Ai^'^ -N.- :m :m^- EibnirD of the fflitscum OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COLlEdE, CAMBRIME, MASS. UlMdi The gift of ^ Z/ JOURNAL OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIf J n u '~\rp i I VOLUME VI— PART I. JANUARY— JUNE. 1889. PERMANENT SECRETARY: F. P. VENABLE, . CHAPEL HILL, N C. E. M. UZZELL, STEAM PRINTER AND BINDER. RALEIGH, N. C, 1889. OFFICERS. 1889— 1890. president: H. T. Bahnson, M. D., Salem, N. C. vice-president: H. B. Battle, Ph. D., Raleigh, N. C. resident vice-president: J. A. Holmes, B. Agr., Chapel Hill, N. C. permanent skcretary and treasurer: K. p. Vknakle, Ph. I)., F. C. S., .... Ciiapel Hill, N. C. recording secretary and librarian: J. W'.i'.oHK, (\ K ; Chapel Hill, N. C. library AN1> place of MEETING: CHAPKL HILL, N. C. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. List of Officers 2 Historical Notes Concerning the Nortii Carolina Geolo^^ncal Survey. Prof. J. A. Holmes ,5 Turpentine and Rosin. Dr, W.B.Phillips 19 The Crensoting of Wood with Wood Creosote Oil. I. H. Manning 27 Botany as a Disciplinary Study. Gerald McCarthy 33 Records of Meetings 38 JOURNAL OF THE Elislia Mitchell Scientific Society. HISTORICAL NOTES CONCERNING THE NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS.* J. A. HOLMES. There are three North Carolina State surveys that have been called geological snrvey.s: (l)the '^ Geological and Mineralogical Survey,'' conducted by Professors Denison Olmsted and Elisha Mitchell (1824-28), here termed the Olmsted-Mitchell survey; (2) the "Geological, Mineralogical, Botanical and Agricultural Survey," prosecuted under Professor Ebenezer Emmons (1852-'61 or '64), here called the Emmons survey; and (3) the "Geologi- cal, Mineralogical, Botanical and Agricultural Survey," prose- cuted under Professor W. C. Kerr (1866-'85), here termed the Kerr survey. The last mentioned of these may be considered as in part a continuation of the second. Olmsted-Mitchell Survey, 1824—1828.* This "Geological and Mineralogical Survey" was proposed by Professor Olmsted in a letter laid before the State Board of Internal Improvements of North Carolina, December 1st, 1821. (Preserved in the Executive office, Raleigh). The Bi)ard approved, and presented the matter to the Legislature. The *Abstracted from a more elaborate sketch prepared by the writer for the U. S. Geological Survey, and published by permission of the Director, 6 JOURNAL OF THE Leii-islatiire took no action in the matter, however, until two years hiter, wlien the proposition was renewed. Tlie survey was authorized by act of the General iVssembly, ratified December 31st, 1823. This act made it the duty of the "Board of Agriculture of North Carolina to employ some person of (K)mpetent skill and science to commence and carry on a geological and miner- aloiiical survey of the various re^^ions of this State.'^ Denison Olmsted (at that time Professor of Cheniistry, Geol- ogy and Mineralogy in the University of N. C.) was appointed by the Board of Agriculture to make the survey, and prosecuted the work during the University vacations* of the years 1824 and 1825. In the latter part of 1825, Olmsted resiguf^d (to accept a professorship at Yale College), and was succeeded by Elisha Mitchell, both in the professorship in the University and as geologist of the survey. The work of the survey was prose- cuted by Professor Mitchell during the University vacations, beginning late in 1825 and continuing through 1828. The only assistant employed in the work of the surve\' was Charles E. Rothe, a "miner and mineralogist from Saxony,'^ engaged for a short time by Professor Olmsted in 1825 to make an examina- tion of portions of the "great slaty formation '' (Huronian of Kerr) which crosses the State. The general purposes of the survey appear to have been, on the part of Professor Olmsted (who proposed it) and Professor Mitchell, the opportunity to become acquainted with the geology and mineralogy of the State, and to procure specimens of rocks and minerals illustrative of the same, and, on the part of the State, the discovery of mineral de[)osits of value within the State, and the publication of reports, in which these deposits should be desci-ibed and the value and uses of the minerals made known to the people. The survey was sustained by an annual appropriation of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250), contiiuied for five years. This amount was each year paid over to the geologist, and out of it *AmountiDj^ to six weeks during the summer and four weeks during the winter. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 7 he bore all expenses of the survey, exclusive of publication. The oncologist's regular salary as professor in the University ($1,240) was continued (luring his connection with the survey. Small collections of rocks and minerals were made by both Olmsted and Mitchell and deposited at the State University; but these have disappeared. As to results: The survey is now of interest mainly from an historic stand-point as being the earliest of the American State surveys. It must be considered as little more than a rough geo- logical reconnoisance of the State, during which spe(;ial attention was given to minerals of economic; importance. And when one considers the condition of geological science at the time the sur- vey was made, the lack of experience in making geological sur- veys, the limited time and fund at the disposal of the geologists, but little more can be expected. Both Olmsted and Mitchell did work of permanent value in locating and describing briefly the ireoloirical formations of the middle and eastern sections of the State. The publications of the survey consisted of four small annual reports, each published as a part of a small volume of reports, essays, etc., and distributed free, under the direction of the State Board of Agriculture. The number of copies of each annual report published was fifteen hundred. Bibliography : Report on the Geology of North Carolina, Part I; by Deni- soD Olmsted. Raleigh, 1824, 12 mo., 41 pp. Report on the Geology of North Carolina, Part II; by Deni- son Olmsted. Raleigh, 1825, 12 mo., 58 pp. Report on the Geology of North Cavoliua, Part III; by Elisha Mitchell. To which is added a paper on Gold Mines of North Carolina, by C. E. Rothe, reprinted from Silliman's Jour- nal for 1825. Raleigh, 1827, 12 mo., 43 pp. Geological Report of Professor Mitchell. 1829, 12 mo., 8 pp. After the discontinuance of the Olmsted-Mitchell survey (1828) Professor Mitchell for several years continued to make 8 JOURNAL OF THE geological explorations through different portions of the State, at his own expense. The general results of these explorations he j)ublishe(l, in 1842, in a small text-book (Elements of Geol- ogy, with an outline of the Geology of North Carolina; for the use of the students of the University. 1842, 12 mo., 141 pp., with a geological map of North Carolina). No further organized State work in geology was undertakei^ until 1852. Emmons Survey, 1852—1864. The act authorizing this survey was passed by the General Assembly at its session of 1850-'51, and ratified January 24th, 1851. This act, under which the survey was organized and con- ducted, specified that the Governor should a[)point some suitable person to make a "Geological, Mineralogical, Botanical and Agricultural survey of the State,^^ and to prepar; for publication reports embodying the results of his investigations, and, when practicable, to deliver lectures on these subjects in. the villages of the State. The geologist was to appoint, subject to the approval of the Governor, such assistants as were necessary. The survey was sustained by an annual appropriation of five thousand dollars ($5,000), authorized by the act establishing the survey, to be paid upon the warrant of the Governor, out of the State Treasury. This was expended under the direction of the geologist, mainly, in payment of salaries. The geologist and assistants bore the ordinary expenses of the survey. Publication was paid for out of the State Treasury. Professor Emmons was appointed geologist by Governor Reid, October 8th, 1851. The work of the survey was begun in Jan- uary, 1852, and continuetl until the breaking out of the Civil War, in 1861. Nominally the sin'vey was continued until April, 1864; but during the war the geologist and assistant were engaged in procuring and manufacturing munitions of war and economic mineral ])roducts needed by the people of the State. Professor Emmons died October 1st, 1863, and the assistant geologist, Ebenezer Emmons, Jr., resigned April, 1864, which latter date marks the conclusion of the Emmons survey. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 9 The general j)urpo8e of the survey was the investigation of the geologv, natural history and natural resources of the State. But among these, the ol)ject which stood out more prominently and was more influential in leading to the establishment and maintenance of the survey, was the development of the mineral, minino; and agricultural interests of the State. As to the methods of operation adopted by the survey, only general statements can be made. The larger part of the work of the survey, in the field, office and chemical laboratory, was done by Professor Emmons and E. Emmons, Jr. Professor Emmons was the geologist, chemist, mineralogist, paleontologist and agriculturist of the survey. The assistants employed, except in the case of Dr. Curtis, were general assistants rather than specialists. The work of the survey was mainly in connection with the general geology, mining, agriculture and paleontology. In the field work these were given prominence according to their rela- tive importance in the regions being examined. In topography, practically nothing was attempted. In botany and zoology. Dr. Curtis' work appears to have consisted mainly of the writing up for publication the results of his observations previously made. In general geology, the formations east of the Blue Ridge appear to h;jve been examined with considerable care, as to out- lines, lithological and stratigraphical characteristics, and fossil remains (where these occur). Many results of these examina- tions were published in the reports for 1856 and 1858, but many of them were lost in the form of MSS. or field notes. In the region west of the Blue Ridge only a partial reconnoisance appears to have been made, the results of which were nearly all lost in the form of MSS. or field notes. In paleontology, a num- ber of both vertehrate and invertebrate fossil remains were dis- covered and described from the eocene, miocene and cretaceous marl pits and river bluffs of the eastern region ; as were also the remains of several interesting species of vertebrates, and a rich fossil flora from the Deep and Dan River coal fields of the older mesozoic. (See Emmons' N. C. Reports for 1856 and 1858, 10 JOURXAL OF THE American Geology, etc.). In mining, the principal then known, mineral ])ropertie.s of the State, were examined, drawings made of the veins and works, and, in many cases, analyses made of the ores. Of the results of these examinations, only a part was published; others were lost during the war. In agriculture, observations were made concerning the soils, their composition, products, and, through the reports of the survey, information was given as to methods of improving soils, etc. The chemical work included analyses of soils, farm products, ores, minerals, rocks, mineral waters, etc. A room in Professor Emmons' private house, fitted up for the purpose, cousiituted the laboratorv. Among the additions to science made by the survey may be mentioned: (1) the rich flora of the Deep River coal fields (mesozoic), where were found about forty species, nine of which appear to be peculiar to North Carolina; (2) four new species of fossil fish and batrachians, eight species of rej^iles and four of mammals, including the interesting insectiverous mammal, Dro- motherium sylvestre, in the older mesozoic of Chatham county, and a few species of molluscs. The cabinet of the surv^ey, located in the capitol building at Raleigh, contained a considerable number of specimens of rocks, minerals, ores, fossil plant and animal remains, soils, marls, etc., and was said to be one of considerable value. At the close of the Civil War (1865) it was nearly destroyed by soldiers passing through the city. The remnant was transferred to the State University, where it is at present. Personnel of the Survey; Professor Ebenezer Emmons, M. D., Geologist, in charge of the Survey, 1851-63, appointed by Governor Reid, October 8th, 1851, began work January, 1852, and continued in cliarge of the survey uj) to the date of his death, October 1st, 1863. Ebenezer Emmons, Jr., assistant geologist, 1852-^64, was gen- eral assistant in the field, laboratory and office w^ork. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 11 Spence McClenahan, assistant geologist, 1852-'54, was engaged mainly in making a geological and topographical snrvey of the Deep River coal field and adjacent sandstone region. Matthew B. Conklin, assistant geologist, April 1st, 1858 — March 31st, 1860, was engaged mainly in collecting fossils and other specimens. C. I). Smith, assistant geologist, 1859, engaged daring a few months in makino- a 2:eoloo:ical reconnoissance of the extreme western region of the State. Moses A. Curtis, D. D., botanist and zoologist, 1860-'62, was employed to prepare for publication by the survey reports on the botany and zoology of the State. Bibliography : Report of Professor Emmons on his Geological Survey of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1852, 12 mo., 181 pp. Five thou- sand copies published. Report on the Progress and Present State of the Geological and Agricultural Survey of North Carolina; by Ebenezer Em- mons. Raleigh, 1855, 12 mo., 20 pp. Geological Report of the Midland Counties of North Caro- lina; by Ebenezer Emmons. New York and Raleigh, 1856, 8 mo., XX, and 351 pp., 9 plates, 7 maps and sections. One thousand copies published. National Foundry — Deep River, North Carolina. Special Report of Dr. E. Emmons, Geologist to the State of North Carolina, concerning the Advantages of the Valley of the'Deep River as a Site for the Establishment of a National Foundry. Raleigh, 1857, 8 vo., 14 pp. Report of the North Carolina Geological Survey. Agricult- ure of the Eastern Counties, together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds; by Ebenezer Emmons. Raleigh, 1858, 8 vo., XVI, and 314 pp. Two thousand copies published. Agriculture of North Carolina, Part II; containing statement of the principles of the science upon which the practices of agri- culture as an art are founded ; by Ebenezer Emmons, State Geol- ogist. Raleigh, 1860, 8 vo., 112 pp. 12 JOURNAL OF THE North CaroliDa Geological Survey, Part II; Agriculture. Containing descriptions, with many analyses, of the Soils of the Swamp Lands; by Ebenezer Emmons, State Geologist. Raleigh, 1860, 8 vo., 95 pp. Geological and Natural History Survey of North Carolina, Part III; Botany. Containing descriptions and history of the Trees, Shrubs and Woody Yines; l»y Rev. M. A. Curtis, D. D. Raleigh, 1860, 8 vo., 123 pp. Legislative Doc. No. 25. Appendix B. Gen. Assem., Sess. 1860-61. A Report on the Natural Resources of that Part of North Carolina west of the Blue Ridge; by Ebenezer Emmons. Raleigh, 12 mo., 3 pp. Document No. 26. Gen. Assem., Sess. 1860-'61. Geological and Agricultural Survey. A Report of Progress; by Ebenezer Emmons. Raleigh, 12 mo., 6 pp. Agricultural, Geological and Descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina and the Similar Adjacent Lands; by Edmund Ruffin, of Virginia. Raleigh, 1861, 8 vo., 294 pp. Geological and Natural History Survey of North Carolina, Part III. Botany; containing a catalogue of the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants of the State; by Rev. M. A. Curtis, D. D., F. A. A. A. S., etc., etc. Raleigh, 1867, 8 vo., 158 pp. Unpublished Reports: — It appears that at the beginning of the Civil War there was on hand by Professor Emmons MSS. material for ])ublication sufficient for one or more large octavo volumes relating especially to the agriculture, mining and min- eral resources of the middle and western regions of the State; also in preparation a geological map of the State and a geological map of the Deep River coal fields, ready for publication; all of which appear to have been lost or destroyed during the war. There was also nearly or quite ready for publication reports by Dr. Curtis on the (Quadrupeds and Reptiles and the Birds of North Carolina, neither of which has been published, nor can be found at })resent. elisha mitchell scientific society. 13 Kerr Survey. The Kerr Survey was organized under the same law and with the same general functions as the Emmons Survey, of which it may be considered, in some respects, a continuation. Professor Kerr was appointed State Geologist in 1864, and held the position nominally during the last year of the war, hut 1)0 appropriation was made for the survey and no geological work was undertaken. During the following year, 1865-'66, the survey does not appear to have had even a nominal existence. Professor Kerr was re-appointed April, 1866, the survey was reorganized, and its work resumed. In 1877, by legislative enactment, the geo- logical survey, which formerly had existed as an independent organization, was made a co-operative department with the De- partment of Agriculture, and the State Chemist was made chemist ex officio to the survey; and in 1879 changes made in the law governing the survey brought the work of the latter still more under the control of the Depanment of Agriculture. The field work of the survey was practically discontinued in 1882, when Professor Kerr resigned to accept the position of Geologist on the United States Geological Survey, but was continued at inter- vals until his preparation by Professor A. A. Julien. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 19 Products of the Pine.* No. I. TURPENTINE AND ROSIN. W. B. PHILLIPS, Ph. D. Gentlemen of the Society: — It is designed in this paper to call the attention of the Society very briefly to some of the more salient features of the industry which, in the minds of most people, is associated with the name of North Carolina. In almost every text-book on the Geography and Resources of the United States the chief products of North Carolina are said to be Tar, Pitch and Turpentine, and, of late, Rosin, in spite of our 40,000,000 pounds of tobacco and 250,000 bales of cotton. North Carolina is known as the great naval store State. Has not our chief city been built up mainly through its trade in the products of the pine tree? Is not the Cape Fear the most tur- pentiny stream that flows? Are we not ourselves true Tar Heels? But if we were called upon to give a definition of Tar, or Pitch, or Turpentine, or Rosin, I fear that many of us would return rather misty replies. It is very generally true that our knowledge of some of the most common articles of every-day life is extremely superficial. This arises not so much from objective as from subjective difficulties. The obstacles are eso- teric. Familiarity, if it does not breed the usual contempt, does breed what is worse, a profound indifference It is with the hope that this indifference may be somewhat disturbed, if not entirely removed for the time being, that I desire to speak to you this evening on Turpentine and Rosin, twin products of the Long-leaf Pine. On the Atlantic coast, throughout a tract of land 600 miles long by 100 miles wide, beginning at Norfolk, Va., and ending *A series of articles will follow on this subject. 20 JOURNAL OF THE in the southern part of Georgia, there grows a pine tree, known to botanists as the Pinus Austrah's, to ordinary people as the Lon2:-leaf Pine. Its heis^ht is from 60 — 80 feet, its diameter 2 feet above the ground from 1 to 2 J feet. It has a thin bark, a cone from 6 — 8 inches long and from 4 — 6 inches across at the base, a wood with very little sap, and a leaf 10 — 18 inches long arranged in triplets in the sheath. A tree 60 — 70 feet in height has grenerally a diameter of 15 — 18 inches for 40 feet. This ' tree has also other names besides the two just quoted, as, for instance, with us it is sometimes called yellow pine, pitch pine and brown pine. Exported to the Northern States it is known as Southern pine and red pine; while in England and the AY est Indies it is termed Georgia pitch pine. For three-quarters of a century it has been the chief source whence the supplies of Tur- pentine and Rosin were drawn, and it will continue to be so for many years to come, as we have in this State alone more than five billion feet of merchantable Long-leaf pine standing. And as a dead tree can hardly be considered merchantable, we may feel satisfied that the supply will last fi)r many years yet. Our word turpentine is from the Latin terebinthus, meaning the terebinth, or turpentine tree. Mention is made of this tur|)entine tree in very early days, 2,000 years B. C, when Abraham first went into Canaan, v/cZ. Gen., xii, 6: ^' Plain of Moreh" should be "grove of turpentine trees at Moreh.'"" While Rosin (more correctly Resin, which is the older word), at one time derived from t!ie Greek word meaning to flow, is now com])ared with the Sanskrit rala (the resinous exudation from the Shorea Robusta, or the "Sal'^ tree of Northwestern India). The resinous exudation from this tree is much like copaiva bal- sam, and a most costly camphor, Malay or Sumatra cam[)hor, is obtained from it. But what is Turpentine? If I were to say that Turpentine is not Turj)entine, perhaps I would be regarded as making a very foolish assertion. And yet it is even so. What we call Turpentine in common life is a very different thing from the Turpentine of commerce. In trade the ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 21 crude gum which exudes from the i)ine is called Turpentine, in common life one of the volatile products of the distillation of this gum is called Turpentine. In other words, in trade the distlllant is Turpentine, in common life the distillate is Turpen- tine. WImt we call Turpentine is in the trade called '^spirits," or spirits of Turpentine. In most text-books on chemistry mention is made of "oil of turpentine," a term not used in com- merce, meaning spirits of Turpentine. What is Rosin? Rosin is the residue left in the still after the extraction of the "spirits." It is strained, cooled by exposure to the air, and allowed to crystallize. You will, therefore, please consider the term Turpentine as meaning the crude gum (before distillation); the term "spirits," or Spirits of Turpentine, as meaning the most important sub- stance distilled off from this gum, and Rosin the residue left in the still, drawn off while hot, strained and crystallized. There are three kinds of Turpentine, viz. : virgin, yellow-dip and scrape. There are four kinds of spirits, viz.: white spirits and 1st, 2d and 3d ''shade:' Of Rosin, excluding "opaque Rosins," there are fourteen dif- ff^rent kinds, viz.: A., B., C, D., E., F., G., H., L, K., M., K, W. G. and W. W. Of these the highest grade is W. W. (water- white), l)eauti fully clear and transparent, and almost colorless. Then W. G. (window-glass), also clear and transparent, but a shade darker in color than the W. W. Then N. Rosin, also clear and transparent, but a shade darker tlian W. G. And so on down to A., omitting L. and J., each letter signifying a Rosin of darker color, until when A. is reached the Rosin is black and allows no ray of light to pass through. And I may say just here that there are two main causes of the difference in color between Rosins: 1st. The quality of the Turpentine. 2d. The care bestowed upon the process of distillation. W. W. Rosin is almost colorless, A. ftosin is black, and between the two lie various shades of very light amber, a dark wine-color, and black. 22 JOURNAL OF THE There are two kinds of opaque Rosin, viz. : water-opaque, in which the opacity is due to admixed water, and spirit-opaque, or *'Coachey" Rosin, in which the opacity is due to admixed "spir- its." Both are whitish and non-transparent. Let us now consider more in detail the Turpentine, or crude gum. Supp«>se we have a small forest of 10,000 trees, which have never been worked for Turpentine. The first thing to be done is to "box'' them. The "box" is made on the sid^, preferably on the south side, of the tree from 4 — 6 inches above the ground, bv cutting into the tree from above, sloping the cut across the grain of the wood, and then meeting this cut with another at an angle of 5° — 10°. The chip taken oif leaves a cut on the side of the tree, holding about two pints, and known as the "box." If the winter is mild and open this operation is begun during the month of December, and carried on through January, Feb- ruary, and into March. Ten thousand (10,000) trees constitute a "crop," and one man cuts the boxes. At the first approach of warm weather the Turpentine begins to exude from between the bark of the tree and the wood, runs down the incline and into the box, from which it is taken with wooden or iron scoops and put into barrels, preparatory to being carried to the still. If the weather be favorable the trees will yield Turpentine for seven months the first year, beginning with April and ending with October. During that time about 18 inches ol' the bark of the tree are removed, so that at the end of the first year we have cut the box and removed 18 inches of bark. From 7 to 9 col- lections are made from each tree during the season, and as each box holds 2 pints, we get from 7 to 9 quarts per tree in a season. We have 10,000 trees, so that we should have at the end of the first year from 17,500 to 22,500 gallons of Turpentine, all of it " virgin," i. e., of the very best quality. It is common to estimate the yield of 10,000 trees for rhe first year at 250 — 300 barrels of " virgin." The standard weight of a barrel of Turpentine is 280 pounds, which includes the weight of the barrel, but, in reality, these barrels seldom weigh so little as 280 pounds, ranging from 280 — 325 pounds. If we have selected the bushy top, thin ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 23 bark trees, growing in a sandy, dry soil ; if we have cut our *^ boxes" properly, and attended them carefully, and had good weather, we should get 280 barrels of 300 pounds each of *' virgin (lip. What shall we do with it? How can we obtain spirits of Turpentine and Rosin from it? By distilling it in a coj)per still. Formerly iron stills were used, but they imparted a reddish tinge to the spirits, so uow copper stills are used, holding froai 6 — 50 l^arrels of Turpentine, the ordinary size holding 15 barrels. Turpentine may be regarded as a mixture of spirits of Tur- pentine, water and Rosin. The water, of course, boils at 100° C, the Rosin melts at 100°, and above 150° C. is gradually decomposed. The "spirits" l)oils at 158° C. Up to 100° C, then, very little will come over except water. Mixed with the water is a certain amount of pyroligneous acid, methyl alcohol, ether, and, j)erhap^, formic acid, which mixture is termed ^'low wine," and is frequently used by the laborers for kidney troubles. As the heat rises above 100° C. the "spirits" begins to come over, being yielded most abundantly, of course, at its boiling point, 158° C. The "spirits" accumulates on top of the low wine in the tub, and runs into a separate tub through a cock near the top of the first one. Of course in such a viscid mass as " vir- gin dip" it is only by long continued boiling, even at teuaperatures above 100° C, that the water is expelled, so that a good deal of water comes over with the "spirit^," and the boiling is kept up until tht! proportion of spirits and water in an ordinary turabler- full is 1 of spirits to 8 or 9 of water, i. e., from IJ — 2J hours^ But where does all this water come from? It cannot all exist in the Turpentine, and, so far as known, it is not a decomposi- tion product. It is added to (he Turpentine in the still either at the beginning of the distillation or after it has been in prog- ress for an hour. Its office appears to be to assist in the expul- sion of the "spirits," by causing a more violent bubbling and boiling, with consequent vesiculation of the mass in the still. Operating with " virgin dip," L e., the yield of the first year, the distillation is stopped before all the "spirits" is driven off, so 24 JOURNAL OF THE that the Rosiu may contain about 15 per eeiit. of the original eon- tent of spirits. At the proper time the cap of the still is removed, the liquid mass inside skimmed of trash, run out through a bot- tom cock, strained through wire and cotton hatting and allowed to cool in the bins. The temperature of the Rosin as it comes from the still is 160° C. It cools very slowly, so that at the end of 4 hours, with an external temperature of 60°, it lost in one experiment only 60° F., and that after it had been ladled into barrels. From fifteen 280-pound barrels of '' virgin dip'^ there should l)e obtained not less than 105 gallons of ''spirits" and 2,100 pounds of Rosin. A good working rule is to allow two-thirds of the weight of the Turpentine for Rosiu and one-third for '' spirits'' and water. Ten thousand trees should yield the first year 280 barrels of ^' virgin,'' the second year 240 barrels of ''yellow dip" and scrape, the third year 200 barrels of "yellow dip" and scrape. Or, in other words, for the yield of each year after the first year subtract one dipping of 40 barrels per year. All that is collected from the trees the first vear is called " vir- gin," and yields the best spirits and the finest Rosin. After the first year the turpentine is called yellow dip, and scrape, and yields inferior Rosin, and generally not so good spirits. While, indeed, it is for the most part true that " virgin dip" yields the finest Rosin, yet it may yield the darker Rosins by too high a heat in the still. This has been denied, but the weight of evidence is clearly in its favor. In the endeavor to extract as much "spirits" as possil)le from the "virgin dip" and still leave the Rosin pale, it sometimes happens that the temperature of decomposition is reached and passed, and instead of a pale Rosin a darker one may come from the still. "Yellow dip" and scrape never yield pale Rosins. Whether this is due to chemical changes in the Turpentine befi)re distillation, or to the action of foreign organic matter on the Turpentine during the distillation, or to the complete expulsion of the spirits, no definite answer can be made. It has been stated that about 15 per cent, of the original content of "spirits" is left in the Rosin from " virgin dip." This ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 25 is supposed to give to the pale Rosins their transparency and lack of color. But in distilling ''yellow dip" and "scrape" no "spir- its" is left in the Rosin. The effort to expel the spirits com- pletely may cause too high a heat in the still, with consequent darkening of the Rosin. Again, as "yellow dip" and scrape are exposed to the air longer than virgin dip, having to traverse oftentimes several feet of " face," oxidation products may arise, and influence the final color of the Rosin. Again, there is always much more foreign matter mixed with yellow dip and scrape than with virgin, and the heat of 160° C. for an hour or two, in the presence of water, would doubtless extract from these pine leaves, bark and chips more or less of their coloring matter, which might well aifect the color of the Rosin. The New York Standard Rosins are divided into 12 grades, viz., from the highest to the lowest: W— G— Low No. 1 . N— Extra pale. F— Good No. 2. M— Pale. E—No. 2. K — Low pale. D — Good strained. I — Good No. 1. C — Strained. H — No. 1. B — Common strained. These grades are used at Wilmington, Charleston and Savan- nah. But at Wilmington the arrangen^ent, while essentially the same, has some minor points of difference. Considerable experience is required before one can grade Rosin, and very few can do it without having the standards at hand, so as to compare constantly. After some time these "standards" acquire a lighter color, due to exposure to light, and this fact complicates the matter still farther. The higher grades of Rosin are worth from two to three times as much as the lower grades, and of course much interest has for years been manifested in the question of the possibility of bleaching the lower Rosins. Exposure to strong sunlight does raise the grade a degree or so in the course of several months, but this is not continuous. The main difficidty, I apprehend, is in our igno- 26 JOURNAL OF THE ranee of what really constitutes the difference between the pale Rosin and the lower grades. I mean the chemical difference. Chemically, Turpentine is an oleo-resinous juice, consisting of resin and essential oil. The oil, or spirits, varying in amount from 15 — 30 per cent., consists, according to Fliickiger and Hanbury (Pharmacographia, 1879, p. 006), "for the greater part of various hydrocarbons, corresponding to the formula C^oH^g," while Rosin, or colophony, as they term it, may be regarded as composed largely of the anhydride of abietic acid, and has the formula C44Hg204 {id. p. 607). They do not state what Rosin it is that may be so regarded, but w^e will sup- pose that it is the best, or the clear, transparent, nearly colorless Rosin, say the W. W. As you will observe from these speci- mens of the various grades, there is a most marked difference between the W. W. and '' E." or " D." Rosin. The fact I wish to impress upon you is, that we do not know what causes this great difference in color, whether it is due to oxidation, hydration, incipient decomposition, either or collectively. The authors above quoted (p. 607) go on to say that the living tree contains only the abietic acid anhydride; that on exposure to the air the Turpentine loses oil (or "spirits''), takes up water and solidifies as the crystalline acid of formula C44Hg405. The presence of the oil (or spirits) in the turpentine determines the assumption of this molecule of water which changes the amor- ])hous abietic acid anhydride into the crystalline abietic acid. As before reaiarked. Turpentine is a mixture of "spirits'' and Resin. But the "spirits" itself can and does undergo resinifi- cation, which is, |)erhaps, an oxidation, as formic acid is pro- duced. But the resinification of "spirits" does not produce resin, which, as yet, has been shown to be identical with any natural resin. Therefore, we cannot say that resins are oxidized "spirits." A vast amount of chemical work must be done before one can say what is the chemical diU'erence between the grades of Rosin. And yet, if the question of the conversion of the lower into the higher grades is ever settled on a firm basis, it will be settled by the practical chemist. Quo dljjiciUus, hoc prcedare ! ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 27 Products of the Pine. No. 11. THE PRESERVATION OF WOOD WITH WOOD- CREOSOTE OIL. J. H. MANNING. In 1872, Mr. James D. Stanley, of Baltimore, Md., invented and patented certain retorts and arrangements for the production of ''spirits of turpentine, oil, varnish and inflammable gas'' by the distillation of pine wood. Wilmington offering the advant- ages of one of the largest naval store ports in the world, Messrs. Hansen & Smith of that city purchased in 1882 the patents and plant of Stanley for the purpose of more cheaply manu- facturing these products and establishing a market for them. With certain improvements in the arrangement of retorts, they succeeded in manufacturing, but failed in securing a market for the oils. From this misfortune proceeded experiments with oil and the subsequent discovery of a process for using it in the pres- ervation of wood. The antiseptic and preservative eiFects of creosote have long been known, and the effects of coal creosote in preserving timbers amply proved. By allowing lumber to soak in creosote oil and exposing the same, sufficient proof of its value was given, though the test in itself is insufficient, and bet- ter ways for impregnating the wood with oil were at once experi- mented upon. - Messrs. Hansen & Smith succeeded in perfecting machinery to this end, and until 1885 the process was carried out secretly on a small scale. This work was advertised and severest tests applied to their products. Not until 1885, when a stock com- pany was formed, were patents issued for the process. This stock company, under the style of the Carolina Oil and Creosote Co., doing business in the city of Wilmington, has a capital stock 28 JOURNAL OF THE of $500,000. There is a factory working under the same patents in Fernandina, Florida, and one about to be erected in Seattle W. T. The site of the factory at Wilniingtt)n is about IJ miles from Market street, on the south-western suburb, desirably located on the river. This plant has gradually increased from a valuation of §30,000, with a capacity of 3,000 feet of lumber per day, to the present valuation of §425,000, with a capacity of 40,000 feet per day. It consists of two parallel sheds f tr the protection of distilling retorts and a one-story building for reservoirs, pumps, boilers, creosoting cylinders, etc. The most important prelin)inary step is the economic produc- tion of wood-creosote oil. For this purpose there are sixteen (16) retorts, arranged in batteries of two each for economy and convenience in firing, with a capacity of about 19,000 gallons creosote oil and the same amount of pyroligneous a(;id waste per month. These retorts are all similarly constructed, and hence a description of one will suffice for all. A furnace substantially built of masonry, 26 feet long, 13 feet igh and 10 feet wide, supports in its beds two retorts. It is divided in the centre by a thin, fire-clay partition, so there are actually four different and complete furnaces. Each fire-place has its roof, in the inner ends of which are flues for the escape of the heat into the retort space. The retort rests horizontally in its bed and fits snugly into masonry, resting on loosely-fitting iron bands, allowing an air space entirely around the retort to the partition in the centre of the furnace, only interrupted by verti- cal semi-circular divisions, alternating from top to bottom, for the purpose of securing a uniform distribution of heat, and serving also in ra})idly cooling the retort. This retort is a cast-iron, or, preferably, steel cylinder, 26 feet long by 6 feet in diameter, having a capacity of 4J cords. Its ends are oi)en, and may be closed by a perfectly-fitting cap with clamps, and by using asbestos or clay packing can be rendered air-tight. At the end of the retort a pipe 6 inches in diaujeter enters, and, gradually narrowing, conveys the gases to a copper worm through the con- ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 29 denser. Tliis condenser alongside the fnrna(;e is a wooden vat 12 feet high and 10 feet in diameter, connected with the water- works, so as to secnre a continuous flow of water, and contains a copper worm about 40 feet long, narrowing gradually to IJ- inch tube. On issuing from condenser this worm enlarges into a goose neck, or trap, in which the uncondensed gases and the liquid are separated. The gases are conveyed to another con- denser and to the reservoir and are used for heating purposes. .The liquid falls into a wooden vat of convenient shape and hold- ing about 900 gallons, and connected by siphon and pump with reservoirs in the creosoting house. Each retort is a complete still, and a battery occupies a ground space of 26 feet by 26 feet. A retort, with ordinarv care, should last 15 vears. The workinir is simple. Good, resinous, fatty pine wood as having the high- est content in oil is selected, and 4^ cords carefully laid in the retort, the ends sealed, and firing begun. The heat is gradually raised, driving off water, light gases and oils, until between 400° F. and 760° F. the heavy and most valuable oils distill. These are carefully condensed, not allowing the water in the vat to get more than lukewarm. The heating is kept up continuously for 26 hours, consuming about one cord of wood per battery, after which time the fires are removed and the retorts cooled as rapidly as possible. The charcoal, amounting to about 33 per cent, of charge, is raked out and meets with ready sale. The entire opera- tion requires between 30 and 36 hours, with a yield of about 70 gallons creosote oil and 85 to 90 gallons pyroligneous acid waste per cord. The uncondensed gases l)eing separated from liquid in the goose neck, are conveyed through another small condenser (recently added), wherein small quantities of oils are further (condensed, passing over lime (unslacked), according to Stanley, and into reservoir, from which it is drawn and used for heating the retort. The distillate, upon standing (usually until the retort is charged again), separates into two liquids known as pyroligneous acid waste, consisting of water, pyroligneous acid, acetone, a small proportion of lightest oils and about 1 per cent, wood alcohol, and "creosote oils,'' consisting of 5 per cent, tar acids, 30 JOURNAL OF THE 15 per cent, light oils and aUout 80 per cent, heavy oils. They may be completely separated with siphons and are pnmped into their respective reservoirs. After longer standing, small quan- tities of oil separate from pyroligneous waste and are transferred to the oil tanks. The acid waste is sold to the Southern Chemical Co., and wood alcohol, crude pyroligneous acid and a black dye manufactured from it. It is also offered for sale as a cheap and reliable disinfectant. The wood creosote oil is a very heavy black liquid, resistiniJ^ the action of salt or fresh water, and is used principally in the preservation of wood, but patents have been issued for a mixture containing it for use as a ''sheep di}),'' and it is recommended as an insecticide. The creosotiug plant consists in steel reservoirs, creosoting cylinders, pumps, etc. The steel reservoirs are constructed as the creosoting cylinders and are used for heating the oil preparatory to use. They are connected with the oil tank and creosoting cylin- ders, and contain a coil of steam piping connected with the boilers. The creosoting cylinders are made of steel guaranteed to stand 150 — 200 pounds pressure, and lie on a bed of masonry on a vel with ground. They are of varying length (from (30 to 100 feet long by 6 feet in diameter), having open ends with perfectly fitting caps. These caps can be rendered air-tight with asbestos packing. Into this cylinder runs a tramway with a movable section at the doorwav. Under this track there is a coil of piping, usually about six times as long as the cylinder, connect- ing with the boilers. In the top, at intervals, are screws attached to semi-circular iron bands, used for holding the charge in posi- tion, and adjustal)le from the outside. At the end are the various pipes connecting witii suction j^umps, force pumps and oil tanks. This company has in operation four of these cylinders, one 65x6, 90x6, 75x6, 100x6, with a capacity of 40,000 feet per day, costing from $800 to $1,200. No estimate can be had of their durability. Those now operated have been in use for several years and are apparently as good as new. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 31 The process of creosoting is carried out according to this gen- eral plan. Good, '^saj)" or porous pine Ininher, with or with- out previous charring, is run into the cylinder on a truck and made fast in position by the screws outside. Th<- ends are then sealed perfectly and the temperature raised gradually by su[>erheated steam to al)out 550° F., the suction pumj) is applied and as near a c()m[dete vacuum as possible produced and sustained for about 14 hours. This treatment serves to (]vy the wood thoroughly and expands its pores to the fullest extent, leaving them em})tv for the entrance of the fluid. The suction pump is disconnected then and sufficient oil to fill the cylinders run in. The force pump is next applied, with a pressure as high as 120 pounds per cubic foot, which is sustained until the desired anjount of oil has beeii injected. This is very easily calculated by knowing the capacity of the cylinder less the charge of lumber and the cubic measure of lumber, and as much more oil over the amount necessary to fill <;ylinder as lias been consumed represents the amount injected into wood. The oil stands at about 400° F., and the tempera- ture of the cylinder is reduced to that degree. The oil being injected, the surplus is withdrawn to tanks, the lumber run out and is ready for shipment, the entire process usually requiring about 24 hours. Many circumstances modify this general plan. It is by the condition of timber that the time of drying is determined — whether it is very green or seasoned; small planks or large tim- bers; and as to duration of creosotijig, whether small planks or large timbers, very porous or compact, and to the amount of oil roots, and an air-tight tin box for preserving su(;h specimens as may be wanted for further study at home. It is not best to bother with drying })lants for the formation of a herbarium until after the student has become well acquainted with all the sj)ecies common to his locality. When that time comes he will want to procure new species for study, and these ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 37 can be best secured by exchanging with students in different parts of the country or of other countries. The names of per- sons willing to exchange specimens can be found in the Natural- ist's Directory, published by Casino, Boston, or by inquir- ing of the botanist attached to any college or Experiment Station. The making of good specimens is an art that takes a deal of practice and care to learn, but the following directions will aid the beginner: In collecting herbs not over three feet take the whole plant, root and branch. When taller than three feet cut off that much measuring from the top, and in addition dig up the root with such leaves as may be attached. Of shrubs and trees a twig with leaves and flowers will suffice, but a piece of the bark is often necessary to enable one to make out the species. For dryers use common straw wrapping paper in sheets 12x18 inches. Place wad, about one inch thick, between the layers of plants. Carefully spread out the leaves and see that the flowers are not covered by them before putting on the dryers. The dryers must be changed every twenty-four hours for the first three days, afterwards every two days until perfectly dry. For a press use lattice-work frames, which any one can make out of a few laths or narrow strips of board. Apply pressure by means of a stout cord or a trunk strap and keep the package in the sunshine or near a stove. The plants will dry out in about a week. For more detailed instruction the student is referred to a little work, "The Plant Collector's Hand-book," by Professor W. W. Bailey, published by Cassiuo, price $1. A pamphlet equally as good is Professor L. F. Ward's "Suggestions to Beginners in Botany," which may be had gratis by applying to the Secre- tary of the Suiithsonian Institution at Washington, D. C. The following works for reference and general reading can be recommended, and they should be taken up in the order here given, viz. : Gray's Manual of Botany of the Northern States. Cliapraan's Southern Flora. Local Catalogues of Plants. 5 38 JOURNAL OF THE Grant Allen's Colin Clouts Calendar. Grant Allen's Pedigrees of Flowers. Underwood's Ferns. DeCandolle's Origins of Cultivated Plants. Mehan's Wayside Flowers. Goodale's Physiological Botany. Sach's Lectures on Plant Physiology. Darwin's Botanical Works. LeMaout & DeCaisne's General Botany, English Edition. The Botanical Gazette, a monthly magazine published at Crawfordsville, Indiana, will be found very interesting reading after the student has mastered the rudiments of the science. RECOEDS OF MEETINGS. REPORT OF RECORDING SECRETARY FORTY-FIRST MEETING. Stated Meeting. Person Hall, January 8, 1889. Vice-President Graves presided. The following papers were read : 1. Report on Progress in Geology. Prof. Holmes gave an account of the efforts made at a unification of Symbols and Nomenclature. 2. Report on Progress in Physics and Engineering. In tin's Report Prof. Gore described the recent applications of Electricity to Street Railways. 3. An Historical Sketch of Mathematical Training in the University of North Carolina. This paper, by Prof. Love, besides containing a list of the instructors in mathematics and the text-books used during the century of the University's history just closing, outlined so far as possible the requirements for entrance and for graduation, 4. History of Mathematics in the Middle Ages. Prof. Graves continued, in this, his Early Mathematical History. 5. Early Legislation against Food Adulteration. Prof Venable gave an account of some of the adulterations of food [)racticed in early times, the methods of testing for the same, and extracts from the old laws prohibiting and punishing such adulterations. The Secretary exhibited the watch of Rev. Dr. Mitchell, which was worn by him when he met his death, and whose stopping was supposed to point to the exact hour of his Aite. This watch has been presented to the Society by Rev. Mr. Summerell, the grandson of Dr. Mitchell. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 39 The Secretary reported three additional exchanges and eighty-seven books and pamphlets received. Messrs. A. H. Patterson and W. S. Roberson were received as associate members. FORTY-SECOND MEETING. Stated Meeting. Person Hall, February 12, 1889. As the Vice-President was absent, Prof. Gore presided. The papers pre- sented were as follows: 6. Preservation of Wood with Creosote Oil. This paper, by Mr. I. H. Manning, appears in full in this issue of the Journal. 7. Natural History of the Cereals. Gerald McCarthy, Esq., gave in this paper a short account of each of the principal Cereals, giving not only the natural history but the story of their introduction, in a brief form. 8. Some Sources for Sugar Proposed at the Close of Last Century. Mr. H. L. Harris showed in this paper that many vegetables and trees had been closely examined with a view to their sugar-producing power, thus anticipat- ing much of the similar work done of late years. 9. An Account of an Interesting Fossil found in the Neighborhood of Chapel Hill. Prof. Holmes exhibited fragments of this fossil recently dug up in this vicinity and gave an account of its discovery. He hopes soon to present a more complete paper upon the subject. 10. Note on the Decomposition of Nickel and Cobalt. Dr. Venable read to the Society an abstract of the important paper by Kruss & Schmidt on this subject. The Secretary reported two new members : Prof. W. H. Pegram, Trinity College, N. C. J. R. Harris, Esq., Experiment Station, Raleigh, N. C. Several additional exchanges were reported. Eighty-five books and pam- phlets were received during the month. forty-third meeting. Stated Meeting. Person Hall, March 12, 1889. Prof Gore presided in the absence of Vice-President Graves. The following papers were presented: 11. The Three Formations of the Atlantic Slope, with exhibition of photo- graphs and specimens, by Professor Holmes. 12. A Note on the Use of Pulverized Coal as Fuel. By Prof. J. W. Gore. 13. A Photographic Camera made from a Cigar- Box, with an exhibition of views taken with it, by Mr. H. L. Harris. 14. Some Notes on Recent Progress in Chemistry. Dr. Venable described work done on preparing Artificial Quinine and Cocaine and gave some of the new applications of Cotton Seed Oil. The Secretary reported as a new associate member Mr. C. W. Toms. Twelve additional exchanges were announced and eighty-seven books and pamphlets received during the month. 40 JOURNAL OF ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. FORTY-FOURTH MEETING. Stated Meeting. Person Hall, April 2, 1889. Prof. Holmes presided in the absence of Prof Graves, the Resident Vice- President. The papers presented were as follows: 15. A Primitive Reaping Machine. Prof Alexander gave an acconnt of this machine described by Palladiiis, a Roman writer on Agriculture, as in use among the ancient Gauls. 16. The Consumption and Waste of the World's Resources. Dr. Venable called attention in this paper to the rapid consumption of the world's availa- ble supply of coal and petroleum, and of the great waste of many valuable metals. 17. Prof Holmes gave a paper on the use of the microscope in Geology and Mineralogy, in which, were described several forms of microscopes, and particularly the one recently manufactured for the University by the Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, of Rochester, X. Y. The Secretary reported three additional exchanges and seventy-five books and pamphlets received. FORTY-FIFTH MEETING. Annual Meeting. May 4, 1889. In the absence of the Secretary and Treasurer, and because of the illness of tlie Vice-President, no reports were received from these officers. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President H. T. Bahnson, M. D Salem. Vice-President H. B. Battle, Ph. D Raleigh. Resident Vice-President J. A. Holmes, B. Sc Chapel Hill. Corresponding Sec. and Treas F. P. Venable, Ph. D Chapel Hill. Recording Sec. and Librarian J. W. Gore, C. and M. E Chapel Hill. JOURNAL OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, VOLUME VI— PART SECOND. JULY— DECKMBKR. 1889. PERMAltENT SECRETARY: F. P. VENABLE, . CHAPEL HILL, N. C. E. M. UZZELL, STEAM PRINTER AND BINDER. ' RALEIGH, N. C. 1890. OFFICERS. 1889— 1890. PRESIDENT : H. T. Bahxson, M. D Salem, N. C. VICE-PRESIDENT : H. B. BATTI.E, Ph. D., Raleigh, N. C. RESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT : J. A. H01.MES, B. Agr Chapel Hill, N. C. PERMANENT SECRETARY AND TREASURER : F. P. VENABI.E, Ph. D., F. C. S Chapel Hill. N. C. RECORDING SECRETARY AND UBRARIAN : J. W. Gore, C. E., Chapel Hill, N. C. LIBRARY AND PIv.\CE OF MEETING: CHAPEL HILL, N. C. TABLE OF CONTENTS. . PAGE. List of Officers 42 Addendum to the Minerals and Mineral Localities of North Carolina. William Earl Hidden 45 Nematode Root-galls. Geo. F. Atkinson 81 A Tube-building Spider. Notes on the Architectural and Feeding Habits of Atypus Niger Hentz {?). W. L. Poteat 134 Records of Meetings 147 Report of Secretary for 1889 - 150 Report of Treasurer for 1889 150 Necrology ._ 151 List of Members 152 List of Exchanges 155 Eight plates and thirty-eight figures in the text. JOURNAL OF THE Elislia iMitcliell Scientific Society, TO THE Minerals and Mineral Localities of North Carolina, BY WILLIAM EARL HIDDEN INTRODUCTORY NOTE. At the suggestion of the aeting State Geologist, herewith are appended some of the results coming out of my search for Plati- num in this State in 1879. The trip was made in the inter- est of Thomas A. Edison, the famous electrician and inventor. My trip extended over five montiis, and the principal gold placers of North Carolina were visited. At the many places where I operated I did not find any traces of its existence. The five reported localities in North Carolina \vere carefully pros- pected without success. While examining these gold gravels fi)r Platinum crystals of minerals having rare scientific interest would occasionally be noticed in my [)aiinings. The Briudletown district of Burke county proved to. offer the greatest attraction in this connection. From a doubtful dozen, known to exist there before my visit, the list of occurring mineral species soon reached the goodly number of fi)rty-five. Some of this list were new to the State, viz. : Octahedrite, Fer- gusonite, Malacon, Xenotime and Native-telluriun Of greater interest was the observation of immense quantities of mona- 46 JOURNAL OF THE zite (now promising to become an ore of commerce for the thoria and cerium eaitlis it contains) discovered to be stored away in the ravines and "placers^' of this region. My shipment to Mr. Edison, in 1879, of fifty pounds of a sixty per cent, monazite-sand was the starting of an industry whicli, in 1888, witnessed some twelve thousand pounds of a similar monazite-sand being sent out of the same region, and this business is as yet only in its beginning. From my several notices of North Cai'olina minerals, pub- lished in scientific magazines and elsewhere, I condense into the following pages such matter as seems to be of interest for this report, additional to "The Minerals and Mineral Localities of North Carolina" (Chapter 1, volume 2, of the Geology of North Carolina, 1881, by Genth and Kerr). Diamond. — A crystal,* weighing 4 J carats, that would afix)rd a gem worth intrinsi(;ally not over SI 50, was found on the Bright farm, near Dysartsville, McDowell county, in the summer of 1886. It measured 10 X 7 millimeters and was a distorted octahedron. It wms nearly perfect and of a grayish-green tint. It bears the distinction of being tiie largest and most valuable diamond yet found in the State. Another diamond (not before publicly announced) was found in 1877, by a small boy, in the same region as the one above mentioned. It weighed 2f c"arats, was shaped very much like a smooth flat field-bean and was very well polished naturally. It w^as white, but somewhat flawed. The crystal planes were very obscure. The finder disposed of it in Marion for a mere nominal sum. Mr. B. B. Price, of Marion, put it into the hands of Mr. James M. Gere, of Spi'uce Pine, U) dispose of to best advantage. Mr. Gere, who is an extensive buyer and miner of North Carolina mica, took it with i)im to Syracuse, N. Y,, and sold it there to Messrs. C. M, Ball & Co., the leading jewelers, for the sum of $18. It was finally sent to New York, where it was cut into a small gem and its identity lost. *Am. Jour. Sci., Dec, 1887, p. 400, Kiinz. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 47 Emerald (chrome-green beryl). — In the hist edition (chap- ter 1, of the 2d volume, Geology of North Carolina) the dis- covery of emeralds in this State was only conjectured. Up to 1881 there had been found at the now famous locality only a few crystals, which "had not sufficient depth of color or trans- parency to be termed gems."* But as forerunners of what fol- lowed in the succeeding years these crystals had tlieir peculiar value as pioneer specimens presaging the existence of true enier- alds. On page 41, chapter 1, Geology of North Carolina, 1881, the remark is made that '^deep green cry.->tals (of beryl) resem- bling emendds and beautiful varieties, simihir to occurrences in Siberia), are found on J. W. Warren's farm, near Salem Church, Alexander county." The discovery of the emerald mine was made in 1880 and w'as in the nature of a scientific deduction from events occurring to me while carrying forward a systematic search for Platinum in North Carolina. While visiting Alexander county and vicinity, in 1879, a few pieces of "beryl" were noticed in the collection of a local miueralist (Mr. J. A. D. Stephenson) which in their edges exhibited a tinge of color verging distinctly on that of the emerald. On that observation I at once concluded that, a re- gion which could produce beryls, having a slight tint of the true emerald color, might, or ought to furnish the true emer- ald if proper search was made. Accordingly, at my first leis- ure the locality was re-visited (the Warren farm above cited) and a systematic search commenced for the source of the crvs- tals of beryl, which up to that time had only been found loose in the surface soil and of trifling value. After five weeks of fruitless effort a vein was found at a depth of eight feet below the surface, in which not only true emeralds were found, but also, along with thenj, maiiy slender crystals having emerald color, perfect transparency, but otherwise very different from emeralds proper.f It is unnecessary to recount here all the emerald dis- coveries made in Sharpe's Township, Alexander county, during *Letter from Dr. Genth, 1880, to Mr. J. A. D. Stephenson. f These crystals were subsequently given the name of hiddenite. 48 JOURNAL OF THE the past six years, and it must suffice to mentioi) only tlie more important ''finds/' In October, 1882, twentv-two ounces of emei-ald were found 7 7^ in one " pocket," one crystal of which was sold in its natural condition for $800. (It weit]^hed nine ounces and was eight and a half inches long and only partially suitable for jewelry).* » Many "pockets" were found in the succeeding four years yield- ing crystals which sold for from §25 to §200 each. On the ninth of August, 1886, a "pocket'' was unexpectedly discovered which yielded another uine-ounce emerald ; this crvs- tal was one and one-quarter inches thick and three inches long, and is the lart^est of the three emeralds fio^ured in Plate 1. Nine crystals were taken out of this })ocket at a depth of not over twenty feet. Three of them brought Si ,000 and are yet retained in their natural condition as when found. In July (1886), at a depth of forty-three feet, in the hard rock, a small "pocket" was found and an emerald was taken therefrom which, upon being cut by a lapidary, yielded a beautiful gem of 4f carats weight and was worth §200. It has the distinction of being the finest gem emerald yet discovered in the United States. This niine is owned by several Northern gentlemen and is incorporated under the title of "The Enierald and Hiddenite Mining Company," with a nominal ca})ital of $200,000. The locality is situated sixteen miles north-west of Statesville and directly on the line of the Taylorsville extension of the Western North Carolina Railroad. A station near the mine has been formally named " Hiddenite," and a new j)ost- office has been established there, bearing the same narne. The photo-engraved Plate No. 1 exhibits well the natural form of three of the l)est crystals of the "find " of Auojust, 1886. and also the shape of the cut emerald, all of natural size The two crystals in the middle foreground are hiddenites, and will be noted under that head. One-third of a mile due west a new discovery was tiiade, in "See Harper's Monthly Magaxine, December, 1887, for colored illnstratiou. 1 SJ 00 oc 30 I—' < I— I Pi ELISHA MITCHELL SCIEiNTIFIC SOCIETY. 49 1885, of emerald tinted beryls,* and the locality promises gem resnlts in the near fnture. It is known as the Morton mine (} I I /^^:£=^. IN A -^^^ n z-2 z-2 J- J- . I i in 4 PLATE 2-BERYLS AND EMERALDS, FROM ALEXANDER COUNTY. (formerly the Pendergrass-Lyon land). Good indications also exist, some three miles easterly, on the old Miller farm. *It is stated on good authority that a Mr. Meisermohr found "a very green beryl" on this tract over twenty years ago. 50 JOURNAL OF THE In the writer's opinion emeralds will he found on the same geological horizon as the Alexander county localities over a very extensive area north-east and south-west. Outside of this emerald locality there is no other emerald mine known to exi>t in the United States. Beryl (aquamarine and those varieties other than emerald). — Some notable transparent beryls were mined in Alexander, Macon and Yancey counties during the past five years, some of which were cut into brilliant gems of marketable sizes. As high as five dollars per carat has been obtained for large lots of North Carolina aquamarines of pale green, blue and yellow shades. Those found outside of Alexander county were from the mica mines, while the former were exclusively from the gem mine in Alexander county, with one very remarkable exception of a huge gem beryl, from a new locality north-west from Taylorsville, wlu're it was found loose in the sufface soil. Some of them are exceediniily beautiful in their natural con- dition as f unid, tlie polish on the natural crystal planes being equal to that made by a la|)idary. See Plate 2, page 49. Some few of the Alexander county crystals have from forty to ninety tei'minal faces'^ and would take rank, in a scientific sense, above those of any other American locality. Tlius far eio:hteen different forms (three of them 7iew) have been identified on the beryls ibund at the Emerald and Hiddenite mine, while com- monly only two or three forms occur. 0])aque beryls, blue and green, weighing more than fifty pounds each, have been found in Yancey and Mitchell counties, and should glucina ever be desired in quantity, for commercial j)urp()ses. North Carolina could supply this ore of it, by the ton. lIiDDExMTEf (emerald-green spodumene).-— The manner in which this beautiful mineral was so unex[)ectedly discoceredl has ='=Anrkor. Joiir. Sci., Nov., 1882, p.:\12; lb.,.Itino, 1887, pp. 50">— 5(tG. Sitznnj2;sberiehte dei- Niederrheinisclieii Ge.ssell.'^chiit't fnr Nritnr — iind Heilkunde in Bonn, July 7, 1886, pp. 90— !);5. fAmer. Jour. Sr:i., I-'eh., IsSi, pp. 128—13(1, J. Lawrence Smith. X.\ lew pule, yellowi.sli-j^reen cry.'^tals of what, in 187H, was considered to be Diopside liad been found on this same property \>y some of .Mr. Warren's chiUlren, and tiiey found tlieir way into the hjcal cojk'etion of .Mr. .1. .\. f). .Siephenson, in whose eabiuft I noticed fheni (in IsT'.t). Neither lie nor 1 looUeil forward to finding this mineral of .such a beautiful ituii roi.ou as was so unexpectedly done in the vein already mentioned, or of even fimiinjj; it ajrain. We did not, in fa