lung. Pfliger’s Archiv, Bd. 62, 1896, S. 415. Verworn. Die polare Erregung der lebendigen Substanz durch den Constanten Strom. 4te Mitteilung. Pfli- ger’s Archiv, Bd. 65, 1897. 18 J. Loeb und 8.8. Maxwell. Zur Theorie des Galvano-tropismus. Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 63, 1896. See also J. Loeb und Walter Gerry. Zur Theorie des Galvano-tropismus, IT. Versuche an Wirbelthieren. Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 65, 1897, S. 41. J. Loeb. Zur Theorie des Galvano-tropismus, III. Ueber die polare Erregung der Hart- drusen von Amblystoma durch den Constanten Strom. Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 65, 1897, S. 308. 20 Loeb und Budgett. Zur Theorie des Galvano-tropismus. IV. Mitteilung iiber die Ausscheidung electropositiver Ionen an der ausseren Anoden flache protoplasmatischer Gebilde als Ursache der Abweichungen vom Pfliiger’schen Erregungsgesetz. Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 65, 1897, S. 582. 21 Coehn und Barratt. Ueber Galvano-taxis von Standpunkt der physio- logischen Chemie. Zeitsch. f. allgemeine Phyziologie, Bd. 5, 7, 1905. 272 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS salt, was influenced by a constant current, the movement was in the direction of the kathode, but that this direction of gal- vano-taxis may be reversed by placing the animal in a stronger (even physiological) solution of salt. If in the latter case the constant current was transmitted through it, a movement towards the anode was observable. This phenomenon of re- versal, first observed in a galvano-tactic process, was confirmed shortly after in a galvano-tropic process, in the case of the root- tips of pease. Gassner’ found that an increase of salt in the medium influ- ences the effect of the constant current in those objects also. When he increased the quantity of salt of the water in which pea-roots sprouted, the constant current could no longer cause a kathodic tropism. He was inclined to ascribe this to a dim- inution in the quantity of electricity running through the tip of the root, since the greater conductivity of the water (salt solution) caused a greater quantity of electricity running through the solution itself. Schellenberg?* obtained the same result, but went even far- ther, and on increasing still more the percentage of salt was able to obtain a reversed tropism, the root then growing to th anode. If the percentage of KCl in the water was only 0.074 per cent the root-tip continued to grow kathodie galvano-tropic; if, however, the percentage was raised to 1 per cent, a distinct anodic direction in the growth appeared, and with a fair de- gree of exactness such a concentration of KCl could be found in which, after the transmission of the constant current, no trop- ism was evinced." * Gassner. Der galvano-tropismus der Wurzeln. Botanische Zeitung, 1906, Parts 9-11. 23 Schellenberg. Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Salze auf die Wach- stumsrichtung der Wurzeln, zunichst an der Erbsen Wurzel. Flora, vol. 96, 1906, p. 474. “Tt may be mentioned that the current strength which caused this tropism was but slight, and varied from 1/10 to 1/1000 milliampere, with a density of current of 0.0025 to 0.000025 milliampere per sq. em. That Elving’s curves (which are also anodic) could be formed under these circumstances is out of the question, since Brunchorst found the current density necessary in this case to be about 0.2 milliampere. NEUROBIOTAXIS 273 Like Gassner, Schellenberg also seems to be inclined to ascribe the anodic tropism to the greater amount of electricity running through the water, or rather to the weakness of the current that runs through the root-tip and which should be too weak to cause a kathodic tropism, a supposition that seems to be ac- cepted by Rothert,2> though he admits that it has not been proved. If only a weaker current were sufficient to cause the anodo-tropic phenomenon, a smaller amount of electricity would have to do the same! These authors, moreover, do not explain biochemically why a weak current should cause an anodic tropism and a stronger current a kathodic one. Coehn and Barratt (loc. cit.) tried to explain biochemically this phenomenon of reversal of the galvano-tropism in the fol- lowing way. They assumed that on the boundary between the object used for the experiment and the surrounding medium (the water) a semipermeable membrane is present that possesses a different permeability for positive and negative ions. This assumption is quite legitimate, since the occurrence of such semipermeable membranes is a very common phenomenon in nature. If we now assume that the permeability for negative” ions is greater in this membrane than that for positive ions, of the ionized NaCl or KCl (provided the concentration thereof in the surrounding fluid be greater than in the protoplasm) a larger quantity of negative ions will be transferred into the cell than of positive ions, and the cell will then be overcharged with negative ions and pass to the positive pole on the transmission of the constant current. On the other hand, if the concentration of KCI or NaCl in the medium be less than in the cells, a larger quantity of negative ions than positive will leave the cell, and the cell-bodies, charged 2> Rothert. Die neuen Untersuchungen iiber den Galvano-tropismus der Pflanzenwurzeln. Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Physiologie, Bd. 7, 1907, p. 192. 26 Such a special permeability for negative ions (anions) has been proved to exist in the case of blood corpuscles by Hamburger (Zeits. f. Biologie, Bd. 28, p. 405, 1891). Compare also Hamburger und Van Lier, Durchlissigkeit der rothen Blutkérperchen fiir die Anionen von Natriumsalzen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Physiol. Abt., 1902, p. 492. 274 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS with a surplus of positive ions, will on the transmission of the constant current pass to the kathode. If we accept this theory as correct, we shall have to assume that in ordinary circumstances—under which the kathodie tro- pism or taxis predominates—also a greater charge of positive ions is present in the cell-body of the ameba, or in the proto- plasm of the tentacles or root-tips, than in the surrounding extra-protoplasmatic medium. This explanation is not gener- ally accepted, but that the condition of the extre-protoplasmic medium is of great importance has also been emphasized by Loeb and Budgett, who are equally inclined to ascribe the exceptions to Pfliiger’s law (the anodic migrations) to altera- tions in the extra-protoplasmic medium. They refer to a phenomenon which may be exhibited by that side of an ameba or paramecium that is turned to the anode, viz., the extension of the protoplasm on that side, eventually followed by lique- faction. This ancdic extension, first observed by Verworn (loc. cit.), is the first thing that appears when Protozoa are exposed to the constant current and precedes the real kathodic galvano-tropism. Loeb and Budgett (loc. cit.) have submitted it to a more detailed examination and also came to the conclusion that this process is a result of the extra-protoplasmatic medium. Their explanation of this anodic phenomenon differs from the one given by Coehn and Barratt. They are, however, equally inclined to consider this phenomenon as due primarily to changes in the extra-protoplasmatic medium2? in contrast to the phenomena of common tropism following Pfliiger’s laws of irritation. It may be mentioned still that the most favorable strength of cur- rent in those experiments with ameba was only 0.4 milliampere. Besides these galvano-tactic and galvano-tropic phenomena of living protoplasm, we know of polar phenomena in dead organic substances rendered evident by the direction in which albumen shifts when subjected to a constant current: viz., the phenome- 27 Perhaps this mode of explanation may be also applicable to the above- mentioned reversal of the galvano-tropism of root tips and to the anodal phenom- enon observed by Bancroft (vide supra). NEUROBIOTAXIS Bae non of kataphoresis. I refer here to the investigations of Hardy,?8 which showed that as long as an albuminous solution is alkaline the particles suspended in it shift towards the anode on the transmission of a constant current, whereas they shift towards the kathode when the solution is made slightly acid. One is apt to look for an explanation of this also in the fact that on the boundary between a colloid particle and the sur- rounding fluid, a double layer in the sense of the theory of Helm- holtz-Quinke is present. If now the solution is alkaline, a transmission of ions will take place, in consequence of which the albuminous particle itself becomes negative and thus shifts to the anode on the transmission of a constant current, while in the case of an acid reaction of the surrounding “fluid the contrary takes place. From the reversibility of the kataphoretic phenomenon (Ham- burger)?’ the curious fact thus follows, viz., that also proteid particles have the peculiarity that their electric character is determined by the reaction of the surrounding medium. That here too, just as in the above tropism of the root-tips, an iso-electric condition occurs is clear. APPLICATION OF THESE EXPERIMENTS TO THE GROWTH OF THE NEUROBLAST. THE FORMATION OF THE AXON If, with these facts before us, we consider the phenomena which appear during the formation of an axis-cylinder*®® in an activated cell (which precedes the formation of dendrites—see *8 Hardy. On the coagulation of proteid by electricity. Jour. of Physiol., vol. 24, p. 2881, 1899. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. 68, p. 110, 1900. 29 Hamburger. Osmotischer Druck und Ionenlehre. Wiesbaden, Bergmann, 1904, vol. 3, p. 68. ; 30 Tt is hardly necessary to say that the fact that isolated ganglion cells, as in Harrison’s experiments, may also send out axis-cylinders proves nothing against the following text. Harrison (loc. cit., p. 833) remarks that this is a process of self-differentiation entirely independent of external conditions. This is true to a certain extent, but we must assume that before it becomes a self-differentiation its differentiation has been induced to the neuroblast in former generations by external circumstances and that its doing this by itself is based on hereditary engrammatic qualities. It is better to see a problem in things than to explain them by a word which implies a still greater problem. 276 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS fig. 4), we shall first have to mention the fact that the stimula- tion center with respect to the surrounding tissue is negative, forming a kathode with reference to the non-stimulated sur- roundings, as physiological experiments abundantly prove. Moreover the strength of the electrolytic potential differences occurring in the nervous system in consequence of stimulation appears to be of the same category as those that are applied in artificial phenomena of galvano-taxis (see above) since it may vary from 3 millivolt to 0.8 millivolt and lower, so that the forces developed here are certainly strong enough to influence proc- esses of formative tropism and functional taxis. Now, it may be the same whether this stimulated center is the body surface in or under which nerve cells lie or whether we start our deductions with a primary growing axis-cylinder which on its way passes neuroblasts. This negative potential not only runs along the primary axis-cylinder (fig. 4) but also, we may assume, as long as the axis-cylinder is not provided with an insulating medullary sheath, that this negative potential stands perpendicular to the length of the activating axis-cylinder (or body surface), irradiating from it.*! In accordance with this perpendicular irradiation of the electrolyte nfluence, or current, we see that th neuroblasts near the primary activat ng bundle send out ax’s-cylinders per- pendicular to the activating bundle, and that similarly perpen- dicular collaterals may grow out from the original (activating) axis-cylinders themselves. In both cases, in the formation of collaterals as well as in the outgrowth of the axis-cylinder of the secondary (activated) neuroblasts, the axis-cylinder substance proceeds in the direc- tion of the perpendicular irradiation of the stimulated fiber, i.e., to the anodic pole. 31 The irradiative stimulus of naked axons is very clearly illustrated by the position of the dendrites of Purkinje’s cells perpendicular upon the parallel fibers in the molecular layer of the cerebellum and of the dendrites of the motor cells on the longitudinal (naked) axons in the spinal cord of Petromyzon. See my paper, Ueber das Rindenproblem, etc., in the Folia Neurobiologica, Bd. 8, 1914, pp. 529-530 NEUROBIOTAXIS 2ae This first outgrowth which, in the beginning, can be compli- cated with an anodal katophoretic shifting of the cell body itself (fig. 4) may be entirely independent of a propagation of the nervous current itself along the newly formed short axis-cylinder. As soon, however, as this axis-cylinder is fit for nervous conduc- tion its rate of outgrowth will be considerably increased, a much stronger negative current running in the direction of its growth to the anodal field. Why does this anodic growth occur before the kathodic trop- ism of the dendrites and the cell body? I will consider this question in the light of the above-mentioned experiences. We know that the neuroblast is embedded in an organic solu- tion, the pericellular lymph, containing a good deal of potassium salts. Macallum has emphasized that the amount of potassium salt external to the nerve cell is great and that a considerable con- densation of this element is present on its exterior surface. Now Verworn has shown that on the transmission of a constant current the first thing to appear is an anodal expansion oi the cell body, thus showing that a change of tension may be local- ised, by electric influences, on the anodal pole. We may expect that this extension, being under the influence of a considerable amount of K and Cl, derives certain chemical and tropic characteristics from it. That this really occurs in nerve cells is proved by the chemi- cal constituents of the axon, compared with those of the den- drites and cell body. We know from the researches of Macdonald, Macallum, Al- cock and Lynch that the axis-cylinder is distinguished from the dendrites and the cell body by a much larger quantity of po- tassi1um and chlorides*® (which, according to Macdonald, may also contribute to its conductivity for the nervous current). 32 MacDonald. The injury current of nerves, The key to its physical struc- ture. Report of Thomson-Yates Laboratory, vol. 4, 1902, p. 213. MacDonald. The structure and function of nerve-fibers. Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. 76, B. 1905, p. 322. Macallum. On the distribution of potassium in animal and vegetable cells. Journal of Physiology, vol. 32, 1905. Macallum. Die Methoden und Ergebnisse der Mikrochemie in der Biologis- THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 3 278 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS The large quantity of KCl then present around its colloidal substance will favor (according to the experiments of Gassner, Schellenberg, and others) the anodo-tropic character of the axis- ' cylinder. The phenomenon of the formation of the axis-cylinder and its collaterals in the direction of the anodic field, may thus be so expressed that we say that the neuroblast embedded in a solu- tion containing a good deal of potassium and of chloride ex- hibits, in harmony with the experiments of Loeb, Budgett, Coehn and Barratt, a tropism at the anodal side of the neuro- blast and that the KCl constituents of the neuroblast gathering on this side thus increase (besides its conductivity) the anodo- tropic character of its colloidal substance. This anodo-tropic character of the colloidal substance of the axis-cylinder is, more- over, in harmony with Hardy’s experiments on the kataphoresis of albuminoids. Considering the fact, that the kataphoresis which genuine albumen and lecithin show is already generally an anodic one (Hober, loc. cit.) it is clear that the additional composition of the neurone and its surroundings still favors this, since the colloid particles of the young axon are embedded in a medium contain- ing a quantity of KCl, that makes its preponderating reaction alkaline. Moreover the greater conductivity which KCl gives it, may cause the greater quantity of electricity to be led through it. That the constituents of a peripheral nerve are strongly con- veyed to the anode is also experimentally shown by Hermann, to whose experiments I return later (see p. 291). From every standpoint indeed it seems that the conditions for the primary outgrowth of the axon along with the kathodic cur- rent to the anodic field have been realized in the nervous system. chen Forschung. Ergebnisse der Physiologie von Asher und Spiro, Jahrg. VIT, 1908. Aleock and Lynch. On the relation between the physical, chemical and electrical properties of the nerves. PartIV: Potassium, chlorine and potassium chloride. Journal of Physiology, vol. 42, 1910. Macallum. Surface tension and vital phenomena. University of Toronto Studies, No. 8, Physiological Series, 1912. NEUROBIOTAXIS 279 The outgrowth of the axis-cylinder begins in the chick embryo about the second day of incubation (Bok). Not until much later—according to Cajal when the growth tip of the axis-cylinder has reached, or nearly reached, its end point (about the 6th day of incubation in the chick embryo, Bok)—does an outgrowth of the dendrites begin, which make their way in the direction of the stimulus, that is in the direction of the kathode. THE FORMATION AND CONTRACTION OF DENDRITES. THE FINAL SHIFTING OF THE PERIKARYON I believe that there is a principal difference biologically as well as biochemically between the anode elongation of the axon and the kathodic tropism of the dendrites. The primary growth of the axon is in the beginning not di- rected to a certain point, but merely from a certain kathodic center, the outgrowth of dendrites, however, is much more influenced also in the beginning by their final end-points. Their tropism corresponds with the regular appearance of the law of stimulation of protoplasm and exhibits a kathodic char- acter, probably related with a more advanced nervous function for which a further stage of development is necessary. This kathodic growth direction, as well as the kathodic taxis, is the usual thing in nature and, as Loeb and Maxwell have shown, is in harmony with Pfliiger’s law. We only have to prove that there are no factors which might interfere with it and change it into an anodal elongation. This question is the more important since it may be that in the first phase of outgrowth of dendrites, which is not yet ac- companied by a secondary shortening of the dendrite and the shifting of the perikaryon, a kataphoretic process might intro- duce it or at least be involved in it. Anyhow, the kataphoretic qualities of the dendrites may never be such that they should counteract the kathodo-tropic process which certainly is the chief factor in the shortening (contraction) of the dendrite and the shifting of the cell. 280 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS Now we know from the chemical examinations of Grandry* and Macallum and Menten* that KCl is hardly present in the cell and the dendrite, so that for us there is no reason here to expect an anodal kataphoresis. Looked at from the point of view of Hardy’s investigations, which according to Greeley* we may apply to intra-protoplas- matic colloidal granules, there are perhaps more arguments which favor the shifting of the dendrites, and later of the cell- body, in the direction of the stimulus. For we know that the dendrites and the cell-body differ from the axis-cylinder by the presence of Nissl’s substance which during life is probably in a more or less fluid condition (see Cowdry’s papers** on the bio-chemical conditions of nerve cells). This substance is prob- ably a derivative or compound of nucleic acid*’ and the presence of acid in it will, according to Hardy’s investigations, promote the shifting of the colloids which are suspended in them to the kathode. While, therefore, the absence of a larger quantity of KCl does not prevent the first outgrowth of the dendrite from proceeding in the kathodiec direction, the presence of acid nuclein derivatives would even promote it. °8 Grandry. Recherches sur le structure du cylindre-axe et des cellules nerveuses. Bulletin de l’ Academie de Bruxelles, 2 me Series, vol. 28, 1868, p. 304. Idem. Journal de l’Anatomie et de la Physiologie, vol. 6, 1869, p. 289. *4 Macallum and Menten. Distribution of chlorides in nerve-cells and fibers, Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. 76B, 1905, p. 217. Macallum. Die Ergebnisse und Methoden der Microchemie in der biologis- chen Forschung. Ergebnisse der Physiologie von Asher und Spiro, Jahrg. 7, 1908, p. 697. * Greeley. Experiments on the physical structure of protoplasm of Para- mecium and its relation to the reactions of the organism to thermal, chemical, and electrical stimuli. Biological Bulletin, vol. 7, 1904. 8° Cowdry. The development of the cytoplasmatic constituents of the nerve- cells in the chick. Mitochondria and neurofibrils. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 15, 1912. Cowdry. The relations of mitochondria and other protoplasmatic constitu- ents in spinal ganglion cells of the pigeon. Internationale Monatschrift fiir Anatomie und Physiologie, Bd. 29, 1913. Cowdry. The general function and significance of mitochondria. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 19, 1916. ‘7M. A. Van Herwerden. Ueber die Nuclear-wirkung auf tiersche Zellen. Kin Beitrag zur Chromidienfrage. Archiv f. Zellforschung, Bd. 10, 1913. NEUROBIOTAXIS 281 This substance perhaps also helps to explain the relatively late formation of the dendrites, since the nuclein substance does not appear until late in the cell body in the form of Nissl bodies which, originating from the chromatin of the nucleus (Scott) ,38 pass through the nuclear membrane in a stage of development when the axis-cylinder has already completed its growth over a cer- tain extent, and has even become fairly considerable. Cajal*® did not find this substance before the time when the dendrites start to grow out. Consequently when this substance is present in the protoplasm we observe a tendency in the pro- toplasm to shift in the direction of the stimulated field (the kathode) and to be followed by the contraction of dendrites and finally the shifting of the whole perikaryon in the direction of the stimulation field, i.e., in the direction of the negative electric field. The difference of time between axis-cylinder outgrowth and dendrite formation thus would be a result of the general anodic kataphoretic character of genuine albumen and lecithin, the alkaline reaction of the pericellular lymph and the quantity of KCl salt present around the young cell and, further, the greater conductivity that this gives to the axis-cylinder on one hand, and on the other hand the late appearance of the nucleic acid derivatives in the protoplasm. It cannot surprise us in this respect that only small dendrites are found on those cells whose chromatin is still entirely in the nucleus (granular cells), and that the smallest quantity of nuclear chromatin is found in those cells whose dendrites have developed most (motor cells, reticular cells and others). Only the question would remain why the alkaline reaction of the body lymph, which is the same around the axis-cylinder and the dendrite, does not interfere with a kathodic outgrowth of the latter and this fact seems to prove the truth of the opinion 38 Scott. On the structure, microchemistry, and development of nerve cells with special reference to nuclein compounds. Trans. Canadian Institute, vol. 6, part 142, p. 405, Dec., 1899. 39 Cajal. Textura del sistema nerviosa del hombre y de los vertebrados, tomo 1, p. 528, Madrid, 1904. 282 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS of Loeb and Budgett that the kathodie tropism, following the law of irritation, is chiefly dependent on intra-cellular proto- plasmatic conditions and that the extra-cellular medium. does not act such a part here as it does in anodal extensions. Indeed, it seems more probable that the later outgrowth of the dendrites as well as their secondary contraction, including the shifting of the cell body is a process different in principle from the anodal outgrowth of the axis-cylinder, a process for which a greater functional completeness of the neurone is neces- sary, and that we may only say that the character of the chemical constitution of the dendrite is not such that it would interfere with it by a disturbing anodal process. There are still three questions that may be mentioned in this discussion. MONOAXONISM AND POLYDENDRITISM The first question is why only one axis-cylinder leaves the cell, one which becomes complicated only by collaterals which proceed perpendicularly from it during its course, while from the cell-body, a large number of dendrites may and generally do grow out to several centers of stimulation (monoaxonism and polydendritism). To explain the monoaxonism we may first consider what would happen if two kathodie currents traversed the young neuroblast at the same time. In a purely polar tropism, as galvano-tropism preéminently is, it is a familiar feature that the object under the influence of the current places itself so that the influence is equally great on both sides of the object. Only then does the state of equilibrium begin. J. Loeb“ in particular has shown this repeatedly, for example in his 7th Lecture, in which he speaks of radiating energy and heliotropism, and points out that the orientation of a simple object will continue until all its parts lie at the same angle with reference to the influence. 40 J, Loeb. Vorlesungen iiber die Dynamic der Lebenserscheinungen. Leip- zig, Joh. Ambr. Barth, 1906, p. 171. NEUROBIOTAXIS 283 As long as the influence on right and left, or mdeed on all sides, be unequal, the object will change its position until the state of equilibrium is arrived at and the influence is the same everywhere. Let us now apply this to a charged field from which a stimulus irradiates and passes to a cell in the neighborhood. It will be clear, without anything further, that the outgrowth of the axis-cylinder in the current from the kathodic field to the anode has a state of equilibrium only in the course, that is, lengthways, of the current, i.e., in a collateral growing out perpendicularly or, where the growth stimulus proceeding from the irradiating current activated a cell in its. neighborhood, the latter must send out its axis-cylinder also perpendicularly from the source along with the current. This explains the peculiar fact of collaterals of axis-cylinders in the commencement of their course having invariably a strictly perpendicular position with regard to the axis-cylinder.*! The irradiation current which radiates sideways from an acti- vating axis-cylinder must naturally move in a direction perpen- dicular to this axis-cylinder. This is a physical fact that is only changed at the growing point of the activating axone. It will thus be seen that the presence of one axon, as well as the perpendicular position of the collaterals on the axis-cylinder, are but natural consequences of the perfect bipolar character of the current. Now the same holds good if two or more differ- ently running tracts, or differently placed centers, activate one cell simultaneously. We then may also expect only one axis-cylinder in the resultant line of the two current directions (two bio-electric fields), since only in this line the equal influence on both sides of the growing point, the energetic equilibrium, is realized. What will be the case if two or more activating centers are present not acting simultaneously? One of these activating centers has to be the first and causes the initial outgrowth. 41 At the time when coloration and impregnation methods were not so ad- vanced as now, the differential diagnosis of collaterals and dendrites was some- times made on account of the perpendicular position of the latter on the axon. 284 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS If, however, an axis-cylinder has started to grow, we may expect that the favorable conditions which it offers for the current, on account of its greater conductivity, are such that the obstacle to the formation of a new axon at some other place is so much greater, that the current will take the present path of enlarged conductibility, the course of which it may influence perhaps without, however, causing a new axon to grow out, the point of application of forces being localized. The conditions with the dendrites are quite different. This process is by no means necessarily limited to one part of | the surface of the cell since its whole body containing Nissl substance is equally sensitive and any stimulation may cause protoplasmatic shiftings in their direction, whereby the princi- pal dendrite and finally the shifting of the cell-body itself will doubtless take place in the direction of the maximal stimulus. In other words, if another stimulus than the one which formed the axis-cylinder reaches the cell, it will form no new way out, since this would require more energy than a following of the present path of greatest conductivity, but a new stimulus com- ing from another center, may produce—or even must produce— anew dendrite. Since the perikaryon is equally sensitive (except the axon hillock) to it everywhere and since already existing dendrites are not in its path, the nearest cellular or dendritic surface will be the point of application for its influence, 1.e., for the formation of a new dendritic outgrowth. THE SELECTIVITY IN THE PROCESS OF NEUROBIOTAXIS IN HARMONY WITH PSYCHOLOGICAL LAWS I now come to the second and most important point in the tract formation, that which determines the selectivity of the definite connections. It has escaped the observation of all the earlier investigators that the selectivity of the tract formation depends upon simul- taneous, or better, correlative, stimulation. Cajal assumed chemical secretions coinciding with stages of evolution, also ascribing an influence to the glia cells in the secretion of such “substances attractives”’ and without pointing out by which factors NEUROBIOTAXIS 285 these stages of evolution were defined, which he could not do since his conclusions were chiefly, if not solely, based on ontogenetic, that is engrammatic observations. Held speaks of a ‘“‘Prinzip der Auswahl,” upon the character of which he does not enter, and with regard to his own researches Harrison* justly remarks: There is nothing in the present work which throws any light upon the process by which the final connection between the nerve and its end-organ js established. That it must be a sort of specific reaction between each kind of nerve fiber and the particular structure to be innervated seems clear. That the relationship for the final connection, which holds good in the central nervous system for the dendrites and the cell-shifting as well as for the axis-cylinders exists in the cor- relative, mostly synchronous stimulation condition of the elements, I first deduced from the selective character of the cell shifting, and this could be further clearly demonstrated by the axonic connections existing in the nervous system. It even explains a series of peculiarities in the course of the fiber tracts which otherwise confronted us as constant but inexplicable facts, especially in the so-called central motor tracts such as the pyramids. This fundamental law of neurobiotaxis shows us not merely that the fundamental law of association in psychology is at the same time an anatomical law, but also how wonderfully polar the whole character of tract formation is, an how it therefore falls within the range of the galvano-tactic and galvano-tropic phenomena. In order to explain this phenomenon of selectivity in an electro-chemical way, I must draw attention to the following points. It is presumed that the presence of potassium salts has the peculiarity that it greatly increases the conductivity of the axis-cylinder for the electrolytic current. There is even an inclination to ascribe the strong conductivity of the axis-cylinder, as compared with the synapse, to the high percentage of potassium salts in the axon (MacDonald, Macallum). “” Harrison. The outgrowth of the nerve fiber as a mode of protoplasmic movement. Jour. Exp. Zodél., vol. 9, 1910, p. 787. 286 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS We may assume that a state of stimulation once raised at the beginning of that axis-cylinder will proceed rapidly—it is even supposed under a gradually increasing force (the axis-cylinder increases in caliber centrifugally: Johnston,** Tretjakoff‘+)—and a current of relatively great negative electric potential reaches the growing point of the axis-cylinder. If we now assume that in the neighborhood of this growing point two nerve cells lie, one of which is already in a condition of stimulation but the other not, on which of these two cells will this growing point then exercise the greatest influence, and which cell will exercise the greatest influence on the growing point? As we know, the cell which has just been stimulated will be in a state of greater electrolytic dissociation than the cell which is in rest. The negative ion current which runs along the axis-cylinder in its neighborhood, will find its natural selection in this strongly dissociated field, and not in a cell which is not stimulated and, being relatively indifferent with respect to this growing axis- cylinder, does not form a place of selectivity amid all the other passive (non-stimulated) cells which, so to speak are corpora aliena for it. Now we know (see above) that the dendrites of a cell begin to grow out about the time when the telodendria of an axis- cylinder reach it or approach very near to it, and this is in strik- ing agreement with the explanation given here of the neuro- biotactic processes, because at the moment when the approach- ing and stimulated axis-cylinder comes into the vicinity of the cell, the-influence of the approaching kathodic potential differ- ence will make itself more strongly felt, and a shifting of the protoplasm into its direction, i.e., a tropism towards the telo- dendria, is induced, which is a kathodic phenomenon of irrita- tion like most tropisms under normal circumstances where no special conditions for a reversal occur. 48 Johnston, J. B. Additional notes on the cranial nerves of Petromyzon. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 18, 1908. “4 Tretjakoff. Das Nervensystem von Ammocoetes. I. Das Riickenmark. Archiv f. mikr. Anat. u. Entwick., Bd. 73, 1909, plate 24, fig. 11. NEUROBIOTAXIS 287 A closer approach of the two neurones, a contiguity, will be the result. That this will not (or not easily) occur if the grow- ing axis-cylinder reaches a cell in rest, may result from the fact that this passive cell, or neurone, is not in that strongly electrolyt- ically dissociated condition and possesses no considerable electri- cal potential difference from the surroundings. Or to put it otherwise, the passive, non-stimulated cell has thus no other significance for the growing axis-cylinder in its vicinity but that of a corpus alienum, 1.e., it is fairly indifferent to it. As far as concerns the fact that axonic endings never com- municate with axonic endings and dendritic endings never with dendritic endings, no further explanation is necessary from the standpoint of polar electrolytic conditions accepted here, which necessarily implies that homonymic outgrowths do not act on each other. FASCICULATION OF AXONS. IMPROVEMENT OF THE NERVOUS PATH One might ask in this connection why nerve fibers, if homonymic forces repel each other, tend to group together in fiber-tracts or bundles, as we always see even if they do not end on the same level (as the pyramidal tracts). This process may, however, be analogous with the mono- axonism, that an axon shall tend to place itself in the way of the current, and if now such a current reaches a pluricellular center it is not strange that the chief resultant line for the out- growth of one cell is also the state of equilibrium for the out- growth of the other adjacent cells. The orientation of a number of nerve-fibers (axons) from a cell group into one bundle‘ may be no more than a repetition of the same process concerning the neurofibrils in one axon, which tend to a state of central equilibrium in the axis of the neurite. Perhaps also a sort of magnetic field formed by equally run- ning currents may exercise an attraction here. Such a magnetic field is also present around colloidal threads. 45 Perhaps also a sort of magnetic field formed by currents running parallel exercises an attraction here. 288 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS Just as we saw that with the dendrites of one cell the question is different (see above), we also see that dendritic outgrowths of more cells rarely fasciculate in a bundle. The latter would be only the case if only one stimulation center attracted them all, which rarely happens. As far as concerns the neurites, I will discuss below still another point in which it seems to be indicated that conditions which hold good for one neurite may also hold good for a collection of neurites, for a bundle. I will not leave, however, the question o' interneuronal con- nection without emphasizing that the greater conductivity of the axis-cylinder (based on much more K and Cl) in comparison with the dendrites, gives a peculiar character to the shifting of the nerve cell in the direction of the center of stimulation. This shifting causes a shortening of the dendritic path and a lengthening of the axonic path for the nervous current and consequently a diminution of the resistance, or if this expression be less happy, an improvement in the conductivity. It seems probable that the retardation which the nerve cur- rent experiences in the synapse is diminished by this process. Very interesting in this connection is Mauthner’s cell in fishes, where the transmission of the afferent current takes place in part on the axon cap itself (Bartelmez**), and where probably the least resistant synapse is formed. . Similar facilitation of the transmission of the current may be seen in other structures concerned with equilibrium, e.g., in the basket cells of the cerebellar cortex where, as Oudendal,*? among others, has shown, fibrillae of the basket are continuous with the fibrillae in the bodies of Purkinje’s cells. Since the shortening contraction of the dendrites in such cases as the descent of the facialis nucleus in mammals is ac- companied by a lengthening (extension) of the axis-cylinder (fig. 5), we may ask whether there is not an analogy of this process ‘6 Bartelmez, G. W. Mauthner’s cell and the nucleus motorius tegmenti. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 25, pp. 87-128, 1915. ‘7 QOudendal. Ueber den Zusammenhang der Auslaufer der Korbzellen mit den Zellen von Purkinje in der Rinde des Kleinhirns. Psychiatrische en Neurologische Bladen, Amsterdam, 1912. NEUROBIOTAXIS 289 a with the process seen in muscles, which at the closure of the current exhibit, besides the contract'on at the kathode, also an extension at the anodal pole, the broad analogy between the law of stimulation for muscles and nerves being known. Scyllium canicula (Fish) Rad. desc. N.V. - i ae oe oe " Varanus salvator Sse ide z aS (Reptile) VII nucleus -—\: . Ib N ee Axons -- ee pcaradh be Mus musculus ars: ae un 3 (Mammal) VII nucleus -- - Pyramid spies, ole ee eee EEO as Fig. 5 Migrations of the motor facialis nucleus in the animal series, which is correlated with a shortening of the dendrites and an elongation of the axis- cylinders. 290 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS THE FORMATION OF THE MEDULLARY SHEATH The third point that might be mentioned in this discussion is the question as to why most axis-cylinders in the central nervous system get a medullary sheath, and why this medullary sheath is not present on the cell body and the dendrites.‘* If one were content here with a teleological explanation, it would be sufficient to say that the presence of a myelin sheath around the axis-cylinder probably has the function of insulating the current, and that an insulating sheath should not occur in places where this current proceeds from one neuron to another (dendrites, cell body, telodendria). And yet that would not bring us one step nearer to the solution of the question as to the way in which the process of myelin accumulation is effected by the axis-cylinder. Let us endeavor here also to trace the influence which may lead to the accumulation of myelin around the axon, and why it is not accumulated sheath-like or otherwise in the cell and the dendrite. That the primitive axis-cylinder itself is able to form myelin is proved most clearly in the central nervous system, where the cells of Ranvier (i.e., of the neurilemma) which may have to do with it in the peripheral nervous system, do not occur, and other adjacent (glia) cells are but seldom found provided with myelin granules.‘ 48T do not refer here to the medullary sheath around the peripheral fiber of a sensory root, which is a dendrite anatomically and ontogenetically (it develops later than the central process). In the millions of neurons in the nervous system this is the only exception, which certainly requires explanation but at present need not disturb our reasoning concerning the central pathways. The peripheral nerve fibers—especially the sensory ones—do not seem to be the most adequate material to elucidate the questions involved here, since they seem to require more explanation instead of helping to elucidate these questions. Moreover the fact that spinal ganglion cells belonging to the sensory system of the skin receive stimuli from other neurones (of the sympathetic system—Dogiel) proves that nervous currents may also run toward their periphery. 49 Vignal. Le développement des élements du systém nerveux cérébro-spinal. Masson, Paris, 1889. See also, Ariéns Kappers. Recherches sur le développe- ment des gaines dans le tube nerveux. Petrus Camper, Amsterdam, vol. 2, part 2, 1902. NEUROBIOTAXIS ‘291 We know, from the researches of Ambronn and Held® that myelin formation is greatly affected by the function of the tracts, and consequently strongly influenced by the stimuli passing through it. I have already referred to the fact that the genuine a ueinons substance and also the lecithin which forms the chief component of the myelin sheath generally exhibit, under normal circum- stances, an anodic kataphoresis. Concerning the myelin itself this has been experimentally shown by Hermann, who described its connection to the anode as ‘“‘eine der gewaltigsten microscopischen Erscheinungen,”’ he ever witnessed. Putting a part of a peripheral nerve of a frog in a constant current in the line connecting the electrodes (which, however, remained at a distance from its ends), he saw a vigorous outflow of the nerve content—especially the myelin—at the anodal pole of the nerve, where it collected in a mass. Reversing the current, this myelin could again be absorbed by the nerve and the myelin flowed out at the other (then, anodic) end. The tendency of the peripheral nerve constituents—chiefly its myelin—to move in the direction of the anode is clearly proved by this experiment.*! If now we apply this phenomenon to the structure of the axon in the central nervous system we may expect that the nerve current which has—as pointed out above—an anodal direction, will convey the lipoid substance, even that which is produced by the cell itself, chiefly in the axis-cylinder; but, since from this axis-cylinder an irradiation current of the same character flows out, the myelin is necessarily conveyed to the periphery of the nerve fiber. The difficulty consequently is not why only axis-cylinders have myelin and why this myelin is conveyed from the center 50 Ambronn und Held. Ueber Entwicklung und Bedeutung des Nervenmarks. Sitzungsverichte der Kén. Sichsichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1895. 51 T am much indebted to Prof. Héber (Kiel) for calling my attention to Her- mann’s paper, which was unknown to me when | started to write this article. It is found in Pfliiger’s Archiv, Bd. 67, 1897, p. 240. 292 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS to the periphery and there gathering sheath-like round it: but the greater difficulty is why it remains there, and why is it not conveyed further away from the sheath. Perhaps in the beginning of sheath formation this really occurs (some glia cells and lymphocytes are found richly provided with myelin- like or fatty granules), but when its formation becomes more abundant it prevents by its nonconducting character the anodal Ependyma of the dorsalsac (Parencephalon) Com. superior telencephali - (amyelinated fibers) r. : Werte: Seep GSies woes Baers Fon a a ET Spe SE 8 cae Fig. 6 Sagittal section of the habenular ganglion of Scyllium canicula, show- ing the position of unmyelinated fibers surrounding the myelinated fibers. current from extending its course and consequently its conveying influence (kataphoresis) beyond the wall of myelin which thus thickens more and more. An induced anodic condition of the direct periphery might then also cause lecithin substance of surrounding tissue (Ran- vier cells) to gather on the sheath. Why we do not find an accumulation of the same substance at the apex of the axis-cylinder, why the telodendria remain free from it, is difficult to explain. Perhaps that the conveying character of the current for this substance is so considerable there that it does not remain there when formed. NEUROBIOTAXIS 293 In connection with the accumulation of myelin in the periph- ery of the axis-cylinder I wish to mention a fact which struck me repeatedly in the study of the cerebral commissures of ower animals, where (e.g., in the commissura superior habenulae of plagiostomes fig. 6) we frequently observe that the medullated fibers are arranged in the decussating bundle on the periphery of the non-medullated fibers. The same fact struck me often in the fasciculus retroflexus, especially in Arius. Sheldon, too, noticed this in his study of the olfactory tracts and centers in teleosts, and he makes the same remark with regard to some thalamic tracts. Whether this is to be explained as a repetition of the same process—an analogy—of peripheral accumulation of myelin in the medullary sheath, I do not venture to say. It seems probable, since we saw that also in another respect (monoaxonism and fasciculation, see above) the principle that holds good for an axon seems to hold good also for a col- lection of axons. Here, however, we transgress the limits of a scientific hypoth- esis, which, though not pretending to be more than a mere hypothesis, must be founded on facts. I would be perfectly content if this short note might stimulate others to think about these matters. The dynamic polarization of the neurone and its biologic character still require a good deal more light than has as yet been shed upon it, and is worth the attention of our best physiologists and biochemists.** RESUME AND CONCLUSION From the shiftings exhibited (phylogenetically) by the cells of the motor nuclei it appears that those parts of the neurone that receive the stimuli (dendrites and cellular body) are formed and directed to those stimuli trying to approach their center. ® Sheldon, R. E. The olfactory tracts and centers in teleosts. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 22, pp. 177-339, 1912. °3 T have only one more remark to make. Darwin once said that plants think with their roots. He did not mean this in a literal sense, of course, but that there may be some similarities between the sensibility to certain stimuli and the behavior of the roots of plants (or other centers of growth) and parts of the nerv- ous system, chiefly the axons, does not seem so very improbable. THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 3 294 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS Further researches show that this influence is found only on such nerve cells as have already a certain previous indirect affinity with those impressions, or with the region where those impressions accumulate, and it can be proved that this affinity consists in a simultaneous or successive condition of action (stimulative correlation); and that consequently, in the material arrangement in our brains, the law appears which has been long since acknowledged to be one of the main laws for the development of our mental capacities, viz., the law of association. The acknowledgment of correlated function as the fundamental factor vn the arrangement of the cells and dendrites induced me to investigate whether the same law could be shown in the final course and connection of the axons to lower or higher centers (so-called central-motor paths and higher sensory neurones), and a careful comparison of the regions where such paths begin and terminate, showed, that here too such an associative affinity could be pointed out, that this affinity determines the place where the axon will end, and explains a number of peculiarities in the ending of such paths, e.g., throws a light on the singular fact that the pyramidal tracts do not originally terminate in motor, but in sensory regions. Under this fundamental law, that neurobiotactic processes occur between correlated systems, the tropism of the dendrites and cell body takes place in an opposite direction to the nerve current, i.e., towards the center of stimulation: stimulo-petal, whereas the course of the axon conducting the impression farther is in the same direction as that current: stimulo-fugal or (more correctly) stimulo-concurrent. That, however, also the development of the axon is a con- sequence of the stimulus has been proved by Bok, who in an equally convincing and ingenious way showed that at first the axon does not conduct a stimulus irradiating in the nervous system, but that on the contrary, this stimulus forms the axon so that also here a stimulogenous formation occurs, described by Bok in a very important contribution to our knowledge of neurobiotactic processes, under the name of stimulogenous fibrillation. NEUROBIOTAXIS 295 Taken all in all, we can say that the stimuli which arrive in the nervous system, especially the relation between those stimuli, mold the material substratum of the mind; this correlation is the primary force, and expresses itself in the material arrange- ments of our nervous system. This correlation of stimuli thus plays the fundamental part, in all processes of neurobiotaxis, in which, however, the dendrites and the cell body grow towards the stimulus center stimulo- petal, whereas the axon grows away from the stimulus center, with the influence irradiating from it: stimulo-concurrent. The question is now: how can we explain these different tropisms in the nervous system; how can it be, that one nerve unit, the neurone, shows such a clearly opposite polar difference, that one part of its protoplasm approaches the source of stimula- tion (stimulo-petal dendrites and cell body), while the other grows with the direction of the stimulus-irradiation proceeding from it (stumulo-concurrent axons)? In order to find the solution of this problem, we may study the other tropisms in nature, which are more accessible to experi- mental research, especially the galvano-tropisms. In galvano-tropisms we find phenomena which remind us most forcibly of the manifestations in the nervous system just described. . By galvanotaxis we understand the fact that a living being or part of it, when placed in a constant electric current of certain strength, is inclined to turn towards a certain pole, in most, or in nearly all cases towards the electro-negative pole (the kathode). Thus the root-tips of plants grow towards the electro-negative pole, monocellular animal organisms move in that direction. The process 1s however reversible. By putting the object, such as the root-tips of growing plants or the monocellular animals in a stronger solution of chloride of potassium or sodium (which at the same time increases the conductivity of the solution) the tropism is reversed and goes towards the positive pole (anode). Albumen also shows a shifting in a galvanic current (kata- phoresis). Contrary to the above-mentioned tropism, the shifting of 296 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS albumen and lecithine takes place under ordinary circumstances (that is to say in the circumstances in which it usually occurs in animal bodies) generally towards the positive pole. Addition of potassium also enhances the anodic character of this process, and the substance of the axon and myelin sheath of a nerve root, just cut from the body, shows in a galvanic current even a very strong displacement toward the positive pole (Hermann). By acids the removal of the albuminous substance may be reversed, however, and directed towards the negative pole. There is much evidence that these galvano-tropic and kata- phoretic experiments are applicable to the formation of the nervous system by the stimuli that reach it and act in it. We know from the negative variation that a part of our nervous system which is stimulated forms a negative pole, a kathode, with respect to its surroundings, which in other words form an anodic field with regard to the center of stimulation. The nerve-cells which are found in the surroundings of this electro-negative center of stimulation, will first show an anodic offshoot going in the same direction as the radiation from that center of stimulation, on account of the anodotropic character of their protoplasm. This anodic extension, will derive chemical and tropic characteristics of the potassium and chlorides in which it is imbedded. ‘In consequence a larger quantity of potassium chloride is found in the axis-cylinder than elsewhere in the neurone (as Macdonald and Macallum and Menten showed independently of each other and in different ways). This large quantity of chloride of potassium (conformably to the above-mentioned experiments with root-tips and ameba) will again enhance the anodotropic, in casu stimulo-concurrent char- acter of the axon, and besides it increases its conductivity. Not until much later do the dendrites appear, and somewhat later still the cell body begins to move in the direction of the stimulated electro-negative center. ** Why so much Cl is found in the axonic part of the neurone is unknown. lt seems possible to me that this is due to the anodotropic character of Cl, this being ananion. A greater permeability for anions might then be the cause of the enhanced anodotropic character of the colloid substance of the axon. There is much in favor of this, that it would be rather the chlorine than the potassium. NEUROBIOTAXIS 297 This stimulo-petal, kathodic tropism of the dendrites and of the perinuclear protoplasm is probably a more complicated phenom- enon, which however is not counteracted by K and Cl, since this does not occur to any considerable amount in those parts. On the other hand, it may be favored by a kathodic kataphoresis since it coincides with the appearance of the nuclear acid de- rivatives, known as Nissl’s bodies, and does not take place until the axon has nearly reached its terminus and the neurone is therefore in a much greater state of perfection (Cajal). This kathodic tropism, followed by a gradual shortening of the dendrite and a displacing of the cell itself (as in most kathodic ‘tropisms), is in accordance with the phenomena of kathodic stimulation, according to Pfliiger’s law (Loeb and Maxwell, Boruttau), as these become apparent in animal protoplasm susceptible to stimulation (e.g., also in ameba under normal circumstances) and causes these parts of the neurone to find their way to the electro-negative field which is in a state of stimulation. It is probably accompanied by a facilitation of a stimulus- transition at that place at the moment when the galvanic cur- rent which appears in the nervous system makes itself felt (the enhanced sensitiveness at the kathode well known in neurology). Thus we find in the first development of stimulo-concurrent axons a consequence of the enhanced anodotropic character, experimentally proved, of their substance, strengthened by the large quantity of K and Cl, while the formation: and contraction which takes place much later of the dendrites, and the displace- ment of the perinuclear protoplasm to the kathode is a special case of Pfliger’s laws, not counteracted by any amount of KCl, perhaps even favored by nuclear acid-derivatives. Such may be the explanation of the dynamic polarization of the neurone. It does not, however, tell us anything about the final connection of the axis-clyinder. This final connection is always a territory or cell which has a correlated activity, that is a simultaneous electrolytic dissociation with it. Non-stimulated centers are all equally indifferent to it, i.e., corpora aliena to it. We further saw that monoaxonism is a result of the effect on the same pole (a resultant line of different 298 Cc. U. ARIENS KAPPERS forces on the same point of application), while polydendritism is possible and even usual on account of the fact that their forma- tion is not a resultant line of different forces on the same pole (mathematically expressed of different forces on the same point) of the cell body since the perinuclear and dendritic protoplasm is equally sensitive everywhere to the kathodic influence and may respond at several different places to several stimuli of different origin, each of which may affect it on that part of its wbiquitous receptive surface that is nearest by. The ability of the neurone to receive at the same time more than one stimulus by different dendrites and to lead their com- pound along one axis-cylinder, may be considered as the material expression of the formation of a compound impression from different perceptions, and this compound again acts as a factor in the formation of higher, more complicated compounds, if the axis-cylinder runs in the cerebral direction. If it runs in the aboral direction, the axis-cylinder is the final common path leading to a somatic effector center. It seems hardly necessary to emphasize that I do not believe that nervous life and still less its psychic, conscious realization are, or even could be, explained by such considerations—pro- vided they are right. They may, at the best, give us an idea of some physico-chemic processes that accompany its evolution and explain the form in which our nervous elements appear. After all, ‘“‘life’ and its ‘‘données immediates’’ (Bergson)** remain as self-imposing truths, that are revealed in but not explained by any phenomenon whatever. 55 Bergson. |’Evolution Creatrice. Felix Alean. Paris, 1907. FURTHER VERIFICATION OF FUNCTIONAL SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES BY THE USE OF THE POLAR PLANIMETER DAVID H. DOLLEY From the Pathological Laboratory of the University of Missouri THREE FIGURES INTRODUCTION Kocher (‘16) has recently published several papers which make a sweeping denial of any morphological evidence of func- tional activity in the nerve cell body. He bases this conclusion chiefly on his failure to find constant differences in the average size of cells between exercised and undisturbed animals by the use of the polar planimeter. It became necessary, therefore, for the writer to test his own positive finding of functional changes by this method. The writer has, indeed, used the polar planimeter extensively to determine the areas of constituent sections of individual cells in one micron series. This gave part of the data necessary in calculating individual cell volumes by the prismoid formulas. Some of these results are published (‘14), some are not. It did not appear then, on objective as well as theoretical grounds, that the method by itself would add any essential information re- garding the functional reaction that was not already supplied from average of diameter measurements. This the present re- sults confirm. It is further my more personal task to reply because the crit- icism of Kocher is directed entirely at myself, and patently aims to discredit methods, technic, and conclusions. One only finds advantage in a censoriousness which overshoots the mark, but I deprecate being singled out from the large company of workers who have been convinced that there are morphological evidences 299 300 DAVID H. DOLLEY of activity. Among these there is noteworthy unanimity when the phases with which they worked and the parts which they studied (differentiation) are taken into account, as I have at- tempted elsewhere to show (711 b). Indeed, from the literature with which I am familiar, the score stands at present as eighteen who are willing to admit changes of one sort or another against two who are skeptical (Eve and Kocher). Particularly, the credit must go to Hodge, the pioneer. It has been the writer’s fortune to do no more than confirm every find- ing of importance which Hodge made. Furthermore, without these findings of Hodge and his deductions therefrom, and with- out the contributions of his immediate successors toward filling in the gaps, the interpretation of the sequence’ of events in the more highly differentiated cells would have been enormously difficult for a single investigator, if not impossible, even though he profited as much as one could by the advance of cytology in two decades and more. And cytology is just what is meant. AN ANALYSIS OF THE DENIAL OF A FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY Were it not for the technical difference of method, repetition of Kocher’s work would not be necessary, for a critical analysis of his paper will easily show that certain of his essential con- clusions do not mean what he appears to think they do, but on the contrary afford a confirmation of an essential principle of nerve cell function. This critical discussion will be taken up first, as it explains why there is no need for further experimental data than is submitted. The writer has divided the progress of functional activity from rest to organic exhaustion into thirteen stages for the Pur- kinje cell. Kocher states: ‘‘Representatives of practically all these types of cells were found in my specimens, from the rest- ing control animal, as well as from those animals exercised for one, two and a half, and five hours.”’ These stages were so defi- nite that he counted over three thousand cells in order to deter- mine the varying distribution (Kocher, table 3). Our objective findings therefore are the same; the stages exist; there is no rigid morphology of the cell. He does not explain SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES 301 them; he does not appear to think they need explanation; he does not even consider why he finds them with his technic when he is so harsh with me about my technic; but he sees them. Coming as this confirmation does from a professed critic, with the prestige of a great laboratory behind it, it will doubtless carry unhoped for weight. The confirmation imposes the greater debt in that this arbitrary division of a continuous process was carried to a degree which on its face must have appeared suspi- cious, though the number was due to the codrdinate inclusion of intermediate stages, and the division was a practical one for study. The effect of varying function between one animal and another must be either qualitative or quantitative, granting that there is an effect. For the purpose of further analysis of Kocher’s findings and conclusions, these possibilities must be con- sidered separately, and the question of qualitative differences will be taken first. His final conclusion which relates to this point is: ‘‘ Further- more, no qualitative differences in histological characters could be found between fatigue and resting nerve cells.’’ Or, as it reads somewhat differently in the text: ‘‘There are neither progres- sive changes in the morphology of the cells from rest to exhaus- tion, nor are there any qualitative or quantitative differences in type of cells from resting and fatigued or even exhausted animals (italics mine). Qualitative cellular difference between animals in relative degrees of activity is what he wishes to specify, and assuredly there is none, if representatives of the thirteen stages, in orderly relation, are to be found in all, and only those. But Kocher is artlessly misled because he finds all stages in the ‘con- trol’ as well as the exercised animal. So his conclusion of lack of qualitative difference does not mean what he thinks it does, that nothing has happened. On the contrary, it is a fundamen- tal conclusion that qualitative differences from function are to be ruled out. Instead of being destructive to me, this is the first induction I should wish to be confirmed, since it throws comparative function on the quantitative principle. It is only - that our opinions of the significance of an identical conclusion differ. 302 DAVID H. DOLLEY It is for qualitative changes for which the main search has been made, and it is on this point that many interpretations have foundered. Kocher, so far as he expected qualitative differ- ences, predicated it on the idea that the cells of an animal pur- suing its ordinary course are static. That, though possibly not exactly accessory appendages, still they are unaffected by the to and fro swing of ordinary existence. He simply neglects the conception which came in with cellular biology that every. phe- nomenon of life of the organism is referable to its cells. For he speaks of the ‘“‘resting cells of the controls” as if all cells in the undisturbed animal are necessarily static. Only when the extra- ordinary thing happens then, like being chased around in a tread- mill, or overdrugged, or cut for appendicitis, should changes be expected, and these of a peculiar, not to say specific nature, to fit the assault on the integrity of the cell? When they do not appear, it is necessary for him to believe that nothing has hap- pened. But the most ordinary vital phenomenon is a cellular phenomenon just as well, and must be correlated with the whole range of extraordinary phenomena. Were nervous phenomena qualitative, an infinite range and variety would be necessitated. No animals can be conceived to be static, in one fixed state. Every reaction of an animal comes from its cells; the outside environment may disturb those cells. Even the most quiet ani- mal outwardly might be expected to reflect its own internal work, and the possible effect of a changed internal environment on a tissue specialized for irritability has equal possibilities, as the anatomical facts have proved. Hence it is that one finds, and would expect to find, varied evidences of function in different ‘normal’ animals. The only result of the extraordinary function on this basis is to drive the cells further along in their phases of reaction, a quantitative differ- ence in the sum total of reaction. All are in tone, many are already working,—to this is added more work. The mere exist- ence of morphological differences within the same animal would be sufficient clue to something happening which needed to be correlated and interpreted, when it comes after any technic. Otherwise all cells would look exactly alike. SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES 303 So, can one pick up any animal regardless of its individual existence, and use it as a control, expecting that it give neces- sarily a flat level of comparison against other animals of differ- ent habit, different experience? The true standard exists in the resting cell, a distinct morphological type, a constant species type (Dolley, ‘14). The only exact comparison between two individuals is in terms of the relative distribution of working to resting cells. Unless one recognize this, he will surely become involved in a maze of discrepancies. It now only remains to explain why Kocher failed to find quantitative differences, as already noted in the citation, to nul- lify his criticism entirely. Kocher made differential counts of the distribution of the stages in four dogs, one the undisturbed control, the others exer- cised one, two and a half, and five hours respectively. He says: ‘As will be seen in the table, the number of a particular type of cell varies considerably, but this variation is the same for the different animals.’’? The understood conclusion is that all were on the same plane, even granting the existence of morphological types. On scrutinizing Kocher’s table 3, one is immediately struck by what may be a most significant point. Stage 6 stands conspic- uous by its paucity, if not absence. Taking the counts from the worm of the cerebellum, he found none in the control ani- mal, though identifying all succeeding stages. In forced ac- tivity, the greatest number thus identified was 2 out of 300 cells surveyed, while in the hardest worked animal none was found. Nor in the cord counts is he more liberal, three being the maxi- mum found. Of course, in actual counts of 200 cells in a survey of 300, this may happen, but from my experience it is not so uniformly lkely. The average run of stage 6, where all types are present, has been from 4 per cent to 10 per cent. For ex- ample, in the first series of counts published (‘09 ¢), there was a& maximum of 67 out of 600 cells actually counted (11 per cent), after six hours of exercise, 40 (6.6 per cent) after one hour, and a& minimum of 25 (4 per cent), in a relatively very resistant dog in the effect displayed. A failure to identify stage 6 would dis- 304 DAVID H. DOLLEY turb a count quite considerably. What are the characteristics of stage 6? Standing at the transition point between the shrunken hyperchromatic Hodge stages and the following hypochromatism and upset of the nucleus-plasma relation, it has a more swollen, vesicular and disproportionate nucleus than the resting type, though its plasma now comes to show the average distribution of chromatic substance of that type. I have pointed out several times that unless its nuclear size and appearance be kept in mind, it will be mistaken for a resting cell. A second point: Stage 13 is one of complete basic dechro- matization. The Nissl substance is gone, likewise the nuclear chromatin. The rapidity of such dechromatization depends on the relative differentiation. It may appear within a few hours in the Purkinje cell, though probably not unless the animal is advanced in activity to start with. Not only has it never come under my observation in a lower type of cell within the time necessary to produce it in the cortex, but the indications have always been that the lower cells at this time were many stages removed from exhaustion. It was only marked, though still not absolute, after two weeks of continuous excitation of the cray- fish cell. Yet Kocher is extremely liberal with stage 13. He always finds it in the cervical and lumbar cord cells, and in two cases out of the four animals counted there are more than from the cerebellum. Not only do I regard this as impossible on the basis of differentiation, but it does not jibe with the text, for he only mentions grades of plasmic chromatolysis, which obviously is another thing from nuclear plus plasmic dechromatization. Nuclear dechromatinization would exact a comment from any one. In other words, some at least of the stages identified as exhaus- tion are fairly doubtful, and this carries closely related stages. One is forced to the same deduction for Kocher’s whole table 3. It is the sort of rebuttal of a criticism that personally is very distasteful, for it carries the possible imputation that the orig- inator of said stages is the only one competent to pass judgment upon them. This is not true, for eight students who have worked with me have had no difficulty after several months : SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES 305 study in separating them as well as myself. As Kocher denies ‘progressive changes in the morphology of the cells,” it is evi- dent that he missed the finer points essential to a differentiation. Outside of these technical points, no denial of the existence of quantitative differences can be made on the comparison of four animals. The range of individual variation is too great. There is no way of telling what the state of activity with which the experiment begins. Kocher’s control animal may very well have been two or three times as functionally advanced as the one exercised the most was to begin with. I have seen several undis-' turbed animals who showed a degree of activity almost as great as one subjected to exhausting overstrain. The control com- parison method, though valuable and frequently the only re- source, affords no absolute deductions, unless all conditions are certain. Apparent inconsistencies, of which I have encountered many, one by one have cleared up as all conditions became known. Just for one example, age is a factor. Very young animals usually show a hyperactive state as compared to the adult. Resting and early active cells may be absent in section after sec- tion. Very probably this is the reason why Kocher’s three month old puppies showed ‘‘no discoverable differences in stain- ing reaction.” One final rejoinder concerns a matter, which, though even more distasteful, I refuse to pass over. In April, 1910, I pub- lished the results of 2200 cell measurements. Even in the pre- liminary communication of November, 1909, on normal func- tional activity, which Kocher cites, the results from 1500 of these measurements were stated, which explicitly did not include those previously published from the shock and hemorrhage series. Further, in the same paper the results of differential counts of 3,600 cells were included. In still earlier communi- cations, of April and July, 1909, on shock and hemorrhage re- spectively, which he also cites, it was made sufficiently clear that preliminary counts of 1300 and 1200 cells had been made, as it was stated that 100 cells were counted in each experiment. From this brief survey, it may be imagined with what pained surprise one reads from Kocher, ‘‘Obviously the observations 306 DAVID H. DOLLEY were not over a large enough range of sections nor sufficiently controlled by actual counts of the various types of cells’’ (p. 351). Kocher’s work was finished in 1912, though the paper was not published until June, 1916 (see his footnote, p. 341). Before the end of 1911, I had published six papers, to four of which Kocher refers specifically in the text, and cites three in his bibliography —making an error in crediting authorship in that. He then proceeds to juggle quotations to support his conten- tion. As in any scientific writings, certain statements of small numerical amount, treating of finer detail or representing very preliminary work, are available. For example, he cites from my second paper (Journal of Medical Research, vol. 21, 104): ‘‘Measurements were made of five cells of each type in two anemia experiments, one a fatal resuscitation, the other a repeated hemorrhage.”’ Meagre data surely, and it reads as convine- ingly as a wilfully isolated text from the Bible. Only my next sentence, which he does not cite, happens to read: ‘‘Since the results are the same as for shock, the number is considered suf- ficient for the present purpose,’ and the context goes on to enumerate the detailed identity. While not stated in words of one syllable, it conveys the impression to my mind at least of a constancy of dimension for each type, even for five cells. This is not all of the same thing, but it is enough. I leave the verdict to those disinterested. EXPERIMENTAL DATA In imitation of Kocher’s experiment on normal activity, two pup- pies were chosen. They were females, from the same litter, weighing 2.7 and 2.5 kilograms, and a few days over three months old. One, the larger, was led on a fast walk over a country road course previously measured by a Stewart odometer on a Hudson motor car. It was de- sired to imitate Kocher’s very fast pace of fifteen miles in three and one-half hours, but my two puppies had never been beyond the con- fines of the six foot square cage in which they were born and so lacked training. The animal trotted along willingly enough after it learned what was wanted of it, but though short rests were allowed, the pace was too fast, and before two hours it began to show distress. After two hours and ten minutes it refused absolutely to walk any further. The actually measured distance in my experiment was a trifle over six miles. It was then carried to the laboratory, and just as Kocher’s dog, killed less than one hour after the exercise ceased. SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES 307 TECHNIC The unexercised animal then came into the experiment as the con- trol, and every precaution was taken subsequently to preserve an exact identity of treatment. The two were simultaneously anesthetized with ether through the codperation of an assistant, and killed by simul- taneous bleeding. Their brains were removed at the same time so far as possible by duplicate motions, and the specimens from each drop- ped at the same moment, into the same fixing fluid, in a single con- tainer as follows: The bottles for each individual fluid used in fixing, dehydrating and imbedding were divided by a perforated partition into two parts and the material thus separated was subjected to iden- tical conditions. Every transfer to the next solution was made by the simultaneous use of two forceps. The fixing agent used was Saturatedumencuntcrehlonidesserar sc oe eee ce eer 95 40 per cent formaldehyde solution. ........¢...200005- 6245 03e22 520°: 5 The material was then run through the graded alcohols,—30 per cent, 50 per cent, 70 per cent, 80 per cent, being iodized several days in the 80 per cent to remove the mercury, 95 per cent and absolute. It was then carried through xylol, xylol-paraffin, and two changes of 52° M.P. paraffin with the same precautions of identical handling. Fi- pay the exercised and control tissue were inbedded side by side in one ock. The sections were cut by the same stroke of the knife at five micra in serial, and necessarily subjected to the same conditions of staining. As customary, the stain used was Held’s erythrosin and toluidin blue. Yet, save for a certain straining at a finicky precision, the pro- cedure differed in no respect from previous ones, nor were the results in any way superior. Still Kocher is very harsh with me because ‘‘The control and fatigue material was handled entirely separately. Slight unavoidable variations in the exposure of the tissue to the various agents and different thickness of the cut sections would make such material worthless for comparative study.” Surely not quite so bad as that. Bichloride is bichlo- ride and alcohol is alcohol, and there are some of us who think that we get certain cell pictures because of the particular physi- co-chemical conditions in the cells, for we get them in the same animal by any fixing and staining reagent—and Kocher admits that he got them by his method. A microtome that can be de- pended upon to cut one micron serial sections, and there are 308 DAVID H. DOLLEY two in this laboratory, will surely cut sections at five micra as well tomorrow as today. Variations in section thickness are now and again unavoidable of course, but that is a negligible factor in median sections of a three dimensional and spheroidal body, which, excepting the eccentric nucleus, are the ones we use when plasma, nucleus, and nucleolus come into the same optical field. For, quoting a mathematical authority (see Dolley, 714) ‘“‘the diameter of the cross section of a nearly spherical body varies very slowly for plane sections nearly median or diametral.” Here is the mathematical reason why averages of individual xw eens ng ESR z ee B B* Fig. 1 Diagram of the relation of section frustra to the cell outline in the case of extra-diametral sections. stages either of areas or diameters are dependable—they are from median sections with little variation from that. The negligible effect of one micron variations in five micra sections may be illustrated very simply from the diagrams of figure 1. They represent two cells 20 micra each in diameter, which is the average for the transverse diameter of the Purkinje cell. The diameter AB is through the axial or median plane of each. Each section constitutes a frustrum and it is the edge of the maximum base of the section frustrum that we outline from the camera lucida. The frustrum in the left hand figure is a four micra, and the one to the right a six micra section, both being unfavorable possibilities outside of the true median section containing AB. The dotted line in each case marked a coin- SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES 309 ciding five micra section. The points one would mark for the diameter in either case are marked 2, and the slight deviation from the perfect five micra section indicated by the dotted lines as well as from the true median section containing AB is apparent. THE COMPARISON BY DIFFERENTIAL COUNTS For the technical interests of this paper only the Purkinje cell of the cerebellum is considered. First it will be of interest to discuss the results of the differ- ential counts which were made for the general comparison of exercise with the lack of it. The conditions under which both puppies had lived accounts to me for the striking difference that resulted from unaccustomed exercise. They were not merely rested up for a few weeks, for subsidence from activity of any degree goes most slowly (Dolley, lla), but they had always lived under general conditions unconducive to wide activity. TABLE 1 Differential counts of cells RESTING han STAGES OF ACTIVITY UNCOUNTED CELLS © O| 2] oo] o| oD! oO] Oo] o] oO] o| ao] o Hyper- Hypo- a a|a\a|a|aleala|alalalal|a| chromatic | chromatic ~ »~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DM NIN|A|N|A|INIA|A|N|D| n\n Control animal..... 23 10|39|97| 6} 1) 3} 3} 3} 2} 0] 1) 0 105 7 Exercised animal... 0 2| 7/16) 2/13} 9/21)/24)43)12] 2) O 27 _ 122 The data from the counts are set forth in table 1. The counts were made from paired simultaneously cut sections from the two cases. In each case a start was made from a corresponding corner and the line of Purkinje cells followed in continuity until all in the section were surveyed, and then, as the full quota was not made up in either case, one jump was made to corresponding corners of a pair the third removed in the serial to avoid count- ing any cell twice. Kocher’s prerequisite of a complete nuclear membrane is as good a working basis as any, only it is to be remembered that if one admits hypochromatic cells whose karyo- some is not visible, he can only approximate the exact stage THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 3 310 DAVID H. DOLLEY from stages 10 to 13, in which the state of the karyosome is the criterion. The karyosome is thus most rarely invisible. The cells which could not be exactly identified because not suffi- ciently in section were listed as hyperchromatic and hypochro- matic, as has always been the practice. The differences in the counts submitted are as striking as in the diagnosed cells. Un- less the differences are as marked as in the present case I do not consider a count of less than 200 actually diagnosed cells in imi- tation of Kocher as adequate, but the survey of 77 paired sec- tions in this instance showed obviously that the general dis- tribution was that of the count. Table 1 may be summarized as follows: The transition to up- set of the nucleus-plasma relation begins toward the end of the Hodge stage 5, actually with stage 5”. This is a convenient point of demarcation for comparison. In the control animal, 173 resting and early type cells, including stage 1-5’, are found, while in the other only 25 early type cells, with no resting cells at all, show the effect of exercise in driving cells beyond the early stages. On the other hand, there are only 19 cells in vari- ous stages of upset of the nucleus-plasma relation in the con- trol as contrasted with 126 in the exercised animal. Taking the undiagnosed cells, the hyperchromatic ones belong between stages 1 and 5, the hypochromatic ones to the period of upset. The ratio in the control is 105 to 7, in the exercised animal 27 to 122. The quantitative difference between action and in- action is everywhere displayed. It is also worth while to point out that there are no exhausted cells, namely, dechromatized in nucleus and plasma, in either case. The exercised puppy was not exhausted in the organic sense, but had much reserve. Its immediate distress, so far as it was nervous, came from the other side of fatigue, the waste product reaction. With rest and elimination, it could have gone on, as fits experience. Evén the finding of a quota of exhausted cells does not indicate exhaustion of capacity—so long as there are other cells. SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES ad i DIFFERENT METHODS OF MEASUREMENT AND THEIR IDENTICAL RESULT Since this paper is primarily a comparison of technical methods, and since the morphological characters of the stages have been repeatedly summarized and will be again in a further paper to appear, it does not appear necessary to repeat them here. The stage numbers are uniform in all publications. The only chance -of confusion may come in the combination of 4’ and 5’, 4” and 5” in tables 2 and 3. TABLE 2 Average diameters of functioning stages in centimeters CONTROL ANIMAL EXERCISED ANIMAL NUMBER OF Diameters of cell Diameters of nucleus STAGE Diameters of cell Diameters of nucleus 6.86 X 3.43 2.38 X 1.59 1 6.91 X 3.44 2.40 X 1.67 7.57 X 4.46 2.65 X 2.16 2 7.42 X 4.35 2.61 X 2.08 6.84 XK 3.80 2.29 X74 3 7.25 X 3.69 2.11 X 1.51 6.43 X 3:31 2.25 X 1.29 4’ and 5 6.50 XK 3.29 197 Daler 6.87 X 3.33 2.37 X 1.50 4’’ and 5” 6.82 X 3.71 2.36 X 1.70 6.96 XK 3.49 2.50 X 1.76 6 CAA X 3279 2.48 X 1.87 7.23 X 4.07 2.49 X 1.93 7 7.81 X 4.13 2.45 X 2.01 8.23 XK 4.32 Pair lla) 8 8.43 XK 4.44 2.47 X 2.14 7.73 X 4.91 2.52 XK 2.22 9 8.47 X 4.98 2.49 X 2.21 8.33 X 4.90 2.51 X 2.28 10 8.34 X 5.09 2.53 X 2.30 It 8.58 X 5.67 2.57 X 2.33 Stages 4 and 5 comprise the Hodge types, which were thus originally separated because stage 4 represents a more attenu- ated and smaller cell, and resulted in a somewhat different nu- cleus-plasma relation. In general, stage 4 now certainly has no special significance in itself, as a phase of immediate activity, but merely means a more slender cell to start with. It has, however, significance in that the slenderness is due either to lack of development or to functional atrophy. So for uniformity these stage numbers were kept, though in later publications, stage 5 has stood for the group. Then, after publishing in sim- ple numerical order in a preliminary communication, it was found further that actually there was a transition type between 312 DAVID H. DOLLEY TABLE 3 Size relations of functioning stages (Areas in square, volumes in cubic centimeters) é AREAS BY RELATIVE Laan ie POLAR NUCLEUS- VOLUMES AS NUCLEUS- | paRaLLELopip- | NUCLEUS- NUMBER OF PLANIMETER PLASMA CYLINDERS PLASMA EDS PLASMA STAGE COEFFICI- COEFFICI- COEFFICI- SS SSS ENTS eee ENTS SESS ENTS Cell | Nucleus Cell |Nucleus Cell {Nucleus Control animal 1 16.33} 3.06 4.3 5EROL | 4.87 LORS) | 80 e7ill 602) ear 2 23.32) 4.58 4.1 104.01} .9.89 ONS MSO yA) sia) al 3 19.42) 3.30 4.9 13280, OafAl AS98577 Os O2| see 4’ and 5’ | 14.57) 2.30 5.3 AS E23 |e 22 OT lor oees|eAOL44| Sel lide _4” and 5” | 15.46) 2.82 ACY FLAS eA | eed et > an ried nme are | sere 6 16.69] 3.42 3.9 Fah GO”, eG) |) bea) cat! 9.9 7 20.25] 3.85 al 33 S2F42 (243 LO OSG) O28 ae eles 8 22.91} 4.10 4.6 OSFOTI Selb) LA 15225911026) e ets 29 9 25.56| 4.44 4.8 |125.50! 9.86} 11.7 |186.33) 12.42) 14.0 10 27.72) 4.61 5.0 135.83] 10.51 11.9 |200.00) 12.86) 14.5 Exercised animal 1 16245) 3.21 4.1 56.59} 5.36 9.6 | 81.77} 6.69 il 2 23.11) 4.31 4.4 |100.53} 8.96) _ 10.0 |140.40) 11.29) 11.4 bb 3 18.66) 2.58 6.2 68.86] 3.90} 16.6 | 98.72) 4.81 19.5 4’ and 5’ | 14.80} 1.88 6.9 48.69] 2.27; 20.4 | 70.36] 2.88) 238.4 Amand 5” 17-16) 3202 4.7 63.66] 5.13) 11.4 | 93.97) 6.82 183 11 6 19.14) 3.77 4.1 ROA eo 973) 102256) S267) 10ks 7 22.02) 3.93 4.6 90.94, 7.90) 10.5 |133.21) 9.90} 12.5 8 25.59) 4.29 5.0 {113.60} 9.18) 11.4 |166.18) 11.31 13370 9 28 .23| 4.35 5.5) 408591 ORG) 12.6 |210.06} 12.16} 16.3 10 30.08) 4.74 doe) MSSelll) LOF90| as Om 216. 07Msrss|i lot 11 34.04! 4.87 6.0 {193.01} 11.35} 16.1 |275.84) 13.95) 18.8 the strict Hodge type, stage 4 and 5, with its dense crenated nu- cleus and stage 6 with its edematous nucleus, to which nuclear transition the plasma corresponded with an intermediate con- dition. Rather than change the numbers, this transition stage has been indicated since as 4” and 5” to distinguish it from the strict Hodge type, 4’ and 5’. Taking up the problem of measurements, it is obvious that with the cell aggregate distributed as a number of distinct types or stages, each of a certain significance, one thing to do is to SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES 313 measure these types selectively to determine their absolute and relative sizes. This is what the writer has always done, and it will be clear enough from the sort of information it affords that it is the one thing to do. Another thing which might be done, as Kocher did, and which has always been done by other investi- gators, is to lump all cells irrespective of type and strike an aver- age. The uncertainty of this method, which may or may not give true results, will be very easily shown through the data ob- tained by stage measurements. The employment thereof is the one reason for the wide variety of results which has been obtained by different workers. The stage measurement is frankly a selective measurement, but in the sense of the selection of types as they come, not of picking cells here and there according to their probable suitability to work out right. It can be made, and has been made, as rigid in requirement as the aggregate way can be. The cerebellum is peculiarly suited for this because one can start at a convenient point and follow the line of Purkinje cells around with no danger of doubling back until all have been covered. If one then exacts the requirement to measure and diagnose according its stage every cell in such a median section that its karyosome and the trunk of its dendrite are included, he has no more leeway than by the aggregate method. The requirement of the trunk of the dendrite is specified for the following reason in the case of the Purkinje cell. It is known to be pear-shaped, which I have confirmed by some fifty reconstructions in wax. I am not going to measure such a cell unless it is obvious that it is fairly complete in the plane of its longitudinal axis, for it would be averaging a spheroidal dimen- sion with elongated ellipsoidal ones. With a greater or less unequal distribution of stages, the quota of a uniform number for each stage will be filled up at different points, one by one all becoming full. One simply proceeds from section to section, passing over those stages whose quota is complete, ‘but adding to the incomplete as they come. Of course this will demand many sections when a stage is scanty, —for the almost absent resting cells in the exercised puppy it took 77. One loses the benefit of that ‘‘cut-with-one-stroke-of- 314 DAVID H. DOLLEY the-knife,”’ but in view of the explanation made and the results to be shown, this is negligible. Twenty cells were measured to a stage. ‘There were thus 200 cells (10 stages) measured from the control and 220 (11 stages) from the exercised animal. Stage 11 was not measured in the control for the simple reason that none was found. The procedure was to outline the accepted cells one after another by means of the camera lucida (Zeiss). The lens system used was the Zeiss comps. oc. 12, homo. 2 mm. oil immersion, tube length 153 mm., X 1960.at stage level. The magnifica- tion was adjusted to conform to some previous measurements, and it is believed that the area determined from larger magnifi- cations is less subject to small mechanical errors. At the point where the dendrite becomes of uniform size the cell outline was closed. When the full set was outlined, the area in square cen- timeters was read for each cell from the polar planimeter.. At the same time, the maximum longitudinal and transverse di- ameters of cell and nucleus were measured in one-half millimeters, to compare and test the accuracy of this previous method. The areas and dimensions were then averaged for each stage set. The average diameters are set forth in table 2 and the average areas in table 3 under that head. From the average diameters the average relative volumes of cells and nuclei were estimated. The third dimension being un- known, it can only be approximated on the basis that it will average the same as the transverse diameter—another thing that individual cell reconstructions bears out. The term rela- tive volume is used because the volume was calculated as that of a parallelopiped, namely, the length by width by depth—the longitudinal axis multiplied by the square of the transverse. Mathematically, the formula for such elliptical bodies is 3 [2a.- x. (b)2], in which a and b represent the major and minor radii. For the sphere it becomes % (7 r°). If the ratio between two such bodies whose radii are a and b and a’ and b’ respectively be expressed as a fraction, it becomes ; a b? on cancelling out the common factors ——, or the diameters a b’?’ SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES oD themselves may be used. The relative volumes as parallelo- pipeds thus obtained are set forth in table 3. The cell volume less the nuclear volume gives the plasma vol- ume. The plasma volume divided by the nuclear volume gives the nucleus-plasma coefficient—the size factor of nucleus to plasma. The area relations of nucleus and plasma were also com- puted. The plasma volumes are not stated, but the nucleus- plasma coefficients appear in table 3. Between the area method and the diameter method a third combination is possible. The planimeter gives the area of a roughly elliptical median plane of the cell. Multiplying this area in each stage set by the corresponding transverse diameter of the cell and nucleus gives another set of data of relative vol- umes. This merely represents the volume as contained within a cylindrical surface instead of a parallelopiped, and the differ- ences are in proportion, but there was a curiosity to see how it would work out. These figures are the middle set in table 3. A graphic representation of the data of volumes and nucleus- plasma coefficients gives the most convenient basis for technical comparison. Instead however of publishing the three sets each of size (area and volume) and nucleus-plasma curves from each animal, only the three size curves of the control after the three methods (fig. 2) and the three nucleus-plasma curves of the exer- cised one (fig. 3) are presented. A reference to table 3 will show that the trend of the counterpart figures is identical in the two cases. The reduction of the area and volume figures for charting was made in terms of the ratio of the resting cell body to its nu- cleus. That is, in the case of the area figures, the ratio of stage 1 is 5.3 : 1; the whole series of cell areas was divided by 5.3, the nuclear figures by 1. This procedure has the value of making the curves represent not only absolute size in the ordinates for each stage, as would be obtained by any convenient divisor, but also of giving the relative size of each succeeding stage to stage 1. Further, since this procedure makes the cell and nucleus start from the same height of ordinate, the shifts of relation between cell body and nucleus for each stage are shown. It gives in assc- © 316 DAVID H. DOLLEY to see 5 OG Pie ere Fig. 2 Size relations of function compared by the three methods. SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES 317 fey) O Pw) po (OD! Seen ene 7 cee Sy! 16k ae Fig. 3 Nucleus-plasma relations of function compared by the three methods. 318 DAVID H. DOLLEY ciation with volumes then a graphic representation of the nu- cleus-plasma relation. In order to get all three graphs of figure 2 on the same page the cell and nuclear figures were each further reduced one-fourth. The lower graph is the area, the middle the relative volume as a cylinder, the upper the relative volume as a parallelopiped. The solid lines are cell, the broken lines nuclear sizes in each case. As the relative sizes to each other by the three methods have no significance, the graphs are conveniently placed one above another, and their abscissas omitted for simplicity. The three nucleus-plasma curves from the exercised animal are made by plotting the coefficient figures for each set (table 3), reduced one-half, as ordinates above a base line. They are like- wise placed one above another in figure 3 for easy comparison, irrespective of their comparative heights, and their abscissas are omitted. The comparison is with the resting cell in each case and not in terms of absolute values. However, the interrupted scale to the left shows in centimeters the actual height for the one-half reduction of each curve. The technical methods may now be compared at a glance. The planimeter or area method affords results that are abso- lutely identical in every detail with the diameter method, both in size and in nucleus-plasma relation. Note the crossings of cell and nuclear lines in figure 2. Even the slight variation from the usual steady upward trend from stage 9 to stage 11 in the nucleus-plasma curve shows up in area and parallelopiped. Pre- vious results by the diameter method are merely confirmed, no more, no less. The planimeter or area method alone, therefore, has no spe- cial or superior value. ‘True, it gives the exact areas of any sec- tion through cell and nucleus. It is a valuable check on the diam- eter method, particularly in the case of irregular cells, but the irregularity makes consideration of their three dimensions essential. On the other hand, exclusive use thereof, in my opinion, would tend to make one think in terms of two dimensions, as Kocher did, for his only reference to a third dimension is found in the SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES 319 heading of his table 2, ‘‘Volume expressed as square inches,” a very plane conception of volume. The area method necessitates the same resource to averaging. Where relative sizes are all-important, the smaller variations in- herent in the two dimensional measurements as compared with the corresponding augmentation of these differences in greater and ereater degree in three dimensional calculations is quantitatively misleading and may cause important points to be minimized. Take 2 x 2, and 3 x 3; one is 4, the other 9; but 2x 2x 2 is 8, and 3x 3x3 is 27. Here is another fault in all size comparisons in the literature which makes them less productive—the diameters alone were used (compare tables 2 and 3). Mathematically stated, in a series of increasing squares the first differences are in arithmetical progression, in one of cubes the second differences are in arithmetical progression. Along with the confirmation of previous technical methods certain important conclusions are corroborated by the added data. In the first place, the nucleus-plasma coefficients of the resting cell (stage 1) are 12.4 for the control, and 11.2 for the exercised animal by the diameter method, and 4.3 and 4.1 respectively by the area method. The average resting cell coefficient so far is 11.7 by the diameter method, and the range of deviation is 11 to 12.4. The two figures above, 12.4 and 11.2, fall therefore within this range. Two additional individuals conform to the law, of species identity of the nucleus-plasma norm (Dolley, ‘14). In the second place, it may be noted that the coefficient figures of stage 2 do not vary more than those of stage 1 just discussed —12.4 to 11.2 and 11.2 to 11.4. In short, as has always occurred in stage 2, though the size undergoes a 50 per cent or greater increase, the nucleus-plasma relation remains constant. This is most important for the deduction of an exact proportionate increase of nuclear and plasmic materials in the beginning of activity, a purely quantitative increase of the same materials in each element. The third point is the close identity of area and volume for the resting cells in the two cases—16.33 and 80.71 with 16.45 and 81.77. What does it probably mean? The deduction has 320 DAVID H. DOLLEY been made in previous work (’14, p. 494), and more strongly sup- ported in some unpublished work, that function is the sole deter- minant of absolute size. Non-divisional growth in mass is a fune- tional growth. Here are two animals born together and living under functional conditions as identical as may be. Their cells show the same absolute size. It is a noteworthy verification of the deduction. It fits in with this relation of function to size that the evi- dence is accumulating of a tendency to a ‘uniformity of absolute size among corresponding nerve cells of animals of the same spe- cies. When sufficiently demonstrated it would be understandable on the basis of average general functional usage. The excep- tions thereto so far in the dog, the unusually large cell, have been associated with a known history of unusual training and activity. It makes the nerve cell agree with Conklin’s conclu- sion that within the same species cell size is approximately con- stant. Making simply a statement here of the probable prin- ciple, it is to be noted that these two dogs, being not yet grown, offer no evidence for or against species uniformity of absolute size, save that they are progressing together under identical conditions. It might be expected and to some extent it is true that all stages succeeding stage 1, being based quantitatively upon it, might show this same correspondence of absolute size. How- ever, in all stages except stage 1, one encounters a shifting range of size throughout the stage. The results will vary according as the majority of cells are at one end or the other, or well distrib- uted in the chance of a section. Stage 1, though there are inter- mediate grades to stage 2, was frankly selected in both animals as the nearly flat type, with this very point in view, and inter- mediate stages were thrown to stage 2. THE INCONSTANCY OF COLLECTIVE AVERAGES OF FUNCTIONING CELLS It only remains to demonstrate from the data in table 3 the inconstancies which may result from averaging all cells irrespec- tive of their functional state, and to expose the fallacy of deny- SIZE CHANGES IN NERVE CELL BODIES oul ing on such a basis the existence of functional size changes. For the inconstancies, take the control data: The average area of thes mallest cell, stage 5’—and the average covers its own varia- tions—is 14.57, that of the largest is 27.72 or nearly double; the average volume of the smallest cell is 70.44, that of the largest 200 or nearly triple the size. In the exercised animal with the still larger stage 11, the largest volume is nearly quad- ruple the smallest, and its area again more than double. Is it not apparent to any one that if such widely variant sizes or areas are averaged, the result depends upon the particular distribu- tion of types and that a wide range of results is possible? I, out of 20 cells, even in area computation, 5 measure 14 sq. cm. and 15 measure 27, the average is 24, whereas if 15 measure 14, and 5 measure 27, the average is 17 sq. em. The results may or may not prove anything about the immediate functional state. One can then with fair probability explain what did happen in Kocher’s case. He finds only small variations in average area size between control and exercised animals and these not con- stant. So far as different functioning stages appear, they tend to be distributed rather than bunched. =D Stee Tr parolf.cort, Tr: cort paroffy(y’ Tr: olf.-lat+ Ir. olf.interm. L ie yy Le laf 15 pone N.trolf lat Mi eeaae|| / Tr cort. hab.lat: N. parolfimedy" “J ant +Vent olf proj tr. \ VLA. Cc) \s VLA (sc) I7 Ndb Fig. 14 A transverse section through the posterior part of the olfactory crus where it is broadening out into the hemisphere (3: 254). Fig. 15 A transverse section through the right hemisphere at the anterior end of the neopallial primordium (8 : 3, 3). Fig. 16 A section near the anterior end of the medial forebrain bundle, M. EB 2 cAs Ly Fig. 17. A section a short distance anterior to the hippocampal commissure (14 : 2, 3). 396 ELIZABETH CAROLINE CROSBY : GC. Ir cort—hab.med N. ch. DLA. VLA. (lc) IELVILA. (s.c) Va Wy Tre olf. lat. AN trolf lat. a MIZE Tr: cort-hah tr, lat ant 7 RB: N.vent-med. Hpd oe ) VIA. (sc pn teat lat. LP SW pia. a Vi-A.(le) ) Libis LY rolf. lat. GZ, St-ferm.p. preop. Zi Za Olf proj, tr. (Cajal) SR Tr. cort hab. lat. ant. MIRIB: ee Vent. olf. proj. tr 19 D.B: \N. vent. -med Figs. 18-21 These figures were drawn from a transverse series prepared after the Cajal method and loaned by Dr. P. S. MeKibben. X 13. Fig. 18 A section through the anterior part of the hippocampal commissure (11 : 780). Vig. 19 A section through the posterior part of the hippocampal commissure and the beginning of the stria medullaris (11 : 788). THE FOREBRAIN OF THE ALLIGATOR 397 A. H.p.dm Fib Tang. Fim. Trolf-hab. med. N.ant. thal. Olf proj. Tr. (Caj al) Ir cort hab.laf. post. St term.p.preop IN SS “D S iB N.ventimed, Y ‘a GAB Tr. olf-hab. lat. M.F.B. Infers.n. “ 2 Op.ch N. preop. S 20 yi Vitec Ps] St med. Fib. tang. Whe ‘ei y N. lat thal. A H. p. dm. Fim — Olt proj. tr. (Cajal) St term.p. preop. Mesut a eh CLL Tr cort-hab lat ant/ BYR N vent med Tr. olf-hab. lat! gf OILEB iz Mae N. Preop. 2| Op. ch. Fig. 20 Section through the anterior part of the thalamus, showing the rela- tions of the fiber tracts (12 : 805). Fig. 21 Section through the anterior part of the habenula (12 : 823). 398 ELIZABETH CAROLINE CROSBY — LGob C et co Meth cule = Nolf ant 7 Bo } “29a N\: Mai remany =o Gran. \ *\ Jo ; i Sen 26 \\ tt . y) } vp ‘4 Hf Aqgiom ~~ THE FOREBRAIN OF THE ALLIGATOR 399 Figs. 22-43 Characteristic cells from various parts of the forebrain and thalamus of Alligator mississippiensis as seen in Golgi preparations. 90. Fig. 22 A diagramatic sketch of the positions and relations of the various cell types found in the olfactory bulb. Fig. 23 Small mitral cells of the olfactory bulb (GI : 60). Fig. 24 Large mitral cell of the olfactory bulb (GL : 73). Fig. 25 Large goblet cell of the olfactory bulb (GI : 64). Fig. 26 Small goblet cell of the olfactory bulb (GI : 55). Fig. 27 Group of internal granule cells of the olfactory bulb. Note that one of the stellate cells sends its dendrites down into the plexiform layer and into the region, at least, of the glomeruli. The other does not send its dendrites outward beyond the mitral cells (Gl : 55). Fig. 28 A small stellate cell of the olfactory bulb (G1 : 96). Fig. 29 A goblet cell of nucleus olfactorius anterior (GI : 103). Fig. 292 A diagram showing the orientation of figure 29. Fig. 30 A diagram showing the orientation of the hippocampal cells. ‘The positions of the hippocampal cells figured (figs. 31-36) are shown here. Fig. 31 Correlation cell found in the dorsal part of the hippocampus at the anterior end of the hemisphere (GI : 104). Figs. 32 and 33. Small projection cells of the dorso-medial part of the hippo- campus (GI : 139; GI : 140). Fig. 34 Intrinsic cell of the hippocampus (GI : 140). Figs. 35 and 36 Double pyramid cells. These are the specialized derivatives of projection cells of the dorso-medial portion of the hippocampus. The cells figured are probably imperfectly impregnated (GI : 140; GL : 139). 400 ELIZABETH CAROLINE CROSBY Fig. 37 This isa diagram of a transverse section through the hemisphere at the level of the primordial infolding. The cells of this primordial general cortex are round or goblet shaped (fig. 40) and have their dendrites directed outward and their axones inward and downward into the striatum. The axones come into relationship with the projection cells of the striatum, and, after a synapse, the impulse is carried by the axones of these projection cells through the lateral fore- brain bundle to the lower centers. Impulses reach the primordial general cor- tex from the hippocampus, the pyriform lobe and the thalamus (by way of the lateral forebrain bundle). The interpolated neurone (Intr.C.) pictured in the diagram was not brought out very clearly in the Golgi sections, for, although neurones of that type were seen in the sections, they were never clear enough for high power drawings. Several types of neurones can be distinguished in the toluidin blue sections and the cell labeled ‘intrinsic cell’ is a guess at one of their probable functions. 401 THE FOREBRAIN OF THE ALLIGATOR Nlatthal 41 it N lat thal a / NC Fig 43 He i N. lat thal. — ~ Fig 42 ~ eal | 43a ‘Fig 41 Fig. 38 Projection cell of the ventro-lateral area. For orientation see figure 37 (Gl : 126). Fig. 39 Cell from the anterior part of the pyriform lobe (G1: 99). Fig. 39a Diagram for the orientation of figure 39. Fig. 40 Cell from the primordial general cortex (GI : 105). For orienta- tion see figure 37. Figs. 41-48 Cells of the nucleus lateralis thalami (GI: L60; GI : 159; Cola159))- Fig. 48a Diagram for the orientation of figures 41—43. N.latthal: GC Tr olf. lat: Bis Tr olf lat. SS N.trolf lat T olf SS Olf B ——— = SAS SS ch. ‘ x \s 46 Fig. 44 A diagram of the connections of the olfactory tracts and the lateral forebrain bundle of the alligator, based on a longitudinal section of the hemis- sphere in the plane indicated by the line A-A’ of figure 2. The olfactory tracts are printed in red, the lateral forebrain bundle in black. Fig. 45 2, i eee o28 os © e76e@8eedcns Fig. 25 Reconstruction charts of motor roots and nuclei. VY. Polyodon, B. Acipenser (after Theunissen, 91), C. Lepidosteus (after Theunissen, 91), D. Amia (after Kappers, 66). Signs and abbreviations as before (vide p. 476). MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY ona hyoideus) to be found even in the embryo of this form. In Amia according to Allis (1) this muscle, which is subject to great variation in different individuals, ‘‘undoubtedly represents a muscle in the process of deterioration and disappearance.”’ This author demonstrated that the nerve supply of the branchio- mandibularis is derived from a terminal twig of the fused ven- tral branches of the first, second and third occipital nerves (equivalent to Furbringer’s nerves z, a and b). MeMurrich (83), though unable to trace the innervation of this muscle in Amia, pointed out that it was the probable forerunner of the muscles of the tongue of higher forms, and that, as no trace of the branchio-mandibularis is to be found in teleosts, Amia was probably the last piscine form to possess it. This muscle was found in Acipenser by Vetter (95), in Polypterus by Pollard (86) and Edgeworth (1. c.) and in Polyodon by Danforth (16). In the latter animal the branchio-mandibularis is a very small muscle whose innervation was not actually determined but whose relations, when compared with Amia, left no doubt as to its complete homology with the similarly named muscle in that form. In correspondence with the evident reduction of these periph- eral elements in ganoids as compared with sharks, a reduction in the number of spino-occipital nerves has occurred in the former eroup. The most rostral of these nerves found in the ganoids is Furbringer’s occipital nerve x which occurs in individual cases in Acipenser alone, while the occipital nerve z is the only one of this sub-group of nerves which is characteristically retained in all ganoids. Within the central nervous system, one expression of these peripheral changes 1s to be seen in the oblique caudal course which the emergent spino-occipital rootlets take from their nucleus to the periphery—as if the somatic motor column were pushed rostrad, dragging with it the remaining motor rootlets. Acipen- ser alone proves an exception to this rule and according to Fur- bringer it is just this form among ganoids that shows the least reduction in the number of occipital nerves. It is also signifi- cant to note in this connection that alone among ganoids, coraco- 512 DAVIDSON BLACK branchiales muscles (which, as is sharks, are innervated by spino-occipital nerves), are developed from. all the branchial myotomes in Acipenser (Edgeworth, Vetter, Furbringer). That a rostral migration of the spino-occipital nucleus should occur pari passu with the reduction and absorption into the head of occipital elements, is rather to be expected and further evidence of such a displacement of this nucleus is not lacking. Thus, if the distance between the first emergent spino-occipital root and the emergent motor IX nerve be measured in sharks and ganoids (figs. 17 and 25), a comparison will show this dis- tance to be the same in Lepidosteus and Selache and almost the same in Acipenser, Amia and Hexanchus, though a greater dis- crepancy is evident in the case of Polyodon. In other words, though certain occipital nerves are known to have been lost: in ganoids, those that remain have been displaced rostrad. Rostral displacement of the spino-occipital column must have been preceded first by the loss of its peripheral motor ele- ments (motor perikaryons), followed by the reduction and modi- fication of the remaining coordination elements of the nucleus. This is indicated in ganoids as in Bdellostoma by the difficulty with which the rostral end of this nucleus is defined. The column passes over gradually into the inferior reticular nucleus and thus appears to extend a considerable distance further ros- trad of the exit level of its first root than is really the case (vide supra). It should also be noted that the peripheral pre-hyal hypo- branchial musculature, at least in Amia, shows evidence of con- siderable individual variation, so that a condition may obtain here somewhat analogous to that already pointed out in Bdellos- toma, where the individual variation was so great that a ques- tion arose as to whether the extent of the somatic motor column in the reconstruction chart in figure 7 could be taken as repre- sentative of the species. Aside from this difficulty of delimitation, the rostral end of the somatic motor column in ganoids shows unmistakable evi- dence of specialization, so that it differs considerably from the anterior horn in the cervical region. The rostral end of the MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY aile spino-occipital nucleus is situated dorsally upon the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis, and, as in sharks, is lacking in ventral elements. This position is probably due to the same influences that were noted in the discussion of this region in Selache, viz., to the action of reflex impulses by way of the well developed dorsal arcuate fibers and posterior longitudinal bundles and to the comparatively slight development of ventrally situated reflex pathways. Allis (1. ce.) has suggested that ‘‘the tongue of the adult Amia may, therefore represent a condition of that organ in which its partial muscularization has been lost, rather than not yet ac- quired, as Gegenbauer (28) states to be the case for fishes in general.’”’ However, within the central nervous system, no evidence has yet been forthcoming to indicate that the spino- occipital nucleus in Polyodon or other ganoid was at any time more specialized than is this complex in modern sharks. But it is interesting to note that: in both sharks and ganoids the nucleus which innervates the forerunner of the tongue muscu- lature is placed, as in higher forms, in close proximity to the visceral motor center innervating the musculature of the foregut. Nucleus paramedianus (Nu. paramed.). The varying develop- ment of the nucleus paramedianus among ganoids is worthy of note in connection with the question of the homology of this nucleus and the inferior olive of mammals. In Amia, which probably represents the nearest relative of the modern teleost group, there is no well circumscribed nucleus paramedianus and, since this nucleus does not appear as a definitely circumscribed gray mass in teleosts, amphibians or reptiles, it is possible and even probable that the nucleus in question was represented in the ganoid stock merely by an undifferentiated reticular area. Thus, the nucleus paramedianus of selachians would appear to be a structure independently specialized within the group after its divergence from an ancestral type common to sharks and ganoid stock. In Polyodon, the acusticum and lobus lineae lateralis are di- rectly continuous with the cerebellum, with which they corre- 514 DAVIDSON BLACK spond in structural detail, as Johnston (49) long ago pointed out to be the case in Acipenser. The acusticum and lobus lneae lateralis in Polyodon are relatively even larger than in Acipenser and together with the cerebellum form by far the greater bulk of the rhombencephalon. It is possible that the poorly circum- scribed but recognizable nucleus paramedianus in Polyodon and in other ganoids has been differentiated under the influence of these structures and does not represent the more or less degen- erated remains of a once more highly developed nucleus. By this it is implied that the acusticum, lobus lineae lateralis and cerebellum together in ganoids bear the same causal relation- ship to the differentiation of the paramedian area as does the cerebellum to this area within the groups in which the latter organ has independently gained a high state of relative speciali- zation, viz., sharks, birds, and mammals. Motor vagus nucleus (Nu. mot. N. X.). The trapezius muscle in ganoids has become much reduced as compared to selachians, a condition which is probably due in a large measure to the development of the operculum and consequent general modifi- eation of the musculature in the branchial region. In Acipenser the trapezius is represented in the 11 mm. em- bryo (Edgeworth) but, according to Vetter, disappears in the adult. In Amia, Lepidosteus, and Polypterus, Edgeworth de- scribes the development of the trapezius. In the first named form this muscle, which is described by Allis (1. ¢., p. 669) as the ‘fifth externus’ levator of the branchial arches, is inner- vated by a branch of the vagus. In Polyodon also the trapezius is present though not a large muscle, and is innervated by a long branch of the vagus (Danforth). It is to be expected from what has been said in the case of selachians that a reduction of the trapezius musculature such as obtains in ganoids would lead to some curtailment in the caudal extent of the vagus nucleus. Judging from a comparison of the extent of the overlap of the caudal viscero-motor column and spino-occipital nucleus in the selachians and ganoids charted (figs. 17 and 25), some shortening of the vagus nucleus in the latter forms is apparent. However, as a greater overlap of these MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY ies) two nuclei obtains in the selachians charted in figure 17 than in many other sharks hitherto examined (vide 66, 72, etc.) and since it is known that ganoids have lost certain occipital nerves which are characteristically present on sharks, but little if any reli- ance can be placed upon the results of such a direct comparison as that suggested above. A comparison of this region among ganoids themselves (fig. 25) brings out the fact that the extent of the vagus column caudad of the exit level of the first spino-occipital rootlet, as well as the extent of overlap of the caudal vagus column and spino-occipital nucleus, is greatest in Acipenser and least in Polyodon, while in these respects Amia and Lepidosteus occupy an intermediate position in the series. An examination of the relative development of the musculature to which the vagus is distributed shows that these central relations closely agree with the peripheral conditions obtaining in these forms (ef. discussion of spino-occipital complex). Thus, though the trapezius be absent in Acipenser, the levatores arcuum branchialium externi which are closely related to this muscle ontogenetically, are more numerous in this form than in Amja (MecMurrich, |. ¢.) and they are chiefly innervated from the caudal vagus column. Further, in Amia (Allis) and in Lepidosteus (Edgeworth) in both of which the trapezius is a very small muscle, the only coraco-branchialis present in these forms (pharyngo-clavicularis externus) receives its innervation from the caudal part of the vagus (cf. supra, innervation of coraco- branchiales in Acipenser). Finally in Polyodon, where a re- duction of the caudal part of the vagus nucleus appears to be most evident among ganoids, the pharyngo-clavicularis is inner- vated not by the vagus but by the first spinal (Danforth), the trapezius though present is small, and the levators of the bran- chial arches are not so extensive or so numerous as in Acipenser. °If the so-called pharyngo-claviculares muscles of Polyodon are homolo- gous with the coraco-branchiales muscles of Acipenser, as their respective nerve supply would suggest, then in this respect both these forms resemble selachians, while in Amia and Lepidosteus, on the other hand, the pharyngo- claviculares muscles receive their innervation in a manner similar to that obtaining among most teleosts. THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27; No. 4 516 DAVIDSON BLACK From the above it becomes evident that, though the caudal portion of the motor vagus nucleus is well formed in ganoids, yet in these animals the elements homologous with those form- ing the bulk of the accessory nucleus of higher forms must neces- sarily be few. It is also evident that, apart from the question of the homology of the muscles whose innervation has been noted with similarly named muscles in other forms (Herrick, 34) the variations in peripheral motor distribution in this region within the ganoid group appear to be faithfully reflected in the arrange- ment of the central motor nuclei. Motor facial and glossopharyngeal nuclei and roots (Nu. et Bae mot. Nn. VII-IX). The arrangement of the motor nuclei form- ing the rostral part of the caudal viscero-motor column in gan- oids is, inter se, typically selachian, consisting as it does of a nu- clear mass from which arise the motor facial and glossopharyngeal roots and which is continuous caudally with the motor vagus nucleus. There is, however, a significant difference to be ob- served in the relations to neighbouring structures of this part of the caudal viscero-motor column as a whole in the two groups. In every case among ganoids the chief bulk of the elements forming the motor facial nucleus, lies rostrad of the exit level of the motor IX root. In selachians, on the other hand (at least among the more primitive members of the group) the reverse is true and the motor VII nucleus lies chiefly caudad of the exit level of the motor LX root. The different position of the motor VII nucleus with refer- ence to the exit level of the motor glossopharyngeus in these two groups might of course be due to a shifting of the motor IX root. However, the relation of the nucleus in question to that of the abducens nerve and to its root in both ganoids and sharks would tend to negative such a supposition. It has been pointed out already that the position of the abducens nucleus with reference to the exit level of the motor glossopharyngeus, is practically the same in both ganoids and sharks, so that for purposes of comparison here it is reasonable to consider this nucleus as a more or less fixed point. MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 517 The entire motor VII nucleus in all sharks lies characteristi- cally some distance caudad of the abducens nucleus and the rostral end of the motor facial nucleus is placed either caudal to or at the level of the last emergent abducens root. On the other hand, in all ganoids the rostral end of the motor VII nucleus overlaps the abducens nucleus and its emergent root- lets for a considerable distance (figs. 17 and 25). It thus be- comes apparent that the motor VII nucleus of ganoids lies on a more rostral level in the medulla than does this nucleus in sharks. In this respect ganoids resemble teleosts (vide infra). In the discussion of this region in selachians, the important part played in the formation of the ascending motor root of the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves by the development in these animals of a caudally situated communis nucleus, has already been indicated. In Polyodon the communis system seems not to be so highly developed as in sharks but to be overshadowed in relative importance by the large and extensive acusticum and lateral line area (figs. 11 and 13 with 19 and 20). As a some- what similar condition obtains in Lepidosteus and Acipenser, this may account in part at least for the less caudal position of the motor VII nucleus in these forms than in sharks. This ques- tion is considered further in the discussion of the motor V nucleus (vide infra). In this connection it may be noted that the structure of the brain stem of Polyodon furnishes no evidence indicative of a gustatory function for the ‘primitive pore’ elements which are so numerous on the head and bill of this animal (Kistler, 76; Col- linge, 13). On the other hand, the highly specialized and extensive acusticum and lobus lineae lateralis in Polyodon fur- nish strong presumptive evidence in favor of these peripheral organs being of the functional nature of neuromasts. As Wright (102) originally employed this term to distinguish pear-shaped hair cells from rod-shaped taste cells, and since the sense-cells of Kistler’s figures strongly resemble the latter elements, the term neuromast is here used in a strictly functional sense, i.e., to indicate organs centrally related by afferent nerves to the special somatic area of the rhombencephalon. 518 DAVIDSON BLACK Abducens nucleus,and roots (Nu. et rad. N. VI). The position of the poorly defined abducens nucleus in all ganoids midway between the exit levels of the motor VII and IX roots, is deter- mined in all probability by the termination of the acoustic nerve at this level. Kappers (64) has already pointed out the im- portance of this factor as well as that of the dorsal arcuate fibers of both the crossed and direct octavo-motor tracts in determining the position of the abducens nucleus in sharks. The nucleus in Polyodon is small in correspondence with the slight functional development of the eye and lies somewhat ventrally in the tegmentum between the tractus tecto-bulbaris and the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis and is traversed by the arcuate fibers of the tractus octavo-motorius. In all ganoids the abducens is placed more ventrally in the tegmentum than in sharks and appears to be characteristically more closely associated with the tractus tecto-bulbaris in the former animals. This apparently would indicate that the tractus tecto-bulbaris was more highly developed in ganoid ancestors than in the modern representatives of the group, for otherwise it is difficult to account for this ventral position of the abducens nucleus in the presence of such evidently well developed dorsal acustico-motor tracts. Such a conclusion is strengthened by the relations obtaining in the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in Polyodon to be noted subsequently and also by the findings of Danforth (1. c.) in his dissections of the eye-muscles in this form. According to this author, considerable variation was met with in connection with these muscles and in one case he records the complete suppres- sion of the external rectus on the left side as evidence of a retro- grade tendency in this area. Further, Allis (Il. ¢.) regards the type of arrangement of the eye-muscles in ganoids as more specialized than in selachians, and, though this generalization may be subject to some question, yet the fact remains that, like Polyodon, in Amia the external rectus muscle also varies in its development. Motor trigeminal nucleus and root (Nu. et rad. mot. N. V). In all ganoids the motor V nucleus occupies a dorsal position in the MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 519 ventricular gray and is placed wholly caudad of the rostral border of its emergent root. In its dorsal position this nucleus resembles that of sharks, but in its extent caudad of its emergent root the nucleus recalls the condition obtaining in cyclostomes and, in a manner of speaking, it foreshadows the more com- plicated relations which are characteristic of the motor V nucleus among teleosts. It is an unfortunate fact that the mechanism of branchial respiration has not been investigated in ganoids, although the air-breathing propensities of these animals have been described and recorded by many observers.'° However, a study of the arrangement of the musculature of the branchial area among ganoids and teleosts makes it evident that, though an operculum is characteristically developed in both groups, yet in the rela- tive specialization of this apparatus as a respiratory organ, the two groups present important differences. Among most teleosts the operculum acts in conjunction with the maxillary, mandibular and branchiostegal valves as a highly efficient pumping mechanism which maintains the flow of water from the oral cavity outwards over the gills through the oper- cular cleft. In consequence of this, the intrinsic branchial musculature among teleosts is relatively poorly developed, while the respiratory action of the m. adductor mandibularis (closure of the mouth during expiration) is largely abolished (vide infra). In ganoids, on the other hand, though rudiments of the maxil- lary and mandibular valves may be represented (Allis, 2), yet their efficiency as such is negligible, so that during expiration the mouth must be closed to direct the respiratory flow backwards over the gills. 10 The only observations on the respiratory movements of the.gills in gan- oids that I have been able to find in the literature are those of Kouliabko (77). This author carried out a series of experiments upon the isolated heads of various fish, among which were specimens of Acipenser ruthenus and another closely related form which is referred to as the ‘costeur’ and probably was the great Russian sturgeon, Acipenser husio. No exact study of the mechanism of bran- chial respiration was made, but Kouliabko brought to light the interesting fact that ganoids are more tolerant of CO» than are teleosts. The interest of this observation is increased in view of Baglioni’s finding that selachians resemble ganoids in this respect (7). 520 DAVIDSON BLACK * Further, in Acipenser, Polyodon and Amia the expiratory branchial muscles are relatively more highly developed as com- pared with the expiratory opercular muscles than is the case among teleosts. Also, the m. adductor hyomandibularis (ex- piratory opercular muscle) in Acipenser, Polyodon, and Amia is less highly differentiated than among teleosts (Vetter, 95; Danforth, 16; MeMurrich, 83). Thus on purely anatomical grounds, it would appear that the respiratory cycle in ganoids must present a curious admixture of selachian and teJeostean characters. In inspiration these char- acters are chiefly teleostean, viz., contraction of the m. sterno- hyoideus and the opercular dilator muscle, together with the valvular action of the free border of the operculum. In expira- tion, on the other hand, selachian characters predominate, viz., the action of the relatively well developed branchial levator and adductor muscles in conjunction with that of the adductor hyomandibularis, and the necessarily coordinate action of the m. adductor mandibularis."! Turning now to a consideration of the arrangement of the motor nucleus in the light of these observations, it becomes evi- dent that the caudal extent of the motor V nucleus, together with the rostral position of the motor VII nucleus, brings the two nuclei innervating the opercular (and jaw) musculature into closer relation to one another than is the case among sharks where ap operculum is lacking. In this respect these nuclei present teleostean characters.” On the other hand, the selachian arrangement of the motor VITI-IX—X nuclei to form the caudal viscero-motor column ap- pears to be directly correlated with the relative importance of the intrinsic branchial muscles among ganoids and with the es- 11 The closure of the mouth during expiration is much more important in ganoids than in sharks owing to the teleostean arrangement of the branchial lamellae in the former animals. Tt is of interest in the present connection to refer to the peculiar arrange- ment of the motor nuclei in Chimaera (Kappers, 66, fig. 20). In this animal, in which the operculum is also developed, the isolated rostral portion of the motor VII nucleus charted by Kappers bears a relation to the caudal motor V ele- ments in all essentials identical with that obtaining in ganoids. MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 521 sentially selachian character of the communis area in these forms. Further, the simplicity of the arrangement of the elements composing the caudal viscero-motor column is in itself an indication of the absence of any great specialization of the derivatives of the hyo-branchial myomeres in ganoids. Oculomotor and trochlearis nuclei and roots (Nu. et rad. N. III and IV). The small size of the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei and their roots in all ganoids is indicative of the relatively slight functional importance of the eye in these forms as compared with sharks. In discussing the abducens nerve, mention was made of the evidence furnished by the structure of the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in support of the view that ganoid ancestors were possessed of a more highly developed optic apparatus than the modern representatives of this group. This evidence rests upon the following facts:—Though these nuclei and their roots are both relatively and absolutely smaller than in sharks, yet the oculomotor nucleus presents distinct signs of specialization, so that within it may be distinguished two secondary nuclei such as elsewhere are found among fish only in teleosts. Fur- ther, the definite gap which exists between the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in all ganoids, is a condition which also obtains elsewhere among fishes only in certain teleosts (e.g., Rhombus, Hippoglossus, ete.) in which the visual apparatus is highly developed. In conclusion, it may again be emphasized that the arrange- ment of the motor nuclei in Polyodon furnishes additional evi- dence of the importance of neurobiotactic influences in the de- termination of nuclear pattern. The predominantly dorsal position occupied by the motor nuclei in this form and in other ganoids is in correspondence with the relative importance of the dorsal reflex pathways (posterior longitudinal bundle, octavo- motor tracts, ete.). In this respect ganoids resemble sharks. The more ventral position of the abducens nucleus in ganoids than in sharks is explained on the hypothesis that the tecto- bulbar paths were functionally more highly developed in the ganoid stock than in the modern representatives of the group. This hypothesis is borne out by the evidence furnished by the 522 DAVIDSON BLACK relations obtaining in the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei. The rostral position of the motor VII nucleus, together with the caudal extent of the motor V nucleus, point to the probability that these characters are dependent upon the development of a modified type of opercular respiration and the consequent more close association of the motor nuclei upon whose coordinate action certain respiratory movements depend. Finally, it would appear that further evidence for the grouping of modern ganoids together and apart from teleosts is furnished by the close correspondence of the motor nuclear pattern in all ganoids examined and by the characteristic differences of this pattern on the one hand from that of sharks and on the other from that of teleosts. TELEOSTEI Motor nucler in Ameiurus nebulosus and Solea vulgaris Among teleosts, two forms whose life habits present a very marked contrast, have been selected for study: the flat-fish Solea vulgaris and the siluroid Ameiurus nebulosus. Occipito-spinal nuclei and roots (Nu. et rad. mot Nn. occ. spin.). In Solea and also in Ameiurus the rostral end of the somatic motor column of the cord is continued for some distance unin- terruptedly into the medulla, and there forms the nucleus of origin of certain precervical motor rootlets. The general term ‘spino-occipital’ has been made use of in describing this region in selachians and ganoids to distinguish the rostral portion of the somatic motor column of the trunk and its associated motor rootlets. Since the reduction of the spino- occipital elements among teleosts is evidently more extensive than is the case in lower forms (e.g., selachians and ganoids) as well as in many higher forms (e.g., amphibians), it seems desira- ble to indicate this fact by the use of some term other than spino-occipital in describing this region in teleosts, especially as the arrangement of the elements in the rostral end of the somatic motor column among Teleostei presents certain characteristics distinctive of the group. For this reason in the present de- MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY a5) scription, Furbringer’s term ‘occipito-spinal’ has been used in its broadest sense.'’ In teleosts, unlike selachians, the rostral termination of the occipito-spinal motor column, is rounded and blunt, so that in transverse section the distribution of the motor cells in this nucleus closely resembles the arrangement obtaining in the anterior horn of the cord (figs. 26, 29, 40 A and 41 A). Gals, - ,Lobwvag. Re i aa OE gs St SoS 3 a Nu.Xm. rr y : 2 - 4 aS QS se Nu.occ.sp.m. dors.. 59, *38 Nu.occ.sp.m.vent.--*e» 2+ Soe a | 3G __.-Fib.arc.dors. Fig. 26 Solea vulgaris. Transverse section of brain stem just caudad of the calamus. Fig. 27. Transverse section of brain stem somewhat rostrad of the preceding at the exit level of a motor vagus rootlet. Abbreviations: C.c., crista cerebel- laris; Fib.arc.dors., dorsal arcuate fibers; Fib.arc.int., internal arcuate fibers from funicular area, vagal lobes and motor vagal nuclei; F.d.l., fasciculus dorso- lateralis; F.I.l., fasciculus longitudinalis lateralis; F.l.m., fasciculus longitu- dinalis medialis; Lob.vag., visceral sensory column; Nu.fun., nucleus of funicular area; Nu.occ.sp.m.dors., dorsal moiety of motor occipito-spinal nucleus; Nu.oce.sp.m.vent., ventral moiety of motor occipito-spinal nucleus; Nu.X.m., motor vagal nucleus; R.desc.V., tractus spinalis trigemini; R.X., vagus root; R.X.m., motor vagus rootlet; T'r.tc.b.cruc., tractus tecto-bulbaris cruciatus; Tr.tc.b.rec., tractus tecto-bulbaris rectus; Tr.sec.com., secondary gustatory bundle; Tub.ac., tuberculum acusticum. 13 In his earlier works Dr. Kappers has used the term spino-occipital to de- scribe this region in teleosts, but the present change in usage has been under- taken on the advice of this author. It is to be recalled that Furbringer applied the term ‘occipito-spinal’ to those nerves (viz., a, b, and c) which had only in- completely lost their spinal character and which issued from the cranio-spinal canal rostral to the first true spinal (Furbringer’s spinal nerve 4) and caudal to the protometameric portion of the cranium. 524 DAVIDSON BLACK In Solea, the fibers of the first motor rootlet which arises from the occipito-spinal nucleus, pass obliquely caudad and ventrad and become collected upon the periphery to form a small bundle which courses some sections caudad in this location before leav- ing the brain. A similar arrangement obtains in Ameiurus and in other teleosts (cf. Van der Sprenkel, 1. c., fig. 4). The caudal viscero-motor column (Col. visc. mot. caud.). The caudal viscero-motor column in Solea, unlike that of selachians \ 4 Nu.occ.sp.m. 28 Fig. 28 Ameiurus nebulosus. Transverse section of brain stem at the exit level of the second occipito-spinal rootlet. Fig. 29 Transverse section of brain stem somewhat rostrad of the preceding at the exit level of motor vagus rootlets. Abbreviations: Nu.f.l., lateral funicu- lar nucleus; Nw.occ.sp.m., motor occipito-spinal nucleus; F.occ.sp.m., second motor occipito-spinal rootlet; R.X.8., sensory root bundle of the vagus. Other abbreviations as in figures 26 and 27. and ganoids, is divided into two distinet portions:—a rostral part formed by the rostral motor VII nucleus and a long caudal cell column comprising the motor nuclei of the vagus and glossopharyngeus together with the caudal motor VII nucleus. A similar subdivision of the caudal viscero-motor column occurs in Ameiurus, but with this characteristic difference, that the rostral subdivision contains all the cells of origin of the motor facial root, while the caudal subdivision comprises only the motor vagus and glossopharyngeus nuclei. MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY SPAR As in ganoids, the vagus column in teleosts extends caudally a considerable distance beyond the rostral end of the occipito- spinal motor column, and lies dorsal to this nucleus (figs. 26, 29 and 18). It will be seen from the reconstruction charts in figure 40 that the extent of this overlap may be variable even in closely allied forms. In Solea, the motor X nucleus ends rostrad of the exit level of the first occipito-spinal rootlet, while in Hippoglossus, it extends a considerable distance caudad of the corresponding point. It is to be noted, however, that there is a much smaller amount of variation to be observed when the total length of the VII-IX—X column in these forms is compared. A similar con- dition is to be seen jn a comparison of the reconstruction charts of the siluroids Ameiurus and Silurus, though of course in this case it is the IX—X columns that are to be compared one with the other (figs. 41 A and 42 A). In Solea, the position of the motor X nucleus in transverse section is illustrated in figures 26 and 27. The motor rootlets of the vagus pass laterally, and emerge ventral to the descending trigeminal root and below their corresponding sensory root. In Amelurus, the relations of the motor X rootlets and of their nucleus of origin are illustrated in figures 28 and 29. It is of interest at this point to compare Bartelmez’ reconstruc- tion of the motor nuclei in Ameiurus melas (9, fig. 2) with my own chart of these relations in Ameiurus nebulosus (fig. 41 A). The only essential difference in the sagittal relations recorded in the reconstructions, lies in the position of the caudal end of the vagus nucleus with reference to the occipito-spinal motor column. In the specimen of Ameiurus nebulosus from which figure 41 A was prepared, the overlap of the columns in question was considerable; but as no such overlap is indicated by Bartel- mez in Ameturus melas, it is probable that there is a certain amount of ‘specific’ variation in the extent of this overlap— just as there is a considerable ‘generic’ variation in this rela- tion among closely allied forms (vide supra Pleuronectidae). If, however, the total length of the IX—X nucleus in A. melas and A. nebulosus be measured and then divided into the distance 526 DAVIDSON BLACK between the caudal end of this nucleus and the rostral end of the motor V nucleus, the quotient is expressed by 1.8 in both re- constructions. Thus, the relative length of the nucleus in ques- tion in the two species (Ameiurus nebulosus and Ameiurus melas) is exactly the same. It is probable that the nucleus which Bartelmez terms “‘nucleus motorius nervi cervicalis I’ corresponds to the nucleus of origin of the first occipito-spinal motor rootlet of my description and not to the motor nucleus of the first true cervical nerve of this form. Motor glossopharyngeal nucleus and root (Nu. et rad. mot. N. IX). In Solea, the motor glossopharyngeal root, in passing from its nucleus to its point of exit, takes the peculiar round- about course that appears to be characteristic of this nerve in teleosts. The motor IX root arises from cells situated in the rostra] part of the VII-IX—X column and passes rostrad for a considerable distance alongside the most dorsal bundle of the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis. At the level of the caudal end of the rostral motor VII nucleus, the fibers of the LX nerve pass through this nucleus laterad and ventrad, but do not re- ceive any fibers from it. The root then courses caudad and laterad to emerge, ventral to the descending trigeminal tract, at the level indicated in the chart, figure 40 A. This level is somewhat rostrad of the entrance of the sensory radix of glossopharyngeus. The course of the motor LX root in Ameiurus closely corvre- sponds to that obtaining in Silurus (Van der Sprenkel, |. c., fig. 4) and differs in no essential way from the course of this root in Solea. It would appear, however, that among siluroids the ‘genu’ of the motor [X root, tends to enclose within its concavity a considerable part of the whole motor VII nucleus, while among the pleuronectids, a relatively smal] part an of the rostral motor VII nucleus lies in this relation. This peculiar geniculate course of the motor LX root has been described also by Mayser in certain cyprinoids (79) by C. J. Herrick in Menidia (34) and in Hippoglossus, Rhombus, Pleuro- nectes and Tinca by Kappers, who recently has restudied the MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY a2% question of the course of the motor glossopharyngeus and its relation to the motor VII nucleus in these forms (72). Motor facialis nucleus and root (Nu. et rad. mot. N. VII). In Solea, the rostral motor VII nucleus is placed for the most part in the ventricular gray, Jateral to the most dorsal fibers of the NuVil.m.(1) ¢ Nr ee . ae. ¢ R.VIlm.asc re AAS m. <5 Sa a, ‘ SS , R.desc. AT r.tc.b.cruc. \Tr.tc.b.rec. 30 Fig. 30 Solea vulgaris. Transverse section of brain stem to illustrate the relations of the ascending motor glossopharyngeal root. Fig. 31 Solea vulgaris. Transverse section of brain stem at the exit level of the motor facial root. Abbreviations: Cb., cerebellum; Com.ac., decussating | fibers of acusticum; Nuw.ret., nucleus reticularis; Nu.VII.m.(1)., rostral moiety of motor facial nucleus; Nu.VJ., abducens nucleus; R.V/J., abducens rootlet; R.VII.m., emergent motor facial root; R.VII.m.asc., ascending motor facial root; R.VII.s., descending sensory facial root; R.IX.m., emergent fibers of motor glossopharyngeus passing laterad through motor facial’ nucleus; R.JX.m.asc., ascending motor glossopharyngeus root; VJJIJ., lateralis nerve below which the sensory facial root is seen. Other abbreviations as before. fasciculus Jongitudinalis medialis, and resting upon the bundles of the fasciculus longitudinalis lateralis (figs. 30 and 40 A). The size of the nucleus increases somewhat towards its caudal end, where many of the motor cells together with their larger den- drites lie in between the bundles of the fasciculus longitudinalis lateralis, and thus occupy a more ventral position than those 528 ; DAVIDSON BLACK at the rostral end of the nucleus. The nucleus is traversed by many thick bundles of the dorsal arcuate fibers. The motor VII fibers which arise from cells in the rostral end of the VII-IX—X column (caudal motor VII nucleus) pass up- wards through the medulla as a small compact bundle, situated just above the most dorsal fibers of the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis (fig. 30). At the level of the rostral motor VII nucleus, fibers from this center join the ascending root. In this way at the level of the upper border of the rostral motor VII nucleus, a large compact bundle is formed which derives its fibers from both rostral and caudal motor VII nuclei. The VII motor root then passes rostrad for some distance and finally curves outwards over the radix descendens V and reaches the lateral surface of the medulla some sections rostrad of the sensory VII root (fig. 31). In Ameiurus the motor VII nucleus consists of a large mass of cells situated in the tegmentum below the acoustic commissure, resting medially upon the fasciculus longitudinalis lateralis and laterally upon the reticular substance bordering the ascending secondary gustatory tract of Herrick. These relations are brought out in figure 32 and are essentially similar to those obtaining in Siluris glanis. A caudal motor VII nucleus, in continuity with the [IX—X motor column, is not present in either Silurus or Ameriurus, so that in these forms all the motor VII fibers arise in a nucleus corresponding to the rostral motor VII nucleus of Solea (fig. 41 A). ; The motor VII fibers collect to form a large compact bundle which arches dorsally over the massive acoustic commissure and courses rostrad in the ventricular gray. At the level of the caudal portion of the motor V nucleus, the root curves laterad through the bundles of dorsal arcuate fibers and pierces the sec- ondary gustatory tract to gain the lateral periphery of the bulb (fig. 33). Abducens nucleus and roots (Nu. et rad. N. VI). In Solea, in the ventral tegmentum, at the exit level of the motor VII root, a poorly circumscribed nucleus is found, from which arises the most rostral of the two abducens rootlets (fig. 31). The emer- MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 529 “— A Pa > ence. Seti / Lob.fac \., \ Nibvil.® 30 Fig. 32. Ameiurus nebulosus. Transverse section of brain stem at the level of the caudal end of the motor facial nucleus. Fig. 33 Ameiurus nebulosus. Transverse section of the brain stem at the exit level of the motor facial root and rostral abducens rootlet. Compare with Hexanchus (fig. 13), where an abducens rootlet emerges on the exit level of the motor glossopharyngeus. Abbreviations: Lob.fac., facial lobe of visceral sensory column; N.U.1.VII., nervus lateralis; Nw.intermed., nucleus intermedius; Nu.V.m.(2)., caudo-ventral moiety of motor trigeminus nucleus; Nu.VII.m., motor facial nucleus; R.VI/.s., entering sensory facial root. Other abbrevia- tions as before. 530 DAVIDSON BLACK gent fibers from this nucleus pass ventrad and rostrad and make their exit from the ventro-lateral surface of the medulla on a level with the rostral border of the motor VII root. A second abducens nucleus can be made out caudal to the first, and sepa- rated from it by a few cell-free sections. The second abducens rootlet, which arises from the latter nucleus, emerges three sec- tions behind the caudal border of the motor VII root. The presence in this region of numerous diffusely arranged reticular elements, has made it difficult to draw a sharp line of demarca- tion about the limits of the abducens nuclei, and for this reason they are surrounded by dotted lines in figure 40 A. The arrangement of the abducens nuclei in Ameiurus is essen- tially similar to that in Solea, though the caudal abducens root is not separated from the emerging motor IX root by so great a distance in Ameiurus as in the former animal. These relations will be evident on comparing figure 40 A and figure 41 A (also figs. 31 and 33). It is also of interest to note that the abducens nuclei in Bartel- mez’ reconstruction of Ameiurus melas (1. ¢.) bear exactly the same sagittal relations to the motor VII and V nuclei that they do to these structures in Ameiurus nebulosus. Motor trigeminal nucleus and root (Nu. et rad. mot. N. V). In Solea the motor V root arises from two closely associated cell groups, which from their general relations may be termed re- spectively dorsal and ventral. The dorsal motor V nucleus occu- pies a position in the ventricular gray just dorsal to the fascicu- lus longitudinalis lateralis, and extends in this situation, from a short distance in front of the motor V root, to the level of its caudal border (figs. 35 and 40 A). Numerous large dendrites of the motor cells of this nucleus can be seen passing. ventrad between the bundles of the fasciculus longitudinalis lateralis, and occupying a position in the tegmentum analogous to that occupied by the ventral nucleus itself at more caudal levels. The ventral motor V nucleus begins a few sections caudad of the dorsal nucleus, and extends to within a short distance of the rostral border of the emergent motor VII root. In Solea, un- like Hippoglossus, it is somewhat larger than the dorsal nucleus. MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 531 The nucleus intrudes its cells and their large dendrites between the bundles of the fasciculus longitudinalis lateralis for some distance into the tegmentum. ‘They pass in the direction of the substantia reticularis grisea which lies below and medial to the descending trigeminus root, and in the neighborhood of the . Grx22, ool rtc.b.cnie. Fig. 34 Solea vulgaris. Transverse section of brain stem on the level of the caudo-ventral moiety of the motor trigeminus nucleus. Fig. 35 Solea vulgaris. Transverse section of brain stem on the level of the rostro-dorsal moiety of the motor trigeminus nucleus. Abbreviations: Nu.V.m.(1)., rostro-dorsal moiety of motor trigeminus nucleus; Nwu.V.m.(2)., caudo-ventral moiety of motor trigeminus nucleus; R.V.m., emergent fibers of motor trigeminus root; R.V.s., entering fibers of sensory trigeminus root. Other abbreviations as before. small secondary ascending gustatory tract (fig. 34). Like the rostral motor VII nucleus, the most caudal cells of the ventral motor V nucleus lie deepest in the tegmentum. The motor V root passes laterad in a curved course and emerges from the medulla dorsal to the sensory root as in Lophius (64). In Ameiurus, the motor V root emerges in two bundles, as in Silurus, though in the latter form the bundles are not so definitely THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 4 532 DAVIDSON BLACK separated. The two bundles arise respectively from the rostral and the caudal end of the motor V nucleus. The cells of this nucleus are divided into two closely related groups, so that it is possible to differentiate rostral and caudal motor V nuclei. A similar arrangement of the elements of this nucleus obtains in Amelurus melas (Bartelmez, |. c.). Both rostral and caudal motor V nuclei are placed ventrally in the tegmentum. The caudal nucleus extends over the longer ‘ ea ee ie a "ar ? , a ANu Fetoe ues - Rag > Nuvret. Ne Fig. 36 Ameiurus nebulosus. Transverse section of brain stem on the level of the emergent trigeminus root. Abbreviations: Nuw.sec.com., secondary gustatory nucleus; Nu.V.m.(1)., rostral moiety of motor trigeminus nucleus; R.V.m., emergent fibers of motor trigeminus root. Other abbreviations as before. distance sagittally, and is closely related along its dorso-lateral surface to the secondary ascending gustatory tract (fig. 33). The rostral nucleus is somewhat more dorsally placed, and its relations in transverse section are indicated in figure 36. The emerging motor V roots pass almost directly laterad to gain the surface of the medulla, and in their course, they pass through the secondary ascending gustatory tract. Oculomotor and trochlear nuclei and roots (Nu. et rad. Nn. IIL et IV). The nuclei of the oculomotor and trochlear nerves are MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 533 closely associated in Solea, so that the nucleus of the latter nerve is separated by but a slight interval from the most dorsal part of the oculomotor complex. The oculomotor nucleus is situ- ated in the mesencephalic ventricular gray, and at its rostral end is made up of a quite compact cell group, lying dorsal to the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis. As this nucleus is_ traced caudad, its dorsal part becomes enlarged, and in addition along the raphé, an extensive ventro-median cell group appears, whose elements, though separated into bilaterally symmetrical groups, give rise apparently to fibers passing to both right and left oculomotor nerves. The major portion of this nuclear com- plex lies frontal to the rostral border of the emergent III nerve but a small part of the ventro-median division of the nucleus extends a short distance caudad of this level. The emergent radicles converge in the raphé to form several stout bundles, which in turn pierce the commissura ansulata in a ventro-lateral direction to reach the surface of the midbrain (fig. 37). The trochlear nucleus in Solea, is almost a caudal continuation of the dorsal part of the oculomotor nucleus, there being but two cell-free sections separating the two. The IV nucleus is a compact cell group lying upon the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis, and extending in this situation approximately over the length of the superficial attachment of the oculomotor nerve (fig. 40 A). Thus, in figure 37, it is possible to show the emerg- ing radicles of N. III, together with the ventral part of nucleus N. III and nucleus N. IV, all in one transverse section. The course of the trochlear roots caudad to their points of emergence is most complicated in Solea. The rootlets become separated shortly after their origin into two distinct bundles, one of which after bending around the tractus cerebello-mesen- cephalicus, decussates with its fellow of the opposite side and emerges through the valvula. The second rootlet passes rostrad a short distance in the substance of the valvula, and, after de- cussating with its fellow at this level, descends between the valvula and the tectum, to join the rootlet first described at its point of emergence from the brain. 534 DAVIDSON BLACK The conditions which bring about this complicated course of the IV root have been thoroughly investigated, independently by V. Franz (23) and by Huet (1. c.).. The latter author has shown that the division of the trochlear root into two bundles and their subsequent decussation at different levels, only occurs among those teleosts having a highly complicated valvula cerebelli ( im Valvula jo 6 a) | an J Fig. 37 Solea vulgaris.- Transverse section of brain stem on the exit level of the oculomotor root. Abbreviations: Coll., colliculus; Com.ans., commissura ansulata; Fib.prof.tc., fibrae profundae tecti; N.JIJ., oculomotor nerve; Nu.III.vent., ventral moiety of oculomotor nucleus; Nu.JV., nucleus troch- learis; Tor.long., torus longitudinalis; Tr.mes.cb.s., tractus mesencephalo- cerebellaris superior. Other abbreviations as before. (e.g., Gadidae and Pleuronectidae). In selachians, where no valvula is developed, in ganoids and in teleosts having a relatively small and simple valvula (e.g., Lophius), no such complicated arrangement of trochlear roots obtains. Thus, from the evidence at his disposal, Huet concludes that the action of the valvula cerebelli, in producing this split in the decussating trechlear roots, is purely a mechanical one due to its growth and the consequent folding of the part. MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 535 The oculomotor nucleus and root are both relatively and absolutely smaller in Ameiurus than in Solea. It is possible, however, to distinguish dorsal and ventral parts in the oculo- motor nucleus of,the former animal, though there is but little difference in the rostro-caudal extent of these subsidiary cell groups, such as was so obvious in Solea. No definite decussation of the fibers of the oculomotor nerves at their origin could be made out in Ameiurus, and the whole nucleus lies on a more dor- sal plane than in Solea. The emergent roots of the oculomotor nerve pierce the commissura ansulata on their -way to the ventral periphery of the midbrain (fig. 39). The trochlear nucleus in Ameiurus is almost directly contin- uous with that of the oculomotor nerve but lies on a somewhat more dorsal plane. The emergent trochlear fibers pass dorsally in the Sylvian gray (Franz, |. c.) to decussate and emerge through the valvula on the same level as their nucleus (fig. 38). Though the trochlear roots in Ameiurus have not been divided into two parts as in Solea, yet they make their exit from the brain stem at an unusually rostral level. A similar condition has been - recorded by Van der Sprenkel in Silurus glanis, though in this form on account of the very slight functional development of the eyes, both oculomotor and trochlear nuclei were much reduced (fig. 42 A). It would appear that the unusually rostral place of exit of the trochlear roots in both Ameiurus and Silurus, like the splitting of the rootlets in Solea has also been due in a large measure to the mechanical action of the valvula and cerebellum during the development of these parts. Discussion Occipito-spinal-complex. In teleosts no pre-hyal hypobranchial spinal muscles are present and according to Furbringer the most rostral spino-occipital nerves represented in these animals are the occipito-spinal roots b and c. In Siluridae according to this investigator both dorsal and ventral roots are represented in the occipito-spinal nerve b, the nerve ¢ is missing, while caudal to and including the first cervical nerve (Furbringer’s nerve 4) 536 . DAVIDSON BLACK €e : eee aay PF esta x fe — Fig. 38 Ameiurus nebulosus. Transverse section of brain stem on the level of the trochlear nuclei and roots. = NAy: ta, ~ EN PAA CaN SNE ee Fig. 39 Ameiurus nebulosus. Transverse section of brain stem on the level of the oculomotor nuclei and roots. Abbreviations: Dec.dors., decussating fibers of fasciculus longitudinalis medialis; Dec.vent., commissura ansulata; Ginter pedunc., ganglion interpedunculare; Lob.inf., lobus inferior; Nu. III. dors., dorsal moiety of oculomotor nucleus. Other abbreviations as before. 037 PHYLOGENY MOTOR NUCLEI IN a Cu YO oO O rom “ oO oO fo) x< >< > Fig. 40 Reconstruction charts of motor roots and nuclei. A. Solea, B. Signs Pleuronectis (after Kappers, 72), C. Hippoglossus (after Kappers, 72). and abbreviations as before (page 476). 538 DAVIDSON BLACK ¢. N N N XK \ \ N N \ N ¢, 6 1% WOW LLL LLL LLL = Fig. 41 Reconstruction charts of motor roots and nuclei. A. Ameiurus, B. Tinea (after Kappers, 72), C. Gadus (after Kappers, 72). Signs and abbrevia- tions as before (page 476). MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 539 A. Silurus (en- Fig. 42 Reconstruction charts of motor roots and nuclei. larged from Van der Sprenkel, 92), B. Mormyrus (enlarged from Van der The charts A and B have been Sprenkel, 92), C. Lophius (after Kappers, 72). Signs and enlarged to the same scale as that used throughout this paper. * abbreviations as before (page 476). 540 DAVIDSON BLACK dorsal and ventral roots are regularly represented. In Pleuro- nectidae the dorsal root of nerve b may be missing and both the dorsal and. ventral roots of nerve ¢ are fused with nerve b as they make their exit from the skull but the arrangement of the nerves from this point caudad is similar to that obtaining among siluroids. The peripheral relations of the cervical nerves in Ameiurus appear to conform closely with Furbringer’s generalized scheme for the family outlined above. Thus, according to Wright (1. ¢.), the first spinal nerve (occipito-spinal b) possesses both dorsal and ventral roots, which unite however, and emerge by a common foramen through the exoccipital bone (auximetameric cranium). ‘The second spinal nerve of this author (Furbringer’s nerve 4) is separated from the first by a considerable distance— more than twice the distance intervenes between the exit levels _of these two nerves than between those of the second and third. This apparent hiatus in the series would seem to indicate the disappearance of the nerve c. The dorsal and ventral roots of the second nerve emerge through separate dural foramina, as do those of the third nerve, but owing to the modification of the anterior vertebrae in connection with the auditory organ, they pass directly through the membranous wall of the neural canal. The dorsal and ventral roots of the fourth and following cervical nerves emerge through separate foramina in the arches of the corresponding vertebrae. Within the central nervous system also there are many evi- dences that both reduction and rostral displacement have occurred in the precervical somatic motor column in Ameiurus as compared with more primitive forms. As these characteris- tics are typical of all teleosts to a greater or less extent, a gen- eral summary of the evidences furnished by the group as a whole will be of value in the present connection. Tvidences of reduction. 1) With the exception of Hippo- glossus, in all teleosts examined the distance between the exit level of the first precervical motor root and that of the motor glossopharyngeus is greater than in selachians. 2) Except in the Pleuronectidae, the distance between the exit level of the first MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 541 ptecervical motor root and that of the motor IX is usually greater in teleosts than in ganoids and always greater in teleosts than in certain ganoids (e.g. Lepidosteus). 3) In teleosts a sharp line of demarcation between the motor occipito-spinal nucleus and the coordinating elements of the nucleus motorius tegmenti cannot be drawn. In this respect ganoids stand in an intermediate position between selachians and teleosts.. 4) The elements composing the nucleus motorius tegmenti are arranged within the caudal reticular area on-.a plan almost exactly like that of the rostral occipito-spinal motor nucleus—the only dif- ference between the two lies in the absence of neurones of the peripheral efferent type in the former nucleus, the coordination neurones alone being represented there. 5) The occipito-spinal motor nucleus of teleosts resembles the caudal portion of the spino-occipital nucleus of selachians in the arrangement of its constituent neurones. Evidence of rostral migration. 1) Though it is known that at least four of the most rostral spino-occipital nerves are not represented in the Pleuronectidae, yet in Hippoglossus the occipito-spinal’ nerve b is placed as near the exit level of the motor IX nerve as the most rostral occipital nerve is in selachians, (and even nearer than is the case in most of the latter animals). 2) In most Pleuronectidae the distance between the exit level of the motor IX nerve and that of the first precervical motor root is less than in Amia, Acipenser, or Polyodon. 3) The somatic motor nucleus projects further rostrad of its first emer- gent root in teleosts than is the case in either sharks or ganoids. 4) The most positive evidence of rostral migrations, however, is to be seen among teleosts in the very oblique caudal] course taken by the emergent occipito-spinal roots (especially those of the nerve b)—as if the rostral displacement of their peripheral attachments had not kept pace with that of their motor nucleus. Thus in view of Kapper’s earlier work (1. c.) it may be said that, in the absence of manifest mechanical influence, positive evi- dence of nuclear displacement may safely be adduced when a motor root takes a more or less indirect emergent course, and that the direction of this displacement is indicated by the direc- 542 DAVIDSON BLACK tion taken by the emergent fibers. On the other hand, rostral or caudal nuclear migration and emergent root displacement may keep pace so that the direct emergence of a motor root from its nucleus does not altogether exclude the possibility of nuclear displacement. The presence of both dorsal and ventral cell groups in the occipito-spina] motor column in teleosts in contrast to selachians and ganoids has already been pointed out by Kappers (66 and 74). This author has shown that the more ventral situation of certain of the motor e’ements of this nucleus in teleosts is pos- sibly one of the direct expressions of the strong reflex influence of the tractus octavo-motorius cruciatus which courses together with the tecto-bulbar fibers along the ventro lateral periphery of the bulb at this level (see also Wallenberg, 96). In the occipito-spinal nucleus of teleosts the ventral cell group differs in many histological details from the dorsal cells of this nucleus (Kappers, 66). Some light is shed on the different functions of these two cell groups when the peripheral distribu- tion of the first two precervical motor roots in ganoids is compared with that in teleosts. In Polyodon, where the ventral cell group is lacking’ in the most rostral portion of the precervical motor column, the first somatic motor nerve of this series does not furnish branches to any lateral (pectoral fin) muscles but is distributed solely to ventral (hypobranchial) spinal musculature (Danforth). The second nerve may also be entirely restricted in its motor dis- tribution to ventral musculature in some individuals (Fur- bringer). Indeed it is a general rule for ganoids that the first spino-occipital nerve never participates in the formation of the brachial plexus, though the second nerve usually does so. Simi- larly in selachians the upper members of the motor spino- occipital series take no part in the innervation of pectoral fin musculature (brachial plexus)—and no ventral cell group is present in the rostral end of the spino-occipital column in these forms. In Ameiurus (McMurrich and Wright, l. ¢.), however, the first precervical somatic motor root is distributed not only to MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 543 ventral musculature (hypopectoralis) but also to lateral trunk musculature (abductors and adductors of pectoral fin). In this animal as in other teleosts a ventral cell group is present in the rostral part and throughout the occipito-spinal nucleus. In Menidia a similar condition obtains only in addition to motor fibers to the ventral and lateral musculature the first precervical nerve sends out motor fibers to the dorsal trunk muscles of its own segment (Herrick, 1. c.). The relations obtaining in Ameiurus and Menidia may in a broad way be said to hold for all teleosts. At least it is evi- dent that the first precervical motor root in all teleosts becomes distributed to both ventral and lateral musculature, i.e., par- ticipates in the formation of both the so-called cervical plexus and the brachial plexus (Furbringer, |. c.). From this short review it becomes clear that the ventral cell group of the precervical somatic motor column first makes its appearance as a constituent of the most rostral portion of the nucleus in those forms in which the first motor root habitually participates in the formation of both cervical and brachial plex- uses. Conversely it is evident that among all forms in which the first precervical somatic motor rootlet is distributed entirely through the branches of the cervical plexus, a ventral cell group is lacking in that part of the nucleus from which the first motor root arises. It thus emerges that the ventral cell group of the motor occipito-spinal column of teleosts is apparently a nucleus of origin for motor roots distributed through the brachial plexus to dorsal or lateral derivatives of trunk musculature. Further, it would appear that the presence of this ventral cell group in the most rostral part of the precervical somatic motor nucleus in teleosts is due to the phylogenetic loss of the rostral, more specialized, dorsal cell group concerned in other forms in the innervation of epibranchial and pre-hyal hypobranchial spinal musculature, and is probably not the result of a forward migra- tion of ventral elements beneath a phylogenetically older dorsal cell group; for the evidence at our disposal points to the rostral migration of the constituent elements of the occipito-spinal nucleus of teleosts as a whole. 544 DAVIDSON BLACK With regard to the cause of this rostral displacement, Kappers (1. ec.) has noted that in teleosts the occipito-spinal nucleus, like that of the abducens nerve, occupies its most rostral position among those forms in which the optic reflex systems are most highly developed (e.g., Pleuronectidae). It would appear prob- able, however, that the rostral migration of the occipito-spinal motor complex in teleosts has been determined by influences quite independent of those acting similarly upon the abducens nucleus. In teleosts the general cutaneous components of the trigeminus and vagus nerves pass caudad in the radix descendens trigemini to their chief nucleus of termination in the immediate vicinity of the funicular nuclei (Herrick, 38, 40 and 41). Though in Ameiurus some of the trigeminal fibers end in relation to the deeper layers of the facial lobe (39), by far the greater number end in the terminal nucleus in the funicular region. The rostral portion of the funicular region in all bony fishes becomes a center of the highest importance for the correlation of the tactile im- pressions originating in the head and trunk. The long conduc- tion paths of the dorso-lateral fasciculus arise in this center from which also emerge numerous ventral arcuate fibers to establish immediate reflex connection with the subjacent somatic motor nucleus. In the discussion of the funicular region in Prionotus (1. ¢.) Herrick draws attention to Sherrington’s observation: ‘‘ Broadly speaking, the degree of reflex spinal intimacy between afferent and efferent spinal root varies directly as their segmental prox- imity”’ (89, p. 158). At the rostral end of the cord, however, owing to the changes brought about by the phylogenetic re- duction of the precervical segments, the dominant reflex influ- ence of the first sensory segmental nerves upon the motor column has been to a large extent suppressed and in its place is substi- tuted that of the funiculo-trigeminal area. Thus it would ap- pear that the position of the rostral end of the occipito-spinal nucleus is determined primarily by that of the nucleus of the descending trigeminal root and the associated funicular nucleus. MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 545 Motor vagal nucleus (Nu. mot. N. X). The position of the ros- tral end of the motor occipito-spinal nucleus. relative to the cau- dal end of the motor vagus column and to the exit level of the first occipito-spinal rootlet is one which is subject to a con- siderable amount of variation in teleosts, even among closely related forms (vide supra). Consequently the degree of overlap of the occipito-spinal nucleus and the motor vagus column in teleosts is not an accurate measure of the caudal extent of the latter nucleus. However, to estimate the relative development of the caudal end of the motor vagus nucleus it becomes only necessary to compare the total length of this structure in dif- ferent forms regarding the rostral end in all cases as a fixed point. The reason for this becomes evident when it is recalled that the musculature receiving its innervation from the first three branchial trunks of the vagus among teleosts is subject to but little variation in its relative development, while on the other hand the pharyngo-clavicularis muscles and especially the trapezius muscle may vary considerably both in their relative development and in the character of their innervation. A trapezius muscle which is innervated solely by the vagus nerve and whose homology with the muscle of this name among selachians can hardiy be doubted, has been demonstrated in the following teleosts, Salmo (Edgeworth, 20), Menidia (Herrick, 34), Silurus (Juge, 56), Lophius (Guitel, 31) and Ameiurus (Herrick, 36). A trapezius muscle is absent or represented by a muscle innervated by spinal nerves, in the following teleosts: Esox, Cyprinus, Perea (Vetter, 95), and Gadus (Herrick, 35). The pharyngo-claviculares muscles are innervated by the vagus in an essentially similar manner in each of the following forms: Menidia, Gadus, and Ameiurus (Herrick) and in Silurus (Juge). Of these forms, the motor nuclei have been studied and re- constructed in Silurus, Ameiurus, Lophius, and Gadus, so that jt is possible to institute comparisons here with a considerable degree of accuracy (vide figs. 41 and 42). In the case of Gadus and Lophius, the motor vagus nucleus is completely isolated from the other constituents of the caudal viscero-motor column and it becomes at once evident that the length of the nucleus 546 DAVIDSON BLACK in question is considerably greater in Lophius, where the trape- zius is present, than in Gadus, where the representative of this muscle is innervated by spinal nerves. The motor vagus nucleus in both Silurus and Ameiurus is continuous with that of the glossopharyngeus, but the line of demarcation between these two nuclei has been determined as the level beyond which no motor IX fibers can be traced. The total length of the motor vagus nucleus determined in this way is approximately equal in the two forms and is evidently greater than that of the isolated nucleus in Lophius. From this it would appear that the caudal end of the vagus nucleus in Silurus, Ameiurus, and Lophius, represents a true nucleus accessorius, homologous in all respects with that of selachians, while in Gadus this nucleus is wanting. In view of the fact that the trapezius muscle of higher forms is habitually innervated from two distinct sources, it seems highly significant that a muscle is present in certain teleosts (e.g., Gadus) which by reason of its connection with the cranium and shoulder girdle must functionate as a trapezius, even though its innervation by spinal nerves must preclude its homology with the trapezius of selachians. In the case of Gadus Herrick (35, p. 298) notes: ‘‘The muscle running from the cranium to the pectoral girdle in Gadus is innervated from the spinals and not from the vagus. It is therefore, merely a detached portion of the general dorsal mus- culature.”’ If, however, this muscle in Gadus be considered in comparison with conditions obtaining in higher instead of lower forms, the peculiarity of its innervation would not exclude it entirely from homology with the cucularis. Evidence that the cucularis of higher forms has been derived in phylogeny from two different sources is furnished by its double nerve supply. As the presence of definite somatic components inextricably mixed within this muscle complex seems limited to higher vertebrates (Sauropsida and Mammalia), this pecu- liar condition of fusion must be a comparatively recent phylo- genetic acquisition. If this be so, both components may be MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY DAT looked for among lower vertebrates as muscles distinct from one another, though closely associated and synergic in their action. Among elasmobranchs the well developed trapezius is wholly a specialized visceral muscle, but it is closely associated in its action with somatic muscles innervated by cervical motor nerves. It would thus appear that in these animals a prostadium of the cucularis complex might be recognized in these two distinct though synergic sets of muscles. In teleosts, however, the elements of the trapezius musculature have necessarily been much reduced owing to the development of the bony operculum. It is probably on this account that both components of the cucularis complex of higher forms are ap- parently never represented in one individual among bony fishes, but either the visceral element (e.g., Ameiurus, Lophius) or the somatic element (e.g., Gadus) is alone retained. In either case, however, this levator musculature of the shoulder girdle in these forms would appear to be homologous with one or other of the components of the cucularis complex of mammals. This concept accords well with the facts of embryology and is in harmony with the further phylogenetic history of the acces- sory nucleus, as well as with its ontogenetic history in mammals. Motor facialis and glossopharyngeal nuclei and roots (Nu. et rad. mot. Nn. VII and IX). In contrast to the condition obtaining in ganoids and selachians, among all teleosts thus far examined a large portion of the VII motor nucleus is separated from the caudal viscero-motor column and lies more ventrally than the latter in the tegmentum. This sequestration of motor facial elements may affect the whole nucleus (e.g., Silurus, Ameiurus, Lophius), or only its rostral portion (e.g., Tinea, Pleuronectidae). The relations of the motor LX nucleus to the other constituents of the more primitive caudal viscero-motor column are also highly variable among the different species of teleosts. Thus, the motor IX nucleus together with the elements of the caudal motor VII nucleus may be in direct continuity with the motor X nucleus (e.g., Tinea, Pleuronectidae), or the motor IX nucleus alone may form the rostral end of the motor vagus column (e.g., Silurus, Ameiurus). Further, the motor IX nucleus may THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. 27, NO. 4 548 DAVIDSON BLACK be situated on the level of its root exit intermingled with the elements of the caudal motor VII nucleus but completely sepa- rated from the motor X nucleus (e.g., Gadus), or again it may be intimately associated with the motor VII nucleus and form with the latter one large nuclear complex entirely apart from the motor vagus column (e.g., Lophius). The possible factors operating to produce the characteristic ventral displacement of the motor VII elements in teleosts have been discussed in detail by Kappers (62, 64, 72 and 73). This author has definitely excluded the possibility of the production of this displacement through purely mechanical influences. In addition he has shown that the ventral sequestration of the motor VII nucleus has undoubtedly been strongly influenced by the anterior gustatory tract among forms in which this pathway is well developed; while among those animals in which the anterior taste tract is relatively small, the ventral optic and tactile systems are most probably chiefly responsible for this displacement. Kappers has also shown that the characteristic geniculate course of the emergent motor IX root in teleosts has been pro- duced largely through the more or less mechanical traction exer- cised upon it during the ventral migration of the motor VII elements (72). However, with regard to the migration of the perikaryons of the motor [IX nucleus, no such direct mechanical influence can be demonstrated and there can be no doubt that the peculiarly variable relations of this nucleus among teleosts are due to the action of neurobiotactic forces of a nature similar to those which have brought about the ventral displacement of the motor VII nucleus in these forms. In teleosts the arrangement of the musculature innervated by the nerves V, VII, and IX has been strongly influenced in its development by the perfection among these forms of two char- acteristic organ complexes, viz., (1) the respiratory opercular mechanism, and (2) the pharyngeal tooth-bearing apparatus. The important effect of the development of the opercular type of respiration in ganoids upon the motor V and VII nuclear pattern has already been alluded to and will be discussed again MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 549 subsequently. The influence exercised upon the feeding re- flexes, and consequently upon the pattern of the motor nuclei involved, by the development of a tooth-bearing apparatus in the pharynx must also be great among teleosts. Especially must this be so among those forms in which this structure becomes functionally of much more importance than the buccal teeth. In Ameiurus the mm. levatores branchiales from the fourth to the seventh are innervated by branchial branches of the vagus and become inserted into the superior pharyngeal bone to which they “impart a rocking motion . . . . which must be very effective in grinding the food against the inferior pharyn- geal’ (McMurrich, 82). The nicety of the reflex adjustment of the pharyngeal ‘masticatory’ apparatus in this animal has been aptly described by Macallum in part as follows: ‘‘When the epipharyngeal pads are touched . . . . the pads are thrust down, and at the same time those of the floor are elevated in opposition. This is for the purpose of comminuting the food as it passes into the oesophagus, mere contact of food or other matter serving to bring the pads into action” (80, p. 388). In Gadus (39) the muscles moving the pharyngeal bones appear to be arranged on quite another and more simple plan, and they are also differently innervated. From Herrick’s de- scription I gather that the condition in Gadus closely resembles that in Menidia, in which the pharyngo-branchial bones are moved by but two muscles, viz., the first and second internal levators of the branchial arches. The first levator, which is the smaller, is innervated by the IX nerve and acts both as a levator and a protractor, while the large second muscle receives its nerve supply from the vagus and serves simply as a protractor. Such variation in the relative complexity of this musculature, as well as its nerve supply, is to be expected in view of the fact that the tooth bearing plates in question are not developed in connection with definite branchial arches but only become attached to them secondarily (McMurrich, 81). From such scant data as the above it is only possible to point out that in Ameiurus and in Gadus when different muscle com- 550 DAVIDSON BLACK plexes have been elaborated to produce movement of the pharyn- geal plates, a most striking difference in the arrangement of the caudal viscero-motor nuclei (especially the glossopharyngeus) is to be observed. It is significant, also, that the motor IX nucleus is subject to such wide variations in its relations (and consequently in its reflex connections) among teleosts, while in no other group of the vertebrate series does this nucleus display such a lack of conformity to type pattern. Abducens nucleus and roots (Nu. et rad. N. VI). Among teleosts the abducens nucleus is evidently composed of two more or less separated subnuclei which are situated ventrally in the tegmentum and from each of which emerges a single rootlet. The more rostral rootlet usually emerges on the exit level of the motor VII root or a very short distance caudad of this structure though among the Pleuronectidae it characteristically emerges rostrad of the motor VII root. The more caudal rootlet usually emerges at a level which is relatively more rostrad than that of the frontal abducens rootlet of selachians (figs. 17 and 41). In exceptional cases the abducens nerve may arise from the brain stem from three rootlets as in Lophius. The most rostrad of the abducens sub-nuclei lies either on the level of the emergent motor VII root or but a short distance caudal of this structure and the second sub-nucleus is situated slightly caudad of the exit level of the second abducens rootlet. In Tinca Kappers has described four abducens sub-nuclei, three of which are represented in his chart of the motor nuclei (fig. 41 B), while the fourth part, which lies mediad of the ros- tral ventral sub-nucleus and on the same level, could not be represented in such a reconstruction. The relations of the abducens nucleus and of its emergent root- lets noted here have already been fully described and discussed by Kappers (63, 64, 66). This author has shown that the fronto- ventral position of the abducens nucleus in teleosts as compared with selachians stands in direct relation with the great develop- ment of the ventral tecto-bulbar paths in the former animals. Among flat-fish the relatively enormous development of the tecto-bulbar tract is to be directly correlated with the fact MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 551 that among these forms abducens nuclear elements occupy a more rostral position than obtains in any other group of verte- brates yet investigated.!! Motor trigeminus nucleus and root (Nu. et rad. mot. N.V). The motor V nucleus among teleosts is, with few exceptions, divisible into two quite definite sub-nuclei. Of these, one is rostro-dorsal in position, while the other is more caudo-ventrally placed. Kappers has demonstrated that the chief factor responsible for the ventral position of trigeminal elements in teleosts, in con- trast to selachians and ganoids, is the neurobiotactic influence of the secondary ascending gustatory tract (64, 66). This author has also shown that the caudo-ventral cell group of this nucleus is even more intimately associated with the secondary gustatory tract than are the elements of the dorsal cell group, and is largest and most ventrally placed among those forms in which this tract is best developed (I. c.). A study of the mechanics of respiration among teleosts brings out the fact that the different muscles innervated by the motor fibers of the trigeminus are by no means equally concerned in the respiratory act. In view of the direct bearing which such considerations must have upon the question of the arrange- ment of the reflex nuclear pattern in these forms, it becomes desirable before further discussion to review briefly the recent results of investigations in this field. The respiratory current in most teleosts is produced chiefly by the action of the opercular apparatus in conjunction with the maxillary, mandibular and branchiostegal valves in a manner to which reference has already been made (Dahlgren, 15; Baglioni, 8). According to Deganello (18) the principal muscles concerned in these movements are the following. In inspiration: (a) m. sterno-hyoideus (spinal nerves 1 and 2); (b) m. dilator operculae 4 It is worthy of note in view of the small size and the lack of compactness of the abducens nucleus in Pleuronectidae, despite the relatively great importance of the oculomotor apparatus in these forms, that according to Harman (33) the external rectus muscle is peculiarly subject to variation among flat-fish and in most of these forms showed evidence of considerable reduction. 552 DAVIDSON BLACK (R. mand. V); (c) m. levator arcus palatini (R. mand. V); (d) m. levator operculi (R. opere. VII). In expiration:® (a) m. adductor operculi (R. opere. VII); (b) m. adductor arcus pala- tini (R. mand. V); (c) m. adductor hyomandibularis (R. opere. VII); (d) m. geniohyoideus (R. mand. V.+R. opere. VII). The action of the opercular apparatus is reinforced to a vari- able though usually slight extent by the intrinsic branchial musculature as follows. In inspiration: (a) mm. interarcuales ventrales (both oblique and transverse group) (Rr. branch. [X— X); mm. interarcuales dorsales (Rr. pharyng. X). In expira- tion: (a) mm. levatores arcum branchialium externi et interni (Rr. branch. [X—X); (b) m. hyohyoideus (R. opere. VII). In addition to the opercular and branchial respiratory mechan- ism, the branchiostegal apparatus may play a most important role in the production of the respiratory current in certain marine forms (e.g., Lophius). Borcea (11) has pointed out that the development of the branchiostegal apparatus and its muscula- ture (m. hyohyoideus and special adductors and abductors) occurs in inverse ratio to the development of the opercular mechanism. Baglioni (8), carrying this investigation further, has arranged teleosts into groups depending upon the type of their respiratory mechanism. Of these groups it will only be necessary to mention three in the present connection, viz., (1) those in which the branchiostegal apparatus is practically wanting (e.g., Conger); (2) those in which both branchiostegal and opercular mechanisms are more or less equally well repre- sented (e.g., Pleuronectidae); and (3) those in which practically 15 The m. geniohyoideus, whose action was considered to be inspiratory by Deganello and others, has been shown by Holmquist (46) to be chiefly an ex- piratory muscle. On account of its action, as well as for other reasons, the muscle has been termed by this investigator the m. protractor hyoidei. 16 The extent to which the fibers of the facial nerve contribute to the innerva- tion of this muscle is subject to some question. In Ameiurus few. motor VII fibers can reach the geniohyoideus owing to the very slight anastomosis between the mandibular V and opercular VII branches (Herrick, 36). The anastomosis between these nerves seems to be more extensive, however, in Gadus (35) where the condition resembles that obtaining in Amia (1), but in Menidia (34) the m. geniohyoideus is supplied wholly by motor trigeminal branches. MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 553 the whole respiratory current is maintained through the action of the branchiostegal apparatus (e.g., Lophius). This review makes it evident that among teleosts the m. adductor mandibulae does not play any important part in respiration. Indeed, it is concerned almost wholly either in adduction or protraction of the lower jaw or in producing traction upon. the maxilla. The musculature innervated by the elements of the motor V ‘nucleus is thus divisible into two quite distinct functional com- plexes: one whose action is necessarily of a rhythmic character and intimately associated with that of the opercular muscles innervated by the motor VII; and another complex, which is concerned almost wholly with movements necessary for the primary ingestion of food. The importance of gustatory stimuli in the reflex activity of the respiratory musculature has already been pointed by Kap- pers. In many forms, however, the gustatory sense plays but little, if any part in initiating the reflex action of the jaw mus- culature (e.g., Lophius and the Pleuronectidae) and in such forms the influence of visual impressions upon this reflex is great. The subdivision of the motor V nucleus in most teleosts into two groups has already been described but the significance of the arrangement becomes increasingly evident when correlated with the peripheral conditions outlined above. Thus in Lophius, in which respiration is carried on chiefly through the action of the branchiostegal apparatus while the opercular musculature is reduced to a minimum, the motor VII nucleus is strikingly specialized both as to size and position, while the component groups of the motor V nucleus are also peculiarly modified. The small ventral nucleus in relation to the slightly developed secondary gustatory tract evidently may be correlated with the slight development of the effector organ with which it appears to be associated, viz., the trigeminus opercular musculature. The large dorsal cell group, on the other hand, lies in close rela- tion to the tecto-bulbar tracts in the laqueus, and in size and 554 DAVIDSON BLACK importance corresponds to that of the jaw musculature which in this form is exceedingly well developed. A comparison of the reconstruction charts brings out the addi- tional fact that the independence of the rostro-dorsal motor V nucleus from the caudo-ventral moiety varies directly with the development of the visual apparatus, being greatest in Lophius and the Pleuronectidae and least in Ameiurus and Tinea. Further, this independence of the cell groups of the motor V nucleus varies indirectly with the development of the gusta- tory apparatus, being greatest in Lophius and the Pleuronec- tidae, where the secondary ascending gustatory tract is relatively small, and least in Ameiurus and Tinca, in which this system is highly developed. In regard to the functional development of the neurone systems contrasted above, Gadus occupies an inter- mediate place, a condition which is accurately reflected in the arrangement of the elements of the motor V nucleus in this form. ‘Though many further examples might be cited of the variations of the moieties of the motor V nucleus in conformity to periph- eral development, especially when the relations of this nucleus are compared to this end among the Pleuronectidae, sufficient has been said to indicate that the dorsal group of motor tri- geminal elements is most probably concerned in the innervation of the musculature of the jaw, while the ventral group fune- tionates chiefly in the supply of the trigeminal opercular muscles. Oculomotor and trochlear nuclei and roots (Nu. et rad. Nn. III et IV). The peculiar and complex relations of the emergent trochlear root fibers have already been discussed in connection with the description of this nerve in Solea. However, the posi- tion, make up and mutual relations of the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei among teleosts present certain points of in- terest and will require some further consideration here. Kappers has already pointed out that the oculomotor nucleus as a general rule occupies a more rostral position among tele- osts than among selachians and broadly speaking this teleostean characteristic may be correlated with the increased relative im- portance of the tectum opticum and its efferent pathways among MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY 555 these forms. Certain it is that the dorsal and ventral cell ‘groups of the oculomotor nucleus are definitely placed in rela- tion respectively to the dorsal and ventral decussations of the tecto-bulbar tracts (66). The differentiation of the elements of the oculomotor nucleus into dorsal and ventral moieties reaches its maximum develop- ment in fish, among members of the teleostean group. The probable significance of the presence of dorsal and ventral oculo- motor cell groups among ganoids has already been alluded to and it remains only to point out that this differentiation, which apparently must have been already forecast if not completed in the ancestral teleostome stock, would seem to be correlated rather with specialization in intrinsic effectors than in the extrinsic oculomotor apparatus. The reason for such.a supposi- tion becomes evident when it is recalled that, among modern fishes, in the general arrangement of the extrinsic oculomotor apparatus there are no characters of a truly fundamental nature distinguishing teleostomes from selachians (Harman, 33; Herrick, 34; Workman, 98). In the unusually small size of its trochlear nucteus Solea pre- sents a marked contrast to the condition obtaining among other members of the flat-fish group in which, as in Lophius, this nucleus is well developed. In this connection the observations of Harman (I. c.) are of further interest. This investigator has pointed out that among flat-fishes the superior oblique muscle is of unusually large size relative to the other eye muscles and that in general, in fish when the visual axes are capable of con- vergence, there occurs a specialization of the m. obliquus su- perior. In view of this, it is possible that further investigation may show that the small size of the trochlear nucleus in the speci- men of Solea here studied is merely an individual variation. CONCLUSION Among myxinoids the most important information concerning environment must reach the central nervous system through olfactory or tactile channels. The restrictions imposed upon these forms by the absence of a functional visual apparatus 556 DAVIDSON BLACK together with the relatively slight development of gustatory and vestibular organs have necessitated a corresponding read- justment of their life habits and a consequent limitation of their range and simplification of their motor reactions. In order to exist at all these animals must seek and occupy a favorable environment where adequate protection may be had and where food may be obtained successfully despite the limitation of their sensory equipment. Success under these circumstances means specialization and the degree of success with which myxinoids have attained this end is admirably exemplified both by the survival of the type under modern conditions and by the highly specialized motor nuclear pattern already described. That the motor nuclear pattern is specialized in myxinoids is but another way of stating that the neurones in question occupy a position most favourable for the reception of reflex impulses from the dominant afferent nuclei of these animals. Among elasmobranchs the vestibular, visual and lateral line sense organs are all functionally well developed and with the aid of gustatory and tactile sensibility provide ample means whereby these forms may receive information of a most varied character concerning their environment. Within the brain stem in these forms the terminal sensory nuclei are developed in correspondence with this receptor equipment so that, in con- trast to myxinoids, no one constituent of either somatic or visceral areas can be said to dominate the anatomical arrange- ment of the medulla. On this account the organization of the afferent divisions of the nervous system within the medulla is of a more generalized type among elasmobranchs than in myxinoids. One of the chief differences between the motor nuclear pat- tern of cyclostomes and that of elasmobranchs les in the asso- ciation of the motor VII elements with those of the vagus and glossopharyngeus to form the caudal viscero-motor column among all members of the latter group. This arrangement has undoubtedly taken place under the influence of the elements within the well developed communis area and has resulted in MOTOR NUCLEI IN PHYLOGENY Ros placing the motor nuclei of the nerves to the hyobranchial musculature in intimate association with the chief afferent center acting upon them reflexly, in conformity with the first concept of neurobiotaxis. The most striking characteristic of the motor nuclear pattern of elasmobranchs is its relative fixity in all members of the group. Thus, as regards their nuclear pattern, the most primi- tive shark resembles the most specialized ray much more closely than such allied teleostean forms as Tinea and Gadus resemble one another. However, that this reflex organization within the elasmobranch brain stem has been entirely adequate for the needs of these animals is indicated by the successful manner in which the members of this group have competed with other more specialized and modern types in practically every variety of marine environment. The reduction of the visual apparatus among ganoids has apparently been followed by no marked compensatory develop- ment of other of the special senses and has been accompanied indeed by a great reduction of the functional development of the cerebellum as compared with sharks. Apart, however, from the relatively small tectum opticum and the reduced cerebellum the general organization of the afferent functional divisions of the ganoid brain stem is on the whole more selachian than teleostean in character. The selachian arrangement of the communis area among ganoids has necessarily affected the distribution of the elements of the caudal viscero-motor column. Thus, except for the gen- erally more rostral position of the motor facial elements, the viscero-motor nuclear pattern of these animals is essentially similar to that of sharks. On the other hand, the effector organs of the head region in ganoids are modified in general away from the selachian type, so that especially in the arrangement of the gill laminae and operculum these forms present important teleostean resemblances. The peculiar combination of central selachian and peripheral telesotean characters noted above is apparently an evidence of 558 DAVIDSON BLACK the inability of the central nervous system in ganoids to specialize part passu with changed peripheral conditions. Definite evi- dence of this loss within the central nervous system of the capacity for unlimited specialization (suppression of neurobio- tactic activities) is to be seen in the restricted distribution of modern ganoids. Among teleosts the capacity for apparently unlimited varia- tions in the reflex pattern of the brain stem nuclei reaches its acme among the vertebrate series. Within this group the ex- treme specialization of any of the organs of special sense is followed by a corresponding amplification of the primary afferent nucleus or nuclei involved, together with a modification of the motor nuclear pattern in perfect harmony with reflex needs of the animal. Further, the specialization of effectors of whatever nature is also followed by an adequate corresponding adjust- ment of the reflex connections of the sensory and motor neurones involved. 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PRIMARY AND SECONDARY FINDINGS IN A SERIES OF ATTEMPTS TO TRANSPLANT CEREBRAL CORTEX IN THE ALBINO RAT ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN From the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., and the Anatomical Laboratory of the University of Chicago EIGHT FIGURES INTRODUCTION This paper is to report the findings of a somewhat extended attempt to transplant cerebral cortex. In two instances, at least, the attempt to keep alive the neurons within the tissue seemed to meet with success, although not in the manner de- sired, since the tissue transferred from one animal to a second animal became adherent in a position such that the extending axons could not grow into adjacent nervous tissue. The secondary findings have some interest also, and the en- tire problem has a value because of its bearing on the question of the vitality of nervous tissues. Continuation of the life and growth of nervous tissue in vitro has been accomplished suc- cessfully, Harrison, ’07, Burrows, 711, Lewis, ’12, but the per- petuation of the vitality of nervous tissue transferred from one region of the nervous system to another region has met with greater difficulties. In the earlier attempts at transplantation it was found that the transplanted mass did not disintegrate entirely and disap- pear, but that the neurons died, leaving the supporting struc- tures to represent the original transplanted portion. Of the earlier attempts at transplantation those of W. Gilman Thompson, 90, of Saltykow, ’05, and of Del Conte, ’07, may be cited. In 565 566 ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN 1909, Ranson reported successful transplantation of the spinal ganglion into the brain. Marinesco and Bethe had earlier transplanted ganglia to a position adjacent to the sciatic nerve. In these cases of successful transplantation the neurons remained alive. In 1904, while research assistant in the Neurological Labora- tory of the University of Chicago in charge of Professor H. H. Donaldson, I began some experiments in the transplantation of cortical cerebral tissue in young albino rats. MATERIAL SELECTED The albino rat was selected because of its adaptability as a laboratory animal. In contrast to the adult animals which had earlier been selected for attempted transplantation, a more 1m- mature animal was utilized. At the ninth or tenth day from birth the cerebral tissue of the albino rat is not mature, the hairy coat is not sufficiently developed to interfere with opera- tion, and although the young must be left in the mother’s care after the operation, they are not given that assiduous care which renders operation on very young animals so difficult. It is possible to return the operated young to the nest without fear of attack upon them from the mother, if the precautions mentioned under the discussion of methods of operation are observed. The records show that in all forty-six rats were operated. Two of these rats died soon after operation. Nine other brains showed nothing of interest on macroscopical examination. Thirty-five brains were sectioned and studied. For purposes of tabulation as appears in table 1, the forty- six operations are divided into four series made up of an irregu- lar number of groups. The term group had a definite connota- tion and marked the number of animals operated at one time. A group usually consisted of the young of one litter, the trans- plantation being made from one to another young rat of one litter. The brains were thus equally mature at time of opera- tion and the rats of the closest consanguinity. It was hoped that these two points might have weight in the preservation of TRANSPLANTATION OF CEREBRAL CORTEX Qn ey) | dh Rat 2. fof 4/14/1907 4/22/1907 6/26/1907 (ay) (65 Girouye . OY, IRettllsccs: - Q 4/17/1907 4/26/1907 7/ 1/1907 75) 66 Rian Q 4/17/1967 4/26/1907 7/ 1/1907 75| 66 Riaitnouere (of 4/17/1907 4/26/1907 7/ 1/1907 75| 66 568 ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN TABLE 1—Concluded Se | sete ae SEX BORN OPERATED KILLED é é es 2 | 56 Giroyigoy We, Ite Wo. 2S 5/14/1907 5/23/1907 | 10/ 4/1907 | 143) 134 Raitie2e eee eee 5/14/1907 5/23/1907 | 10/ 4/1907 | 143) 1384 IRAE Bs 5 Snell Gt 5/14/1907 5/23/1907 | 10/ 4/1907 | 143) 134 Rv eS Gere olf or 5/14/1907 5/23/1907 | 10/ 4/1907 | 143) 134 Group VI, Rat 1 o 5/23/1907 6/ 1/1907 9/24/1907 | 125) 116 IRAN Ze oo aal| 6 5/23/1907 6/ 1/1907 | 11/28/1907 | 185} 176 IREMi Bosco of 5/23/1907 6/ 1/1907 | 12/28/1907 | 220) 211 Rat 4... fe} 5/23/1907 6/ 1/1907 | 12/28/1907.) 220) 211 Group) Vil, Rat i..: ot 6/16/1907 6/27/1907 | 11/30/1907 | 167) 156 IRENE 25 oc of 6/16/1907 6/27/1907 | 12/28/1907 | 195) 184 Ratnomer y 6/16/1907 6/27/1907 | 12/28/1907 | 195) 184 vitality in the transplanted material. The consanguinity may have particular value if closely related individuals have a simi- lar metabolism and hence a like chemical constitution of the body tissues. METHOD OF OPERATING For the convenience of the operator, the left hemisphere of the brain was chosen for operation in each case. A portion of the cerebral cortex was selected for removal, the loss of which would least interfere with the nutrition of the operated animal The skin was first opened near the median line of the head by an incision carried from the region of the eyes to the nape of the neck, an incision of not excessive length in the young albino rat. The flap on the left side was retracted by pulling on the skin at some little distance from the line of incision. Then with fresh sterile scissors a cartilaginous flap was made in the parie- tal region of the skull. This was accomplished by a crescent- shaped incision with the attached base just above the ear. This procedure was repeated on a second rat. Then with a thin knife a triangular portion of the thin cortex was removed from the first rat and replaced by a similar portion from the second rat. The ineision was usually made in such a way that the TRANSPLANTATION OF CEREBRAL CORTEX 569 apex of the triangle extended downward. The time consumed in the transfer of the cortex was made as short as possible. In the earlier operations the lateral ventricle was often accident- ally opened, although the intention had been to remove and replace a thin superficial portion of cortex only. The appar- ently successful cases were found to be those in which the ventricle had been opened and a bit of cortex had become ad- herent to the choroid plexus. During and after the operation the dura was preserved if possible but in rats of ten days the cerebral membranes are very delicate and difficult to differ- entiate from one another. Sometimes the dura remained con- veniently attached to the cartilaginous flap. After trans- ference of the cortical mass the cartilaginous flap was freed, the skin drawn over it and the edges of the skin retained in proximity by a collodion dressing. Attention to a number of details was found to be advanta- geous. Complete anaesthesia before and during the operation was found necessary, otherwise the struggles of the animal caused protrusion of the cerebral substance through the incision. Asepsis was secured by using successive sets of sterile instru- ments. No antiseptic was used other than the ether of the collodion dressing. Maintenance of the body warmth both dur- ing and after the operation was essential. This eare for the maintenance of the body heat and that for the exclusion of anti- septics were the very helpful suggestions of Prof. C. 8. Sherring- ton, who was a visitor to the laboratory during the early experi- mental period. Care was exercised not to injure adjacent cere- bral structures. Transplanted material was handled rapidly and with a warm knife. An almost insuperable difficulty ap- peared to be that of retaining the transferred material in the desired place. At ten days of age the cerebral cortex of the albino rat is soft and plastic. The removal of tissue leaves an irregular and almost imperceptible cavity, so that the trans- ferred tissue is displaced almost immediately from the con- vexity of the cerebral hemisphere. In the later series an at- tempt was made to permit the formation of a thin blood clot lying over the transferred bit of tissue and extending to the 570 ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN adjacent parts ot the hemisphere. This splint would be, I believe, an important factor in ultimate success. The operation was done under ether anaesthesia and the animal kept warm, both during the operation and for two or three hours after the operation, until it had thoroughly recov- ered from the anaesthetic, and the odor of the ether from the anaesthetic and from the collodion dressing had disappeared. Then the young rats were returned to the nest and met with no interference from the mother other than futile attempts to re- move the collodion dressing. The quiet and seclusion of the nest during the few days after operation aided convalescence. Young rats are not inclined to stray from the nest until the eyes open, about the fourteenth day of life. EXAMINATION OF THE MATERIAL No microscopical studies of the early conditions of the trans- planted material were attempted, as the attention was cen- tered on an effort to ascertain whether such transplanted ma- terial would later contain mature neurons with medullated axons. The brains of a few rats which died soon after operation gave no suggestion of the survival of the transplanted tissue. A few of the operated brains especially from the rats of the earlier operations, showed some inflammatory changes, with disintegration of the cerebral substance, about the region of the incision. The rats upon whom these experiments were carried out gave the appearance of normal rats. No convulsions or paralyses were noted in the operated animals. Control rats were studied during the course of the first operations but, when no sequellee of the operative procedure were noted, the observation of control rats was abandoned. The examination of the material removed post-mortem was of two kinds. The first of these was the gross examination at the time of autopsy, when notes were made regarding the con- dition of the skull, of the meninges, and of the cerebral substance as to the superficial extent of the wound, location of the cica- trix, et cetera. The brains were then removed and fixed in TRANSPLANTATION OF CEREBRAL CORTEX Di ten per cent formalin. Some weeks before the brains were to be embedded for cutting, they were mordanted in toto in Miiller’s Fluid. The blocked material was cut serially either in thirty or forty-five micra sections and stained by the Weigert- Pal method. Alternate sections were counter-stained with Upson’s Carmine. The sections were studied individually under low and high power. I am indebted for the drawings to Miss Katherine Hill and Mr. A. B. Stredain. The completion of this study was made possible through the courtesy of Dr. R. R. Bensley and Dr. C. J. Herrick, who granted me an additional amount of free time for the microscopical study of the sections. The rats used were bred in the laboratory, with the exception of Series IV, Group I, for which I am indebted to Dr. J. B. Watson. THE FINDINGS FOR CEREBRAL TRANSPLANTATION The investigation now reported was undertaken for the pur- pose of determining the possibility of maintaining the life of nerve cells in bits of transplanted cerebral cortex. This con- tinuity of vitality has been found possible and growth has gone on in the neurons transplanted. The neurons which have sur- vived have assumed their morphological relations to other neu- rons within the transplanted bit. The growth changes within the transplants are very similar to those of normal material of about the same age. Medullation is fully accomplished. ‘The number of medullated fibers is however relatively smaller than in normal material but this is probably due to the absence of such fibers as grow into any cerebral region from other parts of the brain. The growth of the individual neurons has been very considerable. Watson, 03, found that the cortex of the brain of the albino rat is but slightly developed at the tenth day of life, the age at which transplantation was attempted, and that medullation appears much later. The transplanted neurons must therefore have been very immature. BV? ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN The possible relations of these transplanted neurons with neurons outside of the transplanted portions have not been de- termined by the results of these experiments. In no brain of the four, with successful transplants, did the transplanted bit so attach itself that fibers could cross the line of attachment to unite functionally with adjacent neuron masses. The two points of chief importance in successful cerebral transplantation are first, the retention in place of the material transferred, and second, the furnishing to it of an adequate blood supply. Apparently the death of neurons in blocks of transplanted cerebral cortex has been due to some factor which has not affected the vitality of other tissues. The supporting tissues of the cortex have lived and retained the mass form of the transplanted bit. This may suggest the lack of sufficient nourishment for the nervous elements. In my own successful operations, the transplanted portions have remained adherent to the denuded portions of the cortex but have taken some position near the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle and have apparently received their blood supply from that source. Dr. Ranson permits me to mention that in carrying on some further (unreported) studies in the transplantation of nerve ganglia into the brain he found the most nearly normal conditions in those ganglia which were within or adjacent to the choroid plexus. This may have been due to the more complete anchor- age of the material or to a more adequate nourishment, and my own experience would put emphasis on the latter reason. It would seem then that after the mechanical difficulties of securing juxtaposition have been solved, the viability of the transplanted tissues will be secured by guaranteeing sufficient nourishment. My chief reason for believing these four to be true trans- plantations of cerebral cortex is the finding in each instance a line of cicatricial tissue about the mass of cortex in question. To follow the enclosing cicatrix it was necessary to study serial sections, and to assure oneself that the tissue mass in ques- tion was not partly separated from the remainder of the brain, or a bit which had been twisted out of its original position in the TRANSPLANTATION OF CEREBRAL CORTEX Sia course of the operation and had retained its vitality because of its ability to draw nourishment from its original blood supply. To illustrate the conditions found in successful transplants, drawings have been made from sections of the brain of Rat 2 of Series IV, Group IV Figures 1 and 2 are drawn from sec- tions 119-120 of this brain. Figure 2 is a detail from the region Fig. 1 Showing at A a bit of transplanted cerebral cortex in the albino rat. From sections 119-120, Series IV, Group IV, Rat 2. X 7.5. marked A in figure 1. This is by chance the first true trans- plantation to be noticed as all the material was carried through before detailed studies were made upon the completed slides. Later in the course of reéxamination, other true transplants were observed. On the discovery of the transplant, figures 1 and 2, it was thought possible that it might be a portion of tissue pinched off from the hippocampus, to which it hes adjacent. However a rather wide band of cicatricial tissue could be seen in the double stained sections, separating the mass from the adjoining 574 ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN structures. The position of the perikarya, also, and the rela- tions of the medullated nerve fibers are those of a bit of inverted cerebral cortex. The capillary blood supply appears to be derived through the cicatricial adhesion to the plexus choroideus of the lateral ventricle. AOD yee v 8 &@ TSE’ @ &, 4 Showing attachment of transplanted portion (A) Fig. 2. Detail of figure 1. The cortex is inverted and adherent to the to hippocampus (//) at the left. choroid plexus (C. P.) from which it seems to derive its blood supply. While the general type of cerebral cortex prevails in the por- tions transplanted, certain differences from normal cortex can be detected. Such areas have a slightly different reaction to staining agents than have surrounding areas. The colors vary slightly in intensity and in shade from those of the rest of the section. After fixation and staining the neurons appear some- TRANSPLANTATION OF CEREBRAL CORTEX SID what fragmented, especially the free endings of the medullated nerve fibers which easily fray. The blood supply is less ample in such regions, the capillaries being more slender and less well filled. THE MASSING OF CORTICAL FIBERS In addition to what we may regard as true transplantation of cerebral cortex, other interesting results of the operations were noted. One of these was reported at a joint meeting of the Chicago Neurological Society and the Biological Club of the University of Chicago, March 30, 1909, under the title “‘On the course of cortical tangential fibers developing after ablation of encephalic cortical substance.’ Perhaps the use of the term ‘tangential’ in this connection is misleading. The fibers to which the report refers were parallel to the surface of the brain and located at various depths throughout the cortex. They were not tangential in the narrower sense of the term as it is applied to the fibers lying near the surface of the cortex. Ata later time it was noted in other brains that vertical fibers were also apparently increased in number. The materials in which these conditions were noted were produced in the following way. When the operator accidentally opened into the lateral ventricle in the course of operation, there was a tendency for the sub- ventricular substance to protrude through and to widen the original opening. It was while studying serial sections of a brain in which this had occurred that the apparent increase of fibers about the open space was noted. In the normal cerebral cor- tex of the albino rat many scattered medullated nerve fibers may be found at various depths running parallel to the surface of the cortex. In those brains in which considerable openings occurred, there appeared, in transverse serial sections, to be a massing of fibers parallel to the cortex. These bands of fibers could be traced from outlying cortex and were found to merge into cerebral tissue which had about the normal number of fibers which were parallel to the surface. It seemed at the time that neuron processes which in their growth were not able to follow the path usual to them had been deflected by the wall of the 576 ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN open space and formed a band along the margin. It appeared that the massing was more noticeable when the margin of the opening was near the center of the antero-posterior diameter of the hemisphere than when it was near the frontal or occipital Fig. 3. Showing margin of wound with a massing (M/) of cortical fibers. These fibers can be traced in successive sections, to the surrounding margin of the open space produced by the ablation. Zeiss microscope, camera lucida. Outline on table level with Ocular 2, Objective 16.0 mm. pole of the hemisphere and that this was correlated with the marked inerease in the number of such fibers in the corre- sponding region. It seemed possible then to interpret these fibers as association fibers because they could be found at various TRANSPLANTATION OF CEREBRAL CORTEX a7 levels in the cortex, could not be traced to projection fibers, and extended some distance through the cortex. Fibers of this kind can be found at M in figures 3 and 4 and in figures 5 and 6. Fig. 4 Detail of figure 3. Showing the upper part of figure 3. Some small neurons (V) may be seen among the massed fibers. Zeiss microscope, camera lucida, outline on table level with Ocular 2, Objective 8.0 mm. The more recent work of Greenman, 716, suggests a satis- factory interpretation of the number of medullated nerve fibers found circling the gap in the cortex. Dr. Greenman found in studies on the regeneration of peripheral nerves that the num- ber of nerve fibers on the proximal side of the lesion in the re- generating nerve was enormously increased over the normal. 578 ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN This increase apparently depended on the amount of obstruction offered by the connective tissue through which the nerve fibers must grow to reach their peripheral terminations. This inter- pretation may well account for the large number of fibers found in such sections as those shown in figures 3 and 4 and figures 5 and 6. The growth of tissue around a gap in central nerve sub- Fig. 5 Showing massing of cortical fibers along the open wound (W). Fibers apparently extend into the internal capsule (J. C.). Freehand drawing from Sec- tion 121, Series I, Group IV, Rat 3. stance is comparable to their growth through connective tissue in peripheral nerves and may be governed by the same laws. THE GROWTH OF MEDULLATED NERVE FIBERS ACROSS CICATRICIAL TISSUE Ranson, ’03, demonstrated that processes of neurons could grow across cicatricial tissue and develop their medullary sheaths. These findings were on stab wounds of the corpus callosum in the albino rat. The cerebral cortex of operated TRANSPLANTATION OF CEREBRAL CORTEX 079 rats, in my experiments, yielded similar nerve fibers in such instances as the incision had extended for some distance into otherwise normal tissue and the coapted edges had united by the formation of cicatricial tissue. The fibers traversing the cica- tricial tissue are no more numerous in my material than they were in that of Dr. Ranson, but are distinctly to be seen and, in favorable sections, may be traced for some distance. Fig. 6 Detail from figure 5. Freehand drawing. Magnification unknown. THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY, VOL. PAs No. 4 580 ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN Ranson interpreted these fibers as processes of neurons which were immature at the time of operation. Their perikarya may be located at some distance from the cicatrix. At F’,, in figures 7 and 8, may be noted such medullated nerve fibers crossing cicatricial tissue in the cerebral cortex of an albino rat. Fig. 7 Showing a section of the brain of the albino rat from a region near the posterior pole. In the dorsal part of the left hemisphere is a light line (L) marking the line of incision, with a few medullated nerve fibers crossing it (F). From sections 81-82, Series IV, Group IV, Rat 3. X 6. SUMMARY By the use of immature nervous tissue from the brain of the albino rat the life of the constituent neurons in the cerebral cortex has been maintained after transplantation. After many unsuccessful attempts this result was obtained by utilizing a thin covering blood clot to retain the graft in position. The best nourished grafts were those which lay near the plexus choroideus of the lateral ventricle. In the neurons of the transplanted cortex certain differences from those of normal tissue were detected. These differences were in the staining intensity and morphology of the perikarya and medullated fibers. The blood supply was less ample. TRANSPLANTATION OF CEREBRAL CORTEX DS 1 A massing of tangentially placed medullated nerve fibers was found about the open spaces produced by accidental abla- These tangential fibers probably connect dif- tions of cortex. This aberrance of nerve ferent parts of the cerebral cortex. fibers shows that a new path may be routed when the usual path has been permanently blocked. a ==-T 7 3 \ \ ee k ue Fig. 8 Detail from figure 7, showing the line (Z) of cicatricial tissue with several medullated nerve fibers (Ff) crossing it. X 28. Similar bands of projection fibers were noted along the margins of incised wounds. Corroborative evidence was noted for Ranson’s finding re- garding the growth of medullated nerve fibers across cicatricial tissue in the nervous system. 582 ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN LITERATURE CITED Burrows, Montrose T. 1911 The growth of tissues of the chick embryo out- side the animal body, with special reference to the nervous system. Jour. Exp. Zoél., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 63-83. Det Conte, G. 1907 Einpfanzungen von Embryonalem Gewebe im Gehirn. Ziegler’s Beitrage zur pathol. Anat. u. z. allg. Pathol., Bd. 42, H. 1, S. 193-201. GREENMAN, M. J. 1916 Regeneration of peripheral nerves. Proceed. Phila. Neurolog. Soc., Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 62-67. Harrison, Ross GRANVILLE 1907 Observations on the living developing nerve fiber. Anat. Rec., vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 116-118. Lewis, WARREN H. anp Lewis, MarGaret Reep 1912 The cultivation of sympathetic nerves from the intestine of chick embryos in saline solutions. Anat. Rec., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 7-32. Ranson, 8S. WaLtTeR 1903 On the medullated nerve fibers crossing the site of lesions in the brain of the white rat. Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 185-207. 1909 Transplantation of the spinal ganglion into the brain. Quar- terly Bull. Northwestern Univ. Med. School, pp. 1-4. Sauttykow, 8. 1905 Versuche tber Gehirnplantation. Archiv f. Psychiat. u. Nervenkrankh. Bd. 40, H. 2, S. 329-388. THompson, W. GitMAN 1890 Successful brain grafting. New York Medical Journal. SUBJECT CANTHIAS. The cerebral ganglia and _ early nerves of Squalus Albino rat. A revision of the arenes of water in the brain and in the spinal cord OMENS are CET ECU ais seme ciaciae oe: Albino rat—in two parts. I. Effect of a de- fective diet and of exercise. II. Number of cells in bulb. Studies on the olfactory bulbs of the Albino rat. in a series of attempts to transplant cere- hralecortexaimnthew smelt nr. felsic eres ie Albino rat—under normal conditions, in dis- ease and after stimulation. The number, size and axis-sheath relation of the large myelinated fibers in the peroneal nerve Ofthesinioned ayer eerie Alligator mississippiensis. The forebrain of. Axis-sheath relation of the large myelinated fibers in the peroneal nerve of the inbred albino rat—under normal conditions, in disease and after stimulation. The num- ber, size and... EE during the life cycle. Nuclear size in the nerve cells of the. ve Behavior of frog embryos. Studies on regen- eration in the spinal cord. II. The ef- fect of reversal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the polarity of the elements of the cord and on the Biography, Susanna Phelps Gage, Ph.B..... Buiack, Davipson. The motor nuclei of the cerebral nerves in phylogeny; a study of the phenomena of neurobiotaxis. Part I. Cyclostomi and Pisces. . Brain and in the spinal cord of the albino rat. etme of the percentage of water in ee oe Reet TA ee SEE MAS Bulbs of the albino rat—in two parts. I. Effect of a defective diet and of exercise. Il. Number of cells in bulb. Sturies on the olfactory. ELL bodies by the use of the polar planim- eter. Further verification of functional size changes in nerve. . Cells of the bee during the life cycle. clear size in the nerve Cells in bulb. Studies on the olfactor y bulbs of the albino rat—in two parts. I. Ef- fect of a defective diet and of exercise. Il. Number of Changes in nerve cell bodies by the use of the polar planimeter. Further verifications OfmuNcthional Size... weet ate ae ee eee Cord of the albino rat. A revision of the per- centage of water in the brain and in the SDMA pene ee ck rt Cord. IJ. Effeet of reversal of a portion ‘of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the polarity of the elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog embryos. Studies on regeneration in the spinal ares ee Primary and secondary findings 405 325 403 69 201 299 69 201 299 AND AUTHOR INDEX Cord wounds, on the polarity of the-elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog embryos. Studies on regeneration in the spinal cord. II. The effect of reversal of a portion of the spinal cord.at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the..... ane IN ee ayo arnyae Cortex in the albino rat. Primary and sec- ondary findings in a series of attempts to transplant cerebral See Crossy, ELizABETH C \ROLINE The brain of Alligator mississippiensis. Ae Cycle. Nuclear size in the nerve cells of the bee dumine: the lifes:.2-2-.....-.-- Cyclostomi and Pisces. The motor nuclei of the cerebral nerves in phyloweny: a study of the phenomena of neurobiotaxis. Part fore- Bees Diet and of exercise. II. Number of cells in bulb. Studies on the olfactory bulbs of the albino rat—in two parts. I. Ef- fect of a defective : Douiey, Davin H. Further verification of functional size changes in nerve cell bodies by the use of the polar planimeter 2 Donaupson, Henry H. A revision of the percentage of water in the brain and in the spinal cord of the albino rat.......... Dunn, ExizanetH HopkKIns. Primary and secondar y findings in a series of attempts to transplant cerebral cortex in the albino EN eo Rene COSCO ERGs vy SODEoDS Mar Dynamic ‘polariz zation of the neurone. “Fur- ther contributions on neurobiotaxis. IX. An attempt to compare the pheonmena of neurobiotaxis with other phenomena of taxis and tropism. The.. MBRYOS. Studies on regeneration in the spinal cord. Il. The effect of re- versal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the polar- ity of the elements of the cord and on the DehaviOnOliTO peer eee talserr anes Exercise. If. Number of cells in bulb. Studies on the olfactory bulbs of the al- bino rat—in two parts. I. Effect of a de- fective ciebiandlOtesereee seer: IBER. Some experiments on the nature and function of Reissner’s Fibers in the peroneal nerve of the fbr al- bino rat—under normal conditions, in disease and after stimulation. The number, size and axis-sheath relation of the large myelinated Folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the polarity of the elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog embryos. Studies on regeneration in the spinal cord. Il. The effect of reversal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural 261 421 403 584 Forebrain of Alligator mississippiensis. The. Frog embryos. Studies on regeneration in the spinal cord. II. The effect of re- versal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the polar- ity of the elements of the cord and on the INDEX 325 behavior Ole «tes ere ee hee ee nee cia 421 Function of Reissner’s fiber. Some experi- ments on the nature and................. 117 Functional size changes in nerve cell bodies by the use of the polar planimeter. Fur- theraveritication Ota.ca-pe emer ecient 299 AGE, Stmon H. Glycogen in the nerv- ous system of vertebrates.. . 451 Gace, Susanna Puerps, PH.B. SRinenehy, 5 Ganglia and early nerves of Squalus acan- thiasseehoercerebral crys. ereerteleion cara ore 19 Glycogen in the nervous system of verte- IDTLOS sete eoeecerese ore ole ecole ere tee satate oiencte Chess a0 451 GREENMAN, M. J. The number, size and axis-sheath relation of the large myeli- nated fibers in the peroneal nerve of the inbred albino rat—under normal condi- tions, in disease and after stimulation..... EALING of the cord wounds, on the polarity of the elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog embryos. Studies on regeneration in the spinal cord. II. The effect of reversal of a por- tion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the. . Hour, Carouine M. Studies on the olfac- tory bulbs of the albino rat—in two parts. I. Effect of a defective diet and of exercise. IT. Hooker, DaveNpoRT. Studies on regenera- tion in the spinal cord. Il. The effect of reversal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the polarity of the elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog embryos...... NBRED albino rat—under normal condi- iG tions, in disease and after stimulation. The number, size and axis-sheath rela- tion of the large myelinated fibers in the peroneal nerve of the. APPERS, C.U. Arténs. Further con- tributions on neurobiotaxis. IX. An attempt to compare the phenomena of neurobiotaxis with other phenomena of taxis and tropism. The dynamic nolerization of the neurone ANDACRE, F. I The cerebral ganglia and early nerves of Squalus acanthias.. Life cycle. Nuclear size in the nerve cells of thewbee dunner tthe. .teceeee eee re OTOR nuelei of the cerebral nerves in phylogeny: a study of the phenomena of neurobiotaxis. Part I. Cyclostomi and Pisces. The Myelinated fibers in the: perone al nerve of the inbred albino rat—under normal condi- tions, in disease and after stimulation. The number, size and axis-sheath relation OL CH ONATEO ss tee, Me ae tee eee TERVE cell bodies by the use of the polar planimeter. Further verification of functional size changes in.... Nerve cells of the bee during the ¢ f th cycle. Nuclear size in the life Number of cells in bulb £ 403 421 . 421 403 261 19 69 467 403 . 299 Nerve of the inbred albino rat—under normal conditions, in disease and after stimula- tion. The number, size and axis-sheath relation of the large myelinated fibers in the peronealli-s 75a ee oeeneereotee Nerves in phylogeny: a study of the phenom- ena of neurobiotaxis. Part I. Cyclo- stomi and Pisces. The motor nuclei of ithe.cerebrallisi 5 wae ee ken Sener Nerves of Squalus acanthias. The cerebral gangliajandreankya-eec es eee eee Nervous system of vertebrates. PNUCHO Raf Acres ole ote Solarian ereh aieye ea ee ciae Neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the polarity of the elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog embryos. Studies on regeneration in the spinal cord. II. The effect of reversal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of itheclosedt sence ae OBC ee Neurobiotaxis. Part I. Cyclostomi and Pisces. The motor nuclei of the cerebral nerves in phylogeny: a study of the phe- Momens! Of. Wels ee eee e eee Neurobiotaxis. IX. An attempt to com- pare the phenomena of neurobiotaxis with other phenomena of taxis and tro- pism. The dynamic polarization of the neurone. Further contributions on...... Neurone. Further contributions on neuro- biotaxis. IX. An attempt to compare the phenomena of neurobiotaxis with other phenomena of taxis and tropism. The dynamic polarization of the.......... Nicuoutrs, GrorGe E. Some experiments on the nature and function of Reissner’s 0S ae er i a one onin ca enn Nuclear size in the nerve cells of the bee dur- ine-sthelifekeycless ae eae neem eee ee Nuclei of the cerebral nerves in phylogeny: a study of the phenomena of neurobio- taxis. Part I. Cyclostomi and Pisces. Phevmotorsetiec nse eae eee ee Oo bulbs of the albino rat—in two parts. I. Effect of a defective diet and of exercise. II. Number of cells in bulbs istudiesionitihe:- sae neeeeaoe ERONEAT,. nerve of the inbred albino rat—under normal conditions, in disease and after stimulation. The number, size and axis-sheath relation of the large mye- linated hibersamighes eee eee Puiuiuies, RutH I.., SMatLwoop, W. M. and. Nuclear size in the nerve cells of the bee Guringytheriieicyclessssm.s eee ee meee Phylogeny: a study of the phenomena of neurobiotaxis. Part I. Cyclostomi and Pisces. The motor nuclei of the cerebral MEV. SSH yj ery ees «a/R Ee Pisces. The motor nuclei of the cerebral nerves in phylogeny: a study of the phe- nomena of neurobiotaxis. Part I. Cy- Clostomlikand years. 0 sone Planimeter. Further verification of func- tional size changes in nerve cell bodies by ion bte(oi (haleMolENOnnan pA noounacoasr nes Polarity of the elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog embryos. Studies on regeneration in the spinal Cordsaul The effect of reversal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds oni thes. aes eerie Polarization of the neurone. Further con- tributions on neurobiotaxis. IX. An attempt to compare the phenomena of neurobiotaxis with other phenomena of taxis and tropism. The dynamic 403 467 19 451 421 467 261 261 liv 69 201 467 _ 299 421 AT. A revision of the percentage of water in the brain and in the spinal cord ofgtheralbinowvrc coe eceeee ee eis Rat—in two parts. I. Effect of a defective diet and of exercise. II. Number” of cells in bulb. Studies on the olfactory bulbstofctheral binossssee ase erie Rat. Primary and secondary findings in a series of attempts to transplant cerebral cCortexsin“bheyal binom-ereeeere eee cies Rat—under normal conditions, in disease and after stimulation. The number, size and axis-sheath relation of the large myeli- nated fibers in the peroneal nerve of the riMfayneoleM UNO nasa arsnern doagananacweoppnedc Regeneration in the spinal cord. II. effect of reversal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the polarity of the elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog embryos. ASIAUGES Oils sanssesosanaaes Pabe “Ue Ae tnie Reissner’s fiber. Some experiments on the nature and function of.. Reversal of a portion of the spi inal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the po- larity of the elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog embryos. Studies on regeneration in the spinal cord. II. Elche eliectiOlancecen tesco sateen ees HEATH relation of the large myelinated fibers in the peroneal nerve of the inbred albino rat—under normal conditions, in disease and after stimulation. The number, size and axis-.. Size and axis-sheath relation of the ‘large myelinated fibers in the peroneal nerve of the inbred albino rat—under normal con- ditions, in disease and after stimulation. Bovey T iis bel OD Pha eae A REL IRE 8 Geen Size changes in nerve cell bodies by the use of the polar planimeter. Further verifica- tion of functional... Size in the nerve cells of the bee during ‘the life cycle. Nuclear........... INDEX 77 201 565 403 421 117 421 403 403 299 SmaLitwoop, W. M. and Puiuips, Rurs L. Nuclear size in the nerve cells of the bee durmpitheilitercycles ee eae eee Spinal cord of the albino rat. A revision of the percentage of water in the brain and HV] (Ce Geena RHE eres een Spinal cord. II. The effect of reversal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healing of the cord wounds, on the polarity of the elements of the cord and on the be- havior of frog embryos. Studies on re- reSyaleyeinopalshay (ed aasou sons aoebce Geedos Godos Squalus acanthias. The cerebral ganglia and OCArlysNeEviesiOlemecrst sae eee en System of vertebrates. Glycogen in the DEL VOUS ee cseeeetot ee aoe AXIS and tropism. The dynamic polar- ization of the neurone. Further contri- butions on neurobiotaxis. IX. An at- tempt to compare the phenomena of neu- robiotaxis with other phenomena of...... 2 Transplant cerebral cortex in the albino rat. Primary and secondary findings in a Senies ofattemptaston nena oe eens é Tropism. The dynamic polarization of the neurone. Further contributions on neu- robiotaxis. IX. An attempt to compare the phenomena of neurobiotaxis with other phenomena of taxis and............. 3 ERTEBRATES. Glycogen in the nerv- OUsSsystemyrOlaisac ce eee ATER in the brain and in the spinal W cord of the albino rat. A revision ol theypercentaroolaseme eee Wounds, on the polarity of the elements of the cord and on the behavior of frog em- bryos. Studies on regeneration in the spinal cord. II. The effect of reversal of a portion of the spinal cord at the stage of the closed neural folds on the healirg ofthe i cord Masa seec see a eee 585 69 421 19 451 77 eye uli Siac Hy tect ia Wy Sia Ni ow ee et Ve i ee ek re ie *~? a6 ty oy 4 » phytate ¥ ‘ee aft * ws oe oe AS ‘e SOK ae St anavets: . + + : Ps Ae a! = * Sa Tr ¥ me we (x ae ee . S y xs ex) se * és ite st “ Hy °. oes e * aty ES htt * + ¥ * * or, * ‘. 9 **, a se <> he 4& a a2 sree * ¥, ? * a Byte ae * ce ve .. at - a ‘4, t a states See et eK se, *, % ¥ > %,) ee ae eae mr Sh + he ay ty Prats, & nt: BR we vy Pt vom She a Ss . +, Soe Se Nts yO 20 68S ae, FE » % ©. ‘eye ) ww +? * ‘al ~ ‘ oe . ir 2 ) wy PH mY am a, ¥ oe Coe e+ oe, 54 earetanarece * i MoM + a >, a < ae CO, . 6. ¥. ak. PORK MO % Re 4 eee rent t 2, , v~ eM ee ee 64 ¥ ye, Oe Oe a ny a et ee Dd, > * . teh aes oy >, + ‘ se Sec 7+ he ‘ ‘. eet wee Ls zy! “¢ Parsee, toh, 8,2 @ t* ae . + . avy em - Poe > + ® ~ ? - 1s ie ¥ en fae ee -* * ‘fo eat ne. a ” = - * ’ « ae se a. 4% o-* . yy - “« — ate de te te te 19. fo & - * > * , fo 0 ® es * & Pagt e's ¥ oie» em