f ibriirD of tin Ituseum OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COUECE, OAJIBRIJCE, MASS. The gift of GU JOURNAL OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, VOLUME IX— PART FIRST. JANUARY— JUNE:. 1892. post-office: CHAPEL HILL, N. C. E. M. UZZEI.L, STEAM PRINTER AND BINDER, RALEIGH, N. C. 1892. OFFICERS. 1893. PRESIDENT: Joseph A. Hoi.mes, ...--- Chapel Hill, N. C. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: W. L- POTEAT, ------- Wake Forest, N. C. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT: W. A. WITHERS, ------- Raleigh, N. C. THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT: J. W. Gore, -------- Chapel Hill, N. C. SECRETARY AND TREASURER: F. P. VENABI.E, ------- Chapel Hill, N. C. LIBRARY AND PI.ACE OF MEETING: CHAPEL HILL, N. C. TABLE OF CONTEXTS. PAGE. Ou the Fuudamental Principles of the Differential Calculus. \Vm. Cain 5 Remarks on the General Morphology of Sponges. H. V. Wilson 31 Record of Meetings -. 49 JOURNAL Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, ON THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPIvES OF THE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. BY WILLIAM CAIN, C. E., Mem. Am. Soc. C. E. There are probably no students of the infinitesimal cal- culus, who have seen its varied applications, that are not impressed with its immense scope and power, "constitut- ing, as it undoubtedly does," says Comte, "the most loftv thought to which the human mind has as yet attained." It was not to be expected that a science of reasoning, involving so many new and delicate relations between infinitely small quantities, should appear perfect, in its logical development, from the beginning, even with such men as Newton and Leibnitz as its creators. For a longr time mathematicians were more concerned in extendi nor the usefulness of the transcendental analysis than in "rig- orously establishing the logical bases of its operations," though it has given rise at all times to a great deal of con- troversy, which has been of. great aid to those geometers who concerned themselves particularly with establishing it upon a logical basis. Of this number none are more prominent than the French author, Duhamel. He pro- ceeded by a rigorous use of "the method of limits," whose thorough comprehension he regarded as so important that 6 JOURNAL OF THE he devoted the first half of his Differential Calculus to its numerous applications. In the United States, after the appearance of Bledsoe's "Philosophy of Mathematics" in 1867, calling especial attention to Duhamel's elegant treatment and contrasting it with the false logic of various other schools, there have appeared a few good elementary books, nearly free from errors, though sometimes showing a trace of them; thus illustrating the tenacious grip of errors induced by early vicious training. With these fairly good books have ap- peared some as bad as have ever been written, from a log- ical stand-point, as well as others, where ingenious soph- istry has done its utmost to try and blind the student (and possibly the author) to the false logic involved. The English as a rule have followed in the lead of Newton, perpetuating his error that a variable can reach its limit, and they have occasionally introduced a number of errors from the Leibnitz school, whose teachings still pervade most of Germany, the place of its birth. If the above is true as to the persistent perpetuation of false logic in the treatment of the first principles of the calculus, it would seem that no apology was needed for a critical review of those first principles, particularly as no matter what school is followed in learning the calculus the scientific student will be sure to come across the teachings of various schools in the applications and thus should be prepared to take them at their true worth and modify them in statement or otherwise when necessary. Although a good deal of old ground is gone over, it was essential to do so to bring out the points criticized in strong relief The grouping of subjects is intended to be such as to enable the beginner in the calculus to see at once its truth and to catch on to its true spirit. The methods of Newton and of Leibnitz, with criticism, is given in fine print to avoid confusion, and can be omitted the first read- ing, without detriment to the rest, if preferred. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 7 Definition of the Limit of a J ^ariable. When a variable magnitude takes successively, values which approach more and more that of a constant magnitude, so that the differ- ence with this last can become and remain less than any designated fixed magnitude of the same species, however small, whether the variable is always above or always below or sometimes above and sometimes below the constant, we say that the first approaches indefinitely the second and that the constant magnitude is the limit of the variable mag- nitude. More briefly, this is often stated thus: The limit of a variable is the constant, which it indefinitely approaches but never reaches. Definition of an Infinitesimal. An infinitely small quan- tity or an infinitesimal, is a finite quantity whose limit is zero. Hence the infinitesimal approaches zero indefinitely, but can never attain it, since zero is its "limit." As an illustration, take two straight lines incommensurable to each other. Mark the ends of the first line A\ B\ the ends of the second A, B. Now as we can always find a unit of measure that will go into A^B^ an integral num- ber of times, apply such a unit to AB from A to C, as many times as possible, leaving a remainder over CB less than one of the parts. Then the ratio, AC A^B^ is less than the ratio of the two lines, but approaches it indefinitely as the unit of measure decreases indefinitely, since CB being always less than the unit, tends towards zero but can never reach zero; hence CB is an infinitesimal and AC approaches AB indefinitely without ever being able to reach it. By the definition therefore, the limit of CB is zero and the limit, of AC is AB, hence the limit of the ratio above, JOURNAL OF THE AC AB [im. A^B^ A^B^ is what is called the incommensurable ratio, AB : A^ B^ It is assumed, of course, that the successive units of meas- ure all exactly divide A* B\ It may happen that one of these units applied to AB will cause the point C to lie very near the point B, but for a smaller unit the distance CB will be greater than before, so that the variable CB is sometimes decreasing and then again increasing, but as it is always less than one of the parts into which A^ B' has been divided, it can "become and remain" less than one of the parts or less than any finite number that may be assigned, however small; hence zero is its limit by the definition. If in the ratio above we take A^ B^ as i (one foot say), we have, limit i\C = AB from the last equation. AB and AC can thus be regarded as incommensurable and com- mensurable numbers respectively, and we see from the above that an incommensurable number, as AB, is the limit of a commensurable number as the number of parts into which unity is divided is indefinitely increased. The student of algebra and geometry is familiar with many applications of the theory of limits, such ^s: limit of (i -f- yz -f y -f i^ 4- ...)--= 2, as the number of terms of the series is increased indefinitely; the circle is the limit of a regular inscribed or circumscribed polygon, as the number of sides is indefinitely increased, etc., etc.; so that no more illustrations need be given if these are care- fully studied in connection with the first definition given above to show that it is complete and meets fully every case that arises. It may be observed, too, that although we can express the length of a straight line or the perimeter of a polygon, in terms of the length of a straight line, taken as a unit ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 9 of measure, we are confronted with the difficulty, in the case of any curve line, that we cannot apply the unit of measure, or any fractional part thereof, to the curve. We can apply it, however, to the inscribed or circumscribed polygon, and by taking the limit to which these polygons approach indefinitely as the number of sides is increased indefinitely, we get what is called the length of the curve. Similarly no meaning can be attached to the expressions, area of a curve or area of a curved surface, unless we define them as the limit of the area of the inscribed or circum- scribed polygon in the first case, or as the limit of the area of the surface of the inscribed or circumscribed polyedrons in the second case, the number of sides or faces, as the case may be, increasing indefinitely. In the case of volumes, too, neither the unit of measure nor any fraction of it can be directly applied when the bounding surfaces are curved, so that a volume must be defined as the limit of the varia- ble volume of some inscribed or circumscribed polvedron as the number of faces is indefinitely increased. The dif- ficulty of measuring curved surfaces, volumes, etc., occurs to every reflecting student, and it is strange that none of our geometries give an\' definitions but only methods of finding lengths, areas and volumes of curved lines, surfaces and volumes, assuming that the student will find out in some way what is meant by such terms. The "Theory of Limits" will not be entered into here as it is sufficiently exposed in many text-books. Some strange definitions of infinity, though, appear in some excellent books. The following is a sample: "When a variable is conceived to have a value greater than any assigned value, however great this assigned value may be, the variable is said to become infinite ; such a variable is called an infinite mtniber.'' As an "assigned value" means some finite value, it follows from this definition that an infinite number is only some number greater than some lO JOURNAL OF THE finite number, however large; in other words, an infinite number is a finite number! If such quantities have to be considered they should be given a different name and sym- bol to avoid confusing these with absolute infinity. The letter G is suggested to distinguish such finite quantities from absolute infinity oo. We get our ideas of infinity from space and time, for finite as are our capacities, we cannot conceive of space or time ever ending; hence we speak of infinite space and infinite time. However far, in imagination, one may travel in a straight line in space, it is impossible to conceive of ever arriving at any point where there is not infinite space beyond. The considera- tion of a row of figures, loooo . . . , extended without limit, gives one an idea of an itrfinite number. Consider the quotient, a = .ooooi, and the left member, though always finite, increases indefi- nitely. The latter is said to be infinite for x = 90°, though strictly, according to the usual definition, there is no tangent of 90°, as the moving radius produced, being parallel to the tangent, can never intersect it. As parallel lines are everywhere the same distance apart, they cannot meet, however far produced, so that the statement that two parallel lines meet at infinity is essentially false. Similarly we can reason for all the functions that increase indefinitely, without ever ceasing to be finite, where the angle approaches some limit, or fixed value it can never attain, with any meaning corresponding to the functions. The above is still more evident when we regard the ratio definitions first given in trigonometry, for then, there can be no function without a right triangle can be formed and 12 JOURNAL OF THE there is no triangle when one acute angle is either o or 90°; therefore we can only say that sin x approaches o as its "limit" as x indefinitely diminishes, and tan x in- creases indefinitely as x approaches 90°. With this meaning to be given such expressions as sin 0 = 0, tan 90 = cc , they can be safely used (and will be used in what follows), though there is really no sine cor- responding to 0° and no tangent for 90°. The next subject treated will be the general one of find- ing the limit of the ratio of two related infinitesimals, which is the principal problem of the differential calculus. As a special example, consider the circular arc ABC, fig. i, of ra- dius unity, whose length in circular measure is 2x. Divide it into two equal parts, x = AB = AC and draw tangents AD and CD, inter- secting on radius OB produced. Call the c/wrd AB = c/iord BC = c. Then since the radius is taken as unity, EA = sin x and AD =r tan x. Now by geometry we have, AC < 2c < 2x < AD + DC; whence, dividing by 2, we have, sin X < r <• X < tan x. Also since, ;=v 7./ sin X sin X = cos X [im = I I, as tan X tan .i* as X indefinitely diminishes, since then, lim. cos x cos X indefinitely approaches unity without ever attain- ing it. Now since c and x are always intermediate in value be- tween sin X and tan .r, it follows that the ratio of either to the other, or to sm x or tan .r, approaches indefinitely unity as a limit. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 1 3 sin X sin x sin x . • . lim. = lim. = lim. = i, c X tan X c c ^ X lim. — = lim. ^ lim. ^ i ; X tan X tan x and it is the same for the reciprocals of the above ratios. o Any one of the above ratios approaches the form - indefi- o nitely, bnt can never attain it, as the functions cease to exist when x = o and the ratio ceases to exist; but the con- stant value which the ratio approaches indefinitely but never attains {i. e.^ the limit) is at once found to be unity. A function of x is some expression that contains x and is designated by some letter as /J F, ... , with x in paren- theses following. Thus /"(x), F(.r), . . . are read little f function of x^ large F function of .f, etc. If in any func- tion, f(x) of X, the variable x is changed throughout to [x + h) so that the same operations are indicated for (x -f h) as in the original function were indicated for .r, the result is written y(.r -f h). Thus if, f{x) = X- cos I — I + log X, f(x + Ji) = {x + h) ' cos I ll- log {x 4- //). The increase in x (^= //), is called the increment of x and is generally written in the calculus ax, so that h = ^x. The symbol a (delta) indicates a difference, ax signifying the difference between two states of x and the symbol ax is regarded as an indivisible one and not composed of two factors A and x that can ever be dissociated. Similarlv for AjK, A^, etc., when the letters j, 5-, etc., occur in any 2 14 JOURNAL OF THE expression. If y =/{x) and we arbitrarily change x to (x + //) = {x -\- A-r), then y will take a new value, desig- nated by y + A7, where aj is the increase in y due to the increase in x. Thus, {fy=/{x\ (i), ;/ + Aj =/{x + /i) =/{x + A:r) (2), .V is here called the independent variable and y the de- pendent one, since the value of y depends on that of .i-, which we shall suppose to increase at will or independently of any other variable in the formula. It is important to note here that although x is generally increased so that ax is plus, yet the new value ofy ( = j -[- Ay) niav be either greater or less than before. In the last case Ay will be minus. Hence, if in any case. Ay is found ulti- mately to be minus, we shall know how to interpret the result. In equations (i) and (2), let x be first supposed to have a fixed constant value, then j/ will have a corresponding con- stant value. Subtracting (i) from (2) and dividing by a.t, Ay /{x + ax) -/(..) - = (3). A V AX We shall presently show that this expression generally has a limit as ax approaches zero. From (2) above. Ay ap- proaches zero indefinitely at the same time that ax does, so o Ay that (3) approaches indefinitely the form -, but the raho — O AX can never reach this form, for where Ay and ax are both zero there is no ratio. We can however find the limif^ or Ay /(.r-f A.r)— /(.T) the constant value to which the ratio — = AX Jx tends indefinitely zvithont ever being able to reach as a ratio^ and this limit is known as the derivative^ derived function or differential co-efficient of the function f(x) zvith ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 1 5 respect to x as the independent variable. We have hitherto supposed X to have a constant vahie, but the above method of finding the derivative is the same whatever value of .r, o-ivino- real values to r in o, we start from; hence the method is perfectly general. As an illustration let, y=f{x)= X^ + b. If X is changed to (.r ^ h) = {x — A.r), y will be changed to J 4- A_>'. . • . 7 + a;' = /(.r -^ /i) = ix -f /if -r /i. Expanding the right member of the last equation and sub- tracting the preceding equation from it, we have, A>' = ^x-/i — 7,x/r -j- k^. Dividing by /i = ax, we have, AJ' — = 3't" + iS'^' + ^-'^) ^-^' (4)- A.l' The limit to which the right member approaches indefi- nitely is 3-1", since as a.i' diminishes indefinitely, so does the term (3^ -f ax) ax in which A.r is a factor. Therefore the derivative of /(.f) = x^ — ^ with respect to x is, Aj' /(x -f A.r) — /(:t-) lim. — = lim. = ^x^. A.r A-i" This limit (3.1'-) is true, no matter what value of x we start from, and its numerical value depends upon the value of X. It is seen to be perfectly definite and finite and to varv from zero to plus infinity according as x changes from zero to infinity. For a given value of x as 2, the limit has only one value = 12. Similarly for any other value. It is only in the case of the simpler functions that/'(.f — /i) can be developed readily, so that the derivatives can be easily found, but after rti/es for finding the derived func- tions of products, powers, etc., have been deduced (as given in elementarv treatises on the calculus) the work of finding l6 JOURNAL OF THE thehi by these rules is comparatively simple, however com- plicated the functions. A3' f{x + h) —f{x) As lim. — , lim. , are cumbersome sym- A.r Ji bols it is usual to put — for them. d.v dy Av /(.r + //) -f{x) . • . — = lim. — = lim. . dx ^x h In this expression dy is read differential of y and dx dif- ferential of a;, and both dy and dx are to be regarded as indivisible symbols, so that d \^ not a factor but a symbol of operation. The differentials dy and dx are regarded as finite quantities, whose ratio, for any value of .t, is exactly AJ/ equal to lim. — . c^x Thus even for the same value of this limit, dy and dx can be supposed to both increase or both decrease at pleas- ure, the only restriction being that their ratio shall always equal the value of the limit for the particular value of x considered. There is thus great flexibility in this concep- tion of differentials. As a rule we shall consider the dif- ferentials as having appreciable values; in other cases it is convenient to treat them as infinitesimals ox finite quanti- ties whose limits are zero^ but which consequently never dy become zero themselves, as then the ratio — has no sig- dx nificance. In the same way aa' and aj are infinitesimals. In the equation, derived from one above, ^ dy Ay — = lim. — = 3-^^, dx A.U it is understood that we can clear the equation of fractions and write. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 1 7 dy = I lim. — Idv = ^x^dx. From this equation we see why 3.T- (in the particular \v example) or lim. — generally, is called a differential co-efl5- cient. On referring to the right member of eq. (4), w^e see that regarded by itself^ it has no limit, since it is an essential requisite that a variable can never reach its limit, whereas by making A.r ^ o, the right member becomes at once yx?^ but considered in connection zcit/i the left member^ we see that although A.r must tend towards zero indefinitely, yet it can never be supposed zero, for then the ratio ^y -^ ^x has no meaning. With this restriction, then, the right member can approach 3.??- as near as we please without ever being able to reach it; hence 3.^- is the true "limit" of the right member when b.x is regarded as an infinitesimal whose limit is zero. It is evidently immaterial by what law, if any, c^x di- minishes towards zero. We can, if we choose, suppose ^x to diminish by taking the half of it, then the half of this result, and so on, in which case A.r will tend indefinitely towards zero, but can never attain it; or we can suppose A.i' to diminish, in any arbitrary w^ay, indefinitely towards zero without ever becoming zero. In any case the right member as well as the left has a true limit according to the strict definition. It is to be observed, too, that this limit is found on the one supposition that a.c tends towards zero, for then aji', as a consequence, tends towards zero indefinitely without ever beine able to reach it. ■C5 We have emphasized this point, because some of the best known Eng. lish writers, as Todhemter, Williamson and Edwards, following the lead of i8 JOURNAL OF THE the great Newton, have assumed that a variable can reach its limit, so that (4) above should "ultimately become" t,-'^-. That Newton failed to establish a true theory of limits is shown in Bledsoe's Philosophy of Mathematics. As it was, he made a great advance over previous methods; but now that a correct theory of limits is so uni- versally known, there can be no excuse for later writers in perpetuating the same errors that seemed inevitable in ihe dawn of the infinitesimal method. The French writers (following the lead of Duhamel), and also some American writers, have been more logical in their development of the infinitesimal calculus. The problem of tangents is one which gave rise to the differential calcnhis and needs to be carefully considered. In fig. 2, let y z= /(x) be the equation of the curve DPS referred to the rectangular axes x and y. Suppose we wish to find the tangent of the angle PEX made by a tangent at a point P of the curve with the X axis or l/ie slope of the curve at P wdiose co-ordinates are x and y. The co-ordi- nates of a point S to the right of P are y + aj^, x + ^x so that, PQ = A,r, SQ = a>' and, AJ — = tan SPR. A a; This equation gives the slope of the secant PS which varies with the values of A.^■ and Aj'. If PS regarded as a line simply, but not a secant, is re- volved around P, in one position only, it coincides with the tangent, where it touches the curve in but one point. If it is revolved further, it cuts the curve on the other side of P whether the curve in the vicinity of P is convex to the X axis as drawn or concave. If the curve is convex on one side of P and concave on the other, the line PS will cut the curve in three points when it lies ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 1 9 on one side of the tangent, and in one point when it lies on the other side of the tangent. When it coincides with the tangent it cuts the curve in but one point. But in all cases, it must be carefully noted, that the secant PS as it revolves about P can approach the tangent PT as near as we choose, but can never reach it; for then it would cease to be a secant; hence the tangent is the lim- iting position of the secant. Therefore as A.r (and conse- quently Aj') diminish towards zero indefinitely, the point S will approach the point P indefinitely and angle SPR ap- proaches indefinitely angle TPR as its limit; whence tan SPR approaches indefinitely tan TPR as its limit. Therefore, taking the limit of the equation above, Aj' dy lim. — = — = tan TPR .... (5). AX' dx Hence if y ^ f {x) is the equation of the curve ^ tJie de- rivative of f{x) with respect to x is alzvays equal to the slope of the curve at the point (.i-, jk) considered. Thus the tan- gent of the angle made by the tangent line of the cubic parabola y =r .r"^ ^ b, already considered, with the axis of .r, equals 3.1-." at the point whose abscission is x. This value was determined above and its meaning is that for X equal to o, ^, ^,1, etc., the slope of the curve is o, Vi-t H^ 3' ^^^-j ^"^ ^^ increases indefinitely as .i' increases indefinitely. lu Edwards' DiflFerential Calculus (second edition, 1892, page 20) we read, changing the letters to suit fig. 2, to which the theory applies: "When S travelling along the curve, approaches indefinitely near to P, the chord PS becomes in the limit the tangent at P." In ex. 2, page 21, the author, in getting the final equation, again says: "When S comes to coincide with P," etc. It is plain from these references that this most recent English author considers a variable to actually reach its limit— a fundamental error we have exposed above. The chord cannot reach the tangent without ceasing to be a chord, neither can the ratio 1= slope \x o of chord) reach its limit — without the ratio ceasing to exist. o 20 JOURNAL OF THE Let US take as another illustration the common parabola y' = 2px. When X increases to x + lx^ y changes to y -f- i^y . • . yP- -f- 2y ^y + {^yf = 2/ {x + ax). Subtracting the first equation from the second 2y Ay + {^yf = 2p A.r a;/ 2p A.l' 2y + A_y As AT approaches zero, ajk tends in the same time towards zero, a limit which neither can attain however. The right 2p member similarly approaches indefinitely the constant — 2y without ever being able to attain it, which is therefore its limit by the definition. Hence slope of tangent at point (.r, ;/) is, A>' dy p ^ p lini. — = — =z-z= — -yA — • Ao; dx y ^ 2x From this equation we see that the slope of the tangent varies from plus or minus infinity for .t = o to plus or minus zero for .r =: go. ^y o dy As, lim. — r^ - ^ — , A.r o dx the dy and dx would appear to replace the zeros in the o singular form -, which gave rise to Bishop Berkeley's wit- o ticism that the dy and dx were "the ghosts of the departed quantities a^ and A.r." As we have defined them above, dy and dx are finite quantities, of the same nature as y and x, whose ratio is always equal to the derivative, this ratio being variable when the derivative is variable. As y ^=/{x) can always be represented by a locus (since for assumed values of .r we can compute and lay off the corresponding ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 21 values of y) and since dy -=- dc represents the slope of the locus at the point {:i\ j), we can represent dy and dx by the length of certain lines. Thus in fig. 2, from the point of tangency P, draw PR parallel to the axis of x a7iy distance from P to R to represent dx and from the point R draw RT parallel to the axis of y to intersection T with the tangent, when RT will represent dy ; for then dv Ar — = tan TPR = lim. — , dx AX as should be the case. If we choose to make dx = a r = PQ, then dy = QI, which is less than aj' when S is above I, for a convex curve to X, and greater than av when j is below, or for a curve concave to X, just to the right of P. It is only in the case where y =/(x) is the equation of a straight line that for dx = ax we have dy = Ay, for here Ay -^ ax represents the slope of the line. Other important formulas can be deduced from fig. 2. If we call the length of the curve from some point D to P, J, then the increment of the arc PS corresponding to the simultaneous increment ax of x will be called as. Call the length of the chord PS = y dy ds 22 JOURNAL OF THE A.i" \y middle terms above approach — , — indefinitely and the A5 A^ right members approach, as their limits, cos IPQ, sin IPQ respectively, as A.r and consequently aj^ and a.^ approach zero indefinitely without ever reaching it. Hence taking A.t' dx A J dy limits and designating lim. — by — and lim. — by — we b.s ds have, ^x dx (6) • • (7). These equations are satisfied by representing ds by the hypotenuse of the right triangle of which dx and dy are the other two sides. Thus if PQ = dx and QI = dy^ then PI = ds; but if PR = dx and RT = dy, then PT = ds. In any case, we have the fundamental relation, ds'' = dx'' ^ dy' (8). It is usual to represent the derivative of y^(^') with re- spect to X hy f^ {x). /^y dy .-. lim. — =/i(.r) = — . AX dx If we call 7e^ an infinitesimal that tends towards zero in the same time as a.t, we can write, -=/'(.r) + w (9), AX for taking the limits of both sides, we reach the preceding equation. The variable w is indeterminate and may be plus or minus. Clearing of fractions, we have, Ay =/^ (x) AX -\- Zt< AX . . . . (lo). In fig. 2, since /^ {x) ax = ax tan IPQ — IQ, we see that the term w Jx must represent IS. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 23 Comparing the last equation with dy =f^ (.r) dx, obtained from an equation above, we see that when dx = A.r, dy == Ai' — Zi'dx. Thus we have proved analytically, when dx = A.r that dy is never equal to aj (except when f{x) represents a straight line) and the difference is exactly represented on the figure by the distance IS. Mauy of the older writers, following the lead of Leibnitz, assumed that dy and aJ'. as well as ds and {^s, were identical when dx = A-f, and the error is perpetuated to this day by possibly the majorit}' of the most recent writers; thus Williamson, in his Differential Calculus (6th Ed., 1887), page 3, says, "When the increment or difference is supposed infinitely small it is called 2i differential.''' Similarly in a recent American treatise on the calculus by Bowser, the same definition is given. Professor Bowser defines " consecutive values of a function or variable as values which differ from each other by less than any assignable quan- tity."' He then adds. "A differential has been defined as an infinitely small increment or an infinitesimal; it may also be defined as the differ- ence between two consecutive values of a variable or function." As there are an infinite number of values lying between o and "any assignable quantity," however small, it follows that such differentials are simply quite small finite quantities. The differentiation of a function, as y = ax- -\- b, would then pro- ceed after the method of Leibnitz, as follows : y := ax'^ + b. Give to .r and y the simultaneous infinitesimal increments dx and dy, y -^ dy = a (x -\- dx)^ -\- b. Subtracting the first equation from the last, we have, dy =a (2 xdx -f- dx'^). Now from the nature of infinitesimals, it is regarded by the followers of Leibnitz as evident that dx^ can be neglected in comparison with 2 xdx, because the square of the infinitesimal dx is infinitely small in compari- son with the variable itself, whence, dy ^ 2 ax dx. It is scarce!}' necessary to remark to the reader that, for an exact result, we cannot make dx = o in part of an equation without making it zero throughout; so that the equation is fundamentally wrong. When we go to the applications to curves, however, another error is made, of an opposite character to the first, so that by this secret compen- sation of errors the result is finally correct. Thus a curve is regarded as a polygon whose sides connect "consecutive points " and a tangent line 24 JOURNAL OF THE at any point is the chord produced through this point and its " consecutive point," so that dy -^- dx gives the slope of the tangent at the point. This is of course wrong, but it exactly balances the other error above, for from the last equation we find the slope, so determined for the curve j = ax"^ -\- b, to be (2 rt-.i"), which we know to be correct by the strict method of limits. The great French author, Lagrange, says in this connection, "In regard- ing a curve as a polygon of an infinite number of sides, each infinitely small, and of which the prolongation is the tangent of the curve, it is clear that we make an erroneous supposition; but this error finds itself corrected in the calculus by the omission which is made of infinitely small quantities. This can be easily shown in examples, but it would be, per- haps, difficult to give a general demonstration of it." Bishop Berkele}-, long before Lagrange, showed this secret compensa- tion of errors in a particular example, his endeavor being particularly to ''show hoiu error may bring forth truth, though it ca7tnot bring forth scietice. ' ' Leibnitz, in attempting a defense of his theor}-, stated that "he treated infinitely small quantities as i^icojnparables, and that he neglected them in comparison with finite quantities 'like grains of sand in comparison with the sea '; a v.ew which would have completeh- changed the nature of his analysis by reducing it to a mere approximative calculus." See Comte's Philosophy of Mathematics, Gillespie, p. 99. The demonstration given above in the case ofy"(.r) = ax^ -{- b can be made general, as follows : From the exact equation (9) above, following the notation of Leibnitz where dy and dx are taken as identical with AjF and A-^', we have exactly, dy - ==/! (.r) 4- zt>. dx The followers of Leibnitz, in differentiating, throw away the term w as nothing and pretend to write exactly, dy - =f' i-r); dx but as they make another error by calling the ratio of the increments dy and dx the slope of the curve, we thus find the latter to equal/ ^ (j), which Ay was assumed above to equal lim. — or the slope of the curve; so that the AX two errors, for au}- function, balance each other and w^e reach a correct result. As the truth of any result, as given by the Leibnitz method, can only be tested, in a similar manner to the above, by comparing with a result known to be correct by use of the method of limits, it would seem to be inexcusable not to found the calculus upon this latter method. After- ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 25 wards a true "iufinitesimal method" can be easily logically deduced (as Duhamel and others have shown) that wdll offer all the advantages and abbreviated processes of the Leibnitz method, with none of its errors of reasoning. It is well to remark just here that because j' ^=/{x) can always be represented by a locus, and since its derivative with respect to x represents the slope of the tangent at the point (a-, y\ it will generally be finite. It is only at the points where the tangent is parallel or perpendicular to the axis of X that the derivative is zero or infinity. Hence the ratio of aj' to aa', whose limit is the slope, has generally a finite limit. We have studied now, with some thoroughness, the theory of tangents and will next take up, a no less impor- tant subject, the method of rates. When a variable changes so that, in consecutive equal intervals of time, the incre- ments are equal, the change is said to be uniform; other- wise variable. For uniform change, the increment of the function in the unit of time is called the rate. Thus in space the case of uniform motion, velocity = rate = . time For a variable change, the rate of the function at any instant is what its increment would become in a unit of time if at that instant the change became uniform. In looking for an illustration to show clearly the spirit and method of the calculus, perhaps none is more satisfac- tory to the beginner than the consideration of falling bod- ies in vacuo. If we call the space in feet, described by the falling body in / seconds, s and ^ the acceleration due to gravity, we have the relation between the space and time, as given by numerous experiments, expressed in the following equation, s= Yi g i-\ 26 JOURNAL OF THE ^ is a variable for different latitudes and is slightly over 32. Take it 32 for brevity. s = 16 t^ . . . . {11). In the time / -j- a^ the space described would be jr -|- ^s (see fig. 3), and by the same law, V. /is '^^ (^ + A^) = 16 (/ + ^i)\ Subtracting the preceding equation and divid- ^'r ^ ing by A/, A.9 — = 16 (2/ + A/*). A^ This o-ives the average rate or velocity with which the small space a^ is described. As the rate or velocity is changing all the time, call v^ and z'2 the least and greatest values of the velocity in de- scribing the space a^-; then the spaces which would have been described with uniform velocities z^,, v^ in time a/ are z/, a/ and v^ a/, which are respectively less and greater than the actual space /^s. Hence z'„ — and c>^ are in ascending order of magnitude. A/ As a/ (and a^ consequently) is diminished indefinitely, these three quantities approach equality and the exact velocity the body has at the beginning of the space as is given by the constant to which they approach indefinitely but never AS attain. But lim. z\ = lini. v^ = limit — = velocity or At rate at the instant the space .? has been described (see Ed- wards' Differential Calculus). Hence in the particular example above, the velocity the falling body has, at the end of / seconds, when it has de- scribed the space s^ is, ds AS — = lim. — ^ 32/ (12); dt At ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 27 i. e.^ the body at the end of i, 2, 3 . . , seconds is moving with a rate of 32, 64, 96 . . , feet per second. The same conclusion follows if we give a decrement to / in eq. (11). Thus [s — A-y) = l6{t — i^tf . • . lim. — = lim. 16 (2/ — a/) ^ 32/. a/ The average velocity in describing the space A^y just above the point considered is 16 (2/ — a/), that below, as found above, is 16 (2/ — a/); the true velocity lies between them and is equal to the limit 16 (2^) of either. The above general demonstration can be adapted to the rate of increase of any function, n =/'(/'), which does not change uniformly with the time, u representing a magni- tude of any kind, as length, area, volume, etc. ; for if a// is the actual change of the magnitude in time a/*, and r, and r^ the least and greatest values of the rate of cJiange of II in the interval a/, corresponding to the increments r, a/, }\ c\t^ of the magnitude, if these rates were uniform for the time a/, then r, a/, a// and i\ a/ are in the ascend- ^u ing order of magnitude; also ;-,, — and i\ are in the same a/ order. Hence, as these quantities approach equality in- definitely as a/ tends towards zero, the limit of any one of them is equal to the actual rate of increase of the magni- tude u which is thus represented by lim. r„ = lim. }\^ or, A?/ (ill lim. — = — . A/ dt Thus the derivative of any function, which varies with the time, with respect to /, gives the exact rate of increase of the function at the instant considered. If It and X are both functions of /, connected by the relation ?/ ^ F (,r), then 28 JOURNAL OF THE du dii dt rate of change of // dx dx rate of change of x dt As an illustration, find the rate at which the volume u of a cube tends to increase in relation to the increase of an edge X, due to a supposed continuous expansion from heat. du u = x^ .' . — ^ 3.i'l dx Therefore for x = i, 2, 3, the volume tends to increase at a rate 3, 12, 27 times as fast as the edge increases. Numerous examples could be given of the application of the differential calculus to the ascertaining of relative rates, but the above will suffice to illustrate the principle. dii It has been shown above that if // =zf[t)^ — represents dl the rate of change of ?/, if at any time /, the rate is sup- posed to become uniform; hence die represents what the increment of 2c would become in time di. As time must vary uniformly, dt is always a constant^ though it is entirely arbitrary as to numerical value; hence the differential of a variable can be defined^ as zvhat the increment of the variable would become in any interval of time if at the instant considered^ the change becomes uni- form or the rate becomes constant. If 21 is a function of several variables, then the differentials of each must be simultaneous ones, corresponding to the same interval of time. Newton, in establishing his calculus of fluents and flux- ions, conceived a curve to be traced by the motion of a point, an area between the axis of .f, the curve and two extreme ordinates, to be traced by the motion of a variable ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 29 ordinate to the curve and a solid to be generated by the motion of an area. As a point traces a curve DPS (fig. 2), when it reaches the point P, it has the direction of the tangent PT at that instant; for we can make only two suppositions: (i) the direction coincides with that of some chord passing through P, whether the otlier end of the chord precedes or follows P, or (2) it coincides with the tangent; but it cannot have the direction of a chord at the point P without leaving the curve; hence this supposition is false, and as one must be true, it follows that the direction of motion at P must coin- cide with the tangent PT. At the point P therefore, by the definition above of a differential, the simultaneous differentials of .r, y and s are what their increments would become, during any time, if at P their rates of change should become constant. This can happen only where the motion takes place uniformly along a straight line and this line must be the tangent at P, as that is the direction of motion at that point. The differentials dx, dy and ds can thus be represented by PQ, QI and PI respectively, or by PR, RT and PT, for a uni- form increase along the tangent would correspond to a uniform rate horizontally and vertically. This agrees with what has hitherto been established. The rates of increase, horizontally, vertically and along dx dy ds the tangent, are — , — and — respectively. d/ dt dt The differential of an area is found as follows: Let area CDPA = 2/, then if A.r = dx ^= AB, du ^=ydx ; for although A?/ = area APSB, the increase of area will not be uniform if the upper end of the ordinate AP moves along the curve, but it wnll be uniform if it moves uniformly along PQR; for then equal rectangles, as APQB, will be sw^ept out by the ordinate AP as it moves to the right, in equal times. 4 30 JOURNAL OF THE Therefore by the definition of differential above, du ^area APQB = ydx. This is readily proved by the method of limits thus: Note that, VAA- < A?^ < {y + A>') A-i-; hence dividing- by J.r and observing that as J.i" diminishes An indefinitely, ( y -f aj') and hence — (which is still nearer/) Ar approach y indefinitely in value, A// dii . ' . lim. — = — = J/ . . . . (ii). A.r dx Similarly we can prove, by either method, that if V represents the volume generated by CDPA revolving about /^^) run tli rough a stage known as the rhagon (Sollas), which it is permissible to regard as the ontogenetic representative of the Sycon type. The rhagon of Oscarella* is a three-layed sac with a terminal osculum. The flagellated chambers form a single layer round the central cavity opening into it by wide mouths, and opening on the surface by pores. Regarding this form, as seems best, as equivalent to the Sycon type, it will be noticed that the radial tubes of the Sycon are coenogenetically replaced by flagellated chambers. The rhagon of Oscarella is formed as an invaginate gastrula, which attaches mouth down. The gastrula mouth closes and the osculum is a new formation. The flagellated chambers rise as true diverticula from the central cavity. The adult Oscarella, the canal system of which is not far removed from that of Plakina monolopha^ is very probably formed from the rhagon, by the development in the latter of a number of simple diverticula from the central cavity. These diverticula are the efferent canals into which open the flagellated chambers. The ectodermic spaces between the efferent diverticula become the afferent canals. The adult Oscarella, like P, nionolopha, is directly comparable with a simple Leucon. The development of Oscarella, in laree measures, confirms the conclusions drawn from com- parative anatomy, and may therefore be considered as phylogenetic. The development of Plakina monolopha (Schulze, /. r.) has already been described. The sac with its single layer of flagellated chambers round a central cavity is a rhagon, and may be taken as representing the Sycon stage. The adult Plakina itself is the Leucon stage. *Heider. Zur Metamorphose der Oscarella lobularis. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien. Bd. 6. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 41 In Reniera Jiligrana^^ there is a solid swimming larva, which after attaching acquires a central cavity with an apical osculum. The flagellated chambers arise as diverti- cula from this cavity. Thus in this sponge also there is a rhagon stage. But in one matter we strike upon a coeno- genetic modification. The afferent canals instead of being ontogeneticall}- formed from the ectoderm, as they seem to have been phylogenetically, are really formed from endo- dermic diverticula, which grow outwards, meeting the sur- face epithelium. In Chalinula fertilist there is also a solid larva in which a central cavity is hollowed out. But in this sponge the flagellated chambers of the rhagon stage do not arise as endodermic diverticula, but are formed independently from solid groups of mesoderm cells. This origin of the flagel- lated chambers must be regarded as coenogenetic. The fact that the mesoderm may take upon itself the function of forming organs ordinarily formed by the entoderm, would seem to indicate that the two layers are of much the same nature. This essential similarity between the tw^o layers has always been maintained by Metschnikoff", not only on the ground of dev^elopment, but for physiological reasons as well. Thus in young Spongillas when the water became bad he witnessed the entire disappearance of the flagellated chambers, the sponge then consisting of ectoderm and mesoderm alone. With a fresh supply of water the chambers re-appeared. J Again, after feeding carmine in an excessive amount to Halisarca poutica^ he found that the canals and chambers entirely disappeared, the whole body of the sponge inside the ectoderm consisting merely of a mass of amoeboid cells full of carmine iibid.^ p. 272). ^Marshall. Die Ontogenic von Reniera filigrana. Zeit. fur Wiss. Zool. Bd. 37. •Keller. Stud, uber die Organisation und die Entwicl iss. Zool. Bd. 33. jMetschnikoff. Spong. Stud. Zeit. fur Wiss. Zool. Bd. 32. tKeller. Stud, uber die Organisation und die Entwick der Chalineen. Zeit. fur Wiss. Zool. Bd. 33. 42 JOURNAL OF THE The development of the afferent system in Chalinula was not worked ont with certainty. The embryology of the preceding sponges in which a rhagon type is developed agrees pretty well with onr gen- eral notions of sponge phylogeny. Bnt there are other sponges, the development of which has been so excessively modified as no longer to be of any nse as finger posts to phylogeny, bnt which afford an excellent field for the study of what may be called the methods of coenogeny. In //ah'sarca Dujarc//;2n{MQtschmkoff, I. ' {Pandion halicetiis carolineusis). Have noted two nests in Bertie count\- and seen young- ones several times; reported breeding along the larger streams of the west by Cairns. 7. Black-billed Cuckoo {^Coccyzus erythrothahnus). Reported breeding in Wake county by Brimley; Cairns says that it breeds during some seasons in the mountains. 8. Belted Kingfisher [Ceryle alcyoii). I found a nest containing seven eggs in 1889, which was placed at the end of a burrow in a bank on the Cashie Ri\'er near its mouth; breeds in the west. (Cairns). 9. Hair}- Woodpecker ^Dryobntes villosiis). Said to breed in the higher mountains of the west by Cairns. 10. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker {Sphyrapiais z'an'us). Reported breeding by Cairns in Buncombe county on higher mountains. 11. Red-headed Woodpecker {^Melaucrpes erypJirocepJi- aliis). Found commonly breeding in all sections. 12. Red-bellied Woodpecker {Alelancrpes caroliniis). Rather rare breeder in all sections of the vState, 13. Chuck-wilTs-widow ^Antrostoiiius carolinensis). Three nests, containing two eggs each, were found by my.self in Bertie county; one in 1888 and two in 1891. 14. Night-hawk {Chordei/es virginiaujis). Found breed- ing in the eastern section by myself. 15. Least Flycatcher {Einpidonax DiimDius). Reported as a rare breeder in mountains bv Cairns. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 63 16. American Crow [Corviis amcricamis). Found breeding in all sections, common. 17. Boat-tailed Grackle {Qmsatlus major). One nest containing four eggs was taken in Plymouth from an old elm overgrown with ivy, in 1889, by myself. 18. Towliee {Pipilo erythrotJialmus). Reported bv Cairns as breeding in Buncombe countv. 19. Rose-breasted Grosbeak [Habia ludoviciaiia). Said to breed on cragg\- mountains by Cairns. 20. White-bellied Swallow {TacJiycineta bicolor). Sev- eral nests containing eggs have been taken by my cousin (T. A. Smithwick) and myself in the last few vears. 21. Logger-head Shrike {Lanius ludoviciaims). Reported breeding in Iredell county by McLaughlin. 22. Warbling Vireo {llreo gilvus). Reported breed- ing along the rivers in the mountain section by Cairns. 23. Yellow-throated Vireo {Vireo Jiavifrons). I have taken two nests in Bertie county; no others have been recorded. 24. Mountain Solitary Vireo {l^ireo solitarius aliicola). Found breeding in the higher mountains by Cairns. 25. White-eyed Vireo {Vireo iioveaboraceiisis). Breeds throughout the State, common. 26. Prothonotary Warbler {Protonotaria citred). I found one nest in 1888 in Bertie county which contained three eggs; this is the farthest north that any nest has been recorded on the Atlantic slope, so far, I think. 27. Worm-eating Warbler {Helmintherus veriiiivortis). One nest was found in Bertie county by T. A. Smith wick and one in Buncombe county by Cairns last spring; this shows that it may breed in all portions. 28. Blue-winged Warbler {^Helmintkopliila pinus). Said to breed in the mountains by Cairns. 29. r^Iagnolia Warbler (Dendroica maculosa). Breeds in the west; young ones have been seen in July by Cairns. 64 JOURNAL OF THE 30. Oven-bird {Seiuriis aitrocapilliis). One nest was found in Bertie county in 1892 by myself. 31. Hooded Warbler {Sylvania miirata). I found one nest in' 1888, and since that time a great many nests have been found by my cousin and myself in Bertie county. Not reported from any other section. 32. Winter Wren [Troglodytes hienialis). Two nests were found by Cairns on the Black mountains in the spring- of 1892. ^2)' Golden-crowned Kinglet [Regulus satrapa). Reported breeding on Black mountains by Cairns. 34. Olive-backed Thrush {Tiirdus iistnlatiis szvain- sonii). One nest has been reported, it being found on Black mountains bv Cairns. CONTRIBrXIONS FROM GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. No. I. AN EXAMPLE OF RIVER ADJUSTMENT. BY CHARLES BASKERVILLE AND R. H. MITCHELL. One could scarceh- find an example which more fully illustrates the principles involved in determining the courses of streams than the Jackson River in western Vir- ginia. This is a small stream rising near Monterey, High- land count)', flowing south-west through Bath into the James River at Covington, Alleghany county. The existing topography is the result of the denudation following upon the great Permian deformation, which gave rise to the main ranges of the Appalachians. From ELISHA MITCHELL SCIEXTIFIC SOCIETY. 65 this upheaval dates the beginning of the history of the riv^ers of this reeion. Jfefertncej I C Ckt\yhyitkyy. II Jt/un a r* •II Ut tion i Q r\ i(/V Loitr Co.rij9mJtrou^ yya r irt S/o f n a f Diagram I gives a rough perspective of this immediate region, together with a vertical section in a north-west and south-easterly direction, just south of Warm Springs. In the vertical section the unbroken lines represent the geological structure of the present topography (heavy line CD) and the dotted lines the same in Permian time. The perspective shows the drainage consequent upon the deformation, and combining the two, it can be seen that the Jackson River flowed down a syncline in a south-westerly direction on a bed of the lower carboniferous rock. Parallel to this, and in a similar syncline on the 66 JOURNAL OF THE same stratum with lower level, flowed now Back Creek, formerly Meadow Fork of the Greenbrier River, West Vir- ginia. Tributary A of Back Creek, on account of steep- ness of slope, gnaws back, capturing headwaters of Jack- son River by tributary A\ causing the same to have its outlet in a north-westerly direction, thus throwing the water-shed east (GF) between Cowpasture and Jackson Rivers, which previously (EF) was between Jackson River and Back Creek. The base of the syncline, then the bed of Back Creek (Meadow Fork), was nearer base level than base of Jackson River syncline, consequently the softer Devonian slates were reached first by the latter. With conditions thus changed the tributary B of Jackson River captures in turn the headwaters (B') of Meadow Fork (Back Creek), and the water-shed (HF) as now exists was shifted west between Greenbrier River and Meadow Fork of same and Back Creek. Diagram II "shows the present flow of waters of Jackson River. University of North Carolina. « CHARACTER AND DISTRIBUTION OF ROAD MATERIALS. BY J. A. HOLMES. In the following discussion of the character and dis- tribution of road material in the State it is thought best to avoid the use of technical terms as far as possible; and the names of rocks here used are those applied by the engineer rather than by the geologist. The character of the materials is discussed with a view to their fitness for use in the construction of broken-stone pavement, as used by Macadam and Telford on the public highways. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 67 CHARACTER OF ROAD MATERIALS. ''In considering the relative fitness of the various mate- rials," savs Byrne, "^ ''the following physical and chemical qualities must be sought for: " ( I ). Hardness, or that disposition of a solid which ren- ders it difficult to displace its parts among themselves. "(2 '. Toughness, or that quality which will endure light but rapid blows without breaking. "(3). Ability to withstand the destructive action of the weather, and probablv some organic acids produced by the decomposition of excretal matters, always present upon the roadways in use. "(4. The porosity, or water-absorbing capacity, is of considerable importance. There is, perhaps, no more potent disintegrator in nature than frost, and it may be accepted as fact that of two rocks which are to be exposed to frost, the one most absorbent of water will be the least durable." The following table shows absorptive power of a few common stones: t Perceutage of Water Absorbed. Percentage of Water Absorbed. Granites ..- - -- 0.06100.155 Limestones--. 0.20 to 5.00 Marbles -. o.oStoo. 16 Sandstones - .- 0.41 to 5.48 Something of the quality and suitability of diflferent materials for use in broken-stone pavements is shown in the following table: 4! Materials. Co-efficients of Co-efficients of Wear. Crushing. Basalt --- - -- 12.5 to 24.2 12.1 to 16. Porphyr}' -- -- 14.11022.9 8.3 to 16.3 Gneiss -- --- 10.3 to 19.0 13.4 to 14.8 Granite 7.3 to 18.0 7.7 to 15.8 Svenite -- -- 11. 6 to 12.7 12.4 to 13.0 Slag --- -- --- 14.5 to 15.3 7.2 to 1 1. 1 Ouartzite -_- -- 13.8 to 30.0 12.3 to 21.6 Qnartzose sandstone 14.3 to 26.2 9.9 to 16.6 Quartz ---, 12.91017.8 12.3 to 13.2 Limestone -_ - --; :6.6 to 15.7 6.5 to 13.5 ^Highway Construction, p. 24. ^Ibid.. p. 26. Xlbid., p. 172. 68 JOURNAL OF THE These ''co-efficients," showing tlie relative quality of various road materials, were obtained by French engineers as the result of an extended series of tests, and were found to agree fairly well with the results arrived at by actual observation of the wear of materials in the roads. The co-efficient 20 is equivalent to "excellent," 10 to "suffi- ciently good," and 5 to "bad." Stones not Suitable as Road Material. — Before pro- ceeding to the consideration of the stones found in North Carolina adapted to use as road material it may be well to consider briefly some of those that are not suited to this purpose. In general, it may be said that all schistose and slaty rocks, /. e., all rocks which split or break easily into layers or flakes, should be discarded. No rock of what- ever species which is already in the advanced stages of decay, so as to become crumbly and soft or porous, should be used in macadamizing roads, as the result in all such cases will be that, under the action of the wheels and hoofs, these materials become ground into fine powder, which becomes mud when wet, and dust when dr\'. There are many places, however, where a decayed granite or gneiss rock, when highly siliceous, will make a good foun- dation for a Macadam road, and will be found useful as a covering on clay in the improvement of dirt roads. There are other materials, like quartz (" white flint"), which are hard enough, but which are quite brittle, and hence easily crushed to powder, and which, consequently, should not be used when better material is available. Sandstones, as a rule, are unfit for use in macadamizing roads, as they are easily crushed and usually porous. Stones Suitable as Road Material. — "The materials used for broken-stone pavements must of necessity vary very much according to the locality. Owing to the cost of haulage, local stone must generally be used, especially if the traffic be onl\- moderate. If, howe\'er, the traffic is ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 69 ]ieav\-. it will sometimes be found better and more e<:onomical to obtain a superior material, even at a higher cost, than the local stone; and in cases where the traffic is verv oTeat the best material that can be obtained is the most economical.""^ In the middle and western counties of the State, in many places, stones now covering the cul- tivated fields will be found satisfactory for use on the roads, and in order to get rid of them farmers will haul and sell them for low prices. Stones ordinarily used in the construction of ^Macadam and Telford roads are the following: Trap, syenite, granite, gneiss, limestone, quartzite, gravel and sand. The first three of these names are used here in a very general sense, and include several species of rock which, in technical language, would be known by other names. In general, it mav be said that they rank in importance about in the order named, but several of them, especially the granite, gneiss and limestone, vary so much in quality that this general statement is subject to modification accordingly. The term trap, as here used, includes not only the black, rather fine-grained, igneous rock known as diabase, which occurs in long dykes in the sandstone basins of Deep and Dan Rivers, but also the somewhat similar material which is to be found in the older crystalline rock of many other reo^ions. In this State it is often known local Iv under the name of ''nigger-head'' rock. This rock does not usually split well into paving blocks, but when properly broken it is the most uniformly good material obtainable for macadam- izing public highways, though sometimes it does not ''bind'' well. Syenite, sometimes called Jwvjiblende granite, varies somewhat in quality and composition. It is a widely dis- tributed rock in the midland and western counties of =^Byrue, Highway Construction, p. yO JOURNAL OF THE North Carolina, and is an excellent road material. The v-arieties which are finer in grain, and those having the larger proportion of the black mineral known as horn- blende and are consequently of darker color, are best adapted for this purpose. Granites vary considerably, both in quality and appear- ance, and in their value as road material. Those which are very coarse in grain, containing large and numerous crystals of feldspar, are, as a rule, more easily crushed and decay more rapidly, and should not be used in road con- struction when better materials are available. Those which contain a large proportion of mica split and crush more easily into thin flakes and grains, and for this reason are also less valuable. Those varieties which are of fine tjrain and contain an admixture of hornblende are best for road purposes. Gneiss^ which has the same general composition as granite, also varies very greatly in its quality and adapta- bility to road building. It usually has the appearance of being somewhat laminated or bedded, and when the layers are thin and the rock shows a tendency to split along these layers it should be discarded for road purposes. In addi- tion to this, the statements made above with reference to the granites will apply also to gneiss. Liinesione suitable for road purposes is not an abundant rock in North Carolina, but it is found in a few of the eastern and a few of the western counties. It is a rock which varies very greatly in character, from the hard, fine- grained, compact magnesium limestone, which is a most excellent material for the Macadam and Telford roads, to the porous, coarse and partially compact sliell-rock of recent geological formation, which is less valuable mate- rial. Practically all limestones when used as road material possess one valuable qualification, that of "binding''; the surface material which becomes ground by the action of ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 7 1 the wheels settles among the fragments below and consoli- dates the entire mass. For this reason, in many cases, it has been fonnd to be good policy to mix a considerable quantity of limestone with some siliceous and igneous rock, which though hard and tough does not consolidate readily. Gravel and Sand are not used in the construction of stone roads as formed by Macadam and Telford, except as an excellent foundation, for which purpose they possess a very great value; and as a binding material, in small quantities, they are sometimes spread over the road surface between the layers of crushed stone. When used in this latter connection, however, the gravel must be quite free from round pebbles. Gravel is, however, used extensively in the construction of what are termed gravel roads; where there is no attempt at macadamizing the roads, but where the gravel itself is spread uniformly over the surface of a foundation road-bed which has been properly shaped and drained. Gravel like that which occurs so abundantly in many Northern States, where glaciers existed, is not found in North Carolina. But river gravels are found in a num- ber of our counties; and, as suggested above, in the middle and western counties there are to be found in places decayed siliceous granite and gneiss which, though not suited for mixing with crushed stone in macadamizing roads, yet will be found to serve a useful purpose as a foundation for the broken stone on clay roads, and also as a top dressing on clayey dirt roads. DISTRIBUTION OF ROAD MATERIALS. A line drawn from Gaston to Smithfield, Smithfield to Cary, and from Cary to Wadesboro, separates the State into two general and well-marked divisions, the eastern of which may be called the Coastal Plain region, and the western may be termed Piedmont and Mountain regions. 72 JOURNAL OF THE In the Coastal Plain Region. — In the eastern counties, except along the western border of this Coastal Plain region at irregular intervals, we find none of the hard crystalline rocks suitable for broken stone roads. Over the larger part of the area we have sand, clays and loams, the sands becoming coarser and more gravelly along the western border and finer towards the eastern. At a num- ber of points along some of the rivers and in some inter- vening areas is to be found a limestone rock which will serve a fairly good purpose in road-building. Gravel. — The gravel along this western border can b^ used successfully in making a fairly good road-bed, and should be used extensively where the hard crystalline rocks cannot be obtained. It may be found at many places in counties between the line mentioned above, extending from Gaston to Wadesboro, and a line drawn to the east of this from Franklin, Virginia, by way of Scotland Neck, Tar- boro, LaGrange and Clinton, to Lumberton; and in a few places also considerably to the east of this latter line. The gravel is more generally distributed along the borders of the river basins, where it occurs in extensive beds, a few inches to twenty feet in thickness, though along the west- ern edge of the Coastal Plain region it is often found on the hill-toJDS and divides between the rivers. In many places the gravel is suitable for use on the road- bed just as it comes from the pit, containing pebbles of the right size, from an inch down to a coarse sand, and a small percentage of ferruginous clay, just enough to make it pack well in the road-bed without preventing proper drainage. In many cases, however, the proportion of clay and loam and sand is too large and must be reduced by the use of fine screens; and in other cases many of the pebbles are so large that they must be separated by means of a one-inch mesh screen, and those too large to pass through this screen broken before thev are used. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 73 The railroads passing through this region long since dis- covered the value of this gravel as a road material, and have used it extensively as a ballast on their road-beds. The small percentage of ferruginous clay soon cements the gravel into a hard, compact mass. Limestone. — In the south-eastern portion of this region limestone rock and calcareous shells from the oyster and from fossil mollusks from the marl beds constitute the only hard materials to be found there for road construction. In some places the limestone is fairly hard and compact, as at Rocky Point, on the Northeast Cape Fear River, at Castle Hayne and elsewhere, and this rock will make an excellent road. In other places it is made up of a mass of shells firmly cemented together, as on the Trent River, near Newbern, and elsewhere. At many other points beds of shells are so slightly cemented together that the material may hardly be called a rock, as the term is ordinarily used, and in this condition it is of less value as a road material, but may be used for this purpose to advantage. x\ careful search will show limestone of one of these grades to occur in considerable quantities at many points in these eastern counties, betw^een the Tar River and the South Carolina line. The harder, the more compact, and finer grained this rock, the more valuable it is as a road material; but the loose shells from marl beds, when free from clay, and the oyster-shells from the coast, when placed on a road surface and ground into fine fragments by travel, will solidify into a hard, compact road, as may be seen in the case of the excellent ''shell road" between Wilmington and Wrightsville, which was built of oyster-shells. Clay and Sand. — The admixture of a small percentage of clay or loam wnth the sand on the surface of the road- bed wnll solidify it, and will thus very greatly improve the character of the road; and in this connection, and only in this connection, clay may be considered a useful road 74 JOURNAL OF THE material. In whatever region the clay occurs in abun- dance the road will be greatly improved by the proper admixture of sand from an adjoining region, and by proper drainage. Granites and other Crystalline Rocks. — These are found outcropping at intervals along the western border of the Coastal Plain region, and wherever found accessible this material should be used in the construction of roads. Near the northern border of the State they are. found exposed in considerable quantity; along the Roanoke River, between Gaston and Weldon, in Northampton and Halifax counties; near Whitaker's Station, at Rocky Mount, just south of Wilson, and again a few miles north of Golds- boro on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. Another isolated and interesting occurrence of granite is near the junction of Pitt, Wilson and Edgecombe counties, where it is exposed over a tract of several acres. West of the Wilmington & W>ldon Railroad, in the counties of Hali- fax, Nash and Johnston, the streams have removed the surface sands and clay in narrow strips along their borders, and have exposed at intervals the crystalline rocks; and in many places these rocks will be found to make good road material. Further south-west, in Wake county, on the Cape Fear River, and Upper Little River, in Harnett county, and again along the banks of the Pee Dee River and tributaries in Richmond and Anson counties, granitic and slaty rocks occur in considerable quantities, the former especially suitable for road material. In considering the materials for good roads in the coun- ties of this Coastal Plain reg^on it must also be borne in mind that several large rivers connect this region with ample sources of granite and other good road materials which occur at the head of navigation on these streams and can be cheaply transported on flats; and further, that a number of railroads pass from the midland counties ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 75 where the supply is abunda-nt directly into and across the Coastal Plain region. Plank Roads. — As suggested above, in deep sandy regions where timber is abundant the plank road may prove the most economical good road that can be built for temporary use, and some of them last six to ten years. But the great- est objection to them lies in the fact that when the timbers decay, whether this be at the end of four or ten years, the road is orone; and the entire cost in labor and monev must be repeated. Ix THE MiDLAXD AXD PiEDMOXT CouxTiES. — Throughout the midland and Piedmont counties of the State, w^est of the Coastal Plain region, rocks suitable for road purposes are abundant and widely distributed, so that no one can claim as an excuse for bad roads that the materials are not at hand for good roads. It will serve our present purpose to discuss these in the order of their geographic distribu- tion, with but little regard to their geologic relations. Trap Rock in the Sandstone Areas. — As stated above, sandstones possess very little value as road material, espe- cially when broken into fragments, as is necessary in making Macadam and Telford roads, but fortunately in this respect the sandstones of North Carolina are quite limited in their distribution. The larger of the two areas begins near Oxford, in Granville county, and extends south-westward, passing into South Carolina below Wadesboro. It has its maximum width of about sixteen miles between Chapel Hill and Cary, and its average width is less than ten miles. It occupies the southern portion of Granville county, the southern half of Durham, the western border of Wake, the south-eastern border of Chatham, and portions of Moore, Montgomery, x\nson and Richmond counties. The other sandstone area is much more limited in extent.- It lies mainly in Stokes and Rockingham counties, along the Dan River, between Germantown and the Virginia line, a 76 JOURNAL OF THE length of not more than thirty miles, and a maximum width of not more than five miles. Fortunately for the roads leading through these sand- stone areas there is an abundance of a hard, black, tough, fine-grained rock, known as diabase, or trap, occurring in dykes which have broken through the sandstone and now appear on the surface in lines of more or less rounded black masses of rock running nearly north and south. These dykes vary in width from a few feet to more than one hun- dred feet, and are separated from one another by distances varying from a few yards to two or three miles. A dozen or more of these dykes are crossed by the wagon road between Chapel Hill and Morrisville. Several dykes occur at and near Durham, and the rock has been used upon roads leading out from Durham, but unfortunately it has not been crushed into small fragments, as should have been done, and hence the result has not been altogether satis- factory. There is, probably, in both these sandstone areas a suf- ficient amount of trap rock to properly macadamize every prominent road that crosses them, and, after this has been done, to furnish a top dressing for all public roads which are likely to be macadamized in the adjacent counties. Trap Rock in Other Areas. — Fortunately this excellent road material is, in its occurrence, not limited to the sand- stone regions. Dykes quite similar to tliose which abound in the areas just described are also found extending across the country in many of the midland and Piedmont coun- ties, and also the region west of the Blue Ridge. Hereto- fore this black, "nigger-head" rock, as it is frequently called, has been regarded as a useless encumbrance of the ground; now, in connection with the move for better roads, it must be regarded as one of our most valuable rocks. The city of Winston has already made extensive use of it in macadamizintr its streets, with excellent results. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 77 77/e Eastern Granite Belts. — Granitic rocks are abun- dant over considerable areas in the midland and Piedmont counties, and especially in the former. One of these important areas may be called, as a matter of convenience, the Raleigh granite belt; which, in a general way, may be described as enclosed by lines drawn from Gaston to Smith- field, thence to a point midway between Raleigh and Gary, and thence a little east of north to the Virginia line. This belt occupies a considerable part of Wake, including the region about Raleigh, of Franklin, and practically the whole of Warren and Vance counties. The principal rocks of this belt are light-colored gray, comparatively fine-grained, granite and gneiss; on the whole a fairly good material for road construction. The rocks vary in com- position and in appearance at different localities, but are fairly uniform in character over considerable areas. In some places the black or biotite mica is largely wanting, and the rock assumes a whitish feldspathic character; at other points the mica becomes abundant, and the rock assumes a dark gray color. In places the mica is so abun- dant that the gneiss becomes somewhat schistose, or laminated, and in this condition crushes easily, hence should not be used on the roads. Dykes of trap rock are occasionally met with, and these should be used in prefer- ence to the gneiss and granite wherever accessible. The somewhat isolated patches of granite lying east of this belt in Halifax, Nash, Edgecombe and Wilson coun- ties have already been referred to. West of the Raleigh belt there is another granite area of limited extent which occupies the extreme north-eastern portion of Durham count}' and the larger part of Granville county. This may be called the Oxford granite belt. The rocks of this area resemble to some extent those of the Raleigh belt, but there is a larger proportion of syenitic and trap rocks, which make excellent road material. yS JOURNAL OF THE The Ce?itral Granite Belt. — This belt extends obliquely across the State from near Roxboro, in Person county, to the South Carolina line along the southern border of Meck- lenburg. Its width varies from ten to thirty miles, and it occupies a total area of about three thousand square miles in the following counties: Western half of Person, including the region about Roxboro; the south-eastern portion of Caswell, the north-western half of Alamance, the larger part of Guilford and Davidson, south-eastern portions of Davie and Iredell, Lincoln and Gaston and the larger part of Rowan, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg. In this belt throughout its entire extent road material of most excellent quality is abundant. The prevailing characteristic rocks are syenite, dolerite (trap), greenstone, amphibolite, granite and porphyry; and, as will be seen from this list, the tough hornblende and augite rocks predominate. Dykes of trap rock, some of them of considerable extent, are to be found in almost every portion of the belt. So uniformly tough and durable are these materials that one could hardly go amiss in making selections for road construction. The Central Slate Belt. — This region lies just east of the central granite belt, and extends obliquely across the State from Virginia to South Carolina. Its eastern border lies against the Deep River sandstone basin described above (p. 23). It varies from twenty to forty miles in width and includes all or portions of the following counties: The east- ern half of Person, the north-western part of Durham, the south-eastern part of Alamance, nearly all of Orange, Chatham, Randolph, Montgomery, Stanly and Union; the eastern part of Davidson and Rowan, and the north-western part of Anson. A considerable portion of this area is rich in other mineral products, but the entire belt, as compared with the central granite belt, is poor in road materials. The rocks are mostly siliceous and clay slates, with a considerable admixture of chloritic and hydromicaceous ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 79 schists; all of which are at best inferior for road construc- tion. Here and there, however, trap dykes are found in this belt; and in places the siliceous slates become some- what massive, passing intohornstone and a quartzite, which, when crushed, will answer fairh- well for macadamizino- purposes. In other places the chloritic schists become somewhat massive and tough and can be used in the same way. In still other places, as about the State University, and along the eastern border of Orange countv, the rock is a fine-grained, tough syenite, accompanied by trap dykes, and is eminently suited for road purposes; and again, as near Hillsboro, granite occurs in a limited area. Vein quartz ("white flint") is abundant in many parts of the belt; and, though not usually recommended as road material, is worthy of consideration. While, then, on the whole the rocks of this belt are not suitable for use as road material, yet a careful search will show the existence of a sufficient quantity of material of .fair quality to macadam- ize all the public roads. And should this supply ever prove insufficient, excellent materials are to be found in abundance in the granite belt along the western border of this region, and in the trap dykes of the sandstone on the eastern border. The Gneisses and Other Rocks of the Piedmont Counties. — West of the central granite belt as described above, and extending back to the foot-hills of the Blue Ridge, is the region occupied by the Piedmont counties — Rockingham, Stokes, Forsyth, Yadkin, Surry, Wilkes, Davie, Iredell, Alexander, Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Rutherford, Polk, Cleveland, Catawba, Lincoln and Gaston. The rocks of this region resemble in many respects those of the Raleigh granite belt. They consist of a succession of gneisses, schists and slates, more hornblendic toward the east and more micaceous toward the west, with here and there masses and dykes of syenite, trap and other eruptive rocks. 8o JOURNAL OF THE In places, avS at Mount Airy, tlie true ^ranite occurs in con- siderable abundance. The granites and gneisses, except where the latter tend to split into thin layers and crush, are fairly good materials for road construction, improving as they become finer in grain and as the percentage of horn- blende increases; but the best material for road construc- tion is to be found in the trap dykes and syenite ledges which at intervals traverse this region, more especialh- its eastern half. The Gneisses and Other Rocks of the Mountain Counties. — The rocks of this re^rion are not greatlv unlike those of the Piedmont counties just described. Over much the larger part of the area rock fairly well adapted to road con- struction is abundant, indeed so abundant that the laborers on the public roads in that region during the past half century have expended the larger part of their time and energy in endeavoring to get this rock out of the way. Had they expended this time and energy in crushing the rock and spreading it over a well-formed foundation, this region would possess at the present tiuie a number of excellent macadamized highways. In the more northern counties — Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga — the predominating rocks are hornblende gneiss and slate, but massive syenites are abundant, especially between Rich mountain in Watauga and Negro mountain in Ashe county, and elsewhere. Further south-west, through Mitchell, Yancey, Madison and Buncombe counties, horn- blende schists still continue, but they are more massive, and the gneisses predominate. These are, on the whole, compact and sufficiently tough for use in the construction of good Macadam roads. Aud the statement just made concer;iing these counties is also applicable to Henderson, Transylvania and Haywood counties, and in a measure to Jackson, Swain and Macon counties and the eastern half of Clay count)-, in all of whicli the supph' of good road ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 8l material is ample; but in these last three counties mica schist partially replaces the hornblende slate. In the west- ern part of Swain, in Graham, Cherokee and the western part of Clay county good road material is not so abundant as in the other counties named, but nevertheless is to be found in considerable quantities. The rocks over a con- siderable portion of this last-named area are micaceous and hydromicaceous in character, and are practically worthless for the purposes of road-building, but the quartzite ledges and beds of limestone in these counties will furnish ample and suitable material. In conclusion, it may be said that in the middle and western counties of North Carolina material suitable for macadamizing the public highways is abundant and generally accessible. It will be the exception, rather than the rule, that this material will have to be transported for any considerable distance. In the eastern counties materials suitable for this purpose are inferior in quality and only moderately abundant in quantity, but the extensive and intelligent use of even these materials would very greatly improve the public roads and thereby increase the pros- perity of the* people. And in many places where the Macadam road is at present out of the question on account of the lack of stone, other materials, gravel, clay, loam and plank will be found in sufficient abundance to make the construction of better roads practicable at reasonable cost. 82 JOURNAL OF THE TO SET SLOPE STAKES WHEN THE SURFACE IS STEEP RUT SLOPES UNIFORMLY. BY J. M. BANDY. Let mn represent the surface of the ground. Let C repre- sent the position of the centre peg, and let CD (='- where and so the daint\- Marasniii. Marasinius capillaris was taken, just a bit of it, from "Flat Top." Bulgaria iuquinans, SpatJiularia vclutipes^ Leotias, were ver}- com- mon. The Geoglossiinis were rareh' seen. Geoglossiim Walteri was collected by ]\Iiss Etta Schafifner down in the John's River valley near the foot of Fair View. Down in the far depths of this valley was a profusion of the maiden's hair fern, Adiantiim capillis-vcneris. 9^ JOURNAL OF THE The junior author, Mr. Schrenk, a student in botany in ni}' laboratory, has rendered valuable service in making out the list presented below and in a careful examination of the specimens for the purpose of verification of the identi- fications, in order to lessen the chances of error. This has occasioned no inconsiderable labor on his part. In the arrangement of the list the system presented in Saccardo's Sylloge has been mainly followed. No effort has been made at changes in nomenclature, since it did not seem to be called for in a bare list of no more than 254 species. The Saccharouiyces pyriforniis and Baclerhim vertni- forijie'^ were symbiotic organisms composing small amber- colored grains termed ^'moss seed," "California beer seed," used by some of the mountain people in brewing a beer by placing the grains in water sweetened by molasses. The grains were given me by Dr. Carter, a resident phy- sician. ORDER HYMENOMYCETE.'E. FAMILY AGARICACE.^. 1. Amanita ccesarea Scop. 2. A. niuscaria Linn. 3. A. pantJierina DC. 4. A. phalloides Fr. 5. A. real tit a Fr. 6. A. soli t aria Bull. 7. A. veruus Fr. 8. Ainanitopsis vaginata (Bull.) Roz. 9. A. volvata (Pk.) Sacc. *See Ward. The " Giiiger-beer plant," and the organisms composing it: a contribu- tion to the study of fermentations— yeasts and bacteria. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Vol. 50, pp. 261, 265. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, 99 10. Lepiota cristata Alb. et Schwein. 11. L. procera Scop. 12. Anuillaria niellea Valil. 13. Tricholoina fiih'elliim Fr. 14. T. portcntosiim Fr. 15. T. saponacenni Fr. 16. Clytocybe cyathiformis Fr. 17. C. illudens Schwein. 18. C. infiiJidibiiliformis Schaeff. 19. C. laccata Scop. 20. Colly hi a conflueiis Pers. 21. C. radicata Relli. 2 2. Mycena corticola Schuin. 23. M. galcriculata Scop. 24. M. mucor Batsch. 25. M. stipularis Fr, 26. O mpha Ha fibula ^\\\\. 27. (9. scabriiiscula Pk. 28. Pleurotits applicatiis Batsch. 29. Hygrophonis cantherelhis Schwein. 30. Lac tar ins albidiis Pk. 31. L. chrysorrJiens Fr. 32. Z. cilicioides Fr. 33. Z. cinereiis Pk. 34. Z. corriigis Pk. 35. Z. fiiliginosiis Fr. 36. A. helviis Fr. 37. Z. liysgimis Fr. 38. A, insulsus Fr. 39. Z, lignyotus Fr. 40. Z. pergamenus (Swartz) Fr, 41. Z. piper at us (Scop.) Fr. 42. Z. pyrogallus (Bull. ) Fr, 43. Z. rufesceus ]\Iorg, 44. Z. r/(/}/j (Scop.) Fr. 45. Z. subdulcis (Bull.) Fr. lOO JOL'KXAL OF THE 46. L. siibtoiiiciitosns B. et Rav. 47. L. siihpurpurcHS Pk. 48. L. theiogaliis {V>\\\\.)V\-. 49. -A, torminosiis (Scliseff. ) Fr. 50. L. vol cm us Fr. 51. Riissitla /itrcaia (P^r^.) Fr. 52. CanlJicrcIlus aiirautiacus Fr. 53. C. cibarius Fr. 54. C. cincreus Fr. 55. C. Jioccosu s S c 1 iwe i 11 . 56. C. infiindilmlifoniiis (Scop.) Fr, 57. C. mi no?- Pk. 58. C. princeps B. et C. 59. C. zvrightii B. et C. 60. Marasmhis anomalus Pk. 61. M. archyropus (Pers.) Fr. 62. M. capillaris Morg. 63. J/, ferrugineus Berk. 64. .'!/. melanopus Morg. 65. M. pleclophylhis Mont. 66. /]/. prceacutiis Ellis. 67. .^. r^/^//.v B. et Br. 68. M. salignus Pk. 69. M. viticola B. et C. 70. Lentiuus Iccomtei Fr. 71. A. lepidciis Fr. 72. A. strigosus Fr. 73. /^<7////^- stipticus (Bull.) Fr. 74. Lenziies belulina (Linn.) Fr. 75. Z,. cookei Berk. 76. /-. cratcegi Berk. 77. Pholiota squarrosoidcs Pk. 78. Crcpidotus fulvo-toinenlosits Pk. 79. Pax i lilts Jiavidus Berk. 80. Agaricus cam pester Linn. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. lOI F A:\IILY POLYPORACE-E. 8 1. Boletus aniericaiius Pk. 82. B. auriporns Pk. 83. B. badius Fr. 84. B. castaiieus Bull. 85. B. chryseuleroii Fr. 86. B. collinitus Fr. 87. B. felleus Bull. 88. B. Jiavidus Fr. 89. B. gracilis Pk. 90. B. graniilatus Linn. 91. B. leprosus Pk. 92. B. piirpui'cus Fr. 93. B. rave ne I a B. et C. 94. B. retipes B. et C. 95. B. speciosus Frost. 96. B. siihtoinentosits Linn. 97. B. variegatits Swartz. 98. Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop.) Berk. 99. Bolelinus decipiens (B. et C. ) Pk. TOO. Fistnliiia Jiepatica Fr. loi. Polyporus borealis (Wahlenb. ) Fr. 102. P. dichroiis Fr. 103. P. elegans (Bull. ) Fr. 104. P. elegans var nunimnlarius (Fr. ) Sacc. 105. P. epileiLCus Fr. 106. P. flavo-virens B. et Rav. 107. P, fiiDiosus (Pers. ) Fr. 108. P. hirsutiilus Schwein. 109. P. nivosiis Berk. no. P. siLlphureus (Bull.) Fr. 111. Fomes applanatus (Pers.) Wallr. 112. F. earners yiees. 113. F an'/isii B^rk. I02 JOURNAL OF THE 114. F. fiiliginosiis Fr. 115. F. salicinus (Pers.) Fr. 116. Polystictiis abietiniis Fr. 117. P. circinatus Vx. 118. P, dccipiens ^qSa^^Wl. 119. F\ Iiilcscens V^rs. 120. P. niontagnci Vx. 121. P. parvuliis Klotzsch. 12 2. P. pcrganienus Fr. 123. P. perennis (Linn.) Fr. 124. P. sanguineus (Linn.) Me)-. 125. P. toiucntosus Fr. 126. P. versicolor (Linn.) Fr. 127. Cyclomyces green ii Berk. 128. Favolus canadensis Klotzsch. 129. F. tessellatus Mont. FAMILY HYDNACE.^. 30. Hvdnuui auran/iacuni Alb. et Schwein. 31. //. adustuni Schwein. 32. H. candidum Schmidt. 33. H. fragile Fr. 34. H. glabrescens B. et Rav. 35. H. gracile Fr. 36. H. graveolens Delast. 2)^1. H. levigatum Swartz. 38. //. pulcJierriniuni B. et C. 39. H. repandum Linn. 40. H. rufescens Pers. 41. //. squamosum Schaeff. 42. //. 30)iatum Batsch. 43. H. velutinum Fr. 44. Tremellodon gelatinosum (Scop.) Pers. 45. Raduium pallidum B. et C. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 103 146 148 149 160 161 162 163 FAMILY THELEPHORE-^. Craterellus cantherelhis (Schwein.) Fr. C. cormicopioides (Linn.) Pers. C. odor a tits Schwein. Tlieh'pliora anthocepJiala Fr. T. ccpspitulans Schwein. T. cladojiia Schwein. T. dissecta Lev. T. schiveimtzii Pk. T. sebacea Pers. T. spectabilis Lev. Siereitm frttshilosum (Pers.) Fr. .S". spa dice inu Fr. ^. subpileatiini B. et C. S. versicolor (Swartz) Fr. Hymennchcete riibiginosa (Schr. ) Lev. H. tab'icina (Sow.) Lev. H. uiuhrina B. et C. Exobsisidiiim rhododendri Cramer. On leaves of Rhododendron maximnni. FAMILY CLAVARIACE.E. 164. C lav aria able tin a Pers. 165. C. cinerea Bull. 166. C. crista t a Pers. 167. C. flava Schaeff. 168. C. fitsiformis Sowerb. 169. C. gracilis Pers. 170. C. gracilliina Pk. 171. C. grisea Pers. T72. C. petersii ^. et C. 173. C. pinophila Pk. T74. C. tetragon a Schwein. 175. Pteriila densissima B. et C. 176. Typluila muscicola (Pers.) Fr. I04 JOURNAL OF THE FAMILY TREMELLACE/E. 177. Dacryomyces chrysocoina (Bull.) Till. T78. D. in2)oluiits Schwein. 179. Gtiepinia spatJiiilaria (Schwein.) Fr. 180. Hor7)iomyces fragifonuis Cke. ORDER GASTEROMYCETE^. FAMILY PHALLACE^. 181. It hypha lilts impiidiais (Linn.) Fr. FAMILY NIDULARIACE^. 182. Cyathits stercoreiis (Schwein.) De Ton. 183. C. 5/r/<2///j (Huds.) Hoifin. 184. Cnicibuliivi viilgare Tul. FAMILY LYCOPERDACE^. 185. Mitremyces lutescens Schwein. 186. Bovista pila B. et C. 187. Lycoperdon calyptrifomiie Berk. 188. L. echinatum Pk. 189. L. gemniatum Batsch. 190. L. musconun Morg. 191. L. per latum (Pers.) Fr. 192. L. subincnrnatiim Pk. 193. L. turneri ^. et E. 194. Scleroderma lycoperdoides Schwein. 195. 6". verriicosiim (Bull.) Pers. 196. S. viilgare Horneni. ORDER UREDINE.E. 197. Puccinia circcecc Pers. On Circcea alpina. 198. P. menthce Pers. On Labiate species. 199. P. tenuis Burrill. On Eupatorium. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. IO5 ORDER PHYCOMYCETE.E FAMILY PERONOSPORACE.^. 200. Plasmopara viiicola (B. et C.) Berl. et De Ton. ORDER PYRENOMYCETE^. FAMILY PERISPORIACE.^. 201. MicrosphcFra alni (DC.) Winter. On Castanea vesca and Corylus americana. 202. M. grossularicE (Wallr.) Eev. =i]/. vanbruntiana Ger. On Sambucus canadensis. 203. M. vaccina C. & P. On Vaccinium. 204. PociosphcEra bmncinata C. & P. On Hamamelis virginica. 205. P. oxyacaiithcF {DC.)T>. By. On Crataegus punc- tata. FAMILY SPH.ERIACE/E. 206. Hypoxylon petersii B. & C. 207. Daldinia vernicosa (Schwein.) Ces. et D. Not. 208. Xylaria carniformis Fr. 209. X. <:<^r;///-<^<^/;/<^ (Schwein.) Berk. 210. Ustulina vulgaris Tul. FAMILY HYPOCREACE^. 211. Cordyceps militaj'is (L. ) Link. 212. C. ophioglossoides (Ehr.) Link. 213. Hypomyces banniiigii ^\l. On Lactarius. 214. H. lactiJiiioTiLm (Schwein.) Tul. On Lactarius piperatus. 215. H. viridis (Alb. et Schwein.) Karst. On undeter- mined agaric. ORDER DISCOMYCETE.^. FAMILY HELVELLE.F:. 216. Helvella macropiis (Pers.) Karst. 217. Mitrula hitescens B. et C. I06 JOURNAL OF THE 2 1 8. (tC'oj^/oss///// Jiir Silt mil Pers, 219. G. IWiItrri Vi^xV. 220. Spatluilaiia veliitipcs Ckc. et Faiiow. FAMILY PEZIZE.K. 221. Geopyxis pallidula C. et Pk. 222. Otidea oiiolica (Pers.) Fuck. ^ 223. Lachnea aihoisis B. et C. 224. L. fusicarpa Ger. 225. L. Iiirta Sebum. 226. L. theleboloides Alb. et Schwein. 227. Helotiiim citriniLui (Hedw. ) Fr. 228. //. cpiphyllum (Pers.) Fr. 229. Phialea sciitiila (Pers.) Gill. 230. Chlorospleniuni ceruginosuni (CEder. ) De Not. 231. C. tortuni (Scliweiu.) Fr. 232. PJueopiza sea bras a (Cke.) Sacc. FAMILY BULGARIE.^. 233. Lcotia cJilorocepliala Schweiu. 234. L. lubricata (Scop.) Pers. 235. OmbropJiila clavus (Alb. et Schwein.) Cke. 236. Calloj'ia xanthosiigma (Fr. ) Phil). 237. Bulgaria inquinans (Pers.) Fr. ORDER MVXOMYCETE.^. 238. Arcyria piDiicca Pers. 239. Didyuiiuui farinaceum Schrad. »240. D. squannilosiLDi (Alb. et Schwein. ) 'Fr. 241. Fiiligo septic a (Link) Gniel. 242. Hemiarcvria vanieyi Rex. 243. f.eoearpiis fragilis (Dicks. ) Rost. '244. Slctnoniiis ferruginea Ehrh. 245. S. maxima Schwein. 246. Tilmadoehc nutans (Pers.) Rost. 247. Trieliia eJirysospernia (Bull.) DC. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. lO^ ORDER HYPHOMYCETE^. 248. /san'a fariiiosa Fr. 249. /. tenuipcs Pk. 250. Zygodes)}ius fuscus Cord a. ORDER SPH.EROPSIDE^. 251. PJivllosticta I'iolce Desin. ORDER MELANCONINE^. 252 Pestolozzia fnnerea var })iultiseta Desm. ORDER SACCH.AROMYCETACE.E. 253. SaccharoDiyces pyriformis Ward. ORDER SCHIZOMYCETACE.E. 254. BacteriiDU 7>ernii/or)fie Ward. Botanical Department, Cornell University. March 12, 1S93. RECORD OF MEETINGS. SEVENTIETH MEETING. Gerrard Hall, September 13, 1892. Southern Industrial Progress. Dr. William B. Phillips. SEVENTV-FIRST MEETING. Person Hall, October 18, 1892. 10. The Work of Science. Charles Baskerville. 11. Early Manufacture of Iron in North Carolina. H. B. C. Nitze. 12. Encystment of Earth-worms. H. V. Wilson. 13. Experiments on Halving Eggs. H. V. Wilson. 14. Effect of the Earth's Rotation on the Deflection of Streams. Collier Cobb. 15. Note on Traps and Sandstone in the Neighborhood of Chapel Hill. Collier Cobb. I08 JOURNAL OF ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. SEVENTY-SECOND MEETING. Person Hali., November 15, 1892. 16. A New Secondary Cell. J. W. Gore. 17. Some Curious Products from the Willson Aluminum Works. F. P. Venable. 18. On the Production of an Animal Without Any Maternal Character- istics. H. V. Wilson. SEVENTY-THIRD MEETING. Person Hall, December 6, 1892. 19. Work of the N. C. Geological Survey J. A. Holmes. 20. Cerebral Localization. R. H. Whitehead. The following officers were elected for 1893: President --Prof. J. A. Holmes Chapel Hill. First Vice-President Prof. H. h. Smith __- Davidson. Second Vice-President- --Prof. J. W. Gore -- Chapel Hill. Librarian - . . Prof. Collier Cobb Chapel Hill. Secretary and Treasurer --Prof. F. P. VenablE Chapel Hill. The Secretary reported 1,170 books and pamphlets received during the year, making the total number 9,948. Two new members were also reported: Prof. Stedman, Trinity College; Prof. Bandy, Trinity College. REPORT OF TREASURER FOR i8q2. By balance from 1891 .-- .-- -_ | 40 02 By fees for 1892 64 50 By contributions . -. 100 00 By sales of Journals _- . -. 150 |2o6 02 To postage , -.. To engraving To express — ._- . To printing . — .- Deficit --- - - I 15 80 $ 15 65 10 82 2 75 ] [93 00 I222 22 NOV M::M:w::M:x:M:::M::M:M::M::x:M::M::^::^::^r JOURNAL OF the; Jfe|H i|ilt|lH ^tiflllifit ^0ttfl|, -^^^1S91^^^<^ EIGHTH YEAR. F»ARX ONE. II, 1U. »iiKi^. ♦::♦ ♦:M:MM:.M:»i::^ * ♦: ^:.M:x^:m.;Mi3mx:M: JOURNAL OF THE J^n ai%H ^mnliHt ^Dm% -^-t^^lSQl EIGHTH YEAR. F>ARX SKCOND. ^i^i^^l^i^l^i^^iM'!'<^'^: ■'♦r:^'^'^^^ 11.-]l^ 2681 9T V. »:♦ ♦;MM:M"M;M3#r^' ♦ ♦ '«m;m:m*^ ♦ ♦ ♦:♦ •$ JOURNAL OF THE Jli$|ii iii%ll ^tiintiHt %mt\\ =^t> 1 S92<5^ NINTH YEAR. FIRST F»ART. M..M.M-...M'W'W:'W "^ ♦ ♦ ^''W''W'''^:''W'^W'W'W''W''W V j'-i^ -^ 1893 l/.I^L mm'-mmm^^^^ammm^m^^^^si^^ammi^i^^ JOURNAL OF THE yMp %k\t\\ ^tiinlifit ^tttil^ ^:*t^ 1 892^^<^ NINTH YEAR. SECOND F»ARX. <•> ♦!♦ ^> ♦ ♦ > > ♦♦♦ ■ ♦♦♦ ^\ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦' Ti.* ^* Tk* Tfc' '^, 3 2044 106 256 ■'■ V— H^ ^i..'..>fS ^^^